table editing has several bugs gentlemen it has wasted considerable time hours grrrrr you can look at all you need to do is go create a few tables on one page edit text wysiwyg play around try to copy and paste strangely works some of the time and you will discover some of the problems i suggest a phone conversation to although we should fix this it would save someone aloadoftime if importing from excel was a feature it is highly unlikely we can ever build an editor as robust jeffrey
i am not able to check in code via sourcetree as it is asking for password repeatedly and also not taking correct password
gitflow throws an error if i want to add a new feature complete gitflow feature is not working after update to
when performing an advanced search eg project aaa and issuetype bug and status changed to closed after you get a server error code javalangillegalstateexception no match found at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at code i understand that startofday should be used with no arguments or an offset argument eg still shouldnt jira return an informative jql message instead of crashing i was not able to find a relevant issue for this please feel free to close as duplicate if this is not the case cheers theodore
issue summary after upgrading jira software server and jira service desk server not data center upon restart the audit log migration is taking place and is taking a long time to finish adding the parameter had no effect based on the upgrade notes this supposed to take place in the backgroud but that is not the case in the and at the top part of the document it notes the migration runs in the background for all server and data center upgrade paths zdu included and does not stop jira being operational but then at the bottom of the under the below section there is the conflicting note where only in case of zdu datacenter zero downtime upgrade this process runs in the background this appears to be the correct statement based on what customers are experiencing upgrade procedure as the result of introducing the advanced auditing feature well be migrating your old audit log up to million records on upgrade depending on the platform youre using and the size of your audit log the migration might take up to several hours if you migrate with zdu your migration task will run in the background and jira will still be accessible to users you can use the jiraadvancedauditlogmigrationlimit flag in the jira properties file to limit the number of events you want to migrate or to turn off the migration altogether in that case you will only see the new events in your upgraded audit log view and the past events will remain invisible until you have performed the migration steps to reproduce migrate to jsw expected results the audit log migration should run in the background upon restarting jira after the upgrade actual results audit log migration is happening while starting jira after the upgrade and it takes a while to complete workaround no known workaround
ies console shows the warning https security is compromised by when using codebackgroundimage urla relative url code this can be resolved using absolute urls found in review edit details reviewer avatars
issue tracker having an error code provided able to view issues when clicked on
it appears as though our jira site is down and we are not sure why can you helpregardsandrew
svn indexing incorrectly calculates blame for file which was renamed and changed in the same commit eg for code czawadka śro paź line changed paths a branchesbranchxdtxt from copy ctxt to dtxt and add line to dtxt code lines for dtxt file after indexing are shown as coming from only
when bamboo is migrated to a new host the cached usernames and passwords for each project are wiped out and you need to readd the usernamepassword to each project considering that you can have a lot of projects in bamboo it could take a while to do this so it would be great if it was possible to store somewhere a default repository user and password and configure the projects to use this stored credential
when i try to push i am asked to log in i can log in to my bitbucket account via browser i was able to log in via sourcetree up until now now i cannot i get the message below i use souretree git c diffmnemonicprefixfalse c corequotepathfalse nooptionallocks push v tags origin mastermaster logon failed use ctrlc to cancel basic credential prompt remote invalid username or password fatal authentication failed for pushing to completed with errors see above
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report panelin jira ondemand theres a new plugin that manages the attachments atlassian blobstore client plugin this plugin is currently not available for jira server behind the firewall and when migrating jira from cloud ondemand to server btf jira is not able to display attachments it throws a error steps to replicate the problem export a jira cloud backup install jira server and restore the cloud backup xml data folder try to access an expected behaviorthe attachments is displayed actual behaviorjira shows a error page in the logs the following is thrownnoformatborderstyledashed error jtabeling error serving file for path blobstore client plugin not loadedjavalangillegalstateexception blobstore client plugin not loaded at at workaroundas per accessing attachments show a error page after migration from ondemand please access the dark features page in the jira server through disable the comatlassianjirafsattachmentsprimary dark feature
jira instance was down found it has tomcat occupied lot of cpu resource memory issue brought jira downwe have attached supportzip file please let us know the root cause for this as this happenned twice in short intervals we restared the services now application working fine have any similar instances of this issue please send a reference note after refering the attached supportzip file
