typo reconmmended on page captcha on signup section
in bamboo there is a place where we maybe unintentionally provide a link to bamboos user profile page as opposed to the studio user profile page which is accessible from the user dropdown menu in the studio header that bamboo user profile page doesnt seem to work and looks confusing we might want to hide it or have a look at why it looks strangeplease see the following screen video for details
the confluenceproject confluencewebapp and srcetc plugin poms werent versioned properly in confluence this has farranging effects on writing plugins and using the source release for these versions repository copies of these components can only have one version deployed at a time unfortunately the versions cant be changed retrospectively in that code so we need a compromise the repository copy of each component will be the most recent that is the versions of confluenceproject confluencewebapp and srcetc plugins in the repository will be the versions corresponding with the confluence release
situation we are in process of migration from confluence cloud to server and found issues with calendar plugin unable to let users add page as favorite let us know which is compatible with our confluence version steps to reproduce confluence team calendar a page calendar into the page access confluence using google chrome and click on the star icon to mark the page as favourite expected behaviour page will be mark as favourite actual behaviour server error while updating favourite is thrown as shown in attachement
note this bug report is for jira server using jira cloud see the corresponding bug report panelwhen adding or modifying an existing zendesk post function process to a work flow no longer works it should and did show screen as illustrated in the link below step step no longer shows and details see video
external diff ctrld set to beyondcompare does not work when source tree session starts opening and closing option dialog brings it back for the current session the connection to ctrld is lost the next time sourcetre starts
steps to reproduce create a parent with a sub resolve the sub you will be prompted with a dialog to also move parent to done choose the resolve transition cancel out of the resolve screenbutton does not come back
steps to reproduce create an agile board associated to a project with more than versions request there is no total property in the response as documented here this bug prevents me cloud addon from making parallel requests for all versions as i cannot predetermine how many pages there are
note this bug report is for jira server using jira cloud see the corresponding bug report panelthe versionepic tags on the board load bulkystacked at first but if you refresh it goes back to normalslimhorizontal which is preferable to fit more on the screen see screenshots seconds apart separated by commandr affects all boards i have access to
this upgrade will be deployed to ondemand on september currently users in ondemand with the gliffy plugin installed are unable to access previously created diagrams within confluence the issue is due to an incompatibility with the gliffy plugin and a new plugin is being released by gliffy once tested it will be deployed into the ondemand environment there is currently no workaround available for displaying previously created diagrams
summary the workbox method setpingcompleted is susceptible to creating deadlock scenarios which may lead to an instance running into oome two threads run setpingcompleted at the exact same time one thread completes while the other remains stuck with a database lock the thread cannot be finalized and other objects using the database will be unable to be finalized as well eventually the instance will run out of database connections or generate an oome evidence in thread dumps example thread codeborderstylesolid daemon tid nid runnable javalangthreadstate runnable at method at at at at at at at locked a javautilarraylist at at at at at locked a netsourceforgejtdsjdbctdscore at at locked a at at at at locked a netjavaaodbsqlserverdatabaseprovider at at at at code key line to look for codeborderstylesolid at code how to reproduce install confluence with mssql database link confluence and jira confluence should manage its users create user in both systems create jira ticket and assign it to create a page in confluence and insert link to the jira ticket login to confluence as and go to the page with the jira link authorise access to jira to view jira tickets info insert a lot of records millions to aouser table and limit cpu and io resources for database so it should become slow open confluence in two browsers logged as and click to the notifications icon in both browsers at the same time one thread will be waiting for db answer db is trying to insert record to aouser another thread will be trying to enter to synchronised block deadlock workaround disable the workbox plugins addons change the dropdown from userinstalled to system locate and disable these three plugins workbox common plugin workbox confluence provider plugin workbox host plugin resolution sqlserverdatabaseproviderinsertreturningkey in ao library mustnt be synchronized because it produce deadlocks in mssql databases
problem jira software cannot be enabled when upgrading or installing to jira due to error bundle symbolic name and version are not unique steps to reproduce a upgrade an existing jira installation to jira and b install jira software expected behaviour jira software is enabled actual result jira software module is not enabled trying to enable it from versions and licenses page will result to the following stack traces codeborderstylesolid warn admin unable to install plugin comatlassianjirajirasoftwareapplication comatlassianpluginosgicontainerosgicontainerexception unable to install bundle at at at at at at at at at at caused by orgosgiframeworkbundleexception bundle symbolic name and version are not unique at at at at at at more warn admin plugin installation failed failed to install obr jar artifact warn admin comatlassianupmspiplugininstallexception failed to install obr jar artifact comatlassianupmspiplugininstallexception failed to install obr jar artifact code notes previous jira software versions works fine workaround restart jira application
issue originally raised by dmitry pashkevich over at im trying to run confluence to test my addon however it looks like synchrony wont aquire database connections for some reason heres my environment code atlasversion atlas version atlas home atlas scripts atlas maven home amps version executing version gs java hotspottm server vm warning ignoring option support was removed in apache maven maven home java version vendor oracle corporation java home default locale enus platform encoding os name linux version arch family unix code heres how i run confluence code atlasdebug v code heres what i see in the startup logs code debug processline initializing pool debug processline acquisition attempt failed clearing pending acquires while trying to acquire a needed new resource we failed to succeed more than the maximum number of allowed acquisition attempts last acquisition attempt exception debug processline connection is broken unexpected status debug processline caused by a resourcepool could not acquire a resource from its primary factory or source code full log attached
