viewing the data table for a report shows � for some data elements build results reports extranet
issue summary if the marketplace is unreachable upm causes confluence to hang for per ui click environment upm in confluence marketplaceatlassiancom nonresponsive this needs to be a timeout not a straight connection refusal by a firewall steps to reproduce add entry in etchosts to simulate marketplace being unreachable codejava marketplaceatlassiancom code click anything in confluence and get ready to wait and wait expected results the confluence ui should remain responsive even if marketplace is unreachable actual results the result of each click in the ui eg clicking on spaces or trying to load the confluence admin screen takes approximately seconds giving the impression that confluence performance is very poor notes if the ip that marketplaceatlassiancom resolves to refuses or accepts the connection immediately there is no problem its only when the resolved ip fails to connect and eventually times out confluence thread dump on a hanging thread codejava at javanetplainsocketimplsocketconnectnative method at locked a javanetsockssocketimpl at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at stuck thread catalinaout may report stuck threads that are related to the marketplace connection code at at at at at at code workaround in confluence disable connectivity to marketplace navigate to the cog icon general configuration manage apps click on settings at the bottom of the page uncheck connect to atlassian marketplace and click apply workaround via rest api if confluence is completely inaccessible we can use the following rest api to disable connectivity to marketplace code curl u usernamepassword x put h contenttype applicationvndatlpluginsjson databinary settings code this ticket is also tracked under
the multiselectcustomfieldindexer does things index but dont store a casefolded version in the field store a raw version in a new field with the raw added to the end the problem is that comatlassianjirasecuritytypegroupcf looks for it doesnt know about this rawcasefolding stuff and ends up searching for something that doesnt exist brenden believes this will be true for all custom fields that you base a security level on the result is that jql doesnt return things that users should be able to see this worked in meaning users that have upgraded to jira now are getting bogus search results note that this only affects custom field values that have uppercase letters in them this means you can work around this bug by changing the custom field values to all be lowercase
i found this which lists a workaround please let me know if this workaround is safe or if you have another solution i need this resolved quickly
if you use a colon in a url for a link on the readme the resulting link when the page is rendered be correctto workaround escape any special characters in the url for example a can be replaced with
in the latest ondemand version when a user configured webhooks to be triggered by using workflow post functions instead of the events the webhook seems not to be fired however when the webhoook is configured to be triggered by event the webhook is fired accordingly steps to produce create a webhook to fire the events to an external platform configure workflow pos functions to fire the webhook instead of using events perform the transactions that suppose to fire the webhook expected results the webhook should be fired to the external platform actual results nothing is fired
confluence console down returns error no changes were made unable to resolve system restarted db is good cannot restore from daily zip backups with console down your website has no information on how to selfresolve need support
pdf export for a page with wide table will cut off part of the table in the exported pdf document
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report i can add a i can click on in this editing mode rich text is set by default a i cant change it to mark up view any icons or preview b i can write text in the box c i can click on save but nothing of what ive written is on the page
summary with confluence new design enabled pasting xml content in a code block macro will strip all xml tags steps to reproduce insert a code block macro on a page and paste some xml content in it expected results the xml content is pasted as is and highlights properly actual results all xml tags are stripped either fill the xml code manually or turn off confluence new design by clicking on your profile picture then turn off for now
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelbrowser chrome version m steps to see open jiraatlassiannet and create a bugtask now open the bugtask try to edit the summary of that bugtask there is an issue irritates while edit check snapshot ps not sure about the other versions and other browsers
helloi found bug to bitbucket issueissue cannot be edited when japanese vote or follow is included in a issue title example テストvote 日本語vote vote機能を実装する followを実装する 他のユーザをfollow
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelseems to be an regression of create a put some headings put a table of contents macro open the macro browser and preview you see nothing the only way to refresh the macro preview and make it work is to preview the page or to save the page and come back and edit it againthis makes you feel like the macro is broken quite often and dont use it
issue summary jira reports incorrectly that mysql database is mysql and wont start jira when the dbconfigxml has the database type set to steps to reproduce install mysql and set the following panel charactersetclient charactersetconnection charactersetdatabase charactersetfilesystem binary charactersetresults charactersetserver charactersetsystem collationconnection collationdatabase collationserver version panel in the dbconfigxml set the database type to set url to change the characterendcoding to restart jira expected results jira will start and use the mysql database actual results jira wont start as a result of the default settings with the url set with characterendcoding noformat jirabootstrap error weve found an error in mysql supported version jirabootstrap error the database type in your dbconfigxml is set up to mysql and your mysql version is or lower consider using mysql database type instead see our documentation for more information on changing database type jirabootstrap error jira couldnt connect to your database jirabootstrap error jira failed to establish a connection to your database this could be because your database isnt running the configuration of your dbconfigxml file is incorrect user password or database url etc there is a network issue between jira and your database eg firewall database doesnt allow remote access etc there are several other solutions you can try review our documentation and see what works for you noformat old keeping for reference workaround currently there is no known workaround if you change the dbconfigxml to use the database type mysql rather than jira starts however you will get a collation warning by the health checker stating is not a supported collation note on resolution steps to reproduce are not in sync with atlassian guidelines how to configure mysql database according to documentation page charactersetserver variable should be set to not like here we verified jira with mysql running inside docker and mysql running on ubuntu using jdbc drivers and i there were no problems connecting to and using that database
