I used to work at a clothing store. To be quite honest, I wasn't the best at my job. With that said, I was probably one of the only employees who would take the time to greet every customer (sometimes I would miss a couple while helping another customer, or cleaning up a mess, but I would try my best to get around to talking to all of them), even though this was pretty well store policy for all employees. Given that this was my first real retail job and that our location sold exclusively women's clothing (and I'm a guy) it was sometimes difficult to accomplish anything beyond being friendly. Anyway, one day this woman, probably in her early 40s, comes in looking a little flustered. I walk up to her, greet her, and we start having a little conversation. Apparently I'm the first sales associate to so much as speak to her. She tells me that she's got an interview for a job coming up and she wants to find a nice outfit to wear. In the first place, I'm probably the worst person to come to for advice on picking out an outfit: I can usually look at an outfit and pick out what looks wrong with it, but if you ask me for suggestions, unless you're my girlfriend... No idea what you're looking for. I do my best, take her around the store showing her a few things that I feel look professional and age-appropriate (the store itself is geared predominantly to people in their teens and 20s, but there are exceptions scattered about. I'm pretty sure she can tell that I've got no real suggestions in mind, so she starts picking some things out, and I start giving out my opinions on the pieces she's selected. After doing this for maybe ten minutes, we finally manage to agree on an outfit. The woman is ecstatic. She goes off to pay for her outfit and I call out "Good luck on your interview!" She smiles, thanks me, and goes back toward the cash. I go back to my section and grab the returns from the fitting room to start putting them away. She comes back into my section hurriedly, takes my hand, and shoves a twenty in it. It's absolutely against store policy to accept tips but, by the time I've had a moment to register what happened, she's already out the door. I felt a little guilty about it, but I was also really happy to have made a difference for someone just by being friendly and trying to do as good a job as I could. For those wondering: She came back a few days later and told me she'd gotten the job. **TLDR: Not the best sales associate, but sometimes being friendly can make all the difference in someone's day.**
I used to work at a clothing store. To be quite honest, I wasn't the best at my job. With that said, I was probably one of the only employees who would take the time to greet every customer (sometimes I would miss a couple while helping another customer, or cleaning up a mess, but I would try my best to get around to talking to all of them), even though this was pretty well store policy for all employees. Given that this was my first real retail job and that our location sold exclusively women's clothing (and I'm a guy) it was sometimes difficult to accomplish anything beyond being friendly. Anyway, one day this woman, probably in her early 40s, comes in looking a little flustered. I walk up to her, greet her, and we start having a little conversation. Apparently I'm the first sales associate to so much as speak to her. She tells me that she's got an interview for a job coming up and she wants to find a nice outfit to wear. In the first place, I'm probably the worst person to come to for advice on picking out an outfit: I can usually look at an outfit and pick out what looks wrong with it, but if you ask me for suggestions, unless you're my girlfriend... No idea what you're looking for. I do my best, take her around the store showing her a few things that I feel look professional and age-appropriate (the store itself is geared predominantly to people in their teens and 20s, but there are exceptions scattered about. I'm pretty sure she can tell that I've got no real suggestions in mind, so she starts picking some things out, and I start giving out my opinions on the pieces she's selected. After doing this for maybe ten minutes, we finally manage to agree on an outfit. The woman is ecstatic. She goes off to pay for her outfit and I call out "Good luck on your interview!" She smiles, thanks me, and goes back toward the cash. I go back to my section and grab the returns from the fitting room to start putting them away. She comes back into my section hurriedly, takes my hand, and shoves a twenty in it. It's absolutely against store policy to accept tips but, by the time I've had a moment to register what happened, she's already out the door. I felt a little guilty about it, but I was also really happy to have made a difference for someone just by being friendly and trying to do as good a job as I could. For those wondering: She came back a few days later and told me she'd gotten the job. TLDR: Not the best sales associate, but sometimes being friendly can make all the difference in someone's day.
I used to work at a clothing store. To be quite honest, I wasn't the best at my job. With that said, I was probably one of the only employees who would take the time to greet every customer (sometimes I would miss a couple while helping another customer, or cleaning up a mess, but I would try my best to get around to talking to all of them), even though this was pretty well store policy for all employees. Given that this was my first real retail job and that our location sold exclusively women's clothing (and I'm a guy) it was sometimes difficult to accomplish anything beyond being friendly. Anyway, one day this woman, probably in her early 40s, comes in looking a little flustered. I walk up to her, greet her, and we start having a little conversation. Apparently I'm the first sales associate to so much as speak to her. She tells me that she's got an interview for a job coming up and she wants to find a nice outfit to wear. In the first place, I'm probably the worst person to come to for advice on picking out an outfit: I can usually look at an outfit and pick out what looks wrong with it, but if you ask me for suggestions, unless you're my girlfriend... No idea what you're looking for. I do my best, take her around the store showing her a few things that I feel look professional and age-appropriate (the store itself is geared predominantly to people in their teens and 20s, but there are exceptions scattered about. I'm pretty sure she can tell that I've got no real suggestions in mind, so she starts picking some things out, and I start giving out my opinions on the pieces she's selected. After doing this for maybe ten minutes, we finally manage to agree on an outfit. The woman is ecstatic. She goes off to pay for her outfit and I call out "Good luck on your interview!" She smiles, thanks me, and goes back toward the cash. I go back to my section and grab the returns from the fitting room to start putting them away. She comes back into my section hurriedly, takes my hand, and shoves a twenty in it. It's absolutely against store policy to accept tips but, by the time I've had a moment to register what happened, she's already out the door. I felt a little guilty about it, but I was also really happy to have made a difference for someone just by being friendly and trying to do as good a job as I could. For those wondering: She came back a few days later and told me she'd gotten the job.
Not the best sales associate, but sometimes being friendly can make all the difference in someone's day.
Obviously, everything is still very 'work in progress', but a few things to point out: The 'rifle' in the [Jump Point: Marine & Rifle WIP]( looks a lot closer to a carbine or a SBR, seeing as the barrel looks to be only 8-10in, (compared to the height of the grip) which puts it much shorter than a standard rifle. There will undoubtedly be a wide variety of weapons, ranging from carbines, SMGs, shotguns, pistols, crossbows (no, really)... pretty much anything that would be useful in killing players at short to medium range. Long range combat is certainly possible, but how frequent is yet to be seen; firing the full length of a Bengal Carrier's hangar bay would be pretty long, as well as the possibility of planetside engagements, but odds are most engagements are going to be inside fairly small ships at fairly close range. Lastly, if you look at the scope the team used as a concept art starting point [in this image]( you'll notice it's a [Digisight N750U Night Vision Rifle Scope]( which helps explain it's huge size. It still has a 4.6x magnification, but it's not some crazy high magnification scope for long/extreme range shooting. I'd imagine things like Night Vision, Infrared, Thermal, etc, would be likely options for weapon scopes, as opposed to high magnification optics. **TL;DR:** We'll know more somewhere around the middle of 2014, when the FPS module is released.
Obviously, everything is still very 'work in progress', but a few things to point out: The 'rifle' in the Jump Point: Marine & Rifle WIP which puts it much shorter than a standard rifle. There will undoubtedly be a wide variety of weapons, ranging from carbines, SMGs, shotguns, pistols, crossbows (no, really)... pretty much anything that would be useful in killing players at short to medium range. Long range combat is certainly possible, but how frequent is yet to be seen; firing the full length of a Bengal Carrier's hangar bay would be pretty long, as well as the possibility of planetside engagements, but odds are most engagements are going to be inside fairly small ships at fairly close range. Lastly, if you look at the scope the team used as a concept art starting point [in this image]( you'll notice it's a [Digisight N750U Night Vision Rifle Scope]( which helps explain it's huge size. It still has a 4.6x magnification, but it's not some crazy high magnification scope for long/extreme range shooting. I'd imagine things like Night Vision, Infrared, Thermal, etc, would be likely options for weapon scopes, as opposed to high magnification optics. TL;DR: We'll know more somewhere around the middle of 2014, when the FPS module is released.
Obviously, everything is still very 'work in progress', but a few things to point out: The 'rifle' in the Jump Point: Marine & Rifle WIP which puts it much shorter than a standard rifle. There will undoubtedly be a wide variety of weapons, ranging from carbines, SMGs, shotguns, pistols, crossbows (no, really)... pretty much anything that would be useful in killing players at short to medium range. Long range combat is certainly possible, but how frequent is yet to be seen; firing the full length of a Bengal Carrier's hangar bay would be pretty long, as well as the possibility of planetside engagements, but odds are most engagements are going to be inside fairly small ships at fairly close range. Lastly, if you look at the scope the team used as a concept art starting point [in this image]( you'll notice it's a [Digisight N750U Night Vision Rifle Scope]( which helps explain it's huge size. It still has a 4.6x magnification, but it's not some crazy high magnification scope for long/extreme range shooting. I'd imagine things like Night Vision, Infrared, Thermal, etc, would be likely options for weapon scopes, as opposed to high magnification optics.
We'll know more somewhere around the middle of 2014, when the FPS module is released.
A bit of a story- my departure date was June, medical was already a hassle and a half, and in March I was medically cleared - but also was discovered to have a semi broken ankle. Basically, the cartilage all melted away, and it was bone grinding on bone. It's as bad as it sounds. The doctor said 6 weeks in a medical boot would fix it - he didn't have any hesitations about my ability to leave in June. So I didn't tell PC about it. The ankle felt fine in April. A few kinks in May. I left in June. Now it's September. My ankle isn't better. It snaps, crackles, and pops. Getting worse every week. There are no medical allowances allowed here in my country - clean bill of health is required for my country, as we don't really have hospitals... I never told PC about this condition because I didn't want to delay departure, and because I thought it would be fixed, like the doc said. When I tell PC about it - I am pretty sure I will be sent back to America to see an orthopedic surgeon. Pretty sure I won't be better within 45 days. If I tell them the whole story - I will be found to be withholding information. Will PC still cover medical expenses? Will I be thrown out - ad-sep'd, as opposed to med-sep'd? Also - anyone have experience with medical evacuation? I hear PC isn't so hot about covering medical expenses like they say they are. Should I even be posting this? Will the government be spyin' on me? My brother already bought a $1500 plane ticket to visit in January too... **TL;DR** Didn't tell PC about a condition which I thought would be cleared up by the time I arrived. Turns out, I can't stay here on this ankle. That's not an option. PC will always be here when I get better, but I only have one ankle, and 24 is damn young to cause permanent damage just to stay in the jungle for two years. Opinions and thoughts?
A bit of a story- my departure date was June, medical was already a hassle and a half, and in March I was medically cleared - but also was discovered to have a semi broken ankle. Basically, the cartilage all melted away, and it was bone grinding on bone. It's as bad as it sounds. The doctor said 6 weeks in a medical boot would fix it - he didn't have any hesitations about my ability to leave in June. So I didn't tell PC about it. The ankle felt fine in April. A few kinks in May. I left in June. Now it's September. My ankle isn't better. It snaps, crackles, and pops. Getting worse every week. There are no medical allowances allowed here in my country - clean bill of health is required for my country, as we don't really have hospitals... I never told PC about this condition because I didn't want to delay departure, and because I thought it would be fixed, like the doc said. When I tell PC about it - I am pretty sure I will be sent back to America to see an orthopedic surgeon. Pretty sure I won't be better within 45 days. If I tell them the whole story - I will be found to be withholding information. Will PC still cover medical expenses? Will I be thrown out - ad-sep'd, as opposed to med-sep'd? Also - anyone have experience with medical evacuation? I hear PC isn't so hot about covering medical expenses like they say they are. Should I even be posting this? Will the government be spyin' on me? My brother already bought a $1500 plane ticket to visit in January too... TL;DR Didn't tell PC about a condition which I thought would be cleared up by the time I arrived. Turns out, I can't stay here on this ankle. That's not an option. PC will always be here when I get better, but I only have one ankle, and 24 is damn young to cause permanent damage just to stay in the jungle for two years. Opinions and thoughts?
A bit of a story- my departure date was June, medical was already a hassle and a half, and in March I was medically cleared - but also was discovered to have a semi broken ankle. Basically, the cartilage all melted away, and it was bone grinding on bone. It's as bad as it sounds. The doctor said 6 weeks in a medical boot would fix it - he didn't have any hesitations about my ability to leave in June. So I didn't tell PC about it. The ankle felt fine in April. A few kinks in May. I left in June. Now it's September. My ankle isn't better. It snaps, crackles, and pops. Getting worse every week. There are no medical allowances allowed here in my country - clean bill of health is required for my country, as we don't really have hospitals... I never told PC about this condition because I didn't want to delay departure, and because I thought it would be fixed, like the doc said. When I tell PC about it - I am pretty sure I will be sent back to America to see an orthopedic surgeon. Pretty sure I won't be better within 45 days. If I tell them the whole story - I will be found to be withholding information. Will PC still cover medical expenses? Will I be thrown out - ad-sep'd, as opposed to med-sep'd? Also - anyone have experience with medical evacuation? I hear PC isn't so hot about covering medical expenses like they say they are. Should I even be posting this? Will the government be spyin' on me? My brother already bought a $1500 plane ticket to visit in January too...
Didn't tell PC about a condition which I thought would be cleared up by the time I arrived. Turns out, I can't stay here on this ankle. That's not an option. PC will always be here when I get better, but I only have one ankle, and 24 is damn young to cause permanent damage just to stay in the jungle for two years. Opinions and thoughts?
Remember something, a pro has insane aim, so in most cases when they aim at the guy, their aim is ON the person. So they just keep spraying and crouching hoping to kill first. As for us Casuals, in most times player DO NOT have their aim on the guy, so they actually miss the first few shots. By going crouch in this situation you just make yourself easier to kill. Tldr: make sure you hit the first couple of bullets FIRST. And THEN commit to the spray. If you commit to the spray without actually hitting the initial bullets, he can simply strafe out of your spray and finish you off.
Remember something, a pro has insane aim, so in most cases when they aim at the guy, their aim is ON the person. So they just keep spraying and crouching hoping to kill first. As for us Casuals, in most times player DO NOT have their aim on the guy, so they actually miss the first few shots. By going crouch in this situation you just make yourself easier to kill. Tldr: make sure you hit the first couple of bullets FIRST. And THEN commit to the spray. If you commit to the spray without actually hitting the initial bullets, he can simply strafe out of your spray and finish you off.
Remember something, a pro has insane aim, so in most cases when they aim at the guy, their aim is ON the person. So they just keep spraying and crouching hoping to kill first. As for us Casuals, in most times player DO NOT have their aim on the guy, so they actually miss the first few shots. By going crouch in this situation you just make yourself easier to kill.
make sure you hit the first couple of bullets FIRST. And THEN commit to the spray. If you commit to the spray without actually hitting the initial bullets, he can simply strafe out of your spray and finish you off.
Several months ago, my 18 year old cousin was in a car accident which nearly took her life. Thankfully, she survived, but suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a result. This means that she entered into a coma and is only recently starting to interact with the world outside the bounds of her head. She has been at an acute rehabilitation center, which offers top-of-the-line occupational, physical, speech therapy. Though the steps have been small, she has been making progress: her CRS score fluctuates around 12…which doesn’t really mean a whole lot to most of us, but from what I gather she can respond to commands such as “move your right foot”, “blink twice if your sister is in the room”, so we know she’s still in there, especially since she couldn’t even breathe for herself a few months ago! Here’s the problem: my family’s insurance company says that they will not pay for her to stay at the Acute Care Facility because the rate of her improvement has slowed. They want to put her in a Sub-Acute Care Facility, which is essentially a nursing home, where they will not be able to offer her nearly the same amount of resources or attention as her current facility. We have one week to formulate an appeal to this decision, so if anyone out there knows anything about this stuff/dealing with insurance companies, it would be wonderful if you could offer some insight. We basically have to prove that moving her to a nursing home will be detrimental to her progress of recovery from the TBI. Any PubMed articles or case studies you folks may know of to support this will be extremely helpful. Thanks so much for your help, Reddit community! tl;dr – need help convincing insurance company that my 18 year old cousin needs the attention and expertise of an acute care facility to make her recovery possible.
Several months ago, my 18 year old cousin was in a car accident which nearly took her life. Thankfully, she survived, but suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a result. This means that she entered into a coma and is only recently starting to interact with the world outside the bounds of her head. She has been at an acute rehabilitation center, which offers top-of-the-line occupational, physical, speech therapy. Though the steps have been small, she has been making progress: her CRS score fluctuates around 12…which doesn’t really mean a whole lot to most of us, but from what I gather she can respond to commands such as “move your right foot”, “blink twice if your sister is in the room”, so we know she’s still in there, especially since she couldn’t even breathe for herself a few months ago! Here’s the problem: my family’s insurance company says that they will not pay for her to stay at the Acute Care Facility because the rate of her improvement has slowed. They want to put her in a Sub-Acute Care Facility, which is essentially a nursing home, where they will not be able to offer her nearly the same amount of resources or attention as her current facility. We have one week to formulate an appeal to this decision, so if anyone out there knows anything about this stuff/dealing with insurance companies, it would be wonderful if you could offer some insight. We basically have to prove that moving her to a nursing home will be detrimental to her progress of recovery from the TBI. Any PubMed articles or case studies you folks may know of to support this will be extremely helpful. Thanks so much for your help, Reddit community! tl;dr – need help convincing insurance company that my 18 year old cousin needs the attention and expertise of an acute care facility to make her recovery possible.
Several months ago, my 18 year old cousin was in a car accident which nearly took her life. Thankfully, she survived, but suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a result. This means that she entered into a coma and is only recently starting to interact with the world outside the bounds of her head. She has been at an acute rehabilitation center, which offers top-of-the-line occupational, physical, speech therapy. Though the steps have been small, she has been making progress: her CRS score fluctuates around 12…which doesn’t really mean a whole lot to most of us, but from what I gather she can respond to commands such as “move your right foot”, “blink twice if your sister is in the room”, so we know she’s still in there, especially since she couldn’t even breathe for herself a few months ago! Here’s the problem: my family’s insurance company says that they will not pay for her to stay at the Acute Care Facility because the rate of her improvement has slowed. They want to put her in a Sub-Acute Care Facility, which is essentially a nursing home, where they will not be able to offer her nearly the same amount of resources or attention as her current facility. We have one week to formulate an appeal to this decision, so if anyone out there knows anything about this stuff/dealing with insurance companies, it would be wonderful if you could offer some insight. We basically have to prove that moving her to a nursing home will be detrimental to her progress of recovery from the TBI. Any PubMed articles or case studies you folks may know of to support this will be extremely helpful. Thanks so much for your help, Reddit community!
need help convincing insurance company that my 18 year old cousin needs the attention and expertise of an acute care facility to make her recovery possible.
>Drafting excessively long replies using made up words like "cisnormative" just alienates us and makes it look like you've just constructed a circlejerk theology that's just pointless to engage with. [You were saying about cisnormativity?]( >I don't give a shit if some doctor carrying out post-mortums noticed that post-op vag skin looked identical to natal female vag skin. I don't give a shit if some of you drip like a fucked fridge, I don't give a crap if your gynaecologist couldn't tell the difference and I really don't give a shit about whatever gender theory you picked up from reading whipping girl. I hear you. You use the biologically deterministic rules of patriarchy and its essentialism of validity to ostracise women. You categorically dismiss queer theory which challenges you. Awesome. I sort of wonder whether massa's tools will help you free yourself from that lonely castle when you wonder why your bed gets cold. As for the rest of your kind remarks: uh, tl;dr? **EDIT**: I upboated you because we're at least having the tough discussion. There's substance here, even if that substance is foul-smelling.
>Drafting excessively long replies using made up words like "cisnormative" just alienates us and makes it look like you've just constructed a circlejerk theology that's just pointless to engage with. [You were saying about cisnormativity?]( >I don't give a shit if some doctor carrying out post-mortums noticed that post-op vag skin looked identical to natal female vag skin. I don't give a shit if some of you drip like a fucked fridge, I don't give a crap if your gynaecologist couldn't tell the difference and I really don't give a shit about whatever gender theory you picked up from reading whipping girl. I hear you. You use the biologically deterministic rules of patriarchy and its essentialism of validity to ostracise women. You categorically dismiss queer theory which challenges you. Awesome. I sort of wonder whether massa's tools will help you free yourself from that lonely castle when you wonder why your bed gets cold. As for the rest of your kind remarks: uh, tl;dr? EDIT : I upboated you because we're at least having the tough discussion. There's substance here, even if that substance is foul-smelling.
Drafting excessively long replies using made up words like "cisnormative" just alienates us and makes it look like you've just constructed a circlejerk theology that's just pointless to engage with. [You were saying about cisnormativity?]( >I don't give a shit if some doctor carrying out post-mortums noticed that post-op vag skin looked identical to natal female vag skin. I don't give a shit if some of you drip like a fucked fridge, I don't give a crap if your gynaecologist couldn't tell the difference and I really don't give a shit about whatever gender theory you picked up from reading whipping girl. I hear you. You use the biologically deterministic rules of patriarchy and its essentialism of validity to ostracise women. You categorically dismiss queer theory which challenges you. Awesome. I sort of wonder whether massa's tools will help you free yourself from that lonely castle when you wonder why your bed gets cold. As for the rest of your kind remarks: uh,
EDIT : I upboated you because we're at least having the tough discussion. There's substance here, even if that substance is foul-smelling.
Recently, my girlfriend asked me why I ~~like~~ obsess over Dota. At the time I just playfully responded, "Cuz I likes to pwn noobs". She responds by saying, "You're not that good though; its not like you get paid to play like the pros you try to tell me about". Took my ego some time to recover from that. She continues , "Plus aren't there other games where you could kill people and don't have to be stuck for over an hour in one game". At the time I didn't have an answer but now that I have some time to mull it over I think I have a response. When I think about why I love Dota one of the first things that pop out to me is the variety of heroes. Each hero has a certain playing style. More than that, the playing styles allow you to express certain moods. When I'm feeling sneaky I go techies, bounty, or riki. When I'm feeling "fight me IRL" I go axe, huskar or troll warlord. When I feel like helping I go support. Sometimes I want to explore a rarely used hero and hit random. Regardless of the hero I choose, I get to symbolically channel my emotions thru the heroes. The high of winning a close match also plays a big role in why I think a lot of us come back to dota. Its very symbolic of overcoming adversity in real life. In life, there will be challenges, some of them small like getting a good grade on a paper and some big like nailing the interview for your dream job. Dota reflects this adversity very well in that in there is people in the world who are on your side and there are people who are actively looking to overcome you. Sometimes, the people who are supposed to be on your side turn on you and make succeeding even harder. This is why the rage is real. There are times in life you know you'd have a much better situation if the people who are supposed to be on your side would stop making dumb decisions. However, sometimes in life you could be the one who is making a mountain out of a molehill and distracting your teammates/family/girlfriend from concentrating at the task at hand. While this isn't a reason to love dota in of itself, there are lessons to be learned from Dota that can be ported over to real life. Sometimes you gotta be the man and take charge and sometimes you gotta shut up, do your job and be the ward bitch. I also enjoy the comradery of queing with friends. Everyone tries just a bit harder when they que together. Everyone tries to have a bit more patience when someone fucks up. And at least there's communication and *some* coordination. Plus, most of us have that friend that you know will carry the day most of the time (or sometimes you're that friend that begrudgingly ques with your noob friends because you love being the top dog) . Even when you get steamrolled you got your buddies there to share stories about life in the trench. And really, that is one of the most important things. You get to share a trying experience with a peer; something modern everyday life doesn't provide enough of these days. For most of human existence, we would fight in small clans in order to defend ourselves and sometimes take desirable land (and ladies :D) This desire to battle in groups is embedded deep in our genetic structure. Hormonally, testosterone amps us up and makes you feel a bit more aggressive. It is no wonder that we replay this symbolically over and over again. Even rooting for pro teams hearkens back to our roots of loyalty to the group we feel represents us. When EG lost in TI4, I felt like America lost...that I lost. I also love many of the cosmetics. The cosmetics provide a means to stand out a bit. Also, the cosmetics help us shape our favorite heroes in a way that we feel better expresses their personality and inturn our personality when playing them. Although I have some very pricey items, my favorite is my wyvernguard edge. I feel its burning eyes intimidate those that dare lay their eyes on it. LoL has some of this but I don't like the fact you have to unlock heroes, that its filled with more kids and frankly I think Dota is better balanced. Many other games have just guns or just swords or just magic but we have all that AND Singsing. Yes, I did just compare Singsing to a weapon. As in life, variety is very important. Granted, I can't wield Singsing, but if I could, I would. TL;DR: Given how long this is I'm not surprised you didn't read it. Dota fulfills many psychological aspects which make the game very enjoyable.
Recently, my girlfriend asked me why I like obsess over Dota. At the time I just playfully responded, "Cuz I likes to pwn noobs". She responds by saying, "You're not that good though; its not like you get paid to play like the pros you try to tell me about". Took my ego some time to recover from that. She continues , "Plus aren't there other games where you could kill people and don't have to be stuck for over an hour in one game". At the time I didn't have an answer but now that I have some time to mull it over I think I have a response. When I think about why I love Dota one of the first things that pop out to me is the variety of heroes. Each hero has a certain playing style. More than that, the playing styles allow you to express certain moods. When I'm feeling sneaky I go techies, bounty, or riki. When I'm feeling "fight me IRL" I go axe, huskar or troll warlord. When I feel like helping I go support. Sometimes I want to explore a rarely used hero and hit random. Regardless of the hero I choose, I get to symbolically channel my emotions thru the heroes. The high of winning a close match also plays a big role in why I think a lot of us come back to dota. Its very symbolic of overcoming adversity in real life. In life, there will be challenges, some of them small like getting a good grade on a paper and some big like nailing the interview for your dream job. Dota reflects this adversity very well in that in there is people in the world who are on your side and there are people who are actively looking to overcome you. Sometimes, the people who are supposed to be on your side turn on you and make succeeding even harder. This is why the rage is real. There are times in life you know you'd have a much better situation if the people who are supposed to be on your side would stop making dumb decisions. However, sometimes in life you could be the one who is making a mountain out of a molehill and distracting your teammates/family/girlfriend from concentrating at the task at hand. While this isn't a reason to love dota in of itself, there are lessons to be learned from Dota that can be ported over to real life. Sometimes you gotta be the man and take charge and sometimes you gotta shut up, do your job and be the ward bitch. I also enjoy the comradery of queing with friends. Everyone tries just a bit harder when they que together. Everyone tries to have a bit more patience when someone fucks up. And at least there's communication and some coordination. Plus, most of us have that friend that you know will carry the day most of the time (or sometimes you're that friend that begrudgingly ques with your noob friends because you love being the top dog) . Even when you get steamrolled you got your buddies there to share stories about life in the trench. And really, that is one of the most important things. You get to share a trying experience with a peer; something modern everyday life doesn't provide enough of these days. For most of human existence, we would fight in small clans in order to defend ourselves and sometimes take desirable land (and ladies :D) This desire to battle in groups is embedded deep in our genetic structure. Hormonally, testosterone amps us up and makes you feel a bit more aggressive. It is no wonder that we replay this symbolically over and over again. Even rooting for pro teams hearkens back to our roots of loyalty to the group we feel represents us. When EG lost in TI4, I felt like America lost...that I lost. I also love many of the cosmetics. The cosmetics provide a means to stand out a bit. Also, the cosmetics help us shape our favorite heroes in a way that we feel better expresses their personality and inturn our personality when playing them. Although I have some very pricey items, my favorite is my wyvernguard edge. I feel its burning eyes intimidate those that dare lay their eyes on it. LoL has some of this but I don't like the fact you have to unlock heroes, that its filled with more kids and frankly I think Dota is better balanced. Many other games have just guns or just swords or just magic but we have all that AND Singsing. Yes, I did just compare Singsing to a weapon. As in life, variety is very important. Granted, I can't wield Singsing, but if I could, I would. TL;DR: Given how long this is I'm not surprised you didn't read it. Dota fulfills many psychological aspects which make the game very enjoyable.
Recently, my girlfriend asked me why I like obsess over Dota. At the time I just playfully responded, "Cuz I likes to pwn noobs". She responds by saying, "You're not that good though; its not like you get paid to play like the pros you try to tell me about". Took my ego some time to recover from that. She continues , "Plus aren't there other games where you could kill people and don't have to be stuck for over an hour in one game". At the time I didn't have an answer but now that I have some time to mull it over I think I have a response. When I think about why I love Dota one of the first things that pop out to me is the variety of heroes. Each hero has a certain playing style. More than that, the playing styles allow you to express certain moods. When I'm feeling sneaky I go techies, bounty, or riki. When I'm feeling "fight me IRL" I go axe, huskar or troll warlord. When I feel like helping I go support. Sometimes I want to explore a rarely used hero and hit random. Regardless of the hero I choose, I get to symbolically channel my emotions thru the heroes. The high of winning a close match also plays a big role in why I think a lot of us come back to dota. Its very symbolic of overcoming adversity in real life. In life, there will be challenges, some of them small like getting a good grade on a paper and some big like nailing the interview for your dream job. Dota reflects this adversity very well in that in there is people in the world who are on your side and there are people who are actively looking to overcome you. Sometimes, the people who are supposed to be on your side turn on you and make succeeding even harder. This is why the rage is real. There are times in life you know you'd have a much better situation if the people who are supposed to be on your side would stop making dumb decisions. However, sometimes in life you could be the one who is making a mountain out of a molehill and distracting your teammates/family/girlfriend from concentrating at the task at hand. While this isn't a reason to love dota in of itself, there are lessons to be learned from Dota that can be ported over to real life. Sometimes you gotta be the man and take charge and sometimes you gotta shut up, do your job and be the ward bitch. I also enjoy the comradery of queing with friends. Everyone tries just a bit harder when they que together. Everyone tries to have a bit more patience when someone fucks up. And at least there's communication and some coordination. Plus, most of us have that friend that you know will carry the day most of the time (or sometimes you're that friend that begrudgingly ques with your noob friends because you love being the top dog) . Even when you get steamrolled you got your buddies there to share stories about life in the trench. And really, that is one of the most important things. You get to share a trying experience with a peer; something modern everyday life doesn't provide enough of these days. For most of human existence, we would fight in small clans in order to defend ourselves and sometimes take desirable land (and ladies :D) This desire to battle in groups is embedded deep in our genetic structure. Hormonally, testosterone amps us up and makes you feel a bit more aggressive. It is no wonder that we replay this symbolically over and over again. Even rooting for pro teams hearkens back to our roots of loyalty to the group we feel represents us. When EG lost in TI4, I felt like America lost...that I lost. I also love many of the cosmetics. The cosmetics provide a means to stand out a bit. Also, the cosmetics help us shape our favorite heroes in a way that we feel better expresses their personality and inturn our personality when playing them. Although I have some very pricey items, my favorite is my wyvernguard edge. I feel its burning eyes intimidate those that dare lay their eyes on it. LoL has some of this but I don't like the fact you have to unlock heroes, that its filled with more kids and frankly I think Dota is better balanced. Many other games have just guns or just swords or just magic but we have all that AND Singsing. Yes, I did just compare Singsing to a weapon. As in life, variety is very important. Granted, I can't wield Singsing, but if I could, I would.
Given how long this is I'm not surprised you didn't read it. Dota fulfills many psychological aspects which make the game very enjoyable.
Lately I've been having a lady friend over for sexytimes, which have been great. The only problem is that when she stays the night, I can't sleep. The bed isn't small; I'm just not used to sharing it with another person. I wake up frequently throughout the night...out of 8 hours in bed I probably only get a total 3-4 hours of sleep. I love having her over, but this lack of sleep is killing me--I'm a zombie the next day. So, reddit, are there any people who have also experienced trouble sleeping with his or her S.O and figured out ways to deal with it? What are your tips for getting a good night's rest with someone else in your bed? TL;DR: Need helping getting better sleep while lady friend is also in bed.
Lately I've been having a lady friend over for sexytimes, which have been great. The only problem is that when she stays the night, I can't sleep. The bed isn't small; I'm just not used to sharing it with another person. I wake up frequently throughout the night...out of 8 hours in bed I probably only get a total 3-4 hours of sleep. I love having her over, but this lack of sleep is killing me--I'm a zombie the next day. So, reddit, are there any people who have also experienced trouble sleeping with his or her S.O and figured out ways to deal with it? What are your tips for getting a good night's rest with someone else in your bed? TL;DR: Need helping getting better sleep while lady friend is also in bed.
Lately I've been having a lady friend over for sexytimes, which have been great. The only problem is that when she stays the night, I can't sleep. The bed isn't small; I'm just not used to sharing it with another person. I wake up frequently throughout the night...out of 8 hours in bed I probably only get a total 3-4 hours of sleep. I love having her over, but this lack of sleep is killing me--I'm a zombie the next day. So, reddit, are there any people who have also experienced trouble sleeping with his or her S.O and figured out ways to deal with it? What are your tips for getting a good night's rest with someone else in your bed?
Need helping getting better sleep while lady friend is also in bed.
I am 24 years old and I recently broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years. I've known this woman for a decade. We were very good friends before we dated, I never met someone who completed me the way that she did. Someone that I could have a conversation with and not feel like I'm talking to a two-dimensional cardboard cut-out. I confessed to her that I had romantic feelings for her, and she reciprocated. A relationship soon developed. We were together long distance for 2 years, and then I moved up to where she lived. Long story short, I think the moving in was too fast and our relationship spiraled down rather quickly. We put each other through a lot, and hurt each other dearly. But I still love her, and I miss her every day. I recently moved back to Milwaukee and we still keep in contact somewhat. I gave my first kiss to her, my virginity, my everything. She means the world to me and I would give anything to have her back. We were going to get married, for Christ's sake. I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. Sure, our relationship wasn't perfect but it was OURS. I loved her, she loved me. We may not have had the best communication in the world but at least we were happy. Now I feel like I will never experience that happiness again. I know that I am not unattractive, nor am I boring, or overly insecure. I can easily GET another woman, but I simply feel completely shattered without her. She really was my other half and no-one can fit in the hole that she left. I come off as aloof and distant. Very far from the rest of the world to everyone around me, so they assume I'm "over" it. All I want to do is collapse in on myself like a singularity so I don't have to feel this empty anymore. I'm glad to finally have this off my chest but it doesn't really make me feel much better. I guess it would have been more "cathartic" to talk about how much I hated her, or how much of a bitch she was, etc. But I can't lie to myself anymore. She is beautiful, smart, loving, and fun. I love her with all of my heart and soul. Any advice would be appreciated dearly. TL;DR - My fiance' and I broke up. I still love her. She misused me but I don't care. The hell do I do?
I am 24 years old and I recently broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years. I've known this woman for a decade. We were very good friends before we dated, I never met someone who completed me the way that she did. Someone that I could have a conversation with and not feel like I'm talking to a two-dimensional cardboard cut-out. I confessed to her that I had romantic feelings for her, and she reciprocated. A relationship soon developed. We were together long distance for 2 years, and then I moved up to where she lived. Long story short, I think the moving in was too fast and our relationship spiraled down rather quickly. We put each other through a lot, and hurt each other dearly. But I still love her, and I miss her every day. I recently moved back to Milwaukee and we still keep in contact somewhat. I gave my first kiss to her, my virginity, my everything. She means the world to me and I would give anything to have her back. We were going to get married, for Christ's sake. I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. Sure, our relationship wasn't perfect but it was OURS. I loved her, she loved me. We may not have had the best communication in the world but at least we were happy. Now I feel like I will never experience that happiness again. I know that I am not unattractive, nor am I boring, or overly insecure. I can easily GET another woman, but I simply feel completely shattered without her. She really was my other half and no-one can fit in the hole that she left. I come off as aloof and distant. Very far from the rest of the world to everyone around me, so they assume I'm "over" it. All I want to do is collapse in on myself like a singularity so I don't have to feel this empty anymore. I'm glad to finally have this off my chest but it doesn't really make me feel much better. I guess it would have been more "cathartic" to talk about how much I hated her, or how much of a bitch she was, etc. But I can't lie to myself anymore. She is beautiful, smart, loving, and fun. I love her with all of my heart and soul. Any advice would be appreciated dearly. TL;DR - My fiance' and I broke up. I still love her. She misused me but I don't care. The hell do I do?
I am 24 years old and I recently broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years. I've known this woman for a decade. We were very good friends before we dated, I never met someone who completed me the way that she did. Someone that I could have a conversation with and not feel like I'm talking to a two-dimensional cardboard cut-out. I confessed to her that I had romantic feelings for her, and she reciprocated. A relationship soon developed. We were together long distance for 2 years, and then I moved up to where she lived. Long story short, I think the moving in was too fast and our relationship spiraled down rather quickly. We put each other through a lot, and hurt each other dearly. But I still love her, and I miss her every day. I recently moved back to Milwaukee and we still keep in contact somewhat. I gave my first kiss to her, my virginity, my everything. She means the world to me and I would give anything to have her back. We were going to get married, for Christ's sake. I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. Sure, our relationship wasn't perfect but it was OURS. I loved her, she loved me. We may not have had the best communication in the world but at least we were happy. Now I feel like I will never experience that happiness again. I know that I am not unattractive, nor am I boring, or overly insecure. I can easily GET another woman, but I simply feel completely shattered without her. She really was my other half and no-one can fit in the hole that she left. I come off as aloof and distant. Very far from the rest of the world to everyone around me, so they assume I'm "over" it. All I want to do is collapse in on myself like a singularity so I don't have to feel this empty anymore. I'm glad to finally have this off my chest but it doesn't really make me feel much better. I guess it would have been more "cathartic" to talk about how much I hated her, or how much of a bitch she was, etc. But I can't lie to myself anymore. She is beautiful, smart, loving, and fun. I love her with all of my heart and soul. Any advice would be appreciated dearly.
My fiance' and I broke up. I still love her. She misused me but I don't care. The hell do I do?
I wear an 11 normally but I usually buy big because my feet are still growing. My Lebron 10s are size 11.5 an feel pretty big, but these are 11.5 and fit pretty well, they feel like an 11. And no this is the color they were when they came in the mail TL;DR: I would buy a half size bigger than your Lebron 10s
I wear an 11 normally but I usually buy big because my feet are still growing. My Lebron 10s are size 11.5 an feel pretty big, but these are 11.5 and fit pretty well, they feel like an 11. And no this is the color they were when they came in the mail TL;DR: I would buy a half size bigger than your Lebron 10s
I wear an 11 normally but I usually buy big because my feet are still growing. My Lebron 10s are size 11.5 an feel pretty big, but these are 11.5 and fit pretty well, they feel like an 11. And no this is the color they were when they came in the mail
I would buy a half size bigger than your Lebron 10s
Oh boy that gave me a flashback. Story time. I work as an EMT in NJ and during the last snow at two in the morning we had a dispatch for a guy with his hand stuck in a snow blower. Get there the FD is going to town on this machine with tools and shit. We get his hand out and take off the glove. Index finger and middle finger were severed at the last joint, held on by skin... The blower got jammed so the guy stuck his hand in the exhaust port while it was running to clean it. When we got to hospital, another patient gets brought in with three stab wounds to the neck. Lovely night. TLDR: Natural selection
Oh boy that gave me a flashback. Story time. I work as an EMT in NJ and during the last snow at two in the morning we had a dispatch for a guy with his hand stuck in a snow blower. Get there the FD is going to town on this machine with tools and shit. We get his hand out and take off the glove. Index finger and middle finger were severed at the last joint, held on by skin... The blower got jammed so the guy stuck his hand in the exhaust port while it was running to clean it. When we got to hospital, another patient gets brought in with three stab wounds to the neck. Lovely night. TLDR: Natural selection
Oh boy that gave me a flashback. Story time. I work as an EMT in NJ and during the last snow at two in the morning we had a dispatch for a guy with his hand stuck in a snow blower. Get there the FD is going to town on this machine with tools and shit. We get his hand out and take off the glove. Index finger and middle finger were severed at the last joint, held on by skin... The blower got jammed so the guy stuck his hand in the exhaust port while it was running to clean it. When we got to hospital, another patient gets brought in with three stab wounds to the neck. Lovely night.
Natural selection
Be patient with me, this is my first real post and I've only been around on reddit for the past 3 months. I do not understand how the volume of hate I get for liking some teams. I understand that trashtalking is a part of the game but that's not what I'm talking about. I've never been able to feel like a real fan of a team, because I get chewed out for only being a fan for this past year. For me, and MANY others, I've only been playing League for a year or two, let alone pay attention to what the pro scene for that long of a period. Sorry if this is hard for some people to understand, but I can't "be a loyal fan since season 2" if I just joined in. Before you write this off as another shit post, or whatever, I feel as though that a lot of fans, who have (or even had) potential to be loyal fans, are now swept under the rug and labeled as people to join the "bandwagon." I took in the idea of liking Fnatic in EU at the very beginning of this year because they are a team of rookies. I could relate, seeing that I myself was a rookie to the game in comparison to my group of friends. In NA, I learned to like the pros who were streamers as I could connect to them there (such as Dyrus, aphromoo, and ZionSpartan), and see that they were human like me, that they weren't there untouchable beings. I apologize for this post, it's just an issue that has bothered me. TL;DR- I'm seen as a "bandwagon" fan because I can't say I've been a fan since season 1. I've learned to just like specific players instead. *insert rant here*
Be patient with me, this is my first real post and I've only been around on reddit for the past 3 months. I do not understand how the volume of hate I get for liking some teams. I understand that trashtalking is a part of the game but that's not what I'm talking about. I've never been able to feel like a real fan of a team, because I get chewed out for only being a fan for this past year. For me, and MANY others, I've only been playing League for a year or two, let alone pay attention to what the pro scene for that long of a period. Sorry if this is hard for some people to understand, but I can't "be a loyal fan since season 2" if I just joined in. Before you write this off as another shit post, or whatever, I feel as though that a lot of fans, who have (or even had) potential to be loyal fans, are now swept under the rug and labeled as people to join the "bandwagon." I took in the idea of liking Fnatic in EU at the very beginning of this year because they are a team of rookies. I could relate, seeing that I myself was a rookie to the game in comparison to my group of friends. In NA, I learned to like the pros who were streamers as I could connect to them there (such as Dyrus, aphromoo, and ZionSpartan), and see that they were human like me, that they weren't there untouchable beings. I apologize for this post, it's just an issue that has bothered me. TL;DR- I'm seen as a "bandwagon" fan because I can't say I've been a fan since season 1. I've learned to just like specific players instead. insert rant here
Be patient with me, this is my first real post and I've only been around on reddit for the past 3 months. I do not understand how the volume of hate I get for liking some teams. I understand that trashtalking is a part of the game but that's not what I'm talking about. I've never been able to feel like a real fan of a team, because I get chewed out for only being a fan for this past year. For me, and MANY others, I've only been playing League for a year or two, let alone pay attention to what the pro scene for that long of a period. Sorry if this is hard for some people to understand, but I can't "be a loyal fan since season 2" if I just joined in. Before you write this off as another shit post, or whatever, I feel as though that a lot of fans, who have (or even had) potential to be loyal fans, are now swept under the rug and labeled as people to join the "bandwagon." I took in the idea of liking Fnatic in EU at the very beginning of this year because they are a team of rookies. I could relate, seeing that I myself was a rookie to the game in comparison to my group of friends. In NA, I learned to like the pros who were streamers as I could connect to them there (such as Dyrus, aphromoo, and ZionSpartan), and see that they were human like me, that they weren't there untouchable beings. I apologize for this post, it's just an issue that has bothered me.