from amos gouauxi think trying to bold a single letter as in x can cause somedifficulty otherwise seems to be doing pretty good
implementation of cachingversionstore has stopped to support null values in case getversionlong getversionsbynamestring getversionsbyprojectlong
trying to open up a pull request from my dev branch to the qa branch in the top it shows me that dev was updated x hours ago and qa was last updated days ago however down below it says there are no commits and all of the functionality to submit the pull request is disabledsee the attached screenshot
after moving to next step of creating a page specified value of variable still can be edited steps to reproduce create a new template in confluence refer pic add two variables to template work product which has properties component component product product kpi scheme which has properties create a new page using the template refer pic select values for each box click next result after moving to nextstep user can colorrededit value of work product kpi scheme fieldcolor refer pic expected result user cant edit the value of work product kpi scheme field cause theyre set in first step theyre value of variables
this seems to be this problem outlined by this bug report this appears to still be a problem i had one other user report thisthis morningconfluence since isbuilt on top of springhibernate and lucene was a second nature forme to understand it and install it i was even able to install it on amysql server supporting as the default collation moment whenthe default installation failed osproperties failed for index keytoo long btw i hope you know about this issue do you i wonder ifany of your customers complained so far about this issue confluence onmysql with enabled if not it means i am the only one seeing thisproblem which is good can we raise an issue and look to fix it
issue summary as a confluence cloud administrator one of the things you can do is to import spaces from other confluence sites apparently in case you are not a siteadmin within the site you are not able to import the space due to a weird error emailnotindrslist steps to reproduce export a space to xml from a site you have access to logging in with a user that is not a siteadmin but a confluence administrator log in to a different confluence cloud site navigate to settings import space and import the space you exported on step expected results the space gets imported successfully actual results an error prevents you to import the space codejava errortypeemailnotindrslistmessageemail domain is not in the drs listdata code there is also an additional error that can be displayed when non siteadmins attempt the space import code errortypepublicsignupdisabledmessagepublic sign up is not enabled code in addition to that according to the space import documentation this procedure will not import user accounts but it actually adds the users to the site userbase but with no product access though as active users that might be the reason why nonsiteadmins cannot perform this action workaround engage one of your siteadmins to make you a siteadmin so then you will be able to import spaces
summary using safari i am unable to see all boards tested on safari versions affected versions jira jira steps to reproduce open jira navigate through boards view all boards expected results see all boards actual results any board is shown screen shot at pmpngthumbnail workaround update safari version to use another browser
our resin doco has two broken links in it resin db configuration guide jndi guide looks like a replacement for the db configuration guide i will investigate and fix cheers ian
issue summary some customers are not being able to copy pages on confluence cloud steps to reproduce from the ••• menu click on the copy button notice that the copy will fail expected results the copy of the page should open in the edit mode actual results the copy is failing and the following error messages are showing up for customers screen shot at image workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
the generated rss content from issue navigator dont support xhtml latin characteres during xml parse from a rssxml utility the xml parse result the following error message the entity ecirc was referenced but not declared other error messages occurs for other latin characteres entities like the instance described above some issues content and site content contains xhtml automaticaly encoded characters that was persisted into the database eg ampecirc then the generated rss content will be contains this characteres that arent recognized by a rssxml utility parser the attach contain a generated rss file that show the problem this files contains entities not recognized like ampecirc and ampccedil equivalents to the characters ê and ç respectively may be this issue affects other jira versions
see the screenshot for the voted issues gadget strange red lines and alignment issues on
the following foreign key constraint error is thrown when trying to remove a space noformat orgspringframeworkdaodataintegrityviolationexception hibernate operation could not delete sql error update or delete on table attachments violates foreign key constraint on table attachmentdata detail key is still referenced from table attachmentdata nested exception is orgpostgresqlutilpsqlexception error update or delete on table attachments violates foreign key constraint on table attachmentdata detail key is still referenced from table attachmentdata caused by orgpostgresqlutilpsqlexception error update or delete on table attachments violates foreign key constraint on table attachmentdata detail key is still referenced from table attachmentdata noformat this problem only occurs when attachments are stored in the database and a custom logo is configured for the space this problem will be more evident in a cluster as attachments are always stored in the database
the parents entry in the commit info pane wrap after commits this pushes the author entry down but not the label see attachment at first i thought it was only displaying the first commits since the diff pane only shows the diff of the first two commits is not specific to windows
i am trying to upgrade sac to jira and i saw this in the logs code main info plugin unit created main info plugins that have yet to be enabled seconds remaining main info plugins that have yet to be enabled seconds remaining main info plugins that have yet to be enabled seconds remaining error unable to create a service config for service with the name confluence support auto send service error the class comatlassianjiratoolkitservicesupportservice could not be found this can happen when a plugin is uninstalled or disabled error a noop service has been returned and hence confluence support auto send service will not do anything until fixed error unable to create a service config for service with the name jira support auto send service error the class comatlassianjiratoolkitservicesupportservice could not be found this can happen when a plugin is uninstalled or disabled error a noop service has been returned and hence jira support auto send service will not do anything until fixed main info plugins that have yet to be enabled seconds remaining error unable to create a service config for service with the name fisheye auto support requests error the class comatlassianjiratoolkitservicesupportservice could not be found this can happen when a plugin is uninstalled or disabled error a noop service has been returned and hence fisheye auto support requests will not do anything until fixed error unable to create a service config for service with the name crowd auto support requests error the class comatlassianjiratoolkitservicesupportservice could not be found this can happen when a plugin is uninstalled or disabled error a noop service has been returned and hence crowd auto support requests will not do anything until fixed error unable to create a service config for service with the name jira studio auto send service error the class comatlassianjiratoolkitservicesupportservice could not be found this can happen when a plugin is uninstalled or disabled error a noop service has been returned and hence jira studio auto send service will not do anything until fixed code the class is in the toolkit plugin and the plugin is in the installedplugins directory however its not loading at plugin start time we will want to get on top of this
