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(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2017 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *) | |
From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool. | |
From mathcomp Require Import ssrnat eqtype choice order ssralg ssrnum ssrint. | |
Require Import boolp. | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
(* This file develops tools to make the manipulation of numbers with a known *) | |
(* sign easier, thanks to canonical structures. This adds types like *) | |
(* {posnum R} for positive values in R, a notation e%:pos that infers the *) | |
(* positivity of expression e according to existing canonical instances and *) | |
(* %:num to cast back from type {posnum R} to R. *) | |
(* For instance, given x, y : {posnum R}, we have *) | |
(* ((x%:num + y%:num) / 2)%:pos : {posnum R} automatically inferred. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* * types for values with known sign *) | |
(* {posnum R} == interface type for elements in R that are positive; R *) | |
(* must have a zmodType structure. *) | |
(* Allows to solve automatically goals of the form x > 0 if *) | |
(* x is canonically a {posnum R}. {posnum R} is canonically *) | |
(* stable by common operations. All positive natural numbers *) | |
(* ((n.+1)%:R) are also canonically in {posnum R} *) | |
(* {nonneg R} == interface types for elements in R that are non-negative; *) | |
(* R must have a zmodType structure. Automatically solves *) | |
(* goals of the form x >= 0. {nonneg R} is stable by *) | |
(* common operations. All natural numbers n%:R are also *) | |
(* canonically in {nonneg R}. *) | |
(* {compare x0 & nz & cond} == more generic type of values comparing to *) | |
(* x0 : T according to nz and cond (see below). T must have *) | |
(* a porderType structure. This type is shown to be a *) | |
(* porderType. It is also an orderTpe, as soon as T is a *) | |
(* numDomainType. *) | |
(* {num R & nz & cond} == {compare 0%R : R & nz & cond}. T must have a *) | |
(* zmodType structure. *) | |
(* {= x0} == {compare x0 & ?=0 & =0} *) | |
(* {= x0 : T} == same with an explicit type T *) | |
(* {> x0} == {compare x0 & !=0 & >=0} *) | |
(* {> x0 : T} == same with an explicit type T *) | |
(* {< x0} == {compare x0 & !=0 & <=0} *) | |
(* {< x0 : T} == same with an explicit type T *) | |
(* {>= x0} == {compare x0 & ?=0 & >=0} *) | |
(* {>= x0 : T} == same with an explicit type T *) | |
(* {<= x0} == {compare x0 & ?=0 & <=0} *) | |
(* {<= x0 : T} == same with an explicit type T *) | |
(* {>=< x0} == {compare x0 & ?=0 & >=<0} *) | |
(* {>=< x0 : T} == same with an explicit type T *) | |
(* {>< x0} == {compare x0 & !=0 & >=<0} *) | |
(* {>< x0 : T} == same with an explicit type T *) | |
(* {!= x0} == {compare x0 & !=0 & >?<0} *) | |
(* {!= x0 : T} == same with an explicit type T *) | |
(* {?= x0} == {compare x0 & ?=0 & >?<0} *) | |
(* {?= x0 : T} == same with an explicit type T *) | |
(* *) | |
(* * casts from/to values with known sign *) | |
(* x%:pos == explicitly casts x to {posnum R}, triggers the inference *) | |
(* of a {posnum R} structure for x. *) | |
(* x%:nng == explicitly casts x to {nonneg R}, triggers the inference *) | |
(* of a {nonneg R} structure for x. *) | |
(* x%:sgn == explicitly casts x to the most precise known *) | |
(* {compare x0 & nz & cond} according to existing canonical *) | |
(* instances. *) | |
(* x%:num == explicit cast from {compare x0 & nz & cond} to R. In *) | |
(* particular this works from {posnum R} and {nonneg R} to R.*) | |
(* x%:posnum == explicit cast from {posnum R} to R. *) | |
(* x%:nngnum == explicit cast from {nonneg R} to R. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* * nullity conditions nz *) | |
(* All nz above can be the following (in scope snum_nullity_scope delimited *) | |
(* by %snum_nullity) *) | |
(* !=0 == to encode x != 0 *) | |
(* ?=0 == unknown nullity *) | |
(* *) | |
(* * reality conditions cond *) | |
(* All cond above can be the following (in scope snum_sign_scope delimited by *) | |
(* by %snum_sign) *) | |
(* =0 == to encode x == 0 *) | |
(* >=0 == to encode x >= 0 *) | |
(* <=0 == to encode x <= 0 *) | |
(* >=<0 == to encode x >=< 0 *) | |
(* >?<0 == unknown reality *) | |
(* *) | |
(* * sign proofs *) | |
(* [sgn of x] == proof that x is of sign inferred by x%:sgn *) | |
(* [gt0 of x] == proof that x > 0 *) | |
(* [lt0 of x] == proof that x < 0 *) | |
(* [ge0 of x] == proof that x >= 0 *) | |
(* [le0 of x] == proof that x <= 0 *) | |
(* [cmp0 of x] == proof that 0 >=< x *) | |
(* [neq0 of x] == proof that x != 0 *) | |
(* *) | |
(* * constructors *) | |
(* PosNum xgt0 == builds a {posnum R} from a proof xgt0 : x > 0 where x : R *) | |
(* NngNum xge0 == builds a {posnum R} from a proof xgt0 : x >= 0 where x : R*) | |
(* p == builds a {compare x0 & nz & cond} from a proof p that *) | |
(* some x satisfies sign conditions encoded by nz and cond *) | |
(* *) | |
(* * misc *) | |
(* !! x == triggers pretyping to fill the holes of the term x. The *) | |
(* main use case is to trigger typeclass inference in the *) | |
(* body of a ssreflect have := !! body. *) | |
(* Credits: Enrico Tassi. *) | |
(* 2 == notation for 2%:R. *) | |
(* *) | |
(* --> A number of canonical instances are provided for common operations, if *) | |
(* your favorite operator is missing, look below for examples on how to add *) | |
(* the appropriate Canonical. *) | |
(* --> Canonical instances are also provided according to types, as a *) | |
(* fallback when no known operator appears in the expression. Look to *) | |
(* nat_snum below for an example on how to add your favorite type. *) | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
Reserved Notation "{ 'compare' x0 & nz & cond }" | |
(at level 0, x0 at level 200, nz at level 200, | |
format "{ 'compare' x0 & nz & cond }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ 'num' R & nz & cond }" | |
(at level 0, R at level 200, nz at level 200, | |
