
Zhangir Azerbayev
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Copyright (c) 2019 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Patrick Massot, Casper Putz, Anne Baanen
import linear_algebra.matrix.reindex
import linear_algebra.matrix.to_lin
# Bases and matrices
This file defines the map `basis.to_matrix` that sends a family of vectors to
the matrix of their coordinates with respect to some basis.
## Main definitions
* `basis.to_matrix e v` is the matrix whose `i, j`th entry is `e.repr (v j) i`
* `basis.to_matrix_equiv` is `basis.to_matrix` bundled as a linear equiv
## Main results
* `linear_map.to_matrix_id_eq_basis_to_matrix`: `linear_map.to_matrix b c id`
is equal to `basis.to_matrix b c`
* `basis.to_matrix_mul_to_matrix`: multiplying `basis.to_matrix` with another
`basis.to_matrix` gives a `basis.to_matrix`
## Tags
matrix, basis
noncomputable theory
open linear_map matrix set submodule
open_locale big_operators
open_locale matrix
section basis_to_matrix
variables {ι ι' κ κ' : Type*}
variables {R M : Type*} [comm_semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [module R M]
variables {R₂ M₂ : Type*} [comm_ring R₂] [add_comm_group M₂] [module R₂ M₂]
open function matrix
/-- From a basis `e : ι → M` and a family of vectors `v : ι' → M`, make the matrix whose columns
are the vectors `v i` written in the basis `e`. -/
def basis.to_matrix (e : basis ι R M) (v : ι' → M) : matrix ι ι' R :=
λ i j, e.repr (v j) i
variables (e : basis ι R M) (v : ι' → M) (i : ι) (j : ι')
namespace basis
lemma to_matrix_apply : e.to_matrix v i j = e.repr (v j) i :=
lemma to_matrix_transpose_apply : (e.to_matrix v)ᵀ j = e.repr (v j) :=
funext $ (λ _, rfl)
lemma to_matrix_eq_to_matrix_constr [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι] (v : ι → M) :
e.to_matrix v = linear_map.to_matrix e e (e.constr ℕ v) :=
by { ext, rw [basis.to_matrix_apply, linear_map.to_matrix_apply, basis.constr_basis] }
-- TODO (maybe) Adjust the definition of `basis.to_matrix` to eliminate the transpose.
lemma coe_pi_basis_fun.to_matrix_eq_transpose [fintype ι] :
((pi.basis_fun R ι).to_matrix : matrix ι ι R → matrix ι ι R) = matrix.transpose :=
by { ext M i j, refl, }
@[simp] lemma to_matrix_self [decidable_eq ι] : e.to_matrix e = 1 :=
rw basis.to_matrix,
ext i j,
simp [basis.equiv_fun, matrix.one_apply, finsupp.single, eq_comm]
lemma to_matrix_update [decidable_eq ι'] (x : M) :
e.to_matrix (function.update v j x) = matrix.update_column (e.to_matrix v) j (e.repr x) :=
ext i' k,
rw [basis.to_matrix, matrix.update_column_apply, e.to_matrix_apply],
{ rw [h, update_same j x v] },
{ rw update_noteq h },
/-- The basis constructed by `units_smul` has vectors given by a diagonal matrix. -/
@[simp] lemma to_matrix_units_smul [decidable_eq ι] (e : basis ι R₂ M₂) (w : ι → R₂ˣ) :
e.to_matrix (e.units_smul w) = diagonal (coe ∘ w) :=
ext i j,
by_cases h : i = j,
{ simp [h, to_matrix_apply, units_smul_apply, units.smul_def] },
