summary upgrading from jira version to jira break the oracle dcvs tables and sync environment jira jira oracle github steps to reproduce install jira add a github dvcs account create issue add a commit to the issue upgrade to jira expected results dvcs sync should have no issues actual results dvcs sync will not complete with the following error code debug admin pluginsservletstreams getservice bundle error admin caught sqlsyntaxerrorexception for select retriescount from left join on where group by comquerydslcorequeryexception caught sqlsyntaxerrorexception for select retriescount from left join on where group by at at at at at at at at filtered at caused by javasqlsqlsyntaxerrorexception inconsistent datatypes expected got clob at at at at at at at at code notes i have already tried upgrading to jira but the issue persists downgrade the jira dvcs connector plugin to version stop jira remove the jira dvcs connector plugin version from the jirahomepluginsinstalledplugins directory add this plugin to the directory replacing the removed version start jira
go to fortestingkartforyoucom navigate to top left section and click on my account link click on register link from opened drop down list navigate to first name field and enter invalid data like numerical values special charectors
we should use the same scheme as the ask page where different tips appear when you focus in a different field
when viewing a pull requests diff or just browsing a repositorys source using controlcommandf seems to have inconsistent case sensitivity sometime search is case sensitive sometimes its not
summary jira import is not able to delete sysadmin user created via governator during the import and this causes import to fail error in jira log code info mfahd secureadminstudioimportimportjspa removing user error mfahd secureadminstudioimportimportjspa failed to purge users and groups before import comatlassiancrowdexceptionruntimeoperationfailedexception failed to delete the user remotely at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at caused by comatlassianidpclientexceptionsbadrequestexception no response body at code environment jira cloud on id platform steps to reproduce perform a jira import to an id platform instance expected behavior jira is able to delete the sysadmin user and import completes with no error actual behavior the import failed and jira is locked workaround ensure the sysadmin account is purged from the instance and the customer needs redo the import
issue summary this endpoint update sprint doesnt work properly when updating some fieldsets as the completedate updates to the current date time even though a different date time was passed in the payload steps to reproduce create a sprint using this endpoint this should create it in a future state then use the update endpoint to update the sprint to an active state once that is done try to update the state to a closed sstate using the below data code state closed name sprint startdate enddate completedate originboardid goal sprint goal code expected results code id self state active name sprint startdate enddate completedate originboardid goal sprint goal code actual results code id self state active name sprint startdate enddate completedate originboardid goal sprint goal code the completedate key seems to be ignored and follows the current date when the issue is updated workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behaviour a workaround will be added here when available
from the planning page click on a issue to view it it popups in an iframe edit the issue type in an autocomplete field like affects version autocomplete does not work but when you close the iframepopup you can see the autocomplete contents at the end of the planning page in green hopper not sure if its a jira bug or green hopper bug but should be fixed nonetheless
i have renamed a status from ablage back to resolved see attached image on the view of the workflow steps the name of the status remains the same why
when doing a diff in fisheye there is a know issue where the log keyword for cvs repositories isnt parsed properly im also seeing off behavior when running normal command line cvs annotate on the same file is there any interplay between fisheye and other cvs tools does fisheye modify any log files that are used by normal cvs command line tools
when accessing crowd it says invalid login when attempted to change the password a link was sent to the mail box which was not accessible pfb link
summary tomcat supports a setting of to create an unlimited session timeout when setting an unlimited sessiontimeout for tomcat in confwebxml or confluencewebinfwebxml instead of setting an unlimited session it prevents sessions from working as expected steps to reproduce install confluence or above from targz with system java jdk installed edit confluencewebinfwebxml start confluence create a new page save expected results the page saves as expected actual results the below exception is shown in the browser noformat your session has expired you may need to resubmit the form or reload the pagenoformat sessionerrorpngthumbnail workaround set a session timeout higher than for example if your intent is to not have sessions timeout during the workday set it to
david cheney is listed as in one review here but none on his page click his name ie all activity shows now items but review tab does not
summary customers are occasionally unable to create new requests by sending an email the audit log reports the error message as you dont have permission to access this service desk steps to reproduce so far only reproducible on instances reporting the issue expected results the service desk creates the new request from the email as expected actual results the email is given a failure status in the email processing logs on page with the error message you dont have permission to access this service desk no request is created known workarounds if the email which was processed incorrectly was sent to a custom email channel mark the email as unread to trigger reprocessing by jsd most of the time it will be processed correctly on the second attempt
statistic bar will calculate and include parent issue time remaining but will not be shown above the statistic bar in greenhopper plannning board if the parent issue have subtask that consist of time remaining which will exceed the capacity of the statistic bar steps to replicate create issues with original estimate set to days each create a subtask for each of the parent with original estimate set to days put a statisticcapacity bar for time remaining with the value days gh will only show issues placed above the bar but the total time remaining calculated is days which include parent time remaining if changed the statistic bar value to days the bar stay at the same place but this time the total is correct which is days for issues greenhopper view cant separate parent issue from its subtasks in the ui
summary in bitbucket administration if the refresh button is pressed the indicator keeps spinning steps to reproduce go to administration settings application navigator click on the refresh button on top right of the applications list expected results the application list to be refreshed actual results the icon keeps spinning nothing is showed in the logs or in the interface however in the js console in firefox the following is showed screen shot at with this response screen shot at i the xsrf check failed appears in all the possible configurations direct access on localhost context set up in tomcat reverse proxy configured and if the link giving the error is followed the following page is showed by tomcat screen shot at
