we changed the dashboard upcoming events a while ago to be limited by the number of eventson confxhtml it looks like if you are subscribed to a jira calendar with a lot of events it does not respect this limit to test this out on confx subscribe to sarahs jira calendar then go to the dashboard the list is really long
after doing one checkin subsequent checkins are disabled this was not the previous behavior and is frustrating because not only has the behavior changed but the ui has changed look at the attached screen snapshot ive got three files selected and there is a checkin message but still the commit button is grayed out i contend that nothing about this change in behavior is useful and it should rightly be called a bug workaround exit sourcetree after every checkin before attempting another checkin
request participants cant apply to issue security scheme
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelthe very first screens you see when setting up a fresh install of confluence have both the powered by and printed by messages at the bottom of the screen in confluence havent tested any other versions
the german translation in issuenavigator is very incomplete see screenshot the germanlanguagepack from is installed and should be translated in statuspage screenshotjpg please correct the redboxes to release
when cloning an epic marked as done the clone also has epic status field equal to done instead of to do
the backup manager for confluence in ondemand is not working for any customers if you click create backup it processes for a while and then the following error is thrown woah something went wrong unexpected error during export has occurred stack trace that appears in logs is as follows noformat error errorduringexecution failure during task executing tasks service referer url username sysadmin comatlassianondemandbackupmanagerbackuppolicybackupmanagerexception error problemduringexport javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at at caused by javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at more noformat fails on confluence ondemand instances with jira and standalone instances
we are integrating jira with one of other system and using soap apiwhen calling updateissue randomly connection reset error comes and sync stopswe debugged clients jira instance and figured out that whenever current user sessions were going high it resulted into connection error randomlythere were soap user sessions open even though we always do logout after calling any apiwhen open user sessions are low we are not getting connection issue
while typing a long source code comment i realized that it made another source code comment obsolete and clicked the delete link of that obsolete comment blob i confirmed that i want to delete and the obsolete comment was deleted as expected unfortunately the long comment i was working on has also disappeared
use case open sourcetree clone remote repository sourcetree crashes after repo copied before opened in right pane repo view use case open sourcetree double click repo in right pane tree view sourcetree crashes before succeed to show repo in right pane repo view log added for second use case
when creates a page with links to a subpage and then moves that page to another space the link to the subpage breaks this behavior occurs just when this link is inside a macro when this link is in no format macro works normally i made some tests with this macros warning macro panel macro info note tables this image shows the results after that i moved a page to another space movetestpagejpg
summary mistakenly removing a mandatory field from issue creations screen does not show any error the field needs to be at least in one of the creation screens otherwise it will cause failures in creating issues afterwards steps to reproduce identify what field configuration schema is used by the project go to field configurations settings and click on configure go to one of the mandatory field and click screens deselect all screens and update try creating an issue expected results once clicking on update step an errorwarning should prompt telling that the mandatory field needs to be at least in one of the screens to be able to create issues actual results the field is removed from the screens and user cant create issues anymore
note this bug report is for jira service desk server using jira service desk cloud see the corresponding bug report panelin the customer portal the calendar button no longer works where it used to expand it now does nothing to replicate create a request type that includes a date choice then visit the customer portal and try clicking on the calendar button to choose a date this is a big issue for us
its not possible to mention users when editing a sd comment steps to reproduce comment on a service desk issue edit the issue and try mentioning a user username expected results user name is suggested right after entering and some initial letters actual results no suggestion is provided and doesnt actually trigger the mention feature its possible to workaround the mentions using codecode however the user name isnt autocompleted when using that
code error admin unable to complete greenhopper rest method javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at at at at code
the message on the fork which was offering to synchronize it with source repository when the fork is behind does not appear anymore the only way to do it now is using compare function but it is only possible branch by branch
i have an svn repository in a sub directory of my home directory and my home directory has a git repository when i try to use cruciblepy for my svn repository it incorrectly assumes i am trying to create a review for my git repository i need to be able to specify the repository type to avoid this confusion trying to anchor the review to a specific repository does not seem to work it looks like cruciblepy is dead set on using git ive attached a patch all you need to do to fix it is return from patchsourceloadpatch from within if patch and not from within sourceisactive
this is persistent i have created a fairly large plan consisting of epics and about initiatives while i was assigning epics to releases i began getting the below exception the recalculating count keeps going up as i continue to make updates and is not in the the exception is consistent and can be reproduced simply by clicking the recalculate option at this point i believe my plan is hosed and i may need to start from scratch this happened while we were on we upgraded to and the problem persists exception timestamp javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at client info user agent macintosh intel mac os x khtml like gecko local time thu aug pdt request url type post status data system info plugin build jira title opower jira jira edition enterprise jira version sen
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report paneldear sirmdm i have configure the ldap default membership for confluenceusers but when i have signed into confluence it shows not permitted for the page because i am not a confluenceusers please help me
in sourcetree clicking the terminal button causes sourcetree to crash and terminate itself quote thread thread crashed with thread state rax rbx rcx rdx rdi rsi rbp rsp rip rfl logical cpu error code trap number binary images comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas applicationssourcetreeappcontentsmacossourcetree orgsparkleprojectsparkle applicationssourcetreeappcontentsframeworkssparkleframeworkversionsasparkle comdeustycocoalumberjack applicationssourcetreeappcontentsframeworkscocoalumberjackframeworkversionsacocoalumberjack comgrowlgrowlframework applicationssourcetreeappcontentsframeworksgrowlframeworkversionsagrowl clkernels clkernels comapplexquery systemlibraryprivateframeworksxqueryframeworkxquery clkernels clkernels clkernels clkernels comapplewebcontentfilterframework systemlibraryprivateframeworkswebcontentanalysisframeworkwebcontentanalysis dyld usrlibdyld comapplemultitouchsupportframework systemlibraryprivateframeworksmultitouchsupportframeworkversionsamultitouchsupport comapplecoremediaio systemlibraryframeworkscoremediaioframeworkversionsacoremediaio comappleopendirectory systemlibraryframeworksopendirectoryframeworkversionsaopendirectory comapplecoreduet systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoreduetframeworkversionsacoreduet comapplecorevideo systemlibraryframeworkscorevideoframeworkversionsacorevideo comappleioaccelerator systemlibraryprivateframeworksioacceleratorframeworkversionsaioaccelerator comapplecoreservicesfsevents systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksfseventsframeworkversionsafsevents comappleprotocolbuffer systemlibraryprivateframeworksprotocolbufferframeworkversionsaprotocolbuffer comapplecontactsvcard systemlibraryprivateframeworksvcardframeworkversionsavcard comappleapplicationservicesats systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksatsframeworkversionsaats comappleaccelerate accelerate systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaaccelerate comappleframeworkiokit systemlibraryframeworksiokitframeworkversionsaiokit comappleintlpreferences systemlibraryprivateframeworksintlpreferencesframeworkversionsaintlpreferences comapplecommonpanels systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworkscommonpanelsframeworkversionsacommonpanels comapplespeechlatentsemanticmappingframework systemlibraryframeworkslatentsemanticmappingframeworkversionsalatentsemanticmapping libcorecryptodylib usrlibsystemlibcorecryptodylib comapplesearchkit systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkssearchkitframeworkversionsasearchkit comapplegenerationalstorage systemlibraryprivateframeworksgenerationalstorageframeworkversionsagenerationalstorage comapplecfopendirectory systemlibraryframeworksopendirectoryframeworkversionsaframeworkscfopendirectoryframeworkversionsacfopendirectory comappleqd systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksqdframeworkversionsaqd libkeymgrdylib usrlibsystemlibkeymgrdylib comappleaccelerateveclib veclib systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksveclibframeworkversionsaveclib libxpcdylib usrlibsystemlibxpcdylib comapplecarbon systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsacarbon comappledisplayservicesfw systemlibraryprivateframeworksdisplayservicesframeworkversionsadisplayservices comappletcc systemlibraryprivateframeworkstccframeworkversionsatcc comapplecorefoundation systemlibraryframeworkscorefoundationframeworkversionsacorefoundation libsystemcoretlsdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemcoretlsdylib libfontparserdylib systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksatsframeworkversionsaresourceslibfontparserdylib comapplequicklookframework systemlibraryframeworksquicklookframeworkversionsaquicklook comappleframeworksystemadministration systemlibraryprivateframeworkssystemadministrationframeworkversionsasystemadministration comapplesymbolication systemlibraryprivateframeworkssymbolicationframeworkversionsasymbolication libvmiscdylib systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksveclibframeworkversionsalibvmiscdylib comapplecorepdf systemlibraryprivateframeworkscorepdfframeworkversionsacorepdf libffidylib usrliblibffidylib comapplesecurity systemlibraryframeworkssecurityframeworkversionsasecurity comappletonekit systemlibraryprivateframeworkstonekitframeworkversionsatonekit libsystemplatformdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemplatformdylib comappleassetcacheservices systemlibraryprivateframeworksassetcacheservicesframeworkversionsaassetcacheservices libsystemblocksdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemblocksdylib comapplecontactscontactspersistence systemlibraryprivateframeworkscontactspersistenceframeworkversionsacontactspersistence libautodylib usrliblibautodylib comappleframeworkcorewlan systemlibraryframeworkscorewlanframeworkversionsacorewlan comappleappcontainer systemlibraryprivateframeworksappcontainerframeworkversionsaappcontainer libcsfdedylib usrliblibcsfdedylib comapplevideotoolbox systemlibraryframeworksvideotoolboxframeworkversionsavideotoolbox libdylddylib usrlibsystemlibdylddylib comappleappsandbox systemlibraryprivateframeworksappsandboxframeworkversionsaappsandbox comappleiosurface systemlibraryframeworksiosurfaceframeworkversionsaiosurface libcorestoragedylib usrliblibcorestoragedylib comapplemediatoolbox systemlibraryframeworksmediatoolboxframeworkversionsamediatoolbox libsystemkerneldylib usrlibsystemlibsystemkerneldylib comapplecoretext systemlibraryframeworkscoretextframeworkversionsacoretext comapplecrashreportersupport systemlibraryprivateframeworkscrashreportersupportframeworkversionsacrashreportersupport comappleappkit systemlibraryframeworksappkitframeworkversionscappkit libgifdylib systemlibraryframeworksimageioframeworkversionsaresourceslibgifdylib comappleopengl systemlibraryframeworksopenglframeworkversionsaopengl comapplelanguagemodeling systemlibraryprivateframeworkslanguagemodelingframeworkversionsalanguagemodeling comappleapplevpaframework systemlibraryprivateframeworksapplevpaframeworkversionsaapplevpa libsystemsandboxdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemsandboxdylib comapplegeoservices systemlibraryprivateframeworksgeoservicesframeworkversionsageoservices libcopyfiledylib usrlibsystemlibcopyfiledylib libradiancedylib systemlibraryframeworksimageioframeworkversionsaresourceslibradiancedylib comapplecocoa systemlibraryframeworkscocoaframeworkversionsacocoa comappleprintframeworkprintcore systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksprintcoreframeworkversionsaprintcore comapplemmcs systemlibraryprivateframeworksmmcsframeworkversionsammcs comappleprotectedcloudstorage systemlibraryprivateframeworksprotectedcloudstorageframeworkversionsaprotectedcloudstorage comappleinkframework systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworksinkframeworkversionsaink libfosldynamicdylib usrliblibfosldynamicdylib libfontregistrydylib systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksatsframeworkversionsaresourceslibfontregistrydylib libsystempthreaddylib usrlibsystemlibsystempthreaddylib libcachedylib usrlibsystemlibcachedylib libcommoncryptodylib usrlibsystemlibcommoncryptodylib comappleimageioframework systemlibraryframeworksimageioframeworkversionsaimageio libnetworkdylib usrliblibnetworkdylib comappleimagecapturecore systemlibraryframeworksimagecapturecoreframeworkversionsaimagecapturecore comapplecommercecore systemlibraryprivateframeworkscommercekitframeworkversionsaframeworkscommercecoreframeworkversionsacommercecore comappleapplevaframework systemlibraryprivateframeworksapplevaframeworkversionsaappleva comapplecfnetwork systemlibraryframeworkscfnetworkframeworkversionsacfnetwork comappleapplicationservices systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaapplicationservices comappledatadetectorscore systemlibraryprivateframeworksdatadetectorscoreframeworkversionsadatadetectorscore comapplesafariservicesframework systemlibraryprivateframeworkssafariservicesframeworkversionsasafariservices libcldcpuenginedylib systemlibraryframeworksopenclframeworkversionsalibrarieslibcldcpuenginedylib comappleframeworkcorewifi systemlibraryprivateframeworkscorewififrameworkversionsacorewifi comappleframeworkscoredaemon systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoredaemonframeworkversionsbcoredaemon libcompressiondylib usrliblibcompressiondylib libuncdylib usrlibsystemlibuncdylib comapplexpcservicemanagement systemlibraryframeworksservicemanagementframeworkversionsaservicemanagement comappleldapframework systemlibraryframeworksldapframeworkversionsaldap libunwinddylib usrlibsystemlibunwinddylib libquarantinedylib usrlibsystemlibquarantinedylib comappleloginuicore systemlibraryprivateframeworksloginuikitframeworkversionsaframeworksloginuicoreframeworkversionsaloginuicore comappleaudiotoolboxaudiotoolbox systemlibraryframeworksaudiotoolboxframeworkversionsaaudiotoolbox libsystemmallocdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemmallocdylib comapplenetworkextension systemlibraryframeworksnetworkextensionframeworkversionsanetworkextension libopenscriptingutildylib usrliblibopenscriptingutildylib comapplesecurityhi systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworkssecurityhiframeworkversionsasecurityhi comapplequicklookuiframework systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaframeworksquicklookuiframeworkversionsaquicklookui comappleclouddocs systemlibraryprivateframeworksclouddocsframeworkversionsaclouddocs liblaunchdylib usrlibsystemliblaunchdylib libchinesetokenizerdylib usrliblibchinesetokenizerdylib comappledebugsymbols systemlibraryprivateframeworksdebugsymbolsframeworkversionsadebugsymbols comapplemediaaccessibility systemlibraryframeworksmediaaccessibilityframeworkversionsamediaaccessibility comapplecollaboration systemlibraryframeworkscollaborationframeworkversionsacollaboration comapplecoreservicescarboncore systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkscarboncoreframeworkversionsacarboncore comapplefoundation systemlibraryframeworksfoundationframeworkversionscfoundation comappleapplejpeg systemlibraryprivateframeworksapplejpegframeworkversionsaapplejpeg libsystemnetworkextensiondylib usrlibsystemlibsystemnetworkextensiondylib comappleaudiounitsaudiounit systemlibraryframeworksaudiounitframeworkversionsaaudiounit comapplegss systemlibraryframeworksgssframeworkversionsagss comapplequartzcore systemlibraryframeworksquartzcoreframeworkversionsaquartzcore comapplemangrove systemlibraryprivateframeworksmangroveframeworkversionsamangrove libsystemconfigurationdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemconfigurationdylib libmarisadylib usrliblibmarisadylib comappleimagecapture systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworksimagecaptureframeworkversionsaimagecapture comapplerawcamerabundle systemlibrarycoreservicesrawcamerabundlecontentsmacosrawcamera libcgxtypeadylib systemlibraryframeworkscoregraphicsframeworkversionsaresourceslibcgxtypeadylib libsystemmdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemmdylib liblapackdylib systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksveclibframeworkversionsaliblapackdylib libmecabradylib usrliblibmecabradylib libgfxshareddylib systemlibraryframeworksopenglframeworkversionsalibrarieslibgfxshareddylib libsystemcdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemcdylib comappleqtkit systemlibraryframeworksqtkitframeworkversionsaqtkit comapplespeechsynthesisframework systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksspeechsynthesisframeworkversionsaspeechsynthesis libsysteminfodylib usrlibsystemlibsysteminfodylib comappleprintframeworkprint systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworksprintframeworkversionsaprint comappleavfoundation systemlibraryframeworksavfoundationframeworkversionsaavfoundation comappledesktopservices systemlibraryprivateframeworksdesktopservicesprivframeworkversionsadesktopservicespriv libsystemcoreservicesdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemcoreservicesdylib comapplequartzcomposer systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaframeworksquartzcomposerframeworkversionsaquartzcomposer libsystemnetworkdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemnetworkdylib comappleefilogin systemlibraryprivateframeworksefiloginframeworkversionsaefilogin comappleapplesrp systemlibraryprivateframeworksapplesrpframeworkversionsaapplesrp comapplehelp systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworkshelpframeworkversionsahelp libgludylib systemlibraryframeworksopenglframeworkversionsalibrarieslibgludylib comapplecoreduetdaemonprotocol systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoreduetdaemonprotocolframeworkversionsacoreduetdaemonprotocol libsystemtracedylib usrlibsystemlibsystemtracedylib comapplescriptingbridge systemlibraryframeworksscriptingbridgeframeworkversionsascriptingbridge comapplecoreservicesinternal systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoreservicesinternalframeworkversionsacoreservicesinternal comapplecolorsync systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkscolorsyncframeworkversionsacolorsync libcorefscachedylib systemlibraryframeworksopenglframeworkversionsalibrarieslibcorefscachedylib libpngdylib systemlibraryframeworksimageioframeworkversionsaresourceslibpngdylib comappleiconservices systemlibraryprivateframeworksiconservicesframeworkversionsaiconservices comappleaddressbookcontactsfoundation systemlibraryprivateframeworkscontactsfoundationframeworkversionsacontactsfoundation libobjcadylib usrliblibobjcadylib comapplexpcservice systemlibraryprivateframeworksxpcserviceframeworkversionsaxpcservice libsystemdnssddylib usrlibsystemlibsystemdnssddylib comapplecorelocation systemlibraryframeworkscorelocationframeworkversionsacorelocation comappleheimdal systemlibraryprivateframeworksheimdalframeworkversionsaheimdal libenergytracedylib usrliblibenergytracedylib comapplehitoolbox systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworkshitoolboxframeworkversionsahitoolbox libcabidylib usrliblibcabidylib libtidyadylib usrliblibtidyadylib libsystemsecinitdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemsecinitdylib comapplecoreauc systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoreaucframeworkversionsacoreauc comapplecoreservices systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsacoreservices liblinearalgebradylib systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksveclibframeworkversionsaliblinearalgebradylib libdiagnosticmessagesclientdylib usrliblibdiagnosticmessagesclientdylib comapplevimage systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksvimageframeworkversionsavimage libkxlddylib usrlibsystemlibkxlddylib comapplemetal systemlibraryframeworksmetalframeworkversionsametal comapplenetfs systemlibraryframeworksnetfsframeworkversionsanetfs libcrfsuitedylib usrliblibcrfsuitedylib comapplenetauth systemlibraryprivateframeworksnetauthframeworkversionsanetauth comappleae systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksaeframeworkversionsaae comapplelaunchservices systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkslaunchservicesframeworkversionsalaunchservices comappleicloudfindmydevice systemlibraryprivateframeworksfindmydeviceframeworkversionsafindmydevice libcgxcoreimageadylib systemlibraryframeworkscoregraphicsframeworkversionsaresourceslibcgxcoreimageadylib libscreenreaderdylib usrliblibscreenreaderdylib comapplewebkit systemlibraryframeworkswebkitframeworkversionsawebkit comapplemetadata systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksmetadataframeworkversionsametadata comapplesystemconfiguration systemlibraryframeworkssystemconfigurationframeworkversionsasystemconfiguration libcvmspluginsupportdylib systemlibraryframeworksopenglframeworkversionsalibrarieslibcvmspluginsupportdylib comapplecoreavchd systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoreavchdframeworkversionsacoreavchd libglimagedylib systemlibraryframeworksopenglframeworkversionsalibrarieslibglimagedylib comapplelanganalysis systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkslanganalysisframeworkversionsalanganalysis comapplediskarbitration systemlibraryframeworksdiskarbitrationframeworkversionsadiskarbitration libgldylib systemlibraryframeworksopenglframeworkversionsalibrarieslibgldylib comappleopenscripting systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworksopenscriptingframeworkversionsaopenscripting comappleaddressbookframework systemlibraryframeworksaddressbookframeworkversionsaaddressbook libcmphdylib usrliblibcmphdylib comappleopencl systemlibraryframeworksopenclframeworkversionsaopencl libvdspdylib systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksveclibframeworkversionsalibvdspdylib comapplediscrecording systemlibraryframeworksdiscrecordingframeworkversionsadiscrecording comapplehelpdata systemlibraryprivateframeworkshelpdataframeworkversionsahelpdata comappleimagekit systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaframeworksimagekitframeworkversionsaimagekit comapplecloudkitcloudkit systemlibraryframeworkscloudkitframeworkversionsacloudkit comapplecoremediaauthoring systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoremediaauthoringframeworkversionsacoremediaauthoring comapplecoreimage systemlibraryframeworkscoreimageframeworkversionsacoreimage comapplecoreservicesosservices systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksosservicesframeworkversionsaosservices comappleseccodewrapper systemlibraryprivateframeworksseccodewrapperframeworkversionsaseccodewrapper comapplesharing systemlibraryprivateframeworkssharingframeworkversionsasharing libblasdylib systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksveclibframeworkversionsalibblasdylib comapplekerberos systemlibraryframeworkskerberosframeworkversionsakerberos comappletrustevaluationagent systemlibraryprivateframeworkstrustevaluationagentframeworkversionsatrustevaluationagent comapplepdfkit systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaframeworkspdfkitframeworkversionsapdfkit comapplejavascriptcore systemlibraryframeworksjavascriptcoreframeworkversionsajavascriptcore libsystemasldylib usrlibsystemlibsystemasldylib liblangiddylib usrlibliblangiddylib libextensiondylib usrliblibextensiondylib comappleperformanceanalysis systemlibraryprivateframeworksperformanceanalysisframeworkversionsaperformanceanalysis comapplechunkinglibrary systemlibraryprivateframeworkschunkinglibraryframeworkversionsachunkinglibrary comappleaudiocoreaudio systemlibraryframeworkscoreaudioframeworkversionsacoreaudio comapplediskimagesframework systemlibraryprivateframeworksdiskimagesframeworkversionsadiskimages libsystembdylib usrliblibsystembdylib libcginterfacesdylib systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksvimageframeworkversionsalibrarieslibcginterfacesdylib comapplecommonauth systemlibraryprivateframeworkscommonauthframeworkversionsacommonauth comappleuifoundation systemlibraryprivateframeworksuifoundationframeworkversionsauifoundation comapplequartzfilters systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaframeworksquartzfiltersframeworkversionsaquartzfilters comappletonelibrary systemlibraryprivateframeworkstonelibraryframeworkversionsatonelibrary comapplequartzframework systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaquartz comapplesecurityfoundation systemlibraryframeworkssecurityfoundationframeworkversionsasecurityfoundation libutildylib usrliblibutildylib libremovefiledylib usrlibsystemlibremovefiledylib comapplebackupframework systemlibraryprivateframeworksbackupframeworkversionsabackup libripadylib systemlibraryframeworkscoregraphicsframeworkversionsaresourceslibripadylib comapplephonenumbers systemlibraryprivateframeworksphonenumbersframeworkversionsaphonenumbers libtiffdylib systemlibraryframeworksimageioframeworkversionsaresourceslibtiffdylib comappleloginsupport systemlibraryprivateframeworksloginframeworkversionsaframeworksloginsupportframeworkversionsaloginsupport libmachodylib usrlibsystemlibmachodylib comapplenetwork systemlibraryprivateframeworksnetworkframeworkversionsanetwork comappleshortcut systemlibraryprivateframeworksshortcutframeworkversionsashortcut comappleapplesysteminfo systemlibraryprivateframeworksapplesysteminfoframeworkversionsaapplesysteminfo comapplebluetooth systemlibraryframeworksiobluetoothframeworkversionsaiobluetooth comapplemediakit systemlibraryprivateframeworksmediakitframeworkversionsamediakit libspindumpdylib usrliblibspindumpdylib libodfdedylib usrliblibodfdedylib comapplecoreservicessharedfilelist systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkssharedfilelistframeworkversionsasharedfilelist comappleviewbridge systemlibraryprivateframeworksviewbridgeframeworkversionsaviewbridge libcompilerrtdylib usrlibsystemlibcompilerrtdylib comapplecoreui systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoreuiframeworkversionsacoreui libicucoreadylib usrliblibicucoreadylib comapplecoredata systemlibraryframeworkscoredataframeworkversionsacoredata comapplecoregraphics systemlibraryframeworkscoregraphicsframeworkversionsacoregraphics libavfaudiodylib systemlibraryframeworksavfoundationframeworkversionsaresourceslibavfaudiodylib comappledatadetectors systemlibraryprivateframeworksdatadetectorsframeworkversionsadatadetectors comapplespeechrecognitionframework systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworksspeechrecognitionframeworkversionsaspeechrecognition comapplehiservices systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkshiservicesframeworkversionsahiservices comapplewebcore systemlibraryframeworkswebkitframeworkversionsaframeworkswebcoreframeworkversionsawebcore comapplevisionfacecore systemlibraryprivateframeworksfacecoreframeworkversionsafacecore comappleapsframework systemlibraryprivateframeworksapplepushserviceframeworkversionsaapplepushservice libsystemnotifydylib usrlibsystemlibsystemnotifydylib libsparseblasdylib systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaframeworksveclibframeworkversionsalibsparseblasdylib comapplespeechrecognitioncore systemlibraryprivateframeworksspeechrecognitioncoreframeworkversionsaspeechrecognitioncore libmetaltimestampdylib systemlibraryprivateframeworksgpucompilerframeworklibmetaltimestampdylib comapplecoresymbolication systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoresymbolicationframeworkversionsacoresymbolication libdispatchdylib usrlibsystemlibdispatchdylib comapplewebkitlegacy systemlibraryframeworkswebkitframeworkversionsaframeworkswebkitlegacyframeworkversionsawebkitlegacy comapplesecurityinterface systemlibraryframeworkssecurityinterfaceframeworkversionsasecurityinterface comapplecoreduetdebuglogging systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoreduetdebugloggingframeworkversionsacoreduetdebuglogging libjpegdylib systemlibraryframeworksimageioframeworkversionsaresourceslibjpegdylib comappledictionaryservices systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksdictionaryservicesframeworkversionsadictionaryservices comapplecoremedia systemlibraryframeworkscoremediaframeworkversionsacoremedia libcorevmclientdylib systemlibraryframeworksopenglframeworkversionsalibrarieslibcorevmclientdylib comappledirectoryserviceframework systemlibraryframeworksdirectoryserviceframeworkversionsadirectoryservice comapplecorebluetooth systemlibraryframeworkscorebluetoothframeworkversionsacorebluetooth comappleremoteviewservices systemlibraryprivateframeworksremoteviewservicesframeworkversionsaremoteviewservices quote
summary jira cloud doesnt contain recent accepted translations of the following languages on tac japanese korean portuguese languages lists these supported languages environment jira steps to reproduce login as admin user go to change default language to japanese go to project settings of jsd project check the text reindex project at sidebar menu is not translated go to translationsatlassiancom check the translation of reindex project has been already accepted at february expected results texts are translated to japanesekoreanportuguese if it has accepted translation at tac actual results reindex project is not translated notes in a manage addons section we can see some languages are using cloud language pack and others are not uptodate jira cloud french france jira cloud german germany jira cloud russian russia jira cloud spanish spain outofdate jira core japanese japan jira core korean south korea jira core portuguese brazil jira core portuguese portugal screenshot none
issue summary from the jira software server reporting documentation page following the link to burnup chart triggers a download the url appears to be pointing to an incorrect location steps to reproduce navigate to reporting under reports for scrum projects click burnup chart in the table a download is triggered cleanshot at expected results based on the surrounding examples i believe its meant to go here actual results instead the url points here workaround navigate to the burnup chart documentation page manually
note this bug report is for jira software server using jira software cloud see the corresponding bug report panelgo to rapid view config page click and try to change saved filter even if you have permission to view the filter you get an error that you dont have permission was also able to change the filter only to be redirected to the manage rapid views page and it was still on the old saved filter
in httpsecuritywrappergetuserprincipal session creation is forced when trying to retrieve the servlet context code public principal getuserprincipal if securityconfig null securityconfig securityconfig requestgetsessiongetservletcontextgetattributesecurityconfigstoragekey principal user securityconfiggetauthenticatorgetuserrequest return user code this can interfere with the securityfilter which uses the fact that a session exists to attempt to find a logged in user it is also a generally bad practice to create a session needlessly
when you have a large commit message like a merge with a lot of conflicts see attachement the message field takes up the entire screen without providing a scrollbar probably the message textbox should have a maximum height and provide a scrollbar as soon as the text height exceeds the given height
contenturl returned on atlaseye based on server url atlaseyeqa based on application url atlaseye api url atlaseyeqa api url contents url should be application based as atlaseyeqa
issue summary jira issue macro when the number of issues is more it displays the table on the next page on export to pdf steps to reproduce add heading to the page insert the jira issue macro with more than issues and display in a table export it to pdf expected results it should not do a page break and jump the entire table to the next page actual results it will display the table on the next page like in the attachment below workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
after cloud upgrade on february the section tempo timesheets securetempouserboardtimesheetjspa returns a error with this error message noformat javalangnullpointerexception javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at noformat all cloud tempo instances are affected issue reported to tempo at tempo version
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panel are lines with the same string
note this bug report is for jira server using jira cloud see the corresponding bug report panelwhen users add the latest version of the drag and drop plugin the plugin section on the sidebar disappears affected version fine in jira version tested the images from the documentation show they are expected to be there i have attached images of the current way it appears in my jira instance workaround uninstall the plugin and download an older versionrecommend drag and drop marketspace imagepngthumbnaildrag and drop installedpngthumbnailmissing drag and droppngthumbnail thanks
hi there after upgrade from to source tree does not start at all there is no error message or something i see in task manager only the source tree process for a few seconds and than its gone i have to install previous version to run it there was an warning about wrong spelling dictionaries that microsoft office created it suppose to be ignored by source tree im using windows version on windows fall creators update
