issue summary sending a post request to the rest api endpoint returns status code internal server error instead of bad request in case of errors in the request body steps to reproduce send a post rest api request to the with below body to the issue notify endpoint codejava subject test email textbody body htmlbody body to voters false assignee true watchers false reporter true code see that the request works fine returning status code and that assignee and reporter of the issue having key issuekey receive a notification as expected now send below wrong body to the same endpoint codejava subject test email textbody body htmlbody body to voters false assignee false watchers false reporter false groups null code expected results status code bad request is returned actual results status code internal server error is returned instead workaround no workaround available at the moment
note after a thorough investigation and analysis of the issue by development and support teams we found that this tdm merge issue did not have as high of an impact to memory as previously assessed our attempts at reproducing an outofmemoryerror oome or stability problem have been unsuccessful both the support and development teams have done a thorough investigation around the linked support cases and the conclusion is that tdm code is not to blame the stack trace in the logs is merely just a warning which indicates that the infinite loop has been detected and hence terminated we are closing this issue as cannot reproduce if you are still experiencing the symptoms that relate to this bug please contact support by following the links at so we can help identify the root cause of your issue this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panel regression of problem summary when collaborative editing is disabled or in a version of confluence below under specific conditions confluence can run out of memory when a user goes to edit a confluence page or view his drafts username drafts following a sequence of events user a goes edit a page version confluence autosaves a draft based on version and user does not save the page user b edits the same page and saves promoting the page to version user a views his drafts or edits the page again confluence tries to merge the three versions version version draft and version and results in confluence hanging stack trace noformat warn mergecontentinternal merge failed url confluencepageseditpageaction referer username user page action editpage javalangruntimeexception assertion failed mergetreemerge infinitive recursive loop at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at noformat details workaround and later make sure that collaborative editing is enabled and working as the affected merge code is not used unless it is disabled warning the below workarounds involve deleting one or more drafts drafts contain edits that have not yet been saved so important work can be lost by deleting them and later if a user has been identified causing this problem they can go to usersviewmydraftsaction page and discard either all of their drafts or just the draft for the page that is known to trigger this problem all versions alternatively all the drafts can be deleted directly from the db back up confluence db as a precaution run the following delete statements against the db codejava delete from bodycontent where contentid in select contentid from content where contenttype draft delete from content where contenttype draft code confluence admin cache statistics flush all down at the bottom
issue summary bitbucket has an issue with jwt authentication for the cloning private repositories containing lfstracked elements with a dot in a username while there is no issue with cloning just the repositories with a dot in a name steps to reproduce create a private repository or fork a public into private add git lfs support for the repository add git lfs tracked elements to the repository add ssh key into the user profile try to clone the repository via ssh expected results the repository cloned successfully after asking passphrase for ssh key twice git and gitlfs actual results the git part cloned successfully while git lfs failed with following error noformat git clone cloning into shaleevgithubio enter passphrase for key usersashaleevsshidrsa remote enumerating objects done remote counting objects done remote compressing objects done remote total delta reused delta receiving objects mib mibs done resolving deltas done enter passphrase for key usersashaleevsshidrsa downloading siteimgaboutsectionconferencejpg kb error downloading object siteimgaboutsectionconferencejpg smudge error error downloading siteimgaboutsectionconferencejpg batch response authentication required authorization error check that you have proper access to the repository errors logged to use git lfs logs last to view the log error external filter gitlfs filterprocess failed fatal siteimgaboutsectionconferencejpg smudge filter lfs failed warning clone succeeded but checkout failed you can inspect what was checked out with git status and retry the checkout with git checkout f head noformat the below exception is thrown in the atlassianbitbucketlog file noformat warn post scminternetexplorershaleevgithubiogitinfolfsobjectsbatch cajisdefaultauthenticationresulthandler failure during jwt authentication comatlassianjwtexceptionjwtinvalidclaimexception invalid git lfs path scminternetexplorershaleevgithubiogitinfolfsobjectsbatch at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at frames trimmed debug post cabicscrowdssoauthenticationhandler skipping crowd sso as it is not enabled debug post no values found in any valid locale for key providermanagerprovidernotfound and locales debug post casiweberrorpagecontroller user is not authorized to access warn post scminternetexplorershaleevgithubiogitinfolfsobjectsbatch cajisdefaultauthenticationresulthandler failure during jwt authentication comatlassianjwtexceptionjwtinvalidclaimexception invalid git lfs path scminternetexplorershaleevgithubiogitinfolfsobjectsbatch at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at frames trimmed noformat workaround please use https to clone the personal repositories of the users with dot in username
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelhellofollowing a version upgrade on confluence i have noticed that all pdf exports do not show our custom base url in the pdf page links but instead show it appears that this would be edited under the pdf stylesheet section of the administration area however im having a difficult time finding the custom css to edit something like this can you please let me know if this would be the proper area to edit this and what an example might be to have urls inside a pdf export to direct the user to a specified custom urlthank you
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report paneladding an existing confluence user isnt working you receive no errors in the ui you can see an exception inside the error toresponse uncaught exception thrown by rest service userkey url username christians referer javalangnullpointerexception userkey at at at at at at at at at source at sunreflectdelegatingmethodaccessorimplinvokeunknown source at javalangreflectmethodinvokeunknown source… at javautilconcurrentthreadpoolexecutorworkerrununknown source at javalangthreadrununknown warn was searching for the user rj rainer jaspert rj is his username
jac bug template summary when trying to delete any new or old field tab from a screen jira throws error environment tested only in cloud steps to reproduce go to a any issue screen configuration add a tab try to delete expected results jira deletes the tab normally actual results the following error shows none at the moment
