Hi guys, last night I broke up with my boyfriend of over a year. A variety of things were making it not work - I'm free-spirited while he's conservative, he was ready to get married and settle down when I'm barely an adult, and perhaps most notably I really started wanting to experiment with other people. I told him all of this in person and was very honest with him. A little background is that my ex has been cheated on in all of his previous relationships so hearing that I wanted to be with other people was really tough for him. He also suffers from severe depression and anxiety; I've tried to discuss breaking up before and he has had full-on panic attacks and needed to go to the hospital. So, breaking up with him was honestly heartbreaking, because I care for him deeply and know he's going to take it really hard, but I just can't be with him and be fair to him at the same time. Anyways, now he is really freaking out. He's posting suicidal/depressive Facebook statuses and is telling our mutual friends (who are acting as mediators) that he wants to die and I never loved him or cared about him and he's sure that I cheated on him and all things like that. What concerns me most is that (unbeknownst to me) he has been feeling suicidal for a few weeks/a month now and feels that this is going to push him over the edge. I'm worried about him but don't want be to manipulated into reaching out and then have him try to convince me to get back together. TLDR; broke up w/ my boyfriend of over a year and now he feels suicidal. Thoughts? EDIT: forgot to mention that I am in college full-time while he still lives at home (w his parents), doesn't have a job, and is in extreme debt. These are all things that seriously bother me.
Hi guys, last night I broke up with my boyfriend of over a year. A variety of things were making it not work - I'm free-spirited while he's conservative, he was ready to get married and settle down when I'm barely an adult, and perhaps most notably I really started wanting to experiment with other people. I told him all of this in person and was very honest with him. A little background is that my ex has been cheated on in all of his previous relationships so hearing that I wanted to be with other people was really tough for him. He also suffers from severe depression and anxiety; I've tried to discuss breaking up before and he has had full-on panic attacks and needed to go to the hospital. So, breaking up with him was honestly heartbreaking, because I care for him deeply and know he's going to take it really hard, but I just can't be with him and be fair to him at the same time. Anyways, now he is really freaking out. He's posting suicidal/depressive Facebook statuses and is telling our mutual friends (who are acting as mediators) that he wants to die and I never loved him or cared about him and he's sure that I cheated on him and all things like that. What concerns me most is that (unbeknownst to me) he has been feeling suicidal for a few weeks/a month now and feels that this is going to push him over the edge. I'm worried about him but don't want be to manipulated into reaching out and then have him try to convince me to get back together. TLDR; broke up w/ my boyfriend of over a year and now he feels suicidal. Thoughts? EDIT: forgot to mention that I am in college full-time while he still lives at home (w his parents), doesn't have a job, and is in extreme debt. These are all things that seriously bother me.
Hi guys, last night I broke up with my boyfriend of over a year. A variety of things were making it not work - I'm free-spirited while he's conservative, he was ready to get married and settle down when I'm barely an adult, and perhaps most notably I really started wanting to experiment with other people. I told him all of this in person and was very honest with him. A little background is that my ex has been cheated on in all of his previous relationships so hearing that I wanted to be with other people was really tough for him. He also suffers from severe depression and anxiety; I've tried to discuss breaking up before and he has had full-on panic attacks and needed to go to the hospital. So, breaking up with him was honestly heartbreaking, because I care for him deeply and know he's going to take it really hard, but I just can't be with him and be fair to him at the same time. Anyways, now he is really freaking out. He's posting suicidal/depressive Facebook statuses and is telling our mutual friends (who are acting as mediators) that he wants to die and I never loved him or cared about him and he's sure that I cheated on him and all things like that. What concerns me most is that (unbeknownst to me) he has been feeling suicidal for a few weeks/a month now and feels that this is going to push him over the edge. I'm worried about him but don't want be to manipulated into reaching out and then have him try to convince me to get back together.
broke up w/ my boyfriend of over a year and now he feels suicidal. Thoughts? EDIT: forgot to mention that I am in college full-time while he still lives at home (w his parents), doesn't have a job, and is in extreme debt. These are all things that seriously bother me.
It actually isn't. Unless he's supplementing with actual food nitrate consumption in his plants is going to be extremely dampened. Think of it this way, the aquaponics system is a closed loop, Food is converted into ammonia, which is converted into nitrate, which is converted into biomass in plants. If the biomass is what is being eaten by the fish you have a self sustaining ecosystem where ammonia load does not increase, thus if you remove any plants from the aquaponic system you are taking biomass out of the system, taking the nutrients that made that biomass with it. TLDR: You can't take out more food than you put in.
It actually isn't. Unless he's supplementing with actual food nitrate consumption in his plants is going to be extremely dampened. Think of it this way, the aquaponics system is a closed loop, Food is converted into ammonia, which is converted into nitrate, which is converted into biomass in plants. If the biomass is what is being eaten by the fish you have a self sustaining ecosystem where ammonia load does not increase, thus if you remove any plants from the aquaponic system you are taking biomass out of the system, taking the nutrients that made that biomass with it. TLDR: You can't take out more food than you put in.
It actually isn't. Unless he's supplementing with actual food nitrate consumption in his plants is going to be extremely dampened. Think of it this way, the aquaponics system is a closed loop, Food is converted into ammonia, which is converted into nitrate, which is converted into biomass in plants. If the biomass is what is being eaten by the fish you have a self sustaining ecosystem where ammonia load does not increase, thus if you remove any plants from the aquaponic system you are taking biomass out of the system, taking the nutrients that made that biomass with it.
You can't take out more food than you put in.
That's the tldr version?
That's the tldr version?
That's the
My girlfriend and her family are very religious. They attend church regularly, volunteer at religious things, etc. I am agnostic. They used to like me a lot until they found out. When I see them they are very nice and don't bring anything up. However, my girlfriend says they talk about me not having faith A LOT. Her mother keeps telling her our relationship is doomed. They think that there will be complications with our future offspring and how they're raised. They believe I'll be concerned with how she spends her time/money. And most importantly that her soul will be in heaven while mine is in hell and because of that we'll never have an everlasting connection. I love my girlfriend very much and was thinking of proposing within a year. I didn't realize her mothers concerns were this serious though. It seems like she'll never approve of our relationship. In the future if I go ask them if I have their blessing to marry their daughter I'm not sure what they'd say. How should I handle this? I don't want to break up just because her mom doesn't like my (non)beliefs. I also feel like having her mom not approve of me is detrimental to our relationship. **tl;dr**: GF's very religious family hates that I'm agnostic.
My girlfriend and her family are very religious. They attend church regularly, volunteer at religious things, etc. I am agnostic. They used to like me a lot until they found out. When I see them they are very nice and don't bring anything up. However, my girlfriend says they talk about me not having faith A LOT. Her mother keeps telling her our relationship is doomed. They think that there will be complications with our future offspring and how they're raised. They believe I'll be concerned with how she spends her time/money. And most importantly that her soul will be in heaven while mine is in hell and because of that we'll never have an everlasting connection. I love my girlfriend very much and was thinking of proposing within a year. I didn't realize her mothers concerns were this serious though. It seems like she'll never approve of our relationship. In the future if I go ask them if I have their blessing to marry their daughter I'm not sure what they'd say. How should I handle this? I don't want to break up just because her mom doesn't like my (non)beliefs. I also feel like having her mom not approve of me is detrimental to our relationship. tl;dr : GF's very religious family hates that I'm agnostic.
My girlfriend and her family are very religious. They attend church regularly, volunteer at religious things, etc. I am agnostic. They used to like me a lot until they found out. When I see them they are very nice and don't bring anything up. However, my girlfriend says they talk about me not having faith A LOT. Her mother keeps telling her our relationship is doomed. They think that there will be complications with our future offspring and how they're raised. They believe I'll be concerned with how she spends her time/money. And most importantly that her soul will be in heaven while mine is in hell and because of that we'll never have an everlasting connection. I love my girlfriend very much and was thinking of proposing within a year. I didn't realize her mothers concerns were this serious though. It seems like she'll never approve of our relationship. In the future if I go ask them if I have their blessing to marry their daughter I'm not sure what they'd say. How should I handle this? I don't want to break up just because her mom doesn't like my (non)beliefs. I also feel like having her mom not approve of me is detrimental to our relationship.
GF's very religious family hates that I'm agnostic.
It has seriously gotten to the point where not having someone in Curse Voice is detrimental to the ranked experience. Most ranked veterans, and people who take it even remotely serious, use Curse Voice to communicate in ranked games. HiRez actively encourages users to download and utilize the program as well. I often find myself wondering why Curse Voice isn't just included some way into the Smite client. If players don't want to use it, they could always have the option of leaving the Curse chat, and it could be programmed to only start automatically in ranked matches. It just gets tiring to hear people say "I don't have Curse" in ranked, because it means that before picks/bans even start, your team is probably at a disadvantage. I get that people don't feel they should have to download an extra program to make the game fair, and this would be a pretty good compromise I feel. Has this not been suggested before? Including voice comms in the client wouldn't force anybody to do anything, but would make ranked a LOT better for a lot of people. TLDR: Curse Voice should be included in the Smite download, and start automatically, but only in ranked matches, and players should still be given the option to join/leave the chat at will.
It has seriously gotten to the point where not having someone in Curse Voice is detrimental to the ranked experience. Most ranked veterans, and people who take it even remotely serious, use Curse Voice to communicate in ranked games. HiRez actively encourages users to download and utilize the program as well. I often find myself wondering why Curse Voice isn't just included some way into the Smite client. If players don't want to use it, they could always have the option of leaving the Curse chat, and it could be programmed to only start automatically in ranked matches. It just gets tiring to hear people say "I don't have Curse" in ranked, because it means that before picks/bans even start, your team is probably at a disadvantage. I get that people don't feel they should have to download an extra program to make the game fair, and this would be a pretty good compromise I feel. Has this not been suggested before? Including voice comms in the client wouldn't force anybody to do anything, but would make ranked a LOT better for a lot of people. TLDR: Curse Voice should be included in the Smite download, and start automatically, but only in ranked matches, and players should still be given the option to join/leave the chat at will.
It has seriously gotten to the point where not having someone in Curse Voice is detrimental to the ranked experience. Most ranked veterans, and people who take it even remotely serious, use Curse Voice to communicate in ranked games. HiRez actively encourages users to download and utilize the program as well. I often find myself wondering why Curse Voice isn't just included some way into the Smite client. If players don't want to use it, they could always have the option of leaving the Curse chat, and it could be programmed to only start automatically in ranked matches. It just gets tiring to hear people say "I don't have Curse" in ranked, because it means that before picks/bans even start, your team is probably at a disadvantage. I get that people don't feel they should have to download an extra program to make the game fair, and this would be a pretty good compromise I feel. Has this not been suggested before? Including voice comms in the client wouldn't force anybody to do anything, but would make ranked a LOT better for a lot of people.
Curse Voice should be included in the Smite download, and start automatically, but only in ranked matches, and players should still be given the option to join/leave the chat at will.
New to this, so bear with me in regard to any formatting oddities. I met my girlfriend, call her Vivian, almost two years ago. We hit it off and started dating at the end of the year after I told her how I felt about her. Things were great, but not without faults. A few months into the relationship we regularly started fighting over trivial things that we let get blown out of proportion. I have grown a lot as a person from this. I've become more respectful toward people's differing views, and become more emotionally accommodating not only to her but to all. Despite this, even in recent times, we have had the same kind of fights more times than I care to admit, due to both of us being stubborn and prideful when we feel disrespected. I should mention a few things at this point. My girlfriend has depression. Apparently she's felt depressed for as long as she can remember, but a few months ago it became worse. She bit off too much work to chew (part time job, full time student with almost maximum possible units with TWO upper division math courses along with a lot of biology, and volunteering at two hospitals simultaneously) and ended up failing two courses, which is awful for her since she's been a straight A student her whole life. She recently started seeing a counselor but she's said that it makes her feel uncomfortable opening up to people about her problems, but she's making an effort to get better. She says it makes her sad to see other people be happy like her counselor because she can't be, no matter how hard she tries. Secondly, while Vivian had a high libido when we started dating, it has declined severely for the majority of our relationship. Additionally, she wanted to wait 7 months from when we started dating before we could have sex. I appreciate waiting to make sure you really love someone before having sex, but to me this still seemed far too long a period. Regardless, I decided to wait for her and compromised. Eventually, 7 months came and she still wasn't into it. I asked a month after that, still nothing. She would give me a different reason every time I asked why she didn't want to have sex. "I just want to enjoy where we are right now a little bit longer", "I don't want to think of what my mother would say if she knew I was having sex". Ultimately she wasn't ready and I was really disappointed and felt like she wasn't all that invested into the relationship as a result, and it has affected my self-esteem. Eventually her sex drive all but disappeared when her depression worsened, and I feel shitty for even thinking this way because I know she can't help it, but I feel led on. Note: we have had oral and hand sex since about a month into our relationship. What she is not ready for is penetrative sex. On the topic of her depression and in general, I see myself as very supportive. I have driven down to her place to be there for her on multiple occasions (which is a big deal because it's at least an hour drive with good traffic), I'm often thinking about what more I can do for her, I go to her house just to be with her when she's feeling down if only to hold her hand and tell her I love her, I buy her flowers without occasion. She's praised me for how sweet I am a lot through our relationship, so I'd like to think I am generally a good partner. For as long as I've wanted a relationship with someone, I've tried to grow myself into what I consider to be a supportive and affectionate lover. We had a rough few months up until the beginning of March, and we were finally back on a smooth course.. or so I thought. Last night we had a typical thick-headed argument and long story short, she broke up with me. It was a very impulsive, sobering decision. As soon as she said it I dropped everything we were arguing over and told her that if this was really the end, I wanted it to not end so horribly, but she just kept insulting me and telling me how a terrible and unsupportive boyfriend I am. This blind-sided me. I've been very open with my communication toward her and she's been very busy with class this quarter, but when we see each other once or twice a week, things are amazing. She said she's tired of having the same arguments and that she appreciates all of my efforts but she can't handle the same mistakes being repeated so many times (stubbornness leading to arguments mostly, though this is definitely an issue we both have). I'm so distraught. I've grown so much not just for her but to be a better person and I've always put her at the top of my priorities and given her everything I have to support her through any trouble she has. Is that not enough? Is it really so terrible that we're mutually assholes to each other now and then? I always apologize profusely for my mistakes. Most of the times I apologize to her, I end up in tears because I hate letting her down in the slightest. I'm so confused. I've felt emotionally and physically unsatisfied with this relationship for a good while, and despite this as well as being told I put up with too much immature behavior on her part by multiple friends I love her. I don't want it to end. We spoke more from around 2:00 AM to 6:00 AM. We both don't want it to be over, but she really doesn't know if we can get through this. She says she love me and doesn't want us to be over, but doesn't miss me. She proposed that we make lists of all of the things we do not like about each other, then talk about it when I go to pick up my things from her house later this week. **tl;dr**: girlfriend broke up with me over a stupid game because we are both hard-headed and a bit disrespectful toward each other when frustrated. I'm lost. I don't want it to be over.
New to this, so bear with me in regard to any formatting oddities. I met my girlfriend, call her Vivian, almost two years ago. We hit it off and started dating at the end of the year after I told her how I felt about her. Things were great, but not without faults. A few months into the relationship we regularly started fighting over trivial things that we let get blown out of proportion. I have grown a lot as a person from this. I've become more respectful toward people's differing views, and become more emotionally accommodating not only to her but to all. Despite this, even in recent times, we have had the same kind of fights more times than I care to admit, due to both of us being stubborn and prideful when we feel disrespected. I should mention a few things at this point. My girlfriend has depression. Apparently she's felt depressed for as long as she can remember, but a few months ago it became worse. She bit off too much work to chew (part time job, full time student with almost maximum possible units with TWO upper division math courses along with a lot of biology, and volunteering at two hospitals simultaneously) and ended up failing two courses, which is awful for her since she's been a straight A student her whole life. She recently started seeing a counselor but she's said that it makes her feel uncomfortable opening up to people about her problems, but she's making an effort to get better. She says it makes her sad to see other people be happy like her counselor because she can't be, no matter how hard she tries. Secondly, while Vivian had a high libido when we started dating, it has declined severely for the majority of our relationship. Additionally, she wanted to wait 7 months from when we started dating before we could have sex. I appreciate waiting to make sure you really love someone before having sex, but to me this still seemed far too long a period. Regardless, I decided to wait for her and compromised. Eventually, 7 months came and she still wasn't into it. I asked a month after that, still nothing. She would give me a different reason every time I asked why she didn't want to have sex. "I just want to enjoy where we are right now a little bit longer", "I don't want to think of what my mother would say if she knew I was having sex". Ultimately she wasn't ready and I was really disappointed and felt like she wasn't all that invested into the relationship as a result, and it has affected my self-esteem. Eventually her sex drive all but disappeared when her depression worsened, and I feel shitty for even thinking this way because I know she can't help it, but I feel led on. Note: we have had oral and hand sex since about a month into our relationship. What she is not ready for is penetrative sex. On the topic of her depression and in general, I see myself as very supportive. I have driven down to her place to be there for her on multiple occasions (which is a big deal because it's at least an hour drive with good traffic), I'm often thinking about what more I can do for her, I go to her house just to be with her when she's feeling down if only to hold her hand and tell her I love her, I buy her flowers without occasion. She's praised me for how sweet I am a lot through our relationship, so I'd like to think I am generally a good partner. For as long as I've wanted a relationship with someone, I've tried to grow myself into what I consider to be a supportive and affectionate lover. We had a rough few months up until the beginning of March, and we were finally back on a smooth course.. or so I thought. Last night we had a typical thick-headed argument and long story short, she broke up with me. It was a very impulsive, sobering decision. As soon as she said it I dropped everything we were arguing over and told her that if this was really the end, I wanted it to not end so horribly, but she just kept insulting me and telling me how a terrible and unsupportive boyfriend I am. This blind-sided me. I've been very open with my communication toward her and she's been very busy with class this quarter, but when we see each other once or twice a week, things are amazing. She said she's tired of having the same arguments and that she appreciates all of my efforts but she can't handle the same mistakes being repeated so many times (stubbornness leading to arguments mostly, though this is definitely an issue we both have). I'm so distraught. I've grown so much not just for her but to be a better person and I've always put her at the top of my priorities and given her everything I have to support her through any trouble she has. Is that not enough? Is it really so terrible that we're mutually assholes to each other now and then? I always apologize profusely for my mistakes. Most of the times I apologize to her, I end up in tears because I hate letting her down in the slightest. I'm so confused. I've felt emotionally and physically unsatisfied with this relationship for a good while, and despite this as well as being told I put up with too much immature behavior on her part by multiple friends I love her. I don't want it to end. We spoke more from around 2:00 AM to 6:00 AM. We both don't want it to be over, but she really doesn't know if we can get through this. She says she love me and doesn't want us to be over, but doesn't miss me. She proposed that we make lists of all of the things we do not like about each other, then talk about it when I go to pick up my things from her house later this week. tl;dr : girlfriend broke up with me over a stupid game because we are both hard-headed and a bit disrespectful toward each other when frustrated. I'm lost. I don't want it to be over.
New to this, so bear with me in regard to any formatting oddities. I met my girlfriend, call her Vivian, almost two years ago. We hit it off and started dating at the end of the year after I told her how I felt about her. Things were great, but not without faults. A few months into the relationship we regularly started fighting over trivial things that we let get blown out of proportion. I have grown a lot as a person from this. I've become more respectful toward people's differing views, and become more emotionally accommodating not only to her but to all. Despite this, even in recent times, we have had the same kind of fights more times than I care to admit, due to both of us being stubborn and prideful when we feel disrespected. I should mention a few things at this point. My girlfriend has depression. Apparently she's felt depressed for as long as she can remember, but a few months ago it became worse. She bit off too much work to chew (part time job, full time student with almost maximum possible units with TWO upper division math courses along with a lot of biology, and volunteering at two hospitals simultaneously) and ended up failing two courses, which is awful for her since she's been a straight A student her whole life. She recently started seeing a counselor but she's said that it makes her feel uncomfortable opening up to people about her problems, but she's making an effort to get better. She says it makes her sad to see other people be happy like her counselor because she can't be, no matter how hard she tries. Secondly, while Vivian had a high libido when we started dating, it has declined severely for the majority of our relationship. Additionally, she wanted to wait 7 months from when we started dating before we could have sex. I appreciate waiting to make sure you really love someone before having sex, but to me this still seemed far too long a period. Regardless, I decided to wait for her and compromised. Eventually, 7 months came and she still wasn't into it. I asked a month after that, still nothing. She would give me a different reason every time I asked why she didn't want to have sex. "I just want to enjoy where we are right now a little bit longer", "I don't want to think of what my mother would say if she knew I was having sex". Ultimately she wasn't ready and I was really disappointed and felt like she wasn't all that invested into the relationship as a result, and it has affected my self-esteem. Eventually her sex drive all but disappeared when her depression worsened, and I feel shitty for even thinking this way because I know she can't help it, but I feel led on. Note: we have had oral and hand sex since about a month into our relationship. What she is not ready for is penetrative sex. On the topic of her depression and in general, I see myself as very supportive. I have driven down to her place to be there for her on multiple occasions (which is a big deal because it's at least an hour drive with good traffic), I'm often thinking about what more I can do for her, I go to her house just to be with her when she's feeling down if only to hold her hand and tell her I love her, I buy her flowers without occasion. She's praised me for how sweet I am a lot through our relationship, so I'd like to think I am generally a good partner. For as long as I've wanted a relationship with someone, I've tried to grow myself into what I consider to be a supportive and affectionate lover. We had a rough few months up until the beginning of March, and we were finally back on a smooth course.. or so I thought. Last night we had a typical thick-headed argument and long story short, she broke up with me. It was a very impulsive, sobering decision. As soon as she said it I dropped everything we were arguing over and told her that if this was really the end, I wanted it to not end so horribly, but she just kept insulting me and telling me how a terrible and unsupportive boyfriend I am. This blind-sided me. I've been very open with my communication toward her and she's been very busy with class this quarter, but when we see each other once or twice a week, things are amazing. She said she's tired of having the same arguments and that she appreciates all of my efforts but she can't handle the same mistakes being repeated so many times (stubbornness leading to arguments mostly, though this is definitely an issue we both have). I'm so distraught. I've grown so much not just for her but to be a better person and I've always put her at the top of my priorities and given her everything I have to support her through any trouble she has. Is that not enough? Is it really so terrible that we're mutually assholes to each other now and then? I always apologize profusely for my mistakes. Most of the times I apologize to her, I end up in tears because I hate letting her down in the slightest. I'm so confused. I've felt emotionally and physically unsatisfied with this relationship for a good while, and despite this as well as being told I put up with too much immature behavior on her part by multiple friends I love her. I don't want it to end. We spoke more from around 2:00 AM to 6:00 AM. We both don't want it to be over, but she really doesn't know if we can get through this. She says she love me and doesn't want us to be over, but doesn't miss me. She proposed that we make lists of all of the things we do not like about each other, then talk about it when I go to pick up my things from her house later this week.
girlfriend broke up with me over a stupid game because we are both hard-headed and a bit disrespectful toward each other when frustrated. I'm lost. I don't want it to be over.
I'm an ADC main, so one of the reasons I like to play Jayce is that, until you go into Hammer form, he plays very similar to a solo laning adc. I'm much more comfortable playing Jayce than I am on melee exclusive characters and I feel like a lot of skills from ADC transfer to my Jayce play. Another thing, it's fairly easy to get ahead and bully your laning opponent out of CS as Jayce, but I find that even if I fall behind, I just build an early defensive item, max W second and push towers for days. The AA speed on Cannon form W is awesome for pushing towers. TL DR: Comfortable for ADC mains, strong lane bully, stays relevant throughout game even when behind by working with ADC to melt towers.
I'm an ADC main, so one of the reasons I like to play Jayce is that, until you go into Hammer form, he plays very similar to a solo laning adc. I'm much more comfortable playing Jayce than I am on melee exclusive characters and I feel like a lot of skills from ADC transfer to my Jayce play. Another thing, it's fairly easy to get ahead and bully your laning opponent out of CS as Jayce, but I find that even if I fall behind, I just build an early defensive item, max W second and push towers for days. The AA speed on Cannon form W is awesome for pushing towers. TL DR: Comfortable for ADC mains, strong lane bully, stays relevant throughout game even when behind by working with ADC to melt towers.
I'm an ADC main, so one of the reasons I like to play Jayce is that, until you go into Hammer form, he plays very similar to a solo laning adc. I'm much more comfortable playing Jayce than I am on melee exclusive characters and I feel like a lot of skills from ADC transfer to my Jayce play. Another thing, it's fairly easy to get ahead and bully your laning opponent out of CS as Jayce, but I find that even if I fall behind, I just build an early defensive item, max W second and push towers for days. The AA speed on Cannon form W is awesome for pushing towers.
Comfortable for ADC mains, strong lane bully, stays relevant throughout game even when behind by working with ADC to melt towers.
Focusing on what elements are consistent throughout horror games, I'd say that the fear comes from a sense of being powerless throughout the game. Silent Hill 2 is popular in this thread, so I'm sure people are familiar with the combat mechanics. Most of the time, you use melee combat which is ineffectual against most of the monsters. Besides that, there are only a handful of guns, and a severe lack of bullets in the game. This culminates into a game where every enemy you come in contact with causes you to think "Is this worth fighting"? In the event that it is not, the player is admitting to himself/herself that they aren't strong enough to battle the enemy. Looking at more common "shooter-type" horror games, we see this powerlessness pop up again. Think the Resident Evil, Dead Space (the first one), and Left 4 Dead. All three again show the impact of limited ammo drops. Every shot counts, and the player is faced with questions like, "Do I dedicate inventory space to health, more ammo, better weapons, etc?". These choices directly impact they way the player has to experience the game. Maybe you run into a huge enemy with an upgraded pistol. Maybe, low on health, the player is forced to hide in a corner and waste precious grenades to make it through to the next save station. What will happen if those were needed 20 minutes from now? On and on... **Tl;dr: Stressful environment and feeling of helplessness helps foster feelings of fear that the games seek to induce.** *Edit: Flushed out a paragraph.
