Since Gold used to be from 1450 to 1750 Elo, this means that 300 Elo is divided into the new 5 Divisions. So one division is exactly 60 Elo of range. Everyone I know is getting between 6 and 12 points for a win. Lets make that an average of 10. This means that at the moment you need straight 12 victories to climb the equivallent of 60 Elo (13 victories if you're playing the Bo5). In comparison you could get 60 Elo for only 5 straight victories with the old system. tl;dr The Title.
Since Gold used to be from 1450 to 1750 Elo, this means that 300 Elo is divided into the new 5 Divisions. So one division is exactly 60 Elo of range. Everyone I know is getting between 6 and 12 points for a win. Lets make that an average of 10. This means that at the moment you need straight 12 victories to climb the equivallent of 60 Elo (13 victories if you're playing the Bo5). In comparison you could get 60 Elo for only 5 straight victories with the old system. tl;dr The Title.
Since Gold used to be from 1450 to 1750 Elo, this means that 300 Elo is divided into the new 5 Divisions. So one division is exactly 60 Elo of range. Everyone I know is getting between 6 and 12 points for a win. Lets make that an average of 10. This means that at the moment you need straight 12 victories to climb the equivallent of 60 Elo (13 victories if you're playing the Bo5). In comparison you could get 60 Elo for only 5 straight victories with the old system.
The Title.
Hi folks! This is my first post here on ECR, and I'm a fairly new vaper. I started vaping, and lurking here, a little over a month ago, and was able to drop analogs entirely eleven days ago. Vaping has been absolutely fantastic, and this community has been amazingly helpful. So, anyway, what I'd like to ask for are some recommendations for a new mod and tank. My current setup is an iStick 40W with a Nautilus 5ml tank. The iStick seemed like a good idea at the time: a wider wattage range and more compact form factor than my MVP 20, and some form of TC. Granted, my current vaping is all superohm sans TC, but I figured I'd like a little future-proofing for when I invariably get bored with that. I've been underwhelmed by the battery life of the iStick, and it utterly fails to indicate when it's charging correctly. Five minutes of charging and it claims it's full when it's barely at 50%. And, of course, I bought this before I became aware of the serious issues with the iStick 50w. I've only had it for about a week without any such problems, but better safe than burning down my apartment while I sleep. So what I'd like is a mod that's not much bigger than the iStick, with a better battery life and/or replaceable batteries. The iPV D2 seems to fit the bill and offer the future-proofing I wanted, but any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. And since my other mods have non-replaceable batteries, any recommendations regarding battery and charger brands/models/whatever to consider or avoid entirely would be great, too. I'm also looking to get a new tank. I started with a Nautilus mini and liked everything about it except the capacity, so I went for a Nautilus. The capacity is great and I've been content with the vapor and flavor production, when it works. The problem is that it constant floods and spits juice in my mouth. And I've tried pretty much every variation of a fix that googling suggested (clean everything, replace the atomizer, lower the wattage, increase the wattage, tighten everything, loosen everything, close the airholes when inserting the atomizer, sacrifice a goat) to no avail. I did pick up a Subtank Nano thinking I'd want to head towards subohm, but I'm not quite there yet, and its drip tip is a bit too wide and too short for my liking. So I'm looking for a recommendation for another tank that has a similarly large capacity (at least 3 mL, but 4+ is better), and with superohm stock coils since I'm still mostly mouth-to-lung, and I'm not yet building coils myself. If I could find a better (i.e. longer and thinner) drip tip, the Subtank Mini might fit my needs, but that search has, to date, been fruitless. Thanks! TL;DR: I have iStick 40W and Nautilus 5ml tank. Want a new mod, new tank, of similar sizes but higher quality. Suggestions appreciated!
Hi folks! This is my first post here on ECR, and I'm a fairly new vaper. I started vaping, and lurking here, a little over a month ago, and was able to drop analogs entirely eleven days ago. Vaping has been absolutely fantastic, and this community has been amazingly helpful. So, anyway, what I'd like to ask for are some recommendations for a new mod and tank. My current setup is an iStick 40W with a Nautilus 5ml tank. The iStick seemed like a good idea at the time: a wider wattage range and more compact form factor than my MVP 20, and some form of TC. Granted, my current vaping is all superohm sans TC, but I figured I'd like a little future-proofing for when I invariably get bored with that. I've been underwhelmed by the battery life of the iStick, and it utterly fails to indicate when it's charging correctly. Five minutes of charging and it claims it's full when it's barely at 50%. And, of course, I bought this before I became aware of the serious issues with the iStick 50w. I've only had it for about a week without any such problems, but better safe than burning down my apartment while I sleep. So what I'd like is a mod that's not much bigger than the iStick, with a better battery life and/or replaceable batteries. The iPV D2 seems to fit the bill and offer the future-proofing I wanted, but any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. And since my other mods have non-replaceable batteries, any recommendations regarding battery and charger brands/models/whatever to consider or avoid entirely would be great, too. I'm also looking to get a new tank. I started with a Nautilus mini and liked everything about it except the capacity, so I went for a Nautilus. The capacity is great and I've been content with the vapor and flavor production, when it works. The problem is that it constant floods and spits juice in my mouth. And I've tried pretty much every variation of a fix that googling suggested (clean everything, replace the atomizer, lower the wattage, increase the wattage, tighten everything, loosen everything, close the airholes when inserting the atomizer, sacrifice a goat) to no avail. I did pick up a Subtank Nano thinking I'd want to head towards subohm, but I'm not quite there yet, and its drip tip is a bit too wide and too short for my liking. So I'm looking for a recommendation for another tank that has a similarly large capacity (at least 3 mL, but 4+ is better), and with superohm stock coils since I'm still mostly mouth-to-lung, and I'm not yet building coils myself. If I could find a better (i.e. longer and thinner) drip tip, the Subtank Mini might fit my needs, but that search has, to date, been fruitless. Thanks! TL;DR: I have iStick 40W and Nautilus 5ml tank. Want a new mod, new tank, of similar sizes but higher quality. Suggestions appreciated!
Hi folks! This is my first post here on ECR, and I'm a fairly new vaper. I started vaping, and lurking here, a little over a month ago, and was able to drop analogs entirely eleven days ago. Vaping has been absolutely fantastic, and this community has been amazingly helpful. So, anyway, what I'd like to ask for are some recommendations for a new mod and tank. My current setup is an iStick 40W with a Nautilus 5ml tank. The iStick seemed like a good idea at the time: a wider wattage range and more compact form factor than my MVP 20, and some form of TC. Granted, my current vaping is all superohm sans TC, but I figured I'd like a little future-proofing for when I invariably get bored with that. I've been underwhelmed by the battery life of the iStick, and it utterly fails to indicate when it's charging correctly. Five minutes of charging and it claims it's full when it's barely at 50%. And, of course, I bought this before I became aware of the serious issues with the iStick 50w. I've only had it for about a week without any such problems, but better safe than burning down my apartment while I sleep. So what I'd like is a mod that's not much bigger than the iStick, with a better battery life and/or replaceable batteries. The iPV D2 seems to fit the bill and offer the future-proofing I wanted, but any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. And since my other mods have non-replaceable batteries, any recommendations regarding battery and charger brands/models/whatever to consider or avoid entirely would be great, too. I'm also looking to get a new tank. I started with a Nautilus mini and liked everything about it except the capacity, so I went for a Nautilus. The capacity is great and I've been content with the vapor and flavor production, when it works. The problem is that it constant floods and spits juice in my mouth. And I've tried pretty much every variation of a fix that googling suggested (clean everything, replace the atomizer, lower the wattage, increase the wattage, tighten everything, loosen everything, close the airholes when inserting the atomizer, sacrifice a goat) to no avail. I did pick up a Subtank Nano thinking I'd want to head towards subohm, but I'm not quite there yet, and its drip tip is a bit too wide and too short for my liking. So I'm looking for a recommendation for another tank that has a similarly large capacity (at least 3 mL, but 4+ is better), and with superohm stock coils since I'm still mostly mouth-to-lung, and I'm not yet building coils myself. If I could find a better (i.e. longer and thinner) drip tip, the Subtank Mini might fit my needs, but that search has, to date, been fruitless. Thanks!
I have iStick 40W and Nautilus 5ml tank. Want a new mod, new tank, of similar sizes but higher quality. Suggestions appreciated!
I have worked as a truck driver and a coach driver, but finished driving commercially around 5 years ago. When I started close to ten years ago all the trucks I drove were manual with various different split boxes and overdrive systems. I then moved on to driving coaches for a company which ha around 100 coaches, every one having a manual gearbox. The level of training at that company was excellent and intense, and every driver was required to be very smooth at all times. During the five years I worked for that company they began switching to automatic gearboxes, which the vast majority of drivers hated. For a majority of drivers an auto box would be smoother, but the company held us to very high standards and we mostly felt that we could be smoother with our old manual boxes. The company continued the change however, apparently because the resale market just ain't there for manual coaches. I believe they now use exclusively auto boxes. As I understand it, most trucking companies are going the same way, and auto boxes are taking over fairly rapidly. TL:DR Auto boxes have taken over from manual very recently (last 5 years) EDIT: just reread your question, maybe you're talking about pickup trucks. I'm from a rural area. Every single farmer I know with a pickup truck (and that's pretty much all of them) has a diesel with a manual transmission. Whether they are Toyota, Mitsubishi, Ford, Land Rover, Volkswagen, Isuzu, or Great Wall, every one is a diesel manual.
I have worked as a truck driver and a coach driver, but finished driving commercially around 5 years ago. When I started close to ten years ago all the trucks I drove were manual with various different split boxes and overdrive systems. I then moved on to driving coaches for a company which ha around 100 coaches, every one having a manual gearbox. The level of training at that company was excellent and intense, and every driver was required to be very smooth at all times. During the five years I worked for that company they began switching to automatic gearboxes, which the vast majority of drivers hated. For a majority of drivers an auto box would be smoother, but the company held us to very high standards and we mostly felt that we could be smoother with our old manual boxes. The company continued the change however, apparently because the resale market just ain't there for manual coaches. I believe they now use exclusively auto boxes. As I understand it, most trucking companies are going the same way, and auto boxes are taking over fairly rapidly. TL:DR Auto boxes have taken over from manual very recently (last 5 years) EDIT: just reread your question, maybe you're talking about pickup trucks. I'm from a rural area. Every single farmer I know with a pickup truck (and that's pretty much all of them) has a diesel with a manual transmission. Whether they are Toyota, Mitsubishi, Ford, Land Rover, Volkswagen, Isuzu, or Great Wall, every one is a diesel manual.
I have worked as a truck driver and a coach driver, but finished driving commercially around 5 years ago. When I started close to ten years ago all the trucks I drove were manual with various different split boxes and overdrive systems. I then moved on to driving coaches for a company which ha around 100 coaches, every one having a manual gearbox. The level of training at that company was excellent and intense, and every driver was required to be very smooth at all times. During the five years I worked for that company they began switching to automatic gearboxes, which the vast majority of drivers hated. For a majority of drivers an auto box would be smoother, but the company held us to very high standards and we mostly felt that we could be smoother with our old manual boxes. The company continued the change however, apparently because the resale market just ain't there for manual coaches. I believe they now use exclusively auto boxes. As I understand it, most trucking companies are going the same way, and auto boxes are taking over fairly rapidly.
Auto boxes have taken over from manual very recently (last 5 years) EDIT: just reread your question, maybe you're talking about pickup trucks. I'm from a rural area. Every single farmer I know with a pickup truck (and that's pretty much all of them) has a diesel with a manual transmission. Whether they are Toyota, Mitsubishi, Ford, Land Rover, Volkswagen, Isuzu, or Great Wall, every one is a diesel manual.
As a quick aside: if the circumstances were any different, I'd probably preface this post with your standard "I know that I'm in the wrong, there's no need for name calling, etc." but I think that some proper shaming might do me some good. Even just typing this story out makes me feel sick. I've known P since my freshman year of high school. We're both 25 years old. He is undoubtedly one of the closest friends that I've ever made. About three months ago, P introduced us to his girlfriend, B. If I'm remembering correctly, the two of them had met six months earlier and had been dating for three of those months (might only be one). I was blown away by her. B was beautiful, funny, caring, etc. We "hit it off" the night that we met. I was both genuinely happy for my friend and very saddened that he had met her first. I saw B on several occasions over the next several weeks and was thrilled when I did. She attempted to talk to me over facebook during this time, but I ignored her messages or gave her one word answers, as I didn't want my friend to think that I was at all interested in her. B developed a friendship with my FWB, mentioned that she thought I was cute, and asked a lot of questions about me. Some of this stuff was pretty nosy, especially after B learned that her new friend and I were sleeping together. About two months ago, B broke up with P. He was pretty upset by it. I felt badly that she had hurt him, badly enough that I pushed away any thoughts of being with her. My FWB told me that B also felt badly about it, though probably less so than P. A few weeks after the breakup, P was meeting with and hooking up with other girls. I didn’t have any contact with B during this time, and anything I heard about her was through my FWB. Two weeks ago, my FWB told me that B would be couch surfing the following week. I purposefully spent the night on Thursday, when I knew B would be over. I feel like a pig for what happened next. I genuinely was not planning on having sex with my FWB that night, but she initiated. I was literally having sex while fantasizing about the girl in the next room. My FWB left for work the following morning. She trusted me enough to close the windows, lock the door, etc. so that B and I could sleep in for an extra hour. I woke up to B sitting next to me and hitting me in the stomach playfully. I sat up and we spoke for a few minutes. I asked her if she was okay, as she had seen P on Thursday and had spoken to FWB that night. I had heard them speaking in the living room while I was in the bedroom. She said that she was mostly okay. I showered and we left FWB’s apartment. We walked to the train together. I’ve run through this scenario a hundred times over the past few days and I cannot for the life of me explain what prompted this. We reached the platform and I put my arms around her to try to give her a comforting hug. I leaned in to kiss her on the cheek and before I knew it we were kissing. I realized what I had done and stepped away, but she pulled me back towards her. We kissed a few more times while waiting for the train, we held hands as we walked, and I kissed her goodbye. Since then I’ve spoken to her nearly nonstop. We’ve discussed the implications of what happened several times. Some choice quotes: B: “You know that I wouldn’t be just a casual just for fun hookup though right? That’s not me, I get too invested for that.” Me: “I know. But the thought of that doesn’t quite scare me off.” B: “I thought that’s the last thing you wanted.” Me: “I don’t know what I want. I feel like we click, though. At least a little. Don’t you?” B: “Always have.” Me: “You always have felt that?” B: “We have more in common than me and P ever did.” …… On the two of them ruining their friendship: B: “We never should’ve dated. It’s such a shame.” ……. Me: “Do you feel like what I did yesterday felt kind of “right?” " B: “The only things I feel bad about in regards to it is that a person we care about could get hurt.” Me: “That’s exactly what I think.” B: “Do you wish you hadn’t?” Me: “No. I wish that I regretted it. But I don’t.” ……. Me: “It just felt natural yesterday morning.” B: “Doesn’t it bother you at all though?” Me: “It bothers me that it would hurt P if he knew. I don’t regret kissing you. It felt right in that moment.” B: “I know.” Me: “Is that an ‘I know you feel that way’ I know, or an ‘I agree that it felt right’ I know?” B: “It’s an ‘I’m a stupid idiot because I actually wanted it and didn’t think’ I know. It’s an ‘even though I liked it I should’ve stopped it’ I know.” ….. On Saturday night I told my friend nothing more than that B had asked me to hang out next week. The two of us were both pretty drunk. I asked P if he would be okay with me seeing her, and he said “you have my blessing.” He also said “talk to me tomorrow.” Yesterday’s “talk to me tomorrow” conversation consisted of: “You know what I’m gonna say, man. I would really prefer you do not have any romantic relations with B.” I told him “Okay, that settles it then” and he thanked me. P's roommate of four years has been dating another one of P's exes for the past two years. While the two of us were intoxicated, he mentioned this in an "I've already had experience with this" kind of way, but in our sober conversation, he framed it in an "I've already got this on my mind" kind of way. P and B's Thursday encounter was a fluke due to the presence of a mutual friend. To my knowledge, they have not spent time together on any other occasion since the breakup. I called up B and told her that P had since changed his mind. I asked her what she wanted to do. She said that she wants to wait and ask P again in the future. I have no idea if he’d ever be okay with the two of us dating, but I’m more than willing to wait. The next time she’d be in town would be October, so it’s not as though there’d be anything physical in the short term. B and I agreed to stay in touch until then. I plan on talking to her tonight. Not about anything serious, though. Just friendly conversation. I struggle to put into words the passion in that kiss. Subconsciously or not, it was something that the two of us had wanted since the night we met. I know how crazy this makes me sound, and I know that I’m relatively young. But I'm not some stupid teenager. I'm an adult and despite knowing that I’ve betrayed someone close to me, I know how that kiss made me feel. I know that my friend would be furious if he knew that I had kissed her. I feel that he would understand, though, if he could somehow have swapped places with me and experienced how right it felt. So what should I do? Which one of us is being selfish? tl;dr: I am a shitty person who kissed my friend’s ex. He has no idea. I asked him for permission to accept her invitation to hang out next week. He said no. I don’t know what to do.
As a quick aside: if the circumstances were any different, I'd probably preface this post with your standard "I know that I'm in the wrong, there's no need for name calling, etc." but I think that some proper shaming might do me some good. Even just typing this story out makes me feel sick. I've known P since my freshman year of high school. We're both 25 years old. He is undoubtedly one of the closest friends that I've ever made. About three months ago, P introduced us to his girlfriend, B. If I'm remembering correctly, the two of them had met six months earlier and had been dating for three of those months (might only be one). I was blown away by her. B was beautiful, funny, caring, etc. We "hit it off" the night that we met. I was both genuinely happy for my friend and very saddened that he had met her first. I saw B on several occasions over the next several weeks and was thrilled when I did. She attempted to talk to me over facebook during this time, but I ignored her messages or gave her one word answers, as I didn't want my friend to think that I was at all interested in her. B developed a friendship with my FWB, mentioned that she thought I was cute, and asked a lot of questions about me. Some of this stuff was pretty nosy, especially after B learned that her new friend and I were sleeping together. About two months ago, B broke up with P. He was pretty upset by it. I felt badly that she had hurt him, badly enough that I pushed away any thoughts of being with her. My FWB told me that B also felt badly about it, though probably less so than P. A few weeks after the breakup, P was meeting with and hooking up with other girls. I didn’t have any contact with B during this time, and anything I heard about her was through my FWB. Two weeks ago, my FWB told me that B would be couch surfing the following week. I purposefully spent the night on Thursday, when I knew B would be over. I feel like a pig for what happened next. I genuinely was not planning on having sex with my FWB that night, but she initiated. I was literally having sex while fantasizing about the girl in the next room. My FWB left for work the following morning. She trusted me enough to close the windows, lock the door, etc. so that B and I could sleep in for an extra hour. I woke up to B sitting next to me and hitting me in the stomach playfully. I sat up and we spoke for a few minutes. I asked her if she was okay, as she had seen P on Thursday and had spoken to FWB that night. I had heard them speaking in the living room while I was in the bedroom. She said that she was mostly okay. I showered and we left FWB’s apartment. We walked to the train together. I’ve run through this scenario a hundred times over the past few days and I cannot for the life of me explain what prompted this. We reached the platform and I put my arms around her to try to give her a comforting hug. I leaned in to kiss her on the cheek and before I knew it we were kissing. I realized what I had done and stepped away, but she pulled me back towards her. We kissed a few more times while waiting for the train, we held hands as we walked, and I kissed her goodbye. Since then I’ve spoken to her nearly nonstop. We’ve discussed the implications of what happened several times. Some choice quotes: B: “You know that I wouldn’t be just a casual just for fun hookup though right? That’s not me, I get too invested for that.” Me: “I know. But the thought of that doesn’t quite scare me off.” B: “I thought that’s the last thing you wanted.” Me: “I don’t know what I want. I feel like we click, though. At least a little. Don’t you?” B: “Always have.” Me: “You always have felt that?” B: “We have more in common than me and P ever did.” …… On the two of them ruining their friendship: B: “We never should’ve dated. It’s such a shame.” ……. Me: “Do you feel like what I did yesterday felt kind of “right?” " B: “The only things I feel bad about in regards to it is that a person we care about could get hurt.” Me: “That’s exactly what I think.” B: “Do you wish you hadn’t?” Me: “No. I wish that I regretted it. But I don’t.” ……. Me: “It just felt natural yesterday morning.” B: “Doesn’t it bother you at all though?” Me: “It bothers me that it would hurt P if he knew. I don’t regret kissing you. It felt right in that moment.” B: “I know.” Me: “Is that an ‘I know you feel that way’ I know, or an ‘I agree that it felt right’ I know?” B: “It’s an ‘I’m a stupid idiot because I actually wanted it and didn’t think’ I know. It’s an ‘even though I liked it I should’ve stopped it’ I know.” ….. On Saturday night I told my friend nothing more than that B had asked me to hang out next week. The two of us were both pretty drunk. I asked P if he would be okay with me seeing her, and he said “you have my blessing.” He also said “talk to me tomorrow.” Yesterday’s “talk to me tomorrow” conversation consisted of: “You know what I’m gonna say, man. I would really prefer you do not have any romantic relations with B.” I told him “Okay, that settles it then” and he thanked me. P's roommate of four years has been dating another one of P's exes for the past two years. While the two of us were intoxicated, he mentioned this in an "I've already had experience with this" kind of way, but in our sober conversation, he framed it in an "I've already got this on my mind" kind of way. P and B's Thursday encounter was a fluke due to the presence of a mutual friend. To my knowledge, they have not spent time together on any other occasion since the breakup. I called up B and told her that P had since changed his mind. I asked her what she wanted to do. She said that she wants to wait and ask P again in the future. I have no idea if he’d ever be okay with the two of us dating, but I’m more than willing to wait. The next time she’d be in town would be October, so it’s not as though there’d be anything physical in the short term. B and I agreed to stay in touch until then. I plan on talking to her tonight. Not about anything serious, though. Just friendly conversation. I struggle to put into words the passion in that kiss. Subconsciously or not, it was something that the two of us had wanted since the night we met. I know how crazy this makes me sound, and I know that I’m relatively young. But I'm not some stupid teenager. I'm an adult and despite knowing that I’ve betrayed someone close to me, I know how that kiss made me feel. I know that my friend would be furious if he knew that I had kissed her. I feel that he would understand, though, if he could somehow have swapped places with me and experienced how right it felt. So what should I do? Which one of us is being selfish? tl;dr: I am a shitty person who kissed my friend’s ex. He has no idea. I asked him for permission to accept her invitation to hang out next week. He said no. I don’t know what to do.
As a quick aside: if the circumstances were any different, I'd probably preface this post with your standard "I know that I'm in the wrong, there's no need for name calling, etc." but I think that some proper shaming might do me some good. Even just typing this story out makes me feel sick. I've known P since my freshman year of high school. We're both 25 years old. He is undoubtedly one of the closest friends that I've ever made. About three months ago, P introduced us to his girlfriend, B. If I'm remembering correctly, the two of them had met six months earlier and had been dating for three of those months (might only be one). I was blown away by her. B was beautiful, funny, caring, etc. We "hit it off" the night that we met. I was both genuinely happy for my friend and very saddened that he had met her first. I saw B on several occasions over the next several weeks and was thrilled when I did. She attempted to talk to me over facebook during this time, but I ignored her messages or gave her one word answers, as I didn't want my friend to think that I was at all interested in her. B developed a friendship with my FWB, mentioned that she thought I was cute, and asked a lot of questions about me. Some of this stuff was pretty nosy, especially after B learned that her new friend and I were sleeping together. About two months ago, B broke up with P. He was pretty upset by it. I felt badly that she had hurt him, badly enough that I pushed away any thoughts of being with her. My FWB told me that B also felt badly about it, though probably less so than P. A few weeks after the breakup, P was meeting with and hooking up with other girls. I didn’t have any contact with B during this time, and anything I heard about her was through my FWB. Two weeks ago, my FWB told me that B would be couch surfing the following week. I purposefully spent the night on Thursday, when I knew B would be over. I feel like a pig for what happened next. I genuinely was not planning on having sex with my FWB that night, but she initiated. I was literally having sex while fantasizing about the girl in the next room. My FWB left for work the following morning. She trusted me enough to close the windows, lock the door, etc. so that B and I could sleep in for an extra hour. I woke up to B sitting next to me and hitting me in the stomach playfully. I sat up and we spoke for a few minutes. I asked her if she was okay, as she had seen P on Thursday and had spoken to FWB that night. I had heard them speaking in the living room while I was in the bedroom. She said that she was mostly okay. I showered and we left FWB’s apartment. We walked to the train together. I’ve run through this scenario a hundred times over the past few days and I cannot for the life of me explain what prompted this. We reached the platform and I put my arms around her to try to give her a comforting hug. I leaned in to kiss her on the cheek and before I knew it we were kissing. I realized what I had done and stepped away, but she pulled me back towards her. We kissed a few more times while waiting for the train, we held hands as we walked, and I kissed her goodbye. Since then I’ve spoken to her nearly nonstop. We’ve discussed the implications of what happened several times. Some choice quotes: B: “You know that I wouldn’t be just a casual just for fun hookup though right? That’s not me, I get too invested for that.” Me: “I know. But the thought of that doesn’t quite scare me off.” B: “I thought that’s the last thing you wanted.” Me: “I don’t know what I want. I feel like we click, though. At least a little. Don’t you?” B: “Always have.” Me: “You always have felt that?” B: “We have more in common than me and P ever did.” …… On the two of them ruining their friendship: B: “We never should’ve dated. It’s such a shame.” ……. Me: “Do you feel like what I did yesterday felt kind of “right?” " B: “The only things I feel bad about in regards to it is that a person we care about could get hurt.” Me: “That’s exactly what I think.” B: “Do you wish you hadn’t?” Me: “No. I wish that I regretted it. But I don’t.” ……. Me: “It just felt natural yesterday morning.” B: “Doesn’t it bother you at all though?” Me: “It bothers me that it would hurt P if he knew. I don’t regret kissing you. It felt right in that moment.” B: “I know.” Me: “Is that an ‘I know you feel that way’ I know, or an ‘I agree that it felt right’ I know?” B: “It’s an ‘I’m a stupid idiot because I actually wanted it and didn’t think’ I know. It’s an ‘even though I liked it I should’ve stopped it’ I know.” ….. On Saturday night I told my friend nothing more than that B had asked me to hang out next week. The two of us were both pretty drunk. I asked P if he would be okay with me seeing her, and he said “you have my blessing.” He also said “talk to me tomorrow.” Yesterday’s “talk to me tomorrow” conversation consisted of: “You know what I’m gonna say, man. I would really prefer you do not have any romantic relations with B.” I told him “Okay, that settles it then” and he thanked me. P's roommate of four years has been dating another one of P's exes for the past two years. While the two of us were intoxicated, he mentioned this in an "I've already had experience with this" kind of way, but in our sober conversation, he framed it in an "I've already got this on my mind" kind of way. P and B's Thursday encounter was a fluke due to the presence of a mutual friend. To my knowledge, they have not spent time together on any other occasion since the breakup. I called up B and told her that P had since changed his mind. I asked her what she wanted to do. She said that she wants to wait and ask P again in the future. I have no idea if he’d ever be okay with the two of us dating, but I’m more than willing to wait. The next time she’d be in town would be October, so it’s not as though there’d be anything physical in the short term. B and I agreed to stay in touch until then. I plan on talking to her tonight. Not about anything serious, though. Just friendly conversation. I struggle to put into words the passion in that kiss. Subconsciously or not, it was something that the two of us had wanted since the night we met. I know how crazy this makes me sound, and I know that I’m relatively young. But I'm not some stupid teenager. I'm an adult and despite knowing that I’ve betrayed someone close to me, I know how that kiss made me feel. I know that my friend would be furious if he knew that I had kissed her. I feel that he would understand, though, if he could somehow have swapped places with me and experienced how right it felt. So what should I do? Which one of us is being selfish?
I am a shitty person who kissed my friend’s ex. He has no idea. I asked him for permission to accept her invitation to hang out next week. He said no. I don’t know what to do.
I've moved recently, and the first beer I made since moving seemed to have come out fine. Except it has NO hop flavor/aroma/bitterness. I've brewed one beer between that one and today (in the fermenter, nearly done. It may be ef'd). And I made an APA today, as well. My current assumption is that my hop bag isn't releasing oils into the wort during the boil. The long term solution (I assume) is too get a new hop bag. But I brewed a beer today that I intend to put into a big beer fest. I'm worried I didn't get any hops in it. Is it possible that I can take some wort out of my fermenter (currently without yeast), boil it with some hops and a better hop bag, and then put it back into the fermenter. I'm sure I'll add some maliard reactions to my APA, but it'll be further out of style without any hop contribution. Are there better alternatives? I don't want to add yeast until I resolve this issue, and I don't want to let it sit too long without. I don't have the time to have another brew day to be in time for the beer fest. TL;DR: I need to add hop bitterness/flavor to a wort without yeast. I'm on a time crunch, and need to act tomorrow (Monday).
I've moved recently, and the first beer I made since moving seemed to have come out fine. Except it has NO hop flavor/aroma/bitterness. I've brewed one beer between that one and today (in the fermenter, nearly done. It may be ef'd). And I made an APA today, as well. My current assumption is that my hop bag isn't releasing oils into the wort during the boil. The long term solution (I assume) is too get a new hop bag. But I brewed a beer today that I intend to put into a big beer fest. I'm worried I didn't get any hops in it. Is it possible that I can take some wort out of my fermenter (currently without yeast), boil it with some hops and a better hop bag, and then put it back into the fermenter. I'm sure I'll add some maliard reactions to my APA, but it'll be further out of style without any hop contribution. Are there better alternatives? I don't want to add yeast until I resolve this issue, and I don't want to let it sit too long without. I don't have the time to have another brew day to be in time for the beer fest. TL;DR: I need to add hop bitterness/flavor to a wort without yeast. I'm on a time crunch, and need to act tomorrow (Monday).
I've moved recently, and the first beer I made since moving seemed to have come out fine. Except it has NO hop flavor/aroma/bitterness. I've brewed one beer between that one and today (in the fermenter, nearly done. It may be ef'd). And I made an APA today, as well. My current assumption is that my hop bag isn't releasing oils into the wort during the boil. The long term solution (I assume) is too get a new hop bag. But I brewed a beer today that I intend to put into a big beer fest. I'm worried I didn't get any hops in it. Is it possible that I can take some wort out of my fermenter (currently without yeast), boil it with some hops and a better hop bag, and then put it back into the fermenter. I'm sure I'll add some maliard reactions to my APA, but it'll be further out of style without any hop contribution. Are there better alternatives? I don't want to add yeast until I resolve this issue, and I don't want to let it sit too long without. I don't have the time to have another brew day to be in time for the beer fest.
I need to add hop bitterness/flavor to a wort without yeast. I'm on a time crunch, and need to act tomorrow (Monday).
Long time lurker here, thowaway for obvious reasons. Wife (27F) and I (33M) have been open to the idea of poly for a while. A big concern for us is the fact that we have HPV and I have HSV2. While I contracted over a decade ago (before we met), and at this point is little more than a yearly inconvenience, this definitely adds a layer of complexity to our situation. We came out to a friend of ours last year, and fully disclosed everything, and while she was interested in us, we all agreed to stay friends which we still are. I guess my question is, what is the best way to bring this up to potentially new partners? To my wife and I it isn't really a big deal, (we've been having regular unprotected sex for years and she is still HSV2 free, we just avoid PIV sex during outbreaks) we don't want it to seem like we are playing our status down just to get laid. On another point, for us this was never just about having sex or seeking a threesome, but expressing mutual love and affection for others. I would hate for this to be a deal breaker (for us as a couple or for my wife solo) to experience that regardless of if we have sex with someone else or not. Also just want to add that this sub has promoted a lot of healthy discussion in our household and wifey and I are incredibly grateful for this community. Hope this isn't too ranty. TL:DR- I have Herpes, we have HPV. How do we Poly?
Long time lurker here, thowaway for obvious reasons. Wife (27F) and I (33M) have been open to the idea of poly for a while. A big concern for us is the fact that we have HPV and I have HSV2. While I contracted over a decade ago (before we met), and at this point is little more than a yearly inconvenience, this definitely adds a layer of complexity to our situation. We came out to a friend of ours last year, and fully disclosed everything, and while she was interested in us, we all agreed to stay friends which we still are. I guess my question is, what is the best way to bring this up to potentially new partners? To my wife and I it isn't really a big deal, (we've been having regular unprotected sex for years and she is still HSV2 free, we just avoid PIV sex during outbreaks) we don't want it to seem like we are playing our status down just to get laid. On another point, for us this was never just about having sex or seeking a threesome, but expressing mutual love and affection for others. I would hate for this to be a deal breaker (for us as a couple or for my wife solo) to experience that regardless of if we have sex with someone else or not. Also just want to add that this sub has promoted a lot of healthy discussion in our household and wifey and I are incredibly grateful for this community. Hope this isn't too ranty. TL:DR- I have Herpes, we have HPV. How do we Poly?
Long time lurker here, thowaway for obvious reasons. Wife (27F) and I (33M) have been open to the idea of poly for a while. A big concern for us is the fact that we have HPV and I have HSV2. While I contracted over a decade ago (before we met), and at this point is little more than a yearly inconvenience, this definitely adds a layer of complexity to our situation. We came out to a friend of ours last year, and fully disclosed everything, and while she was interested in us, we all agreed to stay friends which we still are. I guess my question is, what is the best way to bring this up to potentially new partners? To my wife and I it isn't really a big deal, (we've been having regular unprotected sex for years and she is still HSV2 free, we just avoid PIV sex during outbreaks) we don't want it to seem like we are playing our status down just to get laid. On another point, for us this was never just about having sex or seeking a threesome, but expressing mutual love and affection for others. I would hate for this to be a deal breaker (for us as a couple or for my wife solo) to experience that regardless of if we have sex with someone else or not. Also just want to add that this sub has promoted a lot of healthy discussion in our household and wifey and I are incredibly grateful for this community. Hope this isn't too ranty.
I have Herpes, we have HPV. How do we Poly?
Okay, so I first moved into my apartment in about August of last year. About 5 days into my lease I threw a cigarette into some boxes which my roommates and I had set out on the porch. Yes, hindsight tells me that wasn't my best decision, but I digress. The boxes indeed caught on fire which melted some siding, and burned the underside of the vacant apartment's porch. Luckily it was put out, and we weren't evicted. The total damages added up to a steep $2100. My amazing grandma gave me what she could to help cover for my dumb actions. So that took care of $1100. Now we're nearing the end of our lease and I still owe $1000 by March 1st. Me being a 19 with only a part time job and no credit I don't think that my bank would even think to give me a short time loan for any amount. The only brightside I have is my tax return of about $700 coming, and my paycheck of about 300 which could cover what I owe but none of that will be in time, and would leave me with no money for food, gas, or the other bills. Reddit, My grandma has no money to front me, My parents refuse to help on this matter, and I'm a dumb 19 year old fuck up who can't help himself. Please inform me on possible options on where I can get a loan, help, etc. TL;DR I owe $1000 in damages to my apartment complex, with no help from roommates, co-workers, or parents. My grandma has already paid more than I could ever ask of a person. I need help as to how to raise the money in less than two weeks.
Okay, so I first moved into my apartment in about August of last year. About 5 days into my lease I threw a cigarette into some boxes which my roommates and I had set out on the porch. Yes, hindsight tells me that wasn't my best decision, but I digress. The boxes indeed caught on fire which melted some siding, and burned the underside of the vacant apartment's porch. Luckily it was put out, and we weren't evicted. The total damages added up to a steep $2100. My amazing grandma gave me what she could to help cover for my dumb actions. So that took care of $1100. Now we're nearing the end of our lease and I still owe $1000 by March 1st. Me being a 19 with only a part time job and no credit I don't think that my bank would even think to give me a short time loan for any amount. The only brightside I have is my tax return of about $700 coming, and my paycheck of about 300 which could cover what I owe but none of that will be in time, and would leave me with no money for food, gas, or the other bills. Reddit, My grandma has no money to front me, My parents refuse to help on this matter, and I'm a dumb 19 year old fuck up who can't help himself. Please inform me on possible options on where I can get a loan, help, etc. TL;DR I owe $1000 in damages to my apartment complex, with no help from roommates, co-workers, or parents. My grandma has already paid more than I could ever ask of a person. I need help as to how to raise the money in less than two weeks.
Okay, so I first moved into my apartment in about August of last year. About 5 days into my lease I threw a cigarette into some boxes which my roommates and I had set out on the porch. Yes, hindsight tells me that wasn't my best decision, but I digress. The boxes indeed caught on fire which melted some siding, and burned the underside of the vacant apartment's porch. Luckily it was put out, and we weren't evicted. The total damages added up to a steep $2100. My amazing grandma gave me what she could to help cover for my dumb actions. So that took care of $1100. Now we're nearing the end of our lease and I still owe $1000 by March 1st. Me being a 19 with only a part time job and no credit I don't think that my bank would even think to give me a short time loan for any amount. The only brightside I have is my tax return of about $700 coming, and my paycheck of about 300 which could cover what I owe but none of that will be in time, and would leave me with no money for food, gas, or the other bills. Reddit, My grandma has no money to front me, My parents refuse to help on this matter, and I'm a dumb 19 year old fuck up who can't help himself. Please inform me on possible options on where I can get a loan, help, etc.
I owe $1000 in damages to my apartment complex, with no help from roommates, co-workers, or parents. My grandma has already paid more than I could ever ask of a person. I need help as to how to raise the money in less than two weeks.
I thought that was a good article but a horrible job doesn't yield anything until you make that switch. You need both in order to work. I switch jobs fairly frequently because once you're comfortable that this isn't what you're crazy about doing and you're comfortable finding a new gig - you begin bouncing into dream employer scenarios. You'll have a variety of skills and importantly you'll have confidence that gets you in and allows you to build the new role. But none of that will happen if you refuse to leave and try something new. tl;dr: Quit the shit out jobs that aren't making your life epic.
I thought that was a good article but a horrible job doesn't yield anything until you make that switch. You need both in order to work. I switch jobs fairly frequently because once you're comfortable that this isn't what you're crazy about doing and you're comfortable finding a new gig - you begin bouncing into dream employer scenarios. You'll have a variety of skills and importantly you'll have confidence that gets you in and allows you to build the new role. But none of that will happen if you refuse to leave and try something new. tl;dr: Quit the shit out jobs that aren't making your life epic.
I thought that was a good article but a horrible job doesn't yield anything until you make that switch. You need both in order to work. I switch jobs fairly frequently because once you're comfortable that this isn't what you're crazy about doing and you're comfortable finding a new gig - you begin bouncing into dream employer scenarios. You'll have a variety of skills and importantly you'll have confidence that gets you in and allows you to build the new role. But none of that will happen if you refuse to leave and try something new.
Quit the shit out jobs that aren't making your life epic.
Are you actually john tesh? If not, I smell money in your pocket when he finds Reddit. TL;DR assume the identity of an unknowing celebrity until they figure me out
Are you actually john tesh? If not, I smell money in your pocket when he finds Reddit. TL;DR assume the identity of an unknowing celebrity until they figure me out
Are you actually john tesh? If not, I smell money in your pocket when he finds Reddit.
assume the identity of an unknowing celebrity until they figure me out
Bullhonky! Just try to stay true to science fiction. Ask yourself what Asimov, Verne, and Gibson would do if they were all working together on the same project. Nobody wants more sci-fi in their crime or rom com shows - why would the inverse be validated? Every viewer is an individual. Not a hybirdization of various demo's. Tl;Dr: More Stargate. Less Caprica. Shows like Twilght already have that market covered, and nobody looks to sci-fi to make the next Twilight. They look to sci-fi to treat 12 Monkeys like a *science fiction* fan would. You can't please everyone. So just go make the best damn sci fi you can.
Bullhonky! Just try to stay true to science fiction. Ask yourself what Asimov, Verne, and Gibson would do if they were all working together on the same project. Nobody wants more sci-fi in their crime or rom com shows - why would the inverse be validated? Every viewer is an individual. Not a hybirdization of various demo's. Tl;Dr: More Stargate. Less Caprica. Shows like Twilght already have that market covered, and nobody looks to sci-fi to make the next Twilight. They look to sci-fi to treat 12 Monkeys like a science fiction fan would. You can't please everyone. So just go make the best damn sci fi you can.
Bullhonky! Just try to stay true to science fiction. Ask yourself what Asimov, Verne, and Gibson would do if they were all working together on the same project. Nobody wants more sci-fi in their crime or rom com shows - why would the inverse be validated? Every viewer is an individual. Not a hybirdization of various demo's.
More Stargate. Less Caprica. Shows like Twilght already have that market covered, and nobody looks to sci-fi to make the next Twilight. They look to sci-fi to treat 12 Monkeys like a science fiction fan would. You can't please everyone. So just go make the best damn sci fi you can.
Toss-up. 1.) Was in Moscow for two weeks of training in aerospace... field trips were fun (Star City, etc.), but the dorms they put us in on the outskirts of the city had broken windows (winter in Moscow, it's *snowing*in my room) and FRESH bloodstains on the walls, floors, etc. I didn't even mind the rats, and other things... but the snow and blood were creepy. 2.) Hostel in Glasgow. Was there to present my thesis work at the International Astronautical Congress--which somehow managed to pick Glasgow that year/wtf--and my eight-person-room had about 14 of us... Again, winter. again, snow in the room and everyone was sick.... Best part though: *worst toilet in Scotland ala *Trainspotting* and a shower to match. One week in that hell. TL/DR: Moscow gulag, Worst toilet in Scotland.
Toss-up. 1.) Was in Moscow for two weeks of training in aerospace... field trips were fun (Star City, etc.), but the dorms they put us in on the outskirts of the city had broken windows (winter in Moscow, it's snowing in my room) and FRESH bloodstains on the walls, floors, etc. I didn't even mind the rats, and other things... but the snow and blood were creepy. 2.) Hostel in Glasgow. Was there to present my thesis work at the International Astronautical Congress--which somehow managed to pick Glasgow that year/wtf--and my eight-person-room had about 14 of us... Again, winter. again, snow in the room and everyone was sick.... Best part though: worst toilet in Scotland ala Trainspotting* and a shower to match. One week in that hell. TL/DR: Moscow gulag, Worst toilet in Scotland.
Toss-up. 1.) Was in Moscow for two weeks of training in aerospace... field trips were fun (Star City, etc.), but the dorms they put us in on the outskirts of the city had broken windows (winter in Moscow, it's snowing in my room) and FRESH bloodstains on the walls, floors, etc. I didn't even mind the rats, and other things... but the snow and blood were creepy. 2.) Hostel in Glasgow. Was there to present my thesis work at the International Astronautical Congress--which somehow managed to pick Glasgow that year/wtf--and my eight-person-room had about 14 of us... Again, winter. again, snow in the room and everyone was sick.... Best part though: worst toilet in Scotland ala Trainspotting* and a shower to match. One week in that hell.
Moscow gulag, Worst toilet in Scotland.
Support is a role that exists at higher ELOs because that's when you have people on the team who look at the minimap, pay attention to wards, lane properly, etc. It's an essential part of play at upper skill level because of the team utility it provides. ~1000 ELO is not a bracket you are going to win consistently by building around your team. It's just not very likely you'll have the team coordination necessary to make a support role more useful than another role. When you go bottom lane and your mid and top lanes are both failing, you might still have a chance to turn that game around if you're a solid carry, but if you've been buying wards with your money and building GP5 items while your meh carry only last hits one minion in a wave and dives the enemy tower, you can't possibly come back from that. Your usefulness is cut into fractions if your team isn't capable of capitalizing on what you bring to the table... it's like you're half a champion. TL;DR: if you're playing lower ELOs you're best off learning a snowball champion well and counting on your individual skill, because if you actual have a team good enough to make use of a support you've already won a low bracket game anyway.
Support is a role that exists at higher ELOs because that's when you have people on the team who look at the minimap, pay attention to wards, lane properly, etc. It's an essential part of play at upper skill level because of the team utility it provides. ~1000 ELO is not a bracket you are going to win consistently by building around your team. It's just not very likely you'll have the team coordination necessary to make a support role more useful than another role. When you go bottom lane and your mid and top lanes are both failing, you might still have a chance to turn that game around if you're a solid carry, but if you've been buying wards with your money and building GP5 items while your meh carry only last hits one minion in a wave and dives the enemy tower, you can't possibly come back from that. Your usefulness is cut into fractions if your team isn't capable of capitalizing on what you bring to the table... it's like you're half a champion. TL;DR: if you're playing lower ELOs you're best off learning a snowball champion well and counting on your individual skill, because if you actual have a team good enough to make use of a support you've already won a low bracket game anyway.
Support is a role that exists at higher ELOs because that's when you have people on the team who look at the minimap, pay attention to wards, lane properly, etc. It's an essential part of play at upper skill level because of the team utility it provides. ~1000 ELO is not a bracket you are going to win consistently by building around your team. It's just not very likely you'll have the team coordination necessary to make a support role more useful than another role. When you go bottom lane and your mid and top lanes are both failing, you might still have a chance to turn that game around if you're a solid carry, but if you've been buying wards with your money and building GP5 items while your meh carry only last hits one minion in a wave and dives the enemy tower, you can't possibly come back from that. Your usefulness is cut into fractions if your team isn't capable of capitalizing on what you bring to the table... it's like you're half a champion.
if you're playing lower ELOs you're best off learning a snowball champion well and counting on your individual skill, because if you actual have a team good enough to make use of a support you've already won a low bracket game anyway.
As I suggested in the OP, wait 2 minutes. That's how long it took for me, but others may have longer. TL;DR: Watch a movie while it loads
As I suggested in the OP, wait 2 minutes. That's how long it took for me, but others may have longer. TL;DR: Watch a movie while it loads
As I suggested in the OP, wait 2 minutes. That's how long it took for me, but others may have longer.
Watch a movie while it loads
I'd say at PG, you have to keep Monta Ellis, Tyreke, and probably Kemba for when he comes back after his surgery, the 6 week time table should bring him back sometime either at the start of or during the playoffs. If you can still sneak in to the playoffs while keeping Kemba then do it, but if you need to drop him to add other talent along the way to insure that you make it into the playoffs then do that . I saw that you were sitting 4th so it looks like you're on the bubble of stashing him/dropping him for some help. Right now I'd say keep him if this were my team. That leaves us with Isaiah Thomas and Rodney Stuckey for you at PG. If this were my team, I'm dropping Stuckey for Avery Bradley. The rankings that I use don't even have Stuckey in the top 130, but have Bradley at 75. And while I feel this is a little too high for Bradley (he's not even owned in my league) I still think that he's the best option among the guys that are available in your league. Also he's still hurt right now but Keep an eye out on Patty Mills. He straight killed it when he was healthy and should be nearing his return date at some point this season. Other than those two I like Marcus Smart. Not sure if I'd drop anyone for Smart though TL;DR: I'd drop Stuckey for Avery Bradley and maybe drop Kemba Walker for some more help
I'd say at PG, you have to keep Monta Ellis, Tyreke, and probably Kemba for when he comes back after his surgery, the 6 week time table should bring him back sometime either at the start of or during the playoffs. If you can still sneak in to the playoffs while keeping Kemba then do it, but if you need to drop him to add other talent along the way to insure that you make it into the playoffs then do that . I saw that you were sitting 4th so it looks like you're on the bubble of stashing him/dropping him for some help. Right now I'd say keep him if this were my team. That leaves us with Isaiah Thomas and Rodney Stuckey for you at PG. If this were my team, I'm dropping Stuckey for Avery Bradley. The rankings that I use don't even have Stuckey in the top 130, but have Bradley at 75. And while I feel this is a little too high for Bradley (he's not even owned in my league) I still think that he's the best option among the guys that are available in your league. Also he's still hurt right now but Keep an eye out on Patty Mills. He straight killed it when he was healthy and should be nearing his return date at some point this season. Other than those two I like Marcus Smart. Not sure if I'd drop anyone for Smart though TL;DR: I'd drop Stuckey for Avery Bradley and maybe drop Kemba Walker for some more help
I'd say at PG, you have to keep Monta Ellis, Tyreke, and probably Kemba for when he comes back after his surgery, the 6 week time table should bring him back sometime either at the start of or during the playoffs. If you can still sneak in to the playoffs while keeping Kemba then do it, but if you need to drop him to add other talent along the way to insure that you make it into the playoffs then do that . I saw that you were sitting 4th so it looks like you're on the bubble of stashing him/dropping him for some help. Right now I'd say keep him if this were my team. That leaves us with Isaiah Thomas and Rodney Stuckey for you at PG. If this were my team, I'm dropping Stuckey for Avery Bradley. The rankings that I use don't even have Stuckey in the top 130, but have Bradley at 75. And while I feel this is a little too high for Bradley (he's not even owned in my league) I still think that he's the best option among the guys that are available in your league. Also he's still hurt right now but Keep an eye out on Patty Mills. He straight killed it when he was healthy and should be nearing his return date at some point this season. Other than those two I like Marcus Smart. Not sure if I'd drop anyone for Smart though
I'd drop Stuckey for Avery Bradley and maybe drop Kemba Walker for some more help
I've had mental illness problems for years (I'm 21 now), so at 17 I was a depressed wreck. One day, I decide to take a walk outside of my town (small enough to be considered a village, 750 people) to get away from my parents and smoke my stolen cigarettes. I found a spot next to the road. My idea was to sit there in this 8-10 foot long path between road and cornfield, and watch the sunset. Until Iwas extremely interrupted. She came out of nowhere. I looked to my right, and see a bright red pick up truck pull off the road into the grass right next to where I was sitting. I started apologzing, thinkingshe was the farmland owner about to be pissed. It was an older, hard gal in her late forties. Deep, gravelly voice from years of cigarettes and beer. Lookin' like she belonged on a Harley, and she was staring me down. After a few moments, she squints her eyes at me and says "Are you safe?" I ask her what she means. She says "Are you okay? You're sittin' by the side the road, just sittin' here, and it got me worried." At this point, I realized she thought I was going to jump under a car. "No I'm okay" I tell her. "Seriously", she insists, "Are you okay? Can I help in any way? Do you live here, you need a ride?" Me ," No ma'am, I'm okay, I likve a few blocks down." "Oh. Well, alright, I guess... You need somewhere to stay?" At this last question, I started choking up. I had no one to share my eelings with, I was deep in (very real) depression, I obsessed about my death and how to do it and where and why (I've always been a coward about it, though). No one knew how much I hurt. And this rough old bird broke me down in a matter of words. After finally convincing her I was okay, she continued down the road, never to be seen again. As soon as she left, I called an old friend who sort of understood, and sobbed, telling her what happened. Tl:dr- angsty, hurting, 17 year old spacepuppy recieves hope. ALSO; I actaully did meet her when I was eighteen. "Excuse me miss, I am so sorry, but do you remember a few years ago driving off the road to talk to a teenager?" "Yes..." "Well ma'am, that was me, and I just wanted you to know how much it helped me." "I'm glad it helped. Things better?" "Yes ma'am." "Good."