I'm seen as a "bandwagon" fan because I can't say I've been a fan since season 1. I've learned to just like specific players instead. insert rant here
This depends on whether you want the general population or the actual fabric of the city. If the later then we can look at some quite extensive sources on the development of the city and the size and scale of it's buildings. However, as the city of Rome went through several stages of development from the Bronze Age settlement on the Palatine to it's height I think one of the most obvious ways to measure the official extent of the city is the *pomerium* i.e. the official city limit. Defined by the wonderful Gellius as: > "the area marked off from the surrounding fields by the augurs and ringing the entire city; it is behind the walls and limited by fixed boundaries. The pomerium forms the extent of the urban auspices." (*Attic Nights* 13.14.1-4) This way we can get a reasonable accurate picture of the extent of the city in a way that can actually be plotted on a map. (for more on the *pomerium* see [here]( To the ancient sources! They can give something of an indication of the city size and extent, for example look at this from Livy (*History* 1.44.3): > "[The census report undertaken by the king Servius in the C6 BC reported that 80,000 (sic) citizens lived in the city, many of them newcomers.] To address the needs of this population, it was clearly necessary to expand the city. Servius added two more hills—the Quirinal and the Viminal—and then enlarged the enclosed area of the Esquiline as well, where he himself took up residence to lend this quarter some status. He surrounded the city with rampart, trench, and wall, thus extending the pomerium." So from this we can deduce that the city was a) already pretty big, 80,000 people. B) Getting bigger and C) That the leaders were having to respond to the expanding city by officially incorporating more areas into the *pomerium.* But As with anything in ancient history, it is far from simple, (histiography has a way of catching up with everyone). As Dionysius point out, the size of the city was dependent on perspective: > "Today [c. 20 BC] the homes of the city spread far beyond the walls, unprotected and vulnerable to attack, should an enemy come. Indeed, the extent of the city is deceptive for any observer trying to determine where it begins and where it ends, since the urban area is closely intertwined with the countryside around it and gives the impression that the city stretches on forever. If however you judge the size of the city from the circumference of the walls (not an easy thing to do, since buildings are now incorporated into the walls for much of their course, leaving visible however some traces of their ancient structure), Rome would appear to be not much larger than the walled section of Athens." The defensive walls of the city did not necessarily co-inside with the official city limits. Technically, tradition dictated that only a leader that had extended the limits of the empire could extend the actual city limits. During the republic this fell to successful generals, but after Augustus, this became the sole preserve of the Emperor. Tacitus notes that Claudius does just this after the successful conquest of the far-flung island of Britannia: > "Claudius also extended the pomerium of Rome [in AD 49], by an ancient custom whereby those who extended the empire might also expand the boundaries of the city. However, Rome's leaders, even those who greatly expanded the empire, had not availed themselves of this privilege, with the exception of Sulla and the deified Augustus." (Tac. *Annals* 12.23) This is backed-up archaeologically by boundary stones dating from the period which proudly proclaim Claudius' actions. From this [map]( you can see the gradual development of the size of the outer defenses of the city. But, this doesn't really give much indication as to city density etc. As mentioned above, depending on your perspective on Rome the city could look larger or smaller depending on which areas you're prepared to include. The issue is further complicated by the fact that large areas of the city, such as the Campus Martius or the houses and private *horti* of the aristocracy were largely public or open space, while poorer areas likely were VERY densely populated. For the common people, home was likely an *insulae* i.e. apartment/tenement building, with the better off living above their shop near the ground floor and the poorer nearer the top. There are some examples of the lower levels in Pompeii and [Ostia Antica]( which likely are very similar to the ones that would have been found in Rome. This makes things like population density estimates very difficult to actually make (especially as Rome is such a densely packed city today). There are a few things to bear in mind: * Rome itself, unlike many of its settlements, developed quite haphazardly, and it wasn't until fires that any form of urban planning would effectively be put into action. * Even an official census of Rome wouldn't give an absolute figure, and likely excluded slaves, maybe women, and people of dubious nature who wanted to remain under the authorities radar. I don't have any more time to finish off this, but it's a really facinating part of ancient history. I'd recommend looking at some of Mary Beard's (Cambridge Classicist) documentaries about Rome where she talks about some of these issues and Roman life in general: Also this GREAT [interactive map]( of Augustan Rome: TL;DR : Rome got bigger over time. The *pomerium* was the official city limit but it's very complicated to get a figure for actual size and population. EDIT: formatting
This depends on whether you want the general population or the actual fabric of the city. If the later then we can look at some quite extensive sources on the development of the city and the size and scale of it's buildings. However, as the city of Rome went through several stages of development from the Bronze Age settlement on the Palatine to it's height I think one of the most obvious ways to measure the official extent of the city is the pomerium i.e. the official city limit. Defined by the wonderful Gellius as: > "the area marked off from the surrounding fields by the augurs and ringing the entire city; it is behind the walls and limited by fixed boundaries. The pomerium forms the extent of the urban auspices." ( Attic Nights 13.14.1-4) This way we can get a reasonable accurate picture of the extent of the city in a way that can actually be plotted on a map. (for more on the pomerium see [here]( To the ancient sources! They can give something of an indication of the city size and extent, for example look at this from Livy ( History 1.44.3): > "[The census report undertaken by the king Servius in the C6 BC reported that 80,000 (sic) citizens lived in the city, many of them newcomers.] To address the needs of this population, it was clearly necessary to expand the city. Servius added two more hills—the Quirinal and the Viminal—and then enlarged the enclosed area of the Esquiline as well, where he himself took up residence to lend this quarter some status. He surrounded the city with rampart, trench, and wall, thus extending the pomerium." So from this we can deduce that the city was a) already pretty big, 80,000 people. B) Getting bigger and C) That the leaders were having to respond to the expanding city by officially incorporating more areas into the pomerium. But As with anything in ancient history, it is far from simple, (histiography has a way of catching up with everyone). As Dionysius point out, the size of the city was dependent on perspective: > "Today [c. 20 BC] the homes of the city spread far beyond the walls, unprotected and vulnerable to attack, should an enemy come. Indeed, the extent of the city is deceptive for any observer trying to determine where it begins and where it ends, since the urban area is closely intertwined with the countryside around it and gives the impression that the city stretches on forever. If however you judge the size of the city from the circumference of the walls (not an easy thing to do, since buildings are now incorporated into the walls for much of their course, leaving visible however some traces of their ancient structure), Rome would appear to be not much larger than the walled section of Athens." The defensive walls of the city did not necessarily co-inside with the official city limits. Technically, tradition dictated that only a leader that had extended the limits of the empire could extend the actual city limits. During the republic this fell to successful generals, but after Augustus, this became the sole preserve of the Emperor. Tacitus notes that Claudius does just this after the successful conquest of the far-flung island of Britannia: > "Claudius also extended the pomerium of Rome [in AD 49], by an ancient custom whereby those who extended the empire might also expand the boundaries of the city. However, Rome's leaders, even those who greatly expanded the empire, had not availed themselves of this privilege, with the exception of Sulla and the deified Augustus." (Tac. Annals 12.23) This is backed-up archaeologically by boundary stones dating from the period which proudly proclaim Claudius' actions. From this [map]( you can see the gradual development of the size of the outer defenses of the city. But, this doesn't really give much indication as to city density etc. As mentioned above, depending on your perspective on Rome the city could look larger or smaller depending on which areas you're prepared to include. The issue is further complicated by the fact that large areas of the city, such as the Campus Martius or the houses and private horti of the aristocracy were largely public or open space, while poorer areas likely were VERY densely populated. For the common people, home was likely an insulae i.e. apartment/tenement building, with the better off living above their shop near the ground floor and the poorer nearer the top. There are some examples of the lower levels in Pompeii and [Ostia Antica]( which likely are very similar to the ones that would have been found in Rome. This makes things like population density estimates very difficult to actually make (especially as Rome is such a densely packed city today). There are a few things to bear in mind: Rome itself, unlike many of its settlements, developed quite haphazardly, and it wasn't until fires that any form of urban planning would effectively be put into action. Even an official census of Rome wouldn't give an absolute figure, and likely excluded slaves, maybe women, and people of dubious nature who wanted to remain under the authorities radar. I don't have any more time to finish off this, but it's a really facinating part of ancient history. I'd recommend looking at some of Mary Beard's (Cambridge Classicist) documentaries about Rome where she talks about some of these issues and Roman life in general: Also this GREAT [interactive map]( of Augustan Rome: TL;DR : Rome got bigger over time. The pomerium was the official city limit but it's very complicated to get a figure for actual size and population. EDIT: formatting
This depends on whether you want the general population or the actual fabric of the city. If the later then we can look at some quite extensive sources on the development of the city and the size and scale of it's buildings. However, as the city of Rome went through several stages of development from the Bronze Age settlement on the Palatine to it's height I think one of the most obvious ways to measure the official extent of the city is the pomerium i.e. the official city limit. Defined by the wonderful Gellius as: > "the area marked off from the surrounding fields by the augurs and ringing the entire city; it is behind the walls and limited by fixed boundaries. The pomerium forms the extent of the urban auspices." ( Attic Nights 13.14.1-4) This way we can get a reasonable accurate picture of the extent of the city in a way that can actually be plotted on a map. (for more on the pomerium see [here]( To the ancient sources! They can give something of an indication of the city size and extent, for example look at this from Livy ( History 1.44.3): > "[The census report undertaken by the king Servius in the C6 BC reported that 80,000 (sic) citizens lived in the city, many of them newcomers.] To address the needs of this population, it was clearly necessary to expand the city. Servius added two more hills—the Quirinal and the Viminal—and then enlarged the enclosed area of the Esquiline as well, where he himself took up residence to lend this quarter some status. He surrounded the city with rampart, trench, and wall, thus extending the pomerium." So from this we can deduce that the city was a) already pretty big, 80,000 people. B) Getting bigger and C) That the leaders were having to respond to the expanding city by officially incorporating more areas into the pomerium. But As with anything in ancient history, it is far from simple, (histiography has a way of catching up with everyone). As Dionysius point out, the size of the city was dependent on perspective: > "Today [c. 20 BC] the homes of the city spread far beyond the walls, unprotected and vulnerable to attack, should an enemy come. Indeed, the extent of the city is deceptive for any observer trying to determine where it begins and where it ends, since the urban area is closely intertwined with the countryside around it and gives the impression that the city stretches on forever. If however you judge the size of the city from the circumference of the walls (not an easy thing to do, since buildings are now incorporated into the walls for much of their course, leaving visible however some traces of their ancient structure), Rome would appear to be not much larger than the walled section of Athens." The defensive walls of the city did not necessarily co-inside with the official city limits. Technically, tradition dictated that only a leader that had extended the limits of the empire could extend the actual city limits. During the republic this fell to successful generals, but after Augustus, this became the sole preserve of the Emperor. Tacitus notes that Claudius does just this after the successful conquest of the far-flung island of Britannia: > "Claudius also extended the pomerium of Rome [in AD 49], by an ancient custom whereby those who extended the empire might also expand the boundaries of the city. However, Rome's leaders, even those who greatly expanded the empire, had not availed themselves of this privilege, with the exception of Sulla and the deified Augustus." (Tac. Annals 12.23) This is backed-up archaeologically by boundary stones dating from the period which proudly proclaim Claudius' actions. From this [map]( you can see the gradual development of the size of the outer defenses of the city. But, this doesn't really give much indication as to city density etc. As mentioned above, depending on your perspective on Rome the city could look larger or smaller depending on which areas you're prepared to include. The issue is further complicated by the fact that large areas of the city, such as the Campus Martius or the houses and private horti of the aristocracy were largely public or open space, while poorer areas likely were VERY densely populated. For the common people, home was likely an insulae i.e. apartment/tenement building, with the better off living above their shop near the ground floor and the poorer nearer the top. There are some examples of the lower levels in Pompeii and [Ostia Antica]( which likely are very similar to the ones that would have been found in Rome. This makes things like population density estimates very difficult to actually make (especially as Rome is such a densely packed city today). There are a few things to bear in mind: Rome itself, unlike many of its settlements, developed quite haphazardly, and it wasn't until fires that any form of urban planning would effectively be put into action. Even an official census of Rome wouldn't give an absolute figure, and likely excluded slaves, maybe women, and people of dubious nature who wanted to remain under the authorities radar. I don't have any more time to finish off this, but it's a really facinating part of ancient history. I'd recommend looking at some of Mary Beard's (Cambridge Classicist) documentaries about Rome where she talks about some of these issues and Roman life in general: Also this GREAT [interactive map]( of Augustan Rome:
Rome got bigger over time. The pomerium was the official city limit but it's very complicated to get a figure for actual size and population. EDIT: formatting
My parents also lived through the depression, and my Mom also never throws anything away. In her laundry room there are products and supplies whose labels are clearly in the style of the 1950s, and which have likely never been used in my lifetime (I'm 49). Does anybody even still *use* liquid starch? In the upstairs medicine cabinet there's a little bottle of NuSkin marked "[my Dad's name]'s" -- he died 21 years ago, as well as many other supplies I know were his in the last years of his life. There's also a bottle of white shoe polish, even though I've never, ever seen her wear white shoes. In the kitchen pantry there's a little bottle of vinegar, marked (so she would remember) "1996." She regularly reuses, say, the jar that Ovaltine comes in (which she gets from her friend--my family has never bought-or-drunk Ovaltine--) for apple cider and such. She relabels the jar by writing, in real small, faint letters in pencil, "CIDER" on the large, bright, obvious Ovaltine label. (Once when I was a kid, she put cider-colored cleaning solution in an old cider jug and labeled it "cleaning solution" in the same manner. Dad gave her hell for that one -- "somebody might well have thought that was still cider, and drunk it!" -- but it didn't stop her using the general principle.) She currently refuses to pay my daughter $50 for seven hours' work cleaning the house every month, because "the house doesn't get dirty that fast;" she won't do it any more often than every *other* month, and even that's usually something of a fight. She manages to grudgingly tip in restaurants, but only about 3% (and bitches about *that*); I always sneak back to the table and lay down another 10-15% or more. I could go on and on. Maybe I already did. Edit: added the tipping bit **tl;dr Depression-Era mother is a cheap old bird.**
My parents also lived through the depression, and my Mom also never throws anything away. In her laundry room there are products and supplies whose labels are clearly in the style of the 1950s, and which have likely never been used in my lifetime (I'm 49). Does anybody even still use liquid starch? In the upstairs medicine cabinet there's a little bottle of NuSkin marked "[my Dad's name]'s" -- he died 21 years ago, as well as many other supplies I know were his in the last years of his life. There's also a bottle of white shoe polish, even though I've never, ever seen her wear white shoes. In the kitchen pantry there's a little bottle of vinegar, marked (so she would remember) "1996." She regularly reuses, say, the jar that Ovaltine comes in (which she gets from her friend--my family has never bought-or-drunk Ovaltine--) for apple cider and such. She relabels the jar by writing, in real small, faint letters in pencil, "CIDER" on the large, bright, obvious Ovaltine label. (Once when I was a kid, she put cider-colored cleaning solution in an old cider jug and labeled it "cleaning solution" in the same manner. Dad gave her hell for that one -- "somebody might well have thought that was still cider, and drunk it!" -- but it didn't stop her using the general principle.) She currently refuses to pay my daughter $50 for seven hours' work cleaning the house every month, because "the house doesn't get dirty that fast;" she won't do it any more often than every other month, and even that's usually something of a fight. She manages to grudgingly tip in restaurants, but only about 3% (and bitches about that ); I always sneak back to the table and lay down another 10-15% or more. I could go on and on. Maybe I already did. Edit: added the tipping bit tl;dr Depression-Era mother is a cheap old bird.
My parents also lived through the depression, and my Mom also never throws anything away. In her laundry room there are products and supplies whose labels are clearly in the style of the 1950s, and which have likely never been used in my lifetime (I'm 49). Does anybody even still use liquid starch? In the upstairs medicine cabinet there's a little bottle of NuSkin marked "[my Dad's name]'s" -- he died 21 years ago, as well as many other supplies I know were his in the last years of his life. There's also a bottle of white shoe polish, even though I've never, ever seen her wear white shoes. In the kitchen pantry there's a little bottle of vinegar, marked (so she would remember) "1996." She regularly reuses, say, the jar that Ovaltine comes in (which she gets from her friend--my family has never bought-or-drunk Ovaltine--) for apple cider and such. She relabels the jar by writing, in real small, faint letters in pencil, "CIDER" on the large, bright, obvious Ovaltine label. (Once when I was a kid, she put cider-colored cleaning solution in an old cider jug and labeled it "cleaning solution" in the same manner. Dad gave her hell for that one -- "somebody might well have thought that was still cider, and drunk it!" -- but it didn't stop her using the general principle.) She currently refuses to pay my daughter $50 for seven hours' work cleaning the house every month, because "the house doesn't get dirty that fast;" she won't do it any more often than every other month, and even that's usually something of a fight. She manages to grudgingly tip in restaurants, but only about 3% (and bitches about that ); I always sneak back to the table and lay down another 10-15% or more. I could go on and on. Maybe I already did. Edit: added the tipping bit
Depression-Era mother is a cheap old bird.
Ex-heavy meth user and dealer here. The show was a tv show. As we all know, there is glitz and glamour on TV. The famous "ATM house" episode hit close to home. I've seen the kids get locked in their room while mom and dad and x number of meth heads smoked and snorted in the next room. Up all night, playing music loud as fuck, and all the while the kids are screaming to go to the bathroom, crying for food, and just begging for attention. Mom and dad...they just wish the kids would shut up so they could party. I've watched as dad sold whatever drugs and mom sold herself to get the money for it. And what can I do? It's their kids and I wanted either the meth they had or to sell them the meth. If I did or said anything about the kids predicament I'd risk either getting high or making money. So I just shut up and played the meth game. After the most intense acid trip, I realized I was THAT meth head. I was just like the fucker I swore I wasn't. Unemployed, spun out tweeking for weeks, and generally lonely/looking for friends. But I didn't have friends. I had fellow meth heads. The acid trip opened me up and made me hate my life. As the trip wore off I ate mushrooms (i have and always will have a special place in my heart for psychadelics) and that trip showed me a light. Thank god. I knew I did have real friends but I had to write off uppers for good. It's been 3 years and some change since I quit and I never looked back. Stopped answering the phone calls from the meth heads, and surrounded myself with new people. The show doesn't really give a glimpse of this. The show shows you how one man who never touched the stuff became an empirical fuck with the perfect connections and setup. If only it was as simple as Walter white and Jesse pink man did it. TL:DR the show was cool for a tv show but meth is nothing like that.
Ex-heavy meth user and dealer here. The show was a tv show. As we all know, there is glitz and glamour on TV. The famous "ATM house" episode hit close to home. I've seen the kids get locked in their room while mom and dad and x number of meth heads smoked and snorted in the next room. Up all night, playing music loud as fuck, and all the while the kids are screaming to go to the bathroom, crying for food, and just begging for attention. Mom and dad...they just wish the kids would shut up so they could party. I've watched as dad sold whatever drugs and mom sold herself to get the money for it. And what can I do? It's their kids and I wanted either the meth they had or to sell them the meth. If I did or said anything about the kids predicament I'd risk either getting high or making money. So I just shut up and played the meth game. After the most intense acid trip, I realized I was THAT meth head. I was just like the fucker I swore I wasn't. Unemployed, spun out tweeking for weeks, and generally lonely/looking for friends. But I didn't have friends. I had fellow meth heads. The acid trip opened me up and made me hate my life. As the trip wore off I ate mushrooms (i have and always will have a special place in my heart for psychadelics) and that trip showed me a light. Thank god. I knew I did have real friends but I had to write off uppers for good. It's been 3 years and some change since I quit and I never looked back. Stopped answering the phone calls from the meth heads, and surrounded myself with new people. The show doesn't really give a glimpse of this. The show shows you how one man who never touched the stuff became an empirical fuck with the perfect connections and setup. If only it was as simple as Walter white and Jesse pink man did it. TL:DR the show was cool for a tv show but meth is nothing like that.
Ex-heavy meth user and dealer here. The show was a tv show. As we all know, there is glitz and glamour on TV. The famous "ATM house" episode hit close to home. I've seen the kids get locked in their room while mom and dad and x number of meth heads smoked and snorted in the next room. Up all night, playing music loud as fuck, and all the while the kids are screaming to go to the bathroom, crying for food, and just begging for attention. Mom and dad...they just wish the kids would shut up so they could party. I've watched as dad sold whatever drugs and mom sold herself to get the money for it. And what can I do? It's their kids and I wanted either the meth they had or to sell them the meth. If I did or said anything about the kids predicament I'd risk either getting high or making money. So I just shut up and played the meth game. After the most intense acid trip, I realized I was THAT meth head. I was just like the fucker I swore I wasn't. Unemployed, spun out tweeking for weeks, and generally lonely/looking for friends. But I didn't have friends. I had fellow meth heads. The acid trip opened me up and made me hate my life. As the trip wore off I ate mushrooms (i have and always will have a special place in my heart for psychadelics) and that trip showed me a light. Thank god. I knew I did have real friends but I had to write off uppers for good. It's been 3 years and some change since I quit and I never looked back. Stopped answering the phone calls from the meth heads, and surrounded myself with new people. The show doesn't really give a glimpse of this. The show shows you how one man who never touched the stuff became an empirical fuck with the perfect connections and setup. If only it was as simple as Walter white and Jesse pink man did it.
the show was cool for a tv show but meth is nothing like that.
Thank you so much. I'm (almost) in tears reading this. To respond: 1st: Calming down is easy to say, and something that I'm actively working on (yoga is a lifesaver for me). 2nd: I'm not seeing a therapist/counselor. I've thought about it, and keep not doing it because I'm trying to get us out of a bunch of medical debt. Maybe I need to reassess and put money aside for seeing a therapist to work this stuff out. 3rd: DH is on eggshells around me a lot, because it takes so little to set me off by the time he's home. I've spent all day shoving down my irritation and frustration, and by the time he's home he ends up being the brunt of a lot of my ire. He's actually the one that recommended that I make this throwaway and get this stuff off my chest via reddit to get some perspective and advice. I keep telling him how close to breaking I feel, and I think that at this point he just doesn't know what to do. 4th: I take almost no time for myself. By the time DH is home from work, I have dinner on the table at 6:00, winding down time for the kids at 7:00, they're in bed by 8:00/30... and after that I'm so burned out that I'm useless for anything else but schoolwork. On the weekends, if I leave the kids with DH, within an hour he's a nervous wreck and I come home to WWIII, with him yelling, the kids climbing the walls, and it's almost more stressful than if I'd stayed home. 5th - I'd consider taking taking a break from school, but in a way, schooling is one of my great passions. If I could, I would always go to school. I love learning new things, and getting into meaningful, educational, growth-inspiring conversations. Without school, I wouldn't have that. You're also right, though. It will all go to shit if I'm not okay... and I have a sinking feeling that I'm not too far from a nervous break right now. Hence the uber-long posting tonight. TL;DR - thanks for the words of wisdom. I don't feel like I'm trying to be superwoman, but at the same time maybe I'm trying to do more than is healthy for me. I don't have time for myself, and it's starting to show.
Thank you so much. I'm (almost) in tears reading this. To respond: 1st: Calming down is easy to say, and something that I'm actively working on (yoga is a lifesaver for me). 2nd: I'm not seeing a therapist/counselor. I've thought about it, and keep not doing it because I'm trying to get us out of a bunch of medical debt. Maybe I need to reassess and put money aside for seeing a therapist to work this stuff out. 3rd: DH is on eggshells around me a lot, because it takes so little to set me off by the time he's home. I've spent all day shoving down my irritation and frustration, and by the time he's home he ends up being the brunt of a lot of my ire. He's actually the one that recommended that I make this throwaway and get this stuff off my chest via reddit to get some perspective and advice. I keep telling him how close to breaking I feel, and I think that at this point he just doesn't know what to do. 4th: I take almost no time for myself. By the time DH is home from work, I have dinner on the table at 6:00, winding down time for the kids at 7:00, they're in bed by 8:00/30... and after that I'm so burned out that I'm useless for anything else but schoolwork. On the weekends, if I leave the kids with DH, within an hour he's a nervous wreck and I come home to WWIII, with him yelling, the kids climbing the walls, and it's almost more stressful than if I'd stayed home. 5th - I'd consider taking taking a break from school, but in a way, schooling is one of my great passions. If I could, I would always go to school. I love learning new things, and getting into meaningful, educational, growth-inspiring conversations. Without school, I wouldn't have that. You're also right, though. It will all go to shit if I'm not okay... and I have a sinking feeling that I'm not too far from a nervous break right now. Hence the uber-long posting tonight. TL;DR - thanks for the words of wisdom. I don't feel like I'm trying to be superwoman, but at the same time maybe I'm trying to do more than is healthy for me. I don't have time for myself, and it's starting to show.
Thank you so much. I'm (almost) in tears reading this. To respond: 1st: Calming down is easy to say, and something that I'm actively working on (yoga is a lifesaver for me). 2nd: I'm not seeing a therapist/counselor. I've thought about it, and keep not doing it because I'm trying to get us out of a bunch of medical debt. Maybe I need to reassess and put money aside for seeing a therapist to work this stuff out. 3rd: DH is on eggshells around me a lot, because it takes so little to set me off by the time he's home. I've spent all day shoving down my irritation and frustration, and by the time he's home he ends up being the brunt of a lot of my ire. He's actually the one that recommended that I make this throwaway and get this stuff off my chest via reddit to get some perspective and advice. I keep telling him how close to breaking I feel, and I think that at this point he just doesn't know what to do. 4th: I take almost no time for myself. By the time DH is home from work, I have dinner on the table at 6:00, winding down time for the kids at 7:00, they're in bed by 8:00/30... and after that I'm so burned out that I'm useless for anything else but schoolwork. On the weekends, if I leave the kids with DH, within an hour he's a nervous wreck and I come home to WWIII, with him yelling, the kids climbing the walls, and it's almost more stressful than if I'd stayed home. 5th - I'd consider taking taking a break from school, but in a way, schooling is one of my great passions. If I could, I would always go to school. I love learning new things, and getting into meaningful, educational, growth-inspiring conversations. Without school, I wouldn't have that. You're also right, though. It will all go to shit if I'm not okay... and I have a sinking feeling that I'm not too far from a nervous break right now. Hence the uber-long posting tonight.
thanks for the words of wisdom. I don't feel like I'm trying to be superwoman, but at the same time maybe I'm trying to do more than is healthy for me. I don't have time for myself, and it's starting to show.
>These CEOs are making money off of short-term tricks, not off of anything that makes a business sustainable. as bad as a lot of CEOs are, not many people have the ability to either startup a great company or convince executives of a great company to hire them. They also are only earning that much money if they are CEO of a big and successful company, CEOs of small businesses may earn as little as 30k a year or so, way less than engineers. >but good business sense isn't 1000x as valuable as technical knowledge I guess I sorta get what you are saying, though im not as extreme as what you seem to be. I dont believe its a good idea to be an employee(because of shitty managers etc). I believe its a great idea to be an entrepreneur, investor, or consultant. I wouldnt go so far to say that those three are overpaid, or employees are underpaid, though. tldr, take advantage of market inefficiencies. Though they are not significantly important, and the market itself imo is by and large relatively efficient.
>These CEOs are making money off of short-term tricks, not off of anything that makes a business sustainable. as bad as a lot of CEOs are, not many people have the ability to either startup a great company or convince executives of a great company to hire them. They also are only earning that much money if they are CEO of a big and successful company, CEOs of small businesses may earn as little as 30k a year or so, way less than engineers. >but good business sense isn't 1000x as valuable as technical knowledge I guess I sorta get what you are saying, though im not as extreme as what you seem to be. I dont believe its a good idea to be an employee(because of shitty managers etc). I believe its a great idea to be an entrepreneur, investor, or consultant. I wouldnt go so far to say that those three are overpaid, or employees are underpaid, though. tldr, take advantage of market inefficiencies. Though they are not significantly important, and the market itself imo is by and large relatively efficient.
These CEOs are making money off of short-term tricks, not off of anything that makes a business sustainable. as bad as a lot of CEOs are, not many people have the ability to either startup a great company or convince executives of a great company to hire them. They also are only earning that much money if they are CEO of a big and successful company, CEOs of small businesses may earn as little as 30k a year or so, way less than engineers. >but good business sense isn't 1000x as valuable as technical knowledge I guess I sorta get what you are saying, though im not as extreme as what you seem to be. I dont believe its a good idea to be an employee(because of shitty managers etc). I believe its a great idea to be an entrepreneur, investor, or consultant. I wouldnt go so far to say that those three are overpaid, or employees are underpaid, though.
take advantage of market inefficiencies. Though they are not significantly important, and the market itself imo is by and large relatively efficient.
I like it where it's at. Because on top of the discussion-based posts we encourage, we also have the IRC, so if you're bored by the lack of content on any given day you can pop into the IRC where there's always gonna be someone you can have a conversation with. And those conversations aren't just shaving-related, but many of them are. We're not dicks to noobs unless they're stupid - if someone comes here with a good question that's not answered in five seconds on our wiki, we go above and beyond in answering it in my opinion. We've kept our shitposts labeled as such or else relegated to daily threads (the SOTD and mail calls) but we're not entirely opposed to particularly noteworthy mail calls, for instance. I think we're pretty good about self-enforcing rules. This sub is certainly more friendly to regulars like myself - wet_shavers isn't officially my home page but it's the first page I'll check when I open my browser, and it's my homepage on mobile reddit. Thing is, while posts from someone like /u/obamafalure will do better just by dint of him being a known guy here who most people like, that doesn't mean that /u/help_me_wet_shave will do poorly (that's a made up account I hope) when he asks a decent question about shaving. The only thing I've seen that could be considered bad is how we all ganged up on Dodges during the whole HTGAM shitstorm, and even then the mods were pretty good about handling that (and I was at the front, pitchfork and torch at the ready; I'm just pointing out that to an outsider it could be construed as bad). I think that the voting speaks for itself. If we get a "Hey look at my starter kit" and it's an MR6, Omega 20102, Proraso, and a pack of Derbys and pack of Astras, well, we'll probably downvote that shit to hell because that's not what this subreddit is about. The other place gets plenty of that and can keep it. But I think we are rarely, if ever, unfriendly to people - people will see that shitpost and downvote it, but it's very rare to see a comment thread where everyone is shouting out "shitpost" (and if they are, it's probably me). /u/justateburrito, you pointed out in the IRC that you think we're unfriendly about link posts as opposed to text posts. I don't see that as true at all. Granted, most of the users here are here not for the karma but for the discussion, but currently the stand that /u/phteven_j built is at the top of the sub, and a few posts down is the heavily-upvoted post-shave brush routine post from /u/boostdd from yesterday. Most of our content is still self-posts but that's okay - people can still share images or whatever in there, and it offers the chance to have more discussion. Also many of our links are VSOTDs and while mine are pretty shitty and generate entirely too much nipple discussion, many of them can be beneficial to users (I've actually learned quite a bit about technique from watching /u/uncle_dubya, and even someone newer to the game like /u/sevrynheads). TL;DR: no
I like it where it's at. Because on top of the discussion-based posts we encourage, we also have the IRC, so if you're bored by the lack of content on any given day you can pop into the IRC where there's always gonna be someone you can have a conversation with. And those conversations aren't just shaving-related, but many of them are. We're not dicks to noobs unless they're stupid - if someone comes here with a good question that's not answered in five seconds on our wiki, we go above and beyond in answering it in my opinion. We've kept our shitposts labeled as such or else relegated to daily threads (the SOTD and mail calls) but we're not entirely opposed to particularly noteworthy mail calls, for instance. I think we're pretty good about self-enforcing rules. This sub is certainly more friendly to regulars like myself - wet_shavers isn't officially my home page but it's the first page I'll check when I open my browser, and it's my homepage on mobile reddit. Thing is, while posts from someone like /u/obamafalure will do better just by dint of him being a known guy here who most people like, that doesn't mean that /u/help_me_wet_shave will do poorly (that's a made up account I hope) when he asks a decent question about shaving. The only thing I've seen that could be considered bad is how we all ganged up on Dodges during the whole HTGAM shitstorm, and even then the mods were pretty good about handling that (and I was at the front, pitchfork and torch at the ready; I'm just pointing out that to an outsider it could be construed as bad). I think that the voting speaks for itself. If we get a "Hey look at my starter kit" and it's an MR6, Omega 20102, Proraso, and a pack of Derbys and pack of Astras, well, we'll probably downvote that shit to hell because that's not what this subreddit is about. The other place gets plenty of that and can keep it. But I think we are rarely, if ever, unfriendly to people - people will see that shitpost and downvote it, but it's very rare to see a comment thread where everyone is shouting out "shitpost" (and if they are, it's probably me). /u/justateburrito, you pointed out in the IRC that you think we're unfriendly about link posts as opposed to text posts. I don't see that as true at all. Granted, most of the users here are here not for the karma but for the discussion, but currently the stand that /u/phteven_j built is at the top of the sub, and a few posts down is the heavily-upvoted post-shave brush routine post from /u/boostdd from yesterday. Most of our content is still self-posts but that's okay - people can still share images or whatever in there, and it offers the chance to have more discussion. Also many of our links are VSOTDs and while mine are pretty shitty and generate entirely too much nipple discussion, many of them can be beneficial to users (I've actually learned quite a bit about technique from watching /u/uncle_dubya, and even someone newer to the game like /u/sevrynheads). TL;DR: no
I like it where it's at. Because on top of the discussion-based posts we encourage, we also have the IRC, so if you're bored by the lack of content on any given day you can pop into the IRC where there's always gonna be someone you can have a conversation with. And those conversations aren't just shaving-related, but many of them are. We're not dicks to noobs unless they're stupid - if someone comes here with a good question that's not answered in five seconds on our wiki, we go above and beyond in answering it in my opinion. We've kept our shitposts labeled as such or else relegated to daily threads (the SOTD and mail calls) but we're not entirely opposed to particularly noteworthy mail calls, for instance. I think we're pretty good about self-enforcing rules. This sub is certainly more friendly to regulars like myself - wet_shavers isn't officially my home page but it's the first page I'll check when I open my browser, and it's my homepage on mobile reddit. Thing is, while posts from someone like /u/obamafalure will do better just by dint of him being a known guy here who most people like, that doesn't mean that /u/help_me_wet_shave will do poorly (that's a made up account I hope) when he asks a decent question about shaving. The only thing I've seen that could be considered bad is how we all ganged up on Dodges during the whole HTGAM shitstorm, and even then the mods were pretty good about handling that (and I was at the front, pitchfork and torch at the ready; I'm just pointing out that to an outsider it could be construed as bad). I think that the voting speaks for itself. If we get a "Hey look at my starter kit" and it's an MR6, Omega 20102, Proraso, and a pack of Derbys and pack of Astras, well, we'll probably downvote that shit to hell because that's not what this subreddit is about. The other place gets plenty of that and can keep it. But I think we are rarely, if ever, unfriendly to people - people will see that shitpost and downvote it, but it's very rare to see a comment thread where everyone is shouting out "shitpost" (and if they are, it's probably me). /u/justateburrito, you pointed out in the IRC that you think we're unfriendly about link posts as opposed to text posts. I don't see that as true at all. Granted, most of the users here are here not for the karma but for the discussion, but currently the stand that /u/phteven_j built is at the top of the sub, and a few posts down is the heavily-upvoted post-shave brush routine post from /u/boostdd from yesterday. Most of our content is still self-posts but that's okay - people can still share images or whatever in there, and it offers the chance to have more discussion. Also many of our links are VSOTDs and while mine are pretty shitty and generate entirely too much nipple discussion, many of them can be beneficial to users (I've actually learned quite a bit about technique from watching /u/uncle_dubya, and even someone newer to the game like /u/sevrynheads).
I went out with a guy for a few weeks, I'm 19, he's 23. We went out on some great dates, hung out at each others houses about once a week for a month and a half or so. After one of these hang outs he didn't contact me for a few days (I generally used the "if he wants to talk to me he can talk to me" rule, but I would occasionally contact him first.) After a couple days he said he was sorry for acting distant but it had gotten "relationship-y and freaked him out. He also said that I was great and wanted to be real with me, but that he needed time to think. This was about 6 days ago and I haven't heard tell of him. I told him that if he wanted to stop talking to just tell me, becaues I didn't want to stick around if I wasn't wanted. He assured me it wasn't but I am really having some doubts. Extra fact: we did some "other" things but never had sex. Boys: Y u so confusing? TL:DR Hungout with a guy for a couple weeks. Though it was going great, got ignored for a few days and was told it was relationship-y and he needed time to think. Haven't spoke since.
I went out with a guy for a few weeks, I'm 19, he's 23. We went out on some great dates, hung out at each others houses about once a week for a month and a half or so. After one of these hang outs he didn't contact me for a few days (I generally used the "if he wants to talk to me he can talk to me" rule, but I would occasionally contact him first.) After a couple days he said he was sorry for acting distant but it had gotten "relationship-y and freaked him out. He also said that I was great and wanted to be real with me, but that he needed time to think. This was about 6 days ago and I haven't heard tell of him. I told him that if he wanted to stop talking to just tell me, becaues I didn't want to stick around if I wasn't wanted. He assured me it wasn't but I am really having some doubts. Extra fact: we did some "other" things but never had sex. Boys: Y u so confusing? TL:DR Hungout with a guy for a couple weeks. Though it was going great, got ignored for a few days and was told it was relationship-y and he needed time to think. Haven't spoke since.
I went out with a guy for a few weeks, I'm 19, he's 23. We went out on some great dates, hung out at each others houses about once a week for a month and a half or so. After one of these hang outs he didn't contact me for a few days (I generally used the "if he wants to talk to me he can talk to me" rule, but I would occasionally contact him first.) After a couple days he said he was sorry for acting distant but it had gotten "relationship-y and freaked him out. He also said that I was great and wanted to be real with me, but that he needed time to think. This was about 6 days ago and I haven't heard tell of him. I told him that if he wanted to stop talking to just tell me, becaues I didn't want to stick around if I wasn't wanted. He assured me it wasn't but I am really having some doubts. Extra fact: we did some "other" things but never had sex. Boys: Y u so confusing?
Hungout with a guy for a couple weeks. Though it was going great, got ignored for a few days and was told it was relationship-y and he needed time to think. Haven't spoke since.
As someone deeply rooted in the toy culture, let me say this: Right now, in this market, you CAN NOT go wrong with small-scale vinyl figures. You pick up so many markets that way, and you don't have to put too much on the line to get a decent product into the hands of fans that really want them. Think of the possibilities with something as aesthetically simple, yet recognizable, as minecraft. Little blocky minifigures, recognizable creatures, artist colorways for the indie crowd. I really think the idea sells itself. And also, I'll end on a cautionary anecdote: Back when Michel Gondry released his music video for The White Stripes "Fell in love with a girl" single (the one animated in stop motion with Lego bricks) Jack and Meg White approached Lego with the idea of releasing minifigures of the band, along with some instruments and some lego bricks in the band's signature colors. Lego turned them down immediately, for many reasons, but the most important of which being that they didn't want to be associated with some no-name band. Flash forward a few months, the song was burning up pop and rock charts, and the CD was one of the biggest rock releases in ages, and the imaginative video was winning all kinds of awards. Lego came calling, begging them to let them put out some kind of product. But Jack White declined their offers, because the idea was to have the lego blocks packed in with the single version of the song, and let fans use the blocks to make the cover for the CD as some sort of contest. Without that idea, and after getting insulted initially by someone from the company, they didn't see the point any more. tl;dr Jump on licenses when you can. If you don't do it, someone else will.
As someone deeply rooted in the toy culture, let me say this: Right now, in this market, you CAN NOT go wrong with small-scale vinyl figures. You pick up so many markets that way, and you don't have to put too much on the line to get a decent product into the hands of fans that really want them. Think of the possibilities with something as aesthetically simple, yet recognizable, as minecraft. Little blocky minifigures, recognizable creatures, artist colorways for the indie crowd. I really think the idea sells itself. And also, I'll end on a cautionary anecdote: Back when Michel Gondry released his music video for The White Stripes "Fell in love with a girl" single (the one animated in stop motion with Lego bricks) Jack and Meg White approached Lego with the idea of releasing minifigures of the band, along with some instruments and some lego bricks in the band's signature colors. Lego turned them down immediately, for many reasons, but the most important of which being that they didn't want to be associated with some no-name band. Flash forward a few months, the song was burning up pop and rock charts, and the CD was one of the biggest rock releases in ages, and the imaginative video was winning all kinds of awards. Lego came calling, begging them to let them put out some kind of product. But Jack White declined their offers, because the idea was to have the lego blocks packed in with the single version of the song, and let fans use the blocks to make the cover for the CD as some sort of contest. Without that idea, and after getting insulted initially by someone from the company, they didn't see the point any more. tl;dr Jump on licenses when you can. If you don't do it, someone else will.
As someone deeply rooted in the toy culture, let me say this: Right now, in this market, you CAN NOT go wrong with small-scale vinyl figures. You pick up so many markets that way, and you don't have to put too much on the line to get a decent product into the hands of fans that really want them. Think of the possibilities with something as aesthetically simple, yet recognizable, as minecraft. Little blocky minifigures, recognizable creatures, artist colorways for the indie crowd. I really think the idea sells itself. And also, I'll end on a cautionary anecdote: Back when Michel Gondry released his music video for The White Stripes "Fell in love with a girl" single (the one animated in stop motion with Lego bricks) Jack and Meg White approached Lego with the idea of releasing minifigures of the band, along with some instruments and some lego bricks in the band's signature colors. Lego turned them down immediately, for many reasons, but the most important of which being that they didn't want to be associated with some no-name band. Flash forward a few months, the song was burning up pop and rock charts, and the CD was one of the biggest rock releases in ages, and the imaginative video was winning all kinds of awards. Lego came calling, begging them to let them put out some kind of product. But Jack White declined their offers, because the idea was to have the lego blocks packed in with the single version of the song, and let fans use the blocks to make the cover for the CD as some sort of contest. Without that idea, and after getting insulted initially by someone from the company, they didn't see the point any more.
Jump on licenses when you can. If you don't do it, someone else will.
I too have been having the same problem, some stuff that has help me are: I bought some raise heel lifting shoes, switched to high bar. So I would be more upright and avoid butt wink. I also have done some adductors excersises, but has been helping me more right now is inner legs stretches (butterfly, frog stretch, a bit of warmups) and specially playing with my feet stance either shoulder width, more narrow or a bit more than shoulder with. Also the speed in which I go down and up. Some times when I use the "rebound" or just lift faster from the bottom of the squat I feel less stress on my hips. It has been helping me improve and I feel it less specially on my right side were the problem actually is. TL;DR stretches, warmups, bar placement and stance.
I too have been having the same problem, some stuff that has help me are: I bought some raise heel lifting shoes, switched to high bar. So I would be more upright and avoid butt wink. I also have done some adductors excersises, but has been helping me more right now is inner legs stretches (butterfly, frog stretch, a bit of warmups) and specially playing with my feet stance either shoulder width, more narrow or a bit more than shoulder with. Also the speed in which I go down and up. Some times when I use the "rebound" or just lift faster from the bottom of the squat I feel less stress on my hips. It has been helping me improve and I feel it less specially on my right side were the problem actually is. TL;DR stretches, warmups, bar placement and stance.
I too have been having the same problem, some stuff that has help me are: I bought some raise heel lifting shoes, switched to high bar. So I would be more upright and avoid butt wink. I also have done some adductors excersises, but has been helping me more right now is inner legs stretches (butterfly, frog stretch, a bit of warmups) and specially playing with my feet stance either shoulder width, more narrow or a bit more than shoulder with. Also the speed in which I go down and up. Some times when I use the "rebound" or just lift faster from the bottom of the squat I feel less stress on my hips. It has been helping me improve and I feel it less specially on my right side were the problem actually is.
stretches, warmups, bar placement and stance.
From an ex-waiters point of view, some customers can be absolute dick-wads. For example, there was a family of around 6 who came in weekly - ranging from 20-60 years of age - and every week they would always give shit to my co worker who I had a thing for at the time. They'd do things like huff and sigh when she put the food on the table as if she did it wrongly, would grimace at her even though she ALWAYS smiled at them, would **laugh at her** openly as she walked away, bollocks like that. So one of these times after weeks of it, it just got too much for her to handle so she got me to finish off waiting them. I was fucking glad to. When they finished their meal I picked up their plates and stacked them and *accidentally* knocked one of their beers off the table. I acted sorry as fuck and said I'd get him a new one for free. I grabbed the rest of the plates, took them away and proceeded to get the "fresh" beer. I filled the old glass (now with added floor shit) around 3/4 with the beer and the rest with warm water. I gave it to him and charged him for it. I know it's not much, but after a 6 hour shift of nothing but criticism, simple things really do get on your tits. And if you can be a shitty customer or your dinner partner is a shitty person to the waiter, nothing means more to us than that person being put down by their friend or just walking up to us and saying sincerely, "You're doing a great job, well done." One guy did this to me after a shitty table and I almost cried. It makes all the difference and hey, you might even get some stuff for free. TL;DR - A marmoset shit on my wrist so I had to buy a new watch.
From an ex-waiters point of view, some customers can be absolute dick-wads. For example, there was a family of around 6 who came in weekly - ranging from 20-60 years of age - and every week they would always give shit to my co worker who I had a thing for at the time. They'd do things like huff and sigh when she put the food on the table as if she did it wrongly, would grimace at her even though she ALWAYS smiled at them, would laugh at her openly as she walked away, bollocks like that. So one of these times after weeks of it, it just got too much for her to handle so she got me to finish off waiting them. I was fucking glad to. When they finished their meal I picked up their plates and stacked them and accidentally knocked one of their beers off the table. I acted sorry as fuck and said I'd get him a new one for free. I grabbed the rest of the plates, took them away and proceeded to get the "fresh" beer. I filled the old glass (now with added floor shit) around 3/4 with the beer and the rest with warm water. I gave it to him and charged him for it. I know it's not much, but after a 6 hour shift of nothing but criticism, simple things really do get on your tits. And if you can be a shitty customer or your dinner partner is a shitty person to the waiter, nothing means more to us than that person being put down by their friend or just walking up to us and saying sincerely, "You're doing a great job, well done." One guy did this to me after a shitty table and I almost cried. It makes all the difference and hey, you might even get some stuff for free. TL;DR - A marmoset shit on my wrist so I had to buy a new watch.
From an ex-waiters point of view, some customers can be absolute dick-wads. For example, there was a family of around 6 who came in weekly - ranging from 20-60 years of age - and every week they would always give shit to my co worker who I had a thing for at the time. They'd do things like huff and sigh when she put the food on the table as if she did it wrongly, would grimace at her even though she ALWAYS smiled at them, would laugh at her openly as she walked away, bollocks like that. So one of these times after weeks of it, it just got too much for her to handle so she got me to finish off waiting them. I was fucking glad to. When they finished their meal I picked up their plates and stacked them and accidentally knocked one of their beers off the table. I acted sorry as fuck and said I'd get him a new one for free. I grabbed the rest of the plates, took them away and proceeded to get the "fresh" beer. I filled the old glass (now with added floor shit) around 3/4 with the beer and the rest with warm water. I gave it to him and charged him for it. I know it's not much, but after a 6 hour shift of nothing but criticism, simple things really do get on your tits. And if you can be a shitty customer or your dinner partner is a shitty person to the waiter, nothing means more to us than that person being put down by their friend or just walking up to us and saying sincerely, "You're doing a great job, well done." One guy did this to me after a shitty table and I almost cried. It makes all the difference and hey, you might even get some stuff for free.
A marmoset shit on my wrist so I had to buy a new watch.
Alright Reddit, Here's what is bothering me. My best friend in the whole world is in a very unusual, and in my view unhealthy family setting. Nearly every day, Conner comes to me either in tears or nearly there, telling me the way his mother treats him. I have been present at times when this woman literally threatens him over his feelings. If he tries to tell his mother "Hey, I don't feel good" she goes crazy with insults! "You're lying, you're just wanting attention" and all kinds of rediculous accusations. He got sick last week with what became a respiratory infection, and for nearly a week and REFUSED to take him to the Doctor. she accused him of, once again, "faking it for attention". She constantly tells him he will never amount to anything and will be like his father (who is actually doing very well financially) and has threatened him repeatedly with kicking him to the curb. I am always there for him, he knows this, I have even offered to let him come stay with me and my SO for as long as he needs, but he literally sees this as *Normal*. I have witnessed the things that go on in his life first hand, and this is not normal at all. This woman is OUT OF HER MIND and never shows him ANY love or compassion, or even wants to talk to him unless its to insult him. It really bothers me. I don't know what to do Reddit :( TL;DR My friend's mom is a psycho bitch to my friend, How do I help him?
Alright Reddit, Here's what is bothering me. My best friend in the whole world is in a very unusual, and in my view unhealthy family setting. Nearly every day, Conner comes to me either in tears or nearly there, telling me the way his mother treats him. I have been present at times when this woman literally threatens him over his feelings. If he tries to tell his mother "Hey, I don't feel good" she goes crazy with insults! "You're lying, you're just wanting attention" and all kinds of rediculous accusations. He got sick last week with what became a respiratory infection, and for nearly a week and REFUSED to take him to the Doctor. she accused him of, once again, "faking it for attention". She constantly tells him he will never amount to anything and will be like his father (who is actually doing very well financially) and has threatened him repeatedly with kicking him to the curb. I am always there for him, he knows this, I have even offered to let him come stay with me and my SO for as long as he needs, but he literally sees this as Normal . I have witnessed the things that go on in his life first hand, and this is not normal at all. This woman is OUT OF HER MIND and never shows him ANY love or compassion, or even wants to talk to him unless its to insult him. It really bothers me. I don't know what to do Reddit :( TL;DR My friend's mom is a psycho bitch to my friend, How do I help him?
Alright Reddit, Here's what is bothering me. My best friend in the whole world is in a very unusual, and in my view unhealthy family setting. Nearly every day, Conner comes to me either in tears or nearly there, telling me the way his mother treats him. I have been present at times when this woman literally threatens him over his feelings. If he tries to tell his mother "Hey, I don't feel good" she goes crazy with insults! "You're lying, you're just wanting attention" and all kinds of rediculous accusations. He got sick last week with what became a respiratory infection, and for nearly a week and REFUSED to take him to the Doctor. she accused him of, once again, "faking it for attention". She constantly tells him he will never amount to anything and will be like his father (who is actually doing very well financially) and has threatened him repeatedly with kicking him to the curb. I am always there for him, he knows this, I have even offered to let him come stay with me and my SO for as long as he needs, but he literally sees this as Normal . I have witnessed the things that go on in his life first hand, and this is not normal at all. This woman is OUT OF HER MIND and never shows him ANY love or compassion, or even wants to talk to him unless its to insult him. It really bothers me. I don't know what to do Reddit :(
My friend's mom is a psycho bitch to my friend, How do I help him?
Hey all, I have a cheap Alvarez I believe Dreadnought, and I've had experience with Jumbos and Orchestra sizes as well, and I've come to the conclusion, barring sound, I like the feel of the smaller bodies better. So I'm looking into getting either a Concert or Orchestra model to bang around on. As such I'm not looking for a costly instrument, just a quality one that'll hold up and be my companion. I don't really prefer standard to acoustic-electric, but since I already have a non-electric, maybe an acoustic-electric would be nice. Anyone have any reccomendations, ideas, or suggestions? Thanks so much!! TLDR: A cheap (~300$ but cheaper is better) orchestra or concert style acoustic or acoustic electric.
Hey all, I have a cheap Alvarez I believe Dreadnought, and I've had experience with Jumbos and Orchestra sizes as well, and I've come to the conclusion, barring sound, I like the feel of the smaller bodies better. So I'm looking into getting either a Concert or Orchestra model to bang around on. As such I'm not looking for a costly instrument, just a quality one that'll hold up and be my companion. I don't really prefer standard to acoustic-electric, but since I already have a non-electric, maybe an acoustic-electric would be nice. Anyone have any reccomendations, ideas, or suggestions? Thanks so much!! TLDR: A cheap (~300$ but cheaper is better) orchestra or concert style acoustic or acoustic electric.
Hey all, I have a cheap Alvarez I believe Dreadnought, and I've had experience with Jumbos and Orchestra sizes as well, and I've come to the conclusion, barring sound, I like the feel of the smaller bodies better. So I'm looking into getting either a Concert or Orchestra model to bang around on. As such I'm not looking for a costly instrument, just a quality one that'll hold up and be my companion. I don't really prefer standard to acoustic-electric, but since I already have a non-electric, maybe an acoustic-electric would be nice. Anyone have any reccomendations, ideas, or suggestions? Thanks so much!!
A cheap (~300$ but cheaper is better) orchestra or concert style acoustic or acoustic electric.
"I told him how some people didn't believe this had even occurred, he agreed those people must lead sad lives." Really? You think that people who don't automatically believe everything they're told live sad lives? That seems a little naive. You could say, "But why not believe me? What could I have to gain from this?". Well, some people love using the anonymity of the internet to post fake information all the time. I don't claim to understand it, but apparently they enjoy pulling the heartstrings of others. More importantly, there are now people who are offering to donate old gaming systems and money because of your story. So, if you were lying, there's a good reason to do it right there. Do I think you're lying? No. But I would want a bit more proof before sending you anything. That doesn't mean I live a sad life. The people who live sad lives are the assholes who pull the scams that force us to be skeptical and look for ulterior motives in otherwise happy situations. Keep in mind, if you plan on just dismissing what I have to say here, that the reason I think people should be skeptical is because I was recently scammed by a man claiming to be Abraham Lincoln. He needed to fill the gas tank on his time machine to get back home. He borrowed $50 from me, half to get gas and the other half to deposit in my name in the past (which would earn me millions of dollars in interest). All he needed was my bank account number. I gave it to him and he used the information to empty my account, steal my house, kidnap my wife and children, cause me to lose my hair, and give me the flu. Now I'm penniless and forced to live among the mole people deep underground with nothing to my name. I even traded my left eye to an organ harvester in exchange for him posting this message on Reddit. It was a tough decision, as I am now susceptible to being blindsided by the rabid were-lions which roam the sewers, but I made this sacrifice so I could warn the rest of you about being skeptical and not believing everything you read. TL;DR Your cell phone can double as a weight loss device using this one weird old rule!
