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Harry’s head snapped up and he glared at his best friend. Daring him to say something. "Told them what Ron?" |
"Take your pick. The muggles, or the fact that you are gay." Ron raised an eyebrow. |
"You knew? How did you know and I didn’t?" Harry asked. |
Ron rolled his eyes "Of course I knew. You’re my best friend. And honestly, my first clue was how you went on and on about that the Hufflepuff back up keeper last year. No straight guy goes that in depth about the muscles in another guys legs, and how they are perfect for the position. And before you ask no I don’t care. Just no make out sessions in front of me please. I wouldn’t care if you fancied girls. Public snogging sessions are creepy." Ron shivered. |
"Wow." Harry blinked |
George snorted "Says the bloke who can’t get a girl to want to be close enough to him to kiss him in the first place." |
"Hey!" Ron said affronted. "I just haven’t found |
the right one alright?" |
"Keep telling yourself that little brother. You may even start to believe it soon." Fred said with a smirk and a tousle of his younger brothers flaming hair. |
"Look Harry. I’ve got to get going. Mum will lose her mind if she sees me here hanging out." Ron Paused and looked between his brothers and Harry. "Harry you need to tell them about the muggles. They may seem like insane pranksters, but my brothers are insanely loyal and dead helpful when you need it." |
Harry hung his head a bit. "Ron. I don’t want to talk about it. It’s not bad. Honestly it’s..." |
"NO! I know the truth Harry. It’s time they did too! Look we will keep it between us alright. The twins are insane with charms and potions, for pranks. How do you think they would do for healing and glamors. I’ve complained to Dumbledore and Mum forever! But they insist they know what’s best, and it’s not as bad as it seems to me." Ron touched Harry’s shoulder. Harry flinched minutely at the touch. "Just tell them mate. They can help." Ron gave a nod to his two older brothers and left the room. |
George and Fred appeared to be in some sort of silent conversation before they turned to Harry. |
"Harry..." Fred began |
"What in the name..." |
"Of all nine levels of the underworld..." |
"Is he talking about?" they finished together with very serious looks on their usually smiling casual faces |
Harry stared into those twin sets of blue orbs. Something inside of him told him that he couldn’t lie to them. He walked over to the window and stared at the horizon. The Burrow was situated in a very lovely part of the country. Harry shrugged. "What do you want to know?" He asked without looking at them. |
"All of It" said George with a tone that brokered no arguments. He walked up to Harry and placed a hand on his left shoulder. Fred did the same to the right. Which was quite unnerving to be honest. He looked at them both staring at him. It was at that point that Harry broke down and sobbed with his head in his hands. It was a shame that he had tried to hide all of the time he had been at school. With Fred and George he for some reason felt safe. That they would help him and take care of him. The wizarding world expected him to be some superhero, but with the Weasley twins he could just be a boy who needed love and protection. |
He told them about the cupboard under the stairs and how it was his "bedroom’ for ten years. He told them about the abuse. He told them about the hunger he always felt because he was not worth food. He told them about the chores that started from sun up until sun down...and even past that. He told them about having no friends until he came to Hogwarts. He poured out his soul and waited for the condemnation of being weak against muggles, since he "apparently’ killed the darkest wizard of the age. In truth, that had always been what had made him keep his mouth shut. What wizard couldn’t handle a damn muggle? Then Harry did something he swore he would never do. He dropped the glamours and stripped down to his under things. Something in his soul told him he could trust them with anything. He had done glamours through accidental magic when he was younger. When he came to Hogwarts, that was one of the first things he learned to do. |
George didn’t know what to think. His whole idea of "The Boy who lived’ had been shattered. They were told he was a pampered prince. But this Harry was different. They could see the scars on his back and legs. The word freak looked to be carved into his back. Bruises all along his back and legs. Scars. There were so many scars. Almost too many to count to be totally honest. He was a broken soul. A soul that had attached to his, and Fred’s. There was no denying the link he and his brother had felt towards to the raven haired youth. They had felt a strange pull when they were in third year. But they didn’t want to overwhelm him with feelings that even they did not understand. For years they watched him in the shadows. But now...now as Harry was putting his clothes back on, something was making them feel almost insanely protective...and more than a little pissed off. |