Focusing on what elements are consistent throughout horror games, I'd say that the fear comes from a sense of being powerless throughout the game. Silent Hill 2 is popular in this thread, so I'm sure people are familiar with the combat mechanics. Most of the time, you use melee combat which is ineffectual against most of the monsters. Besides that, there are only a handful of guns, and a severe lack of bullets in the game. This culminates into a game where every enemy you come in contact with causes you to think "Is this worth fighting"? In the event that it is not, the player is admitting to himself/herself that they aren't strong enough to battle the enemy. Looking at more common "shooter-type" horror games, we see this powerlessness pop up again. Think the Resident Evil, Dead Space (the first one), and Left 4 Dead. All three again show the impact of limited ammo drops. Every shot counts, and the player is faced with questions like, "Do I dedicate inventory space to health, more ammo, better weapons, etc?". These choices directly impact they way the player has to experience the game. Maybe you run into a huge enemy with an upgraded pistol. Maybe, low on health, the player is forced to hide in a corner and waste precious grenades to make it through to the next save station. What will happen if those were needed 20 minutes from now? On and on... Tl;dr: Stressful environment and feeling of helplessness helps foster feelings of fear that the games seek to induce. *Edit: Flushed out a paragraph.
Focusing on what elements are consistent throughout horror games, I'd say that the fear comes from a sense of being powerless throughout the game. Silent Hill 2 is popular in this thread, so I'm sure people are familiar with the combat mechanics. Most of the time, you use melee combat which is ineffectual against most of the monsters. Besides that, there are only a handful of guns, and a severe lack of bullets in the game. This culminates into a game where every enemy you come in contact with causes you to think "Is this worth fighting"? In the event that it is not, the player is admitting to himself/herself that they aren't strong enough to battle the enemy. Looking at more common "shooter-type" horror games, we see this powerlessness pop up again. Think the Resident Evil, Dead Space (the first one), and Left 4 Dead. All three again show the impact of limited ammo drops. Every shot counts, and the player is faced with questions like, "Do I dedicate inventory space to health, more ammo, better weapons, etc?". These choices directly impact they way the player has to experience the game. Maybe you run into a huge enemy with an upgraded pistol. Maybe, low on health, the player is forced to hide in a corner and waste precious grenades to make it through to the next save station. What will happen if those were needed 20 minutes from now? On and on...
Stressful environment and feeling of helplessness helps foster feelings of fear that the games seek to induce. *Edit: Flushed out a paragraph.
Whenever I play against an Orianna and I want to last hit a minion and her Q skill is by that minion, somehow it will target the ball and not the minion and you have to move your mouse around to get the last hit. I use this tactic when I play Orianna in Diamond play a lot, I just think that this shouldn't be in the game, the ball shouldn't even be targetable. **tl;dr** Orianna's Q skill messes up CS, Her Q skill is a target when it shouldn't be.
Whenever I play against an Orianna and I want to last hit a minion and her Q skill is by that minion, somehow it will target the ball and not the minion and you have to move your mouse around to get the last hit. I use this tactic when I play Orianna in Diamond play a lot, I just think that this shouldn't be in the game, the ball shouldn't even be targetable. tl;dr Orianna's Q skill messes up CS, Her Q skill is a target when it shouldn't be.
Whenever I play against an Orianna and I want to last hit a minion and her Q skill is by that minion, somehow it will target the ball and not the minion and you have to move your mouse around to get the last hit. I use this tactic when I play Orianna in Diamond play a lot, I just think that this shouldn't be in the game, the ball shouldn't even be targetable.
Orianna's Q skill messes up CS, Her Q skill is a target when it shouldn't be.
I will be disappointed in you if you leave your Jersey at home. While I hate the Devils as I am sure you know, I would prefer to see someone in an opposing team's jersey at the game than regular clothes/a suit looking unsupportive. If I go to an away game fuck yeah I'm wearing my Ranger's gear and cheering my ass off. Also with the proximity to NJ and the ease of taking a train into the city you can bet there will be more Devils fans than there would be for say the Coyotes or Canucks etc. TLDR Wear your Devil's gear, cheer for the Devils loud and be proud of your team. Also the Devils will lose.
I will be disappointed in you if you leave your Jersey at home. While I hate the Devils as I am sure you know, I would prefer to see someone in an opposing team's jersey at the game than regular clothes/a suit looking unsupportive. If I go to an away game fuck yeah I'm wearing my Ranger's gear and cheering my ass off. Also with the proximity to NJ and the ease of taking a train into the city you can bet there will be more Devils fans than there would be for say the Coyotes or Canucks etc. TLDR Wear your Devil's gear, cheer for the Devils loud and be proud of your team. Also the Devils will lose.
I will be disappointed in you if you leave your Jersey at home. While I hate the Devils as I am sure you know, I would prefer to see someone in an opposing team's jersey at the game than regular clothes/a suit looking unsupportive. If I go to an away game fuck yeah I'm wearing my Ranger's gear and cheering my ass off. Also with the proximity to NJ and the ease of taking a train into the city you can bet there will be more Devils fans than there would be for say the Coyotes or Canucks etc.
Wear your Devil's gear, cheer for the Devils loud and be proud of your team. Also the Devils will lose.
I'm an anti-feminist. I support equal rights activism, but I don't support feminism, and here is my main reason (one of them). I feel that many modern American feminists don't understand the process of argument, and they tend to ignore the opposing opinion. Here is an example: I see so many feminists take a magazine cover like [this]( and one like [this]( and say that the former is sexually objectifying women, while the second is praising men for being successful. I would post the link to the pro-feminist list that said this, but the link isn't working (TheAmazingAtheist made a video on the list, but the link he gave didn't work for me) The reason I feel this argument holds little merit is for a few reasons: 1) GQ is a men's magazine (the magazine in the images), so of course it will use sexually attractive women and succesful looking men to attract men to the magazine, that's called advertising. 2) A magazine called "Men's health magazine" has covers that show sexually attractive men. Is that wrong? No, the point of the magazine is to attract men who want to be healthy, and having a man who is sexy on the cover will attract those men to be like "I wanna be sexy too!" 3) This argument infers the opinion that human sexuality is "bad" and can not be shown off. The above three statements can be reworded and applied to many feminist ideas. I am not saying that all Feminist arguments are illogical, but many of them are, because many American feminists aren't looking at the right issues. TL;DR: Many American-feminist's ideas have very little backing. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***[read through our rules]( *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***[downvotes don't change views]( If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***[popular topics wiki]( *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***[message us]( *Happy CMVing!*
I'm an anti-feminist. I support equal rights activism, but I don't support feminism, and here is my main reason (one of them). I feel that many modern American feminists don't understand the process of argument, and they tend to ignore the opposing opinion. Here is an example: I see so many feminists take a magazine cover like [this]( and one like [this]( and say that the former is sexually objectifying women, while the second is praising men for being successful. I would post the link to the pro-feminist list that said this, but the link isn't working (TheAmazingAtheist made a video on the list, but the link he gave didn't work for me) The reason I feel this argument holds little merit is for a few reasons: 1) GQ is a men's magazine (the magazine in the images), so of course it will use sexually attractive women and succesful looking men to attract men to the magazine, that's called advertising. 2) A magazine called "Men's health magazine" has covers that show sexually attractive men. Is that wrong? No, the point of the magazine is to attract men who want to be healthy, and having a man who is sexy on the cover will attract those men to be like "I wanna be sexy too!" 3) This argument infers the opinion that human sexuality is "bad" and can not be shown off. The above three statements can be reworded and applied to many feminist ideas. I am not saying that all Feminist arguments are illogical, but many of them are, because many American feminists aren't looking at the right issues. TL;DR: Many American-feminist's ideas have very little backing. > Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to [read through our rules]( If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which, [downvotes don't change views]( If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our ** [popular topics wiki]( first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to **[message us]( Happy CMVing!*
I'm an anti-feminist. I support equal rights activism, but I don't support feminism, and here is my main reason (one of them). I feel that many modern American feminists don't understand the process of argument, and they tend to ignore the opposing opinion. Here is an example: I see so many feminists take a magazine cover like [this]( and one like [this]( and say that the former is sexually objectifying women, while the second is praising men for being successful. I would post the link to the pro-feminist list that said this, but the link isn't working (TheAmazingAtheist made a video on the list, but the link he gave didn't work for me) The reason I feel this argument holds little merit is for a few reasons: 1) GQ is a men's magazine (the magazine in the images), so of course it will use sexually attractive women and succesful looking men to attract men to the magazine, that's called advertising. 2) A magazine called "Men's health magazine" has covers that show sexually attractive men. Is that wrong? No, the point of the magazine is to attract men who want to be healthy, and having a man who is sexy on the cover will attract those men to be like "I wanna be sexy too!" 3) This argument infers the opinion that human sexuality is "bad" and can not be shown off. The above three statements can be reworded and applied to many feminist ideas. I am not saying that all Feminist arguments are illogical, but many of them are, because many American feminists aren't looking at the right issues.
Many American-feminist's ideas have very little backing. > Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to [read through our rules]( If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which, [downvotes don't change views]( If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our ** [popular topics wiki]( first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to **[message us]( Happy CMVing!*
What a crock of shit. This is a classic case of putting words in your opponent's mouth that he didn't actually say, then arguing against those words. Dershowitz says over and over again that the Goldstone report's central conclusion was "that Israel’s policy was to maximize the deaths of civilians". If that's what the report had said, it would of course be wrong: if that was Israel's goal, it could have killed every single person in Gaza many times over. But that's not what the Goldstone report says. In fact, the word "maximize" doesn't even occur in the report. The word "maximum" does, as in "creating maximum disruption in the lives of many people as a legitimate means to achieve military and political goals". *That* is the report's main conclusion: that Israel had deliberately adopted policies that would terrorize the people in Gaza, and collectively punish them for their support of Hamas, by killing some of them and creating huge amounts of damage to buildings and people's ability to live and make a living. It wasn't necessary to target civilians directly. TLDR: Typical Dershowitz mendacity.
What a crock of shit. This is a classic case of putting words in your opponent's mouth that he didn't actually say, then arguing against those words. Dershowitz says over and over again that the Goldstone report's central conclusion was "that Israel’s policy was to maximize the deaths of civilians". If that's what the report had said, it would of course be wrong: if that was Israel's goal, it could have killed every single person in Gaza many times over. But that's not what the Goldstone report says. In fact, the word "maximize" doesn't even occur in the report. The word "maximum" does, as in "creating maximum disruption in the lives of many people as a legitimate means to achieve military and political goals". That is the report's main conclusion: that Israel had deliberately adopted policies that would terrorize the people in Gaza, and collectively punish them for their support of Hamas, by killing some of them and creating huge amounts of damage to buildings and people's ability to live and make a living. It wasn't necessary to target civilians directly. TLDR: Typical Dershowitz mendacity.
What a crock of shit. This is a classic case of putting words in your opponent's mouth that he didn't actually say, then arguing against those words. Dershowitz says over and over again that the Goldstone report's central conclusion was "that Israel’s policy was to maximize the deaths of civilians". If that's what the report had said, it would of course be wrong: if that was Israel's goal, it could have killed every single person in Gaza many times over. But that's not what the Goldstone report says. In fact, the word "maximize" doesn't even occur in the report. The word "maximum" does, as in "creating maximum disruption in the lives of many people as a legitimate means to achieve military and political goals". That is the report's main conclusion: that Israel had deliberately adopted policies that would terrorize the people in Gaza, and collectively punish them for their support of Hamas, by killing some of them and creating huge amounts of damage to buildings and people's ability to live and make a living. It wasn't necessary to target civilians directly.
Typical Dershowitz mendacity.
There are some really cool things in here, one from the original article. "These findings advocate for the development of selective inhibitors of histone deacetylase 2 and suggest that cognitive capacities following neurodegeneration are not entirely lost, but merely impaired by this epigenetic blockade." Also, someone commented on it only being a mouse model. Yes, true. But it is an fairly robust one compared to the human disease and the molecular basis probably related. It is very different to the MS example they mention. TL;DR 1. Alzheimers was reversed in mice 2. Memory doesn't seem to be lost, it is just impaired by the disease and may be recovered.
There are some really cool things in here, one from the original article. "These findings advocate for the development of selective inhibitors of histone deacetylase 2 and suggest that cognitive capacities following neurodegeneration are not entirely lost, but merely impaired by this epigenetic blockade." Also, someone commented on it only being a mouse model. Yes, true. But it is an fairly robust one compared to the human disease and the molecular basis probably related. It is very different to the MS example they mention. TL;DR Alzheimers was reversed in mice Memory doesn't seem to be lost, it is just impaired by the disease and may be recovered.
There are some really cool things in here, one from the original article. "These findings advocate for the development of selective inhibitors of histone deacetylase 2 and suggest that cognitive capacities following neurodegeneration are not entirely lost, but merely impaired by this epigenetic blockade." Also, someone commented on it only being a mouse model. Yes, true. But it is an fairly robust one compared to the human disease and the molecular basis probably related. It is very different to the MS example they mention.
Alzheimers was reversed in mice Memory doesn't seem to be lost, it is just impaired by the disease and may be recovered.
Hi all, I would like your insight on the experience you have had with your promos at a start of a season. I’ve just reached level 30 on a new account and haven’t had a ranked game yet and with the new season starting I’m planning on playing with my friend who is gold 2. (I was also the same rank as him on my previous account) My question is, if I play all my promotions with him would I get the same rank as him or would he get higher/lower as he already had previous mmr? TLDR: Would I get the same rank after promos on a new account if I search with my friend who is already gold 2? Thanks!
Hi all, I would like your insight on the experience you have had with your promos at a start of a season. I’ve just reached level 30 on a new account and haven’t had a ranked game yet and with the new season starting I’m planning on playing with my friend who is gold 2. (I was also the same rank as him on my previous account) My question is, if I play all my promotions with him would I get the same rank as him or would he get higher/lower as he already had previous mmr? TLDR: Would I get the same rank after promos on a new account if I search with my friend who is already gold 2? Thanks!
Hi all, I would like your insight on the experience you have had with your promos at a start of a season. I’ve just reached level 30 on a new account and haven’t had a ranked game yet and with the new season starting I’m planning on playing with my friend who is gold 2. (I was also the same rank as him on my previous account) My question is, if I play all my promotions with him would I get the same rank as him or would he get higher/lower as he already had previous mmr?
Would I get the same rank after promos on a new account if I search with my friend who is already gold 2? Thanks!
Yesterday I saw the Philotross destroyer and put it in my cart as well as the sexton glow fire bird with the intention of buying them today when I got my paycheck. Well they have sold out in these few hours, so if anyone bought some extra I would love to buy one off of you. Pretty please! Tl;dr- I will buy philotross and sexton glow firebird.
Yesterday I saw the Philotross destroyer and put it in my cart as well as the sexton glow fire bird with the intention of buying them today when I got my paycheck. Well they have sold out in these few hours, so if anyone bought some extra I would love to buy one off of you. Pretty please! Tl;dr- I will buy philotross and sexton glow firebird.
Yesterday I saw the Philotross destroyer and put it in my cart as well as the sexton glow fire bird with the intention of buying them today when I got my paycheck. Well they have sold out in these few hours, so if anyone bought some extra I would love to buy one off of you. Pretty please!
I will buy philotross and sexton glow firebird.
i get the same thing and always thought that they were parts of my body that were starting to get fat and didn't receive much oxygen - the act of running kind of "woke" up those areas and that created the itchy feeling tl:dr - i always thought it was match fitness
i get the same thing and always thought that they were parts of my body that were starting to get fat and didn't receive much oxygen - the act of running kind of "woke" up those areas and that created the itchy feeling tl:dr - i always thought it was match fitness
i get the same thing and always thought that they were parts of my body that were starting to get fat and didn't receive much oxygen - the act of running kind of "woke" up those areas and that created the itchy feeling
i always thought it was match fitness
One of my favorite exercises is box jumps using things around the yard. For upper body, you can't go wrong with pushups, which work triceps, chest, abs, and shoulders. Pull-ups are harder to do without equipment unless you have a tree branch. TL:DR stating the obvious
One of my favorite exercises is box jumps using things around the yard. For upper body, you can't go wrong with pushups, which work triceps, chest, abs, and shoulders. Pull-ups are harder to do without equipment unless you have a tree branch. TL:DR stating the obvious
One of my favorite exercises is box jumps using things around the yard. For upper body, you can't go wrong with pushups, which work triceps, chest, abs, and shoulders. Pull-ups are harder to do without equipment unless you have a tree branch.
stating the obvious
The last Tomb Raider I played was a very very long time ago on the PS2 and when I saw the trailers for this reboot, it looked like an Uncharted clone so I skipped it. Boy, was I wrong. I'm about 3-4 hours in and it is evident that it's an incredibly well polished game. My favorite part about it is that it rewards exploration. Uncharted didn't have much of this (aside from little treasures here and there). Lara's Skill Point system and the weapon upgrade system is very well-designed, and keeps things fun and exciting. There's usually multiple ways to get to a point and it's satisfying to roam around the premises and explore before moving on. Lots of optional areas are fun little sidequests to play around in for a while. There are **tons** of little relics and notes to collect which aren't just fluff but are cannon to the lore. Gameplay is very smooth, platforming is great, mechanics work fantastically, and the movement is smooth. Overall it just screams well-polished. Graphics are gorgeous as well and textures are simply stunning to look at. It also adopts the no-HUD policy (*unless absolutely necessary*) that Uncharted had going on and pulls it off successfully. There's also a decent amount of physics puzzles (mostly gravity and fire based, and oddly reminiscent of Half-Life 2), and they're all simple enough yet requires a little bit of thought. None so far have stumped me for more than 10-15 seconds. Moreover, the story itself is intriguing. Not gonna spoil anything; I don't expect much in terms of story from a game whose intent is focused on action-adventure, shooting, and platforming. But this is pretty awesome. It's well-written, it's surprising, it's funny, and it's engaging enough to want to see what happens next. Voice acting and animations are, again, wonderful. If I had one complaint, it would be certain gimmicky quicktime events. They work well for the most part, but the timing on a couple of them seemed extremely sensitive. After re-trying a certain part about 8-10 times, I just kept tapping the button knowing that it won't work if I hit it when the prompt showed up. This only happened a couple times; the rest of it worked just fine. Overall, the survival aspect is great, dynamic weather and environment crumbling and changing around you is well-executed, the setting is dramatic and intense, and it is one hell of a top-notch action-adventure game. **TL;DR: If you were on the fence, just download it and play it. You won't be disappointed.**
The last Tomb Raider I played was a very very long time ago on the PS2 and when I saw the trailers for this reboot, it looked like an Uncharted clone so I skipped it. Boy, was I wrong. I'm about 3-4 hours in and it is evident that it's an incredibly well polished game. My favorite part about it is that it rewards exploration. Uncharted didn't have much of this (aside from little treasures here and there). Lara's Skill Point system and the weapon upgrade system is very well-designed, and keeps things fun and exciting. There's usually multiple ways to get to a point and it's satisfying to roam around the premises and explore before moving on. Lots of optional areas are fun little sidequests to play around in for a while. There are tons of little relics and notes to collect which aren't just fluff but are cannon to the lore. Gameplay is very smooth, platforming is great, mechanics work fantastically, and the movement is smooth. Overall it just screams well-polished. Graphics are gorgeous as well and textures are simply stunning to look at. It also adopts the no-HUD policy ( unless absolutely necessary ) that Uncharted had going on and pulls it off successfully. There's also a decent amount of physics puzzles (mostly gravity and fire based, and oddly reminiscent of Half-Life 2), and they're all simple enough yet requires a little bit of thought. None so far have stumped me for more than 10-15 seconds. Moreover, the story itself is intriguing. Not gonna spoil anything; I don't expect much in terms of story from a game whose intent is focused on action-adventure, shooting, and platforming. But this is pretty awesome. It's well-written, it's surprising, it's funny, and it's engaging enough to want to see what happens next. Voice acting and animations are, again, wonderful. If I had one complaint, it would be certain gimmicky quicktime events. They work well for the most part, but the timing on a couple of them seemed extremely sensitive. After re-trying a certain part about 8-10 times, I just kept tapping the button knowing that it won't work if I hit it when the prompt showed up. This only happened a couple times; the rest of it worked just fine. Overall, the survival aspect is great, dynamic weather and environment crumbling and changing around you is well-executed, the setting is dramatic and intense, and it is one hell of a top-notch action-adventure game. TL;DR: If you were on the fence, just download it and play it. You won't be disappointed.
The last Tomb Raider I played was a very very long time ago on the PS2 and when I saw the trailers for this reboot, it looked like an Uncharted clone so I skipped it. Boy, was I wrong. I'm about 3-4 hours in and it is evident that it's an incredibly well polished game. My favorite part about it is that it rewards exploration. Uncharted didn't have much of this (aside from little treasures here and there). Lara's Skill Point system and the weapon upgrade system is very well-designed, and keeps things fun and exciting. There's usually multiple ways to get to a point and it's satisfying to roam around the premises and explore before moving on. Lots of optional areas are fun little sidequests to play around in for a while. There are tons of little relics and notes to collect which aren't just fluff but are cannon to the lore. Gameplay is very smooth, platforming is great, mechanics work fantastically, and the movement is smooth. Overall it just screams well-polished. Graphics are gorgeous as well and textures are simply stunning to look at. It also adopts the no-HUD policy ( unless absolutely necessary ) that Uncharted had going on and pulls it off successfully. There's also a decent amount of physics puzzles (mostly gravity and fire based, and oddly reminiscent of Half-Life 2), and they're all simple enough yet requires a little bit of thought. None so far have stumped me for more than 10-15 seconds. Moreover, the story itself is intriguing. Not gonna spoil anything; I don't expect much in terms of story from a game whose intent is focused on action-adventure, shooting, and platforming. But this is pretty awesome. It's well-written, it's surprising, it's funny, and it's engaging enough to want to see what happens next. Voice acting and animations are, again, wonderful. If I had one complaint, it would be certain gimmicky quicktime events. They work well for the most part, but the timing on a couple of them seemed extremely sensitive. After re-trying a certain part about 8-10 times, I just kept tapping the button knowing that it won't work if I hit it when the prompt showed up. This only happened a couple times; the rest of it worked just fine. Overall, the survival aspect is great, dynamic weather and environment crumbling and changing around you is well-executed, the setting is dramatic and intense, and it is one hell of a top-notch action-adventure game.
If you were on the fence, just download it and play it. You won't be disappointed.
I'm F (19), he's M (19). We started dating when we were 16, broke up last May when we were both 18. First love, first relationship, all that jazz. He was my best friend. We went through everything together. Unfortunately a few months in I developed anorexia, and we had a really unhealthy, co-dependent relationship. He ignored his problems for too long and he had a breakdown. He was diagnosed as bipolar and depressed, and he broke up with me because we were both way too fucked up to be in a relationship. I moved away for school, relapsed hard and moved home to the town we both live in. I am doing much, much, MUCH better right now with regards to the eating disorder - weight-restored, eating regularly, etc etc. I still struggle with depression and the ED might always be there (I hope not though), but I'm ten times better than when he broke up with me. He is not doing as well unfortunately. He's really into drugs right now and is drinking heavily. I have missed him so much and I know he misses me (mutual friends told me so). Neither of us have done more than drunkenly made out with someone else in the ten months since we've broken up. I have never stopped loving him. We met up yesterday to talk and catch up and see if we could start being friends again. It was so easy and natural to talk with him. The last thing he said to me was, "I'll see you soon" and he gave me a big smile. I know he was happy to see me. Is is possible to make this work or is it doomed? My eating disorder really, really fucked up our relationship, but he had his own issues as well. I am just terrified I'm going to have my heart broken again. **TL;DR**: First love/relationship, together two years, broke up because we're both fucked up (I have an eating disorder, he's bipolar). Can this work or should we just remain friends, even though we still love each other?
I'm F (19), he's M (19). We started dating when we were 16, broke up last May when we were both 18. First love, first relationship, all that jazz. He was my best friend. We went through everything together. Unfortunately a few months in I developed anorexia, and we had a really unhealthy, co-dependent relationship. He ignored his problems for too long and he had a breakdown. He was diagnosed as bipolar and depressed, and he broke up with me because we were both way too fucked up to be in a relationship. I moved away for school, relapsed hard and moved home to the town we both live in. I am doing much, much, MUCH better right now with regards to the eating disorder - weight-restored, eating regularly, etc etc. I still struggle with depression and the ED might always be there (I hope not though), but I'm ten times better than when he broke up with me. He is not doing as well unfortunately. He's really into drugs right now and is drinking heavily. I have missed him so much and I know he misses me (mutual friends told me so). Neither of us have done more than drunkenly made out with someone else in the ten months since we've broken up. I have never stopped loving him. We met up yesterday to talk and catch up and see if we could start being friends again. It was so easy and natural to talk with him. The last thing he said to me was, "I'll see you soon" and he gave me a big smile. I know he was happy to see me. Is is possible to make this work or is it doomed? My eating disorder really, really fucked up our relationship, but he had his own issues as well. I am just terrified I'm going to have my heart broken again. TL;DR : First love/relationship, together two years, broke up because we're both fucked up (I have an eating disorder, he's bipolar). Can this work or should we just remain friends, even though we still love each other?
