As a patient taking this medication longterm, I couldn't agree more. I know it can't be doing any benefit for my physical health. I eat less (and less often) than I should, I don't always keep well hydrated, it increases my nicotine cravings by tenfold (already a horrible choice), and it's extremely easy to abuse. Although I don't abuse it anymore, a binge could easily start by taking an extra pill one day and realizing it works "better" with strong effect. I'd only take extra if I had something coming up like a big test or I'd work a 10 hour day. The next day I notice my script was only filled 4 days ago so it couldn't hurt to take an extra 2 pills this time. After all, it's the weekend now. I get to do something fun and be more awake, focused, and happy the entire day. Before I'd realize it, I'd get up to taking 2 dosages in one day and be out of medication a week before the earliest fill date at the pharmacy (3 days before my script is supposed to be out). The withdrawals are absolutely horrible, I would probably put it above certain opiates in terms of dysfunction. I'd sleep literally 16-18 hours a day and I could barely walk let alone go to work. I'm in the bathroom for the short time I am awake, and it's right back to bed (if I make it that far). It would have been so unsafe to drive that I wouldn't make it out of the neighborhood. Taking off work/school for 4-5 days is so counterproductive considering I'm taking this drug to *help* me. It's been ended that way maybe 4-5 times in the 3 years that I've taken it. It took my dumb ass that long to shock me and realize I should cut the shit and just take it the way it's prescribed so I'm not fucking myself over. I should've stopped taking it back then though... I don't use illegal drugs anymore and haven't since I was younger but I can confidently determine that I'm addicted to adderall, and it's legal.... I don't consider it any less of a danger than heroin or cocaine, and from experience of opiate withdrawal I can say the withdrawal can be just as bad as any hard drug, if not worse. Benzodiazepines are legal and the withdrawals alone can seriously kill you, if you aren't lucky and only suffer through seizures. Long term amphetamines could undoubtedly do the same damage, and I'm sure many people have died from ODing and WDing from it. I've seen people I love and cherish nearly die from benzo OD/WD and it's horrible. I could be doing the same thing to myself thru amphetamines, and even though I now take my prescribed dosage (and have been for a while now), I can't imagine not taking it, so I haven't lowered my dosage or attempted to stop taking it. I wish I could say I want to stop, but I know I really don't.... TLDR; I'm on adderall.
As a patient taking this medication longterm, I couldn't agree more. I know it can't be doing any benefit for my physical health. I eat less (and less often) than I should, I don't always keep well hydrated, it increases my nicotine cravings by tenfold (already a horrible choice), and it's extremely easy to abuse. Although I don't abuse it anymore, a binge could easily start by taking an extra pill one day and realizing it works "better" with strong effect. I'd only take extra if I had something coming up like a big test or I'd work a 10 hour day. The next day I notice my script was only filled 4 days ago so it couldn't hurt to take an extra 2 pills this time. After all, it's the weekend now. I get to do something fun and be more awake, focused, and happy the entire day. Before I'd realize it, I'd get up to taking 2 dosages in one day and be out of medication a week before the earliest fill date at the pharmacy (3 days before my script is supposed to be out). The withdrawals are absolutely horrible, I would probably put it above certain opiates in terms of dysfunction. I'd sleep literally 16-18 hours a day and I could barely walk let alone go to work. I'm in the bathroom for the short time I am awake, and it's right back to bed (if I make it that far). It would have been so unsafe to drive that I wouldn't make it out of the neighborhood. Taking off work/school for 4-5 days is so counterproductive considering I'm taking this drug to help me. It's been ended that way maybe 4-5 times in the 3 years that I've taken it. It took my dumb ass that long to shock me and realize I should cut the shit and just take it the way it's prescribed so I'm not fucking myself over. I should've stopped taking it back then though... I don't use illegal drugs anymore and haven't since I was younger but I can confidently determine that I'm addicted to adderall, and it's legal.... I don't consider it any less of a danger than heroin or cocaine, and from experience of opiate withdrawal I can say the withdrawal can be just as bad as any hard drug, if not worse. Benzodiazepines are legal and the withdrawals alone can seriously kill you, if you aren't lucky and only suffer through seizures. Long term amphetamines could undoubtedly do the same damage, and I'm sure many people have died from ODing and WDing from it. I've seen people I love and cherish nearly die from benzo OD/WD and it's horrible. I could be doing the same thing to myself thru amphetamines, and even though I now take my prescribed dosage (and have been for a while now), I can't imagine not taking it, so I haven't lowered my dosage or attempted to stop taking it. I wish I could say I want to stop, but I know I really don't.... TLDR; I'm on adderall.
As a patient taking this medication longterm, I couldn't agree more. I know it can't be doing any benefit for my physical health. I eat less (and less often) than I should, I don't always keep well hydrated, it increases my nicotine cravings by tenfold (already a horrible choice), and it's extremely easy to abuse. Although I don't abuse it anymore, a binge could easily start by taking an extra pill one day and realizing it works "better" with strong effect. I'd only take extra if I had something coming up like a big test or I'd work a 10 hour day. The next day I notice my script was only filled 4 days ago so it couldn't hurt to take an extra 2 pills this time. After all, it's the weekend now. I get to do something fun and be more awake, focused, and happy the entire day. Before I'd realize it, I'd get up to taking 2 dosages in one day and be out of medication a week before the earliest fill date at the pharmacy (3 days before my script is supposed to be out). The withdrawals are absolutely horrible, I would probably put it above certain opiates in terms of dysfunction. I'd sleep literally 16-18 hours a day and I could barely walk let alone go to work. I'm in the bathroom for the short time I am awake, and it's right back to bed (if I make it that far). It would have been so unsafe to drive that I wouldn't make it out of the neighborhood. Taking off work/school for 4-5 days is so counterproductive considering I'm taking this drug to help me. It's been ended that way maybe 4-5 times in the 3 years that I've taken it. It took my dumb ass that long to shock me and realize I should cut the shit and just take it the way it's prescribed so I'm not fucking myself over. I should've stopped taking it back then though... I don't use illegal drugs anymore and haven't since I was younger but I can confidently determine that I'm addicted to adderall, and it's legal.... I don't consider it any less of a danger than heroin or cocaine, and from experience of opiate withdrawal I can say the withdrawal can be just as bad as any hard drug, if not worse. Benzodiazepines are legal and the withdrawals alone can seriously kill you, if you aren't lucky and only suffer through seizures. Long term amphetamines could undoubtedly do the same damage, and I'm sure many people have died from ODing and WDing from it. I've seen people I love and cherish nearly die from benzo OD/WD and it's horrible. I could be doing the same thing to myself thru amphetamines, and even though I now take my prescribed dosage (and have been for a while now), I can't imagine not taking it, so I haven't lowered my dosage or attempted to stop taking it. I wish I could say I want to stop, but I know I really don't....
I'm on adderall.
I'm a guy and have no idea what kind of things women find appealing in photos of guys. I've asked her what she would like but she says anything (which isn't very helpful!) What kind of poses (back/front/involving furniture), atmosphere (serious/smiley), level of nakedness do you think I should aim for. links to pics of good ideas would be really useful! TL,DR: what sexy pics should I take of myself for my gf?
I'm a guy and have no idea what kind of things women find appealing in photos of guys. I've asked her what she would like but she says anything (which isn't very helpful!) What kind of poses (back/front/involving furniture), atmosphere (serious/smiley), level of nakedness do you think I should aim for. links to pics of good ideas would be really useful! TL,DR: what sexy pics should I take of myself for my gf?
I'm a guy and have no idea what kind of things women find appealing in photos of guys. I've asked her what she would like but she says anything (which isn't very helpful!) What kind of poses (back/front/involving furniture), atmosphere (serious/smiley), level of nakedness do you think I should aim for. links to pics of good ideas would be really useful!
what sexy pics should I take of myself for my gf?
Hello everyone, I'l like to take a moment and talk about a fundamental issue with events that have begun to pile up until now. Now to refresh your memory, for those of us who have been playing the game for a while, the hardest thing you need to start an event is Van Dyne's, the costume building that unlocks fairly early in the game. As such, this limits which buildings event characters use. Let's look at the facts, Spider-Man gave us so many villains to play with, and not a single one uses their dorm. This event seems to be spreading it around a bit like with DD using avengers park (which I have no idea when that unlocks) but overall we keep getting the same old story. Everone can dance, everyone wants to sit, everyone wants to drink, everyone wants to punch the punching bag. Like how cool would it be if we could get an Elektra/DD fight in the arena (or the park like in the Ben Affleck movie). Tl;dr we should raise the minimum for doing events so that the event characters can use some of the lesser used buildings like the gym or Maverick Dorm. I also feel like this is a time to address a different issue. The fact that on top of all that, missions only use one event character (or rather action if it's one like the venom/spidey one) per mission. This leads to things like pretty much all of the 15 or 2 minute missions using GotG characters. Why can't we have one where Starlord fakes a training montage AND Rocket talks shop. It's ridiculous.
Hello everyone, I'l like to take a moment and talk about a fundamental issue with events that have begun to pile up until now. Now to refresh your memory, for those of us who have been playing the game for a while, the hardest thing you need to start an event is Van Dyne's, the costume building that unlocks fairly early in the game. As such, this limits which buildings event characters use. Let's look at the facts, Spider-Man gave us so many villains to play with, and not a single one uses their dorm. This event seems to be spreading it around a bit like with DD using avengers park (which I have no idea when that unlocks) but overall we keep getting the same old story. Everone can dance, everyone wants to sit, everyone wants to drink, everyone wants to punch the punching bag. Like how cool would it be if we could get an Elektra/DD fight in the arena (or the park like in the Ben Affleck movie). Tl;dr we should raise the minimum for doing events so that the event characters can use some of the lesser used buildings like the gym or Maverick Dorm. I also feel like this is a time to address a different issue. The fact that on top of all that, missions only use one event character (or rather action if it's one like the venom/spidey one) per mission. This leads to things like pretty much all of the 15 or 2 minute missions using GotG characters. Why can't we have one where Starlord fakes a training montage AND Rocket talks shop. It's ridiculous.
Hello everyone, I'l like to take a moment and talk about a fundamental issue with events that have begun to pile up until now. Now to refresh your memory, for those of us who have been playing the game for a while, the hardest thing you need to start an event is Van Dyne's, the costume building that unlocks fairly early in the game. As such, this limits which buildings event characters use. Let's look at the facts, Spider-Man gave us so many villains to play with, and not a single one uses their dorm. This event seems to be spreading it around a bit like with DD using avengers park (which I have no idea when that unlocks) but overall we keep getting the same old story. Everone can dance, everyone wants to sit, everyone wants to drink, everyone wants to punch the punching bag. Like how cool would it be if we could get an Elektra/DD fight in the arena (or the park like in the Ben Affleck movie).
we should raise the minimum for doing events so that the event characters can use some of the lesser used buildings like the gym or Maverick Dorm. I also feel like this is a time to address a different issue. The fact that on top of all that, missions only use one event character (or rather action if it's one like the venom/spidey one) per mission. This leads to things like pretty much all of the 15 or 2 minute missions using GotG characters. Why can't we have one where Starlord fakes a training montage AND Rocket talks shop. It's ridiculous.
While I do agree with you for the most part, I don't care for the labeling of people who disagree as "narrow-minded," or suggesting that people want the show to be more "superficial." There are many different angles from which to examine a given episode, or a series, or the show in general, and I'm willing to allow that people who didn't care for this one could be as dedicated, intelligent, and capable of critical thought as anyone. Their reasons might not be what I might consider persuasive, but they are probably valid. TL;dr - whoa there, with some of those implications.
While I do agree with you for the most part, I don't care for the labeling of people who disagree as "narrow-minded," or suggesting that people want the show to be more "superficial." There are many different angles from which to examine a given episode, or a series, or the show in general, and I'm willing to allow that people who didn't care for this one could be as dedicated, intelligent, and capable of critical thought as anyone. Their reasons might not be what I might consider persuasive, but they are probably valid. TL;dr - whoa there, with some of those implications.
While I do agree with you for the most part, I don't care for the labeling of people who disagree as "narrow-minded," or suggesting that people want the show to be more "superficial." There are many different angles from which to examine a given episode, or a series, or the show in general, and I'm willing to allow that people who didn't care for this one could be as dedicated, intelligent, and capable of critical thought as anyone. Their reasons might not be what I might consider persuasive, but they are probably valid.
whoa there, with some of those implications.
My boyfriend and I have a 29 gallon freshwater tank. About two weeks ago we bought another gold ram from our favorite fish store, which our electric blue ram wasn't fond of. He started to nick him so we had to isolate the gold ram in the tank so he could recover. He ended up dying a few days later. We haven't purchased any new fish. Since then, we've had another gold ram, white veiltail, and two neon tetras die. Today, I found our electric blue ram dead. I kind of saw it coming because he'd lost his color quite a bit over the past few days. Our ph has been a steady 8.0 since we got the tank; nitrate and ammonia are normal at 0 ppm. There hasn't been anything off about the fish. No outward signs of disease or parasites. At first we thought the blue ram was killing them, but none of the fish looked like they'd been nicked. However, we've steadily lost about one fish every three weeks or so since we got the tank three months ago. We have about 15 fish left (a bunch of tetras/guppies and two hatchet fish). Our last gold ram is hanging out at the bottom of the tank. I'm wondering if it's the O2 levels. In the three months we've had the tank we've only been able to keep one lily, two moth balls, and another plant (anubias?) stuck in driftwood alive. But even the lily is yellow (the other plant in driftwood looks great though!). My boyfriend has taken care of the tank since the beginning (so speak to me slowly). I got it for him as a gift and he's taken care of fish before, whereas I don't have any knowledge with them. He loves the fish so every time one of them dies he gets upset. I'd like to pitch in and help. I believe the O2 levels are the issue because from I've read plants suck up a lot of O2; fish hang out at the bottom where it's cooler (and there's more O2 down there?); and although we have some bubbles going on there isn't much (in my uneducated opinion). Please help! **tl;dr** Introduced gold ram; it died; other fish are starting to die too; our plants are in laughable condition or also dead (have been for a while); we've had about one fish die every 3 weeks
My boyfriend and I have a 29 gallon freshwater tank. About two weeks ago we bought another gold ram from our favorite fish store, which our electric blue ram wasn't fond of. He started to nick him so we had to isolate the gold ram in the tank so he could recover. He ended up dying a few days later. We haven't purchased any new fish. Since then, we've had another gold ram, white veiltail, and two neon tetras die. Today, I found our electric blue ram dead. I kind of saw it coming because he'd lost his color quite a bit over the past few days. Our ph has been a steady 8.0 since we got the tank; nitrate and ammonia are normal at 0 ppm. There hasn't been anything off about the fish. No outward signs of disease or parasites. At first we thought the blue ram was killing them, but none of the fish looked like they'd been nicked. However, we've steadily lost about one fish every three weeks or so since we got the tank three months ago. We have about 15 fish left (a bunch of tetras/guppies and two hatchet fish). Our last gold ram is hanging out at the bottom of the tank. I'm wondering if it's the O2 levels. In the three months we've had the tank we've only been able to keep one lily, two moth balls, and another plant (anubias?) stuck in driftwood alive. But even the lily is yellow (the other plant in driftwood looks great though!). My boyfriend has taken care of the tank since the beginning (so speak to me slowly). I got it for him as a gift and he's taken care of fish before, whereas I don't have any knowledge with them. He loves the fish so every time one of them dies he gets upset. I'd like to pitch in and help. I believe the O2 levels are the issue because from I've read plants suck up a lot of O2; fish hang out at the bottom where it's cooler (and there's more O2 down there?); and although we have some bubbles going on there isn't much (in my uneducated opinion). Please help! tl;dr Introduced gold ram; it died; other fish are starting to die too; our plants are in laughable condition or also dead (have been for a while); we've had about one fish die every 3 weeks
My boyfriend and I have a 29 gallon freshwater tank. About two weeks ago we bought another gold ram from our favorite fish store, which our electric blue ram wasn't fond of. He started to nick him so we had to isolate the gold ram in the tank so he could recover. He ended up dying a few days later. We haven't purchased any new fish. Since then, we've had another gold ram, white veiltail, and two neon tetras die. Today, I found our electric blue ram dead. I kind of saw it coming because he'd lost his color quite a bit over the past few days. Our ph has been a steady 8.0 since we got the tank; nitrate and ammonia are normal at 0 ppm. There hasn't been anything off about the fish. No outward signs of disease or parasites. At first we thought the blue ram was killing them, but none of the fish looked like they'd been nicked. However, we've steadily lost about one fish every three weeks or so since we got the tank three months ago. We have about 15 fish left (a bunch of tetras/guppies and two hatchet fish). Our last gold ram is hanging out at the bottom of the tank. I'm wondering if it's the O2 levels. In the three months we've had the tank we've only been able to keep one lily, two moth balls, and another plant (anubias?) stuck in driftwood alive. But even the lily is yellow (the other plant in driftwood looks great though!). My boyfriend has taken care of the tank since the beginning (so speak to me slowly). I got it for him as a gift and he's taken care of fish before, whereas I don't have any knowledge with them. He loves the fish so every time one of them dies he gets upset. I'd like to pitch in and help. I believe the O2 levels are the issue because from I've read plants suck up a lot of O2; fish hang out at the bottom where it's cooler (and there's more O2 down there?); and although we have some bubbles going on there isn't much (in my uneducated opinion). Please help!
Introduced gold ram; it died; other fish are starting to die too; our plants are in laughable condition or also dead (have been for a while); we've had about one fish die every 3 weeks
Well I broke up with my ex 2 months ago, for many reasons. He was a good guy but we just wouldn't work. He has a a lot of things he needs to work on as a person, things that linger deep inside him. Which affect a relationship with another person. And no not everyone is perfect I am far from, but i try to face my "demons". Anyways he was TORN when we broke up and showed up at my house at 5am and etc. . he was wasted, he said a bunch of things, he went to he crisis center with his mom, then I told him that is way to much for me we cannot be talking nothing. I cut him off completely, changed my number everything, He messaged me on Facebook saying a bunch of things like what he found out. I told him to stop messaging me and to just leave me alone, I felt terrible because I care about him a lot as a person and what him to over come his problems but I just cannot be there for him, I need to focus on me. So I went on Facebook and creeped ( I shouldn't have ) and seen a photo of him and he looked so tried and sad in this photo even though he was smiling. So I cannot help but think I destroyed him even more instead of being there for him. I cant even message him to ask him if he is okay because it would be crossing a line that shouldn't be crossed or would it ? Or would it be better to just leave it alone and never look back ? I don't know what to do or how to feel other than upset about it because I do and will miss him. **tl;dr**: Should I see how he is doing ?
Well I broke up with my ex 2 months ago, for many reasons. He was a good guy but we just wouldn't work. He has a a lot of things he needs to work on as a person, things that linger deep inside him. Which affect a relationship with another person. And no not everyone is perfect I am far from, but i try to face my "demons". Anyways he was TORN when we broke up and showed up at my house at 5am and etc. . he was wasted, he said a bunch of things, he went to he crisis center with his mom, then I told him that is way to much for me we cannot be talking nothing. I cut him off completely, changed my number everything, He messaged me on Facebook saying a bunch of things like what he found out. I told him to stop messaging me and to just leave me alone, I felt terrible because I care about him a lot as a person and what him to over come his problems but I just cannot be there for him, I need to focus on me. So I went on Facebook and creeped ( I shouldn't have ) and seen a photo of him and he looked so tried and sad in this photo even though he was smiling. So I cannot help but think I destroyed him even more instead of being there for him. I cant even message him to ask him if he is okay because it would be crossing a line that shouldn't be crossed or would it ? Or would it be better to just leave it alone and never look back ? I don't know what to do or how to feel other than upset about it because I do and will miss him. tl;dr : Should I see how he is doing ?
Well I broke up with my ex 2 months ago, for many reasons. He was a good guy but we just wouldn't work. He has a a lot of things he needs to work on as a person, things that linger deep inside him. Which affect a relationship with another person. And no not everyone is perfect I am far from, but i try to face my "demons". Anyways he was TORN when we broke up and showed up at my house at 5am and etc. . he was wasted, he said a bunch of things, he went to he crisis center with his mom, then I told him that is way to much for me we cannot be talking nothing. I cut him off completely, changed my number everything, He messaged me on Facebook saying a bunch of things like what he found out. I told him to stop messaging me and to just leave me alone, I felt terrible because I care about him a lot as a person and what him to over come his problems but I just cannot be there for him, I need to focus on me. So I went on Facebook and creeped ( I shouldn't have ) and seen a photo of him and he looked so tried and sad in this photo even though he was smiling. So I cannot help but think I destroyed him even more instead of being there for him. I cant even message him to ask him if he is okay because it would be crossing a line that shouldn't be crossed or would it ? Or would it be better to just leave it alone and never look back ? I don't know what to do or how to feel other than upset about it because I do and will miss him.
Should I see how he is doing ?
I like to consider life on other planets. Not super advanced life, mind you, I have such a massive respect for our path of evolution that I consider it extremely lucky we've evolved to the state we have. But I often wonder if there are other species not too different to our own. Now this isn't abnormal and I understand a lot of people sit and wonder... ... What blows my mind is considering the distance between us and a potential "them", and then considering that time is constant and imagining that *right now* there are potentially (many?) other worlds with billions of living beings all experiencing lives at this same instant. What blows my mind even further is considering that some other species may have come up with similar infrastructure and architecture to play online games, and that there may be something similar to E:D already on other worlds... And that the beings on those worlds playing this supposed clone of E:D might just be wondering about life on other planets... **TL;DR: Space and the consideration of alien life blows my fricken' mind.**
I like to consider life on other planets. Not super advanced life, mind you, I have such a massive respect for our path of evolution that I consider it extremely lucky we've evolved to the state we have. But I often wonder if there are other species not too different to our own. Now this isn't abnormal and I understand a lot of people sit and wonder... ... What blows my mind is considering the distance between us and a potential "them", and then considering that time is constant and imagining that right now there are potentially (many?) other worlds with billions of living beings all experiencing lives at this same instant. What blows my mind even further is considering that some other species may have come up with similar infrastructure and architecture to play online games, and that there may be something similar to E:D already on other worlds... And that the beings on those worlds playing this supposed clone of E:D might just be wondering about life on other planets... TL;DR: Space and the consideration of alien life blows my fricken' mind.
I like to consider life on other planets. Not super advanced life, mind you, I have such a massive respect for our path of evolution that I consider it extremely lucky we've evolved to the state we have. But I often wonder if there are other species not too different to our own. Now this isn't abnormal and I understand a lot of people sit and wonder... ... What blows my mind is considering the distance between us and a potential "them", and then considering that time is constant and imagining that right now there are potentially (many?) other worlds with billions of living beings all experiencing lives at this same instant. What blows my mind even further is considering that some other species may have come up with similar infrastructure and architecture to play online games, and that there may be something similar to E:D already on other worlds... And that the beings on those worlds playing this supposed clone of E:D might just be wondering about life on other planets...
Space and the consideration of alien life blows my fricken' mind.
>Result: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? You may also ~~hate yourself for wasting time reading~~ enjoy some excerpts from this [PUA to English dictionary]( --- ASD >Anti-Slut Defense. The "chick logic" a woman (especially younger ones) will go through to relieve the guilt of having sex too quickly with a man, assuming she has enough time to "think" about the consequences - a reaction which causes them to come up with objections or reasons that they shouldn't fuck you in order to relieve their guilt of taking responsibility for doing something that society would often call "slutty". Post-sex ASD is usually boiled down to comments from her to her friends like "it just happened". It might be possible to consider waiting for a guy to make all the moves as an ASD. This forces HIM (in her mind) to take responsibility for the fact that she slept with you. "It just happened", "he wouldn't give up", etc. In reality, both people are responsible for their own actions. DDB >"Doggy Dinner Bowl" [Look] - The look on a chick's face when she's tranced out or lapping up your words with a phased out look in their eyes. In that state, they are metaphorically ready to eat out of the palm of your hand. LMR >Last Minute Resistance - This is a description of when a woman is in a seduction location and resists a man’s attempts at physical escalation. This is often considered to be part of her ASD or Anti-Slut Defense. A woman doesn’t want to appear easy or slutty and will resist sexual advances even when she is attracted to a man in order to protect her reputation. --- TL;DR: PUAs are awful people who think women are like their video games. HB is their only stat. Game theory is cheat codes.
>Result: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? You may also hate yourself for wasting time reading enjoy some excerpts from this [PUA to English dictionary]( ASD >Anti-Slut Defense. The "chick logic" a woman (especially younger ones) will go through to relieve the guilt of having sex too quickly with a man, assuming she has enough time to "think" about the consequences - a reaction which causes them to come up with objections or reasons that they shouldn't fuck you in order to relieve their guilt of taking responsibility for doing something that society would often call "slutty". Post-sex ASD is usually boiled down to comments from her to her friends like "it just happened". It might be possible to consider waiting for a guy to make all the moves as an ASD. This forces HIM (in her mind) to take responsibility for the fact that she slept with you. "It just happened", "he wouldn't give up", etc. In reality, both people are responsible for their own actions. DDB >"Doggy Dinner Bowl" [Look] - The look on a chick's face when she's tranced out or lapping up your words with a phased out look in their eyes. In that state, they are metaphorically ready to eat out of the palm of your hand. LMR >Last Minute Resistance - This is a description of when a woman is in a seduction location and resists a man’s attempts at physical escalation. This is often considered to be part of her ASD or Anti-Slut Defense. A woman doesn’t want to appear easy or slutty and will resist sexual advances even when she is attracted to a man in order to protect her reputation. TL;DR: PUAs are awful people who think women are like their video games. HB is their only stat. Game theory is cheat codes.
Result: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? You may also hate yourself for wasting time reading enjoy some excerpts from this [PUA to English dictionary]( ASD >Anti-Slut Defense. The "chick logic" a woman (especially younger ones) will go through to relieve the guilt of having sex too quickly with a man, assuming she has enough time to "think" about the consequences - a reaction which causes them to come up with objections or reasons that they shouldn't fuck you in order to relieve their guilt of taking responsibility for doing something that society would often call "slutty". Post-sex ASD is usually boiled down to comments from her to her friends like "it just happened". It might be possible to consider waiting for a guy to make all the moves as an ASD. This forces HIM (in her mind) to take responsibility for the fact that she slept with you. "It just happened", "he wouldn't give up", etc. In reality, both people are responsible for their own actions. DDB >"Doggy Dinner Bowl" [Look] - The look on a chick's face when she's tranced out or lapping up your words with a phased out look in their eyes. In that state, they are metaphorically ready to eat out of the palm of your hand. LMR >Last Minute Resistance - This is a description of when a woman is in a seduction location and resists a man’s attempts at physical escalation. This is often considered to be part of her ASD or Anti-Slut Defense. A woman doesn’t want to appear easy or slutty and will resist sexual advances even when she is attracted to a man in order to protect her reputation.
PUAs are awful people who think women are like their video games. HB is their only stat. Game theory is cheat codes.
I'm working on a senior project (Undergraduate work) and found a paper that refers to a specific data set collected by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation as part of an analysis of its Graduate Education Initiative. This data set probably includes everything I am looking for in my project. I am trying to find statistical data for Graduate School Divorce rate, affect of children on graduation rate, divorce drop out rate, average years of program completion for married graduate students and if this varies between men and women. Here's a [link]( a link to a pdf) to the paper by Joseph Price that lead me on this wild goose chase. >This paper uses a dataset of 11,000 graduate students from 100 departments over a 20 year period to explore whether graduate student outcomes (graduation rates, time to degree, publications, job placement) differ based on a student’s gender and whether they were married when they entered graduate school. The dataset was collected by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation as part of their Graduate Education Initiative (GEI). The data includes information on each student’s GRE scores, yearly progress towards his or her degree, and whether they had a masters degree prior to enrolling, all of which come from administrative data. In addition, survey data provides the student’s age, marital status, and presence of children at the start and end of graduate school. TL:DR I need this data set.
I'm working on a senior project (Undergraduate work) and found a paper that refers to a specific data set collected by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation as part of an analysis of its Graduate Education Initiative. This data set probably includes everything I am looking for in my project. I am trying to find statistical data for Graduate School Divorce rate, affect of children on graduation rate, divorce drop out rate, average years of program completion for married graduate students and if this varies between men and women. Here's a link to the paper by Joseph Price that lead me on this wild goose chase. >This paper uses a dataset of 11,000 graduate students from 100 departments over a 20 year period to explore whether graduate student outcomes (graduation rates, time to degree, publications, job placement) differ based on a student’s gender and whether they were married when they entered graduate school. The dataset was collected by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation as part of their Graduate Education Initiative (GEI). The data includes information on each student’s GRE scores, yearly progress towards his or her degree, and whether they had a masters degree prior to enrolling, all of which come from administrative data. In addition, survey data provides the student’s age, marital status, and presence of children at the start and end of graduate school. TL:DR I need this data set.
I'm working on a senior project (Undergraduate work) and found a paper that refers to a specific data set collected by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation as part of an analysis of its Graduate Education Initiative. This data set probably includes everything I am looking for in my project. I am trying to find statistical data for Graduate School Divorce rate, affect of children on graduation rate, divorce drop out rate, average years of program completion for married graduate students and if this varies between men and women. Here's a link to the paper by Joseph Price that lead me on this wild goose chase. >This paper uses a dataset of 11,000 graduate students from 100 departments over a 20 year period to explore whether graduate student outcomes (graduation rates, time to degree, publications, job placement) differ based on a student’s gender and whether they were married when they entered graduate school. The dataset was collected by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation as part of their Graduate Education Initiative (GEI). The data includes information on each student’s GRE scores, yearly progress towards his or her degree, and whether they had a masters degree prior to enrolling, all of which come from administrative data. In addition, survey data provides the student’s age, marital status, and presence of children at the start and end of graduate school.
I need this data set.
So in chess, there is a rule that if you can put one of your pawns into the other side of the board, you may promote it to a rook, knight, bishop, or queen. This is problematic, even heretical. Here's why. Let's take the first assumption that the pawn is a man. Now, a male pawn has no problems being elevated to a rook (whatever the hell a rook is, anyway) or a knight. If he is holy, then surely the pope may see it fit to elevate him to the bishopric. He cannot, however, be a queen, no matter how "in love" the king and him are. If they do marry, they are living in sin, and the priest who witnessed the marriage must be defrocked. So, let's say the chess kingdom is a bit gender-equal and the pawns could be female. Again, she would have no problem being elevated to a rook (what *is* a rook, anyway?) or a knight. In fact, it would be quite "progressive" of that kingdom to have a knight. And such an honorable woman would make a great and devoted queen. But she cannot be a bishop because the church cannot ordain her as one. She is not valid matter for the sacrament of holy orders, and the pope who elevated her to bishop is a heretic, and not the real pope. So maybe we're taking this a little too far since we cannot know the gender of a pawn. For all we know, the pawn is in some sort of quantum superposition between male and female, the waveform only collapsing when the pawn reaches the other side. But even this is heretical, for isn't it written in Sacred Scripture that "Male and Female He made them"? Any answer to this impasse would lead to a heretical solution. TL;DR: CHESS IS WEIRD.
So in chess, there is a rule that if you can put one of your pawns into the other side of the board, you may promote it to a rook, knight, bishop, or queen. This is problematic, even heretical. Here's why. Let's take the first assumption that the pawn is a man. Now, a male pawn has no problems being elevated to a rook (whatever the hell a rook is, anyway) or a knight. If he is holy, then surely the pope may see it fit to elevate him to the bishopric. He cannot, however, be a queen, no matter how "in love" the king and him are. If they do marry, they are living in sin, and the priest who witnessed the marriage must be defrocked. So, let's say the chess kingdom is a bit gender-equal and the pawns could be female. Again, she would have no problem being elevated to a rook (what is a rook, anyway?) or a knight. In fact, it would be quite "progressive" of that kingdom to have a knight. And such an honorable woman would make a great and devoted queen. But she cannot be a bishop because the church cannot ordain her as one. She is not valid matter for the sacrament of holy orders, and the pope who elevated her to bishop is a heretic, and not the real pope. So maybe we're taking this a little too far since we cannot know the gender of a pawn. For all we know, the pawn is in some sort of quantum superposition between male and female, the waveform only collapsing when the pawn reaches the other side. But even this is heretical, for isn't it written in Sacred Scripture that "Male and Female He made them"? Any answer to this impasse would lead to a heretical solution. TL;DR: CHESS IS WEIRD.
So in chess, there is a rule that if you can put one of your pawns into the other side of the board, you may promote it to a rook, knight, bishop, or queen. This is problematic, even heretical. Here's why. Let's take the first assumption that the pawn is a man. Now, a male pawn has no problems being elevated to a rook (whatever the hell a rook is, anyway) or a knight. If he is holy, then surely the pope may see it fit to elevate him to the bishopric. He cannot, however, be a queen, no matter how "in love" the king and him are. If they do marry, they are living in sin, and the priest who witnessed the marriage must be defrocked. So, let's say the chess kingdom is a bit gender-equal and the pawns could be female. Again, she would have no problem being elevated to a rook (what is a rook, anyway?) or a knight. In fact, it would be quite "progressive" of that kingdom to have a knight. And such an honorable woman would make a great and devoted queen. But she cannot be a bishop because the church cannot ordain her as one. She is not valid matter for the sacrament of holy orders, and the pope who elevated her to bishop is a heretic, and not the real pope. So maybe we're taking this a little too far since we cannot know the gender of a pawn. For all we know, the pawn is in some sort of quantum superposition between male and female, the waveform only collapsing when the pawn reaches the other side. But even this is heretical, for isn't it written in Sacred Scripture that "Male and Female He made them"? Any answer to this impasse would lead to a heretical solution.
i too had the same problem in college. i was told about melatonin pills to help mellow your mind. (i can't think of a better way to describe the effect i get) puts me in that calm sleepy mood. of course this is just a by-product of vitamin D you get from being in the sun. if you begin a regular, semi-healthy diet following a regular schedule, that will also help. try some exercise. i hate working out, but i've found that 2-3 sets of body-weight exercises (pushups, situps, squats) daily before your night shower (preferably) will both help to tire you and the physical activity is generally good for you. I recommend also banning electronics from the bed-room (other than phone for alarm ONLY) if you want to sleep at 12, turn off your electronics at 11. dont' even try to tempt yourself with ipad or late-night television, you'll most likely fail (i did so many times). try setting your alarm for a 7 or 8 hour sleep at first and don't hit snooze. if you aren't getting adequate sleep for your day, bump your time up 30 minutes. but DO NOT SNOOZE. they key is: ALARM, GTFO BED. this might be a bit difficult, but when i started and still do, i'll try and stretch many of my muscle groups before my feet even touch the floor. you'd be surprised the number of muscles you can stretch from IN the bed. you'll also be happier with your day. all of what i mentioned are also great things to help fight depression. if you might be feeling a bit down, these things will brighten your outlook. TL;DR: melatonin in pill form if you can't get sun, light exercise daily, regular, healthy meals., morning stretches, and no electronics in the bedroom. 7-8 hours sleep, then GET UP, no "snooze" buttons. along with fighting insomnia, you'll also be less susceptible to depression symptoms
i too had the same problem in college. i was told about melatonin pills to help mellow your mind. (i can't think of a better way to describe the effect i get) puts me in that calm sleepy mood. of course this is just a by-product of vitamin D you get from being in the sun. if you begin a regular, semi-healthy diet following a regular schedule, that will also help. try some exercise. i hate working out, but i've found that 2-3 sets of body-weight exercises (pushups, situps, squats) daily before your night shower (preferably) will both help to tire you and the physical activity is generally good for you. I recommend also banning electronics from the bed-room (other than phone for alarm ONLY) if you want to sleep at 12, turn off your electronics at 11. dont' even try to tempt yourself with ipad or late-night television, you'll most likely fail (i did so many times). try setting your alarm for a 7 or 8 hour sleep at first and don't hit snooze. if you aren't getting adequate sleep for your day, bump your time up 30 minutes. but DO NOT SNOOZE. they key is: ALARM, GTFO BED. this might be a bit difficult, but when i started and still do, i'll try and stretch many of my muscle groups before my feet even touch the floor. you'd be surprised the number of muscles you can stretch from IN the bed. you'll also be happier with your day. all of what i mentioned are also great things to help fight depression. if you might be feeling a bit down, these things will brighten your outlook. TL;DR: melatonin in pill form if you can't get sun, light exercise daily, regular, healthy meals., morning stretches, and no electronics in the bedroom. 7-8 hours sleep, then GET UP, no "snooze" buttons. along with fighting insomnia, you'll also be less susceptible to depression symptoms
i too had the same problem in college. i was told about melatonin pills to help mellow your mind. (i can't think of a better way to describe the effect i get) puts me in that calm sleepy mood. of course this is just a by-product of vitamin D you get from being in the sun. if you begin a regular, semi-healthy diet following a regular schedule, that will also help. try some exercise. i hate working out, but i've found that 2-3 sets of body-weight exercises (pushups, situps, squats) daily before your night shower (preferably) will both help to tire you and the physical activity is generally good for you. I recommend also banning electronics from the bed-room (other than phone for alarm ONLY) if you want to sleep at 12, turn off your electronics at 11. dont' even try to tempt yourself with ipad or late-night television, you'll most likely fail (i did so many times). try setting your alarm for a 7 or 8 hour sleep at first and don't hit snooze. if you aren't getting adequate sleep for your day, bump your time up 30 minutes. but DO NOT SNOOZE. they key is: ALARM, GTFO BED. this might be a bit difficult, but when i started and still do, i'll try and stretch many of my muscle groups before my feet even touch the floor. you'd be surprised the number of muscles you can stretch from IN the bed. you'll also be happier with your day. all of what i mentioned are also great things to help fight depression. if you might be feeling a bit down, these things will brighten your outlook.
melatonin in pill form if you can't get sun, light exercise daily, regular, healthy meals., morning stretches, and no electronics in the bedroom. 7-8 hours sleep, then GET UP, no "snooze" buttons. along with fighting insomnia, you'll also be less susceptible to depression symptoms
Anyone know of good resources to learn about the game mechanics. I have experience with MOBA through HOTS but would like some more noob friendly guides for friends. They have never played MOBAs and I have no idea about most stuff. I know about cards and card power but the jungle is a mysterious unknown. Tl:Dr Paragon noob looking for noob friendly guide be it video or text.
Anyone know of good resources to learn about the game mechanics. I have experience with MOBA through HOTS but would like some more noob friendly guides for friends. They have never played MOBAs and I have no idea about most stuff. I know about cards and card power but the jungle is a mysterious unknown. Tl:Dr Paragon noob looking for noob friendly guide be it video or text.
Anyone know of good resources to learn about the game mechanics. I have experience with MOBA through HOTS but would like some more noob friendly guides for friends. They have never played MOBAs and I have no idea about most stuff. I know about cards and card power but the jungle is a mysterious unknown.
Paragon noob looking for noob friendly guide be it video or text.
I've been browsing this subreddit for awhile and aside from having a pup with some bad manners to be corrected, I didn't think I had too many issues with her until today. Back-story on the dog (Molly). She's a 10 month old wheaten terrier, so high strung and energetic to begin with. Unfortunately, as she is possibly/most probably from a puppy mill, she has had some health issues. We have struggled to get giardia under control and JUST got the all-clear about 2-3 weeks ago from our vet. Apparently she was very resistant to all the different medication/dosages and it took forever to get rid of the buggers. This may have something to do with the situation at hand. Because of her being sick for so long, she's behind in terms of training (couldn't take her to group classes), and socialization. She has been awesome with the dogs she met as a puppy. We have quite a few that live in the neighbourhood and she loves them, as well as some extended family pets that she gets along with. Today was the second time she was brought to a dog park. The first, she handled meeting new dogs fairly well. She didn't necessarily go through the motions of the circular butt-sniff but mingled well, ran around with and played with the other dogs aside from two large mastiffs. I don't know if she was intimidated by their size, but whenever they came to greet her she would snarl and growl at them. The behaviour was corrected and she would be fine the rest of the time at the park. Today was *much* worse. Entering into the dog park was fine. She was able to mingle with the five or so dogs which were already there. She found a retriever she liked to run with. As more dogs entered the park and she tired out, she started to get very agitated when dogs came up to her. If they sniffed her bum she would immediately react, turn, and snap while making some awful guttural noises. This progressed to even getting snappy and reactive/aggressive if dogs came up to her nose to nose. Even when my bf was correcting her behaviour she turned on him and grabbed his wrist. She also tried to snap at our other adult dog, a member of her own pack with whom she gets along fine at home! This was scary and unnerving, and definitely not something I want to repeat. I feel like this is out of my limited training expertise so she got signed up for obedience training today, now that she can go. If anything this won't be a loss because I also need to work on recall, stay, and leave it. The trainer believes she needs experience in properly greeting another dog and allowing other dogs to approach her but I'm anxious that she will just act out in a group setting. The trainer truly believes this is a matter of her being reactive because she's not used to having strange dogs coming up to her, and especially not in large groups. I'm wary of this though because while she's met other dogs one-on-one, she did get snappy with a puppy trying to greet her while I was signing up for the training. Also to note: once she showed to us that she was going to act out at *any* dog that crossed her path, we leashed her for safety (of herself and the other dogs and people in the park). This did seem to agitate her more so possible leash reactivity may be a problem here too. And while I know this group doesn't necessarily believe in "dominance", she certainly needs to learn some boundaries at home (jumping up on laps uninvited, being pushy at the table when food is involved, stealing toys and food from my other dog). What can I be doing to curb this behaviour? Is this likely behavioural or could this have anything to do with her being sick (and thus stricken with loose stools and discomfort) for the majority of her life so far? Is this a potential sign of a physical problem? She also will not allow for groomers to clip her hind end either. **TLDR; puppy has been lashing out at everyone and anyone that is trying to touch her butt. Possible behavioural/physical issue?**
I've been browsing this subreddit for awhile and aside from having a pup with some bad manners to be corrected, I didn't think I had too many issues with her until today. Back-story on the dog (Molly). She's a 10 month old wheaten terrier, so high strung and energetic to begin with. Unfortunately, as she is possibly/most probably from a puppy mill, she has had some health issues. We have struggled to get giardia under control and JUST got the all-clear about 2-3 weeks ago from our vet. Apparently she was very resistant to all the different medication/dosages and it took forever to get rid of the buggers. This may have something to do with the situation at hand. Because of her being sick for so long, she's behind in terms of training (couldn't take her to group classes), and socialization. She has been awesome with the dogs she met as a puppy. We have quite a few that live in the neighbourhood and she loves them, as well as some extended family pets that she gets along with. Today was the second time she was brought to a dog park. The first, she handled meeting new dogs fairly well. She didn't necessarily go through the motions of the circular butt-sniff but mingled well, ran around with and played with the other dogs aside from two large mastiffs. I don't know if she was intimidated by their size, but whenever they came to greet her she would snarl and growl at them. The behaviour was corrected and she would be fine the rest of the time at the park. Today was much worse. Entering into the dog park was fine. She was able to mingle with the five or so dogs which were already there. She found a retriever she liked to run with. As more dogs entered the park and she tired out, she started to get very agitated when dogs came up to her. If they sniffed her bum she would immediately react, turn, and snap while making some awful guttural noises. This progressed to even getting snappy and reactive/aggressive if dogs came up to her nose to nose. Even when my bf was correcting her behaviour she turned on him and grabbed his wrist. She also tried to snap at our other adult dog, a member of her own pack with whom she gets along fine at home! This was scary and unnerving, and definitely not something I want to repeat. I feel like this is out of my limited training expertise so she got signed up for obedience training today, now that she can go. If anything this won't be a loss because I also need to work on recall, stay, and leave it. The trainer believes she needs experience in properly greeting another dog and allowing other dogs to approach her but I'm anxious that she will just act out in a group setting. The trainer truly believes this is a matter of her being reactive because she's not used to having strange dogs coming up to her, and especially not in large groups. I'm wary of this though because while she's met other dogs one-on-one, she did get snappy with a puppy trying to greet her while I was signing up for the training. Also to note: once she showed to us that she was going to act out at any dog that crossed her path, we leashed her for safety (of herself and the other dogs and people in the park). This did seem to agitate her more so possible leash reactivity may be a problem here too. And while I know this group doesn't necessarily believe in "dominance", she certainly needs to learn some boundaries at home (jumping up on laps uninvited, being pushy at the table when food is involved, stealing toys and food from my other dog). What can I be doing to curb this behaviour? Is this likely behavioural or could this have anything to do with her being sick (and thus stricken with loose stools and discomfort) for the majority of her life so far? Is this a potential sign of a physical problem? She also will not allow for groomers to clip her hind end either. TLDR; puppy has been lashing out at everyone and anyone that is trying to touch her butt. Possible behavioural/physical issue?