I've had mental illness problems for years (I'm 21 now), so at 17 I was a depressed wreck. One day, I decide to take a walk outside of my town (small enough to be considered a village, 750 people) to get away from my parents and smoke my stolen cigarettes. I found a spot next to the road. My idea was to sit there in this 8-10 foot long path between road and cornfield, and watch the sunset. Until Iwas extremely interrupted. She came out of nowhere. I looked to my right, and see a bright red pick up truck pull off the road into the grass right next to where I was sitting. I started apologzing, thinkingshe was the farmland owner about to be pissed. It was an older, hard gal in her late forties. Deep, gravelly voice from years of cigarettes and beer. Lookin' like she belonged on a Harley, and she was staring me down. After a few moments, she squints her eyes at me and says "Are you safe?" I ask her what she means. She says "Are you okay? You're sittin' by the side the road, just sittin' here, and it got me worried." At this point, I realized she thought I was going to jump under a car. "No I'm okay" I tell her. "Seriously", she insists, "Are you okay? Can I help in any way? Do you live here, you need a ride?" Me ," No ma'am, I'm okay, I likve a few blocks down." "Oh. Well, alright, I guess... You need somewhere to stay?" At this last question, I started choking up. I had no one to share my eelings with, I was deep in (very real) depression, I obsessed about my death and how to do it and where and why (I've always been a coward about it, though). No one knew how much I hurt. And this rough old bird broke me down in a matter of words. After finally convincing her I was okay, she continued down the road, never to be seen again. As soon as she left, I called an old friend who sort of understood, and sobbed, telling her what happened. Tl:dr- angsty, hurting, 17 year old spacepuppy recieves hope. ALSO; I actaully did meet her when I was eighteen. "Excuse me miss, I am so sorry, but do you remember a few years ago driving off the road to talk to a teenager?" "Yes..." "Well ma'am, that was me, and I just wanted you to know how much it helped me." "I'm glad it helped. Things better?" "Yes ma'am." "Good."
I've had mental illness problems for years (I'm 21 now), so at 17 I was a depressed wreck. One day, I decide to take a walk outside of my town (small enough to be considered a village, 750 people) to get away from my parents and smoke my stolen cigarettes. I found a spot next to the road. My idea was to sit there in this 8-10 foot long path between road and cornfield, and watch the sunset. Until Iwas extremely interrupted. She came out of nowhere. I looked to my right, and see a bright red pick up truck pull off the road into the grass right next to where I was sitting. I started apologzing, thinkingshe was the farmland owner about to be pissed. It was an older, hard gal in her late forties. Deep, gravelly voice from years of cigarettes and beer. Lookin' like she belonged on a Harley, and she was staring me down. After a few moments, she squints her eyes at me and says "Are you safe?" I ask her what she means. She says "Are you okay? You're sittin' by the side the road, just sittin' here, and it got me worried." At this point, I realized she thought I was going to jump under a car. "No I'm okay" I tell her. "Seriously", she insists, "Are you okay? Can I help in any way? Do you live here, you need a ride?" Me ," No ma'am, I'm okay, I likve a few blocks down." "Oh. Well, alright, I guess... You need somewhere to stay?" At this last question, I started choking up. I had no one to share my eelings with, I was deep in (very real) depression, I obsessed about my death and how to do it and where and why (I've always been a coward about it, though). No one knew how much I hurt. And this rough old bird broke me down in a matter of words. After finally convincing her I was okay, she continued down the road, never to be seen again. As soon as she left, I called an old friend who sort of understood, and sobbed, telling her what happened.
angsty, hurting, 17 year old spacepuppy recieves hope. ALSO; I actaully did meet her when I was eighteen. "Excuse me miss, I am so sorry, but do you remember a few years ago driving off the road to talk to a teenager?" "Yes..." "Well ma'am, that was me, and I just wanted you to know how much it helped me." "I'm glad it helped. Things better?" "Yes ma'am." "Good."
Hey, I have read the guide, read the searches. But I can't come to an answer that won't leave me divided; I did my first guaranteed uber roll in the dark heroes capsule, so i've gotten catman and akira, and was able to proceed till prison destruction where i am stuck. So now moving on with 6 rare tickets and 1500cf I am able to influence my guaranteed dragon emp to be either dioramos, kamukara, raiden or sodom. I'm leaning towards kamukara for the obvious pork roast ability and that shenlong reference. With kamukara and raiden i am able to get my next roll to be paris cat. Yes a point to note is i do not have paris cat....damn rng. My dilemma is I am actually holding out for ultra souls jizo or momotaro. Now i know if there is not an alien set, the answer is obvious, i should go for ultra. But now that i have catman, though less spammable, i am undecided if i should keep kamukara. The chances of me getting another 1500cf are pretty slim though, we still don't know if chapter 2 of into the future is going to be released soon. What i do know why everyone is raving about ultras are they angel killing + (secondary) abilities. But for those who are further, do you think catman could replace it? I tired to read enough to not spoil the game, but i am not sure which is tougher later, black enemies which tend to come in hordes or the boars who plough through. if it helps, my most used cats are: macho 20 +3 (zzz) wall 20 +9 dark 20+10 macho legs 20 +14 lion cat 20+12 island cat 20 +10 king dragon 20 + 12 captain cat 30 necromancer cat 30 sorceress cat 30 +1 c. macho 20 c wall 20 akira 26 catman 26 urunrun 20 fried shrimp, butterfly, juliet all at 26 ring girl 28 as you can see my problem is i lack black and red effective killers (and paris). any input is greatly appreciated tl:dr Kamukara or wait for momotaro or jizo?
Hey, I have read the guide, read the searches. But I can't come to an answer that won't leave me divided; I did my first guaranteed uber roll in the dark heroes capsule, so i've gotten catman and akira, and was able to proceed till prison destruction where i am stuck. So now moving on with 6 rare tickets and 1500cf I am able to influence my guaranteed dragon emp to be either dioramos, kamukara, raiden or sodom. I'm leaning towards kamukara for the obvious pork roast ability and that shenlong reference. With kamukara and raiden i am able to get my next roll to be paris cat. Yes a point to note is i do not have paris cat....damn rng. My dilemma is I am actually holding out for ultra souls jizo or momotaro. Now i know if there is not an alien set, the answer is obvious, i should go for ultra. But now that i have catman, though less spammable, i am undecided if i should keep kamukara. The chances of me getting another 1500cf are pretty slim though, we still don't know if chapter 2 of into the future is going to be released soon. What i do know why everyone is raving about ultras are they angel killing + (secondary) abilities. But for those who are further, do you think catman could replace it? I tired to read enough to not spoil the game, but i am not sure which is tougher later, black enemies which tend to come in hordes or the boars who plough through. if it helps, my most used cats are: macho 20 +3 (zzz) wall 20 +9 dark 20+10 macho legs 20 +14 lion cat 20+12 island cat 20 +10 king dragon 20 + 12 captain cat 30 necromancer cat 30 sorceress cat 30 +1 c. macho 20 c wall 20 akira 26 catman 26 urunrun 20 fried shrimp, butterfly, juliet all at 26 ring girl 28 as you can see my problem is i lack black and red effective killers (and paris). any input is greatly appreciated tl:dr Kamukara or wait for momotaro or jizo?
Hey, I have read the guide, read the searches. But I can't come to an answer that won't leave me divided; I did my first guaranteed uber roll in the dark heroes capsule, so i've gotten catman and akira, and was able to proceed till prison destruction where i am stuck. So now moving on with 6 rare tickets and 1500cf I am able to influence my guaranteed dragon emp to be either dioramos, kamukara, raiden or sodom. I'm leaning towards kamukara for the obvious pork roast ability and that shenlong reference. With kamukara and raiden i am able to get my next roll to be paris cat. Yes a point to note is i do not have paris cat....damn rng. My dilemma is I am actually holding out for ultra souls jizo or momotaro. Now i know if there is not an alien set, the answer is obvious, i should go for ultra. But now that i have catman, though less spammable, i am undecided if i should keep kamukara. The chances of me getting another 1500cf are pretty slim though, we still don't know if chapter 2 of into the future is going to be released soon. What i do know why everyone is raving about ultras are they angel killing + (secondary) abilities. But for those who are further, do you think catman could replace it? I tired to read enough to not spoil the game, but i am not sure which is tougher later, black enemies which tend to come in hordes or the boars who plough through. if it helps, my most used cats are: macho 20 +3 (zzz) wall 20 +9 dark 20+10 macho legs 20 +14 lion cat 20+12 island cat 20 +10 king dragon 20 + 12 captain cat 30 necromancer cat 30 sorceress cat 30 +1 c. macho 20 c wall 20 akira 26 catman 26 urunrun 20 fried shrimp, butterfly, juliet all at 26 ring girl 28 as you can see my problem is i lack black and red effective killers (and paris). any input is greatly appreciated
Kamukara or wait for momotaro or jizo?
Basic rule of economics: things are worth as much as "you" (or anyone) is willing to pay for them, be it keys or metal. As more metal is introduced as people earn drops and keys are consumed by uncrating, the value changes. This makes people who don't want to spend money sad because their metal gradually becomes less valuable. Now, basic rule of TF2 economy: crafting is inefficient and is incredibly unlikely to profit you. It mostly exists, I believe, as a way to remove metal from the game. I would recommend crafting your extra weapons as you get them into refined metal (ref) and no further. If you wish to profit by trading (and I'm not a serious trader so anyone should feel free to contradict me), use price compilation websites like to assess the value of your goods and that you would trade for, then find people on trade servers or online who are willing to buy for a little more or sell for a little less than "standard," either to get an item quicker or if they couldn't find it anywhere else. Heck, one guy I saw on a trade server payed 2 times what a taunt was worth because he wanted to get it within the next 5 minutes. Don't expect this process to be fast- impatience often leads to poor trading. I'm not exceptionally knowledgeable about trading, but it's an hour into the post and nobody else has commented. Have fun. TLDR KEYS WORTH 9.354 REF ECONOMY IS DEAD
Basic rule of economics: things are worth as much as "you" (or anyone) is willing to pay for them, be it keys or metal. As more metal is introduced as people earn drops and keys are consumed by uncrating, the value changes. This makes people who don't want to spend money sad because their metal gradually becomes less valuable. Now, basic rule of TF2 economy: crafting is inefficient and is incredibly unlikely to profit you. It mostly exists, I believe, as a way to remove metal from the game. I would recommend crafting your extra weapons as you get them into refined metal (ref) and no further. If you wish to profit by trading (and I'm not a serious trader so anyone should feel free to contradict me), use price compilation websites like to assess the value of your goods and that you would trade for, then find people on trade servers or online who are willing to buy for a little more or sell for a little less than "standard," either to get an item quicker or if they couldn't find it anywhere else. Heck, one guy I saw on a trade server payed 2 times what a taunt was worth because he wanted to get it within the next 5 minutes. Don't expect this process to be fast- impatience often leads to poor trading. I'm not exceptionally knowledgeable about trading, but it's an hour into the post and nobody else has commented. Have fun. TLDR KEYS WORTH 9.354 REF ECONOMY IS DEAD
Basic rule of economics: things are worth as much as "you" (or anyone) is willing to pay for them, be it keys or metal. As more metal is introduced as people earn drops and keys are consumed by uncrating, the value changes. This makes people who don't want to spend money sad because their metal gradually becomes less valuable. Now, basic rule of TF2 economy: crafting is inefficient and is incredibly unlikely to profit you. It mostly exists, I believe, as a way to remove metal from the game. I would recommend crafting your extra weapons as you get them into refined metal (ref) and no further. If you wish to profit by trading (and I'm not a serious trader so anyone should feel free to contradict me), use price compilation websites like to assess the value of your goods and that you would trade for, then find people on trade servers or online who are willing to buy for a little more or sell for a little less than "standard," either to get an item quicker or if they couldn't find it anywhere else. Heck, one guy I saw on a trade server payed 2 times what a taunt was worth because he wanted to get it within the next 5 minutes. Don't expect this process to be fast- impatience often leads to poor trading. I'm not exceptionally knowledgeable about trading, but it's an hour into the post and nobody else has commented. Have fun.
As a fellow CT native, welcome. It's only natural that you'd want to do some trading with the less than exceptional distribution here in this state. Now, if you'll permit me to be a bit of a downer, I kind of have to say that you're going to have to rethink your plans here, if only because Thimble Islands and Two Roads aren't really the kinds of beer that are going to trade. Neither brewery makes beer that's really all that desirable to traders, who are investing above and beyond the standard cost for what they're receiving since they're shipping it, and both are readily available which means they're not as exciting to folks looking for rarer stuff. I doubt anything from Thimble Islands will net you any kind of trade value and the only Two Roads stuff that you'd be likely to have success with would be their limited sour releases. So unless you happen to have extra bottles of their Kriek, Gueuze, Philsamic, or Urban Funk laying around you're probably not going to get any bites by throwing their name out there. The standard advice is to start with shelf beer for shelf beer. Find a trading partner somewhere else in the country who has different distribution than we do (you can use [seekabrew]( for this as it lets you compare what kind of distribution each state gets), and arrange for a trade of similar value for readily available beers. If you're looking for Heady in particular my recommendation would be to track down a four pack of Gandhi-Bot. It's just about the only year-round, reasonably available CT beer that's going to trade for it without any difficulty. The flip side of that is the fact that most people know this, and also know how good of a beer GB is, so you're probably going to have to do some leg work to grab it if you don't already have a spot to pick it up regularly. Keep in mind though that the same goes for Heady, it takes some effort to nab it so people expect something that takes a similar amount of effort in return. TL;DR, ease into the hobby. Start simple and once you've gotten a feel for it start shooting for some of the harder to get beers. Heady has more than a little hype around it which makes it constantly in demand and a bit harder to snag without rarer beers than what you mention in your title.
As a fellow CT native, welcome. It's only natural that you'd want to do some trading with the less than exceptional distribution here in this state. Now, if you'll permit me to be a bit of a downer, I kind of have to say that you're going to have to rethink your plans here, if only because Thimble Islands and Two Roads aren't really the kinds of beer that are going to trade. Neither brewery makes beer that's really all that desirable to traders, who are investing above and beyond the standard cost for what they're receiving since they're shipping it, and both are readily available which means they're not as exciting to folks looking for rarer stuff. I doubt anything from Thimble Islands will net you any kind of trade value and the only Two Roads stuff that you'd be likely to have success with would be their limited sour releases. So unless you happen to have extra bottles of their Kriek, Gueuze, Philsamic, or Urban Funk laying around you're probably not going to get any bites by throwing their name out there. The standard advice is to start with shelf beer for shelf beer. Find a trading partner somewhere else in the country who has different distribution than we do (you can use seekabrew , and arrange for a trade of similar value for readily available beers. If you're looking for Heady in particular my recommendation would be to track down a four pack of Gandhi-Bot. It's just about the only year-round, reasonably available CT beer that's going to trade for it without any difficulty. The flip side of that is the fact that most people know this, and also know how good of a beer GB is, so you're probably going to have to do some leg work to grab it if you don't already have a spot to pick it up regularly. Keep in mind though that the same goes for Heady, it takes some effort to nab it so people expect something that takes a similar amount of effort in return. TL;DR, ease into the hobby. Start simple and once you've gotten a feel for it start shooting for some of the harder to get beers. Heady has more than a little hype around it which makes it constantly in demand and a bit harder to snag without rarer beers than what you mention in your title.
As a fellow CT native, welcome. It's only natural that you'd want to do some trading with the less than exceptional distribution here in this state. Now, if you'll permit me to be a bit of a downer, I kind of have to say that you're going to have to rethink your plans here, if only because Thimble Islands and Two Roads aren't really the kinds of beer that are going to trade. Neither brewery makes beer that's really all that desirable to traders, who are investing above and beyond the standard cost for what they're receiving since they're shipping it, and both are readily available which means they're not as exciting to folks looking for rarer stuff. I doubt anything from Thimble Islands will net you any kind of trade value and the only Two Roads stuff that you'd be likely to have success with would be their limited sour releases. So unless you happen to have extra bottles of their Kriek, Gueuze, Philsamic, or Urban Funk laying around you're probably not going to get any bites by throwing their name out there. The standard advice is to start with shelf beer for shelf beer. Find a trading partner somewhere else in the country who has different distribution than we do (you can use seekabrew , and arrange for a trade of similar value for readily available beers. If you're looking for Heady in particular my recommendation would be to track down a four pack of Gandhi-Bot. It's just about the only year-round, reasonably available CT beer that's going to trade for it without any difficulty. The flip side of that is the fact that most people know this, and also know how good of a beer GB is, so you're probably going to have to do some leg work to grab it if you don't already have a spot to pick it up regularly. Keep in mind though that the same goes for Heady, it takes some effort to nab it so people expect something that takes a similar amount of effort in return.
ease into the hobby. Start simple and once you've gotten a feel for it start shooting for some of the harder to get beers. Heady has more than a little hype around it which makes it constantly in demand and a bit harder to snag without rarer beers than what you mention in your title.
once a week or so this guy drives to the Lou from a couple hours away to score. One of my hooks that's part of this North county crew has been having straight fent or dope cut with fent for the past know because it comes back straight clear or with a light tan tint. All powdery white look with all the usual fent signs. That shit is pretty common around here and honestly I didn't care for it or think it was good shit. Sometimes I like the fent dope or straight fent. This kind was the kind that comes back looking like water and leaves a bunch of cut in ur spoon. Anyway this dude makes his weekly trip up here and this is what he got. I told him before the shit was not normal dope and was most likely pure fent and to be careful. 15 bucks worth bout killed the poor guy. (I didn't get him the dope) He did the shot and almost immediately hit the floor. He was out for so long it got to the point where I either try to slam him with a sub or call 911. Before I called them I tried the shot of suboxone. Half a 4 mg strip saved this man's life. You could see the shot kick in within about 30 seconds and he started moaning and shit looked like something out of a movie. Then he woke up and couldn't hear very well he said. Kept having to repeat everything and pretty much yell for him to hear me. He had overdosed the previous trip here also off of some normal dope but that time I was able to smack him for 5 or 10 minutes and wake him up. Tldr dude overdosed at my place so I hit him with a shot of suboxone and revived him. Half a 4 mg strip. also fent all over the Lou be careful
once a week or so this guy drives to the Lou from a couple hours away to score. One of my hooks that's part of this North county crew has been having straight fent or dope cut with fent for the past know because it comes back straight clear or with a light tan tint. All powdery white look with all the usual fent signs. That shit is pretty common around here and honestly I didn't care for it or think it was good shit. Sometimes I like the fent dope or straight fent. This kind was the kind that comes back looking like water and leaves a bunch of cut in ur spoon. Anyway this dude makes his weekly trip up here and this is what he got. I told him before the shit was not normal dope and was most likely pure fent and to be careful. 15 bucks worth bout killed the poor guy. (I didn't get him the dope) He did the shot and almost immediately hit the floor. He was out for so long it got to the point where I either try to slam him with a sub or call 911. Before I called them I tried the shot of suboxone. Half a 4 mg strip saved this man's life. You could see the shot kick in within about 30 seconds and he started moaning and shit looked like something out of a movie. Then he woke up and couldn't hear very well he said. Kept having to repeat everything and pretty much yell for him to hear me. He had overdosed the previous trip here also off of some normal dope but that time I was able to smack him for 5 or 10 minutes and wake him up. Tldr dude overdosed at my place so I hit him with a shot of suboxone and revived him. Half a 4 mg strip. also fent all over the Lou be careful
once a week or so this guy drives to the Lou from a couple hours away to score. One of my hooks that's part of this North county crew has been having straight fent or dope cut with fent for the past know because it comes back straight clear or with a light tan tint. All powdery white look with all the usual fent signs. That shit is pretty common around here and honestly I didn't care for it or think it was good shit. Sometimes I like the fent dope or straight fent. This kind was the kind that comes back looking like water and leaves a bunch of cut in ur spoon. Anyway this dude makes his weekly trip up here and this is what he got. I told him before the shit was not normal dope and was most likely pure fent and to be careful. 15 bucks worth bout killed the poor guy. (I didn't get him the dope) He did the shot and almost immediately hit the floor. He was out for so long it got to the point where I either try to slam him with a sub or call 911. Before I called them I tried the shot of suboxone. Half a 4 mg strip saved this man's life. You could see the shot kick in within about 30 seconds and he started moaning and shit looked like something out of a movie. Then he woke up and couldn't hear very well he said. Kept having to repeat everything and pretty much yell for him to hear me. He had overdosed the previous trip here also off of some normal dope but that time I was able to smack him for 5 or 10 minutes and wake him up.
dude overdosed at my place so I hit him with a shot of suboxone and revived him. Half a 4 mg strip. also fent all over the Lou be careful
Let me direct your attention to Presidential Decision Directive 25, , which establishes a 'vital national interests' test for foreign military intervention. PDD isn't binding on a President but it hasn't been rescinded either. TL;DR The US won't intervene unless they have something to gain or defend. Corollary: The real reason for the intervention is the vital national interest, whatever human rights abuses are only ever a pretext.
Let me direct your attention to Presidential Decision Directive 25, , which establishes a 'vital national interests' test for foreign military intervention. PDD isn't binding on a President but it hasn't been rescinded either. TL;DR The US won't intervene unless they have something to gain or defend. Corollary: The real reason for the intervention is the vital national interest, whatever human rights abuses are only ever a pretext.
Let me direct your attention to Presidential Decision Directive 25, , which establishes a 'vital national interests' test for foreign military intervention. PDD isn't binding on a President but it hasn't been rescinded either.
The US won't intervene unless they have something to gain or defend. Corollary: The real reason for the intervention is the vital national interest, whatever human rights abuses are only ever a pretext.
The paying players are paying to put themselves into the same leagues as people who have large collections. They aren't getting punished, they're choosing to progress themselves into a deeper part of Heathstone where the decks have more rares, epics, and legends and will naturally be stronger. Where the game is more complex. It's up to them to learn how to play these strong decks, and how to use strong decks to win against strong decks. Have you played Clash of Clans? It's a very popular F2P mobile game where, like Hearthstone, you can either progress through the game completely for free, or you can pay to unlock the late game content earlier. The big difference is that Clash of Clans has much better matchmaking than Hearthstone in two ways: **(1)** The ranked ladder "soft resets" and gives rewards every month, but your rank *doesn't change*, so you don't have strong TH10's grinding through the same ranks as weak TH4's at the start of each month. Unlike Hearthstone. **(2)** In clan wars, clans are matched up entirely by the STRENGTH of their players. The analogue to Hearthstone would be the strength of your collection. Because of these two factors, when you're a low level in Clash of Clans, you only face people of **equal strength**. And when you're a high level, you still only face people of **equal strength**. So what's the difference? Low strength play is simpler to learn and master, while high strength play is more challenging, deep, and complex. At every stage of the game you're in a level playing field in terms of strength, and only have to compete in terms of skill. This matchmaking WORKS. Clash of Clans is insanely popular and lucrative. So what would this matchmaking change mean for Hearhstone? Two things: **(1)** In casual mode, you would be matched up primarily by the strength of your collection, and secondarily by your MMR. This would ensure players face competition of equal strength to themselves. To address your point, what happens when people pay money to increase their collection before they've spent the time to learn how to use the stronger cards and make stronger decks? They will be at a disadvantage against F2P players who have spent much more time learning the game, but in skill only. They will have ample opportunity to learn and grow into the depth of Hearthstone which they just bought their way into, and they will only face opponents of equal strength along the way. This growth will feel rewarding and fun as opposed to the frustrating shit-fest that is facing a deck full of legendaries while you're on your third game ever. This addresses the problem that this thread is all about. **(2)** Ranked ladder would give out rewards each month, and not change your ranking (or only change it very slightly) at the end of each month. This is the only way Hearthstone can keep having such short, short seasons. Nobody likes facing legend players at rank 12 every time the ladder resets every single month. It's a shit show, and it doesn't help the new players coming into ranked at that time. With ranks no longer resetting every month, guess what will happen? Your rank will actually represent the combination of your deck strength and your skill in Hearthstone! Within two months, everyone will be playing against people near their strength and skill level, unless they choose to climb (or fall). This means the upper ladder will be full of players with huge collections and strong decks, as it is now, but more importantly the lower ladder will be full of people with smaller collections. Add in tiered rewards (like Clash of Clans has) and you have incentive to get high up the ladder and stay there. And you have incentive for new players to want to quickly grow their collections and climb the ladder too. Bam. Money is still flowing. **TL;DR:** Hearthstone matchmaking could learn a lot from Clash of Clans. The strength of a person's collection should affect their matchmaking. Getting curb stomped at level 1 sucks and pushes away new players, which is what this thread is all about.
The paying players are paying to put themselves into the same leagues as people who have large collections. They aren't getting punished, they're choosing to progress themselves into a deeper part of Heathstone where the decks have more rares, epics, and legends and will naturally be stronger. Where the game is more complex. It's up to them to learn how to play these strong decks, and how to use strong decks to win against strong decks. Have you played Clash of Clans? It's a very popular F2P mobile game where, like Hearthstone, you can either progress through the game completely for free, or you can pay to unlock the late game content earlier. The big difference is that Clash of Clans has much better matchmaking than Hearthstone in two ways: (1) The ranked ladder "soft resets" and gives rewards every month, but your rank doesn't change , so you don't have strong TH10's grinding through the same ranks as weak TH4's at the start of each month. Unlike Hearthstone. (2) In clan wars, clans are matched up entirely by the STRENGTH of their players. The analogue to Hearthstone would be the strength of your collection. Because of these two factors, when you're a low level in Clash of Clans, you only face people of equal strength . And when you're a high level, you still only face people of equal strength . So what's the difference? Low strength play is simpler to learn and master, while high strength play is more challenging, deep, and complex. At every stage of the game you're in a level playing field in terms of strength, and only have to compete in terms of skill. This matchmaking WORKS. Clash of Clans is insanely popular and lucrative. So what would this matchmaking change mean for Hearhstone? Two things: (1) In casual mode, you would be matched up primarily by the strength of your collection, and secondarily by your MMR. This would ensure players face competition of equal strength to themselves. To address your point, what happens when people pay money to increase their collection before they've spent the time to learn how to use the stronger cards and make stronger decks? They will be at a disadvantage against F2P players who have spent much more time learning the game, but in skill only. They will have ample opportunity to learn and grow into the depth of Hearthstone which they just bought their way into, and they will only face opponents of equal strength along the way. This growth will feel rewarding and fun as opposed to the frustrating shit-fest that is facing a deck full of legendaries while you're on your third game ever. This addresses the problem that this thread is all about. (2) Ranked ladder would give out rewards each month, and not change your ranking (or only change it very slightly) at the end of each month. This is the only way Hearthstone can keep having such short, short seasons. Nobody likes facing legend players at rank 12 every time the ladder resets every single month. It's a shit show, and it doesn't help the new players coming into ranked at that time. With ranks no longer resetting every month, guess what will happen? Your rank will actually represent the combination of your deck strength and your skill in Hearthstone! Within two months, everyone will be playing against people near their strength and skill level, unless they choose to climb (or fall). This means the upper ladder will be full of players with huge collections and strong decks, as it is now, but more importantly the lower ladder will be full of people with smaller collections. Add in tiered rewards (like Clash of Clans has) and you have incentive to get high up the ladder and stay there. And you have incentive for new players to want to quickly grow their collections and climb the ladder too. Bam. Money is still flowing. TL;DR: Hearthstone matchmaking could learn a lot from Clash of Clans. The strength of a person's collection should affect their matchmaking. Getting curb stomped at level 1 sucks and pushes away new players, which is what this thread is all about.
The paying players are paying to put themselves into the same leagues as people who have large collections. They aren't getting punished, they're choosing to progress themselves into a deeper part of Heathstone where the decks have more rares, epics, and legends and will naturally be stronger. Where the game is more complex. It's up to them to learn how to play these strong decks, and how to use strong decks to win against strong decks. Have you played Clash of Clans? It's a very popular F2P mobile game where, like Hearthstone, you can either progress through the game completely for free, or you can pay to unlock the late game content earlier. The big difference is that Clash of Clans has much better matchmaking than Hearthstone in two ways: (1) The ranked ladder "soft resets" and gives rewards every month, but your rank doesn't change , so you don't have strong TH10's grinding through the same ranks as weak TH4's at the start of each month. Unlike Hearthstone. (2) In clan wars, clans are matched up entirely by the STRENGTH of their players. The analogue to Hearthstone would be the strength of your collection. Because of these two factors, when you're a low level in Clash of Clans, you only face people of equal strength . And when you're a high level, you still only face people of equal strength . So what's the difference? Low strength play is simpler to learn and master, while high strength play is more challenging, deep, and complex. At every stage of the game you're in a level playing field in terms of strength, and only have to compete in terms of skill. This matchmaking WORKS. Clash of Clans is insanely popular and lucrative. So what would this matchmaking change mean for Hearhstone? Two things: (1) In casual mode, you would be matched up primarily by the strength of your collection, and secondarily by your MMR. This would ensure players face competition of equal strength to themselves. To address your point, what happens when people pay money to increase their collection before they've spent the time to learn how to use the stronger cards and make stronger decks? They will be at a disadvantage against F2P players who have spent much more time learning the game, but in skill only. They will have ample opportunity to learn and grow into the depth of Hearthstone which they just bought their way into, and they will only face opponents of equal strength along the way. This growth will feel rewarding and fun as opposed to the frustrating shit-fest that is facing a deck full of legendaries while you're on your third game ever. This addresses the problem that this thread is all about. (2) Ranked ladder would give out rewards each month, and not change your ranking (or only change it very slightly) at the end of each month. This is the only way Hearthstone can keep having such short, short seasons. Nobody likes facing legend players at rank 12 every time the ladder resets every single month. It's a shit show, and it doesn't help the new players coming into ranked at that time. With ranks no longer resetting every month, guess what will happen? Your rank will actually represent the combination of your deck strength and your skill in Hearthstone! Within two months, everyone will be playing against people near their strength and skill level, unless they choose to climb (or fall). This means the upper ladder will be full of players with huge collections and strong decks, as it is now, but more importantly the lower ladder will be full of people with smaller collections. Add in tiered rewards (like Clash of Clans has) and you have incentive to get high up the ladder and stay there. And you have incentive for new players to want to quickly grow their collections and climb the ladder too. Bam. Money is still flowing.
Hearthstone matchmaking could learn a lot from Clash of Clans. The strength of a person's collection should affect their matchmaking. Getting curb stomped at level 1 sucks and pushes away new players, which is what this thread is all about.
Hello fellow traders. I have a question that could possible be answered here concerning TF2/Steam. Background info: Alrighty, so over the past couple months, I had started to increase trading daily and saw a rise in the value of my backpack. Eventually it go to the point where I decided to steer away from trading and cash out. I was able to to sell all but about 60 or so keys, wanted to keep some just in case;), for Paypal currency. After about a week or so, I started up trading again and was able to build up a backpack worth of around $175 in keys and other promos. I has also sold some of the keys received from trading on the Steam Market for ~$62 ans was saving that for some games I might want in the future. Anyways, long story short, I recently tried to login to my account but found it to be hijacked with all my valuable items stolen (~$175 in value). Plus, I can no longer access my account my all the paid games I have and the monetary value in my Steam Wallet! Anyways, i was just wondering if any of you have had to go through this and is there possible way to get the items back? I've invested a lot of time and personal funds into my backpack/Steam account and it is really frustrating to see all that vanish to a hijacker:/ I've already filed a question Steam Support but is there anything I can do now but wait? Thanks in advance **TL;DR** Got hijacked, lost $175 in items, $60 Steam Wallet and access to my Steam Account with all my paid games:'( Edit: Spelling **Edit 2** (Sent into Steam Support as well). Checked the guy's backpack and lo and behold, ALL my items! "Ok, I was able to go to the SteamCommnuity website and luckily I was still logged in on that! Found this in my trade history: [link]( And it was linked to this profile: [link]( Hope this helps in the recovery:)" **Edit 3** Decided to check him out on and Steamrep by copy and pasting the steam64 link into the searchbox and looks like a VAC Ban has been put on his account, updated at 6:05pm [link 1]( [link 2]( **Edit 4** Check my friendslist and found someone on it I never added [link]( Could this be linked to it? **Edit 5** FOUND OUT WHAT IT WAS: [ **Would this be a 1 time thing or do I need to be worried about another hijack?**
Hello fellow traders. I have a question that could possible be answered here concerning TF2/Steam. Background info: Alrighty, so over the past couple months, I had started to increase trading daily and saw a rise in the value of my backpack. Eventually it go to the point where I decided to steer away from trading and cash out. I was able to to sell all but about 60 or so keys, wanted to keep some just in case;), for Paypal currency. After about a week or so, I started up trading again and was able to build up a backpack worth of around $175 in keys and other promos. I has also sold some of the keys received from trading on the Steam Market for ~$62 ans was saving that for some games I might want in the future. Anyways, long story short, I recently tried to login to my account but found it to be hijacked with all my valuable items stolen (~$175 in value). Plus, I can no longer access my account my all the paid games I have and the monetary value in my Steam Wallet! Anyways, i was just wondering if any of you have had to go through this and is there possible way to get the items back? I've invested a lot of time and personal funds into my backpack/Steam account and it is really frustrating to see all that vanish to a hijacker:/ I've already filed a question Steam Support but is there anything I can do now but wait? Thanks in advance TL;DR Got hijacked, lost $175 in items, $60 Steam Wallet and access to my Steam Account with all my paid games:'( Edit: Spelling Edit 2 (Sent into Steam Support as well). Checked the guy's backpack and lo and behold, ALL my items! "Ok, I was able to go to the SteamCommnuity website and luckily I was still logged in on that! Found this in my trade history: [link]( And it was linked to this profile: [link]( Hope this helps in the recovery:)" Edit 3 Decided to check him out on and Steamrep by copy and pasting the steam64 link into the searchbox and looks like a VAC Ban has been put on his account, updated at 6:05pm [link 1]( [link 2]( Edit 4 Check my friendslist and found someone on it I never added [link]( Could this be linked to it? Edit 5 FOUND OUT WHAT IT WAS: [ Would this be a 1 time thing or do I need to be worried about another hijack?
Hello fellow traders. I have a question that could possible be answered here concerning TF2/Steam. Background info: Alrighty, so over the past couple months, I had started to increase trading daily and saw a rise in the value of my backpack. Eventually it go to the point where I decided to steer away from trading and cash out. I was able to to sell all but about 60 or so keys, wanted to keep some just in case;), for Paypal currency. After about a week or so, I started up trading again and was able to build up a backpack worth of around $175 in keys and other promos. I has also sold some of the keys received from trading on the Steam Market for ~$62 ans was saving that for some games I might want in the future. Anyways, long story short, I recently tried to login to my account but found it to be hijacked with all my valuable items stolen (~$175 in value). Plus, I can no longer access my account my all the paid games I have and the monetary value in my Steam Wallet! Anyways, i was just wondering if any of you have had to go through this and is there possible way to get the items back? I've invested a lot of time and personal funds into my backpack/Steam account and it is really frustrating to see all that vanish to a hijacker:/ I've already filed a question Steam Support but is there anything I can do now but wait? Thanks in advance
Got hijacked, lost $175 in items, $60 Steam Wallet and access to my Steam Account with all my paid games:'( Edit: Spelling Edit 2 (Sent into Steam Support as well). Checked the guy's backpack and lo and behold, ALL my items! "Ok, I was able to go to the SteamCommnuity website and luckily I was still logged in on that! Found this in my trade history: [link]( And it was linked to this profile: [link]( Hope this helps in the recovery:)" Edit 3 Decided to check him out on and Steamrep by copy and pasting the steam64 link into the searchbox and looks like a VAC Ban has been put on his account, updated at 6:05pm [link 1]( [link 2]( Edit 4 Check my friendslist and found someone on it I never added [link]( Could this be linked to it? Edit 5 FOUND OUT WHAT IT WAS: [ Would this be a 1 time thing or do I need to be worried about another hijack?
My girlfriend of 2 years and a half broke up with me 4 months ago cause she didn't have any (enough) feelings anymore for me. So that came as a hard hit already, but we left off on good foot. We've been best friends before, we started dating and now we still try being best friends. Main problem from my perspective is I still love her and she is now dating someone for almost 2 months now already. That's really hard for me. We have the same circle of friends over here so that also sucks. So we still see each other from time to time, talk a lot and genuinely have a good time when we're together. She keeps saying she still hasn't got enough feelings but I can't get over her at all. I tried not seeing her and not talking to her, but that drove me crazy. I'm all good when I'm able to talk to her but I still feel sad when I'm not talking to her. In the weekends I drink way too much and I get all sentimental all over again. Not seeing each other is not an option.. But what is? Cause I really want her back, but I also don't want to feel this miserable all of the time. Tips and experiences are much appreciated :) **tl;dr**: I want my girlfriend back but she has other BF for now, we're still best friends. I still can't cope with losing her as a girlfriend and I drink and cry a lot because of it. Not talking to her and removing her from my life is not an option.
My girlfriend of 2 years and a half broke up with me 4 months ago cause she didn't have any (enough) feelings anymore for me. So that came as a hard hit already, but we left off on good foot. We've been best friends before, we started dating and now we still try being best friends. Main problem from my perspective is I still love her and she is now dating someone for almost 2 months now already. That's really hard for me. We have the same circle of friends over here so that also sucks. So we still see each other from time to time, talk a lot and genuinely have a good time when we're together. She keeps saying she still hasn't got enough feelings but I can't get over her at all. I tried not seeing her and not talking to her, but that drove me crazy. I'm all good when I'm able to talk to her but I still feel sad when I'm not talking to her. In the weekends I drink way too much and I get all sentimental all over again. Not seeing each other is not an option.. But what is? Cause I really want her back, but I also don't want to feel this miserable all of the time. Tips and experiences are much appreciated :) tl;dr : I want my girlfriend back but she has other BF for now, we're still best friends. I still can't cope with losing her as a girlfriend and I drink and cry a lot because of it. Not talking to her and removing her from my life is not an option.
My girlfriend of 2 years and a half broke up with me 4 months ago cause she didn't have any (enough) feelings anymore for me. So that came as a hard hit already, but we left off on good foot. We've been best friends before, we started dating and now we still try being best friends. Main problem from my perspective is I still love her and she is now dating someone for almost 2 months now already. That's really hard for me. We have the same circle of friends over here so that also sucks. So we still see each other from time to time, talk a lot and genuinely have a good time when we're together. She keeps saying she still hasn't got enough feelings but I can't get over her at all. I tried not seeing her and not talking to her, but that drove me crazy. I'm all good when I'm able to talk to her but I still feel sad when I'm not talking to her. In the weekends I drink way too much and I get all sentimental all over again. Not seeing each other is not an option.. But what is? Cause I really want her back, but I also don't want to feel this miserable all of the time. Tips and experiences are much appreciated :)
I want my girlfriend back but she has other BF for now, we're still best friends. I still can't cope with losing her as a girlfriend and I drink and cry a lot because of it. Not talking to her and removing her from my life is not an option.
A little late to the party but here's mine: Our highschool IB Chemistry teacher got her hands on whatever cool toys and sciencey shit she could. Once, she shorted out the entire science wing's electricity by hooking up a pickle to an electrical socket, and we would often have "vacuum tube Tuesdays" were she would stuff junk into her vacuum chamber and watch it expand until it exploded, stuff like that. So none of us were surprised when she got her hands on a [chunk of potassium]( and promptly set the roof of our classroom on fire. She was reprimanded, and was told that she couldn't do that shit again inside, so the next week we went outside to the field next to the school (small-town Alberta) and, again, promptly set the field on fire. Both times the school had to be evacuated, and the fire and police department had to come and put it out. Being that this was the SECOND school fire in as many weeks, the entire Alberta public school system voted that having potassium was too dangerous for high school experiments, and was banned province-wide. **TL;DR** - awesome chemistry teacher sets school on fire. Does it again because he's awesome. Man, my highschool was a huge gongshow. There was also the time that there was a bomb-threat, and the teachers sent kids into the hallways to look for the bomb...
A little late to the party but here's mine: Our highschool IB Chemistry teacher got her hands on whatever cool toys and sciencey shit she could. Once, she shorted out the entire science wing's electricity by hooking up a pickle to an electrical socket, and we would often have "vacuum tube Tuesdays" were she would stuff junk into her vacuum chamber and watch it expand until it exploded, stuff like that. So none of us were surprised when she got her hands on a chunk of potassium and, again, promptly set the field on fire. Both times the school had to be evacuated, and the fire and police department had to come and put it out. Being that this was the SECOND school fire in as many weeks, the entire Alberta public school system voted that having potassium was too dangerous for high school experiments, and was banned province-wide. TL;DR - awesome chemistry teacher sets school on fire. Does it again because he's awesome. Man, my highschool was a huge gongshow. There was also the time that there was a bomb-threat, and the teachers sent kids into the hallways to look for the bomb...
A little late to the party but here's mine: Our highschool IB Chemistry teacher got her hands on whatever cool toys and sciencey shit she could. Once, she shorted out the entire science wing's electricity by hooking up a pickle to an electrical socket, and we would often have "vacuum tube Tuesdays" were she would stuff junk into her vacuum chamber and watch it expand until it exploded, stuff like that. So none of us were surprised when she got her hands on a chunk of potassium and, again, promptly set the field on fire. Both times the school had to be evacuated, and the fire and police department had to come and put it out. Being that this was the SECOND school fire in as many weeks, the entire Alberta public school system voted that having potassium was too dangerous for high school experiments, and was banned province-wide.
awesome chemistry teacher sets school on fire. Does it again because he's awesome. Man, my highschool was a huge gongshow. There was also the time that there was a bomb-threat, and the teachers sent kids into the hallways to look for the bomb...
I'm an American who currently lives abroad. I just started working at a new company and was told that I was going to work on a team with only foreigners. I was really excited about this especially since I haven't hung out with other foreigners in so long. When meeting my team it turns out that there is only me and one other dude from the UK. Regardless, I was sure that me and him would get along and that I could spam him with dank memes throughout the day. I've been trying to get to know him and find some common interests between us but he isn't really giving much info. I've even tried seducing him with food, which he nibbled at silently in his cubicle. When I do manage to get him to speak, it is just so damn awkward. An example of this is the other day we got into a conversation about how we ended up in this country. He asked about me and I told him my story but when I asked about his he gave very brief answers. Like I asked why did he first come to this country he just said, "school" and then stared at me for like 4 minutes. This also makes our work more difficult because the bulk of what we do has to be discussed together and decisions made together. I've made a group of friends here that I hang out during lunch with so I am not desperate for a buddy. But, I really would like to be able to communicate and get along with this coworker without it being so awkward especially since our team (him and I) are placed in the very far corner of the office building away from everyone else. How can I get my coworker to talk with me? How can I avoid those long minutes of him awkwardly staring at me? Is there really anything I could do or should I just give up on the dude? **tl;dr**: Coworker has a super awkward vibe. Stares at me for minutes when in conversation. I want to get along with him but his awkwardness is off-putting.
I'm an American who currently lives abroad. I just started working at a new company and was told that I was going to work on a team with only foreigners. I was really excited about this especially since I haven't hung out with other foreigners in so long. When meeting my team it turns out that there is only me and one other dude from the UK. Regardless, I was sure that me and him would get along and that I could spam him with dank memes throughout the day. I've been trying to get to know him and find some common interests between us but he isn't really giving much info. I've even tried seducing him with food, which he nibbled at silently in his cubicle. When I do manage to get him to speak, it is just so damn awkward. An example of this is the other day we got into a conversation about how we ended up in this country. He asked about me and I told him my story but when I asked about his he gave very brief answers. Like I asked why did he first come to this country he just said, "school" and then stared at me for like 4 minutes. This also makes our work more difficult because the bulk of what we do has to be discussed together and decisions made together. I've made a group of friends here that I hang out during lunch with so I am not desperate for a buddy. But, I really would like to be able to communicate and get along with this coworker without it being so awkward especially since our team (him and I) are placed in the very far corner of the office building away from everyone else. How can I get my coworker to talk with me? How can I avoid those long minutes of him awkwardly staring at me? Is there really anything I could do or should I just give up on the dude? tl;dr : Coworker has a super awkward vibe. Stares at me for minutes when in conversation. I want to get along with him but his awkwardness is off-putting.
I'm an American who currently lives abroad. I just started working at a new company and was told that I was going to work on a team with only foreigners. I was really excited about this especially since I haven't hung out with other foreigners in so long. When meeting my team it turns out that there is only me and one other dude from the UK. Regardless, I was sure that me and him would get along and that I could spam him with dank memes throughout the day. I've been trying to get to know him and find some common interests between us but he isn't really giving much info. I've even tried seducing him with food, which he nibbled at silently in his cubicle. When I do manage to get him to speak, it is just so damn awkward. An example of this is the other day we got into a conversation about how we ended up in this country. He asked about me and I told him my story but when I asked about his he gave very brief answers. Like I asked why did he first come to this country he just said, "school" and then stared at me for like 4 minutes. This also makes our work more difficult because the bulk of what we do has to be discussed together and decisions made together. I've made a group of friends here that I hang out during lunch with so I am not desperate for a buddy. But, I really would like to be able to communicate and get along with this coworker without it being so awkward especially since our team (him and I) are placed in the very far corner of the office building away from everyone else. How can I get my coworker to talk with me? How can I avoid those long minutes of him awkwardly staring at me? Is there really anything I could do or should I just give up on the dude?
Coworker has a super awkward vibe. Stares at me for minutes when in conversation. I want to get along with him but his awkwardness is off-putting.
Here's a tip someone gave me a few years ago: Close your eyes and picture a place you're familiar with, it can be anywhere from your living room to the jungle you hiked through when you were ten. Really picture the place, go over every detail. Then, picture a cat in your chosen location. Picture it moving around, jumping about, doing cat stuff. Then picture the cat changing colors, first to natural colors (black cat turns brown, etc) and then picture it turning unnatural colors (pink, blue, green, etc). Picture the cat moving around in your chosen location changing colors. As odd as it sounds, it will take your mind off things and make you feel peaceful. tl;dr: cats so I win.
Here's a tip someone gave me a few years ago: Close your eyes and picture a place you're familiar with, it can be anywhere from your living room to the jungle you hiked through when you were ten. Really picture the place, go over every detail. Then, picture a cat in your chosen location. Picture it moving around, jumping about, doing cat stuff. Then picture the cat changing colors, first to natural colors (black cat turns brown, etc) and then picture it turning unnatural colors (pink, blue, green, etc). Picture the cat moving around in your chosen location changing colors. As odd as it sounds, it will take your mind off things and make you feel peaceful. tl;dr: cats so I win.
Here's a tip someone gave me a few years ago: Close your eyes and picture a place you're familiar with, it can be anywhere from your living room to the jungle you hiked through when you were ten. Really picture the place, go over every detail. Then, picture a cat in your chosen location. Picture it moving around, jumping about, doing cat stuff. Then picture the cat changing colors, first to natural colors (black cat turns brown, etc) and then picture it turning unnatural colors (pink, blue, green, etc). Picture the cat moving around in your chosen location changing colors. As odd as it sounds, it will take your mind off things and make you feel peaceful.
cats so I win.
