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"Poppy." Remus started. "We are going to the Doggy Playhouse. I would be delighted if you would bring us some of your delicious muffins. But I will need you to seal off the floo to either mine or Sirius’ magical signature when we leave. Can you do that?" |
"Oh yes Master Remmy sir! I’s can do that." And then she was gone. |
"Forgive her. She is even more excitable than a normal house elf, but she is young for an elf. She saw her family massacred. She is the only surviving elf from the tragedy that happened with the Longbottoms." Remus shook his head. Amelia and Alastor just sighed sadly. The many scars on his face reminded everyone how long he had been in this fight. The Longbottoms truly did suffer a fate worse than death. |
Remus handed them the new charmed parchments. Poppy would take the muffins first to the Doggy Playhouse then come back to this house and seal it as told. |
Madame Bones went through the floo first and read the parchment."The Canine Castle is found at 3984 Ledel Road." She was gone in a rush of green flames. She landed in a nicer home than the last. Nevertheless, she had her wand at the ready. She was followed by Remus, then Moody. They heard the soft pop of an elf coming to greet them. |
"Welcome back Master Remmy. Lord Black is expecting you." The old elf bowed low. Remus just chuckled. "Arned. I told you I am no ones Master. Just call me Remus." Remus shook his head. |
"My apologies Master Remus, I’m sorry I’s forgot. This way please." The old elf gestured for them to follow. Remus just shook his head. |
The elf led them to the sun room. There before them was Sirius black dressed in formal robes. Clean shaven and looking like the pureblood he was raised to be. You could still see what the years in prison had done to him, but it was less pronounced. Next to him was a tall, well built man in his forties. He stood proud next to Sirius in semi formal blue robes. Amelia guessed a solicitor of some sort. |
"I thank you for giving me this chance to prove myself Lady Bones." Sirius walked forward slowly, bowed, and kissed her knuckles. Putting into action all of the lessons of his youth. "You honor me with your presence." He finished the greeting. He turned to his old mentor. |
"And Mr. Moody. Always a pleasure." He shook the man’s hand. |
"Don’t give me that shit Black. I trained your sorry wet behind the ears ass. Lot of blood sweat and tears there were. Let’s get this over with so I can beg my apologies from ya." Alastor took the other man’s hand in a firm shake. But then Sirius drew his wand. |
"What was the first thing you said to me during the one on one testing for stealth training?" Madame Bones trained her wand on Sirius. Remus had his trained on Bones. |
"Take those blasted muggle shoes off, before we all get killed! Then I proceeded to remind you of why it was called STEALTH training. Gave you and Potter fifty laps that day." Madeye said with a grin. Moody still had his wand trained on Sirius. "What was your response lad?" |
Sirius didn’t even blink. "But Moody! They look wicked brilliant with my robes!" Sirius said in a mock whine. He stepped forward and embraced his old mentor. But only for a moment. Moody wasn’t hugger. |
"I would gather, old man, that since she is with you that she is who she claims to be. You never lost that paranoid streak I presume?" |
"I got your old man, you little tyke." Moody put Sirius in a headlock and then released him. "But you know me too well. Constant vigilance I say. Been testing the lass since we first met up today." Moody said with a crooked grin. |
Amelia Bones cleared her throat as she lowered her wand. "Gentlemen. If we are done with the male bonding." She looked between them. |
"Let’s get this over with." Madame Bones turned to the other male in the room. "And you are?" She raised an eyebrow. |
"I am Kevin Forlow. Solicitor for Lord Black." he said with a bow. |
"Lord Black is it?" Madame Bones said with a raised eyebrow. She was of course well aware, as was most everyone, the rift that Sirius Black and the rest of the Black family had when he was sorted into Gryffindor. |
"That is an explanation for another day, as Mr. Forlow is pressed for time. For the record though, I Sirius Orion Black, do swear on my magic and my life, that what I am going to say will be the truth to my knowledge and abilities." A deep gold color surrounded him. He then smiled. He took a seat near the fire place. Before he tilted his head back a bit he said to his old mentor. "Moody, if you will please?" |
Remus, and Madame Bones watched as Moody let three drops hit Sirius’ tongue. At seeing the telling glaze of the potion. Madame Bones began the questioning. |
"State your full name." |
"Sirius Orion Black" |
"What is your occupation?" |
"I am unemployed at this time?" Moody rolled his eyes. |
"Your previous occupation Mr. Black." |
"I was an Auror." |
"Were you the secret keeper for the Potters?" |
"If not you than who? And why were we all led to believe that you were?" |
"Peter Pettigrew was chosen as a decoy. I would be too obvious." |
"Were you ever or are you now a follower of Voldemort?" |