I've been browsing this subreddit for awhile and aside from having a pup with some bad manners to be corrected, I didn't think I had too many issues with her until today. Back-story on the dog (Molly). She's a 10 month old wheaten terrier, so high strung and energetic to begin with. Unfortunately, as she is possibly/most probably from a puppy mill, she has had some health issues. We have struggled to get giardia under control and JUST got the all-clear about 2-3 weeks ago from our vet. Apparently she was very resistant to all the different medication/dosages and it took forever to get rid of the buggers. This may have something to do with the situation at hand. Because of her being sick for so long, she's behind in terms of training (couldn't take her to group classes), and socialization. She has been awesome with the dogs she met as a puppy. We have quite a few that live in the neighbourhood and she loves them, as well as some extended family pets that she gets along with. Today was the second time she was brought to a dog park. The first, she handled meeting new dogs fairly well. She didn't necessarily go through the motions of the circular butt-sniff but mingled well, ran around with and played with the other dogs aside from two large mastiffs. I don't know if she was intimidated by their size, but whenever they came to greet her she would snarl and growl at them. The behaviour was corrected and she would be fine the rest of the time at the park. Today was much worse. Entering into the dog park was fine. She was able to mingle with the five or so dogs which were already there. She found a retriever she liked to run with. As more dogs entered the park and she tired out, she started to get very agitated when dogs came up to her. If they sniffed her bum she would immediately react, turn, and snap while making some awful guttural noises. This progressed to even getting snappy and reactive/aggressive if dogs came up to her nose to nose. Even when my bf was correcting her behaviour she turned on him and grabbed his wrist. She also tried to snap at our other adult dog, a member of her own pack with whom she gets along fine at home! This was scary and unnerving, and definitely not something I want to repeat. I feel like this is out of my limited training expertise so she got signed up for obedience training today, now that she can go. If anything this won't be a loss because I also need to work on recall, stay, and leave it. The trainer believes she needs experience in properly greeting another dog and allowing other dogs to approach her but I'm anxious that she will just act out in a group setting. The trainer truly believes this is a matter of her being reactive because she's not used to having strange dogs coming up to her, and especially not in large groups. I'm wary of this though because while she's met other dogs one-on-one, she did get snappy with a puppy trying to greet her while I was signing up for the training. Also to note: once she showed to us that she was going to act out at any dog that crossed her path, we leashed her for safety (of herself and the other dogs and people in the park). This did seem to agitate her more so possible leash reactivity may be a problem here too. And while I know this group doesn't necessarily believe in "dominance", she certainly needs to learn some boundaries at home (jumping up on laps uninvited, being pushy at the table when food is involved, stealing toys and food from my other dog). What can I be doing to curb this behaviour? Is this likely behavioural or could this have anything to do with her being sick (and thus stricken with loose stools and discomfort) for the majority of her life so far? Is this a potential sign of a physical problem? She also will not allow for groomers to clip her hind end either.
puppy has been lashing out at everyone and anyone that is trying to touch her butt. Possible behavioural/physical issue?
Being an asian myself, I find myself constantly having to deal with people insulting me about how I ate dolphin and whale periodically back when I was still in Japan. It pisses me off that people fail to understand that culturally, we don't think as highly of marine mammals as the United States does. Although I do agree that the over whaling problem is a serious issue, people's ignorance to understand how different cultures are is one of the little things in life that makes me want to punch somebody. Yes, dolphins and whales are used as an attraction for many theme parks in Japan, but the practice of whaling has been done for centuries, and it's not going away anytime soon. The over hunting problem simply needs to be controlled. I know that India considers the cow to be a sacred animal, but I don't know to what extent. I would guess they would feel disgusted to know how much beef the United States eats annually, if they were to be just as ignorant as us. I'm friends with a handful of immigrant from india that are the same age as me, and they accept that they are surrounded by a culture controlled by the beef market, instead of calling people heartless creatures for eating beef. The U.S. needs to open its eyes and stop being stupid. Sorry for my bad english, its my second language. :P Bring on the hate... TL;DR Ignorant shit-heads that thinks the act of eating dog, whale, and other cultural animals is inhumane needs to be taught a lesson.
Being an asian myself, I find myself constantly having to deal with people insulting me about how I ate dolphin and whale periodically back when I was still in Japan. It pisses me off that people fail to understand that culturally, we don't think as highly of marine mammals as the United States does. Although I do agree that the over whaling problem is a serious issue, people's ignorance to understand how different cultures are is one of the little things in life that makes me want to punch somebody. Yes, dolphins and whales are used as an attraction for many theme parks in Japan, but the practice of whaling has been done for centuries, and it's not going away anytime soon. The over hunting problem simply needs to be controlled. I know that India considers the cow to be a sacred animal, but I don't know to what extent. I would guess they would feel disgusted to know how much beef the United States eats annually, if they were to be just as ignorant as us. I'm friends with a handful of immigrant from india that are the same age as me, and they accept that they are surrounded by a culture controlled by the beef market, instead of calling people heartless creatures for eating beef. The U.S. needs to open its eyes and stop being stupid. Sorry for my bad english, its my second language. :P Bring on the hate... TL;DR Ignorant shit-heads that thinks the act of eating dog, whale, and other cultural animals is inhumane needs to be taught a lesson.
Being an asian myself, I find myself constantly having to deal with people insulting me about how I ate dolphin and whale periodically back when I was still in Japan. It pisses me off that people fail to understand that culturally, we don't think as highly of marine mammals as the United States does. Although I do agree that the over whaling problem is a serious issue, people's ignorance to understand how different cultures are is one of the little things in life that makes me want to punch somebody. Yes, dolphins and whales are used as an attraction for many theme parks in Japan, but the practice of whaling has been done for centuries, and it's not going away anytime soon. The over hunting problem simply needs to be controlled. I know that India considers the cow to be a sacred animal, but I don't know to what extent. I would guess they would feel disgusted to know how much beef the United States eats annually, if they were to be just as ignorant as us. I'm friends with a handful of immigrant from india that are the same age as me, and they accept that they are surrounded by a culture controlled by the beef market, instead of calling people heartless creatures for eating beef. The U.S. needs to open its eyes and stop being stupid. Sorry for my bad english, its my second language. :P Bring on the hate...
Ignorant shit-heads that thinks the act of eating dog, whale, and other cultural animals is inhumane needs to be taught a lesson.
I used to be a huge fan of Inuyasha when I was a kid. The other day I looked up spoilers to see how it ended, because I had lost interest in it quite a while before its finale. In the end, it turns out that when Inuyasha reaches a serious fork in the road regarding his love triangle between Kikyou and Kagome, Kikyou conveniently dies (for real) of unrelated causes so Inuyasha has no choice but to be with Kagome. Kikyou got the raw end of the deal not only because of her fate, but also because of her backstory, and because she is treated like an antagonist for the majority of the series even though she only behaves the way because of what had happened to her and the state she was in at the time. TL;DR In Inuyasha, Kikyou is treated like garbage even though she's probably one of the most tragic and complex characters in the series.
I used to be a huge fan of Inuyasha when I was a kid. The other day I looked up spoilers to see how it ended, because I had lost interest in it quite a while before its finale. In the end, it turns out that when Inuyasha reaches a serious fork in the road regarding his love triangle between Kikyou and Kagome, Kikyou conveniently dies (for real) of unrelated causes so Inuyasha has no choice but to be with Kagome. Kikyou got the raw end of the deal not only because of her fate, but also because of her backstory, and because she is treated like an antagonist for the majority of the series even though she only behaves the way because of what had happened to her and the state she was in at the time. TL;DR In Inuyasha, Kikyou is treated like garbage even though she's probably one of the most tragic and complex characters in the series.
I used to be a huge fan of Inuyasha when I was a kid. The other day I looked up spoilers to see how it ended, because I had lost interest in it quite a while before its finale. In the end, it turns out that when Inuyasha reaches a serious fork in the road regarding his love triangle between Kikyou and Kagome, Kikyou conveniently dies (for real) of unrelated causes so Inuyasha has no choice but to be with Kagome. Kikyou got the raw end of the deal not only because of her fate, but also because of her backstory, and because she is treated like an antagonist for the majority of the series even though she only behaves the way because of what had happened to her and the state she was in at the time.
In Inuyasha, Kikyou is treated like garbage even though she's probably one of the most tragic and complex characters in the series.
I had an argument with some people this weekend and I was wondering if Reddit would support my "Revolutionary" idea. The basis is to just simply get rid of the entitlement atmosphere that America has created. I feel too many Americans feel that something is owed to them just because they were born in America. Too many people take for granted that we have electricity, running water, and some of the most advanced technology in the world. Less and less people are willing to get their hands dirty. Less and less people are willing to do things like teach their children what hard work looks like. The root of my argument is in the law of conservation of energy. America started off full of people who busted their tails working long days and nights, which I argue is like storing up kinetic energy. We put all of this extra work in and saw the resulting growth. America now seems to continue to try and feed off of these forefathers (using stored up energy) instead of putting in extra work to accomplish their goals (banking more energy). I do not really care whose fault it is (media/government/etc) that this idea exists, I just want to see it changed. I want people to realize that their are human beings in this world that will never have the chance that us as Americans have and would do anything to just be given this chance. How I am starting my own revolution: Personally I am in love with the game of basketball. I spend my free time coaching as many teams as I can. At the basis of my coaching is hard work, team work, and responsibility. I want to use basketball as a teaching avenue for young men and women around the nation to learn how to be successful. I do not really care if the kids make it to play at a Division 1 school or in the NBA, although I hope they do. I am more concerned with my kids becoming successful people who work hard, know how to overcome adversity, and are just plain old good kids. The more "good kids" that we can grow here in America, the better off our nation will be. Edit: TL;DR Why not foster an environment where kids learn that hard work pays off and no one likes an asshole?
I had an argument with some people this weekend and I was wondering if Reddit would support my "Revolutionary" idea. The basis is to just simply get rid of the entitlement atmosphere that America has created. I feel too many Americans feel that something is owed to them just because they were born in America. Too many people take for granted that we have electricity, running water, and some of the most advanced technology in the world. Less and less people are willing to get their hands dirty. Less and less people are willing to do things like teach their children what hard work looks like. The root of my argument is in the law of conservation of energy. America started off full of people who busted their tails working long days and nights, which I argue is like storing up kinetic energy. We put all of this extra work in and saw the resulting growth. America now seems to continue to try and feed off of these forefathers (using stored up energy) instead of putting in extra work to accomplish their goals (banking more energy). I do not really care whose fault it is (media/government/etc) that this idea exists, I just want to see it changed. I want people to realize that their are human beings in this world that will never have the chance that us as Americans have and would do anything to just be given this chance. How I am starting my own revolution: Personally I am in love with the game of basketball. I spend my free time coaching as many teams as I can. At the basis of my coaching is hard work, team work, and responsibility. I want to use basketball as a teaching avenue for young men and women around the nation to learn how to be successful. I do not really care if the kids make it to play at a Division 1 school or in the NBA, although I hope they do. I am more concerned with my kids becoming successful people who work hard, know how to overcome adversity, and are just plain old good kids. The more "good kids" that we can grow here in America, the better off our nation will be. Edit: TL;DR Why not foster an environment where kids learn that hard work pays off and no one likes an asshole?
I had an argument with some people this weekend and I was wondering if Reddit would support my "Revolutionary" idea. The basis is to just simply get rid of the entitlement atmosphere that America has created. I feel too many Americans feel that something is owed to them just because they were born in America. Too many people take for granted that we have electricity, running water, and some of the most advanced technology in the world. Less and less people are willing to get their hands dirty. Less and less people are willing to do things like teach their children what hard work looks like. The root of my argument is in the law of conservation of energy. America started off full of people who busted their tails working long days and nights, which I argue is like storing up kinetic energy. We put all of this extra work in and saw the resulting growth. America now seems to continue to try and feed off of these forefathers (using stored up energy) instead of putting in extra work to accomplish their goals (banking more energy). I do not really care whose fault it is (media/government/etc) that this idea exists, I just want to see it changed. I want people to realize that their are human beings in this world that will never have the chance that us as Americans have and would do anything to just be given this chance. How I am starting my own revolution: Personally I am in love with the game of basketball. I spend my free time coaching as many teams as I can. At the basis of my coaching is hard work, team work, and responsibility. I want to use basketball as a teaching avenue for young men and women around the nation to learn how to be successful. I do not really care if the kids make it to play at a Division 1 school or in the NBA, although I hope they do. I am more concerned with my kids becoming successful people who work hard, know how to overcome adversity, and are just plain old good kids. The more "good kids" that we can grow here in America, the better off our nation will be. Edit:
Why not foster an environment where kids learn that hard work pays off and no one likes an asshole?
Long time lurker, first time poster. What tripped off the need to post? My nmother has discovered Facebook. My mother's particular brand of narcissism? She has aspirations of being the AllMother, the person who is all nurturing and the involvement of her children reflects the glow of her motherly warmth. Which means that she inserts herself into all relationships and avenues of communication. She spent years inserting herself into or, if not successful, sabotaging my relationships with my siblings, my father, my friends, and my marriage (that one needed some sabotaging, but that's another story). And in return, I've spent years trying to create safe spaces where I can have direct contact with my brothers and father. I call home, dad hands the phone over to mom, who would very much like to spend 3 hours talking at me if I would let her. My father is one of the original computer nerds of the 1960's and 70's, we chat by instant message? Eventually, anytime I get on, I get, "Your mother is here and she says..." You get the pattern. In the last iteration of this pattern: my GC older brother tempts me onto Facebook. I sign up reluctantly, but to my surprise find that it becomes one of the first safe places I have to keep up with my brothers and share things that I run across that I think might resonate with them, too. I love my brothers and their families, but they are definitely not on the same page as me in terms of understanding what went down in our years growing up. Not that they don't occasionally acknowledge that things she did to all of us were pretty messed up, but there's a lot of denial and minimization of the effects of it. What's extra ironic is that that's exactly nMom's take on things, too. Funny how the family thinking reflects hers. I hardly ever post and don't check Facebook very often, but last week I saw a flurry of activity where my mother friended my brothers. Which, of course, means she can now see anything posted on their timelines. I posted happy birthday wishes on my brother's timeline and guess what showed up in my inbox today? tl;dr: The AllnMother has no boundaries, inserts herself in every relationship her children have. LC SG-poster's coping tool has been to create circumscribed safe places in which she can interact with oblivious family members directly. Facebook was the latest attempt. It's been good. And now the poster has a friend request from nmom languishing in her inbox.
Long time lurker, first time poster. What tripped off the need to post? My nmother has discovered Facebook. My mother's particular brand of narcissism? She has aspirations of being the AllMother, the person who is all nurturing and the involvement of her children reflects the glow of her motherly warmth. Which means that she inserts herself into all relationships and avenues of communication. She spent years inserting herself into or, if not successful, sabotaging my relationships with my siblings, my father, my friends, and my marriage (that one needed some sabotaging, but that's another story). And in return, I've spent years trying to create safe spaces where I can have direct contact with my brothers and father. I call home, dad hands the phone over to mom, who would very much like to spend 3 hours talking at me if I would let her. My father is one of the original computer nerds of the 1960's and 70's, we chat by instant message? Eventually, anytime I get on, I get, "Your mother is here and she says..." You get the pattern. In the last iteration of this pattern: my GC older brother tempts me onto Facebook. I sign up reluctantly, but to my surprise find that it becomes one of the first safe places I have to keep up with my brothers and share things that I run across that I think might resonate with them, too. I love my brothers and their families, but they are definitely not on the same page as me in terms of understanding what went down in our years growing up. Not that they don't occasionally acknowledge that things she did to all of us were pretty messed up, but there's a lot of denial and minimization of the effects of it. What's extra ironic is that that's exactly nMom's take on things, too. Funny how the family thinking reflects hers. I hardly ever post and don't check Facebook very often, but last week I saw a flurry of activity where my mother friended my brothers. Which, of course, means she can now see anything posted on their timelines. I posted happy birthday wishes on my brother's timeline and guess what showed up in my inbox today? tl;dr: The AllnMother has no boundaries, inserts herself in every relationship her children have. LC SG-poster's coping tool has been to create circumscribed safe places in which she can interact with oblivious family members directly. Facebook was the latest attempt. It's been good. And now the poster has a friend request from nmom languishing in her inbox.
Long time lurker, first time poster. What tripped off the need to post? My nmother has discovered Facebook. My mother's particular brand of narcissism? She has aspirations of being the AllMother, the person who is all nurturing and the involvement of her children reflects the glow of her motherly warmth. Which means that she inserts herself into all relationships and avenues of communication. She spent years inserting herself into or, if not successful, sabotaging my relationships with my siblings, my father, my friends, and my marriage (that one needed some sabotaging, but that's another story). And in return, I've spent years trying to create safe spaces where I can have direct contact with my brothers and father. I call home, dad hands the phone over to mom, who would very much like to spend 3 hours talking at me if I would let her. My father is one of the original computer nerds of the 1960's and 70's, we chat by instant message? Eventually, anytime I get on, I get, "Your mother is here and she says..." You get the pattern. In the last iteration of this pattern: my GC older brother tempts me onto Facebook. I sign up reluctantly, but to my surprise find that it becomes one of the first safe places I have to keep up with my brothers and share things that I run across that I think might resonate with them, too. I love my brothers and their families, but they are definitely not on the same page as me in terms of understanding what went down in our years growing up. Not that they don't occasionally acknowledge that things she did to all of us were pretty messed up, but there's a lot of denial and minimization of the effects of it. What's extra ironic is that that's exactly nMom's take on things, too. Funny how the family thinking reflects hers. I hardly ever post and don't check Facebook very often, but last week I saw a flurry of activity where my mother friended my brothers. Which, of course, means she can now see anything posted on their timelines. I posted happy birthday wishes on my brother's timeline and guess what showed up in my inbox today?
The AllnMother has no boundaries, inserts herself in every relationship her children have. LC SG-poster's coping tool has been to create circumscribed safe places in which she can interact with oblivious family members directly. Facebook was the latest attempt. It's been good. And now the poster has a friend request from nmom languishing in her inbox.
I take that as a Yes! ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ Well, we have an inclusive yet diverse group of electronic music lovers that meet regularly, and we want to invite you to join us. We get together over food, drinks, hookah, or something before shows to chat and get to know each other. The group is very friendly and welcoming, so come even if you’re shy. =) After the chatty part of the night, we will go out to an event together. Some members just hang out, but many love to dance. So you’ll always have a dancing partner in our group! Our goal is to meet others that love this music, while we help contribute to a positive and welcoming EDM culture in Kansas City. We have over 200 members and are open to all positive aspects of the electric music culture: from dancing to poi to production to kandi to parties. Sound like fun?? Then join us! Our group is called: [**Over-Synthesized Anonymous**]( and **our next meetup is This Friday (12/6/13) 8PM at The Bulldog (1715 Main St. KCMO)**. This Friday, your fellow dance music lovers will be enjoying a night out at with dinner, drinks, and Karaoke. *I promise no one will make you sing if you want to just watch. We can cheer on the brave souls together.* ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ After dinner, drinks, and a few rounds of karaoke, we will go check out a multi-genre, 18+, $7 (21+), $10 (<21) show together. The event will feature trip-hop, DnB, funk, hip-hop, downtempo (and others), and end at 3AM. There will be a cash bar for the 21+, and a cupid for the singles. That's right, cupid! If you're single you can shoot your stats (Name, Age, Interests) to the resident cupid, Sara, and she will have a color coded bracelet for you to help you mingle with other singles. ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ We look forward to meeting you! ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ RSVP Here before Friday to secure your spot: ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ tldr: Electronic music lovers group meeting for a night out (12/6/13, 8PM) with dinner, drinks, karaoke... then a show. Please join us, we'd love to meet you.
I take that as a Yes! ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ Well, we have an inclusive yet diverse group of electronic music lovers that meet regularly, and we want to invite you to join us. We get together over food, drinks, hookah, or something before shows to chat and get to know each other. The group is very friendly and welcoming, so come even if you’re shy. =) After the chatty part of the night, we will go out to an event together. Some members just hang out, but many love to dance. So you’ll always have a dancing partner in our group! Our goal is to meet others that love this music, while we help contribute to a positive and welcoming EDM culture in Kansas City. We have over 200 members and are open to all positive aspects of the electric music culture: from dancing to poi to production to kandi to parties. Sound like fun?? Then join us! Our group is called: Over-Synthesized Anonymous 8PM at The Bulldog (1715 Main St. KCMO)* . This Friday, your fellow dance music lovers will be enjoying a night out at with dinner, drinks, and Karaoke. I promise no one will make you sing if you want to just watch. We can cheer on the brave souls together.* ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ After dinner, drinks, and a few rounds of karaoke, we will go check out a multi-genre, 18+, $7 (21+), $10 (<21) show together. The event will feature trip-hop, DnB, funk, hip-hop, downtempo (and others), and end at 3AM. There will be a cash bar for the 21+, and a cupid for the singles. That's right, cupid! If you're single you can shoot your stats (Name, Age, Interests) to the resident cupid, Sara, and she will have a color coded bracelet for you to help you mingle with other singles. ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ We look forward to meeting you! ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ RSVP Here before Friday to secure your spot: ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ tldr: Electronic music lovers group meeting for a night out (12/6/13, 8PM) with dinner, drinks, karaoke... then a show. Please join us, we'd love to meet you.
I take that as a Yes! ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ Well, we have an inclusive yet diverse group of electronic music lovers that meet regularly, and we want to invite you to join us. We get together over food, drinks, hookah, or something before shows to chat and get to know each other. The group is very friendly and welcoming, so come even if you’re shy. =) After the chatty part of the night, we will go out to an event together. Some members just hang out, but many love to dance. So you’ll always have a dancing partner in our group! Our goal is to meet others that love this music, while we help contribute to a positive and welcoming EDM culture in Kansas City. We have over 200 members and are open to all positive aspects of the electric music culture: from dancing to poi to production to kandi to parties. Sound like fun?? Then join us! Our group is called: Over-Synthesized Anonymous 8PM at The Bulldog (1715 Main St. KCMO)* . This Friday, your fellow dance music lovers will be enjoying a night out at with dinner, drinks, and Karaoke. I promise no one will make you sing if you want to just watch. We can cheer on the brave souls together.* ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ After dinner, drinks, and a few rounds of karaoke, we will go check out a multi-genre, 18+, $7 (21+), $10 (<21) show together. The event will feature trip-hop, DnB, funk, hip-hop, downtempo (and others), and end at 3AM. There will be a cash bar for the 21+, and a cupid for the singles. That's right, cupid! If you're single you can shoot your stats (Name, Age, Interests) to the resident cupid, Sara, and she will have a color coded bracelet for you to help you mingle with other singles. ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ We look forward to meeting you! ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ RSVP Here before Friday to secure your spot: ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧
Electronic music lovers group meeting for a night out (12/6/13, 8PM) with dinner, drinks, karaoke... then a show. Please join us, we'd love to meet you.
Had the three separate parts I loved in 3 different girlfriends, unfortunately not all in one yet. ***THAT_____GUY'S LIST OF GOOD SACK TIPS*** (SACK, TIPS, ah, puns...) Who's kidding enough BS. 1. Participation: For the love of all that is sexy, don't ragdoll. It is the biggest turnoff in the world. No guy wants to have to try and pick you up like those last few slippery noodles at the bottom of a pasta pot. Suggest a new position! There are plenty to try! 2. Communicate: Find what they're into and tell him what you are into. My GF was into having her hair pulled and I never thought to do that and it ended up turning me on too and I enjoyed teasing which she had never tried and enjoyed doing. Also, let him know if he's doing it right. Sometimes, men (including me) like/are more turned on knowing when he's getting close to the bullseye. 3. Oral Pleasure: 95% of the guys I know say that they thoroughly enjoy an amazing blowjob over a little intercourse. There are some good tutorials online and know that faster and harder is not always the way to go, just like we like to hear from you, tell him to tell you if he likes what you're doing. And please, PLEASE avoid teeth. Do it for the children and the third leg itself. It's like a giant clitoris it has feelings too. Also, reciprocal oral pleasure is much more likely. But I just think reciprocation is courtesy. Ladies first is my motto though. And they say chivalry is dead. Anyway, that is what I classify as 3 traits of a grade A woman in bed. **tl;dr : Participation, communication, and some oral fixation, usually leads to reciprocation and repeat visits to his prime location.** **EDIT: Thanks for giving me gold for sharing my sexy timez with you stranger! **
Had the three separate parts I loved in 3 different girlfriends, unfortunately not all in one yet. THAT _ GUY'S LIST OF GOOD SACK TIPS (SACK, TIPS, ah, puns...) Who's kidding enough BS. Participation: For the love of all that is sexy, don't ragdoll. It is the biggest turnoff in the world. No guy wants to have to try and pick you up like those last few slippery noodles at the bottom of a pasta pot. Suggest a new position! There are plenty to try! Communicate: Find what they're into and tell him what you are into. My GF was into having her hair pulled and I never thought to do that and it ended up turning me on too and I enjoyed teasing which she had never tried and enjoyed doing. Also, let him know if he's doing it right. Sometimes, men (including me) like/are more turned on knowing when he's getting close to the bullseye. Oral Pleasure: 95% of the guys I know say that they thoroughly enjoy an amazing blowjob over a little intercourse. There are some good tutorials online and know that faster and harder is not always the way to go, just like we like to hear from you, tell him to tell you if he likes what you're doing. And please, PLEASE avoid teeth. Do it for the children and the third leg itself. It's like a giant clitoris it has feelings too. Also, reciprocal oral pleasure is much more likely. But I just think reciprocation is courtesy. Ladies first is my motto though. And they say chivalry is dead. Anyway, that is what I classify as 3 traits of a grade A woman in bed. tl;dr : Participation, communication, and some oral fixation, usually leads to reciprocation and repeat visits to his prime location. EDIT: Thanks for giving me gold for sharing my sexy timez with you stranger!
Had the three separate parts I loved in 3 different girlfriends, unfortunately not all in one yet. THAT _ GUY'S LIST OF GOOD SACK TIPS (SACK, TIPS, ah, puns...) Who's kidding enough BS. Participation: For the love of all that is sexy, don't ragdoll. It is the biggest turnoff in the world. No guy wants to have to try and pick you up like those last few slippery noodles at the bottom of a pasta pot. Suggest a new position! There are plenty to try! Communicate: Find what they're into and tell him what you are into. My GF was into having her hair pulled and I never thought to do that and it ended up turning me on too and I enjoyed teasing which she had never tried and enjoyed doing. Also, let him know if he's doing it right. Sometimes, men (including me) like/are more turned on knowing when he's getting close to the bullseye. Oral Pleasure: 95% of the guys I know say that they thoroughly enjoy an amazing blowjob over a little intercourse. There are some good tutorials online and know that faster and harder is not always the way to go, just like we like to hear from you, tell him to tell you if he likes what you're doing. And please, PLEASE avoid teeth. Do it for the children and the third leg itself. It's like a giant clitoris it has feelings too. Also, reciprocal oral pleasure is much more likely. But I just think reciprocation is courtesy. Ladies first is my motto though. And they say chivalry is dead. Anyway, that is what I classify as 3 traits of a grade A woman in bed.
Participation, communication, and some oral fixation, usually leads to reciprocation and repeat visits to his prime location. EDIT: Thanks for giving me gold for sharing my sexy timez with you stranger!
Last week I left my purse at the Chinese Restaurant when I was out to lunch. The next day I couldn't find it and I thought for sure I either left it at work or it was in my car/house somewhere so I went on with my day. That night I was starting to get a little worried because it hadn't turned up yet. Later that night I got a knock on the door and it was the server from the restaurant and she had my purse!! She said she waited all day hoping I would come back because she didn't want to open it. At the end of her shift when I hadn't come back for it she looked inside and saw my ID and returned it to my house. I said thank you and gave her a big hug but feel I should do something more. I didn't have any cash to give her and she would know that too since she looked in my purse! I want to do something more though as a thank you for her kindness. TLDR: I am a hot mess of disorganization and left my purse at a restaurant. I didn't even think it was really lost and the next day the server returned it to my house. What should I get her?
Last week I left my purse at the Chinese Restaurant when I was out to lunch. The next day I couldn't find it and I thought for sure I either left it at work or it was in my car/house somewhere so I went on with my day. That night I was starting to get a little worried because it hadn't turned up yet. Later that night I got a knock on the door and it was the server from the restaurant and she had my purse!! She said she waited all day hoping I would come back because she didn't want to open it. At the end of her shift when I hadn't come back for it she looked inside and saw my ID and returned it to my house. I said thank you and gave her a big hug but feel I should do something more. I didn't have any cash to give her and she would know that too since she looked in my purse! I want to do something more though as a thank you for her kindness. TLDR: I am a hot mess of disorganization and left my purse at a restaurant. I didn't even think it was really lost and the next day the server returned it to my house. What should I get her?
Last week I left my purse at the Chinese Restaurant when I was out to lunch. The next day I couldn't find it and I thought for sure I either left it at work or it was in my car/house somewhere so I went on with my day. That night I was starting to get a little worried because it hadn't turned up yet. Later that night I got a knock on the door and it was the server from the restaurant and she had my purse!! She said she waited all day hoping I would come back because she didn't want to open it. At the end of her shift when I hadn't come back for it she looked inside and saw my ID and returned it to my house. I said thank you and gave her a big hug but feel I should do something more. I didn't have any cash to give her and she would know that too since she looked in my purse! I want to do something more though as a thank you for her kindness.
I am a hot mess of disorganization and left my purse at a restaurant. I didn't even think it was really lost and the next day the server returned it to my house. What should I get her?
My boyfriend and I officially started dating in January. I am absolutely in love with him and the relationship has been so seamless and easy with him. He's someone I can imagine my future with. He's someone I want my future with. Recently we've talked about how we've met, which was in October. He remembers that time really well: what we were wearing, talking about etc. I thought I remembered it just as well, but when we were talking about it he pointed out that I thought he was wearing a cap when he wasn't. Also, I was hanging out with his sister and she asked me what I thought about him when I first met/saw him. We met at a group dinner and didn't actually talk much (until I got his number from a mutual friend later). I told his sister, that the first time I met/saw him I was really interested in getting to know him because I thought he seemed so down-to-earth and we seemed to share really similar interests. My boyfriend had a very different response, more along the lines of him knowing that I was the one (which I think is so sweet). To make matters worse, I was recounting our first date (in November) which I remember very vividly and I talked about our first kiss that night. He reminded me that our first kiss was actually Halloween night when we ran into each other (we were both drunk). After this he explained to me that it kinda hurts when I don't remember these things right because it makes him feel like just another guy in my eyes. He's always made me feel very special and loved and I thought I made him feel similarly. Knowing that I don't always make him feel special really sucks, and I don't know how to explain to him that is not the case. I can also tell that this is a pretty big deal for him. The thing is I remember everything after our first date really vividly because I realized the person I was sitting across from was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Maybe I don't remember the earlier details because A) we didn't meet up that much and only really talked on the phone and B) I was still getting to know about him. I don't know how to show him/tell him how special he is to me after these instances because he's mentioned it is hard for him not to think I'm just saying those things to make him feel better. Right now he said he just wants his space which I respect 100%, but when we do talk, I don't know how to express that me mixing up those details doesn't reflect how I truly feel about him and how special he is to me. Advice would be so great, thanks! **tl;dr**: I keep on mixing up/confusing important memories from when we first met and my boyfriend is starting to think he's just another guy in my eyes :(
My boyfriend and I officially started dating in January. I am absolutely in love with him and the relationship has been so seamless and easy with him. He's someone I can imagine my future with. He's someone I want my future with. Recently we've talked about how we've met, which was in October. He remembers that time really well: what we were wearing, talking about etc. I thought I remembered it just as well, but when we were talking about it he pointed out that I thought he was wearing a cap when he wasn't. Also, I was hanging out with his sister and she asked me what I thought about him when I first met/saw him. We met at a group dinner and didn't actually talk much (until I got his number from a mutual friend later). I told his sister, that the first time I met/saw him I was really interested in getting to know him because I thought he seemed so down-to-earth and we seemed to share really similar interests. My boyfriend had a very different response, more along the lines of him knowing that I was the one (which I think is so sweet). To make matters worse, I was recounting our first date (in November) which I remember very vividly and I talked about our first kiss that night. He reminded me that our first kiss was actually Halloween night when we ran into each other (we were both drunk). After this he explained to me that it kinda hurts when I don't remember these things right because it makes him feel like just another guy in my eyes. He's always made me feel very special and loved and I thought I made him feel similarly. Knowing that I don't always make him feel special really sucks, and I don't know how to explain to him that is not the case. I can also tell that this is a pretty big deal for him. The thing is I remember everything after our first date really vividly because I realized the person I was sitting across from was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Maybe I don't remember the earlier details because A) we didn't meet up that much and only really talked on the phone and B) I was still getting to know about him. I don't know how to show him/tell him how special he is to me after these instances because he's mentioned it is hard for him not to think I'm just saying those things to make him feel better. Right now he said he just wants his space which I respect 100%, but when we do talk, I don't know how to express that me mixing up those details doesn't reflect how I truly feel about him and how special he is to me. Advice would be so great, thanks! tl;dr : I keep on mixing up/confusing important memories from when we first met and my boyfriend is starting to think he's just another guy in my eyes :(
My boyfriend and I officially started dating in January. I am absolutely in love with him and the relationship has been so seamless and easy with him. He's someone I can imagine my future with. He's someone I want my future with. Recently we've talked about how we've met, which was in October. He remembers that time really well: what we were wearing, talking about etc. I thought I remembered it just as well, but when we were talking about it he pointed out that I thought he was wearing a cap when he wasn't. Also, I was hanging out with his sister and she asked me what I thought about him when I first met/saw him. We met at a group dinner and didn't actually talk much (until I got his number from a mutual friend later). I told his sister, that the first time I met/saw him I was really interested in getting to know him because I thought he seemed so down-to-earth and we seemed to share really similar interests. My boyfriend had a very different response, more along the lines of him knowing that I was the one (which I think is so sweet). To make matters worse, I was recounting our first date (in November) which I remember very vividly and I talked about our first kiss that night. He reminded me that our first kiss was actually Halloween night when we ran into each other (we were both drunk). After this he explained to me that it kinda hurts when I don't remember these things right because it makes him feel like just another guy in my eyes. He's always made me feel very special and loved and I thought I made him feel similarly. Knowing that I don't always make him feel special really sucks, and I don't know how to explain to him that is not the case. I can also tell that this is a pretty big deal for him. The thing is I remember everything after our first date really vividly because I realized the person I was sitting across from was the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Maybe I don't remember the earlier details because A) we didn't meet up that much and only really talked on the phone and B) I was still getting to know about him. I don't know how to show him/tell him how special he is to me after these instances because he's mentioned it is hard for him not to think I'm just saying those things to make him feel better. Right now he said he just wants his space which I respect 100%, but when we do talk, I don't know how to express that me mixing up those details doesn't reflect how I truly feel about him and how special he is to me. Advice would be so great, thanks!
I keep on mixing up/confusing important memories from when we first met and my boyfriend is starting to think he's just another guy in my eyes :(
You might as well give up. You are refuting blatant ignorance with less than a glowing smile and hand holding. Also, Libertarian think trains are pretty deeply engrained here. I feel the pain, but most people won't see the valid rebuttals because of the downvote system, so ignorance still wins. TLDR; Government bad, free market good. Don't downvote me bro.
You might as well give up. You are refuting blatant ignorance with less than a glowing smile and hand holding. Also, Libertarian think trains are pretty deeply engrained here. I feel the pain, but most people won't see the valid rebuttals because of the downvote system, so ignorance still wins. TLDR; Government bad, free market good. Don't downvote me bro.
You might as well give up. You are refuting blatant ignorance with less than a glowing smile and hand holding. Also, Libertarian think trains are pretty deeply engrained here. I feel the pain, but most people won't see the valid rebuttals because of the downvote system, so ignorance still wins.
Government bad, free market good. Don't downvote me bro.
Ship's whistles are used by large vessels in restricted visibility conditions to broadcast both position and intention. Some examples: 1. One short blast (1 second): Shows an intention to pass on the starboard side of another vessel (right). The same signal is used whether you are passing another vessel bow to bow or you are passing a vessel from their stern. The vessel about to be overtaken shall, if in agreement, sound a similar sound signal. If in doubt the vessel should sound the danger signal. (See number 4 below). 1. Two short blasts: Shows an intention to pass on the port side of another vessel (left). The same signal is used whether you are passing another vessel bow to bow or you are passing a vessel from their stern. The vessel about to be overtaken shall, if in agreement, sound a similar sound signal. If in doubt the vessel should sound the danger signal. (See number 4 below). 1. Three short blasts: Indicates the vessel's engines are going astern (in reverse). This is mainly used on larger vessels with restricted visibility or possible boat traffic passing by the stern. Most large vessels will have a deck hand or a person standing on the stern as a lookout with communications to the operator. 1. Five or more short and rapid blasts: A danger signal used when the other vessel's intentions are not understood or where the other vessel's indicated course is dangerous. When vessels in sight of each other are approaching, and for whatever reason, either vessel fails to understand the intentions or actions of the other, or is in doubt whether sufficient action is being taken to avoid collision, the vessel in doubt may give at least five short and rapid blasts on the whistle. 1. Prolonged blast (4 to 6 seconds): One prolonged blast is a warning signal (for example, used when exiting a slip or coming around a blind corner). This signal should be answered with a prolonged blast by any approaching vessel that may be within hearing around the bend or behind an intervening obstruction. One prolonged plus two short blasts at intervals of not more than two minutes is the signal used by sailboats under sail alone. I'm not overly excited when they feel the need to pipe up at three in the morning. I live by Lighthouse Park on the North Shore and she was just givin' er all night, which is not unusual, but there seemed to be dozens of other ones chiming in. tl;dr Ships honk at stuff and lighthouse's just want to play too.
Ship's whistles are used by large vessels in restricted visibility conditions to broadcast both position and intention. Some examples: One short blast (1 second): Shows an intention to pass on the starboard side of another vessel (right). The same signal is used whether you are passing another vessel bow to bow or you are passing a vessel from their stern. The vessel about to be overtaken shall, if in agreement, sound a similar sound signal. If in doubt the vessel should sound the danger signal. (See number 4 below). Two short blasts: Shows an intention to pass on the port side of another vessel (left). The same signal is used whether you are passing another vessel bow to bow or you are passing a vessel from their stern. The vessel about to be overtaken shall, if in agreement, sound a similar sound signal. If in doubt the vessel should sound the danger signal. (See number 4 below). Three short blasts: Indicates the vessel's engines are going astern (in reverse). This is mainly used on larger vessels with restricted visibility or possible boat traffic passing by the stern. Most large vessels will have a deck hand or a person standing on the stern as a lookout with communications to the operator. Five or more short and rapid blasts: A danger signal used when the other vessel's intentions are not understood or where the other vessel's indicated course is dangerous. When vessels in sight of each other are approaching, and for whatever reason, either vessel fails to understand the intentions or actions of the other, or is in doubt whether sufficient action is being taken to avoid collision, the vessel in doubt may give at least five short and rapid blasts on the whistle. Prolonged blast (4 to 6 seconds): One prolonged blast is a warning signal (for example, used when exiting a slip or coming around a blind corner). This signal should be answered with a prolonged blast by any approaching vessel that may be within hearing around the bend or behind an intervening obstruction. One prolonged plus two short blasts at intervals of not more than two minutes is the signal used by sailboats under sail alone. I'm not overly excited when they feel the need to pipe up at three in the morning. I live by Lighthouse Park on the North Shore and she was just givin' er all night, which is not unusual, but there seemed to be dozens of other ones chiming in. tl;dr Ships honk at stuff and lighthouse's just want to play too.
Ship's whistles are used by large vessels in restricted visibility conditions to broadcast both position and intention. Some examples: One short blast (1 second): Shows an intention to pass on the starboard side of another vessel (right). The same signal is used whether you are passing another vessel bow to bow or you are passing a vessel from their stern. The vessel about to be overtaken shall, if in agreement, sound a similar sound signal. If in doubt the vessel should sound the danger signal. (See number 4 below). Two short blasts: Shows an intention to pass on the port side of another vessel (left). The same signal is used whether you are passing another vessel bow to bow or you are passing a vessel from their stern. The vessel about to be overtaken shall, if in agreement, sound a similar sound signal. If in doubt the vessel should sound the danger signal. (See number 4 below). Three short blasts: Indicates the vessel's engines are going astern (in reverse). This is mainly used on larger vessels with restricted visibility or possible boat traffic passing by the stern. Most large vessels will have a deck hand or a person standing on the stern as a lookout with communications to the operator. Five or more short and rapid blasts: A danger signal used when the other vessel's intentions are not understood or where the other vessel's indicated course is dangerous. When vessels in sight of each other are approaching, and for whatever reason, either vessel fails to understand the intentions or actions of the other, or is in doubt whether sufficient action is being taken to avoid collision, the vessel in doubt may give at least five short and rapid blasts on the whistle. Prolonged blast (4 to 6 seconds): One prolonged blast is a warning signal (for example, used when exiting a slip or coming around a blind corner). This signal should be answered with a prolonged blast by any approaching vessel that may be within hearing around the bend or behind an intervening obstruction. One prolonged plus two short blasts at intervals of not more than two minutes is the signal used by sailboats under sail alone. I'm not overly excited when they feel the need to pipe up at three in the morning. I live by Lighthouse Park on the North Shore and she was just givin' er all night, which is not unusual, but there seemed to be dozens of other ones chiming in.
Ships honk at stuff and lighthouse's just want to play too.
In first grade, I flipped over the handlebars of my bike and landed on my back with my left leg under me, snapping my femur in half. I don't remember how bad the pain was, but I remember hearing the snap and laying on my neighbor's driveway screaming, haha. That, or the time in third grade when I stuck my tongue to the fireman's pole on my swing set in the middle of winter. I freaked out and didn't know what to do (I had never seen A Christmas Story, but I knew your tongue would stick to ice in your drink, etc.) and just yanked my head back. Blood everywhere, a chunk of "skin" off of my tongue stuck on the pole, couldn't eat anything for days without pain. :( TL;DR: I wasn't a very bright kid, haha.
In first grade, I flipped over the handlebars of my bike and landed on my back with my left leg under me, snapping my femur in half. I don't remember how bad the pain was, but I remember hearing the snap and laying on my neighbor's driveway screaming, haha. That, or the time in third grade when I stuck my tongue to the fireman's pole on my swing set in the middle of winter. I freaked out and didn't know what to do (I had never seen A Christmas Story, but I knew your tongue would stick to ice in your drink, etc.) and just yanked my head back. Blood everywhere, a chunk of "skin" off of my tongue stuck on the pole, couldn't eat anything for days without pain. :( TL;DR: I wasn't a very bright kid, haha.
In first grade, I flipped over the handlebars of my bike and landed on my back with my left leg under me, snapping my femur in half. I don't remember how bad the pain was, but I remember hearing the snap and laying on my neighbor's driveway screaming, haha. That, or the time in third grade when I stuck my tongue to the fireman's pole on my swing set in the middle of winter. I freaked out and didn't know what to do (I had never seen A Christmas Story, but I knew your tongue would stick to ice in your drink, etc.) and just yanked my head back. Blood everywhere, a chunk of "skin" off of my tongue stuck on the pole, couldn't eat anything for days without pain. :(
I wasn't a very bright kid, haha.