broken linkusername
a lot of our user gets the message you must enter a title after editing and saving a page it happens on different pages and only sometimes after saving a page if the problem happens they can only solve it by closing the browser window we are using the ntlm filter for single sign on they all are using ie on windows xp it is not the same problem like in because in the system is no scaffolding plugin installed the steps to the bug open an existing page hit the edit tab edit the page content press the save button the system reloads the page after that the title is erased and the you must enter a title message appears
hi consider this scenario we have a board with filter show only story issue types stories have subtasks but we not showing them as the purpose of the board is to track the progress of the stories however when you click on the story to see the details the details view pane does not display the subtasks saying that they are filtered by the board query our view is that board query should not be used when displaying selected items details thank you regards oleg
it happens that wac is down right now it means that the jira whats new dialog shows that error see attached screen shot
the send function in javacomatlassianjiramailmentionmailqueueitemjava always renders the comment using the atlassianconfluence wiki syntax string content renderermanagergetrenderedcontent atlassianwikirendererrenderertype comment issuerendercontext it should honour the configured renderer for the comment field i realise that the mention behaviour working at all is dependent on mentions using the confluence syntax but it is confusing that when mention notifications are sent theyre rendered differently to everything else see the attached image for example where the triple curly bracket syntax would cause the text contained in the block to be rendered differently if the correct renderer was used
when going to my dashboard it show me the list of over repository to which i belong i even have admin rights on most of themwhen hovering over the repositories menu item i can still access some of them this is the time now that it has happened the first time i changed my password and everything was back to normal
this happened in the latest greenhopper the time remaining shown in progress of version is not same compare to the taskboard and statistic bar task bar and statistic bar showing the correct value time estimate from excel export also showing correct remaining estimated which is summary time remaining task board statistic bar excel export progress of version the chart board value refer to progress of version which is for more information refer to screenshot
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelthis problem doesnt occur if using firefox is it a feature of ie or a bug
when i navigate to my major version in the char board then click on the time tracking analysis i cant load the time tracking analysis see attached screenshots from ie and firefox the reason i want to see the time tracking analysis is because my chart for the major version looks rather weird that might be the problem for this but i dont know btw there is no estimate for anything close to as the chart shows
switch to file status view select an unstaged file stage selected button is enabled switch to log history view the file remains selected but the stage selected button is now disabled clicking the file again doesnt enable it either it doesnt update until the selection changes
jtidy doesnt correctly parse balanced angle brackets inside xml comments angle brackets should be allowed as literals in this case but jtidy does not do this properly to replicate this create a user macro with the following content if alertoops include the user macro in a page and export it to pdf the part of the user macro following the greaterthan sign is included in the pdf text the same bug exists for cdata sections and browsers do not seem to understand correctlyescaped javascript using gt and lt at least in html mode a workaround is to remove the greaterthan sign by using a negative condition if alertoops this was identifed by a plugin author attempting to put commented javascript in his velocity template
goto bug shrink a comment the comment does not shrink though its content is truncated bigcommentpng
note this bug report is for jira server using jira cloud see the corresponding bug report summarywhen import issue via issues import issues from csv the time tracking field is steps to reproduce issues import issues from csv choose csv file and configure settings map original estimate remaining estimate time spent and summary fields validate and expected resultsthe issue is imported and time tracking details is displayed on the right of an issue page time tracking available screen actual resultsthe issue is imported but time tracking details is not displayed on the right of an issue pagetime tracking not available screen workaroundimport issue via external system import as mentioned in running the csv file import wizard additional noteunable to reproduce this issue in latest version of jira due to bug
note this bug report is for jira server using jira cloud see the corresponding bug report panelauto reporter for issues created by email is always lowercase despite the fact that the username is capitalized everywhere else within the system if this happens it breaks cases where issues are created by a nonjira user are set up to append the email address to the description field and the field remains blank
note this bug report is for confluence cloud using confluence server see the corresponding bug report panelit seems that workbox can leak database connections when its rendering throws an exception we have observed this on at least one of our cloud instances the stack trace looks like this noformatjavalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at at at noformatthe get request initiating this thread is wikipluginsservletnotificationsminiview
hi i have a repository where i make webhook on my jenkins after repopush my job is triggered but no event is shown in webhook details
enter url it will throw an error noformat javalangillegalargumentexception type must be typehtml typexml or typealldata at noformat this has been fixed in for the specific case where the url contains typetypepdf but for any other invalid input the user will see the system error screen the exception here should be caught not shown to the end user
issue summary using the new editor pasting markdown code will only convert it to the respective styled text depending on the source the code was copied environment new editor and old editor steps to reproduce copy the code below codenone heading subheading paragraphs are separated by a blank line two spaces at the end of a line produces a line break text attributes italic bold monospace horizontal rule bullet list apples oranges pears numbered list wash rinse repeat a iconpicturespng icon markdown uses emailstyle characters for blockquotingcode paste it on a page with the new editor expected results the code should be converted to styled text actual results depending on the source it will not convert eg copying from sublime text editor it will work but not from the terminal vim notes at some point drop down for the type of markup was not honored on insert workaround copy the code to a text editor first eg sublime text and then insert the code on the page