"Never was. Never will be." Amelia nodded and the antidote was administered. |
"Mr. Black. You are cleared of all charges. There will be a full hearing in front of the Wizengamot, in two days. It is only a formality. Something that should have been granted to you long ago. A notice will be put in the Evening Prophet very shortly." Amelia took on a look of sadness to her old colleague. The normally stoic and stern woman looked at him with shame filled eyes. |
Sirius held up a hand towards her. "Amelia. Don’t. You were not to blame. It was hard times then and you had little power. You were always the one to do what is right." He extended his hand, and she shook it. "Hard times are here again but I want to see that we don’t lose so many this time." Sirius thought of his long dead brother in all but blood. SirIus looked at Moody. |
"I know that you had your hands full, old man. I don’t blame you. You are after all so paranoid, that your twirling eye is even scared of you!" Sirius said with a grin and waggle of his eye. |
Mad eye went to cuff Sirius on the side of his head. "You bastard. Don’t make me have you drop and give me twenty!" Sirius embraced his mentor quickly once again. He turned back to Amelia again. |
"Now. I want to know how little Suzie is! Is she as outgoing and crazy as her mother was? I want to hear all about her! I hear from Harry she has turned into a nice young lady." Sirius always knew how to change a mood when people where down in their feelings. |
The following week was a whirlwind and a lesson in insanity. With the kiss on sight lifted, Sirius made it to the Ministry without any problems. He had his trial and was there when Peter got his trial. The rat squirmed at the looks in the eyes he received from his former best friends. Peter was sentenced to The Kiss, and pushed through The Veil. His old friends watched each step of the way. Silent tears running down their face as they thought of the friends that they had lost and the betrayal by someone they had once considered one of their own, they hugged each other fiercely and wept. They agreed that what was done was done, and now their cub needed them. Apparently that was easier said than done. |
Sirius was blocked at every turn when it came to the custody of Harry. Apparently it was more important for the boy who lived to be with an upstanding wizarding family rather than just anyone. And by upstanding, Fudge meant rich ones who lined his pockets. Which to be honest, Sirius did not understand. Harry had been living with muggles since he was a one year old. Even in places he thought he had allies, namely Dumbledore, even did not want Sirius to take Harry. He was adamant that Harry was better off, and safer where he was. But Sirius didn’t care. He would fight until his last breath. In the end, he got a compromise...of sorts. He could have Harry, after a psychological evaluation and a complete physical. In typical Sirius Orion Black fashion, he made sure to piss off as many people as possible. |
"Absolutely. I agree that I should get medical attention. And I am also thankful to the Ministry for taking on all costs for said treatment, along with the 500,000 galleon compensation I just received. After all, it was the Ministry who was responsible for the unjust incarceration of a descendant of a Most Ancient and Noble house." At this declaration, Fudge nearly fainted. |
"However. I will seek treatment outside of England, as we all know that those in employ at St. Mungos can have loose lips." Sirius leaned back in his chair and took great pleasure in making these worthless bastards squirm. He got the sense that most of the problems that he was facing had not to do with Harry the teen, but "The Boy Who Lived’. How dare they try to use Harry as some stage prop! Something to bring out when they wanted to garner support for their cause of the month. Fuck no. Not if he could help it. |
Sirius had a long discussion with Remus about what Remus knew about Harry’s life and the conversation was not pretty. Sirius was insanely pissed off at the ministry for many reasons. But none so much as how they lauded Harry as a savior one minute, and tried to destroy him the next. Remus suspected at the least neglect, at most outright abuse. If what Remus told him of what he knew of his home life is even remotely true, then he needed to do all that he could to help him become the man he was meant to be. |
Even more frustrating was Dumbledore’s involvement in all of this. Or more precisely, his almost utter lack of involvement of when it mattered the most for Harry. He has been bullied by teachers and students alike. Ridiculed by the public, called an attention seeker by the Minister of magic no less. And now this latest stunt. Who entered him into the tournament and why? None of it made sense. |
