
proof-pile / formal /lean /mathlib /order /liminf_limsup.lean
Zhangir Azerbayev
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Copyright (c) 2018 Sébastien Gouëzel. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Sébastien Gouëzel, Johannes Hölzl, Rémy Degenne
import order.filter.cofinite
# liminfs and limsups of functions and filters
Defines the Liminf/Limsup of a function taking values in a conditionally complete lattice, with
respect to an arbitrary filter.
We define `f.Limsup` (`f.Liminf`) where `f` is a filter taking values in a conditionally complete
lattice. `f.Limsup` is the smallest element `a` such that, eventually, `ua` (and vice versa for
`f.Liminf`). To work with the Limsup along a function `u` use `( u).Limsup`.
Usually, one defines the Limsup as `Inf (Sup s)` where the Inf is taken over all sets in the filter.
For instance, in ℕ along a function `u`, this is `Inf_n (Sup_{k ≥ n} u k)` (and the latter quantity
decreases with `n`, so this is in fact a limit.). There is however a difficulty: it is well possible
that `u` is not bounded on the whole space, only eventually (think of `Limsup (λx, 1/x)` on ℝ. Then
there is no guarantee that the quantity above really decreases (the value of the `Sup` beforehand is
not really well defined, as one can not use ∞), so that the Inf could be anything. So one can not
use this `Inf Sup ...` definition in conditionally complete lattices, and one has to use a less
tractable definition.
In conditionally complete lattices, the definition is only useful for filters which are eventually
bounded above (otherwise, the Limsup would morally be +∞, which does not belong to the space) and
which are frequently bounded below (otherwise, the Limsup would morally be -∞, which is not in the
space either). We start with definitions of these concepts for arbitrary filters, before turning to
the definitions of Limsup and Liminf.
In complete lattices, however, it coincides with the `Inf Sup` definition.
open filter set
open_locale filter
variables {α β γ ι : Type*}
namespace filter
section relation
/-- `f.is_bounded (≺)`: the filter `f` is eventually bounded w.r.t. the relation `≺`, i.e.
eventually, it is bounded by some uniform bound.
`r` will be usually instantiated with `≤` or `≥`. -/
def is_bounded (r : α → α → Prop) (f : filter α) := ∃ b, ∀ᶠ x in f, r x b
/-- `f.is_bounded_under (≺) u`: the image of the filter `f` under `u` is eventually bounded w.r.t.
the relation `≺`, i.e. eventually, it is bounded by some uniform bound. -/
def is_bounded_under (r : α → α → Prop) (f : filter β) (u : β → α) := ( u).is_bounded r
variables {r : α → α → Prop} {f g : filter α}
/-- `f` is eventually bounded if and only if, there exists an admissible set on which it is
bounded. -/
lemma is_bounded_iff : f.is_bounded r ↔ (∃s∈f.sets, ∃b, s ⊆ {x | r x b}) :=
(assume ⟨b, hb⟩, ⟨{a | r a b}, hb, b, subset.refl _⟩)
(assume ⟨s, hs, b, hb⟩, ⟨b, mem_of_superset hs hb⟩)
/-- A bounded function `u` is in particular eventually bounded. -/
lemma is_bounded_under_of {f : filter β} {u : β → α} :
(∃b, ∀x, r (u x) b) → f.is_bounded_under r u
| ⟨b, hb⟩ := ⟨b, show ∀ᶠ x in f, r (u x) b, from eventually_of_forall hb⟩
lemma is_bounded_bot : is_bounded r ⊥ ↔ nonempty α :=
by simp [is_bounded, exists_true_iff_nonempty]
lemma is_bounded_top : is_bounded r ⊤ ↔ (∃t, ∀x, r x t) :=
by simp [is_bounded, eq_univ_iff_forall]
lemma is_bounded_principal (s : set α) : is_bounded r (𝓟 s) ↔ (∃t, ∀x∈s, r x t) :=
by simp [is_bounded, subset_def]
lemma is_bounded_sup [is_trans α r] (hr : ∀bb₂, ∃b, r bb ∧ r bb) :
is_bounded r f → is_bounded r g → is_bounded r (f ⊔ g)
| ⟨b₁, h₁⟩ ⟨b₂, h₂⟩ := letb, rb₁b, rb₂b⟩ := hr bb₂ in
b, eventually_sup.mpr ⟨h₁.mono (λ x h, trans h rb₁b), h₂.mono (λ x h, trans h rb₂b)⟩⟩