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report open the calendar restriction type the name of the user you want to add a restriction for eg press enteryou will get an error message even if you entered the name correctly see screenshot for contrast the page permissions dialog does allow this
unable to clone a repository please see the attached screenshots after selecting a bitbucket repository repository type shows a message this is not a valid source pathurl clicking on details button shows an empty message box also clone button remains disabled
open hg repo pull changes pull again expected no changes actual last diff
one of our repositories in github does not clone when using sourcetree we do not receive any meaningful error in sourcetree other repos in the same organisation are fine permissions seem fine on github this is happening on multiple systems in our organisation we also get an error for templates not found but this does not seem to affect other repos using sourcetree and some earlier versions from december cannot find this version id in affects version also occurring in using the same command in the git embedded commandline from appdatalocalatlassiansourcetreegitlocalcmd the repo pulls down correctly with no errors any help would be greatly appreciated
a change in how tomcat handles its cipher list between and can result in the following nullpointerexception when starting bitbucket server if ssl is enabled on one or more additional connectors noformat error oapachecatalinautillifecyclebase failed to start component orgapachecatalinalifecycleexception protocol handler start failed at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at frames trimmed caused by javalangnullpointerexception null at common frames omitted noformat workaround enabling ssl on the primary connector does not cause this failure so pending a bugfix release the workaround is to move ssl to the primary connector for example if bitbucket server has been configured to use plain http on on the default connector and https on using an additional connector switch the configuration so that the primary connector is https on and the additional connector is plain http on this results in an identical port setup but avoids the nullpointerexception during startup
paneltitleatlassian update october we found out that the resultset closed error is caused by a misalignment of various properties that control batch and buffer sizes during indexing we aligned these properties in the upcoming jira release if this problem affects your instance running jira you can apply the fix yourself by setting the following values in jiraconfigproperties noformat to be double sure you can ensure that your instance does use the default value of jiraindexbackgroundbatchsize you can check this on the advanced settings page requires jira system administrator rights panel issue summary customers are experiencing upon upgrading to jira from that full lock and reindex runs into resultset closed error from their database happens on sqlserver and postgres so far the trend from customers is that most of the time their dbconfigxml has default max pool size of threads and jira has default reindex thread of steps to reproduce unable to reproduce requires data and load expected results reindex completes successfully actual results reindex fails with the error message noformat error xxxx xxxxxxx secureadminindexreindexreindexjspa reindex all failed indexer defaultindexmanager paths orgofbizcoreutilgeneralruntimeexception error getting the next result this resultset is closed at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at filtered at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at caused by orgpostgresqlutilpsqlexception this resultset is closed at at at at at noformat the following might also be found in the logs too showing that the pool sized has maxed out codejava dangerous use of multiple connections taken marks code workaround if this problem affects your instance running jira you can apply the fix yourself by setting the following values in jiraconfigproperties noformat to be double sure you can ensure that your instance does use the default value of jiraindexbackgroundbatchsize you can check this on the advanced settings page requires jira system administrator rights september update we are closely monitoring and as it is a complex issue we’ve decided to address it in parts as a first step we released a fix for that should should mitigate some of the problem we will continue to closely follow the current ticket and will take further steps based on how it develops
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report paneli asked matt to test on eac seems to be a problem specific to my user since the eac upgrade cant work out what calendar types is causing it here are some things to help video demo of the problem screenshot of the error js error typeerror cannot call method attr of undefinedcode
see screenshotthe user did not have create shared objects permission user readonly in the qa dataseta separate bug is that they were able to create board in the first place
getting npes when retrieving objects from pico
summary when user has zephyr capture for jira addon enabled in the browser user will get oops youve made a malformed request message after logging in this message appears when there is a redirection continue appended at the login url steps to reproduce make sure you are logged out try to access your instance eg yourinstanceatlassiannet youll be redirected to the following url try to login normally expected results youll be logged in normally actual results you receive the following error message oops youve made a malformed request notes json modifier jsonview may also trigger this error without the redirection the login works fine this problem may occur with other extensions such as link redirect trace workaround workaround turn off zephyr capture for jira addon workaround login to first before proceeding to your instance