format "{ 'num' R & nz & cond }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ = x0 }" (at level 0, format "{ = x0 }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ > x0 }" (at level 0, format "{ > x0 }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ < x0 }" (at level 0, format "{ < x0 }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ >= x0 }" (at level 0, format "{ >= x0 }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ <= x0 }" (at level 0, format "{ <= x0 }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ >=< x0 }" (at level 0, format "{ >=< x0 }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ >< x0 }" (at level 0, format "{ >< x0 }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ != x0 }" (at level 0, format "{ != x0 }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ ?= x0 }" (at level 0, format "{ ?= x0 }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ = x0 : T }" (at level 0, format "{ = x0 : T }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ > x0 : T }" (at level 0, format "{ > x0 : T }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ < x0 : T }" (at level 0, format "{ < x0 : T }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ >= x0 : T }" (at level 0, format "{ >= x0 : T }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ <= x0 : T }" (at level 0, format "{ <= x0 : T }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ >=< x0 : T }" (at level 0, format "{ >=< x0 : T }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ >< x0 : T }" (at level 0, format "{ >< x0 : T }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ != x0 : T }" (at level 0, format "{ != x0 : T }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ ?= x0 : T }" (at level 0, format "{ ?= x0 : T }"). | |
Reserved Notation "=0" (at level 0, format "=0"). | |
Reserved Notation ">=0" (at level 0, format ">=0"). | |
Reserved Notation "<=0" (at level 0, format "<=0"). | |
Reserved Notation ">=<0" (at level 0, format ">=<0"). | |
Reserved Notation ">?<0" (at level 0, format ">?<0"). | |
Reserved Notation "!=0" (at level 0, format "!=0"). | |
Reserved Notation "?=0" (at level 0, format "?=0"). | |
Reserved Notation "x %:sgn" (at level 2, format "x %:sgn"). | |
Reserved Notation "x %:num" (at level 2, format "x %:num"). | |
Reserved Notation "x %:posnum" (at level 2, format "x %:posnum"). | |
Reserved Notation "x %:nngnum" (at level 2, format "x %:nngnum"). | |
Reserved Notation "[ 'sgn' 'of' x ]" (format "[ 'sgn' 'of' x ]"). | |
Reserved Notation "[ 'gt0' 'of' x ]" (format "[ 'gt0' 'of' x ]"). | |
Reserved Notation "[ 'lt0' 'of' x ]" (format "[ 'lt0' 'of' x ]"). | |
Reserved Notation "[ 'ge0' 'of' x ]" (format "[ 'ge0' 'of' x ]"). | |
Reserved Notation "[ 'le0' 'of' x ]" (format "[ 'le0' 'of' x ]"). | |
Reserved Notation "[ 'cmp0' 'of' x ]" (format "[ 'cmp0' 'of' x ]"). | |
Reserved Notation "[ 'neq0' 'of' x ]" (format "[ 'neq0' 'of' x ]"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ 'posnum' R }" (at level 0, format "{ 'posnum' R }"). | |
Reserved Notation "{ 'nonneg' R }" (at level 0, format "{ 'nonneg' R }"). | |
Reserved Notation "x %:pos" (at level 2, format "x %:pos"). | |
Reserved Notation "x %:nng" (at level 2, format "x %:nng"). | |
Reserved Notation "!! x" (at level 100, only parsing). | |
Set Implicit Arguments. | |
Unset Strict Implicit. | |
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. | |
Import Order.TTheory Order.Syntax. | |
Import GRing.Theory Num.Theory. | |
Local Open Scope ring_scope. | |
Local Open Scope order_scope. | |
Declare Scope snum_scope. | |
Delimit Scope snum_scope with snum. | |
Declare Scope snum_sign_scope. | |
Delimit Scope snum_sign_scope with snum_sign. | |
Declare Scope snum_nullity_scope. | |
Delimit Scope snum_nullity_scope with snum_nullity. | |
Notation "!! x" := (ltac:(refine x)) (only parsing). | |
(* infer class to help typeclass inference on the fly *) | |
Class infer (P : Prop) := Infer : P. | |
#[global] Hint Mode infer ! : typeclass_instances. | |
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (infer _) => (exact) : typeclass_instances. | |
Lemma inferP (P : Prop) : P -> infer P. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Module Import KnownSign. | |
Variant nullity := NonZero | MaybeZero. | |
Coercion nullity_bool nz := if nz is NonZero then true else false. | |
Definition nz_of_bool b := if b then NonZero else MaybeZero. | |
Variant sign := EqZero | NonNeg | NonPos. | |
Variant real := Sign of sign | AnySign. | |
Variant reality := Real of real | Arbitrary. | |
Definition wider_nullity xnz ynz := | |
match xnz, ynz with | |
| MaybeZero, _ | |
| NonZero, NonZero => true | |
| NonZero, MaybeZero => false | |
end. | |
Definition wider_sign xs ys := | |
match xs, ys with | |
| NonNeg, NonNeg | NonNeg, EqZero | |
| NonPos, NonPos | NonPos, EqZero | |
| EqZero, EqZero => true | |
| NonNeg, NonPos | NonPos, NonNeg | |
| EqZero, NonPos | EqZero, NonNeg => false | |
end. | |
Definition wider_real xr yr := | |
match xr, yr with | |
| AnySign, _ => true | |
| Sign sx, Sign sy => wider_sign sx sy | |
| Sign _, AnySign => false | |
end. | |
Definition wider_reality xr yr := | |
match xr, yr with | |
| Arbitrary, _ => true | |
| Real xr, Real yr => wider_real xr yr | |
| Real _, Arbitrary => false | |
end. | |
End KnownSign. | |
Module Signed. | |
Section Signed. | |
Context (disp : unit) (T : porderType disp) (x0 : T). | |
Local Coercion is_real r := if r is Real _ then true else false. | |
Definition reality_cond (n : reality) (x : T) := | |
match n with | |
| Real (Sign EqZero) => x == x0 | |
| Real (Sign NonNeg) => x >= x0 | |
| Real (Sign NonPos) => x <= x0 | |
| Real AnySign => (x0 <= x) || (x <= x0) | |
| Arbitary => true | |
end. | |
Record def (nz : nullity) (cond : reality) := Def { | |
r :> T; | |
#[canonical=no] | |
P : (nz ==> (r != x0)) && reality_cond cond r | |
}. | |
End Signed. | |
Notation spec x0 nz cond x := | |
((nullity_bool nz%snum_nullity ==> (x != x0)) | |
&& (reality_cond x0 cond%snum_sign x)). | |
Record typ d nz cond := Typ { | |
sort : porderType d; | |
#[canonical=no] | |
sort_x0 : sort; | |
#[canonical=no] | |
allP : forall x : sort, spec sort_x0 nz cond x | |
}. | |
Definition mk {d T} x0 nz cond r P : @def d T x0 nz cond := | |
@Def d T x0 nz cond r P. | |
Definition from {d T x0 nz cond} | |
{x : @def d T x0 nz cond} (phx : phantom T x) := x. | |
Definition fromP {d T x0 nz cond} | |
{x : @def d T x0 nz cond} (phx : phantom T x) := P x. | |
Module Exports. | |
Coercion Sign : sign >-> real. | |
Coercion Real : real >-> reality. | |
Coercion is_real : reality >-> bool. | |
Bind Scope snum_sign_scope with sign. | |
Bind Scope snum_sign_scope with reality. | |
Bind Scope snum_nullity_scope with nullity. | |
Notation "=0" := EqZero : snum_sign_scope. | |
Notation ">=0" := NonNeg : snum_sign_scope. | |
Notation "<=0" := NonPos : snum_sign_scope. | |
Notation ">=<0" := AnySign : snum_sign_scope. | |
Notation ">?<0" := Arbitrary : snum_sign_scope. | |