issue summary new velocity lib in confluence prevent velocity template render correctly due to restricted class netjavaaoentity netjavaaorawentity netjavaaoentityproxyaccessor steps to reproduce start confluence install plugin create announcer items the items cant be rendered expected results announcer items should be renders correctly and no error actual results items are rendered with blank contents workaround stop confluence edit file webinfclassesvelocityproperties update introspectorallowlistclasses with values codejava introspectorallowlistclasses javaioserializable javalangreflectproxy netsfhibernateproxyhibernateproxy netsfcglibproxyfactory javaioobjectinputvalidation netjavaaoentity netjavaaorawentity netjavaaoentityproxyaccessor code restart confluence affected apps that have confirmed to be impacted comwittifiedatlannouncerconfluence comstiltsoftconfluencequiz notes for other affected versions see
issue summary when clicking on the customers page of a project with many customers the page takes a long time to load or even times out steps to reproduce have a project with many customers try to load the customers page expected results the page loads in a few seconds and doesnt result in a timed out response actual results the pages takes a while eg seconds and sometimes even timing out workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelas indicated in documentation if you specify multiple topics only questions matching all topics will appear in the macro this was implemented by in version this used to be the case but now it only applies if using the popular filter if you use recent or unanswered all questions with any of the topics appear this is a problem for us because most of our questions list macros are set to recent filter and with topics this issue was identified by users in
issue summary when custom retrospective template with retrospective tag is used to create a page the page will not appear in the page properties report steps to reproduce select the button select add of customize templates for the selected space click create new template title the template new retro template click the label icon type “retrospective” and click “add then click close click to save the temple you should now see the “new retro template” in the list go back to the retrospectives page and click “edit” again click on the “create from template” macro and click “edit” from the “template name” dropdown select “new retro template” click save click “add retrospective” title the page “example from new template” and click “save” check that this new page has the “retrospective” label return to the retrospectives page now just like in step you should see “example from new template” in two places the page tree in the left menu and the “page properties” macro on the retrospectives page itself however it only shows in the page tree not on the retrospectives page itself expected results new pages do not automatically appear in the page properties report macro list like they do with the default retrospective template actual results new pages do not automatically appear in the page properties report macro list workaround na
when i edit the goals of a sla and klick save the goals jql will not saved
a search endpoint is vulnerable to an xss injection in certain cases normally the browser will urlencode its requests but some proxy servers and load balancers will decode url data by default see
summary when using a board filter using the portfolio team field exe code team order by rank asc code issues are not visible to end user unless they are granted portfolio user global permission under portfolio admin settings environment portfolio does not effect or below steps to reproduce create board with a filter that uses team create plan linked to the board log in as a user that has permissions to to see the issues but is not a member of portfolio user global permission expected results issues are visible to the user on the board actual results the issues are not visible to the user on the board the only known workaround at this point is to add the user to the portfolio user permission this has the side effect of granting the user ability to create and modify plans so use with caution or downgrade the plugin to to maintain functionality
steps to reproduce the problem browse space go to space admin edit space details clicking insert link enter link no matter local or external click ok javascript error occurs in insertlinkaction in line opener has no properties
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report intended behaviour specificationif you have panel first secondthirdpanelpressing the numbered bullet list toolbar button or the ctrl shift b keyboard shortcut at third should produce panel first second thirdpanelsimilarly if the text is between two numbered lists panel first secondthird fourth fifthpanelwe should get panel first second third fourth fifthpanelif there is a nested ordered list preceding the text panel first secondthirdpanelthen panel first second thirdpanelthis behaviour should activate if the cursor is anywhere among the word third if the word third is wholly selected
needs fixing obviously
confluence dear supportteam when we add a macro behind another macro in confluence a tag is automatically added as you can see here ptagmacropngthumbnail its not possible to remove the space between the two macros in the editor when removing it it jumps right back infomacroeditorpngthumbnail thank you and best regards stefanie bitvoodoo ag
steps to replicate install confluence version using for this test during the database setup driver class name is automatically set to use commicrosoftsqlserverjdbcsqlserverdriver as per screenshot below databasesetuppngthumbnail enter the database url and credential complete the installation expected behaviour user able to create a page after the installation actual behaviour stack trace below appear in confluence logsatlassiansynchronylog codejava debug could not load driverclass netsourceforgejtdsjdbcdriver debug javalangclassnotfoundexception netsourceforgejtdsjdbcdriver code user unable to createedit page erroreditpngthumbnail workaround update the jtds url to a correctly formatted microsoft sql server driver url as per their documentation stop confluence navigate to confluence confluencecfgxml file and replace the line below codejava code with codejava code start confluence
when closes the options dialog escape close button cancel ok with or without making changes to options the application crashes completely
the macro has the intended behavior where it shrinks the table headings when there is a lack of space to display the table in edit mode in published mode the macro should adjust the formatting in a way that it should not be distorted