"I told him how some people didn't believe this had even occurred, he agreed those people must lead sad lives." Really? You think that people who don't automatically believe everything they're told live sad lives? That seems a little naive. You could say, "But why not believe me? What could I have to gain from this?". Well, some people love using the anonymity of the internet to post fake information all the time. I don't claim to understand it, but apparently they enjoy pulling the heartstrings of others. More importantly, there are now people who are offering to donate old gaming systems and money because of your story. So, if you were lying, there's a good reason to do it right there. Do I think you're lying? No. But I would want a bit more proof before sending you anything. That doesn't mean I live a sad life. The people who live sad lives are the assholes who pull the scams that force us to be skeptical and look for ulterior motives in otherwise happy situations. Keep in mind, if you plan on just dismissing what I have to say here, that the reason I think people should be skeptical is because I was recently scammed by a man claiming to be Abraham Lincoln. He needed to fill the gas tank on his time machine to get back home. He borrowed $50 from me, half to get gas and the other half to deposit in my name in the past (which would earn me millions of dollars in interest). All he needed was my bank account number. I gave it to him and he used the information to empty my account, steal my house, kidnap my wife and children, cause me to lose my hair, and give me the flu. Now I'm penniless and forced to live among the mole people deep underground with nothing to my name. I even traded my left eye to an organ harvester in exchange for him posting this message on Reddit. It was a tough decision, as I am now susceptible to being blindsided by the rabid were-lions which roam the sewers, but I made this sacrifice so I could warn the rest of you about being skeptical and not believing everything you read. TL;DR Your cell phone can double as a weight loss device using this one weird old rule!
I told him how some people didn't believe this had even occurred, he agreed those people must lead sad lives." Really? You think that people who don't automatically believe everything they're told live sad lives? That seems a little naive. You could say, "But why not believe me? What could I have to gain from this?". Well, some people love using the anonymity of the internet to post fake information all the time. I don't claim to understand it, but apparently they enjoy pulling the heartstrings of others. More importantly, there are now people who are offering to donate old gaming systems and money because of your story. So, if you were lying, there's a good reason to do it right there. Do I think you're lying? No. But I would want a bit more proof before sending you anything. That doesn't mean I live a sad life. The people who live sad lives are the assholes who pull the scams that force us to be skeptical and look for ulterior motives in otherwise happy situations. Keep in mind, if you plan on just dismissing what I have to say here, that the reason I think people should be skeptical is because I was recently scammed by a man claiming to be Abraham Lincoln. He needed to fill the gas tank on his time machine to get back home. He borrowed $50 from me, half to get gas and the other half to deposit in my name in the past (which would earn me millions of dollars in interest). All he needed was my bank account number. I gave it to him and he used the information to empty my account, steal my house, kidnap my wife and children, cause me to lose my hair, and give me the flu. Now I'm penniless and forced to live among the mole people deep underground with nothing to my name. I even traded my left eye to an organ harvester in exchange for him posting this message on Reddit. It was a tough decision, as I am now susceptible to being blindsided by the rabid were-lions which roam the sewers, but I made this sacrifice so I could warn the rest of you about being skeptical and not believing everything you read.
Your cell phone can double as a weight loss device using this one weird old rule!
I'm accepted into a good master's MFT program for fall, but unfortunately they (U. of Oregon) don't have likely assistantships unlike the other schools I applied to. You have to apply separately and there aren't many. Obviously this is something I'm planning on trying for, but apart from the basic grad student government loans I have zero funding. I can apply for the plus too, but not sure about living expenses. I'm clueless about loans and external funding, does anyone know about resources for explaining loans or finding late funding or loans? nobody I've talked to in person has really been much help so far. tl;dr where do I learn about grad student loans?
I'm accepted into a good master's MFT program for fall, but unfortunately they (U. of Oregon) don't have likely assistantships unlike the other schools I applied to. You have to apply separately and there aren't many. Obviously this is something I'm planning on trying for, but apart from the basic grad student government loans I have zero funding. I can apply for the plus too, but not sure about living expenses. I'm clueless about loans and external funding, does anyone know about resources for explaining loans or finding late funding or loans? nobody I've talked to in person has really been much help so far. tl;dr where do I learn about grad student loans?
I'm accepted into a good master's MFT program for fall, but unfortunately they (U. of Oregon) don't have likely assistantships unlike the other schools I applied to. You have to apply separately and there aren't many. Obviously this is something I'm planning on trying for, but apart from the basic grad student government loans I have zero funding. I can apply for the plus too, but not sure about living expenses. I'm clueless about loans and external funding, does anyone know about resources for explaining loans or finding late funding or loans? nobody I've talked to in person has really been much help so far.
where do I learn about grad student loans?
I was raised by a man with a PhD in child cognitive developmental psychology who has a great/terrible sense of humour. I'm not sure if my whole childhood was a long troll, or a short troll building up to the *real* long troll of how I'm going to raise the next generation. Case in point: troll I just conceived with my best friend yesterday, who's first child is due any day now (it's important to start your parental trolls asap). He suggested the ole' "hide in the closet pretend to be the bogeyman" scam. Being raised as I was, I explained that it was quaint, but lacked the proper dedication. I suggested this improved method: He gets in the closet and dresses like a bogeyman, and scares the kid, chasing the kid into the parents room where the mother is awakened, sighs, and takes the mask off revealing the father as a cruel joker. Time interval passes, a third party (volunteering myself) dresses in a *much* better bogeyman costume and jumps out of the closet to scare the kid. The parents then run into the room asking what the screaming is about allowing the child to discover that both parents are accounted for and *not* the bogeyman in disguise. At this point the parents start freaking their shit and explaining to the kid how to dispel the bogeyman, with things like "YOU HAVE TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH RIGHT NOW, OR IT'LL EAT YOUR EYES!" tl;dr - anyone need a babysitter? my rates are *very* reasonable.
I was raised by a man with a PhD in child cognitive developmental psychology who has a great/terrible sense of humour. I'm not sure if my whole childhood was a long troll, or a short troll building up to the real long troll of how I'm going to raise the next generation. Case in point: troll I just conceived with my best friend yesterday, who's first child is due any day now (it's important to start your parental trolls asap). He suggested the ole' "hide in the closet pretend to be the bogeyman" scam. Being raised as I was, I explained that it was quaint, but lacked the proper dedication. I suggested this improved method: He gets in the closet and dresses like a bogeyman, and scares the kid, chasing the kid into the parents room where the mother is awakened, sighs, and takes the mask off revealing the father as a cruel joker. Time interval passes, a third party (volunteering myself) dresses in a much better bogeyman costume and jumps out of the closet to scare the kid. The parents then run into the room asking what the screaming is about allowing the child to discover that both parents are accounted for and not the bogeyman in disguise. At this point the parents start freaking their shit and explaining to the kid how to dispel the bogeyman, with things like "YOU HAVE TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH RIGHT NOW, OR IT'LL EAT YOUR EYES!" tl;dr - anyone need a babysitter? my rates are very reasonable.
I was raised by a man with a PhD in child cognitive developmental psychology who has a great/terrible sense of humour. I'm not sure if my whole childhood was a long troll, or a short troll building up to the real long troll of how I'm going to raise the next generation. Case in point: troll I just conceived with my best friend yesterday, who's first child is due any day now (it's important to start your parental trolls asap). He suggested the ole' "hide in the closet pretend to be the bogeyman" scam. Being raised as I was, I explained that it was quaint, but lacked the proper dedication. I suggested this improved method: He gets in the closet and dresses like a bogeyman, and scares the kid, chasing the kid into the parents room where the mother is awakened, sighs, and takes the mask off revealing the father as a cruel joker. Time interval passes, a third party (volunteering myself) dresses in a much better bogeyman costume and jumps out of the closet to scare the kid. The parents then run into the room asking what the screaming is about allowing the child to discover that both parents are accounted for and not the bogeyman in disguise. At this point the parents start freaking their shit and explaining to the kid how to dispel the bogeyman, with things like "YOU HAVE TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH RIGHT NOW, OR IT'LL EAT YOUR EYES!"
anyone need a babysitter? my rates are very reasonable.
Americans tend to have different views on guns than Central and Western Europeans, but probably similar to a lot of Northern and Eastern Europeans, from what little I have heard. You have to remember that we have a ton of large, dangerous animals: cougars, coyotes, grizzly bears, alligators, and occasionally wolves, as well as a variety of venomous snakes (some of them can shoot venom over a distance best measured in meters). On top of that, a lot of people don't trust the police, especially when help is only minutes away when every second counts. A lot of us live far away from urban centers by percentage, compared to a country like France, so hunting is a pretty big pass time. Most people would not argue that a person has a right to a hunting rifle. Most of the strife deals with how guns are used in the city versus the country. I think that it's ridiculous to own a semi-auto version of an assault rifle, but plenty of people like building them. Just like everything in America, two party politics polarizes everything to the point where many people who like guns see every regulation, even common sense ones, as an attack. A lot of people who are against guns, either in principle or out of practicality, see every loosening restriction in terms of dead kids, the validity of which is beyond my purview. TL;DR: Americans probably do need guns, but not as many as they have. But everything is fucked because politics.
Americans tend to have different views on guns than Central and Western Europeans, but probably similar to a lot of Northern and Eastern Europeans, from what little I have heard. You have to remember that we have a ton of large, dangerous animals: cougars, coyotes, grizzly bears, alligators, and occasionally wolves, as well as a variety of venomous snakes (some of them can shoot venom over a distance best measured in meters). On top of that, a lot of people don't trust the police, especially when help is only minutes away when every second counts. A lot of us live far away from urban centers by percentage, compared to a country like France, so hunting is a pretty big pass time. Most people would not argue that a person has a right to a hunting rifle. Most of the strife deals with how guns are used in the city versus the country. I think that it's ridiculous to own a semi-auto version of an assault rifle, but plenty of people like building them. Just like everything in America, two party politics polarizes everything to the point where many people who like guns see every regulation, even common sense ones, as an attack. A lot of people who are against guns, either in principle or out of practicality, see every loosening restriction in terms of dead kids, the validity of which is beyond my purview. TL;DR: Americans probably do need guns, but not as many as they have. But everything is fucked because politics.
Americans tend to have different views on guns than Central and Western Europeans, but probably similar to a lot of Northern and Eastern Europeans, from what little I have heard. You have to remember that we have a ton of large, dangerous animals: cougars, coyotes, grizzly bears, alligators, and occasionally wolves, as well as a variety of venomous snakes (some of them can shoot venom over a distance best measured in meters). On top of that, a lot of people don't trust the police, especially when help is only minutes away when every second counts. A lot of us live far away from urban centers by percentage, compared to a country like France, so hunting is a pretty big pass time. Most people would not argue that a person has a right to a hunting rifle. Most of the strife deals with how guns are used in the city versus the country. I think that it's ridiculous to own a semi-auto version of an assault rifle, but plenty of people like building them. Just like everything in America, two party politics polarizes everything to the point where many people who like guns see every regulation, even common sense ones, as an attack. A lot of people who are against guns, either in principle or out of practicality, see every loosening restriction in terms of dead kids, the validity of which is beyond my purview.
Americans probably do need guns, but not as many as they have. But everything is fucked because politics.
In my effort to research this scheme, I have approached the company to allow me to represent them. My thinking was that going through the process of signing up to represent them would work better to satisfy my need to fully understand how it works, and to ensure that I am satisfied that it's legal prior to spending any money on it. The guy I was dealing with was too much of a salesman and not smart enough for me to refer anyone to him in good faith. He was all about skirting around facts, and trying to sell to me, which is why I never would have bought from him that day. That said, although I was put off by his tactics, I was fascinated by his product...hence my research. TLDR - If I become fully satisfied that this is legal, I will start to sell it, and get in contact with you.
In my effort to research this scheme, I have approached the company to allow me to represent them. My thinking was that going through the process of signing up to represent them would work better to satisfy my need to fully understand how it works, and to ensure that I am satisfied that it's legal prior to spending any money on it. The guy I was dealing with was too much of a salesman and not smart enough for me to refer anyone to him in good faith. He was all about skirting around facts, and trying to sell to me, which is why I never would have bought from him that day. That said, although I was put off by his tactics, I was fascinated by his product...hence my research. TLDR - If I become fully satisfied that this is legal, I will start to sell it, and get in contact with you.
In my effort to research this scheme, I have approached the company to allow me to represent them. My thinking was that going through the process of signing up to represent them would work better to satisfy my need to fully understand how it works, and to ensure that I am satisfied that it's legal prior to spending any money on it. The guy I was dealing with was too much of a salesman and not smart enough for me to refer anyone to him in good faith. He was all about skirting around facts, and trying to sell to me, which is why I never would have bought from him that day. That said, although I was put off by his tactics, I was fascinated by his product...hence my research.
If I become fully satisfied that this is legal, I will start to sell it, and get in contact with you.
Hey. I'm gonna do lsd for the first time soon, I've been planning it and reading about it for a long time now. Little bit about me and my history with psychedelics: I'm 24, male. I've done mushrooms for ~8 times, few times 25i-nBOMe (Some years ago, not smart but not bad times either). I've had some great experiences with mushrooms and I've been intrigued to try lsd for a few years now. I'd say that the strongest trip I've had was a level 4 trip with about 3 grams of cubensis, a great experience. As I said in the title, I've never tried any psychedelics alone, there has always been some other people tripping too. However I have kinda wanted to be alone at some point in many of those mushroom trips, but was not able to find a peaceful place with no other people distracting me. Now I have a perfect opportunity to try. Set & setting is gonna be almost as good as possible, familiar house with surrounding nature, privacy and summer :) I'm also in a good mindset right now, life is good at the moment. I have a few 200µg tabs, and I haven't made the decision if I should split one tab in half, or take a full one right away. There is a little piece of me saying that it is my first time tripping alone, so I should take only half a tab first. Then again a part of me is saying that I should embrace the first time and a good set&setting by taking a whole tab of 200µg. What do you say? Been reading many of the comparisons between dosages and many stories of first times, only with the difference that many of the first time-storytellers have never tripped with any other psychedelics. tl;dr : Some experience with psychedelics. Never tripped alone & never done LSD, should I take 100 or 200mics? Also, hello Reddit and r/LSD, finally signed up :)
Hey. I'm gonna do lsd for the first time soon, I've been planning it and reading about it for a long time now. Little bit about me and my history with psychedelics: I'm 24, male. I've done mushrooms for ~8 times, few times 25i-nBOMe (Some years ago, not smart but not bad times either). I've had some great experiences with mushrooms and I've been intrigued to try lsd for a few years now. I'd say that the strongest trip I've had was a level 4 trip with about 3 grams of cubensis, a great experience. As I said in the title, I've never tried any psychedelics alone, there has always been some other people tripping too. However I have kinda wanted to be alone at some point in many of those mushroom trips, but was not able to find a peaceful place with no other people distracting me. Now I have a perfect opportunity to try. Set & setting is gonna be almost as good as possible, familiar house with surrounding nature, privacy and summer :) I'm also in a good mindset right now, life is good at the moment. I have a few 200µg tabs, and I haven't made the decision if I should split one tab in half, or take a full one right away. There is a little piece of me saying that it is my first time tripping alone, so I should take only half a tab first. Then again a part of me is saying that I should embrace the first time and a good set&setting by taking a whole tab of 200µg. What do you say? Been reading many of the comparisons between dosages and many stories of first times, only with the difference that many of the first time-storytellers have never tripped with any other psychedelics. tl;dr : Some experience with psychedelics. Never tripped alone & never done LSD, should I take 100 or 200mics? Also, hello Reddit and r/LSD, finally signed up :)
Hey. I'm gonna do lsd for the first time soon, I've been planning it and reading about it for a long time now. Little bit about me and my history with psychedelics: I'm 24, male. I've done mushrooms for ~8 times, few times 25i-nBOMe (Some years ago, not smart but not bad times either). I've had some great experiences with mushrooms and I've been intrigued to try lsd for a few years now. I'd say that the strongest trip I've had was a level 4 trip with about 3 grams of cubensis, a great experience. As I said in the title, I've never tried any psychedelics alone, there has always been some other people tripping too. However I have kinda wanted to be alone at some point in many of those mushroom trips, but was not able to find a peaceful place with no other people distracting me. Now I have a perfect opportunity to try. Set & setting is gonna be almost as good as possible, familiar house with surrounding nature, privacy and summer :) I'm also in a good mindset right now, life is good at the moment. I have a few 200µg tabs, and I haven't made the decision if I should split one tab in half, or take a full one right away. There is a little piece of me saying that it is my first time tripping alone, so I should take only half a tab first. Then again a part of me is saying that I should embrace the first time and a good set&setting by taking a whole tab of 200µg. What do you say? Been reading many of the comparisons between dosages and many stories of first times, only with the difference that many of the first time-storytellers have never tripped with any other psychedelics.
Some experience with psychedelics. Never tripped alone & never done LSD, should I take 100 or 200mics? Also, hello Reddit and r/LSD, finally signed up :)
Hello fellow ents! I originally wrote this as a comment, but I put so much work into it I though I'd expand on it and make it it's own story post. Enjoy. I don't agree with the people who say that a true [10] is almost un-achievable. I mean, why do you think people green out? It's called being "high-school stoned", where your tolerance is so low, 2-3 hits off some fire will fuck you the fuck up. I have nearly ground-zero tolerance because of my low frequency use (4-5 days out of every month, almost always all in a single weekend). I have definitely experienced a full-on [10] at least 3-4 times and can EASILY achieve it whenever I want by, simply by taking a few more hits, though, I usually opt-out. Low tolerance is key, ents! The first time I got to a [10], I hated it. I felt like complete and utter shit and almost greened out. There was a lot of physical discomfort and intense mental strain. The other times I reached a [10] were much better, as I had gained quite a bit of experience and could handle it a lot better. Here is what the aforementioned BAD [10] was like for me. I'm picking the bad one over the good ones because it best describes what a [10] can really do to you. I was with three people that night, one very good life-long childhood friend, and two acquaintances. We were passing the bong around in a circle, and without even thinking, I took it every time and hit it, again, without a second thought. And these weren't sissy hits. It was a fat packed bowl and I milked the shit out of each hit. I don't quite remember how many hits I took, it must have been three or four. The effects started, as always for me, 10 seconds after exhaling my first hit. By the time I took the final hit, shit started to get real. I was instantly MEGA-couchlocked, which felt quite nice. I was pretty happy for about 5 minutes, then shit hit fan, in my brain, at least. I started to get tunnel vision, similar to when you stare at something for way too long and everything but that point becomes washed out and completely blurry. I get this a little bit even at a [7] or an [8]. A few minutes later, [derealization]( set in. This is something I get often from consuming cannabis, even when I'm a few levels lower. However, this time was much more intense than ever before. Now, derealization can sometimes be trippy and cool to me, but it initially very upsetting on that night. I got used to to after a bit, though. The next thing that happened is I started to experience what I call "pseudo-hallucinations", where your imagination goes so fucking wild, you start to THINK you see shit everywhere. You don't really see it in all actuality, but the line between your imagination and reality definitely start to blur a bit. The absolute best way to describe it is if you've ever been so sleep deprived you start too see shit. This has happened to me before after severe jetlag on top of already poor sleeping patterns. It's almost the exact same thing to be honest. Things pop up in your peripheral vision and sometimes even right in front of you, but they never stay for long. Another weird "hallucinogenic" effect I experienced was when one of the acquaintances I was with turned around to talk to me, and as I was staring at him, tunnel vision set in hardcore, and slowly, all of his other facial features became blurry and distorted and it seemed like the only thing I was talking to was a giant mouth. Almost like [this]( but no where near as scary or realistic. Now I am NOT saying "this is exactly what I saw", more of how I "felt" it looked like to me. It's very hard to describe, but I think it's because there was such a radical shift in my perspective, I just see things TOTALLY differently, causing these "pseudo-hallucinations." Again, I'm not really describing it that well. It's extremely difficult to put it into words in an accurate fashion, if not impossible. When I experience this, that's when I know I've hit a true [10]. Then there's "The Toilet Incident". On that very same night, I got up from my Stonehenge couchlock to take a piss. Just as I was about to relieve myself, I quickly stop as I realize there' s no water in the toilet bowl! Then I realized there were shit streaks coating the whole inside of the bowl too, as if the toilet got clogged and never flushed away the last persons dump properly. I stared at it for a while in disgust, think of what to do. I've seen it before at my own house and knew that's exactly what happened, or so I thought...I called in the other acquaintance, who's house I was at, to help fix the toilet. I described the situation to him and he walked into the bathroom to go fix it. He comes in the room 10 seconds later saying, "What the fuck are you talking about man? The toilet is fine!" I was really confused. How on earth did he NOT see how fucked up his toilet was? So I walked back in to look, and lo and behold, NONE of it was true. There's was plenty of water in the toilet, and the "shit streaks" were just the natural grain of the material used to make the toilet. I felt like a complete ass hat! I was staring intently at it just moments before and seeing something COMPLETELY different. This complete and total change in perspective only happens for me at a [10]. I've had several occurrences just like this on totally separate occasions while at a [10], thankfully just between myself! A lot of other weird shit happened that night, but I could go on forever. I'll just leave the story there. There are many different feelings and emotions that come along with being at a [10], a strong sense of derealization being at the forefront for me. Things become extremely surreal, cartoonish, and trippy. Reality starts to slip away a little bit. Auditory hallucinations have also happened, where I thought 100% that people I'm with called my name, but they never did. The [10] is a very real thing, ents. And no, my shit isn't laced, and yes, it is in fact weed that I am smoking. People tend to underestimate the mind-fuck that cannabis is capable of giving certain people. Now I do realize, there are a lot of people that simply can never experience any of what I described, no matter how much they smoke, and that is because everyone reacts to different substances differently. Cannabis just so happens to fuck me up BIG TIME in large doses, which is like a quarter of a gram for me! So I hope you enjoyed the read. I had a lot of fun re-calling those memories and finally putting them into words! tl;dr: Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance. Keep it low and amazing things can happen.
Hello fellow ents! I originally wrote this as a comment, but I put so much work into it I though I'd expand on it and make it it's own story post. Enjoy. I don't agree with the people who say that a true [10] is almost un-achievable. I mean, why do you think people green out? It's called being "high-school stoned", where your tolerance is so low, 2-3 hits off some fire will fuck you the fuck up. I have nearly ground-zero tolerance because of my low frequency use (4-5 days out of every month, almost always all in a single weekend). I have definitely experienced a full-on [10] at least 3-4 times and can EASILY achieve it whenever I want by, simply by taking a few more hits, though, I usually opt-out. Low tolerance is key, ents! The first time I got to a [10], I hated it. I felt like complete and utter shit and almost greened out. There was a lot of physical discomfort and intense mental strain. The other times I reached a [10] were much better, as I had gained quite a bit of experience and could handle it a lot better. Here is what the aforementioned BAD [10] was like for me. I'm picking the bad one over the good ones because it best describes what a [10] can really do to you. I was with three people that night, one very good life-long childhood friend, and two acquaintances. We were passing the bong around in a circle, and without even thinking, I took it every time and hit it, again, without a second thought. And these weren't sissy hits. It was a fat packed bowl and I milked the shit out of each hit. I don't quite remember how many hits I took, it must have been three or four. The effects started, as always for me, 10 seconds after exhaling my first hit. By the time I took the final hit, shit started to get real. I was instantly MEGA-couchlocked, which felt quite nice. I was pretty happy for about 5 minutes, then shit hit fan, in my brain, at least. I started to get tunnel vision, similar to when you stare at something for way too long and everything but that point becomes washed out and completely blurry. I get this a little bit even at a [7] or an [8]. A few minutes later, [derealization]( set in. This is something I get often from consuming cannabis, even when I'm a few levels lower. However, this time was much more intense than ever before. Now, derealization can sometimes be trippy and cool to me, but it initially very upsetting on that night. I got used to to after a bit, though. The next thing that happened is I started to experience what I call "pseudo-hallucinations", where your imagination goes so fucking wild, you start to THINK you see shit everywhere. You don't really see it in all actuality, but the line between your imagination and reality definitely start to blur a bit. The absolute best way to describe it is if you've ever been so sleep deprived you start too see shit. This has happened to me before after severe jetlag on top of already poor sleeping patterns. It's almost the exact same thing to be honest. Things pop up in your peripheral vision and sometimes even right in front of you, but they never stay for long. Another weird "hallucinogenic" effect I experienced was when one of the acquaintances I was with turned around to talk to me, and as I was staring at him, tunnel vision set in hardcore, and slowly, all of his other facial features became blurry and distorted and it seemed like the only thing I was talking to was a giant mouth. Almost like [this]( but no where near as scary or realistic. Now I am NOT saying "this is exactly what I saw", more of how I "felt" it looked like to me. It's very hard to describe, but I think it's because there was such a radical shift in my perspective, I just see things TOTALLY differently, causing these "pseudo-hallucinations." Again, I'm not really describing it that well. It's extremely difficult to put it into words in an accurate fashion, if not impossible. When I experience this, that's when I know I've hit a true [10]. Then there's "The Toilet Incident". On that very same night, I got up from my Stonehenge couchlock to take a piss. Just as I was about to relieve myself, I quickly stop as I realize there' s no water in the toilet bowl! Then I realized there were shit streaks coating the whole inside of the bowl too, as if the toilet got clogged and never flushed away the last persons dump properly. I stared at it for a while in disgust, think of what to do. I've seen it before at my own house and knew that's exactly what happened, or so I thought...I called in the other acquaintance, who's house I was at, to help fix the toilet. I described the situation to him and he walked into the bathroom to go fix it. He comes in the room 10 seconds later saying, "What the fuck are you talking about man? The toilet is fine!" I was really confused. How on earth did he NOT see how fucked up his toilet was? So I walked back in to look, and lo and behold, NONE of it was true. There's was plenty of water in the toilet, and the "shit streaks" were just the natural grain of the material used to make the toilet. I felt like a complete ass hat! I was staring intently at it just moments before and seeing something COMPLETELY different. This complete and total change in perspective only happens for me at a [10]. I've had several occurrences just like this on totally separate occasions while at a [10], thankfully just between myself! A lot of other weird shit happened that night, but I could go on forever. I'll just leave the story there. There are many different feelings and emotions that come along with being at a [10], a strong sense of derealization being at the forefront for me. Things become extremely surreal, cartoonish, and trippy. Reality starts to slip away a little bit. Auditory hallucinations have also happened, where I thought 100% that people I'm with called my name, but they never did. The [10] is a very real thing, ents. And no, my shit isn't laced, and yes, it is in fact weed that I am smoking. People tend to underestimate the mind-fuck that cannabis is capable of giving certain people. Now I do realize, there are a lot of people that simply can never experience any of what I described, no matter how much they smoke, and that is because everyone reacts to different substances differently. Cannabis just so happens to fuck me up BIG TIME in large doses, which is like a quarter of a gram for me! So I hope you enjoyed the read. I had a lot of fun re-calling those memories and finally putting them into words! tl;dr: Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance. Keep it low and amazing things can happen.
Hello fellow ents! I originally wrote this as a comment, but I put so much work into it I though I'd expand on it and make it it's own story post. Enjoy. I don't agree with the people who say that a true [10] is almost un-achievable. I mean, why do you think people green out? It's called being "high-school stoned", where your tolerance is so low, 2-3 hits off some fire will fuck you the fuck up. I have nearly ground-zero tolerance because of my low frequency use (4-5 days out of every month, almost always all in a single weekend). I have definitely experienced a full-on [10] at least 3-4 times and can EASILY achieve it whenever I want by, simply by taking a few more hits, though, I usually opt-out. Low tolerance is key, ents! The first time I got to a [10], I hated it. I felt like complete and utter shit and almost greened out. There was a lot of physical discomfort and intense mental strain. The other times I reached a [10] were much better, as I had gained quite a bit of experience and could handle it a lot better. Here is what the aforementioned BAD [10] was like for me. I'm picking the bad one over the good ones because it best describes what a [10] can really do to you. I was with three people that night, one very good life-long childhood friend, and two acquaintances. We were passing the bong around in a circle, and without even thinking, I took it every time and hit it, again, without a second thought. And these weren't sissy hits. It was a fat packed bowl and I milked the shit out of each hit. I don't quite remember how many hits I took, it must have been three or four. The effects started, as always for me, 10 seconds after exhaling my first hit. By the time I took the final hit, shit started to get real. I was instantly MEGA-couchlocked, which felt quite nice. I was pretty happy for about 5 minutes, then shit hit fan, in my brain, at least. I started to get tunnel vision, similar to when you stare at something for way too long and everything but that point becomes washed out and completely blurry. I get this a little bit even at a [7] or an [8]. A few minutes later, [derealization]( set in. This is something I get often from consuming cannabis, even when I'm a few levels lower. However, this time was much more intense than ever before. Now, derealization can sometimes be trippy and cool to me, but it initially very upsetting on that night. I got used to to after a bit, though. The next thing that happened is I started to experience what I call "pseudo-hallucinations", where your imagination goes so fucking wild, you start to THINK you see shit everywhere. You don't really see it in all actuality, but the line between your imagination and reality definitely start to blur a bit. The absolute best way to describe it is if you've ever been so sleep deprived you start too see shit. This has happened to me before after severe jetlag on top of already poor sleeping patterns. It's almost the exact same thing to be honest. Things pop up in your peripheral vision and sometimes even right in front of you, but they never stay for long. Another weird "hallucinogenic" effect I experienced was when one of the acquaintances I was with turned around to talk to me, and as I was staring at him, tunnel vision set in hardcore, and slowly, all of his other facial features became blurry and distorted and it seemed like the only thing I was talking to was a giant mouth. Almost like [this]( but no where near as scary or realistic. Now I am NOT saying "this is exactly what I saw", more of how I "felt" it looked like to me. It's very hard to describe, but I think it's because there was such a radical shift in my perspective, I just see things TOTALLY differently, causing these "pseudo-hallucinations." Again, I'm not really describing it that well. It's extremely difficult to put it into words in an accurate fashion, if not impossible. When I experience this, that's when I know I've hit a true [10]. Then there's "The Toilet Incident". On that very same night, I got up from my Stonehenge couchlock to take a piss. Just as I was about to relieve myself, I quickly stop as I realize there' s no water in the toilet bowl! Then I realized there were shit streaks coating the whole inside of the bowl too, as if the toilet got clogged and never flushed away the last persons dump properly. I stared at it for a while in disgust, think of what to do. I've seen it before at my own house and knew that's exactly what happened, or so I thought...I called in the other acquaintance, who's house I was at, to help fix the toilet. I described the situation to him and he walked into the bathroom to go fix it. He comes in the room 10 seconds later saying, "What the fuck are you talking about man? The toilet is fine!" I was really confused. How on earth did he NOT see how fucked up his toilet was? So I walked back in to look, and lo and behold, NONE of it was true. There's was plenty of water in the toilet, and the "shit streaks" were just the natural grain of the material used to make the toilet. I felt like a complete ass hat! I was staring intently at it just moments before and seeing something COMPLETELY different. This complete and total change in perspective only happens for me at a [10]. I've had several occurrences just like this on totally separate occasions while at a [10], thankfully just between myself! A lot of other weird shit happened that night, but I could go on forever. I'll just leave the story there. There are many different feelings and emotions that come along with being at a [10], a strong sense of derealization being at the forefront for me. Things become extremely surreal, cartoonish, and trippy. Reality starts to slip away a little bit. Auditory hallucinations have also happened, where I thought 100% that people I'm with called my name, but they never did. The [10] is a very real thing, ents. And no, my shit isn't laced, and yes, it is in fact weed that I am smoking. People tend to underestimate the mind-fuck that cannabis is capable of giving certain people. Now I do realize, there are a lot of people that simply can never experience any of what I described, no matter how much they smoke, and that is because everyone reacts to different substances differently. Cannabis just so happens to fuck me up BIG TIME in large doses, which is like a quarter of a gram for me! So I hope you enjoyed the read. I had a lot of fun re-calling those memories and finally putting them into words!
Tolerance, tolerance, tolerance. Keep it low and amazing things can happen.
In this hypothetical situation it'd come down to who has the better navy and air force. Which plays out in the USAs favor. Neither of us can have an effective occupation in each others land other than maybe islands like Taiwan,Samoa,Guam,etc. Now say it came down to actual manpower china has no problem throwing waves of thousands of screaming china men at the marines. And if they tried to invade us we have a whole lot more guns per citizen so China would have the same situation we have in Afghanistan. TL;DR: land battle in china they push us out. Naval battle in the Pacific we'd dominate. Land battle in USA guerilla warfare insues
In this hypothetical situation it'd come down to who has the better navy and air force. Which plays out in the USAs favor. Neither of us can have an effective occupation in each others land other than maybe islands like Taiwan,Samoa,Guam,etc. Now say it came down to actual manpower china has no problem throwing waves of thousands of screaming china men at the marines. And if they tried to invade us we have a whole lot more guns per citizen so China would have the same situation we have in Afghanistan. TL;DR: land battle in china they push us out. Naval battle in the Pacific we'd dominate. Land battle in USA guerilla warfare insues
In this hypothetical situation it'd come down to who has the better navy and air force. Which plays out in the USAs favor. Neither of us can have an effective occupation in each others land other than maybe islands like Taiwan,Samoa,Guam,etc. Now say it came down to actual manpower china has no problem throwing waves of thousands of screaming china men at the marines. And if they tried to invade us we have a whole lot more guns per citizen so China would have the same situation we have in Afghanistan.
land battle in china they push us out. Naval battle in the Pacific we'd dominate. Land battle in USA guerilla warfare insues
My original SS didn't ship my gift so I got rematched. My rematched is awesome and seemed really into regifting for me but just one day later on the fourth i get a package from my original SS. Turns out they shipped on Jan 2. I'm pretty sure that my regifter already shipped my gift. I'm definitely going to get my regifter sometime though but I hope he/she gives me their info to do that so i do t feel badly about this. TL/DR: SS shipped gift super late and I got rematched. I am receiving two gifts and feel bad.
My original SS didn't ship my gift so I got rematched. My rematched is awesome and seemed really into regifting for me but just one day later on the fourth i get a package from my original SS. Turns out they shipped on Jan 2. I'm pretty sure that my regifter already shipped my gift. I'm definitely going to get my regifter sometime though but I hope he/she gives me their info to do that so i do t feel badly about this. TL/DR: SS shipped gift super late and I got rematched. I am receiving two gifts and feel bad.
My original SS didn't ship my gift so I got rematched. My rematched is awesome and seemed really into regifting for me but just one day later on the fourth i get a package from my original SS. Turns out they shipped on Jan 2. I'm pretty sure that my regifter already shipped my gift. I'm definitely going to get my regifter sometime though but I hope he/she gives me their info to do that so i do t feel badly about this.
SS shipped gift super late and I got rematched. I am receiving two gifts and feel bad.
Something I have found to be effective is playing greedy behind a small 10 minute poke. You can easily take your third as you move out at 9:30 since you will basically have complete map control once medvacs are out. From there, you just have to kind of sit outside his base (unless he decides to push into you, in which case you run). Most protoss won't come down the ramp to fight you, and they can't really feel safe taking their third with an army outside their base and potential drops incoming. So basically you end up taking your third a good 2+ minutes before them which allows you to get ahead on production and upgrades. At that point it is just a matter of making the right units and not messing up micro. A lot of times if you push as 22 finishes, you can simply overwhelm the protoss and outright win. Even if you don't outright win there, provided that you take a 4th and add on production as you move out with 22, he doesn't have a 4th up and running, and that the battle isn't too one sided because of botched micro then you should be in a commanding position. tldr; I have had success with doing the 10 minute push but not actually pushing into the prepared protoss and playing greedy behind it.
Something I have found to be effective is playing greedy behind a small 10 minute poke. You can easily take your third as you move out at 9:30 since you will basically have complete map control once medvacs are out. From there, you just have to kind of sit outside his base (unless he decides to push into you, in which case you run). Most protoss won't come down the ramp to fight you, and they can't really feel safe taking their third with an army outside their base and potential drops incoming. So basically you end up taking your third a good 2+ minutes before them which allows you to get ahead on production and upgrades. At that point it is just a matter of making the right units and not messing up micro. A lot of times if you push as 22 finishes, you can simply overwhelm the protoss and outright win. Even if you don't outright win there, provided that you take a 4th and add on production as you move out with 22, he doesn't have a 4th up and running, and that the battle isn't too one sided because of botched micro then you should be in a commanding position. tldr; I have had success with doing the 10 minute push but not actually pushing into the prepared protoss and playing greedy behind it.
Something I have found to be effective is playing greedy behind a small 10 minute poke. You can easily take your third as you move out at 9:30 since you will basically have complete map control once medvacs are out. From there, you just have to kind of sit outside his base (unless he decides to push into you, in which case you run). Most protoss won't come down the ramp to fight you, and they can't really feel safe taking their third with an army outside their base and potential drops incoming. So basically you end up taking your third a good 2+ minutes before them which allows you to get ahead on production and upgrades. At that point it is just a matter of making the right units and not messing up micro. A lot of times if you push as 22 finishes, you can simply overwhelm the protoss and outright win. Even if you don't outright win there, provided that you take a 4th and add on production as you move out with 22, he doesn't have a 4th up and running, and that the battle isn't too one sided because of botched micro then you should be in a commanding position.
I have had success with doing the 10 minute push but not actually pushing into the prepared protoss and playing greedy behind it.
I worked at a well known cellular phone store a few years back as a seasonal employee. Everyone that came in and needed or wanted any info from their account needed a photo ID. A lady came in one day...says she needs a new phone. We say ok, what's your name? We look it up and then ask for her ID to confirm its her so we can sell her a new phone and activate it onto her account. She says she doesn't have any ID...the reason why she needs a new phone is because her house burned down over the weekend and her husband was in it. All her things were there because she had just run down to the local store with cash, sans purse. Unfortunately there's not a lot we can do without an ID...we explain and she freaks. Bad. She turned bright red and told us she was going to a competitor across the mall, and stomped out of the store cussing us all to hell. A few minutes later she comes back, saying she needs her account number to port her phone number to the competitor. Unfortunately we can't give that out either which makes her even more enraged. She stomps out again cussing at us. The worst part was right after that, we realized we could have had her call our customer care line, who can make changes with just an SSN. I really thought this lady was going to come back later in the day with a gun and shoot us. I've never seen someone so mad. Even worse - I looked up the story online later that night. Her husband committed suicide after setting the house on fire. He also shot his son in law. Tl;dr ladys house burned down and she freaked when we couldn't help her without ID
I worked at a well known cellular phone store a few years back as a seasonal employee. Everyone that came in and needed or wanted any info from their account needed a photo ID. A lady came in one day...says she needs a new phone. We say ok, what's your name? We look it up and then ask for her ID to confirm its her so we can sell her a new phone and activate it onto her account. She says she doesn't have any ID...the reason why she needs a new phone is because her house burned down over the weekend and her husband was in it. All her things were there because she had just run down to the local store with cash, sans purse. Unfortunately there's not a lot we can do without an ID...we explain and she freaks. Bad. She turned bright red and told us she was going to a competitor across the mall, and stomped out of the store cussing us all to hell. A few minutes later she comes back, saying she needs her account number to port her phone number to the competitor. Unfortunately we can't give that out either which makes her even more enraged. She stomps out again cussing at us. The worst part was right after that, we realized we could have had her call our customer care line, who can make changes with just an SSN. I really thought this lady was going to come back later in the day with a gun and shoot us. I've never seen someone so mad. Even worse - I looked up the story online later that night. Her husband committed suicide after setting the house on fire. He also shot his son in law. Tl;dr ladys house burned down and she freaked when we couldn't help her without ID
I worked at a well known cellular phone store a few years back as a seasonal employee. Everyone that came in and needed or wanted any info from their account needed a photo ID. A lady came in one day...says she needs a new phone. We say ok, what's your name? We look it up and then ask for her ID to confirm its her so we can sell her a new phone and activate it onto her account. She says she doesn't have any ID...the reason why she needs a new phone is because her house burned down over the weekend and her husband was in it. All her things were there because she had just run down to the local store with cash, sans purse. Unfortunately there's not a lot we can do without an ID...we explain and she freaks. Bad. She turned bright red and told us she was going to a competitor across the mall, and stomped out of the store cussing us all to hell. A few minutes later she comes back, saying she needs her account number to port her phone number to the competitor. Unfortunately we can't give that out either which makes her even more enraged. She stomps out again cussing at us. The worst part was right after that, we realized we could have had her call our customer care line, who can make changes with just an SSN. I really thought this lady was going to come back later in the day with a gun and shoot us. I've never seen someone so mad. Even worse - I looked up the story online later that night. Her husband committed suicide after setting the house on fire. He also shot his son in law.
ladys house burned down and she freaked when we couldn't help her without ID
The top few guns for both NC and TR are close-range LMGs and ESHWs, followed by the long-range guns, then the battle rifle, then shotguns. NC's shotgun usages are a bit lower because the jackhammer takes some of that role and some of the CQ LMG role, and the SAW is clearly dominant for long-range. For TR, the chaingun doesn't steal shotty users so those are a little higher, and the longer-range stuff is more evenly distributed than the NC's. For VS, their heavy weapon isn't really close range, so it doesn't take anything from the close-range guns, but the total usage of their short-range LMGs is about the same as TR's close-range LMGs and chaingun, and about 4% below the NC's short range LMGs and jackhammer. Below that, their long-range LMGs are more evenly distributed than NC and TR, and the lasher is taking usage from the long-range guns rather than the short-range one. I don't think there's anything terribly surprising here - short-range LMGs are about 40% of total usage, some going to chaingun, with jackhammer getting some of that and some from shotguns. Shotguns and SMGs seem to be about 15ish percent of the total, and the last 45% go to long range LMGs, or the Lasher for VS. The apparent Orion and SVA-88 bias mostly has to do with the VS heavy weapon not competing for the 55% of the time spent carrying short-range guns. Edit: As far as balance stuff goes, the MSW-R is more popular for the TR relative to the other close range guns, the SAW is more popular for NC than the other long range guns, the burst guns are least popular LMGs across the board. If you want to improve the look of the chart, adding new long-range guns for the TR and NC, and a new short-range gun for the VS will probably make things look a lot more balanced. I'd be interested in getting the source data in a somewhat more convenient form, or a pie-chart with the type breakdowns I suggested above. TL;DR: if you break stuff down by actual weapon role, the biggest imbalance is the SAW and the burst-fire LMGs.
The top few guns for both NC and TR are close-range LMGs and ESHWs, followed by the long-range guns, then the battle rifle, then shotguns. NC's shotgun usages are a bit lower because the jackhammer takes some of that role and some of the CQ LMG role, and the SAW is clearly dominant for long-range. For TR, the chaingun doesn't steal shotty users so those are a little higher, and the longer-range stuff is more evenly distributed than the NC's. For VS, their heavy weapon isn't really close range, so it doesn't take anything from the close-range guns, but the total usage of their short-range LMGs is about the same as TR's close-range LMGs and chaingun, and about 4% below the NC's short range LMGs and jackhammer. Below that, their long-range LMGs are more evenly distributed than NC and TR, and the lasher is taking usage from the long-range guns rather than the short-range one. I don't think there's anything terribly surprising here - short-range LMGs are about 40% of total usage, some going to chaingun, with jackhammer getting some of that and some from shotguns. Shotguns and SMGs seem to be about 15ish percent of the total, and the last 45% go to long range LMGs, or the Lasher for VS. The apparent Orion and SVA-88 bias mostly has to do with the VS heavy weapon not competing for the 55% of the time spent carrying short-range guns. Edit: As far as balance stuff goes, the MSW-R is more popular for the TR relative to the other close range guns, the SAW is more popular for NC than the other long range guns, the burst guns are least popular LMGs across the board. If you want to improve the look of the chart, adding new long-range guns for the TR and NC, and a new short-range gun for the VS will probably make things look a lot more balanced. I'd be interested in getting the source data in a somewhat more convenient form, or a pie-chart with the type breakdowns I suggested above. TL;DR: if you break stuff down by actual weapon role, the biggest imbalance is the SAW and the burst-fire LMGs.
The top few guns for both NC and TR are close-range LMGs and ESHWs, followed by the long-range guns, then the battle rifle, then shotguns. NC's shotgun usages are a bit lower because the jackhammer takes some of that role and some of the CQ LMG role, and the SAW is clearly dominant for long-range. For TR, the chaingun doesn't steal shotty users so those are a little higher, and the longer-range stuff is more evenly distributed than the NC's. For VS, their heavy weapon isn't really close range, so it doesn't take anything from the close-range guns, but the total usage of their short-range LMGs is about the same as TR's close-range LMGs and chaingun, and about 4% below the NC's short range LMGs and jackhammer. Below that, their long-range LMGs are more evenly distributed than NC and TR, and the lasher is taking usage from the long-range guns rather than the short-range one. I don't think there's anything terribly surprising here - short-range LMGs are about 40% of total usage, some going to chaingun, with jackhammer getting some of that and some from shotguns. Shotguns and SMGs seem to be about 15ish percent of the total, and the last 45% go to long range LMGs, or the Lasher for VS. The apparent Orion and SVA-88 bias mostly has to do with the VS heavy weapon not competing for the 55% of the time spent carrying short-range guns. Edit: As far as balance stuff goes, the MSW-R is more popular for the TR relative to the other close range guns, the SAW is more popular for NC than the other long range guns, the burst guns are least popular LMGs across the board. If you want to improve the look of the chart, adding new long-range guns for the TR and NC, and a new short-range gun for the VS will probably make things look a lot more balanced. I'd be interested in getting the source data in a somewhat more convenient form, or a pie-chart with the type breakdowns I suggested above.
if you break stuff down by actual weapon role, the biggest imbalance is the SAW and the burst-fire LMGs.
So, I'm a 22 year old FTM and have been secret dating a 25 year old woman for about two months. She identifies as queer, but is also a practicing Muslim. She is in the closet with her family, friends, school, and work. I am fairly early in my transition and do not pass very often, but will likely be masculine enough in appearance within 6 months or so to be presented to her family without comment. I'm in the process of getting my name and gender marker changed so official stuff like that isn't really a problem. Funnily enough, the biggest issue between us isn't that I'm transgender or that I'm a white dude; no, it's that I'm not a Muslim. She basically said that her family will never approve of anything between us, which makes her hesitant to pursue anything despite having told me that she is very interested and emotionally attached already. We had a discussion several days ago where she admitted that she was at a fork in the road: to please her family and marry a brown Muslim guy and reproduce asap, or go for me? I felt really shitty that she felt like she had to choose between her family and myself. I know it's a bit soon to say something like this, but I really feel that I love this woman. She is somebody I could see myself starting a family with and having around for a very long time. This isn't some kiddie crush that I can just not pursue with no repercussions. I don't want something stupid like her family's blatant racial and religious intolerance to ruin this, but I don't really know what to do. To be honest, the only options I really see are converting to Islam, which isn't really something that I want to do; or letting her piss off her entire family and potentially get outcast. Does anyone have some advice? TL;DR; I'm in love with a Muslim girl and it sucks.
So, I'm a 22 year old FTM and have been secret dating a 25 year old woman for about two months. She identifies as queer, but is also a practicing Muslim. She is in the closet with her family, friends, school, and work. I am fairly early in my transition and do not pass very often, but will likely be masculine enough in appearance within 6 months or so to be presented to her family without comment. I'm in the process of getting my name and gender marker changed so official stuff like that isn't really a problem. Funnily enough, the biggest issue between us isn't that I'm transgender or that I'm a white dude; no, it's that I'm not a Muslim. She basically said that her family will never approve of anything between us, which makes her hesitant to pursue anything despite having told me that she is very interested and emotionally attached already. We had a discussion several days ago where she admitted that she was at a fork in the road: to please her family and marry a brown Muslim guy and reproduce asap, or go for me? I felt really shitty that she felt like she had to choose between her family and myself. I know it's a bit soon to say something like this, but I really feel that I love this woman. She is somebody I could see myself starting a family with and having around for a very long time. This isn't some kiddie crush that I can just not pursue with no repercussions. I don't want something stupid like her family's blatant racial and religious intolerance to ruin this, but I don't really know what to do. To be honest, the only options I really see are converting to Islam, which isn't really something that I want to do; or letting her piss off her entire family and potentially get outcast. Does anyone have some advice? TL;DR; I'm in love with a Muslim girl and it sucks.