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report summarymention is showing undefined email address when email visibility is set to hidden this is similar to but this time it affects the mention rather than assignee steps to reproduce set user email visibility to be hidden jira administration system general configuration user email visibility next open an issue ticket and mention an user you will see that undefined is being shown as attached screenshot expected results after setting email visibility to hidden it should display in this format displayname username this is the case with jira actual resultsit is now being shown in this format displayname undefined username in jira
summary a build is run and all of the jobs in the first stage appear in the pending state when pending job details are shown bamboo gives the following status job has not yet been queued waiting for prior stages to complete in every case the agent matrix shows that suitable agents are available for the jobs on one of the servers ibac the build queue was completely empty there was activity on the instance yet the stuck build wouldnt start weve had this happen times in less than hours on different production bamboo instances ibac and jbac more information is available on no log output was produced that mentioned the stuck job keys debuglevel logging has been enabled on ibac in case it happens again
if two commits were selected to display a diff between them refreshing gui via leads to incorrect commit selection afterwards initial situation you need a repo with a number of commits such that you are able to scroll a selected commit out of view try at best while displaying the commit list scroll down to the end and select any commit scroll upwards until the selected commit is out of view at least one page up hold ctrl and select another commit in your current view now you can see the diff between both commits as intended the distance between both commits must be far enough such that sourcetree is not able to show both commits in the list at the same time you can reduce the window size for that press to refresh gui and wait until its done now select another commit without holding down ctrl check that sourcetree is still showing the diff between your newly selected commit and the first commit selected at step although clicking on one commit should deselect every other commit this behavior remains until you scroll down to the first commit which was selected at step
a xss vulnerability where a string could bypass the antixss mechanism has been identified this issue corrects this problem the severity of this issue is rated as low please see for information on other security related issues and our rating system
if two pull requests are merged at the same time using the squash option then it is possible that they will be in a race where one will win and the other will lose but both will report that they merged correctly the squashed merge commit for the loser is not attached to the main branch
steps to reproduce open an issue click reslve opens transition issue dialog enter changeset number optional actually matter get error message an unexpected error occurredcodehtml something went wrong you can contact support or a href a public issue if the problem persists this might be useful in debugging the problem you can also visit our code
summary when creating issue link to a issue from another jira instance connected through an application link the issue will not be displayed on the links column in the issue navigator steps to reproduce create an application link between two jira instances create a issue on each instance create an issue link between these two issues one on each server expected results the issue link is displayed on the links column actual results only issue links from within that jira instance will be displayed
issue summary in new editor when we tried to create a new template insert fileimages option is not available environment confluence cloudfabrics editor steps to reproduce login to confluence instance with the fabric editor enabled navigate to the global templates and blueprints option click on add global page template in the editor insert fileimages option is not available expected results insert fileimages option should be available actual results insert fileimages option is not available workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
following the instructions for integrating jira usermanagement in confluence i get the following error when starting comopensymphonyuserproviderjdbcjdbccredentialsprovider listschwerwiegend could not list usersjavasqlsqlexception general error table confluenceuserbase doesnt existit seems that confluence ist trying to use the right table named userbase this table belongs to jira but looks for it in the wrong database confluencewhat can i do
since the ui and the crowd importers dont check the values for user attributes the backup feature shouldnt either code javalangillegalargumentexception adding text to an xml document must not be null at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at code
the git hook prepush doesnt seem to work steps to reproduce simple test create a simple file prepush in githooks like this codejava binsh echo hello prepushlogtxt code make sure its encoding is and the line endings are linux style confirm that its working by opening the git bash and run githooksprepush the file prepushlogtxt should be created remove it for the real test now push something to another repo using sourcetree the file will not be created
we had confluence before on port during upgrade to what i did was that i shut down then started it to a different port so that no one would be adding content while i was backing up after backing it up i shut it down and did the upgrade to then i started the on port made sure everything looked fine then i shut it down and started on port everything seemed fine initially but a few days later i noticed that all the tiny urls changed to port which was used only temporarily therefore none of the tiny urls work any more this has become an issue since weve been telling people to use tiny urls and they email around with the tiny urls simply getting rid of the port does not fix this at all please advise