{ simp [h, to_matrix_apply, units_smul_apply, units.smul_def, ne.symm h] }
/-- The basis constructed by `is_unit_smul` has vectors given by a diagonal matrix. -/
@[simp] lemma to_matrix_is_unit_smul [decidable_eq ι] (e : basis ι R₂ M₂) {w : ι → R₂}
(hw : ∀ i, is_unit (w i)) :
e.to_matrix (e.is_unit_smul hw) = diagonal w :=
e.to_matrix_units_smul _
@[simp] lemma sum_to_matrix_smul_self [fintype ι] : ∑ (i : ι), e.to_matrix v i j • e i = v j :=
by simp_rw [e.to_matrix_apply, e.sum_repr]
lemma to_matrix_map_vec_mul {S : Type*} [ring S] [algebra R S] [fintype ι]
(b : basis ι R S) (v : ι' → S) :
((b.to_matrix v).map $ algebra_map R S).vec_mul b = v :=
ext i,
simp_rw [vec_mul, dot_product, matrix.map_apply, ← algebra.commutes, ← algebra.smul_def,
@[simp] lemma to_lin_to_matrix [fintype ι] [fintype ι'] [decidable_eq ι'] (v : basis ι' R M) :
matrix.to_lin v e (e.to_matrix v) = id :=
v.ext (λ i, by rw [to_lin_self, id_apply, e.sum_to_matrix_smul_self])
/-- From a basis `e : ι → M`, build a linear equivalence between families of vectors `v : ι → M`,
and matrices, making the matrix whose columns are the vectors `v i` written in the basis `e`. -/
def to_matrix_equiv [fintype ι] (e : basis ι R M) : (ι → M) ≃ₗ[R] matrix ι ι R :=
{ to_fun := e.to_matrix,
map_add' := λ v w, begin
ext i j,
change _ = _ + _,
rw [e.to_matrix_apply, pi.add_apply, linear_equiv.map_add],
map_smul' := begin
intros c v,
ext i j,
rw [e.to_matrix_apply, pi.smul_apply, linear_equiv.map_smul],
inv_fun := λ m j, ∑ i, (m i j) • e i,
left_inv := begin
intro v,
ext j,
exact e.sum_to_matrix_smul_self v j
right_inv := begin
intros m,
ext k l,
simp only [e.to_matrix_apply, ← e.equiv_fun_apply, ← e.equiv_fun_symm_apply,
end }
end basis
section mul_linear_map_to_matrix
variables {N : Type*} [add_comm_monoid N] [module R N]
variables (b : basis ι R M) (b' : basis ι' R M) (c : basis κ R N) (c' : basis κ' R N)
variables (f : M →ₗ[R] N)
open linear_map
section fintype
variables [fintype ι'] [fintype κ] [fintype κ']
@[simp] lemma basis_to_matrix_mul_linear_map_to_matrix [decidable_eq ι'] :
c.to_matrix c' ⬝ linear_map.to_matrix b' c' f = linear_map.to_matrix b' c f :=
(matrix.to_lin b' c).injective
(by haveI := classical.dec_eq κ';
rw [to_lin_to_matrix, to_lin_mul b' c' c, to_lin_to_matrix, c.to_lin_to_matrix, id_comp])
variable [fintype ι]
@[simp] lemma linear_map_to_matrix_mul_basis_to_matrix [decidable_eq ι] [decidable_eq ι'] :
linear_map.to_matrix b' c' f ⬝ b'.to_matrix b = linear_map.to_matrix b c' f :=
(matrix.to_lin b c').injective
(by rw [to_lin_to_matrix, to_lin_mul b b' c', to_lin_to_matrix, b'.to_lin_to_matrix, comp_id])
lemma basis_to_matrix_mul_linear_map_to_matrix_mul_basis_to_matrix
[decidable_eq ι] [decidable_eq ι'] :
c.to_matrix c' ⬝ linear_map.to_matrix b' c' f ⬝ b'.to_matrix b = linear_map.to_matrix b c f :=
by rw [basis_to_matrix_mul_linear_map_to_matrix, linear_map_to_matrix_mul_basis_to_matrix]