this affects any communication to and from the serverpulling from sshhgbitbucketorgxxxxremote traceback most recent call lastremote file line in runuisetupremote uisetupuiremote file line in uisetupremote extensionswrapfunctionwireproto wireprotocapsremote file line in wrapfunctionremote origfn getattrcontainer funcnameremote file line in getattrremote selfloadremote file line in loadremote origimport head globals locals none levelremote file line in hgextimportremote return importfuncname globals args kwargsremote importerror no module named wireprotoremote failed to set up extension serverminitopic no module named wireprotoremote unknown exception encountered with possiblybroken thirdparty extension pathconfigremote which supports versions unknown of mercurialremote please disable pathconfig and try your action againremote if that fixes the bug please report it to the extension authorremote python default jan remote mercurial distributed scm version extensions loaded convert clonebundles evolveserveronly envconfig pathconfigremote traceback most recent call lastremote file optpythondomainsbitbucketorgcurrentbitbucketlocalenvbinhg line in remote dispatchrunremote file line in runremote status dispatchreqremote file line in dispatchremote ret runcatchreq or file line in runcatchremote return callcatchui runcatchfuncremote file line in callcatchremote return scmutilcallcatchui funcremote file line in callcatchremote return funcremote file line in runcatchfuncremote return dispatchreqremote file line in dispatchremote cmdpats cmdoptionsremote file line in runcommandremote ret runcommandui options cmd dremote file line in runcommandremote return cmdfuncremote file line in remote d lambda utilchecksignaturefuncui args strcmdoptremote file line in checkremote return funcargs kwargsremote file line in serveremote sserveforeverremote file line in serveforeverremote selfserveuntilthreadingeventremote file line in serveuntilremote runsshserverselfui selfrepo selffin selffout evremote file line in runsshserverremote rsp proto requestremote file line in dispatchremote return funcrepo proto argsremote file line in batchremote result funcrepo protoremote file line in headsremote h repoheadsremote file line in headsremote cl selfchangelogremote file line in changelogremote revs filterrevsunfi selffiltername selfvisibilityexceptionsremote file line in filterrevsremote repofilteredrevcache funcrepounfilteredremote file line in computeunservedremote hiddens filterrevsrepo file line in filterrevsremote repofilteredrevcache funcrepounfilteredremote file line in computehiddenremote hidden sethidden pinnedrevsreporemote file line in pinnedrevsremote pinnedupdateparentsremote file line in parentsremote return selfparentsremote file line in getremote result selffuncobjremote file line in parentsremote return remote file line in initremote superchangectx selfinitreporemote typeerror init takes exactly arguments given
i keep getting the following exception even though there is no deployment running how can i recover from this problem preparing to download plan result artifact shared artifact pattern artifact downloaded successfully in s to working directory finished task download artifact with result success starting task deploy to staging of type comatlassianbamboopluginsatlassianbamboopluginawscodedeploytaskawscodedeploy zipping contents of task working directory uploading zip bundle to creating codedeploy deployment error creating codedeploy deployment comamazonawsservicescodedeploymodeldeploymentlimitexceededexception deployment group is already deploying deployment dlnwcpstjf service amazoncodedeploy status code error code deploymentlimitexceededexception request id at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
go to this pr not that you are in the commit diff for try to expand above should see actually see bryan said looks like its using the since line numbers but the until commit id
the sequence code hibernateutilbegintransaction hibernateutilbegintransaction hibernateutilcommittransaction insert x hibernateutilcommittransaction code does not insert x because the first commit closed the tx
upgrading to on windows machines fails with the following error noformat error crucible database setup failed comcenquacruciblehibernatecrudbexception javaioioexception the process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file at at at at comcenquacruciblefisheyecruciblebridgeimplementationinitalizecruciblebridgeimplementationjav noformat
click on the edit button for an attachment click the search icon next to page click on the search tab a favourite space will not be listed in the search dropdown unfavouriting the space will allow the space to show up in this search tab dropdown this can easily be reproduced on extranet
this appears to be a regression at least ive never noticed it before and is reproducible when a commit with at least two changed files is first opened it disappears after clicking long enough but reappears when selecting another commit and then the current commit again and the first changed file is clicked the diff of that file is shown correctly when selecting the second changed file the diff from the first file remains and the diff of the second file is appended below sometimes the bug already appears when first displaying a commit and clicking the first file then sometimes the diff view doesnt change at all and still shows all changes expected would of course be that only the diff of the second file appear
sourcetree beta have enormous usage of ram and cause poor system responsiveness
i am dynamically generating a jelly script but i would like to be able to search for issues that match a particular summary the jelly tag only supports filtering with predefined searches but theres no way to get issues for instance with summary field testing summary or something to that effect is this exposed through some hook that the tags can invoke this is absolutely critical for us because when we are migrating into jira and we need to be able to move all this dynamic data from within the jelly script itself predefined searches is better for reporting not for issue updating please let me know if this is not possible or possible i would appreciate it
fix on shipit branch and merge to defaultcreate a webdriver test for the two links to make sure it doesnt happen again
issue summary unable to add a new linked repository from a plan when there are thousands of repositories in the database steps to reproduce bamboo instance with thousands of linked repositories try to add a repository from a plan expected results repository should be added actual results user will see a waiting spinning wheel that may or may not complete workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
once i login to bitbucketorg all i see is a blank page
unable to create a team from the using neither the nor the page after filling out the form and hitting create i get a error my user account is the only member of the team in both caseshere are the error tokens from each attempt
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panel unable to access issues screenshot many system addons have been automatically disabled and some cant be enabled screenshot main userinstalled addons have been automatically disabled and cant be enabled screenshot
when a customer creates a request and a agent assigns a watcher to the card whom will receive notifications it should be visible on the watchers customer portal example anita at psg logs original request christo is a colleague and the lautus agent assigns christo as the watcher christo should be able to see the card on his portal this currently does not work it only works if christo is a reporter also is there no way for a customer ie anita so see all requests for that project as to be able to look for past requests that might be similar to her current request but logged by someone else both of the above are stoppers for us to use service desk as designed
affected versions of atlassian bitbucket server allow remote attackers to intercept unencrypted repository import requests via maninthemiddle mitm attack affected versions version fixed versions
newly created user for jira experienced the following error occurs your operation is taking longer than usual steps to reproduce inviting new users to jira expected results user should be able to access jira actual results an error message is displayed and users access jira
stdoutstderr ssh connect to host bitbucketorg port connection timed outfatal could not read from remote repositoryplease make sure you have the correct access rightsand the repository existsping is working but traceroute gives no outputplease let me know what other details you need
summary plans are receiving bitbucket pull requests generating high cpu usage environment behaviour found in bamboo and bitbucket steps to reproduce create application link with bitbucket server problem starts as soon as bamboo is started expected results normal behaviour actual results pull requests every even when no triggers are configured log entries noformat debug fetched open prs from debug fetched open prs from debug fetched open prs from debug fetched open prs from debug fetched open prs from debug fetched open prs from debug fetched open prs from debug fetched open prs from debug fetched open prs from debug fetched open prs from debug fetched open prs from debug fetched open prs from debug fetched open prs from debug fetched open prs from noformat notes option disable branch detection altogether start bamboo with atlassianbamboobranchdetectiondisable system property set to true option this problem can be controlled by changing the branch detection interval overview settings general configuration field branch detection interval the default value is try increasing it gradually say until the problem is controlled
