"We gave him our word. I will stand by my decision Sirius." George shot back.
"Then for your sake, I do hope there are no problems gentlemen." Sirius said coolly.
"Siri please." Harry begged "I can handle this. They are helping me, honest Padfoot."
"I better go before I say something I won’t regret." Sirius kissed Harry’s temple one more time. "If you need me. I am just an owl away." He glared once more at the twins and left. Moony growled at the twins and followed Sirius out of the dorms.
"That went well." Harry breathed.
"We should have told him." Fred groaned.
"And what would he have done Fred! Sirius is a hot head. Just like you and Ron. Then my last chance at having an actual parent would have been lost. Fred your parents are great. But they are your parents. I want my own. I want Sirius to be my dad. Don’t take this from me please." Harry begged him.
Fred blew out a breath and pulled Harry close. "Dammit Raven! I’m sorry ok? It’s just...knowing what those monsters did to you, and the fact they are still breathing is messing with my head. We will work on this together alright?" Fred kissed his hair. "Let’s get you to your dorm to rest. Don’t want to get expelled this close to summer."
"I don’t know. With all of this drama around us, I was hoping for a little "quality’ time with my handsome men." Harry said wriggling his eyebrows.
"I do believe our Raven requires some personal attention. Don’t you?" Fred said with lust filled eyes that always made a funny flip flop feeling in Harry’s belly.
"I could not agree more brother mine." George said hungrily as his tongue darted out to tease his bottom lip.
They spent the next hour showing Harry how good they were with their hands and their mouth. Harry wasn’t ready to go below he belt just yet. But he knew the time was soon approaching when he would. Fred and George were quite wicked with their tongues. Oh yes he thought as Fred nibbled just below Harry’s left ear while playing with his nipple. George caressing and kissing him greedily. Harry let out deep moan. Very soon.
Harry thought back to the first time he kissed the twins. It had changed his perception of how actually allowing himself to be touched didn’t have to always be awkward or painful.
Harry had taken to doing his homework in what the twins had referred to as "The Lab’. They had managed to find an unused classroom, in a normally secluded part of the castle. They had warded it to the hilt in their fourth year, and proceeded to unleash their evil genius on all of their prank product ideas. They were both excellent wizards, even if their grades did not show it.
So it was on one of the days Harry decided to be here instead of the noisy common room, that while he was rolling and stretching his stiff neck. George walked up to him.
"Harrykins." George gestured to his stiff neck. "Sore neck?"
"Ugh! I think Snape is trying to kill me with these essays." Harry rolled his neck again.
"Here. Let me help. I really should start charging my family for their services. Especially Charlie. The git always expects free service when he comes home for visits." George proceeded to give Harry a neck and shoulder massage. Harry moaned in absolute pleasure. After about ten minutes of pure bliss, the massage stopped. Harry felt a lone finger running along the right side of his neck. Harry leaned his head back and felt a hand come up to caress his jaw line. Harry felt the tension leave his body, but his eyes jerked open anyway. He looked up from his seat to stare into the blue eyes he knew were George’s, but appeared to be darker by a few shades. Harry abruptly stood and looked at him. Rubbing his neck that felt ten times better. He looked at George.
"George. Is everything alright?" He asked curiously.
George walked closer to him. He stopped mere inches from him, and looked into those emerald eyes that made him want to melt every time. Something about touching Harry’s skin while giving him a massage made him feel more bold than he usually was with Harry.
"Harry may I kiss you?" His eyes pleading for acceptance.
Harry was more nervous when he had to face the First Task than what lay before him now.
"Um...I’ve nev...never kissed anyone before. I don’t want to mess it up." Harry peered up at George through his fringe.
George took two fingers of his right hand and lifted Harry’s chin. He angled his head, and leaned down to Harry’s lips. "Let me show you."
The moment George’s lips had touched his Harry became dizzy. He tentatively put his arm around George’s waist for stability. George licked and sucked at Harry’s bottom lip after while and Harry thought he was going to faint, until he felt a second body come up behind him. He stiffened until he realized who it was.
"Trust us Raven. Trust us not to hurt you love." Then Fred began to nibble on his neck and rub along the sides of Harry’s body, while George began to deepen the kiss.
Harry’s whole body was a bundle of nerves on fire. He moaned deeply, which gave George the opportunity he needed to slip his tongue into his mouth.
