So Morello has announced flash nerfs. Whilst it's maybe too early to really comment, he has stated "We’ve raised the cooldowns of popular summoner spells (Flash, Ignite, etc.) in lieu of nerfing their power". In my opinion any nerf to Flash only accentuates the problem of mobility creep, and pushes champions with no gap closer further from viability, and may well cause more harm than good. Thoughts? Tl;dr: Nerfing flash accentuates mobility creep. P.S. Every time flash gets nerfed, Ezreal gets buffed. Just saying.
So Morello has announced flash nerfs. Whilst it's maybe too early to really comment, he has stated "We’ve raised the cooldowns of popular summoner spells (Flash, Ignite, etc.) in lieu of nerfing their power". In my opinion any nerf to Flash only accentuates the problem of mobility creep, and pushes champions with no gap closer further from viability, and may well cause more harm than good. Thoughts? Tl;dr: Nerfing flash accentuates mobility creep. P.S. Every time flash gets nerfed, Ezreal gets buffed. Just saying.
So Morello has announced flash nerfs. Whilst it's maybe too early to really comment, he has stated "We’ve raised the cooldowns of popular summoner spells (Flash, Ignite, etc.) in lieu of nerfing their power". In my opinion any nerf to Flash only accentuates the problem of mobility creep, and pushes champions with no gap closer further from viability, and may well cause more harm than good. Thoughts?
Nerfing flash accentuates mobility creep. P.S. Every time flash gets nerfed, Ezreal gets buffed. Just saying.
I was a tomboy growing up. I wore the same pair of overalls every morning. Each day, I would wake up, get dressed and go hunting. I would find a worm, name it Fred and chuck it in the front little pocket of my overalls. I'd play with Fred all day long until my mom would call me in for dinner. When she did... I would take Fred out of my pocket, say, "well Fred, it's time for you to die." I'd rip Fred in half and bury both halves in my worm graveyard and mark each grave with a little stick. I did this for months so you can imagine, I had a pretty crowded worm graveyard... I think I was 7 or 8... TL;DR: at the tender age of 7 or 8... I was the most feared worm serial killer in the US.
I was a tomboy growing up. I wore the same pair of overalls every morning. Each day, I would wake up, get dressed and go hunting. I would find a worm, name it Fred and chuck it in the front little pocket of my overalls. I'd play with Fred all day long until my mom would call me in for dinner. When she did... I would take Fred out of my pocket, say, "well Fred, it's time for you to die." I'd rip Fred in half and bury both halves in my worm graveyard and mark each grave with a little stick. I did this for months so you can imagine, I had a pretty crowded worm graveyard... I think I was 7 or 8... TL;DR: at the tender age of 7 or 8... I was the most feared worm serial killer in the US.
I was a tomboy growing up. I wore the same pair of overalls every morning. Each day, I would wake up, get dressed and go hunting. I would find a worm, name it Fred and chuck it in the front little pocket of my overalls. I'd play with Fred all day long until my mom would call me in for dinner. When she did... I would take Fred out of my pocket, say, "well Fred, it's time for you to die." I'd rip Fred in half and bury both halves in my worm graveyard and mark each grave with a little stick. I did this for months so you can imagine, I had a pretty crowded worm graveyard... I think I was 7 or 8...
at the tender age of 7 or 8... I was the most feared worm serial killer in the US.
Okay, so, I'm having some really difficult problems getting over my ex girlfriend. We are newly broken up, but here is how our break up played out (step by step): Background info: I have been with this girl for over a year. She was the love of my life. She became my life. She was pretty much the only person I talked to, and I loved her to death. We planned on getting married. She used to have a problem with drugs. Thursday (Background info) My girlfriend had been talking bad about one of her friends, calling them a burn out druggie, who's going nowhere in life, let's refer to her as X. She told me that X had been negatively influencing her, making her think that it would be okay to partake in drugs every once in a while. She said that she wanted nothing to do with X anymore. My girlfriend decides to hang out with X. I ask her why, considering all of the badmouthing she's done in regards to her. She ends up apologizing for hanging out with her, saying that it's not worth her time. Friday My girlfriend texts me, saying that X was trying to use her to find some LSD. She is pissed because of X literally trying to go through her for drugs only a day after they start talking again. Saturday (enter shitstorm) X is having boy problems, so my girlfriend invites her over to her house to spend the night. (Now, I understand that this is a little bit of a different scenario, but still). I get pretty upset because my girlfriend can't make up her mind over whether or not she wants X out of her life or in it. I tell her it causes anxiety in me when she isn't just straight forward about things. A huge argument erupts, and I end up saying some things that make me really insecure about the relationship, namely how most of her friends are guys. All of these guys are either exes or guys who have liked her before. She breaks up with me, and refuses to talk to me. Sunday (daytime) I am incredibly anxious all day (I have anxiety problems which I used to be on medication for). I keep texting her saying how anxious I am and how I just want to talk about it. She eventually responds, telling me to leave her alone, not acknowledging the fact that I'm emotionally devastated. I'm crying all day, emotionally distraught. I am experiencing the worst depression I've ever felt, and such terrible anxiety. I can't eat without feeling like throwing up. I finally make contact with her again. I know she's going to be going out with X again later tonight. I ask her if she's hanging out with this guy who we'll refer to as Y. Y is a guy who hit on her throughout this entire relationship. She unfollowed him on social media and whatnot at my request. Literally within an hour of us breaking up, she had refollowed him on all social media sites. She says she won't be hanging out with Y. Sunday (night) I'm still crying and anxious all night. By this time I have found out that she blocked my phone number because I called her a monster because of how she had been dehumanizing me all day. I shoot her a few DMs on Twitter apologizing for everything, and I tell her that I hope she has a nice life. She responds out of the blue, telling me to leave her alone again. I do. After crying a lot. Monday I found out that she did acid. With Y (and don't forget X), who she said she wouldn't be hanging out with. Plot twist... her mom gave her the acid! I'm still in emotional shambles. She's being really rude to me. I'm having some troubles getting over her. I have really bad anxiety and hypochondria (which produces anxiety), and I'd always share my thoughts with her. It would make me feel better. I don't have that option anymore, I'm lost. tl;dr READING THE SECTION 'MONDAY' WOULD HELP. Ex and I got in a fight. She tried avoiding me every way possible, even while I was trying to tell her I was an inch away from having a mental breakdown. Found out she did acid that her mom gave her with a guy who hit on her while we were together. I'm really confused and hurt, and need help getting over her. Edit: Sorry if the sentence structure was weird. I originally wrote this in bullet-point format, but it came out horribly, and I really don't have the energy to learn how to do bullet points. Edit 2: She'd always make this really cute noise and talk in this super cute voice. She was so unique, and I'm being genuine when I say that. She wasn't the typical "Oh, my significant other is SOOOO unique," but she was legitimately one of a kind. I can't get her cute voice to quit playing over and over in my head. But there's no possible way of contacting her.
Okay, so, I'm having some really difficult problems getting over my ex girlfriend. We are newly broken up, but here is how our break up played out (step by step): Background info: I have been with this girl for over a year. She was the love of my life. She became my life. She was pretty much the only person I talked to, and I loved her to death. We planned on getting married. She used to have a problem with drugs. Thursday (Background info) My girlfriend had been talking bad about one of her friends, calling them a burn out druggie, who's going nowhere in life, let's refer to her as X. She told me that X had been negatively influencing her, making her think that it would be okay to partake in drugs every once in a while. She said that she wanted nothing to do with X anymore. My girlfriend decides to hang out with X. I ask her why, considering all of the badmouthing she's done in regards to her. She ends up apologizing for hanging out with her, saying that it's not worth her time. Friday My girlfriend texts me, saying that X was trying to use her to find some LSD. She is pissed because of X literally trying to go through her for drugs only a day after they start talking again. Saturday (enter shitstorm) X is having boy problems, so my girlfriend invites her over to her house to spend the night. (Now, I understand that this is a little bit of a different scenario, but still). I get pretty upset because my girlfriend can't make up her mind over whether or not she wants X out of her life or in it. I tell her it causes anxiety in me when she isn't just straight forward about things. A huge argument erupts, and I end up saying some things that make me really insecure about the relationship, namely how most of her friends are guys. All of these guys are either exes or guys who have liked her before. She breaks up with me, and refuses to talk to me. Sunday (daytime) I am incredibly anxious all day (I have anxiety problems which I used to be on medication for). I keep texting her saying how anxious I am and how I just want to talk about it. She eventually responds, telling me to leave her alone, not acknowledging the fact that I'm emotionally devastated. I'm crying all day, emotionally distraught. I am experiencing the worst depression I've ever felt, and such terrible anxiety. I can't eat without feeling like throwing up. I finally make contact with her again. I know she's going to be going out with X again later tonight. I ask her if she's hanging out with this guy who we'll refer to as Y. Y is a guy who hit on her throughout this entire relationship. She unfollowed him on social media and whatnot at my request. Literally within an hour of us breaking up, she had refollowed him on all social media sites. She says she won't be hanging out with Y. Sunday (night) I'm still crying and anxious all night. By this time I have found out that she blocked my phone number because I called her a monster because of how she had been dehumanizing me all day. I shoot her a few DMs on Twitter apologizing for everything, and I tell her that I hope she has a nice life. She responds out of the blue, telling me to leave her alone again. I do. After crying a lot. Monday I found out that she did acid. With Y (and don't forget X), who she said she wouldn't be hanging out with. Plot twist... her mom gave her the acid! I'm still in emotional shambles. She's being really rude to me. I'm having some troubles getting over her. I have really bad anxiety and hypochondria (which produces anxiety), and I'd always share my thoughts with her. It would make me feel better. I don't have that option anymore, I'm lost. tl;dr READING THE SECTION 'MONDAY' WOULD HELP. Ex and I got in a fight. She tried avoiding me every way possible, even while I was trying to tell her I was an inch away from having a mental breakdown. Found out she did acid that her mom gave her with a guy who hit on her while we were together. I'm really confused and hurt, and need help getting over her. Edit: Sorry if the sentence structure was weird. I originally wrote this in bullet-point format, but it came out horribly, and I really don't have the energy to learn how to do bullet points. Edit 2: She'd always make this really cute noise and talk in this super cute voice. She was so unique, and I'm being genuine when I say that. She wasn't the typical "Oh, my significant other is SOOOO unique," but she was legitimately one of a kind. I can't get her cute voice to quit playing over and over in my head. But there's no possible way of contacting her.
Okay, so, I'm having some really difficult problems getting over my ex girlfriend. We are newly broken up, but here is how our break up played out (step by step): Background info: I have been with this girl for over a year. She was the love of my life. She became my life. She was pretty much the only person I talked to, and I loved her to death. We planned on getting married. She used to have a problem with drugs. Thursday (Background info) My girlfriend had been talking bad about one of her friends, calling them a burn out druggie, who's going nowhere in life, let's refer to her as X. She told me that X had been negatively influencing her, making her think that it would be okay to partake in drugs every once in a while. She said that she wanted nothing to do with X anymore. My girlfriend decides to hang out with X. I ask her why, considering all of the badmouthing she's done in regards to her. She ends up apologizing for hanging out with her, saying that it's not worth her time. Friday My girlfriend texts me, saying that X was trying to use her to find some LSD. She is pissed because of X literally trying to go through her for drugs only a day after they start talking again. Saturday (enter shitstorm) X is having boy problems, so my girlfriend invites her over to her house to spend the night. (Now, I understand that this is a little bit of a different scenario, but still). I get pretty upset because my girlfriend can't make up her mind over whether or not she wants X out of her life or in it. I tell her it causes anxiety in me when she isn't just straight forward about things. A huge argument erupts, and I end up saying some things that make me really insecure about the relationship, namely how most of her friends are guys. All of these guys are either exes or guys who have liked her before. She breaks up with me, and refuses to talk to me. Sunday (daytime) I am incredibly anxious all day (I have anxiety problems which I used to be on medication for). I keep texting her saying how anxious I am and how I just want to talk about it. She eventually responds, telling me to leave her alone, not acknowledging the fact that I'm emotionally devastated. I'm crying all day, emotionally distraught. I am experiencing the worst depression I've ever felt, and such terrible anxiety. I can't eat without feeling like throwing up. I finally make contact with her again. I know she's going to be going out with X again later tonight. I ask her if she's hanging out with this guy who we'll refer to as Y. Y is a guy who hit on her throughout this entire relationship. She unfollowed him on social media and whatnot at my request. Literally within an hour of us breaking up, she had refollowed him on all social media sites. She says she won't be hanging out with Y. Sunday (night) I'm still crying and anxious all night. By this time I have found out that she blocked my phone number because I called her a monster because of how she had been dehumanizing me all day. I shoot her a few DMs on Twitter apologizing for everything, and I tell her that I hope she has a nice life. She responds out of the blue, telling me to leave her alone again. I do. After crying a lot. Monday I found out that she did acid. With Y (and don't forget X), who she said she wouldn't be hanging out with. Plot twist... her mom gave her the acid! I'm still in emotional shambles. She's being really rude to me. I'm having some troubles getting over her. I have really bad anxiety and hypochondria (which produces anxiety), and I'd always share my thoughts with her. It would make me feel better. I don't have that option anymore, I'm lost.
READING THE SECTION 'MONDAY' WOULD HELP. Ex and I got in a fight. She tried avoiding me every way possible, even while I was trying to tell her I was an inch away from having a mental breakdown. Found out she did acid that her mom gave her with a guy who hit on her while we were together. I'm really confused and hurt, and need help getting over her. Edit: Sorry if the sentence structure was weird. I originally wrote this in bullet-point format, but it came out horribly, and I really don't have the energy to learn how to do bullet points. Edit 2: She'd always make this really cute noise and talk in this super cute voice. She was so unique, and I'm being genuine when I say that. She wasn't the typical "Oh, my significant other is SOOOO unique," but she was legitimately one of a kind. I can't get her cute voice to quit playing over and over in my head. But there's no possible way of contacting her.
After many months of searching and only finding character sheets that were *almost* exactly what I'm looking for, I decided to make one. I think it turned out well and my players seem to like it, so I'm sharing it here for anyone who might be interested. First off, this is a heavy modification of Mufasa's 3.75 Character sheet ( which I loved for it's focus on utility and efficient use of space, so tons of credit to him for his awesome original. :) About this mod: A single page sheet, folded in half like a pamphlet. When closed, the front presents the basic player/character info and combat essentials (including skills). I wanted to minimize the amount of "page flipping" players need to do during big encounters, so my aim was to consolidate necessary data in one spot. On the back, there is tracking for important, but less frequently accessed character-specific flavor information; Traits/feats/abilities/etc, classes, and room for a quick bio. On the inside of the sheet: Your spell book, spells tracking, metamagic feats, and wands tracker on the left with equipment, inventory, weight, and money tracking on the right. Along the bottom, there is an optional familiar/companion area. (This "inside" area is largely unchanged from Mufasa's version except for the addition of a couple sections and some formatting). tl;dr: [Thumbnail Preview on Imgur]( [PDF Download]( (I know the file size is kind of large at over 7MB. This is the first time I've tried to create a PDF, and I'm sure it could be smaller, but I'm clueless about PDF optimizations. Also, I would have just hosted at Imgur, but it the resizing made some of the text unreadable. I'm sure there's got to be a better way to go about sharing this, haha.) Edit: I'm open to revision suggestions if you find something lacking. I'll try to correct it, or make another version. :)
After many months of searching and only finding character sheets that were almost exactly what I'm looking for, I decided to make one. I think it turned out well and my players seem to like it, so I'm sharing it here for anyone who might be interested. First off, this is a heavy modification of Mufasa's 3.75 Character sheet ( which I loved for it's focus on utility and efficient use of space, so tons of credit to him for his awesome original. :) About this mod: A single page sheet, folded in half like a pamphlet. When closed, the front presents the basic player/character info and combat essentials (including skills). I wanted to minimize the amount of "page flipping" players need to do during big encounters, so my aim was to consolidate necessary data in one spot. On the back, there is tracking for important, but less frequently accessed character-specific flavor information; Traits/feats/abilities/etc, classes, and room for a quick bio. On the inside of the sheet: Your spell book, spells tracking, metamagic feats, and wands tracker on the left with equipment, inventory, weight, and money tracking on the right. Along the bottom, there is an optional familiar/companion area. (This "inside" area is largely unchanged from Mufasa's version except for the addition of a couple sections and some formatting). tl;dr: [Thumbnail Preview on Imgur]( [PDF Download]( (I know the file size is kind of large at over 7MB. This is the first time I've tried to create a PDF, and I'm sure it could be smaller, but I'm clueless about PDF optimizations. Also, I would have just hosted at Imgur, but it the resizing made some of the text unreadable. I'm sure there's got to be a better way to go about sharing this, haha.) Edit: I'm open to revision suggestions if you find something lacking. I'll try to correct it, or make another version. :)
After many months of searching and only finding character sheets that were almost exactly what I'm looking for, I decided to make one. I think it turned out well and my players seem to like it, so I'm sharing it here for anyone who might be interested. First off, this is a heavy modification of Mufasa's 3.75 Character sheet ( which I loved for it's focus on utility and efficient use of space, so tons of credit to him for his awesome original. :) About this mod: A single page sheet, folded in half like a pamphlet. When closed, the front presents the basic player/character info and combat essentials (including skills). I wanted to minimize the amount of "page flipping" players need to do during big encounters, so my aim was to consolidate necessary data in one spot. On the back, there is tracking for important, but less frequently accessed character-specific flavor information; Traits/feats/abilities/etc, classes, and room for a quick bio. On the inside of the sheet: Your spell book, spells tracking, metamagic feats, and wands tracker on the left with equipment, inventory, weight, and money tracking on the right. Along the bottom, there is an optional familiar/companion area. (This "inside" area is largely unchanged from Mufasa's version except for the addition of a couple sections and some formatting).
Thumbnail Preview on Imgur]( [PDF Download]( (I know the file size is kind of large at over 7MB. This is the first time I've tried to create a PDF, and I'm sure it could be smaller, but I'm clueless about PDF optimizations. Also, I would have just hosted at Imgur, but it the resizing made some of the text unreadable. I'm sure there's got to be a better way to go about sharing this, haha.) Edit: I'm open to revision suggestions if you find something lacking. I'll try to correct it, or make another version. :)
I grew up Mormon from the day I was born until about 3 years ago, I'm 30. I left my old mormon marriage, two kids, 6 and 7, and live an hour away from them. That is a hard thing for me, but leaving her was the best thing I ever did, I never loved that woman, I jumped in for religious reason and lost 10 years of my life. Now I feel so insecure in my new amazing relationship, I find myself jealous that she had her teens and 20's all to her own, to make her own choices, to have more fun in the bedroom, while I floated along living the cookie cutter mormon life to my own mental hell and torment. I'm a year and a half out of my old marriage, and 5 months ago I met my soulmate, she's everything I've ever wanted, everything I thought I'd never have in a partner. We both have a child, I have two, and we have a perfect little combined family now. Living together, planning on marriage eventually, and just having the time of our life. Why the HELL am I so depressed?? Why can't I let myself experience happiness? Is it my Mormon guilt deep down calling the shots? I've been skipping lunch for about a month, even when I"m hungry, I'd rather go walk around my job alone while thinking of negative thoughts than go to lunch with my friends, this is NOT me, I don't know what to do. My girlfriend is amazing, she gives me everything I want, and wants me and only me, why am I jealous of her ex? Little note, when we first met, I almost lost her back to her ex while we were just starting to hang out, I think that made a big impact on why i'm so easily jealous and insecure when I see things that he had when he would go to her house. We live together, and the ex would stay there when they were dating last year, and they dated for a while so naturally they bought things together that still remain. I feel like this is causing a lot of my depression, any thoughts? I felt like smashing a bong we had that was a gift from him, I hate being this person, i have NO reason to be jealous or insecure, yet I'm riddled with both all the time lately. My mind goes to the absolutely worst case scenario all the time. I have an irrational fear of death, i'm always on edge, i'm always feeling like there's 5 seconds left on the shot clock, always anxious, and it makes intimate times difficult. I'll get so anxious that sex won't 'end' for me, and I'll end up in a pile of unfulfilled frustration and self loathing. I'll take any advice, I've never had depression before, I've heard from a therapist I have RTS, religious trauma syndrome, which fits with my upbringing, but I need to stop self destructing before I ruin the best thing that's ever happened to me. I have everything a man wants, the girl, the job, the kids, I want to finally fully enjoy it from a healthy perspective, I'll take any help I can get getting there. Thanks for reading. TL/DR I have religious trauma syndrome, makes me really depressed and negative in spite of having a great job, and amazing girl, and great kids. Seeking advice from anybody who can relate.
I grew up Mormon from the day I was born until about 3 years ago, I'm 30. I left my old mormon marriage, two kids, 6 and 7, and live an hour away from them. That is a hard thing for me, but leaving her was the best thing I ever did, I never loved that woman, I jumped in for religious reason and lost 10 years of my life. Now I feel so insecure in my new amazing relationship, I find myself jealous that she had her teens and 20's all to her own, to make her own choices, to have more fun in the bedroom, while I floated along living the cookie cutter mormon life to my own mental hell and torment. I'm a year and a half out of my old marriage, and 5 months ago I met my soulmate, she's everything I've ever wanted, everything I thought I'd never have in a partner. We both have a child, I have two, and we have a perfect little combined family now. Living together, planning on marriage eventually, and just having the time of our life. Why the HELL am I so depressed?? Why can't I let myself experience happiness? Is it my Mormon guilt deep down calling the shots? I've been skipping lunch for about a month, even when I"m hungry, I'd rather go walk around my job alone while thinking of negative thoughts than go to lunch with my friends, this is NOT me, I don't know what to do. My girlfriend is amazing, she gives me everything I want, and wants me and only me, why am I jealous of her ex? Little note, when we first met, I almost lost her back to her ex while we were just starting to hang out, I think that made a big impact on why i'm so easily jealous and insecure when I see things that he had when he would go to her house. We live together, and the ex would stay there when they were dating last year, and they dated for a while so naturally they bought things together that still remain. I feel like this is causing a lot of my depression, any thoughts? I felt like smashing a bong we had that was a gift from him, I hate being this person, i have NO reason to be jealous or insecure, yet I'm riddled with both all the time lately. My mind goes to the absolutely worst case scenario all the time. I have an irrational fear of death, i'm always on edge, i'm always feeling like there's 5 seconds left on the shot clock, always anxious, and it makes intimate times difficult. I'll get so anxious that sex won't 'end' for me, and I'll end up in a pile of unfulfilled frustration and self loathing. I'll take any advice, I've never had depression before, I've heard from a therapist I have RTS, religious trauma syndrome, which fits with my upbringing, but I need to stop self destructing before I ruin the best thing that's ever happened to me. I have everything a man wants, the girl, the job, the kids, I want to finally fully enjoy it from a healthy perspective, I'll take any help I can get getting there. Thanks for reading. TL/DR I have religious trauma syndrome, makes me really depressed and negative in spite of having a great job, and amazing girl, and great kids. Seeking advice from anybody who can relate.
I grew up Mormon from the day I was born until about 3 years ago, I'm 30. I left my old mormon marriage, two kids, 6 and 7, and live an hour away from them. That is a hard thing for me, but leaving her was the best thing I ever did, I never loved that woman, I jumped in for religious reason and lost 10 years of my life. Now I feel so insecure in my new amazing relationship, I find myself jealous that she had her teens and 20's all to her own, to make her own choices, to have more fun in the bedroom, while I floated along living the cookie cutter mormon life to my own mental hell and torment. I'm a year and a half out of my old marriage, and 5 months ago I met my soulmate, she's everything I've ever wanted, everything I thought I'd never have in a partner. We both have a child, I have two, and we have a perfect little combined family now. Living together, planning on marriage eventually, and just having the time of our life. Why the HELL am I so depressed?? Why can't I let myself experience happiness? Is it my Mormon guilt deep down calling the shots? I've been skipping lunch for about a month, even when I"m hungry, I'd rather go walk around my job alone while thinking of negative thoughts than go to lunch with my friends, this is NOT me, I don't know what to do. My girlfriend is amazing, she gives me everything I want, and wants me and only me, why am I jealous of her ex? Little note, when we first met, I almost lost her back to her ex while we were just starting to hang out, I think that made a big impact on why i'm so easily jealous and insecure when I see things that he had when he would go to her house. We live together, and the ex would stay there when they were dating last year, and they dated for a while so naturally they bought things together that still remain. I feel like this is causing a lot of my depression, any thoughts? I felt like smashing a bong we had that was a gift from him, I hate being this person, i have NO reason to be jealous or insecure, yet I'm riddled with both all the time lately. My mind goes to the absolutely worst case scenario all the time. I have an irrational fear of death, i'm always on edge, i'm always feeling like there's 5 seconds left on the shot clock, always anxious, and it makes intimate times difficult. I'll get so anxious that sex won't 'end' for me, and I'll end up in a pile of unfulfilled frustration and self loathing. I'll take any advice, I've never had depression before, I've heard from a therapist I have RTS, religious trauma syndrome, which fits with my upbringing, but I need to stop self destructing before I ruin the best thing that's ever happened to me. I have everything a man wants, the girl, the job, the kids, I want to finally fully enjoy it from a healthy perspective, I'll take any help I can get getting there. Thanks for reading.
I have religious trauma syndrome, makes me really depressed and negative in spite of having a great job, and amazing girl, and great kids. Seeking advice from anybody who can relate.
So me and my buddie were running through missions on our alts. Doing the first venus mission i belive. We are level 12s~. We see 6 gaurdians battling it out to take control of the plates. Deciding to help (as best two lvl 12s could.) Rushing around reviving fallen raiders while trying not to get 1 shotted by any of the enemys. After 6 mins or so (they failed a few times) we both stand and wave as they gather around us and wave for the help we provided. (If any at all) We decide to enter the vault with them, mainly to check if we can acess the first chest. Of course we couldn't and we see our friends dissappear in a whisp of smoke. We muck around for a while before deciding to head back and get back to the grind of the story mode. Upon returning to the start of the vault, the damn door had shut on us sealing us in forever. After trying for 10 mins or so to try and glitch through the gate, we had to give up and head back to orbit... tl;dr Don't try and enter the vault while just roaming venus
So me and my buddie were running through missions on our alts. Doing the first venus mission i belive. We are level 12s~. We see 6 gaurdians battling it out to take control of the plates. Deciding to help (as best two lvl 12s could.) Rushing around reviving fallen raiders while trying not to get 1 shotted by any of the enemys. After 6 mins or so (they failed a few times) we both stand and wave as they gather around us and wave for the help we provided. (If any at all) We decide to enter the vault with them, mainly to check if we can acess the first chest. Of course we couldn't and we see our friends dissappear in a whisp of smoke. We muck around for a while before deciding to head back and get back to the grind of the story mode. Upon returning to the start of the vault, the damn door had shut on us sealing us in forever. After trying for 10 mins or so to try and glitch through the gate, we had to give up and head back to orbit... tl;dr Don't try and enter the vault while just roaming venus
So me and my buddie were running through missions on our alts. Doing the first venus mission i belive. We are level 12s~. We see 6 gaurdians battling it out to take control of the plates. Deciding to help (as best two lvl 12s could.) Rushing around reviving fallen raiders while trying not to get 1 shotted by any of the enemys. After 6 mins or so (they failed a few times) we both stand and wave as they gather around us and wave for the help we provided. (If any at all) We decide to enter the vault with them, mainly to check if we can acess the first chest. Of course we couldn't and we see our friends dissappear in a whisp of smoke. We muck around for a while before deciding to head back and get back to the grind of the story mode. Upon returning to the start of the vault, the damn door had shut on us sealing us in forever. After trying for 10 mins or so to try and glitch through the gate, we had to give up and head back to orbit...
Don't try and enter the vault while just roaming venus
I remain an idiot? What inclined you to believe I was an idiot in the first place? My beef was with the way people exploit the one lap races to level up so bad that I couldnt find a lobby where people actually raced different tracks/maps with different vehicles. I would assume the point of a mission is to complete an objective, and in exchange be compensated with xp and money. That is the way I see it, and I have yet to experience any real issues with people ruining the overall "fun factor" if you will of missions. That being said they still pay very minuscule amounts compared to online races in general. TLDR: I enjoy actually racing multiple tracks/locations but cant because everyone is using the one lap method. You can still play missions consistently without similar issue. For the record, I rarely do the same missions over and over. if I do, its because I thought the mission itself was genuinely fun, not for quick cash, though I still dont see how you think that is relevant to my post.
I remain an idiot? What inclined you to believe I was an idiot in the first place? My beef was with the way people exploit the one lap races to level up so bad that I couldnt find a lobby where people actually raced different tracks/maps with different vehicles. I would assume the point of a mission is to complete an objective, and in exchange be compensated with xp and money. That is the way I see it, and I have yet to experience any real issues with people ruining the overall "fun factor" if you will of missions. That being said they still pay very minuscule amounts compared to online races in general. TLDR: I enjoy actually racing multiple tracks/locations but cant because everyone is using the one lap method. You can still play missions consistently without similar issue. For the record, I rarely do the same missions over and over. if I do, its because I thought the mission itself was genuinely fun, not for quick cash, though I still dont see how you think that is relevant to my post.
I remain an idiot? What inclined you to believe I was an idiot in the first place? My beef was with the way people exploit the one lap races to level up so bad that I couldnt find a lobby where people actually raced different tracks/maps with different vehicles. I would assume the point of a mission is to complete an objective, and in exchange be compensated with xp and money. That is the way I see it, and I have yet to experience any real issues with people ruining the overall "fun factor" if you will of missions. That being said they still pay very minuscule amounts compared to online races in general.
I enjoy actually racing multiple tracks/locations but cant because everyone is using the one lap method. You can still play missions consistently without similar issue. For the record, I rarely do the same missions over and over. if I do, its because I thought the mission itself was genuinely fun, not for quick cash, though I still dont see how you think that is relevant to my post.
Ukraine is the geopolitical center of Europe. Losing Ukraine to the West would represent a major strategic defeat for Russia. In the past 20 years alone EU/NATO (i.e. The West) have expanded from West Germany all the way to the Baltics and Poland. The loss of a border nation would only seal the fate of Russia's diminishing sphere of influence. In addition Russia would lose an important trade partner, a new member to its Eurasian Union, and potentially access to the region's valuable resources (such as coal and shale gas). Putin sees this as an almost existential threat to Russia and is willing to go to whatever length to prevent Ukraine from falling into Western hands. Hence the inefficiency of Western sanctions. TL;DR: Ukraine is an important geopolitical area for both EU/NATO and Russia.
Ukraine is the geopolitical center of Europe. Losing Ukraine to the West would represent a major strategic defeat for Russia. In the past 20 years alone EU/NATO (i.e. The West) have expanded from West Germany all the way to the Baltics and Poland. The loss of a border nation would only seal the fate of Russia's diminishing sphere of influence. In addition Russia would lose an important trade partner, a new member to its Eurasian Union, and potentially access to the region's valuable resources (such as coal and shale gas). Putin sees this as an almost existential threat to Russia and is willing to go to whatever length to prevent Ukraine from falling into Western hands. Hence the inefficiency of Western sanctions. TL;DR: Ukraine is an important geopolitical area for both EU/NATO and Russia.
Ukraine is the geopolitical center of Europe. Losing Ukraine to the West would represent a major strategic defeat for Russia. In the past 20 years alone EU/NATO (i.e. The West) have expanded from West Germany all the way to the Baltics and Poland. The loss of a border nation would only seal the fate of Russia's diminishing sphere of influence. In addition Russia would lose an important trade partner, a new member to its Eurasian Union, and potentially access to the region's valuable resources (such as coal and shale gas). Putin sees this as an almost existential threat to Russia and is willing to go to whatever length to prevent Ukraine from falling into Western hands. Hence the inefficiency of Western sanctions.
Ukraine is an important geopolitical area for both EU/NATO and Russia.
As she has a college degree, they impute 15,084/yr (1257/mo) for her income potential (40hr/wk at minimum wage). If I can get the courts to find her voluntarily underemployed or unemployed (which they won't do because that means they actually have to hear the case and make a decision), they bump it to 29,300/yr (2441.67/mo). If they did that, it drops child support by 300/mo, making it only moderately painful instead of back breaking. She would do everything in her power NOT to allow that to happen (child support dropping) while still putting forth the absolute minimum effort required so she can maximize how much money I give her monthly while minimizing how much she has to work. It's kind of sickening how happy she is to leech off me while living with her boyfriend. TL;DR - She does whatever she can to work as minimally as possible to get as much money as possible she can from me. I basically support both households on my income.
As she has a college degree, they impute 15,084/yr (1257/mo) for her income potential (40hr/wk at minimum wage). If I can get the courts to find her voluntarily underemployed or unemployed (which they won't do because that means they actually have to hear the case and make a decision), they bump it to 29,300/yr (2441.67/mo). If they did that, it drops child support by 300/mo, making it only moderately painful instead of back breaking. She would do everything in her power NOT to allow that to happen (child support dropping) while still putting forth the absolute minimum effort required so she can maximize how much money I give her monthly while minimizing how much she has to work. It's kind of sickening how happy she is to leech off me while living with her boyfriend. TL;DR - She does whatever she can to work as minimally as possible to get as much money as possible she can from me. I basically support both households on my income.
As she has a college degree, they impute 15,084/yr (1257/mo) for her income potential (40hr/wk at minimum wage). If I can get the courts to find her voluntarily underemployed or unemployed (which they won't do because that means they actually have to hear the case and make a decision), they bump it to 29,300/yr (2441.67/mo). If they did that, it drops child support by 300/mo, making it only moderately painful instead of back breaking. She would do everything in her power NOT to allow that to happen (child support dropping) while still putting forth the absolute minimum effort required so she can maximize how much money I give her monthly while minimizing how much she has to work. It's kind of sickening how happy she is to leech off me while living with her boyfriend.
She does whatever she can to work as minimally as possible to get as much money as possible she can from me. I basically support both households on my income.
Caution do not open Tagalogs unless you prepared to eat the entire box. TLDR: You **WILL** eat that whole box of Tagalogs in one sitting.
Caution do not open Tagalogs unless you prepared to eat the entire box. TLDR: You WILL eat that whole box of Tagalogs in one sitting.
Caution do not open Tagalogs unless you prepared to eat the entire box.
You WILL eat that whole box of Tagalogs in one sitting.
Don't get me wrong - I was addressing the original issue. It looks slightly out of place, due to the post I was replying to having been edited. As for the Protest Kiss-In? At the risk of losing my Tegan & Sara albums, I'm inclined to agree with your post. Having seen the photos from said demonstration, my immediate thought was how annoying it'd be if you were in their doing your weekly shop, and the store suddenly ground to a halt. To be honest I'm not sure why they couldn't have done it outside the store. **tl;dr:** The original decision to chuck 'em out was idiotic; Sainsbury's rightly apologised, and offered a financial contribution to a charity of the couples choice. All fair enough. The whole aftermath is what happens in an age of Gay Rights groups being more concerned with how many letters we can add to the acronym, and the rise of social media. To be honest, as someone who shops in Sainsbury's? I'm more pissed at their policy re: Necar points.
Don't get me wrong - I was addressing the original issue. It looks slightly out of place, due to the post I was replying to having been edited. As for the Protest Kiss-In? At the risk of losing my Tegan & Sara albums, I'm inclined to agree with your post. Having seen the photos from said demonstration, my immediate thought was how annoying it'd be if you were in their doing your weekly shop, and the store suddenly ground to a halt. To be honest I'm not sure why they couldn't have done it outside the store. tl;dr: The original decision to chuck 'em out was idiotic; Sainsbury's rightly apologised, and offered a financial contribution to a charity of the couples choice. All fair enough. The whole aftermath is what happens in an age of Gay Rights groups being more concerned with how many letters we can add to the acronym, and the rise of social media. To be honest, as someone who shops in Sainsbury's? I'm more pissed at their policy re: Necar points.
Don't get me wrong - I was addressing the original issue. It looks slightly out of place, due to the post I was replying to having been edited. As for the Protest Kiss-In? At the risk of losing my Tegan & Sara albums, I'm inclined to agree with your post. Having seen the photos from said demonstration, my immediate thought was how annoying it'd be if you were in their doing your weekly shop, and the store suddenly ground to a halt. To be honest I'm not sure why they couldn't have done it outside the store.
The original decision to chuck 'em out was idiotic; Sainsbury's rightly apologised, and offered a financial contribution to a charity of the couples choice. All fair enough. The whole aftermath is what happens in an age of Gay Rights groups being more concerned with how many letters we can add to the acronym, and the rise of social media. To be honest, as someone who shops in Sainsbury's? I'm more pissed at their policy re: Necar points.
We all end up dying- *something* always kills us. I don't need to know anything more about you than the fact that you like manipulating people and think it's funny and entertaining to do so. People who think it's funny to manipulate others by having them hurt one another -or- think it's funny to have other people believe they are this sort of person *are* shitty- I guess they could be an otherwise decent person (it's *possible*), but this would still be a majorly shitty thing about them. Whether you do this at parties or just say salacious shit on the internet to get a negative rise out of people (trollolololol)- that's a shitty, anti-social thing to do. That type of behavior is seriously the core of so much interpersonal misery- less damage is done when it's random internet trolling obviously, but the whole thing stems from the same ugly destructive douchebaggery. I'm gonna call that out- that's just all there is to it. **TL;DR** No, you go fuck *your*self.
We all end up dying- something always kills us. I don't need to know anything more about you than the fact that you like manipulating people and think it's funny and entertaining to do so. People who think it's funny to manipulate others by having them hurt one another -or- think it's funny to have other people believe they are this sort of person are shitty- I guess they could be an otherwise decent person (it's possible ), but this would still be a majorly shitty thing about them. Whether you do this at parties or just say salacious shit on the internet to get a negative rise out of people (trollolololol)- that's a shitty, anti-social thing to do. That type of behavior is seriously the core of so much interpersonal misery- less damage is done when it's random internet trolling obviously, but the whole thing stems from the same ugly destructive douchebaggery. I'm gonna call that out- that's just all there is to it. TL;DR No, you go fuck your self.
We all end up dying- something always kills us. I don't need to know anything more about you than the fact that you like manipulating people and think it's funny and entertaining to do so. People who think it's funny to manipulate others by having them hurt one another -or- think it's funny to have other people believe they are this sort of person are shitty- I guess they could be an otherwise decent person (it's possible ), but this would still be a majorly shitty thing about them. Whether you do this at parties or just say salacious shit on the internet to get a negative rise out of people (trollolololol)- that's a shitty, anti-social thing to do. That type of behavior is seriously the core of so much interpersonal misery- less damage is done when it's random internet trolling obviously, but the whole thing stems from the same ugly destructive douchebaggery. I'm gonna call that out- that's just all there is to it.
No, you go fuck your self.
I'm happy with what we got but talking to my clan I can see a VERY serious flaw in Bungies choices for rewarding players in the Prison of Elders. 1) **LFG**. This is deadly, it's **poison**. It doesn't happen often, but I can count on one hand the amount of times I've helped groups get to the final boss (beit Atheon or Crota) and then I get removed from the game so they can get the level 30 buddy into the game. Shortly after I'll be removed from the party. 2) **Length restrictions**. Things don't always go according to plan and sometimes I've spent the better half of **FOUR hours** on a raid. Yes it sucks, and some of the people I play with aren't the best at the game, but with random modifiers it's going to be so much more unpredictable. If someone got to the fifth round and couldn't make it all the way through after giving themselves a good 3 hour window that'll be such a let down. 3) **The Lag and disconnects**. I have an amazing internet, truly a god send compared to my friends but I STILL get dissconnects occasionally an I've had **disconnects where it sends everyone to orbit**. Imagine getting the boss down to a sliver and suddenly everyone hits a baboon in the road or sits on a beetle. Well, better luck next time. Lets be real though, completionist like me are going to play and wont have a problem doing it. My gamertag is "the teams Flag" and if you want you can look me up on these stat websites. I complete raids, often. I deleted characters twice in a week to complete them and I'm an overall strong player. Most of the time though I'm playing with my clan and not all them can be that great. I love teaching them, but some of them are extremely casual with a slow internet or a short time to play the game. This is really going to hurt alot of them but I think I'll live. Besides that, WHOS ON THE HOUSE OF HYPE TRAIN!?!?! **TLDR: Sometimes no checkpoints suck for people who use LFG, have short time frames, crappy internet or have bad luck with Bungie's servers.**
I'm happy with what we got but talking to my clan I can see a VERY serious flaw in Bungies choices for rewarding players in the Prison of Elders. 1) LFG . This is deadly, it's poison . It doesn't happen often, but I can count on one hand the amount of times I've helped groups get to the final boss (beit Atheon or Crota) and then I get removed from the game so they can get the level 30 buddy into the game. Shortly after I'll be removed from the party. 2) Length restrictions . Things don't always go according to plan and sometimes I've spent the better half of FOUR hours on a raid. Yes it sucks, and some of the people I play with aren't the best at the game, but with random modifiers it's going to be so much more unpredictable. If someone got to the fifth round and couldn't make it all the way through after giving themselves a good 3 hour window that'll be such a let down. 3) The Lag and disconnects . I have an amazing internet, truly a god send compared to my friends but I STILL get dissconnects occasionally an I've had disconnects where it sends everyone to orbit . Imagine getting the boss down to a sliver and suddenly everyone hits a baboon in the road or sits on a beetle. Well, better luck next time. Lets be real though, completionist like me are going to play and wont have a problem doing it. My gamertag is "the teams Flag" and if you want you can look me up on these stat websites. I complete raids, often. I deleted characters twice in a week to complete them and I'm an overall strong player. Most of the time though I'm playing with my clan and not all them can be that great. I love teaching them, but some of them are extremely casual with a slow internet or a short time to play the game. This is really going to hurt alot of them but I think I'll live. Besides that, WHOS ON THE HOUSE OF HYPE TRAIN!?!?! TLDR: Sometimes no checkpoints suck for people who use LFG, have short time frames, crappy internet or have bad luck with Bungie's servers.
I'm happy with what we got but talking to my clan I can see a VERY serious flaw in Bungies choices for rewarding players in the Prison of Elders. 1) LFG . This is deadly, it's poison . It doesn't happen often, but I can count on one hand the amount of times I've helped groups get to the final boss (beit Atheon or Crota) and then I get removed from the game so they can get the level 30 buddy into the game. Shortly after I'll be removed from the party. 2) Length restrictions . Things don't always go according to plan and sometimes I've spent the better half of FOUR hours on a raid. Yes it sucks, and some of the people I play with aren't the best at the game, but with random modifiers it's going to be so much more unpredictable. If someone got to the fifth round and couldn't make it all the way through after giving themselves a good 3 hour window that'll be such a let down. 3) The Lag and disconnects . I have an amazing internet, truly a god send compared to my friends but I STILL get dissconnects occasionally an I've had disconnects where it sends everyone to orbit . Imagine getting the boss down to a sliver and suddenly everyone hits a baboon in the road or sits on a beetle. Well, better luck next time. Lets be real though, completionist like me are going to play and wont have a problem doing it. My gamertag is "the teams Flag" and if you want you can look me up on these stat websites. I complete raids, often. I deleted characters twice in a week to complete them and I'm an overall strong player. Most of the time though I'm playing with my clan and not all them can be that great. I love teaching them, but some of them are extremely casual with a slow internet or a short time to play the game. This is really going to hurt alot of them but I think I'll live. Besides that, WHOS ON THE HOUSE OF HYPE TRAIN!?!?!
Sometimes no checkpoints suck for people who use LFG, have short time frames, crappy internet or have bad luck with Bungie's servers.
I've created a throwaway. I'd love for advice from first or second generation American born Indians and/or Muslims. I'm sure others can offer advice, but I believe this situation is tied up in religious/cultural aspects that I don't understand. **My Background** I'm a 32 year old African American man in the US on the east coast in a major city. I have a masters, successful career. I've dated 3 women seriously. Two of those were 3+ year relationships. One of the girls was Indian. 6 months ago, I met a girl online. We'll call her Priya. We hit it off. She is a gorgeous Indian Muslim woman in her 30s. Over the next six weeks we had many dates and decided that we should become monogamous boyfriend/girlfriend. I love this woman and she loves me. She is smart, beautiful, funny, and a great person. Very loving. We talk everyday and see each other at every opportunity. We do have a long distance relationship. She is 3 hrs away, but we're both in the Northeast and see each other at least every other weekend, if not more. I love her and at our ages we've cut through a ton of BS in relationships that might take longer. She has met my family and they love her. I feel that she's a great partner and would make a tremendous wife. However, per below, I have no idea what her family reaction will be nor how to deal with all the lying that seems commonplace. **Her Background:** Priya was born and raised in the US. Both parents were born and raised in India. She has a younger sister, who is in her mid-20s and also unmarried. Her parents seem to be in a very tumultuous relationship.They migrated here in the late 70s. Her father lives in India 10 months out of the year and Priya lives in the US with her mother and sister. Priya hates her father and loves her mother dearly. Her parents are not divorced nor will they get divorced. Her father does not support the family at all. Priya has told me countless stories of him being verbally abusive to his wife and daughters as well as super dramatic (hunger strikes, passive aggressiveness, accusing others of spreading rumors about him). In her 20s, her parents tried to set her up with other Indian Muslim men, but nothing worked out. Many rejected her on these family sanctioned 'date'. Since her late 20s, she's been trying to find suitors on her own. Priya has had one 'boyfriend' prior to me. For two years, she dated a white guy. After 4 months, she introduced this guy to her mother. He converted to Islam for her, but only in name as he did nothing to become a practicing Muslim past converting. Priya's father refused to meet the man and went on a hunger strike. He yelled at her and caused all sorts of drama. Priya broke up with this guy as he did not embrace Islam and was resentful that she 'made' him convert. She told her mother the truth, but her father believes they broke up b/c of his protests. Priya and her father rarely communicate and since he's in India for most of the year, she only talks to him when he's in town anyway. She is afraid of him as he's wont to react dramatically, even though she's in her mid-30s. **Our Relationship** When we decided to date, Priya told me that multiple things needed to happen for us to be together. The biggest thing was me converting to Islam. I told her I would do my research and find a mosque in my neighborhood. I did just this. I took classes at the mosque and converted on my own. I thoroughly enjoy Islam and have embraced it. As such, our relationship has blossomed appropriately. We're both over 30 and seriously talking about marriage. I introduced her to my mother and will do the same with the rest of my immediate family during the holidays. My mother really likes her. I've also met many of Priya's friends. Her friends all like me. Both her muslim and non-muslim friends think we make a great couple and see how much I love her. However, Priya has not told her family that I exist. She lives at home still and makes a good enough income to move out, but refuses as her 'parents' would not approve as long as she is able to live at home. She lies constantly to her mother about what she's doing on her weekends as she spends most weekends with me. She'll tell her mom that she's looking for a 'Muslim' guy who is Indian to stop her mom from looking too hard on her end. My feeling is that her parents, especially her mother, have a very warped view of who she is. Priya drinks. She had been having premarital sex for years. Priya is a typical American woman regardless of her cultural/religious upbringing. I have no issue with this, but her parents would. Thus, she has routinely lied to them about where she is, who she hangs out with, and what she's doing when leaving the home. Her 'plan' to reveal our relationship constantly changes. Every conversation about her telling her parents about our relationship is emotional on her part. The reason I finally posted about this is she called me last night. We usually talk every evening, but last night she confided that she concocted some lie to tell her sister to see how she would react to hearing that Priya is seriously dating a black man. The lie gave the guy a different name, location, age, ect. However, he was black in the story and her sister reacted by saying "you'll be the black sheep in the family". Right now, Priya's plan is to look for jobs in my city. She's already applied to a few for her field and has interviews setup. Move here and live here for a bit in her own place. Then create some story about how we met at a Muslim mixer event. In her mind, this story will work better when telling her mother that she's dating a black man she met online. I've consistently communicated to Priya that I love her. I've told her that I'm ok with whatever she needs to do to make her parent's comfortable within reason. However, I don't want the following: - Crazy lies that I need to keep up for a lifetime to appease her parents. - Lies that my family needs to keep up. My family is not muslim, so it will be odd to act as if I've been muslim for years when it's not true. (my family does not know I converted yet). - Racist inlaws who hate me b/c I'm black. At this point, I'm very torn inside as I dated another Indian woman whose father hated me. He refused to acknowledge me for years, which was fine as we lived awhile away. I promised to never do it again, but Priya has so many qualities that I'm attracted to that I broke my own promise to myself. I love this woman, but I feel as if she's a delayed adolescent who has no problem lying to her parents. Especially about dating me. Even more so, I feel like her parents are total nincompoops who believe this mid-30s woman is a pure virgin who just hasn't found the right Indian, Muslim guy yet. I think how naive must her parents be when a 30+ year old woman is spending weekends away at a 'girlfriends' place in a major city. I assume they just denying the facts in front of them or are just super naive. Either way, it will be a shock that their daughter is in love with a black man. I digress. I don't know what advice people can give, but I'm getting to the point of where I've compartmentalized thinking about her family. It really bothers me. I'm fine talking about what's going on with her family's lives, but when I have to talk about when she'll bring me up, I don't know what to say as I feel like she's going to make up some cockamamie story to try to act as if she was the perfect Muslim girl who just happened to fall in love with a black man. I love this girl, but I believe we need to put hard timelines on when she'll tell her parents about me. I'm in no rush, but am also in my 30s. I don't want to waste years on a relationship that is doomed from the start. Nor do I want to be in a relationship where I must lie constantly to my potential inlaws. Maybe I should set a hard timeline for Q1 of next year? Just not sure how to deal with the issue as Priya has no problems lying to her family about me and I just don't get it as at the end of the day, they're either going to accept me or not. **tl;dr**: Black man dating an Indian Muslim woman who has had one other boyfriend. She lies constantly about where she's going, the fact that we're dating, and has not articulated a plan to tell her parents about our relationship.