I've been doing shows for 10 years, and racking my brains it's actually surprising how little these situations crop up.. But there is one particular time which will always stick in my memory.. We were doing a show called " A Slice of Saturday Night" which is a hilarious show about how girls and guys interact differently with each other in a night club... The big finale to act 1 is a song called "Saturday Night Fight" and it's a satire on how people get drunk and start pointless fights on a night out. Near the end of the song a fight breaks out between 2 dudes and the people playing the parts had always been VERY convincing in rehearsals. They threw punches very near to each others faces and were able to make the necessary sounds to make it seem as though they were actually being hit. It was impressive and the director urged them more and more to make it over the top and convincing. On the last night adrenaline was high because we were performing to a full house and they were loving it. "Saturday Night Fight" starts and it's all going great. But then, it happened. The guys get in to the fight sequence, the audience are LOVING it.. You hear the audience react as they think these punches are connecting and then *CRACK*. One of the guys had got a bit too in to it and landed a punch square on the other guy's nose. blood everywhere. All of us cast members on stage were trying our best to cover it up, and i was walking over to the bleeding guy (whilst still singing) with the intention of getting him off stage.. but then i hear him shout over the music "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!" and he literally LAUNCHED himself at the other guy. A real fight was breaking out on stage, and the audience were none the wiser.. thinking it was all an elaborate bit of fight choreography from the director. The song went in to turmoil and these 2 guys continued going at it until the blackout with the rest of us singing along and watching it unfold. You know what the funny thing was? All the audience could talk about afterwards was how "thrilling" the "fight sequence" was.. so i guess we got away with it! **TL;DR - Fight scene in the middle of a song. Guy ACTUALLY punched someone in the face by accident and a real fight broke out while the rest of the cast attempted to keep going. Audience thought it was all scripted and loved it.** EDIT- formatting
I've been doing shows for 10 years, and racking my brains it's actually surprising how little these situations crop up.. But there is one particular time which will always stick in my memory.. We were doing a show called " A Slice of Saturday Night" which is a hilarious show about how girls and guys interact differently with each other in a night club... The big finale to act 1 is a song called "Saturday Night Fight" and it's a satire on how people get drunk and start pointless fights on a night out. Near the end of the song a fight breaks out between 2 dudes and the people playing the parts had always been VERY convincing in rehearsals. They threw punches very near to each others faces and were able to make the necessary sounds to make it seem as though they were actually being hit. It was impressive and the director urged them more and more to make it over the top and convincing. On the last night adrenaline was high because we were performing to a full house and they were loving it. "Saturday Night Fight" starts and it's all going great. But then, it happened. The guys get in to the fight sequence, the audience are LOVING it.. You hear the audience react as they think these punches are connecting and then CRACK . One of the guys had got a bit too in to it and landed a punch square on the other guy's nose. blood everywhere. All of us cast members on stage were trying our best to cover it up, and i was walking over to the bleeding guy (whilst still singing) with the intention of getting him off stage.. but then i hear him shout over the music "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!" and he literally LAUNCHED himself at the other guy. A real fight was breaking out on stage, and the audience were none the wiser.. thinking it was all an elaborate bit of fight choreography from the director. The song went in to turmoil and these 2 guys continued going at it until the blackout with the rest of us singing along and watching it unfold. You know what the funny thing was? All the audience could talk about afterwards was how "thrilling" the "fight sequence" was.. so i guess we got away with it! TL;DR - Fight scene in the middle of a song. Guy ACTUALLY punched someone in the face by accident and a real fight broke out while the rest of the cast attempted to keep going. Audience thought it was all scripted and loved it. EDIT- formatting
I've been doing shows for 10 years, and racking my brains it's actually surprising how little these situations crop up.. But there is one particular time which will always stick in my memory.. We were doing a show called " A Slice of Saturday Night" which is a hilarious show about how girls and guys interact differently with each other in a night club... The big finale to act 1 is a song called "Saturday Night Fight" and it's a satire on how people get drunk and start pointless fights on a night out. Near the end of the song a fight breaks out between 2 dudes and the people playing the parts had always been VERY convincing in rehearsals. They threw punches very near to each others faces and were able to make the necessary sounds to make it seem as though they were actually being hit. It was impressive and the director urged them more and more to make it over the top and convincing. On the last night adrenaline was high because we were performing to a full house and they were loving it. "Saturday Night Fight" starts and it's all going great. But then, it happened. The guys get in to the fight sequence, the audience are LOVING it.. You hear the audience react as they think these punches are connecting and then CRACK . One of the guys had got a bit too in to it and landed a punch square on the other guy's nose. blood everywhere. All of us cast members on stage were trying our best to cover it up, and i was walking over to the bleeding guy (whilst still singing) with the intention of getting him off stage.. but then i hear him shout over the music "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!" and he literally LAUNCHED himself at the other guy. A real fight was breaking out on stage, and the audience were none the wiser.. thinking it was all an elaborate bit of fight choreography from the director. The song went in to turmoil and these 2 guys continued going at it until the blackout with the rest of us singing along and watching it unfold. You know what the funny thing was? All the audience could talk about afterwards was how "thrilling" the "fight sequence" was.. so i guess we got away with it!
Fight scene in the middle of a song. Guy ACTUALLY punched someone in the face by accident and a real fight broke out while the rest of the cast attempted to keep going. Audience thought it was all scripted and loved it. EDIT- formatting
At my high school a kid, we'll call him Mikey, attempted the gallon challenge during lunch. Our cafeteria, however, only sold the dinky, half-pint milk cartons, so Mikey buys as many milks as the lunch lady will allow without getting suspicious and is given the rest to him by eagerly watching classmates. There he sat with 16 half-pint milk cartons before him, and he started chugging. This obviously caused a ruckus, as teens were gathering around a single table chanting "chug, chug, chug!" Teachers got involved and forced him to stop drinking. He was suspended for three days. The next day, two of Mikey's close friends had made up "Free Mikey" T-shirts that they flaunted for the whole school and administration to see. The next day, about 30 kids had Free Mikey t-shirts on and it became a movement. a united affront to the administration. But the administration didn't take any of our shit and outlawed the Free Mikey t-shirts and anyone who was caught wearing one was forced to change into their gym clothes or received detention. tl;dr Mikey attempts gallon challenge, gets caught and suspended. Free Mikey t-shirts are made and worn while he is suspended in solidarity. Free Mikey t-shirts are banned.
At my high school a kid, we'll call him Mikey, attempted the gallon challenge during lunch. Our cafeteria, however, only sold the dinky, half-pint milk cartons, so Mikey buys as many milks as the lunch lady will allow without getting suspicious and is given the rest to him by eagerly watching classmates. There he sat with 16 half-pint milk cartons before him, and he started chugging. This obviously caused a ruckus, as teens were gathering around a single table chanting "chug, chug, chug!" Teachers got involved and forced him to stop drinking. He was suspended for three days. The next day, two of Mikey's close friends had made up "Free Mikey" T-shirts that they flaunted for the whole school and administration to see. The next day, about 30 kids had Free Mikey t-shirts on and it became a movement. a united affront to the administration. But the administration didn't take any of our shit and outlawed the Free Mikey t-shirts and anyone who was caught wearing one was forced to change into their gym clothes or received detention. tl;dr Mikey attempts gallon challenge, gets caught and suspended. Free Mikey t-shirts are made and worn while he is suspended in solidarity. Free Mikey t-shirts are banned.
At my high school a kid, we'll call him Mikey, attempted the gallon challenge during lunch. Our cafeteria, however, only sold the dinky, half-pint milk cartons, so Mikey buys as many milks as the lunch lady will allow without getting suspicious and is given the rest to him by eagerly watching classmates. There he sat with 16 half-pint milk cartons before him, and he started chugging. This obviously caused a ruckus, as teens were gathering around a single table chanting "chug, chug, chug!" Teachers got involved and forced him to stop drinking. He was suspended for three days. The next day, two of Mikey's close friends had made up "Free Mikey" T-shirts that they flaunted for the whole school and administration to see. The next day, about 30 kids had Free Mikey t-shirts on and it became a movement. a united affront to the administration. But the administration didn't take any of our shit and outlawed the Free Mikey t-shirts and anyone who was caught wearing one was forced to change into their gym clothes or received detention.
Mikey attempts gallon challenge, gets caught and suspended. Free Mikey t-shirts are made and worn while he is suspended in solidarity. Free Mikey t-shirts are banned.
Metzen also contributed to 1994's Warcraft: Orcs and Humans by working on artwork, illustrations and the game's documentation.[5] Later video games by Blizzard Entertainment would frequently include Metzen's work in manual design, illustration and concept art. However, Metzen's role in developing later Warcraft games increased significantly with 1995's Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, which gave him the opportunity to work on the game's fantasy-based fictional universe in addition to designing the game's various scenarios and missions.[6] In 1996, Blizzard Entertainment launched its second major franchise with the role-playing game Diablo. Diablo '​s fictional universe was created by both Metzen and fellow designer Bill Roper, and Metzen also provided voice acting for some of the game's characters.[7] On occasion, Metzen would provide voice talent for later video games. In 1998 he took the role of lead designer on the science fiction strategy game StarCraft. Along with James Phinney, Metzen again provided the game's extensive story and script, as well as organizing the voice casting for the game tl;dr Metzen pretty much created all Blizzard's IPs from scratch.
Metzen also contributed to 1994's Warcraft: Orcs and Humans by working on artwork, illustrations and the game's documentation.[5] Later video games by Blizzard Entertainment would frequently include Metzen's work in manual design, illustration and concept art. However, Metzen's role in developing later Warcraft games increased significantly with 1995's Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, which gave him the opportunity to work on the game's fantasy-based fictional universe in addition to designing the game's various scenarios and missions.[6] In 1996, Blizzard Entertainment launched its second major franchise with the role-playing game Diablo. Diablo '​s fictional universe was created by both Metzen and fellow designer Bill Roper, and Metzen also provided voice acting for some of the game's characters.[7] On occasion, Metzen would provide voice talent for later video games. In 1998 he took the role of lead designer on the science fiction strategy game StarCraft. Along with James Phinney, Metzen again provided the game's extensive story and script, as well as organizing the voice casting for the game tl;dr Metzen pretty much created all Blizzard's IPs from scratch.
Metzen also contributed to 1994's Warcraft: Orcs and Humans by working on artwork, illustrations and the game's documentation.[5] Later video games by Blizzard Entertainment would frequently include Metzen's work in manual design, illustration and concept art. However, Metzen's role in developing later Warcraft games increased significantly with 1995's Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, which gave him the opportunity to work on the game's fantasy-based fictional universe in addition to designing the game's various scenarios and missions.[6] In 1996, Blizzard Entertainment launched its second major franchise with the role-playing game Diablo. Diablo '​s fictional universe was created by both Metzen and fellow designer Bill Roper, and Metzen also provided voice acting for some of the game's characters.[7] On occasion, Metzen would provide voice talent for later video games. In 1998 he took the role of lead designer on the science fiction strategy game StarCraft. Along with James Phinney, Metzen again provided the game's extensive story and script, as well as organizing the voice casting for the game
Metzen pretty much created all Blizzard's IPs from scratch.
I'm in the same boat, but out of college, there really isn't a silver bullet solution but I can tell you some things that helped me a lot: 1. Get organized- know what work you have coming up, when its due, and how much work needs to be done. This doesn't help with the procrastination, but will allow you to have adequate "high pressure" work time. Forgetting about a assignment/test or not anticipating the amount of work definitely led to me under performing in classes. 1a. Get good at assessing the amount of work the task needs, this is best done by just doing a little of the task, you don't have to make a dedicated effort yet, just take a little effort to sketch out what needs to be done during crunch time. 2. Develop the mentality of "I want to" rather than "I have to", this is a difficult, lifelong process. It involves more than your thinking directly related to the task, but taking the time to truly know yourself and your desires and bringing your work and life in line with your desires. This might sound weird, but realizing that you are already existing on the continuum of your life, rather than seeing life as a series of barriers after which "your" life "actually" starts helps in this a lot. In my experience, I was unmotivated for school because I did not see it preparing me to get what I wanted from life, and I learned that I was helpless to change what I dedicated my time to (in respect to academics in K through highschool), which led me to focus on the social aspects of school. This thinking carried over to much of my college career and led me to not utilize school resources (that I was paying a premium for) to the fullest. It wasn't until I was almost done with school (much like you) that I realized college shouldn't be about just getting a piece of paper and checking a societal requirement off the list. To get the most out of college, you must know your goals and attempt to get as close to them as possible utilizing the imperfect system presented to you. Also, get friends (or at least study buddies) who value academics and have **good study habits**, you don't have to leave your old friends behind, but having positive social reinforcement for putting in a full effort counts for a lot. They don't have to be smart, in fact its almost better if they're not, as explaining things to people allows you to review material without feeling like studying. Tl;dr- get organized, be heading somewhere
I'm in the same boat, but out of college, there really isn't a silver bullet solution but I can tell you some things that helped me a lot: Get organized- know what work you have coming up, when its due, and how much work needs to be done. This doesn't help with the procrastination, but will allow you to have adequate "high pressure" work time. Forgetting about a assignment/test or not anticipating the amount of work definitely led to me under performing in classes. 1a. Get good at assessing the amount of work the task needs, this is best done by just doing a little of the task, you don't have to make a dedicated effort yet, just take a little effort to sketch out what needs to be done during crunch time. Develop the mentality of "I want to" rather than "I have to", this is a difficult, lifelong process. It involves more than your thinking directly related to the task, but taking the time to truly know yourself and your desires and bringing your work and life in line with your desires. This might sound weird, but realizing that you are already existing on the continuum of your life, rather than seeing life as a series of barriers after which "your" life "actually" starts helps in this a lot. In my experience, I was unmotivated for school because I did not see it preparing me to get what I wanted from life, and I learned that I was helpless to change what I dedicated my time to (in respect to academics in K through highschool), which led me to focus on the social aspects of school. This thinking carried over to much of my college career and led me to not utilize school resources (that I was paying a premium for) to the fullest. It wasn't until I was almost done with school (much like you) that I realized college shouldn't be about just getting a piece of paper and checking a societal requirement off the list. To get the most out of college, you must know your goals and attempt to get as close to them as possible utilizing the imperfect system presented to you. Also, get friends (or at least study buddies) who value academics and have good study habits , you don't have to leave your old friends behind, but having positive social reinforcement for putting in a full effort counts for a lot. They don't have to be smart, in fact its almost better if they're not, as explaining things to people allows you to review material without feeling like studying. Tl;dr- get organized, be heading somewhere
I'm in the same boat, but out of college, there really isn't a silver bullet solution but I can tell you some things that helped me a lot: Get organized- know what work you have coming up, when its due, and how much work needs to be done. This doesn't help with the procrastination, but will allow you to have adequate "high pressure" work time. Forgetting about a assignment/test or not anticipating the amount of work definitely led to me under performing in classes. 1a. Get good at assessing the amount of work the task needs, this is best done by just doing a little of the task, you don't have to make a dedicated effort yet, just take a little effort to sketch out what needs to be done during crunch time. Develop the mentality of "I want to" rather than "I have to", this is a difficult, lifelong process. It involves more than your thinking directly related to the task, but taking the time to truly know yourself and your desires and bringing your work and life in line with your desires. This might sound weird, but realizing that you are already existing on the continuum of your life, rather than seeing life as a series of barriers after which "your" life "actually" starts helps in this a lot. In my experience, I was unmotivated for school because I did not see it preparing me to get what I wanted from life, and I learned that I was helpless to change what I dedicated my time to (in respect to academics in K through highschool), which led me to focus on the social aspects of school. This thinking carried over to much of my college career and led me to not utilize school resources (that I was paying a premium for) to the fullest. It wasn't until I was almost done with school (much like you) that I realized college shouldn't be about just getting a piece of paper and checking a societal requirement off the list. To get the most out of college, you must know your goals and attempt to get as close to them as possible utilizing the imperfect system presented to you. Also, get friends (or at least study buddies) who value academics and have good study habits , you don't have to leave your old friends behind, but having positive social reinforcement for putting in a full effort counts for a lot. They don't have to be smart, in fact its almost better if they're not, as explaining things to people allows you to review material without feeling like studying.
get organized, be heading somewhere
Fuck, you actually meant barley. I tl;dr'd the paper.
Fuck, you actually meant barley. I tl;dr'd the paper.
Fuck, you actually meant barley. I
d the paper.
So I am a 29 HL male with a 28 LL wife. Been together for 13yrs married for 9.5 We just had kid #2, why...? I have no idea, probably stupidity on my part, thinking things would get better. She has been LL for years now, but more so over the past ~4 years. The kids are 2.5 yrs and 3 weeks. I know that kids can really dampen a woman's libido, but any kind of intimacy (non sexual touching, kissing etc) has been non existent for quite some time now even before the kids (except for the obligatory peck goodbye). I have always had to initiate, she has never really shown any interest and she has always needed help in the lubricant dept. basically it has made me feel like she isn't attracted to me, and the lack of enthusiasm during our few sexual encounters has felt like I was fucking a mannequin/dead fish and it only reinforced my perception of how she feels about me. She says she is attracted to me and loves yet over the past year or two all I ever seem to hear from her are things about me that repulse her. She can't seem to comprehend the idea of "if you don't have anything nice to say...". I can understand wanting to tell someone of a flaw if it might be embarrassing in public, all I'm asking for is some tact or stfu. We sleep in separate beds, because 1; we aren't intimate. And 2; she says I snore. We haven't shared a bed in any capacity for a few months now. I'm a pretty good looking guy, I'm quite fit, still have my hair and I stay well groomed, yet she shows no interest. I have pretty much given up on initiating because it seems more naggy especially when I know the answer already. I don't expect her to be ready to go after just having a kid, however just showing some kind of affection would be appreciated. The most frustrating thing is when she masturbates when I am at work or school and then tells me about it as if only to rub it in my face, because she won't want sex later. I've told her to not even tell me about it anymore as it just makes me mad. Even before the kids the excuses were the same: maybe later, you should of asked earlier, too tired, not in mood,headache, headache, etc. and forget about foreplay, she always just wants to get it over with, with an impersonal quickie. Even trying to give her a bj is often a no go. For the past few years She has told me that she doesn't want to be intimate because she feels too self conscious, which blows my mind since we have been together so long. I tell her how attractive I think she is throughout the day not just to get sex. Apparently it doesn't help her confidence. Besides her intimacy issues she is great, however, I feel that I am reaching my wits end with this relationship. I need intimacy, I want a partner that desires me, right now we feel more like roommates than a married couple. Unfortunately the situation is complicated by our children, I love them and I am conflicted on what to do. If we divorce it is likely that she will move out of state and I will not see the kids very often. Extended family will see me as the asshole, and its possible I will still be alone, and still be jerking it to porn. Not to mention that I will likely be paying her a decent chunk of my income for child support. Or option 2 is I stick it out for the kids, but then they grow up observing a dysfunctional relationship and think it's normal, and I am unhappy for the remainder of the marriage. However I get to see the kids grow up, and I don't have a child support payment. We have had "the talk" several times and it doesn't seem to do any good. We have seen a counselor for martial issues, with no positive changes. I've done the chore-play game (several times) with no results. As it stands now I am leaning towards giving her the ultimatum come New Years after family is done visiting. I'm planning on asking for an open marriage or some tangible solution to the problem versus "I'll try and be better". Shouldn't the desire to be intimate just come naturally? IMO if it's forced its no longer a desire. Any recommendations on what to do are welcomed. Edit:it's not just a lack of sex, I completely understand her not wanting to have sex right now and that's not what my post was entirely about. I knew posting this would make it sound like I was asking for sex right now, and I'm not. What I'm asking for is someone that is attracted to me, and desires me, and not being someones whipping boy/roommate. What I just don't understand is how there seems to be a complete lack of attraction. Intercourse isn't the only way to show your desire for someone. Even if she were to just give me a serious kiss that would be something, but the last few times I tried to give her a real kiss she literally laughed at me. There is no touching coming from her and hasn't been for a while, I have always had to initiate. Which has felt like I am touching nothing more than a "real doll". TL;DR: married with 2 young kids, non-intimate marriage. Conflicted on if it is better to be in a unhappy marriage but with the kids; or divorced, possibly happy, but likely away from the kids.
So I am a 29 HL male with a 28 LL wife. Been together for 13yrs married for 9.5 We just had kid #2, why...? I have no idea, probably stupidity on my part, thinking things would get better. She has been LL for years now, but more so over the past ~4 years. The kids are 2.5 yrs and 3 weeks. I know that kids can really dampen a woman's libido, but any kind of intimacy (non sexual touching, kissing etc) has been non existent for quite some time now even before the kids (except for the obligatory peck goodbye). I have always had to initiate, she has never really shown any interest and she has always needed help in the lubricant dept. basically it has made me feel like she isn't attracted to me, and the lack of enthusiasm during our few sexual encounters has felt like I was fucking a mannequin/dead fish and it only reinforced my perception of how she feels about me. She says she is attracted to me and loves yet over the past year or two all I ever seem to hear from her are things about me that repulse her. She can't seem to comprehend the idea of "if you don't have anything nice to say...". I can understand wanting to tell someone of a flaw if it might be embarrassing in public, all I'm asking for is some tact or stfu. We sleep in separate beds, because 1; we aren't intimate. And 2; she says I snore. We haven't shared a bed in any capacity for a few months now. I'm a pretty good looking guy, I'm quite fit, still have my hair and I stay well groomed, yet she shows no interest. I have pretty much given up on initiating because it seems more naggy especially when I know the answer already. I don't expect her to be ready to go after just having a kid, however just showing some kind of affection would be appreciated. The most frustrating thing is when she masturbates when I am at work or school and then tells me about it as if only to rub it in my face, because she won't want sex later. I've told her to not even tell me about it anymore as it just makes me mad. Even before the kids the excuses were the same: maybe later, you should of asked earlier, too tired, not in mood,headache, headache, etc. and forget about foreplay, she always just wants to get it over with, with an impersonal quickie. Even trying to give her a bj is often a no go. For the past few years She has told me that she doesn't want to be intimate because she feels too self conscious, which blows my mind since we have been together so long. I tell her how attractive I think she is throughout the day not just to get sex. Apparently it doesn't help her confidence. Besides her intimacy issues she is great, however, I feel that I am reaching my wits end with this relationship. I need intimacy, I want a partner that desires me, right now we feel more like roommates than a married couple. Unfortunately the situation is complicated by our children, I love them and I am conflicted on what to do. If we divorce it is likely that she will move out of state and I will not see the kids very often. Extended family will see me as the asshole, and its possible I will still be alone, and still be jerking it to porn. Not to mention that I will likely be paying her a decent chunk of my income for child support. Or option 2 is I stick it out for the kids, but then they grow up observing a dysfunctional relationship and think it's normal, and I am unhappy for the remainder of the marriage. However I get to see the kids grow up, and I don't have a child support payment. We have had "the talk" several times and it doesn't seem to do any good. We have seen a counselor for martial issues, with no positive changes. I've done the chore-play game (several times) with no results. As it stands now I am leaning towards giving her the ultimatum come New Years after family is done visiting. I'm planning on asking for an open marriage or some tangible solution to the problem versus "I'll try and be better". Shouldn't the desire to be intimate just come naturally? IMO if it's forced its no longer a desire. Any recommendations on what to do are welcomed. Edit:it's not just a lack of sex, I completely understand her not wanting to have sex right now and that's not what my post was entirely about. I knew posting this would make it sound like I was asking for sex right now, and I'm not. What I'm asking for is someone that is attracted to me, and desires me, and not being someones whipping boy/roommate. What I just don't understand is how there seems to be a complete lack of attraction. Intercourse isn't the only way to show your desire for someone. Even if she were to just give me a serious kiss that would be something, but the last few times I tried to give her a real kiss she literally laughed at me. There is no touching coming from her and hasn't been for a while, I have always had to initiate. Which has felt like I am touching nothing more than a "real doll". TL;DR: married with 2 young kids, non-intimate marriage. Conflicted on if it is better to be in a unhappy marriage but with the kids; or divorced, possibly happy, but likely away from the kids.
So I am a 29 HL male with a 28 LL wife. Been together for 13yrs married for 9.5 We just had kid #2, why...? I have no idea, probably stupidity on my part, thinking things would get better. She has been LL for years now, but more so over the past ~4 years. The kids are 2.5 yrs and 3 weeks. I know that kids can really dampen a woman's libido, but any kind of intimacy (non sexual touching, kissing etc) has been non existent for quite some time now even before the kids (except for the obligatory peck goodbye). I have always had to initiate, she has never really shown any interest and she has always needed help in the lubricant dept. basically it has made me feel like she isn't attracted to me, and the lack of enthusiasm during our few sexual encounters has felt like I was fucking a mannequin/dead fish and it only reinforced my perception of how she feels about me. She says she is attracted to me and loves yet over the past year or two all I ever seem to hear from her are things about me that repulse her. She can't seem to comprehend the idea of "if you don't have anything nice to say...". I can understand wanting to tell someone of a flaw if it might be embarrassing in public, all I'm asking for is some tact or stfu. We sleep in separate beds, because 1; we aren't intimate. And 2; she says I snore. We haven't shared a bed in any capacity for a few months now. I'm a pretty good looking guy, I'm quite fit, still have my hair and I stay well groomed, yet she shows no interest. I have pretty much given up on initiating because it seems more naggy especially when I know the answer already. I don't expect her to be ready to go after just having a kid, however just showing some kind of affection would be appreciated. The most frustrating thing is when she masturbates when I am at work or school and then tells me about it as if only to rub it in my face, because she won't want sex later. I've told her to not even tell me about it anymore as it just makes me mad. Even before the kids the excuses were the same: maybe later, you should of asked earlier, too tired, not in mood,headache, headache, etc. and forget about foreplay, she always just wants to get it over with, with an impersonal quickie. Even trying to give her a bj is often a no go. For the past few years She has told me that she doesn't want to be intimate because she feels too self conscious, which blows my mind since we have been together so long. I tell her how attractive I think she is throughout the day not just to get sex. Apparently it doesn't help her confidence. Besides her intimacy issues she is great, however, I feel that I am reaching my wits end with this relationship. I need intimacy, I want a partner that desires me, right now we feel more like roommates than a married couple. Unfortunately the situation is complicated by our children, I love them and I am conflicted on what to do. If we divorce it is likely that she will move out of state and I will not see the kids very often. Extended family will see me as the asshole, and its possible I will still be alone, and still be jerking it to porn. Not to mention that I will likely be paying her a decent chunk of my income for child support. Or option 2 is I stick it out for the kids, but then they grow up observing a dysfunctional relationship and think it's normal, and I am unhappy for the remainder of the marriage. However I get to see the kids grow up, and I don't have a child support payment. We have had "the talk" several times and it doesn't seem to do any good. We have seen a counselor for martial issues, with no positive changes. I've done the chore-play game (several times) with no results. As it stands now I am leaning towards giving her the ultimatum come New Years after family is done visiting. I'm planning on asking for an open marriage or some tangible solution to the problem versus "I'll try and be better". Shouldn't the desire to be intimate just come naturally? IMO if it's forced its no longer a desire. Any recommendations on what to do are welcomed. Edit:it's not just a lack of sex, I completely understand her not wanting to have sex right now and that's not what my post was entirely about. I knew posting this would make it sound like I was asking for sex right now, and I'm not. What I'm asking for is someone that is attracted to me, and desires me, and not being someones whipping boy/roommate. What I just don't understand is how there seems to be a complete lack of attraction. Intercourse isn't the only way to show your desire for someone. Even if she were to just give me a serious kiss that would be something, but the last few times I tried to give her a real kiss she literally laughed at me. There is no touching coming from her and hasn't been for a while, I have always had to initiate. Which has felt like I am touching nothing more than a "real doll".
married with 2 young kids, non-intimate marriage. Conflicted on if it is better to be in a unhappy marriage but with the kids; or divorced, possibly happy, but likely away from the kids.
Recently my father damaged his achilles heel and had surgery to fix it - but it got infected and has had 5 surgeries in total now. He is at home now but is limited to a wheel chair until after christmas. My mum went in for surgery today after breaking her arm severely yesterday and is not able to return home yet. The surgery though didn't go exactly to plan an she may need to go under again but I am still waiting for confirmation from the doctors. I am 21 and have two younger siblings, a 2 year old and 10 year old. I need to be able to buy groceries, diapers (nappies), pay for transport ect. for sometime until things like insurance are sorted out. I do work as well, but have had to drop some shifts because child card is more expensive then my pay. So i am completely able to pay you back. It is difficult for my dad to take care of the youngest being in a wheel chair but he is doing his best while i work, unfortunately though isn't coping too well. TL;DR Need: $1000 Pay back by: Sept. 30th From: Australia Spend it on: General living costs for a family of 5 including two that are undergoing surgery and two that are children (10yrs and 2yrs) If any proof is needed I can PM it as the side bar mentions proof.
Recently my father damaged his achilles heel and had surgery to fix it - but it got infected and has had 5 surgeries in total now. He is at home now but is limited to a wheel chair until after christmas. My mum went in for surgery today after breaking her arm severely yesterday and is not able to return home yet. The surgery though didn't go exactly to plan an she may need to go under again but I am still waiting for confirmation from the doctors. I am 21 and have two younger siblings, a 2 year old and 10 year old. I need to be able to buy groceries, diapers (nappies), pay for transport ect. for sometime until things like insurance are sorted out. I do work as well, but have had to drop some shifts because child card is more expensive then my pay. So i am completely able to pay you back. It is difficult for my dad to take care of the youngest being in a wheel chair but he is doing his best while i work, unfortunately though isn't coping too well. TL;DR Need: $1000 Pay back by: Sept. 30th From: Australia Spend it on: General living costs for a family of 5 including two that are undergoing surgery and two that are children (10yrs and 2yrs) If any proof is needed I can PM it as the side bar mentions proof.
Recently my father damaged his achilles heel and had surgery to fix it - but it got infected and has had 5 surgeries in total now. He is at home now but is limited to a wheel chair until after christmas. My mum went in for surgery today after breaking her arm severely yesterday and is not able to return home yet. The surgery though didn't go exactly to plan an she may need to go under again but I am still waiting for confirmation from the doctors. I am 21 and have two younger siblings, a 2 year old and 10 year old. I need to be able to buy groceries, diapers (nappies), pay for transport ect. for sometime until things like insurance are sorted out. I do work as well, but have had to drop some shifts because child card is more expensive then my pay. So i am completely able to pay you back. It is difficult for my dad to take care of the youngest being in a wheel chair but he is doing his best while i work, unfortunately though isn't coping too well.
Need: $1000 Pay back by: Sept. 30th From: Australia Spend it on: General living costs for a family of 5 including two that are undergoing surgery and two that are children (10yrs and 2yrs) If any proof is needed I can PM it as the side bar mentions proof.
So far, it's been 2.72 years since the last book was published. Assuming that TWOW ever gets published, there's a 90% chance that it'll be published between 1.7 months from now and 51.7 years from now. Of course, before publication, publication will be announced. It's been since 3 Mar 2011 since the last one of those. The corresponding 90%-certainty window for the publication-announcement is from 1.8 months from now to 58 years from now. tl;dr: no matter what, TWOW'll probably be more than two months away, and you shouldn't stress GRRM, because his death is more probable than ADOS's release.
So far, it's been 2.72 years since the last book was published. Assuming that TWOW ever gets published, there's a 90% chance that it'll be published between 1.7 months from now and 51.7 years from now. Of course, before publication, publication will be announced. It's been since 3 Mar 2011 since the last one of those. The corresponding 90%-certainty window for the publication-announcement is from 1.8 months from now to 58 years from now. tl;dr: no matter what, TWOW'll probably be more than two months away, and you shouldn't stress GRRM, because his death is more probable than ADOS's release.
So far, it's been 2.72 years since the last book was published. Assuming that TWOW ever gets published, there's a 90% chance that it'll be published between 1.7 months from now and 51.7 years from now. Of course, before publication, publication will be announced. It's been since 3 Mar 2011 since the last one of those. The corresponding 90%-certainty window for the publication-announcement is from 1.8 months from now to 58 years from now.
no matter what, TWOW'll probably be more than two months away, and you shouldn't stress GRRM, because his death is more probable than ADOS's release.
author: [brown3jh]( (**3 months**) ``|`` author karma: **44**/*70* ``|`` [original story's comments]( ``|`` [flag]( describe why you are flagging this submission - -- _____ [Imgur]( [Imgur]( And a person I met had decided that he didn't like being ear raped by their message of hate and intolerance (not to mention this happend at the same time as a gay pride event). He'd sat himself in front of the preachers with a simple sign that read "Don't they have anything better to do?" I thought this was a great idea, and decided to sit with him and show solidarity against the idiocy that was happening behind us. To make a long story, and day, quite short: a few signs later and we'd garnished quite a following. Some people sat with us for a time, and went about their day, and others just thanked us for our candor, and went about theirs. Still, there were many high fives, fist bumps, and peace signs that let us all know we were doing the right thing. We'd ended up making signs to counter the preachers' own words. We had a sign that read "We love you" and another that read "We think you're beautiful just the way you are." What I learned doing this today was that, in the end, the best way to silence those who spout hate is to do so in a manner that is conducive toward peace. Non-violence may not always work, but yelling at these people, goading them, or giving them fuel only worsens the situation. Being calm, rational, and logical only shows people that you're more serious than those who spout hatred. I'm glad I was able to participate in this peaceful moment, and I'm super glad that so many people showed us their thanks and support. I love all humans, I really do, and I'm really glad that I was able to make a difference today. TL;DR: sometimes a bit of calm, peaceful protesting is enough to shut down a hateful, preachy group. _____ *Met criteria: ups>4 and score>3*
author: brown3jh | author karma: 44 / 70 | [original story's comments]( | [flag]( describe why you are flagging this submission - [Imgur]( [Imgur]( And a person I met had decided that he didn't like being ear raped by their message of hate and intolerance (not to mention this happend at the same time as a gay pride event). He'd sat himself in front of the preachers with a simple sign that read "Don't they have anything better to do?" I thought this was a great idea, and decided to sit with him and show solidarity against the idiocy that was happening behind us. To make a long story, and day, quite short: a few signs later and we'd garnished quite a following. Some people sat with us for a time, and went about their day, and others just thanked us for our candor, and went about theirs. Still, there were many high fives, fist bumps, and peace signs that let us all know we were doing the right thing. We'd ended up making signs to counter the preachers' own words. We had a sign that read "We love you" and another that read "We think you're beautiful just the way you are." What I learned doing this today was that, in the end, the best way to silence those who spout hate is to do so in a manner that is conducive toward peace. Non-violence may not always work, but yelling at these people, goading them, or giving them fuel only worsens the situation. Being calm, rational, and logical only shows people that you're more serious than those who spout hatred. I'm glad I was able to participate in this peaceful moment, and I'm super glad that so many people showed us their thanks and support. I love all humans, I really do, and I'm really glad that I was able to make a difference today. TL;DR: sometimes a bit of calm, peaceful protesting is enough to shut down a hateful, preachy group. Met criteria: ups>4 and score>3
author: brown3jh | author karma: 44 / 70 | [original story's comments]( | [flag]( describe why you are flagging this submission - [Imgur]( [Imgur]( And a person I met had decided that he didn't like being ear raped by their message of hate and intolerance (not to mention this happend at the same time as a gay pride event). He'd sat himself in front of the preachers with a simple sign that read "Don't they have anything better to do?" I thought this was a great idea, and decided to sit with him and show solidarity against the idiocy that was happening behind us. To make a long story, and day, quite short: a few signs later and we'd garnished quite a following. Some people sat with us for a time, and went about their day, and others just thanked us for our candor, and went about theirs. Still, there were many high fives, fist bumps, and peace signs that let us all know we were doing the right thing. We'd ended up making signs to counter the preachers' own words. We had a sign that read "We love you" and another that read "We think you're beautiful just the way you are." What I learned doing this today was that, in the end, the best way to silence those who spout hate is to do so in a manner that is conducive toward peace. Non-violence may not always work, but yelling at these people, goading them, or giving them fuel only worsens the situation. Being calm, rational, and logical only shows people that you're more serious than those who spout hatred. I'm glad I was able to participate in this peaceful moment, and I'm super glad that so many people showed us their thanks and support. I love all humans, I really do, and I'm really glad that I was able to make a difference today.
sometimes a bit of calm, peaceful protesting is enough to shut down a hateful, preachy group. Met criteria: ups>4 and score>3
Here's some actual advice and not just negativity. I've been in a LDR for about 4 years now (college-he's in another country no less) and though it has definitely been rough at times our relationship is now the best it's been. Our time apart is almost over now, and we have all sorts of great plans for actually being together again! So from my experience, these are the best tips I can give you. Be friends first. Be long-distance best friends with benefits who don't mess around with other people. The relationship tag can add a lot of pressure and it doesn't really mean that much. Be "together" because you genuinely *like* each other. Tell her about the exciting thing that happened today because you *want* to tell her and you *want* to hear her reaction to it. If you lose this feeling, the relationship probably isn't going anywhere. It may sound cliche, but be completely honest. If you address things early and openly, they're more likely to be resolved and less likely to build up to a big problem. You also have to be completely open to the other's honesty. If she tells you about all the great people she's meeting, it's okay to feel a little jealous/sad that they get to spend time with her and you don't. Trust is obviously a big factor here; you have to stay rational and realize that she's committed to this relationship with you, despite the fact that everyone knows LDRs suck. That said, if something she tells you makes you uncomfortable, be honest and discuss it. When you do see each other, don't set your expectations too high! If you idealize your four days together (before another eternity apart) in the weeks prior to your visit, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. It will not be perfect. Get over it. What matters is that you're together so try to make it something you can look back on fondly. Never feel guilty about having your own life. And do have a life. And don't begrudge the other having a life (even if it's more of a life than you have). Make time for each other, set skype dates if necessary, but live in your world. Not having other connections will only make you lonelier and miss each other more, which may build resentment and end in nothing good. Okay, looking back a lot of these are kind of negative DON'Ts. Here are some positives: DO appreciate everyday how lucky you are to have someone who cares enough about you that they're willing to wait so long just to be with you. DO remind them often (but not so often that it gets mundane) how much you appreciate and love them and can't wait to be with them in person. DO come up with clever ways to show them you're thinking of them, despite the distance. DO realize that it takes an enormous amount of trust and commitment on both sides, but if you are equally serious about this relationship, it can work. That's just my advice, I know a lot of it sounds cliche, but it's important stuff. I wrote it from your perspective but it obviously goes both ways. I also just noticed in the sidebar a /r/LongDistance so they probably have even better advice. Anyway, tl;dr Be honest with each other and don't listen to all the negativity. It can work, it just takes a lot of effort and a little luck.
Here's some actual advice and not just negativity. I've been in a LDR for about 4 years now (college-he's in another country no less) and though it has definitely been rough at times our relationship is now the best it's been. Our time apart is almost over now, and we have all sorts of great plans for actually being together again! So from my experience, these are the best tips I can give you. Be friends first. Be long-distance best friends with benefits who don't mess around with other people. The relationship tag can add a lot of pressure and it doesn't really mean that much. Be "together" because you genuinely like each other. Tell her about the exciting thing that happened today because you want to tell her and you want to hear her reaction to it. If you lose this feeling, the relationship probably isn't going anywhere. It may sound cliche, but be completely honest. If you address things early and openly, they're more likely to be resolved and less likely to build up to a big problem. You also have to be completely open to the other's honesty. If she tells you about all the great people she's meeting, it's okay to feel a little jealous/sad that they get to spend time with her and you don't. Trust is obviously a big factor here; you have to stay rational and realize that she's committed to this relationship with you, despite the fact that everyone knows LDRs suck. That said, if something she tells you makes you uncomfortable, be honest and discuss it. When you do see each other, don't set your expectations too high! If you idealize your four days together (before another eternity apart) in the weeks prior to your visit, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. It will not be perfect. Get over it. What matters is that you're together so try to make it something you can look back on fondly. Never feel guilty about having your own life. And do have a life. And don't begrudge the other having a life (even if it's more of a life than you have). Make time for each other, set skype dates if necessary, but live in your world. Not having other connections will only make you lonelier and miss each other more, which may build resentment and end in nothing good. Okay, looking back a lot of these are kind of negative DON'Ts. Here are some positives: DO appreciate everyday how lucky you are to have someone who cares enough about you that they're willing to wait so long just to be with you. DO remind them often (but not so often that it gets mundane) how much you appreciate and love them and can't wait to be with them in person. DO come up with clever ways to show them you're thinking of them, despite the distance. DO realize that it takes an enormous amount of trust and commitment on both sides, but if you are equally serious about this relationship, it can work. That's just my advice, I know a lot of it sounds cliche, but it's important stuff. I wrote it from your perspective but it obviously goes both ways. I also just noticed in the sidebar a /r/LongDistance so they probably have even better advice. Anyway, tl;dr Be honest with each other and don't listen to all the negativity. It can work, it just takes a lot of effort and a little luck.
Here's some actual advice and not just negativity. I've been in a LDR for about 4 years now (college-he's in another country no less) and though it has definitely been rough at times our relationship is now the best it's been. Our time apart is almost over now, and we have all sorts of great plans for actually being together again! So from my experience, these are the best tips I can give you. Be friends first. Be long-distance best friends with benefits who don't mess around with other people. The relationship tag can add a lot of pressure and it doesn't really mean that much. Be "together" because you genuinely like each other. Tell her about the exciting thing that happened today because you want to tell her and you want to hear her reaction to it. If you lose this feeling, the relationship probably isn't going anywhere. It may sound cliche, but be completely honest. If you address things early and openly, they're more likely to be resolved and less likely to build up to a big problem. You also have to be completely open to the other's honesty. If she tells you about all the great people she's meeting, it's okay to feel a little jealous/sad that they get to spend time with her and you don't. Trust is obviously a big factor here; you have to stay rational and realize that she's committed to this relationship with you, despite the fact that everyone knows LDRs suck. That said, if something she tells you makes you uncomfortable, be honest and discuss it. When you do see each other, don't set your expectations too high! If you idealize your four days together (before another eternity apart) in the weeks prior to your visit, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. It will not be perfect. Get over it. What matters is that you're together so try to make it something you can look back on fondly. Never feel guilty about having your own life. And do have a life. And don't begrudge the other having a life (even if it's more of a life than you have). Make time for each other, set skype dates if necessary, but live in your world. Not having other connections will only make you lonelier and miss each other more, which may build resentment and end in nothing good. Okay, looking back a lot of these are kind of negative DON'Ts. Here are some positives: DO appreciate everyday how lucky you are to have someone who cares enough about you that they're willing to wait so long just to be with you. DO remind them often (but not so often that it gets mundane) how much you appreciate and love them and can't wait to be with them in person. DO come up with clever ways to show them you're thinking of them, despite the distance. DO realize that it takes an enormous amount of trust and commitment on both sides, but if you are equally serious about this relationship, it can work. That's just my advice, I know a lot of it sounds cliche, but it's important stuff. I wrote it from your perspective but it obviously goes both ways. I also just noticed in the sidebar a /r/LongDistance so they probably have even better advice. Anyway,
Be honest with each other and don't listen to all the negativity. It can work, it just takes a lot of effort and a little luck.
Got a new Nemesis clone recently. Searching for an alternate source of switch magnets (Fasttech's seem to be kinda bad, FDV seems overpriced), and ran across [these magnets]( Unfortunately, they are out of stock right now until the first week of August. Fiortunately for me, I got my order in before they did. The good: These are the perfect magnet for this application. These N50 magnets are sufficiently strong to support my Nemesis clone in 18650 mode with a full KFL+. They are nickel plated for durability. Packaging was great - the magnets came stacked with plastic spacers inbetween, in a small baggie, wrapped in foam in a bubble mailer. Arrived in perfect condition. Shipping was fast - I ordered Sunday night, and they were shipped by EOD Monday. The Bad: I didn't register for an account - mistake. The status updates I got included a URL for the detailed invoice, but this link didn't work - it just redirected to the login page. Registering an account and logging in still didn't allow the link to work. Though, I *did* get status updates when my order was being packed, and when it had shipped. Inventory management also appears to be a minus, though at least the status is communicated. Other: MOQ is 10, at 75c each plus $4 first class shipping came out to a grand total of $11.50 for 10 magnets, or $2.30 a pair. Considering the only other option I've seen for magnets of the right quality come to $8 a pair, if you want or need more than 1 pair (spares, multiple nemises, sharing with friends) and maybe have the patience for the inventory issues, then this is a great option. 10/10 for product and packaging, 8/10 for communication and delivery = 9/10 overall. TL;DR: Great magnets at a great price, but some rough spots in the service department. Solid option if you want or need more than a pair of magnets.
Got a new Nemesis clone recently. Searching for an alternate source of switch magnets (Fasttech's seem to be kinda bad, FDV seems overpriced), and ran across [these magnets]( Unfortunately, they are out of stock right now until the first week of August. Fiortunately for me, I got my order in before they did. The good: These are the perfect magnet for this application. These N50 magnets are sufficiently strong to support my Nemesis clone in 18650 mode with a full KFL+. They are nickel plated for durability. Packaging was great - the magnets came stacked with plastic spacers inbetween, in a small baggie, wrapped in foam in a bubble mailer. Arrived in perfect condition. Shipping was fast - I ordered Sunday night, and they were shipped by EOD Monday. The Bad: I didn't register for an account - mistake. The status updates I got included a URL for the detailed invoice, but this link didn't work - it just redirected to the login page. Registering an account and logging in still didn't allow the link to work. Though, I did get status updates when my order was being packed, and when it had shipped. Inventory management also appears to be a minus, though at least the status is communicated. Other: MOQ is 10, at 75c each plus $4 first class shipping came out to a grand total of $11.50 for 10 magnets, or $2.30 a pair. Considering the only other option I've seen for magnets of the right quality come to $8 a pair, if you want or need more than 1 pair (spares, multiple nemises, sharing with friends) and maybe have the patience for the inventory issues, then this is a great option. 10/10 for product and packaging, 8/10 for communication and delivery = 9/10 overall. TL;DR: Great magnets at a great price, but some rough spots in the service department. Solid option if you want or need more than a pair of magnets.
Got a new Nemesis clone recently. Searching for an alternate source of switch magnets (Fasttech's seem to be kinda bad, FDV seems overpriced), and ran across [these magnets]( Unfortunately, they are out of stock right now until the first week of August. Fiortunately for me, I got my order in before they did. The good: These are the perfect magnet for this application. These N50 magnets are sufficiently strong to support my Nemesis clone in 18650 mode with a full KFL+. They are nickel plated for durability. Packaging was great - the magnets came stacked with plastic spacers inbetween, in a small baggie, wrapped in foam in a bubble mailer. Arrived in perfect condition. Shipping was fast - I ordered Sunday night, and they were shipped by EOD Monday. The Bad: I didn't register for an account - mistake. The status updates I got included a URL for the detailed invoice, but this link didn't work - it just redirected to the login page. Registering an account and logging in still didn't allow the link to work. Though, I did get status updates when my order was being packed, and when it had shipped. Inventory management also appears to be a minus, though at least the status is communicated. Other: MOQ is 10, at 75c each plus $4 first class shipping came out to a grand total of $11.50 for 10 magnets, or $2.30 a pair. Considering the only other option I've seen for magnets of the right quality come to $8 a pair, if you want or need more than 1 pair (spares, multiple nemises, sharing with friends) and maybe have the patience for the inventory issues, then this is a great option. 10/10 for product and packaging, 8/10 for communication and delivery = 9/10 overall.
Great magnets at a great price, but some rough spots in the service department. Solid option if you want or need more than a pair of magnets.
In college, we had a prank-off in the dorms. The freshmen pranked us to start off, and we we pranked back, and so forth. It started to die down towards the end of the semester, so we decided to do one last prank, but this one would be devious. This one would be quiet, no one would be told we did it, and it was just 3 of us this time. There was this one freshman who never cleaned his room. He was an athlete so his room started smelling like sweaty gym clothes... because it was filled with sweaty gym clothes. Imagine that. We told him to clean his shit, it was stinking the hall up. He wouldn't listen. So here is what we did. One look out, one placer, one spotter, and all we needed was a ladder and some sardines. We opened up the ceiling that had those drop tiles, and placed an opened container of sardines in the ceiling. It stunk something horrible. After a couple days, the guy couldn't handle the smell, and we were just like "Well, that's what you get for not cleaning your fucking room. Why don't you clean it?" He cleaned his room, and cleaned it, and cleaned it, and cleaned it again. It wouldn't get rid of this rank fish smell. It was awful. And it really fucked with his ability to bring girls home, etc. We never told anyone it was us, and actually removed the mummified remains about a year later when we randomly remembered it was there. TLDR: Had a prank off with freshmen in the dorms. Kid wouldn't clean his stinky ass room, we put sardines in his ceiling. He cleaned his room but couldn't get rid of the smell. He was the fish king for the year.
In college, we had a prank-off in the dorms. The freshmen pranked us to start off, and we we pranked back, and so forth. It started to die down towards the end of the semester, so we decided to do one last prank, but this one would be devious. This one would be quiet, no one would be told we did it, and it was just 3 of us this time. There was this one freshman who never cleaned his room. He was an athlete so his room started smelling like sweaty gym clothes... because it was filled with sweaty gym clothes. Imagine that. We told him to clean his shit, it was stinking the hall up. He wouldn't listen. So here is what we did. One look out, one placer, one spotter, and all we needed was a ladder and some sardines. We opened up the ceiling that had those drop tiles, and placed an opened container of sardines in the ceiling. It stunk something horrible. After a couple days, the guy couldn't handle the smell, and we were just like "Well, that's what you get for not cleaning your fucking room. Why don't you clean it?" He cleaned his room, and cleaned it, and cleaned it, and cleaned it again. It wouldn't get rid of this rank fish smell. It was awful. And it really fucked with his ability to bring girls home, etc. We never told anyone it was us, and actually removed the mummified remains about a year later when we randomly remembered it was there. TLDR: Had a prank off with freshmen in the dorms. Kid wouldn't clean his stinky ass room, we put sardines in his ceiling. He cleaned his room but couldn't get rid of the smell. He was the fish king for the year.
