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Copyright (c) 2021 Yaël Dillies. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Yaël Dillies | |
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import ring_theory.polynomial.pochhammer | |
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# Cast of factorials | |
This file allows calculating factorials (including ascending and descending ones) as elements of a | |
semiring. | |
This is particularly crucial for `nat.desc_factorial` as substraction on `ℕ` does **not** correspond | |
to substraction on a general semiring. For example, we can't rely on existing cast lemmas to prove | |
`↑(a.desc_factorial 2) = ↑a * (↑a - 1)`. We must use the fact that, whenever `↑(a - 1)` is not equal | |
to `↑a - 1`, the other factor is `0` anyway. | |
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open_locale nat | |
variables (S : Type*) | |
namespace nat | |
section semiring | |
variables [semiring S] (a b : ℕ) | |
lemma cast_asc_factorial : | |
(a.asc_factorial b : S) = (pochhammer S b).eval (a + 1) := | |
by rw [←pochhammer_nat_eq_asc_factorial, pochhammer_eval_cast, nat.cast_add, nat.cast_one] | |
lemma cast_desc_factorial : | |
(a.desc_factorial b : S) = (pochhammer S b).eval (a - (b - 1) : ℕ) := | |
begin | |
rw [←pochhammer_eval_cast, pochhammer_nat_eq_desc_factorial], | |
cases b, | |
{ simp_rw desc_factorial_zero }, | |
simp_rw [add_succ, succ_sub_one], | |
obtain h | h := le_total a b, | |
{ rw [desc_factorial_of_lt (lt_succ_of_le h), desc_factorial_of_lt (lt_succ_of_le _)], | |
rw [tsub_eq_zero_iff_le.mpr h, zero_add] }, | |
{ rw tsub_add_cancel_of_le h } | |
end | |
lemma cast_factorial : | |
(a! : S) = (pochhammer S a).eval 1 := | |
by rw [←zero_asc_factorial, cast_asc_factorial, cast_zero, zero_add] | |
end semiring | |
section ring | |
variables [ring S] (a b : ℕ) | |
/-- Convenience lemma. The `a - 1` is not using truncated substraction, as opposed to the definition | |
of `nat.desc_factorial` as a natural. -/ | |
lemma cast_desc_factorial_two : | |
(a.desc_factorial 2 : S) = a * (a - 1) := | |
begin | |
rw cast_desc_factorial, | |
cases a, | |
{ rw [zero_tsub, cast_zero, pochhammer_ne_zero_eval_zero _ (two_ne_zero), zero_mul] }, | |
{ rw [succ_sub_succ, tsub_zero, cast_succ, add_sub_cancel, pochhammer_succ_right, | |
pochhammer_one, polynomial.X_mul, polynomial.eval_mul_X, polynomial.eval_add, | |
polynomial.eval_X, cast_one, polynomial.eval_one] } | |
end | |
end ring | |
end nat | |