when i log on for the first time see attached screenshot confluence was installed onto a lubuntu server with mysql error formatting macro recentlyupdateddashboard comatlassianconfluencerenderertemplate template renderingexception unable to find template renderer to handle file extension soy cannot do anything with the site
hiwe have a repo and pushed some huge files by mistakei used bfg repo cleaner to delete the huge files then did the standard commands to prune and pushed the changes back to our remote gitrepo as outlined in the bfg instruction i did a fresh clone of the repo and the size is so much smaller now as expected however based on the reported size from the repo page on bitbucket it is still showing as with the warning that the repository size is over it is worried that any pushes we do could push it beyond the hardlimit is there a way to speed up the garbagecollection
problem since the latest ondemand release jira agile the agile wallboard gadget stopped working when adding that gadget and configuring it choosing the board quick filters and refresh interval clicking on save does nothing screen shot at ampng checking the dashboard a blank gadget is displayed screen shot at ampng symptoms jira agile wallboard gadget does not load errors in the browser javascript console noformat uncaught typeerror cannot read property extend of undefined uncaught typeerror undefined is not a function uncaught typeerror cannot read property getmode of undefined uncaught typeerror cannot read property setperviewvalue of undefined noformat work around unfortunately there is no work around at this time in the absence of a working wallboard gadget if you need to access a particular board and can do so outside of a dashboard please use that instead projector mode press the z key twice helps to remove the outer chrome of the board page to maximise the viewing area on a wallboard
for some reason autocomplete for links not displaying some of my recently viewed page titles see attached video
if you make a get request such as tomcat will actually serve up the parameters as fieldnamequickfind query emptystring this means any attempt to use query parameters which consist only of space characters such as typing just the space key in the project picker will have an invalid oauth signature as it is expected to have a value of this then causes the token to be revoked joy and pretty much prevents the gadget from working after that possibly the fix for this should be in our oauth infrastructure but it would appear the rest api is going to need to have a way to deal with this situation anyway so i have created this issue against jira
results noformat categoriesgadgets noformat and gadget list is empty i tried to use strace to find some further errors it contains the following failure messages step recv http requests noformat get xxxxxxxxrnuseragent ubuntu linux gzip deflaterncookie myworktabtasksfalse xxxxxxxxrnxforwardedserver xxxxxxxxrnconnection keepalivernrn null null noformat step read data from fd this fd points noformat rootxxxxatlassianx ls al grep lrx jira jira noformat noformat seekset n n jiran n n n n n n n n oauthn supportedlocalesgadgetcommongadgetlabelsn n n n n n n nn n nmodul noformat step if failed in xml validation noformat an invalid xml character unicode was found in the element content of the documentn warn kihyoon could not retrieve directory entries from applicationprovided gadget specs plugin gadget keypluginkeycomatlassianjiragadgets locationgadgetslabelsgadgetxml failed validationn warn kihyoon could not retrieve directory entries from applicationprovided gadget specs plugin gadget keypluginkeycomatlassianjiragadgets locationgadgetslabelsgadgetxml failed validationn noformat please fix it
users local or ldap with a whitespace in their usernames receive the follwoing error when trying to add a favourite quote contains invalid characters favourite contains invalid characters close quote for example for the username thomas eriksen the error message is quote thomas contains invalid characters eriksenfavourite contains invalid characters close quote notice the username is truncatedignored after the whitespace
when launching sourcetree the application is freezing when trying to show the diff on my wpf xaml file ive tried completely uninstalling st including all appdatalocalst folders and the problem remains im unable to view or use st with this one repo that has wpf and the latest commit that has xaml changes it was fine prior
if the project statistics portlet is added to ones dashboard the description contains an unexpanded keyportletprojectstatsfieldstatistictypeassigneesto fix this in and edit portletsdashboardprojectstatsjsp and change line from webworkproperty valueobjectconfigurationfieldvaluesstatistictypepropertystatistictype to
even having exclude paths configured fisheye may attempt to load the paths into memory this can lead to oome in case there is a huge number of paths under excluded folders for instance having repository like noformat piotrs thu aug lines changed paths m changed file on a tag piotrs thu aug lines changed paths a xxxgroupxxx from copied xxx project piotrs thu aug line changed paths a xxxgroup xxxgroup created piotrs thu aug lines changed paths a from tag piotrs thu aug line changed paths a xxxtrunkfiletxt filetxt piotrs thu aug line changed paths a xxx a xxxbranches a xxxtags a xxxtrunk init noformat and repository configured with base repository path xxxgroup exclude path xxxtags the path will be loaded into infomap at method
