""" |
Provides functionality to crawl and extract news articles from commoncrawl.org. Filter criteria, such as publish date |
and host list, can be defined. Currently, all WARC files will be downloaded to the path WORKINGDIR/cc_download_warc, if |
not otherwise specified. |
""" |
import logging |
import os |
import time |
from functools import partial |
from multiprocessing import Pool |
import datetime |
import gzip |
from urllib.parse import urlparse |
import boto3 |
import botocore |
from dateutil import parser |
import requests |
from scrapy.utils.log import configure_logging |
import random |
from commoncrawl_extractor import CommonCrawlExtractor |
__author__ = "Felix Hamborg" |
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017" |
__credits__ = ["Sebastian Nagel"] |
__cc_base_url = 'https://data.commoncrawl.org/' |
__cc_bucket = 'commoncrawl' |
__log_pathname_fully_extracted_warcs = None |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) |
__logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
__number_of_warc_files_on_cc = 0 |
__extern_callback_on_warc_completed = None |
__counter_article_passed = 0 |
__counter_article_discarded = 0 |
__counter_article_error = 0 |
__counter_article_total = 0 |
__counter_warc_skipped = 0 |
__counter_warc_processed = 0 |
__start_time = time.time() |
__shufle = False |
__common_crawl_start_date = datetime.datetime(2016, 8, 26) |
def __setup(local_download_dir_warc, log_level): |
""" |
Setup |
:return: |
""" |
os.makedirs(local_download_dir_warc, exist_ok=True) |
global __log_pathname_fully_extracted_warcs |
__log_pathname_fully_extracted_warcs = os.path.join(local_download_dir_warc, 'fullyextractedwarcs.list') |
configure_logging({"LOG_LEVEL": "ERROR"}) |
logging.getLogger('requests').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) |
logging.getLogger('readability').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) |
logging.getLogger('PIL').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) |
logging.getLogger('newspaper').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) |
logging.getLogger('newsplease').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) |
logging.getLogger('urllib3').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) |
logging.getLogger('jieba').setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) |
boto3.set_stream_logger('botocore', log_level) |
boto3.set_stream_logger('boto3', log_level) |
logging.basicConfig(level=log_level) |
__logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
__logger.setLevel(log_level) |
def __get_publishing_date(warc_record, article): |
""" |
Extracts the publishing date from the article |
:param warc_record: |
:return: |
""" |
if article.publish_date: |
return parser.parse(article.publish_date) |
else: |
return None |
def __get_download_url(name): |
""" |
Creates a download url given the name |
:param name: |
:return: |
""" |
return __cc_base_url + name |
def __iterate_by_month(start_date=None, end_date=None, month_step=1): |
if start_date is None: |
start_date = __common_crawl_start_date |
if end_date is None: |
end_date = datetime.datetime.today() |
current_date = start_date |
yield current_date |
while True: |
carry, new_month = divmod(current_date.month - 1 + month_step, 12) |
new_month += 1 |
current_date = current_date.replace(year=current_date.year + carry, |
month=new_month) |
yield current_date |
if current_date > end_date: |
break |
def __extract_date_from_warc_filename(path): |
fn = os.path.basename(path) |
fn = fn.replace('CC-NEWS-', '') |
dt = fn.split('-')[0] |
try: |
return datetime.datetime.strptime(dt, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') |
except: |
return datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1) |
def __date_within_period(date, start_date=None, end_date=None): |
if start_date is None: |
start_date = __common_crawl_start_date |
if end_date is None: |
end_date = datetime.datetime.today() |
return start_date <= date < end_date |
def __get_remote_index(warc_files_start_date=None, warc_files_end_date=None): |
""" |
Gets the index of news crawl files from commoncrawl.org and returns an array of names |
:param warc_files_start_date: only list .warc files with greater or equal date in |
their filename |
:param warc_files_end_date: only list .warc files with smaller date in their filename |
:return: |
""" |
s3_client = boto3.client('s3') |
try: |
s3_client.head_bucket(Bucket=__cc_bucket) |
except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError) as e: |
__logger.info('Failed to read %s bucket, using monthly WARC file listings', __cc_bucket) |
self.__logger.warning(str(e)) |
s3_client = None |
objects = [] |
if s3_client: |
def s3_list_objects(bucket, prefix): |
paginator = s3_client.get_paginator('list_objects') |
pages = paginator.paginate(Bucket=bucket, Prefix=prefix) |
data = [] |
for page in pages: |
if 'Contents' not in page: |
continue |
for obj in page['Contents']: |
data.append(obj['Key']) |
return data |