Fred stood up and snarled. "I’ll kill them!" he went to make his way to leave, and most likely head to the Dursley’s and do serious bodily harm if not truly kill them. Fred was not known for his patience or forgiveness when it came to the safety of family or friends to be honest. Fred made his way to leave from the room. A look of murder in his eyes. Harry grabbed his arm and begged him not to go. |
"No Fred. Please. I...I really do have feelings for you both. I would kind of like to see where this can go. I don’t know what it means, but I would like to find out." He admitted. He shyly raised his head to look at both twins. "I can’t do that if you are in prison. They will get what is coming to them I promise." |
Fred looked at his brother. They could always read each others thoughts when needed. George was telling him not to scare their new "friend’. Contrary to popular belief, the twins were not the same person. They had different temperaments. Fred was more of the seek and destroy type, where George was the more rational voice of the two. |
George took Harry into his lap. Harry resisted at first, because he was not used to affection. He finally, reluctantly, rested his head on George’s chest albeit a bit stiffly. His relatives only touched him when it was the last resort...or when they thought beating the freak out of him would work. But the calm presence of George made him feel wanted. While the fierce protectiveness of Fred made him feel safe. Like nothing could hurt him. He knew something inside of him wanted them...needed them both. Yet he couldn’t identify what it may be. There was so much about magic he did not understand. |
"Sorry about that" Fred began. "You can tell I am a cast first, ask later kind of guy. I just...they hurt you. And they should pay for what they have done to you Harry. What sick bastard treats a child that way?!" Fred was rubbing Harry’s cheek while George gave long strokes through his hair. Whispering to him that it would be alright, and that they would take care of him. At that statement Harry blinked, and left the comforting embrace of George to look at him square in the eyes. |
"We love you Harry. We always have. Since we first met you. You pulled something inside of us the first time we laid eyes on you. I don’t know what is going to happen in the future. And to be honest, as long as it is by your side, we don’t care. But be warned little raven. We are possessive of what we feel is ours, or is our family. We will protect what is ours to hell and back. What I...we want to ask is...will you accept us?" |
Harry didn’t know what to say. He wanted this more than anything, but what could they see in him? For so long he wanted to be wanted by someone. Cared for. Protected. He knew Ron and Hermione cared for him. But this was different he knew. But first he had to tell them his quirks and see if they still wanted this. Wanted him. |
"I have to tell you some things about me before you decide if you want to go through with...whatever this" Harry waved his hand in a vague motion towards the twin brothers. "May be." Harry took a deep breath and stood facing the window. "I generally don’t like to be touched without warning. I had a panic attack when Hermione launched herself into a hug with me in second year. I can become almost catatonic if approached from behind. Can you accept me?" Harry turned to them. And waved a hand over his body. "Scars and silly quirks. All of it?" He asked. His eyes pleading. |
George stood and walked towards the younger teen. "Harry nothing but the hounds of hell could make us turn our backs on you. And even then we would curse the lot of them back to where they came from. I am going to touch your cheek now Harry." George slowly raised his hand to stroke Harry’s cheek. He stiffened at first, but then relaxed into the touch. Fred did the same. |
"I want to make new memories. Good ones" Harry said with a start looking between the two. "But I am afraid I won’t be any good at this. I...don’t want to disappoint you. You have to promise me that if this doesn’t work out you won’t stay with me out of a sense of obligation. I want you happy." Harry stated firmly |
"Of course raven. But you must know that will not happen." Fred leaned in slowly towards Harry and placed a kiss to his temple. Harry jumped at first, but relaxed into it. Harry moved away from the twins and turned to face them. |
"Well. I think I am done with all of this emotional turmoil for one day." Harry said with a crooked grin. "How about we get in some air time, and then I want to hear about your latest prank ideas!" Harry smiled broadly. |
"I do believe dear brother that we may have a new partner in crime in the making." Fred said with grin. He knew what Harry was doing and, he was OK with it for now. But soon he hoped that he and George could help him through his nervousness. |
"Oh yes dear brother, could you imagine. The Boy who Lived! A prankster and a scoundrel! What would The Prophet say?!" George mock swooned. |
Harry took a pillow and chucked it in their direction and ran out of the door laughing. |
After that the three were inseparable. Harry’s fourth year was in one word... insane. Someone was trying to kill him he surmised, when he was entered into that blasted tournament. He was not even seventeen! |