One thing that Sirius knew for certain, was that the time for being on the sidelines was over. His pup needed him. He needed an adult that he could trust on a regular basis. Someone to believe in him, to nurture him. To guide him. Sirius knew that it was going to be a massive undertaking but Harry was worth it. Yes he was his dead best friend’s son, but Harry would not be treated like a mini James. He knew that many in The Order, namely Molly, thought he saw Harry as a replacement for his long dead brother in all but blood, but he didn’t. He had a made a promise to Lilly and James, that if something were to happen to them that Sirius would raise their son with honor and dignity. Lilly actually acquiesced to letting him let out his inner prankster. But Harry was not to become a bully. Harry was explosive at times and painfully shy at others. He seemed to want to please those around him. Harry would come into his own. He would become the man he was meant to be. Sirius made arrangements with professor McGonagall to floo to Hogwarts to speak with Harry later that day. |
Albus Dumbledore was not a happy wizard. Sirius Black was on his way to Hogwarts and it put Albus on edge. First and foremost Sirius was a Black. He knew Sirius never subscribed to that mad woman posing as a mother’s beliefs but he was a Black nonetheless. But old prejudices aside, he was worried about Harry and Black's influence on him. No matter what anyone could say, he really did care for the boy. He had met him a few times as a baby. He would love to spend time just playing with Harry. Listening to him making cute baby gurgles. Harry was a powerful wizard even as an infant. He transfigured one of his nappies into a puppet of a pony and sent it racing around the room. Lilly was horrified, but James was doubled over in laughter. |
James and Lilly. How could he have been so wrong? He was so sure that the plan was perfect! But to his everlasting shame and regret he was wrong. As he reached for a lemon drop he knew that the pangs of regret would haunt him for the rest of his days. |
Sirius was due any moment and he knew the conversation would be explosive. At the best of times Sirius’ temper could control him, and with years spent in Azkaban the coming conversation did not bode well for him, but he stood firm in his beliefs. He needed Harry to remain with his aunt. Harry’s safety was paramount. The wards on the house were essential to his survival. It would not do well for the boy to be removed from the place he called home. He must make Sirius believe that. |
Right at the agreed upon time Sirius Black followed by Remus Lupin emerged from the floo in Albus’ office. Sirius was not an idiot, no matter how many times Remus called him that when he was about to do something "monumentally stupid" as Moony loved to point out. Sirius made a vow to himself to his long dead brother in all but blood, his wife, and to magic. From now on he would put Harry first. He would always act in Harry’s best interest and not his own ego or need for revenge. He had spent time re establishing his occlumency shields, and he was getting a better hold on his emotions but there were days that he still had trouble concentrating. Dumbledore played a close game and he knew that there was something that the old man was not telling the rest of them. Sirius knew this meeting with his godson would not go down very easy, but Harry was worth the fight. |
"Welcome Sirius. And Remus this is a pleasant surprise I was not expecting you." Albus shook both men’s hands warmly. "I must say, you are far more punctual than I remember you being in your youth." Dumbledore chuckled lightly. "I was wondering if we could have a chat before Harry came here to see you." Dumbledore gestured to the seats in front of his desk. |
Many people could say whatever they wished about Sirius. However much he disagreed with his family’s pureblood bigoted beliefs, however much he joked and loved to be the life of the party, Sirius was indeed a Black. He may have hated his family’s party line, but he was taught to read people, and at this moment he could read behind this man’s civility. This man wanted something that Sirius was not willing to give up...Harry’s happiness. |
"Of course Albus." Sirius said as he made to have a seat in front of the headmaster and Remus followed suit next to him. Sirius was still not happy with the Headmaster because of his interference with Sirius’ custody efforts of Harry. Not to mention never getting him a trial after all that he had done for The Order. |
"Sirius. I must insist that Harry remain with his relatives for the summers that he is not in school. There are many protections on the house on Privet Drive that help to shield Harry from those who would seek to do him harm." Dumbledore looked at Sirius dead on. "He is safest there." |
Sirius didn’t know whether to cast Fiendfyre at the old man or laugh hysterically. He called upon all the training he had shied away from as a child and teenager and took up the mantle of Lord Black. |
"There appears to be a misunderstanding Headmaster Dumbledore. You are under the impression that you have a say as to where Harry must live. Tell me Headmaster, what in your capacity as Headmaster allows you such liberties?" Sirius made sure to emphasize his title as Headmaster. |