lemma is_bounded.mono (h : f ≤ g) : is_bounded r g → is_bounded r f
| ⟨b, hb⟩ := ⟨b, h hb⟩
lemma is_bounded_under.mono {f g : filter β} {u : β → α} (h : f ≤ g) :
g.is_bounded_under r uf.is_bounded_under r u :=
λ hg, hg.mono (map_mono h)
lemma is_bounded_under.mono_le [preorder β] {l : filter α} {u v : α → β}
(hu : is_bounded_under (≤) l u) (hv : v ≤ᶠ[l] u) : is_bounded_under (≤) l v :=
hu.imp $ λ b hb, (eventually_map.1 hb).mp $ hv.mono $ λ x, le_trans
lemma is_bounded_under.mono_ge [preorder β] {l : filter α} {u v : α → β}
(hu : is_bounded_under (≥) l u) (hv : u ≤ᶠ[l] v) : is_bounded_under (≥) l v :=
@is_bounded_under.mono_le α βᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ hu hv
lemma is_bounded.is_bounded_under {q : β → β → Prop} {u : α → β}
(hf : ∀aa₁, r aa₁ → q (u a₀) (u a₁)) : f.is_bounded r → f.is_bounded_under q u
| ⟨b, h⟩ := ⟨u b, show ∀ᶠ x in f, q (u x) (u b), from h.mono (λ x, hf x b)⟩
lemma not_is_bounded_under_of_tendsto_at_top [preorder β] [no_max_order β] {f : α → β}
{l : filter α} [l.ne_bot] (hf : tendsto f l at_top) :
¬ is_bounded_under (≤) l f :=
rintro ⟨b, hb⟩,
rw eventually_map at hb,
obtain ⟨b', h⟩ := exists_gt b,
have hb' := ( hf) b',
have : {x : α | f x ≤ b} ∩ {x : α | b'f x} = ∅ :=
eq_empty_of_subset_empty (λ x hx, (not_le_of_lt h) (le_trans hx.2 hx.1)),
exact (nonempty_of_mem (hb.and hb')).ne_empty this
lemma not_is_bounded_under_of_tendsto_at_bot [preorder β] [no_min_order β] {f : α → β}
{l : filter α} [l.ne_bot](hf : tendsto f l at_bot) :
¬ is_bounded_under (≥) l f :=
@not_is_bounded_under_of_tendsto_at_top α βᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ _ hf
lemma is_bounded_under.bdd_above_range_of_cofinite [semilattice_sup β] {f : α → β}
(hf : is_bounded_under (≤) cofinite f) : bdd_above (range f) :=
rcases hf with ⟨b, hb⟩,
haveI : nonempty β := ⟨b⟩,
rw [← image_univ, ← union_compl_self {x | f x ≤ b}, image_union, bdd_above_union],
exact ⟨⟨b, ball_image_iff.2 $ λ x, id⟩, (hb.image f).bdd_above⟩
lemma is_bounded_under.bdd_below_range_of_cofinite [semilattice_inf β] {f : α → β}
(hf : is_bounded_under (≥) cofinite f) : bdd_below (range f) :=
@is_bounded_under.bdd_above_range_of_cofinite α βᵒᵈ _ _ hf
lemma is_bounded_under.bdd_above_range [semilattice_sup β] {f : ℕ → β}
(hf : is_bounded_under (≤) at_top f) : bdd_above (range f) :=
by { rw ← nat.cofinite_eq_at_top at hf, exact hf.bdd_above_range_of_cofinite }
lemma is_bounded_under.bdd_below_range [semilattice_inf β] {f : ℕ → β}
(hf : is_bounded_under (≥) at_top f) : bdd_below (range f) :=
@is_bounded_under.bdd_above_range βᵒᵈ _ _ hf
/-- `is_cobounded (≺) f` states that the filter `f` does not tend to infinity w.r.t. `≺`. This is
also called frequently bounded. Will be usually instantiated with `≤` or `≥`.
There is a subtlety in this definition: we want `f.is_cobounded` to hold for any `f` in the case of
complete lattices. This will be relevant to deduce theorems on complete lattices from their
versions on conditionally complete lattices with additional assumptions. We have to be careful in
the edge case of the trivial filter containing the empty set: the other natural definition
`¬ ∀ a, ∀ᶠ n in f, a ≤ n`
would not work as well in this case.
def is_cobounded (r : α → α → Prop) (f : filter α) := ∃b, ∀a, (∀ᶠ x in f, r x a) → r b a
/-- `is_cobounded_under (≺) f u` states that the image of the filter `f` under the map `u` does not
tend to infinity w.r.t. `≺`. This is also called frequently bounded. Will be usually instantiated
with `≤` or `≥`. -/
def is_cobounded_under (r : α → α → Prop) (f : filter β) (u : β → α) := ( u).is_cobounded r
/-- To check that a filter is frequently bounded, it suffices to have a witness
which bounds `f` at some point for every admissible set.