I've created a throwaway. I'd love for advice from first or second generation American born Indians and/or Muslims. I'm sure others can offer advice, but I believe this situation is tied up in religious/cultural aspects that I don't understand. My Background I'm a 32 year old African American man in the US on the east coast in a major city. I have a masters, successful career. I've dated 3 women seriously. Two of those were 3+ year relationships. One of the girls was Indian. 6 months ago, I met a girl online. We'll call her Priya. We hit it off. She is a gorgeous Indian Muslim woman in her 30s. Over the next six weeks we had many dates and decided that we should become monogamous boyfriend/girlfriend. I love this woman and she loves me. She is smart, beautiful, funny, and a great person. Very loving. We talk everyday and see each other at every opportunity. We do have a long distance relationship. She is 3 hrs away, but we're both in the Northeast and see each other at least every other weekend, if not more. I love her and at our ages we've cut through a ton of BS in relationships that might take longer. She has met my family and they love her. I feel that she's a great partner and would make a tremendous wife. However, per below, I have no idea what her family reaction will be nor how to deal with all the lying that seems commonplace. Her Background: Priya was born and raised in the US. Both parents were born and raised in India. She has a younger sister, who is in her mid-20s and also unmarried. Her parents seem to be in a very tumultuous relationship.They migrated here in the late 70s. Her father lives in India 10 months out of the year and Priya lives in the US with her mother and sister. Priya hates her father and loves her mother dearly. Her parents are not divorced nor will they get divorced. Her father does not support the family at all. Priya has told me countless stories of him being verbally abusive to his wife and daughters as well as super dramatic (hunger strikes, passive aggressiveness, accusing others of spreading rumors about him). In her 20s, her parents tried to set her up with other Indian Muslim men, but nothing worked out. Many rejected her on these family sanctioned 'date'. Since her late 20s, she's been trying to find suitors on her own. Priya has had one 'boyfriend' prior to me. For two years, she dated a white guy. After 4 months, she introduced this guy to her mother. He converted to Islam for her, but only in name as he did nothing to become a practicing Muslim past converting. Priya's father refused to meet the man and went on a hunger strike. He yelled at her and caused all sorts of drama. Priya broke up with this guy as he did not embrace Islam and was resentful that she 'made' him convert. She told her mother the truth, but her father believes they broke up b/c of his protests. Priya and her father rarely communicate and since he's in India for most of the year, she only talks to him when he's in town anyway. She is afraid of him as he's wont to react dramatically, even though she's in her mid-30s. Our Relationship When we decided to date, Priya told me that multiple things needed to happen for us to be together. The biggest thing was me converting to Islam. I told her I would do my research and find a mosque in my neighborhood. I did just this. I took classes at the mosque and converted on my own. I thoroughly enjoy Islam and have embraced it. As such, our relationship has blossomed appropriately. We're both over 30 and seriously talking about marriage. I introduced her to my mother and will do the same with the rest of my immediate family during the holidays. My mother really likes her. I've also met many of Priya's friends. Her friends all like me. Both her muslim and non-muslim friends think we make a great couple and see how much I love her. However, Priya has not told her family that I exist. She lives at home still and makes a good enough income to move out, but refuses as her 'parents' would not approve as long as she is able to live at home. She lies constantly to her mother about what she's doing on her weekends as she spends most weekends with me. She'll tell her mom that she's looking for a 'Muslim' guy who is Indian to stop her mom from looking too hard on her end. My feeling is that her parents, especially her mother, have a very warped view of who she is. Priya drinks. She had been having premarital sex for years. Priya is a typical American woman regardless of her cultural/religious upbringing. I have no issue with this, but her parents would. Thus, she has routinely lied to them about where she is, who she hangs out with, and what she's doing when leaving the home. Her 'plan' to reveal our relationship constantly changes. Every conversation about her telling her parents about our relationship is emotional on her part. The reason I finally posted about this is she called me last night. We usually talk every evening, but last night she confided that she concocted some lie to tell her sister to see how she would react to hearing that Priya is seriously dating a black man. The lie gave the guy a different name, location, age, ect. However, he was black in the story and her sister reacted by saying "you'll be the black sheep in the family". Right now, Priya's plan is to look for jobs in my city. She's already applied to a few for her field and has interviews setup. Move here and live here for a bit in her own place. Then create some story about how we met at a Muslim mixer event. In her mind, this story will work better when telling her mother that she's dating a black man she met online. I've consistently communicated to Priya that I love her. I've told her that I'm ok with whatever she needs to do to make her parent's comfortable within reason. However, I don't want the following: Crazy lies that I need to keep up for a lifetime to appease her parents. Lies that my family needs to keep up. My family is not muslim, so it will be odd to act as if I've been muslim for years when it's not true. (my family does not know I converted yet). Racist inlaws who hate me b/c I'm black. At this point, I'm very torn inside as I dated another Indian woman whose father hated me. He refused to acknowledge me for years, which was fine as we lived awhile away. I promised to never do it again, but Priya has so many qualities that I'm attracted to that I broke my own promise to myself. I love this woman, but I feel as if she's a delayed adolescent who has no problem lying to her parents. Especially about dating me. Even more so, I feel like her parents are total nincompoops who believe this mid-30s woman is a pure virgin who just hasn't found the right Indian, Muslim guy yet. I think how naive must her parents be when a 30+ year old woman is spending weekends away at a 'girlfriends' place in a major city. I assume they just denying the facts in front of them or are just super naive. Either way, it will be a shock that their daughter is in love with a black man. I digress. I don't know what advice people can give, but I'm getting to the point of where I've compartmentalized thinking about her family. It really bothers me. I'm fine talking about what's going on with her family's lives, but when I have to talk about when she'll bring me up, I don't know what to say as I feel like she's going to make up some cockamamie story to try to act as if she was the perfect Muslim girl who just happened to fall in love with a black man. I love this girl, but I believe we need to put hard timelines on when she'll tell her parents about me. I'm in no rush, but am also in my 30s. I don't want to waste years on a relationship that is doomed from the start. Nor do I want to be in a relationship where I must lie constantly to my potential inlaws. Maybe I should set a hard timeline for Q1 of next year? Just not sure how to deal with the issue as Priya has no problems lying to her family about me and I just don't get it as at the end of the day, they're either going to accept me or not. tl;dr : Black man dating an Indian Muslim woman who has had one other boyfriend. She lies constantly about where she's going, the fact that we're dating, and has not articulated a plan to tell her parents about our relationship.
I've created a throwaway. I'd love for advice from first or second generation American born Indians and/or Muslims. I'm sure others can offer advice, but I believe this situation is tied up in religious/cultural aspects that I don't understand. My Background I'm a 32 year old African American man in the US on the east coast in a major city. I have a masters, successful career. I've dated 3 women seriously. Two of those were 3+ year relationships. One of the girls was Indian. 6 months ago, I met a girl online. We'll call her Priya. We hit it off. She is a gorgeous Indian Muslim woman in her 30s. Over the next six weeks we had many dates and decided that we should become monogamous boyfriend/girlfriend. I love this woman and she loves me. She is smart, beautiful, funny, and a great person. Very loving. We talk everyday and see each other at every opportunity. We do have a long distance relationship. She is 3 hrs away, but we're both in the Northeast and see each other at least every other weekend, if not more. I love her and at our ages we've cut through a ton of BS in relationships that might take longer. She has met my family and they love her. I feel that she's a great partner and would make a tremendous wife. However, per below, I have no idea what her family reaction will be nor how to deal with all the lying that seems commonplace. Her Background: Priya was born and raised in the US. Both parents were born and raised in India. She has a younger sister, who is in her mid-20s and also unmarried. Her parents seem to be in a very tumultuous relationship.They migrated here in the late 70s. Her father lives in India 10 months out of the year and Priya lives in the US with her mother and sister. Priya hates her father and loves her mother dearly. Her parents are not divorced nor will they get divorced. Her father does not support the family at all. Priya has told me countless stories of him being verbally abusive to his wife and daughters as well as super dramatic (hunger strikes, passive aggressiveness, accusing others of spreading rumors about him). In her 20s, her parents tried to set her up with other Indian Muslim men, but nothing worked out. Many rejected her on these family sanctioned 'date'. Since her late 20s, she's been trying to find suitors on her own. Priya has had one 'boyfriend' prior to me. For two years, she dated a white guy. After 4 months, she introduced this guy to her mother. He converted to Islam for her, but only in name as he did nothing to become a practicing Muslim past converting. Priya's father refused to meet the man and went on a hunger strike. He yelled at her and caused all sorts of drama. Priya broke up with this guy as he did not embrace Islam and was resentful that she 'made' him convert. She told her mother the truth, but her father believes they broke up b/c of his protests. Priya and her father rarely communicate and since he's in India for most of the year, she only talks to him when he's in town anyway. She is afraid of him as he's wont to react dramatically, even though she's in her mid-30s. Our Relationship When we decided to date, Priya told me that multiple things needed to happen for us to be together. The biggest thing was me converting to Islam. I told her I would do my research and find a mosque in my neighborhood. I did just this. I took classes at the mosque and converted on my own. I thoroughly enjoy Islam and have embraced it. As such, our relationship has blossomed appropriately. We're both over 30 and seriously talking about marriage. I introduced her to my mother and will do the same with the rest of my immediate family during the holidays. My mother really likes her. I've also met many of Priya's friends. Her friends all like me. Both her muslim and non-muslim friends think we make a great couple and see how much I love her. However, Priya has not told her family that I exist. She lives at home still and makes a good enough income to move out, but refuses as her 'parents' would not approve as long as she is able to live at home. She lies constantly to her mother about what she's doing on her weekends as she spends most weekends with me. She'll tell her mom that she's looking for a 'Muslim' guy who is Indian to stop her mom from looking too hard on her end. My feeling is that her parents, especially her mother, have a very warped view of who she is. Priya drinks. She had been having premarital sex for years. Priya is a typical American woman regardless of her cultural/religious upbringing. I have no issue with this, but her parents would. Thus, she has routinely lied to them about where she is, who she hangs out with, and what she's doing when leaving the home. Her 'plan' to reveal our relationship constantly changes. Every conversation about her telling her parents about our relationship is emotional on her part. The reason I finally posted about this is she called me last night. We usually talk every evening, but last night she confided that she concocted some lie to tell her sister to see how she would react to hearing that Priya is seriously dating a black man. The lie gave the guy a different name, location, age, ect. However, he was black in the story and her sister reacted by saying "you'll be the black sheep in the family". Right now, Priya's plan is to look for jobs in my city. She's already applied to a few for her field and has interviews setup. Move here and live here for a bit in her own place. Then create some story about how we met at a Muslim mixer event. In her mind, this story will work better when telling her mother that she's dating a black man she met online. I've consistently communicated to Priya that I love her. I've told her that I'm ok with whatever she needs to do to make her parent's comfortable within reason. However, I don't want the following: Crazy lies that I need to keep up for a lifetime to appease her parents. Lies that my family needs to keep up. My family is not muslim, so it will be odd to act as if I've been muslim for years when it's not true. (my family does not know I converted yet). Racist inlaws who hate me b/c I'm black. At this point, I'm very torn inside as I dated another Indian woman whose father hated me. He refused to acknowledge me for years, which was fine as we lived awhile away. I promised to never do it again, but Priya has so many qualities that I'm attracted to that I broke my own promise to myself. I love this woman, but I feel as if she's a delayed adolescent who has no problem lying to her parents. Especially about dating me. Even more so, I feel like her parents are total nincompoops who believe this mid-30s woman is a pure virgin who just hasn't found the right Indian, Muslim guy yet. I think how naive must her parents be when a 30+ year old woman is spending weekends away at a 'girlfriends' place in a major city. I assume they just denying the facts in front of them or are just super naive. Either way, it will be a shock that their daughter is in love with a black man. I digress. I don't know what advice people can give, but I'm getting to the point of where I've compartmentalized thinking about her family. It really bothers me. I'm fine talking about what's going on with her family's lives, but when I have to talk about when she'll bring me up, I don't know what to say as I feel like she's going to make up some cockamamie story to try to act as if she was the perfect Muslim girl who just happened to fall in love with a black man. I love this girl, but I believe we need to put hard timelines on when she'll tell her parents about me. I'm in no rush, but am also in my 30s. I don't want to waste years on a relationship that is doomed from the start. Nor do I want to be in a relationship where I must lie constantly to my potential inlaws. Maybe I should set a hard timeline for Q1 of next year? Just not sure how to deal with the issue as Priya has no problems lying to her family about me and I just don't get it as at the end of the day, they're either going to accept me or not.
Black man dating an Indian Muslim woman who has had one other boyfriend. She lies constantly about where she's going, the fact that we're dating, and has not articulated a plan to tell her parents about our relationship.
So I [26 F] have been dating [29 M] for 6 months. Throughout the entire 6 months, I have been questioning whether or not he is genuinely interested in having a serious relationship with me or if I'm just being strung along. I'm unsure if these are legitimate concerns or if I'm paranoid. We have been exclusive for 5 months and I'm pretty confident he is not seeing anyone else. Here are the main things about our relationship that concern me:   *After 6 months of "dating", he still hasn't agreed to the whole boyfriend/girlfriend title. I have brought this up multiple times, for the past 4 months he says he's just "waiting for the right moment to ask". He says he considers me his girlfriend and refers to me as his girlfriend.   *He does not involve me in any social media except for the occasional picture hidden in some large photo album. That's an obvious red flag, but he's in politics and is a private person in general, so perhaps that's just how he is. He has absolutely no pictures of past girlfriends, although he doesn't allow others to tag him in photos so I could be missing a ton of stuff.   *He has introduced me to a lot of close friends and even his brother who was visiting from out of town, but not his parents. He has met mine. From what he tells me, I'm pretty sure his parents at least know I exist. But, he knows how important family is to me and this is not exactly where I want to be after 6 months of dating.   *He will often open up about his feelings and how much he likes me when he's drinking, but very rarely when he is sober. I'm still not sure if he is honest when he's drunk or when he's sober. After 6 months I think he should be comfortable enough to tell me how he feels or at least show me. There have been no "I love you's" yet. But, I tend to not be very open either so perhaps this is hypocritical.   The past couple of months especially, I have been feeling like he is not serious about me and is stringing me along. I have already brought this subject up to him multiple times, and every time he assures me that he is into this and really likes me. Then, we are OK for a little bit, but those feelings keep coming back. Recently he left for a 10 day trip and was very proactive about calling me and texting me at first, which was great. After a few days, he even told me about a job interview across country, and asked if I'd consider moving there with him if he got the job. After we talked about this, I was SO happy that he finally was showing me how serious he was. But, things started fizzling out, he stopped texting and calling. Because he tends to only show how serious he is about me when he's drinking, I thought that maybe he regretted asking me and wanted to distance himself. So I was very sad and upset, and decided to step back and talk about it when he gets home.   I pick him up from the airport and he seems distant, and doesn't really seem excited to see me. I was hoping to go to lunch but he just wanted me to drop him off at home. I ask when I can see him, and he says in a few days after he recovers. A few days?! He had absolutely no plans. Wouldn't you be so excited to finally be back and to see your girlfriend?   After this I was pretty much over it. I stopped initiating conversations and making plans. Maybe this was childish, but I'm a stubborn girl and I wanted him to care enough to bring the subject up for a change. So, a few days goes by, and he texts me while I was in an important meeting and asks if we had talked the night before and that he was sorry for any drunk phone calls (I had 4 missed calls from him at 1 am). I said no we did not talk, and then he texts me a little later and basically says that I have been acting distant, and if I didn't want to move with him then I should have been upfront about it and I shouldn't have pretended and blah blah. I texted him back saying that he was wrong and that I was excited, but I was concerned that he was drinking when he asked and then he regretted it after. I also said this isn't the best thing to talk about over text. He responded that I must not have picked up on how excited he was, and I responded that I did and I was excited, but everything else points to him not wanting a serious relationship so I get confused. That was 3 days ago and I haven't heard back from him since. Is he expecting me to reach out? Me being stubborn, I don't want to be the one to do all the work and try to fix this. Honestly, I'm not sure if I really want to. The way he is acting is exactly why I'm questioning his commitment in the first place.   Is there a mature way to handle this? Should I reach out to him or should I wait for him to reach out to me?   TL;DR: Guy's actions don't match his words, and I'm worried I'm being strung along and need help with how to deal with it. I'm questioning whether I'm paranoid and overreacting, or if he is in the wrong.
So I [26 F] have been dating [29 M] for 6 months. Throughout the entire 6 months, I have been questioning whether or not he is genuinely interested in having a serious relationship with me or if I'm just being strung along. I'm unsure if these are legitimate concerns or if I'm paranoid. We have been exclusive for 5 months and I'm pretty confident he is not seeing anyone else. Here are the main things about our relationship that concern me:   *After 6 months of "dating", he still hasn't agreed to the whole boyfriend/girlfriend title. I have brought this up multiple times, for the past 4 months he says he's just "waiting for the right moment to ask". He says he considers me his girlfriend and refers to me as his girlfriend.   *He does not involve me in any social media except for the occasional picture hidden in some large photo album. That's an obvious red flag, but he's in politics and is a private person in general, so perhaps that's just how he is. He has absolutely no pictures of past girlfriends, although he doesn't allow others to tag him in photos so I could be missing a ton of stuff.   *He has introduced me to a lot of close friends and even his brother who was visiting from out of town, but not his parents. He has met mine. From what he tells me, I'm pretty sure his parents at least know I exist. But, he knows how important family is to me and this is not exactly where I want to be after 6 months of dating.   *He will often open up about his feelings and how much he likes me when he's drinking, but very rarely when he is sober. I'm still not sure if he is honest when he's drunk or when he's sober. After 6 months I think he should be comfortable enough to tell me how he feels or at least show me. There have been no "I love you's" yet. But, I tend to not be very open either so perhaps this is hypocritical.   The past couple of months especially, I have been feeling like he is not serious about me and is stringing me along. I have already brought this subject up to him multiple times, and every time he assures me that he is into this and really likes me. Then, we are OK for a little bit, but those feelings keep coming back. Recently he left for a 10 day trip and was very proactive about calling me and texting me at first, which was great. After a few days, he even told me about a job interview across country, and asked if I'd consider moving there with him if he got the job. After we talked about this, I was SO happy that he finally was showing me how serious he was. But, things started fizzling out, he stopped texting and calling. Because he tends to only show how serious he is about me when he's drinking, I thought that maybe he regretted asking me and wanted to distance himself. So I was very sad and upset, and decided to step back and talk about it when he gets home.   I pick him up from the airport and he seems distant, and doesn't really seem excited to see me. I was hoping to go to lunch but he just wanted me to drop him off at home. I ask when I can see him, and he says in a few days after he recovers. A few days?! He had absolutely no plans. Wouldn't you be so excited to finally be back and to see your girlfriend?   After this I was pretty much over it. I stopped initiating conversations and making plans. Maybe this was childish, but I'm a stubborn girl and I wanted him to care enough to bring the subject up for a change. So, a few days goes by, and he texts me while I was in an important meeting and asks if we had talked the night before and that he was sorry for any drunk phone calls (I had 4 missed calls from him at 1 am). I said no we did not talk, and then he texts me a little later and basically says that I have been acting distant, and if I didn't want to move with him then I should have been upfront about it and I shouldn't have pretended and blah blah. I texted him back saying that he was wrong and that I was excited, but I was concerned that he was drinking when he asked and then he regretted it after. I also said this isn't the best thing to talk about over text. He responded that I must not have picked up on how excited he was, and I responded that I did and I was excited, but everything else points to him not wanting a serious relationship so I get confused. That was 3 days ago and I haven't heard back from him since. Is he expecting me to reach out? Me being stubborn, I don't want to be the one to do all the work and try to fix this. Honestly, I'm not sure if I really want to. The way he is acting is exactly why I'm questioning his commitment in the first place.   Is there a mature way to handle this? Should I reach out to him or should I wait for him to reach out to me?   TL;DR: Guy's actions don't match his words, and I'm worried I'm being strung along and need help with how to deal with it. I'm questioning whether I'm paranoid and overreacting, or if he is in the wrong.
So I [26 F] have been dating [29 M] for 6 months. Throughout the entire 6 months, I have been questioning whether or not he is genuinely interested in having a serious relationship with me or if I'm just being strung along. I'm unsure if these are legitimate concerns or if I'm paranoid. We have been exclusive for 5 months and I'm pretty confident he is not seeing anyone else. Here are the main things about our relationship that concern me:   *After 6 months of "dating", he still hasn't agreed to the whole boyfriend/girlfriend title. I have brought this up multiple times, for the past 4 months he says he's just "waiting for the right moment to ask". He says he considers me his girlfriend and refers to me as his girlfriend.   *He does not involve me in any social media except for the occasional picture hidden in some large photo album. That's an obvious red flag, but he's in politics and is a private person in general, so perhaps that's just how he is. He has absolutely no pictures of past girlfriends, although he doesn't allow others to tag him in photos so I could be missing a ton of stuff.   *He has introduced me to a lot of close friends and even his brother who was visiting from out of town, but not his parents. He has met mine. From what he tells me, I'm pretty sure his parents at least know I exist. But, he knows how important family is to me and this is not exactly where I want to be after 6 months of dating.   *He will often open up about his feelings and how much he likes me when he's drinking, but very rarely when he is sober. I'm still not sure if he is honest when he's drunk or when he's sober. After 6 months I think he should be comfortable enough to tell me how he feels or at least show me. There have been no "I love you's" yet. But, I tend to not be very open either so perhaps this is hypocritical.   The past couple of months especially, I have been feeling like he is not serious about me and is stringing me along. I have already brought this subject up to him multiple times, and every time he assures me that he is into this and really likes me. Then, we are OK for a little bit, but those feelings keep coming back. Recently he left for a 10 day trip and was very proactive about calling me and texting me at first, which was great. After a few days, he even told me about a job interview across country, and asked if I'd consider moving there with him if he got the job. After we talked about this, I was SO happy that he finally was showing me how serious he was. But, things started fizzling out, he stopped texting and calling. Because he tends to only show how serious he is about me when he's drinking, I thought that maybe he regretted asking me and wanted to distance himself. So I was very sad and upset, and decided to step back and talk about it when he gets home.   I pick him up from the airport and he seems distant, and doesn't really seem excited to see me. I was hoping to go to lunch but he just wanted me to drop him off at home. I ask when I can see him, and he says in a few days after he recovers. A few days?! He had absolutely no plans. Wouldn't you be so excited to finally be back and to see your girlfriend?   After this I was pretty much over it. I stopped initiating conversations and making plans. Maybe this was childish, but I'm a stubborn girl and I wanted him to care enough to bring the subject up for a change. So, a few days goes by, and he texts me while I was in an important meeting and asks if we had talked the night before and that he was sorry for any drunk phone calls (I had 4 missed calls from him at 1 am). I said no we did not talk, and then he texts me a little later and basically says that I have been acting distant, and if I didn't want to move with him then I should have been upfront about it and I shouldn't have pretended and blah blah. I texted him back saying that he was wrong and that I was excited, but I was concerned that he was drinking when he asked and then he regretted it after. I also said this isn't the best thing to talk about over text. He responded that I must not have picked up on how excited he was, and I responded that I did and I was excited, but everything else points to him not wanting a serious relationship so I get confused. That was 3 days ago and I haven't heard back from him since. Is he expecting me to reach out? Me being stubborn, I don't want to be the one to do all the work and try to fix this. Honestly, I'm not sure if I really want to. The way he is acting is exactly why I'm questioning his commitment in the first place.   Is there a mature way to handle this? Should I reach out to him or should I wait for him to reach out to me?  
Guy's actions don't match his words, and I'm worried I'm being strung along and need help with how to deal with it. I'm questioning whether I'm paranoid and overreacting, or if he is in the wrong.
I cooked professionally for years. Primarily French fine dining. I loved it. It was a great way to spend my early 20s. Then i joined the Marines for my late 20s. Infantry guy with two tours in Afghanistan. I wouldn't do it again, but I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. Now, I always told myself I would go back to cooking after getting out. But, when it came time I decided that I was tired of working weekends and holidays and getting paid crap. So, now I'm back in school for computer science and trying to get into mobile development. All of my friends are successful, so sometimes it sucks being the one still pretty much living paycheck to paycheck, but I make do. I don't regret any of it. Everything I have done makes me who I am, and I am awesome. The worst of it is dating. It's hard to get out a lot when I have to watch what I'm spending. I'd rather spend that money on a night with friends than on a date where it may end up being terrible. Also, I'm 30 and a lot of women my age are looking for someone who's as far into a career as they are. They don't want to do date a college student. Than want someone who can afford to go out whenever and all that. But, it'll be okay. tl;dr: I regret letting myself get overweight after getting out of the Marines, and now I'm in the gym trying to fix it.
I cooked professionally for years. Primarily French fine dining. I loved it. It was a great way to spend my early 20s. Then i joined the Marines for my late 20s. Infantry guy with two tours in Afghanistan. I wouldn't do it again, but I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. Now, I always told myself I would go back to cooking after getting out. But, when it came time I decided that I was tired of working weekends and holidays and getting paid crap. So, now I'm back in school for computer science and trying to get into mobile development. All of my friends are successful, so sometimes it sucks being the one still pretty much living paycheck to paycheck, but I make do. I don't regret any of it. Everything I have done makes me who I am, and I am awesome. The worst of it is dating. It's hard to get out a lot when I have to watch what I'm spending. I'd rather spend that money on a night with friends than on a date where it may end up being terrible. Also, I'm 30 and a lot of women my age are looking for someone who's as far into a career as they are. They don't want to do date a college student. Than want someone who can afford to go out whenever and all that. But, it'll be okay. tl;dr: I regret letting myself get overweight after getting out of the Marines, and now I'm in the gym trying to fix it.
I cooked professionally for years. Primarily French fine dining. I loved it. It was a great way to spend my early 20s. Then i joined the Marines for my late 20s. Infantry guy with two tours in Afghanistan. I wouldn't do it again, but I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. Now, I always told myself I would go back to cooking after getting out. But, when it came time I decided that I was tired of working weekends and holidays and getting paid crap. So, now I'm back in school for computer science and trying to get into mobile development. All of my friends are successful, so sometimes it sucks being the one still pretty much living paycheck to paycheck, but I make do. I don't regret any of it. Everything I have done makes me who I am, and I am awesome. The worst of it is dating. It's hard to get out a lot when I have to watch what I'm spending. I'd rather spend that money on a night with friends than on a date where it may end up being terrible. Also, I'm 30 and a lot of women my age are looking for someone who's as far into a career as they are. They don't want to do date a college student. Than want someone who can afford to go out whenever and all that. But, it'll be okay.
I regret letting myself get overweight after getting out of the Marines, and now I'm in the gym trying to fix it.
Hello all! I am a girl gamer and I have been playing league of legends daily for about six months. I was in silver II, and when they reset the ranks, I got bronze I. I was disappointed, an further disappointed when I got demoted to bronze II. I have two losses on bronze II. It seems as if others do not understand the importance of staying alive early game during laning phase. While I have my own things to work on, others seem to feed champions early game. I am just looking for people to duo queue with that are willing to win and know how to play the game. I play all 5 roles, but I am best at mid. If you would like a duo queue partner add me: LoL Glittery. Look forward to hearing from some of you! Tl;dr: If you would like a duo queue partner add me: LoL Glittery. I am looking for people who can play all roles and possibly use skype.
Hello all! I am a girl gamer and I have been playing league of legends daily for about six months. I was in silver II, and when they reset the ranks, I got bronze I. I was disappointed, an further disappointed when I got demoted to bronze II. I have two losses on bronze II. It seems as if others do not understand the importance of staying alive early game during laning phase. While I have my own things to work on, others seem to feed champions early game. I am just looking for people to duo queue with that are willing to win and know how to play the game. I play all 5 roles, but I am best at mid. If you would like a duo queue partner add me: LoL Glittery. Look forward to hearing from some of you! Tl;dr: If you would like a duo queue partner add me: LoL Glittery. I am looking for people who can play all roles and possibly use skype.
Hello all! I am a girl gamer and I have been playing league of legends daily for about six months. I was in silver II, and when they reset the ranks, I got bronze I. I was disappointed, an further disappointed when I got demoted to bronze II. I have two losses on bronze II. It seems as if others do not understand the importance of staying alive early game during laning phase. While I have my own things to work on, others seem to feed champions early game. I am just looking for people to duo queue with that are willing to win and know how to play the game. I play all 5 roles, but I am best at mid. If you would like a duo queue partner add me: LoL Glittery. Look forward to hearing from some of you!
If you would like a duo queue partner add me: LoL Glittery. I am looking for people who can play all roles and possibly use skype.
Went to read some of the article, to make sure I was accurate when I said: this is liberal hyperbole, based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the legal ruling. The quick version, for the people who only read dumb news sources: The SCOTUS ruled that, *because the Obama administration had exempted some organizations from providing birth control coverage*, and *because the government had other less-intrusive methods of ensuring such coverage*, there was no legal basis to exclude closely-held for-profit corporations from being able to claim an exemption. In essence, they said the government must give equal access to their exemptions to the law, and cannot play favorites arbitrarily. Notice, though, that if either of the preconditions were not in place, Hobby Lobby would have presumably lost. Moreover, although they could conceptually refuse to sign a statement allowing other coverage, the government could simply interpret their refusal to sign as refusal to provide coverage. Or, in the extreme case, the executive branch could just stop unilaterally modifying laws as they see fit, and creating fuzzy exemptions with unintended consequences like this one. **TL;DR:** This is a giant nothing-burger, just baseless fear-mongering from msnbc to stir their base (imho).
Went to read some of the article, to make sure I was accurate when I said: this is liberal hyperbole, based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the legal ruling. The quick version, for the people who only read dumb news sources: The SCOTUS ruled that, because the Obama administration had exempted some organizations from providing birth control coverage , and because the government had other less-intrusive methods of ensuring such coverage , there was no legal basis to exclude closely-held for-profit corporations from being able to claim an exemption. In essence, they said the government must give equal access to their exemptions to the law, and cannot play favorites arbitrarily. Notice, though, that if either of the preconditions were not in place, Hobby Lobby would have presumably lost. Moreover, although they could conceptually refuse to sign a statement allowing other coverage, the government could simply interpret their refusal to sign as refusal to provide coverage. Or, in the extreme case, the executive branch could just stop unilaterally modifying laws as they see fit, and creating fuzzy exemptions with unintended consequences like this one. TL;DR: This is a giant nothing-burger, just baseless fear-mongering from msnbc to stir their base (imho).
Went to read some of the article, to make sure I was accurate when I said: this is liberal hyperbole, based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the legal ruling. The quick version, for the people who only read dumb news sources: The SCOTUS ruled that, because the Obama administration had exempted some organizations from providing birth control coverage , and because the government had other less-intrusive methods of ensuring such coverage , there was no legal basis to exclude closely-held for-profit corporations from being able to claim an exemption. In essence, they said the government must give equal access to their exemptions to the law, and cannot play favorites arbitrarily. Notice, though, that if either of the preconditions were not in place, Hobby Lobby would have presumably lost. Moreover, although they could conceptually refuse to sign a statement allowing other coverage, the government could simply interpret their refusal to sign as refusal to provide coverage. Or, in the extreme case, the executive branch could just stop unilaterally modifying laws as they see fit, and creating fuzzy exemptions with unintended consequences like this one.
This is a giant nothing-burger, just baseless fear-mongering from msnbc to stir their base (imho).
I understand your point but you have to understand that some unconventional picks are beneficial. For instance, I am *really* bad with Twisted Fate. I love to play the guy but my lane mechanics are terrible (its awkward for me to AA while picking a card, always pick the wrong card, poor mana control, shaky last hitting, etc) and I always underestimate my damage; if I pick Twisted Fate, I'm most likely going to lose my lane and will be almost forced to reserve my ultimate for counter-ganks, relying on either my side-lane being stronger than their side-lane or just ganking the opposite lane where their mid-laner being stronger than I is irrelevant. However, I'm extremely confident with my Sejuani. I know how much damage she can do, how much damage she can take, I understand her cool-downs and the punishments that may or may not come from a key ability being on cool-down, I last hit better, my builds are more clear to me and I know how much punishment I will be able to take and deal a more offensive build and a more defensive build, I understand when a gimmicky all-in will work and will I'll fail and just get turned on, I understand my role in team-fights much better, etc; my overall play with Sejuani is *MUCH* stronger. If I truly want to do well in and win a game, Sejuani.... well Sejuani probably still wouldn't be my first pick (maybe after her remake, a knockup on her Q? Talk about one ridiculous buff, her Q is strong enough, she just needs numbers on her W tbh - better HP scaling or something, the base is fine, late game scaling is pitiful though) but comparative to my meta-accepted-mid-laners, my mid-lane-Sejuani can easily place itself in second place. Mid-lane-Sejuani is *extremely* unconventional ...but, for me, it *works,* my knowledge of Sejuani and the enjoyment I get out of playing her makes her *work* and it works *well.* What you are probably afraid of is something like this: I don't play Corki too much. One of my duo-friends loves Corki. He builds AP Corki in Dominion quite often (we play a lot of Dominion). I suddenly decide to take his AP Corki mid-lane. Yeah, I'm going to be the most worthless mid-laner ever but only because I'm using an unconventional pick that I'm terribly unfamiliar with. TL;DR - It all comes from champion experience and comfort - put a lot of time and thought into this write-up, hope you read it if you haven't, it should be an interesting read.
I understand your point but you have to understand that some unconventional picks are beneficial. For instance, I am really bad with Twisted Fate. I love to play the guy but my lane mechanics are terrible (its awkward for me to AA while picking a card, always pick the wrong card, poor mana control, shaky last hitting, etc) and I always underestimate my damage; if I pick Twisted Fate, I'm most likely going to lose my lane and will be almost forced to reserve my ultimate for counter-ganks, relying on either my side-lane being stronger than their side-lane or just ganking the opposite lane where their mid-laner being stronger than I is irrelevant. However, I'm extremely confident with my Sejuani. I know how much damage she can do, how much damage she can take, I understand her cool-downs and the punishments that may or may not come from a key ability being on cool-down, I last hit better, my builds are more clear to me and I know how much punishment I will be able to take and deal a more offensive build and a more defensive build, I understand when a gimmicky all-in will work and will I'll fail and just get turned on, I understand my role in team-fights much better, etc; my overall play with Sejuani is MUCH stronger. If I truly want to do well in and win a game, Sejuani.... well Sejuani probably still wouldn't be my first pick (maybe after her remake, a knockup on her Q? Talk about one ridiculous buff, her Q is strong enough, she just needs numbers on her W tbh - better HP scaling or something, the base is fine, late game scaling is pitiful though) but comparative to my meta-accepted-mid-laners, my mid-lane-Sejuani can easily place itself in second place. Mid-lane-Sejuani is extremely unconventional ...but, for me, it works, my knowledge of Sejuani and the enjoyment I get out of playing her makes her work and it works well. What you are probably afraid of is something like this: I don't play Corki too much. One of my duo-friends loves Corki. He builds AP Corki in Dominion quite often (we play a lot of Dominion). I suddenly decide to take his AP Corki mid-lane. Yeah, I'm going to be the most worthless mid-laner ever but only because I'm using an unconventional pick that I'm terribly unfamiliar with. TL;DR - It all comes from champion experience and comfort - put a lot of time and thought into this write-up, hope you read it if you haven't, it should be an interesting read.
I understand your point but you have to understand that some unconventional picks are beneficial. For instance, I am really bad with Twisted Fate. I love to play the guy but my lane mechanics are terrible (its awkward for me to AA while picking a card, always pick the wrong card, poor mana control, shaky last hitting, etc) and I always underestimate my damage; if I pick Twisted Fate, I'm most likely going to lose my lane and will be almost forced to reserve my ultimate for counter-ganks, relying on either my side-lane being stronger than their side-lane or just ganking the opposite lane where their mid-laner being stronger than I is irrelevant. However, I'm extremely confident with my Sejuani. I know how much damage she can do, how much damage she can take, I understand her cool-downs and the punishments that may or may not come from a key ability being on cool-down, I last hit better, my builds are more clear to me and I know how much punishment I will be able to take and deal a more offensive build and a more defensive build, I understand when a gimmicky all-in will work and will I'll fail and just get turned on, I understand my role in team-fights much better, etc; my overall play with Sejuani is MUCH stronger. If I truly want to do well in and win a game, Sejuani.... well Sejuani probably still wouldn't be my first pick (maybe after her remake, a knockup on her Q? Talk about one ridiculous buff, her Q is strong enough, she just needs numbers on her W tbh - better HP scaling or something, the base is fine, late game scaling is pitiful though) but comparative to my meta-accepted-mid-laners, my mid-lane-Sejuani can easily place itself in second place. Mid-lane-Sejuani is extremely unconventional ...but, for me, it works, my knowledge of Sejuani and the enjoyment I get out of playing her makes her work and it works well. What you are probably afraid of is something like this: I don't play Corki too much. One of my duo-friends loves Corki. He builds AP Corki in Dominion quite often (we play a lot of Dominion). I suddenly decide to take his AP Corki mid-lane. Yeah, I'm going to be the most worthless mid-laner ever but only because I'm using an unconventional pick that I'm terribly unfamiliar with.
It all comes from champion experience and comfort - put a lot of time and thought into this write-up, hope you read it if you haven't, it should be an interesting read.
Throw away for obvious reasons. A little back ground info. My little brother passed away at the age of 13 on October 30, 2010. I was the one that found him. He had a bag around his head and I had to pull it out of his mouth and do CPR to no avail. I was traumatized as most would think and still am. I absolutely just crumbled at the seams. I felt like killing my self, so I gave all my guns to my cousin to be locked away. Fast forward to about a year later, Im still not any better and the only way I can cope with this is by going out and getting smashed almost every night and still show up at work. I was highly depressed, could barely function at work, but the only thing that was keeping me going was the fact that I was going to be able to go out and party. I was usually pretty good about not driving while drunk, but just one night I couldnt find a DD, so I slowed my drinking (i had only had 2 shots and a beer or two) waited till the club closed, then drove home, only I didnt make it but two miles from the club when I hit a rode stop and sure enough I was busted. Lost everything. Job, car, girl friend at the time. Just like that in the blink of an eye. I dated one girl, but she freaked the hell out when she found out and that scared me into not dating anymore cause of how judgemental. I tried to keep a job after that, but I just couldnt because of the way the bosses treated me and with what I have been through in the past, being treated like a fucking dog was not going to cut it for me. So I set out to do my own thing, which is what Ive dreamed of all my life. I started my own business about a year ago and Im doing pretty well for a one man gig. I started talking to this girl, we havent made it official yet at all, but the reason is because we just dont want to move too fast. We've been on quite a few dates, Ive ate dinner with her family on numerous occasions, all is good. Today I get a text saying "I just found your mug shot" while I was eating dinner. My heart dropped, i drop my burger and nearly shit my pants. Im afraid cause this girl is like no other. I know we say that will all new love, but she really is like no other. She found it by googling my full name. I knew the mug shot was there but I didnt count on her finding. Having a DUI (this is the ONLY thing I have EVER been arrested for) is one of the most shameful things that has ever happened to me. It was icing in the freaking cake. I was so ashamed I didnt tell family till it was almost court time because I come from such a goody goody family that I was almost certain that would be the end of me and my family. She says that its fine, mistakes happen, I just better be honest here on out. Which I am. Ive never cheated, lied (i didnt lie about this, she just never asked and I never told her), anything, but saying she is fine about it is a lot easier said than done. In passed relationships, exs have said "its okay its fine" over different things (my beliefs, things I do with friends, hanging out with my guy friends all the time, ignoring them when Im out, yadda yadda) but it just sticks to the back of their head and it usually ends up fucking everything up. I want to hold on to this chick more than ever cause stuff is FINALLY starting to look up in my life and I cant stand to be back down at the bottom again. Shes been able to take me away from the business so I dont get so engulfed in it that I have no social life. What can I do to keep this from getting any worse than it is now aside from being completely honest, which is what Im doing? I just feel like its going to fall apart like everything else has and I have no clue as to what in the world to do.... tl;dr I got a DUI over a year ago, kept it to my self, now the lady friend has found out, and I dont know how to keep things going or what I should do to make it all better :/
Throw away for obvious reasons. A little back ground info. My little brother passed away at the age of 13 on October 30, 2010. I was the one that found him. He had a bag around his head and I had to pull it out of his mouth and do CPR to no avail. I was traumatized as most would think and still am. I absolutely just crumbled at the seams. I felt like killing my self, so I gave all my guns to my cousin to be locked away. Fast forward to about a year later, Im still not any better and the only way I can cope with this is by going out and getting smashed almost every night and still show up at work. I was highly depressed, could barely function at work, but the only thing that was keeping me going was the fact that I was going to be able to go out and party. I was usually pretty good about not driving while drunk, but just one night I couldnt find a DD, so I slowed my drinking (i had only had 2 shots and a beer or two) waited till the club closed, then drove home, only I didnt make it but two miles from the club when I hit a rode stop and sure enough I was busted. Lost everything. Job, car, girl friend at the time. Just like that in the blink of an eye. I dated one girl, but she freaked the hell out when she found out and that scared me into not dating anymore cause of how judgemental. I tried to keep a job after that, but I just couldnt because of the way the bosses treated me and with what I have been through in the past, being treated like a fucking dog was not going to cut it for me. So I set out to do my own thing, which is what Ive dreamed of all my life. I started my own business about a year ago and Im doing pretty well for a one man gig. I started talking to this girl, we havent made it official yet at all, but the reason is because we just dont want to move too fast. We've been on quite a few dates, Ive ate dinner with her family on numerous occasions, all is good. Today I get a text saying "I just found your mug shot" while I was eating dinner. My heart dropped, i drop my burger and nearly shit my pants. Im afraid cause this girl is like no other. I know we say that will all new love, but she really is like no other. She found it by googling my full name. I knew the mug shot was there but I didnt count on her finding. Having a DUI (this is the ONLY thing I have EVER been arrested for) is one of the most shameful things that has ever happened to me. It was icing in the freaking cake. I was so ashamed I didnt tell family till it was almost court time because I come from such a goody goody family that I was almost certain that would be the end of me and my family. She says that its fine, mistakes happen, I just better be honest here on out. Which I am. Ive never cheated, lied (i didnt lie about this, she just never asked and I never told her), anything, but saying she is fine about it is a lot easier said than done. In passed relationships, exs have said "its okay its fine" over different things (my beliefs, things I do with friends, hanging out with my guy friends all the time, ignoring them when Im out, yadda yadda) but it just sticks to the back of their head and it usually ends up fucking everything up. I want to hold on to this chick more than ever cause stuff is FINALLY starting to look up in my life and I cant stand to be back down at the bottom again. Shes been able to take me away from the business so I dont get so engulfed in it that I have no social life. What can I do to keep this from getting any worse than it is now aside from being completely honest, which is what Im doing? I just feel like its going to fall apart like everything else has and I have no clue as to what in the world to do.... tl;dr I got a DUI over a year ago, kept it to my self, now the lady friend has found out, and I dont know how to keep things going or what I should do to make it all better :/
Throw away for obvious reasons. A little back ground info. My little brother passed away at the age of 13 on October 30, 2010. I was the one that found him. He had a bag around his head and I had to pull it out of his mouth and do CPR to no avail. I was traumatized as most would think and still am. I absolutely just crumbled at the seams. I felt like killing my self, so I gave all my guns to my cousin to be locked away. Fast forward to about a year later, Im still not any better and the only way I can cope with this is by going out and getting smashed almost every night and still show up at work. I was highly depressed, could barely function at work, but the only thing that was keeping me going was the fact that I was going to be able to go out and party. I was usually pretty good about not driving while drunk, but just one night I couldnt find a DD, so I slowed my drinking (i had only had 2 shots and a beer or two) waited till the club closed, then drove home, only I didnt make it but two miles from the club when I hit a rode stop and sure enough I was busted. Lost everything. Job, car, girl friend at the time. Just like that in the blink of an eye. I dated one girl, but she freaked the hell out when she found out and that scared me into not dating anymore cause of how judgemental. I tried to keep a job after that, but I just couldnt because of the way the bosses treated me and with what I have been through in the past, being treated like a fucking dog was not going to cut it for me. So I set out to do my own thing, which is what Ive dreamed of all my life. I started my own business about a year ago and Im doing pretty well for a one man gig. I started talking to this girl, we havent made it official yet at all, but the reason is because we just dont want to move too fast. We've been on quite a few dates, Ive ate dinner with her family on numerous occasions, all is good. Today I get a text saying "I just found your mug shot" while I was eating dinner. My heart dropped, i drop my burger and nearly shit my pants. Im afraid cause this girl is like no other. I know we say that will all new love, but she really is like no other. She found it by googling my full name. I knew the mug shot was there but I didnt count on her finding. Having a DUI (this is the ONLY thing I have EVER been arrested for) is one of the most shameful things that has ever happened to me. It was icing in the freaking cake. I was so ashamed I didnt tell family till it was almost court time because I come from such a goody goody family that I was almost certain that would be the end of me and my family. She says that its fine, mistakes happen, I just better be honest here on out. Which I am. Ive never cheated, lied (i didnt lie about this, she just never asked and I never told her), anything, but saying she is fine about it is a lot easier said than done. In passed relationships, exs have said "its okay its fine" over different things (my beliefs, things I do with friends, hanging out with my guy friends all the time, ignoring them when Im out, yadda yadda) but it just sticks to the back of their head and it usually ends up fucking everything up. I want to hold on to this chick more than ever cause stuff is FINALLY starting to look up in my life and I cant stand to be back down at the bottom again. Shes been able to take me away from the business so I dont get so engulfed in it that I have no social life. What can I do to keep this from getting any worse than it is now aside from being completely honest, which is what Im doing? I just feel like its going to fall apart like everything else has and I have no clue as to what in the world to do....
I got a DUI over a year ago, kept it to my self, now the lady friend has found out, and I dont know how to keep things going or what I should do to make it all better :/
Oh man, where to start! Living in China this is pretty damn common. Well, how about the first time. In business in China (first time) and do the whole dinner and drinking thing that you do after a meeting. The Chinese host invites me to go to a massage place and I'm thinking... great, my shoulders are really sore, that's awesome! We go there, and its basically a hotel. They take us up to a room and they bring in a bunch of girls and ask me which one do I think was cute. I thought it was just an opinion question, so when I picked the hottest one, she came and stood next to me. I started to get an idea, but I was clueless at this point. They bring in a second lineup of girls and they asked me which one was good looking. I point at another one. She stands by me too. At this time my brain is starting to figure things out, but I figured I was just getting a double massage. Wrong. They point at the shower (I didn't speak Mandarin at this point, and they didn't speak English, lol). I shower and then come back out with a towel on. One of them takes the towel off and the other one starts undressing. From there cue the porn music... because that's pretty much exactly what happened. I don't really think all the dudes on reddit want to read the details, but hooking up with 2 girls at the same time is fucking great. TL;DR: First brothel experience was a 3-way.
Oh man, where to start! Living in China this is pretty damn common. Well, how about the first time. In business in China (first time) and do the whole dinner and drinking thing that you do after a meeting. The Chinese host invites me to go to a massage place and I'm thinking... great, my shoulders are really sore, that's awesome! We go there, and its basically a hotel. They take us up to a room and they bring in a bunch of girls and ask me which one do I think was cute. I thought it was just an opinion question, so when I picked the hottest one, she came and stood next to me. I started to get an idea, but I was clueless at this point. They bring in a second lineup of girls and they asked me which one was good looking. I point at another one. She stands by me too. At this time my brain is starting to figure things out, but I figured I was just getting a double massage. Wrong. They point at the shower (I didn't speak Mandarin at this point, and they didn't speak English, lol). I shower and then come back out with a towel on. One of them takes the towel off and the other one starts undressing. From there cue the porn music... because that's pretty much exactly what happened. I don't really think all the dudes on reddit want to read the details, but hooking up with 2 girls at the same time is fucking great. TL;DR: First brothel experience was a 3-way.
Oh man, where to start! Living in China this is pretty damn common. Well, how about the first time. In business in China (first time) and do the whole dinner and drinking thing that you do after a meeting. The Chinese host invites me to go to a massage place and I'm thinking... great, my shoulders are really sore, that's awesome! We go there, and its basically a hotel. They take us up to a room and they bring in a bunch of girls and ask me which one do I think was cute. I thought it was just an opinion question, so when I picked the hottest one, she came and stood next to me. I started to get an idea, but I was clueless at this point. They bring in a second lineup of girls and they asked me which one was good looking. I point at another one. She stands by me too. At this time my brain is starting to figure things out, but I figured I was just getting a double massage. Wrong. They point at the shower (I didn't speak Mandarin at this point, and they didn't speak English, lol). I shower and then come back out with a towel on. One of them takes the towel off and the other one starts undressing. From there cue the porn music... because that's pretty much exactly what happened. I don't really think all the dudes on reddit want to read the details, but hooking up with 2 girls at the same time is fucking great.
First brothel experience was a 3-way.