when a user with projectcreate permission tries to create a project with an avatar they receive the following error when submitting the form bq you are not permitted to access this resource workaround the user must create a project without an avatar and upload the avatar when the project has been created
is very urgent i am not able to create projects colorsummaryi am not able to create a software project kanban project but it works for a business project please check the logs in the attachmentsteps to create a soft kanban fail expected resultit should create a project i already tried this and this and is not working
our windows installer build has its testreports directory set to subprojectsinstallertargettestxml for some reason since the bamboo upgrade to this was reset back to testreportsxml i also cant change it back now it always defaults back to testreportsxml can this be fixed asap please since our windows installer build is failing because of it
in a new editor page type code foo bar code the screen should show an empty bullet as seen in however when you go to save the document and view it the bullet disappears if you go back into the editor again the bullet is gone there too
i see this occur in the header when the cloud instance is started up see attachment the english version is fine but the header in all other languages displays a instead of a translated string thanks
note this bug report is for jira service desk server using jira service desk cloud see the corresponding bug report panel summary when attempting to migrate from jira server running jira service desk the import process fails displaying an error that indicates jira service desk should first be upgraded before being imported into cloud environment jira cloud jira service desk steps to reproduce ensure your jira server install is running jira or later ensure you have installed jira service desk or later from the atlassian marketplace run a full export of your jira server install attempt to import this into jira cloud expected results the external system import process should complete without error actual results the external system import process fails and displays the following error noformat we cant complete your upgrade it looks like the data you are trying to import is from an earlier version of jira service desk you need to upgrade to jira service desk first then export new data and try again read these upgrade notes for instructions noformat notes importfailurepngthumbnail searching in the entitiesxml file you will see that the version of service desk running has not been completely upgraded noformat comatlassianactiveobjectsadminactiveobjectsplugintotablesmapping service service noformat this is caused by the customer most likely installed at some point the jira service desk plugin jar even though it was not licensed or skipping major versions workaround the jira server install must be downgraded in order to resolve this issue setup a temporary install of jira server and connect to a new database create an xml backup of jira server import this backup into the server when running the import jira will confirm that you want to downgrade your data once your jira server is running with your data you can proceed to install jira service desk make sure a license is added you can generate an evaluation license by going to myatlassiancom to apply this license you will want to go here jira administration applications versions licenses once the installation is complete and you have added the license refresh the versions licenses page confirm that you see the service desk options on the left side this will confirm that service desk loaded create an xml backup of your jira server import this backup into your jira instance create a backup of your jira server instance import this backup into your jira cloud instance
someone has probably already reported this but the top twixie on the atlassian extranet is not working properly see screenshot the image preview display doesnt bump down the following content
i configured the page gadget on a dashboard in jdog i authorised it as part of the configuration process i then shared that dashboard with other people all they see is an error with no way to authenticate jdogerrorjpg if i revoke my oauth access token i see the same error this makes the gadget useless for sharing
steps install and start confluence edit your very first page as part of onboarding wait for changes saved to appear then click to see the changes what happened should see the changes made what should have happened empty dialog note the second time you edit the page the dialog works correctly
issue summary for some customers their advanced roadmaps plan page loads everything except the issues scope steps to reproduce open a plan page expected results the plan header shows and after a while the loading state of the roadmaps tab content gets replaced with the actual issues of that plan actual results the loading state remains active issue data never renders workaround clearing the browsers local storage resolves the issue check this page on how to do this for chrome
it was fine since yesterday evening but now if we launch every git command such as fetch or pull we get this error on every our computercodeconnection closed by could not read from remote repositoryplease make sure you have the correct access rightsand the repository existscodeare your systems all up
