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during this pandemic. throat pain can be from a strep throat infection (antibiotics needed), a cold or influenza or other virus, or from some other cause such as allergies or irritants. usually, a person sees the doctor (call first) if the sore throat is bothersome, recurrent, or doesn't go away quickly. covid-19 infections tend to have cough, whereas strep throat usually lacks cough but has more throat pain. (3/21/20)
yes. protection. it is not enough symptoms to say that you are a suspect case of covid19; but, independently of this, if you have been in contact with a case, or you present persistent cough (with or without sputum), shortness of breath, wheezing, or you have a chronic disease like diabetes, hypertension, low immune system or cancer, should ask for medical attention. and use all the protection measures.
possible. top symptoms include fever, dry cough and sob. an obvious possibility. if so, your best step is to self-quarntine. remember at your age low risk of complication and typically will pass without issue. if worsening sob be seen. call your provider or check with local health department. these are healthtap guidelines:
in brief: symptoms if you are infected, symptoms will emerge: tiredness, dry cough, fever worsening over 5-14 days. you will also become more infective so self-isolation and good hygiene are vital.only be concerned about covid-19 if: - you have been in contact with someone with a conformed diagnosis of covid-19 - you have visited a high risk area - symptoms worsen and include persistent fever and dry cough would you like to video or text chat with me?
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. pneumonia with pregnancy is always critical.antibiotics as early as possible is the treatment of choice for pneumonia. so better to immediately consult doctor and start antibiotics for pneumonia. drink plenty of fluids orally and keep yourself hydrated. with prompt and appropriate treatment, pneumonia can be cured easily. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
covid 19 is airborne. covid 19 is primarily an airborne acquired infection. the number of potentially infected viruses dissipate by 6 feet.
diaree. no, treat the diaree with fluids and electrolytes, load with probioticslook out for fever,( take paracetamol) or other symptoms.
in brief: wait for now wait for now, keep talking on this platform. stay safe. would you like to video or text chat with me?
nearly. need an n95 mask, gloves and gown as well as eye protection if in contact with aerosol, if working with truely negative she is safe, but we need more testing and to keep mildly ill with corona away from every body else.
hello,go for vaccinations given below:- flu vaccine- staphylococcal vaccine - improve immunity do exercise daily and take citrus food. rule out diabetes.hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,dr. chandra shekhar
symptoms. symptoms lasting for a week that are getting better sounds like process is resolving. covid testing would not be indicated. you should follow the following guidelines:
slim kans van virus. as jou sluim is a gevolge van allergy die sluim is gewoonlike a bleek geel saam met ander symptome soos niesery em jikkerige neus.en daar is a noodlike kans da jy die volle allergiese gene het en dan sal jy ook lui van asthma, hoieoos and moontlik exzeem as a did die "virus" to wees waarvan jy moet bekomerd wees so jy ook 1. hoor koors , 2. droer hoes 3. seer keel and 4. erg hoofpyn he'
in brief: maybe. do video w/dr throat pain can be from a strep throat infection (antibiotics needed), a cold or influenza (antibiotics usually not used), or from some other cause such as allergies or irritants. usually, a person sees the doctor (call first) if the sore throat is bothersome, recurrent, or doesn't go away quickly. covid-19 infections tend to have cough, whereas strep usually lacks cough but has more throat pain. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: no kids are very resilient and the best fighters of this. stay home and stay safe. people spread this virus. your baby will be fine, i don't think hoarseness is corona at all :) keep asking questions as you need to would you like to video or text chat with me?
current symptoms? you may have experienced coronavirus infection. please stay at home until well and without any signs of illness. drink fluids, rest and monitor your temperature. .
hello dear warm welcome to healthcaremagic.comi have evaluated your query for your husband in details .* this odor is in relation with underlying pneumonia causing pathogens * must seek doctor`s opinion immediately , this is not normal .wishing him fine recovery .feel free to ask any further doubts .regards .
in brief: odd comment since all countries have reported cases of covid-19 the question is a bit inconsistent with current fact. any and all people should self quarantine if they had a known exposure in any setting. i would not consider anyone traveling from all areas either exposed or a risk to others. the hysteria of this idea is worse than the disease. would you like to video or text chat with me?
may confirm with
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern.yes, you should definitely consult your doctor.pneumonia spread by coughing. so you might have cought infection from your boyfriend 's grandmother. you are also a diabetic, so lung infections are very easy to affect better to consult your doctor and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and chest x ray.if chest x ray is normal then no need to worry for pneumonia, take simple painkiller like paracetamol for your chest pain.hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
infectious for 3w. if you had corona virus you are infectious for 3 weeks. so you need to stay 2 m away from loved ones. stay home. get someone else to shop for you. stay home. wear a buff over your nose and mouth. do not touch your face, mouth or nose. wash hands for 20 seconds every 20 min.
stay home. right now stay home, keep reporting here. there should be home to home testing coming soon. mild corona virus is easy to treat at home. treat everyone right now as if they have it, including everyone in your home.
it is unlikely. mefical personnel are trained to avoid these situations.nevertheless recommend her to take off her clothes when she gets home and go directly to take a shower. also is recommended to disinfect all the areas she touches before washing her hands, like door knobs and surfaces.
in brief: no not now get telephonic consult via this or other forums. not indicated to be tested right now. use medication you have at home to treat symptoms right now. use this forum if symptoms change. would you like to video or text chat with me?
self isolate. the current guidelines are if you have symptoms and traveled or been in contact with anyone with confirmed covid-19, arrange for testing (wear a mask when you go out). otherwise self isolate for 14 days. if getting worse, also arrange for testing. for more info try whatapps "hi" to doh help line: 0600 123456.
in brief: fever with body ache hello & welcome to healthtap,it could be anything from common cold to covid-19. please go to prompt care. call them before going. when tested for covid-19, self quarantine for total 2 weeks from the onset of symptoms. please wear mask and perform frequent hand washing. avoid ibuprofen/other nsaids, use acetaminophen/ tylenol only. if signs of worsening cough & breathing present then go to ed. would you like to video or text chat with me?
unlikely covid. unlikely to be corona listening to your symptoms. stay home and wear masks (anything that covers nose and mouth) proven to decrease transmission by 50%. if you are unwell in terms of respiratory rate (google) >25 or become medically unstable you need to find a corona hospital emergency room. outside of these conditions stay home and stay safe. the more we all travel in the next 3 days is bad.
hello,  * the pneumonia does not give rise to red urine called hematuria. * there can be possible causes for red blood cells in the urine as  - uncontrolled urinary tract infection - kidney damage via systemic sepsis - abnormal clotting factors or platelet function - side effects of drugs - dehydration related - secondary effects of diabetes - others  * kindly share all reports if available with you for further discussion ahead and guide in details.  hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.  take care  regards, dr bhagyesh v. patel, general surgeon
in brief: probably... ... but we here on this forum answer general medical questions, not particulars of individual medical coverage. call medival aid to know for sure. would you like to video or text chat with me?
no. the vaccines prevent bacterial pneumonia. they have no effect on viral pneumonia.
cov229e is one of several coronaviruses that cause common colds. biologically related to sars-cov-2 (the cause of covid-19), but different viruses.
need more info. have you travelled or come into contact with a corona virus patient ?
self quarantine . suggest self quarantine for 14 days . if symptomatic , contact your primary care physician or use this platform.
in brief: otc medications. you can use over the counter cough and cold medications. since covid-19 is endemic in your state you need to contact your mother's doctor and ask how to proceed. her doctor may want her to be self quarantined and even be tested depending circumstances. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: no worries covid-19 does not survive outdoors. medical officials actually encourages getting outdoors, but keeping your distance from others. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: travel is a risk any travel is a risk, that is how this has spread so yes i would advise you telephonically consult with a doctor and see what they advise is best right now. but locking down requires all of us to stay put to stop transmission. i mean international travel is a risk to get covid and from international folk, especially recently. travel right now to expose yourself and others is also a risk. would you like to video or text chat with me?
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.  * as far as my clinical experience is concerned, the intensity of the symptoms are not under control with oral antibiotics. * in our clinic, i recommend the patient to get hospital admission, start intravenous antibiotics, broncho dilators and other supportive measures to control the same. do give me further chance to assist in future.  hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.
hello, for tuberculosis, akt needs to be started. so confirm tuberculosis by sputum afb stain and culture. if tuberculosis confirmed, then akt should be started. and it is to be taken for around six months. provide reports if available. hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further. regards,dr. parth goswami
in brief: unknown but low based on current data it is low, likely less than 1-2%. however just because you are young doesn’t mean you cannot end up really sick. take care of yourself. social distancing, wash you hands, etc would you like to video or text chat with me?
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern.constant coughing and hypothermia (low body temperature) in pneumonia patient can be due to1. worsening of underlying pneumonia2. bronchitisso better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system, chest x ray and pft (pulmonary function test).yoi may need higher antibiotic and inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or salmeterol).don't worry, you will be alright with all these.hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
in brief: local issue when or where testing is available is a local issue. your post does not reveal your location or even the country you are in. we have no access to or information about health plans or services around the world where this site can be seen. you will need to contact a local health department for such information. would you like to video or text chat with me?
no. fear does not help us right now. this thing is coming. angela merkel said 70% of us will get it. rather stay isolated and access your doctor via a telephonic consult and keep drinking fluids and also boost your immunity.
in brief: not as fragile as one might hope. -80 c does not kill it +56 c does kill it would you like to video or text chat with me?
not particularly . the muscles involved in coughing & vomiting are similar & young children often have difficulty not vomiting if they cough hard enough. i would concentrate of maintaining her fluid balance & see if she gradually improves. these are often simple viruses but need to be monitored closely.
hello,she requires icu care as per the symptomatic details. stephens is right place for her; you will get pulmonologist there to take care of the issue.she has to be shifted with icu on wheels along with ventilator support. cost there has to be inquired.hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,dr. bhagyesh v. patel
yes, maybe, maybe. we presume one is immune to a respiratory virus for a while after getting the infection (that's the way it is with other viruses). a few people have trouble with their antibodies and don't have much immunity. shedding of viruses sometimes is longer than 14 days. in life, there will always be some people who get reinfected, for whatever reason. usually one is immune after the infection. (3/21/20)
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. repeated spiking temperatures (fever) in pneumonia patient is suggestive of nonresolving better to consult pulmonologist and get done sputum culture and sensitivity report. culture report will isolate the causative organism (if it is mrsa or other bacteria) and sensitivity report will guide about effective antibiotic treatment.he may need higher antibiotics on the basis of sensitivity report. by this, we can achieve speedy recovery. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wishing good health to your friend. thanks.
in brief: likely a virus. what you describe is likely caused by a virus, antibiotics don't do anything against viruses. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: doctor can examine throat symptoms can be from a strep throat infection (antibiotics are needed), a cold or influenza, or from some other cause such as allergies, irritants, or acid reflux. usually, one sees the doctor if the sore throat is bothersome, recurrent, or doesn't go quickly (mainly to check for strep throat). during this covid-19 pandemic, doctors want patients to call by video or phone first. (3/25/20) would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: probably not covid19 early covid 19 may not have a fever, but usually does by on average 5 days after exposure. what is your exposure to covid? that is more important to determine the possibility of developing covid 19 would you like to video or text chat with me?
hello,  as you explain the history for giving you a correct opinion i should see his chest x-ray and blood tests.  hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.  take care  regards, dr jnikolla, pulmonologist
hello as you explain the history it might be a gastric reflux present that has caused the pneumonia. discuss with his doctor. regards dr.jolanda
in brief: maybe being over 50 with a medical condition like intermittent asthma makes you at higher risk for any respiratory illness including covid19. it appears to be less an issue for children and youth.
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service.i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.pneumococcal vaccine is protective against 23 types of streptococcus pneumonia bacteria. this bacteria is the most common organism (80% cases) for pneumonia.but there are other bacterias which can cause pneumonia. and in such cases, pneumococcal vaccine is not you and your brother might be having some other bacterial pneumonia. second-hand smoking is also a contributing factor to your pneumonia.hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,dr. kaushal bhavsar
thanks for your question on healthcare magic. i can understand your concern. in my opinion, you need higher antibiotic,inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroid (ics) for your current symptoms. constant coughing at night can be due to worsening of pneumonia or bronchitis. so consult pulmonologist and get done chest x ray and pft (pulmonary function test). chest x ray is for pneumonia and pft is for bronchitis. don't worry, you will be alright with all these. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service.i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.imodium is having loperamide. it is not a good drug for diarrhea. so you should not take it. you should definitely take probiotics as they are the first line treatment for diarrhea. along with probiotics, eat more curd and yogurt. avoid oily and spicy food. avoid junk food. drink oral re-hydration solution (ors) and zinc tablet. don't worry, you will be alright with all these. hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards, dr. kaushal bhavsar
consider chest image. pneumonia may occur and if you continue to spike fevers, please see your pcp for a chest image and reevaluation. testing for additional bacterial and viral causes may be performed at the same time. stay at home at least for three days after the fever has broken and avoid contact with others. .