the text for items like add application on the secondary navigation are washed on with
when you edit a page with safari any draft will munge highbit characters it looks like multibyte chars are being converted into singlebyte characters somehow this is annoying does not affect other browsers and only affects safari in pages that are saved as a draft then restored from draft
when you have a viewxls macro within an expand macro and you load the page for the first time and expand the expand macro to display the xls file contents it is just blank then you need to zoom it out for the contents of the xls file to appear very small since it was zoomed out and fit to page to go back to the original size how to reproduce create a page insert an expand macro insert an excel table under the expand macro in a view mode open the expand this is not happening in every instance
unable to configure gitlab as a hosted account when trying to refresh personal access token unable to authenticate this fails on gitlabcom for any twofactored accounts and gitlab ce and ee instances with saml authentication there needs to be a field to manually enter a personal access token
root cause issue is tracked against the responsible component when running jira in the environment described above the dashboard displays but the dashboard gadgets all appear blankfurther investigation shows that the browser is receiving a not found response for a request to this urlthis cannot be found as it is passed through as is an invalid path on the server all other requests made by the page are to either jira or which can be resolved fineas the page cannot get hold of authrefreshjs this causes javascript errors and the dashboard gadgets do not display anythingwe were using this exact configuration with jira and had no problems with the dashboard gadgets going via the proxy server
to reproduce open a project add a new file example testsh anywhere within the project create a precommit review with mercurial our chosen version control system by selecting the file mercurial commit crucible precommitreview add a comment and commit to the default project in mercurial this fails with the following error in intellij noformat comatlassiantheplugincommonsremoteapiremoteapiexception server returned http internal server error reason message unable to anchor patch to repository crucible tried to anchor your patch to biitmercurial but did not find any matching paths at at at noformat fisheye log noformat debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest end request post debug fisheye profilingservletfilterlogrequest start request post debug fisheye repositoryhandleacquire acquire engine on biitmercurial warn fisheye txhelperrollbacktxifnotcommitted rolled back transaction started from source error comatlassianpluginsrestcommonerrorjerseythrowableexceptionmapper throwableexceptionmappertoresponse uncaught exception thrown by rest service comatlassiancruciblespiservicespatchanchorfailedexception unable to anchor patch to repository crucible tried to anchor your patch to biitmercurial but did not find any matching paths at at at at at at at at source at noformat tested uploading the patch file manually to the same review in the ui able to anchor to the repository biitmercurial tested rest api to add the patch file but unable to reproduce the same error in the log the patch is able to anchor to the repository but not added in the list of file in the review
issue summary pipelines failing with certificate verification failed possible causes lets encrypts dst root ca has expired and now its using their own isrg root root certificate but this new root certificate is not supported on older devicesimages which doesnt have the latest cacertificates package source steps to reproduce use and the pipelines fail with certificate verification failed while accessing few external api endpoints expected results to fetch the data actual results curl server certificate verification failed workaround try to upgrade the openssl to higher than or use an image that already contains the latest opensslcacertificates package
hey thereit seems that the user recognition in comments or elsewhere only takes usernames with alphanumeric lettershowever we use dashes in our usernames so we mention each otherfor exampleatsteffenpgf turns to atsteffenpgf
a repo that i have successfully used as a submodule on another project now fails when i try to attach it everything is bitbucket repos so authentication for a submodule within a repo that is from the same bitbucket account doesnt make sense i just checked out that repo a moment before i tried to add the submodule also the error mentions looking for files within the local folder of what appears to be manjunath basaralu srinivasas computer
when confluence sends an email notification about a page comment having been edited and the comment text contains a link to another confluence page the link in the email does not point to the page instead it points to see attached example this appears to be working properly for comment notifications but not for edited comment notifications
summary the edit office button to edit attached offices files in ms office is missing when viewing office files documents environment confluence ms office internet explorer mozilla firefox to reproducecolor attach an office file to a page go to attachments expected results edit if office beside the office file attachment you want to edit should be visible actual results edit if office beside the office file attachment you want to edit is missing
after upgrading to last night we are no longer able to assign issues
steps to reproduce use google chrome navigate to the projects version page pluginsservletprojectconfigversions open the dev tools network tab click on the cog icon for a version and click delete a confirmation dialog will pop up notice in the request header section there will be a header named xausername with no values repeat the steps using firefox and ie and the header doesnt even exist chrome firefox chromepngthumbnail firefoxpngthumbnail
recently we offen get timeout when we access bitbucket from chinaif we ping bitbucket the same result
hi ive configured the pop server to create tickets when emails are received the problem is that it sometimes works i tried with one address i sent emails to the adress and only tickets were shown see screenshot attached i can see my mailbox i see the emails are received there but they dont appear in jira we can also see in jira that the tickets seem to be created because the tickets that are in the activity flow are and its impossible to see the other ones do you have any idea thanks vincent
log contents noformat fatal error systemargumentnullexception value cannot be null parameter name key stack trace at key at sourcetreeutilsrepomonitoraddwatcheddirectorystring dir in cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinutilsrepomonitorcsline at newdirs boolean cleanstart in cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinutilsrepomonitorcsline at sourcetreeviewmodelrepotabcontainerviewmodeladdoractivatestring path repoviewmode atview string viewdata in cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinviewmodelrepotabcontainerviewmodelcsline at sourcetreeapprootopenrepointabstring path repoviewmode atview string viewdata in cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinapprootcsline at sourcetreeviewmodelrepotabcontainerviewmodelreopentabs in cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinviewmodelrepotabcontainerviewmodelcsline at sourcetreeapprootdowindowstartuptasks in cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinapprootcsline at sourcetreeviewmodelmainwindowviewmodelctor in cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinviewmodelmainwindowviewmodelcsline at sourcetreemainwindowctor in cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinmainwindowxamlcsline at sourcetreeapprootonstartupstartupeventargs e in cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinapprootcsline at sourcetreeapponstartupstartupeventargs e in cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinappxamlcsline at unused at systemwindowsthreadingexceptionwrapperinternalrealcalldelegate callback object args numargs at msinternalthreadingexceptionfilterhelpertrycatchwhenobject source delegate method object args numargs delegate catchhandler fatal error systemnullreferenceexception object reference not set to an instance of an object stack trace at sourcetreeapprootonactivatedeventargs e in cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinapprootcsline at systemwindowsapplicationappfiltermessageintptr hwnd msg intptr wparam intptr lparam boolean handled at hwnd msg intptr wparam intptr lparam boolean handled at o at systemwindowsthreadingexceptionwrapperinternalrealcalldelegate callback object args numargs at msinternalthreadingexceptionfilterhelpertrycatchwhenobject source delegate method object args numargs delegate catchhandler noformat
one pipeline has started for more than a hour we need to stop or delete this onethanks a lot
when you have multiple remotes defined one is set as the default even if your git configuration text file specifies a given remote for a given branch the checkbox to push changes in the commit message box always points to the first alphabetical removed regardless of the default of config choice this leads to accidental commits in the wrong remote
note this bug report is for jira service desk cloud using jira service desk server see the corresponding bug report panel update december hi everyone we have added an enhancement to show agents in the user view that the comment is from a person who does not have access to the issue please see this documentation for more information on how to turn the feature on cheers jason and the jira service management team panel summary when a customer of a jira service desk sends an email from service desk to another person who is not an agent reporter or request participant of the issue if that additional party replies to the issue and includes the jira service desk email the email is treated as a new issue even though subject line contains the issue key email headers are still intact for example customer raises a service desk request agent responds to the service desk request customer receives a response and ccs the response to another customer customer customer responds to the service desk request ccing in the same people creating new emails under this scenario causes additional overhead for the service desk administrator and may be confusing to the customer interacting with the agent due to the fragmented nature of the email interactions this was introduced as a result of the changes in which fixed an issue when a user who was not a service desk customer responded to a service desk email steps to reproduce set up a new service desk create an issue and send a comment to a customer as an agent as a customer forward the issue to a colleague to get help responding to the agents queries respond to the agent and customer as the external party the response will not be linked to the existing issue unless you are already a request participant of the issue expected results jira service desk should be able to detect the email trail relates to a specific issue and give the customer an option to enable automatic request participants based on email interactions actual results jira service desk fails to recognise that the emails in the aforementioned scenario relate to a preexiting issue even thought the email contains the correct headers subject line and the other users in tocc fields are the customer and the service desk email address notes the current functionality for inbound email appears to be check who the sender of the email is add sender as a new customer if they are not depending on sd configuration decide what to do with email content based on the senders authorisation workaround please use either service desk automation or the jira automation plugin to do this using jira service desk go to your settings under the affected jira service desk select automation create a new rule and select custom rule with the following when issue created if issue matches and create an advanced jql filter then add a comment that indicates that the user is not authorised to comment on the request then issue transition that resolves the issue using the automation addon create a new rule set the issue event to be issue created set the jql expression to something s add actions as to how you would like to handle this circumstance note on jql matching the affected issues are expected to contain your email prefix in the subject line of the email an issue key in the subject line of the email either a re or fwd in the subject line of the email the content should contain this message is automatically generated by jira service desk therefore we can create a jql query to match on these issues codejava text this message is automatically generated by jira service and summary re sd code you could add different options to this jql query as you see the need to do so such as project filters see performing text searches for more hints on this
