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The stronger you are physically, the stronger it'll help your abilities be. But you don't have to be, you know, big and powerful. And you don't have to be any kind of genius. |
Okay. The more intelligent someone is, it can be harder for them to calm down and relax. Okay. |
That's where the meditation stuff comes in. It's just relaxation. That's all it is. |
Relaxation and hyper, and condensed thought, compressed thought. You make the thought, but then you release it, and that's where it comes. But anyway, we'll go there later. |
You don't have to be any of these things. You can be a tired old man in overalls. It's just coming into, coming into yourself to flow. |
Okay. Now, and when I crank you up, I always, you know, people will tell you, most of the time, I'll tell you just to relax and try to feel what I'm doing. Take, you relax, take full breaths. |
Not like, you know, I hear people sometimes, I'll tell them to stop. They literally sound like they're trying to suck in the clouds. Stop. |
You have to relax. I can feel your energy. I'm in your head. |
I'm in your brain looking. If that energy's all over the place, I'm going to make sure that's calm. Sometimes I've got to take, say, two or three extra jokes, and then I go in, and while we're in there, I just got a little message from a family member, says your jokes stink. |
We'll say stink, and he was laughing when he said it. Anyway, I'll go in your head, and then I calm it down a little bit. Okay. |
So, anyway, once you're calm and relaxed, I ask you to try to feel it. As you reach in, as you relax, and you're actually flowing inside yourself, it's like reaching into yourself, but you do it by just going into yourself, and as you feel anything different. These things are subtle, people. |
People don't bleed out of their ears and nose and stuff. Okay, this is subtle, okay, but you do feel it. I always ask you to try to describe it, and most everyone goes, I don't know how to describe this. |
There's pressure, all kinds of things, but when it starts getting wavy, and that's when I'm my smoothest, it's just kind of like, how do you express that? Is it normal? No. Have you ever felt it before? No. Some of you, a lot of you, when I'm going to crank you up, I already go to you. |
I'll already be in your head a month and a half ahead of time, because I already know I'm going to get to you. Remember, it's ARA. It's what's inside me, okay? It ain't the can, it's what goes in the can. |
So anyway, but the actual crank up stuff, that's me. I have to be aware and know what I'm doing, but you know, ARA is a lot more than the part you put in this body. Anyway, so as you're trying to feel that, then at the same time, you're putting your mind in the meditative state it needs to be in, so that you can awake, awaken. |
By you reaching into yourself, trying to feel your feelings, trying to feel a feeling that you're having, or some type of energy sensation, you are putting yourself in the exact perfect place in your mind to talk with spirit guides, to go to do whatever you need to do. And usually, I'll tell you that. Lots of times I'll tell you that. |
I'm different with different people, folks. I got a video I'm waiting to get back from James. I couldn't hook stuff up. |
My cameras, I've got the Canon G20 cameras. These things are brand of pop, okay? They're expensive. We've got two of them now. |
It's electronic, so it gets messed with. Sometimes in my videos, from one frame, I mean from one frame to another, you'll see something jerk like that. That's a brand new expensive camera that's, you know, got a little issue. |
It's electronic, folks. It's being done to it to mess with it, okay? You have no idea how much your lives have been messed with, but that is about to stop. Entirely, no. |
90 something percent, yes. Anyway, you know, they're after me more because they don't want this, especially the second book, the last book. They don't want it finished. |
They don't want everyone, there's stuff over there that really thinks it's going to have the chance to play God, and that's not going to happen. It's not about any one being. It's about everyone, you know? There's no more of this supreme being BS. |
Good coffee. Okay, folks, back to your brains. So, we have the core energy filled up and overflowing. |
Then I'll go in, I start energy in the middle of your body, and I see your core, and I flex it out, usually below the heart chakra, between the heart and the solar plexus. And if I need to, I'll start your brain wherever I need to do. And this is after I've already done any individual work, decalcifying stuff, cleaning stuff in your head, and healing. |
Sometimes I literally, your brains have been damaged, and I have to go in and I have actually increased the size of it, you know, heal it, which increases the size of it and everything else. So anyway, go in there, and go in your body, and that is, I go like this with your energy, with being inside right here. And then I put that energy in, as source energy, I put it in, and I slowly pull it out, until literally you are in a huge ball of source energy. |