lemma basis_to_matrix_mul [decidable_eq κ]
(b₁ : basis ι R M) (b₂ : basis ι' R M) (b₃ : basis κ R N) (A : matrix ι' κ R) :
b₁.to_matrix b₂ ⬝ A = linear_map.to_matrix b₃ b₁ (to_lin b₃ b₂ A) :=
have := basis_to_matrix_mul_linear_map_to_matrix b₃ b₁ b₂ (matrix.to_lin b₃ b₂ A),
rwa [linear_map.to_matrix_to_lin] at this
lemma mul_basis_to_matrix [decidable_eq ι] [decidable_eq ι']
(b₁ : basis ι R M) (b₂ : basis ι' R M) (b₃ : basis κ R N) (A : matrix κ ι R) :
A ⬝ b₁.to_matrix b₂ = linear_map.to_matrix b₂ b₃ (to_lin b₁ b₃ A) :=
have := linear_map_to_matrix_mul_basis_to_matrix b₂ b₁ b₃ (matrix.to_lin b₁ b₃ A),
rwa [linear_map.to_matrix_to_lin] at this
lemma basis_to_matrix_basis_fun_mul (b : basis ι R (ι → R)) (A : matrix ι ι R) :
b.to_matrix (pi.basis_fun R ι) ⬝ A = of (λ i j, b.repr (Aᵀ j) i) :=
simp only [basis_to_matrix_mul _ _ (pi.basis_fun R ι), matrix.to_lin_eq_to_lin'],
ext i j,
rw [linear_map.to_matrix_apply, matrix.to_lin'_apply, pi.basis_fun_apply,
matrix.mul_vec_std_basis_apply, matrix.of_apply]
/-- A generalization of `linear_map.to_matrix_id`. -/
@[simp] lemma linear_map.to_matrix_id_eq_basis_to_matrix [decidable_eq ι] :
linear_map.to_matrix b b' id = b'.to_matrix b :=
by { haveI := classical.dec_eq ι',
rw [←@basis_to_matrix_mul_linear_map_to_matrix _ _ ι, to_matrix_id, matrix.mul_one] }
/-- See also `basis.to_matrix_reindex` which gives the `simp` normal form of this result. -/
lemma basis.to_matrix_reindex' [decidable_eq ι] [decidable_eq ι']
(b : basis ι R M) (v : ι' → M) (e : ι ≃ ι') :
(b.reindex e).to_matrix v = matrix.reindex_alg_equiv _ e (b.to_matrix (v ∘ e)) :=
by { ext, simp only [basis.to_matrix_apply, basis.reindex_repr, matrix.reindex_alg_equiv_apply,
matrix.reindex_apply, matrix.minor_apply, function.comp_app, e.apply_symm_apply] }
end fintype
/-- A generalization of `basis.to_matrix_self`, in the opposite direction. -/
@[simp] lemma basis.to_matrix_mul_to_matrix {ι'' : Type*} [fintype ι'] (b'' : ι'' → M) :
b.to_matrix b' ⬝ b'.to_matrix b'' = b.to_matrix b'' :=
have := classical.dec_eq ι,
have := classical.dec_eq ι',
haveI := classical.dec_eq ι'',
ext i j,
simp only [matrix.mul_apply, basis.to_matrix_apply, basis.sum_repr_mul_repr],
/-- `b.to_matrix b'` and `b'.to_matrix b` are inverses. -/
lemma basis.to_matrix_mul_to_matrix_flip [decidable_eq ι] [fintype ι'] :
b.to_matrix b' ⬝ b'.to_matrix b = 1 :=
by rw [basis.to_matrix_mul_to_matrix, basis.to_matrix_self]
lemma basis.to_matrix_reindex
(b : basis ι R M) (v : ι' → M) (e : ι ≃ ι') :
(b.reindex e).to_matrix v = (b.to_matrix v).minor e.symm id :=
by { ext, simp only [basis.to_matrix_apply, basis.reindex_repr, matrix.minor_apply, id.def] }
lemma basis.to_matrix_map (b : basis ι R M) (f : M ≃ₗ[R] N) (v : ι → N) :
( f).to_matrix v = b.to_matrix (f.symm ∘ v) :=
by { ext, simp only [basis.to_matrix_apply,, linear_equiv.trans_apply] }
end mul_linear_map_to_matrix
end basis_to_matrix