Human 1: Chocolate cake + vanilla icing is the all time best! And I have the authority to say that! How about you? Have a favorite?
Human 2: Ok this is a bit shameful to admit, but I love a classic carrot cake.
Human 1: No shame in that! Best part is you can claim you are eating vegetables as you enjoy it! What do you do for work?
Human 2: I’m a professional dancer.
Human 1: Woah! Very cool! What style of dance?
Human 2: I trained in contemporary and jazz, so I can pick up work in commercials and film clips in between stage shows. So it ends up being all sorts of styles.
Human 1: Oh wow! Sounds like a very dynamic kind of work which is nice. I make a lot of the same cakes, day in day out.
Human 2: Yes, it's different every week, and I love that. Are you ever tempted to try crazy new cakes just to see what would happen?
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: hi there! what's up
Human 1: just chilling at home
Human 2: Cool !unlike here, me rushing to work
Human 1: where do you work?
Human 2: Mountain View, you?
Human 1: I live in Sapporo, Japan. Where is Mountain View
Human 2: it's in sunny California
Human 1: how's living in Japan?
Human 2: it's nice I guess 🙂 lots of great food. Have you been to Sapporo or Hokkaido?
Human 1: I wish! ramen is my favorite dish and Sapporo is a special beer
Human 2: haha yeah. I think they have a Hokkaido ramen chain available in the US.
Human 1: oh wow, didn't know that. have you been to the US?
Human 2: yeah. I studied English there for a while. Awesome experience
Human 1: awesome! where have you been?
Human 2: I went to New York city
Human 1: you like it?
Human 2: it's amazing. the buildings are so tall and there's a lot of diversity of cultures
Human 1: yea, same here. I love Broadway shows in New York city.
Human 2: hey, what's up?
Human 1: How was the trip last weekend?
Human 2: it was really fun. I had a great time with my family.
Human 1: Nice, what all places did you cover?
Human 2: Vietnam and Hongkong 🙂 did you go any where last weekend?
Human 1: I am actually attending cooking classes over the weekends.
Human 2: ha! that sounds fund. what did you learn?
Human 1: True! they started with some basic zucchini based dish. We may try cooking some italian dish later this week.
Human 2: I love Italian, especially Pasta!
Human 1: Nice! I hope to volunteer to cook for the team in our next team offsite :)
Human 2: can't wait to try your food. why not cook this Thanksgiving? 🙂
Human 1: Sure, I will love to invite you and your family for a meal over the holidays. Have you guys made any other plans?
Human 2: not yet! totally up for it. thanks for inviting!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hey! How have you been
Human 1: great! just came back from a ski trip
Human 2: How was it? What trails did you ski on?
Human 1: I slammed onto an ice wall, but I got better and turning after that haha
Human 2: a resort in Montreal
Human 1: Oh cool! do you know any french? I used to take french in high school but basically forgot most of it
Human 2: Yeah I grew up speaking it. It's pretty much mandatory here
Human 1: Did you go anywhere else in montreal?
Human 2: I visited a few places like the Stade Olympique: <REDACTED_LINK>
Human 1: Oh cool! I've always wanted to attend the Olympics As a viewer of course I watch a lot of Olympic figure skating on Youtube
Human 2: yeah it's pretty cool. do you ice skate yourself?
Human 1: Barely I don't think I can, in conscience, call it that I kind of just pull myself along the sides
Human 2: haha same. It's pretty scary when I run out of things to hold
Human 1: Are you good at <REDACTED_TERM>?
Human 2: not at all, but I want to practice more alright. I gotta go!
Human 1: Okay! It was nice talking to you
Human 2: I liked talking to you too!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: yo! what brought you here
Human 1: Just looking to chat. Yourself?
Human 2: yea I enjoy talking to people. what are you up to?
Human 1: I am just enjoying a cigar at the moment. How about yourself?
Human 2: oh wow, Cuban cigar? I've never smoke before
Human 1: This one is actually from Peru, which is more my taste. Smoking isn't very healthy, but it's actually quite relaxing, which in a way is good for your health. haha
Human 2: you made me wanna try it but I doubt about the health part haha
Human 1: haha "You only live once" as they say!
Human 2: yea I wish we can live more
Human 1: haha, that is not what I was getting at, but yes that would be nice. Do you believe in reincarnation?
Human 2: yea but then you will forget things. I hope Neural Link work out
Human 1: Do you think Neural Link will allow you to live after death? I thought it was just a brain-computer interface.
Human 2: as long as you can dump your brain and resume from there
Human 1: Ahh I see. That is a much harder task, no?
