Gay Students and the New Fundamentalism The distinction between “new evangelicalism” and “fundamentalism” was never all that clear. As a story from my neighborhood this week shows, though, it is getting easier to see the difference on the campuses of evangelical colleges and universities. We seem to have a new fundamentalist checklist, not of policies necessarily, but of institutional attitudes on certain key issues. Out and out. As I described in Fundamentalist U, the split between fundamentalists and new evangelicals was not a clean break on evangelical campuses. Between the late 1940s and, say, the late 1980s, there were a lot of continuing close connections between evangelical schools that remained with the “fundamentalist” branch of the family and those that had moved to the “new evangelical” side. These days, generally, the “fundamentalist” label is out of fashion, even among fundamentalist stalwarts such as Bob Jones University. But the meaning remains, and these days we are seeing a clearer and clearer dividing line between evangelical colleges and no-longer-fundamentalist-in-name-but-fundamentalist-in-spirit institutions. How do you know these days if a school is fundamentalist? It’s not necessarily a question of policies, but rather a spirit in which certain hard-line positions are maintained and a zeal with which they are publicized. ALL evangelical colleges and universities will be creationist, for example. And all will—from a mainstream perspective—have discriminatory policies against LGBTQ+ students and faculty. All conservative-evangelical schools will also tip toward conservative politics and cultural traditionalism. The fundamentalist branch of the family, though, will insist on the hard edge of these positions in a consistently aggressive way and they will go out of their way to publicize their hard stand on these issues. Fundamentalist schools will trumpet their insistence on the following: Young-earth creationism ONLY; Political and cultural traditionalism; And, most relevant for our purposes today, a loud, publicized hard line against any whiff of homosexuality on campus. Consider the news from Clarks Summit. A former student has tried to re-enroll. Gary Campbell dropped out in 2005, only six credits shy of his degree. After a rough stint in the Navy, Campbell now wants to return. The school says no. According to Campbell, the Dean of Students contacted him to let him know Campbell won’t be allowed to return, because Campbell is homosexual. To be clear, from a mainstream perspective, all evangelical colleges discriminate against LGBTQ+ students and faculty. Even firmly non-fundamentalist evangelical institutions such as Gordon College and Wheaton College have issued reminders recently that gay is not okay. But Clarks Summit University’s stance has a hard edge to it that helps define the new fundamentalism. Campbell’s sexual identity was apparently revealed to administrators by a fellow student, at least according to Campbell. The school could easily have re-admitted Campbell quietly. Instead, the school’s administration chose to use this case as a chance to publicize its hard line. When journalists called about Campbell’s story, the university issued the following statement: As a Christian college, we expect all students to act in a way that is consistent with our biblical belief system. We have always clearly stated those beliefs and have exercised the freedom to uphold our faith. . . . To prepare students for worldwide service opportunities, CSU clearly affirms biblical sexuality. We clearly communicate to all prospective students that we adhere to biblical truths, and expect them to do the same. That is part of what has made CSU a successful educator for more than 80 years. We would be happy to assist any former or prospective student who does not choose to agree with those faith standards to find another school in order to finish a degree. These days, to be a fundamentalist institution means flying and flaunting the fundamentalist flag. It means taking every opportunity to enforce hard lines on sexual identity. We see the same phenomenon in other issues such as creationism or political conservatism. In order to remain attractive to fundamentalist students and parents, school administrators take drastic steps to ratchet up their commitment to young-earth creationism or knee-jerk political conservatism. What does it mean to be “fundamentalist” these days in evangelical higher education? As has Clarks Summit University, it means taking and, importantly, publicizing a hard line on issues of sexuality, creation, and political conservatism. Fundamentalist colleges want their level of commitment to be known. They hope students, alumni, parents, and donors will recognize their positions and reward them with continued enrollments, donations, and support. by Adam Laats on September 13, 2018 • Permalink Posted in Evolution/Creation, Higher (Power) Education, In the News, Teaching Sex and Sexuality Tagged Bryan College, Christian Colleges, Clarks Summit University, evangelical higher education, Gordon College, homosexuality, Mid-America Nazarene University, Wheaton College Posted by Adam Laats on September 13, 2018 https://iloveyoubutyouregoingtohell.org/2018/09/13/gay-students-and-the-new-fundamentalism/ Creationists’ REAL Long Game The Most Important School Reform Issue Douglas E “biblical sexuality” – that’s a hoot! There are so many examples to choose from 🙂 Rob H I am a long running reader of ILYBYGTH and putting all my cards on the table, I am an alumnus of CSU, so I have been following this story. Not sure if the school’s response to the situation is a valid way to distinguish between evangelical and fundamentalist, since as you stated, “all evangelical colleges discriminate…. Even firmly non-fundamentalist” ones, even though my guess is that CSU would fall toward the fundamentalist side of the continuum. How would other evangelical (non-fundamentalist) schools have responded any differently? If a student is found to be in violation of the code of conduct, are there not consequences? And isn’t that appropriate? Your statement that “the school could easily have re-admitted Campbell quietly” implies that it is not appropriate for there to be consequences for our actions, even if we agree to the rules. Just because we may or may not agree with the code or the consequences, that should not change the truth that schools (private and public) have rules that need to be followed. Likewise, I am not sure the school is “flaunting the fundamentalist flag” or “publicizing a hard line” this issue. It seems to me that they quietly informed the prospective student who has subsequently posted it to social media and thereby created the publicity. Over the past week, I would guess that the school has done much to say as little as possible to the media, while giving a brief summary of the underlying reasons for its decision in response to news reports and questions. Again, I would ask, how would an evangelical school respond differently? Or any school who has made a controversial decision? Adam Laats Thanks for the thoughtful comment. I’m certainly no expert on anything that has happened since 1980 at evangelical colleges, but from what I read in the papers, it seems many evangelical colleges welcome gay students and faculty. Wheaton, for example, has both official and unofficial support networks for LGBTQ+ students. And some evangelical schools have committed to hiring non-celibate LGBTQ faculty members. From my perspective, none of these things are enough to fully include non-heterosexual people. From the perspective of twentieth-century American fundamentalism, though, they are radical innovations. My sense is that more conservative schools want to publicize their differences from schools such as Wheaton, Goshen, and Eastern Mennonite on these issues. When they get a chance to show their continuing adherence to the traditions of fundamentalism, they take it, as The Master’s College did not so long ago. It does seem that the thing we lack the most would be a clarity of definitions, as you addressed in Fundamentalist U. What does it mean to be fundamentalist and/or evangelical? My guess is that depending on where one falls on the continuum would definitely impact the definition. In trying to distinguish or define, should the categories be more traditionally theological ones or more contemporary issues based? You have written recently on the difficulty of making this distinction since many christians don’t live out what they claim to believe consistently. Many (theological) fundamentalists avoid the term because of its connotation with legalism. This would be my read on the situation. They are wrestling with how to maintain a commitment to traditional theology while not being railroaded by one side or the other. So, they respond to give clarity without attempting force their view on others. This is different than how The Master’s College responded to the other situation. I Love You but You Didn’t Do the Reading | I Love You but You're Going to Hell Why Can’t Evangelical Colleges Change? | I Love You but You're Going to Hell
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Webm@il Fondé en 1931, l'Aéroclub du Puy, membre de la Fédération Française Aéronautique (FFA) et agréé par le Ministère de la jeunesse et des Sports, s'ouvre pour entretenir le rêve d'Icare et s'efforce de le concrétiser par la diversité de ses activités : baptême, formation, perfectionnement, voyage. L'Aéroclub du Puy est non seulement un lieu qui s'ouvre à toutes les catégories sociales mais aussi un site de rencontres intergénérationnelles où élèves et pilotes partagent leur passion et leurs expériences du vol moteur avion. Géré par des bénévoles, il s'adapte sans cesse aux contraintes de l'aviation moderne en dispensant une formation de qualité. En faire un métier, pratiquer une activité sportive différente et exaltante, apprendre à être en pleine possession de ses moyens et bien dans sa peau sont quelques unes des conséquences bénéfiques que l'ont peut espérer retirer de cette pratique. Alors si vous le souhaitez, nous serons là pour vous accueillir, discuter ou répondre à vos questions et éventuellement prendre rendez-vous pour un baptême ou une première leçon. Le président. Pour tous renseignements contactez nous au Vous pouvez aussi utiliser l'onglet "Nous contacter"
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Enlaces y accesos FAQ y ayuda La ULE y el Acceso Abierto Search BULERIA All of BULERIACommunities and CollectionsAuthorsDirectoresTitlesSubjectsFacultad/CentroÁrea de conocimientoFecha de creación/publicaciónTitulaciónThis CollectionAuthorsDirectoresTitlesSubjectsFacultad/CentroÁrea de conocimientoFecha de creación/publicaciónTitulación BULERIA Home Trabajos Fin de Grado y Máster El conflicto de la plataforma continental en el Ártico = The continental shelf dispute in the Arctic Álvarez Alvite, Armando Director/es Escudero Espinosa, Juan Francisco Facultad/Centro Área de conocimiento Derecho Internacional Publico y Relaciones Internacionales El conflicto sobre la plataforma continental del Océano Ártico ha cobrado especial relevancia en las últimas décadas. La evolución del deshielo, como consecuencia del cambio climático, y los deseos de los Estados ribereños para hacerse con el control de esta zona con fines de explotación y administración, convierten el tema de la delimitación de la plataforma continental en un asunto jurídico de gran interés. La rama del derecho que se encarga de resolver este tipo de disputas es el Derecho del Mar. Sin embargo, se trata de una especialidad que carece de un desarrollo legal amplio. Básicamente debemos atenernos a las disposiciones de la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Derecho del Mar de 1982. No obstante, la CNUDM no ha conseguido resolver esta problemática, debido en parte al contenido excesivamente genérico de su articulado. Este trabajo analiza las controversias y reclamaciones territoriales de los Estados ribereños del Océano Ártico sobre la plataforma continental y postula la propuesta de la creación un Tratado Ártico que ofrezca un cuerpo legal sólido y específico sobre las peculiaridades de esta región; y que de igual forma satisfaga, en la medida de lo posible, las posturas de los países implicados Convención sobre el Derecho del Mar Tipo documental info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis Trabajos Fin de Grado y Máster [1614] 71456826N_Derecho_julio16.pdf
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Torsdag, 03. Januar 2019
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"CUIDA Y RESPETA LA NATURALEZA Y TE ESTARAS CUIDANDO Y RESPETANDO A TI MISMO" rsl Copyrighy 2008: ARTEBONSAIVENEZUELA Roberto Serbanescu Todos los derechos reservados ninguna parte de esta puede ser usada ni difundida sin el permiso por escrito de los propietarios del Copyright. Los recipientes forman parte importante en el diseño de un bonsai, pues conjuntamente con el árbol forman una unidad llamada composición, lo correcto es elegir el recipiente para el árbol. No deben distraer la atención del observador, es decir los colores fuertes y llamativos no se deben usar, en su mayoría son de colores neutros que varían desde el marrón al gris, estos tonos armonizan con los árboles no restándoles importancia. . Tener uno o más huecos en el fondo. . Son de barro cocido a altas temperaturas. . Poseer patas, para mantener elevado el recipiente dejando drenar el agua y circular el aire Formas: Las diferentes formas en los recipientes se han creado para lograr armonía visual en la composición, un árbol con líneas curvas y suaves no debe plantarse en un recipiente de líneas rectas y fuertes, se vería mejor en uno oval para acentuar sus curvas y lograr una correspondencia armónica en la composición. Cabe resaltar que algunos recipientes vienen esmaltados; éste esmalte, por lo general, es brillante y está presente en la parte exterior del recipiente nunca en el interior, fondo y base. Hoy en día existe una gran variedad de materiales para elaborar estos recipientes, entre ellos se destacan el plástico y la mica, esta última es una mezcla de mica, plástico y grafito en determinadas proporciones para darle resistencia, durabilidad y aligerar el peso, estos, ya sean de plástico o mica representan una buena y económica alternativa al momento de comprar un recipiente para éste tipo de cultivos. Los recipientes y la proporción: Al momento de seleccionar los recipientes también existen ciertas reglas de proporción; para elegir un recipiente adecuado se debe dividir imaginariamente el árbol en tres tercios o partes iguales; el largo del recipiente será dos tercios y un poco más del alto del árbol y su profundidad igual al grosor del tronco en su base. En el caso donde el árbol es más ancho que alto el largo del recipiente lo determinara el ancho del follaje y no el alto del árbol y debe ser 2/3 y un poco más de este ancho. En el estilo semi cascada y Cascada se rompe la regla de la profundidad del recipiente con respecto al grosor del tronco ya que en estos casos el recipiente se usa para lograr la estabilidad visual del árbol; mientras más prolongada sea la caída del tronco más profundo y estrecho debe ser el recipiente. Pagina dedicada a promocionar el cultivo y la practica del Arte del bonsái. Encontraras variados temas de interés y las reglas básicas para la formación de un árbol bonsái. En esta página podrás aprender y actualizar tus conocimientos sobre el BONSAI, por medio del boton "CONSULTAS AL EXPERTO" podras formular tus preguntas y salir de las dudas que tengas sobre los temas de tu interes. Podras actualizarte constantemente a traves de los articulos publicados en " ASPECTOS BASICOS". Podras acceder a nuestra GALERIA a ver mis árboles. En fin podras hacer de ARTEBONSAIVENEZUELA tu mundo del BONSAI.....
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Mark and Jacksons Fencing Read about Mark on Jacksons Fencing website: https://www.jacksons-fencing.co.uk/News/customer-projects/garden-designer-mark-lanes-own-contemporary-wild-garden-project-6656.aspx
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Dans la forêt des Elfes... Voici la suite de l'aménagement de notre chère forêt des Elfes dans la station des Saisies. Nous pouvons voir les amis de Tauron en pleine discution. Depuis deux ans maintenant, nous agrémentons le site de nouvelles attractions, en collaboration avec Guist'hau Consult. L'agrandissement du parc se poursuivra en fin d'année, avec de nouveaux personnages. # Fresques, Illustrations
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Tag: Dr. John H. Watson Looking for Something to Watch? It may be the streaming age, but physical media is becoming the thing to own to make sure that you can enjoy all of the entertainment that you love again and again. Books, CDs, records, tapes, DVDs, even Blu-Rays are all forms of media that are being abandoned for tablets, smartphones, and other devices. The convenience of gaining access to, purchasing, and enjoy an endless supply of entertainment is quite enticing, but come on, you don’t really own that media…think of it more as a rental. What happens if a server goes down, your account gets hacked, or you can’t gain access to your accounts? You have to re-purchase the media that you had acquired in the past. What a pain! And with so many streaming services buying up titles left and right some of your favorite shows, films, and special programs, are getting snatched up and put in a vault – and may not be available through streaming – maybe not ever again! WHAT!? Now is the time to stock up on DVDs, Blu-Rays, and CDs before some of your favorites become unavailable for the foreseeable future. Here are a few titles that we currently have that could possibly disappear… (Don’t Wait… Get Them While You Can!) The Best of The Honeymooners: The Lost Episodes DVD The Honeymooners was such a popular series and lasted so long in re-runs, that most people don’t realize it only had 1 regular season in 1955-56. All of the other sketches and so-called ‘episodes’ were filmed either for the Cavalcade of Stars which Gleason hosted, or later for The Jackie Gleason Show. ‘Baby, the DVD set is the greatest!’ Because it wasn’t part of the regular season, all of that comedy history was hidden for decades, until Gleason finally opened his personal collection and revealed The Lost Episodes. Now you can get a selection of the best of those lost sketches in the Best of The Honeymooners: The Lost Episodes DVD. Not only are these rare gems television history, even 65 years later the humor, timing and chemistry of the characters is as engaging and infatuating as it ever was. You’ll fall in love with misguided but well meaning Ralph all over again as he fumbles his way through his daily adventures. So join Jackie, along with his co-stars Art Carney, Audrey Meadows and Joyce Randolph for a look back at THE show that literally started the TV sitcom! George Carlin: Commemorative Collection DVD Enjoy ALL 14 of George Carlin’s HBO Specials, including George Carlin: 40 Years in Comedy, available for the first time on DVD! Includes ALL 14 HBO Specials , CD, Exclusive Poster, Collective Booklet, and much more! Encompassing over five decades of George Carlin’s hilarious and groundbreaking career, the GEORGE CARLIN COMMEMORATIVE COLLECTION brings together for the first time all of the legendary comedian’s HBO specials plus hours of bonus material, including Carlin’s posthumous audio release, I Kinda Like It When a Lotta People Die. Featuring never-before-released material from the 1960’s all the way through to the 2000’s, including the oft-requested 40 Years of Comedy special hosted by Jon Stewart, the GEORGE CARLIN COMMEMORATIVE COLLECTION is a must for fans of this icon of American comedy and represents the most complete collection of Carlin performances to date. The Amicus Collection DVD The Amicus Collection on DVD features a trio of terrifying tales that will have you screaming for more! This 3-disc set includes Asylum (1972), And Now the Screaming Starts (1973), and The Beast Must Die (1974). This Triple Feature of Chilling Classics Are A Scream! These terrifying tales are cast with horror legends like Peter Cushing, Herbert Lom, Patrick Magee, Michael Gambon, Stephanie Beacham, and many more. And they feature talent behind the camera with genre director Roy Ward Baker (The Vault of Horror, The Vampire Lovers) and Psycho author Robert Bloch. This impeccable collection is loaded with bonus features like commentaries, trailers, interviews, photo galleries, and much more – everything horror fans need to keep them shrieking with delight. The Amicus Collection will certainly shock, thrill and chill you to the bone! The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection on Blu-ray The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection stars Basil Rathbone as the legendary Sherlock Holmes and Nigel Bruce as the venerable Dr. John H. Watson in 14 classic films on 5 Blu-ray discs! 14 classic films on 5 Blu Ray Discs ! Twelve of these classic tales were painstakingly restored to their original theatrical condition by the UCLA Film & Television Archive. By combining old and new film elements, new 35mm masters were created to emulate the appearance and audio quality of a first-run motion picture. These restored versions also include war bond tags and the Universal Pictures logos that were removed from the original elements in the 1950s. The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection is comprised of all 14 films on 5 Blu-ray discs. Bonus features include six audio commentaries (including a “Dressed to Kill” commentary with actress Patricia Morison); and interview with Robert Gitt, Preservation Officer at the UCLA Film & Television Archive; footage of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; photo galleries; and theatrical trailers. This is a must-have collection for all mystery movies fans! Giant 600 Cartoon Collection (12 DVDs) Enjoy Over 60 Hours of Classic Animated Entertainment! The Giant 600 Cartoon Collection gives you over 60 Hours of Entertainment, on 12 DVDs – this is the largest collection of classic cartoons ever assembled in one package! Many of these cartoons have never been released before on VHS or DVD! Iconic favorites will include Popeye, Woody Woodpecker, Felix the Cat, The Three Stooges, Baby Huey, Hunhy & Spunky, Mighty Mouse, Heckle & Jeckle, Little LuLu, Casper, Tom & Jerry and many many more. Kids both young and old are sure to enjoy this incredible collection of classic characters, uncontrollable laughs, and amazing hand-drawn animation. This DVD set is not to be missed. Make sure to get your copy before they are gone! There are SO MANY more entertaining deals to be had! Good luck trying to find these fantastic features on streaming services. So make sure to head on over to PulseTV today and pickup some of these great DVDs and Blu-rays before they are gone for good! Author StevePosted on September 27, 2021 September 22, 2021 Categories UncategorizedTags Amicus, And Now the Screaming Starts, Art Carney, Asylum, Audrey Meadows, Baby Huey, Basil Rathbone, blu-rays, cartoons, Casper, comedian, comedy, Dr. John H. Watson, Dr. Watson, dvd, DVD set, dvds, entertainment, Felix the Cat, films, George Carlin: Commemorative Collection DVD, Giant 600 Cartoon Collection, Giant 600 Cartoon Collection (12 DVDs), HBO, Heckle & Jeckle, Herbert Lom, Honeymooners, horror movies, Hunhy & Spunky, Jackie Gleason, Joyce Randolph, Little LuLu, lost episodes, Michael Gambon, Mighty Mouse, movies, Nigel Bruce, Patrick Magee, Peter Cushing, physical media, Popeye, PulseTV, PulseTV.com, Robert Bloch, Roy Ward Baker, Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, standup comedy, Stephanie Beacham, television, The Amicus Collection on DVD, The Beast Must Die, The Best of The Honeymooners: The Lost Episodes DVD, The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection on Blu-ray, The Three Stooges, Tom & Jerry, TV, Woody Woodpecker
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Search << back to Teachings in Español << First < Prev | 42 of 46 | Next > Last >> Sufrimiento y Fin del Sufrimiento una plática cortaBy Zoketsu Norman Fischer | Nov 21, 1997Location: Mountain Rain Zendo Zoketsu sugiere que respetemos las formas de la práctica en retiro. Si no lo hacemos, no llegaríamos al fin del sufrimiento antes de morirse. Sufrimiento y Fin del Sufrimiento por Zoketsu Norman Fischer Zazenkai, 21 de noviembre, 1997, retiro de la Karuna Meditation Society, Vancouver, B.C., Canadá En Zen, las pláticas formales impartidas por los maestros se llaman "Taisho", lo cual de hecho no significa plática del Dharma, significa "presentando un grito". En Zen no estamos realmente muy preocupados acerca del Dharma y las enseñanzas, como lo estamos acerca de los casos que conciernen a nuestra propia experiencia y el observar las cosas en nuestras vidas tal como realmente son. Así que mi trabajo en una plática formal no será ofrecerte enseñanzas budistas, sino será mas bien el indicártelas. Hay un Sutra del viejo canon Pali que a mí me gusta mucho y que se llama El Sutta de Malunkyaputta. Se trata acerca de un monje llamado Malunkyaputta, el cual estaba meditando un día, y en la mitad de la meditación se enojó realmente. Pues pensó, "Caray, el Buda nunca dijo nada acerca de quien hizo el mundo. Y el Buda nunca dijo nada acerca de si el mundo es eterno o no. Y el Buda nunca dijo nada acerca de que le sucede a los Budas después de la muerte. Y muchas otras cosas como estas de las cuales el Buda nunca dijo nada. Malunkyaputta exclamó, "Quiero saber acerca de esas cosas, y estoy realmente molesto de que el Buda no haya dicho nada acerca de ellas. Ahora, si el Buda no sabía nada acerca de ellas, eso es una cosa, podía haberlo admitido, y eso estaría bien. Pero tampoco dijo eso siquiera, por lo cual estoy realmente enojado, y no creo que pueda continuar con este período de meditación hasta que llegue al fondo de todo ello". Así que se levantó de su lugar de meditación y fue directamente hacia el Buda. Le dijo al Buda, "Nunca dijiste nada acerca de si el mundo era eterno o no. No has mencionado nada acerca de cómo el mundo fue creado. Nunca has dicho nada acerca de lo que le sucederá a los Budas después de su muerte, si es que mueren. Creo que si no sabes nada acerca de estas cosas deberías de ser lo suficientemente hombre como para decir que no lo sabes y entonces estaré contento. Pero si sí lo sabes, creo que no es correcto de tu parte el no decirlo, pues estoy realmente interesado. Y pienso que debes decírmelo, pues considero que es muy importante". Esto le dijo Malunkyaputta al Buda, es lo que dice en el Sutra. Bien, dijo el Buda, "Malunkyaputta, ¿alguna vez te prometí cuando viniste aquí que yo hablaría acerca de estas cosas?" Malunkyaputta contestó, "No, de hecho no lo hiciste". El Buda le respondió, "Sabes, realmente no tiene nada que ver con si sé la respuesta a estas cosas, o no sé la respuesta a estas cosas. Imagínate a alguien que acaba de recibir un flechazo, y que yace ahí mortalmente herido, sintiendo que los últimos momentos de su vida se le escapan. Viene un cirujano a sacarle la flecha, él voltea a mirarlo débilmente y le dice: 'Antes de extraerme la flecha, ¿me podrías decir a que clan pertenece la persona que la disparó? ¿Podrías averiguar esto por mí, por favor, antes de que saques la flecha, si la persona que me disparó era de estatura alta o baja? ¿Te importaría se investigas, antes de que extraigas la flecha, el color de la piel de esta persona, si era blanco, moreno o negro? ¿Cuál era la profesión de la persona que disparó esta flecha? Podrías decirme, por favor, ¿era un artesano o un médico o un académico? Y más aún, ¿qué clase de flecha es ésta en primer lugar? ¿Está hecha de la madera de un cerezo o de un roble o de un pino? ¿Y qué de las plumas al final de esta flecha? ¿Están hechas de plumas de ganso o de águila o de buitre? ¿Y qué de la punta de la flecha, cómo está hecha?'" El Buda dijo, "Si la persona a la que le dispararon buscara las respuestas a todas estas preguntas, definitivamente, estaría muerta antes de encontrar las respuestas a estas preguntas. Entonces Malunkyaputta, no es que yo sepa las respuestas a estas preguntas y no te las quiera decir, o que no sepa las respuestas a estas preguntas. Es solamente que estoy completamente seguro de que especulando acerca de estas preguntas no ayuda en nada a vivir la vida que queremos a través de la práctica. Malunkyaputta, no me he quedado en silencio. Hay algo que sí te he dicho. He hablado del sufrimiento y de la causa del sufrimiento y del fin del sufrimiento y del camino. El sufrimiento y el fin del sufrimiento, eso es lo que es importante. Acerca de ello sí he hablado". Esta es la razón por la cual estamos aquí este fin de semana, porque estamos comprometidos con el sufrimiento y el fin del sufrimiento. Este es el punto fundamental del camino budista. No podemos evitar darnos cuenta, y nuestra practica de sentarnos lo hace aún más claro, que estamos en una condición que involucra sufrimiento y que continúa ese sufrimiento. La impermanencia es sufrimiento, no obtener lo que uno desea es sufrimiento, estar cerca de lo que uno no quiere es sufrimiento, ver a otros que experimentan dolor es sufrimiento. No hay manera de ser ser humano en este mundo sin encontrarse con el sufrimiento. Pero el sufrir no es suficiente. Hay una manera de terminar con el sufrimiento, y es por eso que estamos aquí. Es el propósito de este retiro de fin de semana. ¿Cuál es la causa del sufrimiento y cómo podemos sobreponernos al sufrimiento? Hay muchas explicaciones y muchas maneras de ver esto desde el punto de vista del entendimiento budista. Pero probablemente podemos decir que la causa principal del sufrimiento sea una relación poco sabia con nuestro Yo, con nuestro Yo más profundo. Algunas personas piensan que el Buda enseñó que no existía el Yo, pero realmente creo que el Buda no enseñó que no hubiera un Yo o que sí lo hubiera. Era una de esas preguntas que él pensaba eran inútiles, y en las que podríamos pasar mucho tiempo, y desperdiciar en ello momentos invaluables de nuestra práctica. Creo que el Buda estaba únicamente preocupado de que viéramos que no es una cuestión acerca de lo que es el Yo, o si existe o no un Yo. Es más bien una pregunta de cómo nos relacionamos con nuestro Yo, de cómo nos paramos en relación con nuestro Yo. Nuestro hábito profundamente arraigado, nuestra natural tendencia humana, es el de definirnos a nosotros mismos, casi reflexivamente, casi antes de pensar cualquier pensamiento, de una manera estrecha y limitada; y después de eso defendernos, y apegarnos, y apartamos y escapar de cualquier cosa que parezca atacar este Yo que hemos construido. De hecho, si realmente observamos nuestra experiencia, sabemos que el Yo es un punto de encuentro tras otro. Encontramos algo, y se va, y encontramos algo otra vez. Así que nuestra vida, de verdad, si la vivimos íntimamente, está hecha de encuentro - encuentro - encuentro, calidez - calidez - calidez, amor - amor - amor, momento a momento. Ese momento de encontrarnos con nuestra experiencia, sin nada que se atraviese en el medio. Pero no lo vemos de esta manera. Ponemos cosas, e ideas, y nociones entre nosotros y nuestra experiencia, y esto nos remueve, nos separa o nos estrecha a cada minuto. Por esta razón muchas cosas parecen amenazadoras, y muchas otras parecen difíciles, y sufrimos, y vemos un mundo en el cual otros sufren también. Ser verdaderamente íntimos con nuestra experiencia, cualquiera que ésta sea, esa es nuestra labor en la práctica del Zen, y definitivamente la labor para estos pocos días por venir. Una vez un monje le preguntó al Maestro Tozan, "¿Qué es Buda?" El Maestro Tozan contestó, "Tres libras de lino". Al decir esto, el Maestro Tozan no estaba hablando de lino, no estaba hablando del Buda, estaba hablando acerca de la intimidad. Estaba hablando de estar presentes sin nada entre nosotros y nuestra experiencia. Si uno puede penetrar dentro de estas palabras del Maestro Tozan, sin proyectar ideas de iluminación o ideas acerca del Buda, sino solamente entrando completamente en las palabras, uno puede ver más allá del sufrimiento. Si sólo podemos estar con un solo sonido, una sola sensación del cuerpo, inclusive con un solo pensamiento, o una sola respiración, podemos estar en intimidad con nuestra experiencia y entender que aquello que interponemos en el centro mismo de nuestras vidas, lo cual nos distancia de nuestro Yo real y nos separa a unos de otros, es solamente algo añadido desde el exterior. La mayoría de ustedes, pienso, son manos experimentadas en retiros y sesshins así que puedo no decir mucho acerca de esto, sólo recordarles que todas nuestra rutinas, nuestras formas, nuestras pequeñas reglas, son todas ellas con el fin de crear un contenedor para la intensidad de nuestra experiencia. Usualmente, nuestra experiencia es experiencia sumamente distraída - muchas maneras de no prestar atención. Pero aquí creamos un ambiente muy intenso a través de la cooperación de todos nosotros con estas reglas, de tal manera que cada uno de nosotros pueda tener una experiencia muy intensa, y la posibilidad de realmente llegar a intimar con nuestro Yo. Así que los conmino a todos ustedes a que honren exactamente el espíritu que Liona subrayó en un principio: guardar silencio, no hacer contacto visual con el otro, tratar de seguir las formas lo mejor que puedan, haciendo una reverencia ante el cojín, la forma del kinhin, etc. etc. Todos estos elementos son vehículos para crear espacios más intensos en los cuales experimentarnos a nosotros mismos de maneras diferentes. Con la esperanza de que no nos agarremos a ello con un sentido de rigidez o de cerrazón a las normas, pero con alguna comprensión de su propósito, y con algo de buen espíritu y calidez por los demás. Creo que así podemos guardar estas reglas y formas. En la práctica de sentarse, quisiera enfatizar el prestar atención a la respiración, porque pienso que es bueno para nosotros. Pienso que estamos muy dados a tener muchos pensamientos. La gente de Occidente, creo, o la gente moderna (todo mundo es oriundo de Occidente - Este/Oeste, hoy en día, ¿cuál es la diferencia?) está llena de información y de pensamientos, acerca de nosotros mismos, acerca de nuestro mundo. Somos realmente buenos, podemos figurarnos muchas cosas. El antídoto para esto, el cual puede servir para poner distancia, es: sólo quedarte con la respiración. Siguiendo la respiración en el abdomen, estando conscientes de cada respiración mientras uno va inhalando ("esto es inhalar"), estando conscientes de cada respiración mientras uno va exhalando ("esto es exhalar"). Tratando de la mejor manera posible de sentarse erguido, y sentarse erguido significa: estirar tu columna vertebral, de tal forma que la espalda baja haga un pequeño arco; el pecho está levantado; la parte alta de la cabeza apunta hacia el techo, la barbilla ligeramente metida hacia adentro; los hombros echados hacia atrás. La parte alta del cuerpo esta abierta, lo cual permite respirar más libremente, y hacer de la respiración algo mas vívido. Prestando atención a la postura, prestando atención al mudra: las puntas de los pulgares apenas tocándose; sosteniendo el mudra, si es del todo posible, contra el abdomen; los brazos formando un arco y las palmas de las manos haciendo un óvalo. Prestando atención a la postura, y a cada respiración, adentro y afuera, y utilizando estas cosas para anclar nuestra atención, para que si alguna otra cosa que la respiración o la postura deba de surgir uno lo pueda notar claramente. En otras palabras, no estamos tratando de eliminar otros fenómenos. Si hay un pensamiento en nuestra mente o un sonido o una sensación en nuestro cuerpo, uno lo comprende claramente. Si lo encuentras útil, puedes notar o etiquetar lo que aparece, por ejemplo, "pensando en el futuro", "preocupado por el dinero", cualquier cosa que surja. No importa tanto cual sea la etiqueta que le pongas, pero puede ayudarte, o no. Puedes tratar, etiquetando el pensamiento. Tan pronto como lo hagas, sin embargo, no especular o seguirlo, sino como medio de reconocimiento: "Sí, hay un pensamiento acerca del futuro; hay temor; hay algo desagradable en la mente", lo que sea que aparezca. Después regresando a la respiración y a la postura. Lo mismo si tenemos una sensación física en el cuerpo, de incomodidad o de dolor, notando: "Sí, esta es una sensación dolorosa en la rodilla (o en la espalda)" y después regresando a la respiración y a la postura. Algunas veces una sensación física se vuelve persistente. Puedes notarla persistentemente, pero después continúa regresando a la respiración, no permitas que se te escape la respiración. Encontrarás, desde luego, que mientras te sientas, se te olvidará la respiración y serás arrastrado por un tren de pensamiento o algo parecido. Cuando notes esto, sólo regresa, de cualquier modo, a la respiración. No hay por que sentirse culpable al respecto, ni nada por el estilo. De hecho, el zazen incluye todo esto: incluye el tiempo en el que estás prestando atención a la respiración, y el tiempo en el que no le estás prestando atención a la respiración. Sin embargo, también incluye la intención de siempre prestar atención a la respiración. Es así como practicamos en nuestro retiro de fin de semana, y es muy importante que tengamos la seria intención de hacer un esfuerzo en este sentido, muy importante, aunque sea contraproducente el tener planes de llegar a algún lado con todo esto. Si no estás tan seguro de que tienes la intención de hacer esa clase de esfuerzo, yo te diría: piensa en ello esta tarde, y busca la intención, aún si tienes que excavar bastante profundo para encontrarla. Pero sí encuéntrala. Porque de otra manera, sería una especie de desperdicio de un bello fin de semana. Hay muchas cosas para hacer, ¿porqué entonces quedarse por aquí? Esta es una habitación muy agradable, tiene nubes y todo, pero aún así no es un cuarto tan bonito. Es verdaderamente importante, creo yo, encontrar esa intención, que lo hagas, porque es muy bueno practicar zazen. Es muy bueno hacer el esfuerzo de estar presente, íntimamente, con tu experiencia, y de hecho estar en el presente. Si esto pudiera llegar a ser el caso, esta habitación sería todo lo que uno necesitara para toda la vida, de verdad. Es cierto, si uno sólo pudiera lograr una intimidad con su propia experiencia, y poner atención. Por otro lado, si uno no hace el esfuerzo, entonces, como digo, hay muchos lugares más hermosos para estar. Reflexiónalo esta noche, y si estás un poco indeciso, y no estás seguro, entonces por favor recuerda: pronto estaré muerto. Es verdad, la muerte llega muy rápido, y quizá muchos de ustedes en este cuarto tengan amigos, seres queridos, que están enfrentando a la muerte en estos momentos, o que han muerto. Piensen en ellos. Recuerden que realmente es importante y encuentren esa intención, tráiganla aquí mañana en la mañana, y siéntense con ella durante dos días. Una vez un monje le preguntó al Maestro Zen Zhaozhou, "Acabo de llegar al templo. ¿Cómo he de practicar?" Y Zhaozhou le contestó, "¿Ya desayunaste?" El monje replicó, "Si, ya lo he hecho". Zhaozhou dijo, "Entonces por favor lava tus platos". Esta es una maravillosa enseñanza de Zhaozhou, y me recuerda lo que estoy tratando de decirles ahora. Ya hemos tomado nuestro desayuno. Cualesquiera que sean tus metas espirituales, cualquier cosa que quieras obtener de tu práctica, volverte más tranquilo, o inteligente, o dejar ir esto o aquello que esté ocurriendo en tu vida y que quisieras que no estuviera, o conseguir esto o aquello que no esté en tu vida y que quisieras obtener, eso realmente está. Realmente ya está dentro de ti. Verdaderamente no hay nada que necesites adquirir, ni nada de lo cual necesites deshacerte. Solamente lava tus platos. Sólo pasa al siguiente momento. Sólo ponte íntimo con lo que esta sucediendo ahora, y déjalo ir, y sorpréndete con aquello que ocurrirá... ahora. Real y verdaderamente, el camino mas seguro de miseria y frustración es hacer planes acerca de cómo va a ser, y acerca de lo que estás buscando. Abandona toda esperanza, como se dice a la entrada del Infierno de Dante, abandona toda esperanza y únicamente resuelve prestar atención a cada una y a todas las respiraciones, por este fin de semana, y cuando lo olvides, recuérdalo otra vez. Trátalo otra vez, y hazlo una y otra vez. Con ese espíritu, tendrás la garantía suficiente de que encontrarás lo que necesitas encontrar en este fin de semana. Es un retiro no-residencial lo que significa que esta tarde y la tarde del sábado nos iremos a nuestros hogares y nos uniremos al mundo cotidiano y regular, y quizá algunos de nosotros tendremos que tomar o involucrarnos en alguna actividad. Si es posible, mantengan la quietud y hagan lo menos que puedan de aquello. Aún si tienen que estar en actividad, si lo pueden hacer de una manera discreta, está bien, para que sientan que el fin de semana es continuo, y no que hagamos una interrupción a las 5 de la tarde y empecemos otra vez a la mañana siguiente. Creo que una de las cosas que resultan obvias cuando logras dejar ir todas tus confusiones y nociones y realmente encuentras el camino para sólo estar presente con tu vida tal y como es, y experimentas tu vida cómo momento tras momento de cálido encuentro - encuentro - encuentro, es que se vuelve bastante obvio que nada esta separado de tu vida. Realmente no puedes llevar a cabo esta práctica para tu propio beneficio. Esto se vuelve obvio. No es como un momento de altruismo o algo así. Se torna en un hecho evidente de que eres sólo conexión. De hecho eso eres y nada más. Practicar el Camino, y ver la mente y el corazón de la manera en que te estoy urgiendo a que lo hagas, es para ver como es que tú y tu mundo son creados mutuamente, y como estos son uno y el mismo. Cuando tienes el ojo de la práctica tienes el ojo del amor y puedes estar con otros de una manera nueva, una manera que no incluya la manipulación para obtener una posición mejor o el miedo que incita a salir despavorido. Verdaderamente, siempre siento cuando acudo a un retiro como éste, si hay cincuenta personas en la habitación es como si hubiera 2050 o 20050, porque cada persona toca las vidas de muchas otras personas. Si puedes realizar el Camino en tu cojín, el beneficio será muy amplio, no sólo en tu vida. Esto es realmente cierto, especialmente para los más cercanos a ti, pero también de formas misteriosas que no podemos exactamente calcular. Traducido por Susana Ruiz (Xalapa, México) susiruiz@hotmail.com Related TeachingsThe Place Where Your Heart Is KeptMitsu Suzuki, widow of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, celebrated her hundredth birthday this year. 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{"url": "http://www.everydayzen.org/teachings/older/sufrimiento-y-fin-del-sufrimiento?sort=newest", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.everydayzen.org", "date_download": "2014-12-17T21:29:24Z", "digest": "sha1:AM4457WL2XGU7YZMSJ3OORVDV2DZGCYS"}
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Órganos y estatutos Amigos de Casa de la India Programacion actual Proyecto arquitectónico Biblioteca Casa de la India Colección Rabindranath Tagore Libros y folletos LAB India de Artes Escénicas Escuela de la India Cursos, seminarios y conferencias Empresa, turismo y ONG Cooperación entre ciudades Cooperación académica Conoce la India Club del viajero Catálogo de recursos Inicio / Conoce la India / Club del viajero La India posee una amplia y diversa herencia cultural y religiosa y una enorme riqueza natural, que incluye 35 Sitios Patrimonio de la Humanidad tanto en monumentos históricos como maravillas naturales desde el Himalaya hasta las playas tropicales del sur del país. Toda esta increíble variedad ofrece a la India una oportunidad única para desarrollar su turismo. Un patrimonio que abarca templos, palacios y fuertes, pero también la sabiduría del yoga y el ayurveda, así como otras tradiciones artísticas y festivales que nos invitan a una experiencia única. La Casa de la India acoge dentro de su programación regular “El club del viajero”, una iniciativa que permite tanto a viajeros experimentados como futuros visitantes sumergirse en la India de los múltiples paisajes, idiomas, culturas, costumbres y creencias. En el club del viajero se realizan presentaciones de viajes culturales a la India enfocados desde diferentes puntos de interés: fotografía, arquitectura, arte, cursos intensivos de danza, música, artes marciales, yoga, ayurveda, etc. Cada sesión de “El club del viajero” aporta al público historias e imágenes (retratos, monumentos, paisajes, animales, gentes, pueblos y ciudades) de diferentes rincones de la India que expresan el espíritu de una experiencia personal en este país y nos invitan a un viaje para conocer la India por dentro de la mano de un experto en colaboración con diversas entidades y profesionales del turismo. ©Fundación Casa de la India •Aviso legal •Política de cookies •Protección de datos Casa de la India. C/Puente Colgante, 13. 47007 Valladolid - info@casadelaindia.org - Tel: + 34 983 228 711
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The Live Scoring Thread vol. 7 Team WTAworldModerator Polish & Serbian Kingdoms Location: Londinium Old threads: http://www.tennisforum.com/showthread.php?t=341848 Ana Ivanović. Find More Posts by Dexter TennisForum.comAdvertisement Jun 2nd, 2013, 07:23 PM Re: The Live Scoring Thread vol. 7 Jun 2nd, 2013, 07:23 PM First post ? Ana break __________________ ♥. . . Ana Ivanović. s.Lisicki, Li.n♥ Alycia. Thank you 15-15.. Find More Posts by Alycia. damalulani She is so easily intimidated how is she even an athlete... Sent from Verticalsports.com Free App Find More Posts by damalulani Ana should have won that first point Her smash __________________ Bye Ana. Serve to stay in the match __________________ She'll get broken for the match now Alycia. Intimidation is the best weapon against extremely immature players like Ivanovic. Sent from Verticalsports.com Free App I'll be shocked if she could hold now __________________ 00-15.. Alycia. DF __________________ DF Alycia. 3 mps, NID.
