"Very well. What I was going to suggest, was to get any weapons from the vaults. Books. Anything you will need. We are a peaceful but warrior race. Take every advantage young Master Potter. The enemy will not take a moment to blink before they kill you. Now. I think it would do well to go over the inventory of weapons and the like that could be used for your training."
For the next hour, goblins were in and out with, and books only found in the Potter family library kept within Gringotts. They secured the Potter family grimoire. Not to mention hand to hand weapons of various kinds. All the while forcing Harry to drink nutrient potions and strengthening potions. To say Harry was getting a bit pissed off was an understatement."I AM NOT A FUCKING CHILD!!!!" His outburst shocked and hurt the twins who were trying to help him take the potions. Harry didn’t care. He was too mad to see reason."What?! So my muggle uncle beat me is that it? I’m not a good enough wizard? That’s what you both think? Is that it? I don’t need you. I don’t need anyone!" Harry made to pull his wand and cast a curse, but Sirius was quicker and stunned him. The twins looked at Harry’s crumpled body on the floor and the wand in Sirius’ hand in disbelief.
"Har-" George started to say but Sage beat him to it first
"He is possessed by an evil we have not seen for a long time. A horcrux. It should be removed. However I understand that you are going to see the vampire colony in the north. It would be best to only have one set of healers to heal his magic and long term health issues. And since he will do a majority of his training there, you should let them. I will however give you something that will temporarily suppress the effects until he is healed completely. The vampires are quite skilled at mind and body magical healing. As are we, but it would not be wise to have too many different types of magic interfering within his body. We better get started."
~"Carmen. I need you." Harry said in a whisper. After a while, Carmen didn’t come. Harry began to panic. She was always there for him. Like a beacon of light in the never ending darkness. Whenever he was being beaten or abused. She would come and speak to him. Help him keep his mind in a neutral place of peace and happiness.
Now his mind recognized that same foul darkness that haunted his dreams. He was scared beyond belief. He called out to her again. She didn’t answer. As hope was slowly started to fade from his apparently unconscious body, another voice came. Full of evil and anger. Taunting him on his weakness. Daring him to let all the pain and suffering go and just die. Showing him the images of pain and despair that he has suffered through. He felt the will to live slowly leave his body. The evil was trying to "feel’ where he was. He was searching his memories while he was being tortured. And then she came.
"Harry. Little one hang on. Listen to the sound of my voice."
"Just let me go Carmen. I can’t fight this. I’m so tired of fighting. The darkness is too strong."
"Bullshit! Don’t give me that crap. I have been with you since you were a little kid. I know your heart. You are stronger than this kid. Fight it."
"Carmen. You don’t understand. It’s...
"No! You will not give up on me. Do. You. Hear. Me? I have been freed from the prison of your abuse, because you were freed from that hell hole. We share a link. A bond that will last until death. And dammit that day is not today. I can not lose you little one."
"Besides. Remember we were going to start a band after I shared my memory of me listening to Queen’s somebody to love? Oh god your air rifts need a bit of work. I will teach you to play yet. Don’t get me started on your voice. Something is about to interrupt us. You are with the goblins still yes?"
"I hope so. Dear Merlin Carmen I was terrible to them." harry said sadly. Harry went on to describe his treatment of the twins and his godfather.
"Please. Cheech and Chong are devoted to you. They are Gemini twins. They understand more than you know. I will meet you again little one. The evil is afraid of you now. It fears the thing you have the most in abundance little one. Something that he will never know. Frankly he is a bit of a pu..."
"Carmen! I am always in trouble because of your mouth!"
"The goblins are bringing you out of it. You better apologize until the damn cows come home! They love you more than life and you were quite the jackass!" Harry laughed...hard. He was whole again. ~It was time to wake up.◊◊◊◊◊◊◊Harry began to wake up. All the while still chuckling He was a bit disoriented, but he knew he was safe. He was also in need of making some serious apologies as the twins were looking at him with equal parts hurt, confusion, and pain.