Notation "!=0" := NonZero : snum_nullity_scope. | |
Notation "?=0" := MaybeZero : snum_nullity_scope. | |
Notation "{ 'compare' x0 & nz & cond }" := (def x0 nz cond) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ 'num' R & nz & cond }" := (def (0%R : R) nz cond) : ring_scope. | |
Notation "{ = x0 : T }" := (def (x0 : T) MaybeZero EqZero) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ > x0 : T }" := (def (x0 : T) NonZero NonNeg) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ < x0 : T }" := (def (x0 : T) NonZero NonPos) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ >= x0 : T }" := (def (x0 : T) MaybeZero NonNeg) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ <= x0 : T }" := (def (x0 : T) MaybeZero NonPos) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ >< x0 : T }" := (def (x0 : T) NonZero Real) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ >=< x0 : T }" := (def (x0 : T) MaybeZero Real) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ != x0 : T }" := (def (x0 : T) NonZero Arbitrary) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ ?= x0 : T }" := (def (x0 : T) MaybeZero Arbitrary) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ = x0 }" := (def x0 MaybeZero EqZero) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ > x0 }" := (def x0 NonZero NonNeg) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ < x0 }" := (def x0 NonZero NonPos) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ >= x0 }" := (def x0 MaybeZero NonNeg) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ <= x0 }" := (def x0 MaybeZero NonPos) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ >< x0 }" := (def x0 NonZero Real) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ >=< x0 }" := (def x0 MaybeZero Real) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ != x0 }" := (def x0 NonZero Arbitrary) : type_scope. | |
Notation "{ ?= x0 }" := (def x0 MaybeZero Arbitrary) : type_scope. | |
Notation "x %:sgn" := (from (Phantom _ x)) : ring_scope. | |
Notation "[ 'sgn' 'of' x ]" := (fromP (Phantom _ x)) : ring_scope. | |
Notation num := r. | |
Notation "x %:num" := (r x) : ring_scope. | |
Definition posnum (R : numDomainType) of phant R := {> 0%R : R}. | |
Notation "{ 'posnum' R }" := (@posnum _ (Phant R)) : ring_scope. | |
Notation "x %:posnum" := (@num _ _ 0%R !=0 >=0 x) : ring_scope. | |
Definition nonneg (R : numDomainType) of phant R := {>= 0%R : R}. | |
Notation "{ 'nonneg' R }" := (@nonneg _ (Phant R)) : ring_scope. | |
Notation "x %:nngnum" := (@num _ _ 0%R ?=0 >=0 x) : ring_scope. | |
Notation "2" := 2%:R : ring_scope. | |
Arguments r {disp T x0 nz cond}. | |
End Exports. | |
End Signed. | |
Export Signed.Exports. | |
Section POrder. | |
Variables (d : unit) (T : porderType d) (x0 : T) (nz : nullity) (cond : reality). | |
Local Notation sT := {compare x0 & nz & cond}. | |
Canonical signed_subType := [subType for @Signed.r d T x0 nz cond]. | |
Definition signed_eqMixin := [eqMixin of sT by <:]. | |
Canonical signed_eqType := EqType sT signed_eqMixin. | |
Definition signed_choiceMixin := [choiceMixin of sT by <:]. | |
Canonical signed_choiceType := ChoiceType sT signed_choiceMixin. | |
Definition signed_porderMixin := [porderMixin of sT by <:]. | |
Canonical signed_porderType := POrderType d sT signed_porderMixin. | |
End POrder. | |
Lemma top_typ_subproof d (T : porderType d) (x0 x : T) : | |
Signed.spec x0 ?=0 >?<0 x. | |
Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Canonical top_typ d (T : porderType d) (x0 : T) := | |
Signed.Typ (top_typ_subproof x0). | |
Lemma real_domain_typ_subproof (R : realDomainType) (x : R) : | |
Signed.spec 0%R ?=0 >=<0 x. | |
Proof. by rewrite /= -realE num_real. Qed. | |
Canonical real_domain_typ (R : realDomainType) := | |
Signed.Typ (@real_domain_typ_subproof R). | |
Lemma real_field_typ_subproof (R : realFieldType) (x : R) : | |
Signed.spec 0%R ?=0 >=<0 x. | |
Proof. exact: real_domain_typ_subproof. Qed. | |
Canonical real_field_typ (R : realFieldType) := | |
Signed.Typ (@real_field_typ_subproof R). | |
Lemma nat_typ_subproof (x : nat) : Signed.spec 0%N ?=0 >=0 x. | |
Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Canonical nat_typ := Signed.Typ nat_typ_subproof. | |
Lemma typ_snum_subproof d nz cond (xt : Signed.typ d nz cond) | |
(x : Signed.sort xt) : | |
Signed.spec (Signed.sort_x0 xt) nz cond x. | |
Proof. by move: xt x => []. Qed. | |
(* This adds _ <- Signed.r ( typ_snum ) | |
to canonical projections (c.f., Print Canonical Projections | |
Signed.r) meaning that if no other canonical instance (with a | |
registered head symbol) is found, a canonical instance of | |
Signed.typ, like the ones above, will be looked for. *) | |
Canonical typ_snum d nz cond (xt : Signed.typ d nz cond) (x : Signed.sort xt) := | | (typ_snum_subproof x). | |
(* Section Order. *) | |
(* Variables (d : unit) (T : orderType d) (x0 : T) (nz : nullity) (cond : reality). *) | |
(* Local Notation sT := {compare x0 & nz & cond}. *) | |
(* Lemma signed_le_total : totalPOrderMixin [porderType of sT]. *) | |
(* Proof. by move=> x y; apply: le_total. Qed. *) | |
(* Canonical signed_latticeType := LatticeType sT signed_le_total. *) | |
(* Canonical signed_distrLatticeType := DistrLatticeType sT signed_le_total. *) | |
(* Canonical signed_orderType := OrderType sT signed_le_total. *) | |
(* End Order. *) | |
Class unify {T} f (x y : T) := Unify : f x y = true. | |
#[global] Hint Mode unify - - - + : typeclass_instances. | |
Class unify' {T} f (x y : T) := Unify' : f x y = true. | |
#[global] Instance unify'P {T} f (x y : T) : unify' f x y -> unify f x y := id. | |
#[global] | |
Hint Extern 0 (unify' _ _ _) => vm_compute; reflexivity : typeclass_instances. | |
Notation unify_nz nzx nzy := | |
(unify wider_nullity nzx%snum_nullity nzy%snum_nullity). | |
Notation unify_r rx ry := | |
(unify wider_reality rx%snum_sign ry%snum_sign). | |
#[global] Instance anysign_wider_real sign : unify_r (Real AnySign) (Real sign). | |
Proof. by []. Qed. | |
#[global] Instance any_reality_wider_eq0 cond : unify_r cond =0. | |
Proof. by case: cond => [[[]|]|]. Qed. | |
Section Theory. | |
Context {d : unit} {T : porderType d} {x0 : T} | |
{nz : nullity} {cond : reality}. | |
Local Notation sT := {compare x0 & nz & cond}. | |
Implicit Type x : sT. | |
Lemma signed_intro {x} : x%:num = x%:num :> T. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Lemma bottom x : unify_nz !=0 nz -> unify_r =0 cond -> False. | |
Proof. | |