So, I'm a 22 year old FTM and have been secret dating a 25 year old woman for about two months. She identifies as queer, but is also a practicing Muslim. She is in the closet with her family, friends, school, and work. I am fairly early in my transition and do not pass very often, but will likely be masculine enough in appearance within 6 months or so to be presented to her family without comment. I'm in the process of getting my name and gender marker changed so official stuff like that isn't really a problem. Funnily enough, the biggest issue between us isn't that I'm transgender or that I'm a white dude; no, it's that I'm not a Muslim. She basically said that her family will never approve of anything between us, which makes her hesitant to pursue anything despite having told me that she is very interested and emotionally attached already. We had a discussion several days ago where she admitted that she was at a fork in the road: to please her family and marry a brown Muslim guy and reproduce asap, or go for me? I felt really shitty that she felt like she had to choose between her family and myself. I know it's a bit soon to say something like this, but I really feel that I love this woman. She is somebody I could see myself starting a family with and having around for a very long time. This isn't some kiddie crush that I can just not pursue with no repercussions. I don't want something stupid like her family's blatant racial and religious intolerance to ruin this, but I don't really know what to do. To be honest, the only options I really see are converting to Islam, which isn't really something that I want to do; or letting her piss off her entire family and potentially get outcast. Does anyone have some advice?
I'm in love with a Muslim girl and it sucks.
So far I have kicked my fair share of players from a dungeon group. BUT never ever so far has it been because they were NOT level 80! I have found that i'd much rather have a barely minimum lvl for the dungeon player who can actually play their character well, than an oversensitive know it all wannabe pro gamer who thinks he's the shizz and that the game revolves around him just cause he's max lvl in "perfect" gear. TLDR: Give a bad warrior a good shield and he will still be a bad warrior. Give a good warrior a bad shield and he will still be a good warrior.
So far I have kicked my fair share of players from a dungeon group. BUT never ever so far has it been because they were NOT level 80! I have found that i'd much rather have a barely minimum lvl for the dungeon player who can actually play their character well, than an oversensitive know it all wannabe pro gamer who thinks he's the shizz and that the game revolves around him just cause he's max lvl in "perfect" gear. TLDR: Give a bad warrior a good shield and he will still be a bad warrior. Give a good warrior a bad shield and he will still be a good warrior.
So far I have kicked my fair share of players from a dungeon group. BUT never ever so far has it been because they were NOT level 80! I have found that i'd much rather have a barely minimum lvl for the dungeon player who can actually play their character well, than an oversensitive know it all wannabe pro gamer who thinks he's the shizz and that the game revolves around him just cause he's max lvl in "perfect" gear.
Give a bad warrior a good shield and he will still be a bad warrior. Give a good warrior a bad shield and he will still be a good warrior.
I've been at uni for 6 months now and I've met a lot of people and I have a lot of friends but only one friend that I'm close to that seems to care. We hang out at each other's houses and spend a lot of time together. It's been pretty clear from day one that he had feelings for me, but I don't see him that way, I'm not attracted to him. He asked me out after we'd been friends for a couple of weeks and I told him that I didn't see him that way. Anyway, at a party a few days ago I was really drunk and dancing around. It was like 3AM and he was my ride (he doesn't drink) so he was trying to get me to come to his car so he could drive me home. I don't even know where it came from, he wasn't even doing anything wrong but I told him to "fuck off and stop trying to make out with me." Everyone laughed, and he walked out. I was just joking. I texted him and told him that I was sorry and to come back, but he didn't. Ever since, he's been avoiding me. He wont answer my calls or texts. I know it was wrong, but it was just a drunk, off-handed comment. We're friends, I don't think it's that big of a deal. If he said that to me, I wouldn't care. Do you think he's overreacting? Will he cool off? If so, how long? It's been almost 3 days already. I've already apologised like 10 times. What else do I do? **tl;dr**: I jokingly told my friend to "fuck off and stop trying to make out with me." I apologised but he's still not talking to me?
I've been at uni for 6 months now and I've met a lot of people and I have a lot of friends but only one friend that I'm close to that seems to care. We hang out at each other's houses and spend a lot of time together. It's been pretty clear from day one that he had feelings for me, but I don't see him that way, I'm not attracted to him. He asked me out after we'd been friends for a couple of weeks and I told him that I didn't see him that way. Anyway, at a party a few days ago I was really drunk and dancing around. It was like 3AM and he was my ride (he doesn't drink) so he was trying to get me to come to his car so he could drive me home. I don't even know where it came from, he wasn't even doing anything wrong but I told him to "fuck off and stop trying to make out with me." Everyone laughed, and he walked out. I was just joking. I texted him and told him that I was sorry and to come back, but he didn't. Ever since, he's been avoiding me. He wont answer my calls or texts. I know it was wrong, but it was just a drunk, off-handed comment. We're friends, I don't think it's that big of a deal. If he said that to me, I wouldn't care. Do you think he's overreacting? Will he cool off? If so, how long? It's been almost 3 days already. I've already apologised like 10 times. What else do I do? tl;dr : I jokingly told my friend to "fuck off and stop trying to make out with me." I apologised but he's still not talking to me?
I've been at uni for 6 months now and I've met a lot of people and I have a lot of friends but only one friend that I'm close to that seems to care. We hang out at each other's houses and spend a lot of time together. It's been pretty clear from day one that he had feelings for me, but I don't see him that way, I'm not attracted to him. He asked me out after we'd been friends for a couple of weeks and I told him that I didn't see him that way. Anyway, at a party a few days ago I was really drunk and dancing around. It was like 3AM and he was my ride (he doesn't drink) so he was trying to get me to come to his car so he could drive me home. I don't even know where it came from, he wasn't even doing anything wrong but I told him to "fuck off and stop trying to make out with me." Everyone laughed, and he walked out. I was just joking. I texted him and told him that I was sorry and to come back, but he didn't. Ever since, he's been avoiding me. He wont answer my calls or texts. I know it was wrong, but it was just a drunk, off-handed comment. We're friends, I don't think it's that big of a deal. If he said that to me, I wouldn't care. Do you think he's overreacting? Will he cool off? If so, how long? It's been almost 3 days already. I've already apologised like 10 times. What else do I do?
I jokingly told my friend to "fuck off and stop trying to make out with me." I apologised but he's still not talking to me?
The ability to change one's mind is a potent and shamefully rare virtue. I took it for granted and have only noticed now how calcified my thinking has become in my middle-age. Tl;dr - you are awesome. Keep changing your mind.
The ability to change one's mind is a potent and shamefully rare virtue. I took it for granted and have only noticed now how calcified my thinking has become in my middle-age. Tl;dr - you are awesome. Keep changing your mind.
The ability to change one's mind is a potent and shamefully rare virtue. I took it for granted and have only noticed now how calcified my thinking has become in my middle-age.
you are awesome. Keep changing your mind.
Dear Kendo Senpai/Sensei, I seek advice and counsel on this, I don't feel like I want to participate in shiai anymore. But how far along can I get if I quit shiai altogether? I'll still do jigeiko but I might just pull out on all hope for medals and any kind of match victories. I started kendo about a year and a half ago, and through a lot of practice I got fast tracked up at gradings and I've only been to a handful of competitions lately, sorted into a higher bracket of mudansha, generally with people who have more experience in terms of time than I do. All of my matches, I have lost. At first I gathered myself by putting it down to inexperience and shifting fault to my own lack of consistency. Lately, I have thought about it and considered that perhaps I just dislike shiai. The competitive nature of kendo is not why I decided to take it up, but moreso to better myself and grant better control over my actions/movements with practice. I do fairly well in jigeiko against various ranks and different people. I think I actually feel better in that situation than in actual shiai. My mentality is that of "I'll give you my best and you give me yours and I will learn from your actions, regardless of grades and experience, it is a learning opportunity" in jigeko but this does not transfer to my "shiai mode", I have never scored any points in shiai, despite what my sensei and senpai have told me in jigeiko practice, I do not, and cannot, seem to have the same frame of mind. At the last shiai, I was drawn up against someone who had devoted a lot more practice into shiai than I did (his club gave him more opportunities, and I admit I did not try my best to seek out my own), and I knew I simply could not win, he had defeated my senpai(s) previously, he is faster and more nimble than I, and my thoughts were to end the match in hikiwake if possible (this I feel is the start of my problem). I chose to do so. It was the worst kendo I have ever put out. Sloppy, weak and messy. The result was a 2 point win to him, but I lasted nearly the full duration. My sensei (who watched the match) only commented that he thinks I should work on my shinai handling and form and that should solve the gaps (since he felt that all else was more or less there) and I promised to work on it. A thing that stuck with me since though, if he knew my intent at the start, it would disappoint him (as it would many seniors). That I chose to try to "not lose" rather than going for a "win". I don't have this issue in jigeiko, even with people watching, I just do my best and my best seems to work. But at shiai, I'm a mental mess, the anxiety and stress get to me long before my opponent even does. Maybe I am too concerned with winning? Or just not losing? Help? TL;DR Can I practice (and advance) in kendo without shiai ever again? Update: Thank you all for your input :) I feel much better and more driven to continue to improve my kendo than ever before
Dear Kendo Senpai/Sensei, I seek advice and counsel on this, I don't feel like I want to participate in shiai anymore. But how far along can I get if I quit shiai altogether? I'll still do jigeiko but I might just pull out on all hope for medals and any kind of match victories. I started kendo about a year and a half ago, and through a lot of practice I got fast tracked up at gradings and I've only been to a handful of competitions lately, sorted into a higher bracket of mudansha, generally with people who have more experience in terms of time than I do. All of my matches, I have lost. At first I gathered myself by putting it down to inexperience and shifting fault to my own lack of consistency. Lately, I have thought about it and considered that perhaps I just dislike shiai. The competitive nature of kendo is not why I decided to take it up, but moreso to better myself and grant better control over my actions/movements with practice. I do fairly well in jigeiko against various ranks and different people. I think I actually feel better in that situation than in actual shiai. My mentality is that of "I'll give you my best and you give me yours and I will learn from your actions, regardless of grades and experience, it is a learning opportunity" in jigeko but this does not transfer to my "shiai mode", I have never scored any points in shiai, despite what my sensei and senpai have told me in jigeiko practice, I do not, and cannot, seem to have the same frame of mind. At the last shiai, I was drawn up against someone who had devoted a lot more practice into shiai than I did (his club gave him more opportunities, and I admit I did not try my best to seek out my own), and I knew I simply could not win, he had defeated my senpai(s) previously, he is faster and more nimble than I, and my thoughts were to end the match in hikiwake if possible (this I feel is the start of my problem). I chose to do so. It was the worst kendo I have ever put out. Sloppy, weak and messy. The result was a 2 point win to him, but I lasted nearly the full duration. My sensei (who watched the match) only commented that he thinks I should work on my shinai handling and form and that should solve the gaps (since he felt that all else was more or less there) and I promised to work on it. A thing that stuck with me since though, if he knew my intent at the start, it would disappoint him (as it would many seniors). That I chose to try to "not lose" rather than going for a "win". I don't have this issue in jigeiko, even with people watching, I just do my best and my best seems to work. But at shiai, I'm a mental mess, the anxiety and stress get to me long before my opponent even does. Maybe I am too concerned with winning? Or just not losing? Help? TL;DR Can I practice (and advance) in kendo without shiai ever again? Update: Thank you all for your input :) I feel much better and more driven to continue to improve my kendo than ever before
Dear Kendo Senpai/Sensei, I seek advice and counsel on this, I don't feel like I want to participate in shiai anymore. But how far along can I get if I quit shiai altogether? I'll still do jigeiko but I might just pull out on all hope for medals and any kind of match victories. I started kendo about a year and a half ago, and through a lot of practice I got fast tracked up at gradings and I've only been to a handful of competitions lately, sorted into a higher bracket of mudansha, generally with people who have more experience in terms of time than I do. All of my matches, I have lost. At first I gathered myself by putting it down to inexperience and shifting fault to my own lack of consistency. Lately, I have thought about it and considered that perhaps I just dislike shiai. The competitive nature of kendo is not why I decided to take it up, but moreso to better myself and grant better control over my actions/movements with practice. I do fairly well in jigeiko against various ranks and different people. I think I actually feel better in that situation than in actual shiai. My mentality is that of "I'll give you my best and you give me yours and I will learn from your actions, regardless of grades and experience, it is a learning opportunity" in jigeko but this does not transfer to my "shiai mode", I have never scored any points in shiai, despite what my sensei and senpai have told me in jigeiko practice, I do not, and cannot, seem to have the same frame of mind. At the last shiai, I was drawn up against someone who had devoted a lot more practice into shiai than I did (his club gave him more opportunities, and I admit I did not try my best to seek out my own), and I knew I simply could not win, he had defeated my senpai(s) previously, he is faster and more nimble than I, and my thoughts were to end the match in hikiwake if possible (this I feel is the start of my problem). I chose to do so. It was the worst kendo I have ever put out. Sloppy, weak and messy. The result was a 2 point win to him, but I lasted nearly the full duration. My sensei (who watched the match) only commented that he thinks I should work on my shinai handling and form and that should solve the gaps (since he felt that all else was more or less there) and I promised to work on it. A thing that stuck with me since though, if he knew my intent at the start, it would disappoint him (as it would many seniors). That I chose to try to "not lose" rather than going for a "win". I don't have this issue in jigeiko, even with people watching, I just do my best and my best seems to work. But at shiai, I'm a mental mess, the anxiety and stress get to me long before my opponent even does. Maybe I am too concerned with winning? Or just not losing? Help?
Can I practice (and advance) in kendo without shiai ever again? Update: Thank you all for your input :) I feel much better and more driven to continue to improve my kendo than ever before
So when I was younger and more of a tool I go for a morning workout with my friend. I hadn't eaten anything yet. I warm up, do my abs, among other muscle groups, then go up stairs to cool down. There are only two open treadmills so my friend takes the one at the end and I take the other one beside a cute girl my age. Naturally being a tool I try to up the speed to 'impress' the girl. 5 minutes in I get a little barp (burp that tastes like barf), followed by a bigger barp about 15 seconds later. Finally I yak until my mouth is full and I quickly stop the machine and hold my fist to my cheeks to prevent leaks. At this point the cute girl stares at my so I man up and swallow the barf. Panicking, I speed walk over to my friend to tell him what just happened but before I can say a word I explosively yak all over the floor. Because I hadn't eaten yet it was mainly clear and didn't smell but my and my good friend frantically take all the paper towels and try to clean it up. After about a minute of this we grab all the hand sanitiser, change and leave. And this why I can't go back to Goodlife. FML TLDR - I go for a morning ab workout before eating, then proceed to puke in front of a cute girl on the treadmill beside me.
So when I was younger and more of a tool I go for a morning workout with my friend. I hadn't eaten anything yet. I warm up, do my abs, among other muscle groups, then go up stairs to cool down. There are only two open treadmills so my friend takes the one at the end and I take the other one beside a cute girl my age. Naturally being a tool I try to up the speed to 'impress' the girl. 5 minutes in I get a little barp (burp that tastes like barf), followed by a bigger barp about 15 seconds later. Finally I yak until my mouth is full and I quickly stop the machine and hold my fist to my cheeks to prevent leaks. At this point the cute girl stares at my so I man up and swallow the barf. Panicking, I speed walk over to my friend to tell him what just happened but before I can say a word I explosively yak all over the floor. Because I hadn't eaten yet it was mainly clear and didn't smell but my and my good friend frantically take all the paper towels and try to clean it up. After about a minute of this we grab all the hand sanitiser, change and leave. And this why I can't go back to Goodlife. FML TLDR - I go for a morning ab workout before eating, then proceed to puke in front of a cute girl on the treadmill beside me.
So when I was younger and more of a tool I go for a morning workout with my friend. I hadn't eaten anything yet. I warm up, do my abs, among other muscle groups, then go up stairs to cool down. There are only two open treadmills so my friend takes the one at the end and I take the other one beside a cute girl my age. Naturally being a tool I try to up the speed to 'impress' the girl. 5 minutes in I get a little barp (burp that tastes like barf), followed by a bigger barp about 15 seconds later. Finally I yak until my mouth is full and I quickly stop the machine and hold my fist to my cheeks to prevent leaks. At this point the cute girl stares at my so I man up and swallow the barf. Panicking, I speed walk over to my friend to tell him what just happened but before I can say a word I explosively yak all over the floor. Because I hadn't eaten yet it was mainly clear and didn't smell but my and my good friend frantically take all the paper towels and try to clean it up. After about a minute of this we grab all the hand sanitiser, change and leave. And this why I can't go back to Goodlife. FML
I go for a morning ab workout before eating, then proceed to puke in front of a cute girl on the treadmill beside me.
This wasn't me, but my dad. His life has been filled with instances of him getting petty revenge, usually for humorous purposes. He loves telling this story. He married my mom, and became step-dad to my half-brother. They've always had a good relationship. At one point, when my brother was a teenager, my parents told him he needed to clean his room, and had been nagging him about it for weeks. My brother, being like 15, doesn't care, and it basically escalates to the point of them telling him he can't leave his room until it's done. My brother goes into his room, slams the door. My dad could hear the TV in my brother's room, and is totally fed up. He decided to be awesome about it rather than mad. The way our house was situated, there was a window that, from the right vantage point, you could see into my brother's room, but it would be harder for him to see you (like it wouldn't occur to you to look for someone there). Sure enough, he was just sitting on the bed, watching TV. So my dad decides to go get my mom, who has also had enough of this BS, and she joins him at this vantage point. It just so happens that within reach from the spot, is the breaker box for our house. So my dad flips the switch to that room (no lights on, since it's daylight). The TV goes off. My brother is all confused, and tries turning it on. Nothing. After a minute, my dad flipped the switch back, and my brother goes back to watching TV. Another minute passes, and my dad flipped the switch again. My brother get up and starts hitting the TV to get it to work! So of course, my dad flips it back on. Then off. Then on. For 10 minutes, they just fuck with him. Like, letting him just start to get comfortable, and then off! He gets up, hits it a few times, on! My brother is pissed, you can see his exasperated body language. My parents, meanwhile, are laughing hysterically. My dad finally switches it off one more time, and they go back inside. He knocks on my brother's door and says "the TV will work again when your room is clean." And then just walks away. TL;DR: My brother was being a brat, my dad decides to mess with him. EDIT: I had no idea my dad would be such a popular guy in this subreddit! Thanks everybody, and thanks to whoever gave me my first gold! I sent my dad an email about this post, so we'll see what else he says. I made him a reddit account awhile ago, so maybe I can convince him to tell some other stories. He also has some amazingly hilarious stories about being a cop in a very dangerous city, and recently won first place in a story telling contest telling one of them. So he's an awesome, all around story-filled guy. =) **SECOND EDIT: My dad's very first reddit post is below in the comments! He's WC1215. He also said all of you guys "were awesome" in an email, so there you go reddit!**
This wasn't me, but my dad. His life has been filled with instances of him getting petty revenge, usually for humorous purposes. He loves telling this story. He married my mom, and became step-dad to my half-brother. They've always had a good relationship. At one point, when my brother was a teenager, my parents told him he needed to clean his room, and had been nagging him about it for weeks. My brother, being like 15, doesn't care, and it basically escalates to the point of them telling him he can't leave his room until it's done. My brother goes into his room, slams the door. My dad could hear the TV in my brother's room, and is totally fed up. He decided to be awesome about it rather than mad. The way our house was situated, there was a window that, from the right vantage point, you could see into my brother's room, but it would be harder for him to see you (like it wouldn't occur to you to look for someone there). Sure enough, he was just sitting on the bed, watching TV. So my dad decides to go get my mom, who has also had enough of this BS, and she joins him at this vantage point. It just so happens that within reach from the spot, is the breaker box for our house. So my dad flips the switch to that room (no lights on, since it's daylight). The TV goes off. My brother is all confused, and tries turning it on. Nothing. After a minute, my dad flipped the switch back, and my brother goes back to watching TV. Another minute passes, and my dad flipped the switch again. My brother get up and starts hitting the TV to get it to work! So of course, my dad flips it back on. Then off. Then on. For 10 minutes, they just fuck with him. Like, letting him just start to get comfortable, and then off! He gets up, hits it a few times, on! My brother is pissed, you can see his exasperated body language. My parents, meanwhile, are laughing hysterically. My dad finally switches it off one more time, and they go back inside. He knocks on my brother's door and says "the TV will work again when your room is clean." And then just walks away. TL;DR: My brother was being a brat, my dad decides to mess with him. EDIT: I had no idea my dad would be such a popular guy in this subreddit! Thanks everybody, and thanks to whoever gave me my first gold! I sent my dad an email about this post, so we'll see what else he says. I made him a reddit account awhile ago, so maybe I can convince him to tell some other stories. He also has some amazingly hilarious stories about being a cop in a very dangerous city, and recently won first place in a story telling contest telling one of them. So he's an awesome, all around story-filled guy. =) SECOND EDIT: My dad's very first reddit post is below in the comments! He's WC1215. He also said all of you guys "were awesome" in an email, so there you go reddit!
This wasn't me, but my dad. His life has been filled with instances of him getting petty revenge, usually for humorous purposes. He loves telling this story. He married my mom, and became step-dad to my half-brother. They've always had a good relationship. At one point, when my brother was a teenager, my parents told him he needed to clean his room, and had been nagging him about it for weeks. My brother, being like 15, doesn't care, and it basically escalates to the point of them telling him he can't leave his room until it's done. My brother goes into his room, slams the door. My dad could hear the TV in my brother's room, and is totally fed up. He decided to be awesome about it rather than mad. The way our house was situated, there was a window that, from the right vantage point, you could see into my brother's room, but it would be harder for him to see you (like it wouldn't occur to you to look for someone there). Sure enough, he was just sitting on the bed, watching TV. So my dad decides to go get my mom, who has also had enough of this BS, and she joins him at this vantage point. It just so happens that within reach from the spot, is the breaker box for our house. So my dad flips the switch to that room (no lights on, since it's daylight). The TV goes off. My brother is all confused, and tries turning it on. Nothing. After a minute, my dad flipped the switch back, and my brother goes back to watching TV. Another minute passes, and my dad flipped the switch again. My brother get up and starts hitting the TV to get it to work! So of course, my dad flips it back on. Then off. Then on. For 10 minutes, they just fuck with him. Like, letting him just start to get comfortable, and then off! He gets up, hits it a few times, on! My brother is pissed, you can see his exasperated body language. My parents, meanwhile, are laughing hysterically. My dad finally switches it off one more time, and they go back inside. He knocks on my brother's door and says "the TV will work again when your room is clean." And then just walks away.
My brother was being a brat, my dad decides to mess with him. EDIT: I had no idea my dad would be such a popular guy in this subreddit! Thanks everybody, and thanks to whoever gave me my first gold! I sent my dad an email about this post, so we'll see what else he says. I made him a reddit account awhile ago, so maybe I can convince him to tell some other stories. He also has some amazingly hilarious stories about being a cop in a very dangerous city, and recently won first place in a story telling contest telling one of them. So he's an awesome, all around story-filled guy. =) SECOND EDIT: My dad's very first reddit post is below in the comments! He's WC1215. He also said all of you guys "were awesome" in an email, so there you go reddit!
I'm currently renting out a room from a 50+ woman who owns, literally, six dogs. And she's taking more in. You've heard of crazy cat ladies? This is her, except with dogs. They are driving me wild. On top of that, she charges me $400 a month in rent, plus utilities which avg $150 (unless it's winter, which would break $200). I'm 21, just graduated college, I work full-time, and I just want to relax at home. I've lived here for almost a year now, and I've put off moving again because it's just such a hassle finding a place, plus all the packing. It's stressful. But I can't deal with this woman and her dogs anymore. Everyday I dream of running those fuckers down with her lawn mower. Sorry for the rant. If anyone knows of a place I can rent for around $475 a month, I would be very grateful. Thanks for reading. TL;DR: Looking for a room to rent in the Dover area for around $475. No dogs.
I'm currently renting out a room from a 50+ woman who owns, literally, six dogs. And she's taking more in. You've heard of crazy cat ladies? This is her, except with dogs. They are driving me wild. On top of that, she charges me $400 a month in rent, plus utilities which avg $150 (unless it's winter, which would break $200). I'm 21, just graduated college, I work full-time, and I just want to relax at home. I've lived here for almost a year now, and I've put off moving again because it's just such a hassle finding a place, plus all the packing. It's stressful. But I can't deal with this woman and her dogs anymore. Everyday I dream of running those fuckers down with her lawn mower. Sorry for the rant. If anyone knows of a place I can rent for around $475 a month, I would be very grateful. Thanks for reading. TL;DR: Looking for a room to rent in the Dover area for around $475. No dogs.
I'm currently renting out a room from a 50+ woman who owns, literally, six dogs. And she's taking more in. You've heard of crazy cat ladies? This is her, except with dogs. They are driving me wild. On top of that, she charges me $400 a month in rent, plus utilities which avg $150 (unless it's winter, which would break $200). I'm 21, just graduated college, I work full-time, and I just want to relax at home. I've lived here for almost a year now, and I've put off moving again because it's just such a hassle finding a place, plus all the packing. It's stressful. But I can't deal with this woman and her dogs anymore. Everyday I dream of running those fuckers down with her lawn mower. Sorry for the rant. If anyone knows of a place I can rent for around $475 a month, I would be very grateful. Thanks for reading.
Looking for a room to rent in the Dover area for around $475. No dogs.
It's not universal, but in NY at least, an EMT can call time of death if "death is obvious", which in this state is defined as decapitation or decomposition (in EMT class the latter was said to start at rigor mortis and lividity, with the exception of hypothermia and cold water drowning cases, in which sometimes rigor mortis doesn't actually mean you can't bring them back.. which is a teeny bit creepy). As an EMT-B student, I declared TOD on a PCR once (heart attack, poor old guy's room was so warm that 12 hours later he wasn't just in rigor, the smell was.. noticeable). edit: tl;dr, yes it's true, EMS has a chunky salsa rule.
It's not universal, but in NY at least, an EMT can call time of death if "death is obvious", which in this state is defined as decapitation or decomposition (in EMT class the latter was said to start at rigor mortis and lividity, with the exception of hypothermia and cold water drowning cases, in which sometimes rigor mortis doesn't actually mean you can't bring them back.. which is a teeny bit creepy). As an EMT-B student, I declared TOD on a PCR once (heart attack, poor old guy's room was so warm that 12 hours later he wasn't just in rigor, the smell was.. noticeable). edit: tl;dr, yes it's true, EMS has a chunky salsa rule.
It's not universal, but in NY at least, an EMT can call time of death if "death is obvious", which in this state is defined as decapitation or decomposition (in EMT class the latter was said to start at rigor mortis and lividity, with the exception of hypothermia and cold water drowning cases, in which sometimes rigor mortis doesn't actually mean you can't bring them back.. which is a teeny bit creepy). As an EMT-B student, I declared TOD on a PCR once (heart attack, poor old guy's room was so warm that 12 hours later he wasn't just in rigor, the smell was.. noticeable). edit:
yes it's true, EMS has a chunky salsa rule.
>I don't remember seeing my aunt and uncle getting married and thinking how great it was. I remember having to wear uncomfortable clothes, sit still for what seemed like forever and being BORED OUT OF MY MIND. Kids at a wedding are often more fun for the adults than the kids involved. Your mom seems to want to use the kids as little dolls, with little or no evidence that she understands that they are living breathing beings that will be bored and want to occupy themselves. Is she volunteering to take care of all of the kids during the ceremony/reception? Is she going to run after them and keep them occupied and busy? Will she be the one keeping them out of the punch bowl and the wedding cake? Nope, she wants'em dressed pretty, marched out for her approval, and doesn't seem to care what happens to them after that. Personally, it makes me kind of sick to my stomach that she's okay with treating kids that way, but from what I understand, for people from a certain era, kids were "seen and not heard" and were expected to put up with doing things like this for the adults' entertainment and amusement. And I'm willing to bet that if one child understandably starts to run around and be...well, a kid, then she will be sharply critical of their parents (something I imagine she already does) but will be content to sit back and let them do whatever they want, laughing at the "fun" of a spilled cup of punch on another guest, or a pulled-down tablecloth that dumps fragile gifts on the floor. There is a school of thought (I've noticed this mostly with older people) that weddings are one of those experiences where the Bride/groom are obligated to put up with a certain amount of crap for the sake of their families. That it's an event more for the families of the bride and groom rather than the bride and groom themselves, and B&G insisting on doing things their own way is selfish. I think this comes from the era of Dad and Mom Planning and Paying For The Whole Shebang. Heck, your mom might not have had a lot of control over her own wedding, and this may be her way of dealing with the fact that she doesn't get to be the decider over this wedding, either, even though in her mind, this wedding should be her turn to finally get some say in how things go. Along with this comes the "It's A Wedding, It'll Be Fun For The Guests If There's Mayhem!" (See Dear Prudie from and any advice she doles out to people asking questions about weddings). While that may have been true at weddings in the past, where the bride and groom had little control and weddings were seen as a very formal, almost solemn event, I'd have a hard time telling someone who has poured thousands of planning hours and dollars into this, their very first Big Grownup Life Event, that it'll be tons of fun for their guests if lots of things go wrong - such merry amusement, on someone else's time and dime! Because that's the kicker for both of these situations. YOU are paying for the whole thing. Your money, your rules. Let me repeat that: **Your Money, Your Rules.** Mom can gripe all she wants, but in the end, all she can do is talk and pout. She doesn't get to decide this *unless you let her.* If your mother was paying for it, then she might be able to dictate things like this. She isn't, though, so really, she's almost just like any other guest at this point. I'm willing to bet that this lack of control is royally chapping her ass. This may be why she's digging in her heels and pitching such a fit. You've decided after a lot of careful thought and consideration that you don't want kids there. Personally, I'd stick firmly to it. >now my brother is calling me saying mom's being mom again but maybe I might make an exception just to shut her up and calm her down? This is why your mom is acting like this, because it sounds as if it's worked for her in the past. If bro is suggesting this, it means that family has given in to her demands in the past, so she has an expectation that she will be acquiesced to at everyone else's expense again if she hollers long and loud enough. I'd be firm, and stick to my guns if I were you, if for no other reason to help try to avoid more of the same behavior in the future. TL;DR - Your wedding, your money, your rules.
>I don't remember seeing my aunt and uncle getting married and thinking how great it was. I remember having to wear uncomfortable clothes, sit still for what seemed like forever and being BORED OUT OF MY MIND. Kids at a wedding are often more fun for the adults than the kids involved. Your mom seems to want to use the kids as little dolls, with little or no evidence that she understands that they are living breathing beings that will be bored and want to occupy themselves. Is she volunteering to take care of all of the kids during the ceremony/reception? Is she going to run after them and keep them occupied and busy? Will she be the one keeping them out of the punch bowl and the wedding cake? Nope, she wants'em dressed pretty, marched out for her approval, and doesn't seem to care what happens to them after that. Personally, it makes me kind of sick to my stomach that she's okay with treating kids that way, but from what I understand, for people from a certain era, kids were "seen and not heard" and were expected to put up with doing things like this for the adults' entertainment and amusement. And I'm willing to bet that if one child understandably starts to run around and be...well, a kid, then she will be sharply critical of their parents (something I imagine she already does) but will be content to sit back and let them do whatever they want, laughing at the "fun" of a spilled cup of punch on another guest, or a pulled-down tablecloth that dumps fragile gifts on the floor. There is a school of thought (I've noticed this mostly with older people) that weddings are one of those experiences where the Bride/groom are obligated to put up with a certain amount of crap for the sake of their families. That it's an event more for the families of the bride and groom rather than the bride and groom themselves, and B&G insisting on doing things their own way is selfish. I think this comes from the era of Dad and Mom Planning and Paying For The Whole Shebang. Heck, your mom might not have had a lot of control over her own wedding, and this may be her way of dealing with the fact that she doesn't get to be the decider over this wedding, either, even though in her mind, this wedding should be her turn to finally get some say in how things go. Along with this comes the "It's A Wedding, It'll Be Fun For The Guests If There's Mayhem!" (See Dear Prudie from and any advice she doles out to people asking questions about weddings). While that may have been true at weddings in the past, where the bride and groom had little control and weddings were seen as a very formal, almost solemn event, I'd have a hard time telling someone who has poured thousands of planning hours and dollars into this, their very first Big Grownup Life Event, that it'll be tons of fun for their guests if lots of things go wrong - such merry amusement, on someone else's time and dime! Because that's the kicker for both of these situations. YOU are paying for the whole thing. Your money, your rules. Let me repeat that: Your Money, Your Rules. Mom can gripe all she wants, but in the end, all she can do is talk and pout. She doesn't get to decide this unless you let her. If your mother was paying for it, then she might be able to dictate things like this. She isn't, though, so really, she's almost just like any other guest at this point. I'm willing to bet that this lack of control is royally chapping her ass. This may be why she's digging in her heels and pitching such a fit. You've decided after a lot of careful thought and consideration that you don't want kids there. Personally, I'd stick firmly to it. >now my brother is calling me saying mom's being mom again but maybe I might make an exception just to shut her up and calm her down? This is why your mom is acting like this, because it sounds as if it's worked for her in the past. If bro is suggesting this, it means that family has given in to her demands in the past, so she has an expectation that she will be acquiesced to at everyone else's expense again if she hollers long and loud enough. I'd be firm, and stick to my guns if I were you, if for no other reason to help try to avoid more of the same behavior in the future. TL;DR - Your wedding, your money, your rules.
I don't remember seeing my aunt and uncle getting married and thinking how great it was. I remember having to wear uncomfortable clothes, sit still for what seemed like forever and being BORED OUT OF MY MIND. Kids at a wedding are often more fun for the adults than the kids involved. Your mom seems to want to use the kids as little dolls, with little or no evidence that she understands that they are living breathing beings that will be bored and want to occupy themselves. Is she volunteering to take care of all of the kids during the ceremony/reception? Is she going to run after them and keep them occupied and busy? Will she be the one keeping them out of the punch bowl and the wedding cake? Nope, she wants'em dressed pretty, marched out for her approval, and doesn't seem to care what happens to them after that. Personally, it makes me kind of sick to my stomach that she's okay with treating kids that way, but from what I understand, for people from a certain era, kids were "seen and not heard" and were expected to put up with doing things like this for the adults' entertainment and amusement. And I'm willing to bet that if one child understandably starts to run around and be...well, a kid, then she will be sharply critical of their parents (something I imagine she already does) but will be content to sit back and let them do whatever they want, laughing at the "fun" of a spilled cup of punch on another guest, or a pulled-down tablecloth that dumps fragile gifts on the floor. There is a school of thought (I've noticed this mostly with older people) that weddings are one of those experiences where the Bride/groom are obligated to put up with a certain amount of crap for the sake of their families. That it's an event more for the families of the bride and groom rather than the bride and groom themselves, and B&G insisting on doing things their own way is selfish. I think this comes from the era of Dad and Mom Planning and Paying For The Whole Shebang. Heck, your mom might not have had a lot of control over her own wedding, and this may be her way of dealing with the fact that she doesn't get to be the decider over this wedding, either, even though in her mind, this wedding should be her turn to finally get some say in how things go. Along with this comes the "It's A Wedding, It'll Be Fun For The Guests If There's Mayhem!" (See Dear Prudie from and any advice she doles out to people asking questions about weddings). While that may have been true at weddings in the past, where the bride and groom had little control and weddings were seen as a very formal, almost solemn event, I'd have a hard time telling someone who has poured thousands of planning hours and dollars into this, their very first Big Grownup Life Event, that it'll be tons of fun for their guests if lots of things go wrong - such merry amusement, on someone else's time and dime! Because that's the kicker for both of these situations. YOU are paying for the whole thing. Your money, your rules. Let me repeat that: Your Money, Your Rules. Mom can gripe all she wants, but in the end, all she can do is talk and pout. She doesn't get to decide this unless you let her. If your mother was paying for it, then she might be able to dictate things like this. She isn't, though, so really, she's almost just like any other guest at this point. I'm willing to bet that this lack of control is royally chapping her ass. This may be why she's digging in her heels and pitching such a fit. You've decided after a lot of careful thought and consideration that you don't want kids there. Personally, I'd stick firmly to it. >now my brother is calling me saying mom's being mom again but maybe I might make an exception just to shut her up and calm her down? This is why your mom is acting like this, because it sounds as if it's worked for her in the past. If bro is suggesting this, it means that family has given in to her demands in the past, so she has an expectation that she will be acquiesced to at everyone else's expense again if she hollers long and loud enough. I'd be firm, and stick to my guns if I were you, if for no other reason to help try to avoid more of the same behavior in the future.
Your wedding, your money, your rules.
I get that it's a person's right to turn off chat if they don't want to interact with people, and I totally respect that. But please, Blizz, if I'm trying to make calls, cheerlead, and encourage the team, it would really help me to know who isn't listening so I don't waste my time trying to encourage someone who can't read it. The upsides of having an indicator for who has chat off: * It'll be quite obvious who to not bother typing to. * The team will have a better indicator of who doesn't want to communicate and will be able to adjust from the beginning instead of finding out partway through the match. The downsides? * Someone might complain about the person having their chat muted (though I have yet to see this in the three games where it was made obvious). But let's face it, if the chat is off, they won't see it anyway, so this is negligible. **tl;dr** Please give us a way to see who has chat disabled (not asking to see who has us blocked; just who has chat disabled entirely) so we know who we can communicate with and who we can't. Discuss? **Edit:** It's been brought up that people would PM the person out of match to complain, but honestly, there's one easy solution in place for that -- uncheck the box in options that allows people not on your friendslist to message you. Alternatively, Blizzard could make it so in-game chat being disabled extended to the entire rest of the game, but that's not a current option like muting non-friends is.
I get that it's a person's right to turn off chat if they don't want to interact with people, and I totally respect that. But please, Blizz, if I'm trying to make calls, cheerlead, and encourage the team, it would really help me to know who isn't listening so I don't waste my time trying to encourage someone who can't read it. The upsides of having an indicator for who has chat off: It'll be quite obvious who to not bother typing to. The team will have a better indicator of who doesn't want to communicate and will be able to adjust from the beginning instead of finding out partway through the match. The downsides? Someone might complain about the person having their chat muted (though I have yet to see this in the three games where it was made obvious). But let's face it, if the chat is off, they won't see it anyway, so this is negligible. tl;dr Please give us a way to see who has chat disabled (not asking to see who has us blocked; just who has chat disabled entirely) so we know who we can communicate with and who we can't. Discuss? Edit: It's been brought up that people would PM the person out of match to complain, but honestly, there's one easy solution in place for that -- uncheck the box in options that allows people not on your friendslist to message you. Alternatively, Blizzard could make it so in-game chat being disabled extended to the entire rest of the game, but that's not a current option like muting non-friends is.
I get that it's a person's right to turn off chat if they don't want to interact with people, and I totally respect that. But please, Blizz, if I'm trying to make calls, cheerlead, and encourage the team, it would really help me to know who isn't listening so I don't waste my time trying to encourage someone who can't read it. The upsides of having an indicator for who has chat off: It'll be quite obvious who to not bother typing to. The team will have a better indicator of who doesn't want to communicate and will be able to adjust from the beginning instead of finding out partway through the match. The downsides? Someone might complain about the person having their chat muted (though I have yet to see this in the three games where it was made obvious). But let's face it, if the chat is off, they won't see it anyway, so this is negligible.
Please give us a way to see who has chat disabled (not asking to see who has us blocked; just who has chat disabled entirely) so we know who we can communicate with and who we can't. Discuss? Edit: It's been brought up that people would PM the person out of match to complain, but honestly, there's one easy solution in place for that -- uncheck the box in options that allows people not on your friendslist to message you. Alternatively, Blizzard could make it so in-game chat being disabled extended to the entire rest of the game, but that's not a current option like muting non-friends is.
I just want to start by saying I love what they have done with the spellslinger. It's an amazing class. My proposition. Almost all of the guns I've seen in videos and clips, can probably be scaled upwards in size. I think it would fit the over the top nature of the game. The pistols dont look very good on the modal because of how small they are. TL:DR. Make SS pistols HUGE. I want giant over the top guns like the Engineer has
I just want to start by saying I love what they have done with the spellslinger. It's an amazing class. My proposition. Almost all of the guns I've seen in videos and clips, can probably be scaled upwards in size. I think it would fit the over the top nature of the game. The pistols dont look very good on the modal because of how small they are. TL:DR. Make SS pistols HUGE. I want giant over the top guns like the Engineer has
I just want to start by saying I love what they have done with the spellslinger. It's an amazing class. My proposition. Almost all of the guns I've seen in videos and clips, can probably be scaled upwards in size. I think it would fit the over the top nature of the game. The pistols dont look very good on the modal because of how small they are.
Make SS pistols HUGE. I want giant over the top guns like the Engineer has
What is the best way we should be backing up photos from our iPhones? I noticed that some of the photos from my phone are automatically synced iPhoto, but then when I plug my phone in and import I get duplicate photos. I just realized our photos weren't being upload to iCloud so we've lost some photos after a phone swap and I want to make sure this doesn't happen again. tl;dr What is the best suggested method to backup our photos from 2 phones to 1 macbook and limit duplicates?
What is the best way we should be backing up photos from our iPhones? I noticed that some of the photos from my phone are automatically synced iPhoto, but then when I plug my phone in and import I get duplicate photos. I just realized our photos weren't being upload to iCloud so we've lost some photos after a phone swap and I want to make sure this doesn't happen again. tl;dr What is the best suggested method to backup our photos from 2 phones to 1 macbook and limit duplicates?
What is the best way we should be backing up photos from our iPhones? I noticed that some of the photos from my phone are automatically synced iPhoto, but then when I plug my phone in and import I get duplicate photos. I just realized our photos weren't being upload to iCloud so we've lost some photos after a phone swap and I want to make sure this doesn't happen again.
What is the best suggested method to backup our photos from 2 phones to 1 macbook and limit duplicates?
Okay, here's the thing. Little back story here. I helped a neighbor move the other day. I told him I would do it for free, no worries. Much as I said "Dude. Please. Don't pay me. I'm just doing this to help another human being out. I don't need you to give me anything. Seriously." he simply refused to not give me *anything*, so as a "repayment gift", he gave me a pass he said he recently purchased for $300 for a real estate seminar. I dropped a few "Na, bro. Don't worry about it. Thanks. That's okay. I'm alright." hints, but 1) I didn't want to be a jerk to the dude and say "Just no, man! Stop it!" (lol), and 2) apparently he didn't take any of the hints I gave he still ended up giving me this ticket/pass all the same. So now I have this $300 pass for "any 3 day event" to this seminar on making money through real estate, etc. He said it's good from 5/8/14 - 5/8/15, so I guess it's good for a year or so. My point here, of course, is that I'm simply not going to use it. I'm not a real estate type dude. I'm an artist. However, I thought to myself "Hey. Although I have no interest in this pass, maybe this might actually be absolute gold to somebody else. Maybe I'll go on /r/LosAngeles and just let it be known that I have this pass and if anyone's interested, I can just give it to them." So that's why I'm making this OP. Maybe somebody else is pretty darn interested in real estate or getting into real estate or whatever. If you are, then I have a $300 pass to any 3 day seminar this company holds from now till May 8th of next year if you want it. EDIT: I actually just did a quick Google search right now on the seminar, and [I found this]( It's weird because the title of the video is "Fortune Builders Scam" - making it look like or seem like the pass dude gave me is for a scam...but the dude in the video (as you will hear if you listen to it) says that he does a bunch of reviews on seminars and projects, etc to let people know if they're worth it or if they're a scam or not, and he discovered not only that this particular seminar *isn't* a scam, but that it's apparently very highly rated in some "very well-respected" industry journal/magazines. He said that his ultimate verdict on the seminar was that it was legitimate and seems to be everything it claims itself to be. So I was like "Then why did you title the video 'Fortune Builders Scam'? What?" Anyway, I have a $300 ticket/pass to a 3 day real estate seminar good until 5/8/15 that I am *not* going to use, and I figure if there's anyone in this subreddit that's serious enough about getting into real estate or whatever, then maybe this might be a good opportunity for you to get a free pass to a seminar that's apparently reputed to be pretty good. PM me or whatever, and we can meet up somewhere public and I'll just give you the ticket. There are also two handouts that the guy who gave me the pass also gave to me with information on the seminar, etc. **TL;DR**: I was given a $300 pass good through next year (May 8th, 2015) for a real estate seminar, and I'm not going to use it. I'm willing to give it to whoever wants it/thinks they could use it.
Okay, here's the thing. Little back story here. I helped a neighbor move the other day. I told him I would do it for free, no worries. Much as I said "Dude. Please. Don't pay me. I'm just doing this to help another human being out. I don't need you to give me anything. Seriously." he simply refused to not give me anything , so as a "repayment gift", he gave me a pass he said he recently purchased for $300 for a real estate seminar. I dropped a few "Na, bro. Don't worry about it. Thanks. That's okay. I'm alright." hints, but 1) I didn't want to be a jerk to the dude and say "Just no, man! Stop it!" (lol), and 2) apparently he didn't take any of the hints I gave he still ended up giving me this ticket/pass all the same. So now I have this $300 pass for "any 3 day event" to this seminar on making money through real estate, etc. He said it's good from 5/8/14 - 5/8/15, so I guess it's good for a year or so. My point here, of course, is that I'm simply not going to use it. I'm not a real estate type dude. I'm an artist. However, I thought to myself "Hey. Although I have no interest in this pass, maybe this might actually be absolute gold to somebody else. Maybe I'll go on /r/LosAngeles and just let it be known that I have this pass and if anyone's interested, I can just give it to them." So that's why I'm making this OP. Maybe somebody else is pretty darn interested in real estate or getting into real estate or whatever. If you are, then I have a $300 pass to any 3 day seminar this company holds from now till May 8th of next year if you want it. EDIT: I actually just did a quick Google search right now on the seminar, and [I found this]( It's weird because the title of the video is "Fortune Builders Scam" - making it look like or seem like the pass dude gave me is for a scam...but the dude in the video (as you will hear if you listen to it) says that he does a bunch of reviews on seminars and projects, etc to let people know if they're worth it or if they're a scam or not, and he discovered not only that this particular seminar isn't a scam, but that it's apparently very highly rated in some "very well-respected" industry journal/magazines. He said that his ultimate verdict on the seminar was that it was legitimate and seems to be everything it claims itself to be. So I was like "Then why did you title the video 'Fortune Builders Scam'? What?" Anyway, I have a $300 ticket/pass to a 3 day real estate seminar good until 5/8/15 that I am not going to use, and I figure if there's anyone in this subreddit that's serious enough about getting into real estate or whatever, then maybe this might be a good opportunity for you to get a free pass to a seminar that's apparently reputed to be pretty good. PM me or whatever, and we can meet up somewhere public and I'll just give you the ticket. There are also two handouts that the guy who gave me the pass also gave to me with information on the seminar, etc. TL;DR : I was given a $300 pass good through next year (May 8th, 2015) for a real estate seminar, and I'm not going to use it. I'm willing to give it to whoever wants it/thinks they could use it.