Human 2: yea you can first dump your brain and wait until technology advances to wake up 🙂 don't you believe?
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hi! How are you
Human 1: Hi, can you recommend some good netflix shows?
Human 2: I really enjoyed White Collar on Netflix do you watch a lot of TV shows
Human 1: Not a lot! But I preparing for a good vacation season 🙂 What is white collar about?
Human 2: It's a show about a detective and con artist solving crimes together 🙂 What shows do you like
Human 1: Hehe! sounds very interesting 🙂 I only see shows belonging to few genre's .. like easy going light comedy, or phychological thrillers 🙂 also some manga based series like one punch man! love it!
Human 2: Oh cool! I've watched some anime before too
Human 1: which anime do you follow?
Human 2: I think the last one I watched was Promised Neverland and Kakegurui but I don't follow any right now
Human 1: Have you seen Rick and Morty ?
Human 2: Yup! I watch that show with my friends I haven't gotten very far in it though What about you
Human 1: Oh nice! I heard its latest season arrived last month. I have watched all previous seasons. Its a total mind bender 🙂
Human 2: I've seen a couple episodes from the latest season. It's really random and weird but also strangely relatable which is why I like it :)
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hey there!
Human 1: How's life?
Human 2: can't complain. work is going well and I had a tasty fish for lunch
Human 1: lol which cafe? let me guess. <REDACTED_TERM>?
Human 2: haha yeah
Human 1: What is your favoriate cuisine? My favorite food is Chinese. What about you?
Human 2: I love Hunan
Human 1: Hmm you like spicy food. Nice
Human 2: love it. specially spicy stir fried lamb
Human 1: I would recommend Hunan Impression which has very good Hunan cruisine. Not sure if you have tried it or not
Human 2: I think I haven't yet. Thanks! Have you tried 留湘 I think that's how you write it
Human 1: Yeah of course The fun fact is that the owner of <REDACTED_TERM> used to run <REDACTED_TERM>
Human 2: oh interesting I also like Easterly
Human 1: same former owner?? 🙂
Human 2: Hmm!!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Morning! How are you?
Human 1: I am doing well. Do you have any plans for the holidays?
Human 2: I'll be in Mexico for New Years but for Christmas I'll likely be at work. Yourself?
Human 1: I don't have any special plans. I will just stay at home with my family. How come you have to work on Christmas?
Human 2: I traveled a lot the last few months so I'm currently making up for it!
Human 1: I see. Where did you go?
Human 2: Mozambique! You ever been?
Human 1: I have not. I have only been to Uganda in Africa.
Human 2: What did you do in Uganda? Travelling to Uganda is an extreme sport depending on where you go.
Human 1: I was working on a volunteer project to build a school and I traveled around a bit by myself after. It was more than 10 years ago, so it must have changed a lot.
Human 2: Was the project through a church group?
Human 1: No, it was using a non-profit organization. They do these kinds of volunteer projects all over the world.
Human 2: Oh nice. What is it called? I've always meant to volunteer through one but I haven't had it in my radar yet.
Human 1: It was called IJGD. It's a German organization, but they have local partners all over the world. I was living in Germany at the time.
Human 2: You lived in Germany? I almost went to college there and decided to come to America instead.
Human 1: Yes, I grew up in Germany.
Human 2: I grew up in Computers.
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hi, how are you?
Human 1: I'm doing great. what are you up to?
Human 2: I was just reading a book actually How about you?
Human 1: oh, I'm enjoying a sip of coffee, looking over the ocean. what book are you reading?
Human 2: I'm reading Why We Sleep It's a book by a sleep scientist about the benefits of sleeping/cons of not sleeping enough I'm trying to scare myself into sleeping more haha
Human 1: that seems like a good book. does it have good tips on how to sleep better?
Human 2: I think so! I haven't finished it yet though Understanding sleep better has been helping me value it more and I've been sleeping a lot earlier Have you read any good books recently?
Human 1: I read lots of papers, but do poorly on books 😞 a recent book that I like is Zero to One by Peter Thiel
Human 2: What's the book about?
Human 1: it's about startups, lots of useful principles and philosophies for innovation, like being a contrarian
Human 2: Cool! Are you thinking about starting a startup?
Human 1: I might in the future. the philosophy in the book also help for other things as well, e.g., in research, you might also want to be contrarian
Human 2: I see; seems like an interesting read! 🙂
Human 1: yup!
Human 2: Hi! How are you doing today?
Human 1: I'm doing great how are you??
Human 2: I'm doing good. Just having some morning tea
Human 1: are you a tea person or do you like coffee too?
Human 2: I'm really a hot chocolate person. I don't drink coffee and I only drink tea when I'm trying to be healthy and want something warm to drink. What about you?
Human 1: I love hot chocolate. Have you ever had european style hot chocolate? It's kind of like drinking melted chocolate bars haha
Human 2: I recently tried it for the first time and you're right - it had a wonderful melted chocolate bar taste! I tried it up in a place in San Francisco and they had delicious homemade marshmallows too!
Human 1: that's great. It's so cold these nights. Right setting for hot coco. Do you have anything you enjoy doing during cold times?
Human 2: Traveling to warm places haha. When it's cold, you appreciate the warm climate more 🙂 If I am not traveling, then I prefer there to be snow on the ground so I can go skiing or tubing down the mountain. What about you?
Human 1: I tuck in blankets and read a book lol. I have never done tubing, but I seen some people do it. Is it worth it if you already ski?
Human 2: Skiing involves a lot of muscle - especially in the legs so it is a workout. Tubing, you just sit and enjoy the ride down. Also with tubing, you can chain with your friends and go down together whereas with skiing, you're trying to not run into your friends.
Human 1: hahaha that's a great way to put it
Human 2: You should definitely try tubing the next time you head towards the mountains during the winter!
Human 1: Yeah. I'll try to get a group together. ttyl!
Human 2: See ya!
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hey!
Human 1: how's week so far?
Human 2: pretty good, excited for thanksgiving you?
Human 1: Same. Going to catch up on my reading! do you have a feast planned?
Human 2: yup! gonna have dinner with family what books are you gonna read?
Human 1: Something Deeply Hidden by Sean Carroll <REDACTED_LINK>
Human 2: ahh nice what kind of books do you usually like to read
Human 1: largely scifi How about you?
Human 2: yeah I also like scifi and some non-fiction too have you read Seveneves by Neal Stephenson?
Human 1: I haven't what is it about?
Human 2: the moon is shattered by an asteroid and the pieces of the moon end up clouding the earth's atmostphere which causes almost every living creature on the planet to go extinct that's the premise of the book and the book is about the survivors
Human 1: how do the survivors survive such a thing?
Human 2: they go into space and they live there
Human 1: sounds like a tv show I watched
Human 2: really? which one
Human 1: can't quite remember. something about survivors going to live in space
Human 2: ah nice
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hello!
Human 1: There is sports tournament (badminton + tennis + basketball) organized by google next week. Would you like to volunteer for these events?
Human 2: what does a volunteer do?
Human 1: Volunteers have to book the place before the event, send out details of the event to participants, handle some logistics and ensure everything goes smoothly. It will be fun!
Human 2: That sounds fun, I hope I get to participate as well
Human 1: Great! Do you have any preference for any of these events?
Human 2: I think badminton would be fun to help out with I used to play it with my siblings
Human 1: Cool! I will add you for the event. I think its best to start discussing the format of the event. There are a couple of other volunteers for badminton, i can connect you with them.
Human 2: Ah, I forgot to ask, has there been a date picked?
Human 1: Its next saturday. Actually Depending on how long we get the place reserved, it may slip to sunday as well.
Human 2: That's coming up soon!
Human 1: True! The volunteers have already sent out some emails and collected some funds. Now, we mainly need help with the logistics and organizing the event.
Human 2: Phew, yes I can help with that
Human 1: Perfect! We have a meeting today at 4.30 pm. Is it fine if i add you to it?
Human 2: yes happy to help
Human 1: Hi!
Human 2: Hello there!
Human 1: How has your morning been thus far?
Human 2: Its alright. Went grocery shopping and got to stroll around in the rain. How about you?
Human 1: Today is a work day! How did you have time for that? I'm going through a lot right now.
Human 2: Oh, you mean going through a lot of work? I usually take Wednesdays off because I work the weekends!
Human 1: WHAT? Why would you do that? Take the least interesting day of the week off and work on the most interesting?
Human 2: I actually don't have a choice. I'm an acupuncturist and all my clients want to be treated on the weekend!
Human 1: Wow. The game is brutal like that. I've always been sceptical of acupuncture. Like...does it even work? Why? How? Where is the literature?
Human 2: I went to school for it and so I find the literature quite convincing. I've also seen its benefits firsthand in my practice. It revolves around the Chinese notion of Qi.
Human 1: Lol. Bro...I don't buy it unless it has a paper that was presented at a conference and peer reviewed by 6 independent parties. Who wrote the literature? Where did it originate?
Human 2: Haha. All good questions! I don't have studies on hand at the moment, but perhaps I can send some to you later! What do you do for work?
Human 1: I'm a comic.
Human 2: Oh wow! What's your best joke?