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L'École · ˜˜ FX · AX ˜˜ Polytechnique.org · Associations polytechniciennes · Élèves · Wats4U tous les groupes documentation signaler un bug X-Internet : Accueil Site Web : http://x-internet.polytechnique.org/ groupe agréé par l'AX Le groupe X-Internet a pour objectif, en étroite symbiose avec l'équipe de développement de Polytechnique.org, de contribuer à la conception des outils de réseau qui doivent permettre à notre communauté polytechnicienne d'être plus efficace tant sur le plan professionnel que sur le plan de la camaraderie et de la solidarité. X-Internet est composé de camarades de tous ages, de tous secteurs d'activité, d'X et d'Xettes, à Paris en province et à l'étranger dont le rôle est de réunir développeurs et utilisateurs de Polytechnique.org en veillant à y représenter les profils les plus divers que l'on peut trouver parmi nos camarades. Par ailleurs en dehors des réunions physiques de nombreux échanges ont lieu sur le web notamment pour prendre en compte les idées observations ou suggestions de nos camarades qui ne peuvent pas y venir, en particulier ceux qui résident à l'étranger: c'est ainsi par exemple qu'est né le groupe X-UsCa. Depuis 1998 nous nous réunissons 2 à 3 fois par an : Ces réunions donnent lieu à une présentation par l'équipe X.org du travail qu'elle a effectué depuis la dernière réunion, afin de le soumettre à la critique de tous, et de solliciter les idées et les avis sur les nouveaux services à développer. Elles font également l'objet, chaque fois, d'une thématique particulière. Ces réunions sont généralement suivi d'un diner amical pour ceux qui peuvent y participer. Thèmes, heures lieux et dates sont précisés sur notre site (ou vous pourrez également trouver les comptes rendus des réunions précédentes). plan du site - services proposés - à propos de ce site - Plat/al 1.1.23 - © Copyright 1999-2018 Association Polytechnique.org Liste1 Liste2
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All issues Volume 114 (2016) EPJ Web of Conferences, 114 (2016) 02074 Abstract EFM15 – Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2015 Optimization principle of operating parameters of heat exchanger by using CFD simulation Jozef Mičieta1a, Vondál Jiří2, Jozef Jandačka1 and Richard Lenhard1 1 University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Power Engineering, Univerzitná 1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia 2 Brno University of Technology, Institute of Process and Environmental Engineering, Technická 2896/2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic a Corresponding author: jozef.micieta@fstroj.uniza.sk Published online: 28 March 2016 Design of effective heat transfer devices and minimizing costs are desired sections in industry and they are important for both engineers and users due to the wide-scale use of heat exchangers. Traditional approach to design is based on iterative process in which is gradually changed design parameters, until a satisfactory solution is achieved. The design process of the heat exchanger is very dependent on the experience of the engineer, thereby the use of computational software is a major advantage in view of time. Determination of operating parameters of the heat exchanger and the subsequent estimation of operating costs have a major impact on the expected profitability of the device. There are on the one hand the material and production costs, which are immediately reflected in the cost of device. But on the other hand, there are somewhat hidden costs in view of economic operation of the heat exchanger. The economic balance of operation significantly affects the technical solution and accompanies the design of the heat exchanger since its inception. Therefore, there is important not underestimate the choice of operating parameters. The article describes an optimization procedure for choice of cost-effective operational parameters for a simple double pipe heat exchanger by using CFD software and the subsequent proposal to modify its design for more economical operation. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016 This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Cleaning Schedule Operations in Heat Exchanger Networks MATEC Web of Conferences 156, 07001 (2018) Amine Solvent Regeneration for CO2 Capture Using Geothermal Energy with Advanced Stripper Configurations Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, Vol. 69 (2014), No. 6, pp. 1105–1119 Influences of pitch-length louvered strip insert on thermal characteristic in concentric pipe heat exchanger Toward a Competitive Process Intensification: A New Generation of Heat Exchanger-Reactors Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, Vol. 65 (2010), No. 5, pp. 785-792 Thermal energy storage in granular deposits E3S Web of Conferences 19, 01022 (2017)
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leer algunas páginas del libro enviar un mensaje al autor De mi Nieta para tus Nietos El Hijo del Cura ENAMORADA DE MI NUEVA VIDA Cuestión de Autoestima (sin evaluación) Enamorada de mi Nueva Vida - Cuestión de Autoestima, es un relato de la vida real sobre una señora de 56 años que se enamora locamente de un chico de 25 y esto da pie y sirve de estímulo a la vida de Manuela Campuzano para que cambie radicalmente su vida. Manuela nunca es correspondida por el mocoso de su vida, (así lo llama ella); Pero siente que llevada por Dios en este proceso que inicia el 4 de agosto de 2018 y da cierre el 23 de agosto de 2019, esta situación solo le ha llenado de felicidad. Su vida en todos los niveles, es totalmente diferente ahora; Fluyen sus proyectos de vida a nivel familiar y personal con más facilidad: Exporta para ella misma y para las personas a su alrededor, una alegría que como ella misma lo expone: Se hace notar desde su burbuja muy clara de felicidad. De niña tuvo una vida turbulenta y esto la obligó a salir de su ciudad, hecho éste por el cual da agradecimientos al todopoderoso día a día. Empieza relatando ante la autora, su cruel destino desde que tenía aproximadamente 9 o 10 años de edad. Era una niña muy infeliz y siempre supo que el mundo en que nació, no era el suyo, así que ha tenido la potestad de ir siempre en busca de su propia felicidad y la de los suyos. Su aguerrida posición y actitud ante el mundo, la han llevado a vivir situaciones insospechadas y es precisamente aquí, cuando durante un hermoso año para ella y ante mí (la autora) cuando día a día me ha relatado su linda historia, se entera de lo mucho que ha vivido y lo feliz que ha sido realmente en la vida. Complementando lo anterior, destaco que la vida de Manuela Campuzano se daba en la importancia y el disfrute de los logros de su familia, pero a nivel personal, estaba olvidada de ella misma. Su peso corporal era de 97 kilos y estaba a punto de cuestionarse en diabética. No se amaba a ella misma. Manuela sintió un día un bello espejismo que aún sigue pensando que es amor verdadero hacia un hermoso artista de un Centro Ccial. categoría: Auto-ayuda número/año de edición: 1/2020 etiquetas: autoestima, amor, triunfo, enamorada, vida, pasión, Ángel, poesía editorial: edición del autor formato: 14 x 21 cm (con solapa), Rústico (pegado) interior: Papel Blanco 75 Grs, Blanco y Negro disponibilidad: impreso bajo demanda Autores Editores es una plataforma de autoedición e impresión bajo demanda y ofrece herramientas para que los autores puedan publicar y vender sus libros. Autores Editores no se hace responsable por la calidad del contenido publicado (incluyendo errores de digitación, errores gramaticales, errores de información en el contenido, mala calidad de imágenes, etc.), por su diagramación, diseño o cualquier otro elemento con respecto a su apariencia. El creador del libro es el responsable por su presentación visual y por el contenido publicado. El equipo de Autores Editores no revisa los contenidos de los libros antes de dejarlos a la venta en nuestra plataforma. Recomendamos que, antes de comprar, pre visualice algunas páginas del libro y verifique las evaluaciones del autor. La verificación de usuarios se usa para establecer la autenticidad de la identidad de autores en nuestra plataforma. Esto significa que hemos verificado la identidad, teléfono, correo electrónico y dirección de este autor. ficción cuentos romance dios poemas vida fantasía aventura drama historia literatura suspenso amor novela poesia
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The boys had fun with Poppy in the pool when he came to visit...
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{"url": "https://www.soundofpicture.com/product/app-game-license-up-to-five-tracks/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.soundofpicture.com", "date_download": "2021-04-16T12:24:39Z", "digest": "sha1:R45BD7PSLAGKTNYZEMA43PFOZ2FENM7L"}
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NEW fördert regionale Vereine mit 35.000 Euro Mönchengladbach - Die NEW unterstützt Vereine in ihrem Versorgungsgebiet seit über fünf Jahren mit einem jährlichen Förderbetrag von 70.000 Euro, der in zwei Halbjahresausschüttungen zu je 35.000 Euro verteilt wird. Ziel der NEW-Vereinsförderung ist, das ehrenamtliche Engagement der Vereine in der Region zu unterstützen. Gefördert werden Projekte, die sich durch Nachhaltigkeit, soziales Engagement, Innovation und Eigeninitiative auszeichnen. Diesmal sind 136 Bewerbungen eingegangen, wobei 87 Vereine gefördert wurden. Von den insgesamt 87 geförderten Vereinen, kommen 30 Vereine aus Mönchengladbach, Grevenbroich, Jüchen und Korschenbroich. Letzten Montag(11.02.) war die offizielle Scheckübergabe an die Vereinsvertretern in der Kantine der NEW-Hauptverwaltung in Mönchengladbach. Unser Kamerateam hat Ausschnitte aus der feierlichen Veranstaltung und Interviews mit Ralf Poll(NEW Geschäftsführer) und mit Vertretern der geförderten Vereinen in einer Videoreportage zusammengefasst. Quelle-Video-Foto: MGB Halbjahresbilanz Strom: Preise steigen nach Erhöhungswelle weiter Jägerprüfung erfolgreich absolviert Die Erfindung der "Bundesrepublik Deutschland": Als Bad Brückenau Geschichte schrieb ZDF-Politbarometer Mai 2019 9. NEW-Laufserie: Startschuss für die Laufsaison NEW ermöglicht mit „Wheesy“ Elektromobilität für jedermann Die Zukunft der Partnerschaft im Visier
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Natalie Be'er Alumni, Class of 2012http://www.natalierachel.comNatalie is an interaction designer based in New York City. She loves creating things that make people smile.Current residence:
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National Endowment for the Humanities Grant by Dawn Zattau, in Support If you enjoy lectures and performances featuring national talent, presentations about Nazi art looting during World War II, the History of Western Gardens lecture series, or meaningful panel discussions like the ones presented in conjunction with LIFT, Whitfield Lovell: Deep River, or Reflections and believe, like we do, that they are a vital part of the Museum’s offerings, we invite you participate in a special Challenge Grant Matching opportunity. In 2015, the Museum received a prestigious, four-year challenge grant, one of only fifteen granted nation-wide, from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). This grant will build a $2 million endowment that will stay in place in perpetuity, and up to 5% of the interest will be drawn out yearly to build sustainability for the Museum and ensure quality programming for years to come. The Museum met last year’s challenge and has until July 31, 2017 to raise the $375,000 in pledges needed for this year’s match. We have already raised $310,000, and we need your help to complete the challenge quickly. Visit the link below to give online today or call the Advancement office at 904.899.6025. This is an exciting time to build a vibrant, artful, sustainable future for the Cummer Museum. We appreciate your consideration of this chance to extend the impact of your generosity through this matching grant, and for all you do every day to support our beloved institution. Tags: Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens, matching grant, National Endowment for the Humanities « Family Activity Series: Cairo, Egypt Join Us Today! » This post was written by Dawn Zattau who has written 73 posts on The Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens.
{"url": "https://blog.cummermuseum.org/national-endowment-for-the-humanities-grant/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "blog.cummermuseum.org", "date_download": "2022-06-24T22:14:54Z", "digest": "sha1:CS6DFD3TGCJGHRX27YM3YSZMU6CD4WB4"}
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NOTA RECIBIDA DEL COLEGIO DE CIUDAD DE BUENOS AIRES Nota recibida del Colegio de Escribanos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Me dirijo a ustedes, a fin de llevar a su conocimiento que ha quedado firme la sentencia del Tribunal de Superintendencia del Notariado del 2 de noviembre del año 2021, en los expedientes C. de E. Nros. 2101/18 y 0060/19, (T.S.N. Exptes. Nros. 236/19), por la que resolvió aplicar al escribano Aníbal Ulises SOLANA - MATRICULA 5394, Adscripto interinamente a cargo del Registro Notarial Nº 269, la sanción disciplinaria de destitución (arts. 149, inc. d y 151 inc. c, de la ley N° 404)...”, y 156 que importará la cancelación de la matrícula profesional.
{"url": "http://cec.org.ar/informacion/disposiciones-tenico-registrales/17-novedades/1487-nota-recibida-del-colegio-de-ciudad-de-buenos-aires", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "cec.org.ar", "date_download": "2022-05-16T04:25:11Z", "digest": "sha1:SZPQYL7LDYPSMEKSNX54W6BOZTW5PJT6"}
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Tutorial Stelle Bicolore, con toho Buongiorno a tutti e buona domenica, avete spostato le lancette indietro di un’ora??? Io no, e quindi sono ancora tra le stelle, stelle bicolore però. Il tutorial di questa settimana è nato grazie ad una sfida/richiesta nel gruppo “Semplici Creazioni Community”. Come sapete nel gruppo è presente il tutorial delle Stelle a peyote circolare realizzate con le Toho che, grazie a Carla F del canale youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvtIuybCwjE che ha provveduto a trascrivere il tutto, a partire da oggi sarà disponibile per tutti voi… E’ stata infatti realizzata la versione in PDF delle Stelle a Peyote Circolare e la potete tranquillamente scaricare. Ringrazio Carla F di cuore, ancora una volta ha…
{"url": "https://www.semplicicreazioni.com/tag/tutorial-in-tessitura", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "www.semplicicreazioni.com", "date_download": "2018-11-12T18:24:08Z", "digest": "sha1:LLLUMHMJRUFUMCRWGUCBU3SD32Q2OTZH"}
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Point de convergence Filtrer Aller à la page : Page : 1 10 20 30 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52Dernière PagePage SuivantePage PrécédentePremière PageBas de page Auteur Sujet : Point de convergence regardsour​ianthttp://www.betpax.ca​/Profil : Posté le 09/02/2017 à 02:16:19 Reprise du message précédent :Bonjour, Le ciel est clair dehors, Cette Lune est extrêmement belleLes étoiles retiennent les horizons avec des fils invisibles,,,Eh, un coup d'œil furtif, suivi d'un autre , un troisième et déjà tu peux sourire avec la Lune,,, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=​CV30m_XtOQE(Publicité) regardsour​ianthttp://www.betpax.ca​/Profil : Posté le 11/02/2017 à 18:38:34 Bonne journée, aujourd'hui nous sommes dans une tempête de neige et le cycle de l'oxygène ne rassure que les poumons,,,C'est bien parce qu'à force de respirer des flocons que l'on devient bonhomme de neige,,, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=​1wxoSU0VM5Mhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=​bd5fjTuHBS0Bye, bon week-end, ,regardsour​ianthttp://www.betpax.ca​/Profil : Posté le 12/02/2017 à 17:21:39 , Bonjour,L'hiver il n'y a pas ni tonnerre ni éclaire,,,Le retour de la terre sous nos pas viens avec et viens ouvrir les portes du ciel,,, l'air de rien la joie fait parler d'elle ,,, Le miroir enfin traverser nous avions l'habitude auparavant à cette époque de l'année de chanter ces mélodies,,, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=​ARTG9PRBvg4https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=​zq-7nUH9s6QBonne journée, regardsour​ianthttp://www.betpax.ca​/Profil : Posté le 14/02/2017 à 06:50:24 Ho merciÀ la lumière,Qui fera tomberLes neiges Je vous embrasse,Je vous aimes,Bonne saint-Valentin, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=​u9AIn3xE8wIregardsour​ianthttp://www.betpax.ca​/Profil : Posté le 14/02/2017 à 22:10:49 La raison des choses inépuisables,,,L'ombre qui jadis s'alongait, disparaît !Éclater de soleil,les mains s'ouvre !Envelopper de lumière,Jardiner le temps, tourne avec la terre !Au écluse de ses yeux le cœur retient sa peine,,, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=​-NJ-9DqygpEEn robe de soleil, , bonne journée,(Publicité) regardsour​ianthttp://www.betpax.ca​/Profil : Posté le 18/02/2017 à 01:38:06 Bonjour,https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=​5ZDsCJ4rGD4Pour naître et se développerLa Lune, C'est la routedu coeur,,, , Bon week-endregardsour​ianthttp://www.betpax.ca​/Profil : Posté le 19/02/2017 à 02:51:03 Bonjour, Avec les mots Lune et œil d'amoureux, à la surface du premier papier sans le savoir il a jeté les bases de son écriture!,,, Pourquoi t'es dans la Lune, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=​qpztjDQI2LUBonne journée, regardsour​ianthttp://www.betpax.ca​/Profil : Posté le 19/02/2017 à 04:53:04 Tout ces hivers dans la forêt du grand nord !Vous m'avez manqué, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=​b_P6X6PXj-UAveugle le jourLa nuit se laisse voir de face il ne dure pas mais revient dans un ciel bougé,,,Là bas l'ambulance ne vient jamais, Bonne journée regardsour​ianthttp://www.betpax.ca​/Profil : Posté le 21/02/2017 à 04:59:12 https://m.youtube.com/watch?li​ [...] POYBP8ZJDIAux confins de la nuitla lumière fera ouvrir ses paupières,,, Bonne journée regardsour​ianthttp://www.betpax.ca​/Profil : Posté le 21/02/2017 à 21:29:28 C'est l'heure de ma pause, !Vous avez certain jour,,,La fragilité de la lumière dans la lumière !Sorti de l'ombre le ciel propose l'autre visage,,,https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=​Fcw-bdSqypQEt je cite cet ouvrage à la minute,,, 55:03"Il faut le malheur pour développer l'intelligence et faire naître l'ingéniosité,,, Je dois retourner à mes affaires,,,Bonne journée, regardsour​ianthttp://www.betpax.ca​/Profil : Posté le 25/02/2017 à 05:04:42 Recoudre un oiseau,,,!L'appel du pays flambe au giron de nos âmes,Une fierté patriotique, doublée d'une conscience écologique,! Ca taille la philosophie de la vie,!Les états d'âme en amour comme en lassitude peuvent eux aussi recoudre l'humanité de nos cœurs,Dépumé dans le froid la soif et la faim de l'hiver,! Je le cachai aux caméras, pour qu'il retrouve avec le temps, son si beau plumage, ! La tristesse me noie d'avoir eu à le recoudre, lui naguere si fier et si fort,!Je me battrai toute ma vie pour la survie de mon oiseau, il retrouve ses forces, et si on me demande, "et si on lui fabriquait des variantes en laboratoire" je répondrais que je ne voudrais pas de ce triste miroir,! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=​vmt9peaZgCIBonne journée, regardsour​ianthttp://www.betpax.ca​/Profil : Posté le 26/02/2017 à 00:27:05 L'amour fait des premiers pas timides sur le fil des regards unis,,,Sentant sous ses pieds la force et la fragilité, le balancement et ces curieuses mains, de l'air sur les épaules,,,Ramène les éguilles à l'origine du Monde, quand les petits doigts tricotaient déjà les brins de vent,,,Les étoiles filantes nient tout du vide de l'espace et de l'immobilité de la terre,! Il fait le vœu de vivre mieux,Merci,Bonne journée, regardsour​ianthttp://www.betpax.ca​/Profil : Posté le 26/02/2017 à 01:22:06 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=​NrgcRvBJYBELe Vent Nous Portera,,, regardsour​ianthttp://www.betpax.ca​/Profil : Posté le 26/02/2017 à 23:08:48 Bonjour,Je prie comme je peux,,,https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=​l4n6x24RRM4Tu m'as écouté,Dieu a entendu mes prières,N'es pas un signe de sagesse de taille et de grâce,,, Bon dimanche,regardsour​ianthttp://www.betpax.ca​/Profil : Posté le 27/02/2017 à 05:15:38 Mesdemoiselles, Mesdames,C'est très beau la psychologie c'est très spirituelles,,, mais sincèrement, je ne crois pas que ça puisse remplacer l'oeuvre des pères de l'église,Ici je m'adresse à toute personne humaine, comme un frère,une sœur, un être aimé de toi ,,, j'ai souci de vous aimer un peu plus chaque jour et "j'veux pas faire pleurer les filles" J'ai remarqué que vous avez une préoccupation à ne jamais mélanger la religion et la spiritualité ou psychologie !La religion est un ensemble d'actes rituels destinés à se mettre en contact avec la nature, notre habitat naturel,La spiritualité est indépendante de la matière , c'est plus psychologique,L'un et l'autre ont énormément à nous apporter, l'un et l'autre sont poétiques https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=​OT3yN6Kvb-A bye, byeregardsour​ianthttp://www.betpax.ca​/Profil : Posté le 28/02/2017 à 19:19:48 BonjourPour que l'amour soit éternel,,,Faut pas l'attacher, ? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=​6F0qiA3NCL0Je n'ai jamais quitté mon village, seulement un jour j'ai dû me perdre sur la route et j'ai acquis l'instinct de survie,! Quand je suis revenue le village était devenu un village dortoir ,!Il a fallu tendre la journée comme un hamac entre les soleils levant et couchant, se bercer d'illusions, !Le vent doux, le temps en amour reviens !L'envie d'aimer d'être aimé,,,Souhaiter que le sommeil fait disparaître la nuit et répare ceux qui se relâche,,,Pour mieux marquer ce grand rêve humain de tirer le jour dans sa nuit,,,Sur ma terre natale j'acueille les sens du Monde,,,Bonne journée, Message cité 1 fois Page : 1 10 20 30 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52Dernière PagePage SuivantePage PrécédentePremière PageHaut de page S'identifier Point info Point Info : maintenance technique Plus de sujets relatifs à : Point de convergence Un roman qui fait du bien : Un été sur le Magnifique Bon sang je ne me rappelle même plus un petit topic rien que pour moi Amy Jade Winehouse est décédée :-( Etes-vous vraiment quelqu'un de gentil ? Pourriez-vous accepter son infidélité ? Savez-vous changer d’avis ? A quel point vous aimez-vous ? Croyez-vous en votre beauté intérieure ? en direct des forums Toutes les semaines... ... retrouvez les 11 mots avec lesquels composer votre propre texte. À vos claviers ! Peut-on rendre quelqu'un heureux...
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Plataforma PruébaT Fortalecerá Aprendizaje de Estudiantes La plataforma PruébaT cuenta con recursos académicos y apoyos digitales que permiten a estudiantes fortalecer competencias en lectura, matemáticas y ciencias, durante el Aislamiento productivo El acceso a dicho sitio web es gratuito; el alumnado, así como docentes, madres y padres de familia pueden ingresar desde cualquier dispositivo con conexión a internet Cuenta con un apartado en el que estudiantes pueden participar en competencias académicas con alumnas y alumnos de otras escuelas, estados e incluso países A favor del aprendizaje en casa, en beneficio de estudiantes de primaria, secundaria, así como educación media superior, el Instituto de Educación de Aguascalientes (IEA) informa que a través de la página web http://pruebat.org, niñas, niños y jóvenes, así como docentes, madres y padres de familia pueden ingresar gratuitamente a la plataforma PruébaT, desde cualquier dispositivo con conexión a internet. El director general del IEA, Raúl Silva Perezchica, señaló que dicho sitio cuenta con recursos académicos y apoyos digitales que permiten a estudiantes fortalecer su aprendizaje y competencias en lectura, matemáticas y ciencias, durante el Aislamiento productivo, en atención a las medidas de prevención para evitar contagio por coronavirus (COVID-19). Precisó que PruébaT ofrece al alumnado actividades y ejercicios didácticos para reforzar de manera interactiva y divertida, lo aprendido en planteles escolares. De igual manera, la plataforma cuenta con un apartado en el que estudiantes pueden participar en competencias académicas para medir su nivel de aprendizaje con alumnas y alumnos de de otras escuelas, estados e incluso países. Silva Perezchica, detalló que con el uso de este recurso novedoso, las y los docentes tienen oportunidad de asignar tareas al alumnado y dar seguimiento a los aprendizajes de manera individual o grupal, a favor del avance en los programas de estudio. Asimismo, la plataforma electrónica permite a maestras y maestros fortalecer su práctica docente mediante temas de innovación educativa y estrategias de enseñanza. El titular del IEA puntualizó que madres y padres de familia también pueden ingresar a PruébaT, donde encontrarán actividades pedagógicas que pueden implementar en el hogar, con la finalidad de apoyar a sus hijas e hijos con sus trabajos escolares durante el Aislamiento productivo.
{"url": "http://www.palestraaguascalientes.com/plataforma-pruebat-fortalecera-aprendizaje-de-estudiantes/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.palestraaguascalientes.com", "date_download": "2021-09-16T10:58:33Z", "digest": "sha1:QX7FUKEOT4KWBTZ2ISYVHHXNBOQ67X4Y"}
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Oh Facebook....How You Make Me Laugh Ok. I have to confess that I am still a frequent Facebook user. I fought it for the longest time in college, and was actually able to hold out until my senior year at Baylor. After graduation I had planned to cancel my account, but it was such a good way for me to keep in contact with friends over the summer. And then my job required it (strange, I know...I worked with students, so Facebook at work was normal). I don't work with students anymore, so now what is my excuse? I just don't have one except for the fact that I just like it. Haha. It's a fun way to see what my friends are up to...yes, I have been sucked into the world of knowing everything about my friends' lives, not because I talk to them on a regular basis but because I Facebook Stalk them. It's a sickness, I know. But millions suffer from it, so don't judge. One of the craziest things on Facebook is the varying quizzes you can take. From "What Disney character are you?" to "What is your ideal job?" the list is endless. The only quiz I can remember taking was the "Which Office character are you?" quiz. (In case you are curious, I am a mixture of Pam and Ryan). Anyway, other than that one, I usually just ignore them. But this morning I came across one I hadn't seen yet: "Which engagement ring style fits your personality?" I couldn't help but laugh...and then I was curious. I gave in to the temptation and decided to take the quiz....just to see. Just for fun. And here are the results: You a quite the individual! Good for you! You value tradition, but welcome change. You are intelligent, witty, sensitive, and have a diverse set of friends. You are as comfortable discussing politics as you are baking cookies. You have strong morals and principals and are respected by others. You have a purpose and it will be realized. LOL. I liked this result! Not so sure about talking politics...but I could just replace that with some other intellectual subject- perhaps theology- haha. I laugh, but I actually do enjoy discussing it...And I have to say that this is the style of ring that I tend to like. Not that I look at engagement rings, you know, but if I did...lol. But for the sake of argument (and the fact that this post is ridiculous enough as it is), isn't it pretty? It does make me wonder what it is about girls that makes us drawn to sparkly things like engagement rings. Why the heck do we even look at these suckers...especially when there is not a likelihood of receiving one in the near future? While on one hand, I have to admit that I enjoy being a girl and yes, imagining what kind of ring I might someday have. But on the other hand, I can't help but think how ridiculous and silly I am for doing that. Because in reality, I would be happy with a string around my finger if it came from Mr. Erin's heart. And in reality, I am not ready to be engaged right now anyway, let's be serious. It's not God's timing right now, and I am enjoying being single. But in the meantime, it was still fun to take the silly Facebook quiz ;) It is fun and girly to think about, but I am reminded of God's word: "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." ~ 1 Peter 3:3-4 (Yes, I just spiritualized a blog post about Facebook...lol. I can't help it; the Lord brought the verse to mind...) liudsey February 16, 2011 at 5:51 AM I admit I'm stalking your blog. I can't sleep. I need reading material. :) This post made me happy. It's so amazing to know that God was already at work in you and preparing you for Mike. A Year of Blessings Muscles, and Hammers, and Drills...Oh My! I'm Official! In Awe of His Majesty Step Into My Cube... Moving In and Getting Settled
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Thu November 30, 2017 - 7:00 PM Thomas Lebrun Alès, France, 2017 Le Cratère Place Henri Barbusse N le 1er avril 1974 Wattrelos (Nord-Pas de Calais). Mdaille d'or au CNR de Lille en danse contemporaine....See More Né le 1er avril 1974 à Wattrelos (Nord-Pas de Calais). Médaille d'or au CNR de Lille en danse contemporaine. Diplômé d'état de professeur de danse contemporaine. Formé au CNR de Lille auprès de Cathy Flahaut et au Centre Danse-Création de 1992 à 1996. Interprète pour les chorégraphes Bernard Glandier, Daniel Larrieu, Christine Bastin, Christine Jouve ou encore Pascal Montrouge, Thomas Lebrun fonde la compagnie Illico en 2000, suite à la création du solo Cache ta joie !. Implanté en région Nord – Pas de Calais, il fut d’abord artiste associé au Vivat d’Armentières (2002-2004) avant de l’être – depuis 2005 – auprès de Danse à Lille / Centre de Développement Chorégraphique. On prendra bien le temps d’y être, La Trêve(s), Les Soirées What You Want ?, Switch, Itinéraire d’un danseur grassouillet, ou La constellation consternée, sont autant de pièces que d’univers et d’esthétiques explorés, allant d’une danse exigeante et précise à une théâtralité affirmée. Thomas Lebrun signe également plusieurs co-écritures, notamment avec le chorégraphe suisse Foofwa d’Imobilité (Le show / Un twomen show) et la chorégraphe française Cécile Loyer (Que tal !), et donne une place forte à l’enseignement et à la transmission (Centre national de la danse de Pantin et de Lyon, Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris, Ménagerie de Verre, Conservatoire National de La Rochelle, Balletéatro de Porto, etc.). Il chorégraphie également pour des compagnies à l’étranger, comme le Ballet National de Liaonning en Chine, le Grupo Tapias au Brésil (un solo et – en 2009 dans le cadre de l’Année de la France au Brésil – un quintette), et pour Lora Juodkaité, danseuse et chorégraphe lituanienne, dans le cadre de l’édition 2009 du New Baltic Dance Festival de Vilnius et de l’opération FranceDanse Vilnius organisée par CulturesFrance (Vilnius, Capitale de la culture 2009). Il répond à la commande du Festival d’Avignon et de la SACD (Les Sujets à Vif) avec la création du solo Parfois, le corps n’a pas de cœur en juillet 2010, et prépare actuellement plusieurs projets dont Six Order Pieces, solo au croisement des regards de six artistes invités (Michèle Noiret, Bernard Glandier, Ursula Meier, Scanner, Charlotte Rousseau et Jean-Marc Serre) et La jeune fille et la mort, pièce pour sept danseurs et un quatuor à cordes, sur la partition de Schubert. See Less
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Monthly Archive for: "octubre, 2017" Portada » Archivo de octubre 2017 In Derecho Hipotecario COMO PARALIZAR LA EJECUCIÓN HIPOTECARIA DE TU VIVIENDA Por Rocío Díaz LA SUSPENSIÓN DE LA EJECUCIÓN HIPOTECARIA En la actualidad, tras estos años de crisis económica, son muchas las familias que se encuentran inmersas en un Procedimiento de [...]
{"url": "http://abogadoresponde.net/2017/10/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "abogadoresponde.net", "date_download": "2019-04-18T11:01:53Z", "digest": "sha1:Y3MDEW3L77SXRIPCKPBQNRMVRGZX35NX"}
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Iran defends strikes on northern Iraq, in letter to UN Thursday, 24 November, 2022 , 19:18 Tehran, Nov 24, 2022 (AFP) — Iran told the UN on Thursday that it had no choice but to act in self-defence by striking Kurdish rebel groups in northern Iraq, state media reported. The Islamic republic has launched a series of cross-border missile and drone strikes on Iranian-Kurdish opposition groups, based in Iraq, which it blames for stoking protests back home over the death of Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini. "Iran recently carried out operations against terrorist groups in northern Iraq as it had no other choice than to use its natural right to defend itself in the framework of international law to protect its national security," Tehran's permanent representative to the UN wrote to the United Nations Security Council. "The terrorist groups have recently intensified their activities and have illegally transferred large quantities of arms to Iran with the intention of staging terrorist operations," the letter read, according to state news agency IRNA. Iranian-Kurdish groups have long inhabited areas of northern Iraq's autonomous Kurdistan region, previously waging an armed insurrection against Tehran. Iran has repeatedly accused them of fomenting unrest in the country since Amini's death in September. "They use Iraqi territory to plan, support, organise and carry out actions" against Iran, the letter said. Tehran demands that "the perpetrators of terrorist crimes be tried by Iranian courts, the closure of command centres of terrorist groups and their training camps, and the disarmament of armed elements in northern Iraq," the letter said. On Tuesday, Tasnim news agency reported that Iran's Revolutionary Guards carried out their latest cross-border missile and drone strikes, this time targeting the Kurdistan Freedom Party, one of the groups based in northern Iraq. More than a dozen people were killed in similar strikes on Iraq's Kurdistan region in September. In the letter, Iran's UN representative pointed to the need for an Iraqi military presence at the border with Iran, whilst affirming "full respect for Iraq's security and stability and commitment to its territorial integrity and sovereignty". Iraq had said Wednesday it planned to redeploy federal guards along its border with Iran and Turkey.
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Fobia Sociale Roma Nomentana, Dott. Giammario Mascolo, Le richieste e la personalità del paziente ci porteranno al miglioramento a cui si vuole ambire, nell’ottica di un percorso graduale, misurato sulla condizione di partenza. Per trattare la fobia sociale Roma Nomentana il primo passo consiste nel costruire una relazione efficace tra paziente ed esperto, che può avvenire anche per gruppi. Con noi sarai in grado finalmente di trovare risposta al tuo problema: basterà effettuare una chiamata al nostro centro che pratica attività psicologica e seguire le indicazioni che vengono date in seduta. Lo studio attivo contro la fobia sociale Roma Nomentana gode del favore dei pazienti che ci hanno scelto, che con la loro presenza ci dimostrano quale sia la preferenza di chi vuole un parere sempre più garantito in questo ambito. Il Dott. Mascolo è sempre disponibile ad ascoltare e valutare una grande varietà di casi, sia quelli che sono più strettamente personali al paziente nella sua vita quotidiana sia quelli in cui lo stesso si relaziona con gli altri. Le scelte consapevoli e i comportamenti appresi sono un tema importante delle sedute dallo psicologo, durante le quali vengono chiariti i nodi problematici e le possibilità di rimedio a livello comportamentale. Componendo il numero di telefono 06/54602916 per trattare la fobia sociale Roma Nomentana hai fatto un passo deciso verso il recupero e la soluzione dei tuoi problemi, riguardanti te stesso o il rapporto di mediazione con gli aspetti della vita quotidiana. Grazie al Dott. Mascolo puoi contare su una grande varietà di tecniche sviluppate nel campo, che si applicano a tutti i comparti in cui puoi trovare difficoltà. Telefonando presso il nostro studio otterrai la possibilità di scegliere un intervento pensato sulle tue esigenze e, in base anche alla disponibilità di tempo che avrai, scegliere la soluzione migliore per il tuo problema. Il centro che si occupa di fobia sociale Roma Nomentana si rivolge a tutte quelle persone che, in ogni fascia di età, sono costrette a fare i conti con un problema il cui trattamento non è più posticipabile nel tempo. Il centro specialistico è basato su un’offerta comprendente una grande varietà di situazioni di disagio, nel quadro di un ampia gamma di problemi psicologici. Nello studio che si interessa di fobia sociale Roma Nomentana hai facoltà di attingere alla molteplice tipologia d’interventi proposti anche nei centri affini, ma a cui aggiungere il fattore decisivo della specializzazione dei nostri psicologi. Attraverso le conoscenze del Dott. Mascolo la varietà di terapie è ponderata sulla dimensione del problema che si vuole correggere, sia in caso di terapia individuale che di gruppo. Nella cornice di riferimento pensata per arginare e trattare la fobia sociale Roma Nomentana ci si deve attendere uno sviluppo chiaro del disagio, entro un quadro dialettico in cui i nodi problematici vengono presi di petto dagli esperti. La terapia del centro ha riscontrato come i pazienti si trovino in breve tempo in condizione di usare nuovi ed efficaci strumenti, di fronte alle difficoltà che sono chiamati a fronteggiare tutti i giorni. Chiamaci per conoscere di più sul lavoro contro la fobia sociale Roma Nomentana, se il tuo obiettivo è quello di raggiungere un equilibrio di vita. Conoscendo bene le capacità del nostro centro, siamo pertanto in grado di fornire un aiuto utile per tutti quei pazienti che hanno intenzione di capire e capirsi. Nell’ambito della terapia della fobia sociale Roma Nomentana siamo infatti tra i più esperti nel trattamento di numerose e diverse forme di disagio, la cui causa deriva dalla varietà delle condizioni in cui ognuno è costretto ad agire. Nel settore della terapia psicologica possiamo offrire nuove soluzioni e nuovi risultati, che vanno spesso ben oltre i problemi inizialmente individuati. Dott. Giammario Mascolo, Fobia Sociale Roma Nomentana Contattaci tramite il form sottostante: Nome(required) Indirizzo: Via Livorno, 15 00162 Roma Indirizzo sito web: http://www.gmascolo.net Filed Under: Psicologi, Nomentana, Roma Tagged With: Fobia Sociale Roma Nomentana
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Quinta Región > Noticias > Escuela De Santo Domingo Recibirá Reconocimiento De Directv Noticias de la Quinta Región Escuela de Santo Domingo recibirá reconocimiento de Directv con actividades y nuevos recursos Fuente: directv.cl La creación de dos huertos escolares, un mural que representa la identidad de la comunidad y dos nuevos decodificadores serán parte de la actividad. Este 20 de noviembre, la escuela Básica El Convento de Santo Domingo será la protagonista de una actividad de DIRECTV Chile, que llevará nuevos elementos a la comunidad educativa para concientizar sobre el cuidado del medio ambiente y la preservación de su identidad, además de un reconocimiento por el buen uso de recursos tecnológicos educativos. Como parte de “Generación DIRECTV”, el área Responsabilidad Social de la compañía, cerca de 40 niños, acompañados por profesores y guías, serán los encargados de plantar dos nuevos huertos escolares en el colegio, donde serán guiados y orientados para conocer las bondades de la naturaleza, además de reconocer sus cuidados y lo importante de su mantención. De forma paralela, otro grupo estará a cargo de la creación de un nuevo mural en la escuela que representará la identidad que el humedal El Yali entrega a la zona, donde serán los estudiantes quienes pintarán y llenarán de color este espacio que podrán considerar como propio. “Fue reconfortante saber que a la escuela la están tomando en cuenta y tenemos muchas ganas que vengan y que hagan estos huertos y el mural. Los alumnos están impacientes y ya quieren poner en práctica los cursos de cuidado del medio ambiente que han tenido durante el año”, comentó Marcela Escalante, Directora de El Convento, “aprecio mucho estas actividades porque siempre estamos buscando hacer cosas nuevas y a veces no es posible realizarlo porque no tenemos los recursos o conocimientos. Ahora se nos está entregando todo”. Como reconocimiento, el programa Escuela+, que entrega una grilla de televisión educativa y orientada para el aprendizaje, reconocerá al colegio El Convento por el buen uso de los recursos tecnológicos que poseían, por lo que se les entregarán dos nuevos decodificadores libres de costo para permitir el acceso a una mayor cantidad de niños, mientras que Pamela Vera, profesora encargada, pasará a ser reconocida como Docente Plus. Para Germán Covarrubias, Director General de Escuela+, “la entrega y dedicación que tomaron los profesores de El Convento, sobre todo por su participación en el Congreso Escuela+ en Argentina, fue lo que motivó este reconocimiento, que potenciará la formación de los alumnos y que los ayude a mantener la hermosa identidad cultural que tiene Santo Domingo”. Durante esta semana los cerca de 150 alumnos participarán en una serie de concursos para conocer quiénes serán los que estarán en la actividad, “nadie puede esperar a que ya sea lunes”, admitió la directora. Sobre DIRECTV DIRECTV entrega la mejor experiencia en entretenimiento. Todos los días los suscriptores de DIRECTV en Latinoamérica disfrutan calidad y sonido 100% digital, servicio de atención al cliente líder de la industria, superioridad tecnológica, el más diferenciador contenido HD incluyendo transmisión de series originales y exclusivas, completas coberturas de los más importantes eventos, ligas y paquetes deportivos y la posibilidad de disfrutar la programación en distintas pantallas dónde y cuándo el usuario prefiera. Para más información, http://directv.cl/
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What's Next comments Big winners on Wall Street are yesterday's dogs By Ben Rooney @ben_rooney June 28, 2013: 12:44 PM ET Click for more market data. NEW YORK (CNNMoney) The stock market is on track to end a bumpy quarter with respectable gains, but there are two companies that have staged dramatic comebacks. First Solar was the best performing stock among the S&P 500, gaining more than 65% over the past three months. It's a remarkable rebound for the leading maker of solar panels, which saw its stock fall 12% in the first quarter. First Solar (FSLR) wowed investors in April with a surprisingly bullish outlook for the year. The stock shot up 43% in one day, after First Solar said it expected profits to be 28% above previous forecasts this year on healthy sales growth. The solar industry has been in a slump as low-cost imports from China have depressed prices. But solar panel prices have stabilized and First Solar said demand is ramping up. First Solar wasn't the only underdog to make a comeback. J.C. Penney (JCP) shares gained more than 12% during the quarter, recovering about half of their first quarter losses. The retailer ousted CEO Ron Johnson in April, after his controversial turnaround plan failed to show results. J.C. Penney publicly apologized for the changes, and ran an ad on its YouTube channel that practically begged customers to come back. Related: Top hedge fund manager bets on a return to normal markets In business for more than 100 years, J.C. Penney has been swimming in red ink as it struggles to compete with online retailers. But the company has been strengthening its finances in an effort to mount another turnaround. It scored a $1.75 billion loan from Goldman Sachs (GS) in April. Other top performers in the quarter include popular momentum stocks, such as GameStop (GME), Micron Technology (MU) and Best Buy (BBY). Best Buy has also been on a turnaround kick, cutting costs and closing under performing stores. Investors have welcomed the moves, sending shares up 26% in the quarter, despite a disappointing sales report in May. It was also a good quarter for health insurance companies. Shares of Aetna (AET), WellPoint (WLP) and Humana (HUM) all rose by more than 23%. Golden parachute? Mining companies were among the worst performers in the quarter as prices of precious and non-precious metals plunged. Shares of Alpha Natural Resources (ANR) and Newmont Mining (NEM) fell more than 30%. Iron Mountain (IRM) and Freeport McMoRan (FCX) also suffered double-digit losses. Investors have been dumping mining stocks as gold prices plunge. Related: Gold plunges to two-year low The precious metal is down 25% this quarter, falling below $1,200 an ounce this week for the first time since August 2010. The largest gold-backed ETF, the SPDR Gold Shares Trust (GLD), lost nearly 24% during the past three months. Gold bugs getting whacked While the sell-off in gold has caught the most headlines, mining stocks have also been hurt by the falling price of copper. Copper prices plunged nearly 12% in the second quarter as demand from China slowed and supplies increased. A number of energy companies were also hit hard. Marathon Petroleum (MPC) shares are down more than 20% for the quarter, after gaining 42% in the first quarter. The company has been playing catch-up on the boom in domestic energy production, and is exposed to a slowdown in emerging market demand. Peabody Energy (BTU), which specializes in coal mining, and gas station operator Valero (VLO) were also big losers in the quarter. First Published: June 28, 2013: 12:44 PM ET Join the Conversation Most Popular
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Arguments for socialism All Arguments for socialism subcategories: Globalisation Anticapitalism * Marxism Marxism keywords: Anarchists (4) Bolsheviks (49) Bonapartism (1) Bourgeoisie (10) Bureaucracy (36) Communist Manifesto (23) Counter-revolution (35) Feudalism (3) General strike (319) Insurrection (6) Jacobins (6) Lenin (65) Maoists (6) Marx (131) Marxism (107) Marxist (99) Materialism (18) Proletariat (5) Sans-culottes (7) Soviet Union (31) Stalinism (55) Transitional Programme (25) Trotsky (133) Trotskyism (41) Working class (804) Highlight keywords | Print this article From: The Socialist issue 1026, 23 January 2019: Corbyn: stand firm for a general election Search site for keywords: Rosa Luxemburg - Revolution - Counter-revolution Non-fiction: The Murder of Rosa Luxemburg "reveals the brutal lengths capitalists will go to protect their system" Rosa Luxemburg (Click to enlarge) Iain Dalton, Leeds Socialist Party On 15 January 1919, two key leaders of the German working class and the German Communist Party were murdered by soldiers. The cold-blooded killings of Karl Leibknecht and Rosa Luxemburg represented an attempt to behead the German revolution. Klaus Gietinger's newly translated book (originally published in German in the 1990s) attempts to unpick the conspiracy of army and naval officers and the government responsible for both deaths, but particularly that of Rosa Luxemburg, whose real killer was never brought to justice. Gietinger's method is somewhat like peeling back the various layers of an onion, prying into each stage of the cover-up, from early attempts to evade justice through a rigged military court, to a prison escape by one the people convicted (not of murder, but of 'lesser' crimes such as 'disposing of a corpse'). As well as legal action aimed to prevent the screening of a TV film about the events that came very close to the truth. What is revealed is the very serious threat to their attempt to stabilise German capitalism that senior figures believed that Luxemburg and Liebknecht posed. When they got their hands on them, they were not going to pass up an opportunity to dispose with them. Naturally, those senior figures found subordinates to do the dirty work, but also went to great lengths to protect them. As one would suspect, these figures were generally held in high regard by Hitler's Nazi regime, but also by the representatives of the post-war West German state as well - indicting those proponents of 'liberal' capitalism too. Gietinger's research documents the various threads between the conspirators well, particularly through interviews and correspondence of one of the main conspirators, Captain Waldemar Pabst, who directly ordered the murders. But he also details how capitalist figures helped finance such repression. What's more, he explains how the key leaders of the German Social Democratic Party government at the time were complicit in the murders and the cover-ups afterwards, particularly Gustav Noske, who appointed himself the 'bloodhound' of the counter-revolution. He helped establish the reactionary Freikorps militias. Many of those involved went on to be involved in the Nazi party. This isn't the book to read if you want to know more about the ideas of Luxemburg and Liebknecht, but it does reveal the sheer brutal lengths that the capitalists and their 'armed bodies of men' will go to protect their system.