Okay, here's the thing. Little back story here. I helped a neighbor move the other day. I told him I would do it for free, no worries. Much as I said "Dude. Please. Don't pay me. I'm just doing this to help another human being out. I don't need you to give me anything. Seriously." he simply refused to not give me anything , so as a "repayment gift", he gave me a pass he said he recently purchased for $300 for a real estate seminar. I dropped a few "Na, bro. Don't worry about it. Thanks. That's okay. I'm alright." hints, but 1) I didn't want to be a jerk to the dude and say "Just no, man! Stop it!" (lol), and 2) apparently he didn't take any of the hints I gave he still ended up giving me this ticket/pass all the same. So now I have this $300 pass for "any 3 day event" to this seminar on making money through real estate, etc. He said it's good from 5/8/14 - 5/8/15, so I guess it's good for a year or so. My point here, of course, is that I'm simply not going to use it. I'm not a real estate type dude. I'm an artist. However, I thought to myself "Hey. Although I have no interest in this pass, maybe this might actually be absolute gold to somebody else. Maybe I'll go on /r/LosAngeles and just let it be known that I have this pass and if anyone's interested, I can just give it to them." So that's why I'm making this OP. Maybe somebody else is pretty darn interested in real estate or getting into real estate or whatever. If you are, then I have a $300 pass to any 3 day seminar this company holds from now till May 8th of next year if you want it. EDIT: I actually just did a quick Google search right now on the seminar, and [I found this]( It's weird because the title of the video is "Fortune Builders Scam" - making it look like or seem like the pass dude gave me is for a scam...but the dude in the video (as you will hear if you listen to it) says that he does a bunch of reviews on seminars and projects, etc to let people know if they're worth it or if they're a scam or not, and he discovered not only that this particular seminar isn't a scam, but that it's apparently very highly rated in some "very well-respected" industry journal/magazines. He said that his ultimate verdict on the seminar was that it was legitimate and seems to be everything it claims itself to be. So I was like "Then why did you title the video 'Fortune Builders Scam'? What?" Anyway, I have a $300 ticket/pass to a 3 day real estate seminar good until 5/8/15 that I am not going to use, and I figure if there's anyone in this subreddit that's serious enough about getting into real estate or whatever, then maybe this might be a good opportunity for you to get a free pass to a seminar that's apparently reputed to be pretty good. PM me or whatever, and we can meet up somewhere public and I'll just give you the ticket. There are also two handouts that the guy who gave me the pass also gave to me with information on the seminar, etc.
I was given a $300 pass good through next year (May 8th, 2015) for a real estate seminar, and I'm not going to use it. I'm willing to give it to whoever wants it/thinks they could use it.
I've recently entered my first real relationship at the age of 19, and i feel woefully unprepared for this. I really like this girl, but things are kind of complicated so I'll try my best to explain. First of all, I met her on a social networking app, and she lives kind of far away. Same country, but a three hour train journey which costs around £60. On top of that, she is from a Muslim family, and her parents don't approve of her being in a relationship, which means when I go down to see her I can't stay with her, we have to either only see each other for the day or book a hotel. She can't easily come up to see me because of this as well. All this aside, the thing that prompted me to make this post is myself. She had a pretty fucked up break up with her last partner, who told her out of the blue that he wanted to get a sex change. Thing is, this guy is still in the picture somewhat. She called the relationship off with him after the sex change shit, then when he found out she had spent the weekend with me he then retracted it and said he still wanted to be with her. While she has said she would choose me over him if it came to it, which it shouldn't, she said she still does have some feelings for him and it tears me up. I try to ignore it the best I can, but when we have the situation with the distance it makes it so much harder. We both have exams coming up, and so it's likely the next time we will see each other in person is mid-june, and the stuff with her ex just eats away at me and I don't know what to do about it. Last night we were on Skype and I was looking through her old facebook pictures and saw some of her with her ex and it just made me feel shitty. I guess seeing as i've never really done this before its making me realise some things about myself, like I'm very jealous. She obviously noticed that something had happened, as after the skype she texted me and asked if something was up. When i explained, she just said "I'm sorry". Also put a few less kisses than usual, but maybe im just reading into it too much. I just want someone to talk to. Some help/advice I guess. **tl;dr**: My first serious girlfriend is an LDR and i'm jealous of her ex. want advice.
I've recently entered my first real relationship at the age of 19, and i feel woefully unprepared for this. I really like this girl, but things are kind of complicated so I'll try my best to explain. First of all, I met her on a social networking app, and she lives kind of far away. Same country, but a three hour train journey which costs around £60. On top of that, she is from a Muslim family, and her parents don't approve of her being in a relationship, which means when I go down to see her I can't stay with her, we have to either only see each other for the day or book a hotel. She can't easily come up to see me because of this as well. All this aside, the thing that prompted me to make this post is myself. She had a pretty fucked up break up with her last partner, who told her out of the blue that he wanted to get a sex change. Thing is, this guy is still in the picture somewhat. She called the relationship off with him after the sex change shit, then when he found out she had spent the weekend with me he then retracted it and said he still wanted to be with her. While she has said she would choose me over him if it came to it, which it shouldn't, she said she still does have some feelings for him and it tears me up. I try to ignore it the best I can, but when we have the situation with the distance it makes it so much harder. We both have exams coming up, and so it's likely the next time we will see each other in person is mid-june, and the stuff with her ex just eats away at me and I don't know what to do about it. Last night we were on Skype and I was looking through her old facebook pictures and saw some of her with her ex and it just made me feel shitty. I guess seeing as i've never really done this before its making me realise some things about myself, like I'm very jealous. She obviously noticed that something had happened, as after the skype she texted me and asked if something was up. When i explained, she just said "I'm sorry". Also put a few less kisses than usual, but maybe im just reading into it too much. I just want someone to talk to. Some help/advice I guess. tl;dr : My first serious girlfriend is an LDR and i'm jealous of her ex. want advice.
I've recently entered my first real relationship at the age of 19, and i feel woefully unprepared for this. I really like this girl, but things are kind of complicated so I'll try my best to explain. First of all, I met her on a social networking app, and she lives kind of far away. Same country, but a three hour train journey which costs around £60. On top of that, she is from a Muslim family, and her parents don't approve of her being in a relationship, which means when I go down to see her I can't stay with her, we have to either only see each other for the day or book a hotel. She can't easily come up to see me because of this as well. All this aside, the thing that prompted me to make this post is myself. She had a pretty fucked up break up with her last partner, who told her out of the blue that he wanted to get a sex change. Thing is, this guy is still in the picture somewhat. She called the relationship off with him after the sex change shit, then when he found out she had spent the weekend with me he then retracted it and said he still wanted to be with her. While she has said she would choose me over him if it came to it, which it shouldn't, she said she still does have some feelings for him and it tears me up. I try to ignore it the best I can, but when we have the situation with the distance it makes it so much harder. We both have exams coming up, and so it's likely the next time we will see each other in person is mid-june, and the stuff with her ex just eats away at me and I don't know what to do about it. Last night we were on Skype and I was looking through her old facebook pictures and saw some of her with her ex and it just made me feel shitty. I guess seeing as i've never really done this before its making me realise some things about myself, like I'm very jealous. She obviously noticed that something had happened, as after the skype she texted me and asked if something was up. When i explained, she just said "I'm sorry". Also put a few less kisses than usual, but maybe im just reading into it too much. I just want someone to talk to. Some help/advice I guess.
My first serious girlfriend is an LDR and i'm jealous of her ex. want advice.
I was thinking about posting this in r/existentialism, but I didn't know if that was the right place for it. I, like a lot of the posters I've seen in this subreddit, am having an existentialist crisis of sorts. Quick back story of sorts: Growing up I was always very passionate about a history. I loved to talk about it, study it, and it was pretty much what I spent the majority of my idle time thinking about. I went to college to get a degree in it, but my senior year I lost my passion for it. It was during that senior year that my life started crumbling. I was in a relationship with a girl for three years and the relationship had taken on an emotionally abusive aspect over the previous year. At this point it was starting to collapse, along with all my plans for the future. At the same time I was about to graduate straight into a massive recession with 0 job prospects, while being forced to move several states away, losing all my networked connections and friends. Oh, and on my graduation day I found out my last and favorite grandmother was dying of cancer. I almost committed suicide when we moved to the middle of BFE, but didn't. The thing that did die, however, was my passion for history, for all the things I loved, for life. In the middle of this all I was developing an anti-passion. I say "anti-passion" because I associate a "passion" with something positive, something you enjoy talking about, something that you get excited about. My anti-passion was just the opposite. It was a rage, a rage mainly about politics, but also about just life in general. Like a passion I thought about it almost constantly, but unlike a passion it just made me furious and combative. All I did was listen to the news and religious/political podcasts over and over again. It was like sitting in a soundproof room and blasting a stereo. The signals just bounced off the walls, echoed, and overwhelmed me. One day I had an epiphany and realized how toxic of an environment I was living in, how toxic my anti-passion had become. I shut off the stereo and went outside. While this has helped me come out of my toxic phase, I lost my faith in humanity, justice, and the future in the process. This loss has continued to haunt me and is keeping me from moving forward. I don't want to get bogged down in trying to explain *why* I lost faith in humanity and the future. It was for a variety of reasons, but I'll just say that after immersing myself like that in so much news from around the world for such a long period of time, I started to see patterns and trends in human behavior, patterns and trends that were really ugly. I also came to realize that the notion of "slow but steady progress towards a better tomorrow" was nothing but a comforting lie people tell themselves in the face of so much bigotry, injustice, and suffering. I was, am, an utter cynic about everything. I've been trying to get into zen as a way of letting it all go, but to be honest, I haven't been very successful. You see, with this extremely grim outlook on life and with no hope for tomorrow, I find it very difficult to find love. I can't fall in love with a field that I could make a career out of if I think it's all pointless in the end. I've been struggling to regain passion for about three years now and I really feel like I'm running out of time. I'm getting older. I need to find something and focus on it so I can have some marketable skills. I feel like my salvation (for lack of a better word) lies in scale. I keep looking at the burning forest and ignoring the beautiful trees in front of me. If I can find something smaller that I feel makes a difference, then maybe I can find love and passion again. The hard part is convincing myself of that. I keep trying to focus on smaller things, but I still can't get the burning forest out of my head! Sorry if that was a bit ramblely. I just needed to get that off my chest. **TL;DR**: Lost faith in humanity/justice/the future, can't find passion because it's all ultimately fucked.
I was thinking about posting this in r/existentialism, but I didn't know if that was the right place for it. I, like a lot of the posters I've seen in this subreddit, am having an existentialist crisis of sorts. Quick back story of sorts: Growing up I was always very passionate about a history. I loved to talk about it, study it, and it was pretty much what I spent the majority of my idle time thinking about. I went to college to get a degree in it, but my senior year I lost my passion for it. It was during that senior year that my life started crumbling. I was in a relationship with a girl for three years and the relationship had taken on an emotionally abusive aspect over the previous year. At this point it was starting to collapse, along with all my plans for the future. At the same time I was about to graduate straight into a massive recession with 0 job prospects, while being forced to move several states away, losing all my networked connections and friends. Oh, and on my graduation day I found out my last and favorite grandmother was dying of cancer. I almost committed suicide when we moved to the middle of BFE, but didn't. The thing that did die, however, was my passion for history, for all the things I loved, for life. In the middle of this all I was developing an anti-passion. I say "anti-passion" because I associate a "passion" with something positive, something you enjoy talking about, something that you get excited about. My anti-passion was just the opposite. It was a rage, a rage mainly about politics, but also about just life in general. Like a passion I thought about it almost constantly, but unlike a passion it just made me furious and combative. All I did was listen to the news and religious/political podcasts over and over again. It was like sitting in a soundproof room and blasting a stereo. The signals just bounced off the walls, echoed, and overwhelmed me. One day I had an epiphany and realized how toxic of an environment I was living in, how toxic my anti-passion had become. I shut off the stereo and went outside. While this has helped me come out of my toxic phase, I lost my faith in humanity, justice, and the future in the process. This loss has continued to haunt me and is keeping me from moving forward. I don't want to get bogged down in trying to explain why I lost faith in humanity and the future. It was for a variety of reasons, but I'll just say that after immersing myself like that in so much news from around the world for such a long period of time, I started to see patterns and trends in human behavior, patterns and trends that were really ugly. I also came to realize that the notion of "slow but steady progress towards a better tomorrow" was nothing but a comforting lie people tell themselves in the face of so much bigotry, injustice, and suffering. I was, am, an utter cynic about everything. I've been trying to get into zen as a way of letting it all go, but to be honest, I haven't been very successful. You see, with this extremely grim outlook on life and with no hope for tomorrow, I find it very difficult to find love. I can't fall in love with a field that I could make a career out of if I think it's all pointless in the end. I've been struggling to regain passion for about three years now and I really feel like I'm running out of time. I'm getting older. I need to find something and focus on it so I can have some marketable skills. I feel like my salvation (for lack of a better word) lies in scale. I keep looking at the burning forest and ignoring the beautiful trees in front of me. If I can find something smaller that I feel makes a difference, then maybe I can find love and passion again. The hard part is convincing myself of that. I keep trying to focus on smaller things, but I still can't get the burning forest out of my head! Sorry if that was a bit ramblely. I just needed to get that off my chest. TL;DR : Lost faith in humanity/justice/the future, can't find passion because it's all ultimately fucked.
I was thinking about posting this in r/existentialism, but I didn't know if that was the right place for it. I, like a lot of the posters I've seen in this subreddit, am having an existentialist crisis of sorts. Quick back story of sorts: Growing up I was always very passionate about a history. I loved to talk about it, study it, and it was pretty much what I spent the majority of my idle time thinking about. I went to college to get a degree in it, but my senior year I lost my passion for it. It was during that senior year that my life started crumbling. I was in a relationship with a girl for three years and the relationship had taken on an emotionally abusive aspect over the previous year. At this point it was starting to collapse, along with all my plans for the future. At the same time I was about to graduate straight into a massive recession with 0 job prospects, while being forced to move several states away, losing all my networked connections and friends. Oh, and on my graduation day I found out my last and favorite grandmother was dying of cancer. I almost committed suicide when we moved to the middle of BFE, but didn't. The thing that did die, however, was my passion for history, for all the things I loved, for life. In the middle of this all I was developing an anti-passion. I say "anti-passion" because I associate a "passion" with something positive, something you enjoy talking about, something that you get excited about. My anti-passion was just the opposite. It was a rage, a rage mainly about politics, but also about just life in general. Like a passion I thought about it almost constantly, but unlike a passion it just made me furious and combative. All I did was listen to the news and religious/political podcasts over and over again. It was like sitting in a soundproof room and blasting a stereo. The signals just bounced off the walls, echoed, and overwhelmed me. One day I had an epiphany and realized how toxic of an environment I was living in, how toxic my anti-passion had become. I shut off the stereo and went outside. While this has helped me come out of my toxic phase, I lost my faith in humanity, justice, and the future in the process. This loss has continued to haunt me and is keeping me from moving forward. I don't want to get bogged down in trying to explain why I lost faith in humanity and the future. It was for a variety of reasons, but I'll just say that after immersing myself like that in so much news from around the world for such a long period of time, I started to see patterns and trends in human behavior, patterns and trends that were really ugly. I also came to realize that the notion of "slow but steady progress towards a better tomorrow" was nothing but a comforting lie people tell themselves in the face of so much bigotry, injustice, and suffering. I was, am, an utter cynic about everything. I've been trying to get into zen as a way of letting it all go, but to be honest, I haven't been very successful. You see, with this extremely grim outlook on life and with no hope for tomorrow, I find it very difficult to find love. I can't fall in love with a field that I could make a career out of if I think it's all pointless in the end. I've been struggling to regain passion for about three years now and I really feel like I'm running out of time. I'm getting older. I need to find something and focus on it so I can have some marketable skills. I feel like my salvation (for lack of a better word) lies in scale. I keep looking at the burning forest and ignoring the beautiful trees in front of me. If I can find something smaller that I feel makes a difference, then maybe I can find love and passion again. The hard part is convincing myself of that. I keep trying to focus on smaller things, but I still can't get the burning forest out of my head! Sorry if that was a bit ramblely. I just needed to get that off my chest.
Lost faith in humanity/justice/the future, can't find passion because it's all ultimately fucked.
Or, alternatively you could welcome new features that may bring more fans to the series, be a little more open to changes which make the series even more dynamic and then if perhaps you don't like the feature, don't use it. And then you you want to reply with the "CA would be going in the wrong direction and compromising the series argument". All I can say is look at the history of the series, because CA have been quite good at carrying the best over to the next installment while remaining very true to the base gameplay that defines the series. TL:DR - Maybe just be a little more positive about potential features and don't use them if you don't like them.
Or, alternatively you could welcome new features that may bring more fans to the series, be a little more open to changes which make the series even more dynamic and then if perhaps you don't like the feature, don't use it. And then you you want to reply with the "CA would be going in the wrong direction and compromising the series argument". All I can say is look at the history of the series, because CA have been quite good at carrying the best over to the next installment while remaining very true to the base gameplay that defines the series. TL:DR - Maybe just be a little more positive about potential features and don't use them if you don't like them.
Or, alternatively you could welcome new features that may bring more fans to the series, be a little more open to changes which make the series even more dynamic and then if perhaps you don't like the feature, don't use it. And then you you want to reply with the "CA would be going in the wrong direction and compromising the series argument". All I can say is look at the history of the series, because CA have been quite good at carrying the best over to the next installment while remaining very true to the base gameplay that defines the series.
Maybe just be a little more positive about potential features and don't use them if you don't like them.
To most of you this is probably going to sound really naive, foolish, and childish, but I really would appreciate some advice. My girlfriend and I have been together 'officially' for just over two years, however in reality we had always been unofficially paired together since year 7 (Grade 6) by our collective group of friends. We've always been (as far as I could tell at least) quite happy together. We shared some interests and didn't share some others. We both had our own circle of friends and hobbies. We both liked moving at the same slow pace through our relationship. Y'know, all that happy, healthy, feel-good relationship stuff. However the cool little dynamic we had going on changed when I moved 4 hours away at the start of this year to attend university in another state. Suddenly our conversations were more distant, and her emotions more unpredictable. I didn't blame her for this though, because she had expressed numerous times how sad she was that I'd be moving away quite a large distance. We had promised each other that despite the distance we'd make it work, and for a while, despite the shakiness, it seems like we were! All that got thrown up in the air when I drove back up for my latest visit, though. After having a conversation in which we expressed our views on where 'we' were going in the future, if we would ever truly 'love' each other, she brought up that she wanted a break. I was shocked, but strangely not all that hurt. When I asked her why she said told me that she had been wondering for a while that if she still liked me, or liked being in a relationship (which is / was of course fair enough), and she thought that a break for us to 'consider other people' or to 'at least be emotionally removed from another' would be good for both of us, so she could sort out her feelings. Of course I agreed without much protest, because I wanted her to be happy. That all happened just over a month ago now, and just recently she sent me a text telling me she realised that she does still like me, and she'd like for us to be properly together again. But the thing is, I kept thinking about how okay I was when she told me she wanted a break, and I think I came to the realization that I might not like her as much as I thought I did whilst we were together. I'm really not sure if I actually **should** get back with her, or if we should break up for good. Are the feelings I'm having about wanting to stay single selfish? Would I only be entering into a relationship with her again for the sake of being in a relationship? If we do fully break up, how much would I regret it? I know this post has been confusing, and most of these are questions I could only really answer myself, but I would still appreciate any help, comments, or posts telling me how much of an idiot I am! --- **tl;dr**: Should I get back with my girlfriend, or should we break it off completely and both move on with our lives?
To most of you this is probably going to sound really naive, foolish, and childish, but I really would appreciate some advice. My girlfriend and I have been together 'officially' for just over two years, however in reality we had always been unofficially paired together since year 7 (Grade 6) by our collective group of friends. We've always been (as far as I could tell at least) quite happy together. We shared some interests and didn't share some others. We both had our own circle of friends and hobbies. We both liked moving at the same slow pace through our relationship. Y'know, all that happy, healthy, feel-good relationship stuff. However the cool little dynamic we had going on changed when I moved 4 hours away at the start of this year to attend university in another state. Suddenly our conversations were more distant, and her emotions more unpredictable. I didn't blame her for this though, because she had expressed numerous times how sad she was that I'd be moving away quite a large distance. We had promised each other that despite the distance we'd make it work, and for a while, despite the shakiness, it seems like we were! All that got thrown up in the air when I drove back up for my latest visit, though. After having a conversation in which we expressed our views on where 'we' were going in the future, if we would ever truly 'love' each other, she brought up that she wanted a break. I was shocked, but strangely not all that hurt. When I asked her why she said told me that she had been wondering for a while that if she still liked me, or liked being in a relationship (which is / was of course fair enough), and she thought that a break for us to 'consider other people' or to 'at least be emotionally removed from another' would be good for both of us, so she could sort out her feelings. Of course I agreed without much protest, because I wanted her to be happy. That all happened just over a month ago now, and just recently she sent me a text telling me she realised that she does still like me, and she'd like for us to be properly together again. But the thing is, I kept thinking about how okay I was when she told me she wanted a break, and I think I came to the realization that I might not like her as much as I thought I did whilst we were together. I'm really not sure if I actually should get back with her, or if we should break up for good. Are the feelings I'm having about wanting to stay single selfish? Would I only be entering into a relationship with her again for the sake of being in a relationship? If we do fully break up, how much would I regret it? I know this post has been confusing, and most of these are questions I could only really answer myself, but I would still appreciate any help, comments, or posts telling me how much of an idiot I am! tl;dr : Should I get back with my girlfriend, or should we break it off completely and both move on with our lives?
To most of you this is probably going to sound really naive, foolish, and childish, but I really would appreciate some advice. My girlfriend and I have been together 'officially' for just over two years, however in reality we had always been unofficially paired together since year 7 (Grade 6) by our collective group of friends. We've always been (as far as I could tell at least) quite happy together. We shared some interests and didn't share some others. We both had our own circle of friends and hobbies. We both liked moving at the same slow pace through our relationship. Y'know, all that happy, healthy, feel-good relationship stuff. However the cool little dynamic we had going on changed when I moved 4 hours away at the start of this year to attend university in another state. Suddenly our conversations were more distant, and her emotions more unpredictable. I didn't blame her for this though, because she had expressed numerous times how sad she was that I'd be moving away quite a large distance. We had promised each other that despite the distance we'd make it work, and for a while, despite the shakiness, it seems like we were! All that got thrown up in the air when I drove back up for my latest visit, though. After having a conversation in which we expressed our views on where 'we' were going in the future, if we would ever truly 'love' each other, she brought up that she wanted a break. I was shocked, but strangely not all that hurt. When I asked her why she said told me that she had been wondering for a while that if she still liked me, or liked being in a relationship (which is / was of course fair enough), and she thought that a break for us to 'consider other people' or to 'at least be emotionally removed from another' would be good for both of us, so she could sort out her feelings. Of course I agreed without much protest, because I wanted her to be happy. That all happened just over a month ago now, and just recently she sent me a text telling me she realised that she does still like me, and she'd like for us to be properly together again. But the thing is, I kept thinking about how okay I was when she told me she wanted a break, and I think I came to the realization that I might not like her as much as I thought I did whilst we were together. I'm really not sure if I actually should get back with her, or if we should break up for good. Are the feelings I'm having about wanting to stay single selfish? Would I only be entering into a relationship with her again for the sake of being in a relationship? If we do fully break up, how much would I regret it? I know this post has been confusing, and most of these are questions I could only really answer myself, but I would still appreciate any help, comments, or posts telling me how much of an idiot I am!
Should I get back with my girlfriend, or should we break it off completely and both move on with our lives?
Just wanted to point out the success of the 25m on Friday night. Appreciate all the people that came to play. What **I DID NOT APPRECIATE** was all the people who signed up and no showed. The least you could do is send me a message on reddit or a mail in game to let me know BEFORE raid. Anyway, if there's enough interest I might consider running another one at some point in the future. Let me know what you guys think here! **tldr: good job i hat u no show ppl and let me know what you guys think**
Just wanted to point out the success of the 25m on Friday night. Appreciate all the people that came to play. What I DID NOT APPRECIATE was all the people who signed up and no showed. The least you could do is send me a message on reddit or a mail in game to let me know BEFORE raid. Anyway, if there's enough interest I might consider running another one at some point in the future. Let me know what you guys think here! tldr: good job i hat u no show ppl and let me know what you guys think
Just wanted to point out the success of the 25m on Friday night. Appreciate all the people that came to play. What I DID NOT APPRECIATE was all the people who signed up and no showed. The least you could do is send me a message on reddit or a mail in game to let me know BEFORE raid. Anyway, if there's enough interest I might consider running another one at some point in the future. Let me know what you guys think here!
good job i hat u no show ppl and let me know what you guys think
This was a really informative video i would like to start off by saying. i learned a lot about froggen and i thought it was amazing how humble he was about the whole experience such as being honored these people wanted to play with him. i really liked too how we said, well if this doesn't work out then all the blame is on me because i got this together. TLDR; i always liked you froggen, but now i respect you even more. go kick some ass man
This was a really informative video i would like to start off by saying. i learned a lot about froggen and i thought it was amazing how humble he was about the whole experience such as being honored these people wanted to play with him. i really liked too how we said, well if this doesn't work out then all the blame is on me because i got this together. TLDR; i always liked you froggen, but now i respect you even more. go kick some ass man
This was a really informative video i would like to start off by saying. i learned a lot about froggen and i thought it was amazing how humble he was about the whole experience such as being honored these people wanted to play with him. i really liked too how we said, well if this doesn't work out then all the blame is on me because i got this together.
i always liked you froggen, but now i respect you even more. go kick some ass man
**EDIT:** I did not mean "broken" as in overpowered. I meant broken as in it is not a skill that functions in any logical way. Please read what is written below before shooting off some reply about how it is or isn't overpowered - I didn't mean unbalanced, I meant literally broken. **/EDIT** I honestly don't know if a single skill more broken than Fiora's R. The way it works mechanically is seriously ridiculous. Allow me to explain. Fiora's R is a series of 5 attacks with bonus damage. The first one on each target deals a very high amount with any that follow dealing 25% of that. They apply on hit effects and Hydra will splash them (meaning that Hydra + Black Cleaver on Fiora makes her R an AoE armor debuff) but her ultimate has some tremendous downfalls, and only some of them are based on intentional counterplay. Here's a short list of things that ruin Fiora's ult - I could list more, but just to make a point. Jax's E completely negates the damage. For the whole ult, every hit that would target him. Pantheon's passive blocks a hit. If it's the first hit, it blocks about 50+% of the total damage he'd take. Blinds cause it to miss. All of that is fine - a solid Fiora player can play around all of it, and it's all in her power to do. Bait out Jax's E, Teemo's blind, knock off Pantheon's shield, whatever. But there is another really dumb aspect of this skill that requires a bit of explanation first. Each hit of Fiora's R has 3 parts. The first is a teleport. The second is a "check." The third is a hit. Despite what the description suggests you are not untargettable for the check phase - you can be hit with skills and die. Basically, you teleport the target, the game checks if you can see and hit them, then you hit them. Then this repeats for the next hit (which will target a different champion if it can.) Once you're in your ult, that's it. You can pop summoners like Ignite but other than that, you're just along for the ride. If at any point a target becomes invulnerable, untargetable or invisible when Fiora is performing a check on them, her ult stops dead in its tracks. Doesn't matter if it's the first or second hit, it will stop and no more of her attacks will resolve. Zhonya's cancels her ult immediately, along with things like Yi's Q, or STEPPING INTO A BRUSH WITH THE RIGHT TIMING. And there is nothing Fiora can do about this except make sure she never ever uses her R in the presence of someone with Zhonya's, an untarget-status ability, or a bush anywhere within flash range. Basically Fiora's only answer is to not ult at all ever. [Here]( is an example showing Yi fizzling Fiora's ult on the 2nd hit. Costing a kill on Darius (and likely Yi too) if only because she doesn't end her ultimate on Darius like she should have, and thus he walks away. tl;dr riot pls Fiora's R is the worst skill mechanically in the game (except maybe rocket jump) and has been like this since the day she was released. It's her ULTIMATE. One of the primary reasons she is a weak character (besides lol meleeadc) **EDIT #2:** Sheesh, top post on /r/leagueoflegends. Well, here's hoping someone from Riot noticed at least. Fiora is the most fun champion to play since Riven and I hope her ult gets the attention it needs. **EDIT #3:** Fiora players rejoice - Riot has heard and RiotVolty has confirmed he is making her R a priority. Make sure his post gets seen:
EDIT: I did not mean "broken" as in overpowered. I meant broken as in it is not a skill that functions in any logical way. Please read what is written below before shooting off some reply about how it is or isn't overpowered - I didn't mean unbalanced, I meant literally broken. /EDIT I honestly don't know if a single skill more broken than Fiora's R. The way it works mechanically is seriously ridiculous. Allow me to explain. Fiora's R is a series of 5 attacks with bonus damage. The first one on each target deals a very high amount with any that follow dealing 25% of that. They apply on hit effects and Hydra will splash them (meaning that Hydra + Black Cleaver on Fiora makes her R an AoE armor debuff) but her ultimate has some tremendous downfalls, and only some of them are based on intentional counterplay. Here's a short list of things that ruin Fiora's ult - I could list more, but just to make a point. Jax's E completely negates the damage. For the whole ult, every hit that would target him. Pantheon's passive blocks a hit. If it's the first hit, it blocks about 50+% of the total damage he'd take. Blinds cause it to miss. All of that is fine - a solid Fiora player can play around all of it, and it's all in her power to do. Bait out Jax's E, Teemo's blind, knock off Pantheon's shield, whatever. But there is another really dumb aspect of this skill that requires a bit of explanation first. Each hit of Fiora's R has 3 parts. The first is a teleport. The second is a "check." The third is a hit. Despite what the description suggests you are not untargettable for the check phase - you can be hit with skills and die. Basically, you teleport the target, the game checks if you can see and hit them, then you hit them. Then this repeats for the next hit (which will target a different champion if it can.) Once you're in your ult, that's it. You can pop summoners like Ignite but other than that, you're just along for the ride. If at any point a target becomes invulnerable, untargetable or invisible when Fiora is performing a check on them, her ult stops dead in its tracks. Doesn't matter if it's the first or second hit, it will stop and no more of her attacks will resolve. Zhonya's cancels her ult immediately, along with things like Yi's Q, or STEPPING INTO A BRUSH WITH THE RIGHT TIMING. And there is nothing Fiora can do about this except make sure she never ever uses her R in the presence of someone with Zhonya's, an untarget-status ability, or a bush anywhere within flash range. Basically Fiora's only answer is to not ult at all ever. Here if only because she doesn't end her ultimate on Darius like she should have, and thus he walks away. tl;dr riot pls Fiora's R is the worst skill mechanically in the game (except maybe rocket jump) and has been like this since the day she was released. It's her ULTIMATE. One of the primary reasons she is a weak character (besides lol meleeadc) EDIT #2: Sheesh, top post on /r/leagueoflegends. Well, here's hoping someone from Riot noticed at least. Fiora is the most fun champion to play since Riven and I hope her ult gets the attention it needs. EDIT #3: Fiora players rejoice - Riot has heard and RiotVolty has confirmed he is making her R a priority. Make sure his post gets seen:
EDIT: I did not mean "broken" as in overpowered. I meant broken as in it is not a skill that functions in any logical way. Please read what is written below before shooting off some reply about how it is or isn't overpowered - I didn't mean unbalanced, I meant literally broken. /EDIT I honestly don't know if a single skill more broken than Fiora's R. The way it works mechanically is seriously ridiculous. Allow me to explain. Fiora's R is a series of 5 attacks with bonus damage. The first one on each target deals a very high amount with any that follow dealing 25% of that. They apply on hit effects and Hydra will splash them (meaning that Hydra + Black Cleaver on Fiora makes her R an AoE armor debuff) but her ultimate has some tremendous downfalls, and only some of them are based on intentional counterplay. Here's a short list of things that ruin Fiora's ult - I could list more, but just to make a point. Jax's E completely negates the damage. For the whole ult, every hit that would target him. Pantheon's passive blocks a hit. If it's the first hit, it blocks about 50+% of the total damage he'd take. Blinds cause it to miss. All of that is fine - a solid Fiora player can play around all of it, and it's all in her power to do. Bait out Jax's E, Teemo's blind, knock off Pantheon's shield, whatever. But there is another really dumb aspect of this skill that requires a bit of explanation first. Each hit of Fiora's R has 3 parts. The first is a teleport. The second is a "check." The third is a hit. Despite what the description suggests you are not untargettable for the check phase - you can be hit with skills and die. Basically, you teleport the target, the game checks if you can see and hit them, then you hit them. Then this repeats for the next hit (which will target a different champion if it can.) Once you're in your ult, that's it. You can pop summoners like Ignite but other than that, you're just along for the ride. If at any point a target becomes invulnerable, untargetable or invisible when Fiora is performing a check on them, her ult stops dead in its tracks. Doesn't matter if it's the first or second hit, it will stop and no more of her attacks will resolve. Zhonya's cancels her ult immediately, along with things like Yi's Q, or STEPPING INTO A BRUSH WITH THE RIGHT TIMING. And there is nothing Fiora can do about this except make sure she never ever uses her R in the presence of someone with Zhonya's, an untarget-status ability, or a bush anywhere within flash range. Basically Fiora's only answer is to not ult at all ever. Here if only because she doesn't end her ultimate on Darius like she should have, and thus he walks away.
riot pls Fiora's R is the worst skill mechanically in the game (except maybe rocket jump) and has been like this since the day she was released. It's her ULTIMATE. One of the primary reasons she is a weak character (besides lol meleeadc) EDIT #2: Sheesh, top post on /r/leagueoflegends. Well, here's hoping someone from Riot noticed at least. Fiora is the most fun champion to play since Riven and I hope her ult gets the attention it needs. EDIT #3: Fiora players rejoice - Riot has heard and RiotVolty has confirmed he is making her R a priority. Make sure his post gets seen:
My SO got a new job a few months back that requires him to go into the office instead of working primarily from home. We changed our diet back to carb-y grossness because it was startlingly difficult for him to find lunch anywhere near his new work that would work with keto. Let's be honest -- I also really missed cookies and bread without almond or coconut flour. Fast forward a couple months. He and I have both gained back most of what we lost initially. We're both very logical people, and we were crabby as hell almost all the time. We usually go on road trips on weekends, but our drive-and-hikes turned into drive-to-some-city-get-fast-food-then-drive-home. I have pretty awful anxiety that I never knew was exacerbated by my terrible diet. I cried every other day for no real reason... it was terrible. We finally decided we'd had enough last week. We're going to figure out something for him to take for lunch so we don't have to deal with this. Ever. Again. It's been two days since we rid the house of carbs. We went on a road trip and explored some trails and a small town. His leg didn't hurt nearly as bad. I was so much happier than I've felt in months. We both feel mentally clear and so much more alive! We may have a few cheat days, but we're never going back. No cookie is worth the way we felt. Besides, I've decided to try a keto dessert at least once a week. :) Just wanted to share. Tl;Dr - Stopping keto was terrible, and now we're back on board. :)
My SO got a new job a few months back that requires him to go into the office instead of working primarily from home. We changed our diet back to carb-y grossness because it was startlingly difficult for him to find lunch anywhere near his new work that would work with keto. Let's be honest -- I also really missed cookies and bread without almond or coconut flour. Fast forward a couple months. He and I have both gained back most of what we lost initially. We're both very logical people, and we were crabby as hell almost all the time. We usually go on road trips on weekends, but our drive-and-hikes turned into drive-to-some-city-get-fast-food-then-drive-home. I have pretty awful anxiety that I never knew was exacerbated by my terrible diet. I cried every other day for no real reason... it was terrible. We finally decided we'd had enough last week. We're going to figure out something for him to take for lunch so we don't have to deal with this. Ever. Again. It's been two days since we rid the house of carbs. We went on a road trip and explored some trails and a small town. His leg didn't hurt nearly as bad. I was so much happier than I've felt in months. We both feel mentally clear and so much more alive! We may have a few cheat days, but we're never going back. No cookie is worth the way we felt. Besides, I've decided to try a keto dessert at least once a week. :) Just wanted to share. Tl;Dr - Stopping keto was terrible, and now we're back on board. :)
My SO got a new job a few months back that requires him to go into the office instead of working primarily from home. We changed our diet back to carb-y grossness because it was startlingly difficult for him to find lunch anywhere near his new work that would work with keto. Let's be honest -- I also really missed cookies and bread without almond or coconut flour. Fast forward a couple months. He and I have both gained back most of what we lost initially. We're both very logical people, and we were crabby as hell almost all the time. We usually go on road trips on weekends, but our drive-and-hikes turned into drive-to-some-city-get-fast-food-then-drive-home. I have pretty awful anxiety that I never knew was exacerbated by my terrible diet. I cried every other day for no real reason... it was terrible. We finally decided we'd had enough last week. We're going to figure out something for him to take for lunch so we don't have to deal with this. Ever. Again. It's been two days since we rid the house of carbs. We went on a road trip and explored some trails and a small town. His leg didn't hurt nearly as bad. I was so much happier than I've felt in months. We both feel mentally clear and so much more alive! We may have a few cheat days, but we're never going back. No cookie is worth the way we felt. Besides, I've decided to try a keto dessert at least once a week. :) Just wanted to share.
Stopping keto was terrible, and now we're back on board. :)
Uh, 33% and 50% are the same thing in this situation. The XBox is 33% lower than the PS3. The PS3 is 50% higher than the Xbox. Example: 15X and and 10X. 66% of 15X is 10x, so 10X is 33% lower than 15X But 150% of 10X(50% more) is 15X TLDR: Math
Uh, 33% and 50% are the same thing in this situation. The XBox is 33% lower than the PS3. The PS3 is 50% higher than the Xbox. Example: 15X and and 10X. 66% of 15X is 10x, so 10X is 33% lower than 15X But 150% of 10X(50% more) is 15X TLDR: Math
Uh, 33% and 50% are the same thing in this situation. The XBox is 33% lower than the PS3. The PS3 is 50% higher than the Xbox. Example: 15X and and 10X. 66% of 15X is 10x, so 10X is 33% lower than 15X But 150% of 10X(50% more) is 15X
Hopefully it will pop when people see it posted elsewhere in this subreddit and google it to learn more. Could also be a replacement for TLW/tl;dr if it wasn't such a mouthful!
Hopefully it will pop when people see it posted elsewhere in this subreddit and google it to learn more. Could also be a replacement for TLW/tl;dr if it wasn't such a mouthful!
Hopefully it will pop when people see it posted elsewhere in this subreddit and google it to learn more. Could also be a replacement for TLW/
if it wasn't such a mouthful!
Yeah, I smoke in a forest in a park in my town, and it's sketchy but not too bad. My friends smoke in the apartment complex I live in and it's obvious as hell and the cops bust so many people there. I get sketched out so much when I'm with them cuz of it. TL;DR I know that feel bro
Yeah, I smoke in a forest in a park in my town, and it's sketchy but not too bad. My friends smoke in the apartment complex I live in and it's obvious as hell and the cops bust so many people there. I get sketched out so much when I'm with them cuz of it. TL;DR I know that feel bro
Yeah, I smoke in a forest in a park in my town, and it's sketchy but not too bad. My friends smoke in the apartment complex I live in and it's obvious as hell and the cops bust so many people there. I get sketched out so much when I'm with them cuz of it.
I know that feel bro
We'll you see Orion is being a bunch of morons by entering duck city. Gurubashi has heated them which got us into this mess. Now they are pearling tons of innocents breaking our chests because of them. We really can't do shit since we don't have much *prot* that can fight well. Our current status is **neutral** but that is *not* going well for us. Due to not respecting the sovereignty they will not respect our laws. **TL:DR**: Lads is being the WP all over again, which means they will most likely come up with some new name like "*We is Cool Rite?*" (WCR).
We'll you see Orion is being a bunch of morons by entering duck city. Gurubashi has heated them which got us into this mess. Now they are pearling tons of innocents breaking our chests because of them. We really can't do shit since we don't have much prot that can fight well. Our current status is neutral but that is not going well for us. Due to not respecting the sovereignty they will not respect our laws. TL:DR : Lads is being the WP all over again, which means they will most likely come up with some new name like " We is Cool Rite? " (WCR).
We'll you see Orion is being a bunch of morons by entering duck city. Gurubashi has heated them which got us into this mess. Now they are pearling tons of innocents breaking our chests because of them. We really can't do shit since we don't have much prot that can fight well. Our current status is neutral but that is not going well for us. Due to not respecting the sovereignty they will not respect our laws.
Lads is being the WP all over again, which means they will most likely come up with some new name like " We is Cool Rite? " (WCR).
Hey guys, I am the owner of a whitelist minecraft server that has about 3 or 4 daily active players and growing. I have had this server for about a month and I have not been happy with my host. I have had many problems like the whitelist not working and random crashes almost every day. I decided that since I don't have that much players, it is a great time to change hosts. I need opinions on whats the best host for a 1.5-2 GB whitelist minecraft server with an amplified map. Also, is it worth getting a VPS and hosting the server on there? Thanks in advance. **TL;DR Need a good host with working whitelist and good uptime**
Hey guys, I am the owner of a whitelist minecraft server that has about 3 or 4 daily active players and growing. I have had this server for about a month and I have not been happy with my host. I have had many problems like the whitelist not working and random crashes almost every day. I decided that since I don't have that much players, it is a great time to change hosts. I need opinions on whats the best host for a 1.5-2 GB whitelist minecraft server with an amplified map. Also, is it worth getting a VPS and hosting the server on there? Thanks in advance. TL;DR Need a good host with working whitelist and good uptime
Hey guys, I am the owner of a whitelist minecraft server that has about 3 or 4 daily active players and growing. I have had this server for about a month and I have not been happy with my host. I have had many problems like the whitelist not working and random crashes almost every day. I decided that since I don't have that much players, it is a great time to change hosts. I need opinions on whats the best host for a 1.5-2 GB whitelist minecraft server with an amplified map. Also, is it worth getting a VPS and hosting the server on there? Thanks in advance.
Need a good host with working whitelist and good uptime
ALSO, BUY WARDS, PLAY JUNGLE/SUPPORT, DAE PREGAME CHAT IN TRIBUNAL ?! Let them do what they want, it is THEIR team. If they feel a player is underperforming, why would they keep him ? If they think a player just can't go along with the team, he shouldn't be kept,... They are playing to win tournaments, not just because they are best friends and want to have some fun together. Those posts are just getting more and more ridiculous, it is not like you know what is inside the team's mind, they know what they want for their team. CLG.Prime changed their lineup because they just couldn't perform while their members were always fighting against each other, SK changed their lineup because of underperforming players,... There is more than just "WE FAILED THIS TOURNAMENT, BETTER KICK A RANDOM PLAYER". These guys played the matches, they know more than anyone else if a player was underpar, they know if someone wasn't going along with the team, and they have enough knowledge to know what decisions to take. Everyone gave Ocelote shit for changing his roster everytime, then they beat at the regionals. TL;DR : Those circlejerky posts are getting annoying, get off their fucking back already and let them make their decisions. Yes, sometimes it make us very sad, but that's how sports are. Oh and btw, the probability of someone getting kicked is next to 0%. There was no player clearly underperfoming, they just got 2nd place in a tournament featuring the best Korean teams and the 2millions tournament is in a month, why the hell would they ruin their team now ?
ALSO, BUY WARDS, PLAY JUNGLE/SUPPORT, DAE PREGAME CHAT IN TRIBUNAL ?! Let them do what they want, it is THEIR team. If they feel a player is underperforming, why would they keep him ? If they think a player just can't go along with the team, he shouldn't be kept,... They are playing to win tournaments, not just because they are best friends and want to have some fun together. Those posts are just getting more and more ridiculous, it is not like you know what is inside the team's mind, they know what they want for their team. CLG.Prime changed their lineup because they just couldn't perform while their members were always fighting against each other, SK changed their lineup because of underperforming players,... There is more than just "WE FAILED THIS TOURNAMENT, BETTER KICK A RANDOM PLAYER". These guys played the matches, they know more than anyone else if a player was underpar, they know if someone wasn't going along with the team, and they have enough knowledge to know what decisions to take. Everyone gave Ocelote shit for changing his roster everytime, then they beat at the regionals. TL;DR : Those circlejerky posts are getting annoying, get off their fucking back already and let them make their decisions. Yes, sometimes it make us very sad, but that's how sports are. Oh and btw, the probability of someone getting kicked is next to 0%. There was no player clearly underperfoming, they just got 2nd place in a tournament featuring the best Korean teams and the 2millions tournament is in a month, why the hell would they ruin their team now ?
ALSO, BUY WARDS, PLAY JUNGLE/SUPPORT, DAE PREGAME CHAT IN TRIBUNAL ?! Let them do what they want, it is THEIR team. If they feel a player is underperforming, why would they keep him ? If they think a player just can't go along with the team, he shouldn't be kept,... They are playing to win tournaments, not just because they are best friends and want to have some fun together. Those posts are just getting more and more ridiculous, it is not like you know what is inside the team's mind, they know what they want for their team. CLG.Prime changed their lineup because they just couldn't perform while their members were always fighting against each other, SK changed their lineup because of underperforming players,... There is more than just "WE FAILED THIS TOURNAMENT, BETTER KICK A RANDOM PLAYER". These guys played the matches, they know more than anyone else if a player was underpar, they know if someone wasn't going along with the team, and they have enough knowledge to know what decisions to take. Everyone gave Ocelote shit for changing his roster everytime, then they beat at the regionals.
Those circlejerky posts are getting annoying, get off their fucking back already and let them make their decisions. Yes, sometimes it make us very sad, but that's how sports are. Oh and btw, the probability of someone getting kicked is next to 0%. There was no player clearly underperfoming, they just got 2nd place in a tournament featuring the best Korean teams and the 2millions tournament is in a month, why the hell would they ruin their team now ?
I was snowboarding at Killington Mountain and had been familiarizing myself with one of the terrain parks. I was blasting into a jump which had a blind turn right before it, so you kinda just had to hope there wouldn't be anybody in the way. Well, I turn the corner, and lo and behold, an entire family fucking lined up so they went all the way across the landing! At this point I was probably going 30 miles an hour and there was no way to stop. Luckily there was just enough space between two of them to fit myself between in midair, but I came within an inch of sending somebody to the hospital that day. And I fucking screamed at them. I feel a little bad for it now, thinking that I may have soured a nice day for them, but they needed to understand that what they were doing was extremely dangerous. Tl;Dr: Don't stand on the landings of ski jumps if you don't like lacerations and concussions!
I was snowboarding at Killington Mountain and had been familiarizing myself with one of the terrain parks. I was blasting into a jump which had a blind turn right before it, so you kinda just had to hope there wouldn't be anybody in the way. Well, I turn the corner, and lo and behold, an entire family fucking lined up so they went all the way across the landing! At this point I was probably going 30 miles an hour and there was no way to stop. Luckily there was just enough space between two of them to fit myself between in midair, but I came within an inch of sending somebody to the hospital that day. And I fucking screamed at them. I feel a little bad for it now, thinking that I may have soured a nice day for them, but they needed to understand that what they were doing was extremely dangerous. Tl;Dr: Don't stand on the landings of ski jumps if you don't like lacerations and concussions!
I was snowboarding at Killington Mountain and had been familiarizing myself with one of the terrain parks. I was blasting into a jump which had a blind turn right before it, so you kinda just had to hope there wouldn't be anybody in the way. Well, I turn the corner, and lo and behold, an entire family fucking lined up so they went all the way across the landing! At this point I was probably going 30 miles an hour and there was no way to stop. Luckily there was just enough space between two of them to fit myself between in midair, but I came within an inch of sending somebody to the hospital that day. And I fucking screamed at them. I feel a little bad for it now, thinking that I may have soured a nice day for them, but they needed to understand that what they were doing was extremely dangerous.
Don't stand on the landings of ski jumps if you don't like lacerations and concussions!
I posted here a few days ago about my girlfriend and my relationship troubles. [here]( is the link to the original article I posted. Today, I received a call from her saying that she didn't realize that sports were that big of a deal to me, and that she wants to try and start watching them with me. While I appreciate the gesture, I am not sure what to do in this situation. On one hand, that sounds fantastic. However, having been together for 7 years, it strikes me that it took a breakup to finally make her realize this. I worry that her new behavior may persist for 1-2 months, but then will revert back to her "I hate sports mode". I also worry that if or when something else comes along like this, we will just end up breaking up again. For now, I told her that I needed some time to myself to just think and figure things out. But I was wondering if anyone else has ever been in a similar situation, or just some general perspective on the matter. tl;dr: gf and I broke up. She then calls me and tells me that she wants to try watching sports with me (big part of the break up), but I'm not sure that will actually happen.
I posted here a few days ago about my girlfriend and my relationship troubles. [here]( is the link to the original article I posted. Today, I received a call from her saying that she didn't realize that sports were that big of a deal to me, and that she wants to try and start watching them with me. While I appreciate the gesture, I am not sure what to do in this situation. On one hand, that sounds fantastic. However, having been together for 7 years, it strikes me that it took a breakup to finally make her realize this. I worry that her new behavior may persist for 1-2 months, but then will revert back to her "I hate sports mode". I also worry that if or when something else comes along like this, we will just end up breaking up again. For now, I told her that I needed some time to myself to just think and figure things out. But I was wondering if anyone else has ever been in a similar situation, or just some general perspective on the matter. tl;dr: gf and I broke up. She then calls me and tells me that she wants to try watching sports with me (big part of the break up), but I'm not sure that will actually happen.