&gt;If you move too far out into the open and you get lit up, you should die I would like to say that now the length of 'too far in the open has increased, especially with HL shield as well. Also, I find it very difficult to retreat whilst sprinting, as you can only run a very predictable line, and if you have already taken three hits, you should be killed. To me, sprint is best used moving distances, or cover to cover to avoid vehicles or snipers. If you step too far out into the open, you do not have the time to turn and sprint, you need to keep shooting, and zigzag your way back, or use HL shield. I would say the distance that you can retreat with hardlight shield (if you are using it) is the maximum distance you can safely go out with. TL;DR Sprint is useless at retreating
>If you move too far out into the open and you get lit up, you should die I would like to say that now the length of 'too far in the open has increased, especially with HL shield as well. Also, I find it very difficult to retreat whilst sprinting, as you can only run a very predictable line, and if you have already taken three hits, you should be killed. To me, sprint is best used moving distances, or cover to cover to avoid vehicles or snipers. If you step too far out into the open, you do not have the time to turn and sprint, you need to keep shooting, and zigzag your way back, or use HL shield. I would say the distance that you can retreat with hardlight shield (if you are using it) is the maximum distance you can safely go out with. TL;DR Sprint is useless at retreating
If you move too far out into the open and you get lit up, you should die I would like to say that now the length of 'too far in the open has increased, especially with HL shield as well. Also, I find it very difficult to retreat whilst sprinting, as you can only run a very predictable line, and if you have already taken three hits, you should be killed. To me, sprint is best used moving distances, or cover to cover to avoid vehicles or snipers. If you step too far out into the open, you do not have the time to turn and sprint, you need to keep shooting, and zigzag your way back, or use HL shield. I would say the distance that you can retreat with hardlight shield (if you are using it) is the maximum distance you can safely go out with.
Sprint is useless at retreating
Hi there! I was diagnosed with ADHD - emphasis on the "H" - in 4th grade. I will be entering my senior year and recently I've came into a depressive episode in my life for the past 4 or so months. I have complete lack of motivation, and just feel *terrible* most of the time. I even consider suicide sometimes, but do not plan on going through with it. I don't even know why the fuck I feel this way, I've read online people who are depressed are depressed about something, but I can't figure out what I'm depressed about. I'd also like to add that my entire family has a history of depression, (general) anxiety disorder(s), and my dad is ADHD, as is my sister (terribly!) I stopped taking my ADHD medicine after my freshman year. I cannot even recall why I did so. I got a prescription to adderall xr 25mg and decided to take it again to see how I'd feel. I've taken it once since - yesterday, 1PM. I'm still up today, 5:30AM. Little but noticeable crash was noticed around 12AM, but after eating some food and drinking tons of water it was no issue. However, I felt absolutely great throughout the day. I accomplished so many tasks, was extremely social, and was full of confidence throughout the day. **This brings me to my question.** I'd like to note that I am still ADHD - I can't sit still and watch a movie unless I'm totally into it, working on projects is a major task for me, and I skip between songs all the time (does anybody else do this? - fuck there is my ADD again.) Will adderall actually help my depression, or did I just feel really good yesterday because of that first-time (at least in years) euphoric "high"? Also, how much will tolerance build up taking 25mg XR once daily? I'd also like to note that I take Sceletium tortuosum - a natural SSRI and PDE4 inhibitor. It helps boost my mood greatly, but the lack of confidence is there. That is something adderall completely fixed. Combining the two floods your brain with both dopamine and serotonin - although I notice no crash on Sceletium. Adderall was minor for me. Tl;dr: Is adderal good for treating depression (along with a natural ssri), or did I just feel good because of the "high" first day taking it? Oh, and how much does tolerance build up with daily 25mg XR use?
Hi there! I was diagnosed with ADHD - emphasis on the "H" - in 4th grade. I will be entering my senior year and recently I've came into a depressive episode in my life for the past 4 or so months. I have complete lack of motivation, and just feel terrible most of the time. I even consider suicide sometimes, but do not plan on going through with it. I don't even know why the fuck I feel this way, I've read online people who are depressed are depressed about something, but I can't figure out what I'm depressed about. I'd also like to add that my entire family has a history of depression, (general) anxiety disorder(s), and my dad is ADHD, as is my sister (terribly!) I stopped taking my ADHD medicine after my freshman year. I cannot even recall why I did so. I got a prescription to adderall xr 25mg and decided to take it again to see how I'd feel. I've taken it once since - yesterday, 1PM. I'm still up today, 5:30AM. Little but noticeable crash was noticed around 12AM, but after eating some food and drinking tons of water it was no issue. However, I felt absolutely great throughout the day. I accomplished so many tasks, was extremely social, and was full of confidence throughout the day. This brings me to my question. I'd like to note that I am still ADHD - I can't sit still and watch a movie unless I'm totally into it, working on projects is a major task for me, and I skip between songs all the time (does anybody else do this? - fuck there is my ADD again.) Will adderall actually help my depression, or did I just feel really good yesterday because of that first-time (at least in years) euphoric "high"? Also, how much will tolerance build up taking 25mg XR once daily? I'd also like to note that I take Sceletium tortuosum - a natural SSRI and PDE4 inhibitor. It helps boost my mood greatly, but the lack of confidence is there. That is something adderall completely fixed. Combining the two floods your brain with both dopamine and serotonin - although I notice no crash on Sceletium. Adderall was minor for me. Tl;dr: Is adderal good for treating depression (along with a natural ssri), or did I just feel good because of the "high" first day taking it? Oh, and how much does tolerance build up with daily 25mg XR use?
Hi there! I was diagnosed with ADHD - emphasis on the "H" - in 4th grade. I will be entering my senior year and recently I've came into a depressive episode in my life for the past 4 or so months. I have complete lack of motivation, and just feel terrible most of the time. I even consider suicide sometimes, but do not plan on going through with it. I don't even know why the fuck I feel this way, I've read online people who are depressed are depressed about something, but I can't figure out what I'm depressed about. I'd also like to add that my entire family has a history of depression, (general) anxiety disorder(s), and my dad is ADHD, as is my sister (terribly!) I stopped taking my ADHD medicine after my freshman year. I cannot even recall why I did so. I got a prescription to adderall xr 25mg and decided to take it again to see how I'd feel. I've taken it once since - yesterday, 1PM. I'm still up today, 5:30AM. Little but noticeable crash was noticed around 12AM, but after eating some food and drinking tons of water it was no issue. However, I felt absolutely great throughout the day. I accomplished so many tasks, was extremely social, and was full of confidence throughout the day. This brings me to my question. I'd like to note that I am still ADHD - I can't sit still and watch a movie unless I'm totally into it, working on projects is a major task for me, and I skip between songs all the time (does anybody else do this? - fuck there is my ADD again.) Will adderall actually help my depression, or did I just feel really good yesterday because of that first-time (at least in years) euphoric "high"? Also, how much will tolerance build up taking 25mg XR once daily? I'd also like to note that I take Sceletium tortuosum - a natural SSRI and PDE4 inhibitor. It helps boost my mood greatly, but the lack of confidence is there. That is something adderall completely fixed. Combining the two floods your brain with both dopamine and serotonin - although I notice no crash on Sceletium. Adderall was minor for me.
Is adderal good for treating depression (along with a natural ssri), or did I just feel good because of the "high" first day taking it? Oh, and how much does tolerance build up with daily 25mg XR use?
Oh god okay here it is. Not my first time, but this was the first time I had sex with my first seriousness relationship. So a few dates in we're getting hot and heavy. We'd already talked about sex and I knew she was on the pill and that she hated condoms. Of course I was pretty damn cool with this. Anyway we start getting to it, my first time riding bareback, and it is ducking amazing. In fact I manage to drop my gum in her hair. As I'm about to finish up, without saying anything, or pulling out, I cum. Riiiiiight up the vagina. When she exclaimed her surprise I explained I thought that was the point of the pill yada yada. We spent a few weeks pretty fuckin worried. TL;DR - New gf on the pill, came inside, gum in hair
Oh god okay here it is. Not my first time, but this was the first time I had sex with my first seriousness relationship. So a few dates in we're getting hot and heavy. We'd already talked about sex and I knew she was on the pill and that she hated condoms. Of course I was pretty damn cool with this. Anyway we start getting to it, my first time riding bareback, and it is ducking amazing. In fact I manage to drop my gum in her hair. As I'm about to finish up, without saying anything, or pulling out, I cum. Riiiiiight up the vagina. When she exclaimed her surprise I explained I thought that was the point of the pill yada yada. We spent a few weeks pretty fuckin worried. TL;DR - New gf on the pill, came inside, gum in hair
Oh god okay here it is. Not my first time, but this was the first time I had sex with my first seriousness relationship. So a few dates in we're getting hot and heavy. We'd already talked about sex and I knew she was on the pill and that she hated condoms. Of course I was pretty damn cool with this. Anyway we start getting to it, my first time riding bareback, and it is ducking amazing. In fact I manage to drop my gum in her hair. As I'm about to finish up, without saying anything, or pulling out, I cum. Riiiiiight up the vagina. When she exclaimed her surprise I explained I thought that was the point of the pill yada yada. We spent a few weeks pretty fuckin worried.
New gf on the pill, came inside, gum in hair
LPT: Before or after you shave (I prefer before so that the blades are dry), place your jeans on a hard flat surface; then run the razor up the pant legs about 10-15 times quickly; then repeat running it down the pant legs 10-15 times quickly. No need to press that hard, but a little pressure is necessary. In both instances, you want to point the top of the razor in the direction you are rubbing the shaver on the pants. In other words, don’t “shave” the pants; point the razor the other way, so that the blades glide over the surface of the jeans and don’t try to cut them. Source: tl;dr - Rub your razor down your jeans quickly, to re-sharpen the blades and greatly increase the life expectancy.
LPT: Before or after you shave (I prefer before so that the blades are dry), place your jeans on a hard flat surface; then run the razor up the pant legs about 10-15 times quickly; then repeat running it down the pant legs 10-15 times quickly. No need to press that hard, but a little pressure is necessary. In both instances, you want to point the top of the razor in the direction you are rubbing the shaver on the pants. In other words, don’t “shave” the pants; point the razor the other way, so that the blades glide over the surface of the jeans and don’t try to cut them. Source: tl;dr - Rub your razor down your jeans quickly, to re-sharpen the blades and greatly increase the life expectancy.
LPT: Before or after you shave (I prefer before so that the blades are dry), place your jeans on a hard flat surface; then run the razor up the pant legs about 10-15 times quickly; then repeat running it down the pant legs 10-15 times quickly. No need to press that hard, but a little pressure is necessary. In both instances, you want to point the top of the razor in the direction you are rubbing the shaver on the pants. In other words, don’t “shave” the pants; point the razor the other way, so that the blades glide over the surface of the jeans and don’t try to cut them. Source:
Rub your razor down your jeans quickly, to re-sharpen the blades and greatly increase the life expectancy.
**[/r/](/r/** agbullet posts on [suffering and impermanence]( jimmyslaysdragons [reaches a pinnacle of absurdity]( and eviltrancetwins links a comic on [the male angler fish]( **[/r/science](/r/science)** maxwellhill posts on how [thyme could stop the spread of MRSA]( SuperAwesomeness posts on an [experimental nuclear fusion reactor]( and misterthingy links video of an [autonomous quadrupedal robot that can dynamically navigate diverse terrain]( (thanks, martinw89). **[/r/AskReddit](/r/askreddit)** halfanapkin asks redditors to [tl;dr of their life's story]( SlothWith7Toes wonders if redditors are [disappointed with others of their race/nationality]( and CluelessWoman wants to know the [stupidest thing you've seen an intelligent person do]( --- Comment of the day: by [terafunker](
/r/ agbullet posts on [suffering and impermanence]( jimmyslaysdragons [reaches a pinnacle of absurdity]( and eviltrancetwins links a comic on [the male angler fish]( /r/science maxwellhill posts on how thyme could stop the spread of MRSA . /r/AskReddit halfanapkin asks redditors to [tl;dr of their life's story]( SlothWith7Toes wonders if redditors are [disappointed with others of their race/nationality]( and CluelessWoman wants to know the [stupidest thing you've seen an intelligent person do]( Comment of the day: by [terafunker](
r/ agbullet posts on [suffering and impermanence]( jimmyslaysdragons [reaches a pinnacle of absurdity]( and eviltrancetwins links a comic on [the male angler fish]( /r/science maxwellhill posts on how thyme could stop the spread of MRSA . /r/AskReddit halfanapkin asks redditors to [
of their life's story]( SlothWith7Toes wonders if redditors are [disappointed with others of their race/nationality]( and CluelessWoman wants to know the [stupidest thing you've seen an intelligent person do]( Comment of the day: by [terafunker](
So the vocaloids Kagamine Rin and Len have a song called death should not have taken thee! (link to song: ) And I found on the wikipidia that there is an E-book adaption. But after searching I cannot seem to get any result. Is there anyone who knows where I would be able to buy/read this? tl/dr: Looking for E-book of Kagamine Rin and Len but don't know where to buy/read All help is highly appreciated!!
So the vocaloids Kagamine Rin and Len have a song called death should not have taken thee! (link to song: ) And I found on the wikipidia that there is an E-book adaption. But after searching I cannot seem to get any result. Is there anyone who knows where I would be able to buy/read this? tl/dr: Looking for E-book of Kagamine Rin and Len but don't know where to buy/read All help is highly appreciated!!
So the vocaloids Kagamine Rin and Len have a song called death should not have taken thee! (link to song: ) And I found on the wikipidia that there is an E-book adaption. But after searching I cannot seem to get any result. Is there anyone who knows where I would be able to buy/read this?
Looking for E-book of Kagamine Rin and Len but don't know where to buy/read All help is highly appreciated!!
A friend of mine (now) [38/M] posted this last year re: breaking up with his (now) [36/F] girlfriend: He tried to follow the advice given, but apparently he's weak in the heart. He has tried to break things off several times since, and the arguments he's finding himself in are escalating in intensity. As his friend, I wish I could do more than just be there to chat with him when he reaches out, but we now live on opposite sides of Canada from each other, which makes it difficult to do anything more. He has fallen out of love with the woman, and really wants to break things off, but always gives in as he cares so much for her children, and they all live together. The advice I'm seeking is, what can I do to help him more? For him, what can he do to make breaking off this awful and awkward relationship? We need a fool-proof plan, and please keep in mind that his willpower seems to be beaten down from being stuck in such an awful situation for so long. --- **tl;dr**: My friend is still stuck in the relationship he posted about here: -- and he needs advice/help.
A friend of mine (now) [38/M] posted this last year re: breaking up with his (now) [36/F] girlfriend: He tried to follow the advice given, but apparently he's weak in the heart. He has tried to break things off several times since, and the arguments he's finding himself in are escalating in intensity. As his friend, I wish I could do more than just be there to chat with him when he reaches out, but we now live on opposite sides of Canada from each other, which makes it difficult to do anything more. He has fallen out of love with the woman, and really wants to break things off, but always gives in as he cares so much for her children, and they all live together. The advice I'm seeking is, what can I do to help him more? For him, what can he do to make breaking off this awful and awkward relationship? We need a fool-proof plan, and please keep in mind that his willpower seems to be beaten down from being stuck in such an awful situation for so long. tl;dr : My friend is still stuck in the relationship he posted about here: -- and he needs advice/help.
A friend of mine (now) [38/M] posted this last year re: breaking up with his (now) [36/F] girlfriend: He tried to follow the advice given, but apparently he's weak in the heart. He has tried to break things off several times since, and the arguments he's finding himself in are escalating in intensity. As his friend, I wish I could do more than just be there to chat with him when he reaches out, but we now live on opposite sides of Canada from each other, which makes it difficult to do anything more. He has fallen out of love with the woman, and really wants to break things off, but always gives in as he cares so much for her children, and they all live together. The advice I'm seeking is, what can I do to help him more? For him, what can he do to make breaking off this awful and awkward relationship? We need a fool-proof plan, and please keep in mind that his willpower seems to be beaten down from being stuck in such an awful situation for so long.
My friend is still stuck in the relationship he posted about here: -- and he needs advice/help.
I [22M] have known (of) this girl [20F] for a couple of years at my workplace but only in the past 3 months have we decided to talk. Our rosters only matched on weekends and while some weekends we could have a casual conversation during breaks, sometimes we could only manage a 'Hi', if anything at all as we work in completely separate areas with very few overlapping duties. Other than both of us being First-Aid attendants, we rarely worked together or knew much about each other and never had the time. She finished her resignation 3 weeks ago and we had a slow walk &amp; talk on the way out (she brought up that she graduated with a degree in biomedical science, was getting entry to a degree in pharmaceutical science and got a entry level job in a pharmacy. A career path I previously studied for and still had a interest in but had a offer in an alternative career and parted ways) and talked by her car for about 15 minutes before I abruptly asked if she wanted to keep in contact after I found we had a common interest and just genuinely wanted to know more about her and her reasons (I previously had no intention and would have just left it at goodbye and goodluck) and she gave me her Facebook. I added her a couple of days later and popped her a message asking how she was and she pretty much immediately gave me her number after she made a light-hearted joke about how often I (don't) use Facebook. Anyway, we went out for a coffee on Monday at around 5~ on my day off and after she finished work (she moved in with 2 other girls the week before and she lives with them during her work week but she goes back home to her mother on her days off who lives over an hour away in the city). Originally, we were both thinking we would chat for about half an hour until the place closed, but as the coffee shop didn't close until late, we talked for a good 2 and a half hours before it got late and we really needed to leave for work tomorrow. Everything was pretty relaxed, open and never a dull/awkward moment. I walked her to her car and she suggested we should do it again (I didn't have any input as I was thinking it was a one off meeting. We're going to the same place again but an hour earlier this Tuesday.) Now... Going out for coffee with someone I barely know is something I've never done and I just dove in without much worry or concern but as a side-effect, I was honestly oblivious to the fact of whether she was interested in a relationship or of her intentions. My previous relationships were with people I got to know over a period of months at university as lab partners and such and things just naturally went on to dating as we went outside. The things previously stated seem to suggest that she's pretty keen for dating, but she's very career/professionally driven while her personality is very mature for her age while being cute and bubbly... I'm fairly sure she hasn't been in a relationship for a few years (since highschool?), which is odd as she's a solid 8.5-9/10. Are there any quirks or actions I should look out for that would hint that she's interested while on our second outing? There's multiple restaurants within walking distance where we can go for dinner while being in a familiar setting on a third outing (if willing), but I literally have no experience if this is too fast. TL;DR - I have no experience with going out with people I don't know and I have no idea for what messages I should be looking out for while seeing her in person that would suggest what she's thinking.
I [22M] have known (of) this girl [20F] for a couple of years at my workplace but only in the past 3 months have we decided to talk. Our rosters only matched on weekends and while some weekends we could have a casual conversation during breaks, sometimes we could only manage a 'Hi', if anything at all as we work in completely separate areas with very few overlapping duties. Other than both of us being First-Aid attendants, we rarely worked together or knew much about each other and never had the time. She finished her resignation 3 weeks ago and we had a slow walk & talk on the way out (she brought up that she graduated with a degree in biomedical science, was getting entry to a degree in pharmaceutical science and got a entry level job in a pharmacy. A career path I previously studied for and still had a interest in but had a offer in an alternative career and parted ways) and talked by her car for about 15 minutes before I abruptly asked if she wanted to keep in contact after I found we had a common interest and just genuinely wanted to know more about her and her reasons (I previously had no intention and would have just left it at goodbye and goodluck) and she gave me her Facebook. I added her a couple of days later and popped her a message asking how she was and she pretty much immediately gave me her number after she made a light-hearted joke about how often I (don't) use Facebook. Anyway, we went out for a coffee on Monday at around 5~ on my day off and after she finished work (she moved in with 2 other girls the week before and she lives with them during her work week but she goes back home to her mother on her days off who lives over an hour away in the city). Originally, we were both thinking we would chat for about half an hour until the place closed, but as the coffee shop didn't close until late, we talked for a good 2 and a half hours before it got late and we really needed to leave for work tomorrow. Everything was pretty relaxed, open and never a dull/awkward moment. I walked her to her car and she suggested we should do it again (I didn't have any input as I was thinking it was a one off meeting. We're going to the same place again but an hour earlier this Tuesday.) Now... Going out for coffee with someone I barely know is something I've never done and I just dove in without much worry or concern but as a side-effect, I was honestly oblivious to the fact of whether she was interested in a relationship or of her intentions. My previous relationships were with people I got to know over a period of months at university as lab partners and such and things just naturally went on to dating as we went outside. The things previously stated seem to suggest that she's pretty keen for dating, but she's very career/professionally driven while her personality is very mature for her age while being cute and bubbly... I'm fairly sure she hasn't been in a relationship for a few years (since highschool?), which is odd as she's a solid 8.5-9/10. Are there any quirks or actions I should look out for that would hint that she's interested while on our second outing? There's multiple restaurants within walking distance where we can go for dinner while being in a familiar setting on a third outing (if willing), but I literally have no experience if this is too fast. TL;DR - I have no experience with going out with people I don't know and I have no idea for what messages I should be looking out for while seeing her in person that would suggest what she's thinking.
I [22M] have known (of) this girl [20F] for a couple of years at my workplace but only in the past 3 months have we decided to talk. Our rosters only matched on weekends and while some weekends we could have a casual conversation during breaks, sometimes we could only manage a 'Hi', if anything at all as we work in completely separate areas with very few overlapping duties. Other than both of us being First-Aid attendants, we rarely worked together or knew much about each other and never had the time. She finished her resignation 3 weeks ago and we had a slow walk & talk on the way out (she brought up that she graduated with a degree in biomedical science, was getting entry to a degree in pharmaceutical science and got a entry level job in a pharmacy. A career path I previously studied for and still had a interest in but had a offer in an alternative career and parted ways) and talked by her car for about 15 minutes before I abruptly asked if she wanted to keep in contact after I found we had a common interest and just genuinely wanted to know more about her and her reasons (I previously had no intention and would have just left it at goodbye and goodluck) and she gave me her Facebook. I added her a couple of days later and popped her a message asking how she was and she pretty much immediately gave me her number after she made a light-hearted joke about how often I (don't) use Facebook. Anyway, we went out for a coffee on Monday at around 5~ on my day off and after she finished work (she moved in with 2 other girls the week before and she lives with them during her work week but she goes back home to her mother on her days off who lives over an hour away in the city). Originally, we were both thinking we would chat for about half an hour until the place closed, but as the coffee shop didn't close until late, we talked for a good 2 and a half hours before it got late and we really needed to leave for work tomorrow. Everything was pretty relaxed, open and never a dull/awkward moment. I walked her to her car and she suggested we should do it again (I didn't have any input as I was thinking it was a one off meeting. We're going to the same place again but an hour earlier this Tuesday.) Now... Going out for coffee with someone I barely know is something I've never done and I just dove in without much worry or concern but as a side-effect, I was honestly oblivious to the fact of whether she was interested in a relationship or of her intentions. My previous relationships were with people I got to know over a period of months at university as lab partners and such and things just naturally went on to dating as we went outside. The things previously stated seem to suggest that she's pretty keen for dating, but she's very career/professionally driven while her personality is very mature for her age while being cute and bubbly... I'm fairly sure she hasn't been in a relationship for a few years (since highschool?), which is odd as she's a solid 8.5-9/10. Are there any quirks or actions I should look out for that would hint that she's interested while on our second outing? There's multiple restaurants within walking distance where we can go for dinner while being in a familiar setting on a third outing (if willing), but I literally have no experience if this is too fast.
I have no experience with going out with people I don't know and I have no idea for what messages I should be looking out for while seeing her in person that would suggest what she's thinking.
So, everyone, you saw how insanely popular Custom Paintings were since their addition, it's because it lets players in a multiplayer game share their creations with others, and that hugely improves the lifespan of a game, so I thought the next step after Custom PaintingS would be.. **Custom Music.** (for the guitar at first) But how? It's not simple but it's worth it, I promise: You should make the guitar use the [ABC Notation files]( to play music, which are basically text files containing all the notes and data of a specific song so you can play your own songs, preferably retro music in ogg format, converted to .ABC (text file) format using a special program, so that you and other people would be able to listen to the song by selecting it in a list, then the game just plays the text file of the corresponding song, replacing each note in it with a sound of a particular pitch. I got this idea from the game Starbound which uses the same system for its musical instruments, and it works perfectly online, unless you goofed somewhere in converting the file. (I used to take songs from Cave Story in ogg format, convert them to ABC text files and do some data changes in the resulting files to make them play in Starbound instruments, after a lot of fiddling, I nailed even the complex songs like the Frog Boss or the Undead Core Boss musics, or even Running Hell, I still have those abc files somewhere) I think the guitar is a pretty nice addition to Rust, but it still feels pretty limited since you can't play good songs with it and you find yourself just spamming random notes, it gets old fast, it has potential though so I had this idea to change completly how playing music with it works. *This allows for a huge, even* **infinite** *quantity of songs to be played through the Rust guitar, and potentially any other instrument added in the future using the same system but different sounds.* **TL;DR How it should work, you select a song from a list of ABC files you have in your Rust folder, and the guitar automatically plays the song, using differently pitched Guitar sounds depending on the notes it reads from the ABC File, which is just a TEXT FILE.**
So, everyone, you saw how insanely popular Custom Paintings were since their addition, it's because it lets players in a multiplayer game share their creations with others, and that hugely improves the lifespan of a game, so I thought the next step after Custom PaintingS would be.. Custom Music. (for the guitar at first) But how? It's not simple but it's worth it, I promise: You should make the guitar use the ABC Notation files format using a special program, so that you and other people would be able to listen to the song by selecting it in a list, then the game just plays the text file of the corresponding song, replacing each note in it with a sound of a particular pitch. I got this idea from the game Starbound which uses the same system for its musical instruments, and it works perfectly online, unless you goofed somewhere in converting the file. (I used to take songs from Cave Story in ogg format, convert them to ABC text files and do some data changes in the resulting files to make them play in Starbound instruments, after a lot of fiddling, I nailed even the complex songs like the Frog Boss or the Undead Core Boss musics, or even Running Hell, I still have those abc files somewhere) I think the guitar is a pretty nice addition to Rust, but it still feels pretty limited since you can't play good songs with it and you find yourself just spamming random notes, it gets old fast, it has potential though so I had this idea to change completly how playing music with it works. This allows for a huge, even infinite quantity of songs to be played through the Rust guitar, and potentially any other instrument added in the future using the same system but different sounds. TL;DR How it should work, you select a song from a list of ABC files you have in your Rust folder, and the guitar automatically plays the song, using differently pitched Guitar sounds depending on the notes it reads from the ABC File, which is just a TEXT FILE.
So, everyone, you saw how insanely popular Custom Paintings were since their addition, it's because it lets players in a multiplayer game share their creations with others, and that hugely improves the lifespan of a game, so I thought the next step after Custom PaintingS would be.. Custom Music. (for the guitar at first) But how? It's not simple but it's worth it, I promise: You should make the guitar use the ABC Notation files format using a special program, so that you and other people would be able to listen to the song by selecting it in a list, then the game just plays the text file of the corresponding song, replacing each note in it with a sound of a particular pitch. I got this idea from the game Starbound which uses the same system for its musical instruments, and it works perfectly online, unless you goofed somewhere in converting the file. (I used to take songs from Cave Story in ogg format, convert them to ABC text files and do some data changes in the resulting files to make them play in Starbound instruments, after a lot of fiddling, I nailed even the complex songs like the Frog Boss or the Undead Core Boss musics, or even Running Hell, I still have those abc files somewhere) I think the guitar is a pretty nice addition to Rust, but it still feels pretty limited since you can't play good songs with it and you find yourself just spamming random notes, it gets old fast, it has potential though so I had this idea to change completly how playing music with it works. This allows for a huge, even infinite quantity of songs to be played through the Rust guitar, and potentially any other instrument added in the future using the same system but different sounds.
How it should work, you select a song from a list of ABC files you have in your Rust folder, and the guitar automatically plays the song, using differently pitched Guitar sounds depending on the notes it reads from the ABC File, which is just a TEXT FILE.
A couple examples are: -she says she's fat and ugly, then she says i'll never find another girl like her when she goes to college. This one isnt really attractivness related, but it still bugs me: -she keeps talking about how stressed she is, but she keeps joining more clubs which add on to the stress. She just accepted an internship. I'm proud of her, but I think she's over working herself. What do I do? I am 16 years old and she turned 18 on April 26th. We have been dating for almost nine months (May 24th) TL;DR: My girlfriend thinks she's fat and ugly but also thinks she is great at everything. She also over stresses herself.
A couple examples are: -she says she's fat and ugly, then she says i'll never find another girl like her when she goes to college. This one isnt really attractivness related, but it still bugs me: -she keeps talking about how stressed she is, but she keeps joining more clubs which add on to the stress. She just accepted an internship. I'm proud of her, but I think she's over working herself. What do I do? I am 16 years old and she turned 18 on April 26th. We have been dating for almost nine months (May 24th) TL;DR: My girlfriend thinks she's fat and ugly but also thinks she is great at everything. She also over stresses herself.
A couple examples are: -she says she's fat and ugly, then she says i'll never find another girl like her when she goes to college. This one isnt really attractivness related, but it still bugs me: -she keeps talking about how stressed she is, but she keeps joining more clubs which add on to the stress. She just accepted an internship. I'm proud of her, but I think she's over working herself. What do I do? I am 16 years old and she turned 18 on April 26th. We have been dating for almost nine months (May 24th)
My girlfriend thinks she's fat and ugly but also thinks she is great at everything. She also over stresses herself.
I have a fun story for this. When I was in high school, my best friend was this guy named Mike. Mike was dating this girl, Audrey. She was a good 7/10, and through their relationship, I became good friends with her. Unfortunately, Mike was a very jealous person, and got mad. He and Audrey got into a huge argument, which ended up ending their seven month relationship. A month passes, and Audrey and I are closer than ever. Mike has a new girlfriend now, Krista, who happens to be Audrey's best friend. Mike and I are still friends, so I decide to ask him if I can ask Audrey out, following the bro code and everything. He says sure, and that he doesn't care. I asked her out, and surprisingly, she said yes. It turns out, Mike did care. He was pissed. Apparently, he expected Audrey to reject me, because he wanted her as a Plan B if things with Krista didn't work out. I told him he was a dick, and we argued. After that, we stopped talking completely. However, Mike still wanted Audrey as his plan b, so he convinced her to break up with me, saying he would take her back if/when he broke up with Krista. Audrey decided that she still loved him, and broke up with me. A few weeks later, Mike lost his virginity to Krista, and told Audrey. At this point, Audrey realized Mike was manipulating her, and came back to me. We began dating, and dated happily for about 4 months. 4 months passed, and the relationship was getting boring for me. I was a Freshman in high school and wasn't looking for anything long-term, so I broke up with her. It was about that point that I realized that even though Mike was a dick, I still missed my best friend. So I returned to him, apologizing and asking to be his friend again. He accepted my apology, but on one condition, I wasn't allowed to talk to Krista. Throughout my relationship with Audrey, I became good friends with Krista too. Krista and I talked about it that night, and decided that we would still stay friends and just not tell Mike. We hung out a couple times, and the only person who knew was Audrey. The issue was that I underestimated what a jealous ex would do. She told Mike that I was hanging out with Krista. Mike, surprisingly, said he could forgive me if I stopped contact with her all together. Right around this time, I realized what a manipulative dick he was, and I wanted revenge. I told him I would stop talking to her, but in reality, I didn't. Krista and I started hanging out more and more, to the point where we were almost dating. Mike had no idea, until Audrey found out. Krista and Audrey were neighbors, and in hindsight, I could have been a lot more careful, so it wasn't a huge shock when she saw me holding Krista's hand. If you hadn't guessed by now, she told Mike. I'm not going to lie, I was afraid. Mike was over a foot taller than me, and would easily kick my ass. I guess I was somewhat lucky that he could handle his emotions better, because he never confronted me on it. Instead, he went to Krista. He told her she had to choose between me and him, and after some thinking, she reluctantly chose him. That was essentially the end of our friendship. To this day, Mike still hates me. I think he's a manipulative dickass, but I no longer hate him. tl;dr: manipulative dick is a manipulative dick, I try to get some revenge on him which ultimately fails.
I have a fun story for this. When I was in high school, my best friend was this guy named Mike. Mike was dating this girl, Audrey. She was a good 7/10, and through their relationship, I became good friends with her. Unfortunately, Mike was a very jealous person, and got mad. He and Audrey got into a huge argument, which ended up ending their seven month relationship. A month passes, and Audrey and I are closer than ever. Mike has a new girlfriend now, Krista, who happens to be Audrey's best friend. Mike and I are still friends, so I decide to ask him if I can ask Audrey out, following the bro code and everything. He says sure, and that he doesn't care. I asked her out, and surprisingly, she said yes. It turns out, Mike did care. He was pissed. Apparently, he expected Audrey to reject me, because he wanted her as a Plan B if things with Krista didn't work out. I told him he was a dick, and we argued. After that, we stopped talking completely. However, Mike still wanted Audrey as his plan b, so he convinced her to break up with me, saying he would take her back if/when he broke up with Krista. Audrey decided that she still loved him, and broke up with me. A few weeks later, Mike lost his virginity to Krista, and told Audrey. At this point, Audrey realized Mike was manipulating her, and came back to me. We began dating, and dated happily for about 4 months. 4 months passed, and the relationship was getting boring for me. I was a Freshman in high school and wasn't looking for anything long-term, so I broke up with her. It was about that point that I realized that even though Mike was a dick, I still missed my best friend. So I returned to him, apologizing and asking to be his friend again. He accepted my apology, but on one condition, I wasn't allowed to talk to Krista. Throughout my relationship with Audrey, I became good friends with Krista too. Krista and I talked about it that night, and decided that we would still stay friends and just not tell Mike. We hung out a couple times, and the only person who knew was Audrey. The issue was that I underestimated what a jealous ex would do. She told Mike that I was hanging out with Krista. Mike, surprisingly, said he could forgive me if I stopped contact with her all together. Right around this time, I realized what a manipulative dick he was, and I wanted revenge. I told him I would stop talking to her, but in reality, I didn't. Krista and I started hanging out more and more, to the point where we were almost dating. Mike had no idea, until Audrey found out. Krista and Audrey were neighbors, and in hindsight, I could have been a lot more careful, so it wasn't a huge shock when she saw me holding Krista's hand. If you hadn't guessed by now, she told Mike. I'm not going to lie, I was afraid. Mike was over a foot taller than me, and would easily kick my ass. I guess I was somewhat lucky that he could handle his emotions better, because he never confronted me on it. Instead, he went to Krista. He told her she had to choose between me and him, and after some thinking, she reluctantly chose him. That was essentially the end of our friendship. To this day, Mike still hates me. I think he's a manipulative dickass, but I no longer hate him. tl;dr: manipulative dick is a manipulative dick, I try to get some revenge on him which ultimately fails.
I have a fun story for this. When I was in high school, my best friend was this guy named Mike. Mike was dating this girl, Audrey. She was a good 7/10, and through their relationship, I became good friends with her. Unfortunately, Mike was a very jealous person, and got mad. He and Audrey got into a huge argument, which ended up ending their seven month relationship. A month passes, and Audrey and I are closer than ever. Mike has a new girlfriend now, Krista, who happens to be Audrey's best friend. Mike and I are still friends, so I decide to ask him if I can ask Audrey out, following the bro code and everything. He says sure, and that he doesn't care. I asked her out, and surprisingly, she said yes. It turns out, Mike did care. He was pissed. Apparently, he expected Audrey to reject me, because he wanted her as a Plan B if things with Krista didn't work out. I told him he was a dick, and we argued. After that, we stopped talking completely. However, Mike still wanted Audrey as his plan b, so he convinced her to break up with me, saying he would take her back if/when he broke up with Krista. Audrey decided that she still loved him, and broke up with me. A few weeks later, Mike lost his virginity to Krista, and told Audrey. At this point, Audrey realized Mike was manipulating her, and came back to me. We began dating, and dated happily for about 4 months. 4 months passed, and the relationship was getting boring for me. I was a Freshman in high school and wasn't looking for anything long-term, so I broke up with her. It was about that point that I realized that even though Mike was a dick, I still missed my best friend. So I returned to him, apologizing and asking to be his friend again. He accepted my apology, but on one condition, I wasn't allowed to talk to Krista. Throughout my relationship with Audrey, I became good friends with Krista too. Krista and I talked about it that night, and decided that we would still stay friends and just not tell Mike. We hung out a couple times, and the only person who knew was Audrey. The issue was that I underestimated what a jealous ex would do. She told Mike that I was hanging out with Krista. Mike, surprisingly, said he could forgive me if I stopped contact with her all together. Right around this time, I realized what a manipulative dick he was, and I wanted revenge. I told him I would stop talking to her, but in reality, I didn't. Krista and I started hanging out more and more, to the point where we were almost dating. Mike had no idea, until Audrey found out. Krista and Audrey were neighbors, and in hindsight, I could have been a lot more careful, so it wasn't a huge shock when she saw me holding Krista's hand. If you hadn't guessed by now, she told Mike. I'm not going to lie, I was afraid. Mike was over a foot taller than me, and would easily kick my ass. I guess I was somewhat lucky that he could handle his emotions better, because he never confronted me on it. Instead, he went to Krista. He told her she had to choose between me and him, and after some thinking, she reluctantly chose him. That was essentially the end of our friendship. To this day, Mike still hates me. I think he's a manipulative dickass, but I no longer hate him.
manipulative dick is a manipulative dick, I try to get some revenge on him which ultimately fails.
I only quit a few days ago, but I've been struggling some. One thing that seems to help me avoid fapping also helps me appreciate other things in life. Instead of getting off, I've been spending some of that time working out, or browsing /r/pics, /r/aww, and /r/music. It's helped me appreciate some of the things I love a bit more, and work as an effective distraction. /r/pics has some really incredible posts, some of which I will stop and marvel at for minutes on end. I think the benefits of /r/aww speak for themselves. Last but not least, /r/music has gotten me more and more involved in a passion of mine that I have been falling out of. I've been playing guitar and piano more, singing more, and spending more time analyzing songs I love. TL;DR: I have a ways to go, but I'm starting to rediscover some of the things I love, and it's helping maintain my fapstinance.
I only quit a few days ago, but I've been struggling some. One thing that seems to help me avoid fapping also helps me appreciate other things in life. Instead of getting off, I've been spending some of that time working out, or browsing /r/pics, /r/aww, and /r/music. It's helped me appreciate some of the things I love a bit more, and work as an effective distraction. /r/pics has some really incredible posts, some of which I will stop and marvel at for minutes on end. I think the benefits of /r/aww speak for themselves. Last but not least, /r/music has gotten me more and more involved in a passion of mine that I have been falling out of. I've been playing guitar and piano more, singing more, and spending more time analyzing songs I love. TL;DR: I have a ways to go, but I'm starting to rediscover some of the things I love, and it's helping maintain my fapstinance.
I only quit a few days ago, but I've been struggling some. One thing that seems to help me avoid fapping also helps me appreciate other things in life. Instead of getting off, I've been spending some of that time working out, or browsing /r/pics, /r/aww, and /r/music. It's helped me appreciate some of the things I love a bit more, and work as an effective distraction. /r/pics has some really incredible posts, some of which I will stop and marvel at for minutes on end. I think the benefits of /r/aww speak for themselves. Last but not least, /r/music has gotten me more and more involved in a passion of mine that I have been falling out of. I've been playing guitar and piano more, singing more, and spending more time analyzing songs I love.
I have a ways to go, but I'm starting to rediscover some of the things I love, and it's helping maintain my fapstinance.
I honestly have no clue where all of this comes from. This is a motif that I've noticed way too often on Reddit or else where on internet. That Deaf Community is rude, asshats, etc. I also saw that comment yesterday and for some reason, it really bothered me. More than the other times I've seen similar comments. So, today, I spent most of my time thinking about this- *why?* I came up with several possible explanations. Feel free to agree or disagree with them. 1. They hear bad things about Deaf community. This leads to thinking that all Deaf people are bad. This line of thinking is similar to, say, thinking that all African-Americans are lazy welfare collectors and thieves. This (should be) obviously incorrect yet, some people truly think this. 2. A bad experience. Even within Deaf community, there are variety of characters. This is similar to the previous explanation. They meet a Deaf person with questionable moral or such and then label the whole community as having questionable moral. Truth is that we're all still individuals in the end. 3. Lack of cultural sensitiveness / awareness- on both sides. A good example of this was bought up by a commenter in this thread- Deaf people being noisy and then claiming that it's part of their culture or something silly like that. Likewise, people will claim that the Deaf community are terrible because they don't like certain people or don't agree with certain methods/ philosophy. This is a massive problem, in my opinion. A little aside- I wonder how many of those "bad experiences" with a Deaf person was based on cultural misunderstanding- afterall, Deaf Community is notoriously blunt and I could see this offending somebody. I've also seen many people take a Deaf person's attempts to be sarcastic seriously. 4. Holding the whole Deaf community up to a Golden Standard. Similar to number 1 and 2, but more rather, they **expect** everybody in the Deaf community to be an ideal person. That everybody within the community should be intelligent, literate, and all that shit. This is stupid, to be honest. Look at American society as whole. Are all Americans intelligent, literate, and of good taste? Fuck no. Everyday, the front page is full of redditors bitching about poor grammar, lack of common sense, poor taste, and all that jazz. Why would Deaf community be any different? The small membership of Deaf community just makes it worse- there's fewer intelligent Deaf people around for people to interact with and dispel all of those myths. And that's off the top of my head. I don't doubt that people had bad experiences with Deaf community but to label the *whole* community as inherently bad is a poor move. I've also noticed that some people would describe Deaf community in ways that is similar to how people would describe minorities (Indians, African-Americans, Women, Traditional societies) in the past. For example, somebody in /r/Deaf once said that Deaf people are inherently lazy. There's probably already terminologies to describe all of this stuff but alas, I didn't go down the right route to learn 'em. tl;dr I can't. Edit: I would like to add another thing. This might be just me putting on my tinfoil hat on but I feel that some people are spreading misinformation about Deaf community on purpose. I remember reading a leaked memo that Alexander Graham Bell Association wrote to a police dept that was overseeing a Deaf community-related rally or such- the memo warned that Deaf people were violent. I cannot remember if it was ever found out if it was legit memo or not. But there might be greater force than Deaf community asshats at work. Again- could just be a tinfoil hat moment for me.
I honestly have no clue where all of this comes from. This is a motif that I've noticed way too often on Reddit or else where on internet. That Deaf Community is rude, asshats, etc. I also saw that comment yesterday and for some reason, it really bothered me. More than the other times I've seen similar comments. So, today, I spent most of my time thinking about this- why? I came up with several possible explanations. Feel free to agree or disagree with them. They hear bad things about Deaf community. This leads to thinking that all Deaf people are bad. This line of thinking is similar to, say, thinking that all African-Americans are lazy welfare collectors and thieves. This (should be) obviously incorrect yet, some people truly think this. A bad experience. Even within Deaf community, there are variety of characters. This is similar to the previous explanation. They meet a Deaf person with questionable moral or such and then label the whole community as having questionable moral. Truth is that we're all still individuals in the end. Lack of cultural sensitiveness / awareness- on both sides. A good example of this was bought up by a commenter in this thread- Deaf people being noisy and then claiming that it's part of their culture or something silly like that. Likewise, people will claim that the Deaf community are terrible because they don't like certain people or don't agree with certain methods/ philosophy. This is a massive problem, in my opinion. A little aside- I wonder how many of those "bad experiences" with a Deaf person was based on cultural misunderstanding- afterall, Deaf Community is notoriously blunt and I could see this offending somebody. I've also seen many people take a Deaf person's attempts to be sarcastic seriously. Holding the whole Deaf community up to a Golden Standard. Similar to number 1 and 2, but more rather, they expect everybody in the Deaf community to be an ideal person. That everybody within the community should be intelligent, literate, and all that shit. This is stupid, to be honest. Look at American society as whole. Are all Americans intelligent, literate, and of good taste? Fuck no. Everyday, the front page is full of redditors bitching about poor grammar, lack of common sense, poor taste, and all that jazz. Why would Deaf community be any different? The small membership of Deaf community just makes it worse- there's fewer intelligent Deaf people around for people to interact with and dispel all of those myths. And that's off the top of my head. I don't doubt that people had bad experiences with Deaf community but to label the whole community as inherently bad is a poor move. I've also noticed that some people would describe Deaf community in ways that is similar to how people would describe minorities (Indians, African-Americans, Women, Traditional societies) in the past. For example, somebody in /r/Deaf once said that Deaf people are inherently lazy. There's probably already terminologies to describe all of this stuff but alas, I didn't go down the right route to learn 'em. tl;dr I can't. Edit: I would like to add another thing. This might be just me putting on my tinfoil hat on but I feel that some people are spreading misinformation about Deaf community on purpose. I remember reading a leaked memo that Alexander Graham Bell Association wrote to a police dept that was overseeing a Deaf community-related rally or such- the memo warned that Deaf people were violent. I cannot remember if it was ever found out if it was legit memo or not. But there might be greater force than Deaf community asshats at work. Again- could just be a tinfoil hat moment for me.
