The Man Who Made Parks: The Story of Parkbuilder Frederick Law Olmsted
Frieda Wishinsky
The straightforward text is informative, and the many colorful pencil illustrations add greatly to the books appeal . . . [This] illustrated biography makes its statement with style. <i>Booklist</i><br /><br />The text brings Olmsted to life . . . <i>School Library Journal</i><br /><br />Its a rich tale of a man finding his true calling and a nation finding a visionary<br /><i>San Francisco Chronicle</i>
[ "Children's Books", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Arts, Music &amp; Photography" ]
Children's Books
CyberGeneration’s June Short Fiction Contest 2nd Place! Character Assassination by Bri Carneski “ there wonʼt be any problem with our...transaction?” Wilhelm asked, leaning for- ward to muffle his words and allow the buzz of the other restaurant patrons to cover his conversation. “No problem at all,” answered Wilhelmʼs opposite number, a go-between known simply by the pseudonym of Igor, “In exchange for the agreed upon sum, you and your associates will be...custodi- ans...of the free remnant of Rocky Mountain National Park. All the water rights, all the mineral rights, not to mention the timber. Everything.” Wilhelm barely concealed his grin, and thought, Iʼm sure to get the promotion to vice-president. “Then it is an agreement,” Wilhelm said, smiling deeply, “Petrochem and its subsidiaries are glad to do business with you Mr. Igor, and your...client..” Igor shrugged, his eyes continuously scanning the environs for any possible trouble, before adding, “Just make s
The Essentials of Magick: A Complete Guide to Common Elements of All Magical Systems
Nathaniel is a pen name of Wojciech Usarzewicz, who is a Reiki Master Teacher and an experienced (despite his young age) spiritual practitioner born and living in Poland, Europe. When people ask him about his pen name, he says "Nathan" is a way easier to pronounce than his real name; thus he publishes his books under "Nathaniel" name. He's an author of numerous books on spiritual subjects: psychic development, Norse runes, New Age, clairvoyance and Reiki. He's not afraid of controversial subjects, because he believes in old latin proverb, "Homo sum...". He lives in Poland, where he teaches Reiki, as well as he practices other spiritual arts. On the path of his own spiritual growth, he had the opportunity to learn from Buddhist and Taoist masters, witches, shamans and many Reiki masters.
[ "Religion", "Occult & Paranormal" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "Occult &amp; Paranormal" ]
CREATING A CUSTOM MAGIC TYPE In the Adventurer Conqueror King System, there are only two types of magic: divine magic and arcane magic. All of the spellcasting character classes in ACKS and Player’s Companion use one or both of these types of magic. The two types of characters represent the most common and popular archetypes of myth, legend, film, and literature. However, they also incorporate certain assumptions that might not be appropriate for every setting. For instance, in a setting similar to Robert E. Howard’s Hyboria, the Judge might want sorcery-wielding priests who can heal and animate the dead, but learn their spells through study like mages. The rules that follow enable Judges to create new magic types with different characteristics that can be used with the Players’ Companion to create very different spellcasting classes. To create a new type of magic, follow these ten steps: 1. Develop a name and concept for the new magic type. Is it an art of illusions and d
Nickeled-and-Dimed to Death: A Devereaux's Dime Store Mystery
Denise Swanson
Praise for <i>Little Shop of Homicide <br /><br /></i>Swanson puts just the right amount of sexy sizzle in her latest engaging mystery. <i>Chicago Tribune <br /></i><br />"Veteran author Swanson debuts a spunky new heroine with a Missouri stubborn streak." <i>Library Journal </i>(StarredReview)<br /><br />A new entertaining mystery series that her fans will appreciate...[a] delightful cozy.Genre Go Round Reviews
[ "Mystery, Thriller &amp; Suspense", "Mystery" ]
Nickel & Dime Roleplayers are sometimes asked about their hobby. Not every day, but it happens often enough that it’s handy to be able to give a five-minute demonstration that will hopefully pique their interest for more. Nickel & Dime is just that: a demo game that’s a tiny example of a traditional RPG. It includes two five-minute encounters. To play, you need two coins of different values. In these rules, the lesser value coin is called a nickel (5¢) and the greater a dime (10¢), but any two values will do. Nickel & Dime is available in multiple genres. Pick one appropriate to the inquirer who is about to play the game. This front page is the same in each instance of Nickel & Dime, but page two is genre specific. Setup Once you have a match with the genre, help the player flesh out a character role as listed on p. 2. Then choose one of the Encounters. Character Traits There are three traits in Nickel & Dime: Vigor represents feats of agility, stre
The Gravy Train - An Inside Look at the Long Island Rail Road
Dan Ruppert
Dan Ruppert is an industrial-manufacturing engineering with over twenty-five years of experience. Born in Brooklyn, New York in 1950, his family would move to Nassua County not far from the Long Island Rail Road main line. Growing up in the suburbs, he would become an avid train watcher spending his spare time at the local train stations. After completing high school, he would do stints at various jobs inlcuding mailman, local beer delivery truck driver and long distance truck driver. These jobs would provide the impetus for higher education and college would be the next step. With finances being tight and the need to fund his education, he secured a job driving school and charter buses with a local bus company. This position offered a schedule that dovetailed with attending day and night classes at college.
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "Politics &amp; Social Sciences", "Politics &amp; Government" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
“The Argonaut is steel eternal. It is motion and purpose. It will ride when the spirits that haunt it are long gone.” —Lady Devira, Duskwall Magistrate Gaddoc Rail station is the massive soot-covered engine of Duskwall transit. Passage on and off Akoros is brokered here. Bent knee Skovlanders and half-demons from Tycheros can be tied up for days in its immigration offices. Rail jacks are detained here while spirit wardens poke and prod them to test for possession. Shops hawking local souvenirs to travelers are butted up against foreign quarters offering temporary housing for visitors from Ilysia, Wintercliff, and the Imperial City. It is rife with opportunity and peril, often aboard the same train. Last Night The northbound Argonaut from Wintercliff clattered into Gaddoc Rail Station, its cattle catcher ablaze with electroplasmic lightning. On it was your mark. Nobody left the station after it pulled in... No one has left the station since. The Score: Gaddoc Rail Patro
Breeding Between the Lines: Why Interracial People are Healthier and More Attractive
Alon Ziv
<i>Breeding Between the Lines</i> is that rare book that is insightful and revolutionary, while remaining compulsively readable and downright fun. -- <i>Jay Phelan, Author of <i>Mean Genes</i></i>
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "Politics & Social Sciences", "Social Sciences" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
STAR TREK ROLEPLAYING GAME SPECIES PROFILE SPECIES NAME: The LER VISUAL REPRESENTATION SPECIES ADJUSTMENTS +2 Agility, +1 Intellect, +2 Presence, +1 Perception PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The Ler (pronounced “Lair”) are a humanoid race almost genetically identical to humans. There are some internal differences, and a few noticeable external differences. But, most Federation biologists concur that the Ler are a genetic cousin to, or descendant of the human race. The Ler are taller than humans, on the average; with a Ler male being between 183 and 213 centimeters in height, and females averaging 178 to 196 centimeters. Most Ler have dark hair that they wear short, and in a loosely curled style. But, some Ler are born with lighter hair and there have even been one or two cases of blond Ler. Ler have very clear, soft skin. And they tend to have tanned complexions, due to their nature-based culture and outdoor lifestyles. Their eyes are usually dark, or gray. But their facial featur
Mars the Avenger: A Mystery in Ancient Rome
Alan Scribner
Alan Scribner is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Yale Law School. He was an Assistant District Attorney in the office of Frank S. Hogan in New York County, and a criminal defense attorney. He is also an independent scholar of ancient Rome and co-author of "Anni Ultimi: A Roman Stoic Guide to Retirement, Old Age and Death." He is retired and lives in New Hampshire.
[ "Mystery, Thriller &amp; Suspense", "Mystery" ]
Copyright 2001 – Thyrsus Games and Jason Roberts CHAPTER IX CHAPTER IX CHAPTER IX CHAPTER IX: ARCANA ARCANA ARCANA ARCANA X THE MARSIAN THE MARSIAN THE MARSIAN THE MARSIAN MAGICIAN MAGICIAN MAGICIAN MAGICIAN [Magus Marsicus] Before the rise of Rome, the Marsians [Marsii] inhabited strategic mountain passes in central Italia. The Marsians were allies of Rome during the Samnite and Punic Wars and were granted Roman citizenship after staging a minor uprising in the Marsic War. Although the separate nation of Marsi has disappeared, the Marsii retain many of their local traditions, including snake magic. Marsian magicians possess potent healing and water spells using snakes and their venom. While most Marsians remain near their ancestral homeland, some magi travel throughout the Imperium as itinerant healers, soothsayers and mystics. SNAKE MAGIC SNAKE MAGIC SNAKE MAGIC SNAKE MAGIC Legend maintains that the Marsians are descended from T
Rules for Thieves
Alexandra Ott
Gr 46Alli Rosco escapes from her orphanage, but during her first day of freedom, she is hit by a curse. The cure is expensive, so she teams up with a boy named Beck to try to pass the trial to join the Thieves Guild and earn the money she needs. As Beck teaches Alli the rules of being a thief, she will have to decide what she is willing to do and what conflicts with her own set of values. This debut novel introduces readers to a fantastic world of orphans, thieves, magic, and adventure. Characters are well developed and balanced, though some of the secondary players are a little flat. While the world is well imagined, the background details are scarce. The plot is fast-paced and addresses ethical dilemmas. There are enough remaining loose ends to spawn a sequel, though this title can stand alone. VERDICT This compelling debut fantasy novel with complex themes, lots of action, and a good cast of characters will appeal to fantasy readers across the spectrum.Elizabeth Nicolai, Anchorage Public Library, AK
[ "Teen & Young Adult & College", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Growing Up &amp; Facts of Life" ]
Teen & Young Adult & College
Person From ear food, cut  merchant steal from fighting, b how to us the bulls‐ sneak aw Thieves a who earn necessari more valu   Advant FOX SENS  The hero a magical senses.  Rules: Th can use F   NIMBLE:  Nimble p Rules: Ra   Disadva NEGATIV Characte just as ea Rules: W Negative  penalties character example) Avarice: A try other  nality: rly in her life, t purses full of ts, but she gre m the less fort but life on the se her fists, ho ‐eye with a th way quietly, or are not usually n her trust. He ily have to be  uable than an ages:  SE:  o can feel the  l trap cast on  he hero can pe Fox Sense as a ersons are mu aise your hero antages:  VE TRAIT:  rs are not alw asily.  hen confronti Trait, which c s for Willpowe r. You can’t ta ). The GM has Avaricious cha ways to obta the Tulamydia f coin, and sna ew into (and r tunate, such a e street has fo ow to make b rowing knife,  r find a way to y known to be er services, ho gold or silver ny jewel.  presence of t a chest, or a c erceive tr
: . , 31- , , , . , 19- , . , . , . 5-10
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
�������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������� ������������� ����������������� �������������� ������ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ���� � � � � � � � � � � � � � ������������ ����� ������������������ ����� ������������������ ����� �������������������� ������ ������������������� ������ ���������������������� � � � � � ������������ ����������� �� ������ �������� ������ ������������� ��������������� �������������������� �������������������� �� ������ �������� �������������������� ������������������� ��������������� ������� � ������� ����������������������������������� � ������������������� � ��������������������� ����������� ������ ���������� �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������
The Hand Grenade (Weapon)
Gordon L. Rottman
Gordon L. Rottman entered the US Army in 1967, volunteered for Special Forces and completed training as a weapons specialist. He served in the 5th Special Forces Group in Vietnam in 1969-70 and subsequently in airborne infantry, long-range patrol and intelligence assignments until retiring after 26 years. He was a Special Operations Forces scenario writer at the Joint Readiness Training Center for 12 years and is now a freelance writer, living in Texas. The author lives in Cypress, TX.
[ "Military", "History" ]
[ "History", "Military" ]
Hand Grenades (United States) HAND GRENADES (United States) INCENDIARY, TH3, AN-M14 Nationality: US Weapon Type: Failure: NOTE: SMOKE, HC, AN-M8 Nationality: US Hand Grenades (United States) Weapon Type: Failure: NOTE: RIOT, CN-DM, M6 Nationality: US Weapon Type: Failure: NOTE: RIOT, CS, M7 / M7A1 / M7A3 Nationality: US Weapon Type: Hand Grenades (United States) Failure: NOTE: FRAGMENTATION, DELAY, M26 / M26A1 M26 Fragmentation Coil Nationality: US Weapon Type: Failure: NOTE: FRAGMENTATION, IMPACT, M26A2 Hand Grenades (United States) Fragmentation, Impact, M26A2 Nationality: US Weapon Type: Failure: NOTE: FRAGMENTATION, DELAY, M33 Fragmentation, Delay, M33 Fragmentation, Delay, M33 Nationality: US Weapon Type: Failure: NOTE: FRAGMENTATION, DELAY, M67 Hand Grenades (United States) Fragmentation, Delay, M67 Fragmentation, Delay, M67 ILLUMINATING, Mk 1 Mod 1 / Mk 1 Mod 2 Illuminating, Mk 1 Mod 2 Nationality: US Weapon Type: Failure: NOTE: OFFENSIV
Vagos, Mongols, and Outlaws: My Infiltration of America's Deadliest Biker Gangs
Charles Falco
Facing more than 20 years behind bars for manufacturing and distributing methamphetamine, Falco quickly accepted the governments offer: in return for certain considerations, he would infiltrate the Vagos, a particularly nasty Southern California biker gang. Unfortunately, Falco wasnt a biker and had no experience with biker gangs. Like William Queens Under and Alone (2005) and Jay Dobyns No Angel (2009), this is a tense, violent, frequently distasteful story of a man living in a world of extreme violence, afraid his cover could be blown at any second. Of course, Dobyns and Queen were actual undercover agents. Falco was a regular guy with no training or experience, which makes the story that much more harrowing. In describing his nearly five years living with three separate biker gangs, Falco, ably assisted by true-crime author Droban, whose Running with the Devil (2007) followed a government infiltration of the Hells Angels, makes the reader feel at least some of the fear, disgust, and sheer panic he endured. The book contains some graphic language and descriptions, but, given its subject matter, most readers will probably assume that going in. --David Pitt
[ "Education & Teaching", "Biographies & Memoirs" ]
[ "Biographies &amp; Memoirs", "Professionals &amp; Academics" ]
Education & Teaching
A town under siege, an angry Pecos Empire Warlord, and a wedding gone very, very wrong—what happened here? The Tomorrow Legion team checks in on a small settlement on the border of the Pecos Empire, only to find the town surrounded by a force of Pecos bandits. Investigation reveals that one of the Warlord’s lieutenants was just married to one of the town’s inhabitants, but during the ceremony, a vicious fight broke out. Something’s not quite right here—and the heroes may soon discover that a far more sinister force is at work! Where There’s Smoke… The legionnaires are headed to the small town of Nathan’s Ford to check in on the inhabitants (see The Blood Menagerie One Sheet™ for more information). However, there’s a plume of black smoke arching up into the sky over the town, and surrounding the settlement are a large group of men, dog boys, and D-Bees wearing the distinctive clothing of Pecos bandits. Amongst them is a towering grackletooth, Warlord Jahuul. Th
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Module Oasis of the White Palm
Philip Meyers
The second module in the Desert of Desolation Series. "The wind rises, and out of the darkened sky comes a bolt of lightning. At its impact the ground shudders and you run for cover. What is that blue flame rising into the sky? What terrible new power have you unleashed?"
[ "Computer Science", "Activities, Crafts & Games" ]
[ "Computers &amp; Technology", "Games &amp; Strategy Guides" ]
Computer Science
THIS PRODUCT IS 4E COMPATIBLE Bargain! • The Created – Lesser Golems • Only $1.49! Written and Created by Aeryn “Blackdirge” Rudel Editing/Proofreading John Ball Playtesting Erik Nowak, Jeremy Nowak, Samantha Styles, Christopher Vasey Illustrations Jesse Mohn Graphic Design & Layout Erik Nowak BLACKDIRGE’S BARGAIN BESTIARIES THE CREATED: LESSER GOLEMS Published by Blackdirge Publishing, ©2009 Reference to other copyrighted material in no way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Blackdirge Publishing and the Blackdirge Publishing logo are trademarks of Aeryn Rudel. All rights reserved. All illustrations are ©2009 Jesse Mohn. All rights reserved. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Compatibility Logo, D&D, PLAYER’S HANDBOOK, PLAYER’S HANDBOOK 2, DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE, MONSTER MANUAL, MONSTER MANUAL 2, and ADVENTURER’S VAULT are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries and are used with permission. Cer
Dragonolia: 14 Tales and Craft Projects for the Creative Adventurer (Barons' Mythologica and Dragonry)
Chris Barnardo
"<span>The writing is lively and fun, the illustrations and photographs the perfect accompaniment to this extremely creative craft book. There is nothing else like this out there. Every fantasy lover will love this wonderful book." -</span><span>Rosi Hollinbeck,</span><span>Manhattan Book Review</span><br /><br /><span>"The stories are pure pulp fantasy--appealing and timeless--and the crafts range from dragon eggs to faux vintage maps to steampunk-style dragon hunters' goggles. This clever collection will appeal to fans of fantasy and steampunk arts and crafts." - Library Journal, New York</span><br /><br />"An intriguing mix of stories and craft projects. Read the story at bedtime, and then make the related item the following day. Perfect for rainy school holidays!" - Ruth Ng, The Book Bag
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Crafts &amp; Hobbies" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
Mythic Minis 56 Mythic Jewels by Jason Nelson By Jason Nelson Welcome to Mythic Minis! The mythic rules system introduced in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Mythic Adventures hardback contains a wealth of new rules, but in one book there cannot be room for everything. Sometimes there are large areas to cover with extensive rules adaptations, but sometimes what you need is a power-packed punch of tightly focused rules content that contains exactly what you need for your character, creature, or whatever it may be. A half-dozen feats, a set of linked spells, a group of magic items, five mythic path abilities, and so on; that’s where Mythic Minis come in. Mythic Minis are not about exposition, philosophy, and campaign-building; they are just flat-out fantastic ideas and great mechanics for GMs and players alike, written by the same designers that helped create the official mythic rules. Follow Legendary Games on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and check out our website at www.m
Street Steel: Choosing And Carrying Self-Defense Knives
Michael Janich
Michael D. Janich is one of the foremost modern authorities on handgun point shooting and one of the few contemporary instructors to have personally trained with the late close-combat legend Col. Rex Applegate. In addition to making his own martial arts equipment, noted martial arts author and instructor Michael Janich has designed and engineered everything from blowguns to knives, including the highly acclaimed Masters of Defense Tempest folding knife.