The way I understand the rolling out of their BTC for purchase is, they have a hard limit that refreshes after it is expended. the same way our daily limits do. This means that every second there is a small amount <.1 btc becoming available for purchase. Everything else is just variance from when people are coming in and buying it. For instance. I can almost always get a .3btc buy in after a browser refersh. I haven't been able to buy 10 coins at a time since usd/btc was in the 40s. **tldr; coinbase's limits are like the daily limits they put on us, buy <.5 at a time, you won't be able to get large amounts unless it's at weird hours**
The way I understand the rolling out of their BTC for purchase is, they have a hard limit that refreshes after it is expended. the same way our daily limits do. This means that every second there is a small amount <.1 btc becoming available for purchase. Everything else is just variance from when people are coming in and buying it. For instance. I can almost always get a .3btc buy in after a browser refersh. I haven't been able to buy 10 coins at a time since usd/btc was in the 40s. tldr; coinbase's limits are like the daily limits they put on us, buy <.5 at a time, you won't be able to get large amounts unless it's at weird hours
The way I understand the rolling out of their BTC for purchase is, they have a hard limit that refreshes after it is expended. the same way our daily limits do. This means that every second there is a small amount <.1 btc becoming available for purchase. Everything else is just variance from when people are coming in and buying it. For instance. I can almost always get a .3btc buy in after a browser refersh. I haven't been able to buy 10 coins at a time since usd/btc was in the 40s.
coinbase's limits are like the daily limits they put on us, buy <.5 at a time, you won't be able to get large amounts unless it's at weird hours
A little backstory first: about a year ago my brand new (3 months) iPhone 4s ceased to work properly (It kept saying "No service", a disturbing issue for a phone..) and as a result I spent an entire weekend phoneless (yeah, that happened on a saturday night..). So naturally I went to the Apple Store, they acknowledged the problem and gave me another (identical) iPhone 4s. From that point on I never had any problem with it. After upgrading to iOS7 I am randomically unable to receive incoming calls and text. The worst thing is that it seems like my phone is not registered to the mobile operator network anymore (I get voice mail calling my number from another phone) but this time it DOES NOT say "No service". And of course, I receive no text or notification of any kind about the missed call/incoming voice mail. The moment I place an outgoing call, it seems like the phone rejoins the mobile operator network and I'm flooded with missed calls/voice mails texts. Online search only returned "outgoing call issues" (not incoming) and I already changed the SIM. Is anybody else experiencing this? **TL;DR** After iOS7 upgrade my iPhone 4s randomically does not receive any incoming calls/texts until I place an outgoing call.
A little backstory first: about a year ago my brand new (3 months) iPhone 4s ceased to work properly (It kept saying "No service", a disturbing issue for a phone..) and as a result I spent an entire weekend phoneless (yeah, that happened on a saturday night..). So naturally I went to the Apple Store, they acknowledged the problem and gave me another (identical) iPhone 4s. From that point on I never had any problem with it. After upgrading to iOS7 I am randomically unable to receive incoming calls and text. The worst thing is that it seems like my phone is not registered to the mobile operator network anymore (I get voice mail calling my number from another phone) but this time it DOES NOT say "No service". And of course, I receive no text or notification of any kind about the missed call/incoming voice mail. The moment I place an outgoing call, it seems like the phone rejoins the mobile operator network and I'm flooded with missed calls/voice mails texts. Online search only returned "outgoing call issues" (not incoming) and I already changed the SIM. Is anybody else experiencing this? TL;DR After iOS7 upgrade my iPhone 4s randomically does not receive any incoming calls/texts until I place an outgoing call.
A little backstory first: about a year ago my brand new (3 months) iPhone 4s ceased to work properly (It kept saying "No service", a disturbing issue for a phone..) and as a result I spent an entire weekend phoneless (yeah, that happened on a saturday night..). So naturally I went to the Apple Store, they acknowledged the problem and gave me another (identical) iPhone 4s. From that point on I never had any problem with it. After upgrading to iOS7 I am randomically unable to receive incoming calls and text. The worst thing is that it seems like my phone is not registered to the mobile operator network anymore (I get voice mail calling my number from another phone) but this time it DOES NOT say "No service". And of course, I receive no text or notification of any kind about the missed call/incoming voice mail. The moment I place an outgoing call, it seems like the phone rejoins the mobile operator network and I'm flooded with missed calls/voice mails texts. Online search only returned "outgoing call issues" (not incoming) and I already changed the SIM. Is anybody else experiencing this?
After iOS7 upgrade my iPhone 4s randomically does not receive any incoming calls/texts until I place an outgoing call.
So this is a throwaway account, but would anyone here be interested in forming a Men's Rights Activist club. The reason I bring this up tonight is because specifically of the "Take back the night" walk. I saw many signs that were directly sexist towards men including but not limited to: * Real Men Don't Rape * Real Mean don't hit * Don't hit my sister mister All of which paint men as the primary and only aggressors in sexual violence. I feel this needs to be brought attention too, because men and women can rape and sexually assault someone. Men and women can attack someone. And to find only signs telling women to watch out for men is sexist to both men and women. That is why I wish to form this group. So we as men and women can come together as humans to talk about many of the issues facing both men and women and how to overcome these issues as humans rather than men and women. As well getting together to talk, as a club we could organize a Movember Gala. Plus we could help out with charities dedicated to bringing attention to men's issues and human issues. Check out the Movember Link below. Our club would be based primarily on humanism, which the guidelines are laid out in the following document. As a Men's Rights Activistism club we would be primarily reaching out to our fellow men, but as well be working towards equality for all humans. Check out the subreddit below for more info on men's rights. [Men's Rights]( So feel free to leave a comment about interest. I would ask for respect, and not inflammatory comments. Thank you. **TL;DR** Would anyone here be interested in creating a Men's Rights Activism Club.
So this is a throwaway account, but would anyone here be interested in forming a Men's Rights Activist club. The reason I bring this up tonight is because specifically of the "Take back the night" walk. I saw many signs that were directly sexist towards men including but not limited to: Real Men Don't Rape Real Mean don't hit Don't hit my sister mister All of which paint men as the primary and only aggressors in sexual violence. I feel this needs to be brought attention too, because men and women can rape and sexually assault someone. Men and women can attack someone. And to find only signs telling women to watch out for men is sexist to both men and women. That is why I wish to form this group. So we as men and women can come together as humans to talk about many of the issues facing both men and women and how to overcome these issues as humans rather than men and women. As well getting together to talk, as a club we could organize a Movember Gala. Plus we could help out with charities dedicated to bringing attention to men's issues and human issues. Check out the Movember Link below. Our club would be based primarily on humanism, which the guidelines are laid out in the following document. As a Men's Rights Activistism club we would be primarily reaching out to our fellow men, but as well be working towards equality for all humans. Check out the subreddit below for more info on men's rights. [Men's Rights]( So feel free to leave a comment about interest. I would ask for respect, and not inflammatory comments. Thank you. TL;DR Would anyone here be interested in creating a Men's Rights Activism Club.
So this is a throwaway account, but would anyone here be interested in forming a Men's Rights Activist club. The reason I bring this up tonight is because specifically of the "Take back the night" walk. I saw many signs that were directly sexist towards men including but not limited to: Real Men Don't Rape Real Mean don't hit Don't hit my sister mister All of which paint men as the primary and only aggressors in sexual violence. I feel this needs to be brought attention too, because men and women can rape and sexually assault someone. Men and women can attack someone. And to find only signs telling women to watch out for men is sexist to both men and women. That is why I wish to form this group. So we as men and women can come together as humans to talk about many of the issues facing both men and women and how to overcome these issues as humans rather than men and women. As well getting together to talk, as a club we could organize a Movember Gala. Plus we could help out with charities dedicated to bringing attention to men's issues and human issues. Check out the Movember Link below. Our club would be based primarily on humanism, which the guidelines are laid out in the following document. As a Men's Rights Activistism club we would be primarily reaching out to our fellow men, but as well be working towards equality for all humans. Check out the subreddit below for more info on men's rights. [Men's Rights]( So feel free to leave a comment about interest. I would ask for respect, and not inflammatory comments. Thank you.
Would anyone here be interested in creating a Men's Rights Activism Club.
There's a commonly-told legend that allergies change over 7 year cycles, but there's no hard evidence for it. There is lots of loose anecdotal evidence, such as your case, which suggests that people's allergy profiles do change over many years, sometimes getting new ones, sometimes losing old ones. I also never had an allergy in my life, but at about age 27 they kicked in hard. On the same token, my mother, who has been viscously allergic to animals her whole life, now in her [DECADE REDACTED]ies, has no problem hanging out with dogs. EDIT TL;DR it happens. it often sucks. I'm so sorry.
There's a commonly-told legend that allergies change over 7 year cycles, but there's no hard evidence for it. There is lots of loose anecdotal evidence, such as your case, which suggests that people's allergy profiles do change over many years, sometimes getting new ones, sometimes losing old ones. I also never had an allergy in my life, but at about age 27 they kicked in hard. On the same token, my mother, who has been viscously allergic to animals her whole life, now in her [DECADE REDACTED]ies, has no problem hanging out with dogs. EDIT TL;DR it happens. it often sucks. I'm so sorry.
There's a commonly-told legend that allergies change over 7 year cycles, but there's no hard evidence for it. There is lots of loose anecdotal evidence, such as your case, which suggests that people's allergy profiles do change over many years, sometimes getting new ones, sometimes losing old ones. I also never had an allergy in my life, but at about age 27 they kicked in hard. On the same token, my mother, who has been viscously allergic to animals her whole life, now in her [DECADE REDACTED]ies, has no problem hanging out with dogs. EDIT
it happens. it often sucks. I'm so sorry.
The first one that comes to mind is when I was probably ~14 (freshman year of high school). A few buddies and I had smoked weed at this one kid's house with extremely lax (non-existent) parents and eventually got the munchies. So we all head off to Subway, marching along knowing that we would have glorious sandwiches before long. As we're walking, I start to feel pretty weird, not anything crazy but just couldn't see particularly well and felt odd in general. Anyway, we're walking along, probably about 1-2 miles, and by the time we get there, I'm feeling pretty light headed. So we're in Subway, and I can just feel everyone looking at me like 'wow, what the fuck is up with this guy'. I go to order, and I immediately realize that I'm not gonna be able to get through this order without slamming face first into the counter. So what does any reasonable guy do? I blurt out my whole order in about 2.3 seconds; "FootlongWhitebreadTurkeyMayoLettuceTomatoSaltPepperOilVinegar" I gave my friend my money to pay for me, and slunk past some display and just laid on the bench for what felt like an eternity. It was during this time of reflection that I realized, wow, I am way too fucking high for this shit. I eventually pulled myself up and scarfed down that sandwich in about three bites...leaving the Subway in a state of confusion as to what was up with that 14 year old who orders he sandwich like a damn auctioneer. TL;DR - Went to Subway high as shit, had to recuperate between ordering and eating I have other stories if anyone is interested I can post more
The first one that comes to mind is when I was probably ~14 (freshman year of high school). A few buddies and I had smoked weed at this one kid's house with extremely lax (non-existent) parents and eventually got the munchies. So we all head off to Subway, marching along knowing that we would have glorious sandwiches before long. As we're walking, I start to feel pretty weird, not anything crazy but just couldn't see particularly well and felt odd in general. Anyway, we're walking along, probably about 1-2 miles, and by the time we get there, I'm feeling pretty light headed. So we're in Subway, and I can just feel everyone looking at me like 'wow, what the fuck is up with this guy'. I go to order, and I immediately realize that I'm not gonna be able to get through this order without slamming face first into the counter. So what does any reasonable guy do? I blurt out my whole order in about 2.3 seconds; "FootlongWhitebreadTurkeyMayoLettuceTomatoSaltPepperOilVinegar" I gave my friend my money to pay for me, and slunk past some display and just laid on the bench for what felt like an eternity. It was during this time of reflection that I realized, wow, I am way too fucking high for this shit. I eventually pulled myself up and scarfed down that sandwich in about three bites...leaving the Subway in a state of confusion as to what was up with that 14 year old who orders he sandwich like a damn auctioneer. TL;DR - Went to Subway high as shit, had to recuperate between ordering and eating I have other stories if anyone is interested I can post more
The first one that comes to mind is when I was probably ~14 (freshman year of high school). A few buddies and I had smoked weed at this one kid's house with extremely lax (non-existent) parents and eventually got the munchies. So we all head off to Subway, marching along knowing that we would have glorious sandwiches before long. As we're walking, I start to feel pretty weird, not anything crazy but just couldn't see particularly well and felt odd in general. Anyway, we're walking along, probably about 1-2 miles, and by the time we get there, I'm feeling pretty light headed. So we're in Subway, and I can just feel everyone looking at me like 'wow, what the fuck is up with this guy'. I go to order, and I immediately realize that I'm not gonna be able to get through this order without slamming face first into the counter. So what does any reasonable guy do? I blurt out my whole order in about 2.3 seconds; "FootlongWhitebreadTurkeyMayoLettuceTomatoSaltPepperOilVinegar" I gave my friend my money to pay for me, and slunk past some display and just laid on the bench for what felt like an eternity. It was during this time of reflection that I realized, wow, I am way too fucking high for this shit. I eventually pulled myself up and scarfed down that sandwich in about three bites...leaving the Subway in a state of confusion as to what was up with that 14 year old who orders he sandwich like a damn auctioneer.
Went to Subway high as shit, had to recuperate between ordering and eating I have other stories if anyone is interested I can post more
People. aren't. fucking. born. gay. I really don't understand how society is so accepting of homosexuality. Males and females were designed to have sex with each other, they have sex organs perfected by evolution that do just that. Asses weren't designed for penises and vice versa. Males don't have fucking ovaries. Society coddles gays and tells them everything they do is all fine and dandy. Personally, I think the whole 'born gay' thing is a load of crap. In my opinion, homosexuality is no more than a mental disorder. Teenagers get confused with all their hormones, and when the world literally coddles homosexuality, people get swayed towards it. I'm honestly really sick of reddit and it's left wing, PC views. I'm not a westboro baptist guy or anything, but I honestly believe that people need to cut the crap. I truly don't care what people do in their own bedrooms behind closed doors other than being weirded out by it - but going around parading and pushing your views on others? Not cool. I feel trapped. I can't speak my mind anywhere without getting berated by mobs of left wing PC nutjobs. TL;DR - Being 'gay' isn't normal. It's closer to a mutation than an orientation, seeing as only about 10% of the population is 'gay'. For fuck's sake, wake up and smell the coffee. I don't know why other people don't see this. EDIT: Who's in for an Anti-PC subreddit? I'm serious, I'd be interested in joining or making one.
People. aren't. fucking. born. gay. I really don't understand how society is so accepting of homosexuality. Males and females were designed to have sex with each other, they have sex organs perfected by evolution that do just that. Asses weren't designed for penises and vice versa. Males don't have fucking ovaries. Society coddles gays and tells them everything they do is all fine and dandy. Personally, I think the whole 'born gay' thing is a load of crap. In my opinion, homosexuality is no more than a mental disorder. Teenagers get confused with all their hormones, and when the world literally coddles homosexuality, people get swayed towards it. I'm honestly really sick of reddit and it's left wing, PC views. I'm not a westboro baptist guy or anything, but I honestly believe that people need to cut the crap. I truly don't care what people do in their own bedrooms behind closed doors other than being weirded out by it - but going around parading and pushing your views on others? Not cool. I feel trapped. I can't speak my mind anywhere without getting berated by mobs of left wing PC nutjobs. TL;DR - Being 'gay' isn't normal. It's closer to a mutation than an orientation, seeing as only about 10% of the population is 'gay'. For fuck's sake, wake up and smell the coffee. I don't know why other people don't see this. EDIT: Who's in for an Anti-PC subreddit? I'm serious, I'd be interested in joining or making one.
People. aren't. fucking. born. gay. I really don't understand how society is so accepting of homosexuality. Males and females were designed to have sex with each other, they have sex organs perfected by evolution that do just that. Asses weren't designed for penises and vice versa. Males don't have fucking ovaries. Society coddles gays and tells them everything they do is all fine and dandy. Personally, I think the whole 'born gay' thing is a load of crap. In my opinion, homosexuality is no more than a mental disorder. Teenagers get confused with all their hormones, and when the world literally coddles homosexuality, people get swayed towards it. I'm honestly really sick of reddit and it's left wing, PC views. I'm not a westboro baptist guy or anything, but I honestly believe that people need to cut the crap. I truly don't care what people do in their own bedrooms behind closed doors other than being weirded out by it - but going around parading and pushing your views on others? Not cool. I feel trapped. I can't speak my mind anywhere without getting berated by mobs of left wing PC nutjobs.
Being 'gay' isn't normal. It's closer to a mutation than an orientation, seeing as only about 10% of the population is 'gay'. For fuck's sake, wake up and smell the coffee. I don't know why other people don't see this. EDIT: Who's in for an Anti-PC subreddit? I'm serious, I'd be interested in joining or making one.
yeah I was in the middle of new york city man on a bench overlooking the ocean i just didn't want to get up and i figured the taxi driver and movie theatre employee knew i was high...i ended up watching imax gi joes 2 i was drifting in and out of the movie but it was amazing Best Advice TLDR: When you are freaking out and really high watch a movie because you can "hid" in the theatre with lights off no one can see you helps if the theater is not packed like how it was for me
yeah I was in the middle of new york city man on a bench overlooking the ocean i just didn't want to get up and i figured the taxi driver and movie theatre employee knew i was high...i ended up watching imax gi joes 2 i was drifting in and out of the movie but it was amazing Best Advice TLDR: When you are freaking out and really high watch a movie because you can "hid" in the theatre with lights off no one can see you helps if the theater is not packed like how it was for me
yeah I was in the middle of new york city man on a bench overlooking the ocean i just didn't want to get up and i figured the taxi driver and movie theatre employee knew i was high...i ended up watching imax gi joes 2 i was drifting in and out of the movie but it was amazing Best Advice
When you are freaking out and really high watch a movie because you can "hid" in the theatre with lights off no one can see you helps if the theater is not packed like how it was for me
the real question is: why are you making a reddit thread about some player who you personally don't agree with? dude likes playing guardians. dude likes it so much, he tries to bring guardian tactics into whatever god he plays. who cares? why are you digging so deep to shame some random person you don't know? kid has a score of 1/5/7? well, 1/5/7 isn't actually that bad for someone who mains guardian and mostly plays short-lasting game modes. TL;DR: stop being petty.
the real question is: why are you making a reddit thread about some player who you personally don't agree with? dude likes playing guardians. dude likes it so much, he tries to bring guardian tactics into whatever god he plays. who cares? why are you digging so deep to shame some random person you don't know? kid has a score of 1/5/7? well, 1/5/7 isn't actually that bad for someone who mains guardian and mostly plays short-lasting game modes. TL;DR: stop being petty.
the real question is: why are you making a reddit thread about some player who you personally don't agree with? dude likes playing guardians. dude likes it so much, he tries to bring guardian tactics into whatever god he plays. who cares? why are you digging so deep to shame some random person you don't know? kid has a score of 1/5/7? well, 1/5/7 isn't actually that bad for someone who mains guardian and mostly plays short-lasting game modes.
stop being petty.
I'm really not the best with words so do bear with me here, I'll do my best to sum this up neatly: My son's father and I were engaged, never married, and split up a few months after his first birthday with the agreement that he was free to visit/see his son whenever he liked. For a while he wasn't interested in any sort of visitation, but he moved in with his parents and they started asking when the baby was coming over and if my ex could take the baby to do this/that/what have you. I made sure to schedule all doctor/dentist appointments around his dad's work schedule and let him know when they were just in case he wanted to be there. And we tried to maintain a pretty good co-parenting relationship and keep other things separate. Ups and downs were had. Now our son is a couple months past age three, his dad went from a semi-regular, once a week drop-in visit to a couple hours every week or two if he didn't have weekend plans already. I'd get a text asking if we were home and if we were, he would be there within 10 minutes but if we weren't then it wasn't worth the wait to visit. I had taken to communicating with our son's paternal grandmother a lot more, it was clear that his dad wasn't socializing him as much with his side of the family and they missed our son so occasionally we would just make plans for him to visit the grandparents. I never had any issues with working around holiday plans, scheduling "grandparent time" with them at their request, keeping them informed of what happened at pediatric appointments, etc. Now here's where things recently got ugly: Our son has dealt with a pretty long term *(~1 year)* chronic issue with absolutely no real explanation other than it's something he's doing on his own for a reason we don't understand. I have also been noticing a lot of behavior changes that had me concerned enough to take him to his pediatrician and discuss them and revisit his chronic issue and see if there might be ties or a cause/effect thing going on. His dad was informed but didn't come to the appointment, but my dad came along to help comfort the poor kid. There is a history of mental illness on both sides of the family so I brought up my concerns with the pediatrician, she gave us some steps to implement and told me that we could revisit this at the end of the summer and bring in a child psychologist if he didn't make notable improvement. His dad was not happy with some of what was said, and neither were his paternal grandparents. Basically, our son is dealing with a lot of fear and we were told to take small steps in increasing supported exposure and socialization. I asked her specifically about an outing to an amusement park that his dad was planning, she said it was a personal choice but that it wouldn't be an optimal environment for a kid struggling like he is. Same goes for sleepovers, we just attempted one with my own mom and he had to be picked up before dark because he was shaking/crying silently until I got there. We are supposed to do baby steps- library story times, play dates, parks, etc. And be supportive/empathetic/encouraging but not push/force him into anything. Dad and paternal grandma have not taken this well, both accused me of lying to keep the kid away from them and refused to speak to the pediatrician to confirm any of it. In fact, went so far as to say that the pediatrician wasn't qualified to say any of those things. I have screenshots of paternal grandma tagging me in a huge facebook blowup where I tried to explain, again, what the doctor said and how options for mental health are limited for kids his age and that I would never keep him away from them but only asked them to be patient and understanding and adapt to his needs but she kept verbally attacking me and threatened legal action. And because she is doing so, I expect she is encouraging her son to do the same thing and he only needed a little push to do something like this. So I ask: Do I have something to fear from her pursuing legal action against me? What kind of action could she even personally take? I know that his dad can pursue some sort of custody battle, though it confuses me when he has shown little interest while he could be visiting/taking our son out literally every day of the week under the agreement we have standing right now. It's not a legal document or anything, but it's something I have never fought with him about so I'm confused about why he would even bother. **TLDR** of sorts: Paternal grandmother is upset with information and restrictions/suggestions given by pediatrician and has attacked me on social media and threatened to pursue legal action, what kind of threat could she even be making and how seriously should I be concerned? And despite our out-of-court agreement on shared parenting *(lives with me but dad can visit/take him out whenever he likes)* I have a feeling the dad is now going to be pursuing some kind of legal action of his own under the guidance of the grandmother. How concerned should I be? *Some facts I'm unsure of relevance: His dad claimed him on his taxes despite not living with his son or paying any sort of support, promised us we would get the money for things like clothes, etc for our son but we never did. I had to file first this time to avoid this happening again.* *They have no room or bed for him to sleep in, it's a three bedroom trailer with four adults living in it, I don't know where they would even house him.* *I did suggest parenting mediation with his dad, waiting for the mediation office to call me back to schedule the appointment.* *I am also pricing an evaluation with a mental health counselor for our son, it would be an out of pocket cost but if they could give a better and "more believable" opinion then I am very much open to paying for that.* *I will be getting a legal consultation either way, at the very least to start pursuing child support. I had hoped he would be more involved and supportive without requiring legal action so I never did this initially.*
I'm really not the best with words so do bear with me here, I'll do my best to sum this up neatly: My son's father and I were engaged, never married, and split up a few months after his first birthday with the agreement that he was free to visit/see his son whenever he liked. For a while he wasn't interested in any sort of visitation, but he moved in with his parents and they started asking when the baby was coming over and if my ex could take the baby to do this/that/what have you. I made sure to schedule all doctor/dentist appointments around his dad's work schedule and let him know when they were just in case he wanted to be there. And we tried to maintain a pretty good co-parenting relationship and keep other things separate. Ups and downs were had. Now our son is a couple months past age three, his dad went from a semi-regular, once a week drop-in visit to a couple hours every week or two if he didn't have weekend plans already. I'd get a text asking if we were home and if we were, he would be there within 10 minutes but if we weren't then it wasn't worth the wait to visit. I had taken to communicating with our son's paternal grandmother a lot more, it was clear that his dad wasn't socializing him as much with his side of the family and they missed our son so occasionally we would just make plans for him to visit the grandparents. I never had any issues with working around holiday plans, scheduling "grandparent time" with them at their request, keeping them informed of what happened at pediatric appointments, etc. Now here's where things recently got ugly: Our son has dealt with a pretty long term (~1 year) chronic issue with absolutely no real explanation other than it's something he's doing on his own for a reason we don't understand. I have also been noticing a lot of behavior changes that had me concerned enough to take him to his pediatrician and discuss them and revisit his chronic issue and see if there might be ties or a cause/effect thing going on. His dad was informed but didn't come to the appointment, but my dad came along to help comfort the poor kid. There is a history of mental illness on both sides of the family so I brought up my concerns with the pediatrician, she gave us some steps to implement and told me that we could revisit this at the end of the summer and bring in a child psychologist if he didn't make notable improvement. His dad was not happy with some of what was said, and neither were his paternal grandparents. Basically, our son is dealing with a lot of fear and we were told to take small steps in increasing supported exposure and socialization. I asked her specifically about an outing to an amusement park that his dad was planning, she said it was a personal choice but that it wouldn't be an optimal environment for a kid struggling like he is. Same goes for sleepovers, we just attempted one with my own mom and he had to be picked up before dark because he was shaking/crying silently until I got there. We are supposed to do baby steps- library story times, play dates, parks, etc. And be supportive/empathetic/encouraging but not push/force him into anything. Dad and paternal grandma have not taken this well, both accused me of lying to keep the kid away from them and refused to speak to the pediatrician to confirm any of it. In fact, went so far as to say that the pediatrician wasn't qualified to say any of those things. I have screenshots of paternal grandma tagging me in a huge facebook blowup where I tried to explain, again, what the doctor said and how options for mental health are limited for kids his age and that I would never keep him away from them but only asked them to be patient and understanding and adapt to his needs but she kept verbally attacking me and threatened legal action. And because she is doing so, I expect she is encouraging her son to do the same thing and he only needed a little push to do something like this. So I ask: Do I have something to fear from her pursuing legal action against me? What kind of action could she even personally take? I know that his dad can pursue some sort of custody battle, though it confuses me when he has shown little interest while he could be visiting/taking our son out literally every day of the week under the agreement we have standing right now. It's not a legal document or anything, but it's something I have never fought with him about so I'm confused about why he would even bother. TLDR of sorts: Paternal grandmother is upset with information and restrictions/suggestions given by pediatrician and has attacked me on social media and threatened to pursue legal action, what kind of threat could she even be making and how seriously should I be concerned? And despite our out-of-court agreement on shared parenting (lives with me but dad can visit/take him out whenever he likes) I have a feeling the dad is now going to be pursuing some kind of legal action of his own under the guidance of the grandmother. How concerned should I be? Some facts I'm unsure of relevance: His dad claimed him on his taxes despite not living with his son or paying any sort of support, promised us we would get the money for things like clothes, etc for our son but we never did. I had to file first this time to avoid this happening again. They have no room or bed for him to sleep in, it's a three bedroom trailer with four adults living in it, I don't know where they would even house him. I did suggest parenting mediation with his dad, waiting for the mediation office to call me back to schedule the appointment. I am also pricing an evaluation with a mental health counselor for our son, it would be an out of pocket cost but if they could give a better and "more believable" opinion then I am very much open to paying for that. I will be getting a legal consultation either way, at the very least to start pursuing child support. I had hoped he would be more involved and supportive without requiring legal action so I never did this initially.
I'm really not the best with words so do bear with me here, I'll do my best to sum this up neatly: My son's father and I were engaged, never married, and split up a few months after his first birthday with the agreement that he was free to visit/see his son whenever he liked. For a while he wasn't interested in any sort of visitation, but he moved in with his parents and they started asking when the baby was coming over and if my ex could take the baby to do this/that/what have you. I made sure to schedule all doctor/dentist appointments around his dad's work schedule and let him know when they were just in case he wanted to be there. And we tried to maintain a pretty good co-parenting relationship and keep other things separate. Ups and downs were had. Now our son is a couple months past age three, his dad went from a semi-regular, once a week drop-in visit to a couple hours every week or two if he didn't have weekend plans already. I'd get a text asking if we were home and if we were, he would be there within 10 minutes but if we weren't then it wasn't worth the wait to visit. I had taken to communicating with our son's paternal grandmother a lot more, it was clear that his dad wasn't socializing him as much with his side of the family and they missed our son so occasionally we would just make plans for him to visit the grandparents. I never had any issues with working around holiday plans, scheduling "grandparent time" with them at their request, keeping them informed of what happened at pediatric appointments, etc. Now here's where things recently got ugly: Our son has dealt with a pretty long term (~1 year) chronic issue with absolutely no real explanation other than it's something he's doing on his own for a reason we don't understand. I have also been noticing a lot of behavior changes that had me concerned enough to take him to his pediatrician and discuss them and revisit his chronic issue and see if there might be ties or a cause/effect thing going on. His dad was informed but didn't come to the appointment, but my dad came along to help comfort the poor kid. There is a history of mental illness on both sides of the family so I brought up my concerns with the pediatrician, she gave us some steps to implement and told me that we could revisit this at the end of the summer and bring in a child psychologist if he didn't make notable improvement. His dad was not happy with some of what was said, and neither were his paternal grandparents. Basically, our son is dealing with a lot of fear and we were told to take small steps in increasing supported exposure and socialization. I asked her specifically about an outing to an amusement park that his dad was planning, she said it was a personal choice but that it wouldn't be an optimal environment for a kid struggling like he is. Same goes for sleepovers, we just attempted one with my own mom and he had to be picked up before dark because he was shaking/crying silently until I got there. We are supposed to do baby steps- library story times, play dates, parks, etc. And be supportive/empathetic/encouraging but not push/force him into anything. Dad and paternal grandma have not taken this well, both accused me of lying to keep the kid away from them and refused to speak to the pediatrician to confirm any of it. In fact, went so far as to say that the pediatrician wasn't qualified to say any of those things. I have screenshots of paternal grandma tagging me in a huge facebook blowup where I tried to explain, again, what the doctor said and how options for mental health are limited for kids his age and that I would never keep him away from them but only asked them to be patient and understanding and adapt to his needs but she kept verbally attacking me and threatened legal action. And because she is doing so, I expect she is encouraging her son to do the same thing and he only needed a little push to do something like this. So I ask: Do I have something to fear from her pursuing legal action against me? What kind of action could she even personally take? I know that his dad can pursue some sort of custody battle, though it confuses me when he has shown little interest while he could be visiting/taking our son out literally every day of the week under the agreement we have standing right now. It's not a legal document or anything, but it's something I have never fought with him about so I'm confused about why he would even bother.
of sorts: Paternal grandmother is upset with information and restrictions/suggestions given by pediatrician and has attacked me on social media and threatened to pursue legal action, what kind of threat could she even be making and how seriously should I be concerned? And despite our out-of-court agreement on shared parenting (lives with me but dad can visit/take him out whenever he likes) I have a feeling the dad is now going to be pursuing some kind of legal action of his own under the guidance of the grandmother. How concerned should I be? Some facts I'm unsure of relevance: His dad claimed him on his taxes despite not living with his son or paying any sort of support, promised us we would get the money for things like clothes, etc for our son but we never did. I had to file first this time to avoid this happening again. They have no room or bed for him to sleep in, it's a three bedroom trailer with four adults living in it, I don't know where they would even house him. I did suggest parenting mediation with his dad, waiting for the mediation office to call me back to schedule the appointment. I am also pricing an evaluation with a mental health counselor for our son, it would be an out of pocket cost but if they could give a better and "more believable" opinion then I am very much open to paying for that. I will be getting a legal consultation either way, at the very least to start pursuing child support. I had hoped he would be more involved and supportive without requiring legal action so I never did this initially.
Kind of a sensationalist article. I will say this however: There was a TEDx talk done in my hometown regarding ancient stone structures in New England as well as multiple reports from newspapers dating back to the earliest records of this country of giant human remains being found. It was a very interesting talk, full of picture of these stone structures as well as slides of these old newspaper articles describing these 8ft tall human remains that had been found all over the place throughout the years. Supposedly all these remains went to the Smithsonian and nobody will talk about it. Well, TED pulled the talk and it cannot be found anywhere on the internet. I believe in the letter they wrote, they mentioned the Smithsonian being pissed..... TL;DR There used to be giants in North America, dude did TED talk, censored and buried as "psuedoscience"
Kind of a sensationalist article. I will say this however: There was a TEDx talk done in my hometown regarding ancient stone structures in New England as well as multiple reports from newspapers dating back to the earliest records of this country of giant human remains being found. It was a very interesting talk, full of picture of these stone structures as well as slides of these old newspaper articles describing these 8ft tall human remains that had been found all over the place throughout the years. Supposedly all these remains went to the Smithsonian and nobody will talk about it. Well, TED pulled the talk and it cannot be found anywhere on the internet. I believe in the letter they wrote, they mentioned the Smithsonian being pissed..... TL;DR There used to be giants in North America, dude did TED talk, censored and buried as "psuedoscience"
Kind of a sensationalist article. I will say this however: There was a TEDx talk done in my hometown regarding ancient stone structures in New England as well as multiple reports from newspapers dating back to the earliest records of this country of giant human remains being found. It was a very interesting talk, full of picture of these stone structures as well as slides of these old newspaper articles describing these 8ft tall human remains that had been found all over the place throughout the years. Supposedly all these remains went to the Smithsonian and nobody will talk about it. Well, TED pulled the talk and it cannot be found anywhere on the internet. I believe in the letter they wrote, they mentioned the Smithsonian being pissed.....
There used to be giants in North America, dude did TED talk, censored and buried as "psuedoscience"
I am here to read the stories. Why would you assume otherwise? The asinine tldrs that people add don't contribute to the stories.
I am here to read the stories. Why would you assume otherwise? The asinine tldrs that people add don't contribute to the stories.
I am here to read the stories. Why would you assume otherwise? The asinine
s that people add don't contribute to the stories.
AP Biology. Goddamnit. I put myself in the worst possible circumstances for it though, I likely could have done really well if I didn't make such a poor decision. To start, I took it in my grade 11 year. I had only Biology 11 prior to AP Bio, and zero chemistry classes. Other classmates had Advanced Chem 12, AP Chem, etc, and had done Advanced/Regular Biology 12. I also was student council president that year. And, I was an executive member for a provincial student organization, and was in charge of running and organizing two student leadership conferences, as well as attending about 10 weekend meetings/conferences/retreats over the course of the school year, and that alone consumed 15+ hours of work a week. I worked part time after school. I was taking Advanced Math 11 and Advanced Math 12 that year, pushing up my academic stress level. Oh, and did I mention that AP Biology was taught online at 7:45am, twice a week? Most of the schools in my school board aren't big enough for AP classes, apart from one, so one of the teachers at that school does the lectures online twice a week, and we would visit that school every two weeks to do labs. Apart from the lectures, we were on our own for everything else. And, he was a douchebag. I ended up doing the bare minimum to pass, and came out with a 60 in the course, but somehow managed a 3 on the College Board Exam. I try and tell myself that I'm really bitter because this all just happened last year, but it really did fucking suck. It also made me realize that I want to do Social Sciences, not Biology, so that is the one plus that came out of it! **tl;dr Thought taking AP Biology while being under qualified and under high academic and extracurricular stress was a good idea. Wanted to kill myself all year. Fuck that class.** edit:formatting
AP Biology. Goddamnit. I put myself in the worst possible circumstances for it though, I likely could have done really well if I didn't make such a poor decision. To start, I took it in my grade 11 year. I had only Biology 11 prior to AP Bio, and zero chemistry classes. Other classmates had Advanced Chem 12, AP Chem, etc, and had done Advanced/Regular Biology 12. I also was student council president that year. And, I was an executive member for a provincial student organization, and was in charge of running and organizing two student leadership conferences, as well as attending about 10 weekend meetings/conferences/retreats over the course of the school year, and that alone consumed 15+ hours of work a week. I worked part time after school. I was taking Advanced Math 11 and Advanced Math 12 that year, pushing up my academic stress level. Oh, and did I mention that AP Biology was taught online at 7:45am, twice a week? Most of the schools in my school board aren't big enough for AP classes, apart from one, so one of the teachers at that school does the lectures online twice a week, and we would visit that school every two weeks to do labs. Apart from the lectures, we were on our own for everything else. And, he was a douchebag. I ended up doing the bare minimum to pass, and came out with a 60 in the course, but somehow managed a 3 on the College Board Exam. I try and tell myself that I'm really bitter because this all just happened last year, but it really did fucking suck. It also made me realize that I want to do Social Sciences, not Biology, so that is the one plus that came out of it! tl;dr Thought taking AP Biology while being under qualified and under high academic and extracurricular stress was a good idea. Wanted to kill myself all year. Fuck that class. edit:formatting
AP Biology. Goddamnit. I put myself in the worst possible circumstances for it though, I likely could have done really well if I didn't make such a poor decision. To start, I took it in my grade 11 year. I had only Biology 11 prior to AP Bio, and zero chemistry classes. Other classmates had Advanced Chem 12, AP Chem, etc, and had done Advanced/Regular Biology 12. I also was student council president that year. And, I was an executive member for a provincial student organization, and was in charge of running and organizing two student leadership conferences, as well as attending about 10 weekend meetings/conferences/retreats over the course of the school year, and that alone consumed 15+ hours of work a week. I worked part time after school. I was taking Advanced Math 11 and Advanced Math 12 that year, pushing up my academic stress level. Oh, and did I mention that AP Biology was taught online at 7:45am, twice a week? Most of the schools in my school board aren't big enough for AP classes, apart from one, so one of the teachers at that school does the lectures online twice a week, and we would visit that school every two weeks to do labs. Apart from the lectures, we were on our own for everything else. And, he was a douchebag. I ended up doing the bare minimum to pass, and came out with a 60 in the course, but somehow managed a 3 on the College Board Exam. I try and tell myself that I'm really bitter because this all just happened last year, but it really did fucking suck. It also made me realize that I want to do Social Sciences, not Biology, so that is the one plus that came out of it!
Thought taking AP Biology while being under qualified and under high academic and extracurricular stress was a good idea. Wanted to kill myself all year. Fuck that class. edit:formatting
I have a rather large collection of old SNES games that I use to play as a kid. I started getting into them again these past few months, however my SNES console crapped out on me. Surfing the net for a replacement led me to discover that aside from the original SNES console, there are "clone" systems or gimmick models that combine NES/SNES/SEGA all in one or somewhat combine 2 of the three. I was curious if any of you redditors own one and more importantly recommended a certain model over another? TLDR: Old SNES broke. Want to replace. Get an original system or buy a newer "clone" or "knockoff" model?
I have a rather large collection of old SNES games that I use to play as a kid. I started getting into them again these past few months, however my SNES console crapped out on me. Surfing the net for a replacement led me to discover that aside from the original SNES console, there are "clone" systems or gimmick models that combine NES/SNES/SEGA all in one or somewhat combine 2 of the three. I was curious if any of you redditors own one and more importantly recommended a certain model over another? TLDR: Old SNES broke. Want to replace. Get an original system or buy a newer "clone" or "knockoff" model?
I have a rather large collection of old SNES games that I use to play as a kid. I started getting into them again these past few months, however my SNES console crapped out on me. Surfing the net for a replacement led me to discover that aside from the original SNES console, there are "clone" systems or gimmick models that combine NES/SNES/SEGA all in one or somewhat combine 2 of the three. I was curious if any of you redditors own one and more importantly recommended a certain model over another?
Old SNES broke. Want to replace. Get an original system or buy a newer "clone" or "knockoff" model?
I have been with her for nearly 4 years and we have 2 children together and are engaged and planned to get married. &amp;nbsp; The honeymoon period was great, however, about almost 2 years ago, her "true" side started to show. She is very insecure and is completely immature when it comes to money. She lives waaay beyond our means. &amp;nbsp; Before getting with her, I had absolutely 0 debt. I had a contract phone and that was it, my finances (although not amazing) were fine, I didn't struggle, but I didn't go out and buy new things all the time, I saved and brought things in full. &amp;nbsp; She has put me in debt with so many things I'm starting to lose track and it's really spiralling out of control, and now I feel like a useless pushover because I would of just upped and left in my normal frame of mind but now I'm just stagnant here. She took out contract phones in my name without me knowing and then decided she didn't like the phone and sold it but we now have an unpaid bill (this has happened 3 times now). We have a joint bank account (big mistake, which I'm paying for now) so she has full access to our finances. She also opened a bank account in my name without me knowing until I found out via a letter through the post from the bank telling me how my new 2nd bank account is £400+ Overdrawn..... &amp;nbsp; When this problem first arose I tried stamping it out, and building a budget list for month to month, which she agreed to, and of course never stuck to. For example, we will need essentials from a shop (milk, butter ect) she will walk out having spent around £40-£60 (90% of which was spent on utter crap) and to top it off she swipped it with contactless which has now got us swipping the card more because every time we get paid it's overdrawn because of the amount she swipes. &amp;nbsp; She is manipulative and justify's anything she does and somehow manages to spin it around on me like its my fault and how she is the victim. She accepts now responsibility. I could go on about it more and more but it would turn to a wall of text. Everything is telling me to leave, but I'm just too afraid. What makes the situation worse for me is she is now starting to do zero housework, she just doesn't do anything. We did the housework as 50/50 but lately she said she wanted to do things her way so I left her to it, but now it's just an utter mess and she blames me for not helping. Even though I am the one who is now doing it all the time. She literally gives a massive list of how I'm such a bad person and don't do this, don't do that, how I don't care and it's always an argument, but she is always correct and it's always my fault some how. &amp;nbsp; My mum lives close by so going to live back there would be pointless as I feel she would just hassle me 24/7. And we have 2 kids together, and I feel like such an asshole if I leave them, it makes me feel like I'm abandoning them, and walking out of there lives (what my dad did) even though I'd want to see them as much as I could. I just don't know what to do, and just need some un-bias outside advice, anything really, I just need help :(. &amp;nbsp; **TL;DR** My gf of 4 years is sinking me into a scary amount of debt and is overall not a nice person but I'm scared to leave.
I have been with her for nearly 4 years and we have 2 children together and are engaged and planned to get married. &nbsp; The honeymoon period was great, however, about almost 2 years ago, her "true" side started to show. She is very insecure and is completely immature when it comes to money. She lives waaay beyond our means. &nbsp; Before getting with her, I had absolutely 0 debt. I had a contract phone and that was it, my finances (although not amazing) were fine, I didn't struggle, but I didn't go out and buy new things all the time, I saved and brought things in full. &nbsp; She has put me in debt with so many things I'm starting to lose track and it's really spiralling out of control, and now I feel like a useless pushover because I would of just upped and left in my normal frame of mind but now I'm just stagnant here. She took out contract phones in my name without me knowing and then decided she didn't like the phone and sold it but we now have an unpaid bill (this has happened 3 times now). We have a joint bank account (big mistake, which I'm paying for now) so she has full access to our finances. She also opened a bank account in my name without me knowing until I found out via a letter through the post from the bank telling me how my new 2nd bank account is £400+ Overdrawn..... &nbsp; When this problem first arose I tried stamping it out, and building a budget list for month to month, which she agreed to, and of course never stuck to. For example, we will need essentials from a shop (milk, butter ect) she will walk out having spent around £40-£60 (90% of which was spent on utter crap) and to top it off she swipped it with contactless which has now got us swipping the card more because every time we get paid it's overdrawn because of the amount she swipes. &nbsp; She is manipulative and justify's anything she does and somehow manages to spin it around on me like its my fault and how she is the victim. She accepts now responsibility. I could go on about it more and more but it would turn to a wall of text. Everything is telling me to leave, but I'm just too afraid. What makes the situation worse for me is she is now starting to do zero housework, she just doesn't do anything. We did the housework as 50/50 but lately she said she wanted to do things her way so I left her to it, but now it's just an utter mess and she blames me for not helping. Even though I am the one who is now doing it all the time. She literally gives a massive list of how I'm such a bad person and don't do this, don't do that, how I don't care and it's always an argument, but she is always correct and it's always my fault some how. &nbsp; My mum lives close by so going to live back there would be pointless as I feel she would just hassle me 24/7. And we have 2 kids together, and I feel like such an asshole if I leave them, it makes me feel like I'm abandoning them, and walking out of there lives (what my dad did) even though I'd want to see them as much as I could. I just don't know what to do, and just need some un-bias outside advice, anything really, I just need help :(. &nbsp; TL;DR My gf of 4 years is sinking me into a scary amount of debt and is overall not a nice person but I'm scared to leave.
I have been with her for nearly 4 years and we have 2 children together and are engaged and planned to get married. &nbsp; The honeymoon period was great, however, about almost 2 years ago, her "true" side started to show. She is very insecure and is completely immature when it comes to money. She lives waaay beyond our means. &nbsp; Before getting with her, I had absolutely 0 debt. I had a contract phone and that was it, my finances (although not amazing) were fine, I didn't struggle, but I didn't go out and buy new things all the time, I saved and brought things in full. &nbsp; She has put me in debt with so many things I'm starting to lose track and it's really spiralling out of control, and now I feel like a useless pushover because I would of just upped and left in my normal frame of mind but now I'm just stagnant here. She took out contract phones in my name without me knowing and then decided she didn't like the phone and sold it but we now have an unpaid bill (this has happened 3 times now). We have a joint bank account (big mistake, which I'm paying for now) so she has full access to our finances. She also opened a bank account in my name without me knowing until I found out via a letter through the post from the bank telling me how my new 2nd bank account is £400+ Overdrawn..... &nbsp; When this problem first arose I tried stamping it out, and building a budget list for month to month, which she agreed to, and of course never stuck to. For example, we will need essentials from a shop (milk, butter ect) she will walk out having spent around £40-£60 (90% of which was spent on utter crap) and to top it off she swipped it with contactless which has now got us swipping the card more because every time we get paid it's overdrawn because of the amount she swipes. &nbsp; She is manipulative and justify's anything she does and somehow manages to spin it around on me like its my fault and how she is the victim. She accepts now responsibility. I could go on about it more and more but it would turn to a wall of text. Everything is telling me to leave, but I'm just too afraid. What makes the situation worse for me is she is now starting to do zero housework, she just doesn't do anything. We did the housework as 50/50 but lately she said she wanted to do things her way so I left her to it, but now it's just an utter mess and she blames me for not helping. Even though I am the one who is now doing it all the time. She literally gives a massive list of how I'm such a bad person and don't do this, don't do that, how I don't care and it's always an argument, but she is always correct and it's always my fault some how. &nbsp; My mum lives close by so going to live back there would be pointless as I feel she would just hassle me 24/7. And we have 2 kids together, and I feel like such an asshole if I leave them, it makes me feel like I'm abandoning them, and walking out of there lives (what my dad did) even though I'd want to see them as much as I could. I just don't know what to do, and just need some un-bias outside advice, anything really, I just need help :(. &nbsp;
My gf of 4 years is sinking me into a scary amount of debt and is overall not a nice person but I'm scared to leave.
I'm a college student with a 4.0 gpa, who used to work in fast food. When one is a broke student, money is usually a good thing. Working in fast food, while not being the most glamorous job in the world, is still a job. And in this economy, you take what you can get. I can't even count how many times I was accosted by ignorant assholes who thought they were "above" me, simply because of my job. Your job does not dictate your intelligence level. In fact, most of my coworkers in said fast food place had a college degree, or were working on one. Sometimes, a job is just a job. How dare you. Stop perpetuating such a shitty stereotype. TL;DR.....Sounds like some of these fast food workers might be more intelligent than people like you. Seriously, screw you man.
I'm a college student with a 4.0 gpa, who used to work in fast food. When one is a broke student, money is usually a good thing. Working in fast food, while not being the most glamorous job in the world, is still a job. And in this economy, you take what you can get. I can't even count how many times I was accosted by ignorant assholes who thought they were "above" me, simply because of my job. Your job does not dictate your intelligence level. In fact, most of my coworkers in said fast food place had a college degree, or were working on one. Sometimes, a job is just a job. How dare you. Stop perpetuating such a shitty stereotype. TL;DR.....Sounds like some of these fast food workers might be more intelligent than people like you. Seriously, screw you man.
I'm a college student with a 4.0 gpa, who used to work in fast food. When one is a broke student, money is usually a good thing. Working in fast food, while not being the most glamorous job in the world, is still a job. And in this economy, you take what you can get. I can't even count how many times I was accosted by ignorant assholes who thought they were "above" me, simply because of my job. Your job does not dictate your intelligence level. In fact, most of my coworkers in said fast food place had a college degree, or were working on one. Sometimes, a job is just a job. How dare you. Stop perpetuating such a shitty stereotype.
Sounds like some of these fast food workers might be more intelligent than people like you. Seriously, screw you man.
I find explorer ward to be a great way to get into the other support's head. I try to ward their in-lane bush while they are inside. Sometime around the 3min mark. Especially on purple side this does 2 things. Either they attempt to clear the ward with a pink (which some do) or they avoid the bush all together. It also warns you of a possible lane gank after their jungle finishes his initial clear. TLDR: Nothing is better than tricking a support to pink an explorer ward.
I find explorer ward to be a great way to get into the other support's head. I try to ward their in-lane bush while they are inside. Sometime around the 3min mark. Especially on purple side this does 2 things. Either they attempt to clear the ward with a pink (which some do) or they avoid the bush all together. It also warns you of a possible lane gank after their jungle finishes his initial clear. TLDR: Nothing is better than tricking a support to pink an explorer ward.
I find explorer ward to be a great way to get into the other support's head. I try to ward their in-lane bush while they are inside. Sometime around the 3min mark. Especially on purple side this does 2 things. Either they attempt to clear the ward with a pink (which some do) or they avoid the bush all together. It also warns you of a possible lane gank after their jungle finishes his initial clear.
Nothing is better than tricking a support to pink an explorer ward.
It's FREE. Many upgrades do take a long time to aquire by grinding, but, the activities that you grind to upgrade your arsenal are randomly generated, and lots of fun. There is a ton of variety here. There's pleny of content too, and virtually none of it is behind a paywall. Personally, even though I haven't bought any in game currency, I think most of their purchases are worth it. TL;DR: You get to be a space ninja for free. By the way if you need a buddy, my GT is bollincrown.