issue summary when loading a large page that contains many macros in confluence and above the performance impact on the browser is substantial enough that synchrony fails and displays errors such as “the connection timed out if it happens again speak to your confluence admin you may be using a proxy server that prevents websocket connections” using an example xhtml page that contains multiple macros once the page is loaded using the chrome browser the page itself is very unresponsive and simple operations such as scrolling are difficult when loading the page to edit or when saving edits to text the page freezes and there is a significant delay before actions take place the same is true for buttons and cursor states looking at the profiling and development tools in chrome it’s clear that the majority of the time handling the page edit or load operation is spent on scripting and dom processing when the operation doesn’t complete in the default timeout set by synchrony in some cases seconds we see that the websocket opened by synchrony has already been closed due to the delay in receiving the page content code websocket connection to failed websocket is closed before the connection is established code this results in the error we see regarding a proxy and whether it supports websocket connections this behaviour is tested and is not present in the latest version of confluence the page is easy to navigate and alter when using the same macros and the example page attached steps to reproduce install and activate the live input macros install the confluence source editor using the example xhtml page export attached edit a page using the confluence source editor and paste in the content from the example page temphtml attempt to navigate and perform edits on the page expected results the page should be able to be easily navigated and edited actual results the page causes the browser to be unresponsive and there are problems with editing and saving the page errors such as “the connection timed out if it happens again speak to your confluence admin you may be using a proxy server that prevents websocket connections” are displayed the below exception is thrown in the chrome consolelog noformat websocket connection to failed websocket is closed before the connection is established noformat workaround matters improve slightly if the page is approximately of the size of the attached example and then saving can be completed however the page editing experience is still hampered
getting error on pull eservicecart project
seems related to i have the same scenario locally
when i go to project view all projects we do not see the reports link on the right we have timetracking enabled
this pull request page loads quickly however the actual diffs never load for me i looked to see if timing out or just very slow
when attempting to import some data weve got the following error javalangnoclassdeffounderror comatlassiangreenhoppercustomfieldepiclinkepiclinkcftype jira version jim version jira agile version although when weve tried with jim it worked properly please refer the sample csv enclosed
when deleting a board i get the confirmation dialog when confirming the deletion the dialog closes but the board is not deletedfrom this pagei have the following error in the javascript consolecode ajax executing request for manageviews an exception has occurred in at typeerror null is not an object evaluating adialogpopup batchjs line ignoring file batchjs line typeerror null is not an object evaluating adialogpopup anonymous function mainjs line dispatch batchjs line i batchjs line trigger batchjs line anonymous function batchjs line each batchjs line each batchjs line trigger batchjs line hide batchjs line remove batchjs line anonymous function batchjs line anonymous function batchjs line onclick batchjs line dispatch batchjs line i batchjs line
issue summary code formatting is not working in pr comments python or java steps to reproduce go to pr review screen create a comment add a code block to comment set the language to python click save expected results code block uses syntax highlighting if you click to edit comment python is still selected in the language dropdown actual results code block flickers with correct syntax highlighting and then returns to default code styling if you click to edit comment python is not selected no language is set screenshot at pmpng workaround the developers can still view nonformatted code in the comments
as described in and due to windows limitation any path name that is longer than characters wont be accessible via webdav the office connector will fail as well since it relies on webdav to access content in confluence
the agile gadget does not touch zero even though all issues are closed and the remaining time on each of them is zero the issue burndown is showing well with this behavior we no longer can trust the gadget which makes it unusable
when a project has a moderator whose account doesnt exist in crucible in my case because i dumped a thridpart crucible in my servers vardatacrudb creating a new review sets the author to null this later results in a nullpointerexception when requesting the review both through rest or through the web interface caused by javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at method at at at at more
we are using the linking plugin in the form of linkwindow linkwindow everytime a confluence page is loaded with a macro specified like this it results in numerous exceptions i do not know if this is a core issue with specifying unnamed parameters in macros or if it is due to the specific macro page loads are slow during the exceptions and i am afraid our performance is suffering
after scrolling horizontally in a gadget on the dashboard to get to the available actions cog icon and selecting the last record in the gadget the available actions menu that displays workflow and operations actions will not expand the bottom border of the gadget note we are using version of the show saved filter with columns plugin see attachment