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports & Outdoors", "Individual Sports" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
Blackjack's Weapons #4 - The Cutting Edge Branson Hagerty (Blackjack's Shadowrun Page Posted March 10, 1997 Savage Lightblade The Savage is constructed of light weight materials and a diamond glazed cutting edge, thus providing the user with a wieldy weapon that delivers the damage of weapons five times its weight. Conceal: NA Reach: +2 Damage: (Str+4)M Weight: 1 Cost: 35,000 NOTES: When the blade strikes a hard object (steel, brick, etc.) roll 2D6. On a roll of 11 or 12 the Savage shatters and cannot be repaired. Hardened armor is not considered a hard object in this case because it consists of strengthened plastics. For every month of use the Savage loses 1 point off the power of its damage code due to blade degradation. The blade can not be repaired by normal armorers. >>>>>I once saw a physad going through forms with one of these. It was a graceful dance between the elf and her weapon.<<<<< -Tigger (22:32:12/03-01-58)
Wintering with the Light (Norwegian Edition)
Paal-Helge Haugen
April 1985, Forty Years After<br /> At The Bedrock<br /> At The Border Crossing<br /> Between Forests<br /> Calo Gesualdo Da Venosa<br /> Clearing Up<br /> Departure<br /> Departure. Celtic Iron Age<br /> Elementary Geography<br /> Finally<br /> He Comes Into View<br /> He Dreams<br /> He Kneels In The Clay<br /> He Pictures It Clearly<br /> He Uncovers Signs<br /> He, I<br /> Lake Ohrid, Late Summer<br /> Lean In<br /> Magma<br /> Md<br /> Memo For The Buried<br /> Off, On<br /> The Pig Abandoned<br /> Searching In The Light<br /> Settling Up<br /> Slowly, Under Migrating Birds<br /> So I Can See You<br /> That's Why There Are<br /> They Take Him Now<br /> They're Watching The Distance<br /> Two Songs While Traveling<br /> When You Are<br /> Who Has Said<br /> -- <i>Table of Poems from <a href="/exec/obidos/subst/partners/marketing/poemfinder.html/${0}">Poem Finder</a></i>
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Poetry" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Poetry" ]
Literature & Fiction
Der Wanderer 7 Seite 1 Der Wanderer Der Wanderer Der Wanderer Der Wanderer Postille zum Geschehen in den Nivesenlanden Ausgabe 7, 1025 BF 7.Mond im Jahr Rokjoks Aus der Redaktion Auch der Hafen unserer Stadt ist nun zugefroren, der Winter dieses Jahres ist in den Firun getreten. Und endlich erreichten uns Nachrichten von den Leddu, die seit einem Jahr ums Überleben kämpfen. Auch hat mich die Kunde von den Ereignissen in Ifirnsgarten gefreut, wo Iloïnen Schwanentochter ein großes Werk vollbrachte. Doch lest selbst was der letzte Mond für die Bewohner des Nivesenlandes brachte. Gorki Tannhauser Aus dem Winterlager in Ouvenmas Ouvenmas, im Boron 1025 Vor kurzem erhielten wir Nachricht von den Lieska-Leddu, die ihr Winterlager dieses Jahr in der Gegend um Ouvenmas aufgeschlagen haben. So hielten sich die Verluste der Sippen in Grenzen, auch wenn die vermissten Giaurakan wohl für immer verschwunden sind (der Wanderer berichtete). Die Stimmung im Lager war
Mit kollegialen Gren ...: Sprachdummheiten in der Medizin (German Edition)
Reiner Heckl
Dr. med. Reiner W. Heckl, Karlsbad, ehem. Chefarzt der Abteilung Neurologie, Klinikum Karlsbad-Langensteinbach
[ "Medicine & Health Sciences" ]
[ "Medical Books", "Medicine" ]
Medicine & Health Sciences
ACADEMIA LIMBOLOGICA publicat Opus veritatis scientiæque 17. Tsa im 29. Götterlauf nach Hal XXIX. Ausgabe Der Weg des Blutes Eine Abhandlung über die Verbindung von Leben und Geist von Meister Barius von Charypso, Magister der Academia Limbologica Balsam Salabunde, die gesamte Magica Curativa, eine Kunst, verbreitet und geachtet im gesamten Weltenrund, die Macht eines jeden Magus, die verbotenen Pforten des Lebens zu öffnen, aber auch die wohl schwärzeste Spielart der geistigen Künste, die Magie des Blutes - all diese Wege der Magie haben eines gemeinsam: Sie vereinigen die Macht des Geistes mit der Kraft des Lebens bzw. überwinden deren unüberwindbare Grenzen. Die eine Form der Magie wird nun schon solange praktiziert, wie die andere gefürchtet ist, und doch konnte mir bis heute noch niemand Ich selbst jedoch spürte, dass die Kraft, die meinen Bruder geheilt hatte nicht von PERaine stammte. Viel mehr war sie aus mir selbst, dem innersten Kern meines Geistes gekommen...« »Und an dem
New Magick Handbook : Simple Spells for a Complex World
Dragon is a teacher of the occult studies who learned metaphysics from an elderly gentlemen who headed a secret mystical school of learning. He has discovered practical ways to apply his understanding of universal laws so that they may be easily adapted to everyday life.
[ "Religion", "Occult & Paranormal" ]
[ "Religion & Spirituality", "Occult & Paranormal" ]
All Dungeons and Dragons Spells 3.5 Spell Description Schl Comp Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR PHB � Acid Fog Fog deals 2d6/rnd acid damage Conj V,S,M/DF 1 a Medium 20-ft radius 1 rnd/lvl - - 196 � Acid Splash Acid Missile 1d3 damage Conj V,S 1 a Close Acid missile Instantaneous - - 196 � Aid +1 att,+1 fear saves,1d8 +1/lvl hps Ench V,S,DF 1 a Touch One living creature 1 min/lvl - Yes 196 � Air Walk Target treads on air as if solid Trans V,S,DF 1 a Touch One creature 10 min/lvl - Yes 196 � Alarm Wards an area for 2 hr/lvl Abjur V,S,F/DF 1 a Close 20-ft radius 2 hr/lvl (D) - - 197 � Align Weapon Adds alignment to weapon Trans V,S,DF 1 a Touch Weapon 1 min/lvl Will negs Yes 197 � Alter Self Changes appearance Trans V,S 1 a Self Caster, +10 disguise 10 min/lvl (D) - - 197 � Analyze Dweomer Reveals magical aspects of target Div V,S,F 1 a Close Item or creature/lvl 1 rnd/lvl (D) Will negs - 197 � Animal Growth Animal/2 lvls increases size category Trans V,S 1 a Medium 1 an
How to Build Ship Models: A Beginner's Guide
A. Richard Mansir
An introduction to the wonderful art of ship modeling. This is a handy reference for the beginning ship modeller: illustrated, history, nomenclature, techniques, etc. Explains the structure and function of the major components of sailing ships.
[ "Engineering & Transportation" ]
[ "Engineering &amp; Transportation", "Engineering" ]
Engineering & Transportation
Preface Starship Kit 6.4 Other Systems & Locations Starships are not always just flying engines of destruction. They often have a crew to look after them and those crew need somewhere to stay, to relax and to eat and drink. This is part 6.4 of the Starship Kit, although it can be used as a standalone product if required. Future parts will include:  Captain & Crew  Cargo, both Legal and Illegal  Ship Quirks You do not need to have all the parts in the kit to use them, but it does help and is recommended. This generator/kit is designed to provide the starting points for your own inspiration. Actual details about each system, such as its design or how it actually works is up to you. Credits & Legal Email : Twitter: @enneadgames Copyright Ennead Games ©2015 Page background "Publisher's Choice Quality Stock art ©Rick Hershey/Fat Goblin Games" Contents Preface ...............
Rifts Adventures in Dinosaur Swamp
Kevin Siembieda joins forces with the intrepid Todd Yoho to present more descriptions, dinosaurs, and adventure in Dinosaur Swamp.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Type to enter text MONSTROUS LAIR #38 RAGING SWAN PRESS FROST GIANTS’ GLACIAL RIFT SYSTEM NEUTRAL YOUR TIME IS PRECIOUS MAKE YOUR CAMPAIGN PREP. EASIER JOIN RAGING SWAN PRESS’S PATREON CAMPAIGN PATREON.COM/RAGINGSWANPRESS MONSTROUS LAIR #38: FROST GIANTS’ GLACIAL RIFT Monstrous Lair #38: Frost Giants’ Glacial Rift provides you—the busy, time crunched GM—with the details to effortlessly bring to life the frost giant glacial rifts in your campaign. Are you a busy GM? Does session prep take too long? Do you never have time to work on the cool little details that can bring your adventures, dungeons and campaign to life? This short, focused compilation gives you, the time-crunched GM, the tools to effortlessly add verisimilitude and detail to your dungeons. Use the material herein either before or during play and bask in your players' adulation. C RE DI TS Design: Steve Hood Development: Creighton Broadhurst Art: Wil
Logo, Font & Lettering Bible
Leslie Cabarga
Leslie Cabarga has been an illustrator, graphic designer and font designer since 1975. He has authored over two dozen books on design including <i>The Designer's Guide to Color Combinations</i>, <i>The Designer's Guide to Global Color Combinations</i> and <i>Learn FontLab Fast</i>. As an illustrator he's drawn covers for <i>Time</i>, <i>Newsweek</i>, <i>Fortune</i> and </i>National Lampoon</i>. He has designed numerous fonts, such as Magneto, Streamline, Raceway and the Love and Peace family of psychedelic fonts.
[ "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts & Photography", "Graphic Design" ]
Arts & Photography
1 CREDITS Designer: Julia Pluta Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by Laura Hirsbrunner Special Thanks: Tim Holloway, for helping me refine this idea. ON THE COVER Art provided courtesy of materials provided by Wizards of the Coast through the Dungeon Master’s Guild program and the Community Content Agreement. Disclaimer: The designer of this template did not come up with a clever disclaimer, but felt obligated to format this template with it nonetheless. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. pp This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other original material in this work is
Beginner&rsquo;s Guide to DarkBASIC Game Programming (Game Development)
Jonathan S. Harbour
Source code for the projects in this book may be downloaded from these book resource locations:<br> <ul><li> (must create a free account first)</li></ul>
[ "Computer Science", "Activities, Crafts & Games" ]
[ "Computers & Technology", "Games & Strategy Guides" ]
Computer Science
My Dark Future - a solitaire role-playing game by Tomas HV Mørkrid illustrated by Kristoffer Ejnermark My Dark Future This game is best played in a house by yourself. The game is meant to explore the darker recesses of your own soul, and is not suited for others to listen in on. You need this rules set, and 3 normal dice of different color (and size, if possible) to play. Read through these rules before you start. At the end of them you will find a note to keep in your hand, with a simple overview of how you play. You, a background We are what we are; our way of being human is a thin layer of conscious and civilized behavior over our deeper self; the instincts of a wild beast. Some thousands years back we had to fight for survival like most other beasts in the wild. A lot of the instincts we depended on then, are still coded into our deeper self. We are genetically programmed to face a world full of dangers. Some of us have problems adapting to a ci
Secrets from the Brain:Sharpen Your Thinking, Power Your Performance
Lorie Saxby Ph.D.
Lorie Saxby, Ph.D., delivers workshops and training to those seeking to improve work performance by tapping into brain science. A published author of neuroscience research, she is President of Working Brain Associates Inc. Phyllis Hiebert, M.B.A., has spent 25 years working with managers and business leaders to improve results. President of Catalysis Consulting Group Inc. she facilitates workshops on enhancing employee performance.
[ "Business & Money" ]
[ "Business &amp; Money" ]
Business & Money
Spheres Apocrypha: Cognition Talents 2 Forward Minds are limited. We can improve them with tools: writing to store information, abacuses for calculation, clocks to measure time. Magic can also supplement the mind, and the disciplines of cognition are a powerful tool indeed. Even now, arcane logicians set the course of king- doms and mystic sages unearth the secrets of reality. —An excerpt from Scholar Radha’s The Forms of Magic This supplement for Spheres of Power adds a new class of talents to the Mind sphere, (cognition) talents. Instead of influencing the minds of your allies and enemies, (cognition) talents bene- fit the caster, improving and adding new mental capabilities to their repertoire. Cognition Talents Some talents are marked (cognition). These talents grant you additional mental powers, increasing your ability to analyze and think. All (cognition) talents are personal range, benefiting only the person that uses them. Arcane Calculation (Cognition) When you use
Cpcu 555: Personal Risk Management and Property-casualty Insurance
Mary Ann Cook and Arthur L. Flitner
Includes textbook, review notes, course guide, flash cards, and The Institutes' Handbook of Insurance Policies.
[ "Business & Money" ]
[ "Business &amp; Money", "Insurance" ]
Business & Money
This HPLHS Prop Document is for entertainment purposes only. Designed and implemented by Andrew Leman. © 2002 by HPLHS. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted for the user to print copies for his/her personal use in role- playing games. No other permission is granted, and any commercial or illegal use of this digital file or the prop you can make with it is ENTIRELY PROHIBITED. Please do not distribute this document. It is available from Questions? Ask them. INSURANCE DOUBLE INDEMNITY PROVISION This prop is based on actual vintage insurance paperwork. Considering the likelihood of accidental death, every occult investigator should seriously consider double indemnity. Enter information using built-in Acrobat form fields (or delete default entries and print prop “blank”, and enter info using a real typewriter or by hand). Print on white or off-white paper. Trim 1/8 inch off right and left sides of printed prop. Attach to insurance polic
New Mexico's Best Ghost Towns: A Practical Guide
Philip Varney
"Varney's is the best of the New Mexico ghost-town books, and the University of New Mexico Press is to be congratulated for bringing it back into print."<br />--<em>Journal of Arizona History</em><br /><br />"Very carefully compiled . . . an excellent book."<br />--<em>The Santa Fe Reporter</em><br /><br />"Supplies just the information we need about New Mexico's ghost towns: maps, histories, photographic aids, road conditions, time allotment necessary, and current conditions. His appendixes include help for reading topographic maps, understanding mining terms, pronunciation of place names, and advice for hikers, bicyclers, and motorists."<br />--<em>New Mexico Magazine </em>
[ "History", "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "History", "Americas" ]
Enchanted, I'm Sure Case Officer Notes This scenario is playable with any mix of Agents and Friendly Investigators. It can be either an eerie investigation, with infected townsfolk operating in a covert manner to misdirect the agents, a more robust action scenario or any combination of the two. The scenario plays with the idea that advanced technology and magic are essentially the same. The setting is Asiento del Fuego, a small town in New Mexico, the only unusual thing about which would seem to be its prosperity. There is no obvious reason for the boom in investment the town is enjoying. The Case Officer should emphasise the isolation of the location and the inaccessibility of assistance due to the time of year. Whilst this is a one-off scenario, the environment and back story would allow the Case Officer to make it an introduction to a wider story arc (Tcho’Kobran who have moved away from the town and may be in positions of power, or perhaps artefacts from the vessel), a
Nerf War: Over 25 Best Nerf Blasters Field Tested for Distance and Accuracy! Plus, Nerf Gun Safety, Setting Up Nerf Wars, Nerf Mods and Buying Nerf Blasters for Cheap (Nerf Blaster Guide) (Volume 1)
Eric Michael
Eric Michael has authored over a dozen best-selling non-fiction books including Passive Income for Life, Thrift Wars and Etsy Empire. Nerf War was written with the help of his two sons, Nolan and Jackson. They provided field tests and reviews of all of the Nerf blasters and they also gave commentary on their favorite Nerf battles.