issue summary space migration via ccma fails with npe on confluence server steps to reproduce install confluece dc version import the xml space export in the confluence server create a migration plan and run the migration the migration of space fails with the below error and npe observed in the confluence server log file codejava failed to export code expected results migration is successful actual results the below exception is thrown in the xxxxxxxlog file noformat failed to export noformat – stepconfig spacekeyxxxfileidxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcloudidxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cloudid xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxplanname test migrationsteptype confluenceexportstepid xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxplanid xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcloudurl migrate space xxxxxxxtaskid xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxjavalangnullpointerexception at at at at javabasejavautilconcurrentcompletablefutureasyncsupplyrununknown source at javabasejavautilconcurrentthreadpoolexecutorrunworkerunknown source at javabasejavautilconcurrentthreadpoolexecutorworkerrununknown source at javabasejavalangthreadrununknown workaround this issue only exists for conf server versions and above a possible workaround might be to downgrade confluence to
after add mercurial repository in fileopen the software is closed when you restart the sofware displays an error
i stashed a few hours worth of changes but when i went to apply them again on the same branch happens to be a local branch i get the following error this has cost me a lot of changes git c diffmnemonicprefixfalse c corequotepathfalse stash apply fatal ambiguous argument unknown revision or path not in the working tree use to separate paths from revisions like this git completed with errors see above
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report summaryissue filter doesnt retain the column after been environment jira jira steps to reproduce created a filter as user a share the filter with everyone login using user b click search issue and uncheck all fields in column my default access the filter as user b then click on save as and enter a new name for the filter you will be able to see all the filter fields when you click on columns on the right you will notice that all the fields under filter are unchecked as shown in your video if you choose one of the fields all the rest will be gone and only that one will be displayed filtergif expected resultsthe field should be remain checked as being save in the previous filter actual resultsthe field column doesnt retain the page before save as the filter
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelwhen we try to edit a page in the chrome browser the ui gets messed up see screenshotthis does not happen in firefoxplease advise
add an existing mercurial project to sourcetree modify some files in the project select one of the modified files in the pending list click the tick box observe that a window pops up then disappears observe that the file is no longer checked and cannot be committed
in my git project i have changes in the main project and in one submodule when i press commit sourcetree first checks all the submodule and correctly detects that my submodule has unsubmitted changes if i press open the app crashes i am able to reproduce this behaviour on other projects with this submodule
note this bug report is for jira portfolio cloud using jira portfolio server see the corresponding bug report panelwhen performing an update from plan all completed stories are being changed to this also changes the story point value in jira agile and is giving incorrect data when reporting how many points have we completed this sprint the answer to that question with the above bug in play would be to recreate update from plan then look at the story point value changes they say in one example the story changed from to when i look at the story in jira agile the point value is its never been changed to advise
create issue step with assign permissions and not allowing unassigned issuesin previous versions the project lead was selected by default as assignee for new issues now it defaults to the just the first option in the select boxi liked it much better before
edit repository scm details update the url test connection updated url is ignored test fails save and connection now works
note this bug report is for jira server using jira cloud see the corresponding bug report paneli have a filter which selects any jira record which includes one of a set of labels i want to display a pie chart showing the number of jira records that match each of the labels in the filter the pie chart gadget does this just fine but the pie chart segment labels are wrong instead of showing the jira label that matched to count that jira record in that pie slice the pie slice is labeled with an apparently arbitrary label from the jira record or more likely the first in the list of applied labels
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report panelwhen the ‘resolution’ field is added to the ‘edit’ screen of a project it becomes impossible to edit the issue without resolving it too when the screen is open setting the resolution is required and if it was previously unset it will be setnot choosing a resolution results in an error since it is requires as shown beloweditissuewithresolutionpngalso there is no ‘unresolved’ option to choose the ‘please select…’ is an invalid optioneditissuewithresolutionmenupngsteps to reproduce have a project add the ‘resolution’ field to the edit screen create an issue the ‘resolution’ must not be set edit the issue change any field apart from ‘resolution’ it is not possible to change this field without setting the resolutionthis breaks the ‘edit’ function because editing any field requires solving the issueworkaround remove the resolution from this screen
please see panel since release august emails not created from service desk emails symptom emails sent to email channel defined in the email setting for the service desk but no issue created testing connection seems fine disclaimer we are still investigating the root cause of this issue please watch this bug ticket to get the latest update time to time environment details version for jepp so far tested it affects both internal mail mailstore and external mail it only affects jira cloud instances
step to replicate enable audit logging connect jira to an ldap directory jira will log any user management changes trigger another synchronization expected behaviour as per auditing in jira the audit logs would show that the directory was synchronized actual behaviour nothing else is logged
hii get this error abort error protocoli have set my proxy properly so it is not a proxy error my hg version is and using xp bitsuminda
it concerns the pdf export function if i export the following review in to the pdfformatyou cant read this very good as workaround i can tranfer it to the pdfformat but unfortunately not every person has this feature and now the question is this a bug
if a user navigates to when not logged in the user ends up at a login page with url instead of the system dashboard with url if that last url is typed in directly than jira correctly shows the system dashboard with logon on the right
first i tried clicking the version lozenges to see all issues in just that version but that didnt work it wasnt until much later where i accidentally closed the epics panel and was looking how to reopen it that i noticed the sidetabs
nick bug clicking the reload button after someone else has added a comment to a review you were reviewing dies with syntaxerror
prior to setting a value for a custom field would set the value directly now you need to specify the id for that value in select custom fields this breaks existing jelly scripts if we could change it so that existing script continue to work but perhaps have an id option as well as the value option that would be optimal
issue summary servicebat wrongly sets jrehome variable value in jira servicebat if the jrehome variable is not set explicitly steps to reproduce i without setting any environment variable like javahome or jrehome install first install jira as windows service now download jira upgrade the existing jira to remove the old jira windows service using servicebat try installing the jira using servicebat we see the below error code installing the service jira using catalinahome cprogram filesatlassianjira using catalinabase cprogram filesatlassianjira ignoring javahome cprogram using jrehome cusersadministratorjre warning neither server nor client jvmdll was found at jrehome using jvm auto wrong jvm version jira requires or to run output of java version command is the system cannot find the path specified end of output if you want jira to start using this jvm set environment variable ignorejvmversion to true code expected results the jre home is picked from the right location and service is installed actual results the below exception is thrown in the command prompt while installing jira as a service code cusersadministratorcprogram filesatlassianjirabinservicebat install jira neither the javahome nor the jrehome environment variable is defined service will use the bundled jre failing that service will try to guess them from the registry granting full access for network service to the jira home directory cprogram filesatlassianapplication datajira processed file cprogram filesatlassianapplication datajira successfully processed files failed