when changing the project template in administration greenhopper project template its written in red letters that all changes will be saved automatically but when the card style is modified in the project template this change is not persist when accessing the gh boards its like the changes are discarded however changes made in gh tools configuration appear to be saved
multiple reports from users that the osusergroup table is cleared occasionallyneed to know which databaseappserver theyre all using since this doesnt happen on any of our resinpostgres servers
if i remove a calendar from my list that i am watching it should also remove my watch i know this was discussed with bill but i just had a chat to bill and we think we should remove the watch as well reasons why weve made it annoying for users who just dont want any more info about a calendar they have to resubscribe unwatch and then unsubscribe i think its safe to assume if you remove a calendar form your list you are no longer interested in the calendar the use case for removing a calendar and still wanting to watch it is very low
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelif i got to to the section tags you follow and type in a new tag eg addonjirapluginprojectspecificselectfieldj a loading symbol is displayed for a few second but nothing more happens then i press enter expecting to add the tag to follow it but nothing happens using mac os x latest version and firefox
were sometimes seeing artifacts from successful jobs go missing after rerunning the build failedincomplete jobs only weve seen it at least three times now bamboo reports that there are no artifacts and when we look on we can see that they are no longer there either example see attached screenshots for examples the example with missing artifacts was rerun times the example without missing artifacts was rerun time builds for this plan make pretty heavy use of rerun failedincomplete due to the size and complexity of the plan i think the first time we saw this was when we were using i cant be sure that it didnt happen before then and we didnt notice
after changing the user language preference activity stream in macro browser does not change accordingly steps to reproduce set users language preference to german edits a page and opens the macro browser now the user changes the language in his individual settings to français france edits a page again and opens the macro browser actual behavior while in german activity stream macro in macro browser still in english label other macro still in german label all label in german label after changed to french activity stream macro in macro browser still in english label other macro still in german label some label in german label some label in french label after clearing browsers cookies and caches activity stream macro in macro browser still in english label macros in french label all label in french label workaround delete browsers cookies and caches and restart confluence delete browsers cookies and caches is not enough to fix the issue
each powerpoint macro inserted is presented with an improper format the words jumble together and run horizontally large amounts of white space appear where the words should run normally if the powerpoint is downloaded the formatting is fine but it is incorrect as it appears in the macro the issue appears everywhere a powerpoint macro is inserted here is a link to a page where you can see the issue on the second page of the powerpoint you can see the words distorted
summary instance have jira and confluence cloud application link inside new user invitation email with permission to confluence application only should redirect to the confluence application instead to jira application steps to reproduce navigate to fill in the email address username and full name uncheck the jira software text boxnot grant the jira permission fill in the group permission check the send invitation email click create user the new user got the invitation email and click the join them now button expected results the new user that granted confluence user application only on the link inside the invitation email then click join them now button will be redirected to confluence instead jira actual results the new user that granted confluence user application only on the link inside the invitation email then click join them now button will be redirected to jira application none
summary theres a possibility where an import failed due to malformed xml error but theres no issue with the xml it happens randomly and it has higher chance to fail with big xml file errors below were thrown while using the exact same backup data these were on separate import runs noformat error parsing export file your export file is invalid this may be due to a cdata bug in older versions of jira exception is orgxmlsaxsaxparseexception linenumber columnnumber the element type body must be terminated by the matching endtag error parsing export file your export file is invalid this may be due to a cdata bug in older versions of jira exception is orgxmlsaxsaxparseexception linenumber columnnumber attribute name associated with an element type action must be followed by the character noformat steps to reproduce i the occurrence is inconsistent create a backup from a jira cloud instance without attachments import to another instance workaround run the import again i if errors occur multiple times please contact atlassian support for further assistance at
hi receiving this error when trying to pull or clone a repo at bitbucketorghg clone orhg pullthanksgeorge
summary the operator changed is not supporting fields in jira cloud jql for example status assignee fields how to replicate go to jira go to jira issue navigator click on advanced search paste this status changed during now actual result this error message will appear the operator changed is not supported by the field expected result it will show you some result code comquerydslcorequeryexception caught psqlexception for insert into type consumerkey tokensecret token properties auth username verifier creationtime timetolive callback version sessionhandle sessioncreationtime sessionlastrenewal sessiontimetolive values at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at source at at at at source at source at at at at more code code comatlassianjiraissuesearchsearchexception attempted to perform nondb capable search in vertigo mode at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at code workaround this is the temporary workaround if the filter is used in the board and the board is not loading from the top navigational menu go to issues manage filters find the filter that is used in the board and click on it edit the jql to remove the was and changed save the jql note software boards are not loading the issues if the filter contains changed or was after removing changed or was the issues will be loaded