[ "Teen & Young Adult & College" ]
[ "Teen &amp; Young Adult" ]
Teen & Young Adult & College
Microlite20 Expert Rules This rule-set allows for introducing a few more options to your Microlite20 game, without necessarily increasing its complexity. Included are: a new skill, new races, new classes, and some other (hopefully) good stuff. It is not necessary to use Microlite20 Expert Rules in its entirety; DMs are encouraged to “cherry pick” those specific items applicable to their own campaign. Requires the use of Microlite20. Races Gnomes get +1 to DEX, +1 to MIND Half-orcs get +4 to STR, -2 to MIND Half-elves get +1 to DEX, and +1 to any 2 Skills Lizardmen get +2 to STR, +2 to Dex, -2 to MIND Classes Paladins wear any kind of armor and use shields. They have a +1 bonus to Physical and a +2 bonus to Communication. They are immune to diseases and apply a +1 bonus to all saving throws (this increases by +1 at 5th level and every 5 levels on). Paladins can detect evil within 60’ at will and can heal up to 2hp per level per day by laying on hands. A chara
What&acute;s Up? South! Paper Folded World Map (2x3')
I think that the What's Up? South! map is a one of the greatest examples of how maps can present familiar information in a different and meaningful way. Nothing changes in What's Up? South! except the orientation so it reflects what a southern hemispheric person might feel is more appropriate. It's one of my favorites when I speak of how maps need to be appropriate to their uses. John Hammer - Retired USN hydrographer and three years in the presidency of the International Map Trade Association. --former president International Map Trade Association<br /><br />The What's Up? South! has been a standard in our stores for years. My opening line with map gazers is 'Aren't maps fascinating?'; This leads to a variety of conversations on how we view the earth, store product and the world of fair trade. . It sells for home, office and school use. I can't imagine not having this hanging on the wall. Candi Smucker, co-owner --Baksheesh Fair Trade, Sonoma and St. Helena, CA<br /><br />We love the ODT What's Up? South! world map and so do our customers. I've had customers spend 45 minutes studying the map in the store but they wouldn't buy it because the 56 wide format was too big to fit in their homes. This new 2x3 format will make a great Father's Day gift. There's a real shortage of good gifts for men, and it's usually the men that spend time viewing the maps while their wives shop for the fair trade/crafts items. Susan Sheldon, Manager --SERRV gift shop, Madison, Wisconsin
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help ", "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "Reference", "Atlases & Maps" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
Inner Sphere Cartography Society BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation’s copyrighted material or trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. 0 30 100 250 Inner Sphere circa 3030 Capellan Confederation Draconis Combine Federated Suns Free Worlds League Lyran Commonwealth St. Ives Compact Tikonov Free Republic Magistry of Cannopus Marian Hegemony Outworlds Alliance Periphery (Other) Taurian Concordat This map was generated on: 2002/09/18 at 07:52 EDT A Place Abadan Abagnar Abbadiyah Abbeville Abejorral Aberystwyth Abiy Adi Abramkovo Abruzzi Acala Acamar Accrington Achernar Aconcagua Acrux Acubens Ad Duwayd Addasar Addhara Addicks Adelaide Adelson Adhafera Adhara Adherlwin Adrian Aea Afarsin Agematsu Agliana Aiguebelle Aitutaki Aix-la-Chapelle Akfata Al Hillah A
Modeling US Armor of World War 2 (Modelling Masterclass)
Steven J. Zaloga
"Written by prolific author, historian, and modeler Steve Zaloga, this book is a smorgasbord of Mr. Zaloga's tips, techniques, creative ideas and concepts, with valuable historical background liberally sprinkled though the book like nuggets of gold. In addition to all of the terrific information throughout the book, a bonus of sorts are the many nicely reproduced photos of Mr. Zaloga'sincredible body of work." - Chuck Aleshire, <i>AMPS</i> (October 2009)<br /><br />"The book is well suited for beginners and even has plenty to offer old dogs like me... There is not alot of wasted space on these pages. The book is content rich and enjoyable throughout. Zalogas work is also quite good and interesting to look at and captured well in the books many photos...The book is also useful to modelers who dont build US armor since many of Zalogas techniques are applicable even to other armor subjects... [The] book is so chock full of ideas and useful information that even an old cheapie like me would shell out for a copy. So would I recommend buying this book? Absolutely." -Bart Cusamano, <i>IPMS/USA </i>(December 2009)<br /><br />"First off, this one is hardbound and done so with a sort of ring binding that allows the pages to lay flat once the book is opened... Another interesting feature is that the left side pages are color coded to match color guides to the various chapters. Makes it easy to find what you are seeking in this manner.You would expect a book like this to be full of large, clear, color images with easy to read captions to help out while you duplicate some skill and that is exactly what you get with no more than three large images per page. You would also expect the book to cover as many different aspects of the genre as it could and that it does quite admirably with everything from working with resin and photo-etch to painting and detailing bases. It is all here under one cover." -Scott Van Aken, <i>Modeling Madness/ </i>(December 2009)<br /><br />"<i>Modeling US Armor of World War 2 </i>offers a survey of tanks and fighting vehicles in the war and comes from a renowned modeler and AFV expert who provides a definitive guide to modeling these vehicles. Four building projects offer in-depth techniques applied to modeling efforts in a step-by-step guide packed with photos from the author's personal collection of WWII armor." -<i>California Bookwatch</i> (January 2010)
[ "Military", "History" ]
[ "History", "Military" ]
FORGE WORLD UPDATE FOR SIXTH EDITION WARHAMMER 40,000 Presented here is a brief set of conversion guidelines intended to allow you to quickly put your Forge World models to use in games of sixth edition Warhammer 40,000. Forge World is currently preparing FAQs to provide completely updated rules for all of the Imperial Armour and Imperial Armour Apocalypse books released prior to the arrival of the sixth edition of Warhammer 40,000. If you have any queries about Imperial Armour rules, army lists or units, please send an e-mail, including examples of how this query has come up in play, entitled ‘Imperial Armour rules query’ to You can also call 0115 900 4995 within the UK, 011 44 115 900 4995 from the US and Canada or 00 44 115 900 4995 from much of Europe. Thanks The Forge World Team Inquisitor Lord Hector Rex (IA7: The Siege of Vraks – Part Three, p124) ..................................................................................................175 poin
Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races (Star Wars Roleplaying Game Supplement)
Troy Denning
Features many assorted aliens, including information on their planets, cultures, life styles and tendencies.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Puzzles & Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Helios By UristMcRandom © 2014, UristMcRandom. Licensed under a CC BY-NC 3.0 license, Helios is a science-fiction RPG for 3 players plus a Game Master (GM). The game is set in the far reaches of the Alpha Centauri sector. Your ship, the CES Helios, has been charged with the exploration of this relatively unknown corner of the galaxy. Unfortunately, the native Aliens are less than excited about having you poke your nose into their territory... Getting Started What You’ll Need  Four six-sided dice (d6).  Two eight-sided dice (d8).  A pencil/pen and sheet of paper for notes. Setup  Decide on a Mission. (“Kill X enemies”, “Survive Y rounds”, etc.)  Place pen/paper and dice within easy reach of all.  Select a ship type from the list.  Escort – get one free ATK upgrade.  Cruiser – get one free DEF upgrade.  Explorer – get one free SCI upgrade.  Speeder – get one free NAV upgrade. Subsystems A key
The American Arsenal: The World War II Official Standard Ordnance Catalogue (Greenhill Military Paperback)
Ian V. Hogg
IAN V. HOGG (19262002) was one of the worlds foremost experts on firearms, artillery, ammunition and fortifications. Editor of Janes Infantry Weapons from 1972 to 1994, among his many other books are The Guns, 193945, The Greenhill Military Small Arms
[ "Military", "History" ]
[ "History", "Military" ]
FORGE WORLD UPDATE FOR SIXTH EDITION WARHAMMER 40,000 Presented here is a brief set of conversion guidelines intended to allow you to quickly put your Forge World models to use in games of sixth edition Warhammer 40,000. Forge World is currently preparing FAQs to provide completely updated rules for all of the Imperial Armour and Imperial Armour Apocalypse books released prior to the arrival of the sixth edition of Warhammer 40,000. If you have any queries about Imperial Armour rules, army lists or units, please send an e-mail, including examples of how this query has come up in play, entitled ‘Imperial Armour rules query’ to You can also call 0115 900 4995 within the UK, 011 44 115 900 4995 from the US and Canada or 00 44 115 900 4995 from much of Europe. Thanks The Forge World Team IMPERIAL GUARD HEAVY ARTILLERY CARRIAGE BATTERY ..........................75 POINTS WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Imperial Guard Crew 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+ Death Korps Cr
: . , 31- , , , . , 19- , . , . , . 5-10
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
How to Remember Every Card in the Deck
Bob Hampton
<span><span style="font-weight:bold;">Bob Hampton</span><span>, of Henderson, NV, is one of the countrys most successful memory teachers. Since 1986, he has taught classes and individuals across the U.S. and helped everyone from school children to business men and women to actors. Bob started learning memory techniques because of poor grades due to attention deficit disorder. After applying memory techniques, his grades soared from a 2.3 in undergraduate studies to a 3.7 in his masters degree at Brigham Young University. In 2005, he developed a plan to put memory techniques to work remembering cards, and went on to become a national bridge champion in 2009.</span></span><br /><br /><span><span style="font-weight:bold;">Natalia Becerra</span><span>, of Henderson, Nevada, graduated from the Media Arts &amp; Animation program at The Art Institute. She is constantly looking for new things to learn, creative ideas to share and different ways to express those ideas. Her passion for art has led her to explore the diverse possibilities offered by animation, illustration and sculpting.</span></span>
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Puzzles &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
The Mondo Deck Of Fate The Mondo Deck of Fate is the improved version of the standard Deck of Fate (see “Artifacts” in the SenZar source book), having some 100 possible effects. If the character is transformed into anything, he’ll generally keep all of his former stats and abilities, unless otherwise noted. All effects are permanent. However, both bad and good effects can be removed by the burning of 1 Point, by drawing the proper card from the Mondo Deck (or the normal Deck), and/or by using a well-stated 1 Primal Point Wish. Characters can “store” any cards that can be kept on their person simply by internalizing them somewhere on their form (such as by slapping the card into their forehead, where it’ll “sink” into the forehead, vanishing from sight until it’s ready to be “popped,” which requires 1 Action Phase). The Mondo Deck of Fate theoretically has a PD of 1,000,000 (though most believe that it is actually a manifestation of The Pool itself). Creators should be warned that the a
The Old Lady of Wasilla Lake: A Story of the Red-Necked Grebes of Wasilla Lake, Alaska
Jack Randall
Jacks book will enhance the pleasure of those who love birds and enchant all who read it. --Tamara K. Mills, M.S.; USFWS Biologist; Director of the Alaska Loon and Grebe Watch<br /><br />This imaginative account is so captivating that you wont realize how much youre learning! --David Tessler, Regional Wildlife Biologist ; Nongame Program; Alaska Department of Fish and Game
[ "Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences", "Science & Math" ]
[ "Science & Math", "Nature & Ecology" ]
Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences
The lake below 2 The Lake Below Rumours & Hooks Two years ago, a church was erected on the frontier shores of Lake Argos. Unknown forces set upon the building, slaying or stealing away the priestesses within. Abandoned shortly thereafter, some say a great evil lingers over the site. High Priestess Ulna is offering a handsome reward to investigate and reclaim an abandoned church. The resident clergy were killed or kidnapped by unknown forces two years earlier. A few years ago, the faithful of Argona (goddess of hope, health and happiness, female clergy only), erected a frontier church on the shores of Lake Argos. Unfortunately for the priestesses, a band of toadmen living in underwater caverns nearby took exception to the intrusion, and ate them. Investigators from the nearest town were unable to determine the fate of the clergy, and ultimately chalked it up to bandits. When the second set of priestesses also disa
A Pawn for a Queen: An Ursula Blanchard Mystery at Queen Elizabeth I's Court
Fiona Buckley
Against her better judgment, Ursula Blanchard (To Shield the Queen) goes to Scotland to head off her cousin Edward, who is bearing a seditious list of families loyal to Mary, Queen of Scots. But she finds Edward dead, and her efforts to locate the murderer-and the list-lead her into the dark heart of Anglo-Scottish politics and the clutches of one very fiendish laird. Though Ursula's ventures can seem far-fetched, rousing writing and a tension-filled plot carry the day. For most collections. <br />Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc.
[ "Mystery, Thriller &amp; Suspense", "Mystery" ]
Girl Trouble Setting: On the Isle of Fey in the Northern Sea sits the court of the Fairy Queen Esmeralda. The ladies of the court are all fair of face, full of grace, and carry an air of magic and mischief. Each year, the men of the Southern Isles send an emissary to present an annual tithe in exchange for fair weather, good fishing, and assorted blessings. Leopold is handsome, young, and brave. Bravery is an important trait for an emissary because sometimes the Fairy Queen keeps the emissary as her plaything. Enter Briar Rose, a lady of the court who becomes smitten with this man, as does Queen Esmeralda. Not wanting to see Leopold subjected to the Fairy Queen's cruel amusements, Briar Rose confides with some of the other ladies of the courts (the players) that she dares to steal away with this man and flee the Fairy Court. The NPCs: Esmeralda, Queen of the Fairy Court on the Isle of Fey in the Northern Sea, she's the current ruler of the island and al
Trish Shields
Trish Shields is the parent of three children - two daughters ages 9 and 17, and a son who is 15. She has studied creative writing under Matt Hughes, Canadian author of 'Fools Errant', 'Downshift' and 'Fool Me Twice' and creative writing and Fine Arts at Algonquin College in Ottawa, Ontario. After growing up in Europe she traveled the United States and Canada extensively. &#60;P&#62;'Soul Speak', a book of poetry from Renaissance Alliance Publishing, was nominated for a Lambda Literary Award for 2001. Other poetry works include the anthology 'Time of Trial', regarding the events of September 11, 2001, and Oval Victory from Hidden Brook Press. Dare2Dream, a Division of Limitless Corporation, has also recently published a book of her poetry called 'Spirit Harvest'. 'Inferno' is Trishs first fiction work published with Baycrest Books. &#60;P&#62;Trish currently resides with her partner and children on Vancouver Island.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "LGBT" ]
[ "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Books", "Literature & Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
Tri Tac Games © 2000 Tri Tac Games 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 123456 Notification and License for Use This copy of the TTS Game Shield is intended for use of the GM and may not be reproduced for resale in any shape or form. Production Notes: This shield PDF may be changed or upgraded. The current version is 1.02 October 2000 Shield Design Rich Tucholka Tri Tac Game Shield PDF © 2000 by Tri Tac Games and Richard Tucholka. View of assembled Tri Tac Game Shield 01 Print it on white paper. 02 Take it to your local Happy Print, Kinko's, Insty Prints or other high tech printing shop. 03 Have them print it Double Sided on Bright Orange, Yellow or other Astrobright color. You will need 2 of each panel as this shield is double sided for GM and player. 03b
Flashlight Fighting: How to Make Your Pocket Flashlight a Take-Anywhere Self-Defense Weapon
Phil Elmore
Phil Elmore is a martial artist and professional writer living and working in central New York. The publisher of The Martialist: The Magazine for Those Who Fight Unfairly, Phil has become widely known in the self-defense and martial arts communities. Frequently controversial and always opinionated, he has contributed articles to a variety of online and print publications. These include Paladin Press' popular collection, Warriors: On Living with Courage, Discipline, and Honor. Phil can be reached through his Web sites, and
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Antiques &amp; Collectibles" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
Attack 0 Burning Beam Target One creature or object within medium range A f ery beam leaps from your hand. Make a Will attack roll against the target’s Agility. On a success, the target takes 1d6 damage. Attack Roll 20+ T e target also becomes blinded for 1 round. Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC Shadow 119 Utility 0 Light Target One object you can reach Duration 1 hour You touch the target, and light shines from it in a 5-yard radius for the duration. Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC Shadow 119 Attack 1 Flash Target One sighted creature within short range A f ash of brilliant light appears before the target. Make a Will attack roll against the target’s Perception. On a success, the target becomes blinded for 1 round. Attack Roll 20+ T e target instead becomes blinded for 1 minute. Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC Shadow 11
How to Stop Freaking the %#$@ Out
Erin Pash
<b>Erin Pash</b> is a marriage and family therapist. She was raised in the Twin Cities but prefers to stay in the suburban loop due to increased traffic anxiety (this book helps her to make it to things in the ''big city''). Erin is co-owner of Ellie Family Services, and her life's mission is to make getting help more fun, accessible, and creative. Erin does the whole mom thing when she's not working and has a flair for human anatomy, art, and golf. This book is very near and dear to Erin because if anything, at the end of the day, she wants people to feel better just the way they are.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Self-Help", "Success" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
�������������������� ��������������������������� ������������������������������� �������!��� ���"��#$%�#&&' �"���(�)��*+�������"�����,��+���������-���.* ������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������!���� ���������"������������������������#��������"���������������������������������������������� �����$%��&����������������������������'�����������������������������������������������"� ������������������������������"��������������������������(������������������������������ ��������#�)�����������������������������������������$%����������&������*+������������ ���������'����$%���������������������������,�&��������������������*����������'�����������-���� �������������������������������)�������������������������������������������"��������������� ����������������������������������������)��"����������"�.����/�������.������������ &������
Poker: Bets, Bluffs, and Bad Beats
A. Alvarez
"A perfect introduction for beginners and a nostalgic romp for those already addicted to the game." -- <i>Observer</i><br /><br />A gossipy, anecdotal, none-too-technical amble through its history and high points, with loads of good stories. -- <i>Literary Review</i><br /><br />No one writes better about poker than Alvarez. -- <i>Evening Standard</i><br /><br />Written with a masters skill...He uses words like a consummate old pro..." --<i>Big Issue</i>
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor &amp; Entertainment", "Puzzles &amp; Games" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
♠♥ ♣♦ At the Mudbucket Saloon the whiskey tastes like kerosene and the girls do, too, but it’s the only place in the world you can play a game of Texas Hold Up. Each player in Texas Hold Up takes on the role of a super-powered villain in the Old West. The game is played following the rules of Texas Hold ‘Em poker, but an extra deck of cards is used to represent the villains’ powers, which they can use to influence the cards on the table and the narrative of the game. Each hand of poker is a single heist, where the villains compete to see who can defeat the good-guys and get away with the loot. Suits in the powers deck represent different applications of power: destroying your environment, damaging your opponents, perceiving the hidden factors at play, or deceiving others. Each of these influences the poker hand in different ways. Every villain has different aptitudes for the various applications of power, allowing him to be more effective at some of these tasks than ot
British Armour Theory and the Rise of the Panzer Arm: Revising the Revisionists (St. Antony's)
Azar Gat
<DIV><DIV>Azar Gat is Associate Professor and Chairman of the Department of Political Science at Tel Aviv University, Israel.<br></DIV></div>
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "New, Used & Rental Textbooks", "Humanities" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
1 IMPERIAL ARMOUR – INDEX: XENOS WARHAMMER 40,000 – IMPERIAL ARMOUR INDEX: XENOS Official Update Version 1.1 Although we strive to ensure that our rules are perfect, sometimes mistakes do creep in, or the intent of a rule isn’t as clear as it might be. These documents collect amendments to the rules and present our responses to players’ frequently asked questions. As they’re updated regularly, each has a version number; when changes are made, the version number will be updated, and any changes from the previous version will be highlighted in magenta. Where a version number has a letter, e.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only in that language, to clarify a translation issue or other minor correction. ERRATA Page 17 – Malanthrope, Power Rating Change this model’s Power Rating to read ‘5’. Page 17 – Malanthrope, Shrouding Spores Change the first sentence of this ability to read: ‘Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for ranged weapons that target <Hive F
The Velvet Claw: A Natural History of the Carnivores
David MacDonald
Their teeth--specifically, a set of scissor-like back teeth, the carnassials--define the carnivores, all descended from one common ancestor. Today there are 236 species in eight families: cat, dog, bear, weasel, civet, raccoon, hyena and mongoose. Macdonald ( The Encyclopedia of Mammals ) escorts us through 60 million years of evolution to show how feeding habits and ecological circumstances have shaped the social behavior and adaptation of these animals. He treats each family separately, from the fossil records to the present, complete with family tree. The material is smoothly written and holds one's interest. A final chapter notes the vulnerability of the top predators due to shrinking habitat, loss of genetic variability and bad luck (fires, earthquakes). Macdonald believes that 17% of the carnivores are at risk of extinction. <br />Copyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc.