when a group sets the permissions on a page to view and edit only for that group the admin can view the page by typing in the url this should not be the case many gourps want to post secure information and not allow the admin to view it knowing that the admin could remove the restrictions on the page and view the page is ok since we know that this could be detected but the ability for them to type in the url to a page and view it isnt acceptable i assume this affects all versions that allow page restrictions
when a user is added to the group with issue level security permissions to browse a project the changes dont take place immediately in the issue navigator the issues become available immediately via direct url but cant be searched reindexing doesnt solve the problem note after an hour or sometimes more than the issues become available on the issue navigator steps to reproduce create a project and a test user create an issue with the test user and verify that you can access the issue and see it listed with a search of project mynewproject apply issue level security to that project restricting it to a new group verify that now the issue and the search of that project is denied to the test user add the user to the group results issue url is accessible because you have permissions and belong to the issue security level group search of the project issues return no results although you have the permissions to browse them expected issues are immediately listed doing a search for the project images attached show the test user mauro haspermissionsjpeg viewed using sysadmin session testusercanseeissueurljpeg searchreturnemptyjpeg project issues should be displayed immediately after adding the user to the required group
a japanese user tweeted sourcetree has some mistranslations in japaneserebase current changes onto branch is translated into the change of the electric rebase current onto branch or parents is translated into mother and father please let me know even if there are the slightest changes id like to help you if you have time will you send me the latest language files for translation
summary when viewing any confluence page in safar the cpu utilization of the thread running that tab will hold the running cpu core at for several seconds this does not happen when using other browsers like chrome environment optional if applicable safari version steps to reproduce in safari browse to any confluence page and take note of the thread that is running the tab in the activity monitor expected results the browser thread to consume a nominal amount of cpu for example chrome jumps up to about for less than a second actual results you will see it jump and hold at for several seconds after loading the page notes na currently the only workaround is to use another browser such as firefox or chrome
atlasslian sourcetree not able to register on install i now have two users with this issue all basic trouble shooting has been done reinstallclear internet settings etc has anyone else seen this please into this jira
when a request for a file does not include a useragent we blow up noformat error error finding null javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at noformat
to reproduce run fe open server settings change values for resource limits change them again youll get something like this in your configxml noformat noformat
note this bug report is for jira server using jira cloud see the corresponding bug report panelwhen writing a plugins plugin for jira you occasionally want to include static resources straight into the page like images for example this page here poorly documents how to do that the correct solution is to use the webresourcemanager and its corresponding functions to get your static resources from a plugin but a plugin dev will probably struggle to realise that
issue summary if the user puts a long float number in a float attribute field that is to long it will show an e in the number if i configure a standard float attribute i can store numbers with decimal places if the number is larger than it will be displayed like follows instead of instead of steps to reproduce create a float attribute put a long float number and see an e in the value as an end result like this picture below screenshot at expected results the e should not be in the number actual results the e shows in the number workaround use a textfield instead and this wont happen
set image to tutumlamp script mysql uroot e database connect to local mysql server through socket i missing something on my machine with docker it runs perfectly fine i even built in a sleep to test if there are timing issues
steps to reproduce the problem set user language different from the system default language open the customer portal main page login page is displayed in system default language login to customer portal customer portal is displayed in system default language refresh the page portal displayed in user language logout from cp login page is in user language refresh the page it turns into default language
i am trying to look at the system information in the confluence admin area and i keep getting an error message i have been trying over the last two days and keep getting the same error i have provided a screenshot of the error below thanks
hi supportercan you pls check for us why we always meet bitbucket is very slow to merge and accept after or am we have the issue day by dayregardscuong ta
summary space template not saving when you copy a table from another page with an image attachment in it and paste it when creating template environment confluence cloud steps to reproduce go to the space and choose space tools content tools on the sidebar choose templates create new template copypaste a table from another page with an image attachment in it try to save the template expected results the template will be created and will appear on the templates list actual results it is not possible to save the template and it doesnt appear in the template list create and save a blank template to force the new template to appear in the templates list then edit the template copy paste the table and save it again or create the template but add the image via the insert files and images dialogue instead of via copy paste
in this documentation page under using an initd script step there is a script example of etcinitdstash this code is wrong where it says code export code it should be code export code
something went wrongyou can contact support or create a public issue if the problem persiststhis might be useful in debugging the can also visit our status page