I honestly have no clue where all of this comes from. This is a motif that I've noticed way too often on Reddit or else where on internet. That Deaf Community is rude, asshats, etc. I also saw that comment yesterday and for some reason, it really bothered me. More than the other times I've seen similar comments. So, today, I spent most of my time thinking about this- why? I came up with several possible explanations. Feel free to agree or disagree with them. They hear bad things about Deaf community. This leads to thinking that all Deaf people are bad. This line of thinking is similar to, say, thinking that all African-Americans are lazy welfare collectors and thieves. This (should be) obviously incorrect yet, some people truly think this. A bad experience. Even within Deaf community, there are variety of characters. This is similar to the previous explanation. They meet a Deaf person with questionable moral or such and then label the whole community as having questionable moral. Truth is that we're all still individuals in the end. Lack of cultural sensitiveness / awareness- on both sides. A good example of this was bought up by a commenter in this thread- Deaf people being noisy and then claiming that it's part of their culture or something silly like that. Likewise, people will claim that the Deaf community are terrible because they don't like certain people or don't agree with certain methods/ philosophy. This is a massive problem, in my opinion. A little aside- I wonder how many of those "bad experiences" with a Deaf person was based on cultural misunderstanding- afterall, Deaf Community is notoriously blunt and I could see this offending somebody. I've also seen many people take a Deaf person's attempts to be sarcastic seriously. Holding the whole Deaf community up to a Golden Standard. Similar to number 1 and 2, but more rather, they expect everybody in the Deaf community to be an ideal person. That everybody within the community should be intelligent, literate, and all that shit. This is stupid, to be honest. Look at American society as whole. Are all Americans intelligent, literate, and of good taste? Fuck no. Everyday, the front page is full of redditors bitching about poor grammar, lack of common sense, poor taste, and all that jazz. Why would Deaf community be any different? The small membership of Deaf community just makes it worse- there's fewer intelligent Deaf people around for people to interact with and dispel all of those myths. And that's off the top of my head. I don't doubt that people had bad experiences with Deaf community but to label the whole community as inherently bad is a poor move. I've also noticed that some people would describe Deaf community in ways that is similar to how people would describe minorities (Indians, African-Americans, Women, Traditional societies) in the past. For example, somebody in /r/Deaf once said that Deaf people are inherently lazy. There's probably already terminologies to describe all of this stuff but alas, I didn't go down the right route to learn 'em.
I can't. Edit: I would like to add another thing. This might be just me putting on my tinfoil hat on but I feel that some people are spreading misinformation about Deaf community on purpose. I remember reading a leaked memo that Alexander Graham Bell Association wrote to a police dept that was overseeing a Deaf community-related rally or such- the memo warned that Deaf people were violent. I cannot remember if it was ever found out if it was legit memo or not. But there might be greater force than Deaf community asshats at work. Again- could just be a tinfoil hat moment for me.
&gt;lol, you're so predictable every single one of your replies starts off w/ an overcompensating "you don't know what you're talking about" sort of comment... This is the logical consequence of repeatedly replying when you don't know what you're talking about. FTR: this is actually the case here. It appears that you're so far from knowing what you're talking about, in fact, that you haven't even noticed that you're talking about it (while not knowing about it) to someone different from the first person who pointed out that you don't know what you're talking about. tl;dr you don't know what you're talking about.
>lol, you're so predictable every single one of your replies starts off w/ an overcompensating "you don't know what you're talking about" sort of comment... This is the logical consequence of repeatedly replying when you don't know what you're talking about. FTR: this is actually the case here. It appears that you're so far from knowing what you're talking about, in fact, that you haven't even noticed that you're talking about it (while not knowing about it) to someone different from the first person who pointed out that you don't know what you're talking about. tl;dr you don't know what you're talking about.
lol, you're so predictable every single one of your replies starts off w/ an overcompensating "you don't know what you're talking about" sort of comment... This is the logical consequence of repeatedly replying when you don't know what you're talking about. FTR: this is actually the case here. It appears that you're so far from knowing what you're talking about, in fact, that you haven't even noticed that you're talking about it (while not knowing about it) to someone different from the first person who pointed out that you don't know what you're talking about.
you don't know what you're talking about.
If you actually read my posts, you'd see that I've made no value judgments on what's being done here - only an attempt at seeing the rationality behind it. You'll also see that I've come out strictly against the "hurr durr pathetic small-peen Asians" crowd in the replies. In no way am I saying "racist Asians keepin the white boys down", nor did I make any claim that this sort of thing only occurs with Asians - if you've read the posts that way, I'm afraid that's entirely projection on your part. The frustration re: Asian women dating white guys is a pretty universal issue in Asian-American communities, it's probably one of the worst kept secrets we have. Glossing over it or pretending it doesn't exist won't make it go away, and bringing it up doesn't make us a bunch of racist pricks - it simply *is*, and likewise creating an Asians-only haven is a pretty natural progression and response. None of this is particularly evil or nefarious, though it's still exclusionary. Shitty solutions to shitty problems, what else is new. &gt; But then again you're unique and speshul, not like those other loser Asian guys amirite? Since you didn't fall for the "I'm an Asian guy" bit, I suppose I can tell you that when I wake up in the morning I don't see a 5'7" Asian dude in the mirror, instead I'm a 6'4" blonde hair, blue-eyed ubermensch. Give me a break, I'm right there in the trenches with every other Asian. I know full well that most of the time, all things being equal, my white equivalent will get the girl and I won't. I used to be incredibly butthurt about that fact, but I've made my peace with it. Shit sucks more when you're not white: news at 11. The guys running Asian-only clubs, they're the ones who've got it figured out - instead of wasting their time on people who aren't interested anyways, they've created an environment where it's way easier to succeed. If anything, I'm the loser for sticking with my guns, and they're the winner for, well, probably getting laid a lot more than me. **tl;dr:** Stop projecting your own problems onto me. I've said nor implied *anything* you've accused me of.
If you actually read my posts, you'd see that I've made no value judgments on what's being done here - only an attempt at seeing the rationality behind it. You'll also see that I've come out strictly against the "hurr durr pathetic small-peen Asians" crowd in the replies. In no way am I saying "racist Asians keepin the white boys down", nor did I make any claim that this sort of thing only occurs with Asians - if you've read the posts that way, I'm afraid that's entirely projection on your part. The frustration re: Asian women dating white guys is a pretty universal issue in Asian-American communities, it's probably one of the worst kept secrets we have. Glossing over it or pretending it doesn't exist won't make it go away, and bringing it up doesn't make us a bunch of racist pricks - it simply is , and likewise creating an Asians-only haven is a pretty natural progression and response. None of this is particularly evil or nefarious, though it's still exclusionary. Shitty solutions to shitty problems, what else is new. > But then again you're unique and speshul, not like those other loser Asian guys amirite? Since you didn't fall for the "I'm an Asian guy" bit, I suppose I can tell you that when I wake up in the morning I don't see a 5'7" Asian dude in the mirror, instead I'm a 6'4" blonde hair, blue-eyed ubermensch. Give me a break, I'm right there in the trenches with every other Asian. I know full well that most of the time, all things being equal, my white equivalent will get the girl and I won't. I used to be incredibly butthurt about that fact, but I've made my peace with it. Shit sucks more when you're not white: news at 11. The guys running Asian-only clubs, they're the ones who've got it figured out - instead of wasting their time on people who aren't interested anyways, they've created an environment where it's way easier to succeed. If anything, I'm the loser for sticking with my guns, and they're the winner for, well, probably getting laid a lot more than me. tl;dr: Stop projecting your own problems onto me. I've said nor implied anything you've accused me of.
If you actually read my posts, you'd see that I've made no value judgments on what's being done here - only an attempt at seeing the rationality behind it. You'll also see that I've come out strictly against the "hurr durr pathetic small-peen Asians" crowd in the replies. In no way am I saying "racist Asians keepin the white boys down", nor did I make any claim that this sort of thing only occurs with Asians - if you've read the posts that way, I'm afraid that's entirely projection on your part. The frustration re: Asian women dating white guys is a pretty universal issue in Asian-American communities, it's probably one of the worst kept secrets we have. Glossing over it or pretending it doesn't exist won't make it go away, and bringing it up doesn't make us a bunch of racist pricks - it simply is , and likewise creating an Asians-only haven is a pretty natural progression and response. None of this is particularly evil or nefarious, though it's still exclusionary. Shitty solutions to shitty problems, what else is new. > But then again you're unique and speshul, not like those other loser Asian guys amirite? Since you didn't fall for the "I'm an Asian guy" bit, I suppose I can tell you that when I wake up in the morning I don't see a 5'7" Asian dude in the mirror, instead I'm a 6'4" blonde hair, blue-eyed ubermensch. Give me a break, I'm right there in the trenches with every other Asian. I know full well that most of the time, all things being equal, my white equivalent will get the girl and I won't. I used to be incredibly butthurt about that fact, but I've made my peace with it. Shit sucks more when you're not white: news at 11. The guys running Asian-only clubs, they're the ones who've got it figured out - instead of wasting their time on people who aren't interested anyways, they've created an environment where it's way easier to succeed. If anything, I'm the loser for sticking with my guns, and they're the winner for, well, probably getting laid a lot more than me.
Stop projecting your own problems onto me. I've said nor implied anything you've accused me of.
Highschool- Me and my friend got hit by a car one morning while changing bus. We went to the hospital in the morning but my friend got a torn ankle so he had to stay there for the whole day while I just hoped in the bus, with just a pretty huge bruise on my arm, and got back to school. I entered my first afternoon class and was greeted by the ghost-white faces and whispers of everyone in class. Apparently, the word was that I was at the brink of death and that my friend had to be amputed a limb. Weirdest afternoon of my life. TL;DR: Got hit by a car in the morning, went to school in the afternoon with a bruised arm. Everyone thought I was dead.
Highschool- Me and my friend got hit by a car one morning while changing bus. We went to the hospital in the morning but my friend got a torn ankle so he had to stay there for the whole day while I just hoped in the bus, with just a pretty huge bruise on my arm, and got back to school. I entered my first afternoon class and was greeted by the ghost-white faces and whispers of everyone in class. Apparently, the word was that I was at the brink of death and that my friend had to be amputed a limb. Weirdest afternoon of my life. TL;DR: Got hit by a car in the morning, went to school in the afternoon with a bruised arm. Everyone thought I was dead.
Highschool- Me and my friend got hit by a car one morning while changing bus. We went to the hospital in the morning but my friend got a torn ankle so he had to stay there for the whole day while I just hoped in the bus, with just a pretty huge bruise on my arm, and got back to school. I entered my first afternoon class and was greeted by the ghost-white faces and whispers of everyone in class. Apparently, the word was that I was at the brink of death and that my friend had to be amputed a limb. Weirdest afternoon of my life.
Got hit by a car in the morning, went to school in the afternoon with a bruised arm. Everyone thought I was dead.
It was actually my aunt. My dad was in the hospital for 6 weeks recovering from a surgery and my mom was staying with him to take care of him. My siblings went to my grandma but I had to stay with my aunt as a punishment. My cousin was getting the same punishment for the same reason but her grades picked up before mine did. What ended up happening to her was a lot worse. We were in middle school and our school didn't allow us to go inside before the morning bell rang and was surrounded by apartments. One morning instead of waiting outside the school she walked across the street to a friend's apartment to wait there instead of outside. When my aunt found out she completely flipped her switch and spend hours alternating between yelling at her and having my cousin's step dad spank her. Her hit her so hard that he actually tore one belt and then used another. Afterwards, her thighs were bruised over such a large area that she had to switch out all of her gym clothes because her shorts didn't fully cover the bruise and she didn't want anyone to see. My aunt made her wear old baggy clothes, didn't allow her to wear make up and then braided her hair into complicated ways so she couldn't rearrange it so my cousin would feel "ugly" at school. TL;DR - cousin walks across the street before school, gets spanked so hard she has a notebook sized bruise after
It was actually my aunt. My dad was in the hospital for 6 weeks recovering from a surgery and my mom was staying with him to take care of him. My siblings went to my grandma but I had to stay with my aunt as a punishment. My cousin was getting the same punishment for the same reason but her grades picked up before mine did. What ended up happening to her was a lot worse. We were in middle school and our school didn't allow us to go inside before the morning bell rang and was surrounded by apartments. One morning instead of waiting outside the school she walked across the street to a friend's apartment to wait there instead of outside. When my aunt found out she completely flipped her switch and spend hours alternating between yelling at her and having my cousin's step dad spank her. Her hit her so hard that he actually tore one belt and then used another. Afterwards, her thighs were bruised over such a large area that she had to switch out all of her gym clothes because her shorts didn't fully cover the bruise and she didn't want anyone to see. My aunt made her wear old baggy clothes, didn't allow her to wear make up and then braided her hair into complicated ways so she couldn't rearrange it so my cousin would feel "ugly" at school. TL;DR - cousin walks across the street before school, gets spanked so hard she has a notebook sized bruise after
It was actually my aunt. My dad was in the hospital for 6 weeks recovering from a surgery and my mom was staying with him to take care of him. My siblings went to my grandma but I had to stay with my aunt as a punishment. My cousin was getting the same punishment for the same reason but her grades picked up before mine did. What ended up happening to her was a lot worse. We were in middle school and our school didn't allow us to go inside before the morning bell rang and was surrounded by apartments. One morning instead of waiting outside the school she walked across the street to a friend's apartment to wait there instead of outside. When my aunt found out she completely flipped her switch and spend hours alternating between yelling at her and having my cousin's step dad spank her. Her hit her so hard that he actually tore one belt and then used another. Afterwards, her thighs were bruised over such a large area that she had to switch out all of her gym clothes because her shorts didn't fully cover the bruise and she didn't want anyone to see. My aunt made her wear old baggy clothes, didn't allow her to wear make up and then braided her hair into complicated ways so she couldn't rearrange it so my cousin would feel "ugly" at school.
cousin walks across the street before school, gets spanked so hard she has a notebook sized bruise after
There has been quite a bit of talk on dungeons and how to make them relevant without screwing with the economy and introducing a lot of gold. I propose a win/win for both the community as well as Anet. Introduce a weekly dungeon. The following is an example. Week 1: AC * Story mode can be done to give 30 tokens. * All explorable paths give 90 tokens. * All paths exp/story give old gold rewards. * Rewards revert back to current levels after the first weekly run for each path. Week 2 : Caudecus Manor Week 3 : Twilight Arbor etc This system accomplishes three main goals: * Focuses the population, therefore allows for faster LFG. * Doesn't screw with the economy too much by having a weekly lockout. * Allows newer players to gear up more quickly without having to craft. I know this will probably never happen, but hey ... worth a shot right? **TLDR: Weekly dungeons that give old gold rewards with increases tokens.**
There has been quite a bit of talk on dungeons and how to make them relevant without screwing with the economy and introducing a lot of gold. I propose a win/win for both the community as well as Anet. Introduce a weekly dungeon. The following is an example. Week 1: AC Story mode can be done to give 30 tokens. All explorable paths give 90 tokens. All paths exp/story give old gold rewards. Rewards revert back to current levels after the first weekly run for each path. Week 2 : Caudecus Manor Week 3 : Twilight Arbor etc This system accomplishes three main goals: Focuses the population, therefore allows for faster LFG. Doesn't screw with the economy too much by having a weekly lockout. Allows newer players to gear up more quickly without having to craft. I know this will probably never happen, but hey ... worth a shot right? TLDR: Weekly dungeons that give old gold rewards with increases tokens.
There has been quite a bit of talk on dungeons and how to make them relevant without screwing with the economy and introducing a lot of gold. I propose a win/win for both the community as well as Anet. Introduce a weekly dungeon. The following is an example. Week 1: AC Story mode can be done to give 30 tokens. All explorable paths give 90 tokens. All paths exp/story give old gold rewards. Rewards revert back to current levels after the first weekly run for each path. Week 2 : Caudecus Manor Week 3 : Twilight Arbor etc This system accomplishes three main goals: Focuses the population, therefore allows for faster LFG. Doesn't screw with the economy too much by having a weekly lockout. Allows newer players to gear up more quickly without having to craft. I know this will probably never happen, but hey ... worth a shot right?
Weekly dungeons that give old gold rewards with increases tokens.
So I was walking to my downtown Minneapolis apartment Friday night around midnight, and noticed several cop cars had set up a perimeter around HCMC. I went and talked to a perimeter cop, who said there had been a bad accident and they were doing crash investigation. Does anyone have any more details? tl;dr Cop perimeter around HCMC. Details?
So I was walking to my downtown Minneapolis apartment Friday night around midnight, and noticed several cop cars had set up a perimeter around HCMC. I went and talked to a perimeter cop, who said there had been a bad accident and they were doing crash investigation. Does anyone have any more details? tl;dr Cop perimeter around HCMC. Details?
So I was walking to my downtown Minneapolis apartment Friday night around midnight, and noticed several cop cars had set up a perimeter around HCMC. I went and talked to a perimeter cop, who said there had been a bad accident and they were doing crash investigation. Does anyone have any more details?
Cop perimeter around HCMC. Details?
I've lurked on reddit for a few years, but never signed up for an account (can't be bothered by the enter captcha, confirm email, blah blah blah) During the great Digg migration, I relented. Signing up, made me feel like a fool. (pick name, password, thats it...FFFUUUU) Actually, investing a night to reddit, made me feel more like a fool. I can't believe what I've missed out on. Being an avid computer user (since getting my first c64 in 85). I learned assembly, c, c+, various other languages, all on my own. I build my own computers, and I'm the IT guy with my friends and coworkers. But for some reason, reddit make me feel like a noob. When I reply to a message, I can't for the life of me figure out how to do correct carriage returns (chr$(13) on the c64). Every message I type, becomes the second dreaded message (after the ALL CAPS message), The Wall Of Text How do I do this. I usually have to do 2 carriage returns to make a line scroll down one. God forbid, I try to start a new paragraph. I tried that once and raged. I just walked away. TL;DR how do I do a carriage return on reddit. EDIT Of course typing this in, it all worked out great...FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU
I've lurked on reddit for a few years, but never signed up for an account (can't be bothered by the enter captcha, confirm email, blah blah blah) During the great Digg migration, I relented. Signing up, made me feel like a fool. (pick name, password, thats it...FFFUUUU) Actually, investing a night to reddit, made me feel more like a fool. I can't believe what I've missed out on. Being an avid computer user (since getting my first c64 in 85). I learned assembly, c, c+, various other languages, all on my own. I build my own computers, and I'm the IT guy with my friends and coworkers. But for some reason, reddit make me feel like a noob. When I reply to a message, I can't for the life of me figure out how to do correct carriage returns (chr$(13) on the c64). Every message I type, becomes the second dreaded message (after the ALL CAPS message), The Wall Of Text How do I do this. I usually have to do 2 carriage returns to make a line scroll down one. God forbid, I try to start a new paragraph. I tried that once and raged. I just walked away. TL;DR how do I do a carriage return on reddit. EDIT Of course typing this in, it all worked out great...FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU
I've lurked on reddit for a few years, but never signed up for an account (can't be bothered by the enter captcha, confirm email, blah blah blah) During the great Digg migration, I relented. Signing up, made me feel like a fool. (pick name, password, thats it...FFFUUUU) Actually, investing a night to reddit, made me feel more like a fool. I can't believe what I've missed out on. Being an avid computer user (since getting my first c64 in 85). I learned assembly, c, c+, various other languages, all on my own. I build my own computers, and I'm the IT guy with my friends and coworkers. But for some reason, reddit make me feel like a noob. When I reply to a message, I can't for the life of me figure out how to do correct carriage returns (chr$(13) on the c64). Every message I type, becomes the second dreaded message (after the ALL CAPS message), The Wall Of Text How do I do this. I usually have to do 2 carriage returns to make a line scroll down one. God forbid, I try to start a new paragraph. I tried that once and raged. I just walked away.
how do I do a carriage return on reddit. EDIT Of course typing this in, it all worked out great...FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU
I mean....if you actually look at the NLTP players that got drafted this year, they're doing really well. They deserve to be at the MLTP level. So it's not really the fact that scouts prefer NLTP talent over mLTP talent. It's more the fact of this NLTP ball has the skill level to compete in MLTP, whereas this mLTP ball struggles/only does adequately in minors. Of course, you can attribute the above observations (mainly the NLTP player's) by arguing that the level of competition was extremely diminished–and you would be correct in the statement. However, there are things that you can see and pick up on, whether it be positional awareness, team communication, or just really dirty jukes, that clearly distinguish these top NLTP players, especially someone like thefatalace, from the rest of the pack. It's something that an adequate minors player might not have or is still trying to develop. Take me, for example. I know that I definitely have potential to play majors next season; I can hold my own on defense, and more importantly I excel at communicating with the team, something a lot of minors and novice players might not have. However, I overpredict, I kill myself way too much and sometimes lose a cap because of it, and I can get frustrated easily....and once that happens I stop talking and the team is pretty much guaranteed to lose. So I don't know if I'm ready for majors yet; or rather, I've definitely put in a lot of time to set myself up to be in majors, but there are definitely people in mLTP that are more qualified than me. What's more, there could be great players in NLTP that I've never heard of before (since I never watch NLTP games) that play amazing contain defense and communicate as well as me. A scout might see that and rank him higher than me–I know I would. Finally, let's consider the number of spots in MLTP. Everyone's been talking about shrinking the league next year; so say it goes down to 20 teams. That's only 80 players in MLTP, so not only am I competing against the people in minors that I consider more skilled than me, and the people in NLTP that I've never heard of before, but now I have to deal with the 16 players that are still fighting for a majors spot. Not to mention rookies that have exclusively pubbed until now that want to play Majors as well. Those are some tough odds staring me in the face. In conclusion, being in mLTP can be frustrating. Even though you're supposed to feed into MLTP, it's difficult to distinguish yourself from the other great players in the league. But let me tell you, smurfing in NLTP won't change a thing. Because unless you have that "gift", the absolute excellence that sets you apart from every single person in novice, it's unlikely that you'll move all the way up to majors. Plus, I really like playing in minors. I love playing against good people; even though I tell myself every game that I'm miles ahead of them, I know that they didn't get to this level by twiddling their thumbs. Even though we don't get a lot of attention, mLTP is a great league to learn and compete against great talent, and I think it's the best option if you want to get back into MLTP. **Tl;DR mLTP will help you get better as a player. NLTP won't. If you're a good player, you'll get drafted into MLTP. Get good. Stay in mLTP.**
I mean....if you actually look at the NLTP players that got drafted this year, they're doing really well. They deserve to be at the MLTP level. So it's not really the fact that scouts prefer NLTP talent over mLTP talent. It's more the fact of this NLTP ball has the skill level to compete in MLTP, whereas this mLTP ball struggles/only does adequately in minors. Of course, you can attribute the above observations (mainly the NLTP player's) by arguing that the level of competition was extremely diminished–and you would be correct in the statement. However, there are things that you can see and pick up on, whether it be positional awareness, team communication, or just really dirty jukes, that clearly distinguish these top NLTP players, especially someone like thefatalace, from the rest of the pack. It's something that an adequate minors player might not have or is still trying to develop. Take me, for example. I know that I definitely have potential to play majors next season; I can hold my own on defense, and more importantly I excel at communicating with the team, something a lot of minors and novice players might not have. However, I overpredict, I kill myself way too much and sometimes lose a cap because of it, and I can get frustrated easily....and once that happens I stop talking and the team is pretty much guaranteed to lose. So I don't know if I'm ready for majors yet; or rather, I've definitely put in a lot of time to set myself up to be in majors, but there are definitely people in mLTP that are more qualified than me. What's more, there could be great players in NLTP that I've never heard of before (since I never watch NLTP games) that play amazing contain defense and communicate as well as me. A scout might see that and rank him higher than me–I know I would. Finally, let's consider the number of spots in MLTP. Everyone's been talking about shrinking the league next year; so say it goes down to 20 teams. That's only 80 players in MLTP, so not only am I competing against the people in minors that I consider more skilled than me, and the people in NLTP that I've never heard of before, but now I have to deal with the 16 players that are still fighting for a majors spot. Not to mention rookies that have exclusively pubbed until now that want to play Majors as well. Those are some tough odds staring me in the face. In conclusion, being in mLTP can be frustrating. Even though you're supposed to feed into MLTP, it's difficult to distinguish yourself from the other great players in the league. But let me tell you, smurfing in NLTP won't change a thing. Because unless you have that "gift", the absolute excellence that sets you apart from every single person in novice, it's unlikely that you'll move all the way up to majors. Plus, I really like playing in minors. I love playing against good people; even though I tell myself every game that I'm miles ahead of them, I know that they didn't get to this level by twiddling their thumbs. Even though we don't get a lot of attention, mLTP is a great league to learn and compete against great talent, and I think it's the best option if you want to get back into MLTP. Tl;DR mLTP will help you get better as a player. NLTP won't. If you're a good player, you'll get drafted into MLTP. Get good. Stay in mLTP.
I mean....if you actually look at the NLTP players that got drafted this year, they're doing really well. They deserve to be at the MLTP level. So it's not really the fact that scouts prefer NLTP talent over mLTP talent. It's more the fact of this NLTP ball has the skill level to compete in MLTP, whereas this mLTP ball struggles/only does adequately in minors. Of course, you can attribute the above observations (mainly the NLTP player's) by arguing that the level of competition was extremely diminished–and you would be correct in the statement. However, there are things that you can see and pick up on, whether it be positional awareness, team communication, or just really dirty jukes, that clearly distinguish these top NLTP players, especially someone like thefatalace, from the rest of the pack. It's something that an adequate minors player might not have or is still trying to develop. Take me, for example. I know that I definitely have potential to play majors next season; I can hold my own on defense, and more importantly I excel at communicating with the team, something a lot of minors and novice players might not have. However, I overpredict, I kill myself way too much and sometimes lose a cap because of it, and I can get frustrated easily....and once that happens I stop talking and the team is pretty much guaranteed to lose. So I don't know if I'm ready for majors yet; or rather, I've definitely put in a lot of time to set myself up to be in majors, but there are definitely people in mLTP that are more qualified than me. What's more, there could be great players in NLTP that I've never heard of before (since I never watch NLTP games) that play amazing contain defense and communicate as well as me. A scout might see that and rank him higher than me–I know I would. Finally, let's consider the number of spots in MLTP. Everyone's been talking about shrinking the league next year; so say it goes down to 20 teams. That's only 80 players in MLTP, so not only am I competing against the people in minors that I consider more skilled than me, and the people in NLTP that I've never heard of before, but now I have to deal with the 16 players that are still fighting for a majors spot. Not to mention rookies that have exclusively pubbed until now that want to play Majors as well. Those are some tough odds staring me in the face. In conclusion, being in mLTP can be frustrating. Even though you're supposed to feed into MLTP, it's difficult to distinguish yourself from the other great players in the league. But let me tell you, smurfing in NLTP won't change a thing. Because unless you have that "gift", the absolute excellence that sets you apart from every single person in novice, it's unlikely that you'll move all the way up to majors. Plus, I really like playing in minors. I love playing against good people; even though I tell myself every game that I'm miles ahead of them, I know that they didn't get to this level by twiddling their thumbs. Even though we don't get a lot of attention, mLTP is a great league to learn and compete against great talent, and I think it's the best option if you want to get back into MLTP.
mLTP will help you get better as a player. NLTP won't. If you're a good player, you'll get drafted into MLTP. Get good. Stay in mLTP.
My ex, Nikki (damn straight I'm calling her out by name), broke up with me because I got a motorcycle permit. Called her up one morning and told her I got something **awesome** that she'll probably enjoy with me. Let her guess a few times, no, no, no, motorcycle permit! I was going in a couple days to look at a used bike. The first thing out of her mouth? "What happens if I get pregnant? Where are you going to put the baby? On the back!?" "Uh, Nikki, first of all, we've been dating for three months and do not need to be talking about having a baby; secondly, yes, I'd put it in the back... **OF THE CAR**!" Over the next couple weeks she just wouldn't let it go and basically made me choose between her or the bike. The hobby that is currently making me happy, or the girlfriend that wants to know how I'm going to transport our illegitimate child. I chose Stacy. Which is what I named my bike after we broke up :) TL;DR GF made me choose between her and my motorcycle. Chose the bike.
My ex, Nikki (damn straight I'm calling her out by name), broke up with me because I got a motorcycle permit. Called her up one morning and told her I got something awesome that she'll probably enjoy with me. Let her guess a few times, no, no, no, motorcycle permit! I was going in a couple days to look at a used bike. The first thing out of her mouth? "What happens if I get pregnant? Where are you going to put the baby? On the back!?" "Uh, Nikki, first of all, we've been dating for three months and do not need to be talking about having a baby; secondly, yes, I'd put it in the back... OF THE CAR !" Over the next couple weeks she just wouldn't let it go and basically made me choose between her or the bike. The hobby that is currently making me happy, or the girlfriend that wants to know how I'm going to transport our illegitimate child. I chose Stacy. Which is what I named my bike after we broke up :) TL;DR GF made me choose between her and my motorcycle. Chose the bike.
My ex, Nikki (damn straight I'm calling her out by name), broke up with me because I got a motorcycle permit. Called her up one morning and told her I got something awesome that she'll probably enjoy with me. Let her guess a few times, no, no, no, motorcycle permit! I was going in a couple days to look at a used bike. The first thing out of her mouth? "What happens if I get pregnant? Where are you going to put the baby? On the back!?" "Uh, Nikki, first of all, we've been dating for three months and do not need to be talking about having a baby; secondly, yes, I'd put it in the back... OF THE CAR !" Over the next couple weeks she just wouldn't let it go and basically made me choose between her or the bike. The hobby that is currently making me happy, or the girlfriend that wants to know how I'm going to transport our illegitimate child. I chose Stacy. Which is what I named my bike after we broke up :)
GF made me choose between her and my motorcycle. Chose the bike.
Just gonna start off by saying that I know were young and this is all an accident. So about a month ago she came over while my parents were out and we had a bit of "fun." I used a condom and we thought everything was ok. Flash forward abit after ive cum and I realize "Oh shit it broke!" Instantly both of us freakout and end up running to local CVS for plan B. She takes two preg tests and both are negative. We think everything is fine. 3 weeks go by and everything is good. Last week she wakes up nauseous and has been since. Her family is going crazy because they think shes pregnant but we dont really know. I should also mention her family is mormon. I dont really know how to handle all of this. What should I do? Tl;dr; May have gotten my gf pregnant and her family is going crazy.
Just gonna start off by saying that I know were young and this is all an accident. So about a month ago she came over while my parents were out and we had a bit of "fun." I used a condom and we thought everything was ok. Flash forward abit after ive cum and I realize "Oh shit it broke!" Instantly both of us freakout and end up running to local CVS for plan B. She takes two preg tests and both are negative. We think everything is fine. 3 weeks go by and everything is good. Last week she wakes up nauseous and has been since. Her family is going crazy because they think shes pregnant but we dont really know. I should also mention her family is mormon. I dont really know how to handle all of this. What should I do? Tl;dr; May have gotten my gf pregnant and her family is going crazy.
Just gonna start off by saying that I know were young and this is all an accident. So about a month ago she came over while my parents were out and we had a bit of "fun." I used a condom and we thought everything was ok. Flash forward abit after ive cum and I realize "Oh shit it broke!" Instantly both of us freakout and end up running to local CVS for plan B. She takes two preg tests and both are negative. We think everything is fine. 3 weeks go by and everything is good. Last week she wakes up nauseous and has been since. Her family is going crazy because they think shes pregnant but we dont really know. I should also mention her family is mormon. I dont really know how to handle all of this. What should I do?
May have gotten my gf pregnant and her family is going crazy.
I was at a music festival this weekend and before the last two bands(Rise Against and Linkin Park) I met some of the most wonderful people. A young woman approached my friends and i and asked for a light for the worst looking joint i had ever seen, she said she had gotten it from some guy. After many attempts to light said joint i asked if she wanted to disassemble it and use my bowl i had. I had a bowl but no weed because, a friend had lost it earlier that day, and this women who i now know as Gabbie along with her boyfriend Alex put the joint away and pulled some of that medical shit, I was so happy. After much talk and laughter a guy named Brandon came later sharing what he had as well and was a welcomed addition to the group. We came together as a group of ents and had amazing conversations between bands and stuck together most of the night. They were all from out of state, and to have a group of complete strangers become friends within minutes all over a plant shows the real power Bud. TL DR: Met some awesome ents at a concert. So when have you guys seen trees bring people together?
I was at a music festival this weekend and before the last two bands(Rise Against and Linkin Park) I met some of the most wonderful people. A young woman approached my friends and i and asked for a light for the worst looking joint i had ever seen, she said she had gotten it from some guy. After many attempts to light said joint i asked if she wanted to disassemble it and use my bowl i had. I had a bowl but no weed because, a friend had lost it earlier that day, and this women who i now know as Gabbie along with her boyfriend Alex put the joint away and pulled some of that medical shit, I was so happy. After much talk and laughter a guy named Brandon came later sharing what he had as well and was a welcomed addition to the group. We came together as a group of ents and had amazing conversations between bands and stuck together most of the night. They were all from out of state, and to have a group of complete strangers become friends within minutes all over a plant shows the real power Bud. TL DR: Met some awesome ents at a concert. So when have you guys seen trees bring people together?
I was at a music festival this weekend and before the last two bands(Rise Against and Linkin Park) I met some of the most wonderful people. A young woman approached my friends and i and asked for a light for the worst looking joint i had ever seen, she said she had gotten it from some guy. After many attempts to light said joint i asked if she wanted to disassemble it and use my bowl i had. I had a bowl but no weed because, a friend had lost it earlier that day, and this women who i now know as Gabbie along with her boyfriend Alex put the joint away and pulled some of that medical shit, I was so happy. After much talk and laughter a guy named Brandon came later sharing what he had as well and was a welcomed addition to the group. We came together as a group of ents and had amazing conversations between bands and stuck together most of the night. They were all from out of state, and to have a group of complete strangers become friends within minutes all over a plant shows the real power Bud.
Met some awesome ents at a concert. So when have you guys seen trees bring people together?
I have been thus far unable to find a person, other than my brother, who is unbiased and is willing to hold a real and serious conversation with me about religion. Being a teenage girl, I recently began thinking deeply about my own beliefs; truthfully, I am utterly torn. I'd like to assume that this is not too uncommon, but nonetheless, it is what has happened to me. I was raised a conservative Christian and never thought twice about it when I was a child. At the current point in my life, my best friend is an atheist, and my second closest friend is Catholic. As far as my other less important friends go, I have an equal amount of religious and nonreligious friends. My parents are both Christians, though my mother rarely attends church anymore as she is upset with organized religion. My father is still closed-minded in his region and a very religious person, but not an extreme Christian, as far as I’ve been able to understand. - basically, I have extreme influences from both sides of the "war". Within the past year, I claimed atheist-agnostic (to my immediate family, except my dad, and my best friend only) because I really have no idea if there is God or not. It has proven to be a truly difficult task; to throw my previous religion out of my mind in order to contemplate merely facts and not dwell on instilled faith. Unhelpfully, I want not only the simplicity of figuring out my own philosophies but to understand others' views as well. This is particularly challenging. Everyone seems to have a general view of their religion, but then continues to bend and twist miniscule details so that they can put it in their own words. How many types of Christians are there? There are those that receive homosexuality and those that claim it is demonic, those that seek as much fact to prove the Bible correct and those that say faith is the only thing they can do, those that spend their money on large flat-screen TVs in order to “better spread his word” and those that spend their money on giving fifty meals to the homeless shelter. Not to mention the different types of Islamic, Judaism, Hinduism, Shinto, and so many more. Adding to that thought: how is everyone so incredibly sure of their faith? If one of them is right, then the rest of the world is going to “Hell”. I use that word generally, as I’m sure that not all religions use “Heaven and Hell”. How does one go about deciding what they believe, given all the options? How does logic fit into each of the separate religions and make them any different than fairy tales or wishes? And why do so many people claim to be a part of a religion when they could just as easily become nonreligious and it wouldn’t change a thing, except not spending a few hours in church on Sunday? There’s so much more to think about and to talk about, and so much more that I could learn and that I could discuss if anyone were actually willing. I’m hoping that talking to people who are more open-minded will allow me to explore and find my own religion, or lack-there-of. So my fellow redditors, if you would be so kind as to give me your time and talk to me about religion, it would be very much appreciated. Be warned that I like listening and learning and may ask more questions than actually making conversation. (TL:DR) I'm a teenager who wants to learn and talk about religion to open-minded people and possibly finish convincing myself or find my own religion (or lack-there-of) in the process. I'm currently agnostic and leaning towards atheism. I'm also not too educated in religion. I know the basics but nothing too deep or enough to make a good argument against anything. (Also, I'm sorry if this is in the wrong subreddit. I'm pretty new to the whole thing.)
I have been thus far unable to find a person, other than my brother, who is unbiased and is willing to hold a real and serious conversation with me about religion. Being a teenage girl, I recently began thinking deeply about my own beliefs; truthfully, I am utterly torn. I'd like to assume that this is not too uncommon, but nonetheless, it is what has happened to me. I was raised a conservative Christian and never thought twice about it when I was a child. At the current point in my life, my best friend is an atheist, and my second closest friend is Catholic. As far as my other less important friends go, I have an equal amount of religious and nonreligious friends. My parents are both Christians, though my mother rarely attends church anymore as she is upset with organized religion. My father is still closed-minded in his region and a very religious person, but not an extreme Christian, as far as I’ve been able to understand. - basically, I have extreme influences from both sides of the "war". Within the past year, I claimed atheist-agnostic (to my immediate family, except my dad, and my best friend only) because I really have no idea if there is God or not. It has proven to be a truly difficult task; to throw my previous religion out of my mind in order to contemplate merely facts and not dwell on instilled faith. Unhelpfully, I want not only the simplicity of figuring out my own philosophies but to understand others' views as well. This is particularly challenging. Everyone seems to have a general view of their religion, but then continues to bend and twist miniscule details so that they can put it in their own words. How many types of Christians are there? There are those that receive homosexuality and those that claim it is demonic, those that seek as much fact to prove the Bible correct and those that say faith is the only thing they can do, those that spend their money on large flat-screen TVs in order to “better spread his word” and those that spend their money on giving fifty meals to the homeless shelter. Not to mention the different types of Islamic, Judaism, Hinduism, Shinto, and so many more. Adding to that thought: how is everyone so incredibly sure of their faith? If one of them is right, then the rest of the world is going to “Hell”. I use that word generally, as I’m sure that not all religions use “Heaven and Hell”. How does one go about deciding what they believe, given all the options? How does logic fit into each of the separate religions and make them any different than fairy tales or wishes? And why do so many people claim to be a part of a religion when they could just as easily become nonreligious and it wouldn’t change a thing, except not spending a few hours in church on Sunday? There’s so much more to think about and to talk about, and so much more that I could learn and that I could discuss if anyone were actually willing. I’m hoping that talking to people who are more open-minded will allow me to explore and find my own religion, or lack-there-of. So my fellow redditors, if you would be so kind as to give me your time and talk to me about religion, it would be very much appreciated. Be warned that I like listening and learning and may ask more questions than actually making conversation. (TL:DR) I'm a teenager who wants to learn and talk about religion to open-minded people and possibly finish convincing myself or find my own religion (or lack-there-of) in the process. I'm currently agnostic and leaning towards atheism. I'm also not too educated in religion. I know the basics but nothing too deep or enough to make a good argument against anything. (Also, I'm sorry if this is in the wrong subreddit. I'm pretty new to the whole thing.)
I have been thus far unable to find a person, other than my brother, who is unbiased and is willing to hold a real and serious conversation with me about religion. Being a teenage girl, I recently began thinking deeply about my own beliefs; truthfully, I am utterly torn. I'd like to assume that this is not too uncommon, but nonetheless, it is what has happened to me. I was raised a conservative Christian and never thought twice about it when I was a child. At the current point in my life, my best friend is an atheist, and my second closest friend is Catholic. As far as my other less important friends go, I have an equal amount of religious and nonreligious friends. My parents are both Christians, though my mother rarely attends church anymore as she is upset with organized religion. My father is still closed-minded in his region and a very religious person, but not an extreme Christian, as far as I’ve been able to understand. - basically, I have extreme influences from both sides of the "war". Within the past year, I claimed atheist-agnostic (to my immediate family, except my dad, and my best friend only) because I really have no idea if there is God or not. It has proven to be a truly difficult task; to throw my previous religion out of my mind in order to contemplate merely facts and not dwell on instilled faith. Unhelpfully, I want not only the simplicity of figuring out my own philosophies but to understand others' views as well. This is particularly challenging. Everyone seems to have a general view of their religion, but then continues to bend and twist miniscule details so that they can put it in their own words. How many types of Christians are there? There are those that receive homosexuality and those that claim it is demonic, those that seek as much fact to prove the Bible correct and those that say faith is the only thing they can do, those that spend their money on large flat-screen TVs in order to “better spread his word” and those that spend their money on giving fifty meals to the homeless shelter. Not to mention the different types of Islamic, Judaism, Hinduism, Shinto, and so many more. Adding to that thought: how is everyone so incredibly sure of their faith? If one of them is right, then the rest of the world is going to “Hell”. I use that word generally, as I’m sure that not all religions use “Heaven and Hell”. How does one go about deciding what they believe, given all the options? How does logic fit into each of the separate religions and make them any different than fairy tales or wishes? And why do so many people claim to be a part of a religion when they could just as easily become nonreligious and it wouldn’t change a thing, except not spending a few hours in church on Sunday? There’s so much more to think about and to talk about, and so much more that I could learn and that I could discuss if anyone were actually willing. I’m hoping that talking to people who are more open-minded will allow me to explore and find my own religion, or lack-there-of. So my fellow redditors, if you would be so kind as to give me your time and talk to me about religion, it would be very much appreciated. Be warned that I like listening and learning and may ask more questions than actually making conversation. (
I'm a teenager who wants to learn and talk about religion to open-minded people and possibly finish convincing myself or find my own religion (or lack-there-of) in the process. I'm currently agnostic and leaning towards atheism. I'm also not too educated in religion. I know the basics but nothing too deep or enough to make a good argument against anything. (Also, I'm sorry if this is in the wrong subreddit. I'm pretty new to the whole thing.)
You were being needlessly condescending and masturbatory, I didn't want to quote your dumb ass directly. But fine, I'll play. ---------------- &gt; It's a poison because we can't metabolize it. We *can* metabolize it. &gt; evolve the ability to metabolize fructose outside the liver Meaning *we can* metabolize it, *inside* the liver. Also, fructose is *pretty damn good for gut health*. -------------- &gt; (fiber, remember?) I don't think he forgot, Magnusson's a pretty smart guy. ----------------- &gt; but because I've actually had enough biochemistry to follow him. ... congratulations on taking some biochem courses during your undergrad? ------------- &gt; we can tolerate a certain amount. But when it's in everything? Can we tolerate it in those amounts? No, we can't. The *exact same thing* is true of *every single nutrient*. I say *nutrient* because fructose is a *nutrient* and not a *poison* as you refer to it as. ------------- &gt; under the conditions in which we evolved, *it was nearly unavailable* Can I get a few citations for that from people who specialize in prehistoric eating habits? I can't? Is it because many of you ketards/paleotards say this verbatim without actually looking it up to see if it's true. It's *not* true by the way, as the vast majority of humanity evolved in tropical climates where fruit was available pretty much year round; certainly for at least a decent amount of our evolutionary history. We wouldn't have evolved to utilize fructose for energy so readily if we weren't exposed to it in substantial quantities. ------------------------------- I agree with some of your sentiments though, that we should not consume any nutrient such as fructose *in excess*, but when you call fructose a poison is when your shit gets all retarded. [Here's some more info on fructose]( because silvy knows a lot more about the biochemistry of these things than I do. **TL;DR**: Dr. Lustig brings up a lot of good points but is *sensationalist as fuck*. Gary Taubes is the same way too with his crusade.