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home", "Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Pets &amp; Animal Care" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
Creeping Claw In profane places the severed hands of those who committed wicked deeds can rise of their own will to continue their malicious habits. Necromancers are fond of raising creeping claws because they are small enough to be useful to ambush trespassers. Gangrene with Envy . Creeping claws are surprisingly vain given that they are dismembered hands but they seem to kill mortals purely for fineries such as rings and gloves. In combat, a creeping claw will always prefer to strike those with the most ostentatious hand accessories first hoping to claim their prizes and scuttle off if the creeping claw senses it will not survive remaining in the fight longer. A Cult of Creeping Claws. Creeping claws vanity are matched only by their jealousy. When many creeping claws group up they move in a group known as a cult to take down dangerous prey, each attempting to strip the deceased creature of any ornamentation it has before the others can. When creeping claws form into c
Intuitive Awareness
Ajahn Sumedho
This book is compiled from talks given mostly in 2001 by Ajahn Sumedho; they convey an intuitive understanding of the Buddha's teaching which has arisen from over 35 years of practice as a Buddhist monk. <br /><br />This approach starts with accepting ourselves as we are, not as some ideal of whom we think we should be. By doing this a relaxation can take place that creates space for insight to arise. <br /><br /> Meditation can mean all kinds of things. It's a word that includes any kind of mental practices, good or bad. For his part, Sumedho means meditation as centering, that sense of establishing, resting in the center. The only way that one can really do that is not to try and think about it and analyse it; you have to trust in just a simple act of attention, of awareness.
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "Buddhism" ]
1� More About Awareness 1� More About Awareness Awareness senses electric and magnetic fields. By extension, it senses disturbances in those fields by various masses. Aware-2 SENSING THE ETHER Awareness senses the complex jumble of electrical and magnetic fields that pervade almost every environment. Over evolutionary time, beings who have developed this sense of Awareness come to believe that what they sense is perturbations in the ether, the universal fluid which pervades all space. In a sense, this understanding provides a working model for the understanding of how Awareness works. All of space is permeated by electrical and magnetic fields and individuals sense these fields and perturbations in them. Awareness provides three types of sensory input. Relative Direction. Awareness detects the background magnetic field of a world and allows the individual to instinctively know magnetic north (assuming the world has a magnetic field). A character takes about on
Player's Secret of Medoere (Birthright, 3106)
Not Available
Ranging from the Spiderfell in the north to the Straits of Aerele in the south, Medoere was born of faith and the blood of revolution. As regent, you fulfill the duties of Archpriest of the Church of the Celestial Spell, leading the theocracy to greater heights of glory. The domain is yours to command - if you have the courage, the conviction, and the blood of kings in your veins. <b>Player's Secrets of Medoere</b> includes:<br /><br />A full-color, eight-page foldout cover containing detailed maps of the domain and other information every Medoerean needs to know.<br />Facts about the history, geography, and economy of Medoere.<br />An overview of Medoerean society and law.<br />Descriptions of the major NPCs in Medoere, friend and enemy alike.<br />Rumors, secrets, and strategy tips to help the new regent keep control of the realm.<br /><br />This BIRTHRIGHT domain sourcebook is designed for players who want to take the role of Archpriest. It may also be used by players playing vassals to the regent, or adventurers who want to explore the mysteries of the theocracy.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
PRODUCT NO. FO304 FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK, TUMBLR, AND TWITTER! E-MAIL US AT: CUSTOMERSERVICE@ABANDONEDARTS.COM ABANDONED ARTS© PRESENTS: TEN NEW FEATS FOR USE WITH THE PATHFINDER® ROLEPLAYING GAME Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product. Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See for more information on the compatibility license. 2 BLOODLUST You have a passio
What Are Crystals? (Let's Rock!)
Molly Aloian
Gr 3-5-With rocks and minerals being curriculum topics, libraries are always in need of additional, current resources. These books cover the basic information but they will not engage readers. The reading level is high for the intended age group. The introductions in Crystals, Fossils, and Minerals don't provide adequate descriptions of the relationships among rocks, minerals, and crystals, and at times the information doesn't flow smoothly between sections. The chapter spreads are busy with catchy subheadings, short paragraphs under each heading, sidebars, and activities. The photos and pictures tie in with the texts but are merely adequate. Rock hounds will probably like the "how to be" volume, which does give good information for children interested in the hobby. Steve Tomecek's Everything Rocks and Minerals (National Geographic, 2011) is a better option for curriculum use.-Stephanie Farnlacher, Trace Crossings School, Hoover, AL(c) Copyright 2011. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.
[ "Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Science, Nature & How It Works" ]
Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences
The posse begins their adventure riding in a stage coach from St. Louis, Missouri to Hot Springs, Arkansas. They are all coming for the same reason...the famous Coleman Crystal. The Tombstone Epitaph has been covering the breaking story of an enormous crystal discovered by Ron Coleman near Hot Springs. According to the Epitaph, this crystal has the potential to ex- ponentially enhance Shamanistic powers that are directed through it. The Epitaph warned that the crystal could not simply be de- stroyed, it had to be carefully split in order to make it’s power less devastating. If that weren’t bad enough, Chief Red Foot is on the war path and his medicine man, Grey Fox, has the ability to actually use the crys- tal for great ill. Unfortunately, not many people outside this posse believe a word that’s printed in the Epitaph...their mistake. The ride to Hot Springs is fairly monotonous, though quite bumpy once they get past Little Rock. Suddenly, as the posse passes
Silver Diamond, Vol. 9: The Graveyard of Bells
Shiho Sugiura
(W/A) Creator: Shiho Sugiura Rating: T (Teen Age 13+) Slowly but surely, the world is being painted in new, bright colors by Rakan and the others. But wait, what happens when the party stumbles upon a graveyard for criminals?! Finally, Rakan finds himself amidst a true horror story! Chigusa's lost memory works to their disadvantage as the ghost of a broken-hearted woman claims he was a womanizer. It is time for Rakan puts his horror movie research to use! Rivers are formed and forests are filled with hope by Rakan, wishing that Kazuhi and the others will reach the surface and be taken aback by the new beauty of their world. However, Chigusa starts to wonder, is this really what Rakan wants?
[ "Manga", "Comics & Graphic Novels" ]
[ "Comics &amp; Graphic Novels", "Manga" ]
      APL 4  1,050 XP, 1,010 gp    APL 6  1,290 XP, 1,290 gp    APL 8  1,470 XP, 1,690 gp          Amid the Deepening Dark  An Adapted adventure set in the Suss Forest  599 CY Brooch of the Reaper: This small, black, scythe‐shaped brooch is  sacred to followers of Nerull. Worn by high priests of that fell  power it is used during the last moments of sacrificial rituals of  great significance. The brooch is also often used as a key to open  secret doors in Nerull’s temples.  The brooch of the reaper allows its owner to cast death knell  once a day. Additionally the brooch constantly radiates a bane  affect.  Brooches of the reaper are cursed. Individuals wearing such a  brooch who are not lawful evil followers of Nerull must make a  DC 15 Will save every day the brooch is in their possession or  loose 1 point of Constitution. A remove curse allows a character  to get rid of this item.  Faint necromancy; CL 3rd; Craft  Wondrous Item, death knell; Price 3,240 gp.  Ire of the Reaper: Nerul
Medieval Public Justice (Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Canon Law)
Massimo Vallerani
Massimo Vallerani teaches medieval history at the University of Turin. Sarah Rubin Blanshei is dean of the college and professor of history emerita of Agnes Scott College.
[ "History", "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "History", "Europe" ]
The Law in Sunndi At the height of power of the Great Kingdom, that nation was renowned for it's fair, honest and efficient justice system, which was designed by the great arch-mage Schandor. During the long corruption and eventual downfall of the Great Kingdom this system did not avoid the fate of the empire that used it: the Ivids and their devilish allies perverted it beyond recognition. As part of the Great Kingdom Schandor's laws were used in Sunndi for a long time. Even though Sunndi broke away from everything that has to do with the Great Kingdom traces of this justice system can still be found within the current laws. Most rules of this system though are either unpractical (for example a judge was not allowed to hail from and/or posses ground within 300 miles of his district) or simply do not work in a society like Sunndi. Sunndi is a NG/CG society, but that does not mean there are no laws. Unlike in more lawful societies though, the laws are more open for interpr
Jimi & Isaac 4a: Solar Powered
Phil Rink
"Highly recommended...a wonderful set of books...Your kids will have a good time reading and probably won't even realize how much they're learning." - <i> #99</i>
[ "Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Science, Nature &amp; How It Works" ]
Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences
K9 Working Breeds: Characteristics and Capabilities
Resi Gerritsen
Dr. Resi Gerritsen and Ruud Haak are world-renowned specialists in the field of dog work and the authors of more than 30 titles on dog training. They train search and rescue dogs for the International Red Cross and the United Nations (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs), and they have trained drug and explosive detector dogs for the Dutch police and the Royal Netherlands Air Force. Gerritsen and Haak also act as international judges for the International Rescue Dog Organization.
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home", "Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Pets & Animal Care" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
FANTASY CRAFT RACIAL ADAPTATIONS ? CENTAUR          CENTAUR (LTI) (SPECIES) ?  NEW ROGUE TEMPLATE CENTAUR (+12 XP) NEW SPECIES FEATS BULL HOOF BULL MANE DEER HOOF DEER MANE LION HOOF LION MANE RAM HOOF RAM MANE SERPENT HOOF FANTASY CRAFT RACIAL ADAPTATIONS ? Table 4.18 (New Addition): Armor Upgrades Name DR Effect DP ACP Speed Disguise Const Comp Weight Era Cost Craftsmanship Centaur — — — — +5 — — +3 — Primitive +100% Table 4.25 (New Addition): Weapon Upgrades Name Effect Const Comp Weight Era Cost Craftsmanship Centaur +1 Damage vs. smaller — +3 — Primitive +100% SERPENT MANE RACIAL ARMOR AND WEAPON UPGRADES The following craftsmanship upgrades follow the same parameters as those in Fantasy Craft (see Fantasy Craft, pages 184-186) – namely that of a racial construction/craftsmanship upgrade for the centaur species. ARMOR UPGRADE DESCRIPTIONS WEAPON UPGRADE DESCRIPTI
Pathfinder Cards: Artifact Item Cards
Paizo Inc.
<div>Hoard the world&#8217;s most powerful treasure with this gorgeously illustrated Pathfinder Item Cards: Artifacts deck! Add fantastic weapons and amazing armors to your collection, or boost your campaign to the next level with illustrated cards featuring a host of orbs, crowns, and even a mighty cloud castle! Fill your hand with the relics of the gods and go forth and conquer like never before!<br><br>These helpful cards support Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Artifacts & Legends.<br><br>This 54-card set of beautifully illustrated, full-color item cards allows you to track your riches in vibrant detail. Each full-color card features a beautiful portrait of an item on one side with blank space on the back to keep notes. Pathfinder Item Cards are compatible with any fantasy roleplaying game.<br><br><font face="Calibri">&#8220;Price Includes VAT&#8221; </font><br></div>
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Gaming", "Pathfinder" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
1 PRODUCT NO: SP008 Facebook Tumblr Twitter Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See http://paizo. com/pathfinderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product. Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See for more information on the compatibility license. Feats and plot hooks for the Ghostly Disguise spell. Abandoned Arts Presents: Spell Power Ghostly Disguise 2 DEATHLY DISGUISE [SPELL POWER] You are adept at impersonating aspects of the undead. Prerequisites: ab
Storytelling for Young Adults: A Guide to Tales for Teens, 2nd Edition
Gail de Vos
This updated manual has been given an attractive, modern cover; the writing is more accessible; and the use of more appealing fonts, sidebars, and bullets makes the text much easier to understand. The author stresses the importance of telling stories to young adults, and offers good advice on selecting material that will interest them. Following a chapter on storytelling basics, the book is arranged by theme and includes myths, legends, and folklore. Each section is followed by a short bibliography. All of the titles are new to this edition, so those who have the first edition will want to keep it and add this fine handbook. Title and theme indexes are included. This is a real gem for anyone working with teens.--Susannah Price, Boise Public Library, ID <br />Copyright Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "Politics &amp; Social Sciences", "Social Sciences" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
At the second flaw, the storyteller gains the narrative power of the action and the character is at the mer- cy of the narrative, and can be considered dead, unconscious, captured or any result that the story- teller finds appropriate. Death: In this game, death is not real. Whenever the characters are found to be dead, they are actu- ally missing or detained by some supernatural enti- ty — or maybe unconscious, lost in the domains of dreams / nightmares, in dire need of rescue by their friends. Rabbit Hole: A portal to the World of Myth, usually located somewhere of easy access to the children and of little interest to the adults, like the treehouse at the schoolyard ou the highest branches of the old park tree. STORYTELLER In Meddling Kids, the storyteller does not roll dice, leaving this only for the player characters, who must overcome the tests using their creativity, cleverness and luck with the dice rolls of their attri- butes. ADVENTURE GENERATOR The adventure gener
L'anthologie des Histoires Dr&ocirc;les &Eacute;rotiques
Armand Isnard
L'rotisme pour rire, est-ce possible notre poque, dit l'auteur, o sous un profil libral avanc en matire de problmes sexuels, se reflte toujours et peut-tre plus que jamais l'hypocrisie tenace qui enveloppe les choses du sexe? La rponse appartient ceux qui aiment rire sans se poser de questions. Rire d' eux-mmes et des autres, des petits travers et des grands vices de tous et de chacun.
[ "Humor & Entertainment" ]
[ "Humor & Entertainment", "Humor" ]
Humor & Entertainment
1/2 La Magie en Caribdus lundi 8 février 2010, par FX Cet article est dédié aux maîtres de jeu de 50 Fathoms. PJs, arrêtez tout de suite votre lecture, car des secrets du monde y traînent. Caribdus est un monde clé-en-main, et comme tous les mondes prêts à jouer, quand vient le temps des questions des personnages sur comment marche la magie ou quelles sont les croyances des autochtones, vous avez beau lire et relire le bouquin, vous ne trouvez pas de réponse toute faite. Ce qui suit est donc une extrapolation de plusieurs éléments : - le Roi Amemnus avait autour de lui des conseillers occultes, prophètes ou devins, pour l’avertir du rôle des trois sorcières sur Caribdus. - On parle des plaines d’Ograpog, ce qui laisse imaginer un continent assez vaste, le seul de ce monde, avec une armée massive capable d’aller chasser les Ugaks. Ograpog illustre sûrement une bulle med-fan dans un monde plutôt maritime. - les masaquani ont créé leur magie en s’inspirant de celles des autres peuple
How to Become a Spy: The World War II SOE Training Manual
British Special Operations Executive
<div><B>British Special Operations Executive</B> (SOE) was a British WWII organization. It was officially formed on July 22, 1940, to conduct espionage, sabotage, and reconnaissance in occupied Europe against the Axis powers and to aid local resistance movements. Few people were aware of SOE&#8217;s existence; at times it was referred to as &#147;Churchill&#8217;s Secret Army&#8221; or the &#147;Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare.&#8221; After the war, the organization was dissolved on January 15, 1946.<BR><BR></div>
[ "History", "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "History", "World" ]
LO-FI SCI-FI RPG • JASON TOCCI ►Choose your character’s specialty. COMMANDER: Skilled in Inspiration (d8), Intimi- dation (d8). Start with an Influence talent. PSIONIC: Skilled in Telepathy (d8, sense surface thoughts), Telekinesis (d8, as strong as your arms), or pick one at d10. Start with a Psi talent. SOLDIER: Skilled in Shooting (d8), Hand-to-hand (d8). Start with a Combat talent. SPY: Skilled in Stealth (d8) and Climbing (d8). Start with an Espionage talent. TECHNICIAN: Skilled in Electronics (d8), Hacking (d8). Start with a Technology talent. ►Take or increase 3 skills, using these or others. Climbing, Deception, Electronics, Explosives, Hand-to-hand, Intimidation, Labor, Persuasion, Piloting, Reading People, Running, Shooting, Sleight of Hand, Spacewalking, Stealth, Tracking ►Take a holo-tool (smartphone + multitool), a pistol, vac-rated uniform, holo-shield projector (break as defense, recharges in a few minutes), and ₡1. Most items/upgrades cost ₡1. Ignore microcredit transac
Hydra and Kraken, Or, the Lore and Lure of Lake-Monsters and Sea-Serpents
Noel Peattie
Noel Peattie is editor of the twenty-five-year old review journal for librarians, Sipapu. With the late John Swan he published The Freedom to Lie: A Debate About Democracy (McFarland, 1989). This is his first published fiction.
[ "Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences", "Science & Math" ]
[ "Science & Math", "Nature & Ecology" ]
Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences
Kryrnaa Raikin – Dark Elf diver Their arrogance and unremitting thirst for vengeance against their eastern cousins leads many Dark Elves to take to the wild seas of the Great Ocean. Originally fanatics of Khaela Mensha, this order of Scouts and Assassins has gradually learned to master the waves in their pursuit of retaliation, slavery and plunder. Among their own kind, these brazen mariners are called kryrnaa. In the land of men they are whispered as “dark corsairs”. Within these kryrnaa there exist a rare few for whom the sea has become a fascination, practically a mistress. In the tongue of the Malteeras, they are called kryrnaa raikin after the crushing darkness that many of them worship. While their unrivalled skills are admired, their solitary and independent nature leads many to be feared and distrusted by their fellow mariners. Used for various tasks, these divers are trained for endurance and to carry out specialised work underwater; repairing the hull of a s
Patricia McDaniel
Presenta a revealing portrait of medical practice in pre-1960 America. More than 200 black and white photos illustrate the colorful and often bizarre 'patent' medicines, dental products and surgical appliances in use before FDA regulations and high technology.