issue summary issue type screen scheme does not reflect correctly on all node after the scheme is updated the node who make the change contains the correct value and even though the other nodes receive cache invalidation message they display the incorrect previous value steps to reproduce setup a node dc cluster i used jira create a blank scrum project this will create an issue type scheme key scrum issue type screen scheme with two issue type defined within default and bug i you can setup trace logging on comatlassianjiraclusterdistributionlocalq comatlassianjiraclusterdistributionlocalqlocalqcachemanager comatlassianjiraclusterdistributionlocalqlocalqcachereplicator netsfehcachedistribution andor enable sql log if you wish to review log as shared in the section below setup two browsers and log in one browser to node the other to node open network tools on each then visit network tab and choose disable cache so that we always get the fresh page from the server edit the issue type screen scheme eg on each browser on edit bug to be the key scrum default screen scheme refresh page of node refresh page of node i note that both nodes show the correct values now on node edit bug to be the key scrum bug screen scheme refresh node i note that node incorrectly shows key scrum default screen scheme you can now refresh node and node as much as you want and the incorrect value will stick on node i you do not have to switch change from node to node even two sequential change on node will cause the bug provided that the configureissuetypescreenscheme is accessed on a different node in between changes i this is on an individual its scheme basis ie if you change a scheme once then change a different scheme once both changes will apply to all nodes i this can be triggered with just a single change to the issue type screen scheme the reproduction steps show multiple changes because this was the most reliable path to replicate the problem expected results both node and node show the same screen scheme configuration in our test default key scrum default screen scheme issue type bug key scrum bug screen scheme when creating a new issue of type bug in the relevant project the fields shown are that of the scheme that was set ie issue type bug will get fields for screen in key scrum bug screen scheme actual results x node incorrectly shows key scrum default screen scheme x when creating a new issue of type bug in the relevant project the fields shown are that of the incorrect key scrum default screen scheme cache log node i cache replication completes for the update on done replicating cache to queues i cache replication message is received fastly for the update on rmicachepeer for cache comatlassianjiraissuefieldsscreenissuetypedefaultissuetypescreenschememanagerschemecache remote remove received for key codejava tail f atlassianjiralog grep e done replicating cache to queues comatlassianjiraissuefieldsscreenissuetypedefaultissuetypescreenschememanagerschemecacheremote remove received for key code codejava click edit on node update to asdf scrum default screen scheme on trace admin secureadmineditissuetypescreenschemeentityjspa done replicating cache to queues comatlassianjiraissuefieldsscreenissuetypedefaultissuetypescreenschememanagerschemecache operation remove key numberofqueues timemillis stacktrace javalangthrowable refresh node refresh node result node matches edit node set to scrum bug screeen scheme on node rmi tcp debug rmicachepeer for cache comatlassianjiraissuefieldsscreenissuetypedefaultissuetypescreenschememanagerschemecache remote remove received for key refresh node result node shows incorrect scrum default screen scheme node shows correct scrum bug screen scheme code cache log i cache replication message is received fastly for the update on rmicachepeer for cache comatlassianjiraissuefieldsscreenissuetypedefaultissuetypescreenschememanagerschemecache remote remove received for key i cache replication completes for the update on node replication completes for the update on done replicating cache to queues codejava tail f atlassianjiralog grep e done replicating cache to queues comatlassianjiraissuefieldsscreenissuetypedefaultissuetypescreenschememanagerschemecacheremote remove received for key code codejava click edit on node update to asdf scrum default screen scheme on rmi tcp debug rmicachepeer for cache comatlassianjiraissuefieldsscreenissuetypedefaultissuetypescreenschememanagerschemecache remote remove received for key refresh node refresh node result node matches edit node set to scrum bug screeen scheme on node trace admin tnooso secureadmineditissuetypescreenschemeentityjspa done replicating cache to queues comatlassianjiraissuefieldsscreenissuetypedefaultissuetypescreenschememanagerschemecache operation remove key numberofqueues timemillis stacktrace javalangthrowable refresh node result node shows incorrect scrum default screen scheme node shows correct scrum bug screen schemecode sql log node at the first update occuring on node we can see the db operation update publicissuetypescreenschemeentity x after the second update occuring on node we dont see any select operation to refresh the cache from issuetypescreenschemeentity codejava tail f atlassianjirasqllog grep i p selectinsertupdatedeletefieldscreenschemeissuetypescreenschemeentityissuetypescreenscheme code codejava click edit on node admin secureadminvieweditissuetypescreenschemeentityjspa select id name description from publicfieldscreenscheme order by name update to asdf scrum default screen scheme on admin secureadmineditissuetypescreenschemeentityjspa update publicissuetypescreenschemeentity set where admin secureadminconfigureissuetypescreenschemejspa select name description from publicissuetypescreenscheme where admin secureadminconfigureissuetypescreenschemejspa select sourcenodeid sourcenodeentity sinknodeid sinknodeentity associationtype sequence from publicnodeassociation where sourcenodeentityproject and and sinknodeentityissuetypescreenscheme and associationtypeprojectscheme admin secureadminconfigureissuetypescreenschemejspa select id issuetype scheme fieldscreenscheme from publicissuetypescreenschemeentity where refresh node admin secureadminconfigureissuetypescreenschemejspa select sourcenodeid sourcenodeentity sinknodeid sinknodeentity associationtype sequence from publicnodeassociation where sourcenodeentityproject and and sinknodeentityissuetypescreenscheme and associationtypeprojectscheme refresh node result node matches edit node set to scrum bug screeen scheme on node refresh node admin secureadminconfigureissuetypescreenschemejspa select sourcenodeid sourcenodeentity sinknodeid sinknodeentity associationtype sequence from publicnodeassociation where sourcenodeentityproject and and sinknodeentityissuetypescreenscheme and associationtypeprojectscheme result node shows incorrect scrum default screen scheme node shows correct scrum bug screen schemecode sql log node after the first update occurred on node we refresh node and see that it reads from the database select id issuetype scheme fieldscreenscheme from publicissuetypescreenschemeentity this results in the scheme displaying correcty at the second update occuring on node we can see the db operation update publicissuetypescreenschemeentity codejava tail f atlassianjirasqllog grep i p selectinsertupdatedeletefieldscreenschemeissuetypescreenschemeentityissuetypescreenscheme code codejava click edit on node update to asdf scrum default screen scheme on refresh node refresh node admin tnooso secureadminconfigureissuetypescreenschemejspa select name description from publicissuetypescreenscheme where admin tnooso secureadminconfigureissuetypescreenschemejspa select sourcenodeid sourcenodeentity sinknodeid sinknodeentity associationtype sequence from publicnodeassociation where sourcenodeentityproject and and sinknodeentityissuetypescreenscheme and associationtypeprojectscheme admin tnooso secureadminconfigureissuetypescreenschemejspa select id issuetype scheme fieldscreenscheme from publicissuetypescreenschemeentity where result node matches edit node admin tnooso secureadminvieweditissuetypescreenschemeentityjspa select id name description from publicfieldscreenscheme order by name set to scrum bug screeen scheme on node admin tnooso secureadmineditissuetypescreenschemeentityjspa update publicissuetypescreenschemeentity set where admin tnooso secureadminconfigureissuetypescreenschemejspa select sourcenodeid sourcenodeentity sinknodeid sinknodeentity associationtype sequence from publicnodeassociation where sourcenodeentityproject and and sinknodeentityissuetypescreenscheme and associationtypeprojectscheme refresh node result node shows incorrect scrum default screen scheme node shows correct scrum bug screen schemecode note on cache invalidation if you wait without checking any of the its screen scheme pages for at least minutes and check again the bad node will refresh its value and display correctly this may be due to the cache invalidation of minute jirajiracomponentsjiracoresrcmainjavacomatlassianjiraissuefieldsscreenissuetypedefaultissuetypescreenschememanagerjava codejava schemecache cachemanagergetcachegetclassgetname schemecache thisloadissuetypescreenscheme new timeunitminutesbuildcode workaround a rolling restart of the affected nodes will resolve each instance of the cache not updating