summary when importing bitbucket issues to jira using bitbucket importer that is available in jim the import does not complete if the bitbucket issues have a large attachment environment jira version bitbucket cloud steps to reproduce go to any bitbucket issue and attach a file with file size perform bitbucket import stuck at the screen expected results the bitbucket issues are imported successfully to jira instance actual results the import stocked for a couple of house when it is importing large attachment from bitbucket issues there are few workarounds remove any attachments with more than mb file size from bitbucket issues export bitbucket repository out and import using json or convert to csv and import jira using csv with the exported bitbucket repository from step they might need to adjust the json or csv format to match our import condition before can import to jira
when i tried to delete the jtel project from labsatlassiancom i received the following stack trace in the browseran error occurred whilst rendering this message please contact the administrators and inform them of this bug details orgapachevelocityexceptionmethodinvocationexception invocation of method getapplications in class comatlassianstudiojirawebactionprojectdeletestudioproject threw exception class javalangillegalargumentexception no enum const class comatlassianapplinkscoreapplicationsubversion at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
issue summary on confluence data center installed in a windows server when sandbox process is enabled to process pdf exports exporting a page to pdf will fail if the title of the page contains a colon character pdf export of a space will fail as well if one of the pages has a in its title environment confluence data center installed on windows sandbox process enabled to process pdf export this was validated on confluence dc and steps to reproduce page export to pdf install a vanilla instance of confluence data center in a windows server create a page with title regular page on the page view mode click on export to pdf expected results pdf export of the page is successfully created and the user receives the browser popup to save the pdf file actual results a system error occurs an error page with a stack trace in the ui error excerpt with stack trace code cause javalangruntimeexception comatlassianconfluenceimportexportimportexportexception failed to create a location and file for the pdf export at caused by comatlassianconfluenceimportexportimportexportexception failed to create a location and file for the pdf export at caused by javaioioexception the filename directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect at method stack trace javalangruntimeexception comatlassianconfluenceimportexportimportexportexception failed to create a location and file for the pdf export at at at at at at at at caused by comatlassianconfluenceimportexportimportexportexception failed to create a location and file for the pdf export at at at at at at at more caused by javaioioexception the filename directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect at method at at at at at more code space export to pdf install a vanilla instance of confluence data center in a windows server create a sample space create a page within this space with title regular page on the page view mode click on space tools content tools export select pdf export and click on next select normal export and click on export expected results pdf export of the space is successfully created and the user can click on a link in the ui to download the pdf file actual results space export fails with message failed to create a location and file for the pdf export an error is logged in atlassianconfluencelog similar to the one below code error dointransactionwithoutresult error during pdf export url spacesflyingpdfdoflyingpdfaction referer traceid username admin action doflyingpdf comatlassianconfluenceimportexportimportexportexception failed to create a location and file for the pdf export at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at caused by javaioioexception the filename directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect at method at at at at at more code notes this does not affect confluence server in windows nor confluence data center on linux this is a regression of bug export to pdf on windows returns a stack trace if the name of the page has a symbol workaround there are two options to circumvent this problem advise users to remove the character from pages title disable pdf exports to be handled by the sandbox process by adding the following jvm argument and restart confluence code dpdfexportsandboxdisabletrue code refer to configuring system properties on how to add this as a parameter in your instance
repositories and user account sublevel navigation are not accessible anymore which results to the fact that we cannot access the account logout section anymore
hg pushpushing to abort error version number
hi when using jira road map gadget to be configured and selecting value under projects and categories of this gadget this gadget get fluctuated and not able to select the project name configure road map gadget select any project under projects and categories use mouse to scrolldown the file values you will see the gadget will fluctuate and you willny able to select the value using mouse you have use keyboard keys to scroll the field fyi this issue coming only in firefox and working fine in ie
summary if the system or user language is changed to portuguese then date fields will stop working correctly the date picker will return the value pm once you submit the form data the following error will be shown pm não é uma data válida por favor insira a data no seguinte formato ddmmmyy hmm acode environment steps to reproduce check the video change the user language to portuguese try starting a sprint or try logging work expected results jira accepts the date format returned by the date picker actual results pm não é uma data válida por favor insira a data no seguinte formato ddmmmyy hmm acode notes optional if necessary change the month to portuguese format lower case pm
i can no longer see remote branches when trying to push see screenshot i can push via terminal without errors pushing while committing works fine as well checking the checkbox to push instantly this started i think with version and happens for all repositories all remotes are setup correctly the pushes via terminal are received on the git server flawlessly
we have a few issues with this reindexing and now thisbasically when we reindex we end up running out of cursors get loads of the errors belowwe had to set the number of open cursors limit limit per connection to the rather ridiculous value of before we could get a successful reindex completionand when the reindex was completed we had open cursors remaining which kinda suggests some kind of leakageso i am not sure if the two are related but i get the feeling they areinfo jvm error maximum open cursors exceededinfo jvm maximum open cursors exceededinfo jvm info jvm error maximum open cursors exceededinfo jvm maximum open cursors exceededinfo jvm info jvm error maximum open cursors exceededinfo jvm maximum open cursors exceededinfo jvm info jvm error maximum open cursors exceededinfo jvm maximum open cursors exceededinfo jvm info jvm error unable to get objects could not execute queryinfo jvm netsfhibernateexceptiongenericjdbcexception could not execute queryinfo jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at eduoswegocsdlutilconcurrentpooledexecutorworkerrununknown sourceinfo jvm at jvm caused by javasqlsqlexception maximum open cursors exceededinfo jvm maximum open cursors exceededinfo jvm info jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm at jvm more