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service.i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.pneumonia causes pleurisy (inflammation of pleura). so chest pain is commonly seen with pneumonia and anti-inflammatory painkiller drugs like paracetamol or ibuprofen should be tried. you can also apply warm water pad on affected areas of the chest. once your pneumonia is cured, your pain will definitely subside. mucinex is a good drug for pneumonia. it actually dilutes the secretions and made them easy to cough out. so continue with mucinex. hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,      dr. kaushal bhavsar
viral physiology. hiv is a virus that exists to replicate and increase its numbers, primarily, it’s just how the virus functions, prioritizes replication over other functions. i’m sure there is more complex immunologic answer from a specialist in infectious diseases.
hard to guess. if you are living in an area affected with covid-19 pandemic certainly it arouse suspicion if you are infected. your age is aginst criteria. it may well be what you have is bronchitis or flu. isolate yourself and get in touch with your doctor preferably via telemedicine to find out about where you can be tested and your treatment path forward. .
incubation period. stay home, rest and drink fluids for at least three more days . you may have been exposed to the virus. if you develop symptoms of the flu, fever, dry cough and/or shortness of breath, please arrange testing and a call with your pcp.
diabetes + covid-19. have you been diagnosed as a diabetic, or just someone with slightly elevated a1c? reports are that diabetics, especially males, are at greater risk. follow all precautions that have been posted all over the internet and have been printed in newspapers. if you have a sore throat and a fever, call your general physician and follow his/her directions completely.
well done. you are a star level headed, keep going at home and support everyone over your well sterilised phone. ;)
helloyes according to the history it might be pneumonia.continue the current treatment.regardsdr.jolanda
in brief: consult first better to consult either telephonically or virtually. lancet and ampath are doing tests. discovery will pay if it is positive. gift of the givers are also doing drive through testing for r750.00 - at least in pietermaritzburg. discovery have a covid fund. would you like to video or text chat with me?
thanks for your question on healthcare magic. i can understand your concern. in my opinion, her diarrhoea is mostly due to amoxicillin. amoxicillin can cause diarrhea on second exposure. so you should stop amoxicillin. there are options for oral antibiotics other than amoxicillin like cefixime, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin etc. and left basal pneumonia means lung infection in lower lobe of left lung. so antibiotics are the mainstay of treatment. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wishing good health to your mother.thanks.
in brief: covid 19 tests you can be tested either at any of the private labs or at selected government clinics. you need to meet the criteria for testing before it is done. would you like to video or text chat with me?
listen carefully, you need full check up of lung and heart and some extent blood. i mention here some investigation if you prefer to do it1. cbc lft, kft, 2. serum ige total3. xray pa chest 4. ecg and 2d echo5. if possible hrct thorax
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. in my opinion, you are mostly having bronchospasm which is causing this suffocating feeling. pneumonia causes inflammation in airways and this in turn causes bronchospasm. so in my opinion, you should ask your doctor about starting inhaled bronchodilators like formoterol or salmeterol to relieve bronchospasm. also avoid stress and tension, be relax and calm. don't worry, you will be alright with all these. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
in brief: self quarantine suggest self quarantine for 14 days. if symptomatic then contact your primary care physician telephonically, or alternatively use this platform to get tested and further management. godspeed. would you like to video or text chat with me?
seek care right away if difficulty breathing, other severe symptoms. seek testing if sick, plus known covid-19 contact, or travel to high risk country, or been in facility treating people with covid-19, or severe pneumonia of unknown cause. call 0800 029 999 for test. if sick or possibly exposed (not both), stay home. seek consultation if sick. if known exposure & not sick, self-isolate 14 days.
take care. 1. wash your hands2. stay home as much as you can3. control your glucose levels4. meditate or search for breathing exercises.
hello,to be honest, there is a chance of cross infection from one person to another. however, this depends on so many factors and most of the infections, especially bacterial pneumonia, do not transmit easily. if more than one arm distance, the chance is very little and if not too close (like kissing etc.) the chance is further reduced. if two of them are already on antibiotics, as in your case, there is a chance but in the setting what u described, it is extremely unlikely. hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,      dr. mahboob ur rahman
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service.i have reviewed your query and here is my per your history and description, the possibility of end-stage heart disease leads to heart failure is more likely. surgical treatment is best for this. so try to get it done urgently as soon as possible.diuretics and other cardiac supportive drugs are advisable until surgery. so better to consult the cardiologist and try for early surgery.hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,dr. kaushal bhavsar
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. for diagnosis of pneumonia, chest x ray need to have infiltration.with normal chest x ray, pneumonia is not possible. cough, congestion, crackles on auscultation are also seen with bronchitis. and bronchitis shows normal chest x ray it is quite possible that you improve within antibiotic because antibiotics also work in bronchitis. so i don't think you are having pneumonia because your chest x ray is normal. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
yes, but... bacteria are living creatures, like the rest of us. viruses are missing some parts so are not living unless they are inside another living creature. viruses that are by themselves are dormant like seeds or spores, waiting to be reactivated. in a general sense, it is fine to think of viruses as living things, but technically speaking, they are not independently living when alone.
in brief: +- covid19 (see bel) there are multiple causes of those symptoms, including covid 19, but only go for a test if,1. you have traveled to high risk countries in the last 2-4 weeks2. you have had +ve contact with a known +ve covid 19 case3. if you have a high fever with your sore throat + severe headache + dry cough.hope that helps.rgdsdr wayne korras would you like to video or text chat with me?
not particularly. the facts are your nose & upper airway add humidity to the air you breathe to the point it reaches ~100% at the level of air exchange. vaporizers help loosen thicker mucus in the upper airways so you can cough it up, but it would not have any effect on the deep airways or any germs that reach them. .
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. swimming pool water is full of organisms. so possibility of relapse of pneumonia is more likely because your symptoms, coughing, wheezing, chest pain are more suggestive of pneumonia. so consult your doctor and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and chest x ray. if chest x ray is showing fresh infiltrates then you will need another course of antibiotics, mucolytic and expectorant drugs. avoid swimming for atleast 1 month.hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
booster vaccinations. you should have had a booster at 12 years and that lasts for 10 years. if your last tdap was at 6yrs then you are overdue. i agree with waiting for after the covid pandemic unless you have an injury that would require tetanus immunity. stay safe. .
contact your doctor. in the mean time self quarantine yourself. if you do not have a doctor call your local health resources to find out where you can be tested. it may be difficult to come by a testing location in some countries.
in brief: yes call your doctor for advise. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: telephonic consult? could well be another respiratory virus, i would stay home for now. use this platform to consult either virtually or ask more questions. use home medicine - decongestant and pain medication. stay away from any anti-inflammatories if possible. keep up warm fluids. would you like to video or text chat with me?
hello dear , hiwarm welcome to healthcaremagic.comi have evaluated your query thoroughly .* suggestions for better recovery in this case - maintain hydration with plenty of liquids .- balanced nutritious diet .- avoid excess sugar , spicy , oily , non veg , chilled beverages .- gargles with salted lukewarm water added peppermint oil 3 times / day - avoid exposure to dust / pollens , if necessary use triple layer face mask- continue antibiotics , decongestants as per advise of the doctor .- ent visit for tonsillar issue .hope this will help you for sure .regards .
in brief: cough of covid-19 in covid-19, cough is usually dry, persistent (initially not much different from a cold), then turns into wet with mucus and high fever (pneumonia). in severe cases, severe shortness of breath and oxygen desaturation can develop after the pneumonia (severe respiratory distress syndrome). would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: lab if necessary most commercial labs such as lancet, ampath and pathcare can test. but the labs are stretched and test kits in short supply. only tests if:you have symptoms that are not resolvingyou have been in contact with someone diagnosed with covid-19you have traveled from a high risk area would you like to video or text chat with me?
thanks for your question on healthcare magic. i can understand your concern. radiological resolution takes 2-3 weeks in pneumonia. so it is possible that patient of pneumonia is improved symptomatically but still show pneumonia on chest x ray. so in my opinion, you should should waiting for 2 weeks more. get done repeat chest x ray after 2 weeks.if chest x ray is showing pneumonia then go for ct thorax and bronchoscopy to rule out lung cancer, tuberculosis, fungal pneumonia. if xun4 ray is improving then no need to worry. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wishing good health to your mother. thanks.
thanks for your question on healthcare magic. i can understand your concern. bronchiectesis is permanently damaged part of lung. so bacterial colonization is common in bronchiectesis. and this gives repeated pneumonia attacks. so best and permanent cure for this is surgical removal of bronchiectic part of lung. so consult cardio thoracic surgeon and discuss about surgical removal. another option is culture and sensitivity based treatment. get done sputum culture and sensitivity report. culture will identify the causative organism and sensitivity report will guide about effective antibiotic treatment. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wishing good health to your friend. thanks.
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your have given oral antibiotic for pneumonia.this itself suggests that you are had walking pneumonia (no serious type).levofloxacin is broad spectrum antibiotic and usually sufficient for walking if you are don't have fever or coughing at present and feel good then you can definitely fly. no harm in it.hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
in brief: infection looking at the data people that have the virus can spread it. there are cases of viral spread that have been linked from sign of having virus to up to 10 to 14 days prior. probably within days of infection your are a problem. would you like to video or text chat with me?
hello gigi !coughing up blood with sputum (henoptysis) is a red flag sign .. meaning to say it definitely needs medical attention . considering you have had tb in the past there are many possibilities for your present episodes of hemoptysis. it could me a bacterial infection or relapse of tb or post tb bronchiectasis (abnormal permanent dilation of your airways at few places which happens when they get damaged due to your past tb). take a course of antibiotic as prescribed by your physician ,consult with your physician and discuss about taking drugs like tranexemic acid which reduce the bleeding tendency , cough suppressants . while sleeping, lie on the side which was previously affected by tb and be on complete bed rest . once your hemoptysis gets controlled go for sputum examination to check for tb bacilli , chest x ray and if needed hrct thorax (to pick up bronchiectasis which can sometimes be not evident on x ray). since u mentioned severe back pain , vascular abnormalities concerning the descending aorta (the major blood vessel carrying blood from the heart)needs to be also considered treatment is to be decided based on the cause for your review with your physician and get the necessary investigations done.
in brief: if you are dying everything is in motion and medical decisions are fluid, so you won't know until it happens. that's because a healthy person under 50 won't die (has maybe half a percent chance of dying) from covid-19, but a guy aged 70-80 has a 7-8% chance of dying from this... about the same as a non-elderly diabetic. that means the old guy and the diabetic both have about a 92-93% chance of not dying. (3/25/20) would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: urgent care! you must go to an urgent care center or emergency room as soon as possible to have an exam at which time lab tests & a chest x-ray should be ordered to help determine your diagnosis. the sooner you are properly evaluated & treated the better! i wish you well with your health! would you like to video or text chat with me?
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. in my opinion, you should take her to sgpgi, lucknow and consult pulmonologist there.she needs bronchoscopy, bal (bronchoalveolar lavage) analysis and tblb (trans bronchial lung biopsy).bal analysis will identify the causative organism for pneumonia. tblb is needed to rule out lung cancer. don't worry, she will be alright. first diagnose her and then start appropriate treatment. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wishing good health to your mother. thanks.
better to skip. the protective gear is not protectve enough to prepare food.
alcohol for covid-19. washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is extremely effective. using an alcohol based hand sanitizer is a good second line of defense. sanitizer contains emollient to help prevent dehydration. straight alcohol doesn't. follow all of the other published rules.
viral infection. most likely a non-specific viral infection.check your temperature.if persistently raised an symptoms don't clear in 7 days, consult your doctor.most likely a non-specific viral infection.only be concerned about covid-19 if:you have been in contact with someone with a conformed diagnosis of covid-19you have visited a high risk areasymptoms worsen and include persistent fever and dry cough.
hello,  according to the history you prescribed he needs a chest ct to evaluate better the situation.  hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.  regards, dr. jnikolla, pulmonologist
hello it is hard to predict her clinical picture. usually it depends on her heart situation and her treating doctor knows better. regards dr.jolanda
in brief: call a doctor you may need a doctor’s order asap if you’ve been exposed and are symptomatic, to get tested, so call to get that order, and when you go to get tested, please try to place a mask on your face to protect others if you can would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: covid these are healthtap guidelines:https://www. agree your symptoms should be improving. contact provider. would you like to video or text chat with me?
covid-19? it sounds like your mom is in good hands. if she has covid, they will know how to treat it. if the pneumonia is beleived to be bacterial, they will treat with antibiotics. there is no proved effective treatment for coronavirus itself. ask her doctors if she is a candidate for remdesivir -- not proved effective but sometimes available on a "compassionate" basis for severely ill patients. good luck.
in brief: call your doctor call your doctor's office for instructions would you like to video or text chat with me?
seek help. contact to your doctor or go to er for trouble to breath. if you go to er they test you for covid 19. your mother also can be tested if symptomtic.
diabetes and covid. in all cases, the better the blood sugar is controlled, the better the immune system can function. eating healthy, exercising as tolerated, and control blood sugars are close to normal as your doctor advises, is the best plan. .
sounds risky. using symptoms of fever, cough, or runny nose to screen for covid-19 is not accurate because colds and flu have such symptoms. covid testing is by nasal swab, but there's a shortage of test kits in this pandemic. only local resources know local testing sites, times, restrictions. even a negative test does not guarantee one does not have covid-19. safest for people to stay away from icu patients.
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. possibility of post infectious bronchitis is more likely. bronchitis (inflammation of airways) is common after pneumonia.and persistent dry cough and chest pain are mostly due to better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and pft (pulmonary function test).pft will not only diagnose bronchitis but it will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. you will mostly improve with inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or salmeterol) and inhaled corticosteroid (ics) (budesonide or fluticasone).don't worry, you will be alright with all these. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
depends on severity. covid-19 pandemic at this time, so a doctor on video may consult by video instead of requiring an in-person visit. flu-like symptoms can be from a strep throat infection, a cold or influenza, or from some other cause like covid-19. usually, a person calls the doctor if the symptoms are bothersome, serious, recurrent, or persistent. covid-19 testing depends on local availability.
eyes, nose, mouth. not ears. see
hello,after a long chronic disease, there is hair fall present, it is normal but you have a lump, and it is back, maybe it is a lipoma or subcutaneous have to investigate all these things like serum biotin level, zinc level, fnac of that lump after usg. till then take tablet astymin m forte for three months at least and biotin-rich foods.hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,dr. chandra shekhar
in brief: eye pain eye pain can be for various reasons. bilateral eye pain would be less likely foreign body although dusts can cause this. conjunctivitis can be bilateral from either bacteria, virus or allergies. light exposure can cause eye irritation. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: test if can don't go to a public space, consult via the telephone or get a coronavirus test would you like to video or text chat with me?
respected user , hi thanks for using healthcaremagic.comi have evaluated your query thoroughly .* all symptoms are in relation with underlying lung condition giving rise to broncho alveolar constrictions , pleura irritation with systemic manifestations* as there is not much relief of oral medications given till now , i strongly recommend to get hospitalised treatment & early better recovery through iv antibiotics , bronchodilators, supportive nursing care hope this clears your querywelcome for any further assistance regards .
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service.i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.if your mother is on a ventilator due to pneumonia, then 1. et tube sputum for culture and sensitivity 2. higher antibiotics 3. monitoring of bp and o2 4. she will improve when best intensivist will see this case hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards, dr. chandra shekhar
in brief: covid-19 criteria do you have any medical conditions that would put you at high risk? if so, i would book a virtual consult with a dr. if not, we are not currently testing due to lack of capacity if there is no fever, dry cough & shortness of breath with travel history. i would treat for flu and complete 14 days (possibly longer if still sick) quarantine and contact a dr if condition changes would you like to video or text chat with me?