With his mouth and neck being assaulted at the same time, Harry thought he was going to just collapse and die from pure pleasure. His tell tale hardening erection was pressing into George as he started grinding against the leg in front of him. Part of him knew he would be mortified when he came to his senses, but it was at war with the sensations blanketing his body. He felt it start deep in his belly. The feeling he knew was the beginning of something that was going to be really embarrassing. He began moaning louder and louder until finally he broke the kiss, leaned back against Fred and screamed as he came. The twins were there just holding him through it all. Telling him it was o.k. And that they had him. Harry was a panting sweating mess, and George thought he looked gorgeous. When he came down from his insane high, he felt the wetness in his pants. He ran to a corner of the room, removed his wand and cleaned himself. He leaned against the wall and tried to catch his breath. He was so embarrassed and if it hadn’t been for Fred’s hand on his mouth, he probably would be expelled right now. He felt a hand on his shoulder and reluctantly turned around.
Harry felt his face flush deeply. He looked at both Fred and George and stepped around them, he gathered his books. He looked at them again, and hurried from the room. Fred and George looked at each other in horror.
"Georgie. Did we...?
"Freddie, I don’t know to be honest. I thought we asked permission. I was sure he said yes. I went slow I swear Fred. I would never do anything to hurt him. You know that." George laid his head on his mirror image’s shoulder. Fred ran his hands through George’s hair.
"We will fix this brother mine. Maybe it is something to do with the muggles. Come on let’s go find our wayward Raven."
They couldn’t find him until after dinner. They both were not really hungry, and went down to the kitchens to get something light to eat in the common room. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had walked into the common room, and Harry’s laughter filtered to their ears. The twins who were in the corner doing homework, looked up from their parchments as they saw Harry enter and smiled at him. Apparently that was the wrong move, because he took off running out of the portrait They both dropped what they were doing and went after him. Fred registered his brother’s words of "It’s not what you think.’ But he kept going. They followed their raven out of the castle and to the lake. All three were hunched over out of breath.
"Sweet raven realize that most..." Fred began
"Wizards don’t bother...
"To exercise...
"We tend to be...
"A lazy lot." both brothers panted out.
Harry sat down on a rock and looked out at the lake. Trying to control his breathing as well. He really was out of shape. He was used to outrunning his cousin and his friends. Now however Harry was sure he would be pavement goo if he had to run from them now.
Fred and George took up a spot on either side of Harry. He could feel their concerned eyes on him and honestly didn’t know what to say. How do you explain something like this. Especially to the two people, besides his best friends who have been there for him this whole year?
"Harry if I hurt you in any way please just tell me. Would never willingly hurt you my raven. I thought..." George was caught off guard by the sharp in take of breath and the jerk of Harry’s head in his direction. Wide emerald eyes, stared at him confused.
"Is that what you think Fred? That you hurt me?"
Now Fred was confused. "If we didn’t hurt you then why are you hiding from us love?"
Harry looked out towards the water, then down at his feet again. "I was...embarrassed."
Fred looked at his brother and broke out laughing. He pulled Harry into his lap. "Merlin you scared me! I thought we did something wrong." Fred secured his arms around Harry and George slid closer.
But Harry was in no mood to cuddle. He wriggled out of Fred’s arms and stood. He began to pace in front of them. He might as well tell them, as he knew they would get it out of him some kind of way. He stopped pacing, and pinned them both with a glare so strong his eyes seemed to glow.
"I’m glad you find me so amusing." Harry said in a tone that made the twins flinch.
"Harry we would never..." George started but he didn’t get the chance to finish.
"You want to really know what my problem is? O.k. I’ll tell you." Harry cast a privacy charm around the three of them along with monitoring detection charms on all of their clothing. He canceled the two charms he had found. He was thankful that Fred and George had taught him those with that cow Rita Skeeter about. He then turned and looked at them both.