i am trying to use the agile board for my company jiracontinuuitycom my browser only displays an error code an error occurredhide… please try refreshing the page or contact your administrator atlassian support if the problem continues details exception uncaught securityerror failed to read the contentdocument property from htmliframeelement blocked a frame with origin from accessing a crossorigin frame resource line environment macintosh intel mac os x khtml like gecko code i am using the latest version of chrome i have cleared all my cookies and my entire browsing data it does not help tried to log out and in again did not help either tried refreshing the page again no better this is blocking me in my every day work as i cannot participate in my companys agile process please fix this asap
during shutdown the server has problems to serialize session data i see two exceptions in thh logfileinfo cannot serialize session attribute jirauserdashboardportalconfigs for session comatlassianjiraportalportalpageconfigurationimpl at source at javaioobjectoutputstreamwriteobjectljavalangobjectvunknown source at at javaioobjectoutputstreamwriteexternaldataljavaioexternalizablevunknown sourcejavaionotserializableexception comatlassianjirawebutilmenubeanmenustate at source at javaioobjectoutputstreamwriteobjectljavalangobjectvunknown source at javautilhashmapwriteobjectljavaioobjectoutputstreamvunknown source
issue summary jql search using a custom field short text does not behave consistently it sometimes returns the matching field steps to reproduce create a custom field of short text type populate some issues with random values use jql advanced search using the custom field expected results whenever you search it should return all the matching cases actual results some cases randomly are not returned by the search workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior using the custom field but it is possible to use the text to get the results
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report panelrequest you update your code to either or both default to using the atlassian profile full name when the instance is connected through google apps and atlassian does not have access to a name from google if the accounts instance is connected through google apps put a note on the atlassian profile page saying that setting full name there will not have any effect and the user has to change their name in google
crucible is open in a review on my browser ff windows the state of the review reviewer complete a colleague updates the review by adding files a popup appears to my screen telling me that i need to reload the review i click on the reload link the state is not updated i click on details link the state is not updated i click on the state is updated to reviewer reviewed moreover when a review goes ahead by reading the files the details link does not refresh the progress of the review i need to refresh the page
when i´ve tried to confirm my email it says it has expired so im unable to confirmcouldn´t find where to click to resend the confirmation email could you guys send me another onebest regards
error unable to update notifications commit should not be called while in autocommit mode javasqlsqlexception commit should not be called while in autocommit mode at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at method at at at at at method at at at at
the only gripe i had was with its embedded rich text editor which uses tinymce im using firefox and this rich text editor kept on replacing src with xsrc on my code snippets its a problem because users like to copy paste sample codes at the end i just set wiki markup as my default edit view
when testing migration of attachments from the database to the filesystem i get about of the stacktrace below this is caused by a mismatch between the reported filesize in the attachment table and the actual length of the attachment the current behaviour is to log the error and skip the attachment however i have checked some of the attachments and they are not actually broken it is at least sometimes the attachment table that is incorrect so really confluence should log a warning and migrate the data regardless note im not sure how old this bug is but since its definitely older than ive put as the affects version sql to find a summary of the affected records codesql select count attachmentsfilesize avglengthattachmentdatadata attachmentscontenttype attachmentsattachmentcomment attachmentsversion from attachments attachmentdata where attachmentsattachmentidattachmentdataattachmentid and filesize lengthdata group by attachmentsfilesize attachmentscontenttype attachmentsattachmentcomment attachmentsversion code sample stacktrace noformat error copy could not copy attachment attachment marketing pyramid jon referer url confluenceadmindoattachmentmigrationaction username dwillisadm action doattachmentmigration comatlassianconfluencepagesattachmentsattachmentdatastreamsizemismatchexception attachment data stream contains a different number of bytes to the declared size of the attachment expected actual at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at noformat
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report panelcloning from as this seems to be jira specificin a case where db connection details need to be retrieved from ldapnoformatdatabase url will crash with classnotfoundexception comsunjndildapldapctxfactory when loading spring executor error unable to start the spring context for plugin comatlassianjirapluginextbambooorgspringframeworkbeansfactorybeancreationexception error creating bean with name bambooservermanager defined in url instantiation of bean failed nested exception is orgspringframeworkbeansbeaninstantiationexception could not instantiate bean class constructor threw exception nested exception is comopensymphonymodulepropertysetpropertyimplementationexception unable to esablish a connection with the database jndi package failure javaxnamingnoinitialcontextexception cannot instantiate class comsunjndildapldapctxfactory at at at at at at javasecurityaccesscontrollerdoprivilegednative method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at by orgspringframeworkbeansbeaninstantiationexception could not instantiate bean class constructor threw exception nested exception is comopensymphonymodulepropertysetpropertyimplementationexception unable to esablish a connection with the database jndi package failure javaxnamingnoinitialcontextexception cannot instantiate class comsunjndildapldapctxfactory at at at morecaused by comopensymphonymodulepropertysetpropertyimplementationexception unable to esablish a connection with the database jndi package failure javaxnamingnoinitialcontextexception cannot instantiate class comsunjndildapldapctxfactory at at at at at at method at at at at morenoformat
updated description this issue is fixed in version there is no patch for see the comment below original description see attached screenshot i just opened jiras index page in the browsers tab and forgot about it for a while