Dumbledore could honestly say he was taken aback at the tone. "Sirius there are many things which have not come to light yet. Harry’s safety is critical to our survival. Think what you will Sirius, but as Headmaster, I do care for all of my students. But Harry is special. We all know that. I simply want to protect him the best way possible, and for that to happen he must remain behind the wards of his Aunt’s home." Dumbledore sat back and rubbed his temples. He felt every bit his age at times like these. |
Sirius looked at Dumbledore in deep consideration. His face a complete mask hiding his true emotions. He sat back in his chair and steepled his fingers in front of his chest while resting his elbows on the arm rests. "What has come to light Albus? Aside from some prophesy that is." Sirius had known about the prophecy from James. He and Lily had not known what it said. Only that it involved Harry and that the family was in danger. |
Albus rose his brows slowly. "You know of the prophecy?" |
Sirius almost rolled his eyes. He wanted to scream "James was my best friend you barmy old codger!’ |
"I know of a prophecy. James was not given the specifics apparently. He was told that too much information getting out could be deadly. He knew only that it was real and that they should go into hiding. We see how well that turned out." Sirius deadpanned. |
"Sirius I understand your frustrations, I truly do, but you must see reason my dear boy. We must think of Harry’s safety, and not your own..." |
Sirius stood quickly with all of the grace and majesty he could muster given the fact that he was livid beyond belief. He placed his hands on the headmaster’s desk, raised his occlumency shields, and stared the Headmaster down. "Albus I have learned the lessons of my youth. From now on the only thing that matters to me now is the safety AND happiness of my godson." He stood with his back straight. |
Remus sat there in a mixture of pride and amusement. It would seem that his best friend was finally taking some responsibility for Harry’s life and by extension his life, as he should have done all of those years ago. He knew Sirius would always have some of that overgrown kid in him, but for now he was glad to see that he was trying to learn a balance. But even Remus had to admit that Sirius needed help. He could see the lost, haunted looks that plagued him from his years in Azkaban when he thought no one was looking. But he knew for right now he could hold it together. For Harry. That seemed to be a mantra as of late. |
It was at that point the door to the office opened. Sirius saw it and Remus could smell it as well as see it. Despair. Pure despair and raw terror. Sirius, without a word, opened his arms and Harry rushed to him. |
Day break loomed on the horizon for the inhabitants of the castle. But for Harry there was no peace to be found. He had watched another student die, Harry was lost in his grief and anguish and how once again, it all came down to him. People around him always got hurt or killed. If it wasn’t for his twin menaces, he didn’t think he could survive the pain and guilt. |
Harry started dating the Weasley twins shortly after school had started. They began to spend a lot of time together at the Burrow while Harry was staying there over the summer. Ron had managed to do something completely stupid and argue with his mother about his grades up to that point. Mrs. Weasley proceeded to ground Ron to his room for the whole summer bar the World Cup, as it was a special occasion. After the disaster that was the World Cup, Ron was ordered straight to his room to hit the books. Hermione decided to return to her parents for the remainder of the holiday. Her experience at seeing the muggleborns and muggles tortured at the hands of Death Eaters made her miss her parents terribly. It also brought home truths that smacked her dead in the face and shattered the illusion she had of the new world she had found herself in a few years ago... that there was true evil in the wizarding world. Bill had discussed possibly warding her home, as it was a well known fact that she was one of the best friends of "The Boy Who Lived’. |
With Ginny spending most days at the Lovegood’s home, that left Harry to his own devices. But Harry didn’t mind one bit. Anything was better than being at number 4. |
Harry began spending more time with Fred and George and actually found them to be fascinating! They were smart, funny, and loyal to each other to an almost scary level. They started sharing their secret dream of owning a joke shop, which Harry thought was brilliant. The twins could be seen helping Harry with his potions homework. All of the pranks over the years, had made potions and charm work very important which in turn made the brothers quite the dab hand at both. |
Harry knew exactly the moment when it happened that he noticed them. It was a particularly warm day, and the trio decided to go swimming. They splashed around like complete lunatics for a while until they decided they had had enough and wanted to have some drinks in the shade for a bit. Harry was just glad that his glamours had not worn off because that conversation would have been disastrous! |