It's FREE. Many upgrades do take a long time to aquire by grinding, but, the activities that you grind to upgrade your arsenal are randomly generated, and lots of fun. There is a ton of variety here. There's pleny of content too, and virtually none of it is behind a paywall. Personally, even though I haven't bought any in game currency, I think most of their purchases are worth it. TL;DR: You get to be a space ninja for free. By the way if you need a buddy, my GT is bollincrown.
It's FREE. Many upgrades do take a long time to aquire by grinding, but, the activities that you grind to upgrade your arsenal are randomly generated, and lots of fun. There is a ton of variety here. There's pleny of content too, and virtually none of it is behind a paywall. Personally, even though I haven't bought any in game currency, I think most of their purchases are worth it.
You get to be a space ninja for free. By the way if you need a buddy, my GT is bollincrown.
I thought things were going really well. After experiencing 'the droop' and subsequent performance anxiety with my girl, I completely cut out porn (video, images, gifs, everything). I used Cialis that my doctor prescribed me to get over the anxiety and it seemed to work. I continued to masturbate, but would fantasise about my girl or recall a time we were together. It all seemed to work great. I felt vital and energetic. I started getting hard-ons just from being around my girl, from kissing her, and I even got hard just seeing a hot girl on the street one day. Then things went awry. We arranged to spend the weekend together. I was really excited and was getting hard in the car from just looking into her eyes (cheesy, I know). When we finally got inside, we had sex several times and it was good. I had good wood and we had fun. We probably had sex three or four times. But the next morning I struggled to get a good rod going. And this was after I'd taken a Cialis the previous day just as an extra 'boost'. Nothing worked and we gave up. We ended up having good sex later on, but when we tried for a third time that afternoon, again, only semi-hard. It got my performance anxiety going again so I cut out masturbating this week and got a Cialis refill. When I saw her again, basically the same thing happened. Things were good the first couple of times, but then the droop, even the next day. What the hell happened to me? Am I just emptying the tank? This never used to be a problem. I was always good to go. Or is there something else at play here? Is it possible having sex several times in the one day activated the parts of my brain that used to be associated with porn? I feel like when I'm having sex, my brain is treating it like porn so it doesn't give me a full erection because it doesn't need to. Is that possible? Tl;dr: Thought things were going well with my reboot (was getting healthy wood again just from touching, kissing, etc.) but I find that after having sex with my girl a few times in one day, I get the droop. Any explanation or possible treatment suggestions?
I thought things were going really well. After experiencing 'the droop' and subsequent performance anxiety with my girl, I completely cut out porn (video, images, gifs, everything). I used Cialis that my doctor prescribed me to get over the anxiety and it seemed to work. I continued to masturbate, but would fantasise about my girl or recall a time we were together. It all seemed to work great. I felt vital and energetic. I started getting hard-ons just from being around my girl, from kissing her, and I even got hard just seeing a hot girl on the street one day. Then things went awry. We arranged to spend the weekend together. I was really excited and was getting hard in the car from just looking into her eyes (cheesy, I know). When we finally got inside, we had sex several times and it was good. I had good wood and we had fun. We probably had sex three or four times. But the next morning I struggled to get a good rod going. And this was after I'd taken a Cialis the previous day just as an extra 'boost'. Nothing worked and we gave up. We ended up having good sex later on, but when we tried for a third time that afternoon, again, only semi-hard. It got my performance anxiety going again so I cut out masturbating this week and got a Cialis refill. When I saw her again, basically the same thing happened. Things were good the first couple of times, but then the droop, even the next day. What the hell happened to me? Am I just emptying the tank? This never used to be a problem. I was always good to go. Or is there something else at play here? Is it possible having sex several times in the one day activated the parts of my brain that used to be associated with porn? I feel like when I'm having sex, my brain is treating it like porn so it doesn't give me a full erection because it doesn't need to. Is that possible? Tl;dr: Thought things were going well with my reboot (was getting healthy wood again just from touching, kissing, etc.) but I find that after having sex with my girl a few times in one day, I get the droop. Any explanation or possible treatment suggestions?
I thought things were going really well. After experiencing 'the droop' and subsequent performance anxiety with my girl, I completely cut out porn (video, images, gifs, everything). I used Cialis that my doctor prescribed me to get over the anxiety and it seemed to work. I continued to masturbate, but would fantasise about my girl or recall a time we were together. It all seemed to work great. I felt vital and energetic. I started getting hard-ons just from being around my girl, from kissing her, and I even got hard just seeing a hot girl on the street one day. Then things went awry. We arranged to spend the weekend together. I was really excited and was getting hard in the car from just looking into her eyes (cheesy, I know). When we finally got inside, we had sex several times and it was good. I had good wood and we had fun. We probably had sex three or four times. But the next morning I struggled to get a good rod going. And this was after I'd taken a Cialis the previous day just as an extra 'boost'. Nothing worked and we gave up. We ended up having good sex later on, but when we tried for a third time that afternoon, again, only semi-hard. It got my performance anxiety going again so I cut out masturbating this week and got a Cialis refill. When I saw her again, basically the same thing happened. Things were good the first couple of times, but then the droop, even the next day. What the hell happened to me? Am I just emptying the tank? This never used to be a problem. I was always good to go. Or is there something else at play here? Is it possible having sex several times in the one day activated the parts of my brain that used to be associated with porn? I feel like when I'm having sex, my brain is treating it like porn so it doesn't give me a full erection because it doesn't need to. Is that possible?
Thought things were going well with my reboot (was getting healthy wood again just from touching, kissing, etc.) but I find that after having sex with my girl a few times in one day, I get the droop. Any explanation or possible treatment suggestions?
Hey guys, out of my own stupidity, I think i wrecked my car in the most expensive way possible. Due to my own negligence, i didnt know that my 90 toyota turbo supra was running with out oil (none showed up on the dipstick). I was coming off the highway going at 110kmh at ~4k rpm then i started to hear a rattle in the engine bay and felt the rattle vibration in the gas pedal as i pressed it down. My car slowed down considerably and i had to slowly move off the highway to take her somewhere safe (maybe 2km drive to get off highway #1 in Vancouver). When i drove her to where i ultimately parked her, she actually shut off one time when was coming to a stop (and the check battery light came on, my sound system was still working fine). Looking at the dipstick after and unscrewing the oil cap, i saw the inside of the engine was smoking (DEFINATELY NO OIL) I then parked her over night and topped off her oil (3L of 5w-40) in the morning. Right after topping her off, i would only hear rattling on park @ ~1.5k rpm and while driving, the rattling was barely noticeable. I then drove her another ~4km home and as i got closer, the rattling returned and got louder and louder with the rpms until she almost died. What im most concerned about is the fact that i can feel the vibrations of each tick when i have my foot on the gas. At the moment, she still starts up(with plenty of rattling involved) and any movement will induce more rattling. It was suggested to me to add some lucas heavy duty oil stabilzer, but im thinking i bent something in the engine and may need an engine rebuild. Does anyone have any thoughts on what i should do/what happened to my car/ have exp with this problem? Im probably gonna go with an engine rebuild if it comes down to it -Thanks so much for any input! tldr; drove my car without oil, now it ticks and runs poorly (but still starts). Can i fix her?!| EDIT: heres a video of the exact noise my car makes [noise](
Hey guys, out of my own stupidity, I think i wrecked my car in the most expensive way possible. Due to my own negligence, i didnt know that my 90 toyota turbo supra was running with out oil (none showed up on the dipstick). I was coming off the highway going at 110kmh at ~4k rpm then i started to hear a rattle in the engine bay and felt the rattle vibration in the gas pedal as i pressed it down. My car slowed down considerably and i had to slowly move off the highway to take her somewhere safe (maybe 2km drive to get off highway #1 in Vancouver). When i drove her to where i ultimately parked her, she actually shut off one time when was coming to a stop (and the check battery light came on, my sound system was still working fine). Looking at the dipstick after and unscrewing the oil cap, i saw the inside of the engine was smoking (DEFINATELY NO OIL) I then parked her over night and topped off her oil (3L of 5w-40) in the morning. Right after topping her off, i would only hear rattling on park @ ~1.5k rpm and while driving, the rattling was barely noticeable. I then drove her another ~4km home and as i got closer, the rattling returned and got louder and louder with the rpms until she almost died. What im most concerned about is the fact that i can feel the vibrations of each tick when i have my foot on the gas. At the moment, she still starts up(with plenty of rattling involved) and any movement will induce more rattling. It was suggested to me to add some lucas heavy duty oil stabilzer, but im thinking i bent something in the engine and may need an engine rebuild. Does anyone have any thoughts on what i should do/what happened to my car/ have exp with this problem? Im probably gonna go with an engine rebuild if it comes down to it -Thanks so much for any input! tldr; drove my car without oil, now it ticks and runs poorly (but still starts). Can i fix her?!| EDIT: heres a video of the exact noise my car makes [noise](
Hey guys, out of my own stupidity, I think i wrecked my car in the most expensive way possible. Due to my own negligence, i didnt know that my 90 toyota turbo supra was running with out oil (none showed up on the dipstick). I was coming off the highway going at 110kmh at ~4k rpm then i started to hear a rattle in the engine bay and felt the rattle vibration in the gas pedal as i pressed it down. My car slowed down considerably and i had to slowly move off the highway to take her somewhere safe (maybe 2km drive to get off highway #1 in Vancouver). When i drove her to where i ultimately parked her, she actually shut off one time when was coming to a stop (and the check battery light came on, my sound system was still working fine). Looking at the dipstick after and unscrewing the oil cap, i saw the inside of the engine was smoking (DEFINATELY NO OIL) I then parked her over night and topped off her oil (3L of 5w-40) in the morning. Right after topping her off, i would only hear rattling on park @ ~1.5k rpm and while driving, the rattling was barely noticeable. I then drove her another ~4km home and as i got closer, the rattling returned and got louder and louder with the rpms until she almost died. What im most concerned about is the fact that i can feel the vibrations of each tick when i have my foot on the gas. At the moment, she still starts up(with plenty of rattling involved) and any movement will induce more rattling. It was suggested to me to add some lucas heavy duty oil stabilzer, but im thinking i bent something in the engine and may need an engine rebuild. Does anyone have any thoughts on what i should do/what happened to my car/ have exp with this problem? Im probably gonna go with an engine rebuild if it comes down to it -Thanks so much for any input!
drove my car without oil, now it ticks and runs poorly (but still starts). Can i fix her?!| EDIT: heres a video of the exact noise my car makes [noise](
'Atheist' has a lot of different meanings(mostly just the two, but that's besides the point), but that's not what a lot of us(me, at least) are saying when we talk about definitions. Until someone has told you what specific kind of atheist they are, the only thing you can safely assume by the title 'atheist' is that they don't believe in any gods. Their perceived security in the statement or any other beliefs that aren't directly related to whether or not gods exist are entirely irrelevant. Think about it like this. There are many kinds of quadrilateral(four sided) polygons. Some of them are trapezoids, some of them are squares, some are elongated rectangles, and there are countless other variations. If someone says "The shape I'm thinking about is a quad!", it is not logically sound to say "Well any of those would be valid answers." The only thing you may assume about the imagined shape is that it has four sides. Any other assumption is nothing but speculation, at best(and Straw Man, at worst). It might be a bummer that "it's a quad!" doesn't help you to understand the shape better, but that's really just your(nebulous 'you', there; not singling you out, OP) fault for expecting more from a word than what it can offer. Atheist is just not a particularly helpful adjective; the only thing inherently described by the word is a lack of belief in any gods. Every other definition is bonus bullshit that has been haphazardly strapped to the word because the world is full of idiots demanding to have a single word to describe their personal particular beliefs. TL;DR: 'Atheist' an adjective. When people use it as a title, they're only adding a need for more explanation, rather than less, which defeats the entire purpose of such titles.
'Atheist' has a lot of different meanings(mostly just the two, but that's besides the point), but that's not what a lot of us(me, at least) are saying when we talk about definitions. Until someone has told you what specific kind of atheist they are, the only thing you can safely assume by the title 'atheist' is that they don't believe in any gods. Their perceived security in the statement or any other beliefs that aren't directly related to whether or not gods exist are entirely irrelevant. Think about it like this. There are many kinds of quadrilateral(four sided) polygons. Some of them are trapezoids, some of them are squares, some are elongated rectangles, and there are countless other variations. If someone says "The shape I'm thinking about is a quad!", it is not logically sound to say "Well any of those would be valid answers." The only thing you may assume about the imagined shape is that it has four sides. Any other assumption is nothing but speculation, at best(and Straw Man, at worst). It might be a bummer that "it's a quad!" doesn't help you to understand the shape better, but that's really just your(nebulous 'you', there; not singling you out, OP) fault for expecting more from a word than what it can offer. Atheist is just not a particularly helpful adjective; the only thing inherently described by the word is a lack of belief in any gods. Every other definition is bonus bullshit that has been haphazardly strapped to the word because the world is full of idiots demanding to have a single word to describe their personal particular beliefs. TL;DR: 'Atheist' an adjective. When people use it as a title, they're only adding a need for more explanation, rather than less, which defeats the entire purpose of such titles.
Atheist' has a lot of different meanings(mostly just the two, but that's besides the point), but that's not what a lot of us(me, at least) are saying when we talk about definitions. Until someone has told you what specific kind of atheist they are, the only thing you can safely assume by the title 'atheist' is that they don't believe in any gods. Their perceived security in the statement or any other beliefs that aren't directly related to whether or not gods exist are entirely irrelevant. Think about it like this. There are many kinds of quadrilateral(four sided) polygons. Some of them are trapezoids, some of them are squares, some are elongated rectangles, and there are countless other variations. If someone says "The shape I'm thinking about is a quad!", it is not logically sound to say "Well any of those would be valid answers." The only thing you may assume about the imagined shape is that it has four sides. Any other assumption is nothing but speculation, at best(and Straw Man, at worst). It might be a bummer that "it's a quad!" doesn't help you to understand the shape better, but that's really just your(nebulous 'you', there; not singling you out, OP) fault for expecting more from a word than what it can offer. Atheist is just not a particularly helpful adjective; the only thing inherently described by the word is a lack of belief in any gods. Every other definition is bonus bullshit that has been haphazardly strapped to the word because the world is full of idiots demanding to have a single word to describe their personal particular beliefs.
Atheist' an adjective. When people use it as a title, they're only adding a need for more explanation, rather than less, which defeats the entire purpose of such titles.
So currently I weigh 160, I'm 5'8, male &amp; 20 years old. My goal is to lose my beer gut(although I don't drink beer, it's just to give you an idea) by my birthday which is August 1st. I know it sound ridiculous but that's my motivation to achieve this. My weight goal is 130-135 I've started to change my diet for the better, no soda, no junk food, no fast food. I've started to run on the trails around my city &amp; started to see some improvements in my stamina(yay). My question is how can I lose my stomach fat faster other than just running? I'd also appreciate guide to eating healthier :) Thank you for your time! TL;DR Trying to go from beer gut to flat stomach in less then three months, what ways can I do this other then running.
So currently I weigh 160, I'm 5'8, male & 20 years old. My goal is to lose my beer gut(although I don't drink beer, it's just to give you an idea) by my birthday which is August 1st. I know it sound ridiculous but that's my motivation to achieve this. My weight goal is 130-135 I've started to change my diet for the better, no soda, no junk food, no fast food. I've started to run on the trails around my city & started to see some improvements in my stamina(yay). My question is how can I lose my stomach fat faster other than just running? I'd also appreciate guide to eating healthier :) Thank you for your time! TL;DR Trying to go from beer gut to flat stomach in less then three months, what ways can I do this other then running.
So currently I weigh 160, I'm 5'8, male & 20 years old. My goal is to lose my beer gut(although I don't drink beer, it's just to give you an idea) by my birthday which is August 1st. I know it sound ridiculous but that's my motivation to achieve this. My weight goal is 130-135 I've started to change my diet for the better, no soda, no junk food, no fast food. I've started to run on the trails around my city & started to see some improvements in my stamina(yay). My question is how can I lose my stomach fat faster other than just running? I'd also appreciate guide to eating healthier :) Thank you for your time!
Trying to go from beer gut to flat stomach in less then three months, what ways can I do this other then running.
I am looking to get into mechanical mods and I was looking to get some advice on a starting setup. Should I get different kinds of batteries for different atomizers? I know most people use mechs to do sub-ohm setups and that is eventually what I want to do but I want to know if using a premade coil on a mech is a fruitless endeavor? Can different switch setups be put on different mod devices? I like some of the different styles of mods but I do not like the spring locking mechanism and I was wondering if it was possible to put say a manhattan button on a nemesis clone or a 4nine clone? I know I will need some 30a continuous discharge batteries just so I can stay well within the operating range of the batteries. I am going to be going with an Intel charger to make sure I don't over charge the batteries. Which RDAs are the easiest to rebuild? I want to get a couple different heads to do different coil builds. I was considering a poseidon, vulcan, tobh atty v2 and a stillare storm but I do not know which would be the best two or three out of the bunch. I am also between a 4nine clone or a manhattan clone but I have not been able to find much information on either. If you guys could tell me if I am headed in the right direction or give me some more information as to what I should be looking for when I go to purchase a mod I would be very appreciative. Also, I was considering purchasing a DNA 30 clone but I do not know which were the best for the cheapest price or if I should just go with a tesla vv/vw as well as a mech mod. tl:dr... I don't know if my initial choices are right for me, please help me assess my current situation.
I am looking to get into mechanical mods and I was looking to get some advice on a starting setup. Should I get different kinds of batteries for different atomizers? I know most people use mechs to do sub-ohm setups and that is eventually what I want to do but I want to know if using a premade coil on a mech is a fruitless endeavor? Can different switch setups be put on different mod devices? I like some of the different styles of mods but I do not like the spring locking mechanism and I was wondering if it was possible to put say a manhattan button on a nemesis clone or a 4nine clone? I know I will need some 30a continuous discharge batteries just so I can stay well within the operating range of the batteries. I am going to be going with an Intel charger to make sure I don't over charge the batteries. Which RDAs are the easiest to rebuild? I want to get a couple different heads to do different coil builds. I was considering a poseidon, vulcan, tobh atty v2 and a stillare storm but I do not know which would be the best two or three out of the bunch. I am also between a 4nine clone or a manhattan clone but I have not been able to find much information on either. If you guys could tell me if I am headed in the right direction or give me some more information as to what I should be looking for when I go to purchase a mod I would be very appreciative. Also, I was considering purchasing a DNA 30 clone but I do not know which were the best for the cheapest price or if I should just go with a tesla vv/vw as well as a mech mod. tl:dr... I don't know if my initial choices are right for me, please help me assess my current situation.
I am looking to get into mechanical mods and I was looking to get some advice on a starting setup. Should I get different kinds of batteries for different atomizers? I know most people use mechs to do sub-ohm setups and that is eventually what I want to do but I want to know if using a premade coil on a mech is a fruitless endeavor? Can different switch setups be put on different mod devices? I like some of the different styles of mods but I do not like the spring locking mechanism and I was wondering if it was possible to put say a manhattan button on a nemesis clone or a 4nine clone? I know I will need some 30a continuous discharge batteries just so I can stay well within the operating range of the batteries. I am going to be going with an Intel charger to make sure I don't over charge the batteries. Which RDAs are the easiest to rebuild? I want to get a couple different heads to do different coil builds. I was considering a poseidon, vulcan, tobh atty v2 and a stillare storm but I do not know which would be the best two or three out of the bunch. I am also between a 4nine clone or a manhattan clone but I have not been able to find much information on either. If you guys could tell me if I am headed in the right direction or give me some more information as to what I should be looking for when I go to purchase a mod I would be very appreciative. Also, I was considering purchasing a DNA 30 clone but I do not know which were the best for the cheapest price or if I should just go with a tesla vv/vw as well as a mech mod.
I don't know if my initial choices are right for me, please help me assess my current situation.
So this may seem like a trivial idea to some, but to me an implementation like this would create a fairly significant benefit that could make Overwatch a lot more profitable. &amp;nbsp; More 3rd person emotes would give more incentive to buy skins, and I'll explain why. Most games where skins can be purchased are 3rd person games where you can appreciate looking at your character's cool skin all game long (League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, etc). Overwatch is different because it's a first person shooter. You spend most of every game never being able to see your own hero (aside from kill-cams, POTG, and one emote option). It reminds me of cardbacks in Hearthstone, where in an ironic twist you're able to appreciate your opponent's card skin more than your own. &amp;nbsp; I love the heroes in Overwatch. I'm going to buy skins. But the harsh reality is that I will be paying real money for skins that I will often forget I'm even wearing. Yet amidst the darkness...I believe there is hope: 3rd person emotes! &amp;nbsp; Bored while sitting around waiting for the game to start? Use the **dance** emote and watch your decked out hero shake it! Just made an awesome play and want to flaunt your arrogance? Use the **taunt** emote and watch your enemies run away in fear! Want to troll your enemies? Use the **feign death** emote to blend right in with the rest of your dead team! It would make the social aspect of the game more dynamic, allow for some hilarious POTG's/montages/videos, and again it would allow players to better appreciate their hero skins (AKA more $$ for you Blizzard). So really, what is there to lose? &amp;nbsp; TL;DR - Skins aren't that worthwhile in a game where you can't see your hero 95% of the time. More 3rd person emotes would let people appreciate their skins a bit more, while also making the game more dynamic!
So this may seem like a trivial idea to some, but to me an implementation like this would create a fairly significant benefit that could make Overwatch a lot more profitable. &nbsp; More 3rd person emotes would give more incentive to buy skins, and I'll explain why. Most games where skins can be purchased are 3rd person games where you can appreciate looking at your character's cool skin all game long (League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, etc). Overwatch is different because it's a first person shooter. You spend most of every game never being able to see your own hero (aside from kill-cams, POTG, and one emote option). It reminds me of cardbacks in Hearthstone, where in an ironic twist you're able to appreciate your opponent's card skin more than your own. &nbsp; I love the heroes in Overwatch. I'm going to buy skins. But the harsh reality is that I will be paying real money for skins that I will often forget I'm even wearing. Yet amidst the darkness...I believe there is hope: 3rd person emotes! &nbsp; Bored while sitting around waiting for the game to start? Use the dance emote and watch your decked out hero shake it! Just made an awesome play and want to flaunt your arrogance? Use the taunt emote and watch your enemies run away in fear! Want to troll your enemies? Use the feign death emote to blend right in with the rest of your dead team! It would make the social aspect of the game more dynamic, allow for some hilarious POTG's/montages/videos, and again it would allow players to better appreciate their hero skins (AKA more $$ for you Blizzard). So really, what is there to lose? &nbsp; TL;DR - Skins aren't that worthwhile in a game where you can't see your hero 95% of the time. More 3rd person emotes would let people appreciate their skins a bit more, while also making the game more dynamic!
So this may seem like a trivial idea to some, but to me an implementation like this would create a fairly significant benefit that could make Overwatch a lot more profitable. &nbsp; More 3rd person emotes would give more incentive to buy skins, and I'll explain why. Most games where skins can be purchased are 3rd person games where you can appreciate looking at your character's cool skin all game long (League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, etc). Overwatch is different because it's a first person shooter. You spend most of every game never being able to see your own hero (aside from kill-cams, POTG, and one emote option). It reminds me of cardbacks in Hearthstone, where in an ironic twist you're able to appreciate your opponent's card skin more than your own. &nbsp; I love the heroes in Overwatch. I'm going to buy skins. But the harsh reality is that I will be paying real money for skins that I will often forget I'm even wearing. Yet amidst the darkness...I believe there is hope: 3rd person emotes! &nbsp; Bored while sitting around waiting for the game to start? Use the dance emote and watch your decked out hero shake it! Just made an awesome play and want to flaunt your arrogance? Use the taunt emote and watch your enemies run away in fear! Want to troll your enemies? Use the feign death emote to blend right in with the rest of your dead team! It would make the social aspect of the game more dynamic, allow for some hilarious POTG's/montages/videos, and again it would allow players to better appreciate their hero skins (AKA more $$ for you Blizzard). So really, what is there to lose? &nbsp;
Skins aren't that worthwhile in a game where you can't see your hero 95% of the time. More 3rd person emotes would let people appreciate their skins a bit more, while also making the game more dynamic!
Using Logic Pro X. My 808 bass line (used from a sample) crackles after exporting my project track but sounds completely fine when playing the track in Logic Pro X. I am having a hard time finding out the problem behind this. The Bass sample is 16bit and 44100 Sample Rate. I am exporting the file as an mp3 at highest bit rate mono and highest bit rate stereo (320kbps). I have tried exporting the track as an .aif and as a .mp3 file. There is less crackling on the .aif file but there is still some present. I have also tried lowering the 78.0 Hz levels on the Channel EQ but there is still crackling present. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TL;DR - Bass line crackling after exporting track.
Using Logic Pro X. My 808 bass line (used from a sample) crackles after exporting my project track but sounds completely fine when playing the track in Logic Pro X. I am having a hard time finding out the problem behind this. The Bass sample is 16bit and 44100 Sample Rate. I am exporting the file as an mp3 at highest bit rate mono and highest bit rate stereo (320kbps). I have tried exporting the track as an .aif and as a .mp3 file. There is less crackling on the .aif file but there is still some present. I have also tried lowering the 78.0 Hz levels on the Channel EQ but there is still crackling present. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TL;DR - Bass line crackling after exporting track.
Using Logic Pro X. My 808 bass line (used from a sample) crackles after exporting my project track but sounds completely fine when playing the track in Logic Pro X. I am having a hard time finding out the problem behind this. The Bass sample is 16bit and 44100 Sample Rate. I am exporting the file as an mp3 at highest bit rate mono and highest bit rate stereo (320kbps). I have tried exporting the track as an .aif and as a .mp3 file. There is less crackling on the .aif file but there is still some present. I have also tried lowering the 78.0 Hz levels on the Channel EQ but there is still crackling present. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Bass line crackling after exporting track.
Hello reddit! I, like many of you, am getting unreasonably excited about this upcoming game. I have been following it for a few years now (although am pretty new to the reddit community here) and the thing that has gotten me the most excited from the start is just how **HUGE** this galaxy/universe/snowglobe is. That coupled with the many endeavors that have been mentioned here about the desire to, as a community, come together and catalogue everything we see and find got me thinking: Just how big would that repository of NMS information become if somehow we magically visited every planet and recorded even basic details about it? The answer? We're gonna need a bigger boat (internet). **What I did:** I used another beloved sci-fi universe's wiki as a benchmark for how large a wiki page about an arbitrarily chosen planet would be. In Mass Effect 2 you could travel the galaxy and probe planets for resources, each of which was dutifully documented in the ME wiki. Enter my new friend: Ageko [Mass Effect Wiki]( Ageko is described with two small paragraphs and a table with some statistics and an image and the rest of the wiki page redirecting around the larger site. After all you can't even visit any part of the planet, let alone explore every square inch. After combing through page resources via Chrome dev tools and blocking as many crappy ads as I could I found the size of the main content of the page was roughly 19 KB (With everything unblocked and counting all the resources the page used it was well over 300 KB, so keep in mind I was trying to be as conservative as possible. Really?! ADB FLASH? It's 2016 for god's sake). Now, for our procedurally generated 18 quintillion possible planets: 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 to be exact (Maximum Integer on a 64 bit computer). I headed over to wolfram alpha and multiplied that by our new friend Ageko's 19 KB. **The Result:** [Wolfram alpha Calculation 1]( This gave me 3.523 x 10^23 bytes, to which I said, "Neat!... how the hell big is that?" So from there I went into the google and from there I found this article from Cisco about projected internet volume trends: [Cisco Article]( At the very end of their article they have an estimated monthly global IP traffic in Petabytes for the year 2016: 88,427 PB So take that times 12 and you have roughly the total amount of internet traffic in bytes for this year which gives us: [Wolfram Alpha calculation 2]( 1.061 x 10^21 bytes. To which I said, "Wow! That's a lot of cat memes and rule 34" **Finally:** Now! Obviously our theoretical No Mans Sky wiki is larger that the total projected internet traffic this year, but how much bigger? (Reddit URL Formatter didn't like this one) **344.5 times bigger** It is important to remember that the amount of internet traffic is always going to be way bigger than the "Size" of the internet because many people access the same stored data many times. **Encore:** To compare apples to apples (or androids to androids if that your thing) we need a different statistic. I found an article about a report done in 2011 that says that scientists estimated that since 1986 humanity had stored a total of 295 exabytes of data total. [Computerworld Article]( So we now have the sum of human digital knowledge from 1986 to 2011 versus the completed wiki of No Mans Sky, and our guy outweighs him **925.3 times over** Anyway, thanks for reading! Eyes up explorers, we have some work to do. I'm sure I will be editing for typos and what not, I don't feel like proofreading... TL;DR I mathed all over the place and found out that a Wiki about every theoretical planet in No Mans Sky would be larger in size than the total amount of projected global internet traffic this year and the sum of all stored digital information since the mid-80's a few hundred times over.
Hello reddit! I, like many of you, am getting unreasonably excited about this upcoming game. I have been following it for a few years now (although am pretty new to the reddit community here) and the thing that has gotten me the most excited from the start is just how HUGE this galaxy/universe/snowglobe is. That coupled with the many endeavors that have been mentioned here about the desire to, as a community, come together and catalogue everything we see and find got me thinking: Just how big would that repository of NMS information become if somehow we magically visited every planet and recorded even basic details about it? The answer? We're gonna need a bigger boat (internet). What I did: I used another beloved sci-fi universe's wiki as a benchmark for how large a wiki page about an arbitrarily chosen planet would be. In Mass Effect 2 you could travel the galaxy and probe planets for resources, each of which was dutifully documented in the ME wiki. Enter my new friend: Ageko [Mass Effect Wiki]( Ageko is described with two small paragraphs and a table with some statistics and an image and the rest of the wiki page redirecting around the larger site. After all you can't even visit any part of the planet, let alone explore every square inch. After combing through page resources via Chrome dev tools and blocking as many crappy ads as I could I found the size of the main content of the page was roughly 19 KB (With everything unblocked and counting all the resources the page used it was well over 300 KB, so keep in mind I was trying to be as conservative as possible. Really?! ADB FLASH? It's 2016 for god's sake). Now, for our procedurally generated 18 quintillion possible planets: 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 to be exact (Maximum Integer on a 64 bit computer). I headed over to wolfram alpha and multiplied that by our new friend Ageko's 19 KB. The Result: [Wolfram alpha Calculation 1]( This gave me 3.523 x 10^23 bytes, to which I said, "Neat!... how the hell big is that?" So from there I went into the google and from there I found this article from Cisco about projected internet volume trends: [Cisco Article]( At the very end of their article they have an estimated monthly global IP traffic in Petabytes for the year 2016: 88,427 PB So take that times 12 and you have roughly the total amount of internet traffic in bytes for this year which gives us: [Wolfram Alpha calculation 2]( 1.061 x 10^21 bytes. To which I said, "Wow! That's a lot of cat memes and rule 34" Finally: Now! Obviously our theoretical No Mans Sky wiki is larger that the total projected internet traffic this year, but how much bigger? (Reddit URL Formatter didn't like this one) 344.5 times bigger It is important to remember that the amount of internet traffic is always going to be way bigger than the "Size" of the internet because many people access the same stored data many times. Encore: To compare apples to apples (or androids to androids if that your thing) we need a different statistic. I found an article about a report done in 2011 that says that scientists estimated that since 1986 humanity had stored a total of 295 exabytes of data total. [Computerworld Article]( So we now have the sum of human digital knowledge from 1986 to 2011 versus the completed wiki of No Mans Sky, and our guy outweighs him 925.3 times over Anyway, thanks for reading! Eyes up explorers, we have some work to do. I'm sure I will be editing for typos and what not, I don't feel like proofreading... TL;DR I mathed all over the place and found out that a Wiki about every theoretical planet in No Mans Sky would be larger in size than the total amount of projected global internet traffic this year and the sum of all stored digital information since the mid-80's a few hundred times over.
Hello reddit! I, like many of you, am getting unreasonably excited about this upcoming game. I have been following it for a few years now (although am pretty new to the reddit community here) and the thing that has gotten me the most excited from the start is just how HUGE this galaxy/universe/snowglobe is. That coupled with the many endeavors that have been mentioned here about the desire to, as a community, come together and catalogue everything we see and find got me thinking: Just how big would that repository of NMS information become if somehow we magically visited every planet and recorded even basic details about it? The answer? We're gonna need a bigger boat (internet). What I did: I used another beloved sci-fi universe's wiki as a benchmark for how large a wiki page about an arbitrarily chosen planet would be. In Mass Effect 2 you could travel the galaxy and probe planets for resources, each of which was dutifully documented in the ME wiki. Enter my new friend: Ageko [Mass Effect Wiki]( Ageko is described with two small paragraphs and a table with some statistics and an image and the rest of the wiki page redirecting around the larger site. After all you can't even visit any part of the planet, let alone explore every square inch. After combing through page resources via Chrome dev tools and blocking as many crappy ads as I could I found the size of the main content of the page was roughly 19 KB (With everything unblocked and counting all the resources the page used it was well over 300 KB, so keep in mind I was trying to be as conservative as possible. Really?! ADB FLASH? It's 2016 for god's sake). Now, for our procedurally generated 18 quintillion possible planets: 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 to be exact (Maximum Integer on a 64 bit computer). I headed over to wolfram alpha and multiplied that by our new friend Ageko's 19 KB. The Result: [Wolfram alpha Calculation 1]( This gave me 3.523 x 10^23 bytes, to which I said, "Neat!... how the hell big is that?" So from there I went into the google and from there I found this article from Cisco about projected internet volume trends: [Cisco Article]( At the very end of their article they have an estimated monthly global IP traffic in Petabytes for the year 2016: 88,427 PB So take that times 12 and you have roughly the total amount of internet traffic in bytes for this year which gives us: [Wolfram Alpha calculation 2]( 1.061 x 10^21 bytes. To which I said, "Wow! That's a lot of cat memes and rule 34" Finally: Now! Obviously our theoretical No Mans Sky wiki is larger that the total projected internet traffic this year, but how much bigger? (Reddit URL Formatter didn't like this one) 344.5 times bigger It is important to remember that the amount of internet traffic is always going to be way bigger than the "Size" of the internet because many people access the same stored data many times. Encore: To compare apples to apples (or androids to androids if that your thing) we need a different statistic. I found an article about a report done in 2011 that says that scientists estimated that since 1986 humanity had stored a total of 295 exabytes of data total. [Computerworld Article]( So we now have the sum of human digital knowledge from 1986 to 2011 versus the completed wiki of No Mans Sky, and our guy outweighs him 925.3 times over Anyway, thanks for reading! Eyes up explorers, we have some work to do. I'm sure I will be editing for typos and what not, I don't feel like proofreading...
I mathed all over the place and found out that a Wiki about every theoretical planet in No Mans Sky would be larger in size than the total amount of projected global internet traffic this year and the sum of all stored digital information since the mid-80's a few hundred times over.
You could make a guide on how to set-up certain team Archetypes that are either successful, popular, or quirky - using free to play units that are accessible to anyone as well as rare summon units. Furthermore, you could demonstrate the differences between the archetypes and when to use one over the other or if you are stuck with one (due to not having the units to create the others), how to get around battles in the game that your squad is weak against. In addition to defining and demonstrating team archetypes, you could show how to throw together a team of units that emulates the player who doesn't have the meta defining units and how to make a strong team. I think that would be the most helpful for the average up-and-coming player who is thirsty for those meta-units, but has to make due with the non-meta. TL;DR Create a guide showcasing Meta-Teams with non-optimal units and Non-Meta teams (not limited to farmable only). Show that they can handle all the content in the game.
You could make a guide on how to set-up certain team Archetypes that are either successful, popular, or quirky - using free to play units that are accessible to anyone as well as rare summon units. Furthermore, you could demonstrate the differences between the archetypes and when to use one over the other or if you are stuck with one (due to not having the units to create the others), how to get around battles in the game that your squad is weak against. In addition to defining and demonstrating team archetypes, you could show how to throw together a team of units that emulates the player who doesn't have the meta defining units and how to make a strong team. I think that would be the most helpful for the average up-and-coming player who is thirsty for those meta-units, but has to make due with the non-meta. TL;DR Create a guide showcasing Meta-Teams with non-optimal units and Non-Meta teams (not limited to farmable only). Show that they can handle all the content in the game.
You could make a guide on how to set-up certain team Archetypes that are either successful, popular, or quirky - using free to play units that are accessible to anyone as well as rare summon units. Furthermore, you could demonstrate the differences between the archetypes and when to use one over the other or if you are stuck with one (due to not having the units to create the others), how to get around battles in the game that your squad is weak against. In addition to defining and demonstrating team archetypes, you could show how to throw together a team of units that emulates the player who doesn't have the meta defining units and how to make a strong team. I think that would be the most helpful for the average up-and-coming player who is thirsty for those meta-units, but has to make due with the non-meta.
Create a guide showcasing Meta-Teams with non-optimal units and Non-Meta teams (not limited to farmable only). Show that they can handle all the content in the game.
I hadn't smoked in like over a year, I was going to a rap show, and I was like "Okay, I have to smoke a joint prior, because it's a rap show." So I go to my buddy's, and buy some weed off his buddy, tells me it's "really goooood shit" and I roll a joint. Smoke it on my way to the show, and nothing kicked in until I got to the show. I sit in the back on a couch, and just start seriously hallucinating. I'm sitting there at a Kirko Bangz concert, and all I can hear is Abba's Dancing Queen playing at like 1.5x the speed. If I move my head to the left, I can hear rap, but only while my head is moving. If I stay still, Abba starts playing in my head again. My buddy comes over and tells me there's a fight happening outside, and I look out the window and I can see a huge group of people gathering, so I walk outside, and BAM. There is nobody outside... So I go back inside, and all I can here is Drake's Started From the Bottom playing, but I know that isn't right because there's people singing along to Drank in My Cup by Kirko Bangz. It was a weird fucking night, I was tripping out, but kind of made for a funny story. TL;DR - Smoked a joint with angeldust and tripped balls.
I hadn't smoked in like over a year, I was going to a rap show, and I was like "Okay, I have to smoke a joint prior, because it's a rap show." So I go to my buddy's, and buy some weed off his buddy, tells me it's "really goooood shit" and I roll a joint. Smoke it on my way to the show, and nothing kicked in until I got to the show. I sit in the back on a couch, and just start seriously hallucinating. I'm sitting there at a Kirko Bangz concert, and all I can hear is Abba's Dancing Queen playing at like 1.5x the speed. If I move my head to the left, I can hear rap, but only while my head is moving. If I stay still, Abba starts playing in my head again. My buddy comes over and tells me there's a fight happening outside, and I look out the window and I can see a huge group of people gathering, so I walk outside, and BAM. There is nobody outside... So I go back inside, and all I can here is Drake's Started From the Bottom playing, but I know that isn't right because there's people singing along to Drank in My Cup by Kirko Bangz. It was a weird fucking night, I was tripping out, but kind of made for a funny story. TL;DR - Smoked a joint with angeldust and tripped balls.
I hadn't smoked in like over a year, I was going to a rap show, and I was like "Okay, I have to smoke a joint prior, because it's a rap show." So I go to my buddy's, and buy some weed off his buddy, tells me it's "really goooood shit" and I roll a joint. Smoke it on my way to the show, and nothing kicked in until I got to the show. I sit in the back on a couch, and just start seriously hallucinating. I'm sitting there at a Kirko Bangz concert, and all I can hear is Abba's Dancing Queen playing at like 1.5x the speed. If I move my head to the left, I can hear rap, but only while my head is moving. If I stay still, Abba starts playing in my head again. My buddy comes over and tells me there's a fight happening outside, and I look out the window and I can see a huge group of people gathering, so I walk outside, and BAM. There is nobody outside... So I go back inside, and all I can here is Drake's Started From the Bottom playing, but I know that isn't right because there's people singing along to Drank in My Cup by Kirko Bangz. It was a weird fucking night, I was tripping out, but kind of made for a funny story.
Smoked a joint with angeldust and tripped balls.
I own the bike. That being said, it's only my second ride, my first being Hi-Ten. All things considered, it's a fucking machine. I've put around 50 miles per week on it for the two months I've had it, and haven't had a single complaint. Everything feels really solid. I've already got the itch for a new saddle, but that's just my weird ass. Also, if you've got the cash, throw some clipless pedals on her. Really makes a difference, and i'm sure even if the sub doesn't like the bike, they'll agree on that point. Lastly, she ships with track drops. Not ideal if you like to ride on the flats, so maybe some horns or road drops if you prefer. All that is personal preference, though. TL;DR: Fantastic ride out of the gate. Feels really solid. Make her your own with minor adjustments. Cheers and happy riding! Edit:
I own the bike. That being said, it's only my second ride, my first being Hi-Ten. All things considered, it's a fucking machine. I've put around 50 miles per week on it for the two months I've had it, and haven't had a single complaint. Everything feels really solid. I've already got the itch for a new saddle, but that's just my weird ass. Also, if you've got the cash, throw some clipless pedals on her. Really makes a difference, and i'm sure even if the sub doesn't like the bike, they'll agree on that point. Lastly, she ships with track drops. Not ideal if you like to ride on the flats, so maybe some horns or road drops if you prefer. All that is personal preference, though. TL;DR: Fantastic ride out of the gate. Feels really solid. Make her your own with minor adjustments. Cheers and happy riding! Edit:
I own the bike. That being said, it's only my second ride, my first being Hi-Ten. All things considered, it's a fucking machine. I've put around 50 miles per week on it for the two months I've had it, and haven't had a single complaint. Everything feels really solid. I've already got the itch for a new saddle, but that's just my weird ass. Also, if you've got the cash, throw some clipless pedals on her. Really makes a difference, and i'm sure even if the sub doesn't like the bike, they'll agree on that point. Lastly, she ships with track drops. Not ideal if you like to ride on the flats, so maybe some horns or road drops if you prefer. All that is personal preference, though.
Fantastic ride out of the gate. Feels really solid. Make her your own with minor adjustments. Cheers and happy riding! Edit:
This is going to be long, and there is certainly some hand waving that is going to be done. I understand that much of this will not make sense, and there are many points where [the reader] will say "wow, really?" So let’s move past that; I am providing you with the background story so you can really understand where I am at, in hopes that someone (maybe who has been in a similar[?] situation) will be able to offer something...anything...helpful. So here's the situation: I met this amazing, wonderful, incredible, perfect woman a year ago. We started dating, and from the very first moment we spoke we were absolutely smitten with each other. We basically started talking, and never stopped for more than a few hours--aside from sleeping. We started casually dating, and after a couple months moved into a monogamous relationship. We were both in a similar place in life; ready for a serious commitment, ready to settle down; ready for marriage. We had some issues in the beginning of the relationship, but were able to work through them. As our relationship progressed, I began to struggle with some personal and mental issues. I took my drug habit (we are casual users), and drinking too far, and, in a sense lost my mind, a bit. I was struggling with some depression and self-esteem issues, and they materialized through some anger-management issues. I was short, lost my temper and generally was not a good partner to her. I was certainly not being the partner she needed, nor the partner I had presented to her--I was not the person she fell in love with. In short, I put us both through hell. Coupled with my mental issues, I also made the mistake of lying to her about some, albeit trivial, but real things...this really put a divide between us. After a while, it became too much for her and she said she could not do this anymore, and that she could not be in a relationship with me because of how I was; her engagement ring came off, and the relationship was no longer. We were, however, still living together. Because of financial and circumstantial reasons, we remained living together, and still do. During the course of our living together but not in a relationship time, a neighbor in our apartment building had asked me how I was doing and if I was ok (she had overheard some of our louder arguments, and was wondering what was going on). We began texting occasionally, just surface level stuff. I regretfully and stupidly did not talk to my love about this. She saw a text come through, and it blew into a very big argument--she was/is convinced I was/had cheated on her. I absolutely did not--I have been 100% true and faithful to her since the moment we met--I cant even consider being with someone else. This girl is absolutely the love of my life. I will only ever give an engagement ring to one person, ever, and it is her. My reputation being shot, and my prior mistakes givng her no reason to believe me, she still thinks I was unfaithful to her. So, come full circle. We are still living together. I am still madly and more than ever in love with her. She says she still loves me, but she cannot be with me right now because she cannot forgive me for everything that has happened, she isn’t certain if we can/will ever get back to where we were, and we need time to get to know each other again and work through things. She has hinted towards us getting back to where we were-saying things such as "i think we will end up together" and talking about our future, etc. But she has not explicitly said she is committed to re-kindling our relationship, and being together. She is the very best friend I have ever had, and she says the same about me. Where this gets extremely complicated, and the reason I am now seeking your advice is because I have become aware that she has started dating other people; and I fear she may have found someone she is falling for. She started dating, or seeking dating partners rather, when we initially broke up and we were at the height of our fighting with each other. She has told me that she is not romantically dating anyone, and that the person that I know she met she did not get along with romantically and they are just friends. I believe, for good reason, that she has been seeing this person regularly, including a weekend jaunt with him at his apartment, but telling me she is other places. I feel her moving further and further away from me—a few weeks ago she was still very physical with me, kissing me, making love to me, saying I love you—but over the past few weeks these things have increasingly waned and I have sensed her moving further and further away. In typing that paragraph it would seem the conclusion you could easily come to is yes, she is with someone else now and as she gets closer/more into him she is moving away from you. There are, however, still major signs that she loves me and wants to be with me. I do not know what to do. Every instinct in me wants to go through her personal things, cell phone, computer, etc. and see what is going on, but I cannot and will not invade her personal space. I have made that mistake before and I will not do it again. I want to believe that she is telling me the truth; that when she says this guy is a just a friend, she is being honest and true and not lying—I mean, it would be rather f*cked up for her to be perpetually angry at me for lying, and then to turn around and lie to my face; even when confronted with evidence that she has done so. I have told her point blank—and I truly mean it—that she is absolutely free to do as she wishes and I cannot say anything about it, I do not get to—but if she is starting to date other people, or sleep with others or starting to fall for someone else, that I would really like to at least know—because every part of me, everything I am doing now, is for her, for us, and for our future. I am working on myself daily, and have taken extremely major steps to fixing the issues I was previously dealing with. I have changed myself, my life style, etc. in an effort to be the man she needs me to be, the partner she needs me to be; the person she fell in love with. But I am deathly afraid that in 2 months, 6 months, etc., she is going to tell me that she is sorry but she is in love with this other person, and she is leaving. As I said before; I trust her, but some things just don’t add up and I am so scared, I cannot sleep, I cannot eat, and most of all I can NOT get these thoughts out of her being with someone else out of my head—they haunt me incessantly. So here is the advice I am seeking: 1) Am I being stupid and naïve to think that we are going to resolve our issues and end up together? 2) How can I stop thinking about and being afraid that she is with someone else? Should I just keep focusing on being myself, being the person she needs me to be, and hoping and striving for us to get back to where we were? I want to marry this girl and do everything for her, love her, and treat her the way she deserves. I messed that up royally and while I do not deserve a second chance, if I were given one, I would never hurt or wrong her in any way, ever again. She is absolutely everything to me. Bottom line, I want her to be happy—selfishly, of course, I want to be the one who makes her happy—but I have to disregard myself in this because she deserves whatever it is that will truly truly make her happy. So help…please. Feel free to PM me to discuss this more and for further details…. tldr: madly in love with someone who I am quite certain I have lost for good. What should I do.