This is only an implication, as the other direction is wrong for the trivial filter.-/
lemma [is_trans α r] (a : α) (h : ∀s∈f, ∃x∈s, r a x) : f.is_cobounded r :=
⟨a, assume y s, let ⟨x, h₁, h₂⟩ := h _ s in trans h₂ h₁⟩
/-- A filter which is eventually bounded is in particular frequently bounded (in the opposite
direction). At least if the filter is not trivial. -/
lemma is_bounded.is_cobounded_flip [is_trans α r] [ne_bot f] :
f.is_bounded r → f.is_cobounded (flip r)
| ⟨a, ha⟩ := ⟨a, assume b hb,
let ⟨x, rxa, rbx⟩ := (ha.and hb).exists in
show r b a, from trans rbx rxa⟩
lemma is_bounded.is_cobounded_ge [preorder α] [ne_bot f] (h : f.is_bounded (≤)) :
f.is_cobounded (≥) :=
lemma is_bounded.is_cobounded_le [preorder α] [ne_bot f] (h : f.is_bounded (≥)) :
f.is_cobounded (≤) :=
lemma is_cobounded_bot : is_cobounded r ⊥ ↔ (∃b, ∀x, r b x) :=
by simp [is_cobounded]
lemma is_cobounded_top : is_cobounded r ⊤ ↔ nonempty α :=
by simp [is_cobounded, eq_univ_iff_forall, exists_true_iff_nonempty] {contextual := tt}
lemma is_cobounded_principal (s : set α) :
(𝓟 s).is_cobounded r ↔ (∃b, ∀a, (∀x∈s, r x a) → r b a) :=
by simp [is_cobounded, subset_def]
lemma is_cobounded.mono (h : f ≤ g) : f.is_cobounded r → g.is_cobounded r
| ⟨b, hb⟩ := ⟨b, assume a ha, hb a (h ha)⟩
end relation
lemma is_cobounded_le_of_bot [preorder α] [order_bot α] {f : filter α} : f.is_cobounded (≤) :=
⟨⊥, assume a h, bot_le⟩
lemma is_cobounded_ge_of_top [preorder α] [order_top α] {f : filter α} : f.is_cobounded (≥) :=
⟨⊤, assume a h, le_top⟩
lemma is_bounded_le_of_top [preorder α] [order_top α] {f : filter α} : f.is_bounded (≤) :=
⟨⊤, eventually_of_forall $ λ _, le_top⟩
lemma is_bounded_ge_of_bot [preorder α] [order_bot α] {f : filter α} : f.is_bounded (≥) :=
⟨⊥, eventually_of_forall $ λ _, bot_le⟩
@[simp] lemma _root_.order_iso.is_bounded_under_le_comp [preorder α] [preorder β] (e : α ≃o β)
{l : filter γ} {u : γ → α} :
is_bounded_under (≤) l (λ x, e (u x)) ↔ is_bounded_under (≤) l u :=
e.surjective.exists.trans $ exists_congr $ λ a, by simp only [eventually_map, e.le_iff_le]
@[simp] lemma _root_.order_iso.is_bounded_under_ge_comp [preorder α] [preorder β] (e : α ≃o β)
{l : filter γ} {u : γ → α} :
is_bounded_under (≥) l (λ x, e (u x)) ↔ is_bounded_under (≥) l u :=
@[simp, to_additive]
lemma is_bounded_under_le_inv [ordered_comm_group α] {l : filter β} {u : β → α} :
is_bounded_under (≤) l (λ x, (u x)⁻¹) ↔ is_bounded_under (≥) l u :=
(order_iso.inv α).is_bounded_under_ge_comp
@[simp, to_additive]
lemma is_bounded_under_ge_inv [ordered_comm_group α] {l : filter β} {u : β → α} :
is_bounded_under (≥) l (λ x, (u x)⁻¹) ↔ is_bounded_under (≤) l u :=
(order_iso.inv α).is_bounded_under_le_comp
lemma is_bounded_under.sup [semilattice_sup α] {f : filter β} {u v : β → α} :
f.is_bounded_under (≤) u → f.is_bounded_under (≤) v → f.is_bounded_under (≤) (λa, u a ⊔ v a)
| ⟨bu, (hu : ∀ᶠ x in f, u x ≤ bu)⟩ ⟨bv, (hv : ∀ᶠ x in f, v x ≤ bv)⟩ :=
⟨bu ⊔ bv, show ∀ᶠ x in f, u x ⊔ v x ≤ bu ⊔ bv,
by filter_upwards [hu, hv] with _ using sup_le_sup⟩
@[simp] lemma is_bounded_under_le_sup [semilattice_sup α] {f : filter β} {u v : β → α} :
f.is_bounded_under (≤) (λ a, u a ⊔ v a) ↔ f.is_bounded_under (≤) u ∧ f.is_bounded_under (≤) v :=
⟨λ h, ⟨h.mono_le $ eventually_of_forall $ λ _, le_sup_left,
h.mono_le $ eventually_of_forall $ λ _, le_sup_right⟩, λ h, h.1.sup h.2⟩
lemma is_bounded_under.inf [semilattice_inf α] {f : filter β} {u v : β → α} :