if warc_files_start_date or warc_files_end_date: |
warc_dates = __iterate_by_month(start_date=warc_files_start_date, end_date=warc_files_end_date) |
for date in warc_dates: |
year = date.strftime('%Y') |
month = date.strftime('%m') |
prefix = 'crawl-data/CC-NEWS/%s/%s/' % (year, month) |
__logger.debug('Listing objects on S3 bucket %s and prefix %s', __cc_bucket, prefix) |
objects += s3_list_objects(__cc_bucket, prefix) |
else: |
objects = s3_list_objects(__cc_bucket, 'crawl-data/CC-NEWS/') |
else: |
warc_dates = __iterate_by_month(start_date=warc_files_start_date, end_date=warc_files_end_date) |
for date in warc_dates: |
year = date.strftime('%Y') |
month = date.strftime('%m') |
url = '%scrawl-data/CC-NEWS/%s/%s/warc.paths.gz' % (__cc_base_url, year, month) |
__logger.debug('Fetching WARC paths listing %s', url) |
response = requests.get(url) |
if response: |
objects += gzip.decompress(response.content).decode('ascii').strip().split('\n') |
else: |
__logger.info('Failed to fetch WARC file list %s: %s', url, response) |
if warc_files_start_date or warc_files_end_date: |
objects = [ |
p for p in objects if __date_within_period( |
__extract_date_from_warc_filename(p), |
start_date=warc_files_start_date, |
end_date=warc_files_end_date, |
) |
] |
__logger.info('Found %i WARC files', len(objects)) |
return objects |
def __get_url_path(url_or_path): |
if url_or_path.startswith('http:') or url_or_path.startswith('https:'): |
try: |
url = urlparse(url_or_path) |
return url.path.lstrip('/') |
except: |
pass |
return url_or_path |
def __get_list_of_fully_extracted_warc_paths(): |
""" |
Reads in the log file that contains a list of all previously, fully extracted WARC urls |
:return: |
""" |
if not os.path.isfile(__log_pathname_fully_extracted_warcs): |
return [] |
with open(__log_pathname_fully_extracted_warcs) as log_file: |
list_warcs = log_file.readlines() |
list_warcs = [x.strip() for x in list_warcs] |
list_warcs = [__get_url_path(x) for x in list_warcs] |
return list_warcs |
def __callback_on_warc_completed(warc_path, counter_article_passed, counter_article_discarded, counter_article_error, |
counter_article_total): |
""" |
Internal callback on completion of one WARC file. Calculating some statistics on processing speed. |
:param warc_path: |
:param counter_article_passed: |
:param counter_article_discarded: |
:param counter_article_error: |
:param counter_article_total: |
:return: |
""" |
global __counter_article_passed |
global __counter_article_discarded |
global __counter_article_error |
global __counter_article_total |
global __counter_warc_processed |
elapsed_secs = time.time() - __start_time |
__counter_article_discarded += counter_article_discarded |
__counter_article_error += counter_article_error |
__counter_article_passed += counter_article_passed |
__counter_article_total += counter_article_total |
__counter_warc_processed += 1 |
sec_per_article = elapsed_secs / counter_article_total |
h_per_warc = elapsed_secs / __counter_warc_processed / 3600 |
remaining_warcs = __number_of_warc_files_on_cc - (__counter_warc_processed + __counter_warc_skipped) |
__logger.info("warc processing statistics") |
__logger.info("warc files skipped = %i, processed = %i, remaining = %i, total = %i", __counter_warc_skipped, |
__counter_warc_processed, remaining_warcs, __number_of_warc_files_on_cc) |
__logger.info("global [s/article] = %f", sec_per_article) |
__logger.info("global [h/warc] = %.3f", h_per_warc) |
__logger.info("estimated remaining time [h] = %f", remaining_warcs * h_per_warc) |
__extern_callback_on_warc_completed(warc_path, __counter_article_passed, __counter_article_discarded, |
__counter_article_error, __counter_article_total, __counter_warc_processed) |
def __start_commoncrawl_extractor(warc_path, callback_on_article_extracted=None, |
callback_on_warc_completed=None, valid_hosts=None, |
start_date=None, end_date=None, |
strict_date=True, reuse_previously_downloaded_files=True, |
local_download_dir_warc=None, |
continue_after_error=True, show_download_progress=False, |
log_level=logging.ERROR, |
delete_warc_after_extraction=True, |
continue_process=True, |
log_pathname_fully_extracted_warcs=None, |
extractor_cls=CommonCrawlExtractor, |
fetch_images=False, |
local_download_dir_article=None): |
""" |
Starts a single CommonCrawlExtractor |
:param warc_path: path to the WARC file on s3://commoncrawl/ resp. https://data.commoncrawl.org/ |
:param callback_on_article_extracted: |
:param callback_on_warc_completed: |
:param valid_hosts: |
:param start_date: |
:param end_date: |
:param strict_date: |
:param reuse_previously_downloaded_files: |
:param local_download_dir_warc: |
:param continue_after_error: |
:param show_download_progress: |
:param log_level: |
:param extractor_cls: A subclass of CommonCrawlExtractor, which can be used |
to add custom filtering by overriding .filter_record(...) |
:return: |
""" |
commoncrawl_extractor = extractor_cls() |
commoncrawl_extractor.extract_from_commoncrawl(warc_path, callback_on_article_extracted, |