I'm F (19), he's M (19). We started dating when we were 16, broke up last May when we were both 18. First love, first relationship, all that jazz. He was my best friend. We went through everything together. Unfortunately a few months in I developed anorexia, and we had a really unhealthy, co-dependent relationship. He ignored his problems for too long and he had a breakdown. He was diagnosed as bipolar and depressed, and he broke up with me because we were both way too fucked up to be in a relationship. I moved away for school, relapsed hard and moved home to the town we both live in. I am doing much, much, MUCH better right now with regards to the eating disorder - weight-restored, eating regularly, etc etc. I still struggle with depression and the ED might always be there (I hope not though), but I'm ten times better than when he broke up with me. He is not doing as well unfortunately. He's really into drugs right now and is drinking heavily. I have missed him so much and I know he misses me (mutual friends told me so). Neither of us have done more than drunkenly made out with someone else in the ten months since we've broken up. I have never stopped loving him. We met up yesterday to talk and catch up and see if we could start being friends again. It was so easy and natural to talk with him. The last thing he said to me was, "I'll see you soon" and he gave me a big smile. I know he was happy to see me. Is is possible to make this work or is it doomed? My eating disorder really, really fucked up our relationship, but he had his own issues as well. I am just terrified I'm going to have my heart broken again.
First love/relationship, together two years, broke up because we're both fucked up (I have an eating disorder, he's bipolar). Can this work or should we just remain friends, even though we still love each other?
> The case of labor is crucial, because it is the base of organization of any popular opposition to the rule of capital, and so it has to be dismantled. There’s a tax on labor all the time. During the 1920s, the labor movement was virtually smashed by Wilson’s Red Scare and other things. In the 1930s, it reconstituted and was the driving force of the New Deal, with the CIO organizing and so on. By the late 1930s, the business classes were organizing to try to react to this. They began, but couldn’t do much during the war, because things were on hold, but immediately after the war it picked up with the Taft-Hartley Act and huge propaganda campaigns, which had massive effect. Over the years, the effort to undermine the unions and labor generally succeeded. By now, private-sector unionization is very low, partly because, since Reagan, government has pretty much told employers, “You know you can violate the laws, and we’re not going to do anything about it.” Under Clinton, NAFTA offered a method for employers to illegally undermine labor organizing by threatening to move enterprises to Mexico. A number of illegal operations by employers shot up at that time. What’s left are private-sector unions, and they’re under bipartisan attack. [Noam Chomsky]( Short-form thesis (TL/DR): Unions have undergone a prolonged propaganda attack over the last 50-60 years and it has worked.
> The case of labor is crucial, because it is the base of organization of any popular opposition to the rule of capital, and so it has to be dismantled. There’s a tax on labor all the time. During the 1920s, the labor movement was virtually smashed by Wilson’s Red Scare and other things. In the 1930s, it reconstituted and was the driving force of the New Deal, with the CIO organizing and so on. By the late 1930s, the business classes were organizing to try to react to this. They began, but couldn’t do much during the war, because things were on hold, but immediately after the war it picked up with the Taft-Hartley Act and huge propaganda campaigns, which had massive effect. Over the years, the effort to undermine the unions and labor generally succeeded. By now, private-sector unionization is very low, partly because, since Reagan, government has pretty much told employers, “You know you can violate the laws, and we’re not going to do anything about it.” Under Clinton, NAFTA offered a method for employers to illegally undermine labor organizing by threatening to move enterprises to Mexico. A number of illegal operations by employers shot up at that time. What’s left are private-sector unions, and they’re under bipartisan attack. [Noam Chomsky]( Short-form thesis (TL/DR): Unions have undergone a prolonged propaganda attack over the last 50-60 years and it has worked.
The case of labor is crucial, because it is the base of organization of any popular opposition to the rule of capital, and so it has to be dismantled. There’s a tax on labor all the time. During the 1920s, the labor movement was virtually smashed by Wilson’s Red Scare and other things. In the 1930s, it reconstituted and was the driving force of the New Deal, with the CIO organizing and so on. By the late 1930s, the business classes were organizing to try to react to this. They began, but couldn’t do much during the war, because things were on hold, but immediately after the war it picked up with the Taft-Hartley Act and huge propaganda campaigns, which had massive effect. Over the years, the effort to undermine the unions and labor generally succeeded. By now, private-sector unionization is very low, partly because, since Reagan, government has pretty much told employers, “You know you can violate the laws, and we’re not going to do anything about it.” Under Clinton, NAFTA offered a method for employers to illegally undermine labor organizing by threatening to move enterprises to Mexico. A number of illegal operations by employers shot up at that time. What’s left are private-sector unions, and they’re under bipartisan attack. [Noam Chomsky]( Short-form thesis (
Unions have undergone a prolonged propaganda attack over the last 50-60 years and it has worked.
Was working at a customer service desk in a high end retail store. Customer and a bunch of his buddies walks up to my desk. The leader of the pack goes "hey fatass" His friends laugh. "Where can I find Vacuum Cleaners?" I know they are in the dept directly behind him. Without missing a beat, I point to the opposite side of the store and tell him, "you can miss it" they leave and I head to lunch. 5 minutes later the store manager walks in and asks if I'm ok because he heard about the "incident". Said I was fine, no harm done. He then asks me to point them out of which I do. He then throws them out of the store for harassing his employees. I got an extra 10 minutes on my lunch. TL;DR passive aggressive sarcasm saves my ass, gives me a longer lunch, and makes the assholes of the store get banned. Winning!
Was working at a customer service desk in a high end retail store. Customer and a bunch of his buddies walks up to my desk. The leader of the pack goes "hey fatass" His friends laugh. "Where can I find Vacuum Cleaners?" I know they are in the dept directly behind him. Without missing a beat, I point to the opposite side of the store and tell him, "you can miss it" they leave and I head to lunch. 5 minutes later the store manager walks in and asks if I'm ok because he heard about the "incident". Said I was fine, no harm done. He then asks me to point them out of which I do. He then throws them out of the store for harassing his employees. I got an extra 10 minutes on my lunch. TL;DR passive aggressive sarcasm saves my ass, gives me a longer lunch, and makes the assholes of the store get banned. Winning!
Was working at a customer service desk in a high end retail store. Customer and a bunch of his buddies walks up to my desk. The leader of the pack goes "hey fatass" His friends laugh. "Where can I find Vacuum Cleaners?" I know they are in the dept directly behind him. Without missing a beat, I point to the opposite side of the store and tell him, "you can miss it" they leave and I head to lunch. 5 minutes later the store manager walks in and asks if I'm ok because he heard about the "incident". Said I was fine, no harm done. He then asks me to point them out of which I do. He then throws them out of the store for harassing his employees. I got an extra 10 minutes on my lunch.
passive aggressive sarcasm saves my ass, gives me a longer lunch, and makes the assholes of the store get banned. Winning!
Reddit, as the title suggests, I really need some advice. I've been with my girlfriend for just over 12 months now, and I love the girl to bits, however, I've recently fallen for another girl and feel as though I'm betraying my current partner. What do I do? Please don't say that the way I feel right now proves that i don't love my girlfriend because I really do. This is all playing on my mind now. I also believe that the other girl may have feelings for me too which makes me feel that maybe that is fuelling the way i feel? Please Reddit, if you have gone through this before, do you have my advice? I honestly feel like breaking down right now as this makes me feel disgusting... tl;dr: Been with my girlfriend for 12 months but feel as though I love another even though I still love my current partner.
Reddit, as the title suggests, I really need some advice. I've been with my girlfriend for just over 12 months now, and I love the girl to bits, however, I've recently fallen for another girl and feel as though I'm betraying my current partner. What do I do? Please don't say that the way I feel right now proves that i don't love my girlfriend because I really do. This is all playing on my mind now. I also believe that the other girl may have feelings for me too which makes me feel that maybe that is fuelling the way i feel? Please Reddit, if you have gone through this before, do you have my advice? I honestly feel like breaking down right now as this makes me feel disgusting... tl;dr: Been with my girlfriend for 12 months but feel as though I love another even though I still love my current partner.
Reddit, as the title suggests, I really need some advice. I've been with my girlfriend for just over 12 months now, and I love the girl to bits, however, I've recently fallen for another girl and feel as though I'm betraying my current partner. What do I do? Please don't say that the way I feel right now proves that i don't love my girlfriend because I really do. This is all playing on my mind now. I also believe that the other girl may have feelings for me too which makes me feel that maybe that is fuelling the way i feel? Please Reddit, if you have gone through this before, do you have my advice? I honestly feel like breaking down right now as this makes me feel disgusting...
Been with my girlfriend for 12 months but feel as though I love another even though I still love my current partner.
So I finally got around to reading the study you linked. I'm not sure you interpreted it correctly. Effectiveness of combined d-Limonene and 4-hydroxyandrostenedione in the treatment of NMU-induced rat mammary tumors Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of d-Limonene in Rats and Mice This was a treatment for carcinogen-induced rat mammary tumors. Could possibly apply to other causes of mammary tumors but it wasn't tested. The study uses improper dosing terminology as % m/v instead of % mg/mg. Dosing in this study and how it relates to the toxicity study are difficult or impossible. With the information given in the study it is not possible to create a medicinal mixture for home treatment. The rats in the study were fed a high-fat rat diet that was powdered using a blender then mixed with the d-Limonene. After searching laboratory supply stores I was unable to find anything resembling what they used in the study. Orange peel contains 95% d-Limonene according to the study. Not sure if that's by weight or volume. The study used d-Limonene extract, not orange peel. A diet composed of 10% d-Limonene: * Caused tumor reduction (size of tumor decreased) in all rats. * After 5 days of treatment the tumors started to shrink. * At 4 weeks the reduction had mostly stopped but no new growth happened with continuing treatment. * 13 of the 15 rats treated had tumor size reduced by more than 50%. A diet composed of 5% d-Limonene: * Caused tumor reduction in 6 out of 12 rats. * Only 4 of those 6 had tumor size reduced by more than 50%. The study found they could reproduce the results using a combination of 5% d-Limonene orally and Formestane injection to reduce but not cure mammary tumors. None of the treatments cured tumors. The study uses flawed dosing notation so it is currently impossible to discern how much orange peel would be effective. Regarding the toxicity study: d-Limonene toxicity in female rats: * 0mg/kg resulted in 8 deaths out of 50 total over a 2 year period * 300mg/kg resulted in 10 deaths out of 50 total over a 2 year period * 600mg/kg resulted in 24 deaths out of 50 total over a 2 year period * 2400mg/kg resulted in an unspecified death rate. Study says “large number of deaths” Due to the mild toxicity of orange peel in female rats, long-term treatment might cause a reduction in weight and a rough coat and an increase in mortality. TLDR: Supplementing a female rat's diet with orange peel caused mammary tumors to reduce in size. None of them disappeared. The takeaway is that a combination of d-Limonene orally and Formestane injection makes an effective treatment for controlling mammary tumors. Feeding female rats oranges is probably not a good idea unless they have mammary cancer. Getting a high enough dose is also important. One orange's peel supposedly contains ~150mg of d-Limonene.
So I finally got around to reading the study you linked. I'm not sure you interpreted it correctly. Effectiveness of combined d-Limonene and 4-hydroxyandrostenedione in the treatment of NMU-induced rat mammary tumors Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of d-Limonene in Rats and Mice This was a treatment for carcinogen-induced rat mammary tumors. Could possibly apply to other causes of mammary tumors but it wasn't tested. The study uses improper dosing terminology as % m/v instead of % mg/mg. Dosing in this study and how it relates to the toxicity study are difficult or impossible. With the information given in the study it is not possible to create a medicinal mixture for home treatment. The rats in the study were fed a high-fat rat diet that was powdered using a blender then mixed with the d-Limonene. After searching laboratory supply stores I was unable to find anything resembling what they used in the study. Orange peel contains 95% d-Limonene according to the study. Not sure if that's by weight or volume. The study used d-Limonene extract, not orange peel. A diet composed of 10% d-Limonene: Caused tumor reduction (size of tumor decreased) in all rats. After 5 days of treatment the tumors started to shrink. At 4 weeks the reduction had mostly stopped but no new growth happened with continuing treatment. 13 of the 15 rats treated had tumor size reduced by more than 50%. A diet composed of 5% d-Limonene: Caused tumor reduction in 6 out of 12 rats. Only 4 of those 6 had tumor size reduced by more than 50%. The study found they could reproduce the results using a combination of 5% d-Limonene orally and Formestane injection to reduce but not cure mammary tumors. None of the treatments cured tumors. The study uses flawed dosing notation so it is currently impossible to discern how much orange peel would be effective. Regarding the toxicity study: d-Limonene toxicity in female rats: 0mg/kg resulted in 8 deaths out of 50 total over a 2 year period 300mg/kg resulted in 10 deaths out of 50 total over a 2 year period 600mg/kg resulted in 24 deaths out of 50 total over a 2 year period 2400mg/kg resulted in an unspecified death rate. Study says “large number of deaths” Due to the mild toxicity of orange peel in female rats, long-term treatment might cause a reduction in weight and a rough coat and an increase in mortality. TLDR: Supplementing a female rat's diet with orange peel caused mammary tumors to reduce in size. None of them disappeared. The takeaway is that a combination of d-Limonene orally and Formestane injection makes an effective treatment for controlling mammary tumors. Feeding female rats oranges is probably not a good idea unless they have mammary cancer. Getting a high enough dose is also important. One orange's peel supposedly contains ~150mg of d-Limonene.
So I finally got around to reading the study you linked. I'm not sure you interpreted it correctly. Effectiveness of combined d-Limonene and 4-hydroxyandrostenedione in the treatment of NMU-induced rat mammary tumors Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of d-Limonene in Rats and Mice This was a treatment for carcinogen-induced rat mammary tumors. Could possibly apply to other causes of mammary tumors but it wasn't tested. The study uses improper dosing terminology as % m/v instead of % mg/mg. Dosing in this study and how it relates to the toxicity study are difficult or impossible. With the information given in the study it is not possible to create a medicinal mixture for home treatment. The rats in the study were fed a high-fat rat diet that was powdered using a blender then mixed with the d-Limonene. After searching laboratory supply stores I was unable to find anything resembling what they used in the study. Orange peel contains 95% d-Limonene according to the study. Not sure if that's by weight or volume. The study used d-Limonene extract, not orange peel. A diet composed of 10% d-Limonene: Caused tumor reduction (size of tumor decreased) in all rats. After 5 days of treatment the tumors started to shrink. At 4 weeks the reduction had mostly stopped but no new growth happened with continuing treatment. 13 of the 15 rats treated had tumor size reduced by more than 50%. A diet composed of 5% d-Limonene: Caused tumor reduction in 6 out of 12 rats. Only 4 of those 6 had tumor size reduced by more than 50%. The study found they could reproduce the results using a combination of 5% d-Limonene orally and Formestane injection to reduce but not cure mammary tumors. None of the treatments cured tumors. The study uses flawed dosing notation so it is currently impossible to discern how much orange peel would be effective. Regarding the toxicity study: d-Limonene toxicity in female rats: 0mg/kg resulted in 8 deaths out of 50 total over a 2 year period 300mg/kg resulted in 10 deaths out of 50 total over a 2 year period 600mg/kg resulted in 24 deaths out of 50 total over a 2 year period 2400mg/kg resulted in an unspecified death rate. Study says “large number of deaths” Due to the mild toxicity of orange peel in female rats, long-term treatment might cause a reduction in weight and a rough coat and an increase in mortality.
Supplementing a female rat's diet with orange peel caused mammary tumors to reduce in size. None of them disappeared. The takeaway is that a combination of d-Limonene orally and Formestane injection makes an effective treatment for controlling mammary tumors. Feeding female rats oranges is probably not a good idea unless they have mammary cancer. Getting a high enough dose is also important. One orange's peel supposedly contains ~150mg of d-Limonene.
My mom just got diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer. It's spread to several organs and can't be operated on or cured with chemo. As difficult as it is for me to cope with, I've accepted that she's going to die, and it's just a matter of time. She lives on the west coast and I'm currently working in the east coast. I haven't been able to talk to her on the phone without both of us breaking down and crying. I'm planning to go into work tomorrow and asking my manager if I can work remotely for a few months so I can move home and spend her last few months with her. Of course I'm going to take care of her as best I can in terms of cleaning, laundry, cooking, ect. But what I'm really worried about is how can I help her through this and at least make her feel happy even when she's constantly in extreme pain. I've done a lot of reading and know as the months go on she's going to be in more and more pain, unable to walk to the bathroom, unable to shower by herself, ect. I can help her with all of that, but I've never been very good at comforting people. I have the emotional capacity of a potato. When my friends have had terrible things happen to them and are crying in front of me, I've always been an awkward penguin, unable to figure out what to say or do. I don't want my mom to be miserable and slowly dying as the months go by. I love my mom, I want to make sure she passes away happy. Does anyone who has gone through something similar have any suggestions on what they did that worked well? TL;DR - My mom is dying and has 2-6 months left to live. How do I make sure she is happy?
My mom just got diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer. It's spread to several organs and can't be operated on or cured with chemo. As difficult as it is for me to cope with, I've accepted that she's going to die, and it's just a matter of time. She lives on the west coast and I'm currently working in the east coast. I haven't been able to talk to her on the phone without both of us breaking down and crying. I'm planning to go into work tomorrow and asking my manager if I can work remotely for a few months so I can move home and spend her last few months with her. Of course I'm going to take care of her as best I can in terms of cleaning, laundry, cooking, ect. But what I'm really worried about is how can I help her through this and at least make her feel happy even when she's constantly in extreme pain. I've done a lot of reading and know as the months go on she's going to be in more and more pain, unable to walk to the bathroom, unable to shower by herself, ect. I can help her with all of that, but I've never been very good at comforting people. I have the emotional capacity of a potato. When my friends have had terrible things happen to them and are crying in front of me, I've always been an awkward penguin, unable to figure out what to say or do. I don't want my mom to be miserable and slowly dying as the months go by. I love my mom, I want to make sure she passes away happy. Does anyone who has gone through something similar have any suggestions on what they did that worked well? TL;DR - My mom is dying and has 2-6 months left to live. How do I make sure she is happy?
My mom just got diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer. It's spread to several organs and can't be operated on or cured with chemo. As difficult as it is for me to cope with, I've accepted that she's going to die, and it's just a matter of time. She lives on the west coast and I'm currently working in the east coast. I haven't been able to talk to her on the phone without both of us breaking down and crying. I'm planning to go into work tomorrow and asking my manager if I can work remotely for a few months so I can move home and spend her last few months with her. Of course I'm going to take care of her as best I can in terms of cleaning, laundry, cooking, ect. But what I'm really worried about is how can I help her through this and at least make her feel happy even when she's constantly in extreme pain. I've done a lot of reading and know as the months go on she's going to be in more and more pain, unable to walk to the bathroom, unable to shower by herself, ect. I can help her with all of that, but I've never been very good at comforting people. I have the emotional capacity of a potato. When my friends have had terrible things happen to them and are crying in front of me, I've always been an awkward penguin, unable to figure out what to say or do. I don't want my mom to be miserable and slowly dying as the months go by. I love my mom, I want to make sure she passes away happy. Does anyone who has gone through something similar have any suggestions on what they did that worked well?
My mom is dying and has 2-6 months left to live. How do I make sure she is happy?
That's a bad way to be. It won't take you anywhere. Here's some medicine: 1.**Not confusing honesty with rudeness**. Graceful directness is always preferable to bluntness. (i.e. Be a rapier rather than a baseball bat by pointing out the specific issue rather than a generalization that can be misinterpreted as a personal slam.) 2. **Be the eye of the storm** in as many situations as possible. You could come out of an argument looking more mature or even saving a life by being calm during an emergency. 3. **Disagree playfully and respectfully**. Constant agreement is like removing the contrast from a work of art which conversation happens to be. In addition, chose your battles. Pointing out a double negative during informal conversations makes you be a part of the daily storm people are trying to stray from. 4. **Listen**. Reference yourself only if it truly adds to the conversation. (i.e. if conversation is like, or is, a story. Keep the teller the main character while you stay an interesting side character helping them out) 5. This is the ultimate one: **Be a source of pleasure**. By making others feel important by actually listening and coloring their life with honest, memorable conversation, others will be more inclined to partake and add you to their day-to-day lives. **TL;DR - Master the chaos around and inside yourself. Others who can't will gravitate to you.**
That's a bad way to be. It won't take you anywhere. Here's some medicine: 1. Not confusing honesty with rudeness . Graceful directness is always preferable to bluntness. (i.e. Be a rapier rather than a baseball bat by pointing out the specific issue rather than a generalization that can be misinterpreted as a personal slam.) Be the eye of the storm in as many situations as possible. You could come out of an argument looking more mature or even saving a life by being calm during an emergency. Disagree playfully and respectfully . Constant agreement is like removing the contrast from a work of art which conversation happens to be. In addition, chose your battles. Pointing out a double negative during informal conversations makes you be a part of the daily storm people are trying to stray from. Listen . Reference yourself only if it truly adds to the conversation. (i.e. if conversation is like, or is, a story. Keep the teller the main character while you stay an interesting side character helping them out) This is the ultimate one: Be a source of pleasure . By making others feel important by actually listening and coloring their life with honest, memorable conversation, others will be more inclined to partake and add you to their day-to-day lives. TL;DR - Master the chaos around and inside yourself. Others who can't will gravitate to you.
That's a bad way to be. It won't take you anywhere. Here's some medicine: 1. Not confusing honesty with rudeness . Graceful directness is always preferable to bluntness. (i.e. Be a rapier rather than a baseball bat by pointing out the specific issue rather than a generalization that can be misinterpreted as a personal slam.) Be the eye of the storm in as many situations as possible. You could come out of an argument looking more mature or even saving a life by being calm during an emergency. Disagree playfully and respectfully . Constant agreement is like removing the contrast from a work of art which conversation happens to be. In addition, chose your battles. Pointing out a double negative during informal conversations makes you be a part of the daily storm people are trying to stray from. Listen . Reference yourself only if it truly adds to the conversation. (i.e. if conversation is like, or is, a story. Keep the teller the main character while you stay an interesting side character helping them out) This is the ultimate one: Be a source of pleasure . By making others feel important by actually listening and coloring their life with honest, memorable conversation, others will be more inclined to partake and add you to their day-to-day lives.
Master the chaos around and inside yourself. Others who can't will gravitate to you.
I saw an interesting post on this subject by /u/LemurianLemurLad in another thread. "When I was studying geology in my undergrad days, one of my professors said something that stuck with me: the only way to avoid repairing roads in Michigan is not to have roads in Michigan. As a state, our weather, geology, hydrology and lifestyle are pretty squarely set for destroying paved roads. The soil is very absorbant, and takes in huge quantities of water quite easily. We spend so much of the year hovering "right around freezing" that the constant expansion and contraction of the ice that forms in the microfissures of the pavement breaks it up slightly. We've also got a fairly high water table in many areas, allowing even the ground water to play that expansion and contraction game. Lastly, we're a very heavy driving state - both literally and metaphorically. As individuals, we tend to drive further and more often than people in most other parts of the world. Lastly, we also have incredible amounts of semi truck traffic, and very high weight allowances in our state laws. Tl;dr - roads in Michigan are boned no matter what we do. It's kind of amazing we can keep them in even this good of shape, especially with reduced funds for repairs."
I saw an interesting post on this subject by /u/LemurianLemurLad in another thread. "When I was studying geology in my undergrad days, one of my professors said something that stuck with me: the only way to avoid repairing roads in Michigan is not to have roads in Michigan. As a state, our weather, geology, hydrology and lifestyle are pretty squarely set for destroying paved roads. The soil is very absorbant, and takes in huge quantities of water quite easily. We spend so much of the year hovering "right around freezing" that the constant expansion and contraction of the ice that forms in the microfissures of the pavement breaks it up slightly. We've also got a fairly high water table in many areas, allowing even the ground water to play that expansion and contraction game. Lastly, we're a very heavy driving state - both literally and metaphorically. As individuals, we tend to drive further and more often than people in most other parts of the world. Lastly, we also have incredible amounts of semi truck traffic, and very high weight allowances in our state laws. Tl;dr - roads in Michigan are boned no matter what we do. It's kind of amazing we can keep them in even this good of shape, especially with reduced funds for repairs."
I saw an interesting post on this subject by /u/LemurianLemurLad in another thread. "When I was studying geology in my undergrad days, one of my professors said something that stuck with me: the only way to avoid repairing roads in Michigan is not to have roads in Michigan. As a state, our weather, geology, hydrology and lifestyle are pretty squarely set for destroying paved roads. The soil is very absorbant, and takes in huge quantities of water quite easily. We spend so much of the year hovering "right around freezing" that the constant expansion and contraction of the ice that forms in the microfissures of the pavement breaks it up slightly. We've also got a fairly high water table in many areas, allowing even the ground water to play that expansion and contraction game. Lastly, we're a very heavy driving state - both literally and metaphorically. As individuals, we tend to drive further and more often than people in most other parts of the world. Lastly, we also have incredible amounts of semi truck traffic, and very high weight allowances in our state laws.
roads in Michigan are boned no matter what we do. It's kind of amazing we can keep them in even this good of shape, especially with reduced funds for repairs."
Alright. So, I'm in my grandfather's pickup. It's an old, like really old Ford. And I'm sitting in the middle between my grandfather driving and my grandmother. We're going down the road to go to my cousin's house. (I assume that that's where we're going because that's the only time we ever take that road) and it's very foggy, and the town is empty. It's just dead quiet. As we're peacefully driving, this freaking beige colored rusty van comes speeding straight for us out of the fog. Boom, head on collision. Blackness, whiteness, whatever happens. Next thing I see, smoke and wreckage. Mangled vehicle fronts, and both of my grandparents dead. I manage to climb out with nothing but a scratch on my arm. I look at the driver of the van, he has a black bag over his head. He is dead too. I pull the bag off, it's my dad. And everything just fades away. What the fuck man. TL;DR - Driving to cousin's house with grandparents, get in a head on collision with a van that kills them but not me, turns out it was my dad driving the van.
Alright. So, I'm in my grandfather's pickup. It's an old, like really old Ford. And I'm sitting in the middle between my grandfather driving and my grandmother. We're going down the road to go to my cousin's house. (I assume that that's where we're going because that's the only time we ever take that road) and it's very foggy, and the town is empty. It's just dead quiet. As we're peacefully driving, this freaking beige colored rusty van comes speeding straight for us out of the fog. Boom, head on collision. Blackness, whiteness, whatever happens. Next thing I see, smoke and wreckage. Mangled vehicle fronts, and both of my grandparents dead. I manage to climb out with nothing but a scratch on my arm. I look at the driver of the van, he has a black bag over his head. He is dead too. I pull the bag off, it's my dad. And everything just fades away. What the fuck man. TL;DR - Driving to cousin's house with grandparents, get in a head on collision with a van that kills them but not me, turns out it was my dad driving the van.