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Vous êtes ici : Accueil > Recherche > Publications > Presses UT1 > Information-Communication "The state of the music industry - Civilisations n° 13" revue dirigée par Victor Sarafian et Rosie Findlay Ouvrage disponible et directement en vente au Service des Presses de l'Université Toulouse 1 Capitole Site de la Manufacture bureau MA003, 21 Allée de Brienne, 31000 TOULOUSE "The state of the music industry -L'état de l'industrie musicale - Civilisations n° 13". Ce numéro de Civilisations porte sur l'industrie musicale sous toutes ses formes, son passé, son présent et son avenir.Pour comprendre les rouages de cette industrie ce numéro explore la situation de l'industrie musicale dans son ensemble ainsi que dans différents pays, notamment, en France, en Italie, en Australie, aux Etats-Unis, en Grande-Bretagne, au Pays de Galles et en Irlande. Depuis l'apparition de Napster en 1999, et avec les importantes mutations technologiques qui ont suivi, l'industrie de la musique a subi de profonds bouleversements. Au cours de la dernière décennie, l'idée qu'internet et le piratage étaient en train de tuer l'industrie a pris de l'ampleur. Si en 1979, "la vidéo a tué les stars de la radio", trente-cinq ans plus tard peut-on dire qu'inernet a sonné la fin d'une industrie toute entière ? Comme le chantait Bob Dylan, "the times they Are A-Changin", les temps sont certainement en train de changer, mais dans quelle mesure et au bénéfice de qui ? Editeur : PRESSES DE L'UNIVERSITÉ TOULOUSE 1 CAPITOLE Références : ISBN : 978-2-36170-087-4 Source : Format 16 x 24, 273 pages Geneviève. DAHAN : puss@univ-tlse1.fr Mis à jour le 5 décembre 2014 Par domaine, structure, type d'ouvrage https://www.ut-capitole.fr/recherche/publications-de-l-universite/presses-de-l-universite/information-communication/the-state-of-the-music-industry-civilisations-n-13-revue-dirigee-par-victor-sarafian-et-rosie-findlay-481102.kjsp?RH=1413815789780
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Posts Tagged ‘maisons d’enfants’ Pique-nique gourmand de sortie de confinement pour les enfants de la Maison d’enfants Elie Wiesel. Un moment de réjouissance gourmande offert par La Fourgonnette Globe Croqueur pour fêter la sortie de confinement. Une belle surprise pour les enfants de la Maison d’enfants Elie Wiesel lorsqu’ils ont découvert la fourgonnette installée dans la cour du parc du jardin, venue régaler enfants et adultes avec de délicieux hamburgers (cachers). Richard Josefsberg, médaillé de l’Ordre National du Mérite. Le mercredi 11 décembre, Michel Yahiel Inspecteur général des affaires sociales, a remis la médaille de l’Ordre National du Mérite à Richard Josefsberg, directeur de la Maison d’enfants Elie Wiesel de Taverny. Une soirée pour les diplômés de la Maison d’Enfants Eliane Assa de Draveil. Mardi 24 septembre, l équipe de la Maison d enfants de Draveil a organisé une soirée pour fêter les diplômé/es des années 2018-2019. Les jeunes, les éducateurs et le directeur de l’établissement se sont retrouvés autour d’un dîner pour fêter la réussite des jeunes et partager un beau moment de convivialité. Un été de création artistique pour les enfants de la Maison de Luzarches et du SAJE de l’OSE. En partenariat avec l’association La Source présidée par Gérard Garouste, le SAJE Andrée Salomon et la Maison d’enfants de Luzarches ont organisé des séjours d’été de création artistique. Ces séjours sont l’aboutissement de deux projets conduits par chacune des équipes éducatives depuis plusieurs mois et se sont conclus par deux superbes productions collectives réalisées par les enfants, accompagnés par des artistes professionnels et leurs éducateurs. Avant la rentrée des classes, une virée à la plage pour les enfants de l’OSE. Le mercredi 28 août, les enfants accueillis à l’OSE ont profité d’une belle journée à la plage. 40 jeunes accompagnés de leurs éducateurs ont fait le plein de souvenirs, d’énergie et de bonne humeur avant de reprendre le chemin de l’école. Les Maisons d’enfants de l’OSE étaient en fête à l’occasion de la fin d’année : un agréable moment de détente et de partage pour tous. Pour marquer la fin de l’année scolaire, plusieurs de nos Maisons d’enfants ont organisé fin juin des soirées festives où toutes et tous se sont retrouvés autour de diverses activités : expositions, spectacles de danse, barbecue, etc. Revivez ces moments en images ! Sport et entraide inter associative à Saint Germain en Laye. Les jeunes de la Maison d’enfants de Saint Germain de l’OSE ont participé au montage des stands pour la Journée sport de l’association communale « La soucoupe » qui se déroule chaque année au printemps. L’OSE et le MEDEM organisent une journée commémorative au Mesnil-le-Roi. Dimanche 12 mai, une plaque commémorative en mémoire des quatre maisons d’enfants de Mesnil-le-Roi a été dévoilée la maison « Champfleur ». En présence du Maire du Mesnil le Roi, des présidents de l’OSE, du MEDEM et de la Croix Rouge, les anciens enfants venus nombreux dont certains du Canada et d’Israël, ont témoigné avec beaucoup d’émotion de leur accueil après-guerre et de leur éducation dans ces Maisons d’enfants. Meilleur Apprenti de France : un jeune accueilli à l’OSE en lice pour le titre ! Le jeune Souleyman accueilli dans la Maison d’enfants de Saint Germain a remporté successivement les Médailles d’Or départementale puis régionale du Meilleur apprenti dans le métier de la peinture. Un grand bravo à lui pour cette superbe réussite et à toute l’équipe de la Maison d’enfants qui l’accompagne au quotidien. Pose d’une plaque commémorative à la Maison d’enfants La Forêt à Fontainebleau, dimanche 5 mai Préfet, élus, Grand Rabbin de France, responsables communautaires de Fontainebleau se sont réunis autour des représentants de l’OSE et des anciens enfants survivants de la Shoah, pour le dévoilement d’une plaque en mémoire de la Maison d’enfants, qui a accueilli de 1945 à 1959 des orphelins de la Shoah ou des enfants revenus de déportation. […]
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Posted on March 14, 2017March 18, 2017 by Rosanne AllevaTop Indio Pot Shop Dispensary How to get The Best Indio Marijuana Dispensary With the rise of marijuana being legalized on the state level, you may assume that you can enter a Indio dispensary and get just what you want. This is not actually the truth as there are a number of different factors that go into making the pot dispensary you visit the best for you. It is important that you understand what these factors are to make sure that you choose the best Indio dispensary. Only a few weed dispensaries are the same and a few will not have the same amount of health and safety standards that others do. It is important that the thing is if the dispensary has recently been cleaned and should have the same cleanliness or if you pharmacy. All of the products will have to be handled effectively and they ought not to be left in ways that could cause contamination. If the storage space conditions of the dispensary aren’t sufficient the products could have excessive blow drying or molding. It can be generally difficult to determine the and safety standards of the dispensary before you visit. However, you could check out what people have to say about the dispensary before you visit. If you cannot find reviews then you should be willing to visit the dispensary and leave if you are not comfortable with their degree of cleanliness. The Quality Of The Indio Dispensary The quality of the products that they have is also hard to determine if you do not visit the Indio pot shop. Once again, you should attempt and talk to people who have gone to the dispensary before to see what they have to say about the products. You should also look if ever the dispensary offers different potencies for a single stress. This is very important because the strength of the strain could be too much well for someone and not enough for another. Another aspect of the quality of the dispensary is the staff that they work with. It is possible to check the standard of the personnel before you actually visit the dispensary. Most dispensaries will have contact information online and it will be possible to call them. You must take the time to give them a call and ask a few questions. Of course, if you are dialling them you should not keep your staff member on the phone for too much time. Most of the employees will need to answer phones and help the in-store customers. Keeping the person phoning around for too long could cause problems for them. However, when you do call you should ask some questions that you know the answers to and others that you do not. This will likely give you an idea of how knowledgeable the individuals are and how willing they are really to help you. In case the personnel are unfriendly contacting companies then there is a good chance that they are going to be malicious when you are at the dispensary and this will make your trip unpleasant. Obtaining marijuana can be an expensive venture and you need to consider this to be. The majority of dispensaries will not have their pricing on their website because of legal guidelines in certain states. These kinds of states have regulations the place that the dispensary will need to honor any prices they advertise even if this results in a reduction for them. You will need to contact the dispensary on the day you will visit for the pricing. Once you get to the dispensary you may find that they have some specials. These kinds of specials could be a quite a bit, but you should try and avoid impulse buying. The pricing that the dispensary uses depends on supply and demand and will change daily. Merchandise Selection A large selection will make sure that you are able to get the strain that you would like for the day. In the event you are unsure about the strain that you need the dispensary staff should be able to help you. All you will need to do is tell them what you want from the item and they can recommend a strain. Naturally, you will want to stay away from dispensaries the place that the staff simply point you in the direction of the most expensive stress. Before you visit a Indio marijuana dispensary you need to determine if it is the correct one for you. You need to consider the cleanliness of the dispensary because this could impact the products that you buy. Additionally, you will need to consider the choice they have and the pricing. The quality of the products and employees will also play a sizable role in identifying which dispensary you choose. Medical Cannabis Indio Dispensary Medical weed dispensaries have been made to give patients a secure destination to get information and weed to take care of their medical conditions. They are governed and taxed in a different way to the entertainment dispensary and the costs could vary between your entertainment and medical dispensaries. Another difference is the fact that the inside of the Indio medical dispensary will generally look similar to a doctor’s office when compared to a store. If you’re heading to a Indio pot shop then you must have the proper documents and questions for your condition and how weed can help. You need to possess the doctor’s advice and medical weed recognition or the other documents required in a state. Generally, you’ll also have to be over 18 to be eligible but some expresses can make an exemption for minors with debilitating conditions. You likely have to join up with the medical dispensary and they’ll keep your info on record. All medical dispensaries will have a ready room which regulates the stream of patients to provide personal privacy. Your buys may be tracked by the dispensary that allows the dispensary to trail effective medicines. Recreational Weed Dispensary in Indio coming soon Previous PostPrevious Best Palo Verde Pot Shop DispensaryNext PostNext Best Lost Hills Pot Shop Dispensary Los Angeles Dispensary
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finding news radio in canada Home Navigation menu 1 June 28, 2016 A Career in Radio – Is It Possible? Your Radio Live There are a lot of people who would like to become radio personalities but they do not know how they can achieve it. Some people think that a career in radio may be elusive because they do not have enough talent in order to make it big in the industry. For other people, they believe that a career in radio will not be the best option for them because they are not sure if they would get paid the amount of money that they are getting paid by payroll services for their current work. You are recommended to only get a career in radio if you truly want it. If you don’t, then you are better off sticking with your own job or at least finding that one job that will truly make you happy. If you know that you can only be happy if you get a career in radio, here are some of the things that you should remember: Remember that you will only be qualified for jobs that you have the skills and qualifications for. You cannot expect to become a radio jock if you do not have the voice or the diction that people would like to listen to. It is true that you have a lot of wonderful stories that you are willing to share to a lot of people but if people cannot stand the tone of your voice, then nothing good will come out of it. One of the qualifications may be experience and if you do not have this, then finding a job in radio will be more elusive than ever. You would need to get training. Even if you know you are good, you cannot expect that radio stations will immediately trust you enough to give you your own show without proper training. You cannot be frustrated that you would have to undergo training first before you will be allowed to have the career that you have always wanted. You cannot expect that you will get to play the songs that you want. If your main reason for wanting to have a job in a radio station is because you believe that you can play all the songs that you have always wanted to play then you are mistaken. The radio station will be in charge of picking the songs that you are going to play and you have to do your best to act like as if you truly love the songs that you play even if you do not care much for the tunes. The school that you would choose to get educated in may matter depending on the type of job that you are applying for. Of course, once you are sure that you are qualified, you can already focus on other aspects like making sure that you will keep the show that you will be placed in interesting enough so that it will not go off air. You do not want your efforts to go to waste so research about what people want to hear. June 28, 2016 Hosting A Radio Talk Show Your Radio Live Having a career in radio may be a dream come true for you but you know that you can only continue your job if you are good at it. First and foremost, you need to have a degree. There are different courses that you may graduate from. As long as they are related to being a radio talk show host, you can be qualified for it. Aside from a degree, you also need to have a good speaking voice. You need to have a voice that will command people to listen. You are required to be able to speak well and to become articulate. In most radio stations, your grammar is extremely important. Having experience in doing radio will be a big plus too. There are two reasons why you may be given a chance to host your very own radio talk show: You have been given by a radio company your very own show because they believe in your capabilities and you have passed all of the qualifications needed in order to make you eligible for the job. You would like to create your very own podcast that a lot of people can access online. You may think that hosting your very own show will be easy but like being one of the bookkeepers, there are different things that you have to be capable of doing. In bookkeeping, you should know how to balance out sheets, make sure that you will properly compute loss and profit. You can also be assigned to be in charge of the payroll and invoices of the company. The tasks that you have to do when you become a radio show host are nothing like the tasks that you have to work on while bookkeeping but you will also be expected to do a lot of things; some of which you may not be too familiar with in the beginning. You have to be prepared to talk about a lot of things that will be assigned to you. You need to be knowledgeable about all topics whether it is about family, love, sports, relationships and everything else that people will be interested to know more about. You need to be able to reach out to people through the way that you speak. You cannot seem like you are bored out of your wits while doing the radio show. You need to be enthusiastic and spontaneous in order to get people’s attention. You may be required to reach a certain target market that you can do with ease. If you would be required to reach out to the working class, you may need to do this well. Aside from your ability to speak, you should also know how to listen. By listening, you will be able to pick up more details on how to be effective in hosting your very own radio show. Based on the things that are mentioned above, do you think that you are already prepared to go on radio? Remember that being naturally good at hosting does not mean that you will never become better. You can still learn and improve in the long run. June 28, 2016 Quitting Your Job to Start Another Career Your Radio Live There is a big possibility that you have just quit your job because you would like to start another career. The career that you may want to have may not be something that is considered usual. For example, a career in radio is not considered to be usual. There are a lot of people who like it but would rather not do it because they are not sure how they can be successful at it. When you decide to have a career in radio, you should at least think about the following: You may need to send yourself to school because you need a degree in order to qualify for some of the jobs that are available. You would have to encounter a lot of rejections before you will be given a chance. You need to purchase the right gear or at least rent a studio so that you can create your very own demo tape. You know that it can be hard to start a career in radio if you do not have enough money saved up. Perhaps you would like to check your self managed superannuation fund so that you can use it for your current needs. It can become frustrating at times and there will be times when you would wish that you have never quit your old job but remember that if you are only working in order to get money, then you will not have any passion for it. You will probably just do mediocre work because you do not particularly like what you are doing. Here are some of the benefits of quitting a job that you do not like to start the career that you have always wanted: You know that you will be able to make new friends. You may have made friends in your old office but with most colleagues, you usually just leave and you would lose contact. Before you realize it, you are not friends anymore. When you start another career, you can always build relationships with other people. You may never know, you may even find lasting relationships. You can work on something that you have always wanted to do. You know that it can be hard to have a career in radio but as long as it is your passion, you will be determined to make it work. Even if you have to work long hours at times or even if you would make mistakes, you know that you will still be happy because you are doing something that you have always wanted to do. You will be in a better mental and psychological state. When you have a career that you do not particularly like or if you are doing something that you are not exactly proud of, you know that you may be feeling sad even when there is nothing to be sad about. Quitting your job and doing something else that you want to do will make a huge difference on your current state of mind. With all of these things in mind, you know that you have made the right decision to quit. You will find your passion and you would work on it to the best of your abilities. June 16, 2016 The Benefits of Satellite Radio Most people listen to some form of radio whether it’s with a music system or online and everyone loves satellite radio. This has become such a popular option for millions of people and it isn’t hard to see why. However, for some they don’t really see the benefits of using satellite radio. So, what are those benefits? Read on to find out more: Free To Listen One of the more positive benefits associated with satellite radio has to be the fact that you never have to pay for a subscription. The radio can be listened to whenever you feel like it and you don’t have to worry about paying out hundreds per month or per year in order to listen. This means you can sit back and enjoy all of those hit songs and news updates without paying a penny. You may not realize it but it is quite amazing and most people enjoy it. You Can Listen Wherever Whenever Another big benefit of choosing satellite radio has to be the ability of freedom. You get to listen to the radio whenever wherever and you never have to worry about stations going off air. If one radio station doesn’t have what you like, you can simply switch over. This is great and you can take a small portable satellite radio wherever you go. It is fantastic because if you wanted to keep updated with the news or weather when travelling you can and even keep updated with sports too. Keep Updated With the Latest Goings On We all listen to the news at some point during the day whether it’s to find out what is going on locally or nationally and with satellite radio you can find out what’s happening. You don’t have to wait for the 6 o’clock news, as you can simply get quarterly updates on the news and weather. This is great and being able to keep updated with the latest news stories can be important for some. You are going to love how easy it is to listen to satellite radio and the great a variety it can offer. Is Satellite Radio For You? There are many great radio stations for you to tune into which means that you don’t have to worry too much about finding a good station. You can find news stations; music dedicated to rock or country or can find a new mix radio station which offers something for everyone. Satellite radio is a great little invention and it remains extremely popular today. You may not think the radio is an important part of your life, but just think about it for a moment. How often do you listen to the radio? Most days, once a week or even constantly? It can certainly become an important part of society and it really is a valuable tool. You are going to love how much choice you have on offer with the radio and it will be something you take with you wherever you go. Find out more informations here: http://www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guide/157262/computers/the_advantages_of_satellite_radio.html June 16, 2016 How to Listen To Internet Radio from Around the World Internet radio is quite new, but it is very much the same as regular radio with the exception that instead of listening to a radio attached to your CD console, it comes via the Internet. This essentially means you can listen anywhere and that is what is so important today. Having the ability to listen to the radio – or rather Internet radio – whenever and wherever remains an important point for many. However, how is it possible to listen to radio stations from different countries? How can you listen to the Internet radio from Canada and beyond? Read on to find out more. Check Your Computer’s Compatibility To be honest most computers are able to pick up radio stations from around the world nowadays, but you have to make sure it’s going to work effectively. Usually there aren’t any plug-ins to be installed in order to listen, but there may be one or two that is necessary to receive the audio. You also need to make sure the computer’s speakers are working correctly. This shouldn’t be too troublesome, and, to be honest, it’s very easy to listen to Internet radio from around the world. Conduct an Internet Search If you want to find radio stations you’ll need to search for them. Go online and type in something like ‘Canada radio station’ and this should produce a few good results. From here it is very simple, you can choose a radio station you like the look of and click onto their site. If you want to listen to what they are saying click on the radio link and the audio will start. However, if you only want a certain type of radio station, such as one which is dedicated to news, then ensure you search for news only radio sties. Always make the search easier for you. Listening to the radio online is very simple indeed. Why Listen To Radio From Around The World? Most people don’t realize how entertaining and fun it can be to tune in and listen to what is going on in other parts of the world. It really can be quite entertaining to listen to the latest news and weather updates from Canada or beyond. You may be heading there on vacation soon or you may have originally come from Canada and traveling abroad. You can still keep up with the news and sometimes it can make you feel more at ease when you know what is happening. Radio is quite important and it will continue to be so. Find out more details in our post here. Listening to the radio is something which most of us do, even though you don’t think about it. However, the radio remains an extremely popular form of entertainment for millions each and every day, and from around the world. Yes, listening to an old-fashioned radio may not be as popular as it once was but Internet radio is now going strong and it is very much the same. The only real difference is that the radio is now available online so it’s a lot more convenient for you. Enjoy Canada’s latest radio stations and keep updated with music and news. Find out more informations here: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/5-easy-tools-listen-online-radio-stations-windows/ April 24, 2016 The Importance of Learning The News Do you take the time and effort in order to learn more about news? If you have never done it before, perhaps you need to make the effort now. There is a good reason why news is being reported in different parts of the world. When you are aware about the things that are happening, you become more aware of your surroundings. You become more careful if you need to become more careful at the same time, you become knowledgeable about the things that you should do. If you have not realized the importance of learning the news yet, here are some of the things that you can do: News can be interesting. Whether you are hearing about the news on the radio, seeing the news is shown on television or reading the news from the newspaper or online, you know that you will always see things that will interest you or will at least linger on your mind for quite some time. There are different types of news that are available that will appeal to different individuals. Perhaps you would like to learn news about tax refunds. For sure, you will find some that you benefit you. News is easy to keep track of. You know that keeping up with the news can be very easy to do. If in the past, you would only know more details if you would read the newspaper, right now, you can know more if you would check out news online. There are even some websites that you can just check whenever you would go online. You will not be ignorant. There are already a lot of people who have said things that they regret mainly because they did not know any details about the news that they were asked about. If you would like to start a conversation with a lot of people, you need to talk about things that you are familiar with. The more that you know about different things, the better it would be for you. You will become more positive about life in general. It is often that you would hear people say that they do not want to watch the news anymore because the news is too depressing and to a certain extent, this may be correct but along with depressing news, there is also some news that will make you smile even for just a while. There are still some news about hope, about faith and how the humanity is not as bad as they are made out to be. News can teach people to become opinionated. In life, you would need to have an opinion in order to become relevant. You will find the need from time to time to speak your mind. If you do not have an opinion then how will you be noticed by other people? How will people take you seriously? Even if you were not trained from an early age to be updated about the latest news, it does not mean that you cannot start now. When you make the effort to learn more about your surroundings, your whole perspective about the world will also change. Browse Site About Us Useful LinksICI Radio-Canada.ca Broadcast Tips Recent Posts A Career in Radio – Is It Possible? Hosting A Radio Talk Show Quitting Your Job to Start Another Career The Benefits of Satellite Radio How to Listen To Internet Radio from Around the World Featured Video Google NewsCanada and EU to draft declaration to ease concerns over CETA - Radio Canada InternationalPokemon go..more troubles - Radio Canada InternationalPhytoPain Interview With Radio-Canada On Prescription Marijuana Drug - Investing News Network (press release) (registration) (blog)PhytoPain Pharma Announces Interview With Radio-Canada Regarding Its Development of a Prescription Marijuana ... - Yahoo FinanceCanada in for cold and snowy winter? - Radio Canada International Copyright © 2016 Lite957. All Rights Reserved. Modern Business by Slocum Studio
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[17013, 17034, 0.0], [17034, 17066, 0.0], [17066, 17081, 0.0], [17081, 17130, 1.0], [17130, 17156, 0.0], [17156, 17198, 0.0], [17198, 17230, 0.0], [17230, 17284, 0.0], [17284, 17858, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 34, 0.0], [34, 52, 0.0], [52, 102, 0.0], [102, 602, 0.0], [602, 927, 0.0], [927, 1026, 0.0], [1026, 1472, 0.0], [1472, 1504, 0.0], [1504, 1804, 0.0], [1804, 1873, 0.0], [1873, 2266, 0.0], [2266, 2688, 0.0], [2688, 2728, 0.0], [2728, 3067, 0.0], [3067, 3380, 0.0], [3380, 3471, 0.0], [3471, 3667, 0.0], [3667, 3754, 0.0], [3754, 4371, 0.0], [4371, 4628, 0.0], [4628, 4863, 0.0], [4863, 5218, 0.0], [5218, 5467, 0.0], [5467, 5523, 0.0], [5523, 5918, 0.0], [5918, 6008, 0.0], [6008, 6135, 0.0], [6135, 6218, 0.0], [6218, 6328, 0.0], [6328, 6543, 0.0], [6543, 6865, 0.0], [6865, 6983, 0.0], [6983, 7035, 0.0], [7035, 7355, 0.0], [7355, 7416, 0.0], [7416, 7732, 0.0], [7732, 7788, 0.0], [7788, 8113, 0.0], [8113, 8286, 0.0], [8286, 8332, 0.0], [8332, 8677, 0.0], [8677, 9150, 0.0], [9150, 9183, 0.0], [9183, 9672, 0.0], [9672, 9711, 0.0], [9711, 10207, 0.0], [10207, 10235, 0.0], [10235, 10592, 0.0], [10592, 10992, 0.0], [10992, 11125, 0.0], [11125, 11193, 0.0], [11193, 11770, 0.0], [11770, 11806, 0.0], [11806, 12291, 0.0], [12291, 12318, 0.0], [12318, 12934, 0.0], [12934, 12977, 0.0], [12977, 13538, 0.0], [13538, 14091, 0.0], [14091, 14204, 0.0], [14204, 14255, 0.0], [14255, 14719, 0.0], [14719, 14830, 0.0], [14830, 14855, 0.0], [14855, 15322, 0.0], [15322, 15353, 0.0], [15353, 15646, 0.0], [15646, 15672, 0.0], [15672, 16033, 0.0], [16033, 16086, 0.0], [16086, 16474, 0.0], [16474, 16519, 0.0], [16519, 16764, 0.0], [16764, 17013, 0.0], [17013, 17034, 0.0], [17034, 17066, 0.0], [17066, 17081, 0.0], [17081, 17130, 0.0], [17130, 17156, 0.0], [17156, 17198, 0.0], [17198, 17230, 0.0], [17230, 17284, 0.0], [17284, 17858, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 34, 6.0], [34, 52, 3.0], [52, 102, 11.0], [102, 602, 97.0], [602, 927, 67.0], [927, 1026, 17.0], [1026, 1472, 91.0], [1472, 1504, 6.0], [1504, 1804, 53.0], [1804, 1873, 14.0], [1873, 2266, 83.0], [2266, 2688, 83.0], [2688, 2728, 8.0], [2728, 3067, 69.0], [3067, 3380, 58.0], [3380, 3471, 19.0], [3471, 3667, 36.0], [3667, 3754, 17.0], [3754, 4371, 120.0], [4371, 4628, 46.0], [4628, 4863, 45.0], [4863, 5218, 71.0], [5218, 5467, 46.0], [5467, 5523, 10.0], [5523, 5918, 78.0], [5918, 6008, 17.0], [6008, 6135, 25.0], [6135, 6218, 16.0], [6218, 6328, 23.0], [6328, 6543, 43.0], [6543, 6865, 62.0], [6865, 6983, 24.0], [6983, 7035, 11.0], [7035, 7355, 54.0], [7355, 7416, 12.0], [7416, 7732, 66.0], [7732, 7788, 10.0], [7788, 8113, 64.0], [8113, 8286, 35.0], [8286, 8332, 8.0], [8332, 8677, 63.0], [8677, 9150, 92.0], [9150, 9183, 5.0], [9183, 9672, 89.0], [9672, 9711, 7.0], [9711, 10207, 97.0], [10207, 10235, 5.0], [10235, 10592, 63.0], [10592, 10992, 80.0], [10992, 11125, 6.0], [11125, 11193, 13.0], [11193, 11770, 104.0], [11770, 11806, 4.0], [11806, 12291, 87.0], [12291, 12318, 4.0], [12318, 12934, 117.0], [12934, 12977, 8.0], [12977, 13538, 108.0], [13538, 14091, 100.0], [14091, 14204, 6.0], [14204, 14255, 9.0], [14255, 14719, 87.0], [14719, 14830, 22.0], [14830, 14855, 4.0], [14855, 15322, 85.0], [15322, 15353, 7.0], [15353, 15646, 58.0], [15646, 15672, 5.0], [15672, 16033, 69.0], [16033, 16086, 9.0], [16086, 16474, 78.0], [16474, 16519, 7.0], [16519, 16764, 49.0], [16764, 17013, 46.0], [17013, 17034, 4.0], [17034, 17066, 3.0], [17066, 17081, 2.0], [17081, 17130, 10.0], [17130, 17156, 5.0], [17156, 17198, 7.0], [17198, 17230, 5.0], [17230, 17284, 10.0], [17284, 17858, 71.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 34, 0.0], [34, 52, 0.05882353], [52, 102, 0.12765957], [102, 602, 0.0], [602, 927, 0.0], [927, 1026, 0.0], [1026, 1472, 0.0], [1472, 1504, 0.0], [1504, 1804, 0.0], [1804, 1873, 0.0], [1873, 2266, 0.0], [2266, 2688, 0.0], [2688, 2728, 0.15789474], [2728, 3067, 0.0], [3067, 3380, 0.0], [3380, 3471, 0.0], [3471, 3667, 0.0], [3667, 3754, 0.0], [3754, 4371, 0.0], [4371, 4628, 0.0], [4628, 4863, 0.0], [4863, 5218, 0.0], [5218, 5467, 0.0], [5467, 5523, 0.11111111], [5523, 5918, 0.0], [5918, 6008, 0.0], [6008, 6135, 0.0], [6135, 6218, 0.0], [6218, 6328, 0.0], [6328, 6543, 0.0], [6543, 6865, 0.0], [6865, 6983, 0.0], [6983, 7035, 0.0], [7035, 7355, 0.0], [7355, 7416, 0.0], [7416, 7732, 0.0], [7732, 7788, 0.0], [7788, 8113, 0.0], [8113, 8286, 0.0], [8286, 8332, 0.13636364], [8332, 8677, 0.0], [8677, 9150, 0.0], [9150, 9183, 0.0], [9183, 9672, 0.0], [9672, 9711, 0.0], [9711, 10207, 0.00204082], [10207, 10235, 0.0], [10235, 10592, 0.0], [10592, 10992, 0.0], [10992, 11125, 0.05172414], [11125, 11193, 0.09090909], [11193, 11770, 0.0], [11770, 11806, 0.0], [11806, 12291, 0.0], [12291, 12318, 0.0], [12318, 12934, 0.0], [12934, 12977, 0.0], [12977, 13538, 0.0], [13538, 14091, 0.0], [14091, 14204, 0.01041667], [14204, 14255, 0.12244898], [14255, 14719, 0.0], [14719, 14830, 0.0], [14830, 14855, 0.0], [14855, 15322, 0.0], [15322, 15353, 0.0], [15353, 15646, 0.0], [15646, 15672, 0.0], [15672, 16033, 0.0], [16033, 16086, 0.0], [16086, 16474, 0.0], [16474, 16519, 0.0], [16519, 16764, 0.0], [16764, 17013, 0.0], [17013, 17034, 0.0], [17034, 17066, 0.0], [17066, 17081, 0.0], [17081, 17130, 0.0], [17130, 17156, 0.0], [17156, 17198, 0.0], [17198, 17230, 0.0], [17230, 17284, 0.0], [17284, 17858, 0.01279707]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 34, 0.0], [34, 52, 0.0], [52, 102, 0.0], [102, 602, 0.0], [602, 927, 0.0], [927, 1026, 0.0], [1026, 1472, 0.0], [1472, 1504, 0.0], [1504, 1804, 0.0], [1804, 1873, 0.0], [1873, 2266, 0.0], [2266, 2688, 0.0], [2688, 2728, 0.0], [2728, 3067, 0.0], [3067, 3380, 0.0], [3380, 3471, 0.0], [3471, 3667, 0.0], [3667, 3754, 0.0], [3754, 4371, 0.0], [4371, 4628, 0.0], [4628, 4863, 0.0], [4863, 5218, 0.0], [5218, 5467, 0.0], [5467, 5523, 0.0], [5523, 5918, 0.0], [5918, 6008, 0.0], [6008, 6135, 0.0], [6135, 6218, 0.0], [6218, 6328, 0.0], [6328, 6543, 0.0], [6543, 6865, 0.0], [6865, 6983, 0.0], [6983, 7035, 0.0], [7035, 7355, 0.0], [7355, 7416, 0.0], [7416, 7732, 0.0], [7732, 7788, 0.0], [7788, 8113, 0.0], [8113, 8286, 0.0], [8286, 8332, 0.0], [8332, 8677, 0.0], [8677, 9150, 0.0], [9150, 9183, 0.0], [9183, 9672, 0.0], [9672, 9711, 0.0], [9711, 10207, 0.0], [10207, 10235, 0.0], [10235, 10592, 0.0], [10592, 10992, 0.0], [10992, 11125, 0.0], [11125, 11193, 0.0], [11193, 11770, 0.0], [11770, 11806, 0.0], [11806, 12291, 0.0], [12291, 12318, 0.0], [12318, 12934, 0.0], [12934, 12977, 0.0], [12977, 13538, 0.0], [13538, 14091, 0.0], [14091, 14204, 0.0], [14204, 14255, 0.0], [14255, 14719, 0.0], [14719, 14830, 0.0], [14830, 14855, 0.0], [14855, 15322, 0.0], [15322, 15353, 0.0], [15353, 15646, 0.0], [15646, 15672, 0.0], [15672, 16033, 0.0], [16033, 16086, 0.0], [16086, 16474, 0.0], [16474, 16519, 0.0], [16519, 16764, 0.0], [16764, 17013, 0.0], [17013, 17034, 0.0], [17034, 17066, 0.0], [17066, 17081, 0.0], [17081, 17130, 0.0], [17130, 17156, 0.0], [17156, 17198, 0.0], [17198, 17230, 0.0], [17230, 17284, 0.0], [17284, 17858, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 34, 0.02941176], [34, 52, 0.05555556], [52, 102, 0.14], [102, 602, 0.012], [602, 927, 0.00923077], [927, 1026, 0.01010101], [1026, 1472, 0.00672646], [1472, 1504, 0.03125], [1504, 1804, 0.00666667], [1804, 1873, 0.01449275], [1873, 2266, 0.00508906], [2266, 2688, 0.007109], [2688, 2728, 0.15], [2728, 3067, 0.02064897], [3067, 3380, 0.01597444], [3380, 3471, 0.01098901], [3471, 3667, 0.00510204], [3667, 3754, 0.01149425], [3754, 4371, 0.00648298], [4371, 4628, 0.0077821], [4628, 4863, 0.01276596], [4863, 5218, 0.01126761], [5218, 5467, 0.01204819], [5467, 5523, 0.125], [5523, 5918, 0.01772152], [5918, 6008, 0.01111111], [6008, 6135, 0.00787402], [6135, 6218, 0.01204819], [6218, 6328, 0.00909091], [6328, 6543, 0.00930233], [6543, 6865, 0.00621118], [6865, 6983, 0.00847458], [6983, 7035, 0.01923077], [7035, 7355, 0.0125], [7355, 7416, 0.01639344], [7416, 7732, 0.00632911], [7732, 7788, 0.01785714], [7788, 8113, 0.00615385], [8113, 8286, 0.01156069], [8286, 8332, 0.10869565], [8332, 8677, 0.01449275], [8677, 9150, 0.01479915], [9150, 9183, 0.15151515], [9183, 9672, 0.01022495], [9672, 9711, 0.15384615], [9711, 10207, 0.00806452], [10207, 10235, 0.17857143], [10235, 10592, 0.00840336], [10592, 10992, 0.0125], [10992, 11125, 0.0075188], [11125, 11193, 0.11764706], [11193, 11770, 0.02079723], [11770, 11806, 0.11111111], [11806, 12291, 0.01030928], [12291, 12318, 0.11111111], [12318, 12934, 0.01298701], [12934, 12977, 0.18604651], [12977, 13538, 0.01426025], [13538, 14091, 0.01265823], [14091, 14204, 0.00884956], [14204, 14255, 0.11764706], [14255, 14719, 0.01077586], [14719, 14830, 0.00900901], [14830, 14855, 0.04], [14855, 15322, 0.00856531], [15322, 15353, 0.03225806], [15353, 15646, 0.01023891], [15646, 15672, 0.03846154], [15672, 16033, 0.00831025], [16033, 16086, 0.01886792], [16086, 16474, 0.00515464], [16474, 16519, 0.02222222], [16519, 16764, 0.01632653], [16764, 17013, 0.00803213], [17013, 17034, 0.19047619], [17034, 17066, 0.21875], [17066, 17081, 0.13333333], [17081, 17130, 0.16326531], [17130, 17156, 0.19230769], [17156, 17198, 0.14285714], [17198, 17230, 0.125], [17230, 17284, 0.12962963], [17284, 17858, 0.10278746]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 17858, 0.27979034]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 17858, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 17858, 0.1784215]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 17858, -732.94355805]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 17858, 115.57624325]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 17858, -2204.70197808]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 17858, 166.0]], "is_duplicate": true}
Oni Central Forum A forum for the Oni community Oni Central Portal OniGalore Wiki Oni Mod Depot » Anniversary Edition » Anniversary Edition Release! (2009-07) Pages: 1 2 3 … 16 Next #1 8/7/09 18:32 Anniversary Edition Release! (2009-07) After months of waiting, AE is back, and better than ever! Looking through the responses to previous releases, one thing is noticeable: not everybody wants the same thing out of AE. There were numerous comments about people loving one feature, but not wanting a different one. So, this release doesn't add as much new content as other releases added, but it does include a new framework and a great new program: the AE Installer. With the Installer, you have the choice of which mods you want to use, that change the gameplay, difficulty, or look of the game in a variety of ways. Just select the checkboxes of the mods you want, and hit the Install button. Changing the selection of mods will take no more than two minutes (less than a minute on most computers). The Installer is compatible with Windows 2000 and up and Mac OS X 10.3+ (Intel and PPC)*. As always, you'll need .NET installed if you use Windows, and "mono" installed if you are on a Mac.The secret to the new modular framework is the "mod package", and anyone who makes mods can distribute their mods in this easy-to-use format, which a player can then download from the Mod Depot and install into Oni with the AE Installer. This will be a much simpler way to enjoy the community's mods going forward. All of the mods in the previous AE releases have been included in the current release, and there are more mods that will be released in the coming weeks that didn't quite make it to today's release date. To install, unzip the download and place the "Edition" folder inside your Oni folder. Then run the Installer inside "Edition/install". Because this is the 1.0 release of the Installer, please don't be surprised if you find a bug or two. We've done the best we can to deliver a bug free release, but there are lots of possible situations that are hard to anticipate. One known bug: Do not install the AE while you are in an Oni directory in Windows Explorer or the Mac Terminal, as it might interfere with file operations.From now on we will also be including the latest patches for Oni in our AE releases, so that everything comes in one convenient bundle. The general idea from this point on is to release whatever we have on a monthly basis. That way, there won't be long delays between releases in the future and people won't wonder if anything's still happening :-). The central place for information about the Edition will always be the OniGalore wiki -- http://wiki.oni2.net/AE. The best place to report bugs and suggestions is right in this thread. Enjoy, The AE Team*Please note, the AE framework is currently not compatible with the demo for either system. However, we will be releasing a tweaked version of the demo, bundled with AE, so you can use AE even if you don't have the retail PC/Mac version of Oni.Download links:This is an old release no longer offered for download. See this topic for the latest release. Last edited by Iritscen (4/4/13 12:34) Iritscen: Iritscen: it's amazing this program even worksGumby: i knowIritscen: and that statement applies to my code, not just yours Wabisuke Re: Anniversary Edition Release! (2009-07) I'm downloading it now...Can't wait 2 try it..
{"url": "http://oni.bungie.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1027&p=1", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "oni.bungie.org", "date_download": "2015-08-27T21:23:27Z", "digest": "sha1:VVCTHJK5RU54HH2LLLBQ35HKACVDVIRU"}
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May 08: Vietnam and Halong Bay Halong Bay is best seen in a 2 day trip from Hanoi. The bay features thousands of islands, some jutting abruptly from the sea. The tourist industry is quite well developed, with half day, full day, and overnight charters and group trips available. I had my own boat, with just me, my guide and a crew of six. A bit too much carbon footprint for my tastes, bu tI had no idea what I was signing up for.
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Sei in: Home » Art & Design » Sfilata d’Amore e Moda Sfilata d’Amore e Moda Un vero inno al Made in Italy ed alla creatività italiana: ecco la sintesi della serata dello scorso 22 giugno ad Alghero, una delle località più suggestive del nord della Sardegna. Per il quarto anno consecutivo, il brand EAN 13 ha partecipato a “Sfilata d’Amore e Moda”, presentando in passerella i modelli della collezione Estate 2011 e dando alcune anticipazioni per il prossimo inverno. Testimonial d’eccezione della serata è stata Elenoire Casalegno che ha sfilato con un lungo abito nero impreziosito da applicazioni gioiello “Swarovski® Elements” che componevano la scritta “STAR” nei colori del verde rosso e bianco. Per l’occasione le ormai famose t-shirt della griffe EAN 13 sono state ornate con un fiocco tricolore sulle maniche. La Sfilata di Moda e Amore è in onda il 27 giugno su Rete 4 in prima serata. Brindisi tricolore Per celebrare il 150° anniversario dell’Unità d’Italia i Fratelli Ramazzotti scendono in campo con la scuderia tricolore: ROSSO come la passione per il gusto e… Limited edition by Canadiens® Canadiens® celebra l’anniversario della sua terra d’origine, colorando di bianco, rosso e verde i suoi capi. Nasce così Rafael, una felpa disinvolta e adatta per… Omaggio ai 150 anni dell’unità d’Italia Durante il defilé del 26 febbraio, la stilista Francesca Severi ha presentato al pubblico e alla stampa il suo omaggio ai 150 anni dell’Unità d’Italia:…
{"url": "http://www.whichmagazine.it/sfilata-d%E2%80%99amore-e-moda/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "www.whichmagazine.it", "date_download": "2022-06-24T22:26:24Z", "digest": "sha1:L54G27HL6MFPL5ICOM6BEU3ZCRBYIIT5"}
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El diario de Teófilo Echegaray es la principal publicación digital de San Juan, y ha logrado en estos cuatro años el reconocimiento de los lectores. Nuestras felicitaciones y que el “Libre” siga creciendo. Ya es un patrimonio de la vida pública de San Juan.