callback_on_warc_completed=callback_on_warc_completed, |
valid_hosts=valid_hosts, |
start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, |
strict_date=strict_date, |
reuse_previously_downloaded_files=reuse_previously_downloaded_files, |
local_download_dir_warc=local_download_dir_warc, |
continue_after_error=continue_after_error, |
show_download_progress=show_download_progress, |
log_level=log_level, |
delete_warc_after_extraction=delete_warc_after_extraction, |
log_pathname_fully_extracted_warcs=__log_pathname_fully_extracted_warcs, |
fetch_images=fetch_images, |
local_download_dir_article=local_download_dir_article) |
def crawl_from_commoncrawl(callback_on_article_extracted, callback_on_warc_completed=None, valid_hosts=None, |
start_date=None, end_date=None, warc_files_start_date=None, warc_files_end_date=None, strict_date=True, |
reuse_previously_downloaded_files=True, local_download_dir_warc=None, |
continue_after_error=True, show_download_progress=False, |
number_of_extraction_processes=4, log_level=logging.ERROR, |
delete_warc_after_extraction=True, continue_process=True, |
extractor_cls=CommonCrawlExtractor, fetch_images=False, |
dry_run=False, shuffle=__shufle, local_download_dir_article=None): |
""" |
Crawl and extract articles form the news crawl provided by commoncrawl.org. For each article that was extracted |
successfully the callback function callback_on_article_extracted is invoked where the first parameter is the |
article object. |
:param continue_process: |
:param delete_warc_after_extraction: |
:param number_of_extraction_processes: |
:param callback_on_article_extracted: |
:param valid_hosts: |
:param start_date: |
:param end_date: |
:param warc_files_start_date |
:param warc_files_end_date |
:param strict_date: |
:param reuse_previously_downloaded_files: |
:param local_download_dir_warc: |
:param continue_after_error: |
:param show_download_progress: |
:param log_level: |
:param extractor_cls: |
:param dry_run: if True just list the WARC files to be processed but do not actually process them |
:return: |
""" |
__setup(local_download_dir_warc, log_level) |
global __extern_callback_on_warc_completed |
__extern_callback_on_warc_completed = callback_on_warc_completed |
cc_news_crawl_names = __get_remote_index(warc_files_start_date, warc_files_end_date) |
global __number_of_warc_files_on_cc |
__number_of_warc_files_on_cc = len(cc_news_crawl_names) |
__logger.info('found %i files at commoncrawl.org', __number_of_warc_files_on_cc) |
if shuffle: |
random.seed(42) |
random.shuffle(cc_news_crawl_names) |
__logger.info('shuffled the list of WARC files') |
__logger.info('creating extraction process pool with %i processes', number_of_extraction_processes) |
warc_paths = [] |
fully_extracted_warc_paths = __get_list_of_fully_extracted_warc_paths() |
for warc_path in cc_news_crawl_names: |
if continue_process: |
if warc_path in fully_extracted_warc_paths: |
__logger.info('skipping WARC because fully extracted: %s', warc_path) |
global __counter_warc_skipped |
__counter_warc_skipped += 1 |
pass |
else: |
warc_paths.append(warc_path) |
else: |
warc_paths.append(warc_path) |
if dry_run: |
for warc_path in warc_paths: |
__logger.info('(Dry run) Selected WARC file for processing: %s', warc_path) |
elif number_of_extraction_processes > 1: |
with Pool(number_of_extraction_processes) as extraction_process_pool: |
extraction_process_pool.map(partial(__start_commoncrawl_extractor, |
callback_on_article_extracted=callback_on_article_extracted, |
callback_on_warc_completed=__callback_on_warc_completed, |
valid_hosts=valid_hosts, |
start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, |
strict_date=strict_date, |
reuse_previously_downloaded_files=reuse_previously_downloaded_files, |
local_download_dir_warc=local_download_dir_warc, |
continue_after_error=continue_after_error, |
show_download_progress=show_download_progress, |
log_level=log_level, |
delete_warc_after_extraction=delete_warc_after_extraction, |
log_pathname_fully_extracted_warcs=__log_pathname_fully_extracted_warcs, |
extractor_cls=extractor_cls, |
fetch_images=fetch_images, |
local_download_dir_article=local_download_dir_article), |
warc_paths) |
else: |
for warc_path in warc_paths: |
__start_commoncrawl_extractor(warc_path, |
callback_on_article_extracted=callback_on_article_extracted, |
callback_on_warc_completed=__callback_on_warc_completed, |
valid_hosts=valid_hosts, |
start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, |
strict_date=strict_date, |
reuse_previously_downloaded_files=reuse_previously_downloaded_files, |
local_download_dir_warc=local_download_dir_warc, |
continue_after_error=continue_after_error, |
show_download_progress=show_download_progress, |
log_level=log_level, |
delete_warc_after_extraction=delete_warc_after_extraction, |
log_pathname_fully_extracted_warcs=__log_pathname_fully_extracted_warcs, |
extractor_cls=extractor_cls, |
fetch_images=fetch_images, |
local_download_dir_article=local_download_dir_article) |