hii was trying to use pipelines i followed the documentation however my created pipeline definition seem to be picked up tried many variations from my desired docker image to the current hello world pipeline the bitbucketpipelinesyml is picked up in the settings view bitbucketpipelinesyml is clickable and directs me to the correct file however the pipelines page remains blanki checked existing issues with the pipelines component however i find anything similar hence raising this issuerepo pipeline thanksadam
issue summary using the delete board rest api it is possible to delete the board from a teammanaged project when doing so the system allows you to choose the same team managed project to create a classic board and is no longer possible to use it as a board from the project steps to reproduce delete a team managed project board example below code curl request delete url user youremailcomapitoken code follow the steps to create a classic board go to any classic project click on the board dropdown create board when prompted choose board from an existing project and point to the team managed project from which you deleted the board and also choose that same project as the board location expected results we shouldnt be able to create a classic board for a teammanaged project perhaps it shouldnt even be possible to delete a teammanaged board actual results the original board is deleted and whenever you try to access the teammanaged project when youre supposed to land on its board it doesnt load a generic error is thrown workaround reach out to atlassian support
ive just visited bamboodeveloperatlassiancom using ie and it was unusably slow it happily consumed an entire cpu constantly its fine on other browsers though
this is not easily reproducible but we have noticed from support tickets that performing certain operations result in the following stack trace noformat javasqlsqlexception column already has a default bound to it at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at noformat these are all related to users using mssql
for some reason bitbucket thinks that i am the account lobu and not lobutpr i added a newly created public ssh key to my personal account this account has write access to lobuadmin i cloned a repository to my machine using the ssh url and commited some test change and pushed it to the bitbucket repository the website tells that i am lobu not tobias preuss aka lobutprto clarify i had another ssh key added to the lobu account before but i removed this further lobu had write access to lobuadmin but this has been removed too
issue summary after the implementation of one scenario was not considered when you have multiple field configurations the basic search mode only returns the first pair of ids of the custom field value steps to reproduce create a cascade custom field and create field context insert a new value to the field in each context resulting in the same parent valuecascade value has different entries in the fieldconfigscheme database table in the basic mode select the cascade value parent valuecascade and only the first pair of ids is retrieved expected results it should retrieve all the pairs of ids to retrieve full results actual results since basic mode retrieves only the first pair of ids it returns partial results workaround use the jql mode and enter the string values cascade field cascade
when an user with timezone search data from issue navigator the created date will change back to less one day in basic search to reproduce the problem setup a jira instance in timezone europehelsinki user with timezone access to the issue navigator run the following jql query noformat project pa and created and created order by updated desc noformat i switch to basic search query results are expected and filter looks right now if you click any sort ie sort by updated date filter immediately changes to created date for example basicpngthumbnail switch back to advanced search advancepngthumbnail the created date is correct when switch back to advanced search the searching based on the created date is correct
summary if the title text contains a special character eg the title text and alt text are lost when the page is saved for example does this work will persist but does this work results in the entire string being lost steps to reproduce insert an image in the editor on the property panel click properties add some title text and alt text for the image that contains special character eg and save the page hover over the image in view mode or inspect the markup to check the value of the title attribute expected results the inserted text should be visible actual results the text is not visible and the text is lost in the image proprieties
i has developed my ci service via bitbucket apis and blocked by one api i always got response i tested other api such as and got expected result the api worked fine few days ago but is blocking nowi use python module the test code is very simplecodepythonfrom rauth import create a new consumer at consumerkey api urls from requesttokenurl getservice create the service return consumerkeyconsumerkey consumersecretconsumersecret requesttokenurlrequesttokenurl accesstokenurlaccesstokenurl authorizeurlauthorizeurldef getsession accesstoken accesstokensecret return getservicegetsessiontokenaccesstoken accesstokensecretsession getsessionurl work fineurl not workresp sessiongeturlprint resptextcode
when viewing the created vs resolved gadget without log in users will see error message below noformat the jira server was contacted but has returned an error response we are unsure of the result of this operation noformat in the logs noformat error anonymous uncaught exception thrown by rest service null javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at noformat steps to replicate create a project with permission scheme to allow anyone to browse project on the system dashboard add the created vs resolved gadget configure the gadget to show the public access project verify the gadget populated correctly log out refresh the dashboard the error message is seen expected result to be able to browse the report or at the very least provide more useful information such as noformat gadget not available for anonymous access please log in to view the gadget noformat
issue summary when the link is used to comment inline hovering the mouse to it obscure the url address like in the screenshot below this becomes a challenge for the users who are simply hovering a mouse to see the url from a display text steps to reproduce create a table and add a link inside the table add a display text or simply just let it be expected results hovering the mouse to inline comment should not obscure the link actual results it makes the link unclear or shows half of it or obscured workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
our users cannot sign up with new user accounts no matter what email address they use they get the email address provided is not from an allowed domain as an error note i previously raised this at which was closed incorrectly as a duplicate
when opening sourcetree it only shows a black screen right mouse options are available
moved from this was originally reported as the patch available on that issue does not fix the problem i dont know if there are other cases which it fixes if a project contains a war and where has a dependency on the war will be built with a nonclovered version of llewellyn botelho added a comment pm whats the status on a fix for this issue jerome lacoste added a comment pm weve reported the same problem to the maven mailing list cf and below a copy of the message i am not sure if the problem comes from clover or maven cloverinstrument forked lifecyle modified project artifacts list do not get propagated to the warear mojos is this expected jerome lacoste wed may clovered ear war artifacts lacks clovered versions of transitive dependencies cf this issue still exists in the maven clover plugin from atlassian weve tested maven and the issue is caused apparently as the clover plugins tries to modify the project artifacts list in a forked lifecycle but the change is not propagated to the mojos executed later on my understanding is that the way clover tries to achieve this is not possible as the forked lifecycle ends before the warear mojos are executed can someone confirm this reasoning and maybe provide an alternative solution to this problem details the clover instrument mojo forks its own lifecycle this lifecyle then triggers the clover instrumentinternal after the validate phase in this forked lifecycle the instrumentinternal mojo is bound to the install phase in goal instrument execute phaseinstall lifecycleclover then clover validate instrumentinternal so when we run cloverinstrument as part of a war project we see the following things happening info cloverinstrument info cloverinstrumentinternal info resourcesresources info warwar as part of cloverinstrumentinternal clover tries to override the project artifacts and dependency artifacts this is done here goal instrumentinternal phase validate requiresdependencyresolution test private void swizzlecloverdependencies getprojectsetdependencyartifacts swizzlecloverdependencies getprojectgetdependencyartifacts getprojectsetartifacts swizzlecloverdependencies getprojectgetartifacts according to the debug logs the swizzlecloverdependencies does the thing properly info cloverinstrumentinternal debug clover source root debug clover list of dependency artifacts after changes debug clover artifact scope test debug clover artifact scope compile debug clover artifact scope compile debug clover list of artifacts after changes debug clover artifact scope test debug clover artifact scope compile debug clover artifact scope compile debug configuring mojo the problem is when the war mojo is invoked later on the list of artifacts is still the old one ie we miss some clovered artifacts did the forked life cycle stop after the execution of the instrumentinternal mojo and did the changes setartifacts get lost or should i expect maven to appropriately pass the appropriate artifacts to the war mojo as invoked as part of this special lifecyle cheers jerome jerome lacoste added a comment pm and have the same root cause seems to have some interesting findings jerome lacoste added a comment pm i managed to hack maven to work but this is in an unsupported way it required to modify the project interface and inject code from clover plugin see for details i will see if i can get a proper solution in maven but i doubt that this will be done in the timeframe jerome lacoste added a comment pm heres the issue i created for maven this patch is definitively not going to be accepted as is not sure if this is going to get fixed in a time frame jerome lacoste added a comment am it looks like i had forgotten to attach this i havent verified that this is the proper version of the patch but it should give you an idea of what to do it if doesnt work this was made on top of the version of the mavencloverplugin not sure how relevant this is wrt nick pellow added a comment pm thanks jerome it could also be worth pinging the maven development list about this they could ensure your patch works for the upcoming maven stream of work