[ "Economics", "Business & Money" ]
[ "Business & Money", "Economics" ]
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your gp value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your gp value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 1 or 2 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING ITEMS FOUND DURING THE ADVENTURE Cross off all items NOT found APL 2: � Bands of Fortune (Adv; CL 9th; CS; 1,500 gp) � †‡Blessed Bandage (Adv, MiC, 10 gp) � ‡Brooch of Shielding (Adv; DMG, 1,500 gp) � †Crystal of Energy Protection [Fire, Least] (Adv; MiC; 500 gp) � �Phylactery of Faithfulness (Adv; DMG; 1,000 gp)
High Magic II: Expanded Theory and Practice
Frater U.:D.:
"Frater provides 422 pages of effective education on the universal laws that make magic work. Even seasoned magicians will find High Magic a valuable handbook."
[ "Religion", "Occult & Paranormal" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "Occult &amp; Paranormal" ]
Arcane Traditions The study of wizardry is ancient, stretching back to the earliest mortal discoveries of magic. It is firmly established in the worlds of D&D, with various traditions dedicated to its complex study. The most common arcane traditions in the multiverse revolve around the schools of magic. Wizards through the ages have cataloged thousands of spells, grouping them into categories called schools. In some places, these traditions are literally schools; a wizard might study at the School of Illusion while another studies across town at the School of Enchantment. In other institutions, the schools are more like academic departments, with rival faculties competing for students and funding. Even wizards who train apprentices in the solitude of their own towers use the division of magic into schools as a learning device, since the spells of each school require mastery of different techniques. School of Candles The School of Candles is an old and oft forgotten
J. Thorn
<i><b>*No longer available. This title is bundled in Box of Runes (An Epic Fantasy Collection) sold exclusively on Amazon for Kindle.</b></i>
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Classics" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Classics" ]
Literature & Fiction
Revenant “Stand, run. It doesn’t matter.” “You and I both know what you've done. There is no place to hide. Not even death can hold me. And you will pay for your crimes.” - Gilbert Foliot, revenant You are a revenant, a soul which met a cruel and unjust end in life, and has clawed its way back from death for the sole purpose of revenge. You have sworn to kill those responsible for your demise, and possess a recently deceased corpse to do so (which may not be the same body you possessed in life); as such your appearance is the same as that of a common zombie. Exonerating Circumstances An ordinary revenant has exactly one year to seek vengeance, and will return to death either when its revenge is complete, or when its time is up. However, you are blessed with an entire decade. Once your revenge is complete, you may then choose to return to the afterlife at any time, or wait for your remaining time to run out. The reason for this may be t
Pop-Up Cards: Step-by-step instructions for creating 30 handmade cards in stunning 3-D designs
Emily Gregory
Emily Gregory studied design in Sydney, Australia. She has worked in publication design for a number of years and has a strong interest in typography, paper craft, and illustration. As well as running her own book design studio, she also teaches visual communications at the University of Technology, Sydney. She is the author of The Little Book of Lettering and writes about all things paper-based and design-related on her blog, The Daily Smudge.
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Crafts &amp; Hobbies" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
HERO CARDS III BY JUSTIN HALLIDAY Copyright Notice Hero KidsTM copyright 2015 Justin Halliday Credits Designed and written by Justin Halliday Hero and monster art by Eric Quigley WebsiteS Printing Authorization: This PDF document may be printed for personal use. Version: 1.1 (Build 5) Changelog: • Updated hero cards to improve consistency. • Updated hero card artwork to add white fill. • Added printing authorization. MORE HEROES!
Laying the Elegant Table: China, Faience, Porcelain, Majolica, Glassware, Flatware, Tureens, Platters, Trays, Centerpieces, Tea Sets
Ines Heugel
&#34;Lavish photographs and vintage drawings illustrate the descriptive text.&#34; -- <i>Mar07 MAINE ANTIQUE DIGEST </i><br /><br />&#34;beautifully photographed vignettes&#34; &#34;the ideas from the book are sure to benefit both seasoned and novice party planners&#34; -- <i>May07 ROMANTIC HOMES </i><br /><br />-- &#34;For a complete understanding of how to set your holiday table in style a la Old World, look no further than this book.&#34; -- <i>Nov06 RIVIERA MAGAZINE </i><br /><br />&#34;The book is a superb reference.&#34; -- <i>Mar07 BETTER HOMES & GARDENS </i><br /><br />-- &#34;...provides wonderful, much-needed inspiration for our holiday tables.&#34; -- <i>Nov06 PAPERCITY MAGAZINE HOUSTON </i>
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Home Improvement & Design" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
5� Trade Goods-4 5 Random Trade Goods Most Trade Goods can be created using this chart based on the Trade Classifications of the world. Random Trade Goods 4 TRADE GOODS DETAIL As [ ] Ba Gathered De Mineral Di Artifact Fl Unusual Ga Premium Hi Processed* Ic Cryo Lo [ ] Ni Unprocessed Po Obscure Ri Quality Va Exotic ** * Omit for Industrial ** Omit for Asteroid Ri 1 Raws 1 Bulk Foodstuffs 2 Bulk Protein 3 Bulk Carbs 4 Bulk Fats 5 Exotic Flora 6 Exotic Fauna 2 Rares 1 Delicacies 2 Spices 3 Tisanes 4 Nectars 5 Pelts 6 Seedstock 3 Consumables 1 Branded Foods 2 Branded Drinks 3 Branded Clothes 4 Flavored Drinks 5 Flowers 6 Music 4 Novelties 1 Echostones 2 Self-Defenders 3 Attractants 4 Sophont Cuisine 5 Sophont Hats 6 Variable Tattoos 5 Uniques 1 Antique Art 2 Masterpieces 3 Artifacts 4
Battles:: A Concise Dictionary
Ian V. Hogg
Ian V. Hogg is a contributor for the following Houghton Mifflin Company Title: Battles:
[ "Teen & Young Adult & College", "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Teen & Young Adult", "Education & Reference" ]
Teen & Young Adult & College
Defenders v1.0 This Meta-Record Certifies that ______________________________ Played by ______________________________ Player RPGA # has joined The Defenders of the Greenkeep A Bandit Kingdoms Meta−organization Org Notes: � First Joined AR # ____ � Left AR # ____ � ______________________ � ______________________ � ______________________ � ____________________ Tribe joined: _____________ _______________________ Meta-Record Home Region must be the Bandit Kingdoms 597 CY Level of Organization & Annual Costs Event: _____________ Date: ___________ DM: ______________________________ Bandit Kingdoms Judge Signature RPGA # Fealty: Defenders of the Greenkeep are sworn to follow their tribe’s leader and may serve no other master. Tribal leaders encourage Defenders of the Greenkeep to join the Friend of Clan Fanlareshen meta−organization. Residency: The Defenders of the Greenkeep live in t
Bolt Action: Empires in Flames: The Pacific and the Far East
Warlord Games
Warlord Games is one of the world's leading producers of wargaming miniatures, as well as the publisher of the successful Black Powder and Hail Caesar rule sets. Their Bolt Action range of 28mm World War II miniatures is the most extensive on the market and continues to grow and develop. The author lives in Nottingham, UK.
[ "Military", "History" ]
[ "History", "Military" ]
LO-FI SCI-FI RPG • JASON TOCCI TEMPUS DIDUCIT THEY CALL IT THE UNRAVELING. Or they will, anyway. Hard to say with time travel. Too many trips, and timelines begin to fray at the edges. Most folks just struggle to adapt to this broken world. Some exploit it for their own gain. But for others — the warriors, investigators, and agents of change — there are wrongs to right, paradoxers to catch, and a glimmer of hope of fixing this mess. ►Someplace like… 1 Babylon 2 Beijing 3 Bottom of the sea 4 Camelot 5 Cappadocia 6 Giza 7 Hawaii 8 Icelandic coast 9 Jerusalem 10 Kolkata 11 Kyoto 12 The Louvre 13 Machu Picchu 14 The Moon 15 Pompeii 16 The Serengeti 17 Times Square 18 The Titanic 19 Uluru 20 Vatican City With elements from… 1 Biblical Flooding 2 Bunraku theater 3 Burning Man 4 Cleopatra’s reign 5 The Cold War 6 Cryogenian ice age 7 Disco 8 Gupta Empire 9 IKEA 10 Jurassic Period 11 Imperial Russia 12 Late Zhou Dynasty 13 Mastodon hunting 14 1001 Nights 15 Prohibition era 16 The Renaissance 1
The Long-Distance Relationship Survival Guide: Secrets and Strategies from Successful Couples Who Have Gone the Distance
Chris Bell
* A practical and honest guide for committed long-distance couples, written by a real husband-and-wife team whose relationship survived the test. * Based on interviews with more than 100 couples. * Outlines eight essential relationship-building skills, such as establishing realistic expectations, balancing emotional intimacy and sex, and making the transition to same-city living.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Self-Help", "Relationships" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
ONE MISSED CALL by Caroline Hobbs & Marc Hobbs 2 ONE MISSED CALL-SECRET HITS EDITION Copyright © 2016 by Caroline Hobbs Special thanks to the Downfall Kickstarter backers. Thank you for making this publication possible. <3 3 OVERVIEW One Missed Call is a story game for 2 players about loved ones separated by space, drifting apart or coming together. Two people, playing characters, sit back-to-back during play. The game takes thirty minutes to an hour to learn and play. Do your best to play in a quiet space, away from any noise that would make telephoning someone unpleasant. Make sure both players have a character sheet and a list of the key phrases. 4 CREATE CHARACTERS Our characters are in a long-distance romantic, platonic, or familial relationship, trying to stay connected despite their distance. We’ll collaborate when creating our relationship, biggest difference, and the distance between us. We’ll have dif- ferent answers for our biggest difference, but we should
Maxime Chattam
Filled with suspense from start to finish, Carnage is a quick, engaging read which fans of crime fiction are guaranteed to enjoy. Books, Biscuits & Tea 'Visceral and gripping ... I thoroughly enjoyed it' - Crime Novel Reader Violent and atmospheric it has an unconventional appeal all of its own Bookgeeks
[ "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Thrillers & Suspense" ]
CARNAGE BLAST 2nd-level (Blood) necromancy •, (Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard) Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Choose one creature that you can see within range whic has blood That creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the target takes 3d10 necrotic damage. On a successful saving throw, the target takes half damage. If this damage reduces the target to O hit points, its blood bursts from within its body, spraying nearby foes with gore and spikes of enchanted blood Each creature within 15 feet of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving throw, a creature takes 3dl0 necrotic damage. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage dealt increases by ldlO for each slot level above 2nd INFUSE BLOOD 2nd-level (Blood) abjuration (Artificer, Cleric, Paladin, Sorcerer, Wizard) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Componen
Death in the West
Chris Becker
Reviewer Carolyn R Scheidies<br><br>DEATH IN THE WEST chronicles an assortment of deaths that have taken place in the Western part of the United States mean. Yet this book not only deals with death from a variety of accidents, death from heat, cold, falls, death by design (murder), death from wild animals and death from natural (or not so natural) disasters, but also why, in many cases, such deaths should not have occurred. Why do some live, while others die in similar circumstances? Why does an experienced individual die, while another miraculously survives?<br><br>In many cases, there are no answers. In others, attitude and motivation made the difference. Dying simply was not an option. Preparedness also could have made the difference for many. For had they not panicked, been careless, taken the simplest of precautions, they might well have survived their ordeal. <br><br>For hikers, many get so comfortable in their surroundings they make the mistake of forgetting they are in essentially a hostile environment. Every hiker should carry basic necessities such as a map and a compass, matches and kindling, extra food, water and clothing, a first aid kit and a pocket knife, something to be used for shelter if needed (blanket and rope), signaling device (at least a loud whistle), sunscreen and bug screen. Learning what to carry for survival is only one of the many things I learned from reading this book.<br><br>This book was well-written, intriguing and informative. Recommended. <br><br>CAROLYN R. SCHEIDIES <br>History, Mystery, Romance...and Hope<br>AUTHOR'S CHOICE REVIEWS<br><br>Sign up for FREE monthly ACR update at <br>*** <br>I DEAL IN HOPE<br><br>Sign up for FREE monthly IDIH update at<br> --Author's Choice Reviews
[ "History", "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "History", "Americas" ]
© 2019 James V. West —
Psychic Self Defense: Powerful Protection Against Psychic or Physical Attack, Curses, Demonic Forces, Negative Entities, Phobias, Bullies & Thieves
Embrosewyn Tazkuvel
"This is a great book. It is easy to read and covers psychic defense from many angles. I have experienced many psychic and paranormal events in my life and everything the author says rings true. I also like how the author presents not just "ritualistic" type of techniques in self defense, but also the more preventative and proactive things you can do in your behavior and thinking to ward off negativity in general as well keeping negative energies and entities at bay. For me, it's great to have found someone that I know is legit. I highly recommend this book." <b><i>The Simon Cowell of book reviews</i></b><br /><br />"Regardless of your beliefs, this is an elegantly composed and greatly fascinating book. The writer's composing style easy is to follow through. After I read a couple of pages I ended up unable to put the book down. Assuming that you've generally been fascinated about whether psychic capabilities are "genuine" or perhaps that you have some of your own, this is really the book that you need to peruse." <b><i>Jayden Sanders</i></b><br /><br />"The author is passionate about what he writes. He has the abilityto draw you into the moment as if he is right there at the time of writing this guide. Some of the tips he offers for psychic defense are equally powerful in any realm of life. The information presented can be taken in many different ways and applied to your life. Whether you are a christian, psychic yourself, or just someone wishing to protect yourself from negative energies, there is something to gain from this book." <b><i>Gliding with God</i></b><br /><br />"I love this book for 2 reasons. First it validated that I wasn't alone! Other people are having these experiences too! Written in plain, heart-to-heart language that was easy to understand and meaningful. Second because it is the missing 'instruction manual' of what to do for basic protection. Simple enough that I can teach my son who is also sensitive. Priceless to be able to offer some solace. Thanks for such a great book! Look forward to reading more of this author." <b><i>Nicole Artus</i></b><br /><br />"Little unbeknownst details such as drinking a 1/2 cup of salt water before watching a horror movie, which is pertinent to maintaining spiritual protection was disclosed. Knowledge relevant to energy shields: reflection, transmutation, and absorption changed my situation over night. This book has been monumental in solidifying my protection and victory over ancient demonic entities." <b><i>Jasmine Bozeman</i></b>
[ "Religion", "Occult & Paranormal" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "Occult &amp; Paranormal" ]
Miracles (Blessed) Aim, Armor, Barrier, Beast Friend, Boost/Lower Trait, Defl ection, Dispel, Elemental Manipulation, Environmental Protection, Exorcism, Gambler, Greater Healing, Healing, Inspiration, Light, Protection, Quickness, Sanctify, Smite, Speak Language, Stun, Succor, Windstorm Curse, Fear, Mind Rider, Puppet, Vision Quest, Zombie (Voodooists only) Available Powers by Arcane Background Shamanism (Shamans) Aim, Armor, Beast Friend, Boost/Lower Trait, Burrow, Defl ection, Detect/Conceal Arcana, Dispel, Elemental Manipulation, [Entangle], Environmental Protection, Exorcism, Fear, Greater Healing, Healing, Mind Rider, Protection, Quickness, Sanctify, Shape Change, Smite, Speak Language, Speed, Succor, Teleport, Vision Quest, Wilderness Walk, Windstorm Magic (Hucksters) Aim, Armor, Barrier, Beast Friend, Blast, Bolt, Boost/Lower Trait, Burst, Defl ection, Detect/Conceal Arcana, Dispel, Elemental Manipulation, Entangle, Environmental Protection, Fear, Gambler
Magickal Formulary Spellbook 1
Herman Slater
Learn how to make all the famous and infamous potions, incenses, powders, oils, baths, sprays, and floorwashes from primitive Haiti to Imperial France!<br><br>This master book of secret potions and spells gives you the uses of each formula and lists all the never before published ingredients, including authentic recipes and spells obtained from the Mediterranean and Caribbean traditions. Herman describes the importance of many crucial magick ritual ingredients.