Alright. So, I'm in my grandfather's pickup. It's an old, like really old Ford. And I'm sitting in the middle between my grandfather driving and my grandmother. We're going down the road to go to my cousin's house. (I assume that that's where we're going because that's the only time we ever take that road) and it's very foggy, and the town is empty. It's just dead quiet. As we're peacefully driving, this freaking beige colored rusty van comes speeding straight for us out of the fog. Boom, head on collision. Blackness, whiteness, whatever happens. Next thing I see, smoke and wreckage. Mangled vehicle fronts, and both of my grandparents dead. I manage to climb out with nothing but a scratch on my arm. I look at the driver of the van, he has a black bag over his head. He is dead too. I pull the bag off, it's my dad. And everything just fades away. What the fuck man.
Driving to cousin's house with grandparents, get in a head on collision with a van that kills them but not me, turns out it was my dad driving the van.
I'm a history buff and I love learning about the Pacific Theatre because it was the first time that kind of warfare was seen. This question has conflicted me many times as to where I stand. I don't like the fact that we used Terror Bombing on anyone in the hopes of making them surrender because it never worked. It didn't work in Germany after the decimation of their cities and horrible incidents like the firestorms in Hamburg and Dresden (in my opinion "Bomber" Harris should have been brought up on war crimes charges for ordering the firebombing of Dresden). I'm also more ashamed of the Firebombing of Tokyo than the Atomic Bombs. However, I'm not sure there was any other way to end the war without millions of people dying. If the US were to starve the Japanese into submission then there would have been massive civilian casualties all over Japan. If the US would have invaded Japan like planned in Operation Downfall (real name as cheesy as it is), there was an estimated 2-4 million American Casualties predicted with 500,000-1,000,000 killed. They printed so many Purple Hearts in preparation for this invasion that no Purple Heart has needed to be manufactured since (as of 2007, they will had 120,000 of them left). TL;DR I don't like the bombs and, unfortunately, war is terrible and deadly, but I think it was the path of least blood. This also got Japan to surrender before the USSR could invade the Home Islands like they most likely would have done.
I'm a history buff and I love learning about the Pacific Theatre because it was the first time that kind of warfare was seen. This question has conflicted me many times as to where I stand. I don't like the fact that we used Terror Bombing on anyone in the hopes of making them surrender because it never worked. It didn't work in Germany after the decimation of their cities and horrible incidents like the firestorms in Hamburg and Dresden (in my opinion "Bomber" Harris should have been brought up on war crimes charges for ordering the firebombing of Dresden). I'm also more ashamed of the Firebombing of Tokyo than the Atomic Bombs. However, I'm not sure there was any other way to end the war without millions of people dying. If the US were to starve the Japanese into submission then there would have been massive civilian casualties all over Japan. If the US would have invaded Japan like planned in Operation Downfall (real name as cheesy as it is), there was an estimated 2-4 million American Casualties predicted with 500,000-1,000,000 killed. They printed so many Purple Hearts in preparation for this invasion that no Purple Heart has needed to be manufactured since (as of 2007, they will had 120,000 of them left). TL;DR I don't like the bombs and, unfortunately, war is terrible and deadly, but I think it was the path of least blood. This also got Japan to surrender before the USSR could invade the Home Islands like they most likely would have done.
I'm a history buff and I love learning about the Pacific Theatre because it was the first time that kind of warfare was seen. This question has conflicted me many times as to where I stand. I don't like the fact that we used Terror Bombing on anyone in the hopes of making them surrender because it never worked. It didn't work in Germany after the decimation of their cities and horrible incidents like the firestorms in Hamburg and Dresden (in my opinion "Bomber" Harris should have been brought up on war crimes charges for ordering the firebombing of Dresden). I'm also more ashamed of the Firebombing of Tokyo than the Atomic Bombs. However, I'm not sure there was any other way to end the war without millions of people dying. If the US were to starve the Japanese into submission then there would have been massive civilian casualties all over Japan. If the US would have invaded Japan like planned in Operation Downfall (real name as cheesy as it is), there was an estimated 2-4 million American Casualties predicted with 500,000-1,000,000 killed. They printed so many Purple Hearts in preparation for this invasion that no Purple Heart has needed to be manufactured since (as of 2007, they will had 120,000 of them left).
I don't like the bombs and, unfortunately, war is terrible and deadly, but I think it was the path of least blood. This also got Japan to surrender before the USSR could invade the Home Islands like they most likely would have done.
We met during the summer of 2012. I didn’t think much of him at first. He was a pretty independent dude who didn't give a shit about a lot of things. I was never physically or emotionally attracted to him, so we just became plain friends. As the year continued, we grew a lot closer to each other. At one point, we were so close that people thought we were dating. We did everything together, and I guess it also didn’t help that we became friends with benefits and started holding hands in public. Our fun times didn’t last though. Shit happened and I distanced myself from him around April of 2013. I haven’t really spoken to him until recently when we had The Talk. We cleared up misunderstandings and then he confessed that he loved me right before I cut him off. Over the months that I didn’t talk to him, he told me that he was diagnosed with clinical depression. This whole thing came as an absolute shock. I had no idea how much I hurt this poor guy. And now that we have cleared up misunderstandings and I apologized, I’m perfectly fine with being close friends with him again. The thing is, although he currently likes some other girl, I have a feeling he still really likes me... But I have a boyfriend now of 9 months whom I am absolutely in love with. And I will never love my friend back the way he loves/loved me. The main question is this, I don’t know what I want from my ex-friend. Should I continue being friends with him, and if I should, how?? The Boyfriend knows everything that has happened between Ex-Friend and I, and although The Boyfriend says he has no problems with us being friends, it’s not that simple. I even feel weird for asking Ex-Friend to come out with me to go get ice cream or to go to the mall because I constantly ask myself if I should have asked The Boyfriend instead. I don’t think Ex-Friend and I can be as close as we were before. There’s too much complication. Here’s an example. There’s this movie that I really want Ex-Friend to watch, and I want to watch it with him too, but there’s no where to watch the movie that’s not in Ex-Friend's or my place. And The Boyfriend isn’t comfortable with that. I completely understand where The Boyfriend's coming from so Ex-Friend and I won’t watch a movie. So what's the point in trying to be close with Ex-Friend if I can’t because of The Boyfriend? How do I go back to being in a close relationship that doesn’t hurt The Boyfriend or Ex-Friend? EDIT: The reason why this is so complicated is because Ex-Friend is more like an Ex Boyfriend. HOW DO PEOPLE BALANCE EX BOYFRIENDS AND BOYFRIENDS?! **TL;DR** ex-best guy friend says he loved me at some point in our friendship and and he’s implying that he still likes me. I’m okay with being close friends with him again but things are complicated when you have a boyfriend.
We met during the summer of 2012. I didn’t think much of him at first. He was a pretty independent dude who didn't give a shit about a lot of things. I was never physically or emotionally attracted to him, so we just became plain friends. As the year continued, we grew a lot closer to each other. At one point, we were so close that people thought we were dating. We did everything together, and I guess it also didn’t help that we became friends with benefits and started holding hands in public. Our fun times didn’t last though. Shit happened and I distanced myself from him around April of 2013. I haven’t really spoken to him until recently when we had The Talk. We cleared up misunderstandings and then he confessed that he loved me right before I cut him off. Over the months that I didn’t talk to him, he told me that he was diagnosed with clinical depression. This whole thing came as an absolute shock. I had no idea how much I hurt this poor guy. And now that we have cleared up misunderstandings and I apologized, I’m perfectly fine with being close friends with him again. The thing is, although he currently likes some other girl, I have a feeling he still really likes me... But I have a boyfriend now of 9 months whom I am absolutely in love with. And I will never love my friend back the way he loves/loved me. The main question is this, I don’t know what I want from my ex-friend. Should I continue being friends with him, and if I should, how?? The Boyfriend knows everything that has happened between Ex-Friend and I, and although The Boyfriend says he has no problems with us being friends, it’s not that simple. I even feel weird for asking Ex-Friend to come out with me to go get ice cream or to go to the mall because I constantly ask myself if I should have asked The Boyfriend instead. I don’t think Ex-Friend and I can be as close as we were before. There’s too much complication. Here’s an example. There’s this movie that I really want Ex-Friend to watch, and I want to watch it with him too, but there’s no where to watch the movie that’s not in Ex-Friend's or my place. And The Boyfriend isn’t comfortable with that. I completely understand where The Boyfriend's coming from so Ex-Friend and I won’t watch a movie. So what's the point in trying to be close with Ex-Friend if I can’t because of The Boyfriend? How do I go back to being in a close relationship that doesn’t hurt The Boyfriend or Ex-Friend? EDIT: The reason why this is so complicated is because Ex-Friend is more like an Ex Boyfriend. HOW DO PEOPLE BALANCE EX BOYFRIENDS AND BOYFRIENDS?! TL;DR ex-best guy friend says he loved me at some point in our friendship and and he’s implying that he still likes me. I’m okay with being close friends with him again but things are complicated when you have a boyfriend.
We met during the summer of 2012. I didn’t think much of him at first. He was a pretty independent dude who didn't give a shit about a lot of things. I was never physically or emotionally attracted to him, so we just became plain friends. As the year continued, we grew a lot closer to each other. At one point, we were so close that people thought we were dating. We did everything together, and I guess it also didn’t help that we became friends with benefits and started holding hands in public. Our fun times didn’t last though. Shit happened and I distanced myself from him around April of 2013. I haven’t really spoken to him until recently when we had The Talk. We cleared up misunderstandings and then he confessed that he loved me right before I cut him off. Over the months that I didn’t talk to him, he told me that he was diagnosed with clinical depression. This whole thing came as an absolute shock. I had no idea how much I hurt this poor guy. And now that we have cleared up misunderstandings and I apologized, I’m perfectly fine with being close friends with him again. The thing is, although he currently likes some other girl, I have a feeling he still really likes me... But I have a boyfriend now of 9 months whom I am absolutely in love with. And I will never love my friend back the way he loves/loved me. The main question is this, I don’t know what I want from my ex-friend. Should I continue being friends with him, and if I should, how?? The Boyfriend knows everything that has happened between Ex-Friend and I, and although The Boyfriend says he has no problems with us being friends, it’s not that simple. I even feel weird for asking Ex-Friend to come out with me to go get ice cream or to go to the mall because I constantly ask myself if I should have asked The Boyfriend instead. I don’t think Ex-Friend and I can be as close as we were before. There’s too much complication. Here’s an example. There’s this movie that I really want Ex-Friend to watch, and I want to watch it with him too, but there’s no where to watch the movie that’s not in Ex-Friend's or my place. And The Boyfriend isn’t comfortable with that. I completely understand where The Boyfriend's coming from so Ex-Friend and I won’t watch a movie. So what's the point in trying to be close with Ex-Friend if I can’t because of The Boyfriend? How do I go back to being in a close relationship that doesn’t hurt The Boyfriend or Ex-Friend? EDIT: The reason why this is so complicated is because Ex-Friend is more like an Ex Boyfriend. HOW DO PEOPLE BALANCE EX BOYFRIENDS AND BOYFRIENDS?!
ex-best guy friend says he loved me at some point in our friendship and and he’s implying that he still likes me. I’m okay with being close friends with him again but things are complicated when you have a boyfriend.
My girlfriend and I started dating from different high schools, and we knew each through mutual friends. Our relationship became much bigger than I think both of us imagined it being. Our personalities were very different, yet clashed so well. We would see each other once a week on average, normally during the weekend because we lived about 45 minutes away from each other. Our relationship was everything that a high school relationship could be. We loved laughing together, we were passionate, going to church together, and even both agreed on believing in saving intercourse until marriage. We have been through a lot together. She was the person who I went to the most when my mother passed away when I was 17, and I was the person she talked to the most when she was having troubles among her family. In a nutshell, our relationship was perfect. Now, we are freshmen going to the same college. We now live a 30 second walk from each other and see each other every day at practice. She spends much more time than me doing schoolwork, and traveling for our sports team at our college. Since we have been here, she has not quite acted the same. We never went on dates as often as we used to in high school (despite only having one once a week), she is not as passionate with me anymore (haven't hooked up since the summer... it is now March 12.. again something that we both enjoyed that we did weekly), and all it seemed is for me to buy her dinner and then drop her off for her to go to bed. The point is, the past 8 months in our relationship has not been the same as it has been. I assume it has been a huge culture shock for us since we aren't used to seeing each other every day. Three weeks ago, she sat me down and admitted that she felt obligated to hang out with me because we were dating and was not sure if she wanted to be as committed with me. She wanted to take a break and stay away from each other to see how it went, and to see if we really loved each other. I feel that we are on two completely separate pages. The past three weeks for me have been miserable. I see her every day, and takes all that I have not to talk to her. This definitely confirmed for me that I know I love this girl. I asked her last week how it was going with her and she said she wants it to keep going since she has been caught up with schoolwork and has not relaxed at all. I want to get back together with her so bad. I miss her so much, but at the same time, this girl needs a few weeks to see if she needs me or not. So I feel like my feelings for her are stronger than hers are for me. I know I know.. I am in college and we are young. There are 20,000 other girls on this campus, many of them being very attractive, but being around this many good looking girls make you realized that there are few REAL quality girls. You know.. the girls that don't go out and get drunk every night and have sex with every guy they see. This is someone I would love to keep if it is worth it. I love her. R/relationships... What should I do? Why is she doing this? Should I just move on? --- **tl;dr**: My girlfriend wanted a break from me after not being the same couple we used to be, I still love her like crazy, but her on the other hand I am not sure if she feels the same way. Should I just move on?
My girlfriend and I started dating from different high schools, and we knew each through mutual friends. Our relationship became much bigger than I think both of us imagined it being. Our personalities were very different, yet clashed so well. We would see each other once a week on average, normally during the weekend because we lived about 45 minutes away from each other. Our relationship was everything that a high school relationship could be. We loved laughing together, we were passionate, going to church together, and even both agreed on believing in saving intercourse until marriage. We have been through a lot together. She was the person who I went to the most when my mother passed away when I was 17, and I was the person she talked to the most when she was having troubles among her family. In a nutshell, our relationship was perfect. Now, we are freshmen going to the same college. We now live a 30 second walk from each other and see each other every day at practice. She spends much more time than me doing schoolwork, and traveling for our sports team at our college. Since we have been here, she has not quite acted the same. We never went on dates as often as we used to in high school (despite only having one once a week), she is not as passionate with me anymore (haven't hooked up since the summer... it is now March 12.. again something that we both enjoyed that we did weekly), and all it seemed is for me to buy her dinner and then drop her off for her to go to bed. The point is, the past 8 months in our relationship has not been the same as it has been. I assume it has been a huge culture shock for us since we aren't used to seeing each other every day. Three weeks ago, she sat me down and admitted that she felt obligated to hang out with me because we were dating and was not sure if she wanted to be as committed with me. She wanted to take a break and stay away from each other to see how it went, and to see if we really loved each other. I feel that we are on two completely separate pages. The past three weeks for me have been miserable. I see her every day, and takes all that I have not to talk to her. This definitely confirmed for me that I know I love this girl. I asked her last week how it was going with her and she said she wants it to keep going since she has been caught up with schoolwork and has not relaxed at all. I want to get back together with her so bad. I miss her so much, but at the same time, this girl needs a few weeks to see if she needs me or not. So I feel like my feelings for her are stronger than hers are for me. I know I know.. I am in college and we are young. There are 20,000 other girls on this campus, many of them being very attractive, but being around this many good looking girls make you realized that there are few REAL quality girls. You know.. the girls that don't go out and get drunk every night and have sex with every guy they see. This is someone I would love to keep if it is worth it. I love her. R/relationships... What should I do? Why is she doing this? Should I just move on? tl;dr : My girlfriend wanted a break from me after not being the same couple we used to be, I still love her like crazy, but her on the other hand I am not sure if she feels the same way. Should I just move on?
My girlfriend and I started dating from different high schools, and we knew each through mutual friends. Our relationship became much bigger than I think both of us imagined it being. Our personalities were very different, yet clashed so well. We would see each other once a week on average, normally during the weekend because we lived about 45 minutes away from each other. Our relationship was everything that a high school relationship could be. We loved laughing together, we were passionate, going to church together, and even both agreed on believing in saving intercourse until marriage. We have been through a lot together. She was the person who I went to the most when my mother passed away when I was 17, and I was the person she talked to the most when she was having troubles among her family. In a nutshell, our relationship was perfect. Now, we are freshmen going to the same college. We now live a 30 second walk from each other and see each other every day at practice. She spends much more time than me doing schoolwork, and traveling for our sports team at our college. Since we have been here, she has not quite acted the same. We never went on dates as often as we used to in high school (despite only having one once a week), she is not as passionate with me anymore (haven't hooked up since the summer... it is now March 12.. again something that we both enjoyed that we did weekly), and all it seemed is for me to buy her dinner and then drop her off for her to go to bed. The point is, the past 8 months in our relationship has not been the same as it has been. I assume it has been a huge culture shock for us since we aren't used to seeing each other every day. Three weeks ago, she sat me down and admitted that she felt obligated to hang out with me because we were dating and was not sure if she wanted to be as committed with me. She wanted to take a break and stay away from each other to see how it went, and to see if we really loved each other. I feel that we are on two completely separate pages. The past three weeks for me have been miserable. I see her every day, and takes all that I have not to talk to her. This definitely confirmed for me that I know I love this girl. I asked her last week how it was going with her and she said she wants it to keep going since she has been caught up with schoolwork and has not relaxed at all. I want to get back together with her so bad. I miss her so much, but at the same time, this girl needs a few weeks to see if she needs me or not. So I feel like my feelings for her are stronger than hers are for me. I know I know.. I am in college and we are young. There are 20,000 other girls on this campus, many of them being very attractive, but being around this many good looking girls make you realized that there are few REAL quality girls. You know.. the girls that don't go out and get drunk every night and have sex with every guy they see. This is someone I would love to keep if it is worth it. I love her. R/relationships... What should I do? Why is she doing this? Should I just move on?
My girlfriend wanted a break from me after not being the same couple we used to be, I still love her like crazy, but her on the other hand I am not sure if she feels the same way. Should I just move on?
I am anatomically incorrect to be Jewish. I remember growing up that my foreskin was somewhat fused to the tip of my penis. I new it had to be pulled back and unfused eventually. Naturally as a young teen, I played with myself excessively. Eventually I got it all but a little 1/4" bit. Just like yourself, but not as extreme, my first time having sex, it ripped and hurt like hell. It is normal for uncircumsized men to have this problem. I talked to my doctor about this because my son is not circumsized and I have noticed he has the same "problem" as you and I. He said that once he gets older (he's 5 now) in his teens and he still does not have all the foreskin unfused, there is a quick out patient procedure to fix that. TL;DR: it is normal - go to to a doctor to have it fixed. It is worth it.
I am anatomically incorrect to be Jewish. I remember growing up that my foreskin was somewhat fused to the tip of my penis. I new it had to be pulled back and unfused eventually. Naturally as a young teen, I played with myself excessively. Eventually I got it all but a little 1/4" bit. Just like yourself, but not as extreme, my first time having sex, it ripped and hurt like hell. It is normal for uncircumsized men to have this problem. I talked to my doctor about this because my son is not circumsized and I have noticed he has the same "problem" as you and I. He said that once he gets older (he's 5 now) in his teens and he still does not have all the foreskin unfused, there is a quick out patient procedure to fix that. TL;DR: it is normal - go to to a doctor to have it fixed. It is worth it.
I am anatomically incorrect to be Jewish. I remember growing up that my foreskin was somewhat fused to the tip of my penis. I new it had to be pulled back and unfused eventually. Naturally as a young teen, I played with myself excessively. Eventually I got it all but a little 1/4" bit. Just like yourself, but not as extreme, my first time having sex, it ripped and hurt like hell. It is normal for uncircumsized men to have this problem. I talked to my doctor about this because my son is not circumsized and I have noticed he has the same "problem" as you and I. He said that once he gets older (he's 5 now) in his teens and he still does not have all the foreskin unfused, there is a quick out patient procedure to fix that.
it is normal - go to to a doctor to have it fixed. It is worth it.
So I've got an idea for how crucible ammo could work. Special ammo should drop randomly and more rarely, only from enemies you kill. Start with none, and get a few bullets each kill as a prize. This encourages the use of primary weapons in crucible. *gasp!* Heavy ammo should drop at random times, within certain ranges. It won't drop in the same place in the same map every time, on the contrary, there'll be two drops, each near the middle of the map, or even one depending on the map. They'd be in the most open areas, the ones where sniper, shotgun, or even fusion rifle camping would be difficult. They wouldn't be in crates, just small packages. Only difference, everyone can see them and there's a supply good enough for each member of one team. Once you get one package, they all disappear. You could even go so far as to say that there'd be no icon on the screen to indicate where it is; players have to find it themselves. TL;DR: You're so lazy. Anyways, I feel that these changes could potentially help to make crucible more fun to play and have ammunition distribution be a bit more balanced.
So I've got an idea for how crucible ammo could work. Special ammo should drop randomly and more rarely, only from enemies you kill. Start with none, and get a few bullets each kill as a prize. This encourages the use of primary weapons in crucible. gasp! Heavy ammo should drop at random times, within certain ranges. It won't drop in the same place in the same map every time, on the contrary, there'll be two drops, each near the middle of the map, or even one depending on the map. They'd be in the most open areas, the ones where sniper, shotgun, or even fusion rifle camping would be difficult. They wouldn't be in crates, just small packages. Only difference, everyone can see them and there's a supply good enough for each member of one team. Once you get one package, they all disappear. You could even go so far as to say that there'd be no icon on the screen to indicate where it is; players have to find it themselves. TL;DR: You're so lazy. Anyways, I feel that these changes could potentially help to make crucible more fun to play and have ammunition distribution be a bit more balanced.
So I've got an idea for how crucible ammo could work. Special ammo should drop randomly and more rarely, only from enemies you kill. Start with none, and get a few bullets each kill as a prize. This encourages the use of primary weapons in crucible. gasp! Heavy ammo should drop at random times, within certain ranges. It won't drop in the same place in the same map every time, on the contrary, there'll be two drops, each near the middle of the map, or even one depending on the map. They'd be in the most open areas, the ones where sniper, shotgun, or even fusion rifle camping would be difficult. They wouldn't be in crates, just small packages. Only difference, everyone can see them and there's a supply good enough for each member of one team. Once you get one package, they all disappear. You could even go so far as to say that there'd be no icon on the screen to indicate where it is; players have to find it themselves.
You're so lazy. Anyways, I feel that these changes could potentially help to make crucible more fun to play and have ammunition distribution be a bit more balanced.
**UPDATE - 2nd May:** Bye bye Public Asshole #1, you won't be missed. Quick backstory, I volunteer with a local charity in my area as the ICT administrator. I basically look after their computers, database, deal with technical queries from users, argue with the chairman about the benefits of Linux and browse Reddit when things are slow. It's good fun. I've been here for over a year and I've seen several volunteers come and go, (They usually stay for around 6 months or so) some that I was sad to see go and others where I threw a silent party in my head when they left the office for the final time. There's a total of 9 of us here at the moment; myself, the chairman and seven women. One is a medical student, four of them are still in school looking for a bit of work experience, ones a web development and marketing expert and the last one is without a doubt the most annoying, useless and frustrating person anyone could work with, so for the remainder of this post, I'm going to refer to her as 'Public Asshole #1'. Now Public Asshole #1 is with us doing admin work, so... thats typing things, answering phones, yadda yadda yadda... However on the days when I come in I'm usually expecting to come in and do the list of things the chairman has sent me. I unfortunately spend 99% of my time dealing with Public Asshole #1 for the most simple things including reminding her of her passwords about once every half an hour and having to open an internet browser for her. On top of that, her diction is probably the most annoying thing about her. She speaks like a teenager and she's about 40. Common phrases are 'you know what I mean like?', 'innit?' and feels the need to call me 'babe' and 'sugartits' (I'm not even sure why I haven't flipped my shit on her yet...). Now I'm writing this after finishing my lunch and having calmed down from her latest ICT fuck up. One which has made me call the chairman and ask permission to revoke all of her rights on our database. So without further ado, here are 3 of her glorious fuckups which I inevitably have (or had) to fix. **#1** She was originally tasked with adding member information into the database by hand. Seems fairly simple right? So she's doing this for about 2 weeks and then one morning when she's off, I get a phonecall from one of our members which went something like this: **Me:** Good morning, <charity name>. **Member:** Hi, I wonder if you could help me, I've just been sent 88 copies of your newsletter. **Me:** 88 copies...? Well that certainly isn't right. Did you ask to recieve them by post or email? **Member:** Email. **Me:** Ok, can I take your email address please? **Member:** I check the database to find this persons email address in 88 records. I then have to profusely apologise for the fuck up and proceed fixing the mess. I still have no idea how she did it... **#2** One of the other volunteers had written a program to automate the data entry process so we had Public Asshole #1 on call duty, but then this volunteer left (which sucked because I liked this guy.) Then sometime during March the program stopped working. I was away for about 2 weeks at the time so the chairman had to put Public Asshole #1 back on data entry. (Nothing could go wrong right?). I come back to fix the program which was a few minor source code changes, recompile and done. I fire it up and it crashes magnificiently spewing out some bizarre error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' (If you program in .NET you know what this is.) I then spend about 3 hours debugging the program trying to figure out what was happening and eventually I realise it's because Public Asshole #1 has been abusing Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V. For some reason the program chokes when it encounters spaces in certain fields, and being careless as she is, she was leaving spaces in the fields when copying and the program had a massive temper tantrum. Again I've had to fix all this because she apparently didn't "understand what she did wrong..." **#3** This was today. I was called yesterday by the chairman who wanted me to come in today and get the database up to date for some synchronsation job or something. So I come in and run the program and... 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object...' Cue the obligatory debugging and pulling of hair. I check to see if Public Asshole #1 had abused copy and paste again... yup... but there was more... The last 100 or so entries she'd put into the database were completely wrong. There was data missing, wrong dates and all sorts of horrible errors. This was the part where I lost my shit, phoned the chairman and asked permission to revoke her database rights which I have now done. However this one I'm not going to touch today, it's going to be me and the schoolkids tomorrow re-entering all this data. tl;dr - I volunteer expecting to look after computers, but end up looking after one user which is slowly driving me insane. EDIT: Formatting and clarity.