by move: x => [x /= /andP[]]; move: cond nz => [[[]|]|] [] //= /[swap] ->. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma gt0 x : unify_nz !=0 nz -> unify_r >=0 cond -> x0 < x%:num :> T. | |
Proof. | |
move: x => [x /= /andP[]]. | |
by move: cond nz => [[[]|]|] [] //=; rewrite lt_def => -> // /eqP -> /=. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma le0F x : unify_nz !=0 nz -> unify_r >=0 cond -> x%:num <= x0 :> T = false. | |
Proof. by move=> ? ?; rewrite lt_geF//; apply: gt0. Qed. | |
Lemma lt0 x : unify_nz !=0 nz -> unify_r <=0 cond -> x%:num < x0 :> T. | |
Proof. | |
move: x => [x /= /andP[]]. | |
move: cond nz => [[[]|]|] [] //=; rewrite lt_def [x0 == _]eq_sym => -> //. | |
by move=> /eqP -> /=. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma ge0F x : unify_nz !=0 nz -> unify_r <=0 cond -> x0 <= x%:num :> T = false. | |
Proof. by move=> ? ?; rewrite lt_geF//; apply: lt0. Qed. | |
Lemma ge0 x : unify_r >=0 cond -> x0 <= x%:num :> T. | |
Proof. | |
by case: x => [x /= /andP[]]; move: cond nz => [[[]|]|] [] //= _ /eqP ->. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma lt0F x : unify_r >=0 cond -> x%:num < x0 :> T = false. | |
Proof. by move=> ?; rewrite le_gtF//; apply: ge0. Qed. | |
Lemma le0 x : unify_r <=0 cond -> x0 >= x%:num :> T. | |
Proof. | |
by case: x => [x /= /andP[]]; move: cond nz => [[[]|]|] [] //= _ /eqP ->. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma gt0F x : unify_r <=0 cond -> x0 < x%:num :> T = false. | |
Proof. by move=> ?; rewrite le_gtF//; apply: le0. Qed. | |
Lemma cmp0 x : unify_r (Real AnySign) cond -> (x0 >=< x%:num). | |
Proof. | |
case: x => [x /= /andP[]]. | |
by move: cond nz => [[[]|]|] [] //= _; | |
do ?[by move=> /eqP ->; rewrite comparablexx]; | |
move=> sx; rewrite /Order.comparable sx// orbT. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma neq0 x : unify_nz !=0 nz -> x%:num != x0 :> T. | |
Proof. by case: x => [x /= /andP[]]; move: cond nz => [[[]|]|] []. Qed. | |
Lemma eq0F x : unify_nz !=0 nz -> x%:num == x0 :> T = false. | |
Proof. by move=> /neq0-/(_ x)/negPf->. Qed. | |
Lemma eq0 x : unify_r =0 cond -> x%:num = x0. | |
Proof. | |
by case: x => [x /= /andP[_]]; move: cond nz => [[[]|]|] [] //= /eqP ->. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma widen_signed_subproof x nz' cond' : | |
unify_nz nz' nz -> unify_r cond' cond -> | |
Signed.spec x0 nz' cond' x%:num. | |
Proof. | |
case: x => [x /= /andP[]]. | |
by case: cond nz cond' nz' => [[[]|]|] [] [[[]|]|] [] //= nz'' cond''; | |
rewrite ?nz'' ?cond'' ?orbT //; move: cond'' nz'' => /eqP ->; rewrite lexx. | |
Qed. | |
Definition widen_signed x nz' cond' | |
(unz : unify_nz nz' nz) (ucond : unify_r cond' cond) := | | (widen_signed_subproof x unz ucond). | |
Lemma widen_signedE x (unz : unify_nz nz nz) (ucond : unify_r cond cond) : | |
@widen_signed x nz cond unz ucond = x. | |
Proof. exact/val_inj. Qed. | |
Lemma posE (x : sT) (unz : unify_nz !=0 nz) (ucond : unify_r >=0 cond) : | |
(widen_signed x%:num%:sgn unz ucond)%:num = x%:num. | |
Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Lemma nngE (x : sT) (unz : unify_nz ?=0 nz) (ucond : unify_r >=0 cond) : | |
(widen_signed x%:num%:sgn unz ucond)%:num = x%:num. | |
Proof. by []. Qed. | |
End Theory. | |
Arguments bottom {d T x0 nz cond} _ {_ _}. | |
Arguments gt0 {d T x0 nz cond} _ {_ _}. | |
Arguments le0F {d T x0 nz cond} _ {_ _}. | |
Arguments lt0 {d T x0 nz cond} _ {_ _}. | |
Arguments ge0F {d T x0 nz cond} _ {_ _}. | |
Arguments ge0 {d T x0 nz cond} _ {_}. | |
Arguments lt0F {d T x0 nz cond} _ {_}. | |
Arguments le0 {d T x0 nz cond} _ {_}. | |
Arguments gt0F {d T x0 nz cond} _ {_}. | |
Arguments cmp0 {d T x0 nz cond} _ {_}. | |
Arguments neq0 {d T x0 nz cond} _ {_}. | |
Arguments eq0F {d T x0 nz cond} _ {_}. | |
Arguments eq0 {d T x0 nz cond} _ {_}. | |
Arguments widen_signed {d T x0 nz cond} _ {_ _ _ _}. | |
Arguments widen_signedE {d T x0 nz cond} _ {_ _}. | |
Arguments posE {d T x0 nz cond} _ {_ _}. | |
Arguments nngE {d T x0 nz cond} _ {_ _}. | |
Notation "[ 'gt0' 'of' x ]" := (ltac:(refine (gt0 x%:sgn))). | |
Notation "[ 'lt0' 'of' x ]" := (ltac:(refine (lt0 x%:sgn))). | |
Notation "[ 'ge0' 'of' x ]" := (ltac:(refine (ge0 x%:sgn))). | |
Notation "[ 'le0' 'of' x ]" := (ltac:(refine (le0 x%:sgn))). | |
Notation "[ 'cmp0' 'of' x ]" := (ltac:(refine (cmp0 x%:sgn))). | |
Notation "[ 'neq0' 'of' x ]" := (ltac:(refine (neq0 x%:sgn))). | |
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (0%R < _)%O) => solve [apply: gt0] : core. | |
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (_ < 0%R)%O) => solve [apply: lt0] : core. | |
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (0%R <= _)%O) => solve [apply: ge0] : core. | |
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (_ <= 0%R)%O) => solve [apply: le0] : core. | |
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (_ \is Num.real)) => solve [apply: cmp0] : core. | |
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (0%R >=< _)%O) => solve [apply: cmp0] : core. | |
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (_ != 0%R)%O) => solve [apply: neq0] : core. | |
Notation "x %:pos" := (widen_signed x%:sgn : {posnum _}) (only parsing) | |
: ring_scope. | |
Notation "x %:nng" := (widen_signed x%:sgn : {nonneg _}) (only parsing) | |
: ring_scope. | |
Notation "x %:pos" := (@widen_signed _ _ _ _ _ | |
(@Signed.from _ _ _ _ _ _ (Phantom _ x)) !=0 (Real (Sign >=0)) _ _) | |
(only printing) : ring_scope. | |
Notation "x %:nng" := (@widen_signed _ _ _ _ _ | |
(@Signed.from _ _ _ _ _ _ (Phantom _ x)) ?=0 (Real (Sign >=0)) _ _) | |
(only printing) : ring_scope. | |
Local Open Scope ring_scope. | |
Section Order. | |
Variables (R : numDomainType) (nz : nullity) (r : real). | |
Local Notation nR := {num R & nz & r}. | |
Lemma signed_le_total : totalPOrderMixin [porderType of nR]. | |
Proof. by move=> x y; apply: real_comparable => /=. Qed. | |
Canonical signed_latticeType := LatticeType nR signed_le_total. | |
Canonical signed_distrLatticeType := DistrLatticeType nR signed_le_total. | |
Canonical signed_orderType := OrderType nR signed_le_total. | |
End Order. | |
Section POrderStability. | |
Context {disp : unit} {T : porderType disp} {x0 : T}. | |
Definition min_nonzero_subdef (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) := | |
nz_of_bool | |
(xnz && ynz | |
|| xnz && yr && match xr with Real (Sign <=0) => true | _ => false end | |
|| ynz && match yr with Real (Sign <=0) => true | _ => false end). | |
Arguments min_nonzero_subdef /. | |
Definition min_reality_subdef (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) : reality := | |