f.is_bounded_under (≥) u → f.is_bounded_under (≥) v → f.is_bounded_under (≥) (λa, u a ⊓ v a) :=
@is_bounded_under.sup αᵒᵈ β _ _ _ _
@[simp] lemma is_bounded_under_ge_inf [semilattice_inf α] {f : filter β} {u v : β → α} :
f.is_bounded_under (≥) (λ a, u a ⊓ v a) ↔ f.is_bounded_under (≥) u ∧ f.is_bounded_under (≥) v :=
@is_bounded_under_le_sup αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ _
lemma is_bounded_under_le_abs [linear_ordered_add_comm_group α] {f : filter β} {u : β → α} :
f.is_bounded_under (≤) (λ a, |u a|) ↔ f.is_bounded_under (≤) u ∧ f.is_bounded_under (≥) u :=
is_bounded_under_le_sup.trans $ and_congr iff.rfl is_bounded_under_le_neg
/-- Filters are automatically bounded or cobounded in complete lattices. To use the same statements
in complete and conditionally complete lattices but let automation fill automatically the
boundedness proofs in complete lattices, we use the tactic `is_bounded_default` in the statements,
in the form `(hf : f.is_bounded (≥) . is_bounded_default)`. -/
meta def is_bounded_default : tactic unit :=
tactic.applyc ``is_cobounded_le_of_bot <|>
tactic.applyc ``is_cobounded_ge_of_top <|>
tactic.applyc ``is_bounded_le_of_top <|>
tactic.applyc ``is_bounded_ge_of_bot
section conditionally_complete_lattice
variables [conditionally_complete_lattice α]
/-- The `Limsup` of a filter `f` is the infimum of the `a` such that, eventually for `f`,
holds `x ≤ a`. -/
def Limsup (f : filter α) : α := Inf { a | ∀ᶠ n in f, n ≤ a }
/-- The `Liminf` of a filter `f` is the supremum of the `a` such that, eventually for `f`,
holds `x ≥ a`. -/
def Liminf (f : filter α) : α := Sup { a | ∀ᶠ n in f, a ≤ n }
/-- The `limsup` of a function `u` along a filter `f` is the infimum of the `a` such that,
eventually for `f`, holds `u x ≤ a`. -/
def limsup (f : filter β) (u : β → α) : α := ( u).Limsup
/-- The `liminf` of a function `u` along a filter `f` is the supremum of the `a` such that,
eventually for `f`, holds `u x ≥ a`. -/
def liminf (f : filter β) (u : β → α) : α := ( u).Liminf
variables {f : filter β} {u : β → α}
theorem limsup_eq : f.limsup u = Inf { a | ∀ᶠ n in f, u n ≤ a } := rfl
theorem liminf_eq : f.liminf u = Sup { a | ∀ᶠ n in f, a ≤ u n } := rfl
theorem Limsup_le_of_le {f : filter α} {a}
(hf : f.is_cobounded (≤) . is_bounded_default) (h : ∀ᶠ n in f, n ≤ a) : f.Limsup ≤ a :=
cInf_le hf h
theorem le_Liminf_of_le {f : filter α} {a}
(hf : f.is_cobounded (≥) . is_bounded_default) (h : ∀ᶠ n in f, a ≤ n) : a ≤ f.Liminf :=
le_cSup hf h
theorem le_Limsup_of_le {f : filter α} {a}
(hf : f.is_bounded (≤) . is_bounded_default) (h : ∀ b, (∀ᶠ n in f, n ≤ b) → a ≤ b) :
a ≤ f.Limsup :=
le_cInf hf h
theorem Liminf_le_of_le {f : filter α} {a}
(hf : f.is_bounded (≥) . is_bounded_default) (h : ∀ b, (∀ᶠ n in f, b ≤ n) → b ≤ a) :
f.Liminf ≤ a :=
cSup_le hf h
theorem Liminf_le_Limsup {f : filter α} [ne_bot f]
(h₁ : f.is_bounded (≤) . is_bounded_default) (h₂ : f.is_bounded (≥) . is_bounded_default) :
f.Liminf ≤ f.Limsup :=
Liminf_le_of_le h₂ $ assume a₀ ha₀, le_Limsup_of_le h₁ $ assume a₁ ha₁,
show a₀ ≤ a₁, from let ⟨b, hb₀, hb₁⟩ := (ha₀.and ha₁).exists in le_trans hb₀ hb₁
lemma Liminf_le_Liminf {f g : filter α}
(hf : f.is_bounded (≥) . is_bounded_default) (hg : g.is_cobounded (≥) . is_bounded_default)
(h : ∀ a, (∀ᶠ n in f, a ≤ n) → ∀ᶠ n in g, a ≤ n) : f.Liminf ≤ g.Liminf :=
cSup_le_cSup hg hf h
lemma Limsup_le_Limsup {f g : filter α}