"I...love you both. Please know that I would never do or say anything to hurt you if I could help it." Harry said with a pained sigh. "I love you. You know that. Plea..."
"Oh Harrykins. Now. you-"-have to know by now-"-that Georgie and I-"-are not going -"anywhere" they finished together.
"I was so mean to you. I didn’t mean it I swear. Who knocked me out?" Harry asked with a half chuckle.
"It was me kiddo. And please don’t make me go through that again. We need to get out of here and head to our next destination. Harry can you walk?" At Harry’s nod Sirius helped him to stand and he continued. "I was going to have us spend some time in town, but I think it’s best we get settled at the village as soon as possible. We’ll port key to just a mile outside of the village and walk from there. You know. Wards and all. Right let’s go then. By the way Harry. We snatched a wand from one of your vaults, so that’s done. We will get you a new wand once you’re healed. If what I suspect is possible, my friend’s healing abilities will change your magic anyway."
The group took the portkey to an isolated area a few miles away from Manaus. And walked towards the border protecting the village. As they approached, Sirius was about to send a patronus to alert his friend Caleb he was there. When suddenly they found themselves surrounded, and Sirius had a knife to his throat.
"Long time no see...old friend." A voice said menacingly.
Sirius was a bit taken aback, but he showed no fear. Sirius had learned the hard way how to live with the vampire codes of honor. Vampires, he found, were easily offended by even the slightest misunderstanding. And for some reason the older the Vampire, the more they were likely to take offense. Especially from someone younger than them.
Now as Sirius was standing in front of this particular vamp holding the curved blade to his throat, he was reminded of the last time he was here. He got the very distinct feeling that Leo was a tad bit unstable. When they fought in battle together to protect the village of New Hope from a band of rogue werewolves who wanted the territory for themselves, he noticed that Leo took great pleasure in destroying the enemy. He gave the most evil smile when he took down a foe in the most brutal way possible. Sirius and his "proper British senses’ had trouble dealing with it if he were to be honest with himself. But maybe that is what was needed this time around. They won the last war by the skin of their teeth.
Whatever happened with the Potters at Godrics Hollow, was the only thing that had saved the world at large. The Ministry and Dumbledore insisted on not only a no kill policy, but a policy of forgiveness and second chances. Sirius mentally scoffed at that idea. Not everyone could be saved from evil and he knew that. Some people just didn’t deserve to walk the earth if they had committed some of the things that he had been forced to see. He shook his head and brought himself back to the present. He chanced a glance at the teens that were with him. They were puzzled by this turn of events, but on their guard.
For Fred’s part, he was thinking that if this was how they greeted friends, he would hate to be their enemy. He was still in awe of the beauty that surrounded him. It was nothing like his mind could have dreamed. When the boys first made their way to their current location, they were fascinated by the lush beauty of the place. George was drooling at the prospect of the potions ingredients that this paradise could give him in his never ending quest for prank ideas.
"My dear dear Leo. You are looking well. What are you now 240?" Sirius said with a hint of mischief in his voice.
Leo stood at least 6’3" and was powerfully built. If Sirius remembered correctly he was originally from somewhere near Athens, but decided that he and his wife needed a change. Many vampires came here for sanctuary for centuries for one reason or another. "245 actually."Leo looked down seemingly bored at his nails for a moment. "Now that we are done with the pleasantries, the last time you were here I told you what would happen if you dared show your face again." Leo said.
"Of course. Shall we settle it now then? Do prepare to lose my good man." Sirius smirkedLeo sheathed his knife and took a step back. The teens looked on in a mixture of fear and anticipation. The twins would fight if they had to, but they were currently surrounded by no less than 15 armed men. All of a sudden, both men put their left hand palm up, made a fist with the right hand. Then proceeded to slam said fist twice on the palm and then make a shape with their right hand on the third strike.