This is going to be long, and there is certainly some hand waving that is going to be done. I understand that much of this will not make sense, and there are many points where [the reader] will say "wow, really?" So let’s move past that; I am providing you with the background story so you can really understand where I am at, in hopes that someone (maybe who has been in a similar[?] situation) will be able to offer something...anything...helpful. So here's the situation: I met this amazing, wonderful, incredible, perfect woman a year ago. We started dating, and from the very first moment we spoke we were absolutely smitten with each other. We basically started talking, and never stopped for more than a few hours--aside from sleeping. We started casually dating, and after a couple months moved into a monogamous relationship. We were both in a similar place in life; ready for a serious commitment, ready to settle down; ready for marriage. We had some issues in the beginning of the relationship, but were able to work through them. As our relationship progressed, I began to struggle with some personal and mental issues. I took my drug habit (we are casual users), and drinking too far, and, in a sense lost my mind, a bit. I was struggling with some depression and self-esteem issues, and they materialized through some anger-management issues. I was short, lost my temper and generally was not a good partner to her. I was certainly not being the partner she needed, nor the partner I had presented to her--I was not the person she fell in love with. In short, I put us both through hell. Coupled with my mental issues, I also made the mistake of lying to her about some, albeit trivial, but real things...this really put a divide between us. After a while, it became too much for her and she said she could not do this anymore, and that she could not be in a relationship with me because of how I was; her engagement ring came off, and the relationship was no longer. We were, however, still living together. Because of financial and circumstantial reasons, we remained living together, and still do. During the course of our living together but not in a relationship time, a neighbor in our apartment building had asked me how I was doing and if I was ok (she had overheard some of our louder arguments, and was wondering what was going on). We began texting occasionally, just surface level stuff. I regretfully and stupidly did not talk to my love about this. She saw a text come through, and it blew into a very big argument--she was/is convinced I was/had cheated on her. I absolutely did not--I have been 100% true and faithful to her since the moment we met--I cant even consider being with someone else. This girl is absolutely the love of my life. I will only ever give an engagement ring to one person, ever, and it is her. My reputation being shot, and my prior mistakes givng her no reason to believe me, she still thinks I was unfaithful to her. So, come full circle. We are still living together. I am still madly and more than ever in love with her. She says she still loves me, but she cannot be with me right now because she cannot forgive me for everything that has happened, she isn’t certain if we can/will ever get back to where we were, and we need time to get to know each other again and work through things. She has hinted towards us getting back to where we were-saying things such as "i think we will end up together" and talking about our future, etc. But she has not explicitly said she is committed to re-kindling our relationship, and being together. She is the very best friend I have ever had, and she says the same about me. Where this gets extremely complicated, and the reason I am now seeking your advice is because I have become aware that she has started dating other people; and I fear she may have found someone she is falling for. She started dating, or seeking dating partners rather, when we initially broke up and we were at the height of our fighting with each other. She has told me that she is not romantically dating anyone, and that the person that I know she met she did not get along with romantically and they are just friends. I believe, for good reason, that she has been seeing this person regularly, including a weekend jaunt with him at his apartment, but telling me she is other places. I feel her moving further and further away from me—a few weeks ago she was still very physical with me, kissing me, making love to me, saying I love you—but over the past few weeks these things have increasingly waned and I have sensed her moving further and further away. In typing that paragraph it would seem the conclusion you could easily come to is yes, she is with someone else now and as she gets closer/more into him she is moving away from you. There are, however, still major signs that she loves me and wants to be with me. I do not know what to do. Every instinct in me wants to go through her personal things, cell phone, computer, etc. and see what is going on, but I cannot and will not invade her personal space. I have made that mistake before and I will not do it again. I want to believe that she is telling me the truth; that when she says this guy is a just a friend, she is being honest and true and not lying—I mean, it would be rather f*cked up for her to be perpetually angry at me for lying, and then to turn around and lie to my face; even when confronted with evidence that she has done so. I have told her point blank—and I truly mean it—that she is absolutely free to do as she wishes and I cannot say anything about it, I do not get to—but if she is starting to date other people, or sleep with others or starting to fall for someone else, that I would really like to at least know—because every part of me, everything I am doing now, is for her, for us, and for our future. I am working on myself daily, and have taken extremely major steps to fixing the issues I was previously dealing with. I have changed myself, my life style, etc. in an effort to be the man she needs me to be, the partner she needs me to be; the person she fell in love with. But I am deathly afraid that in 2 months, 6 months, etc., she is going to tell me that she is sorry but she is in love with this other person, and she is leaving. As I said before; I trust her, but some things just don’t add up and I am so scared, I cannot sleep, I cannot eat, and most of all I can NOT get these thoughts out of her being with someone else out of my head—they haunt me incessantly. So here is the advice I am seeking: 1) Am I being stupid and naïve to think that we are going to resolve our issues and end up together? 2) How can I stop thinking about and being afraid that she is with someone else? Should I just keep focusing on being myself, being the person she needs me to be, and hoping and striving for us to get back to where we were? I want to marry this girl and do everything for her, love her, and treat her the way she deserves. I messed that up royally and while I do not deserve a second chance, if I were given one, I would never hurt or wrong her in any way, ever again. She is absolutely everything to me. Bottom line, I want her to be happy—selfishly, of course, I want to be the one who makes her happy—but I have to disregard myself in this because she deserves whatever it is that will truly truly make her happy. So help…please. Feel free to PM me to discuss this more and for further details…. tldr: madly in love with someone who I am quite certain I have lost for good. What should I do.
This is going to be long, and there is certainly some hand waving that is going to be done. I understand that much of this will not make sense, and there are many points where [the reader] will say "wow, really?" So let’s move past that; I am providing you with the background story so you can really understand where I am at, in hopes that someone (maybe who has been in a similar[?] situation) will be able to offer something...anything...helpful. So here's the situation: I met this amazing, wonderful, incredible, perfect woman a year ago. We started dating, and from the very first moment we spoke we were absolutely smitten with each other. We basically started talking, and never stopped for more than a few hours--aside from sleeping. We started casually dating, and after a couple months moved into a monogamous relationship. We were both in a similar place in life; ready for a serious commitment, ready to settle down; ready for marriage. We had some issues in the beginning of the relationship, but were able to work through them. As our relationship progressed, I began to struggle with some personal and mental issues. I took my drug habit (we are casual users), and drinking too far, and, in a sense lost my mind, a bit. I was struggling with some depression and self-esteem issues, and they materialized through some anger-management issues. I was short, lost my temper and generally was not a good partner to her. I was certainly not being the partner she needed, nor the partner I had presented to her--I was not the person she fell in love with. In short, I put us both through hell. Coupled with my mental issues, I also made the mistake of lying to her about some, albeit trivial, but real things...this really put a divide between us. After a while, it became too much for her and she said she could not do this anymore, and that she could not be in a relationship with me because of how I was; her engagement ring came off, and the relationship was no longer. We were, however, still living together. Because of financial and circumstantial reasons, we remained living together, and still do. During the course of our living together but not in a relationship time, a neighbor in our apartment building had asked me how I was doing and if I was ok (she had overheard some of our louder arguments, and was wondering what was going on). We began texting occasionally, just surface level stuff. I regretfully and stupidly did not talk to my love about this. She saw a text come through, and it blew into a very big argument--she was/is convinced I was/had cheated on her. I absolutely did not--I have been 100% true and faithful to her since the moment we met--I cant even consider being with someone else. This girl is absolutely the love of my life. I will only ever give an engagement ring to one person, ever, and it is her. My reputation being shot, and my prior mistakes givng her no reason to believe me, she still thinks I was unfaithful to her. So, come full circle. We are still living together. I am still madly and more than ever in love with her. She says she still loves me, but she cannot be with me right now because she cannot forgive me for everything that has happened, she isn’t certain if we can/will ever get back to where we were, and we need time to get to know each other again and work through things. She has hinted towards us getting back to where we were-saying things such as "i think we will end up together" and talking about our future, etc. But she has not explicitly said she is committed to re-kindling our relationship, and being together. She is the very best friend I have ever had, and she says the same about me. Where this gets extremely complicated, and the reason I am now seeking your advice is because I have become aware that she has started dating other people; and I fear she may have found someone she is falling for. She started dating, or seeking dating partners rather, when we initially broke up and we were at the height of our fighting with each other. She has told me that she is not romantically dating anyone, and that the person that I know she met she did not get along with romantically and they are just friends. I believe, for good reason, that she has been seeing this person regularly, including a weekend jaunt with him at his apartment, but telling me she is other places. I feel her moving further and further away from me—a few weeks ago she was still very physical with me, kissing me, making love to me, saying I love you—but over the past few weeks these things have increasingly waned and I have sensed her moving further and further away. In typing that paragraph it would seem the conclusion you could easily come to is yes, she is with someone else now and as she gets closer/more into him she is moving away from you. There are, however, still major signs that she loves me and wants to be with me. I do not know what to do. Every instinct in me wants to go through her personal things, cell phone, computer, etc. and see what is going on, but I cannot and will not invade her personal space. I have made that mistake before and I will not do it again. I want to believe that she is telling me the truth; that when she says this guy is a just a friend, she is being honest and true and not lying—I mean, it would be rather f*cked up for her to be perpetually angry at me for lying, and then to turn around and lie to my face; even when confronted with evidence that she has done so. I have told her point blank—and I truly mean it—that she is absolutely free to do as she wishes and I cannot say anything about it, I do not get to—but if she is starting to date other people, or sleep with others or starting to fall for someone else, that I would really like to at least know—because every part of me, everything I am doing now, is for her, for us, and for our future. I am working on myself daily, and have taken extremely major steps to fixing the issues I was previously dealing with. I have changed myself, my life style, etc. in an effort to be the man she needs me to be, the partner she needs me to be; the person she fell in love with. But I am deathly afraid that in 2 months, 6 months, etc., she is going to tell me that she is sorry but she is in love with this other person, and she is leaving. As I said before; I trust her, but some things just don’t add up and I am so scared, I cannot sleep, I cannot eat, and most of all I can NOT get these thoughts out of her being with someone else out of my head—they haunt me incessantly. So here is the advice I am seeking: 1) Am I being stupid and naïve to think that we are going to resolve our issues and end up together? 2) How can I stop thinking about and being afraid that she is with someone else? Should I just keep focusing on being myself, being the person she needs me to be, and hoping and striving for us to get back to where we were? I want to marry this girl and do everything for her, love her, and treat her the way she deserves. I messed that up royally and while I do not deserve a second chance, if I were given one, I would never hurt or wrong her in any way, ever again. She is absolutely everything to me. Bottom line, I want her to be happy—selfishly, of course, I want to be the one who makes her happy—but I have to disregard myself in this because she deserves whatever it is that will truly truly make her happy. So help…please. Feel free to PM me to discuss this more and for further details….
madly in love with someone who I am quite certain I have lost for good. What should I do.
Just don't give up! Don't ever give up! It's hard, but the pay off is incredible. You have to be patient with it, learning to be a game programmer is a long process, but you can do it so keep telling yourself that. Another thing, don't get caught up in the question, "What piece of technology should I use to make my game?". This is a question that plagues many people, and even me from time to time. There are too many options out there. My advice for that is just find a system that you like and stick with it. Hell, I am using Python to make Floors of Discomfort and I guarantee you no one on steam is making his/her games in Python. The player doesn't care though as long as the game works as intended. Be ambitious, but be realistic. Start with small projects, and then slowly build up from there. Give yourself time, and do a little bit of work each day. Before you know it you'll be making the games you've always imagined. It also helps to work with a friend. I work with a friend from school, who is the artist for FoD. He keeps me motivated, and I keep him motivated. tldr: You can do anything you want to do, just be patient, and be persistent.
Just don't give up! Don't ever give up! It's hard, but the pay off is incredible. You have to be patient with it, learning to be a game programmer is a long process, but you can do it so keep telling yourself that. Another thing, don't get caught up in the question, "What piece of technology should I use to make my game?". This is a question that plagues many people, and even me from time to time. There are too many options out there. My advice for that is just find a system that you like and stick with it. Hell, I am using Python to make Floors of Discomfort and I guarantee you no one on steam is making his/her games in Python. The player doesn't care though as long as the game works as intended. Be ambitious, but be realistic. Start with small projects, and then slowly build up from there. Give yourself time, and do a little bit of work each day. Before you know it you'll be making the games you've always imagined. It also helps to work with a friend. I work with a friend from school, who is the artist for FoD. He keeps me motivated, and I keep him motivated. tldr: You can do anything you want to do, just be patient, and be persistent.
Just don't give up! Don't ever give up! It's hard, but the pay off is incredible. You have to be patient with it, learning to be a game programmer is a long process, but you can do it so keep telling yourself that. Another thing, don't get caught up in the question, "What piece of technology should I use to make my game?". This is a question that plagues many people, and even me from time to time. There are too many options out there. My advice for that is just find a system that you like and stick with it. Hell, I am using Python to make Floors of Discomfort and I guarantee you no one on steam is making his/her games in Python. The player doesn't care though as long as the game works as intended. Be ambitious, but be realistic. Start with small projects, and then slowly build up from there. Give yourself time, and do a little bit of work each day. Before you know it you'll be making the games you've always imagined. It also helps to work with a friend. I work with a friend from school, who is the artist for FoD. He keeps me motivated, and I keep him motivated.
You can do anything you want to do, just be patient, and be persistent.
I (21m) am getting upset about the fact that she (21f) is still hanging out with her exes. We have been dating for a 2 months. She justifies it by saying that these guys are her friends. One of these guys she was in a one year relationship with and the other she had been hooking up with in a friends with benefits kind of deal for the last year until she met me. She has not yet even told them that we are in a relationship. I asked her if she thought them knowing would change the dynamics of their relationship, and she said it probably would. With the first guy, she says when they went out it was more like they were friends or family then bf and gf. They get dinner and lunches time to time and she usually says its with "a friend" instead of tell me that it's him. I find out later only by chance. The second guy she has been friends with for the past two years. She has since "ended it" with him but after an initial falling out where he told all their mutual friends that she caused him pain and angst and blamed it all on her, they are friends again. He is part of her main friend group and they party and hang out all the time. Her being friends with them is not what bothers me. It's the fact that it seems sometimes like she is hiding it from me and me from them. Also when we are hanging out, she is texting them and they have no clue that I am with her. I'm scared that my feelings of something being off comes from immaturity and jealousy, but I still am wary of these other guys who have a lot of history with her. I am trying to be open about my feelings with her and communicating. Is this relationship worth it? We are about to be separated for 8 months. she has cheated on hey bf from high school when they went off to college. she says she feels differently with me and that she feels like she could be different with me. Tl;dr: gf still talks and hangs out with her exes and they don't know about me.
I (21m) am getting upset about the fact that she (21f) is still hanging out with her exes. We have been dating for a 2 months. She justifies it by saying that these guys are her friends. One of these guys she was in a one year relationship with and the other she had been hooking up with in a friends with benefits kind of deal for the last year until she met me. She has not yet even told them that we are in a relationship. I asked her if she thought them knowing would change the dynamics of their relationship, and she said it probably would. With the first guy, she says when they went out it was more like they were friends or family then bf and gf. They get dinner and lunches time to time and she usually says its with "a friend" instead of tell me that it's him. I find out later only by chance. The second guy she has been friends with for the past two years. She has since "ended it" with him but after an initial falling out where he told all their mutual friends that she caused him pain and angst and blamed it all on her, they are friends again. He is part of her main friend group and they party and hang out all the time. Her being friends with them is not what bothers me. It's the fact that it seems sometimes like she is hiding it from me and me from them. Also when we are hanging out, she is texting them and they have no clue that I am with her. I'm scared that my feelings of something being off comes from immaturity and jealousy, but I still am wary of these other guys who have a lot of history with her. I am trying to be open about my feelings with her and communicating. Is this relationship worth it? We are about to be separated for 8 months. she has cheated on hey bf from high school when they went off to college. she says she feels differently with me and that she feels like she could be different with me. Tl;dr: gf still talks and hangs out with her exes and they don't know about me.
I (21m) am getting upset about the fact that she (21f) is still hanging out with her exes. We have been dating for a 2 months. She justifies it by saying that these guys are her friends. One of these guys she was in a one year relationship with and the other she had been hooking up with in a friends with benefits kind of deal for the last year until she met me. She has not yet even told them that we are in a relationship. I asked her if she thought them knowing would change the dynamics of their relationship, and she said it probably would. With the first guy, she says when they went out it was more like they were friends or family then bf and gf. They get dinner and lunches time to time and she usually says its with "a friend" instead of tell me that it's him. I find out later only by chance. The second guy she has been friends with for the past two years. She has since "ended it" with him but after an initial falling out where he told all their mutual friends that she caused him pain and angst and blamed it all on her, they are friends again. He is part of her main friend group and they party and hang out all the time. Her being friends with them is not what bothers me. It's the fact that it seems sometimes like she is hiding it from me and me from them. Also when we are hanging out, she is texting them and they have no clue that I am with her. I'm scared that my feelings of something being off comes from immaturity and jealousy, but I still am wary of these other guys who have a lot of history with her. I am trying to be open about my feelings with her and communicating. Is this relationship worth it? We are about to be separated for 8 months. she has cheated on hey bf from high school when they went off to college. she says she feels differently with me and that she feels like she could be different with me.
gf still talks and hangs out with her exes and they don't know about me.
What a fun valentines day indeed. To preface, I live in a single dorm room; lots of "illegal" stuff gets stored in there. It all really started when I made the rather poor choice to take a nature walk and partake in God's plant before working on a quite difficult philosophy assignment at an [8]. Twenty minutes before it was due. Yeah. Bad decision. As I'm reaching the point where I absolutely ***have*** to leave, I hear three sharp knocks on my dorm door-- and it was immediately obvious to me who it was. I checked out the peephole and sure enough saw a shiny bald cop standing by my room. Stoned me opens the door, shaking like it's my last goddamn day on Earth and reeking of chronic. From what I heard later, people figured someone else was smoking in their room, getting the cops called. I will say, though, I was way too high to wisely deal with the situation. I basically let him waltz in. He went in and promptly opened up my top drawer, also known as my super secret hidey hole. He then proceeded to find a vast majority of my stuff, which included: a vapir vaporizer, two bowls, cigar tubes for ABV, a scale, and a grinder. I'll say, though he was pretty intrigued with the vape, which essentially started our conversation. As he was searching the remainder of my room, we talked about stuff, from school, to legalization of marijuana, and tobacco. Honestly, he was a pretty chill dude. As he went through the rest, he found a bracelet bowl, and some weed hidden in my garden gnome. As I said, the cop was a genuinely cool guy. He didn't write me a ticket at the time, saying that as a former narcotics officer, he really doesn't care about weed-- but he'd have to run the case by his superiors. After he searched my room, we stuffed all the para into a garbage bag, grabbed my gnome, and went outside for a cigarette. He even bummed me one. It could've easily been mr. badass holding his belt like he's fucking superman, but rather it was an awesome dude that I would love to talk to any day. Hell, as we were talking while we were smoking, he said, "when Kroger stocks it in a few years, I'll be the first one lining up!" Unfortunately, a few hours later his chief made sure that he charged me with possession of paraphernalia. I've got a misdemeanor in the fourth degree, court next Wednesday. Luckily, Ohio laws are pretty lax, but I had a lot of stuff hanging out in there. The main thing I'm worried about now is my federal student aid. I have a clean record, but I can't afford to lose that. So, I guess this marks an end for a little while. I think it's good for me honestly. As much as I love trees, I think it's become too much of a focal point in my life; I tend to neglect other important things to smoke some ganja. Anyway, thanks for listening to me rant. Wish me luck in court, And happy Valentine's Day! ***TL;DR: Got busted with tons of paraphernalia in dorm room, cop was cool as fuck, but got charged by the chief anyway. ***
What a fun valentines day indeed. To preface, I live in a single dorm room; lots of "illegal" stuff gets stored in there. It all really started when I made the rather poor choice to take a nature walk and partake in God's plant before working on a quite difficult philosophy assignment at an [8]. Twenty minutes before it was due. Yeah. Bad decision. As I'm reaching the point where I absolutely have to leave, I hear three sharp knocks on my dorm door-- and it was immediately obvious to me who it was. I checked out the peephole and sure enough saw a shiny bald cop standing by my room. Stoned me opens the door, shaking like it's my last goddamn day on Earth and reeking of chronic. From what I heard later, people figured someone else was smoking in their room, getting the cops called. I will say, though, I was way too high to wisely deal with the situation. I basically let him waltz in. He went in and promptly opened up my top drawer, also known as my super secret hidey hole. He then proceeded to find a vast majority of my stuff, which included: a vapir vaporizer, two bowls, cigar tubes for ABV, a scale, and a grinder. I'll say, though he was pretty intrigued with the vape, which essentially started our conversation. As he was searching the remainder of my room, we talked about stuff, from school, to legalization of marijuana, and tobacco. Honestly, he was a pretty chill dude. As he went through the rest, he found a bracelet bowl, and some weed hidden in my garden gnome. As I said, the cop was a genuinely cool guy. He didn't write me a ticket at the time, saying that as a former narcotics officer, he really doesn't care about weed-- but he'd have to run the case by his superiors. After he searched my room, we stuffed all the para into a garbage bag, grabbed my gnome, and went outside for a cigarette. He even bummed me one. It could've easily been mr. badass holding his belt like he's fucking superman, but rather it was an awesome dude that I would love to talk to any day. Hell, as we were talking while we were smoking, he said, "when Kroger stocks it in a few years, I'll be the first one lining up!" Unfortunately, a few hours later his chief made sure that he charged me with possession of paraphernalia. I've got a misdemeanor in the fourth degree, court next Wednesday. Luckily, Ohio laws are pretty lax, but I had a lot of stuff hanging out in there. The main thing I'm worried about now is my federal student aid. I have a clean record, but I can't afford to lose that. So, I guess this marks an end for a little while. I think it's good for me honestly. As much as I love trees, I think it's become too much of a focal point in my life; I tend to neglect other important things to smoke some ganja. Anyway, thanks for listening to me rant. Wish me luck in court, And happy Valentine's Day! TL;DR: Got busted with tons of paraphernalia in dorm room, cop was cool as fuck, but got charged by the chief anyway.
What a fun valentines day indeed. To preface, I live in a single dorm room; lots of "illegal" stuff gets stored in there. It all really started when I made the rather poor choice to take a nature walk and partake in God's plant before working on a quite difficult philosophy assignment at an [8]. Twenty minutes before it was due. Yeah. Bad decision. As I'm reaching the point where I absolutely have to leave, I hear three sharp knocks on my dorm door-- and it was immediately obvious to me who it was. I checked out the peephole and sure enough saw a shiny bald cop standing by my room. Stoned me opens the door, shaking like it's my last goddamn day on Earth and reeking of chronic. From what I heard later, people figured someone else was smoking in their room, getting the cops called. I will say, though, I was way too high to wisely deal with the situation. I basically let him waltz in. He went in and promptly opened up my top drawer, also known as my super secret hidey hole. He then proceeded to find a vast majority of my stuff, which included: a vapir vaporizer, two bowls, cigar tubes for ABV, a scale, and a grinder. I'll say, though he was pretty intrigued with the vape, which essentially started our conversation. As he was searching the remainder of my room, we talked about stuff, from school, to legalization of marijuana, and tobacco. Honestly, he was a pretty chill dude. As he went through the rest, he found a bracelet bowl, and some weed hidden in my garden gnome. As I said, the cop was a genuinely cool guy. He didn't write me a ticket at the time, saying that as a former narcotics officer, he really doesn't care about weed-- but he'd have to run the case by his superiors. After he searched my room, we stuffed all the para into a garbage bag, grabbed my gnome, and went outside for a cigarette. He even bummed me one. It could've easily been mr. badass holding his belt like he's fucking superman, but rather it was an awesome dude that I would love to talk to any day. Hell, as we were talking while we were smoking, he said, "when Kroger stocks it in a few years, I'll be the first one lining up!" Unfortunately, a few hours later his chief made sure that he charged me with possession of paraphernalia. I've got a misdemeanor in the fourth degree, court next Wednesday. Luckily, Ohio laws are pretty lax, but I had a lot of stuff hanging out in there. The main thing I'm worried about now is my federal student aid. I have a clean record, but I can't afford to lose that. So, I guess this marks an end for a little while. I think it's good for me honestly. As much as I love trees, I think it's become too much of a focal point in my life; I tend to neglect other important things to smoke some ganja. Anyway, thanks for listening to me rant. Wish me luck in court, And happy Valentine's Day!
Got busted with tons of paraphernalia in dorm room, cop was cool as fuck, but got charged by the chief anyway.
15 years. 15 years (to be exact, 14 years and 10 months) ago I started the way towards my dream. Have you met a kid, who doesn't dream big? They all do. And so did I. With idols such as Martin Brodeur, Dominik Hašek and Patrick Roy, I dreamt of the highest things. And, decided to be a goalie. I was tiny, so I wasn't really the greatest at time. Nor was I ever. Yet, around 06-07 I got to play a lot, as I had nobody behind or in front of me. Then someone bigger came along. In 08, KHL was created and with it, a team in my country. Being 13, I sorta realized that I'm not going to reach the peak of dreams. I had to refocus on being best I could be and try to reach local KHL team. A long way, but in 09 junior system was created and it didn't seem too impossible.. Then I was told I was not tall enough. 20cm was the difference between me and two other guys. I was told I had great work ethic, etc, etc, but I had no shot at getting ice time. I did, tho... 10 minutes, 2 goals. 2 months later I was diagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter. 3 years spent in depression, contemplating life choices and all. In '12 I got on ice with amateurs. Ice was in my veins and I just couldn't live without hockey. I immediately got better. In late 2013, small team 100km away from country's capital was looking for players to join, as otherwise it would get dsq for not being able to gather enough players for games. I played half season, team lost all 24 games, but I fucking loved being there. 2014 and I thought of going to Denmark to study, to try to find a team and play.. I pussied out. I was afraid that my depression would come back. In late summer of 2014 there was a decision to create a 1st league, where players under20 and, those who can't reach highest league, would play. It gave me another year. I had an amazing run from December till late '15 January, until.. Thorn knee. Bunch of doctors, MRI's, xrays, taping.. Nightmare for 3 months, nothing exact, no concrete diagnose. A procedure in June and another start of season in late autumn. A terrible first game, and I didn't see ice until end of November. 2days, 2 games, 2 wins.. And another 3 games in next 6 days. No backup, no power, 3 loses and afterwards I was back on bench until end of January. A lose. And no ice time once again. With last home game in this season today, I have decided to hang the skates. Tl;Dr nobody ends his hockey career, nobody cares, gl&amp;hf.
15 years. 15 years (to be exact, 14 years and 10 months) ago I started the way towards my dream. Have you met a kid, who doesn't dream big? They all do. And so did I. With idols such as Martin Brodeur, Dominik Hašek and Patrick Roy, I dreamt of the highest things. And, decided to be a goalie. I was tiny, so I wasn't really the greatest at time. Nor was I ever. Yet, around 06-07 I got to play a lot, as I had nobody behind or in front of me. Then someone bigger came along. In 08, KHL was created and with it, a team in my country. Being 13, I sorta realized that I'm not going to reach the peak of dreams. I had to refocus on being best I could be and try to reach local KHL team. A long way, but in 09 junior system was created and it didn't seem too impossible.. Then I was told I was not tall enough. 20cm was the difference between me and two other guys. I was told I had great work ethic, etc, etc, but I had no shot at getting ice time. I did, tho... 10 minutes, 2 goals. 2 months later I was diagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter. 3 years spent in depression, contemplating life choices and all. In '12 I got on ice with amateurs. Ice was in my veins and I just couldn't live without hockey. I immediately got better. In late 2013, small team 100km away from country's capital was looking for players to join, as otherwise it would get dsq for not being able to gather enough players for games. I played half season, team lost all 24 games, but I fucking loved being there. 2014 and I thought of going to Denmark to study, to try to find a team and play.. I pussied out. I was afraid that my depression would come back. In late summer of 2014 there was a decision to create a 1st league, where players under20 and, those who can't reach highest league, would play. It gave me another year. I had an amazing run from December till late '15 January, until.. Thorn knee. Bunch of doctors, MRI's, xrays, taping.. Nightmare for 3 months, nothing exact, no concrete diagnose. A procedure in June and another start of season in late autumn. A terrible first game, and I didn't see ice until end of November. 2days, 2 games, 2 wins.. And another 3 games in next 6 days. No backup, no power, 3 loses and afterwards I was back on bench until end of January. A lose. And no ice time once again. With last home game in this season today, I have decided to hang the skates. Tl;Dr nobody ends his hockey career, nobody cares, gl&hf.
15 years. 15 years (to be exact, 14 years and 10 months) ago I started the way towards my dream. Have you met a kid, who doesn't dream big? They all do. And so did I. With idols such as Martin Brodeur, Dominik Hašek and Patrick Roy, I dreamt of the highest things. And, decided to be a goalie. I was tiny, so I wasn't really the greatest at time. Nor was I ever. Yet, around 06-07 I got to play a lot, as I had nobody behind or in front of me. Then someone bigger came along. In 08, KHL was created and with it, a team in my country. Being 13, I sorta realized that I'm not going to reach the peak of dreams. I had to refocus on being best I could be and try to reach local KHL team. A long way, but in 09 junior system was created and it didn't seem too impossible.. Then I was told I was not tall enough. 20cm was the difference between me and two other guys. I was told I had great work ethic, etc, etc, but I had no shot at getting ice time. I did, tho... 10 minutes, 2 goals. 2 months later I was diagnosed with Osgood-Schlatter. 3 years spent in depression, contemplating life choices and all. In '12 I got on ice with amateurs. Ice was in my veins and I just couldn't live without hockey. I immediately got better. In late 2013, small team 100km away from country's capital was looking for players to join, as otherwise it would get dsq for not being able to gather enough players for games. I played half season, team lost all 24 games, but I fucking loved being there. 2014 and I thought of going to Denmark to study, to try to find a team and play.. I pussied out. I was afraid that my depression would come back. In late summer of 2014 there was a decision to create a 1st league, where players under20 and, those who can't reach highest league, would play. It gave me another year. I had an amazing run from December till late '15 January, until.. Thorn knee. Bunch of doctors, MRI's, xrays, taping.. Nightmare for 3 months, nothing exact, no concrete diagnose. A procedure in June and another start of season in late autumn. A terrible first game, and I didn't see ice until end of November. 2days, 2 games, 2 wins.. And another 3 games in next 6 days. No backup, no power, 3 loses and afterwards I was back on bench until end of January. A lose. And no ice time once again. With last home game in this season today, I have decided to hang the skates.
nobody ends his hockey career, nobody cares, gl&hf.
Hello Dear friends, first thing I have to say is that I’m a superfan of this thread and can happily say 99% of my reddit browsing is devoted to this and r/justneckbeardthings. What makes everything so real is that I have come across a couple of neck-necks in my life, one in particular so I’d thought I’d share. Me: An average 12 year old girl at the time (Slightly above Normal grades, average looks, very lucky to be blessed with many amazing friends and fun art classes) Jack: “popular boy” and shitstirrer, he sounds like a toss in this but I promise he isn’t that bad just a regular immature 12year old boy Canckles: our residential NB he was only 12 at the time but already had many NB tendencies, particularly thinking he was super smart and also very mean to anyone he thought was a “dumb”. Canckles was indeed a well rounded boy physically. He was a little bit bullied apparently in his primary school for his fuller figure but not too badly. He ended up being incredibly defensive and quite vindictive and nasty. I presume he used it like a defensive mechanism, rather like “If I’m mean to you first, then your attacks wont hurt” kind of thing. Apart from that he had classic nb tendencies including superiority complex, deep rooted misogyny, nerdy hobbies and he was of course an atheist. One day in year 7 art class our art teacher had us make some form of clay sculptures. As we were incredibly immature 12 year olds we were messy and all playing around with the clay. 2 of the popular boys aka future chads decided it would be funny to steal one of Canckles book, he knew it was them immediately though as they had been doing it to other members of the class. He then began hurling lumps of clay at one of them, we shall call Jack. Jack had been a bit of a trouble maker in the class so no one really paid attention. Until I hear a yell and turn to see Canckles had grabbed a hold of jacks shirt and was trying to hit him. Canckles went to tae kwon do (he was later kicked out) and by the looks of things was trying to use some of these moves on Jack. The teacher however pulled him aside before things could escalate. Canckles however in a rage tore away from the teacher and grabbed some clay on the nearby table and hurled it full force towards Jack. Unfortunately it missed it’s target and slammed straight into the person inbetween. Yep. Lucky guess, that clay smacked right into my forearm. I did scream in pain, however that did stop canckles he continued to hurl further clay projectiles at Jack. Jack decided it would be a good idea to just ran straight out the back of the room. He fled through the doors with canckles hot on his trail (well a bit behind considering jack was a stick insect at the time). Jack turned right and ran straight from the art block onto the grass oval. Canckles in the mean time turned and pulled (I shit you not) an old loose brick from the pavement and hurled it at Jack. Considering that Jack was a lot faster he was able to dodge it. Canckles then picked up another brick and just started chasing Jack down. Now this must have been a sight to behold, Jack running full bore yelling “CALM DOWN CANCKLES WHAT THE FUCK” followed by, (at this point power walking) canckles with brick in hand. Followed by our entire art class screaming and lastly our art teacher trailing behind. After a couple minutes of running around on the oval Canckles now completely out of breath hurled the brick at Jack but it missed by a long shot. Jack then ran straight back toward the classrooms whilst Canckles realising that the teacher was catching up and screaming at him, fled in the opposite direction outside the school gates. We all followed Jack to see if he was okay and were genuinely in shock over the whole incident. The teacher went after canckles and found him sitting in the dry creek bed in front of our school before getting the principal and calling his parents. In the end Jack was fine and my arm healed after a couple days. Canckles however ended up getting suspended, getting kicked out of his martial arts club (apparently your only supposed to use it in self defence not kicking 12 year olds) and becoming one of the most hated kids in our grade. Please let me know if you want to know more about Canckles. I have plenty more stories over our entire 6 year highschool together. TLDR: NB gets a book hidden from him in class, violently overreacts and goes on rampage with clay and then bricks to seek vengeance on attacker. I get hit in the crossfire.
Hello Dear friends, first thing I have to say is that I’m a superfan of this thread and can happily say 99% of my reddit browsing is devoted to this and r/justneckbeardthings. What makes everything so real is that I have come across a couple of neck-necks in my life, one in particular so I’d thought I’d share. Me: An average 12 year old girl at the time (Slightly above Normal grades, average looks, very lucky to be blessed with many amazing friends and fun art classes) Jack: “popular boy” and shitstirrer, he sounds like a toss in this but I promise he isn’t that bad just a regular immature 12year old boy Canckles: our residential NB he was only 12 at the time but already had many NB tendencies, particularly thinking he was super smart and also very mean to anyone he thought was a “dumb”. Canckles was indeed a well rounded boy physically. He was a little bit bullied apparently in his primary school for his fuller figure but not too badly. He ended up being incredibly defensive and quite vindictive and nasty. I presume he used it like a defensive mechanism, rather like “If I’m mean to you first, then your attacks wont hurt” kind of thing. Apart from that he had classic nb tendencies including superiority complex, deep rooted misogyny, nerdy hobbies and he was of course an atheist. One day in year 7 art class our art teacher had us make some form of clay sculptures. As we were incredibly immature 12 year olds we were messy and all playing around with the clay. 2 of the popular boys aka future chads decided it would be funny to steal one of Canckles book, he knew it was them immediately though as they had been doing it to other members of the class. He then began hurling lumps of clay at one of them, we shall call Jack. Jack had been a bit of a trouble maker in the class so no one really paid attention. Until I hear a yell and turn to see Canckles had grabbed a hold of jacks shirt and was trying to hit him. Canckles went to tae kwon do (he was later kicked out) and by the looks of things was trying to use some of these moves on Jack. The teacher however pulled him aside before things could escalate. Canckles however in a rage tore away from the teacher and grabbed some clay on the nearby table and hurled it full force towards Jack. Unfortunately it missed it’s target and slammed straight into the person inbetween. Yep. Lucky guess, that clay smacked right into my forearm. I did scream in pain, however that did stop canckles he continued to hurl further clay projectiles at Jack. Jack decided it would be a good idea to just ran straight out the back of the room. He fled through the doors with canckles hot on his trail (well a bit behind considering jack was a stick insect at the time). Jack turned right and ran straight from the art block onto the grass oval. Canckles in the mean time turned and pulled (I shit you not) an old loose brick from the pavement and hurled it at Jack. Considering that Jack was a lot faster he was able to dodge it. Canckles then picked up another brick and just started chasing Jack down. Now this must have been a sight to behold, Jack running full bore yelling “CALM DOWN CANCKLES WHAT THE FUCK” followed by, (at this point power walking) canckles with brick in hand. Followed by our entire art class screaming and lastly our art teacher trailing behind. After a couple minutes of running around on the oval Canckles now completely out of breath hurled the brick at Jack but it missed by a long shot. Jack then ran straight back toward the classrooms whilst Canckles realising that the teacher was catching up and screaming at him, fled in the opposite direction outside the school gates. We all followed Jack to see if he was okay and were genuinely in shock over the whole incident. The teacher went after canckles and found him sitting in the dry creek bed in front of our school before getting the principal and calling his parents. In the end Jack was fine and my arm healed after a couple days. Canckles however ended up getting suspended, getting kicked out of his martial arts club (apparently your only supposed to use it in self defence not kicking 12 year olds) and becoming one of the most hated kids in our grade. Please let me know if you want to know more about Canckles. I have plenty more stories over our entire 6 year highschool together. TLDR: NB gets a book hidden from him in class, violently overreacts and goes on rampage with clay and then bricks to seek vengeance on attacker. I get hit in the crossfire.
Hello Dear friends, first thing I have to say is that I’m a superfan of this thread and can happily say 99% of my reddit browsing is devoted to this and r/justneckbeardthings. What makes everything so real is that I have come across a couple of neck-necks in my life, one in particular so I’d thought I’d share. Me: An average 12 year old girl at the time (Slightly above Normal grades, average looks, very lucky to be blessed with many amazing friends and fun art classes) Jack: “popular boy” and shitstirrer, he sounds like a toss in this but I promise he isn’t that bad just a regular immature 12year old boy Canckles: our residential NB he was only 12 at the time but already had many NB tendencies, particularly thinking he was super smart and also very mean to anyone he thought was a “dumb”. Canckles was indeed a well rounded boy physically. He was a little bit bullied apparently in his primary school for his fuller figure but not too badly. He ended up being incredibly defensive and quite vindictive and nasty. I presume he used it like a defensive mechanism, rather like “If I’m mean to you first, then your attacks wont hurt” kind of thing. Apart from that he had classic nb tendencies including superiority complex, deep rooted misogyny, nerdy hobbies and he was of course an atheist. One day in year 7 art class our art teacher had us make some form of clay sculptures. As we were incredibly immature 12 year olds we were messy and all playing around with the clay. 2 of the popular boys aka future chads decided it would be funny to steal one of Canckles book, he knew it was them immediately though as they had been doing it to other members of the class. He then began hurling lumps of clay at one of them, we shall call Jack. Jack had been a bit of a trouble maker in the class so no one really paid attention. Until I hear a yell and turn to see Canckles had grabbed a hold of jacks shirt and was trying to hit him. Canckles went to tae kwon do (he was later kicked out) and by the looks of things was trying to use some of these moves on Jack. The teacher however pulled him aside before things could escalate. Canckles however in a rage tore away from the teacher and grabbed some clay on the nearby table and hurled it full force towards Jack. Unfortunately it missed it’s target and slammed straight into the person inbetween. Yep. Lucky guess, that clay smacked right into my forearm. I did scream in pain, however that did stop canckles he continued to hurl further clay projectiles at Jack. Jack decided it would be a good idea to just ran straight out the back of the room. He fled through the doors with canckles hot on his trail (well a bit behind considering jack was a stick insect at the time). Jack turned right and ran straight from the art block onto the grass oval. Canckles in the mean time turned and pulled (I shit you not) an old loose brick from the pavement and hurled it at Jack. Considering that Jack was a lot faster he was able to dodge it. Canckles then picked up another brick and just started chasing Jack down. Now this must have been a sight to behold, Jack running full bore yelling “CALM DOWN CANCKLES WHAT THE FUCK” followed by, (at this point power walking) canckles with brick in hand. Followed by our entire art class screaming and lastly our art teacher trailing behind. After a couple minutes of running around on the oval Canckles now completely out of breath hurled the brick at Jack but it missed by a long shot. Jack then ran straight back toward the classrooms whilst Canckles realising that the teacher was catching up and screaming at him, fled in the opposite direction outside the school gates. We all followed Jack to see if he was okay and were genuinely in shock over the whole incident. The teacher went after canckles and found him sitting in the dry creek bed in front of our school before getting the principal and calling his parents. In the end Jack was fine and my arm healed after a couple days. Canckles however ended up getting suspended, getting kicked out of his martial arts club (apparently your only supposed to use it in self defence not kicking 12 year olds) and becoming one of the most hated kids in our grade. Please let me know if you want to know more about Canckles. I have plenty more stories over our entire 6 year highschool together.
NB gets a book hidden from him in class, violently overreacts and goes on rampage with clay and then bricks to seek vengeance on attacker. I get hit in the crossfire.
Strategy will vary depending not only on the difficulty, but also the map and the wave. You'll occasionally be straight-up destroyed on, say, wave 5 while using the same strategy that got you through the first four. And since you can keep trying until you quit or beat the whole challenge, you'll quickly learn what works and what doesn't. Additionally, you'll learn at which parts of each wave you need to adjust your strategy on the fly (example: What sense would it make to leave your sentry up near the front when the enemies typically push you back halfway through the wave?). Teammates play a huge part in this. Each class has its own usefulness (you'll quickly discover which are *more* useful), and inept teammates either playing poorly or playing less useful classes don't add much to your success (or fun). I've seen people rock the Sniper in MvM, and I've seen people somehow be a worthless Heavy in MvM. You'll learn it pretty quickly, and you might even find you're better at one class while playing MvM than you are at that same class in PvP. I'm a better MvM Engie than I could ever be in PvP. TL;DR - Strategy? Shoot the robots.
Strategy will vary depending not only on the difficulty, but also the map and the wave. You'll occasionally be straight-up destroyed on, say, wave 5 while using the same strategy that got you through the first four. And since you can keep trying until you quit or beat the whole challenge, you'll quickly learn what works and what doesn't. Additionally, you'll learn at which parts of each wave you need to adjust your strategy on the fly (example: What sense would it make to leave your sentry up near the front when the enemies typically push you back halfway through the wave?). Teammates play a huge part in this. Each class has its own usefulness (you'll quickly discover which are more useful), and inept teammates either playing poorly or playing less useful classes don't add much to your success (or fun). I've seen people rock the Sniper in MvM, and I've seen people somehow be a worthless Heavy in MvM. You'll learn it pretty quickly, and you might even find you're better at one class while playing MvM than you are at that same class in PvP. I'm a better MvM Engie than I could ever be in PvP. TL;DR - Strategy? Shoot the robots.
Strategy will vary depending not only on the difficulty, but also the map and the wave. You'll occasionally be straight-up destroyed on, say, wave 5 while using the same strategy that got you through the first four. And since you can keep trying until you quit or beat the whole challenge, you'll quickly learn what works and what doesn't. Additionally, you'll learn at which parts of each wave you need to adjust your strategy on the fly (example: What sense would it make to leave your sentry up near the front when the enemies typically push you back halfway through the wave?). Teammates play a huge part in this. Each class has its own usefulness (you'll quickly discover which are more useful), and inept teammates either playing poorly or playing less useful classes don't add much to your success (or fun). I've seen people rock the Sniper in MvM, and I've seen people somehow be a worthless Heavy in MvM. You'll learn it pretty quickly, and you might even find you're better at one class while playing MvM than you are at that same class in PvP. I'm a better MvM Engie than I could ever be in PvP.
Strategy? Shoot the robots.
Allright, I've got 2 lame achievements in my life. But I forgot 1, will edit if I remember it ( what an achievement huh?) 1. I was at a highschool party, just drinking, listening to music. You know how it is. Everything was in good fun, everything went great until 2 guys showed up. They were 2 friends of mine and I bought a "five" of weed of them earlier and now they did deliver it. "five" meaning 5 euro's. So my stupid brain was like: "Dear TREEandMONKEY, they best idea to do now whilst you are drunk is smoking weed" and I was like "Thats like, omg, like the best idea evarrrr". We proceeded as planned, a few friends went along and we smoked a joint near the party. ( We were 16/17 so we left the party otherwise his parents would find out ). Anyways, a friend (let's call him Mike) gives me a shot or 2 with his joint. And thats when shit did hit the fan, I couldn't stop blinking, it felt in my head that I was in a roller coaster and just felt really fucked up. We walked back to the party, but I just couldn't walk anymore. I sat down in front of the house, just near the road, with my legs crossed, tripping out whatsoever. Then I proceeded to vomit, crawl way, sit down, vomit, crawl away. ( repeat this process a few times ). And this is my victory. Some guys from the party came out to look if I was okay. This is how the conversation went: Guy 1: "Would be alright?" Guy 2: "Yeah he is fine." Guy 1: "Do you think he did vomit?" Guy 2: "Nah man, look at that little puddle called TREEandMONKEY, there is no vomit near him and he is too fucked up too crawl away" And still to this day that is my victory, NO ONE did think I could crawl away, NO ONE though I was capable of vomiting and crawling away, still to this day Guy 2 thinks I did NOT vomit. Thats my achievement. TL;DR I escaped from my vomit
Allright, I've got 2 lame achievements in my life. But I forgot 1, will edit if I remember it ( what an achievement huh?) I was at a highschool party, just drinking, listening to music. You know how it is. Everything was in good fun, everything went great until 2 guys showed up. They were 2 friends of mine and I bought a "five" of weed of them earlier and now they did deliver it. "five" meaning 5 euro's. So my stupid brain was like: "Dear TREEandMONKEY, they best idea to do now whilst you are drunk is smoking weed" and I was like "Thats like, omg, like the best idea evarrrr". We proceeded as planned, a few friends went along and we smoked a joint near the party. ( We were 16/17 so we left the party otherwise his parents would find out ). Anyways, a friend (let's call him Mike) gives me a shot or 2 with his joint. And thats when shit did hit the fan, I couldn't stop blinking, it felt in my head that I was in a roller coaster and just felt really fucked up. We walked back to the party, but I just couldn't walk anymore. I sat down in front of the house, just near the road, with my legs crossed, tripping out whatsoever. Then I proceeded to vomit, crawl way, sit down, vomit, crawl away. ( repeat this process a few times ). And this is my victory. Some guys from the party came out to look if I was okay. This is how the conversation went: Guy 1: "Would be alright?" Guy 2: "Yeah he is fine." Guy 1: "Do you think he did vomit?" Guy 2: "Nah man, look at that little puddle called TREEandMONKEY, there is no vomit near him and he is too fucked up too crawl away" And still to this day that is my victory, NO ONE did think I could crawl away, NO ONE though I was capable of vomiting and crawling away, still to this day Guy 2 thinks I did NOT vomit. Thats my achievement. TL;DR I escaped from my vomit
Allright, I've got 2 lame achievements in my life. But I forgot 1, will edit if I remember it ( what an achievement huh?) I was at a highschool party, just drinking, listening to music. You know how it is. Everything was in good fun, everything went great until 2 guys showed up. They were 2 friends of mine and I bought a "five" of weed of them earlier and now they did deliver it. "five" meaning 5 euro's. So my stupid brain was like: "Dear TREEandMONKEY, they best idea to do now whilst you are drunk is smoking weed" and I was like "Thats like, omg, like the best idea evarrrr". We proceeded as planned, a few friends went along and we smoked a joint near the party. ( We were 16/17 so we left the party otherwise his parents would find out ). Anyways, a friend (let's call him Mike) gives me a shot or 2 with his joint. And thats when shit did hit the fan, I couldn't stop blinking, it felt in my head that I was in a roller coaster and just felt really fucked up. We walked back to the party, but I just couldn't walk anymore. I sat down in front of the house, just near the road, with my legs crossed, tripping out whatsoever. Then I proceeded to vomit, crawl way, sit down, vomit, crawl away. ( repeat this process a few times ). And this is my victory. Some guys from the party came out to look if I was okay. This is how the conversation went: Guy 1: "Would be alright?" Guy 2: "Yeah he is fine." Guy 1: "Do you think he did vomit?" Guy 2: "Nah man, look at that little puddle called TREEandMONKEY, there is no vomit near him and he is too fucked up too crawl away" And still to this day that is my victory, NO ONE did think I could crawl away, NO ONE though I was capable of vomiting and crawling away, still to this day Guy 2 thinks I did NOT vomit. Thats my achievement.
I escaped from my vomit
I think this image is fake The gif is checkered, which prevents us from accurately determining height and speed, as well as dust patterns. The colour and makeup of the checkering pattern hides details, which instantly makes it suspicious. Given a generous average height of six feet, it appears that the jumper overcomes a hurdle of approximately ten feet. For many distance and height jumpers, flexion of the knees is key to developing the spring and height necessary for competition-winning jumps. The flexion of the knees in this image is suspiciously absent or blurred. One more thing I noticed - An abrupt arc of flight. Jumpers use an arc to achieve maximum height. The jumper in this case stops abruptly, feet from the obstacle, plants and takes off in a relatively vertical path. In doing so, it follows that there would be buckling or absorption of impact on landing - There is absolutely none. I'm inclined to believe that this image is edited to increase height. However, these are observations from an untrained eye, and should be judged as such. **tl;dr Image is fake, OP may deserve downvotes** Edit: Posted before OP provided verification.
I think this image is fake The gif is checkered, which prevents us from accurately determining height and speed, as well as dust patterns. The colour and makeup of the checkering pattern hides details, which instantly makes it suspicious. Given a generous average height of six feet, it appears that the jumper overcomes a hurdle of approximately ten feet. For many distance and height jumpers, flexion of the knees is key to developing the spring and height necessary for competition-winning jumps. The flexion of the knees in this image is suspiciously absent or blurred. One more thing I noticed - An abrupt arc of flight. Jumpers use an arc to achieve maximum height. The jumper in this case stops abruptly, feet from the obstacle, plants and takes off in a relatively vertical path. In doing so, it follows that there would be buckling or absorption of impact on landing - There is absolutely none. I'm inclined to believe that this image is edited to increase height. However, these are observations from an untrained eye, and should be judged as such. tl;dr Image is fake, OP may deserve downvotes Edit: Posted before OP provided verification.
I think this image is fake The gif is checkered, which prevents us from accurately determining height and speed, as well as dust patterns. The colour and makeup of the checkering pattern hides details, which instantly makes it suspicious. Given a generous average height of six feet, it appears that the jumper overcomes a hurdle of approximately ten feet. For many distance and height jumpers, flexion of the knees is key to developing the spring and height necessary for competition-winning jumps. The flexion of the knees in this image is suspiciously absent or blurred. One more thing I noticed - An abrupt arc of flight. Jumpers use an arc to achieve maximum height. The jumper in this case stops abruptly, feet from the obstacle, plants and takes off in a relatively vertical path. In doing so, it follows that there would be buckling or absorption of impact on landing - There is absolutely none. I'm inclined to believe that this image is edited to increase height. However, these are observations from an untrained eye, and should be judged as such.
Image is fake, OP may deserve downvotes Edit: Posted before OP provided verification.
I have had a samsung galaxy s4 for about 2 years now. In late August of 2014 the phone turned off and wouldn't turn on. I called samsung and they said it was slightly passed my warranty date and that i would have to send in pictures of my phone and proof of purchase. I did exactly that, and then i waited.. And waited... Finally i called back in November i called back and they said that i didn't send in the pictures (I still have proof that i did) so i sent them again. Then i waited and waited. I called back in January and told them the same story again and they said my original claim was deleted because of inactivity. They then said that there was nothing they could do since it was so far past the warranty date. I asked to speak to their highest manager and the customer service rep said that i could only contact them through email. I got the email and sent a message to the manager (of which i still have no heard back from) and told him my story AGAIN. There has been no contact back what so ever and i'm wondering if it is even worth calling them back. Did Samsung just politely tell me to go screw my self? TL;DR - Samsungs customer service is horrible.
