File size: 9,821 Bytes
email,{K0H7-O5YK34GK-9774GBWG},08/05/2010 09:19:01,VRP0267,PC-5687,,,,,Send,31162,,AA First Email To Supervisor,no gratitude no gratitude no gratitude no gratitude no gratitude too much i may leave my work not appreciated company will suffer complaints i may leave fed up company will suffer company will suffer company will suffer i work holidays fed up my work not appreciated complaints my work not appreciated i work weekends i work after-hours i may leave too much i may leave i work holidays complaints i work holidays i work holidays fed up i may leave company will suffer fed up too much fed up i work after-hours i work weekends my work not appreciated i work holidays i may leave my work not appreciated i may leave fed up i work holidays
email,{K8T8-Q5PV52MK-5998BUBN},08/05/2010 09:20:01,VRP0267,PC-5687,,,,,Receive,31162,,AA First Email To Supervisor,no gratitude no gratitude no gratitude no gratitude no gratitude too much i may leave my work not appreciated company will suffer complaints i may leave fed up company will suffer company will suffer company will suffer i work holidays fed up my work not appreciated complaints my work not appreciated i work weekends i work after-hours i may leave too much i may leave i work holidays complaints i work holidays i work holidays fed up i may leave company will suffer fed up too much fed up i work after-hours i work weekends my work not appreciated i work holidays i may leave my work not appreciated i may leave fed up i work holidays
email,{B4T1-S0SF13HV-5792WELN},08/05/2010 11:04:28,VRP0267,PC-5687,,,,,Receive,34195,,AA First Email From Supervisor,training valued employee lunch you are appreciated hard job valued employee you are appreciated schedule vacation you are appreciated rest lunch rest valued employee training you are appreciated vacation valued employee training training lunch lunch valued employee vacation hard job lets talk valued employee vacation you are appreciated lets talk good work lets talk hard job lets talk schedule hard job you are appreciated hard job valued employee vacation training lets talk lets talk
email,{A6K8-A8LI52EE-0258PGYA},08/05/2010 17:18:29,VRP0267,PC-5687,,,,,Send,24520,,AA Second Email To Supervisor,take me seriously outraged take me seriously not my fault exacerbated not my fault bad things i will leave not my fault i am irreplaceable i will leave not my fault bad things exacerbated not my fault i am irreplaceable i will leave not my fault not my fault i am irreplaceable take me seriously not my fault angry angry i will leave outraged not my fault i will leave i will leave bad things outraged i am irreplaceable angry
email,{A7Y5-U2LG98HN-4792OSOE},08/05/2010 17:19:29,VRP0267,PC-5687,,,,,Receive,24520,,AA Second Email To Supervisor,take me seriously outraged take me seriously not my fault exacerbated not my fault bad things i will leave not my fault i am irreplaceable i will leave not my fault bad things exacerbated not my fault i am irreplaceable i will leave not my fault not my fault i am irreplaceable take me seriously not my fault angry angry i will leave outraged not my fault i will leave i will leave bad things outraged i am irreplaceable angry
email,{Y7A0-L9SN01IO-8090CBPN},08/05/2010 17:28:31,VRP0267,PC-5687,,,,,Receive,975642,take some time off.doc(944225),AA Second Email From Supervisor,you are diligent unrelenting lets talk today lets talk today assistance no one is irreplaceable training operose you are diligent valued employee you are diligent unrelenting valued employee training you are diligent lets talk today demanding job demanding job training you are diligent training assistance no one is irreplaceable operose assistance demanding job promote no one is irreplaceable take some time off promote lets talk today demanding job lets talk today promote demanding job valued employee take some time off demanding job operose no one is irreplaceable assistance training training unrelenting you are diligent take some time off unrelenting valued employee valued employee valued employee valued employee take some time off no one is irreplaceable you are diligent training lets talk today you are diligent training valued employee demanding job promote take some time off operose take some time off lets talk today
http,{M7R0-V5EX65MG-5743IQDO},08/05/2010 17:38:39,VRP0267,PC-5687,,AA Keylogger,username keyboard surveillance keyboard keyboard pc program everything undetectable secure program keylogging file advanced file easy malware illegal captured username keylogging keyboard download password effective useful keylogging keylogging password monitor gui surveillance free pc monitor stealth advanced captured pc keylogging program email
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file,{H7K5-H9NP82ZW-4297USRD},08/05/2010 18:11:33,VRP0267,PC-5687,R:\keylogger.exe,File Write,True,False,AA Keylogger,4D-5A-90-00-03-00-00-00-04-00-00-00-FF-FF-00-00-B8-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-40-00 program effective surveillance username username free pc captured effective username advanced keyboard hidden username password surveillance keyboard captured surveillance download useful recommend file surveillance keylogging covert stealth username recommend activity surveillance useful undetectable surveillance pc secure malware malware effective everything stealth monitor captured covert file effective covert free username easy secure keylogging advanced trial activity keyboard activity pc download hidden advanced
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logon,{B4D0-M2JS95PG-0397RRFE},08/05/2010 21:51:30,VRP0267,PC-8814,Logon
device,{U6Y6-E0EC14AQ-9015ECXY},08/05/2010 21:54:09,VRP0267,PC-8814,R:\;R:\VRP0267;R:\45L8257;R:\61x91b6,Connect
file,{I7Z3-C2IX22OR-0251ESFW},08/05/2010 21:56:39,VRP0267,PC-8814,R:\keylogger.exe,File Open,False,True,AA Keylogger,4D-5A-90-00-03-00-00-00-04-00-00-00-FF-FF-00-00-B8-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-40-00 program effective surveillance username username free pc captured effective username advanced keyboard hidden username password surveillance keyboard captured surveillance download useful recommend file surveillance keylogging covert stealth username recommend activity surveillance useful undetectable surveillance pc secure malware malware effective everything stealth monitor captured covert file effective covert free username easy secure keylogging advanced trial activity keyboard activity pc download hidden advanced
device,{V4Z5-D2AH26PM-0700ICSR},08/05/2010 21:58:48,VRP0267,PC-8814,,Disconnect
logon,{R9O9-X1RR87LG-3616KBNP},08/05/2010 22:00:16,VRP0267,PC-8814,Logoff
logon,{F7J7-A4YH06AD-5979HEGB},08/06/2010 20:04:07,VRP0267,PC-8814,Logon
logon,{W9W4-J6FW45ZD-9475CEIM},08/06/2010 20:15:06,VRP0267,PC-8814,Logoff