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| ARCHAEOLOGY | CHINESE | FISHING | GOLD MINING | INDIGENOUS HISTORY | | SKIING | SNOWY SCHEME IMPACT | SNOW LEASES | THE COOPER SCANDAL | The Demon Snow Shoes - Barcroft Boake Hugh Capel - Kiandra Gold Tabletop Press The Alpine Pioneer (Goldfields Newspaper) Paddy Kerrigan's History Pages Trixie Clugston's Historical Collection Family Histories: Patericks Pattinsons Kiandra Historical Society Lob's Hole Snowpoles Murray Jack, King of the Wogal Picture kindly provided with permission from the Cooma-Monaro Historical Society The Original Inhabitants of Kiandra by Lindsay Smith Among the weapons carried by the Aborigines of the Monaro were tomahawks, fashioned of stone, which they obtained near the Snowy River, at Buckley's Crossing. Basalt, or diorite chips, and complete weapons were still found in the area in 1926 (Mitchell 1926:35). On the upper reaches of the Snowy River, close to the Eucumbene River, another area also provided similar raw material for Aboriginal implements. The original inhabitants knew it as Giandarra and its name meant 'stone used for making knives' (Department of Lands 1959). Giandarra, variously called Gorandarra (Gregors 1982:4), Goandara (Clarke 1860), Giandara (Moye 1959:9) and Guyandra (Dowd), later became known as Kiandra under European occupation. Aboriginal people had been visiting these areas of the highlands of south-eastern Australia for over 20,000 years and, as with the rest of Australia, the region was the territory of a particular group or "tribe" with its own language and identity (Flood 1996:3). Aborigines who spoke the Ngarigo language inhabited most of the Snowy Mountains, and the surrounding uplands, for a distance of about 200km to the north and south, and east for about 120km from Mount Kosciusczko, which was on the western boundary of Ngarigo territory. A neighbouring linguistic group, the Wolgal (also called the Walgalu), was probably a sub-group of the Ngarigo. The Wolgal were located at the headwaters of the Murrumbidgee and Tumut rivers, at Kiandra, south to Tintaldra, and northeast to near Queanbeyan (Tindale 1974:199). Long before the arrival of Europeans, these groups intensively exploited the food resources of the upper montane valleys and alpine zone of the Snowy Mountains during the summer months (Flood 1980:127). In early summer Aborigines from surrounding and more distant regions joined them. Non-resident Ngarigo speakers came from the Monaro district immediately to the north, Ngunawal speakers from the southern tablelands, and Yuin speakers from the south-east coast of Australia, while other groups arrived from territory to the south of the Snowy Mountains (Flood 1980:73). At such time hundreds and possibly well over a thousand Aborigines, belonging to at least three major language groups, gathered to strengthen social and political links, and to feast upon a unique food source in the southeastern highlands - the small brown Bogong moth (Agrotis infusa). Millions of these moths aestivate during summer on the mountains tops of the Great Dividing Range in the Australian Capital Territory, the Snowy Mountains and the Victorian Alps (Flood 1996:12). Aborigines had gathered in such numbers to harvest the moths for thousands of years. However, due to major demographic and social changes that had occurred in south-eastern Australia as a result of European settlement, it is likely that the composition of tribal groups and sub-groups seen by early white settlers at these ceremonial grounds may not have been exactly the same as in pre-contact times (Kamminga 1992:106). The importance of this unique food source and therefore the importance of the region to Aboriginal people should not be underestimated. Its significance to social, political and economic alliances between different language groups in south-eastern Australia can be seen in the large number of people in attendance. The event was certainly a significant one if, of the possibly 25,000 Aborigines in NSW in the 1840s and 1850s (Jupp 1988:76), perhaps over 1,000 (or over 4%) of them attended the annual congregation in the Snowy Mountains region. The estimated lower population density of the Monaro and the Southern Tablelands compared to other richer coastal or riverine areas of NSW (Flood 1996:36) also adds statistical weight to the importance of the gatherings. The density of Ngarigo people was estimated to be 1 person per 36 square kilometres in 1828 compared with 1 person per half a kilometre in Sydney in 1788 (Gregors 1982:26). Although these gatherings continued, and were well attended, into the 1850s and early 1860s, declining numbers and shattered social and economic conditions resulted in the last moth hunt being held in 1865 (Flood 1996:17). Nevertheless, initial contact between Aborigines of the Snowy Mountains region and Europeans appears to have been peaceful. On the first official exploratory journey southwards, towards Cooma in 1823, Currie and Ovens met a group of Aborigines who had never seen Europeans and who fled at their approach. With the help of their Aboriginal assistant, and biscuits, the two groups parted on friendly terms (Mitchell 1926:18). Further to the southwest, when exploring the Tumut district in 1824-25, Hume wrote in his diary of having met a party of Aborigines in the Tarcutta area We came on by surprise a party of eight men who, on seeing our bullocks, fled and concealed themselves in some reeds on a creek. One of these men was dressed in an old yellow jacket and spoke a few words of English and had been to Lake George. They had among them one iron axe and four steel tomahawks. The next day about 40 able bodied men returned and asked us to go to their camp so that the women and picaninnies could see us. . . . Many of the children took hold of my hands and patted me. At the request of the men I named some of the children. . . . The men were the finest specimen we have ever seen, some standing six feet tall and well proportioned, and possessed what is unusual among natives, well formed legs. . . . (Bridle 1979:5-6) On the whole, the Aborigines of the Snowy Mountains region appear to have continued such amicable relationships with the first white settlers who arrived in the area, possibly as early as 1828. However they could not escape the ravages of the diseases that preceded and accompanied the Europeans, or the upheaval of their traditional lifestyles. As with most of the rest of Australia, the Aboriginal population of the Snowy Mountains region began to decline not long after the arrival of white settlers in the area. The Aboriginal groups living on the tablelands northeast of the Snowy Mountains were disintegrating by at least 1834 (Lhotsky 1835). William Hamilton, a Presbyterian Minister appointed by the Presbytery of NSW to perform pastoral duties in the county of Argyle and adjacent parts wrote to a friend in March 1839 that The Aboriginal natives are not very numerous yet a few are found everywhere. I believe they have very much decreased since the settlers with their convict servants came among them and they are likely to decrease, not that they are now frequently killed by the whites in these parts which have been for some years settled but because they have few children or at least few that are seen growing up. (Hamilton, 16th March 1839) In January 1842, John Lambie, the "Commissioner of Crown Lands for the District of Maneroo to the Eastward of the Snowy Mountains in New South Wales", wrote that The aborigines of this district, with the exception of the coast tribes, may be said to be almost in their primitive state. . . . The natives belonging to the tribes to the westward of the coast range are very little employed by stock owners, except a few occasionally, in washing sheep; they preserve their original habits of hunting, and are constantly moving from place to place (Mitchell 1926:35) It even appears that the Snowy Mountains themselves were unkind to the dwindling Aboriginal population of the area. The Rev. W.B. Clarke who traversed the southern alpine area during 1851 and 1852 testifies to the severity of the climate and its effects on a party of Aborigines . . . though not ready to shrink from difficulties and not unwilling to encounter adventures, I did not think it prudent to contend with the inclemency of the approaching winter in an inhospitable position among the mountains; when I recollected that the month was May [1852], and that in the month of March preceding, a party of Aborigines, coming from the Murray River to Maneroo, were overtaken in a snow storm, and that, whilst one man was severely frost-burnt and crippled, two others were completely smothered in the drift, within a short distance of the very spot upon which I and my party encamped on the 22nd and 23rd December, 1851 (Clarke 1860:221). Despite a rapidly declining population and overwhelming European influence, those remaining Aborigines in the Snowy Mountains region sought to retain their traditional ways into the 1860s. W.P. Bluett wrote that his father bought Pinbean run in 1858. The farm included land from the Yarrangobilly River near the Caves to the Tumut River. The homestead was about 20 miles (32km) from what was later called the Kiandra Diggings. Due to the unavailability of white labour at the end of the 1850s and into the 1860s, his father employed Aborigines to work as station hands on the farm, but that they were found to be inefficient because of their "compelling walk-about" (Moye 1959:2). Possibly the only direct observation of Aborigines at Kiandra was in 1877 by Mr Tyers, a Government official. He wrote of "a small and pathetic group of the remnants of a number of tribes that frequented the alpine goldfields, addicted to opium" (Feary 1994:10). The last of the 'tribal' Aboriginal people of the Tumut area died in the 1870s (Bridle 1979:6), Nellie Hamilton, the last 'tribal' Aborigine of the Canberra district died in 1897 (Flood 1996:37), and Biggenhook, the last 'tribal' Aborigine of the Cooma area, died in 1916 aged about 62 (Mitchell 1926:35). Lindsay M. Smith BA UNE, GradDipArts(Prehistory) MA ANU ~ o0o ~ Bridle, J., 1979, Talbingo, Tumut & Adelong Times, Tumut, NSW. Clarke, W.B., 1860, Researches in the Southern Gold Fields of New South Wales, Reading and Wellbank, Sydney. Department of Lands, 1959, Letter to Mr. D. Howard concerning the centenary of the Kiandra gold rush, 10 February 1959. Feary, S., 1994, Draft Management Plan for Kiandra, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Flood, J., 1980, The Moth Hunters, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra. Flood, J., 1996, Moth Hunters of the Australian Capital Territory: Aboriginal traditional life in the Canberra region, J. M. Flood, Canberra. Gregors, G., 1982, Kiandra Precinct Plan, a management plan prepared for National Parks and Wildlife Service, April 1982. Hamilton, W., 1839, Letter to John Res Esq. Greenock, 16th March 1839, Unpublished Manuscript, National Library of Australia, MS 2117. Jupp, J., 1988, Australian encyclopaedia. Kamminga, J., 1992, 'Aboriginal Settlement and Prehistory of the Snowy Mountains', in B. Scougall (ed.) Cultural Heritage of the Australian Alps: proceedings of the 1991 Symposium, Australian Alps Liaison Committee. Lhotsky, J., 1834, A Journey from Sydney to the Australian Alps, Undertaken in the Months of January, February and March 1834, Geological Society, London. Mitchell, F.F. (ed.), 1926, Back to Cooma Celebrations, The Direct Publicity Company, Cooma. Moye, D.G. (ed.), 1959, Historic Kiandra: a guide to the history of the district, Cooma-Monaro Historical Society, Cooma. Tindale, N.B., 1974, Aboriginal Tribes of Australia: Their terrain, environmental controls, distribution, limits, and proper names, Australian National University Press, Canberra.
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U.S. sensors detect Russian submarines near underwater cables By: Peter Kastella Posted: Oct 29, 2015 6:55 AM CDT Washington (CNN)When a Russian military ship called the Yantar suddenly crossed the Atlantic and started moving down the East Coast of the United States last month, it set off alarm bells inside the world of U.S. naval intelligence. U.S. spy satellites, aircraft and submarines tracked the ship all the way down the coast to Cuba, according to two U.S. defense officials. It had been years since the U.S. had seen this type of activity by the Russians, officials said. While the Russians have insisted the Yantar is not a spy ship, U.S. naval intelligence believes it has one significant and unsettling capability: small underwater vehicles that can cut vital undersea cables carrying vast amounts of commercial and military data, voice communications and Internet service between the U.S. and Europe. Some of these details were first reported by the New York Times. U.S. officials told CNN there was no indication that the Russians have any intention of cutting the cables, but they said that they are showing off their capability to U.S. naval intelligence by their actions. It comes as the U.S. has watched for the last several months as Russian submarines in deep water have come close to the undersea cables. A classified network of Navy undersea sensors have been set off several times as the submarines approached the cables. The officials said the Russians would be aware in broad terms that their actions would cause the network to detect them. READ: U.S. assessment on Russia in Syria: A 'strategic blunder' The U.S. Navy considers all submarine operations to be highly classified and is almost always reluctant to talk about them. But earlier this month, the top U.S. Navy commander publicly addressed the rise in Russian submarine operations. "The proficiency and operational tempo of the Russian submarine force is increasing," according to Adm. Mark Ferguson, Commander of U.S. Naval Force Europe. "According to Russian Navy Chief Adm. Chirkov, the 'intensity' of Russian submarine patrols has risen by almost 50% over the last year," Ferguson told an audience in Washington. Or as another Navy official put it to CNN: "Russian submarine deployments are through the roof." Ferguson said Russia has increased the rate of operations to a level not seen in over decade. He also pointed to Russian naval expansion in the Arctic and more than $2 billion in investment in the Black Sea fleet. They underscore what the U.S. Navy sees as a Russian military goal -- to broaden their naval operations and demonstrate a capability to control maritime areas during conflict. "Russia has introduced new capabilities such as newer and more stealthy nuclear-powered attack and ballistic missile defense submarines. They are also expanding the reach of their conventional submarines with advanced cruise missiles," Ferguson said. In September, the first Russian Kilo class submarine with a conventional Kaliber cruise missile moved from the North Sea to the Black Sea, bringing that weapon within range of Eastern Europe, according to the U.S. Navy.
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TORONTO, ON/CANADA - SEPTEMBER 10, 2011: Anna Ferris poses for pictures at the 2011 Toronto International Film Festival en route to the screening of Moneyball on September 10, 2011 in Toronto Copyright: Dan Kosmayer Editorial Credit: Dan Kosmayer / Shutterstock.com TORONTO, ON/CANADA - SEPTEMBER 13, 2011: Keira Knightley and Vigo Mortensen stop and pose for the media en route to the screening of their film "A Dangerous Method" on September 13, 2011 in Toronto BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 16: Alicia Vikander attends the 'En Kongelig Affaere' Premiere during of the 62nd Berlin Film Festival at the Berlinale Palast on February 16, 2012 in Berlin, Germany CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 23: Director Benicio Del Toro attends ' 7 Dias en la Habana' Photocal at Palais des Festivals on May 23, 2012 in Cannes, France. BERLIN, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 16: Mads Mikkelsen attends the 'En Kongelig Affaere' Premiere during of the 62nd Berlin Film Festival at the Berlinale Palast on February 16, 2012 in Berlin, Germany HONG KONG - APRIL 10: the Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade (Avenue of the Stars) in Hong Kong on April 10 2011. The Avenue of Stars is located along the Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong. TORONTO, ON/CANADA - SEPTEMBER 13, 2011: Keira and Vigo Stop and pose for the media en route to the screening of their film "A Dangerous Method" on September 13, 2011 in Toronto anna ferris, fanfare, gala, house bunny, moneyball, paparazzi, september 9th, stars,
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Votre adresse email : 16 septembre - « 50 ans d’histoire du logement pour personnes à mobilité réduite ... Et maintenant ? » A l’occasion de ses 50 ans, l’ANLH (Association Nationale pour le logement des personnes handicapées) vous invite à son colloque : « 50 ans d’histoire du logement pour personnes à mobilité réduite ... Et maintenant ? » Le vendredi 16 septembre 2016, de 9h00 à 16h30, au MCE, 118 rue de l’aqueduc, 1050 Ixelles Ci-joint, vous trouverez le programme de la journée et l’organisation des ateliers prévus en après-midi. Les interventions seront traduites en français - néerlandais. Inscrivez-vous au plus vite, les places sont limitées : >>> Pour télécharger le programme de la journée, cliquez ici >>> Pour télécharger le bulletin d’inscription, cliquez ici Pour permettre aux personnes à mobilité réduite de rejoindre plus aisément la salle, nous vous proposons un service navette adaptée depuis la gare du Midi. Ce service est gratuit mais une réservation préalable est obligatoire.
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Piers Morgan Threatens to Self-Deport Over Gun Laws There's no need to deport Piers Morgan from the United States; he's apparently happy to see himself out! The CNN anchor-and native Brit - said he may deport himself over the country's gun control laws. Just days before, more than 90,000 people signed a petition calling for his deportation to protest his attack on the Second Amendment, which protects Americans' rights to bear arms. In a column for The Daily Mail, Morgan argued against those who have said the Sandy Hook tragedy calls for more armed guards in schools, and more guns. "Everyone must be armed," he wrote. "To me, this is a warped, twisted logic that bears no statistical analysis and makes no sense. Do you fight drug addiction with more cocaine? Alcoholism with more Jack Daniel's? Of course not." Morgan, 47, said he understands citizens should be allowed to own guns to hunt or for the purposes of self-defense, but said the United States needed to put stricter gun laws into effect just like Britain did after a similar massacre at Dunblane Primary School in Scotland in 1996. "The 'more guns, less crime' argument is utter nonsense. Britain, after Dunblane, introduced some of the toughest gun laws in Europe, and we average just 35 gun murders a year." Remember when Justin Timberlake had curls? Check out the most dramatic celebrity makeovers Added Morgan: "If you don't change your gun laws to at least try to stop this relentless tidal wave of murderous carnage, then you don't have to worry about deporting . Although I love the country as a second home and one that has treated me incredibly well, I would, as a concerned parent first - and latterly, of a one-year-old daughter who may attend an American elementary school like Sandy Hook in three years' time - seriously consider deporting myself." What do you think of Morgan's comments? View original Piers Morgan Threatens to Self-Deport Over Gun Laws at TVGuide.com Thousands Sign Petition to Deport Piers Morgan
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Informe de los comités regionales al Consejo Ejecutivo: informe del Director General B142_34-sp.pdf (‎72.62Kb)‎ Consejo Ejecutivo, 142. (‎2017)‎. Informe de los comités regionales al Consejo Ejecutivo: informe del Director General. Organización Mundial de la Salud. https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/274385 EB142/34 Informes de los directores regionales sobre acontecimientos regionales de importancia, incluidos los asuntos tratados por los comités regionales: informe del Director Regional para las AméricasInformes de los directores regionales sobre acontecimientos regionales de importancia, incluidos los asuntos tratados por los comités regionales: informe del Director Regional para las Américas  Consejo Ejecutivo, 85 (‎EB85/10, 1989)‎ Informe financiero sobre las cuentas de la OMS en 1998-1999, informe del Comisario de Cuentas y observaciones formuladas al respecto en nombre del Consejo Ejecutivo; informe del Auditor Interno: primer informe del Comité de Administración, Presupuesto y Finanzas del Consejo Ejecutivo a la 53ª Asamblea Mundial de la Salud  Asamblea Mundial de la Salud, 53 (‎A53/18, 2000)‎ Informe financiero interino no comprobado sobre las cuentas de la OMS en 1998; informe del Comisario de Cuentas; informe del Auditor Interno: primer informe del Comité de Administración, Presupuesto y Finanzas del Consejo Ejecutivo a la 52ª Asamblea Mundial de la Salud 
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Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone!! I hope this years holiday season was filled with more joy than tears for all of you! Just wanted to write a quick post and spill out some of my feelings somewhere...I am aware most of the readers I had before probably aren't even keeping up anymore...so this is really just a therapeutic place for me to vent at this point...anyway... January 4 is always a hard day for me...it would've been my father's 61st birthday, and should have been Hannah's seventh birthday...but neither of them are here on this earth to celebrate ... Both were taken far too soon... To top it off, I started AF that day, which only reminded me that my body is broken...that I will never bring forth life again from my womb...it doesn't help that there are new babies all around the church too...I am not so bitter anymore that I can't be happy for them, I truly am... I just hate the odds at which we have been faced with. And I'm not sure the pain associated with that will ever go away. I did however conquer a little bit of a fear I had, despite the day starting off emotional and difficult...for the first time in almost 2 years, I sang with the worship team at church. I'm not going to go into details about why this was such a big deal for me, other than lightly touching on the fact that our previous church had laid on us a bunch of hurtful things, that was detrimental to us ever serving in the body of Christ again, so the fact that we are even attending another church to begin with, let alone starting to serve in ministry is a huge deal! After church was over I felt really good...I felt accomplished, because I never thought I would be up there again... But by the time I got home my heart was aching again... No matter how many good things I tried to meditate on, and no matter how many wonderful things happen, my heart just hurts... It has become clear to me through the years that no matter how much time passes my heart will never fully heal...No matter how much I try to make myself Move on, it never works... There will always be a part of me that cries for what "should" have been... For my Dad...For Hannah... For ALL our babies ... January 4 should've been a great day of celebration... But instead, it's just another day that Reminds me you're not here... Posted by MegDE2015 at 12:06 PM
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Holy smokes, comrades! I've had a tremendous insight today, and I want to share it with you! It's the meaning of music, or at least how I see it. But before you hear that story, you have to hear this one... Half a lifetime ago, but then again, that's not too long, I went through a phase that perhaps some of you could relate to. I would become intensely interested in various topics - paleontology, ornithology, magic, and photography, for example, and not unlike those love songs you hear over the speakers at the supermarket, I'd want to be with them forever. Further drawing on the grocery store analogy, it would then evolve into a tabloid story of "Josh tells paleontology he's finished." OK, scratch that, I guess nobody can relate to that. Imagine my concern when I found guitar. I kept waiting for it to wear off, but it never did. The closest I ever came to quitting was two years ago, lugging amps through a bad section of Baltimore on my way to a low paying gig. "What are those cameras for on the street lights, man? Oh those? Police cameras...There's usually been a murder on those streets if there's a camera." I got through the gig alright, and after a few weeks, seemed to be back on the bandwagon, if you'll pardon the pun. But still, there was that nagging doubt I had felt for years. When I read the articles with the guitar greats, saying how they could lock themselves in the cellar and practice arpeggios for 25 hours day at warp speed, have fun, and not want to do anything else, I couldn't relate to it at all. I mean, I could work all day at music, but I liked the blue sky and the breeze, and wandering around cities and watching trains. So where did this leave me? Cut to yesterday. Wandering on back to the kitchen at my studio building, I picked up the latest issue of a popular guitar magazine that had arrived in the mail that morning. Waiting to hear the tasty "beep!" of the microwave announcing the completion of the veggie burgers, I thumbed through the pages and got more and more ticked. BOY was it stale. It was either about old players telling the same old stories, or new players sounding like the old players, or an impossible permutation of an exotic scale "explained." Sure, I realized my sadness that I can't shred like Steve or Joe was probably a big part of it, but I was really annoyed. It seemed that I might have reached the end of my interest. Yet, I knew that it wasn't music I was frustrated with, only the way it was portrayed. I teach in analogies, and I guess I think in them, too. I was driving along today, and, to borrow a term from my mom, it's like my car is a magic phone booth or zephyr or something. I get the coolest ideas in it. Well, all of a sudden, I realized what it was: It was if I was reading a writing magazine, and they were discussing Charles Dickens' choice of writing utensil, and if the latest brand of paper was really true to Tolstoy's legacy. Missed was the story, message, very picture of life itself that these great artists were writing about. I got really enthused about this train of thought. It means that I'm no longer just resigned to re-processing the same tired old scales and cliches. It means that they are brushes and paints with which to portray and interpret the world as I would like to share it. Music as a sonic camera - that's what it really is. Vignettes of life, portraits of the ordinary and gut wrenching, a still life of the city. All of it, and the music is just the vehicle with which these pictures and feelings are conveyed. A camera is lame just sitting up on a shelf, and music can get boring if we're just living and breathing the notes, not living and breathing what the notes can coonvey. There's only 12 notes, and only 3 colors, but man, can we paint with 'em. I love cars, but for all the shop talk, I love what they allow me to do more. I love that they allow me to show up somewhere and change the world. Sure, it was nice to have a Chevy 350 get me there (or D Dorian mode), but the things I accomplish once I'm there mean much more to me than how I got there. And so is it with music. Now, this is not to say that hard work and discipline are out the window. If I'm a sculptor, and I want to convey an idea using a metal sculpture, well, I'll have to learn to weld. I can't just paint it. And that might take some practice. But it's practice for a purpose. I'm so excited. Now I can drink in that blue sky...and tell the world about it with a song. What a great way to end 2010. I've finally, finally got something that makes sense to me! Happy New Year! I'm off to go interpret the world! Funny how a hat... Holiday music picks! The color of music
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Se connecter Ouvrir un compte Lever des fonds Analyse des villes Comprendre la SCPI Crowdfunding immobilier < Retour au blog Les solutions existantes pour les besoins en fonds propres L’apport en fonds propres est la question cruciale pour chaque promoteur, quelque soit la taille de la société. L’enjeu est de trouver un moyen de minimiser autant que possible l’immobilisation de fonds dans une seule opération afin tout d’abord de réduire son exposition au risque mais également de conserver un certain effet de levier pour le développement d’autres opérations à côté. Les très grosses sociétés de promotion immobilière telles que Vinci, Bouygues, Nexity, Kaufman&Broad ou encore Altarea Cogedim pour ne citer que les plus importantes, n’ont bien évidemment pas les mêmes contraintes financières et peuvent se permettre de financer seule leurs fonds propres (sachant que les banques accorderont à ces groupes un apport à hauteur de 10% à 15% pour l’obtention du crédit). Mais pour les TPE et les PME, plusieurs solutions sont possibles comme la co-promotion (de plus en plus utilisée même par le top 10 des promoteurs français dans certains cas), l’appel à des fonds d’investissement ou investisseurs privés et plus récemment le financement participatif. La co-promotion Afin de réaliser plus d’une opération par an et donc de générer plus de profit, les promoteurs s’associent parfois sur un même projet. En général les tâches restent assez distinctes. Dans la plupart des cas, un promoteur apporte le terrain et le projet en soi. La gestion des travaux et la partie maître d’ouvrage lui incombent. L’autre promoteur a généralement un rôle purement financier. Cela n’exclue pas une gestion de certains aspects du chantier. Cette solution a plusieurs avantages. Tout d’abord, d’un point de vue professionnel, elle permet de nouer des liens avec un autre promoteur qui pourra à son tour, plus tard, apporter une nouvelle opération ou des financements. Souvent le promoteur apportant les fonds est plus connu que l’autre et cela permet à ce dernier de bénéficier de l’aura et de la notoriété du premier. L’inconvénient de la co-promotion est que la marge et les profits dégagés de l’opération seront partagés à 50/50 entre les deux acteurs. L’entrée au « tour de table » Le promoteur immobilier peut également faire appel à un investisseur privé, sous forme d’un fond d’investissement ou d’un family office. On utilise alors l’expression de « l’entrée au tour de table », c’est-à-dire que l’on invite un acteur extérieur à s’associer au promoteur pour le financement en fonds propres. Traditionnellement, ces acteurs sont donc des fonds d’investissements, des banques, des assurances… Le rôle du partenaire ici est purement financier et en aucun cas décisionnel ou opérationnel. L’avantage de tels partenariats est que bien souvent ces fonds institutionnels se positionnent sur plusieurs opérations et permettent donc de générer un effet de levier assez considérable pour le promoteur. Malheureusement, tout comme la co-promotion, la marge est là aussi partagée. Rajoutons que ces investisseurs sont souvent difficile d’accès, encore plus pour les promoteurs immobiliers se situant en province. Le crowdfunding immobilier Forme plus récente du financement participatif, le crowdfunding immobilier permet de lever des fonds pour les promoteurs auprès d’investisseurs particuliers par l’intermédiaire de plateformes spécialisées. La différence essentielle dans ce modèle c’est que la marge du projet n’est à aucun moment partagée ou imputée au promoteur. Les fonds sont apportés en échange d’une rémunération fixe établie contractuellement en amont (un pourcentage de la levée pour la plateforme et un taux d’intérêt pour les investisseurs). Les investisseurs arrivent à un moment où le risque de l’opération est déjà moins élevé (permis purgé, pré-commercialisation engagée à 40/50% et accord de principe pour le prêt bancaire sous garantie de l’apport des fonds propres pour lesquels ces derniers sont sollicités). Alors qu’en 2015 le montant des fonds levés en crowdfunding immobilier était de 30 millions, il dépasse aujourd’hui les 200 millions. Comment expliquer l’explosion de cette solution de financement pour les promoteurs immobiliers ? Nous vous l'expliquerons dans la dernière partie de cette saga consacrée au financement de la promotion immobilière. Vous êtes un professionnel de l'immobilier et recherchez une solution de financement pur vos fonds propres ? N'hésitez pas à nous contacter ! La promotion Immobilière Acteurs de la promotion immobilière Financement fonds propres Crédit bancaire promoteur immobilier Garantie Financière d’Achèvement (GFA) La Vente d’Immeuble à Rénover (VIR) Dommages-ouvrage Les placements Placement épargne Placement immobilier Placement trésorerie Crowdfunding Financement participatif immobilier Investissement participatif Investissement locatif Meilleurs rendements Dans quoi investir ? Investir dans l'immobilier Investir dans l'immobilier neuf Investir en SCPI Investir en Pinel Investir en Malraux Investir en PEA Investir dans l'assurance-vie Quelle fiscalité pour vos placements ? Fiscalité Immobilière Fiscalité SCPI Fiscalité Pinel Fiscalité Malraux Fiscalité de l'assurance-vie 60 Rue Jouffroy d'Abbans - 75017 Paris Qu'est-ce que le financement participatif ? Investir dans une place de parking : un bon investissement ? Comment se constituer un patrimoine équilibré (et pour quel rendement) ? La digitalisation de l'immobilier Informations légales - CGU - Politique de confidentialité * AVERTISSEMENT : Les projets proposés présentent un risque de perte partielle ou totale du capital investi ainsi qu'un risque d'illiquidité. Le site www.homunity.com présente les activités des sociétés HOMUNITY, qui propose un service de conseil en investissements participatifs, et HOMUNITY PATRIMOINE, qui propose un service de conseil en investissements financiers. SAS HOMUNITY, conseiller en investissements participatifs immatriculé auprès de l’Organisme pour le registre unique des intermédiaires en assurance, banque et finance (ORIAS) sous le n°16003112. SAS au capital de 20 542 € dont le siège social est sis 60, Rue Jouffroy d'Abbans - 75017 Paris et immatriculée au RCS de Paris sous le n°804 388 627 | Membre de Financement participatif France, association agréée par l'Autorité des marchés financiers | Responsabilité civile professionnelle AIG n°2.401.596. SAS HOMUNITY PATRIMOINE, conseiller en investissements financiers immatriculé auprès de l’ORIAS sous le n° 20006511. SAS au capital de 100 € dont le siège social est sis 60, Rue Jouffroy d'Abbans - 75017 Paris et immatriculée au RCS de Paris sous le n°878 561 067 | Membre de la Chambre nationale des conseillers en investissements financiers, association agréée par l'Autorité des marchés financiers | Responsabilité civile professionnelle AIG n°RD01279700G Copyright © 2020 Homunity En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies permettant de vous proposer des services adaptés à vos besoins. Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus... ×
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Home Rugby Watch: Blitzbokke Encapsulate Elite Qualities Of Rugby Sevens Watch: Blitzbokke Encapsulate Elite Qualities Of Rugby Sevens The PA Team August 5, 2016 The South African sevens side – otherwise known as the Blitzbokke – currently stand as the second best side in world sevens rugby right now and will be heading into the Rio Olympics with hopes sky high for Olympic gold. The Blitzbokke were without doubt one of the predominant quality sides of the 2015/16 World Series circuit as they were genuine title challengers for seven of the ten legs, coming third in Las Vegas, Hong Kong and Singapore while finishing as runners-up at the Wellington, London and Vancouver legs. South Africa did manage to claim the number one spot at their home event where they defeated Argentina 29-14 in the final. The quality within the South African sevens squad is unquestioned with the likes of current World Series Sevens player of the year Werner Kok having been named in the squad despite missing the entirety of the 2015/16 season with a knee injury. While Kok’s class ensured his place within the plane to Brazil, other star talent did not prove to be as lucky with Byran Habana unable to break into the Olympic squad despite his generational talent. Francois Hougaard and Ryan Kankowski were other XV disciples that did not successfully make the leap, even though Hougaard has been included as one of the two travelling replacements. 14-time capped Springbok Juan de Jongh has however been named in the squad. The Blitzbokke have been staging one-off tournaments on home soil so as to cement their preparations ahead of the tournament where they have been grouped with France, Australia and Spain. Speaking to the press head coach Neil Powell detailed the challenge that awaits: “For us for the season, it was important to finish either first or second,” added Powell. “We knew that Pool C is going to be a tough pool… with four top circuit teams. Playing France first is going to be a tough one. With France, you never know what you’re going to get. If they pitch up on the day, then you’ll probably get the best team in the world.” “Although we have a good track record against Australia this year – we’ve played them eight times, beat them six times, lost two times – nothing is a given out there. You still have to respect every single opponent you play against, even Spain, that we’re going to play in the second game of the tournament. “It’s going to be different. One-off tournaments are different. They’re will put everything they have into every single game they will play, and you must make sure that you are 100-percent ready for those Games and that you’ve done your homework on those different opponents.” The Blitzbokke’s 2015/16 season came to a bitterly disappointing end when reputation would have suggested that the London sevens title was in the bag as they came up against Scotland in the final only to lose out by a single point. While South Africa are one of the favourites to succeed in Rio, such is the nature of sevens that anyone can win on the day thus meaning Powell’s men must not take anything for granted. (source via olympic.org) Blitzbokke byran habana Francois Hougaard juan de jongh rugby sevens Ryan Kankowski south africa werner kok 2016-08-05
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Budget Blinds of Costa Mesa How Do You Know Which Roller Shades In Santa Ana Are Right For Your Home? By Ed Burns Have you been looking at window treatments for your home’s windows? Did you decide to go with roller shades in Santa Ana for all your windows, but hesitate because you are unsure how to know which shades are the right option for each room? This is a common problem, but there are some things that you can do, ask yourself and pay attention to that will help make your final selection easy to make. The first thing you need to do is to do is to determine what your budget is. These window shades come in a variety of style options with varying prices. By figuring out what your budget is, you will be able to eliminate any shades that are out of your price range. Second, in the room you are trying to find the right window coverings for, it is important to consider the home décor you have chosen. This will help you find the option that complements that décor the best. This will help you achieve the exact look and feel you want for that entire room easily. The third thing to ask yourself is, how much light control do you want in each room. These window shades provide a variety of light filtering options to choose from. Knowing how much light you want to allow into each room will help you decide on the option that allows in the correct amount of sunlight. You need to remember that you don’t need the same amount of light control in every room. For example, in the kitchen, you may want to allow in more sunlight than you would in the bedrooms where room darkening shades would be a good idea. Fourth, use your personal style to help you make the final decision. These window treatments are going to be up on your windows for a long time. That means you need to choose an option you are going to love for years to come. The best way to do that is to use your personal style to help you choose the shades you know you will love for a long time. That way you are happy with your final selection and will love looking at it each time you enter the room it is in. By doing these things, asking yourself the right questions, and paying attention to the right things, you can easily find the right roller shades in Santa Ana that are right for each room. Just make sure you take your time on making your selection, so that when you make the final decision for each room, you do that with confidence. April 15, 2021 By Ed Burns 4 Tips To Make Choosing Blinds In Santa Ana For Your Home Simple January 14, 2021 By Ed Burns eburns@budgetblinds.com Monday-Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Costa Mesa, Santa Ana, Catalina Island, Avalon Follow Budget Blinds of Costa Mesa This franchise is responsible for the following cities: Costa Mesa, Santa Ana This franchise is responsible for the following zip codes:92626, 92627, 92628, 92704, 92725, 92799
{"url": "https://budgetblinds.com/costamesa/community-connection/blog/how-do-you-know-which-roller-shades-in-santa-ana-are-right-for-your-home/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "budgetblinds.com", "date_download": "2021-06-12T11:51:50Z", "digest": "sha1:A77JE5KZYW7CETT3E6KQDX4NTLWQQVMN"}
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Share Prayer is the 1st -and 5th single- from Disturbed's 2nd album Believe. Music Video Edit "Prayer" was directed by the Brothers Strause as a music video in late June 2002 and released the next month. Vocalist David Draiman, who wrote the treatment for the music video, explained that the music video is based on the story of Job from the Bible. Throughout the music video, Draiman is walking down a street and passes various scenes of desperation, such as a prostitute, a homeless man, and a preacher predicting the end of the world. As Draiman continues to walk, the other members of Disturbed have various disasters befall them. At the climax of the music video, Draiman survives an earthquake. Draiman explains, "It's like Job being put through trials and tribulations and still coming through unscathed and achieving his redemption." Upon release, various media outlets refused to air the music video for "Prayer", citing its alleged similarities to imagery from the September 11 attacks in the United States. Disturbed originally made plans to edit the video for airplay, but eventually chose not to. Draiman explained this choice when he said, "If we agreed to edit the video...then it's assuming that we're agreeing with the decision that there's something about the video that is offensive enough or provocative enough that it's dangerous for them to play it. We don't agree with that." Draiman further criticizes the decision to take the video off of the air instead of other videos, "We don't have a character in our video who portrays Osama bin Laden and jumps and dances around, which is a direct recollective factor to 9/11." The intent of the music video was not to depict similarity to the September 11 attacks, according to Draiman. He explained this by saying, "It was meant to be apocalyptic, but it was never intended to be derivative of the situation that happened on 9/11. Because of the subject matter...we needed something grandiose like an earthquake or a meteor shower or some kind of act of God to show the hand of the supernatural or some greater power." He further explained that the video was actually meant to be uplifting. Draiman said, "[The video is] about getting through life's obstacles and all the tests that fate may throw at you in the process. It's trying to convince you that you have the strength to get through whatever trials and tribulations may come your way. It's supposed to inspire hope." Despite "Prayer" receiving little airplay, Disturbed continued to promote the music video by including it on their album, Believe, and by posting it on various websites Meaning and Lyrics Edit Meaning Edit "Prayer" was inspired lyrically by two events. The first event was the death of vocalist David Draiman's grandfather, the second was the September 11 attacks, chiefly the response the clergy made to the events. Draiman explained, "Instead of consoling their flock, people [of the clergy] like Jerry Falwell and Oral Roberts chastised them and used the situation as a means of empowerment, saying it was our own fault because we're a decadent and promiscuous people. I just thought that whole notion is ridiculous." Therefore, "Prayer" is about a conversation between Draiman and God. In the conversation, Draiman is telling God to "bring it on" if he's trying to use pain to elicit a response from Draiman. The lyrics can also be viewed as a critique of the way God is depicted in Judeo-Christian mythology; the lines 'Take everything away, living just isn't hard enough.' might refer to the numerous biblical events in which God punishes mankind for their achievments by taking something away from them. Lyrics Edit Another dream that will never come trueJust to compliment your sorrowAnother life that I've taken from youA gift to add on to your pain and sufferingAnother truth you can never believeHas crippled you completelyAll the cries you're beginning to hearTrapped in your mind, and the sound is deafening HookLet me enlighten youThis is the way I prayChorusLiving just isn't hard enoughBurn me alive, insideLiving my life's not hard enoughTake everything away Verse 2Another nightmare about to come trueWill manifest tomorrowAnother love that I've taken from youLost in time, on the edge of sufferingAnother taste of the evil i breedWill level you completelyBring to life everything that you fearLive in the dark, and the world is threatening HookLet me enlighten youThis is the way I pray ChorusLiving just isn't hard enoughBurn me alive, insideLiving my life's not hard enoughTake everything away BridgeReturn to meReturn to meReturn to meTurn to meLeave me no oneTurn to meReturn to meReturn to meTurn to mecast asideReturn to meReturn to meReturn to meTurn to meLeave me no oneTurn to meReturn to meReturn to meYou've made me turn away Retrieved from "http://disturbed.wikia.com/wiki/Prayer?oldid=4426"
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Arcila preguntará en la Comisión de Control por la autorización de vertidos en varios puntos del litoral * También quiere saber si el permiso de Medio Ambiente a Emmasa en la estación de Cabo Llanos exige tratamiento secundario * Sí se puede desea conocer con detalle cómo se están vertiendo al mar las aguas residuales en puntos como Taganana, Acorán y San Andrés Pedro Fernández Arcila, concejal de Sí se puede en el Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ha pedido la comparecencia del director general de Bienestar Comunitario y Servicios Públicos del Consistorio en la Comisión de Control de este mes para que informe sobre la existencia o no de autorizaciones a la empresa de aguas Emmasa para vertidos de aguas residuales al mar en diferentes puntos del litoral del municipio. En concreto, el concejal ecosocialista quiere que el director general informe sobre si Emmasa cuenta con autorizaciones de la Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Canarias para los vertidos de aguas residuales que se realizan en el litoral de Taganana, Igueste de San Andrés, San Andrés, aliviadero de la estación de bombeo de aguas residuales (EBAR) de Cabo Llanos, las aguas provenientes de la estación depuradora de aguas residuales (EDAR) de Buenos Aires, Añaza y Acorán. Asimismo, Arcila desea saber si la reciente autorización de la Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente para los vertidos de la EBAR de Cabo Llanos exige un tratamiento secundario. En caso de que no se contara con autorización para el vertido de aguas residuales en alguno de estos puntos del litoral o que la autorización del vertido de la EBAR de Cabo Llanos no contemplara un tratamiento secundario, el portavoz de Sí se puede ha pedido que se informe sobre las actuaciones que el Ayuntamiento realizado para el cumplimiento de la normativa. Para poder realizar una correcta función de control, Arcila ha solicitado que el compareciente entregue copia de la reciente autorización de la Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente para realizar vertidos de las aguas residuales procedentes de la EBAR de Cabo Llanos. La solicitud de comparecencia de Arcila es consecuencia del conocimiento de un informe elaborado por técnicos del Ayuntamiento en el que se revela que la práctica totalidad de los vertidos de aguas residuales de Emmasa al mar se llevan a cabo sin tratamiento, sin permisos del Gobierno de Canarias y saltándose la legislación estatal y europea sobre el asunto. Etiquetas: Comisión de Control, depuradora de Buenos Aires, Emmasa, estación de Cabo-Llanos, Pedro Arcila, vertidos de Emmasa
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John Lennon's first wife Cynthia Lennon passes away Wed., April 1, 2015
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Grupo Carbonilo El átomo de carbono del grupo carbonilo posee hibridación sp2, de esta forma, éste y los tres átomos unidos a él, se encuentran en el mismo plano. Los ángulos de enlace entre los tres átomos enlazados son los que se esperan de una estructura trigonal planar: miden cerca de 120º. El átomo de carbono del grupo carbonilo tiene una carga parcial positiva considerable; el oxígeno del carbonilo posee una carga parcial negativa considerable. Esta distribución de cargas se debe a la contribución que hace el átomo electronegativo de oxígeno a la resonancia de la segunda estructura que aparece aquí como significativa. aspectos notables del grupo carbonilo son su geometría y su polaridad. El grupo carbonilo y los átomos unidos a él se disponen en el mismo plano. El promedio de la longitud del doble enlace C=O de 122 pm en los aldehidos y cetonas es significativamente más corto que la longitud del enlace simple C-O de 141 pm en alcoholes y éteres. Debido a la alta electronegatividad del oxígeno, la densidad electrónica en ambos componentes s y p del doble enlace C=O está desplazada hacia el oxígeno. El grupo carbonilo está polarizado de manera que el carbono es parcialmente positivo y el oxígeno es parcialmente negativo. En términos de resonancia, la deslocalización electrónica del grupo carbonilo se representa por las contribuciones de dos formas principales de resonancia. De estas dos formas, A, que tiene un enlace covalente más y que evita la separación de las cargas positivas y negativas que caracteriza a B, es la que mejor se aproxima al enlace del grupo carbonilo. Los efectos estructurales sobre la estabilidad del grupo carbonilo son factores importantes en las reactividades relativas. Los compuestos oxigenados que contienen el grupo carbonilo son: aldehidos, cetonas, ácidos carboxílicos y ésteres. Aldehidos y Cetonas aldehidos y las cetonas se caracterizan por la presencia de un grupo acilo RCO- enlazado o bien a un hidrógeno o bien a otro carbono. Los aldehidos son compuestos de fórmula RCOH y las cetonas RCOR'. Los aldehidos y las cetonas se encuentran entre los compuestos más comunes en la naturaleza y la industria química. En la naturaleza, una buena parte de las sustancias necesarias para los organismos vivos son aldehidos o cetonas. En la industria química se producen variedades sencillas de ambos en grandes cantidades para utilizarlas como disolventes y materias primas a fin de preparar muchos otros compuestos. El uso de la cetona como disolvente industrial se encuentra muy difundido. El formaldehido se sintetiza en la industria por medio de la oxidación catalítica del metanol. La presencia de un grupo carbonilo hace a los aldehidos y cetonas bastante polares. Por ejemplo, sus momentos dipolares moleculares son sustancialmente mayores que los de los compuestos comparables que contienen dobles enlaces C=C. El enlace en el formaldehido puede describirse de acuerdo con un modelo de hibridación sp2 análogo al del etileno. Un carbonilo cetónico tiene dos grupos alquilo dadores de electrones que contribuyen a su estabilización, mientras que un aldehido contiene sólo uno. Los efectos estructurales sobre la estabilidad del grupo carbonilo son factores importantes en las reactividades relativas de aldehidos y cetonas. Acidos y ésteres Los ácidos carboxílicos, compuestos de fórmula RCOOH-, constituyen una de las clase de compuestos orgánicos que se encuentran más frecuentemente. Muchos productos naturales son ácidos carboxílicos o derivados de ellos. La importancia de los ácidos carboxílicos se magnifica cuando nos damos cuenta de que son los compuestos precursores de un gran grupo de derivados que incluye a los ésteres, amidas, cloruros de acilo y anhídridos de ácido. Debido a que el grupo funcional ácido carboxílico se relaciona estructuralmente con cetonas y alcoholes, cabe esperar que alguna de sus propiedades parezcan conocidas. Al igual que las cetonas, el carbono carboxílico tiene hibridación sp2, por lo que los grupos de ácido carboxílico son planares, con ángulos de valencia C-C=O y O=C-O de unos 120º. Como los alcoholes, los ácidos carboxílicos están asociados fuertemente entre ellos por medio de enlaces de hidrógeno. En su mayor parte, los ácidos carboxílicos existen como dímeros cíclicos unidos por dos enlaces de hidrógeno. En términos de resonancia, la conjugación del oxígeno hidroxílico con el grupo carbonilo se representa como: La donación del par de electrones sin compartir del grupo hidroxilo hace al grupo carbonilo menos electrófilo que el de un aldehido o una cetona. Los ésteres, compuestos de fórmula RCOOR', están entre los compuestos naturales más diseminados. Muchos ésteres sencillos son líquidos de olor agradable que originan los olores fragantes de los frutos y las flores. Por ejemplo, el butanoato de metilo se encuentra en el aceite de piña y el acetato de isopropilo es un constituyente del aceite de plátano. El enlace éster también se halla en las grasas animales y en muchas moléculas de importancia biológica. La industria química utiliza ésteres para una diversidad de propósitos. El acetato de etilo, por ejemplo, es un disolvente común en los removedores de barnices de uñas; los ftalatos de dialquilo se emplean en los llamados plastificantes, para conservar los polímeros y evitar que se vuelvan quebradizos. El grupo carbonilo de un éster está más estabilizado que el de un anhídrido. Dado que los dos grupos acilo de un anhídrido compiten por el par de electrones libres del oxígeno, cada carbonilo está menos estabilizado que el único grupo carbonilo de un éster. Los ésteres se estabilizan por resonancia en aproximadamente la misma extensión que los ácidos carboxílicos, pero no tanto como las amidas.