I have had a samsung galaxy s4 for about 2 years now. In late August of 2014 the phone turned off and wouldn't turn on. I called samsung and they said it was slightly passed my warranty date and that i would have to send in pictures of my phone and proof of purchase. I did exactly that, and then i waited.. And waited... Finally i called back in November i called back and they said that i didn't send in the pictures (I still have proof that i did) so i sent them again. Then i waited and waited. I called back in January and told them the same story again and they said my original claim was deleted because of inactivity. They then said that there was nothing they could do since it was so far past the warranty date. I asked to speak to their highest manager and the customer service rep said that i could only contact them through email. I got the email and sent a message to the manager (of which i still have no heard back from) and told him my story AGAIN. There has been no contact back what so ever and i'm wondering if it is even worth calling them back. Did Samsung just politely tell me to go screw my self? TL;DR - Samsungs customer service is horrible.
I have had a samsung galaxy s4 for about 2 years now. In late August of 2014 the phone turned off and wouldn't turn on. I called samsung and they said it was slightly passed my warranty date and that i would have to send in pictures of my phone and proof of purchase. I did exactly that, and then i waited.. And waited... Finally i called back in November i called back and they said that i didn't send in the pictures (I still have proof that i did) so i sent them again. Then i waited and waited. I called back in January and told them the same story again and they said my original claim was deleted because of inactivity. They then said that there was nothing they could do since it was so far past the warranty date. I asked to speak to their highest manager and the customer service rep said that i could only contact them through email. I got the email and sent a message to the manager (of which i still have no heard back from) and told him my story AGAIN. There has been no contact back what so ever and i'm wondering if it is even worth calling them back. Did Samsung just politely tell me to go screw my self?
Samsungs customer service is horrible.
"Well, we need "tafseer" to understand that part" WTF why do you need an explanation guide for something so obvious? You think that will all his power God would have made it clear, stop boasting the magical qualities and clarity of the quran if u can't even read it without another text. It just infuriates me. Story------What set me off As an exmuslim myself I figured the only way to convert my very logical level headed girlfriend was to just let her read the Quran itself. All it took was about 35-40 ayahs into Surat Al Nisa (The women), and although she was already at the point where she was almost athiest but couldn't say it, she finally did and completely renounced islam. It worked so smoothly I thought I'd do the same with my sisters. I showed them the inequality for women, the "beat them" line, how women are given less by islam in inheritance. How it quite literally says God perfers men over women and made men in charge. The whole thing, basically The fact that there is a whole surah telling men how to deal with their women and no surah telling women how to deal with men. When i explained this, my sister said "oh we need tafseer, to understand those." -- what? It's pretty fucking clear, they're commands not metaphors. Now every time she tells me the quran says this or that, I'll say I need a tafseer from a sheik I trust. Good thing i don't trust any of them. **Tl:dr** Tried to argue very clear lines in the quran, sister wouldn't have it unless there was a shaik who can bend the ayah and twist its meaning so it could go down easier **EDIT:** Words
"Well, we need "tafseer" to understand that part" WTF why do you need an explanation guide for something so obvious? You think that will all his power God would have made it clear, stop boasting the magical qualities and clarity of the quran if u can't even read it without another text. It just infuriates me. Story------What set me off As an exmuslim myself I figured the only way to convert my very logical level headed girlfriend was to just let her read the Quran itself. All it took was about 35-40 ayahs into Surat Al Nisa (The women), and although she was already at the point where she was almost athiest but couldn't say it, she finally did and completely renounced islam. It worked so smoothly I thought I'd do the same with my sisters. I showed them the inequality for women, the "beat them" line, how women are given less by islam in inheritance. How it quite literally says God perfers men over women and made men in charge. The whole thing, basically The fact that there is a whole surah telling men how to deal with their women and no surah telling women how to deal with men. When i explained this, my sister said "oh we need tafseer, to understand those." -- what? It's pretty fucking clear, they're commands not metaphors. Now every time she tells me the quran says this or that, I'll say I need a tafseer from a sheik I trust. Good thing i don't trust any of them. Tl:dr Tried to argue very clear lines in the quran, sister wouldn't have it unless there was a shaik who can bend the ayah and twist its meaning so it could go down easier EDIT: Words
Well, we need "tafseer" to understand that part" WTF why do you need an explanation guide for something so obvious? You think that will all his power God would have made it clear, stop boasting the magical qualities and clarity of the quran if u can't even read it without another text. It just infuriates me. Story------What set me off As an exmuslim myself I figured the only way to convert my very logical level headed girlfriend was to just let her read the Quran itself. All it took was about 35-40 ayahs into Surat Al Nisa (The women), and although she was already at the point where she was almost athiest but couldn't say it, she finally did and completely renounced islam. It worked so smoothly I thought I'd do the same with my sisters. I showed them the inequality for women, the "beat them" line, how women are given less by islam in inheritance. How it quite literally says God perfers men over women and made men in charge. The whole thing, basically The fact that there is a whole surah telling men how to deal with their women and no surah telling women how to deal with men. When i explained this, my sister said "oh we need tafseer, to understand those." -- what? It's pretty fucking clear, they're commands not metaphors. Now every time she tells me the quran says this or that, I'll say I need a tafseer from a sheik I trust. Good thing i don't trust any of them.
Tried to argue very clear lines in the quran, sister wouldn't have it unless there was a shaik who can bend the ayah and twist its meaning so it could go down easier EDIT: Words
I am just now getting into streaming and Brawlhalla mainly because of this community. Gaming wise I have almost always been a MMORPG/FPS player and this is the first game in a long time to make me want to know everything possible and to help it along as much as possible. I look up to Raidhyn because when a game is starting out it really needs people to push it to the forefront to make it excel and help out the company. He does an amazing job at this and I want to join him at some point in the upper level of Brawlhalla streamers. My question to everybody is with the launch of YTG (YouTube Gaming) would everybody prefer the streams to come from Twitch or from YTG? Keeping streams together on one platform helps with consistency (even more so in this genre as fighting games from what i can tell tend to have very tight knit groups in terms of players etc) For a new streamer like me YTG is providing some great features from the bat mainly HTML5, Transcoding, and the auto upload feature really helps. Twitch I think has a much better grasp of streaming in general as YTG seems to think mixing all of their static video uploads and live streamers together causing confusion and giving known YouTube celebs a huge advantage in viewership is a good idea. My plan is to grow in skill and present the whole ranked experience from bronze up to diamond (hopefully ha ha) and stream all of it. After that I plan to run tournaments and contests with some shoutcasting. TLDR: Would this community perfer YTG or Twitch as its main streaming service for everything? Also plan to throw out my stream once i get all my audio equipment setup tonight.
I am just now getting into streaming and Brawlhalla mainly because of this community. Gaming wise I have almost always been a MMORPG/FPS player and this is the first game in a long time to make me want to know everything possible and to help it along as much as possible. I look up to Raidhyn because when a game is starting out it really needs people to push it to the forefront to make it excel and help out the company. He does an amazing job at this and I want to join him at some point in the upper level of Brawlhalla streamers. My question to everybody is with the launch of YTG (YouTube Gaming) would everybody prefer the streams to come from Twitch or from YTG? Keeping streams together on one platform helps with consistency (even more so in this genre as fighting games from what i can tell tend to have very tight knit groups in terms of players etc) For a new streamer like me YTG is providing some great features from the bat mainly HTML5, Transcoding, and the auto upload feature really helps. Twitch I think has a much better grasp of streaming in general as YTG seems to think mixing all of their static video uploads and live streamers together causing confusion and giving known YouTube celebs a huge advantage in viewership is a good idea. My plan is to grow in skill and present the whole ranked experience from bronze up to diamond (hopefully ha ha) and stream all of it. After that I plan to run tournaments and contests with some shoutcasting. TLDR: Would this community perfer YTG or Twitch as its main streaming service for everything? Also plan to throw out my stream once i get all my audio equipment setup tonight.
I am just now getting into streaming and Brawlhalla mainly because of this community. Gaming wise I have almost always been a MMORPG/FPS player and this is the first game in a long time to make me want to know everything possible and to help it along as much as possible. I look up to Raidhyn because when a game is starting out it really needs people to push it to the forefront to make it excel and help out the company. He does an amazing job at this and I want to join him at some point in the upper level of Brawlhalla streamers. My question to everybody is with the launch of YTG (YouTube Gaming) would everybody prefer the streams to come from Twitch or from YTG? Keeping streams together on one platform helps with consistency (even more so in this genre as fighting games from what i can tell tend to have very tight knit groups in terms of players etc) For a new streamer like me YTG is providing some great features from the bat mainly HTML5, Transcoding, and the auto upload feature really helps. Twitch I think has a much better grasp of streaming in general as YTG seems to think mixing all of their static video uploads and live streamers together causing confusion and giving known YouTube celebs a huge advantage in viewership is a good idea. My plan is to grow in skill and present the whole ranked experience from bronze up to diamond (hopefully ha ha) and stream all of it. After that I plan to run tournaments and contests with some shoutcasting.
Would this community perfer YTG or Twitch as its main streaming service for everything? Also plan to throw out my stream once i get all my audio equipment setup tonight.
Employee Stock Purchase Plans (ESPP for short) are excellent ways to make easy money. Honestly, you won't find anything else that is going to get you and automatic double digit return on an investment every 6 months (hence why it gets limited to a certain percentage of your salary). A couple things to note: 1. As soon as the purchase goes through, the only way to guarantee a return, is to sell the stock you just purchased immediately. you could hang on to it and it could go up, but it's a stock so it could just as easily lose that value as well. I suggest taking the guaranteed money to be safe. 2. The money automatically comes out of your check, so once it's setup, it's super easy. After the initial setup, it will take you all of 30 minutes every six months to do the rest of the stuff you need to do e.g. execute the trade after your ESPP purchase takes place. 3. It forces you to save money. By having money automatically taken out of your paycheck, it makes it super easy to force yourself to save. I sometimes forget about mine and the end of 6 months, I realize I have a nice chunk of change sitting there for me. TL;DR Do it. It's easy money and forces you to save.
Employee Stock Purchase Plans (ESPP for short) are excellent ways to make easy money. Honestly, you won't find anything else that is going to get you and automatic double digit return on an investment every 6 months (hence why it gets limited to a certain percentage of your salary). A couple things to note: As soon as the purchase goes through, the only way to guarantee a return, is to sell the stock you just purchased immediately. you could hang on to it and it could go up, but it's a stock so it could just as easily lose that value as well. I suggest taking the guaranteed money to be safe. The money automatically comes out of your check, so once it's setup, it's super easy. After the initial setup, it will take you all of 30 minutes every six months to do the rest of the stuff you need to do e.g. execute the trade after your ESPP purchase takes place. It forces you to save money. By having money automatically taken out of your paycheck, it makes it super easy to force yourself to save. I sometimes forget about mine and the end of 6 months, I realize I have a nice chunk of change sitting there for me. TL;DR Do it. It's easy money and forces you to save.
Employee Stock Purchase Plans (ESPP for short) are excellent ways to make easy money. Honestly, you won't find anything else that is going to get you and automatic double digit return on an investment every 6 months (hence why it gets limited to a certain percentage of your salary). A couple things to note: As soon as the purchase goes through, the only way to guarantee a return, is to sell the stock you just purchased immediately. you could hang on to it and it could go up, but it's a stock so it could just as easily lose that value as well. I suggest taking the guaranteed money to be safe. The money automatically comes out of your check, so once it's setup, it's super easy. After the initial setup, it will take you all of 30 minutes every six months to do the rest of the stuff you need to do e.g. execute the trade after your ESPP purchase takes place. It forces you to save money. By having money automatically taken out of your paycheck, it makes it super easy to force yourself to save. I sometimes forget about mine and the end of 6 months, I realize I have a nice chunk of change sitting there for me.
Do it. It's easy money and forces you to save.
Both 20 years old, he's a virgin, I've been with 2 guys previously (one was my first and a year-and-some-change long relationship, the other was an old friend, a drunken hook-up after ending the previously mentioned relationship) I'll try to keep this as concise as possible. I met this fantastic guy back in late September/early October. We immediately hit it off, started spending a lot of time together, just getting to know each other. It's slowly evolved into a very honest, intimate relationship. One of the first nights we spent together, things were getting a little heated between the sheets, and he felt compelled to admit to me that he was still a virgin, that sex (not for moral or religious reasons, but more personal values) was something that he'd planned to save until he met a girl he felt very strongly for. Over the next couple months, the implication has been that I could be that girl. There is a ton of sexual energy between us. The fact that he's a virgin is actually a complete turn-on for me. This may seem like a no-brainer to some, but I really am unsure how to respectfully move towards, or at least bring up the topic of, having sex. I'm not in any rush, if it didn't happen for another year I wouldn't bat an eyelash, but my senses are telling me that that's not what either of us is thinking. But, due to the fact that I'm the one with more experience, I feel as though I should be the one to "take the reigns", so to speak. I've never been in this situation before, but I'm completely willing to step outside my comfort zone. Part of me is wary of being a bit presumptuous, which is why I don't just want to "go for it". How do I know he's positive he wants me to take his virginity? Clearly it means something to him. Also, recently (as in, within the past 3-4 weeks), we met up to have a little talk late one night. The overall message was that he was very much interested in pursuing what we had going, but that he also needed a little space, that the physical aspect of our relationship was a little "too much" for him at the time, and that he also needed a little more space for personal time. I understand this, he's a very busy person, and I also am one to need down time to just space out and not have to focus on anyone in particular. The conversation ended very positively, and I felt (as with many discussions we've had) even closer to him. The more I thought about what he said about the physical though, the more I began to wonder if he had other motives he didn't want to state. We had not long before that moved into performing oral on each other. Whenever I would go down on him though, he had trouble lasting more than, say, a minute. Could that be what he meant by "too much"? Because, recently, things have moved back into getting more physical. Of course I've asked if he's okay with things, and he definitely has been, but suddenly he's lasting so much longer. Could this have to do with why he wanted space? Because now he seems much more motivated to be more sexual with each other. Regardless, with this discussion in mind, I'm wary of moving faster than he wants to at this time in his life. I don't want to rush anything, and part of me thinks it'll just feel right when it's the right time. But even when that time comes, do any of you have advice on what to say, or what to do? He and I have established such openness between us that I'm not so much concerned about actually being able to talk to him, just how to say it. And I apologize for the length! Tl;dr - 20 yr. old girl seeing 20 yr. old guy who's a virgin (by choice), unsure of how to approach the topic of having sex.
Both 20 years old, he's a virgin, I've been with 2 guys previously (one was my first and a year-and-some-change long relationship, the other was an old friend, a drunken hook-up after ending the previously mentioned relationship) I'll try to keep this as concise as possible. I met this fantastic guy back in late September/early October. We immediately hit it off, started spending a lot of time together, just getting to know each other. It's slowly evolved into a very honest, intimate relationship. One of the first nights we spent together, things were getting a little heated between the sheets, and he felt compelled to admit to me that he was still a virgin, that sex (not for moral or religious reasons, but more personal values) was something that he'd planned to save until he met a girl he felt very strongly for. Over the next couple months, the implication has been that I could be that girl. There is a ton of sexual energy between us. The fact that he's a virgin is actually a complete turn-on for me. This may seem like a no-brainer to some, but I really am unsure how to respectfully move towards, or at least bring up the topic of, having sex. I'm not in any rush, if it didn't happen for another year I wouldn't bat an eyelash, but my senses are telling me that that's not what either of us is thinking. But, due to the fact that I'm the one with more experience, I feel as though I should be the one to "take the reigns", so to speak. I've never been in this situation before, but I'm completely willing to step outside my comfort zone. Part of me is wary of being a bit presumptuous, which is why I don't just want to "go for it". How do I know he's positive he wants me to take his virginity? Clearly it means something to him. Also, recently (as in, within the past 3-4 weeks), we met up to have a little talk late one night. The overall message was that he was very much interested in pursuing what we had going, but that he also needed a little space, that the physical aspect of our relationship was a little "too much" for him at the time, and that he also needed a little more space for personal time. I understand this, he's a very busy person, and I also am one to need down time to just space out and not have to focus on anyone in particular. The conversation ended very positively, and I felt (as with many discussions we've had) even closer to him. The more I thought about what he said about the physical though, the more I began to wonder if he had other motives he didn't want to state. We had not long before that moved into performing oral on each other. Whenever I would go down on him though, he had trouble lasting more than, say, a minute. Could that be what he meant by "too much"? Because, recently, things have moved back into getting more physical. Of course I've asked if he's okay with things, and he definitely has been, but suddenly he's lasting so much longer. Could this have to do with why he wanted space? Because now he seems much more motivated to be more sexual with each other. Regardless, with this discussion in mind, I'm wary of moving faster than he wants to at this time in his life. I don't want to rush anything, and part of me thinks it'll just feel right when it's the right time. But even when that time comes, do any of you have advice on what to say, or what to do? He and I have established such openness between us that I'm not so much concerned about actually being able to talk to him, just how to say it. And I apologize for the length! Tl;dr - 20 yr. old girl seeing 20 yr. old guy who's a virgin (by choice), unsure of how to approach the topic of having sex.
Both 20 years old, he's a virgin, I've been with 2 guys previously (one was my first and a year-and-some-change long relationship, the other was an old friend, a drunken hook-up after ending the previously mentioned relationship) I'll try to keep this as concise as possible. I met this fantastic guy back in late September/early October. We immediately hit it off, started spending a lot of time together, just getting to know each other. It's slowly evolved into a very honest, intimate relationship. One of the first nights we spent together, things were getting a little heated between the sheets, and he felt compelled to admit to me that he was still a virgin, that sex (not for moral or religious reasons, but more personal values) was something that he'd planned to save until he met a girl he felt very strongly for. Over the next couple months, the implication has been that I could be that girl. There is a ton of sexual energy between us. The fact that he's a virgin is actually a complete turn-on for me. This may seem like a no-brainer to some, but I really am unsure how to respectfully move towards, or at least bring up the topic of, having sex. I'm not in any rush, if it didn't happen for another year I wouldn't bat an eyelash, but my senses are telling me that that's not what either of us is thinking. But, due to the fact that I'm the one with more experience, I feel as though I should be the one to "take the reigns", so to speak. I've never been in this situation before, but I'm completely willing to step outside my comfort zone. Part of me is wary of being a bit presumptuous, which is why I don't just want to "go for it". How do I know he's positive he wants me to take his virginity? Clearly it means something to him. Also, recently (as in, within the past 3-4 weeks), we met up to have a little talk late one night. The overall message was that he was very much interested in pursuing what we had going, but that he also needed a little space, that the physical aspect of our relationship was a little "too much" for him at the time, and that he also needed a little more space for personal time. I understand this, he's a very busy person, and I also am one to need down time to just space out and not have to focus on anyone in particular. The conversation ended very positively, and I felt (as with many discussions we've had) even closer to him. The more I thought about what he said about the physical though, the more I began to wonder if he had other motives he didn't want to state. We had not long before that moved into performing oral on each other. Whenever I would go down on him though, he had trouble lasting more than, say, a minute. Could that be what he meant by "too much"? Because, recently, things have moved back into getting more physical. Of course I've asked if he's okay with things, and he definitely has been, but suddenly he's lasting so much longer. Could this have to do with why he wanted space? Because now he seems much more motivated to be more sexual with each other. Regardless, with this discussion in mind, I'm wary of moving faster than he wants to at this time in his life. I don't want to rush anything, and part of me thinks it'll just feel right when it's the right time. But even when that time comes, do any of you have advice on what to say, or what to do? He and I have established such openness between us that I'm not so much concerned about actually being able to talk to him, just how to say it. And I apologize for the length!
20 yr. old girl seeing 20 yr. old guy who's a virgin (by choice), unsure of how to approach the topic of having sex.
Hello all, I was just wondering what it is about the synergy between locks and shaman paired in arena accounting for so many x/lock/shaman 3s comps. I main resto shaman, so I'm obviously aware of the separate dr's of fear+hex. Also the helpfulness of having a healthstone when getting trained by melee, as well as demonic gateway for the same reason. But for the latter two, they can be said for any class/ role. I imagine at least for resto shaman, it would be one of the better healers for helping locks tank the current meta of physical damage cleaves with earth shield and spirit link totem x2. However I can imagine other healers be more effective in that regard in a lot of circumstances. Or is it a little bit of a mix of those factors combined with the vast amount of tools both classes provide paired together on the same team? Additionally, the points I mentioned about the resto shaman pairing are null when talking about LSD. Now that I think about it, any lock/dps or resto shaman 3s comp would most likely train either the lock or the shaman. Thus allowing the other to be able to just about free cast,putting out a shitload of damage/cc/pressure or insane heals plus cc. I just started playing WLS and want to understand it as much as possible, in addition to wanting to try LSD possibly LSD2.0 in the future. If TL;DR, just am curious about reading/ hearing how strong shaman/lock/x is so frequently and want to know the dynamics to improve my understanding/ play. Any insight is really appreciated, Thanks!
Hello all, I was just wondering what it is about the synergy between locks and shaman paired in arena accounting for so many x/lock/shaman 3s comps. I main resto shaman, so I'm obviously aware of the separate dr's of fear+hex. Also the helpfulness of having a healthstone when getting trained by melee, as well as demonic gateway for the same reason. But for the latter two, they can be said for any class/ role. I imagine at least for resto shaman, it would be one of the better healers for helping locks tank the current meta of physical damage cleaves with earth shield and spirit link totem x2. However I can imagine other healers be more effective in that regard in a lot of circumstances. Or is it a little bit of a mix of those factors combined with the vast amount of tools both classes provide paired together on the same team? Additionally, the points I mentioned about the resto shaman pairing are null when talking about LSD. Now that I think about it, any lock/dps or resto shaman 3s comp would most likely train either the lock or the shaman. Thus allowing the other to be able to just about free cast,putting out a shitload of damage/cc/pressure or insane heals plus cc. I just started playing WLS and want to understand it as much as possible, in addition to wanting to try LSD possibly LSD2.0 in the future. If TL;DR, just am curious about reading/ hearing how strong shaman/lock/x is so frequently and want to know the dynamics to improve my understanding/ play. Any insight is really appreciated, Thanks!
Hello all, I was just wondering what it is about the synergy between locks and shaman paired in arena accounting for so many x/lock/shaman 3s comps. I main resto shaman, so I'm obviously aware of the separate dr's of fear+hex. Also the helpfulness of having a healthstone when getting trained by melee, as well as demonic gateway for the same reason. But for the latter two, they can be said for any class/ role. I imagine at least for resto shaman, it would be one of the better healers for helping locks tank the current meta of physical damage cleaves with earth shield and spirit link totem x2. However I can imagine other healers be more effective in that regard in a lot of circumstances. Or is it a little bit of a mix of those factors combined with the vast amount of tools both classes provide paired together on the same team? Additionally, the points I mentioned about the resto shaman pairing are null when talking about LSD. Now that I think about it, any lock/dps or resto shaman 3s comp would most likely train either the lock or the shaman. Thus allowing the other to be able to just about free cast,putting out a shitload of damage/cc/pressure or insane heals plus cc. I just started playing WLS and want to understand it as much as possible, in addition to wanting to try LSD possibly LSD2.0 in the future. If
just am curious about reading/ hearing how strong shaman/lock/x is so frequently and want to know the dynamics to improve my understanding/ play. Any insight is really appreciated, Thanks!
I thought about it. I was never one of those people who just *knew* what they wanted to do so I spent pretty much my entire college education pondering this question, even as I walked across the stage for my degree. I still wonder even now. My advice would be to finish your education because it took years to get to this point and, I imagine, a considerable amount of money. You aren't the only person to finish their degree and think, wow, this fucking sucks. One of my programming professors went to seminary school and in his last year, decided he hated it. He finished anyways and then went back to school years later. I, myself, am in grad school. I'm already questioning that decision and just this evening I settled upon continuing but putting more emphasis on freelance work. I always considered it a risk and didn't want to try but I've reached a point where that seems like a much smaller risk than wasting my youth telling myself I can't do something. TL;DR Finding your way is rough. Finish school and then go from there. Ask yourself what you really want to be doing and then see if there's a way to make that happen. And don't consider your education a waste, you might find that it'll be helpful in some completely unforeseen way.
I thought about it. I was never one of those people who just knew what they wanted to do so I spent pretty much my entire college education pondering this question, even as I walked across the stage for my degree. I still wonder even now. My advice would be to finish your education because it took years to get to this point and, I imagine, a considerable amount of money. You aren't the only person to finish their degree and think, wow, this fucking sucks. One of my programming professors went to seminary school and in his last year, decided he hated it. He finished anyways and then went back to school years later. I, myself, am in grad school. I'm already questioning that decision and just this evening I settled upon continuing but putting more emphasis on freelance work. I always considered it a risk and didn't want to try but I've reached a point where that seems like a much smaller risk than wasting my youth telling myself I can't do something. TL;DR Finding your way is rough. Finish school and then go from there. Ask yourself what you really want to be doing and then see if there's a way to make that happen. And don't consider your education a waste, you might find that it'll be helpful in some completely unforeseen way.
I thought about it. I was never one of those people who just knew what they wanted to do so I spent pretty much my entire college education pondering this question, even as I walked across the stage for my degree. I still wonder even now. My advice would be to finish your education because it took years to get to this point and, I imagine, a considerable amount of money. You aren't the only person to finish their degree and think, wow, this fucking sucks. One of my programming professors went to seminary school and in his last year, decided he hated it. He finished anyways and then went back to school years later. I, myself, am in grad school. I'm already questioning that decision and just this evening I settled upon continuing but putting more emphasis on freelance work. I always considered it a risk and didn't want to try but I've reached a point where that seems like a much smaller risk than wasting my youth telling myself I can't do something.
Finding your way is rough. Finish school and then go from there. Ask yourself what you really want to be doing and then see if there's a way to make that happen. And don't consider your education a waste, you might find that it'll be helpful in some completely unforeseen way.
I'm just about to finish my first semester in engineering. Let me give you my take on Cornell so far: Pros: people, professors, environment, dining, libraries, social scene Cons: it's cold, exams are hard, and I personally don't like living in a dorm room in general (maybe if I had a single it'd be better) I love all of the people I've met here so far, the professors are incredibly knowledgeable on their subjects, it's beautiful, the food is great, the libraries are awesome for getting your work done, and there are plenty of parties to go to throughout the week. As for the cons, it's not nearly as cold as I'd expected it to be, if you're applying to Cornell you should expect tough exams, and though I don't like living in a dorm room, I love all of the people on my floor and they are main friend group. I don't think you can really go wrong with Cornell. It can get stressful at times, but you learn to work with it and the classes are generally curved up so your grade isn't nearly as bad as it seems. The only schools I would have rather gone to are MIT, Stanford, and Berkeley, but two of them wouldn't have been affordable due to travel expenses and there was no chance I was getting into MIT. TL;DR: Cornell is awesome. Good luck with the college search!
I'm just about to finish my first semester in engineering. Let me give you my take on Cornell so far: Pros: people, professors, environment, dining, libraries, social scene Cons: it's cold, exams are hard, and I personally don't like living in a dorm room in general (maybe if I had a single it'd be better) I love all of the people I've met here so far, the professors are incredibly knowledgeable on their subjects, it's beautiful, the food is great, the libraries are awesome for getting your work done, and there are plenty of parties to go to throughout the week. As for the cons, it's not nearly as cold as I'd expected it to be, if you're applying to Cornell you should expect tough exams, and though I don't like living in a dorm room, I love all of the people on my floor and they are main friend group. I don't think you can really go wrong with Cornell. It can get stressful at times, but you learn to work with it and the classes are generally curved up so your grade isn't nearly as bad as it seems. The only schools I would have rather gone to are MIT, Stanford, and Berkeley, but two of them wouldn't have been affordable due to travel expenses and there was no chance I was getting into MIT. TL;DR: Cornell is awesome. Good luck with the college search!
I'm just about to finish my first semester in engineering. Let me give you my take on Cornell so far: Pros: people, professors, environment, dining, libraries, social scene Cons: it's cold, exams are hard, and I personally don't like living in a dorm room in general (maybe if I had a single it'd be better) I love all of the people I've met here so far, the professors are incredibly knowledgeable on their subjects, it's beautiful, the food is great, the libraries are awesome for getting your work done, and there are plenty of parties to go to throughout the week. As for the cons, it's not nearly as cold as I'd expected it to be, if you're applying to Cornell you should expect tough exams, and though I don't like living in a dorm room, I love all of the people on my floor and they are main friend group. I don't think you can really go wrong with Cornell. It can get stressful at times, but you learn to work with it and the classes are generally curved up so your grade isn't nearly as bad as it seems. The only schools I would have rather gone to are MIT, Stanford, and Berkeley, but two of them wouldn't have been affordable due to travel expenses and there was no chance I was getting into MIT.
Cornell is awesome. Good luck with the college search!
Chris...fucking Chris. This guy just relentlessly tormented me throughout grades 5, 6, and 7. One Friday back in 7th grade I was sitting in the drive through with my mother. Chris walked by, saw me, and yelled, "Fuck you! You fucking pussy bitch!" I was so embarrassed and my mom was just so surprised that his ENTIRE family said nothing as they walked into the store. The next Monday I decided enough was enough. I followed him all day giving him the "I'm going to murder your family" eyes. Finally at lunch I walked up behind him while he was sitting next to his girlfriend, grabbed his head, and beat the living hell out of him. From that day forward he never talked to me in school again. Fast forward a few years and I was working in a drive thru. The next car comes up and what do you know it was Chris. He rolled down his window and I could tell immediately that he still knew who I was. After giving him his change he started awkward small talk. I just smiled and said "it's ok man were cool". He relaxed a bit and we talked for a minute or two. Turned out to be an okay guy. TL;DR Got bullied. Made his face meet with a picnic table. Now were cool.
Chris...fucking Chris. This guy just relentlessly tormented me throughout grades 5, 6, and 7. One Friday back in 7th grade I was sitting in the drive through with my mother. Chris walked by, saw me, and yelled, "Fuck you! You fucking pussy bitch!" I was so embarrassed and my mom was just so surprised that his ENTIRE family said nothing as they walked into the store. The next Monday I decided enough was enough. I followed him all day giving him the "I'm going to murder your family" eyes. Finally at lunch I walked up behind him while he was sitting next to his girlfriend, grabbed his head, and beat the living hell out of him. From that day forward he never talked to me in school again. Fast forward a few years and I was working in a drive thru. The next car comes up and what do you know it was Chris. He rolled down his window and I could tell immediately that he still knew who I was. After giving him his change he started awkward small talk. I just smiled and said "it's ok man were cool". He relaxed a bit and we talked for a minute or two. Turned out to be an okay guy. TL;DR Got bullied. Made his face meet with a picnic table. Now were cool.
Chris...fucking Chris. This guy just relentlessly tormented me throughout grades 5, 6, and 7. One Friday back in 7th grade I was sitting in the drive through with my mother. Chris walked by, saw me, and yelled, "Fuck you! You fucking pussy bitch!" I was so embarrassed and my mom was just so surprised that his ENTIRE family said nothing as they walked into the store. The next Monday I decided enough was enough. I followed him all day giving him the "I'm going to murder your family" eyes. Finally at lunch I walked up behind him while he was sitting next to his girlfriend, grabbed his head, and beat the living hell out of him. From that day forward he never talked to me in school again. Fast forward a few years and I was working in a drive thru. The next car comes up and what do you know it was Chris. He rolled down his window and I could tell immediately that he still knew who I was. After giving him his change he started awkward small talk. I just smiled and said "it's ok man were cool". He relaxed a bit and we talked for a minute or two. Turned out to be an okay guy.
Got bullied. Made his face meet with a picnic table. Now were cool.
Hey guys, I was recently admitted into a 4-year for Spring 2016 as a transfer and I had a quick question. One of the requirements to declare my major (I am going in as Pre-Business) is to take Introductory Calculus for Business and Social Sciences. I already have taken the math above it, which is regular Calculus I. My question is, under the business calculus class, it says that no credit is recieved if the student has already taken regular Calculus I. Am I still allowed to take the lower math for my major requirement? Or do I get an exemption? I have emailed the school already but in the meantime, I was just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation? And if so, what happened. tl;dr: I have already taken Math 181 but I need to take Math 176 for my major. However, it says no credit given for 176 if you have already taken 181.
Hey guys, I was recently admitted into a 4-year for Spring 2016 as a transfer and I had a quick question. One of the requirements to declare my major (I am going in as Pre-Business) is to take Introductory Calculus for Business and Social Sciences. I already have taken the math above it, which is regular Calculus I. My question is, under the business calculus class, it says that no credit is recieved if the student has already taken regular Calculus I. Am I still allowed to take the lower math for my major requirement? Or do I get an exemption? I have emailed the school already but in the meantime, I was just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation? And if so, what happened. tl;dr: I have already taken Math 181 but I need to take Math 176 for my major. However, it says no credit given for 176 if you have already taken 181.
Hey guys, I was recently admitted into a 4-year for Spring 2016 as a transfer and I had a quick question. One of the requirements to declare my major (I am going in as Pre-Business) is to take Introductory Calculus for Business and Social Sciences. I already have taken the math above it, which is regular Calculus I. My question is, under the business calculus class, it says that no credit is recieved if the student has already taken regular Calculus I. Am I still allowed to take the lower math for my major requirement? Or do I get an exemption? I have emailed the school already but in the meantime, I was just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation? And if so, what happened.
I have already taken Math 181 but I need to take Math 176 for my major. However, it says no credit given for 176 if you have already taken 181.
Good morning and what a lovely day! So, as the title implies, I'm getting married soon. (Yay!) I got engaged back in January and it's been just the kick in the pants that I needed to get serious about changing my habits. Before I met my FH, I was super active, a hiker, gym rat and I loved the outdoors. I live in a tourist area, so there's a lot if nature and paths. About six months after I met him, I noticed a little weight sneaking back up on me. I spent a lot of time and hard work getting to where I was, but I guess we both got comfortable and replaced the gym with cozy nights at home, impressive dinners and relaxing. I noticed that I suddenly didn't fit into my nice business skirts and shirts anymore. My jeans stopped fitting. And my jacket sleeves were getting tight. I wasn't happy at all with myself. I tried a few times to get back into my old gym habits, but after the initial addicting feeling wore off, I fell off track again. I went from a size 4-6 shirt and size 8 pant, to probably around a 14. Not happy. But my wonderful fiancé stood by me and kept me in good spirits. And when the wonderful day came and he proposed, I was so happy! I was staring at this one dress for a long time and decided that I would order it. What better motivation than having to be the centre of attention with all of your loved ones judging how you look on the most important day of your life. (don't kid yourself, you all know they look and talk and internally judge). When I went to the shop to order my dress, I was a bridal 14, so probably about a 12. I asked the lady to order it a size smaller and I was determined to lose the weight! Finally, when the dress arrived, I was so nervous to try it on. I don't weigh myself (stupid fear of the scale), so I want sure if I lost enough. Sure, my pants were a little looser, but I didn't think a full dress size looser. Man, was I wrong! The smaller dress size that I ordered was too BIG for me! This was back in July. I went for my next fitting at the very beginning of this month and it was even bigger on me! I felt so great! But, at the same time, when the dress is so huge, it's hard to picture what it will look like altered. So I was happy, and really worried at the same time. I just went back yesterday to try it on with the alterations done... And it's still to big! I lost more! They should have the final alterations done on Friday. My wedding isn't for another 3 weeks, so I'm on a maintenance diet now. In total, they had to take it in 6 inches! 6! I probably lost the most these past two months and I couldn't be happier. I'm now a bridal 8, which is around a 6-8! I have a long way to go in terms of toning and getting my bum to be perky like before, but when I walk down the aisle, I'll be a blushing bride from love, and not from embarrassment. How I did it -high protein diet -protein shake for breakfast and usually lunch -a decent dinner with good protein (it's amazing how many ways you can cook chicken without getting bored) -limit my snacking, but not completely cut it out. If you give yourself a little wiggle room and don't beat yourself up about it, I find it easier to stick to a healthier lifestyle. -GYM. A better diet is the first step. The weights and a motivating program are necessary to help you reach your final goal. (and an awesome time partner will help push you along when you feel like quitting) - motivation! I have to look good in my dress! And a major thanks to my wonderful husband to be! He stuck by me through thick and thin and I love him with all my heart! Tldr; weddings are great motivators to get you in shape!
Good morning and what a lovely day! So, as the title implies, I'm getting married soon. (Yay!) I got engaged back in January and it's been just the kick in the pants that I needed to get serious about changing my habits. Before I met my FH, I was super active, a hiker, gym rat and I loved the outdoors. I live in a tourist area, so there's a lot if nature and paths. About six months after I met him, I noticed a little weight sneaking back up on me. I spent a lot of time and hard work getting to where I was, but I guess we both got comfortable and replaced the gym with cozy nights at home, impressive dinners and relaxing. I noticed that I suddenly didn't fit into my nice business skirts and shirts anymore. My jeans stopped fitting. And my jacket sleeves were getting tight. I wasn't happy at all with myself. I tried a few times to get back into my old gym habits, but after the initial addicting feeling wore off, I fell off track again. I went from a size 4-6 shirt and size 8 pant, to probably around a 14. Not happy. But my wonderful fiancé stood by me and kept me in good spirits. And when the wonderful day came and he proposed, I was so happy! I was staring at this one dress for a long time and decided that I would order it. What better motivation than having to be the centre of attention with all of your loved ones judging how you look on the most important day of your life. (don't kid yourself, you all know they look and talk and internally judge). When I went to the shop to order my dress, I was a bridal 14, so probably about a 12. I asked the lady to order it a size smaller and I was determined to lose the weight! Finally, when the dress arrived, I was so nervous to try it on. I don't weigh myself (stupid fear of the scale), so I want sure if I lost enough. Sure, my pants were a little looser, but I didn't think a full dress size looser. Man, was I wrong! The smaller dress size that I ordered was too BIG for me! This was back in July. I went for my next fitting at the very beginning of this month and it was even bigger on me! I felt so great! But, at the same time, when the dress is so huge, it's hard to picture what it will look like altered. So I was happy, and really worried at the same time. I just went back yesterday to try it on with the alterations done... And it's still to big! I lost more! They should have the final alterations done on Friday. My wedding isn't for another 3 weeks, so I'm on a maintenance diet now. In total, they had to take it in 6 inches! 6! I probably lost the most these past two months and I couldn't be happier. I'm now a bridal 8, which is around a 6-8! I have a long way to go in terms of toning and getting my bum to be perky like before, but when I walk down the aisle, I'll be a blushing bride from love, and not from embarrassment. How I did it -high protein diet -protein shake for breakfast and usually lunch -a decent dinner with good protein (it's amazing how many ways you can cook chicken without getting bored) -limit my snacking, but not completely cut it out. If you give yourself a little wiggle room and don't beat yourself up about it, I find it easier to stick to a healthier lifestyle. -GYM. A better diet is the first step. The weights and a motivating program are necessary to help you reach your final goal. (and an awesome time partner will help push you along when you feel like quitting) motivation! I have to look good in my dress! And a major thanks to my wonderful husband to be! He stuck by me through thick and thin and I love him with all my heart! Tldr; weddings are great motivators to get you in shape!
Good morning and what a lovely day! So, as the title implies, I'm getting married soon. (Yay!) I got engaged back in January and it's been just the kick in the pants that I needed to get serious about changing my habits. Before I met my FH, I was super active, a hiker, gym rat and I loved the outdoors. I live in a tourist area, so there's a lot if nature and paths. About six months after I met him, I noticed a little weight sneaking back up on me. I spent a lot of time and hard work getting to where I was, but I guess we both got comfortable and replaced the gym with cozy nights at home, impressive dinners and relaxing. I noticed that I suddenly didn't fit into my nice business skirts and shirts anymore. My jeans stopped fitting. And my jacket sleeves were getting tight. I wasn't happy at all with myself. I tried a few times to get back into my old gym habits, but after the initial addicting feeling wore off, I fell off track again. I went from a size 4-6 shirt and size 8 pant, to probably around a 14. Not happy. But my wonderful fiancé stood by me and kept me in good spirits. And when the wonderful day came and he proposed, I was so happy! I was staring at this one dress for a long time and decided that I would order it. What better motivation than having to be the centre of attention with all of your loved ones judging how you look on the most important day of your life. (don't kid yourself, you all know they look and talk and internally judge). When I went to the shop to order my dress, I was a bridal 14, so probably about a 12. I asked the lady to order it a size smaller and I was determined to lose the weight! Finally, when the dress arrived, I was so nervous to try it on. I don't weigh myself (stupid fear of the scale), so I want sure if I lost enough. Sure, my pants were a little looser, but I didn't think a full dress size looser. Man, was I wrong! The smaller dress size that I ordered was too BIG for me! This was back in July. I went for my next fitting at the very beginning of this month and it was even bigger on me! I felt so great! But, at the same time, when the dress is so huge, it's hard to picture what it will look like altered. So I was happy, and really worried at the same time. I just went back yesterday to try it on with the alterations done... And it's still to big! I lost more! They should have the final alterations done on Friday. My wedding isn't for another 3 weeks, so I'm on a maintenance diet now. In total, they had to take it in 6 inches! 6! I probably lost the most these past two months and I couldn't be happier. I'm now a bridal 8, which is around a 6-8! I have a long way to go in terms of toning and getting my bum to be perky like before, but when I walk down the aisle, I'll be a blushing bride from love, and not from embarrassment. How I did it -high protein diet -protein shake for breakfast and usually lunch -a decent dinner with good protein (it's amazing how many ways you can cook chicken without getting bored) -limit my snacking, but not completely cut it out. If you give yourself a little wiggle room and don't beat yourself up about it, I find it easier to stick to a healthier lifestyle. -GYM. A better diet is the first step. The weights and a motivating program are necessary to help you reach your final goal. (and an awesome time partner will help push you along when you feel like quitting) motivation! I have to look good in my dress! And a major thanks to my wonderful husband to be! He stuck by me through thick and thin and I love him with all my heart!
weddings are great motivators to get you in shape!
I have a strong instinct to do so, (not my fault, I was born an elitist roady) but I remind myself that they're out there, riding and enjoying what I like to do so why should I judge them? Maybe that's all they can afford. Once upon a time, all I had was a too small hardrock that was beaten to hell that I got for cheap at a city sale. They probably had it because old owner left it somewhere and didn't see it worth the time to go back and retrieve it. It was a rare day that it didn't drop it's chain. Maybe it could have been fixed up a little, but I lacked the knowledge then. Still don't understand how a bike from Arizona managed to get that much rust though. But I'd ride it all the same, because it was all that I had and could afford, and lugging that thing around and riding it and it's lack of suspension around on trails made me a much better rider. I'm lucky, I was eventually able to go and buy a decent new bike. Hadn't had new bike since my first kids bike. Tl;dr: I used to ride crap too, who's to judge?
I have a strong instinct to do so, (not my fault, I was born an elitist roady) but I remind myself that they're out there, riding and enjoying what I like to do so why should I judge them? Maybe that's all they can afford. Once upon a time, all I had was a too small hardrock that was beaten to hell that I got for cheap at a city sale. They probably had it because old owner left it somewhere and didn't see it worth the time to go back and retrieve it. It was a rare day that it didn't drop it's chain. Maybe it could have been fixed up a little, but I lacked the knowledge then. Still don't understand how a bike from Arizona managed to get that much rust though. But I'd ride it all the same, because it was all that I had and could afford, and lugging that thing around and riding it and it's lack of suspension around on trails made me a much better rider. I'm lucky, I was eventually able to go and buy a decent new bike. Hadn't had new bike since my first kids bike. Tl;dr: I used to ride crap too, who's to judge?
I have a strong instinct to do so, (not my fault, I was born an elitist roady) but I remind myself that they're out there, riding and enjoying what I like to do so why should I judge them? Maybe that's all they can afford. Once upon a time, all I had was a too small hardrock that was beaten to hell that I got for cheap at a city sale. They probably had it because old owner left it somewhere and didn't see it worth the time to go back and retrieve it. It was a rare day that it didn't drop it's chain. Maybe it could have been fixed up a little, but I lacked the knowledge then. Still don't understand how a bike from Arizona managed to get that much rust though. But I'd ride it all the same, because it was all that I had and could afford, and lugging that thing around and riding it and it's lack of suspension around on trails made me a much better rider. I'm lucky, I was eventually able to go and buy a decent new bike. Hadn't had new bike since my first kids bike.
I used to ride crap too, who's to judge?
I couldn't quite parse how often you're working your legs each week. DOMS from squat was killing me on 5/3/1 BBB Really Boring until I switched to 5/3/1 BBB Less Boring. Basically that just meant that I was doing the exact same stuff, only instead of heavy and volume on the same day, I'd split it up and do volume on Monday and heavy on Thursday. This helped a LOT. I'm still having trouble working in the lifting with the running... I live in a very hilly area and running hills anytime near either squats is a bad time. TL;DR Try doing each exercise twice a week, you may just be resting too long between workouts for your body to adapt out of the DOMS.
I couldn't quite parse how often you're working your legs each week. DOMS from squat was killing me on 5/3/1 BBB Really Boring until I switched to 5/3/1 BBB Less Boring. Basically that just meant that I was doing the exact same stuff, only instead of heavy and volume on the same day, I'd split it up and do volume on Monday and heavy on Thursday. This helped a LOT. I'm still having trouble working in the lifting with the running... I live in a very hilly area and running hills anytime near either squats is a bad time. TL;DR Try doing each exercise twice a week, you may just be resting too long between workouts for your body to adapt out of the DOMS.
I couldn't quite parse how often you're working your legs each week. DOMS from squat was killing me on 5/3/1 BBB Really Boring until I switched to 5/3/1 BBB Less Boring. Basically that just meant that I was doing the exact same stuff, only instead of heavy and volume on the same day, I'd split it up and do volume on Monday and heavy on Thursday. This helped a LOT. I'm still having trouble working in the lifting with the running... I live in a very hilly area and running hills anytime near either squats is a bad time.
Try doing each exercise twice a week, you may just be resting too long between workouts for your body to adapt out of the DOMS.
I'd say they're comparable, Destiny is just an easier version of WoW in terms of getting loot. It took me a month to have the best possible gear in Destiny (level 30) which is just laughable to anyone who raids heroic WoW, where it takes months upon months to get best in slot gear. Luck plays into both games, if there was no RNG to loot drops in Destiny or WoW everyone would be decked out in a week. Besides, the fact that you can get guaranteed exotic gear, the *best gear in the game*, every Friday, AND have the option to **upgrade old gear and weapons** (which is just unheard of in these kinds of games, I would've loved that in WoW)...why is anyone complaining??? tl;dr: Having to replace gear that you "worked hard for" is nothing new to MMO/loot games. If you never had to replace gear the game would become stagnant and boring and they would have no way to get you to play the new content.
I'd say they're comparable, Destiny is just an easier version of WoW in terms of getting loot. It took me a month to have the best possible gear in Destiny (level 30) which is just laughable to anyone who raids heroic WoW, where it takes months upon months to get best in slot gear. Luck plays into both games, if there was no RNG to loot drops in Destiny or WoW everyone would be decked out in a week. Besides, the fact that you can get guaranteed exotic gear, the best gear in the game , every Friday, AND have the option to upgrade old gear and weapons (which is just unheard of in these kinds of games, I would've loved that in WoW)...why is anyone complaining??? tl;dr: Having to replace gear that you "worked hard for" is nothing new to MMO/loot games. If you never had to replace gear the game would become stagnant and boring and they would have no way to get you to play the new content.
I'd say they're comparable, Destiny is just an easier version of WoW in terms of getting loot. It took me a month to have the best possible gear in Destiny (level 30) which is just laughable to anyone who raids heroic WoW, where it takes months upon months to get best in slot gear. Luck plays into both games, if there was no RNG to loot drops in Destiny or WoW everyone would be decked out in a week. Besides, the fact that you can get guaranteed exotic gear, the best gear in the game , every Friday, AND have the option to upgrade old gear and weapons (which is just unheard of in these kinds of games, I would've loved that in WoW)...why is anyone complaining???
Having to replace gear that you "worked hard for" is nothing new to MMO/loot games. If you never had to replace gear the game would become stagnant and boring and they would have no way to get you to play the new content.