You were being needlessly condescending and masturbatory, I didn't want to quote your dumb ass directly. But fine, I'll play. > It's a poison because we can't metabolize it. We can metabolize it. > evolve the ability to metabolize fructose outside the liver Meaning we can metabolize it, inside the liver. Also, fructose is pretty damn good for gut health . > (fiber, remember?) I don't think he forgot, Magnusson's a pretty smart guy. > but because I've actually had enough biochemistry to follow him. ... congratulations on taking some biochem courses during your undergrad? > we can tolerate a certain amount. But when it's in everything? Can we tolerate it in those amounts? No, we can't. The exact same thing is true of every single nutrient . I say nutrient because fructose is a nutrient and not a poison as you refer to it as. > under the conditions in which we evolved, it was nearly unavailable Can I get a few citations for that from people who specialize in prehistoric eating habits? I can't? Is it because many of you ketards/paleotards say this verbatim without actually looking it up to see if it's true. It's not true by the way, as the vast majority of humanity evolved in tropical climates where fruit was available pretty much year round; certainly for at least a decent amount of our evolutionary history. We wouldn't have evolved to utilize fructose for energy so readily if we weren't exposed to it in substantial quantities. I agree with some of your sentiments though, that we should not consume any nutrient such as fructose in excess , but when you call fructose a poison is when your shit gets all retarded. [Here's some more info on fructose]( because silvy knows a lot more about the biochemistry of these things than I do. TL;DR : Dr. Lustig brings up a lot of good points but is sensationalist as fuck . Gary Taubes is the same way too with his crusade.
You were being needlessly condescending and masturbatory, I didn't want to quote your dumb ass directly. But fine, I'll play. > It's a poison because we can't metabolize it. We can metabolize it. > evolve the ability to metabolize fructose outside the liver Meaning we can metabolize it, inside the liver. Also, fructose is pretty damn good for gut health . > (fiber, remember?) I don't think he forgot, Magnusson's a pretty smart guy. > but because I've actually had enough biochemistry to follow him. ... congratulations on taking some biochem courses during your undergrad? > we can tolerate a certain amount. But when it's in everything? Can we tolerate it in those amounts? No, we can't. The exact same thing is true of every single nutrient . I say nutrient because fructose is a nutrient and not a poison as you refer to it as. > under the conditions in which we evolved, it was nearly unavailable Can I get a few citations for that from people who specialize in prehistoric eating habits? I can't? Is it because many of you ketards/paleotards say this verbatim without actually looking it up to see if it's true. It's not true by the way, as the vast majority of humanity evolved in tropical climates where fruit was available pretty much year round; certainly for at least a decent amount of our evolutionary history. We wouldn't have evolved to utilize fructose for energy so readily if we weren't exposed to it in substantial quantities. I agree with some of your sentiments though, that we should not consume any nutrient such as fructose in excess , but when you call fructose a poison is when your shit gets all retarded. [Here's some more info on fructose]( because silvy knows a lot more about the biochemistry of these things than I do.
Dr. Lustig brings up a lot of good points but is sensationalist as fuck . Gary Taubes is the same way too with his crusade.
Earlier this year a new kid at my high school whom I had become friends with killed himself. It was so unexpected. Like I don't think I can stress enough how out of the blue it was. He was always smiling, I mean ALWAYS, he never had anything bad to say about anyone. He was seemingly the most normal, happy kid but then one day the principal tells us, as The Walking Dead puts it, he "opted out". I got to read his note. It said that he had some deep personal issues, it was a decision he had thought about for months, and that he was really sorry for ruining his parents life. He also said that this was the only way for him to be happy. So to answer the question, no, there was honestly nothing noticeable about his behavior looking back. All the stereotypical reasons for suicide (lack of friends, bullying, a girl) weren't there, in fact he had a ton of friends at his old school and was on the road to having lots at the current school. Lesson to be learned is that if you're thinking about doing it, TALK TO SOMEONE. No matter what you think or how alone you might be, people do care. People will miss you. The funeral will be well attended and heartbreaking. tl;dr - Friend killed himself, he was the nicest guy and it was totally out of the blue. If you want to pull the trigger, talk to someone. Anyone.
Earlier this year a new kid at my high school whom I had become friends with killed himself. It was so unexpected. Like I don't think I can stress enough how out of the blue it was. He was always smiling, I mean ALWAYS, he never had anything bad to say about anyone. He was seemingly the most normal, happy kid but then one day the principal tells us, as The Walking Dead puts it, he "opted out". I got to read his note. It said that he had some deep personal issues, it was a decision he had thought about for months, and that he was really sorry for ruining his parents life. He also said that this was the only way for him to be happy. So to answer the question, no, there was honestly nothing noticeable about his behavior looking back. All the stereotypical reasons for suicide (lack of friends, bullying, a girl) weren't there, in fact he had a ton of friends at his old school and was on the road to having lots at the current school. Lesson to be learned is that if you're thinking about doing it, TALK TO SOMEONE. No matter what you think or how alone you might be, people do care. People will miss you. The funeral will be well attended and heartbreaking. tl;dr - Friend killed himself, he was the nicest guy and it was totally out of the blue. If you want to pull the trigger, talk to someone. Anyone.
Earlier this year a new kid at my high school whom I had become friends with killed himself. It was so unexpected. Like I don't think I can stress enough how out of the blue it was. He was always smiling, I mean ALWAYS, he never had anything bad to say about anyone. He was seemingly the most normal, happy kid but then one day the principal tells us, as The Walking Dead puts it, he "opted out". I got to read his note. It said that he had some deep personal issues, it was a decision he had thought about for months, and that he was really sorry for ruining his parents life. He also said that this was the only way for him to be happy. So to answer the question, no, there was honestly nothing noticeable about his behavior looking back. All the stereotypical reasons for suicide (lack of friends, bullying, a girl) weren't there, in fact he had a ton of friends at his old school and was on the road to having lots at the current school. Lesson to be learned is that if you're thinking about doing it, TALK TO SOMEONE. No matter what you think or how alone you might be, people do care. People will miss you. The funeral will be well attended and heartbreaking.
Friend killed himself, he was the nicest guy and it was totally out of the blue. If you want to pull the trigger, talk to someone. Anyone.
I've played 484 hours of BF3 with premium. While some of my favorite maps arent in the expansions, I find premium worth the value. I love having extra things to do from assignments and the extra variety of maps and game modes added in the expansions. I just wish premium was on sale more than the original game so my friends could snag it and I could play all the rest of the content with them, but they are new to BF3 so I can see why they dont jump in since they're still learning the maps. tl;dr Premium adds good value, but BF3 is a good deal of fun either way.
I've played 484 hours of BF3 with premium. While some of my favorite maps arent in the expansions, I find premium worth the value. I love having extra things to do from assignments and the extra variety of maps and game modes added in the expansions. I just wish premium was on sale more than the original game so my friends could snag it and I could play all the rest of the content with them, but they are new to BF3 so I can see why they dont jump in since they're still learning the maps. tl;dr Premium adds good value, but BF3 is a good deal of fun either way.
I've played 484 hours of BF3 with premium. While some of my favorite maps arent in the expansions, I find premium worth the value. I love having extra things to do from assignments and the extra variety of maps and game modes added in the expansions. I just wish premium was on sale more than the original game so my friends could snag it and I could play all the rest of the content with them, but they are new to BF3 so I can see why they dont jump in since they're still learning the maps.
Premium adds good value, but BF3 is a good deal of fun either way.
I can't believe you choose to completely ignore the fact that the Terrorist attacks was staged to instill fear upon the masses -- essentially to function as the necessary catalyst to [go to war]( without resistance. From an early age everyone [in the US] is taught to dial one number for emergencies, always taught to remember 911. The 'terrorist attacks' were orchestrated on September 11th (9/11) specifically so it'd trigger your memory about emergencies -- so there'd be little resistance to take action against the 'boogeyman'. It's said "9/11, we'll never forget" because it's the one set of numbers associated with emergencies (911). The event and the wars we got into because of it merely got the big contractors wealthy and tons of people killed -- Bush used the shock factor to go to war with a worthless country, and we're still there about a decade later... but hey Obama says we killed Osama, [MISSION Accomplished,]( right? Everyone was so excited and the news agencies were in a frenzy because some bearded guy was killed in a mansion right next to a massive military base and his body was dumped in the sea... FUCK YEA 'MEERICA! Quick glance at some facts surrounding 9/11: There was a training exercise *coincidentally* being held on 9/11 that simulated plane hijackings, so most of the early warnings were ignored. Flight 97 which allegedly crashed into a field...yea that wasn't an commercial airplane at all, just look at the videos, pictures, interviews etc... a massive 757 crashed into a field and left a miniature hole in the ground without any engines or real debris. Similarly at the pentagon there is a miniature hole where the jumbo jet allegedly flew in at full speed, only to damage a portion of the pentagon -- a portion which happened to be reinforced... The 9/11 commission was a joke and happened on an extremely low budget to cover the biggest terrorist attack on American soil. There are resources out there which you can reference to see how badly you've been deceived by your government -- especially for 911 -- and it's an ongoing charade. You might think your government is trustworthy but just look at wikileaks -- because they released information that wasn't in the best interest of U.S. Govt. a financial blockade has been imposed -- and smear campaigns to destroy the organization... this government is going to shit and this country is going down with it. The planes hit the world Trade center -- and destroyed it... look at the world Trade now. It's never going to recover, the optimism you may have amongst other analysts are great but the U.S. economy and the majority of the world isn't going to recover... infact we are going to go to more wars to e[nsure we remain in power.]( **Tl;Dr**: Wake the fuck up and get informed about what's going on in this world. Don't rely on the biased media to feed you bull shit about Weiners and irrelevant stories while the world is collapsing.
I can't believe you choose to completely ignore the fact that the Terrorist attacks was staged to instill fear upon the masses -- essentially to function as the necessary catalyst to [go to war]( without resistance. From an early age everyone [in the US] is taught to dial one number for emergencies, always taught to remember 911. The 'terrorist attacks' were orchestrated on September 11th (9/11) specifically so it'd trigger your memory about emergencies -- so there'd be little resistance to take action against the 'boogeyman'. It's said "9/11, we'll never forget" because it's the one set of numbers associated with emergencies (911). The event and the wars we got into because of it merely got the big contractors wealthy and tons of people killed -- Bush used the shock factor to go to war with a worthless country, and we're still there about a decade later... but hey Obama says we killed Osama, [MISSION Accomplished,]( right? Everyone was so excited and the news agencies were in a frenzy because some bearded guy was killed in a mansion right next to a massive military base and his body was dumped in the sea... FUCK YEA 'MEERICA! Quick glance at some facts surrounding 9/11: There was a training exercise coincidentally being held on 9/11 that simulated plane hijackings, so most of the early warnings were ignored. Flight 97 which allegedly crashed into a field...yea that wasn't an commercial airplane at all, just look at the videos, pictures, interviews etc... a massive 757 crashed into a field and left a miniature hole in the ground without any engines or real debris. Similarly at the pentagon there is a miniature hole where the jumbo jet allegedly flew in at full speed, only to damage a portion of the pentagon -- a portion which happened to be reinforced... The 9/11 commission was a joke and happened on an extremely low budget to cover the biggest terrorist attack on American soil. There are resources out there which you can reference to see how badly you've been deceived by your government -- especially for 911 -- and it's an ongoing charade. You might think your government is trustworthy but just look at wikileaks -- because they released information that wasn't in the best interest of U.S. Govt. a financial blockade has been imposed -- and smear campaigns to destroy the organization... this government is going to shit and this country is going down with it. The planes hit the world Trade center -- and destroyed it... look at the world Trade now. It's never going to recover, the optimism you may have amongst other analysts are great but the U.S. economy and the majority of the world isn't going to recover... infact we are going to go to more wars to e[nsure we remain in power.]( Tl;Dr : Wake the fuck up and get informed about what's going on in this world. Don't rely on the biased media to feed you bull shit about Weiners and irrelevant stories while the world is collapsing.
I can't believe you choose to completely ignore the fact that the Terrorist attacks was staged to instill fear upon the masses -- essentially to function as the necessary catalyst to [go to war]( without resistance. From an early age everyone [in the US] is taught to dial one number for emergencies, always taught to remember 911. The 'terrorist attacks' were orchestrated on September 11th (9/11) specifically so it'd trigger your memory about emergencies -- so there'd be little resistance to take action against the 'boogeyman'. It's said "9/11, we'll never forget" because it's the one set of numbers associated with emergencies (911). The event and the wars we got into because of it merely got the big contractors wealthy and tons of people killed -- Bush used the shock factor to go to war with a worthless country, and we're still there about a decade later... but hey Obama says we killed Osama, [MISSION Accomplished,]( right? Everyone was so excited and the news agencies were in a frenzy because some bearded guy was killed in a mansion right next to a massive military base and his body was dumped in the sea... FUCK YEA 'MEERICA! Quick glance at some facts surrounding 9/11: There was a training exercise coincidentally being held on 9/11 that simulated plane hijackings, so most of the early warnings were ignored. Flight 97 which allegedly crashed into a field...yea that wasn't an commercial airplane at all, just look at the videos, pictures, interviews etc... a massive 757 crashed into a field and left a miniature hole in the ground without any engines or real debris. Similarly at the pentagon there is a miniature hole where the jumbo jet allegedly flew in at full speed, only to damage a portion of the pentagon -- a portion which happened to be reinforced... The 9/11 commission was a joke and happened on an extremely low budget to cover the biggest terrorist attack on American soil. There are resources out there which you can reference to see how badly you've been deceived by your government -- especially for 911 -- and it's an ongoing charade. You might think your government is trustworthy but just look at wikileaks -- because they released information that wasn't in the best interest of U.S. Govt. a financial blockade has been imposed -- and smear campaigns to destroy the organization... this government is going to shit and this country is going down with it. The planes hit the world Trade center -- and destroyed it... look at the world Trade now. It's never going to recover, the optimism you may have amongst other analysts are great but the U.S. economy and the majority of the world isn't going to recover... infact we are going to go to more wars to e[nsure we remain in power.](
Wake the fuck up and get informed about what's going on in this world. Don't rely on the biased media to feed you bull shit about Weiners and irrelevant stories while the world is collapsing.
Up Easton next to ihop/Boston Market. It's called "Barber." Cost: $15 before tip. Wait time: Varies based on day. Fridays and weekends are busy, weekdays are empty. Especially Tuesday. Guaranteed to not wait on Tuesdays Atmosphere: Bunch of Latino barbers who won't mess up your hair and can get a shape-up right. Bunch of televisions with movies/ESPN depending on the day/mood. I used to go to MODA by the train station but they're $25 for the same haircut and they don't do NEARLY as much detailed work as "Barber" does. TLDR: Barber.
Up Easton next to ihop/Boston Market. It's called "Barber." Cost: $15 before tip. Wait time: Varies based on day. Fridays and weekends are busy, weekdays are empty. Especially Tuesday. Guaranteed to not wait on Tuesdays Atmosphere: Bunch of Latino barbers who won't mess up your hair and can get a shape-up right. Bunch of televisions with movies/ESPN depending on the day/mood. I used to go to MODA by the train station but they're $25 for the same haircut and they don't do NEARLY as much detailed work as "Barber" does. TLDR: Barber.
Up Easton next to ihop/Boston Market. It's called "Barber." Cost: $15 before tip. Wait time: Varies based on day. Fridays and weekends are busy, weekdays are empty. Especially Tuesday. Guaranteed to not wait on Tuesdays Atmosphere: Bunch of Latino barbers who won't mess up your hair and can get a shape-up right. Bunch of televisions with movies/ESPN depending on the day/mood. I used to go to MODA by the train station but they're $25 for the same haircut and they don't do NEARLY as much detailed work as "Barber" does.
Yeah, I honestly think a lot of it is generalized trends... and in the past, in general, women didn't do sports, change oil, be engineers, whatever. So yeah, those statements hold true for a few generations alive today, but I think as we progress, each generation is blurring those lines more and more and we're finally begin to realize that males and females are a lot more similar than past generations had thought. We're all individuals, and as someone else in this thread (or maybe it was another, I'm losing track) said, there is *just as much* variation *among* females and *among* males than there is *between* female and males... again, because we are all individuals. Yeah, I know stereotypes come from somewhere, but we've also recently left an era that had extreme socialization of gender roles Omg, sorry to have gone off on such a tangent. **Tl;dr I agree with you** lol
Yeah, I honestly think a lot of it is generalized trends... and in the past, in general, women didn't do sports, change oil, be engineers, whatever. So yeah, those statements hold true for a few generations alive today, but I think as we progress, each generation is blurring those lines more and more and we're finally begin to realize that males and females are a lot more similar than past generations had thought. We're all individuals, and as someone else in this thread (or maybe it was another, I'm losing track) said, there is just as much variation among females and among males than there is between female and males... again, because we are all individuals. Yeah, I know stereotypes come from somewhere, but we've also recently left an era that had extreme socialization of gender roles Omg, sorry to have gone off on such a tangent. Tl;dr I agree with you lol
Yeah, I honestly think a lot of it is generalized trends... and in the past, in general, women didn't do sports, change oil, be engineers, whatever. So yeah, those statements hold true for a few generations alive today, but I think as we progress, each generation is blurring those lines more and more and we're finally begin to realize that males and females are a lot more similar than past generations had thought. We're all individuals, and as someone else in this thread (or maybe it was another, I'm losing track) said, there is just as much variation among females and among males than there is between female and males... again, because we are all individuals. Yeah, I know stereotypes come from somewhere, but we've also recently left an era that had extreme socialization of gender roles Omg, sorry to have gone off on such a tangent.
I agree with you lol
I'm completely new to cameras and photography in general. I take tons of photos on my phone, I am constantly taking pictures of things outdoors, the sky, nature, concerts when I attend them, etc. That being said, I am ready to take the next step and get something a little nicer. I am hoping I can get some advice here from some people who know a lot more than I do on this topic. The reason I am looking for a point and shoot instead of a DSLR or something like that is so I can get it into concerts. I know most places wont let you take in cameras with detachable lenses unless you have a press pass. I have done a little research online but really don't know where to start or what features to look for that are good. My friend has an older Panasonic Lumix with something like a 30x optical zoom which looks great. I see the Panasonic LX100 only has a 24-75mm lens which doesn't seem like a great amount of zoom. Someone else online said the Sony RX100 was the best pocket camera ever invented but that only has a 28-100mm lens. What do you guys think? Also, do you have any suggestions for a more "professional" DSLR or something comparable to use outside of a concert venue or when I "grow out of" the point and shoot camera? (I realize these things aren't cheap) Anyone have any suggestions? I appreciate the help! **TL;DR** - Need advice on a point and shoot for concerts and all around shots. Also a more "professional" camera for when I am not restricted by non-detachable lens requirements.
I'm completely new to cameras and photography in general. I take tons of photos on my phone, I am constantly taking pictures of things outdoors, the sky, nature, concerts when I attend them, etc. That being said, I am ready to take the next step and get something a little nicer. I am hoping I can get some advice here from some people who know a lot more than I do on this topic. The reason I am looking for a point and shoot instead of a DSLR or something like that is so I can get it into concerts. I know most places wont let you take in cameras with detachable lenses unless you have a press pass. I have done a little research online but really don't know where to start or what features to look for that are good. My friend has an older Panasonic Lumix with something like a 30x optical zoom which looks great. I see the Panasonic LX100 only has a 24-75mm lens which doesn't seem like a great amount of zoom. Someone else online said the Sony RX100 was the best pocket camera ever invented but that only has a 28-100mm lens. What do you guys think? Also, do you have any suggestions for a more "professional" DSLR or something comparable to use outside of a concert venue or when I "grow out of" the point and shoot camera? (I realize these things aren't cheap) Anyone have any suggestions? I appreciate the help! TL;DR - Need advice on a point and shoot for concerts and all around shots. Also a more "professional" camera for when I am not restricted by non-detachable lens requirements.
I'm completely new to cameras and photography in general. I take tons of photos on my phone, I am constantly taking pictures of things outdoors, the sky, nature, concerts when I attend them, etc. That being said, I am ready to take the next step and get something a little nicer. I am hoping I can get some advice here from some people who know a lot more than I do on this topic. The reason I am looking for a point and shoot instead of a DSLR or something like that is so I can get it into concerts. I know most places wont let you take in cameras with detachable lenses unless you have a press pass. I have done a little research online but really don't know where to start or what features to look for that are good. My friend has an older Panasonic Lumix with something like a 30x optical zoom which looks great. I see the Panasonic LX100 only has a 24-75mm lens which doesn't seem like a great amount of zoom. Someone else online said the Sony RX100 was the best pocket camera ever invented but that only has a 28-100mm lens. What do you guys think? Also, do you have any suggestions for a more "professional" DSLR or something comparable to use outside of a concert venue or when I "grow out of" the point and shoot camera? (I realize these things aren't cheap) Anyone have any suggestions? I appreciate the help!
Need advice on a point and shoot for concerts and all around shots. Also a more "professional" camera for when I am not restricted by non-detachable lens requirements.
Hello everyobody. Lot's of people really want to play The Rift: U.R.I.D.I.S with their DK2 and it's been some weeks that we are promising a DK2 version. They are many issue: 1. It was the holidays, so not everybody was ready to work 1. The school was closed so we didn't had access to our SVN, hopefully someone in the team has the last version 1. We are using the [PopcornFX]( plugin for the particles (A dev of our team work there) 1. We were using Unity 4.2 and Oculus SDK 0.2 To upgrade the project to the SDK 0.4.1 we needed to upgrade to Unity 4.5. So we did it. But popcornFX is not working in this version. But the dev who worked at PopcornFX studio is in vacation until next week. We asked if we could make an appointment at PopcornFX Studio but they answered that they are very busy this week and they wanted us to wait next week when our dev came back. **TL;DR:** We need to wait maybe next week to go to PopcornFX Studio to work with them to upgrade our project with their plugin.
Hello everyobody. Lot's of people really want to play The Rift: U.R.I.D.I.S with their DK2 and it's been some weeks that we are promising a DK2 version. They are many issue: It was the holidays, so not everybody was ready to work The school was closed so we didn't had access to our SVN, hopefully someone in the team has the last version We are using the PopcornFX We were using Unity 4.2 and Oculus SDK 0.2 To upgrade the project to the SDK 0.4.1 we needed to upgrade to Unity 4.5. So we did it. But popcornFX is not working in this version. But the dev who worked at PopcornFX studio is in vacation until next week. We asked if we could make an appointment at PopcornFX Studio but they answered that they are very busy this week and they wanted us to wait next week when our dev came back. TL;DR: We need to wait maybe next week to go to PopcornFX Studio to work with them to upgrade our project with their plugin.
Hello everyobody. Lot's of people really want to play The Rift: U.R.I.D.I.S with their DK2 and it's been some weeks that we are promising a DK2 version. They are many issue: It was the holidays, so not everybody was ready to work The school was closed so we didn't had access to our SVN, hopefully someone in the team has the last version We are using the PopcornFX We were using Unity 4.2 and Oculus SDK 0.2 To upgrade the project to the SDK 0.4.1 we needed to upgrade to Unity 4.5. So we did it. But popcornFX is not working in this version. But the dev who worked at PopcornFX studio is in vacation until next week. We asked if we could make an appointment at PopcornFX Studio but they answered that they are very busy this week and they wanted us to wait next week when our dev came back.
We need to wait maybe next week to go to PopcornFX Studio to work with them to upgrade our project with their plugin.
My opinion on Bernie running, and other issues like it, is this: yes, the ultimate goal is a proletarian revolution to create a truly just and fair society. However, this requires (among other things) a class consciousness. Not only do the oppressed need to see themselves as a distinct group, they need to see their collective interests as being in direct opposition to the interests of the class that oppresses them, and they then must be willing to fight together to change that situation. In most of the world (especially in the US), the working class lacks the first of these requirements. Without that, we can't have the revolution. Thus, it is my opinion that as socialists we must always work towards building class consciousness, by any means necessary, but that we should also do anything we can to help working people before that consciousness is built. In my opinion, we can do both of those things by supporting Bernie Sanders (or any politician who truly works for working people). When listening to some of the things he says and stances he takes, one can see rather clearly that sanders is class conscious. He is fighting what he calls "the billionaire class". By getting working people behind him, we can start to build the class consciousness we need. It is also rather obvious, that in no way would the policies that Sanders promotes be harmful to workers. He has consistently sided with labor and its interest, and his 12 point election plan sets out some very positive goals for the United States. TL;DR Sanders may not be the "perfect" socialist, but he's still going to help in advancing socialism in our country. Edit: Grammar and spelling
My opinion on Bernie running, and other issues like it, is this: yes, the ultimate goal is a proletarian revolution to create a truly just and fair society. However, this requires (among other things) a class consciousness. Not only do the oppressed need to see themselves as a distinct group, they need to see their collective interests as being in direct opposition to the interests of the class that oppresses them, and they then must be willing to fight together to change that situation. In most of the world (especially in the US), the working class lacks the first of these requirements. Without that, we can't have the revolution. Thus, it is my opinion that as socialists we must always work towards building class consciousness, by any means necessary, but that we should also do anything we can to help working people before that consciousness is built. In my opinion, we can do both of those things by supporting Bernie Sanders (or any politician who truly works for working people). When listening to some of the things he says and stances he takes, one can see rather clearly that sanders is class conscious. He is fighting what he calls "the billionaire class". By getting working people behind him, we can start to build the class consciousness we need. It is also rather obvious, that in no way would the policies that Sanders promotes be harmful to workers. He has consistently sided with labor and its interest, and his 12 point election plan sets out some very positive goals for the United States. TL;DR Sanders may not be the "perfect" socialist, but he's still going to help in advancing socialism in our country. Edit: Grammar and spelling
My opinion on Bernie running, and other issues like it, is this: yes, the ultimate goal is a proletarian revolution to create a truly just and fair society. However, this requires (among other things) a class consciousness. Not only do the oppressed need to see themselves as a distinct group, they need to see their collective interests as being in direct opposition to the interests of the class that oppresses them, and they then must be willing to fight together to change that situation. In most of the world (especially in the US), the working class lacks the first of these requirements. Without that, we can't have the revolution. Thus, it is my opinion that as socialists we must always work towards building class consciousness, by any means necessary, but that we should also do anything we can to help working people before that consciousness is built. In my opinion, we can do both of those things by supporting Bernie Sanders (or any politician who truly works for working people). When listening to some of the things he says and stances he takes, one can see rather clearly that sanders is class conscious. He is fighting what he calls "the billionaire class". By getting working people behind him, we can start to build the class consciousness we need. It is also rather obvious, that in no way would the policies that Sanders promotes be harmful to workers. He has consistently sided with labor and its interest, and his 12 point election plan sets out some very positive goals for the United States.
Sanders may not be the "perfect" socialist, but he's still going to help in advancing socialism in our country. Edit: Grammar and spelling
I have been playing street hockey forever with friends and family, Playing a small amount of ice in the winter with my father and I have been playing in a dek hockey league for over a year now, i consider myself a decent D-Man for the level of play i am currently at! So i want to start inline because running sucks. i have all the right equipment but my budget is limiting me on getting some skates. I have &lt;-- these skates from my dad. "they are old i know" but with a new set of bearings and wheels should i attempt my start at an inline league? Also cant really get the hang of skating backwards on wheels i fine on the ice! idk maybe i just need more skating time! TLDR; Are these skates a good start? or should i just get new ones! skate size is a little big but i should be fine!
I have been playing street hockey forever with friends and family, Playing a small amount of ice in the winter with my father and I have been playing in a dek hockey league for over a year now, i consider myself a decent D-Man for the level of play i am currently at! So i want to start inline because running sucks. i have all the right equipment but my budget is limiting me on getting some skates. I have <-- these skates from my dad. "they are old i know" but with a new set of bearings and wheels should i attempt my start at an inline league? Also cant really get the hang of skating backwards on wheels i fine on the ice! idk maybe i just need more skating time! TLDR; Are these skates a good start? or should i just get new ones! skate size is a little big but i should be fine!
I have been playing street hockey forever with friends and family, Playing a small amount of ice in the winter with my father and I have been playing in a dek hockey league for over a year now, i consider myself a decent D-Man for the level of play i am currently at! So i want to start inline because running sucks. i have all the right equipment but my budget is limiting me on getting some skates. I have <-- these skates from my dad. "they are old i know" but with a new set of bearings and wheels should i attempt my start at an inline league? Also cant really get the hang of skating backwards on wheels i fine on the ice! idk maybe i just need more skating time!
Are these skates a good start? or should i just get new ones! skate size is a little big but i should be fine!
Not the worst, but the weirdest misconception I faced was in high school. The seminary building was right next to our school in a highly populated Mormon area, so people were well aware what it was. There was a guy on my bus that I had a slight crush on, and one day he asked me to go to a school club with him at lunch. I happily agreed, but upon going to the meeting I discovered it was a youth Christian meet-up group. I reluctantly informed him that as a Mormon, I probably shouldn't attend these meetings and left. The next morning on the bus he completely ignored me. After a few days of this, I confronted him to ask what was wrong. He angrily told me that what we did in our seminary buildings was sick. I was completely taken aback, had no idea what he was talking about so I asked him what was wrong with it. He said that sacrificing seagulls for our religion was perverse, and he could never be friends with someone who participated in that. He literally thought we sacrificed seagulls in the seminary building when we met. I tried to explain what we actually did, but he just thought I was trying to protect my religions secrets. So yeah, bullet dodged? TL;DR - High school crush stopped talking to me because he thought we sacrificed seagulls as part of our religious practices.
Not the worst, but the weirdest misconception I faced was in high school. The seminary building was right next to our school in a highly populated Mormon area, so people were well aware what it was. There was a guy on my bus that I had a slight crush on, and one day he asked me to go to a school club with him at lunch. I happily agreed, but upon going to the meeting I discovered it was a youth Christian meet-up group. I reluctantly informed him that as a Mormon, I probably shouldn't attend these meetings and left. The next morning on the bus he completely ignored me. After a few days of this, I confronted him to ask what was wrong. He angrily told me that what we did in our seminary buildings was sick. I was completely taken aback, had no idea what he was talking about so I asked him what was wrong with it. He said that sacrificing seagulls for our religion was perverse, and he could never be friends with someone who participated in that. He literally thought we sacrificed seagulls in the seminary building when we met. I tried to explain what we actually did, but he just thought I was trying to protect my religions secrets. So yeah, bullet dodged? TL;DR - High school crush stopped talking to me because he thought we sacrificed seagulls as part of our religious practices.
Not the worst, but the weirdest misconception I faced was in high school. The seminary building was right next to our school in a highly populated Mormon area, so people were well aware what it was. There was a guy on my bus that I had a slight crush on, and one day he asked me to go to a school club with him at lunch. I happily agreed, but upon going to the meeting I discovered it was a youth Christian meet-up group. I reluctantly informed him that as a Mormon, I probably shouldn't attend these meetings and left. The next morning on the bus he completely ignored me. After a few days of this, I confronted him to ask what was wrong. He angrily told me that what we did in our seminary buildings was sick. I was completely taken aback, had no idea what he was talking about so I asked him what was wrong with it. He said that sacrificing seagulls for our religion was perverse, and he could never be friends with someone who participated in that. He literally thought we sacrificed seagulls in the seminary building when we met. I tried to explain what we actually did, but he just thought I was trying to protect my religions secrets. So yeah, bullet dodged?
High school crush stopped talking to me because he thought we sacrificed seagulls as part of our religious practices.
I like FATE - 4dF. a fudge die is a cube with two sides showing +, two showing - and two blank. Roll four of them and you get a result from -4 to +4. The simplicity of the maths of d20 and similar systems is pleasing, but I also like 2d10 or 3d6 systems which therefore have a bell-curve or results. I am not a fan of dice-pool systems, aka bucket o' dice systems. It's one of the many reasons I do not like White Wolf's systems, but isn't actually enough to put me off say Shadowrun. Finally the use of non-dice-based systems can be fun sometimes - the completely randomisation-free Amber is legendary with good reason (someone once destroyed the GM in a game I knew of), and the card-based mechanics of Star Children are interesting too. **tl;dr:** I dunno lol! Randomisation stuff I guess!
I like FATE - 4dF. a fudge die is a cube with two sides showing +, two showing - and two blank. Roll four of them and you get a result from -4 to +4. The simplicity of the maths of d20 and similar systems is pleasing, but I also like 2d10 or 3d6 systems which therefore have a bell-curve or results. I am not a fan of dice-pool systems, aka bucket o' dice systems. It's one of the many reasons I do not like White Wolf's systems, but isn't actually enough to put me off say Shadowrun. Finally the use of non-dice-based systems can be fun sometimes - the completely randomisation-free Amber is legendary with good reason (someone once destroyed the GM in a game I knew of), and the card-based mechanics of Star Children are interesting too. tl;dr: I dunno lol! Randomisation stuff I guess!
I like FATE - 4dF. a fudge die is a cube with two sides showing +, two showing - and two blank. Roll four of them and you get a result from -4 to +4. The simplicity of the maths of d20 and similar systems is pleasing, but I also like 2d10 or 3d6 systems which therefore have a bell-curve or results. I am not a fan of dice-pool systems, aka bucket o' dice systems. It's one of the many reasons I do not like White Wolf's systems, but isn't actually enough to put me off say Shadowrun. Finally the use of non-dice-based systems can be fun sometimes - the completely randomisation-free Amber is legendary with good reason (someone once destroyed the GM in a game I knew of), and the card-based mechanics of Star Children are interesting too.
I dunno lol! Randomisation stuff I guess!
I would argue yes but it would be expensive, long and hard. On the surface it seems both would be about 50% of the other, but that doesnt quite pan out. You take a cell from the mother and the daughter and look at the chromosomes. Now the daughter has 23 maternally derived chromosomes and 23 paternally derived chromosomes. The Mother the same situation From meiosis, the mother provides 23 chromosomes. SOME of those 23 are from the mother's maternally derived set, and some are from the mother's paternally derived set. Thus the daughter would be the person in which their maternally derived chromosomes would have examples of BOTH sets of chromosomes found in the other individual. The daughter on the other hand would have 23 chromosomes in her genome that never appear in the mother, since those are from the daughter's father who is not related to the mother. **TL;DR - Whichever individual has no identical/matching chromosomes to an entire set of 23 chromosomes found in the other person would be the mother, since the dad isnt blood related to the mom. While the person who has a mixture of 23 (maternal derived) chromosomes directly relating to some of BOTH (maternal and paternal) sets of chromosomes found in the other individual would have to be the daughter, based on that she inhereted some of both of those sets when her mom produced a 23 chromosome egg**
I would argue yes but it would be expensive, long and hard. On the surface it seems both would be about 50% of the other, but that doesnt quite pan out. You take a cell from the mother and the daughter and look at the chromosomes. Now the daughter has 23 maternally derived chromosomes and 23 paternally derived chromosomes. The Mother the same situation From meiosis, the mother provides 23 chromosomes. SOME of those 23 are from the mother's maternally derived set, and some are from the mother's paternally derived set. Thus the daughter would be the person in which their maternally derived chromosomes would have examples of BOTH sets of chromosomes found in the other individual. The daughter on the other hand would have 23 chromosomes in her genome that never appear in the mother, since those are from the daughter's father who is not related to the mother. TL;DR - Whichever individual has no identical/matching chromosomes to an entire set of 23 chromosomes found in the other person would be the mother, since the dad isnt blood related to the mom. While the person who has a mixture of 23 (maternal derived) chromosomes directly relating to some of BOTH (maternal and paternal) sets of chromosomes found in the other individual would have to be the daughter, based on that she inhereted some of both of those sets when her mom produced a 23 chromosome egg
I would argue yes but it would be expensive, long and hard. On the surface it seems both would be about 50% of the other, but that doesnt quite pan out. You take a cell from the mother and the daughter and look at the chromosomes. Now the daughter has 23 maternally derived chromosomes and 23 paternally derived chromosomes. The Mother the same situation From meiosis, the mother provides 23 chromosomes. SOME of those 23 are from the mother's maternally derived set, and some are from the mother's paternally derived set. Thus the daughter would be the person in which their maternally derived chromosomes would have examples of BOTH sets of chromosomes found in the other individual. The daughter on the other hand would have 23 chromosomes in her genome that never appear in the mother, since those are from the daughter's father who is not related to the mother.
Whichever individual has no identical/matching chromosomes to an entire set of 23 chromosomes found in the other person would be the mother, since the dad isnt blood related to the mom. While the person who has a mixture of 23 (maternal derived) chromosomes directly relating to some of BOTH (maternal and paternal) sets of chromosomes found in the other individual would have to be the daughter, based on that she inhereted some of both of those sets when her mom produced a 23 chromosome egg
I've heard that champagne yeast will consume nearly all trace of sweetness in cider, but I don't have any firsthand experience. I'm actually checking out this thread because I've started experimenting with cider due to a lack of beer ingredients (planning a bulk buy in a couple months). My method is very basic, however. I'm experimenting using "grocery store only" ingredients: 100% apple juice (no preservatives), table sugar, and baker's yeast (traditional, not instant). I haven't tasted it yet, but I started batch 1 on Mar 4, been fermenting non-stop since. Batch 2 started yesterday, the most furious fermenting/bubbling I've ever seen - beer included). TL;DR I'm currently making prison cider but I'm interested in what yeasts I could buy in the future to make respectable cider.
I've heard that champagne yeast will consume nearly all trace of sweetness in cider, but I don't have any firsthand experience. I'm actually checking out this thread because I've started experimenting with cider due to a lack of beer ingredients (planning a bulk buy in a couple months). My method is very basic, however. I'm experimenting using "grocery store only" ingredients: 100% apple juice (no preservatives), table sugar, and baker's yeast (traditional, not instant). I haven't tasted it yet, but I started batch 1 on Mar 4, been fermenting non-stop since. Batch 2 started yesterday, the most furious fermenting/bubbling I've ever seen - beer included). TL;DR I'm currently making prison cider but I'm interested in what yeasts I could buy in the future to make respectable cider.
I've heard that champagne yeast will consume nearly all trace of sweetness in cider, but I don't have any firsthand experience. I'm actually checking out this thread because I've started experimenting with cider due to a lack of beer ingredients (planning a bulk buy in a couple months). My method is very basic, however. I'm experimenting using "grocery store only" ingredients: 100% apple juice (no preservatives), table sugar, and baker's yeast (traditional, not instant). I haven't tasted it yet, but I started batch 1 on Mar 4, been fermenting non-stop since. Batch 2 started yesterday, the most furious fermenting/bubbling I've ever seen - beer included).
I'm currently making prison cider but I'm interested in what yeasts I could buy in the future to make respectable cider.
When then post was made about Grooves, I went right in as I really wanted to finally get Captain Falcon. As I was placing the order, my card was rejected and soon, I received a call telling me to verify recent purchases on my card. I answered and then they started to ask for my social security number. At that point, I was like fuck no, and I hung up. I then called the bank number on my card and they told me that the number that called me sounds to be a scam and they did not allow me to make the purchase from Grooves(thankfully). Now, everyone is getting this bull shit email saying that they damaged hundreds of amiibo. So essentially, I am thankful that my bank did not allow me to make the purchase. Now onto my conspiracy, what if the person that made the post about Grooves was actually in on the scam? Honestly, I find it extremely odd that someone finds some random small business that somehow has tons of rare amiibo to sell. If that person seriously was unaware of this, then fine, but please, can we check sites before telling people to go order from them. TL DR: Bank saved me from Grooves Inc scam; Conspiracy is that person that made the post about them was in on the scam.
When then post was made about Grooves, I went right in as I really wanted to finally get Captain Falcon. As I was placing the order, my card was rejected and soon, I received a call telling me to verify recent purchases on my card. I answered and then they started to ask for my social security number. At that point, I was like fuck no, and I hung up. I then called the bank number on my card and they told me that the number that called me sounds to be a scam and they did not allow me to make the purchase from Grooves(thankfully). Now, everyone is getting this bull shit email saying that they damaged hundreds of amiibo. So essentially, I am thankful that my bank did not allow me to make the purchase. Now onto my conspiracy, what if the person that made the post about Grooves was actually in on the scam? Honestly, I find it extremely odd that someone finds some random small business that somehow has tons of rare amiibo to sell. If that person seriously was unaware of this, then fine, but please, can we check sites before telling people to go order from them. TL DR: Bank saved me from Grooves Inc scam; Conspiracy is that person that made the post about them was in on the scam.
When then post was made about Grooves, I went right in as I really wanted to finally get Captain Falcon. As I was placing the order, my card was rejected and soon, I received a call telling me to verify recent purchases on my card. I answered and then they started to ask for my social security number. At that point, I was like fuck no, and I hung up. I then called the bank number on my card and they told me that the number that called me sounds to be a scam and they did not allow me to make the purchase from Grooves(thankfully). Now, everyone is getting this bull shit email saying that they damaged hundreds of amiibo. So essentially, I am thankful that my bank did not allow me to make the purchase. Now onto my conspiracy, what if the person that made the post about Grooves was actually in on the scam? Honestly, I find it extremely odd that someone finds some random small business that somehow has tons of rare amiibo to sell. If that person seriously was unaware of this, then fine, but please, can we check sites before telling people to go order from them.
Bank saved me from Grooves Inc scam; Conspiracy is that person that made the post about them was in on the scam.