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Tourisme et Vacances sur la Côte Atlantique, Charente-Maritime, estuaire de la Gironde, Poitou-Charentes Saintes Gallo-Romaine Abbaye aux Dames Eglise Saint-Eutrope Vous êtes ici: Accueil > Voir > Saintes Vous appréciez bernezac.com? Suivez nous! Bernezac - liens Partenaires Saintes, Saintonge Romane, Cognac, Vallée de la Charente Château de l'Yeuse Cognac-Châteaubernard Hôtel, restaurants, réceptions, prestations, jardins, terrasses Chambres et Table d'Hôtes A Saint-Savinien, en bordure de la vallée de la Charente, Jeannine et Gilbert vous accueillent dans leur très belle maison charentaise. Hôtel François Premier Cognac Centre 4* Un hôtel 4* dans un cadre moderne, parfait compromis entre l’élégance des demeures du XIXème siècle et les audaces d’un décor contemporain jouant sur les couleurs du terroir cognaçais. Hôtel Ligaro L'hôtel Ligaro, bâti dans une ancienne maison de maître, vous propose un cadre extrêmement reposant, très élégant et soigné. Domaine Le Fragnaud Chambres d'hôtes et gîte de grand confort à Saint-Porchaire, entre Saintes et Rochefort au calme d'un hameau, parc boisé et fleuri. Domaine de Berthegille Chambres d'hôtes et gîte de grand confort à Sablonceaux, idéalement situé en Saintonge Romane, entre Saintes et Royan . Les Violettes de Malleville Chambres d'hôtes à Saint-Rolain-de-Benêt, entre Saintes et Royan, au milieu des champs, des vignes et des bois, dans une Maison typiquement Charentaise. Le Tileuillé Chambres d'hôtes à Sablonceaux entre Saintes et Royan, dans une maison typiquement saintongeaise nichée dans un hameau verdoyant proche de l'Abbaye. calme, détente. La Pergola du Sourire Chambres d'hôtes et Table d'hôtes à Rétaud, 10 km à l'ouest de Saintes, aux confins de la Saintonge romane et du Royannais, dans une maison nichée dans un vaste jardin arboré. entre Saintes (12 km) et Royan (20 km). Maison de plain pied, Jardin, Parking, Salon commun, coin cuisine... Quatre chambres de grand confort, aménagées dans une demeure de caractère au coeur du Pays de la Saintonge-Romane. Saintes, deux mille ans d’histoire Saintes, labellisée "Ville d'art et d'histoire", deux mille ans d’histoire sur la route de l'Aquitaine ou à la porte de votre lieu de séjour sur la côte atlantique. Saintes, ce ne doit pas être seulement un panneau indicateur qui indique sur l’autoroute A10, une sortie vers les stations du littoral. C’est l’histoire de l’Antiquité à nos jours que l’on peut aborder lors d’une visite d’une journée… ou encore mieux lors d'un court séjour de détente et de découverte... Une visite d’une journée n’est sans doute pas suffisante pour découvrir tout le patrimoine riche et varié de Saintes, notamment les musées, mais c’est une bonne introduction et cela donne l’envie de revenir et de flâner dans les rues piétonnes et le long des quais. Car Saintes, ce n’est pas une ville Musée, c’est une ville rénovée, au charme indéniable, où chacun y trouve son bonheur, tourisme, culture, loisirs, détente,… Un repère facile, la Charente, rive droite, rive gauche Saintes, c’est aussi la Charente. C’est bien connu, Henri IV avait surnommé ce fleuve "le plus beau ruisseau du royaume". La ville de Mediolanum Santonum, capitale des Santons sous la domination romaine, était construite sur la rive gauche. La rive gauche, c’est la vieille ville, le centre historique avec la cathédrale Saint-Pierre et les musées. Toujours sur la rive gauche, au nord de la vieille ville, c’est la superbe église Saint-Eutrope. La Charente, vue vers l'aval depuis le pont Bernard Palissy entre le Cours National vers le Centre Ville et ll'avenue Gambetta sur la rive droite qui conduit à la place Bassompierre, à l'arc de Germanicus, au parc et à l'Abbaye aux Dames. L’arc romain de Germanicus était érigé sur le pont qui franchissait la Charente. Il a maintenant été remonté sur la rive droite. Le musée archéologique est tout proche de l’arc de Germanicus. L'arc de Germanicus sur la rive droite de la Charente avec en arrière-plan le clocher de la cathédrale Saint-Pierre sur la rive gauche. Toujours sur la rive droite, le très beau jardin Fernand Chapsal et la promenade ombragée en bord de Charentes sont propices aux promenades estivales. C'est aussi rendre hommage à un grand homme politique de la Troisième République, Fernand Chapsal, maire de Saintes de 1919 à 1939 et créateur du jardin en 1925. Saintes, vue très partielle du jardin Fernand Chapsal et stèle à sa mémoire. Saintes, la promenade ombragée en bord de Charente, sur la rive droite. Saintes, vue les quais de la rive gauche et la ville dominée par le clocher de la cathédrale Saint-Pierre. Une agréable passerelle franchit la Charente, de la promenade rive droite au marché Saint-Pierre et à la cathédrale Saint-Pierre sur la rive gauche. Le centre ville de Saintes sur la rive gauche de la Charente Sortie du pont Bernard Palissy sur le Cours National avec le magasin Galeries Lafayette sur la gauche Le Palais de Justice et ses jardins fleuris sur la droite en remontant le Cours National Le soleil se lève dans la brume matinale sur la Charente et dans l'axe de l'arc de Germanicus. Saintes, un personnage célèbre, Bernard Palissy En vous promenant à Saintes, vous emprunterez le pont Bernard Palissy pour franchir la Charente et vous vous arrêterez devant la statue de Bernard Palissy sur la rive droite. Bernard Palissy (1510–1590) avait installé son atelier de céramique à Saintes. La légende dit que pour découvrir le secret de l’émail, il brûla ses meubles pour alimenter son four. Un grand homme du 16ème siècle, potier, émailleur, peintre, artisan verrier, écrivain et savant, à la vie "géniale et tumultueuse". Nous vous invitons à lire la passionnante biographie de Bernard Palissy. La Charente, les gabares et les croisières fluviales Toujours en vous promenant sur les quais, vous remarquerez sans doute la gabarre "Ville de Saintes". La gabarre à quai C’est une bonne occasion pour faire connaissance avec ce type de bateau très populaire dans la région. La gabarre de Saintes est un bateau de construction récente destiné au tourisme fluvial. C’est une bonne occasion pour faire connaissance avec ce type de bateau qui a marqué le transport fluvial dans la région. Sur un panneau d’information très bien fait, placé près de l’embarcadère, on peut lire l’histoire des gabarres. On y apprend que : ‘’Le terme de gabare désigne de façon indistincte les embarcations strictement fluviales de toute la France atlantique, sans présumer de leur forme. Ces gabares transportaient autrefois les marchandises qui, pour la Charente, sont traditionnellement le sel, les vins et eaux-de-vie, les pierres calcaires, les céramiques de la Chapelle-des-Pots, le chêne du Limousin pour la tonnellerie, mais aussi, du 17ème au 19ème siècles, le ravitaillement et les canons des fonderies de Ruelle destinés à l’arsenal de Rochefort… L’usage de la voile, portée par un mât inclinable pour permettre le passage sous les ponts, était souvent associé au halage.’’ Le "Bernard Palissy II", à quai sur la rive droite de la Charente. Le "Bernard Palissy II", Bernard Palissy est décidément toujours présent, propose des balades sur la Charente. Bonne promenade, à pied et en bateau... à voir à proximité de Saintes L'Abbaye de Fontdouce L'Abbaye de Fontdouce, grand site touristique et culturel, est située sur la commune de Saint-Bris-des-Bois, à 15 kms à l'est de Saintes. Une abbaye fondée au début du 12ème siècle. L’Abbaye de Fontdouce a été fondée vers 1111 sur les bords de la "Fontaine Douce", aux confins de l’Angoumois et de la Saintonge, par Guillaume de Conchamp, seigneur de Taillebourg. > > en savoir plus Bernezac, portail local, répond à vos questions… > contact Vous préparez un séjour, une sortie… en Charente-Maritime, estuaire de la Gironde, Charente, Poitou, Marais Poitevin… Vous n’avez pas trouvé des réponses satisfaisantes à vos interrogations dans les pages de bernezac.com ou dans l’abondante information touristique disponible sur internet… Pensez à nous poser votre question par mail… Nous vous répondrons dans les meilleurs délais et c’est avec plaisir que nous mettrons à votre disposition notre connaissance de longue date de la région et notre présence à l’année.
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Los hechos más importantes de los 245 años de Nacional Monte de Piedad y la historia de nuestra marca. Solidez y confianza desde 1775 Nacional Monte de Piedad se fundó el 25 de febrero de 1775 y tiene como logotipo el símbolo de nuestra Casa Matriz, ubicada frente a la Plaza de la Constitución en el centro histórico de la Ciudad de México. Este edificio fue adquirido por Nacional Monte de Piedad en 1836 y resguarda la historia de millones de familias mexicanas beneficiadas con los mejores préstamos prendarios. Actualmente contamos con más de 324 sucursales en todo el país y apoyamos a más de 6 millones de familias mexicanas a través de 611 Instituciones de asistencia Privada. Siempre te esperamos con las puertas abiertas. 245 años siendo los mejores en lo que hacemos. Más de 324 sucursales en todo el país. 22 convenios firmados con procuradurías de diversos estados de la República Mexicana. Descubre cómo transformamos la vida de millones de mexicanos. En Nacional Monte de Piedad Don Pedro Romero de Terreros funda Nacional Monte de Piedad, una Institución de Asistencia Privada sin fines de lucro. Nacional Monte de Piedad se traslada a su actual Casa Matriz, histórico edificio ubicado en el frente a la Plaza de la Constitución de la Ciudad de México. Se desarrolla la batalla de San Jacinto en la cual se proclama la independencia de Texas. Se instituyen las siete leyes o constitución del régimen centralista, que contempla la división de poderes. Nacional Monte de Piedad es nombrado un establecimiento de beneficencia pública. Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada asume la presidencia de México tras la muerte de Benito Juárez. Nace la primera agrupación obrera del país. Se establece la primera escuela de valuadores de México, siendo Nacional Monte de Piedad la única institución que cuenta con profesionales certificados en el país. Se crea la Primera Ley Federal del Trabajo. El Gobierno Federal dispone un crédito por 700 millones de pesos a favor de Nacional Monte de Piedad, así como la venta de inmuebles para incorporarlos al circulante de la institución. Octavio Paz es condecorado con el Premio Cervantes de Literatura. Queen se presenta en el estadio olímpico Ignacio Zaragoza en la ciudad de Puebla en uno de los primeros conciertos masivos en la historia de México. Nacional Monte de Piedad es reconocida como una Institución de Asistencia Privada (I.A.P.), dependiente de la Junta de Asistencia Privada (J.A.P.). Se forma la Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos. Se renegocia la deuda externa y se logra así reducir hasta un 35%. El poeta Octavio Paz recibe el Premio Nobel de Literatura. Nacional Monte de Piedad logra la máxima calificación por parte de Fitch Ratings de México. México logra 3 medallas en los Juegos Olímpicos de Pekín. Entra en vigor en toda la república la Ley General para el Control de Tabaco, que prohíbe fumar en espacios públicos. Nacional Monte de Piedad registra el año de mayor crecimiento en su historia, con 226 sucursales y 22 millones de operaciones prendarias. La mexicana Ximena Navarrete Rosete gana el título de Miss Universo 2010. Fallece Carlos Monsiváis, escritor, periodista y ensayista capitalino. Nacional Monte de Piedad continúa con su plan de expansión, cerrando el año con 305 sucursales en todo el país y 9 millones de préstamos. Enrique Peña Nieto toma posesión como Presidente de México. México es campeón olímpico de futbol. En conjunto con Fundación Televisa lanzan POSiBLE, un programa que inspira y apoya a emprendedores sociales mexicanos. Se obtiene por parte del IMPI, el reconocimiento de “Marca Famosa”. La primera Institución de Asistencia Privada y la primera institución financiera en lograrlo. El Senado de la República aprueba la reforma constitucional en materia energética. Fallece Soraya Jiménez, pesista y medallista olímpica capitalina. Nacional Monte de Piedad lanza un nuevo esquema de pago llamado “Pagos Libres”, en el cual puedes abonar a tu deuda cuando quieras y así pagar menos. Con el objetivo de enseñar a los niños la importancia de ayudar a los demás y el sistema prendario en México, Nacional Monte de Piedad abre mini sucursales en los parques KidZania de México.
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Home » Personaggi illustri sezioni interne Atena Lucana Buonabitacolo Casalbuono Monte San Giacomo Montesano sulla Marcellana Padula Pertosa Polla Sala Consilina San Pietro al Tanagro Sant'Arsenio Sanza Sassano Teggiano Gli uomini illustri presenti sul portale nello spazio dei singoli paesi sono quelli non più in vita e dei quali si posseggono dati certi e riconoscibili. Siamo grati a coloro che sono in grado di segnalare personalità che mancano o notizie integrative ed anche eventuali rettifiche: il sistema è aperto alla collaborazione di tutti i cittadini, che possono rivolgersi ai seguenti indirizzi: info@centrostudivallodidiano.it o a colitti@vipnet.it , per vagliare opportunamente le segnalazioni stesse e riportarle nel sito, evitando probabili contaminazioni. Esiste anche la possibilità di inserire le personalità viventi nella lista dei soci col rispettivo profilo, per offrire agl’interessati una vetrina d’insieme delle risorse culturali del Vallo di Diano. A chi desidera farne parte si consiglia di inviare al Centro presso la Biblioteca comunale l’apposito modulo d’iscrizione e quello del curriculum rilevabili dal sito stesso o di farne richiesta al personale della Biblioteca, versando la quota di euro venti, da rinnovare ogni anno finché si vuole. Personaggi illustri dei paesi limitrofi
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AccueilBoutique en ligne : La Librairie Le Jour et La NuitEditosSocieteEvenementsGastronomieTourismeShoppingStarsLivresUne trahison française. La Fatwa contre la démocratie française est lancéeLe Vertige des falaises, le dernier roman de Gilles ParisLettre à celle qui lit mes romances érotiques, et qui devrait s’arrêter tout de suiteC’est décidé, j’arrête d’être célib !Berlin secret ou la véritable histoire de Jules et Jim de François TruffautDerrière le silence de l’ours blanc de Thierry Vieille et Eric HossanLa radicalisation de la jeunesse. Pourquoi et comment ?L’Homme qui voyait à travers les visages, un roman d’ Eric-Emmanuel-SchmittCandace Bushnell, l’auteur de Sex and the City est de retour !Après Obama, Trump ? Une analyse très pertinente de Guy MillièreCannes for ever, un roman qui nous plonge dans la magie du Festival de CannesThe Girls, un premier roman d’Emma ClineLithium, le premier roman générationnel d’Aurélien GougaudLe grand auteur américain Douglas Kennedy à MarseilleCinemaArtsScenesNuitsCarnets du Festival de CannesContact Le grand auteur américain Douglas Kennedy à Marseille Ce week-end, le grand auteur américain Douglas Kennedy était à Marseille à L’Alcazar pour rencontrer ses lecteurs et leur parler de son dernier ouvrage: « Toutes ces grandes questions sans réponse». Un livre que personnellement j’ai dévoré. Le dernier livre de Douglas Kennedy n’est pas un roman comme « Les Charmes discrets de la vie conjugale » ou « L’Homme qui voulait vivre sa vie », par exemple , mais il reprend toutes les grandes thématiques qui obsèdent l’auteur. C’est en quelque sorte une méditation philosophique sur la vie, la mort, l’amour. Une réflexion existentielle sur le hasard, le destin. Ces pages sont en quelque sorte des mémoires philosophiques et une introspection fine et honnête de Douglas Kennedy qui revient sans concessions sur son passé, son enfance écartelée entre des parents qui se déchirent, mais qui demeurent ensemble par devoir, sur sa vie de couple parfois tumultueuse, sur sa liaison conjugale brisée avec la femme qui lui a donné deux beaux enfants dont l’un, le garçon souffre d’autisme. L’auteur nous parle de lui, de ses amours, de ses amis, de ses douleurs, mais il nous parle aussi de tous ceux qui ont croisé sa route, qui l’ont ému, qui l’ont parfois bouleversé. Comme tout romancier, il a puisé dans ces rencontres une grande part du matériau romanesque dont il se sert pour, à partir de la réalité, créer de la fiction. Son livre «est en quelque sorte une promenade à travers les questions cruciales que pose la condition humaine »comme il le dit avec beaucoup de justesse. S’il a ajouté à ce livre des histoires autres que la sienne, celles-ci résonnent néanmoins profondément en nous car elles sont universelles. Il ne s’agit pas d’un livre froid et didactique de philosophie, mais d’une méditation pleine d’humanité sur des questions existentielles de la vie comme : Le bonheur n’est-il qu’un instant fugace ? Sommes nous les victimes ou les artisans de notre infortune ? Réécrivons nous toujours l’histoire pour la rendre plus supportable ? La tragédie est-elle le prix à payer pour être de ce monde ? La spiritualité se trouve-t-elle entre les mains de Dieu…ou juste au coin de la rue ? Pourquoi le pardon est-il hélas la seule solution? Bref de nombreuses pistes de réflexion à partir de souvenirs personnels d’un l’auteur pour lequel on éprouve une irrésistible empathie car même si on n’a pas tous en nous quelque chose de Tennessee, on a tous en nous quelque chose de Kennedy. Toutes ces grandes questions sans réponse aux éditions Belfond En librairie le 6 octobre 2016 Catherine Merveilleux
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Schwelle https://www.bibelwissenschaft.de/stichwort/ Bodenteil eines Türrahmens (Tür), im Altertum meistens aus einem behauenen möglichst harten Stein. Wer eine Stadt oder ein Gebäude betreten wollte, musste die Schwelle überschreiten und unterlag damit den Gesetzen der Stadt, des Tempels oder des Palastes. Wächter standen an der Schwelle, d.h. am Eingang (2Kön 12,10; 2Chr 34,9; Hes 9,3; 43,8; 46,2).
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Boris Johnson beats Nigel Farage in poll of most popular political pub landlord More than one in five trusted the Foreign Secretary to pull pints at their local, YouGov says. By Ian Silvera Updated August 10, 2016 10:51 BST Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has beaten Nigel Farage, the beer guzzling former Ukip leader, in a poll of which politician would be the most trusted by the public to run a local pub. More than one in five (22%) of those surveyed picked the top Conservative as their favourite pint puller, while 17% trusted Eurosceptic firebrand Nigel Farage to be a landlord for the day. More from IBTime UK RMT offers to suspend Southern Rail strike for urgent peace talks with GTR HSBC and Bank of America Merrill Lynch use Hyperledger Project for blockchain-based trade finance Apple granted first vehicle patent - but it is not for a car The YouGov poll for the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), of more than 1,600 people between 14 and 15 July, also put new Prime Minister Theresa May on 10% and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn on 9%. "While the poll is a bit of fun, it shows that in many cases running a pub requires a lot of the skills of a good politician," said Colin Valentine, the chairman of CAMRA. "You need to be able to listen, to be diplomatic and be able to talk to a huge range of people and understand what they need. "Pubs are the vital heart of our communities and the people who use them demand a lot of the people who run them – very similar to the demands we make on politicians. It's not just about running a business, it's running something which plays a huge part in the lives of the community around them." The release of the poll coincides with the Great British Beer Festival at Olympia London. "I hope all politicians from all political parties realise the responsibility they have to help support the great British pub trade and also realise what a hard job publicans have to survive," Valentine added. Related topics : Nigel Farage Jeremy Corbyn
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> Home > chiesa Kirik San Carlo Borromeo - 80075 Forio (NA) Fu eretta su volontà di una famiglia milanese che rifugiatasi a Forio per sfuggire alla peste che colpì Milano nel 1576 fece voto a S. Carlo di edificare una chiesa. Diede incarico di costruirla a Sebastiano Sportiello che la realizzo nel 1620. I capitelli, le cornici, gli archi e gli angoli delle colonne sono di pietra di tufo del posto lavorato dagli artigiani locali. Gli affreschi invece sono opere di Cesare Calise. Chiesa San Carlo Borromeo Santa Maria Montevergine San Francesco di Paola Madonna Immacolata San Giuseppe e Sant'Anna San Francesco San Girolamo San Gennaro Madonna delle Grazie San Pietro a Pantaniello San Filippo Neri San Domenico San Rocco Rosario Santa Maria del Soccorso Santa Maria del Carmine San Sebastiano Sant'Antonio da Padova Santa Maria Annunziata Pio Monte della Misericordia Santa Maria della Mercede Madonna Assunta San Domenico Santa Maria della Carità Sant'Aniello Santa Lucia San Pietro Convento Monaci Basiliani Madonna della Annunziata San Francesco Saverio Sant'Alfonso Madonna Immacolata Santa Maria Visitapoveri Cimitero di Forio Santa Maria Visitapoveri Cimitero di Forio Santa Maria delle Grazie Sant'Antonio Eremo di San Nicola Chiesetta del Crocifisso Santa Maria Madre del Buon Consiglio Natività di Santa Maria Madonna di Montevergine Sant'Alessandro Cretaio Santa Trinità Santa Barbara San Giuseppe Santa Maria dell’Ortodonico e Madonna della Libera San Gaetano Sant'Antonio Madonna Immacolata detta di Don Andrea Regina delle Rose San Domenico Santa Maria Annunziata Santa Maria Annunziata Santa Maria delle Grazie San Pietro Santa Maria Madre della Chiesa San Michele Arcangelo Sant'Anna San Pasquale Baylón Santa Maria Visitapoveri Madonna della Grazia San Giovanni Battista San Leonardo Abate San Francesco d'Assisi San Vito Santa Maria la Porta San Sebastiano Martire Madonna dell'Assunta Cattedrale Santa Maria dell'Assunta Santa Maria di Loreto Santa Maria al Monte Chiesa del Purgatorio Santa Maria delle Grazie Cappella Gentilizia Piro Madonna dell'Assunta San Michele Arcangelo Purgatorio Santa Maria dei Suffragi Madonna del Carmine San Carlo Borromeo Santa Maria di Portosalvo Santa Maria Costantinopoli Madonna delle Grazie San Rocco Sant'Anna San Gabriele Convento dei Passionisti Santa Maria Addolorata Santa Maria di Costantinopoli Pio Monte della Misericordia San Vito Campagnano Santa Maria della Pietà Sant'Anna San Pancrazio Sant'Antonio Abate San Giuseppe Colleggiata Spirito Santo San Giovangiuseppe San Ciro Santa Maria del Carmine Calitto Santa Restituta San Giorgio San Giovanni Battista Madonna delle Grazie ex Famiglia Baldino Santa Maria Immacolata Chiesina del Cimitero San Ciro Natività di Santa Maria Santa Maria Maddalena Chiesa Gesù Buonpastore Santa Maria delle Grazie San Nicola Sant'Antonio Convento dei Frati Minori
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Picking Up the Pieces. July 15, 2012 at 6:23 am | Posted in And I ran (I ran so far away), Choosing Happiness., Heartbreak | 12 Comments Thanks for all the support these past couple of days. I still can’t believe it was negative. I was really convinced that it had worked. Wasn’t just hopeful; really expected the nurse to tell me it was positive. Goes to show you how little I know my body. Last year I did a 12 week running clinic with my running as part of my marathon preparations. I was toying with the idea of doing it again, though I wasn’t certain what would happen if I was pregnant. On Friday the first thing I did when I got the news was to go to the website and officially sign myself up for it. I want to do exactly what I did last year – run far and fast and give away all our baby shit and pretend the cycle never happened. Yesterday was a joint birthday party for my niece and nephew, who are 3 years and 3 days apart. My SIL is pg again, and she’s gutted over the fact that our cycle didn’t work. I wanted to pretend I was okay. I didn’t want to talk about it. I focused on my niece, who is my favorite little girl in the whole world, and I had strawberry frozen magaritas, and I was mostly okay. I had to go out and get a hold of myself, though, when my MIL and my niece and nephew’s other grandmother toasted to their “grandchildren.” All I heard in my head was “grandCHILD. GrandCHILD.” Single. My one and only kid. This hurts so much. Charlie and I have tentatively discussed what’s next for us. I thought maybe I wanted a break, to take the summer off and go back to New Clinic when it doesn’t hurt as much. But my overriding feeling is that I feel like this is an abusive relationship. I know I’m NOT stupid, but I FEEL stupid for continuing to stay with this whole process. I nurse the wounds on my heart with every BFN and hold out hope that next time will be different. It’s been 7 years we’ve been trying to make and then complete our family. What happens if it’s 10? 12? 15? And we end up right back here – no baby, no hope? I can’t – no WON’T – waste that much time. So I think we’ll go see New Doc whenever we get the cycle summary sheet, and start using up our frozen embryos. One by one. It’s going to be fucking chinese water torture, but I will not transfer more than one blastocyst. And if we end up with no more embryos, we walk away. And I always justified doing treatments by saying, it’ll be worth it when we have a baby. What happens if there is no baby? You all know I’m a fan of drawing lines in the sand. I’ve said before now, I’m done. And then gone back and cycled. Thing is, emotionally, I’m getting to the end of treatments. I can’t do this much longer. It’s been too long. Too much fighting. Too much heartbreak. Too much pain. Staring down the reality of accepting the idea that we won’t ever have another baby seems impossibly hard sometimes. Too close. Too final. Makes me want to grasp at straws and find hope SOMEWHERE. But, too, I know that the longer we do this, the more it eats away our hope, the more I loathe the process, the more I get scared about all the time I’ve wasted waiting. For blood draws. For ultrasounds. For what is looking more and more like an impossibility: holding another baby. So Charlie and I will use up our frozen embryos. And when that doesn’t work, we’ll stop treatments. I no longer have questions about whether or not our clinic did enough. We tried a new protocol and had amazing results, at least on paper. 5 frozen embryos. If we go through those and end up where are are today, at least we tried. We’ve done as much as we can to try and bring home another baby. And that will have to be good enough. I am so heartbroken for you, Serenity. I too just “felt” that this was it. Maybe because it was a new clinic, great results. But I do feel that this plan, the plan to go through the frozen embryos and then that is it–sounds like a good way to finish this part of the journey. Like you said, Chinese Water Torture Style–but I think it will give you closure. I will hope that one of those embryos sticks around. No matter what, I will abide with you. Comment by Delenn— July 15, 2012 # Serenity, you know you’re not stupid, it’s just that it could always be the next cycle. It’s always waiting for that one good embryo. And it’s hard, therefore, to know where to draw the line. I think if you feel like going forward straight away to get things over with then do it. And I hope the future looks brighter than today. Comment by Bea— July 15, 2012 # Today, my friend’s parents are coming to take all of our baby stuff away. I feel good giving it to her- they have tried for 3 years and this baby happened on their 2nd IVF- but it still feels hard to say “We’re doing this because it’s final.” I have very good reasons never to be pregnant again, and expect a serious diagnosis very soon, and know I would be terrified at the thought of having a spinal needle go in my back ever again after this lumbar puncture from hell experience. But- it still does not feel final. I still tell myself “Maybe things will change in 2 years and we get get this stuff back” though I know it’s a lie. When we are ready, maybe in the spring, we are going to make it final by doing a snip-snip for the Mister. Then we can;t be jerked around by hope any more. Comment by mrs spock— July 15, 2012 # Oh Serenity. My heart breaks for you. There are no words. I hope you find your peace, where it may be. Abiding with you. Comment by Esperanza— July 15, 2012 # Hi Hon. Been thinking about you so much these past few days. Here’s the thing. One doctor, after the horrific failure of the picture perfect cycle up in NJ, said…that there are just some couples that it takes a lot of embryos to get pregnant. To find the one good embryo. I truely believe that is you. You don’t have uterine or hormonal issues (they’ve been addressed). For whatever reason, it’s just hard for you guys to find the right egg and sperm. I truly think that if you can gut through this and just keep on keeping on and trying not to let this rule your life (ha ha, right?) that they will find the one good embryo. Comment by Runningmama— July 15, 2012 # Serenity I’m so sorry this didn’t work, we all had so much hope along with you. One thing you won’t bear in mind but I feel compelled to say anyway – is that the end of a failed cycle is no time to be making big decisions about the future. As Tertia once bravely said: “the time to quit is when the pain of continuing is worse than the pain of never succeeding.” Only you and CB will know when that is, but now is not the right time to decide. Comment by thalia— July 15, 2012 # Here from LFCA. Just wanted to say I’m sorry for your really sucky negative beta news. Thinking of you. Comment by glitterandrainbows1— July 16, 2012 # Serenity, I have been reading your blog for a while and occasionally link to it on Facebook as an example of how hard it is for families to juggle parenting and career. Just wanted to say I am so sorry you are going through this emotional rollercoaster. I hope that you find peace no matter what the outcome is with your family planning. Comment by Kathy Zucker— July 16, 2012 # I’m so sorry. I wish there was something more I could say or do. Comment by Heather— July 16, 2012 # Aww crap. I just got back from vacay and read the news. So sorry. Comment by barelysane— July 16, 2012 # I’m thinking of you and sending hugs. We have 5 frozen embryos too. Comment by KeAnne— July 16, 2012 # My heart is absolutely bleeding for you. Wishing you peace and sending virtual hugs. Comment by Jennifer— July 17, 2012 #
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Badass Mom Submitted by Norma Velasco-Hensley "I get to do what I love ..." Some people assume that women who spend the majority of their time parenting have no other skills. I beg to differ and am striving to change that perception. When my kids (ages 8 and 10) were born, I stepped away from the workplace. The new experiences I encountered led me to my true passion; art, design, and technology. Having studied zoology in college, and then having worked in biomedical research, I needed to re-tool. So while the babies were sleeping, I went back to school at night and online. Now I run my own web development company (novel-creative.com), and I get to do what I love when I work. In an effort to encourage other moms, and change the mistaken perception that dedicated mothers lack skills, I started an instagram account; Smart Moms (@momsaresmarttoo). I want other moms to know that it’s ok to love your kids and love your work. I want to show that you can be a strong, smart individual, with goals and achievements beyond parenthood, and be a badass mom at the same time. Norma Velasco-Hensley is a mother, wife and business owner. She holds degrees in biomedical sciences and design from the University of Oklahoma and the University of Toledo. You're An Author Submitted by Kelly Coon "I’m not sure I’ve ever been more touched by a Christmas gift." Throughout the day, I wear a slew of different hats. I'm a mom to three boys and a rescue pup, a wife, a writer, an editor, and as of November of 2017, an author with a book deal from Penguin Random House. I'm over the moon to report that my first young adult fantasy is scheduled to be published in the fall of 2019. It recounts the tale of a 16-year-old healer's apprentice who must save a dying Sumerian king or her little sister will be buried alive to serve him in the Netherworld. My sons say it's spooky, but cool. After many years of dedicated work, it's thrilling to be able to say that the book (and its sequel) will be published. It's a lifelong dream fulfilled. A bucket-list item I can check off my list. But this excitement pales compared to the gift I received on Christmas morning. My 10-year-old son, Brady, made me save his gift for last. With bright eyes, he watched me intently as I tore into the package. To my surprise, nestled with the greatest of care inside a little box, was a Harry Potter snitch bookmark, a gift he'd given because, in his words, "Now, you're an author like J. K. Rowling." It's a trinket I will treasure every day of my life. For in that moment, he hadn't just recognized me as his mom, or his dad's wife, or the crazy person running around doing all the things I do on a daily basis; he'd seen my innermost passion, had recognized it, and had reached across from himself to me to express his shared joy in my journey. Nothing will ever touch that. Kelly Coon is a mother, wife, editor and author. She earned a BA degree in creative writing from the University of Michigan and a master's degree in secondary English education. Leading By Example Submitted by Kathryn Twine "I hope that one day my example will provide the reminder they need to persevere in a challenging situation." When I returned to a part-time work role after taking a break to look after my young children, I was offered a full-time role. Striving to achieve balance in my life, I asked about the possibility of doing the work part-time. “We don’t think that would work,” was what I was told. After a long decision-making process, I gave up the job and went in search of a position that would provide the flexibility I wanted. I found an advertisement for a job at the Louisa Fleet Recruitment Consultancy and couldn’t believe my eyes. After a quick interview process, I started a new part-time, flexible recruitment role the week after my youngest daughter started school. I had enjoyed the time I spent looking after my children full-time, but I get a different kind of satisfaction from being at work every day. My children know I care about them deeply. They also see mummy working beyond our home, and early indications are that they admire it as evidenced by my daughter's recent statement, "When I grown up I'd like to help people find jobs just like mummy ... or maybe be a ballerina." (I can't take the credit for the ballerina aspiration though :) People ask me why I work. We all have days where we don’t feel like working, and sometimes I’ve been working around the house for four hours before I start my recruitment work, but I feel lucky to have a flexible job doing what I love. I like that my kids can see that I go to work on good days and bad days, and I hope that one day my example will provide the reminder they need to persevere in a challenging situation. Friends and family see that I have a great job that fits in perfectly with family life. But what they don’t see is the rush every morning as I get the kids ready for school, start the laundry, make the breakfast, do the dishes, and take the kids to school before starting my recuitment workday. Working from home may sound like a luxury, but I am often too busy to notice where I’m working. I’ve got a limited number of hours to get the recruitment work done before I need to log off, divert the phones, jump in the car, and be at the school gate with a smile on my face! On good days I can get home in time for a cup of hot tea, help with homework, prepare dinner, help with baths, and put the kids to bed. Other days I need to squeeze in a supermarket run to be sure everyone gets dinner! Flexibility goes both ways so I sometimes find myself working in the evenings and after school to be sure everything gets done. I’m willing, able, and happy to do it. Because without a business, I don’t have a job at all. And I like my job. Kathryn Twine is a mother, wife and recruitment consultant at the Louisa Fleet Recruitment Consultancy in the UK. To find out find out what they can do to help you, contact them via their web site, Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.
{"url": "https://www.workingparentstories.com/contributors/category/kids-5-12", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.workingparentstories.com", "date_download": "2019-03-18T14:27:21Z", "digest": "sha1:U4YAX6JUWBRHRJWSNP6Y5T3GXP3XHLWW"}
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Reading Gladiators Reading Journey Take One Book Lower KS2 Upper KS2 How did Jane Goodall become the world’s leading chimpanzee expert? Having dreamed of studying animals in their natural habitat since she was little, she jumped at the first opportunity to set sail for Africa and observe primates – even though many people were against the idea of a young woman living among wild creatures, so far from home.
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Writing with Light Commuting & communing Over the years, I have commuted to work in a variety of ways: on foot, short drive, very long drive, and commuter train. Oh, and walking into my home office to do freelance work. My current commute is a combo platter. I drive to the Homewood Post Office and park the car, leaving it for Bob to drive home (he walks the entire distance in the morning). Then I walk two short blocks to the Homewood train station to board the Metra Electric line north to downtown Chicago. From Millennium Station (Randolph and Michigan), I walk a very short block to the Randolph and Wabash stop of the CTA Brown Line, which I take to the Merchandise Mart. My favorite part of the whole commute is when my "L" train crosses the Chicago River to my stop at the Mart, seen in the first photo here. The view is wonderful; the water, soothing. I walk through the Mart on the second floor, over the walkway and into the River North Point building, which is in the center of the second photo. Then a space-age elevator to the 11th floor and the offices of Ogilvy & Mather. This may be my favorite commute of my entire working life (or at least right up there with walking into my home office in my slippers). Other than the very steep and numerous stairs up to the "L" platform, it is easy and relatively stress free. (The stress comes at the end of the day, when the Brown Line is sometimes stopped on the tracks "momentarily," causing me to worry that I'll miss my Metra train and have to wait a while till the next one.) I enjoy the early part of my morning commute as well, when I have the opportunity to have a quiet time of reading and prayer, in what has turned out to be the designated "quiet car"! The trip is a joy in itself, en route to a job I thoroughly enjoy. Posted by Betsy Elliot at 3:26 PM No comments: Betsy Elliot Simple theme. Theme images by Josh Peterson. Powered by Blogger.
