
Zhangir Azerbayev
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Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes HΓΆlzl. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes HΓΆlzl, Mario Carneiro, Kevin Buzzard, Yury Kudryashov
import algebra.module.submodule.basic
import algebra.punit_instances
# The lattice structure on `submodule`s
This file defines the lattice structure on submodules, `submodule.complete_lattice`, with `βŠ₯`
defined as `{0}` and `βŠ“` defined as intersection of the underlying carrier.
If `p` and `q` are submodules of a module, `p ≀ q` means that `p βŠ† q`.
Many results about operations on this lattice structure are defined in `linear_algebra/basic.lean`,
most notably those which use `span`.
## Implementation notes
This structure should match the `add_submonoid.complete_lattice` structure, and we should try
to unify the APIs where possible.
variables {R S M : Type*}
section add_comm_monoid
variables [semiring R] [semiring S] [add_comm_monoid M] [module R M] [module S M]
variables [has_smul S R] [is_scalar_tower S R M]
variables {p q : submodule R M}
namespace submodule
/-- The set `{0}` is the bottom element of the lattice of submodules. -/
instance : has_bot (submodule R M) :=
⟨{ carrier := {0}, smul_mem' := by simp { contextual := tt }, .. (βŠ₯ : add_submonoid M)}⟩
instance inhabited' : inhabited (submodule R M) := ⟨βŠ₯⟩
@[simp] lemma bot_coe : ((βŠ₯ : submodule R M) : set M) = {0} := rfl
@[simp] lemma bot_to_add_submonoid : (βŠ₯ : submodule R M).to_add_submonoid = βŠ₯ := rfl
variables (R)
@[simp] lemma restrict_scalars_bot : restrict_scalars S (βŠ₯ : submodule R M) = βŠ₯ := rfl
@[simp] lemma mem_bot {x : M} : x ∈ (βŠ₯ : submodule R M) ↔ x = 0 := set.mem_singleton_iff
@[simp] lemma restrict_scalars_eq_bot_iff {p : submodule R M} :
restrict_scalars S p = βŠ₯ ↔ p = βŠ₯ :=
by simp [set_like.ext_iff]
instance unique_bot : unique (βŠ₯ : submodule R M) :=
⟨infer_instance, λ x, subtype.ext $ (mem_bot R).1 x.mem⟩
instance : order_bot (submodule R M) :=
{ bot := βŠ₯,
bot_le := Ξ» p x, by simp [zero_mem] {contextual := tt} }
protected lemma eq_bot_iff (p : submodule R M) : p = βŠ₯ ↔ βˆ€ x ∈ p, x = (0 : M) :=
⟨ Ξ» h, h.symm β–Έ Ξ» x hx, (mem_bot R).mp hx,
λ h, eq_bot_iff.mpr (λ x hx, (mem_bot R).mpr (h x hx)) ⟩
@[ext] protected lemma bot_ext (x y : (βŠ₯ : submodule R M)) : x = y :=
rcases x with ⟨x, xm⟩, rcases y with ⟨y, ym⟩, congr,
rw (submodule.eq_bot_iff _).mp rfl x xm,
rw (submodule.eq_bot_iff _).mp rfl y ym,
protected lemma ne_bot_iff (p : submodule R M) : p β‰  βŠ₯ ↔ βˆƒ x ∈ p, x β‰  (0 : M) :=
by { haveI := classical.prop_decidable, simp_rw [ne.def, p.eq_bot_iff, not_forall] }
lemma nonzero_mem_of_bot_lt {p : submodule R M} (bot_lt : βŠ₯ < p) : βˆƒ a : p, a β‰  0 :=