"Dammit! Best two out of 3?" Leo hedgedHarry doubled over in laughter as the twins looked confused.
"Bloody hell Sirius! I thought that we were about to be slaughtered! All this craziness over rock, paper, scissors?Sirius looked insulted.
"It’s a very serious game. A game of skill, and fortitude. A game of..."
"Chance you silly bloke! Anyone knows that!" Harry said still clutching at his tender sides.
"Ugh." Sirius turned to his "friend’ and shook his hand with both hands warmly. "Good to see you my friend. How is your family? Well I trust?"
"For the most part my family is well, however don’t get me started on Vincent. My son is all of 92 and is convinced he knows everything." Leo said with an exasperated sigh that anyone with children knew all too well.
"Ah. Well you know how kids can be at times. As much as I have told myself that Harry is old enough to date, it still bugs the hell out of me that he does. Tell me h..."
"I do hate to break this up, but Harry isn’t looking so good. We need to get him somewhere to rest Sirius. He is exhausted." George said annoyed
"Shit! Sorry Prongslet I got carried away." Harry had nearly collapsed into Fred and was going pale again. Sirius scooped him up and approached Leo.
"Leo this is my godson that I was telling you about. Traveling with us are his...boyfriends." Sirius ground that word out. While he had accepted them, it still unnerved him that Prongslet had boyfriends. He wanted Harry to remain pure until he was at least seventy. "We must speak to Caleb. We need sanctuary my friend. I will go into detail once we get him seen to."
"And so you shall have sanctuary Sirius. Let me key the others into the wards and we will get you the assistance that you need."
After the others were allowed passage through the wards to the village, they made short work to get to the council chambers. Once there, Leo started to bark orders to the other people there that they needed a doctor because there was an ill and injured child that was family to the clan. Harry hated being called a child, but he guessed if you were a 245 year old vampire with a 92 year old son, a soon to be fifteen year old would be a child’s age in the grand scheme of things.
Harry was passed to the doctor that was on staff and taken to a side room of the main chamber. Sirius handed George all of the copies of the medical paperwork that the goblins had given him and told them that he would meet them shortly.
"Sirius. Are you sure it’s safe? I mean, we don’t know them at all really." George asked looking unsure. George knew that between the two of them he was the most rational. And right now he needed answers. Their beloved Harry needed all of the help he could get. They would never abandon him no matter what.
"There are many things that I am reckless about, but none of those things involve Harry’s life." Sirius stated with absolute clarity.
"I trust them with my life George. And now I am trusting them with Harry’s. Go. Be with Harry right now. I have some things I need to work out. I won’t be long." Sirius said. George gave him one last long look. He appeared to be searching for something and nodded. He then turned and went the direction of the others.
Sirius remained in the main hall watching as his godson and his boyfriends walked towards the place where he knew the medical clinic to be. He was broken out of his musings of what his godson could learn from the clan, and turned around at the sound of Caleb’s voice calling his name. Caleb was tall. He stood taller than Sirius and Sirius was easily 6’2. Caleb had a lean muscular build and his skin was the color of cinnamon. His ink black hair was pulled into a partial ponytail at the back of his head, where the rest fell to the middle of his back. He had piercing blue eyes the color of the southern seas that if he was to be honest, which packaged with the rest of him, made him look very imposing.
"Caleb you old rascal!"
"Sirius you mangy mutt!" The two men embraced briefly, but it was Sirius who pulled back first.
"Caleb. I know we need to catch up, but there is something that I need your help with that must be dealt with first. I formally request sanctuary my friend. For me, my godson, and his mates. Please. May I come to your office? There is much to discuss."
"Of course little one." Caleb placed his hand over Sirius’ heart. "I Caleb, of the clan Ka’Venaktara, offer sanctuary to Sirius of the family Black." A glow settled between them and Sirius knew that the formal bond of sanctuary was set. Caleb looked at Sirius. "Follow me little one."