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You are here: DR > Blog Brass Valves – Various Benefits and Things to Know Nowadays, you can find several types of valves available in the market. As each valve is made up of different materials, it might be quite confusing to choose the best one. The brass valves are versatile and it has a wider range of properties than the bronze valves. You can find several types of valves for fitting purposes, which is used in varied industries. They include ball valve, gate valve, stop valve and bibcock. Why Brass? Brass is a malleable than bronze. It is primarily made from copper and zinc. Brass is widely used in different types of applications. Even though it has high levels of chlorine that can break down zinc content, it doesn’t oxide quickly. There are many properties of brass which has resulted in it being used as the choice of material in a different type of appliances. Easy to cast, easy to forge, heat extrude are one of those properties of brass, which makes it extremely versatile and hence making it extremely easy to work with. Usage of brass valves: Brass is versatile to use. As it possess different preferable properties, they are used many several applications. They are mainly preferred in households, through the usage in the commercial sector is also not uncommon. These are especially useful when hot water is used because the brass valve is more preferable when the household has hot water through its pipes. Brass can withstand higher temperature. Hence, even at a higher temperature, these valves will perform with the same efficiencies. Due to the ability to withstand high temperature, brass valves are widely used when there is hot water in circulation. Along with beauty and ease to use, brass is one of the most widely used alloys. While gathering the complete list of applications where brass is used, we can get an idea on the range of industries and the categories of products in which brass is found. Benefits of brass valve: There are different benefits of the brass valve for which it has been widely used in various systems. For example: • Versality: Brass as a material can be used for so many purposes and hence, the brass valves also inherit that property. For example, the brass could withstand even high temperature which makes it useful in manufacturing valves for pipes through which hot water will flow. If one needs exact fitting of the valves or any other type of appliances in a system, then the brass serves pretty well as making it a perfect fit. If you are on a project where you have strict specifications about the size or shape of the components that you can use, then brass can come to the rescue. Brass is stronger than plastic. The main advantage of brass valves are the reduced levels of lead present in the metal. This marks it harmless for drinking water in most of the cases. Another use for brass valves is as of the shut-off valves that are used in natural gas lines. • Durability: Another advantage of the brass valve is its durability. Brass as a material is very durable in nature and hence, when you are using a brass valve, you are assured that these valves will last for a long period of time and you won’t need to replace them any time soon. When a plumbing system needs a longer life, it is better if you will choose brass valves, with their durable nature, the brass valve comes as the first choice of candidates when it comes to building a system that will be highly durable in nature. These valves will remain in good condition even after years without any cracks or any other types of anomalies. That’s why, due to the durable nature, brass valves are widely used in the various system so that the system will work a longer period of time without any need of repair. You can avail brass fittings in different shapes, sizes and finishes. Therefore, if you have any plumbing job to be done, it is essential to use brass fittings as it apt for very specific sizes. For all those external fittings, there are variety of finishes available in brass. • Brass can withstand high temperature: Brass can withstand high temperature. This is why it is a first-choice material for the pipe systems where the temperature play a major part. Due to its conductivity, the heat is also spread across a wider area and hence, brass makes it easy to conduct heat across the system with its property. Due to the fact that brass can withstand high temperature, they are widely used in a variety of applications. It could even be survived in a firehouse, as it has ductile properties and can withstand high temperature. • Resistance to corrosion: Brass is one of those materials which are highly resistant to corrosion. Corrosion can cause rust which can lead to wear and tear effect to the system due to which, the whole system could fail to perform as expected. But as brass is highly resistant to corrosion, it makes it a perfect choice for all those areas where the corrosion is highly expected and thus, the wear and tear effect along with the rust could completely be avoided. As brass is immune to corrosion, even the worst corrosive water can’t cause corrosion in brass. • Malleable: Brass is very malleable in nature and hence, it is easier to bend or shape different brass components than the components that are made from other material. This makes the work smooth as you can forge the brass to suit your need and perfect fitting. The cost also becomes lower.. Since, brass is more versatile than any other metal, it is widely used in several industries, for different purposes. You can easily find brass fittings of different price range and quality. It is essential that you make purchases from a reputed dealer in order to get the best deal and good quality product. With loads of advantages and added beauty, brass always stands as the best choice, which can be used in any industry. What are Gate Valves and What are the types of Gate Valves What is a valve? A valve is a device that regulates the flow of a liquid by opening or closing or partially obstructing the flow in its pathway. They are used in many appliances where unidirectional flow needs to be achieved and the flow from opposite direction could be prevented. What is a gate valve? The gate valve is a type of valve that is widely used in pipelines. A gate valve has a variety of functions when fitted in a pipeline but its main role is to connect and shut off the medium. The gate valve mechanism doesn’t have much effect on regulating the flow of the liquid, after it can completely get connected or shut off the medium. Due to its property, the gate valve has found many applications across a wide range of devices. Be it a pressure application, the gate valve could be used. Or it can also be used in an application where pressure and calibre are involved. That’s why it has a much wider range of applications than the other types of valves. When are they used? These valves are often used when there is a requirement of minimum pressure loss and the free bore is required. As it has been already mentioned above, the gate valve operates via connecting or shutting off the medium. When the gate valve is opened fully, the valve connects the medium and there is no obstruction in place. This, in turn, results in very less amount of pressure loss. The gate valves are used in a wide range of devices which are associated with pipelines supplying water, gas etc. Types of gate valves: Based on numerous aspects, one can choose gate valves from a variety of options. But all these can be divided into two main categories. One is parallel gate valves and the other one is wedge-shaped gate valves. These two has a different structure and thus comes with their own set of features. • The parallel gate valves use a flat gate in between two parallel seats. The popular type of gate valve is also of the parallel mechanism which has a knife gate valve as well. The knife gate valve is designed with a sharp edge at the bottom of the gate • In contrast to parallel gate valves, the wedge-shaped gate valves have two inclined seats whereas, in the case of parallel gate valves, the two seats are parallel in nature. The wedge-shaped gate valve is crafted with a slightly mismatched inclined gate to suit the purpose best. Advantages of gate valves: The advantages of gate valves multiply the usage of gate valves in the field of pipelines. They are used in water supply, gas supply etc. The gate valves are useful in connecting and shutting off the medium and this property of the gate valve gives them the advantage. Another aspect of the gate valve is, these valves are often used when there is a need to minimize pressure loss and the free bore is required. Here are the few of the advantages that the gate valves hold above others. • As it has been already said, the resistance that is offered by the gate valve is very small. This minimum pressure loss property makes it a suitable candidate for the processess where there is a requirement of minimum loss of pressure. The loss of pressure is minimum in case of gate valve because the body of the valve is a straight one and no change of direction takes place in the valve. Had there been a change in the course of the medium, there would have been a loss of pressure as the change in course can lead to a loss of pressure. But in the case of gate valve, there is no such change in the course and this makes gate valves most fitting for the circumstances where there is a requirement of minimum loss of the amount of pressure. • The gate valve works through the connecting and shutting of the medium. The performance of any valve depends on the sealing mechanism. A better sealing mechanism leads to a better performance of the valve. The sealing mechanism of the gate valve is much better than those of other valves and hence, the gate valve is widely used in different fields. The opening and closing mechanism of the gate valve is also more convenient in case of gate valve than the other types of valves. • Due to the property of less amount of pressure loss and connecting and shutting off the medium, the gate valve is also used in various types of applications. For example, excluding steam, oil and another medium, it is also used in the flow of granular solid which has a large viscosity. The gate valve could also be used as venting valve and low vacuum system valve. Due to this wide range of properties for which, the gate valves are especially used in different types of circumstances and they are getting more and more roles in different fields. Disadvantages of gate vales: With all the advantages in place, the gate valve also has some disadvantages also. These disadvantages may include: • The opening and closing time of the gate valve is too long and hence, in some cases where the valves do need to operate in a swift manner, the gate valves fails to serve that purpose. The prolonged opening and closing time also make it unsuitable for the flows where you need to connect and shut the medium off immediately. • Though the sealing mechanism of the gate valve is much better than any other types of valves, due to being itself prone to scratch, over the time, the gate valve may lose its efficiency. There will be friction between the plate of the valve and the two-sealing surface and over the course of time, it will lead to wear and tear. Thus, the sealing mechanism will fail to work at optimal performance. Despite certain major drawbacks, gate valves have a number of considerable advantages. Know the different type of valves Various manufacturing industries, especially those connected with chemicals and fluid are well aware of the importance of valves. Valve is a device which is responsible for controlling, directing and regulating the flow of fluid. This regulation and control are done through the opening, closing or partly blocking the tubes through which the fluid flows. These valves perform different functions like starting and pausing fluid flow, changing the amount of fluid flowing through the tubes, controlling its direction, regulating pressure, etc. There are several types of valves being used in different industries. Let’s have a detailed look at them one by one. 1. Ball valve– These are the most widely used valves. They are designed in such a way that, they can either be fully opened or fully closed with any liquid container. They are produced by almost all valve, fitting, and bibcock manufacturers. The feature of these valves is, they can open and close quickly, are simple to operate, have fewer pressure drops and rarely have any problem in operation. 2. Globe valve- These are somehow similar to ball valves in operation. The disk of glove valve can either be removed completely to open the flow path or can be closed completely to block it. They are linear motion valves produced to start, pause and control the liquid flow. These valves have high-pressure drops but still can be used to throttle the flow. 3. Gate valve– Gate valves are also designed to either fully open or fully close the pathway of the fluid flow. They are made to start, stop the flow. They can also be used to ensure straight line flow the fluid or flow restriction. As the valve provides a tight seal when it is closed, it is used for the containers comprising various types of fluids including chemicals, reports a well-known valve manufacturer. 4. Needle valve- The use of needle valve is spread over in various types of industries. They are used to control and direct the flow of gases as well as liquids. They also serve the function of creating resistance to the flow. This helps in safeguarding delicate instruments from coming in contact with substances which are pressurized like various oils, gases and water. They are useful in circumstances when the gradual flow of fluid is required. 5. Plug valve- These valves are similar to gate valves. They allow unblocked flow and get opened with just 90 degrees of turn. They get operational with a small headroom. They don’t have screw threads and hence stem corrosion can happen in very low amount. As said by one of the most popular valves and bibcock suppliers, plug valves are mostly supplied with a plug which has elastomer coating. They get sealed very tightly. These valves are much larger than ball valves and are used mostly in wastewater treatment plants. 6. Butterfly valve- These valves are again similar to ball valves in operation and can open with just 45 degrees of turn. Their usage is mainly done to regulate larger flows of gases and liquids in various industries. However, they cannot be used in throttling for a longer period of time. They are more compact in nature when compared to the gate and ball valves. 7. Check valve– These valves can be called safety valves which are self-activated. They allow gases and liquids to flow in one direction. The reason behind using check valves is to resist the flow of fluids back to the system which can result in damage to equipment. They are mainly used for safeguarding liquid pumps and gas compressors so that there is no backflow as it can stop the pump or compressor from working. The main feature of these valves is they don’t need an external power supply for operation. 8. Swing check valve- These valves permit full, unhindered flow which starts closing as the pressure decreases. It gets completely closed when the flow is zero. They can be used in the systems where gate valves are used due to low-pressure drop. Apart from these 8 types, there are other types like lift check valve, ball check valve, tilting disc, diaphragm, diaphragm check valve, backflow preventer, manifold valve, control valve, foot valve, safety and relief valve, etc. They are used in different industries for which their functioning and designs are suitable.
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Commovente spot contro l'abbandono dei cani Ha commosso milioni di utenti della rete il nuovo spot contro l'abbandono dei cani che sta circolando in occasione dell'estate 2016. Nel video il co-protagonista è un cane fedele che assiste il suo padrone in coma fino al suo risveglio, ma la storia che c'è dietro è davvero particolare. Al risveglio dell'uomo, infatti, parte una sorta di flashback che rivela a noi spettatori quanto accaduto in precedenza, prima che l'uomo entrasse in coma. Vediamo dunque l'uomo quando viene soccorso e caricato in ambulanza, con più distante l'auto che va in fiamme dopo l'incidente, e l'importante aiuto dello stesso cane che ha trascinato il suo padrone lontano dall'auto incendiata. In realtà mentre scorre il filmato capiamo come sono andate davvero le cose prima dell'incidente, ovvero l'uomo aveva appena abbandonato il suo cane per la strada prima di essere vittima dell'incidente. ''Lui non vi abbandonerà mai'' è lo slogan di questa campagna contro l'abbandono degli animali. Guarda altri video di: Cane, Ambiente, Cronaca L'impegno globale di Cina e USA contro l'inquinamento Commovente: cane cerca di salvare il compagno investito Squalo contro foca, chi vincerà? Leone liberato: la sua reazione è commovente Gatto contro cobra: Chi vincerà?
{"url": "https://www.nanopress.it/video/f918ba5a63afd7d8fdfc1f461dd6c89f/commovente_spot_contro_labbandono_dei_cani/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "www.nanopress.it", "date_download": "2018-06-18T11:07:30Z", "digest": "sha1:2GGUTTWGOR35NMKIV2O7FGGVEK3FT5X7"}
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Below Deck: Watch Dave's Proposal (and Porn Past Reveal) By Diego James And the trans woman on the boat? Photo of Dave Bradberry (right) and Trevor Knight courtesy of Bravo We were doubtful by yet another Bravo reality show that would follow the exploits of people living in confined situations. But now it seems that Below Deck, about a crew on a luxury yacht, is just the sort of summer sleeper hit we needed. And with this week's episode involving gay Dave's engagement, his and his boyfriend's porn past, and a troubled conversation about a potentially transgender person on the boat, it's starting to become important for lots of other reasons. Bravo posted this interview on its site after the episode aired where Dave Bradberry discussed the proposal and engagement: "I'm engaged!!! It was so unexpected. We had never really even talked seriously about getting married, so it was very much a surprise. Trevor says it took me being away from him during charter season to realize how much he needed me in his life. The proposal way very impromptu. I was blown away. We have not gotten married yet; we had decided early on that we would not begin the wedding planning until Proposition 8 was overturned. Now that it has been, wedding bells are in the future. "We actually first met during pre-production of my first feature independent film, Bite Marks. I had already been cast, and I was helping with the readings for the other principle roles. Trevor was working as the film's Assistant Director. This was my first "mainstream" project following my short stint in the adult industry. and Trevor never (really) left the adult industry. I'm certainly not proud of the fact that I worked in adult films, but I'm not ashamed of it either, which makes it significantly easier to communicate to new peers. I try not to go through life with regrets. People make decisions and they aren't always good ones. It's what we learn from those choices that matters in the end. When things got a little bigoted about a transgender person who may have been on the ship, Dave says he felt uncomfortable about the language used to describe the woman. As he explained in the interview: "John may or may not have hooked up with a transgender person. Whether or not that happened is completely between them. Sexuality is never black and white, and I think the negative stigma that was being discussed regarding John's new friend was disappointing. The words 'tranny' and 'she-man' are derogatory and disrespectful. I think it was wildly inappropriate for anyone to bring up to the other charter guests that John was going Below Deck with 'a dude.' I will say that if the woman was keeping the fact that she was trans a secret, she was playing a very dangerous game. I'd hope anyone planning on spending private time with someone alone in unfamiliar territory would be cautious, open, and honest about such things. Whether or not she was born one gender or the other, she was clearly portraying herself as a woman, and until corrected, the polite thing to do would have been to have think of her as so. To quote the great #RuPaul, we're all born naked, and the rest is drag." [h/t to Towleroad] Watch the clip about Dave and his boyfriend's porn past below: Watch the clip with Dave's engagement below:
{"url": "http://www.out.com/entertainment/popnography/2013/07/16/bravo-below-deck-watch-dave-bradberry-proposal-trevor-knight-porn-past", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.out.com", "date_download": "2014-11-21T16:50:39Z", "digest": "sha1:ZUN3LRWOQX7XPE43JCSQ7F7ORTZYICTD"}
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Home » TV Celebrity » Tamron Hall Husband, Married, Boyfriend and Dating Tamron Hall Husband, Married, Boyfriend and Dating Date: 13 May, 2017 Husband/Spouse Steven Greener(m.2019) Divorced/Engaged $5 Million (Estimated) Twitter, Instagram, Facebook 5 Feet 9 Inches (1.75 Meters) Mary Newton(Mother) She is one of the fascinating broadcasters around, and her work has impressed everyone all over the world. She still has a lot to achieve and is thriving to reach there. She is none other than the excellent looking and very hot Tamron Hall. Born as Maggie Mae, Tamron's birth took place on 16th of September of the year 1970. Her age is 48 at this time. She was born in a place called Luling. Luling lies in Texas of the United States of America. She belongs to the nationality American. She is the daughter of Mary Newton. Tamron Hall's Net Worth She went to a university called Temple University for her education and degree. From there she got her degree in the field of Broadcast Journalism. Once she finished her degree, she decided to start her career, and she did so by working for KTVT. This network is located in Fort Worth of Texas. After working at KTVT, she moved to another network called WFLD-TV. She worked here for an extended period from 1997 to 2007. Here she used to report on what is going on with the Chicago Politics, and her work was impressive. She worked at WFLD-TV as a consumer reporter and also an assignment reporter. She worked here for a show called Fox News in the Morning. She was one of the reporters who reported about devastating accidents which took place in Illinois and which involved Amtrak. Don't Miss: Jon Fleming Wiki, Age, Girlfriend, Dating, Gay, Height, Parents In the year 2007, she joined one of the biggest networks of the world called MSNBC. She interviewed Barack Obama in 2008, and it was just before Obama announced that he would be running for the presidency. She is a tall woman as she has an incredible height of 5 feet 9 inches. She has a charming personality, and her sex appeal makes her hotter. Her hair adds to her style, and she is a style icon for sure. She gets paid a salary of 1 million per year. This has lifted her net worth to 5 million dollars. She has wealth, she has health, and she is very lucky to have it all in her life. However, this all did not come to her sitting on her sofa as she has worked very hard to be where she is in her life. She has already been nominated for the mighty Emmy Award in her career. She has worked for other news publications as well, and some of them are huge names such as Forbes, Ebony Magazine, and Huffington Post. Tamron Hall Married To Husband Tamron Hall is married to her longtime boyfriend, Steven Greener whom she had kept a secret till now. Tamron, when asked about her boyfriend, had mentioned that she was dating someone from the same industry and that someone turned out to be Steven Greener who is an accomplished music executive. Steven and Tamron got married in secret in the presence of their closest family and friends only. The big ring shines in the pictures of Tamron which seems to be some expensive diamond. Soon after their marriage, Tamron announced on her Instagram that the husband-wife duo was expecting a baby. Tamron Hall delivers the exciting news of her pregnancy to her fans on 5 March 2019 (Photo: Tamro Hall's Instagram) Captioning the photo with the witty "So, it’s clear a daytime talk show isn’t the only thing I’ve been trying to produce!" is how Tamron announced about her pregnancy to her fans and followers. For You: Deneen Borelli Married, Husband, Children, Bio, Age Prior to Steven, Tamron has been engaged twice. In an interview with People Magazine, she revealed that she actually had engaged twice in the past. However, she failed to marry on both occasions. It all worked out for the best as Tamron finally married the one right for her and is now expecting a baby with her beloved. #American broadcaster #KTVT #WFLD-TV #Fox News #MSNBC #Huffington Post. Colleen Wolfe NFL, Age, Married, Husband, Salary, Height KDKA Heather Abraham Bio: Age, Married, Height Lauren Casey Wedding, Age, Wikipedia, Salary & More Details Mitchell Edwards Wiki, Age, Height, Parents, Girlfriend, Dating Paige DeSorbo Bio, Dating, Family Kerith Burke Bio: From Age, Engaged, Married To Parents Detail Marc Cota-Robles [ABC7] Bio: Wife, Family, Salary & More Laura Ingle Wiki, Age, Height, Married, Husband, Pregnant, Fox News Rutledge Wood Married, Wife, Gay, Family, Net Worth, Bio Ben Napier Bio, Age, Height, Net Worth, Wife Roz Varon Bio, Age, Husband, Family, Salary
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Green Vision Award 2011 La rivista Modus Vivendi , nella persona del direttore di redazione, dott. Marco Gisotti, ci ha insignito del Premio Green Vision 2011 per il progetto imprenditoriale di cattura biologica di carbonio e azoto tramite lo sfruttamento di una piantagione di una particolare specie di bambù. La premiazione è avvenuta al Teatro Jovinella di Roma durante un evento di respiro internazionale, celebratosi il 22 maggio, al quale parteciparono personaggi di spicco, i rappresentanti di alcuni movimenti politici come la Costituente Ecologista, attivisti e scienziati di prestigio. Premio Green Vision 2011 Award from mario alejandro rosato on Vimeo. Premi Notizie Vídeo | Admin | 30 maggio 2011 | costituente ecologista green vision award ines nobili marco gisotti modus vivendi premi
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Film Review : Lockout 04/20/2012 11:32AM ● By Justin Buettner The Lockout stars Guy Pierce as Snow, a federal agent who is framed for a crime he didn’t commit. Set in the future, Snow is sentenced to 30 years at a space station prison that keeps prisoners in a sleep state. The president’s daughter Emilie, played by Maggie Grace, is on the space prison leading an investigation about the humane practices of the prison when a jailbreak occurs. This leads to the space prison being taken over by the inmates. Government officials strike a deal with Snow to recover Emilie. While on the mission Snow learns there is an inmate that may have information to clear his name. Luc Besson, the writer and director behind such movies as Taken and the Professional, was a co-writer and a producer on this film. He should be more careful about what he attaches his name to. The ideas of a good movie are present, but the Lockout feels like it was rushed into production with a very limited budget and almost no time spent on the script. In fact there is a special effects scene that is so horribly done that it made me laugh in surprise that something so half heartedly slapped together made it on the screen. The rest of the film features basic but passable effects, something you’d expect more from considering the science fiction nature of the movie. The script itself feels like a first draft chalked full of ideas and scenes from previous movies. It’s not hard to pick out scenes from famous films like Die Hard and the premise could easily be called Escape From New York in space. Most movies have elements of movies that came before, but it is often a good idea to at some point put your own voice and spin on the story. Lockout never gets to that point. The movie moves from point A to B without a single surprising twist mixing in terrible dialogue for good measure. The decision to bookend the movie with a laughably bad subplot about a corrupt federal agent that hardly makes sense certainly didn’t help get the movie started off in a good direction or end it on a high note. I can see the promise of the premise, but the script needed several more drafts of work, probably by a far more competent team of writers. The acting in the movie is probably what you’d expect from a low budget action movie. Guy Pierce fills the lead role, and is believable in the action but is completely lacking in the area of charm or likability. Maggie Grace is not a strong enough actress to share the burden of a lead, especially in a movie where the script and dialogue does nothing to help her. The movie was co-written and directed by a pair of first time filmmakers James Mather and Stephen St. Leger. The only movie credit between the two prior to this movie is a vocal role in the Wallace and Gromit movie. The pair were not up to the task in handling the effects in addition to the screenwriting. They also directed each scene as if they were reading a how to manual, so while the story is clear, very little was added in style, flair or tone. The film made no attempt to capitalize on tension or drama and almost played like a big screen sitcom TV show. Ultimately Lockout would have been better served as a Scyfi Channel movie. It lacked the star power or the quality to be deemed a big screen release and as a result the movie crumbles under the weight of expectations. Lockout is the type of low budget action movie that if you happened to see on TV on a rainy day, and you were really bored, you might find it entertaining enough to see it through but if you pay $10 to see this in the theater you will feel cheated, and deservedly so. Films like Lockout : Escape from LA, District B13, and Sudden Death Justin Buettner is Style's resident movie dude! How did he get this role? Well, he graduated from Loyola Marymount University with a Bachelor of Arts in film Production and a duel minor in Animation and Business with an emphasis in the entertainment field. He later went on to work on several independent films in various key roles including writer and later worked in the special effects field as a motion capture artist. He has since relocated to the Sacramento area with his family and continues writing for small independent films in addition to his movie reviews for Style Magazine. Want more? Check out the Flicks with Style Facebook Page! In Print flicks with style web exclusives web only
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Dr Frederique HUGOT Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation 1 Avenue Claude Vellefaux, 75010 Paris Métro - Goncourt / Hôpital Saint-Louis (ligne 11) RER - Gare de l'Est (ligne P) RER - Gare Du Nord Rer (lignes B, D et E) Parking Saint-Louis 1 Avenue Claude Vellefaux, Paris Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Boulogne-Billancourt Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Argenteuil Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Créteil Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Nanterre Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Versailles Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Vitry-sur-Seine Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Aulnay-sous-Bois Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Rueil-Malmaison Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Issy-les-Moulineaux Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Antony Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Neuilly-sur-Seine Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Ivry-sur-Seine Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Bondy Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Clamart Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Évry Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Saint-Ouen Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Bobigny Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Suresnes Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Livry-Gargan Spécialiste en médecine physique et de réadaptation Noisy-le-Sec
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Go to the Nervous Tissue Page The nervous system is made up of the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system includes the brain and the spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system includes all of the neurons that lie outside of the central nervous system. Your brain weighs only 3 or 4 pounds and is approximately the size of your two fists placed together. This small organ controls all of the functions of your body. It senses the outside world and interprets its meaning. It sends the commands that causes your body to act and to react. Your intelligence, your memories, your emotions, your sense of humor, your personality and beliefs; the essence of YOU, is contained within this small organ you could hold in your hands. The brain is separated into its major structures; the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and the brain stem. Sheep Brain The cerebellum is separated into 2 hemispheres; the left hemisphere and the right hemisphere. Interestingly, all of language processing, including speech and comprehension, lie exclusively in regions of the left hemisphere. The left hemisphere also holds regions used in mathematical concepts, logic, and linear thinking. The right hemisphere has regions that are used in creative thinking, arts, and music. The right and left hemispheres are separated by the Great Longitudinal Fissure. The right and left hemispheres communicate to one another through a structure called the ​corpus callosum. As hard as it to believe that the two hemispheres of the brain specialize in such different areas, it is supported by a multitude of evidence. ​ For example, the video below shows a patient that has had the connection between the left and right hemispheres cut. The area of the brain that connects the left and right hemispheres is called the corpus callosum. This structure was cut during a surgical procedure to treat this patient's severe uncontrolled epilepsy. In this patient, the 2 hemispheres are disconnected from each other and work independently from each other. The patient is shown pictures to one eye at a time in a part of the visual field that projects exclusively to either the right or to the left hemisphere. When the patient, 'Joe", is shown a picture of a hammer to his right hemisphere, Joe is unaware that he has been shown anything. However, when the doctor asks the patient to draw "whatever comes to mind" using the left hand (because the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body) he draws a hammer. When the doctor asks what he has drawn, the left hemisphere responds "a hammer". When the doctor asks the patient why he drew a hammer, the patient's left hemisphere responds with "I don't know". The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system (CNS) is composed of the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is composed of spinal nerves that branch from the spinal cord and cranial nerves that branch from the brain. The PNS includes the autonomic nervous system, which controls vital functions such as breathing, digestion, heart rate, and secretion of hormones. Anatomy of the Sheep Brain Cerebral Hemispheres Lobes of the Brain - Superior View Fissures of the Brain Lobes of the Brain - Lateral View Gross Anatomy of the Brain Main Structures of Sheep Brain The brain includes the cerebrum, the cerebellum and the brain stem. The cerebrum is the largest portion of the brain and it is divided into two hemispheres (the right hemisphere and the left hemisphere) that are separated by a deep groove called the longitudinal fissure. The cerebrum is separated from the cerebrum by a deep groove called the transverse fissure. ​ Behind the cerebrum, a mass that exists that resembles a "little brain". This is the cerebellum. The word cerebellum is Latin for "little brain". This area of the brain is important for motor coordination and hand-eye coordination. The outer layer of the cerebrum is covered with a series of characteristic hills and grooves. This outer portion of the cerebrum is referred to as the cerebral cortex. The hills are called 'gyri' and the grooves are called 'sulci'. ​ The brain form elongated structure of the medulla oblongata which tapers down to form the brain stem. These areas are collectively referred to as the hind brain and are responsible for lower brain functions of the autonomic nervous system, which includes the regulation of homeostatic body functions (heart rate, blood pressure, temperature regulation). Function of Key Areas of the Brain Prefrontal Cortex - Highest-Level Critical Thinking Skills Frontal Lobe - Predicting Outcomes, Empathy, Planning and Speech The Limbic System - Emotion and Addiction Centers of the Brain The Somatosensory Cortex - Processes Sensory Information The Motor Cortex - Processes Motor Commands Before They Are Sent to Peripheral Nervous System (part of the parietal lobe). The Parietal Lobe - Spatial Reasoning, Memory, Motor Initiation and Sensory Information Integration and Interpretation of Meaning The Occipital Lobe - Processes Visual Information The Cerebellum - Coordination ​ Each hemisphere of the cerebrum is separated into 4 regions called lobes. The frontal lobes lie at the anterior (rostral or ventral) portion of the cerebrum. This area of the brain is more pronounced in humans than other animals. This area of the brain is dedicated to higher-level thinking such as being able to predict outcomes of specific actions. In humans, this area seems to hold much of our personality. The parietal lobes are important for spatial skills and tactile sense processing. The temporal lobes are located laterally on the cerebrum and are important for processing sound information. The occipital lobes are located at the back of the cerebrum and process information related to sight. Anatomical Features of Mid-Sagittal Section of Sheep Brain Anatomical structures of sheep brain - sagittal section. Lateral, third and fourth ventricles - sagittal section of sheep brain. Description of Mid-Sagittal Anatomical Features of the Brain Corpus Callosum - The right and left hemispheres of the cerebrum are connected by the corpus callosum. In severe cases of epilepsy, some patients (referred to as "split-brain" patients, have their corpus callosum cut in order to stop the spread of seizures. White and Gray Matter - Gray matter refers to the outer regions of the brain that appear relatively darker than the interior (deeper) portions of the brain. This area appears darker, because these area contain the cell bodies of the neurons. White matter refers to the inner regions of the brain that appear relatively lighter than the exterior (superficial) portions of the brain. The lighter appearance is due to the presence of myelinated axons of neurons. The Pineal Gland (Pineal Body) - The pineal gland is a small endocrine gland that functions to produce the hormone melatonin, which regulates your sleep-wake cycles. The pineal gland gets its name from its "pine cone-like" appearance. Thalamus - The thalamus gets its name from the Greek word meaning "chamber". The thalamus is the main relay center for motor and sensory information. This area is important for integrating neuronal signals which is important in creating meaningful perceptions. The thalamus is also important for regulating your level of consciousness and level of alertness. Hypothalamus - The hypothalamus is located below the thalamus. The prefix 'hypo-' means 'below', so its name translates as "below thalamus". The hypothalamus is responsible for regulating metabolic processes including the perception of hunger and the physical uptake of nutrients. The hypothalamus regulates body temperature, hunger/thirst, alertness and sleep-wake cycles (circadian rhythms). ​ Superior Colliculus - Orients eye and head movement toward light stimulus. The superior colliculus allows you to track movements with your eyes. Inferior Colliculus - Orients the eyes and head towards sound stimuli, including the startle response and vestibulo-ocular reflex. Processes auditory information and localization. Mammillary Bodies - Mammillary bodies are located at the base of the brain at the ends of the anterior arches of the fornix. Mammillary bodies are important for spatial memory and recalling events. The Fornix - "Fornix" comes from the Latin word for "arch". The fornix is an arched (C-shaped) bundle of nerve fibers in the brain that acts as the major output tract of the hippocampus. It may play a role in recall and recognition memory. The Brain Stem - The brain stem includes the midbrain, the pons and the medulla oblongata The Midbrain - The midbrain coordinates the perceptions of sight and sound with motor control of the eyes head and neck. The midbrain also regulates alertness, sleep-wake cycles, and body temperature. The Pons - The pons controls sleep, respiration, swallowing, bladder control, hearing, equilibrium, taste, eye movement, facial expressions, facial sensation, and posture. The Medulla Oblongata - The medulla oblongata controls the autonomic (involuntary) functions of vomiting, sneezing, heart rate, respiration, blood pressure. IMAGE courtesy of By OpenStax - https://cnx.org/contents/FPtK1zmh@8.25:fEI3C8Ot@10/Preface, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=30147954 Clinical Examination of the Cranial Nerves Cranial nerves are the nerves that emerge directly from the brain or brain stem. Cranial nerves relay information between the brain and parts of the body, primarily to and from regions of the head and neck. In contrast, spinal nerves are the nerves that emerge from the spinal cord and project to the body. Cranial Nerve I - Olfactory Nerve = Sense of Smell (Olfaction).​ Cranial Nerve II - Optic Nerve = Sense of Sight ​Cranial Nerves III, IV and VI = The oculomotor nerve (III), trochlear nerve (IV) and abducens nerve (VI) coordinate eye movement. Damage to nerves III, IV, or VI may affect the movement of the eyeball (globe). Cranial Nerve V - The trigeminal nerve (V). In charge of sensation to the skin of the face and control the muscles of mastication (chewing). Cranial Nerve VII - Facial Nerve (VII) - In charge of facial expression. A very common and generally temporary facial palsy is known as Bell's palsy is caused by lesion of the facial nerve. Cranial Nerve VIII - Vestibulocochlear nerve (VIII) - Responsible for hearing and balance. Damage can cause nystagmus. Cranial Nerve IX - Glossopharyngeal nerve - responsible for oral sensation, taste, and salivation. Cranial Nerve X - Vagus nerve (X) - Controls heart rate and blood pressure. Cranial Nerve XI - Accessory Nerve - Responsible for shoulder elevation and head-turning. Cranial Nerve XII - Hypoglossal Nerve - Responsible for tongue movement. Sheep Brain Demonstration
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College Course Lumps Homosexuality, Rape, Murder By Jeff Brady Sep 10, 2012 ShareTwitter Facebook Google+ Email Franciscan University of Steubenville's Christ the King Chapel seen at dusk in this image taken in 1980, in Steubenville, Ohio. Courtesy of David E. West Originally published on September 10, 2012 6:26 pm The Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio faces questions about its accreditation because of a course description that links homosexuality with crimes like murder, rape and robbery. The university's social work program offers the course, called SWK 314 Deviant Behavior. The course description reads: "The behaviors that are primarily examined are murder, rape, robbery, prostitution, homosexuality, mental illness and drug use." Members of a Franciscan University gay and lesbian alumni group on Facebook discovered the course description and have asked the school to change it. "As a lesbian and as a psychological professional, I found a couple of things offensive," says Elizabeth Vermilyea, who graduated from Franciscan University in 1991 with a psychology degree. Today she's working on a doctorate and consults with mental health organizations. She objects to including both mental health and homosexuality in that list. "The state of the art in science on homosexuality is not that it's deviant," says Vermilyea. "The DSM — Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders — has removed it ... as an illness." Franciscan University sits on a hill in Steubenville, Ohio, nearly 40 miles west of Pittsburgh. With about 2,600 mostly undergraduate students, the university is proud of its rigorous academics and its conservative reputation. In a written statement to NPR, the school says, "Franciscan University follows Catholic Church teaching in regard to homosexuality and treats homosexual persons with 'respect, compassion, and sensitivity' (Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 2358) while holding homosexual acts as 'intrinsically disordered.' " The university says the term "deviant" is used in the sociological sense, to mean "different from the norm." And it says the course "covers a wide range of topics including crime, alcoholism, heterosexual deviance and homosexuality." But gay and lesbian alumni are not satisfied with that explanation. "What if you're a gay student at Franciscan University? How are you going to feel if you're sitting in that class and they're putting you in the same category as murderers?" asks Gregory Gronbacher, who graduated from Franciscan University in 1990. Gronbacher and Vermilyea contacted school officials, trying to get the course description changed. The university's attorney responded instead with an email warning them not to use the university's name or logo in their activities. Franciscan University now faces questions from the group that accredits its social work program. "The fact that homosexuality was identified in the course description as a deviant behavior raises a flag," says Stephen Holloway, director of the office of accreditation at the Council on Social Work Education. Holloway says there is a diversity requirement that includes sexual orientation in his organization's accrediting standards. "Understanding diversity and difference and their dynamics in society is critical for social workers to be effective in working with diverse populations," explains Holloway. The CSWE has accredited Franciscan University since 2001, and there is no history of problems. A spokeswoman for Franciscan University says the school is reviewing the course description to determine whether it needs to be changed.Copyright 2013 NPR. To see more, visit http://www.npr.org/. Transcript MELISSA BLOCK, HOST: This is ALL THINGS CONSIDERED from NPR News. I'm Melissa Block. AUDIE CORNISH, HOST: And I'm Audie Cornish. A Catholic university in Ohio faces questions about its accreditation. That's because of a course description linking homosexuality to crimes, such as murder, rape and robbery. The course is offered by Franciscan University of Steubenville. NPR's Jeff Brady tells us more. JEFF BRADY, BYLINE: Franciscan University sits on a hill in Steubenville, Ohio, nearly 40 miles West of Pittsburgh. With about 2,600 students, the university is proud of its rigorous academics and its conservative reputation. But on Facebook, there's a small group of lesbian and gay alumni who graduated from the college. Recently, a member of that group came across a course description in the university's social work program called Deviant Behavior. The description reads, quote, "The behaviors that are primarily examined are murder, rape, robbery, prostitution, homosexuality, mental illness, and drug use. ELIZABETH VERMILYEA: As a lesbian and as a psychological professional, I found a couple of things offensive. BRADY: Elizabeth Vermilyea graduated from Franciscan University with a psychology degree in 1991. Today, she's working on a doctorate and consults with mental health organizations. She objects to including both mental health and homosexuality in that list. VERMILYEA: The state of the art in science on homosexuality is not that it's deviant. The DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - has removed it long since as a deviation, as an illness. BRADY: The American Psychiatric Association did that in 1973. Franciscan University officials declined to be interviewed for this story. But the school emailed a statement to NPR - we've posted it on our website. It says, the term deviant is used in the sociological sense, to mean different from the norm. The school says it, quote, "treats homosexual persons with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. The statement also says the school - in line with Catholic beliefs - holds that homosexual acts are, quote, "intrinsically disordered." Gregory Gronbacher graduated from Franciscan University in 1990 and worries about some of the current students there. GREGORY GRONBACHER: What if you're a gay student at Franciscan University? How are you going to feel if you're sitting in that class and they're putting you in the same category as murderers? BRADY: Gronbacher and Vermilyea contacted school officials, trying to get the course description changed. The university's attorney responded instead with an email, warning them not to use the university's name or logo in their activities. Franciscan University now faces questions from the group that accredits its social work program. Stephen Holloway is with the Council on Social Work Education. STEPHEN HOLLOWAY: The fact that homosexuality was identified in the course description as a deviant behavior raises a flag. BRADY: Holloway says there is a diversity requirement that includes sexual orientation in his organization's accrediting standards. HOLLOWAY: Understanding diversity and difference and their dynamics in society is critical for social workers to be effective in working with diverse populations. BRADY: Holloway says his group has accredited Franciscan University since 2001 and there is no history of problems. School officials say they're reviewing the course description to determine if it needs to be changed. Jeff Brady, NPR News. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.Related Program: All Things ConsideredView the discussion thread. © 2016 WUTC
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CHATILLON Auguste de Peintre, sculpteur et poète français.