In college, we had a prank-off in the dorms. The freshmen pranked us to start off, and we we pranked back, and so forth. It started to die down towards the end of the semester, so we decided to do one last prank, but this one would be devious. This one would be quiet, no one would be told we did it, and it was just 3 of us this time. There was this one freshman who never cleaned his room. He was an athlete so his room started smelling like sweaty gym clothes... because it was filled with sweaty gym clothes. Imagine that. We told him to clean his shit, it was stinking the hall up. He wouldn't listen. So here is what we did. One look out, one placer, one spotter, and all we needed was a ladder and some sardines. We opened up the ceiling that had those drop tiles, and placed an opened container of sardines in the ceiling. It stunk something horrible. After a couple days, the guy couldn't handle the smell, and we were just like "Well, that's what you get for not cleaning your fucking room. Why don't you clean it?" He cleaned his room, and cleaned it, and cleaned it, and cleaned it again. It wouldn't get rid of this rank fish smell. It was awful. And it really fucked with his ability to bring girls home, etc. We never told anyone it was us, and actually removed the mummified remains about a year later when we randomly remembered it was there.
Had a prank off with freshmen in the dorms. Kid wouldn't clean his stinky ass room, we put sardines in his ceiling. He cleaned his room but couldn't get rid of the smell. He was the fish king for the year.
Motherboard wise, it's become a fine selection. There are solid boards for all price ranges at all form factors most mainstream consumers want. Sure, maybe you could say that we don't have enough EATX boards, but really how many of those are you expecting... ever? As for the family itself? It has as many problems as any other generation. The biggest of which is the shoddy non-soldered lidding solution that intel opted for. For most consumers though, they're never really going to see a need to delid, or any real problem with keeping that lid on, especially with case support being so good for massive air tower or all-in-one liquids. TL;DR: Now that motherboard choice is there, it's kinda whatever. You might be able to save some money going with Ivy Bridge, but you'll get a little less performance. Whatever.
Motherboard wise, it's become a fine selection. There are solid boards for all price ranges at all form factors most mainstream consumers want. Sure, maybe you could say that we don't have enough EATX boards, but really how many of those are you expecting... ever? As for the family itself? It has as many problems as any other generation. The biggest of which is the shoddy non-soldered lidding solution that intel opted for. For most consumers though, they're never really going to see a need to delid, or any real problem with keeping that lid on, especially with case support being so good for massive air tower or all-in-one liquids. TL;DR: Now that motherboard choice is there, it's kinda whatever. You might be able to save some money going with Ivy Bridge, but you'll get a little less performance. Whatever.
Motherboard wise, it's become a fine selection. There are solid boards for all price ranges at all form factors most mainstream consumers want. Sure, maybe you could say that we don't have enough EATX boards, but really how many of those are you expecting... ever? As for the family itself? It has as many problems as any other generation. The biggest of which is the shoddy non-soldered lidding solution that intel opted for. For most consumers though, they're never really going to see a need to delid, or any real problem with keeping that lid on, especially with case support being so good for massive air tower or all-in-one liquids.
Now that motherboard choice is there, it's kinda whatever. You might be able to save some money going with Ivy Bridge, but you'll get a little less performance. Whatever.
Background: I've been with my GF for about 8 years. High school sweethearts yada yada etc. It hasn't been perfect and we've been through an awful lot together, which is why I do firmly believe that we can work our way through this DB. I know a lot of the advice here can tend towards immediately "You're incompatible, break up", but she's my best friend and the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I don't want to break up, although things have gotten to the stage where it is on the table, if only as an (unspoken) last resort. In the beginning, as with nearly everyone here, sex was great, she had the higher drive, but things have been going downhill for about 3-4 years now. Sexual intimacy is about once a month, if I'm lucky, and actual intercourse is very rare (it's been more than a year). There are reasons for this which I accept and we're working on them: -We've been long distance (different countries) for about half of the past 3 years due to our careers. Even now, we live apart (2 hours away) and only see each other maybe 3 nights a week. -She's been dealing with depression and I have been a real dick in a lot of (non-sexual) aspects of our relationship -She is very tight and I am quite thick, which makes penetrative sex painful for her (as well as very short for me), so it's not something that happens very often. One of the biggest things that has bothered me about our situation, and it took stumbling across these boards for me to realise it, is that there is absolutely no intimacy in our sex life. Even when it does happen, it's me lying back and getting a hj/bj or her lying back and getting eaten out. Any attempts at kissing/making out/touching are short and limited to the first few minutes and her aim always just seems to be for either me or her to cum quickly to get it over with. So I had the talk. I told her how much it was upsetting me and how it wasn't just a physical thing, that I didn't even care if I came, but that I wanted more intimacy. She told me that she felt the opposite, she saw sex as just a physical release and the she had no problem going so long without it because she had less drive. She assumed that random hand jobs would fix the problem. This made me really upset to be honest. (I think when I asked if she didn't even feel anything when she kissed me and she said no was probably the most I've ever been hurt emotionally.) But, she said that she would try to understand and to have more physical intimacy. It's been very slow, but I can see the effort she's making and I really appreciate it and love her for it. So here's the problem (sorry for taking so long to get there, I think part of me wanted to vent too); This week, we only had one night to see each other, last Friday, since I was away visiting family all week and she's away on a girl's weekend at the moment. But when I arrived on Friday, despite calls and texts all week about how much she missed me, there was no hugs, no kisses nothing except when I asked. She had had a rough week in work, so I sympathised, listened and grinned and bore it when she wasn't in a very good mood. I certainly wasn't expecting any sexy time. Later, while we were in bed, she had her phone out while I was talking to her and while we were cuddling (which really annoys me). So anyway, after ignoring a question I asked her because she was busy with her phone, I just turned on the tv. Everything was fine, I just let it go. And then, about an hour later, she put down her phone and started being affectionate. Proper cuddling, kissing my next etc. Again, nothing that was very big but stuff I knew was a conscious effort by her, an effort to give me what I had been asking for. And instead of being happy and excited I felt the opposite. I felt horrible and hurt and sad. And I have no idea why. She is an amazing girl and she's trying, even after she had a bad day at work. Why did I feel so horrible and hurt? Any ideas? Even if not, thanks for reading, for giving me space to vent and for making me feel less alone in the past few months. TL;DR: DB for the past few years. Both working on making it better. After a frosty evening when she was in a bad mood and ignoring me, GF tried to be affectionate and made a real effort in what I'd been asking. I felt confused and sad and upset. Why?
Background: I've been with my GF for about 8 years. High school sweethearts yada yada etc. It hasn't been perfect and we've been through an awful lot together, which is why I do firmly believe that we can work our way through this DB. I know a lot of the advice here can tend towards immediately "You're incompatible, break up", but she's my best friend and the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I don't want to break up, although things have gotten to the stage where it is on the table, if only as an (unspoken) last resort. In the beginning, as with nearly everyone here, sex was great, she had the higher drive, but things have been going downhill for about 3-4 years now. Sexual intimacy is about once a month, if I'm lucky, and actual intercourse is very rare (it's been more than a year). There are reasons for this which I accept and we're working on them: -We've been long distance (different countries) for about half of the past 3 years due to our careers. Even now, we live apart (2 hours away) and only see each other maybe 3 nights a week. -She's been dealing with depression and I have been a real dick in a lot of (non-sexual) aspects of our relationship -She is very tight and I am quite thick, which makes penetrative sex painful for her (as well as very short for me), so it's not something that happens very often. One of the biggest things that has bothered me about our situation, and it took stumbling across these boards for me to realise it, is that there is absolutely no intimacy in our sex life. Even when it does happen, it's me lying back and getting a hj/bj or her lying back and getting eaten out. Any attempts at kissing/making out/touching are short and limited to the first few minutes and her aim always just seems to be for either me or her to cum quickly to get it over with. So I had the talk. I told her how much it was upsetting me and how it wasn't just a physical thing, that I didn't even care if I came, but that I wanted more intimacy. She told me that she felt the opposite, she saw sex as just a physical release and the she had no problem going so long without it because she had less drive. She assumed that random hand jobs would fix the problem. This made me really upset to be honest. (I think when I asked if she didn't even feel anything when she kissed me and she said no was probably the most I've ever been hurt emotionally.) But, she said that she would try to understand and to have more physical intimacy. It's been very slow, but I can see the effort she's making and I really appreciate it and love her for it. So here's the problem (sorry for taking so long to get there, I think part of me wanted to vent too); This week, we only had one night to see each other, last Friday, since I was away visiting family all week and she's away on a girl's weekend at the moment. But when I arrived on Friday, despite calls and texts all week about how much she missed me, there was no hugs, no kisses nothing except when I asked. She had had a rough week in work, so I sympathised, listened and grinned and bore it when she wasn't in a very good mood. I certainly wasn't expecting any sexy time. Later, while we were in bed, she had her phone out while I was talking to her and while we were cuddling (which really annoys me). So anyway, after ignoring a question I asked her because she was busy with her phone, I just turned on the tv. Everything was fine, I just let it go. And then, about an hour later, she put down her phone and started being affectionate. Proper cuddling, kissing my next etc. Again, nothing that was very big but stuff I knew was a conscious effort by her, an effort to give me what I had been asking for. And instead of being happy and excited I felt the opposite. I felt horrible and hurt and sad. And I have no idea why. She is an amazing girl and she's trying, even after she had a bad day at work. Why did I feel so horrible and hurt? Any ideas? Even if not, thanks for reading, for giving me space to vent and for making me feel less alone in the past few months. TL;DR: DB for the past few years. Both working on making it better. After a frosty evening when she was in a bad mood and ignoring me, GF tried to be affectionate and made a real effort in what I'd been asking. I felt confused and sad and upset. Why?
Background: I've been with my GF for about 8 years. High school sweethearts yada yada etc. It hasn't been perfect and we've been through an awful lot together, which is why I do firmly believe that we can work our way through this DB. I know a lot of the advice here can tend towards immediately "You're incompatible, break up", but she's my best friend and the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I don't want to break up, although things have gotten to the stage where it is on the table, if only as an (unspoken) last resort. In the beginning, as with nearly everyone here, sex was great, she had the higher drive, but things have been going downhill for about 3-4 years now. Sexual intimacy is about once a month, if I'm lucky, and actual intercourse is very rare (it's been more than a year). There are reasons for this which I accept and we're working on them: -We've been long distance (different countries) for about half of the past 3 years due to our careers. Even now, we live apart (2 hours away) and only see each other maybe 3 nights a week. -She's been dealing with depression and I have been a real dick in a lot of (non-sexual) aspects of our relationship -She is very tight and I am quite thick, which makes penetrative sex painful for her (as well as very short for me), so it's not something that happens very often. One of the biggest things that has bothered me about our situation, and it took stumbling across these boards for me to realise it, is that there is absolutely no intimacy in our sex life. Even when it does happen, it's me lying back and getting a hj/bj or her lying back and getting eaten out. Any attempts at kissing/making out/touching are short and limited to the first few minutes and her aim always just seems to be for either me or her to cum quickly to get it over with. So I had the talk. I told her how much it was upsetting me and how it wasn't just a physical thing, that I didn't even care if I came, but that I wanted more intimacy. She told me that she felt the opposite, she saw sex as just a physical release and the she had no problem going so long without it because she had less drive. She assumed that random hand jobs would fix the problem. This made me really upset to be honest. (I think when I asked if she didn't even feel anything when she kissed me and she said no was probably the most I've ever been hurt emotionally.) But, she said that she would try to understand and to have more physical intimacy. It's been very slow, but I can see the effort she's making and I really appreciate it and love her for it. So here's the problem (sorry for taking so long to get there, I think part of me wanted to vent too); This week, we only had one night to see each other, last Friday, since I was away visiting family all week and she's away on a girl's weekend at the moment. But when I arrived on Friday, despite calls and texts all week about how much she missed me, there was no hugs, no kisses nothing except when I asked. She had had a rough week in work, so I sympathised, listened and grinned and bore it when she wasn't in a very good mood. I certainly wasn't expecting any sexy time. Later, while we were in bed, she had her phone out while I was talking to her and while we were cuddling (which really annoys me). So anyway, after ignoring a question I asked her because she was busy with her phone, I just turned on the tv. Everything was fine, I just let it go. And then, about an hour later, she put down her phone and started being affectionate. Proper cuddling, kissing my next etc. Again, nothing that was very big but stuff I knew was a conscious effort by her, an effort to give me what I had been asking for. And instead of being happy and excited I felt the opposite. I felt horrible and hurt and sad. And I have no idea why. She is an amazing girl and she's trying, even after she had a bad day at work. Why did I feel so horrible and hurt? Any ideas? Even if not, thanks for reading, for giving me space to vent and for making me feel less alone in the past few months.
DB for the past few years. Both working on making it better. After a frosty evening when she was in a bad mood and ignoring me, GF tried to be affectionate and made a real effort in what I'd been asking. I felt confused and sad and upset. Why?
My problem is this: I'm using a projector with my PS3. Which means that the PS3 is against the back wall, in a bookshelf beside my couch, and my speakers (a 5.1 computer speaker set) are against the far wall under the "screen". For years I've used the component cable out of the PS3, to a RCA>stereo adapter, to a 25ft stereo extension cable, to the speakers. Perfectly adequate, but in an apartment, it means cables stretched everywhere, even with decent routing. So, I'm looking for something better. I have no lack of equipment available: tried a USB headset, it only works with chat sending/receiving, not Netflix or Bluray audio or even in-game audio. Bluetooth earpiece, same thing. I'd love to be able to pair an Android phone to the PS3 and have it stream the audio; there are several old phones I could use for that. But it doesn't seem like the PS3 is going to do that natively, and I can't seem to find a device that takes 1/8" stereo input and pushes A2DP audio; most of them take A2DP in from a source like a phone, and push it to the stereo plug. Any input on this, so to speak? Ideally, I'd have something wireless that I could plug into the computer speakers, or bring over to the couch and use regular headphones if it's late. Honestly, I'm ready to just buy a TV, a receiver and some speakers, except that's a lot of money to spend to come out with a much smaller screen in the end (and it seems like it would take a LOT of money to come close to the quality of my old DLP projector). TL;DR: Is there a good way to get audio out of a PS3 to a 1/8" stereo plug, wirelessly?
My problem is this: I'm using a projector with my PS3. Which means that the PS3 is against the back wall, in a bookshelf beside my couch, and my speakers (a 5.1 computer speaker set) are against the far wall under the "screen". For years I've used the component cable out of the PS3, to a RCA>stereo adapter, to a 25ft stereo extension cable, to the speakers. Perfectly adequate, but in an apartment, it means cables stretched everywhere, even with decent routing. So, I'm looking for something better. I have no lack of equipment available: tried a USB headset, it only works with chat sending/receiving, not Netflix or Bluray audio or even in-game audio. Bluetooth earpiece, same thing. I'd love to be able to pair an Android phone to the PS3 and have it stream the audio; there are several old phones I could use for that. But it doesn't seem like the PS3 is going to do that natively, and I can't seem to find a device that takes 1/8" stereo input and pushes A2DP audio; most of them take A2DP in from a source like a phone, and push it to the stereo plug. Any input on this, so to speak? Ideally, I'd have something wireless that I could plug into the computer speakers, or bring over to the couch and use regular headphones if it's late. Honestly, I'm ready to just buy a TV, a receiver and some speakers, except that's a lot of money to spend to come out with a much smaller screen in the end (and it seems like it would take a LOT of money to come close to the quality of my old DLP projector). TL;DR: Is there a good way to get audio out of a PS3 to a 1/8" stereo plug, wirelessly?
My problem is this: I'm using a projector with my PS3. Which means that the PS3 is against the back wall, in a bookshelf beside my couch, and my speakers (a 5.1 computer speaker set) are against the far wall under the "screen". For years I've used the component cable out of the PS3, to a RCA>stereo adapter, to a 25ft stereo extension cable, to the speakers. Perfectly adequate, but in an apartment, it means cables stretched everywhere, even with decent routing. So, I'm looking for something better. I have no lack of equipment available: tried a USB headset, it only works with chat sending/receiving, not Netflix or Bluray audio or even in-game audio. Bluetooth earpiece, same thing. I'd love to be able to pair an Android phone to the PS3 and have it stream the audio; there are several old phones I could use for that. But it doesn't seem like the PS3 is going to do that natively, and I can't seem to find a device that takes 1/8" stereo input and pushes A2DP audio; most of them take A2DP in from a source like a phone, and push it to the stereo plug. Any input on this, so to speak? Ideally, I'd have something wireless that I could plug into the computer speakers, or bring over to the couch and use regular headphones if it's late. Honestly, I'm ready to just buy a TV, a receiver and some speakers, except that's a lot of money to spend to come out with a much smaller screen in the end (and it seems like it would take a LOT of money to come close to the quality of my old DLP projector).
Is there a good way to get audio out of a PS3 to a 1/8" stereo plug, wirelessly?
I was maybe 4 or 5, and we had just moved to a very rural location with no cable, from being right in the suburbs. Suddenly, I had no saturday morning cartoons to watch anymore. So I started watching WWF WRESTLING CHALLENGE which was really just a recap show, and occasionally you'd see Hulk squash some poor fool. Either way, I was hooked. The Bushwhackers were hilarious, the LOD was dangerous and cool, Razor Ramon was so cool, and Hulk was such an over the top hero that I couldn't help but hate him! (I always cheered for the bad guys, because they always lost). I stopped watching for 6 or 7 years, and then one day in high school I heard some kids talking about "Stone Cold Steve Austin" and "The gender-bender, GOLDUST" and I had to check these guys out. Well, that episode of RAW happened to be one of the first appearances of THE BROOD. They were feuding with Austin, and as RAW went off the air, Austin was standing in the ring, covered and in a pool of blood, with THE BROOD laughing from the top of the ramp. I was all the way back in. From there I found WCW, and ECW. Soon I was watching RAW, taping Nitro, Thunder, Smackdown, ECW Hardcore TV (My absolute favorite, it spoke to me. I still have all the tapes, because I refused to tape over any of them) WCW Saturday Night, and Sunday Night Heat. All until Vince started buying everything. I started to discover women and alcohol and lost interest for around 12 years. I heard little rumblings, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, all names I heard, but never checked out. I'd heard they went PG and I was even less interested. But then this year a friend with the network invited me over for Mania. I had the best time, and I was right back where I was in high school. Seeing someone as over as Daniel Bryan brought me back to that undeniable Stone Cold electricity, and before that show was even over I was PVR'ing RAW. Since then, I've had an amazing time catching back up. Discovering ROH and TNA, and spending way too much time /r/SC. TL;DR, Wrestling is everything you'd ever want a sport to be. All you have to sacrifice is reality, and what the fuck is that these days anyway?
I was maybe 4 or 5, and we had just moved to a very rural location with no cable, from being right in the suburbs. Suddenly, I had no saturday morning cartoons to watch anymore. So I started watching WWF WRESTLING CHALLENGE which was really just a recap show, and occasionally you'd see Hulk squash some poor fool. Either way, I was hooked. The Bushwhackers were hilarious, the LOD was dangerous and cool, Razor Ramon was so cool, and Hulk was such an over the top hero that I couldn't help but hate him! (I always cheered for the bad guys, because they always lost). I stopped watching for 6 or 7 years, and then one day in high school I heard some kids talking about "Stone Cold Steve Austin" and "The gender-bender, GOLDUST" and I had to check these guys out. Well, that episode of RAW happened to be one of the first appearances of THE BROOD. They were feuding with Austin, and as RAW went off the air, Austin was standing in the ring, covered and in a pool of blood, with THE BROOD laughing from the top of the ramp. I was all the way back in. From there I found WCW, and ECW. Soon I was watching RAW, taping Nitro, Thunder, Smackdown, ECW Hardcore TV (My absolute favorite, it spoke to me. I still have all the tapes, because I refused to tape over any of them) WCW Saturday Night, and Sunday Night Heat. All until Vince started buying everything. I started to discover women and alcohol and lost interest for around 12 years. I heard little rumblings, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, all names I heard, but never checked out. I'd heard they went PG and I was even less interested. But then this year a friend with the network invited me over for Mania. I had the best time, and I was right back where I was in high school. Seeing someone as over as Daniel Bryan brought me back to that undeniable Stone Cold electricity, and before that show was even over I was PVR'ing RAW. Since then, I've had an amazing time catching back up. Discovering ROH and TNA, and spending way too much time /r/SC. TL;DR, Wrestling is everything you'd ever want a sport to be. All you have to sacrifice is reality, and what the fuck is that these days anyway?
I was maybe 4 or 5, and we had just moved to a very rural location with no cable, from being right in the suburbs. Suddenly, I had no saturday morning cartoons to watch anymore. So I started watching WWF WRESTLING CHALLENGE which was really just a recap show, and occasionally you'd see Hulk squash some poor fool. Either way, I was hooked. The Bushwhackers were hilarious, the LOD was dangerous and cool, Razor Ramon was so cool, and Hulk was such an over the top hero that I couldn't help but hate him! (I always cheered for the bad guys, because they always lost). I stopped watching for 6 or 7 years, and then one day in high school I heard some kids talking about "Stone Cold Steve Austin" and "The gender-bender, GOLDUST" and I had to check these guys out. Well, that episode of RAW happened to be one of the first appearances of THE BROOD. They were feuding with Austin, and as RAW went off the air, Austin was standing in the ring, covered and in a pool of blood, with THE BROOD laughing from the top of the ramp. I was all the way back in. From there I found WCW, and ECW. Soon I was watching RAW, taping Nitro, Thunder, Smackdown, ECW Hardcore TV (My absolute favorite, it spoke to me. I still have all the tapes, because I refused to tape over any of them) WCW Saturday Night, and Sunday Night Heat. All until Vince started buying everything. I started to discover women and alcohol and lost interest for around 12 years. I heard little rumblings, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, all names I heard, but never checked out. I'd heard they went PG and I was even less interested. But then this year a friend with the network invited me over for Mania. I had the best time, and I was right back where I was in high school. Seeing someone as over as Daniel Bryan brought me back to that undeniable Stone Cold electricity, and before that show was even over I was PVR'ing RAW. Since then, I've had an amazing time catching back up. Discovering ROH and TNA, and spending way too much time /r/SC.
Wrestling is everything you'd ever want a sport to be. All you have to sacrifice is reality, and what the fuck is that these days anyway?
SERVER: EUW Hi guys, I'm a platinum 1 adc. I'd like to play with a premade support who is around my elo to improve my teamwork and to reach diamond. I'm not the best adc euw and I don't think I belong to high diamond right now but I think that I can reach the lower diamond. If you're interested add me in game. My IGN is Gidan. ( I mostly play in the afternoon from 17 to 19. I usually play one or two games in the evening too but I'm less focused in the evening. In saturday I usually don't play or I play 1 game. In Sunday I usually play in the morning from 10 to 12 and I can play few games in the afternoon. I prefer to play some normal games with you before playing the ranked ones because I want to know how you play and you can know how I play. Talking about languages: I'm italian and I can speak some english. I can write it as you can see (I mean, it's understandable) but I'm not really good at speaking it (I'm shy too :\ ). I can offer you a ts3 server that I share with some friends with a password. We have 3 private channels so we can stay in one of them without getting disturbed. I think I said everything. Bye! :) tl;dr: looking for a support ~platinum1 elo to reach Diamond. I'm italian and I can speak an understandable english. I prefer playing some normal games before ranked ones. I can offer you some ts3 channels with password. I'm on euw server
SERVER: EUW Hi guys, I'm a platinum 1 adc. I'd like to play with a premade support who is around my elo to improve my teamwork and to reach diamond. I'm not the best adc euw and I don't think I belong to high diamond right now but I think that I can reach the lower diamond. If you're interested add me in game. My IGN is Gidan. ( I mostly play in the afternoon from 17 to 19. I usually play one or two games in the evening too but I'm less focused in the evening. In saturday I usually don't play or I play 1 game. In Sunday I usually play in the morning from 10 to 12 and I can play few games in the afternoon. I prefer to play some normal games with you before playing the ranked ones because I want to know how you play and you can know how I play. Talking about languages: I'm italian and I can speak some english. I can write it as you can see (I mean, it's understandable) but I'm not really good at speaking it (I'm shy too :\ ). I can offer you a ts3 server that I share with some friends with a password. We have 3 private channels so we can stay in one of them without getting disturbed. I think I said everything. Bye! :) tl;dr: looking for a support ~platinum1 elo to reach Diamond. I'm italian and I can speak an understandable english. I prefer playing some normal games before ranked ones. I can offer you some ts3 channels with password. I'm on euw server
SERVER: EUW Hi guys, I'm a platinum 1 adc. I'd like to play with a premade support who is around my elo to improve my teamwork and to reach diamond. I'm not the best adc euw and I don't think I belong to high diamond right now but I think that I can reach the lower diamond. If you're interested add me in game. My IGN is Gidan. ( I mostly play in the afternoon from 17 to 19. I usually play one or two games in the evening too but I'm less focused in the evening. In saturday I usually don't play or I play 1 game. In Sunday I usually play in the morning from 10 to 12 and I can play few games in the afternoon. I prefer to play some normal games with you before playing the ranked ones because I want to know how you play and you can know how I play. Talking about languages: I'm italian and I can speak some english. I can write it as you can see (I mean, it's understandable) but I'm not really good at speaking it (I'm shy too :\ ). I can offer you a ts3 server that I share with some friends with a password. We have 3 private channels so we can stay in one of them without getting disturbed. I think I said everything. Bye! :)
looking for a support ~platinum1 elo to reach Diamond. I'm italian and I can speak an understandable english. I prefer playing some normal games before ranked ones. I can offer you some ts3 channels with password. I'm on euw server
Just watched Dan's video on Gamification and wanted to open a more in depth discussion on the act of adding value to tasks, specifically value that is not physically represented. To tie in with the concept of gamification: achievements/trophies have been an integral part of some gamers in the last decade, and we have seen the extent to which this has both cheapened (doing something monotonous just to get an achievement) and enhanced (feeling proud to have collected all achievements for your game) the gaming experience. This collection of imaginary awards has undoubtedly changed the act of gaming both positively and negatively, but one thing I think we can agree on is that it has produced much more engagement. If we can increase engagement by adding value, even if that value isn't something tangible, is there a reason to not apply these concepts to work/education etc? Even if we consider gamification as a marketing ploy, a form manipulation, or even a placebo effect, can it have a positive effect in people/situations where engagement is low? TL;DR - What are the drawbacks/advantages to adding intangible value (i.e. achievements) to tasks in work/education etc?
Just watched Dan's video on Gamification and wanted to open a more in depth discussion on the act of adding value to tasks, specifically value that is not physically represented. To tie in with the concept of gamification: achievements/trophies have been an integral part of some gamers in the last decade, and we have seen the extent to which this has both cheapened (doing something monotonous just to get an achievement) and enhanced (feeling proud to have collected all achievements for your game) the gaming experience. This collection of imaginary awards has undoubtedly changed the act of gaming both positively and negatively, but one thing I think we can agree on is that it has produced much more engagement. If we can increase engagement by adding value, even if that value isn't something tangible, is there a reason to not apply these concepts to work/education etc? Even if we consider gamification as a marketing ploy, a form manipulation, or even a placebo effect, can it have a positive effect in people/situations where engagement is low? TL;DR - What are the drawbacks/advantages to adding intangible value (i.e. achievements) to tasks in work/education etc?
Just watched Dan's video on Gamification and wanted to open a more in depth discussion on the act of adding value to tasks, specifically value that is not physically represented. To tie in with the concept of gamification: achievements/trophies have been an integral part of some gamers in the last decade, and we have seen the extent to which this has both cheapened (doing something monotonous just to get an achievement) and enhanced (feeling proud to have collected all achievements for your game) the gaming experience. This collection of imaginary awards has undoubtedly changed the act of gaming both positively and negatively, but one thing I think we can agree on is that it has produced much more engagement. If we can increase engagement by adding value, even if that value isn't something tangible, is there a reason to not apply these concepts to work/education etc? Even if we consider gamification as a marketing ploy, a form manipulation, or even a placebo effect, can it have a positive effect in people/situations where engagement is low?
What are the drawbacks/advantages to adding intangible value (i.e. achievements) to tasks in work/education etc?
Hello, first I want to start of with that I’m not an expert in marketing or any other field that might be related but I just want to share an idea I’ve been thinking about how we can spread dogecoins to more users and companies. I’ve checked around and took a look into Zynga which is a game company that you all probably know about which earned over $1 billion in revenue 2011 on games which used microtransactions and they also reached out to a lot of people because if you’ve used facebook you will probably know about about one or two of Zyngas games. This is of course just one of many gaming companies and Zynga is far from the biggest but I took them as an example because their use of microtransaction. So with this information and the fact that the gaming industry is huge and increases all the time I suggest that we head towards the gaming industry with dogecoins. We should try to get as many gaming companies as we can to accept dogecoins. Of course before we do this we NEED a way to convert dogecoins to regular dollars without much problem. But really if we could swoop the gaming industry and get companies to accept doge payments then I think that it would spread like fire. Dogecoin is as far as we know a tiping currency and that’s why I think it’s great for gaming. What would you say if you could in the future tip the support you’re playing with because of a job well done and then your support got enough dogecoins to buy some in-game item or even a pizza to himself? Of course this is not without problem, first we would need to get a way to tip in-game and second we would have to encourage people to not just hoard all the tip they get. But this is in the future and the first step would just be to get people to buy games for dogecoins. How can we spread the word to game companies? Well we’re a big community that’s growing and we have signed petitions that got over thousand responses. See reddit gold for dogecoins for example. What if we chose a company like once a week (might be more often) which we all wrote to and asked for them to accept dogecoins? If enough people would send to them together they would have to acknowledge the coin. Bigger companies might be hard to reach at the beginning so maybe we should try aiming for popular indie game makers first and even humble bundle. We should use our strength to our advantage (our community) to try make changes and spread dogecoins. [We already got one game developer to accept dogecoins: vox.] ( wow! such amaze! What if in the future dogecoins was the cryptocurrency to tip other players. The currency to buy in-game items or steam games? Of course this is just one part we can do, I don’t say that we should limit ourself to the gaming industry I just think that it’s one of the places we got a huge chance to spread in and get more known in. Dogecoins feature of being a community coin and fun to use should work well with the games which is just that, fun! **Again this shouldn’t be the only way we spread, just a part of it. Social media is huge and it’s thanks to social media that we’ve grown as much as we have.** We should spread like we’re doing right now but we should also not be afraid to look into other places. I’m sorry if it’s a bad idea if you don’t like it just downvote my post or write some suggestion! I’m also probably not alone with this idea but I wanted to voice the opinion and see what everyone feels about it. What would you think of me or somebody else making events where we write to a specific developer and ask them to accept dogecoins? Thanks for taking your time reading and TO THE MOOOON!! :) Tl;dr: we should spread through the game industry starting with getting indie game developers on-board.
Hello, first I want to start of with that I’m not an expert in marketing or any other field that might be related but I just want to share an idea I’ve been thinking about how we can spread dogecoins to more users and companies. I’ve checked around and took a look into Zynga which is a game company that you all probably know about which earned over $1 billion in revenue 2011 on games which used microtransactions and they also reached out to a lot of people because if you’ve used facebook you will probably know about about one or two of Zyngas games. This is of course just one of many gaming companies and Zynga is far from the biggest but I took them as an example because their use of microtransaction. So with this information and the fact that the gaming industry is huge and increases all the time I suggest that we head towards the gaming industry with dogecoins. We should try to get as many gaming companies as we can to accept dogecoins. Of course before we do this we NEED a way to convert dogecoins to regular dollars without much problem. But really if we could swoop the gaming industry and get companies to accept doge payments then I think that it would spread like fire. Dogecoin is as far as we know a tiping currency and that’s why I think it’s great for gaming. What would you say if you could in the future tip the support you’re playing with because of a job well done and then your support got enough dogecoins to buy some in-game item or even a pizza to himself? Of course this is not without problem, first we would need to get a way to tip in-game and second we would have to encourage people to not just hoard all the tip they get. But this is in the future and the first step would just be to get people to buy games for dogecoins. How can we spread the word to game companies? Well we’re a big community that’s growing and we have signed petitions that got over thousand responses. See reddit gold for dogecoins for example. What if we chose a company like once a week (might be more often) which we all wrote to and asked for them to accept dogecoins? If enough people would send to them together they would have to acknowledge the coin. Bigger companies might be hard to reach at the beginning so maybe we should try aiming for popular indie game makers first and even humble bundle. We should use our strength to our advantage (our community) to try make changes and spread dogecoins. [We already got one game developer to accept dogecoins: vox.] ( wow! such amaze! What if in the future dogecoins was the cryptocurrency to tip other players. The currency to buy in-game items or steam games? Of course this is just one part we can do, I don’t say that we should limit ourself to the gaming industry I just think that it’s one of the places we got a huge chance to spread in and get more known in. Dogecoins feature of being a community coin and fun to use should work well with the games which is just that, fun! Again this shouldn’t be the only way we spread, just a part of it. Social media is huge and it’s thanks to social media that we’ve grown as much as we have. We should spread like we’re doing right now but we should also not be afraid to look into other places. I’m sorry if it’s a bad idea if you don’t like it just downvote my post or write some suggestion! I’m also probably not alone with this idea but I wanted to voice the opinion and see what everyone feels about it. What would you think of me or somebody else making events where we write to a specific developer and ask them to accept dogecoins? Thanks for taking your time reading and TO THE MOOOON!! :) Tl;dr: we should spread through the game industry starting with getting indie game developers on-board.
Hello, first I want to start of with that I’m not an expert in marketing or any other field that might be related but I just want to share an idea I’ve been thinking about how we can spread dogecoins to more users and companies. I’ve checked around and took a look into Zynga which is a game company that you all probably know about which earned over $1 billion in revenue 2011 on games which used microtransactions and they also reached out to a lot of people because if you’ve used facebook you will probably know about about one or two of Zyngas games. This is of course just one of many gaming companies and Zynga is far from the biggest but I took them as an example because their use of microtransaction. So with this information and the fact that the gaming industry is huge and increases all the time I suggest that we head towards the gaming industry with dogecoins. We should try to get as many gaming companies as we can to accept dogecoins. Of course before we do this we NEED a way to convert dogecoins to regular dollars without much problem. But really if we could swoop the gaming industry and get companies to accept doge payments then I think that it would spread like fire. Dogecoin is as far as we know a tiping currency and that’s why I think it’s great for gaming. What would you say if you could in the future tip the support you’re playing with because of a job well done and then your support got enough dogecoins to buy some in-game item or even a pizza to himself? Of course this is not without problem, first we would need to get a way to tip in-game and second we would have to encourage people to not just hoard all the tip they get. But this is in the future and the first step would just be to get people to buy games for dogecoins. How can we spread the word to game companies? Well we’re a big community that’s growing and we have signed petitions that got over thousand responses. See reddit gold for dogecoins for example. What if we chose a company like once a week (might be more often) which we all wrote to and asked for them to accept dogecoins? If enough people would send to them together they would have to acknowledge the coin. Bigger companies might be hard to reach at the beginning so maybe we should try aiming for popular indie game makers first and even humble bundle. We should use our strength to our advantage (our community) to try make changes and spread dogecoins. [We already got one game developer to accept dogecoins: vox.] ( wow! such amaze! What if in the future dogecoins was the cryptocurrency to tip other players. The currency to buy in-game items or steam games? Of course this is just one part we can do, I don’t say that we should limit ourself to the gaming industry I just think that it’s one of the places we got a huge chance to spread in and get more known in. Dogecoins feature of being a community coin and fun to use should work well with the games which is just that, fun! Again this shouldn’t be the only way we spread, just a part of it. Social media is huge and it’s thanks to social media that we’ve grown as much as we have. We should spread like we’re doing right now but we should also not be afraid to look into other places. I’m sorry if it’s a bad idea if you don’t like it just downvote my post or write some suggestion! I’m also probably not alone with this idea but I wanted to voice the opinion and see what everyone feels about it. What would you think of me or somebody else making events where we write to a specific developer and ask them to accept dogecoins? Thanks for taking your time reading and TO THE MOOOON!! :)
we should spread through the game industry starting with getting indie game developers on-board.
Hi evryone this question is more for the high grade high schoolers/ college kids and im looking for advice. Im a junior in highschool and have made honors 2 years in a row. Im not a total nerd i socialize alot but like most of you, enjoy free time on the rift. However im having issues with balancing the two, so i thought coming to reddit would help me. I study the night before my tests and only finish 1 set of hwork (physics). I think league and school is important of course most people like me want to be a lcs pro but for a gold 2 player i got along way to go. Anyway how do you balance the two I dont study as often as i usually do and cram. I have a passion for the game so mucb and often find myself getting sidetracked. If there is any kind advice someone can give me that would be great. Tldr: need help balancing school and league affecting grades.
Hi evryone this question is more for the high grade high schoolers/ college kids and im looking for advice. Im a junior in highschool and have made honors 2 years in a row. Im not a total nerd i socialize alot but like most of you, enjoy free time on the rift. However im having issues with balancing the two, so i thought coming to reddit would help me. I study the night before my tests and only finish 1 set of hwork (physics). I think league and school is important of course most people like me want to be a lcs pro but for a gold 2 player i got along way to go. Anyway how do you balance the two I dont study as often as i usually do and cram. I have a passion for the game so mucb and often find myself getting sidetracked. If there is any kind advice someone can give me that would be great. Tldr: need help balancing school and league affecting grades.
Hi evryone this question is more for the high grade high schoolers/ college kids and im looking for advice. Im a junior in highschool and have made honors 2 years in a row. Im not a total nerd i socialize alot but like most of you, enjoy free time on the rift. However im having issues with balancing the two, so i thought coming to reddit would help me. I study the night before my tests and only finish 1 set of hwork (physics). I think league and school is important of course most people like me want to be a lcs pro but for a gold 2 player i got along way to go. Anyway how do you balance the two I dont study as often as i usually do and cram. I have a passion for the game so mucb and often find myself getting sidetracked. If there is any kind advice someone can give me that would be great.
need help balancing school and league affecting grades.
I work in a cafe/ coffee and tea junk store, where you are able to buy pots, mugs, beans and tea, as well as the usual cafe stuff. The other day, workin' as usual, makin' coffee, sellin' cake, yadda yadda yadda. A group of mums come in with their children, rangin' from tiny little few week olds to terrible 2 and 3 year olds. The mums get a coffee each, and one of the mums gets a pop top for her 2-3 year old. They sit at there couches, drinkin', chattin', there kids gigglin' quietly. They were there for 3 hours, and every 20min, the kids would get louder. By the 2 hour mark, the kids were SCREAMING. And they were giggly screams, not I'm cranky screams. The mums were laughin' at the kids, sayin' they were so cute, all the usual bullshit. Now, the shop is by no means empty, there is a lovely lady, a regular, sittin' at a table, right next to these people, she stays for a few hours and does crosswords, she had gotten there well before the mothers group. She had to put up with this right in her ear, not that movin' to another table would've done anything, the shop is too small, the group too loud. Another few regulars are in too. They were not pleased. I was lookin' at my boss, givin' him heavy hints to the fact these people need to shut the hell up. You need to tell them. But no, he did nothin'. Finally they left. What did they leave behind? The kid with the pop top mustn't of drunk much, most of it was on the floor, mixed in with what looked like half of the biscuit aisle of a grocery store, the biscuit pressed into the couch fabric, mushed in the juice of the pop top, and the chairs and couches completely out of order and messy. The display of tea and coffee behind them fallen over, some on the ground behind the couch too. They didn't even buy the biscuits from us. They brought them. We tend to frown upon bringing your own food to our shop, theres some great food for you to buy here. Buy it. We didn't see the destruction until they left, a strategic position of prams, chairs and mothers hid the horror they had created I ended up spendin' half an hour sweepin' up biscuit, moppin' up juice, scrubbin mush and biscuit from the couches, an re-settin' the display. Our regulars were shocked at what these mothers and there kids had done. It was incredible they would let there kids scream, leave a mess, and then just walk out, smilin' and sayin' thank you. I will never let my kids do this. Ever. TL;DR: food + kids + not carin' mothers = mess for me to clean. edit; there was wild ranging i had to wrangle.
I work in a cafe/ coffee and tea junk store, where you are able to buy pots, mugs, beans and tea, as well as the usual cafe stuff. The other day, workin' as usual, makin' coffee, sellin' cake, yadda yadda yadda. A group of mums come in with their children, rangin' from tiny little few week olds to terrible 2 and 3 year olds. The mums get a coffee each, and one of the mums gets a pop top for her 2-3 year old. They sit at there couches, drinkin', chattin', there kids gigglin' quietly. They were there for 3 hours, and every 20min, the kids would get louder. By the 2 hour mark, the kids were SCREAMING. And they were giggly screams, not I'm cranky screams. The mums were laughin' at the kids, sayin' they were so cute, all the usual bullshit. Now, the shop is by no means empty, there is a lovely lady, a regular, sittin' at a table, right next to these people, she stays for a few hours and does crosswords, she had gotten there well before the mothers group. She had to put up with this right in her ear, not that movin' to another table would've done anything, the shop is too small, the group too loud. Another few regulars are in too. They were not pleased. I was lookin' at my boss, givin' him heavy hints to the fact these people need to shut the hell up. You need to tell them. But no, he did nothin'. Finally they left. What did they leave behind? The kid with the pop top mustn't of drunk much, most of it was on the floor, mixed in with what looked like half of the biscuit aisle of a grocery store, the biscuit pressed into the couch fabric, mushed in the juice of the pop top, and the chairs and couches completely out of order and messy. The display of tea and coffee behind them fallen over, some on the ground behind the couch too. They didn't even buy the biscuits from us. They brought them. We tend to frown upon bringing your own food to our shop, theres some great food for you to buy here. Buy it. We didn't see the destruction until they left, a strategic position of prams, chairs and mothers hid the horror they had created I ended up spendin' half an hour sweepin' up biscuit, moppin' up juice, scrubbin mush and biscuit from the couches, an re-settin' the display. Our regulars were shocked at what these mothers and there kids had done. It was incredible they would let there kids scream, leave a mess, and then just walk out, smilin' and sayin' thank you. I will never let my kids do this. Ever. TL;DR: food + kids + not carin' mothers = mess for me to clean. edit; there was wild ranging i had to wrangle.
I work in a cafe/ coffee and tea junk store, where you are able to buy pots, mugs, beans and tea, as well as the usual cafe stuff. The other day, workin' as usual, makin' coffee, sellin' cake, yadda yadda yadda. A group of mums come in with their children, rangin' from tiny little few week olds to terrible 2 and 3 year olds. The mums get a coffee each, and one of the mums gets a pop top for her 2-3 year old. They sit at there couches, drinkin', chattin', there kids gigglin' quietly. They were there for 3 hours, and every 20min, the kids would get louder. By the 2 hour mark, the kids were SCREAMING. And they were giggly screams, not I'm cranky screams. The mums were laughin' at the kids, sayin' they were so cute, all the usual bullshit. Now, the shop is by no means empty, there is a lovely lady, a regular, sittin' at a table, right next to these people, she stays for a few hours and does crosswords, she had gotten there well before the mothers group. She had to put up with this right in her ear, not that movin' to another table would've done anything, the shop is too small, the group too loud. Another few regulars are in too. They were not pleased. I was lookin' at my boss, givin' him heavy hints to the fact these people need to shut the hell up. You need to tell them. But no, he did nothin'. Finally they left. What did they leave behind? The kid with the pop top mustn't of drunk much, most of it was on the floor, mixed in with what looked like half of the biscuit aisle of a grocery store, the biscuit pressed into the couch fabric, mushed in the juice of the pop top, and the chairs and couches completely out of order and messy. The display of tea and coffee behind them fallen over, some on the ground behind the couch too. They didn't even buy the biscuits from us. They brought them. We tend to frown upon bringing your own food to our shop, theres some great food for you to buy here. Buy it. We didn't see the destruction until they left, a strategic position of prams, chairs and mothers hid the horror they had created I ended up spendin' half an hour sweepin' up biscuit, moppin' up juice, scrubbin mush and biscuit from the couches, an re-settin' the display. Our regulars were shocked at what these mothers and there kids had done. It was incredible they would let there kids scream, leave a mess, and then just walk out, smilin' and sayin' thank you. I will never let my kids do this. Ever.
food + kids + not carin' mothers = mess for me to clean. edit; there was wild ranging i had to wrangle.
Hello fellow Redditors, This summer, a few friends of mine and I created smartbabble, which, like reddit, is a forum. Yet it has certain advantages that reddit cannot offer. On the website we provide AP, SAT, and ACT resources, sorted and displayed in an easy-to-find manner. At the same time, we also have a beautiful and smooth user interface that makes getting places quick and easy. And, if you sign up, you can contribute by adding resources and asking and answering questions about anything and everything College Board and ACT. We hope that you will check us out at: Sincerely, Jon of smartbabble TL;DR — Check out [smartbabble]( for AP, SAT, and ACT resources.
Hello fellow Redditors, This summer, a few friends of mine and I created smartbabble, which, like reddit, is a forum. Yet it has certain advantages that reddit cannot offer. On the website we provide AP, SAT, and ACT resources, sorted and displayed in an easy-to-find manner. At the same time, we also have a beautiful and smooth user interface that makes getting places quick and easy. And, if you sign up, you can contribute by adding resources and asking and answering questions about anything and everything College Board and ACT. We hope that you will check us out at: Sincerely, Jon of smartbabble TL;DR — Check out [smartbabble]( for AP, SAT, and ACT resources.
Hello fellow Redditors, This summer, a few friends of mine and I created smartbabble, which, like reddit, is a forum. Yet it has certain advantages that reddit cannot offer. On the website we provide AP, SAT, and ACT resources, sorted and displayed in an easy-to-find manner. At the same time, we also have a beautiful and smooth user interface that makes getting places quick and easy. And, if you sign up, you can contribute by adding resources and asking and answering questions about anything and everything College Board and ACT. We hope that you will check us out at: Sincerely, Jon of smartbabble
Check out [smartbabble]( for AP, SAT, and ACT resources.
I was playing with my buddy when we started to queue for another match. Everything was fine until i started the match and got into the game. Pistol round started and the game kicked me out saying my account is untrusted from the VAC servers. Apparently its from my "third party program" CCleaner, but im pissed because i received a 7 day ban right when i got back from a long day at work. Heres the error message . TL;DR: computer untrusted, 7 day ban after i came home ready to play.
I was playing with my buddy when we started to queue for another match. Everything was fine until i started the match and got into the game. Pistol round started and the game kicked me out saying my account is untrusted from the VAC servers. Apparently its from my "third party program" CCleaner, but im pissed because i received a 7 day ban right when i got back from a long day at work. Heres the error message . TL;DR: computer untrusted, 7 day ban after i came home ready to play.
I was playing with my buddy when we started to queue for another match. Everything was fine until i started the match and got into the game. Pistol round started and the game kicked me out saying my account is untrusted from the VAC servers. Apparently its from my "third party program" CCleaner, but im pissed because i received a 7 day ban right when i got back from a long day at work. Heres the error message .
computer untrusted, 7 day ban after i came home ready to play.