hi our tesco ondemand instance of jira found here is not send emails out to new users that are setup
note this bug report is for jira software server using jira software cloud see the corresponding bug report panelwhen a completed issue that is in a current sprint is added to a version it is displayed on the release burndown report if a completed issue that is in an already completed sprint is added to a version it is not displayed on the release burndown report by taking a look at the documentation we can see that quote issue completed in a sprint but only added to the version afterwards the issue will be shown on the report as if it was always part of the version quote it is not clear if completed issues that are added to the version afterwards should always appear on the release burndown report independent of belonging to an already closed sprint or not could you please take a look at that and in case it is the expected behaviour update the documentation to make it more clear to customers get the issues show on release burndown report if issues resolved without fix version reopen the issues add a fix version and transit the tickets back to resolved such as resolved completed closed or done if issues resolved contains fix version reopen the issues and transit the tickets back to resolved such as resolved completed closed or done thanks
our instance project mapsd specifically issue number as an example the reporter was able to add an attachment however our service desk agent added another attachment to the issue and the reporter is not able to view that attachment when they log in they can only see the original attachment that they added themselves we often need to supply clients data files in response to a query so this is quite critical for us to fix
note this bug report is for jira server using jira cloud see the corresponding bug report panelthis issue consists of all the various fixes that jira misc workflow extensions version requires for it to be bundled for jira please see each subtask for this issue for more information about each individual fix required
if the default jira workflow is customised to use the update issue field function on the create issue stage then the following error occurs code javalangillegalargumentexception issue cannot be null at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at code
my builds use ant when i go to the config page below the combo box where ant is selected i get javaiofilenotfoundexception template templatespluginsbuilderantbuildereditftl not found at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at will try and find why the file went missing was there when i created the build an hour ago
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelinputs order of when field start date start time end time end date should it be start date start time end date end time
we have watches on some sites and sometimes the notifications send via email only contain a wildcard like pagetitle like azre common information pagetitle what to do
summary if jira index is broken on node jira should automatically copy it from different node during startup steps to reproduce run jira start first node add projects issues on first node start second node expected result issues are searchable on second node actual result issues are not searchable on second node workaround not known
some of the pages served by confluence such as show up shifted right with a large blank area on the left
scm perforce fisheye version bug cannot download the document that its title includes chinese character from fisheye the detail sees to attached screenshot
upload the attached pptx file to a confluence page and use the viewppt macro to view it pages will show correctly but trying to view page will just give the spinner of doom
issue summary after removing a user in jira the filters assigned to the user will be deleted from the instance leading to projects boards and features not being displayed when these are accessed a blank page is shown note there is also a problem with dashboards getting deleted when a user gets removed please see steps to reproduce user creates a new project or filter remove user in jira with another user access the projects board or features page for the project created by user expected results the board and features work normally actual results the projects that use a filter owned by the deletedeactivate will break workaround contact atlassian support
logs referral number if you need further assistance please expand the section technical details below copy the content from it send it with the logs referral number above to your jira administrator technical details javalangruntimeexception comatlassianjiraexceptioncreateexception comatlassiancrowdexceptionruntimeoperationfailedexception no crowd application available javalangruntimeexception comatlassianjiraexceptioncreateexception comatlassiancrowdexceptionruntimeoperationfailedexception no crowd application available at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at javautilconcurrentthreadpoolexecutorrunworkerunknown source at javautilconcurrentthreadpoolexecutorworkerrununknown source at javalangthreadrununknown source caused by comatlassianjiraexceptioncreateexception comatlassiancrowdexceptionruntimeoperationfailedexception no crowd application available at at at at at more caused by comatlassiancrowdexceptionruntimeoperationfailedexception no crowd application available at at at at more
it stopped working a few days agofor example returns error witherror message null
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report panelcomsunjerseyspicontainerservletwebcomponent filterformparameterswarning a servlet post request to the uri
hello guys im trying to do a custom field for date the only options that i have is date picker the problem is that this format use the ddmmmyyyy exm they way that the customer needs it is ddmmyyyy as is there a way to change this
summary adding a user picker field as a hidden field in a request type seems to not save the default value of the field when editing but when creating a ticket the value is actually there environment jira service desk request types to reproduce add a user picker field to a request type set it to hidden and provide a default value edit the value gif reproducing expected results when clicking to edit the value the existing added users should be shown actual result the field seems to be empty gif notes the values are actually there if you create a ticket workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