(hf : f.is_cobounded (≤) . is_bounded_default) (hg : g.is_bounded (≤) . is_bounded_default)
(h : ∀ a, (∀ᶠ n in g, n ≤ a) → ∀ᶠ n in f, n ≤ a) : f.Limsup ≤ g.Limsup :=
cInf_le_cInf hf hg h
lemma Limsup_le_Limsup_of_le {f g : filter α} (h : f ≤ g)
(hf : f.is_cobounded (≤) . is_bounded_default) (hg : g.is_bounded (≤) . is_bounded_default) :
f.Limsup ≤ g.Limsup :=
Limsup_le_Limsup hf hg (assume a ha, h ha)
lemma Liminf_le_Liminf_of_le {f g : filter α} (h : g ≤ f)
(hf : f.is_bounded (≥) . is_bounded_default) (hg : g.is_cobounded (≥) . is_bounded_default) :
f.Liminf ≤ g.Liminf :=
Liminf_le_Liminf hf hg (assume a ha, h ha)
lemma limsup_le_limsup {α : Type*} [conditionally_complete_lattice β] {f : filter α} {u v : α → β}
(h : u ≤ᶠ[f] v)
(hu : f.is_cobounded_under (≤) u . is_bounded_default)
(hv : f.is_bounded_under (≤) v . is_bounded_default) :
f.limsup u ≤ f.limsup v :=
Limsup_le_Limsup hu hv $ assume b, h.trans
lemma liminf_le_liminf {α : Type*} [conditionally_complete_lattice β] {f : filter α} {u v : α → β}
(h : ∀ᶠ a in f, u a ≤ v a)
(hu : f.is_bounded_under (≥) u . is_bounded_default)
(hv : f.is_cobounded_under (≥) v . is_bounded_default) :
f.liminf u ≤ f.liminf v :=
@limsup_le_limsup βᵒᵈ α _ _ _ _ h hv hu
lemma limsup_le_limsup_of_le {α β} [conditionally_complete_lattice β] {f g : filter α} (h : f ≤ g)
{u : α → β} (hf : f.is_cobounded_under (≤) u . is_bounded_default)
(hg : g.is_bounded_under (≤) u . is_bounded_default) :
f.limsup u ≤ g.limsup u :=
Limsup_le_Limsup_of_le (map_mono h) hf hg
lemma liminf_le_liminf_of_le {α β} [conditionally_complete_lattice β] {f g : filter α} (h : g ≤ f)
{u : α → β} (hf : f.is_bounded_under (≥) u . is_bounded_default)
(hg : g.is_cobounded_under (≥) u . is_bounded_default) :
f.liminf u ≤ g.liminf u :=
Liminf_le_Liminf_of_le (map_mono h) hf hg
theorem Limsup_principal {s : set α} (h : bdd_above s) (hs : s.nonempty) :
(𝓟 s).Limsup = Sup s :=
by simp [Limsup]; exact cInf_upper_bounds_eq_cSup h hs
theorem Liminf_principal {s : set α} (h : bdd_below s) (hs : s.nonempty) :
(𝓟 s).Liminf = Inf s :=
@Limsup_principal αᵒᵈ _ s h hs
lemma limsup_congr {α : Type*} [conditionally_complete_lattice β] {f : filter α} {u v : α → β}
(h : ∀ᶠ a in f, u a = v a) : limsup f u = limsup f v :=
rw limsup_eq,
congr' with b,
exact eventually_congr (h.mono $ λ x hx, by simp [hx])
lemma liminf_congr {α : Type*} [conditionally_complete_lattice β] {f : filter α} {u v : α → β}
(h : ∀ᶠ a in f, u a = v a) : liminf f u = liminf f v :=
@limsup_congr βᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ _ h
lemma limsup_const {α : Type*} [conditionally_complete_lattice β] {f : filter α} [ne_bot f]
(b : β) : limsup fx, b) = b :=
by simpa only [limsup_eq, eventually_const] using cInf_Ici
lemma liminf_const {α : Type*} [conditionally_complete_lattice β] {f : filter α} [ne_bot f]
(b : β) : liminf fx, b) = b :=
@limsup_const βᵒᵈ α _ f _ b
lemma liminf_le_limsup {f : filter β} [ne_bot f] {u : β → α}
(h : f.is_bounded_under (≤) u . is_bounded_default)
(h' : f.is_bounded_under (≥) u . is_bounded_default) :
liminf f u ≤ limsup f u :=
Liminf_le_Limsup h h'
end conditionally_complete_lattice
section complete_lattice
variables [complete_lattice α]
@[simp] theorem Limsup_bot : (⊥ : filter α).Limsup = ⊥ :=
bot_unique $ Inf_le $ by simp
@[simp] theorem Liminf_bot : (⊥ : filter α).Liminf = ⊤ :=
top_unique $ le_Sup $ by simp
@[simp] theorem Limsup_top : (⊤ : filter α).Limsup = ⊤ :=
