Granger’s eyes widened, her anger melting into confusion. "How does that even work?’
Draco sighed. "That Power-Transfer Spell you were bugging me about, remember? It was part of a Pureblood marriage ritual. A bonding of Magical cores. I initiated the bond that day because it was the only way you’d survive.’
Granger’s face hardened. ’Why didn’t you tell me then, that day in the Library? My filthy blood wasn’t good enough for you? Were you ashamed of –′
′No, Granger!′ The protest left his lips before he realized what he was saying. She looked startled at his vehemence, so Draco took her momentary silence as a chance to interrupt her tirade. ’I was afraid. We’d barely begun seeing each other, and marriage wasn’t something I even took into consideration back then. I was scared you’d run from me if you ever found out. That it’d complicate things, maybe even force you to make decisions you weren’t ready for.′
Granger tilted her head, surveying him as if trying to determine how genuine his words were. "But I ran anyway,’ she finished soberly. ’You stupid, stupid man.′
She reached for him then, the pasta cold and forgotten as they kissed. His arms moved to her hips, while hers cupped his jaw tenderly. His eyes closed as he lost himself in her, and all would have been well. Unfortunately, when she pushed his robe open to run her hands over the planes of his chest, her hand nudged the little "X’ over his heart. A little spark in the corner of Draco’s brain, the tiny sentient part of him that wasn’t seeing fireworks, screeched angrily, forcing him to pull away from her abruptly.
"Aren’t you seeing someone right now?’ he rasped, his pulse racing as his hand instinctively moved to his chest. The half-healed burn throbbed, as if reminding him of the reason for its existence.
"We broke up.’ She didn’t seem very sad.
"I’m sorry,’ Draco offered.
She grinned. "I think we both know you’re not.’
"Was it my fault?’ he persisted, still feeling a little guilty.
She shook her head, grin widening. ’Not really. I’d already called it off before Harry told me about this little connection.′ She used her index finger to gesture between the two of them as she spoke.
"Was it because he was horrible in bed?’ he teased, feeling appeased. "Not everyone is as good as me, Granger.’
She laughed a little at that, before sobering up. "We had a conflict of interest,’ she finally admitted. "And maybe the sex was a little on the inferior side, too.’
"I’d be happy to fix that, if you’ll have me,’ Draco proposed, eyes dancing.
Granger looked thoughtful as she pretended to consider his request. "Well, seeing how you’re already married to me, I don’t see why not,’ she smirked finally, before adding seriously, "I’m sorry I hurt you, Draco. I didn’t know this would happen, but I feel guilty all the same.’ her hand hovered over the mark over his heart, as if her touch alone could make it go away.
Draco brushed his lips lightly to hers. "It wasn’t your fault. If anything, it was mine. I’m sorry for not telling you about the spell, for putting you in this position in the first place.’
She nodded happily, and then a smirk slowly tugged at the edge of her lips. "Do you have an owl? No wait, of course you do. Where’s your owl?’
Draco looked at her in confusion before pointing her to his bedroom. ’In there. Why?′
"I need to send your mother a message,’ she called over her shoulder as she skipped off in the direction he’d pointed, leaving him staring after her, baffled.