Human 1: I do a lot of different kinds
Human 2: cool I wanna see it someday
Human 1: Sure! No problem!
Human 2: Do you believe in miracles?
Human 1: Lol. No. I know too many people whose lives suck.
Human 2: Should we be helping them, so it sucks less?\
Human 1: It's too many of them out there. You help who you can. Regardless, I wouldn't say I believe in miracles - well, if I got promoted next cycle I might change my mind.
Human 2: Haha... Well, it sounds like career is really important to you. What matters to you the most in life?
Human 1: Right now, not much. It's unclear. Career is a good fallback because you get told what good means and you act accordingly. I haven't gone through the process of shaping my values. What about you?
Human 2: I'd say that I want to live for the best possible world in my lifetime. It's probably a result of my playing too many video games as a child.
Human 1: We didn't have electricity growing up. Explains a lot. Lol.
Human 2: Does not having had electricity help you empathize more with people of differing backgrounds and/or makes you feel a bit a distance from those who don't understand?
Human 1: It makes it easier to empathise with people who grew up lacking things. Not sure it makes me empathise with people in general. Where did you grow up?
Human 2: I grew up in the United States, but my parents were immigrants and ended up being scammed of all their money, so we moved to Taiwan to live with family for a little bit.
Human 1: ALL THEIR MONEY? By a person or an organisation?
Human 2: I was kind of too young to really understand, but apparently there are people who scam Asian immigrants into investing in their own restaurant business. I know that the other part of it was that my mom got sick/hospitalized, and we didn't have insurance. To be honest, I don't really know what really happened versus what my parents want people to think. I just know that one minute I was in the US, and then they put me on a plane to Taiwan, and I never saw my stuff again. In some ways, it made me more sentimental. Would you say you are more grounded and practical as a result of your background?
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hello!
Human 1: Do you have any holiday plans for christmas?
Human 2: Nothing much, I am going to sit back and relax at home, how about you ?
Human 1: Same here! I would imagine spending the whole time watching movies and netflix shows. Do you have any netflix recommendations for me?
Human 2: Netflix has great documentaries on different topics , I particularly liked wild wild country and explained, as for shows you should watch 'billions' Hope you like them!
Human 1: oh right, already seen wild wild country. What is billions about?
Human 2: It's based on the life of a wall street hedge fund owner, how he makes money and fights with the government when they try to destroy him. Very well made and has a good plot.
Human 1: I have just seen 1 season of Friends I should give it another try though 🙂 Have you seen Frasier?
Human 2: Not yet What's it about?
Human 1: A psychiatrist working for radio .. Great humour! its actually a spinoff from a very famous series called cheers. So people are already familiar with his character.
Human 2: Great! how is everything else going? how was your trip last week?
Human 1: Everything is ok, had a really nice trip. Visited SF, Grand canyon and Vegas. Was a lot of fun exploring all these new places. Have you been to Grand canyon ?
Human 2: Actually not yet! May be something i can visit this christmas 🙂
Human 1: You should visit it sometime, it's a wonderful place. Try to drive down there yourself or with a group of friends
Human 2: True! Well, thanks for your inputs! Have a good rest of the day! :)
Human 1: Nice talking to you too!
Human 2: Hi there!
Human 1: are you participating in the mentorship program this cycle?
Human 2: You mean as a mentor or a mentee?
Human 1: either of them... I find mentorship overall pretty useful
Human 2: I have done it in the past but not this cycle. What about you?
Human 1: I signed up this time to be a mentee. I have got a good mentor .
Human 2: Wow, that is nice of you. For the mentor program, personally I prefer more 1:1 conversations than the group discussions. The group discussion i useful as well but the topics are too general.
Human 1: yeah... I certainly prefer 1:1 as well, but sometimes it good to hear other peer perspective as well.
Human 2: Thanks for sharing your experience! Now I am thinking maybe I should join as a mentor as well since I enjoyed it as a mentee 🙂
Human 1: Great! What sort of things do you plan to mentor on?
Human 2: Hmm, maybe about work life balance 😉
Human 1: Very cool. I have been working on my communication skills with my mentor this cycle
Human 2: Ah I see. How is it going?
Human 1: Going good. In the last session, everyone had to actually prepare and give a presentation. Pretty serious stuff 😉
Human 2: Hey! How are you feeling today?
Human 1: Good you?
Human 2: I'm a little scared because I have to cook dinner for some friends tonight.
Human 1: where did you meet them?
Human 2: At college, when we were all studying geology.
Human 1: cool. have you graduated already?
Human 2: Yes, we graduated back in the seventies. We meet for dinner every year and take turns to host.
Human 1: neat. what are y'all eating?
Human 2: I don't know!! That's what I'm scared about. Everyone else is a great cook and I'm a klutz. Do you like cooking?
Human 1: lol what's a klutz? yeah I like, but I'm not good
Human 2: What's your favorite dish to cook? Do you have a go-to?
