De er overalt. ###>What we will do is use any means necessary to acquire technology that can shorten our journey.
Barn, la oss dra og spise lunsj! ###>Kids, let's get some lunch!
Men du kom ikke for å snakke om det. ###>But that's not what you came to talk about.
Alba. ###>Alba.
Og nå mister vi kanskje huset! ###>- I said that. - ... and now we are on the verge of losing the house.
OK. ###>OK, go.
Jeg ber om at dere går til buffétene, og stapper i dere. Bli drukne, og begjær naboens kone. ###>I want you to visit the buffets, stuff yourselves, get drunk, covet your neighbours' wives.
Se hva han kom med. ###>Look what he brought.
Vi regner ikke med å få en vinterferie i Europa. ###>We do not expect to have a winter lull in Europe,
Jeg liker ikke hans stemmen heller, men den er bedre enn min. ###>'l don't like his voice much either but it's better than mine.
- Derek! ###>- Derek!
-Jeg la merke til det. ###>I noticed.
Du vokste opp rundt hjørnet fra meg. ###>I think you grew up around the corner from me.
Du og resten av dine friker i lilla tøysko kan dra til helvete. ###>You and the rest of your purple sneaker freaks can go fuck yourselves.
Vi krangler mye. ###>BILLY: We fight a lot.
Ta rotta på'rei kjappere enn jeg dauer i ei brann ###>Kill yo' ass quicker than died in that fire!
- De kommer til å forstå det. ###>- They'll get into it.
For faen, Krispin! ###>Stop right there! Damn it, Krispin!
Så dukket hun opp. ###>She arrived.
De skyter mot oss! ###>They're shooting at us! What's the matter with them?
- Kato, kompis, jeg elsker deg! ###>Oh, Kato. Thank you. - I need to hug you to thank you!
-Det er ingen tanke. ###>- No, there's no argument.
Jeg behøver ikke å sjekke, sir. ###>I don't need to check, sir.
Få meg ut! ###>Get me out of here!
En av de eldre i klassen begynte å si dumme ting om oss. ###>I was in class when one of the bigger kids started talking trash about us.
Verdens største Praying Hands er i Tulsa! ###>The World's Largest Praying Hands are in Tulsa!
Du sa jo at hun var gal! ###>And you said...
Og det er en menneskepike som har møtt både alvepikene og dere. ###>And there's a girl who met the maidens and you.
Nede i gaten. Men det er fuIIt. ###>Down the street.
-Hvor er han? ###>"Where is he," I said? I sunk him in the lake, all right?
Si at du er lei for at du fornærmet ham. ###>Tell him you're sorry for insulting him.
-Ville du ha gjort det? ###>- Would you?
Vær der klokka ti. ###>I need you there by 10.
Hvem tenker slik? ###>What kind of mind thinks this way?
Er dette noe lureri? ###>Is that a trick question?
-Klart. ###>Certainly.
Det må være en spennende tid for dere, dere som venter barn og alt... ###>Must be a very exciting time for you and your husband, what with a baby on the way.
Kondolerer. ###>I'm sorry for your loss.
Du drepte ham! ###>You have the right to an attorney.
Jeg tenkte å designe min egen pyjamas. ###>So, I was thinking about... coming out with my own line of hip-hop pajamas.
Gikk du Virkelig på universitetet? ###>So did you really go to college?
Gutt, mistenkelig dødsfall. ###>Young boy, possible suspicious death. OK.
Men da må du dra til Laos. ###>But then you must leave for Laos.
Det har jeg lovet. ###>- I promised.
Jeg vil ha det sånn. ###>No, I was busy. I was busy. I am busy.
Dean, kom hit. ###>Dean, come here.
Han hjelper meg med å se ting annerledes. ###>Uh, he helps me see things differently.
- Hun peppersprayet deg. ###>We know she pepper sprayed you.
Si at du fikk ham drept. ###>Say you had him killed.
Først Anneli, og så hans dårlige forretninger. ###>First Anneli, and then his bad business.
Hun er lesbisk. ###>She's a lesbian.
Dette er ikke hans kamp enda. ###>This is not his fight yet.
Her er alternative ruter: ###>Now here's a list of alternate routes to get you home from our eye in the sky.