failed due to a number of tests being unable to create the user errors for tests were of the form code javalangruntimeexception orgapachexmlrpcxmlrpcexception javalangexception javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at at at at code the corresponding server error for the rpc exception is code javalangnullpointerexception at at at at at source at code around line of delegatingusermanager code user preexistinguser try preexistinguser getuserusername catch entityexception e throw new entityexceptioncouldnt check whether user already exists e if preexistinguser null throw new duplicateentityexceptionuser already exists in getrepositorypreexistingusergetname code the nullpointer is in the last line so the preexistinguser is found but when looking up the repository that user belongs to null is returned as the usermanager being used is a cachingusermanager it seems that the user cache is incorrect finding that the user exists after all users have been removed in abstractconfluenceacceptancetestcleanup the repository cache is correct with no entry for the user hence the null pointer exception the problem could be clusterspecific but the first failing test antixssacceptancetesttestvelocitystaticrenderingwithantixssmodedisabled had the two previous tests clearing users successfully on the same node see might be that logging cachingusermanagerremoveuser will show the user existing in the cache after the remove due to some clustercachesyncing timing issue hoodoo
i get the following internal server errorerror parsing jsp page secureadminviewsaddprojectjsp line is not a valid attribute for tag uitext
i have configured a trusted application jira which works properly until fisheye needs to be restarted at the moment fisheye is restarted the configuration file can no longer be parsed because there seem to be missing document elements codexml info fisheye built on error errors parsing optfisheyeconfigxml error in fileoptfisheyeconfigxml at line expected element certificatetimeout before the end of the content in element trustedapplication problem with config file error parsing config file see logs optfisheyeconfigxml code this is a huge blocker because every time fisheye is restarted the trusted application needs to be reconfigured
when you use in a title of a gadget eg text gadget the value is displayed encoded as amp input output the expected behavior would be that the is displayed also as
steps to reproduce install source tree dmg run the app app crashes on startup logs attached
issue summary when a user creates a subtask in jira off an issue from a jira agile project that already has a component field the newly created subtask does not inherit the parent issues component steps to reproduce create a test component in a project eg test comp that is an agile project create an issue add the test comp component to the issue created above remove the components field from issue create screen create a subtask make sure components field is hidden on the issue create dialog affects version the above issue was observed in jira jira and we can confirm that it works correctly in jira the customer tested this on jira expected behavior the subtask would inherit the parent issues component actual behavior the subtask component field is empty and you would need to manually set it workaround you can manually set this you can use a plugin like minyaa suite which has a post function to make the child issue inherit the parent issues component field i please note that we do not provide support if you decide to proceed with the second suggestion
found by don w in blitztest view wiki markup doesnt open in a new window in
mysql isnt listed as a supported database for versions of stash prior to if you happen to be running on mysql and you upgrade to you hit the following error noformat liquibase change set failed error error executing sql alter table stashcsrepomembership drop foreign key fkcsrepomembershipchangeset error on rename of stashcsrepomembership to errno liquibaseexceptiondatabaseexception error executing sql alter table stashcsrepomembership drop foreign key fkcsrepomembershipchangeset error on rename of stashcsrepomembership to errno noformat the problem is that mysql is treating the identifier arg to drop foreign key case sensitively and in the initial schema it was created in all caps this will be fixed in the next release
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report paneli added an event to a calendar after that i edited the event and tried to add a weekly repetition ending on selected the date from the date picker after clicking ok i get an error telling me that the date format is wrong showing the exact same date format as entered german localization after selecting the date in the date picker the edit box flashes the message formatierung formatting or possibly format entering date manually does not help
crash in create push request in app quote singleinstance called with arguments singleinstance called with arguments fatal error systeminvalidoperationexception dialogresult можно задать только после создания window и его отображения как диалогового окна stack trace в value в sourcetreeviewutilswindowbehaviourdialogresultchangeddependencyobject d dependencypropertychangedeventargs e в cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinviewutilswindowbehaviourcsстрока в systemwindowsdependencyobjectonpropertychangeddependencypropertychangedeventargs e в systemwindowsframeworkelementonpropertychangeddependencypropertychangedeventargs e в systemwindowsdependencyobjectnotifypropertychangedependencypropertychangedeventargs args в systemwindowsdependencyobjectupdateeffectivevalueentryindex entryindex dependencyproperty dp propertymetadata metadata effectivevalueentry oldentry effectivevalueentry newentry boolean coercewithdeferredreference boolean coercewithcurrentvalue operationtype operationtype в systemwindowsdependencyobjectinvalidatepropertydependencyproperty dp boolean preservecurrentvalue в systemwindowsdatabindingexpressionbaseinvalidateboolean isasubpropertychange в systemwindowsdatabindingexpressiontransfervalueobject newvalue boolean isasubpropertychange в msinternaldataclrbindingworkernewvalueavailableboolean dependencysourceschanged boolean initialvalue boolean isasubpropertychange в k icollectionview collectionview object newvalue boolean isasubpropertychange в msinternaldataclrbindingworkeronsourcepropertychangedobject o string propname в sender eventargs e type managertype в systemcomponentmodelpropertychangedeventmanageronpropertychangedobject sender propertychangedeventargs args в sourcetreeutilsnotifieronpropertychangedstring propertyname в cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinsourcetreeapiutilsnotifiercsстрока в sourcetreeutilsnotifiersetpropertyt storage t value string propertyname в cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinsourcetreeapiutilsnotifiercsстрока в sourcetreeviewmodelurlactionsremoteurlactionwindowviewmodelclone в cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinviewmodelurlactionsremoteurlactionwindowviewmodelcsстрока в msinternalcommandscommandhelperscriticalexecutecommandsourceicommandsource commandsource boolean userinitiated в systemwindowscontrolsprimitivesbuttonbaseonclick в systemwindowscontrolsbuttononclick в systemwindowscontrolsprimitivesbuttonbaseonmouseleftbuttonupmousebuttoneventargs e в systemwindowsroutedeventargsinvokehandlerdelegate handler object target в systemwindowsroutedeventhandlerinfoinvokehandlerobject target routedeventargs routedeventargs в systemwindowseventrouteinvokehandlersimplobject source routedeventargs args boolean reraised в systemwindowsuielementreraiseeventasdependencyobject sender routedeventargs args routedevent newevent в systemwindowsuielementonmouseupthunkobject sender mousebuttoneventargs e в systemwindowsroutedeventargsinvokehandlerdelegate handler object target в systemwindowsroutedeventhandlerinfoinvokehandlerobject target routedeventargs routedeventargs в systemwindowseventrouteinvokehandlersimplobject