i am a system administrator i can search and find the office connector addin when i select configure it generated a not permitted you are not permitted to perform this operation error message i have checked all security session without any luck
steps to reproduce create an agile board with any number of sprints request bug there is no total property in the response as documented here this bug prevents me cloud addon from making parallel requests for all sprints as i cannot predetermine how many pages there are
summary according to supported platforms jira only supports java jdk or jre versions and and also oracle however the jdbc driver shipped with jira for connecting with oracle is not supported for use with java and according to oracle jdbc faq expected behavior ship jira with an oracle driver compatible with other supported platforms actual behavior jira ships with oracle jdbc driver version which doesnt support java and steps to reproduce na workaround download oracle jdbc driver version latest at time of writing from this oracle page and replace the existing file under jirainstall jira needs to be restarted in order to use the new driver
i added a comment with some wiki rendering clicking preview gave me scrambled eggs
in the setup wizard in load content you will see this sentence under restore from backup quoteuse data from a previous installation of confluence if you are upgrading or replicating confluence you will probably want to select this optionquote this is incorrect if you are upgrading confluence you should never see the setup wizard if you have reached this point during an upgrade something has gone wrong this sentence should read something more along the lines of quoteuse data from another installation of confluence if you are migrating to another database or replicating confluence you will probably want to select this optionquote workaround please see the instructions for upgrading confluence for the correct upgrade procedure
i wanted to associate my jira projects with fisheye repositories and the fisheye configuration didnt cause any problem and i also was able to map the jira repositories with my projects but when i access the project site and go to the source tab it doesnt show any changes in the repository although that changes really exist i created a dashboard manually and added jira fisheye gadgets set up the same fisheye server and the same repository and the information about the repo changes is shown perfectly so the fisheyes remote api works fine and jira is able to connect with it does anybody know which is the problem with the plugin
issue source tree shows no files listed that are ready to commit click fetch then all of a sudden all my file changes show up i hurriedly left home this morning and saw no pending changes to check in only to find that entire feature sets were missing from my repo this resulted in a huge waste of my time all because source tree did not detect that files were changed and needed to be checked in dont have steps to reproduce yet
drafts are supposed to be per user and private but given a draft id which should be easy to guess as they are sequential you can access the contents of any draft both for new and existing pages by using the following urls it seems that anonymous users cannot take advantage of this though as drafts for them are queried in the session and not in the database checked on pug but probably affects much older versions
issue summary changing date format for date created field under time tracking window has no effect steps to reproduce step change language preferences to another timezone using steps mentioned in article step create a new issue in your project once the issue is created click the time tracking field to see if the date created field is shown in a new format as per the timezone selected in expected results the date created field in the time tracking section shows in the new date format actual results the date created field in the time tracking section still shows in default date format screenshot attached workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behaviour a workaround will be added here when available
comatlassianconfluenceimportexportimportexportexception orgapachevelocityexceptionmethodinvocationexception invocation of method exportwikitoxslfo in class comatlassianconfluenceimportexportimplwikiexporter threw exception class comatlassianconfluencerendererwikirenderexception error on line of document the element type li must be terminated by the matching endtag nested exception the element type li must be terminated by the matching endtag at at at comatlassianconfluenceimportexportimplabstractrendererexporterimplexportpageabstractrendererexporterimpl
theres been a few cases in support where it was reported that ldap directory configuration settings suddenly disappeared from the database after a jira restart making ldap authentication impossible in some cases there was degraded performance or a jira crash that occurred just before the incident theres been a kb that tells customers how to recover from this incident because of the rarity of this problem weve not been able to determine a easy way to reproduce the behaviour or how exactly the incident occurs however im raising this ticket because we need to have this issue tracked and looked into more properly somewhere hopefully theres something that can be implemented on the jira side to prevent this
issue summary when opening a code block with any quoted strings there is a possibility that the quotes might get straight or slanted as shown in the image below screen shot at the slanted version is not accepted by most compilers making the code block not copypastable steps to reproduce start commenting in a pull request open a code block with a backtick type in a quoted string close the backtick expected results the editor should account for quotes so the code snippet is copypastable and accepted by code compilers actual results slanted quotes remain slanted after the code block is closed workaround open and immediately close the code block with two backticks once you start typing inside the code block the quotes will always be regular quotes accepted by compilers space bars seem to affect how the quotes are rendered in the comment using spaces after the quotes to make them get slanted as shown below screen shot at it is also possible to use single quotes as they dont have any slanted formats and are also accepted for strings
with the exception of gallery recently updated and table of contents none of the entries or the heading of the insert menu in the rte are localised
note this bug report is for jira service desk cloud using jira service desk server see the corresponding bug report panelwe trialed jira service desk at the end of our day period we decided not to move forward and uninstalled the jira servicedesk app but left the data license on the server as allowed by the popup window after that point we couldnt create new jira tickets in jira software against nonservicedesk projects after deleting the license for servicedesk we could create new tickets this should be corrected so that an expired license in jira servicedesk doesnt prevent jira software from functioningwe are on jira core and software and i think the latest version of servicedesk before we removed it entirely
steps to reproduce dismiss the healthcheck notification check the javascript console actual results unsupported media type error is shown after rest request completes expected results no error code is returned and no error is shown in the console
paneltitleatlassian this is a bug introduced in chrome according to and this bug is resolved in chrome target stable release for chrome is may we have confirmed the bug is fixed in current canary version panel summary we cannot type japanese characters correctly in a table with chrome in case that the more left cell is not empty japanese character is generally composed of consonantvowel letter combination like k i き and japanese ime helps the conversion however such conversion doesnt work as expected in the specific condition also this problem is not reproducible with chrome and the prior versions this problem might be related to some spec change in chrome environment client that runs the browser is windows and macos chrome tested with ver microsoft ime japanese google japanese ime and mac ime japanese this means this occurs in any ime steps to reproduce create a blank page create a table with more than two columns type some character eg a in a cell in the first column set ime to japanese try to type some japanese character eg き in a cell more right from the cell in step i you need to type k i in order to compose the japanese character き expected results k i should be always converted to き with japanese ime ki き in japanese actual results k i becomes kい the initial consonant letter is autocommitted i い in japanese notes please note this symptom is different from the issue because it reports that first letter is ignored while the letter is autocommitted in this case this occurs only at the chrome environment and also has another issuecannot type double byte characters in section through firefox works fine as mentioning in the above this problem might be related to some spec change in chrome this has not occurred on chrome and prior the very similar behavior can be seen in different products eg slack aside from atlassians ones latest chrome update breaks start of cjk ime input · issue · quilljsquill · github japanese ime first character is autocommitted on office extensions chromium monorail this is a bit old report however still opened google groups – chrome アップデート後 slack で一文字目が意図せず確定される問題について workaround delete the affected letter and retype the contents use firefox browser
cant seem to resize the merge popup properly as its not allowing for more room to view file changes within a commit as seen below the commit merge immediately if no conflicts stretches to fill instead of the commit file changes preview box
an anonymous person can click on start watching this space and this raises an error of course wich file we have to modify
pre you were able to push a tag to your remote branch however when performing the same steps in the tag is never actually pushed to reproduce create a tag in the repo in the side menu scroll to the tag right click to open the menu for the tag select push to origin expected tag should push to origin actual nothing happens
create a new page add a table add an at mention of a user other than yourself add a new line repeat adding at mentions until the page is full in the second column fill each cell by hitting enter what happened the mention user picker auto highlighted the user at the bottom of the list what should have happened plus enter should always select the current user ie i should have mentioned myself