match xr, yr with | |
| Real (Sign =0), Real (Sign =0) | |
| Real (Sign =0), Real (Sign >=0) | |
| Real (Sign >=0), Real (Sign =0) => =0 | |
| Real (Sign >=0), Real (Sign >=0) => >=0 | |
| Real (Sign <=0), Real _ | |
| Real _, Real (Sign <=0) => <=0 | |
| Real _, Real _ => >=<0 | |
| _, _ => >?<0 | |
end. | |
Arguments min_reality_subdef /. | |
Lemma min_snum_subproof (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) | |
(x : {compare x0 & xnz & xr}) (y : {compare x0 & ynz & yr}) | |
(rnz := min_nonzero_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) | |
(rrl := min_reality_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) : | |
Signed.spec x0 rnz rrl (Order.min x%:num y%:num). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite {}/rnz {}/rrl; apply/andP; split. | |
move: xr yr xnz ynz x y => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []//= x y; rewrite /Order.min; | |
do ?[by case: (bottom x)|by case: (bottom y) | |
|by case: ifP; rewrite ?eq0F// => xlty; | |
have := !! lt_trans xlty (lt0 y); rewrite lt_neqAle => /andP[] | |
|by rewrite ifT ?eq0F//; apply: lt_le_trans (ge0 y); exact: lt0 | |
|by have := !! le0 y; | |
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[->|]; rewrite ?lt0 ?eq0F//; | |
case: ifP => _; rewrite ?eq0F// lt_neqAle => /andP[]]. | |
have /orP[x0ley|] := !! cmp0 y. | |
by rewrite ifT ?eq0F//; apply: lt_le_trans x0ley; exact: lt0. | |
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[->|]; rewrite ?lt0 ?eq0F//. | |
by case: ifP => _; rewrite ?eq0F// lt_neqAle => /andP[]. | |
move: xr yr xnz ynz x y => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []//= x y; | |
do ?[by case: (bottom x)|by case: (bottom y) | |
|by apply: comparable_minr; exact: cmp0 | |
|by rewrite minEle; case: ifP; rewrite ge0 | |
|by rewrite ?eq0 minEle ?ge0 | |
|by rewrite ?eq0 minElt; case: ifP; rewrite ?eq0// lt0F | |
|by rewrite minEle; case: ifP => [xlty|]; rewrite ?le0//; | |
apply: (le_trans xlty); rewrite le0 | |
|by have /orP[x0ley|] := !! cmp0 y; | |
[rewrite minEle ifT ?le0//; apply: le_trans x0ley; exact: le0 | |
|rewrite minEle; case: ifP => //; exact: le_trans]]. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical min_snum (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) | |
(x : {compare x0 & xnz & xr}) (y : {compare x0 & ynz & yr}) := | | (min_snum_subproof x y). | |
Definition max_nonzero_subdef (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) := | |
nz_of_bool | |
(xnz && ynz | |
|| xnz && match xr with Real (Sign >=0) => true | _ => false end | |
|| ynz && xr && match yr with Real (Sign >=0) => true | _ => false end). | |
Arguments max_nonzero_subdef /. | |
Definition max_reality_subdef (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) : reality := | |
match xr, yr with | |
| Real (Sign =0), Real (Sign =0) | |
| Real (Sign =0), Real (Sign <=0) | |
| Real (Sign <=0), Real (Sign =0) => =0 | |
| Real (Sign <=0), Real (Sign <=0) => <=0 | |
| Real (Sign >=0), Real _ | |
| Real _, Real (Sign >=0) => >=0 | |
| Real _, Real _ => >=<0 | |
| _, _ => >?<0 | |
end. | |
Arguments max_reality_subdef /. | |
Lemma max_snum_subproof (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) | |
(x : {compare x0 & xnz & xr}) (y : {compare x0 & ynz & yr}) | |
(rnz := max_nonzero_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) | |
(rrl := max_reality_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) : | |
Signed.spec x0 rnz rrl (Order.max x%:num y%:num). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite {}/rnz {}/rrl; apply/andP; split. | |
move: xr yr xnz ynz x y => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []//= x y; rewrite maxElt; | |
do ?[by case: (bottom x)|by case: (bottom y) | |
|by case: ifP => [xlty|]; rewrite ?eq0F//; | |
do [suff : (x0 < y%:num)%O by rewrite lt_def => /andP[]]; | |
apply: le_lt_trans xlty; exact: ge0 | |
|by rewrite ifT ?eq0F//; apply: le_lt_trans (gt0 y); exact: le0 | |
|by have := !! ge0 x; | |
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[<-|]; rewrite ?gt0 ?eq0F//; | |
case: ifP => _; rewrite ?eq0F// lt_def => /andP[]]. | |
have /orP[|xlex0] := !! cmp0 x. | |
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[<-|]; rewrite ?gt0 ?eq0F//. | |
by case: ifP => _; rewrite ?eq0F// lt_def => /andP[]. | |
by rewrite ifT ?eq0F//; apply: (le_lt_trans xlex0); exact: gt0. | |
move: xr yr xnz ynz x y => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []//= x y; | |
do ?[by case: (bottom x)|by case: (bottom y) | |
|by apply: comparable_maxr; exact: cmp0 | |
|by rewrite ?eq0 maxEle ?le0 | |
|by rewrite ?eq0 maxElt ifF// le_gtF// le0 | |
|by rewrite maxEle; case: ifP; rewrite ?ge0//; exact/le_trans/ge0 | |
|by rewrite maxElt; case: ifP => [xlty|]; rewrite ?le0// | |
|by have /orP[|xlex0] := !! cmp0 x; | |
[rewrite maxEle; case: ifP => // /[swap]; exact: le_trans | |
|rewrite maxEle ifT ?ge0//; apply: (le_trans xlex0); exact: ge0]]. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical max_snum (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) | |
(x : {compare x0 & xnz & xr}) (y : {compare x0 & ynz & yr}) := | | (max_snum_subproof x y). | |
End POrderStability. | |
Section NumDomainStability. | |
Context {R : numDomainType}. | |
Lemma zero_snum_subproof : Signed.spec 0 ?=0 =0 (0 : R). | |
Proof. exact: eqxx. Qed. | |
Canonical zero_snum := zero_snum_subproof. | |
Lemma one_snum_subproof : Signed.spec 0 !=0 >=0 (1 : R). | |
Proof. by rewrite /= oner_eq0 ler01. Qed. | |
Canonical one_snum := one_snum_subproof. | |
Definition opp_reality_subdef (xnz : nullity) (xr : reality) : reality := | |
match xr with | |
| Real (Sign =0) => =0 | |
| Real (Sign >=0) => <=0 | |
| Real (Sign <=0) => >=0 | |
| Real AnySign => >=<0 | |
| Arbitrary => >?<0 | |
end. | |
Lemma opp_snum_subproof (xnz : nullity) (xr : reality) | |
(x : {num R & xnz & xr}) (r := opp_reality_subdef xnz xr) : | |
Signed.spec 0 xnz r (- x%:num). | |
Proof. | |
by rewrite {}/r; case: xr x => [[[]|]|]//= [r]/=; | |
rewrite oppr_eq0 ?(oppr_ge0, oppr_le0)// orbC. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical opp_snum (xnz : nullity) (xr : reality) (x : {num R & xnz & xr}) := | | (opp_snum_subproof x). | |
Definition add_samesign_subdef (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) := | |
match xr, yr with | |
| Real (Sign >=0), Real (Sign =0) | |
| Real (Sign =0), Real (Sign >=0) | |
| Real (Sign <=0), Real (Sign =0) | |
| Real (Sign =0), Real (Sign <=0) | |
