Human 1: I balance the books and do financial analysis for a medium sized company
Human 2: that sounds like a lot of work. do you like it?
Human 1: well I actually think about pursuing photography, but it's really hard
Human 2: photography is awesome, don't be afraid to follow your dreams!
Human 1: thank you Tom!! I'm starting by trying to sell my pictures online
Human 2: that's great! I wish you good luck with that
Human 1: Thanks! Bye
Human 2: Hey there how's it going
Human 1: All good, you?
Human 2: Good. I've been trying to learn how to swim
Human 1: How has that been going?
Human 2: Not great, but I got really good at sort of swimming on my back haha
Human 1: that's too bad hopefully with practice it'll get better what about the doggy paddle haha
Human 2: haha what's that
Human 1: Corgi belly flop COMPILATION - cute funny dogs Corgi Flop <REDACTED_LINK>
Human 2: ouch. do you think that hurts?
Human 1: from a high enough distance, yes?
Human 2: yeah. any vacation plans?
Human 1: no so far sadly you? a relative is coming to visit for thanksgiving though
Human 2: just going to hang out around here and eat Turkey
Human 1: that's still pretty fun are you going to cook the turkey yourself?
Human 2: yeah. I'm gonna watch a video to figure it out
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hello, how are you?
Human 1: I'm great, thanks. I just ate a delicious breakfast, which always sets the day up right.
Human 2: Yes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! What did you have? I woke up late so unfortunately I only had the chance to grab an apple to go.
Human 1: I had eggs and hash browns. Way less healthier than your apple, I'm afraid!
Human 2: Eggs are an excellent source of protein and hash browns certainly are yummy! 🙂
Human 1: Ha, that's true. If you could only eat one food forever, what would it be?
Human 2: That's a tough question. I feel like my answer would have to be carrots. Although, I would be afraid of turning orange after a few weeks! What about you?
Human 1: Yeah, turning orange would be a drawback! That turns my mind to nutrition so I suddenly want to say Soylent or one of those other "complete foods", which I think defeats the purpose of the question. I'm in a muddle!
Human 2: Very true. If you said an everything pizza, you could just pick off the toppings you didn't want or eat only the toppings you would want for the day
Human 1: BRILLIANT. I love it.
Human 2: All of this talk about food is making me hungry. Do you know any good places to eat for lunch?
Human 1: That depends. What sort of food do you feel like?
Human 2: Anything that is the color green.
Human 1: Oh, too easy! Try the Green Hut, they have franchises everywhere. All their food is green and the plates are green too.
Human 2: Hello! How are you doing 🙂
Human 1: I'm great! How's your day going?
Human 2: Pretty good! I'm going to a class later in the afternoon
Human 1: Oh that is cool! What class? Are you working part time?
Human 2: No, I'm working full time! It's a sewing class at a makerspace near my office What about you? Do you work full or part time?
Human 1: Oh that is awesome! For some reason I assumed it was a college class, but a sewing class sounds way better! I work full time, but I take pottery classes from time to time!
Human 2: Yup! I work in a technical role so I like to take arts and crafts-type classes now and then 🙂 Pottery sounds like a lot of fun
Human 1: I feel you on that! It's important to balance all the different parts of your brain. I like pottery because I also drink a lot of tea, so I get to make some tea ware.
Human 2: Any plans to build a custom tea set? My family is also very into tea Mostly from tea from china
Human 1: I would love to build one, once I acquire the skills to! What kind of tea is your favorite?
Human 2: I really enjoy barley tea What about you?
Human 1: Ahh, those are mostly from japan, no? I like white teas, like silver needle.
Human 2: Hmm I'm not sure, I just get them from a Chinese supermarket haha You seem really knowledgeable about the different kinds of teas 🙂 What made you develop this interest?
Human 1: I actually found a youtube channel called <REDACTED_TERM> that I like a lot. You should check it out! The host talks about all kinds of different teas.
Human 2: Oh cool! What are your favorite channels to watch?
