(11:07 - 11:26)
These wonderful, incredibly loving, benevolent people have been taking care of us so long. The original antids, um, the ones that like to really stay in the earth, these other folks, T.R. and all, the newer generation, they like to just fly around. I mean, they like cruising around, exploring.
(11:27 - 11:53)
Okay? Whereas the original antids really burrowed into the earth and, you know, relaxed, uh, in the Hopi prophecies and stuff. Um, you know, the Hopi people, they have legends, um, of the, uh, uh, I'm thinking of these other Indian names, I can't even say them, you know, how I end with names, I'm just not good at all. Anyway, um, Zuni, okay, um, they talk about the ant mounds.
(11:54 - 12:50)
Okay. The ant mounds, you know, like they go looking for pyramids and stuff like that, eh, there's something going on there, but honestly, um, uh, the ant mounds are, you know, usually caves and mountains where they have literally, you go down and tour deeper into the earth. Uh, the Red Adam here on this planet four times took all the people he could and went up to the antids as himself and said, you know, would you take the people, would you take the children and take care of them while the earth goes through changes? The, uh, different stages of, uh, um, a life on this planet at different times at the stages, the different stages of civilization where it was, you know, destroyed, brought back, destroyed, brought back, that kind of thing here on the planet.
(12:51 - 13:56)
Uh, in the book too, uh, the Creation series, uh, Creation, it's a journey evolving into paradise. Um, that's what that's about. In the back of the book, it actually has the different ages and the approximate years that they were in, okay? Um, uh, but, uh, they actually pulled them into the planet to take care of them.
Um, while there was, while the crust was changing on the outside, okay, and, and hell was going over the, um, uh, twice on this planet. The, uh, since civilization started on this planet, which is 10.846 trillion years, um, I'm sorry, um, um, well, it's about, it's about 11 million years, okay? I was going into lives real quick. I'm sorry.
Like I said, I'm going through something right now. Um, but it's about 11 million years ago that, um, the different, uh, souls were coming here that were second stage of evolution and more, and they were making their own bodies. Then you had the, uh, the centaurs, you know, minotaurs, stuff like that, plus all these other all kinds of crazy stuff going on.
(13:56 - 14:24)
Then the Adams and Eves came here and then literally, uh, took uh, um, uh, Lily and Ara. Uh, it's, uh, um, Lily spoke, Lily's driver and Ara's driver um, literally took them, uh, took everyone and put them into lower dimensions down here on the planet. Um, anyway, I don't want to get too involved in that, and I'm personally involved, so we'll leave that alone for now.
(14:24 - 14:48)
But the main idea is that, um, uh, that's how long that there's been life on this planet uh, that's actually civilized life where something's been coming together. Uh, it was 10.572 million years ago that the Red Adam came down here. Uh, that's honestly what's inside me, the uh, the driver, uh, primary focal point of Ara.
(14:48 - 15:19)
Um, I watched myself make the Red Adam body. Um, but that's why I remember this coming up to these folks, and the Adamic race, we were pretty, really strong. There's many of us.
Um, but I used to look up to this, we called him grandfather. I'd look up to him like this, and it's like, damn, you know? I'm glad I don't have to talk to him too long. This guy's big, 10 foot, and they're running around in caves.
(15:21 - 15:44)
Um, but they're awesome. They're incredible telepaths. To be so loving, to be so compassionate, to be so forgiving, lenient, wow, I mean, I don't, you know, I don't, I don't, I don't know how to, I don't know how to fully express what I'm feeling and seeing.
(15:44 - 16:00)
Um, they're awesome. And these Blue Avians? That's them too. That's the way they are.
They're from the same family. They are almost the same. They're incredible beings.
(16:00 - 16:12)
They're antis that have, um, that they've changed a little bit, and they took off for space. Um, for the not-so-final frontier. they're so loving.
(16:13 - 16:46)
And they have a lot to do with the construction of these blue spheres. But see, the problem with this, um, Space Federation, um, Central Intelligence Agency, they want to run everything. They're control freaks, okay? They think they have the right to let other people from other planets, scientists and stuff, some of them, come here and dissect us, you know? Experiment on us, some of us alive.