processing files granting read and execute access for network service to the jira installation directory cprogram filesatlassianjira processed file cprogram filesatlassianjira successfully processed files failed processing files granting full access for network service to the work temp and logs subdirectories of jira installation directory cprogram filesatlassianjira processed file cprogram filesatlassianjirawork successfully processed files failed processing files processed file cprogram filesatlassianjiratemp successfully processed files failed processing files processed file cprogram filesatlassianjiralogs successfully processed files failed processing files granting read and execute access for network service for parent directories of the jira home directory cprogram filesatlassianapplication datajira theyre required to make java native io operations work which are required eg when starting up the plugin system starting to walk up from cprogram filesatlassianapplication datajira checking permissions of cprogram filesatlassianapplication datajira checking permissions of cprogram filesatlassianapplication data checking permissions of cprogram filesatlassian checking permissions of cprogram files granting read and execute access for network service to cprogram files cprogram files access is denied successfully processed files failed processing files end granting read and execute access for network service for parent directories of the jira installation directory cprogram filesatlassianjira theyre required to make java native io operations work which are required eg when starting up the plugin system starting to walk up from cprogram filesatlassianjira checking permissions of cprogram filesatlassianjira checking permissions of cprogram filesatlassian checking permissions of cprogram files granting read and execute access for network service to cprogram files cprogram files access is denied successfully processed files failed processing files end installing the service jira using catalinahome cprogram filesatlassianjira using catalinabase cprogram filesatlassianjira ignoring javahome cprogram using jrehome cusersadministratorjre warning neither server nor client jvmdll was found at jrehome using jvm auto wrong jvm version jira requires or to run output of java version command is the system cannot find the path specified end of output if you want jira to start using this jvm set environment variable ignorejvmversion to true code workaround add jrehome environment variable in the windows server pointing to the root folder of where the jre is located restart the windows server to take this into effect and then try installing jira as windows service using servicebat
issue summary versionhealthcheck preupgrade fails due to version string oracle database enterprise edition release productionnwith the partitioning option codejava error anonymous securesetupdatabasejspa supporteddatabaseversionhealthcheck is unable to run because the version string retrieved from the database does not seem to contain a version number version string oracle database enterprise edition release productionnwith the partitioning option this probably means the database is not supported code environment jira db oracle steps to reproduce install jira and connect it to db oracle with the partitioning option enabled during versionhealthcheck the above error is thrown out expected results according to the documentation oracle is supported and there are no limitation related to the partitioning option enabled actual results health check code uses the folowung java regex pattern code dddd code so it doesnt expect the oracle version string to span more than line actual string is codejavaborderstylesolid oracle database enterprise edition release production with the partitioning option code the string could be different workaround the only option the customer would have is to drop the partitioning option of oracle so that the version string becomes a single line and jira is able to work with it
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report paneltopics page is not updating in when adding featured topics the tab does not update to reflect the new featured topicsthe issue exists in the functionality works correctly in chrome and on a mobile device underlying confluence is
last commit date is badly aligned
stp contains important bugfixes the most recent release is but it may not be feasible to upgrade jira stable to the newest version without backporting some changes but at least we should upgrade jira stable to stp
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelthis has already been documented by another user at however that issue and issues linked to it were marked closed as duplicates even though none of them were actually resolvedteam calendars version upgrade resulted in our custom date only fields being displayed as datetime fields the default times were to for a full day event all of ours are full day events because they originate in date only custom fields this addition of a time was shifting the display of date ranges by a dayi downgraded to and the problem went away but eventually we will want to upgrade
clicking on them doesnt take
this does not render correctly install the program when you start vsnet you will notice that another toolbar is added to the blahthis does render correctly install the program when you start vsnet you will notice that another toolbar is added to the ideimagegif blaheverything seems to be fine as long as you dont image attributes when the image is contained within a list
second vid example of issue there are or different solutions mentioned on this page i have spent many hours on this over the past months and i am unable to get any of these solutions to stick can the atlassian team look at this problem and provide a clear set of instructions to resolve
in confluence when the user does have the instance in korean theres a translation issue for the last modified sentence currently its being used with 최정 수정 and the correct translation should be 최종 수정
trying to migrate from an internal database to an external mysql database fails and im given an sqlexception i created the mysql database using the instructions found here noformat stash could not be migrated to the new database some data may have already been written to the new database leaving it in an inconsistent state you will need to empty or recreate the new database before trying again hide details stash could not be migrated to the new database some data may have already been written to the new database leaving it in an inconsistent state you will need to empty or recreate the new database before trying again failed to execute change insert row nested exception is javasqlsqlexception field childname doesnt have a default value orgapachexercesparsersabstractsaxparserendelementunknown source field childname doesnt have a default value noformat
source destination i want to pull request this commit
maybe the same problem as in log in the confluence admin console select the general configuration select the link plugin administration page i know that this is the old manager but i cannot access to the new one in my upgraded environment through the left menu and this is a separate issue plugins are listed for most of them selecting one then clicking on the vendor link is fine for some of them the link is bad eg for apache httpclient osgi bundle the link is in a nutshell i think that all the links to a vendor who is not atlassian are bad please test also for the same issue with the new plugin manager
i couldnt manage to get a screenshot
summary labelgif steps to reproduce type and insert a label or edit an existing label field which has values already type a new label which long enough to float to other labels see that the text was partly hidden behind existing labels actual behaviour the text is partly hidden behind existing labels expected behaviour it should break to a new line to show the new value
when i try to push i am getting an error on git c diffmnemonicprefixfalse c corequotepathfalse push v tags origin mastermaster error cannot spawn cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassianlabssourcetreeaskpasssourcetreeaskpassgitaskpasspassthroughbindebugstgitaskpasspassthroughexe no such file or directory bash devtty no such device or address error failed to execute prompt script exit code fatal could not read username for url here no error pushing to url completed with errors see above
a secured pdf document in combination with the viewpdfmacro kills the whole confluence instance while trying to extract information from the pdf which is apparently not allowed it seems that not every confluence installation is affected no problem here
autoupgrading from to the or versions did not work for me sparkles error handling was unhelpful and just backed out of the process i eventually installed a fresh to work around this the console output was similarly unhelpful in identifying the root cause pm comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas unmounted pm comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas ejected pm sourcetree sparkle error an error occurred while extracting the archive please try again later earlier sparkle upgrades had worked smoothly