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. pneumococcal vaccine is live attenuated vaccine. so it is contraindicated in active infections like pneumonia because it can flare up infection. so better not to take pneumococcal vaccine at present. get complete cure from current pneumonia and then take pneumococcal vaccine. don't worry if time period between two vaccine is more than 5 years.hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
in brief: if that is all you have by now you don't have the chinese virus. would you like to video or text chat with me?
probably not. fever and cough, headache, body aches are much more common. please follow your symptoms, treat appropriately. honey in hot tea, gargle with salt water, suck hard candy. secrets/cepachol losenges should decrease symptoms. good luck.
more detail. do you have a temperature ?have you traveled internationally or locally?do you have a fever ?it is seeming to be becoming necessary to be more vigilant about covid-19.i suggest you make an appointment to see a doctor.
unlikely. follow this guideline, but i do not see evidence you need to isolate.
telephonic consult. get tested but you need to consult first, telephonically and get access to a test if you can, stay at home treat with panado only and a lot of fluids, rest :)
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.  in my opinion, you should definitely consult pulmonologist for this pain. you will need a chest x-ray and pft (pulmonary function test). a chest x-ray is needed to rule out recurrence of pneumonia because this can also cause similar kind of pain. pft is needed to know the severity of asthma. you may need inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or salmeterol) and inhaled corticosteroids (ics) (budesonide or fluticasone). don't worry, you will be alright with all these.   hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
without any details it's impossible to say.
in brief: basically the hpv virus is transferred within fluids generated during intercourse. a mechanical skin contact appears to be part of the process but defining the exact amount of contact required is difficult. the genital strains of hpv are specific to those locations. there are other hpv strains that cause things like skin warts but these are different. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: yes i would advise screening due to your exposure. fever is very commonly associated with covid-19. stay at home, rest, drink fluids and monitor your temperature. arrange the testing which also may include a chest image with your pcp. since your have been traveling, a pulmonary embolism is another possible cause of your shortness of breath. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: question you have not posted a question. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: very unlikely it sounds more like a viral cold. covid does not present this way. treat the symptoms,consult gp if worse or if sputum changes color. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: yes it helps to keep the body in good shape and good nutrition.
covid-19 symptoms. nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea occur fairly frequently early in the infection, but are rarely if ever the only symptoms. if cough and fever don't develop within a day or two after vomiting or diarrhea, probably it isn't covid-19.
in brief: water and soap it is best, providing available easily. trying not to touch shared places would also protect to some extent. would you like to video or text chat with me?
hard to say. is the mucous coloured or clear? try to access health advice as you are. stay home. it could be covid but if you are fairly asymptomatic stay home and keep asking questions on this platform. it is safer for you and others. treat symptomatically for now. and keep asking on here.
covid 19. dear patient.what is your concern/ symptoms?dr wil.
safer to quarantine. screening procedures to identify who has covid-19 are not very reliable and vary depending on location (city, county, state, nation) and entity type (airline boarding, border control, clinic, school, etc.). three months into the epidemic, the safest is to self-quarantine for 14-21 days upon arrival. reliable test for virus is via nasal swab, but there's a shortage of test kits in most places.
in brief: many causes. most cases of covid-19 with symptoms are associated with fever, however milder cases do occur. your shortness of breath and difficulty breathing may have a number of causes and should be evaluated. please call your pcp. avoid dust, mold, smoke, animal dander, pollen. your symptoms also are consistent with an allergic reaction. would you like to video or text chat with me?
stay home. family members should stay home and avoid contact with your brother. keep linens, bath area and utensils separated. he should monitor his temperature, drink fluids, rest and your family should be screened for coronavirus.
in brief: source of bleeding there are many causes of the small amount of blood in your sputum. you may have a nasal or upper airway source. strep infection, influenza are possible causes. covid-19 typically is associated with fever, dry cough and/or shortness of breath.. please contact your pcp for an evaluation, possible chest image and evaluation of the source of the bleeding. would you like to video or text chat with me?
hello,since, you are feeling better after albuterol (inhaled bronchodilator), possibility of bronchitis (inflammation of airways) is more likely for your symptoms.bronchitis is common after lung infection (pneumonia). so, it is better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and pft (pulmonary function test).pft will not only diagnose bronchitis but it will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity will mostly improve with inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or salmeterol) and inhaled corticosteroid (ics) (budesonide or fluticasone).hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,dr. kaushal bhavsar
depends on severity. covid-19 pandemic at this time, so a doctor on video may consult by video instead of requiring an in-person visit. flu-like symptoms can be from a strep throat infection, a cold or influenza, or from some other cause like covid-19. usually, a person calls the doctor if the symptoms are bothersome, serious, recurrent, or persistent. covid-19 testing depends on local availability. (3/22/20)
covid-19 and ra. some anecdotal data showed that chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine might have activity against covid-19. observation from china wuhan noted that patients with ra and on these medications had low incidence of covid-19 infection. there is however no definite proof yet at this time. in terms of whether you can stop methotrexate, you better discuss with your rheumatologist for the benefit and risk. .
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.  according to the history it might be a viral situation or an allergy. don't worry so much she is under medical control.  regards   dr.jolanda
in brief: not enough tests aside from really sick people and hospitalized patients, there aren't enough pcr viral tests in the us. for now, we tell people that if they are healthy, just keep 6 feet from other people, and remember that high-touch objects have viruses. if people have any symptoms, even just sniffles, they isolate themselves, and call their doctors if having moderate or worsening symptoms. (3/23/20) would you like to video or text chat with me?
yes. everyone with flu like symptoms should be tested for covid19. test is becoming more widely available in the united states as the pandemic worsens.
in brief: coronavirus lives new coronavirus may live on surfaces for a few hours or a few days depending on the type of surface, temperature or humidity. one report indicated that new coronavirus can survive on hard surfaces for up to 72 hours and on cardboard for up to 24 hours. would you like to video or text chat with me?
watch and wait. with very mild symptoms you do not need to be tested.your temperature is important. if your symptoms worsen or a fever develops or you start coughing and shortness of breath you need to seek help. stay home and treat the symptoms with paracetamol.
no. the coronavirus apparently only needs to be in contact with the mucosa of the lips, mouth, nose and eyes to infect someone.please stay home and follow the recommendations of the local authorities.
in brief: yes i am unaware of any contraindication to using bcp and the virus. would you like to video or text chat with me?
respected user, hi i evaluated whole long query in total details thoroughly .* now only options left for you is holistic healing with herbs & other things.* current respiratory details & status are not mentioned with symptoms to figure out for the pneumonia, but for mental condition i can say that only & only thing which can help you to any extent is very deep meditation sessions on highly regular basis 2-3 hours of dedicated yoga daily which will give your inner soul & subcouncious mind the level of peace you are lacking at present .hope this helps you .welcome for any further assistance .thanks for using & giving me an opportunity to assistwishing you a healthy life ahead .regards dear take care.
in brief: death at 38 your risk of death from the virus is low. if you diabetes is controlled you should not have particularly higher risk. poorly controlled diabetes would make a difference. would you like to video or text chat with me?
7 days. stay at home for 7 days without symptoms. monitor your temperature, rest, drink fluids if symptoms develop, please notify your physician and test. .
do you have diagnosed it correctly ? go for hrct chest , or bronchoscopy for same. take i.v. antibiotics and then oral. complete course of antibiotics. for costochondritis apply analgesics ointment on it along with systemic anti inflammatory drugs. get done diagnosis proper. you will definitely able to work again.
in brief: it may help. coronavirus infections may make individuals more susceptible to catching other viral or bacterial infections, esp. if there are underlying respiratory conditions such as asthma or copd, cardiac conditions or immunocompromised states. flu vaccines may afford a certain level of protection to kids, but they do not protect against all strains of the influenza virus. would you like to video or text chat with me?
corona. i am unaware of any data that suggests the virus causes heart problems. the primary cause of death has been respiratory infections which lead to pneumonia and ards. older smokers the most susceptible. now, in that group other comorbid problems include renal failure and cardiac events. at 34 stick with standard precautions to prevent disease. .
hello, please answer the following: any travel history in the last one month? any use of airports? any fever, have you checked the temperature? any cough? any mucus or phlegm? how is your sleep? is there any malaise or body aches or weakness?
hi, most probably with the history it does not appear like a severe problem or coronavirus infection. is sore throat severe and does the pain last the whole day? do you smoke or drink? can you try taking sudafed, tylenol, and zyrtec and try getting sleep for a few days? i am sure that will make you feel better. avoid exposure to smoke dust and cold winds. keep the ac to a minimum or use ceiling fan instead. drink plenty of water and warm fluids. avoid eating out, partying. avoid unnecessary travel. you need not quarantine yourself in the strictest manner but some amount of restrictions in interacting and meeting with the community is advised. lastly, where are you currently? your place of residence and country? is it a corona endemic country? did you talk to or interact with any known or suspected flu patient? can you please take a picture of the back of the throat with open mouth showing details of the tonsils and pharyngeal wall and send it to me?
hi, you have got it right. follow all the precautions. you will be alright soon. try getting a good sleep tonight. i heard about the cases in sf. my brother was supposed to fly there from india for work but his meeting got canceled in the wake of the virus. yes, your camera has not done a decent job this time around. it has not focussed on our area of interest. (attachment removed to protect patient identity). but yours has picked up the two big bumps in the back of the throat (enlarged tonsils). the tonsils could be enlarged due to the current infection and sore throat problem you are having. once the problem is resolved they should get back to their normal size, which i guess, in you, must be slightly big. the pharyngeal wall between the tonsils could be having some granular bumps which are quite common during an infection. now you do not worry, for most such infections are due to viruses (not corona). they usually get better with time and supportive treatment. traditional indian forms of medicine advise honey and hot water. tea makes a good addition i guess. sudafed and zyrtec appropriate for your weight will help additionally. tylenol every time you got pain will help you tide over this period wonderfully. now watch for some warning symptoms fever, increased pain, thick mucus, thick postnasal drip, severe malaise, swelling in the neck, etc. in such cases promptly revert to me. you may need a z pack then.
hello, always protonix is better than zantac. try using protonix (pantoprazole). do not lie down immediately after consuming meals. do not drink a lot of water after a meal. avoid spicy and oily foods.
hi, you need to take pantoprazole or any other proton pump inhibitor. avoid heavy meals. the issue appears like a heartburn problem due to acidity only. it does not appear sinister.
hi, do not worry about it. drink plenty of water but not immediately after a meal. eat well cooked meats.
hi, do not worry so much. you will be absolutely alright. give it some time. if you are not getting better we can do laryngoscopy and check if there is anything wrong with the larynx. do you eat healthy food and do exercises?
i guess you are in the right track. with regards to food diet and exercise. restart doing your exercise. keep yourself active. try having more than three meals a day but keep the quantity of each meal less than the usual. that way you eat more frequently but without putting weight or adding unnecessary calories.
in brief: may do video consult covid-19 pandemic at this time, so one's doctor may want to consult by video instead of requiring an in-person visit. some medications are refillable by video, others are not. in this pandemic, one's primary care doctor, who knows the patient well, can usually get meds to the patient without an in-person visit... unless an exam is needed in order to adjust the meds. just ask the doctor. would you like to video or text chat with me?
primarily he suffering reflux disease which causes repeated aspiration and pneumonia so correction of underlying pathology will resolve pneumonia and as for concern about antibiotic and treatment of pneumonia use of antibiotics for prolong period can cause development of resistant organisms
in brief: phone triage. call your gp's office for instructions and identify local resources. your symptoms are suggesting sinusitis (other causes still possible) that is frequently viral and self limited. local regulations should also be followed in such circumstances. self quarantine will work for all in trying to prevent the spread. hydration and rest will also work regardless of what the cause for your symptoms is. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: no you are not more than the next person :) relax self isolate would you like to video or text chat with me?
it depends... due to limited availability of covid testing, you probably wouldn’t meet criteria for testing, unless you develop fever or cough, and you have chronic health problems or have been possibly exposed to care right away if difficulty breathing or severe online or phone consultation otherwise, to avoid exposure.ultimately, patients who need treatment will have lung symptoms.
real vs. textbook. real-life criteria is different because we don't have enough tests, supplies, or medical staff around the world at this time (march 2020). textbook criteria are suspected covid in hospitalized persons or in those with underlying medical conditions; or persons who got symptoms less than 14 days after (1) contact with a suspect or confirmed covid patient or (2) travel through high-risk covid area.
thanks for your question on healthcare magic. i can understand your concern. small cell lung cancer is commonly caused by cigarette smoking. actually cigarette smoke causes irritation to lung mucosa. chronic irritation causes structural and genetic changes which leads to malignant nodule. this nodule grows with time and forms mass like lesion. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. thanks.
hello, i understand your concern. i just have a few more questions. does your cough has phlegm? any other symptoms like difficulty breathing? any other medical condition such as asthma, hypertension? are you a smoker? alcoholic beverage drinker?
hi, i would recommend you take n-acetylcysteine 200 mg powder dissolved in water three times a day. you may also nebulize using pnss (saline nebulizer) three times a day. this will help the phlegm to come out. i would also recommend you take vitamin c 500 mg and zinc to boost your immune system. if symptoms persist, worsen or new onset of symptoms has been noted, further consult is advised.
in brief: do you have access if you have access to testing you can be tested, more importantly have you had contact with someone who is postive htat you know, have you travelled?do you have a fever? would you like to video or text chat with me?
not yet. only if your respiration rate (google that) per minute goes above 25 and you really feel you are battling to breath. use this forum if your symptoms change. we are here for you.
the symptom pattern is not specific to one agent. it suggests a cold and ear infection. kids have been among those least affected by covid-19 . only proper screening and testing could confirm or exclude this or any other agent. parainfluenza, rhinovirus, or rsv would be more likely.
screening test if. if you develop symptoms of dry cough, fever and/or shortness of breath, consider re testing since the test may convert to a positive test if infected. other causes should be considered including an allergic reaction. try one dose of an antihistamine and gauge improvement. stay at home for three days if there is no fever. .
hello dear jean , hiwarm welcome to healthcaremagic.comi have evaluated your query in details .* the urine color is in relation with side effect of penicillin , not a part of pneumonia .* has to be addressed immediately to your treating doctor for this issue .wishing you fine recovery .welcome for any further guidance .regards .
hello,any infection if severe can suppress bone marrow. and this is responsible for low wbc (white blood cells) count. so better to start injectable antibiotics for control of infection. she may need leucovorin injection to stimulate bone marrow for producing wbcs. once her infection is controlled, she will have a normal wbc count. hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,dr. kaushal bhavsar
in brief: vte i am unaware that vte (venous thromboembolism) is associated with increased risk for severe infection. keep in mind at 42 your risk is low for severe infection. otherwise do not smoke or start. consider vitamin d3 and vitamin c and make sure you stay active. also social distancing is not social isolation. remember this too will pass! would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: can give dr. a call. throat pain can be from a strep throat infection (antibiotics needed), a cold or influenza (antibiotics usually not used), or from other causes such as allergies, irritants, or covid-19. usually, a person sees the doctor (call first) if the sore throat is bothersome, recurrent, or doesn't go away quickly. covid-19 tends to have cough, whereas strep usually lacks cough but has more throat pain would you like to video or text chat with me?
break. at 39 your risk for severe infections is very low. a strategy that i recommend is taking in information daily, but get away from it. practice prudent precautions. in my off times away from er (still practicing front line er) i focus my mind on my cooking, planning my garden, engage with my friends and loved ones and read.
possible virus. this is likely a viral infection. if you have a fever and/or the cough or sore throat get worse, you should be examined by your doctor. if you've been exposed to a particular illness, such as strep or the flu or coronavirus, you may need to be tested.for now, rest, drink fluids, take acetaminophen or ibuprofen as needed if you have no medical contraindication.
covid and tb. patients with a history of underlying lung disease do have a higher risk of morbidity and mortality with covid infection. it is important to self isolate and maintain social distancing as per the current protocols. should you suspect covid infection get screened as early as possible.
in brief: unlikely not at this point. treat what you have currently symptomatically. stock up now whilst not yet on lockdown. i don't feel that you qualify for a covid test right now. keep posting your questions.
in brief: unknown without any details it's impossible to say. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: covid19 even though your have no fever or shortness of breath, your travel history fits criteria to be tested. i suggest you get tested for covid19 - speak with your gp to advise further, self isolate in the meanwhile would you like to video or text chat with me?
conflicting info. i have seen articles on both sides of using advil or motrin. personally i would recommend not using it because side effects, interactions and complications from nsaids in general. acetaminophen is safer.
in brief: covid-19 this may be influenza or covid 19 and warrants a call to your physician to get instructions of whether to be examined,cultured and/or tested for covid 19 virus, ordered to have a chest xray and/or started, on antibiotics. a lot depends on whether you're in an endemic area or have been exposed to someone who has the infection or had travelled from an affected region. gargle,avoid dehydration. would you like to video or text chat with me?
perhaps not now. see how you go, going out right now is really a big risk. we are here and can communicate during the lockdown period. the government are making more tests available and safely so. trust our government. stay home right now.
in brief: covid 19 the incubation period of covid 19 is 2-14 days and you're past that. however if fever, chills, heavier cough, or breathing difficulties develop, call your md for instructions. for now, drink adequate fluids, gargle with warm salt water. i recommend also using zinc lozenges and take acetaminophen. don't infect others regardless of what type of infection you have. would you like to video or text chat with me?
hey brent,if you feeling low and drowsy with pneumonia then you must take appropriate antibiotics.if required might get admitted to get done i.v. treatment.
rash. how long has it been going on? may be food allergies, most common are dairy products so you could try a week with no dairy and see if there is a change, others allergens include eggs , wheat. could try zyrtec children's 2 ml once a day and see if it helps itching. rarely i have seen strep manifest with rash for which you need a culture. speak to a pediatrician on healthtap prime or call md.
less likely nt immun. your body will develop antibodies against the virus but depending on how strong you keep your immune system, it is possible to get it again if you're re-exposed with a weak immune system .
it actually works. as does washing your hands with soap and water. all the germs die after using it, so they become harmless. sanitizer and washing your hands will help protect you, but you can still catch covid-19 through your mouth and nose and inhaled into the lungs. social distance and quarantine as needed.