And then while that's happening, I'm looking, I'm watching your DNA change. It grows, it glows. If you can, if you play golf, and you make a little divot, makes a little hole in there, I see little things like that in your different DNA strands that start filling up. |
Not completely, but filling up. It fixes little DNA imperfections you have. It's just happening, you know, whatever, it'll be what it is. |
(20:39 - 21:02) |
It doesn't mean, you know, your physiology totally changes, but it always does make you stronger. And when I see your DNA, when I'm done, it's bigger, thicker, stronger, it's healthier. Okay, it's like if someone's not eating good at all, you can see how they're weak. |
To sneeze or not to sneeze? No. Okay, that's enough of that. Sorry, I had something messing with me, trying to make me sneeze. |
(21:02 - 21:49) |
So we get to the, when someone eats really well, they get stronger. That's how I see your DNA strands. They grow thicker, healthier, and stronger. |
That way they can move more energy through them. This is an important part of you being able to use your own energy, your own spirit more, is by being able to flow more energy. As your DNA strands actually start growing, getting bigger, and your DNA starts evolving, it gets big, and it gets real strong. |
Your synapses, when you're healthy, and you know, the older we are, the harder it is for us to, excuse me, to actually turn around and make super changes. It's a lot easier when we're younger. It's just like, it's a normal human body fact, okay, or any other type of humanoid fact. |
(21:50 - 22:37) |
But the strands start getting bigger. You start flowing about three, your synapses going from one brain cell to the other, will be three to four times as strong as it was beforehand. This does not happen immediately. |
This happens over a period of maybe up to three, four months. Then your brain cells immediately, they just start growing. There's more of them, and they start growing much bigger, okay. |
They get much bigger. That's something you all can look at sometime under a microscope, whatever. The thing is, I do what I do, okay. |
If there's too much hoopla, then somebody tries to make it about me, and it's not. It's about everybody, everything. It's about creation becoming what it's supposed to be, what it actually is, what it should have been allowed to be originally, which is a family, okay. |
(22:37 - 23:00) |
Now, back to your brain, excuse me. So, after I work on RNA, DNA, you know, all the smaller parts of your DNA, then I go in, and then I'll start working on the hypothalamus. Now, the hypothalamus is kind of centrally located on the brainstem, going up in the brain. |
That's where understanding happens, okay. That's major core understanding. Now, there's, now, what I'm telling you is energy. |
(23:00 - 24:58) |
They might be attached physically. I could look at it. I don't care, okay. |
I'm telling you how things happen, energy, because that's what I follow. The hypothalamus is like a control point, a center point, okay. The hypothalamus energy is attached to the pineal, okay. |
When you see something third dimension, you know, multiple dimensions, you see third dimension, that's right in front of you. You see second dimension, you know, you won't, you'll never see first, no one's allowed in there. But, you see other dimensions, whatever, mostly on the second dimension. |
As you see with the pineal, that energy information goes into the hypothalamus to help you with understanding. And then, because where the brainstem is, the pineal gland is actually in the back of the brainstem, and then on the front of the stem is the pituitary gland, which, its energy is like a helmet that goes on the body, but the main focus of it goes from the front part of the brainstem to the back of your head, and it's like a satellite that goes in there. So, anyway, so the hypothalamus is the main control point, and then it gets information from the scanner. |
The scanner's energy field is right here. There's different parts of your brain that work with it, and I don't ever go there. There's some things I don't touch, and I do it for a reason, and it's for things that are messing with people's brains experimenting that don't need to be. |
Anyway, that information goes to the hypothalamus, okay? That's your remote viewing. This is your ability to sense stuff, ESP, extrasensory perception. This is the strongest tool you have right here is a scanner, okay? Now, there's a crown. |
There's actually three major crown fields in your head, okay? The hypothalamus is right here on the brainstem. Then there's an energy field right above it. It's like there was a blanket here, and the blanket picked up a little bit. |
This is the lower crown, okay? It's like a blanket like this. Energy between the lower crown and the hypothalamus, the energy goes back and forth. The energy flows back and forth. |
(24:58 - 26:14) |
In doing so, it's receiving and giving off information, okay? It's an information flow between the lower crown and the hypothalamus, understanding, receiving information, filling back understanding, okay? It's just energy flowing in between the two of them. Then above the lower crown is the middle crown. If you were to take like a magnifying glass, put it on top of your head, and it sank down to about the top of your ears, it lands inside your head skull. |