I posted here a few days ago about my girlfriend and my relationship troubles. [here]( is the link to the original article I posted. Today, I received a call from her saying that she didn't realize that sports were that big of a deal to me, and that she wants to try and start watching them with me. While I appreciate the gesture, I am not sure what to do in this situation. On one hand, that sounds fantastic. However, having been together for 7 years, it strikes me that it took a breakup to finally make her realize this. I worry that her new behavior may persist for 1-2 months, but then will revert back to her "I hate sports mode". I also worry that if or when something else comes along like this, we will just end up breaking up again. For now, I told her that I needed some time to myself to just think and figure things out. But I was wondering if anyone else has ever been in a similar situation, or just some general perspective on the matter.
gf and I broke up. She then calls me and tells me that she wants to try watching sports with me (big part of the break up), but I'm not sure that will actually happen.
Depends on what you want and what your budget is. Both will release good products over time so this answer is specific to today, maybe not 6 months down the road. By then AMD will have new desktop processors which from what I hear, will be a large improvement over their current chips. A new version of the Core i3 will also be launched soon which may push it above the competition. Anyway: If you're spending around $200 on a processor get an Intel Core i5 which is usually $200-$230 depending on the model. It's very fast, power efficient, and has integrated graphics in case your dedicated graphics card dies. Note that only unlocked i5 processors can overclock significantly, the locked i5 processors can only overclock by around 400 MHz. The competition, the AMD FX-8150 @ $200 has twice the cores, however each core is significantly slower than each i5 core, so while the AMD FX-8150 may occasionally exceed the i5 it will do so using significantly more power and be on average slower, sometimes significantly. The AMD FX-8120 @ $170 however, will overclock similar to the FX-8150 so it is very good value if overclocking and/or if you use it for the few tasks that it excels at. The i5 is much more well suited to gaming since each core is much faster. But with that said, since games are generally bound by the graphics card the AMD is usually "good enough". I find it frustrating when people recommend the AMD FX-8150/8120 for gaming claiming it runs fine. "good enough" is the enemy of better, and the i5 is simply better. And if you're talking about being "good enough" then the i3 and Phenom II X4 will be similar in games and both are cheaper. But yeah point is, if you get an AMD FX because it excels at what you mainly use it for then it should also do fine for gaming too. Overall there is no doubt that the i5 is simply the better product. If you need even more power for rendering (and whatnot) then an i7 is the way to go. AMD has basically no competition here. AMD FX-6xxx @ around $150 doesn't seem to have a lot of competition from Intel. It seems like on OK product. Don't have much to say about it. Around $120 is a toss-up between the Phenom II X4 and Core i3. Core i3 uses less power, has integrated graphics, and is marginally faster in games, but the Phenom II has more total throughput across all cores so is somewhat faster in non-gaming. As games utilize more cores better then I think the difference between the two will slowly degrade over time. The i3 also cannot overclock. AMD FX-4xxx is somewhat similar to the Phenom II X4, although I prefer the Phenom. New Intel motherboards generally have lucid MVP, which allows for virtual vsync and some other feature which might be useful for gaming. If using integrated graphics then AMD A-series is the way to go since it leverages Radeon graphics which is simply faster with better driver support than what Intel provides. tl;dr: Core i7 > ??? Core i5 > FX-81xx FX-6xxx > ??? Phenom II X4 = Core i3 > FX-4xxx AMD A > Core i3 if using integrated
Depends on what you want and what your budget is. Both will release good products over time so this answer is specific to today, maybe not 6 months down the road. By then AMD will have new desktop processors which from what I hear, will be a large improvement over their current chips. A new version of the Core i3 will also be launched soon which may push it above the competition. Anyway: If you're spending around $200 on a processor get an Intel Core i5 which is usually $200-$230 depending on the model. It's very fast, power efficient, and has integrated graphics in case your dedicated graphics card dies. Note that only unlocked i5 processors can overclock significantly, the locked i5 processors can only overclock by around 400 MHz. The competition, the AMD FX-8150 @ $200 has twice the cores, however each core is significantly slower than each i5 core, so while the AMD FX-8150 may occasionally exceed the i5 it will do so using significantly more power and be on average slower, sometimes significantly. The AMD FX-8120 @ $170 however, will overclock similar to the FX-8150 so it is very good value if overclocking and/or if you use it for the few tasks that it excels at. The i5 is much more well suited to gaming since each core is much faster. But with that said, since games are generally bound by the graphics card the AMD is usually "good enough". I find it frustrating when people recommend the AMD FX-8150/8120 for gaming claiming it runs fine. "good enough" is the enemy of better, and the i5 is simply better. And if you're talking about being "good enough" then the i3 and Phenom II X4 will be similar in games and both are cheaper. But yeah point is, if you get an AMD FX because it excels at what you mainly use it for then it should also do fine for gaming too. Overall there is no doubt that the i5 is simply the better product. If you need even more power for rendering (and whatnot) then an i7 is the way to go. AMD has basically no competition here. AMD FX-6xxx @ around $150 doesn't seem to have a lot of competition from Intel. It seems like on OK product. Don't have much to say about it. Around $120 is a toss-up between the Phenom II X4 and Core i3. Core i3 uses less power, has integrated graphics, and is marginally faster in games, but the Phenom II has more total throughput across all cores so is somewhat faster in non-gaming. As games utilize more cores better then I think the difference between the two will slowly degrade over time. The i3 also cannot overclock. AMD FX-4xxx is somewhat similar to the Phenom II X4, although I prefer the Phenom. New Intel motherboards generally have lucid MVP, which allows for virtual vsync and some other feature which might be useful for gaming. If using integrated graphics then AMD A-series is the way to go since it leverages Radeon graphics which is simply faster with better driver support than what Intel provides. tl;dr: Core i7 > ??? Core i5 > FX-81xx FX-6xxx > ??? Phenom II X4 = Core i3 > FX-4xxx AMD A > Core i3 if using integrated
Depends on what you want and what your budget is. Both will release good products over time so this answer is specific to today, maybe not 6 months down the road. By then AMD will have new desktop processors which from what I hear, will be a large improvement over their current chips. A new version of the Core i3 will also be launched soon which may push it above the competition. Anyway: If you're spending around $200 on a processor get an Intel Core i5 which is usually $200-$230 depending on the model. It's very fast, power efficient, and has integrated graphics in case your dedicated graphics card dies. Note that only unlocked i5 processors can overclock significantly, the locked i5 processors can only overclock by around 400 MHz. The competition, the AMD FX-8150 @ $200 has twice the cores, however each core is significantly slower than each i5 core, so while the AMD FX-8150 may occasionally exceed the i5 it will do so using significantly more power and be on average slower, sometimes significantly. The AMD FX-8120 @ $170 however, will overclock similar to the FX-8150 so it is very good value if overclocking and/or if you use it for the few tasks that it excels at. The i5 is much more well suited to gaming since each core is much faster. But with that said, since games are generally bound by the graphics card the AMD is usually "good enough". I find it frustrating when people recommend the AMD FX-8150/8120 for gaming claiming it runs fine. "good enough" is the enemy of better, and the i5 is simply better. And if you're talking about being "good enough" then the i3 and Phenom II X4 will be similar in games and both are cheaper. But yeah point is, if you get an AMD FX because it excels at what you mainly use it for then it should also do fine for gaming too. Overall there is no doubt that the i5 is simply the better product. If you need even more power for rendering (and whatnot) then an i7 is the way to go. AMD has basically no competition here. AMD FX-6xxx @ around $150 doesn't seem to have a lot of competition from Intel. It seems like on OK product. Don't have much to say about it. Around $120 is a toss-up between the Phenom II X4 and Core i3. Core i3 uses less power, has integrated graphics, and is marginally faster in games, but the Phenom II has more total throughput across all cores so is somewhat faster in non-gaming. As games utilize more cores better then I think the difference between the two will slowly degrade over time. The i3 also cannot overclock. AMD FX-4xxx is somewhat similar to the Phenom II X4, although I prefer the Phenom. New Intel motherboards generally have lucid MVP, which allows for virtual vsync and some other feature which might be useful for gaming. If using integrated graphics then AMD A-series is the way to go since it leverages Radeon graphics which is simply faster with better driver support than what Intel provides.
Core i7 > ??? Core i5 > FX-81xx FX-6xxx > ??? Phenom II X4 = Core i3 > FX-4xxx AMD A > Core i3 if using integrated
for those of you that think that the comments are TL;DR FUCK BESTBUY!
for those of you that think that the comments are TL;DR FUCK BESTBUY!
for those of you that think that the comments are
Original post: Update: I ended up sending her an email through work earlier this week, I made it blunt and to the point, left my number, etc. No response yet, staying optimistic, who knows what she is thinking. TL;DR Sent email to former co-worker, now waiting on response
Original post: Update: I ended up sending her an email through work earlier this week, I made it blunt and to the point, left my number, etc. No response yet, staying optimistic, who knows what she is thinking. TL;DR Sent email to former co-worker, now waiting on response
Original post: Update: I ended up sending her an email through work earlier this week, I made it blunt and to the point, left my number, etc. No response yet, staying optimistic, who knows what she is thinking.
Sent email to former co-worker, now waiting on response
We heard both reasons in my academy class on traffic stops. Fingerprints for ID, trunk latched for hidden ninja midgets. But like people are pointing out, even if you make sure the trunk is latched, someone inside could easily open it anyway. Also, we call in vehicle descriptions and LP numbers before we pull over a vehicle, if possible. That way, dispatch has description information in case something goes wrong. So I was always dubious of the instructors' reasoning. TL;DR: This is probably something cops do because cops used to do it back in the day.
We heard both reasons in my academy class on traffic stops. Fingerprints for ID, trunk latched for hidden ninja midgets. But like people are pointing out, even if you make sure the trunk is latched, someone inside could easily open it anyway. Also, we call in vehicle descriptions and LP numbers before we pull over a vehicle, if possible. That way, dispatch has description information in case something goes wrong. So I was always dubious of the instructors' reasoning. TL;DR: This is probably something cops do because cops used to do it back in the day.
We heard both reasons in my academy class on traffic stops. Fingerprints for ID, trunk latched for hidden ninja midgets. But like people are pointing out, even if you make sure the trunk is latched, someone inside could easily open it anyway. Also, we call in vehicle descriptions and LP numbers before we pull over a vehicle, if possible. That way, dispatch has description information in case something goes wrong. So I was always dubious of the instructors' reasoning.
This is probably something cops do because cops used to do it back in the day.
I have mixed feelings about it. I love the art work, it's gorgeous as hell, and I've heard the game play is super fun. I also love the ranger's [design]( she looks super cute and I'd love playing as her. But I am really bored of the "chainmail bikini warrior barbarian woman" look that the Amazon is sporting. Forgetting any of the sexism or unrealistic armour arguments, for me the biggest problem is that it just feels lazy and over done. Is it really that difficult to design an outfit with a bit more...variety? Sexy armour doesn't stop me playing games. Heck, I play Tera with friends purely to go "lol this is stupid". It does stop me taking a game as seriously though. So yeah, TL;DR: I like the art style, skimpy outfits are boring, wouldn't stop me playing but would make me facepalm lots.
I have mixed feelings about it. I love the art work, it's gorgeous as hell, and I've heard the game play is super fun. I also love the ranger's [design]( she looks super cute and I'd love playing as her. But I am really bored of the "chainmail bikini warrior barbarian woman" look that the Amazon is sporting. Forgetting any of the sexism or unrealistic armour arguments, for me the biggest problem is that it just feels lazy and over done. Is it really that difficult to design an outfit with a bit more...variety? Sexy armour doesn't stop me playing games. Heck, I play Tera with friends purely to go "lol this is stupid". It does stop me taking a game as seriously though. So yeah, TL;DR: I like the art style, skimpy outfits are boring, wouldn't stop me playing but would make me facepalm lots.
I have mixed feelings about it. I love the art work, it's gorgeous as hell, and I've heard the game play is super fun. I also love the ranger's [design]( she looks super cute and I'd love playing as her. But I am really bored of the "chainmail bikini warrior barbarian woman" look that the Amazon is sporting. Forgetting any of the sexism or unrealistic armour arguments, for me the biggest problem is that it just feels lazy and over done. Is it really that difficult to design an outfit with a bit more...variety? Sexy armour doesn't stop me playing games. Heck, I play Tera with friends purely to go "lol this is stupid". It does stop me taking a game as seriously though. So yeah,
I like the art style, skimpy outfits are boring, wouldn't stop me playing but would make me facepalm lots.
I think Halo Reach was a pretty good game, however it completely shit on 10 years of story line. Try reading the Halo books if you have time, they make such an awesome companion to the games and in general are just really badass. Then comes reach and completely ruins the cannon. Kinda turned me off Halo for awhile. Have since decided Halo Reach is not cannon and never happened (in my head). tl;dr Fuck Halo Reach
I think Halo Reach was a pretty good game, however it completely shit on 10 years of story line. Try reading the Halo books if you have time, they make such an awesome companion to the games and in general are just really badass. Then comes reach and completely ruins the cannon. Kinda turned me off Halo for awhile. Have since decided Halo Reach is not cannon and never happened (in my head). tl;dr Fuck Halo Reach
I think Halo Reach was a pretty good game, however it completely shit on 10 years of story line. Try reading the Halo books if you have time, they make such an awesome companion to the games and in general are just really badass. Then comes reach and completely ruins the cannon. Kinda turned me off Halo for awhile. Have since decided Halo Reach is not cannon and never happened (in my head).
Fuck Halo Reach
There basically should be multiple groups who control each other with appropriate power (in paper, every democracy). So no-one can rise to the top. But in real life, that just leads to unneeded bureaucracy and corruption. Someone always wants to be the top chicken in the pecking order. TL;DR we are doomed to watch that happen again and again, until we either evolve somehow, or the computers start to make the decisions. Human mind just likes evil leaders for some reason.
There basically should be multiple groups who control each other with appropriate power (in paper, every democracy). So no-one can rise to the top. But in real life, that just leads to unneeded bureaucracy and corruption. Someone always wants to be the top chicken in the pecking order. TL;DR we are doomed to watch that happen again and again, until we either evolve somehow, or the computers start to make the decisions. Human mind just likes evil leaders for some reason.
There basically should be multiple groups who control each other with appropriate power (in paper, every democracy). So no-one can rise to the top. But in real life, that just leads to unneeded bureaucracy and corruption. Someone always wants to be the top chicken in the pecking order.
we are doomed to watch that happen again and again, until we either evolve somehow, or the computers start to make the decisions. Human mind just likes evil leaders for some reason.
It's a tremendously long story. When we first starting dating we were young, real young. Her 17 me 21, yeah I know... She was mature and I was immature so it worked then. We slowly grown apart over the years and over time loathed each other. She cheated got pregnant, I move out and on. We start talking after a while, she marries guy and gets pregnant again. I realize they were in love while her and I never were to begin with. I forgave her, she was caught cheating on her husband with his best friend and I realized she was just a tramp. Eventually a couple years go by and her and I have become close friends and visit each other and help each other. She got hit by a pretty nasty disease that left her deaf and changed for life, I wanted back of the small town I moved to she needed someone to help out, by this time her boys were very special to me and I actually accepted them as family. I move in and start helping her out. Another couple years go by to now, she's all fine and has become my best friend, my sister by choice and her boys are as close to me as possible. It's weird I know, but I'm a true testament that forgivness is the key to a happy life and exes can be friends again even through the worst, wounds can be healed. tl;dr A bunch of mushy stuff
It's a tremendously long story. When we first starting dating we were young, real young. Her 17 me 21, yeah I know... She was mature and I was immature so it worked then. We slowly grown apart over the years and over time loathed each other. She cheated got pregnant, I move out and on. We start talking after a while, she marries guy and gets pregnant again. I realize they were in love while her and I never were to begin with. I forgave her, she was caught cheating on her husband with his best friend and I realized she was just a tramp. Eventually a couple years go by and her and I have become close friends and visit each other and help each other. She got hit by a pretty nasty disease that left her deaf and changed for life, I wanted back of the small town I moved to she needed someone to help out, by this time her boys were very special to me and I actually accepted them as family. I move in and start helping her out. Another couple years go by to now, she's all fine and has become my best friend, my sister by choice and her boys are as close to me as possible. It's weird I know, but I'm a true testament that forgivness is the key to a happy life and exes can be friends again even through the worst, wounds can be healed. tl;dr A bunch of mushy stuff
It's a tremendously long story. When we first starting dating we were young, real young. Her 17 me 21, yeah I know... She was mature and I was immature so it worked then. We slowly grown apart over the years and over time loathed each other. She cheated got pregnant, I move out and on. We start talking after a while, she marries guy and gets pregnant again. I realize they were in love while her and I never were to begin with. I forgave her, she was caught cheating on her husband with his best friend and I realized she was just a tramp. Eventually a couple years go by and her and I have become close friends and visit each other and help each other. She got hit by a pretty nasty disease that left her deaf and changed for life, I wanted back of the small town I moved to she needed someone to help out, by this time her boys were very special to me and I actually accepted them as family. I move in and start helping her out. Another couple years go by to now, she's all fine and has become my best friend, my sister by choice and her boys are as close to me as possible. It's weird I know, but I'm a true testament that forgivness is the key to a happy life and exes can be friends again even through the worst, wounds can be healed.
A bunch of mushy stuff
Honestly from what I see stats on ego weapons aren't really why people have them. If you wanted damage the more efficient way of going about it is to use a BDK sword/bow, or black mask staff for magic. Also do try to realize that ego weapons take a REALLY REALLY REALLY REEEEAAAALLLLY long time to max out. In my opinion ego weapons are more for show than their stats. I mean they are pretty dang good when acually used as weapons, but usually when people get serious they take out their R6 Lances/knuckles/bows/control bars or S6 Magic weapons. tldr: get a wooden stick
Honestly from what I see stats on ego weapons aren't really why people have them. If you wanted damage the more efficient way of going about it is to use a BDK sword/bow, or black mask staff for magic. Also do try to realize that ego weapons take a REALLY REALLY REALLY REEEEAAAALLLLY long time to max out. In my opinion ego weapons are more for show than their stats. I mean they are pretty dang good when acually used as weapons, but usually when people get serious they take out their R6 Lances/knuckles/bows/control bars or S6 Magic weapons. tldr: get a wooden stick
Honestly from what I see stats on ego weapons aren't really why people have them. If you wanted damage the more efficient way of going about it is to use a BDK sword/bow, or black mask staff for magic. Also do try to realize that ego weapons take a REALLY REALLY REALLY REEEEAAAALLLLY long time to max out. In my opinion ego weapons are more for show than their stats. I mean they are pretty dang good when acually used as weapons, but usually when people get serious they take out their R6 Lances/knuckles/bows/control bars or S6 Magic weapons.
get a wooden stick
Stories like that always make me sad because a family should never split over money. It's very possible their father truly didn't mean to screw over the son, as crazy as that sounds. I have a brother and sister, and my parents sat me down and told me they were leaving everything to me. It's not because they really want me to have everything! They want me to see to clearing out the house and selling it, paying those taxes, and then figuring out the total to split evenly with my siblings. They told me they wanted it to be me because they knew I would make sure things were as equal and fair as they could be. They worried if they left it to, say, my sister, she would just give me a third and then be stuck with inheritance taxes and taxes on selling the house. They also said it didn't seem fair to leave cash to one sibling and a house to another, so they're just putting it all in my name. Anyway, I know I would never, ever screw over my siblings, ever. Even if we weren't talking to each other and hated each other, I would make sure they got an equal share. It kind of surprised me that my *parents* had that trust in me, too, though. You know? AFAIK, my siblings aren't aware of this arrangement. I don't want to tell them because I think it would just make them feel shitty or else cause them to be upset which would cause stress on my parents. TL;DR: I'm willing to bet your friend's dad meant for him to have half, but the sibling he left it to didn't do what she was supposed to.
Stories like that always make me sad because a family should never split over money. It's very possible their father truly didn't mean to screw over the son, as crazy as that sounds. I have a brother and sister, and my parents sat me down and told me they were leaving everything to me. It's not because they really want me to have everything! They want me to see to clearing out the house and selling it, paying those taxes, and then figuring out the total to split evenly with my siblings. They told me they wanted it to be me because they knew I would make sure things were as equal and fair as they could be. They worried if they left it to, say, my sister, she would just give me a third and then be stuck with inheritance taxes and taxes on selling the house. They also said it didn't seem fair to leave cash to one sibling and a house to another, so they're just putting it all in my name. Anyway, I know I would never, ever screw over my siblings, ever. Even if we weren't talking to each other and hated each other, I would make sure they got an equal share. It kind of surprised me that my parents had that trust in me, too, though. You know? AFAIK, my siblings aren't aware of this arrangement. I don't want to tell them because I think it would just make them feel shitty or else cause them to be upset which would cause stress on my parents. TL;DR: I'm willing to bet your friend's dad meant for him to have half, but the sibling he left it to didn't do what she was supposed to.
Stories like that always make me sad because a family should never split over money. It's very possible their father truly didn't mean to screw over the son, as crazy as that sounds. I have a brother and sister, and my parents sat me down and told me they were leaving everything to me. It's not because they really want me to have everything! They want me to see to clearing out the house and selling it, paying those taxes, and then figuring out the total to split evenly with my siblings. They told me they wanted it to be me because they knew I would make sure things were as equal and fair as they could be. They worried if they left it to, say, my sister, she would just give me a third and then be stuck with inheritance taxes and taxes on selling the house. They also said it didn't seem fair to leave cash to one sibling and a house to another, so they're just putting it all in my name. Anyway, I know I would never, ever screw over my siblings, ever. Even if we weren't talking to each other and hated each other, I would make sure they got an equal share. It kind of surprised me that my parents had that trust in me, too, though. You know? AFAIK, my siblings aren't aware of this arrangement. I don't want to tell them because I think it would just make them feel shitty or else cause them to be upset which would cause stress on my parents.
I'm willing to bet your friend's dad meant for him to have half, but the sibling he left it to didn't do what she was supposed to.
So yeh, I got my new board 2 days ago. Before I got it (Dervish Sama) I used an cheap Warp bord which did keep the speed at a minimum. Anyhow! On my way to my uncle I saw some really nice hills and decided that I would ride them on my way home, so I did. I started rushing down the hill and came up to about 31 MPH (50 Km/h) (had a car behind me so I could measure it) I got a bit of a wobble but I managed to get trough it. After I've gone down about half the hill I realise that I won't be able to stop where I planned to but rather keep going and possibly reach speeds like 40 MPH (65 Km/H) so I decided to carve to lose a bit of speed then bail. I did bail at about 28 Mph (45 Km/h) I hit my head a bit but I had a helmet on. When I got into the car I realised my wrist hurt as hell, so I went to the ER! They could not see anything on the scan but they told me that I should wait it out and possibly come back, so here I am with my band aid on. How was your first crasch? TL;DR: Underestimated the speed on my board, bailed and hurt myself.
So yeh, I got my new board 2 days ago. Before I got it (Dervish Sama) I used an cheap Warp bord which did keep the speed at a minimum. Anyhow! On my way to my uncle I saw some really nice hills and decided that I would ride them on my way home, so I did. I started rushing down the hill and came up to about 31 MPH (50 Km/h) (had a car behind me so I could measure it) I got a bit of a wobble but I managed to get trough it. After I've gone down about half the hill I realise that I won't be able to stop where I planned to but rather keep going and possibly reach speeds like 40 MPH (65 Km/H) so I decided to carve to lose a bit of speed then bail. I did bail at about 28 Mph (45 Km/h) I hit my head a bit but I had a helmet on. When I got into the car I realised my wrist hurt as hell, so I went to the ER! They could not see anything on the scan but they told me that I should wait it out and possibly come back, so here I am with my band aid on. How was your first crasch? TL;DR: Underestimated the speed on my board, bailed and hurt myself.
So yeh, I got my new board 2 days ago. Before I got it (Dervish Sama) I used an cheap Warp bord which did keep the speed at a minimum. Anyhow! On my way to my uncle I saw some really nice hills and decided that I would ride them on my way home, so I did. I started rushing down the hill and came up to about 31 MPH (50 Km/h) (had a car behind me so I could measure it) I got a bit of a wobble but I managed to get trough it. After I've gone down about half the hill I realise that I won't be able to stop where I planned to but rather keep going and possibly reach speeds like 40 MPH (65 Km/H) so I decided to carve to lose a bit of speed then bail. I did bail at about 28 Mph (45 Km/h) I hit my head a bit but I had a helmet on. When I got into the car I realised my wrist hurt as hell, so I went to the ER! They could not see anything on the scan but they told me that I should wait it out and possibly come back, so here I am with my band aid on. How was your first crasch?
Underestimated the speed on my board, bailed and hurt myself.
Obvious throw away here because my friends know my normal account So I'm a senior in High School, and it's starting to get close to when people start asking others to prom. Last year I had a gf(V) so there wasn't any real issue with finding a date or if she'd go with me, this year I don't have that. This is where my problem lies. **Little Background first:** I have known this girl(E) since sophomore year, she's now a freshmen in College, I met her through my ex who was her bestfriend at the time(They are no longer close). We always got along well given we shared conservative views on things. We were never really close until I broke up with my gf this summer and she texted me to see how I was holding up. We started talking occasionally, just chit chat stuff. Eventually over time and her breaking up with her bf, we got closer. Eventually it got to the point where she kept making statements about how great of a guy I am and any girl would be lucky to date me, to eventually she asked me out on a date(Literally a day before I was going to ask her to), and then immediately back tracked after I made a joke that she said "was something her ex would have said that she hated". Things kinda petered out from there until one day she texts me angrily asking me why I lied to her, this confused me as I had never lied to her to my knowledge and so I asked her what she was talking about, she never responded. A few months go by and I'm still in the dark and still really into her and missing her and our talks. Out of the blue one day she texts me and asks me why I lied again about 3 months later. I just tell her I have no idea what she's talking about, she then tells me my ex had told her(E) that somethings I shared to her were all lies, when they were true, and I had proof of it. So since then we've talked and she's made comments about how me and her dad are the only good guys she knows, and we joke about how crappy guys are and what not given her experiences with them. **Current Situation:** I have no idea where we stand right now. She's off at college and I only see her once every couple weeks. She's still single, but she talks to me about guys that she meets in classes, but nothing ever goes anywhere. I try to make plans to hang out but they always fall through. I'm hopefully (fingers crossed) taking her to a concert in two weeks, not as a date though, I often take her to concerts/sporting events that we have extra tickets for. She's told me she never says no to a first date but I don't know how to initiate that, my last, and only, relationship just kinda happened, I never had to ask her out. One day we're talking nonstop the next it's sparingly. She gets upset when I don't respond after reading her texts for multiple hours though, which really isn't an issue just trying to get everything I can think of down. I tell her she's pretty and beautiful and sweet and all that jazz just kinda offhandedly and she never really says anything special or whatever. I'm just totally lost and new to this whole thing so I wanted some help. /: Edit: I guess I should go back in and add that she's always saying how she misses going to formals and she offered to go with me as friends right after my break up when I was complaining about not having a date to prom now and how sad my mom was gonna be. --- **tl;dr**: I want to take a long time friend of mine I almost had a relationship with but didn't to prom but I'm not sure how to do it or what to say. Help!
Obvious throw away here because my friends know my normal account So I'm a senior in High School, and it's starting to get close to when people start asking others to prom. Last year I had a gf(V) so there wasn't any real issue with finding a date or if she'd go with me, this year I don't have that. This is where my problem lies. Little Background first: I have known this girl(E) since sophomore year, she's now a freshmen in College, I met her through my ex who was her bestfriend at the time(They are no longer close). We always got along well given we shared conservative views on things. We were never really close until I broke up with my gf this summer and she texted me to see how I was holding up. We started talking occasionally, just chit chat stuff. Eventually over time and her breaking up with her bf, we got closer. Eventually it got to the point where she kept making statements about how great of a guy I am and any girl would be lucky to date me, to eventually she asked me out on a date(Literally a day before I was going to ask her to), and then immediately back tracked after I made a joke that she said "was something her ex would have said that she hated". Things kinda petered out from there until one day she texts me angrily asking me why I lied to her, this confused me as I had never lied to her to my knowledge and so I asked her what she was talking about, she never responded. A few months go by and I'm still in the dark and still really into her and missing her and our talks. Out of the blue one day she texts me and asks me why I lied again about 3 months later. I just tell her I have no idea what she's talking about, she then tells me my ex had told her(E) that somethings I shared to her were all lies, when they were true, and I had proof of it. So since then we've talked and she's made comments about how me and her dad are the only good guys she knows, and we joke about how crappy guys are and what not given her experiences with them. Current Situation: I have no idea where we stand right now. She's off at college and I only see her once every couple weeks. She's still single, but she talks to me about guys that she meets in classes, but nothing ever goes anywhere. I try to make plans to hang out but they always fall through. I'm hopefully (fingers crossed) taking her to a concert in two weeks, not as a date though, I often take her to concerts/sporting events that we have extra tickets for. She's told me she never says no to a first date but I don't know how to initiate that, my last, and only, relationship just kinda happened, I never had to ask her out. One day we're talking nonstop the next it's sparingly. She gets upset when I don't respond after reading her texts for multiple hours though, which really isn't an issue just trying to get everything I can think of down. I tell her she's pretty and beautiful and sweet and all that jazz just kinda offhandedly and she never really says anything special or whatever. I'm just totally lost and new to this whole thing so I wanted some help. /: Edit: I guess I should go back in and add that she's always saying how she misses going to formals and she offered to go with me as friends right after my break up when I was complaining about not having a date to prom now and how sad my mom was gonna be. tl;dr : I want to take a long time friend of mine I almost had a relationship with but didn't to prom but I'm not sure how to do it or what to say. Help!
Obvious throw away here because my friends know my normal account So I'm a senior in High School, and it's starting to get close to when people start asking others to prom. Last year I had a gf(V) so there wasn't any real issue with finding a date or if she'd go with me, this year I don't have that. This is where my problem lies. Little Background first: I have known this girl(E) since sophomore year, she's now a freshmen in College, I met her through my ex who was her bestfriend at the time(They are no longer close). We always got along well given we shared conservative views on things. We were never really close until I broke up with my gf this summer and she texted me to see how I was holding up. We started talking occasionally, just chit chat stuff. Eventually over time and her breaking up with her bf, we got closer. Eventually it got to the point where she kept making statements about how great of a guy I am and any girl would be lucky to date me, to eventually she asked me out on a date(Literally a day before I was going to ask her to), and then immediately back tracked after I made a joke that she said "was something her ex would have said that she hated". Things kinda petered out from there until one day she texts me angrily asking me why I lied to her, this confused me as I had never lied to her to my knowledge and so I asked her what she was talking about, she never responded. A few months go by and I'm still in the dark and still really into her and missing her and our talks. Out of the blue one day she texts me and asks me why I lied again about 3 months later. I just tell her I have no idea what she's talking about, she then tells me my ex had told her(E) that somethings I shared to her were all lies, when they were true, and I had proof of it. So since then we've talked and she's made comments about how me and her dad are the only good guys she knows, and we joke about how crappy guys are and what not given her experiences with them. Current Situation: I have no idea where we stand right now. She's off at college and I only see her once every couple weeks. She's still single, but she talks to me about guys that she meets in classes, but nothing ever goes anywhere. I try to make plans to hang out but they always fall through. I'm hopefully (fingers crossed) taking her to a concert in two weeks, not as a date though, I often take her to concerts/sporting events that we have extra tickets for. She's told me she never says no to a first date but I don't know how to initiate that, my last, and only, relationship just kinda happened, I never had to ask her out. One day we're talking nonstop the next it's sparingly. She gets upset when I don't respond after reading her texts for multiple hours though, which really isn't an issue just trying to get everything I can think of down. I tell her she's pretty and beautiful and sweet and all that jazz just kinda offhandedly and she never really says anything special or whatever. I'm just totally lost and new to this whole thing so I wanted some help. /: Edit: I guess I should go back in and add that she's always saying how she misses going to formals and she offered to go with me as friends right after my break up when I was complaining about not having a date to prom now and how sad my mom was gonna be.
I want to take a long time friend of mine I almost had a relationship with but didn't to prom but I'm not sure how to do it or what to say. Help!
Im not really sure how to word this but I have a few basic questions on dating etiquette that I am sure others have experience with. We were high school sweethearts, married at 20 and are in the final stages of getting divorced. My biggest questions deal with my children. They are both young, 7yrs and 18 months, and so they will be a big part of my life for a very long time. My question arises in timing, when do I tell a woman that I am dating that I have kids? Should she know before I even ask her on a date? After a few? I know dating with kids is nothing new, but I have no resources in my personal life to ask. The second question is even trickier for me. I am no longer able to have kids ( hooray vasectomy). This decision was made after child #2, when my ex and I had a life plan. I obviously don't mind if someone I'm dating has children, but when do I bring up that I can't have more biologically? That doesn't seem first date appropriate but I don't think it's fair to let it go unsaid for long. Any male or female insight would be great. tl;dr Newly divorced and dating. When do I bring up my kids and that I've had a vasectomy?
Im not really sure how to word this but I have a few basic questions on dating etiquette that I am sure others have experience with. We were high school sweethearts, married at 20 and are in the final stages of getting divorced. My biggest questions deal with my children. They are both young, 7yrs and 18 months, and so they will be a big part of my life for a very long time. My question arises in timing, when do I tell a woman that I am dating that I have kids? Should she know before I even ask her on a date? After a few? I know dating with kids is nothing new, but I have no resources in my personal life to ask. The second question is even trickier for me. I am no longer able to have kids ( hooray vasectomy). This decision was made after child #2, when my ex and I had a life plan. I obviously don't mind if someone I'm dating has children, but when do I bring up that I can't have more biologically? That doesn't seem first date appropriate but I don't think it's fair to let it go unsaid for long. Any male or female insight would be great. tl;dr Newly divorced and dating. When do I bring up my kids and that I've had a vasectomy?
Im not really sure how to word this but I have a few basic questions on dating etiquette that I am sure others have experience with. We were high school sweethearts, married at 20 and are in the final stages of getting divorced. My biggest questions deal with my children. They are both young, 7yrs and 18 months, and so they will be a big part of my life for a very long time. My question arises in timing, when do I tell a woman that I am dating that I have kids? Should she know before I even ask her on a date? After a few? I know dating with kids is nothing new, but I have no resources in my personal life to ask. The second question is even trickier for me. I am no longer able to have kids ( hooray vasectomy). This decision was made after child #2, when my ex and I had a life plan. I obviously don't mind if someone I'm dating has children, but when do I bring up that I can't have more biologically? That doesn't seem first date appropriate but I don't think it's fair to let it go unsaid for long. Any male or female insight would be great.
Newly divorced and dating. When do I bring up my kids and that I've had a vasectomy?
I fucked myself three times today, yesterday I did that twice, the day before, same thing, in fact I've been doing the same thing everyday for the past four years except for a few blessed days or maybe a week where I managed to control myself. I was driving home from the Home Depot today when I felt a crushing feeling of depression, melancholy, and a general feeling of what is the point. Where I'm at right now it's like I'm a hamster running in one of those loops. Same shit over and over again. Wake up, masturbate, eat, masturbate, shower, masturbate, go to bed promising myself the next day will be different. To quote the rapper Hopsin "Nah you hamster ass nigga, you just stuck in a loop." Well I was driving home when I realized that I'm so sick of the routine, I'm so sick of being ordinary, I'm so sick of just being another guy in the system. Well I finally decided that it's time to get out of the loop. I've spent my entire life being scared of actually trying to reach my full potential. I've always made excuses, well fuck it, I'm so done with regrets and wondering what if. While a long time ago I decided that I was going to stop fapping, it was today that I decided I was going to start living. For the longest time I have been trying to figure out why I can't go more than a few days without fapping, it's because I have literally nothing else to do. Well now I've decided that I'm no longer making excuses, there are so many things I have wanted to do but made way too many excuses, learn guitar, start doing parkour, actually work out consistently, read instead of constantly Netflixing and gaming, go hiking/adventure, go camping with just some friends. There is so much shit to be done and not enough time, porn and masturbation are robbing me of the precious time I have left here. PMO is such a fucking waste of time it's ridiculous how much time I've spent doing it. It's time I take back my life, it's time I start living. TLDR: Fuck porn, Fuck masturbation, I'm going to live my own life and actually do shit. Here is the song I reference, I love it, just replace the theme of wasting time with drugs and girls with porn and masturbation and that's me.
I fucked myself three times today, yesterday I did that twice, the day before, same thing, in fact I've been doing the same thing everyday for the past four years except for a few blessed days or maybe a week where I managed to control myself. I was driving home from the Home Depot today when I felt a crushing feeling of depression, melancholy, and a general feeling of what is the point. Where I'm at right now it's like I'm a hamster running in one of those loops. Same shit over and over again. Wake up, masturbate, eat, masturbate, shower, masturbate, go to bed promising myself the next day will be different. To quote the rapper Hopsin "Nah you hamster ass nigga, you just stuck in a loop." Well I was driving home when I realized that I'm so sick of the routine, I'm so sick of being ordinary, I'm so sick of just being another guy in the system. Well I finally decided that it's time to get out of the loop. I've spent my entire life being scared of actually trying to reach my full potential. I've always made excuses, well fuck it, I'm so done with regrets and wondering what if. While a long time ago I decided that I was going to stop fapping, it was today that I decided I was going to start living. For the longest time I have been trying to figure out why I can't go more than a few days without fapping, it's because I have literally nothing else to do. Well now I've decided that I'm no longer making excuses, there are so many things I have wanted to do but made way too many excuses, learn guitar, start doing parkour, actually work out consistently, read instead of constantly Netflixing and gaming, go hiking/adventure, go camping with just some friends. There is so much shit to be done and not enough time, porn and masturbation are robbing me of the precious time I have left here. PMO is such a fucking waste of time it's ridiculous how much time I've spent doing it. It's time I take back my life, it's time I start living. TLDR: Fuck porn, Fuck masturbation, I'm going to live my own life and actually do shit. Here is the song I reference, I love it, just replace the theme of wasting time with drugs and girls with porn and masturbation and that's me.
I fucked myself three times today, yesterday I did that twice, the day before, same thing, in fact I've been doing the same thing everyday for the past four years except for a few blessed days or maybe a week where I managed to control myself. I was driving home from the Home Depot today when I felt a crushing feeling of depression, melancholy, and a general feeling of what is the point. Where I'm at right now it's like I'm a hamster running in one of those loops. Same shit over and over again. Wake up, masturbate, eat, masturbate, shower, masturbate, go to bed promising myself the next day will be different. To quote the rapper Hopsin "Nah you hamster ass nigga, you just stuck in a loop." Well I was driving home when I realized that I'm so sick of the routine, I'm so sick of being ordinary, I'm so sick of just being another guy in the system. Well I finally decided that it's time to get out of the loop. I've spent my entire life being scared of actually trying to reach my full potential. I've always made excuses, well fuck it, I'm so done with regrets and wondering what if. While a long time ago I decided that I was going to stop fapping, it was today that I decided I was going to start living. For the longest time I have been trying to figure out why I can't go more than a few days without fapping, it's because I have literally nothing else to do. Well now I've decided that I'm no longer making excuses, there are so many things I have wanted to do but made way too many excuses, learn guitar, start doing parkour, actually work out consistently, read instead of constantly Netflixing and gaming, go hiking/adventure, go camping with just some friends. There is so much shit to be done and not enough time, porn and masturbation are robbing me of the precious time I have left here. PMO is such a fucking waste of time it's ridiculous how much time I've spent doing it. It's time I take back my life, it's time I start living.
Fuck porn, Fuck masturbation, I'm going to live my own life and actually do shit. Here is the song I reference, I love it, just replace the theme of wasting time with drugs and girls with porn and masturbation and that's me.
I have some damaged hair that has been dyed numerous times over the past three years. I am pretty sure this caused my hair to break (combing/dying process, etc) leaving random two inch strands all throughout my hair. These strands then turn into horrible frizz when I put my hair up for work. My hair is naturally curly/wavy, so the strands curl and stick straight up. I live in RI, and it's been pretty muggy/hot here lately, which doesn't help my cause. I've deep conditioned my hair with macadamia products, taken cold showers to lock the cuticles, used numerous leave-in conditioners, used macadamia and argon oils... but NOTHING seems to work. I'm a waitress, which means your tips are solely based on your service and looks. You're the pretty face of the restaurant, but I can't seem to keep my hair tame enough to feel as confident as I should. TLDR Does anyone have advice for curly/frizzy fly aways on thin/wavy/oil prone hair?
I have some damaged hair that has been dyed numerous times over the past three years. I am pretty sure this caused my hair to break (combing/dying process, etc) leaving random two inch strands all throughout my hair. These strands then turn into horrible frizz when I put my hair up for work. My hair is naturally curly/wavy, so the strands curl and stick straight up. I live in RI, and it's been pretty muggy/hot here lately, which doesn't help my cause. I've deep conditioned my hair with macadamia products, taken cold showers to lock the cuticles, used numerous leave-in conditioners, used macadamia and argon oils... but NOTHING seems to work. I'm a waitress, which means your tips are solely based on your service and looks. You're the pretty face of the restaurant, but I can't seem to keep my hair tame enough to feel as confident as I should. TLDR Does anyone have advice for curly/frizzy fly aways on thin/wavy/oil prone hair?
I have some damaged hair that has been dyed numerous times over the past three years. I am pretty sure this caused my hair to break (combing/dying process, etc) leaving random two inch strands all throughout my hair. These strands then turn into horrible frizz when I put my hair up for work. My hair is naturally curly/wavy, so the strands curl and stick straight up. I live in RI, and it's been pretty muggy/hot here lately, which doesn't help my cause. I've deep conditioned my hair with macadamia products, taken cold showers to lock the cuticles, used numerous leave-in conditioners, used macadamia and argon oils... but NOTHING seems to work. I'm a waitress, which means your tips are solely based on your service and looks. You're the pretty face of the restaurant, but I can't seem to keep my hair tame enough to feel as confident as I should.
Does anyone have advice for curly/frizzy fly aways on thin/wavy/oil prone hair?
I would not define champions like Annie or Veigar as Assassins, but rather, burst mages. What's the difference? Very little. However, think about them compared to the 4 big Assassins right now (Fizz, Zed, Kass, Ahri), except ignore Ahri for now, we'll come back to her. They are all melee, and asides from a brief Fizz knockup, which is also mitigated by the fact it's delayed and easy to react to (especially if you have qss/zhon, Vlad pool, etc.), they don't have hard CC. As such, they all fit the Assassin mold, focusing on lots of mobility, high burst, and fairly high sustained damage, and fit into my post above. Ahri, on the other hand, has a hard CC spell that's not only more usable (it isn't delayed by 5 seconds and can't be removed by as many things), but is decently spammable, much like an Annie or Veigar stun. She's also ranged, like Annie and Veigar. When you take into account these characteristics of Ahri's, you realize she's a pretty safe pick for an Assassin, and has ways of being helpful (like any mage), which is also unusual for an Assassin. Unlike Veigar and Annie, Ahri has real 100-0 potential without her ult (although you would probably need DFG or ignite, making her the ultimate safe pick, and losing nothing for it. In my humble opinion, that's the problem with Ahri: she has the best of both worlds (burst mages and Assassins). Riot needs to decide where they want her- I don't think they have to stick to Assassin/burst mage molds, but they definitely need to consider weaknesses of each and use those to guide her development. If it was me, I would let her keep her ranged auto-attack, but change the charm to a malphite-style speed steal, and bring more of her damage to her ult, so that she does indeed have to risk it to get the biscuit. So what does this all have to do your original comment? I would disagree with your examples completely, Veigar is much more consistent than you give him credit for (particularly since his ult is on an 80 sec CD with 10% CDR from DFG), he will be able to successfully re-engage over an over as his CDs come up, and if he plays things right will have the HP to do so. But he's not an Assassin, so he doesn't particularly belong in this discussion, except for explaining how Ahri is OP, and thus can't be used much in discussion either. I would agree that Kass is too safe (although he should be, and the suggested changes would fix that), if my OP didn't make that clear, but I don't know if I would generalize that to Fizz and Zed, while Ahri is special and has her own special problems. tl;dr: Ahri is OP due to risk/reward, and so using her as an example isnt fair. Other examples that don't have to be "hit or miss" probably aren't a true Assassins, so I still assert that balanced Assassins are "hit or miss."
I would not define champions like Annie or Veigar as Assassins, but rather, burst mages. What's the difference? Very little. However, think about them compared to the 4 big Assassins right now (Fizz, Zed, Kass, Ahri), except ignore Ahri for now, we'll come back to her. They are all melee, and asides from a brief Fizz knockup, which is also mitigated by the fact it's delayed and easy to react to (especially if you have qss/zhon, Vlad pool, etc.), they don't have hard CC. As such, they all fit the Assassin mold, focusing on lots of mobility, high burst, and fairly high sustained damage, and fit into my post above. Ahri, on the other hand, has a hard CC spell that's not only more usable (it isn't delayed by 5 seconds and can't be removed by as many things), but is decently spammable, much like an Annie or Veigar stun. She's also ranged, like Annie and Veigar. When you take into account these characteristics of Ahri's, you realize she's a pretty safe pick for an Assassin, and has ways of being helpful (like any mage), which is also unusual for an Assassin. Unlike Veigar and Annie, Ahri has real 100-0 potential without her ult (although you would probably need DFG or ignite, making her the ultimate safe pick, and losing nothing for it. In my humble opinion, that's the problem with Ahri: she has the best of both worlds (burst mages and Assassins). Riot needs to decide where they want her- I don't think they have to stick to Assassin/burst mage molds, but they definitely need to consider weaknesses of each and use those to guide her development. If it was me, I would let her keep her ranged auto-attack, but change the charm to a malphite-style speed steal, and bring more of her damage to her ult, so that she does indeed have to risk it to get the biscuit. So what does this all have to do your original comment? I would disagree with your examples completely, Veigar is much more consistent than you give him credit for (particularly since his ult is on an 80 sec CD with 10% CDR from DFG), he will be able to successfully re-engage over an over as his CDs come up, and if he plays things right will have the HP to do so. But he's not an Assassin, so he doesn't particularly belong in this discussion, except for explaining how Ahri is OP, and thus can't be used much in discussion either. I would agree that Kass is too safe (although he should be, and the suggested changes would fix that), if my OP didn't make that clear, but I don't know if I would generalize that to Fizz and Zed, while Ahri is special and has her own special problems. tl;dr: Ahri is OP due to risk/reward, and so using her as an example isnt fair. Other examples that don't have to be "hit or miss" probably aren't a true Assassins, so I still assert that balanced Assassins are "hit or miss."
I would not define champions like Annie or Veigar as Assassins, but rather, burst mages. What's the difference? Very little. However, think about them compared to the 4 big Assassins right now (Fizz, Zed, Kass, Ahri), except ignore Ahri for now, we'll come back to her. They are all melee, and asides from a brief Fizz knockup, which is also mitigated by the fact it's delayed and easy to react to (especially if you have qss/zhon, Vlad pool, etc.), they don't have hard CC. As such, they all fit the Assassin mold, focusing on lots of mobility, high burst, and fairly high sustained damage, and fit into my post above. Ahri, on the other hand, has a hard CC spell that's not only more usable (it isn't delayed by 5 seconds and can't be removed by as many things), but is decently spammable, much like an Annie or Veigar stun. She's also ranged, like Annie and Veigar. When you take into account these characteristics of Ahri's, you realize she's a pretty safe pick for an Assassin, and has ways of being helpful (like any mage), which is also unusual for an Assassin. Unlike Veigar and Annie, Ahri has real 100-0 potential without her ult (although you would probably need DFG or ignite, making her the ultimate safe pick, and losing nothing for it. In my humble opinion, that's the problem with Ahri: she has the best of both worlds (burst mages and Assassins). Riot needs to decide where they want her- I don't think they have to stick to Assassin/burst mage molds, but they definitely need to consider weaknesses of each and use those to guide her development. If it was me, I would let her keep her ranged auto-attack, but change the charm to a malphite-style speed steal, and bring more of her damage to her ult, so that she does indeed have to risk it to get the biscuit. So what does this all have to do your original comment? I would disagree with your examples completely, Veigar is much more consistent than you give him credit for (particularly since his ult is on an 80 sec CD with 10% CDR from DFG), he will be able to successfully re-engage over an over as his CDs come up, and if he plays things right will have the HP to do so. But he's not an Assassin, so he doesn't particularly belong in this discussion, except for explaining how Ahri is OP, and thus can't be used much in discussion either. I would agree that Kass is too safe (although he should be, and the suggested changes would fix that), if my OP didn't make that clear, but I don't know if I would generalize that to Fizz and Zed, while Ahri is special and has her own special problems.