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.  recurrent chest infections in asthma patients can cause bronchitis. so better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and pft (pulmonary function test). pft will not only diagnose bronchitis but it will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. you will mostly improve with inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or salmeterol) and inhaled corticosteroid (ics) (budesonide or fluticasone). don't worry, you will be alright with all these.   hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further.   wish you good health!   thanks.
lung whiteout and loss of heart outline are findings of chest x-ray compatible with many abnormal conditions affecting the lungs, like pneumonia, pleural effusion, acute respiratory distress syndrome among others. in the actual setting, your father is already receiving treatment to his pneumonia. all the other possibilities are probably been considerated and adressed by ccu staff. weaning from mechanical ventilation is sometimes challenging because many factors can impair patients evolution, like how long he's been in mv, his nutrition status, his cardiovascular performance and resolution of the cause that led him to mv in the first place.
protection. stay at home as much as possible, clean your hands and your children hands after any contact with people, alcohol is very helpful; avoid touching your face when you are not sure your hands are clean. in crowded places, wear protection like n95 surgical mask. playing outside is ok, but apply these measures and stay way 6 ft from any unknown health status person.
in brief: uri your symptoms are consistent with a flu like upper respiratory tract infection. treatment would be resting, drinking adequate fluids and taking acetaminophen. chest discomfort or shortness of breath would be concerning and if you've been exposed to anyone with covid19, who has been in an affected region or if you live in a region where covid19 is present, notify your md and get tested. would you like to video or text chat with me?
respected sir, hi. diagnosis of pertussis is clinical usually,divided into 3 stages .1st stage (catarrhal) where runny nose, sneezing, low grade fever, occasional cough. 2nd stage (paroxysmal) bursts of coughing or numerous rapid coughs, difficult to expel thick mucus from airways in lungs , long respiratory effort with high-pitch breath sound , individual may have cyanosis with or without vomiting during severe attack, inbetween attacks, patient becomes normal.3rd stage is convalescent or recovery gradually from above all. overall period may range from 1-2 weeks to 10-12 weeks. in which cases diagnosis is not certain or require confirmation *culture of bacterium bordetella pertusis from nasal secretions *pcr test identifying genetic material from the bacterium in nasal secretions. hope this clears your query dear madam, thanks regards take care, bye, wishing you fast speedy recovery from the same.
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern.yes, possibility of pneumonia is more.children don't show high grade fever sometimes.vomiting can be seen in pneumonia. chest congestion is classical symptom of pneumonia in better to take her to pediatrician and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and chest x ray.she may need antibiotics and other supportive drugs.hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wishing good health to your daughter. thanks.
in brief: nearly normal assuming you are not on any immunosuppresive therapy your risk is normal. but make sure you do social distancing would you like to video or text chat with me?
bacterial likely. use nasal saline rinses, a nasal steroid and discuss the use of augmentin for 10 days with your pcp. it is more likely that you have a bacterial infection. an examination of your mouth or uploaded photo to a ht virtual consultation is important. avoid smoke and if you are a smoker, please consider a biopsy of the area. .
in brief: test since there is a risk for coronavirus, please stay home, rest and drink fluids. monitor for symptoms including fever, dry cough and/or shortness of breath. avoid contact with others and consider testing. the symptoms of covid 19 may be very mild. travel is one risk factor for acquiring the disease. would you like to video or text chat with me?
hopefully not. your wife should know the protocol of handle covid-19 as well as other viruses. her institution should be providing ppe (personal protective equipment) for her to use properly.
tingling in extremities may be a sign of peripheral neuropathy, wich is most of the cases caused by inflammatory injury to the nerves. anti-tnf drugs, such as humira, have been reported to be associated to this kind of injury, that can be potentialized when associated to steroids. you should visit your attending rheumathologist for physical evaluation and apropriate management.
hello,the most possible issue here is systemic manifestation of underlying infection in form of sepsis, side effects of medicines currently used or our clinic, we recommend thorough work up with lab tests and guide to manage in accordance.hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,dr. bhagyesh v. patel
hello,the tobacco with or without seeds will contribute to bronchi spasm effects and hamper the pneumonia condition to a great extent. in our clinic, we strongly recommend quitting all tobacco items till complete recovery.hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards, dr. bhagyesh v. patel
fever. hiit sounds like a viral infection with temp , headache and cough.the urine and pain down there does not sounds related, but if it is, it can be a bacterial infection, for which you need antibiotics.are you taking enough fluids?what meds have you taken so far?.
monitor temp. most cases of covid-19 are associated with symptoms, but not all. your symptoms may be related to coronavirus infection or another infection. i would recommend that you be tested for coronavirus and then stay inside, avoiding contact with others while awaiting your test results. use good hand washing, disinfect surfaces and drink fluids.
in brief: wait my advice would be wait and don't risk exposure and spread right now. quarantine. safe stay. we are here for you on this platform. would you like to video or text chat with me?
flu. i think you a probably right. body aches not as common with covid. if no significant sob follow the following: talk to your provider flu test may help, but management typically best conservative. certainly if worseing sob be seen. remeber at 29 risk for severe infection is low either way. .
medications. i am unaware of any contraindications to either ibuprofen or paracetamol. you can take either. when i get sick i like to take both. one can be taken every 4 hours and the other every 6 hours. .
in brief: maybe/not they estimate as many as 80% of those testing positive in the under 40 age group have minor or no symptoms. having a non respiratory chronic illness does not increase your risk substantially. would you like to video or text chat with me?
avoid cold/ice... though untreated wpw syndrome can be regarded as pre-existing chronic condition, there is no current evidence that one is more susceptible to covid-19, an infectious disease mostly transmitted through respiratory fluid droplets. best to follow who/cdc guideline on hygiene. plus avoid cold/ice drinks/foods. drink warm water/tea, even chicken soup. aleve or ibuprofen can be helpful for fever/soreness.
hello,for your pneumonia, complete the course of antibiotic. sputum culture and examination done if needed to do further work up.if your cough is not expelled properly, then cough expectorant syrup containing ambroxol plus terbutaline drug can be prescribed. kindly attach your reports for giving more comment.hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,dr. parth goswami
in brief: coronavirus. yes, according to previous knowledge, most virus including coronavirus likely will not survive hotter climates. i would expect or hope this will die down in summer time. nevertheless, this is new coronavirus, let's wait and see. i also think that with strong human intervention, the virus may reduce or be eliminated before summer. would you like to video or text chat with me?
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. if you are not having fever, cough or chest pain after completing antibiotics, you are probably cured from pneumonia. you are should also get done chest x ray. if recent chest x ray is showing normal results or resolving infiltration then you are cured from pneumonia. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
in brief: most likely not c most likely sinusitis or seasonal allergy. try to access a telelphonic or virtual consult to discuss thoroughly with someone. for now stay home stay safe. treat yourself and all in your family as if they have covid for now =it's safer. would you like to video or text chat with me?
maybe not all meds. covid-19 pandemic at this time, so one's doctor may want to consult by video instead of requiring an in-person visit. some medications are refillable by video, others are not. in this pandemic, one's primary care doctor, who knows the patient well, can usually get meds to the patient without an in-person visit... unless an exam is needed in order to adjust the meds. just ask the doctor. (3/23/20)
in brief: testing. people are still getting other illnesses than covid. given no cough or shortness of breath, other than watchful waiting covid should pass in a week or two. strep, influenza still possible. this testing can be done through your own provider. you can also get your own strep test at pharmacy or many can swab you there. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: standard precautions covid-19 is now official name for the illness caused by the newly discovered coronavirus (coronavirus infectious disease - 2019). so far it is extremely rare in the us (2/12/20). until and unless covid-19 becomes common no special precautions are necessary. in any dormitory or group living situation people with respiratory symptoms (colds, flu, etc.) should cover their coughs and wash hands frequently.
gargling. you can't be sure but it may help if you do those things as well as using zinc lozenges at the first sign of any throat discomfort and stay hydrated also. i recommend them. at least it'll do no harm.
hard to say. it does look like it is true. we are in an unprecedented time right now. what we know we are trying to convey. switch to panado or napacod for now if possible.
in brief: self isolate the current doh guidelines are to self isolate. if you develop fever, cough or shortness of breath, phone your local gp/ service provider and arrange for testing. if you have traveled overseas or have been in possible contact with someone with confirmed covid 19, arrange testing. (wear a mask when going out if needed). for more info try whatapp the word "hi" to the coivd hotline 0600123456 would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: periauricular pain may be otitis ear infection or mastoiditis infection in the bone behind the ear. could call health tap prime for video assessment and antibiotic prescription. sometimes you may need im or iv antibiotics. call healthtap prime or md today ( even with corona ongoing you need treatment for this today). would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: request a mask avoid contact with others, request a mask and ask those around you to wear a mask. a desk more than 6 feet away from others is another measure of safety. use good hand washing and keep surfaces, including your phone and computer clean. continue your steroids as prescribed. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: data from data from china there has been association between worse infection and diarrhea. the seems to be a worse inflammatory response associated with people who have diarrhea.
perhaps not now. see how you go, going out right now is really a big risk. we are here and can communicate during the lockdown period. the government are making more tests available and safely so. trust our government. stay home right now.
hard to guess. you have some of the symptoms of cold , flu and covid19 . also you appear to be dehydrated. but you are young and no mention of any underlying medical condition. so, i think you are not vulnerable. drink at least 6 cups of water a day. probably need self isolation for 2 weeks and to be tested in mean time for covid19 if you develop breathing problem. contact to your doctor for a guidance.
in brief: test please stay at home, rest, drink fluids and monitor your temperature. arrange for testing may need respiratory treatments, and additional testing for influenza and strep a. please contact your pcp for additional or worsening symptoms. would you like to video or text chat with me?
hard to guess. covid-19 pandemic at this time, so a doctor on video may consult by video instead of requiring an in-person visit. flu-like symptoms can be from a strep throat infection, a cold or influenza, or from some other cause like covid-19. usually, a person calls the doctor if the symptoms are bothersome, serious, recurrent, or persistent. covid-19 testing depends on local availability. (3/22/20)
in brief: immunocompromised body is busy dealing with diabetes, not as much resiliancy remaining to fight viral symptoms, and subsequent opportunistic infections would you like to video or text chat with me?
yes postpone . yes. definitely you can postpone the treatment by 2-4 weeks at least. .
covid. top symptoms for covid include fever, dry cough and sob. actually sore throat not so common. follow this guideline:
hello,  usually, he is contagious one week before treatment and until three days after treatment.  hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.  take care  regards, dr jnikolla, pulmonologist
in brief: covid prevention it's not inevitable. follow the guidelines all over the media and make sure your kids do too: social distancing, wash hands frquently, stay home except for absolutely necessary trips, wash hands frequently, use antiseptic wipes when you have to touch surfaces outside the home (e.g. shopping cart handles), and avoid touching your face. at your and your kids' age, most infections aren't serious. would you like to video or text chat with me?
flu like symptoms. stay home for 7 days while you monitor your temperature. covid 19 is typically associated with dry cough, fever and shortness of breath. your nasal congestion and muscle aches are more typical of influenza. if you develop a fever or worsening, please arrange testing for both influenza and coronavirus. drink fluids, rest and avoid contact with others.
in brief: groceries. https://www.consumerreports. org/food-shopping/how-to-protect-yourself-from-coronavirus-when-grocery-shopping/this article will help! would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: probable i know there is a study that shows concern for diabetics, however, this is one study and there are others that show no particular issue. the data is clear that older, especially older than 70, multiple comorbid conditioins and smoking are critical problems. although diabetic if it is controlled well it is likely your symptoms will be like most 38 year olds- mild. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: same measures wear a mask, social distance as possible, try not to touch surfaces, keep hands clean. best would still be not to travel if possible. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: coronavirus, covid-19 has high affinity to the lung, causing viral pneumonia. fortunately, most people get only mild respiratory symptoms. those who have high risks (age over 65, chronic diseases) tend to get pneumonia and complications. the most important way to prevent the complications is not to get infection, practice common sense of prevention. if you catch the infection, start early treatment. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: possible top symptoms of covid include fever, dry cough, sob. sore throat is a symptom, but not as common. you are 36 and likelyhood of severe infection uncommon. probably best to socially isolate. other possibilities include strep, influenza or adenovirus. follow these guidelines: would you like to video or text chat with me?
hellofirst do a chest x ray and some blood tests such as hemogram crp esr than it would be the proper treatment.regardsdr.jolanda
hello usually in such conditions we recommend claritromycin twice orally for some days. regards dr.jolanda
in brief: cough/fever? please stay at home and avoid contact with others for one more day at least. if there is a fever, remain at home for at least three days after the fever is gone. at this point, if you are otherwise healthy, cover your cough, monitor your temperature and please stay for signs of secondary infection, including fever, worsening cough and shortness of breath. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: difficult times. this is a difficult question. many workers like you wear masks, gloves, stand 6 feet from others, take off work clothes on entering their home, wash meticulously. read more tips from covid19 hotlines. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: concern diabetes if controlled well typically should not be an issue. i realize there are some conflicting information, but i think the evidence shows that if diabetes controled your immune system still reacts appropriately and not an issue. arrythmia in itself not and issue. your age is 60 and that starts to be category of concern with 3% mortality rate. if you do not smoke that is the key. would you like to video or text chat with me?