within chrome and firefox the tooltip advising quotehold shift for a table without a headingquote misbehaves in the following ways obscures table selection doesnt react to resize examples attached from chrome reproduction affects version not currently available in affects version field
i added a new page to our wiki and it includes a number of numbered lists and some code blocks inline of those lists when i tried to preview it hung and didnt allow me to continue editing i had to retrieve the page from drafts to continue editing i then saved the page and then tried to view it it crashes the whole tab and sometimes the whole of internet explorer i am unable to edit the page because i cant get that far and i have basically lost a whole page until i can get around this problem
i hava the major problem with bitbucket cloud since when i execute a pipeline of jenkins for download repository from bitbucket the following error is displayedrefsheadsrefsremotesorigin returned status code remote counting objects doneconnection to bitbucketorg closed by remote hostfatal the remote end hung up unexpectedlyfatal protocol error bad pack header
helloi want to use the oauth apinow the problem is returns evers time could not verify oauth requesthere is my scriptcodephpphptry fetch accesstoken oauthheader array stringutiltrimbitbucketpublickey stringutilgetrandomid timenow get postdata array get signature arraymergeoauthheader postdata oauthheader signature request new array postdata requestexecute reply requestgetreply content replycatch systemexception e throw new illegallinkexceptionpublic function buildoauthheaderarray parameters header foreach parameters as key val if header header header return headerpublic function createsignatureurl array parameters tokensecret tmp array foreach parameters as key val tmp rawurlencodeval parameters tmp uksortparameters parameterstring foreach parameters as key val if parameterstring parameterstring parameterstring base postrawurlencodeurlrawurlencodeparameterstring key return base key truecodecan anybody say me whats wrong
test connection cause unnecessary logging a lot of information it should be changed to improve readability because it is used in ui any change have to be thoughtful
lstash crashes after submitting a pull request comment with a lot of markdown syntax example comment text that will crash stash noformat karma start safeavenueiframetestsconfigkarmaciconfjs server started at browser phantomjs does not match any file on socket with id linux installseccontroller tests downloadbyemail tests should not create a virtual device when reinstall is true but deliverbyemail directly expected spy deliverbyemail to have been called with but actual calls were linux installseccontroller tests downloadbysms tests should not create a virtual device when reinstall is true but deliverbysms directly expected spy deliverbysms to have been called with but actual calls were linux installseccontroller tests createdevicebyemailcallback should call deliverbyemail when no error expected spy deliverbyemail to have been called with but actual calls were linux installseccontroller tests gotoscrnsendemailsuccess should send success alert message when success expected spy addalert to have been called with but it was never called linux installseccontroller tests createdevicebysmscallback should call deliverbysms when no error expected spy deliverbysms to have been called with but actual calls were linux installseccontroller tests gotoscrnsendsmssuccess should send success alert message when success expected spy addalert to have been called with but it was never called phantomjs linux executed of secs secsnoformat
issue summary trying to set ssh base url with these two parameters pluginsshbaseurl pluginsshport has no effect on the ssh baseurl configuration gui doesnt display new base url rest call doesnt return new baseurl as well environment tested on bitbucket tested up to bitbucket optional if applicable steps to reproduce stop bitbucket server add pluginsshbaseurlsshsamplebaseurl pluginsshport to bitbucketproperties file start bitbucket server expected results ssh base url is updated and visible in gui actual results setting these parameters has no effect on ssh base url workaround set the ssh base url in ui
summary the new user profile ui is not updating the last access date for jira products screen shot at steps to reproduce access jira load your profile under the new ui expected results the last seen date should be set to the last time the user used jira actual results it displays never used this product workaround use the export users feature to see whats the actual last date your users accessed jira
seems used up all my trial minutes trying to use pipelines for the first timehere is my really simple pipeline yamlcodeyaml this is a sample build configuration for javascript check our guides at for more examples only use spaces to indent your yml configuration you can specify a custom docker image from docker hub as your build environmentimage default step caches node script modify the commands below to build your repository npm install npm run packagecodethis is a somewhat complete project i suppose it must compile binaries as node dependenciesthe two npm commands take about minutes to run successfully on my local environment not sure if that is what is hanging or if it really does take minutes just to set up the build in bitbuckethere is the log i finally killed it after minutes because there is no way this is useful to me if it takes that long just to setup the environmentcodebashpanic exec user process caused exec format error panic exec user process caused exec format errorgoroutine panic panic githubcomopencontainersrunclibcontainerlinuxfactorystartinitialization reflectvaluecall reflectvaluecall githubcomurfaveclihandleaction githubcomurfaveclicommandrun githubcomurfavecliapprun mainmain skipping cache upload for failed step umask git clone branchmaster depth builddir git reset hard git remote seturl origin into
you get the unparsed value written to the page
the results of the above command you posted is the followingmacbookpromainrepogit username git push u origin all verbose pushing to sshgitbitbucketorgnameofgitgit counting objects done delta compression using up to threads compressing objects done received disconnect from packet corrupt fatal the remote end hung up unexpectedly error packobjects died of signal error failed to push some refs to tried starting from a fresh repo and pushing changes and was unsuccessful there too following are the username git push u origin master counting objects done delta compression using up to threads compressing objects done received disconnect from packet corrupt fatal the remote end hung up unexpectedly error packobjects died of signal error failed to push some refs to was on mac os x using if that makes any difference