source routedeventargs args boolean reraised в systemwindowsuielementraiseeventimpldependencyobject sender routedeventargs args в systemwindowsuielementraisetrustedeventroutedeventargs args в systemwindowsinputinputmanagerprocessstagingarea в systemwindowsinputinputprovidersitereportinputinputreport inputreport в systemwindowsinterophwndmouseinputproviderreportinputintptr hwnd inputmode mode timestamp rawmouseactions actions x y wheel в systemwindowsinterophwndmouseinputproviderfiltermessageintptr hwnd windowmessage msg intptr wparam intptr lparam boolean handled в systemwindowsinterophwndsourceinputfiltermessageintptr hwnd msg intptr wparam intptr lparam boolean handled в hwnd msg intptr wparam intptr lparam boolean handled в o в systemwindowsthreadingexceptionwrapperinternalrealcalldelegate callback object args numargs в systemwindowsthreadingexceptionwrappertrycatchwhenobject source delegate callback object args numargs delegate catchhandler fatal error systemnullreferenceexception ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта stack trace в sourcetreereporepohelpercreatepullrequestrepository repo repositoryremoteprojectlink link string remotebranch string commitsha в cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinreporepohelpercsстрока в sourcetreeviewmodelrepotabviewmodelcreatepullrequestnopromptstring remote string remotebranch в cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinviewmodelrepotabviewmodelcsстрока в sourcetreeviewmodelrepotabviewmodelcreatepullrequestnopromptifnotaheadstring localbranch string remote string remotebranch в cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinviewmodelrepotabviewmodelcsстрока в msinternalcommandscommandhelperscriticalexecutecommandsourceicommandsource commandsource boolean userinitiated в systemwindowscontrolsmenuiteminvokeclickafterrenderobject arg в systemwindowsthreadingexceptionwrapperinternalrealcalldelegate callback object args numargs в systemwindowsthreadingexceptionwrappertrycatchwhenobject source delegate callback object args numargs delegate catchhandler fatal error systemnullreferenceexception ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта stack trace в sourcetreereporepohelpercreatepullrequestrepository repo repositoryremoteprojectlink link string remotebranch string commitsha в cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinreporepohelpercsстрока в sourcetreeviewmodelrepotabviewmodelcreatepullrequestnopromptstring remote string remotebranch в cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinviewmodelrepotabviewmodelcsстрока в sourcetreeviewmodelrepotabviewmodelcreatepullrequestnopromptifnotaheadstring localbranch string remote string remotebranch в cprojectsbitbucketorgatlassiansourcetreewinviewmodelrepotabviewmodelcsстрока в msinternalcommandscommandhelperscriticalexecutecommandsourceicommandsource commandsource boolean userinitiated в systemwindowscontrolsmenuiteminvokeclickafterrenderobject arg в systemwindowsthreadingexceptionwrapperinternalrealcalldelegate callback object args numargs в systemwindowsthreadingexceptionwrappertrycatchwhenobject source delegate callback object args numargs delegate catchhandler quote
note this bug report is for jira cloud using jira server see the corresponding bug report panelwe have identified and fixed a privilege escalation vulnerabilities that affect jira instances including publicly available instances that is internetfacing servers this vulnerability allows an attacker to bypass authentication and authorisation controls by hitting specially crafted urls the attacker does not need to have an account on the affected jira server the attacker will be able to execute a large number of administrative actionsthis vulnerability has been fixed in jira and later patches are available for jira and details are available in the advisory at note the patch instructions files refer to please ignore this they are indeed the correct instructionsnote if you encounter error messages after applying the patch see if this kb article applies
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelits the same problem with except its about updating events instead of creating
clover instrumenter does not handle the suppresswarnings annotation placed before exception type in the catch clause see following examples noformat protected void testwithannotation throws ioexception try fails catch suppresswarningsunused runtimeexception ioe protected void testwithoutannotation throws ioexception try ok catch runtimeexception ioe noformat
original description by david peterson i am now getting a different error message depending on what type of plugin i am installing bundled plugins eg im presence ng they download and apparently finish successfully but the plugin is never updated other plugins eg scaffolding linking etc they download but then come up with the following error message the plugin key provided is not installed orgrandombitsconfluencescaffolding setup confluence confluence atlassian plugin repository version of the repository client fixes this problem
summary if a delegated ldap directory has copy user on login enabled at one point it persists the user object filter in the database even if you disable the copy user on login check box it will still check users against that filter when they attempt to login if the filter is incorrect it will prevent users from logging in steps to reproduce create a delegated ldap directory without copy user on login create the user and login as them verify this works enable the copy user on login tick box attempt to login and verify the login works change the user object filter so that it wont work for example noformat objectcategorypersonsamaccountnamepotato noformat disable copy user on login attempt to login expected results as copy user on login is disabled the user object filter will not be applied and the user can login actual results the user is not able to login workaround either of the following enable the copy user on login functionality and update the user object filter so that it is correct then disable it delete and recreate the user directory without the copy user on login functionality enabled this will delete all users and groups in that directory
the lock icon remains after switching a repository from public to private
summary environment fresh installed fisheye steps to reproduce install fisheye go to administration system settings manage addons expected results no warning showed actual results the following message appears noformat this version of fisheye is unrecognized by the atlassian marketplace it might be a nonstandard build or be too new to appear noformat screen shot at