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion & Spirituality", "New Age & Spirituality" ]
CLASS OPTIONS EXPERT CLASSES ? SPELL SCRIBE (EXPERT)      CLASS FEATURES CORE ABILITY CLASS ABILITIES SPELL SCRIBE (LTI) (EXPERT CLASS) ? Table X.X: SPELL SCRIBE Level BAB Fort Ref Will Def Init Lifestyle Legend Abilities 1 +0 +0 +1 +2 +1 +1 +2 +1 Easy reader, the pen is mightier 2 +1 +0 +2 +3 +1 +1 +3 +1 Extrapolate the formula (spell grades) 3 +1 +1 +2 +3 +2 +2 +3 +2 Bonus feat 4 +2 +1 +2 +4 +2 +2 +4 +2 Scrollmaster I, writer’s tricks 5 +2 +1 +3 +4 +3 +3 +4 +3 Bonus feat 6 +3 +2 +3 +5 +4 +4 +5 +3 Writer’s tricks 7 +3 +2 +4 +5 +4 +4 +5 +4 Bonus feat, extrapolate the formula (Mass version) 8 +4 +2 +4 +6 +5 +5 +6 +4 Scrollmaster II, writer’s tricks 9 +4 +3 +4 +6 +5 +5 +6 +5 Bonus feat 10 +5 +3 +5 +7 +6 +6 +7 +5 Personal shorthand         NPC CLASS ABILITIES Table X.X: NPC Class Abilities Class Ability XP Value Bookwo
Counting the Cost
Liz Adair
<i>Counting the Cost</i> is a novel that will break your heart and elevate your spirits. It presents a closely etched picture of life in a hard country in hard times, filled with memorable people and a love story as poignant as it is beautiful. --Ronald Shook, PhD, Associate Professor of English, Utah State University&#60;br /&#62;&#60;br /&#62;This book is a poignant look at a grand passion between opposites, a sensory delight filled with lush descriptions, spot-on dilogue, and a well-told story of choice and accountability. Liz Adair is a masterful storyteller. Don't miss reading this book. --Marsha Ward, author of <i>The Man from Shenandoah</i>&#60;br /&#62;&#60;br /&#62;This book is a poignant look at a grand passion between opposites, a sensory delight filled with lush descriptions, spot-on dilogue, and a well-told story of choice and accountability. Liz Adair is a masterful storyteller. Don't miss reading this book. --Marsha Ward, author of <i>The Man from Shenandoah</i><br /><br />This book is a poignant look at a grand passion between opposites, a sensory delight filled with lush descriptions, spot-on dilogue, and a well-told story of choice and accountability. Liz Adair is a masterful storyteller. Don't miss reading this book. --Marsha Ward, author of <i>The Man from Shenandoah</i>
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
Literature & Fiction
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your gp value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your gp value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 1 or 2 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING ITEMS FOUND DURING THE ADVENTURE Cross off all items NOT found APL 2 � Heward’s Handy Haversack (Frequency: Adventure; DMG) � Buckler, Darkwood (Frequency: Adventure; DMG) � Ring of Sustenance (Frequency: Adventure; DMG) APL 4 (all of APL 2 plus the following) � +1 Buckler, Darkwood (Frequency: Adventure; DMG)
The Magical Personality: Identify Strengths & Weaknesses to Improve Your Magic
Mike Leslie
Mike Leslie holds master's degrees in occupational psychology and psychotherapy, and has worked in career counseling, psychiatric nursing, and psychotherapy, with extensive experience in psychological assessment in both clinical and nonclinical settings. He lives in England where he currently works as a psychiatric nurse. <br />
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "New Age &amp; Spirituality" ]
nDFf Bjwq NMskr Spax Vk Jr Pa Uf Is N2d 6lW Ilwu T he I mages P n O ur M indsD WOIN Fantasy Character Sheet The IMages In OUr Minds INpsire Our Deeds The.Images.In.Our.Minds.Inspire.OUr.Deeds.and.Legends.The.End qpstsbq qpstsbq qpstsbq qpstsbq STR AGI END I N T LOG W I L CHA LUC REP MAG Attributes score Pool Strength Agility Endurance Intuition Logic Willpower Charisma Luck Reputation Magic Title: [honorific] [name] [title] descriptor: a[n] [age] [trait] [race] [career] who/with [hook]. Physical: [height] [physique] [hair] [eyes] [skin tone] Style: [clothing] [armor] [accoutrements] Melee Defense: soAk: initiAtive: current GrADe: rAnGeD Defense: soAk: Actions: MAx Dice Pool: MentAl Defense: soAk: nAturAl DAMAGe: sPeeD: notes: cliMb: HeAltH → swiM: resolve → JuMP: luck Pool → cArry: MAnA Points → encuMbrAnce: skills skill score Pool skill score Pool AttAcks exPloits nDFf Bjwq NMskr Spax Vk Jr Pa Uf Is N2d 6lW Ilwu T he I mages P n O ur M indsD WOIN Fantasy Character Sheet The IMages In
Tyrants: A History of Power, Injustice, and Terror
Waller R. Newell
"The world is currently engulfed by all sorts of strongmen, authoritarians, and totalitarians. Are they all alike? Not always. In an engaging review of some 2,500 years of tyranny - drawing on a considerable knowledge of Western history and literature - Waller Newell masterfully sorts out tyrannies, ancient and modern, to remind us how they rise and why they fall - again and again. Tyrannies are the existential enemies of democracies - but not always in the same manner and to the same degree. And why that it is true makes fascinating reading." <br />Victor Davis Hanson, Martin and Illie Anderson Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University, California<br /><br />"If I could think of one book for a young lover of democracy, or democratic politician to read about tyranny - supposedly a thing of the past - it would be Waller Newell's eloquent, approachable, fascinating Tyrants. Based on an astoundingly broad knowledge of history, from ancient times to the present, from high culture to pop culture, this book penetrates into the soul of the tyrant ... This is the biography of tyranny we have been waiting for." <br />Norman Doidge, MD, Columbia University, New York and the University of Toronto, and author of The Brain That Changes Itself<br /><br />"This is a wonderful book, learned and insightful, acute and often brilliant. It is both a monument of scholarship and a call to action. Newell's Tyrants is as morally serious as a work of political philosophy and as sparkling with wit as an evening with the Marx Brothers." <br />Barry Strauss, Cornell University, New York<br /><br />"Waller Newell is the most brilliant interpreter of tyranny now alive. His stories of ancient and traditional tyranny, often left to narrow scholars, are absorbing, sometimes funny, but it is the accounts of Soviet Communism and Nazism that are most intellectually compelling and passionate. Newell can sweep untidy piles of facts into elegant phrases - 'the beautification of violence' - that capture their hidden meaning. At a moment when tyranny is coming back, everyone alert to the strangeness of our world ought to be reading this book." <br />Charles Fairbanks, The Hudson Institute<br /><br />"Waller Newell's Tyrants is a profound and original assessment of the evolution of the mass psychological basis evolving techniques of imposition of tyrannical government from ancient to modern times. It is a reinterpretation of Machiavelli's impact on the 500th anniversary of his The Prince, and attacks the relatively benign assessment of that writer as a perceptive and amoral cynic. It is a brilliant updating of the characteristics of tyranny, including its ever more pervasive banality and its comparatively recent exploitation of false ideologies and the adaptation of technology to impose totalitarian control and disguise the false and often absurd nature of the regime. This is a valuable and important book that will make a durable contribution to the vast, but not entirely up-to-date literature on the subject." <br />Lord Conrad Black<br /><br />"In a time when tyranny is resurgent all over the globe, in a bewildering variety of forms - military and civilian, theocratic and kleptocratic, ideological and tribal - this book provides a synoptic historical and philosophic perspective that does full justice to the manifold phenomenon in all its range and complexity." <br />Thomas L. Pangle, Joe R. Long Endowed Chair in Democratic Studies, University of Texas, Austin<br /><br />"Tyranny remains the oldest and most durable political phenomenon. Tyrants provides a stunning refutation of those who still believe that the historical process or the logic of the market will bring about a more peaceful democratic world. This book is a must-read for any serious student of political science." <br />Steven B. Smith, Alfred Cowles Professor of Political Science, Yale University, Connecticut<br /><br />"At the highest levels of government, diplomacy and academia, are otherwise intelligent people who have convinced themselves that tyrants and tyrannies are anachronisms bound to be replaced by more enlightened forms of government. They apparently believe in a 'clock of human progress' and that the 'arc of the moral universe bends toward justice'. This rosy scenario is unsupported by the historical evidence as Waller R. Newell makes clear in his timely exploration of the durability and persistent appeal of repression." <br />Clifford D. May, President, Foundation for the Defence of Democracies<br /><br />"Since it has its roots in the angry soul, tyranny is a permanent feature of politics, and it is one of the delusions of liberal democracy and global capitalism that universal prosperity will remove the threat of tyranny forever. For Newell, tyranny is an independent factor in human life, impossible to predict or prevent, an evil that, when it arises, must simply be resisted." <br />Peter J. Leithart, First Things<br /><br />"Having published the very fine Tyranny: A New Interpretation in 2013, Tyrants is his less technical, less esoteric, more historical follow-up, and considering the internal and external pressures on liberal democracies at the moment, perhaps this engaging new contribution can do some good.' <br />Aaron MacLean, Washington Free Beacon
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "Politics &amp; Social Sciences", "Politics &amp; Government" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
TO ALL THE TYRANTS I’VE  OVERTHROWN  There are no more enemies left to stand before you. You have gone forth and defeated each and every one of them. Now, unhindered, you will get the chance to tell your side of the narrative, however you decide. A crowd waits, preparing to hear from you all of your You must create a speech about your victories and spin your narrative however you see fit. When answering the major prompts, respond to these following questions: -​Who were they? -​Why did they rise against you? -How did you defeat them? -How did you build yourself up from the victory? -What legacy did you decide they left, if any? -​Someone who said you would never succeed. -Someone who stood in your way. -Someone who suppressed your voice. -Someone who oppressed your way of life. -Someone who abused their authority. -Someone who wasted every resource trying to stop you. -Those who thought thought you and your cause were worthless. Once you
The Gift Wrapping Book: Over 150 Ideas for All Occasions
Caroline Birkett
Gift wrapping, according to former textile designer Birkett, is a feat to be accomplished and then admired. Her instructions include those both nimble and not and range from covering a basic box to fashioning crackers for all occasions. There is something for everyone in these 150-plus different projects. Each runs about a page or two with minimal directions, large color photographs, and occasional tips on best/alternate methods. Some of the more unusual ideas: a rose-embellished bow, an origami box, a paper fan bow, and woven paper baskets, among others. At the end are the basics: materials, tools, and the five fundamental techniques (measuring, transferring, scoring, folding, and cutting). This handy how-to will leave gift givers rapt with pleasure. <i>Barbara Jacobs</i><br /><i>Copyright American Library Association. All rights reserved</i>
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Crafts &amp; Hobbies" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
Expanded Gifts Name:______________________________ Type:_____________________ Level:____ Book:_____________________ Page#____ Learned From:________________________ Description:__________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ System:_____________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Name:______________________________ Type:_____________________ Level:____ Book:_____________________ Page#____ Learned From:________________________ Description:__________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ System:_____________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __
Get Lucky On Purpose - Seize Control Of Your Own Destiny
Jeffrey Epsetin
About Jeffrey Epstein Jeffrey Epstein ( Jeff ) is a dynamic, energetic, innovator with vision. He has proven leadership skills, a unique ability to visualize the future, and a talent for creating and executing innovative action plans. Jeff can turn your dreams into quantifiable goals! A few years ago, a family member commented on how lucky Jeff was. Upon reflection, Jeff realized that his good fortune could not be attributed to luck that he was in fact getting lucky on purpose because he had a plan. This realization was the beginning of GET LUCKY ON PURPOSE! In this, his first published book, Jeff explains his concepts and walks the reader through the process he has been using for years, so that others can replicate his method of getting lucky on purpose, and they too can begin to seize control of their destiny! Jeff knows what it means to get lucky on purpose! Using his planning and goal setting system, he founded three multi-million dollar organization, his first at the age of 27. He spent the last 18 years running those companies. He has been recognized as the "International Consultant of the Year" in the CRM industry and on four occasions won A Top10 solution provider an honor given to the best of the best out of thousands of potential recipients. Jeff is currently a partner at RightPoint Consulting a leading CRM and Web Development firm and is also working on the workbook for Get Lucky On Purpose which will be released in January of 2008 and a book on Qualifying Criteria which will be released in May of 2008.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Self-Help" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
All Men Must Die By Paul Riddle Acknowledgements Image Credit: “Danse Macabre” Michael Wolgemut; “Hans Henry Konig arms” Arthur Charles Fox-Davies Written and designed by Paul Riddle Layout and design by Nathan D. Paoletta © 2016 Engima Machinations LLC About All Men Must Die is a diceless role playing game that is inspired by the gritty, medieval fantasy television genre. This is a hack of Undying and requires a copy of Undying to understand and play. The following text explains the differences. Unless told otherwise, prepare and play the game the same way. Traits Fate (blood) – the power in your soul that holds sway over the world. When you have it, you are powerful. When you don’t, you are at the Fate’s mercy. Your maximum Fate is as follows: Conviction Max Fate 0 10 1 12 2 15 3 20 Influence (status) – everyone’s born with a name, to a house. Sometimes that matters greatly and other times it matters little. Influence is the measure of your control over the world. 0 – Pariah:
Tarot Shadow Work: Using the Dark Symbols to Heal
Christine Jette
"Hats off to Christine Jette--she has something new to say--and she says it cogently, with depth, passion, and compassion." -- <i>Diane Wilkes</i><br /><br />"I would recommend her book to anyone... on a spiritual journey, to anyone interested in learning more about themselves..." -- <i>Lori Vallis, Host, Bella Online Tarot</i>
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "New Age &amp; Spirituality" ]
Lamia, L 4 13 3 1 2 2 2 3 2 97 12 30 Darkvision 60’, Deception +7, Insight +4, Stealth +3 Innate Spellcasting: DC 13, at will: disguise self (any humanoid form), major image, 3/day each: charm person, mirror image, scrying, suggestion, 1/day: geas Multiattack: 1 claws, 1 dagger/Intoxicating Touch Claws: +5, 2d10+3s Dagger: +5, 1d4+3p Intoxicating Touch: +5, disadv on Wis saves & ability checks, 1hour (spell) Lemure, M 0 7 0 -3 0 -5 0 -4 2 13 34 15 Darkvision 120’, resist: cold, immune: charm, �ire, fright, poison Devil’s Sight: See in magical darkness Hellish Rejuvenation: If dies in Nine Hells, revive in 1d10 days unless bless/holy water Fist: +3, 1d4b Lich, M 21 17 0 3 3 5 2 3 7 135 19 30 Truesight 120’, Arcana +18, History +12, Insight +9, Perception +9, resist: cold, lightning, necrotic, immune: bps nonmagic, charm, exhaust, fright, paralyze, poison Legendary Resistance (3/day): Pass a failed save Rejuvenation: If phylactory, revive in 1d10 days Spellcasting: See spell
Great Tuskers of Africa
Johan Marais
There was a time in Africa when great tuskers roamed at will, from the deserts of Namibia to Mozambique, from Ethiopia to South Africa. Today, due to the growth of human settlement and the hunt for ivory, the large elephant herds have been drastically reduced so that fewer than 450 000 elephants survive. Sighting a tusker today is a magnificent event, not least because so few remain in the wild. Great tuskers includes information on ivory anatomy, ivory diseases, trade in ivory and conservation of the African elephant. But its main purpose is to share with the reader the beauty, grace and presence of the great bulls that once walked the earth, as well as the current big bulls that roam free in the few protected areas of Africa.
[ "Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences", "Science & Math" ]
[ "Science & Math", "Biological Sciences" ]
Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences
The Farises The best among the Guard will eventually be promoted and become part of Tusmit's elite medium cavalry force: the Farises. The Farises are mounted warriors, experts in horseback combat. They are trained in the use of the shortbow and the lance among other weapons. Farises are respected throughout Tusmit. These troops are loyal to the Pasha and must dedicate their lives to the protection of the nation. Because of the rigorous training of these men and the countless sacrifices they must make, they are highly regarded by the population and enjoy a certain prestige that other soldiers can only envy them. Although despite their prestigious stature among the folk of their homeland, the Farises of Tusmit are looked upon with some contempt by their more noble Ekbirian counterparts. Tusmit adopted the Faris following the Ekbirrian occupation of Tusmit. Since then the Tusman and Ekbirrian Faris look at each other as rivals to be outdone. Requirements • Tusmit citizen • 1 year
Guard Force Management, Updated Edition
Lucien Canton
Although tailored to contract providers, much of the information provided valuable benchmarks for proprietary guard programs, especially as regards hiring, training, and management. leaving original chapters intact underscores Cantons point that bedrock security principles dont change. In sum, the result is an incremental improvement of a fine first edition. Security Management
[ "Politics & Social Sciences" ]
[ "Politics & Social Sciences", "Politics & Government" ]
Politics & Social Sciences
The Guard In Tusmit, each sheikdom contributes to the nation's military force. A sheik must provide the Pasha with a certain number of men that will become part of the permanent military force of the nation: the Guard. The Guard is Tusmit's permanent military force. It is composed of soldiers from all around Tusmit. Each sheikdom is responsible for building and training its own military force. Some of these soldiers will become part of The Guard. They train and work in their respective sheikdom until the Pasha needs their assistance. His Exalted Splendour of Tusmit always has total control over the Guard and can move troops as he wishes. Members of the Guard are trained in a variety of weapons and armours. Different units make up the Guard. Each sheik is expected to build and train Guard units such as archers, infantry, scouts and light cavalry. The sheikdoms and the central government share the upkeep and training expenses of the troops. Requirements • Tusmit Citizen • 1 Year
The Ultimate Guide to Weapon Use and Defense
David Erath Jr
"David has done a great job analyzing techniques and concepts from several martial disciplines and creating a truly functional self defense system that works under pressure with an uncooperative opponent. It is not just a collection of random techniques, but rather a well thought out systematic and conceptual approach to practical and realistic self defense. If you are new to self defense or are an inveterate martial artist, you owe it to yourself to study Functional Self Defense." - James Wilson, Crescent City Eskrima
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports &amp; Outdoors", "Individual Sports" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
1 Top Secret / S.I. - Shadows of a Darkened Moon Basic Weapons Listing Close Combat Weapons. This is where my biggest house rule regarding weapons comes in. Instead of a die value for damage, weapons add to your unarmed close combat damage. CCV: Add this number to your skill when attacking What I’ve listed here are basic, generic weapons, feel free to arm yourself with specific items that you may find in any print or online catalog that your character can afford to purchase with your starting funds. Weapon Damage CCV Cost ($ USD) Billy Club / Tonfa +2 10 35 Brass Knuckles +1 7 25 Foil (Unprotected) (Penetrating) +2 12 200 Pocket Knife +1 5 15+ Hunting Knife +2 8 50+ Spear +4 17 40+ Stiletto +1 9 100+ Switchblade +1 7 50+ Sword +3 15 200+ Two Handed Sword +4 15 250+ Fireman or Wood Axe +4 15 125+ Hatchet +3 10 50+ Baseball Bat +3 10 40+ Fighting Hand to Hand When you roll percentile dice in hand-to-hand combat to see if an attack succeeds, look first to see if the number you rol
Vocabulary Workshop, Grade 7 : Level B, Teacher's Key, Enhanced Edition
Vocabulary Workshop Answer Key to Student Text - Level B (Enhanced Edition).