atlassian bamboo version build jul how to reproduce make sure a plan is on a given revision lets assume for example you can also use run customized with this revision same result in this case skip step choose run run plan from anywhere of the plans interface note the build number lets assume its go to to verify that build is in fact there go to restapilatestresultbychangesetabcdefjsonexpandresultsresult bug there is no build for vcsrevisionkey which should be expected behaviour resultbychangeset should return manual build as it would any other build
when you look at the history of a file in an hg repo and possibly other types havent tested others you see multiple revisions marked head all of which can be shown as committed to the default branch this is because some of them are the heads of branches but no commits have been made to that file on the branch since the branch was created we need to make it easy to see which branch the revision is head of perhaps by putting a branch name next to the head icon
summary customers that are migrated to atlassian account lose the access to the customer portal when a customer is created as a portal only customer they have access to the portal but once they are migrated if they didnt have an atlassian account they can login but it says you dont have access to any portals steps to reproduce create a customer in the project let the customer activate the account and access the portal make sure the same account does not already have an atlassian account on atlassian cloud not just the cloud site after confirming that the customer can see the forms go to the site administration and migrate the user to atlassian account customer will receive an email to join them now to finish the account creation as the customer doesnt have any license they will be redirected to the portal expected results as they dont have any license they will be automatically redirected to the portal and will see the forms actual results they are redirected to the portal but it says you dont have access to any portals notes the issue only happens when the migrate to atlassian account has to create a new atlassian account when it doesnt exist yet when a customer is migrated they are keeping with two accounts but one is set as inactive delete the customer account on site administration jira service desk portal only customers in case this doesnt solve the problem please contact our atlassian support
hi ive recently changed active directory configurations after the changes im not able to logon anymore not even with jira internal user the error below occurs in order to correct the ad configuration error i fist need to be able to log in to jira with the admin user but its not possible so how can i solve my problem is there any workaround is it possible to disable ad integration without logging in error and system information javalangnumberformatexception for input string at javalangnumberformatexceptionforinputstringunknown source at javalangintegerparseintunknown source at javalangintegervalueofunknown source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at javautilconcurrentthreadpoolexecutorworkerruntaskunknown source at javautilconcurrentthreadpoolexecutorworkerrununknown source at javalangthreadrununknown source referer url build information uptime na version build number build date mon apr brt build revision atlassian partner null installation type standalone server id contact your administrator to discover this property value last upgrade pm server information application server apache servlet version file paths contact your system administrator to discover file path information memory information total memory mb free memory mb used memory mb total permgen memory mb free permgen memory mb used permgen memory mb system information system date terçafeira jan system time current working directory contact your system administrator to discover this property value java version java vendor sun microsystems inc jvm version jvm vendor sun microsystems inc jvm implementation version java runtime javatm se runtime environment java vm java hotspottm server vm user name srvsepas user timezone americasaopaulo user locale português brasil system encoding operating system windows server os architecture application server container database type hsql database jndi address hsql jdbccprogram filesatlassianapplication datajiradatabasejiradb database url hidden database version database driver hsql database engine driver external user management off jvm input arguments contact your system administrator to discover this property value language info installed languages german germany spanish spain french france english united states english uk japanese japan default language english united states request information request url scheme http server srvsepas port uri context path servlet path path info null query string request attributes javaxservletforwardrequesturi loginjsp javaxservletforwardcontextpath javaxservletforwardservletpath loginjsp comatlassianjirawebfiltersjirapostencodingfilteralreadyfiltered true jirasessionmaxinactiveinterval jirarequestid jirawebworkcleanup false javaxservleterrorstatuscode javaxservleterrorservletname jsp comatlassianjirawebfiltersjirafirstfilteralreadyfiltered true comatlassiangzipfiltergzipfilteralreadyfiltered true jirarequeststartmillis loginfilteralreadyfiltered true comatlassianjohnsonfiltersjohnsonfilteralreadyfiltered true gzipmimetypes textapplicationxjavascriptapplicationjavascriptapplicationxmlapplicationxhtmlxmlapplicationjson javaxservleterrormessage comatlassianjirawebfiltersaccesslogaccesslogrequestinfoexitcalled true jirasessionlastaccessedtime webworkresult value stack comatlassiancorefiltersheadersanitisingfilteralreadyfiltered true jirarequestassessionid comatlassiangzipfilterorgtuckeywebfiltersurlrewriterulematched true javaxservleterrorexception javalangnumberformatexception for input string javaxservleterrorrequesturi loginjsp request logging log statements generated by this request listeners issue assignment listener comatlassianjiraeventlistenershistoryissueassignhistorylistener issue index listener comatlassianjiraeventlistenerssearchissueindexlistener mail listener comatlassianjiraeventlistenersmailmaillistener services backup service comatlassianjiraserviceservicesexportexportservice delay minutes mail queue service comatlassianjiraserviceservicesmailmailqueueservice delay minutes notificationcacheupdatejobjob comatlassiansaljiraschedulingjirapluginschedulerservice delay minutes pluginlicenseexpiryjobjob comatlassiansaljiraschedulingjirapluginschedulerservice delay minutes service provider session remover comatlassiansaljiraschedulingjirapluginschedulerservice delay minutes comatlassianjirapluginextbambooserviceplanstatusupdateserviceimpljob comatlassiansaljiraschedulingjirapluginschedulerservice delay minutes comatlassianstreamsinternalactivityproviderconnectionmonitorimplactivityprovidermonitor comatlassiansaljiraschedulingjirapluginschedulerservice delay minutes plugins activeobjects plugin osgi bundle plugin by atlassian enabled admin menu sections plugin by atlassian enabled apache httpclient osgi bundle plugin by apache software foundation enabled apache httpcore osgi bundle plugin by apache software foundation enabled applinks product plugin plugin by atlassian enabled build atlassian administration quick search jira plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian bot session killer plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian custom apps plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian embedded crowd administration plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian gadgets oauth service provider plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira admin helper plugin plugin by atlassian pty ltd enabled atlassian jira plugins admin summary component plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira plugins application properties plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira plugins closure template renderer plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira plugins common applinks based issue link plugin plugin by projectorganizationname enabled atlassian jira plugins confluence link plugin by projectorganizationname enabled atlassian jira plugins gadgets plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira plugins header plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira plugins invite user plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira plugins issue navigation plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira plugins issue web link plugin by projectorganizationname enabled atlassian jira plugins look and feel logo upload plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira plugins mail plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira plugins my jira home plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira plugins oauth consumer spi plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira plugins oauth service provider spi plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira plugins project config plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira plugins quick edit plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira plugins rest plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira plugins remote jira link plugin by projectorganizationname enabled atlassian jira plugins sal plugin plugin by atlassian software systems enabled atlassian jira plugins share content component plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira plugins user profile plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian jira plugins view issue panels plugin by projectorganizationname enabled atlassian navigation links plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian oauth admin plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian oauth consumer plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian oauth consumer spi plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian oauth service provider plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian oauth service provider spi plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian rest module types plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian remote apps plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian soy templates plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian template renderer api plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian template renderer velocity plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian ui plugin plugin by atlassian enabled atlassian universal plugin manager plugin plugin by atlassian enabled browse project operations sections plugin by atlassian enabled content link resolvers plugin plugin by atlassian enabled crowd rest api plugin by atlassian software systems enabled crowd rest api plugin by atlassian software systems enabled crowd system password encoders plugin by atlassian software systems enabled custom field types searchers plugin by atlassian enabled embedded gadgets plugin plugin by atlassian enabled english united kingdom language pack plugin by atlassian enabled english united states language pack plugin by atlassian enabled fisheye plugin plugin by atlassian software systems enabled gadget dashboard plugin plugin by atlassian enabled gadget directory plugin plugin by atlassian enabled gadget spec publisher plugin plugin by atlassian enabled hipchat plugin by atlassian enabled configureurl secureadminhipchatconfigurationdefaultjspa plugin by atlassian pty ltd enabled issue operations plugin plugin by