issue summary when confluence is integrated with crowd using sso conlfuence does not respect the session timeout configuration from crowd and seems to update around every if you are only logged into jira andor crowd the timeout works as expected if you are logged into conlfuence along with any orther application then the timeout no longer works for any application setting the inteneral confluence timeout in the webxml also has no effect it appears to be related to the confluence quick reload plugin steps to reproduce affects multiple verions install from scratch crowd or likely to affect more versions install conlfuence or likely to affect more versions install jira create an application within crowd for jira and confluence add a test user and groups to an internal crowd directory add your internal crowd directory to your crowd applications jiraconfluence set the crowd session timeout to min configure the external crowd user directories in both confluence and jira under user directories update seraphconfigxml and crowdproperties in each application under confluencewebinfclasses atlassianjirawebinfclasses leave session validation at open a different browser and log in as the test user to jira and minimise wait session timeout session validation interval navigate or refresh jira notice you are logged out of jira still using the same browser log into confluence and open jira to then minimise the browser wait as above and notice you can refresh or navigate in either jira or confluence updated conlfuence webxml set timeout to which still has no affect expected results all applications respect the session timeout configured within crowd and automatically logout within the timeout session validation interval actual results if logged into confluence the session timeout no longer works for jira or crowd and most likely any other integrated sso app there is nothing immediately of note in the logs debugging andor sql loggin on both crowd and confluence plus har files nothing out of the ordinary it does seem to be related to the confluence quick reload plugin andor the inapp notifications you will be logged eventually but it has not relation to the session timeout configured either in crowd or confluence paneltitlesession test timelines jira logged in and minimized maximized and refreshed session logged off confluence logged in and minimized maximized and refreshed session still there testing webxml setting refreshed and minimized maximized and refreshed session still there maximized and refreshed session logged off panel the customer noticed the following requests which may play a role many of these requests are made but only around every is the session updated within crowd whether that is related or not codejava restmyworklateststatusnotificationcount confluence inapp notifications confluence quick reload plugincode notes so in confluence case both crowd and internal timeout on webxml file were ignored jira continues to work as expected so does crowd as long as you are not logged into confluence disabling confluence quick reload plugin results in working crowd timeout whilst this seems confluence related switching from database vs memory for token storage had no affect either from crowd workaround disable confluence quick reload plugin disable inapp notifications does not provide inapp notifications alternatively you can set the active polling interval greater than the session timeout panel these can be disabled from the universal plugin manager upm go to manage apps filter on system installed disable as required or set your polling interval greater than the session timeoutpanel
hii was unable to commit to one of the branches in bitbucket and following error is being error message is very generic and we were not able to trace back where the issue iscould someone please look into this on priority
the manage email watches section in the profile has stopped working for pageswork out why the notifmanager is returning for page notifs even if they exist in the db table
when moddav is compiled in apache as a static module moddavso does not exist under the apache modules directory this therefore either requires a user to create a dummy version just using touch moddavso or completely recompile the module as a shared module which in the case of cpanel is not a straightforward process to maintain creating a dummy version is poor practice as it could lead to confusion and apache not loading if the moddavso file is attempted to be loaded and the procedure for manually maintaining the shared module is extremely cumbersome and not upgradesafe see down the bottom under original procedure for details therefore would it please be possible to add a skipdepscheck and skiphttpconfchanges to the compile script without the dependant modules being referenced the modules configure and compile without issue as is apparent by creating the dummy files many thanks stuart
express intallation just hangs with the spinner restarting does not do anything custom installation results in this code javalangreflectinvocationtargetexception at method at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at caused by javalangnoclassdeffounderror could not initialize class comthoughtworksxstreamcorejvm at at at at at at at at at at at at more code
on wrap up step on the support workflow if you choose confirmed bug as a resolution a warning message is shown saying resolution indicates that this is related to a bug or feature request but no url has been entered in the issue urls field i entered a studios bug and the warning is still being showed up
so i accidentally messed up when creating our crucible project and used the same key mch as our jira project this broken our integration when viewing commit logs prior to creating the crucible project our jira integration was working perfectly i could mouse over the key eg and it would grab the details and put it into the mouseover window i quickly recognized what i did and edited the crucible project and changed the key to mchcru however the linking didnt come back i can click on the mchcrunnn and it will take me to the crucible review however when i mouse over a mchnnnn link in a commit log it says review not found i tried to reindex the crucible database however it still seems broken if i define a linker at the repository default level then the links will go to the jira server however the mouseover doesnt work in that case any ideas how i can fix this
summary build succeeds even if artifact publishing fails environment bamboo steps to reproduce create a plan ie projplan add a script task noformat ls noformat create a artifact definition namelocationcopy pattern my artifactnbsp expected results build should fail since there is no artifact to be published actual results the following gets displayed in build log noformat simple publishing an artifact my artifact error unable to publish artifact simple the artifact hasnt been successfully published after ms noformat and the build succeeds possible workaround to fail the build bash compatible have a script task at the end of the build to check if there is any fileartifact generated or not and fail the build if not code cntls wc l echo count value is cnt if then echo failing build as no artifacts found exit fi code please note the above code is bash compatible and is only for reference you may have to script it when using windows or any other os you could change this code as per your requirement to look for specific files as well