I don't think that Ging is actually Gon's father, probably his older brother or uncle. First of all, he doesn't act like a father even in the slightest, which is very odd. Secondly, he mentions someone called Don Freecs, who might be still alive, opening up the possibility that he is Gon's real dad. No one seems to have mentioned this, so I'd like to throw it out there TL;DR: Ging is Gon's brother
I don't think that Ging is actually Gon's father, probably his older brother or uncle. First of all, he doesn't act like a father even in the slightest, which is very odd. Secondly, he mentions someone called Don Freecs, who might be still alive, opening up the possibility that he is Gon's real dad. No one seems to have mentioned this, so I'd like to throw it out there TL;DR: Ging is Gon's brother
I don't think that Ging is actually Gon's father, probably his older brother or uncle. First of all, he doesn't act like a father even in the slightest, which is very odd. Secondly, he mentions someone called Don Freecs, who might be still alive, opening up the possibility that he is Gon's real dad. No one seems to have mentioned this, so I'd like to throw it out there
Ging is Gon's brother
I love more than one person, a lot of the time. I hate it, and i hate it a lot. The story kind of starts with an old man who once told me (barely even knowing me) that i will never be able to stay faithful and i'd always walk into a room and check out all of the women. I hate that my future is being governed by this guy and his words and i can't get it out of my head. So basically, there's this girl (lets call her Jane). Jane and i have been best friends for about three years. I stayed at her place one night and after a long talk about living around the world and goign for trips together, we ended up fooling around and almost sleeping together, but i stopped her (i should explain - people thought i was crazy. Jane is freakin gorgeous). but I stopped her because while i knew i loved her, i also knew i loved my current girlfriend. I knew that i wanted to lose my virignity to my girlfriend. so the next day, thats right THE NEXT DAY i meet with my now-girlfriend, and i tell her i wanted to have something in the future. fast-forward a month or two, i've suppressed feelings for Jane, we go back to being best friends, and i am dating my current girlfriend. now i remember a quote from somewhere that "if you love two people, stay with the second. because if you truly loved the first you wouldn't have fallen for the second." easier said than done. i know i'm young but i'd just like some adivce. I love my current girlfriend - she's great and i love being around her. it pains me to say it but i am slightly more attracted to Jane, and i feel i love Jane (but it could just be lust - that is what i use to convince myself i don't love her). I also can never not doubt the future, and constantly wonder when we're going to break up and how it will end with my current girlfriend even though it is going absolutely fine. i don't think i could ever leave her, i think she would have to break up with me because i really do feel strongly for her. the problem is i feel strongly for Jane too, and every time i try and be normal i end up falling again. --- **tl;dr**: i love my girlfriend but i also love my best friend (who i had a short thing with)
I love more than one person, a lot of the time. I hate it, and i hate it a lot. The story kind of starts with an old man who once told me (barely even knowing me) that i will never be able to stay faithful and i'd always walk into a room and check out all of the women. I hate that my future is being governed by this guy and his words and i can't get it out of my head. So basically, there's this girl (lets call her Jane). Jane and i have been best friends for about three years. I stayed at her place one night and after a long talk about living around the world and goign for trips together, we ended up fooling around and almost sleeping together, but i stopped her (i should explain - people thought i was crazy. Jane is freakin gorgeous). but I stopped her because while i knew i loved her, i also knew i loved my current girlfriend. I knew that i wanted to lose my virignity to my girlfriend. so the next day, thats right THE NEXT DAY i meet with my now-girlfriend, and i tell her i wanted to have something in the future. fast-forward a month or two, i've suppressed feelings for Jane, we go back to being best friends, and i am dating my current girlfriend. now i remember a quote from somewhere that "if you love two people, stay with the second. because if you truly loved the first you wouldn't have fallen for the second." easier said than done. i know i'm young but i'd just like some adivce. I love my current girlfriend - she's great and i love being around her. it pains me to say it but i am slightly more attracted to Jane, and i feel i love Jane (but it could just be lust - that is what i use to convince myself i don't love her). I also can never not doubt the future, and constantly wonder when we're going to break up and how it will end with my current girlfriend even though it is going absolutely fine. i don't think i could ever leave her, i think she would have to break up with me because i really do feel strongly for her. the problem is i feel strongly for Jane too, and every time i try and be normal i end up falling again. tl;dr : i love my girlfriend but i also love my best friend (who i had a short thing with)
I love more than one person, a lot of the time. I hate it, and i hate it a lot. The story kind of starts with an old man who once told me (barely even knowing me) that i will never be able to stay faithful and i'd always walk into a room and check out all of the women. I hate that my future is being governed by this guy and his words and i can't get it out of my head. So basically, there's this girl (lets call her Jane). Jane and i have been best friends for about three years. I stayed at her place one night and after a long talk about living around the world and goign for trips together, we ended up fooling around and almost sleeping together, but i stopped her (i should explain - people thought i was crazy. Jane is freakin gorgeous). but I stopped her because while i knew i loved her, i also knew i loved my current girlfriend. I knew that i wanted to lose my virignity to my girlfriend. so the next day, thats right THE NEXT DAY i meet with my now-girlfriend, and i tell her i wanted to have something in the future. fast-forward a month or two, i've suppressed feelings for Jane, we go back to being best friends, and i am dating my current girlfriend. now i remember a quote from somewhere that "if you love two people, stay with the second. because if you truly loved the first you wouldn't have fallen for the second." easier said than done. i know i'm young but i'd just like some adivce. I love my current girlfriend - she's great and i love being around her. it pains me to say it but i am slightly more attracted to Jane, and i feel i love Jane (but it could just be lust - that is what i use to convince myself i don't love her). I also can never not doubt the future, and constantly wonder when we're going to break up and how it will end with my current girlfriend even though it is going absolutely fine. i don't think i could ever leave her, i think she would have to break up with me because i really do feel strongly for her. the problem is i feel strongly for Jane too, and every time i try and be normal i end up falling again.
i love my girlfriend but i also love my best friend (who i had a short thing with)
The best music for learning guitar is old 90s Creed. Tremonti was, well, shitty back then and the stuff he wrote was pretty basic but you grow as a player along with it just like he did. 'whats this life for' is your basic cowboy chords for g and D, arpeggiated a bit and then Bmin and Cmin. 'whats the life for' more arpeggiated cowboy chords, fingerpicked 'my own prison' has neat open string melodies with basic hammer on pull offs, and drop D barre chords. Then 'one' or 'illusion' moves to right hand rhythm and palm muting. 'higher' really stretches your hands out and builds strength. That intro riff aint half as easy as it sounds. More solid very useful barre chords from there, and a basic right hand rhythm. 'what if' has an amazing simple fingerpick intro, and then gets right into a heavy rock rhythm with a bit of a twist, and teaches you that KILLER harmonic. Torn puts it all together, the bridge is one if the most fun riffs ive ever played. Thats enough creed for now (i could write a book on this) lets go to alterbridge as tremonti grows even further. Metalingus will sync your right and left hand together while rocking your face off and really pushing your speed without being unplayable. Same with ties that bind. 'White knuckles' similarly right and left hand sync speed picking without being unplayable, but the prechorus is just nuts. It sounds simple. Its not. 'Blackbird' intro is a simple fingerpick riff that is absolutely brilliant. The solo by Myles kennedy is simple and melodic, but kennedy knows his theory and crafts it brilliantly. Great solo for beginners to learn. Followed by tremontis solo which is simply the pinnacle of a rock solo for me. Never heard one I liked better. But its decidedly not for beginners heh. Lets skip to the tremonti project, which has parts that are nearly unplayable for a mortal, combined with brilliant melodic guitar writing.. 'decay' is a treat. Along with 'so youre afraid'. Tremonti is an amazing 'ear player' who also has a solid basis in theory - - he sings through his hands, and concentrates on melodies. In his own words the most important parts of a song are the melody, the melody, and the melody. Tldr: Studying tremontis work beginning with creed and following him through the decades will provide a nearly linear difficulty and skill increase.
The best music for learning guitar is old 90s Creed. Tremonti was, well, shitty back then and the stuff he wrote was pretty basic but you grow as a player along with it just like he did. 'whats this life for' is your basic cowboy chords for g and D, arpeggiated a bit and then Bmin and Cmin. 'whats the life for' more arpeggiated cowboy chords, fingerpicked 'my own prison' has neat open string melodies with basic hammer on pull offs, and drop D barre chords. Then 'one' or 'illusion' moves to right hand rhythm and palm muting. 'higher' really stretches your hands out and builds strength. That intro riff aint half as easy as it sounds. More solid very useful barre chords from there, and a basic right hand rhythm. 'what if' has an amazing simple fingerpick intro, and then gets right into a heavy rock rhythm with a bit of a twist, and teaches you that KILLER harmonic. Torn puts it all together, the bridge is one if the most fun riffs ive ever played. Thats enough creed for now (i could write a book on this) lets go to alterbridge as tremonti grows even further. Metalingus will sync your right and left hand together while rocking your face off and really pushing your speed without being unplayable. Same with ties that bind. 'White knuckles' similarly right and left hand sync speed picking without being unplayable, but the prechorus is just nuts. It sounds simple. Its not. 'Blackbird' intro is a simple fingerpick riff that is absolutely brilliant. The solo by Myles kennedy is simple and melodic, but kennedy knows his theory and crafts it brilliantly. Great solo for beginners to learn. Followed by tremontis solo which is simply the pinnacle of a rock solo for me. Never heard one I liked better. But its decidedly not for beginners heh. Lets skip to the tremonti project, which has parts that are nearly unplayable for a mortal, combined with brilliant melodic guitar writing.. 'decay' is a treat. Along with 'so youre afraid'. Tremonti is an amazing 'ear player' who also has a solid basis in theory - - he sings through his hands, and concentrates on melodies. In his own words the most important parts of a song are the melody, the melody, and the melody. Tldr: Studying tremontis work beginning with creed and following him through the decades will provide a nearly linear difficulty and skill increase.
The best music for learning guitar is old 90s Creed. Tremonti was, well, shitty back then and the stuff he wrote was pretty basic but you grow as a player along with it just like he did. 'whats this life for' is your basic cowboy chords for g and D, arpeggiated a bit and then Bmin and Cmin. 'whats the life for' more arpeggiated cowboy chords, fingerpicked 'my own prison' has neat open string melodies with basic hammer on pull offs, and drop D barre chords. Then 'one' or 'illusion' moves to right hand rhythm and palm muting. 'higher' really stretches your hands out and builds strength. That intro riff aint half as easy as it sounds. More solid very useful barre chords from there, and a basic right hand rhythm. 'what if' has an amazing simple fingerpick intro, and then gets right into a heavy rock rhythm with a bit of a twist, and teaches you that KILLER harmonic. Torn puts it all together, the bridge is one if the most fun riffs ive ever played. Thats enough creed for now (i could write a book on this) lets go to alterbridge as tremonti grows even further. Metalingus will sync your right and left hand together while rocking your face off and really pushing your speed without being unplayable. Same with ties that bind. 'White knuckles' similarly right and left hand sync speed picking without being unplayable, but the prechorus is just nuts. It sounds simple. Its not. 'Blackbird' intro is a simple fingerpick riff that is absolutely brilliant. The solo by Myles kennedy is simple and melodic, but kennedy knows his theory and crafts it brilliantly. Great solo for beginners to learn. Followed by tremontis solo which is simply the pinnacle of a rock solo for me. Never heard one I liked better. But its decidedly not for beginners heh. Lets skip to the tremonti project, which has parts that are nearly unplayable for a mortal, combined with brilliant melodic guitar writing.. 'decay' is a treat. Along with 'so youre afraid'. Tremonti is an amazing 'ear player' who also has a solid basis in theory - - he sings through his hands, and concentrates on melodies. In his own words the most important parts of a song are the melody, the melody, and the melody.
Studying tremontis work beginning with creed and following him through the decades will provide a nearly linear difficulty and skill increase.
Jesus fucking christ. One loss and all y'all are losing your freaking minds. Mariota isn't an NFL QB...YET. In fact, looking in the past most Oregon QBs aren't NFL QBs, even in their very own Chip Kelly system. If Mariota goes to the NFL draft, he won't get selected and he'll be throwing away his chance at a National Championship. Because despite the fact they haven't made it the past couple of years they are always in the picture regardless, and he is only getting better in the system. TL:DR: Oregon fans
Jesus fucking christ. One loss and all y'all are losing your freaking minds. Mariota isn't an NFL QB...YET. In fact, looking in the past most Oregon QBs aren't NFL QBs, even in their very own Chip Kelly system. If Mariota goes to the NFL draft, he won't get selected and he'll be throwing away his chance at a National Championship. Because despite the fact they haven't made it the past couple of years they are always in the picture regardless, and he is only getting better in the system. TL:DR: Oregon fans
Jesus fucking christ. One loss and all y'all are losing your freaking minds. Mariota isn't an NFL QB...YET. In fact, looking in the past most Oregon QBs aren't NFL QBs, even in their very own Chip Kelly system. If Mariota goes to the NFL draft, he won't get selected and he'll be throwing away his chance at a National Championship. Because despite the fact they haven't made it the past couple of years they are always in the picture regardless, and he is only getting better in the system.
Oregon fans
I remember my world issues teacher gave us a booklet at the beginning of the semester outlining each part of what we were going to learn. It focused primarily on properly identifying countries on a map, key words we'll be focusing on, concepts and ideas, etc. Not difficult. Every Friday, he would give us a five minute quiz on what was in that week's section of the booklet and in the end it came out to 10-15% of our final grade. It wasn't difficult stuff, but it was key stuff that we needed to know to fit the pieces of the puzzles together. tl;dr: if you plan on having frequent short tests, make a schedule out of it. Everybody hates pop quizzes.
I remember my world issues teacher gave us a booklet at the beginning of the semester outlining each part of what we were going to learn. It focused primarily on properly identifying countries on a map, key words we'll be focusing on, concepts and ideas, etc. Not difficult. Every Friday, he would give us a five minute quiz on what was in that week's section of the booklet and in the end it came out to 10-15% of our final grade. It wasn't difficult stuff, but it was key stuff that we needed to know to fit the pieces of the puzzles together. tl;dr: if you plan on having frequent short tests, make a schedule out of it. Everybody hates pop quizzes.
I remember my world issues teacher gave us a booklet at the beginning of the semester outlining each part of what we were going to learn. It focused primarily on properly identifying countries on a map, key words we'll be focusing on, concepts and ideas, etc. Not difficult. Every Friday, he would give us a five minute quiz on what was in that week's section of the booklet and in the end it came out to 10-15% of our final grade. It wasn't difficult stuff, but it was key stuff that we needed to know to fit the pieces of the puzzles together.
if you plan on having frequent short tests, make a schedule out of it. Everybody hates pop quizzes.
***Fuck Flatspot!*** Now that I have your attention... Here me out here. There are the right ways of doing things in a professional manner &amp; then there's what Flatspot did. They publicly called out (basically shat on) a *partner* before expressing *their opinion* **privately** to them. The Caliber team makes good products &amp; (from what I read) have good customer service too. I'm sure Caliber would have been happy putting a disclaimer on the ads after some ***communication***. If not, the professional (principled and moral) thing to do would be to not carry their products anymore and to keep preaching about helmet safety &amp; etc on their blog without naming names. They are calling out an obviously much better known business partner *directly* to promote themselves though controversy. **They are self-interested in promoting themselves on the backs of Caliber.** This is clear as day to see after you get passed the bs. If *any* retailer of *any* product in *any* market did this, you better believe they'd be canned immediately. Every other brand in the industry should have reservations dealing with them too. They obviously don't understand the very basics of business ethics &amp; professional conduct. Hope they read the fine print of the contracts they probably signed &amp; have what's coming to them. Don't be surprised when they won't be selling other brands too. Know your [reddiquette]( &amp; upvote if you think this adds to the conversation (whether you agree or not). tl;dr The way Flatspot went about this was wrong, immoral, unprofessional, &amp; self-serving. Other businesses in the industry should take note.
Fuck Flatspot! Now that I have your attention... Here me out here. There are the right ways of doing things in a professional manner & then there's what Flatspot did. They publicly called out (basically shat on) a partner before expressing their opinion privately to them. The Caliber team makes good products & (from what I read) have good customer service too. I'm sure Caliber would have been happy putting a disclaimer on the ads after some communication . If not, the professional (principled and moral) thing to do would be to not carry their products anymore and to keep preaching about helmet safety & etc on their blog without naming names. They are calling out an obviously much better known business partner directly to promote themselves though controversy. They are self-interested in promoting themselves on the backs of Caliber. This is clear as day to see after you get passed the bs. If any retailer of any product in any market did this, you better believe they'd be canned immediately. Every other brand in the industry should have reservations dealing with them too. They obviously don't understand the very basics of business ethics & professional conduct. Hope they read the fine print of the contracts they probably signed & have what's coming to them. Don't be surprised when they won't be selling other brands too. Know your reddiquette . tl;dr The way Flatspot went about this was wrong, immoral, unprofessional, & self-serving. Other businesses in the industry should take note.
Fuck Flatspot! Now that I have your attention... Here me out here. There are the right ways of doing things in a professional manner & then there's what Flatspot did. They publicly called out (basically shat on) a partner before expressing their opinion privately to them. The Caliber team makes good products & (from what I read) have good customer service too. I'm sure Caliber would have been happy putting a disclaimer on the ads after some communication . If not, the professional (principled and moral) thing to do would be to not carry their products anymore and to keep preaching about helmet safety & etc on their blog without naming names. They are calling out an obviously much better known business partner directly to promote themselves though controversy. They are self-interested in promoting themselves on the backs of Caliber. This is clear as day to see after you get passed the bs. If any retailer of any product in any market did this, you better believe they'd be canned immediately. Every other brand in the industry should have reservations dealing with them too. They obviously don't understand the very basics of business ethics & professional conduct. Hope they read the fine print of the contracts they probably signed & have what's coming to them. Don't be surprised when they won't be selling other brands too. Know your reddiquette .
The way Flatspot went about this was wrong, immoral, unprofessional, & self-serving. Other businesses in the industry should take note.
I disagree. (Whitey here). I think that in the interests of free speech, even unpopular and possibly poorly thought out things should at least be heard. Here we have the shirt, which makes very little sense and at worst causes some conflict. However, it also generates discussion and dialogue like we're having now, which makes the position of all parties more clear. Maybe something can be learned from the discussion, ultimately making the shirt aspect no longer important, but people will be better educated as a result of the ensuing discussions. Tl;dr, the shirt is short lived, but the discussion is worth it.
I disagree. (Whitey here). I think that in the interests of free speech, even unpopular and possibly poorly thought out things should at least be heard. Here we have the shirt, which makes very little sense and at worst causes some conflict. However, it also generates discussion and dialogue like we're having now, which makes the position of all parties more clear. Maybe something can be learned from the discussion, ultimately making the shirt aspect no longer important, but people will be better educated as a result of the ensuing discussions. Tl;dr, the shirt is short lived, but the discussion is worth it.
I disagree. (Whitey here). I think that in the interests of free speech, even unpopular and possibly poorly thought out things should at least be heard. Here we have the shirt, which makes very little sense and at worst causes some conflict. However, it also generates discussion and dialogue like we're having now, which makes the position of all parties more clear. Maybe something can be learned from the discussion, ultimately making the shirt aspect no longer important, but people will be better educated as a result of the ensuing discussions.
the shirt is short lived, but the discussion is worth it.
Nope. Even experts are biased, have theories, and can be wrong. In an issue as complex as this, there is no 5 minute TL;DR. I'm sorry.
Nope. Even experts are biased, have theories, and can be wrong. In an issue as complex as this, there is no 5 minute TL;DR. I'm sorry.
Nope. Even experts are biased, have theories, and can be wrong. In an issue as complex as this, there is no 5 minute
I'm sorry.
After midnight on the third Thursday of every month: * Get up secretly, enter the kitchen * Lift one piece of the offending cutlery * Wrap it in some tissue/paper towel * Put it directly in your large recycling bin, (perhaps inside a cereal box for added stealth) * Return to bed happy * Repeat After a while (several months) you will have been making a slow but significant dent in the cutlery supply, the first time someone in the house brings it up, nonchalantly suggest that it "could be time to get a new silverware set?" If you can pull that off; "should we get rid of this old set? now that we have these new ones it might be nice to clear out some space" If that doesn't fly, begin cutlery relief with increased frequency of twice a month (You will get less heat now with the new set as misdirection.) Eventually you will be left with a complete set of matching silverware, many happy nights of getting your vengeance on the offending pieces and the exhiliration of a late night secret mission. TL;DR Alternatively take all the silverware, throw it in the recycling, go out, buy a new set, when spouse/family return home - "I hated that mis-matched garbage in the top drawer, I bought us some real cutlery"
After midnight on the third Thursday of every month: Get up secretly, enter the kitchen Lift one piece of the offending cutlery Wrap it in some tissue/paper towel Put it directly in your large recycling bin, (perhaps inside a cereal box for added stealth) Return to bed happy Repeat After a while (several months) you will have been making a slow but significant dent in the cutlery supply, the first time someone in the house brings it up, nonchalantly suggest that it "could be time to get a new silverware set?" If you can pull that off; "should we get rid of this old set? now that we have these new ones it might be nice to clear out some space" If that doesn't fly, begin cutlery relief with increased frequency of twice a month (You will get less heat now with the new set as misdirection.) Eventually you will be left with a complete set of matching silverware, many happy nights of getting your vengeance on the offending pieces and the exhiliration of a late night secret mission. TL;DR Alternatively take all the silverware, throw it in the recycling, go out, buy a new set, when spouse/family return home - "I hated that mis-matched garbage in the top drawer, I bought us some real cutlery"
After midnight on the third Thursday of every month: Get up secretly, enter the kitchen Lift one piece of the offending cutlery Wrap it in some tissue/paper towel Put it directly in your large recycling bin, (perhaps inside a cereal box for added stealth) Return to bed happy Repeat After a while (several months) you will have been making a slow but significant dent in the cutlery supply, the first time someone in the house brings it up, nonchalantly suggest that it "could be time to get a new silverware set?" If you can pull that off; "should we get rid of this old set? now that we have these new ones it might be nice to clear out some space" If that doesn't fly, begin cutlery relief with increased frequency of twice a month (You will get less heat now with the new set as misdirection.) Eventually you will be left with a complete set of matching silverware, many happy nights of getting your vengeance on the offending pieces and the exhiliration of a late night secret mission.
Alternatively take all the silverware, throw it in the recycling, go out, buy a new set, when spouse/family return home - "I hated that mis-matched garbage in the top drawer, I bought us some real cutlery"
Hey guys, ill make this right to the point. So i dated my ex all through high school and through our first parts of college. Things began to go downhill so to avoid breaking up we agreed to take a break for summer while we both worked full time. When the break was over we got together and things were not the same. she became good friends with some very bad influences. She has a very addictive personality and she really cherished their friendship - while it was unhealthy and honestly, not a good friendship at all. Needless to say things did not work out after our break and we ended up just breaking it off. The way she did it was just to completely ignore me and blow me off. She has talked to me about 5 times in the year and a half we have been broken up and about 4 of those times were drunk texts. Last night she was very drunk and asked me to come pick her up from her house - i was worried that she really needed help. When i got to her she was still drinking and it was very apparent to me that she wanted to get back together and make things okay. (she might also have a drug problem) she was begging me for sex and I could not do that to her. I work for her father and we have a father - son relationship --- **tl;dr**: Ex is an alcoholic and might have a possible drug problem. she wont leave the bad friends she has - but they are the main problem. she is trying to come back to me (for sex i suppose) but i really want to help her get out of this and she refuses to talk to me sober - not a really good question but i would really appreciate any advice possible! Thanks guys!!
Hey guys, ill make this right to the point. So i dated my ex all through high school and through our first parts of college. Things began to go downhill so to avoid breaking up we agreed to take a break for summer while we both worked full time. When the break was over we got together and things were not the same. she became good friends with some very bad influences. She has a very addictive personality and she really cherished their friendship - while it was unhealthy and honestly, not a good friendship at all. Needless to say things did not work out after our break and we ended up just breaking it off. The way she did it was just to completely ignore me and blow me off. She has talked to me about 5 times in the year and a half we have been broken up and about 4 of those times were drunk texts. Last night she was very drunk and asked me to come pick her up from her house - i was worried that she really needed help. When i got to her she was still drinking and it was very apparent to me that she wanted to get back together and make things okay. (she might also have a drug problem) she was begging me for sex and I could not do that to her. I work for her father and we have a father - son relationship tl;dr : Ex is an alcoholic and might have a possible drug problem. she wont leave the bad friends she has - but they are the main problem. she is trying to come back to me (for sex i suppose) but i really want to help her get out of this and she refuses to talk to me sober - not a really good question but i would really appreciate any advice possible! Thanks guys!!
Hey guys, ill make this right to the point. So i dated my ex all through high school and through our first parts of college. Things began to go downhill so to avoid breaking up we agreed to take a break for summer while we both worked full time. When the break was over we got together and things were not the same. she became good friends with some very bad influences. She has a very addictive personality and she really cherished their friendship - while it was unhealthy and honestly, not a good friendship at all. Needless to say things did not work out after our break and we ended up just breaking it off. The way she did it was just to completely ignore me and blow me off. She has talked to me about 5 times in the year and a half we have been broken up and about 4 of those times were drunk texts. Last night she was very drunk and asked me to come pick her up from her house - i was worried that she really needed help. When i got to her she was still drinking and it was very apparent to me that she wanted to get back together and make things okay. (she might also have a drug problem) she was begging me for sex and I could not do that to her. I work for her father and we have a father - son relationship
Ex is an alcoholic and might have a possible drug problem. she wont leave the bad friends she has - but they are the main problem. she is trying to come back to me (for sex i suppose) but i really want to help her get out of this and she refuses to talk to me sober - not a really good question but i would really appreciate any advice possible! Thanks guys!!
I am really worried about my SO, she is suffering a very big depression. Things hasn't been well lately, we have money problems and her parents are about to get divorced for her dad's drinking problem so I understand her to be sad, but now she is beyond sad, she doesn't cry or talk a lot about her feelings but every day she spends more time in bed, she is tired all day, she talks about dead, she says thinks like "I just want to sleep forever" or she starts conversation with questions like "If I were dead..." or "If something happens to me..." I am really scared and I can't even talk to her about it, she says that talking about the problems makes her feel bad. We don't have money to take her to some kind of therapy and I really don't know what to do. We love each other very much, she says that love is the reason the keeps waking up every day. Please help me, she is everything to me. TL DR- My girl is depressed and I don't know how to help her.
I am really worried about my SO, she is suffering a very big depression. Things hasn't been well lately, we have money problems and her parents are about to get divorced for her dad's drinking problem so I understand her to be sad, but now she is beyond sad, she doesn't cry or talk a lot about her feelings but every day she spends more time in bed, she is tired all day, she talks about dead, she says thinks like "I just want to sleep forever" or she starts conversation with questions like "If I were dead..." or "If something happens to me..." I am really scared and I can't even talk to her about it, she says that talking about the problems makes her feel bad. We don't have money to take her to some kind of therapy and I really don't know what to do. We love each other very much, she says that love is the reason the keeps waking up every day. Please help me, she is everything to me. TL DR- My girl is depressed and I don't know how to help her.
I am really worried about my SO, she is suffering a very big depression. Things hasn't been well lately, we have money problems and her parents are about to get divorced for her dad's drinking problem so I understand her to be sad, but now she is beyond sad, she doesn't cry or talk a lot about her feelings but every day she spends more time in bed, she is tired all day, she talks about dead, she says thinks like "I just want to sleep forever" or she starts conversation with questions like "If I were dead..." or "If something happens to me..." I am really scared and I can't even talk to her about it, she says that talking about the problems makes her feel bad. We don't have money to take her to some kind of therapy and I really don't know what to do. We love each other very much, she says that love is the reason the keeps waking up every day. Please help me, she is everything to me.
My girl is depressed and I don't know how to help her.
So I just need to blow off some steam. It'll be a month to the day I started at this new job and I still lack permissions to anything. This is a small company that barely has its servers connected to a domain or user PC's for that matter. This is the first environment I'm in where a lot of the infrastructure is being developed. I'm used to working for the DoD or large corporations where there's a domain, an image, network permissions, etc. So it has taken me a bit to come up with solutions to different things because I have to think different. Regardless, I've been an Exchange admin, network admin, server admin, back up admin, etc in previous jobs, my current boss has yet to give me any permissions to anything at this point. The frustrations came to fruition this morning when trying to set a user up on one of our servers. A connection isn't jiving and I don't have any resources to verify his account or anything. I just have to send an email to my boss and wait. I'm trying to learn the infrastructure, but it's tough to do when it's just drawings on a monitoring interface. Being able to be interactive with something goes a long way. A part of me wants to bail on this because I hate having my hands tied, especially when I served as a domain admin for a prestigious university. I miss that job. TLDR: I know what I'm doing, I have the least amount of permissions of anyone.
So I just need to blow off some steam. It'll be a month to the day I started at this new job and I still lack permissions to anything. This is a small company that barely has its servers connected to a domain or user PC's for that matter. This is the first environment I'm in where a lot of the infrastructure is being developed. I'm used to working for the DoD or large corporations where there's a domain, an image, network permissions, etc. So it has taken me a bit to come up with solutions to different things because I have to think different. Regardless, I've been an Exchange admin, network admin, server admin, back up admin, etc in previous jobs, my current boss has yet to give me any permissions to anything at this point. The frustrations came to fruition this morning when trying to set a user up on one of our servers. A connection isn't jiving and I don't have any resources to verify his account or anything. I just have to send an email to my boss and wait. I'm trying to learn the infrastructure, but it's tough to do when it's just drawings on a monitoring interface. Being able to be interactive with something goes a long way. A part of me wants to bail on this because I hate having my hands tied, especially when I served as a domain admin for a prestigious university. I miss that job. TLDR: I know what I'm doing, I have the least amount of permissions of anyone.
So I just need to blow off some steam. It'll be a month to the day I started at this new job and I still lack permissions to anything. This is a small company that barely has its servers connected to a domain or user PC's for that matter. This is the first environment I'm in where a lot of the infrastructure is being developed. I'm used to working for the DoD or large corporations where there's a domain, an image, network permissions, etc. So it has taken me a bit to come up with solutions to different things because I have to think different. Regardless, I've been an Exchange admin, network admin, server admin, back up admin, etc in previous jobs, my current boss has yet to give me any permissions to anything at this point. The frustrations came to fruition this morning when trying to set a user up on one of our servers. A connection isn't jiving and I don't have any resources to verify his account or anything. I just have to send an email to my boss and wait. I'm trying to learn the infrastructure, but it's tough to do when it's just drawings on a monitoring interface. Being able to be interactive with something goes a long way. A part of me wants to bail on this because I hate having my hands tied, especially when I served as a domain admin for a prestigious university. I miss that job.
I know what I'm doing, I have the least amount of permissions of anyone.
[x-posted]( Dating 2 years (8 months in person, neighboring states 13 months, across the USA 4 months). I need something to get me through my work day and evening since I have to wait til 10 pm my time (7.5 hours from now) for him to be available for Skype. If he can't do that (which is likely, and one of the reasons we're breaking up), this is what I'm emailing him. Too much "you ___"? More "I" statements? Edits and advice on how to break up with someone you're in love with welcome. &gt;I'm not happy with our relationship anymore. I never wanted to be in a long distance relationship again and told you I'd try because I love you, but it's not working. &gt; &gt;I feel like I'm the only one making an effort to keep it going. You're not making time for me, we're not having anything close to sex, you didn't care about our anniversary. I need more attention and time together than you're willing to give. I'm lonely, I've told you that, and I don't see you doing anything differently. &gt; &gt;We're not going anywhere. It seems like you don't want me to move closer to you - I hoped you'd be excited to date like a real couple again when I brought up the possibility of going to school in SF. I know we talked about this already. I can't stay in a long distance relationship, I need an end goal. &gt; &gt;I can't imagine a future with you. I don't think you'll ever tell your parents about me. If they weren't "typical Indian parents", this would have been a deal breaker over a year ago. The fact that I'm willing to move across the country for you and you can't even tell your family about me tells me that we have very different expectations for a serious relationship. &gt; &gt;People don't get into long distance relationships because they're fun, they get into them because they care about the other person and are serious about making it work no matter what. I don't see you getting serious about me. &gt; &gt;I'd like to work these things out with you, but I know better than to try to change them when they're contingent on how much time you spend working, where I go to grad school, and possibly upsetting your family, so I think it's better that we break up. I hope you know how much I love you. --- **tl;dr**: Drafting break up script/e-mail and need suggestions and support. [Relevant GIF.](
[x-posted]( Dating 2 years (8 months in person, neighboring states 13 months, across the USA 4 months). I need something to get me through my work day and evening since I have to wait til 10 pm my time (7.5 hours from now) for him to be available for Skype. If he can't do that (which is likely, and one of the reasons we're breaking up), this is what I'm emailing him. Too much "you ___"? More "I" statements? Edits and advice on how to break up with someone you're in love with welcome. >I'm not happy with our relationship anymore. I never wanted to be in a long distance relationship again and told you I'd try because I love you, but it's not working. > >I feel like I'm the only one making an effort to keep it going. You're not making time for me, we're not having anything close to sex, you didn't care about our anniversary. I need more attention and time together than you're willing to give. I'm lonely, I've told you that, and I don't see you doing anything differently. > >We're not going anywhere. It seems like you don't want me to move closer to you - I hoped you'd be excited to date like a real couple again when I brought up the possibility of going to school in SF. I know we talked about this already. I can't stay in a long distance relationship, I need an end goal. > >I can't imagine a future with you. I don't think you'll ever tell your parents about me. If they weren't "typical Indian parents", this would have been a deal breaker over a year ago. The fact that I'm willing to move across the country for you and you can't even tell your family about me tells me that we have very different expectations for a serious relationship. > >People don't get into long distance relationships because they're fun, they get into them because they care about the other person and are serious about making it work no matter what. I don't see you getting serious about me. > >I'd like to work these things out with you, but I know better than to try to change them when they're contingent on how much time you spend working, where I go to grad school, and possibly upsetting your family, so I think it's better that we break up. I hope you know how much I love you. tl;dr : Drafting break up script/e-mail and need suggestions and support. [Relevant GIF.](
x-posted]( Dating 2 years (8 months in person, neighboring states 13 months, across the USA 4 months). I need something to get me through my work day and evening since I have to wait til 10 pm my time (7.5 hours from now) for him to be available for Skype. If he can't do that (which is likely, and one of the reasons we're breaking up), this is what I'm emailing him. Too much "you ___"? More "I" statements? Edits and advice on how to break up with someone you're in love with welcome. >I'm not happy with our relationship anymore. I never wanted to be in a long distance relationship again and told you I'd try because I love you, but it's not working. > >I feel like I'm the only one making an effort to keep it going. You're not making time for me, we're not having anything close to sex, you didn't care about our anniversary. I need more attention and time together than you're willing to give. I'm lonely, I've told you that, and I don't see you doing anything differently. > >We're not going anywhere. It seems like you don't want me to move closer to you - I hoped you'd be excited to date like a real couple again when I brought up the possibility of going to school in SF. I know we talked about this already. I can't stay in a long distance relationship, I need an end goal. > >I can't imagine a future with you. I don't think you'll ever tell your parents about me. If they weren't "typical Indian parents", this would have been a deal breaker over a year ago. The fact that I'm willing to move across the country for you and you can't even tell your family about me tells me that we have very different expectations for a serious relationship. > >People don't get into long distance relationships because they're fun, they get into them because they care about the other person and are serious about making it work no matter what. I don't see you getting serious about me. > >I'd like to work these things out with you, but I know better than to try to change them when they're contingent on how much time you spend working, where I go to grad school, and possibly upsetting your family, so I think it's better that we break up. I hope you know how much I love you.
Drafting break up script/e-mail and need suggestions and support. [Relevant GIF.](
I (I am female, 35) have a friend, Trisha, who is married to a man of similar age and they have 2 young kids. He has been arrested in a prior relationship for domestic violence, but told Trisha that it was a crazy ex-girlfriend and she shrugged it off. I have never seen her as miserable as she has been this last year. He calls and yells at her for not being home, while he can come and go as he pleases. It's awful yelling with name calling, swearing and threats. She will be out with a group of us and he will reduce her to tears and she will have to leave. I am honestly not sure if she just doesn't want to rock the boat or she is scared. She has said before that she is sometimes scared to leave him alone with the kids. Trisha does not go out very often or do things for herself. He has temper tantrums where he breaks things. Expensive items. He has been physical once (that I know of), but swears he was drugged by a friend (does not sound legit, I know). He was finally put on medication for anger. But the last weekend while we were on a weekend away, he acted drunk/high, was extremely irritable with everyone, and made his wife miserable and she spent a vacation weekend in tears. All the kids were concerned, and they spent their time yelling and swearing and arguing together. It was clear that they didn't like each other, but then she'd be all over him. I have tried to talk to her before. She won't say that he is physically abusive. She's tried to get him into counseling, couples and on his own. The kids are seeing this and it is apparent to me that it is definitely affecting them. They ask why mommy is crying all the time, and they are not as joyous as most kids. Now, when someone has built a life with a home and kids, it's not easy to just say "done." I'm afraid for her and the kids. Am I over-reacting? I am hoping someone in a similar situation (on any side) will be able to give some feedback on some approaches to take. --- **tl;dr**: Friend is in a potentially abusive relationship. How do I help without making the situation worse?
I (I am female, 35) have a friend, Trisha, who is married to a man of similar age and they have 2 young kids. He has been arrested in a prior relationship for domestic violence, but told Trisha that it was a crazy ex-girlfriend and she shrugged it off. I have never seen her as miserable as she has been this last year. He calls and yells at her for not being home, while he can come and go as he pleases. It's awful yelling with name calling, swearing and threats. She will be out with a group of us and he will reduce her to tears and she will have to leave. I am honestly not sure if she just doesn't want to rock the boat or she is scared. She has said before that she is sometimes scared to leave him alone with the kids. Trisha does not go out very often or do things for herself. He has temper tantrums where he breaks things. Expensive items. He has been physical once (that I know of), but swears he was drugged by a friend (does not sound legit, I know). He was finally put on medication for anger. But the last weekend while we were on a weekend away, he acted drunk/high, was extremely irritable with everyone, and made his wife miserable and she spent a vacation weekend in tears. All the kids were concerned, and they spent their time yelling and swearing and arguing together. It was clear that they didn't like each other, but then she'd be all over him. I have tried to talk to her before. She won't say that he is physically abusive. She's tried to get him into counseling, couples and on his own. The kids are seeing this and it is apparent to me that it is definitely affecting them. They ask why mommy is crying all the time, and they are not as joyous as most kids. Now, when someone has built a life with a home and kids, it's not easy to just say "done." I'm afraid for her and the kids. Am I over-reacting? I am hoping someone in a similar situation (on any side) will be able to give some feedback on some approaches to take. tl;dr : Friend is in a potentially abusive relationship. How do I help without making the situation worse?
I (I am female, 35) have a friend, Trisha, who is married to a man of similar age and they have 2 young kids. He has been arrested in a prior relationship for domestic violence, but told Trisha that it was a crazy ex-girlfriend and she shrugged it off. I have never seen her as miserable as she has been this last year. He calls and yells at her for not being home, while he can come and go as he pleases. It's awful yelling with name calling, swearing and threats. She will be out with a group of us and he will reduce her to tears and she will have to leave. I am honestly not sure if she just doesn't want to rock the boat or she is scared. She has said before that she is sometimes scared to leave him alone with the kids. Trisha does not go out very often or do things for herself. He has temper tantrums where he breaks things. Expensive items. He has been physical once (that I know of), but swears he was drugged by a friend (does not sound legit, I know). He was finally put on medication for anger. But the last weekend while we were on a weekend away, he acted drunk/high, was extremely irritable with everyone, and made his wife miserable and she spent a vacation weekend in tears. All the kids were concerned, and they spent their time yelling and swearing and arguing together. It was clear that they didn't like each other, but then she'd be all over him. I have tried to talk to her before. She won't say that he is physically abusive. She's tried to get him into counseling, couples and on his own. The kids are seeing this and it is apparent to me that it is definitely affecting them. They ask why mommy is crying all the time, and they are not as joyous as most kids. Now, when someone has built a life with a home and kids, it's not easy to just say "done." I'm afraid for her and the kids. Am I over-reacting? I am hoping someone in a similar situation (on any side) will be able to give some feedback on some approaches to take.
Friend is in a potentially abusive relationship. How do I help without making the situation worse?
(I know my English and grammar is not the best so please make some allowances for that. Thanks.) I would like to agree with you, in fact I agree with the entire first half of your statement. But what I disagree with and would like to comment on is not directed at only you, its inclusive of us in general as the public spectators of sports today. I grew up watching sports with my old man and those were days! Trash talking wasn't something that was looked down upon, if you talked shit you were called out on it and sooner or later had to step up. And even then athletes and people left with their tail between their legs or in some cases proved their words weren't empty. What happened to those days? I mean, how have we gotten so uptight and judgmental to the point that EVERYONE is expected to walk on eggshells for the fear of the public. There are times when I laugh to myself and think of how our society today(especially with sporting events such as this) acts almost like the dystopian societies I used to read about in fiction. We all act like we are somehow superior to the athletes who are merely a commodity to entertain us and that they should be held to some other set of principles for who knows what reason and we think that we have the right to sit on our high computer chairs and reign all sorts of vulgarities and unfound claims on whomever we deem "deserving". Fuck that. I don't mean to go on a tangent but I just think we as a society need to evaluate ourselves and how we as a collective should be doing a better job of taking care of people in our society. I can go on more about how great athletes in their time trash talked aswell and never recieved such infantile and high-school like response BUT that is for another day. (ftr I am including myself in this. and i do realize generalizing all of society is unrealistic but thats not the main focus of what I am trying to say) Furthermore, with regards to this incident. I would say that we don't know who said what or what happened before so we should not draw any conclusions. Its the logical thing to do. You make alot of assumptions towards the end of your statement which I think are over assumptions or maybe slightly misconstrued. i.e. As funny as it may sound, that was barely a slap on the ass and as someone who has played in organized sports for a few years I can say this "Ass slapping thing" is not some new found breach of personal space everyone is getting ruffled over. Secondly, when you say "boastfully reaching out his hand with a sly smirk" its more of a descriptive narrative than a point to validate why you (im assuming) have a problem with Sherman. I mean would it have been better if he didn't smirk? maybe instead went for a high five with a smirk? see what I'm trying to say? You can argue that he's a dickhead yes, but then your argument would be validated because he "shakes hands with a smirk on his face after beating the guy whom he may/may not have a history with which you don't really know about" and thats not a very mature one. But I will concede that to you. Thirdly, the game was only "figuratively" over. I mean the game wasn't officially over so the trash talking or w.e didnt really occur after the game. It wasn't like he waited till Crabtree was on his way home and then shook his hand with a smirk on his face and slapped his ass. Fourthly*? I would like to see proof of this article being a front for him. I mean its probably but not necessarily the only probable reason nor the strongest so I am not ready to accept that assumption just yet. Sidenote: This is trashtalking and I don't have a problem with it. **tl:dr: Society, grow the fuck up. MAN UP! (not being sexist) ** edit: thanks so much for the gold! I'm glad to be part of an open forum such as this where we can share opinions in the open and hopefully walk away with a better understanding of the people around us and different perspectives on life. THANK YOU!
(I know my English and grammar is not the best so please make some allowances for that. Thanks.) I would like to agree with you, in fact I agree with the entire first half of your statement. But what I disagree with and would like to comment on is not directed at only you, its inclusive of us in general as the public spectators of sports today. I grew up watching sports with my old man and those were days! Trash talking wasn't something that was looked down upon, if you talked shit you were called out on it and sooner or later had to step up. And even then athletes and people left with their tail between their legs or in some cases proved their words weren't empty. What happened to those days? I mean, how have we gotten so uptight and judgmental to the point that EVERYONE is expected to walk on eggshells for the fear of the public. There are times when I laugh to myself and think of how our society today(especially with sporting events such as this) acts almost like the dystopian societies I used to read about in fiction. We all act like we are somehow superior to the athletes who are merely a commodity to entertain us and that they should be held to some other set of principles for who knows what reason and we think that we have the right to sit on our high computer chairs and reign all sorts of vulgarities and unfound claims on whomever we deem "deserving". Fuck that. I don't mean to go on a tangent but I just think we as a society need to evaluate ourselves and how we as a collective should be doing a better job of taking care of people in our society. I can go on more about how great athletes in their time trash talked aswell and never recieved such infantile and high-school like response BUT that is for another day. (ftr I am including myself in this. and i do realize generalizing all of society is unrealistic but thats not the main focus of what I am trying to say) Furthermore, with regards to this incident. I would say that we don't know who said what or what happened before so we should not draw any conclusions. Its the logical thing to do. You make alot of assumptions towards the end of your statement which I think are over assumptions or maybe slightly misconstrued. i.e. As funny as it may sound, that was barely a slap on the ass and as someone who has played in organized sports for a few years I can say this "Ass slapping thing" is not some new found breach of personal space everyone is getting ruffled over. Secondly, when you say "boastfully reaching out his hand with a sly smirk" its more of a descriptive narrative than a point to validate why you (im assuming) have a problem with Sherman. I mean would it have been better if he didn't smirk? maybe instead went for a high five with a smirk? see what I'm trying to say? You can argue that he's a dickhead yes, but then your argument would be validated because he "shakes hands with a smirk on his face after beating the guy whom he may/may not have a history with which you don't really know about" and thats not a very mature one. But I will concede that to you. Thirdly, the game was only "figuratively" over. I mean the game wasn't officially over so the trash talking or w.e didnt really occur after the game. It wasn't like he waited till Crabtree was on his way home and then shook his hand with a smirk on his face and slapped his ass. Fourthly*? I would like to see proof of this article being a front for him. I mean its probably but not necessarily the only probable reason nor the strongest so I am not ready to accept that assumption just yet. Sidenote: This is trashtalking and I don't have a problem with it. tl:dr: Society, grow the fuck up. MAN UP! (not being sexist) edit: thanks so much for the gold! I'm glad to be part of an open forum such as this where we can share opinions in the open and hopefully walk away with a better understanding of the people around us and different perspectives on life. THANK YOU!