process viewer keeps loading and keeps refreshing the state of all the local repositories i have one repo open in the tab but source tree is checking all the other local repos that are not even active source tree is basically unusable at this point as it takes mins to create a new branch from master and to do a simple push
the code review page load completely in some cases having a hard time identifying the features of pull requests that cause the page not to loadthe html loads fine and the page header name of pull request overview tab etc loads as well but the diff load and it looks like the errors are triggering multiple page reloadsthe browser console logs several crossorigin request blocked errors and several loading chunk failed errors
on the first day of this new iteration i created a new sprint populated it with items from the backlog and started the new sprint unfortunately i did not close the previous sprint which had a number of issues with open subtasks i realize that i was supposed to close the previous sprint before opening the new sprint but greenhopper does not make it easy to recover from this mistake in trying to maintain the sprint history for each issue i had to manually edit the sprint number for each of the stories removing the previous sprint from the sprint number list for some lesser issues i just did a bulk update im not sure theres much value in supporting multiple open sprints for a given rapidboard but if so make it harder to mess up the iteration rituals
problem description project admin unable to create sprint or stop sprint below error is seen noformat you need the manage sprints permission for all the projects in the origin board to create a sprint noformat when you have filter query of labels that span across other project where the same user is not a project administrator of this happen despite having the filter constructed with project specific for more information refer to the steps to replicate below steps to replicate create projects with issue each on the project project a and project b create a label example of the field and mark it on the issue for both project example labeling grant the user for test project administration and manage sprint permission of project a ensure that the user have no such permission for project b create a board with query below noformat project project a and labels in labeling order by rank asc noformat load the board for test user that follow the criteria given for step and step expected result user able to create sprint since the filter should only return issues from project a actual result user unable to create sprint error is seen workarounds suggested provide user manage sprint permission across all permission schemes alternatives create another temporary board without any sub query eg project test order by rank asc create the sprint there use quick filter to filter the fields instead to start sprint get administrator to initiate the sprint at this moment provide a user jira administrator global permission to startstop any sprint affected version detected on jira software cloud
if the database backup fails nonzero exit code when running a backup the failure is silently ignored by bitbucketdiybackupsh steps to reproduce set up a test environment with the latest copy of diy backup scripts from and a configured working copy of bitbucketdiybackupvarssh in bitbucketdiybackupvarssh set values backupdisktypenone and backupdatabasetypenone run bitbucketdiybackupsh echo verify the echoed exit code is modify the function backupdb in databasenonesh as follows codejava function backupdb return code run bitbucketdiybackupsh echo expected behavior the exit code is nonzero because the database backup failed this behavior is expected because this is the behavior of backupdisk if modified in similar fashion actual behavior the exit code is zero root cause this bug is caused by how wait is used in bitbucketdiybackupsh when multiple jobs are passed to the wait command posix states he exit status returned by the wait utility shall be the exit status of the process requested by the last pid operand this is why the database backup failures are ignored but disk backup failures are not workaround modify the diy scripts locally to check for database backup failures
summary when shutting down confluence using the service or via shutdownsh or shutdownbat it can throw errors when this happens confluence will appear to hang and the shutdown process is extremely slow steps to reproduce install confluence start confluence let confluence run for a bit shutdown confluence expected results confluence shutsdown without issue actual results confluence can hang on shutdown and throw errors in the logs for example the below exception is thrown in the atlassianconfluencelog file noformat error execute closing runnable for context nonvalidatingosgibundlexmlapplicationcontextbundlecomatlassianpluginnotificationsnotificationsmodule configosgibundlemetainfspringxml did not finish in consider taking a snapshot and then shutdown the vm in case the thread still hangs error servicechanged exception during service event handling javalangillegalstateexception invalid bundlecontext at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at sunreflectnativemethodaccessorimplinvokeunknown source at sunreflectdelegatingmethodaccessorimplinvokeunknown source at javalangreflectmethodinvokeunknown source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at javautilconcurrentfuturetaskrununknown source at javautilconcurrentthreadpoolexecutorrunworkerunknown source at javautilconcurrentthreadpoolexecutorworkerrununknown source at javalangthreadrununknown source noformat workaround startshutdown confluence using startconfluencesh and stopconfluencesh or bat if you are on windows
issue summary if you open issue modally from board using touch device eg ipad you will not able to scroll in that view steps to reproduce open board using desktop version in ipad open an issue with long description or long field list try to scroll down expected results able to scroll down to see whole content actual results the issue modal wont able to scroll workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
seems like fecru data providers are not defined for every web resource which uses them thus some time the code may fail with js undefined error noformat uncaught typeerror cannot read property tolowercase of undefined noformat htr make sure admin didnt ack on nps data dialog start fisheyecrucible debug instance by ant debug enable analytics refresh page nps initializer will catch analytics settings had changed nps tries to initialize itself and shows acknowledge dialog it requires fecrujs which is required by all resources in the scope but fecru data providers are not thus productgetproductname fails miserably
summary when creatingcloning a board or editing the filter of a board the drop down list for the filters will be empty and the following error message will be displayed codejavathe jira server was contacted but has returned an error response we are unsure of the result of this operation code environment cloud status utc a fix for this issue is present in jira cloud which will be deployed to all production cloud instances within the next hours if youre still experiencing this issue please open a support case via supportatlassiancom including your cloud instance url and an acceptable time window for a brief period of downtime where the upgrade deployment can be manually applied workaround no workaround is available at this time
using the creole syntax in a wiki to link to a page not in the wiki produces a bad result for example the following creole syntaxcodecreolecodeproduces the following broken htmlcodehtmlcode
issue summary lets say your project has multiple released or unreleased fix versions and you wish to generate a time tracking report for all unreleased or released fix versions when you select the option and click next the error invalid version selected steps to reproduce head over to one of your classic software projects reportstime tracking report for fix versions select the option unreleased versions or released versions click next either way both options generate the error invalid versions selected expected results a report is generated actual results the error invalid version selected is generated workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelthe team calendars became slow and one them stopped loading since last week checking the firebug console panel i found out one of the json files comes truncated around which causes a parser errorcodesyntaxerror jsonparse unterminated string literal at line column of the json datathe json codeloads normally if i change the start and end date making it smallerthe delete request also fails with the message codexml parsing error no element found location line number column codeits probably an issue with description and comments size