issue summary theres warnings being triggered on the latest jira versions due to the requestcacheimpl being used outside of a request thread by jmxinstrumentsloggingservice and platforminstrumentsloggingservice this will not work in the future so we need to fix it steps to reproduce install jira software or the below exception is thrown in the atlassianjiralog file noformat platforminstrumentsloggingservice running warn from jira version creationusage of requestcacheimpl will throw the illegalstateexception platforminstrumentsloggingservice running warn incorrect usage of jira api you can only createuse requestcacheimpl inside a context request or jirathreadlocal check jirathreadlocalutil for details platforminstrumentsloggingservice running warn from jira version creationusage of requestcacheimpl will throw the illegalstateexception jmxinstrumentsloggingservice running warn incorrect usage of jira api you can only createuse requestcacheimpl inside a context request or jirathreadlocal check jirathreadlocalutil for details jmxinstrumentsloggingservice running warn from jira version creationusage of requestcacheimpl will throw the illegalstateexception jmxinstrumentsloggingservice running warn incorrect usage of jira api you can only createuse requestcacheimpl inside a context request or jirathreadlocal check jirathreadlocalutil for details noformat workaround setting the log level of the comatlassianjiracacherequestrequestcacheimpl package to error per the documentation logging and profiling i this configuration will filter out relevant warnings as well temporary way to set the package to error this setting will go away after a jira restart in jira go to system logging and profiling page scroll down to default loggers configure logging level for another package and add comatlassianjiracacherequestrequestcacheimpl package with the error level permanent way to set the package to error this setting will remain after a jira restart edit the file add the following lines at the end of the file and save it code error filelog false code restart the jira application
when a user types the following mark up into confluence it doesnt autoformat correctly as a bolded word thats also underlined code bold code the workaround is to use the wikimarkup macro when insert the wikimarkup macro and insert the code bold the result is bolded and underlined
get the following errorjavaxservletservletexception class orgapachejspviewissuejsp method jspservice signature ljavaxservlethttphttpservletrequestljavaxservlethttphttpservletresponsev illegal target of jump or branch at at
problem when the same custom field has been added to multiple portfolio plans and is removed from just one of them it disappears from all portfolio plans it has been added to steps to reproduce create at least two portfolio plans add the exact same custom field to all plans via the plan configure custom fields page remove that custom field from one of the plans expected behaviour the custom field is removed from that one plan but remains added to all other plans actual behaviour the custom field is disconnected from all plans workaround none we are working on this with highest priority
the changeset link mentioned here r causes html emails to not render properly its the same issue outlined here
eg is the correct shortened form of for example this is inconsistent in enus and engb the languageenusjar has code webfragmentsnavigationbarissuesdropdownfiltersdopdown code rather than drop down
bug in a snippet there are still references to the word review in the tools dropdown email review and download review
issue summary only affects jira companymanaged classic projects teammanaged nextgen has this functionality as a feature only affects instancesprojects that have the below popup when clicking add item on jira classic projects after toggling off the project pages there is nowhere to add it back on the interface steps to reproduce click the edit button on the project page toggle off the manage pages menu notice that the row on the left pane is gone you can still toggle back but if closing you are unable to open this popup again expected results there should be a way on the interface to add this again actual results unable to find an option to add it back anywhere workaround reach atlassian support
issue summary updating to a new reference type value in the attribute page for an already create object reference attribute throws an error on save steps to reproduce create an object with an object reference attribute click into the additional value column and change it click update nothing happens click update again error is thrown expected results the additional value should change actual results nothing happens after first update and the second update throws an error workaround the new reference type value is created so after clicking out and clicking back in you will be able to change the reference type value to the new value affected version
i had been using the post value body which previously was now it is none well null in the json this seemed to change in the last few weeks
note this bug report is for jira portfolio server using jira portfolio cloud see the corresponding bug report panelwhen performing an update from plan all completed stories are being changed to this also changes the story point value in jira agile and is giving incorrect data when reporting how many points have we completed this sprint the answer to that question with the above bug in play would be steps to recreate update from plan then look at the story point value changes they say in one example the story changed from to when i look at the story in jira agile the point value is its never been changed to please advise
issue summary when doing a bulk update for and clicking on edit issue it will show error unavailable actions steps to reproduce do a search in filter navigator click on bulk change all choose the issues and click on next click on edit issues and next expected results show the list of actions to do bulk edit actual results workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
i tried to update create pull requests on different repositories and it didnt work after clicking the or button nothing more happens the page just stays the same and the pullreqest is not changed created
issue summary when in the backlog view moving a done issue from the current sprint and dragging it down to the backlog or vice versa while it is still visible before refreshing the page causes the browser to encounter an error environment optional if applicable jira software scrum project chrome firefox backlog view with current sprint on top steps to reproduce drag any complete issue not a subtask from sprint to backlog and the browser will encounter an error after you acknowledge the change in scope while the issue is still on screen you can drag it from backlog to sprint again and the same error will occur if you refresh the screen however you cannot do this because the issue is done and it will no longer be populated in the backlog expected results the done issue will move from sprint to backlog without encountering an error actual results the browser encounters an error the jira logs do not display an error only this is present in the atlassianjiralog to indicate that an action occurred codejava debug jiraadmin getservice bundle debug jiraadmin getservice bundle code the below exception is thrown in the browser notes this is likely tied to the fact that backlog isnt supposed to show done issues by default workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
try to install sourcetree get to the registration page where you have to choose bitbucket server or bitbucket so choose bitbucket then opens web browser which seems to have a valid url then redirects to a localhost address and port so can never enter registration information thus cannot install sourcetree
this started a few versions back there are multiple files in a commit but sourcetree only shows the first one screenshots show source tree vs magit for commit
show when i create a space only happen when space name is chinese the space name of all ways show the space home page name some times show bug after refresh its right page name same i am sure my mysql collation is
upon changing the name of my repo and therefore its path all previous activity has been lostupon changing the name back to what it was previously the activity reappears
repro in open rapidboard click create issue select an issue type from the dropdown wait until it unsets itself