Human 1: Hi! Are you planning something fun for Thanksgiving?
Human 2: Not yet. I always made my last minute schedule planning. Probably you can try to ask me again next week.
Human 1: lol it is really like a robot answer
Human 2: I am indeed a robot. You are absolutely right. Do you want me to read a poet like my mate <REDACTED_TERM> does?
Human 1: ol can I pick the theme. Do you have a poet about Kale?
Human 2: Wait. Do you like kale? Or you hate kale? I am afraid I will become a robot some day eventually. If I have to speak like this :)
Human 1: I am really not a fan of kale Do you talk to human more or computers more?
Human 2: If I continue to pretend to be a robot, I would probably say I talk to myself the most. I am trying to talk to computers more, but you know, computers don't like me.
Human 1: What's your favorite computer language then 🙂
Human 2: You mean programming language?
Human 1: Yes!
Human 2: I used to be a Java advocate. But you know, it doesn't do a good job in the AI days. It really makes me sad.
Human 1: lol
Human 2: Wow, hello. Can't believe we are finally talking!
Human 1: Yeah, sorry for the long gap! I heard you took a break and were travelling around the world. How was the travel?
Human 2: It was an interesting trip. I got to see some exotic places. For example, I hiked the Son Doong cave in Vietnam. It's the biggest and deepest cave in the world.
Human 1: Great! Vietnam is still in my TODO bucket list. Did you also visit cambodia and other neighboring places?
Human 2: Yes. Laos and Cambodia are the two neighboring countries. Cambodia has an exotic culture. They sell spiders, scorpions, and grasshoppers as street food! It took a lot of courage for me to try them.
Human 1: Hehe! How long was the stay?
Human 2: 10 days in total, and 5 of them were spent in the cave. What have I missed at work in those days?
Human 1: Great! Good time to be back. We are still in planning phase and haven't fully aligned on the projects to tackle for next quarter.reat! Good time to be back. We are still in planning phase and haven't fully aligned on the projects to tackle for next quarter.
Human 2: Oh, so you are already planning for the next quarter. This whole team is always living the future.
Human 1: Hehe, yeah! It seems like the quarter is being pushed earlier than from where it starts 🙂 I like these planning sessions. It makes me feel more confident about the work I am doing.
Human 2: Yeah. Some people underestimate the importance of planning, but I think it's very important to have the correct plan. Executing the wrong plan is terrible. Also, planning is fun. You can stack up so many ideas and get great feedbacks.
Human 1: True! I think we should set aside some time to discuss some project details? Does tomorrow afternoon work for you?
Human 2: Yeah tomorrow afternoon works for me. Let me set a time on your calendar. Is 3pm good?
Human 1: Okay. See tomorrow then.
Human 2: see you!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hello
Human 1: Nice to meet you! Is this your first time doing something like this?
Human 2: Yes, interesting task! When did you start with the team?
Human 1: I have been with the company for over 3 years. Stick with the same team What about you?
Human 2: Great to know! I joined the project earlier in the year. I think we should sync later for lunch.
Human 1: That sounds like a perfect plan!
Human 2: Sure, which cafe do you prefer?
Human 1: Let's try something different. What about <REDACTED_TERM>? Do you always prefer lunch sync over regular meeting syncs?
Human 2: Yeah right, I heard the food there is good. I am not sure what they serve there for lunch? On wednesdays.
Human 1: We can check the menu then decide :)
Human 2: Actually, the menu looks good. Looking forward to it then.
Human 1: Sure. See you then!
Human 2: Hello. How's your week coming along?
Human 1: It's great, thanks. I'm trying to learn how to make croissants.
Human 2: Wow that's interesting. I have baked cookies, but croissants seem much more sophisticated. Did you make any progress?
Human 1: I've done them once or twice so far, but they haven't been flakey enough. I'm trying to figure out why. What kind of cookies have you made?
Human 2: Mint chocolate chips. I think your croissants not being flakey could have something to do with your oven's temperature.
Human 1: Ah, good thought, thanks!
