Human 1: Last weekend I saw "The Parasite." Ever heard of it?
Human 2: No. Why did you pick that movie?
Human 1: My friend wanted to see it. It has great reviews on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes! What did you do last weekend?
Human 2: I played music and worked on some side projects. I also started watching the new Disney service.
Human 1: Oooo the Mandalorian?!?!
Human 2: Mostly, the deleted scenes from Avengers.. lol
Human 1: lol Are you a big Marvel fan?
Human 2: I loved the X-Men as a kid, and even collected the comic cards. Recently, I got very into the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies. How many Avengers movies have you seen?
Human 1: I've only seen Spiderman. Honestly it was a little too scary and so I don't think I can bring myself to watch the other Marvel movies! haha
Human 2: Oh!-- I have a friend who looks like the actor who plays Spiderman.
Human 1: Oh really? To be honest I think the actor is not that good looking, so not so surprising! haha
Human 2: Yea. I think Loki is the most handsome 😀
Human 1: Who is Loki? I've never heard that name before
Human 2: He's the adopted brother of Thor, God of thunder, and is burdened with glorious purpose. Do you feel that burden?
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hey, what's up?
Human 1: Just chillin'. how are you?
Human 2: I'm pretty good, thanks.
Human 1: Do anything interesting today?
Human 2: I went to the local cafe and had a double espresso. It was delicious. What about you?
Human 1: Oh that's cool! I actually went to an amusement park and went on my first roller coaster!
Human 2: Oh my gosh. What was it like??
Human 1: It was scary! It was actually Kingda Ka, the world's tallest roller coaster. Ever heard of it?
Human 2: No, never heard of it. But I'm not really a coaster aficianado. I've heard that some people get addicted to them and travel the world to try them.
Human 1: Oh wow! I'm not on that level yet, but I understand the appeal. Are you an adrenaline junkie at all?
Human 2: No, the opposite. I can't stand heights, horror movies, or confined spaces.
Human 1: Same! I guess the roller coaster wasn't so bad because I trust the engineering haha
Human 2: Ha, I suppose that makes sense! Would you say that you enjoyed it?
Human 1: Maybe not so much at the time, but I am glad I did it now that it's done, know what I mean?
Human 2: I think I sort of understand :)
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: hello there, how is it going?
Human 1: All good. Planning to head home soon. How about you?
Human 2: I'm quite tired. There are a lot of things I need to finish before the end of the year.
Human 1: oh... sorry to hear that. But after that it will be a hard earned vacation
Human 2: yeah, looking forward to it. Hope I don't get pinged during the holidays. Are you going to travel these dates?
Human 1: I have some tentative plans, but if that doesn't pan out, will just chill at home.
Human 2: staying at home is always nice during the holidays
Human 1: Where are you based out of these days?
Human 2: I'm working from LA, nice weather around here. and you?
Human 1: San Francisco. It's been raining cats and dogs here since last 2-3 weeks
Human 2: aw man, I'm sorry to hear that. at least it's not snow!
Human 1: The flu has been hitting hard as well. I had several folks in the house down at one point.
Human 2: that's really sad. are they feeling any better?
Human 1: Yes, everyone recovered now
Human 2: Hello
Human 1: How's it going?
Human 2: Extremely busy. I have been trying to prepare for the upcoming holidays. How about you?
Human 1: I'm going to the bahamas. Can't wait!!!
Human 2: I'm jealous, take me with you!! I would love to have some warm weather right now
Human 1: oh where are you now?
Human 2: Canada. There is another major snowstorm that might hit this weekend so I have been rushing to get everything done before it comes.
Human 1: oh no. I never seen this in person. Is it scary?
Human 2: Snow is not scary as long as you're prepared. You just need to be ready to not have electricity for a while. I enjoy the aftermath of a good snowstorm because then you can go sledding or skiing.
Human 1: that does sound nice. so what are you doing these holidays?
Human 2: I am having all of the extended family over for a big meal. We will also go <REDACTED_TERM> as well. What will you do in the bahamas?
Human 1: nice nice. I'm gonna go snorkeling yey
Human 2: Sounds fun! I wish I knew how to swim!
Human 1: You can stay on the shallow side I think. Well hope you enjoy time with your extended family!
Human 2: That's true. You too, have a great time snorkeling!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hi! How was your weekend?
Human 1: pretty good. just went to church and hangout with friends
Human 2: Nice
Human 1: did you do anything?