Ahri is OP due to risk/reward, and so using her as an example isnt fair. Other examples that don't have to be "hit or miss" probably aren't a true Assassins, so I still assert that balanced Assassins are "hit or miss."
Last August, we "adopted" a six-year-old Corgi/Chihuahua mix from a family who claimed they weren't able to give him enough attention. They said he was great with dogs and kids and only ever showed aggression when strangers would come to their home, but never bit anybody. Our experience, however, has been slightly different and very confusing, and we're kind of at a loss for answers. **The good** first: Most of the time, he's very well behaved. Upon arrival he was house-broken, very low maintenance, didn't get into anything, and knew basic commands. In the months since we've had him, we've been able to teach him several new commands which he has picked up very efficiently. He does great on walks, listens well, and generally just has a laid back and mature demeanor. **The iffy**: He's always been a bit grumbly. Most of the time it's when he's on his dog bed that he doesn't like to be approached, and will do a low grumble if you get too close. Sometimes, however, he will also do these grumbles when you try to engage with him away from his bed, but it's hit and miss. Sometimes he welcomes your rubs and pushes into them, other times he seems tense and uneasy, and will voice his discomfort. It seems like a mix of grumpy and insecure, but we've done our best to accommodate and respect his preferences. **The bad**: He has had a few outbursts of red zone aggression, and seemingly deliberate potty accidents in the home. Within the first couple months, he bit our neighbor when we took him out to greet him on our porch. In a flash, no perceptible warning, he inflicted 3-4 puncture wounds that broke skin. Then at a hotel, again he suddenly snapped at a man walking by our room door just as I was exiting and just barely missed biting his leg. When my mom came to visit, he had a quick snap at her when they were congregated with my wife by the front door, and the bite bruised/slightly broke skin. Then, the other day at the dog park when things were seemingly going great, out of nowhere he got aggressive (growl/snarl) at a lady who had just entered the park. Re: The potty accidents. 90% of the time he's a pro at being house trained. We keep him on a defined and consistent schedule that rarely deviates. I walk him every day. He always does his business outside at the appropriate times and never has any problem. Then, seemingly randomly, he'll just do a large urination (or poop) on a rug in the house one day. Yesterday, we were only gone for about six hours and he peed *three times* in three different spots *and* pooped. Before that, he'd gone several weeks, maybe a couple months, without any accidents whatsoever. It's baffling. Is there any way to address these seemingly random acts? I don't know where to begin because the other 90% of the time he's pretty much the perfect dog. He does seem to show signs that he was abused at his previous home, which we've discerned just from our own observations. He generally seems insecure and what I'd call "emotionally complex" or sensitive, though he can also be very loving and warm at times. However, the seemingly unpredictable acts of red zone aggression are the most concerning. **TLDR**: Our otherwise perfect dog has seemingly random acts of red zone aggression and potty mistakes. We do our best to engage with him in a positive and non-confrontational way, and we keep him on a very structured schedule, but we are at a loss as to how to address these isolated incidents. **Edit**: I forgot a key part of the story. About a week and a half ago we [got a new puppy]( Bentley (the older dog) has had a mixed reception. Sometimes he ignores or avoids her. Sometimes he growls or snarls at her, especially when she tries to engage with him on his bed. Occasionally he interacts with and/or tolerates her mildly (circling, sniffing). However, yesterday he once again red zoned. Unfortunately I wasn't in the room to witness the incident, but my wife was. She said puppy was simply following her as they walked by Bentley's bed. Suddenly he snapped and bit down on the puppy's head with a sharp snarl/growl. My wife said "her whole head was in his mouth." He caused a small mark/laceration above the puppy's eye and she seemed stunned/shook up, but recovered after a short while. We don't want this to happen again, especially since we're doing our best to raise the puppy without aggression or anxiety. **Edit #2**: By "snapped" I mean lost control, not a snapping attempt at biting.
Last August, we "adopted" a six-year-old Corgi/Chihuahua mix from a family who claimed they weren't able to give him enough attention. They said he was great with dogs and kids and only ever showed aggression when strangers would come to their home, but never bit anybody. Our experience, however, has been slightly different and very confusing, and we're kind of at a loss for answers. The good first: Most of the time, he's very well behaved. Upon arrival he was house-broken, very low maintenance, didn't get into anything, and knew basic commands. In the months since we've had him, we've been able to teach him several new commands which he has picked up very efficiently. He does great on walks, listens well, and generally just has a laid back and mature demeanor. The iffy : He's always been a bit grumbly. Most of the time it's when he's on his dog bed that he doesn't like to be approached, and will do a low grumble if you get too close. Sometimes, however, he will also do these grumbles when you try to engage with him away from his bed, but it's hit and miss. Sometimes he welcomes your rubs and pushes into them, other times he seems tense and uneasy, and will voice his discomfort. It seems like a mix of grumpy and insecure, but we've done our best to accommodate and respect his preferences. The bad : He has had a few outbursts of red zone aggression, and seemingly deliberate potty accidents in the home. Within the first couple months, he bit our neighbor when we took him out to greet him on our porch. In a flash, no perceptible warning, he inflicted 3-4 puncture wounds that broke skin. Then at a hotel, again he suddenly snapped at a man walking by our room door just as I was exiting and just barely missed biting his leg. When my mom came to visit, he had a quick snap at her when they were congregated with my wife by the front door, and the bite bruised/slightly broke skin. Then, the other day at the dog park when things were seemingly going great, out of nowhere he got aggressive (growl/snarl) at a lady who had just entered the park. Re: The potty accidents. 90% of the time he's a pro at being house trained. We keep him on a defined and consistent schedule that rarely deviates. I walk him every day. He always does his business outside at the appropriate times and never has any problem. Then, seemingly randomly, he'll just do a large urination (or poop) on a rug in the house one day. Yesterday, we were only gone for about six hours and he peed three times in three different spots and pooped. Before that, he'd gone several weeks, maybe a couple months, without any accidents whatsoever. It's baffling. Is there any way to address these seemingly random acts? I don't know where to begin because the other 90% of the time he's pretty much the perfect dog. He does seem to show signs that he was abused at his previous home, which we've discerned just from our own observations. He generally seems insecure and what I'd call "emotionally complex" or sensitive, though he can also be very loving and warm at times. However, the seemingly unpredictable acts of red zone aggression are the most concerning. TLDR : Our otherwise perfect dog has seemingly random acts of red zone aggression and potty mistakes. We do our best to engage with him in a positive and non-confrontational way, and we keep him on a very structured schedule, but we are at a loss as to how to address these isolated incidents. Edit : I forgot a key part of the story. About a week and a half ago we got a new puppy has had a mixed reception. Sometimes he ignores or avoids her. Sometimes he growls or snarls at her, especially when she tries to engage with him on his bed. Occasionally he interacts with and/or tolerates her mildly (circling, sniffing). However, yesterday he once again red zoned. Unfortunately I wasn't in the room to witness the incident, but my wife was. She said puppy was simply following her as they walked by Bentley's bed. Suddenly he snapped and bit down on the puppy's head with a sharp snarl/growl. My wife said "her whole head was in his mouth." He caused a small mark/laceration above the puppy's eye and she seemed stunned/shook up, but recovered after a short while. We don't want this to happen again, especially since we're doing our best to raise the puppy without aggression or anxiety. Edit #2 : By "snapped" I mean lost control, not a snapping attempt at biting.
Last August, we "adopted" a six-year-old Corgi/Chihuahua mix from a family who claimed they weren't able to give him enough attention. They said he was great with dogs and kids and only ever showed aggression when strangers would come to their home, but never bit anybody. Our experience, however, has been slightly different and very confusing, and we're kind of at a loss for answers. The good first: Most of the time, he's very well behaved. Upon arrival he was house-broken, very low maintenance, didn't get into anything, and knew basic commands. In the months since we've had him, we've been able to teach him several new commands which he has picked up very efficiently. He does great on walks, listens well, and generally just has a laid back and mature demeanor. The iffy : He's always been a bit grumbly. Most of the time it's when he's on his dog bed that he doesn't like to be approached, and will do a low grumble if you get too close. Sometimes, however, he will also do these grumbles when you try to engage with him away from his bed, but it's hit and miss. Sometimes he welcomes your rubs and pushes into them, other times he seems tense and uneasy, and will voice his discomfort. It seems like a mix of grumpy and insecure, but we've done our best to accommodate and respect his preferences. The bad : He has had a few outbursts of red zone aggression, and seemingly deliberate potty accidents in the home. Within the first couple months, he bit our neighbor when we took him out to greet him on our porch. In a flash, no perceptible warning, he inflicted 3-4 puncture wounds that broke skin. Then at a hotel, again he suddenly snapped at a man walking by our room door just as I was exiting and just barely missed biting his leg. When my mom came to visit, he had a quick snap at her when they were congregated with my wife by the front door, and the bite bruised/slightly broke skin. Then, the other day at the dog park when things were seemingly going great, out of nowhere he got aggressive (growl/snarl) at a lady who had just entered the park. Re: The potty accidents. 90% of the time he's a pro at being house trained. We keep him on a defined and consistent schedule that rarely deviates. I walk him every day. He always does his business outside at the appropriate times and never has any problem. Then, seemingly randomly, he'll just do a large urination (or poop) on a rug in the house one day. Yesterday, we were only gone for about six hours and he peed three times in three different spots and pooped. Before that, he'd gone several weeks, maybe a couple months, without any accidents whatsoever. It's baffling. Is there any way to address these seemingly random acts? I don't know where to begin because the other 90% of the time he's pretty much the perfect dog. He does seem to show signs that he was abused at his previous home, which we've discerned just from our own observations. He generally seems insecure and what I'd call "emotionally complex" or sensitive, though he can also be very loving and warm at times. However, the seemingly unpredictable acts of red zone aggression are the most concerning.
Our otherwise perfect dog has seemingly random acts of red zone aggression and potty mistakes. We do our best to engage with him in a positive and non-confrontational way, and we keep him on a very structured schedule, but we are at a loss as to how to address these isolated incidents. Edit : I forgot a key part of the story. About a week and a half ago we got a new puppy has had a mixed reception. Sometimes he ignores or avoids her. Sometimes he growls or snarls at her, especially when she tries to engage with him on his bed. Occasionally he interacts with and/or tolerates her mildly (circling, sniffing). However, yesterday he once again red zoned. Unfortunately I wasn't in the room to witness the incident, but my wife was. She said puppy was simply following her as they walked by Bentley's bed. Suddenly he snapped and bit down on the puppy's head with a sharp snarl/growl. My wife said "her whole head was in his mouth." He caused a small mark/laceration above the puppy's eye and she seemed stunned/shook up, but recovered after a short while. We don't want this to happen again, especially since we're doing our best to raise the puppy without aggression or anxiety. Edit #2 : By "snapped" I mean lost control, not a snapping attempt at biting.
My dad got a kidney transplanted from his sister (she's not dead, just did it out of selflessness). That was in 1993, they are still both going strong despite my dad coming in for 60 with one working kidney and two shrivelled ones, and my aunty just a tad over 60 surviving nicely with only one kidney left also. I've seen first hand what a donated organ can do not just for the individual, but to the family of the recipient. I'm not hesitating to dish out my bits when I'm gone. Tl:dr. Donating organs is a good thing
My dad got a kidney transplanted from his sister (she's not dead, just did it out of selflessness). That was in 1993, they are still both going strong despite my dad coming in for 60 with one working kidney and two shrivelled ones, and my aunty just a tad over 60 surviving nicely with only one kidney left also. I've seen first hand what a donated organ can do not just for the individual, but to the family of the recipient. I'm not hesitating to dish out my bits when I'm gone. Tl:dr. Donating organs is a good thing
My dad got a kidney transplanted from his sister (she's not dead, just did it out of selflessness). That was in 1993, they are still both going strong despite my dad coming in for 60 with one working kidney and two shrivelled ones, and my aunty just a tad over 60 surviving nicely with only one kidney left also. I've seen first hand what a donated organ can do not just for the individual, but to the family of the recipient. I'm not hesitating to dish out my bits when I'm gone.
Donating organs is a good thing
SPOILERS FOR DAYS!!!!!!!!! Don't know what it is, but I just love that Zoe. Maybe because I found her bumbling, meek personality so fun to hate but her strong loyalty to her deteriorating coven endearing and redeeming. I found her to be a great red herring to throw us off Cordelia. I love how she tried to keep her sister witches together, and Taissa did a great job portraying this type of character. She was a pretty yet basic ditz! That was the point of her character, representing that average, sensitive girl we all know. It's why Madison picks her as her friend. A girl who was initially wowed by her celebrity and fits the "look" of someone who could be in her clique, but has a crucial flaw that makes her less of a threat when competing for men and as a peer (her lame vagina power). Coven had a theme of "star" and "shadow" dynamic with several pairs of characters, such as Fiona with Cordelia and Fiona with Myrtle in their teen years. Her death vagina gave Zoe less confidence as a woman/witch. Madison with her hot shot personality and cool telekinesis power is the "star" and bullys Zoe around quite a bit initially (like ditching Zoe at the party to go be the star of the night). But, Madison gets raped and two of her many rapists are left alive. Sensitive Zoe wants justice and to avenge her sister witch, so she kills one of the rapists. But Madison is murdered by Fiona and Marie's zombies come to attack the school. Madison being the only little witch who had a power that could handle the zombies, is gone with the second witch with a cool power (Queenie) injured. Zoe finds her strength finally without Madison in the way and saves everyone, even learning a new skill for good measure. A very crucial moment happens to Zoe when Fiona thanks her for saving the academy. Zoe is honored, due to previously being chastised by her supreme/mother figure previously for ratting out the coven to the cops. Now Zoe is at least more composed, confident, and aware, if still clumsy. She decides to find Madison's corpse since no one else would, but tried to outsmart the Axeman in the process, which fails miserably and comes back to bite her and the coven on the ass in many ways. She is even more confident in her future once she starts sleeping with Kyle, finally getting some, but resurrected Madison forces her way into their romance since she refuses to let Zoe have a man and be happy, trying to push her back in the shadows (Madison had a thing for hating her peers if they matched her level of awesomeness. It's why she hated Queenie from the start and turned on Nan once she almost made her stick a cigarette in her puss, proving her to be an official threat). Madison can't even fathom why Kyle would like "boring mall rat" Zoe at all, despite Zoe actually still treating him with kindness and not a stupid sex toy. They were never fighting over Kyle; they were fighting each other THROUGH Kyle. It also didn't help that the entire house preferred Zoe over Madison, which Madison was definitely aware of. Zoe's hell is another thing that gets flack. I found her hell great for interpretation. Was she crying because she loved Kyle so much or was it because she really just realized that she might be dependent on Kyle forever due to her vagina? Zoe was also the most mature of the little witches. She NEVER used her powers to harm regular people who didnt hurt her coven, unlike the other witches. She even brought back the asshole hobo who rudely harassed her and Kyle, further proving how much she progressed. All the reckless stuff she did was always through good intentions, which made her stand out from the rest of her peers. It ain't her fault she's a little slow! Tl;dr I loved that goofy witch bitch Zoe!
SPOILERS FOR DAYS!!!!!!!!! Don't know what it is, but I just love that Zoe. Maybe because I found her bumbling, meek personality so fun to hate but her strong loyalty to her deteriorating coven endearing and redeeming. I found her to be a great red herring to throw us off Cordelia. I love how she tried to keep her sister witches together, and Taissa did a great job portraying this type of character. She was a pretty yet basic ditz! That was the point of her character, representing that average, sensitive girl we all know. It's why Madison picks her as her friend. A girl who was initially wowed by her celebrity and fits the "look" of someone who could be in her clique, but has a crucial flaw that makes her less of a threat when competing for men and as a peer (her lame vagina power). Coven had a theme of "star" and "shadow" dynamic with several pairs of characters, such as Fiona with Cordelia and Fiona with Myrtle in their teen years. Her death vagina gave Zoe less confidence as a woman/witch. Madison with her hot shot personality and cool telekinesis power is the "star" and bullys Zoe around quite a bit initially (like ditching Zoe at the party to go be the star of the night). But, Madison gets raped and two of her many rapists are left alive. Sensitive Zoe wants justice and to avenge her sister witch, so she kills one of the rapists. But Madison is murdered by Fiona and Marie's zombies come to attack the school. Madison being the only little witch who had a power that could handle the zombies, is gone with the second witch with a cool power (Queenie) injured. Zoe finds her strength finally without Madison in the way and saves everyone, even learning a new skill for good measure. A very crucial moment happens to Zoe when Fiona thanks her for saving the academy. Zoe is honored, due to previously being chastised by her supreme/mother figure previously for ratting out the coven to the cops. Now Zoe is at least more composed, confident, and aware, if still clumsy. She decides to find Madison's corpse since no one else would, but tried to outsmart the Axeman in the process, which fails miserably and comes back to bite her and the coven on the ass in many ways. She is even more confident in her future once she starts sleeping with Kyle, finally getting some, but resurrected Madison forces her way into their romance since she refuses to let Zoe have a man and be happy, trying to push her back in the shadows (Madison had a thing for hating her peers if they matched her level of awesomeness. It's why she hated Queenie from the start and turned on Nan once she almost made her stick a cigarette in her puss, proving her to be an official threat). Madison can't even fathom why Kyle would like "boring mall rat" Zoe at all, despite Zoe actually still treating him with kindness and not a stupid sex toy. They were never fighting over Kyle; they were fighting each other THROUGH Kyle. It also didn't help that the entire house preferred Zoe over Madison, which Madison was definitely aware of. Zoe's hell is another thing that gets flack. I found her hell great for interpretation. Was she crying because she loved Kyle so much or was it because she really just realized that she might be dependent on Kyle forever due to her vagina? Zoe was also the most mature of the little witches. She NEVER used her powers to harm regular people who didnt hurt her coven, unlike the other witches. She even brought back the asshole hobo who rudely harassed her and Kyle, further proving how much she progressed. All the reckless stuff she did was always through good intentions, which made her stand out from the rest of her peers. It ain't her fault she's a little slow! Tl;dr I loved that goofy witch bitch Zoe!
SPOILERS FOR DAYS!!!!!!!!! Don't know what it is, but I just love that Zoe. Maybe because I found her bumbling, meek personality so fun to hate but her strong loyalty to her deteriorating coven endearing and redeeming. I found her to be a great red herring to throw us off Cordelia. I love how she tried to keep her sister witches together, and Taissa did a great job portraying this type of character. She was a pretty yet basic ditz! That was the point of her character, representing that average, sensitive girl we all know. It's why Madison picks her as her friend. A girl who was initially wowed by her celebrity and fits the "look" of someone who could be in her clique, but has a crucial flaw that makes her less of a threat when competing for men and as a peer (her lame vagina power). Coven had a theme of "star" and "shadow" dynamic with several pairs of characters, such as Fiona with Cordelia and Fiona with Myrtle in their teen years. Her death vagina gave Zoe less confidence as a woman/witch. Madison with her hot shot personality and cool telekinesis power is the "star" and bullys Zoe around quite a bit initially (like ditching Zoe at the party to go be the star of the night). But, Madison gets raped and two of her many rapists are left alive. Sensitive Zoe wants justice and to avenge her sister witch, so she kills one of the rapists. But Madison is murdered by Fiona and Marie's zombies come to attack the school. Madison being the only little witch who had a power that could handle the zombies, is gone with the second witch with a cool power (Queenie) injured. Zoe finds her strength finally without Madison in the way and saves everyone, even learning a new skill for good measure. A very crucial moment happens to Zoe when Fiona thanks her for saving the academy. Zoe is honored, due to previously being chastised by her supreme/mother figure previously for ratting out the coven to the cops. Now Zoe is at least more composed, confident, and aware, if still clumsy. She decides to find Madison's corpse since no one else would, but tried to outsmart the Axeman in the process, which fails miserably and comes back to bite her and the coven on the ass in many ways. She is even more confident in her future once she starts sleeping with Kyle, finally getting some, but resurrected Madison forces her way into their romance since she refuses to let Zoe have a man and be happy, trying to push her back in the shadows (Madison had a thing for hating her peers if they matched her level of awesomeness. It's why she hated Queenie from the start and turned on Nan once she almost made her stick a cigarette in her puss, proving her to be an official threat). Madison can't even fathom why Kyle would like "boring mall rat" Zoe at all, despite Zoe actually still treating him with kindness and not a stupid sex toy. They were never fighting over Kyle; they were fighting each other THROUGH Kyle. It also didn't help that the entire house preferred Zoe over Madison, which Madison was definitely aware of. Zoe's hell is another thing that gets flack. I found her hell great for interpretation. Was she crying because she loved Kyle so much or was it because she really just realized that she might be dependent on Kyle forever due to her vagina? Zoe was also the most mature of the little witches. She NEVER used her powers to harm regular people who didnt hurt her coven, unlike the other witches. She even brought back the asshole hobo who rudely harassed her and Kyle, further proving how much she progressed. All the reckless stuff she did was always through good intentions, which made her stand out from the rest of her peers. It ain't her fault she's a little slow!
I loved that goofy witch bitch Zoe!
Based on the games you have and the games you're asking about the magic crystal ball says... **ALL OF THEM!!!!**. In all seriousness, given the board games you're used to playing , I really think all 4 games are foundational to this hobby. If you are lucky enough to be in a situation of try before you buy, then, absolutely, you need to play each of these games a few times to judge them for yourself as they are pillars in the board gaming hobby. If that is not an option for you, then I would recommend Settlers of Catan as the absolute top of the list. While there are some naysayers to this game, it is so representative of a gateway euro style boardgame. Given your gaming group, it's even more of a shoe in because Catan is easy to pick up, strategize and have a chance to win even on your first game. If you don't like it, at least you've tried it and know that you have tried one of the staples in boardgameing. Even if its not at the top of your list, you would be doing yourself a disservice to never try the game. If settlers doesn't sound interesting, I would recommend **Pandemic** next. This is the quintessential coop game and it is incredibly challenging, it works great as a team building game, again from a family perspective. The theme may be a bit darker so if disease is too heavy, try out Forbidden Island. With all that said, all of the games deserve your time to try out, if you enjoy them, you will know what to look for in the future, and if you don't, you know what to avoid, one key game you haven't mentioned is Ticket to Ride. This was my gateway game and I think anyone can pick this up and enjoy wha a good game (post monopoly) should be. **TL;DR** Catan, Pandemic, Dominion, 7 Wonders, in that order and all if them
Based on the games you have and the games you're asking about the magic crystal ball says... ALL OF THEM!!!! . In all seriousness, given the board games you're used to playing , I really think all 4 games are foundational to this hobby. If you are lucky enough to be in a situation of try before you buy, then, absolutely, you need to play each of these games a few times to judge them for yourself as they are pillars in the board gaming hobby. If that is not an option for you, then I would recommend Settlers of Catan as the absolute top of the list. While there are some naysayers to this game, it is so representative of a gateway euro style boardgame. Given your gaming group, it's even more of a shoe in because Catan is easy to pick up, strategize and have a chance to win even on your first game. If you don't like it, at least you've tried it and know that you have tried one of the staples in boardgameing. Even if its not at the top of your list, you would be doing yourself a disservice to never try the game. If settlers doesn't sound interesting, I would recommend Pandemic next. This is the quintessential coop game and it is incredibly challenging, it works great as a team building game, again from a family perspective. The theme may be a bit darker so if disease is too heavy, try out Forbidden Island. With all that said, all of the games deserve your time to try out, if you enjoy them, you will know what to look for in the future, and if you don't, you know what to avoid, one key game you haven't mentioned is Ticket to Ride. This was my gateway game and I think anyone can pick this up and enjoy wha a good game (post monopoly) should be. TL;DR Catan, Pandemic, Dominion, 7 Wonders, in that order and all if them
Based on the games you have and the games you're asking about the magic crystal ball says... ALL OF THEM!!!! . In all seriousness, given the board games you're used to playing , I really think all 4 games are foundational to this hobby. If you are lucky enough to be in a situation of try before you buy, then, absolutely, you need to play each of these games a few times to judge them for yourself as they are pillars in the board gaming hobby. If that is not an option for you, then I would recommend Settlers of Catan as the absolute top of the list. While there are some naysayers to this game, it is so representative of a gateway euro style boardgame. Given your gaming group, it's even more of a shoe in because Catan is easy to pick up, strategize and have a chance to win even on your first game. If you don't like it, at least you've tried it and know that you have tried one of the staples in boardgameing. Even if its not at the top of your list, you would be doing yourself a disservice to never try the game. If settlers doesn't sound interesting, I would recommend Pandemic next. This is the quintessential coop game and it is incredibly challenging, it works great as a team building game, again from a family perspective. The theme may be a bit darker so if disease is too heavy, try out Forbidden Island. With all that said, all of the games deserve your time to try out, if you enjoy them, you will know what to look for in the future, and if you don't, you know what to avoid, one key game you haven't mentioned is Ticket to Ride. This was my gateway game and I think anyone can pick this up and enjoy wha a good game (post monopoly) should be.
Catan, Pandemic, Dominion, 7 Wonders, in that order and all if them
When I was at school I was in a fraternity. It was a small school so there was only roughly 20 of us. With those conditions we were tight-knit but we were also pretty brutal to eachother. It was Old South (our week long formal basically) and one of my bros brought a girl that transferred schools...she was a fucking dime and he was totally in the friend zone ( he was uber religious and therefore a virgin so being friendzoned was kind of his thing) at the time I didn't really bother to pursue her, i just didn't have the motivation (granted I had mono at the time so it was a struggle to try and drink a beer and have fun with everyone). Anyway we eventually start talking and she's just being friendly not even sloppy drunk yet so we play beer pong in which she ends up trolling (for any of you virgins out there it's when someone plays an entire game without making a cup) so by rule her name has to go on the troll board and be signed and dated. As I'm writing her entry she says "I'll give you a kiss if you don't write my name" long story short we have an ingoing make out sesh while everyone is outside drinking. Once my bros notice one of the ones who had a huge crush on her when she went to our school bet me I couldn't fuck her. Many of the other bros chimed in calling me PB and whatnot my nickname which stood for Pillsbury because they used to think that would offend since I'm kind of husky compared to the rest of them. By now she wants to go back to my room. I leave with her with no intention of fucking her since I have no condom and mono I just wanted that case of beer so I felt like making it appear as I had done the deed. We get to my room as I continue to reiterate that I have mono. After convincing me that she already had mono the only thing holding me back was a lack of a condom. I proceeded to frantically run about my dorm building shirtless knocking on people's doors. Surprisingly enough one of the soccer players comes through. Of course after all that work I proceeded to have the worst case of whiskey dick but I proceeded to fuck her brains out for about 2 and a half hours until I said fuck it and we took a shower. Just in case mybros didn't believe me my roommate walked in on me balls deep in this bitch so minus not blowing my load it was an overall success. tl;dr fraternity brothers bet I couldn't fuck this dime I had never met cause they used to think I was fat. Even had mono and still fucked her
When I was at school I was in a fraternity. It was a small school so there was only roughly 20 of us. With those conditions we were tight-knit but we were also pretty brutal to eachother. It was Old South (our week long formal basically) and one of my bros brought a girl that transferred schools...she was a fucking dime and he was totally in the friend zone ( he was uber religious and therefore a virgin so being friendzoned was kind of his thing) at the time I didn't really bother to pursue her, i just didn't have the motivation (granted I had mono at the time so it was a struggle to try and drink a beer and have fun with everyone). Anyway we eventually start talking and she's just being friendly not even sloppy drunk yet so we play beer pong in which she ends up trolling (for any of you virgins out there it's when someone plays an entire game without making a cup) so by rule her name has to go on the troll board and be signed and dated. As I'm writing her entry she says "I'll give you a kiss if you don't write my name" long story short we have an ingoing make out sesh while everyone is outside drinking. Once my bros notice one of the ones who had a huge crush on her when she went to our school bet me I couldn't fuck her. Many of the other bros chimed in calling me PB and whatnot my nickname which stood for Pillsbury because they used to think that would offend since I'm kind of husky compared to the rest of them. By now she wants to go back to my room. I leave with her with no intention of fucking her since I have no condom and mono I just wanted that case of beer so I felt like making it appear as I had done the deed. We get to my room as I continue to reiterate that I have mono. After convincing me that she already had mono the only thing holding me back was a lack of a condom. I proceeded to frantically run about my dorm building shirtless knocking on people's doors. Surprisingly enough one of the soccer players comes through. Of course after all that work I proceeded to have the worst case of whiskey dick but I proceeded to fuck her brains out for about 2 and a half hours until I said fuck it and we took a shower. Just in case mybros didn't believe me my roommate walked in on me balls deep in this bitch so minus not blowing my load it was an overall success. tl;dr fraternity brothers bet I couldn't fuck this dime I had never met cause they used to think I was fat. Even had mono and still fucked her
When I was at school I was in a fraternity. It was a small school so there was only roughly 20 of us. With those conditions we were tight-knit but we were also pretty brutal to eachother. It was Old South (our week long formal basically) and one of my bros brought a girl that transferred schools...she was a fucking dime and he was totally in the friend zone ( he was uber religious and therefore a virgin so being friendzoned was kind of his thing) at the time I didn't really bother to pursue her, i just didn't have the motivation (granted I had mono at the time so it was a struggle to try and drink a beer and have fun with everyone). Anyway we eventually start talking and she's just being friendly not even sloppy drunk yet so we play beer pong in which she ends up trolling (for any of you virgins out there it's when someone plays an entire game without making a cup) so by rule her name has to go on the troll board and be signed and dated. As I'm writing her entry she says "I'll give you a kiss if you don't write my name" long story short we have an ingoing make out sesh while everyone is outside drinking. Once my bros notice one of the ones who had a huge crush on her when she went to our school bet me I couldn't fuck her. Many of the other bros chimed in calling me PB and whatnot my nickname which stood for Pillsbury because they used to think that would offend since I'm kind of husky compared to the rest of them. By now she wants to go back to my room. I leave with her with no intention of fucking her since I have no condom and mono I just wanted that case of beer so I felt like making it appear as I had done the deed. We get to my room as I continue to reiterate that I have mono. After convincing me that she already had mono the only thing holding me back was a lack of a condom. I proceeded to frantically run about my dorm building shirtless knocking on people's doors. Surprisingly enough one of the soccer players comes through. Of course after all that work I proceeded to have the worst case of whiskey dick but I proceeded to fuck her brains out for about 2 and a half hours until I said fuck it and we took a shower. Just in case mybros didn't believe me my roommate walked in on me balls deep in this bitch so minus not blowing my load it was an overall success.
fraternity brothers bet I couldn't fuck this dime I had never met cause they used to think I was fat. Even had mono and still fucked her
[20 year old male ] So it's been quite some time since I've dated. I've been trying online dating and am currently just talking to a few girls. The last time I was single..this stuff wasn't around or at least not as popular. So here's the thing. This girl I've been talking to has been kind and on and I just don't know how to interpret it. For example, she takes forever to reply, and rarely asks any questions. Right there your probably thinking what I was thinking..yeah shes not interested. But here's the thing. I kinda just gave up on her for a day and she messaged me and apologized (which I didn't expect at all). I told her it was okay and that I understood she probably just gets a bunch of messages (shes fkin gorgeous) and she replied by telling me that its all just 'creeps that she doesn't even respond to'. She then 'liked' me on the site and has also agreed to meet me. So I was thinking..okay this is sounding a lot better. But despite this her responses haven't really changed. The weird thing is that I've noticed from her status that she really only seems to come online to answer my messages. Honestly I'm not planning on playing this game. There are other girls im talking to that are responsive and show interest and would rather date them. But I've just never been so confused. Like I said, she gorgeous. Ive seen my female friend's inbox's on these sites and they get like 50+ messages a day..this girl easily gets double that so I doubt shes just responding to me to be polite. If she was uninterested..i would think she would just ignore me like she does the others. But if she was interested..I would think she would show more interest... TL;DR; is she interested or not, help a noobie out!?
[20 year old male ] So it's been quite some time since I've dated. I've been trying online dating and am currently just talking to a few girls. The last time I was single..this stuff wasn't around or at least not as popular. So here's the thing. This girl I've been talking to has been kind and on and I just don't know how to interpret it. For example, she takes forever to reply, and rarely asks any questions. Right there your probably thinking what I was thinking..yeah shes not interested. But here's the thing. I kinda just gave up on her for a day and she messaged me and apologized (which I didn't expect at all). I told her it was okay and that I understood she probably just gets a bunch of messages (shes fkin gorgeous) and she replied by telling me that its all just 'creeps that she doesn't even respond to'. She then 'liked' me on the site and has also agreed to meet me. So I was thinking..okay this is sounding a lot better. But despite this her responses haven't really changed. The weird thing is that I've noticed from her status that she really only seems to come online to answer my messages. Honestly I'm not planning on playing this game. There are other girls im talking to that are responsive and show interest and would rather date them. But I've just never been so confused. Like I said, she gorgeous. Ive seen my female friend's inbox's on these sites and they get like 50+ messages a day..this girl easily gets double that so I doubt shes just responding to me to be polite. If she was uninterested..i would think she would just ignore me like she does the others. But if she was interested..I would think she would show more interest... TL;DR; is she interested or not, help a noobie out!?
20 year old male ] So it's been quite some time since I've dated. I've been trying online dating and am currently just talking to a few girls. The last time I was single..this stuff wasn't around or at least not as popular. So here's the thing. This girl I've been talking to has been kind and on and I just don't know how to interpret it. For example, she takes forever to reply, and rarely asks any questions. Right there your probably thinking what I was thinking..yeah shes not interested. But here's the thing. I kinda just gave up on her for a day and she messaged me and apologized (which I didn't expect at all). I told her it was okay and that I understood she probably just gets a bunch of messages (shes fkin gorgeous) and she replied by telling me that its all just 'creeps that she doesn't even respond to'. She then 'liked' me on the site and has also agreed to meet me. So I was thinking..okay this is sounding a lot better. But despite this her responses haven't really changed. The weird thing is that I've noticed from her status that she really only seems to come online to answer my messages. Honestly I'm not planning on playing this game. There are other girls im talking to that are responsive and show interest and would rather date them. But I've just never been so confused. Like I said, she gorgeous. Ive seen my female friend's inbox's on these sites and they get like 50+ messages a day..this girl easily gets double that so I doubt shes just responding to me to be polite. If she was uninterested..i would think she would just ignore me like she does the others. But if she was interested..I would think she would show more interest...
is she interested or not, help a noobie out!?
I'm trying to lay this all out so I can deal with it like a mature adult. I've already come to an unhappy conclusion but your feedback will be appreciated in giving me a better perspective on this. ---   I've been ~~talking~~ texting with this guy from a dating website off and on for over 6 months. He finally moved into the area and we met a couple of times over the course of a few weeks. I like him a lot. Really, really a lot. Before we even met, he wanted me to be his friend (someone that will stick around.) The context is ambiguous because we met on a DATING website and then the flirting starts up so... OKAY THEN. So we're in the pre-dating, getting-to-know-you-phase.   PLOT TWIST After one weekend, he tells me about this threesome he had. He wanted to tell someone and just get feedback on why it went so badly. .........Okay, we're not exactly dating. I have no claims. Bite the bullet and tolerate it. I'm okay but I let him know this isn't something he should be telling me. *I mean, let me ask you, is this something you tell someone that you're supposedly interested in? From my perspective, it sounds like a great way to f_ck up your chances with that person.*   I say "hello" to him the following weekend and ask how it went. Just making basic chit-chat. He went to a local place known for partying and drinking and he says it was okay. He doesn't want to tell me anymore because "you don't like to hear that". I know I'm dealing with a supposedly intelligent individual. Let's flip this to me. Out of courtesy to the other party, if I'm going out with other guys, I'm not talking about that or even "hinting" at it. I'm not hiding anything or out to deceive someone. It should be an implicit understanding that, yes, we're seeing other people. But there's no need for details. I try to deal with this in a civilized manner. I point out the lack of tact to him. The response I get is that he's open with everything. That's who he is. And that I'm limiting myself with pointless societal norms. ...Thanks.   So maybe I'm stuck in the friend zone here. Acknowledged. I want to know him better but I don't think I'm going to be able to handle it if it proceeds like this.   So I've come to these conclusions: (A) He doesn't have a strong interest in me if he's looking elsewhere AND telling me about it. (Or maybe he's just a fool.) The whole "girl, he's just not in you", checkmark. (B) He's not interested in even cultivating a GOOD FRIENDSHIP. Or he doesn't know how. But I don't know how to push him in the right direction. (C) I definitely can't be his friend if I feel more than a friend towards him. (D) I'm going to regret cutting him off.   He suffers from depression and self worth issues. Definitely has baggage from a previous relationship. And has a special knack for alienating people left and right. However, he's funny and intelligent. A person of substance. He has so much going for him BUT THIS OTHER SHIT.   This is what I hate. It's one thing to cut a person off because I absolutely abhor them. It's another when I still care. How does one even maintain a friendship with a person if one feel more towards them? It's better for a clean cut, isn't it?   I'm stuck. I can't progress forward because we're not at that point. I'm not in a position to make an ultimatum ("STOP BEING A DICK AND BE A LITTLE MORE SENSITIVE TO THE FACT THAT I LIKE YOU OR I'LL STOP BEING YOUR FRIEND") because I feel like he won't get it. I don't feel comfortable bringing this up with him because it's just going to be a case of the girl-reading-too-much-into-something and I'll feel like a fool afterwards. I did. I let myself fall into the hole of getting too attached too soon. Now I just want to be able to handle this maturely.   --- **TL;DR** We met through a dating website. Texted off and on for over 6 months. Met a couple of times when he moved into the area. We're not exclusive; unfortunately, not even dating at this point. He's told me that he finds me attractive and fantastic but this part is what gets me. Let me throw this question at you as a summary of my experience... If you're interested in someone, you don't tell him/her about your sexual exploits from last weekend or say that "something happened" that your potential love interest wouldn't want to hear about, right? So maybe I'm stuck in the friend zone here. Acknowledged. I want to know him better but I don't think I'm going to be able to handle it if it proceeds like this.
I'm trying to lay this all out so I can deal with it like a mature adult. I've already come to an unhappy conclusion but your feedback will be appreciated in giving me a better perspective on this.   I've been talking texting with this guy from a dating website off and on for over 6 months. He finally moved into the area and we met a couple of times over the course of a few weeks. I like him a lot. Really, really a lot. Before we even met, he wanted me to be his friend (someone that will stick around.) The context is ambiguous because we met on a DATING website and then the flirting starts up so... OKAY THEN. So we're in the pre-dating, getting-to-know-you-phase.   PLOT TWIST After one weekend, he tells me about this threesome he had. He wanted to tell someone and just get feedback on why it went so badly. .........Okay, we're not exactly dating. I have no claims. Bite the bullet and tolerate it. I'm okay but I let him know this isn't something he should be telling me. I mean, let me ask you, is this something you tell someone that you're supposedly interested in? From my perspective, it sounds like a great way to f_ck up your chances with that person.   I say "hello" to him the following weekend and ask how it went. Just making basic chit-chat. He went to a local place known for partying and drinking and he says it was okay. He doesn't want to tell me anymore because "you don't like to hear that". I know I'm dealing with a supposedly intelligent individual. Let's flip this to me. Out of courtesy to the other party, if I'm going out with other guys, I'm not talking about that or even "hinting" at it. I'm not hiding anything or out to deceive someone. It should be an implicit understanding that, yes, we're seeing other people. But there's no need for details. I try to deal with this in a civilized manner. I point out the lack of tact to him. The response I get is that he's open with everything. That's who he is. And that I'm limiting myself with pointless societal norms. ...Thanks.   So maybe I'm stuck in the friend zone here. Acknowledged. I want to know him better but I don't think I'm going to be able to handle it if it proceeds like this.   So I've come to these conclusions: (A) He doesn't have a strong interest in me if he's looking elsewhere AND telling me about it. (Or maybe he's just a fool.) The whole "girl, he's just not in you", checkmark. (B) He's not interested in even cultivating a GOOD FRIENDSHIP. Or he doesn't know how. But I don't know how to push him in the right direction. (C) I definitely can't be his friend if I feel more than a friend towards him. (D) I'm going to regret cutting him off.   He suffers from depression and self worth issues. Definitely has baggage from a previous relationship. And has a special knack for alienating people left and right. However, he's funny and intelligent. A person of substance. He has so much going for him BUT THIS OTHER SHIT.   This is what I hate. It's one thing to cut a person off because I absolutely abhor them. It's another when I still care. How does one even maintain a friendship with a person if one feel more towards them? It's better for a clean cut, isn't it?   I'm stuck. I can't progress forward because we're not at that point. I'm not in a position to make an ultimatum ("STOP BEING A DICK AND BE A LITTLE MORE SENSITIVE TO THE FACT THAT I LIKE YOU OR I'LL STOP BEING YOUR FRIEND") because I feel like he won't get it. I don't feel comfortable bringing this up with him because it's just going to be a case of the girl-reading-too-much-into-something and I'll feel like a fool afterwards. I did. I let myself fall into the hole of getting too attached too soon. Now I just want to be able to handle this maturely.   TL;DR We met through a dating website. Texted off and on for over 6 months. Met a couple of times when he moved into the area. We're not exclusive; unfortunately, not even dating at this point. He's told me that he finds me attractive and fantastic but this part is what gets me. Let me throw this question at you as a summary of my experience... If you're interested in someone, you don't tell him/her about your sexual exploits from last weekend or say that "something happened" that your potential love interest wouldn't want to hear about, right? So maybe I'm stuck in the friend zone here. Acknowledged. I want to know him better but I don't think I'm going to be able to handle it if it proceeds like this.
I'm trying to lay this all out so I can deal with it like a mature adult. I've already come to an unhappy conclusion but your feedback will be appreciated in giving me a better perspective on this.   I've been talking texting with this guy from a dating website off and on for over 6 months. He finally moved into the area and we met a couple of times over the course of a few weeks. I like him a lot. Really, really a lot. Before we even met, he wanted me to be his friend (someone that will stick around.) The context is ambiguous because we met on a DATING website and then the flirting starts up so... OKAY THEN. So we're in the pre-dating, getting-to-know-you-phase.   PLOT TWIST After one weekend, he tells me about this threesome he had. He wanted to tell someone and just get feedback on why it went so badly. .........Okay, we're not exactly dating. I have no claims. Bite the bullet and tolerate it. I'm okay but I let him know this isn't something he should be telling me. I mean, let me ask you, is this something you tell someone that you're supposedly interested in? From my perspective, it sounds like a great way to f_ck up your chances with that person.   I say "hello" to him the following weekend and ask how it went. Just making basic chit-chat. He went to a local place known for partying and drinking and he says it was okay. He doesn't want to tell me anymore because "you don't like to hear that". I know I'm dealing with a supposedly intelligent individual. Let's flip this to me. Out of courtesy to the other party, if I'm going out with other guys, I'm not talking about that or even "hinting" at it. I'm not hiding anything or out to deceive someone. It should be an implicit understanding that, yes, we're seeing other people. But there's no need for details. I try to deal with this in a civilized manner. I point out the lack of tact to him. The response I get is that he's open with everything. That's who he is. And that I'm limiting myself with pointless societal norms. ...Thanks.   So maybe I'm stuck in the friend zone here. Acknowledged. I want to know him better but I don't think I'm going to be able to handle it if it proceeds like this.   So I've come to these conclusions: (A) He doesn't have a strong interest in me if he's looking elsewhere AND telling me about it. (Or maybe he's just a fool.) The whole "girl, he's just not in you", checkmark. (B) He's not interested in even cultivating a GOOD FRIENDSHIP. Or he doesn't know how. But I don't know how to push him in the right direction. (C) I definitely can't be his friend if I feel more than a friend towards him. (D) I'm going to regret cutting him off.   He suffers from depression and self worth issues. Definitely has baggage from a previous relationship. And has a special knack for alienating people left and right. However, he's funny and intelligent. A person of substance. He has so much going for him BUT THIS OTHER SHIT.   This is what I hate. It's one thing to cut a person off because I absolutely abhor them. It's another when I still care. How does one even maintain a friendship with a person if one feel more towards them? It's better for a clean cut, isn't it?   I'm stuck. I can't progress forward because we're not at that point. I'm not in a position to make an ultimatum ("STOP BEING A DICK AND BE A LITTLE MORE SENSITIVE TO THE FACT THAT I LIKE YOU OR I'LL STOP BEING YOUR FRIEND") because I feel like he won't get it. I don't feel comfortable bringing this up with him because it's just going to be a case of the girl-reading-too-much-into-something and I'll feel like a fool afterwards. I did. I let myself fall into the hole of getting too attached too soon. Now I just want to be able to handle this maturely.  
We met through a dating website. Texted off and on for over 6 months. Met a couple of times when he moved into the area. We're not exclusive; unfortunately, not even dating at this point. He's told me that he finds me attractive and fantastic but this part is what gets me. Let me throw this question at you as a summary of my experience... If you're interested in someone, you don't tell him/her about your sexual exploits from last weekend or say that "something happened" that your potential love interest wouldn't want to hear about, right? So maybe I'm stuck in the friend zone here. Acknowledged. I want to know him better but I don't think I'm going to be able to handle it if it proceeds like this.
Problem with it is that if the enemy laner is as good as you you will lose out so hard in trades that in most cases you will lose out on more gold than you are gaining because you will die/ be forced back/ be zoned due to a much much weaker item. Also this will end up letting the enemy farm more as well. TL;DR - you will end up losing out on money due to worse items making you lose out on cs/kills one way or another.
Problem with it is that if the enemy laner is as good as you you will lose out so hard in trades that in most cases you will lose out on more gold than you are gaining because you will die/ be forced back/ be zoned due to a much much weaker item. Also this will end up letting the enemy farm more as well. TL;DR - you will end up losing out on money due to worse items making you lose out on cs/kills one way or another.
Problem with it is that if the enemy laner is as good as you you will lose out so hard in trades that in most cases you will lose out on more gold than you are gaining because you will die/ be forced back/ be zoned due to a much much weaker item. Also this will end up letting the enemy farm more as well.
you will end up losing out on money due to worse items making you lose out on cs/kills one way or another.
Yes! I really dislike homeschooling. I think it's mom torture. I think it's incredibly unfair to children. Religious or not. Not every mom is cut out for homeschooling. Some things are better left to the pros! I could sorta understand if it were prairie pioneer times and I needed all the help I could get and there was literally no school. BUT What many religious people refuse to understand is that children are NOT your personal property. (Neither are they the governments property). I honestly think but can't prove that it' is an issue of power and control for many religious people. That's a bad generalization but it's what I've learned from more than a few bad examples! In the bad examples I've seen "homeschooling" or lack of borders on abuse. I only say this because I've seen it first hand and I disagree 100% with some of the practices of the religious homeschool parents I know. Enough that I've lost friendships over it. It is considered a matter of wisdom whether it not you send your kids to public or private school. Or school at home. As far as I know ther is no Biblical directive that says you must educate your kids at home. No, I will not burn in hell if my kids go to public school. I've actually had religious people insinuate that I will burn if my kids go to public school! Tl;dr I can still raise Christians regardless of their schooling method. Edit cause I'm a product of public school
Yes! I really dislike homeschooling. I think it's mom torture. I think it's incredibly unfair to children. Religious or not. Not every mom is cut out for homeschooling. Some things are better left to the pros! I could sorta understand if it were prairie pioneer times and I needed all the help I could get and there was literally no school. BUT What many religious people refuse to understand is that children are NOT your personal property. (Neither are they the governments property). I honestly think but can't prove that it' is an issue of power and control for many religious people. That's a bad generalization but it's what I've learned from more than a few bad examples! In the bad examples I've seen "homeschooling" or lack of borders on abuse. I only say this because I've seen it first hand and I disagree 100% with some of the practices of the religious homeschool parents I know. Enough that I've lost friendships over it. It is considered a matter of wisdom whether it not you send your kids to public or private school. Or school at home. As far as I know ther is no Biblical directive that says you must educate your kids at home. No, I will not burn in hell if my kids go to public school. I've actually had religious people insinuate that I will burn if my kids go to public school! Tl;dr I can still raise Christians regardless of their schooling method. Edit cause I'm a product of public school
Yes! I really dislike homeschooling. I think it's mom torture. I think it's incredibly unfair to children. Religious or not. Not every mom is cut out for homeschooling. Some things are better left to the pros! I could sorta understand if it were prairie pioneer times and I needed all the help I could get and there was literally no school. BUT What many religious people refuse to understand is that children are NOT your personal property. (Neither are they the governments property). I honestly think but can't prove that it' is an issue of power and control for many religious people. That's a bad generalization but it's what I've learned from more than a few bad examples! In the bad examples I've seen "homeschooling" or lack of borders on abuse. I only say this because I've seen it first hand and I disagree 100% with some of the practices of the religious homeschool parents I know. Enough that I've lost friendships over it. It is considered a matter of wisdom whether it not you send your kids to public or private school. Or school at home. As far as I know ther is no Biblical directive that says you must educate your kids at home. No, I will not burn in hell if my kids go to public school. I've actually had religious people insinuate that I will burn if my kids go to public school!