(16:47 - 18:01)
Who the hell are they? That set off a few warnings. I like that. Uh, they can literally, as I'm talking, they can literally pick it off.
But they're so good with electronic stuff. When I would go to email something to someone, my friend, who was from a ship, but he had a job near me, he all of a sudden showed up when I started waking up and getting strong. And he's pretty neat.
He's Pleiadian. Remember, Pleiadian means from the Pleiadian Galaxy. Um, there's a general, you know, they're taller, um, beings.
Their bodies, their bodies, where they were modified a long time ago to work on this planet a little better. Um, they're usually tall and white. Um, uh, he just showed up out of nowhere.
That was so funny. Anyway, um, wow, I haven't looked at this stuff in a long time. There's so much going on.
(18:03 - 18:28)
Uh, anyway, the Central Intelligence Agency, um, what I was saying about Van, um, the, um, Anunnaki homeworld is also in the outer section of the Pleiades Galaxy. And as y'all, you know, I've told y'all, you've talked about it, the Anunnaki ambassador is a really cool dude of his home planet. He cares about all his people.
(18:28 - 19:14)
And he's been here over the house twice. One time, the second time, he was actually out in space the first time. He was right over the house, about 250 foot, 150, 250, something like that, moving in and out.
As soon as I'd look at the ship, literally, it'd take off another 150 feet or something, or farther. Um, but it doesn't matter, you know, it's all telepathic. Um, y'all want to kick a, um, go to YouTube and check out the, uh, talk with the Anunnaki ambassador in my house, it was pretty funny.
But, see, we're surrounded with people out there. We have all kinds of friends. Um, so anyway, um, this, uh, the Central Intelligence Agency, uh, for the Space Federation, they have some issues, that's gonna get fixed.
(19:15 - 19:28)
Okay? Um, the thing is, please think of the Federation itself. These folks are awesome. These, these are good bar herky, honey.
(19:29 - 19:44)
These are groups. I'll get you a snack just a minute, buddy. Um, these folks have evolved to the point where they've gotten rid of war on their planets, other than the main war that's going out in space that was kept going by the original male and female.
(19:45 - 19:57)
Um, you have to have some kind of strife, right? Um, keep everything all stirred up so the spirit inside the body grew bigger. That way there'd be more souls to praise. Enough about that.
(19:57 - 20:26)
I'm just following suit here, letting the water flow. Um, so, they won't be able to take a hold of it. The actual, this Federation of all these planets of sentient life, you know, um, of sentient beings, awakened beings, for the most part, not all, but for the most part, people who are aware of each other and family.
And that's gonna happen here soon. Okay? They've been here for a long time. These blue spheres, they are here to help.
(20:27 - 20:49)
Um, the blue kachina, the great blue kachina star, there is like a blue kachina star, way way way away, that we can finally see. There's also the blue spheres that everyone's now becoming aware of. Gee, I wonder if that's part of the Hopi prophecy.
(20:51 - 21:11)
Bingo! The blue kachina, um, there's two things. We were able to finally see a blue star far away. And, you know, one burning that was coming through, it was put into the media.
(21:11 - 21:37)
Okay, so we were made aware of it. It's always been there, but we were made aware of it because it was time for people to be aware of it. Number one.
Number two is the blue spheres. Okay? So, that's the basic end of the information I was getting for the Hopi prophecy. I don't want to talk about myself, but one of the things, one of my lives was Pahana.
(21:38 - 22:00)
Um, the, you know, legends and all this stuff, people, you know, they're never correct. You know, um, there's good information in and out of them, but it's never like that. Um, anyway, um, but with Hopi prophecy, that was important.
(22:01 - 22:21)
And that was good information. And we're at the end now. We're at the end, but the end of days, the world blows up.
Like, one time I saw on the internet, I'm not there much, okay? Just when I'm putting stuff on and off. And then it's the Andromeda Galaxy, scientists have proven is going to collide with ours. Wow.
(22:21 - 22:41)
Really? Uh, it's like all the Photoshop stuff over there. Um, I don't know. I guess the more that there is out there, the easier it is to believe what I talk about.
I mean, look at my professional studio. I've got a stuff lying over here. Oh, that's, um, my friend Gary.