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HSBC Brasil, Santo Amaro 23 May 2013-24 May 2013 Jerry and Lois Photography/Press image Prices R$100-$380. Date 23 May 2013-24 May 2013 Open 10pm Buy tickets for Yes HSBC Brasil Rua Bragança Paulista 1281, Santo Amaro Formed in 1968 by bassist Chris Squire and singer Jon Anderson, British band Yes are prehaps best known for the upbeat and instantly recognisable 1983 pop-rock hit, ‘Owner of a Lonely Heart’. However, it was an earlier, more psychedelic and altogether more turquoise-tunic-wearing incarnation of Yes that gained them critical accolades as the visionaries of progressive rock in the 1970s. Characterised by elaborate vocal arrangements, trippy ambience and transcendental lyrics at their creative apogee, to date Yes have released twenty studio albums, and tirelessly toured the world for the last four decades. The band’s 2013 Spring Tour stop in São Paulo promises fans a start-to-finish rendition of their three progressive rock album classics: 1971’s The Yes Album, 1972’s Close to the Edge, and 1977’s Going for the One – albeit without the original lead singer, Jon Anderson, who left the band in 2008 due to health problems. The band is currently fronted by vocalist Jon Davison. By Maria López Conde São Paulo: Football Interview: Arcade Fire’s Win Butler
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Estás en:Home»Áreas municipales»Biblioteca»Memorias de una vaca. Bernardo Atxaga (2017) Memorias de una vaca. Bernardo Atxaga (2017) La vaca Mo es una vaca muy especial… está decidida a no someterse al destino que espera a las de su especie. Comienza a escribir unas memorias en las que relata los duros años de posguerra en el mundo rural vasco. ¿Logrará Mo su objetivo? Una estupenda historia narrada con una prosa cuidada que atrapará desde las primeras páginas. Bernardo Atxaga es el pseudónimo de Joseba Irazu Garmendia. Nació en Gipúzcoa en 1951. Se licenció en Ciencias Económicas por la Universidad de Bilbao. Desempeñó varios oficios: profesor de euskera, guionista de radio, librero, economista… hasta que finalmente, a comienzos de los 80, se dedicó por entero a la literatura. En 1972 ya había publicado sus primeros poemas en euskera y en 1976 publicó su primera novela: De la ciudad. En 1983 recibe el premio “Xavier Lizardi” por su libro Sugeak begiratzen dionean (Cuando la culebra mira al pájaro). En 1989, Bernardo Atxaga es galardonado con el Premio Nacional de Literatura por su obra Obabakoak, traducida a más de veinte lenguas. Características del libro Edad de lectura: 10 años y más Editorial: Ediciones SM Fecha de publicación: 18 de abril de 2017 Previous ArticleTrilogía de la fundación. Isaac Asimov (2010) Next Article El corazón helado. Almudena Grandes (2009)
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C·A·P Home > Aktuell > positionen > 2008 > Die verlorene Amtszeit von Präsident Bush Die verlorene Amtszeit von Präsident Bush US-Bürger erwarten wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung und die Aufwertung des US-Ansehens in der Welt Zusammenfassung eines Interviews der Deutschen Welle (Spanien) mit Thomas Bauer über die letzte Rede des US-Präsidenten George W. Bush zur Lage der Nation. Das ganze Interview zum Nachlesen 30.01.2008 · Position von Thomas Bauer Am 28. Januar 2008 hielt George W. Buh seine siebte und letzte Rede zur Lage der Nation. Die Aufmerksamkeit war äußerst gering. Dies lag nicht nur an den Vorwahlen der Republikaner und der Demokraten zur Kandidatenkür für die im November stattfindenden Präsidentschaftswahlen, sondern auch an den geringen Erwartungen der Öffentlichkeit in die letzten 51 Wochen seiner Amtszeit. Der Präsident sieht sich im Kongress einer demokratischen Mehrheit gegenübergestellt. Seine Partei hat sich mehrheitlich von ihm distanziert. Seine Popularitätswerte sind auf ein historisches Tief von 32 Prozent gesunken. Große politische Initiativen lassen sich unter diesen Bedingungen nicht mehr starten. Die sonst üblichen harschen Angriffe gegen die Demokraten blieben dieses Mal aus. Kein Wunder, benötigt er doch deren Zustimmung im Repräsentantenhaus und im Senat für sein angekündigtes 150 Milliarden US-Dollar schweres Konjunkturprogramm. Zwar hat man sich auf den Umfang des Maßnahmenpakets einigen können, jedoch existieren noch unterschiedliche Auffassungen darüber, wem die angekündigten Steuererleichterungen zu Gute kommen sollen. Lediglich bei den Themen Migration und Rentensystem konnte sich Bush den Seitenhieb nicht verkneifen, dass es gerade die demokratische Kongressmehrheit wäre, die sich einer Lösung für die drängenden Fragen beim Umgang mit Immigranten und beim maroden Rentensystem verweigert hätten. Der Kampf gegen den internationalen Terrorismus dominierte den Bereich der Rede über die internationale Politik. Im Irak seien Fortschritte zu erkennen, und seine Entscheidung des letzten Jahres 30.000 zusätzliche Soldaten ins Land zu schicken hätte hierzu ebenso beigetragen wie die Tatsache, dass sich die unterschiedlichen Bevölkerungsgruppen nun nicht mehr untereinander bekriegen würde, sondern sich dem Kampf der USA gegen die Aufständischen angeschlossen hätten. Die neusten Statistiken würden zumindest diesen Rückschluss des Präsidenten zulassen. Seit dem Frühjahr 2007 ging die Zahl der Anschläge im ganzen Land um 55 Prozent zurück, die Zahl der Zivilopfer gar um 60 Prozent. Dennoch verharrt der Irak im Chaos. Von einer stabilen oder gar sicheren Lage ist man noch weit entfernt. Teheran gegenüber erneuerte der US-Präsident die Drohung, dass die USA ihren Verpflichtungen gegenüber den Verbündeten in der Region nachkommen würde, sollte vom Iran eine Bedrohung ausgehen. Dabei betonte er vor allem die Rolle des Mullah-Regimes bei der Ausbildung, Finanzierung und Unterstützung der Aufständischen im Irak und der Hisbollah im Libanon. Insgesamt war die Rede ohne große Überraschungen. Alles hatte man in dieser oder ähnlichen Form schon mal gehört. Die demonstrativ ablehnende Haltung der Demokraten, die dem Präsidenten an vielen Stellen seiner Rede den Applaus verweigerten, ist ebenso auf die Lage von George W. Bush als "lahme Ente" in seiner restlichen Amtzeit zurückzuführen, wie auf die Tatsache, dass das gesamte Land auf den großen Politikwechsel wartet. Wer auch immer Ende des Jahres ins Weißen Haus einziehen wird, die Bevölkerung in den USA erwartet von einem neuen Präsidenten einen neuen Ansatz zur Beilegung der wirtschaftlichen Probleme und zur Aufwertung des Ansehens der USA in der Welt. Die Vereinigten Staaten sind angeschlagen, und es ist im Gegensatz zu den letzten Wahlen keine unpatriotische Schande mehr diese Tatsache auch als Kandidat offen anzusprechen. Bush selbst hat dies zumindest unter Verweis auf die wirtschaftliche Lage in seiner Rede zugegeben. Und das könnte sich als Sargnagel für seine Rolle in der Geschichte der USA herauskristallisieren. Bisher konnte er trotz der chaotischen Lage im Irak zumindest auf gute Wirtschaftsdaten verweisen. Nun sieht man sich jedoch mit einer drohenden Rezession konfrontiert, und die innenpolitisch wichtigen Themen wie etwa eine Reform des Gesundheits- und des Rentensystems überlässt er seinem Nachfolger im Amt. Bei vielen Beobachtern setzt sich daher allmählich die Ansicht durch, dass es sich bei der Präsidentschaft des George W. Bush um eine verlorene Amtszeit handelt. Transatlantisches Verhältnis: Gute Partner - trotz Trump 03.10.2018 · tagesschau.de Trump sei Dank - Maas entwirft neue USA-Strategie Zitat von Prof. Dr. Werner Weidenfeld 23.08.2018 · junge welt Transatlantik’te hasımlar 23.07.2018 · Aydinlik.com.tr Transatlantische Beziehung in der Orientierungskrise Interview mit Prof. Dr. Werner Weidenfeld 27.04.2018 · stimme.de Future Security Science Match 2018 C·A·P as scientific partner for major security event Europa rückt zusammen. 30 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall Eine deutsch-polnische Perspektive Grüne bestätigen Vorstand: Habeck und Baerbock mit Traum-Ergebnissen Parteitag der Grünen in Bielefeld Soziale Forderungen und Kanzlerkandidatur – Statement von Prof. Dr. Werner Weidenfeld Schwache Werte im Osten: Warum die Grünen nur im Westen aufblühen
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han llegado este lunes a la Gran Central Metropolitana Leer más » un proyecto en el cual trabajó desde fines de 2007 hasta por lo menos noviembre de 2013 Leer más » Ventas de mariscos nicaragüenses a Taiwán en aumento Exportaciones a Taiwán se mantienen en alto nivel Leer más » Samsung presenta su nueva computadora portátil para juegos de gama alta con la Notebook Odyssey viene con un procesador actualizado, una tarjeta gráfica de primera línea Leer más » Wall Street cierra en baja al concluir un trimestre agitado. 31 marzo, 2016 Economía, Internacionales No comments Foto tomada el 15 de julio del 2013 de la fachada de la sede de la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York. (Foto AP/Mark Lennihan, archivo) NUEVA YORK | AP.- Los precios de las acciones en Wall Street cerraron ligeramente en baja el jueves, en una jornada en la que las compañías químicas y agrícolas sufrieron las mayores pérdidas. El oro prosiguió su alza en un día más bien tranquilo para concluir un trimestre agitado. La mayoría de los índices concluyeron el periodo con ligeras ganancias después de recuperarse en marzo de fuertes pérdidas en febrero. Un incierto panorama dañó los títulos de empresas de agricultura, fertilizantes y equipo agrario. Comienza a circular en Colombia billete de 100.000 pesos. Un hombre muestra el nuevo billete colombiano de 100.000 pesos en Bogotá, Colombia, jueves 31 de marzo de 2016. El billete, el de mayor denominación en el país, entró en circulación el 31 de marzo Equivale a unos 33 dólares. (AP Foto/Fernando Vergara) Por CESAR GARCIA | BOGOTA, Colombia | AP.- El Banco de la República colombiano puso en circulación el jueves el nuevo billete de 100.000 pesos que, según autoridades bancarias, en principio será para transacciones de alto valor. El nuevo billete (equivalente a unos 33 dólares) tiene por un lado la imagen del ex presidente colombiano Carlos Lleras Restrepo (1966-1970) y por el otro la del Valle del Cocora; en el departamento central de Quindío; la de la palma de cera, que es el árbol nacional; la del pájaro barranquero, y la de la flor del árbol sietecueros. Captan lo que podría llegar a ser una versión joven de la Tierra. 31 marzo, 2016 Internacionales No comments Esto foto del Observatorio Europeo Austral tomada por el radiotelescopio ALMA, el 31 de marzo de 2016, muestra el disco de formación planetaria alrededor de la joven estrella TW Hydrae, similar al Sol, y (D) el lugar de formación de la joven Tierra (European Southern Observatory/AFP | -) AFP.- El poderoso radiotelescopio Alma, en el norte de Chile, captó con el mayor detalle hasta ahora el disco de formación de planetas alrededor de la estrella de tipo solar TW Hydrae, lo que podría significar el nacimiento de una versión infantil de la Tierra o una Supertierra más masiva, informó este jueves el observatorio. La nueva imagen captada por ALMA “revela una prometedora brecha a la misma distancia de la estrella a la que se encuentra la Tierra del Sol, lo cual puede significar que está empezando a nacer una versión infantil de nuestro planeta o, posiblemente, una Supertierra, más masiva”, se explicó en un comunicado. Ganaron motocicletas Yamaha con recargas internacionales de Movistar. 31 marzo, 2016 Empresariales, Nicaragua No comments En la fotografía aparece Jorge Mena, Jefe de Recargas Electrónicas de Telefónica y su marca Movistar para Nicaragua, y Yesica Espinales Valle, ganadora de la motocicleta Yamaha Deportiva YZF-R3. Cuatro clientes de Chinandega, Managua, Rivas y Nueva Guinea resultaron ganadores de una motocicleta Yamaha YBR125E cada uno. Además, Yesica Espinales Valle, de Chinandega, fue la feliz ganadora de la motocicleta Yamaha Deportiva YZF-R3, una edición especial de la moto que Movistar patrocina en el MOTOGP. Con la entrega de las motocicletas Movistar reafirma su compromiso de transparencia con sus clientes. Tecnología y banca impulsan a Wall Street. Corredores bursátiles trabajan en la sede de la Bolsa de Valores de Nueva York, el miércoles 30 de marzo del 2016. (Foto AP/Richard Drew) Wall Street volvió a cerrar con ganancias el miércoles de la mano del sector tecnológico, que operó en alza por segundo día en fila, y las empresas de consumo se beneficiaron del crecimiento de las líneas de cruceros. En tanto, el asediado sector financiero se recuperó de algunas de sus pérdidas de principios de año. Presidente Sánchez Cerén: No daremos tregua a los criminales, no vamos a retroceder. Por Transparencia Activa | San Salvador.- El presidente Salvador Sánchez Cerén reiteró el firme compromiso de su gobierno de garantizar seguridad y tranquilidad a todas las familias salvadoreñas, a través de la implementación de medidas urgentes de carácter extraordinario, las cuales permitirán un combate más efectivo contra la criminalidad. Torneo de golf por las mujeres emprendedoras. 30 marzo, 2016 Economía, Nicaragua 2 Comments Los fondos recaudados son para impulsar programas de mentorías y liderazgo juvenil Con el objetivo de recaudar fondos a beneficio de los programas de mujeres emprendedoras nicaragüenses, Voces Vitales Nicaragua realizó el II Torneo de golf Juguemos por las emprendedoras que se realizó por segundo año consecutivo. El evento deportivo se efectuó en el Nejapa Golf & Country Club en Managua y contó con la participación de aproximadamente cien golfistas de todas las edades entre aficionados y profesionales. Club de especialistas imparte taller a constructores. Maestros de obra aprenden sobre materiales sismo resistentes Cada día hay más opciones innovadoras en el mundo de la construcción que sustituyen poco a poco los materiales tradicionales, por ser más modernas, limpias, frescas, económicas y sobretodo seguras. Es por ello que SINSA aliada de su proveedor Hopsa, impartió a través del programa Club de Especialistas, el taller denominado Soluciones constructivas sismo resistentes en el centro de formación de SINSA, ubicado en Sábana Grande. Claro promueve las TIC´s en el VIII Congreso de Empresarias de Nicaragua. 30 marzo, 2016 Economía, Empresariales, Nicaragua No comments Bajo el lema “Liderazgo y asociatividad…garantía de productividad” se desarrollará el VIII Congreso Nacional y VI Congreso Centroamericano y República Dominicana de Mujeres Empresarias, organizado por Claro y el Congreso Permanente de Mujeres Empresarias de Nicaragua. “En CLARO Nicaragua tenemos como misión facilitar el acceso y uso de las telecomunicaciones, brindando servicios de última tecnología, innovamos y ofrecemos la mejor calidad, sabemos que las pymes en manos de mujeres contribuyen al desarrollo de los países en los cuales tenemos presencia, por ello nos unimos en este proceso de transferencia de conocimiento hacia un sector que es de vital importancia en la economía de las familias nicaragüenses”, dijo Gilda Tinoco Gerente de Comunicación Corporativa. FEDEPRICAP se reúne en Panamá. 30 marzo, 2016 Economía, Nicaragua No comments El Viceministro de Comercio Exterior de Panamá, Néstor González, con los presidentes de FEDEPRICAP. La Federación de Entidades Privadas de Centroamérica, Panamá y República Dominicana (FEDEPRICAP), que aglutina a las organizaciones líderes empresariales de la región, realizó hoy su XVIII asamblea en la ciudad de Panamá. En la Asamblea el actual presidente de la FEDEPRICAP y presidente de la Unión Costarricense de Cámaras y Asociaciones del Sector Empresarial Privado (UCCAEP), Ronald Jiménez, presentó un informe sobre su gestión, y también realizó una exposición la Secretaria General de la Secretaría de Integración Económica Centroamericana (Sieca), Carmen Gisela Vergara. Estudia medicina con Beca en Taiwán. 30 marzo, 2016 Educación, Nicaragua, Noticias No comments Este año bajo el lema “Cambia el destino de tu vida con la educación superior” el Gobierno de la República de China (Taiwán) promueve el Programa de Medicina y ofrece becas completas a estudiantes que ya estén graduados de la universidad y que aspiren estudiar Medicina como segunda carrera. Los seleccionados ingresarán a la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de I-Shou de Taiwán. Cuide su salud digestiva con Aloe. 30 marzo, 2016 Salud No comments El Aloe, como un coadyuvante de la salud digestiva, se ha vuelto un producto importante en la dieta de quienes cuidad su salud. Evitar comidas irritantes, hacer un buen manejo del estrés y tener una dieta balanceada son algunas de las recomendaciones de los expertos para cuidar la salud de una manera integral, y específicamente la salud digestiva; pero a esto debemos agregar la recomendación de consumir productos con Aloe Vera. Movistar y Miss Nicaragua entregan premio de C$125,000.00 en efectivo. En la fotografía aparecen de izquierda a derecha, Karen Celebertti, Directora de la Organización Miss Nicaragua; Marina Jacoby, Miss Nicaragua 2016; Erick Hernández, ganador de la dinámica; Alejandro Almendárez, Especialista de Negocios Premium de Telefónica y su marca Movistar en Nicaragua, y María José Salazar, Sexta finalista de Miss Nicaragua y ganadora de la dinámica Miss Popularidad. Participaban los clientes que se suscribieran enviando la palabra MISS al 2022 o llamaran al *6477 para recibir contenido exclusivo de las candidatas. Erick Antonio Hernández López, de Managua, fue el feliz ganador del premio de C$125,000.00 en efectivo Movistar reafirma su compromiso de transparencia con sus clientes mediante la entrega de este premio. Movistar realizó la entrega del premio al ganador de la dinámica Miss Popularidad, mediante la cual los clientes de Movistar podían apoyar a su candidata favorita en el concurso Miss Nicaragua 2016 a través de mensajes de texto y suscribirse para recibir contenido exclusivo de las candidatas, y a su vez participar en la rifa de C$125,000.00 en efectivo. Disfruta los mejores mariscos en restaurante Summer con el Club Movistar. En la fotografía aparecen Génesis Jaime, Gerente de Mercadeo de Grupo Summer, y Sanjay Abbi, Gerente de Marketing Pospago de Telefónica y su marca Movistar en Nicaragua. Con el Club Movistar todos los clientes recibirán todos los días un 15% de descuento. Para disfrutar del beneficio deben enviar un mensaje de texto con la palabra clave SUMMER al 2582. Solo por ser Movistar los nicaragüenses ya forman parte del Club Movistar, con el que pueden disfrutar de descuentos y promociones en diferentes establecimientos. Los mejores mariscos están en Restaurante Summer y ahora con el Club Movistar los nicaragüenses recibirán un 15% de descuento en sus facturas. El Salvador: Más de 23 mil policías brindaron seguridad en Semana Santa. Captura de pantalla. Dispositivo de seguridad de la PNC derivó en 74 detenidos, 92 armas de fuego decomisadas y más de 10 mil esquelas a conductores. Los accidentes de tránsito aumentaron en 9.2%. La Policía Nacional Civil (PNC) mantuvo presencia policial a nivel nacional para garantizar la seguridad y tranquilidad los turistas locales y extranjeros durante el plan de seguridad “Semana Santa 2016”, implementado desde el 18 de marzo. Impulsando el desarrollo regional. 29 marzo, 2016 Economía, Nicaragua, Opinión No comments Lic. José Adán Aguerri, Presidente del COSEP. EDITORIAL del COSEP | Managua.- Es importante destacar que en las prioridades del sector privado centroamericano la agenda regional ha vuelto a ocupar un espacio preponderante, así como también, nuestra relación con los diferentes órganos integrantes del sistema institucional regional para poder impulsar en conjunto un mayor desarrollo. No venimos de un buen año como región en términos de nuestras exportaciones totales incluyendo mercancías y maquila. Según cifras del Consejo Monetario Centroamericano las exportaciones totales centroamericanas se redujeron en 6.8 por ciento al pasar de 54,401 millones de dólares en el 2014 a 50,708 millones de dólares en el 2016. Salvo en el caso de El Salvador, todos los países tuvieron caídas en sus exportaciones en relación al año 2014. Casas contenedor con fibrocemento se imponen como nueva tendencia arquitectónica. Resistencia de contenedores puede fortalecerse con materiales versátiles como el fibrocemento Proyecto en Panamá fue premiado por innovación, ahorro de recursos y amistad con el ambiente Romper el modelo tradicional de la construcción es el reto de la arquitectura moderna, la cual combina practicidad, facilidad de edificación y diseños innovadores, como el caso de la construcción de casa contenedores con materiales de fibrocemento una nueva tendencia que aporta rapidez, modernidad y eficiencia en el proceso constructivo para uso residencial o comercial. Venezuela: mueren dos policías en protestas en San Cristóbal. 29 marzo, 2016 Educación, Internacionales No comments Los manifestantes protestaban por el aumento del precio del transporte público. (Reuters) BBC Mundo.- Dos policías murieron atropellados este martes en medio de enfrentamientos entre manifestantes y autoridades en el estado venezolano de Táchira, fronterizo con Colombia. Las autoridades informaron que encapuchados, presuntamente estudiantes, arrollaron una barricada de las fuerzas de seguridad después de haber secuestrado más de una decena de buses públicos en la ciudad de San Cristóbal. Página 679 de 860« Primera«...102030...676677678679680681682683...690700710...»Última » Powered by WordPress | Theme Designed by: at&t - Black Friday 2016 | Thanks to promo codes - Verizon, here and Sprint - Black Friday
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[11036, 11092, 0.0], [11092, 11138, 1.0], [11138, 11170, 0.0], [11170, 11477, 1.0], [11477, 11922, 1.0], [11922, 12004, 1.0], [12004, 12098, 0.0], [12098, 12191, 0.0], [12191, 12564, 1.0], [12564, 12626, 1.0], [12626, 12680, 0.0], [12680, 12770, 0.0], [12770, 12782, 0.0], [12782, 12952, 1.0], [12952, 13173, 1.0], [13173, 13261, 0.0], [13261, 13393, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 66, 0.0], [66, 165, 0.0], [165, 218, 0.0], [218, 279, 0.0], [279, 375, 0.0], [375, 460, 0.0], [460, 521, 0.0], [521, 574, 0.0], [574, 706, 0.0], [706, 724, 0.0], [724, 899, 0.0], [899, 989, 0.0], [989, 1222, 0.0], [1222, 1280, 0.0], [1280, 1532, 0.0], [1532, 1575, 0.0], [1575, 1761, 0.0], [1761, 2096, 0.0], [2096, 2162, 0.0], [2162, 2205, 0.0], [2205, 2494, 0.0], [2494, 2500, 0.0], [2500, 2822, 0.0], [2822, 3131, 0.0], [3131, 3201, 0.0], [3201, 3253, 0.0], [3253, 3448, 0.0], [3448, 3574, 0.0], [3574, 3755, 0.0], [3755, 3857, 0.0], [3857, 3900, 0.0], [3900, 4038, 0.0], [4038, 4256, 0.0], [4256, 4357, 0.0], [4357, 4442, 0.0], [4442, 4484, 0.0], [4484, 4786, 0.0], [4786, 4832, 0.0], [4832, 4878, 0.0], [4878, 4961, 0.0], [4961, 5386, 0.0], [5386, 5440, 0.0], [5440, 5501, 0.0], [5501, 5931, 0.0], [5931, 6005, 0.0], [6005, 6067, 0.0], [6067, 6336, 0.0], [6336, 6841, 0.0], [6841, 6872, 0.0], [6872, 6919, 0.0], [6919, 7019, 0.0], [7019, 7241, 0.0], [7241, 7599, 0.0], [7599, 7636, 0.0], [7636, 7694, 0.0], [7694, 8080, 0.0], [8080, 8115, 0.0], [8115, 8148, 0.0], [8148, 8276, 0.0], [8276, 8580, 0.0], [8580, 8651, 0.0], [8651, 9044, 0.0], [9044, 9195, 0.0], [9195, 9298, 0.0], [9298, 9400, 0.0], [9400, 9756, 0.0], [9756, 9830, 0.0], [9830, 10000, 0.0], [10000, 10086, 0.0], [10086, 10185, 0.0], [10185, 10348, 0.0], [10348, 10491, 0.0], [10491, 10564, 0.0], [10564, 10585, 0.0], [10585, 10761, 0.0], [10761, 11001, 0.0], [11001, 11036, 0.0], [11036, 11092, 0.0], [11092, 11138, 0.0], [11138, 11170, 0.0], [11170, 11477, 0.0], [11477, 11922, 0.0], [11922, 12004, 0.0], [12004, 12098, 0.0], [12098, 12191, 0.0], [12191, 12564, 0.0], [12564, 12626, 0.0], [12626, 12680, 0.0], [12680, 12770, 0.0], [12770, 12782, 0.0], [12782, 12952, 0.0], [12952, 13173, 0.0], [13173, 13261, 0.0], [13261, 13393, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 66, 12.0], [66, 165, 20.0], [165, 218, 8.0], [218, 279, 11.0], [279, 375, 15.0], [375, 460, 14.0], [460, 521, 10.0], [521, 574, 7.0], [574, 706, 26.0], [706, 724, 3.0], [724, 899, 29.0], [899, 989, 16.0], [989, 1222, 35.0], [1222, 1280, 9.0], [1280, 1532, 43.0], [1532, 1575, 6.0], [1575, 1761, 29.0], [1761, 2096, 60.0], [2096, 2162, 13.0], [2162, 2205, 6.0], [2205, 2494, 46.0], [2494, 2500, 1.0], [2500, 2822, 54.0], [2822, 3131, 52.0], [3131, 3201, 8.0], [3201, 3253, 7.0], [3253, 3448, 29.0], [3448, 3574, 18.0], [3574, 3755, 28.0], [3755, 3857, 15.0], [3857, 3900, 7.0], [3900, 4038, 24.0], [4038, 4256, 38.0], [4256, 4357, 17.0], [4357, 4442, 13.0], [4442, 4484, 5.0], [4484, 4786, 43.0], [4786, 4832, 7.0], [4832, 4878, 7.0], [4878, 4961, 12.0], [4961, 5386, 65.0], [5386, 5440, 7.0], [5440, 5501, 8.0], [5501, 5931, 66.0], [5931, 6005, 12.0], [6005, 6067, 8.0], [6067, 6336, 36.0], [6336, 6841, 77.0], [6841, 6872, 5.0], [6872, 6919, 7.0], [6919, 7019, 14.0], [7019, 7241, 32.0], [7241, 7599, 51.0], [7599, 7636, 6.0], [7636, 7694, 8.0], [7694, 8080, 64.0], [8080, 8115, 6.0], [8115, 8148, 6.0], [8148, 8276, 23.0], [8276, 8580, 48.0], [8580, 8651, 10.0], [8651, 9044, 57.0], [9044, 9195, 23.0], [9195, 9298, 16.0], [9298, 9400, 15.0], [9400, 9756, 59.0], [9756, 9830, 11.0], [9830, 10000, 27.0], [10000, 10086, 15.0], [10086, 10185, 17.0], [10185, 10348, 24.0], [10348, 10491, 23.0], [10491, 10564, 12.0], [10564, 10585, 3.0], [10585, 10761, 30.0], [10761, 11001, 36.0], [11001, 11036, 4.0], [11036, 11092, 8.0], [11092, 11138, 7.0], [11138, 11170, 4.0], [11170, 11477, 43.0], [11477, 11922, 72.0], [11922, 12004, 10.0], [12004, 12098, 11.0], [12098, 12191, 15.0], [12191, 12564, 55.0], [12564, 12626, 9.0], [12626, 12680, 7.0], [12680, 12770, 12.0], [12770, 12782, 2.0], [12782, 12952, 23.0], [12952, 13173, 32.0], [13173, 13261, 6.0], [13261, 13393, 20.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 66, 0.0], [66, 165, 0.08], [165, 218, 0.0], [218, 279, 0.0], [279, 375, 0.0], [375, 460, 0.0], [460, 521, 0.0], [521, 574, 0.11764706], [574, 706, 0.04761905], [706, 724, 0.0], [724, 899, 0.0], [899, 989, 0.0], [989, 1222, 0.0], [1222, 1280, 0.10909091], [1280, 1532, 0.06477733], [1532, 1575, 0.0], [1575, 1761, 0.03243243], [1761, 2096, 0.0304878], [2096, 2162, 0.0], [2162, 2205, 0.14634146], [2205, 2494, 0.02166065], [2494, 2500, 0.0], [2500, 2822, 0.0], [2822, 3131, 0.0], [3131, 3201, 0.0], [3201, 3253, 0.12244898], [3253, 3448, 0.00520833], [3448, 3574, 0.02459016], [3574, 3755, 0.00568182], [3755, 3857, 0.0], [3857, 3900, 0.0], [3900, 4038, 0.04477612], [4038, 4256, 0.0], [4256, 4357, 0.0], [4357, 4442, 0.0], [4442, 4484, 0.0], [4484, 4786, 0.0], [4786, 4832, 0.0], [4832, 4878, 0.15909091], [4878, 4961, 0.0], [4961, 5386, 0.0], [5386, 5440, 0.0], [5440, 5501, 0.0], [5501, 5931, 0.0], [5931, 6005, 0.0], [6005, 6067, 0.10169492], [6067, 6336, 0.0], [6336, 6841, 0.0], [6841, 6872, 0.0], [6872, 6919, 0.13333333], [6919, 7019, 0.0], [7019, 7241, 0.0], [7241, 7599, 0.0], [7599, 7636, 0.0], [7636, 7694, 0.10909091], [7694, 8080, 0.0], [8080, 8115, 0.0], [8115, 8148, 0.19354839], [8148, 8276, 0.0], [8276, 8580, 0.0], [8580, 8651, 0.12121212], [8651, 9044, 0.01025641], [9044, 9195, 0.05405405], [9195, 9298, 0.08080808], [9298, 9400, 0.0], [9400, 9756, 0.03399433], [9756, 9830, 0.0], [9830, 10000, 0.0], [10000, 10086, 0.02352941], [10086, 10185, 0.04123711], [10185, 10348, 0.0], [10348, 10491, 0.01398601], [10491, 10564, 0.02777778], [10564, 10585, 0.0], [10585, 10761, 0.04624277], [10761, 11001, 0.02542373], [11001, 11036, 0.0], [11036, 11092, 0.11111111], [11092, 11138, 0.0], [11138, 11170, 0.0], [11170, 11477, 0.0], [11477, 11922, 0.05357143], [11922, 12004, 0.0], [12004, 12098, 0.0], [12098, 12191, 0.0], [12191, 12564, 0.0], [12564, 12626, 0.0], [12626, 12680, 0.11538462], [12680, 12770, 0.0], [12770, 12782, 0.0], [12782, 12952, 0.0], [12952, 13173, 0.0], [13173, 13261, 0.58441558], [13261, 13393, 0.03361345]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 66, 0.0], [66, 165, 0.0], [165, 218, 0.0], [218, 279, 0.0], [279, 375, 0.0], [375, 460, 0.0], [460, 521, 0.0], [521, 574, 0.0], [574, 706, 0.0], [706, 724, 0.0], [724, 899, 0.0], [899, 989, 0.0], [989, 1222, 0.0], [1222, 1280, 0.0], [1280, 1532, 0.0], [1532, 1575, 0.0], [1575, 1761, 0.0], [1761, 2096, 0.0], [2096, 2162, 0.0], [2162, 2205, 0.0], [2205, 2494, 0.0], [2494, 2500, 0.0], [2500, 2822, 0.0], [2822, 3131, 0.0], [3131, 3201, 0.0], [3201, 3253, 0.0], [3253, 3448, 0.0], [3448, 3574, 0.0], [3574, 3755, 0.0], [3755, 3857, 0.0], [3857, 3900, 0.0], [3900, 4038, 0.0], [4038, 4256, 0.0], [4256, 4357, 0.0], [4357, 4442, 0.0], [4442, 4484, 0.0], [4484, 4786, 0.0], [4786, 4832, 0.0], [4832, 4878, 0.0], [4878, 4961, 0.0], [4961, 5386, 0.0], [5386, 5440, 0.0], [5440, 5501, 0.0], [5501, 5931, 0.0], [5931, 6005, 0.0], [6005, 6067, 0.0], [6067, 6336, 0.0], [6336, 6841, 0.0], [6841, 6872, 0.0], [6872, 6919, 0.0], [6919, 7019, 0.0], [7019, 7241, 0.0], [7241, 7599, 0.0], [7599, 7636, 0.0], [7636, 7694, 0.0], [7694, 8080, 0.0], [8080, 8115, 0.0], [8115, 8148, 0.0], [8148, 8276, 0.0], [8276, 8580, 0.0], [8580, 8651, 0.0], [8651, 9044, 0.0], [9044, 9195, 0.0], [9195, 9298, 0.0], [9298, 9400, 0.0], [9400, 9756, 0.0], [9756, 9830, 0.0], [9830, 10000, 0.0], [10000, 10086, 0.0], [10086, 10185, 0.0], [10185, 10348, 0.0], [10348, 10491, 0.0], [10491, 10564, 0.0], [10564, 10585, 0.0], [10585, 10761, 0.0], [10761, 11001, 0.0], [11001, 11036, 0.0], [11036, 11092, 0.0], [11092, 11138, 0.0], [11138, 11170, 0.0], [11170, 11477, 0.0], [11477, 11922, 0.0], [11922, 12004, 0.0], [12004, 12098, 0.0], [12098, 12191, 0.0], [12191, 12564, 0.0], [12564, 12626, 0.0], [12626, 12680, 0.0], [12680, 12770, 0.0], [12770, 12782, 0.0], [12782, 12952, 0.0], [12952, 13173, 0.0], [13173, 13261, 0.0], [13261, 13393, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 66, 0.06060606], [66, 165, 0.01010101], [165, 218, 0.03773585], [218, 279, 0.04918033], [279, 375, 0.03125], [375, 460, 0.01176471], [460, 521, 0.03278689], [521, 574, 0.05660377], [574, 706, 0.07575758], [706, 724, 0.61111111], [724, 899, 0.01714286], [899, 989, 0.01111111], [989, 1222, 0.00858369], [1222, 1280, 0.03448276], [1280, 1532, 0.03968254], [1532, 1575, 0.48837209], [1575, 1761, 0.01612903], [1761, 2096, 0.02089552], [2096, 2162, 0.03030303], [2162, 2205, 0.04651163], [2205, 2494, 0.06920415], [2494, 2500, 0.5], [2500, 2822, 0.02484472], [2822, 3131, 0.02588997], [3131, 3201, 0.04285714], [3201, 3253, 0.05769231], [3253, 3448, 0.09230769], [3448, 3574, 0.08730159], [3574, 3755, 0.09944751], [3755, 3857, 0.01960784], [3857, 3900, 0.06976744], [3900, 4038, 0.07246377], [4038, 4256, 0.00917431], [4256, 4357, 0.00990099], [4357, 4442, 0.04705882], [4442, 4484, 0.11904762], [4484, 4786, 0.01324503], [4786, 4832, 0.02173913], [4832, 4878, 0.06521739], [4878, 4961, 0.01204819], [4961, 5386, 0.03294118], [5386, 5440, 0.01851852], [5440, 5501, 0.01639344], [5501, 5931, 0.04186047], [5931, 6005, 0.14864865], [6005, 6067, 0.06451613], [6067, 6336, 0.08178439], [6336, 6841, 0.02376238], [6841, 6872, 0.35483871], [6872, 6919, 0.06382979], [6919, 7019, 0.17], [7019, 7241, 0.10810811], [7241, 7599, 0.10335196], [7599, 7636, 0.08108108], [7636, 7694, 0.06896552], [7694, 8080, 0.04145078], [8080, 8115, 0.05714286], [8115, 8148, 0.06060606], [8148, 8276, 0.015625], [8276, 8580, 0.00986842], [8580, 8651, 0.05633803], [8651, 9044, 0.07379135], [9044, 9195, 0.03311258], [9195, 9298, 0.05825243], [9298, 9400, 0.00980392], [9400, 9756, 0.01966292], [9756, 9830, 0.05405405], [9830, 10000, 0.08823529], [10000, 10086, 0.03488372], [10086, 10185, 0.07070707], [10185, 10348, 0.02453988], [10348, 10491, 0.03496503], [10491, 10564, 0.06849315], [10564, 10585, 0.04761905], [10585, 10761, 0.02840909], [10761, 11001, 0.0375], [11001, 11036, 0.02857143], [11036, 11092, 0.07142857], [11092, 11138, 0.2173913], [11138, 11170, 0.46875], [11170, 11477, 0.00325733], [11477, 11922, 0.01797753], [11922, 12004, 0.01219512], [12004, 12098, 0.0106383], [12098, 12191, 0.02150538], [12191, 12564, 0.00268097], [12564, 12626, 0.0483871], [12626, 12680, 0.05555556], [12680, 12770, 0.02222222], [12770, 12782, 0.33333333], [12782, 12952, 0.01764706], [12952, 13173, 0.01357466], [13173, 13261, 0.03409091], [13261, 13393, 0.09090909]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 13393, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 13393, 0.00080162]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 13393, null]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 13393, null]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 13393, null]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 13393, -24.68926317]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 13393, 92.0]], "is_duplicate": false}
La fisioterapia contribuye a paliar los problemas de salud mental agravados por la pandemia 19/10/2020 Realizar actividades manuales favorece el envejecimiento activo 19/10/2020 Down Madrid atiende a mayores con discapacidad intelectual para paliar las consecuencias de la pandemia 19/10/2020 Un test calcula los años de «Desesperanza» de vida provocados por el abuso y maltrato en mayores 19/10/2020 Equipamientos y suministros médicos Vehículos adaptados Textiles y ropa laboral La familia y los amigos de la infancia son parte fundamental de los recuerdos de los mayores La familia es el pilar fundamental de los recuerdos de… Sobre geriatricarea Revista digital dirigida al sector de la geriatría y afines que ofrece las últimas noticias y novedades de interés para los profesionales. Reciba en su e-mail de forma gratuita toda la actualidad indispensable para los profesionales que trabajan con personas mayores y dependientes. Kern Pharma presenta un nuevo... Kern Pharma presenta, coincidiendo con el Día Mundial... Hasta un tercio de los casos d... Algunos estudios recientes muestran que hasta uno de c... La fisioterapia es clave para... El tratamiento con fisioterapia contribuye a rale...
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Inicio Kontron Servidor con doce slots de expansión Servidor con doce slots de expansión Maria Camara Kontron, líder global en la fabricación de soluciones modulares abiertas para el mercado de las telecomunicaciones, ha presentado el Kontron Industrial Silent Server 4U PCI761, un nuevo modelo de su familia de servidores industriales KISS rugerizados y extremadamente silenciosos. Este servidor de montaje en rack 4U destaca por combinar un procesador Intel® Core™ i3/i5/i7 y elevada disponibilidad para aportar mejoras en prestaciones y flexibilidad a través de doce slots de expansión. Los desarrolladores de aplicación ahora cuentan con una plataforma flexible que se puede configurar con un amplio número de componentes estándares ATX en función de los requerimientos individuales de cada proyecto. El Kontron KISS 4U PCI761 ofrece escalabilidad de procesador, desde i3 a i7, con hasta cuatro núcleos de 2.8 GHz y 8 GB de RAM DDR3-1333, e integra un backplane PICMG® 1.3, que puede alojar hasta doce tarjetas de expansión PCI y PCI Express ‘full-size’ para diseños I/O a medida. Estas características hacen que el servidor sea ideal en numerosas aplicaciones, incluyendo tareas asíncronas en tiempo real con tecnología de test y medición, procesamiento de imagen y control de proceso, que dispondrán del máximo rendimiento y ancho de banda. Las aplicaciones de automatización industrial también se benefician de las prestaciones de este modelo KISS en salas y centros de control, donde el servidor se puede emplear con diversas tarjetas gráficas en instalaciones multi-display. Además, el Kontron KISS 4U PCI761 es idóneo en soluciones informáticas de propósitos generales de unidades de procesamiento gráfico (GPGPU) en sanidad y defensa, así como en aplicaciones de simulación y proceso de audio ‘high-end’. La tarjeta de ‘host’ de sistema PICMG® 1.3 proporciona un MTBF de más de cien mil horas, ayudando así a minimizar los costes de mantenimiento y aumentar la fiabilidad. Además, las funciones de gestión y seguridad basadas en Intel® Active Management Technology (Intel® AMT) con un módulo de plataforma ‘trusted’ (TPM) facilitan una administración remota. Con Intel® AMT 6.0, tareas como instalación y mantenimiento del sistema operativo, configuración BIOS y diagnóstico se pueden llevar a cabo de forma remota y basada en red, sin necesidad de hardware adicional. La Intel® Trusted Execution Technology (Intel® TXT) y el TPM onboard del servidor Kontron KISS 4U PCI761 también aseguran un alto nivel de seguridad, por ejemplo, mediante la encriptación de todos los datos transferidos. Todos los modelos Kontron Industial Silent Servers dotan de mayor protección ambiental que servidores convencionales, como consecuencia de su alta resistencia al choque y la vibración, un rango de temperatura operativa de 0 a +55 °C, alta resistencia ante la humedad (del 10 al 95 por ciento) y frontal IP20 (con opción de IP52). El Kontron KISS 4U PCI761, que posee los marcados CE y UL, es compatible con los sistemas operativos Red Hat Linux, Windows XP y Windows 7 (32 y 64 bit) y se puede distribuir como un sistema estándar o configurarse para adecuarse a los requerimientos de cada proyecto (incluso con certificación independiente). Periodista de profesión y marinera de corazón. Me apasiona escribir, leer, el mar y el mar y el mar. Espero dar la vuelta al mundo en barco algún día junto a los míos. Servidor rugerizado 1.5G Servidor inteligente para gestión de redes inalámbricas Servidor móvil fanless industrial Evaluando las opciones más pequeñas (COM Express Mini, SMARC y Qseven) Asis Rodríguez - 16 abril, 2015
{"url": "https://www.industriaembebidahoy.com/servidor-con-doce-slots-de-expansion/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.industriaembebidahoy.com", "date_download": "2018-07-15T19:06:07Z", "digest": "sha1:4JLUYD3ZLNINU7MZB4AOVP4VVAA7KBGY"}
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A TRAVES DE LA WEB A partir de este lunes, será obligatorio el uso de la factura electrónica para el monotributo Será para todas las categorías, debido a que hasta el momento solo comprendía a los eslabones más altos, informaron desde Afip. Redacción Rosario Nuestro domingo 31 de marzo, 2019 El uso de la factura electrónica para todas las categorías del monotributo será obligatorio a partir de mañana, 1 de abril, recordó hoy la Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos (AFIP). De esta forma, la obligación de emitir factura electrónica comenzará a abarcar también a las categoría de menor facturación, debido a que hasta el momento solo comprendía a los eslabones más altos del sistema. La AFIP precisó que “para poder emitir comprobantes electrónicos, los contribuyentes previamente deberán dar de alta un nuevo punto de venta, diferente al que utilizaban para facturar manualmente”. Esta gestión deberá ser realizada ingresando al sitio web del organismo, desde el servicio “Administración de puntos de venta y domicilios”, y luego se podrá facturar en forma electrónica desde el sistema “Comprobantes en línea” o desde la App Facturador Móvil. Con esta disposición que comienza a regir mañana, la AFIP incorporó de forma progresiva a las distintas categorías del Régimen Simplificado hasta sumar finalmente a la “A”. No obstante, podrán quedar quedan exceptuados de la obligación aquellos contribuyentes que opten por emitir sus comprobantes mediante el uso de controladores fiscales. En ese caso, deberán solicitar previamente la habilitación del equipo. se quejó de las medidas de Macri Saglione dijo que con los impuestos de todos los argentinos “se va a sostener el trasporte en el Conurbano” para paliar la inflación Anunciaron la cuarta etapa del programa Precios Justos en Rosario Por el aumento en alimentos, la inflación le pega más fuerte a los sectores más pobres mercado de cambio Tras 6 días a la baja, el dólar rebotó y se ubicó por encima de los 43 pesos indec La inflación se disparó en marzo: trepó al 4,7% y llega a casi 12% en el primer trimestre Los médicos estatales aceptaron la propuesta salarial de la provincia PASCUAS EN ROSARIO Panorama para Semana Santa: hoteleros esperan una ocupación similar al año pasado Con ayuda de los fondos del FMI, el dólar volvió a caer y cerró en $42,65 Datos de la EPE El consumo de energía en la Provincia cayó más de un 5% en el último año por la crisis de las pymes
{"url": "https://rosarionuestro.com/a-partir-de-este-lunes-sera-obligatorio-el-uso-de-la-factura-electronica-para-el-monotributo/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "rosarionuestro.com", "date_download": "2019-04-18T10:37:00Z", "digest": "sha1:NAIVC67MWCYVK3PAL4K7PVO5DP4ULZ72"}
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Carteles de personajes de “Tomorrowland” Archivado en: Adaptaciones, Fantástico, Hollywood, Pósters Está siendo una jornada de nuevos materiales de pelotazos más o menos inminentes. Ahora le toca el turno a “Tomorrowland” (ver tráiler), la fantasía colosal de Brad Bird, que presenta carteles de personajes. Cuatro, concretamente. Estreno en Estados Unidos el próximo 22 de mayo; a España llegará la semana siguiente, el 29 de mayo. Ficha de “Tomorrowland” Carteles de “Tomorrowland” © 2015 Walt Disney Pictures. Todos los derechos reservados. Más sobre: 1952, Brad Bird, Tomorrowland
{"url": "http://www.labutaca.net/noticias/carteles-de-personajes-de-tomorrowland/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.labutaca.net", "date_download": "2017-11-17T17:44:36Z", "digest": "sha1:FVFK7JO3PDNDI2YE7T32VPLOJGMTQQKT"}
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New Jersey6[remove] Council3 Republican6 Quid6[remove] You searched for: Jurisdiction State Remove constraint Jurisdiction: State Party Quid Remove constraint Party: Quid State New Jersey Remove constraint State: New Jersey 1. New Jersey 1805 Assembly, Cumberland County 2. New Jersey 1805 Assembly, Essex County 3. New Jersey 1805 Assembly, Sussex County 4. New Jersey 1805 Legislative Council, Cumberland County 5. New Jersey 1805 Legislative Council, Morris County 6. New Jersey 1805 Legislative Council, Sussex County Written by Rosemarie Zagarri Following orders from the Continental Congress, the New Jersey Provincial Congress devised a new framework of government for the state. Passed in July 1776, the new state constitution remained in force until 1844. Providing for annual elections, the constitution established an upper house called the Legislative Council and a lower house called the General Assembly. A joint meeting of the Council and the Assembly elected the governor. Essentially a figurehead, the governor lacked the power to veto laws passed by the legislature, could not pardon criminals, and did not have the authority to appoint individuals to state offices. These powers devolved on the legislature, which was thought to best represent the voice of the people. The governor and Legislative Council, meeting together, acted as the state's supreme court and court of appeals. Different counties in New Jersey initially used different methods of voting, some favoring viva voce voting and others the paper ballot system. After 1797, however, all the counties shifted to the secret ballot. Representation was apportioned according to geographic units; each of the state's thirteen counties elected one councilor and three assemblymen to the legislature. The constitution included a provision that allowed the legislature to "add to or diminish the number or proportion" of representatives if "a majority of representatives" deemed it "equitable and proper." Although a few slight adjustments were made in 1804, 1815, and 1818, the state did not in this period fully accept the principle that representation should be proportionate to population. In addition, officeholders had to own a certain amount of property. Members of the lower house had to possess real or personal property of at least £500 in value, and members of the upper house had to own property valued at twice that much. New Jersey's suffrage laws were unique. Under the 1776 constitution, any adult inhabitant who possessed real or personal property valued at £50 or more was entitled to vote. Laws passed in 1790 and 1797 made it clear that the legislators intended the constitution to enfranchise both unmarried women (single and widowed) and free blacks who met the property requirement. Although a few other states during this period did allow free blacks to vote, no other state allowed women to cast ballots. Ongoing hostility, however, resulted in the law's repeal. In 1807 the legislature eliminated all property qualifications for voting but confined the vote to white males. Thus the franchise was extended to all adult white male taxpayers at the same time that women and free blacks lost the right to vote. The 1807 law represented a rare show of bipartisan cooperation between Federalists and Republicans. Long-standing differences between East Jersey, which was primarily Presbyterian in religion and looked to New York City for its cues, and West Jersey, which was predominantly Quaker in religion and took Philadelphia as it model, had persisted from the colonial era. After the factions united to ratify the United States Constitution on December 19, 1788, the old divisions between East and West Jersey resurfaced. Counties in the southern part of the state formed the West Jersey "Junto," which tended to support Federalist policies and candidates, while East Jersey increasingly gravitated toward the emerging Democratic-Republican Party. Throughout the 1790s, the parties battled for control. In 1798 voters reacted against the Alien and Sedition Acts by electing three Republican members out of five to represent the state in the U.S. House of Representatives. Despite Federalists' subsequent attempts to gerrymander districts to their advantage, the Republican surge continued. After 1800, New Jersey Republicans gained control of the state legislature, the governorship, and the congressional delegation. With only a brief Federalist interlude during the War of 1812, the Republicans’ dominance continued unabated until the fracture of the Republican Party itself during the Jacksonian era. Republican domination was enhanced by the state's method of electing members to Congress. Whereas most state legislatures divided their state into districts and allowed each district to select its own representative to Congress, after 1813 New Jersey chose to use the at-large method of electing congressmen. Voters throughout the state cast ballots for all the eligible candidates. The candidates with the highest totals were elected. As Republicans well knew, this system tended to result in the election of members from the majority party and to eliminate the possibility of representation for the Federalist minority. Thus both persuasion and procedural tactics enabled the New Jersey Republicans solidify their own power while eradicating the divisive legacy of the state’s colonial past. Fleming, Thomas. New Jersey: A Bicentennial History (New York: Norton, 1977). Fee, Walter R. The Transition from Aristocracy to Democracy in New Jersey, 1789–1829. Somerville, NJ: Somerset Press, 1933. Klinghoffer, Judith Apter and Lois Elkis. "'The Petticoat Electors': Women's Suffrage in New Jersey, 1776–1807," Journal of the Early Republic, 12 (Summer 1992), 169–193. Kruman, Marc W. Between Authority and Liberty: State Constitution Making in Revolutionary America. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1997. McCormick, Richard P. Experiment in Independence: New Jersey in the Critical Period, 1781–1789. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1950). Zagarri, Rosemarie. The Politics of Size: Representation in the United States, 1776–1850. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1987). The Quids In Pennsylvania, the Quids, known first as "Constitutionalists", arose out of a split among the Republicans in local Philadelphia politics. The various Republican splinter movements in New York [Burrites, Lewisites and Clintonians] although most had underlying economic and reform issues, they often instead rallied around a central personality. As did most Republican splinter movements in Pennsylvania with exception of the Constitutional Republicans, a movement formed to prevent proposed judicial changes to the Pennsylvania Constitution. In addition to these, there were within Congress a group of individuals who were often classified as Quids. Among this group were congressmen from Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, New Jersey and North Carolina. Mainly elected in 1804 and 1806 as Republicans, they began to question some actions and direction of their party. When reaction to the Embargo revitalized the Federalist; New York and Pennsylvania dissident Republican movements moved back into the main party. On the Congressional level, a few remained in opposition, some declined to run for re-election, and others were not re-nominated. "The first evidence of this appeared in reports of a dinner of the 'Democratic Constitutional Republicans' held at the White Horse Tavern in Philadelphia on March 4, 1805, to celebrate Jefferson's second inauguration. A few days later the Freeman's Journal printed a proposal, dated March 14, for forming 'The Society of Constitutional Republicans.' This document recognized the sovereignity of the people, the principle of majority rule, and the right of the people, to alter and abolish their government as they saw fit. However, it described the Pennsylvania Constitution, along with the Federal Constitution, as 'the noblest invention of human wisdom, for the self-government of man' and avowed that it should be changed only when the motives and causes were 'obvious, cogent, general and conclusive.' Great political blessings were enjoyed under the Constitution, and it required no alteration. The list of the society's principles closed with an assertion of loyalty to the existing State and Federal administrations." (The Keystone in the Democratic Arch: Pennsylvania Politics, 1800-1816. Sanford W. Higginbotham. 1952. p 82-83) "Continuing the practice of the preceding year, the Aurora referred to the Constitutional Republicans as Quids. The latter professed to find the title an honorable one. A writer on the Freeman's Journal asserted that a 'tertium quid' was a substance used in pharmacy to transform a poison into a medicine and avowed that there was a great need for such an element in politics. A third party would determine whether there would be 'liberty of despotism.'" (Higginbotham, p 91) "The incident [the Special election of State Senator for District 1 in December of 1805] highlighted one aspect of the dilemma which faced the Pennsylvania Quids so long as they existed - how to avoid becoming a tail to the Federalist kite when the Democratic leaders would not permit them to rejoin their old party." (Higginbotham, p 105) "With McKean ineligible for another term in 1808 and with national issues making union with the Federalists less and less palatable, the great majority of Constitutional Republicans wished to return to the Republican ranks. However, they had no desire to submit to the leadership of Leib and Duane after the many indignities they had suffered at their hands. An alliance with the country Republicans, who were also seeking to rid the party of the domination of Leib and Duane, seemed a logical and natural arrangement." (Higginbotham, p 138) "The election of 1808 was a significant demonstration of the depth and strength of Pennsylvania Republicanism. The Federalists had been favored by many circumstances - Republican disunity over presidential candidates; the Leib-Boileau quarrel among the Democrats; Quid cooperation with them in the three preceding elections; and, most important, the economic hardships of the embargo. Yet they had lost by an overwhelming majority. Republican unity reappeared under the stimulus of a revived Federalism campaigning on national issues. Internal divisions were suppressed, and the Republicans gave undivided support to Madison and Snyder. The stresses of the campaign destroyed the Constitutional Republicans as a third party, though there were vestiges in a few counties." (Higginbotham, p 176) "The strength and nature of this factionalism varied, but it never entirely disappeared. The first stage lasted from 1800 to 1805. Personal and local differences appeared almost immediately as the Federalists virtually abandoned politics. The struggle between Governor McKean and the country Democrats in the legislature over judicial reform and the failure of the attack on the judiciary culminated in the movement for a constitutional convention. Duane and Leib, whose arbitrary control of the party in Philadelphia had produced a violent schism, took sides against the Governor. Aided by the Federalists, the Constitutional Republicans, generally called Quids, were able to defeat the project for a convention and to re-elect McKean." (Higginbotham, p 328) "Adapted from tertium quid, a 'third something,' the name 'Quid' was first prominently used in a political sense in Pennsylvania in 1804, and it was soon affixed to a faction of the Republican party officially calling itself the Society of Constitutional Republicans. The Pennsylvania Quids attracted Federalist support and in 1805 re-elected Governor Thomas McKean, who had been the choice of a united Republican party in 1802 but was opposed by the majority wing of the party in 1805. (fn: Sanford W. Higginbotham. The Keystone in the Democratic Arch: Pennsylvania Politics, 1800-1816, p. 69, 346.)." ("Who Were the Quids?" Noble E. Cunningham, Jr. The Mississippi Valley Historical Review. Vol. 50, No. 2 (Sep. 1963), p. 254) "The use of 'Quid' to refer to various third-party factions which plagued the Jeffersonian Republicans must not, however, be construed to mean that all Quids were part of the same third-party movement. When John Randolph referred to the third party, he was not being accurate. There was no such thing. The Quids in Pennsylvania and in New York - the only states where they represented organized factions - were neither in league with each other nor supporters of Randolph. In both states, the Republican divisions were the products of local controversies over men, offices, and state policies, and the Quid factions had not direct connection with the schism produced in national politics by Randolph's defection." (Cunningham, p 255) "The opponents of the Philadelphia Democrats and their rural allies were called at various times the Rising Sun Party (after a tavern where they first met in 1802), the Third Party, the Tertium Quids (Third Whats), and more often simply the Quids. The Quids hoped to tame popular politics by discrediting the radicalism that they blamed on the Philadelphia Democrats. To do so, they emphasized the nation's future greatness and the prosperity each citizen would enjoy in a vibrant economy with a peaceful representative politics committed to promoting internal economic development. Accepting, even welcoming, democracy in Pennsylvania, the Quids attempted to redefine the term. Popular politics would remain the instrument the citizens used to create the conditions that produced material independence. But democracy would only provide such indepedence of circumstances when Pensylvanians realized that their power should not be used to disrupt or hindred private energies or the use of property." (Crucible of American Democracy: The Struggle to Fuse Egalitarianism and Capitalism in Jeffersonian Pennsylvania. Andrew Shankman. University Press of Kansas. 2004. p. 96) The Keystone in the Democratic Arch: Pennsylvania Politics, 1800-1816. Sanford W. Higginbotham. 1952. Crucible of American Democracy: The Struggle to Fuse Egalitarianism and Capitalism in Jeffersonian Pennsylvania. Andrew Shankman. University Press of Kansas. 2004.