hiif a patient have pneumonia he should have cough with or without sputum,probably chest pain and breathlessness,anorexia,fever.but the signs and symptoms varies from patient to patient.take caredr.jolanda
hello sir,seeing at your history would like to know more about your case.want to look at your chest x ray first.and if its definitely diagnosed pnemonia, then in case you could be right that it could be viral pneumonia.but you can't stamp it as viral from clear phlegm. get done white blood counts which will be within normal limits in case of viral and high in case of bacterial pneumonia. also get done procalcitonin and crp level of your blood. it will give you final idea.and as you were smoker phlegm might be due to bronchiectesis or copd. rule out that.
in brief: call dr. by video throat pain can be from a strep throat infection (antibiotics needed), a cold or influenza (antibiotics usually not used), or from some other cause such as allergies or irritants. usually, a person sees the doctor (call first) if the sore throat is bothersome, recurrent, or doesn't go away quickly. covid-19 infections tend to have cough, whereas strep usually lacks cough but has more throat pain. would you like to video or text chat with me?
corona-virus. at 33 you may not need testing. you should isolate yourself. follow the following guideline: at this time i know you could contact someone through healthtap, but the testing can be recommended, but no tests to do it. let your local provider or health provider know. if you would have worsening sob go to er. .
in brief: your symptoms sound more like seasonal allergy. treat as such, your pharmacist can assist. try to do this over the phone and collect if possible. would you like to video or text chat with me?
covid 19 testing . hi at the moment it is only recommended that you test for covid 19 if you have a close contact that has tested positive for the virus or have had recent international travel in the last 14 days. if your symptoms are worsening or your asthma is uncontrolled you should call your gp rooms or attend your nearest emergency room.
symptoms of covid-19 are usually the same as a cold or the flu, with diarrhea being uncommon. the covid-19 infection is worldwide. the goal is to keep people separated so that the clinics and hospitals are not overwhelmed. patients with medical symptoms should see their primary care doctor on video or by phone, and get instructed to go to a clinic or er only if not treatable by video or phone.
in brief: high diabetes -especially uncontrolled is a probem, if you are well controlled similar to rest of population, no one really spared so to speak, stay home, if you need to consult do so telephonically would you like to video or text chat with me?
viral infection. most likely a viral infection but possibly allergyi advise a doctor consultation you may need treatment with an antihistamine, and decongestantonly be concerned about covid-19 if: - you have been in contact with someone with a conformed diagnosis of covid-19 - you have visited a high risk area - symptoms worsen and include persistent fever and dry cough.
isolation. . the virus is spread by respiratory route, it can live on surfaces for up,to 72 hours. so:social isolation (keep 6 feet from others)wear disposable,gloves when coming in contact with surfaces outside your home for several weeksstay healthy, eat right, get exercise, proper sleepdiscuss your fears with others to get a realistic view of this illness and it’s risks.don’t panic..
hard to get tested. throat pain can be from a strep throat (antibiotics needed), a cold or influenza, or from some other cause such as allergies or irritants. usually, a person sees the doctor (call first) if the sore throat is bothersome, recurrent, or doesn't go away quickly. covid-19 infections tend to have cough, whereas strep usually lacks cough but has more throat pain. can call
in brief: no. most doctors are rescheduling non-essential surgeries, procedures and visits. you don't want to be in a doctor's office with a bunch of people who may or may not be infected with the coronavirus. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: any soap any soap should be effective against most viruses. antibacterial soap may advertise against bacterial but has no claim to be better against viruses. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: no there is not enough data to support it's use. more clinical trials are needed would you like to video or text chat with me?
really crappy, tired, short tempered, headache are beacause of fever low grade and also pneumonia, evaluate yourself by curb 65 score and pneumonia severity index and get you answer
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service.  i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.  * the nyquil with its components help to relieve congestion, body ache, allergy related uneasiness. * it is not a substitute for steroid, but will help definitely in your case for symptoms control.  wish you fine recovery. take care.
your local doctor, local health department, we have no idea here what your set up is where you live.
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.  though this question requires all reports as scanned copy to be evaluated, with provided data i can suggest that - any of the treatment would be supportive only for advanced case of liver cancer, it is not going to be curative.  thanks.
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern.pneumonia usually takes 2-3 weeks for complete recovery.your oxygen requirement is decreasing. this is suggestive of recovery. so you will definitely be alright after 4 weeks. so get done repeat chest x ray to see how much pneumonia is recovered.chest physiotherapy, deep breathing exercises, incentive spirometry are vital to achieve good lung functions after pneumonia.don't worry, you will be alright.hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
hello dear , hiwelcome to healthcaremagic.comi have evaluated your query thoroughly .* the asthma is basically restriction of airway due to variety of reasons which may be pneumonia or other .* amount of chances depends upon the severity of pneumonia , host factors , aggressiveness of the treatment with body response .hope this clears your query .regards .
sort of. if you are having sex with someone who has covid-19 you are quite at risk of getting it. high likelihood if kissing and having intercourse but it may not be transmitted through intercourse but the closeness in an intimate situation like that with someone who is infected gives a high likelihood of transmission.
virus. you have a viral respiratory tract infection and the absence of fever is reassuring at this time. should fever or shortness of breath develop and if you're in an area where covid 19 is present, you should then call your md for instructions. for now, drink adequate fluids, gargle with warm salt water. i also recommend using zinc lozenges and take acetaminophen. .
in brief: hard to say if you have access to a telephonic consult then rather do that to start. if you have access to testing you can do that. do you have to work at the moment? i would discuss it with your consultant. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: flu vaccine any flu vaccine will cause your immune system to respond. i advise,if your decision is to be vaccinated,to do it over a period of 6 weeks..i like a little bit on day 1 ,then more 2 weeks later and more two weeks later still.that way you get the full killed vaccine ,and your body develops an immune response with its ability still intact to fight covid 19 if necessary. would you like to video or text chat with me?
not well stablished. for now, it is known that having chronic disease, including diabetes (not specified type), increases the risk of death. however, the outbreak is so new that evidence is not enough robust to give a number yet. anyway, it is recommendable to assume that you are at higher risk and strict protection should be taken.
in brief: testing if asymptomatic testing unlikely to be done. the following guide should help: would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: not sure, but... i'm writing from the u. s., and i'm not sure of the availability of vaccination for influenza in your area. however, with the coronavirus pandemic, getting your flu shot is a good idea, if possible. it's always a good idea, but, also, though it won't protect you from coronavirus, you could get both. and, if you get the flu, not knowing if it's flu or coronavirus presents complications. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: many possibilities. most people get a headache at some time, such as from colds, infections (usually viruses or sinusitis), lack of sleep, too much driving, long hours on the computer, stress at work, etc. .. a bad or severe headache, increasing headache, recurrent headache, weird headache, or one with other worrisome symptoms should be checked by one's primary care doctor or the er. can call one's dr. first to chat. would you like to video or text chat with me?
possibly. if you had your symptoms for a week and they haven't gotten worse or developed into a fever, you probably do not have covid-19.if you are still worried see your pcp.
dizziness. yes. please contact your doctor since they know you better. he may want to test you for the virus. there are other reasons you may be dizzy as well. .
in brief: think you ok if a longterm thing sounds chronic not corona , only way to know is the test would you like to video or text chat with me?
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.  levofloxacin is generally advised once a day. it's very effective for pneumonia. the dose is generally to be taken once a day for arrest 10 days. this can be up to 14 days for some. yes give him one tablet daily for 6 more days.this hopefully would be enough for his pneumonia.  hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.
in brief: likely nerve pain this diagnosis would require a visit and imaging but the most likely cause is either pressure on a nerve in your neck or referred pain from the neck and shoulder with symptoms felt at the shoulder/shoulder blade. try to use the chlorzoxazone or an nsaid (ibuprofen or naproxen) or a combo of both and also try ice for pain, heat for stiffness or spasms. it doesn't sound at all like covid-19. would you like to video or text chat with me?
to be sure, get tested!
it will.... but it will take some time to break the chain of infection, to find a cure, and to find a vaccine. it is stressful for everyone. one way to look at it is that we are all in this together, irregardless of political party, race, or religion. as a people, we can overcome a simple virus and be stronger as a whole. you are not alone, millions of others share your concerns. hang in there....
in brief: it depends. if the visited place has a high rate of coronavirus infections to take some precautions is important such as if you develop fever or cough or any other coronavirus infection symptoms. to be tested is desired but will you be able to get tested? in some places testing kits are reserved to very sick and hospitalized patient. self quarantine in cooperation with your doctor is the way to go. would you like to video or text chat with me?
depend. hello.high risk population for covid-19 are people more than 60 years old or with pre-existing condition like heart or lung disease.if you feel you have the flue stay home for your own good and the whole community. unless you feel shortness of breath or don't go to medical services.
in brief: wrong place to ask this is the ht public site where volunteer docs primarily in the usa answer health questions. we do not do referrals/provide notes or prescriptions or any other form of direct service. you need to contact a local provider in your country/location for such needs. would you like to video or text chat with me?
hi,  yes, you should definitely take him to the hospital, seeing that he is especially vulnerable as a heart transplant recipient.   hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.  regards, dr. anders mark christensen, general surgeon
shortness of breath. covid testing is hard to come by. at 37 you are in a lower risk group. and i doubt you could get a test. keep isolated for two weeks. i know we have been ordering tests through healthtap, but that does not lead to getting the test done, due to shortages. (3/21/20)
in brief: sort of if you are having sex with someone who has covid-19 you are quite at risk of getting it. high likelihood if kissing and having intercourse but it may not be transmitted through intercourse but the closeness in an intimate situation like that with someone who is infected gives a high likelihood of transmission.
covid. data from frozen food shows that there is no transfer of virus via food sources this way. .
less likely. recommended to stay 6 feet apart. however, if no touching and the person was not sneezing the likelyhood of transmission is low. .
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. you should do following things to prevent recurrent pneumonia and improve your lung health. 1. drink plenty of fluids orally and keep yourself hydrated.2. do steam inhalation and warm water gargles 5-6 times a day.3. take pneumococcal and influenza vaccine. influenza vaccine should be taken annually while pneumococcal every five yearly.4. avoid smoke, dust, fumes, chemicals etc and wear mask.5. avoid unnecessary hospital visits.don't worry, you will be alright with all these. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
in brief: no if you know you have seasonal allergy treat that. get as much medicine as you might need for a month regarding this. if you do not fit criteria (google) then no testing for now. stay home and stay safe. would you like to video or text chat with me?
break. at 39 your risk for severe infections is very low. a strategy that i recommend is taking in information daily, but get away from it. practice prudent precautions. in my off times away from er (still practicing front line er) i focus my mind on my cooking, planning my garden, engage with my friends and loved ones and read.
in brief: may call dr on video throat symptoms can be from strep throat infection (antibiotics needed), a cold or influenza (antibiotics usually not used), or from some other cause such as allergies or irritants. usually, a person sees a doctor (call first) if the throat issue is bothersome, recurrent, or doesn't go away quickly. covid-19 infections tend to have cough, whereas strep usually lacks cough but has more throat pain. would you like to video or text chat with me?
test for covid-19. on this times better to be sure you don’t become contagious and spread the virus, try to get tested for covid-19.
in brief: minimal outside time to avoid spread of covid-19, use precautions such as staying home as much as possible avoid contact with others until the infection rate begins to decline. monitor your temperature, rest and drink fluids. on day 7 post contact if you have no symptoms, most likely you are fine. continue to use good hand washing and keep surfaces clean. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: no testing now your children are going to be fine, there have not been any children that have required drastic measures. make sure you stay 2 m away and wash hands and surfaces, disinfect surfaces constantly. ask questions on here, we are here buy you need to stay home right now. would you like to video or text chat with me?
hello dear , hiwelcome to healthcaremagic.comi have evaluated your query thoroughly .* the shoulder pain is in relation with the referred pain from the phrenic nerve irritation via pneumonia patch .hope this clears your query .wishing you fine recovery .regards .
respected user, hi i evalauted your query thoroughly.sorry to hear about the issue.*prognosis depends on many factors - age - associated comorbid conditions like heart attack / cv stroke / kidney malfunctions / diabetes - immunity - haemoglobin level - body response to treatment - competency of doctors - efficacy of molecules used in treatment & much more list not possible to narrate whole here.*considering all your narrations, her prognosis is guarded, not that much good as normal person suffering from pneumonia recovering in days. - she may take very long time for recovery & may not recover also ( i pray to god that doesn`t happen ) after your long jugglery with all ventilator period. - i can suggest to see the progress of the patient on ventilator for 5-7 days discuss with the consultant in details regarding this & then decide to continue the treatment or wean her off from ventilator for resting her sole in peace. hope this clears your query. thanks for using health care magic & keeping trust in our medical services regards
hello,in my opinion, you should definitely consult a pulmonologist. there are two main possibilities for your symptoms. 1. lung infection (pneumonia).2. worsening of you will need a chest x-ray and pft (pulmonary function test). a chest x-ray is needed to rule out lung infection. pft is needed to know the severity of asthma. you may need antibiotics, longer acting inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or salmeterol) and inhaled corticosteroid (ics) (budesonide or fluticasone).don't worry you will be alright with all these.hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards, dr. kaushal bhavsar
hard to get tested. throat pain can be from a strep throat (antibiotics needed), a cold or influenza, or from some other cause such as allergies or irritants. usually, a person sees the doctor (call first) if the sore throat is bothersome, recurrent, or doesn't go away quickly. covid-19 infections tend to have cough, whereas strep usually lacks cough but has more throat pain. can call
data. from data from china there has been association between worse infection and diarrhea. the seems to be a worse inflammatory response associated with people who have diarrhea. .
upper resp inf. dear pretoria did not mention your daughter's age. it sounds like a viral upper airway infection( anti histamines, paracetamol, ponstan will suffice for a day)if she gets worse, she can be checked by a doctor.if she was not in contact with a positive patient, no need for testing.stay home, lots of fluids, rest, meds and observe .monitor her temp as well.regardsdr wil.
in brief: itching /congestion with the itching could be seasonal allergies would consider benadryl 1/2 to 1 tab at bedtime and zyrtec during the day . itching is pretty specific for allergies. if worsens or develops fever would seek medical attention for sinusitis versus viral infection including coronavirus these days but as stated itching is pretty diagnostic of allergies. would you like to video or text chat with me?
hello dearwarm welcome to healthcaremagic.comi have evaluated your query thoroughly .* the need of steroid is determined by the clinician taking into considerations many parameters .* steroids help to relieve mucosal inflammation of the bronchi , gives faster recovery , so under medical guidance a short course of steroid to be consumed has no harm in it .hope this will help you for sure .welcome for any further assistance .regards .
in brief: possible top symptoms are cough, sob and fever. best to self-quarantine. call your provider and or health departmenthealhtap quarantine instructions are as follows: would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: hard to say the questions you pose are more appropriate to ask your local physicians and health plans. as a usa based site we have no access to or information about the changing local recommendations for world travel around the globe nor would we know what your plan covers. find a local health contact & contact your health plan for guidance.