when sorting the estimate statistics for an agile board in plan mode the js falls apart when confronted with a value that exceeds the register in this case story points in turn this causes an unhandled type exception that kills the board dead these values should be caught further up the food chain and not passed to the js to begin with in the user interface a red an error occurred flag is seen unfortunately as this value is part of the issue history it can be changed but not removed from the gui reproduce to reproduce this issue make an agile board add an issue to it and set that issues estimation statistic to some number bigger than then try to load plan mode workaround run the following query in jiras database to identify the offending entries codesql borderstyledashed select ppkeyjiissuenum as issue key cfvnumbervalue from customfieldvalue cfv join customfield cf on cfvcustomfield cfid join jiraissue ji on cfvissue jiid join project p on jiproject pid where cfcfname story points and cfvnumbervalue code this will show which issues have the offending entries for story points i please note that this query was built using postrgresql and may differ on other dbmss in jira open the issues returned edit the story points to a number lower than save the issues and open the board again note this same error is displayed differently on firefox noformatborderstyledashed exception typeerror f is undefined noformat or noformatborderstyledashed exception typeerror parts is undefined noformat
trying to backup and restore our data from to our backup file is in sizecausecomatlassianconfluencecoreinfrastructureexception orgspringframeworkjdbcuncategorizedsqlexception hibernateaccessor encountered sqlexception nested exception is javasqlsqlexception error no such attribute stack trace comatlassianconfluencecoreinfrastructureexception orgspringframeworkjdbcuncategorizedsqlexception hibernateaccessor encountered sqlexception error no such attribute nested exception is javasqlsqlexception error no such attribute at at at method at at at at at at at at at at source at method at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at by orgspringframeworkjdbcuncategorizedsqlexception hibernateaccessor encountered sqlexception error no such attribute nested exception is javasqlsqlexception error no such attribute at at at at at at at morereferer urlnullsystem informationsystem date thursday feb time version vendor sun microsystems incjvm version vendor sun microsystems incjvm implementation version runtime javatm runtime environment standard editionjava vm java hotspottm client vmuser name jirauser timezone australiasydneyoperating system linux architecture memory mbfree memory mbused memory mbuptime minutesversion number
based on the blog posts macro documentation the maximum number of blog posts parameter is set to default value somehow when one inserts blogpost macro the macro browser sets maximum number of blog posts parameter by default to the problem here is that blogpost macro always thinks that so should one has more than blog posts to be displayed using the the default settings of blogpost macro will only show blogposts despite the value is actually set to by editing the macro and setting the value to other numbers like it will works fine the main issue is that is taken as in the blogpost macro
issue summary when moving pages using the browse option if the target or the same space has or more pages that are not child pages of the homeoverview one it will not be possible to see all pages from the tree including the home page and its child ones steps to reproduce make sure to have a space with more than pages ideally pages and the home page with some child pages within it as an administrator of this space go to space settings content tools reorder pages there hide the pages by dragging and dropping them to be at the same levelabove the home page now try to move a different page to this space by using the browse option expected results all pages from the page tree including the hidden ones or only the ones below the home page should be displayed actual results only the first pages are displayed blocking pages like the home one to be displayed including its child if the home page is the page it will be displayed in the dialog allowing the child pages to be visible as well workaround use the search option from the move dialog drag and drop the hidden pages to be under a specific parent of the hidden list this way these pages will still be hidden but at the same time will allow the home page to be found while moving a page
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelif the list of fiels is given comma seperated but with a space after comma all fields behind arent rendered anymore the table columns still exist project typekeysummarystatusresolution will show all fields but the issuetype it seems to a trim is missing
summary in short when user attempt to add the confluence url to the manage gadgets subscription page they run into this error codejava caused by javaxnetsslsslexception hostname in certificate didnt match code gadgets feature is not aware about the apache http server’s certificate that actually should be verified in the first place environment jira confluence steps to reproduce generate keystore as per the following command codejava keytool genkey alias jira keyalg rsa keystore tomcatjks dname cnatlassian ouunknown ounknown lunknown stunknown cunknown ext sanipxxxx code configure jira and confluence over ssl selfsigned certificate using the keystore above create an applinks add confluence base url via jira dashboard add gadget manage gadgets subscription hit into other errors below because jira and confluence server ip is not matching the certificate sni address codejava caused by javaxnetsslsslexception hostname in certificate didnt match code expected results the expected results should be that the gadgets should communicate with the server when san in certificate identified by browser not only the java certificate of tomcat is not configured for local machine domain name actual results the below exception is thrown in the atlassianjiralog file when subscribing confluence gadgets in jira page noformat caused by javaxnetsslsslexception hostname in certificate didnt match noformat notes the problem only affected gadgets requests from confluence it doesnt occurs on other applinks feature such as jira macro page or issue links workaround find the related ip address that match to hostname and comment it via etchosts file then confluence base url will be successful suscribed or put the dns or hostname in the san when creating a keystore codejava keytool genkey alias jira keyalg rsa keystore tomcatjks dname cnatlassian ouunknown ounknown lunknown stunknown cunknown ext sanipxxxxdnslocalhost code
issue summary on gsuite the next scheduled sync is showing an incorrect date after a manual sync has been done steps to reproduce enter the gsuite screen and run a manual sync expected results the next scheduled sync should show the correct date hours after the manual sync is over actual results it shows an incorrect date here workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available but this does not affect the automatic sync from gsuite that triggers every hours