| Real (Sign =0), Real (Sign =0) | |
| Real (Sign >=0), Real (Sign >=0) | |
| Real (Sign <=0), Real (Sign <=0) => true | |
| _, _ => false | |
end. | |
Definition add_nonzero_subdef (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) := | |
nz_of_bool (add_samesign_subdef xnz ynz xr yr && (xnz || ynz)). | |
Arguments add_nonzero_subdef /. | |
Definition add_reality_subdef (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) : reality := | |
match xr, yr with | |
| Real (Sign =0), Real (Sign =0) => =0 | |
| Real (Sign >=0), Real (Sign =0) | |
| Real (Sign =0), Real (Sign >=0) | |
| Real (Sign >=0), Real (Sign >=0) => >=0 | |
| Real (Sign <=0), Real (Sign =0) | |
| Real (Sign =0), Real (Sign <=0) | |
| Real (Sign <=0), Real (Sign <=0) => <=0 | |
| Real _, Real _ => >=<0 | |
| _, _ => >?<0 | |
end. | |
Arguments add_reality_subdef /. | |
Lemma add_snum_subproof (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) | |
(x : {num R & xnz & xr}) (y : {num R & ynz & yr}) | |
(rnz := add_nonzero_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) | |
(rrl := add_reality_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) : | |
Signed.spec 0 rnz rrl (x%:num + y%:num). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite {}/rnz {}/rrl; apply/andP; split. | |
move: xr yr xnz ynz x y => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []//= x y; | |
by rewrite 1?addr_ss_eq0 ?(eq0F, ge0, le0, andbF, orbT). | |
have addr_le0 a b : a <= 0 -> b <= 0 -> a + b <= 0. | |
by rewrite -!oppr_ge0 opprD; apply: addr_ge0. | |
move: xr yr xnz ynz x y => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []//= x y; | |
do ?[by rewrite addr_ge0|by rewrite addr_le0|by rewrite -realE realD | |
|by case: (bottom x)|by case: (bottom y)|by rewrite !eq0 addr0]. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical add_snum (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) | |
(x : {num R & xnz & xr}) (y : {num R & ynz & yr}) := | | (add_snum_subproof x y). | |
Definition mul_nonzero_subdef (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) := | |
nz_of_bool (xnz && ynz). | |
Arguments mul_nonzero_subdef /. | |
Definition mul_reality_subdef (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) : reality := | |
match xr, yr with | |
| Real (Sign =0), _ | _, Real (Sign =0) => =0 | |
| Real (Sign >=0), Real (Sign >=0) | |
| Real (Sign <=0), Real (Sign <=0) => >=0 | |
| Real (Sign >=0), Real (Sign <=0) | |
| Real (Sign <=0), Real (Sign >=0) => <=0 | |
| Real _, Real _ => >=<0 | |
| _ , _ => >?<0 | |
end. | |
Arguments mul_reality_subdef /. | |
Lemma mul_snum_subproof (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) | |
(x : {num R & xnz & xr}) (y : {num R & ynz & yr}) | |
(rnz := mul_nonzero_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) | |
(rrl := mul_reality_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) : | |
Signed.spec 0 rnz rrl (x%:num * y%:num). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite {}/rnz {}/rrl; apply/andP; split. | |
by move: xr yr xnz ynz x y => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []// x y; | |
rewrite mulf_neq0. | |
by move: xr yr xnz ynz x y => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []/= x y //; | |
do ?[by rewrite mulr_ge0|by rewrite mulr_le0_ge0 | |
|by rewrite mulr_ge0_le0|by rewrite mulr_le0|by rewrite -realE realM | |
|by case: (bottom x)|by case: (bottom y)|by rewrite eq0 ?mulr0// mul0r]. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical mul_snum (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) | |
(x : {num R & xnz & xr}) (y : {num R & ynz & yr}) := | | (mul_snum_subproof x y). | |
Lemma natmul_snum_subproof (xnz nnz : nullity) (xr nr : reality) | |
(x : {num R & xnz & xr}) (n : {compare 0%N & nnz & nr}) | |
(rnz := mul_nonzero_subdef xnz nnz xr nr) | |
(rrl := mul_reality_subdef xnz nnz xr nr) : | |
Signed.spec 0 rnz rrl (x%:num *+ n%:num). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite {}/rnz {}/rrl; apply/andP; split. | |
by move: xr nr xnz nnz x n => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []// x n; | |
rewrite mulrn_eq0//= ?eq0F. | |
move: xr nr xnz nnz x n => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []/= x [[|n]//= _] //; | |
do ?[by case: (bottom x)|by case: (bottom n) | |
|by rewrite mulrn_wge0|by rewrite mulrn_wle0|by rewrite eq0 mul0rn | |
|by apply: real_comparable; rewrite ?real0 ?realrMn]. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical natmul_snum (xnz nnz : nullity) (xr nr : reality) | |
(x : {num R & xnz & xr}) (n : {compare 0%N & nnz & nr}) := | | (natmul_snum_subproof x n). | |
Lemma intmul_snum_subproof (xnz nnz : nullity) (xr nr : reality) | |
(x : {num R & xnz & xr}) (n : {num int & nnz & nr}) | |
(rnz := mul_nonzero_subdef xnz nnz xr nr) | |
(rrl := mul_reality_subdef xnz nnz xr nr) : | |
Signed.spec 0 rnz rrl (x%:num *~ n%:num). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite {}/rnz {}/rrl; apply/andP; split. | |
by move: xr nr xnz nnz x n => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []// x n; | |
rewrite mulrz_neq0//= ?neq0. | |
move: xr nr xnz nnz x n => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []/= x n //; | |
do ?[by case: (bottom x)|by case: (bottom n) | |
|by rewrite mulrz_ge0|by rewrite mulrz_le0_ge0|by rewrite eq0 mul0rz | |
|by rewrite mulrz_ge0_le0|by rewrite mulrz_le0|by rewrite eq0 mulr0z | |
|by rewrite -realE rpredMz//; apply: cmp0]. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical intmul_snum (xnz nnz : nullity) (xr nr : reality) | |
(x : {num R & xnz & xr}) (n : {num int & nnz & nr}) := | | (intmul_snum_subproof x n). | |
Lemma inv_snum_subproof (xnz : nullity) (xr : reality) | |
(x : {num R & xnz & xr}) : | |
Signed.spec 0 xnz xr (x%:num^-1 : R). | |
Proof. | |
by case: xr x => [[[]|]|]//= [r]/=; | |
rewrite invr_eq0 ?(invr_ge0, invr_le0) ?realV. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical inv_snum (xnz : nullity) (xr : reality) (x : {num R & xnz & xr}) := | | (inv_snum_subproof x). | |
Definition exprn_nonzero_subdef (xnz nnz : nullity) | |
(xr nr : reality) : nullity := | |
nz_of_bool (xnz || match nr with Real (Sign =0) => true | _ => false end). | |
Arguments exprn_nonzero_subdef /. | |
Definition exprn_reality_subdef (xnz nnz : nullity) | |
(xr nr : reality) : reality := | |
match xr, nr with | |
| _, Real (Sign =0) => >=0 | |
| Real (Sign =0), _ => (if nnz then =0 else >=0)%snum_sign | |
| Real (Sign >=0), _ => >=0 | |
| Real _, _ => >=<0 | |
| _, _ => >?<0 | |
end. | |