Sirius always grinned at being called little one. Seeing as how Sirius was in his thirties and looked the same age as Caleb who was over 400 years old if he remembered correctly. They made their way down the same hall that the teens had gone down. Caleb’s office was two doors down from the medical clinic, so Sirius was aware of where Harry and the twins were. Caleb preceded Sirius into a large office space done in earth tones. Caleb gestured to Sirius to have a seat on a Maroon leather couch and ordered tea.
"Caleb. It’s been a stressful day. Do you have anything little stronger?"Caleb smirked, waved his hand and a bottle of whiskey appeared.
"No blood right?" Sirius asked before taking a sip.
"No blood little one. I do have human friends you know." Caleb said with mock hurt. "Ok mutt. Start at the beginning."
And Sirius did. From his best friend Remus that caught the rat, which subsequently got him a trial and cleared his name. The expectation that his godson would come to stay with him from now on. The problem with the Ministry fighting him at every turn. To him and the twins finding Harry bound and beaten, and nearly raped by his uncle. Finding evidence of long term abuse from his so called relatives. On top of the threat that is still posed by Voldemort which is now made even worse with his return to a corporeal form.
Caleb stood whiskey in hand and downed it. He then turned from Sirius and threw the empty glass against the wall shattering it. Sirius, though stunned, remained silent as his friend paced. Large amounts of anger and magic was coming off of the vampire in waves.
"Where do I find this uncle?"Caleb gritted out the word uncle.
"Caleb it’s...
"You are my brother in all but blood. A bond that was forged in the heat of battle. That child is your family. Which makes him a part of this clan as well. No one and I mean NO one gets away with such evil against my family!" Now Caleb’s eyes began to glow, and for the first time Sirius was a bit afraid of his friend.
"Caleb. I swear to you that he will not. In fact I may enlist your help with my plan."What Plan?" Caleb said with a growl. His eyes were no longer glowing, but he was still plenty pissed.
"We can discuss it later. Right now we need to help my godson. I have researched vampire healing. It was one of the first things that I did when I got access to my family home. I needed all the help I could get after that stay in that hell hole. You guys helped me a lot, but I knew I had a long way to go. I thought it was best to leave after the attack on New Hope. Plus my godson needed me close."
"I understand little one. What has your research uncovered. Actually wait a minute." Caleb turned around and left the room. He returned a few moments later with a tall bronze skinned woman with long ink black hair. "Sirius. This is Natasha. She is our Senior Physician in the village. She also practices medicine in the human world. She has done so for over 150 years. I thought that maybe she should sit in on this meeting." Caleb said. She was over seas on your last visit here.
"Hello Dr. I am Sirius Black." Sirius stood and took the doctor’s hand in a gentlemanly fashion and lightly brushed his lips across the top.
"Hello Mr. Black. Please call me Natasha. I do not stand on ceremony with my kin." she replied
"Then do call me Sirius please." Sirius smiled
"Of course Sirius. We are currently working on strengthening young Harry, but the damage is extensive." She frowned
"Yes that is what I want to discuss. While doing my research on different forms of magical healing, I came across healing comas. Specifically vampire and goblin healing comas. You have the ability to heal him in suspended time. I was hoping that he could be healed in a coma that was suspended in time. That way he could heal for as long as was needed, and would not lose any time in this "reality’ as it were." Sirius glanced at the two of them.
"The need is rare my brother, but it will be done for you." Caleb hung his head from the place that he was sitting at his desk for a moment. As he sat up again, he wiped his hand across his face and sighed deeply. The abuse of children always hit him so hard. Children were more precious than life among his kind. Even the most "rogue’ of vampire usually treated a young one with compassion. "What else do you need from us?" Caleb arched a brow in questioning.