top_unique $ le_Inf $
by simp [eq_univ_iff_forall]; exact assume b hb, (top_unique $ hb _)
@[simp] theorem Liminf_top : (⊤ : filter α).Liminf = ⊥ :=
bot_unique $ Sup_le $
by simp [eq_univ_iff_forall]; exact assume b hb, (bot_unique $ hb _)
/-- Same as limsup_const applied to `⊥` but without the `ne_bot f` assumption -/
lemma limsup_const_bot {f : filter β} : limsup fx : β, (⊥ : α)) = (⊥ : α) :=
rw [limsup_eq, eq_bot_iff],
exact Inf_le (eventually_of_forall (λ x, le_rfl)),
/-- Same as limsup_const applied to `⊤` but without the `ne_bot f` assumption -/
lemma liminf_const_top {f : filter β} : liminf fx : β, (⊤ : α)) = (⊤ : α) :=
@limsup_const_bot αᵒᵈ β _ _
theorem has_basis.Limsup_eq_infi_Sup {ι} {p : ι → Prop} {s} {f : filter α} (h : f.has_basis p s) :
f.Limsup = ⨅ i (hi : p i), Sup (s i) :=
(le_infi₂ $ λ i hi, Inf_le $ h.eventually_iff.2 ⟨i, hi, λ x, le_Sup⟩)
(le_Inf $ assume a ha, let ⟨i, hi, ha⟩ := h.eventually_iff.1 ha in
infi₂_le_of_le _ hi $ Sup_le ha)
theorem has_basis.Liminf_eq_supr_Inf {p : ι → Prop} {s : ι → set α} {f : filter α}
(h : f.has_basis p s) : f.Liminf = ⨆ i (hi : p i), Inf (s i) :=
@has_basis.Limsup_eq_infi_Sup αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ _ h
theorem Limsup_eq_infi_Sup {f : filter α} : f.Limsup = ⨅ s ∈ f, Sup s :=
theorem Liminf_eq_supr_Inf {f : filter α} : f.Liminf = ⨆ s ∈ f, Inf s :=
@Limsup_eq_infi_Sup αᵒᵈ _ _
/-- In a complete lattice, the limsup of a function is the infimum over sets `s` in the filter
of the supremum of the function over `s` -/
theorem limsup_eq_infi_supr {f : filter β} {u : β → α} : f.limsup u = ⨅ s ∈ f, ⨆ a ∈ s, u a :=
( u).Limsup_eq_infi_Sup.trans $
by simp only [Sup_image, id]
lemma limsup_eq_infi_supr_of_nat {u : ℕ → α} : limsup at_top u = ⨅ n : ℕ, ⨆ i ≥ n, u i :=
( u).Limsup_eq_infi_Sup.trans $
by simp only [Sup_image, infi_const]; refl
lemma limsup_eq_infi_supr_of_nat' {u : ℕ → α} : limsup at_top u = ⨅ n : ℕ, ⨆ i : ℕ, u (i + n) :=
by simp only [limsup_eq_infi_supr_of_nat, supr_ge_eq_supr_nat_add]
theorem has_basis.limsup_eq_infi_supr {p : ι → Prop} {s : ι → set β} {f : filter β} {u : β → α}
(h : f.has_basis p s) : f.limsup u = ⨅ i (hi : p i), ⨆ a ∈ s i, u a :=
( u).Limsup_eq_infi_Sup.trans $ by simp only [Sup_image, id]
/-- In a complete lattice, the liminf of a function is the infimum over sets `s` in the filter
of the supremum of the function over `s` -/
theorem liminf_eq_supr_infi {f : filter β} {u : β → α} : f.liminf u = ⨆ s ∈ f, ⨅ a ∈ s, u a :=
@limsup_eq_infi_supr αᵒᵈ β _ _ _
lemma liminf_eq_supr_infi_of_nat {u : ℕ → α} : liminf at_top u = ⨆ n : ℕ, ⨅ i ≥ n, u i :=
@limsup_eq_infi_supr_of_nat αᵒᵈ _ u
lemma liminf_eq_supr_infi_of_nat' {u : ℕ → α} : liminf at_top u = ⨆ n : ℕ, ⨅ i : ℕ, u (i + n) :=
@limsup_eq_infi_supr_of_nat' αᵒᵈ _ _
theorem has_basis.liminf_eq_supr_infi {p : ι → Prop} {s : ι → set β} {f : filter β} {u : β → α}
(h : f.has_basis p s) : f.liminf u = ⨆ i (hi : p i), ⨅ a ∈ s i, u a :=
@has_basis.limsup_eq_infi_supr αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h
lemma limsup_eq_Inf_Sup {ι R : Type*} (F : filter ι) [complete_lattice R] (a : ι → R) :
F.limsup a = Inf ((λ I, Sup (a '' I)) '' F.sets) :=
refine le_antisymm _ _,
{ rw limsup_eq,
refine Inf_le_Inf (λ x hx, _),
rcases (mem_image _ F.sets x).mp hx with ⟨I, ⟨I_mem_F, hI⟩⟩,
filter_upwards [I_mem_F] with i hi,
exact hI ▸ le_Sup (mem_image_of_mem _ hi), },
