
Zhangir Azerbayev
history blame
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Copyright (c) 2021 Jordan Brown, Thomas Browning, Patrick Lutz. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Jordan Brown, Thomas Browning, Patrick Lutz
import data.bracket
import group_theory.subgroup.basic
# Commutators of Subgroups
If `G` is a group and `H₁ Hβ‚‚ : subgroup G` then the commutator `⁅H₁, H₂⁆ : subgroup G`
is the subgroup of `G` generated by the commutators `h₁ * hβ‚‚ * h₁⁻¹ * h₂⁻¹`.
## Main definitions
* `⁅g₁, g₂⁆` : the commutator of the elements `g₁` and `gβ‚‚`
(defined by `commutator_element` elsewhere).
* `⁅H₁, H₂⁆` : the commutator of the subgroups `H₁` and `Hβ‚‚`.
variables {G G' F : Type*} [group G] [group G'] [monoid_hom_class F G G'] (f : F) {g₁ gβ‚‚ g₃ g : G}
lemma commutator_element_eq_one_iff_mul_comm : ⁅g₁, g₂⁆ = 1 ↔ g₁ * gβ‚‚ = gβ‚‚ * g₁ :=
by rw [commutator_element_def, mul_inv_eq_one, mul_inv_eq_iff_eq_mul]
lemma commutator_element_eq_one_iff_commute : ⁅g₁, g₂⁆ = 1 ↔ commute g₁ gβ‚‚ :=
lemma commute.commutator_eq (h : commute g₁ gβ‚‚) : ⁅g₁, g₂⁆ = 1 :=
commutator_element_eq_one_iff_commute.mpr h
variables (g₁ gβ‚‚ g₃ g)
@[simp] lemma commutator_element_one_right : ⁅g, (1 : G)⁆ = 1 :=
(commute.one_right g).commutator_eq
@[simp] lemma commutator_element_one_left : ⁅(1 : G), g⁆ = 1 :=
(commute.one_left g).commutator_eq
@[simp] lemma commutator_element_inv : ⁅g₁, g₂⁆⁻¹ = ⁅gβ‚‚, g₁⁆ :=
by simp_rw [commutator_element_def, mul_inv_rev, inv_inv, mul_assoc]
lemma map_commutator_element : (f ⁅g₁, g₂⁆ : G') = ⁅f g₁, f g₂⁆ :=
by simp_rw [commutator_element_def, map_mul f, map_inv f]
lemma conjugate_commutator_element : g₃ * ⁅g₁, g₂⁆ * g₃⁻¹ = ⁅g₃ * g₁ * g₃⁻¹, g₃ * gβ‚‚ * g₃⁻¹⁆ :=
map_commutator_element (mul_aut.conj g₃).to_monoid_hom g₁ gβ‚‚
namespace subgroup
/-- The commutator of two subgroups `H₁` and `Hβ‚‚`. -/
instance commutator : has_bracket (subgroup G) (subgroup G) :=
⟨λ H₁ Hβ‚‚, closure {g | βˆƒ (g₁ ∈ H₁) (gβ‚‚ ∈ Hβ‚‚), ⁅g₁, g₂⁆ = g}⟩
lemma commutator_def (H₁ Hβ‚‚ : subgroup G) :
⁅H₁, H₂⁆ = closure {g | βˆƒ (g₁ ∈ H₁) (gβ‚‚ ∈ Hβ‚‚), ⁅g₁, g₂⁆ = g} := rfl
variables {g₁ gβ‚‚ g₃} {H₁ Hβ‚‚ H₃ K₁ Kβ‚‚ : subgroup G}
lemma commutator_mem_commutator (h₁ : g₁ ∈ H₁) (hβ‚‚ : gβ‚‚ ∈ Hβ‚‚) : ⁅g₁, g₂⁆ ∈ ⁅H₁, H₂⁆ :=
subset_closure ⟨g₁, h₁, gβ‚‚, hβ‚‚, rfl⟩
lemma commutator_le : ⁅H₁, H₂⁆ ≀ H₃ ↔ βˆ€ (g₁ ∈ H₁) (gβ‚‚ ∈ Hβ‚‚), ⁅g₁, g₂⁆ ∈ H₃ :=
H₃.closure_le.trans ⟨λ h a b c d, h ⟨a, b, c, d, rfl⟩, Ξ» h g ⟨a, b, c, d, h_eq⟩, h_eq β–Έ h a b c d⟩
lemma commutator_mono (h₁ : H₁ ≀ K₁) (hβ‚‚ : Hβ‚‚ ≀ Kβ‚‚) : ⁅H₁, H₂⁆ ≀ ⁅K₁, K₂⁆ :=