"He needs to be trained Caleb. Trained in all things defense and all things magic. And so do Frik and Frak for that matter. If I am correct in assuming that they will stay with him for the duration of this war. As his boyfriends..." Sirius gritted his teeth at that the last part. "They will be targets as well. Their education at Hogwarts has been sorely lacking. Whether it is from lack of trying, or lack of competent teachers. Or some combination of both. He needs to get his marks up to far better levels than they are now. Also as part of my custody take over agreement with that worthless Ministry of Magic, I am required to see a mind healer, for my time spent with the Dementors while I was locked away. Most people don’t come away half sane, and to be honest I could also do with retraining and honing my skills." Sirius said.
"All good reasons my friend. Your problems in Britain are not unknown to us. The Council has intel coming from Britain and has passed a rule of non interference. The edict does explicitly say that we cannot offer direct assistance to either side. It would seem however that some clans are not following the edict due to your country’s habit of discrimination." Something said a tiny bit ago caught up with Caleb’s brain. "Wait. Their parents actually named them Frik and Frak?" Caleb looked at Sirius with an odd squint to his eyes. He was honestly confused to tell the truth. Humans were odd.
"No. That’s just my nickname for the ginger demons who have corrupted Harry. Their names are actually Fred and George. They are good people, they really are. But in all truth, no one is good enough for my Prongslet!" Sirius stated with a huff, pout, and a childish crossing of his arms.
Caleb roared with laughter. "You are priceless little one!"
After Natasha sobered as well, she continued with the reason for the conversation."Sirius. What you ask is possible. However, it has been a while since we have done this on someone who is completely human. And even longer since we have done this on someone so young. Since there rarely is a need. Who the fuck brutalizes a child like that?!" Natasha bellowed while nearly jumping from her seat. The blood rage in Natasha started to swell in her, but she made an extreme effort to reign in that particular trait. Natasha had seen the evils of creatures of all kinds, and to see it on a child made the pain so raw even now. If what the intel coming out of Britain was true, then they have placed the burden of saving their sorry asses on a boy. A boy who quite frankly looked like the next wind would knock him over.
Natasha would have been happy to continue having words with herself in her head, but then the still less than murderous part of her mind realized that she was in Caleb’s presence. The raven haired leader actually chuckled at her abrupt return to the present conversation. It was well known that female vamps were far deadlier than the males when it came to the protection of children.
"Forgive me Caleb. That was was uncalled for." Natasha went to bow her head in submission to Caleb, but quick as a flash, he was there in front of her. He tilted her head up and looked straight into her eyes.
"No need for forgiveness cousin. I understand your anger. He has far too much responsibility on his young shoulders. I would like to torture the monster who is recognized as the uncle into oblivion then drain him dry. But apparently our Sirius has a plan in the works to deal with the worthless son of a bitch."
Sirius nodded in agreement. "I will of course pay what is required to make this hap..." Sirius was unable to finish that sentence. The air in the room pulsed with magic and something that could only be described as anger. Then the temperature in the room became cold enough to cause Sirius to have goosebumps. He watched as Caleb abruptly left the room slamming the door behind him. Sirius stared after the door in question with a raised brow. He stared at the closed door in surprise and then he turned to the Doctor.
"Did I say something wrong?"
"Yes. Although I do not believe for a second you intended to. It is just that you men are so easy to upset. He probably went to the gym next door to hit the bag for a bit."
"What did I say that offended him?"
"You offered to pay." And now Sirius was really confused and it showed on his face.
"Do you know how old Caleb is?" asked Natasha as she sat with her back rod straight in her chair. She was waiting for her cousin to blow off steam and return. She knew why he was not happy at the moment
"Over 400 years old I believe. Why?"
