german_argument_mining /
joelniklaus's picture
added dataset files
raw history blame
No virus
5.76 kB
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
Dataset url:
Paper url:
There are no splits available ==> Make random split ourselves
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
def analyze_dataset(df, num_characters_for_short_sentence=25):
short_sentence = False
counter = 0
same_label_counter = 0
other_number = 0
num_one_paragraph_len = 0
for i in range(200):
for paragraph in df.iloc[i].decision_reasons:
for sentence in paragraph:
if short_sentence:
print("previous sentence was short: ", short_sentence)
print("current sentence label: ", sentence[1])
print("current paragraph: ", paragraph)
if sentence[1] == short_sentence[1]:
same_label_counter += 1
if len(sentence[0]) < num_characters_for_short_sentence:
counter += 1
short_sentence = sentence
print("short sentence: ", sentence)
print("short paragraph: ", paragraph)
if sentence[1] == 'other':
other_number += 1
if len(paragraph) == 1:
num_one_paragraph_len += 1
short_sentence = False
print("num short sentences: ", counter)
print("num short sentences containing the same label as the next one: ", same_label_counter)
print("num short sentences containing 'other' as label: ", other_number)
print("num short sentences where the paragraph contains only this one short sentence: ", num_one_paragraph_len)
# ==> the label is only the same in very few cases
# ==> the label is 'other' in the majority of cases, when it is not: it seems to be mislabeled
# ==> think about removing them entirely
# ==> we opted for not interfering in the content of the dataset
# create a summary jsonl file
dataset_filename = "dataset.jsonl"
if not Path(dataset_filename).exists():
with open(dataset_filename, "a") as dataset_file:
for filename in glob("annotated_corpus/*.json"):
# we need to do this charade, because some jsons are formatted differently than others
json_text = Path(filename).read_text()
json_obj = json.loads(json_text)
# make it less nested so that it is easier to read as df
new_dict = {}
dataset_file.write(json.dumps(new_dict) + "\n")
print(f"{dataset_filename} already exists. Please delete it to re-aggregate it.")
df = pd.read_json(dataset_filename, lines=True)
# Do splits before expanding the df so that entire decisions are in the splits and not samples from one decision are spread across splits
# perform random split 80% train (160 decisions), 10% validation (20 decisions), 10% test (20 decisions)
train, validation, test = np.split(df.sample(frac=1, random_state=42), [int(.8 * len(df)), int(.9 * len(df))])
def expand_df(df):
Expand the df so that each sentence has its own row and is its own sample
:param df:
rows = []
for index, row in df.iterrows():
for paragraph in row.decision_reasons:
for sent_idx, sentence in enumerate(paragraph):
new_row = {'file_number': row['file_number'], 'input_sentence': sentence[0], 'label': sentence[1]}
# Discussion with lawyer yielded, that the paragraph as context is enough
# take the sentences before
new_row['context_before'] = paragraph[:sent_idx]
# take the remaining sentences afterwards
new_row['context_after'] = paragraph[sent_idx + 1:]
return pd.DataFrame.from_records(rows)
train = expand_df(train)
validation = expand_df(validation)
test = expand_df(test)
# Num samples for each split: train (19271), validation (2726), test (3078)
print(len(train.index), len(validation.index), len(test.index))
# save to jsonl files for huggingface
train.to_json("train.jsonl", lines=True, orient="records")
validation.to_json("validation.jsonl", lines=True, orient="records")
test.to_json("test.jsonl", lines=True, orient="records")
# save main df with meta information to file
# link to splits is given via file_number
df = df.drop(['decision_reasons'], axis=1)
df.to_json("meta.jsonl", lines=True, orient="records")
def print_split_table_single_label(train, validation, test, label_name):
train_counts = train[label_name].value_counts().to_frame().rename(columns={label_name: "train"})
validation_counts = validation[label_name].value_counts().to_frame().rename(columns={label_name: "validation"})
test_counts = test[label_name].value_counts().to_frame().rename(columns={label_name: "test"})
table = train_counts.join(validation_counts)
table = table.join(test_counts)
table[label_name] = table.index
total_row = {label_name: "total",
"train": len(train.index),
"validation": len(validation.index),
"test": len(test.index)}
table = table.append(total_row, ignore_index=True)
table = table[[label_name, "train", "validation", "test"]] # reorder columns
print_split_table_single_label(train, validation, test, "label")