commutator_le.mpr (Ξ» g₁ hg₁ gβ‚‚ hgβ‚‚, commutator_mem_commutator (h₁ hg₁) (hβ‚‚ hgβ‚‚))
lemma commutator_eq_bot_iff_le_centralizer : ⁅H₁, H₂⁆ = βŠ₯ ↔ H₁ ≀ Hβ‚‚.centralizer :=
rw [eq_bot_iff, commutator_le],
refine forall_congr (Ξ» p, forall_congr (Ξ» hp, forall_congr (Ξ» q, forall_congr (Ξ» hq, _)))),
rw [mem_bot, commutator_element_eq_one_iff_mul_comm, eq_comm],
/-- **The Three Subgroups Lemma** (via the Hall-Witt identity) -/
lemma commutator_commutator_eq_bot_of_rotate
(h1 : ⁅⁅Hβ‚‚, H₃⁆, H₁⁆ = βŠ₯) (h2 : ⁅⁅H₃, H₁⁆, H₂⁆ = βŠ₯) : ⁅⁅H₁, H₂⁆, H₃⁆ = βŠ₯ :=
simp_rw [commutator_eq_bot_iff_le_centralizer, commutator_le,
mem_centralizer_iff_commutator_eq_one, ←commutator_element_def] at h1 h2 ⊒,
intros x hx y hy z hz,
transitivity x * z * ⁅y, ⁅z⁻¹, x⁻¹⁆⁆⁻¹ * z⁻¹ * y * ⁅x⁻¹, ⁅y⁻¹, z⁆⁆⁻¹ * y⁻¹ * x⁻¹,
{ group },
{ rw [h1 _ (Hβ‚‚.inv_mem hy) _ hz _ (H₁.inv_mem hx), h2 _ (H₃.inv_mem hz) _ (H₁.inv_mem hx) _ hy],
group },
variables (H₁ Hβ‚‚)
lemma commutator_comm_le : ⁅H₁, H₂⁆ ≀ ⁅Hβ‚‚, H₁⁆ :=
commutator_le.mpr (Ξ» g₁ h₁ gβ‚‚ hβ‚‚,
commutator_element_inv gβ‚‚ g₁ β–Έ ⁅Hβ‚‚, H₁⁆.inv_mem_iff.mpr (commutator_mem_commutator hβ‚‚ h₁))
lemma commutator_comm : ⁅H₁, H₂⁆ = ⁅Hβ‚‚, H₁⁆ :=
le_antisymm (commutator_comm_le H₁ Hβ‚‚) (commutator_comm_le Hβ‚‚ H₁)
section normal
instance commutator_normal [h₁ : H₁.normal] [hβ‚‚ : Hβ‚‚.normal] : normal ⁅H₁, H₂⁆ :=
let base : set G := {x | βˆƒ (g₁ ∈ H₁) (gβ‚‚ ∈ Hβ‚‚), ⁅g₁, g₂⁆ = x},
change (closure base).normal,
suffices h_base : base = group.conjugates_of_set base,
{ rw h_base,
exact subgroup.normal_closure_normal },
refine set.subset.antisymm group.subset_conjugates_of_set (Ξ» a h, _),
simp_rw [group.mem_conjugates_of_set_iff, is_conj_iff] at h,
rcases h with ⟨b, ⟨c, hc, e, he, rfl⟩, d, rfl⟩,
exact ⟨_, h₁.conj_mem c hc d, _, hβ‚‚.conj_mem e he d, (conjugate_commutator_element c e d).symm⟩,
lemma commutator_def' [H₁.normal] [Hβ‚‚.normal] :
⁅H₁, H₂⁆ = normal_closure {g | βˆƒ (g₁ ∈ H₁) (gβ‚‚ ∈ Hβ‚‚), ⁅g₁, g₂⁆ = g} :=
le_antisymm closure_le_normal_closure (normal_closure_le_normal subset_closure)
lemma commutator_le_right [h : Hβ‚‚.normal] : ⁅H₁, H₂⁆ ≀ Hβ‚‚ :=
commutator_le.mpr (Ξ» g₁ h₁ gβ‚‚ hβ‚‚, Hβ‚‚.mul_mem (h.conj_mem gβ‚‚ hβ‚‚ g₁) (Hβ‚‚.inv_mem hβ‚‚))
lemma commutator_le_left [H₁.normal] : ⁅H₁, H₂⁆ ≀ H₁ :=
commutator_comm Hβ‚‚ H₁ β–Έ commutator_le_right Hβ‚‚ H₁
@[simp] lemma commutator_bot_left : ⁅(βŠ₯ : subgroup G), H₁⁆ = βŠ₯ := (commutator_le_left βŠ₯ H₁)
@[simp] lemma commutator_bot_right : ⁅H₁, βŠ₯⁆ = (βŠ₯ : subgroup G) := (commutator_le_right H₁ βŠ₯)