To make matters worse, people began to turn on him once again as if it was second year all over again. Calling him a liar and an attention seeker. He survived only by the skin of his damn teeth. And Fred and George of course. He didn’t know what he would have done without them. They helped him prepare. Taught him some very useful spells. Ones he never dreamed existed. They had helped him with clues. It was amazing what those two could come up with. Ron and Hermione were also dead helpful. Once Ron pulled his head out of his ass and stopped with all of the jealousy. |
When Harry’s name had come out of the fire as a fourth champion, Ron had accused him of cheating and not telling him how to do it. To say that it hurt him was an understatement. But to add insult to his wounded soul, Ron stopped speaking to him completely. He was not sure what happened that day in the common room when Fred and George asked to speak to Ron in private, but two days later Ron came to talk to Harry. Ron told him the source of his jealousy. How being the youngest brother always made him feel as if he couldn’t ever be seen as his own person. |
~End Flashback~ |
Now he was lying here between them. Feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. There were two weeks left of school and his world felt like it was sinking in on him. |
He still could see it all. Could still smell the smells. Hear the voices. His parent’s voice. Cedric’s’ voice asking to take his body back to his family. But to be completely honest, all Harry felt was numb. After a long time of just laying there and not getting any rest, Harry decided that he needed to go for a fly. To clear his mind. He kissed the twins on their forehead and told them he just wanted some time alone. They understood and let him be. That is what he lo...liked about Fred and George. They never pushed him, unless it was needed. They always seemed to know when to push, and when to back off. Harry was about to make his way out of the dorms, when he was informed by professor McGonagall that the headmaster wanted to see him. She made sure to tell him the password so that he could gain entrance. |
After putting his broom away, Harry made his way up to the gargoyle that guarded the Headmaster’s office. He spoke the password and made his way up the stairs. Before Harry could even knock, the door opened for him. He walked in and saw the occupants of the room. When he saw Remus and Sirius, he completely ignored the Headmaster’s presence and launched himself at Sirius. He forgot all about the fact that he was supposed to be fourteen years old and cried his eyes out. He felt a hand on his shoulder and knew that it was Remus. |
"It’s ok pup. Let go. Let it out. I’m here for you. Padfoot is here now." Sirius said while holding Harry and stroking his hair. |
The sight of his cub in so much distress, was tearing Moony apart. The wolf within wanted blood. There will be hell to pay. |
"Come on pup look at me." Sirius said when he felt Harry calming down some. In fact, it looked like Harry had fallen asleep. He was apparently drained. The stress had been too much for his young shoulders. Sirius scooped up the sleeping Harry, and Remus covered him with his over robes. |
"Gentlemen, to where are you taking him?" Dumbledore inquired. |
"Out of this room and someplace quiet and private. He needs rest obviously. Tell me Headmaster; did you seek the services of a mind healer for Harry?" |
Dumbledore looked like he could fold into himself. "When asked, he said he was fine. I thought he wanted to deal with it on his own. He can be stubborn when it comes to his privacy." Dumbledore stated firmly. |
"Moony let’s go. I want to find the ginger demons." Sirius said. |
Sirius was shocked that Harry was dating twins. He didn’t care if Harry was gay. He himself had at one point had male lovers. The wizarding world tended not to care who did what with whom, as long as everyone could legally consent and no one was hurt. |
Sirius stalked the halls and made his way to the Gryffindor tower, with his godson in his arms. He counted his lucky stars that there was, what had to be, a first year preparing to enter the dorms. Sirius had to wonder to himself "Was I ever that small?’ Sirius made his way through the portrait hole, still holding his sleeping and covered godson. When they reached the common room, they saw both boys sitting on the couches staring into the fire. They both jumped up |
"What happened to him" Fred shouted |
"I’ll tell you in a minute. First I want to use your dorms for him to rest. Moony, once we get in there, I want you to check for listening charms and any security breaches you can think of. I want this conversation to be private." |
"I’ll take care of it." Remus stated |
"Lead the way boys." Sirius said |
Fred and George headed up to their dorms. The other boys in the room saw who had just walked in and made to excuse themselves. Lee Jordan stopped to ask if they needed anything. They shook their heads no, and he left. |
"Sit him down right here." Fred gestured to his bed. Once Harry was placed down on the bed and curled into a ball into himself. They placed a blanket over him, and went to the other side of the room. Sirius looked to Moony and asked a silent question with a raised eyebrow. |
"It’s done Padfoot. There were some pretty basic monitoring charms on this room. I also froze the portraits and cast silencing charms on this whole room. It will only be the four of us in this conversation. Sirius turned to Frik and Frak. |
"I am going to ask you some questions, and I want the truth. What the fuck is going on in this castle? I trusted you to take care of him. I gave you my blessing when you came and asked me to let you court him. And I find him a nearly broken shell of a boy. I know very little of what happened in that farce of a tournament. I want you to fill me in. Now." Sirius was leaning against a desk with his arms folded across his chest. His wand in his hand. Fred and George shared a look of concern and a small amount of fear. |
"Sirius. You have to believe us. We would never do anything to hurt him. We tried as hard as we could to help him in the tournament. We all did. Me and my brothers and Hermione." Fred stated. |
"At first we tried to get him out of the tournament, but it turned out to be a big nothing. We researched all that we could, but there was not much to be found in the library. So then we focused on him not getting killed. Charlie helped us out a ton. He told us about the dragons after he found out that someone had put Harry’s name in the goblet." George finished that part of the tale. |
"The worst part was how the whole school turned against him Sirius. It was all we could do to try and keep him sane. He felt so low. Especially when our prat of a little brother turned against him." Fred spat. |
Sirius narrowed his eyes and growled "What?" |
Fred looked him in the eye. "Look. Roniekins has always been jealous of Harry’s fame and money. He finally came around when..." Fred blushed and turned his head. |
"When what?" Sirius said impatiently. Fred still would not look at him. |
"When Freddie here, grabbed little Ronnie by the throat and slammed him against the wall and reminded him how much Harry goes through at home with the muggles and here in the magical world. How Harry has said many times that he would trade his life for Ron’s in a heartbeat. He had to remind him how Ron was the one who told us about the muggles, well got Harry to tell us at any rate. Well after that Ron sort of felt awful for thinking the worst of his friend. Ron has always felt second to the rest of us, and sometimes his mouth runs away from him. So he started to chip in and help. He begged Harry to forgive him. He didn’t say that it wouldn’t happen again. Ron is a hot head. But he did say he would work on it, and gave permission for anyone to smack him if he started acting like an ass again." George finally finished. |
Sirius arched a brow at Fred "Impressive. To go against your family for Harry." |
"It wasn’t my proudest moment alright." Fred shook his head as if to clear it. "Look Harry means a lot to the both of us, and I can’t stand to see him hurting. I want to protect him from anything and anyone." Fred held his head up and looked at Sirius. "I don’t give a damn who it is." Fred said with conviction. |
"As it should be. Maybe I didn’t make a mistake in giving my blessing after all. But let me make this clear as crystal, if you hurt him I will use every dark curse in my family library and dump what is left of your bodies in the Forbidden Forest." Sirius said with a very cool expression. |
Fred and George had another silent discussion then nodded. "Agreed." They both said. |
Sirius stood up and walked over to the still sleeping teen. He ruffled his messy black hair. Oh how he wished he could take him away from all this. He didn’t deserve to have the world on his shoulders so young. He caught the glimpse between the brothers. Something was not right. He turned his gaze to them. The Black upbringing making itself known as he raised an eyebrow. "There is something you aren’t telling me. What is it?" |
Fred started to say something. George silenced him. "No Freddie we gave our word. |
"Georgie. He can help. There is only so much we can do. No one believes us anyway!" Fred said exasperated. |
George did something he rarely did. He squared off against his twin brother. "Dammit Freddie No! It’s not our story to tell. We promised him!" |
Sirius had had enough. "What the hell are you two on about!" Sirius’ voice was deadly. |
George and Fred looked at each other. A silent argument continuing between them. Then Fred turned and shook his head. "It is his story to tell. George is right we gave our word. We won’t betray him. Not even to you." Fred stated with finality. |
Sirius sighed. "Oh pup. What is so bad that they would risk my getting pissed off." Sirius continued to run his hands through Harry’s mop of hair. The twins shared a look and came to a partial agreement. |
"Sirius. You need to get him away from the Dursley’s. And soon. That’s all we will tell you. He..." George shook his head no. "No Freddie. We will keep trying to get him to talk, but for now, we will keep his confidence. He begged us." |
"Fuck it Fine!" Fred threw open the door and stormed out. George shook his head. He walked to the other side of the bed and picked up his little Raven’s hand. "I hope you know how much we love you luv. You mean the world to us, but I can’t stop Freddie forever. We need to deal with this." He kissed Harry’s temple and stood to leave. "I better go find Freddie before some hopeless first year gets tangled in his wrath." He gave a long look to Sirius and Remus. One last look at Harry, then he left. |
Remus and Sirius sat there stunned, and more than a little pissed. What could have Harry so scared to tell them. Did he not trust them? What was going on? Sirius decided to stay with Harry for a few hours or until Harry woke up. The rules be damned. Sirius settled next to him after taking off his shoes and just held him. Silent tears running down his eyes. "Oh Prongslet, what have these people done now?" Remus did the same and crawled in on the other side. Both men just whispering words of love, regret and remorse. |
It was a short three hours later when Harry began to stir. He realized the men who surrounded him were not his twins, and he wondered what was going on. Then he remembered his breakdown with Sirius. He instantly felt safe and secure. He opened his eyes to see the concerned gray eyes of Sirius. He felt Remus’s hand in his hair. |
"How are you pup?" |
"Fine Sirius. Still drained. But I feel worlds better. Thanks for coming. How did you know? Harry asked. |
"I didn’t to be honest. I came for a completely different reason. But I’m glad I came when I did. You needed me and I was glad that I could be here at the right moment. You have been through so much little one." Sirius said sadly. |
"What else is new? But this time it’s different. I have you. I have Moony. I’ve always had Ron and Hermione. And best of all I have Fred and George." Harry gave a shy smiled. |
Sirius rolled his eyes "You hear that Moony? Tossed aside for some ginger demons." |
"Typical teenage hormones." Moony snorted. |
"I came to tell you, if you had not heard yet, I have been completely cleared as of two days ago. Peter is dead. Kissed and then pushed through The Veil. Too long to explain." Sirius raised his hand up to stall any questions about The Veil. "The short version is it is known as the Veil of Death. You go through, you don’t come out." Harry just nodded his head. He would ask about it some other time. Right now he only had one question on his mind. |
"Can I come to live with you now?" Harry pleaded. |
"Not right away I’m afraid." He went on quickly when he saw Harry’s face fall. " I need to see the state of the Black family properties. They have been neglected for over a decade. Moony is going to tackle that problem. We will take the one that is most habitable and go there. There is one other condition. I have to submit to a full psychological evaluation and a full physical and treatment. The Dementors take a nasty toll on the body. |
Harry tried to understand, but it still stung. "I understand." |
Sirius tilted Harry’s chin up "I know this is not how we want it, but I almost didn’t get you at all. It would seem the powers that be have a different agenda for your life that doesn’t include me. I made it clear that you were not a political toy. I also reminded them that as the Head of an Ancient and Noble house, I would bring down the full weight of my house upon them. Including calling a special session of the Ancient houses. |
Harry exploded "Who the hell do they think they are?" This is my life! Not theirs! Why can’t they all just leave me alone?! Why Siri?" Harry pleaded. "Why? I didn’t ask for any of this!" Harry started to hyperventilate, and then the room started to shake. |
"Calm down pup. Calm down. Deep breaths for me. Concentrate on your breathing. That’s it. In and out just like that. I got you. You’re ok." after a few minutes Harry began to calm down. "One of the things I plan to teach you is how this wretched government works. You are far behind in your training and we need to get started now. School will be out soon, and I will be leaving for treatment after about a week or so. Until then I want you to write me every other day, or as often as you want ok? Sirius asked looking at his godson. |
"Ok Sirius. Can I write to you too Moony?" |
"You better cub." Remus ruffled his hair. |
"Ok. We better get out of here. We’ve already broken about one hundred school rules." Sirius pulled Harry in to a firm hug. "I will see you before you know it. Send word if you need me sooner. It won’t be for long Harry. I swear. Now get some rest. I’m sure Frik and Frak are waiting for you." Then Sirius took on a very serious look. Almost dark. "What are you all hiding from me. I know something else is going on. Fred was going to say something, but George reminded him they gave their word. He was afraid of losing you if you told me. They are very loyal to you. But if something is going on that is hurting you, I need to know." Sirius’ eyes bored into Harry’s. |
"It’s nothing I can’t handle. I’ll be fine believe me please." Harry pleaded. He needed Sirius here with him. Not locked up. And that’s exactly what would happen if Harry told him the truth. |
"For now pup. For now. But..." Sirius started as Fred and George came back into the room. Sirius looked them both from one to the other. "If I find out you kept your word to him, only for him to be hurt, I will personally make you suffer." Sirius deadpanned. |
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