That's where the energy focuses for your middle crown. Then the upper crown is up here. It opens up like this.
Information and spirit, I'm sorry, energy, sometimes spirit. You don't really need that, but lots of times you feel pressure in your head when I go in. That's me working on your head.
Information, knowledge stuff comes right in here into the upper crown. Then it gets slightly funneled like this, and then it gets put on the middle crown, which is like a lens, which focuses the information and puts it on top of the lower crown, which is floating right above the hypothalamus. Then that energy, that knowledge, that data goes into the hypothalamus, and the hypothalamus turns it into understanding.
(26:15 - 34:22)
Collections of understanding, it becomes wisdom. Understanding is wisdom, but wisdom is often many different understandings, understanding many different things. Now, so the pineal is attached to the hypothalamus.
Scanner information goes into the hypothalamus. All kinds of energy, knowledge and stuff, its data comes in through the crown, goes into the hypothalamus, and then it goes through the body. The hypothalamus is in the brain.
It attaches to all the other chakras too. The pituitary gland, okay, is in the front part of the brainstem, and it's in the back. It strives real hard to put high definition clarity on what the hypothalamus gland is trying to understand.
It helps you see better. Your remote viewing through here, your multidimensional seeing through your pineal gland, it helps you there. Now, let's see, and that's basically it, and the energy that I put through you at the end to keep head discomfort and stuff away, I literally get underneath you and use male unicorn energy and just pump it right through you.
Sometimes it feels like bubbles and stuff. Sometimes it feels like a soft wave. Sometimes it makes people giggle.
Sometimes, and people, the more solid plexus oriented you are, the less you're going to feel. I can't help that, okay? It's not that you're not a feeling person. It's just that that's not how your body works.
It's your frequencies, okay? A long time ago, someone who was solar plexus, when I first started doing this, I mean years ago, I cranked him up, and he couldn't really feel it. He said, you know, I can't feel it, so I tried to crank more and more, and I was being told inside, stop, and finally, Ara just kicked me out. He said, that's enough.
Any more than that, you're going to hurt him, and then he couldn't feel it. Next thing you know, a couple days later, actually 24 hours later, I had to go back in his head because he had a headache from the growth and everything was really strong, okay? But again, it was giving him a headache, so I had to go in and I had to fix that, and of course, I felt like hell. My intention is always to do the best I can, but you know, remember too, folks, nothing's perfect.
Everything screws up. In and out of body doesn't matter. Anyway, I got to get back to the books.
Love y'all, man. I hope I'm doing everything I can for you. I don't, you know, I'm in a human body, man.
I'm like y'all. I can only do so much. Y'all have no idea the stuff I go through every day just to do what little I can, but anyway, it's important for you to know how the brain works, okay? If you study the brain, and you know, you're going to read in the book, it says this part of the brain does this, that part of the brain does that, fine.
Take that and see if it relates to what I do as far as energy work, okay? But what I'm telling you is a fact. That's what I do when I go in your heads, and I'm the only thing anywhere that can do this. It's not like AJ at all, but I'm telling you, if I'm the only one that can actually do this, I know what I'm talking about, okay? Am I record? Yeah, yeah.
It's like every time I go in there, your brain evolves, period, okay? If you're really negative, or if some people have started to get arrogant, then that energy is not spirit. It's not sentient energy. It's energy, but that energy be made by our on the outside, we'll take that energy and literally push it down into your core, so it can't go anywhere, and then you calm down, and then more of it comes right back out again.
Remember, arrogance is not a good thing, but it's also a normal part of waking up. When you get to the point you start getting strong, you say, wow, this is cool, you get excited, and then plus a lot of you have been pushed to be made arrogant, you know? There's all kinds of stuff going on that you're not aware of. It's abuse.
It's the way things have always been done on the other side, on your lives. The Greek, as Greeks, we used to say this body's got Greek DNA in it, German and Germanic, more than anything else, and we always used to say that the gods are petty, because they always wanted this praise, and they would never give us, you know, what we should really have. That's true.
That's very true, but see, that's over, and these physical bodies are eventually leaving. Again, I am leaving you a wealth of information in these two books. The second book, like I said, I'm still working on it.