lemma commutator_le_inf [normal H₁] [normal Hβ‚‚] : ⁅H₁, H₂⁆ ≀ H₁ βŠ“ Hβ‚‚ :=
le_inf (commutator_le_left H₁ Hβ‚‚) (commutator_le_right H₁ Hβ‚‚)
end normal
lemma map_commutator (f : G β†’* G') : map f ⁅H₁, H₂⁆ = ⁅map f H₁, map f H₂⁆ :=
simp_rw [le_antisymm_iff, map_le_iff_le_comap, commutator_le, mem_comap, map_commutator_element],
{ intros p hp q hq,
exact commutator_mem_commutator (mem_map_of_mem _ hp) (mem_map_of_mem _ hq), },
{ rintros _ ⟨p, hp, rfl⟩ _ ⟨q, hq, rfl⟩,
rw ← map_commutator_element,
exact mem_map_of_mem _ (commutator_mem_commutator hp hq) }
variables {H₁ Hβ‚‚}
lemma commutator_le_map_commutator {f : G β†’* G'} {K₁ Kβ‚‚ : subgroup G'}
(h₁ : K₁ ≀ H₁.map f) (hβ‚‚ : Kβ‚‚ ≀ Hβ‚‚.map f) : ⁅K₁, K₂⁆ ≀ ⁅H₁, H₂⁆.map f :=
(commutator_mono h₁ hβ‚‚).trans (ge_of_eq (map_commutator H₁ Hβ‚‚ f))
variables (H₁ Hβ‚‚)
instance commutator_characteristic [h₁ : characteristic H₁] [hβ‚‚ : characteristic Hβ‚‚] :
characteristic ⁅H₁, H₂⁆ :=
characteristic_iff_le_map.mpr (Ξ» Ο•, commutator_le_map_commutator
( h₁ Ο•) ( hβ‚‚ Ο•))
lemma commutator_prod_prod (K₁ Kβ‚‚ : subgroup G') :
⁅H₁.prod K₁, Hβ‚‚.prod K₂⁆ = ⁅H₁, H₂⁆.prod ⁅K₁, K₂⁆ :=
apply le_antisymm,
{ rw commutator_le,
rintros ⟨p₁, pβ‚‚βŸ© ⟨hp₁, hpβ‚‚βŸ© ⟨q₁, qβ‚‚βŸ© ⟨hq₁, hqβ‚‚βŸ©,
exact ⟨commutator_mem_commutator hp₁ hq₁, commutator_mem_commutator hpβ‚‚ hqβ‚‚βŸ© },
{ rw prod_le_iff, split;
{ rw map_commutator,
apply commutator_mono;
simp [le_prod_iff, map_map, monoid_hom.fst_comp_inl, monoid_hom.snd_comp_inl,
monoid_hom.fst_comp_inr, monoid_hom.snd_comp_inr ], }, }
/-- The commutator of direct product is contained in the direct product of the commutators.
See `commutator_pi_pi_of_fintype` for equality given `fintype Ξ·`.
lemma commutator_pi_pi_le {Ξ· : Type*} {Gs : Ξ· β†’ Type*} [βˆ€ i, group (Gs i)]
(H K : Ξ  i, subgroup (Gs i)) :
⁅subgroup.pi set.univ H, subgroup.pi set.univ K⁆ ≀ subgroup.pi set.univ (Ξ» i, ⁅H i, K i⁆) :=
commutator_le.mpr $ Ξ» p hp q hq i hi, commutator_mem_commutator (hp i hi) (hq i hi)
/-- The commutator of a finite direct product is contained in the direct product of the commutators.
lemma commutator_pi_pi_of_fintype {Ξ· : Type*} [fintype Ξ·] {Gs : Ξ· β†’ Type*}
[βˆ€ i, group (Gs i)] (H K : Ξ  i, subgroup (Gs i)) :
⁅subgroup.pi set.univ H, subgroup.pi set.univ K⁆ = subgroup.pi set.univ (Ξ» i, ⁅H i, K i⁆) :=
apply le_antisymm (commutator_pi_pi_le H K),
{ rw pi_le_iff, intros i hi,
rw map_commutator,
apply commutator_mono;
{ rw le_pi_iff,
intros j hj,
rintros _ ⟨_, ⟨x, hx, rfl⟩, rfl⟩,
by_cases h : j = i,
{ subst h, simpa using hx, },
{ simp [h, one_mem] }, }, },
end subgroup