Hi- I'll try to keep this short as I tend to ramble. Thanks for reading. My partner and I started sleeping with each other over three years ago, it progressed within five months to a live-in relationship and we have been living together ever since. Around the 2-year mark I had an affair with my best friend from college who I had been in love since before my partner and I met. My partner knew but never asked for details, we were very close to breaking up, I tried to move out for a couple weeks. The year following that was very rough, we fought a lot and our sex life was not as intimate or frequent. I suffered severe anxiety and insomnia that winter and I think that also affected us. The first year we had sex about five times a week, which was too often for him and often had erectile dysfunction as a result of me trying to get him to have sex so often. I would get extremely upset when I was rejected and would act immature and crazy. The second year, the sex dropped off to about 3 times a week when I stopped pestering him for sex every night because I was tired of rejection and was afraid to try to initiate anything. Now we are on our third year together. We have sex once, maybe twice, a week, and it drives me crazy. I am too scared to initiate and my sexual confidence has decreased a lot. Our sex life is much more "vanilla" now too. If I got without sex for more than three days I become depressed, extremely sensitive to being touched, and sexually discouraged. When I am deprived of sex, I won't touch him because all I can think about is being intimate with him and am afraid of rejection. When he touches me I immediately become aroused, then feel sick to my stomach because I know he is not interested in having sex, he is just trying to be affectionate. I am often rejected sexually by him because his libido is much lower than mine and he is not a very sexual person. He will never initiate sex unless his penis/hormones are in the mood. Not being able to or knowing how to seduce him makes me feel unsexy, unconfident, and puts me into a cycle of self-loathing and food binging (which I am working to correct and have been working on for two years.) It's really difficult for me to go without having sex, and I have tried to express this in the past but there has been no change or reception from him. I feel like he isn't in love with me, maybe he never has been. I am confident that he loves me. But he almost never initiates sex, maybe once every two weeks, and has never expressed any sexual desires to me. He isn't a romantic person, I think he is wounded from his experience with his ex-girlfriend. Communication is difficult for him, and he tends to try to block out any stress because of his mental illness (depression, anxiety, etc). I adore him and am extremely attracted to him, but I think I am really self-oriented, and can be insensitive and needy. Maybe my personality is not very attractive. But I have been working on my toxic in-relationship habits and within the last few months our relationship has become much healthier and we barely fight. I am bisexual and have hooked up with three girls (friends of ours) in the last few months. He and I had a kinda-foursome with another couple who are friends of ours. He sometimes seems to mock me for my sexuality in a joking manner but I'm not quite sure what it means. He has never tried to commit me to monogamy and is not interested in becoming legally married. This morning before I left for work I asked him if we could talk soon, and he immediately started acting uncomfortable and asked me repeatedly what it was about. I didn't have time to go into any detail besides saying "us and my issues" and tonight we are supposed to talk. I don't really know how to articulate how I feel without hurting his feelings or making it seem like it's all his fault, he is really hard on himself. Can anyone help me with this? I am tired of this depressive cycle and I want to know how to be intimate with my partner, but I have no idea how to. I need sex to feel happy in a relationship. What should I say to him tonight? Does anyone else have experience with this? Anything you have to say would be extremely helpful, I can't go to anyone I know for help with this anymore. tl;dr: Frequency of sex has dropped from five times a week to once a week since we started sleeping together three years ago. My partner seems to have no interest in sex more than once every two weeks. I am sexually frustrated and discouraged and need to fix this. I suspect he is not in love with me romantically, though I believe he loves me as a person and a companion.
Hi- I'll try to keep this short as I tend to ramble. Thanks for reading. My partner and I started sleeping with each other over three years ago, it progressed within five months to a live-in relationship and we have been living together ever since. Around the 2-year mark I had an affair with my best friend from college who I had been in love since before my partner and I met. My partner knew but never asked for details, we were very close to breaking up, I tried to move out for a couple weeks. The year following that was very rough, we fought a lot and our sex life was not as intimate or frequent. I suffered severe anxiety and insomnia that winter and I think that also affected us. The first year we had sex about five times a week, which was too often for him and often had erectile dysfunction as a result of me trying to get him to have sex so often. I would get extremely upset when I was rejected and would act immature and crazy. The second year, the sex dropped off to about 3 times a week when I stopped pestering him for sex every night because I was tired of rejection and was afraid to try to initiate anything. Now we are on our third year together. We have sex once, maybe twice, a week, and it drives me crazy. I am too scared to initiate and my sexual confidence has decreased a lot. Our sex life is much more "vanilla" now too. If I got without sex for more than three days I become depressed, extremely sensitive to being touched, and sexually discouraged. When I am deprived of sex, I won't touch him because all I can think about is being intimate with him and am afraid of rejection. When he touches me I immediately become aroused, then feel sick to my stomach because I know he is not interested in having sex, he is just trying to be affectionate. I am often rejected sexually by him because his libido is much lower than mine and he is not a very sexual person. He will never initiate sex unless his penis/hormones are in the mood. Not being able to or knowing how to seduce him makes me feel unsexy, unconfident, and puts me into a cycle of self-loathing and food binging (which I am working to correct and have been working on for two years.) It's really difficult for me to go without having sex, and I have tried to express this in the past but there has been no change or reception from him. I feel like he isn't in love with me, maybe he never has been. I am confident that he loves me. But he almost never initiates sex, maybe once every two weeks, and has never expressed any sexual desires to me. He isn't a romantic person, I think he is wounded from his experience with his ex-girlfriend. Communication is difficult for him, and he tends to try to block out any stress because of his mental illness (depression, anxiety, etc). I adore him and am extremely attracted to him, but I think I am really self-oriented, and can be insensitive and needy. Maybe my personality is not very attractive. But I have been working on my toxic in-relationship habits and within the last few months our relationship has become much healthier and we barely fight. I am bisexual and have hooked up with three girls (friends of ours) in the last few months. He and I had a kinda-foursome with another couple who are friends of ours. He sometimes seems to mock me for my sexuality in a joking manner but I'm not quite sure what it means. He has never tried to commit me to monogamy and is not interested in becoming legally married. This morning before I left for work I asked him if we could talk soon, and he immediately started acting uncomfortable and asked me repeatedly what it was about. I didn't have time to go into any detail besides saying "us and my issues" and tonight we are supposed to talk. I don't really know how to articulate how I feel without hurting his feelings or making it seem like it's all his fault, he is really hard on himself. Can anyone help me with this? I am tired of this depressive cycle and I want to know how to be intimate with my partner, but I have no idea how to. I need sex to feel happy in a relationship. What should I say to him tonight? Does anyone else have experience with this? Anything you have to say would be extremely helpful, I can't go to anyone I know for help with this anymore. tl;dr: Frequency of sex has dropped from five times a week to once a week since we started sleeping together three years ago. My partner seems to have no interest in sex more than once every two weeks. I am sexually frustrated and discouraged and need to fix this. I suspect he is not in love with me romantically, though I believe he loves me as a person and a companion.
Hi- I'll try to keep this short as I tend to ramble. Thanks for reading. My partner and I started sleeping with each other over three years ago, it progressed within five months to a live-in relationship and we have been living together ever since. Around the 2-year mark I had an affair with my best friend from college who I had been in love since before my partner and I met. My partner knew but never asked for details, we were very close to breaking up, I tried to move out for a couple weeks. The year following that was very rough, we fought a lot and our sex life was not as intimate or frequent. I suffered severe anxiety and insomnia that winter and I think that also affected us. The first year we had sex about five times a week, which was too often for him and often had erectile dysfunction as a result of me trying to get him to have sex so often. I would get extremely upset when I was rejected and would act immature and crazy. The second year, the sex dropped off to about 3 times a week when I stopped pestering him for sex every night because I was tired of rejection and was afraid to try to initiate anything. Now we are on our third year together. We have sex once, maybe twice, a week, and it drives me crazy. I am too scared to initiate and my sexual confidence has decreased a lot. Our sex life is much more "vanilla" now too. If I got without sex for more than three days I become depressed, extremely sensitive to being touched, and sexually discouraged. When I am deprived of sex, I won't touch him because all I can think about is being intimate with him and am afraid of rejection. When he touches me I immediately become aroused, then feel sick to my stomach because I know he is not interested in having sex, he is just trying to be affectionate. I am often rejected sexually by him because his libido is much lower than mine and he is not a very sexual person. He will never initiate sex unless his penis/hormones are in the mood. Not being able to or knowing how to seduce him makes me feel unsexy, unconfident, and puts me into a cycle of self-loathing and food binging (which I am working to correct and have been working on for two years.) It's really difficult for me to go without having sex, and I have tried to express this in the past but there has been no change or reception from him. I feel like he isn't in love with me, maybe he never has been. I am confident that he loves me. But he almost never initiates sex, maybe once every two weeks, and has never expressed any sexual desires to me. He isn't a romantic person, I think he is wounded from his experience with his ex-girlfriend. Communication is difficult for him, and he tends to try to block out any stress because of his mental illness (depression, anxiety, etc). I adore him and am extremely attracted to him, but I think I am really self-oriented, and can be insensitive and needy. Maybe my personality is not very attractive. But I have been working on my toxic in-relationship habits and within the last few months our relationship has become much healthier and we barely fight. I am bisexual and have hooked up with three girls (friends of ours) in the last few months. He and I had a kinda-foursome with another couple who are friends of ours. He sometimes seems to mock me for my sexuality in a joking manner but I'm not quite sure what it means. He has never tried to commit me to monogamy and is not interested in becoming legally married. This morning before I left for work I asked him if we could talk soon, and he immediately started acting uncomfortable and asked me repeatedly what it was about. I didn't have time to go into any detail besides saying "us and my issues" and tonight we are supposed to talk. I don't really know how to articulate how I feel without hurting his feelings or making it seem like it's all his fault, he is really hard on himself. Can anyone help me with this? I am tired of this depressive cycle and I want to know how to be intimate with my partner, but I have no idea how to. I need sex to feel happy in a relationship. What should I say to him tonight? Does anyone else have experience with this? Anything you have to say would be extremely helpful, I can't go to anyone I know for help with this anymore.
Frequency of sex has dropped from five times a week to once a week since we started sleeping together three years ago. My partner seems to have no interest in sex more than once every two weeks. I am sexually frustrated and discouraged and need to fix this. I suspect he is not in love with me romantically, though I believe he loves me as a person and a companion.
I want to shapeshift! Into a coconut! Think about it: you could sneak onto flights or into movies, as long as a friend agrees to carry you with them (however, I don't have any friends. I'm sure this problem will be rectified once people start seeing my cool new power. And that it would not be exploited in any sort of way). Or if we just happen to be walking down the street, and someone steals your could totally throw me at them in coconut form. I could transform just as I hit them, and then reclaim your wallet. tl;dr: If anybody is in the market for a friend that can shapeshift to a coconut, PM me.
I want to shapeshift! Into a coconut! Think about it: you could sneak onto flights or into movies, as long as a friend agrees to carry you with them (however, I don't have any friends. I'm sure this problem will be rectified once people start seeing my cool new power. And that it would not be exploited in any sort of way). Or if we just happen to be walking down the street, and someone steals your could totally throw me at them in coconut form. I could transform just as I hit them, and then reclaim your wallet. tl;dr: If anybody is in the market for a friend that can shapeshift to a coconut, PM me.
I want to shapeshift! Into a coconut! Think about it: you could sneak onto flights or into movies, as long as a friend agrees to carry you with them (however, I don't have any friends. I'm sure this problem will be rectified once people start seeing my cool new power. And that it would not be exploited in any sort of way). Or if we just happen to be walking down the street, and someone steals your could totally throw me at them in coconut form. I could transform just as I hit them, and then reclaim your wallet.
If anybody is in the market for a friend that can shapeshift to a coconut, PM me.
&gt;Not everyone sits in their house all day. Some have to travel. A large percentage of the world also doesn't have a stable internet connection. This guy doesn't, so why whould that affect his purchase? &gt;I too enjoy being forced to subscribe to Xbox Live just to have access to the Netflix app, not even the service. If he already subs to xbox live for playing online (just like PSN might I add) why should he care that he needs something which he has? &gt;Yes, and a TV with two HDMI inputs allows the same thing. OMG GUESS WHAT, I CAN PLUG MY WII, PS3 AND 360 INTO MY TV AND PLAY WHENEVER I WANT Maybe he hasn't got a TV with two HDMI ports, that's actually not that common tl;dr Stop being an ignorant prick Just because the Xbox one isn't for you, doesn't mean that other people are idiots for buying it Yes it has problems, so does the PS, but other people can make educated decisions for themselves.
>Not everyone sits in their house all day. Some have to travel. A large percentage of the world also doesn't have a stable internet connection. This guy doesn't, so why whould that affect his purchase? >I too enjoy being forced to subscribe to Xbox Live just to have access to the Netflix app, not even the service. If he already subs to xbox live for playing online (just like PSN might I add) why should he care that he needs something which he has? >Yes, and a TV with two HDMI inputs allows the same thing. OMG GUESS WHAT, I CAN PLUG MY WII, PS3 AND 360 INTO MY TV AND PLAY WHENEVER I WANT Maybe he hasn't got a TV with two HDMI ports, that's actually not that common tl;dr Stop being an ignorant prick Just because the Xbox one isn't for you, doesn't mean that other people are idiots for buying it Yes it has problems, so does the PS, but other people can make educated decisions for themselves.
Not everyone sits in their house all day. Some have to travel. A large percentage of the world also doesn't have a stable internet connection. This guy doesn't, so why whould that affect his purchase? >I too enjoy being forced to subscribe to Xbox Live just to have access to the Netflix app, not even the service. If he already subs to xbox live for playing online (just like PSN might I add) why should he care that he needs something which he has? >Yes, and a TV with two HDMI inputs allows the same thing. OMG GUESS WHAT, I CAN PLUG MY WII, PS3 AND 360 INTO MY TV AND PLAY WHENEVER I WANT Maybe he hasn't got a TV with two HDMI ports, that's actually not that common
Stop being an ignorant prick Just because the Xbox one isn't for you, doesn't mean that other people are idiots for buying it Yes it has problems, so does the PS, but other people can make educated decisions for themselves.
If you are going through your SO's phone or email, one of two things are going on: 1. They have always been up to no good and you are just confirming it. 2. You are terrible at picking a mate and you are just confirming it. Nothing good ever comes of email and phone snooping, so why do people keep doing it? Further, the cheaters keep leaving evidence on the phones and computers. They obviously want to be caught. Why make the SOs go through all the sneaking? I don't go through my husband's stuff and he doesn't go through mine. It's not that I'm lazy; it's that I just don't care. Plus, as much as I hate people touching my other stuff, touching my electronic stuff spins me into Pisscon Bravo, which is basically where I throw stuff, throw some more stuff, then maybe ask a question or two. TL;DR I don't give a damn what you do, but DO NOT pick up my shit and start going through it. My equipment is sacred; you are not. Only an emo git goes through other people's shit.
If you are going through your SO's phone or email, one of two things are going on: They have always been up to no good and you are just confirming it. You are terrible at picking a mate and you are just confirming it. Nothing good ever comes of email and phone snooping, so why do people keep doing it? Further, the cheaters keep leaving evidence on the phones and computers. They obviously want to be caught. Why make the SOs go through all the sneaking? I don't go through my husband's stuff and he doesn't go through mine. It's not that I'm lazy; it's that I just don't care. Plus, as much as I hate people touching my other stuff, touching my electronic stuff spins me into Pisscon Bravo, which is basically where I throw stuff, throw some more stuff, then maybe ask a question or two. TL;DR I don't give a damn what you do, but DO NOT pick up my shit and start going through it. My equipment is sacred; you are not. Only an emo git goes through other people's shit.
If you are going through your SO's phone or email, one of two things are going on: They have always been up to no good and you are just confirming it. You are terrible at picking a mate and you are just confirming it. Nothing good ever comes of email and phone snooping, so why do people keep doing it? Further, the cheaters keep leaving evidence on the phones and computers. They obviously want to be caught. Why make the SOs go through all the sneaking? I don't go through my husband's stuff and he doesn't go through mine. It's not that I'm lazy; it's that I just don't care. Plus, as much as I hate people touching my other stuff, touching my electronic stuff spins me into Pisscon Bravo, which is basically where I throw stuff, throw some more stuff, then maybe ask a question or two.
I don't give a damn what you do, but DO NOT pick up my shit and start going through it. My equipment is sacred; you are not. Only an emo git goes through other people's shit.
Chateau d'If is extremely useful for the "Window Washing Beanies" boost that you can buy and upgrade from it. However, buying the first level costs 444 Scaffolds and each level thereafter increases by 77 (at least, that's what my diving into the source code has told me) so it's extremely expensive, but apparently extremely useful (haven't hit the 444 Scaffold mark myself yet, currently at 422) So tl;dr: Don't buy it unless you want to look at the boosts it offers or you want to buy Rosetta (see Patashu's post)
Chateau d'If is extremely useful for the "Window Washing Beanies" boost that you can buy and upgrade from it. However, buying the first level costs 444 Scaffolds and each level thereafter increases by 77 (at least, that's what my diving into the source code has told me) so it's extremely expensive, but apparently extremely useful (haven't hit the 444 Scaffold mark myself yet, currently at 422) So tl;dr: Don't buy it unless you want to look at the boosts it offers or you want to buy Rosetta (see Patashu's post)
Chateau d'If is extremely useful for the "Window Washing Beanies" boost that you can buy and upgrade from it. However, buying the first level costs 444 Scaffolds and each level thereafter increases by 77 (at least, that's what my diving into the source code has told me) so it's extremely expensive, but apparently extremely useful (haven't hit the 444 Scaffold mark myself yet, currently at 422) So
Don't buy it unless you want to look at the boosts it offers or you want to buy Rosetta (see Patashu's post)
I have never seen someone reach this level of butthurt over a comment on the internet. I don't need to cite evidence; the fact of the matter is that we live in a society where women are essentially exempt from most of the social regulations that men are subject to. If a man strikes a woman, regardless of the reason, chances are everybody in the tri-county area is going to attack him. The woman could have assaulted him first and he could be simply defending himself but everybody will see her as the damsel in distress and come to her rescue, and the real problem is that most women are aware of this and some use it to their advantage. tl;dr: Women use their position in society as leverage to cheat the system everyday, just look up stories of men being falsely accused of rape. And while you're at it, get some baby powder.
I have never seen someone reach this level of butthurt over a comment on the internet. I don't need to cite evidence; the fact of the matter is that we live in a society where women are essentially exempt from most of the social regulations that men are subject to. If a man strikes a woman, regardless of the reason, chances are everybody in the tri-county area is going to attack him. The woman could have assaulted him first and he could be simply defending himself but everybody will see her as the damsel in distress and come to her rescue, and the real problem is that most women are aware of this and some use it to their advantage. tl;dr: Women use their position in society as leverage to cheat the system everyday, just look up stories of men being falsely accused of rape. And while you're at it, get some baby powder.
I have never seen someone reach this level of butthurt over a comment on the internet. I don't need to cite evidence; the fact of the matter is that we live in a society where women are essentially exempt from most of the social regulations that men are subject to. If a man strikes a woman, regardless of the reason, chances are everybody in the tri-county area is going to attack him. The woman could have assaulted him first and he could be simply defending himself but everybody will see her as the damsel in distress and come to her rescue, and the real problem is that most women are aware of this and some use it to their advantage.
Women use their position in society as leverage to cheat the system everyday, just look up stories of men being falsely accused of rape. And while you're at it, get some baby powder.
[Obligatory]( My HR rep (well technically he's part of the diversity department) has shared the PowerPoint and made the meeting notices. The process is actually ingenious. Instead of a email blast they'll hold meeting with my closest coworkers and have a informational meeting. What is transgender, why does this happen, no they're not mental, ect. I'm not present because it allows for questions. So the meetings are Friday. I'll be hiding in a different office doing work (looking like I'm not at work). Ill be donating my boy clothes Saturday. Sunday l'lI have a mild panic attack and probably attending a Sounders FC soccer match. Sunday night I'll probably have no sleep. Monday. Slap on my makeup. Put on my new clothes. Make my hair look like something other than a bird nest. Go to security and take a new photo for my ID. And try not shit my pants.... TL/DR: I really wish I didn't drive a motorcycle to work everyday but my hair may actually decide to look nice with helmet hair.
[Obligatory]( My HR rep (well technically he's part of the diversity department) has shared the PowerPoint and made the meeting notices. The process is actually ingenious. Instead of a email blast they'll hold meeting with my closest coworkers and have a informational meeting. What is transgender, why does this happen, no they're not mental, ect. I'm not present because it allows for questions. So the meetings are Friday. I'll be hiding in a different office doing work (looking like I'm not at work). Ill be donating my boy clothes Saturday. Sunday l'lI have a mild panic attack and probably attending a Sounders FC soccer match. Sunday night I'll probably have no sleep. Monday. Slap on my makeup. Put on my new clothes. Make my hair look like something other than a bird nest. Go to security and take a new photo for my ID. And try not shit my pants.... TL/DR: I really wish I didn't drive a motorcycle to work everyday but my hair may actually decide to look nice with helmet hair.
Obligatory]( My HR rep (well technically he's part of the diversity department) has shared the PowerPoint and made the meeting notices. The process is actually ingenious. Instead of a email blast they'll hold meeting with my closest coworkers and have a informational meeting. What is transgender, why does this happen, no they're not mental, ect. I'm not present because it allows for questions. So the meetings are Friday. I'll be hiding in a different office doing work (looking like I'm not at work). Ill be donating my boy clothes Saturday. Sunday l'lI have a mild panic attack and probably attending a Sounders FC soccer match. Sunday night I'll probably have no sleep. Monday. Slap on my makeup. Put on my new clothes. Make my hair look like something other than a bird nest. Go to security and take a new photo for my ID. And try not shit my pants....
I really wish I didn't drive a motorcycle to work everyday but my hair may actually decide to look nice with helmet hair.
When I got a Wii U this game was on the top of my list. In fact I went out and got the game the very same day. Mario Kart 8 topping many "Best game of 2014 lists" and being advertised as that on the Nintendo eShop. It was fair to say that expectations were high I love all of the other Mario Karts and this one should be the best one yet. Right? I'm sorry to say that I found the game just a tad on the disappointing side. For me the tracks were just not as good as the other games tracks, I say this because I can't really remember them. I could tell you my favourite tracks in MK Wii or DS but with 8 I just cant remember any of them. For lack of a better example I felt that in this game, the game that introduces anti gravity in the series they could have done an amazing Rainbow Road. But alas it wasn't as spectacular as the other ones. In fact I prefer playing the Retro Rainbow Road in this game than the new one. I'm also not completely down to clown with the whole anti grav thing, it's fun the first time you do it but sometimes I just feel it's a bit too gimmicky and would have preferred some "normal flat tracks". However it's not all doom and gloom, the production value is amazing and a fully HD Mario Kart was always going to be a joy to look at. Also having alot of fun with the online mode! Does anyone else not get the hype behind this game? Or am I alone? Edit: Also the character roster is a complete and utter joke. 4 Baby characters?! Pink Gold Peach? What?! TL;DR : MK8 dissapointed me, it feel gimmicky in places and unmemorable. Does anyone else feel that way? Or is the genrael opinion that it's amazing?
When I got a Wii U this game was on the top of my list. In fact I went out and got the game the very same day. Mario Kart 8 topping many "Best game of 2014 lists" and being advertised as that on the Nintendo eShop. It was fair to say that expectations were high I love all of the other Mario Karts and this one should be the best one yet. Right? I'm sorry to say that I found the game just a tad on the disappointing side. For me the tracks were just not as good as the other games tracks, I say this because I can't really remember them. I could tell you my favourite tracks in MK Wii or DS but with 8 I just cant remember any of them. For lack of a better example I felt that in this game, the game that introduces anti gravity in the series they could have done an amazing Rainbow Road. But alas it wasn't as spectacular as the other ones. In fact I prefer playing the Retro Rainbow Road in this game than the new one. I'm also not completely down to clown with the whole anti grav thing, it's fun the first time you do it but sometimes I just feel it's a bit too gimmicky and would have preferred some "normal flat tracks". However it's not all doom and gloom, the production value is amazing and a fully HD Mario Kart was always going to be a joy to look at. Also having alot of fun with the online mode! Does anyone else not get the hype behind this game? Or am I alone? Edit: Also the character roster is a complete and utter joke. 4 Baby characters?! Pink Gold Peach? What?! TL;DR : MK8 dissapointed me, it feel gimmicky in places and unmemorable. Does anyone else feel that way? Or is the genrael opinion that it's amazing?
When I got a Wii U this game was on the top of my list. In fact I went out and got the game the very same day. Mario Kart 8 topping many "Best game of 2014 lists" and being advertised as that on the Nintendo eShop. It was fair to say that expectations were high I love all of the other Mario Karts and this one should be the best one yet. Right? I'm sorry to say that I found the game just a tad on the disappointing side. For me the tracks were just not as good as the other games tracks, I say this because I can't really remember them. I could tell you my favourite tracks in MK Wii or DS but with 8 I just cant remember any of them. For lack of a better example I felt that in this game, the game that introduces anti gravity in the series they could have done an amazing Rainbow Road. But alas it wasn't as spectacular as the other ones. In fact I prefer playing the Retro Rainbow Road in this game than the new one. I'm also not completely down to clown with the whole anti grav thing, it's fun the first time you do it but sometimes I just feel it's a bit too gimmicky and would have preferred some "normal flat tracks". However it's not all doom and gloom, the production value is amazing and a fully HD Mario Kart was always going to be a joy to look at. Also having alot of fun with the online mode! Does anyone else not get the hype behind this game? Or am I alone? Edit: Also the character roster is a complete and utter joke. 4 Baby characters?! Pink Gold Peach? What?!
MK8 dissapointed me, it feel gimmicky in places and unmemorable. Does anyone else feel that way? Or is the genrael opinion that it's amazing?
&gt; Don't you dare put words in my mouth or try and assume some sort of morale high ground by bringing unrelated topics into the discussion, especially when you are missing key and fundamental points about my statement. &gt; I said you are the one out of order, because you are essentially trying to justify selfish solo play in a game that revolves around team play. So you're accusing me of misrepresenting what you said, yet you keep claiming that I somehow approve or justify bad gameplay. Show me at least one sentence where I said so - otherwise you're just a poor, sad troll. &gt; And this is where you completely miss my point/ have a completely different view of humanity/ have a godly level of patience Yeah, I guess we have to agree on the middle. Partially because I don't believe the latter is true. Though I haven't somehow replied in kind to the way you try to argue with me, so you might be on to something. &gt;An asshole that you are, for some reason, despite saying you hate him too, defending his right to do it. Again - point me to one sentence where I did so. If you're unable to, kindly stop putting words in my mouth so that you can argue with them. &gt; And here we have it. To take something you wrote and use it as a response: "could you kindly show me any argument I've made where I even remotely say something similar?" Sure - a few examples: &gt; These people create ragers. (*Unless in your dictionary rager is someone who politely points his or her objections - in that case I apologize, but hopefully you understand why I was confused in the first place*) &gt; The other is an inconsiderate douchebag [...] and getting some verbal for it. And in case you try to argue the last point, that you haven't expressed the exact opinions I've mentioned. That's just a question of scale; level of scumbagness if you prefer. &gt; I believe that to be more of a medicine than a disease. Was there any case where said player reacted to your verbal abuse and started playing correctly? If not, that's not even a placebo... **EDIT: TL;DR** because this starts to be a wall of text. I'm in no way, explicit or implicit, defending a bad player, or a LoserBro as you try to call him/her. I'm just saying that if you verbally abuse another human being, for being bad at a video game, whether intentionally or not, is something that affects said game in a negative way and is creating a toxic environment which has a tendency to creep outside the scenario you're discussing, which in turn is negative to the game community. So I'm, using your own terms, calling you out on this. Hopefully you'll agree that I'm doing it in a polite way, but let me know if you feel otherwise.
> Don't you dare put words in my mouth or try and assume some sort of morale high ground by bringing unrelated topics into the discussion, especially when you are missing key and fundamental points about my statement. > I said you are the one out of order, because you are essentially trying to justify selfish solo play in a game that revolves around team play. So you're accusing me of misrepresenting what you said, yet you keep claiming that I somehow approve or justify bad gameplay. Show me at least one sentence where I said so - otherwise you're just a poor, sad troll. > And this is where you completely miss my point/ have a completely different view of humanity/ have a godly level of patience Yeah, I guess we have to agree on the middle. Partially because I don't believe the latter is true. Though I haven't somehow replied in kind to the way you try to argue with me, so you might be on to something. >An asshole that you are, for some reason, despite saying you hate him too, defending his right to do it. Again - point me to one sentence where I did so. If you're unable to, kindly stop putting words in my mouth so that you can argue with them. > And here we have it. To take something you wrote and use it as a response: "could you kindly show me any argument I've made where I even remotely say something similar?" Sure - a few examples: > These people create ragers. ( Unless in your dictionary rager is someone who politely points his or her objections - in that case I apologize, but hopefully you understand why I was confused in the first place ) > The other is an inconsiderate douchebag [...] and getting some verbal for it. And in case you try to argue the last point, that you haven't expressed the exact opinions I've mentioned. That's just a question of scale; level of scumbagness if you prefer. > I believe that to be more of a medicine than a disease. Was there any case where said player reacted to your verbal abuse and started playing correctly? If not, that's not even a placebo... EDIT: TL;DR because this starts to be a wall of text. I'm in no way, explicit or implicit, defending a bad player, or a LoserBro as you try to call him/her. I'm just saying that if you verbally abuse another human being, for being bad at a video game, whether intentionally or not, is something that affects said game in a negative way and is creating a toxic environment which has a tendency to creep outside the scenario you're discussing, which in turn is negative to the game community. So I'm, using your own terms, calling you out on this. Hopefully you'll agree that I'm doing it in a polite way, but let me know if you feel otherwise.
Don't you dare put words in my mouth or try and assume some sort of morale high ground by bringing unrelated topics into the discussion, especially when you are missing key and fundamental points about my statement. > I said you are the one out of order, because you are essentially trying to justify selfish solo play in a game that revolves around team play. So you're accusing me of misrepresenting what you said, yet you keep claiming that I somehow approve or justify bad gameplay. Show me at least one sentence where I said so - otherwise you're just a poor, sad troll. > And this is where you completely miss my point/ have a completely different view of humanity/ have a godly level of patience Yeah, I guess we have to agree on the middle. Partially because I don't believe the latter is true. Though I haven't somehow replied in kind to the way you try to argue with me, so you might be on to something. >An asshole that you are, for some reason, despite saying you hate him too, defending his right to do it. Again - point me to one sentence where I did so. If you're unable to, kindly stop putting words in my mouth so that you can argue with them. > And here we have it. To take something you wrote and use it as a response: "could you kindly show me any argument I've made where I even remotely say something similar?" Sure - a few examples: > These people create ragers. ( Unless in your dictionary rager is someone who politely points his or her objections - in that case I apologize, but hopefully you understand why I was confused in the first place ) > The other is an inconsiderate douchebag [...] and getting some verbal for it. And in case you try to argue the last point, that you haven't expressed the exact opinions I've mentioned. That's just a question of scale; level of scumbagness if you prefer. > I believe that to be more of a medicine than a disease. Was there any case where said player reacted to your verbal abuse and started playing correctly? If not, that's not even a placebo... EDIT:
because this starts to be a wall of text. I'm in no way, explicit or implicit, defending a bad player, or a LoserBro as you try to call him/her. I'm just saying that if you verbally abuse another human being, for being bad at a video game, whether intentionally or not, is something that affects said game in a negative way and is creating a toxic environment which has a tendency to creep outside the scenario you're discussing, which in turn is negative to the game community. So I'm, using your own terms, calling you out on this. Hopefully you'll agree that I'm doing it in a polite way, but let me know if you feel otherwise.
(the pictures of the african kids were completely unnecessary, but i would guess from the other episodes that they edit the pictures in without him consulting.) I don't agree with him completely. But now i think i should have posted a link to another episode for context, where he states his position on the campaign more explicitly and is very much in favour of it. He calls out politicians (Hillary Clinton, if i remember correctly) for using the campaign for personal PR instead of giving it's real cause more thought. So i hope you didn't get the impression that i advocate a position against the campaign in general, that is in no way what i wanted to imply. Especially *because* it is such a no-brainer good cause that is easy to get behind, i found it fascinating to hear an argument that the message could be read in another, wrong way and then have, maybe even only subliminal, an additional implication. your last sentence touches the subject perfect: you make a distinction between &gt; 1. they really didn't &gt; 2. or thought they didn't the first way to say it without the second part would be saying it the same way he accuses the campaign of saying it, but the second part makes all the difference. i think what he's really advocating for is that the campaign makes a clarification. To make it clear for those who think they don't have a choice, that in fact they do. tl;dr the campaign is absolutely a good thing. however, if someone states "you don't have to commit suicide, because it gets better", someone could read in to that "if it doesn't get better, suicide is a viable option" or worse "the right/logical thing to do". even if that seems far fetched to some, i think it could be possible and should maybe be adressed in the choice of words like "*forced* into suicide" "left them no choice" etc. by those involved.
(the pictures of the african kids were completely unnecessary, but i would guess from the other episodes that they edit the pictures in without him consulting.) I don't agree with him completely. But now i think i should have posted a link to another episode for context, where he states his position on the campaign more explicitly and is very much in favour of it. He calls out politicians (Hillary Clinton, if i remember correctly) for using the campaign for personal PR instead of giving it's real cause more thought. So i hope you didn't get the impression that i advocate a position against the campaign in general, that is in no way what i wanted to imply. Especially because it is such a no-brainer good cause that is easy to get behind, i found it fascinating to hear an argument that the message could be read in another, wrong way and then have, maybe even only subliminal, an additional implication. your last sentence touches the subject perfect: you make a distinction between > 1. they really didn't > 2. or thought they didn't the first way to say it without the second part would be saying it the same way he accuses the campaign of saying it, but the second part makes all the difference. i think what he's really advocating for is that the campaign makes a clarification. To make it clear for those who think they don't have a choice, that in fact they do. tl;dr the campaign is absolutely a good thing. however, if someone states "you don't have to commit suicide, because it gets better", someone could read in to that "if it doesn't get better, suicide is a viable option" or worse "the right/logical thing to do". even if that seems far fetched to some, i think it could be possible and should maybe be adressed in the choice of words like " forced into suicide" "left them no choice" etc. by those involved.
the pictures of the african kids were completely unnecessary, but i would guess from the other episodes that they edit the pictures in without him consulting.) I don't agree with him completely. But now i think i should have posted a link to another episode for context, where he states his position on the campaign more explicitly and is very much in favour of it. He calls out politicians (Hillary Clinton, if i remember correctly) for using the campaign for personal PR instead of giving it's real cause more thought. So i hope you didn't get the impression that i advocate a position against the campaign in general, that is in no way what i wanted to imply. Especially because it is such a no-brainer good cause that is easy to get behind, i found it fascinating to hear an argument that the message could be read in another, wrong way and then have, maybe even only subliminal, an additional implication. your last sentence touches the subject perfect: you make a distinction between > 1. they really didn't > 2. or thought they didn't the first way to say it without the second part would be saying it the same way he accuses the campaign of saying it, but the second part makes all the difference. i think what he's really advocating for is that the campaign makes a clarification. To make it clear for those who think they don't have a choice, that in fact they do.
the campaign is absolutely a good thing. however, if someone states "you don't have to commit suicide, because it gets better", someone could read in to that "if it doesn't get better, suicide is a viable option" or worse "the right/logical thing to do". even if that seems far fetched to some, i think it could be possible and should maybe be adressed in the choice of words like " forced into suicide" "left them no choice" etc. by those involved.
So, a few years ago I decided to drop everything to become a dj/producer double threat and take the world by storm. I left my home town to work two full-time jobs(Over **100 hours per week**) and take music courses online. ( I was also my own manager, I suppose that counts as another part time job.) Long story short, I took on *way* too much, and after two years (a week ago) I crashed, hard. Things are much better now as I cut back to one job, but now that I'm actually having time to get into town and interact with people, I'm noticing how bad my social skills have gotten (not that they were ever anything to brag about in the first place.) **I haven't met anyone in close to three years.** (With the exception of a few coworkers, whose **colorful** array of interests included hookers, not showering enough, and blow. Needless to say, that's the job I quit haha ;).) **TL;DR** I'm an INFJ/21/M who hasn't met anyone in around three years. **Anyone have any techniques to share that have helped them meet others in the past? Where can you find other INFJs?** I know we are only the 1%, but I'm kind of worried I'll be found one day, devoured by cats.=P (Hopefully this doesn't sound like some sob story, it's actually been a pretty successful couple years in other ways. Also hope this doesn't break any rules, as I've never been on reddit before.)=D *Ciao.*
So, a few years ago I decided to drop everything to become a dj/producer double threat and take the world by storm. I left my home town to work two full-time jobs(Over 100 hours per week ) and take music courses online. ( I was also my own manager, I suppose that counts as another part time job.) Long story short, I took on way too much, and after two years (a week ago) I crashed, hard. Things are much better now as I cut back to one job, but now that I'm actually having time to get into town and interact with people, I'm noticing how bad my social skills have gotten (not that they were ever anything to brag about in the first place.) I haven't met anyone in close to three years. (With the exception of a few coworkers, whose colorful array of interests included hookers, not showering enough, and blow. Needless to say, that's the job I quit haha ;).) TL;DR I'm an INFJ/21/M who hasn't met anyone in around three years. Anyone have any techniques to share that have helped them meet others in the past? Where can you find other INFJs? I know we are only the 1%, but I'm kind of worried I'll be found one day, devoured by cats.=P (Hopefully this doesn't sound like some sob story, it's actually been a pretty successful couple years in other ways. Also hope this doesn't break any rules, as I've never been on reddit before.)=D Ciao.
So, a few years ago I decided to drop everything to become a dj/producer double threat and take the world by storm. I left my home town to work two full-time jobs(Over 100 hours per week ) and take music courses online. ( I was also my own manager, I suppose that counts as another part time job.) Long story short, I took on way too much, and after two years (a week ago) I crashed, hard. Things are much better now as I cut back to one job, but now that I'm actually having time to get into town and interact with people, I'm noticing how bad my social skills have gotten (not that they were ever anything to brag about in the first place.) I haven't met anyone in close to three years. (With the exception of a few coworkers, whose colorful array of interests included hookers, not showering enough, and blow. Needless to say, that's the job I quit haha ;).)
I'm an INFJ/21/M who hasn't met anyone in around three years. Anyone have any techniques to share that have helped them meet others in the past? Where can you find other INFJs? I know we are only the 1%, but I'm kind of worried I'll be found one day, devoured by cats.=P (Hopefully this doesn't sound like some sob story, it's actually been a pretty successful couple years in other ways. Also hope this doesn't break any rules, as I've never been on reddit before.)=D Ciao.
As a former employee I have too many to list, but I'll try my best. Bear with me I'm mobile... 1. Parents who flip out when I inform them they must be present with their kids to watch and R rated movie. Conversation went something like: Me: Hello, welcome to **** Theaters. Her: Three tickets to Four Brothers. *I notice she has three kids with her. Me: Are the tickets for them because they all need to be at least 17 to- Her: Three tickets to four brothers! Me: Mam, you have to understand that we check ID at each- Her: Just give me the damn tickets kid! At this point, I smile, turn the microphone thing off, and go to get my manager. She chases me down demanding to see the manager. I tell her that's who I'm going to get. Cool manager comes down and asks her the business. She proceeds to say she wanted tickets and I flipped out on her. I start laughing at the absurdity of her claim. He looks at me and i say it didn't happen like that at all. He repeats what I told her about needing to be in the theater. She yells at him too, then storms out. We lol together. 2. It's Harry Potter opening night. Lines galore filled with fucking wizards, Slytherins, and shit. If you are waiting for 10 minutes in line for food, you'd think you'd know what you want by the time you reach the register? Right? I'm talking to you fucking poor mans Hagrid. You know who you are. Get your shit together. 3. Unleashing popcorn bombs in the theaters. I had to clean that shit up. I didn't so much mind cleaning shit up off the grounds since you people would always do that, but I hated cleaning seats that popcorn pieces were clinging too. Especially when there is 150 raging Harry Potter fans waiting to get in to find a seat. Oh, on the topic of seats... 4. You can't save a WHOLE MOTHERFUCKING ROW OF SEATS. Why would you think it's acceptable to attempt to save a WHOLE MOTHERFUCKING ROW OF SEATS on the midnight release of The Chamber of Secrets? You don't have magic to protect you from the disgruntled public. Why did you try? Especially midway up the stairs in literally the best row. Fucking sorority cunts and their pledges. 5. I don't know how to fix the arcade. None of it. Yeah, I know. I'm as shocked as you are that I didn't build the thing and know its inner workings. Maybe if you 7 year old wasn't slamming the wheel back and forth with all his strength you'd be able to play the Fast &amp; Furious game without the car constantly pulling you into the gutter. Now you made me think of Paul Walker. RIP Paul Walker and fuck off person! 6. No, you can't smoke. Really? Why? Is this honestly a conversation you want to have during the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Fine. I'll call the police. 7. Save sex for the parking lot or at least swallow. Nobody likes stepping in that. Or worse, having to clean it off a seat. I'm gonna go ahead and blame Harry Potter for this as well. 8. Fuck Harry Potter. I have a few more, but I'm tired of writing with my phone. TLDR; fuck you Harry Potter opening days. **EDIT: Grammar and the like.**
As a former employee I have too many to list, but I'll try my best. Bear with me I'm mobile... Parents who flip out when I inform them they must be present with their kids to watch and R rated movie. Conversation went something like: Me: Hello, welcome to ** Theaters. Her: Three tickets to Four Brothers. *I notice she has three kids with her. Me: Are the tickets for them because they all need to be at least 17 to- Her: Three tickets to four brothers! Me: Mam, you have to understand that we check ID at each- Her: Just give me the damn tickets kid! At this point, I smile, turn the microphone thing off, and go to get my manager. She chases me down demanding to see the manager. I tell her that's who I'm going to get. Cool manager comes down and asks her the business. She proceeds to say she wanted tickets and I flipped out on her. I start laughing at the absurdity of her claim. He looks at me and i say it didn't happen like that at all. He repeats what I told her about needing to be in the theater. She yells at him too, then storms out. We lol together. It's Harry Potter opening night. Lines galore filled with fucking wizards, Slytherins, and shit. If you are waiting for 10 minutes in line for food, you'd think you'd know what you want by the time you reach the register? Right? I'm talking to you fucking poor mans Hagrid. You know who you are. Get your shit together. Unleashing popcorn bombs in the theaters. I had to clean that shit up. I didn't so much mind cleaning shit up off the grounds since you people would always do that, but I hated cleaning seats that popcorn pieces were clinging too. Especially when there is 150 raging Harry Potter fans waiting to get in to find a seat. Oh, on the topic of seats... You can't save a WHOLE MOTHERFUCKING ROW OF SEATS. Why would you think it's acceptable to attempt to save a WHOLE MOTHERFUCKING ROW OF SEATS on the midnight release of The Chamber of Secrets? You don't have magic to protect you from the disgruntled public. Why did you try? Especially midway up the stairs in literally the best row. Fucking sorority cunts and their pledges. I don't know how to fix the arcade. None of it. Yeah, I know. I'm as shocked as you are that I didn't build the thing and know its inner workings. Maybe if you 7 year old wasn't slamming the wheel back and forth with all his strength you'd be able to play the Fast & Furious game without the car constantly pulling you into the gutter. Now you made me think of Paul Walker. RIP Paul Walker and fuck off person! No, you can't smoke. Really? Why? Is this honestly a conversation you want to have during the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Fine. I'll call the police. Save sex for the parking lot or at least swallow. Nobody likes stepping in that. Or worse, having to clean it off a seat. I'm gonna go ahead and blame Harry Potter for this as well. Fuck Harry Potter. I have a few more, but I'm tired of writing with my phone. TLDR; fuck you Harry Potter opening days. EDIT: Grammar and the like.
As a former employee I have too many to list, but I'll try my best. Bear with me I'm mobile... Parents who flip out when I inform them they must be present with their kids to watch and R rated movie. Conversation went something like: Me: Hello, welcome to ** Theaters. Her: Three tickets to Four Brothers. *I notice she has three kids with her. Me: Are the tickets for them because they all need to be at least 17 to- Her: Three tickets to four brothers! Me: Mam, you have to understand that we check ID at each- Her: Just give me the damn tickets kid! At this point, I smile, turn the microphone thing off, and go to get my manager. She chases me down demanding to see the manager. I tell her that's who I'm going to get. Cool manager comes down and asks her the business. She proceeds to say she wanted tickets and I flipped out on her. I start laughing at the absurdity of her claim. He looks at me and i say it didn't happen like that at all. He repeats what I told her about needing to be in the theater. She yells at him too, then storms out. We lol together. It's Harry Potter opening night. Lines galore filled with fucking wizards, Slytherins, and shit. If you are waiting for 10 minutes in line for food, you'd think you'd know what you want by the time you reach the register? Right? I'm talking to you fucking poor mans Hagrid. You know who you are. Get your shit together. Unleashing popcorn bombs in the theaters. I had to clean that shit up. I didn't so much mind cleaning shit up off the grounds since you people would always do that, but I hated cleaning seats that popcorn pieces were clinging too. Especially when there is 150 raging Harry Potter fans waiting to get in to find a seat. Oh, on the topic of seats... You can't save a WHOLE MOTHERFUCKING ROW OF SEATS. Why would you think it's acceptable to attempt to save a WHOLE MOTHERFUCKING ROW OF SEATS on the midnight release of The Chamber of Secrets? You don't have magic to protect you from the disgruntled public. Why did you try? Especially midway up the stairs in literally the best row. Fucking sorority cunts and their pledges. I don't know how to fix the arcade. None of it. Yeah, I know. I'm as shocked as you are that I didn't build the thing and know its inner workings. Maybe if you 7 year old wasn't slamming the wheel back and forth with all his strength you'd be able to play the Fast & Furious game without the car constantly pulling you into the gutter. Now you made me think of Paul Walker. RIP Paul Walker and fuck off person! No, you can't smoke. Really? Why? Is this honestly a conversation you want to have during the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Fine. I'll call the police. Save sex for the parking lot or at least swallow. Nobody likes stepping in that. Or worse, having to clean it off a seat. I'm gonna go ahead and blame Harry Potter for this as well. Fuck Harry Potter. I have a few more, but I'm tired of writing with my phone.
fuck you Harry Potter opening days. EDIT: Grammar and the like.
I just finished reading this interview with Pope Francis: Can you imagine Mormon leaders giving such erudite, sincere, and thoughtful responses? Maybe Monson, a veritable vegetable, is a bad example. But take the "best" the Mormonism has or has recently had to offer. Jeffrey R. Holland and his quivering drivel ( Neal A. Maxwell and his small-town "wisdom" disguised by a wave of cute alliterations. Poo. I'm no longer Mormon or even a theist. And I'm not a fan of Catholicism or even Pope Francis, necessarily. But reading this interview in depth (I was pointed there by a recent story in the NYT), replete with thoughtfulness, generosity, openness to change, openness to doubt ("If one has the answers to all the questions—that is the proof that God is not with him. It means that he is a false prophet using religion for himself. The great leaders of the people of God, like Moses, have always left room for doubt. You must leave room for the Lord, not for our certainties; we must be humble. Uncertainty is in every true discernment that is open to finding confirmation in spiritual consolation."), full of easy and extremely informed references to Dostoyevsky, Borges, made me feel bad for TBMs. The GAs are a bunch of exalted Utah farmboys and international sycophants, gussied-up provincials with MBAs from prestigious schools, preaching a gospel of fear and division. Can you imagine a place for a religious order like the Jesuits, or a prophet like Jorge Bergoglio, in the Mormon Church? TLDR: I read an extremely refreshing and erudite interview with the current Catholic pope. I feel bad for the Mormons for being stuck with the likes of Monson, Packer, and co.
I just finished reading this interview with Pope Francis: Can you imagine Mormon leaders giving such erudite, sincere, and thoughtful responses? Maybe Monson, a veritable vegetable, is a bad example. But take the "best" the Mormonism has or has recently had to offer. Jeffrey R. Holland and his quivering drivel ( Neal A. Maxwell and his small-town "wisdom" disguised by a wave of cute alliterations. Poo. I'm no longer Mormon or even a theist. And I'm not a fan of Catholicism or even Pope Francis, necessarily. But reading this interview in depth (I was pointed there by a recent story in the NYT), replete with thoughtfulness, generosity, openness to change, openness to doubt ("If one has the answers to all the questions—that is the proof that God is not with him. It means that he is a false prophet using religion for himself. The great leaders of the people of God, like Moses, have always left room for doubt. You must leave room for the Lord, not for our certainties; we must be humble. Uncertainty is in every true discernment that is open to finding confirmation in spiritual consolation."), full of easy and extremely informed references to Dostoyevsky, Borges, made me feel bad for TBMs. The GAs are a bunch of exalted Utah farmboys and international sycophants, gussied-up provincials with MBAs from prestigious schools, preaching a gospel of fear and division. Can you imagine a place for a religious order like the Jesuits, or a prophet like Jorge Bergoglio, in the Mormon Church? TLDR: I read an extremely refreshing and erudite interview with the current Catholic pope. I feel bad for the Mormons for being stuck with the likes of Monson, Packer, and co.
I just finished reading this interview with Pope Francis: Can you imagine Mormon leaders giving such erudite, sincere, and thoughtful responses? Maybe Monson, a veritable vegetable, is a bad example. But take the "best" the Mormonism has or has recently had to offer. Jeffrey R. Holland and his quivering drivel ( Neal A. Maxwell and his small-town "wisdom" disguised by a wave of cute alliterations. Poo. I'm no longer Mormon or even a theist. And I'm not a fan of Catholicism or even Pope Francis, necessarily. But reading this interview in depth (I was pointed there by a recent story in the NYT), replete with thoughtfulness, generosity, openness to change, openness to doubt ("If one has the answers to all the questions—that is the proof that God is not with him. It means that he is a false prophet using religion for himself. The great leaders of the people of God, like Moses, have always left room for doubt. You must leave room for the Lord, not for our certainties; we must be humble. Uncertainty is in every true discernment that is open to finding confirmation in spiritual consolation."), full of easy and extremely informed references to Dostoyevsky, Borges, made me feel bad for TBMs. The GAs are a bunch of exalted Utah farmboys and international sycophants, gussied-up provincials with MBAs from prestigious schools, preaching a gospel of fear and division. Can you imagine a place for a religious order like the Jesuits, or a prophet like Jorge Bergoglio, in the Mormon Church?
I read an extremely refreshing and erudite interview with the current Catholic pope. I feel bad for the Mormons for being stuck with the likes of Monson, Packer, and co.
