Human 1: Haha I appreciate your faith, but their record thus far is hard to refute!
Human 2: hehe, i am true fan! Well anyways let me know how the repair work goes. I need to run now for a meeting. ttyl
Human 1: Hi
Human 2: Hello!
Human 1: any improvements in your marathon time?
Human 2: No, only a few minutes. I still find it difficult to run long races
Human 1: I see. Are you planning to do any sporting events in the coming months?
Human 2: I think a triathalon would be cool
Human 1: I like doing Spartan race. It's an obstacle race which is challenging but not overtly so like marathons and triathlons
Human 2: I haven't heard of a Spartan race before, what does it involve?
Human 1: It has abt 20 obstacles like crossing high walls, monkey bars, etc. Its fun
Human 2: oh wow a full obstable course. that does sound fun! I like the variety
Human 1: Wanna sign up for next one? Its in February in Monterey
Human 2: hmm that sounds very soon. would there be enough time to train? I think I would like to try one later in the year
Human 1: 1-2 months is a good amount of time, if you workout regularly. It's a lot about the technique, which we can practice in training sessions.
Human 2: ok, sign me up. it's more fun to do it with friends
Human 1: Awesome! There is a training ground in San Jose. Will coordinate with you next time we go for practice.
Human 2: Sounds good!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hey, how are you doing?
Human 1: I'm great, thanks. I'm getting ready for a skydiving lesson.
Human 2: ooh, nice. That sounds adventurous. Where is it?
Human 1: Right near my home town: Seville, Spain.
Human 2: Awesome! Is this the first time you are diving?
Human 1: Yes. I'm feeling a little trepidatious. Have you done it before?
Human 2: Nope, never! I know a couple of friends who have. They mentioned its absolutely terrifying. Good luck!
Human 1: Haha thanks! Have you tried any extreme sports?
Human 2: I tried skiing and white water rafting. Does that count as extreme?
Human 1: White water rafting, definitely! As for skiing, that depends on how fast you go. Do you ski a lot?
Human 2: nope, whenever I went fast I fell badly
Human 1: I tried skiing once, and by the end of the beginner class I was able to make it down a baby-sized slope. I was very proud of myself.
Human 2: Yeah, they make you do that. I also tried going down the baby slope, but my stopping wasn't perfect, and I mostly fell at the end
Human 1: Hey, so long as you get to the bottom, it's all good!
Human 2: hey, whats up?
Human 1: I was not able to attend the lectures last week. Can you help me understand some concepts?
Human 2: well, I'm not sure I'm the best for the job, but I can try!
Human 1: I was not able to figure out the last few slides. I think its best to discuss this in person. Do you have time right now?
Human 2: I'm afraid not, right now I'm in a meeting and I'll be going for lunch afterwards. How about tomorrow at noon?
Human 1: No problem! Sure. We still have plenty of time for the test. Anyways, how's your preparation going?
Human 2: not feeling too sure about it tbh. I've been super busy so I haven't study much 😞. I might join some of the study sessions later
Human 1: Same feeling here! But i think the syllabus may not that tough. You may be able to cover it up over the weekend.
Human 2: not my ideal idea of a weekend, but I guess it'll have to be like that.
Human 1: True! This will be a very hectic November! I do like the course content though. Its very much up to date with latest research findings.
Human 2: yeah, our professor really goes out of their way to make the class interesting, glad I managed to get in it.
Human 1: Thats pretty cool! I hope you do well next week.
Human 2: thank you, bye!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hello!
Human 1: How was your party last week?
Human 2: It was really fun! We are a bunch of turkey
Human 1: haha... you ate Turkeys' or you like calling your bunch Turkey?
Human 2: *ate 😂
Human 1: Haha... thought so! But it was funny eitherways
Human 2: So much turkey leftovers
Human 1: did you cook it at home, or got it from outside?
Human 2: We cooked it at a friends house. I brought the mashed potatos haha
Human 1: Nice... I always find it hard to fit the turkey in my small oven. Also, we are not big turkey fans... so we roll with Thanksgiving with chicken 😉
Human 2: chicken also sounds good
Human 1: we played a lot of fun games in our party. Did you have any fun things you did?
Human 2: We played pictionary. I never played before but it was a bunch of fun. what did you play?
Human 1: Pictionary is fun! We played office tennis. In that we take paper balls and using writing pads as rackets, two players have to work together to put the ball in a bucket kept at a distance. It was a lot of fun.
Human 2: that sounds very challenging
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: hello
Human 1: how is the youtube video creation going?
Human 2: going pretty good, I was about to finish composing my second song and post it on youtube/soundcloud etc
Human 1: Whoa! Looking forward to listening to it. What softewares you use for it?
Human 2: I used logic pro x, pretty handy stuff as you can write code to generate guitar strumming pattern
Human 1: oh cool! What sort of music do you compose?
Human 2: I got most inspired by Jazz and electro swings, but am trying to get more into jpop recently as one of my band member likes anime
Human 1: Nice.... you are a rockstar! 😉
Human 2: haha thanks, do you plan any instruments?
Human 1: Yeah.... I play bit of guitar. Just got my first monitor this week
Human 2: nice I'm tyring to learn guitar recently also, it's so hard to play f chord
Human 1: yes, the bar chords are the worst. It took me several months to play them well. I still can't play them for a long time though
Human 2: right, but bar chords are so versatile, almost like cheating as in you can play anything with the same gesture
Human 1: That's true. It's like the alphabets in a language. Once you know them, you can pretty much write word
Human 2: will spend more time work on my bar chord!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hey! How’s your day going?
Human 1: Bruhhhhhh!!!!!
Human 2: What??
Human 1: I was screaming in agony upon recounting my day.
Human 2: Oh no! What’s happened?
Human 1: A project I've been working on for some months got shelved. So I'm a mix of helpless, sad, and angry.
Human 2: Ah that sucks. At least it’s not personal. Not that it helps right now, but that does happen all the time
Human 1: Lol. Would you say that to someone who lost a loved one - or some similar circumstance?
Human 2: Well, no, of course not! Let me stick with “Ah that sucks” by itself, then.
Human 1: No worries. Was pulling your leg. I forgot to ask how your day was going?
Human 2: Haha, apart from having my leg pulled mercilessly, it’s going great ;). My main problem today is deciding what to have for lunch.
Human 1: Lol. What are your choices? I'm trying out keto! It's pretty tiring.
Human 2: Oh I hear a lot about keto. I’m trying to watch my weight, would you recommend it?
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: What was the most difficult thing you experienced this past year?
Human 1: I normally don't reflect back too much on things, but i guess 2019 have been very favorable for me in terms of time spent with family and friends and work life balance. Why do you ask?
Human 2: I just released a book on <REDACTED_TERM> to help people process the past 12 months and start the new year with a fresh outlook 🙂
Human 1: Great! Good idea to help people figuring out their new year resolutions 🙂 So how do i get a fresher outlook? 🙂
Human 2: Well, in my book, I took inspiration for the 24 days of Advent, and put together a workbook that you fill out each day for 24 days. It goes through accomplishments, passions, understanding, forgiveness, with each day a different theme.
Human 1: Wow! Sounds amazing if we practice that! I think the idea does have some potential. How did you come up with this idea?
Human 2: We created a scholarship for leaders from <REDACTED_TERM> to visit an international institute at <REDACTED_TERM> for which there was no African representation. During the program, we also did a lot of coaching with the young leaders. This book captures a bit of that journey that we are all on, and also all the proceeds are going to fund next year's cohort.
Human 1: Thats great! This is valuable help for the community. I think mental health is one of the bigger challenges facing humanity.
Human 2: I think if we were all able to bring out our best selves, the world would be much better. When did you first realize mental health was important?
Human 1: That is actually a quote stolen from my TL when i joined my first company after graduation. I guess now after 5 yrs of work experience, I fully agree with it 🙂
Human 2: What do you prioritize in your life? Like top 5 things?
Human 1: 1. stay happy; I think family and friends play a big role here. 2. Meaningful work life; this may mean exploring around with new stuff 3. multiple hobbies that keep you busy ... so on 🙂 What about you? is there a right answer to this? :)
Human 2: 1) The idea of what it must be like to be "on Earth as it is in Heaven" from the Lord's prayer. I feel like we were designed for a purpose, rather than random chance. A more concrete way to put it is simply show love to the greatest capacity we can. 2) Taking care of myself physically, mentally, spiritually. 3) Family 4) Work 5) Music
Human 1: Nice! That's very thoughtful and spiritual 🙂 Also music earned a spot 🙂 yay!
Human 2: Yea, I've always said that if I wrote a memoire, I would title it: "Jazz, Jesus, and Video Games." Do you have a title of a book that you've thought of writing before?
Human 1: I am actually not much of a reader. I usually hide it by quoting john nash ~ reading books corrupts original thoughts 🙂
Human 2: That’s why you write your own books! Then it’s all your thoughts on your terms :)
Human 1: Hehe! True! It may turn out to be a best seller :)
Human 2: Hey!
Human 1: How's your day going?
Human 2: Having fun, but have a bit of a headache How about you?
Human 1: I'm good! Just getting ready to watch a basketball game. Hope your headache goes away!
Human 2: Haha, thanks! Never get them, so it's super weird Who's playing?
Human 1: Hmm, try taking some <REDACTED_TERM>! I'm going to see the Warriors vs. the Grizzlies. Ever see them play?
Human 2: I haven't Honestly I probably wouldn't be able to identify which sport they played
Human 1: Haha, all the animal names confuse me as well! Who came up with these naming conventions? I'd name my team something more original: The New York Chairs!
Human 2: lol, sounds better to me :) I'm actually at the <REDACTED_TERM> opening remarks
Human 1: Oh cool! What is "NeurIPS"?
Human 2: Neural Information Processing Systems
Human 1: Oh wow! Sounds fancy! What is that about?
Human 2: It's the biggest ML conference in the world
Human 1: Oh, ML?
Human 2: Yes, machine learning
Human 1: Ahh! I saw a scary movie about that once. It was about this sentient AI in a dystopian future - very very creepy. It was called Wall-e, ever heard of it?
Human 2: I've definitely heard of it, but somehow never saw it!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hello
Human 1: how's it going?!?
Human 2: Good so far. Very excited about the game later today.
Human 1: what game?
Human 2: Giants game. I got tickets for the game.
Human 1: nice. that's football right?
Human 2: Yes, I think the traffic will be bad. I need to leave by 4.
Human 1: ok. what stadium is it at?
Human 2: Its the one close to mathilda. 15 mins driver from here. You have any plans for the weekend?
Human 1: yeah I'm gonna go kayaking
Human 2: Kayaking sounds fun! I tried it in our last team offsite.
Human 1: is it easy to flip over accidentally? it's gonna be my first time actually
Human 2: I found it very tough to learn, but my friends picked it up very quickly. I am sure you will do good.
Human 1: thanks!
Human 2: Cool! I need to run for a meeting. Talk to you later.
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hello, I feel like I've met you before, can you remind me your name?
Human 1: It's on the screen! I don't recall meeting you. Do you have a sense of where we met?
Human 2: Oh thats right, I did not see that. Well, I'm not sure... maybe at a party? I'm very bad remembering people so maybe its just that. How are you doing?
Human 1: Did we dance together perchance?
Human 2: We might have, I don't remember that much of that night.
Human 1: Lol. Were you schwasty?
Human 2: Maybe a little bit. Where do you work?
Human 1: I'm a cardiologist in Palo Alto. I have a private practice. You?
Human 2: Thats pretty cool! I'm a sofa tester in cupertino.
Human 1: I'm not sure I know what that is.
Human 2: well its very simple, I test how comfortable sofas are.
Human 1: Lol. Not to be elitist but...that's a real job?
Human 2: Yeah! It is a very demanding job, requires a carefully crafted set of skills. They pay is really good too.
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hello. Deja Vu.
Human 1: what does that mean?
Human 2: It's French for "already seen." I know it's used when you see something for the second time or you have the feeling that something has happened before and you're re-experiencing it.
Human 1: Interesting. I get that feeling sometimes. It just feels that the event is replaying. Wonder why it happens?
Human 2: I think it's your mind lapsing somehow.
Human 1: How do you know so much about this French phrase?
Human 2: I thought it was common. I hear it a lot in popular culture - movies music etc. Jay Z has a song called Deja Vu, so does Beyonce. So I looked it up one time. It's one of those phrases that was carried over exactly to english like "etcetera" "vice versa" "savior faire" and so on. I like cool word origin facts.
Human 1: yeah... that's pretty insightful. Never thought of etcetera that way before.
Human 2: My favourite word origins are gymnasium and jazz.
Human 1: wdym by word origins here?
Human 2: First usage and original meaning. Gymnasium meant place of nakedness and had very little to do with working out. Jazz comes from jism which means semen and was originally sporadic sex music now it's elitist, high art.
Human 1: Very interesting. I learned a lot in this conversation today 🙂
Human 2: You got any cool facts?
Human 1: My friend used to tell me this and found it funny - Mosquitos have 47 teeths
Human 2: That was quite a laughter!!!
Human 1: Tell me a joke!
Human 2: Google for that:)
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hey, how are you?
Human 1: Pretty good. I just drank this new hint water. so good
Human 2: ohh, what kind of "hint" did it have?
Human 1: watermelon
Human 2: nice, I love watermelon. But, I prefer normal water over flavored one. Flavored water has too synthetic flavor
Human 1: I see. Yeah some are pretty strange
Human 2: Talking about strange flavors, what is the weirdest tasting thing you have tried?
Human 1: lol I tried this tangerine walnut icecream that was super weird
Human 2: haha, I work close to a cafe which once prepared a paprika icecream
Human 1: that sounds pretty tasty actually
Human 2: It depends on who makes it. The cafe close to me messed it up really bad
Human 1: do you want to get some of that icecream together some time. show me a good place
Human 2: As far as my experience with that ice-cream type goes, all I know are bad places
Human 1: lol
Human 2: But I do know some gelato places which are amazing! You should try out those
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hi there. When did you first realize you wanted to be a pastry chef?
Human 1: Who said I want to be a pastry chef?... haha
Human 2: Darn it! I hoped I’d guess right. What do you actually do for work?
Human 1: I'm actually a cake chef, so not far off! Creepy how good that guess was.... Are you psychic?
Human 2: I had a strong intuitive feeling connected to pastries when we started chatting, but that might have been because I’m hungry.
Human 1: haha you're too funny! Perhaps instead of mind-reading powers, you have the ability to feel the auras of foods that have come and gone...
Human 2: Hahah love it. Do you have a specialty or favourite type of cake?