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelwhen printing pages in confluence using chrome i cannot change the orientation of the page landscape or portrait if team calendars is installed i believe the cause of the issue is found in the css file where the following piece of code is foundpagesizelandscapethat seems to cause the issue
you cannot navigate to the editor controls using the tab key although many of these controls are accessible via shortcuts and other means there should be a means of getting to any control displayed onscreen using the keyboard ideally the tab key would focus on the whole panel and the cursor keys would allow navigation within the panel this is a failure in meeting level a of the wcag an example of how this has been done well check out the ck editor for examples on how to do toolbars well check out this link
open readmetxt file there is a line run binstartjirash nix or binstartjirabat windowsm check that there are no errors on the console see below for troubleshooting advicem script names are invalid in file scripts names are binstartjirash and binstartjirabat
summary no suggestion is listed for parent link if theres an issue type named epic on an agility project environment jira cloud with portfolio steps to reproduce create an agility project add a custom issue type named epic on an epic different project try searching for initiatives on parent link field expected results issues from higher levels on portfolio hierarchy are listed actual results no issue is suggested on that field notes add all issue types named epic to the epic level on portfolio
suddenly without warning all users except administrator user did not take their password instead the captchascreen appeared i put in the password again and the captchakod but again the captchascreen appeared then i logged in with the administratoruser and changed password on that user i says succesfully changed and i repeat the loginprocedure again but again i got to the captchascreenloop then i tried another user and get the sam result after that i tried to change password on the administrator and that went well then i tied again with a normal user but get the result as before the captchascreen and no change of users password and no other user than the adminuser is working what is this what shall i do to get everything gain again i am really concerned best regards stellan laurell
confluence allows users to create page names with in titles causing generated html comments to break in firefox then when comments surround a block of code with a generated url the ending tag shows up on the final page please see the screenshot however this is more than a display issue as some of the code in the comment can be also rendered or interpreted for example part of the following code will be interpreted and show the ending comment tag in ff code rdfrdf xmlnsrdf xmlnsdc xmlnstrackback rdfdescription rdfabout dcidentifier dctitlethis is a test trackbackping code
changed my password on corporate github in sourcetree went to tools options authentication updated the password now i cant push to the remote repo authentication failed restarting sourcetree doesnt help google finds this question in your community see answer by ray crawford from which resolves the issue in short the passwd file in appdatalocalatlassiansourcetree is not updated it still contains the old password remove the file try to push in sourcetree you are prompted for authentication a new passwd file is created now you can push
when we rename the custom field doesnt take effect in screen and field configuration until it been disassociate from screens and associate back to screen attached video cast showing the steps to replicate this
bug with check box it doesnt select all files look at the attached picture i used mercurial
typing the character in the editor only shows open macro browser option upon opening the macro browser an error is shown there has been an error loading the macro browser please try again or see your system administrator nothing is shown in the logs during the time and nothing is sent over the network once i click discard the exceptions in the attached log are emitted with the following line noformat warn getcancelresult removing invalid draft draft id type page title indentation tests pageid for user embeddedcrowdusernamebryan displaynamebrett ryan noformat
hiwhen i am trying to clone repository using https urlit works however when i am tring to clone using ssh it is not working please help please see below issue while try to clone using ssh git clone gitbitbucketorgredboxdigitalamastymodulebasegitcloning into to bitbucketorg closed by remote hostfatal could not read from remote repositoryplease make sure you have the correct access rightsand the repository exists
script error when importing a big amount of data in portfolio see attached this error looks to be different from the one reported on
note this bug report is for jira service desk cloud using jira service desk server see the corresponding bug report summarya service desk project could have request types where the underlying issues have been removed from the project issue type scheme but not deletedif a user does not have access to any projects where the issue type is actually used then the request type admin page does not steps to reproduce upgrade an instance with problematic data to service desk expected resultsthe upgrade goes ahead without any actual resultsthe request type configuration screen will fail to load and display a spinning workaround edit the issue type scheme for the project used by the service desk and add all available issue types go back to the requests screen and remove the unwanted request types edit the issue type scheme and remove the issue types that were just added to workaround the problem
summary when you access spaces through space directory its redirecting to a wrong url causing the page to be blank its missing for instance the overview environment confluence steps to reproduce access space directory try to access a space expected results it should redirect to the right url code actual results it is redirecting to a wrong url causing the page to be blank code add overview to the space url example code