Arguments exprn_reality_subdef /. | |
Lemma exprn_snum_subproof (xnz nnz : nullity) (xr nr : reality) | |
(x : {num R & xnz & xr}) (n : {compare 0%N & nnz & nr}) | |
(rnz := exprn_nonzero_subdef xnz nnz xr nr) | |
(rrl := exprn_reality_subdef xnz nnz xr nr) : | |
Signed.spec 0 rnz rrl (x%:num ^+ n%:num). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite {}/rnz {}/rrl; apply/andP; split. | |
by move: xr nr xnz nnz x n => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []// x n; | |
do ?[by case: (bottom x)|by case: (bottom n)]; | |
rewrite expf_eq0/= ?eq0// ?eq0F ?andbF//. | |
move: xr nr xnz nnz x n => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []/= x [[|n]//= _] //; | |
do ?[by case: (bottom x)|by case: (bottom n)|by rewrite [_ || _]realX | |
|by rewrite eq0 expr0n|exact: exprn_ge0|by rewrite expr0 ler01]. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical exprn_snum (xnz nnz : nullity) (xr nr : reality) | |
(x : {num R & xnz & xr}) (n : {compare 0%N & nnz & nr}) := | | (exprn_snum_subproof x n). | |
Lemma norm_snum_subproof {V : normedZmodType R} (x : V) : | |
Signed.spec 0 ?=0 >=0 `|x|. | |
Proof. by rewrite /=. Qed. | |
Canonical norm_snum {V : normedZmodType R} (x : V) := | | (norm_snum_subproof x). | |
End NumDomainStability. | |
Section RcfStability. | |
Context {R : rcfType}. | |
Definition sqrt_nonzero_subdef (xnz : nullity) (xr : reality) := | |
if xr is Real (Sign >=0) then xnz else MaybeZero. | |
Arguments sqrt_nonzero_subdef /. | |
Lemma sqrt_snum_subproof xnz xr (x : {num R & xnz & xr}) | |
(nz := sqrt_nonzero_subdef xnz xr) : | |
Signed.spec 0 nz >=0 (Num.sqrt x%:num). | |
Proof. | |
by rewrite {}/nz; case: xnz xr x => -[[[]|]|]//= x; | |
rewrite /= sqrtr_ge0// andbT sqrtr_eq0 le0F. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical sqrt_snum xnz xr (x : {num R & xnz & xr}) := | | (sqrt_snum_subproof x). | |
End RcfStability. | |
Section NumClosedStability. | |
Context {R : numClosedFieldType}. | |
Definition sqrtC_reality_subdef (xnz : nullity) (xr : reality) : reality := | |
match xr with | |
| Real (Sign =0) => =0 | |
| Real (Sign >=0) => >=0 | |
| _ => >?<0 | |
end. | |
Arguments sqrtC_reality_subdef /. | |
Lemma sqrtC_snum_subproof xnz xr (x : {num R & xnz & xr}) | |
(r := sqrtC_reality_subdef xnz xr) : | |
Signed.spec 0 xnz r (sqrtC x%:num). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite {}/r; apply/andP; split. | |
by rewrite sqrtC_eq0; case: xr xnz x => [[[]|]|] [] /=. | |
by case: xr xnz x => [[[]|]|] []//= x; rewrite ?sqrtC_ge0// sqrtC_eq0 eq0. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical sqrtC_snum xnz xr (x : {num R & xnz & xr}) := | | (sqrtC_snum_subproof x). | |
End NumClosedStability. | |
Section NatStability. | |
Local Open Scope nat_scope. | |
Implicit Type (n : nat). | |
Lemma nat_snum_subproof n : Signed.spec 0 ?=0 >=0 n. | |
Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Canonical nat_snum n := (nat_snum_subproof n). | |
Lemma zeron_snum_subproof : Signed.spec 0 ?=0 =0 0. | |
Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Canonical zeron_snum := zeron_snum_subproof. | |
Lemma succn_snum_subproof n : Signed.spec 0 !=0 >=0 n.+1. | |
Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Canonical succn_snum n := (succn_snum_subproof n). | |
Lemma double_snum_subproof nz r (x : {compare 0 & nz & r}) : | |
Signed.spec 0 nz r x%:num.*2. | |
Proof. by move: nz r x => [] [[[]|]|] [[|n]]. Qed. | |
Canonical double_snum nz r x := | | (@double_snum_subproof nz r x). | |
Lemma addn_snum_subproof (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) | |
(x : {compare 0 & xnz & xr}) (y : {compare 0 & ynz & yr}) | |
(rnz := add_nonzero_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) | |
(rrl := add_reality_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) : | |
Signed.spec 0 rnz rrl (x%:num + y%:num). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite {}/rnz {}/rrl; apply/andP; split; | |
by move: xr yr xnz ynz x y => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []//= [[|x]//= _] [[|y]]. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical addn_snum (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) | |
(x : {compare 0 & xnz & xr}) (y : {compare 0 & ynz & yr}) := | | (addn_snum_subproof x y). | |
Lemma muln_snum_subproof (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) | |
(x : {compare 0 & xnz & xr}) (y : {compare 0 & ynz & yr}) | |
(rnz := mul_nonzero_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) | |
(rrl := mul_reality_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) : | |
Signed.spec 0 rnz rrl (x%:num * y%:num). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite {}/rnz {}/rrl; apply/andP; split; | |
move: xr yr xnz ynz x y => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []//=; | |
by move=> [[|x]//= _] [[|y]//= _]; rewrite muln0. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical muln_snum (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) | |
(x : {compare 0 & xnz & xr}) (y : {compare 0 & ynz & yr}) := | | (muln_snum_subproof x y). | |
Lemma expn_snum_subproof (xnz nnz : nullity) (xr nr : reality) | |
(x : {compare 0 & xnz & xr}) (n : {compare 0 & nnz & nr}) | |
(rnz := exprn_nonzero_subdef xnz nnz xr nr) | |
(rrl := exprn_reality_subdef xnz nnz xr nr) : | |
Signed.spec 0 rnz rrl (x%:num ^ n%:num). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite {}/rnz {}/rrl; apply/andP; split. | |
move: xr nr xnz nnz x n => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []// x n; | |
do ?[by case: (bottom x)|by case: (bottom n) | |
|by rewrite ?eq0 ?expn0// expn_eq0 ?eq0F]. | |
move: xr nr xnz nnz x n => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []/= x [[|n]//= _] //; | |
do ?[by case: (bottom x)|by case: (bottom n)|by rewrite eq0 exp0n]. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical expn_snum (xnz nnz : nullity) (xr nr : reality) | |
(x : {compare 0 & xnz & xr}) (n : {compare 0 & nnz & nr}) := | | (expn_snum_subproof x n). | |
Lemma minn_snum_subproof (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) | |
(x : {compare 0 & xnz & xr}) (y : {compare 0 & ynz & yr}) | |
(rnz := min_nonzero_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) | |
(rrl := min_reality_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) : | |
Signed.spec 0 rnz rrl (min x%:num y%:num). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite {}/rnz {}/rrl; apply/andP; split; | |