in brief: um, no inhaling lysol can be deleterious to your health, more than covid-19 itself. burning your pulmonary tissues may actually make you more susceptible to getting sick from the virus. be rational. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: viral respiratory you likely have a viral respiratory tract infection. manage with paracetamol and gargle with salt water or disprin. everyone is concerned about corona virus. this is unlikely unless you have been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed or has traveled from a high risk area. in any event, isolate yourself from others, stay at home and adopt strict hygiene measures: hand washing, alcohol use would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: tummy bug gi symptoms are rare with coronavirus. sob and dry cough and fever common. testing should lead to a purposeful action and at this time there is none. that is there is no medication to get and treatment for the virus is rest and social isolation which you do not need a test to do. if you do get cough and sob then notify your provider and get checked. the virus typically runs for 10 to 14 days. would you like to video or text chat with me?
questions. have you travelled, been in contact with a corona virus patient? could very well be stress right now. we are all really stressed and confused at this point in time. be kind to yourself, breathe, do some exercise. :) we are here for you.
in brief: yes like most lung infections there will be changes in the lung structure, probably microscopically and may not be seen on x-rays, would you like to video or text chat with me?
not at all. if you are a well controlled diabetic then you will be fine. you will have an equal risk of getting it. if you are poorly controlled then you are more at risk of it complicating. but boost your immunity and stay at home. get online shopping. keep bags outside and sterilize everything coming into your home - entire item. keep using this forum for questions. :)
in brief: test your shortness of breath is concerning. you may have an underlying condition and should also be screened for coronavirus. stay home, rest and drink fluids until you are seen by your physician. a chest image may be performed at the visit. would you like to video or text chat with me?
low blood pressure can be a serious and life-threatening problem. is her blood pressure normally a lot higher than this? if so, then i would suggest urgent evaluation by a physician. infections can lead to a response called sepsis, and part of this may include a drop in blood pressure, which can be dangerous to her organs. ensuring adequate hydration is important, as dehydration can cause low blood pressure as well. if she is acting confused, fatigued, or more tired than usual then i would suggest urgent medical evaluation. i hope she feels better.
in brief: common flu hello.during the coronavirus outbreak the best thing you can do for yourself, your family and your comunity is to stay home. don't go to school or work, stay at home and isolate yourself specially from the whatever you do when you have the common cold.drink a lot of fluids, take tylenol for the sore throat and please don't go to the doctor unless you're feeling shortness of breath would you like to video or text chat with me?
respected user , hithanks for using healthcaremagic.comi have evaluated your query thoroughly .* mechanism of pneumonia follows as - susceptible pathogens in form of bacteria enters the respiratory tract via nose or throat ( air borne ) , settles there in respective lung tissues through aleveoli and bronchi - start manifestations in form of various symptoms of bronchitis , effusion or others .* treatment guidelines - maintain hydration with plenty of liquids . - balanced nutritious diet . - regular antibiotics , anti inflammatory , decongestants as per advise by your doctor . - regular walking , exercises ( deep breathing ) , yoga . - avoid smoking , alcohol . - have patience , recovery time depends upon the causative organism , host response factors and type of treatment ( it may take days to weeks ) .hope this clears your query .welcome for any further assistance .regards .
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your are having persistent lung opacity despite of antibiotic possibility of these is very high. 1. drug resistant infection2. malignancyso better to first diagnose and then start appropriate treatment.bronchoscopy and ct scan of thorax are advised in your case.bronchoscopy will isolate the causative organism and guide about specific antibiotic therapy.ct scan will tell you if there is mass lesion present or not.hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
in brief: if you meet criteria you should test if you meet the criteria for testing, which currently states that you should have symptoms (cough/fever/shortness of breath/sore throat) plus contact with a confirmed or suspected case of covid-19. if you do not have a contact, then best would be to isolate yourself (which you will be doing on lockdown anyway). would you like to video or text chat with me?
hello,  as you explain the situation, unfortunately, there is no home treatment for pneumonia. i strongly recommend you to go to the hospital as an emergency which is free mostly.  hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.  regards, dr. jnikolla, pulmonologist
not stablished. all caution measures should be applied, including social distancing, sanitizer, and protection mask when crowded places are inevitable. although mbl deficiency causes increased susceptibility to infections, mostly in people with chronic diseases, covid-19 outbreak is so recent that a specific relationship with this disease has not been stablished. anyway, have extreme caution and use protection.
in brief: vitamin c while getting enough vitamin c in your diet is highly recommended, it has no special ability to prevent coronavirus or flu virus. best preventative measures for these are frequent handwashing and avoiding people with sneezing/coughing/cold symptoms and fevers.
hello,ct scan is diagnostic for interstitial lung disease (ild). it can develop after the age of 60 years especially if the patient is having bronchitis and recurrent pneumonia.yes, you are right about survival. it is not having a good prognosis.but, now day’s newer treatments like pirfenidone and n acetylcysteine (nac) drugs are available. so consult pulmonologist and discuss these newer treatments.hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,dr. kaushal bhavsar
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern.yes, recurrent lung infections can directly diminish lung functions.recurrent infections can also cause asthma, bronchitis and further deteriorate lung way to prevent respiratory tract infection is vaccines.give him pneumococcal and influenza vaccines.these vaccines will provide 80% protection. give him fruits, multivitamin tablets and protein powder for high immunity.hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wishing good health to your son. thanks.
in brief: isolate sick people throat pain can be from a strep throat (antibiotics needed), a cold or influenza, or from some other cause such as allergies or irritants. usually, a person sees the doctor (call first) if the sore throat is bothersome, recurrent, or doesn't go away quickly. the flu or covid-19 usually have cough, fever, body aches; whereas strep is mainly sore throat. can call doctor by video or phone. (3/25/20) would you like to video or text chat with me?
symptoms. first, symptomatic treatment at home, plenty fluids and rest. also apply all the preventive measures of social distancing. but if you are aware of any possible contact with an infected person, it is difficult to breath, fever does not low with bath or paracetamol, you are diabetic or with another chronic disease like hypertension, clinical attention should be asked for as soon as possible.
in brief: one sign on treatment for bacterial pneumonia, fever will usually decline within 2 days. a follow up chest image may be indicated. if you would like to upload her ct and clinical information to an inbox consultation with ht, we can provide an opinion. sometimes there is slow resolution of a pneumonia, particularly with underlying medical conditions. the test results should be back soon. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: systemic infection fever and muscle pains could indicate systemic infection, likely viral, deoendiing on your travel history. right hand joint pains, if previously injured or arthritic, could be flared up by systemic your local nurse or doctor to get screened telephonically for influenza & corona viruses & malaria.colchicine and panado may help if gouty joint pains. would you like to video or text chat with me?
no. it is currently not possible but hopefully house to house testing coming according to cyril ramaphosa last night. you can get tested at some clinics, safest right now is to stay at home unless you are imminently unwell. if safe and in as much isolation as possible you can be tested at lancet and ampath, due to capacity stretching they are now only testing people who fit the criteria. .
be very cautious . there is not a lot of information on children with covid-19 but definitely would try to protect this child especially and consult the doctor asap if child develops fever and shortness of breath.
in brief: symptoms if you are not having troubles breathing best to self-isolate. follow the following guidelines: worthwhile to first isolate yourself: guidelines as follow: you are not having significant sob covid should be mild for you. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: no if food poisoning he will either recover or need a drip to replace fluids don't go into public spaces now, if food poisoning do what you can, if he needs a drip go to a non corona hospital try everything to stay home, rehydrat onto ice chips, maxalon over the counter would you like to video or text chat with me?
step short form for streptococcus pneumonia. it is a microorganism which causes pneumonia or infection. with antibiotics it should get treated. it can be serious if not treated.
in brief: no we have no evidence of any concern with such spread. it may be worth wiping all packages that come i nto the house with lysol wipes would you like to video or text chat with me?
maybe. do video w/
in brief: distance staying separated by 6 feet can make a difference! the following guideline should help!https://www. would you like to video or text chat with me?
can call dr on video. throat pain can be from a strep throat infection (antibiotics needed), a cold or influenza, eb virus, or from some other cause such as allergies, irritants, or acid reflux. usually, a person sees the doctor (call first) if the sore throat is bothersome, recurrent, or doesn't go away quickly. covid-19 infections tend to have cough, whereas strep usually lacks cough but has more throat pain.
in brief: symptoms sore throat less associated with covid. possibilities include strep, flu, covid or other virus. the following guide should help: would you like to video or text chat with me?
hey,minimal linear atelectasis doesn't mean pneumonia of lung, but still if you are diagnosed as pneumonia then it's ok.and yes tiredness is expected for 4-5 days at least.
yes. there are many causes of shortness of breath. covid-19 may be one cause and is not necessarily associated with cough. fever is one prominent symptom, but the absence of fever does not rule out the infection. .
covid. for most people the infection can last up to two weeks. in people who get particularly ill the infection last 4 to 6 weeks. .
uncertain data. hello.the data available about the coronavirus and ibuprofen are inconclusive.nevertheless you should visit a pain specialist doctor for the manage of your pain. it's been established that ibuprofen and other nsaid's taken in large doses or long periods cause kidney damage.
in brief: life is not exact in pandemic times, supplies are short. life is not that exact. that means 57.6% is fine, and if a person catches the coronavirus, it won't be because she was missing 2% on her hand sanitizer. remember that the virus goes from person to person. if there are no people close by, and if the high-touch surfaces like table tops, keyboards, or doorknobs are clean, then one is a lot safer. (mar. 2020) would you like to video or text chat with me?
hard to say. in the absence of treatment i guess we grasp at things. this is definitely doing the rounds but as yet unproven. most people recover from covid. so very very hard to trial. most important right now is not to spread it. so stay home. wash hands.
in brief: sort of if you are having sex with someone who has covid-19 you are quite at risk of getting it. high likelihood if kissing and having intercourse but it may not be transmitted through intercourse but the closeness in an intimate situation like that with someone who is infected gives a high likelihood of transmission.
respected user , hiwarm welcome to healthcaremagic.comi have gone through your concern in depth .* levofloxacin is best effective molecule for pneumonia and many intestine bugs .* metronidazole may be kept reserved on waiting for certain test reports or clinically physician may not need to add to the drug cart according to the evaluation and clinical experience .hope this clears your doubt .regards .
see your physician. your personal physician can give you this letter. this forum is for answering general medical/dental questions.
in brief: anxiety your anxiety is overall justified, given massive social tension mounted by the pandemic. depending on local resources and through your doc's office, you may benefit from counseling from a clinical psychologist via telemedicine in order to avoid exposure during lockdown. use this time to connect to your loved ones remotely ( skype, phone, etc) and talk about your worries. would you like to video or text chat with me?
symptoms. so you are worried that you might have covid-19. you may also have common cold or influenza. call hour general physician. report your symptoms. they will direct you to proper care.
helloif the situation has been very short under the water i do not think it might be aspiration pneumonia.regardsdr.jolanda
in brief: continue to self isolate. get rest, drink lots of liquids, tylenol as needed, if get severely sick seek care. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: usually not more likely to cause runny nose increase moist discharge would you like to video or text chat with me?
if you get fever yes. but from what we know it may bee a little late to get the chines virus after so many days. monitor tempreture.
delay/virtual . virtual get togethers should be considered. keep a distance of at least 6 feet between persons who are not in your household. .
virtual consult. best to do a virtual consult, you can through this platform. testing is the only way to know. self isolation is very important right now unless you need urgent medical care. .
without any details it's impossible to say.
in brief: not necessarily you need to consult an endocrinologist for advice about diet, weight control, and medication for controlling a1c. it is not feasible to provide more useful suggestions without talking to you, performing physical examination and may be some test.wish you good health! would you like to video or text chat with me?
hiyes it might be but not be sure she should consult her doctor for further follow up.wishes dr.jolanda
in brief: basics fever is a normal body response when ill that increases circulation & oxygen supply to the tissues so natural healing comes faster.i would never treat minor fevers around 38 nor would i alternate fever meds. one or the other would be all i use when needed. new data supports avoiding all ibuprofen products when corona virus may be present. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: usually an infection new throat symptoms can be from strep throat infection, a cold or the flu, or from another cause such as allergies, irritants, or coronavirus. usually, a person sees the doctor if symptoms is bothersome, recurrent, or don't go improve in a few days. covid-19 infections tend to have chest cough, whereas strep usually lacks cough but has more throat pain. can call dr. on video or phone. (mar. 2020) would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: symptoms the symptom of covid-19 begins with mild flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, sore throat and sneeze, followed by fever, dry cough. in severe cases, the cough can progress to productive cough, persistent and followed by shortness of breath. some patients may also experience gi symptoms such as nausea vomiting and diarrhea. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: great question not sure if you need to worry about your shoes, but it won't hurt. in my house, we take off shoes and outside clothes at the door after we enter. the clothes go immediately into the laundry, we wash our hands with soap and water, then put on "house clothes". different from "public" clothes. we try to prevent the potential introduction of the virus into out home. once inside, everything is clean. would you like to video or text chat with me?
no. coronavirus is the name of a family of viruses, but each one can cause disease.coronavirus covid-19 is one specific virus linked to the present pandemic, not a mixture of viruses.
keycare flu vaccine. hiplease contact your medical aid to see if meet the qualifying criteria to be covered by a flu vaccine on your plan. usually keycare only covers in patients that are high risk, like asthmatics, diabetes, emphysema, cardiac patients etc.the current flu vaccine does not protect you against covid19 and will not influence you ability to respond to this infection.
it could. only way to know is to test, self isolate :)
in brief: overseas and covid yes,direct contact with anyone from europe and travel history must get tested. there are drive in facilities in johannesburg.check the net for testing places in ct would you like to video or text chat with me?
if real contact... self-quarantine helps: stay at home, except for going to get medical care. do not go to work, school, church, playgrounds, or other public areas. for medical care questions about your covid-19 symptoms or other health issues, get advice from your doctor by video or phone. see the full guide at:
nsaids. otc nsaids can help with pain and inflammation. please try calling a local oral surgeon. most medical offices are open for emergencies only, and this probably falls into that category.
in brief: unlikely it could be, however going out right now is dangerous to you and others. if you don't have it yet going out risks getting it. if you have it you can spread it. try to access a thorough consult on the phone or virtually. keep chatting we are here for you. would you like to video or text chat with me?
coronavirus possible. seek care right away if difficulty breathing, other severe testing if sick, plus known covid-19 contact, or travel to high risk country, or been in facility treating people with covid-19, or severe pneumonia of unknown 0800 029 999 for test. if sick or possibly exposed (not both), stay consultation if sick.if known exposure & not sick, self-isolate 14 days.
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service.  i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.  yes, you are right. if you don't pay attention in common cold, it can complicate as pneumonia. so follow these steps for better symptomatic relief in common cold.  1. drink plenty of fluids orally and keep yourself hydrated. 2. do warm water gargles and steam inhalation 4-5 times a day. 3. avoid cold foods like ice cream, cold drinks etc. 4. take treatment for common cold regularly. 5. watch for persistent fever, chest pain, yellowish green expectoration, breathing difficulty etc. if any of these symptom appears then immediately get done chest x ray. 6. avoid smoking and alcohol if you have these habits.  hope i have answered your query.  let me know if i can assist you further.
exam needed. you are assuming that the discomfort is coming from both lungs, but pain of pleurisy or pneumonia wouldn't come and go in different sites. i doubt your symptoms are lung related, but fever, chills, sweats, worse cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, warrant testing.. if you've been exposed to someone with covid, or if you or someone you were exposed to travelled to an affected region, get tested.
yes. yes you should come but it will not be a consultation depending the treatment you taking. if it is for hiv you will need to go to the lab for for bloods and if it is for hormone replacement there is no need for consultation but either way you have to call the practice reception to check f dr is available.