summary sporadically some users are unable to view service desk queues on one of the nodes for selected project when user a is affected on node the user can see the queues on node and node other users are also able to see the queues on node without any issue user a may at some point can view the sd queue on node of the same project however at some point user b may then not able to view the sd queue on node but possible on node and node for another project environment jira data center usecachedqueuecount is enabled globally or selected projects steps to reproduce i theoritically would be setup jdc with service desk installed set usecachedqueuecount to true codeborderstyledashed put restservicedeskapiadminqueuescachecount code access the sd queue expected results all nodes and all users able to see the correct results of the service desk queue actual results some users andor some nodes will see an empty service desk queue the below exception is thrown in the atlassianjiralog file code urlissuesrestservicedeskungrouped usernameabcde error abcde webitemprovider from module comatlassianservicedeskprojectuisdqueuescustomprovider threw an error ioatlassianfuguepair cannot be cast to ioatlassianfuguepair webitems provided by this provider will be ignored code notes how to check status of queuecount codeborderstyledashed get restservicedeskapiadminqueues code default settings codeborderstyledashed queuecount includequeuecounttrue usecachedqueuecountfalse code set usecachedqueuecount to false if performance is impacted when no cache used set includequeuecount to false
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report panelto reproduce and this might be difficult considering the timing edit the description field of an issue as soon as you click to save the change transition the issueissue will transition but description will not be savedthis was noticed on an instance and the actions were taken apartcodejira select from changegroup where issueid id issueid author created username username should be able to still process those changes the actual description was shown in the changeitem table but was not actually on the issue
hiwhile reviewing a pullrequest the pullrequest overview showed files changed as well as only one file diff when a different file had been changed in one of the commits tracked by that pullrequest files changed should read and another diff should be shownthis essentially hides changes from the reviewer from the pullrequest overview and allows for unread code to be mergedif if helps the change in the hidden file was a single character changecheersraphaël
causejavalangnullpointerexceptionstack trace javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at url build informationuptime minutes secondsversion number informationapplication server weblogic server tue jun pdt weblogic server tue jun pdt weblogic server tue jun pdt servlet version dialect namemory informationtotal memory mbfree memory mbused memory mbsystem informationsystem date saturday dec time favourite colour limejava version vendor sun microsystems incjvm version vendor sun microsystems incjvm implementation version runtime javatm runtime environment standard editionjava vm java hotspottm server vmuser name rootuser timezone metoperating system sunos architecture sparcrequestinformationurl scheme http server port uri context path confluence servlet path path info null query string nullattributes weblogicservletnetworkchannelport weblogicservletnetworkchannelsslport javaxservleterrorexception javalangnullpointerexception javaxservleterrormessage internal server error ossecurityfilteralreadyfiltered true comatlassianjohnsonfiltersjohnsonfilteralreadyfiltered true javaxservleterrorrequesturi confluenceadminusersbrowseusersaction javaxservleterrorstatuscode sitemeshfilterapplied true javaxservleterrorservletname action webworkvaluestack loginfilteralreadyfiltered true atlassiancoreseraphoriginalurl adminusersbrowseusersaction javaxservletjspjspexception javalangnullpointerexception sessioninviewfiltered log statements generated by this request
moving integration business case template contains gliffy diagram and attachments to be a child of integration pm work resulted in the error shown in the screenshot this error is repeatable for both integration business case template and for integration roadmap a previous move of integration roadmap from my space to the pm space worked without problems
i tried crucible with two different setups linux with mysql windows with mssql mercurial repository with both setups it is nearly impossible create reviews if the review contains a file with many changes lines and changes browser will freeze tried with opera chrome firefoxe ie crucible will allocate more than memory on the host machine server is a dell server with cores and ram
wooh either im to stupid but i look around and still cant find any more incoming linkswhere have they gone
this user has requested we keep their identity a mystery never speak of this againwhat should i do?
in general it seems like a fisheye issue but its a formally cruciblefisheye bundle therefore im reporting it as crucible bug crucible is running nicely for days than one of the jvm process that it runs on starts consuming of processor time i have logs supressed to error messages only and have many tracebacks like below in it pointing to different spots in repository in actual error message error orgmortbaylog javalangillegalstateexception current state flushed new state codingend at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
issue summary the automation screen gets cutoff when selecting an option for the custom rule creation steps to reproduce access the automation screen of the project try to create a new custom rule expected results view all options correctly from the dropdown field actual results the dropdown options hide behind the savecancel panel workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
clicking an attached image in a jira ticket results in a spinner that never finishes spinning the console in chrome reports uncaught error jirafileviewermodulebackendasynchronous missing ajs main calldep req windowrequire anonymous function j nfirewith anonymous function anonymous function y z fresolve y anonymous function anonymous function anonymous function y z fresolve y z fresolve al anonymous function y z fresolve anonymous function n aa
problem attempting to delete an issue with expandable attachment eg zip file cause deleting thread to deadlock other issues are not affected update some issues with other attachments are also affected workaround when such issue is identified there is possible workaround by removing attachments from the affected issue and then removing issue but before doing that the deadlocked connections to database need to be terminated as they block any changes on the affected issue this can be done by executing pgterminatebackend on database or by restarting the application it would not be easy to identify which are the issues that contain attachments when you are trying to delete a huge number of issues a much simpler way to work this around is to create a temporary project that have the browse project permission restricted to only administrator and then move those issues into that project to keep it out of sight you can then delete the whole project when the fix is released technical details the problem is that defaultattachmentmanagerdeleteattachment calls attachmentstoredeleteattachment which spawns new thread when the thread processing is done then callback is executed in that new thread and callback code executes attachmentindexmanagerremoveattachmentindex which deletes db entries outside the main transaction that were already modified in main transaction before the defaultattachmentmanagerdeleteattachment call due to that we have deadlock request thread waits on claim for background thread background thread waits for response from db it tries to remove row in db db is waiting for main transaction to finish as this block the query done by background thread this issue does affect cloud instances only in btf other code is used that doesnt spawn new thread