Human 2: I made donuts and samosas with an air fryer have you used one of those before
Human 1: yum yum yum no only good old oily frier
Human 2: haha
Human 1: do you have one at your home or were you at a friends place?
Human 2: I was at my parents' place what are you up to for Thanksgiving?
Human 1: I'm going to impersonate a pumpkin
Human 2: wow, those are unique plans
Human 1: I'm pretty unique person
Human 2: I think so too
Human 1: any other hobbies besides air frying everything? 🙂
Human 2: I want to start fermenting things kimchi for example sounds like a fun thing to ferment takes a few days apparently miso takes a couple years to fermen
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: heya, nice to meet you, I'm Paul
Human 1: nice to meet you too! I'm James. how are you doing today?
Human 2: I'm doing OK. Looking forwards to the weekend. how about you?
Human 1: same here! I hope the weather will be nice
Human 2: oh yeah, but I don't have my hopes too high, I heard there could be a storm coming our way
Human 1: oh no, which areas will be affected?
Human 2: they mentioned that the whole city will experience harsh weather and that people in the outskirts will probably not get much rain and wind
Human 1: uh oh, I'd better not to plan for BBQ then instead just enjoying playing board games inside 🙂
Human 2: yeah, it'll be good weather for staying inside with a cup of hot chocolate. Too bad my street usually floods, so I'll have to check for that
Human 1: yea, you'd better check. where do you live?
Human 2: I live at the bottom of the valley, cheap area but we do get affected by this kind of stuff a lot haha
Human 1: gotcha. anything you love about where you live?
Human 2: well, the food around the area is amazing, which is definitely a plus.
Human 1: nice! I'd love to come visit that area some times
Human 2: hello, who am I having the pleasure to chat with 🙂
Human 1: I am the superman! What about you?
Human 2: haha. great chating with superman, what is your power?
Human 1: Being invisible. You won't see me.
Human 2: haha. what else can you do? can you read minds?
Human 1: I would rather trust fMRI and machine learning to do this. I am not an expert on that. Sorry for it!
Human 2: wow that seems pretty technical. what does fMRI mean?
Human 1: The brain imaging thing that can tell you a brain's activity at a pretty high resolution.
Human 2: okay! so you seem to like science a lot?
Human 1: I believe in Science! Science is my god!
Human 2: Are you also doing science?
Human 1: no, I'm bad at Science. what can Science do? is it the most important thing for society?
Human 2: People are always arguing. Probably both science and democracy are both important I guess.
Human 1: Does it make sense?
Human 2: I think so. thanks for your point!
Human 1: Hello, Nice to meet you
Human 2: If you could eat only one food for the rest of time, what would it be?
Human 1: Hmm... That's a tough one. I think I would go Asian Food > Chinese Food > Stirfry. What about you?
Human 2: I think ice-cream. It may not be good for me, but I wouldn't care, haha
Human 1: I love ice cream too!
Human 2: Okay, top three flavors?
Human 1: I like vanilla more than chocolate ice cream. I typically will do any variations on vanilla. To pick from the top of my head, I would say Cookies and Cream, Mint Chocolate Chip, and Coffee. How about you?
Human 2: Ah, that's a good way of framing it. Me, I like berries: boysenberry one, strawberry two, maybe straight chocolate number 3 to mix it up a bit.
Human 1: Very nice. I love sorbet's and smoothies. Changing topics, Do you believe in an afterlife?
Human 2: Yes. I wonder if I'm in it right now. How would I know? What do you think?
Human 1: I think so. I feel there must be something more than the physical world as we understand it.
Human 2: There's a mental world, I suppose? Understanding itself
Human 1: What is the most supernatural experience you have ever had?
Human 2: I went to a seance once in college. They had a ouija board. I can't remember if we actually contacted the spirit world because I had a bit too much to drink.
Human 1: Haha.. that's a cool experience. I went to a Hindu retreat before, a number of Buddhist temples, and hung out with Christian Mystics in Santa Cruz before.
Human 2: Hi, how are you doing!
Human 1: I'm doing well. what are you up to?
Human 2: Yeah, typical work stuff. Check emails and 99% of the inbox. delete 99%
Human 1: wow, that's impressive. I already gave up on cleaning emails long ago
Human 2: lol doesn't it bother you at all
Human 1: yea, a little bit, but it's okay 🙂 what do you enjoy doing outside work?
Human 2: Well, movie? I watched Terminator last night. It was a nice movie
Human 1: ah cool. so you like action movies?