Hello riot i know u prob wont read this but im gonna be honest Today i just got banned for the 4th time. after my 3rd ban i stopped being toxic and rarely type in chat anymore, about 3 days ago i see i have been banned from ranked and chat for a bit and i was like thats odd and tried to get rid of the games of banning i had... now today i see i just banned FOR THE 4TH TIME and i dont fucking know why it just makes no fucking sense too me. please help me here.. please just help me understand... i get reported everygame for no reason or losing lane... i just hate it so much that i got banned for no reason this time. TL;DR i got banned for no reason and i mean no reason this time
Hello riot i know u prob wont read this but im gonna be honest Today i just got banned for the 4th time. after my 3rd ban i stopped being toxic and rarely type in chat anymore, about 3 days ago i see i have been banned from ranked and chat for a bit and i was like thats odd and tried to get rid of the games of banning i had... now today i see i just banned FOR THE 4TH TIME and i dont fucking know why it just makes no fucking sense too me. please help me here.. please just help me understand... i get reported everygame for no reason or losing lane... i just hate it so much that i got banned for no reason this time. TL;DR i got banned for no reason and i mean no reason this time
Hello riot i know u prob wont read this but im gonna be honest Today i just got banned for the 4th time. after my 3rd ban i stopped being toxic and rarely type in chat anymore, about 3 days ago i see i have been banned from ranked and chat for a bit and i was like thats odd and tried to get rid of the games of banning i had... now today i see i just banned FOR THE 4TH TIME and i dont fucking know why it just makes no fucking sense too me. please help me here.. please just help me understand... i get reported everygame for no reason or losing lane... i just hate it so much that i got banned for no reason this time.
i got banned for no reason and i mean no reason this time
I've been in a relationship with the most wonderful girl for over a year. We're absolute best friends, but it's time (for me) to end the romantic relationship and live the bachelor life. This is going to be extremely hard on both of us - but it's something I feel I need to do. This girl is a huge part of my life and I know once we end out romantic relationship she isn't going to be around as my best friend and partner anymore. It's deeply upsetting, but I understand it is part of the deal. I'm a very open and honest person and I fully intend on being as open and honest with her as possible. I would just love some feedback and advice that anybody could give that has been through a similar situation. Breaking up is hard enough - losing my best friend at the same time is going to be really heart breaking for the both of us. Thanks Reddit. Any help would really do wonders for me. I'm more concerned about her than myself. TL;DR - I'd like advice on how to end a relationship with somebody I still want in my life, but won't have the emotional wherewithal to handle being a part of my life.
I've been in a relationship with the most wonderful girl for over a year. We're absolute best friends, but it's time (for me) to end the romantic relationship and live the bachelor life. This is going to be extremely hard on both of us - but it's something I feel I need to do. This girl is a huge part of my life and I know once we end out romantic relationship she isn't going to be around as my best friend and partner anymore. It's deeply upsetting, but I understand it is part of the deal. I'm a very open and honest person and I fully intend on being as open and honest with her as possible. I would just love some feedback and advice that anybody could give that has been through a similar situation. Breaking up is hard enough - losing my best friend at the same time is going to be really heart breaking for the both of us. Thanks Reddit. Any help would really do wonders for me. I'm more concerned about her than myself. TL;DR - I'd like advice on how to end a relationship with somebody I still want in my life, but won't have the emotional wherewithal to handle being a part of my life.
I've been in a relationship with the most wonderful girl for over a year. We're absolute best friends, but it's time (for me) to end the romantic relationship and live the bachelor life. This is going to be extremely hard on both of us - but it's something I feel I need to do. This girl is a huge part of my life and I know once we end out romantic relationship she isn't going to be around as my best friend and partner anymore. It's deeply upsetting, but I understand it is part of the deal. I'm a very open and honest person and I fully intend on being as open and honest with her as possible. I would just love some feedback and advice that anybody could give that has been through a similar situation. Breaking up is hard enough - losing my best friend at the same time is going to be really heart breaking for the both of us. Thanks Reddit. Any help would really do wonders for me. I'm more concerned about her than myself.
I'd like advice on how to end a relationship with somebody I still want in my life, but won't have the emotional wherewithal to handle being a part of my life.
A buddy of mine had a project at some point in school (Mech. Engineering) to find a way to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, and it was a class competition. The winner said getting rid of the penny would be the best way. Can't remember all the arguments, but transportation was a big one, along with all the energy in manufacturing them, etc. etc. tl;dr - getting rid of the penny will also reduce carbon emissions!
A buddy of mine had a project at some point in school (Mech. Engineering) to find a way to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, and it was a class competition. The winner said getting rid of the penny would be the best way. Can't remember all the arguments, but transportation was a big one, along with all the energy in manufacturing them, etc. etc. tl;dr - getting rid of the penny will also reduce carbon emissions!
A buddy of mine had a project at some point in school (Mech. Engineering) to find a way to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, and it was a class competition. The winner said getting rid of the penny would be the best way. Can't remember all the arguments, but transportation was a big one, along with all the energy in manufacturing them, etc. etc.
getting rid of the penny will also reduce carbon emissions!
I've read through the other comments and there's a lot of good advice. Find a day job in the industry. It looks like you might be working for mortgage company (?), that's a good start. I think it's a bit unrealistic to say 1 house for 2 years, 2 houses for 2 years etc. Don't strap yourself into that kind of goal. Maybe you'll get a house, then decide you'd like to try your hand at something more profitable, like a du- or quad-plex :). /u/helpmeinvestx already told you a list of things you may not have considered, but don't expect this to be a sure thing, or an easy thing. There's a reason why everyone doesn't just quit their day job and buy/rent/sell houses. tl;dr Go for it, but lower your expectations and revise your goals so they are less restrictive.
I've read through the other comments and there's a lot of good advice. Find a day job in the industry. It looks like you might be working for mortgage company (?), that's a good start. I think it's a bit unrealistic to say 1 house for 2 years, 2 houses for 2 years etc. Don't strap yourself into that kind of goal. Maybe you'll get a house, then decide you'd like to try your hand at something more profitable, like a du- or quad-plex :). /u/helpmeinvestx already told you a list of things you may not have considered, but don't expect this to be a sure thing, or an easy thing. There's a reason why everyone doesn't just quit their day job and buy/rent/sell houses. tl;dr Go for it, but lower your expectations and revise your goals so they are less restrictive.
I've read through the other comments and there's a lot of good advice. Find a day job in the industry. It looks like you might be working for mortgage company (?), that's a good start. I think it's a bit unrealistic to say 1 house for 2 years, 2 houses for 2 years etc. Don't strap yourself into that kind of goal. Maybe you'll get a house, then decide you'd like to try your hand at something more profitable, like a du- or quad-plex :). /u/helpmeinvestx already told you a list of things you may not have considered, but don't expect this to be a sure thing, or an easy thing. There's a reason why everyone doesn't just quit their day job and buy/rent/sell houses.
Go for it, but lower your expectations and revise your goals so they are less restrictive.
I'm not debating that, at all. As i stated in my original post i was attempting to answer the question that half the posts in this thread were asking - "why not 'League of Legends' ". I basically word-vomited what Riot has said over and over again in the past. as far as what solo queue is currently called : here is the correct answer. The challenger ladder is empty/doesn't technically exist at the start of each season. The challenger ladder takes the name of the D1 division that the first player to enter it each season is. EXAMPLE : Beast123531 is D1 and reaches 100LP in season 5 faster than anyone else. He is in Teemo's Devilspawn. When he enters/creates the challenger ladder in season 5 it will be called Challenger Teemo's Devilspawn. Everyone else that enters Challenger in season 5 is moved to that ladder. I hope that makes sense :P. Edit : i didn't finish the solo queue point. It's named what it is because of above reason, and it's more of a Leaderboard than anything else. There is nothing for those individual players to aspire to outside of recognition/exposure. The pros that enter that ladder are showing that they're still the best invididual players on the region. Being pro didn't change that. If pro teams ever went into ranked 5v5's i'm sure most of them would still be in the top 10. Most pro teams avoid ranked 5's though because they don't want their current strats being leaked to the public, or worse, the enemy of their next match. I know pro teams have outside scrim partners, but those are people that they trust not to leak the strats that they are currently running. as to why solo q is called challenger? idk, i don't work at rito. Probably just cause it sounds better than Top 200 TL;DR - they go into solo q to show that they're still the best at their roles Edit 2 - Examples edition. For Challenger 5v5 example of teams avoiding the ladder. go ahead and pull up the top challenger teams under leagues in the client and you'll have a hard time finding LMQ,C9T,or Complexity Black
I'm not debating that, at all. As i stated in my original post i was attempting to answer the question that half the posts in this thread were asking - "why not 'League of Legends' ". I basically word-vomited what Riot has said over and over again in the past. as far as what solo queue is currently called : here is the correct answer. The challenger ladder is empty/doesn't technically exist at the start of each season. The challenger ladder takes the name of the D1 division that the first player to enter it each season is. EXAMPLE : Beast123531 is D1 and reaches 100LP in season 5 faster than anyone else. He is in Teemo's Devilspawn. When he enters/creates the challenger ladder in season 5 it will be called Challenger Teemo's Devilspawn. Everyone else that enters Challenger in season 5 is moved to that ladder. I hope that makes sense :P. Edit : i didn't finish the solo queue point. It's named what it is because of above reason, and it's more of a Leaderboard than anything else. There is nothing for those individual players to aspire to outside of recognition/exposure. The pros that enter that ladder are showing that they're still the best invididual players on the region. Being pro didn't change that. If pro teams ever went into ranked 5v5's i'm sure most of them would still be in the top 10. Most pro teams avoid ranked 5's though because they don't want their current strats being leaked to the public, or worse, the enemy of their next match. I know pro teams have outside scrim partners, but those are people that they trust not to leak the strats that they are currently running. as to why solo q is called challenger? idk, i don't work at rito. Probably just cause it sounds better than Top 200 TL;DR - they go into solo q to show that they're still the best at their roles Edit 2 - Examples edition. For Challenger 5v5 example of teams avoiding the ladder. go ahead and pull up the top challenger teams under leagues in the client and you'll have a hard time finding LMQ,C9T,or Complexity Black
I'm not debating that, at all. As i stated in my original post i was attempting to answer the question that half the posts in this thread were asking - "why not 'League of Legends' ". I basically word-vomited what Riot has said over and over again in the past. as far as what solo queue is currently called : here is the correct answer. The challenger ladder is empty/doesn't technically exist at the start of each season. The challenger ladder takes the name of the D1 division that the first player to enter it each season is. EXAMPLE : Beast123531 is D1 and reaches 100LP in season 5 faster than anyone else. He is in Teemo's Devilspawn. When he enters/creates the challenger ladder in season 5 it will be called Challenger Teemo's Devilspawn. Everyone else that enters Challenger in season 5 is moved to that ladder. I hope that makes sense :P. Edit : i didn't finish the solo queue point. It's named what it is because of above reason, and it's more of a Leaderboard than anything else. There is nothing for those individual players to aspire to outside of recognition/exposure. The pros that enter that ladder are showing that they're still the best invididual players on the region. Being pro didn't change that. If pro teams ever went into ranked 5v5's i'm sure most of them would still be in the top 10. Most pro teams avoid ranked 5's though because they don't want their current strats being leaked to the public, or worse, the enemy of their next match. I know pro teams have outside scrim partners, but those are people that they trust not to leak the strats that they are currently running. as to why solo q is called challenger? idk, i don't work at rito. Probably just cause it sounds better than Top 200
they go into solo q to show that they're still the best at their roles Edit 2 - Examples edition. For Challenger 5v5 example of teams avoiding the ladder. go ahead and pull up the top challenger teams under leagues in the client and you'll have a hard time finding LMQ,C9T,or Complexity Black
Because as far as he is concerned they are doing a great job. I support Obama in so much as he is better than the alternative, but God do i wish we had someone better. The fact is that he has vastly increased the security state of the US from what Bush did, has further restricted constitutional protection (though the Supreme court has done a lot of that), has strongly pushed the war on drugs, and is a huge supporter of more invasive tactics for the TSA and DHS. Frankly i am more flabergasted he hasnt fired Eric Holder, considering he has directly contravened an executive order to not pursue seizures and prosecutions of medical marijuana dispensaries. The fact that he hasnt been fired makes me believe that the order given by Obama was nothing more than political theatre and he actually supports the DOJ's crackdown. The same can be said of his lack of action on DHS and TSA, clearly he supports their actions. He had cause to fire both of them when the agencies went ahead with the national roll out of the advanced imaging machines in contempt of congress. What i dont understand, especially because it would be a good political move for the republicans, is why the house hasnt held investigations into the administration of TSA and DHS regarding the fact that they ignored a congessional mandate to provide a report and get approval for the national introduction of the full body scanners. Pistole and Napalitano could both be jailed for contempt of congress charges, and they should be, but the House has not taken any action. Yes, they are doing investigations but not on this subject. Our government has become so deeply corrupt and, frankly, tyranical in their obfuscation of the people's rights. The corruption runs through all parties, and all branches of government. The answer is for the people to take back their government. For me that means voting against any incumbant for congessional or state office. I want a 100% change over in our representatives from local up to national assemblies. As much as i dislike Obama i cant bring myself to vote against him though, which is why i was hoping he would have a primary challenger that could at least have pushed him to providing some support for liberal causes because right now every policy he supports was a republican idea sometime in the last 40 years including health care reform. He is more conservative than many actual non-tea party republicans, and doesnt represent my interests at all. Problem is that all of the republican canidates are absolutely insane, i mean truly terrifying, there is one republican canidate that is a great choice, a true libertarian not the Paul christian theocratic Randian libertarian, but he doesnt even get invited to debate let alone get any media coverage. Tl/Dr: our country is in a sad state and drastic action of some sort must be taken to cure the cancer that has infected our government.
Because as far as he is concerned they are doing a great job. I support Obama in so much as he is better than the alternative, but God do i wish we had someone better. The fact is that he has vastly increased the security state of the US from what Bush did, has further restricted constitutional protection (though the Supreme court has done a lot of that), has strongly pushed the war on drugs, and is a huge supporter of more invasive tactics for the TSA and DHS. Frankly i am more flabergasted he hasnt fired Eric Holder, considering he has directly contravened an executive order to not pursue seizures and prosecutions of medical marijuana dispensaries. The fact that he hasnt been fired makes me believe that the order given by Obama was nothing more than political theatre and he actually supports the DOJ's crackdown. The same can be said of his lack of action on DHS and TSA, clearly he supports their actions. He had cause to fire both of them when the agencies went ahead with the national roll out of the advanced imaging machines in contempt of congress. What i dont understand, especially because it would be a good political move for the republicans, is why the house hasnt held investigations into the administration of TSA and DHS regarding the fact that they ignored a congessional mandate to provide a report and get approval for the national introduction of the full body scanners. Pistole and Napalitano could both be jailed for contempt of congress charges, and they should be, but the House has not taken any action. Yes, they are doing investigations but not on this subject. Our government has become so deeply corrupt and, frankly, tyranical in their obfuscation of the people's rights. The corruption runs through all parties, and all branches of government. The answer is for the people to take back their government. For me that means voting against any incumbant for congessional or state office. I want a 100% change over in our representatives from local up to national assemblies. As much as i dislike Obama i cant bring myself to vote against him though, which is why i was hoping he would have a primary challenger that could at least have pushed him to providing some support for liberal causes because right now every policy he supports was a republican idea sometime in the last 40 years including health care reform. He is more conservative than many actual non-tea party republicans, and doesnt represent my interests at all. Problem is that all of the republican canidates are absolutely insane, i mean truly terrifying, there is one republican canidate that is a great choice, a true libertarian not the Paul christian theocratic Randian libertarian, but he doesnt even get invited to debate let alone get any media coverage. Tl/Dr: our country is in a sad state and drastic action of some sort must be taken to cure the cancer that has infected our government.
Because as far as he is concerned they are doing a great job. I support Obama in so much as he is better than the alternative, but God do i wish we had someone better. The fact is that he has vastly increased the security state of the US from what Bush did, has further restricted constitutional protection (though the Supreme court has done a lot of that), has strongly pushed the war on drugs, and is a huge supporter of more invasive tactics for the TSA and DHS. Frankly i am more flabergasted he hasnt fired Eric Holder, considering he has directly contravened an executive order to not pursue seizures and prosecutions of medical marijuana dispensaries. The fact that he hasnt been fired makes me believe that the order given by Obama was nothing more than political theatre and he actually supports the DOJ's crackdown. The same can be said of his lack of action on DHS and TSA, clearly he supports their actions. He had cause to fire both of them when the agencies went ahead with the national roll out of the advanced imaging machines in contempt of congress. What i dont understand, especially because it would be a good political move for the republicans, is why the house hasnt held investigations into the administration of TSA and DHS regarding the fact that they ignored a congessional mandate to provide a report and get approval for the national introduction of the full body scanners. Pistole and Napalitano could both be jailed for contempt of congress charges, and they should be, but the House has not taken any action. Yes, they are doing investigations but not on this subject. Our government has become so deeply corrupt and, frankly, tyranical in their obfuscation of the people's rights. The corruption runs through all parties, and all branches of government. The answer is for the people to take back their government. For me that means voting against any incumbant for congessional or state office. I want a 100% change over in our representatives from local up to national assemblies. As much as i dislike Obama i cant bring myself to vote against him though, which is why i was hoping he would have a primary challenger that could at least have pushed him to providing some support for liberal causes because right now every policy he supports was a republican idea sometime in the last 40 years including health care reform. He is more conservative than many actual non-tea party republicans, and doesnt represent my interests at all. Problem is that all of the republican canidates are absolutely insane, i mean truly terrifying, there is one republican canidate that is a great choice, a true libertarian not the Paul christian theocratic Randian libertarian, but he doesnt even get invited to debate let alone get any media coverage.
our country is in a sad state and drastic action of some sort must be taken to cure the cancer that has infected our government.
I got spammed by this band once using a fake Youtube profile, which I don't appreciate and think is a really lame way to promote your music. I tried to comment on the video but they have comments on approval. All of the other comments were very positive and all along very similar lines. So I went to their Facebook page to tell them I thought what they were doing was underhanded and since they went to the bother of spamming me I was going to share it. And I also told them that their music was awful. Comment removed. Once again, all the other comments very positive, and eerily similar. Went to Twitter, said the same, got blocked. TL;DR - these guys start fake profiles of 17 year old girls and spam Youtube users with them in order to get people to listen to their music, and use the same profiles to comment on and upload their own videos. Thought people would like to know.
I got spammed by this band once using a fake Youtube profile, which I don't appreciate and think is a really lame way to promote your music. I tried to comment on the video but they have comments on approval. All of the other comments were very positive and all along very similar lines. So I went to their Facebook page to tell them I thought what they were doing was underhanded and since they went to the bother of spamming me I was going to share it. And I also told them that their music was awful. Comment removed. Once again, all the other comments very positive, and eerily similar. Went to Twitter, said the same, got blocked. TL;DR - these guys start fake profiles of 17 year old girls and spam Youtube users with them in order to get people to listen to their music, and use the same profiles to comment on and upload their own videos. Thought people would like to know.
I got spammed by this band once using a fake Youtube profile, which I don't appreciate and think is a really lame way to promote your music. I tried to comment on the video but they have comments on approval. All of the other comments were very positive and all along very similar lines. So I went to their Facebook page to tell them I thought what they were doing was underhanded and since they went to the bother of spamming me I was going to share it. And I also told them that their music was awful. Comment removed. Once again, all the other comments very positive, and eerily similar. Went to Twitter, said the same, got blocked.
these guys start fake profiles of 17 year old girls and spam Youtube users with them in order to get people to listen to their music, and use the same profiles to comment on and upload their own videos. Thought people would like to know.
I actually guessed so, but didn't want to assume ;) The next couple of years are going to be A LOT of fun, but also quite dangerous. You can't help the fact that all your primal instincts are going to push you to go faster, harder, and riskier - especially once you feel more confident... And that's where good habits will save you. Literally. I'm 30 now, and started riding street about the same time (16-17). I've crashed dozens of times - mostly track. But I also nearly killed myself a few times, and on one occasion I got a friend hurt. I've lost my licence, I've hurt my back, head, arms, hands (I work in creative media / video so hards are IMPORTANT!) and legs... I've also damaged my hearing which I didn't expect. And now that I'm 30 I'm in the best shape of my life, earning great money, and traveling. Life is awesome and I still ride every, single, day. But I could have easily lost it. What I'm getting at is that if you're like most of us, the 17-21 age bracket is the time you're most likely to kill or paralyse yourself. That's not to say dont ride! YOU MUST RIDE! It makes life worth it :) Just ride within your limits, keep the shiny side up, and remember it's never, ever worth losing a leg just to get a knee down... **Long explosion of text so no worries if you dont read my dribble... but if you do here's the TL;DR Teach yourself self-control now, so that you can enjoy pushing the limits and being awesome later. Also - wear ear plugs. SERIOUSLY. wear 'em**
I actually guessed so, but didn't want to assume ;) The next couple of years are going to be A LOT of fun, but also quite dangerous. You can't help the fact that all your primal instincts are going to push you to go faster, harder, and riskier - especially once you feel more confident... And that's where good habits will save you. Literally. I'm 30 now, and started riding street about the same time (16-17). I've crashed dozens of times - mostly track. But I also nearly killed myself a few times, and on one occasion I got a friend hurt. I've lost my licence, I've hurt my back, head, arms, hands (I work in creative media / video so hards are IMPORTANT!) and legs... I've also damaged my hearing which I didn't expect. And now that I'm 30 I'm in the best shape of my life, earning great money, and traveling. Life is awesome and I still ride every, single, day. But I could have easily lost it. What I'm getting at is that if you're like most of us, the 17-21 age bracket is the time you're most likely to kill or paralyse yourself. That's not to say dont ride! YOU MUST RIDE! It makes life worth it :) Just ride within your limits, keep the shiny side up, and remember it's never, ever worth losing a leg just to get a knee down... Long explosion of text so no worries if you dont read my dribble... but if you do here's the TL;DR Teach yourself self-control now, so that you can enjoy pushing the limits and being awesome later. Also - wear ear plugs. SERIOUSLY. wear 'em
I actually guessed so, but didn't want to assume ;) The next couple of years are going to be A LOT of fun, but also quite dangerous. You can't help the fact that all your primal instincts are going to push you to go faster, harder, and riskier - especially once you feel more confident... And that's where good habits will save you. Literally. I'm 30 now, and started riding street about the same time (16-17). I've crashed dozens of times - mostly track. But I also nearly killed myself a few times, and on one occasion I got a friend hurt. I've lost my licence, I've hurt my back, head, arms, hands (I work in creative media / video so hards are IMPORTANT!) and legs... I've also damaged my hearing which I didn't expect. And now that I'm 30 I'm in the best shape of my life, earning great money, and traveling. Life is awesome and I still ride every, single, day. But I could have easily lost it. What I'm getting at is that if you're like most of us, the 17-21 age bracket is the time you're most likely to kill or paralyse yourself. That's not to say dont ride! YOU MUST RIDE! It makes life worth it :) Just ride within your limits, keep the shiny side up, and remember it's never, ever worth losing a leg just to get a knee down... Long explosion of text so no worries if you dont read my dribble... but if you do here's the
Teach yourself self-control now, so that you can enjoy pushing the limits and being awesome later. Also - wear ear plugs. SERIOUSLY. wear 'em
Well, me and my wife celebrate our anniversary at 12 o' clock midnight every anniversary. I was going to surprise her with a great gift she wanted for FOREVER. So I told her we were gonna have to celebrate at a different time because I was on business. So I picked up her gift, and on my way driving home she texted me. "hey babe husband isnt home wanna come over and have some fun?" Considering I was her husband, I think she got the wrong person. So I'm now speeding home to see if this is really happening after 16 years of marriage. So I finally get home, rush into our bedroom and sure enough. My best friend was laying in bed with my wife. After 16 years of marriage, she was cheating on me with my best friend. Worst anniversary ever. **TL;DR Surprised wife on anniversary, she ended up cheating on me.** **EDIT: This was really my wife's TIFU I should have made that more clear.** **EDIT: I'm deleting this soon because I'm tired of people calling bullshit even though I've said many times in the comments now. *WE ARE OFTEN IN GROUP TEXTS* We were all friends so we didn't care about seeing each others texts. My wife must have hit the group text. Still gonna delete it.**
Well, me and my wife celebrate our anniversary at 12 o' clock midnight every anniversary. I was going to surprise her with a great gift she wanted for FOREVER. So I told her we were gonna have to celebrate at a different time because I was on business. So I picked up her gift, and on my way driving home she texted me. "hey babe husband isnt home wanna come over and have some fun?" Considering I was her husband, I think she got the wrong person. So I'm now speeding home to see if this is really happening after 16 years of marriage. So I finally get home, rush into our bedroom and sure enough. My best friend was laying in bed with my wife. After 16 years of marriage, she was cheating on me with my best friend. Worst anniversary ever. TL;DR Surprised wife on anniversary, she ended up cheating on me. EDIT: This was really my wife's TIFU I should have made that more clear. EDIT: I'm deleting this soon because I'm tired of people calling bullshit even though I've said many times in the comments now. WE ARE OFTEN IN GROUP TEXTS We were all friends so we didn't care about seeing each others texts. My wife must have hit the group text. Still gonna delete it.
Well, me and my wife celebrate our anniversary at 12 o' clock midnight every anniversary. I was going to surprise her with a great gift she wanted for FOREVER. So I told her we were gonna have to celebrate at a different time because I was on business. So I picked up her gift, and on my way driving home she texted me. "hey babe husband isnt home wanna come over and have some fun?" Considering I was her husband, I think she got the wrong person. So I'm now speeding home to see if this is really happening after 16 years of marriage. So I finally get home, rush into our bedroom and sure enough. My best friend was laying in bed with my wife. After 16 years of marriage, she was cheating on me with my best friend. Worst anniversary ever.
Surprised wife on anniversary, she ended up cheating on me. EDIT: This was really my wife's TIFU I should have made that more clear. EDIT: I'm deleting this soon because I'm tired of people calling bullshit even though I've said many times in the comments now. WE ARE OFTEN IN GROUP TEXTS We were all friends so we didn't care about seeing each others texts. My wife must have hit the group text. Still gonna delete it.
well i agree with her totally for many reasons im a girl living in the UAE and if i was given the choice i wouldn't wear a scarf "veil" to cover my head or anything like that , sadly the middle east and the UAE are all about customs and traditions and you can hear those two words being repeated over and over again whenever a new law is issued or to the media.... religion is also used as a tool to maintain public image and is influential even with the social police ...not a good thing for many reasons why? you can read all about it in wikipedia yes the UAE is a good place to be a woman , is it great? no just like any ME country has its backwardness as a male dominated area you cant have your driver's licence without a male guardian consent nor join the military nor work.. our male counter parts are given so much freedom that i would dream of having ..... that being said ... i can tell you honestly that i was forced to wear hijab just because of how people will look at my family and me not wearing it will shame can downvote me all you want but i'm being brute honest here i'm not an ambassador to make my country look like heaven i'm just pointing on the flaws in hope for a better change and the one way of doing it is to speak up and let people know also there has been incidents where men broke into women's part of wedding took photos wearing niqab and all black (abaya+hijab+niqab) you cant tell the sex through that sack of black shit , also there were incidents were those sick people were begging for money pretending to be females. tl;dr: i totally agree with her from my own experiences and what i saw living in the UAE as a woman
well i agree with her totally for many reasons im a girl living in the UAE and if i was given the choice i wouldn't wear a scarf "veil" to cover my head or anything like that , sadly the middle east and the UAE are all about customs and traditions and you can hear those two words being repeated over and over again whenever a new law is issued or to the media.... religion is also used as a tool to maintain public image and is influential even with the social police ...not a good thing for many reasons why? you can read all about it in wikipedia yes the UAE is a good place to be a woman , is it great? no just like any ME country has its backwardness as a male dominated area you cant have your driver's licence without a male guardian consent nor join the military nor work.. our male counter parts are given so much freedom that i would dream of having ..... that being said ... i can tell you honestly that i was forced to wear hijab just because of how people will look at my family and me not wearing it will shame can downvote me all you want but i'm being brute honest here i'm not an ambassador to make my country look like heaven i'm just pointing on the flaws in hope for a better change and the one way of doing it is to speak up and let people know also there has been incidents where men broke into women's part of wedding took photos wearing niqab and all black (abaya+hijab+niqab) you cant tell the sex through that sack of black shit , also there were incidents were those sick people were begging for money pretending to be females. tl;dr: i totally agree with her from my own experiences and what i saw living in the UAE as a woman
well i agree with her totally for many reasons im a girl living in the UAE and if i was given the choice i wouldn't wear a scarf "veil" to cover my head or anything like that , sadly the middle east and the UAE are all about customs and traditions and you can hear those two words being repeated over and over again whenever a new law is issued or to the media.... religion is also used as a tool to maintain public image and is influential even with the social police ...not a good thing for many reasons why? you can read all about it in wikipedia yes the UAE is a good place to be a woman , is it great? no just like any ME country has its backwardness as a male dominated area you cant have your driver's licence without a male guardian consent nor join the military nor work.. our male counter parts are given so much freedom that i would dream of having ..... that being said ... i can tell you honestly that i was forced to wear hijab just because of how people will look at my family and me not wearing it will shame can downvote me all you want but i'm being brute honest here i'm not an ambassador to make my country look like heaven i'm just pointing on the flaws in hope for a better change and the one way of doing it is to speak up and let people know also there has been incidents where men broke into women's part of wedding took photos wearing niqab and all black (abaya+hijab+niqab) you cant tell the sex through that sack of black shit , also there were incidents were those sick people were begging for money pretending to be females.
i totally agree with her from my own experiences and what i saw living in the UAE as a woman
"Brad" and I have been together for 2 years now, living together for about 4 months. I've always loved the outdoors. I love going hiking, kayaking, sailing, rock-climbing, camping, all of that stuff. Plus we live in the PNW, so outdoor pursuits are a pretty big deal. Brad isn't such a fan of that stuff. In the beginning of our relationship he would try and humor me- he'd go hiking with me, or head to the coast with me for a little kayaking...but it was all very clearly a horrible experience for him and after I while I gave up. He didn't protest when I stopped inviting him along. Still, it wasn't much fun doing all that stuff alone. Most of my outdoor buddies had either moved too far away to come out often, or got too busy with life. So I started looking for some new hiking pals. I got to talking to a coworker of mine and he mentioned that he and a few friends went out rock-climbing once or twice a month, and invited me to tag along with them. I did, and they were a very welcoming bunch (3 guys and a girl) who started inviting me out pretty frequently. In the past 6 months we've gone kayaking, rock-climbing, hiking...usually twice a month and my coworker and I will go hiking on a trail near our office on Fridays. Hanging out with this group makes me really happy. I like having people who share a common interest with me and I genuinely enjoy them as friends. Well, recently one of the guys in the group and his girlfriend (the other girl) have been wanting to go camping in Yosemite before it gets too cool. Apparently they have a friend that has campsite reservations for a weekend coming up in October, but something came up and can't use them. Reservations in Yosemite are incredibly hard to come by from my understanding, and it's on my bucket list of national parks to visit. I really, really want to go. When I brought this up to my boyfriend, he wasn't so excited. He said he didn't like the idea of me camping with two single guys who are "just going to try and get in my pants." He doesn't want me going, and he even said he doesn't really like the idea of me hanging out with them at all. He says he doesn't really trust these guys and doesn't like the way they behave with me. I don't get it. Nothing about my relationship with them is inappropriate. They're my friends. And this is something I really like to do that my boyfriend won't do with me. What else am I supposed to, just sit at home and be miserable? I told him that frankly him telling me not to hang out with them and not to go *camping* with friends. Since then it's been a sore spot and I don't know how to proceed. This is really important to me and I hate the idea of him telling me who I can and can't hang out with. He seems to think me hanging out with these people is super inappropriate. I couldn't disagree more. What do I do? --- **tl;dr**: My boyfriend doesn't like my common-interest friends and wants me to stop hanging out with them. I absolutely don't want to do that but don't know what to do.
"Brad" and I have been together for 2 years now, living together for about 4 months. I've always loved the outdoors. I love going hiking, kayaking, sailing, rock-climbing, camping, all of that stuff. Plus we live in the PNW, so outdoor pursuits are a pretty big deal. Brad isn't such a fan of that stuff. In the beginning of our relationship he would try and humor me- he'd go hiking with me, or head to the coast with me for a little kayaking...but it was all very clearly a horrible experience for him and after I while I gave up. He didn't protest when I stopped inviting him along. Still, it wasn't much fun doing all that stuff alone. Most of my outdoor buddies had either moved too far away to come out often, or got too busy with life. So I started looking for some new hiking pals. I got to talking to a coworker of mine and he mentioned that he and a few friends went out rock-climbing once or twice a month, and invited me to tag along with them. I did, and they were a very welcoming bunch (3 guys and a girl) who started inviting me out pretty frequently. In the past 6 months we've gone kayaking, rock-climbing, hiking...usually twice a month and my coworker and I will go hiking on a trail near our office on Fridays. Hanging out with this group makes me really happy. I like having people who share a common interest with me and I genuinely enjoy them as friends. Well, recently one of the guys in the group and his girlfriend (the other girl) have been wanting to go camping in Yosemite before it gets too cool. Apparently they have a friend that has campsite reservations for a weekend coming up in October, but something came up and can't use them. Reservations in Yosemite are incredibly hard to come by from my understanding, and it's on my bucket list of national parks to visit. I really, really want to go. When I brought this up to my boyfriend, he wasn't so excited. He said he didn't like the idea of me camping with two single guys who are "just going to try and get in my pants." He doesn't want me going, and he even said he doesn't really like the idea of me hanging out with them at all. He says he doesn't really trust these guys and doesn't like the way they behave with me. I don't get it. Nothing about my relationship with them is inappropriate. They're my friends. And this is something I really like to do that my boyfriend won't do with me. What else am I supposed to, just sit at home and be miserable? I told him that frankly him telling me not to hang out with them and not to go camping with friends. Since then it's been a sore spot and I don't know how to proceed. This is really important to me and I hate the idea of him telling me who I can and can't hang out with. He seems to think me hanging out with these people is super inappropriate. I couldn't disagree more. What do I do? tl;dr : My boyfriend doesn't like my common-interest friends and wants me to stop hanging out with them. I absolutely don't want to do that but don't know what to do.
Brad" and I have been together for 2 years now, living together for about 4 months. I've always loved the outdoors. I love going hiking, kayaking, sailing, rock-climbing, camping, all of that stuff. Plus we live in the PNW, so outdoor pursuits are a pretty big deal. Brad isn't such a fan of that stuff. In the beginning of our relationship he would try and humor me- he'd go hiking with me, or head to the coast with me for a little kayaking...but it was all very clearly a horrible experience for him and after I while I gave up. He didn't protest when I stopped inviting him along. Still, it wasn't much fun doing all that stuff alone. Most of my outdoor buddies had either moved too far away to come out often, or got too busy with life. So I started looking for some new hiking pals. I got to talking to a coworker of mine and he mentioned that he and a few friends went out rock-climbing once or twice a month, and invited me to tag along with them. I did, and they were a very welcoming bunch (3 guys and a girl) who started inviting me out pretty frequently. In the past 6 months we've gone kayaking, rock-climbing, hiking...usually twice a month and my coworker and I will go hiking on a trail near our office on Fridays. Hanging out with this group makes me really happy. I like having people who share a common interest with me and I genuinely enjoy them as friends. Well, recently one of the guys in the group and his girlfriend (the other girl) have been wanting to go camping in Yosemite before it gets too cool. Apparently they have a friend that has campsite reservations for a weekend coming up in October, but something came up and can't use them. Reservations in Yosemite are incredibly hard to come by from my understanding, and it's on my bucket list of national parks to visit. I really, really want to go. When I brought this up to my boyfriend, he wasn't so excited. He said he didn't like the idea of me camping with two single guys who are "just going to try and get in my pants." He doesn't want me going, and he even said he doesn't really like the idea of me hanging out with them at all. He says he doesn't really trust these guys and doesn't like the way they behave with me. I don't get it. Nothing about my relationship with them is inappropriate. They're my friends. And this is something I really like to do that my boyfriend won't do with me. What else am I supposed to, just sit at home and be miserable? I told him that frankly him telling me not to hang out with them and not to go camping with friends. Since then it's been a sore spot and I don't know how to proceed. This is really important to me and I hate the idea of him telling me who I can and can't hang out with. He seems to think me hanging out with these people is super inappropriate. I couldn't disagree more. What do I do?
My boyfriend doesn't like my common-interest friends and wants me to stop hanging out with them. I absolutely don't want to do that but don't know what to do.
**STRAWPOLL** - **V3 vs Enso** **V3** - **Enso** - This is a part of the MCS Tournament Season Two being organised. Tournament Details **Prize** **Upper Bracket** **Lower Bracket** **Groups** **Current Standing of Teams** **Recent Matches** **V3** * V3 vs BAD : 16 - 1 * V3 vs FZNINJAS : 16 - 10 * ACES VS V3 : 16 - 5 **ENSO** * ENSO vs TEAMBATTLEHALL - 16 - 5 * ENSO vs UNSTOPPABLE : 16 - 4 * ENSO vs 8000RUBLE : 16- 7 **What Do I think?** I see That Enso have had good victories against pretty unknown teams. While that shouldnt count for much I also understand that the scoreline for the enemy team hasnt ever crossed 7 , which is a good defeat imo. ENSO are a known and proven team and this being LAN any suspicious stuff thats possible online isnt possible here. V3 have had ‘OKAY’ results until they met a good team namely ACES. ACES defeated 16-5 easily and that was that. I dont see V3 upsetting ENSO here **Tl;DR** : Enso Should win this 2-0 IMO. Risk = Medium to High. ~~Bet if you want~~. Skip if you feel uncomfortable edit 2 : seeing odds play **low / ICB** underdogs :) You can view this document here
STRAWPOLL - V3 vs Enso V3 - Enso - This is a part of the MCS Tournament Season Two being organised. Tournament Details Prize Upper Bracket Lower Bracket Groups Current Standing of Teams Recent Matches V3 V3 vs BAD : 16 - 1 V3 vs FZNINJAS : 16 - 10 ACES VS V3 : 16 - 5 ENSO ENSO vs TEAMBATTLEHALL - 16 - 5 ENSO vs UNSTOPPABLE : 16 - 4 ENSO vs 8000RUBLE : 16- 7 What Do I think? I see That Enso have had good victories against pretty unknown teams. While that shouldnt count for much I also understand that the scoreline for the enemy team hasnt ever crossed 7 , which is a good defeat imo. ENSO are a known and proven team and this being LAN any suspicious stuff thats possible online isnt possible here. V3 have had ‘OKAY’ results until they met a good team namely ACES. ACES defeated 16-5 easily and that was that. I dont see V3 upsetting ENSO here Tl;DR : Enso Should win this 2-0 IMO. Risk = Medium to High. Bet if you want . Skip if you feel uncomfortable edit 2 : seeing odds play low / ICB underdogs :) You can view this document here
STRAWPOLL - V3 vs Enso V3 - Enso - This is a part of the MCS Tournament Season Two being organised. Tournament Details Prize Upper Bracket Lower Bracket Groups Current Standing of Teams Recent Matches V3 V3 vs BAD : 16 - 1 V3 vs FZNINJAS : 16 - 10 ACES VS V3 : 16 - 5 ENSO ENSO vs TEAMBATTLEHALL - 16 - 5 ENSO vs UNSTOPPABLE : 16 - 4 ENSO vs 8000RUBLE : 16- 7 What Do I think? I see That Enso have had good victories against pretty unknown teams. While that shouldnt count for much I also understand that the scoreline for the enemy team hasnt ever crossed 7 , which is a good defeat imo. ENSO are a known and proven team and this being LAN any suspicious stuff thats possible online isnt possible here. V3 have had ‘OKAY’ results until they met a good team namely ACES. ACES defeated 16-5 easily and that was that. I dont see V3 upsetting ENSO here
Enso Should win this 2-0 IMO. Risk = Medium to High. Bet if you want . Skip if you feel uncomfortable edit 2 : seeing odds play low / ICB underdogs :) You can view this document here
This question may appear ridiculous, and I'm laughing about it myself. But I have never dated someone with an 8AM to 5PM job. I've been a student my whole life (as was he) and then I segued into making my own schedule post-grad. I am concerned that our dynamic may become boringly routine with this new schedule. Spontaneity is really important to me. How do people keep their things interesting when life/work demand predictability? --- **tl;dr**: I freelance. Boyfriend is starting an 8-5 Monday through Friday job. How do people keep spontaneity in their relationships with this kind of schedule?
This question may appear ridiculous, and I'm laughing about it myself. But I have never dated someone with an 8AM to 5PM job. I've been a student my whole life (as was he) and then I segued into making my own schedule post-grad. I am concerned that our dynamic may become boringly routine with this new schedule. Spontaneity is really important to me. How do people keep their things interesting when life/work demand predictability? tl;dr : I freelance. Boyfriend is starting an 8-5 Monday through Friday job. How do people keep spontaneity in their relationships with this kind of schedule?
This question may appear ridiculous, and I'm laughing about it myself. But I have never dated someone with an 8AM to 5PM job. I've been a student my whole life (as was he) and then I segued into making my own schedule post-grad. I am concerned that our dynamic may become boringly routine with this new schedule. Spontaneity is really important to me. How do people keep their things interesting when life/work demand predictability?
I freelance. Boyfriend is starting an 8-5 Monday through Friday job. How do people keep spontaneity in their relationships with this kind of schedule?
My sister and I both had friends stay over for the night back in middle school. I wake up the next morning and realize the carpet in my room is rather damp and gets wetter the closer I get to the doors of my room. I check out the bathroom and see that the toilet is overflowing and water is spilling out everywhere, as well as some towels someone put there to "help". We're not sure which "friend" flooded both my room and sister's room but my sister's friend had issues with eye contact the next day. tl;dr: A guest caused the toilet to overflow (not sure how) and didn't tell anyone about it. Ended up flooding 2 bedrooms and the bathroom.
My sister and I both had friends stay over for the night back in middle school. I wake up the next morning and realize the carpet in my room is rather damp and gets wetter the closer I get to the doors of my room. I check out the bathroom and see that the toilet is overflowing and water is spilling out everywhere, as well as some towels someone put there to "help". We're not sure which "friend" flooded both my room and sister's room but my sister's friend had issues with eye contact the next day. tl;dr: A guest caused the toilet to overflow (not sure how) and didn't tell anyone about it. Ended up flooding 2 bedrooms and the bathroom.
My sister and I both had friends stay over for the night back in middle school. I wake up the next morning and realize the carpet in my room is rather damp and gets wetter the closer I get to the doors of my room. I check out the bathroom and see that the toilet is overflowing and water is spilling out everywhere, as well as some towels someone put there to "help". We're not sure which "friend" flooded both my room and sister's room but my sister's friend had issues with eye contact the next day.
A guest caused the toilet to overflow (not sure how) and didn't tell anyone about it. Ended up flooding 2 bedrooms and the bathroom.
I was going to post this on my regular account, but I've posted about it previously on this throwaway, so if you want part of the back story, feel free to view my posting history. My honest answer is don't try to. It sounds harsh, but if somebody broke your trust, that's big. It's taking one of the most important and potentially damaging gifts that you can give somebody and squandering it. Trust, in my opinion is the most important aspect to a healthy relationship. When it's there and it's strong trust is the reason that everybody in a relationship is safe. Even if just one of the two people in the relationship have lost it in the other, both can become suspicious of one another, and there is no such thing as neutral trust. If you don't trust somebody, you mistrust them. There is no middle ground and if you mistrust somebody *everything* in the future will seem for the worse, maybe even intentional. That said, use your own judgement. Is this the first time they have breached your trust? How bad do you believe what they did was? Does it seem as though they were aware that they could be hurting you but went ahead with it anyway? Decide whether or not they deserve a chance, and then give them a chance to earn your trust back. Don't just give it back to them, because it will not be true trust after you've been hurt. The most important part for the short-term is to decide whether or not they deserve forgiveness. In my story I had two friends who I will never forgive for how totally and painfully they breached my trust. They had spent years making me feel like an outsider and the first opportunity they got to really, seriously hurt me they not only took it, but took the chance twice after I had already forgiven them and decided to trust them once again. The girl in the story I forgave everything she did almost immediately, and even though she's somewhat back in my life now, she holds absolutely no trust from me. On the idea of whether or not you forgive somebody: Don't forgive somebody who harmed you for them, do it for yourself. I hold a grudge against my two old friends because I have other friends who I trust completely, who are better people, and who I feel care for me and can confide in me exactly as much as I care and feel I can confide in them. Holding that grudge harms them and only them because (this sounds arrogant, but I truly believe it) they would be better people with somebody like me in their lives, and they had the chance to be better than they were, but they ignored it. The girl I forgave because holding a grudge would only harm myself. It would make me mistrustful of every future relationship because I would be stuck on that one event from my past. That stuff sucked, but if I don't learn from it and move on, I'll be stuck there for the rest of my life, and I'll never really be able to be happy with anybody else. So I'm sorry to ramble on so much. I haven't proofread because I should be studying, but if anything from that is confusing please ask me if you want. **TL;DR** Decide for yourself if they deserve the chance to earn your trust back, and if forgiving them will make your life better, do it for yourself.
I was going to post this on my regular account, but I've posted about it previously on this throwaway, so if you want part of the back story, feel free to view my posting history. My honest answer is don't try to. It sounds harsh, but if somebody broke your trust, that's big. It's taking one of the most important and potentially damaging gifts that you can give somebody and squandering it. Trust, in my opinion is the most important aspect to a healthy relationship. When it's there and it's strong trust is the reason that everybody in a relationship is safe. Even if just one of the two people in the relationship have lost it in the other, both can become suspicious of one another, and there is no such thing as neutral trust. If you don't trust somebody, you mistrust them. There is no middle ground and if you mistrust somebody everything in the future will seem for the worse, maybe even intentional. That said, use your own judgement. Is this the first time they have breached your trust? How bad do you believe what they did was? Does it seem as though they were aware that they could be hurting you but went ahead with it anyway? Decide whether or not they deserve a chance, and then give them a chance to earn your trust back. Don't just give it back to them, because it will not be true trust after you've been hurt. The most important part for the short-term is to decide whether or not they deserve forgiveness. In my story I had two friends who I will never forgive for how totally and painfully they breached my trust. They had spent years making me feel like an outsider and the first opportunity they got to really, seriously hurt me they not only took it, but took the chance twice after I had already forgiven them and decided to trust them once again. The girl in the story I forgave everything she did almost immediately, and even though she's somewhat back in my life now, she holds absolutely no trust from me. On the idea of whether or not you forgive somebody: Don't forgive somebody who harmed you for them, do it for yourself. I hold a grudge against my two old friends because I have other friends who I trust completely, who are better people, and who I feel care for me and can confide in me exactly as much as I care and feel I can confide in them. Holding that grudge harms them and only them because (this sounds arrogant, but I truly believe it) they would be better people with somebody like me in their lives, and they had the chance to be better than they were, but they ignored it. The girl I forgave because holding a grudge would only harm myself. It would make me mistrustful of every future relationship because I would be stuck on that one event from my past. That stuff sucked, but if I don't learn from it and move on, I'll be stuck there for the rest of my life, and I'll never really be able to be happy with anybody else. So I'm sorry to ramble on so much. I haven't proofread because I should be studying, but if anything from that is confusing please ask me if you want. TL;DR Decide for yourself if they deserve the chance to earn your trust back, and if forgiving them will make your life better, do it for yourself.
I was going to post this on my regular account, but I've posted about it previously on this throwaway, so if you want part of the back story, feel free to view my posting history. My honest answer is don't try to. It sounds harsh, but if somebody broke your trust, that's big. It's taking one of the most important and potentially damaging gifts that you can give somebody and squandering it. Trust, in my opinion is the most important aspect to a healthy relationship. When it's there and it's strong trust is the reason that everybody in a relationship is safe. Even if just one of the two people in the relationship have lost it in the other, both can become suspicious of one another, and there is no such thing as neutral trust. If you don't trust somebody, you mistrust them. There is no middle ground and if you mistrust somebody everything in the future will seem for the worse, maybe even intentional. That said, use your own judgement. Is this the first time they have breached your trust? How bad do you believe what they did was? Does it seem as though they were aware that they could be hurting you but went ahead with it anyway? Decide whether or not they deserve a chance, and then give them a chance to earn your trust back. Don't just give it back to them, because it will not be true trust after you've been hurt. The most important part for the short-term is to decide whether or not they deserve forgiveness. In my story I had two friends who I will never forgive for how totally and painfully they breached my trust. They had spent years making me feel like an outsider and the first opportunity they got to really, seriously hurt me they not only took it, but took the chance twice after I had already forgiven them and decided to trust them once again. The girl in the story I forgave everything she did almost immediately, and even though she's somewhat back in my life now, she holds absolutely no trust from me. On the idea of whether or not you forgive somebody: Don't forgive somebody who harmed you for them, do it for yourself. I hold a grudge against my two old friends because I have other friends who I trust completely, who are better people, and who I feel care for me and can confide in me exactly as much as I care and feel I can confide in them. Holding that grudge harms them and only them because (this sounds arrogant, but I truly believe it) they would be better people with somebody like me in their lives, and they had the chance to be better than they were, but they ignored it. The girl I forgave because holding a grudge would only harm myself. It would make me mistrustful of every future relationship because I would be stuck on that one event from my past. That stuff sucked, but if I don't learn from it and move on, I'll be stuck there for the rest of my life, and I'll never really be able to be happy with anybody else. So I'm sorry to ramble on so much. I haven't proofread because I should be studying, but if anything from that is confusing please ask me if you want.
Decide for yourself if they deserve the chance to earn your trust back, and if forgiving them will make your life better, do it for yourself.