I know my English and grammar is not the best so please make some allowances for that. Thanks.) I would like to agree with you, in fact I agree with the entire first half of your statement. But what I disagree with and would like to comment on is not directed at only you, its inclusive of us in general as the public spectators of sports today. I grew up watching sports with my old man and those were days! Trash talking wasn't something that was looked down upon, if you talked shit you were called out on it and sooner or later had to step up. And even then athletes and people left with their tail between their legs or in some cases proved their words weren't empty. What happened to those days? I mean, how have we gotten so uptight and judgmental to the point that EVERYONE is expected to walk on eggshells for the fear of the public. There are times when I laugh to myself and think of how our society today(especially with sporting events such as this) acts almost like the dystopian societies I used to read about in fiction. We all act like we are somehow superior to the athletes who are merely a commodity to entertain us and that they should be held to some other set of principles for who knows what reason and we think that we have the right to sit on our high computer chairs and reign all sorts of vulgarities and unfound claims on whomever we deem "deserving". Fuck that. I don't mean to go on a tangent but I just think we as a society need to evaluate ourselves and how we as a collective should be doing a better job of taking care of people in our society. I can go on more about how great athletes in their time trash talked aswell and never recieved such infantile and high-school like response BUT that is for another day. (ftr I am including myself in this. and i do realize generalizing all of society is unrealistic but thats not the main focus of what I am trying to say) Furthermore, with regards to this incident. I would say that we don't know who said what or what happened before so we should not draw any conclusions. Its the logical thing to do. You make alot of assumptions towards the end of your statement which I think are over assumptions or maybe slightly misconstrued. i.e. As funny as it may sound, that was barely a slap on the ass and as someone who has played in organized sports for a few years I can say this "Ass slapping thing" is not some new found breach of personal space everyone is getting ruffled over. Secondly, when you say "boastfully reaching out his hand with a sly smirk" its more of a descriptive narrative than a point to validate why you (im assuming) have a problem with Sherman. I mean would it have been better if he didn't smirk? maybe instead went for a high five with a smirk? see what I'm trying to say? You can argue that he's a dickhead yes, but then your argument would be validated because he "shakes hands with a smirk on his face after beating the guy whom he may/may not have a history with which you don't really know about" and thats not a very mature one. But I will concede that to you. Thirdly, the game was only "figuratively" over. I mean the game wasn't officially over so the trash talking or w.e didnt really occur after the game. It wasn't like he waited till Crabtree was on his way home and then shook his hand with a smirk on his face and slapped his ass. Fourthly*? I would like to see proof of this article being a front for him. I mean its probably but not necessarily the only probable reason nor the strongest so I am not ready to accept that assumption just yet. Sidenote: This is trashtalking and I don't have a problem with it.
Society, grow the fuck up. MAN UP! (not being sexist) edit: thanks so much for the gold! I'm glad to be part of an open forum such as this where we can share opinions in the open and hopefully walk away with a better understanding of the people around us and different perspectives on life. THANK YOU!
You're right, it's possible I was jumping to conclusions with that first post. I just see so many people pigeon holing entire groups of people based on their occupation ("all cops are bad because they're cops", etc), rather than considering the systems they work under may be to blame for allowing bad people to do bad things to begin with. tldr; too much time on reddit, don't mind me &gt;.&gt;
You're right, it's possible I was jumping to conclusions with that first post. I just see so many people pigeon holing entire groups of people based on their occupation ("all cops are bad because they're cops", etc), rather than considering the systems they work under may be to blame for allowing bad people to do bad things to begin with. tldr; too much time on reddit, don't mind me >.>
You're right, it's possible I was jumping to conclusions with that first post. I just see so many people pigeon holing entire groups of people based on their occupation ("all cops are bad because they're cops", etc), rather than considering the systems they work under may be to blame for allowing bad people to do bad things to begin with.
too much time on reddit, don't mind me >.>
I (22F) met my boyfriend (24M) 3 years ago, through some mutual friends. He was pretty guarded, and I was the one that pursued him. We were long distance (I was living in Oregon, he was living in Washington) until I moved in with him last year. My boyfriend has only had one other relationship and a hookup before me. He stopped talking to the hookup a long time ago because she was crazy, but he kept in touch with his ex until she cut contact with him around 2 years ago. They dated when he was 15 and it lasted for around 2 years, and then she dumped him because "he had no self-respect." Apparently she's the reason why my boyfriend is so guarded now. I'll admit that I was really jealous of her and was glad when she cut contact with him, because she's beautiful and my boyfriend talked about her as if she had all of life's answers. This past January I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard my boyfriend crying quietly. I could tell that he was looking at his phone, and I wasn't sure whether or not to say anything since I wasn't sure if he just wanted a private moment or not. After a while he got up to go to the bathroom, so I took a peek at his phone. He was on Facebook, looking at his ex's profile. She had gotten engaged and there were pictures of the ring and everything. It's been 2 months now, and my boyfriend has been breaking down out of nowhere. I keep asking him to talk to me about it, but he won't. I told him to talk to a therapist, and he got really insulted and said that he doesn't believe in therapy. I'm unsure of what to do, since this happens at least twice a week. I love him, but he's always seemed a bit distant to me and obviously this woman is the reason why. Should I contact her and ask her if she has any insight? I'm starting to think that she must have said something to upset him like this, because he didn't seem that bothered when his ex was dating other people. --- **tl;dr**: Boyfriend of 3 years has been crying about twice a week since he found out that his ex-girlfriend got engaged, and won't talk to me or a therapist. I'm wondering if his ex said something specifically to set him off and thinking that I should contact her.
I (22F) met my boyfriend (24M) 3 years ago, through some mutual friends. He was pretty guarded, and I was the one that pursued him. We were long distance (I was living in Oregon, he was living in Washington) until I moved in with him last year. My boyfriend has only had one other relationship and a hookup before me. He stopped talking to the hookup a long time ago because she was crazy, but he kept in touch with his ex until she cut contact with him around 2 years ago. They dated when he was 15 and it lasted for around 2 years, and then she dumped him because "he had no self-respect." Apparently she's the reason why my boyfriend is so guarded now. I'll admit that I was really jealous of her and was glad when she cut contact with him, because she's beautiful and my boyfriend talked about her as if she had all of life's answers. This past January I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard my boyfriend crying quietly. I could tell that he was looking at his phone, and I wasn't sure whether or not to say anything since I wasn't sure if he just wanted a private moment or not. After a while he got up to go to the bathroom, so I took a peek at his phone. He was on Facebook, looking at his ex's profile. She had gotten engaged and there were pictures of the ring and everything. It's been 2 months now, and my boyfriend has been breaking down out of nowhere. I keep asking him to talk to me about it, but he won't. I told him to talk to a therapist, and he got really insulted and said that he doesn't believe in therapy. I'm unsure of what to do, since this happens at least twice a week. I love him, but he's always seemed a bit distant to me and obviously this woman is the reason why. Should I contact her and ask her if she has any insight? I'm starting to think that she must have said something to upset him like this, because he didn't seem that bothered when his ex was dating other people. tl;dr : Boyfriend of 3 years has been crying about twice a week since he found out that his ex-girlfriend got engaged, and won't talk to me or a therapist. I'm wondering if his ex said something specifically to set him off and thinking that I should contact her.
I (22F) met my boyfriend (24M) 3 years ago, through some mutual friends. He was pretty guarded, and I was the one that pursued him. We were long distance (I was living in Oregon, he was living in Washington) until I moved in with him last year. My boyfriend has only had one other relationship and a hookup before me. He stopped talking to the hookup a long time ago because she was crazy, but he kept in touch with his ex until she cut contact with him around 2 years ago. They dated when he was 15 and it lasted for around 2 years, and then she dumped him because "he had no self-respect." Apparently she's the reason why my boyfriend is so guarded now. I'll admit that I was really jealous of her and was glad when she cut contact with him, because she's beautiful and my boyfriend talked about her as if she had all of life's answers. This past January I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard my boyfriend crying quietly. I could tell that he was looking at his phone, and I wasn't sure whether or not to say anything since I wasn't sure if he just wanted a private moment or not. After a while he got up to go to the bathroom, so I took a peek at his phone. He was on Facebook, looking at his ex's profile. She had gotten engaged and there were pictures of the ring and everything. It's been 2 months now, and my boyfriend has been breaking down out of nowhere. I keep asking him to talk to me about it, but he won't. I told him to talk to a therapist, and he got really insulted and said that he doesn't believe in therapy. I'm unsure of what to do, since this happens at least twice a week. I love him, but he's always seemed a bit distant to me and obviously this woman is the reason why. Should I contact her and ask her if she has any insight? I'm starting to think that she must have said something to upset him like this, because he didn't seem that bothered when his ex was dating other people.
Boyfriend of 3 years has been crying about twice a week since he found out that his ex-girlfriend got engaged, and won't talk to me or a therapist. I'm wondering if his ex said something specifically to set him off and thinking that I should contact her.
From a very non theorycrafting perspective, DFG is only useful in certain situations. People build it on Veigar as it provides an additional nuke to combine with the 3 other nukes Veigar has. It also sees some use on AP Sion because, well, AP Sion has 2 damage spells and his other two spells aren't that useful (in an AP build). If you have an ability that amplifies damage (Vlad's R, Kayle Q, Swain E, etc), it amplifies the effect of the nuke too. You wouldn't build Shurelya's on an AP caster, of course. One final thing to consider is that you have to cast the DFG active, so if you're playing something like Cass where you have to keep hitting buttons to do damage, it's just not even practical. tl;dr I think DFG is useful situationally. If you buff it too much Veigar will be too stronk =P
From a very non theorycrafting perspective, DFG is only useful in certain situations. People build it on Veigar as it provides an additional nuke to combine with the 3 other nukes Veigar has. It also sees some use on AP Sion because, well, AP Sion has 2 damage spells and his other two spells aren't that useful (in an AP build). If you have an ability that amplifies damage (Vlad's R, Kayle Q, Swain E, etc), it amplifies the effect of the nuke too. You wouldn't build Shurelya's on an AP caster, of course. One final thing to consider is that you have to cast the DFG active, so if you're playing something like Cass where you have to keep hitting buttons to do damage, it's just not even practical. tl;dr I think DFG is useful situationally. If you buff it too much Veigar will be too stronk =P
From a very non theorycrafting perspective, DFG is only useful in certain situations. People build it on Veigar as it provides an additional nuke to combine with the 3 other nukes Veigar has. It also sees some use on AP Sion because, well, AP Sion has 2 damage spells and his other two spells aren't that useful (in an AP build). If you have an ability that amplifies damage (Vlad's R, Kayle Q, Swain E, etc), it amplifies the effect of the nuke too. You wouldn't build Shurelya's on an AP caster, of course. One final thing to consider is that you have to cast the DFG active, so if you're playing something like Cass where you have to keep hitting buttons to do damage, it's just not even practical.
I think DFG is useful situationally. If you buff it too much Veigar will be too stronk =P
Here's the story: This took place when I was around 14 years old (I am now 24). My mom was always coming up with these "get rich quick" schemes, and one day she saw this nation-wide modeling "try-outs" was coming to our city. Her first thought was to take my sister, as she's a good lookin' lady. I don't remember exactly how or why, but I ended up coming along against my will. When we got to the place, they made all the entries sit and wait until they called you up to the front of the room to basically just give you a once-over and make sure you were good looking or something. Well after an uncomfortable wait time, I got bored and filled out one of the applications as well. I jokingly put my name as "Ace" (that is not my real name). When they called for me to come to the front of the room, I strode up all confidently and honestly, pretty stupidly. Miraculously, it somehow worked! They passed both me and my sister on to the "next round" which took place in another city! Several months later, we traveled to Chicago (probably 6 hours from where we lived) for the modeling convention and try-outs. I remember it took place at this huge hotel. All "contestants" got split into 2 groups and received a number. We spent the afternoon in a seminar that taught us how to walk a catwalk and basically do other modeling shit. If I wasn't 14, I probably would have used that time to hit on chicks (if I was smarter). The actual nerve-wracking part is, that night we had to walk a catwalk in front of representatives from over 100 different modeling agencies. That part was pretty fucking crazy, now that I think about it, but I did it. When it was all over, my sister didn't get a callback from any of the agencies (which surprised my mom and I, because we thought she'd be a shoe-in) but I actually got a callback from one agency! At the time, I thought it was pretty cool but I ultimately didn't pursue it, because as I mentioned I only entered as a joke and didn't really want to be a model. Looking back, I really wish I had given the agency a call, because my life probably could have turned out very differently! Anyway, that's my story, feel free to AMA! TL;DR: I tagged along to modeling tryouts with my sister, jokingly entered the tryouts and was accepted onto the nationals, traveled to Chicago to walk a catwalk before 100s of modeling agencies, and actually caught the eye of one of the agencies.
Here's the story: This took place when I was around 14 years old (I am now 24). My mom was always coming up with these "get rich quick" schemes, and one day she saw this nation-wide modeling "try-outs" was coming to our city. Her first thought was to take my sister, as she's a good lookin' lady. I don't remember exactly how or why, but I ended up coming along against my will. When we got to the place, they made all the entries sit and wait until they called you up to the front of the room to basically just give you a once-over and make sure you were good looking or something. Well after an uncomfortable wait time, I got bored and filled out one of the applications as well. I jokingly put my name as "Ace" (that is not my real name). When they called for me to come to the front of the room, I strode up all confidently and honestly, pretty stupidly. Miraculously, it somehow worked! They passed both me and my sister on to the "next round" which took place in another city! Several months later, we traveled to Chicago (probably 6 hours from where we lived) for the modeling convention and try-outs. I remember it took place at this huge hotel. All "contestants" got split into 2 groups and received a number. We spent the afternoon in a seminar that taught us how to walk a catwalk and basically do other modeling shit. If I wasn't 14, I probably would have used that time to hit on chicks (if I was smarter). The actual nerve-wracking part is, that night we had to walk a catwalk in front of representatives from over 100 different modeling agencies. That part was pretty fucking crazy, now that I think about it, but I did it. When it was all over, my sister didn't get a callback from any of the agencies (which surprised my mom and I, because we thought she'd be a shoe-in) but I actually got a callback from one agency! At the time, I thought it was pretty cool but I ultimately didn't pursue it, because as I mentioned I only entered as a joke and didn't really want to be a model. Looking back, I really wish I had given the agency a call, because my life probably could have turned out very differently! Anyway, that's my story, feel free to AMA! TL;DR: I tagged along to modeling tryouts with my sister, jokingly entered the tryouts and was accepted onto the nationals, traveled to Chicago to walk a catwalk before 100s of modeling agencies, and actually caught the eye of one of the agencies.
Here's the story: This took place when I was around 14 years old (I am now 24). My mom was always coming up with these "get rich quick" schemes, and one day she saw this nation-wide modeling "try-outs" was coming to our city. Her first thought was to take my sister, as she's a good lookin' lady. I don't remember exactly how or why, but I ended up coming along against my will. When we got to the place, they made all the entries sit and wait until they called you up to the front of the room to basically just give you a once-over and make sure you were good looking or something. Well after an uncomfortable wait time, I got bored and filled out one of the applications as well. I jokingly put my name as "Ace" (that is not my real name). When they called for me to come to the front of the room, I strode up all confidently and honestly, pretty stupidly. Miraculously, it somehow worked! They passed both me and my sister on to the "next round" which took place in another city! Several months later, we traveled to Chicago (probably 6 hours from where we lived) for the modeling convention and try-outs. I remember it took place at this huge hotel. All "contestants" got split into 2 groups and received a number. We spent the afternoon in a seminar that taught us how to walk a catwalk and basically do other modeling shit. If I wasn't 14, I probably would have used that time to hit on chicks (if I was smarter). The actual nerve-wracking part is, that night we had to walk a catwalk in front of representatives from over 100 different modeling agencies. That part was pretty fucking crazy, now that I think about it, but I did it. When it was all over, my sister didn't get a callback from any of the agencies (which surprised my mom and I, because we thought she'd be a shoe-in) but I actually got a callback from one agency! At the time, I thought it was pretty cool but I ultimately didn't pursue it, because as I mentioned I only entered as a joke and didn't really want to be a model. Looking back, I really wish I had given the agency a call, because my life probably could have turned out very differently! Anyway, that's my story, feel free to AMA!
I tagged along to modeling tryouts with my sister, jokingly entered the tryouts and was accepted onto the nationals, traveled to Chicago to walk a catwalk before 100s of modeling agencies, and actually caught the eye of one of the agencies.
I just got into anime and it's only the fourth anime series I've watched. Others in order: 1. Cowboy Bebop 2. Attack on Titan 3. Death Note Steins;Gate has easily been my favorite so far. I was so excited because I've been enjoying each series more than the last one. I liked the other series I've seen, but Steins;Gate is the only one that I'd put in my top 5 favorite shows (anime or otherwise). I just finished watching earlier this week and definitely got that empty feeling when I was done with it. I have been doing tons of research finding what to watch next (got lots of suggestions on /r/animesuggest) and it looks like Steins;Gate is considered as one of, if not the best anime. Long rant from my whirlwind of despair after finishing such an amazing series, but I mainly came to ask the fans of the series if any other one has engrossed you the same way. Not really looking for suggestions (though they are welcome), just trying to understand if Steins;Gate really did set the bar too high for my expectations in other anime (I'm still going to try out others, but I may have to rewatch this one a few times first). TL:DR Loved Steins;Gate. Has any other anime series made you feel the same way when you finished it?
I just got into anime and it's only the fourth anime series I've watched. Others in order: Cowboy Bebop Attack on Titan Death Note Steins;Gate has easily been my favorite so far. I was so excited because I've been enjoying each series more than the last one. I liked the other series I've seen, but Steins;Gate is the only one that I'd put in my top 5 favorite shows (anime or otherwise). I just finished watching earlier this week and definitely got that empty feeling when I was done with it. I have been doing tons of research finding what to watch next (got lots of suggestions on /r/animesuggest) and it looks like Steins;Gate is considered as one of, if not the best anime. Long rant from my whirlwind of despair after finishing such an amazing series, but I mainly came to ask the fans of the series if any other one has engrossed you the same way. Not really looking for suggestions (though they are welcome), just trying to understand if Steins;Gate really did set the bar too high for my expectations in other anime (I'm still going to try out others, but I may have to rewatch this one a few times first). TL:DR Loved Steins;Gate. Has any other anime series made you feel the same way when you finished it?
I just got into anime and it's only the fourth anime series I've watched. Others in order: Cowboy Bebop Attack on Titan Death Note Steins;Gate has easily been my favorite so far. I was so excited because I've been enjoying each series more than the last one. I liked the other series I've seen, but Steins;Gate is the only one that I'd put in my top 5 favorite shows (anime or otherwise). I just finished watching earlier this week and definitely got that empty feeling when I was done with it. I have been doing tons of research finding what to watch next (got lots of suggestions on /r/animesuggest) and it looks like Steins;Gate is considered as one of, if not the best anime. Long rant from my whirlwind of despair after finishing such an amazing series, but I mainly came to ask the fans of the series if any other one has engrossed you the same way. Not really looking for suggestions (though they are welcome), just trying to understand if Steins;Gate really did set the bar too high for my expectations in other anime (I'm still going to try out others, but I may have to rewatch this one a few times first).
Loved Steins;Gate. Has any other anime series made you feel the same way when you finished it?
A little late to the party, but I am in process of buying a home and here is what I found out a little late. Utilities * Septic, as others have mentioned, get it inspected too, doesn't come with normal inspection * Electric, only one provider in this area * Internet. The big disappointment. Didn't start looking at what was available until much later than I should have. Turns out, only satellite available, and I'm near the edge, but not out of town at all, was very surprised by this. tl;dr check out utilities before you commit
A little late to the party, but I am in process of buying a home and here is what I found out a little late. Utilities Septic, as others have mentioned, get it inspected too, doesn't come with normal inspection Electric, only one provider in this area Internet. The big disappointment. Didn't start looking at what was available until much later than I should have. Turns out, only satellite available, and I'm near the edge, but not out of town at all, was very surprised by this. tl;dr check out utilities before you commit
A little late to the party, but I am in process of buying a home and here is what I found out a little late. Utilities Septic, as others have mentioned, get it inspected too, doesn't come with normal inspection Electric, only one provider in this area Internet. The big disappointment. Didn't start looking at what was available until much later than I should have. Turns out, only satellite available, and I'm near the edge, but not out of town at all, was very surprised by this.
check out utilities before you commit
2015 was a rough year for me. My girlfriend left me after cheating on me emotionally (after taking advantage of my kindness and love by giving her the green light to explore her bisexuality for the first time, explicitly stating I was ok with her having sex so long as no romance was inbolved). She did it just after I had given my two months notice. She had been living at my place for 8 months, the plan was for me to live with her and save money until we could afford our own 1 or 2 bedroom apartment. I ended up staying with my parents who are covert narcissits (see /r/raisedbynacissists), treated me like a child even tho I am 27. I ended up being desperate for a roommate, and being in for a surprise when a friend from work turned out to be sketchy, manipulative, and lazy. He's also living in his own little world and doesn't understand reality. I ended up being the only person who cleaned the apartment (bathroom, floors etc) and I even cleaned up his own messes (his stew splattered all over my microwave, dunno why he couldn't just heat it up in a pot or clean up my microwave after using it). I fronted him some money so we could snag the inexpensive apartment I found, and he took ages paying me back. He was buying himself fast food constantly, new video games for his PS4, even bragging about buying over 200 dollars worth of weed when he owed me 300. We had horrible neighbours who broke the law on numerous occasions. They world purposefully make as much noise in the morning and wake us up. At first I didn't bother having them charged with disturbing the police because I didn't know I could. We have a 7 am to 11 pm window where people are allowed to use electronics (eg. TV, stereo) and I thought the same window applied to dropping heavy objects on the floor, stomping, or going out of the way to slam a vacuum cleaner while vacuumung at 9AM). By the time I learned that for noises that they were making there was a 24/7 noise bylaw for, my roommate had started to become very inconsiderate. One of his friends was over one night, I don't know if it was the roommate or the friend but someone was dropping something very loud and heavy every half hour until 1 AM when I grumpily told them to stop it as I had to wake up early to study. The neighbours thought it was me making the noise that night and focused their efforts directly above my bedroom at 7AM the next morning. I was tired and stressed and ended up missing a quiz and an assignment that day but luckily my professors were kind and understanding. I immediately started sleeping at my parents (so that I could do well on my final exams, them not letting me be out as late as I wanted wasn't an issue during exam time). I got all my necessities and expensive belongings and planned on moving all my furniture and the rest of my things when I found a new place. January was the last month that I paid for but my roommate thought since I wasn't sleeping there any longer I was no longer a tenant. He changed the lock without notifying me with the permission of the landlord. I had to break the lock in order to get something that I needed immediately (a notepad and a pen to write a list of places to apply to for a new job). Right off the bat I said that I would pay for the door but the landlord called the police and tried to have me charged, lying and saying I never offered to pay for the door. I told them both that the lock was illegal and that they needed to put the old one back on or give me a copy for the replacement but I was ignored. Its illegal for a landlord to change the locks on a paying tenant, and its illegal for a roommate to change the lock on another roommate without a restraining order. The lock ended up costing less than my month of rent, so when I apply to the Landlord and Tenant board to have my rent returned the landlord will actually end up owing me money. As well it is a criminal offence in Ontario to change the locks like this, a whole different organization than the LTB will conduct an investigation at my request. The landlord can be fined up to $25,000 in criminal charges, and the roommate can be fined up to $10,000 in criminal charges, $100 per day the lock was changed in civil charges, and up to three times the value of any damages to my belongings. I would have preferred my roommate to be the decent guy he pretended to be, so that we could have worked through the issue with the neighbour (which only got worse after the shady landlord got involved), but I'll settle for justice. Karma is a bitch, and it always ends in my favour. Sometimes nice guys don't finish last :) **tl;dr: landlord and roommate illegally locked me out and have been giving me a hard time and can now be fined up to $25,000, and $10,000 + 31 × $100 respectively.**
2015 was a rough year for me. My girlfriend left me after cheating on me emotionally (after taking advantage of my kindness and love by giving her the green light to explore her bisexuality for the first time, explicitly stating I was ok with her having sex so long as no romance was inbolved). She did it just after I had given my two months notice. She had been living at my place for 8 months, the plan was for me to live with her and save money until we could afford our own 1 or 2 bedroom apartment. I ended up staying with my parents who are covert narcissits (see /r/raisedbynacissists), treated me like a child even tho I am 27. I ended up being desperate for a roommate, and being in for a surprise when a friend from work turned out to be sketchy, manipulative, and lazy. He's also living in his own little world and doesn't understand reality. I ended up being the only person who cleaned the apartment (bathroom, floors etc) and I even cleaned up his own messes (his stew splattered all over my microwave, dunno why he couldn't just heat it up in a pot or clean up my microwave after using it). I fronted him some money so we could snag the inexpensive apartment I found, and he took ages paying me back. He was buying himself fast food constantly, new video games for his PS4, even bragging about buying over 200 dollars worth of weed when he owed me 300. We had horrible neighbours who broke the law on numerous occasions. They world purposefully make as much noise in the morning and wake us up. At first I didn't bother having them charged with disturbing the police because I didn't know I could. We have a 7 am to 11 pm window where people are allowed to use electronics (eg. TV, stereo) and I thought the same window applied to dropping heavy objects on the floor, stomping, or going out of the way to slam a vacuum cleaner while vacuumung at 9AM). By the time I learned that for noises that they were making there was a 24/7 noise bylaw for, my roommate had started to become very inconsiderate. One of his friends was over one night, I don't know if it was the roommate or the friend but someone was dropping something very loud and heavy every half hour until 1 AM when I grumpily told them to stop it as I had to wake up early to study. The neighbours thought it was me making the noise that night and focused their efforts directly above my bedroom at 7AM the next morning. I was tired and stressed and ended up missing a quiz and an assignment that day but luckily my professors were kind and understanding. I immediately started sleeping at my parents (so that I could do well on my final exams, them not letting me be out as late as I wanted wasn't an issue during exam time). I got all my necessities and expensive belongings and planned on moving all my furniture and the rest of my things when I found a new place. January was the last month that I paid for but my roommate thought since I wasn't sleeping there any longer I was no longer a tenant. He changed the lock without notifying me with the permission of the landlord. I had to break the lock in order to get something that I needed immediately (a notepad and a pen to write a list of places to apply to for a new job). Right off the bat I said that I would pay for the door but the landlord called the police and tried to have me charged, lying and saying I never offered to pay for the door. I told them both that the lock was illegal and that they needed to put the old one back on or give me a copy for the replacement but I was ignored. Its illegal for a landlord to change the locks on a paying tenant, and its illegal for a roommate to change the lock on another roommate without a restraining order. The lock ended up costing less than my month of rent, so when I apply to the Landlord and Tenant board to have my rent returned the landlord will actually end up owing me money. As well it is a criminal offence in Ontario to change the locks like this, a whole different organization than the LTB will conduct an investigation at my request. The landlord can be fined up to $25,000 in criminal charges, and the roommate can be fined up to $10,000 in criminal charges, $100 per day the lock was changed in civil charges, and up to three times the value of any damages to my belongings. I would have preferred my roommate to be the decent guy he pretended to be, so that we could have worked through the issue with the neighbour (which only got worse after the shady landlord got involved), but I'll settle for justice. Karma is a bitch, and it always ends in my favour. Sometimes nice guys don't finish last :) tl;dr: landlord and roommate illegally locked me out and have been giving me a hard time and can now be fined up to $25,000, and $10,000 + 31 × $100 respectively.
2015 was a rough year for me. My girlfriend left me after cheating on me emotionally (after taking advantage of my kindness and love by giving her the green light to explore her bisexuality for the first time, explicitly stating I was ok with her having sex so long as no romance was inbolved). She did it just after I had given my two months notice. She had been living at my place for 8 months, the plan was for me to live with her and save money until we could afford our own 1 or 2 bedroom apartment. I ended up staying with my parents who are covert narcissits (see /r/raisedbynacissists), treated me like a child even tho I am 27. I ended up being desperate for a roommate, and being in for a surprise when a friend from work turned out to be sketchy, manipulative, and lazy. He's also living in his own little world and doesn't understand reality. I ended up being the only person who cleaned the apartment (bathroom, floors etc) and I even cleaned up his own messes (his stew splattered all over my microwave, dunno why he couldn't just heat it up in a pot or clean up my microwave after using it). I fronted him some money so we could snag the inexpensive apartment I found, and he took ages paying me back. He was buying himself fast food constantly, new video games for his PS4, even bragging about buying over 200 dollars worth of weed when he owed me 300. We had horrible neighbours who broke the law on numerous occasions. They world purposefully make as much noise in the morning and wake us up. At first I didn't bother having them charged with disturbing the police because I didn't know I could. We have a 7 am to 11 pm window where people are allowed to use electronics (eg. TV, stereo) and I thought the same window applied to dropping heavy objects on the floor, stomping, or going out of the way to slam a vacuum cleaner while vacuumung at 9AM). By the time I learned that for noises that they were making there was a 24/7 noise bylaw for, my roommate had started to become very inconsiderate. One of his friends was over one night, I don't know if it was the roommate or the friend but someone was dropping something very loud and heavy every half hour until 1 AM when I grumpily told them to stop it as I had to wake up early to study. The neighbours thought it was me making the noise that night and focused their efforts directly above my bedroom at 7AM the next morning. I was tired and stressed and ended up missing a quiz and an assignment that day but luckily my professors were kind and understanding. I immediately started sleeping at my parents (so that I could do well on my final exams, them not letting me be out as late as I wanted wasn't an issue during exam time). I got all my necessities and expensive belongings and planned on moving all my furniture and the rest of my things when I found a new place. January was the last month that I paid for but my roommate thought since I wasn't sleeping there any longer I was no longer a tenant. He changed the lock without notifying me with the permission of the landlord. I had to break the lock in order to get something that I needed immediately (a notepad and a pen to write a list of places to apply to for a new job). Right off the bat I said that I would pay for the door but the landlord called the police and tried to have me charged, lying and saying I never offered to pay for the door. I told them both that the lock was illegal and that they needed to put the old one back on or give me a copy for the replacement but I was ignored. Its illegal for a landlord to change the locks on a paying tenant, and its illegal for a roommate to change the lock on another roommate without a restraining order. The lock ended up costing less than my month of rent, so when I apply to the Landlord and Tenant board to have my rent returned the landlord will actually end up owing me money. As well it is a criminal offence in Ontario to change the locks like this, a whole different organization than the LTB will conduct an investigation at my request. The landlord can be fined up to $25,000 in criminal charges, and the roommate can be fined up to $10,000 in criminal charges, $100 per day the lock was changed in civil charges, and up to three times the value of any damages to my belongings. I would have preferred my roommate to be the decent guy he pretended to be, so that we could have worked through the issue with the neighbour (which only got worse after the shady landlord got involved), but I'll settle for justice. Karma is a bitch, and it always ends in my favour. Sometimes nice guys don't finish last :)
landlord and roommate illegally locked me out and have been giving me a hard time and can now be fined up to $25,000, and $10,000 + 31 × $100 respectively.
My boyfriend of three months broke up with me yesterday. I'm pretty devastated (to the point of being physically sick thinking about it). Some backstory I guess is that we had been friends for a year, both in relationships when we met. He pursued me for like, 4 or 5 months since the beginning of this year (august) as we matched on tinder when we were both single over the summer. Asked me what fraternity he should rush, texted me all the time, took me out, etc. I really didn't like him, kind of friendzoned him but we cuddled and slept in the same bed every other week or so when we were lonely/couldn't find anyone else. I got really sick spring semester, he was there for me so I began to really like him and asked to be exclusive. He agreed (even though we are both flirty people and in greek life which makes things hard) because he still really liked me. I think being sick made me really insecure and it became a thing where I would only feel okay if I was hanging out with him. I sort of got clingy cause of this and jealous (he went to the Bahamas with his fraternity for spring break and I was super distrustful (he lied to me once about stuff before we were dating officially). So we come back and he caught me looking through his facebook messages (this was wrong). I catch him sending gifs to girls on facebook like repeatedly, having silly conversations but not necessarily anything wrong. So I kind of got upset and told him that he was too flirty and I didn't trust him. He said I was nosy and nothing he did would be good enough for me/I would never trust him/our relationship was unhealthy. So he broke up with me. It sucks because the only the way I can describe it is that I am sort of physically and emotionally addicted to him and my sickness is super exacerbated by stress. He told me he still wanted to be friends (as in how our relationship was at the beginning of the year). I told him I was deleting all his stuff. I couldn't make myself do it and I couldn't sleep at all last night cause I felt so bad so I got kind of crazy and called him 5x and asked to come over and nap since I've gotten no sleep in the past 24 hours. He said I could and I could play video games if he ended up being free today but he was going to be really busy. Seemed happy to talk to me and said it wasn't like he wants to hook up with other people, he just was really stressed by all my expectations. So I asked if I could sleepover and we could just cuddle and not have sex like we used to and eventually he responded and said he was drinking and wasn't of sound mind to make that decision. How do I deal with this? I feel like I literally can't survive without him sometimes and I can't sleep or eat and I'm in a lot of pain (physically and emotionally). I can't even think about anyone else and I even got this guy I used to be in loooove with to come home with me last night and I just snuck out when he started to go to sleep and laid on the couch all night. This has been one my worst days, haha I've never even been dumped before so I have no idea what to do. Wish I could go back to the time when I only ever thought of him as a friend or backup. I think he wishes that too. &amp;&amp;The only people who make me feel better when I'm sick are him and my family, but they live like 2000 miles away. TLDR; physically and emotionally addicted to my boyfriend who just broke up with me. still wants to be friends, i don't know how to let go or even if i should??
My boyfriend of three months broke up with me yesterday. I'm pretty devastated (to the point of being physically sick thinking about it). Some backstory I guess is that we had been friends for a year, both in relationships when we met. He pursued me for like, 4 or 5 months since the beginning of this year (august) as we matched on tinder when we were both single over the summer. Asked me what fraternity he should rush, texted me all the time, took me out, etc. I really didn't like him, kind of friendzoned him but we cuddled and slept in the same bed every other week or so when we were lonely/couldn't find anyone else. I got really sick spring semester, he was there for me so I began to really like him and asked to be exclusive. He agreed (even though we are both flirty people and in greek life which makes things hard) because he still really liked me. I think being sick made me really insecure and it became a thing where I would only feel okay if I was hanging out with him. I sort of got clingy cause of this and jealous (he went to the Bahamas with his fraternity for spring break and I was super distrustful (he lied to me once about stuff before we were dating officially). So we come back and he caught me looking through his facebook messages (this was wrong). I catch him sending gifs to girls on facebook like repeatedly, having silly conversations but not necessarily anything wrong. So I kind of got upset and told him that he was too flirty and I didn't trust him. He said I was nosy and nothing he did would be good enough for me/I would never trust him/our relationship was unhealthy. So he broke up with me. It sucks because the only the way I can describe it is that I am sort of physically and emotionally addicted to him and my sickness is super exacerbated by stress. He told me he still wanted to be friends (as in how our relationship was at the beginning of the year). I told him I was deleting all his stuff. I couldn't make myself do it and I couldn't sleep at all last night cause I felt so bad so I got kind of crazy and called him 5x and asked to come over and nap since I've gotten no sleep in the past 24 hours. He said I could and I could play video games if he ended up being free today but he was going to be really busy. Seemed happy to talk to me and said it wasn't like he wants to hook up with other people, he just was really stressed by all my expectations. So I asked if I could sleepover and we could just cuddle and not have sex like we used to and eventually he responded and said he was drinking and wasn't of sound mind to make that decision. How do I deal with this? I feel like I literally can't survive without him sometimes and I can't sleep or eat and I'm in a lot of pain (physically and emotionally). I can't even think about anyone else and I even got this guy I used to be in loooove with to come home with me last night and I just snuck out when he started to go to sleep and laid on the couch all night. This has been one my worst days, haha I've never even been dumped before so I have no idea what to do. Wish I could go back to the time when I only ever thought of him as a friend or backup. I think he wishes that too. &&The only people who make me feel better when I'm sick are him and my family, but they live like 2000 miles away. TLDR; physically and emotionally addicted to my boyfriend who just broke up with me. still wants to be friends, i don't know how to let go or even if i should??
My boyfriend of three months broke up with me yesterday. I'm pretty devastated (to the point of being physically sick thinking about it). Some backstory I guess is that we had been friends for a year, both in relationships when we met. He pursued me for like, 4 or 5 months since the beginning of this year (august) as we matched on tinder when we were both single over the summer. Asked me what fraternity he should rush, texted me all the time, took me out, etc. I really didn't like him, kind of friendzoned him but we cuddled and slept in the same bed every other week or so when we were lonely/couldn't find anyone else. I got really sick spring semester, he was there for me so I began to really like him and asked to be exclusive. He agreed (even though we are both flirty people and in greek life which makes things hard) because he still really liked me. I think being sick made me really insecure and it became a thing where I would only feel okay if I was hanging out with him. I sort of got clingy cause of this and jealous (he went to the Bahamas with his fraternity for spring break and I was super distrustful (he lied to me once about stuff before we were dating officially). So we come back and he caught me looking through his facebook messages (this was wrong). I catch him sending gifs to girls on facebook like repeatedly, having silly conversations but not necessarily anything wrong. So I kind of got upset and told him that he was too flirty and I didn't trust him. He said I was nosy and nothing he did would be good enough for me/I would never trust him/our relationship was unhealthy. So he broke up with me. It sucks because the only the way I can describe it is that I am sort of physically and emotionally addicted to him and my sickness is super exacerbated by stress. He told me he still wanted to be friends (as in how our relationship was at the beginning of the year). I told him I was deleting all his stuff. I couldn't make myself do it and I couldn't sleep at all last night cause I felt so bad so I got kind of crazy and called him 5x and asked to come over and nap since I've gotten no sleep in the past 24 hours. He said I could and I could play video games if he ended up being free today but he was going to be really busy. Seemed happy to talk to me and said it wasn't like he wants to hook up with other people, he just was really stressed by all my expectations. So I asked if I could sleepover and we could just cuddle and not have sex like we used to and eventually he responded and said he was drinking and wasn't of sound mind to make that decision. How do I deal with this? I feel like I literally can't survive without him sometimes and I can't sleep or eat and I'm in a lot of pain (physically and emotionally). I can't even think about anyone else and I even got this guy I used to be in loooove with to come home with me last night and I just snuck out when he started to go to sleep and laid on the couch all night. This has been one my worst days, haha I've never even been dumped before so I have no idea what to do. Wish I could go back to the time when I only ever thought of him as a friend or backup. I think he wishes that too. &&The only people who make me feel better when I'm sick are him and my family, but they live like 2000 miles away.
physically and emotionally addicted to my boyfriend who just broke up with me. still wants to be friends, i don't know how to let go or even if i should??
My point was that yes, it needs a solution, and that solution is for there to BE a rule in counter strike that says smurfing is breaking the rules. Did you even read the post? I don't see how making a comparison to the dark ages where we didn't have competitive matchmaking is a good argument for smurfing. In a highly competitive game (this is not limited to CS), it is not feasible to play with friends if the skill gap is beyond a certain point (without ruining the game for others involved), end of story, and this is already the direction the devs are taking the game, whether you like it or not. If you dislike it, make arguments against that, don't make arguments because you want to smurf stomp people. Saying that players 'benefit' from smurfing is laughable. I'm not saying that there aren't players who take a positive approach to it and teach, but that is the vast vast minority and we should not use it as an example when addressing the problem as a whole, because simply put that is an outlier and not the norm. There are some more casual game modes, such as demolition and arms race, that can be played with friends, and are much more casual and thus not ruined by a large skill gap being present. These modes also play out a lot more like the 'before we had matchmaking' games did in the argument you made. I agree that playing with better people IS a way to get better, up to a certain point, and smurfing generally goes beyond that point. I also want to point out that smurfs are very often incredibly toxic to their own team, and will even go so far as to rage at their team for 'being bad' and not knowing certain strats. Unbelievable considering they knowingly qued into a skill bracket lower than their own, where they can no longer expect such knowledge from the players around them. Tl;dr Smurfs are bad for the game, Smurfing SHOULD be treated similarly to hacking, i.e. a bannable offense that is not to be tolerated.
My point was that yes, it needs a solution, and that solution is for there to BE a rule in counter strike that says smurfing is breaking the rules. Did you even read the post? I don't see how making a comparison to the dark ages where we didn't have competitive matchmaking is a good argument for smurfing. In a highly competitive game (this is not limited to CS), it is not feasible to play with friends if the skill gap is beyond a certain point (without ruining the game for others involved), end of story, and this is already the direction the devs are taking the game, whether you like it or not. If you dislike it, make arguments against that, don't make arguments because you want to smurf stomp people. Saying that players 'benefit' from smurfing is laughable. I'm not saying that there aren't players who take a positive approach to it and teach, but that is the vast vast minority and we should not use it as an example when addressing the problem as a whole, because simply put that is an outlier and not the norm. There are some more casual game modes, such as demolition and arms race, that can be played with friends, and are much more casual and thus not ruined by a large skill gap being present. These modes also play out a lot more like the 'before we had matchmaking' games did in the argument you made. I agree that playing with better people IS a way to get better, up to a certain point, and smurfing generally goes beyond that point. I also want to point out that smurfs are very often incredibly toxic to their own team, and will even go so far as to rage at their team for 'being bad' and not knowing certain strats. Unbelievable considering they knowingly qued into a skill bracket lower than their own, where they can no longer expect such knowledge from the players around them. Tl;dr Smurfs are bad for the game, Smurfing SHOULD be treated similarly to hacking, i.e. a bannable offense that is not to be tolerated.
My point was that yes, it needs a solution, and that solution is for there to BE a rule in counter strike that says smurfing is breaking the rules. Did you even read the post? I don't see how making a comparison to the dark ages where we didn't have competitive matchmaking is a good argument for smurfing. In a highly competitive game (this is not limited to CS), it is not feasible to play with friends if the skill gap is beyond a certain point (without ruining the game for others involved), end of story, and this is already the direction the devs are taking the game, whether you like it or not. If you dislike it, make arguments against that, don't make arguments because you want to smurf stomp people. Saying that players 'benefit' from smurfing is laughable. I'm not saying that there aren't players who take a positive approach to it and teach, but that is the vast vast minority and we should not use it as an example when addressing the problem as a whole, because simply put that is an outlier and not the norm. There are some more casual game modes, such as demolition and arms race, that can be played with friends, and are much more casual and thus not ruined by a large skill gap being present. These modes also play out a lot more like the 'before we had matchmaking' games did in the argument you made. I agree that playing with better people IS a way to get better, up to a certain point, and smurfing generally goes beyond that point. I also want to point out that smurfs are very often incredibly toxic to their own team, and will even go so far as to rage at their team for 'being bad' and not knowing certain strats. Unbelievable considering they knowingly qued into a skill bracket lower than their own, where they can no longer expect such knowledge from the players around them.
Smurfs are bad for the game, Smurfing SHOULD be treated similarly to hacking, i.e. a bannable offense that is not to be tolerated.
I entirely know about, /r/playarkservers but I am trying to see if there are a couple more spots to look. I could also just use some server suggestions, with out it being too much advertisement. We just finished a 200~ hour run on an official server just to be offline raided by an alpha tribe, and we figure it is just going to keep happening. One of the servers we found is really awesome, it has a enforced rule where if you have a white flag around your base, you can not be raided unless a war is declared on the forums. But everything is 5x, which makes the game entirely not fun for me. Lower rates. 2x or so. higher taming is okay. Anyone know of similar pve/pvp servers that has some new tribe, or not force off the server rules? **TLDR** What I am actually saying or want. Something to prevent base raids. Indestructible structures with world pvp.
I entirely know about, /r/playarkservers but I am trying to see if there are a couple more spots to look. I could also just use some server suggestions, with out it being too much advertisement. We just finished a 200~ hour run on an official server just to be offline raided by an alpha tribe, and we figure it is just going to keep happening. One of the servers we found is really awesome, it has a enforced rule where if you have a white flag around your base, you can not be raided unless a war is declared on the forums. But everything is 5x, which makes the game entirely not fun for me. Lower rates. 2x or so. higher taming is okay. Anyone know of similar pve/pvp servers that has some new tribe, or not force off the server rules? TLDR What I am actually saying or want. Something to prevent base raids. Indestructible structures with world pvp.
I entirely know about, /r/playarkservers but I am trying to see if there are a couple more spots to look. I could also just use some server suggestions, with out it being too much advertisement. We just finished a 200~ hour run on an official server just to be offline raided by an alpha tribe, and we figure it is just going to keep happening. One of the servers we found is really awesome, it has a enforced rule where if you have a white flag around your base, you can not be raided unless a war is declared on the forums. But everything is 5x, which makes the game entirely not fun for me. Lower rates. 2x or so. higher taming is okay. Anyone know of similar pve/pvp servers that has some new tribe, or not force off the server rules?