let ⟨b, hb₁, hbβ‚‚βŸ© :=' in ⟨⟨b, hbβ‚βŸ©, hbβ‚‚ ∘ (congr_arg coe)⟩
lemma exists_mem_ne_zero_of_ne_bot {p : submodule R M} (h : p β‰  βŠ₯) : βˆƒ b : M, b ∈ p ∧ b β‰  0 :=
let ⟨b, hb₁, hbβ‚‚βŸ© := h in ⟨b, hb₁, hbβ‚‚βŸ©
/-- The bottom submodule is linearly equivalent to punit as an `R`-module. -/
@[simps] def bot_equiv_punit : (βŠ₯ : submodule R M) ≃ₗ[R] punit :=
{ to_fun := Ξ» x,,
inv_fun := Ξ» x, 0,
map_add' := by { intros, ext, },
map_smul' := by { intros, ext, },
left_inv := by { intro x, ext, },
right_inv := by { intro x, ext, }, }
lemma eq_bot_of_subsingleton (p : submodule R M) [subsingleton p] : p = βŠ₯ :=
rw eq_bot_iff,
intros v hv,
exact congr_arg coe (subsingleton.elim (⟨v, hv⟩ : p) 0)
/-- The universal set is the top element of the lattice of submodules. -/
instance : has_top (submodule R M) :=
⟨{ carrier := set.univ, smul_mem' := λ _ _ _, trivial, .. (⊀ : add_submonoid M)}⟩
@[simp] lemma top_coe : ((⊀ : submodule R M) : set M) = set.univ := rfl
@[simp] lemma top_to_add_submonoid : (⊀ : submodule R M).to_add_submonoid = ⊀ := rfl
@[simp] lemma mem_top {x : M} : x ∈ (⊀ : submodule R M) := trivial
variables (R)
@[simp] lemma restrict_scalars_top : restrict_scalars S (⊀ : submodule R M) = ⊀ := rfl
@[simp] lemma restrict_scalars_eq_top_iff {p : submodule R M} :
restrict_scalars S p = ⊀ ↔ p = ⊀ :=
by simp [set_like.ext_iff]
instance : order_top (submodule R M) :=
{ top := ⊀,
le_top := Ξ» p x _, trivial }
lemma eq_top_iff' {p : submodule R M} : p = ⊀ ↔ βˆ€ x, x ∈ p :=
eq_top_iff.trans ⟨λ h x, h trivial, λ h x _, h x⟩
/-- The top submodule is linearly equivalent to the module.
This is the module version of `add_submonoid.top_equiv`. -/
@[simps] def top_equiv : (⊀ : submodule R M) ≃ₗ[R] M :=
{ to_fun := Ξ» x, x,
inv_fun := λ x, ⟨x, by simp⟩,
map_add' := by { intros, refl, },
map_smul' := by { intros, refl, },
left_inv := by { intro x, ext, refl, },
right_inv := by { intro x, refl, }, }
instance : has_Inf (submodule R M) :=
⟨λ S,
{ carrier := β‹‚ s ∈ S, (s : set M),
zero_mem' := by simp [zero_mem],
add_mem' := by simp [add_mem] {contextual := tt},
smul_mem' := by simp [smul_mem] {contextual := tt} }⟩
private lemma Inf_le' {S : set (submodule R M)} {p} : p ∈ S β†’ Inf S ≀ p :=
private lemma le_Inf' {S : set (submodule R M)} {p} : (βˆ€q ∈ S, p ≀ q) β†’ p ≀ Inf S :=
instance : has_inf (submodule R M) :=
⟨λ p q,
{ carrier := p ∩ q,
zero_mem' := by simp [zero_mem],
add_mem' := by simp [add_mem] {contextual := tt},
smul_mem' := by simp [smul_mem] {contextual := tt} }⟩
instance : complete_lattice (submodule R M) :=
{ sup := Ξ» a b, Inf {x | a ≀ x ∧ b ≀ x},
le_sup_left := λ a b, le_Inf' $ λ x ⟨ha, hb⟩, ha,
le_sup_right := λ a b, le_Inf' $ λ x ⟨ha, hb⟩, hb,