"He will be 415 years old, come this November. He has seen a lot. He has lost a lot in various wars or challenges to his governance. He was forced to watch his mother tortured and raped by humans who look upon us demons. Humans who think our lives mean nothing. He and his father built this village as a refuge from humans in the beginning. But in truth, it was to hide themselves away from the pain of losing Maria. His father encouraged him to explore the world around us even when it would seem that world was trying to kill us. He made friends from other clans. He made human friends as well. But he has also watched them grow old and die. He has learned to accept this as the natural human life cycle, but it still causes him some pain. He is also very wealthy as you can imagine as he is over 400 years old. He holds shares in businesses around the world. Not to mention the businesses he actually owns here in Brazil. So for someone who he considers a friend, well, family in all but blood to say he needed their money was..."
"Incredibly insulting, and uncalled for." Sirius finished. Fuck. It would appear he had some more things to learn about his friend. His British upbringing left a lot to be desired from his point of view. Said friend came back in the room and sat down in his chair at his desk and released a sigh.
Sirius stood and walked over to his brother and placed a tentative hand on his shoulder."Forgive me my friend. I made an incorrect assumption. You see. Where I come from, things are bought and paid for among friends and even family. There are no free rides as the muggles say. To not offer something in return for a favor is considered a terrible offense. No matter how small the favor is. Actually, that favor can be called upon years later. There are life debts that can be called upon years or even generations later. I did not mean to insult you my friend. That was what I was trying to avoid." Sirius hoped Caleb was understanding his words. Caleb looked to Sirius and smiled.
"You humans are quite strange. Wait forget that. You Brits are strange as hell. In all my travels, even to the most remote human villages in the east, I have never heard of such insane rules for a society." Caleb let out a small laugh. Sirius did as well.
"Forgive me Caleb?" asked SiriusCaleb placed a hand on Sirius’ shoulder and said "Nothing to forgive my friend. Simple misunderstanding. Which I am sure that Natasha has attributed to my being a male by now knowing her." Caleb looked at Natasha with a raised eyebrow. A glint of humor in his eyes.
"Oh don’t look at me like that cousin, you overreacted as usual when your feelings are involved. I cannot wait until my dinner tonight with your wife." Natasha chuckled.
"Sirius. Take my advice. Stay single!" Caleb gritted out.
"Please Caleb. You love that woman with every fiber of your soul. Don’t try to dissuade the man." Natasha said.
Sirius barked a laugh. "Don’t worry about me Caleb. I am loving the bachelor lifestyle too much!"
"Back to the topic at hand Gentlemen." Natasha said with a roll of her eyes. "When do you want this to happen?"
"Would three days be too soon? As much as I want to hide my godson away from the world, his responsibilities will haunt him forever. He is also a child. He needs to also learn what being a teenager means. Well. Along with being able to kill someone at the right time. Make any sense?" Sirius finished.
"Sadly it does." Said Caleb. He himself having seen far too many "dark lords’ in his many years.
"Very well. But we should consult with the children. It will begin in three days. And what will you be doing while he is healing and training my friend?" Caleb asked.
"I will be doing the same as my godson. As much as I hate to admit it, I am almost in as bad of shape as him. Not only from the Dementors, but the human guards as well. My long term plan is to throw the British wizarding world on it’s ass. They allowed this to happen. Maybe not on purpose for the most part, but it happened. They put their hopes and fears on the back of a child. They did nothing to help him when he needed it most. At every turn they would spread lies about him and drag his name through the mud, but were so eager to use and parade him about when it suited their purpose. And I want them to know what their "savior’ has been through if he will let me tell. If not, then I will start with the Hogwarts faculty and his closest friends and people he feels are family. My sole focus is making sure he survives this war. To become a healthy and happy young man who gives me grandchildren. Who gets a tattoo. Who gets so drunk he has to call for a side along or the knight bus. I want this to be over. For us to live life again." Sirius finished.
"Am I to assume that this was part of your plan little brother?"
"Yes. While dismembering his uncle may give satisfaction in the short term, I want to change the society at large. But don’t worry brother, his uncle will get his dues. I want him and that bitch of a wife to suffer slowly and painfully. To fear their own shadow everyday." Sirius smirked.