We're a family. We can do things better than each other, but in creation's eyes, in the big game, no one's any better than anyone else. Sorry.
A lot of you think you are. A lot of you have been made to think you are. It's like a process done to you, not just as spirit too, but over these many lives.
It was done by the original first being. We have a lot of work to do as a family, but we have an awesome family. Anyway, sorry.
Here we go back. Okay. Give me a shot of coffee.
Sniffling everything, doing the wake-up stuff. Okay. We have our core energy going up and down through the body.
I'm going to explain a little more in the brain, but this is how everything functions, okay? The core energy goes up and down the body. It's almost like a double vortex where it goes in and out of itself, but it's a little bit different because in your core energy, the way it moves, it's very, not the same, but it's very similar to the energy flow in the first dimension. In the first dimension, energy flows in and out of itself.
If you try to look at it with a conscious mind, you literally will go nuts, okay? Maybe this is what happened to me. Too much time staring at it. Anyway, as the core energy, it goes up, it goes up just right to the crown and then goes down again.
I mean, that's how it basically flows. Now, while it's doing, it goes down to your base chakra, okay, where the spine hits the pelvic bone. It goes just below that.
Okay. Now, you can think of it like a stream, okay, or actually like a river that's flowing through your body, okay? And it's a pretty deep river. It's strong.
Now, when I go into you and crank you up, this free energy work that I do, I go in there and I fill up that river to the point where it's flowing over the banks, okay? In a very simple way, you can think of your core energy, the way the energy flows through the body, somewhat similar to a river. A river flows up and down. And then also, as the water's moving down the river and by, some of it's seeping out into the banks.
And that's why, you know, floor, the plants and everything grow really good near a river, unless it's polluted. It's because that water flow is right there. And then if you look inside the river, there's different parts where there's rocks and stuff.
You'll see little eddies. Okay. There's, see, this is very similar to water flow.
Water is a big part of our lives, but for more reasons than you can think. And I don't have time to explain all that. I'm sorry.
(7:53 - 8:48)
But you can get the basic gist of what I'm saying. So as you flow, as your energy flows up and down your body, okay, going in and out, it's the water's, the energy is coming out to your side, just like the water flows over the banks. The energy is flowing through you.
And you do have some focal points of energy. Okay. You have the head, you have the heart, you have this, the solar plexus, the gut, and then you have the sacral lower.
And then there's the base chakra. These are the basic, there's all kinds of little chakras, you know, people say, oh, there's 33 or something. Actually, there's basically about seven chakras that are more important than the others as far as their function.
But what we're going to do today is just talk about some of the basic ones. Okay. So anyway, the solar plexus is very strong.
(8:48 - 11:18)
When the human bodies were the Adamic race, when we made the bodies, we literally closed right where the solar plexus is. All the material from the planet comes in and it settles right here by the solar plexus, and then it solidifies. When I went back and watched myself do it as the red Adam, there was, Sylvia Brown called it a veil.
Actually, it's part of the outer part of your energy field that's around you while you're making a body. It's like a soft energy shell. And then you make your body within it.
And then once you do that, then the shell just, you know, comes right in. And it's like touching on your skin. It just blends in with the rest of you.
Now, that's how it originally starts, you know. Anyway, if you read the first book of creation, wherever the heck it is, whatever, it's up there somewhere. Creation is Beginning in Your Origin.
It tells you about that stuff. Okay. Anyway, I did a video to tell something.
I'm trying to... the book puts everything together, plus the book of stuff you're not going to find anywhere. I haven't talked about it except in a book. And it ought to be like that.
If you're paying money for something, there ought to be something extra in there that you don't get somewhere else. But you all know I'm giving you all the information I can just like this. What you're going to get here is so informative.
Okay. This is something that you'll be using year after year after year, teaching your kids, your kids teaching their kids, their kids teaching their kids. Okay.
This stuff that I'm giving you folks, this is important stuff. Okay. Don't worry about me.
I'm not important. It's not important it was me that gave it to you. It's important that I give it to you.
Okay. This is yours. This is what you should have had a long time ago.
This is what some races on some other planets have known for so long. Well, it's about the same thing. It's a little different with them.
But anyway, they've always practiced waking up and everything, trying to understand what part of the body does what part of the brain does this, what part of the brain does this, what part of the brain does that, and so forth. Okay. Now, there's also some awesome awesome family people beings from other planets.
Some of them way far away. Okay. They're awesome.
People were all family. Okay. They were all family.
Okay. They were all family. Okay.
(11:18 - 14:15)
We've all had lives and all these different bodies everywhere. When you can connect with some of that and see some of the stuff you're going to when you learn how to flow, and I promise I'm doing everything I can to get the meditation DVD out once I am is actually going to be a bunch of them because I'm going to put a bunch of different I'm going to give you an option of a few different ways to meditate. And I guess maybe five, seven or something different ways.
So if your core orientation is solar plexus or heart or pineal or different combination, you can find something hopefully that will work with you. Excuse me. It's important.
I do everything I can to help you wake up while I'm still in the body. Okay. I can do a lot more way out of the body, but I'll be involved in a lot of stuff everywhere.
When you're not in your body, you're huge. You're all over the place at one time. Not everywhere, but you're compared to where you are in the body, you're everywhere.
Okay. It's like I say, a lot of you, a lot of you that I'm working with are strong energy, much stronger than you think. And there's so many of you that are here, you're so strong that when you're sitting, when your body's in the middle of the US, your energy is literally flowing over both oceans, the Atlantic and Pacific.
That's how big your oars are, your energy field that comes out of you. So anyway, when I, after getting your core filled up, so it starts flowing over them, I go into your brain and then I literally start working on different parts. If I don't fill up your core first, your core is the biggest part of you.
It wants to, it's going to naturally pull this energy that I put into your body right into it. And it takes away from what I'm doing. I found that out immediately when I started doing this stuff.
So I filled the core, so the river's full and it's already overflowing a little bit. So that way there's a push coming out into everything. Then I usually go into your RNA and DNA and I work on that.
Sometimes it takes a while. It's usually hard to feel. Then I go ahead and depending on the person, you know, sometimes the first thing I do is go to a different part of your brain and these will work.
Sometimes I've seen your pineal glands. I got to go in there and do some work, clear it up, clear it off. I'll use orange calcite, citrine, some other things.
Those are the frequencies that are in those stones. That's what I use when I'm in your body. And you can, as I go like this and everything, nine times out of ten you can feel me in there actually doing stuff.
I'm literally decalcifying your stuff in your brain. Okay. Sorry I don't have this actually happening on video, whatever, you know, some kind of special equipment.
Folks, I don't have it. I have no money. I mean, that's obvious.
Before I leave, I'm going to leave you pictures in my house. You will know the truth. You will know how I live.
(14:15 - 20:39)
Okay. It's important for people to know that to awaken you don't have to be, you don't have to have money. You don't have to be a strong, you know, person, physically strong person, but it helps.