UPDATE - 2nd May: Bye bye Public Asshole #1, you won't be missed. Quick backstory, I volunteer with a local charity in my area as the ICT administrator. I basically look after their computers, database, deal with technical queries from users, argue with the chairman about the benefits of Linux and browse Reddit when things are slow. It's good fun. I've been here for over a year and I've seen several volunteers come and go, (They usually stay for around 6 months or so) some that I was sad to see go and others where I threw a silent party in my head when they left the office for the final time. There's a total of 9 of us here at the moment; myself, the chairman and seven women. One is a medical student, four of them are still in school looking for a bit of work experience, ones a web development and marketing expert and the last one is without a doubt the most annoying, useless and frustrating person anyone could work with, so for the remainder of this post, I'm going to refer to her as 'Public Asshole #1'. Now Public Asshole #1 is with us doing admin work, so... thats typing things, answering phones, yadda yadda yadda... However on the days when I come in I'm usually expecting to come in and do the list of things the chairman has sent me. I unfortunately spend 99% of my time dealing with Public Asshole #1 for the most simple things including reminding her of her passwords about once every half an hour and having to open an internet browser for her. On top of that, her diction is probably the most annoying thing about her. She speaks like a teenager and she's about 40. Common phrases are 'you know what I mean like?', 'innit?' and feels the need to call me 'babe' and 'sugartits' (I'm not even sure why I haven't flipped my shit on her yet...). Now I'm writing this after finishing my lunch and having calmed down from her latest ICT fuck up. One which has made me call the chairman and ask permission to revoke all of her rights on our database. So without further ado, here are 3 of her glorious fuckups which I inevitably have (or had) to fix. #1 She was originally tasked with adding member information into the database by hand. Seems fairly simple right? So she's doing this for about 2 weeks and then one morning when she's off, I get a phonecall from one of our members which went something like this: Me: Good morning, <charity name>. Member: Hi, I wonder if you could help me, I've just been sent 88 copies of your newsletter. Me: 88 copies...? Well that certainly isn't right. Did you ask to recieve them by post or email? Member: Email. Me: Ok, can I take your email address please? Member: I check the database to find this persons email address in 88 records. I then have to profusely apologise for the fuck up and proceed fixing the mess. I still have no idea how she did it... #2 One of the other volunteers had written a program to automate the data entry process so we had Public Asshole #1 on call duty, but then this volunteer left (which sucked because I liked this guy.) Then sometime during March the program stopped working. I was away for about 2 weeks at the time so the chairman had to put Public Asshole #1 back on data entry. (Nothing could go wrong right?). I come back to fix the program which was a few minor source code changes, recompile and done. I fire it up and it crashes magnificiently spewing out some bizarre error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' (If you program in .NET you know what this is.) I then spend about 3 hours debugging the program trying to figure out what was happening and eventually I realise it's because Public Asshole #1 has been abusing Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V. For some reason the program chokes when it encounters spaces in certain fields, and being careless as she is, she was leaving spaces in the fields when copying and the program had a massive temper tantrum. Again I've had to fix all this because she apparently didn't "understand what she did wrong..." #3 This was today. I was called yesterday by the chairman who wanted me to come in today and get the database up to date for some synchronsation job or something. So I come in and run the program and... 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object...' Cue the obligatory debugging and pulling of hair. I check to see if Public Asshole #1 had abused copy and paste again... yup... but there was more... The last 100 or so entries she'd put into the database were completely wrong. There was data missing, wrong dates and all sorts of horrible errors. This was the part where I lost my shit, phoned the chairman and asked permission to revoke her database rights which I have now done. However this one I'm not going to touch today, it's going to be me and the schoolkids tomorrow re-entering all this data. tl;dr - I volunteer expecting to look after computers, but end up looking after one user which is slowly driving me insane. EDIT: Formatting and clarity.
UPDATE - 2nd May: Bye bye Public Asshole #1, you won't be missed. Quick backstory, I volunteer with a local charity in my area as the ICT administrator. I basically look after their computers, database, deal with technical queries from users, argue with the chairman about the benefits of Linux and browse Reddit when things are slow. It's good fun. I've been here for over a year and I've seen several volunteers come and go, (They usually stay for around 6 months or so) some that I was sad to see go and others where I threw a silent party in my head when they left the office for the final time. There's a total of 9 of us here at the moment; myself, the chairman and seven women. One is a medical student, four of them are still in school looking for a bit of work experience, ones a web development and marketing expert and the last one is without a doubt the most annoying, useless and frustrating person anyone could work with, so for the remainder of this post, I'm going to refer to her as 'Public Asshole #1'. Now Public Asshole #1 is with us doing admin work, so... thats typing things, answering phones, yadda yadda yadda... However on the days when I come in I'm usually expecting to come in and do the list of things the chairman has sent me. I unfortunately spend 99% of my time dealing with Public Asshole #1 for the most simple things including reminding her of her passwords about once every half an hour and having to open an internet browser for her. On top of that, her diction is probably the most annoying thing about her. She speaks like a teenager and she's about 40. Common phrases are 'you know what I mean like?', 'innit?' and feels the need to call me 'babe' and 'sugartits' (I'm not even sure why I haven't flipped my shit on her yet...). Now I'm writing this after finishing my lunch and having calmed down from her latest ICT fuck up. One which has made me call the chairman and ask permission to revoke all of her rights on our database. So without further ado, here are 3 of her glorious fuckups which I inevitably have (or had) to fix. #1 She was originally tasked with adding member information into the database by hand. Seems fairly simple right? So she's doing this for about 2 weeks and then one morning when she's off, I get a phonecall from one of our members which went something like this: Me: Good morning, <charity name>. Member: Hi, I wonder if you could help me, I've just been sent 88 copies of your newsletter. Me: 88 copies...? Well that certainly isn't right. Did you ask to recieve them by post or email? Member: Email. Me: Ok, can I take your email address please? Member: I check the database to find this persons email address in 88 records. I then have to profusely apologise for the fuck up and proceed fixing the mess. I still have no idea how she did it... #2 One of the other volunteers had written a program to automate the data entry process so we had Public Asshole #1 on call duty, but then this volunteer left (which sucked because I liked this guy.) Then sometime during March the program stopped working. I was away for about 2 weeks at the time so the chairman had to put Public Asshole #1 back on data entry. (Nothing could go wrong right?). I come back to fix the program which was a few minor source code changes, recompile and done. I fire it up and it crashes magnificiently spewing out some bizarre error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' (If you program in .NET you know what this is.) I then spend about 3 hours debugging the program trying to figure out what was happening and eventually I realise it's because Public Asshole #1 has been abusing Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V. For some reason the program chokes when it encounters spaces in certain fields, and being careless as she is, she was leaving spaces in the fields when copying and the program had a massive temper tantrum. Again I've had to fix all this because she apparently didn't "understand what she did wrong..." #3 This was today. I was called yesterday by the chairman who wanted me to come in today and get the database up to date for some synchronsation job or something. So I come in and run the program and... 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object...' Cue the obligatory debugging and pulling of hair. I check to see if Public Asshole #1 had abused copy and paste again... yup... but there was more... The last 100 or so entries she'd put into the database were completely wrong. There was data missing, wrong dates and all sorts of horrible errors. This was the part where I lost my shit, phoned the chairman and asked permission to revoke her database rights which I have now done. However this one I'm not going to touch today, it's going to be me and the schoolkids tomorrow re-entering all this data.
I volunteer expecting to look after computers, but end up looking after one user which is slowly driving me insane. EDIT: Formatting and clarity.
So.....tired.....of.....explaining....this.... : The passing game is not our problem, the passing **protection** is our doesnt matter what WR's/TE"s you have on your team, if you only have 1-2.5 seconds of pass protection no one is going to be able to get open. The pocket needs to be held, the majority of the time it is crumbling in less than 3 seconds. Our WR's/TE's cant get open in that time (no shot at their talent) and Russell has to bail. Fact is, defenses for whatever reason (Redskins, Rams, Giants) are **not** respecting Russell's ability to run. They are so worried (rightly so) about Beastmode running the ball that they collapse on that and Russell bails out and can run it 10-50 yards. Whether its defensive scheme or the guys on the field not winning their assignments (QB spy should stick to the QB, but they are biting in Beastmode and Russell is making them pay with his legs). Those plays where Russell either hands off Marshawn the ball or runs it himself were never going to be pass plays...they are zone read option plays...he runs or Beastmode has nothing to do with the passing game. Fact is its **highly** effective right now and so we keep using it. It is winning us games, why would we change it? As for our passing game being has always been one of the lowest in yards total (as it was in'd that season go for us?) but efficiency is down. Efficiency and first down efficiency are the most important stats to our passing game...that and the occasional successful explosive passing play down field (though with the explosive Beastmode runs we've been getting and the explosive Wilson runs we've been getting...they haven't been needed as much). Thats gonna happen when guys drop balls, and when Russell is off his (passing) game like he has been for whatever reason the past 3 games. Luke Willson alone in the span of 2 back to back games dropping 5 balls? On a team that only passes 15-20 times a game? Frak thats bad. Let alone games where Russell is off his mark so hes throwing over peoples heads and throwing interceptions and under throwing people (like that Panthers Helfet TD pass that should have been). We dont need a *star* #1 WR, we need a O-line that can hold the pocket for 3+ seconds to allow our receivers time to get open as coverage breaks down. Kearse, Baldwin, Helfet and even Norwood and Richardson have proven they can run routes, catch balls and get YAC...when they have more than 2 seconds to do so. Give them 3+ seconds and one of them will get open. What did you see in the Superbowl? I saw a passing game that was on fire and spread out, everyone touched the ball *except* our #1 WR (Golden Tate)...Baldwin was making plays, Kearse was making plays, Lockette was making plays, Miller was making plays, hell even Willson made some plays (by plays i mean get open, get a reception and get some YAC). Did you notice Russell was standing tall and confident in the pocket that night? That the pocket was holding for 3+ seconds and he could let routes develop? Thats our passing game, no #1 WR required (when the O-line keeps the pocket secure for 3+ seconds). BTW those screens? Those other quick pass (ball out of Russell's hands in a second or less) plays? Those are a result of having a O-line that crumbles in less-than 3 seconds. With receivers consistently not being able to get open in that short of a time span, the Offensive Coordinator has to attempt some quick pass plays, and Russell's height makes "Slants" dangerous. So? The result is the occasional screen. **TL;DR: With a pocket that only holds for less than 3 seconds, no down the field passing game has time to develop, receivers cant get open in less than 3 seconds, better O-line not better receivers are required to improve this, Russell running is because its working and winning us games not because the passing game isn't on fire**.
So.....tired.....of.....explaining....this.... : The passing game is not our problem, the passing protection is our doesnt matter what WR's/TE"s you have on your team, if you only have 1-2.5 seconds of pass protection no one is going to be able to get open. The pocket needs to be held, the majority of the time it is crumbling in less than 3 seconds. Our WR's/TE's cant get open in that time (no shot at their talent) and Russell has to bail. Fact is, defenses for whatever reason (Redskins, Rams, Giants) are not respecting Russell's ability to run. They are so worried (rightly so) about Beastmode running the ball that they collapse on that and Russell bails out and can run it 10-50 yards. Whether its defensive scheme or the guys on the field not winning their assignments (QB spy should stick to the QB, but they are biting in Beastmode and Russell is making them pay with his legs). Those plays where Russell either hands off Marshawn the ball or runs it himself were never going to be pass plays...they are zone read option plays...he runs or Beastmode has nothing to do with the passing game. Fact is its highly effective right now and so we keep using it. It is winning us games, why would we change it? As for our passing game being has always been one of the lowest in yards total (as it was in'd that season go for us?) but efficiency is down. Efficiency and first down efficiency are the most important stats to our passing game...that and the occasional successful explosive passing play down field (though with the explosive Beastmode runs we've been getting and the explosive Wilson runs we've been getting...they haven't been needed as much). Thats gonna happen when guys drop balls, and when Russell is off his (passing) game like he has been for whatever reason the past 3 games. Luke Willson alone in the span of 2 back to back games dropping 5 balls? On a team that only passes 15-20 times a game? Frak thats bad. Let alone games where Russell is off his mark so hes throwing over peoples heads and throwing interceptions and under throwing people (like that Panthers Helfet TD pass that should have been). We dont need a star #1 WR, we need a O-line that can hold the pocket for 3+ seconds to allow our receivers time to get open as coverage breaks down. Kearse, Baldwin, Helfet and even Norwood and Richardson have proven they can run routes, catch balls and get YAC...when they have more than 2 seconds to do so. Give them 3+ seconds and one of them will get open. What did you see in the Superbowl? I saw a passing game that was on fire and spread out, everyone touched the ball except our #1 WR (Golden Tate)...Baldwin was making plays, Kearse was making plays, Lockette was making plays, Miller was making plays, hell even Willson made some plays (by plays i mean get open, get a reception and get some YAC). Did you notice Russell was standing tall and confident in the pocket that night? That the pocket was holding for 3+ seconds and he could let routes develop? Thats our passing game, no #1 WR required (when the O-line keeps the pocket secure for 3+ seconds). BTW those screens? Those other quick pass (ball out of Russell's hands in a second or less) plays? Those are a result of having a O-line that crumbles in less-than 3 seconds. With receivers consistently not being able to get open in that short of a time span, the Offensive Coordinator has to attempt some quick pass plays, and Russell's height makes "Slants" dangerous. So? The result is the occasional screen. TL;DR: With a pocket that only holds for less than 3 seconds, no down the field passing game has time to develop, receivers cant get open in less than 3 seconds, better O-line not better receivers are required to improve this, Russell running is because its working and winning us games not because the passing game isn't on fire .
So.....tired.....of.....explaining....this.... : The passing game is not our problem, the passing protection is our doesnt matter what WR's/TE"s you have on your team, if you only have 1-2.5 seconds of pass protection no one is going to be able to get open. The pocket needs to be held, the majority of the time it is crumbling in less than 3 seconds. Our WR's/TE's cant get open in that time (no shot at their talent) and Russell has to bail. Fact is, defenses for whatever reason (Redskins, Rams, Giants) are not respecting Russell's ability to run. They are so worried (rightly so) about Beastmode running the ball that they collapse on that and Russell bails out and can run it 10-50 yards. Whether its defensive scheme or the guys on the field not winning their assignments (QB spy should stick to the QB, but they are biting in Beastmode and Russell is making them pay with his legs). Those plays where Russell either hands off Marshawn the ball or runs it himself were never going to be pass plays...they are zone read option plays...he runs or Beastmode has nothing to do with the passing game. Fact is its highly effective right now and so we keep using it. It is winning us games, why would we change it? As for our passing game being has always been one of the lowest in yards total (as it was in'd that season go for us?) but efficiency is down. Efficiency and first down efficiency are the most important stats to our passing game...that and the occasional successful explosive passing play down field (though with the explosive Beastmode runs we've been getting and the explosive Wilson runs we've been getting...they haven't been needed as much). Thats gonna happen when guys drop balls, and when Russell is off his (passing) game like he has been for whatever reason the past 3 games. Luke Willson alone in the span of 2 back to back games dropping 5 balls? On a team that only passes 15-20 times a game? Frak thats bad. Let alone games where Russell is off his mark so hes throwing over peoples heads and throwing interceptions and under throwing people (like that Panthers Helfet TD pass that should have been). We dont need a star #1 WR, we need a O-line that can hold the pocket for 3+ seconds to allow our receivers time to get open as coverage breaks down. Kearse, Baldwin, Helfet and even Norwood and Richardson have proven they can run routes, catch balls and get YAC...when they have more than 2 seconds to do so. Give them 3+ seconds and one of them will get open. What did you see in the Superbowl? I saw a passing game that was on fire and spread out, everyone touched the ball except our #1 WR (Golden Tate)...Baldwin was making plays, Kearse was making plays, Lockette was making plays, Miller was making plays, hell even Willson made some plays (by plays i mean get open, get a reception and get some YAC). Did you notice Russell was standing tall and confident in the pocket that night? That the pocket was holding for 3+ seconds and he could let routes develop? Thats our passing game, no #1 WR required (when the O-line keeps the pocket secure for 3+ seconds). BTW those screens? Those other quick pass (ball out of Russell's hands in a second or less) plays? Those are a result of having a O-line that crumbles in less-than 3 seconds. With receivers consistently not being able to get open in that short of a time span, the Offensive Coordinator has to attempt some quick pass plays, and Russell's height makes "Slants" dangerous. So? The result is the occasional screen.
With a pocket that only holds for less than 3 seconds, no down the field passing game has time to develop, receivers cant get open in less than 3 seconds, better O-line not better receivers are required to improve this, Russell running is because its working and winning us games not because the passing game isn't on fire .
Mild rant ahead: I recently moved to an area for a couple of months and reactivated my profile, post-move and recent break-up. I make it very clear on my profile I'm only in the area till the end of July, only want friends or short term relationships, and again am not looking for anything long-term. I messaged this guy and we exchanged a couple messages before planning a date. He's well-spoken over messages and in person, we have a just-fine coffee date. He does mention on the date that he doesn't read profiles too closely though and prefers to get to know people in person. It doesn't tip off any red-flags, but it should. The fact that he missed things like the fact that I'm bisexual, instead of straight or some significant profile information about myself doesn't tip off red-flags either. I think, rather openly, "to each their own". Fast forward to tonight and date #2. It's a fine date, nothing bad but nothing overwhelmingly great either. Our discussion never stops or reaches an awkward pause; that's a good sign, in my book. At the end of the date, he walks me to my car and I make a joke about a kiss. At which point he says that he likes me, really enjoyed talking with me, but he really is only into a long-term relationship and I keep bringing up only wanting a short-term thing. ...I really don't mind the honesty or his reasoning. In fact, I appreciate it. What I *do* mind is that I made this pretty clear before hand and I'm simply not in a position to do a long-term relationship when I'm only here for a couple of months and then am moving a thousand miles away out of state. If this is as important as his mini-speech about being a hopeless romantic made it out to be, shouldn't he have realized that sooner when my profile makes notice of my relationship preferences not once, not twice, but three times? And to add to that, he wasn't very positive about staying friendly afterwards too or hanging out in a platonic fashion. So, really no excuse there. tl;dr: went on two dates with a guy who barely read my profile, then brings up a deal-breaker that I make very clear I can't fill and he's put out by it.
Mild rant ahead: I recently moved to an area for a couple of months and reactivated my profile, post-move and recent break-up. I make it very clear on my profile I'm only in the area till the end of July, only want friends or short term relationships, and again am not looking for anything long-term. I messaged this guy and we exchanged a couple messages before planning a date. He's well-spoken over messages and in person, we have a just-fine coffee date. He does mention on the date that he doesn't read profiles too closely though and prefers to get to know people in person. It doesn't tip off any red-flags, but it should. The fact that he missed things like the fact that I'm bisexual, instead of straight or some significant profile information about myself doesn't tip off red-flags either. I think, rather openly, "to each their own". Fast forward to tonight and date #2. It's a fine date, nothing bad but nothing overwhelmingly great either. Our discussion never stops or reaches an awkward pause; that's a good sign, in my book. At the end of the date, he walks me to my car and I make a joke about a kiss. At which point he says that he likes me, really enjoyed talking with me, but he really is only into a long-term relationship and I keep bringing up only wanting a short-term thing. ...I really don't mind the honesty or his reasoning. In fact, I appreciate it. What I do mind is that I made this pretty clear before hand and I'm simply not in a position to do a long-term relationship when I'm only here for a couple of months and then am moving a thousand miles away out of state. If this is as important as his mini-speech about being a hopeless romantic made it out to be, shouldn't he have realized that sooner when my profile makes notice of my relationship preferences not once, not twice, but three times? And to add to that, he wasn't very positive about staying friendly afterwards too or hanging out in a platonic fashion. So, really no excuse there. tl;dr: went on two dates with a guy who barely read my profile, then brings up a deal-breaker that I make very clear I can't fill and he's put out by it.
Mild rant ahead: I recently moved to an area for a couple of months and reactivated my profile, post-move and recent break-up. I make it very clear on my profile I'm only in the area till the end of July, only want friends or short term relationships, and again am not looking for anything long-term. I messaged this guy and we exchanged a couple messages before planning a date. He's well-spoken over messages and in person, we have a just-fine coffee date. He does mention on the date that he doesn't read profiles too closely though and prefers to get to know people in person. It doesn't tip off any red-flags, but it should. The fact that he missed things like the fact that I'm bisexual, instead of straight or some significant profile information about myself doesn't tip off red-flags either. I think, rather openly, "to each their own". Fast forward to tonight and date #2. It's a fine date, nothing bad but nothing overwhelmingly great either. Our discussion never stops or reaches an awkward pause; that's a good sign, in my book. At the end of the date, he walks me to my car and I make a joke about a kiss. At which point he says that he likes me, really enjoyed talking with me, but he really is only into a long-term relationship and I keep bringing up only wanting a short-term thing. ...I really don't mind the honesty or his reasoning. In fact, I appreciate it. What I do mind is that I made this pretty clear before hand and I'm simply not in a position to do a long-term relationship when I'm only here for a couple of months and then am moving a thousand miles away out of state. If this is as important as his mini-speech about being a hopeless romantic made it out to be, shouldn't he have realized that sooner when my profile makes notice of my relationship preferences not once, not twice, but three times? And to add to that, he wasn't very positive about staying friendly afterwards too or hanging out in a platonic fashion. So, really no excuse there.
went on two dates with a guy who barely read my profile, then brings up a deal-breaker that I make very clear I can't fill and he's put out by it.
I was in colorguard/winterguard in high school. We were required to graduate with 1.5 credits of physical activity and 1.5 fine arts credits. In the fall, both the guard and band got .5 credits of physical activity, and in the spring, the winterguard and concert band each got .5 credits of fine arts credit. Granted, we went to nationals for marching band (BOA), winterguard (WGI), and musically our concert band went to a few things across the country. We also worked outside 8 hours a week (the limit in Texas for any UIL sport) in the fall and for winterguard up to 12 (not a UIL sport) in addition to class time, but good lord did it put me physically in shape. Even though our band was kind of [awesome]( (yes, I know, I'm still a band geek years later), we weren't given nearly the funding as other "real" sports. This leads me to believe that Title IX is more based on funding for colleges especially than anything else. TL;DR: I think that though there are many things that I'd consider sports (figure skating, band, cheerleading, etc), Title IX should be based on organization of the sport and overall funding given.
I was in colorguard/winterguard in high school. We were required to graduate with 1.5 credits of physical activity and 1.5 fine arts credits. In the fall, both the guard and band got .5 credits of physical activity, and in the spring, the winterguard and concert band each got .5 credits of fine arts credit. Granted, we went to nationals for marching band (BOA), winterguard (WGI), and musically our concert band went to a few things across the country. We also worked outside 8 hours a week (the limit in Texas for any UIL sport) in the fall and for winterguard up to 12 (not a UIL sport) in addition to class time, but good lord did it put me physically in shape. Even though our band was kind of awesome , we weren't given nearly the funding as other "real" sports. This leads me to believe that Title IX is more based on funding for colleges especially than anything else. TL;DR: I think that though there are many things that I'd consider sports (figure skating, band, cheerleading, etc), Title IX should be based on organization of the sport and overall funding given.
I was in colorguard/winterguard in high school. We were required to graduate with 1.5 credits of physical activity and 1.5 fine arts credits. In the fall, both the guard and band got .5 credits of physical activity, and in the spring, the winterguard and concert band each got .5 credits of fine arts credit. Granted, we went to nationals for marching band (BOA), winterguard (WGI), and musically our concert band went to a few things across the country. We also worked outside 8 hours a week (the limit in Texas for any UIL sport) in the fall and for winterguard up to 12 (not a UIL sport) in addition to class time, but good lord did it put me physically in shape. Even though our band was kind of awesome , we weren't given nearly the funding as other "real" sports. This leads me to believe that Title IX is more based on funding for colleges especially than anything else.
I think that though there are many things that I'd consider sports (figure skating, band, cheerleading, etc), Title IX should be based on organization of the sport and overall funding given.
On a camping trip when I was about 10 my parents and their friends got wasted, my mom went to sleep and left my dad, his friend Bob, and myself sitting by the fire. I was just poking around in the fire with a stick when my dad and Bob started tossing in beer bottles. One bottle was still half full of beer. It started boiling and then shot boiling hot beer directly into my face and eyes. My dad was way too drunk to comprehend what had happened and just screamed for my mom. Instead of helping me, my parents just fought about being too drunk. TL;DR Nearly blinded by drunk parents.
On a camping trip when I was about 10 my parents and their friends got wasted, my mom went to sleep and left my dad, his friend Bob, and myself sitting by the fire. I was just poking around in the fire with a stick when my dad and Bob started tossing in beer bottles. One bottle was still half full of beer. It started boiling and then shot boiling hot beer directly into my face and eyes. My dad was way too drunk to comprehend what had happened and just screamed for my mom. Instead of helping me, my parents just fought about being too drunk. TL;DR Nearly blinded by drunk parents.
On a camping trip when I was about 10 my parents and their friends got wasted, my mom went to sleep and left my dad, his friend Bob, and myself sitting by the fire. I was just poking around in the fire with a stick when my dad and Bob started tossing in beer bottles. One bottle was still half full of beer. It started boiling and then shot boiling hot beer directly into my face and eyes. My dad was way too drunk to comprehend what had happened and just screamed for my mom. Instead of helping me, my parents just fought about being too drunk.