in my normal working environment i review multifile changes selecting files or hunks to stage but this is nearly impossible with sourcetree because the diff view keeps refreshing and every time it refreshes the file and line position and scroll position for me this is happening every or so seconds as you can imagine many a swear word gets uttered during this process in my search for an answer ive seen various bug reports for sourcetree that seem to get shuffled about and closed or not necessarily addressed ultimately there are three contributing factors something is changing files sourcetree refreshes when any file change occurs even ignored files sourcetree looses position information when a refresh occurs now although item is not sourcetrees fault the consequences given and are really bad with the greatest respect there have been so many people who hit these issues that i would strongly suggest and are addressed for item i eventually found out what was the problem in my case i develop apps using meteor and in development mode it runs a mongodb database which periodically writes diagnostic info meteorlocaldbdiagnosticdatametricsinterim to be precise the whole meteor folder is in my gitignore file the simple answer of course is that i shut the meteor down while reviewing changes but that is simply not a realistic option as it would destroy my productivity i also havent found a way to disable the mongodb diagnostics sourcetree has the ability to disable automatic refreshes and although this might seem like a great option as a user it isnt you only have to miss some changes that shouldnt have been submitted etc and you may end up looking for another job one more workable compromise option would be to have an automatic refresh that only kicks in when the sourcetree app gains focus for most people this would catch manual code changes another suggestion is to have refresh still detect changes and display a changes detected refresh now button in the headertoolbar so that the user is alerted but not necessarily interrupted the best option of course is that file detection skips ignored filesdirectories fix issue it clearly should ive seen a comment in one of the issues suggesting that it might be inefficient but the consequences are too impactful not to and the actual refresh has to do that check anyway albeit inside git maybe the git refresh git status command at least can be executed before fully committing to the ui refresh if the existing view doesnt currently have that file and the git status doesnt list it ignore the file change even better use the git checkignore command which seems perfect for this scenario alternatively do the refresh in the background and if the result is identical to the uis existing state return without changing anything
summary for agility projects roadmaps is a feature that is turned on by default for issue configuration customers can rename their epic issue type to be whatever they want in case there is no epic issue type then well ask inproduct if they want to add this in so that they can use the roadmap users can decide if they want to add a new epic issue type or convert an existing issue type into an epic but there is no turning back if a customer accidentally convert an issue type heshe cant undo this roadmappngthumbnail steps to reproduce navigate to the appropriate board select an issue and in the attachments field the details wont load expected results customer would be able to undo the action actual results no option to revert the action task as epicpngthumbnail create a new issue type which is guaranteed to be a storylevel type then delete this wrong epic type that was accidentally converted and move all issues to the newly created type rename this new issue type as the old one that youve deleted
in go to the fullpage create issue dialog pick a project and pick an issue type change to another project that also has that issue type the issue type is no longer available for selection see video using qa data what all the mousepointerwaving is trying to indicate is that bulk move has the improvement issue type but if you select improvement in the qa project first then switch to bulk move it reverts to bug and improvement is no longer in the list
it seems that some notifications have not been updated for the new user api in particular create page and comment notifications have both had the user performing the modification left blank edit page seems to work however an example of what it looks like is attached
image attachments get bitbucketorg urls if a user is using a cname they necessarily be logged in to the site at bitbucketorg and therefore be able to see attachements until they log in to the correct domain
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelsome users on aac have reported getting the electric charlie page when they click on the unwatch link in emails
in the log view select a merge commit which has two parents the file comparison appears to be done between the selected commit and the second parent d and c in the diagram below noformat o d o c o b o a noformat since there is no reason to choose one parent b or c over the other it is arbitrary to compare d with c so either there should be an option for the user to choose that branch with which to compare andor the comparison should be made with the mergebase so that d is compared with a in the latter case it would be useful to be able to invoke an external tool with a threeway merge on d with b and c
note this bug report is for jira software server using jira software cloud see the corresponding bug report panelthe devtools documentation board on jac is broken in that you cannot go to manage board you can view the board data but you cannot manage its config i tried to copy the board and gets the same error i see absolutely nothing in the logs i am afraid we have a bug but we have poor coverage in the logs we need to investigate the copy is here called copy of devtools documentation we can be rough with this i think we need to get a jac dump and start looking at this one