Not the work definition of “harassed”, but the normal every day definition - bullied incessantly. I work at Walmart and have recently had a lot of problems with a female manager. She has always had a problem with me, often giving me attitude if I misunderstand her, or getting frustrated when I ask for clarification on instructions. Recently, she has been criticizing my work performance nonstop. She says I work too slow, I leave my section too much, I’m rude to customers, and I don’t follow instructions. None of this is true! I work slow because a few months ago, she criticized me for putting items in the wrong place. Ever since then, I’ve tried to be more precise and make sure everything is placed on the shelf correctly. She’s upset at my precision. Now she’s saying I should be worrying about straightening up and disregarding whether or not things are in the right place. I don’t leave my section too much. I only leave if I am helping a customer, trying to find another associate for a specific reason (like needing a key for the ammo), working a register, or doing a task that a manager asked me to. She says I leave so much that they have to continually page me, but they often page me after I was called to a register (and I have to go), I’m in the bathroom, or I’m in another aisle and the manager just missed me. So basically, she says I’m leaving my section too much, but I only leave when I HAVE to leave. She says I’m rude to customers, but I don’t think that’s a fair point. Customers at Walmart often complain about rude employees if the employee doesn’t absolutely bow down to them. Apparently someone complained because I showed them where a price scanner was instead of scanning it for them. Why do I need to hold someone’s hand and walk them 20 feet down the aisle when I could just point it out? That’s not bad customer service. Anyway, people complain for free gift cards too, so not all complaints are valid. Lastly, she says I don’t follow instructions. A few months ago she got onto me for ignoring another manager’s instructions. This weekend, that manager asked me to guard a spill and made me stand there for 45 minutes. I knew I was supposed to listen to her, so I didn’t move. Then the manager who hates me said I should’ve ignored her and gone back to my section. What?! You told me to follow her instructions! She said if she has to speak to me again, I’ll be fired. I’m just so frustrated. I have depression, severe anxiety, OCD, and ADD. Work is already stressful enough when I'm having to fight to be in a good mood and stay focused on the tasks at hand, but having a manager constantly bullying me is putting an incredible amount of stress on me. Not only are her complaints not valid, but there are other associates whose job performance is worse but no one says anything. My coworker listens to his music, talks on his phone, disappears for hours, takes extended breaks, and doesn’t even look at customers when he talks to them, but nobody is threatening his job. All of my coworkers say I am one of the most pleasant, hardworking employees they’ve seen in their 10+ years of working for the company. I know I do a good job, and I know for sure that I do WAY better than most of the associates there. So why am I being singled out for punishment? Why does this manager, who’s never even in my section, feel the need to write me up for my job performance but not anyone else? I can’t afford to lose this job, but I know this manager will find some way to fire me, and my hands are tied. If I go above her head, they’ll check the security footage and fire me for texting on the floor. Everybody does it, even the managers, but it’s technically against policy. They would ignore the fact that EVERYONE DOES IT and use it as an excuse to fire me, so going above her head will almost certainly result in me losing my job. I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. Work has become so incredibly upsetting and I don’t know how to handle it. **TL;DR - Manager is constantly criticizing my work performance, has written me up for it, and is now threatening me with termination. All of her complaints have valid explanations which she ignores. My work performance is far better than my coworkers, so I don’t know why I’m being singled out for punishment. I’m afraid to go above her head for fear of termination. I just need some support, advice, anything.**
Not the work definition of “harassed”, but the normal every day definition - bullied incessantly. I work at Walmart and have recently had a lot of problems with a female manager. She has always had a problem with me, often giving me attitude if I misunderstand her, or getting frustrated when I ask for clarification on instructions. Recently, she has been criticizing my work performance nonstop. She says I work too slow, I leave my section too much, I’m rude to customers, and I don’t follow instructions. None of this is true! I work slow because a few months ago, she criticized me for putting items in the wrong place. Ever since then, I’ve tried to be more precise and make sure everything is placed on the shelf correctly. She’s upset at my precision. Now she’s saying I should be worrying about straightening up and disregarding whether or not things are in the right place. I don’t leave my section too much. I only leave if I am helping a customer, trying to find another associate for a specific reason (like needing a key for the ammo), working a register, or doing a task that a manager asked me to. She says I leave so much that they have to continually page me, but they often page me after I was called to a register (and I have to go), I’m in the bathroom, or I’m in another aisle and the manager just missed me. So basically, she says I’m leaving my section too much, but I only leave when I HAVE to leave. She says I’m rude to customers, but I don’t think that’s a fair point. Customers at Walmart often complain about rude employees if the employee doesn’t absolutely bow down to them. Apparently someone complained because I showed them where a price scanner was instead of scanning it for them. Why do I need to hold someone’s hand and walk them 20 feet down the aisle when I could just point it out? That’s not bad customer service. Anyway, people complain for free gift cards too, so not all complaints are valid. Lastly, she says I don’t follow instructions. A few months ago she got onto me for ignoring another manager’s instructions. This weekend, that manager asked me to guard a spill and made me stand there for 45 minutes. I knew I was supposed to listen to her, so I didn’t move. Then the manager who hates me said I should’ve ignored her and gone back to my section. What?! You told me to follow her instructions! She said if she has to speak to me again, I’ll be fired. I’m just so frustrated. I have depression, severe anxiety, OCD, and ADD. Work is already stressful enough when I'm having to fight to be in a good mood and stay focused on the tasks at hand, but having a manager constantly bullying me is putting an incredible amount of stress on me. Not only are her complaints not valid, but there are other associates whose job performance is worse but no one says anything. My coworker listens to his music, talks on his phone, disappears for hours, takes extended breaks, and doesn’t even look at customers when he talks to them, but nobody is threatening his job. All of my coworkers say I am one of the most pleasant, hardworking employees they’ve seen in their 10+ years of working for the company. I know I do a good job, and I know for sure that I do WAY better than most of the associates there. So why am I being singled out for punishment? Why does this manager, who’s never even in my section, feel the need to write me up for my job performance but not anyone else? I can’t afford to lose this job, but I know this manager will find some way to fire me, and my hands are tied. If I go above her head, they’ll check the security footage and fire me for texting on the floor. Everybody does it, even the managers, but it’s technically against policy. They would ignore the fact that EVERYONE DOES IT and use it as an excuse to fire me, so going above her head will almost certainly result in me losing my job. I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. Work has become so incredibly upsetting and I don’t know how to handle it. TL;DR - Manager is constantly criticizing my work performance, has written me up for it, and is now threatening me with termination. All of her complaints have valid explanations which she ignores. My work performance is far better than my coworkers, so I don’t know why I’m being singled out for punishment. I’m afraid to go above her head for fear of termination. I just need some support, advice, anything.
Not the work definition of “harassed”, but the normal every day definition - bullied incessantly. I work at Walmart and have recently had a lot of problems with a female manager. She has always had a problem with me, often giving me attitude if I misunderstand her, or getting frustrated when I ask for clarification on instructions. Recently, she has been criticizing my work performance nonstop. She says I work too slow, I leave my section too much, I’m rude to customers, and I don’t follow instructions. None of this is true! I work slow because a few months ago, she criticized me for putting items in the wrong place. Ever since then, I’ve tried to be more precise and make sure everything is placed on the shelf correctly. She’s upset at my precision. Now she’s saying I should be worrying about straightening up and disregarding whether or not things are in the right place. I don’t leave my section too much. I only leave if I am helping a customer, trying to find another associate for a specific reason (like needing a key for the ammo), working a register, or doing a task that a manager asked me to. She says I leave so much that they have to continually page me, but they often page me after I was called to a register (and I have to go), I’m in the bathroom, or I’m in another aisle and the manager just missed me. So basically, she says I’m leaving my section too much, but I only leave when I HAVE to leave. She says I’m rude to customers, but I don’t think that’s a fair point. Customers at Walmart often complain about rude employees if the employee doesn’t absolutely bow down to them. Apparently someone complained because I showed them where a price scanner was instead of scanning it for them. Why do I need to hold someone’s hand and walk them 20 feet down the aisle when I could just point it out? That’s not bad customer service. Anyway, people complain for free gift cards too, so not all complaints are valid. Lastly, she says I don’t follow instructions. A few months ago she got onto me for ignoring another manager’s instructions. This weekend, that manager asked me to guard a spill and made me stand there for 45 minutes. I knew I was supposed to listen to her, so I didn’t move. Then the manager who hates me said I should’ve ignored her and gone back to my section. What?! You told me to follow her instructions! She said if she has to speak to me again, I’ll be fired. I’m just so frustrated. I have depression, severe anxiety, OCD, and ADD. Work is already stressful enough when I'm having to fight to be in a good mood and stay focused on the tasks at hand, but having a manager constantly bullying me is putting an incredible amount of stress on me. Not only are her complaints not valid, but there are other associates whose job performance is worse but no one says anything. My coworker listens to his music, talks on his phone, disappears for hours, takes extended breaks, and doesn’t even look at customers when he talks to them, but nobody is threatening his job. All of my coworkers say I am one of the most pleasant, hardworking employees they’ve seen in their 10+ years of working for the company. I know I do a good job, and I know for sure that I do WAY better than most of the associates there. So why am I being singled out for punishment? Why does this manager, who’s never even in my section, feel the need to write me up for my job performance but not anyone else? I can’t afford to lose this job, but I know this manager will find some way to fire me, and my hands are tied. If I go above her head, they’ll check the security footage and fire me for texting on the floor. Everybody does it, even the managers, but it’s technically against policy. They would ignore the fact that EVERYONE DOES IT and use it as an excuse to fire me, so going above her head will almost certainly result in me losing my job. I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. Work has become so incredibly upsetting and I don’t know how to handle it.
Manager is constantly criticizing my work performance, has written me up for it, and is now threatening me with termination. All of her complaints have valid explanations which she ignores. My work performance is far better than my coworkers, so I don’t know why I’m being singled out for punishment. I’m afraid to go above her head for fear of termination. I just need some support, advice, anything.
My dad would tell my little brothers all the time that the stuffed whale in the Natural History Museum in NYC was stuffed with green beans. I told this to my girlfriend when we visited there in our teens. Completely forgot about it until a few years later. My then-girlfriend, now-wife and I were visiting my sister and reminicing about the good old days and the stupid jokes our dad used to tell us, and the green beans came up. My wife said, "No no no, that's real! It's really stuffed with dried green beans!" We all gaped at each other in shock for about 3 seconds and then broke out in hysterical laughter. My wife hasn't retaliated for that... yet... **tl;dr - Convinced my wife that the stuffed whale in NYC was stuffed with green beans, haven't been murdered yet**
My dad would tell my little brothers all the time that the stuffed whale in the Natural History Museum in NYC was stuffed with green beans. I told this to my girlfriend when we visited there in our teens. Completely forgot about it until a few years later. My then-girlfriend, now-wife and I were visiting my sister and reminicing about the good old days and the stupid jokes our dad used to tell us, and the green beans came up. My wife said, "No no no, that's real! It's really stuffed with dried green beans!" We all gaped at each other in shock for about 3 seconds and then broke out in hysterical laughter. My wife hasn't retaliated for that... yet... tl;dr - Convinced my wife that the stuffed whale in NYC was stuffed with green beans, haven't been murdered yet
My dad would tell my little brothers all the time that the stuffed whale in the Natural History Museum in NYC was stuffed with green beans. I told this to my girlfriend when we visited there in our teens. Completely forgot about it until a few years later. My then-girlfriend, now-wife and I were visiting my sister and reminicing about the good old days and the stupid jokes our dad used to tell us, and the green beans came up. My wife said, "No no no, that's real! It's really stuffed with dried green beans!" We all gaped at each other in shock for about 3 seconds and then broke out in hysterical laughter. My wife hasn't retaliated for that... yet...
Convinced my wife that the stuffed whale in NYC was stuffed with green beans, haven't been murdered yet
Kalamazoo Michigan checking in, the highway on ramp I use by my house has a speed limit of 25, it's a sharp curve all the way around and there are literally 8 car links after the curve straightens out to merge and at the same time cars are merging INTO your lane to get off the exit. TLDR: Michigan on/off ramps are designed by idiots.
Kalamazoo Michigan checking in, the highway on ramp I use by my house has a speed limit of 25, it's a sharp curve all the way around and there are literally 8 car links after the curve straightens out to merge and at the same time cars are merging INTO your lane to get off the exit. TLDR: Michigan on/off ramps are designed by idiots.
Kalamazoo Michigan checking in, the highway on ramp I use by my house has a speed limit of 25, it's a sharp curve all the way around and there are literally 8 car links after the curve straightens out to merge and at the same time cars are merging INTO your lane to get off the exit.
Michigan on/off ramps are designed by idiots.
Actually it was a Porsche SUV now that I think back. I'm on the BMW :( But the TLDR is pretty spot on.
Actually it was a Porsche SUV now that I think back. I'm on the BMW :( But the TLDR is pretty spot on.
Actually it was a Porsche SUV now that I think back. I'm on the BMW :( But the
is pretty spot on.
First post: Well my last post got all of four comments but still going to update just cause I need a place to kind of vent and seek advice so I turn to you /r/relationships. Well to pick up after we left off me and my ex had made a plan and things seemed to actually be on the mend, we communicating, sharing things and overall working towards becoming a healthy couple again. Went well for about two weeks until she went to her mom's house to spend the night and help out the next day. Come in the first of February, we had planned the night before to make a small date of it, when I get home from work she's sitting on the bed and tells me we need to talk. She explained to me that she had told her mom about our plans moving forward and her mom told her I quote "Relationships only move forward they never take steps back." And proceeded to break up with me. I will do a little pat on the back (don't know if its good or not for all I know) and accepted the fact that she wanted to end the relationship albiet with some fierce reservations (She took advice from a woman who put her up for adoption at a young age and has several children almost all from different fathers.) I'm a long time lurker so I just remembered advice that I've read before about breaking up, go no contact and hit the gym. I followed half of that I hit the gym hard, and took fiercely to the diet I started the morning we broke up. Lost 10 lbs in about as many days. That said I kept her on facebook. I drove myself up the wall with it, I now see why you usually go no contact and block on facebook even if you want to remain friends. Happy to say I finally hit the block key and shes out for now. The real reason I am ranting about all this is for a couple of things. I still get what feels like a punch in the gut every time I open my closet and see it near empty (her items took up maybe 3/4s of the space) any help there? I recognize that I wasn't a saint, and I have cut out/back on the things that I recognized were catalyst in our breakup. In a way though they helped me cope and burn time (mostly gaming and internet socializing). Is that healthy in anyway? I had a bad anxiety attack when I went into my own room. To preface this I have not been in my own room while the sun is shining I go to the gym before the sun comes up and come back home from work or other activities after it goes back down. Came back early today and I guess it just triggered a memory where she was in the room taking a nap getting energy back from work and overall peaceful and calming. So seeing an empty room like that really hit it home for me that my house does not feel like a home anymore. And last but not least is that I feel lost; in a way that I feel like I'm just doing the motions of workout, school, work. All the things to keep my mind off of things but nothing really contributing to an end goal. Can anyone give me tips, tricks or advise on how to sort my dumbass self out? **tl;dr**: GF broke up with me, dealing with some anxiety, remaining feelings, and end-goals, Help?
First post: Well my last post got all of four comments but still going to update just cause I need a place to kind of vent and seek advice so I turn to you /r/relationships. Well to pick up after we left off me and my ex had made a plan and things seemed to actually be on the mend, we communicating, sharing things and overall working towards becoming a healthy couple again. Went well for about two weeks until she went to her mom's house to spend the night and help out the next day. Come in the first of February, we had planned the night before to make a small date of it, when I get home from work she's sitting on the bed and tells me we need to talk. She explained to me that she had told her mom about our plans moving forward and her mom told her I quote "Relationships only move forward they never take steps back." And proceeded to break up with me. I will do a little pat on the back (don't know if its good or not for all I know) and accepted the fact that she wanted to end the relationship albiet with some fierce reservations (She took advice from a woman who put her up for adoption at a young age and has several children almost all from different fathers.) I'm a long time lurker so I just remembered advice that I've read before about breaking up, go no contact and hit the gym. I followed half of that I hit the gym hard, and took fiercely to the diet I started the morning we broke up. Lost 10 lbs in about as many days. That said I kept her on facebook. I drove myself up the wall with it, I now see why you usually go no contact and block on facebook even if you want to remain friends. Happy to say I finally hit the block key and shes out for now. The real reason I am ranting about all this is for a couple of things. I still get what feels like a punch in the gut every time I open my closet and see it near empty (her items took up maybe 3/4s of the space) any help there? I recognize that I wasn't a saint, and I have cut out/back on the things that I recognized were catalyst in our breakup. In a way though they helped me cope and burn time (mostly gaming and internet socializing). Is that healthy in anyway? I had a bad anxiety attack when I went into my own room. To preface this I have not been in my own room while the sun is shining I go to the gym before the sun comes up and come back home from work or other activities after it goes back down. Came back early today and I guess it just triggered a memory where she was in the room taking a nap getting energy back from work and overall peaceful and calming. So seeing an empty room like that really hit it home for me that my house does not feel like a home anymore. And last but not least is that I feel lost; in a way that I feel like I'm just doing the motions of workout, school, work. All the things to keep my mind off of things but nothing really contributing to an end goal. Can anyone give me tips, tricks or advise on how to sort my dumbass self out? tl;dr : GF broke up with me, dealing with some anxiety, remaining feelings, and end-goals, Help?
First post: Well my last post got all of four comments but still going to update just cause I need a place to kind of vent and seek advice so I turn to you /r/relationships. Well to pick up after we left off me and my ex had made a plan and things seemed to actually be on the mend, we communicating, sharing things and overall working towards becoming a healthy couple again. Went well for about two weeks until she went to her mom's house to spend the night and help out the next day. Come in the first of February, we had planned the night before to make a small date of it, when I get home from work she's sitting on the bed and tells me we need to talk. She explained to me that she had told her mom about our plans moving forward and her mom told her I quote "Relationships only move forward they never take steps back." And proceeded to break up with me. I will do a little pat on the back (don't know if its good or not for all I know) and accepted the fact that she wanted to end the relationship albiet with some fierce reservations (She took advice from a woman who put her up for adoption at a young age and has several children almost all from different fathers.) I'm a long time lurker so I just remembered advice that I've read before about breaking up, go no contact and hit the gym. I followed half of that I hit the gym hard, and took fiercely to the diet I started the morning we broke up. Lost 10 lbs in about as many days. That said I kept her on facebook. I drove myself up the wall with it, I now see why you usually go no contact and block on facebook even if you want to remain friends. Happy to say I finally hit the block key and shes out for now. The real reason I am ranting about all this is for a couple of things. I still get what feels like a punch in the gut every time I open my closet and see it near empty (her items took up maybe 3/4s of the space) any help there? I recognize that I wasn't a saint, and I have cut out/back on the things that I recognized were catalyst in our breakup. In a way though they helped me cope and burn time (mostly gaming and internet socializing). Is that healthy in anyway? I had a bad anxiety attack when I went into my own room. To preface this I have not been in my own room while the sun is shining I go to the gym before the sun comes up and come back home from work or other activities after it goes back down. Came back early today and I guess it just triggered a memory where she was in the room taking a nap getting energy back from work and overall peaceful and calming. So seeing an empty room like that really hit it home for me that my house does not feel like a home anymore. And last but not least is that I feel lost; in a way that I feel like I'm just doing the motions of workout, school, work. All the things to keep my mind off of things but nothing really contributing to an end goal. Can anyone give me tips, tricks or advise on how to sort my dumbass self out?
GF broke up with me, dealing with some anxiety, remaining feelings, and end-goals, Help?
Lol, our chemistry teacher is the most condescending, arrogant asshole you'll ever meet. Only reason I have a b+ is because I was out sick on a Friday, and that was the day she was giving instructions for the lab report of a big lab we were doing, once I asked her about it after class on monday (It was due Tuesday), she wouldn't tell me shit, saying that it was my responsibility to have come on Friday, even after I told her I had a 104 degree fever. I didn't have any friends who were also in honors at the time, so I didn't really have anyone to ask about the report. I just made a report with a data table, procedure, conclusion, and a bunch of other stuff about the lab. Apparently, I was missing a discussions section, which she had never required in a lab before. Bam. Instant half points off. Tl;dr, my teacher is an a-hole, and I would never even imagine her teaching us anything more than necessary. (sorry for wall of text, needed to vent.)
Lol, our chemistry teacher is the most condescending, arrogant asshole you'll ever meet. Only reason I have a b+ is because I was out sick on a Friday, and that was the day she was giving instructions for the lab report of a big lab we were doing, once I asked her about it after class on monday (It was due Tuesday), she wouldn't tell me shit, saying that it was my responsibility to have come on Friday, even after I told her I had a 104 degree fever. I didn't have any friends who were also in honors at the time, so I didn't really have anyone to ask about the report. I just made a report with a data table, procedure, conclusion, and a bunch of other stuff about the lab. Apparently, I was missing a discussions section, which she had never required in a lab before. Bam. Instant half points off. Tl;dr, my teacher is an a-hole, and I would never even imagine her teaching us anything more than necessary. (sorry for wall of text, needed to vent.)
Lol, our chemistry teacher is the most condescending, arrogant asshole you'll ever meet. Only reason I have a b+ is because I was out sick on a Friday, and that was the day she was giving instructions for the lab report of a big lab we were doing, once I asked her about it after class on monday (It was due Tuesday), she wouldn't tell me shit, saying that it was my responsibility to have come on Friday, even after I told her I had a 104 degree fever. I didn't have any friends who were also in honors at the time, so I didn't really have anyone to ask about the report. I just made a report with a data table, procedure, conclusion, and a bunch of other stuff about the lab. Apparently, I was missing a discussions section, which she had never required in a lab before. Bam. Instant half points off.
my teacher is an a-hole, and I would never even imagine her teaching us anything more than necessary. (sorry for wall of text, needed to vent.)
I sold a digital camera to an old man that wanted to use it to photograph some of the things that he owns. He contacted me a few days later and asked me to show him how to use the camera. He seemed nice enough, and like he wouldn't rape me, so I went to his apartment to show him what's up. I figure that he is about 70-80 years old (was in WWII). He lives by himself (never married, only a couple secondary family members in the area) in a condo, and is an art collector. In fact, he is an a-lot-of-things collector. Mostly trinkets and jewelry and vases and that sort of thing. I think he figures that he is going to croak soon and wants to keep a record of all of the things he has cllected for one reason or another. He seems like he is on okay shape for his age, he can get around (very slowly), and can lift heavyish objects and has good dexterity, can climb stools, etc, and his mind is still pretty sharp. His condo is nice, but it is very messy. Not dirty, really, just messy. Seems like he's gotten into the habit of not putting things away when he makes food, plastic bags and mail all over the floor and so on. We make some small talk about his place and how long he's been in town and such, and I start showing him how to use the camera. After a little while it becomes clear that there is no way he is going to be able to use the camera to take pictures of dozens (hundreds?) of his trinkets by himself, let alone, figure out how to use the camera or press its tiny buttons. So I offer to come over every week or so and help him catalog his shit. He pays me for my time and an arrangement is made. I went for the second time tonight and spent a couple of hours going through stuff together. We made some small talk (he's got a pretty keen sense of humor, and many good stories) and I oogled some of his collection. Anyway, one of the first things I said to him was how nice his place is, and he said "yeah, I like it, but I have to take the bus, and it's awful lonely." And I figure that this guy doesn't really have anybody, it's a pain in the ass for him to leave, he's slowing down,,, -- I want to try to give this guy some good company. Tonight he tried to give me money and I declined, this time at least, as a gesture of good faith (although I don't have a problem with him paying me for my time while I help him). I also offered to help him clean up and organize, which seems like it would be hard for him to do in his physical condition. But I'd also like to reach out to him, so to say, with simple gestures. I don't know, make him food or something? Bring him something? And I realize that I have no idea what I could give him or do for him (other than help out around the house) that he would get enjoyment out of. Furthermore, I don't want to bother him if he's not into it. I understand that some old folks just want to be left alone, or otherwise don't want people messing about their lifestyle/apartment/routine/whatever, no matter how so. So, does anyone have any advice on what I can do (and how I tactfully do it) to help brighten this fellow's life? TLDR: Recently befriended an old man (70-80). He lives alone, has fairly limited mobility, and seems lonely. What can I do for him to brighten his days?
I sold a digital camera to an old man that wanted to use it to photograph some of the things that he owns. He contacted me a few days later and asked me to show him how to use the camera. He seemed nice enough, and like he wouldn't rape me, so I went to his apartment to show him what's up. I figure that he is about 70-80 years old (was in WWII). He lives by himself (never married, only a couple secondary family members in the area) in a condo, and is an art collector. In fact, he is an a-lot-of-things collector. Mostly trinkets and jewelry and vases and that sort of thing. I think he figures that he is going to croak soon and wants to keep a record of all of the things he has cllected for one reason or another. He seems like he is on okay shape for his age, he can get around (very slowly), and can lift heavyish objects and has good dexterity, can climb stools, etc, and his mind is still pretty sharp. His condo is nice, but it is very messy. Not dirty, really, just messy. Seems like he's gotten into the habit of not putting things away when he makes food, plastic bags and mail all over the floor and so on. We make some small talk about his place and how long he's been in town and such, and I start showing him how to use the camera. After a little while it becomes clear that there is no way he is going to be able to use the camera to take pictures of dozens (hundreds?) of his trinkets by himself, let alone, figure out how to use the camera or press its tiny buttons. So I offer to come over every week or so and help him catalog his shit. He pays me for my time and an arrangement is made. I went for the second time tonight and spent a couple of hours going through stuff together. We made some small talk (he's got a pretty keen sense of humor, and many good stories) and I oogled some of his collection. Anyway, one of the first things I said to him was how nice his place is, and he said "yeah, I like it, but I have to take the bus, and it's awful lonely." And I figure that this guy doesn't really have anybody, it's a pain in the ass for him to leave, he's slowing down,,, -- I want to try to give this guy some good company. Tonight he tried to give me money and I declined, this time at least, as a gesture of good faith (although I don't have a problem with him paying me for my time while I help him). I also offered to help him clean up and organize, which seems like it would be hard for him to do in his physical condition. But I'd also like to reach out to him, so to say, with simple gestures. I don't know, make him food or something? Bring him something? And I realize that I have no idea what I could give him or do for him (other than help out around the house) that he would get enjoyment out of. Furthermore, I don't want to bother him if he's not into it. I understand that some old folks just want to be left alone, or otherwise don't want people messing about their lifestyle/apartment/routine/whatever, no matter how so. So, does anyone have any advice on what I can do (and how I tactfully do it) to help brighten this fellow's life? TLDR: Recently befriended an old man (70-80). He lives alone, has fairly limited mobility, and seems lonely. What can I do for him to brighten his days?
I sold a digital camera to an old man that wanted to use it to photograph some of the things that he owns. He contacted me a few days later and asked me to show him how to use the camera. He seemed nice enough, and like he wouldn't rape me, so I went to his apartment to show him what's up. I figure that he is about 70-80 years old (was in WWII). He lives by himself (never married, only a couple secondary family members in the area) in a condo, and is an art collector. In fact, he is an a-lot-of-things collector. Mostly trinkets and jewelry and vases and that sort of thing. I think he figures that he is going to croak soon and wants to keep a record of all of the things he has cllected for one reason or another. He seems like he is on okay shape for his age, he can get around (very slowly), and can lift heavyish objects and has good dexterity, can climb stools, etc, and his mind is still pretty sharp. His condo is nice, but it is very messy. Not dirty, really, just messy. Seems like he's gotten into the habit of not putting things away when he makes food, plastic bags and mail all over the floor and so on. We make some small talk about his place and how long he's been in town and such, and I start showing him how to use the camera. After a little while it becomes clear that there is no way he is going to be able to use the camera to take pictures of dozens (hundreds?) of his trinkets by himself, let alone, figure out how to use the camera or press its tiny buttons. So I offer to come over every week or so and help him catalog his shit. He pays me for my time and an arrangement is made. I went for the second time tonight and spent a couple of hours going through stuff together. We made some small talk (he's got a pretty keen sense of humor, and many good stories) and I oogled some of his collection. Anyway, one of the first things I said to him was how nice his place is, and he said "yeah, I like it, but I have to take the bus, and it's awful lonely." And I figure that this guy doesn't really have anybody, it's a pain in the ass for him to leave, he's slowing down,,, -- I want to try to give this guy some good company. Tonight he tried to give me money and I declined, this time at least, as a gesture of good faith (although I don't have a problem with him paying me for my time while I help him). I also offered to help him clean up and organize, which seems like it would be hard for him to do in his physical condition. But I'd also like to reach out to him, so to say, with simple gestures. I don't know, make him food or something? Bring him something? And I realize that I have no idea what I could give him or do for him (other than help out around the house) that he would get enjoyment out of. Furthermore, I don't want to bother him if he's not into it. I understand that some old folks just want to be left alone, or otherwise don't want people messing about their lifestyle/apartment/routine/whatever, no matter how so. So, does anyone have any advice on what I can do (and how I tactfully do it) to help brighten this fellow's life?
Recently befriended an old man (70-80). He lives alone, has fairly limited mobility, and seems lonely. What can I do for him to brighten his days?
I was strolling along the frozen isle when I noticed this prepared Tur-Duc-Hen roll. It has no carbs and uses a pork sausage stuffing instead of bread stuffing. Looks like I can make 12 meals out of this. I'm going to cook this tonight and see how it is! I'll edit this post later with a review. Edit: [VERDICT IS IN]( So it took me about 2.5 hours to bake, like the box suggested. I used a meat thermometer to make sure. It didn't end up being 12 servings, but over 8 and a half, which is still a lot considering I live alone. I mainly bought this because I knew it would make several meals when I don't have time to cook. To those that have had real homemade turducken, this shouldn't be compared to that. I've never personally tried a real turducken, but obviously a traditional holiday turkey which of course wins over this. But that doesn't mean this was all for nothing! There was definitely turkey, duck, chicken, and pork sausage in this. There's even turkey skin. I tasted mainly turkey breast, but that was because I took the end piece for dinner. Basically, it's like playing Turducken roulette. The pics I took are two different slices which clearly demonstrate this. My piece had mainly turkey, some duck, and no chicken. getting closer to the center there was a lot of sausage stuffing, and some sections had a bit of everything. It was hard to tell the chicken apart from the turkey, but it was there. I tried out the sausage stuffing after dinner and it was pretty good. All and all, I rate it maybe 6.5/10. This is not something that should be a replacement for a thanksgiving Turkey/Turducken obviously, but it's great for a decent dinner, especially for those that want to make several meals at once like me. It tasted good, but it's not like I was completely blown away. The time it took to bake was a tease which also knocked it down in rating...but I'm not totally disappointed and I get 7.5 more meals out of it =]. But hey, at least it beats figuring out how to stuff animals inside of other animals. **TL;DR:** It went *okay*.
I was strolling along the frozen isle when I noticed this prepared Tur-Duc-Hen roll. It has no carbs and uses a pork sausage stuffing instead of bread stuffing. Looks like I can make 12 meals out of this. I'm going to cook this tonight and see how it is! I'll edit this post later with a review. Edit: [VERDICT IS IN]( So it took me about 2.5 hours to bake, like the box suggested. I used a meat thermometer to make sure. It didn't end up being 12 servings, but over 8 and a half, which is still a lot considering I live alone. I mainly bought this because I knew it would make several meals when I don't have time to cook. To those that have had real homemade turducken, this shouldn't be compared to that. I've never personally tried a real turducken, but obviously a traditional holiday turkey which of course wins over this. But that doesn't mean this was all for nothing! There was definitely turkey, duck, chicken, and pork sausage in this. There's even turkey skin. I tasted mainly turkey breast, but that was because I took the end piece for dinner. Basically, it's like playing Turducken roulette. The pics I took are two different slices which clearly demonstrate this. My piece had mainly turkey, some duck, and no chicken. getting closer to the center there was a lot of sausage stuffing, and some sections had a bit of everything. It was hard to tell the chicken apart from the turkey, but it was there. I tried out the sausage stuffing after dinner and it was pretty good. All and all, I rate it maybe 6.5/10. This is not something that should be a replacement for a thanksgiving Turkey/Turducken obviously, but it's great for a decent dinner, especially for those that want to make several meals at once like me. It tasted good, but it's not like I was completely blown away. The time it took to bake was a tease which also knocked it down in rating...but I'm not totally disappointed and I get 7.5 more meals out of it =]. But hey, at least it beats figuring out how to stuff animals inside of other animals. TL;DR: It went okay .
I was strolling along the frozen isle when I noticed this prepared Tur-Duc-Hen roll. It has no carbs and uses a pork sausage stuffing instead of bread stuffing. Looks like I can make 12 meals out of this. I'm going to cook this tonight and see how it is! I'll edit this post later with a review. Edit: [VERDICT IS IN]( So it took me about 2.5 hours to bake, like the box suggested. I used a meat thermometer to make sure. It didn't end up being 12 servings, but over 8 and a half, which is still a lot considering I live alone. I mainly bought this because I knew it would make several meals when I don't have time to cook. To those that have had real homemade turducken, this shouldn't be compared to that. I've never personally tried a real turducken, but obviously a traditional holiday turkey which of course wins over this. But that doesn't mean this was all for nothing! There was definitely turkey, duck, chicken, and pork sausage in this. There's even turkey skin. I tasted mainly turkey breast, but that was because I took the end piece for dinner. Basically, it's like playing Turducken roulette. The pics I took are two different slices which clearly demonstrate this. My piece had mainly turkey, some duck, and no chicken. getting closer to the center there was a lot of sausage stuffing, and some sections had a bit of everything. It was hard to tell the chicken apart from the turkey, but it was there. I tried out the sausage stuffing after dinner and it was pretty good. All and all, I rate it maybe 6.5/10. This is not something that should be a replacement for a thanksgiving Turkey/Turducken obviously, but it's great for a decent dinner, especially for those that want to make several meals at once like me. It tasted good, but it's not like I was completely blown away. The time it took to bake was a tease which also knocked it down in rating...but I'm not totally disappointed and I get 7.5 more meals out of it =]. But hey, at least it beats figuring out how to stuff animals inside of other animals.
It went okay .
Again, haven't read the TICS article, so maybe I'm way off base. But I have a bit of familiarity with the 'Griffiths/Tenenbaum schools' (though I think that phrasing is rather strong) having coauthored a conference paper with Griffiths ( My point goes further than 'a model without explicit representations and hypothesis spaces' is capable of doing roughly Bayesian updates. My point is that because the Bayesian update is optimal, then for any learning task at which people do pretty well, regardless of the description at the algorithm/representation level, a Bayesian description will fit at the computational level. Given that premise, you can do all sorts of useful modeling (read: you can make qualitative predictions about how people will perform based on the data they're exposed to) at the computational level, and make no particular claim or insight about the representation/algorithm level beyond that it's been refined enough to do pretty well. So for example, if you look at some of the other stuff that builds off of an assumption that people are basically Bayesian, and then goes on to what that should imply in social learning contexts (E.g. Simon Kirby has some cool stuff on language evolution, Shafto & Goodman have an interesting paper on pedagogy, and Griffiths has a bunch of stuff on 'iterated learning'), none of these present evidence that at the representation/algorithms level looks like anything in particular, nor is it even clear what that evidence would need to look like. They all basically describe a computational model, characterize the behavior that we should get out of that model, and show that this roughly matches the performance we get from people. I don't believe that my experiment participants (doing function learning) were *literally* running a Gaussian Process regression in their heads; I don't have any particular clue what was going on at the algorithmic level. But because people are "good enough" at a lot of tasks, we can 'assume' that people are Bayesian, and show that interactions *between* people are qualitatively similar to what you would get from perfect Bayesian agents interacting. TL;DR : 'Bayesian inference' is often a good model of what's going on at the computational level, and it says basically nothing about the algorithmic level, so there's no conflict between 'Bayesian' at the top level and 'bottom up' at the algorithmic level.
Again, haven't read the TICS article, so maybe I'm way off base. But I have a bit of familiarity with the 'Griffiths/Tenenbaum schools' (though I think that phrasing is rather strong) having coauthored a conference paper with Griffiths ( My point goes further than 'a model without explicit representations and hypothesis spaces' is capable of doing roughly Bayesian updates. My point is that because the Bayesian update is optimal, then for any learning task at which people do pretty well, regardless of the description at the algorithm/representation level, a Bayesian description will fit at the computational level. Given that premise, you can do all sorts of useful modeling (read: you can make qualitative predictions about how people will perform based on the data they're exposed to) at the computational level, and make no particular claim or insight about the representation/algorithm level beyond that it's been refined enough to do pretty well. So for example, if you look at some of the other stuff that builds off of an assumption that people are basically Bayesian, and then goes on to what that should imply in social learning contexts (E.g. Simon Kirby has some cool stuff on language evolution, Shafto & Goodman have an interesting paper on pedagogy, and Griffiths has a bunch of stuff on 'iterated learning'), none of these present evidence that at the representation/algorithms level looks like anything in particular, nor is it even clear what that evidence would need to look like. They all basically describe a computational model, characterize the behavior that we should get out of that model, and show that this roughly matches the performance we get from people. I don't believe that my experiment participants (doing function learning) were literally running a Gaussian Process regression in their heads; I don't have any particular clue what was going on at the algorithmic level. But because people are "good enough" at a lot of tasks, we can 'assume' that people are Bayesian, and show that interactions between people are qualitatively similar to what you would get from perfect Bayesian agents interacting. TL;DR : 'Bayesian inference' is often a good model of what's going on at the computational level, and it says basically nothing about the algorithmic level, so there's no conflict between 'Bayesian' at the top level and 'bottom up' at the algorithmic level.
Again, haven't read the TICS article, so maybe I'm way off base. But I have a bit of familiarity with the 'Griffiths/Tenenbaum schools' (though I think that phrasing is rather strong) having coauthored a conference paper with Griffiths ( My point goes further than 'a model without explicit representations and hypothesis spaces' is capable of doing roughly Bayesian updates. My point is that because the Bayesian update is optimal, then for any learning task at which people do pretty well, regardless of the description at the algorithm/representation level, a Bayesian description will fit at the computational level. Given that premise, you can do all sorts of useful modeling (read: you can make qualitative predictions about how people will perform based on the data they're exposed to) at the computational level, and make no particular claim or insight about the representation/algorithm level beyond that it's been refined enough to do pretty well. So for example, if you look at some of the other stuff that builds off of an assumption that people are basically Bayesian, and then goes on to what that should imply in social learning contexts (E.g. Simon Kirby has some cool stuff on language evolution, Shafto & Goodman have an interesting paper on pedagogy, and Griffiths has a bunch of stuff on 'iterated learning'), none of these present evidence that at the representation/algorithms level looks like anything in particular, nor is it even clear what that evidence would need to look like. They all basically describe a computational model, characterize the behavior that we should get out of that model, and show that this roughly matches the performance we get from people. I don't believe that my experiment participants (doing function learning) were literally running a Gaussian Process regression in their heads; I don't have any particular clue what was going on at the algorithmic level. But because people are "good enough" at a lot of tasks, we can 'assume' that people are Bayesian, and show that interactions between people are qualitatively similar to what you would get from perfect Bayesian agents interacting.
Bayesian inference' is often a good model of what's going on at the computational level, and it says basically nothing about the algorithmic level, so there's no conflict between 'Bayesian' at the top level and 'bottom up' at the algorithmic level.
Honestly, I love the sad things. They force me to feel things that I'd otherwise repress horribly. When I have to watch characters I love suffer and fear and persevere, it makes me sad, but it also makes me feel. And feeling is the one thing that I don't let myself do when the shit hits the fan. tl;dr: Sad things make me feel, which I dont let myself do.
Honestly, I love the sad things. They force me to feel things that I'd otherwise repress horribly. When I have to watch characters I love suffer and fear and persevere, it makes me sad, but it also makes me feel. And feeling is the one thing that I don't let myself do when the shit hits the fan. tl;dr: Sad things make me feel, which I dont let myself do.
Honestly, I love the sad things. They force me to feel things that I'd otherwise repress horribly. When I have to watch characters I love suffer and fear and persevere, it makes me sad, but it also makes me feel. And feeling is the one thing that I don't let myself do when the shit hits the fan.
Sad things make me feel, which I dont let myself do.
I think this studies attempt at finding a causal-specific link between MBS and testicular cancer is far-fetched, especially considering the relatively small sample size and data collection methods. Is it possible? Sure. There are also a dozen other confounders that may not have been accounted for. MSB users generally focus more on strength training than non-users. Perhaps there is something related to possible muscle strains of the inguinal/lower reproductive areas that non-users may not experience as frequently? What would concern me even more is the state of the supplement industry and the quality/ambiguity of the supplement ingredients themselves. TL:DR - Correlation =/= Causation. However, like pretty much everything else in kinesiology and nutritional science, there needs to be more thorough studies done before anything could be called conclusive. In the mean-time, do what you want. We all die sometime.
I think this studies attempt at finding a causal-specific link between MBS and testicular cancer is far-fetched, especially considering the relatively small sample size and data collection methods. Is it possible? Sure. There are also a dozen other confounders that may not have been accounted for. MSB users generally focus more on strength training than non-users. Perhaps there is something related to possible muscle strains of the inguinal/lower reproductive areas that non-users may not experience as frequently? What would concern me even more is the state of the supplement industry and the quality/ambiguity of the supplement ingredients themselves. TL:DR - Correlation =/= Causation. However, like pretty much everything else in kinesiology and nutritional science, there needs to be more thorough studies done before anything could be called conclusive. In the mean-time, do what you want. We all die sometime.
I think this studies attempt at finding a causal-specific link between MBS and testicular cancer is far-fetched, especially considering the relatively small sample size and data collection methods. Is it possible? Sure. There are also a dozen other confounders that may not have been accounted for. MSB users generally focus more on strength training than non-users. Perhaps there is something related to possible muscle strains of the inguinal/lower reproductive areas that non-users may not experience as frequently? What would concern me even more is the state of the supplement industry and the quality/ambiguity of the supplement ingredients themselves.
Correlation =/= Causation. However, like pretty much everything else in kinesiology and nutritional science, there needs to be more thorough studies done before anything could be called conclusive. In the mean-time, do what you want. We all die sometime.
I was given an assignment about how projected realities effect the self. I have already jotted down a few thoughts on the matter and have a couple RHAP interviews lined up to sight, most notably with Richard Hatch and the most recent interview with John Carol. [Notes:“We’re suffering out here…ruining relationships, for your entertainment!” booed off the stage- jerri manthy This is real, a game, but its real. This game is real to us, playing off of emotions and breaking barriers of our trust. We are paranoid in our everyday life and we have so many issues with trust at the end of this. Total control over the self, banishing impulses and yet you’re in such a dire situation that who you are comes out. It nearly impossible to be a total game bot. There are a few characters in the game who do suppress these emotional outbursts and urges and these individuals fake emotions and empathy. These people typically win the game. Playing to audience and to return How to analyze self outside of the game + counterfeit realities If there are any interviews that you guys know of or if you have any insightful thoughts pertaining to the psychological and sociological effects of the game, it would be super helpful if you could post them down below. TL;DR: Could you name a few good interviews with survivors about how the game effects them during and after the game AND/OR give some insights on how the game effects people?
I was given an assignment about how projected realities effect the self. I have already jotted down a few thoughts on the matter and have a couple RHAP interviews lined up to sight, most notably with Richard Hatch and the most recent interview with John Carol. [Notes:“We’re suffering out here…ruining relationships, for your entertainment!” booed off the stage- jerri manthy This is real, a game, but its real. This game is real to us, playing off of emotions and breaking barriers of our trust. We are paranoid in our everyday life and we have so many issues with trust at the end of this. Total control over the self, banishing impulses and yet you’re in such a dire situation that who you are comes out. It nearly impossible to be a total game bot. There are a few characters in the game who do suppress these emotional outbursts and urges and these individuals fake emotions and empathy. These people typically win the game. Playing to audience and to return How to analyze self outside of the game + counterfeit realities If there are any interviews that you guys know of or if you have any insightful thoughts pertaining to the psychological and sociological effects of the game, it would be super helpful if you could post them down below. TL;DR: Could you name a few good interviews with survivors about how the game effects them during and after the game AND/OR give some insights on how the game effects people?
I was given an assignment about how projected realities effect the self. I have already jotted down a few thoughts on the matter and have a couple RHAP interviews lined up to sight, most notably with Richard Hatch and the most recent interview with John Carol. [Notes:“We’re suffering out here…ruining relationships, for your entertainment!” booed off the stage- jerri manthy This is real, a game, but its real. This game is real to us, playing off of emotions and breaking barriers of our trust. We are paranoid in our everyday life and we have so many issues with trust at the end of this. Total control over the self, banishing impulses and yet you’re in such a dire situation that who you are comes out. It nearly impossible to be a total game bot. There are a few characters in the game who do suppress these emotional outbursts and urges and these individuals fake emotions and empathy. These people typically win the game. Playing to audience and to return How to analyze self outside of the game + counterfeit realities If there are any interviews that you guys know of or if you have any insightful thoughts pertaining to the psychological and sociological effects of the game, it would be super helpful if you could post them down below.
Could you name a few good interviews with survivors about how the game effects them during and after the game AND/OR give some insights on how the game effects people?
Take your cable box and phone modem (assuming it's different than your internet modem) and go to a store. I was in the same boat as you in January. I took the gear to the store on the last day of my current billing cycle, said I want internet only, and was out in 5 minutes. No retention efforts, no questions, no problems. Plus my bill was 100% correct the next month and has been every month since. **TL;DR don't call, take your equipment to a store** Edit: I'm now paying 55/mo after fees and taxes for their 30/5 package and don't have any issues getting the speeds I am supposed to. I'm in concord though, so that probably helps with maintaining speeds at peak times
Take your cable box and phone modem (assuming it's different than your internet modem) and go to a store. I was in the same boat as you in January. I took the gear to the store on the last day of my current billing cycle, said I want internet only, and was out in 5 minutes. No retention efforts, no questions, no problems. Plus my bill was 100% correct the next month and has been every month since. TL;DR don't call, take your equipment to a store Edit: I'm now paying 55/mo after fees and taxes for their 30/5 package and don't have any issues getting the speeds I am supposed to. I'm in concord though, so that probably helps with maintaining speeds at peak times
Take your cable box and phone modem (assuming it's different than your internet modem) and go to a store. I was in the same boat as you in January. I took the gear to the store on the last day of my current billing cycle, said I want internet only, and was out in 5 minutes. No retention efforts, no questions, no problems. Plus my bill was 100% correct the next month and has been every month since.
don't call, take your equipment to a store Edit: I'm now paying 55/mo after fees and taxes for their 30/5 package and don't have any issues getting the speeds I am supposed to. I'm in concord though, so that probably helps with maintaining speeds at peak times
I was approached in a parking lot by a man as I was getting into my car. I didn't see him coming but suddenly there he stood right in front of me as I turned around from finishing loading groceries in my trunk. Another car was riding slowly by, driver staring at us, and it was clear the man and the driver were together because the man kept glancing over and nodding, driver nodding back. I can't remember what the man was saying, some story, the gist being he needed money. It was a situation which felt like serious trouble was about to go down. Suddenly I hear a lady cough twice and look over to see her standing by her car a few spots over, arms crossed and watching. Her presence startled the man, and he sauntered off, got in the other guy's car and left. She said she was in her car as she saw the man approach and decided to hang around because she sensed it wasn't right. I thanked her, we both went on our way. I think that lady, a total stranger/bystander, put a bad situation off course and potentially saved me by making her presence known and just being there. I try to be more aware of my surroundings and others now. **TL/DR: a total GG stranger stuck around and may have prevented something bad from happening to me.**
I was approached in a parking lot by a man as I was getting into my car. I didn't see him coming but suddenly there he stood right in front of me as I turned around from finishing loading groceries in my trunk. Another car was riding slowly by, driver staring at us, and it was clear the man and the driver were together because the man kept glancing over and nodding, driver nodding back. I can't remember what the man was saying, some story, the gist being he needed money. It was a situation which felt like serious trouble was about to go down. Suddenly I hear a lady cough twice and look over to see her standing by her car a few spots over, arms crossed and watching. Her presence startled the man, and he sauntered off, got in the other guy's car and left. She said she was in her car as she saw the man approach and decided to hang around because she sensed it wasn't right. I thanked her, we both went on our way. I think that lady, a total stranger/bystander, put a bad situation off course and potentially saved me by making her presence known and just being there. I try to be more aware of my surroundings and others now. TL/DR: a total GG stranger stuck around and may have prevented something bad from happening to me.
I was approached in a parking lot by a man as I was getting into my car. I didn't see him coming but suddenly there he stood right in front of me as I turned around from finishing loading groceries in my trunk. Another car was riding slowly by, driver staring at us, and it was clear the man and the driver were together because the man kept glancing over and nodding, driver nodding back. I can't remember what the man was saying, some story, the gist being he needed money. It was a situation which felt like serious trouble was about to go down. Suddenly I hear a lady cough twice and look over to see her standing by her car a few spots over, arms crossed and watching. Her presence startled the man, and he sauntered off, got in the other guy's car and left. She said she was in her car as she saw the man approach and decided to hang around because she sensed it wasn't right. I thanked her, we both went on our way. I think that lady, a total stranger/bystander, put a bad situation off course and potentially saved me by making her presence known and just being there. I try to be more aware of my surroundings and others now.
a total GG stranger stuck around and may have prevented something bad from happening to me.
Hello there! It's been a while since I've last visited this site, but over the holidays I was frequenting ExNoContact like crazy after my boyfriend [21M] ended things--my first heartbreak, and one following a very intense relationship. Once I got back to school, I found out I was in a class with him, but despite seeing him twice a week I was moving on and becoming very happy living a single life for the first time since I was 15. We remained civil-to-friendly, but didn't talk about anything going on in our lives. About two months ago I also started seeing a new man, which has been great. Because my breakup with my ex was relatively amicable, although painful, he stayed friends with my best friend who I'll call J. J always told me when he was hanging out with my ex if it came up, and I appreciated his honesty. But recently he's started bringing my ex's name up in conversation pretty often, unprompted, and has been giving more and more details about what they've been doing. This has started to annoy me just a little bit, but I'm not really sure why. I'm over my ex to the extent that I realize he's not the person I thought he was, and don't really want to see him or think about him at all. I guess it annoys me that J has started talking about him more because that chapter of my life finally felt over and now J's bringing it back to my memory. But today, J talked the most about seeing my ex than before, by a large margin. He discussed every activity they'd done hanging out, but then dropped some pretty crazy news. My ex moved out of his apartment back with his parents, and is letting his friends live in his apartment instead. His depression, which has been a life-long struggle for him and reappeared towards the end of our relationship, has gotten worse. And to top it off, he bought a bunch of acid, and is probably going to do it with his friends. (Nothing against acid, but he's clinically depressed and pretty self-destructive.) I didn't know what to say to J when he told me all of this, and so I didn't say anything at all. But it's really worrying me. After a few months of not knowing at all the details of my ex's life, I get a window into it for the first time and it's pretty upsetting. I was finally not thinking about him as much, but now I can't stop--I don't even want to reach out to him or anything, it's just devastating me that I don't think he'll ever be happy. I would really really love some advice--I don't know why J is starting to bring up my ex so much, especially to tell me something like this. Is there anything I can say to him? And I don't know how to process this new troubling information about my ex, who I also see in class regularly. Please please help! **tl;dr** mutual friend keeps talking about my ex, to my confusion and frustration, and today told me the ex has entered a downward mental spiral and bought a bunch of acid. not sure how to proceed.