by move: xr yr xnz ynz x y => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []//= [[|x]//= _] [[|y]]. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical minn_snum (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) | |
(x : {compare 0 & xnz & xr}) (y : {compare 0 & ynz & yr}) := | | (minn_snum_subproof x y). | |
Lemma maxn_snum_subproof (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) | |
(x : {compare 0 & xnz & xr}) (y : {compare 0 & ynz & yr}) | |
(rnz := max_nonzero_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) | |
(rrl := max_reality_subdef xnz ynz xr yr) : | |
Signed.spec 0 rnz rrl (maxn x%:num y%:num). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite {}/rnz {}/rrl; apply/andP; split; | |
move: xr yr xnz ynz x y => [[[]|]|] [[[]|]|] [] []//=; | |
by move=> [[|x]//= _] [[|y]//= _]; rewrite maxnSS. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical maxn_snum (xnz ynz : nullity) (xr yr : reality) | |
(x : {compare 0 & xnz & xr}) (y : {compare 0 & ynz & yr}) := | | (maxn_snum_subproof x y). | |
End NatStability. | |
Section Morph0. | |
Context {R : numDomainType} {cond : reality}. | |
Local Notation nR := {num R & ?=0 & cond}. | |
Implicit Types x y : nR. | |
Local Notation num := (@num _ _ (0 : R) ?=0 cond). | |
Lemma num_eq0 x : (x%:num == 0) = (x == (widen_signed 0%:sgn : nR)). | |
Proof. by []. Qed. | |
End Morph0. | |
Section Morph. | |
Context {d : unit} {T : porderType d} {x0 : T} {nz : nullity} {cond : reality}. | |
Local Notation sT := {compare x0 & nz & cond}. | |
Implicit Types x y : sT. | |
Local Notation num := (@num _ _ x0 nz cond). | |
Lemma num_eq : {mono num : x y / x == y}. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Lemma num_le : {mono num : x y / (x <= y)%O}. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Lemma num_lt : {mono num : x y / (x < y)%O}. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Lemma num_min : {morph num : x y / Order.min x y}. | |
Proof. by move=> x y; rewrite !minEle num_le -fun_if. Qed. | |
Lemma num_max : {morph num : x y / Order.max x y}. | |
Proof. by move=> x y; rewrite !maxEle num_le -fun_if. Qed. | |
End Morph. | |
Section MorphNum. | |
Context {R : numDomainType} {nz : nullity} {cond : reality}. | |
Local Notation nR := {num R & nz & cond}. | |
Implicit Types (a : R) (x y : nR). | |
Local Notation num := (@num _ _ (0 : R) nz cond). | |
Lemma num_abs_eq0 a : (`|a|%:nng == 0%:nng) = (a == 0). | |
Proof. by rewrite -normr_eq0. Qed. | |
End MorphNum. | |
Section MorphReal. | |
Context {R : numDomainType} {nz : nullity} {r : real}. | |
Local Notation nR := {num R & nz & r}. | |
Implicit Type x y : nR. | |
Local Notation num := (@num _ _ (0 : R) nz r). | |
Lemma num_le_maxr a x y : | |
a <= Num.max x%:num y%:num = (a <= x%:num) || (a <= y%:num). | |
Proof. by rewrite -comparable_le_maxr// real_comparable. Qed. | |
Lemma num_le_maxl a x y : | |
Num.max x%:num y%:num <= a = (x%:num <= a) && (y%:num <= a). | |
Proof. by rewrite -comparable_le_maxl// real_comparable. Qed. | |
Lemma num_le_minr a x y : | |
a <= Num.min x%:num y%:num = (a <= x%:num) && (a <= y%:num). | |
Proof. by rewrite -comparable_le_minr// real_comparable. Qed. | |
Lemma num_le_minl a x y : | |
Num.min x%:num y%:num <= a = (x%:num <= a) || (y%:num <= a). | |
Proof. by rewrite -comparable_le_minl// real_comparable. Qed. | |
Lemma num_lt_maxr a x y : | |
a < Num.max x%:num y%:num = (a < x%:num) || (a < y%:num). | |
Proof. by rewrite -comparable_lt_maxr// real_comparable. Qed. | |
Lemma num_lt_maxl a x y : | |
Num.max x%:num y%:num < a = (x%:num < a) && (y%:num < a). | |
Proof. by rewrite -comparable_lt_maxl// real_comparable. Qed. | |
Lemma num_lt_minr a x y : | |
a < Num.min x%:num y%:num = (a < x%:num) && (a < y%:num). | |
Proof. by rewrite -comparable_lt_minr// real_comparable. Qed. | |
Lemma num_lt_minl a x y : | |
Num.min x%:num y%:num < a = (x%:num < a) || (y%:num < a). | |
Proof. by rewrite -comparable_lt_minl// real_comparable. Qed. | |
End MorphReal. | |
Section MorphGe0. | |
Context {R : numDomainType} {nz : nullity}. | |
Local Notation nR := {num R & ?=0 & >=0}. | |
Implicit Type x y : nR. | |
Local Notation num := (@num _ _ (0 : R) ?=0 >=0). | |
Lemma num_abs_le a x : 0 <= a -> (`|a|%:nng <= x) = (a <= x%:num). | |
Proof. by move=> a0; rewrite -num_le//= ger0_norm. Qed. | |
Lemma num_abs_lt a x : 0 <= a -> (`|a|%:nng < x) = (a < x%:num). | |
Proof. by move=> a0; rewrite -num_lt/= ger0_norm. Qed. | |
End MorphGe0. | |
Section Posnum. | |
Context (R : numDomainType) (x : R) (x_gt0 : 0 < x). | |
Lemma posnum_subdef : (x != 0) && (0 <= x). Proof. by rewrite -lt_def. Qed. | |
Definition PosNum : {posnum R} := _ _ 0 !=0 >=0 _ posnum_subdef. | |
End Posnum. | |
Definition NngNum (R : numDomainType) (x : R) (x_ge0 : 0 <= x) : {nonneg R} := | |
( _ _ 0 ?=0 >=0 x x_ge0). | |
CoInductive posnum_spec (R : numDomainType) (x : R) : | |
R -> bool -> bool -> bool -> Type := | |
| IsPosnum (p : {posnum R}) : posnum_spec x (p%:num) false true true. | |
Lemma posnumP (R : numDomainType) (x : R) : 0 < x -> | |
posnum_spec x x (x == 0) (0 <= x) (0 < x). | |
Proof. | |
move=> x_gt0; case: real_ltgt0P (x_gt0) => []; rewrite ?gtr0_real // => _ _. | |
by rewrite -[x]/(PosNum x_gt0)%:num; constructor. | |
Qed. | |
CoInductive nonneg_spec (R : numDomainType) (x : R) : R -> bool -> Type := | |
| IsNonneg (p : {nonneg R}) : nonneg_spec x (p%:num) true. | |
Lemma nonnegP (R : numDomainType) (x : R) : 0 <= x -> nonneg_spec x x (0 <= x). | |
Proof. by move=> xge0; rewrite xge0 -[x]/(NngNum xge0)%:num; constructor. Qed. | |
(* Section PosnumOrder. *) | |
(* Variables (R : numDomainType). *) | |
(* Local Notation nR := {posnum R}. *) | |
(* Lemma posnum_le_total : totalPOrderMixin [porderType of nR]. *) | |
(* Proof. by move=> x y; apply: real_comparable. Qed. *) | |
(* Canonical posnum_latticeType := LatticeType nR posnum_le_total. *) | |
(* Canonical posnum_distrLatticeType := DistrLatticeType nR posnum_le_total. *) | |
(* Canonical posnum_orderType := OrderType nR posnum_le_total. *) | |
(* End PosnumOrder. *) | |
(* Section NonnegOrder. *) | |
(* Variables (R : numDomainType). *) | |
(* Local Notation nR := {nonneg R}. *) | |
(* Lemma nonneg_le_total : totalPOrderMixin [porderType of nR]. *) | |
(* Proof. by move=> x y; apply: real_comparable. Qed. *) | |
(* Canonical nonneg_latticeType := LatticeType nR nonneg_le_total. *) | |
(* Canonical nonneg_distrLatticeType := DistrLatticeType nR nonneg_le_total. *) | |
(* Canonical nonneg_orderType := OrderType nR nonneg_le_total. *) | |
(* End NonnegOrder. *) | |