? test. do you have access to testing? if so perhaps do a telephonic consult ? and get tested and self isolate ? usually anosmia - loss of smell is an early warning sign but close contact to someone who is positive it's highly contagious.
shout . what are your symptoms? there are short supply of tests and only if you absolutely need a test at this stage. stay at home, disinfect everything especially any shopping coming from outside your home. ask questions on this forum. stay at home right now.
thanks for your question on healthcare magic. i can understand your concern. best treatment of pneumonia is identification of causative pathogen and start appropriate antibiotics. so get done sputum culture and sensitivity report. culture report will isolate the causative organism and sensitivity report will guide about effective antibiotic treatment. so consult pulmonologist and discuss all these. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
in brief: if you meet criteria you should test if you meet the criteria for testing, which currently states that you should have symptoms (cough/fever/shortness of breath/sore throat) plus contact with a confirmed or suspected case of covid-19. if you do not have a contact, then best would be to isolate yourself (which you will be doing on lockdown anyway). would you like to video or text chat with me?
hi there . hi there, if there’s any other symptom like fever, shortness of breath you should get tested and seek medical atention however you should call your local emergency line for covid and stay away from hospitals, and follow oms guidelines please .
in brief: covid-19 and asthma great question. yes asthma is a chronic lung disease which carries some increased risk with covid-19. good asthma control along with good handwashwng, social distancing avoiding unnecessary travel along with your young age should keep your risk of complications low. smoking, hypertension, diabetes, obesity or compromised immune system are also risk factors to be considered.
not a bad idea. many pharmacists also are trying to work from home whenever possible. your best reference going forward will be your obs-gyn doc and based on your institution's flexibility and further government regulations either work from home, if possible, or go in maternity leave.
in brief: incubation period 2-14 days(time from exposure to time of getting illness). i am unclear if the doctor is positive or your husband is?you should isolate yourselves at home for 14 days.if your husband is positive,he should be in his own room and own bathroom,if possible.testing only recommended if there are symptoms(fever or cough or shortness of breath)and then you should be tested.good hand washing/no touching face would you like to video or text chat with me?
death. at your age the risk of death is the following: 0.1–0.2. if your diabetes is controlled your risk should not be markedly worse. make sure you follow appropriate gudelines. neve a guarantee, but your risk of serious problem is still pretty low. .
diabetes. my answer would be controlled or not. type 1 or 2 if managed well and treated can still maintain good immunity. if either are out of control then infections of any type more likely. .
in brief: symptoms glad you are not ignoring your symptoms. follow the following guidelines: keep in mind that the virus will very likely be of lesser course in someone your age. best to isolate and do the things you would normally do to treat the flu- rest, fluids and antipyretics if needed. if you would get particularly sob be seen. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: no. it is not... yet that new is based in a paper (https://journals.
in brief: check with pcp. data emerging from preliminary studies in france suggest a decades old medicine, chloroquine may be useful as a preventative drug. it has been used to prevent malaria for decades & manufactures in the us have announced they are increasing production to meet an expected demand. your status & what they are doing in your country should be answered by your doc. would you like to video or text chat with me?
socially isolate. get pleanty of fluids and rest and avoid others call dr if fever or difficulty breathing.
in brief: ingrown toenail an ingrown toenail can make your foot numb. i do er and it is a procedure i will do. however, many primary providers will do the procedure and podiatrists are a good choice. i do not recommend digging into it at home. however, to prevent future toenail problems do not wear pointed shoes, and let toenails grow to tip of toe and keep at that length. would you like to video or text chat with me?
risk. high risk would be smoker, 60 or older and with medical conditions- heart, lung, kidney. if you are not having significant sob self isolation best to do and treat for flu symtpoms-rest, fluids, tylenol or ibuprofen if needed. tests are being reserved for those with significant symptoms. .
yes. could well be and that is very normal. see how you go, you do have some worrying symptoms. try to do a telephonic consult and if you have access get tested. in the interim self isolate and listen to cyril's advice. be calm, we are here.
respected user, hi i evaluated your query thoroughly.* what is meant by '' there is no change'' in x-ray ? mean to convey that the pneumonia is as it is in x-ray as before treatment ? then in that case it is non-responsive treatment.* in addition to that your symptoms also show that you are not alright to much extent .* chest pain & cramps are in relation with underlying pneumonia, you are telling that treatment is over but no it is not finished.@ recommend to consult with all details of scanned reports , treatment taken till now , so that we can study the case in detail & make guidelines for further perfect recovery .hope this helps you.welcome for any further assistance.thanks for using & reviewing my answer thoroughly.wishing you fine recovery from the same.regards dear take care.
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.  spirometry exercise would be better for her and anti-fungal treatment should be done with other bronchodilator medication and supportive rx.  hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.
absolutely. good morningwithout being rude, you are quite right to stay well away. also be stringent about hand washing, sanitizing and avoiding contact with your face and other people. monitor any symptoms.
diabetes + covid-19. because you are a type i diabetic it means that you are at greater risk for complications if you contract covid-19. if you have had a sore throat for a few days that gets worse every day, and if you have a fever over 100f, call your general physician. .
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service.i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.though boop (bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia ) is serious lung inflammatory condition, 65 - 80% of patients do respond well with corticosteroid therapy and cure. it is the remaining 20% of fatal cases which progress rapidly and have adverse, i do recommend to discuss the case and prognosis in details with his treating physician. hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,      dr. bhagyesh v. patel
take all precautions. take all precautions possible to try to avoid catching coronavirus. wash your hands often with soap & water, avoid touching your eyes, nose & mouth, stay home as much as possible, cover your mouth & nose with tissue if you sneeze or cough, clean & disinfect frequently touched surfaces often & if you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing seek medical care.
in brief: any contagiousness a person with any signs of respiratory infection or gastrointestinal infection should be isolated to prevent spread of his infection. allergies can cause symptoms similar to infection symptoms, which means a person with allergy symptoms at this pandemic time should also be isolated. note that if every person is isolated for 3-4 weeks, the pandemic stops because virus transmission stops. (3/25/20) would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: fever/flu like sx covid-19 is typically associated with flu like symptoms, fever, dry cough and/or shortness of breath. if your shortness of breath does not improve with albuterol inhaler, please call your pcp right away. stay home, rest, drink fluids, monitor your temperature and avoid environmental triggers such as smoke and dust. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: covid-19 unlikely. the usual infections in your area of kwa zulu natal are more likely to be the cause of his fever. if he is exposed to someone who is sick with covid-19, then you need to be concerned. meanwhile, treat him as you would have treated him 2 months ago. if he has shortness of breath or any form of difficulty breathing, get him to a doctor asap would you like to video or text chat with me?
yes. covid-19 is an airborne transmitted virus. it can hang around in the air and masks provide minimal but some protection. social distancing from an area or person with the disease is better to limit exposure. gloves may help prevent pick up virus from surfaces.
virus. these symptoms are characteristic of a viral upper respiratory tract infection and treatment is resting, drinking adequate amounts of fluids,taking tylenol. worrisome symptoms would be shaking chills, higher fever, chest discomfort with deeper cough,shortness of breath or wheezing which should prompt a call to your md for instructions. if you live where covid19 is present,or been exposed get test.
in brief: consult with your gp you cannot just request a covid19 test, without fulfilling certain official sa testing criteria, even if you are a private patient and are willing to pay cash. if you meet the strict testing criteria,then your gp will need to complete a request form and tell you where to go. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: possible the most common symptoms from covid include the following: fever, dry cough and sob. given no fever, i think general precautions are all that is needed. follow the following:, and if fever do the following: would you like to video or text chat with me?
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. pneumonia is lung infection. if not treated appropriately, it can cause generalized sepsis in the body.this sepsis can damage other vital organs like kidney, heart, liver etc. since her chest x ray is worsening after 7 days of antibiotic and her kidneys are also-ran showing problem, possibility of severe pneumonia with sepsis is more treatment of pneumonia is identification of causative pathogen and start appropriate treatment. for this bronchoscopy and bal (bronchoalveolar lavage) is needed. bal culture and sensitivity should be done. culture report will isolate the causative organism and sensitivity report will guide about effective antibiotic treatment. so discuss about bronchoscopy and bal with your doctor. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wishing good health to your girlfriend. thanks.
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern.pneumonia can better to first rule out pneumonia for your get done chest x ray.if chest x ray is normal then no need to worry for pneumonia or other lung disease.take simple painkiller like paracetamol or ibuprofen. apply warm water pad on affected will mostly improve with all these.hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
in brief: corona virus if you are symptomatic and not sob you should not need tested. testing in itself does not change the course and at this time and it does not lead to a specific beneficial action. if fever and sob the testing guides inpatient therapy. follow the following guidelines:; would you like to video or text chat with me?
notify. given worsening symptoms and muscle aches likely your have some type flu bug. barking cough is typically more of a sign of virus. given recent problems with covid your worsening symptoms should be double checked. .
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.  pneumonia can cause pleurisy (inflammation of pleura) and this can cause similar kind of pain. so in my opinion, you should first get the chest x-ray done. if the chest x-ray is worsening, then your pain is due to pneumonia and you will need higher antibiotics. but if the chest x-ray is improving, then possibility of musculoskeletal pain is more likely. so apply warm water pad on the affected areas. avoid movements causing pain. avoid sudden jerky movements of the chest. take simple painkillers and muscle relaxant drugs like ibuprofen and thiocolchicoside. don't worry, you will be alright with all these.   hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
seek evaluation. difficult to advise without more information, so seek evaluation by a doctor. because of covid, try to do that by phone/telemedicine. however, seek in person care right away if breathing distress, or severe covid testing if known covid-19 contact, or travel to high risk country, or you’ve been in facility treating people with covid-19, or if 0800 029 999 for test.
hello welcome to hcm. i have gone through your history. you have been adequately treated for your pneumonia and i suppose you don't have any symptoms of pneumonia like cough, fast breathing, fever, breathlessness. since you have received intravenous plus 5 days of oral antibiotics, now you can resume about your exercise regime. as you say you had a non damaging heart attack, means that your heart pumping function is well preserved. so you must not have any issues with exercise. with every lung infection the lung capacity decreases by some percentage proportional to he severity of the infection. hence along with your routine exercises you must also undergo breathing exercises with incentive spirometry, inhaling deeply through one nose holding your breath and exhaling fully from the other nose, meditation and yoga. this will help you to regain some of the lost lung capacity. you should also get vaccinated with influenza and pneumonia vaccines that include common strains which cause pneumonia remember they don't protect you against all pneumonias but offer protection against common pneumonias.regarding naproxen too much of it may cause damage to your kidneys so i advice you decrease its usage and use it only when required rather than a daily basis.wishing you good health. regards
in brief: if it's just from... if cough and headache are just from a mild cold, then the over-the-counter cold medicines are what people usually try. however, some illnesses such as strep throat, the flu, or pandemic coronavirus also have these same symptoms, but need evaluation. it is best to contact one's primary care doctor by video or phone first during this pandemic. for emergencies, call the local emergency #). (3/24/20) would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: diabetes type 1 diabetes may be an autoimmune disorder, but if well controlled one's immunity and ability to handle infections should be ok. poorly controlled diabetics, especially with complications of kidney disease and vascular disorders, degrees of dehydration and poor tissue status are at risk for infections partly because the skin barrier to pathogens is impaired. in my experience most type 1's do ok would you like to video or text chat with me?
hello yes i agree with the treatment its ok continue it as the doctor gad prescribed it for you regards dr.jolanda
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. possibility of pneumonia is very less because you are not having chest pain, mucus expectoration and your fever is also drink plenty of fluids orally and keep yourself hydrated. avoid oily and spicy food. avoid junk food. avoid hard to chew food. take levocetrizine and paracetamol combination twice daily. do warm water gargles and steam inhalation 4-5 times a day. don't worry, you will be alright with all these. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
correct. every bit helps.
rhd. if your rheumatic heart disease hasn't caused weakness of the heart muscle or cardiac arrhythmia it shouldn't predispose you to more complications than anyone else in good health. keep your resistance and immune system high by avoiding fatigue, dehydration, excessive stress, poor nutrition and exposure to ill people. practice social distancing. at sign of sore throat gargle with warm salt water .
avoid contact. stay at home for at least 7 days from the onset or symptoms, or for at least three days following fever whichever is longer in duration. cover your cough, monitor your temperature. watch for signs of worsening including fever, shortness of breath or worsening cough.
in brief: call a doctor most places require a doctor to order this, but check into your local healthcare services to see if there is way for you to be tested without that, good luck. there are criteria in most places to qualify for testing, so look into that to see if you qualify, ask your doctor... would you like to video or text chat with me?
test if you can. if you have access test, or consult telephonically don't go to a public space.
in brief: yes my opinion is yes, but the criteria for testing is quite stringent right now. perhaps telephonically consult your doctor if possible to discuss more fully. my opinion would be to access testing. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: yes yes would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: being cautious best. any medication that can increase the potential of viral infections should be avoided during a coronavirus outbreak such as we are seeing now. would you like to video or text chat with me?
food. this link will help! general food is not a problem. unless you are dining on bats in wuhan! here is a good article on that.
in brief: hard to say very hard to say. stay home. stay safe. get someone to buy you symptomatic medication and feel free to post on here again. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: no i really don't think so but its a very different virus as is the old corona we know - 5 varieties of the common cold are from coronaviruses would you like to video or text chat with me?
hello dearwarm welcome to healthcaremagic.comi have evaluated your query in depth , i can understand your feelings for your mother .* she is in advanced stage of the disease , as it must be now drug resistant tb by now with multiple relapses .* you have to accept the condition and give her symptomatic supportive treatment as per the narrations , she is not going to be cured totally from this stage of the systemic illness .wishing her fine health ahead .regards .
hi,  yes, it might be that after the pneumonia the recovery time lasts up to one week however i recommend you to do a chest ct to see if the pneumonia has gone completely.  hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.  regards, dr. jnikolla, pulmonologist
in brief: washing clothes. although so far it has not been shown to live on surfaces like clothes for as long as it lives on surfaces like plastic and metal, it is definitely good hygienic practice to wash your clothes in the hottest water the garment allows. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: can talk with doctor doctors can give you the up-to-date information. video consultations available (start over and click on talk-to-doctor). we have informational posts on our as the us president has given mistaken information at various times during this pandemic, be sure to check with doctors and the cdc website. people usually should not be tested without symptoms or direct exposure. (3/21/20) would you like to video or text chat with me?