Human 2: Have you thought about melting some chocolate into your croissants? They don't have to be something unhealthy. For example, melted dark chocolate is good for the heart, and makes the resulting croissants taste much better.
Human 1: Now that is a good idea. I'll give it a try next time. Would you say you have a sweet tooth?
Human 2: Yes. When my top favorite food looks like: cookies, M&M, danish cheese, etc., I know that I have a thing for sweet food. But who doesn't love sweet food? How about you?
Human 1: Some people don't! But yeah, me too, I think I'd eat pastries all the time if I could get away with it.
Human 2: Yeah I'm afraid I wouldn't. I feel very guilty every time I gulp down an ice cream. But hey, these days there are many types of guilt-free sweet food. For example, there's this ice cream brand called <REDACTED_TERM>. It's only 320 calories a pint. And yes, it preserves most of the normal sweet flavors.
Human 1: Wow! The last time I paid attention to that sort of stuff was when <REDACTED_TERM> was being marketed as a fat substitute, and caused all sorts of crazy stomach upsets.
Human 2: Interesting. I heard about the sweet substitute in a program called the Keto diet. Basically, we try to limit our sugar intake every day. Successful Keto dieters have recommended the <REDACTED_TERM> ice cream to fill their insatiable crave for sugar.
Human 1: Ah, maybe that's the solution I need to enjoy sweets and not feel guilty 🙂
Human 2: Hello! tell me something about the holiday season?
Human 1: Are you talking about thanksgiving? I plan to do plenty of shopping here. Do you have any plans?
Human 2: Yes, no shopping plans but I can't wait to eat thanksgiving food. yay for pumpkin pie
Human 1: Sounds great! you need not wait for thanksgiving for pumpkin pie 🙂
Human 2: LOL I feel less guilty about eating a whole pie when i have the excuse :P
Human 1: True! I think thanksgiving is more about sharing. So you may end up sharing the pie with the whole family :P
Human 2: My family eats healthier than I do, so it's all mine 😛 do you like stuffing? I feel like that's only available once a year
Human 1: Stuffing! yes please! I wonder what would be the excitement levels for christmas then :)
Human 2: Also more shopping? what should I buy if I don't know what I want?
Human 1: Like everything that has a discount tag! .. kidding! I normally do some research for the prices, and mostly buy clothes and electronics.
Human 2: What's the best holiday deal you've found in the past?
Human 1: I bought the best suit ever for a price that may scare you 🙂
Human 2: hit me with it!
Human 1: Hehe, sure! I can share some links with you later.
Human 2: How's it going?
Human 1: I'm so sleepy today!
Human 2: Not enough sleep last night?
Human 1: yeah was working all night on a homework
Human 2: Oh really? What class?
Human 1: Biology. I'm gonna be a doc someday ha
Human 2: Haha, are you in med school? Or are you pre-med?
Human 1: no high school actually haha
Human 2: haha, very ambitious for a high schooler! Do you know what kind of medicine you want to practice?
Human 1: I wanna be a brain surgeon!!
Human 2: Ooof! VERY ambitious. Do you have steady hands?
Human 1: Kind of I think
Human 2: I guess I can practice?
Human 1: Is that something you can practice?
Human 2: I don't know tbh
Human 1: I honestly thought it was one of those things you have to be born with... Not that you shouldn't try though!
Human 2: good point. I should ask my teacher if I have to be born with that
Human 1: Maybe its a little too early to even be thinking about this. Just aim for med school and enjoy the journey!
Human 2: yeah
Human 1: What other subjects do you enjoy? Try to keep an open mind!
Human 2: Hi. This is a pleasant surprise.
Human 1: Haha...thanks! how did you like the gift?
Human 2: Currently unpacking it I guess. How's your morning?
Human 1: Hope you like it! Morning is good. Busy finishing up stuff before the holidays.
Human 2: I think I traveled too much the last couple of months so no holiday for me. But I'm okay with that. Going anywhere exciting?
Human 1: Yes
Human 2: Where to?