"We’ll skip the whole history of my time of living with the muggles you already know about that. Let’s move on to this summer when I discovered the fact that not only am I gay, but I fancy twins no less. The pranksters of Hogwarts. Well who am I? I’m just the sodding boy who lived. Destined to marry some society twit, who knows all the right families and can make the right connections. Some idiot who knows all the different silverware for fancy dinners. I’ve been told that more than once did you know that?" Harry was pissed and rambling. Fred and George thought he should get it out and didn’t interrupt. "But we’ll come back to marriage plans that apparently I am not involved in some other time. I am constantly in Danger...IE "Triwizard Tournament’. But you know what the best part is. Being in a boys dorm hearing all of the exploits of the Hogwarts students. Did you know the two of you come up quite a bit?" Oh dear the twins thought as one. "The Dashing Dynamic Duo you are referred to in some circles. "The Twin Tornado Tongues in other Circles. So earlier today yes I wanted to kiss you...both of you as a matter of fact. But then everything came back to me. All of the things people said about you and I thought. What if I am not enough? I’m just a skinny, scarred, damaged guy with awful glasses. What on earth can I offer them? They already look past the whole god awful "Boy Who Lived’ so what am I to them? When I oh so graciously began to rub myself on you, I thought...maybe they won’t leave me." Harry’s eyes began to well with tears, and the twins felt their hearts break even more. "You are the only things good, kind and, true in my life. Well beside my best friends and Sirius, but that is a different kind of feeling. I’m...not ready for sex, or below the belt or whatever." Harry absently waved his hand in the air. He had stopped his pacing and stared them down. "I want you. Both of you. But I don’t think I could be what you need. The orgasm was amazing, but it was out of some sick form of desperation of not wanting to lose the best people that have happened to me in a long time." Harry breathed deeply. The weight of the world didn’t seem too heavy at the moment. He cast a tempus, then took down the privacy charms. "Sorry for the rant guys, but we are approaching curfew. I guess I should be going now." Harry began to walk towards the castle, but was halted by a strong hand to his bicep.
"Don’t even think of it little raven. You had your chance to speak, and now it’s ours." Harry looked into the piercing blue eyes of Fred that were so intense, that it almost knocked the breath out of him. His voice had dropped a few notches deeper and sounded like he was growling. He looked to George who was never as intense as Fred. George’s eyes looked like blue flames of anger and hurt.
Fred continued to hold onto Harry. "Come with us." Harry had little choice but to obey, as he had two brooding twins beside him. They walked into the castle and made it to the floor that the dorms were on but, he was taken a few doors down from the dorms to another empty classroom. He was picked up and placed on a dust covered desk. Harry just sat there and looked at his feet.
"Now little raven. I do hope you are listening, because I do hate to repeat myself." To others, Fred’s tone may have been light, but Harry heard the underlying steel in his voice, and it sent shivers through him. He looked to George who stood against the wall with his arms crossed. The wild anger had been completely replaced with hurt. Fred turned Harry’s face back to his.
"Harry. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. You are fourteen. Sometimes our hormones get the best of us at this age. Now. As far as my and my brother’s reputation. Why didn’t you come to us? We could have told you that the vast majority of those rumors weren’t true. Yes Georgie and I have dated other people. Yes we may have even had sex with two people. But it doesn’t matter now because that was our past. YOU are what matters to us now. Nothing else. You don’t have to be some slag to please us. You never have to push yourself for us. I can wait until you’re ready. I am never going to leave you Harry, not if I can help it." Fred looked at his brother. There was a silent conversation going on between them. Fred nodded.
George pushed himself off of the wall and stood in front of Harry, who had lowered his head to the floor again. He lifted his chin, and his blue eyes bored into Harry’s green ones. "If you are feeling unsure of us ask. If you are feeling afraid tell us. If there is something you need from us tell us. We are tricksters and pranksters, but when we give this." George took Harry’s hand and placed it to his heart. "We give our all. No games." He dropped Harry’s hand slowly. "I wish you could’ve trusted us Harry. Bring your concerns to us" George made to turn away. Hurt was showing clearly in his eyes.
"I’ve never done this before alright. I...don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I didn’t mean to hurt you guys I swear on my magic that I didn’t. I don’t bloody know what the hell a normal relationship means. And here’s another question. Are three people in a relationship normal in the wizarding world? I know they aren’t where I come from." Harry looked truly confused at them. George sighed and realized their mistake. This was a boy who was beaten and starved most of his life. Not only for food, but for love and affection as well. He was placing his own insecurities on Harry’s shoulders. George embraced Harry as he still sat on the desk. Harry returned the hug with a deep sigh of relief.