greenhopper task board is broken due to a jira api change
i tried to change the default reviewer list to come just from the default reviewers field at however it seems to have removed users from existing review it had sharkie on it originally for exampleanyway permissions and setup seem screwy what i need is anyone with a studio account should be able to raise and participate in a review we have to be able to accept patch reviews from external contributors aui team or at least me able to addremove reviewers on any review in ajs i need someone to let me know why changing the reviewer setup made a few people drop off hughs review
it should not be editable
issue summary clicking load more on advanced search results expands to the same list of content as seen on the previous search results page steps to reproduce step use advanced search filters to search for all content by a particular contributor in a certain date range with no query text step scroll to the bottom of the search results page and click on load more expected results load the next search results page should show the next batch of search results and not repeat the same search results already shown previously actual results load the next search results page showed the same search results already shown previously workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
steps to reproduce create a bookmark to a repository move the repository to another location outside of sourcetree with a different name eg from the command line sourcetree reports repository moved or deleted attempting to open the repo results in repository missing dialog with change folder cancel remove bookmark buttons change folder to the new location open the repository in sourcetree the name of the repository as it appears in the repository window title is still the old path which is no longer valid closing and reopening the repository window does not resolve this but restarting sourcetree does
currently its shown with a silly amount of decimals
when edit in word feature is used content does not get saved from webdav steps to reproduce create a test page click on tools edit in word makes some changes to the test page document click save reload test page notice the changes are not applied the server logs report code javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at code browse through your bundled plugins folder should be webinfclassescomatlassianconfluencesetupatlassianbundledpluginszip unzip the files under a known location locate save a copy and delete it from the original location download and place inside this location zip the folder contents do not zip the folder only the files inside it the zip file must not contain folders rename to atlassianbundledpluginszip and place in original location confluencewebinfclassescomatlassianconfluencesetup done
the getresourceservlet servlet is vulnerable to an arbitrary file download attack as the servlet doesn’t implement its own authorization checks this can be exploited anonymously by taking an attacker controlled name parameter and using this in a call to urlconnectionopenconnection an attacker can supply the path of an arbitrary file location eg fileetcpasswd to be served in the response in testing this vulnerability was used to retrieve private keys and login credentials of instances ssh keys configuration files and most other data related to the ondemand service stack the file system access appears to be restricted to that of the jvm process file componentsbamboowebsrcmainjavacomatlassianbambooagentclassservergetresourceservletjava codetitlegetresourceservletjava public class getresourceservlet extends agentserverservlet private static final logger log loggergetloggergetresourceservletclass override protected void calculateresultfinal httpservletrequest httpservletrequest final httpservletresponse httpservletresponse throws ioexception agentservermanager agentservermanager getagentservermanager if agentservermanager null string name httpservletrequestgetparametername final url resource agentservermanagergetclassloadergetresourcename if resource null string currenturl httpservletrequestgetrequesturi if logisdebugenabled logdebugunable to find name from currenturl returning status code httpservletresponsesenderrorhttpservletresponsescnotfound unable to find name from currenturl else urlconnection urlconnection resourceopenconnection int contentlength urlconnectiongetcontentlength if logisdebugenabled logdebugfetching resource with name name resource resource contentlength copytoresponsehttpservletresponse contentlength applicationoctetstream urlconnectiongetinputstream else logdebugapplication context is not yet set up agentservermanager is null httpservletresponsesenderrorhttpservletresponsescinternalservererror application context is not yet set up code the following screenshot demonstrates this vulnerability being exploited to download the etcpasswd file from an ondemand instance getresourcepng
not sure why i see this error on the log file i assume it is coming due to some issue related to gadgetsi see this error a lot on my server error rnayak jugraf unable to retrieve responsejavaxnetsslsslpeerunverifiedexception peer not authenticated at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
while one plan was executing i tried creation of a new one after having pressed the continue button on the perforce repository details page the ui was blocked no interaction any longer possible with the bamboo in the logfiles i detected entries like info jvm u p c client o occuring repeatedly multiple times per second without any further error message maybe it was not the best idea but i renamed the the morning after a stopstart i had loss of data so i tried to avoid this but this is a different story after some time not immediately this perforce server penetration stopped with info jvm comatlassianbamboorepositoryrepositoryexception failed to get changes cannot find executable at info jvm cannot find executable at info jvm cannot find executable at info jvm cannot find executable at info jvm cannot find executable at info jvm cannot find executable at info jvm cannot find executable at info jvm cannot find executable at info jvm info jvm at info jvm at info jvm at info jvm at info jvm at info jvm at info jvm at though bamboo itself still claims itself as running after stop start all seems to be fine again seems no data lost note there was currently executing another plan note after redoing same steps again this did not reoccur but i noticed by way of a failed build that to my fault the perforce depot referring to in the plan config was not yet included in the perforce client spec may be those aspects are related to this issue
issue summary when creating a new page in confluence we have the option to import an external docx file this feature doesnt work neither when adding a file nor when integrating it with google docs steps to reproduce create a new page in confluence on the site bar click on import choose a wordgoogle doc file expected results the word file should be converted into a confluence page actual results the import fails with the following error message code this file cant be imported we ran into issues because the file may the wrong type password protected or readonly code workaround users can either import word files by visiting an existing page and clicking on more actions advanced details import word document or simply copy and paste the content from the word doc
on the loghistory tab in sourcetree when i select a file to see its diff i often see the diffs of previous files i selected as well usually the previous ones are on the top so this is confusing because i dont see the display change as i expect and i think i didnt seelct the file i wanted it is then frustrating that i need to scroll down to see the file diff i want also i have no way to remove the previous diffs sometimes they go away if i reselect the file and the select a new one but come back if i move between the staged pane and unstaged pane also if i select a file then collapse the tree it is in and select a new file the old file does not get unselected i have to expand the tree in order for it to get unselected see the attachment for this example
configuration default after install project users admin developer and user role and user and developer role developer role allows to assign and edit user when i try to assign to issue different user ie via soap operation updateissue then exception is thrown comatlassianjirarpcexceptionremotevalidationexception fields not valid for issue errors error messages fieldid assignee but and are able to edit issues according to default security schema
see screenshot i tried editing summary and description both resulted in js errorsin particular if you update the summary of an issue the card in the column is not updated to reflect the new summary