sup_le := Ξ» a b c h₁ hβ‚‚, Inf_le' ⟨h₁, hβ‚‚βŸ©,
inf := (βŠ“),
le_inf := Ξ» a b c, set.subset_inter,
inf_le_left := Ξ» a b, set.inter_subset_left _ _,
inf_le_right := Ξ» a b, set.inter_subset_right _ _,
Sup := Ξ»tt, Inf {t | βˆ€t'∈tt, t' ≀ t},
le_Sup := Ξ» s p hs, le_Inf' $ Ξ» q hq, hq _ hs,
Sup_le := Ξ» s p hs, Inf_le' hs,
Inf := Inf,
le_Inf := Ξ» s a, le_Inf',
Inf_le := Ξ» s a, Inf_le',
..set_like.partial_order }
@[simp] theorem inf_coe : ↑(p βŠ“ q) = (p ∩ q : set M) := rfl
@[simp] theorem mem_inf {p q : submodule R M} {x : M} :
x ∈ p βŠ“ q ↔ x ∈ p ∧ x ∈ q := iff.rfl
@[simp] theorem Inf_coe (P : set (submodule R M)) : (↑(Inf P) : set M) = β‹‚ p ∈ P, ↑p := rfl
@[simp] theorem finset_inf_coe {ΞΉ} (s : finset ΞΉ) (p : ΞΉ β†’ submodule R M) :
(↑(s.inf p) : set M) = β‹‚ i ∈ s, ↑(p i) :=
letI := classical.dec_eq ΞΉ,
refine s.induction_on _ (Ξ» i s hi ih, _),
{ simp },
{ rw [finset.inf_insert, inf_coe, ih],
simp },
@[simp] theorem infi_coe {ΞΉ} (p : ΞΉ β†’ submodule R M) :
(↑⨅ i, p i : set M) = β‹‚ i, ↑(p i) :=
by rw [infi, Inf_coe]; ext a; simp; exact
⟨λ h i, h _ i rfl, Ξ» h i x e, e β–Έ h _⟩
@[simp] lemma mem_Inf {S : set (submodule R M)} {x : M} : x ∈ Inf S ↔ βˆ€ p ∈ S, x ∈ p :=
@[simp] theorem mem_infi {ΞΉ} (p : ΞΉ β†’ submodule R M) {x} :
x ∈ (β¨… i, p i) ↔ βˆ€ i, x ∈ p i :=
by rw [← set_like.mem_coe, infi_coe, set.mem_Inter]; refl
@[simp] theorem mem_finset_inf {ΞΉ} {s : finset ΞΉ} {p : ΞΉ β†’ submodule R M} {x : M} :
x ∈ s.inf p ↔ βˆ€ i ∈ s, x ∈ p i :=
by simp only [← set_like.mem_coe, finset_inf_coe, set.mem_Inter]
lemma mem_sup_left {S T : submodule R M} : βˆ€ {x : M}, x ∈ S β†’ x ∈ S βŠ” T :=
show S ≀ S βŠ” T, from le_sup_left
lemma mem_sup_right {S T : submodule R M} : βˆ€ {x : M}, x ∈ T β†’ x ∈ S βŠ” T :=
show T ≀ S βŠ” T, from le_sup_right
lemma add_mem_sup {S T : submodule R M} {s t : M} (hs : s ∈ S) (ht : t ∈ T) : s + t ∈ S βŠ” T :=
add_mem (mem_sup_left hs) (mem_sup_right ht)
lemma sub_mem_sup {R' M' : Type*} [ring R'] [add_comm_group M'] [module R' M']
{S T : submodule R' M'} {s t : M'} (hs : s ∈ S) (ht : t ∈ T) :
s - t ∈ S βŠ” T :=
rw sub_eq_add_neg,
exact add_mem_sup hs (neg_mem ht),
lemma mem_supr_of_mem {ΞΉ : Sort*} {b : M} {p : ΞΉ β†’ submodule R M} (i : ΞΉ) (h : b ∈ p i) :
b ∈ (⨆i, p i) :=
have p i ≀ (⨆i, p i) := le_supr p i,
@this b h
open_locale big_operators
lemma sum_mem_supr {ΞΉ : Type*} [fintype ΞΉ] {f : ΞΉ β†’ M} {p : ΞΉ β†’ submodule R M}
(h : βˆ€ i, f i ∈ p i) :
βˆ‘ i, f i ∈ ⨆ i, p i :=
sum_mem $ Ξ» i hi, mem_supr_of_mem i (h i)
lemma sum_mem_bsupr {ΞΉ : Type*} {s : finset ΞΉ} {f : ΞΉ β†’ M} {p : ΞΉ β†’ submodule R M}
(h : βˆ€ i ∈ s, f i ∈ p i) :
βˆ‘ i in s, f i ∈ ⨆ i ∈ s, p i :=
sum_mem $ Ξ» i hi, mem_supr_of_mem i $ mem_supr_of_mem hi (h i hi)