comatlassianpluginmetadatadefaultpluginmetadatamanagerisuserinstalledplugin is used by the upm to decide whether to show a plugin in the userinstalled plugins or system plugins containercodereturn pluginisbundledplugin metadataapplicationprovidedplugincodethe property file override logic resides in the metadata object which is a comatlassianpluginmetadataclasspathfilepluginmetadata since the plugins are bundled eg balsamiq combalsamiqconfluencepluginsmockups the plugin object will be a comatlassianpluginloadersbundledpluginloaderbundledplugindelegate which returns true for isbundledplugin thus we have to implement our own version of comatlassianpluginmetadatapluginmetadatamanager which overrides the behaviour of defaultpluginmetadatamanagerisuserinstalledplugin and delegates for the rest
trying the option create pull request on a feature branch immediate crash feature branch exists in both local and origin repos local was cloned with tracking from origin branch made a single change to a string in a java file ie just doing some testing ive tried it with a couple of things but they all die immediately on choosing create pull request log looks the same on all of them uncommitted local change committed local change change pushed to origin from log this info fatal error systemnullreferenceexception object reference not set to an instance of an object stack trace at sourcetreereporepohelpercreatepullrequestrepository repo repositoryremoteprojectlink link string remotebranch string commitsha in cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinreporepohelpercsline at sourcetreeviewmodelrepotabviewmodelcreatepullrequestnopromptifnotaheadstring localbranch string remote string remotebranch in cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinviewmodelrepotabviewmodelcsline at systemwindowscontrolsmenuiteminvokeclickafterrenderobject arg at systemwindowsthreadingexceptionwrapperinternalrealcalldelegate callback object args numargs at msinternalthreadingexceptionfilterhelpertrycatchwhenobject source delegate method object args numargs delegate catchhandler
we recently pusrchased a confluence enterprise license test installation went smoothly but when we started to use confluence we have seen an error box in dashboard page on the place of spaces list reading this error rendering macro orgspringframeworkormhibernatehibernatequeryexception undefined alias distinct nested exception is netsfhibernatequeryexception undefined alias distinct when we changed the locale from turkish to us it worked correctly but this workaround is only a tempopary solution because if we change the locale to english pdf and doc exports do not show turkish characteres correctly the bug is probably caused by infamous turkish locale bug turkish lovercase i does not became i but a dotted version of it and turkish i does not become i as well here is a recent article about this problem please try running confluence in turkish locale this is a critical problem for us looking forward to find a solution soon
users and groups are not correctly imported by the studio importer if there is existing data on the instance other entities are handled via jiras normal restore functionality which blows everything away before importing the new data however with users and groups there is ondemandspecific logic to synchronise the imported data with the crowd directory this logic is incomplete in that it doesnt update attributes of existing users does not remove users and only creates new group membership entries does not remove any this impacts jira enterprise hosted to ondemand migrations details here the solution is to delete all users except the admin performing the import and sysadmin and all groups except the initial set of groups expected on ondemand at the beginning of the studio import process
weve got this value set in the client view for a plan homebamboonamesolutions but in the server log is shows like this caused by comatlassianbamboorepositoryrepositoryexception could not retrieve latest change number for homebamboonamesolutions at at at at at more caused by no output for changes m s submitted namesolutions at at at at more
using the rapid board i can see some of my issues but many of them are hidden for lack of a better word see screenshot its like theres a big white box in the middle of the screen using jira and gh tested in chrome and ff newest of each and on multiple machines
not been able to reproduce this yet however when the user removes the gitmodules file sourcetree will work fine this needs dev attention rather than support so escalated to here blocker so highest priority
this only occurs when creating a new pageblog rather than when editing an existing one problem is that showmarkup in pageeditorjs hidesshows sidebar but in spacevmd decorator for adding pages this div wrapper is not used just a table column spacevmd either needs bringing in line with pagevmd or pagevmd should be the decorator used when adding pages
issue summary when a user has the new ui for the manage groups page it only displays the first groups of the list the other groups still existing but are only accessible when searching them steps to reproduce go to the manage groups page add groups itll display all the groups normally add one more group and then refresh the page expected results it should list the groups within one page or allow the user to navigate through other pages actual results the next page icon is blocked notes the group still existing you only cant see it on the ui workaround search for the group is a workaround when you know the group name at the developer tools check the call named groups at the network tab it should contain a json with all the instance groups data contact atlassian support to get the list of your existing groups