"We start over. From here on out we tell each other all of our fears about this relationship. Hell anything for that matter. Harry please don’t run again. We will always tell you the truth. You mean the world to us, and it broke something inside of me to know you don’t trust me enough to come to me. You don’t have to give me everything right now. We have just begun to know each other, but please. Never fear me becoming angry at you. Or worse... thinking I will pull away from you. We will fight and argue at some point, but that is normal love."
George pressed a sweet kiss to Harry’s temple while running his hands through Harry’s mess of hair. "We better go gents. Curfew is truly upon us."
~End Flashback~
And that’s where Harry was. Safe and secure in the arms of the men who wanted him. Who may even someday love him. Now all he had to do was get through the summer.
School had been out for a week. Sirius had already began his physical healing. He had been diagnosed with long term malnutrition, and some bones that had not healed correctly. The human guards of that seaside hell hole had been known to be worse than the Dementors at times. He was going to take immense pleasure in taking those bastards down too once he rebuilt his name. His psychological healing would also soon begin. He was scheduled to start seeing a healer in Romania who specialized in healing the mind of patients who have been exposed to Dementors. She was a muggleborn witch who had become disillusioned quickly with the blood politics of Britain. His only worry now was Harry.
He had not heard from Harry since that day at school, when he let Harry cry himself to sleep on his lap. Before he had left, Harry had promised to write every other day, but it had been three weeks and their was nothing. He thought that maybe he was just doing the teenage love thing and was surrounding himself with those evil twins of his. But school had been out for a week now and there was still no word.
Sirius had spoken to his friends, but they had not heard from him either. He finally asked Fred and George, if they had heard from him and they too were concerned. Albus and that damned twinkle assured him that he was fine.
Sirius was feeling an insane amount of guilt. Harry was his godson. He belonged with him. He was planning to find another house that was more suitable for him, Harry, and Moony. He was going to have number 12 completely overhauled and give it to Harry one day as his home. Dumbledore was still insisting that it was safer for Harry to remain with that bitch Petunia. If he had to be honest with himself, he would admit that he had some pretty shitty days due to his stay in Azkaban. But he was working on those. And...though he loathed to admit it...Snape’s potions were doing wonders for his body. He had gained a 15 lbs in weight and was beginning to gain more defined muscle as well.
Speaking of Frik and Frak, as Sirius sometimes referred to the twins; He had too many names for them to be honest. To say that finding out that not only was Harry gay, but that he was seeing not one but two of the ginger menaces, was shocking to say the least. Not that he cared. He loved his godson regardless. You can’t help who you love. But to have two boyfriends? This kid didn’t do anything by halves!Sirius may or may not have told the twins that he would castrate them with a dull rusty spoon dipped in belladonna and sell the body parts in Knockturn alley for potions ingredients if they forced Harry to do anything he did not want to do, or hurt him.
Sirius decided that if Harry had not sent him a note by tomorrow that he would go check on him. He also sent a private word to the twins to see if they would like to tag along as they were also worried about him. Albus could go lick a...nevermind, he shivered. Bad visual.
So it was two days later that Sirius found himself in his account managers office."May your gold always flow master goblin." Sirius gave a short bow.
"May your enemies tremble in fear. How may I help you Lord black?"
"Master Grindaxe. I need the help of the Globlin Nation. I have suspicions that my godson, Harry James Potter has been abused. I need to get him away from the muggles he lives with." Sirius went on to explain how his mother’s sister hates all magic. How she hated her own sister. How he thought his name was freak as a child. How he suspected physical abuse, but no one would tell him anything. "I think they fear my reaction if I were to be honest. Please. The Goblin nation are the only ones I can trust. At every turn the Ministry has denied me my rightful and legal chance to take care of him. They want to set him up as some sort of icon. They want to mold him into some sort of Ministry puppet. I cannot allow that to happen. He is not prepared for this. Nor the target he has been made into by Voldemort. He needs training in both politics, wizarding etiquette, finance and I fear a significant improvement to his education thus far. But aside from all of the politics, Harry’s safety is first and foremost. I could easily go and retrieve him, but the conditions of my tentative guardianship require the use of a mind healer as well as a healer to check my physical condition. I need to cover all of my legal bases so that those in power cannot take him from me. Please. Can you help me? Whatever the fee I will pay it 3 times over." Sirius was not above begging for what he needed when it came to Harry.