sourcetree crashes at opening a repository from bookmarks list or if the repository window was open at last session and i start sourcetree from last session still history view is open sourctree tries automatically to get the preview for all files of marked folder first position in tree view of the latest commit its not possible to select a single file change view or anything else the preview loads very long and crashes maybe quick workaround is it possible to change view type from terminal before opening the repository how
image tags for the following types stopped working once we upgraded to confluence filenamebmp bmp is not a valid image type anymore the external url doesnt have a file extension and confluence used to place the url into the image tag and it would rendernow it gets handled as an unknown type both types of link were in use inside our deployment
confirm that the test written in can run in firefox on a dev build
hello bitbucketwe have a few repositories that apparently went over the size limit i know if this is new policy but seems like impacting us anyway to get temporary relief until we can get them cleaned upwe usually ignore media files but a few of them got in there it seems and no clue how to remove themthankseddie
google logins are no longer allowed in mobile apps webview and must use google signin sdk instead this requires us to intercept the google signin flow first if we dont intercept then the login would still fail this makes a saml google configuration impossible to work on mobile apps the correct flow should be google saml more details about this on the following blog shared by google modernizing oauth interactions in native apps for better usability and security
see screenshot even though it mentions safari this is a problem across all browsers
the following error is appearing noformat cause javaxservletservletexception servlet execution threw an exception at caused by javalangnosuchmethoderror comatlassianconfluenceadminactionsvieworupdatelicenseactiongetlicenselcomatlassianlicenselicense at noformat
sourcetree for macos had several argument and command injection bugs in mercurial and git repository handling an attacker with permission to commit to a repository linked in sourcetree for macos is able to exploit this issue to gain code execution on the system from version of sourcetree for macos this vulnerability can be triggered from a webpage through the use of the sourcetree uri handler affected versions versions of sourcetree for macos starting with before version are affected by this vulnerability fix upgrade sourcetree for macos to version or higher from acknowledgements atlassian would like to credit zhang tianqi tophant for reporting this issue to us for additional details see the full advisory
steps to reproduce create a new confluence page type panel press to cancel the macro dialog pretend you changed your mind about what macro you wanted to enter press to select the text to the beginning of the line type note note that the macro selector dialog gets confused and it somehow incorporates the text that was previously selected and which should have been deleted meaning that the new macro is not selected correctly see the attached screencap for a demonstration
i was not successful in installing confluence the installation stopped after i was able to create the local administrator account i need to finish confluence evaluation so we can decide what to buy for our office
try to reproduce with the evil pete data when transitioned to done via global transition does not show up as completed when transitioned via resolve issue does show up as completedfurthermore when viewing the epic in plan mode it has the correct break down of completeincomplete issues
i have tried to install the source tree application in my windows pc and during the step atlassian accounts other window showing the message below and i can not progress with installation i dont know how to continue with installation
pages spotted on manage attachments dashboard view issue create issue supposed fix noformat table caption fontsize inherit fontweight inherit fontstyle inherit fontvariant inherit noformat doesnt seem to be working may actually make it worse
causeorgspringframeworkormhibernatehibernatesystemexception a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session of class comopensymphonyuserproviderhibernateentityhibernateuser nested exception is netsfhibernatenonuniqueobjectexception a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session of class comopensymphonyuserproviderhibernateentityhibernateuserstack trace orgspringframeworkormhibernatehibernatesystemexception a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session of class comopensymphonyuserproviderhibernateentityhibernateuser nested exception is netsfhibernatenonuniqueobjectexception a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session of class comopensymphonyuserproviderhibernateentityhibernateusernetsfhibernatenonuniqueobjectexception a different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session of class comopensymphonyuserproviderhibernateentityhibernateuser at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at url
when i start typing the username it responds with the correct data from the server but the dropdown list says ‘no results found’ this is blocking us
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelif confluence question is installed on a confluence in conjunction with oracle the statistics page will not display anythingusage statistics not showing uppngthumbnailif you check the atlassianconfluence logs you will see the following error toresponse uncaught exception thrown by rest service statementcallback uncategorized sqlexception for sql select counttmpcreatorfrom select contentcreator creatorfrom content contentwhere contentpluginkey in comatlassianconfluencepluginsconfluencequestionsquestion comatlassianconfluencepluginsconfluencequestionsanswer comatlassianconfluencepluginsconfluencequestionscomment and contentprevver is nullunionselect tmp sql state error code character set mismatch nested exception is javasqlsqlexception character set mismatch url username referer orgspringframeworkjdbcuncategorizedsqlexception statementcallback uncategorized sqlexception for sql select counttmpcreatorfrom select contentcreator creatorfrom content contentwhere contentpluginkey in comatlassianconfluencepluginsconfluencequestionsquestion comatlassianconfluencepluginsconfluencequestionsanswer comatlassianconfluencepluginsconfluencequestionscomment and contentprevver is nullunionselect tmp sql state error code character set mismatch nested exception is javasqlsqlexception character set mismatch at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at by javasqlsqlexception character set mismatch at at at at at morecode
enabling the macro insert by typing then typing erwerwerwerwerwe and closing the macro will always enable the wiki markup macro this could be annoying for a user wanting to insert something in curly bracketsanother issue that can be addressed is if a user enters a space after the curly bracket maybe this could also disable the macro insert function currently it doesnt
unable to correlated issues with a kanban board
say you have pages in your inbox messages and you are visualizing the second pageif you select all messages and press delete you are redirected to the same second page in your box after the delete and this page exists anymore resulting in a