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How old is WWE personality Ricardo Rodriguez? Feb 17, 2013 - 11:47 AM WWE personality Ricardo Rodriguez (a/k/a Jesus Rodriguez) is 27 today. He was born on February 17, 1986. Powell's POV: Ricardo worked as Chimaera prior to his WWE run. He also works as the masked El Local on some WWE events. He debuted on WWE television as the personal ring announcer for Alberto Del Rio on August 20, 2010.
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Gay Marriage Rejection is a Disgrace Updated: Jan. 08, 2010, 5:09 p.m. | Published: Jan. 08, 2010, 4:09 p.m. Steve Adubato What happened this week in the New Jersey state Senate was an absolute disgrace. There's no explanation for it that makes any sense. It never makes sense when elected officials sworn to uphold not only the Constitution, but the rights of each citizen to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness do just the opposite. This week, with 3 abstentions (talk about cowardly), the Senate voted 20-14 to reject the so-called "gay marriage" bill. It wasn't even close. You can't blame the Republicans-- all of whom voted against the bill, except for a courageous senator named Bill Baroni from Mercer County. Republicans have always been against gay marriage. They don't hide their fear and distress of the gay community. They've articulated for years that somehow (even though the logic escapes me) granting same sex partners the same legal rights as heterosexual couples via "marriage" would jeopardize and threaten more traditional relationships. But, it's the Democrats who should be really ashamed. They are the bigger disgrace. Democrats, supposedly, are the party that stands for those who are our most vulnerable citizens: the poor, racial minorities, the elderly, and yes, those who are born gay and choose to live their lives like the rest of us who happen to be straight. Maybe, it's the word "marriage" that freaks some people out and scared so many Democrats into doing what they knew in their hearts was wrong-- which was to vote against this bill. But, these same Democrats have gladly accepted tremendous political support from the gay community. They've taken their money, their volunteers, their votes, but, in the end, after years of being in control of both legislative houses and the governorship, the Democrats failed in their moment of truth to deliver. The Democrats owed this to the gay community, because the right of same sex couples to marry should have been a no brainer. All it would have done was grant the same legal rights the rest of us who are married have; and, don't let anyone tell you that the civil union law passed a few years ago gets the job done, because it doesn't. Same sex partners still don't have each others health benefits. Even if they've been together, have a joint bank account, own a home together, and parented a child, only "married" couples-- even if they’ve been together for two weeks-- share each others health benefits. Under the civil union law, many same sex partners still aren't able to make critical medical decisions involving their partner, often when it comes to a moment of life and death in a hospital. Only "married" couples have that right. Steven Goldstein, who heads up Garden State Equality, has led the gay marriage effort for years and, like hundreds of his fellow supporters, was brought to tears as the historic vote took place in the state capital. Said Goldstein, "Whose marriage are we hurting?" Goldstein and his longtime partner Daniel Gross got married seven years ago in Canada. "All we are is the couple next door. What a threat we are to the institution of marriage." Senator Ray Lesniak (D-Union) gave an impassioned and powerful speech on the senate floor as a prime sponsor of the gay marriage bill. He served with gay soldiers in the army who put their lives on the line to protect our liberties and civil rights. "We served along American heroes who had to hide and deny their sexuality in order to fight for the freedom and liberties we have today," said Lesniak. His colleague, Senator Nia Gill (D-Essex) who is Black and a longtime civil rights leader said this, "just because this is not a racial injustice does not mean that it is not a civil rights injustice". For me, that's what this all comes down to: civil rights, constitutional rights, and human rights. In 1984, as a state legislator, I was one of the prime sponsors of legislation that allowed homosexuals to have the same rights as the rest of us when it came to housing and employment. That bill got nowhere during my short, two-year stint in the statehouse. But, seven years later, that bill became a law. At the time, before it was passed, many fellow legislators said, if it became law, it would somehow threaten the rest of us. That never happened. No one was threatened. No one was hurt. The same thing was said when Blacks were denied their civil rights; that, somehow, passing certain laws, giving Blacks the same rights as Whites would infringe upon the rest of us. Funny, that never happened either. So, to me, passing a law, giving same sex partners equal (not better or more) rights as the rest of us would have been another step in assuring equality to all Americans-- regardless of race, religion, or their biologically determined sexual orientation. Then again, maybe it's just me. I kind of take the Constitution and the idea of equal rights for all Americans pretty seriously. But, apparently, a lot of cowardly legislators in the New Jersey State House-- particularly Democrats-- don’t feel the same. By calling the gay marriage rejection a disgrace, I'm being kind. It's actually worse. Tell me what you think. Write to me at sadubato@aol.com.
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Ricardo Bofill Cet article ne cite pas suffisamment ses sources ( avril 2008 ). Ricardo Bofill Leví 5 décembre 1939 (79 ans) Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona Université de Genève Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura Arcades du Lac Espaces d'Abraxas Walden 7 77 West Wacker Drive Arsenal de Metz Ricardo Bofill Leví est un architecte espagnol, né le 5 décembre 1939 à Barcelone en Espagne. Il fait partie, avec d'autres intellectuels espagnols des années 1960, de la Gauche divine. 2 Quelques réalisations 2.1 États-Unis 2.2 Maroc Il entame ses études à Barcelone à École technique supérieure d'architecture de Barcelone jusqu'à son expulsion due à son militantisme au sein du Parti socialiste unifié de Catalogne[réf. nécessaire], puis à l'École d'architecture de Genève. En 1963, il s'entoure d'un groupe d'architectes, ingénieurs, sociologues et philosophes, noyau de ce qui est aujourd'hui le Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura[1], installé à Barcelone. Cette équipe internationale intervient partout dans le monde et joue de techniques modernes et de savoir-faire accumulé durant plus de 40 ans. Les quatre barres de la senyera catalana, 2009-10, Hotel W Barcelona, Plaça de la Rosa del Vents 1, à Barcelone (Espagne). Le dessin de la ville est une discipline largement approfondie par le Taller de Arquitectura, notamment dans les villes de Bordeaux, Luxembourg et Madrid, ainsi que Boston aux États-Unis et Kobe au Japon. Parmi les principaux projets développés en Chine se trouvent le concours pour la Ville olympique de Qingdao, Landmark Buildings, ensemble d’immeubles de grande hauteur, les nouveaux quartiers d’habitations The Reflections et Sunshine Upper East Side, le Shangrila Hotel, tous les trois réalisés en 2009. Le quartier d'Antigone à Montpellier, dont le projet initié en 1980 continue à s'enrichir de nouvelles édifications, témoigne de cette démarche : un morceau de ville dessiné et construit par l'atelier. Parmi les grandes infrastructures réalisées en Espagne il faut signaler l’Aéroport international de Barcelone-El Prat en 1992 ainsi que son extension, le nouveau terminal T1, livré juin 2009. À Madrid, le Palais des Congrès (es) est une des œuvres les plus significatives de la capitale espagnole. Dans le domaine des équipements culturels le Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura a réalisé le Centre de Musique l'Arsenal à Metz, le TNC-Théâtre National de la Catalogne à Barcelone, l’École de Musique Shepherd, au sein de l’Université de Rice à Houston, et Le Centre Culturel Miguel-Delibes à Valladolid. Parmi les projets de bureaux construits à Paris se distinguent l’immeuble de bureaux Paribas Marché Saint- Honoré[2], les sièges des compagnies Rochas, Dior, Decaux, Axa et Cartier. Il faut également signaler, dans la catégorie des gratte-ciel, Donnelley Building à Chicago, suivi par le tout récent Dearborn Center et l’immeuble représentatif de la société Shiseido à Tōkyō. Ses principales influences sont les architectes Palladio, Mansart et Ledoux. Il fonde en 1963, Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura, à Barcelone avec Manuel Núñez Yanowsky (auteur des « arènes de Picasso » à Marne-la-Vallée), Ramón Collado et sa sœur Ann, comme une cellule de « brainstorming transdisciplinaire ». Depuis les années 1970 – période depuis laquelle il travaille en France – il œuvre contre « une architecture de masse », concrétisée par les ensembles de HLM, contre une « architecture d’ingénieurs sans identité » et cherche à faire des monuments pour le peuple. Quelques réalisations[modifier | modifier le code] Ricardo Bofill a à son actif plus de cinq cents projets dans une cinquantaine de pays différents. États-Unis[modifier | modifier le code] 1992 : Chicago, 77 West Wacker Drive Maroc[modifier | modifier le code] Casablanca : Twin Center Europe[modifier | modifier le code] 1975 : Barcelone, Walden 7 1976 : Canillo (Andorre) : Notre Dame de Meritxell 1978 : Montpellier, quartier Antigone 1981 : Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (Montigny-le-Bretonneux), Arcades du Lac 1982 : Noisy-le-Grand, Espaces d'Abraxas 1984 : Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (Voisins-le-Bretonneux), Templettes Paris, quartier Maine-Montparnasse : les Échelles du Baroque (place de Catalogne) et Place de Séoul Cergy, belvédère Saint-Christophe 1987 : Pauillac, chai du Château Lafite Rothschild (de forme circulaire, il peut contenir 2 200 barriques) 1988 : Montpellier, hôtel de région du Languedoc-Roussillon et quartier d'Antigone. 1988-1991 : Barcelone, terminal T1 de l'aéroport 1989 : Metz, transformation de l'Arsenal en un complexe culturel. 1989 : La Hulpe, Belgique, siège social de Swift 1997 : Paris, transformation de la place du Marché-Saint-Honoré 2008 : Barcelone, Hotel Vela Le 77 West Wacker Drive, siège social d'United Airlines à Chicago (États-Unis). Madrid (Espagne) Campo de las Naciones l'Arsenal (salle de spectacle) de Metz. Antigone_(Montpellier), place du Millénaire by night, Montpellier (Hérault). Hôtel de Région, Antigone_(Montpellier), Montpellier (Hérault). ↑ http://www.bofill.com/ ↑ « Le défi du Marché Saint-Honoré à l'Histoire » dans Source d'Histoire. Ricardo Bofill, sur Wikimedia Commons Notices d'autorité : Fichier d’autorité international virtuel • International Standard Name Identifier • Bibliothèque nationale de France (données) • Système universitaire de documentation • Bibliothèque du Congrès • Gemeinsame Normdatei • Bibliothèque nationale d’Espagne • Bibliothèque royale des Pays-Bas • Bibliothèque nationale de Catalogne • WorldCat Ressources relatives aux beaux-arts : Artnet • Bridgeman Art Library • Museum of Modern Art • National Portrait Gallery • RKDartists • Union List of Artist Names Site officiel de Ricardo Bofill taller de arquitectura Portail de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme Portail de la Catalogne Ce document provient de « https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ricardo_Bofill&oldid=153095491 ». Architecte espagnol Architecte catalan Architecte postmoderne Architecte néo-classique Architecte d'aéroport Architecte de gratte-ciel Étudiant de l'université de Genève Officier des Arts et des Lettres Naissance à Barcelone Article manquant de références depuis avril 2008 Page pointant vers des bases relatives à l'art Portail:Catalogne/Articles liés Portail:Pays catalans/Articles liés
{"url": "https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricardo_Bofill", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "fr.wikipedia.org", "date_download": "2018-12-09T19:21:44Z", "digest": "sha1:75DCWYSXJJA2TIJWIBL2252KHXUBKOYD"}
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Regardless of your voting choice, if you think e-mailing your politics to every address in your contacts is going to change the minds of people who disagree with you, you are a complete asshole. Posted by Rob J. Quinn at 9:58 AM No comments: Labels: Tweets Hunger Games – Book Review Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games is one of the best books I’ve read in quite a while, and not just because I haven’t read nearly enough lately. In fact, if it wasn’t for an ending that didn’t quite measure up to the rest of the story I’d be tempted to call it one of the best books I’ve ever read. I feel a little silly praising the novel that much because it seems to be extremely popular among kids from what I’ve heard. Of course, that amounts to knowing that my nephew got through the book in about a day. I also read the book at an extremely quick rate despite going on a mini vacation just after starting to read. So, I might go a day or so without reading at all, but whenever I sat down with it I read large portions of the book. Normally I’m setting goals of how many pages I want to get through in a day. I found the story incredibly inventive as selected kids from different districts of a futuristic North America are forced to fight to the death once a year as punishment for a previous rebellion against the capitol. The main character, Katniss Everdeen, was very likeable from the beginning, and, while her ultimate fate is somewhat predictable, her compelling spirit leads to plenty of tension in this page turner. I’m a bit surprised Hunger Games is considered a young adult novel due to the overriding sadness that pervades the story due simply to the nature of the action. These kids have no choice but to fight to the death to secure their own survival. The ending comes up just a little short because the author seemed to be working too hard to set up the next novel in the series. That said, it’s certainly not a “bad” ending nor does it do much damage to the overall story. I can’t wait to watch the movie, and would absolutely recommend Hunger Games. It’s been so long since I tried to write a full review of anything – which I’d like to think of as recommendations or opinions at this point for various reasons – I’m struggling to remember the scale I used in the past to rate books. But after a quick glance at some of the old posts I’ve written I would say it is worth it to make a point read this novel. Posted by Rob J. Quinn at 10:24 AM 2 comments: Reluctant Re-entry I’ve never been good at re-entry into my daily routine after a vacation. As a writer who hasn’t been paid a dime for his work all year and sets his own schedule, I shouldn’t have all that much difficulty nowadays. Yet, somehow I still resist getting “back to normal.” I can’t even describe how bad I was at it when I had an actual 9 to 5 job in an office. Even a short trip to Ohio to see my niece from Hawaii play in a national volleyball tournament during the week of July 4th had me struggling to get back into blogging. It turned out to be a really nice trip. I saw the female side of the Hawaii family, learned that my brother and his family are surrounded by some truly nice people, and watched the kids play a sport I’ve never paid much attention to. I even learned that it’s actually possible for young people to have a coach who is competitive, yet still understands who his players are and that they are still kids. It was a very refreshing change from what I saw at my nephew’s baseball game day before I left, where a father with a son on the other team screamed about the umpire through the entire game. For me, the highlight of the trip was the unexpected connection I felt with the coach of my niece’s team. My mom and I drove to the tournament – unfortunately, mom had to do 99.99% of the driving because once again I confirmed that driving on major highways just makes me too tense – and by coincidence the coach and his wife were the first two people we saw. They instantly remembered my mom from a previous tournament she had attended and obviously liked her a great deal. It was especially fun for me watching the coach match my mom’s level of sarcasm, teasing the hell out of her, instead of the usual compliments that flow her way. Don’t worry, my mom loved every minute of it and can dish it out just fine. I know mom was always with us, but I really felt like the coach and I connected a bit – a pretty rare occurrence for me with someone I just met. We had dinner two of the three nights we were with the team and sat with him and his wife, and just had some drinks together the last night. He just has a great outlook. He was the same guy on a bad day for the team as he was on a good day. And it was obvious he loved to tell stories; he had an energy for the details of what he was telling you about. He knows my brother and nephew as well, from their neighborhood, and it was very funny to hear about my brother through the eyes of this guy. After being back home for about a week, I was almost ready to begin blogging again. I was working through the doubts about why I bothered, given the miniscule amount of hits I get, and the time and effort it takes away from writing that great American novel so many of us think we have in us. Then I watched Meet the Press on Sunday morning followed locally by @ Issue. In fact, the shows were just sort of on in the background. Yet, I heard dribs and drabs about whether or not Mitt Romney left some company when he said he did and the controversy over the new law requiring voters to have an I.D. at the polls. Instead of searching for the truth and/or solutions to what seem like readily answerable questions/problems, there was nothing but debate. Somehow it brought me right back to where I was mentally before the trip to Ohio. In the spring / early summer I was interviewed for an Inquirer column because I had the audacity to question whether or not there were too many events down by the Schuylkill River, where people are supposed to be able to cycle on weekends but get crowded out by the charity of the week. I was thrashed in the comments section of the online version of the article. Later, I spoke up on a disability listserv questioning a particular topic that has led to a post on this blog getting large amounts of hits and brought several comments filled with anger toward me. (I’m so averse to dealing with the topic that I don’t even want to mention it by name here.) I don’t mind debate and, in fact, expected the reaction that I received on philly.com. The listserv reaction was absurd to the point that I resigned from the group. But the amount of noise and nonsense that came from these two minor occurrences in my life coupled with the endless national rhetoric over every issue that comes up has me wondering if “resigning” from everything from trying to follow politics to producing a minor blog is the only way to avoid the chaos that has become public debate. Every comment section of every newspaper article seems to be filled with vitriol from everybody looking to push their own agenda. Commenters often commandeer articles and literally make their online pages about completely different topics. The anonymity of commenting online seems to give “beer muscles” to us all, and has destroyed the natural filter that stops most of us from making outrageous or just plain rude statements when our face and name go with the over the top words we speak or type. Even a show like Meet the Press has become nothing more than people pushing an agenda. There’s no sense of conversation any more. People are too busy screaming over each other to hear anything. Maybe it’s always been that way. It has all made me wonder not for the first time what I’m doing with my time and if there’s some better way of spending it. Is blogging really accomplishing anything? Will I ever publish? I’ve even drifted into the bigger questions we all ask ourselves now and then like, is it all just a lot of noise? I’ve been here before and eventually I get over it. Getting over it may not include tweeting / Facebooking and/or blogging any more, but it probably will. It will certainly include writing of one form or another. Whether I’m doing it in an office for a salary or on my own to keep my sanity, writing is one of the things I always return to. It would just be nice to have a few more nights of having drinks and a few laughs with some new (or old) friends sprinkled in to the regular routine to help deal with the noise. It was nice to have a few of those nights in Ohio. Posted by Rob J. Quinn at 8:44 AM 1 comment: Regardless of your voting choice, if you think e-m...
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Share Home > Concerts Tickets > Alternative Tickets > the Night Sweats Tickets Justin Connor, NYC I just thought I'd drop a comment after you people really helped me out getting the right tickets for me and my girlfriends to see Whitney Houston. Thanks to Sara for helping us locate the best seats and even giving us a little extra discount. From all of us here, thanks a bundle! Linda James the Night Sweats Tickets Ticket Nest pledges to do it's utmost to provide our customers with the Night Sweats's Tickets. Ticket Nest is determined to supply the Night Sweats Tickets at the best price on the internet i.e. cheaper the Night Sweats Tickets. The transactions that are done are verified for security up to $10,000. Ticket Nest is committed to providing the best possible service to you, our client. Ticket Nest is an independent company not affiliated with the venuesFor Event Schedule and available tickets for the Night Sweats please click Buy Buy the Night Sweats Tickets the Night Sweats Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweats at Knoxville on 4/19 The Mill & Mine 4/19/2017 8:00 PM View Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweats at Asheville on 4/20 The Orange Peel 4/20/2017 9:00 PM View Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweats at Wilmington on 4/21 Greenfield Amphitheater At Greenfield Park 4/21/2017 7:30 PM View High Water Festival - 2 Day Pass at North Charleston on 4/22 Riverfront Park - North Charleston 4/22/2017 3:30 AM View Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweats at Athens on 4/25 Georgia Theatre 4/25/2017 9:00 PM View Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweats at Saint Augustine on 4/26 St. Augustine Amphitheatre 4/26/2017 7:00 PM View Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweats at New Orleans on 4/28 Sugar Mill 4/28/2017 9:00 PM View Boston Calling Music Festival - 3 Day Pass at Cambridge on 5/26 Harvard Athletic Complex 5/26/2017 3:30 AM View Forecastle Festival - 3 Day Pass at Louisville on 7/14 Louisville Waterfront Park 7/14/2017 3:30 AM View Kings of Leon & Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweats at Saratoga Springs on 7/26 Saratoga Performing Arts Center 7/26/2017 7:00 PM View Kings of Leon & Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweats at Mansfield on 7/28 Xfinity Center - MA 7/28/2017 7:00 PM View Kings of Leon & Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweats at Uncasville on 7/29 Mohegan Sun Arena - CT 7/29/2017 7:30 PM View Kings of Leon & Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweats at Wantagh on 8/1 Northwell Health at Jones Beach Theater 8/1/2017 7:00 PM View Kings of Leon & Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweats at Darien Center on 8/2 Darien Lake Performing Arts Center 8/2/2017 7:00 PM View Kings of Leon & Nathaniel Rateliff and The Night Sweats at Syracuse on 8/5 Lakeview Amphitheater 8/5/2017 7:00 PM View the Night Sweats Tickets Information Ticket Nest guarantees one of the lowest prices for the Night Sweats tickets anywhere. But we don't skimp on service and support. We know that you want the lowest price and our large volume of ticket sales justifies the lower margins. We pass on the savings to you, our valued customers. It is our strong hope that you will buy our tickets only after comparing our value of service as well as our low prices. We want to hear from you if your experience is anything less than PERFECT. We pledge to provide you cheaper the Night Sweats tickets. These the Night Sweats tickets can be purchased via our secure server. The tickets will be sent via Fed-EX. The inventory for the tickets is updated as fast as our server allows. However, on rare occasions, your ticket may not be available. We will contact you and try our best to accommodate you. View All the Night Sweats Tickets
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Dirigentes de Quiero Mi Barrio de Los Lagos se capacitaron para enfrentar emergencias y desastres Cincuenta dirigentes sociales del Programa “Quiero mi Barrio” de la región de Lagos fueron capacitados por la Oficina Nacional de Emergencia, ONEMI, para enfrentar situaciones de emergencias y desastres en entornos comunitarios. Se trató del curso “Equipo Comunitario de Respuesta a Emergencia CERT” y fue impartido durante tres días en el Salón Azul de la Intendencia Regional en Puerto Montt por profesionales de la Oficina Nacional de Emergencia de Santiago. Los dirigentes que participaron de la capacitación pertenecen a las comunas de Osorno, Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt, Calbuco, Maullín, Ancud, Castro y Quellón, cuyos barrios están siendo intervenidos por la tradicional recuperación barrial del Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo. El seremi Eduardo Carmona explicó que este curso se realizó por segundo año consecutivo en el marco de un convenio de cooperación entre ambos organismos, “que permite entregar capacidades y habilidades en los vecinos. Y eso porque sabemos que hay un interés de los dirigentes sociales de querer cambiar la mirada frente a este tema y transmitir este tipo de conocimientos a sus comunidades, así como el interés del Gobierno por entregar mayores oportunidades a todos los chilenos”, añadió la autoridad. Sobre las temáticas abordadas, el director regional de la ONEMI, Alejandro Vergés, precisó que el curso apuntó a la prevención y control de incendios, atención pre-hospitalaria en escenarios de desastre, búsqueda y rescate superficial, apoyo psicológico y organización de equipos comunitarios, subrayando en que “inducir la preparación en las personas es relevante, porque las primeras respuestas tras situaciones de emergencias van a estar siempre al interior de los barrios”. Los dirigentes se mostraron agradecidos por los contenidos compartidos, así como por el realismo de los ejercicios prácticos y comprometieron replicar los conocimientos en sus respectivas organizaciones territoriales.
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Moore Earns Degree Before Going to WNBA Lindsey Moore earned her bachelor's degree in communication studies. Lincoln - Nebraska senior Lindsey Moore picked up her diploma and smiled for a few photos Saturday, before heading to Minnesota for the start of WNBA Training Camp with the Lynx on Sunday. The 2013 WNBA first-round draft pick was one of 57 Husker student-athletes to earn degrees during spring commencement exercises at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on Saturday, May 4. The All-America point guard from Covington, Wash, claimed her degree in communication studies, completing her work in four years after arriving at Nebraska for her freshman season in 2009-10. While completing her course work on schedule, Moore led the Huskers on the court as a four-year starter. Voted to Nebraska's All-Devaney Team as one of the top five players in the history of the program in 2013, Moore set a school record with 699 career assists. She also set Nebraska records for career starts (132), career minutes (4,360) and career victories (94). She led NU to three NCAA Tournament appearances, including the first two NCAA Sweet 16 bids (2010, 2013) in school history. The 5-9 point guard finished her career ranked 11th at Nebraska with 1,673 points, while ranking fourth in career three-pointers made with 173. She also ranked ninth with 208 career steals. She was a two-time finalist for the Nancy Lieberman Award, presented each year to the nation's top point guard. A two-time Big Ten All-Tournament Team selection, Moore was a Wade, Naismith and Wooden National Player-of-the-Year candidate as a senior. She was a two-time second-team All-Big Ten choice and a member of the 2010 Big 12 All-Freshman team. Following Saturday's graduation ceremonies in Lincoln, Moore flew to Minneapolis to begin her professional career. The Lynx, who advanced to the 2012 WNBA Finals, opened their 2013 training camp. Moore was one of three 2013 draftees in camp, joining second-round pick Sugar Rodgers and third-round selection Janeesa Jeffery. The Lynx also added signees Rachel Jarry and Jacki Gemelos, along with invitee Shawnice Wilson. One other significant newcomer to the Lynx this season is post player Janel McCarville, who starred at the University of Minnesota during her collegiate career. Minnesota plays its first preseason game against Washington on Saturday, May 18 at the Bismarck Civic Center in North Dakota. Tip-off is set for 7 p.m. The Lynx conclude preseason action against former Husker All-American Kelsey Griffin and the Connecticut Sun on Tuesday, May 21, at the Target Center in Minneapolis. Tip-off is set for Noon. Moore and the Lynx will go head-to-head with Griffin and the Sun again to open the regular season on Saturday, June 1 at the Target Center. Tip-off for the regular-season opener is set for 7 p.m. The Lynx are offering Nebraska fans special discounts in "Husker Sections" for Moore's first two appearances at the Target Center. Complete information can be found in the attachments to this article. More From HUSKERS WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Huskers Unveil Times, TV Advice Paved Jennings� Road to the Very Top Women's Basketball Season Tickets On Sale Now View Women's Basketball Archives ► Minnesota Lynx Training Camp - Day 1 Get Tickets for Lindsey Moore's First Preseason Game at Target Center Minnesota Lynx Training Camp: Day 2: Moore Following Whalen's Path Get Tickets: Moore, Lynx vs. Griffin, Sun, WNBA Opener, June 1 NCAA Press Conference - Connie Yori NCAA Tournament Bound! Womens Basketball vs Illinois - Yori/Sample/Romeo Press Conference View More Video ►
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Im Rahmen des Programms Region gestalten des Bundesministeriums für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen (BMWSB) und des Bundesministeriums des Innern und für Heimat (BMI) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR) werden Modellvorhaben durchgeführt, Studien erstellt und innovative Angebote für regionale Akteure entwickelt. Die Zuordnung der aktuell 15 Vorhaben zu den vier Schwerpunkten des BMWSB und des BMI finden Sie hier: Zuordnung der Vorhaben zu den Schwerpunkten Die nachfolgende Karte beinhaltet nicht alle Vorhaben des Programms, sondern nur solche, die im Rahmen von Zuwendungen durchgeführt werden. Karte der Modellvorhaben Aktive Regionalentwicklung Gefördert wird die Erprobung, die Durchführung und die Verbreitung von innovativen, zukunftsweisenden Lösungsansätzen zur strategischen Verbesserung der regionalen Arbeits- und Lebensverhältnisse. Dabei steht die regionsbezogene Strategieentwicklung im Fokus der Förderung. Heimat 2.0 Mit der thematischen Initiative „Heimat 2.0“ werden Gemeinden in strukturschwachen ländliche Räume bei der Implementierung neuer oder die Weiterentwicklung bestehender digitaler Anwendungen unterstützt. Dabei stehen insgesamt sieben Themenbereiche der Daseinsvorsorge im Fokus. Städte der Regiopolregionen Im Rahmen der thematischen Initiative wird das Netzwerk mittelgroßer Städte unterstützt, die zusammen mit ihrem Umland Stadt-Land-Partnerschaften eingehen. Regionale Open Government Labore Mit dieser thematischen Initiative wird die Entwicklung neuer, offener Dialog- und Beteiligungsprozesse von Kommunen und Zivilgesellschaft unterstützt. Digitalisierungszentrum Zeitz Mit dem Digitali­sierungszentrum Zeitz wird ein Experimentierraum für digitale Innovationen geschaffen, der neue Potenziale zur Entwicklung der Region erschließt. %category% %text% %cta% Das BMWSB und das BMI setzen mit dem Programm Region gestalten folgende thematischen Schwerpunkte zur Unterstützung ländlicher Räume: Strukturwandel und regionale Strukturpolitik, Sicherung der Daseinsvorsorge, Regionale und interkommunale Zusammenarbeit & Demografischer Wandel, regionale und kulturelle Identität. Lesen Sie hier, welche Vorhaben diesen Schwerpunkten zugeordnet werden. Strukturwandel und regionale Strukturpolitik Über einen Wettbewerb werden Modellregionen in strukturschwachen ländlichen Räumen bei der Strategieentwicklung und Umsetzung von konkreten regionalen Entwicklungsvorhaben unterstützt. Gefördert werden dazu die Erprobung, die Durchführung und die Verbreitung von innovativen, zukunftsweisenden Lösungsansätzen zur Verbesserung der regionalen Arbeits- und Lebensverhältnisse mit jeweils bis zu 700.000 Euro. Das Projekt soll Hinweise auf die Ausgestaltung eines möglichen Förderprogramms Regionalentwicklung geben. Quelle: gettyimages, cinoby Die Region Zeitz ist durch den Wegfall der Braunkohleförderung besonders stark vom Strukturwandel geprägt. Mit dem Digitalisierungszentrum Zeitz wird ein Experimentierraum für digitale Innovationen geschaffen, der u. a. auf Basis datengetriebener Anwendungen neue Potenziale zur Entwicklung der Region erschließt, breite Vernetzungsangebote unterbreitet und eine Aufbruchsstimmung in der Region erzeugt. Quelle: Digitalisierungszentrum Zeitz Better Promote – Mehr Service-Orientierung in der Regionalförderung Förderprogramme gehören zu den wichtigsten Instrumenten für die Schaffung gleichwertiger Lebensverhältnisse. In dem Vorhaben werden gemeinsam mit Akteuren im ländlichen Raum Ansatzpunkte für optimale und innovative Förderstrukturen entwickelt. Die Einblicke in den Gesamtprozess der Regionalförderung sollen insbesondere den Macherinnen und Machern der Programme des gesamtdeutschen Fördersystems für strukturschwache Regionen Impulse für die Koordinierung und Verzahnung ihrer Förderpolitiken liefern. Quelle: Better Promote Strukturwandel in ländlichen Regionen Ziel dieser umfassenden Studie sind fundierte Aussagen zur Wirksamkeit von Maßnahmen aktiver Strukturpolitik und erfolgreichen Strategien zur Gestaltung des Strukturwandels in überwiegend ländlichen Regionen. Dadurch sollen auf Basis aktueller Daten Empfehlungen formuliert werden, welche staatlichen Maßnahmen und Instrumente geeignet sind, gleichwertige Lebensverhältnisse herzustellen. Potenziale der Kreislaufwirtschaft Ziel dieses Forschungsvorhabens ist, das Potenzial der Kreislaufwirtschaft für die ländliche Entwicklung in Deutschland und Europa unter räumlichen Gesichtspunkten zu untersuchen. Es besteht die Annahme, dass der Ansatz der Kreislaufwirtschaft gerade für ländliche Regionen in Deutschland und Europa große Potenziale bietet. Quelle: Getty Images, Klaus Vedfelt Ansiedlungen von Behörden in strukturschwachen Regionen Besonders strukturschwache und ländliche Regionen stehen in Deutschland vor großen Herausforderungen. Um gleichwertige Lebensverhältnisse zu erhalten und zu schaffen, müssen Politik, Privatwirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft gemeinsam nach innovativen Lösungen suchen. Hierzu gehört auch die Dezentralisierung von Verwaltung, indem Behörden und öffentlichen Einrichtungen in geförderten Regionen angesiedelt werden. In dieser Studie, des Programms Region gestalten, wird untersucht, wie Ansiedlungen zum Erfolg für die Behörde und die Region werden können. Im Rahmen der Studie wurden vier Behördenneuansiedlungen bzw. -verlagerungen analysiert. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sollen die Umsetzung künftiger Ansiedlungen unterstützen. Quelle: Getty Images Sicherung der Daseinsvorsorge zur Gewährleistung gleichwertiger Lebensverhältnisse „Heimat 2.0“ verfolgt das Anliegen, strukturschwache ländliche Räume durch die Implementierung neuer oder die Weiterentwicklung bestehender digitaler Anwendungen dabei zu unterstützen, die Daseinsvorsorge zu sichern. Dabei stehen insgesamt sieben Themenbereiche im Fokus, wie z. B. Gesundheits- und Pflegeversorgung, öffentliche Verwaltung, kulturelle Angebote. In mehreren bundesweiten interkommunalen Kooperationsvorhaben werden die Lösungen in der Praxis über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren erprobt mit dem Ziel, die Ergebnisse zu verbreiten und auf andere Regionen zu übertragen. Quelle: Heimat 2.0 Mobilität in ländlichen Räumen (MogLeb) Lokale Mobilität ist eine Grundvoraussetzung für ländliche Räume, um als Wohn,- Arbeits-, Investitions- und Lebensort attraktiv zu bleiben bzw. zu werden. Im Rahmen des Vorhabens wird ein bundesländerübergreifendes Mobilitätsnetzwerk mit dem Schwerpunkt Mobilität in ländlichen Räumen geschaffen. Dieses Netzwerk aus Akteuren von Bund, Ländern und kommunalen Spitzenverbänden unterstützt Bundesländer dabei, regionalspezifische Mobilitätsnetzwerke zu gründen und Kommunen dabei, bedarfsgerechte Mobilitätslösungen zu entwickeln. Zudem wird vorhandenes Wissen (u. a. Instrumente, Strategien, Erkenntnisse, Praxisbeispiele und Erfolgsfaktoren) zu regional angepassten Mobilitätskonzepten unter www.mobilikon.de gebündelt, aktualisiert und als Beratungsangebot ländlichen Kommunen zur Verfügung gestellt. Kommunen können so passgenaue intelligente Mobilitätslösungen finden und umsetzen. Quelle: Mobilikon Stärkung von bedarfsorientierten Pflegestrukturen Das Forschungsprojekt widmet sich dem Thema „Pflege in ländlichen, strukturschwachen Räumen“. Das übergeordnete Ziel ist es, regionale und kommunale Akteure in ländlichen Räumen durch praxisnahe Lösungsansätze mit einem strategischen Leitfaden zu unterstützen. Dabei stehen die Perspektiven der pflegenden Personen und pflege- und betreuungsbedürftiger Menschen aller Altersgruppen im Vordergrund. Auf Basis einer Grundlagenstudie, die die derzeitige Situation unter Anwendung von Recherchen, Akteursanalysen und Hinzunahme von Fallstudien untersucht, werden zehn Handlungsschwerpunkte herausgearbeitet. Diese werden mit Fachleuten und Akteuren vor Ort diskutiert. Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen wird ein strategischer Leitfaden erstellt, der den Kommunen eine Hilfestellung für die Planungen ihrer regionalen Pflegestrukturen geben soll. Quelle: gettyimages, suedhang Nutzerfreundliches Datentool für die Datenerhebung und Datenfortschreibung von Strukturen der regionalen Daseinsvorsorge Um die Bedarfe der Daseinsvorsorge auf Gemeindeebene qualifiziert planen und entwickeln zu können, wird ein Datentool benötigt, dass nicht nur die Datenerhebung erleichtert, sondern auch die Erstellung von Prognosen für die Erarbeitung und (kartografische) Darstellung von Szenarien sowie von Erreichbarkeitsanalysen (zeitlich und entfernungsmäßig) ermöglicht. Die Anwendungen sollen leicht und mit geringen Personaleinsatz durchgeführt werden können. Der Prototyp wird in „Entwicklungswerkstätten“ diskutiert, getestet und entsprechend qualifiziert. Im Anschluss wird das Datentool allen interessierten Kommunen zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Quelle: istockphoto, Bim Regionale und interkommunale Zusammenarbeit Regionale Open-Government-Labore Mit dieser thematischen Initiative wird die Entwicklung neuer, offener Dialog- und Beteiligungsprozesse von Kommunen und Zivilgesellschaft unterstützt. In 13 Laboren erproben Verwaltung, Politik, Bürgerinnen und Bürger sowie gesellschaftliche Interessengruppen neue Formen der Kooperationen. Dabei wird untersucht, inwiefern sich positive Effekte für die Regionalentwicklung, die Identifizierung mit der Region und den sozialen Zusammenhalt ergeben. Quelle: Projekt Regiopolen und Regiopolregionen für Deutschland Im Rahmen der thematischen Initiative wird das Netzwerk mittelgroßer Städte unterstützt, die zusammen mit ihrem Umland Stadt-Land-Partnerschaften eingehen. Die Regiopolen sind dabei Zentren, die inmitten eines recht großen, überwiegend ländlich geprägten Umlands zentraler Versorgungsmittelpunkt sind. Ziel ist, diese Regionen hinsichtlich Wirtschaftskraft und Infrastrukturausstattung weiterzuentwickeln, damit sie weiterhin attraktive Lebens-, Wohn- und Arbeitsräume bleiben. Quelle: gettyimages, Marco_Piunti Demografischer Wandel, regionale und kulturelle Identität Wissensportal Transformation von Klöstern In Deutschland gibt es über 1.000 Klöster, die aufgrund demografischer Veränderungen vielerorts aufgegeben werden müssen. In diesem Vorhaben soll ein Wissensportal entstehen, welches die Transformation der oft denkmalgeschützten Häuser und Liegenschaften zu regional bedeutsamen, sinnvollen Nachnutzungen unterstützt. Das Portal zielt darauf ab, hilfreiches Praxiswissen für die anstehende Umnutzung von Klöstern und Liegenschaften zur Verfügung zu stellen. Quelle: Edward Beierle Wissensverbund regionale Kultur Die Heimatpolitik der Bundesregierung zielt darauf ab, die Teilhabe an kulturellen Aktivitäten auch auf dem Land zu ermöglichen und damit gleichwertige Lebensverhältnisse in Deutschland zu schaffen. Der neu aufzubauende „Wissensverbund regionale Kultur“ soll als Kompetenz- und Transfernetzwerk sowie als Entwicklungs- und Praxisschmiede für regionale und kulturelle Aktivitäten den notwendigen Raum zum Austausch bieten. Akteure aus Politik, Verwaltung und Zivilgesellschaft tauschen sich überregional zu Erfahrungen, Ideen und Strategien aus. Quelle: gettyimages, Maskot Digitale Kulturbühne Zur Verbesserung der Teilhabe am kulturellen Leben in strukturschwachen, ländlichen Regionen wird modellhaft eine Veranstaltungsreihe umgesetzt, in der für das lokale Publikum attraktive, digital übertragene, kulturelle Inhalte angeboten und in einen lokalen Rahmen eingebunden werden. Perspektivisch könnten „Digitale Kulturbühnen“ dank des im Rahmen des Projekts erarbeiteten Werkzeugkastens überall dort etabliert werden, wo es keine ausreichende eigene kulturelle Infrastruktur mehr gibt. Quelle: Volker Hanuschke
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Louis Johnson Louis Johnson nel 1980 Strumento Basso elettrico The Brothers Johnson 2 (da solista) Louis Johnson (Los Angeles, 13 aprile 1955) è un bassista e produttore discografico statunitense, considerato come uno dei più importanti bassisti del XX secolo[1]. Johnson è conosciuto per le sue numerose partecipazioni come session man (la più importante di queste è stata certamente la partecipazione alla realizzazione dell'album di Michael Jackson Thriller), per la sua partecipazione, assieme a suo fratello George, nel gruppo dei The Brothers Johnson, e per aver sviluppato la tecnica dello slap nel basso elettrico par
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