{ refine le_Inf_iff.mpr (λ b hb, Inf_le_of_le (mem_image_of_mem _ $ filter.mem_sets.mpr hb)
$ Sup_le _),
rintros _ ⟨_, h, rfl⟩,
exact h, },
lemma liminf_eq_Sup_Inf {ι R : Type*} (F : filter ι) [complete_lattice R] (a : ι → R) :
F.liminf a = Sup ((λ I, Inf (a '' I)) '' F.sets) :=
@filter.limsup_eq_Inf_Sup ι (order_dual R) _ _ a
@[simp] lemma liminf_nat_add (f : ℕ → α) (k : ℕ) :
at_top.liminf (λ i, f (i + k)) = at_top.liminf f :=
by { simp_rw liminf_eq_supr_infi_of_nat, exact supr_infi_ge_nat_add f k }
@[simp] lemma limsup_nat_add (f : ℕ → α) (k : ℕ) :
at_top.limsup (λ i, f (i + k)) = at_top.limsup f :=
@liminf_nat_add αᵒᵈ _ f k
lemma liminf_le_of_frequently_le' {α β} [complete_lattice β]
{f : filter α} {u : α → β} {x : β} (h : ∃ᶠ a in f, u ax) :
f.liminf ux :=
rw liminf_eq,
refine Sup_le (λ b hb, _),
have hbx : ∃ᶠ a in f, bx,
{ revert h,
rw [←not_imp_not, not_frequently, not_frequently],
exact λ h, (h.mono (λ a hbx hba hax, hbx (hba.trans hax))), },
exact hbx.exists.some_spec,
lemma le_limsup_of_frequently_le' {α β} [complete_lattice β]
{f : filter α} {u : α → β} {x : β} (h : ∃ᶠ a in f, x ≤ u a) :
x ≤ f.limsup u :=
@liminf_le_of_frequently_le' _ βᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ h
end complete_lattice
section conditionally_complete_linear_order
lemma frequently_lt_of_lt_Limsup {f : filter α} [conditionally_complete_linear_order α] {a : α}
(hf : f.is_cobounded (≤) . is_bounded_default) (h : a < f.Limsup) : ∃ᶠ n in f, a < n :=
contrapose! h,
simp only [not_frequently, not_lt] at h,
exact Limsup_le_of_le hf h,
lemma frequently_lt_of_Liminf_lt {f : filter α} [conditionally_complete_linear_order α] {a : α}
(hf : f.is_cobounded (≥) . is_bounded_default) (h : f.Liminf < a) : ∃ᶠ n in f, n < a :=
@frequently_lt_of_lt_Limsup (order_dual α) f _ a hf h
lemma eventually_lt_of_lt_liminf {f : filter α} [conditionally_complete_linear_order β]
{u : α → β} {b : β} (h : b < liminf f u) (hu : f.is_bounded_under (≥) u . is_bounded_default) :
∀ᶠ a in f, b < u a :=
obtain ⟨c, hc, hbc⟩ : ∃ (c : β) (hc : c ∈ {c : β | ∀ᶠ (n : α) in f, cu n}), b < c :=
exists_lt_of_lt_cSup hu h,
exact hc.mono (λ x hx, lt_of_lt_of_le hbc hx)
lemma eventually_lt_of_limsup_lt {f : filter α} [conditionally_complete_linear_order β]
{u : α → β} {b : β} (h : limsup f u < b) (hu : f.is_bounded_under (≤) u . is_bounded_default) :
∀ᶠ a in f, u a < b :=
@eventually_lt_of_lt_liminf _ βᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ h hu
lemma le_limsup_of_frequently_le {α β} [conditionally_complete_linear_order β] {f : filter α}
{u : α → β} {b : β} (hu_le : ∃ᶠ x in f, bu x)
(hu : f.is_bounded_under (≤) u . is_bounded_default) :
bf.limsup u :=
revert hu_le,
rw [←not_imp_not, not_frequently],
simp_rw ←lt_iff_not_ge,
exact λ h, eventually_lt_of_limsup_lt h hu,
lemma liminf_le_of_frequently_le {α β} [conditionally_complete_linear_order β] {f : filter α}
{u : α → β} {b : β} (hu_le : ∃ᶠ x in f, u xb)
(hu : f.is_bounded_under (≥) u . is_bounded_default) :
f.liminf ub :=
@le_limsup_of_frequently_le _ βᵒᵈ _ f u b hu_le hu
lemma frequently_lt_of_lt_limsup {α β} [conditionally_complete_linear_order β] {f : filter α}
{u : α → β} {b : β}
(hu : f.is_cobounded_under (≤) u . is_bounded_default) (h : b < f.limsup u) :
∃ᶠ x in f, b < u x :=
contrapose! h,
apply Limsup_le_of_le hu,
simpa using h,
lemma frequently_lt_of_liminf_lt {α β} [conditionally_complete_linear_order β] {f : filter α}
{u : α → β} {b : β}