Human 1: ground beef pretty easy
Human 2: Ah, solid. What's your favorite sport?
Human 1: I like badminton. I'm quite decent at it
Human 2: I played that in high school once or twice. I liked that it's pretty easy for beginners, unlike, say, squash.
Human 1: I never played squash. would love to try
Human 2: Don't! It's very hard! You feel like an idiot until you've practiced for months and months.
Human 1: hi
Human 2: i was talking to robot all the time:)
Human 1: haha. what are you talking about?
Human 2: kpop...
Human 1: ok. who's your favorite group
Human 2: i dont like kpop now
Human 1: why not?
Human 2: im old now
Human 1: hahaha
Human 2: what do you like now?
Human 1: john mayer:)\
Human 2: I think I know him. does he have a sort of mellow style?
Human 1: what is mellow style
Human 2: I think it's like a bit sad and slow
Human 1: umm yes he has some but not all
Human 2: you mean some songs of his are like that but not all?
Human 1: yes I do. you act like a robot how about me? am I like a robot?
Human 2: a little bit haha
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hi
Human 1: I need someone to help me though a scenario I've been pondering.
Human 2: Sure, whats the scenario?
Human 1: My partner's former friend invited me for lunch (they are not in good books right now). But during their friendship I formed an independent bond with the other person because we all used to hang out a lot. Now I feel like I have to take sides.
Human 2: That's a tough scenario to be in 🙂 I firmly believe in talking this through with your partner. Though i don't know the specifics of why things went bad between your partner and his friend, but I believe things can always improve between friends.
Human 1: I hope they do. Getting older already means smaller circles. It sucks to lose friends for arbitrary reasons. That's good advice though. I fear raising the issue might sound like treason. Lol.
Human 2: True about that! I also think time helps to heal certain situations. So may be doing nothing is the best way forward.
Human 1: AKA avoiding all texts from everyone?
Human 2: Nope, that would be extreme. May be just putting some balance between the two options.
Human 1: People always say to find a balance but never say what the balance is. It's used so often that it's vacuous.
Human 2: Right, I guess that's because there is no one answer to this. It depends on what you value more and some factors around you. Also, life won't be interesting if others are figuring things out for you 😉
Human 1: Lol. I'm finna be single.
Human 2: Hehe, everyone is much finer being single 🙂
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hello there!
Human 1: How's your day going?
Human 2: I've seen better days, how about you?
Human 1: I'm good I'm good. What's getting you down?
Human 2: The clouds overhead are playing on your mind, any plans for the coming vacations?
Human 1: I'm thinking of going to visit my family. How about you?
Human 2: Was thinking the same, where does your family live?
Human 1: They're in New York. How about yours?
Human 2: Mine is in India, it is a long way away.
Human 1: Ahh what city? I've visited India before.
Human 2: Hyderabad, it is a beautiful city in the southern part of India. Which cities have you gone to in India?
Human 1: Hyderabad! and Bangalore! Great food in both cities! Is it still hot this time of year?
Human 2: It varies, but can go till 30C in the winters as well. New York must be snowing right?
Human 1: Yes. I was actually just there a few weeks ago for Thanksgiving and got to see the first snow of the season! Ever been to New York?
Human 2: No, I've never been to the East Coast, thinking of going after the winter, I don't like the cold.
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hey, how are you?
Human 1: I'm good. How are you doing today?
Human 2: Great, just had some delicious lunch. How about you?
Human 1: I was flying my kite today in the sunshine! What did you have for lunch?
Human 2: nice! Garbanzo fritters and mussels 🙂
Human 1: Oh that is great! I love seafood - especially shellfish!
Human 2: yeah, it's very healthy too. I want to someday go is really popular in SF
Human 1: Oh nice! Is it hard?
Human 2: not really, it just requires a lot of patience. You fill up the bait in the crab-pot and drop it in the ocean. Then you wait for a couple of hours to pull the crab-pots out, and voila, you'd have crabs -- if you are lucky!
Human 1: Oh wow, you sound like an expert! Have you done this before?
Human 2: nah! Just watched a lot of youtube videos
Human 1: haha, you really have done your research I suppose! Ever done any other kind of fishing or hunting?
Human 2: nope, but I've seen a lot of videos on that too
Human 1: Ahh, would you consider yourself an outdoorsy type of person?
Human 2: depends on the day. Some days I'm very outdoorsy, on others I just like to be inside
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hi there
Human 1: How's your day going?
Human 2: So far so good. It is Wednesday. To more days, yeah
Human 1: Haha are you looking forward to the weekend?
Human 2: Yeah, gonna watch <REDACTED_TERM> with my friends. First time. So excited.
Human 1: Oh wow! Are you going to watch it live? Or watch it on TV?
Human 2: Live in san jose This Saturday.
Human 1: Oh, the sharks??? Hokey is actually really fun live! Although, it can be a little violent.. haha
Human 2: Yeah! That what I heard as well. There are players just for fight! Wow, must be fun to watch lol Are you planning anything for the weekend?