atlassian enabled issue tab panels plugin plugin by atlassian enabled issue views plugin plugin by atlassian enabled jdom dom processor plugin by springsource enabled jira active objects spi implementation plugin by atlassian software systems enabled jira activity stream plugin plugin by atlassian enabled jira bamboo plugin plugin by atlassian software systems pty ltd enabled configureurl secureadminjiraviewbambooapplicationlinksjspa jira base url plugin plugin by atlassian enabled jira footer plugin by atlassian enabled jira french france language pack plugin by atlassian community enabled jira german germany language pack plugin by atlassian community enabled jira importers plugin jim plugin by atlassian enabled jira issue collector plugin plugin by atlassian enabled jira jsonrpc plugin plugin by atlassian software enabled jira japanese japan language pack plugin by atlassian community enabled jira monitoring plugin plugin by atlassian enabled jira spanish spain language pack plugin by atlassian community enabled jira streams inline actions plugin plugin by atlassian software systems pty ltd enabled jira time zone detection plugin plugin by atlassian enabled jira usage hints plugin by atlassian enabled jira webhooks plugin plugin by atlassian enabled jira welcome plugin plugin by atlassian enabled jira icalendar plugin plugin by atlassian enabled jql functions plugin by atlassian enabled json library plugin by atlassian pty ltd enabled keyboard shortcuts plugin plugin by atlassian enabled neko html plugin by atlassian pty ltd enabled notifications and tasks common plugin plugin by atlassian enabled notifications and tasks jira provider plugin plugin by atlassian enabled opensocial plugin plugin by atlassian enabled preset filters sections plugin by atlassian enabled project panels plugin plugin by atlassian enabled project role actors plugin plugin by atlassian enabled rome rss and atom utilities for java plugin by sun microsystems enabled rome rssatom syndication and publishing tools plugin by springsource enabled rpc jira plugin plugin by atlassian enabled renderer component factories plugin plugin by atlassian enabled renderer plugin plugin by atlassian enabled reports plugin plugin by atlassian enabled streams api plugin by atlassian enabled streams core plugin plugin by atlassian software systems pty ltd enabled streams inline actions plugin plugin by atlassian software systems pty ltd enabled streams plugin plugin by atlassian software systems pty ltd enabled streams spi plugin by atlassian enabled streams third party provider plugin plugin by atlassian enabled support tools plugin plugin by atlassian support enabled top navigation bar plugin by atlassian enabled user format plugin by atlassian enabled user navigation bar sections plugin by atlassian enabled user profile links plugin by atlassian enabled user profile panels plugin by atlassian enabled view project operations sections plugin by atlassian enabled web resources plugin plugin by atlassian enabled webwork plugin plugin by atlassian enabled wiki renderer macros plugin plugin by atlassian enabled workflow designer plugin plugin by atlassian enabled workflow plugin plugin by atlassian enabled jirahelptips plugin by atlassian enabled
in mac os x mavericks updated from the sourcetreeapp crashes when i try to start it jdk
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report paneltext in the mobile site is too large needs to scale down to same size as question description text
in fisheye when attempting to create a project link to a confluence space received message that there are no application links available for this user however was able to go into confluence and create the project link from that side with no further configuration
noformat tar zxvf tar a lone zero block at noformat verified the download twice
hiwe are a small team persons but we use bitbucket every day repositories and jira licence and confluence thanks for you amazing jobbut we have a huge problem on almost every repositoryafter few weeks we cannot pull the latest commitserrorcodeshellfrom branch master fetchheadthere are no candidates for merging among the refs that you just fetchedgenerally this means that you provided a wildcard refspec which had nomatches on the remote endcodeour config file iscodeshell repositoryformatversion filemode true bare false logallrefupdates true url gitbitbucketorgrepouserrepogit fetch refsheadsrefsremotesorigin url fetch refsheadsrefsremotesoriginal remote origin merge refsheadsmaster name prod email emailwebsitecomcodeour solution create an another repository ex and push an init commit from complete source repo very dirty i knowso can you help us this problem occurs only on bitbucket repository and we want to changeof course we tried thanks
hi steps to reproduce new standard project with atlascreatejiraplugin start with atlasrun no args starts as normal start with atlasrun jvmargs datlassianmailfetchdisabledfalse and errors occur final messages in atlassianlog code plugin system started warn anonymous gadget spec plugingadgetspecplugincomatlassianjiragadgets locationgadgetsloginxml could not be added to pluginprovided gadget spec store ignoring main fatal an error occurred during consistencylauncher servlet context initialisation java heap space javalangoutofmemoryerror java heap space at at at orgapachexercesxnixmlstringtostringunknown source at orgapachexercesparsersabstractdomparsercharactersunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmldocumentfragmentscannerimplscancontentunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmldocumentfragmentscannerimplfragmentcontentdispatcherdispatchunknown source at orgapachexercesimplxmldocumentfragmentscannerimplscandocumentunknown source at source at source at orgapachexercesparsersxmlparserparseunknown source at orgapachexercesparsersdomparserparseunknown source at orgapachexercesjaxpdocumentbuilderimplparseunknown source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at warn gadget spec plugingadgetspecplugincomatlassianjiragadgets locationgadgetsintroductiongadgetxml could not be added to pluginprovided gadget spec store ignoring code
steps to reproduce admin with domain verified instance that changed domain names and or has verifiedclaimed domains admin is not able to change email from to or to because there is already an atlassian account for the email for the user in question however user management shows the message you have successfully changed the email address or successfully updated expected result admin would receive an error such as an atlassian account with userdomainacom already exists so we cant update the email and email change fails possibly with a link to atlassian support because this case sucks d actual result admin receives successfully update message but the email doesnt change example support case
issue summary with the new editing improvements in order to publish a page edit without notifying the watchers of the pagespace the user must tap the ellipsis button and then select the publish without notifying watchers button this option is not working and even if the user selects this option this will notify the watchers of the spacepage steps to reproduce make sure to access an existing page and then edit it on this page as an administrator of the space make sure to add people to become watchers of the pagespace by using the little eye icon on the top right which is the watch icon and then tap manage watchers to add the users make a small edit on the page and then tap the ellipsis button on the top right of the close button and then select publish without notifying watchers expected results the page should be published without notifying watchers actual results the email notification is sent a couple of minutes after having the edit performed notes this does not seem to affect the legacy editor workaround either restrict the page for the user that will publish it when publishing it or remove the watchers before publishing it
i just did a really generic quick install added a group then added a second group forgetting to select a directory im marking this as critical because it dumped in my first seconds of use after the install copypaste from the screen a system error has occured please contact your administrator if this problem continues to occur please contact atlassian by opening a support request with the following information a description of your problem and what you were doing at the time it occurred cut paste the error and system information found below attach the application server log file if possible cause orgspringframeworktransactionunexpectedrollbackexception transaction has been rolled back because it has been marked as rollbackonly stack trace orgspringframeworktransactionunexpectedrollbackexception transaction has been rolled back because it has been marked as rollbackonly at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at referer build information version mar memory information total memory mb free memory mb used memory mb request information request url scheme http server localhost port uri context path crowd servlet path path info null query string request attributes javaxservletforwardrequesturi crowdconsolesecuregroupaddgroupupdateaction javaxservletforwardcontextpath crowd javaxservletforwardservletpath consolesecuregroupaddgroupupdateaction javaxservletforwardpathinfo javaxservleterrorservletname default javaxservleterrormessage javaxservleterrorexception orgspringframeworktransactionunexpectedrollbackexception transaction has been rolled back because it has been marked as rollbackonly webworkvaluestack sitemeshusingstream false javaxservleterrorrequesturi crowdconsolesecuregroupaddgroupupdateaction javaxservletjspjspexception orgspringframeworktransactionunexpectedrollbackexception transaction has been rolled back because it has been marked as rollbackonly cleanupcounter javaxservleterrorstatuscode sitemeshfilterapplied true sessioninviewfiltered true
as of jira the watchers page is now only accessible via a keyboard shortcut ie start typing and select watchers whereas it should also be accessible from a clickable hyperlink on the view issue page currently as correctly documented in our jira documentation clicking the hyperlinked number to the right of the watchers link opens the add watchers popup in jira and earlier versions clicking this number used to open the watchers page itself hence its no longer possible to access this page by clicking a hyperlink on the view issue page you can now only access the watchers page via a keyboard shortcut mentioned above and from an issue listed in the issue navigator via its cog dropdown list on the right
the way to reproduce the issue choose bitbucket enter username and password choose url enter url and load branches select repositories option again branches are loaded but not the repositories only after clicking the option again it starts loading the repositories
issue summary when trying to link a confluence page to a sprint or sprint report using the system application link the following message is displayed image at ampngthumbnail this also does not work as expected when trying to link from the backlog as it redirects to confluence but nothing happens steps to reproduce create a jira instance with confluence checking if the system application link is created create a project an issue and a sprint and complete the sprint try to link a confluence page to the sprint expected results the option to browse through the confluence page will be displayed actual results the error message no confluence server is configured please check your application links configuration is displayed workaround try the refresh all application links link top right wheel icon above the applinks table by going to