issue summary users while searching for sprints in the advance search triggers rest api calls like below which are nothing but autocomplete suggestions and these are causing very high cpu utilisation and load code get code and this is the referrer code code all these are browser sessions steps to reproduce na can be reproduced with more than sprints and going to advance search and search for sprints expected results the autocomplete shouldnt spike cpu and the response of the request should be quicker actual results cpu utlization shoots up and with an increasing number of threads going into sprint autocomplete code higher the spike and cpu load average here is the snippet of the thread causing high cpu the code that is invoked with the above call is code at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at source at at at at source at source at at at at source at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at code workaround one workaround could be to disable the autocomplete which is not so pleasant workaround another effective workaround could be to delay the requests which are sending the autocomplete suggestion that is adding the below js in the announcement banner code jqueryreadyfunction textareafocusin function f if windowdirtypatch trying avoid adding same event listener more than once settimeout function consolelogpatching autocomplete delay jiraautocompletedelay function delaycallback l if delayt cleartimeoutdelayt delayt undefined delayt settimeoutcallback default is patch is applied a second after search text are is focused to give time for other initialization windowdirtypatch code
description after running the jira installer the application will not run from the start menu cause the servicebat file in version has the default service name set to lines to as seen here rem set default service name set set prdisplaynameatlassian jira while version has it set to which is what caused this whole tiny mess lines to rem set default service name set set prdisplaynameatlassian jira this settings might cause problems when you try to install jira as service if you already have a service with the name installed on your system workaround start and stop the service directly from the service menu to get the start menu working correctly look at the service name rightclick the service and choose properties notice its change startservicebat to net start if you also have a service called you can change the service name in servicebat uninstall and reinstall the service see for how to uninstall and reinstall the service
title label and submit button not localized when closing an issue
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report summaryafter an issue is edited some users may be notified for this change which will include the fields that were edited their previous and new valueswhen editing an issue with the ‘edit’ button not inline if both the ‘description’ and the ‘assignee’ fields are edited only the ‘assignee’ field is included in the notification emailthis was tested with several combination of fields and it seems that the ‘description’ is always part of the notification except when the ‘assignee’ field is also edited if several other fields are included along with ‘assignee’ and ‘description’ only the ‘description’ is not part of the notificationthis is an example when changing ‘labels’ summary and ‘description’ but not ‘assignee’noassigneepngthumbnailif we change the same fields and ‘assignee’ as well the ‘description’ is not included in the change below the ‘description’ was edited in the same operation but not included in the steps to reproduce create a project and have a user notified for ‘issue updated’ edit an issue and change its ‘description’ edit it again changing its ‘description’ and its ‘assignee’ expected resultsboth notifications include the ‘description’ field being actual resultsonly when we don’t include ‘assignee’ in the change does it include the ‘description’ the ‘assignee’ in a separate operation
last night we installed greenhopper and noticed some performance problems we were happy to see greenhopper released today to address performance problemshowever when we installed the new version of the plugin and restarted jira it didnt come back up instead we got a error message from tomcatfortunately we went back to greenhopper and were able to restore jirai will try to provide as much information as i can
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelsee screenshots from and the upm isnt asking me to upgrade the business blueprints bundle to to get the decisions blueprint
wysiwyg is a disaster i write meaningful descriptions to pull requests or comments to commits i paste code in code blocks text is pasted after the block it seems cant work with two or code blocks the first one is not formatted a expected code block etc i paste texts without automatic and odd formattingwysiwyg might be a good thing for nonprogrammers but bitbucket is not wikipediaalso see the attachment
summary service desk customer unable to view all requests that have been raised by other customers in the same organization if the request has an issue security level configured however they can still access such issues if they access it via a direct link only if issue security level is given to service desk customer portal only access steps to reproduce create an issue security level which includes administrator role and service desk portal customer access set the security level in an issue invite a new user as a service desk customer assign the service desk customer as a participant of the issue as the customer go to the service desk portal and select requests all requests expected results issue should be visible to the customer actual results issue is not visible however can be accessed with direct navigation if customer has a direct link
i have a postcommit and postmerge hook binbash sleep more code here when i submit a commit or merge sourcetree will be frozen for minutes the only thing i can do is to force quit sourcetree but it wont happen if i use git in terminal as i add to make this hook to run in background
redundant tag inside on jira dashboards when viewing the html source of a jira dashboard theres a redundant tag in the tag regardless of what the encoding under administrationgeneral configuration is set to for instance setting the encoding to gives this in the tag code code its only on dashboards that this issue appears other pages are unaffected
when creating a local repository and using the option to also create a remote repository sourcetree crashes this issue was reported with and is marked as resolved with but i still have the issue tried it twice im running os x el capitan the following was dumped by os x noformat process sourcetree path applicationssourcetreeappcontentsmacossourcetree identifier comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas version code type native parent process responsible sourcetree user id datetime os version mac os x report version anonymous uuid sleepwake uuid time awake since boot seconds time since wake seconds system integrity protection enabled crashed thread dispatch queue comapplemainthread exception type excbadinstruction sigill exception codes exception note exccorpsenotify application specific information crashing on exception unrecognized selector sent to instance application specific backtrace corefoundation exceptionpreprocess libobjcadylib objcexceptionthrow corefoundation corefoundation forwarding corefoundation sourcetree sourcetree foundation nsthreadperformperform corefoundation corefoundation corefoundation cfrunlooprun corefoundation cfrunlooprunspecific hitoolbox runcurrenteventloopinmode hitoolbox receivenexteventcommon hitoolbox blockuntilnexteventmatchinglistinmodewithfilter appkit dpsnextevent appkit appkit appkit nsapplicationmain libdylddylib start global trace buffer reverse chronological seconds cfnetwork tcp conn ssl handshake done cfnetwork tcp conn starting ssl negotiation cfnetwork tcp conn complete fd err cfnetwork tcp conn event err cfnetwork tcp conn ssl handshake done cfnetwork tcp conn starting ssl negotiation cfnetwork tcp conn complete fd err cfnetwork tcp conn event err cfnetwork tcp conn started libextensiondylib tearing down extension request for pid libextensiondylib tearing down extension request for pid cfnetwork tcp conn ssl handshake done cfnetwork tcp conn starting ssl negotiation cfnetwork tcp conn complete fd err cfnetwork tcp conn event err cfnetwork tcp conn started thread crashed dispatch queue comapplemainthread comappleappkit comappleappkit comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas comappleappkit comappleappkit nsapplicationmain libdylddylib start thread dispatch queue comapplelibdispatchmanager libsystemkerneldylib keventqos libdispatchdylib dispatchmgrinvoke libdispatchdylib dispatchmgrthread thread comtwittercrashlyticsmacmachexceptionserver libsystemkerneldylib write comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread comapplensurlconnectionloader libsystemkerneldylib machmsgtrap libsystemkerneldylib machmsg comapplecorefoundation cfrunloopservicemachport comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprun comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprunspecific comapplecfnetwork comapplefoundation nsthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread comapplenseventthread libsystemkerneldylib machmsgtrap libsystemkerneldylib machmsg comapplecorefoundation cfrunloopservicemachport comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprun comapplecorefoundation cfrunlooprunspecific comappleappkit nseventthread libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread comapplecfsocketprivate libsystemkerneldylib select comapplecorefoundation cfsocketmanager libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait libsystempthreaddylib pthreadcondwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfthreadentrypointvoid comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait libsystempthreaddylib pthreadcondwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfthreadentrypointvoid comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait libsystempthreaddylib pthreadcondwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfthreadentrypointvoid comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait libsystempthreaddylib pthreadcondwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfthreadentrypointvoid comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait libsystempthreaddylib pthreadcondwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfthreadentrypointvoid comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread javascriptcoremarking libsystemkerneldylib psynchcvwait libsystempthreaddylib pthreadcondwait comapplejavascriptcore jscwaitfornextphase comapplejavascriptcore jscgcthreadmain comapplejavascriptcore wtfthreadentrypointvoid comapplejavascriptcore wtfwtfthreadentrypointvoid libsystempthreaddylib pthreadbody libsystempthreaddylib pthreadstart libsystempthreaddylib threadstart thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib pthreadwqthread libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib pthreadwqthread libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib pthreadwqthread libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib pthreadwqthread libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib pthreadwqthread libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib pthreadwqthread libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib pthreadwqthread libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread libsystemkerneldylib workqkernreturn libsystempthreaddylib pthreadwqthread libsystempthreaddylib startwqthread thread crashed with thread state rax rbx rcx rdx rdi rsi rbp rsp rip rfl logical cpu error code trap number binary images comtorusknotsourcetreenotmas applicationssourcetreeappcontentsmacossourcetree orgsparkleprojectsparkle applicationssourcetreeappcontentsframeworkssparkleframeworkversionsasparkle comdeustycocoalumberjack applicationssourcetreeappcontentsframeworkscocoalumberjackframeworkversionsacocoalumberjack comgrowlgrowlframework applicationssourcetreeappcontentsframeworksgrowlframeworkversionsagrowl libripadylib systemlibraryframeworkscoregraphicsframeworkversionsaresourceslibripadylib libcgxtypeadylib systemlibraryframeworkscoregraphicsframeworkversionsaresourceslibcgxtypeadylib clkernels clkernels comapplewebcontentfilterframework systemlibraryprivateframeworkswebcontentanalysisframeworkwebcontentanalysis clkernels clkernels comappleurlmountcifsplugin systemlibraryfilesystemsnetfspluginssmbbundlecontentsmacossmb libcgxcoreimageadylib systemlibraryframeworkscoregraphicsframeworkversionsaresourceslibcgxcoreimageadylib clkernels clkernels comapplesecuritycsparser systemlibraryframeworkssecurityframeworkpluginscsparserbundlecontentsmacoscsparser dyld usrlibdyld liblaunchdylib usrlibsystemliblaunchdylib libsystemnotifydylib usrlibsystemlibsystemnotifydylib comapplekerberos systemlibraryframeworkskerberosframeworkversionsakerberos comapplecfopendirectory systemlibraryframeworksopendirectoryframeworkversionsaframeworkscfopendirectoryframeworkversionsacfopendirectory libxpcdylib usrlibsystemlibxpcdylib comappleavfoundation systemlibraryframeworksavfoundationframeworkversionsaavfoundation comapplebluetooth systemlibraryframeworksiobluetoothframeworkversionsaiobluetooth comapplecloudkitcloudkit systemlibraryframeworkscloudkitframeworkversionsacloudkit comapplekerberoshelper systemlibraryprivateframeworkskerberoshelperframeworkversionsakerberoshelper comapplecoremediaauthoring systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoremediaauthoringframeworkversionsacoremediaauthoring libavfaudiodylib systemlibraryframeworksavfoundationframeworkversionsaresourceslibavfaudiodylib comapplecrashreportersupport systemlibraryprivateframeworkscrashreportersupportframeworkversionsacrashreportersupport comapplecoreui systemlibraryprivateframeworkscoreuiframeworkversionsacoreui comappleloginuicore systemlibraryprivateframeworksloginuikitframeworkversionsaframeworksloginuicoreframeworkversionsaloginuicore libcmphdylib usrliblibcmphdylib libfontregistrydylib systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksatsframeworkversionsaresourceslibfontregistrydylib comapplexpcservice systemlibraryprivateframeworksxpcserviceframeworkversionsaxpcservice libsystemasldylib usrlibsystemlibsystemasldylib libsystemmdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemmdylib comapplelanganalysis systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkslanganalysisframeworkversionsalanganalysis comapplemediakit systemlibraryprivateframeworksmediakitframeworkversionsamediakit comapplesuggestions systemlibraryprivateframeworkssuggestionsframeworkversionsasuggestions libsystemcdylib usrlibsystemlibsystemcdylib comappleaccelerate accelerate systemlibraryframeworksaccelerateframeworkversionsaaccelerate libchinesetokenizerdylib usrliblibchinesetokenizerdylib comapplequartzframework systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaquartz comappleapplevaframework systemlibraryprivateframeworksapplevaframeworkversionsaappleva comapplemmcs systemlibraryprivateframeworksmmcsframeworkversionsammcs comapplelaunchservices systemlibraryframeworkscoreservicesframeworkversionsaframeworkslaunchservicesframeworkversionsalaunchservices libcommoncryptodylib usrlibsystemlibcommoncryptodylib comappleclouddocs systemlibraryprivateframeworksclouddocsframeworkversionsaclouddocs libtidyadylib usrliblibtidyadylib comappleprintframeworkprint systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworksprintframeworkversionsaprint comapplequicklookframework systemlibraryframeworksquicklookframeworkversionsaquicklook comapplecorevideo systemlibraryframeworkscorevideoframeworkversionsacorevideo comapplegenerationalstorage systemlibraryprivateframeworksgenerationalstorageframeworkversionsagenerationalstorage comapplecommonauth systemlibraryprivateframeworkscommonauthframeworkversionsacommonauth libsystembdylib usrliblibsystembdylib comappledcerpc systemlibraryprivateframeworksdcerpcframeworkversionsadcerpc comapplecorepdf systemlibraryprivateframeworkscorepdfframeworkversionsacorepdf comapplemultitouchsupportframework systemlibraryprivateframeworksmultitouchsupportframeworkversionsamultitouchsupport comapplesecurity systemlibraryframeworkssecurityframeworkversionsasecurity comapplequartzcomposer systemlibraryframeworksquartzframeworkversionsaframeworksquartzcomposerframeworkversionsaquartzcomposer libobjcadylib usrliblibobjcadylib comapplediskimagesframework systemlibraryprivateframeworksdiskimagesframeworkversionsadiskimages comapplespeechrecognitionframework systemlibraryframeworkscarbonframeworkversionsaframeworksspeechrecognitionframeworkversionsaspeechrecognition libgfxshareddylib systemlibraryframeworksopenglframeworkversionsalibrarieslibgfxshareddylib libextensiondylib usrliblibextensiondylib comapplecommercecore systemlibraryprivateframeworkscommercekitframeworkversionsaframeworkscommercecoreframeworkversionsacommercecore libfontparserdylib systemlibraryframeworksapplicationservicesframeworkversionsaframeworksatsframeworkversionsaresourceslibfontparserdylib comappleaddressbookcontactsfoundation systemlibraryprivateframeworkscontactsfoundationframeworkversionsacontactsfoundation libsystempthreaddylib usrlibsystemlibsystempthreaddylib comapplechunkinglibrary systemlibraryprivateframeworkschunkinglibraryframeworkversionsachunkinglibrary comapplecorebluetooth systemlibraryframeworkscorebluetoothframeworkversionsacorebluetooth libcrfsuitedylib usrliblibcrfsuitedylib comapplenetwork systemlibraryprivateframeworksnetworkframeworkversionsanetwork comappleapplesrp systemlibraryprivateframeworksapplesrpframeworkversionsaapplesrp comapplemediaaccessibility 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image file dispatch continuations foundation image io js jit generated code js jit generated code reserved reserved vm address space unallocated kernel alloc once malloc malloc guard page mach message memory tag memory tag opencl process corpse info stack guard stack vmallocate webkit malloc data image linkedit text unicode mapped file shared memory total total minus reserved vm space noformat