They had been sitting in the shade drinking iced pumpkin juice, (Harry was beginning to wonder are there any other types of juice in the wizarding world) when George stood up to stretch and grabbed a tree branch that was above them and did a pull up. The way his muscles stretched and pulled. His back angling into a perfect v to his hips. He was slender, but the lithe muscles he had made him look powerful. And Harry couldn’t take his eyes off of him. |
"Harry?" Fred asked. But Harry hadn’t heard him. Fred cleared his throat and tried again a bit louder. "Harry?" |
Harry, whose mouth was still formed into a perfect o staring at George, who was now looking at Fred having a silent conversation snapped his head to his left and looked at Fred. Blushing furiously. |
"Ssorry. Did you say something?" Harry asked with complete embarrassment at being caught. |
"I was just wondering if you were alright." Fred inquired. |
"Fine fine. Everything is fine...uh...I need to go." Harry nearly shouted. He grabbed his things and fled. The sound of the two boys yelling for him to wait was at his back. |
Harry fled to the house and into Bill’s old room and locked the door. Mrs. Weasley had asked if everything was alright, but he barely said yes before he had gotten into the room. |
"Harry dear are you alright?" Mrs. Weasley asked while talking through the door. |
"Yes Mrs. Weasley. I’m a bit tired and wanted to rest for a while. Swimming can be tiring in this heat." Harry said. |
"Well if you’re sure dear, I will leave you be for now and wake you for dinner." |
In truth Harry was mortified. How could he do something like this? Eying George like he was his favorite dessert. That was all that he needed. To be gay added to the rest of the hell that was his life. His uncle was right. He was a freak. A freak for being a wizard. And now a freak of nature because he may fancy men. Just fucking great! He pushed himself from the wall that he was leaning on and stripped out of his clothes and put on some clean boxers. He made his way to the bed and drifted to sleep silently weeping about the latest drama in his life. |
Harry was awakened by Mrs. Weasley’s bellow that it was time for dinner about 2 hours later. Harry morosely made his way down stairs after using the bathroom. He was not even close to being hungry, but knew that Molly would drag him down by his ear if he didn’t make an appearance. Harry tucked into the meal with as much enthusiasm as inhaling flobberworm slime, but he didn’t show it. He just ate what was given to him, declined dessert and asked to be excused so that he could go to bed early. He was not seen the rest of the night. |
The next morning, he got up and showered. He reapplied his glamours and gave the usual sigh he always gave his appearance. Harry knew his self esteem was somewhere near the tectonic plates, but years of people telling you how worthless you are tends to do that. Truthfully, this was Harry on a good day. He was getting better, but it was still hard sometimes. He was hoping against hope that Sirius could take him away from that house someday. |
Someday, Harry was going to rise above all of this bullshit. There was something in him dying to get out. He could feel it. Something deep in the pit of his belly. One thing he knew for sure, was that people were not being honest with him. He always knew when people lied to him. Harry knew there was something more to why Voldemort was after him, but for some reason Dumbledore did not want to tell him. |
Harry opened the door to the bathroom to go back to his room, when he was grabbed by both arms and dragged to a room further down the hall. He was in trouble and he knew it. |
"Harry." George said |
Harry just looked away in embarrassment. |
"Harry." Fred tipped his chin up with a finger. "Talk to us Harry. Please." |
"I’m not sure what you want me to say" Harry admitted with a shrug of his shoulders. |
"Start with why you ran away from us yesterday." Fred said as he crossed his arms over his chest. His very nice broad chest that was only covered by an undershirt. Dammit he was doing it again! |
"Harry. Are you gay?" George asked. |
Harry made to bolt out of the room. Fred grabbed his arm and turned him around to look at him. He lifted his chin again. His blue eyes burning into Harry’s emerald ones. |
"I don’t know." Harry said defeated. "To be honest I never thought about it really. I always assumed I liked girls until..." |
"Until yesterday? Fred asked gently. |
Harry nodded his head. |
"Harry it’s alright you know. I’m not mad at you undressing me with your eyes." George teased him with a smirk. |
"Harry if it helps you to know this, Georgie and I are both gay. Not with each other of course, but we both like guys." Harry’s eyes became comically wide. And then he sank to the floor and bawled his eyes out. |
The twins just stood there looking between him and each other, when Ron came in. |
"What the Hell did you two do to him?!" Ron bellowed |
"Calm down Ronniekins. He’s fine. Just stressed a bit." George said. |
Ron looked at Harry who was standing up and wiping his eyes with his shirt. "Harry?" Ron reached out to touch his best friends shoulder. He then gave a knowing look to his older brothers. "He told you didn’t he? Ron said. |
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