Nearly blinded by drunk parents.
I spent four weeks in Kyrgyzstan as a volunteer and as we were there on the last day of Ramadan, we sat down for the final *iftar* (evening meal) and they had cooked one of Kyrgyzstan's traditional dishes, beshbarmak (meaning "five fingers" as it's eaten with the hand rather than with cutlery). We were walking into the imam's house and perhaps should have got worried about the massive pool of blood in the yard outside, where it turned out they had killed a sheep for the meal. The meat is removed and thrown into a mix with noodles and shorpo (chicken stock). Meanwhile, the head is cut off and boiled, and the fat is retained. On your plate, you get an eye, some brain, some fat, some cheek and then you help yourself to the beshbarmak, along with shorpo, plov (sort of like biryani - sticky rice with meat) and all the watermelon you can eat. The brain was sort of just like gritty pate, the cheek was actually quite tasty, and due to the admiring glances from everyone sitting around (despite being unmarried men, we'd been invited to sit with the "men's table" as we were foreigners - they even wanted us to say the Lord's Prayer after they did the blessing in Arabic as they were that interested) we felt compelled to give the eye a try. I put it into my mouth, felt the jellyish consistency and swallowed without thinking about it. Fat was fat as you get on bacon or whatever. Another weird one they have over there is maksim, which is like a gritty cold soft drink made from ground-up corn. They make up for it with shashlik (grilled meat with vinegar and onions on a skewer), samsy (samosas) and oromo (steamed pastry containing salad) though! tl;dr kyrgyzstan is awesome edit: [grainy picture](
I spent four weeks in Kyrgyzstan as a volunteer and as we were there on the last day of Ramadan, we sat down for the final iftar (evening meal) and they had cooked one of Kyrgyzstan's traditional dishes, beshbarmak (meaning "five fingers" as it's eaten with the hand rather than with cutlery). We were walking into the imam's house and perhaps should have got worried about the massive pool of blood in the yard outside, where it turned out they had killed a sheep for the meal. The meat is removed and thrown into a mix with noodles and shorpo (chicken stock). Meanwhile, the head is cut off and boiled, and the fat is retained. On your plate, you get an eye, some brain, some fat, some cheek and then you help yourself to the beshbarmak, along with shorpo, plov (sort of like biryani - sticky rice with meat) and all the watermelon you can eat. The brain was sort of just like gritty pate, the cheek was actually quite tasty, and due to the admiring glances from everyone sitting around (despite being unmarried men, we'd been invited to sit with the "men's table" as we were foreigners - they even wanted us to say the Lord's Prayer after they did the blessing in Arabic as they were that interested) we felt compelled to give the eye a try. I put it into my mouth, felt the jellyish consistency and swallowed without thinking about it. Fat was fat as you get on bacon or whatever. Another weird one they have over there is maksim, which is like a gritty cold soft drink made from ground-up corn. They make up for it with shashlik (grilled meat with vinegar and onions on a skewer), samsy (samosas) and oromo (steamed pastry containing salad) though! tl;dr kyrgyzstan is awesome edit: [grainy picture](
I spent four weeks in Kyrgyzstan as a volunteer and as we were there on the last day of Ramadan, we sat down for the final iftar (evening meal) and they had cooked one of Kyrgyzstan's traditional dishes, beshbarmak (meaning "five fingers" as it's eaten with the hand rather than with cutlery). We were walking into the imam's house and perhaps should have got worried about the massive pool of blood in the yard outside, where it turned out they had killed a sheep for the meal. The meat is removed and thrown into a mix with noodles and shorpo (chicken stock). Meanwhile, the head is cut off and boiled, and the fat is retained. On your plate, you get an eye, some brain, some fat, some cheek and then you help yourself to the beshbarmak, along with shorpo, plov (sort of like biryani - sticky rice with meat) and all the watermelon you can eat. The brain was sort of just like gritty pate, the cheek was actually quite tasty, and due to the admiring glances from everyone sitting around (despite being unmarried men, we'd been invited to sit with the "men's table" as we were foreigners - they even wanted us to say the Lord's Prayer after they did the blessing in Arabic as they were that interested) we felt compelled to give the eye a try. I put it into my mouth, felt the jellyish consistency and swallowed without thinking about it. Fat was fat as you get on bacon or whatever. Another weird one they have over there is maksim, which is like a gritty cold soft drink made from ground-up corn. They make up for it with shashlik (grilled meat with vinegar and onions on a skewer), samsy (samosas) and oromo (steamed pastry containing salad) though!
kyrgyzstan is awesome edit: [grainy picture](
From my perspective I think there are a few things going on with the US 1%, that didn't apply to overthrown rich people in the past. 1) They keep the 99% just comfy enough that there aren't any large scale, successful revolts. In the past, the people who rose up against the wealthy had nothing to lose because the 1% had taken so much. Most of the poorest people in America still live under a roof with electricity, heat, etc. It's hard to motivate people to start a revolution when they have a lot to lose, be it job, family, or material possessions. 2)The US is too damn big. Let's say you had a few million people who were interested in revolting in DC or New York and were entirely willing to do so. How are they getting there? Even the cheapest form of travel can be expensive when you have people moving coast to coast. Just looking quickly at Amtrak's rates to get from Chicago to DC would cost you around $100 if you're not picky about the day, from LA to DC it's closer to $300. A lot of people simply don't have that money and probably can't even save it up just to get there, let alone any living expenses once they get there (Where are they sleeping when the protests aren't going on? What are they eating?) Your example of Louis makes sense, but keep in mind Modern Day France is 246,201 square miles. Texas alone is 268,580 square miles, and all of the US is 3,794,083 square miles. Very hard to get people organized when we can't physically get them in one place, especially with the largest, most influential cities being on the coasts, rather than in a central location. tl;dr- The poor are comfortable enough, and getting anywhere meaningful can be very expensive.
From my perspective I think there are a few things going on with the US 1%, that didn't apply to overthrown rich people in the past. 1) They keep the 99% just comfy enough that there aren't any large scale, successful revolts. In the past, the people who rose up against the wealthy had nothing to lose because the 1% had taken so much. Most of the poorest people in America still live under a roof with electricity, heat, etc. It's hard to motivate people to start a revolution when they have a lot to lose, be it job, family, or material possessions. 2)The US is too damn big. Let's say you had a few million people who were interested in revolting in DC or New York and were entirely willing to do so. How are they getting there? Even the cheapest form of travel can be expensive when you have people moving coast to coast. Just looking quickly at Amtrak's rates to get from Chicago to DC would cost you around $100 if you're not picky about the day, from LA to DC it's closer to $300. A lot of people simply don't have that money and probably can't even save it up just to get there, let alone any living expenses once they get there (Where are they sleeping when the protests aren't going on? What are they eating?) Your example of Louis makes sense, but keep in mind Modern Day France is 246,201 square miles. Texas alone is 268,580 square miles, and all of the US is 3,794,083 square miles. Very hard to get people organized when we can't physically get them in one place, especially with the largest, most influential cities being on the coasts, rather than in a central location. tl;dr- The poor are comfortable enough, and getting anywhere meaningful can be very expensive.
From my perspective I think there are a few things going on with the US 1%, that didn't apply to overthrown rich people in the past. 1) They keep the 99% just comfy enough that there aren't any large scale, successful revolts. In the past, the people who rose up against the wealthy had nothing to lose because the 1% had taken so much. Most of the poorest people in America still live under a roof with electricity, heat, etc. It's hard to motivate people to start a revolution when they have a lot to lose, be it job, family, or material possessions. 2)The US is too damn big. Let's say you had a few million people who were interested in revolting in DC or New York and were entirely willing to do so. How are they getting there? Even the cheapest form of travel can be expensive when you have people moving coast to coast. Just looking quickly at Amtrak's rates to get from Chicago to DC would cost you around $100 if you're not picky about the day, from LA to DC it's closer to $300. A lot of people simply don't have that money and probably can't even save it up just to get there, let alone any living expenses once they get there (Where are they sleeping when the protests aren't going on? What are they eating?) Your example of Louis makes sense, but keep in mind Modern Day France is 246,201 square miles. Texas alone is 268,580 square miles, and all of the US is 3,794,083 square miles. Very hard to get people organized when we can't physically get them in one place, especially with the largest, most influential cities being on the coasts, rather than in a central location.
The poor are comfortable enough, and getting anywhere meaningful can be very expensive.
Glaring need at right back... I figure we're close enough to do one of these or gauge everyone's own opinion. I was trying to put together my ideal lineup, assuming everyone is fit. NOTE: I know this won't be the lineup but, all things considered, I figured I'd piece one together trying to get the strongest side on the field at once. It's not pictured in the form of a traditional lineup but more so in a way that everyone could see my intentions. Otherwise, it would look as if Borini is lining up as a RWB or, alternatively, at RM with no RB behind him on the pitch. so here it is: (essentially a 3-4-3 or 5-4-1). Again, I know I'm kind of playing FIFA here. Point being, there is an obvious problem in asking either Kirchhoff or Cattermole to get outside on the right side of the pitch. Van aanholt does a great job dropping down into the left back position but without Billy Jones (or even with BJ), who's getting deep on that side? Borini has an excellent work rate and proved all pre-season long that he is able to get back on defense, dropping all the way down to defensive back position. The 3 center backs, plus Kirchhoff, can slide over for help. Essnetially, I asking Kone to post up on the right side and let Papy swing in behind him or allow Borini enough time to recover and get into position. If something like that is doable then I think Watmore, with his motor, makes for the perfect sub for Borini. While Borini would be more suited to slide in for Defoe, I don't think Lens has the drive/motor to play end to end. Khazri doesn't appear to be fit enough to do it either. At this point I think Asoro has to be on the bench to spell Defoe, if we're keeping a lone striker up top. Again, most of this is rubbish if we had a right back or a RB not named Billy Jones. PLus, most of this is contrived of me putting together my 11 best players at the moment. M'Vila would help tremendously. SAFC Instagrammed a video of Defoe doing drills. I'm going to assume that means he's ready for day 1. Papy probably won't see the pitch on saturday. Kirchhoff, who knows. Billy fit? So there are some question marks still. Either way, i'm ready for the season to get underway as much as I'd like another 2-3 weeks to get the transfers in before the season kicks off. tl;dr All being told, whats your week one realistic/healthy* lineup vs preferred team?
Glaring need at right back... I figure we're close enough to do one of these or gauge everyone's own opinion. I was trying to put together my ideal lineup, assuming everyone is fit. NOTE: I know this won't be the lineup but, all things considered, I figured I'd piece one together trying to get the strongest side on the field at once. It's not pictured in the form of a traditional lineup but more so in a way that everyone could see my intentions. Otherwise, it would look as if Borini is lining up as a RWB or, alternatively, at RM with no RB behind him on the pitch. so here it is: (essentially a 3-4-3 or 5-4-1). Again, I know I'm kind of playing FIFA here. Point being, there is an obvious problem in asking either Kirchhoff or Cattermole to get outside on the right side of the pitch. Van aanholt does a great job dropping down into the left back position but without Billy Jones (or even with BJ), who's getting deep on that side? Borini has an excellent work rate and proved all pre-season long that he is able to get back on defense, dropping all the way down to defensive back position. The 3 center backs, plus Kirchhoff, can slide over for help. Essnetially, I asking Kone to post up on the right side and let Papy swing in behind him or allow Borini enough time to recover and get into position. If something like that is doable then I think Watmore, with his motor, makes for the perfect sub for Borini. While Borini would be more suited to slide in for Defoe, I don't think Lens has the drive/motor to play end to end. Khazri doesn't appear to be fit enough to do it either. At this point I think Asoro has to be on the bench to spell Defoe, if we're keeping a lone striker up top. Again, most of this is rubbish if we had a right back or a RB not named Billy Jones. PLus, most of this is contrived of me putting together my 11 best players at the moment. M'Vila would help tremendously. SAFC Instagrammed a video of Defoe doing drills. I'm going to assume that means he's ready for day 1. Papy probably won't see the pitch on saturday. Kirchhoff, who knows. Billy fit? So there are some question marks still. Either way, i'm ready for the season to get underway as much as I'd like another 2-3 weeks to get the transfers in before the season kicks off. tl;dr All being told, whats your week one realistic/healthy* lineup vs preferred team?
Glaring need at right back... I figure we're close enough to do one of these or gauge everyone's own opinion. I was trying to put together my ideal lineup, assuming everyone is fit. NOTE: I know this won't be the lineup but, all things considered, I figured I'd piece one together trying to get the strongest side on the field at once. It's not pictured in the form of a traditional lineup but more so in a way that everyone could see my intentions. Otherwise, it would look as if Borini is lining up as a RWB or, alternatively, at RM with no RB behind him on the pitch. so here it is: (essentially a 3-4-3 or 5-4-1). Again, I know I'm kind of playing FIFA here. Point being, there is an obvious problem in asking either Kirchhoff or Cattermole to get outside on the right side of the pitch. Van aanholt does a great job dropping down into the left back position but without Billy Jones (or even with BJ), who's getting deep on that side? Borini has an excellent work rate and proved all pre-season long that he is able to get back on defense, dropping all the way down to defensive back position. The 3 center backs, plus Kirchhoff, can slide over for help. Essnetially, I asking Kone to post up on the right side and let Papy swing in behind him or allow Borini enough time to recover and get into position. If something like that is doable then I think Watmore, with his motor, makes for the perfect sub for Borini. While Borini would be more suited to slide in for Defoe, I don't think Lens has the drive/motor to play end to end. Khazri doesn't appear to be fit enough to do it either. At this point I think Asoro has to be on the bench to spell Defoe, if we're keeping a lone striker up top. Again, most of this is rubbish if we had a right back or a RB not named Billy Jones. PLus, most of this is contrived of me putting together my 11 best players at the moment. M'Vila would help tremendously. SAFC Instagrammed a video of Defoe doing drills. I'm going to assume that means he's ready for day 1. Papy probably won't see the pitch on saturday. Kirchhoff, who knows. Billy fit? So there are some question marks still. Either way, i'm ready for the season to get underway as much as I'd like another 2-3 weeks to get the transfers in before the season kicks off.
All being told, whats your week one realistic/healthy* lineup vs preferred team?
For the longest time, I've been angry. And I've been angry because I'm depressed. I haven't posted on here for a while and I'm kinda confused so my thoughts might be all over the place. For the past couple months, I've been a complete asshole to everyone. They wonder why I'm being mean and quite frankly I'm wondering the same thing. I don't have a reason to be so angry but it seems to be in correlation to my depression. I would sit alone and do nothing for hours and when someone messes with me, I snap back to get them to go away. I've just been grumpy and starting arguments with everyone and it's pushing everyone away. Just recently, I made a horrible joke about a group of people at my school because they were messing with me and my friends and as soon as I said it, my guilt began eating me away. I apologized and they accepted it, but it's still bothering me. I'm always dwelling on my history of being mean to people for something they said or for no reason at all. To be honest, I don't even know if this is meant for r/depression. I just felt it was because I just feel less of a person and more of like a disciple of Hate or Rage or something. I don't know what I'm angry at: Myself or other people TL;DR: I'm angry cause I'm depressed; I'm depressed because I'm angry. Vicious cycle that's commonplace for me.
For the longest time, I've been angry. And I've been angry because I'm depressed. I haven't posted on here for a while and I'm kinda confused so my thoughts might be all over the place. For the past couple months, I've been a complete asshole to everyone. They wonder why I'm being mean and quite frankly I'm wondering the same thing. I don't have a reason to be so angry but it seems to be in correlation to my depression. I would sit alone and do nothing for hours and when someone messes with me, I snap back to get them to go away. I've just been grumpy and starting arguments with everyone and it's pushing everyone away. Just recently, I made a horrible joke about a group of people at my school because they were messing with me and my friends and as soon as I said it, my guilt began eating me away. I apologized and they accepted it, but it's still bothering me. I'm always dwelling on my history of being mean to people for something they said or for no reason at all. To be honest, I don't even know if this is meant for r/depression. I just felt it was because I just feel less of a person and more of like a disciple of Hate or Rage or something. I don't know what I'm angry at: Myself or other people TL;DR: I'm angry cause I'm depressed; I'm depressed because I'm angry. Vicious cycle that's commonplace for me.
For the longest time, I've been angry. And I've been angry because I'm depressed. I haven't posted on here for a while and I'm kinda confused so my thoughts might be all over the place. For the past couple months, I've been a complete asshole to everyone. They wonder why I'm being mean and quite frankly I'm wondering the same thing. I don't have a reason to be so angry but it seems to be in correlation to my depression. I would sit alone and do nothing for hours and when someone messes with me, I snap back to get them to go away. I've just been grumpy and starting arguments with everyone and it's pushing everyone away. Just recently, I made a horrible joke about a group of people at my school because they were messing with me and my friends and as soon as I said it, my guilt began eating me away. I apologized and they accepted it, but it's still bothering me. I'm always dwelling on my history of being mean to people for something they said or for no reason at all. To be honest, I don't even know if this is meant for r/depression. I just felt it was because I just feel less of a person and more of like a disciple of Hate or Rage or something. I don't know what I'm angry at: Myself or other people
I'm angry cause I'm depressed; I'm depressed because I'm angry. Vicious cycle that's commonplace for me.
Years in Puerto Rico are loner than years in thr US. Because of the Earths rotation it becomes more egg shaped than spherical hence the years are longer closer to the Equator. Tl;dr i made that up.
Years in Puerto Rico are loner than years in thr US. Because of the Earths rotation it becomes more egg shaped than spherical hence the years are longer closer to the Equator. Tl;dr i made that up.
Years in Puerto Rico are loner than years in thr US. Because of the Earths rotation it becomes more egg shaped than spherical hence the years are longer closer to the Equator.
i made that up.
The goal of operation payback is to deal a blow to paypal by getting a large enough attack force to DDoS it and cause financial problems. They've stated explicitly that they want to hit paypal where it hurts; the wallet. That's just corporate terrorism and I don't see how doing that will help the net neutrality cause. Keeping wikileaks running through infinite mirrors I support. Attacking a financial institution where the end game of the attack is to make it lose money is just asking for this whole cause of ours to be cast in a terrorist light in the media. That is the last thing we need, wikileaks is already getting a lot of exposure and right now I think it's good because it is garnering some support and generating debate. By doing things like attacking a credit card company, that was coerced by the government to refuse donations to it, wikileaks is then shown to the masses as an anarchistic website. I do support the idea to actually comb through the leaks and expose the truth though. tl;dr attacking financial institutions to hurt their bottom line is terrorism
The goal of operation payback is to deal a blow to paypal by getting a large enough attack force to DDoS it and cause financial problems. They've stated explicitly that they want to hit paypal where it hurts; the wallet. That's just corporate terrorism and I don't see how doing that will help the net neutrality cause. Keeping wikileaks running through infinite mirrors I support. Attacking a financial institution where the end game of the attack is to make it lose money is just asking for this whole cause of ours to be cast in a terrorist light in the media. That is the last thing we need, wikileaks is already getting a lot of exposure and right now I think it's good because it is garnering some support and generating debate. By doing things like attacking a credit card company, that was coerced by the government to refuse donations to it, wikileaks is then shown to the masses as an anarchistic website. I do support the idea to actually comb through the leaks and expose the truth though. tl;dr attacking financial institutions to hurt their bottom line is terrorism
The goal of operation payback is to deal a blow to paypal by getting a large enough attack force to DDoS it and cause financial problems. They've stated explicitly that they want to hit paypal where it hurts; the wallet. That's just corporate terrorism and I don't see how doing that will help the net neutrality cause. Keeping wikileaks running through infinite mirrors I support. Attacking a financial institution where the end game of the attack is to make it lose money is just asking for this whole cause of ours to be cast in a terrorist light in the media. That is the last thing we need, wikileaks is already getting a lot of exposure and right now I think it's good because it is garnering some support and generating debate. By doing things like attacking a credit card company, that was coerced by the government to refuse donations to it, wikileaks is then shown to the masses as an anarchistic website. I do support the idea to actually comb through the leaks and expose the truth though.
attacking financial institutions to hurt their bottom line is terrorism
Sorry about the wall of text, I'm on mobile. I always though there were three major role models for me, but two of them hardly know my name, so that's interesting you never know who you affect. The captain of the cross country team my freshman year, who just won the mile in the Pan-am games and the ffa president from my dad's class who went on to state champion of extemporaneous speaking and state ffa president. Both definitely showed me how great hard work pays off, and that you can always work harder, because you're never the best. Also my best friend just dropped out of high school to attend the University of Washington at 16, he always thought me that it doesn't matter if you suck at some things (he had pretty bad social anxiety, but got over it) everyone has a gift and it's important to use it. Tl;dr - work hard at things you're good at, also I'm friends with really talented people.
Sorry about the wall of text, I'm on mobile. I always though there were three major role models for me, but two of them hardly know my name, so that's interesting you never know who you affect. The captain of the cross country team my freshman year, who just won the mile in the Pan-am games and the ffa president from my dad's class who went on to state champion of extemporaneous speaking and state ffa president. Both definitely showed me how great hard work pays off, and that you can always work harder, because you're never the best. Also my best friend just dropped out of high school to attend the University of Washington at 16, he always thought me that it doesn't matter if you suck at some things (he had pretty bad social anxiety, but got over it) everyone has a gift and it's important to use it. Tl;dr - work hard at things you're good at, also I'm friends with really talented people.
Sorry about the wall of text, I'm on mobile. I always though there were three major role models for me, but two of them hardly know my name, so that's interesting you never know who you affect. The captain of the cross country team my freshman year, who just won the mile in the Pan-am games and the ffa president from my dad's class who went on to state champion of extemporaneous speaking and state ffa president. Both definitely showed me how great hard work pays off, and that you can always work harder, because you're never the best. Also my best friend just dropped out of high school to attend the University of Washington at 16, he always thought me that it doesn't matter if you suck at some things (he had pretty bad social anxiety, but got over it) everyone has a gift and it's important to use it.
work hard at things you're good at, also I'm friends with really talented people.
I keep on having this one. Its always when I'm very sick, which is not often, maybe once every two years. Anyways a string of things happen. When its late at night, everything seems to be moving faster than it should, and it makes me panic. Then when I lay in bed, I am a statue, because I fear that if I move, my last limbs will be chopped off or explode by some invisible force. But then, when I go to sleep, that is when shit gets real. I dream of a place like Mos Eisley, a desert town with mud houses. I see a man, walking in a sad manor. I see him accidently bumping into people as he is walking because his mind is elsewhere. As he walks, he is kicking a rock or piece of charcoal around. Then he looks at the sky. A HUGE circular ship looms over. No one else seems to care or notice. The man stands there looking at the ship, depressed in facial expression. Then the scene shifts to what I can only think is inside the ship. I see a man, over a table with a bunch of people who are scared shirtless as this man rants on about taking over the world. His voice is annoyingly and stereotypical "evil." This doesn't seem scary or fucked up, but this dream happens every time I am very sick, like strep thought or something that involves a lot of puking. And every time I have this dream, I start freaking the FUCK out. I wake up in a cold sweat, high heartbeat, panting and I just can't can't seem to calm down. I usually get up and start watching TV to get my sense of reality back. Its not even getting sick that sucks, its the nights that follow. I would not be so scared of this dream if it wasn't so frequent. Tl;DR: weird dream drives me to a panic attack every time I get sick.
I keep on having this one. Its always when I'm very sick, which is not often, maybe once every two years. Anyways a string of things happen. When its late at night, everything seems to be moving faster than it should, and it makes me panic. Then when I lay in bed, I am a statue, because I fear that if I move, my last limbs will be chopped off or explode by some invisible force. But then, when I go to sleep, that is when shit gets real. I dream of a place like Mos Eisley, a desert town with mud houses. I see a man, walking in a sad manor. I see him accidently bumping into people as he is walking because his mind is elsewhere. As he walks, he is kicking a rock or piece of charcoal around. Then he looks at the sky. A HUGE circular ship looms over. No one else seems to care or notice. The man stands there looking at the ship, depressed in facial expression. Then the scene shifts to what I can only think is inside the ship. I see a man, over a table with a bunch of people who are scared shirtless as this man rants on about taking over the world. His voice is annoyingly and stereotypical "evil." This doesn't seem scary or fucked up, but this dream happens every time I am very sick, like strep thought or something that involves a lot of puking. And every time I have this dream, I start freaking the FUCK out. I wake up in a cold sweat, high heartbeat, panting and I just can't can't seem to calm down. I usually get up and start watching TV to get my sense of reality back. Its not even getting sick that sucks, its the nights that follow. I would not be so scared of this dream if it wasn't so frequent. Tl;DR: weird dream drives me to a panic attack every time I get sick.
I keep on having this one. Its always when I'm very sick, which is not often, maybe once every two years. Anyways a string of things happen. When its late at night, everything seems to be moving faster than it should, and it makes me panic. Then when I lay in bed, I am a statue, because I fear that if I move, my last limbs will be chopped off or explode by some invisible force. But then, when I go to sleep, that is when shit gets real. I dream of a place like Mos Eisley, a desert town with mud houses. I see a man, walking in a sad manor. I see him accidently bumping into people as he is walking because his mind is elsewhere. As he walks, he is kicking a rock or piece of charcoal around. Then he looks at the sky. A HUGE circular ship looms over. No one else seems to care or notice. The man stands there looking at the ship, depressed in facial expression. Then the scene shifts to what I can only think is inside the ship. I see a man, over a table with a bunch of people who are scared shirtless as this man rants on about taking over the world. His voice is annoyingly and stereotypical "evil." This doesn't seem scary or fucked up, but this dream happens every time I am very sick, like strep thought or something that involves a lot of puking. And every time I have this dream, I start freaking the FUCK out. I wake up in a cold sweat, high heartbeat, panting and I just can't can't seem to calm down. I usually get up and start watching TV to get my sense of reality back. Its not even getting sick that sucks, its the nights that follow. I would not be so scared of this dream if it wasn't so frequent.
weird dream drives me to a panic attack every time I get sick.