380 tonn heroin og morfin lages i Afghanistan og sendes til Europa. ###>380 tons of heroin and morphine is produced in Afghanistan and trafficked up into Europe.
Men du kan miste jobben din ved å gjøre noe sånt. ###>No, it's just you could lose your job over something like that.
Unna! ###>Out of the way!
Jeg trodde du påsto at han stakk av. ###>Well, I thought you claimed he was going over the hill.
Vi er vel bestevenner i fremtiden. ###>I take it we're best buddies in the future.
Jeg kan anvende kreftene til den som forhekset deg. ###>I can channel the power of the one who created the spell used to curse you.
Nina, hva er det som skjer? ###>Nina, what's happening?
Jeg beundrer hans kløkt, å reise seg sånn. ###>I admire his quick wits, smoothing things over like that.
Bachmann, velger du Elvis eller Johnny Cash? ###>MODERATOR: Congresswoman Bachmann, to you. Elvis or Johnny Cash?
Jeg dro til et av de stedene. ###>I went to one of these places.
Skynd deg. ###>And hurry up.
-Har han gjort deg vondt? ###>- Did he hurt you?
Vent! ###>Wait!
Vi kan selvsagt ta en titt på "Lokale myndighetsoverganger", men det kan bli litt for spennende for meg. ###>We can totally check out Local Authority Transition. It's just that, um, I think it might be a bit too exciting for me.
Vi må beholde lekene... ###>- I say we keep all the toys. - Subject changer.
Helvete! ###>(HISSES) (CAT YOWLS)
-Har du møtt Maisy Gibbons? ###>- You've met Maisy Gibbons?
Åh, det er en bank! ###>Oh, hey, Bullseye. Go long!
Foreldrene mine døde. ###>My parents died.
Død er du verdiløs ###>You're no good to me dead.
Nei, men jeg skal bestille nå. ###>No, but I will. In fact, I was just about to look here.
Gratulerer med dagen. ###>Happy birthday.
-Hva så? ###>So?
-Ja, frue. ###>Yes, ma'am.
Bra nok, bra nok ###>♪ And see that I can be ♪ ♪ Good enough ♪ ♪ Good enough, good enough ♪
Takk for hjelpen! ###>Thank you!
- Du har arterial sclerosis. ###>You have arterial sclerosis.
De skal i kjøkkenet, men dessert- serviset og glassene en trapp opp. ###>Does this go next door or back to the kitchen? Those go back, but the dessert service and all the glasses - stay in the upstairs pantry.
-Det behøver du ikke. ###>- You don't need to.
945)}Vi hadde det jo bare litt moro. ###>We were just having a bit of fun, that's all.
Overgangen fra sponsortilværelsen går ganske bra, men mitt eneste problem er at jeg for øyeblikket ikke har noen sponsor. ###>Well, the progression from sponsorship is going quite nicely, but my only quibble is that, for the moment, I remain sponsor-free.
- Styret tar beslutningene. ###>It's out of my hands. The board is making this decision.
Slutt å pakke ned min sminke.Jeg ser nok hva du gjør. ###>And don't you pack any more of my makeup in that bag. Don't think I don't know what you're doing.
Her i Miami. ###>Here in Miami.
Så fint å se deg. ###>- Okay. - It's so great to see you. You look awesome!
- Hold munn. ###>- Shut up, Derek.
Ja, jeg vet hvordan det kan være. ###>I know how that can be.
' KYSS, kyss. ###>- Kisses...
Jeg sendte noen for å drepe deg. Du sendte noen for å drepe meg. ###>I sent someone to kill you... you sent someone to kill me.
De har gullet. ###>They have the gold.
Jeg er alkoholiker. ###>I`m a alcoholic.
Men nå som du sitter her like foran meg vet jeg ikke hva jeg skal si til deg. ###>But now that you're sitting here right in front of me, I don't know what to say to you.
-Portvakt. ###>Concierge.
- Hvor er nøklene, Eve? ###>- Where are the keys? - Chev. - Keys.
Dessuten er vi ikke gift. ###>And by the way, we're not married.
- Synes du han er normal? ###>You think he's normal? - Yeah, I think he's normal.
Jeg flytter hjem igjen. ###>I'm moving home again.