issue summary jira portfolio only displays release per an issue even though epic can have multiple releases assigned the dropdown itself when expanded shows multiple releases selected while only is displayed in the control this can cause unexpected data loss when modifying release attribute through portfolio to add to a confusion the release displayed out of multiple will always be the last associated with the epic so it might differ between epics associated with the same releases steps to reproduce associate multiple releases to an epic check releases column through the plan only release is displayed expected results multiple releases displayed in the column actual results last associated release is displayed workaround currently there is no known workaround for this behavior a workaround will be added here when available
we upgraded stash last weekend and accessing some repositories gives issues see attachment we migrated from to and noticed that the repositories are moved with this upgrade from applicationdatastashdatarepositories to applicationdatastashshareddatarepositories we also noticed that all the repositories having this problem have the originid field nonempty this fieldid refers to another repository fork the error seems to show that stash still refers to the old location for a selection of repositories with originid
environment this was confirmed using chrome version official build steps to reproduce navigate to issue creation or hit c to create a new issue select the project and the issue type click next screen shot at expected results issue type icon should be displayed normally as is on the previous screen actual results issue type icon is broken as can be seen in the screenshot below screen shot at
git for windows has a regression in git status which causes editing files to fail the regression has been fixed and the fix will be included in git for windows when that is released there may also be a git release before then which includes the fix there is nothing bitbucket server can do to fix or workaround this issue which triggers a segmentation fault in some repositories file editing is the only feature known to be affected but its also possible the git add operations performed as part of handling pull request merge conflicts may also fail based on this report for the moment the best solution is to downgrade to git for windows the release before the regressions were introduced
investigate if getting the head information from lucene is feasible and faster than getting it somehow from infdb see one solution could be to add a new doctype that maps logicalpath branch headrevisionid
currently if you are setting up your jira instance and upgrades are run if an upgrade task throws an exception or adds an error the screen the user is shown immediately afterwards is the setup has completed screen once the user clicks any link they are redirected to the errors screen where the error which occurred is actually displayed the user should be redirected to the error screen immediately so that there is less confusion
after upgrading to confluence pages including the popular label heatmap and space labels overview page take a very long time to load while mysql is running on a high load proceeding the statement codelanguagesql select as labelid as name as owner as namespace as as as as from content spaces contentlabel left outer join attachments on left outer join content on label where in comatlassianconfluencepagesabstractpage userstatus page blogpost custom mail spacedescription comatlassianconfluencecorespacecontententityobject and and and is not null group by order by limit code actually we have the following number of records in the involved tables contentlabel records attachments records content records spaces for avoiding this performance issues i had to remove all label heatmaps from the home pages but cause i cant disable the label overview and we work quite a lot with labels i urgently need a bug fix for this
issue summary when a nextgen project is created with the same issue type as the existing classic projects some system fields can be used in the basic search even across nextgen projects if the custom field name is not an exact match this will be disregarded since basic search fields are grouped with noncase sensitive options and then validation is called with case sensitive option steps to reproduce scenario system fields create a classic scrum project make sure that story issue type is used by the project create a sprint and assign some issues perform a basic search on the classic project story issue type and sprint works ok create a nextgen scrum project make sure story issue type is used by the project try to perform a basic search again on the classic project story issue type and sprint scenario custom fields create a classic project make sure that story issue type is used by the project create a custom field and assign to the screens of the classic project perform a basic search on the classic project story issue type and customfield works ok create a nextgen scrum project make sure story issue type is used by the project try to perform a basic search again on the classic project story issue type and customfield expected results the system and custom fields should be usable on the basic search sprintpngthumbnail actual results the system field or custom field cannot be used on the basic search and it fails with the error field is not applicable for the current project andor issue type errorpngthumbnail other system fields affected fix version component workaround use the advanced search and jql should still work custom fields on nextgen should exactly match other custom fields name if a single char is different case sensitive this will be disregarded
first step in confluences setup wizard is to enter a license setupsetuplicenseaction this requires cutting the generated server id and pasting it onto the myatlassiancom license page conflicpng however the server id input field has the attribute disableddisabled which has the effect of making it unselectable at least in latest firefox so one cant cut paste it rather than disabled the element should have is a readonly attribute which makes it selectable without being editable
note this bug report is for confluence server using confluence cloud see the corresponding bug report panelfor this took seconds to execute on eac when i viewed the page it took seconds so its not a transient issue code …iveobjectsrepositoryaoexpertrepositorygetreputation …objectsrepositorycacheexpertrepositorygetreputation …questionsserviceexpertserviceimplgetdetailedexpert …ovidersuserprofileexpertcontextprovidergetcontextmap code code select sumfrom select cast as varchar as sumcase when then when then else end as from inner join on where group by unionselect as sum as from where and not lower group by unionselect as sum as from where group by unionselect as castsum as bigint as from where group by as code
can i copy issues from one project to anotherif so how do i do that
as of the documentation here mpg and mpeg files are supported by the multimedia macro however embedding those files is not possible as the macro does not list those attached files it works perfectly with any other media types workarounds convert the file to avi format and embed it that way attach a different filetype to the same page embed that file with the multimedia macro then use the confluence source editor plugin to modify the macro parameters in the page source so that the filename is the mpg file