Grindaxe considered the wizard in front of him. He was like no other. Lord Black and young Master Potter had always been polite. But it was policy not to get involved with the affairs of wizards, as they were known to be extremely fickle. If they did and these accusations were untrue, the consequences could be...dire. He would have to consult Ragnok."One moment Lord Black. Follow me." The goblin went to see the Chief of the goblin nation. Sirius followed, but waited outside the office. Pacing. Hoping.
"Chief Ragnok. Some disurbing information regarding Harry Potter." The chief of the goblin nation steepled his fingers together and nodded for the account manager to continue.Grindaxe repeated the tale that was told to him. He also stated that he believed Lord Black. Every goblin on the floor when Harry came into Gringotts the first time, noted he looked to be not eating well or well taken care of for that matter.
"This is what we will do. We will draw up the paper work. For both the muggle and magical world. If the accusations are false, Lord Black will surrender half of his wealth from each vault. If they are founded, we will file these documents with the Goblin Liaison office. But also send word privately to Madame Bones. I do not trust that wretched ministry, but she is a good woman I will admit." The Chief of the Goblin Nation gave an almost feral grin. "One more thing Master Grindaxe. I want master Potter examined by our healers if the need should arise. Their St. Mungos could be...problematic."
"I understand milord."
"Go. Bring the child here. If he has been abused, I will personally sign all documents needed."
Grindaxe looked on in surprise. Chief Ragnok never got involved personally. "Yes milord." Grindaxe bowed out and made his way to an anxious Lord Black."The Chief of the Goblin nation has agreed to assist you. The paperwork for emergency guardianship is being drawn up as we speak. If abuse is substantiated, I will send word to Madamme Bones of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement immediately. She is a fair minded, non prejudiced witch. I will speak of the specifics on the way." Grindaxe gave the specifics of whether the accusations were founded or not. Sirius didn’t care, because he would gladly surrender it all. Oh he was going to still read the contract of course. He was a Black after all, and it was literally beaten and cursed into you about signing anything without reading it first. But anything was worth Harry being safe and happy.Sirius read and re read the the paperwork and agreed with the terms. He signed his name to it, had copies made, and took them with him. It was time to find his pup.
◊◊◊◊◊◊◊Pain. Always so much pain. This current state that Harry was presently in was because he had burned the fish a bit. That is what tends to happen when you haven’t eaten in four days. Well save the two slices of bread one slice of cheese and glass of milk that he was able to get while the Dursleys ran a quick errand and forgot to lock him in his room. His left side was killing him from where Vernon kicked him. And he had a huge lump to the right side of his forehead where that bitch petunia hit him with the frying pan. At this point Harry was praying for a quick death.
What scared him even more were the looks that his uncle were giving him of late. He would lick his mumble under his breath when he did not think his wife was looking. One time when Harry was cleanning the kitchen Vernon "accidently" rubbed his hand across Harry’s butt. It made Harry shiver in fear and revulsion.
"Get in hear boy!" his aunt shrieked in her usual nauseating screechHis moment of small reprieve was interrupted yet again no doubt for some excruciatingly difficult list to complete in a very short period of time.
"Yes Aunt Petunia?" Harry said in a low tone
"Here is the list of things I want completed by the time Dudley and I return. There will be a book club meeting later and I need you to make all the refreshments and get this house sparkling." She took this time to smack Harry into the wall. "If I come back and this place is not perfect and the food not made, you will get worse than that you wretched cretin. Your uncle will be here to supervise your work. Do not disturb him otherwise. Now get to work!
"Yes aunt Petunia" Harry said around the blood coming from his mouth.Harry watched as the "horse faced cow" which he affectionately referred to her in his head, as she ushered Dudley and his whale sized waistline out the front door. He went to bathroom to wash his face of the blood and set about to start his chores.
An hour into his chores he decided that the pain was too much and that maybe he could chance lying down for a few moments to gather his strength. Wrong move. The moment he sat on the bed, his whale of an uncle began yelling about ungrateful little freaks not knowing their place, decided now would be the perfect time to beat Harry mercilessly. The fight was nearly out of Harry and he expected to be killed. But then it stopped. And the situation became much worse. As Harry was lying there in a pool of blood, his uncle began to fondle his crotch.