when we create new issues in jira svn checkin references take up to minutes to appear under the development heading once they appear subsequent check in references happen shortly after fisheye indexes the checkin is there a configuration parameter that can be changed to speed up subversion commits for newly created jira issues
custom photo avatars do not display consistently several users have reported that the image displayed for a user is the generic cartoon avatar rather than the expected photo the photo displays fine for other users a restart seemed to fix the issue the first time but a couple weeks later the issue was reported again
if i change the project or issue type fields i can still adjust my selection while waiting for the request to come back this can cause strange interactions to occur for example if i change the issue type and then try and open the issue type dropdown again it is hidden unexpectedly when the request returns all fields should be disabled when submitting form in quick edit also changing project changing issue type
were switching active directories and the new one has completely different user nameswe have a file that maps old ad names to the new ad names but whats the best method of switching all of the individual jira issues over to the new ad namesthats a ton of info the assignees reporter watchers and participantsalso i know were on an old version of jira havent had time to update
file status resize dividers by sliding right most divider to the right
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report panel
steps to reproduce type a immediately follow the paranthesis no spaces with an attempt to autoformat or use mentions eg joey these will not render reproduced on chrome and
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report paneltraceback most recent call last file line in getresponse response callbackrequest callbackargs callbackkwargs file line in relatedquestions canrank questions questionobjectssearchrequestpost file line in decoratablemethod return decoratableself args kwargs file line in call res selfcallableargs kwargs file line in selfcallable lambda args kwargs fnorigin args kwargs file line in questionsearch pks getpksetparsed selffilterstatedeletedfalse file line in getpkset resappendsetfromstrr false file line in setfromstr str strstrip attributeerror list object has no attribute strip wsgirequest get post cookiesqca unam utma utmb utmc utmv utmz csrftoken sessionid metacontentlength contenttype applicationxwwwformurlencoded csrfcookie httpaccept applicationjson textjavascript httpacceptcharset httpacceptencoding gzipdeflatesdch httpacceptlanguage httpconnection close httpcookie httphost answersatlassiancom httporigin httpreferer httpuseragent windows nt khtml like gecko httpxcsrftoken httpxforwardedfor httpxrealip httpxrequestedwith xmlhttprequest pathinfo uquestionsrelatedquestions querystring rawuri questionsrelatedquestions remoteaddr remoteport requestmethod post scriptname u servername answersatlassiancom serverport serverprotocol serversoftware gunicornsocket wsgierrors mode w at wsgiinput wsgimultiprocess true wsgimultithread false wsgirunonce false wsgiurlscheme http wsgiversion
issue summary whenever jira misses enough issue updates from devtools so they dont fit into single fetch that guaranteed deliver does itll get stuck looping over results over and over steps to reproduce make jira to miss enough updates from bitbucket serverbamboofecru so there are more than issues to fetch wait for guaranteed delivery job to run expected results jira catches up with missed updates actual results jiras stuck looping over the first page over and over example of the thread dump with the stack trace noformat daemon tid nid runnable javalangthreadstate runnable at method at at locked a at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at source at at at noformat note defaultdevsummarypollserviceperformpull this method is stuck in endless loop workaround restart jira to stop the thread with loop to prevent future problems change the system property for number of issues to be fetched set jiradevstatusguaranteeddeliveryfetchsize to values of or even higher note for system property changes to be applied a restart of jira is required
when trying to add edit permissions for an individual user on a given page a sql error is produced that a unique constraint is being violated on the indexqueueentries table
summary when a page with a google drive document is opened the diagram does not show completely uploadjpgthumbnail steps to reproduce open page a with a google drive document expected results the full document should render if it fits in the browser actual results the document is not shown completely
two events that occurred within minutes of each other in reality are shown as many hours apart in the activity streamthe bitbucket push events are shown as being much older than they really arein the attached screen shot the first and last events happened within a minute of each other but the bitbucket push event is shown as hours ago
fresh installation of confluence against postgres succeeded however synchrony was not available after the initial setup had completed synchrony needed to be restarted before it was available after shutting down confluence and restarting synchrony started up correctly logs from the initial installation and restart of synchrony using default settings method for setting up confluence unzip tar adjust confluenceinitproperties to point to home directory set control port to http port to context to confluence start confluence browse to complete installation with developer license and evaluation space as per normal