/-! Note that `submodule.mem_supr` is provided in `linear_algebra/basic.lean`. -/
lemma mem_Sup_of_mem {S : set (submodule R M)} {s : submodule R M}
(hs : s ∈ S) : βˆ€ {x : M}, x ∈ s β†’ x ∈ Sup S :=
show s ≀ Sup S, from le_Sup hs
theorem disjoint_def {p p' : submodule R M} :
disjoint p p' ↔ βˆ€ x ∈ p, x ∈ p' β†’ x = (0:M) :=
show (βˆ€ x, x ∈ p ∧ x ∈ p' β†’ x ∈ ({0} : set M)) ↔ _, by simp
theorem disjoint_def' {p p' : submodule R M} :
disjoint p p' ↔ βˆ€ (x ∈ p) (y ∈ p'), x = y β†’ x = (0:M) :=
disjoint_def.trans ⟨λ h x hx y hy hxy, h x hx $ hxy.symm β–Έ hy,
λ h x hx hx', h _ hx x hx' rfl⟩
lemma eq_zero_of_coe_mem_of_disjoint (hpq : disjoint p q) {a : p} (ha : (a : M) ∈ q) :
a = 0 :=
by exact_mod_cast hpq a (coe_mem a) ha
end submodule
section nat_submodule
/-- An additive submonoid is equivalent to a β„•-submodule. -/
def add_submonoid.to_nat_submodule : add_submonoid M ≃o submodule β„• M :=
{ to_fun := Ξ» S,
{ smul_mem' := Ξ» r s hs, show r β€’ s ∈ S, from nsmul_mem hs _, ..S },
inv_fun := submodule.to_add_submonoid,
left_inv := λ ⟨S, _, _⟩, rfl,
right_inv := λ ⟨S, _, _, _⟩, rfl,
map_rel_iff' := Ξ» a b, iff.rfl }
lemma add_submonoid.to_nat_submodule_symm :
⇑(add_submonoid.to_nat_submodule.symm : _ ≃o add_submonoid M) = submodule.to_add_submonoid := rfl
lemma add_submonoid.coe_to_nat_submodule (S : add_submonoid M) :
(S.to_nat_submodule : set M) = S := rfl
lemma add_submonoid.to_nat_submodule_to_add_submonoid (S : add_submonoid M) :
S.to_nat_submodule.to_add_submonoid = S :=
add_submonoid.to_nat_submodule.symm_apply_apply S
lemma submodule.to_add_submonoid_to_nat_submodule (S : submodule β„• M) :
S.to_add_submonoid.to_nat_submodule = S :=
add_submonoid.to_nat_submodule.apply_symm_apply S
end nat_submodule
end add_comm_monoid
section int_submodule
variables [add_comm_group M]
/-- An additive subgroup is equivalent to a β„€-submodule. -/
def add_subgroup.to_int_submodule : add_subgroup M ≃o submodule β„€ M :=
{ to_fun := Ξ» S,
{ smul_mem' := Ξ» r s hs, S.zsmul_mem hs _, ..S},
inv_fun := submodule.to_add_subgroup,
left_inv := λ ⟨S, _, _, _⟩, rfl,
right_inv := λ ⟨S, _, _, _⟩, rfl,
map_rel_iff' := Ξ» a b, iff.rfl }
lemma add_subgroup.to_int_submodule_symm :
⇑(add_subgroup.to_int_submodule.symm : _ ≃o add_subgroup M) = submodule.to_add_subgroup := rfl
lemma add_subgroup.coe_to_int_submodule (S : add_subgroup M) :
(S.to_int_submodule : set M) = S := rfl
lemma add_subgroup.to_int_submodule_to_add_subgroup (S : add_subgroup M) :
S.to_int_submodule.to_add_subgroup = S :=
add_subgroup.to_int_submodule.symm_apply_apply S
lemma submodule.to_add_subgroup_to_int_submodule (S : submodule β„€ M) :
S.to_add_subgroup.to_int_submodule = S :=
add_subgroup.to_int_submodule.apply_symm_apply S
end int_submodule