Human 2: Not really. But it was fun to watch with friends 🙂 It was touching at the end of the movie
Human 1: what happened there? I watched bits of Terminators movies but never a full one
Human 2: Are you sure you want the spoiler 🙂
Human 1: haha sure. by the time, I get to it; I will forget the details, only knowing that it's touching at the end
Human 2: 😂 well someone died at the end Or some robots, to be more accurate 😉
Human 1: oh no, so it's not happy ending?
Human 2: The leading character is still alive and the bad robots was killed too. So I guess it is happy ending
Human 1: then I want to watch it! you didn't spoil much 🙂
Human 2: Nice! Hope you enjoy it!
Human 1: Thanks!
Human 2: Hey, how are you?
Human 1: doing great! what are you looking forward to?
Human 2: thanksgiving holidays 🙂
Human 1: yay! Turkey and shopping!
Human 2: not a big turkey fan! I find it too dry
Human 1: yea me too. I sometimes eat noodle soups in thanksgiving instead haha
Human 2: yeah, I would have noodles anyday over turkey. Not sure how the turkey tradition started
Human 1: me neither. someone told me that it depends on the stuffing inside the Turkey. some people make very good stuffing
Human 2: yeah, that and the gravy. Gravy helps make it taste better too. But apart from food, Black Friday deals are a catch. Let's see what they have this year
Human 1: yea. what do you plan to buy?
Human 2: thinking of getting a fitbit
Human 1: ah cool. so you can run more frequently?:)
Human 2: yeah, just keeping calories in check
Human 1: yay, all the best with keeping calories in check!
Human 2: Hi there 🙂 How's your day so far?
Human 1: doing well. what are you up to?
Human 2: busy busy! I've had back-to-back meetings all day
Human 1: same here. what do you love to do beside meetings? 🙂
Human 2: well I've gotten really into yoga lately. I went to a class today and it was super hard
Human 1: aww .. I hope things will get less hard and you become an expert in it! I heard many great things about Yoga
Human 2: yeah the teacher seems super awesome so I will definitely keep trying what activities do you enjoy?
Human 1: ah I enjoy playing soccer and tennis 🙂 unfortunately, winter is not the best time for those 🙂
Human 2: oh that's too bad. Is it hard to find a place to play soccer or tennis indoors?
Human 1: yea. I enjoy playing outside though, just a little cold 🙂 what else do you do beside Yoga?
Human 2: I also like to sing, I perform with a group sometimes. Do you like music?
Human 1: yea definitely! I love singing Karaoke. my wife is a pianist 🙂
Human 2: haha that's awesome! Karaoke is really fun, I do it with my friends sometimes
Human 1: awesome. glad to find something in common!
Human 2: hey there
Human 1: hey anything new?
Human 2: not too much. just really looking forward to the holidays!
Human 1: any plans?
Human 2: yes! I'm going to Mexico and I couldn't be more excited
Human 1: that's awesome! I never been!
Human 2: Oh man I would highly recommend it
Human 1: Are you a food person, a sightseeing person or neither?
Human 2: that's a great question, and I'm definitely both. this trip will mostly be about food though, and relaxing
Human 1: I'm a food person I think. Any specific foods you're planning on trying?
Human 2: there's a taco place that I've visited before that I can't wait to go back to. Do you like tacos?
Human 1: yeah my favorite is taco fish
Human 2: ooh that is a good choice. Have you ever made them yourself?
Human 1: no. only eat them 😀
Human 2: Hey, how are you 🙂
Human 1: I am good. How are you? :)
Human 2: Doing well, lot of work though. How was your day?
Human 1: I am busy. A lot of work. What are you working on?
Human 2: Just reading latest research. There is so much to cover. how about you?
Human 1: I am working on a new classifier.
Human 2: ohh, interesting! What kind of classifier
Human 1: A new classifier for hate speech. Which research topic catches your eyes most?
Human 2: You're so cool. Making world a better place. I'm mostly into NLP. What do you do when not making classifiers?
Human 1: Nice! Do you refer to work or anything else?
Human 2: Anything in general. You're so cool, I want to know more about you 🙂
Human 1: You are very cool too!!
Human 2: hello there! who are you?
Human 1: I'm mark. I work in accounting
Human 2: Nice to meet you Mark, I'm Tom and I work as a fish groomer.
Human 1: what does a fish groomer do?
Human 2: well, we take care of people's fish. Make sure they are happy, polish their scales, clean their tanks, the usual stuff.
Human 1: interesting. what's type of fish do you take care of?
Human 2: any type of fish! We have clients with guppies, goldfish, even a small sailfish once what do you do in accounting?