when moving a page to a new parent page with a special character in the title you get a breadcrumb error steps to replicate create page with special character in title such as page ä try to move another page with page ä als parent page fail bugmovegifthumbnail this seems to be the same bug described in but were using a newer version of confluence
pm purecrafty sharkie minor snippet entry field misaligned in
summary user picker fields changes are not reflected correctly in issue history when the value is removed from the field this affects both single user picker field and multi user picker field steps to reproduce add a value to a user picker field remove the value check issue history and the value still retains in the new value column where it should be empty expected results the new value column should be empty after we remove the value for the field actual results the new value retains notes the value is removed properly in the database its just that its not reflected correctly in the issue history this is also only affecting the old issue view as a workaround use new issue view and the issue history will reflect the changes correctly
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panel we should respect confluences email visibility settings
after updating from to version application again starts with first time login screen where you need to bind your application with bitbucket account difference is that in version there was popup with basic credentials authentication and from version it started using oauth token and local server for validation receival from bitbucket even after rights granting and authentication successful screen application stays in same view for account binding just with disabled bitbucket button see attached screenshot from logs you can see that problem is caused by proxy authentication failure see attached log preconditions configured network proxy with authentication workaround uninstall application and download version dont update afterwards
note this bug report is for jira server using jira cloud see the corresponding bug report paneli talked with a jira account manager representative regarding getting consultant on selecting suitable jira adson sales demonstration on introducing the product and help on configuring jira he asked me to contact expertsatlassiancom i have sent them request more than a week ago however i have not heard from them would you please help me in this regard phone emailmahmadiicebergnetworkscom thanks mahnaz
after an upgrade from gh we created a whole bunch of scrum boards all the boards cover the same jira project but are separated by filtering on a custom labelfield an issue shows up on only one board two different boards created a sprint each and somehow they got the same sprintid dont know if it is important but this was unfortunately i was unable to reproduce this in our testenvironment but i wanted to report it anyway i assume that because of the same sprintid gh treated them as the same sprint leading to all kinds of unexpected behaviour
noformatjavaxservletjspjspexception javaxelelexception problems calling function crugetstar at at at at at at at at at at show quoted text at at at at at at at at at at at at at at show quoted text show quoted text caused by javaxelelexception problems calling function crugetstar at at at at at at morecaused by orghibernateexceptionsqlgrammarexception could not execute query at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at morecaused by javasqlsqlexception inconsistent datatypes expected got clob at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report panelwas talking to someone and they werent even aware the preview feature existed in the description field im pretty sure it used to have a tooltip onhover you dont even know what this button does quick win
seeing these errors when i push to a repository git push origin masterremote traceback most recent call lastremote file line in getresponseremote response wrappedcallbackrequest callbackargs callbackkwargsremote file line in wrapperremote return wrappedargs kwargsremote file line in wrappedviewremote return viewfuncargs kwargsremote file optpythondomainsbitbucketorgcurrentbitbucketappshttphooksviewspy line in innerremote file line in existsremote return selfqueryhasresultsusingselfdbremote file line in hasresultsremote return compilerhasresultsremote file line in hasresultsremote return boolselfexecutesqlsingleremote file line in executesqlremote cursor selfconnectioncursorremote file line in cursorremote cursor selfmakecursorselfcursorremote file line in cursorremote selfensureconnectionremote file line in ensureconnectionremote selfconnectremote file line in exitremote sixreraisedjexctype djexcvalue tracebackremote file line in ensureconnectionremote selfconnectremote file line in connectremote selfconnection selfgetnewconnectionconnparamsremote file line in getnewconnectionremote connection databaseconnectconnparamsremote file line in callremote args kwargs args kwargsremote file line in connectremote conn connectdsn connectionfactoryconnectionfactory asyncasyncremote operationalerror error no such user master master
when i try to create a blog post and set a posting date before todays the post is always created as it has been posted today irrespective of what i have set this is in contrast with what is explained in the documentation
created a empty page in confluence used office connectors functionality edit in word created a document with filled and blank lines and a few images screenshot original in wordpng shows original look in microsoft word screenshot result in confluencepng the result shown in confluence many of our users use edit in word for designing their pages and are frustrated when they look different in confluence thanks
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelwhatever i did during the installation of the jira team calendar integration plugin has caused my confluence team calendar plugin to become disabled but i cant redo the installation of the team calendar plugin because the ui is providing no options to do so nor any clues as to how to fix this issue
have a system git installed but wanted to use embedded git clicked download embedded git and it failed happens every time there doesnt seem to even be a local embedded git folder for the beta my nonbeta sourcetree has gitlocal directory the beta doesnt
github switched off api and not accessible anymore so bamboo should use version of api to work with github