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help ", "Words, Language & Grammar" ]
[ "Reference", "Words, Language &amp; Grammar" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
� Alchemy int � Appraise r int � Balance r dex* � Bluff r cha □ Climb r str* � Concentration r con □ Craft r ( ______________) int � Diplomacy r cha � Disable Device int � Disguise r cha � Escape Artist r dex* � Forgery r int � Gather Information r cha □ Handle Animal cha � Heal r wis � Hide r dex* � Innuendo wis □ Intimidate r cha □ Intuit Direction wis □ Jump r str* � Knowledge (arcana) int � Knowledge (architecture & engineering) int � Knowledge (geography) int � Knowledge (history) int � Knowledge (local) int � Knowledge (nature) int � Knowledge (nobility & royalty) int � Knowledge (the planes) int � Knowledge (religion) int □ Listen r wis � Move Silently r dex* � Open Lock dex � Perform r (____________) (______________________) (______________________) cha � Pick Pocket dex* � Profession( ___________) wis □ Ride r ( _______________) dex □ Scry r [can’t buy ranks] int � Search r int � Sense Motive r wis � Spellcraft int � Spot r wis □ Swim r str** � Tumble dex* � Use Ro
Patricia McDaniel
Presenta a revealing portrait of medical practice in pre-1960 America. More than 200 black and white photos illustrate the colorful and often bizarre 'patent' medicines, dental products and surgical appliances in use before FDA regulations and high technology.
[ "Economics", "Business & Money" ]
[ "Business & Money", "Economics" ]
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) Lifestyle Cost Other Coin Spent Total Coin Spent - GP GP Spent GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal + GP GP Gained GP Subtotal - GP GP Spent GP FINAL GP TOTAL Items Sold Total Value of Sold Items Add ½ this value to your gp value Items Bought Total Cost of Bought Items Subtract this value from your gp value XP Starting XP - XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 2 or 4 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING This area is typically used to list items from the DMG that are now available for purchase as a result of the adventure. As an Introductory Scenario, this event does not contain any such items. However, the following items are available for purchase after any LIVING GREYHAWK Event. � All items from the PHB, tab
Privilege (Special Tactical Units Division) (Volume 2)
Sandra Marton
Sandra Marton is an award-winning, USA Today Bestselling author. Sandra's fans in the United States and all around the world love her hot Alpha heroes and her independent heroines. Her stories are fast-paced, sexy and exciting.
[ "Military", "Romance" ]
[ "Romance", "Military" ]
Burk Tynan Doug LaVigne 842821 Rank: Marchwalker Org Notes: This Record Certifies that Player RPGA# Is a Member of Gran March Army - NCO A Gran March Meta-Organization 596 CY Meta-Organization • PC must have been promoted to the rank of Corporal of higher. Note that the rank of Combat Specialist is not considered to be an NCO rank. NCOs retain access to all feat & prestige classes available to their respective branch or elite unit. Non-Magical Item Access • MW Battle Plate (RoS) • MW Heavy Plate (RoS) • MW Maul (A&EG) • MW Lucerne Hammer (A&EG) • Banner/Standard (A&EG) • One-person Tent (A&EG) • Four-person tent (A&EG) • Metal Tongs (A&EG) • Signal Torch (A&EG) • Defoliator (A&EG) Special Feat Access Special Prestige Class Access Requirements Attached to AR# DM: Signature RPGA# Starting TU 1 TU Cost TU Remaining 1 TU per year Costs Played by First Joined Promoted Left AR # Home Region: Event: Date: +2 circumstanc
Down Range: A Sniper's Guide to Hitting Your Target
Christian W. Schoedlbauer
The author, Christian W. Schoedlbauer, is a former Sniper and Sniper School Instructor in the German Military, with combat experience in the mountains of Afghanistan. He has combined the techniques he learned in the German Federal Defense Force Infantry Sniper School, techniques he developed over time, and techniques shown to him from snipers in both the United States Army and United States Marine Corp. With over 85,000 rounds fired through his sniper rifles during active duty, rifle shooting became second nature. His personal record was hitting a six inch diameter target at 1000 meters (1094 yards) 42 times consecutively and a human size target at 2000 meters (2187 yards) 7 times consecutively with his .338 Lapua Magnum rifle. Years of experience and dedication to perfection, coupled with professional expertise, has allowed Christian W. Schoedlbauer to provide you with the best precision rifle shooting instructional book ever written.
[ "Health, Fitness & Dieting" ]
[ "Sports &amp; Outdoors", "Hunting &amp; Fishing" ]
Health, Fitness & Dieting
Attack 0 Forceful Push Target One creature or object within medium range You direct your thoughts to shove the target. Make a Will attack roll against the target’s Strength. If the target is larger than you, make the attack roll with 1 bane. On a success, you move the target a number of yards away from you equal to 1d3 + your Power. Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC companion 40 Utility 0 Mind Over Matter Duration 1 minute For the duration, you can use an action to move one Size 1 or smaller unsecured object within short range of you up to 5 yards. You can also suspend such objects in the air by concentrating on them. Shadow of the Demon Lord © 2016 Schwalb Entertainment, LLC companion 40 Attack 1 Crush Target One creature or object within short range Bands of telekinetic force wrap around and squeeze the target. Make a Will attack roll against its Strength. On a success, t
Spell Castings: Practical Magick for Daily Life
Sister Moon
A practicing Wiccan for more than 40 years, Sister Moon is a psychic channeler living in the heart of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. She is the author of The Wiccaning.
[ "Religion" ]
[ "Religion &amp; Spirituality", "New Age &amp; Spirituality" ]
The Forge Sister of Moradin protects the hearth and many secrets of the mountain while passing on a legacy of craftsmanship with the working of metal and stone. Requirements Skills: Craft (stone or metal) 3 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 5 ranks. Annual Devotional Time Units: 6 TU Residency: Verbobonc Resident Regional Tithe: 10% Race: Dwarf Special: The ability to cast 3rd-level divine spells or Base Attack Bonus of +5. Benefits Servant of the All Father – +1 competence bonus to Diplomacy, Gather Information and Intimidate skill checks when dealing with dwarves. The Forge Sister gains 100% reduction of the cost for Adventure Standard Lifestyle for all Verbobonc Regional Campaign Play. Divine Spell Casting – A Forge Sister is granted the casting of 1st-level through 5th-level divine spells from an attending Cleric of Moradin. The attending cleric must appear in Regional Documentation, LGCS or be written into the scenario. Casting of divine spells does not include companion adventurers. Th
International Vital Records Handbook. 7th Edition: Births, Marriages, Deaths: Application forms and ordering information for the vital records you ... Social Security, proof of identity, etc.
Thomas Jay Kemp
At some point, nearly everyone needs a copy of a vital record, be it a birth certificate or a document related to ancestry. This new edition of the International Vital Records Handbook provides the latest contact information, reproducible forms, and application instructions needed to request birth, marriage, and death certificates and more from all the countries in the world, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. New information includes adoption search resources and key addresses of repositories in countries lacking central systems. Libraries owning the previous edition will definitely want to update with this revision. --Rebecca Vnuk, Booklist, Sept. 1, 2017
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Reference", "Catalogs &amp; Directories" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
Reg. Di,f. N".: ____ _ l'rim~r)' Reg. Disi. No: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETIS DEPARTMENT OF H EALTH VITAL STATISTICS State File No.: Registrar'S No.: ____ ~ CERTIFICATE OF DEATH DeCL""{!cm's Name: Sex: Marital Stams: Surviving Spousc: Race: I Education: Place of Death: F3cility N30le (address if residenCl:): o Hospital Decedent's Residence: o Inpatient o Outpatient ODOA o Other (specify) Age (from hlst birti1(i3y): Date of Birth: Date of Death: Decedent's Usual On:upation: Under I year (months/days): Birthplace: Kind or Business/Industry: Under 1 day (hours/minutes): Father's Name: Mailing Address: Morher's Name: Inform3nr's N3me: Registrar's Signanm:: Date Filed: Signamre of Person Issuing Permit for Disposition: Date Permit isslled: Method of Disposition: Place of Disposition (cemetery, etc.): o Buri:11 o Cremation o Removal from State o Donation o Other (specify) Name of Embalmer: License #: Signature of Funeral Director or mher person:
Aegis Guided Missile Cruiser
Dennis M. Bailey
Published in 1991, this is 96 pages of basic information and the first in-depth look at these technical marvels and the sailors who man them.
[ "Military", "History" ]
[ "History", "Military" ]
Iltharanos [JEM’HADAR V-CLASS] July 15, 2012 Jem’Hadar V-class Battle Cruiser; Commissioned: 2351 Hull Data Structure: 40 [119 space][1 space remains] Size/Decks: 8/40 Length/Height/Beam: 639.75/204.97/568.44 m Complement: 2,500 Tactical Data Phased Polaron Beams: DPB-3 (x6/E) [-36] Penetration: 7/7/6/0/0 Torpedo Launchers: Mk 90 DF (x2/E) [-12] Photon Penetration: 6/6/6/6/6 Deflector Shield: CIDSS-4 (C) [-12] Protection/Threshold: 16/3 Propulsion Data Impulse System: DIIU-2 (.92c) (D) [-4] Warp System: DIPU-6 (5/9.4/9.7 MCU) (E) [-6] Operational Data Atmosphere Capable: No [0] Cargo Units: 80 [0] Life Support: Class 4R (EE) [-10] Operations System: Class 4R (EE) [-10] Sensor System: Class 4 (+4/+3/+2/+1/0/E) [-4] Separation System: No [0] Shuttlebay: 1 ad, 1 fd [-4] Shuttlecraft: 16 size worth Tractor Beams
Computer Science Logo Style 2/e, Vol. 1: Symbolic Computing
Brian Harvey
-- William Higginson, Coordinator; Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Group, Queen's University at Kingston, Canada<br /><br />&quot; In the world of theatre Harvey' is a large, white rabbit who happens to be invisible. Elementary computer science's Harvey' is more like a tiger - clever, colorful, powerful, and, thanks to this revised edition of a classic set of texts, very visible indeed.&quot; -- William Higginson, Coordinator; Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Group, Queen's University at Kingston, Canada<br /><br />& quot; In the world of theatre Harvey' is a large, white rabbit who happens to be invisible. Elementary computer science's Harvey' is more like a tiger - clever, colorful, powerful, and, thanks to this revised edition of a classic set of texts, very visible indeed.& quot; -- William Higginson, Coordinator; Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Group, Queen's University at Kingston, Canada<br /><br />"In the world of theatre Harvey' is a large, white rabbit who happens to be invisible. Elementary computer science's Harvey' is more like a tiger - clever, colorful, powerful, and, thanks to this revised edition of a classic set of texts, very visible indeed."--William Higginson, Coordinator; Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Group, Queen's University at Kingston, Canada
[ "Computer Science" ]
[ "New, Used & Rental Textbooks", "Computer Science" ]
Computer Science
1� T5-9000 World Mapping.ttf 1� T5 Symbols-4 T5-9000 World Mapping.ttf T5 Symbol -4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - * = x x x x X ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = x x x x X Q* W* E* R* T Y U* I O P [ ] x x x x x x x X Q W E R T Y U I O P { } q w e r t y u i o p [ ] x x x x x x x A S D* F G* H* J K* L : | Logo for Traveller5 A S D F G H J K L : | a s d f g h j k l ; Z* X C V* B N M* < > ? ~ Logo Z X C V B N M < > ? z x c V B N M , . / ~ Upper row is CAPS. Lower row is lower case. * Overwrites. Zero-width font characters. Type this character followed by a non-zero-width character (typically F, f, J, or j).
Notes that Stick: The Ultimate Organizer for Sticky Notes, Scraps, and Scribbles
Old Tom Foolery
Old Tom Foolery, the brainchild of Joel Gryniewski and Lauren Gryniewsk, launched their first line of letterpress greeting cards in 2008. Two years later, the company expanded its catalog with offset-printed notecards, and they now have an extensive collection of notecards, a line of paper goods, and a store in downtown Minneapolis.
[ "Hardware & DIY & Home" ]
[ "Crafts, Hobbies &amp; Home", "Crafts &amp; Hobbies" ]
Hardware & DIY & Home
Notes ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
U.S. Navy Guided Missile Frigates, Oliver Hazard Perry Class - plus AEGIS Combat System for Cruisers and Destroyers, Comprehensive Information and Photo Galleries (CD-ROM)
Department of Defense
This incredible CD-ROM is packed with over 24,000 pages reproduced using Adobe Acrobat PDF software - allowing direct viewing on Windows and Macintosh systems. The Acrobat cataloging technology adds enormous value and uncommon functionality to this impressive collection of government documents and material. Our news and educational discs are privately compiled collections of official public domain U.S. government files and documents - they are not produced by the federal government. They are designed to provide a convenient user-friendly reference work, utilizing the benefits of the Adobe Acrobat format to uniformly present thousands of pages that can be rapidly reviewed, searched by finding specific words, or printed without untold hours of tedious research and downloading. Vast archives of important public domain government information that might otherwise remain inaccessible are available for instant review no matter where you are. This book-on-a-disc format makes a great reference work and educational tool. There is no other reference that is as fast, convenient, comprehensive, thoroughly researched, and portable - everything you need to know, from the federal sources you trust.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Reference" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
Samson Class warp tender Structure Shields Production Data Origin: United Federation of Planets Class and Type: Sampson-class tug Year Launched: 2272 Hull Data Structure: 25 Size/Decks: 5/6 Length/Height/Beam: 200/60/140 m Complement: 52 Operational Data Transporters: 2 standard, 2 emergency, 4 cargo Cargo Units: 100 Shuttlebay: 1 forward ventral Shuttlecraft: 5 size worth Atmosphere Capable: no Separation System: none Cloaking System: none Tractor Beams: 1 aft dorsal Sensor System: Class 3 +3/+2/+1/0/0 (D) Operations System: Class 4R (EE) Life Support: Class 4R (EE) Propulsion Data Impulse System: SBE .5c (D) Warp System: PB-4 3/4/6 (B) Tactical Data Deflector Shield: PFF 3 (B) Protection/Threshold: 14/1 Miscellaneous Data Maneuver modifiers: +0 C, +3 H, -1 T Traits: Hardened System (Operations) Space remaining: 22 Build rules: S Special: Paid double engine cost
: . , 31- , , , . , 19- , . , . , . 5-10
[ "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books" ]
Children's Books
The Illustrated Dictionary of Boating Terms: 2,000 Essential Terms for Sailors and Powerboaters
John Rousmaniere
John Rousmaniere has sailed in over 35,000 miles of offshore voyaging and racing. He crewed on the 48-foot Toscana in the fateful Fastnet Race of 1979.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Reference", "Encyclopedias &amp; Subject Guides" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
GP Starting GP Lifestyle � None � Standard (12 gp x TU) � Rich (50 gp x TU) � Luxury (100 gp x TU) - GP Lifestyle Costs GP Subtotal 250 GP Added GP Costs GP FINAL GP TOTAL XP Starting XP - XXXXXX XP XP lost or spent XP Subtotal + XXXXXX XP XP Gained FINAL XP TOTAL XP TU Starting TU 4 TU TU Cost - TU Added TU Costs TU REMAINING Benefits of Membership: • A Bargewright suffers a -1 penalty to Diplomacy and Gather Information checks when dealing with non-Rhennee inhabitants of Veluna, except with members of the Church of Rao (landfolk prejudice) • A Bargewright gains a +3 bonus to Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Intimidate checks when dealing with Rhennee on or around the Velverdyva River or Attloi in Veluna • A Bargewright gains a +2 bonus to Knowledge (geography) and Profession (boater) checks when on the Velverdyva and other rivers of Veluna (including to determine gold earned from non-adventuring
The Panzer Divisions (Men-at-Arms)
Martin Windrow
Packed with specially commissioned artwork, maps and diagrams, the Men-at-Arms series is an unrivalled illustrated reference on the history, organisation, uniforms and equipment of the world's military forces, past and present.
[ "Military", "History" ]
[ "History", "Military" ]
x 2 x 4 76th Artillery Regiment x 6 x 6 41st Anti-tank Battalion x 1 x 1 x 1 x 3 x 3 57th Recon Battalion 4th Infantry Regiment x 9 x 11 6th Motorcycle Battalion x 1 x 1 x 2 OR 6th Panzer Division May 10, 1940 x 8 57th Engineer Battalion x 1 x 1 x 3 x 9 x 9 x 1 x 1 x 1 Infantry Battalion x 3 x 13 x 1 Panzer Battalion x 3 x 2 x 4 x 2 x 4 OR x 4 x 8 x 1 x 1 x 2 3/46 Anti-Aircraft Company x 2 11th Panzer Regiment x 2 x 2 605th Artillery Battalion x 2 x 2 645th Artillery Battalion 76th Light Anti-Aircraft Battalion x 2 x 1 x 1
Battle Cruiser: Prototype
David Schleifer
David Schleifer was born in Queens, New York in 1962. He was educated and raised in Miami, Florida. He studied 18 years of Martial Arts under the Cuong Nhu system. He also was a practitioner of Kendo, Japanese sword fencing. Currently he is studying the art of Aikido under Weewow-Sensei at Gold Coast Aikikai. He also studied and researched both military and Navy tactics as well as Japanese History.His writing career actually began in 1979 with the original concept draft of Battlecruiser. But after joining the Florida Romance Writers in 1987 did he really start to produce manuscripts. In 1991, David Schleifer received his Diploma for passing the Advance Novel Writing Workshop from the Writer's Digest School. David believes that writing is as much an art form as sketching or martial arts. Only by dedicating continuous determination will he be able to perfect his writing skills. Like any artist, he is never truly satisfied with his work, and so, he continues to produce newer manuscripts with the idea of advancing better with each new work.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Contemporary" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Contemporary" ]
Literature & Fiction
ORIGINS T-2005 — Copyright © 2005 Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc Page 5 STAR FLEET BATTLES ROMULAN TKR TOURNAMENT CRUISER K R
The Exemplary Tome of Gadgets: A handy pocket guide of Dungeon Master Gadgets
Chad Geary
From the creative loins of the voices behind the Exemplary DM podcast ( comes a 50-page pocket handbook of Adventure Hooks, Encounter Ideas, and Character Concepts for tabletop role playing games that you can bring to your table, tonight! William and Chad started the ExemplaryDM podcast in April 2010 as a way to discuss their favorite hobby. Running years of tabletop RPG's for their friends is their primary credential. Listen and read about the podcast at, where many of the book's gadgets originated from.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Thistle Games (c) 2012 Adventurer’s Name: Weapon/ Magic Item Attack Bonuses Charges and Features Composite Bow +1 +1/ +1 Arrows +1 (24) +1/ +1 Longsword +2 +2/ +2 Ring of Protection +1 AC -1 and Saving Throws +1 Equipment Equipment Clothing Rations Canteen Darts (24) Vials: Holy Water (2) Holy Symbol Backpack Shield Rope 50’ Lantern Oil (3) Tinderbox Staff (6’) Mirror Iron Spikes (12) Pliers Parchment, Ink and Quills Scroll Case Leather Armor Quiver Thieves’ Tools Arrows (24) Vials: Acid (2) Canvas (Roll) Needle and Thread Climb Delicate Hear Hide Move Open Locks Improvise Weapon Infiltration* 86 35 4 in 6 35 + 10 45 + 5 35 45 + 5 45 + 5 Armor Class 5 [14] Hit Points 41 Saving Throw 9 Class Assassin Speed 12 XP 124,500 Level 7 Race Half-Elf Corruption Neutral Strength 15 Dexterity 17 Constitution 1o Intelligence 15 Wisdom 11 Charisma 15 Gold 4115 Spell Levels
4th Armored Division in World War II (Spearhead)
George Forty
Lieutenant Colonel George Forty OBE, FMA is the author of over 40 books on military subjects, including US Army Handbook 19391949, British Army Handbook 19391945 and The Desert War for Sutton. Lt Col Forty served in the British Army for 32 years with the Royal Tank Regiment and was formerly the Curator of the Bovington Tank Museum in Dorset, England.