Hello there! It's been a while since I've last visited this site, but over the holidays I was frequenting ExNoContact like crazy after my boyfriend [21M] ended things--my first heartbreak, and one following a very intense relationship. Once I got back to school, I found out I was in a class with him, but despite seeing him twice a week I was moving on and becoming very happy living a single life for the first time since I was 15. We remained civil-to-friendly, but didn't talk about anything going on in our lives. About two months ago I also started seeing a new man, which has been great. Because my breakup with my ex was relatively amicable, although painful, he stayed friends with my best friend who I'll call J. J always told me when he was hanging out with my ex if it came up, and I appreciated his honesty. But recently he's started bringing my ex's name up in conversation pretty often, unprompted, and has been giving more and more details about what they've been doing. This has started to annoy me just a little bit, but I'm not really sure why. I'm over my ex to the extent that I realize he's not the person I thought he was, and don't really want to see him or think about him at all. I guess it annoys me that J has started talking about him more because that chapter of my life finally felt over and now J's bringing it back to my memory. But today, J talked the most about seeing my ex than before, by a large margin. He discussed every activity they'd done hanging out, but then dropped some pretty crazy news. My ex moved out of his apartment back with his parents, and is letting his friends live in his apartment instead. His depression, which has been a life-long struggle for him and reappeared towards the end of our relationship, has gotten worse. And to top it off, he bought a bunch of acid, and is probably going to do it with his friends. (Nothing against acid, but he's clinically depressed and pretty self-destructive.) I didn't know what to say to J when he told me all of this, and so I didn't say anything at all. But it's really worrying me. After a few months of not knowing at all the details of my ex's life, I get a window into it for the first time and it's pretty upsetting. I was finally not thinking about him as much, but now I can't stop--I don't even want to reach out to him or anything, it's just devastating me that I don't think he'll ever be happy. I would really really love some advice--I don't know why J is starting to bring up my ex so much, especially to tell me something like this. Is there anything I can say to him? And I don't know how to process this new troubling information about my ex, who I also see in class regularly. Please please help! tl;dr mutual friend keeps talking about my ex, to my confusion and frustration, and today told me the ex has entered a downward mental spiral and bought a bunch of acid. not sure how to proceed.
Hello there! It's been a while since I've last visited this site, but over the holidays I was frequenting ExNoContact like crazy after my boyfriend [21M] ended things--my first heartbreak, and one following a very intense relationship. Once I got back to school, I found out I was in a class with him, but despite seeing him twice a week I was moving on and becoming very happy living a single life for the first time since I was 15. We remained civil-to-friendly, but didn't talk about anything going on in our lives. About two months ago I also started seeing a new man, which has been great. Because my breakup with my ex was relatively amicable, although painful, he stayed friends with my best friend who I'll call J. J always told me when he was hanging out with my ex if it came up, and I appreciated his honesty. But recently he's started bringing my ex's name up in conversation pretty often, unprompted, and has been giving more and more details about what they've been doing. This has started to annoy me just a little bit, but I'm not really sure why. I'm over my ex to the extent that I realize he's not the person I thought he was, and don't really want to see him or think about him at all. I guess it annoys me that J has started talking about him more because that chapter of my life finally felt over and now J's bringing it back to my memory. But today, J talked the most about seeing my ex than before, by a large margin. He discussed every activity they'd done hanging out, but then dropped some pretty crazy news. My ex moved out of his apartment back with his parents, and is letting his friends live in his apartment instead. His depression, which has been a life-long struggle for him and reappeared towards the end of our relationship, has gotten worse. And to top it off, he bought a bunch of acid, and is probably going to do it with his friends. (Nothing against acid, but he's clinically depressed and pretty self-destructive.) I didn't know what to say to J when he told me all of this, and so I didn't say anything at all. But it's really worrying me. After a few months of not knowing at all the details of my ex's life, I get a window into it for the first time and it's pretty upsetting. I was finally not thinking about him as much, but now I can't stop--I don't even want to reach out to him or anything, it's just devastating me that I don't think he'll ever be happy. I would really really love some advice--I don't know why J is starting to bring up my ex so much, especially to tell me something like this. Is there anything I can say to him? And I don't know how to process this new troubling information about my ex, who I also see in class regularly. Please please help!
mutual friend keeps talking about my ex, to my confusion and frustration, and today told me the ex has entered a downward mental spiral and bought a bunch of acid. not sure how to proceed.
I didn't mean "getting kills and carrying" I mean the entire support role itself isn't as "carry status" as APC. The Janna with 16-0-2 building AP is an APC. And if she's building like a traditional support, she's not feeding kills to her ADC in lane. And for the junglers; I wholehearted agree that both the 5-0-0 malphite and the 5-0-0 yi are extremely capable of carrying a team to victory (malphite with SotAG + tabi/Mercs and yi with either BOTRK started/BF stemmed items). However, as I'm sure you intended, both junglers are two different styles, hard carry like yi, and tanky initiator for malphite. Of course deciding how potent a threat each is is based on situational things like general teamwork, team comp, and skill level. However on a general level, I find it EASIER for the fed yi to INDEPENDENTLY carry, as was my point originally. A yi with a fast BotRK early in the game means easy 1v1 and depending the lanes, a 2v1. Even if yi's team scraps a 4v5, the well fed yi can clean up heavily. Just think about the number of times even OLD yi came in and alpha'd 3 times to insta-triple after a big team fight was wearing down? On the other hand, malphite (equally fed) is uber uber beefy and intitates on a full team ulti, catching them all. At THAT point, malphite is forced to rely on his team to follow up, after he spoon feeds the kills. If your team botches, you just threw your amazing ult away. TLDR: basically my and your definition of "carrying" is different. My definition is relies on teammates the least to win. And in SoloQ, you have to trust only yourself and play the best you can.
I didn't mean "getting kills and carrying" I mean the entire support role itself isn't as "carry status" as APC. The Janna with 16-0-2 building AP is an APC. And if she's building like a traditional support, she's not feeding kills to her ADC in lane. And for the junglers; I wholehearted agree that both the 5-0-0 malphite and the 5-0-0 yi are extremely capable of carrying a team to victory (malphite with SotAG + tabi/Mercs and yi with either BOTRK started/BF stemmed items). However, as I'm sure you intended, both junglers are two different styles, hard carry like yi, and tanky initiator for malphite. Of course deciding how potent a threat each is is based on situational things like general teamwork, team comp, and skill level. However on a general level, I find it EASIER for the fed yi to INDEPENDENTLY carry, as was my point originally. A yi with a fast BotRK early in the game means easy 1v1 and depending the lanes, a 2v1. Even if yi's team scraps a 4v5, the well fed yi can clean up heavily. Just think about the number of times even OLD yi came in and alpha'd 3 times to insta-triple after a big team fight was wearing down? On the other hand, malphite (equally fed) is uber uber beefy and intitates on a full team ulti, catching them all. At THAT point, malphite is forced to rely on his team to follow up, after he spoon feeds the kills. If your team botches, you just threw your amazing ult away. TLDR: basically my and your definition of "carrying" is different. My definition is relies on teammates the least to win. And in SoloQ, you have to trust only yourself and play the best you can.
I didn't mean "getting kills and carrying" I mean the entire support role itself isn't as "carry status" as APC. The Janna with 16-0-2 building AP is an APC. And if she's building like a traditional support, she's not feeding kills to her ADC in lane. And for the junglers; I wholehearted agree that both the 5-0-0 malphite and the 5-0-0 yi are extremely capable of carrying a team to victory (malphite with SotAG + tabi/Mercs and yi with either BOTRK started/BF stemmed items). However, as I'm sure you intended, both junglers are two different styles, hard carry like yi, and tanky initiator for malphite. Of course deciding how potent a threat each is is based on situational things like general teamwork, team comp, and skill level. However on a general level, I find it EASIER for the fed yi to INDEPENDENTLY carry, as was my point originally. A yi with a fast BotRK early in the game means easy 1v1 and depending the lanes, a 2v1. Even if yi's team scraps a 4v5, the well fed yi can clean up heavily. Just think about the number of times even OLD yi came in and alpha'd 3 times to insta-triple after a big team fight was wearing down? On the other hand, malphite (equally fed) is uber uber beefy and intitates on a full team ulti, catching them all. At THAT point, malphite is forced to rely on his team to follow up, after he spoon feeds the kills. If your team botches, you just threw your amazing ult away.
basically my and your definition of "carrying" is different. My definition is relies on teammates the least to win. And in SoloQ, you have to trust only yourself and play the best you can.
You can't wall run on a wall any higher than your first run. Even if you wall hang. BUT. a little known fact is most buildings, especially the taller ones, have slights protrusions sticking out from them almost like a pole that runs all the way to the top or close to it. You can angle yourself into where the building an the "pole" meet and wall jump from the two to the top. I say "pole" for lack of a better word. For example. The next time you are on training ground explore the platforms connected to the side of the center building. The walls of these buildings while on the platforms. iK for a fact the "poles" are there, I use them every match, and are the quickest way to the top. You don't have to angle your joystick from side to side either. Your pilot naturally jumps back and forth. Just stick your nose in the corner and spam jump. TLDR: look for small protrusions on the sides of these buildings to wall jump back and forth to the top.
You can't wall run on a wall any higher than your first run. Even if you wall hang. BUT. a little known fact is most buildings, especially the taller ones, have slights protrusions sticking out from them almost like a pole that runs all the way to the top or close to it. You can angle yourself into where the building an the "pole" meet and wall jump from the two to the top. I say "pole" for lack of a better word. For example. The next time you are on training ground explore the platforms connected to the side of the center building. The walls of these buildings while on the platforms. iK for a fact the "poles" are there, I use them every match, and are the quickest way to the top. You don't have to angle your joystick from side to side either. Your pilot naturally jumps back and forth. Just stick your nose in the corner and spam jump. TLDR: look for small protrusions on the sides of these buildings to wall jump back and forth to the top.
You can't wall run on a wall any higher than your first run. Even if you wall hang. BUT. a little known fact is most buildings, especially the taller ones, have slights protrusions sticking out from them almost like a pole that runs all the way to the top or close to it. You can angle yourself into where the building an the "pole" meet and wall jump from the two to the top. I say "pole" for lack of a better word. For example. The next time you are on training ground explore the platforms connected to the side of the center building. The walls of these buildings while on the platforms. iK for a fact the "poles" are there, I use them every match, and are the quickest way to the top. You don't have to angle your joystick from side to side either. Your pilot naturally jumps back and forth. Just stick your nose in the corner and spam jump.
look for small protrusions on the sides of these buildings to wall jump back and forth to the top.
Except insurance wouldnt allow you to. I was lucky enough to meet a man with 2 original Yenkos, a 68 Camaro and a 69 Chevelle that he had restored so perfectly, that when he did the restoration, he flew in an old man who used to work on the Chevy line to do the exact markings that would have gone on the cars. He says the cars are nearly worth millions each, and the insurance for each runs him about 10k a year, but one of the stipulations is that he cannot drive it on the streets, he would have to transport it to car shows, etc. The insurance more than triples if he wants to have a driving policy on them. TL:DR Very lucky man has 2 original yenkos, both worth millions, he cant drive them because of insurance reasons
Except insurance wouldnt allow you to. I was lucky enough to meet a man with 2 original Yenkos, a 68 Camaro and a 69 Chevelle that he had restored so perfectly, that when he did the restoration, he flew in an old man who used to work on the Chevy line to do the exact markings that would have gone on the cars. He says the cars are nearly worth millions each, and the insurance for each runs him about 10k a year, but one of the stipulations is that he cannot drive it on the streets, he would have to transport it to car shows, etc. The insurance more than triples if he wants to have a driving policy on them. TL:DR Very lucky man has 2 original yenkos, both worth millions, he cant drive them because of insurance reasons
Except insurance wouldnt allow you to. I was lucky enough to meet a man with 2 original Yenkos, a 68 Camaro and a 69 Chevelle that he had restored so perfectly, that when he did the restoration, he flew in an old man who used to work on the Chevy line to do the exact markings that would have gone on the cars. He says the cars are nearly worth millions each, and the insurance for each runs him about 10k a year, but one of the stipulations is that he cannot drive it on the streets, he would have to transport it to car shows, etc. The insurance more than triples if he wants to have a driving policy on them.
Very lucky man has 2 original yenkos, both worth millions, he cant drive them because of insurance reasons
Idiocracy is a film written and directed by Mike Judge which takes a satirical jab at exactly what you have described in your original comment. An ordinary joe time travels to the future and finds himself as the most intelligent human alive as the lower classes/poor continued breeding at an escalated rate while the middle and upper classes took a more prudent approach to procreation where they would wait to have children until they were 'ready'. Most of them never became ready either by not reaching financial goals or divorcing due to intellectual/opinion differences, etc. Our ordinary joe finds himself in a world run amok with low-lifes, inbreds and hicks. The world (at least the part we see) is destitute and the only way people can feed themselves is through universal vending machines that provide them with fast food. Most people are unable to grip even the simplest of concepts we see as common sense today. TL:DR - Idiocracy is a movie about a guy who goes to the future, finds out the world is on the brink of destruction because poor/stupid bred out the intelligent. Edit: Also, "Don't wanna sound like a dick or nothin', but it says on your chart that you're fucked up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded"
Idiocracy is a film written and directed by Mike Judge which takes a satirical jab at exactly what you have described in your original comment. An ordinary joe time travels to the future and finds himself as the most intelligent human alive as the lower classes/poor continued breeding at an escalated rate while the middle and upper classes took a more prudent approach to procreation where they would wait to have children until they were 'ready'. Most of them never became ready either by not reaching financial goals or divorcing due to intellectual/opinion differences, etc. Our ordinary joe finds himself in a world run amok with low-lifes, inbreds and hicks. The world (at least the part we see) is destitute and the only way people can feed themselves is through universal vending machines that provide them with fast food. Most people are unable to grip even the simplest of concepts we see as common sense today. TL:DR - Idiocracy is a movie about a guy who goes to the future, finds out the world is on the brink of destruction because poor/stupid bred out the intelligent. Edit: Also, "Don't wanna sound like a dick or nothin', but it says on your chart that you're fucked up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded"
Idiocracy is a film written and directed by Mike Judge which takes a satirical jab at exactly what you have described in your original comment. An ordinary joe time travels to the future and finds himself as the most intelligent human alive as the lower classes/poor continued breeding at an escalated rate while the middle and upper classes took a more prudent approach to procreation where they would wait to have children until they were 'ready'. Most of them never became ready either by not reaching financial goals or divorcing due to intellectual/opinion differences, etc. Our ordinary joe finds himself in a world run amok with low-lifes, inbreds and hicks. The world (at least the part we see) is destitute and the only way people can feed themselves is through universal vending machines that provide them with fast food. Most people are unable to grip even the simplest of concepts we see as common sense today.
Idiocracy is a movie about a guy who goes to the future, finds out the world is on the brink of destruction because poor/stupid bred out the intelligent. Edit: Also, "Don't wanna sound like a dick or nothin', but it says on your chart that you're fucked up. Ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded"
Does anyone else find it really hard to give them selves credit ? I mean a little over a month ago, i was out of my mind with worry and doubt about reaching out for counseling, but since then: I did reach out for Counseling went to and continue to go there talked about a really upsetting and painful memory talked about SH I know deep down that going from the position i was in a little over a month ago, to where i am now was really hard (eyes welling up at the moment ) But I just cant seem to take any strength from it, i'm doing one of the hardest things i ever had to do in my life, but i just cant let that feeling in completely regret posting this at work as now i have to suck back the tears TLDR: cant give myself credit for doing something really hard, anyone else feel like that ? how do you deal with it ?
Does anyone else find it really hard to give them selves credit ? I mean a little over a month ago, i was out of my mind with worry and doubt about reaching out for counseling, but since then: I did reach out for Counseling went to and continue to go there talked about a really upsetting and painful memory talked about SH I know deep down that going from the position i was in a little over a month ago, to where i am now was really hard (eyes welling up at the moment ) But I just cant seem to take any strength from it, i'm doing one of the hardest things i ever had to do in my life, but i just cant let that feeling in completely regret posting this at work as now i have to suck back the tears TLDR: cant give myself credit for doing something really hard, anyone else feel like that ? how do you deal with it ?
Does anyone else find it really hard to give them selves credit ? I mean a little over a month ago, i was out of my mind with worry and doubt about reaching out for counseling, but since then: I did reach out for Counseling went to and continue to go there talked about a really upsetting and painful memory talked about SH I know deep down that going from the position i was in a little over a month ago, to where i am now was really hard (eyes welling up at the moment ) But I just cant seem to take any strength from it, i'm doing one of the hardest things i ever had to do in my life, but i just cant let that feeling in completely regret posting this at work as now i have to suck back the tears
cant give myself credit for doing something really hard, anyone else feel like that ? how do you deal with it ?
Can you add a que search option to only que with other people soloqueing, in normals and in ranked. I often times see that im qued with people who are in either a duo group in ranked, or a four man pre-made in normals. I great option is to have a seperate que only for people who want to que with other people who are soloqueing. Even with a higher que wait time, i would prefer not to get qued with people who have better teamplay ablility. **tldr** have a que for only solo matches, and a (like it is now) normal que. english isnt my first language sorry for errors
Can you add a que search option to only que with other people soloqueing, in normals and in ranked. I often times see that im qued with people who are in either a duo group in ranked, or a four man pre-made in normals. I great option is to have a seperate que only for people who want to que with other people who are soloqueing. Even with a higher que wait time, i would prefer not to get qued with people who have better teamplay ablility. tldr have a que for only solo matches, and a (like it is now) normal que. english isnt my first language sorry for errors
Can you add a que search option to only que with other people soloqueing, in normals and in ranked. I often times see that im qued with people who are in either a duo group in ranked, or a four man pre-made in normals. I great option is to have a seperate que only for people who want to que with other people who are soloqueing. Even with a higher que wait time, i would prefer not to get qued with people who have better teamplay ablility.
have a que for only solo matches, and a (like it is now) normal que. english isnt my first language sorry for errors
*Sigh* In attempting to correct OP on the law, you've only demonstrated your own ignorance. Let's set the record straight. > The most obvious "error" is the failure to distinguish between the federal and state governments... Clearly established SCOTUS doctrine explicitly treats state and federal governments indistinguishably regarding the First Amendment. Thanks to [incorporation]( the majority of the rights provided in the first eight amendments have been applied against the states through the 14th amendment. And the First Amendment is no exception. The Establishment Clause of the First was incorporated through the 14th in 1947. See [Everson v. Board of Education]( 330 U.S. 1 (1947). In other words, since 1947, State governments and the Federal Government are held to the exact same standards when it comes to "establishing a religion", a legal term of art. > SO, just because the first amendment precludes Congress from establishing a religion or marriage does not mean that states are precluded, too Actually, that's exactly how it works under current doctrine. If the Federal Government is barred from denying homosexuals the right to marry under the First, the states would be similarly barred. However, this is still an open question yet to be decided by SCOTUS. > Secondly, the privileges and immunities clauses (cited second) applies to the STATES and just means that a state can not treat a nonresident different from its residents. Although technically accurate, this statement is highly misleading. To begin with, it's important to distinguish between the [Privileges **OR** Immunities clause]( in the 14th amendment to which OP referred and the [Privileges **AND** Immunities Clause]( in the 4th Amendment. Since OP was talking about the clause in the 14th, HighFiveLawyer's commentary about the clause in the 4th is completely off point. That being said, since the [Slaughter House Cases]( 83 U.S. 36 (1873) the Privileges or Immunities has been largely toothless. As suggested, the Privileges or Immunities clause does not support the proposition that it is unconstitutional to deny homosexuals the right to marry. > It does not mean that it has to treat people equally regardless of sexual orientation- that is the Equal Protection Clause Unfortunately, as much as I wish this statement were true, this statement is largely false. Here's why: Under current Equal Protection doctrine, a law/government action that treats two distinct groups of people differently doesn't necessarily violate the 14th Amendment. Rather, the courts look both the the type of group being treated less favorably and the reasons supporting the disparate treatment. Depending on the type of group affected, the court will require more or less justification for the disparate treatment. For example, laws that treat individuals differently on the basis of race, religion, or national origin (sometimes) are suspect to what's known as [strict scrutiny]( . IE, to be valid under the 14th, the law must be narrowly tailored to a compelling state interest. Disparate treatment based on sex, illegitimacy, national origin (again sometimes) is more readily supportable under the 14th and is subjected only to [intermediate scrutiny]( Finally, government discrimination based on the majority of other classification, including sexual orientation, is subject only to [rational basis]( review. This is an exceedingly low threshold. So long as the reason behind the disparate treatment is at all supportable, even if the support is quite weak, the government's disparate treatment doesn't violate the 14th. Long story short, unless and until SCOTUS determines that sexual orientation deserves either intermediate or strict scrutiny, it is exceedingly unlikely that any bill discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation will conflict with 14th Amendment Equal Protection doctrine. **TL;DR** HighFiveLawyer clearly isn't a lawyer because his post demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of Con Law 101. Please kindly disregard HighFiveLawyer's above comment.
Sigh In attempting to correct OP on the law, you've only demonstrated your own ignorance. Let's set the record straight. > The most obvious "error" is the failure to distinguish between the federal and state governments... Clearly established SCOTUS doctrine explicitly treats state and federal governments indistinguishably regarding the First Amendment. Thanks to incorporation . In other words, since 1947, State governments and the Federal Government are held to the exact same standards when it comes to "establishing a religion", a legal term of art. > SO, just because the first amendment precludes Congress from establishing a religion or marriage does not mean that states are precluded, too Actually, that's exactly how it works under current doctrine. If the Federal Government is barred from denying homosexuals the right to marry under the First, the states would be similarly barred. However, this is still an open question yet to be decided by SCOTUS. > Secondly, the privileges and immunities clauses (cited second) applies to the STATES and just means that a state can not treat a nonresident different from its residents. Although technically accurate, this statement is highly misleading. To begin with, it's important to distinguish between the [Privileges OR Immunities clause]( in the 14th amendment to which OP referred and the [Privileges AND Immunities Clause]( in the 4th Amendment. Since OP was talking about the clause in the 14th, HighFiveLawyer's commentary about the clause in the 4th is completely off point. That being said, since the Slaughter House Cases the Privileges or Immunities has been largely toothless. As suggested, the Privileges or Immunities clause does not support the proposition that it is unconstitutional to deny homosexuals the right to marry. > It does not mean that it has to treat people equally regardless of sexual orientation- that is the Equal Protection Clause Unfortunately, as much as I wish this statement were true, this statement is largely false. Here's why: Under current Equal Protection doctrine, a law/government action that treats two distinct groups of people differently doesn't necessarily violate the 14th Amendment. Rather, the courts look both the the type of group being treated less favorably and the reasons supporting the disparate treatment. Depending on the type of group affected, the court will require more or less justification for the disparate treatment. For example, laws that treat individuals differently on the basis of race, religion, or national origin (sometimes) are suspect to what's known as strict scrutiny is more readily supportable under the 14th and is subjected only to [intermediate scrutiny]( Finally, government discrimination based on the majority of other classification, including sexual orientation, is subject only to [rational basis]( review. This is an exceedingly low threshold. So long as the reason behind the disparate treatment is at all supportable, even if the support is quite weak, the government's disparate treatment doesn't violate the 14th. Long story short, unless and until SCOTUS determines that sexual orientation deserves either intermediate or strict scrutiny, it is exceedingly unlikely that any bill discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation will conflict with 14th Amendment Equal Protection doctrine. TL;DR HighFiveLawyer clearly isn't a lawyer because his post demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of Con Law 101. Please kindly disregard HighFiveLawyer's above comment.
Sigh In attempting to correct OP on the law, you've only demonstrated your own ignorance. Let's set the record straight. > The most obvious "error" is the failure to distinguish between the federal and state governments... Clearly established SCOTUS doctrine explicitly treats state and federal governments indistinguishably regarding the First Amendment. Thanks to incorporation . In other words, since 1947, State governments and the Federal Government are held to the exact same standards when it comes to "establishing a religion", a legal term of art. > SO, just because the first amendment precludes Congress from establishing a religion or marriage does not mean that states are precluded, too Actually, that's exactly how it works under current doctrine. If the Federal Government is barred from denying homosexuals the right to marry under the First, the states would be similarly barred. However, this is still an open question yet to be decided by SCOTUS. > Secondly, the privileges and immunities clauses (cited second) applies to the STATES and just means that a state can not treat a nonresident different from its residents. Although technically accurate, this statement is highly misleading. To begin with, it's important to distinguish between the [Privileges OR Immunities clause]( in the 14th amendment to which OP referred and the [Privileges AND Immunities Clause]( in the 4th Amendment. Since OP was talking about the clause in the 14th, HighFiveLawyer's commentary about the clause in the 4th is completely off point. That being said, since the Slaughter House Cases the Privileges or Immunities has been largely toothless. As suggested, the Privileges or Immunities clause does not support the proposition that it is unconstitutional to deny homosexuals the right to marry. > It does not mean that it has to treat people equally regardless of sexual orientation- that is the Equal Protection Clause Unfortunately, as much as I wish this statement were true, this statement is largely false. Here's why: Under current Equal Protection doctrine, a law/government action that treats two distinct groups of people differently doesn't necessarily violate the 14th Amendment. Rather, the courts look both the the type of group being treated less favorably and the reasons supporting the disparate treatment. Depending on the type of group affected, the court will require more or less justification for the disparate treatment. For example, laws that treat individuals differently on the basis of race, religion, or national origin (sometimes) are suspect to what's known as strict scrutiny is more readily supportable under the 14th and is subjected only to [intermediate scrutiny]( Finally, government discrimination based on the majority of other classification, including sexual orientation, is subject only to [rational basis]( review. This is an exceedingly low threshold. So long as the reason behind the disparate treatment is at all supportable, even if the support is quite weak, the government's disparate treatment doesn't violate the 14th. Long story short, unless and until SCOTUS determines that sexual orientation deserves either intermediate or strict scrutiny, it is exceedingly unlikely that any bill discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation will conflict with 14th Amendment Equal Protection doctrine.
HighFiveLawyer clearly isn't a lawyer because his post demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of Con Law 101. Please kindly disregard HighFiveLawyer's above comment.
Here's my theory: PUGs used to be much better than they were now because of the way we levelled up and the content we had available. These days a 31 is as good as a 29 used to be in terms of game knowledge. So people who are 29 now are roughly equivalent in game knowledge to when we were level 27ish (assuming the 29 is a christmas noob). They very likely haven't done the VoG nearly as much as we have as they probably only just hit the level requirement made in most posts about a day or two prior to being in the raid. You can get to 27 with full blue gear nowadays. They are much less experienced than the PUGs of old because they can level up through the level requirement phase very quickly, whereas that used to be the point where you get stuck for a week or two while waiting for the reset so you could grind more marks. The other reason I mentioned was content. These guys don't care about VoG. It gives them out of date guns, really out of date armour and takes an hour or two. Most of them run it once and get carried for the whole thing. This leads to people who suck in NM or people who lie their way into a HM group because they think they can run with the big boys now that they are lvl 31. They have a fundamental lack of experience that is born of not needing to run that content. Old PUGs had nothing but that content to run so they got a lot of practice in. TL:DR Old PUGs were better because they spent a long time doing the same thing over and over. New PUGs have much more variety in activities and can get to a higher level, where those activities are all available, much easier.
Here's my theory: PUGs used to be much better than they were now because of the way we levelled up and the content we had available. These days a 31 is as good as a 29 used to be in terms of game knowledge. So people who are 29 now are roughly equivalent in game knowledge to when we were level 27ish (assuming the 29 is a christmas noob). They very likely haven't done the VoG nearly as much as we have as they probably only just hit the level requirement made in most posts about a day or two prior to being in the raid. You can get to 27 with full blue gear nowadays. They are much less experienced than the PUGs of old because they can level up through the level requirement phase very quickly, whereas that used to be the point where you get stuck for a week or two while waiting for the reset so you could grind more marks. The other reason I mentioned was content. These guys don't care about VoG. It gives them out of date guns, really out of date armour and takes an hour or two. Most of them run it once and get carried for the whole thing. This leads to people who suck in NM or people who lie their way into a HM group because they think they can run with the big boys now that they are lvl 31. They have a fundamental lack of experience that is born of not needing to run that content. Old PUGs had nothing but that content to run so they got a lot of practice in. TL:DR Old PUGs were better because they spent a long time doing the same thing over and over. New PUGs have much more variety in activities and can get to a higher level, where those activities are all available, much easier.
Here's my theory: PUGs used to be much better than they were now because of the way we levelled up and the content we had available. These days a 31 is as good as a 29 used to be in terms of game knowledge. So people who are 29 now are roughly equivalent in game knowledge to when we were level 27ish (assuming the 29 is a christmas noob). They very likely haven't done the VoG nearly as much as we have as they probably only just hit the level requirement made in most posts about a day or two prior to being in the raid. You can get to 27 with full blue gear nowadays. They are much less experienced than the PUGs of old because they can level up through the level requirement phase very quickly, whereas that used to be the point where you get stuck for a week or two while waiting for the reset so you could grind more marks. The other reason I mentioned was content. These guys don't care about VoG. It gives them out of date guns, really out of date armour and takes an hour or two. Most of them run it once and get carried for the whole thing. This leads to people who suck in NM or people who lie their way into a HM group because they think they can run with the big boys now that they are lvl 31. They have a fundamental lack of experience that is born of not needing to run that content. Old PUGs had nothing but that content to run so they got a lot of practice in.
Old PUGs were better because they spent a long time doing the same thing over and over. New PUGs have much more variety in activities and can get to a higher level, where those activities are all available, much easier.
You guys are awesome..awesome awesome shibes. I've always been a lurker on reddit for the past 2 years.. I finally made an account with reddit to join the Dogecoin subreddit and started mining coins. But today I decided to slow down my crazy mining for dogecoins lol. Im burning way too much booster fuel because of my addiction to mining coins. I started mining coins about 3 weeks ago? did most of my mining on gpu/cpu then read about aws mining.. now thats where i started feeling a pump in my heart. Started launching 30 spot instances across Virginia, Oregon, and Cali. I would monitor it every 5 minutes i didnt sleep for days... I have a total 667,008 doge coins in my whole career mining coins. Total aws hours 2194 hrs.. total cost so far~$541 dollars. Yea i have no experience with aws.. thats why ebs volumes ate alot of the money. I by no way am rich lol.. so cant afford them boosters. Sorry for my poor cut and paste job Yes i know its much cheaper to just buy the coins i thought about it once but you lose the thrill and the fun of mining. I will reach my goal of 700k or 1mill one day but its time to turn off my boosters.. going back to cpu mining. =] i will reach the moon fellow shibes Thank you all! at least now i can change my flair from poor shibe to middle class.. unless middle class is.. having more than 1 mill 0.0 TLDR: community full of awesome shibes got addicted to mining now i have to layback or else it will make me a poor shibe for real.
You guys are awesome..awesome awesome shibes. I've always been a lurker on reddit for the past 2 years.. I finally made an account with reddit to join the Dogecoin subreddit and started mining coins. But today I decided to slow down my crazy mining for dogecoins lol. Im burning way too much booster fuel because of my addiction to mining coins. I started mining coins about 3 weeks ago? did most of my mining on gpu/cpu then read about aws mining.. now thats where i started feeling a pump in my heart. Started launching 30 spot instances across Virginia, Oregon, and Cali. I would monitor it every 5 minutes i didnt sleep for days... I have a total 667,008 doge coins in my whole career mining coins. Total aws hours 2194 hrs.. total cost so far~$541 dollars. Yea i have no experience with aws.. thats why ebs volumes ate alot of the money. I by no way am rich lol.. so cant afford them boosters. Sorry for my poor cut and paste job Yes i know its much cheaper to just buy the coins i thought about it once but you lose the thrill and the fun of mining. I will reach my goal of 700k or 1mill one day but its time to turn off my boosters.. going back to cpu mining. =] i will reach the moon fellow shibes Thank you all! at least now i can change my flair from poor shibe to middle class.. unless middle class is.. having more than 1 mill 0.0 TLDR: community full of awesome shibes got addicted to mining now i have to layback or else it will make me a poor shibe for real.
You guys are awesome..awesome awesome shibes. I've always been a lurker on reddit for the past 2 years.. I finally made an account with reddit to join the Dogecoin subreddit and started mining coins. But today I decided to slow down my crazy mining for dogecoins lol. Im burning way too much booster fuel because of my addiction to mining coins. I started mining coins about 3 weeks ago? did most of my mining on gpu/cpu then read about aws mining.. now thats where i started feeling a pump in my heart. Started launching 30 spot instances across Virginia, Oregon, and Cali. I would monitor it every 5 minutes i didnt sleep for days... I have a total 667,008 doge coins in my whole career mining coins. Total aws hours 2194 hrs.. total cost so far~$541 dollars. Yea i have no experience with aws.. thats why ebs volumes ate alot of the money. I by no way am rich lol.. so cant afford them boosters. Sorry for my poor cut and paste job Yes i know its much cheaper to just buy the coins i thought about it once but you lose the thrill and the fun of mining. I will reach my goal of 700k or 1mill one day but its time to turn off my boosters.. going back to cpu mining. =] i will reach the moon fellow shibes Thank you all! at least now i can change my flair from poor shibe to middle class.. unless middle class is.. having more than 1 mill 0.0
community full of awesome shibes got addicted to mining now i have to layback or else it will make me a poor shibe for real.
[Relevant]( I used to work in hotels and can say that unless you are super-duper flexible, ALWAYS go through the venue/service you are using and not these price-cutting middlemen. This services are cheap but offer shitty service. They think that for the "deals" they give you, they can treat you like human garbage and get away with it. It's too bad they usually do get away with it. Even worse, at your hotel or flight booking, you will be the lowest-priority customer and your needs will go unmet. Need a non-smoking room? Too fucking bad, we already reserved the last one to someone else and it doesn't matter if they're not here yet because you booked through Expedia. Need two beds? Same story. I assume that it's the same for flights. In my (admittedly few) negative experiences due to this type of booking, I've also found my options limited. TL;DR: Don't book through Orbitz/Expedia/Priceline unless you are extremely flexible and are willing to put up with poor customer service.
[Relevant]( I used to work in hotels and can say that unless you are super-duper flexible, ALWAYS go through the venue/service you are using and not these price-cutting middlemen. This services are cheap but offer shitty service. They think that for the "deals" they give you, they can treat you like human garbage and get away with it. It's too bad they usually do get away with it. Even worse, at your hotel or flight booking, you will be the lowest-priority customer and your needs will go unmet. Need a non-smoking room? Too fucking bad, we already reserved the last one to someone else and it doesn't matter if they're not here yet because you booked through Expedia. Need two beds? Same story. I assume that it's the same for flights. In my (admittedly few) negative experiences due to this type of booking, I've also found my options limited. TL;DR: Don't book through Orbitz/Expedia/Priceline unless you are extremely flexible and are willing to put up with poor customer service.
Relevant]( I used to work in hotels and can say that unless you are super-duper flexible, ALWAYS go through the venue/service you are using and not these price-cutting middlemen. This services are cheap but offer shitty service. They think that for the "deals" they give you, they can treat you like human garbage and get away with it. It's too bad they usually do get away with it. Even worse, at your hotel or flight booking, you will be the lowest-priority customer and your needs will go unmet. Need a non-smoking room? Too fucking bad, we already reserved the last one to someone else and it doesn't matter if they're not here yet because you booked through Expedia. Need two beds? Same story. I assume that it's the same for flights. In my (admittedly few) negative experiences due to this type of booking, I've also found my options limited.
Don't book through Orbitz/Expedia/Priceline unless you are extremely flexible and are willing to put up with poor customer service.
As the title says, I(17) had a summer relationship with this girl(18) and things ended last week because she had to go to college and I had to stay for one more year of high school. Backstory: Jen(18) was a girl ive always liked and really looked up to her as a friend. Ive liked and pursued her twice and we decided to date towards the end of the school year. The problem was that she was a senior and would soon be going to college and I had to stay in our home town and do one more year of high school. She is going to college 5 hours away so there is no possibility of us continuing so at the beginning of it we agreed to break off at the end. Me and Jen both quickly fell in love, or what I think was love. We did everything together. We ate ice cream, went to concerts. We went on 5 hour car rides to different states and stayed in a friends lake house. We visited water falls and toured natural parks. I had the time of my life with her. Well last week was my last day with her. It was filled with ice cream and tears. We never really talked specifically on what was going to happen while she was in college but she said that she wanted to stay in touch. She said that writing each other letters would be fun and to send each other cute cards and stuff. (She loves little card stores and witty and cute holiday cards such). I talked about going no contact for alittle while would be good for me. She was confused about that and thought that that wouldnt be good. She wanted to keep contact. I havnt talked to her really since. Well its been a week and i was not ready for this. We had about a 150 snapchat streak but i had to delete her off it because of the snap chats she was sending. She was constantly with boys and she called them babe and sometimes they wouldnt be wearing a shirt and stuff like that. It really bothered me. Now my question is what should I do? I know that really isnt anything i can do of sorts but should I bother to try to comunicate to her? I know its only been a week but whens a good time? A few more weeks? A month? I understand that she is in a totally new setting and is currently starting a new life sort to say in college. Am I just a lost cause? Do you think she could of forgotten about me and gotten over me so quick? Im not sure what to do, thanks --- TL;DR Fell in love with a girl over the summer, she left for college and not sure how to proceed.
As the title says, I(17) had a summer relationship with this girl(18) and things ended last week because she had to go to college and I had to stay for one more year of high school. Backstory: Jen(18) was a girl ive always liked and really looked up to her as a friend. Ive liked and pursued her twice and we decided to date towards the end of the school year. The problem was that she was a senior and would soon be going to college and I had to stay in our home town and do one more year of high school. She is going to college 5 hours away so there is no possibility of us continuing so at the beginning of it we agreed to break off at the end. Me and Jen both quickly fell in love, or what I think was love. We did everything together. We ate ice cream, went to concerts. We went on 5 hour car rides to different states and stayed in a friends lake house. We visited water falls and toured natural parks. I had the time of my life with her. Well last week was my last day with her. It was filled with ice cream and tears. We never really talked specifically on what was going to happen while she was in college but she said that she wanted to stay in touch. She said that writing each other letters would be fun and to send each other cute cards and stuff. (She loves little card stores and witty and cute holiday cards such). I talked about going no contact for alittle while would be good for me. She was confused about that and thought that that wouldnt be good. She wanted to keep contact. I havnt talked to her really since. Well its been a week and i was not ready for this. We had about a 150 snapchat streak but i had to delete her off it because of the snap chats she was sending. She was constantly with boys and she called them babe and sometimes they wouldnt be wearing a shirt and stuff like that. It really bothered me. Now my question is what should I do? I know that really isnt anything i can do of sorts but should I bother to try to comunicate to her? I know its only been a week but whens a good time? A few more weeks? A month? I understand that she is in a totally new setting and is currently starting a new life sort to say in college. Am I just a lost cause? Do you think she could of forgotten about me and gotten over me so quick? Im not sure what to do, thanks TL;DR Fell in love with a girl over the summer, she left for college and not sure how to proceed.
As the title says, I(17) had a summer relationship with this girl(18) and things ended last week because she had to go to college and I had to stay for one more year of high school. Backstory: Jen(18) was a girl ive always liked and really looked up to her as a friend. Ive liked and pursued her twice and we decided to date towards the end of the school year. The problem was that she was a senior and would soon be going to college and I had to stay in our home town and do one more year of high school. She is going to college 5 hours away so there is no possibility of us continuing so at the beginning of it we agreed to break off at the end. Me and Jen both quickly fell in love, or what I think was love. We did everything together. We ate ice cream, went to concerts. We went on 5 hour car rides to different states and stayed in a friends lake house. We visited water falls and toured natural parks. I had the time of my life with her. Well last week was my last day with her. It was filled with ice cream and tears. We never really talked specifically on what was going to happen while she was in college but she said that she wanted to stay in touch. She said that writing each other letters would be fun and to send each other cute cards and stuff. (She loves little card stores and witty and cute holiday cards such). I talked about going no contact for alittle while would be good for me. She was confused about that and thought that that wouldnt be good. She wanted to keep contact. I havnt talked to her really since. Well its been a week and i was not ready for this. We had about a 150 snapchat streak but i had to delete her off it because of the snap chats she was sending. She was constantly with boys and she called them babe and sometimes they wouldnt be wearing a shirt and stuff like that. It really bothered me. Now my question is what should I do? I know that really isnt anything i can do of sorts but should I bother to try to comunicate to her? I know its only been a week but whens a good time? A few more weeks? A month? I understand that she is in a totally new setting and is currently starting a new life sort to say in college. Am I just a lost cause? Do you think she could of forgotten about me and gotten over me so quick? Im not sure what to do, thanks
Fell in love with a girl over the summer, she left for college and not sure how to proceed.
>Jesus! UK, get the fuck out, please. Go & join some other union. Maybe the union of retarderd city bankers. Protip: This is being cut because they couldn't touch France's agriculture subsidies. Hollande even said before hand that those were essentially off the table. With those gone, there's only a few places left to take funding from to reduce the budget as the UK wanted. This was one of them. tldr; UK is responsible for the fact there are cuts, not responsible for what the cuts ended up being.
>Jesus! UK, get the fuck out, please. Go & join some other union. Maybe the union of retarderd city bankers. Protip: This is being cut because they couldn't touch France's agriculture subsidies. Hollande even said before hand that those were essentially off the table. With those gone, there's only a few places left to take funding from to reduce the budget as the UK wanted. This was one of them. tldr; UK is responsible for the fact there are cuts, not responsible for what the cuts ended up being.
Jesus! UK, get the fuck out, please. Go & join some other union. Maybe the union of retarderd city bankers. Protip: This is being cut because they couldn't touch France's agriculture subsidies. Hollande even said before hand that those were essentially off the table. With those gone, there's only a few places left to take funding from to reduce the budget as the UK wanted. This was one of them.
UK is responsible for the fact there are cuts, not responsible for what the cuts ended up being.
I have some questions. When I go to the gym I only lift weights, since cardio is pretty difficult for me. When I) first started going, I loved the soreness, and I could barely move afterwards; I had to wait like an hour before I could shower because my arms would be so sore! Anyway, I've been going for about two weeks now, and I've stopped getting sore. Is that okay? When I'm lifting I still work hard, sweat, and progressively add more weight whenever I feel comfortable doing so. TL;DR is it okay that I don't get sore anymore?
I have some questions. When I go to the gym I only lift weights, since cardio is pretty difficult for me. When I) first started going, I loved the soreness, and I could barely move afterwards; I had to wait like an hour before I could shower because my arms would be so sore! Anyway, I've been going for about two weeks now, and I've stopped getting sore. Is that okay? When I'm lifting I still work hard, sweat, and progressively add more weight whenever I feel comfortable doing so. TL;DR is it okay that I don't get sore anymore?
I have some questions. When I go to the gym I only lift weights, since cardio is pretty difficult for me. When I) first started going, I loved the soreness, and I could barely move afterwards; I had to wait like an hour before I could shower because my arms would be so sore! Anyway, I've been going for about two weeks now, and I've stopped getting sore. Is that okay? When I'm lifting I still work hard, sweat, and progressively add more weight whenever I feel comfortable doing so.
is it okay that I don't get sore anymore?
Damn, man. Reminds me of a date I had off the ol' Craigslist: So I met this girl on Craigslist, and after a few phone conversations we decided to meet. She seemed legit (not in retrospect), until she asked me to meet her behind a K-Mart in a dark alley at 11:00 P.M in one of the seedier areas in my mini-metropolis. So some hippie left his beat up Datsun truck at my house so i drove the piece of shit to meet this girl, but not without taking the precaution of taking a metal t-ball bat, knife, and pepper spray with me. For a date. Anyway, after some sketchy preliminaries she gets in the truck and eventually we start making out after she does and says several things that would make anyone else drive the fuck away. So some car comes up and turns out it's her mom yelling for her to get out. She was 19 and i was 24 so i thought that was why, but after an awkward exit she texted me and said, and i quote: "My sister just died :(" I said sorry, and then she started calling me from blocked numbers for 3 weeks, crazy shit. Moral: Don't date on craigslist. TL;DR I met a girl on craigslist, armed myself heavily for our date, which ended because her sister died while we were making out.
Damn, man. Reminds me of a date I had off the ol' Craigslist: So I met this girl on Craigslist, and after a few phone conversations we decided to meet. She seemed legit (not in retrospect), until she asked me to meet her behind a K-Mart in a dark alley at 11:00 P.M in one of the seedier areas in my mini-metropolis. So some hippie left his beat up Datsun truck at my house so i drove the piece of shit to meet this girl, but not without taking the precaution of taking a metal t-ball bat, knife, and pepper spray with me. For a date. Anyway, after some sketchy preliminaries she gets in the truck and eventually we start making out after she does and says several things that would make anyone else drive the fuck away. So some car comes up and turns out it's her mom yelling for her to get out. She was 19 and i was 24 so i thought that was why, but after an awkward exit she texted me and said, and i quote: "My sister just died :(" I said sorry, and then she started calling me from blocked numbers for 3 weeks, crazy shit. Moral: Don't date on craigslist. TL;DR I met a girl on craigslist, armed myself heavily for our date, which ended because her sister died while we were making out.
Damn, man. Reminds me of a date I had off the ol' Craigslist: So I met this girl on Craigslist, and after a few phone conversations we decided to meet. She seemed legit (not in retrospect), until she asked me to meet her behind a K-Mart in a dark alley at 11:00 P.M in one of the seedier areas in my mini-metropolis. So some hippie left his beat up Datsun truck at my house so i drove the piece of shit to meet this girl, but not without taking the precaution of taking a metal t-ball bat, knife, and pepper spray with me. For a date. Anyway, after some sketchy preliminaries she gets in the truck and eventually we start making out after she does and says several things that would make anyone else drive the fuck away. So some car comes up and turns out it's her mom yelling for her to get out. She was 19 and i was 24 so i thought that was why, but after an awkward exit she texted me and said, and i quote: "My sister just died :(" I said sorry, and then she started calling me from blocked numbers for 3 weeks, crazy shit. Moral: Don't date on craigslist.
I met a girl on craigslist, armed myself heavily for our date, which ended because her sister died while we were making out.
I never got laid in HS, but i did get some Beejes and some old-fashioneds. Lost my VCard in college. was very happy i waited. almost everybody i know that was sexually active in HS ended up pregnant or following their significant other around, only to break up later. Although a few of them did end up married and seem happy. Also, the rest got to have sex. So basically, I think the winners are those who believe "anal isn't sex." TL; DR: People actually believe anal isn't sex.
I never got laid in HS, but i did get some Beejes and some old-fashioneds. Lost my VCard in college. was very happy i waited. almost everybody i know that was sexually active in HS ended up pregnant or following their significant other around, only to break up later. Although a few of them did end up married and seem happy. Also, the rest got to have sex. So basically, I think the winners are those who believe "anal isn't sex." TL; DR: People actually believe anal isn't sex.
I never got laid in HS, but i did get some Beejes and some old-fashioneds. Lost my VCard in college. was very happy i waited. almost everybody i know that was sexually active in HS ended up pregnant or following their significant other around, only to break up later. Although a few of them did end up married and seem happy. Also, the rest got to have sex. So basically, I think the winners are those who believe "anal isn't sex."
People actually believe anal isn't sex.
15 So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. Also, God has been violent throughout Scripture. He commanded men into war with other nations. He Himself has ordered the death of thousands of those that didn't believe in Him. (I know you're going to say, but that's the Old Testament). Jesus Himself died on the cross a violent death - violence that was condoned by God. Jesus declares, "Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (Matthew 25:41). Quite violent. Jesus sends devils into a herd of nearby pigs - violently killing them. Matthew 8:32 And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters. This is probably the most fascinating passage on the topic that directly contradicts Jesus as a passivist: Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. There are a lot more passages that indicate violence in the New Testament so I could go on. I should note that currently I am a skeptic. I was brought up in hardcore, fundamental Reform beliefs and after growing up with so much hate and judgment, I am certainly a pacifist. But these Biblical "contradictions" between the violent and loving God are part of what made me so confused in my belief in God. I do enjoy the conversation, although I get annoyed with lately the need for Christians on this forum who frequently comment on how atheists have taken this forum over. I would say that is far from the truth. I would consider myself an explorer of faith and spirituality and I'm quite content right now to stand back and relax in the debate that raged in my head for many years. tl;dr I think I'm saying thank you for the discourse as well! :)
15 So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. Also, God has been violent throughout Scripture. He commanded men into war with other nations. He Himself has ordered the death of thousands of those that didn't believe in Him. (I know you're going to say, but that's the Old Testament). Jesus Himself died on the cross a violent death - violence that was condoned by God. Jesus declares, "Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (Matthew 25:41). Quite violent. Jesus sends devils into a herd of nearby pigs - violently killing them. Matthew 8:32 And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters. This is probably the most fascinating passage on the topic that directly contradicts Jesus as a passivist: Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. There are a lot more passages that indicate violence in the New Testament so I could go on. I should note that currently I am a skeptic. I was brought up in hardcore, fundamental Reform beliefs and after growing up with so much hate and judgment, I am certainly a pacifist. But these Biblical "contradictions" between the violent and loving God are part of what made me so confused in my belief in God. I do enjoy the conversation, although I get annoyed with lately the need for Christians on this forum who frequently comment on how atheists have taken this forum over. I would say that is far from the truth. I would consider myself an explorer of faith and spirituality and I'm quite content right now to stand back and relax in the debate that raged in my head for many years. tl;dr I think I'm saying thank you for the discourse as well! :)
15 So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. Also, God has been violent throughout Scripture. He commanded men into war with other nations. He Himself has ordered the death of thousands of those that didn't believe in Him. (I know you're going to say, but that's the Old Testament). Jesus Himself died on the cross a violent death - violence that was condoned by God. Jesus declares, "Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" (Matthew 25:41). Quite violent. Jesus sends devils into a herd of nearby pigs - violently killing them. Matthew 8:32 And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters. This is probably the most fascinating passage on the topic that directly contradicts Jesus as a passivist: Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. There are a lot more passages that indicate violence in the New Testament so I could go on. I should note that currently I am a skeptic. I was brought up in hardcore, fundamental Reform beliefs and after growing up with so much hate and judgment, I am certainly a pacifist. But these Biblical "contradictions" between the violent and loving God are part of what made me so confused in my belief in God. I do enjoy the conversation, although I get annoyed with lately the need for Christians on this forum who frequently comment on how atheists have taken this forum over. I would say that is far from the truth. I would consider myself an explorer of faith and spirituality and I'm quite content right now to stand back and relax in the debate that raged in my head for many years.