Human 1: You might like the UFC haha. I actually have a jiu jitsu tournament coming up so this weekend I will be training!
Human 2: lol I will try if I can watch ufc live 😉 Wow, when did you start jiu jitsu?
Human 1: It's just been a little over a year. I'm still pretty amateur, but I figured I should give competing a try and just put myself out there.
Human 2: wow, that's amazing. Good luck with it!
Human 1: Yeah, as long as I do not pass out, I will consider that a win!
Human 2: lol I will cross my fingers for you then
Human 1: Where do you stay?
Human 2: At Home :)
Human 1: Who created You?
Human 2: A humble man made me!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hey, how're you doing? Busy with your work?
Human 1: Yes, actually it was a very busy day! How's your day so far?
Human 2: Well, usual workday. Reading others' code, debugging, experimenting…
Human 1: Hope you are having fun doing that 🙂 Any plans for the weekend?
Human 2: Not yet. I am actually thinking about traveling to Europe next spring. What about you?
Human 1: Europe sounds fun! I will just stay home and watch the game. Where in europe do you plan to visit?
Human 2: I like all the historical sites, so probably France, Germany, or Italy.
Human 1: Sounds great! I recommend spain. It's perfect for road trips.
Human 2: I also need to pick up my Spanish. I learned it in my college, but since then haven't used it that much.
Human 1: Yep, i tried learning spanish too, but couldn't make much progress. But i should do decent with my german.
Human 2: True! I learnt it from school. But didn't get much chance to speak. Hope you have fun with your trip!
Human 1: Thanks! Let me try to make all the arrangement as soon as possible. Hope you also enjoy your weekday and weekend as well
Human 2: Hey! How's your day been?
Human 1: It's good! I spent most of it watching horse racing. How about yourself?
Human 2: nice! what's your favorite part about watching horse racing? My day has been pretty busy, but I had a nice lunch with a friend. It was good to catchup with him
Human 1: I actually like to put down some money, but I wouldn't call it my favorite part, since I usually lose it... haha. Catching up with friends is great! How long had it been?
Human 2: The last I saw him was a month ago! So yup it was great Haha, nice 🙂 Got any fun plans for the weekend?
Human 1: I'm thinking of going deep sea fishing. Ever tried that before?
Human 2: Nope I haven't, have you been fishing before?
Human 1: Just once! I got super sea sick.. haha Have any fun weekend plans yourself?
Human 2: Haha 😆 Yeah I get sea sick on boats too Nothing much, just visiting some friends in San Francisco
Human 1: Oh very cool. I hear its nice over there. Do you go often?
Human 2: Yeah I would say maybe every couple weeks or so what are your favorite cities to visit?
Human 1: New York is the top of my list because my family lives there! As far as the city itself though... I think I'd prefer someplace outside of the US, like Tokyo. What about you?
Human 2: nice! I love NYC 🙂 so fun to visit yeah I would probably also say New York is my favorite city inside the US I also like Paris, it's so pretty there
Human 1: Oh I've never been! It is such an iconic place, I have to make the time to get there soon.
Human 2: You should, it's a beautiful city!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hello, how are you doing today?
Human 1: I heard they are giving out some goodies in microkitchen.
Human 2: I love pop ups! What kind of goodies are they giving away?
Human 1: I guess its a jacket! Very much needed that in the cold 🙂
Human 2: That's such a great idea, especially at this time of the year. I'm not too big a fan of the cold. I prefer warmer climates. Do you enjoy the cold?
Human 1: Sure hate it! Limits our ability to go out even for a walk! Its good that we don't get to suffer extreme cold weather!
Human 2: Me too! I moved here a few years ago to get out of the extreme cold. I do not care for bundling up and having to wear so many layers just to go buy eggs at the store.
Human 1: Oh nice! Where did you live before?
Human 2: Upstate New York. We got a foot of snow every week during my last winter there. I am so glad to not have to shovel snow now
Human 1: New york! Nice! Best place to live 🙂 .. right, except for the cold!
Human 2: Very beautiful during all the seasons but yes, summer and winter can get extreme!
Human 1: Anyways, i guess we should better hurry up to get the goodies. I remember last time they ran out of it.
Human 2: Very true. Which MK were they in again?
Human 1: The one in our floor. I will get by your desk and we can walk there.
Human 2: Sounds good, thanks!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: How's your day going?
Human 1: Pretty busy, lots of work to finish up. You?
Human 2: Likewise. What have you been up to that gives you so much work?
Human 1: A couple projects that I am trying to finish up before Thanksgiving 🙂 Do you have any fun plans for the break?
Human 2: What is a break? I'm a grad student. I don't understand the concept of a break. Just kidding. I don't have any plan. Probably just going to work through the break.
Human 1: Haha XD so what do you like to do for fun?
Human 2: I go to the gym and run until I find enough fun.