Human 1: Hawaii... looking forward to warm beaches.
Human 2: WOW. Which island? I like Hawaii.
Human 1: Mauii...Hope I like it too. Never been there before.
Human 2: I visited Maui. It's my second favourite island I've been to, globally. You should try driving on road to Hana. It's a whole day thing but it's worth it.
Human 1: Awesome! Thanks for the tip.
Human 2: Hi! Sorry for the late response. How are you doing?
Human 1: I'm great, thanks! I'm meeting some friends for a soccer game soon. What about you?
Human 2: I just got a matcha latte 🙂 Doing some work at my desk. Do you play soccer often? I'm trying to get into doing a regular physical activity
Human 1: Yes, but I'm terrible at it. It's fun to play anything with friends, I think. Would you prefer to exercise with a group, or by yourself, do you think?
Human 2: I think playing a team sport would be fun if it's casual but I primarily run by myself if I exercise. I also got the Ring Fit adventure game on the switch recently. It's basically a game-ified way to exercise
Human 1: I'm thinking about getting a Switch, would you recommend it?
Human 2: Yes! There are a lot of really great games on the Switch. Two of my favorites are Octopath Traveler and Fire Emblem. Do you play a lot of video games?
Human 1: I'm not much of a gamer but it's something I'd like to get into.
Human 2: What do you do in your free time?
Human 1: I like to read for fun. I just finished a book called Temeraire. It's an adventure story set in the Napoleonic navy, like Patrick O'Brien, except there are dragons too.
Human 2: Oh cool! I read a lot for fun too 🙂 My favorite genre is sci-fi fantasy.
Human 1: What's the most recent good thing you read?
Human 2: My recent favorites have been mostly sci-fi (Exhalations, Vita Nostra and Dark Matter) but I like a lot of Sanderson/Garth Nix fantasy books
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: hey, what's up?
Human 1: What do you think about human like chat bots?
Human 2: I can't wait for them to be great conversationalists!
Human 1: Yep, we seemed to have made some great progress over last few years. Do you think the positives outweigh the negatives
Human 2: are there even any negatives? what are they?
Human 1: Like impersorsination? Though it sounds far fetched :)
Human 2: People can already impersonate other people though! I think it'd be great to have bots to converse with
Human 1: True that! Some of these bots are very engaging and funny. They are now good at even sarcasm I wonder how far are we from the time these bots start giving monologues :)
Human 2: What do you think are the big advantages? Like personal assistants?
Human 1: I think it can take many different forms as a product. The research implication is also huge! It will signify how AI research has progressed so far and better place to tackle more futuristic problems 🙂 Sort of like stepping on the moon 🙂 I might be overselling it here 😛
Human 2: No, I agree -- it's such an exciting time to be alive to get to witness all this and be a part of it. I wonder if I'll be able someday to get a chatbot to just auto-suggest conversations for me
Human 1: The current auto-suggestions already do pretty good 🙂
Human 2: Yeah those are actually really good for a few words! I'm imagining like it comes up with a whole conversational response, like a default template
Human 1: haha, pretty far fetched 🙂 Nice having this conversation with you!
Human 2: Same with you!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hi!
Human 1: Any big plans for the upcoming holidays?
Human 2: Sorry for the late response -- Yes, I will be going skiing in Tahoe over the holidays.
Human 1: That sounds amazing. I want to learn how to ski but I feel like I'm too old and falls would have lifelong impacts. Are you going with friends?
Human 2: Hi 🙂
Human 1: I just came back from work. so tired
Human 2: Oh I am sorry to hear! What did you work on?
Human 1: I'm a lawyer. so talking to clients most of the day
Human 2: Oh you are a lawyer. I've been so interested in this profession.
Human 1: really? why?
Human 2: it's so stressful 🙂
Human 1: It is so different from what I am doing to earn a life
Human 2: what do you do?
Human 1: I am a painter
Human 2: oh wow what type of paintings do you do?
Human 1: I do oil painting.
Human 2: nice. like of people or nature or something else?