I can still raise Christians regardless of their schooling method. Edit cause I'm a product of public school
I haven't been dating my boyfriend extremely long but due to some unique circumstances, he's moved in with me. I'm out of town visiting family for 10 days and for almost the entire time, one of our friends has stayed over at the apartment. This friend has been very flirty with us before and its kind of just the way he is, it never bothered us because it was while we were together. I have a dropcam security camera in my kitchen and looked at it at one point and saw my boyfriend and this friend both in underwear on the couch watching tv. I brought it up and said it made me uncomfortable and he said thats fine and it wouldn't be an issue. This friend has spent every waking minute of every day at my apartment with my boyfriend while i've been gone, which is over a week. My boyfriend even said they were having heart-to-heart conversations and have gotten a lot closer this whole time. They both sleep in their underwear in the same bed every night, even after I brought up that i was uncomfortable with them just hanging out in their underwear. I feel i've been replaced in every aspect of my relationship except sex (i do trust that they aren't having sexual contact) tl;dr - boyfriend is spending every hour of every day with new friend while i'm away, they sleep together in the same bed in just underwear. Am I irrational to feel like I'm being replaced? He acts like this isn't a big deal but it bothers me to no end and everyone i've mentioned this to says its weird.
I haven't been dating my boyfriend extremely long but due to some unique circumstances, he's moved in with me. I'm out of town visiting family for 10 days and for almost the entire time, one of our friends has stayed over at the apartment. This friend has been very flirty with us before and its kind of just the way he is, it never bothered us because it was while we were together. I have a dropcam security camera in my kitchen and looked at it at one point and saw my boyfriend and this friend both in underwear on the couch watching tv. I brought it up and said it made me uncomfortable and he said thats fine and it wouldn't be an issue. This friend has spent every waking minute of every day at my apartment with my boyfriend while i've been gone, which is over a week. My boyfriend even said they were having heart-to-heart conversations and have gotten a lot closer this whole time. They both sleep in their underwear in the same bed every night, even after I brought up that i was uncomfortable with them just hanging out in their underwear. I feel i've been replaced in every aspect of my relationship except sex (i do trust that they aren't having sexual contact) tl;dr - boyfriend is spending every hour of every day with new friend while i'm away, they sleep together in the same bed in just underwear. Am I irrational to feel like I'm being replaced? He acts like this isn't a big deal but it bothers me to no end and everyone i've mentioned this to says its weird.
I haven't been dating my boyfriend extremely long but due to some unique circumstances, he's moved in with me. I'm out of town visiting family for 10 days and for almost the entire time, one of our friends has stayed over at the apartment. This friend has been very flirty with us before and its kind of just the way he is, it never bothered us because it was while we were together. I have a dropcam security camera in my kitchen and looked at it at one point and saw my boyfriend and this friend both in underwear on the couch watching tv. I brought it up and said it made me uncomfortable and he said thats fine and it wouldn't be an issue. This friend has spent every waking minute of every day at my apartment with my boyfriend while i've been gone, which is over a week. My boyfriend even said they were having heart-to-heart conversations and have gotten a lot closer this whole time. They both sleep in their underwear in the same bed every night, even after I brought up that i was uncomfortable with them just hanging out in their underwear. I feel i've been replaced in every aspect of my relationship except sex (i do trust that they aren't having sexual contact)
boyfriend is spending every hour of every day with new friend while i'm away, they sleep together in the same bed in just underwear. Am I irrational to feel like I'm being replaced? He acts like this isn't a big deal but it bothers me to no end and everyone i've mentioned this to says its weird.
I've never noticed this subreddit before, good thing I have now because I need your help Redditors. I'm 18, she's almost 21, we've been together for 11 months. She's my first girlfriend, I've never broken up with anyone before... For the past few months I've no longer been feeling the same way about her as I felt before and I haven't broken up yet, because I don't want her to feel sorry. Now the only way she makes me feel is annoyed, bored, I'm fed up with her. I feel like "alright, cut this crap, bitch", I don't want to spend time with her any longer, but she HELLUVA LOVES ME. She keeps telling me I'm the only one and she doesn't want anyone else but me, she wants to spend every single moment of her free time with me, well, that's bad 'cos I DON'T. She keeps telling me she adores me, she wants to lie in a coffin with me, hugging me after we die and bullshit like this. You know. I want to break up with so badly, but because she keeps telling me stuff I've just written above, I CANNOT do it, I can't watch her suffer, I can't watch her being sorry because of me, I can't watch her crying out loud... How do I break up the easier way? Please Redditors, this is my first post here... I've written this all because I desperately need help from you... TL;DR: I want to break up with a girl who adores me and wants me to be her chosen one, but I can't stand watching her crying and being sorry because of me breaking her heart.
I've never noticed this subreddit before, good thing I have now because I need your help Redditors. I'm 18, she's almost 21, we've been together for 11 months. She's my first girlfriend, I've never broken up with anyone before... For the past few months I've no longer been feeling the same way about her as I felt before and I haven't broken up yet, because I don't want her to feel sorry. Now the only way she makes me feel is annoyed, bored, I'm fed up with her. I feel like "alright, cut this crap, bitch", I don't want to spend time with her any longer, but she HELLUVA LOVES ME. She keeps telling me I'm the only one and she doesn't want anyone else but me, she wants to spend every single moment of her free time with me, well, that's bad 'cos I DON'T. She keeps telling me she adores me, she wants to lie in a coffin with me, hugging me after we die and bullshit like this. You know. I want to break up with so badly, but because she keeps telling me stuff I've just written above, I CANNOT do it, I can't watch her suffer, I can't watch her being sorry because of me, I can't watch her crying out loud... How do I break up the easier way? Please Redditors, this is my first post here... I've written this all because I desperately need help from you... TL;DR: I want to break up with a girl who adores me and wants me to be her chosen one, but I can't stand watching her crying and being sorry because of me breaking her heart.
I've never noticed this subreddit before, good thing I have now because I need your help Redditors. I'm 18, she's almost 21, we've been together for 11 months. She's my first girlfriend, I've never broken up with anyone before... For the past few months I've no longer been feeling the same way about her as I felt before and I haven't broken up yet, because I don't want her to feel sorry. Now the only way she makes me feel is annoyed, bored, I'm fed up with her. I feel like "alright, cut this crap, bitch", I don't want to spend time with her any longer, but she HELLUVA LOVES ME. She keeps telling me I'm the only one and she doesn't want anyone else but me, she wants to spend every single moment of her free time with me, well, that's bad 'cos I DON'T. She keeps telling me she adores me, she wants to lie in a coffin with me, hugging me after we die and bullshit like this. You know. I want to break up with so badly, but because she keeps telling me stuff I've just written above, I CANNOT do it, I can't watch her suffer, I can't watch her being sorry because of me, I can't watch her crying out loud... How do I break up the easier way? Please Redditors, this is my first post here... I've written this all because I desperately need help from you...
I want to break up with a girl who adores me and wants me to be her chosen one, but I can't stand watching her crying and being sorry because of me breaking her heart.
I hope it's okay for me to post this here. If this is not allowed, please let me know and I will take this down or one of the mods can. Apologies in advance. For the last 13 years, I have been running a geoficitional government simulation called the [Empire of the Alexandrians]( based on the world of [Micras]( We are loosely based on elements of Napoleonic and modern France, with Spanish, Latin American, German and Italian thrown in. We are currently having elections for the Imperial Assembly and we could really use more participants! The Union for the Democratic Movement, led by First Consul (Prime Minister) Sebastian Goddestreu, will be up to defend its hold on power against a resurgent Liberal Alliance and a weakened Socialist Party. **We could really use more players to become active politicians and active members of the political parties.** All parties desperately need players. Currently the UMD has 2 players, the Liberal Alliance and the Socialists each have 3 players. ***What are the political parties in Alexandria?*** > 1. **Union for a Democratic Movement** (Union pour un mouvement démocratique/Unión por un Movimiento Democrático) > *Ideology*: Conservatism, Monarchism, Nationalism > *Background*: Although the Democratic Movement proved itself one of the most enduring political parties > in Alexandrian history, it could not fully survive the state of emergency. Solidifying in the face of > the chaos surrounding the current provisional government, former MoDem > leaders, as well as prominent monarchists, clerics, and business > leaders, formed the Union for a Democratic Movement, signifying their > desire to return to the old glory of the Democratic Movement, while > being more inclusive of the broader Alexandrian right. It calls for an > increase in the role of the private sector, while at the same time > advocating a social safety-net to return the underprivileged and > unemployed to work. Although continuing to call themselves MoDems, the > Union is more socially conservative, as well as supportive of a > strengthened monarchy, than its predecessor. > > > 2. **Socialist Party** (Parti Socialiste/Partido Socialista) > *Ideology*: Socialism, Populism, Environmentalism > *Background*: In the aftermath of the suspension of the constitution, members of the former left-wing parties, such as the Social Democratic > Rally, the Popular Democratic Party, and other regional groups met and > decided that a left front would be more optimal than a continued > division over certain ideological points. While it contains both > social democratic and far-left elements, the Party is generally > committed to social equality in the public and private sector, state > management of major resources and industries, workers' rights, and a > comprehensive social welfare system. > > > 3. **Liberal Alliance** (Alliance libérale/Alianza Liberal) > *Ideology*: Liberalism, Radicalism, Federalism > *Background*: With the decline of the Liberal Party of Alexandria, and the rise of regional movements such as the Radical Alliance of Rio > Grande and New Alexandria, the old and new guards of Alexandrian > liberalism met in Ibelin to broker a compromise in order to > reinvigorate liberal ideas. The result became the Liberal Alliance > ("Liberal" in honor of the Liberal Party and "Alliance" in a nod to > the Radical Alliance). The Alliance adheres to classical liberalism > calling for a reduction in government regulations on business, > increased civil liberties, and an emphasis on individual initiative. > As well, the Alliance calls for increasing regional devolution and > cultural autonomy, with the central government relegated to determine > national affairs. The UMD will be looking for more members as well, you could even end up in Government if they win the election. (The UMD is a center-right political party that would mesh very well with the Tory philosophy and values. The Liberal Alliance is a smaller, more radical party that has some libertarian elements as well, but they're not easily pegged into the right-left spectrum.) If politics is not your thing - that's fine. **Alexandria is also looking for devoted, talented and responsible/trustworthy administrators and moderators.** Grading elections will be an entire admin board effort, but we do need administrators to play NPC characters, (such as the Speaker of the Imperial Assembly), be in charge of generating and updating news stories (with assistance of all other admins), grading press releases and quantifying their effects in the simulation, be in charge of the economic/budget simulation (with assistance of all other admins). If adminning is not your thing - there are many other ways you can participate. Alexandria could also use: - Diplomats and ambassadors: there are many other "micronations" like Alexandria, and we could really use people that are devoted to the construction and development of strong diplomatic relations with our allies and neighbors, and we could always use fresh new views and opinions on the development of foreign policy. - Soldiers: essentially, you'd be helping develop the Alexandrian military, help come up with the kind of equipment Alexandria should use and when the time comes - help us fight and beat the enemy in recwars or war games... which are extremely rare, FYI, but do happen. The military is seriously underdeveloped and could use some development. ***How do I create a character?*** Sign into the game [in this forum]( (called "obtaining citizenship" because we're tying to be all cool and fancy). Remember: don't claim any titles you don't have. You can't start as "the Duke of Sumbitchland" or a five star General anything like that. ;) ( ***TL;DR***: - Alexandria could really, really use active and committed players for all political parties for the game to be fun. I could also really use partner admins to help in running the game, especially updating the news stories and preparing for the next election.
I hope it's okay for me to post this here. If this is not allowed, please let me know and I will take this down or one of the mods can. Apologies in advance. For the last 13 years, I have been running a geoficitional government simulation called the [Empire of the Alexandrians]( based on the world of [Micras]( We are loosely based on elements of Napoleonic and modern France, with Spanish, Latin American, German and Italian thrown in. We are currently having elections for the Imperial Assembly and we could really use more participants! The Union for the Democratic Movement, led by First Consul (Prime Minister) Sebastian Goddestreu, will be up to defend its hold on power against a resurgent Liberal Alliance and a weakened Socialist Party. We could really use more players to become active politicians and active members of the political parties. All parties desperately need players. Currently the UMD has 2 players, the Liberal Alliance and the Socialists each have 3 players. What are the political parties in Alexandria? > 1. Union for a Democratic Movement (Union pour un mouvement démocratique/Unión por un Movimiento Democrático) > Ideology : Conservatism, Monarchism, Nationalism > Background : Although the Democratic Movement proved itself one of the most enduring political parties > in Alexandrian history, it could not fully survive the state of emergency. Solidifying in the face of > the chaos surrounding the current provisional government, former MoDem > leaders, as well as prominent monarchists, clerics, and business > leaders, formed the Union for a Democratic Movement, signifying their > desire to return to the old glory of the Democratic Movement, while > being more inclusive of the broader Alexandrian right. It calls for an > increase in the role of the private sector, while at the same time > advocating a social safety-net to return the underprivileged and > unemployed to work. Although continuing to call themselves MoDems, the > Union is more socially conservative, as well as supportive of a > strengthened monarchy, than its predecessor. > > > 2. Socialist Party (Parti Socialiste/Partido Socialista) > Ideology : Socialism, Populism, Environmentalism > Background : In the aftermath of the suspension of the constitution, members of the former left-wing parties, such as the Social Democratic > Rally, the Popular Democratic Party, and other regional groups met and > decided that a left front would be more optimal than a continued > division over certain ideological points. While it contains both > social democratic and far-left elements, the Party is generally > committed to social equality in the public and private sector, state > management of major resources and industries, workers' rights, and a > comprehensive social welfare system. > > > 3. Liberal Alliance (Alliance libérale/Alianza Liberal) > Ideology : Liberalism, Radicalism, Federalism > Background : With the decline of the Liberal Party of Alexandria, and the rise of regional movements such as the Radical Alliance of Rio > Grande and New Alexandria, the old and new guards of Alexandrian > liberalism met in Ibelin to broker a compromise in order to > reinvigorate liberal ideas. The result became the Liberal Alliance > ("Liberal" in honor of the Liberal Party and "Alliance" in a nod to > the Radical Alliance). The Alliance adheres to classical liberalism > calling for a reduction in government regulations on business, > increased civil liberties, and an emphasis on individual initiative. > As well, the Alliance calls for increasing regional devolution and > cultural autonomy, with the central government relegated to determine > national affairs. The UMD will be looking for more members as well, you could even end up in Government if they win the election. (The UMD is a center-right political party that would mesh very well with the Tory philosophy and values. The Liberal Alliance is a smaller, more radical party that has some libertarian elements as well, but they're not easily pegged into the right-left spectrum.) If politics is not your thing - that's fine. Alexandria is also looking for devoted, talented and responsible/trustworthy administrators and moderators. Grading elections will be an entire admin board effort, but we do need administrators to play NPC characters, (such as the Speaker of the Imperial Assembly), be in charge of generating and updating news stories (with assistance of all other admins), grading press releases and quantifying their effects in the simulation, be in charge of the economic/budget simulation (with assistance of all other admins). If adminning is not your thing - there are many other ways you can participate. Alexandria could also use: Diplomats and ambassadors: there are many other "micronations" like Alexandria, and we could really use people that are devoted to the construction and development of strong diplomatic relations with our allies and neighbors, and we could always use fresh new views and opinions on the development of foreign policy. Soldiers: essentially, you'd be helping develop the Alexandrian military, help come up with the kind of equipment Alexandria should use and when the time comes - help us fight and beat the enemy in recwars or war games... which are extremely rare, FYI, but do happen. The military is seriously underdeveloped and could use some development. How do I create a character? Sign into the game in this forum . Remember: don't claim any titles you don't have. You can't start as "the Duke of Sumbitchland" or a five star General anything like that. ;) ( TL;DR : - Alexandria could really, really use active and committed players for all political parties for the game to be fun. I could also really use partner admins to help in running the game, especially updating the news stories and preparing for the next election.
I hope it's okay for me to post this here. If this is not allowed, please let me know and I will take this down or one of the mods can. Apologies in advance. For the last 13 years, I have been running a geoficitional government simulation called the [Empire of the Alexandrians]( based on the world of [Micras]( We are loosely based on elements of Napoleonic and modern France, with Spanish, Latin American, German and Italian thrown in. We are currently having elections for the Imperial Assembly and we could really use more participants! The Union for the Democratic Movement, led by First Consul (Prime Minister) Sebastian Goddestreu, will be up to defend its hold on power against a resurgent Liberal Alliance and a weakened Socialist Party. We could really use more players to become active politicians and active members of the political parties. All parties desperately need players. Currently the UMD has 2 players, the Liberal Alliance and the Socialists each have 3 players. What are the political parties in Alexandria? > 1. Union for a Democratic Movement (Union pour un mouvement démocratique/Unión por un Movimiento Democrático) > Ideology : Conservatism, Monarchism, Nationalism > Background : Although the Democratic Movement proved itself one of the most enduring political parties > in Alexandrian history, it could not fully survive the state of emergency. Solidifying in the face of > the chaos surrounding the current provisional government, former MoDem > leaders, as well as prominent monarchists, clerics, and business > leaders, formed the Union for a Democratic Movement, signifying their > desire to return to the old glory of the Democratic Movement, while > being more inclusive of the broader Alexandrian right. It calls for an > increase in the role of the private sector, while at the same time > advocating a social safety-net to return the underprivileged and > unemployed to work. Although continuing to call themselves MoDems, the > Union is more socially conservative, as well as supportive of a > strengthened monarchy, than its predecessor. > > > 2. Socialist Party (Parti Socialiste/Partido Socialista) > Ideology : Socialism, Populism, Environmentalism > Background : In the aftermath of the suspension of the constitution, members of the former left-wing parties, such as the Social Democratic > Rally, the Popular Democratic Party, and other regional groups met and > decided that a left front would be more optimal than a continued > division over certain ideological points. While it contains both > social democratic and far-left elements, the Party is generally > committed to social equality in the public and private sector, state > management of major resources and industries, workers' rights, and a > comprehensive social welfare system. > > > 3. Liberal Alliance (Alliance libérale/Alianza Liberal) > Ideology : Liberalism, Radicalism, Federalism > Background : With the decline of the Liberal Party of Alexandria, and the rise of regional movements such as the Radical Alliance of Rio > Grande and New Alexandria, the old and new guards of Alexandrian > liberalism met in Ibelin to broker a compromise in order to > reinvigorate liberal ideas. The result became the Liberal Alliance > ("Liberal" in honor of the Liberal Party and "Alliance" in a nod to > the Radical Alliance). The Alliance adheres to classical liberalism > calling for a reduction in government regulations on business, > increased civil liberties, and an emphasis on individual initiative. > As well, the Alliance calls for increasing regional devolution and > cultural autonomy, with the central government relegated to determine > national affairs. The UMD will be looking for more members as well, you could even end up in Government if they win the election. (The UMD is a center-right political party that would mesh very well with the Tory philosophy and values. The Liberal Alliance is a smaller, more radical party that has some libertarian elements as well, but they're not easily pegged into the right-left spectrum.) If politics is not your thing - that's fine. Alexandria is also looking for devoted, talented and responsible/trustworthy administrators and moderators. Grading elections will be an entire admin board effort, but we do need administrators to play NPC characters, (such as the Speaker of the Imperial Assembly), be in charge of generating and updating news stories (with assistance of all other admins), grading press releases and quantifying their effects in the simulation, be in charge of the economic/budget simulation (with assistance of all other admins). If adminning is not your thing - there are many other ways you can participate. Alexandria could also use: Diplomats and ambassadors: there are many other "micronations" like Alexandria, and we could really use people that are devoted to the construction and development of strong diplomatic relations with our allies and neighbors, and we could always use fresh new views and opinions on the development of foreign policy. Soldiers: essentially, you'd be helping develop the Alexandrian military, help come up with the kind of equipment Alexandria should use and when the time comes - help us fight and beat the enemy in recwars or war games... which are extremely rare, FYI, but do happen. The military is seriously underdeveloped and could use some development. How do I create a character? Sign into the game in this forum . Remember: don't claim any titles you don't have. You can't start as "the Duke of Sumbitchland" or a five star General anything like that. ;) (
Alexandria could really, really use active and committed players for all political parties for the game to be fun. I could also really use partner admins to help in running the game, especially updating the news stories and preparing for the next election.
Hello! Had to make a throwaway because my friends know my username, but anyway I was hoping to get different perspectives/advice because I do not know anyone personally who is going/went through the same thing as me. Sorry for the long post, I sort of vented, but I left a lot of things out. I just really don't know what to do now, please help! Anyway, some background. I am a first year college student who lives at home, and I am the oldest. My parents are very strict and conservative and religious. They both were born and grew up in the Philippines; my mom was raised in a conservative household and feared her parents so she never disobeyed and always listened to them, whereas my dad came from a poorer household but was able to finish college. Both my parents are nurses and because of this I am pursuing nursing. My parents also did not want me to dorm and refused to pay for dorming, so that is why I only applied to the nearest university and commute there. My parents are very old fashioned and I know that the transition has been tough of them. They don't really agree with western ways. For example, technically when I turned 18 I can do whatever, I don't have to listen to my parents. My parents do not believe in that; as long as I live under their roof I have to follow their rules. I'm not allowed to go out at night because it's "too dangerous" and I'm not allowed to go anywhere far, and I always have to ask permission before going out. I never had a curfew because my parents would just call me and tell me to go home. Throughout high school I never had that much friends because my parents never let me go out, and in turn I never went out. I was the obedient daughter who never talked back or fought with my parents. Until my senior year of high school. Senior year of high school comes and I sort of came out of the little shell and started making more friends, and eventually got a boyfriend (I was already 18 by the time this happened). My parents had a very strict "no boyfriend until after college/I get a job" rule. He was my first boyfriend and I was terrified of telling my parents but I eventually told them and they were hesitant but they let me stay with him. The first couple of months were great; however, as graduation grew closer my relationship with my parents got worse (I never really had the best relationship with my parents in the first place because I grew up afraid of them and we never talked about anything personal and talking about boys and such were complete taboo). My boyfriend encouraged me to stand up for myself whenever I went to him to complain about my parents, usually because they didn't let me go out. I thought my parents liked my boyfriend since he came over to my house a lot (I wasn't allowed to go to his house at all) and we hungout in the living room since he's not allowed to go in my room (my family and I live in a two bedroom apartment which does not have that much space and the walls are not that thick). However, the first fight I've ever had with my parents happened literally the night before my graduation day. My parents were in the living room and I was about to go to my room and sleep since I had to get up early the next day and my mom just blurts out that she saw me and him kissing when we were taking a walk around the neighborhood a few nights before. It was something my family does a few times a night, we all would walk around the neighborhood together and sometimes my boyfriend would go with us. I remembered that kiss and it was literally a peck on the lips, since we were walking behind my parents and sisters. My mom went hysterical and started yelling that kissing is a sin and stuff like that (my mom is crazy). We were arguing and eventually I couldn't take it anymore and went to sleep and told them that I had to get up early the next day. I know for sure that I am very bad at confrontations and arguing in person; I'm better at letting out my thoughts through letters/text instead of in person. I don't know why, but I just can't gather my thoughts fast enough to reply right away, plus I am so used to never talking back. Anyway, this happened around June of 2013, last year, and summer time was a little better, but I still wasn't able to go out whenever or go out alone with my boyfriend. We spent most of the summer hanging out in my house since I couldn't really go anywhere. When college started my boyfriend left to dorm and I stayed home. We're only an hour away, so it wasn't that bad and we were prepared to be away from each other. The next four months are probably the toughest months I've ever had to go through so far. I basically experienced the whole teenage rebellion in the span of four months (or longer, actually, since it's still happening). A lot of problems surfaced and I was tired of always listening to my parents instead of doing what I felt was best for me. I talked back more and argued a lot with my parents. I tried my best to not be home as much as I possibly could, though it was hard since I do not have my own car and share with my dad (he works nights so I have to be back before he goes to work to return the car). Things got really bad around October/November and it resulted in my parents threatening to kick me out but I refused because I wanted to fix my relationship with my parents, however I kind of regret that because things have not gotten better at all. This also resulted in my having to break up with my boyfriend because I knew I had to fix things with my parents and I didn't want to drag him down any further. My parents also disapproved of him and strongly encouraged me breaking up with him. I wanted to take the time now to fix my relationship with my parents but things actually got worse, even tho I am now 19. After a month I got back with my boyfriend, but I still had problems with my parents. I recently had a huge fight with my mom and she just lost it. She was going crazy and it was VERY difficult talking rationally to her. I don't want to go into details about how crazy she went, but she was going to involve my boyfriend's and bestfriend's parents. I spent hours trying to talk her out of it. I was also about to stay at my bestfriend's house and my mom even made me say goodbye to my sisters (I should mention that I love my sisters more than anything and they're the reason I'm trying to break free from my parents so that they won't have to go through this when they get my age, I want them to be able to have freedom). My dad wasn't there during this argument and my sisters were at school. I actually have not talked to my dad until two days after the fight but I know my mom talked to him and told him the story while making me look like the bad guy (my parents are always on the same page with everything so I'm pretty sure my dad would not have listened to my side of the story). I ended up not going to my friend's house and staying at home (my mom confiscated my laptop and cellphone and housekey during the fight). I slept for 16 hours that night and completely avoided talking to my parents the next day. I still haven't talked to them about the incident and I feel like I need to be prepared if I bring it up. There's a lot more stuff that happened and I can mention some other things in the comments if anyone asks, but basically I have not talked to my parents about the incident. All I really want is to be able to leave whenever I want, not have a curfew, and be treated like an adult. My parents refuse to change their rules or even listen to what I have to say. My mom also has no respect for my privacy and during the fight she went through my purse and wallet even though I asked her to stop. My mom is a lot bigger and stronger than me so it's hard to stop her. I have been considering moving out for the longest time but the only thing that is stopping me is that I have no way to financially support myself. My parents are well off (only my dad works, my mom stays at home) but they have no money saved up for my or my sisters and I have to take out a loan for college and was unable to qualify for any financial aid other than the loan. I am getting a job in the summer definitely, and was thinking of moving out after the semester is over. I've decided to just on school this semester because I am taking a course that I really need to pass so I can get in the nursing program (I'm prenursing). I am hoping that things don't get as bad anymore, but I feel like they will. I am just tired of arguing with my parents, especially when they refuse to understand my side. I really don't know what to do now. I really don't want to move out, but if my parents are going to keep treating me like I'm 10 then I don't think I can handle staying with them. Thanks for taking the time to read! :) --- **tl;dr**: Super strict parents treat me like a little kid and don't respect my privacy or let me go out; I feel like moving out is the best thing for everyone but I want to be sure on my decision before I do anything. Help!
Hello! Had to make a throwaway because my friends know my username, but anyway I was hoping to get different perspectives/advice because I do not know anyone personally who is going/went through the same thing as me. Sorry for the long post, I sort of vented, but I left a lot of things out. I just really don't know what to do now, please help! Anyway, some background. I am a first year college student who lives at home, and I am the oldest. My parents are very strict and conservative and religious. They both were born and grew up in the Philippines; my mom was raised in a conservative household and feared her parents so she never disobeyed and always listened to them, whereas my dad came from a poorer household but was able to finish college. Both my parents are nurses and because of this I am pursuing nursing. My parents also did not want me to dorm and refused to pay for dorming, so that is why I only applied to the nearest university and commute there. My parents are very old fashioned and I know that the transition has been tough of them. They don't really agree with western ways. For example, technically when I turned 18 I can do whatever, I don't have to listen to my parents. My parents do not believe in that; as long as I live under their roof I have to follow their rules. I'm not allowed to go out at night because it's "too dangerous" and I'm not allowed to go anywhere far, and I always have to ask permission before going out. I never had a curfew because my parents would just call me and tell me to go home. Throughout high school I never had that much friends because my parents never let me go out, and in turn I never went out. I was the obedient daughter who never talked back or fought with my parents. Until my senior year of high school. Senior year of high school comes and I sort of came out of the little shell and started making more friends, and eventually got a boyfriend (I was already 18 by the time this happened). My parents had a very strict "no boyfriend until after college/I get a job" rule. He was my first boyfriend and I was terrified of telling my parents but I eventually told them and they were hesitant but they let me stay with him. The first couple of months were great; however, as graduation grew closer my relationship with my parents got worse (I never really had the best relationship with my parents in the first place because I grew up afraid of them and we never talked about anything personal and talking about boys and such were complete taboo). My boyfriend encouraged me to stand up for myself whenever I went to him to complain about my parents, usually because they didn't let me go out. I thought my parents liked my boyfriend since he came over to my house a lot (I wasn't allowed to go to his house at all) and we hungout in the living room since he's not allowed to go in my room (my family and I live in a two bedroom apartment which does not have that much space and the walls are not that thick). However, the first fight I've ever had with my parents happened literally the night before my graduation day. My parents were in the living room and I was about to go to my room and sleep since I had to get up early the next day and my mom just blurts out that she saw me and him kissing when we were taking a walk around the neighborhood a few nights before. It was something my family does a few times a night, we all would walk around the neighborhood together and sometimes my boyfriend would go with us. I remembered that kiss and it was literally a peck on the lips, since we were walking behind my parents and sisters. My mom went hysterical and started yelling that kissing is a sin and stuff like that (my mom is crazy). We were arguing and eventually I couldn't take it anymore and went to sleep and told them that I had to get up early the next day. I know for sure that I am very bad at confrontations and arguing in person; I'm better at letting out my thoughts through letters/text instead of in person. I don't know why, but I just can't gather my thoughts fast enough to reply right away, plus I am so used to never talking back. Anyway, this happened around June of 2013, last year, and summer time was a little better, but I still wasn't able to go out whenever or go out alone with my boyfriend. We spent most of the summer hanging out in my house since I couldn't really go anywhere. When college started my boyfriend left to dorm and I stayed home. We're only an hour away, so it wasn't that bad and we were prepared to be away from each other. The next four months are probably the toughest months I've ever had to go through so far. I basically experienced the whole teenage rebellion in the span of four months (or longer, actually, since it's still happening). A lot of problems surfaced and I was tired of always listening to my parents instead of doing what I felt was best for me. I talked back more and argued a lot with my parents. I tried my best to not be home as much as I possibly could, though it was hard since I do not have my own car and share with my dad (he works nights so I have to be back before he goes to work to return the car). Things got really bad around October/November and it resulted in my parents threatening to kick me out but I refused because I wanted to fix my relationship with my parents, however I kind of regret that because things have not gotten better at all. This also resulted in my having to break up with my boyfriend because I knew I had to fix things with my parents and I didn't want to drag him down any further. My parents also disapproved of him and strongly encouraged me breaking up with him. I wanted to take the time now to fix my relationship with my parents but things actually got worse, even tho I am now 19. After a month I got back with my boyfriend, but I still had problems with my parents. I recently had a huge fight with my mom and she just lost it. She was going crazy and it was VERY difficult talking rationally to her. I don't want to go into details about how crazy she went, but she was going to involve my boyfriend's and bestfriend's parents. I spent hours trying to talk her out of it. I was also about to stay at my bestfriend's house and my mom even made me say goodbye to my sisters (I should mention that I love my sisters more than anything and they're the reason I'm trying to break free from my parents so that they won't have to go through this when they get my age, I want them to be able to have freedom). My dad wasn't there during this argument and my sisters were at school. I actually have not talked to my dad until two days after the fight but I know my mom talked to him and told him the story while making me look like the bad guy (my parents are always on the same page with everything so I'm pretty sure my dad would not have listened to my side of the story). I ended up not going to my friend's house and staying at home (my mom confiscated my laptop and cellphone and housekey during the fight). I slept for 16 hours that night and completely avoided talking to my parents the next day. I still haven't talked to them about the incident and I feel like I need to be prepared if I bring it up. There's a lot more stuff that happened and I can mention some other things in the comments if anyone asks, but basically I have not talked to my parents about the incident. All I really want is to be able to leave whenever I want, not have a curfew, and be treated like an adult. My parents refuse to change their rules or even listen to what I have to say. My mom also has no respect for my privacy and during the fight she went through my purse and wallet even though I asked her to stop. My mom is a lot bigger and stronger than me so it's hard to stop her. I have been considering moving out for the longest time but the only thing that is stopping me is that I have no way to financially support myself. My parents are well off (only my dad works, my mom stays at home) but they have no money saved up for my or my sisters and I have to take out a loan for college and was unable to qualify for any financial aid other than the loan. I am getting a job in the summer definitely, and was thinking of moving out after the semester is over. I've decided to just on school this semester because I am taking a course that I really need to pass so I can get in the nursing program (I'm prenursing). I am hoping that things don't get as bad anymore, but I feel like they will. I am just tired of arguing with my parents, especially when they refuse to understand my side. I really don't know what to do now. I really don't want to move out, but if my parents are going to keep treating me like I'm 10 then I don't think I can handle staying with them. Thanks for taking the time to read! :) tl;dr : Super strict parents treat me like a little kid and don't respect my privacy or let me go out; I feel like moving out is the best thing for everyone but I want to be sure on my decision before I do anything. Help!
Hello! Had to make a throwaway because my friends know my username, but anyway I was hoping to get different perspectives/advice because I do not know anyone personally who is going/went through the same thing as me. Sorry for the long post, I sort of vented, but I left a lot of things out. I just really don't know what to do now, please help! Anyway, some background. I am a first year college student who lives at home, and I am the oldest. My parents are very strict and conservative and religious. They both were born and grew up in the Philippines; my mom was raised in a conservative household and feared her parents so she never disobeyed and always listened to them, whereas my dad came from a poorer household but was able to finish college. Both my parents are nurses and because of this I am pursuing nursing. My parents also did not want me to dorm and refused to pay for dorming, so that is why I only applied to the nearest university and commute there. My parents are very old fashioned and I know that the transition has been tough of them. They don't really agree with western ways. For example, technically when I turned 18 I can do whatever, I don't have to listen to my parents. My parents do not believe in that; as long as I live under their roof I have to follow their rules. I'm not allowed to go out at night because it's "too dangerous" and I'm not allowed to go anywhere far, and I always have to ask permission before going out. I never had a curfew because my parents would just call me and tell me to go home. Throughout high school I never had that much friends because my parents never let me go out, and in turn I never went out. I was the obedient daughter who never talked back or fought with my parents. Until my senior year of high school. Senior year of high school comes and I sort of came out of the little shell and started making more friends, and eventually got a boyfriend (I was already 18 by the time this happened). My parents had a very strict "no boyfriend until after college/I get a job" rule. He was my first boyfriend and I was terrified of telling my parents but I eventually told them and they were hesitant but they let me stay with him. The first couple of months were great; however, as graduation grew closer my relationship with my parents got worse (I never really had the best relationship with my parents in the first place because I grew up afraid of them and we never talked about anything personal and talking about boys and such were complete taboo). My boyfriend encouraged me to stand up for myself whenever I went to him to complain about my parents, usually because they didn't let me go out. I thought my parents liked my boyfriend since he came over to my house a lot (I wasn't allowed to go to his house at all) and we hungout in the living room since he's not allowed to go in my room (my family and I live in a two bedroom apartment which does not have that much space and the walls are not that thick). However, the first fight I've ever had with my parents happened literally the night before my graduation day. My parents were in the living room and I was about to go to my room and sleep since I had to get up early the next day and my mom just blurts out that she saw me and him kissing when we were taking a walk around the neighborhood a few nights before. It was something my family does a few times a night, we all would walk around the neighborhood together and sometimes my boyfriend would go with us. I remembered that kiss and it was literally a peck on the lips, since we were walking behind my parents and sisters. My mom went hysterical and started yelling that kissing is a sin and stuff like that (my mom is crazy). We were arguing and eventually I couldn't take it anymore and went to sleep and told them that I had to get up early the next day. I know for sure that I am very bad at confrontations and arguing in person; I'm better at letting out my thoughts through letters/text instead of in person. I don't know why, but I just can't gather my thoughts fast enough to reply right away, plus I am so used to never talking back. Anyway, this happened around June of 2013, last year, and summer time was a little better, but I still wasn't able to go out whenever or go out alone with my boyfriend. We spent most of the summer hanging out in my house since I couldn't really go anywhere. When college started my boyfriend left to dorm and I stayed home. We're only an hour away, so it wasn't that bad and we were prepared to be away from each other. The next four months are probably the toughest months I've ever had to go through so far. I basically experienced the whole teenage rebellion in the span of four months (or longer, actually, since it's still happening). A lot of problems surfaced and I was tired of always listening to my parents instead of doing what I felt was best for me. I talked back more and argued a lot with my parents. I tried my best to not be home as much as I possibly could, though it was hard since I do not have my own car and share with my dad (he works nights so I have to be back before he goes to work to return the car). Things got really bad around October/November and it resulted in my parents threatening to kick me out but I refused because I wanted to fix my relationship with my parents, however I kind of regret that because things have not gotten better at all. This also resulted in my having to break up with my boyfriend because I knew I had to fix things with my parents and I didn't want to drag him down any further. My parents also disapproved of him and strongly encouraged me breaking up with him. I wanted to take the time now to fix my relationship with my parents but things actually got worse, even tho I am now 19. After a month I got back with my boyfriend, but I still had problems with my parents. I recently had a huge fight with my mom and she just lost it. She was going crazy and it was VERY difficult talking rationally to her. I don't want to go into details about how crazy she went, but she was going to involve my boyfriend's and bestfriend's parents. I spent hours trying to talk her out of it. I was also about to stay at my bestfriend's house and my mom even made me say goodbye to my sisters (I should mention that I love my sisters more than anything and they're the reason I'm trying to break free from my parents so that they won't have to go through this when they get my age, I want them to be able to have freedom). My dad wasn't there during this argument and my sisters were at school. I actually have not talked to my dad until two days after the fight but I know my mom talked to him and told him the story while making me look like the bad guy (my parents are always on the same page with everything so I'm pretty sure my dad would not have listened to my side of the story). I ended up not going to my friend's house and staying at home (my mom confiscated my laptop and cellphone and housekey during the fight). I slept for 16 hours that night and completely avoided talking to my parents the next day. I still haven't talked to them about the incident and I feel like I need to be prepared if I bring it up. There's a lot more stuff that happened and I can mention some other things in the comments if anyone asks, but basically I have not talked to my parents about the incident. All I really want is to be able to leave whenever I want, not have a curfew, and be treated like an adult. My parents refuse to change their rules or even listen to what I have to say. My mom also has no respect for my privacy and during the fight she went through my purse and wallet even though I asked her to stop. My mom is a lot bigger and stronger than me so it's hard to stop her. I have been considering moving out for the longest time but the only thing that is stopping me is that I have no way to financially support myself. My parents are well off (only my dad works, my mom stays at home) but they have no money saved up for my or my sisters and I have to take out a loan for college and was unable to qualify for any financial aid other than the loan. I am getting a job in the summer definitely, and was thinking of moving out after the semester is over. I've decided to just on school this semester because I am taking a course that I really need to pass so I can get in the nursing program (I'm prenursing). I am hoping that things don't get as bad anymore, but I feel like they will. I am just tired of arguing with my parents, especially when they refuse to understand my side. I really don't know what to do now. I really don't want to move out, but if my parents are going to keep treating me like I'm 10 then I don't think I can handle staying with them. Thanks for taking the time to read! :)
Super strict parents treat me like a little kid and don't respect my privacy or let me go out; I feel like moving out is the best thing for everyone but I want to be sure on my decision before I do anything. Help!
I dont need false advice. I'm a pretty good pilot in the choppers so I can guarantee to you what I'm saying is true, not that you'll care. Not to mention time played != skill. I may have only played ~35hrs but then again I'm in division one for KDR, Skill, SPM, scout heli kills, etc... Tl;dr I'm already good enough, cheers.
I dont need false advice. I'm a pretty good pilot in the choppers so I can guarantee to you what I'm saying is true, not that you'll care. Not to mention time played != skill. I may have only played ~35hrs but then again I'm in division one for KDR, Skill, SPM, scout heli kills, etc... Tl;dr I'm already good enough, cheers.
I dont need false advice. I'm a pretty good pilot in the choppers so I can guarantee to you what I'm saying is true, not that you'll care. Not to mention time played != skill. I may have only played ~35hrs but then again I'm in division one for KDR, Skill, SPM, scout heli kills, etc...
I'm already good enough, cheers.
Hi, I'm very new to Ruby, so apologies if I don't understand some basic concepts. I have a script that takes a string, reverses some words, pushes it to another array, and prints the altered string. I am looking for a way to create a method that takes any initial string as an argument for this same script. I'm familiar with the basic syntax of a method (like [this]( but don't understand how to make a method handle a multiple line script. What areas do I need to understand to accomplish this? What might this generally look like? Where do I begin? Thanks! tl;dr How do I take a 5 line script that transforms a string, and turn it into a method that takes any string as an argument?
Hi, I'm very new to Ruby, so apologies if I don't understand some basic concepts. I have a script that takes a string, reverses some words, pushes it to another array, and prints the altered string. I am looking for a way to create a method that takes any initial string as an argument for this same script. I'm familiar with the basic syntax of a method (like [this]( but don't understand how to make a method handle a multiple line script. What areas do I need to understand to accomplish this? What might this generally look like? Where do I begin? Thanks! tl;dr How do I take a 5 line script that transforms a string, and turn it into a method that takes any string as an argument?
Hi, I'm very new to Ruby, so apologies if I don't understand some basic concepts. I have a script that takes a string, reverses some words, pushes it to another array, and prints the altered string. I am looking for a way to create a method that takes any initial string as an argument for this same script. I'm familiar with the basic syntax of a method (like [this]( but don't understand how to make a method handle a multiple line script. What areas do I need to understand to accomplish this? What might this generally look like? Where do I begin? Thanks!
How do I take a 5 line script that transforms a string, and turn it into a method that takes any string as an argument?
This zone is VERY buggy. I just submitted a ticket to anet's support explaining in-depth about the bugs i encountered. In particular, a vista and skill challenge to the east of the zone appear to be unreachable due to a bugged event that is needed to access them. Also, a renown heart in which you must collect artifacts for the Priory is extremely tedious and often the artifacts just disappear. TL;DR--Timberline Falls is bugged to hell, try to avoid the zone until fixes are made.
This zone is VERY buggy. I just submitted a ticket to anet's support explaining in-depth about the bugs i encountered. In particular, a vista and skill challenge to the east of the zone appear to be unreachable due to a bugged event that is needed to access them. Also, a renown heart in which you must collect artifacts for the Priory is extremely tedious and often the artifacts just disappear. TL;DR--Timberline Falls is bugged to hell, try to avoid the zone until fixes are made.
This zone is VERY buggy. I just submitted a ticket to anet's support explaining in-depth about the bugs i encountered. In particular, a vista and skill challenge to the east of the zone appear to be unreachable due to a bugged event that is needed to access them. Also, a renown heart in which you must collect artifacts for the Priory is extremely tedious and often the artifacts just disappear.
Timberline Falls is bugged to hell, try to avoid the zone until fixes are made.
Was with you until >It would basically follow the same tried and true format that late night shows have used for years "monologue, skit, guest, guest".. Maybe add in more musical guests, that way the writers and Jon don't really have to do anything more. I think the beauty of the daily show is that its a critique of the media that makes you engage with the information in a different way. The work that the writers do to pull off this feat is underappreciated and would become diluted by the addition of musical pieces and other stock sections. I often find the interviews the weakest part (Relatively. I still think Jon's an amazing interviewer). The exceptions are the political interviews and I dont think padding out the show to create space for when they occasionally happen would add anything in the long run. That "tried and true format" is the reason why most of those shows are becoming undistinguishable from each other. The monologue is the antithesis of what The Daily Show is about. Jon would never try to put himself at the centre of the story/comedy like that. That said, The Daily Show is one of the best programs in the history of television and I always wish it went on longer but maybe the reason we love it is we're left wanting more? TL;DR: No "Late night with Jon Stewart". Never.
Was with you until >It would basically follow the same tried and true format that late night shows have used for years "monologue, skit, guest, guest".. Maybe add in more musical guests, that way the writers and Jon don't really have to do anything more. I think the beauty of the daily show is that its a critique of the media that makes you engage with the information in a different way. The work that the writers do to pull off this feat is underappreciated and would become diluted by the addition of musical pieces and other stock sections. I often find the interviews the weakest part (Relatively. I still think Jon's an amazing interviewer). The exceptions are the political interviews and I dont think padding out the show to create space for when they occasionally happen would add anything in the long run. That "tried and true format" is the reason why most of those shows are becoming undistinguishable from each other. The monologue is the antithesis of what The Daily Show is about. Jon would never try to put himself at the centre of the story/comedy like that. That said, The Daily Show is one of the best programs in the history of television and I always wish it went on longer but maybe the reason we love it is we're left wanting more? TL;DR: No "Late night with Jon Stewart". Never.
Was with you until >It would basically follow the same tried and true format that late night shows have used for years "monologue, skit, guest, guest".. Maybe add in more musical guests, that way the writers and Jon don't really have to do anything more. I think the beauty of the daily show is that its a critique of the media that makes you engage with the information in a different way. The work that the writers do to pull off this feat is underappreciated and would become diluted by the addition of musical pieces and other stock sections. I often find the interviews the weakest part (Relatively. I still think Jon's an amazing interviewer). The exceptions are the political interviews and I dont think padding out the show to create space for when they occasionally happen would add anything in the long run. That "tried and true format" is the reason why most of those shows are becoming undistinguishable from each other. The monologue is the antithesis of what The Daily Show is about. Jon would never try to put himself at the centre of the story/comedy like that. That said, The Daily Show is one of the best programs in the history of television and I always wish it went on longer but maybe the reason we love it is we're left wanting more?
No "Late night with Jon Stewart". Never.
> Justified type when compared to left-aligned using a baseline it saves space and multiply that over a whole book and it adds up to pages of paper and ink saved. The left-aligned column uses more space because the line breaks are in different places, not because one is justified and the other not. A good eye for basics you have there, dear professional. Ever used ConTeXt? > Justified type also pumps out a ton of horrible typography problems such as rivers and extremely awkward tracking. Bloody hell don't increase letter spacing. "Buh huh justified sucks if I mess it up completely", great argument. Rivers rarely happen with [total fit]( and they can happen left-aligned, too. The abysmal program your examples are typeset with very likely doesn't use that algorithm which would be industry standard if Adobe had any honour: If it did, justified and left-aligned would have the same number of lines. tl;dr: Get off my lawn, mouse-pusher.
> Justified type when compared to left-aligned using a baseline it saves space and multiply that over a whole book and it adds up to pages of paper and ink saved. The left-aligned column uses more space because the line breaks are in different places, not because one is justified and the other not. A good eye for basics you have there, dear professional. Ever used ConTeXt? > Justified type also pumps out a ton of horrible typography problems such as rivers and extremely awkward tracking. Bloody hell don't increase letter spacing. "Buh huh justified sucks if I mess it up completely", great argument. Rivers rarely happen with [total fit]( and they can happen left-aligned, too. The abysmal program your examples are typeset with very likely doesn't use that algorithm which would be industry standard if Adobe had any honour: If it did, justified and left-aligned would have the same number of lines. tl;dr: Get off my lawn, mouse-pusher.
Justified type when compared to left-aligned using a baseline it saves space and multiply that over a whole book and it adds up to pages of paper and ink saved. The left-aligned column uses more space because the line breaks are in different places, not because one is justified and the other not. A good eye for basics you have there, dear professional. Ever used ConTeXt? > Justified type also pumps out a ton of horrible typography problems such as rivers and extremely awkward tracking. Bloody hell don't increase letter spacing. "Buh huh justified sucks if I mess it up completely", great argument. Rivers rarely happen with [total fit]( and they can happen left-aligned, too. The abysmal program your examples are typeset with very likely doesn't use that algorithm which would be industry standard if Adobe had any honour: If it did, justified and left-aligned would have the same number of lines.
Get off my lawn, mouse-pusher.