I was living in Shanghai, China after college working a video production job, met a girl my second day there, starting dating a few months later. Around that time she introduced me to Heroin and I spent the next 9 months addicted to that shit (smoked and snorted it, still never shot it). She had an overdose and I brought her back with CPR - it was incredibly traumatic. The worst part is she didn't think anything of it and wanted to do it the next day. Anyways, I told a friend about the experience and he told my parents who flew to China to have an intervention and bring me back. I used my last paycheck from my job to pay for her plane ticket back to the states and we both went to rehab. In two months I'll be a year clean, and I'm still with that girl and we live together now. In a lot of ways the whole thing made me a better person, more in control of my urges and more cautious towards things that could throw it all away. But heroin is an incredibly amazing drug and I still miss it. TL;DR: Met a girl in China, got addicted to Heroin, saved her life after an OD and had an intervention. Mostly for the better.
I was living in Shanghai, China after college working a video production job, met a girl my second day there, starting dating a few months later. Around that time she introduced me to Heroin and I spent the next 9 months addicted to that shit (smoked and snorted it, still never shot it). She had an overdose and I brought her back with CPR - it was incredibly traumatic. The worst part is she didn't think anything of it and wanted to do it the next day. Anyways, I told a friend about the experience and he told my parents who flew to China to have an intervention and bring me back. I used my last paycheck from my job to pay for her plane ticket back to the states and we both went to rehab. In two months I'll be a year clean, and I'm still with that girl and we live together now. In a lot of ways the whole thing made me a better person, more in control of my urges and more cautious towards things that could throw it all away. But heroin is an incredibly amazing drug and I still miss it. TL;DR: Met a girl in China, got addicted to Heroin, saved her life after an OD and had an intervention. Mostly for the better.
I was living in Shanghai, China after college working a video production job, met a girl my second day there, starting dating a few months later. Around that time she introduced me to Heroin and I spent the next 9 months addicted to that shit (smoked and snorted it, still never shot it). She had an overdose and I brought her back with CPR - it was incredibly traumatic. The worst part is she didn't think anything of it and wanted to do it the next day. Anyways, I told a friend about the experience and he told my parents who flew to China to have an intervention and bring me back. I used my last paycheck from my job to pay for her plane ticket back to the states and we both went to rehab. In two months I'll be a year clean, and I'm still with that girl and we live together now. In a lot of ways the whole thing made me a better person, more in control of my urges and more cautious towards things that could throw it all away. But heroin is an incredibly amazing drug and I still miss it.
Met a girl in China, got addicted to Heroin, saved her life after an OD and had an intervention. Mostly for the better.
&gt;If they found out the kids sought out only white guys, it could equally qualify as a hate crime. Sure. Just like the black kids who shot and killed the Australian runner. Even though they posted hateful anti-white messages on Facebook, they got a pass from the current administration. Here is the content of one of these pieces of shit's post to Twitter: "90% of white ppl (people) are nasty. #HATE THEM." Do you think he was indifferent to who he shot and killed for no fucking reason? TL;DR Fuck off with your politically correct bullshit.
>If they found out the kids sought out only white guys, it could equally qualify as a hate crime. Sure. Just like the black kids who shot and killed the Australian runner. Even though they posted hateful anti-white messages on Facebook, they got a pass from the current administration. Here is the content of one of these pieces of shit's post to Twitter: "90% of white ppl (people) are nasty. #HATE THEM." Do you think he was indifferent to who he shot and killed for no fucking reason? TL;DR Fuck off with your politically correct bullshit.
If they found out the kids sought out only white guys, it could equally qualify as a hate crime. Sure. Just like the black kids who shot and killed the Australian runner. Even though they posted hateful anti-white messages on Facebook, they got a pass from the current administration. Here is the content of one of these pieces of shit's post to Twitter: "90% of white ppl (people) are nasty. #HATE THEM." Do you think he was indifferent to who he shot and killed for no fucking reason?
Fuck off with your politically correct bullshit.
I'd say that the main problem is that the online presence of feminism is pretty much entirely hijacked by horrible people who use it as a justified bullying platform (and nice feminists completely seriously tell me that I can't judge feminism by its online presence, because that's not real or something). If you were a male teen and just got a bunch of statistics that show how men are disprivileged (suicides, homelessness, workplace injuries and deaths, education) and even if somebody explained it to you how it's caused by the traditional gender roles, you simply don't have any feminist internet place to come to where you can talk about it, every single one of them would ban you for "derailing" or whatever. Because men are privileged oppressors. So naturally those youths gravitate to /r/mensrights or worse, because the inherent contradiction between wanting to fix all that shit and preventing feminists from destroying the Family Values is not immediately obvious, and there's more than enough two-minutes-of-hate events to satisfy one's desire to have someone to blame. tl;dr: it's feminism's fault. That you didn't read the comment is its fault too.
I'd say that the main problem is that the online presence of feminism is pretty much entirely hijacked by horrible people who use it as a justified bullying platform (and nice feminists completely seriously tell me that I can't judge feminism by its online presence, because that's not real or something). If you were a male teen and just got a bunch of statistics that show how men are disprivileged (suicides, homelessness, workplace injuries and deaths, education) and even if somebody explained it to you how it's caused by the traditional gender roles, you simply don't have any feminist internet place to come to where you can talk about it, every single one of them would ban you for "derailing" or whatever. Because men are privileged oppressors. So naturally those youths gravitate to /r/mensrights or worse, because the inherent contradiction between wanting to fix all that shit and preventing feminists from destroying the Family Values is not immediately obvious, and there's more than enough two-minutes-of-hate events to satisfy one's desire to have someone to blame. tl;dr: it's feminism's fault. That you didn't read the comment is its fault too.
I'd say that the main problem is that the online presence of feminism is pretty much entirely hijacked by horrible people who use it as a justified bullying platform (and nice feminists completely seriously tell me that I can't judge feminism by its online presence, because that's not real or something). If you were a male teen and just got a bunch of statistics that show how men are disprivileged (suicides, homelessness, workplace injuries and deaths, education) and even if somebody explained it to you how it's caused by the traditional gender roles, you simply don't have any feminist internet place to come to where you can talk about it, every single one of them would ban you for "derailing" or whatever. Because men are privileged oppressors. So naturally those youths gravitate to /r/mensrights or worse, because the inherent contradiction between wanting to fix all that shit and preventing feminists from destroying the Family Values is not immediately obvious, and there's more than enough two-minutes-of-hate events to satisfy one's desire to have someone to blame.
it's feminism's fault. That you didn't read the comment is its fault too.
I may not totally agree with you, but Holy fuck is your TL;DR perfect.
I may not totally agree with you, but Holy fuck is your TL;DR perfect.
I may not totally agree with you, but Holy fuck is your
Okay, I have been thinking about this for a long time and wanted to hear everyone's opinion. I am a player who likes to focus on cultures whenever I play. I think it's nice to get all the land of a certain culture because of accepted culture status and it also makes for nice borders often. However, there is something about the culture system that annoys the hell out of me. I've been playing a game as one of the manchurian hordes where I've united China and started to expand into Europe. One of the major issues I've had and one that we all recognise is that I don't get any more accepted cultures and trying to make all the German, high base tax provinces accepted is obviously a futile dream. The problem I have with this is that it just doesn't make any sense!!! All the German provinces together are worth a lot more than just the 15% I need to make it accepted but apparently my Chinese people think that Bavarians and Austrians are just too different from each other to be counted together. Makes sense, right? I propose that different culture "types" such as Thuringian, Rheinlander and Prussian should only matter within your own culture group. If I'm a German nation then it makes sense to treat them as seperate cultures. But, when I expand into other culture groups; they should be counted together! As in Breton, Walloon and Cosmopolitaine should count as just "French" if I come from a different culture group. This way it'll be way easier to get accepted cultures and it also makes a little more sense. Let me hear your thoughts! Tl;dr: If I am Germany and I'm invading China then their groups should count towards one united "Chinese" culture instead pf multiple small, crappy ones...
Okay, I have been thinking about this for a long time and wanted to hear everyone's opinion. I am a player who likes to focus on cultures whenever I play. I think it's nice to get all the land of a certain culture because of accepted culture status and it also makes for nice borders often. However, there is something about the culture system that annoys the hell out of me. I've been playing a game as one of the manchurian hordes where I've united China and started to expand into Europe. One of the major issues I've had and one that we all recognise is that I don't get any more accepted cultures and trying to make all the German, high base tax provinces accepted is obviously a futile dream. The problem I have with this is that it just doesn't make any sense!!! All the German provinces together are worth a lot more than just the 15% I need to make it accepted but apparently my Chinese people think that Bavarians and Austrians are just too different from each other to be counted together. Makes sense, right? I propose that different culture "types" such as Thuringian, Rheinlander and Prussian should only matter within your own culture group. If I'm a German nation then it makes sense to treat them as seperate cultures. But, when I expand into other culture groups; they should be counted together! As in Breton, Walloon and Cosmopolitaine should count as just "French" if I come from a different culture group. This way it'll be way easier to get accepted cultures and it also makes a little more sense. Let me hear your thoughts! Tl;dr: If I am Germany and I'm invading China then their groups should count towards one united "Chinese" culture instead pf multiple small, crappy ones...
Okay, I have been thinking about this for a long time and wanted to hear everyone's opinion. I am a player who likes to focus on cultures whenever I play. I think it's nice to get all the land of a certain culture because of accepted culture status and it also makes for nice borders often. However, there is something about the culture system that annoys the hell out of me. I've been playing a game as one of the manchurian hordes where I've united China and started to expand into Europe. One of the major issues I've had and one that we all recognise is that I don't get any more accepted cultures and trying to make all the German, high base tax provinces accepted is obviously a futile dream. The problem I have with this is that it just doesn't make any sense!!! All the German provinces together are worth a lot more than just the 15% I need to make it accepted but apparently my Chinese people think that Bavarians and Austrians are just too different from each other to be counted together. Makes sense, right? I propose that different culture "types" such as Thuringian, Rheinlander and Prussian should only matter within your own culture group. If I'm a German nation then it makes sense to treat them as seperate cultures. But, when I expand into other culture groups; they should be counted together! As in Breton, Walloon and Cosmopolitaine should count as just "French" if I come from a different culture group. This way it'll be way easier to get accepted cultures and it also makes a little more sense. Let me hear your thoughts!
If I am Germany and I'm invading China then their groups should count towards one united "Chinese" culture instead pf multiple small, crappy ones...
Not only to OP, but anyone who entered this thread looking for an answer to the same question, I would say wait for that Mario Kart bundle. It's an amazing deal for what you are getting. Deluxe 32gb system, an extra controller so you can play 2 player right out of the box, The wheel for Mario Kart (which hey that's cool), a copy of Mario Kart 8 (bam 60 bucks savings), and if you register on Club Nintendo (which is really easy to do once you make an account) you get a download code for one of four games! ALL OF WHICH are awesome choices. I went the craigslist route with my purchase and found a guy who won the deluxe system at a golf outing and he had no use for it. 200 bucks. But I like getting a good deal. If this bundle was out 4 months ago, I would have easily bought it instead. TLDR; Wait for the Mario Kart bundle. It's too good of a deal
Not only to OP, but anyone who entered this thread looking for an answer to the same question, I would say wait for that Mario Kart bundle. It's an amazing deal for what you are getting. Deluxe 32gb system, an extra controller so you can play 2 player right out of the box, The wheel for Mario Kart (which hey that's cool), a copy of Mario Kart 8 (bam 60 bucks savings), and if you register on Club Nintendo (which is really easy to do once you make an account) you get a download code for one of four games! ALL OF WHICH are awesome choices. I went the craigslist route with my purchase and found a guy who won the deluxe system at a golf outing and he had no use for it. 200 bucks. But I like getting a good deal. If this bundle was out 4 months ago, I would have easily bought it instead. TLDR; Wait for the Mario Kart bundle. It's too good of a deal
Not only to OP, but anyone who entered this thread looking for an answer to the same question, I would say wait for that Mario Kart bundle. It's an amazing deal for what you are getting. Deluxe 32gb system, an extra controller so you can play 2 player right out of the box, The wheel for Mario Kart (which hey that's cool), a copy of Mario Kart 8 (bam 60 bucks savings), and if you register on Club Nintendo (which is really easy to do once you make an account) you get a download code for one of four games! ALL OF WHICH are awesome choices. I went the craigslist route with my purchase and found a guy who won the deluxe system at a golf outing and he had no use for it. 200 bucks. But I like getting a good deal. If this bundle was out 4 months ago, I would have easily bought it instead.
Wait for the Mario Kart bundle. It's too good of a deal
So I got Destiny on launch day for my xbox 360, I thoroughly enjoyed the game for the first like 40-60 hours until(due to lack of content) it became the relentless grind that it is and I stopped playing it. I refused to shell out more $ for the expansions and Taken King so I never played them. Well now I've had my Ps4 for almost a year and I see they offer the game with all the expansions and taken king for $60 on the playstation store and I'm thinking about picking it up again. I really do miss the awesome FPS mechanics and crazy hectic gameplay when your with a group. I know there Is a bunch more content from when I last played too and I'd kinda like to see how the game looks on next gen. My main reasoning for getting it again though is that my dad(who lives out of state) just got a Ps4 with destiny and I'd like to be able to game with him. So what do you guys think? Am I making justifications or is it really worth another go? I used to be straight up addicted to this game until it turned into a never ending grind, lemme know what you guys think... TL;DR: Was thinking of relapsing on Destiny, haven't played since the first few months after launch and have a better console now, should I give it another go?
So I got Destiny on launch day for my xbox 360, I thoroughly enjoyed the game for the first like 40-60 hours until(due to lack of content) it became the relentless grind that it is and I stopped playing it. I refused to shell out more $ for the expansions and Taken King so I never played them. Well now I've had my Ps4 for almost a year and I see they offer the game with all the expansions and taken king for $60 on the playstation store and I'm thinking about picking it up again. I really do miss the awesome FPS mechanics and crazy hectic gameplay when your with a group. I know there Is a bunch more content from when I last played too and I'd kinda like to see how the game looks on next gen. My main reasoning for getting it again though is that my dad(who lives out of state) just got a Ps4 with destiny and I'd like to be able to game with him. So what do you guys think? Am I making justifications or is it really worth another go? I used to be straight up addicted to this game until it turned into a never ending grind, lemme know what you guys think... TL;DR: Was thinking of relapsing on Destiny, haven't played since the first few months after launch and have a better console now, should I give it another go?
So I got Destiny on launch day for my xbox 360, I thoroughly enjoyed the game for the first like 40-60 hours until(due to lack of content) it became the relentless grind that it is and I stopped playing it. I refused to shell out more $ for the expansions and Taken King so I never played them. Well now I've had my Ps4 for almost a year and I see they offer the game with all the expansions and taken king for $60 on the playstation store and I'm thinking about picking it up again. I really do miss the awesome FPS mechanics and crazy hectic gameplay when your with a group. I know there Is a bunch more content from when I last played too and I'd kinda like to see how the game looks on next gen. My main reasoning for getting it again though is that my dad(who lives out of state) just got a Ps4 with destiny and I'd like to be able to game with him. So what do you guys think? Am I making justifications or is it really worth another go? I used to be straight up addicted to this game until it turned into a never ending grind, lemme know what you guys think...
Was thinking of relapsing on Destiny, haven't played since the first few months after launch and have a better console now, should I give it another go?
Anyone else notice tons of Shill comments floating around politics and other shit places regarding Trump's tax returns and NAMBLA? Had to do a quick google and it took me to this retardation at enoughtrumpspam: &gt;Now, the mods here have seen the comments and take no position on whether or how deep Donald Trump ties to NAMBLA actually are, even though we statements like this all over the place: Is this related to his ties with NAMBLA? My sources tell me the New York Times is close to breaking the story and you wouldn't believe what they have found. Along with his contributions: I just read that he donated huge sums of money to NAMBLA and that's why he won't release his tax returns. Sure, nobody has seen his tax returns, so it is absolutely possible that it is true. But even if true, he probably has donated nowhere near the amount that people claim he has. Here's how one redditor put it: I mean sure, he probably throws a couple of bucks their way from time to time, just to keep up appearances. But to say that he donates large sums to NAMBLA? That seems a bit preposterous. Clearly, while a lot of very smart people are saying this - and we have all been reading this everywhere - we still need to hold this sub to a high standard. So new rule: tl;dr When making a statement about Trump's ties to NAMBLA, you cannot simply allege it yourself without more. Otherwise your comment may be removed. &gt;Any user making a future statement in this subreddit about the relationship between Trump and NAMBLA now must cite to an external source, like a cite to having heard someone saying it or whether you have actually read it somewhere (no direct link necessary). &gt;Thank you for helping our community! Edit: If you have any photos of Trump with children, that might help make a connection so please share those photos here. What terrible shitposting.
Anyone else notice tons of Shill comments floating around politics and other shit places regarding Trump's tax returns and NAMBLA? Had to do a quick google and it took me to this retardation at enoughtrumpspam: >Now, the mods here have seen the comments and take no position on whether or how deep Donald Trump ties to NAMBLA actually are, even though we statements like this all over the place: Is this related to his ties with NAMBLA? My sources tell me the New York Times is close to breaking the story and you wouldn't believe what they have found. Along with his contributions: I just read that he donated huge sums of money to NAMBLA and that's why he won't release his tax returns. Sure, nobody has seen his tax returns, so it is absolutely possible that it is true. But even if true, he probably has donated nowhere near the amount that people claim he has. Here's how one redditor put it: I mean sure, he probably throws a couple of bucks their way from time to time, just to keep up appearances. But to say that he donates large sums to NAMBLA? That seems a bit preposterous. Clearly, while a lot of very smart people are saying this - and we have all been reading this everywhere - we still need to hold this sub to a high standard. So new rule: tl;dr When making a statement about Trump's ties to NAMBLA, you cannot simply allege it yourself without more. Otherwise your comment may be removed. >Any user making a future statement in this subreddit about the relationship between Trump and NAMBLA now must cite to an external source, like a cite to having heard someone saying it or whether you have actually read it somewhere (no direct link necessary). >Thank you for helping our community! Edit: If you have any photos of Trump with children, that might help make a connection so please share those photos here. What terrible shitposting.
Anyone else notice tons of Shill comments floating around politics and other shit places regarding Trump's tax returns and NAMBLA? Had to do a quick google and it took me to this retardation at enoughtrumpspam: >Now, the mods here have seen the comments and take no position on whether or how deep Donald Trump ties to NAMBLA actually are, even though we statements like this all over the place: Is this related to his ties with NAMBLA? My sources tell me the New York Times is close to breaking the story and you wouldn't believe what they have found. Along with his contributions: I just read that he donated huge sums of money to NAMBLA and that's why he won't release his tax returns. Sure, nobody has seen his tax returns, so it is absolutely possible that it is true. But even if true, he probably has donated nowhere near the amount that people claim he has. Here's how one redditor put it: I mean sure, he probably throws a couple of bucks their way from time to time, just to keep up appearances. But to say that he donates large sums to NAMBLA? That seems a bit preposterous. Clearly, while a lot of very smart people are saying this - and we have all been reading this everywhere - we still need to hold this sub to a high standard. So new rule:
When making a statement about Trump's ties to NAMBLA, you cannot simply allege it yourself without more. Otherwise your comment may be removed. >Any user making a future statement in this subreddit about the relationship between Trump and NAMBLA now must cite to an external source, like a cite to having heard someone saying it or whether you have actually read it somewhere (no direct link necessary). >Thank you for helping our community! Edit: If you have any photos of Trump with children, that might help make a connection so please share those photos here. What terrible shitposting.
I was working my shift at a local hospital when I went to observe a child getting stitches just below his eyebrow. I began to have tunnel vision and eventually fainted. This is not a new issue for me and I was wondering how others desensitized themselves to it. The frustrating part is that the response is only a physical reaction; this is not an emotional reaction, i.e. I have no problem watching and I am not grossed out by it, but my body can't seem to handle it. To those of you who have been in a similar position, how did you overcome it? TL;DR- Fainted watching a boy get stitches, wondering how others have gotten past this.
I was working my shift at a local hospital when I went to observe a child getting stitches just below his eyebrow. I began to have tunnel vision and eventually fainted. This is not a new issue for me and I was wondering how others desensitized themselves to it. The frustrating part is that the response is only a physical reaction; this is not an emotional reaction, i.e. I have no problem watching and I am not grossed out by it, but my body can't seem to handle it. To those of you who have been in a similar position, how did you overcome it? TL;DR- Fainted watching a boy get stitches, wondering how others have gotten past this.
I was working my shift at a local hospital when I went to observe a child getting stitches just below his eyebrow. I began to have tunnel vision and eventually fainted. This is not a new issue for me and I was wondering how others desensitized themselves to it. The frustrating part is that the response is only a physical reaction; this is not an emotional reaction, i.e. I have no problem watching and I am not grossed out by it, but my body can't seem to handle it. To those of you who have been in a similar position, how did you overcome it?
Fainted watching a boy get stitches, wondering how others have gotten past this.