per rsa nicd: seek care right away if difficulty breathing, other severe testing if sick, plus known covid-19 contact, or travel to high risk country, or been in facility treating people with covid-19, or severe pneumonia of unknown 0800 029 999 for test.if sick or possibly exposed (not both), stay consultation if sick.if known exposure & not sick, self-isolate 14 days.
welldone. stay there if you feel it will help you can get a test but do so safely, else continue doing the right thing.
in brief: keep isolated the baby very likely has the infection. however, the data are very reassuring on children less than 10 year old. i am certain there has been no deaths recorded. treat as you would if the baby had a cold. follow the following isolation guidelines: i think you will find this improving in a few days. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: yes this virus clings to everything especially hairs. either wash your beard a few times a day and spray with alcohol or shave off. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: self quarantine. isolate yourself and contact to your doctor by phone or via internet. you may have flu more than corona virus. because headache is not a common symptom of the corona virus and your age is not the age that is vulnarable to corona virus. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: fever antibiotics are supposed to prevent fevers, not cause them. if, however, you are having an allergic reaction to the medication it can cause a fever. but so can viral diseases (common cold, flu, covid-19, etc. ) that are not treatable with antibiotics that are designed to treat bacterial infections. call your general physician and report your symptoms. would you like to video or text chat with me?
hiafter spme days of the proper treatment you will feel better again. don't worry it takes ssometime to recover. dr.jolanda
in brief: don't worry your symptoms are unlikely related to corvid 19, and rather to change of season and smoking cessationtry to use a saline nasal spray and otrivin nasal spray at least 4-5 times a day don't use otrivin longer than 10 days would you like to video or text chat with me?
hello,these are the best management frame work for your son, which is including antibiotic, decongestant, anti-pyretic, bronchodilator medications needed to cure the in regular follow up with your doctor, he will be recovered within some time.hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,dr. bhagyesh v. patel
real vs. textbook. real-life criteria is different because we don't have enough tests, supplies, or medical staff around the world at this time (march 2020). textbook criteria are suspected covid in hospitalized persons or in those with underlying medical conditions; or persons who got symptoms less than 14 days after (1) contact with a suspect or confirmed covid patient or (2) travel through high-risk covid area.
in brief: coronavirus and acei. recent publications including the one from the lancet showed covid-19 binds to ace-2 receptor on target cells for entrance. the expression of ace-2 receptor is substantially increased in patients with diabetes who were treated with ace inhibitors or arb. nsaids has the similar effect. all medications can have some unexpected side effects. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: no diarrhea does not rule out covid. if you have traveled to endemic areas or met with people that traveled there, you should test if possible.
in brief: high temperature covid stands for 'corona virus diesase'. we know that high temperature kills most pathogens eg protozoa, viruses and bacteria. that's why cooking is recommending for certain foods rather than eating it 'raw'. temperatures of 140 to 160 degree f kills most pathogens including viruses. corona viruses are sensitive to heat and cooking will destroy the outer protein layer and kill the virus. would you like to video or text chat with me?
thanks for your question on healthcare magic. i can understand your concern. your symptoms are seen with both, bronchitis and pneumonia. and both of these them are common after upper respiratory tract infection (urti - sinusitis). so better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system, chest x ray and pft (pulmonary function test). chest x ray is needed for the diagnosis of pneumonia. pft is must for the diagnosis of bronchitis. antibiotics are the mainstay of treatment for pneumonia. inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroid (ics) are the mainstay of treatment for bronchitis. so first diagnose android then start appropriate treatment.. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
in brief: symptoms vary. some may have no symptoms at all. some can be life threatening. would you like to video or text chat with me?
virus. symptoms could be either influenza or the covid 19 virus. call your local doctor to discuss these new changes in your health to determine what testing will,be needed, and steps you should take. at least for,now, treat the symptoms with acetaminophen (not ibuprofen) , cough syrup. isolate yourself away from other people, wear a mask to avoid spreading virus, sneeze into elbow, wash hands frequently.
coronavirus testing. yes, get tested if symptomatic (early symptoms could be mild respiratory symptoms and nonspecific) or self quarantine given your high risk of exposure. .
no. don't go to work you could unknowinly spread the virus. we are all effectively on lock down and the sooner the better if you think you have it stay home, if you ave access to testing then get tested but we are running out of tests (to my knowledge) if you deteriorate send a message here and i will advise. do not go to work.
in brief: yes this virus clings to everything especially hairs. either wash your beard a few times a day and spray with alcohol or shave off.
in brief: many possibilities seek care right away if difficulty breathing, other severe symptoms. seek testing if sick, plus known covid-19 contact, or travel to high risk country, or been in facility treating people with covid-19, or severe pneumonia of unknown 0800 029 999 for test.if sick or possibly exposed (not both), stay consultation if sick.if known exposure & not sick, self-isolate 14 days. would you like to video or text chat with me?
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service.i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.maybe pneumonia didn't resolve. you have to change medications. add azithromycin, syrup ascoril thrice and tablet pantop d twice. also take mucaine gel twice. hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,      dr. chandra shekhar
helloas you explain cefuroxime or the group of kinolones are the right choice of treatmentregardsdr.jolanda
maybe. do video w/
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.  she is already suffering from copd (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). and pneumonia can be severe in already compromised lungs. so pneumonia in copd patients should be treated promptly. and hence she needs hospital admission, intravenous antibiotics, anti pyretic, intravenous fluids and other supportive drugs. so better to admit her and start appropriate treatment.  hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.
respected user, hi it is unlikely to disseminate lung pathology to brain in your may be existing condition in brain detected afterwards or occurrence with/ after the lung pathology.hope this clears your query.thanks for using health care magic & giving me an opportunity to assist you.regards dear take care.
hi and welcome in hcmaccording to the history this might be a situation called *nonresponding pneumonia*it would be better to be hospitalized for further examinations like:crphemogramalt,astchest ct (if needed)abgfor exploring better the situation and do the treatment in i/v route .if you have comorbidites they should be evaluated too.sometimes when the other comorbidities are not well treated the pneumonia does not respond so well from the please discuss with your doctor for the aboveregardsdr.jolanda
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.  according to the chest x-ray results, this is an infection of the lung tissue. don't worry. in this case, antibiotics are given. consult your doctor.  regards.
in brief: appears as though this was asked before? she should disrobe immediately upon entering the home, place clothes in laundry and then shower. you need to keep a1c as low as possible, do everything you can to support gut health and immunity and increase supplements that increase resistance to viruses. sleep apart... your call! would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: it depends. it depends of your country and the state of coronavirus, in some places you need to have traveled recently to another country to get the test, and in another countrys you need to be tested right away after any symptoms. you should check your country phase of coronavirus would you like to video or text chat with me?
read our blog post. household members should stay in another room or be separated from the quarantined as much as possible. they should use a separate bedroom and bathroom, if available. prohibit visitors to the home. you and the quarantined should each wear a face mask if you are in the same room. (3/26/20) read
in brief: it is possible. you can self quarantin yourself for 2 weeks. if develop and symptoms especially fever and cough get tested. since you consider yourself a hypocondriac i suggest to wear an n-95 or surgical mask to prevent similar situations. would you like to video or text chat with me?
coronavirus. stay calm. most people with coronavirus infection only get mild respiratory symptoms, especially among younger patients. diabetes and use of acei or arb may increase your risk of infection. practicing common sense of prevention is critical during this outbreak crisis. avoid risk exposure, wash hand, wear mask as needed. get tested if you develop symptoms. effect drugs are coming. .
coronavirus pui crit. self-quarantine and monitor yourself for 14 days from return date.if symptoms develop, please contact the nicd for screening to see if you have to get tested.public hotlines:+27 800029999; +27 800111132; +27 82 883 9920.
in brief: it could there is not enough scientific info to confirm it. most of the online new was based on french could be combination of speculations because virus enters lung through ace2 receptor and also ibuprofens nasid and virus can effects the kidney. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: yes: not wheezing but difficulty of breathing is a symptom of the corona virus infection but it is not the common one. it can be seen sometimes. the common symptoms are fever and cough mostly dry cough. the wheezing could be due to asthma or allergies in general. since covid 19 can be seen even without any symptoms i suggest you to get in touch with your doctor for advise and follow up with you. would you like to video or text chat with me?
screen sputum. you may have a bacterial illness such as bronchitis, pneumonia or a sinus infection. your pcp may collect sputum, screen for strep/influenza. covid-19 is usually associated with a dry cough, but secondary infection may occur. please see your pcp.
it will be better if he takes it for 10 days. in order to prevent from nausea and headache you cam give him combination of antacid with antiemetic i.e drugs like pantop d or nupenta dsr or gempraz dsr once a day for the rest of the treatment period.
in brief: same as usual during this covid-19 pandemic, the other infections like colds, flus, and sinus infections can still happen. the over-the-counter treatments have not changed. covid-19 virus is so new that there has not been much verified research yet, so stick with what meds worked in the past. see the blog post... (3/25/20) would you like to video or text chat with me?
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service.i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.yes, cpap machine if not properly maintained can cause pneumonia. actually, there are a lot of things in cpap machine that can be infected.things like tubing, mask, and filters etcetera are very prone to infection. so, proper care should be taken to prevent infections from these parts.better to ask cpap provider to check all these parts and if infected replace them.hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,dr. kaushal bhavsar
stay home. stay at home, rest, drink fluids and monitor your temperature. your symptoms are more consistent with a cold or sinus infection. nasal saline and a decongestant may be helpful. if you develop covid symptoms including dry cough, fever, and/or shortness of breath, testing is indicated. report fever and shortness of breath to your pcp.
good question. awareness and precautions are important, but your wife plays a valuable role for those who have contracted the disease. she will be at higher risk than the general population and we are seeing hcps contracting covid-19. there is no one correct answer to this question because situations vary. best option is for your wife to discuss this with her employer and take precautions. good luck!
self isolate. current nicd/doh guidelines are to self isolate. if getting worse (fever, cough and shortness of breath), or if you have traveled or been in contact with anyone with confirmed covid 19, arrange for testing. for more info try whatsapp "hi" to 0600123456 (the doh covid hotline)
in pandemic times... the covid-19 infection is worldwide, in all but some isolated areas. the goal is to keep people separate so that the clinics and hospitals are not overwhelmed. patients with medical symptoms should see their primary care doctor on video or by phone, and get instructed to go to a clinic or er only if not treatable by video or phone. symptoms of covid-19 are often the same as a cold or the flu.
hi hope to satisfy youactually there is an viral infection there must be superimposed bacteria infection too.viral resolves with the passage of time on its own but to treat bacterial one we have to give antibiotics.for pneumonia you should give her azithromycin according to her weight 10 mg /kg wight once a day and for 5 days.plz mention the age n weight for next onwards.also give ibuprofen 10 mg /kg weight three times a day for 3 days n for nasal congestion give give arinac syrup twice a day for 7 days.hope she feels better soon.
in brief: viral syndrome you're symptoms are likely viral syndrome; could be the flu, however, given the current covid outbreak, it may very well be corona virus. please follow cdc guidelines for self quarantine. wash your hands frequently with soap and water. keep hydrated. take tylenol for fever/pain. would you like to video or text chat with me?
hello,  as you explain the long history you should absolutely believe in your treating doctor and follow his instructions.  hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.  take care  regards, dr jnikolla, pulmonologist
probably. we should all be cautious , not worried about covid-19. it is prudent for us all to be socially isolating, washing our hands, supplementing with vits. d and c and working on making the best of it. be grateful for the things that are going well in your life, reach out with verbal and video support for all the loved ones and even people you just know are isolated with support. don't bother to worry.
in brief: bloods do help but only a corona virus test confirms - stay home or be tested safely, your problem sounds more chronic but hard to say would you like to video or text chat with me?
covid infections will likely pick up over the next few weeks in us. avoiding travel and following hand washing recommendations are probably the most important prophylactic measures.
in brief: covid test two weeks of self isolation, if you get worse, call your gp firsttake anti histamines and panda only , get an asthavent pump, use twice a daylots of fluids, vit c and zinc, add echinaforce drops would you like to video or text chat with me?
sounds like viral. sounds viral but not corona however healthcare workers are high risk by being exposed to ill populations. i would stay home so that you do not cross infect. if you have access to a test then get that self isolate and monitor your symptoms. post on here if confused. .
infection. seem you have an infectious gastroenteritis, flu or even coronavirus. take tylenol, stay hydrated, get tests ordered by a physician. .
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. yes, if we treat fistula, drain pus and fluid and cure pneumonia, her breathing will be eased.since she is bone marrow transplant patient, possibility of atypical bacterial infection is more likely because of get done bronchoscopy and bal culture. also get done fluid culture and sensitivity report. culture report will isolate the causative organism and sensitivity report will guide about effective antibiotic treatment. by these, we can achieve faster recovery. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wishing good health to your sister. thanks.
in brief: stay home hi. if you are concerned about covid-19, please call the hotline on 0800 029 999, see the faqs on https://www. or would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: flu like sx. stay at home, monitor your temperature, drink fluids and rest. if your cough is associated with fever and/or does not begin to improve, please see your pcp. you may have bacterial bronchitis -avoid smoke, dust, mold, animal dander and pollen. influenza and covid are associated with fever. the cough with covid is typically dry. if you have underlying lung disease, test for cov/flu. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: contact dr rather get hold of your regular gp and discuss over the telephone regarding this issue. do not stop or do this on your own. would you like to video or text chat with me?
maybe. do video w/
need more info! difficult to advise without more information, so seek evaluation by a doctor. because of covid, try to do that by phone/telemedicine. however, seek care right away if difficulty breathing, or severe covid testing if known covid-19 contact, or travel to high risk country, or you’ve been in facility treating people with covid-19, or if 0800 029 999 for test.
in brief: test if you can if you have availability get a telephonic consult and get a test. testing capability is stretched right now self quarantine and keep in touch on this forum for now. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: arrange testing stay home, provide fluids and ibuprofen after checking his temperature. if he does not look well to you, please arrange a virtual or in person appointment with your pediatrician. avoid contact with others, use good hand washing and consider testing for influenza and coronavirus. would you like to video or text chat with me?
in brief: covid good guidelines can be found at cdc. gov/coronavirus/2019. you would be considered low risk. symptoms last up to two weeks. high probability many will get the disease and testing leads to no change in action at this time. no obvious therapy (however some encouraging possibilites) and for most people the virus runs its course without incidence. stay put and talk to your provider. would you like to video or text chat with me?
common cold with sin. the corona virus causes a fever,sore throat ,acute lower resp symptoms such as painfull cough and rep distress ( wheezing)your symptoms are very unlikely to be covid-19.
hello! just because you have previously had a pneumonia does not necessarily mean this time too you will be having it again. since how long have you been having cough ? are you having a dry cough or produce phlegm ? what's the colour of the phlegm ? last time you had pneumonia was it properly n completely treated ? apart from cough what are your other complaints at present ? your cough can be due to inflammation of your throat lining or it can be something to do with your lungs like previous time. kindly get your checked by a physician with an open mind and go for a chest x ray if necessary.
hello welcome to the health care magic your concern is regarding pneumonia... in pneumonia cough, dyspnea, fever like presentation seen for its diagnosis chest x ray and sputum examination done hope your concern solved take care