[ "Military", "History" ]
[ "History", "Military" ]
British 2nd Armoured Division April, 1941 x 2 1st Tower Hamlets Rifles Infantry Battalion x 3 x 3 1st Royal Horse Artillery x 10 4th Royal Engineers Squadron x 4 x 4 x 3 x 3 104th Royal Horse Artillery x 6 1st King’s Dragoon Guards Divisional Reece Regiment x 3 x 3 Light Anti-Aircraft Battery 3rd Hussars 3rd Armoured Brigade 5th Battalion Royal Tank Regiment By Greg Moore February, 2009 6th Battalion Royal Tank Regiment x 3 x 2 x 6 x 2 x 9 x 1 x 3 x 2 x 3 x 3 The hard luck 2nd Armoured Division was brought in to replace the 7th Armoured after the highly successful Operation Compass. The 2nd was an inexperienced and seriously understrength formation with half of its tank strength consisting of captured Italian tanks and was destroyed in Rommel’s offen- sive. Some remnants escaped to Tobruk but most of the division surrendered to the Axis at Mechili on April 8. The 2nd
Samira and Samir
Siba Shakib
When the young Afghanistanian girl Samira is born, her father, a commander fighting in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan, decides to raise her as a boy called Samir. The fact that Samir is really a girl is soon forgotton as Samir learns to fight, ride and shoot as well as any boy and when her father is killed she becomes the head of the family. As an adult, she falls in love with the male friend of her youth and is forced to reveal her true identity. In order to marry Bashir, she must relinquish the freedom she is afforded as a man. Samira follows her heart but hates wearing the veil. Eventually, the torment becomes too great and she decides that there must be a third way to live, as a confident woman not confined by the rules of her culture. This is her story.
[ "History", "Geography & Cultures" ]
[ "History", "Asia" ]
Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och D
Future Man
Bruno De Marques
<i> "Highly imaginative" ... "Action packed book" ... "This wildly creativework certainly takes readers to many unexpected places."<em> - Kirkus Reviews</em></i><br /><br /><span>"<i>FutureMan began with the real historical research of Rainer Daehnhardt, aboutactivities in Antarctica by the Third Reich during the 1930s and 40s. Fromthere, the book is a wild, thrilling adventure. It's made better by dialoguethat really sounds like it comes from real people."<br />"The story takes place in present tense ...and writer Bruno de Marques is on the cutting edge. I got used to it. It ratchets up the tension, as if it's happening right now and you, the reader,are right there."<br />"This is a potent combo of history, science and adventure."</i> -<i>Joe Crowe / RevolutionSF</i></span>
[ "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
Science Fiction
D20 © Bruno Van de Casteele
Rapa and JaiJai: A story of Teamwork
Ryland Lueders
Ryland Lueders is a 7 year old who loves writing and painting. When he was 6 years old he participated in a Robotics challenge with FIRST LEGO League. The theme of the challenge was animals and how they work together. He researched and learned about animals and their habitats in Tanzania. He was inspired to write and illustrate this book after learning stories about the honey badgers.
[ "Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences", "Children's Books" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Animals" ]
Biology & Nature & Biological Sciences
Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB Drakar och Demoner är © RiotMinds AB
I Hadn't Understood
Diego De Silva
""I Hadn''t Understood" defies classification, as does its brilliant and versatile author."--"Critica Letteraria"<br /><br />""I Hadn't Understood" defies classification, as does its brilliant and versatile author."--"Critica Letteraria"<br /><br />"Diego De Silva is an honest writer. He tells us right away that we will find ourselves embroiled in a novel that is non-linear, dispersive, full of digressions. He tells us in the opening pages that he loves writing this way: 'I'm interested in the kind of casual chatter that sends you off in a new direction.' Cleverly, then, he stirs the reader's curiosity and makes him an accomplice, almost asking an emotional commitment, almost as if he is confessing a secret that only the reader can hear."--"WUZ"
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Contemporary" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Contemporary" ]
Literature & Fiction
Diego Galindo 2015
I Hadn't Understood
Diego De Silva
""I Hadn''t Understood" defies classification, as does its brilliant and versatile author."--"Critica Letteraria"<br /><br />""I Hadn't Understood" defies classification, as does its brilliant and versatile author."--"Critica Letteraria"<br /><br />"Diego De Silva is an honest writer. He tells us right away that we will find ourselves embroiled in a novel that is non-linear, dispersive, full of digressions. He tells us in the opening pages that he loves writing this way: 'I'm interested in the kind of casual chatter that sends you off in a new direction.' Cleverly, then, he stirs the reader's curiosity and makes him an accomplice, almost asking an emotional commitment, almost as if he is confessing a secret that only the reader can hear."--"WUZ"
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Contemporary" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Contemporary" ]
Literature & Fiction
Diego Galindo 2015
Test Scores and What They Mean (6th Edition)
Howard B. Lyman
This fact-filled, authoritative introduction to psychological and educational testing equips new practitioners with an overview of how to interpret and use test scores effectively. With more coverage on the ethical considerations in test usage, this edition of this common-sense approach to using test data offers plain language analysis of the theory and implications of tests. It stresses the importance of the need for people, and not just computers, to be involved in the interpretation of test results. New practitioners and educators who need an easy-to-use guide to interpreting test scores and data.
[ "References & Guides & Self-Help " ]
[ "Reference", "Writing, Research &amp; Publishing Guides" ]
References & Guides & Self-Help
SKIP WILLIAMS CONTENTS Introduction..........................................................3 Characters from Earlier Editions .........................3 Level and Experience.......................................3 Adjusting Experience Points.......................3 Adjusting Dual- and Multiclassed Characters...............................................3 Ability Scores ...................................................3 Exceptional Strength ...................................3 Level-based Improvement ..........................4 Ability Tips...................................................4 Character Race.................................................4 Standard Player Character Races................4 Nonstandard Player Character Races.........4 Character Class................................................4 Attack Bonus ...............................................4 Saving Throws.............................................5 Hit Dice and Hit Points .........................
Invisibly Yours
C. D. Payne
California writer C.D. Payne is the author of seven humorous novels that have won a large cult following around the world. His best-known work, Youth in Revolt: The Journals of Nick Twisp, was the basis of a 2010 film. From Weinstein Films, it starred Michael Cera, Steve Buscemi, Justin Long, and Jean Smart. Some of Payne's other works include Revolting Youth, Young and Revolting, Revoltingly Young, Frisco Pigeon Mambo, and Civic Beauties.
[ "Literature & Fiction", "Contemporary" ]
[ "Literature &amp; Fiction", "Contemporary" ]
Literature & Fiction
1 2 Introduction Author J. Evans Payne Cover Scene Art Kim van Deun Iconography J. Payne Design & Concept Jason Payne Developer Jason E. Payne Producer Jason Evans Payne Editor J. E. Payne Layout and Graphic Design Jason E. P. Cover Art and Logos Enyap Nosaj Cartography J. Evans Payne Typesetting J. Snave Enyap Proofreading Beattin A. Dedhaurs Colophon Infinium Game Studio is: Infinium Game Studio is: CEO J. Evans Payne Creative Director J. Evans Payne Lead Editor J. Evans Payne VP Marketing & Sales J. Evans Payne CFO J. Evans Payne Artistic Director J. Evans Payne Legal Stuff Legal Stuff FlexTale: Environmental Encounters © 2021 J. Evans Payne. Reproduction without the written permission of the author is expressly forbidden. Dark Obelisk, Berinncorte, FlexTale, FTEG, FlexTale Encounter Generator, Mondaria, Geomorphic Cartography, and Aquilae are trademarks of Infinium Game Studio, all rights reserved. All characters, names, places, items, art and text herein are copyrighted
Small Unit Tactics SMARTbook Leader's Reference Guide to Conducting Tactical Operations
Larsen &amp; Wade
Leader's refernce guide to conducting tactical operatrions first edtion. Ships form NJ with dely. conf.
[ "Engineering & Transportation" ]
[ "Engineering &amp; Transportation", "Engineering" ]
Engineering & Transportation
A CORE RULEBOOK ERWEITERTE REGELN BATTLETECH TM TACTICAL OPERATIONS • ULISSES SPIELE • EINLEITUNG 8 Erweiterte Regeln 8 Tactical Operations 8 Strategic Operations 8 Interstellar Operations 9 Wähle deine Regeln 9 Spielerentscheid 9 Literatur 9 Fiktion kontra Regeln 9 Fiktion und Kunst 10 Komponenten 10 Hilfsfahrzeuge 10 Mobile Bauten 10 Datenbögen 10 Datenbogen für große Hilfsschiffe 10 Satellitendatenbogen 11 Bautendatenbogen 11 Datenbögen für Erweiterte Regeln 11 Zusätzliche Datenbögen und Vorlagen 13 TAKTISCHE ANALYSE 14 ERWEITERTE BODENBEWEGUNG 18 Bewegungsmodi 18 Stehen bleiben (Erweitert: Bewegungsmodus) 18 Sprinten (Bewegungsmodus) 18 Ausweichen (Bewegungsmodus) 19 Abschirmen (Bewegungsmodus) 19 Nahkampfverteidigung (Bewegungsmodus) 20 Kriechen (Bewegungsmodus) 20 Hastige Bewegung 20 Kauerhaltung 21 Rückwärtsbewegung (Erweitert) 22 Klettern und Herabspringen 22 St
Visual Artist's Business and Legal Guide
Gregory T. Victoroff
This book provides visual artists with critical business and legal information to help them build successful careers, protect their art from infringement, safeguard their rights and avoid contract pitfalls.
[ "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts & Photography", "Graphic Design" ]
Arts & Photography
® ® ® ® PROFIT AND PLUNDER IN THE LAWLESS EXPANSE ® ® PROFIT AND PLUNDER IN THE LAWLESS EXPANSE ROLEPLAYING IN THE GRIM DARKNESS OF THE 41ST MILLENNIUM 2 Credits Credits Credits Lead Developers Sam Stewart and Ross Watson Written and Developed By Nathan Dowdell, John Dunn, Tim Flanders, Tim Huckelbery, Jason Marker, and Rex Vogen Editing and Proofreading Daniel Lovat Clark, Graham Davey, Richard Nicholson, and Mark Pollard Graphic Design Peter Wocken Cover Art Matt Bradbury Interior Art A. L. Ashbaugh, John Blanche, Matt Bradbury, Alberto Bontempi, Victor P. Corbella, Mauro Dal Bo, Wayne England, Zach Graves, David Griffith, Ilich Henriquez, Jason Juta, Ameen Naksewee, Mark W. Smith Art Direction Andy Christensen Managing Art Director Andrew Navaro Production Management Eric Knight Licensing and Development Coordinator Deb Beck Executive Game Designer Corey Konieczka Executive Game Producer Michael Hurley Publisher Christian T. Petersen Games Workshop Licensing Managers John Fr
Powers Unlimited 3 (Heroes Unlimited)
Heroes Unlimited
HU: Powers Unlimited #3Palladium Books ISBN-10: 1574571524 ISBN-13: 978-157457152396 Pages100 new super abilities, random tables and other super-stuff. 'Nuff said.Written by Carmen Bellaire, author of the previous Powers Unlimited books in this series.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
Heroes Unlimited Backgrounds Options The purpose of the backgrounds is to allow a player further develop his or her character beyond the traditional Palladium Books character generation rules through a system of Merits and Flaws. Each character receives fifteen (15) points to purchase Merits and fifteen (15) points to purchase Flaws. The player need not spend all of the points and should not spend them for the sake of spending the points. Each background gives the character certain advantages and disadvantages. A player should have to explain why the character has each background. It should not be because the player thinks that the background is just plain cool. If the character takes a 15 point Special Equipment Merit, the player should explain why he has a 15 point merit, and it better be a good reason. The GM may use Debt and Wanted backgrounds to create more interesting and character-based adventures and campaigns. A character with the Dark Fate background could be the focus of an
Omni Mech Blueprints (Battletech)
FASA Corporation
Unrelenting, these Clan Mechs have decimated regiment after regiment of Inner Sphere Mechs. Nothing can stand before them, and nothing can stop their inexorable drive in the heart of the Inner Sphere. From battlefield reports and salvage, ComStar's ROM technical division has been able to produce technical blueprints for four of the Clan's most feared OmniMechs: the Loki, the Vulture, the Thor, and the Mad Cat.<br /><br />This Clan Blueprint set contains four 22" x 34" OmniMech blueprints printed on heavy poster stock. Each detailed drawing show both the internal and external structure of the OmniMech.
[ "Activities, Crafts & Games", "Science Fiction" ]
[ "Science Fiction &amp; Fantasy", "Gaming" ]
Activities, Crafts & Games
CORE CONSTRUCTION RULES Cover Artist: Doug Chaffee First Publication: Tactical Handbook Year: 1994 ©2007-2020 The Topps Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BattleTech TechManual, Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, BattleMech, ’Mech, and the Topps logo are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Productions, LLC. Printed in China. Under License From ® How does a MechWarrior interface with a How does a MechWarrior interface with a BattleMech? How does a ProtoMech really work? BattleMech? How does a ProtoMech really work? When was the Gauss rifle or the Particle Projector When was the Gauss rifle or the Particle Projector Cannon developed? Or how can I just make my Cannon developed? Or how can I just make my own, cool and unique BattleMech design? If own, cool and unique BattleMech design? If you’ve ever been plagued by these ques
Tattoo Designs (Demons & Dragons)
Speedy Publishing LLC
At Speedy Publishing, we envision our company and publishing arm as being a premier publisher of quick-reference materials, useful reference books, fiction books in all sub-genres and creative non-fiction to both entertain and assist readers worldwide in reading a fun and exciting books and also accomplishing their educational and professional goals. We continually update our products, ensuring accuracy of information, making sure they are fun and entertaining. Our products are always available in whatever format our readers need.
[ "Children's Books", "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Children's Books", "Arts, Music &amp; Photography" ]
Children's Books
Terrors of Athas i TTeerrrroorrss ooff AAtthhaass Editors: Gabriel Cormier Editorial Assistance: Nels Anderson, Mark Hope Lead Designers: Nathan Guest, Mark Hope Secondary Designers: John Gardner, Kael, Gabriel Cormier DS 3 Logo: Robert Adducci Layout: Gabriel Cormier, Sébastien Gamache Cover art: Frédéric Gamache Interior Art: Mike Fleming, Frédéric Gamache Thanks to: Buddy Davis, Sean Dickson, Mike Ring, SjH Major revision: Nels Anderson, Mark Hope, David Schwartz, Mike Ring Legal Notice: Dungeons and Dragons®, D&D, and Dark Sun® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. The content here in is considered to be derivative work (as it is based on the intellectual property owned by Wizards of the Coast), and the articles within are jointly owned by both Wizards of the Coast and their authors. As such neither can do anything outside the official website without the permissi
New Icons of Fashion Illustration
Tony Glenville
"...whether you're an art major, a fashion designer, or simply a clothes enthusiast, this book will likely become the MVP of your coffee table." ~ <i>Nylon Magazine</i>
[ "Arts & Photography" ]
[ "Arts &amp; Photography", "Graphic Design" ]
Arts & Photography
™ ® Ausbauregeln: Magie Ausbauregeln: Magie Ausbauregeln: Magie Ausbauregeln: Magie Ausbauregeln: Magie Ausbauregeln: Magie ™ ® ™ ® Ausbauregeln: Magie Ausbauregeln: Magie Ausbauregeln: Magie IMPRESSUM Lead Designer: Jason Bulmahn Designers: Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor Cover Artist: Wayne Reynolds Interior Artists: Eric Belisle, Paul Guzenko, Ralph Horsley, Andrew Hou, Drew Pocza, Wayne Reynolds, Dan Scott, Craig J Spearing, Christophe Swal, Francis Tsai, Tyler Walpole, and Kieran Yanner Creative Director: James Jacobs Managing Editor: F. Wesley Schneider Development: Stephen Radney-MacFarland and Sean K Reynolds Editing: Judy Bauer, Christopher Carey, Erik Mona, Mark Moreland, and James L. Sutter Editorial Intern: Michael Kenway Senior Art Director: Sarah E. Robinson Graphic Designer: Andrew Vallas Production Specialist: Crystal Frasier Publisher: Erik Mona Paizo CEO: