Human 1: cool! I've started to run a bit as well not long distances though, just a couple miles
Human 2: A couple of miles is very impressive. When I started, I couldn't even last 1 mile.
Human 1: haha
Human 2: I'm exhausted by the end of it though 😛 Do you like to run long distances or mostly sprints?
Human 1: I like to do long distances. I have run a few marathons.
Human 2: wow! that's amazing did you do any marathons this year?
Human 1: No. Not this year. This is my half-marathon year. Instead of running marathons, I run one half-marathon every month.
Human 2: oh wow, what was the last half marathon you did?
Human 1: Two days ago. It was a tough one.
Human 2: Cool!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: hello there, how is it going?
Human 1: Pretty great. I just won a pingpong game. What about you?
Human 2: that's nice. I am just working on some documentation. Do you play pingpong often?
Human 1: No, very rarely. It's kind of amazing that I won, but I'm still taking credit for it.
Human 2: thats very impressive then, congrats!
Human 1: Haha thank you, I guess I'm just a natural. What's your favourite game?
Human 2: I really like to play tennis, badminton and racquetball. I don't really get a chance to play them often though, specially racquetball
Human 1: What's racquetball like? From context clues, I'm guessing that it involves hitting a ball with a racquet
Human 2: well, it's like a cage match of tennis. The main difference is that both players play in the same 'court' and the ball is smashed against a wall instead of passing it over a net into the opponent's court. Kind of like playing pingpong vs the table.
Human 1: Wow! A cage match! Does it get physical?
Human 2: it depends haha, there is a lot of bumping into each other to run after the ball, and sometimes the ball hits you too. Overall it feels like a super fast paced version of tennis, really tiring!
Human 1: That sounds fun. I think of tennis itself as being really athletic and tiring, so I don't think it's a sport for me, though!
Human 2: ping pong can get quite intensive too! I guess short ping pong sessions are not that tiring though. Wanna have a match?
Human 1: What a good idea, I'd love to!
Human 2: Fuckkkkkkk!!!!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: hi
Human 1: what are you up to?
Human 2: code refactoring. you?
Human 1: me? just chilling out at work. what is code refactoring?
Human 2: good question. I don't even know what I am doing
Human 1: haha, forget it. what else do you like to do beside work?
Human 2: lots of fun stuff. eating sleeping 🙂
Human 1: these are important things to do in life 😉
Human 2: yeah. keep minimalist life style only do things you have to do 🙂
Human 1: what food do you like to eat?
Human 2: Asian food prefer spicy one
Human 1: like Szechuan or Hunan? 🙂
Human 2: yes yes yes! like that style. Do you like spicy food?
Human 1: I like noodle soup like Pho or Ramen. I also like Beijing duck a lot!
Human 2: what is your favorite place for ramen?
Human 1: I love <REDACTED_TERM> in San Mateo
Human 2: haven't tried that one! will give it a try next time!
Human 1: yes, you should!
Human 2: Hi!
Human 1: nice meeting you. what are you up to?
Human 2: not much, thinking about lunch
Human 1: yea, same here. any food you're craving for?
Human 2: I love sushi do you know of any good sushi places?
Human 1: arghhh hard question ... I only know Ramen places for Japanese food 🙂
Human 2: ooh ramen is also good
Human 1: San Mateo to me has the best Ramen restaurants: Parlor and Dojo? oh no question mark 🙂
Human 2: I haven't been to those palces before. Going to have to check them out! thanks for teh recommendation
Human 1: my pleasure 🙂 do you live near San Mateo?
Human 2: no, but I'm willing to drive for good ramen
Human 1: excellent. let me know when you have tried those. I like Parlor better because it has soft-shell crabs
Human 2: I"ve never had softshell crab before, but it sounds really good!
Human 1: yup it's delicious!
Human 2: Hey, how's your day going?
Human 1: okayish, it is flying by quicker than I expected. How is your day going on?
Human 2: Slowly, not much to do. Been twiddling my thumbs all day what have you been up to?
Human 1: Oh, I would love to twiddle my thumbs. You're so lucky! Today, I've been mostly attending meetings, reading and writing docs, reading papers etc.
Human 2: That's a lot! I've just been cloud gazing - I saw a giraffe and an ice cream cone
Human 1: wow! I sometimes drift off during work, and see similar things in my head.
Human 2: What kind of work do you do?
Human 1: Mostly saving the world from mess on social media. How about you?
Human 2: I'm taking a break from work. Going to go travel the world
Human 1: Nice, what all places would you be going to?
Human 2: Australia and New Zealand to start then maybe Singapore
Human 1: I just met someone who went diving in Australia. Apparently, you cannot fly 24 hrs after you dive, because your body accumulates too much <REDACTED_TERM> when breathing with a cylinder So, don't do that!
Human 2: Thank you for the tip! I don't plan on going diving, I plan to hike the mountains and go see kangaroos!
Human 1: That's equally amazing! I wish I can explore such places one day. It's just so expensive
Human 2: I won a lot of money through the lottery 🙂
Human 1: woah!... You know sharing is caring. You should share that money with me :)
Human 2: Haha, very true! Besides the trip, I donated the rest to charity so I will need to go back to work when I get back
Human 1: you are a kind soul!
Human 2: Hi!
Human 1: How is your day going?
Human 2: It is pretty good. A little bit tired though.
Human 1: How is your day?
Human 2: My day is okay. At least, I'm not tired. What made you tired?
Human 1: I went to gym and worked on weight lifting.
Human 2: Oh. That's hardcore. Have you been lifting for a long time?
Human 1: No, I am just a starter.
Human 2: Do you go to the gym often?
Human 1: I go everyday. In fact, I'm in a running challenge.
Human 2: Wow
Human 1: It's actually not that impressive. I can only run. I cannot lift weight.
Human 2: You can get a coach to start it!
Human 1: Oh that's a really interesting idea. I like to be coa
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hello, how is your day?
Human 1: It's good. It's raining a bit, but I am enjoying a good book. How about you?
Human 2: It's good, I just got back from walking my dog What book did you read?
Human 1: I'm reading the Three Body Problem. Ever heard of it?
Human 2: No, what is it about?
Human 1: It's a sci-fi book about aliens and a type of virtual reality. Pique your interest at all?
Human 2: Slightly, I typically read fiction but I can curious what type of virtual reality is discussed in the book
Human 1: Cool. This virtual reality is a based on life on an alien planet. There is a twist though. Do you want me to spoil it for you?
Human 2: Yes!
Human 1: The virtual reality is actually based on a real alien civilization! And that civilization is coming to attack earth! dun dun dun dunnnnnnn
Human 2: Woah! That is fascinating! I will have to pick up a copy of the book to read.
Human 1: There are other twists as well, so I haven't spoiled the whole thing! To be honest I am not a fan of spoilers
Human 2: Thanks for not spoiling it completely but you gave a really intriguing description that makes me want to read it now. I will have to pick it up after work
Human 1: The audi book is also very good! Ever give those a try?
Human 2: I only gave those a try when I had a concussion and could not read. I enjoy having a physical book in hand and reading at the pace I prefer. Do you listen to a lot of audi books?
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hey, how's it going?
Human 1: It's good! How is your day?
Human 2: My day is good. A bit sad that it gets dark so early but oh well. Did you do anything fun over the weekend?
Human 1: Yes, the darkness can be a bit depressing. This weekend I went rock climbing! It was great! How about yourself?
Human 2: Rock climbing sounds fun! I had a pretty low-key weekend. Ended up going to watch a movie.
Human 1: Oh nice! What movie?
Human 2: Knives Out. It had Daniel Craig and one of the famous Captain America "Chris" person (I can't keep track of all of the famous Chris names).
Human 1: Hahah yes, they all look the same! I saw that very same movie over Thanksgiving break. Lots of twists and turns!
Human 2: Cool. So if it weren't so dark and cold outside, what kind of activities would you do?
Human 1: Hmm good question. Evening runs can be fun, but it can be a little scary when it's dark out!
Human 2: Yeah, sunlight is good. I wish I could live part-time in different parts of the world to have summer all year round. Have you ever visited the southern hemisphere?
Human 1: Yes! I've been to Australia. It was very nice; I regret not going to see the southern lights. Me personally, I like winter. But I'd prefer it to be more brief than it actually is here... Where are you from originally?
Human 2: I've always wanted to go to Australia. I'm originally from the US.
Human 1: Ahh me too! You should definitely try to visit Australia at least once!
Human 2: Will do! Bye.
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: What's your name?
Human 1: My name is pikachu. it’s nice to meet you! What are you up to this month?
Human 2: Nice to meet you pikachu! pikachu, pikachu, pikachu? (That meant, I'm literally catching Pokemons on my phone right now!) What're you up to lately?
Human 1: I’m trying to organize my life and start the new year ready to go! What about you?
Human 2: Wow, that's impressive. Admit I'm just trying to take each day and week as they come.
Human 1: What do you do to unwind?
Human 2: Honestly, I like to catch Pokemons on my phone a lot. That must be upsetting since your name is pikachu though...sorry...
Human 1: Oddly enough, I also catch Pokémon on my phone. I used to do it more, but it just never ends. I used to do it everyday. Now I mostly catch them when I travel somewhere exotic.
Human 2: Oooh, that is more fun, but I don't travel that much these days so I'm grateful when I spot a Pokemon to catch where ever I happen to be. Do you have a favorite Pokemon? Mine is the cute pink JIgglypuff!
Human 1: In the game, i use vaporeon a lot. But I think pikachu is the cutest, that’s why I changed my name to match. Lately, I think baby Yoda is the cutest though. Have you seen baby yoda?
Human 2: I have heard of him and seen him here and there, but admit I don't have Disney+, so I only heard baby yoda is super cute and popular. Maybe I'll binge watch The Mandalorian in a couple of years like I did Game of Thrones...
Human 1: What is your favorite show to watch right now?
Human 2: Admit I really like watching Modern Family and Mix-ish. Reruns and new episodes. I find them cleverly written. What're you watching these days on TV?
Human 1: I was watching cat rescue videos on YouTube a lot. There sure are a lot of stray cat babies that get stuck in pipes and gutters in South Korea.
Human 2: Oh dear, I never imagined that happening. Poor things, but good to hear they're being rescued.
Human 1: Do you like cats or dogs better? Do you have any pets?
Human 2: I used to have a cat, hamster and fighting fish, but they've all lived long lives and gone to pet heaven, but I sure miss them.
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: hi there! it's a lovely day to chat with you
Human 1: Isn't it just! What are you up to today?
Human 2: ah I'm waiting to finish work earlier to meet my son at home 🙂
Human 1: Oh, excellent! What does your son like to do for fun?
Human 2: ah he's like to ride his little bicycle around the house and asks me to follow 🙂 what are you up to today?
Human 1: I'm taking a fake sick day from work so I can go to the movies.
Human 2: haha that sounds like a good plan. who are you going with? 🙂
Human 1: Just by myself. I love seeing movies by myself, it's the best.
Human 2: haha no one will interrupt you!
Human 1: Exactly. Exactly! Plus, I don't have to share the popcorn with anyone. What's your favorite movie?
Human 2: haha, popcorn for yourself. my favorite movie is Avatar! what about you?
Human 1: Get out of town! It's Avatar too. What are the odds!?
Human 2: haha it's a great movie that I haven't found anything of the same quality
Human 1: Yes. Can't wait for the sequels.
Human 2: hello there, nice seeing you
Human 1: Likewise.... wanted to know if you and the kids would want to join us for Disneyland trip around Christmas?
Human 2: oh wow, that sounds like so much fun! definitely count us in. what is your plan?
Human 1: Tentative plan is to drive to LA on 23rd and then stay at the Disney resort for 2 nights. I heard Christmas eve they have loads of fun events.
Human 2: awesome, I think I won't tell my kids and surprise them last second. How bad do you think the traffic is going to be?
Human 1: Great idea! I will probably do the same. Surprise surprise.... Traffic might be a little harsh.
Human 2: Yeah... thats a shame but nothing we can do about it. What do you plan to do about dinner the 24th? Do the rooms in the resort have kitchens?
Human 1: Good point. I am not sure about that. Let me inquire about that. If not, then we can look for an Airbnb closeby. Does that work?
Human 2: Yeah, I think so. It might be a tough decision though, if we want to have a nice dinner then we have to leave the parks early to start cooking. Another option is to have dinner at a restaurant.
Human 1: but I would think everything is closed on christmas eve
Human 2: Thats true. Hotels with restaurants sometimes offer dinners for christmas and new year's eve. We should call and ask about it.
Human 1: Sure, I can take a lead on that. What are you getting for your <REDACTED_TERM> year old this time?
Human 2: I was thinking on getting a large set of standard legos. What will you get for yours?
Human 1: Likewise. My son is crazy about legos.
Human 2: hopefully they don't lose any in the trip. Its going to be hard to explain to them how santa managed to find us in the hotel!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hi! How's your day going?
Human 1: I'm doing well. having many meetings today 🙂
Human 2: Haha, nice
Human 1: what are you up to?
Human 2: Lots of meetings as well 🙂 Do you have any fun plans for Thanksgiving?
Human 1: we're gonna play board games and will be eating lots of food! what about you?
Human 2: Cool! Planning to spend a couple days at Tahoe What kind of board games do you like?
Human 1: we've been doing Games of Thrones lately. the game takes a very long time to finish though!
Human 2: Cool! Do you watch Game of Thrones?
Human 1: I do. I'm a super fan of it (not the last season though haha). did you watch?
Human 2: haha, nope I don't watch it, but my roommate is super into it what other TV shows do you like?
Human 1: I love Survivor 🙂
Human 2: what about you?
Human 1: nice! I mostly like comedy shows like The Good Place and Modern Family
Human 2: cool, I'll check them out!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hello
Human 1: How's your day going?
Human 2: Good so far. How's yours?
Human 1: Ehhh so-so. My moped broke down on the way to work this morning and I am in the shop getting it fixed...
Human 2: Oh! That's bad! How long will it take to get it fixed?
Human 1: The mechanic is trying to figure that out now. Apparently I wasn't supposed to be using diesel lol.
Human 2: Haha! Hope it doesn't take too long. Let me know if you are able to make it for lunch.
Human 1: Okay sounds good. Would you be able to pick me up by the way, if they don't finish up here in time? Did you drive to work today?
Human 2: Oh, I have a packed schedule today at work. I will find time in about an hour. Let me know if that works.
Human 1: That should be fine I think. Did you catch the Warriors game last night btw?
Human 2: no, i was busy catching up with a friend. I heard they played really well. Rooting for them this season 🙂 Ahh, they lost again 😞 Things aren't going to be too good until Steph gets better! Oh! I think they will find a way. The team still looks too strong to me.