(3:44 - 3:55)
Um... Played a part in that. Um... Just communicating, um, from one group to another. They wanted to get out of here.
(3:55 - 4:02)
They wanted to do it fast. And they needed some help. Getting a bunch of different people from different races to come get them out now.
(4:05 - 4:19)
Um... The fighting has escalated with the, uh... Anunnaki civil war, so to speak, on our planet. Um... It was time for them to leave. So I put out a broad, a broadcast, I guess.
(4:20 - 4:29)
To get some, some of the folks back, uh... Some of the folks over here to get them out. Lift them out. We had some very large ships here.
(4:33 - 4:54)
Anyway, um... Um... The Blue Avians, uh, is really, uh, um... I say younger, but they're, they're incredibly ancient. A younger form of the, um... Uh, Antids, the original, uh, Antids. The Drak were the first race here.
(4:55 - 5:01)
And then the Antids were next. Um, they have a better word for it. And to them, of course, I apologize.
(5:02 - 5:08)
But they know that. Tyr knows that. Um... Tyr doesn't always understand everything I do.
(5:08 - 5:11)
But he has faith in me. He trusts me. Uh, just like I trust him.
(5:12 - 5:21)
He's awesome. They're doing, they're, they're doing, they've been doing so much. They've gone to such great extremes to help us.
(5:21 - 5:35)
These Blue Spheres out there? That's what they are. The only problem there is with the Blue Spheres is the, uh, the possibility for this, uh, I call it the Federation, the Space Federation Central Intelligence Agency. These folks are nuts.
(5:37 - 5:43)
Um... They really are. They're controlling. Well, they're like the CIA that we have here.
(5:43 - 5:54)
Central Intelligence Agency. Um... They allow other races to come here and dissect us. They do all kinds of crazy stuff.
(5:55 - 6:02)
Um... And that's good. Just as I said that, they heard it. Now they're getting excited about it.
(6:02 - 6:14)
That's pretty funny. When I had, uh, Emily on, uh, this video, or, you know, on video, and, uh, she was sitting over there and we were talking, and, and Emily's really strong. She just needs more, uh, faith in herself.
(6:14 - 6:25)
And she's getting that as time goes on. And so, folks, there's so much stuff going on still on the other side. With those little souls running around bugging people, there's not many left, but there, it doesn't take but one to mess with you a little bit.
(6:25 - 6:46)
Three or four of them will really mess up your life. Seven, six or seven of them, and they're gonna run you, 24-7. Okay? Um... Unless you're right in the middle of something really important to help people get away from the fact that, uh, or they really want to control you for some major reason, uh, you're not gonna have an issue with them.
(6:46 - 7:06)
There's not enough of them left to, uh, uh, really be an issue with everyone. The craziest ones are gone, and the animals help get rid of them on the other side. Now there's, uh, an issue with the animals, um, with them just being tired of what the, you know, what's going on.
(7:07 - 7:26)
Well, that's a different video. Anyway, um, so... The, uh, these beings, the blue, um, avians, they're actually antids. Uh, uh, the, uh, as the original antids, uh, came in, in a play, they made the bodies.
(7:26 - 7:35)
And then they, uh, came, their bodies were made for them, actually. Um, and let's leave that alone for now. Um, but that was a real, real long time ago.
(7:35 - 8:03)
Okay? They've literally, and this is trillions and trillions and trillions of years ago, okay? Uh, hundreds and a lot more than hundreds of trillions of years ago. Um, so they, uh, um, they eventually evolved into another race kind of coming off of them. And it's just like a part of them separated and the bodies grew a little different than the original older ones, um, that happened from location.
(8:03 - 8:18)
Um, and also it was made to happen by the original male and female on the, uh, the other side. Anyway, um, they're a little different. They're not quite as big, but they're, they're still big, alright? These, and they're insectoids.
(8:19 - 8:24)
They're like ants with a little bit of praying mantis in them. They are so strong. They're incredibly powerful.
(8:24 - 8:41)
Just like I was saying when I had Emily over here and we were going through there, I just had to push Emily a little bit. Not, not to tell her what to, you know, to see, I had to just kind of push her to what do they look like? What are this, what are that? You know, we don't talk about this stuff at a time. If I did, that'd be a lie.
(8:42 - 8:54)
Okay? Um, and I asked her, she'll tell you. So, um, I always tell things the way they are. I do what I know I need to do with the time.
(8:55 - 9:02)
Sometimes that doesn't, uh, make for everybody to love you. That's cool. I'm here for the job.
(9:02 - 9:09)
I love everyone, and that's, that's my job, taking care of everything, and that's what I'm gonna do. Uh, just the same, though. Um, Emily's really cool.
(9:10 - 9:16)
She understands stuff. We all have our issues. We're all in bodies, being messed with, and we all go through our own little hell.
(9:17 - 9:33)
Um, of course, the more hell we go through, the more we fight with each other, and the more police, male and female, that aren't here anymore. Back to Emily. Um, as I would just push her to see what they really look like, she would go, you saw it on camera, she'd just go look.
(9:33 - 9:46)
She's a strong seer. She'd look and see. And then she'd talk about it, and she'd say, well, they're, they're kind of like tall, but they're not, you know, massive, whatever, but they're really strong.
(9:46 - 10:15)
Yeah, insects, powerful as hell, okay? Um, you can tell by watching that video that what was happening was real. Trust your instincts, okay? Can we all be, you know, bamboozled, you know, uh, faked out? Sure. What do you call, uh, what is it, David Copperfield and Jimmy Boy Randy? Um, magicians, illusionists, it's an illusion.
(10:17 - 10:25)
What Emily's looking at is real. So, um, uh, you know, I talk with T.R. all the time. I haven't talked to him in a while, though.
(10:26 - 10:43)
I felt bad saying that, that's why I just correct, kind of corrected, you know, put that little extra statement in there since I did. T.R.'s really cool, he's really busy, he's trying to figure out how to do some things, and no T.R. I'm stopping right there. Um, he's an incredibly strong telepath, man, he's awesome.
(10:44 - 11:07)
Um, he, uh, he's one of these, uh, he's quote-unquote a blue avian, which is really, uh, one of the new types of antids. They're not blue with feathers, they're not humanoid, they're insectoid. Okay? They don't lie to us to come over and take control or anything.