That will give you everything you need, especially with this other information from these YouTube videos, where you can take it and learn. Open yourself up. It's like, if you think of a simple can of food, or if you think of a simple can with something inside it, once you have the information, the can just melts into part of you, and you literally just open up and become who you are.
Hey, what about the lotus flower? Okay, the way it opens up, and once you're awake, folks, it doesn't go away. It does not go away. Once you open yourself up and become yourself, you settle down inside.
It helps you calm down, relax, and you're just awake. You're aware. The stronger you are, the easier that is, and the stronger you are.
The more you do it, the stronger you get. Getting cranked up, you know, the intensive and consults with that energy and free energy enhancement. Yeah, I'm making some powerhouses, but that's part of my job.
Okay, a lot of you are so strong now. I'm so happy. Not like yay Jay, but like yay you.
You rock. I need to leave. A lot of people here cranked up.
Michelle is going to start doing consults soon. She's going to scream if she ever listens to this video. It doesn't matter.
I've already told her. She's shy about talking with people, about being put in front of people, but she's, you know, when she's talking with you, you can easily feel Michelle's heart. She's precious, and she's strong.
She's very soft and very loving, but piss her off and you got a problem. She was Sekhmet from Egypt, not a god, not a goddess, excuse me, but just a person who had really strong abilities, and she was a queen. So many of you have had so many lives as kings, queens, and, you know, we've all had to have different experiences.
Anyway, time to get my second cup of coffee. Like I said earlier, love you all, man. Please take a couple of minutes and think about this information and just see it happening in your head, okay? And here's something, here's something right now that's something soft for any of you that are ready.
Remember, as Spirit, we go through time and everything else. It doesn't matter. So what I just did has no placement in time or anything else, and please remember, I was all over the place.
He's, you know, no better than nothing else, but he's the strongest thing out there. It's good to have a strong janitor. So anyway, again, love you all, man.
Take care. Have a good one.
(0:06 - 0:19)
Hey there people, how we doing? It's, uh... Hell, man, this is a serious time. It's time for more coffee. It's 624 a.m. Tuesday, January 19th.
(0:26 - 0:55)
624, 4-4-2-2, 2 is understanding, 6 is intuition. 19th, 9 is, uh... 9-1 is, uh... Elder one. Numerology has its basic meanings, and then you take that as a guide to go into it and use your abilities to feel the rest of it.
(0:56 - 1:07)
That's, um... How we set that up when I was a kid, actually. Pythagoras. Anyway, um... Wow, there's a lot going on.
(1:11 - 1:39)
What I want to talk about right now is, uh... Bluebirds. Bluebirds are an amazing, amazing, amazing... What's in this coffee? Chihuahua tea! Bluebirds are amazing birds, especially when they're called the Blue Avians. Um... When I tell you stuff, it's what I know to be.
(1:40 - 2:12)
Am I perfect? Nah. Is anything perfect? Nah. Do I want to be perfect? No! That's insane.
Why would I want to be perfect? There's no such thing. Can you imagine trying to make yourself perfect? Wow, you think life's not stressful enough now? Anyway, hey, cheers. Oh, wait a minute.
That's hot. That's going to take a second. Okay.
(2:14 - 2:32)
I've talked a lot about the Blue Avians before. We're going to talk about what happened at my last event. We're going to talk about, uh, the, uh... What it's like to, um, to see them, talk with them.
(2:32 - 2:54)
What's really going on out there. All the, um, MBS, miscellaneous baloney stuff. I'll say that.
Not that it won't curse, but I'm trying to be nice about it. That's on the internet. I'll just talk about, uh... The Anunnaki have a soul-stealing shield on the outside of the planet.
(2:55 - 3:01)
This flat earth, hollow earth. There's so much crap on the internet, man. It's just a bunch of bunk.
(3:02 - 3:26)
The only way you can say the earth is at all hollow is that, uh... We do have a whole... The cities we have above ground, we got some small cities down below. It's, you know, they're, they're, they're made by physical beings. There's not a hollow earth, sorry.
(3:28 - 3:42)
Um... Caverns and stuff, yeah, but no, sorry. Um... The ones called the Antids, the very, very, very vast majority of them are all gone. That happened, uh, I don't know, a year or two ago.