"I think it’s time you fully earn your keep in this house" his uncle spat at him.
"Uncle please don’t..." Harry began, but was stopped when his uncle began to tie his limp body to the bed with some electrical chords left over from Dudley’s old toys.
"You will learn to obey us in this house you little freak. I see the way you flaunt yourself around the house Harry. Like you want someone to touch you in all the right places. Your aunt doesn’t get in the mood near as often as I would like anymore. And it is all your fault. I think it is time for you to fully earn your place in this house." Harry watched in horror as Vernon began to take his trousers and underwear down. He then began to fondle Harry’s penis through his pants.
Harry cried out "Please stop! Please don’t do this! At That moment the door was thrown open and a VERY pissed off Sirius black flew through the door and torpedoed his body into the land whale known as Vernon Dursley.
◊◊◊◊◊◊◊Sirius had fire called the twins at the Burrow to come to number 12 Grimmauld place alone. He had decided that it would be best to take them with him to go see if Harry was alright, and they had instantly agreed. After flooing to Arabella Figgs place she began to tell them of her suspicions that the boy was being mistreated. She said that she had relayed all of her findings to Dumbledore, but that he felt she was over reacting. The three wizards wasted no time transfiguring into muggle clothes and headed to Number 4 privet drive. They initially were going to knock until they heard Harry cry out begging someone to stop. Sirius kicked in the door. After checking all of downstairs they made their way upstairs. After hearing what sounded like a wounded animal, they burst through the door. Sirius saw red. Tied to the bed was his godson with a half naked lard filled bastard fondling Harry through his pants.
After launching into the worthless son of a bitch and knocking his ass to the damn ground, Sirius proceeded to try and kick, beat, stomp the life out of this vermin who dared to touch his godson in such a fashion. The blood rage was so raw. So primal that if it hadn’t been for Harry’s pleas for "Padfoot’ to stop that he may very well had killed him.
The twins at this point were untying Harry and trying to see to his injuries. But from what Harry could see out of the one eye that was still barely open nearly made his heart stop. There was pure magic radiating from Fred and George and the magic that was swirling was angry. Very angry. It would have made him panic, but he knew it was not leveled at him.
Just then they heard someone call Vernon’s name downstairs. "Vernon sweetheart did that freak break the door open again." Her voice full of contempt. Sirius flew down the stairs at an alarming speed. He reached out, grabbed Petunia by the throat and slammed her into the wall. He heard the glass of the picture frame shatter, but didn’t care. This so called "mother’ deserved much more pain.
"You miserable bitch! How dare you treat Lily’s child this way. I should kill you!" He roared.
"If the situation were reversed, Lily would have never done your child this way. And you know why you evil spawn of filth? Because not only was she was a witch." Sirius leaned close, tightening his hand around her throat and actually gave a low canine growl into her ear. "She was a better woman than you."
"We...never wanted him...in the first place." She said through a strangled voice. Sirius cold feel a cold rage seep through his bones. He went to tighten the hand around the worthless cow’s throat, but Harry reached him through the dark cloud of pure hate that was beginning to consume him once again.
"Sirus stop!" Harry shouted as best he could. His voice was hoarse from crying out in pain and fear for so long "I can’t lose you to prison! Not again. Please let’s just get out of here." Harry cried trying to reach Sirius through his rage.
George who at this point was holding Harry in his arms bridal style agreed. "He’s right mate. We need to get out of here. No telling if the Order or Dumbledore will show up, and you know how badly they want to keep him here."
"Yeah mate Georgie is right as much as I want to fillet this piece of shit, we need to go and get Harry checked out." Fred said with so much venom in his voice it made Harry shiver.
Sirius regained some of his control. He grabbed Petunia by the hair, and drug her over to the dining room table. He jammed a pen in her hand that he found there. "Sign these you worthless creature." Sirius voiced in a very deadly growl."
"Wh...what are they?" she shivered at the pure venom in his voice.
"They give me full custody of Harry in both the muggle and wizarding world. You will never see him again bitch. And do know that he is the reason that you are not dead right now."Petunia signed the paperwork quickly. She was still rubbing her throat.
"Get him out of here. Wait. Where is my husband?" Petunia glanced around the room.