I think I'm saying thank you for the discourse as well! :)
My comment history covers some of the history of the search for my next rifle. Today I took the first step. I had decided a while back (last thread) on building an AR-15 as a combination possible hunting rifle in addition to being able being a target rifle. Yesterday I found out my incredibly overpriced gun shop neighbor actually has reasonable stripped lower prices, today, I found a coupon... So three of us from the office went over lunch and bought Spikes lowers for $105 per. I also picked up a parts kit. The next piece I think I'm going to buy is going to be the stock. Does anyone have any recommendations that they absolutely love? Obviously prices range from $70-$lots (MAGPUL) but it is also a piece that you directly interact with and can have a big impact on the overall experience and performance. TL;DR: Building an AR-15, looking for stock recommendations Edit: Just a quick update, just finished building the lower receiver. Was not too bad to put together once I read a hint about oiling the roll pins and using tape wrapped vice grips to drive them in. WAAAAAAY easier without scratching the finish.
My comment history covers some of the history of the search for my next rifle. Today I took the first step. I had decided a while back (last thread) on building an AR-15 as a combination possible hunting rifle in addition to being able being a target rifle. Yesterday I found out my incredibly overpriced gun shop neighbor actually has reasonable stripped lower prices, today, I found a coupon... So three of us from the office went over lunch and bought Spikes lowers for $105 per. I also picked up a parts kit. The next piece I think I'm going to buy is going to be the stock. Does anyone have any recommendations that they absolutely love? Obviously prices range from $70-$lots (MAGPUL) but it is also a piece that you directly interact with and can have a big impact on the overall experience and performance. TL;DR: Building an AR-15, looking for stock recommendations Edit: Just a quick update, just finished building the lower receiver. Was not too bad to put together once I read a hint about oiling the roll pins and using tape wrapped vice grips to drive them in. WAAAAAAY easier without scratching the finish.
My comment history covers some of the history of the search for my next rifle. Today I took the first step. I had decided a while back (last thread) on building an AR-15 as a combination possible hunting rifle in addition to being able being a target rifle. Yesterday I found out my incredibly overpriced gun shop neighbor actually has reasonable stripped lower prices, today, I found a coupon... So three of us from the office went over lunch and bought Spikes lowers for $105 per. I also picked up a parts kit. The next piece I think I'm going to buy is going to be the stock. Does anyone have any recommendations that they absolutely love? Obviously prices range from $70-$lots (MAGPUL) but it is also a piece that you directly interact with and can have a big impact on the overall experience and performance.
Building an AR-15, looking for stock recommendations Edit: Just a quick update, just finished building the lower receiver. Was not too bad to put together once I read a hint about oiling the roll pins and using tape wrapped vice grips to drive them in. WAAAAAAY easier without scratching the finish.
All these stories about how badass we were when we were kids, one can't help but to wonder where it goes over the years. Anyways, my badass childhood moment took place when I was 8 or 9. I had a couple friends who were brothers and they lived down the street from me. Almost daily I would drop by and we'd roughhouse for hours playing football, playing nutcheck, wrestling on their trampoline, you get the idea, manly stuff. On this particular day, a couple of their cousins came over and we all decided to mess around on the trampoline. At some point they decided we should all wrestle and divide into teams, black peoples vs. white peoples. I was the only white guy. I eagerly took on their challenge and quickly found myself laid out when I was drop kicked and then body slammed until I snapped and roared with my powerful young voice for them to get off me. One of the cousins laid down on the trampoline in front of me, looked me straight in my teary, rage filled eyes, and said "*Are you okay man*?" So I huffed, I puffed, and I took two fingers and poked him in the eyes, turning him into a screaming, crying mess of pain. One cousin down, one more cousin and two brothers to go. I shambled to my feet and took each of them and threw them into each other or on top of the cousin with the poked out eyes. The drop-kicking, throwing, and screaming in pain (for one of them at least) continued until we were all exhausted. After checking to see that Cousin Eye Poke was okay (his eyes were pretty red from the poke and the crying but he was fine) I went home laughing like a maniac as I recalled the eye poking over and over. Tl;dr: Manly play time turns into a racial beat down. I turn into the Big Bad Wolf. Eyes are poked out, kids are thrown around and kicked. I go home laughing.
All these stories about how badass we were when we were kids, one can't help but to wonder where it goes over the years. Anyways, my badass childhood moment took place when I was 8 or 9. I had a couple friends who were brothers and they lived down the street from me. Almost daily I would drop by and we'd roughhouse for hours playing football, playing nutcheck, wrestling on their trampoline, you get the idea, manly stuff. On this particular day, a couple of their cousins came over and we all decided to mess around on the trampoline. At some point they decided we should all wrestle and divide into teams, black peoples vs. white peoples. I was the only white guy. I eagerly took on their challenge and quickly found myself laid out when I was drop kicked and then body slammed until I snapped and roared with my powerful young voice for them to get off me. One of the cousins laid down on the trampoline in front of me, looked me straight in my teary, rage filled eyes, and said " Are you okay man ?" So I huffed, I puffed, and I took two fingers and poked him in the eyes, turning him into a screaming, crying mess of pain. One cousin down, one more cousin and two brothers to go. I shambled to my feet and took each of them and threw them into each other or on top of the cousin with the poked out eyes. The drop-kicking, throwing, and screaming in pain (for one of them at least) continued until we were all exhausted. After checking to see that Cousin Eye Poke was okay (his eyes were pretty red from the poke and the crying but he was fine) I went home laughing like a maniac as I recalled the eye poking over and over. Tl;dr: Manly play time turns into a racial beat down. I turn into the Big Bad Wolf. Eyes are poked out, kids are thrown around and kicked. I go home laughing.
All these stories about how badass we were when we were kids, one can't help but to wonder where it goes over the years. Anyways, my badass childhood moment took place when I was 8 or 9. I had a couple friends who were brothers and they lived down the street from me. Almost daily I would drop by and we'd roughhouse for hours playing football, playing nutcheck, wrestling on their trampoline, you get the idea, manly stuff. On this particular day, a couple of their cousins came over and we all decided to mess around on the trampoline. At some point they decided we should all wrestle and divide into teams, black peoples vs. white peoples. I was the only white guy. I eagerly took on their challenge and quickly found myself laid out when I was drop kicked and then body slammed until I snapped and roared with my powerful young voice for them to get off me. One of the cousins laid down on the trampoline in front of me, looked me straight in my teary, rage filled eyes, and said " Are you okay man ?" So I huffed, I puffed, and I took two fingers and poked him in the eyes, turning him into a screaming, crying mess of pain. One cousin down, one more cousin and two brothers to go. I shambled to my feet and took each of them and threw them into each other or on top of the cousin with the poked out eyes. The drop-kicking, throwing, and screaming in pain (for one of them at least) continued until we were all exhausted. After checking to see that Cousin Eye Poke was okay (his eyes were pretty red from the poke and the crying but he was fine) I went home laughing like a maniac as I recalled the eye poking over and over.
Manly play time turns into a racial beat down. I turn into the Big Bad Wolf. Eyes are poked out, kids are thrown around and kicked. I go home laughing.
i will just say this much: ive seen a lot of PM hate recently and it seems to come mainly from Melee diehards who cant adapt to the new game(i.e. they try to play a melee top tier and get wrecked) a big part of it is just elitism. people like the older game better so they hate on the new one. the other thing that m2k talked a lot about is how the pmbr updates characters based on tourney results. i dont understand the logic here: the idea is that you should just leave the game alone and let the meta develop around it. but didnt we do that with melee, and end up with about 5 characters routinely winning tournaments? to me, PM is the best smash game BECAUSE of the updates. the developers nerf or buff characters based on exploits that are found or when someone sweeps a tournament. it makes sense because you don't want any character to become the new fox or the new mk. for me, i main mewtwo, and even i will admit that he is too good right now. i love that he got buffed from his awful status in melee, but he needs nerfs now. to say "no we should just let the meta evolve around it" doesnt make sense when a character is obviously too good. also there are a lot of people saying things like "pm exclusive players suck/arent good at smash" and that is just silly. pm is the only smash that has been actively balanced, so if balance means its not truly smash i guess they are right. but otherwise it just seems like ignorant tribalism/nostalgia for melee. TL;DR the best part of PM is that it is updated for balance, and people complaining about buffs/nerfs forgot what it was like to play a low tier in melee or brawl.
i will just say this much: ive seen a lot of PM hate recently and it seems to come mainly from Melee diehards who cant adapt to the new game(i.e. they try to play a melee top tier and get wrecked) a big part of it is just elitism. people like the older game better so they hate on the new one. the other thing that m2k talked a lot about is how the pmbr updates characters based on tourney results. i dont understand the logic here: the idea is that you should just leave the game alone and let the meta develop around it. but didnt we do that with melee, and end up with about 5 characters routinely winning tournaments? to me, PM is the best smash game BECAUSE of the updates. the developers nerf or buff characters based on exploits that are found or when someone sweeps a tournament. it makes sense because you don't want any character to become the new fox or the new mk. for me, i main mewtwo, and even i will admit that he is too good right now. i love that he got buffed from his awful status in melee, but he needs nerfs now. to say "no we should just let the meta evolve around it" doesnt make sense when a character is obviously too good. also there are a lot of people saying things like "pm exclusive players suck/arent good at smash" and that is just silly. pm is the only smash that has been actively balanced, so if balance means its not truly smash i guess they are right. but otherwise it just seems like ignorant tribalism/nostalgia for melee. TL;DR the best part of PM is that it is updated for balance, and people complaining about buffs/nerfs forgot what it was like to play a low tier in melee or brawl.
i will just say this much: ive seen a lot of PM hate recently and it seems to come mainly from Melee diehards who cant adapt to the new game(i.e. they try to play a melee top tier and get wrecked) a big part of it is just elitism. people like the older game better so they hate on the new one. the other thing that m2k talked a lot about is how the pmbr updates characters based on tourney results. i dont understand the logic here: the idea is that you should just leave the game alone and let the meta develop around it. but didnt we do that with melee, and end up with about 5 characters routinely winning tournaments? to me, PM is the best smash game BECAUSE of the updates. the developers nerf or buff characters based on exploits that are found or when someone sweeps a tournament. it makes sense because you don't want any character to become the new fox or the new mk. for me, i main mewtwo, and even i will admit that he is too good right now. i love that he got buffed from his awful status in melee, but he needs nerfs now. to say "no we should just let the meta evolve around it" doesnt make sense when a character is obviously too good. also there are a lot of people saying things like "pm exclusive players suck/arent good at smash" and that is just silly. pm is the only smash that has been actively balanced, so if balance means its not truly smash i guess they are right. but otherwise it just seems like ignorant tribalism/nostalgia for melee.
the best part of PM is that it is updated for balance, and people complaining about buffs/nerfs forgot what it was like to play a low tier in melee or brawl.
Ok, so this is my first time trying to do efficient leveling. When I got my last class level and slept to increase it, I was expecting to add 5 to intelligence. However, it was already at 100 and wouldn't let me increase it, so I put a +1 in luck. Now that I have 100 intelligence, should I get 100 Conjuration and Mysticism (minor skills; 76 and 15 respectively)? I was thinking of just getting the boosts I want for next (10 levels armorer for end (major skill), 10 levels blade for str and 10 levels marksman for agil) and then getting 100 Conj and Myst, since I don't see a reason to get these levels 10 at a time. I was also considering if it might be possible to drain the attribute with a custom spell right before sleeping, so I could boost it again. Not that I would want to, because it's similar to draining skills before having a trainer increase it above 100, which I don't want to do. TL; DR: 100 intelligence while efficient leveling. Is there a reason why I shouldn't get 100 Conj and Myst (from 76 and 15; both minor skills) this level? EDIT: On second thought, there's no reason for me to get 75+ in those 2 skills, because they don't offer any benefits other than access to certain spells. My question still kind of stands: Now that I can't get any intelligence attribute points, does it matter when I get the levels? I would just ignore Conj and Myst leveling from now on.
Ok, so this is my first time trying to do efficient leveling. When I got my last class level and slept to increase it, I was expecting to add 5 to intelligence. However, it was already at 100 and wouldn't let me increase it, so I put a +1 in luck. Now that I have 100 intelligence, should I get 100 Conjuration and Mysticism (minor skills; 76 and 15 respectively)? I was thinking of just getting the boosts I want for next (10 levels armorer for end (major skill), 10 levels blade for str and 10 levels marksman for agil) and then getting 100 Conj and Myst, since I don't see a reason to get these levels 10 at a time. I was also considering if it might be possible to drain the attribute with a custom spell right before sleeping, so I could boost it again. Not that I would want to, because it's similar to draining skills before having a trainer increase it above 100, which I don't want to do. TL; DR: 100 intelligence while efficient leveling. Is there a reason why I shouldn't get 100 Conj and Myst (from 76 and 15; both minor skills) this level? EDIT: On second thought, there's no reason for me to get 75+ in those 2 skills, because they don't offer any benefits other than access to certain spells. My question still kind of stands: Now that I can't get any intelligence attribute points, does it matter when I get the levels? I would just ignore Conj and Myst leveling from now on.
Ok, so this is my first time trying to do efficient leveling. When I got my last class level and slept to increase it, I was expecting to add 5 to intelligence. However, it was already at 100 and wouldn't let me increase it, so I put a +1 in luck. Now that I have 100 intelligence, should I get 100 Conjuration and Mysticism (minor skills; 76 and 15 respectively)? I was thinking of just getting the boosts I want for next (10 levels armorer for end (major skill), 10 levels blade for str and 10 levels marksman for agil) and then getting 100 Conj and Myst, since I don't see a reason to get these levels 10 at a time. I was also considering if it might be possible to drain the attribute with a custom spell right before sleeping, so I could boost it again. Not that I would want to, because it's similar to draining skills before having a trainer increase it above 100, which I don't want to do.
100 intelligence while efficient leveling. Is there a reason why I shouldn't get 100 Conj and Myst (from 76 and 15; both minor skills) this level? EDIT: On second thought, there's no reason for me to get 75+ in those 2 skills, because they don't offer any benefits other than access to certain spells. My question still kind of stands: Now that I can't get any intelligence attribute points, does it matter when I get the levels? I would just ignore Conj and Myst leveling from now on.
It was a pretty damn fine day. I just got an A on my project at UNI, and was about to ride to work (a 200km/124 mile ride). Felt good, so took the twisty road to work. I've been practicing on cornering lately, and I felt really confident. Was zig zagging in and out between cars, overtaking cars through corners no problems, stunting on the straights while waving at the cars in the other lane. Pretty damn good ride. It was raining a little bit here and there, but nothing too bad. We have superb road conditions here in Denmark, and it rains almost as much as in Britain, so I'm used to it. Anyway, there I was. Going 130kmh/80mph. A nice, long, curvy piece of road up ahead that I can easily go around near the cry zone. I love this bit, because it goes uphill as well, so it gives that awesome feeling in the stomach. But there's an 8-wheeler truck in front of me, going the speed limit (80kmh/50mph), so I just twist the throttle and pass him in the oncoming lane, loving every bit of it. Then up 200m ahead, coming over the hill, there's an oncoming car, probably speeding a bit, because shit came at me fast. I can't brake and go in behind the truck again, because I'm already at it's 2nd pair of wheels. Car is coming at me hella fast. [The following all happens in the space of <2 seconds] I realize I can't brake. I could probably swerve left and go into the ditch, wrecking my bike but sliding on my power ranger suit. I click it down to 5th and pin the throttle, going right as close to the truck as possible, looking for that small opening. I can hear the oncoming car emergency braking and the ABS doing its best to stop my death. The truck pulls over to the side, going half the wheels on the grass, almost in the ditch. I have just enough space between the truck and the oncoming car. I'm still leaning and in the turn, and I picture the car smashing into my face, and think of /r/holdmyturban-crash/death-compilations. I make it out ahead of the truck and am onto the straight now, his horn is blaring. I can see him getting back on the road in my mirror.. I raise my hand as a "I know I fucked up"-gesture, and click it back in 6th and slowly going off the throttle. I continue on for a few mins until I see a diner. I pull over, get in, order a cup of coffee and start typing a message to the people I know would care about this (CRT GroupMe obviously). Not really physically shaking, but pretty shook up. I've been in some near misses and dodged some SMIDSY-cagers before, and my riding is always a bit shaky afterwards. So I go out to the parking lot of the diner and do some chilled out stunting and going around in figure of 8's, then some 40kmh/25mph circles, trying to lean over as much as possible, to get the feeling back.. When I feel confident I roll out on the open road again and WOT it away in 4th, on my way to the last bit of twisties before hitting the boring straights leading down to work. So what did I take away from this? Clearly [my suspension was at fault]( but besides that, I fucked it up pretty hard. Only alive because both drivers did their best to not let me kill my self. And besides that, getting back on the bike and gaining confidence *immediately* after an episode like this is probably the best thing one can do. **TL;DR:** Almost ended my self crashing into an oncoming car, while overtaking a 8-wheeler truck going uphill. Edit: Sorry I didn't pull over and cried. I don't have a heart.
It was a pretty damn fine day. I just got an A on my project at UNI, and was about to ride to work (a 200km/124 mile ride). Felt good, so took the twisty road to work. I've been practicing on cornering lately, and I felt really confident. Was zig zagging in and out between cars, overtaking cars through corners no problems, stunting on the straights while waving at the cars in the other lane. Pretty damn good ride. It was raining a little bit here and there, but nothing too bad. We have superb road conditions here in Denmark, and it rains almost as much as in Britain, so I'm used to it. Anyway, there I was. Going 130kmh/80mph. A nice, long, curvy piece of road up ahead that I can easily go around near the cry zone. I love this bit, because it goes uphill as well, so it gives that awesome feeling in the stomach. But there's an 8-wheeler truck in front of me, going the speed limit (80kmh/50mph), so I just twist the throttle and pass him in the oncoming lane, loving every bit of it. Then up 200m ahead, coming over the hill, there's an oncoming car, probably speeding a bit, because shit came at me fast. I can't brake and go in behind the truck again, because I'm already at it's 2nd pair of wheels. Car is coming at me hella fast. [The following all happens in the space of <2 seconds] I realize I can't brake. I could probably swerve left and go into the ditch, wrecking my bike but sliding on my power ranger suit. I click it down to 5th and pin the throttle, going right as close to the truck as possible, looking for that small opening. I can hear the oncoming car emergency braking and the ABS doing its best to stop my death. The truck pulls over to the side, going half the wheels on the grass, almost in the ditch. I have just enough space between the truck and the oncoming car. I'm still leaning and in the turn, and I picture the car smashing into my face, and think of /r/holdmyturban-crash/death-compilations. I make it out ahead of the truck and am onto the straight now, his horn is blaring. I can see him getting back on the road in my mirror.. I raise my hand as a "I know I fucked up"-gesture, and click it back in 6th and slowly going off the throttle. I continue on for a few mins until I see a diner. I pull over, get in, order a cup of coffee and start typing a message to the people I know would care about this (CRT GroupMe obviously). Not really physically shaking, but pretty shook up. I've been in some near misses and dodged some SMIDSY-cagers before, and my riding is always a bit shaky afterwards. So I go out to the parking lot of the diner and do some chilled out stunting and going around in figure of 8's, then some 40kmh/25mph circles, trying to lean over as much as possible, to get the feeling back.. When I feel confident I roll out on the open road again and WOT it away in 4th, on my way to the last bit of twisties before hitting the boring straights leading down to work. So what did I take away from this? Clearly [my suspension was at fault]( but besides that, I fucked it up pretty hard. Only alive because both drivers did their best to not let me kill my self. And besides that, getting back on the bike and gaining confidence immediately after an episode like this is probably the best thing one can do. TL;DR: Almost ended my self crashing into an oncoming car, while overtaking a 8-wheeler truck going uphill. Edit: Sorry I didn't pull over and cried. I don't have a heart.
It was a pretty damn fine day. I just got an A on my project at UNI, and was about to ride to work (a 200km/124 mile ride). Felt good, so took the twisty road to work. I've been practicing on cornering lately, and I felt really confident. Was zig zagging in and out between cars, overtaking cars through corners no problems, stunting on the straights while waving at the cars in the other lane. Pretty damn good ride. It was raining a little bit here and there, but nothing too bad. We have superb road conditions here in Denmark, and it rains almost as much as in Britain, so I'm used to it. Anyway, there I was. Going 130kmh/80mph. A nice, long, curvy piece of road up ahead that I can easily go around near the cry zone. I love this bit, because it goes uphill as well, so it gives that awesome feeling in the stomach. But there's an 8-wheeler truck in front of me, going the speed limit (80kmh/50mph), so I just twist the throttle and pass him in the oncoming lane, loving every bit of it. Then up 200m ahead, coming over the hill, there's an oncoming car, probably speeding a bit, because shit came at me fast. I can't brake and go in behind the truck again, because I'm already at it's 2nd pair of wheels. Car is coming at me hella fast. [The following all happens in the space of <2 seconds] I realize I can't brake. I could probably swerve left and go into the ditch, wrecking my bike but sliding on my power ranger suit. I click it down to 5th and pin the throttle, going right as close to the truck as possible, looking for that small opening. I can hear the oncoming car emergency braking and the ABS doing its best to stop my death. The truck pulls over to the side, going half the wheels on the grass, almost in the ditch. I have just enough space between the truck and the oncoming car. I'm still leaning and in the turn, and I picture the car smashing into my face, and think of /r/holdmyturban-crash/death-compilations. I make it out ahead of the truck and am onto the straight now, his horn is blaring. I can see him getting back on the road in my mirror.. I raise my hand as a "I know I fucked up"-gesture, and click it back in 6th and slowly going off the throttle. I continue on for a few mins until I see a diner. I pull over, get in, order a cup of coffee and start typing a message to the people I know would care about this (CRT GroupMe obviously). Not really physically shaking, but pretty shook up. I've been in some near misses and dodged some SMIDSY-cagers before, and my riding is always a bit shaky afterwards. So I go out to the parking lot of the diner and do some chilled out stunting and going around in figure of 8's, then some 40kmh/25mph circles, trying to lean over as much as possible, to get the feeling back.. When I feel confident I roll out on the open road again and WOT it away in 4th, on my way to the last bit of twisties before hitting the boring straights leading down to work. So what did I take away from this? Clearly [my suspension was at fault]( but besides that, I fucked it up pretty hard. Only alive because both drivers did their best to not let me kill my self. And besides that, getting back on the bike and gaining confidence immediately after an episode like this is probably the best thing one can do.
Almost ended my self crashing into an oncoming car, while overtaking a 8-wheeler truck going uphill. Edit: Sorry I didn't pull over and cried. I don't have a heart.
Yes! Great advice! The first time I was just jamming with some people and I fucked up and just kept going nevertheless/went right back in at the first new bar, I literally had a revelation that it doesn't matter. The people who will notice will appreciate you powering through. After that, I got much more relaxed (better through being chill in my playing), was more in the moment and then I noticed the other guys making little mistakes here and there but if you just keep your groove and do your part to catch'em - it's just a bonding experience of creating music together, in the cheesiest way possible. Tl;dr: power through it, play with others, you'll get better by being chill about small mistakes.
Yes! Great advice! The first time I was just jamming with some people and I fucked up and just kept going nevertheless/went right back in at the first new bar, I literally had a revelation that it doesn't matter. The people who will notice will appreciate you powering through. After that, I got much more relaxed (better through being chill in my playing), was more in the moment and then I noticed the other guys making little mistakes here and there but if you just keep your groove and do your part to catch'em - it's just a bonding experience of creating music together, in the cheesiest way possible. Tl;dr: power through it, play with others, you'll get better by being chill about small mistakes.
Yes! Great advice! The first time I was just jamming with some people and I fucked up and just kept going nevertheless/went right back in at the first new bar, I literally had a revelation that it doesn't matter. The people who will notice will appreciate you powering through. After that, I got much more relaxed (better through being chill in my playing), was more in the moment and then I noticed the other guys making little mistakes here and there but if you just keep your groove and do your part to catch'em - it's just a bonding experience of creating music together, in the cheesiest way possible.
power through it, play with others, you'll get better by being chill about small mistakes.
True story, my wife was with a co-worker who was driving and they were in Vancouver. She needed gas and the co-worker had apparently never pumped her own gas. Ever. So she proceeded to drive back to Portland to find a full service station to gas up. Apparently my wife (we both grew up in Montana, pumping our own gas) was stuck in an awkward position of knowing full well how to pump gas but didn't know how to react so just went along with it. tldr; girl was dumb
True story, my wife was with a co-worker who was driving and they were in Vancouver. She needed gas and the co-worker had apparently never pumped her own gas. Ever. So she proceeded to drive back to Portland to find a full service station to gas up. Apparently my wife (we both grew up in Montana, pumping our own gas) was stuck in an awkward position of knowing full well how to pump gas but didn't know how to react so just went along with it. tldr; girl was dumb
True story, my wife was with a co-worker who was driving and they were in Vancouver. She needed gas and the co-worker had apparently never pumped her own gas. Ever. So she proceeded to drive back to Portland to find a full service station to gas up. Apparently my wife (we both grew up in Montana, pumping our own gas) was stuck in an awkward position of knowing full well how to pump gas but didn't know how to react so just went along with it.
girl was dumb
Cards fan eh? Enjoy rooting for our lovable "Little Engine that Could." I'm sure intense and compelling divisional races in September can be boring and stressful! :P. TL;DR - Sad, bitter, and broken M's fan.
Cards fan eh? Enjoy rooting for our lovable "Little Engine that Could." I'm sure intense and compelling divisional races in September can be boring and stressful! :P. TL;DR - Sad, bitter, and broken M's fan.
Cards fan eh? Enjoy rooting for our lovable "Little Engine that Could." I'm sure intense and compelling divisional races in September can be boring and stressful! :P.
Sad, bitter, and broken M's fan.
I think I can give an objective opinion because I don't really play video games. Gamers have a reputation for not being able game in moderation. That bring said, while there are a LOT of people that game way too much, that reputation probably does not apply to the majority of gamers. Gaming is new enough that how it fits into society isn't well understood yet. The same thing happened with comics and the oh so evil rock and roll music. Tldr: it's new
I think I can give an objective opinion because I don't really play video games. Gamers have a reputation for not being able game in moderation. That bring said, while there are a LOT of people that game way too much, that reputation probably does not apply to the majority of gamers. Gaming is new enough that how it fits into society isn't well understood yet. The same thing happened with comics and the oh so evil rock and roll music. Tldr: it's new
I think I can give an objective opinion because I don't really play video games. Gamers have a reputation for not being able game in moderation. That bring said, while there are a LOT of people that game way too much, that reputation probably does not apply to the majority of gamers. Gaming is new enough that how it fits into society isn't well understood yet. The same thing happened with comics and the oh so evil rock and roll music.
it's new
I'm not sure where to begin, so I guess I'll start by writing about the more recent weird/immature things he's done that have thrown me for a loop. * He's a smoker (I'm not), at the very least he knows I don't like being around it and won't smoke near me. When we go out together he'll smoke outside away from me. Recently he's decided to smoke at gas stations which has made me very uncomfortable. The first time this happened I kinda freaked out and was shocked he'd smoke while the gas was pumping. He calmly explained that any type of fire or explosion would be extremely rare and not likely to happen. This happened one more time when I was in the car with him, I told him that I don't want him to light up a cigarette at a gas station when I'm with him anymore. He continued to provide reasons to why anything bad happening is rare. I understand that's it rare and unlikely to happen, but I'd rather not be in a situation where a gas fire could happen. I tried to explain to him that accidents happen, people spill gas, tanks leak, someone could drop one of those plastic gas containers, etc. He didn't seem to care about those possibilities. FWIW, he no longer smokes at the gas station when I'm with him, but I'm quite sure he does this when he's by himself. * He stuck a metal knife in a wall socket while we were at a restaurant with two friends. Again, I was a little shocked he did this, I had a wtf the moment and asked him what the hell he was thinking. He then explained about how all outlets are made these days, and it was nearly impossible for anyone to electrocute themselves. I tried to explain to him that accidents still happen, we were in an old 70s/80s diner, an outlet had the possibility of being faulty or not installed properly. And that it was just weird in general for a 35 year old man to stick a knife in an outlet while we were eating with friends. Our friends didn't say anything, they just kinda awkwardly laughed at the situation and looked uncomfortable, and seemed weirded out that he was sticking a knife in a socket that was by our table. * I am currently saving up for a new car. I decided to get a part time job that doesn't interfere with my regular 9-5 M-F office job. So, I'm working on weekends and some evenings at a nearby electronics store in the video game section. This isn't something I plan on continuing for much longer, I just wanted to speed up my ability to save up for a down payment for the car I wanted. My boyfriend is well aware of what I'm doing and I've told him that I won't be spending a lot of money until I get X amount of dollars saved up for my down payment. For his birthday I usually take him out to a nice restaurant (we both enjoy fine dining, so he usually takes me to a nice restaurant as well on my bday), this year I told him that because I'm trying to save money I won't be able to take him to an expensive restaurant, but I asked if I could cook him a nice home cooked meal instead (I'm a pretty good cook, I frequently get asked by friends and family to make a certain dish for their events). He threw a tantrum once I informed of this. First he was angry, then he was really sad... like tears were welling up in his eyes sad. I felt bad but continued to explain my situation of saving money, he eventually calmed down and agreed that me cooking for him would be okay for his bday. * He wants to plan an insanely expensive vacation for us to take next summer. His idea is to stay in a ~$600/night resort in Hawaii, we live on the east coast - plane tickets alone would be around $1k each to even travel that far. For travel and lodging that would easily cost around $6k, that's not including food, drink, entertainment, etc once we're actually over there. I haven't agreed to this trip because I think it's way too much, and not something I want to spend money on right now. But, he keeps talking like this trip is just going to magically happen and that we're actually going to go. He knows I'm not onboard with this, and he knows it. He'll just joke that he'll convince me eventually. * As I mentioned above, I'm trying to save up for a car. In a non joking way he'll try to tell me that I need to buy something like a $100k Tesla, or some other luxury car that I can't afford. He knows my finances and and tells me that I can afford a $700/mo payment, that it's not really too much money. Technically, yeah, I could spend $700/mo for a car payment...but that would leave very little left for savings, emergencies or anything else. He doesn't seem to get that. When I've brought up these weird instances to him, he just re-explains what he told me in the past. Doesn't think he's being unreasonable or unsafe. The conversation never changes when he explains his actions. The only thing that I can think of that may be causing him to act out more is my recent success in my main (full time) job. Excluding the part time job I took on, I know earn more money than him and I have a very promising future at my current company. Honestly, I could probably quick my part time job and I'd be fine financing a new car, but I want to reach my down payment goal quickly and I'm also having fun at my part time job. I've always been career oriented and I tend to stress about money and I worry that I may not have enough to be safe or secure. He has always been more of a risk taker, he doesn't have a formal degree but has always managed to have steady work doing a little bit of everything. He taught himself how to code, so he'll make good money building websites by freelancing. He's a great writer and makes a decent amount off of his blog. He'll also do almost any kind of work that comes his way - he's extremely popular in our small town and will sometimes be asked to host events or speak. He's extremely charismatic, intelligent, funny, handsome and always well dressed. He's always been able to find random work that pays well. He's always been adamant about how office jobs or regular 40 hour a week jobs were never for him, that he could never do something like that and the most successful people make their own schedules, etc etc. I've always stayed down a safe path - I did well in school, I graduated on time, I went to grad school, I participated in internships, started an entry level position, worked my way up in my company, set goals and achieved them for myself, took online classes to supplement in areas where I may not have had much experience, etc. He's a wildcard and just follows the wind, and it's worked well for him. **tl;dr**: My boyfriend has been doing immature things like smoking at gas stations, sticking a knife in an outlet, thinks we can afford a $7-10k trip to Hawaii, wants me to buy a $100k Tesla and thinks his reasoning for all of things is totally normal.
I'm not sure where to begin, so I guess I'll start by writing about the more recent weird/immature things he's done that have thrown me for a loop. He's a smoker (I'm not), at the very least he knows I don't like being around it and won't smoke near me. When we go out together he'll smoke outside away from me. Recently he's decided to smoke at gas stations which has made me very uncomfortable. The first time this happened I kinda freaked out and was shocked he'd smoke while the gas was pumping. He calmly explained that any type of fire or explosion would be extremely rare and not likely to happen. This happened one more time when I was in the car with him, I told him that I don't want him to light up a cigarette at a gas station when I'm with him anymore. He continued to provide reasons to why anything bad happening is rare. I understand that's it rare and unlikely to happen, but I'd rather not be in a situation where a gas fire could happen. I tried to explain to him that accidents happen, people spill gas, tanks leak, someone could drop one of those plastic gas containers, etc. He didn't seem to care about those possibilities. FWIW, he no longer smokes at the gas station when I'm with him, but I'm quite sure he does this when he's by himself. He stuck a metal knife in a wall socket while we were at a restaurant with two friends. Again, I was a little shocked he did this, I had a wtf the moment and asked him what the hell he was thinking. He then explained about how all outlets are made these days, and it was nearly impossible for anyone to electrocute themselves. I tried to explain to him that accidents still happen, we were in an old 70s/80s diner, an outlet had the possibility of being faulty or not installed properly. And that it was just weird in general for a 35 year old man to stick a knife in an outlet while we were eating with friends. Our friends didn't say anything, they just kinda awkwardly laughed at the situation and looked uncomfortable, and seemed weirded out that he was sticking a knife in a socket that was by our table. I am currently saving up for a new car. I decided to get a part time job that doesn't interfere with my regular 9-5 M-F office job. So, I'm working on weekends and some evenings at a nearby electronics store in the video game section. This isn't something I plan on continuing for much longer, I just wanted to speed up my ability to save up for a down payment for the car I wanted. My boyfriend is well aware of what I'm doing and I've told him that I won't be spending a lot of money until I get X amount of dollars saved up for my down payment. For his birthday I usually take him out to a nice restaurant (we both enjoy fine dining, so he usually takes me to a nice restaurant as well on my bday), this year I told him that because I'm trying to save money I won't be able to take him to an expensive restaurant, but I asked if I could cook him a nice home cooked meal instead (I'm a pretty good cook, I frequently get asked by friends and family to make a certain dish for their events). He threw a tantrum once I informed of this. First he was angry, then he was really sad... like tears were welling up in his eyes sad. I felt bad but continued to explain my situation of saving money, he eventually calmed down and agreed that me cooking for him would be okay for his bday. He wants to plan an insanely expensive vacation for us to take next summer. His idea is to stay in a ~$600/night resort in Hawaii, we live on the east coast - plane tickets alone would be around $1k each to even travel that far. For travel and lodging that would easily cost around $6k, that's not including food, drink, entertainment, etc once we're actually over there. I haven't agreed to this trip because I think it's way too much, and not something I want to spend money on right now. But, he keeps talking like this trip is just going to magically happen and that we're actually going to go. He knows I'm not onboard with this, and he knows it. He'll just joke that he'll convince me eventually. As I mentioned above, I'm trying to save up for a car. In a non joking way he'll try to tell me that I need to buy something like a $100k Tesla, or some other luxury car that I can't afford. He knows my finances and and tells me that I can afford a $700/mo payment, that it's not really too much money. Technically, yeah, I could spend $700/mo for a car payment...but that would leave very little left for savings, emergencies or anything else. He doesn't seem to get that. When I've brought up these weird instances to him, he just re-explains what he told me in the past. Doesn't think he's being unreasonable or unsafe. The conversation never changes when he explains his actions. The only thing that I can think of that may be causing him to act out more is my recent success in my main (full time) job. Excluding the part time job I took on, I know earn more money than him and I have a very promising future at my current company. Honestly, I could probably quick my part time job and I'd be fine financing a new car, but I want to reach my down payment goal quickly and I'm also having fun at my part time job. I've always been career oriented and I tend to stress about money and I worry that I may not have enough to be safe or secure. He has always been more of a risk taker, he doesn't have a formal degree but has always managed to have steady work doing a little bit of everything. He taught himself how to code, so he'll make good money building websites by freelancing. He's a great writer and makes a decent amount off of his blog. He'll also do almost any kind of work that comes his way - he's extremely popular in our small town and will sometimes be asked to host events or speak. He's extremely charismatic, intelligent, funny, handsome and always well dressed. He's always been able to find random work that pays well. He's always been adamant about how office jobs or regular 40 hour a week jobs were never for him, that he could never do something like that and the most successful people make their own schedules, etc etc. I've always stayed down a safe path - I did well in school, I graduated on time, I went to grad school, I participated in internships, started an entry level position, worked my way up in my company, set goals and achieved them for myself, took online classes to supplement in areas where I may not have had much experience, etc. He's a wildcard and just follows the wind, and it's worked well for him. tl;dr : My boyfriend has been doing immature things like smoking at gas stations, sticking a knife in an outlet, thinks we can afford a $7-10k trip to Hawaii, wants me to buy a $100k Tesla and thinks his reasoning for all of things is totally normal.
I'm not sure where to begin, so I guess I'll start by writing about the more recent weird/immature things he's done that have thrown me for a loop. He's a smoker (I'm not), at the very least he knows I don't like being around it and won't smoke near me. When we go out together he'll smoke outside away from me. Recently he's decided to smoke at gas stations which has made me very uncomfortable. The first time this happened I kinda freaked out and was shocked he'd smoke while the gas was pumping. He calmly explained that any type of fire or explosion would be extremely rare and not likely to happen. This happened one more time when I was in the car with him, I told him that I don't want him to light up a cigarette at a gas station when I'm with him anymore. He continued to provide reasons to why anything bad happening is rare. I understand that's it rare and unlikely to happen, but I'd rather not be in a situation where a gas fire could happen. I tried to explain to him that accidents happen, people spill gas, tanks leak, someone could drop one of those plastic gas containers, etc. He didn't seem to care about those possibilities. FWIW, he no longer smokes at the gas station when I'm with him, but I'm quite sure he does this when he's by himself. He stuck a metal knife in a wall socket while we were at a restaurant with two friends. Again, I was a little shocked he did this, I had a wtf the moment and asked him what the hell he was thinking. He then explained about how all outlets are made these days, and it was nearly impossible for anyone to electrocute themselves. I tried to explain to him that accidents still happen, we were in an old 70s/80s diner, an outlet had the possibility of being faulty or not installed properly. And that it was just weird in general for a 35 year old man to stick a knife in an outlet while we were eating with friends. Our friends didn't say anything, they just kinda awkwardly laughed at the situation and looked uncomfortable, and seemed weirded out that he was sticking a knife in a socket that was by our table. I am currently saving up for a new car. I decided to get a part time job that doesn't interfere with my regular 9-5 M-F office job. So, I'm working on weekends and some evenings at a nearby electronics store in the video game section. This isn't something I plan on continuing for much longer, I just wanted to speed up my ability to save up for a down payment for the car I wanted. My boyfriend is well aware of what I'm doing and I've told him that I won't be spending a lot of money until I get X amount of dollars saved up for my down payment. For his birthday I usually take him out to a nice restaurant (we both enjoy fine dining, so he usually takes me to a nice restaurant as well on my bday), this year I told him that because I'm trying to save money I won't be able to take him to an expensive restaurant, but I asked if I could cook him a nice home cooked meal instead (I'm a pretty good cook, I frequently get asked by friends and family to make a certain dish for their events). He threw a tantrum once I informed of this. First he was angry, then he was really sad... like tears were welling up in his eyes sad. I felt bad but continued to explain my situation of saving money, he eventually calmed down and agreed that me cooking for him would be okay for his bday. He wants to plan an insanely expensive vacation for us to take next summer. His idea is to stay in a ~$600/night resort in Hawaii, we live on the east coast - plane tickets alone would be around $1k each to even travel that far. For travel and lodging that would easily cost around $6k, that's not including food, drink, entertainment, etc once we're actually over there. I haven't agreed to this trip because I think it's way too much, and not something I want to spend money on right now. But, he keeps talking like this trip is just going to magically happen and that we're actually going to go. He knows I'm not onboard with this, and he knows it. He'll just joke that he'll convince me eventually. As I mentioned above, I'm trying to save up for a car. In a non joking way he'll try to tell me that I need to buy something like a $100k Tesla, or some other luxury car that I can't afford. He knows my finances and and tells me that I can afford a $700/mo payment, that it's not really too much money. Technically, yeah, I could spend $700/mo for a car payment...but that would leave very little left for savings, emergencies or anything else. He doesn't seem to get that. When I've brought up these weird instances to him, he just re-explains what he told me in the past. Doesn't think he's being unreasonable or unsafe. The conversation never changes when he explains his actions. The only thing that I can think of that may be causing him to act out more is my recent success in my main (full time) job. Excluding the part time job I took on, I know earn more money than him and I have a very promising future at my current company. Honestly, I could probably quick my part time job and I'd be fine financing a new car, but I want to reach my down payment goal quickly and I'm also having fun at my part time job. I've always been career oriented and I tend to stress about money and I worry that I may not have enough to be safe or secure. He has always been more of a risk taker, he doesn't have a formal degree but has always managed to have steady work doing a little bit of everything. He taught himself how to code, so he'll make good money building websites by freelancing. He's a great writer and makes a decent amount off of his blog. He'll also do almost any kind of work that comes his way - he's extremely popular in our small town and will sometimes be asked to host events or speak. He's extremely charismatic, intelligent, funny, handsome and always well dressed. He's always been able to find random work that pays well. He's always been adamant about how office jobs or regular 40 hour a week jobs were never for him, that he could never do something like that and the most successful people make their own schedules, etc etc. I've always stayed down a safe path - I did well in school, I graduated on time, I went to grad school, I participated in internships, started an entry level position, worked my way up in my company, set goals and achieved them for myself, took online classes to supplement in areas where I may not have had much experience, etc. He's a wildcard and just follows the wind, and it's worked well for him.
My boyfriend has been doing immature things like smoking at gas stations, sticking a knife in an outlet, thinks we can afford a $7-10k trip to Hawaii, wants me to buy a $100k Tesla and thinks his reasoning for all of things is totally normal.
I don't regret it. I'm 22 conjourer and i used to be a priest in wow. To make this post simple A healer, Tank and DPs are all unique challenges in dungeons.... Like someone else s post here I am as well on the edge of my seat when I heal. You have to have good judgment, You can't just spam heals or you aggro everything and when debuffs are introduced that's just one more thing you have to look out for. As for the " those who are out killing bosses" sure you don't get to give the final blow to a boss ( unless your sneaky, hue hue hue) but you still get lots of props for being a healer. Last night I was doing some Ifrit runs so I could help out the desperate DPS players that would have to wait for an hour to get in and I had this one run an archer who would not step outside of the Aoe warning flames/cracks so I had to keep healing him and the tank and at one moment in the fight the tank's health was like [-- ] and everyone including me thought it was over but my cure managed to get through just as Ifrit was doing that fire breath move and the Tanks health just went [---- ] [------- ] [------------] and everyone was going like: "LOLZ" "OMGZ" "Dem heals" And I was just like full of relief and excitement and like pumped it was great.....and when you start healing you'll get lots of props and moments like that too. TL;DR: you'll find a bored healer as much as a bored tank or DPS. All the classes give unique challenges. Oh and I'm at work so screw spelling and sorry for bad sentence structure.
I don't regret it. I'm 22 conjourer and i used to be a priest in wow. To make this post simple A healer, Tank and DPs are all unique challenges in dungeons.... Like someone else s post here I am as well on the edge of my seat when I heal. You have to have good judgment, You can't just spam heals or you aggro everything and when debuffs are introduced that's just one more thing you have to look out for. As for the " those who are out killing bosses" sure you don't get to give the final blow to a boss ( unless your sneaky, hue hue hue) but you still get lots of props for being a healer. Last night I was doing some Ifrit runs so I could help out the desperate DPS players that would have to wait for an hour to get in and I had this one run an archer who would not step outside of the Aoe warning flames/cracks so I had to keep healing him and the tank and at one moment in the fight the tank's health was like [-- ] and everyone including me thought it was over but my cure managed to get through just as Ifrit was doing that fire breath move and the Tanks health just went [---- ] [------- ] [------------] and everyone was going like: "LOLZ" "OMGZ" "Dem heals" And I was just like full of relief and excitement and like pumped it was great.....and when you start healing you'll get lots of props and moments like that too. TL;DR: you'll find a bored healer as much as a bored tank or DPS. All the classes give unique challenges. Oh and I'm at work so screw spelling and sorry for bad sentence structure.
I don't regret it. I'm 22 conjourer and i used to be a priest in wow. To make this post simple A healer, Tank and DPs are all unique challenges in dungeons.... Like someone else s post here I am as well on the edge of my seat when I heal. You have to have good judgment, You can't just spam heals or you aggro everything and when debuffs are introduced that's just one more thing you have to look out for. As for the " those who are out killing bosses" sure you don't get to give the final blow to a boss ( unless your sneaky, hue hue hue) but you still get lots of props for being a healer. Last night I was doing some Ifrit runs so I could help out the desperate DPS players that would have to wait for an hour to get in and I had this one run an archer who would not step outside of the Aoe warning flames/cracks so I had to keep healing him and the tank and at one moment in the fight the tank's health was like [-- ] and everyone including me thought it was over but my cure managed to get through just as Ifrit was doing that fire breath move and the Tanks health just went [---- ] [------- ] [------------] and everyone was going like: "LOLZ" "OMGZ" "Dem heals" And I was just like full of relief and excitement and like pumped it was great.....and when you start healing you'll get lots of props and moments like that too.
you'll find a bored healer as much as a bored tank or DPS. All the classes give unique challenges. Oh and I'm at work so screw spelling and sorry for bad sentence structure.
I know I'm late to the party, but I've been thinking about this all day. I think the legal drinking age should be lowered to 19. Some people made the argument in other comments that if the drinking age were 18, high school seniors would make it easier for younger people in high school to get alcohol, thus exposing even younger children to alcohol. Almost every person, unless they were held back, at the age of 19 is out of high school. Therefore, you can still discover you limits (as some people said) before true adulthood while getting the true freedom that should exist at 18 years old, granted a slight delay. Now, some people from European counties argued that being able to drive and then drink is dangerous, as one could overestimate their driving ability without knowing their drinking limits, but the converse is also just as true. A kid who thinks he can hold his alcohol but has little to no experience driving experience is just as, if not more, at risk to get in an accident. Also, and I don't know how European countries handle drunk driving, but the United States has very strict laws against it as a deterrent from drinking and driving in the first place. TL;DR: drinking age should be 19 because 18 is too young, 21 is too old.
I know I'm late to the party, but I've been thinking about this all day. I think the legal drinking age should be lowered to 19. Some people made the argument in other comments that if the drinking age were 18, high school seniors would make it easier for younger people in high school to get alcohol, thus exposing even younger children to alcohol. Almost every person, unless they were held back, at the age of 19 is out of high school. Therefore, you can still discover you limits (as some people said) before true adulthood while getting the true freedom that should exist at 18 years old, granted a slight delay. Now, some people from European counties argued that being able to drive and then drink is dangerous, as one could overestimate their driving ability without knowing their drinking limits, but the converse is also just as true. A kid who thinks he can hold his alcohol but has little to no experience driving experience is just as, if not more, at risk to get in an accident. Also, and I don't know how European countries handle drunk driving, but the United States has very strict laws against it as a deterrent from drinking and driving in the first place. TL;DR: drinking age should be 19 because 18 is too young, 21 is too old.
I know I'm late to the party, but I've been thinking about this all day. I think the legal drinking age should be lowered to 19. Some people made the argument in other comments that if the drinking age were 18, high school seniors would make it easier for younger people in high school to get alcohol, thus exposing even younger children to alcohol. Almost every person, unless they were held back, at the age of 19 is out of high school. Therefore, you can still discover you limits (as some people said) before true adulthood while getting the true freedom that should exist at 18 years old, granted a slight delay. Now, some people from European counties argued that being able to drive and then drink is dangerous, as one could overestimate their driving ability without knowing their drinking limits, but the converse is also just as true. A kid who thinks he can hold his alcohol but has little to no experience driving experience is just as, if not more, at risk to get in an accident. Also, and I don't know how European countries handle drunk driving, but the United States has very strict laws against it as a deterrent from drinking and driving in the first place.
drinking age should be 19 because 18 is too young, 21 is too old.