(hu : f.is_cobounded_under (≥) u . is_bounded_default) (h : f.liminf u < b) :
∃ᶠ x in f, u x < b :=
@frequently_lt_of_lt_limsup _ βᵒᵈ _ f u b hu h
end conditionally_complete_linear_order
end filter
section order
open filter
lemma monotone.is_bounded_under_le_comp [nonempty β] [linear_order β] [preorder γ]
[no_max_order γ] {g : β → γ} {f : α → β} {l : filter α} (hg : monotone g)
(hg' : tendsto g at_top at_top) :
is_bounded_under (≤) l (g ∘ f) ↔ is_bounded_under (≤) l f :=
refine ⟨_, λ h, h.is_bounded_under hg⟩,
rintro ⟨c, hc⟩, rw eventually_map at hc,
obtain ⟨b, hb⟩ : ∃ b, ∀ a ≥ b, c < g a := eventually_at_top.1 (hg'.eventually_gt_at_top c),
exact ⟨b, hc.mono $ λ x hx, not_lt.1 (λ h, (hb _ h.le).not_le hx)⟩
lemma monotone.is_bounded_under_ge_comp [nonempty β] [linear_order β] [preorder γ]
[no_min_order γ] {g : β → γ} {f : α → β} {l : filter α} (hg : monotone g)
(hg' : tendsto g at_bot at_bot) :
is_bounded_under (≥) l (g ∘ f) ↔ is_bounded_under (≥) l f :=
hg.dual.is_bounded_under_le_comp hg'
lemma antitone.is_bounded_under_le_comp [nonempty β] [linear_order β] [preorder γ]
[no_max_order γ] {g : β → γ} {f : α → β} {l : filter α} (hg : antitone g)
(hg' : tendsto g at_bot at_top) :
is_bounded_under (≤) l (g ∘ f) ↔ is_bounded_under (≥) l f :=
hg.dual_right.is_bounded_under_ge_comp hg'
lemma antitone.is_bounded_under_ge_comp [nonempty β] [linear_order β] [preorder γ]
[no_min_order γ] {g : β → γ} {f : α → β} {l : filter α} (hg : antitone g)
(hg' : tendsto g at_top at_bot) :
is_bounded_under (≥) l (g ∘ f) ↔ is_bounded_under (≤) l f :=
hg.dual_right.is_bounded_under_le_comp hg'
lemma galois_connection.l_limsup_le [conditionally_complete_lattice β]
[conditionally_complete_lattice γ] {f : filter α} {v : α → β}
{l : β → γ} {u : γ → β} (gc : galois_connection l u)
(hlv : f.is_bounded_under (≤) (λ x, l (v x)) . is_bounded_default)
(hv_co : f.is_cobounded_under (≤) v . is_bounded_default) :
l (f.limsup v) ≤ f.limsup (λ x, l (v x)) :=
refine le_Limsup_of_le hlv (λ c hc, _),
rw filter.eventually_map at hc,
simp_rw (gc _ _) at hc ⊢,
exact Limsup_le_of_le hv_co hc,
lemma order_iso.limsup_apply {γ} [conditionally_complete_lattice β]
[conditionally_complete_lattice γ] {f : filter α} {u : α → β} (g : β ≃o γ)
(hu : f.is_bounded_under (≤) u . is_bounded_default)
(hu_co : f.is_cobounded_under (≤) u . is_bounded_default)
(hgu : f.is_bounded_under (≤) (λ x, g (u x)) . is_bounded_default)
(hgu_co : f.is_cobounded_under (≤) (λ x, g (u x)) . is_bounded_default) :
g (f.limsup u) = f.limsup (λ x, g (u x)) :=
refine le_antisymm (g.to_galois_connection.l_limsup_le hgu hu_co) _,
rw [←(g.symm.symm_apply_apply (f.limsup (λ (x : α), g (u x)))), g.symm_symm],
refine g.monotone _,
have hf : u = λ i, g.symm (g (u i)), from funext (λ i, (g.symm_apply_apply (u i)).symm),
nth_rewrite 0 hf,
refine g.symm.to_galois_connection.l_limsup_le _ hgu_co,
simp_rw g.symm_apply_apply,
exact hu,
lemma order_iso.liminf_apply {γ} [conditionally_complete_lattice β]
[conditionally_complete_lattice γ] {f : filter α} {u : α → β} (g : β ≃o γ)
(hu : f.is_bounded_under (≥) u . is_bounded_default)
(hu_co : f.is_cobounded_under (≥) u . is_bounded_default)
(hgu : f.is_bounded_under (≥) (λ x, g (u x)) . is_bounded_default)
(hgu_co : f.is_cobounded_under (≥) (λ x, g (u x)) . is_bounded_default) :
g (f.liminf u) = f.liminf (λ x, g (u x)) :=
@order_iso.limsup_apply α βᵒᵈ γᵒᵈ _ _ f u g.dual hu hu_co hgu hgu_co
end order