What I am actually saying or want. Something to prevent base raids. Indestructible structures with world pvp.
There's a couple of things deeply wrong with Bose, both in the way they do business and the actual quality of their products. * The refuse to publish frequency response graphs. Every single hifi company publishes frequency responses for their speakers and headphones, yet Bose flat-out refuses this. * When people actually measured the frequency responses of Bose home theater systems, it became quite clear why they refuse to publish frequency responses. The bass module has a frequency range of around 46Hz to 200Hz. It is unable to reproduce DVD quality audio which goes as low as 20Hz, and the high top frequency makes it so that you can pick up the location of the subwoofer in the room. The little cube speakers turned out to have a frequency range from 280Hz up to 13.3kHz. You'll notice that that leaves a gap of about 80Hz, frequencies that are not reproduced accurately. They don't even come close to the 20kHz top end required from DVD audio. * They're very inaccurate for the frequency range they do reproduce. Compare the previously mentioned Bose Acoustimass cube speakers with their frequency response of 280Hz-13.3kHz at + or - 10.5dB with something like the B&amp;W DM303 bookshelf speaker. The B&amp;W's have a frequency response of 72Hz-20kHz at + or - 3dB * All of this inaccurate sound reproduction can be had for prices that are much higher than what you'd pay for something that would be miles and miles better I'm sorry for the rant. Tldr: don't buy Bose, get a Sennheiser.
There's a couple of things deeply wrong with Bose, both in the way they do business and the actual quality of their products. The refuse to publish frequency response graphs. Every single hifi company publishes frequency responses for their speakers and headphones, yet Bose flat-out refuses this. When people actually measured the frequency responses of Bose home theater systems, it became quite clear why they refuse to publish frequency responses. The bass module has a frequency range of around 46Hz to 200Hz. It is unable to reproduce DVD quality audio which goes as low as 20Hz, and the high top frequency makes it so that you can pick up the location of the subwoofer in the room. The little cube speakers turned out to have a frequency range from 280Hz up to 13.3kHz. You'll notice that that leaves a gap of about 80Hz, frequencies that are not reproduced accurately. They don't even come close to the 20kHz top end required from DVD audio. They're very inaccurate for the frequency range they do reproduce. Compare the previously mentioned Bose Acoustimass cube speakers with their frequency response of 280Hz-13.3kHz at + or - 10.5dB with something like the B&W DM303 bookshelf speaker. The B&W's have a frequency response of 72Hz-20kHz at + or - 3dB All of this inaccurate sound reproduction can be had for prices that are much higher than what you'd pay for something that would be miles and miles better I'm sorry for the rant. Tldr: don't buy Bose, get a Sennheiser.
There's a couple of things deeply wrong with Bose, both in the way they do business and the actual quality of their products. The refuse to publish frequency response graphs. Every single hifi company publishes frequency responses for their speakers and headphones, yet Bose flat-out refuses this. When people actually measured the frequency responses of Bose home theater systems, it became quite clear why they refuse to publish frequency responses. The bass module has a frequency range of around 46Hz to 200Hz. It is unable to reproduce DVD quality audio which goes as low as 20Hz, and the high top frequency makes it so that you can pick up the location of the subwoofer in the room. The little cube speakers turned out to have a frequency range from 280Hz up to 13.3kHz. You'll notice that that leaves a gap of about 80Hz, frequencies that are not reproduced accurately. They don't even come close to the 20kHz top end required from DVD audio. They're very inaccurate for the frequency range they do reproduce. Compare the previously mentioned Bose Acoustimass cube speakers with their frequency response of 280Hz-13.3kHz at + or - 10.5dB with something like the B&W DM303 bookshelf speaker. The B&W's have a frequency response of 72Hz-20kHz at + or - 3dB All of this inaccurate sound reproduction can be had for prices that are much higher than what you'd pay for something that would be miles and miles better I'm sorry for the rant.
don't buy Bose, get a Sennheiser.
What if the bear attacked because it thought the hiker was OP's friend and offering it food, but instead he got scared and screamed at the bear and swung his backpack at it, triggering the bear to react by defending himself. TLDR: Feeding wildlife makes them comfortable with approaching other humans who probably aren't as prepared to deal with them as the idiot feeding said wildlife is.
What if the bear attacked because it thought the hiker was OP's friend and offering it food, but instead he got scared and screamed at the bear and swung his backpack at it, triggering the bear to react by defending himself. TLDR: Feeding wildlife makes them comfortable with approaching other humans who probably aren't as prepared to deal with them as the idiot feeding said wildlife is.
What if the bear attacked because it thought the hiker was OP's friend and offering it food, but instead he got scared and screamed at the bear and swung his backpack at it, triggering the bear to react by defending himself.
Feeding wildlife makes them comfortable with approaching other humans who probably aren't as prepared to deal with them as the idiot feeding said wildlife is.
I agree. I was a fan of RT before following IG, and I can say that I like IG's content better. I think Burnie and Matt are intelligent enough to respect the fact that IG's content is what got them their following, and to change that could have a negative impact. However, the same could be said about changing their content to attract a whole new audience... TL;DR - I'm in the same boat as you.
I agree. I was a fan of RT before following IG, and I can say that I like IG's content better. I think Burnie and Matt are intelligent enough to respect the fact that IG's content is what got them their following, and to change that could have a negative impact. However, the same could be said about changing their content to attract a whole new audience... TL;DR - I'm in the same boat as you.
I agree. I was a fan of RT before following IG, and I can say that I like IG's content better. I think Burnie and Matt are intelligent enough to respect the fact that IG's content is what got them their following, and to change that could have a negative impact. However, the same could be said about changing their content to attract a whole new audience...
I'm in the same boat as you.
I was running in this intense cross country race. It was raining, we were 50 miles from home and it was the deciding race of the championship and it all came down to our #6 runner who happened to be me. I was neck-in-neck the whole race with the other #6 runner. I made the winning move to pass him 600 meters before the finish (5000 meter race) this kid fucking winds up and punches me straight in the stomach. I buckled but pressed on 100 m later we're running through the woods and come out in the sight of the finish line. It's down hill. I tripped his ass and he slid down the muddy hill and cut his stomach on a rock on the way down. I run past him. He fall again and crus out in pain. I sprint the remaining 400 meters faster than I have my whole life. I finish and feel awful the whole bus ride home after we get the trophy. I tell my coach I was attacked and I am relatively depressed and hate myself for about a week. I come back to the victory banquet my coach approaches me and tells me the kid was autistic. I fainted. I hate myself for it more than you can imagine. TL;DR: I threw an autistic kid down a muddy hill to win a high school cross country championship.
I was running in this intense cross country race. It was raining, we were 50 miles from home and it was the deciding race of the championship and it all came down to our #6 runner who happened to be me. I was neck-in-neck the whole race with the other #6 runner. I made the winning move to pass him 600 meters before the finish (5000 meter race) this kid fucking winds up and punches me straight in the stomach. I buckled but pressed on 100 m later we're running through the woods and come out in the sight of the finish line. It's down hill. I tripped his ass and he slid down the muddy hill and cut his stomach on a rock on the way down. I run past him. He fall again and crus out in pain. I sprint the remaining 400 meters faster than I have my whole life. I finish and feel awful the whole bus ride home after we get the trophy. I tell my coach I was attacked and I am relatively depressed and hate myself for about a week. I come back to the victory banquet my coach approaches me and tells me the kid was autistic. I fainted. I hate myself for it more than you can imagine. TL;DR: I threw an autistic kid down a muddy hill to win a high school cross country championship.
I was running in this intense cross country race. It was raining, we were 50 miles from home and it was the deciding race of the championship and it all came down to our #6 runner who happened to be me. I was neck-in-neck the whole race with the other #6 runner. I made the winning move to pass him 600 meters before the finish (5000 meter race) this kid fucking winds up and punches me straight in the stomach. I buckled but pressed on 100 m later we're running through the woods and come out in the sight of the finish line. It's down hill. I tripped his ass and he slid down the muddy hill and cut his stomach on a rock on the way down. I run past him. He fall again and crus out in pain. I sprint the remaining 400 meters faster than I have my whole life. I finish and feel awful the whole bus ride home after we get the trophy. I tell my coach I was attacked and I am relatively depressed and hate myself for about a week. I come back to the victory banquet my coach approaches me and tells me the kid was autistic. I fainted. I hate myself for it more than you can imagine.
I threw an autistic kid down a muddy hill to win a high school cross country championship.
About the "I never read." thing in OP. That is absolute BS, and here's a wall of text explaining why: They do read, every day, most of modern people read kilometeres of text without even realising it. They read facebook satuses, tweets, ads/commercials that they are subjected to without even realizing how much they read. So why do they proudly say "I don't read." ? Well because of the school system. I'm not sure how different it is in America, but I grew up in Latvia, went to russian school. Basically first 4 years we had a class literally translated as "reading" where we mostly were learning to read better. 5th through 12th grades "reading" was replaced by "literature" where we studied classic russian literature (from the top of my head - Chekhov, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Gorky and others). Here is where the problem lied - I found all of these absolutely boring. I know now of the significance of their works, and why we were specifically subjected to them (history of culture, the progress of modern literature which was based on their works and so on) but to my teen self - they were just boring stories. I was not at all interested in the years of Russian Empire and I absolutely didn't care for any characters or events taking place in the works of these authors. So my teen self would easily proclaim "I hate reading" and "reading is nothing but a chore" because all the books I was subjected to were boring and uninteresting, and couldn't keep my attention for very long (if at all). ONLY WHEN I (by shear accident) got a hold of Harry Potter book, and decided to take a look (I had about a 1h ride from home to school and vice versa, so I had absolutely nothing better to do) did I get interested in anything written down at all. I genuinely wanted to know what happens next. That's how I discovered that I liked fiction books. I've been reading ever since, and all it took was 1 book, just one that I actually liked. So why do people say "I never read." proudly? Well my guess is - they have no idea what they like, and didn't yet discover it. They think of books as those boring and tedious things you were obligated to interact with in school, and even when people tell them that the world of literature is so much bigger than the school program - they tend to dismiss it, just because they were not yet subjected to it firsthand. **TL;DR** People don't read because they never experienced a book they like, and don't have any initiative to try different genres (detectives/fiction/whatever) because every book they were subjected to prior - was boring to them, so the prejudice wins over curiosity.
About the "I never read." thing in OP. That is absolute BS, and here's a wall of text explaining why: They do read, every day, most of modern people read kilometeres of text without even realising it. They read facebook satuses, tweets, ads/commercials that they are subjected to without even realizing how much they read. So why do they proudly say "I don't read." ? Well because of the school system. I'm not sure how different it is in America, but I grew up in Latvia, went to russian school. Basically first 4 years we had a class literally translated as "reading" where we mostly were learning to read better. 5th through 12th grades "reading" was replaced by "literature" where we studied classic russian literature (from the top of my head - Chekhov, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Gorky and others). Here is where the problem lied - I found all of these absolutely boring. I know now of the significance of their works, and why we were specifically subjected to them (history of culture, the progress of modern literature which was based on their works and so on) but to my teen self - they were just boring stories. I was not at all interested in the years of Russian Empire and I absolutely didn't care for any characters or events taking place in the works of these authors. So my teen self would easily proclaim "I hate reading" and "reading is nothing but a chore" because all the books I was subjected to were boring and uninteresting, and couldn't keep my attention for very long (if at all). ONLY WHEN I (by shear accident) got a hold of Harry Potter book, and decided to take a look (I had about a 1h ride from home to school and vice versa, so I had absolutely nothing better to do) did I get interested in anything written down at all. I genuinely wanted to know what happens next. That's how I discovered that I liked fiction books. I've been reading ever since, and all it took was 1 book, just one that I actually liked. So why do people say "I never read." proudly? Well my guess is - they have no idea what they like, and didn't yet discover it. They think of books as those boring and tedious things you were obligated to interact with in school, and even when people tell them that the world of literature is so much bigger than the school program - they tend to dismiss it, just because they were not yet subjected to it firsthand. TL;DR People don't read because they never experienced a book they like, and don't have any initiative to try different genres (detectives/fiction/whatever) because every book they were subjected to prior - was boring to them, so the prejudice wins over curiosity.
About the "I never read." thing in OP. That is absolute BS, and here's a wall of text explaining why: They do read, every day, most of modern people read kilometeres of text without even realising it. They read facebook satuses, tweets, ads/commercials that they are subjected to without even realizing how much they read. So why do they proudly say "I don't read." ? Well because of the school system. I'm not sure how different it is in America, but I grew up in Latvia, went to russian school. Basically first 4 years we had a class literally translated as "reading" where we mostly were learning to read better. 5th through 12th grades "reading" was replaced by "literature" where we studied classic russian literature (from the top of my head - Chekhov, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Gorky and others). Here is where the problem lied - I found all of these absolutely boring. I know now of the significance of their works, and why we were specifically subjected to them (history of culture, the progress of modern literature which was based on their works and so on) but to my teen self - they were just boring stories. I was not at all interested in the years of Russian Empire and I absolutely didn't care for any characters or events taking place in the works of these authors. So my teen self would easily proclaim "I hate reading" and "reading is nothing but a chore" because all the books I was subjected to were boring and uninteresting, and couldn't keep my attention for very long (if at all). ONLY WHEN I (by shear accident) got a hold of Harry Potter book, and decided to take a look (I had about a 1h ride from home to school and vice versa, so I had absolutely nothing better to do) did I get interested in anything written down at all. I genuinely wanted to know what happens next. That's how I discovered that I liked fiction books. I've been reading ever since, and all it took was 1 book, just one that I actually liked. So why do people say "I never read." proudly? Well my guess is - they have no idea what they like, and didn't yet discover it. They think of books as those boring and tedious things you were obligated to interact with in school, and even when people tell them that the world of literature is so much bigger than the school program - they tend to dismiss it, just because they were not yet subjected to it firsthand.
People don't read because they never experienced a book they like, and don't have any initiative to try different genres (detectives/fiction/whatever) because every book they were subjected to prior - was boring to them, so the prejudice wins over curiosity.
I was rolling with a guy who is somewhat new to the gym, he has a blue belt from somewhere else, I didn't ask where, and he seems like he knows what he is doing to some extent during the last few weeks, he doesn't tap to joint locks, he's been warned a bunch that he needs to tap but i'm not going to be the one to hurt him, i just transitiom to chokes. So new guy shows up for No Gi and I roll with him the first time, he starts grabbing fingers and bending them, putting his fingers in my face and eyes to create space, nothing I can't handle but things you aren't supposed to do, and are dangerous so the timer goes off and I warn him about grabbing digits and putting his fingers into people's faces, he insists he didn't but I brush it off and ask him to be careful. I have a few rolls, uneventful stuff and I get back to new guy, put him in a guillotine pretty quick, he starts squirming and I feel fingers on my face, he starts pushing his fingers into my eye to get out of the guillotine, I let go and warn him again about his fingers, he just shakes his head and scoffs at me. I get irritated at this point so I start going hard, I grab an arm bar and I take it, he taps and I let go, he then warns me about going easy with joint locks, I tell him to keep his fucking fingers out of my eyes and we'll be fine, proceed to fuck him up for a few more minutes, timer goes off and he storms out. My coach says that it's probably a good idea if I apologize, that he's new and we were probably both in the wrong and need to communicate better, I personally think that no fingers in the eyes is a no brainer. Tldr: Guy sticks his fingers in my eyes repeatedly, I flip out and coach thinks I should probably apologize. (Bit rambly, sorry about that)
I was rolling with a guy who is somewhat new to the gym, he has a blue belt from somewhere else, I didn't ask where, and he seems like he knows what he is doing to some extent during the last few weeks, he doesn't tap to joint locks, he's been warned a bunch that he needs to tap but i'm not going to be the one to hurt him, i just transitiom to chokes. So new guy shows up for No Gi and I roll with him the first time, he starts grabbing fingers and bending them, putting his fingers in my face and eyes to create space, nothing I can't handle but things you aren't supposed to do, and are dangerous so the timer goes off and I warn him about grabbing digits and putting his fingers into people's faces, he insists he didn't but I brush it off and ask him to be careful. I have a few rolls, uneventful stuff and I get back to new guy, put him in a guillotine pretty quick, he starts squirming and I feel fingers on my face, he starts pushing his fingers into my eye to get out of the guillotine, I let go and warn him again about his fingers, he just shakes his head and scoffs at me. I get irritated at this point so I start going hard, I grab an arm bar and I take it, he taps and I let go, he then warns me about going easy with joint locks, I tell him to keep his fucking fingers out of my eyes and we'll be fine, proceed to fuck him up for a few more minutes, timer goes off and he storms out. My coach says that it's probably a good idea if I apologize, that he's new and we were probably both in the wrong and need to communicate better, I personally think that no fingers in the eyes is a no brainer. Tldr: Guy sticks his fingers in my eyes repeatedly, I flip out and coach thinks I should probably apologize. (Bit rambly, sorry about that)
I was rolling with a guy who is somewhat new to the gym, he has a blue belt from somewhere else, I didn't ask where, and he seems like he knows what he is doing to some extent during the last few weeks, he doesn't tap to joint locks, he's been warned a bunch that he needs to tap but i'm not going to be the one to hurt him, i just transitiom to chokes. So new guy shows up for No Gi and I roll with him the first time, he starts grabbing fingers and bending them, putting his fingers in my face and eyes to create space, nothing I can't handle but things you aren't supposed to do, and are dangerous so the timer goes off and I warn him about grabbing digits and putting his fingers into people's faces, he insists he didn't but I brush it off and ask him to be careful. I have a few rolls, uneventful stuff and I get back to new guy, put him in a guillotine pretty quick, he starts squirming and I feel fingers on my face, he starts pushing his fingers into my eye to get out of the guillotine, I let go and warn him again about his fingers, he just shakes his head and scoffs at me. I get irritated at this point so I start going hard, I grab an arm bar and I take it, he taps and I let go, he then warns me about going easy with joint locks, I tell him to keep his fucking fingers out of my eyes and we'll be fine, proceed to fuck him up for a few more minutes, timer goes off and he storms out. My coach says that it's probably a good idea if I apologize, that he's new and we were probably both in the wrong and need to communicate better, I personally think that no fingers in the eyes is a no brainer.
Guy sticks his fingers in my eyes repeatedly, I flip out and coach thinks I should probably apologize. (Bit rambly, sorry about that)
Hey /r/ Minecraft whats up? As you can see from the title I would like to know how to become a better builder ( This is my best [build] ( so far). Now I know stuff like this won't just happen overnight it takes time tomake stuff like this or to even get the idea to build something cool. Now before you say YES I have looked on the sidebar and found that architecture guide but I didnt reall understand it so if somebody could explain it to me that be great. I have also searched around on this subreddit and I have found some stuff that has helped but not alot. so yeah... **TL;DR: I need help here's my first [build] (
Hey /r/ Minecraft whats up? As you can see from the title I would like to know how to become a better builder ( This is my best [build] ( so far). Now I know stuff like this won't just happen overnight it takes time tomake stuff like this or to even get the idea to build something cool. Now before you say YES I have looked on the sidebar and found that architecture guide but I didnt reall understand it so if somebody could explain it to me that be great. I have also searched around on this subreddit and I have found some stuff that has helped but not alot. so yeah... **TL;DR: I need help here's my first [build] (
Hey /r/ Minecraft whats up? As you can see from the title I would like to know how to become a better builder ( This is my best [build] ( so far). Now I know stuff like this won't just happen overnight it takes time tomake stuff like this or to even get the idea to build something cool. Now before you say YES I have looked on the sidebar and found that architecture guide but I didnt reall understand it so if somebody could explain it to me that be great. I have also searched around on this subreddit and I have found some stuff that has helped but not alot. so yeah... **
I need help here's my first [build] (
The night of May 18th my SO turned the laundry washer on and it flooded the kitchen apartment, he had left and did not see the extent to which water overflowed. It wasn't until the next day, a Sunday, that he realized something was amiss (because of a puddle on the floor and a wet towel) (it was already on the floor, he's messy). I was working graveyard shift that weekend so I wasn't here for any of the incident. Initially I was worried it could have leaked to our downstairs neighbors, but I figured we'd be seeing water damage or at least water up here? I'm young and stupid, though those aren't excuses. Anyways, we heard nothing from them or our landlord so we assumed it didn't overflow enough to damage their units(Our second mistake). It ended up being a milk cap that was in the sink- I'm assuming that as the water drained the milk cap fell in place and stopped the whole process of draining, and the water from the 2/2nd water draining of the washing process must have over flowed(we have a sink hook up washer that our landlord gave our unit). In my head I'm thinking that's about 10 gallons of water that over flowed. It's a small washer and I can't imagine it holds much water in it to begin with. Our floors are slanted- literally you put a ball on the ground and that baby's gonna roll- so I imagine the water went to one corner, then down somehow? At any rate- We don't see any damage to our apartment right now, or then. We did not hear a peep from our neighbors until a week later (Friday) when a maintenance guy came to ask if something flooded- our land lord didn't even call to let us know, we had no idea the downstairs tenants were effected until maintenance showed up a week later. I'm the kind of person that feels guilty if I forget to say thank you, so imagine the anxiety I'm feeling for damage happening because of my unit. I feel awful about it, but I'm fairly annoyed at the remarkable lack of information I'm getting. I don't know the extent of damage to their unit, as it was most likely the last water draining in the cycle that flooded out after filling the sink to begin with- but any water damage is bad, right? Anyways, cut to a week since the maintenance guy had stopped by and we still haven't heard anything- we're at this point assuming the landlord's just taking care of it on her own since we haven't heard anything from anyone. I'm walking up the stairs to my unit and the tenant that lives below asks if our "[landlord had] called us yet, just wondering". I imagine it's about the flooding, though the tenants below still opted to not tell/talk to us about it at all. I feel awful if we damaged her place even the slightest, but I feel it's courtesy to let people know what happened- mistakes happen. *I should note we've been model tenants with zero concerns coming from us or because of us in the two years we've lived here* Me being neurotic and anxiety ridden I told my SO he had to call our landlord so we could find out what the deal was. He seems to think this isn't as big a deal as I think it is, which confounds me since he's the one that did it O.o We can't get ahold of our landlord right now, (he left a message asking her to call him back) but I'd like to be ready for whatever she says about what happened. The maintenance man mentioned water damage to both our lower tenants from the incident (walls and ceilings, he didn't go into any detail other than paint peeling and the ceiling of the first floor tenants showing some water damage). I was wondering what I should do or what I should know about my policy should this become an issue where my unit has to pay or file a claim. This is our first apartment, so I'm not 100% sure how insurance works, and what we should be doing. I don't have much information, as the below tenants haven't spoken to us about it, and neither has our landlord. Luckily (yikes, awkward circumstance to say lucky) the building behind our apartment had a huge fire the Thursday before all of this so I went online and made sure to grab renters insurance as our previous policy had run out and I hadn't even realized it (wasn't set up in automatic payments, I am now!) So, this is what my policy (through progressive) says: This policy covers the listed location(s) from: 12:01 AM May 17, 2013 through 12:01 AM May 17, 2014 (local time) **Section I – Property** C. Personal Property $15,000 D. Loss of Use $3,000 **Section II – Liability** E. Personal Liability $100,000 F. Medical Payments to Others $1,000 *Other Stuff from Overview of policy:* Temporary housing expenses: $3,000 Full Replacement Cost Coverage: Included Mold Liability Coverage: $25,000 Mold Property Coverage: $2,500 Personal Possessions:$15,000 Computer: Extended Incidents **Liability Coverage** Personal Liability: $100,000 Medical Payments: $1,000 I know we're covered for... stuff but I don't understand any of it. I know I should have gone to an agent so he/she could explain it all to me, but I also know I own jacksh*t for nice things and wouldn't need much coverage for me so I figured this would at least cover me for necessities? ***Here's the help part!*** Anyways, I don't know what I should do/where I should go from here. What am I doing? When we finally get in contact with our landlord what should we be asking her? If she says we have to pay out of pocket, is that when I file a claim? Can I file a claim for damage to other units because of our unit's neglect? Will my insurance even cover the situation? Will it be our insurance that's billed or our landlords? What do I do :( tl;dr: My SO (he's on the policy as well) over flowed the sink hook up laundry washer, week later find out damage occured to lower tennants- we are insured, but stupid- what do we do? May 16th- Insurance renewed/purchased May 17th- Insurance in effect May 18th- Late night flooding incident May 24th- Uninformative Maintenance Man shows up May 30th- Seemingly bitchy:( downstairs tennant asks if Landlord has called us yet. Please guide me/us, **and thank you!**
The night of May 18th my SO turned the laundry washer on and it flooded the kitchen apartment, he had left and did not see the extent to which water overflowed. It wasn't until the next day, a Sunday, that he realized something was amiss (because of a puddle on the floor and a wet towel) (it was already on the floor, he's messy). I was working graveyard shift that weekend so I wasn't here for any of the incident. Initially I was worried it could have leaked to our downstairs neighbors, but I figured we'd be seeing water damage or at least water up here? I'm young and stupid, though those aren't excuses. Anyways, we heard nothing from them or our landlord so we assumed it didn't overflow enough to damage their units(Our second mistake). It ended up being a milk cap that was in the sink- I'm assuming that as the water drained the milk cap fell in place and stopped the whole process of draining, and the water from the 2/2nd water draining of the washing process must have over flowed(we have a sink hook up washer that our landlord gave our unit). In my head I'm thinking that's about 10 gallons of water that over flowed. It's a small washer and I can't imagine it holds much water in it to begin with. Our floors are slanted- literally you put a ball on the ground and that baby's gonna roll- so I imagine the water went to one corner, then down somehow? At any rate- We don't see any damage to our apartment right now, or then. We did not hear a peep from our neighbors until a week later (Friday) when a maintenance guy came to ask if something flooded- our land lord didn't even call to let us know, we had no idea the downstairs tenants were effected until maintenance showed up a week later. I'm the kind of person that feels guilty if I forget to say thank you, so imagine the anxiety I'm feeling for damage happening because of my unit. I feel awful about it, but I'm fairly annoyed at the remarkable lack of information I'm getting. I don't know the extent of damage to their unit, as it was most likely the last water draining in the cycle that flooded out after filling the sink to begin with- but any water damage is bad, right? Anyways, cut to a week since the maintenance guy had stopped by and we still haven't heard anything- we're at this point assuming the landlord's just taking care of it on her own since we haven't heard anything from anyone. I'm walking up the stairs to my unit and the tenant that lives below asks if our "[landlord had] called us yet, just wondering". I imagine it's about the flooding, though the tenants below still opted to not tell/talk to us about it at all. I feel awful if we damaged her place even the slightest, but I feel it's courtesy to let people know what happened- mistakes happen. I should note we've been model tenants with zero concerns coming from us or because of us in the two years we've lived here Me being neurotic and anxiety ridden I told my SO he had to call our landlord so we could find out what the deal was. He seems to think this isn't as big a deal as I think it is, which confounds me since he's the one that did it O.o We can't get ahold of our landlord right now, (he left a message asking her to call him back) but I'd like to be ready for whatever she says about what happened. The maintenance man mentioned water damage to both our lower tenants from the incident (walls and ceilings, he didn't go into any detail other than paint peeling and the ceiling of the first floor tenants showing some water damage). I was wondering what I should do or what I should know about my policy should this become an issue where my unit has to pay or file a claim. This is our first apartment, so I'm not 100% sure how insurance works, and what we should be doing. I don't have much information, as the below tenants haven't spoken to us about it, and neither has our landlord. Luckily (yikes, awkward circumstance to say lucky) the building behind our apartment had a huge fire the Thursday before all of this so I went online and made sure to grab renters insurance as our previous policy had run out and I hadn't even realized it (wasn't set up in automatic payments, I am now!) So, this is what my policy (through progressive) says: This policy covers the listed location(s) from: 12:01 AM May 17, 2013 through 12:01 AM May 17, 2014 (local time) Section I – Property C. Personal Property $15,000 D. Loss of Use $3,000 Section II – Liability E. Personal Liability $100,000 F. Medical Payments to Others $1,000 Other Stuff from Overview of policy: Temporary housing expenses: $3,000 Full Replacement Cost Coverage: Included Mold Liability Coverage: $25,000 Mold Property Coverage: $2,500 Personal Possessions:$15,000 Computer: Extended Incidents Liability Coverage Personal Liability: $100,000 Medical Payments: $1,000 I know we're covered for... stuff but I don't understand any of it. I know I should have gone to an agent so he/she could explain it all to me, but I also know I own jacksh*t for nice things and wouldn't need much coverage for me so I figured this would at least cover me for necessities? Here's the help part! Anyways, I don't know what I should do/where I should go from here. What am I doing? When we finally get in contact with our landlord what should we be asking her? If she says we have to pay out of pocket, is that when I file a claim? Can I file a claim for damage to other units because of our unit's neglect? Will my insurance even cover the situation? Will it be our insurance that's billed or our landlords? What do I do :( tl;dr: My SO (he's on the policy as well) over flowed the sink hook up laundry washer, week later find out damage occured to lower tennants- we are insured, but stupid- what do we do? May 16th- Insurance renewed/purchased May 17th- Insurance in effect May 18th- Late night flooding incident May 24th- Uninformative Maintenance Man shows up May 30th- Seemingly bitchy:( downstairs tennant asks if Landlord has called us yet. Please guide me/us, and thank you!
The night of May 18th my SO turned the laundry washer on and it flooded the kitchen apartment, he had left and did not see the extent to which water overflowed. It wasn't until the next day, a Sunday, that he realized something was amiss (because of a puddle on the floor and a wet towel) (it was already on the floor, he's messy). I was working graveyard shift that weekend so I wasn't here for any of the incident. Initially I was worried it could have leaked to our downstairs neighbors, but I figured we'd be seeing water damage or at least water up here? I'm young and stupid, though those aren't excuses. Anyways, we heard nothing from them or our landlord so we assumed it didn't overflow enough to damage their units(Our second mistake). It ended up being a milk cap that was in the sink- I'm assuming that as the water drained the milk cap fell in place and stopped the whole process of draining, and the water from the 2/2nd water draining of the washing process must have over flowed(we have a sink hook up washer that our landlord gave our unit). In my head I'm thinking that's about 10 gallons of water that over flowed. It's a small washer and I can't imagine it holds much water in it to begin with. Our floors are slanted- literally you put a ball on the ground and that baby's gonna roll- so I imagine the water went to one corner, then down somehow? At any rate- We don't see any damage to our apartment right now, or then. We did not hear a peep from our neighbors until a week later (Friday) when a maintenance guy came to ask if something flooded- our land lord didn't even call to let us know, we had no idea the downstairs tenants were effected until maintenance showed up a week later. I'm the kind of person that feels guilty if I forget to say thank you, so imagine the anxiety I'm feeling for damage happening because of my unit. I feel awful about it, but I'm fairly annoyed at the remarkable lack of information I'm getting. I don't know the extent of damage to their unit, as it was most likely the last water draining in the cycle that flooded out after filling the sink to begin with- but any water damage is bad, right? Anyways, cut to a week since the maintenance guy had stopped by and we still haven't heard anything- we're at this point assuming the landlord's just taking care of it on her own since we haven't heard anything from anyone. I'm walking up the stairs to my unit and the tenant that lives below asks if our "[landlord had] called us yet, just wondering". I imagine it's about the flooding, though the tenants below still opted to not tell/talk to us about it at all. I feel awful if we damaged her place even the slightest, but I feel it's courtesy to let people know what happened- mistakes happen. I should note we've been model tenants with zero concerns coming from us or because of us in the two years we've lived here Me being neurotic and anxiety ridden I told my SO he had to call our landlord so we could find out what the deal was. He seems to think this isn't as big a deal as I think it is, which confounds me since he's the one that did it O.o We can't get ahold of our landlord right now, (he left a message asking her to call him back) but I'd like to be ready for whatever she says about what happened. The maintenance man mentioned water damage to both our lower tenants from the incident (walls and ceilings, he didn't go into any detail other than paint peeling and the ceiling of the first floor tenants showing some water damage). I was wondering what I should do or what I should know about my policy should this become an issue where my unit has to pay or file a claim. This is our first apartment, so I'm not 100% sure how insurance works, and what we should be doing. I don't have much information, as the below tenants haven't spoken to us about it, and neither has our landlord. Luckily (yikes, awkward circumstance to say lucky) the building behind our apartment had a huge fire the Thursday before all of this so I went online and made sure to grab renters insurance as our previous policy had run out and I hadn't even realized it (wasn't set up in automatic payments, I am now!) So, this is what my policy (through progressive) says: This policy covers the listed location(s) from: 12:01 AM May 17, 2013 through 12:01 AM May 17, 2014 (local time) Section I – Property C. Personal Property $15,000 D. Loss of Use $3,000 Section II – Liability E. Personal Liability $100,000 F. Medical Payments to Others $1,000 Other Stuff from Overview of policy: Temporary housing expenses: $3,000 Full Replacement Cost Coverage: Included Mold Liability Coverage: $25,000 Mold Property Coverage: $2,500 Personal Possessions:$15,000 Computer: Extended Incidents Liability Coverage Personal Liability: $100,000 Medical Payments: $1,000 I know we're covered for... stuff but I don't understand any of it. I know I should have gone to an agent so he/she could explain it all to me, but I also know I own jacksh*t for nice things and wouldn't need much coverage for me so I figured this would at least cover me for necessities? Here's the help part! Anyways, I don't know what I should do/where I should go from here. What am I doing? When we finally get in contact with our landlord what should we be asking her? If she says we have to pay out of pocket, is that when I file a claim? Can I file a claim for damage to other units because of our unit's neglect? Will my insurance even cover the situation? Will it be our insurance that's billed or our landlords? What do I do :(
My SO (he's on the policy as well) over flowed the sink hook up laundry washer, week later find out damage occured to lower tennants- we are insured, but stupid- what do we do? May 16th- Insurance renewed/purchased May 17th- Insurance in effect May 18th- Late night flooding incident May 24th- Uninformative Maintenance Man shows up May 30th- Seemingly bitchy:( downstairs tennant asks if Landlord has called us yet. Please guide me/us, and thank you!
Sometimes, when I have a really bad day, my inner traumatized child comes out (I've struggled with mental illness for almost half my life now). When that happens, my bf strokes my hair and tells me simple but happy stories. My favorite one is about a man whose job is to manually take a census of people crossing a bridge, and one day he sees a beautiful woman who he loves the second he lays eyes on her. He forgets to count her each time he sees her. And sometimes he decides not to count some of the other people for one reason or another. Then one day his superior comes to check on his counting abilities. He gets his shit together and counts furiously. At the end of the day his superior tells him he did great, that he only missed one. TL;DR: Boyfriend comforts my childhood
Sometimes, when I have a really bad day, my inner traumatized child comes out (I've struggled with mental illness for almost half my life now). When that happens, my bf strokes my hair and tells me simple but happy stories. My favorite one is about a man whose job is to manually take a census of people crossing a bridge, and one day he sees a beautiful woman who he loves the second he lays eyes on her. He forgets to count her each time he sees her. And sometimes he decides not to count some of the other people for one reason or another. Then one day his superior comes to check on his counting abilities. He gets his shit together and counts furiously. At the end of the day his superior tells him he did great, that he only missed one. TL;DR: Boyfriend comforts my childhood
Sometimes, when I have a really bad day, my inner traumatized child comes out (I've struggled with mental illness for almost half my life now). When that happens, my bf strokes my hair and tells me simple but happy stories. My favorite one is about a man whose job is to manually take a census of people crossing a bridge, and one day he sees a beautiful woman who he loves the second he lays eyes on her. He forgets to count her each time he sees her. And sometimes he decides not to count some of the other people for one reason or another. Then one day his superior comes to check on his counting abilities. He gets his shit together and counts furiously. At the end of the day his superior tells him he did great, that he only missed one.
Boyfriend comforts my childhood
I'm 30 and still have to reassure people that I meet that my scars are old and it's not an issue for me anymore. It is a legitimate problem for some people but it seems like a very easy and obvious thing for a lot of young people to do to gain attention. That in and of itself is a sad issue worth addressing. It makes me sad that regardless of whether someone is doing it because they truly can't help the compulsion or because they want someone to notice and pay attention to them - these are permanent scars. Even the light shallow cuts will be noticeable in certain light. When they are 30, 40, 50, they will still be explaining to people why they have deep scars in awkward places. Going to the beach will be awkward. Their wedding photographer will have to edit them out of the pictures. They will have to wear sweaters or cardigans to their jobs even in the summer so they don't have to answer awkward questions. It really REALLY sucks and when you're a teenager or a pre-teen you honestly can't conceive of how long term the consequences of your actions are. There should be less stigma about this in the world and more support and help. There are enough of us now who are much older who have done it and can tell these kids about our experiences and legitimately help. **TL;DR: doesn't matter if it's for attention or out of compulsion. These scars are permanent and we should try helping more than facepalming.**
I'm 30 and still have to reassure people that I meet that my scars are old and it's not an issue for me anymore. It is a legitimate problem for some people but it seems like a very easy and obvious thing for a lot of young people to do to gain attention. That in and of itself is a sad issue worth addressing. It makes me sad that regardless of whether someone is doing it because they truly can't help the compulsion or because they want someone to notice and pay attention to them - these are permanent scars. Even the light shallow cuts will be noticeable in certain light. When they are 30, 40, 50, they will still be explaining to people why they have deep scars in awkward places. Going to the beach will be awkward. Their wedding photographer will have to edit them out of the pictures. They will have to wear sweaters or cardigans to their jobs even in the summer so they don't have to answer awkward questions. It really REALLY sucks and when you're a teenager or a pre-teen you honestly can't conceive of how long term the consequences of your actions are. There should be less stigma about this in the world and more support and help. There are enough of us now who are much older who have done it and can tell these kids about our experiences and legitimately help. TL;DR: doesn't matter if it's for attention or out of compulsion. These scars are permanent and we should try helping more than facepalming.
I'm 30 and still have to reassure people that I meet that my scars are old and it's not an issue for me anymore. It is a legitimate problem for some people but it seems like a very easy and obvious thing for a lot of young people to do to gain attention. That in and of itself is a sad issue worth addressing. It makes me sad that regardless of whether someone is doing it because they truly can't help the compulsion or because they want someone to notice and pay attention to them - these are permanent scars. Even the light shallow cuts will be noticeable in certain light. When they are 30, 40, 50, they will still be explaining to people why they have deep scars in awkward places. Going to the beach will be awkward. Their wedding photographer will have to edit them out of the pictures. They will have to wear sweaters or cardigans to their jobs even in the summer so they don't have to answer awkward questions. It really REALLY sucks and when you're a teenager or a pre-teen you honestly can't conceive of how long term the consequences of your actions are. There should be less stigma about this in the world and more support and help. There are enough of us now who are much older who have done it and can tell these kids about our experiences and legitimately help.
doesn't matter if it's for attention or out of compulsion. These scars are permanent and we should try helping more than facepalming.
That's actually... not true. At all. Emulation falls under digital preservation. If the IP holder does not make digital preservation and format transformation available, it falls under the purview of the individual. Also, in America, you can do whatever the fuck you want with your shit in your house. You just can't take it OUT of your house... or bring people into your house... basically you can't make any money or publicize your change processes. This might have changed in the last 5 years... but digital discovery was a course I helped set up in our forensics lab. [Here is a fantastic paper on the history of intellectual property rights of video games]( Essentially: Having an emulator is fine. Having emulations of games is fine as long as you have purchased hard rights (cartridge... not digital leases) to the games. EA and Steam have gone to great lengths to make digital leases a thing. What's not fine: Grabbing emulations of games your don't have hard rights to. I own a copy of skyrim. I also have an illegally downloaded copy of skyrim (so i could fuck with mods before the kit came out). That's NOT okay. I have a hard cartridge of golden sun 2. I also have a rom'd copy of golden sun 2 (so i can easy load the saves from GS1 and rebind keys). This is OKAY. Developing games via the emulator without the the distributor's permission. This includes translations. I own Tales of Phantasia for the DS and PS. I also have the famous j-rom translation from the japanese port of the game (only option before ps release). They took many, MANY liberties with the translation to make it funny. This was WRONG (but hilarious). I also have a fake version of Pokemon emerald. It's a satire on pokemon... this is also wrong. On a counter point... Watermelon studios recently released "Pier Solar and the Great Architects". It was developed on emulators with permission of sega. It had a full cartridge AND Cd (digital) release. This is fine. Declaring something is piracy in a blanket statement is a huge faux pas. Technically... the entire IP purchase and sale of Tetris was piracy. Under the current (at time of release) US embargo of Russian products... it should never have left Russia as a market item... only a f2p. But you know, money makes the world go round. TLDR: Sony has sued a lot of people. And lost almost every case.
That's actually... not true. At all. Emulation falls under digital preservation. If the IP holder does not make digital preservation and format transformation available, it falls under the purview of the individual. Also, in America, you can do whatever the fuck you want with your shit in your house. You just can't take it OUT of your house... or bring people into your house... basically you can't make any money or publicize your change processes. This might have changed in the last 5 years... but digital discovery was a course I helped set up in our forensics lab. [Here is a fantastic paper on the history of intellectual property rights of video games]( Essentially: Having an emulator is fine. Having emulations of games is fine as long as you have purchased hard rights (cartridge... not digital leases) to the games. EA and Steam have gone to great lengths to make digital leases a thing. What's not fine: Grabbing emulations of games your don't have hard rights to. I own a copy of skyrim. I also have an illegally downloaded copy of skyrim (so i could fuck with mods before the kit came out). That's NOT okay. I have a hard cartridge of golden sun 2. I also have a rom'd copy of golden sun 2 (so i can easy load the saves from GS1 and rebind keys). This is OKAY. Developing games via the emulator without the the distributor's permission. This includes translations. I own Tales of Phantasia for the DS and PS. I also have the famous j-rom translation from the japanese port of the game (only option before ps release). They took many, MANY liberties with the translation to make it funny. This was WRONG (but hilarious). I also have a fake version of Pokemon emerald. It's a satire on pokemon... this is also wrong. On a counter point... Watermelon studios recently released "Pier Solar and the Great Architects". It was developed on emulators with permission of sega. It had a full cartridge AND Cd (digital) release. This is fine. Declaring something is piracy in a blanket statement is a huge faux pas. Technically... the entire IP purchase and sale of Tetris was piracy. Under the current (at time of release) US embargo of Russian products... it should never have left Russia as a market item... only a f2p. But you know, money makes the world go round. TLDR: Sony has sued a lot of people. And lost almost every case.
That's actually... not true. At all. Emulation falls under digital preservation. If the IP holder does not make digital preservation and format transformation available, it falls under the purview of the individual. Also, in America, you can do whatever the fuck you want with your shit in your house. You just can't take it OUT of your house... or bring people into your house... basically you can't make any money or publicize your change processes. This might have changed in the last 5 years... but digital discovery was a course I helped set up in our forensics lab. [Here is a fantastic paper on the history of intellectual property rights of video games]( Essentially: Having an emulator is fine. Having emulations of games is fine as long as you have purchased hard rights (cartridge... not digital leases) to the games. EA and Steam have gone to great lengths to make digital leases a thing. What's not fine: Grabbing emulations of games your don't have hard rights to. I own a copy of skyrim. I also have an illegally downloaded copy of skyrim (so i could fuck with mods before the kit came out). That's NOT okay. I have a hard cartridge of golden sun 2. I also have a rom'd copy of golden sun 2 (so i can easy load the saves from GS1 and rebind keys). This is OKAY. Developing games via the emulator without the the distributor's permission. This includes translations. I own Tales of Phantasia for the DS and PS. I also have the famous j-rom translation from the japanese port of the game (only option before ps release). They took many, MANY liberties with the translation to make it funny. This was WRONG (but hilarious). I also have a fake version of Pokemon emerald. It's a satire on pokemon... this is also wrong. On a counter point... Watermelon studios recently released "Pier Solar and the Great Architects". It was developed on emulators with permission of sega. It had a full cartridge AND Cd (digital) release. This is fine. Declaring something is piracy in a blanket statement is a huge faux pas. Technically... the entire IP purchase and sale of Tetris was piracy. Under the current (at time of release) US embargo of Russian products... it should never have left Russia as a market item... only a f2p. But you know, money makes the world go round.
Sony has sued a lot of people. And lost almost every case.