This was my first meet. I went on Friday to get a feel for how things flow and was definitely shellshocked when the first person of the meet failed the lift due to jumping the commands. I learned a lot and was excited for the meet! Squat 142.5 3 white lights 155 2 white lights, 1 red light 170 No lift, didn't set up properly/might have been too big of a jump Bench 102.5 3 white lights 110 2 white lights, 1 red light (side judge thought I jumped the press command) 120 No lift, my energy level was low at this point, I didn't eat nearly enough between Squats and Bench. Deadlift 150 3 white lights 160 3 white lights 182.5 3 white lights and a PR by 20kg! My first time over 400lbs. I had a lot of time between the lifts and rectified the energy issue between bench and deadlift and hit the PR/best feeling ever! I was amazed by how supportive everyone was, it was unreal. I met /u/flannel_smoothie without knowing it was him! I haven't planned my next meet yet, but am trying to choose what program to do next. I really enjoyed 5/3/1 for the couple cycles I ran it, but have primarily dont SS and SL 5x5 in the past. I used Candito's 6 week plan to prep for the meet and really liked it as well! I'm considering the juggernaut method as well, am open to suggestions! I am looking at doing at least 1 more meet this year, if not 2. I'm thinking one in the spring/summer and then next fall as well. I'm also trying to decide if I should drop a weight class, but haven't done any other cutting besides the small water cut for the meet. TLDR: 341.5/242.5/402.5 @ 258lbs wilks 258.69
This was my first meet. I went on Friday to get a feel for how things flow and was definitely shellshocked when the first person of the meet failed the lift due to jumping the commands. I learned a lot and was excited for the meet! Squat 142.5 3 white lights 155 2 white lights, 1 red light 170 No lift, didn't set up properly/might have been too big of a jump Bench 102.5 3 white lights 110 2 white lights, 1 red light (side judge thought I jumped the press command) 120 No lift, my energy level was low at this point, I didn't eat nearly enough between Squats and Bench. Deadlift 150 3 white lights 160 3 white lights 182.5 3 white lights and a PR by 20kg! My first time over 400lbs. I had a lot of time between the lifts and rectified the energy issue between bench and deadlift and hit the PR/best feeling ever! I was amazed by how supportive everyone was, it was unreal. I met /u/flannel_smoothie without knowing it was him! I haven't planned my next meet yet, but am trying to choose what program to do next. I really enjoyed 5/3/1 for the couple cycles I ran it, but have primarily dont SS and SL 5x5 in the past. I used Candito's 6 week plan to prep for the meet and really liked it as well! I'm considering the juggernaut method as well, am open to suggestions! I am looking at doing at least 1 more meet this year, if not 2. I'm thinking one in the spring/summer and then next fall as well. I'm also trying to decide if I should drop a weight class, but haven't done any other cutting besides the small water cut for the meet. TLDR: 341.5/242.5/402.5 @ 258lbs wilks 258.69
This was my first meet. I went on Friday to get a feel for how things flow and was definitely shellshocked when the first person of the meet failed the lift due to jumping the commands. I learned a lot and was excited for the meet! Squat 142.5 3 white lights 155 2 white lights, 1 red light 170 No lift, didn't set up properly/might have been too big of a jump Bench 102.5 3 white lights 110 2 white lights, 1 red light (side judge thought I jumped the press command) 120 No lift, my energy level was low at this point, I didn't eat nearly enough between Squats and Bench. Deadlift 150 3 white lights 160 3 white lights 182.5 3 white lights and a PR by 20kg! My first time over 400lbs. I had a lot of time between the lifts and rectified the energy issue between bench and deadlift and hit the PR/best feeling ever! I was amazed by how supportive everyone was, it was unreal. I met /u/flannel_smoothie without knowing it was him! I haven't planned my next meet yet, but am trying to choose what program to do next. I really enjoyed 5/3/1 for the couple cycles I ran it, but have primarily dont SS and SL 5x5 in the past. I used Candito's 6 week plan to prep for the meet and really liked it as well! I'm considering the juggernaut method as well, am open to suggestions! I am looking at doing at least 1 more meet this year, if not 2. I'm thinking one in the spring/summer and then next fall as well. I'm also trying to decide if I should drop a weight class, but haven't done any other cutting besides the small water cut for the meet.
341.5/242.5/402.5 @ 258lbs wilks 258.69
Sorry this is long, I want to be detailed and try to give everything fairly, hopefully it all makes sense. We'll call him Tom. Tom and I had a rough start to our relationship (off and on, lots of bad fights) but after a couple months break in winter and some counseling on both sides, we decided to give it another go (after he tried really hard and won/convinced/showed me he was capable of a relationship again) and I actually moved in with him from out of town about a month ago. We generally have a pretty great relationship, we're happy, make each other laugh, but have stress too. We've been having little fights that sometimes boil over into bigger fights but I expected that to happen because moving in with someone is tough and we're still working out some of our stuff. Last week we had several of these fights which I think were mostly just misunderstandings -- so I like to talk through them and understand his point of view so I can adapt my behavior or we can work on our communication so that particular problem doesn't arise any more. I think we've come a long way in our relationship through discovering how to work with each other in this way, but he often doesn't want to have the long conversations. ... I'll start at the beginning. Back in April, we were both nervous about the move, but we both wanted it and were excited about it, but it was probably rushed: I didn't have enough money saved up and I only had a low-hours job lined up in this town that didn't even start until yesterday (and I'm still waiting to see what my hours will be). Tom wanted me to move in because we were long distance and it was creating a lot of tension, and he wasn't too worried about expenses, as long as I was being productive and actively searching for a job. That one job should have been fine because I was supposed to be starting summer classes -- I'm trying to go back to school to finish my degree after having dropped out last year due to depression bullshit, so I figured I'd try to start it up back up with just a single Spanish class. That didn't end up happening, mostly because I didn't get the proper paperwork done in time/I had mixed up deadlines for things and this is my first time doing financial aid and stuff by myself, I don't know, I got overwhelmed and was too stubborn to ask for help... it was really dumb and I beat myself up about it, and Tom was a bit aggravated by all this, obviously but was generally supportive. But not having that summer class made complications. It meant I didn't have any financial aid, and I didn't have access to the student health center. Financial aid would have helped out with cost of living type stuff and the health center has a counseling center that I wanted to be going to to manage my depression (which isn't so bad at the moment but I was kinda counting on it and not having it is stressing me out a little). At this point I was pretty much totally out of money, which is a position I am completely uncomfortable in. I hate asking people for money, I hate relying financially on other people. Tom was very kind about it and reassured me that he's already been paying rent for himself for this long and I don't cost that much extra, I just need to make sure I'm looking for a job and keeping the apartment clean at the very least. So when that happened (second week in May), I should have hunkered down and worked on my job search but I got lazy about it and did other things -- did some art so I could try to sell some prints, looked for volunteering opportunities so I had *something* to do during the day because staying in the apartment just cleaning was driving me crazy. Last Wednesday, Tom finally snapped and called me out for not trying harder to find a job. The next day I applied for four. And then another three the following day. The thing was, these were shitty jobs as cashiers and stuff that I had thought he didn't want me applying to, but nothing else was panning out so he [angrily] said that I should just apply to the supermarket, and so I did. That night (Friday) we had a fight and he ended up locking me out of our bedroom. I still don't even understand what the fight was totally about, except that he was tired of having fights and didn't want to have one. I didn't think a fight was necessary (I think it started because I'd called him out for cheating at a card game and then he took me out of the game and then I left to go to laundry... it wasn't a huge deal to me but I guess it was to him), but then locking me out of the bedroom set me off and he wouldn't open it or talk to me. I started banging on the door, he finally opened it up and he said some really mean things to me and then rolled over and refused to talk to me. I tried to force a discussion because I hate going to bed angry and we had a trip planned for the morning so I wanted it resolved. He refused. I fell asleep crying. In the morning, we woke up and I asked him if I was still going on this overnight trip with this other couple we'd planned -- I had no money and I already hate relying on him for things, but he said yes he wanted me to go. It's a town a few hours away known for its breweries and things and so I knew there would be drinking. A couple months ago, me, Tom, and my BFF had gone to this town, but me and my BFF had food poisoning the whole time and I was a bit of a drag/disappointment, so I hoped I could be a better sport this time around. We got up around 7am and I talked to him briefly about the night before while we were waiting for our friends to come pick us up. It seemed like we resolved it more or less and decided to have a good time during our trip. When we got there, we all had fun walking around, drinking, and hanging out. There was some contention about when/where we were going to be eating, but I knew I didn't have all that much say in it because I couldn't pay for it. The other couple was going to be eating at an expensive place and having a few cheaper plates, and when we got there I got really weird because I was very hungry, Tom ordered a cheap side for himself and didn't offer me anything, and knew I couldn't ask for any of the food so I excused myself and wandered outside for some air. When I came back, Tom suggested he and I didn't eat there and we find a food truck, and that's what we did. I apologized for not having any money again and he said it was frustrating to pay double but that it was fine and not to worry about it too much, and then we had a nice time sitting outside talking while we waited for our friends to finish up at the restaurant. After that we went and drank more at various places but the other girlfriend started getting sick and wanted to go home around 10. Her boyfriend didn't really want to leave yet but knew he didn't want to stay out all that much longer, and I felt the same. (We'd all been up since 7 and walking and drinking and we were tired!) Tom wanted to stay out for at least two more hours, so we talked it over, the other girlfriend agreeing to try to stick it out for a couple more bars. At the second bar, Tom started getting weird when we started saying we wanted to go back to the hotel soon. Tom went outside and the other couple confided that they were tired and spent more money than they had wanted to that day and so wanted to just go back and have the girlfriend feel better. We came up with the idea of grabbing some beer at a gas station and just hanging out at the hotel but Tom would't go for it; he was fairly drunk by this point and stubborn and wanted to stay out. I knew that if I didn't go back in the taxi with the other couple then I'd have to accompany Tom until he was ready to leave, and I didn't know when that would be and I didn't want to keep drinking and I was very tired and Tom seemed very cranky already. So when the taxi arrived I asked Tom again to come back with us. He refused, so me and the other couple went back to the hotel. We all agreed that we felt bad, but it was late (11:00-11:30?), we were tired, and he was being kind of silly. At the hotel, I texted him asking (in earnest, with &lt;3 emoticon) if he was having fun and he responded sarcastically. I told him I'm sorry and I would be here when he got back (another &lt;3), and he proceeded to send me several sarcastic, very hurtful texts about what a "great girlfriend" i am and how he's happy there's two beds in our hotel room. When he finally got back (around 2:30-3:00am) he was very drunk and loud and started berating me and telling me what a negative person I am. He said a lot of terrible things, but the ones that stick with me are that he "hates dating" me, and it's "a fucking nightmare." I tried to put off talking to him because he was drunk but he kept egging me on and so I tried to talk to him rationally. He was cruel and viscous, asking when the last time I worked more than 20 hours a week was (answer: at the job I had before he wanted me to rush to move in with him, and then when I worked 50+ hr/wk in New York, and every other job I've had prior to/in between being a full time student). It got to the point when I asked him why he was putting up with dating me, and he drunkenly admitted/told me it was because he had already paid for our upcoming trip to Iceland (which was sweet of him to include me in but that neither of us, especially me, can afford and has made it extra difficult for me to find a job) and that he's scared. I asked him "do you want to break up with me" and he said, "Yes," so I told him, "alright then say the words to me, tell me to my face" and he wouldn't, because he admitted he was scared. He then told me that he'll keep fighting with me every night and then dance around it the next morning… which is pretty much exactly what he did. We talked it over the next day after we got home and after about 5 hours of silence/separation. I had been a mess all day, because fuck, I want to try to make this relationship work and I had no idea where he was at. We made up after some discussion and apologies and agreements to work on things, we've been fine all this week, I thought things were getting a bit better. This week I got an offer from a job I applied to when I was first job searching before I moved and they're offering me a pretty decent pay but the starting date won't be until July. So that's at least good... Then last night I went out to a bar to meet up with friends and we were texting up until he went to bed. I was still hanging out with other acquaintances at the bar (my friends had left) when he texted me and I asked if it was weird that I was still hanging out/drawing even though my friends were going home and he said it was fine, we said our love yous, and I think at that point everything was fine. Another friend ended up texting me and she came out to the bar and we ended up staying til close, mostly talking girl stuff but a lot was me expressing my fears and worries about what had happened the previous weekend to her and telling her how much I wanted stuff to work. All this time at the bar I only had one drink, by the way (which I paid for by drawing Pokemon for the bartender -- I'm still broke). I tried to be quiet coming in, but I woke him up when I went to feed the cat in the other room, and he was angry i hadn't texted him to let him know I was staying out… though he hadn't asked me to and I hadn't previously stated a time I'd be back. I apologized regardless -- he doesn't care if people text him after he goes to bed because he puts his phone away from him and it doesn't wake him and I always forget this for some reason. He was angry and didn't believe I'd be "so stupid to forget that again". and then he went out to sleep on the couch. And usually we text all day while he's at work and he hasn't responded to anything I've said ("hey..?" ":/" "do you want to talk about stuff when you get home or..?" "look it seems like you need/want some space so how about i go to my parents for a few days?") and now "are you coming home..?" because he usually gets home about 15 minutes ago. Last weekend is not the first time he's gotten drunk and said terrible mean things. It happened a lot when we were first dating but this is only the second time it's happened since we rebooted. He's not an alcoholic, though he has a very high tolerance and I don't think he totally knows his limits. I don't know, guys. There's a lot of other little details and events but this is already so long. I have no idea where he is right now or where his head is at and I feel the end is near. I just. Any advice is helpful. **tl;dr** Boyfriend has put up with a lot of crap but finally snapped, but drunk and mean, I don't think my actions have been the worst and I've tried to communicate, but I think he's maybe sick of working on stuff. I don't think our relationship is doomed and I'm not super sure why he thinks it is. He's not afraid to be honest. :|
Sorry this is long, I want to be detailed and try to give everything fairly, hopefully it all makes sense. We'll call him Tom. Tom and I had a rough start to our relationship (off and on, lots of bad fights) but after a couple months break in winter and some counseling on both sides, we decided to give it another go (after he tried really hard and won/convinced/showed me he was capable of a relationship again) and I actually moved in with him from out of town about a month ago. We generally have a pretty great relationship, we're happy, make each other laugh, but have stress too. We've been having little fights that sometimes boil over into bigger fights but I expected that to happen because moving in with someone is tough and we're still working out some of our stuff. Last week we had several of these fights which I think were mostly just misunderstandings -- so I like to talk through them and understand his point of view so I can adapt my behavior or we can work on our communication so that particular problem doesn't arise any more. I think we've come a long way in our relationship through discovering how to work with each other in this way, but he often doesn't want to have the long conversations. ... I'll start at the beginning. Back in April, we were both nervous about the move, but we both wanted it and were excited about it, but it was probably rushed: I didn't have enough money saved up and I only had a low-hours job lined up in this town that didn't even start until yesterday (and I'm still waiting to see what my hours will be). Tom wanted me to move in because we were long distance and it was creating a lot of tension, and he wasn't too worried about expenses, as long as I was being productive and actively searching for a job. That one job should have been fine because I was supposed to be starting summer classes -- I'm trying to go back to school to finish my degree after having dropped out last year due to depression bullshit, so I figured I'd try to start it up back up with just a single Spanish class. That didn't end up happening, mostly because I didn't get the proper paperwork done in time/I had mixed up deadlines for things and this is my first time doing financial aid and stuff by myself, I don't know, I got overwhelmed and was too stubborn to ask for help... it was really dumb and I beat myself up about it, and Tom was a bit aggravated by all this, obviously but was generally supportive. But not having that summer class made complications. It meant I didn't have any financial aid, and I didn't have access to the student health center. Financial aid would have helped out with cost of living type stuff and the health center has a counseling center that I wanted to be going to to manage my depression (which isn't so bad at the moment but I was kinda counting on it and not having it is stressing me out a little). At this point I was pretty much totally out of money, which is a position I am completely uncomfortable in. I hate asking people for money, I hate relying financially on other people. Tom was very kind about it and reassured me that he's already been paying rent for himself for this long and I don't cost that much extra, I just need to make sure I'm looking for a job and keeping the apartment clean at the very least. So when that happened (second week in May), I should have hunkered down and worked on my job search but I got lazy about it and did other things -- did some art so I could try to sell some prints, looked for volunteering opportunities so I had something to do during the day because staying in the apartment just cleaning was driving me crazy. Last Wednesday, Tom finally snapped and called me out for not trying harder to find a job. The next day I applied for four. And then another three the following day. The thing was, these were shitty jobs as cashiers and stuff that I had thought he didn't want me applying to, but nothing else was panning out so he [angrily] said that I should just apply to the supermarket, and so I did. That night (Friday) we had a fight and he ended up locking me out of our bedroom. I still don't even understand what the fight was totally about, except that he was tired of having fights and didn't want to have one. I didn't think a fight was necessary (I think it started because I'd called him out for cheating at a card game and then he took me out of the game and then I left to go to laundry... it wasn't a huge deal to me but I guess it was to him), but then locking me out of the bedroom set me off and he wouldn't open it or talk to me. I started banging on the door, he finally opened it up and he said some really mean things to me and then rolled over and refused to talk to me. I tried to force a discussion because I hate going to bed angry and we had a trip planned for the morning so I wanted it resolved. He refused. I fell asleep crying. In the morning, we woke up and I asked him if I was still going on this overnight trip with this other couple we'd planned -- I had no money and I already hate relying on him for things, but he said yes he wanted me to go. It's a town a few hours away known for its breweries and things and so I knew there would be drinking. A couple months ago, me, Tom, and my BFF had gone to this town, but me and my BFF had food poisoning the whole time and I was a bit of a drag/disappointment, so I hoped I could be a better sport this time around. We got up around 7am and I talked to him briefly about the night before while we were waiting for our friends to come pick us up. It seemed like we resolved it more or less and decided to have a good time during our trip. When we got there, we all had fun walking around, drinking, and hanging out. There was some contention about when/where we were going to be eating, but I knew I didn't have all that much say in it because I couldn't pay for it. The other couple was going to be eating at an expensive place and having a few cheaper plates, and when we got there I got really weird because I was very hungry, Tom ordered a cheap side for himself and didn't offer me anything, and knew I couldn't ask for any of the food so I excused myself and wandered outside for some air. When I came back, Tom suggested he and I didn't eat there and we find a food truck, and that's what we did. I apologized for not having any money again and he said it was frustrating to pay double but that it was fine and not to worry about it too much, and then we had a nice time sitting outside talking while we waited for our friends to finish up at the restaurant. After that we went and drank more at various places but the other girlfriend started getting sick and wanted to go home around 10. Her boyfriend didn't really want to leave yet but knew he didn't want to stay out all that much longer, and I felt the same. (We'd all been up since 7 and walking and drinking and we were tired!) Tom wanted to stay out for at least two more hours, so we talked it over, the other girlfriend agreeing to try to stick it out for a couple more bars. At the second bar, Tom started getting weird when we started saying we wanted to go back to the hotel soon. Tom went outside and the other couple confided that they were tired and spent more money than they had wanted to that day and so wanted to just go back and have the girlfriend feel better. We came up with the idea of grabbing some beer at a gas station and just hanging out at the hotel but Tom would't go for it; he was fairly drunk by this point and stubborn and wanted to stay out. I knew that if I didn't go back in the taxi with the other couple then I'd have to accompany Tom until he was ready to leave, and I didn't know when that would be and I didn't want to keep drinking and I was very tired and Tom seemed very cranky already. So when the taxi arrived I asked Tom again to come back with us. He refused, so me and the other couple went back to the hotel. We all agreed that we felt bad, but it was late (11:00-11:30?), we were tired, and he was being kind of silly. At the hotel, I texted him asking (in earnest, with <3 emoticon) if he was having fun and he responded sarcastically. I told him I'm sorry and I would be here when he got back (another <3), and he proceeded to send me several sarcastic, very hurtful texts about what a "great girlfriend" i am and how he's happy there's two beds in our hotel room. When he finally got back (around 2:30-3:00am) he was very drunk and loud and started berating me and telling me what a negative person I am. He said a lot of terrible things, but the ones that stick with me are that he "hates dating" me, and it's "a fucking nightmare." I tried to put off talking to him because he was drunk but he kept egging me on and so I tried to talk to him rationally. He was cruel and viscous, asking when the last time I worked more than 20 hours a week was (answer: at the job I had before he wanted me to rush to move in with him, and then when I worked 50+ hr/wk in New York, and every other job I've had prior to/in between being a full time student). It got to the point when I asked him why he was putting up with dating me, and he drunkenly admitted/told me it was because he had already paid for our upcoming trip to Iceland (which was sweet of him to include me in but that neither of us, especially me, can afford and has made it extra difficult for me to find a job) and that he's scared. I asked him "do you want to break up with me" and he said, "Yes," so I told him, "alright then say the words to me, tell me to my face" and he wouldn't, because he admitted he was scared. He then told me that he'll keep fighting with me every night and then dance around it the next morning… which is pretty much exactly what he did. We talked it over the next day after we got home and after about 5 hours of silence/separation. I had been a mess all day, because fuck, I want to try to make this relationship work and I had no idea where he was at. We made up after some discussion and apologies and agreements to work on things, we've been fine all this week, I thought things were getting a bit better. This week I got an offer from a job I applied to when I was first job searching before I moved and they're offering me a pretty decent pay but the starting date won't be until July. So that's at least good... Then last night I went out to a bar to meet up with friends and we were texting up until he went to bed. I was still hanging out with other acquaintances at the bar (my friends had left) when he texted me and I asked if it was weird that I was still hanging out/drawing even though my friends were going home and he said it was fine, we said our love yous, and I think at that point everything was fine. Another friend ended up texting me and she came out to the bar and we ended up staying til close, mostly talking girl stuff but a lot was me expressing my fears and worries about what had happened the previous weekend to her and telling her how much I wanted stuff to work. All this time at the bar I only had one drink, by the way (which I paid for by drawing Pokemon for the bartender -- I'm still broke). I tried to be quiet coming in, but I woke him up when I went to feed the cat in the other room, and he was angry i hadn't texted him to let him know I was staying out… though he hadn't asked me to and I hadn't previously stated a time I'd be back. I apologized regardless -- he doesn't care if people text him after he goes to bed because he puts his phone away from him and it doesn't wake him and I always forget this for some reason. He was angry and didn't believe I'd be "so stupid to forget that again". and then he went out to sleep on the couch. And usually we text all day while he's at work and he hasn't responded to anything I've said ("hey..?" ":/" "do you want to talk about stuff when you get home or..?" "look it seems like you need/want some space so how about i go to my parents for a few days?") and now "are you coming home..?" because he usually gets home about 15 minutes ago. Last weekend is not the first time he's gotten drunk and said terrible mean things. It happened a lot when we were first dating but this is only the second time it's happened since we rebooted. He's not an alcoholic, though he has a very high tolerance and I don't think he totally knows his limits. I don't know, guys. There's a lot of other little details and events but this is already so long. I have no idea where he is right now or where his head is at and I feel the end is near. I just. Any advice is helpful. tl;dr Boyfriend has put up with a lot of crap but finally snapped, but drunk and mean, I don't think my actions have been the worst and I've tried to communicate, but I think he's maybe sick of working on stuff. I don't think our relationship is doomed and I'm not super sure why he thinks it is. He's not afraid to be honest. :|
Sorry this is long, I want to be detailed and try to give everything fairly, hopefully it all makes sense. We'll call him Tom. Tom and I had a rough start to our relationship (off and on, lots of bad fights) but after a couple months break in winter and some counseling on both sides, we decided to give it another go (after he tried really hard and won/convinced/showed me he was capable of a relationship again) and I actually moved in with him from out of town about a month ago. We generally have a pretty great relationship, we're happy, make each other laugh, but have stress too. We've been having little fights that sometimes boil over into bigger fights but I expected that to happen because moving in with someone is tough and we're still working out some of our stuff. Last week we had several of these fights which I think were mostly just misunderstandings -- so I like to talk through them and understand his point of view so I can adapt my behavior or we can work on our communication so that particular problem doesn't arise any more. I think we've come a long way in our relationship through discovering how to work with each other in this way, but he often doesn't want to have the long conversations. ... I'll start at the beginning. Back in April, we were both nervous about the move, but we both wanted it and were excited about it, but it was probably rushed: I didn't have enough money saved up and I only had a low-hours job lined up in this town that didn't even start until yesterday (and I'm still waiting to see what my hours will be). Tom wanted me to move in because we were long distance and it was creating a lot of tension, and he wasn't too worried about expenses, as long as I was being productive and actively searching for a job. That one job should have been fine because I was supposed to be starting summer classes -- I'm trying to go back to school to finish my degree after having dropped out last year due to depression bullshit, so I figured I'd try to start it up back up with just a single Spanish class. That didn't end up happening, mostly because I didn't get the proper paperwork done in time/I had mixed up deadlines for things and this is my first time doing financial aid and stuff by myself, I don't know, I got overwhelmed and was too stubborn to ask for help... it was really dumb and I beat myself up about it, and Tom was a bit aggravated by all this, obviously but was generally supportive. But not having that summer class made complications. It meant I didn't have any financial aid, and I didn't have access to the student health center. Financial aid would have helped out with cost of living type stuff and the health center has a counseling center that I wanted to be going to to manage my depression (which isn't so bad at the moment but I was kinda counting on it and not having it is stressing me out a little). At this point I was pretty much totally out of money, which is a position I am completely uncomfortable in. I hate asking people for money, I hate relying financially on other people. Tom was very kind about it and reassured me that he's already been paying rent for himself for this long and I don't cost that much extra, I just need to make sure I'm looking for a job and keeping the apartment clean at the very least. So when that happened (second week in May), I should have hunkered down and worked on my job search but I got lazy about it and did other things -- did some art so I could try to sell some prints, looked for volunteering opportunities so I had something to do during the day because staying in the apartment just cleaning was driving me crazy. Last Wednesday, Tom finally snapped and called me out for not trying harder to find a job. The next day I applied for four. And then another three the following day. The thing was, these were shitty jobs as cashiers and stuff that I had thought he didn't want me applying to, but nothing else was panning out so he [angrily] said that I should just apply to the supermarket, and so I did. That night (Friday) we had a fight and he ended up locking me out of our bedroom. I still don't even understand what the fight was totally about, except that he was tired of having fights and didn't want to have one. I didn't think a fight was necessary (I think it started because I'd called him out for cheating at a card game and then he took me out of the game and then I left to go to laundry... it wasn't a huge deal to me but I guess it was to him), but then locking me out of the bedroom set me off and he wouldn't open it or talk to me. I started banging on the door, he finally opened it up and he said some really mean things to me and then rolled over and refused to talk to me. I tried to force a discussion because I hate going to bed angry and we had a trip planned for the morning so I wanted it resolved. He refused. I fell asleep crying. In the morning, we woke up and I asked him if I was still going on this overnight trip with this other couple we'd planned -- I had no money and I already hate relying on him for things, but he said yes he wanted me to go. It's a town a few hours away known for its breweries and things and so I knew there would be drinking. A couple months ago, me, Tom, and my BFF had gone to this town, but me and my BFF had food poisoning the whole time and I was a bit of a drag/disappointment, so I hoped I could be a better sport this time around. We got up around 7am and I talked to him briefly about the night before while we were waiting for our friends to come pick us up. It seemed like we resolved it more or less and decided to have a good time during our trip. When we got there, we all had fun walking around, drinking, and hanging out. There was some contention about when/where we were going to be eating, but I knew I didn't have all that much say in it because I couldn't pay for it. The other couple was going to be eating at an expensive place and having a few cheaper plates, and when we got there I got really weird because I was very hungry, Tom ordered a cheap side for himself and didn't offer me anything, and knew I couldn't ask for any of the food so I excused myself and wandered outside for some air. When I came back, Tom suggested he and I didn't eat there and we find a food truck, and that's what we did. I apologized for not having any money again and he said it was frustrating to pay double but that it was fine and not to worry about it too much, and then we had a nice time sitting outside talking while we waited for our friends to finish up at the restaurant. After that we went and drank more at various places but the other girlfriend started getting sick and wanted to go home around 10. Her boyfriend didn't really want to leave yet but knew he didn't want to stay out all that much longer, and I felt the same. (We'd all been up since 7 and walking and drinking and we were tired!) Tom wanted to stay out for at least two more hours, so we talked it over, the other girlfriend agreeing to try to stick it out for a couple more bars. At the second bar, Tom started getting weird when we started saying we wanted to go back to the hotel soon. Tom went outside and the other couple confided that they were tired and spent more money than they had wanted to that day and so wanted to just go back and have the girlfriend feel better. We came up with the idea of grabbing some beer at a gas station and just hanging out at the hotel but Tom would't go for it; he was fairly drunk by this point and stubborn and wanted to stay out. I knew that if I didn't go back in the taxi with the other couple then I'd have to accompany Tom until he was ready to leave, and I didn't know when that would be and I didn't want to keep drinking and I was very tired and Tom seemed very cranky already. So when the taxi arrived I asked Tom again to come back with us. He refused, so me and the other couple went back to the hotel. We all agreed that we felt bad, but it was late (11:00-11:30?), we were tired, and he was being kind of silly. At the hotel, I texted him asking (in earnest, with <3 emoticon) if he was having fun and he responded sarcastically. I told him I'm sorry and I would be here when he got back (another <3), and he proceeded to send me several sarcastic, very hurtful texts about what a "great girlfriend" i am and how he's happy there's two beds in our hotel room. When he finally got back (around 2:30-3:00am) he was very drunk and loud and started berating me and telling me what a negative person I am. He said a lot of terrible things, but the ones that stick with me are that he "hates dating" me, and it's "a fucking nightmare." I tried to put off talking to him because he was drunk but he kept egging me on and so I tried to talk to him rationally. He was cruel and viscous, asking when the last time I worked more than 20 hours a week was (answer: at the job I had before he wanted me to rush to move in with him, and then when I worked 50+ hr/wk in New York, and every other job I've had prior to/in between being a full time student). It got to the point when I asked him why he was putting up with dating me, and he drunkenly admitted/told me it was because he had already paid for our upcoming trip to Iceland (which was sweet of him to include me in but that neither of us, especially me, can afford and has made it extra difficult for me to find a job) and that he's scared. I asked him "do you want to break up with me" and he said, "Yes," so I told him, "alright then say the words to me, tell me to my face" and he wouldn't, because he admitted he was scared. He then told me that he'll keep fighting with me every night and then dance around it the next morning… which is pretty much exactly what he did. We talked it over the next day after we got home and after about 5 hours of silence/separation. I had been a mess all day, because fuck, I want to try to make this relationship work and I had no idea where he was at. We made up after some discussion and apologies and agreements to work on things, we've been fine all this week, I thought things were getting a bit better. This week I got an offer from a job I applied to when I was first job searching before I moved and they're offering me a pretty decent pay but the starting date won't be until July. So that's at least good... Then last night I went out to a bar to meet up with friends and we were texting up until he went to bed. I was still hanging out with other acquaintances at the bar (my friends had left) when he texted me and I asked if it was weird that I was still hanging out/drawing even though my friends were going home and he said it was fine, we said our love yous, and I think at that point everything was fine. Another friend ended up texting me and she came out to the bar and we ended up staying til close, mostly talking girl stuff but a lot was me expressing my fears and worries about what had happened the previous weekend to her and telling her how much I wanted stuff to work. All this time at the bar I only had one drink, by the way (which I paid for by drawing Pokemon for the bartender -- I'm still broke). I tried to be quiet coming in, but I woke him up when I went to feed the cat in the other room, and he was angry i hadn't texted him to let him know I was staying out… though he hadn't asked me to and I hadn't previously stated a time I'd be back. I apologized regardless -- he doesn't care if people text him after he goes to bed because he puts his phone away from him and it doesn't wake him and I always forget this for some reason. He was angry and didn't believe I'd be "so stupid to forget that again". and then he went out to sleep on the couch. And usually we text all day while he's at work and he hasn't responded to anything I've said ("hey..?" ":/" "do you want to talk about stuff when you get home or..?" "look it seems like you need/want some space so how about i go to my parents for a few days?") and now "are you coming home..?" because he usually gets home about 15 minutes ago. Last weekend is not the first time he's gotten drunk and said terrible mean things. It happened a lot when we were first dating but this is only the second time it's happened since we rebooted. He's not an alcoholic, though he has a very high tolerance and I don't think he totally knows his limits. I don't know, guys. There's a lot of other little details and events but this is already so long. I have no idea where he is right now or where his head is at and I feel the end is near. I just. Any advice is helpful.
Boyfriend has put up with a lot of crap but finally snapped, but drunk and mean, I don't think my actions have been the worst and I've tried to communicate, but I think he's maybe sick of working on stuff. I don't think our relationship is doomed and I'm not super sure why he thinks it is. He's not afraid to be honest. :|
So this weekend I went down to Bourbon street in New Orleans for my fraternity formal. I currently use a KF ONC, was hoping to try out my new NG21 TX ID's but I didn't get the chance to because he doesn't know what an ETA or overnight shipping is. Anyways back to the story, Bourbon street bars and bouncers are EXTREMELY strict when it comes to IDs in general, and we rented out a bar for our formal, so everyone in my fraternity thought they wouldn't be so strict since we rented their place out. One of my brothers (age 20) goes up to the bouncer with a TED OH, gets denied within 30 seconds sent outside, another one of my brothers (age 20, looks old too) uses a DJ TX and the bouncer looked for over a minute and then denied him, neither ID was taken. My last brother (age 18) goes up with a RichHomieID DE, no security features on it what so ever, passes within 10 seconds and goes inside to start drinking on an open tab. While him and 6 seniors enjoyed the free drinks the whole night, I paid $12 a hurricane off street vendors who couldn't give two shits as long as you have a piece of paper that says 21 on it, because fuck if I'm trying my ID with that bouncer. TLDR: Old looking dude gives bouncer TED OH, gets denied. Another old looking dude tries DJ TX gets denied, 18 year old normal looking guy tries RichHomieID DE and gets in, I pussy out and don't risk my ID and pay for expensive drinks of the street
So this weekend I went down to Bourbon street in New Orleans for my fraternity formal. I currently use a KF ONC, was hoping to try out my new NG21 TX ID's but I didn't get the chance to because he doesn't know what an ETA or overnight shipping is. Anyways back to the story, Bourbon street bars and bouncers are EXTREMELY strict when it comes to IDs in general, and we rented out a bar for our formal, so everyone in my fraternity thought they wouldn't be so strict since we rented their place out. One of my brothers (age 20) goes up to the bouncer with a TED OH, gets denied within 30 seconds sent outside, another one of my brothers (age 20, looks old too) uses a DJ TX and the bouncer looked for over a minute and then denied him, neither ID was taken. My last brother (age 18) goes up with a RichHomieID DE, no security features on it what so ever, passes within 10 seconds and goes inside to start drinking on an open tab. While him and 6 seniors enjoyed the free drinks the whole night, I paid $12 a hurricane off street vendors who couldn't give two shits as long as you have a piece of paper that says 21 on it, because fuck if I'm trying my ID with that bouncer. TLDR: Old looking dude gives bouncer TED OH, gets denied. Another old looking dude tries DJ TX gets denied, 18 year old normal looking guy tries RichHomieID DE and gets in, I pussy out and don't risk my ID and pay for expensive drinks of the street
So this weekend I went down to Bourbon street in New Orleans for my fraternity formal. I currently use a KF ONC, was hoping to try out my new NG21 TX ID's but I didn't get the chance to because he doesn't know what an ETA or overnight shipping is. Anyways back to the story, Bourbon street bars and bouncers are EXTREMELY strict when it comes to IDs in general, and we rented out a bar for our formal, so everyone in my fraternity thought they wouldn't be so strict since we rented their place out. One of my brothers (age 20) goes up to the bouncer with a TED OH, gets denied within 30 seconds sent outside, another one of my brothers (age 20, looks old too) uses a DJ TX and the bouncer looked for over a minute and then denied him, neither ID was taken. My last brother (age 18) goes up with a RichHomieID DE, no security features on it what so ever, passes within 10 seconds and goes inside to start drinking on an open tab. While him and 6 seniors enjoyed the free drinks the whole night, I paid $12 a hurricane off street vendors who couldn't give two shits as long as you have a piece of paper that says 21 on it, because fuck if I'm trying my ID with that bouncer.
Old looking dude gives bouncer TED OH, gets denied. Another old looking dude tries DJ TX gets denied, 18 year old normal looking guy tries RichHomieID DE and gets in, I pussy out and don't risk my ID and pay for expensive drinks of the street
I doubt any superhero from Marvel or DC will stay dead. There's always a writer who always liked a certain character in their youth, but said character was killed off, so they feel it's their duty to introduce the character to the next generation of readers. It happened with Bucky, Barry, and Jason, and it will even happen with Ted. I don't mean to sound bitter; I actually enjoy reading about the crazy ways writers can magiscience a character back to life. tl;dr: comic books.
I doubt any superhero from Marvel or DC will stay dead. There's always a writer who always liked a certain character in their youth, but said character was killed off, so they feel it's their duty to introduce the character to the next generation of readers. It happened with Bucky, Barry, and Jason, and it will even happen with Ted. I don't mean to sound bitter; I actually enjoy reading about the crazy ways writers can magiscience a character back to life. tl;dr: comic books.
I doubt any superhero from Marvel or DC will stay dead. There's always a writer who always liked a certain character in their youth, but said character was killed off, so they feel it's their duty to introduce the character to the next generation of readers. It happened with Bucky, Barry, and Jason, and it will even happen with Ted. I don't mean to sound bitter; I actually enjoy reading about the crazy ways writers can magiscience a character back to life.
comic books.
**I know this is stupid, and I'm sure you'll all tell me to unfriend or untag her and move on** I just wanted to vent and hopefully one of you will be kind enough to explain emotions to me like I'm 5. A year-long relationship ended a few weeks ago and I [27m] just realized that my ex[25f] has untagged herself from photos in which we appeared together. I understand that this is a normal and healthy thing for her to do to get on with her life, however she has *not* untagged herself from solo-shots or closeups that appear in my albums. **Vent-mode**: This drives me crazy -She doesn't want proof\reminders of our past relationship (fair play, we're not together), but it would appear to me (in my potentially irrational state) that she wants to use **MY** single photos of her to bolster her social status. I know it's no longer any of my business what she does or how she does it, but it just really bothers me that she would have the nerve to pick and choose between wanting to distance herself from our relationship, but still appear in my photos. She even asked for pics of our last date together shortly before we broke up, then used them as profile pictures for facebook AND her **current dating profile**. It's a huge slap in the face. I really wanted to let things be and just go our separate ways -- let our pictures remain, as a kind of testament to past experiences and memory, and just move on. I just can't help but see this as her "using me" by removing traces of our relationship, but keeping the pictures I took of just her. Am I reading too much into things? Where I'm at: * Ego mode * Still obviously reeling from the breakup * bothered by her apparent opportunism * Hurt by her disinterest in keeping\treasuring our past memories, and instead just adding her participation to the collection of shit she's done. I realize that last bullet is pretty idealistic, but that's how I feel right now. I know it's late and I am reacting rather badly to this, but I'd appreciate if someone could *patiently* explain how I should interpret and deal with this. I removed one album in protest, but I don't want to sanitize our time together out of spite. I don't have any delusions of wanting to get back together, but part of me would really like for us to be friends at some point in the future. Seeing her do this makes me feel like my pictures of us mean nothing more to her than an opportunity for showmanship or preening for someone else. Maybe I'm overreacting, or maybe it doesn't matter how I interpret it. I'd appreciate any advice on how I *should* approach this. Should I take the high road and ignore it? Unfriend her? Untag her from my photos she's opted to keep? I desperately want to take the high road in this and not get sucked down into doing immature and petty things, but my feelings are majorly hurt right now. **TL;DR**: Ex has de-tagged herself from FB photos where we appear together, but kept my pics of just her. I feel like she's using my pictures for her own gain and I don't know what I should do about it, if anything.
I know this is stupid, and I'm sure you'll all tell me to unfriend or untag her and move on I just wanted to vent and hopefully one of you will be kind enough to explain emotions to me like I'm 5. A year-long relationship ended a few weeks ago and I [27m] just realized that my ex[25f] has untagged herself from photos in which we appeared together. I understand that this is a normal and healthy thing for her to do to get on with her life, however she has not untagged herself from solo-shots or closeups that appear in my albums. Vent-mode : This drives me crazy -She doesn't want proof\reminders of our past relationship (fair play, we're not together), but it would appear to me (in my potentially irrational state) that she wants to use MY single photos of her to bolster her social status. I know it's no longer any of my business what she does or how she does it, but it just really bothers me that she would have the nerve to pick and choose between wanting to distance herself from our relationship, but still appear in my photos. She even asked for pics of our last date together shortly before we broke up, then used them as profile pictures for facebook AND her current dating profile . It's a huge slap in the face. I really wanted to let things be and just go our separate ways -- let our pictures remain, as a kind of testament to past experiences and memory, and just move on. I just can't help but see this as her "using me" by removing traces of our relationship, but keeping the pictures I took of just her. Am I reading too much into things? Where I'm at: Ego mode Still obviously reeling from the breakup bothered by her apparent opportunism Hurt by her disinterest in keeping\treasuring our past memories, and instead just adding her participation to the collection of shit she's done. I realize that last bullet is pretty idealistic, but that's how I feel right now. I know it's late and I am reacting rather badly to this, but I'd appreciate if someone could patiently explain how I should interpret and deal with this. I removed one album in protest, but I don't want to sanitize our time together out of spite. I don't have any delusions of wanting to get back together, but part of me would really like for us to be friends at some point in the future. Seeing her do this makes me feel like my pictures of us mean nothing more to her than an opportunity for showmanship or preening for someone else. Maybe I'm overreacting, or maybe it doesn't matter how I interpret it. I'd appreciate any advice on how I should approach this. Should I take the high road and ignore it? Unfriend her? Untag her from my photos she's opted to keep? I desperately want to take the high road in this and not get sucked down into doing immature and petty things, but my feelings are majorly hurt right now. TL;DR : Ex has de-tagged herself from FB photos where we appear together, but kept my pics of just her. I feel like she's using my pictures for her own gain and I don't know what I should do about it, if anything.
I know this is stupid, and I'm sure you'll all tell me to unfriend or untag her and move on I just wanted to vent and hopefully one of you will be kind enough to explain emotions to me like I'm 5. A year-long relationship ended a few weeks ago and I [27m] just realized that my ex[25f] has untagged herself from photos in which we appeared together. I understand that this is a normal and healthy thing for her to do to get on with her life, however she has not untagged herself from solo-shots or closeups that appear in my albums. Vent-mode : This drives me crazy -She doesn't want proof\reminders of our past relationship (fair play, we're not together), but it would appear to me (in my potentially irrational state) that she wants to use MY single photos of her to bolster her social status. I know it's no longer any of my business what she does or how she does it, but it just really bothers me that she would have the nerve to pick and choose between wanting to distance herself from our relationship, but still appear in my photos. She even asked for pics of our last date together shortly before we broke up, then used them as profile pictures for facebook AND her current dating profile . It's a huge slap in the face. I really wanted to let things be and just go our separate ways -- let our pictures remain, as a kind of testament to past experiences and memory, and just move on. I just can't help but see this as her "using me" by removing traces of our relationship, but keeping the pictures I took of just her. Am I reading too much into things? Where I'm at: Ego mode Still obviously reeling from the breakup bothered by her apparent opportunism Hurt by her disinterest in keeping\treasuring our past memories, and instead just adding her participation to the collection of shit she's done. I realize that last bullet is pretty idealistic, but that's how I feel right now. I know it's late and I am reacting rather badly to this, but I'd appreciate if someone could patiently explain how I should interpret and deal with this. I removed one album in protest, but I don't want to sanitize our time together out of spite. I don't have any delusions of wanting to get back together, but part of me would really like for us to be friends at some point in the future. Seeing her do this makes me feel like my pictures of us mean nothing more to her than an opportunity for showmanship or preening for someone else. Maybe I'm overreacting, or maybe it doesn't matter how I interpret it. I'd appreciate any advice on how I should approach this. Should I take the high road and ignore it? Unfriend her? Untag her from my photos she's opted to keep? I desperately want to take the high road in this and not get sucked down into doing immature and petty things, but my feelings are majorly hurt right now.
Ex has de-tagged herself from FB photos where we appear together, but kept my pics of just her. I feel like she's using my pictures for her own gain and I don't know what I should do about it, if anything.
Hey Guys, We do a podcast called "Good Friends and Fez", and would like to know what segments you would like to see on our next episode. We will do the most upvoted (at least the top 6, if there is that much interest). Our podcast is a South Australian comedy podcast that pretty much involves 5 good friends (and Fez) sitting around and having a chat about a variety of topics. How original? We know...however we do try to do some semi-original segments, which in the past have included: * "Fuck off! We're full!" - where we discuss which country we would send racist Australians to. * "Sunny side up" - trying to make a positive out of global issues. * "Becreational activities" - a staple on the show, where a new challenge is set for the GFAF crew to do over the next two weeks (e.g. a past challenge was taking a vacuum cleaner to a dog park) * "Glad-ons" - coming up with useful add-ons to mundane household items that would benefit the world (items included shoe horns and door knobs) * "4 points of your week" - as the name implies, each member of the crew rattle off 4 points from their week and whoever has had the worst week gets 3 slaps on the back. ....anyway, you get the picture. However for episode 7, we were hoping we could get some input from the reddit community for segments to do. So guys, what do you think? We realise that we are very new to the podcast game, and our first few episodes were shaky at best. Still we love a challenge, and we think that is something the reddit community could definitely bring! **TL;DR** Come up with a segment for our podcast and we will do it on our next episode (episode 7)! EDIT: Links removed to comply with rules.
Hey Guys, We do a podcast called "Good Friends and Fez", and would like to know what segments you would like to see on our next episode. We will do the most upvoted (at least the top 6, if there is that much interest). Our podcast is a South Australian comedy podcast that pretty much involves 5 good friends (and Fez) sitting around and having a chat about a variety of topics. How original? We know...however we do try to do some semi-original segments, which in the past have included: * "Fuck off! We're full!" - where we discuss which country we would send racist Australians to. "Sunny side up" - trying to make a positive out of global issues. * "Becreational activities" - a staple on the show, where a new challenge is set for the GFAF crew to do over the next two weeks (e.g. a past challenge was taking a vacuum cleaner to a dog park) "Glad-ons" - coming up with useful add-ons to mundane household items that would benefit the world (items included shoe horns and door knobs) "4 points of your week" - as the name implies, each member of the crew rattle off 4 points from their week and whoever has had the worst week gets 3 slaps on the back. ....anyway, you get the picture. However for episode 7, we were hoping we could get some input from the reddit community for segments to do. So guys, what do you think? We realise that we are very new to the podcast game, and our first few episodes were shaky at best. Still we love a challenge, and we think that is something the reddit community could definitely bring! TL;DR Come up with a segment for our podcast and we will do it on our next episode (episode 7)! EDIT: Links removed to comply with rules.
Hey Guys, We do a podcast called "Good Friends and Fez", and would like to know what segments you would like to see on our next episode. We will do the most upvoted (at least the top 6, if there is that much interest). Our podcast is a South Australian comedy podcast that pretty much involves 5 good friends (and Fez) sitting around and having a chat about a variety of topics. How original? We know...however we do try to do some semi-original segments, which in the past have included: * "Fuck off! We're full!" - where we discuss which country we would send racist Australians to. "Sunny side up" - trying to make a positive out of global issues. * "Becreational activities" - a staple on the show, where a new challenge is set for the GFAF crew to do over the next two weeks (e.g. a past challenge was taking a vacuum cleaner to a dog park) "Glad-ons" - coming up with useful add-ons to mundane household items that would benefit the world (items included shoe horns and door knobs) "4 points of your week" - as the name implies, each member of the crew rattle off 4 points from their week and whoever has had the worst week gets 3 slaps on the back. ....anyway, you get the picture. However for episode 7, we were hoping we could get some input from the reddit community for segments to do. So guys, what do you think? We realise that we are very new to the podcast game, and our first few episodes were shaky at best. Still we love a challenge, and we think that is something the reddit community could definitely bring!
Come up with a segment for our podcast and we will do it on our next episode (episode 7)! EDIT: Links removed to comply with rules.
granted, it might be because I'm so late to the party, but if there was a comic version of tl;dr, this would be it.
granted, it might be because I'm so late to the party, but if there was a comic version of tl;dr, this would be it.
granted, it might be because I'm so late to the party, but if there was a comic version of
this would be it.
The walkera comes with the devo 7, so am I safe to assume the 7e is a better transmitter if I want to buy the runner without a transmitter? I've heard the 7e is much nicer than the 7? Anything else I should be considering instead? I want to pick up a runner 250 bnf with a better tx. I also want to use it for fpv freerider. I'd also like to use it with the custom 250 I'm building eventually. So far I only have the pdb so that one should be easy. Tldr; Id like to order a tx for fpv free rider, use it with a runner 250, and a custom 250. Suggestions for a tx to meet that criteria would be appreciated.
The walkera comes with the devo 7, so am I safe to assume the 7e is a better transmitter if I want to buy the runner without a transmitter? I've heard the 7e is much nicer than the 7? Anything else I should be considering instead? I want to pick up a runner 250 bnf with a better tx. I also want to use it for fpv freerider. I'd also like to use it with the custom 250 I'm building eventually. So far I only have the pdb so that one should be easy. Tldr; Id like to order a tx for fpv free rider, use it with a runner 250, and a custom 250. Suggestions for a tx to meet that criteria would be appreciated.
The walkera comes with the devo 7, so am I safe to assume the 7e is a better transmitter if I want to buy the runner without a transmitter? I've heard the 7e is much nicer than the 7? Anything else I should be considering instead? I want to pick up a runner 250 bnf with a better tx. I also want to use it for fpv freerider. I'd also like to use it with the custom 250 I'm building eventually. So far I only have the pdb so that one should be easy.
Id like to order a tx for fpv free rider, use it with a runner 250, and a custom 250. Suggestions for a tx to meet that criteria would be appreciated.