So I've been chatting with an old elementary school friend, i really wanna date her, and i think she wanna date me too, but im not sure if she wanna just hang out with me like a friend, or go out on a date, she sometimes says to me "i love you" (in spanish we have like 10 different types of "love you", but the one she says to me is pretty neutral) sometimes by chat. Ive tried invite her on a date for a while but she is in a folk music band that gives a lot of concerts every weekend, so theres no so much chance to see each other, we cant date on week because school and because she lives too far away from me; the folk group plays Venezuelan Music that is called "Gaitas" and is just played in christmas, so i have more chances the next year because she will be busy in december weekends. As we are old friends from elementary school, i dont know if she looks me as a old friend or as a possible future boyfriend, i need your help to know how chat with her or how to let her know that im into her. Also some chat lines that can help with that Something about me Im pretty shy and im not that good at dating, i have a lot of girl friends, and in chat im lovely and can say what im thinking, but the poblem starts when is face to face, i just dont think fast for the things ill say, i dont get sweaty or start to talk stupid things, i just dont make things personal, i mean i dont do the "touch" that guys always recommend to do in a conversation with a girl, and kind of insecure of how she is gonna take the compliment or the touch. Ive never had a girlfriend, or kissed... but im a pretty social guy, some girls say that im good looking and stuff but nothing more happens apart from that. So thanks for the replys and thanks for reading this, i think i dont have to say that english is not my native language and this post may have some orthographic errors because my english isnt that good TL:DR I wanna date a friend from elementary school, but im in insta-friend zone, so i wanna go out from there and start dating her, also some chat lines that help me with that
So I've been chatting with an old elementary school friend, i really wanna date her, and i think she wanna date me too, but im not sure if she wanna just hang out with me like a friend, or go out on a date, she sometimes says to me "i love you" (in spanish we have like 10 different types of "love you", but the one she says to me is pretty neutral) sometimes by chat. Ive tried invite her on a date for a while but she is in a folk music band that gives a lot of concerts every weekend, so theres no so much chance to see each other, we cant date on week because school and because she lives too far away from me; the folk group plays Venezuelan Music that is called "Gaitas" and is just played in christmas, so i have more chances the next year because she will be busy in december weekends. As we are old friends from elementary school, i dont know if she looks me as a old friend or as a possible future boyfriend, i need your help to know how chat with her or how to let her know that im into her. Also some chat lines that can help with that Something about me Im pretty shy and im not that good at dating, i have a lot of girl friends, and in chat im lovely and can say what im thinking, but the poblem starts when is face to face, i just dont think fast for the things ill say, i dont get sweaty or start to talk stupid things, i just dont make things personal, i mean i dont do the "touch" that guys always recommend to do in a conversation with a girl, and kind of insecure of how she is gonna take the compliment or the touch. Ive never had a girlfriend, or kissed... but im a pretty social guy, some girls say that im good looking and stuff but nothing more happens apart from that. So thanks for the replys and thanks for reading this, i think i dont have to say that english is not my native language and this post may have some orthographic errors because my english isnt that good TL:DR I wanna date a friend from elementary school, but im in insta-friend zone, so i wanna go out from there and start dating her, also some chat lines that help me with that
So I've been chatting with an old elementary school friend, i really wanna date her, and i think she wanna date me too, but im not sure if she wanna just hang out with me like a friend, or go out on a date, she sometimes says to me "i love you" (in spanish we have like 10 different types of "love you", but the one she says to me is pretty neutral) sometimes by chat. Ive tried invite her on a date for a while but she is in a folk music band that gives a lot of concerts every weekend, so theres no so much chance to see each other, we cant date on week because school and because she lives too far away from me; the folk group plays Venezuelan Music that is called "Gaitas" and is just played in christmas, so i have more chances the next year because she will be busy in december weekends. As we are old friends from elementary school, i dont know if she looks me as a old friend or as a possible future boyfriend, i need your help to know how chat with her or how to let her know that im into her. Also some chat lines that can help with that Something about me Im pretty shy and im not that good at dating, i have a lot of girl friends, and in chat im lovely and can say what im thinking, but the poblem starts when is face to face, i just dont think fast for the things ill say, i dont get sweaty or start to talk stupid things, i just dont make things personal, i mean i dont do the "touch" that guys always recommend to do in a conversation with a girl, and kind of insecure of how she is gonna take the compliment or the touch. Ive never had a girlfriend, or kissed... but im a pretty social guy, some girls say that im good looking and stuff but nothing more happens apart from that. So thanks for the replys and thanks for reading this, i think i dont have to say that english is not my native language and this post may have some orthographic errors because my english isnt that good
I wanna date a friend from elementary school, but im in insta-friend zone, so i wanna go out from there and start dating her, also some chat lines that help me with that
April - My unstable friend was doing drugs regularly and dating an abusive drug dealer. May - I convince her to move in with me to get away from the drugs and the boyfriend. June - I talk her in to taking this job (and monthly convince her to keep it) that will start paying her 70,000 a year once she's finished her first 2 years with them (training/experience) July - I start to realize that she doesn't know how to cook, never cleans, and only ever likes talking about how crappy her life is. I put up with it because her life is straightening out and she doesn't need extra stress August - She starts going out and doing coke with friends Monday - She tells me she does coke and doesn't drink and tries convincing me that cocaine is better for you, and it's safe for her to do every weekend. I listen, try reminding her what it does do to your body, and she just talks through it, and then says she's going to take some nyquil to go to sleep (as she's been doing for the past week or 2) Thursday - She tells me that she is going to get some adderral to deal with stress at work. Here is our conversation: R "I think I'm going to get some adderral to deal with work" C "R, I think you're doing too many drugs" R "OMG C, I don't even go out and party you don't know what you are talking about" C "Ok" I then left for work. Following is the text message she sent me in response "Just to let you know that comment was the rudest, bitchiest, most judgemental comment coming from you. I work non fuccken stop I'm in the middle of 3 majors change overs.. My store is a 5 million dollar store so imagine the pressusue coming from 5 bosses at this ppoint for me too make this store look pefect and you say that to me. How fucken rude? A true friend would be there supporting I don't even go out at all I work work work and fucken more work. And you sit there and say that. I'm so disapointed in you as my friend for judging that I don't even know what to think anymore. Like thanks for that really that's exactly the judgement comment I needed at this time of high pressure and stress from my career. Thanks C.. I cried all the way to work and now I'm cryinf in the bathroom. I am having a mental breakdown and that set it off.. I was allmost out of freakin out and now I'm a mess and I don't have time to be this sttressed because I have all my work has to get down by saturday. Just awesome. Please before yyou say shit think" Some little extra info: She has a mental breakdown pretty much daily. I hug her while she cries almost every night. Her career is visual merchandising a single location of sportchek. I've been cooking and cleaning for her since she moved in, walking on eggshells because I know how sensitive she is, sacrificed my private space to give her a safe place to live. I listen to her bitch about everything in her life for hours a day. She is now also saying she moved in with me to help me with money. In reality, I have had enough money to pay rent on my own every month and have just been using her rent money to go out for dinner :P I finally said we nee to discuss living arrangements for November, she freaked out more and said I am just like this guy from my life that abused me, and she is leaving today I am not helping people in this way again What is it with some people?? No joke this is the 2nd time something like this has happened tl;dr// Moved room mate out here to get her away from drugs, she starts using drugs, I comment on it, she flips out that I am a horrible unsupportive friend and her moving in with me to help me with money? was a waste of her time and she's moving out Ask me anything I guess, or feel free to share your horror stories of WTF people
April - My unstable friend was doing drugs regularly and dating an abusive drug dealer. May - I convince her to move in with me to get away from the drugs and the boyfriend. June - I talk her in to taking this job (and monthly convince her to keep it) that will start paying her 70,000 a year once she's finished her first 2 years with them (training/experience) July - I start to realize that she doesn't know how to cook, never cleans, and only ever likes talking about how crappy her life is. I put up with it because her life is straightening out and she doesn't need extra stress August - She starts going out and doing coke with friends Monday - She tells me she does coke and doesn't drink and tries convincing me that cocaine is better for you, and it's safe for her to do every weekend. I listen, try reminding her what it does do to your body, and she just talks through it, and then says she's going to take some nyquil to go to sleep (as she's been doing for the past week or 2) Thursday - She tells me that she is going to get some adderral to deal with stress at work. Here is our conversation: R "I think I'm going to get some adderral to deal with work" C "R, I think you're doing too many drugs" R "OMG C, I don't even go out and party you don't know what you are talking about" C "Ok" I then left for work. Following is the text message she sent me in response "Just to let you know that comment was the rudest, bitchiest, most judgemental comment coming from you. I work non fuccken stop I'm in the middle of 3 majors change overs.. My store is a 5 million dollar store so imagine the pressusue coming from 5 bosses at this ppoint for me too make this store look pefect and you say that to me. How fucken rude? A true friend would be there supporting I don't even go out at all I work work work and fucken more work. And you sit there and say that. I'm so disapointed in you as my friend for judging that I don't even know what to think anymore. Like thanks for that really that's exactly the judgement comment I needed at this time of high pressure and stress from my career. Thanks C.. I cried all the way to work and now I'm cryinf in the bathroom. I am having a mental breakdown and that set it off.. I was allmost out of freakin out and now I'm a mess and I don't have time to be this sttressed because I have all my work has to get down by saturday. Just awesome. Please before yyou say shit think" Some little extra info: She has a mental breakdown pretty much daily. I hug her while she cries almost every night. Her career is visual merchandising a single location of sportchek. I've been cooking and cleaning for her since she moved in, walking on eggshells because I know how sensitive she is, sacrificed my private space to give her a safe place to live. I listen to her bitch about everything in her life for hours a day. She is now also saying she moved in with me to help me with money. In reality, I have had enough money to pay rent on my own every month and have just been using her rent money to go out for dinner :P I finally said we nee to discuss living arrangements for November, she freaked out more and said I am just like this guy from my life that abused me, and she is leaving today I am not helping people in this way again What is it with some people?? No joke this is the 2nd time something like this has happened tl;dr// Moved room mate out here to get her away from drugs, she starts using drugs, I comment on it, she flips out that I am a horrible unsupportive friend and her moving in with me to help me with money? was a waste of her time and she's moving out Ask me anything I guess, or feel free to share your horror stories of WTF people
April - My unstable friend was doing drugs regularly and dating an abusive drug dealer. May - I convince her to move in with me to get away from the drugs and the boyfriend. June - I talk her in to taking this job (and monthly convince her to keep it) that will start paying her 70,000 a year once she's finished her first 2 years with them (training/experience) July - I start to realize that she doesn't know how to cook, never cleans, and only ever likes talking about how crappy her life is. I put up with it because her life is straightening out and she doesn't need extra stress August - She starts going out and doing coke with friends Monday - She tells me she does coke and doesn't drink and tries convincing me that cocaine is better for you, and it's safe for her to do every weekend. I listen, try reminding her what it does do to your body, and she just talks through it, and then says she's going to take some nyquil to go to sleep (as she's been doing for the past week or 2) Thursday - She tells me that she is going to get some adderral to deal with stress at work. Here is our conversation: R "I think I'm going to get some adderral to deal with work" C "R, I think you're doing too many drugs" R "OMG C, I don't even go out and party you don't know what you are talking about" C "Ok" I then left for work. Following is the text message she sent me in response "Just to let you know that comment was the rudest, bitchiest, most judgemental comment coming from you. I work non fuccken stop I'm in the middle of 3 majors change overs.. My store is a 5 million dollar store so imagine the pressusue coming from 5 bosses at this ppoint for me too make this store look pefect and you say that to me. How fucken rude? A true friend would be there supporting I don't even go out at all I work work work and fucken more work. And you sit there and say that. I'm so disapointed in you as my friend for judging that I don't even know what to think anymore. Like thanks for that really that's exactly the judgement comment I needed at this time of high pressure and stress from my career. Thanks C.. I cried all the way to work and now I'm cryinf in the bathroom. I am having a mental breakdown and that set it off.. I was allmost out of freakin out and now I'm a mess and I don't have time to be this sttressed because I have all my work has to get down by saturday. Just awesome. Please before yyou say shit think" Some little extra info: She has a mental breakdown pretty much daily. I hug her while she cries almost every night. Her career is visual merchandising a single location of sportchek. I've been cooking and cleaning for her since she moved in, walking on eggshells because I know how sensitive she is, sacrificed my private space to give her a safe place to live. I listen to her bitch about everything in her life for hours a day. She is now also saying she moved in with me to help me with money. In reality, I have had enough money to pay rent on my own every month and have just been using her rent money to go out for dinner :P I finally said we nee to discuss living arrangements for November, she freaked out more and said I am just like this guy from my life that abused me, and she is leaving today I am not helping people in this way again What is it with some people?? No joke this is the 2nd time something like this has happened
Moved room mate out here to get her away from drugs, she starts using drugs, I comment on it, she flips out that I am a horrible unsupportive friend and her moving in with me to help me with money? was a waste of her time and she's moving out Ask me anything I guess, or feel free to share your horror stories of WTF people
I feel like it's getting abused.I think when people report people , they always use this option because it's the option you notice the most. I often get reported after winning a game , while saying not a word in the game , and see the infamous don't rage message. I even got a restriction. I'm not sure if you get punished automatically or not , but if that's the case we should look into it. TL;DR : Report for Verbal Harassment option abused?
I feel like it's getting abused.I think when people report people , they always use this option because it's the option you notice the most. I often get reported after winning a game , while saying not a word in the game , and see the infamous don't rage message. I even got a restriction. I'm not sure if you get punished automatically or not , but if that's the case we should look into it. TL;DR : Report for Verbal Harassment option abused?
I feel like it's getting abused.I think when people report people , they always use this option because it's the option you notice the most. I often get reported after winning a game , while saying not a word in the game , and see the infamous don't rage message. I even got a restriction. I'm not sure if you get punished automatically or not , but if that's the case we should look into it.
Report for Verbal Harassment option abused?
I'm currently 15, about 5'6'', and I weight close to 210. (it goes from 205-213) I want to be a "healthy weight". A lot of people say I shouldn't diet since I'm so young. I just feel horrible about myself. I put my swimsuit on the other day and was absolutely repulsed, even though it was a tankini. I've been meaning to lose weight. I have lost about 7-10lbs. I started out at about 220lbs. I went on a 1200 calorie diet and I feel it didn't do much. I also am currently in kickboxing and it's twice a week. So, I was wondering what is the best way to boost weightloss or just lose it in general. I've heard a bit about keto and I'd like someone to break it down for me and tell me if it works. TL;DR I weight 210lbs and want to be 150lbs. What's the best approach? EDIT: I already dropped soda a long time ago. I drink almost only water and occasionally fruit juice.
I'm currently 15, about 5'6'', and I weight close to 210. (it goes from 205-213) I want to be a "healthy weight". A lot of people say I shouldn't diet since I'm so young. I just feel horrible about myself. I put my swimsuit on the other day and was absolutely repulsed, even though it was a tankini. I've been meaning to lose weight. I have lost about 7-10lbs. I started out at about 220lbs. I went on a 1200 calorie diet and I feel it didn't do much. I also am currently in kickboxing and it's twice a week. So, I was wondering what is the best way to boost weightloss or just lose it in general. I've heard a bit about keto and I'd like someone to break it down for me and tell me if it works. TL;DR I weight 210lbs and want to be 150lbs. What's the best approach? EDIT: I already dropped soda a long time ago. I drink almost only water and occasionally fruit juice.
I'm currently 15, about 5'6'', and I weight close to 210. (it goes from 205-213) I want to be a "healthy weight". A lot of people say I shouldn't diet since I'm so young. I just feel horrible about myself. I put my swimsuit on the other day and was absolutely repulsed, even though it was a tankini. I've been meaning to lose weight. I have lost about 7-10lbs. I started out at about 220lbs. I went on a 1200 calorie diet and I feel it didn't do much. I also am currently in kickboxing and it's twice a week. So, I was wondering what is the best way to boost weightloss or just lose it in general. I've heard a bit about keto and I'd like someone to break it down for me and tell me if it works.
I weight 210lbs and want to be 150lbs. What's the best approach? EDIT: I already dropped soda a long time ago. I drink almost only water and occasionally fruit juice.
Someone asked about picking a mid-lane champ and I talked about akali here (mid akali main). There are a few pointers as well if you are interested in as well TL:DR Imo, I would always get soulstealer &amp; sword of the occult if I know I can instantly kill my lane buddy everytime I show up to lane
Someone asked about picking a mid-lane champ and I talked about akali here (mid akali main). There are a few pointers as well if you are interested in as well TL:DR Imo, I would always get soulstealer & sword of the occult if I know I can instantly kill my lane buddy everytime I show up to lane
Someone asked about picking a mid-lane champ and I talked about akali here (mid akali main). There are a few pointers as well if you are interested in as well
Imo, I would always get soulstealer & sword of the occult if I know I can instantly kill my lane buddy everytime I show up to lane
I am sorry I didn't just cut the image out, i do not have photo manipulation software so i couldn't protect the identity of the people involved. **Nina**: I encounter this crap everywhere I go, and I'm sure you do too. I can't even be at work without some random man harassing me because it makes him feel more powerful. And it's even more disgusting because they know if I express being uncomfortable in any way, or get pissed off, I'd get disciplined in some way by the people I work with. You even get it from coworkers. "Smile, smile!" When a man tells me to smile I want to clock 'em in the face. A man would never tell another man that unless it was some legitimate bro love. They do it as a form of control, and because they think we should always be smiley and attractive because apparently we have nothing important enough going on in our heads that would make us feel otherwise. I'm going on a rant right now because this is the first post I've seen about sexism in a long time, so respect. Your post gets seriously trolled though, of course, because these guys can't even begin to take it seriously. 19 hours ago **REMEREZ**(me) anybody who generalizes their personal problems by blaming an entire gender only shows ignorance and bias. Its not about male and female its about masculine and feminine, their are masculine women and feminine men. Taking a stance like this is loaded because a man who is not sexist can take offense to being labeled as so and when he states his opinion which is his right he is only labeled more of a chauvinist. also 30% of all the underground sex slavery is men. look it up 16 hours ago **Alia**: Remerez, your response doesn't make sense because it discounts Nina's personal experience. You can't attack a personal experience with a general argument and expect to be taken seriously. The only the proof that you're offering is no proof. Your argument rests on unsubtantiated assertions only. 12 hours ago **Remerez**: dafaq? i'm not discounting her, i didn't tell her no you're wrong i only I am just saying she is taking it to a unjust conclusion. maybe the person is being a jerk because they are jerks not because they are men 12 hours ago **Jesse**: Ninas response condemns all men based on the actions of a few. I made a joke, I'm a sexist now too. Btw, at my last job, women constantly told me what they thought of my looks. Are they now all sexist too, or is it still men only? 12 hours ago via Mobile **Alia**: Remerez, Nina's argument is not yours in parallel, so don't treat it as such. Hers comes from true experience, and from part of the country I'm not sure you're familiar with, but she was not trying to say her experience was every woman's plight. Jesse, being honest about the attractiveness of the opposite gender in the workplace is a far cry from being subject to discipline when you refuse to conform with the perceptions of your co-workers. To suggest otherwise is disingenuous. 12 hours ago **Remerez**: I think you need to take a step off that soapbox. do you not think i haven't seen sexism in my life directed towards me or other men and women? Do you honestly think i just walk around without a problem. i am a white male, i'm one of the most hated groups of people in the world, and not because of anything i have done, i am guilty by proxy. I have had my fair share of abuse, i have had plenty of women come at me with ignorance and arrogance but i never once thought they where that way because they were women, to me they were ignorant because they where raised wrong or just looking for a fight. i honestly think you have a confirmation bias which is why you are clearly only hearing what you want to hear. 11 hours ago **Remerez**: Do you honestly think that i believe men are better then women? lets get this straight right now. BOTH GENDERS ARE EQUAL! both sides face double standards and injustice driven towards their gender. I choose to bring to light a lot of things about male rights simply because that stuff surrounds me and I can tackle it head on. I am not a white knight, I believe women are strong enough to take care of themselves. i find it disgusting that because i fight for gender equality from the angle of mens rights i am now the enemy of feminists. 10 hours ago **Jesse**: I thought women were equal until this conversation. 10 hours ago **Remerez**: you're not helping 9 hours ago **Jesse**: I never tried. I think the important thing to remember here is that there are MORE THAN TWO GENDERS. WOW, talk about sexism. 9 hours ago · **Nina**: Not once did I say "all men" or anything like that. Like Alia said, I'm just talking about my own personal experiences and how often they happen to me. Sexism towards woman does not happen from only men, but other woman as well. I've read psychology books and studies that say it's really common for girls in school to be subject to sexism by another female teacher. Think about it- I'm sure you remember all those male class clowns that would constantly talk or whatever and it was just seen as being silly and cute, wish a little hush every once in a while. A lot of times if a girl would talk to much, it was just disruptive. It seems that girls in general, at least in this part of this country, are raised to be agreeable and kind even if they feel otherwise. It seems like when women start to speak out, they better have something reaaally damn good to say or it won't be heard as loud as it would coming from a man. And this, of course, is all generally speaking. And these are the general personal experiences that I have had in my 19 years. First memory I had of some man whistling at me and whatnot was probably from when I was about 7 or 8 years old. Obviously that's messed up and most men wouldn't do that to a girl that young, but why do you think men do that in general to girls of all ages? It's a cowardly way of showing power. What is a girl gonna do to them if they're offended? Kick their ass? That would be nice, but that's pretty unlikely considering the physical differences. It seems like however we came to be as humans, whether it be through God or science or whatever, that there was supposed to be these vast differences in gender for us to survive and thrive, but at some point we all need to realize that it doesn't need to be that way socially. Unfortunately though, our children watch commericals from whatever company- Bud Weiser, Hardey's, ANYTHING, and our media teaches both genders that woman are objects. That is a fact that anyone that owns a television cannot deny. 9 hours ago **Jesse**: Orangutans rape to reproduce. Thats a weird fact, and should never be used as a pickup line. 9 hours ago **Nina**: I'll try not to use that one next time I try to get a date. 9 hours ago · Like **Remerez**: You are assuming a lot Nina. I was the class clown all throughout elementary and middle school, i can't even tell you how many times I was told to shut up and sit down or sent out of the classroom and given a ear full from the teacher or sent to the principal. I even remember in 2 grade i was sent to the office because a group of girls told my teacher i cursed when i didn't. I tried to explain that i didn't curse at all but nobody would believe me and I got sent home and had to apologize the next day to my class with 4 girls smirking and laughing at me. why do you think a women is heard less then a man? what about Margaret thatcher or Janet Reno or Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama or Oprah Winfrey, All great women that made HUGE change in this world. if it is harder for women to get their voice heard why does the view exist and the male version lasted maybe a season? Why are their women's centers but never a place for men to openly express their feelings without being considered weak? Physical difference doesn't matter anymore, you want an equalizer, get a gun and wear it on your hip. Cat calling is around and it is lame and disrespectful, i won't deny it and you have the right to get angry but you do not have the right to assume all men are capable of this, some of us where taught to respect women and see then as your equals. I love my mom and she taught me a lot. You have to understand how advertising works. Half of the job of an advertiser is to make the viewer feel terrible about their lives " Does your breathe stink?" " have you too many wrinkles" " does nobody likes likes you because you don't BLANK" etc. the second half is to tell the person their lives would be better with said product. Advertising objectifies both genders because it sells products. the difference is women are sold on improvement of life and self while men are sold on empowerment. 9 hours ago **Jesse**: I can answer the part about the male version of the View. Women are sexist and don't want to watch an all male version, and they are the only ones at home when its on because the menfolk are out at work making the money. Also, and this isn't a joke, studies show men are better at aiming and accuracy than women according to studies. So there goes guns being the great equalizer. Men are stronger and better at aiming guns for when we finally fight to the death! 9 hours ago **Remerez**: I don't think the study of men being more accurate is true, anyways it would depend on the individual really. Just look at the American and other countries Olympic rifle teams or the women russian snipers in ww2 that where the same or better then the men **Jesse**: Men invented guns. /thread 8 hours ago **Alia**: hey, you should probably step off of that soapbox. 6 hours ago **Remerez**: is this a competition to you? TL:DR: Trying challenge and debunk sexist view by a feminist is hard work.
I am sorry I didn't just cut the image out, i do not have photo manipulation software so i couldn't protect the identity of the people involved. Nina : I encounter this crap everywhere I go, and I'm sure you do too. I can't even be at work without some random man harassing me because it makes him feel more powerful. And it's even more disgusting because they know if I express being uncomfortable in any way, or get pissed off, I'd get disciplined in some way by the people I work with. You even get it from coworkers. "Smile, smile!" When a man tells me to smile I want to clock 'em in the face. A man would never tell another man that unless it was some legitimate bro love. They do it as a form of control, and because they think we should always be smiley and attractive because apparently we have nothing important enough going on in our heads that would make us feel otherwise. I'm going on a rant right now because this is the first post I've seen about sexism in a long time, so respect. Your post gets seriously trolled though, of course, because these guys can't even begin to take it seriously. 19 hours ago REMEREZ (me) anybody who generalizes their personal problems by blaming an entire gender only shows ignorance and bias. Its not about male and female its about masculine and feminine, their are masculine women and feminine men. Taking a stance like this is loaded because a man who is not sexist can take offense to being labeled as so and when he states his opinion which is his right he is only labeled more of a chauvinist. also 30% of all the underground sex slavery is men. look it up 16 hours ago Alia : Remerez, your response doesn't make sense because it discounts Nina's personal experience. You can't attack a personal experience with a general argument and expect to be taken seriously. The only the proof that you're offering is no proof. Your argument rests on unsubtantiated assertions only. 12 hours ago Remerez : dafaq? i'm not discounting her, i didn't tell her no you're wrong i only I am just saying she is taking it to a unjust conclusion. maybe the person is being a jerk because they are jerks not because they are men 12 hours ago Jesse : Ninas response condemns all men based on the actions of a few. I made a joke, I'm a sexist now too. Btw, at my last job, women constantly told me what they thought of my looks. Are they now all sexist too, or is it still men only? 12 hours ago via Mobile Alia : Remerez, Nina's argument is not yours in parallel, so don't treat it as such. Hers comes from true experience, and from part of the country I'm not sure you're familiar with, but she was not trying to say her experience was every woman's plight. Jesse, being honest about the attractiveness of the opposite gender in the workplace is a far cry from being subject to discipline when you refuse to conform with the perceptions of your co-workers. To suggest otherwise is disingenuous. 12 hours ago Remerez : I think you need to take a step off that soapbox. do you not think i haven't seen sexism in my life directed towards me or other men and women? Do you honestly think i just walk around without a problem. i am a white male, i'm one of the most hated groups of people in the world, and not because of anything i have done, i am guilty by proxy. I have had my fair share of abuse, i have had plenty of women come at me with ignorance and arrogance but i never once thought they where that way because they were women, to me they were ignorant because they where raised wrong or just looking for a fight. i honestly think you have a confirmation bias which is why you are clearly only hearing what you want to hear. 11 hours ago Remerez : Do you honestly think that i believe men are better then women? lets get this straight right now. BOTH GENDERS ARE EQUAL! both sides face double standards and injustice driven towards their gender. I choose to bring to light a lot of things about male rights simply because that stuff surrounds me and I can tackle it head on. I am not a white knight, I believe women are strong enough to take care of themselves. i find it disgusting that because i fight for gender equality from the angle of mens rights i am now the enemy of feminists. 10 hours ago Jesse : I thought women were equal until this conversation. 10 hours ago Remerez : you're not helping 9 hours ago Jesse : I never tried. I think the important thing to remember here is that there are MORE THAN TWO GENDERS. WOW, talk about sexism. 9 hours ago · Nina : Not once did I say "all men" or anything like that. Like Alia said, I'm just talking about my own personal experiences and how often they happen to me. Sexism towards woman does not happen from only men, but other woman as well. I've read psychology books and studies that say it's really common for girls in school to be subject to sexism by another female teacher. Think about it- I'm sure you remember all those male class clowns that would constantly talk or whatever and it was just seen as being silly and cute, wish a little hush every once in a while. A lot of times if a girl would talk to much, it was just disruptive. It seems that girls in general, at least in this part of this country, are raised to be agreeable and kind even if they feel otherwise. It seems like when women start to speak out, they better have something reaaally damn good to say or it won't be heard as loud as it would coming from a man. And this, of course, is all generally speaking. And these are the general personal experiences that I have had in my 19 years. First memory I had of some man whistling at me and whatnot was probably from when I was about 7 or 8 years old. Obviously that's messed up and most men wouldn't do that to a girl that young, but why do you think men do that in general to girls of all ages? It's a cowardly way of showing power. What is a girl gonna do to them if they're offended? Kick their ass? That would be nice, but that's pretty unlikely considering the physical differences. It seems like however we came to be as humans, whether it be through God or science or whatever, that there was supposed to be these vast differences in gender for us to survive and thrive, but at some point we all need to realize that it doesn't need to be that way socially. Unfortunately though, our children watch commericals from whatever company- Bud Weiser, Hardey's, ANYTHING, and our media teaches both genders that woman are objects. That is a fact that anyone that owns a television cannot deny. 9 hours ago Jesse : Orangutans rape to reproduce. Thats a weird fact, and should never be used as a pickup line. 9 hours ago Nina : I'll try not to use that one next time I try to get a date. 9 hours ago · Like Remerez : You are assuming a lot Nina. I was the class clown all throughout elementary and middle school, i can't even tell you how many times I was told to shut up and sit down or sent out of the classroom and given a ear full from the teacher or sent to the principal. I even remember in 2 grade i was sent to the office because a group of girls told my teacher i cursed when i didn't. I tried to explain that i didn't curse at all but nobody would believe me and I got sent home and had to apologize the next day to my class with 4 girls smirking and laughing at me. why do you think a women is heard less then a man? what about Margaret thatcher or Janet Reno or Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama or Oprah Winfrey, All great women that made HUGE change in this world. if it is harder for women to get their voice heard why does the view exist and the male version lasted maybe a season? Why are their women's centers but never a place for men to openly express their feelings without being considered weak? Physical difference doesn't matter anymore, you want an equalizer, get a gun and wear it on your hip. Cat calling is around and it is lame and disrespectful, i won't deny it and you have the right to get angry but you do not have the right to assume all men are capable of this, some of us where taught to respect women and see then as your equals. I love my mom and she taught me a lot. You have to understand how advertising works. Half of the job of an advertiser is to make the viewer feel terrible about their lives " Does your breathe stink?" " have you too many wrinkles" " does nobody likes likes you because you don't BLANK" etc. the second half is to tell the person their lives would be better with said product. Advertising objectifies both genders because it sells products. the difference is women are sold on improvement of life and self while men are sold on empowerment. 9 hours ago Jesse : I can answer the part about the male version of the View. Women are sexist and don't want to watch an all male version, and they are the only ones at home when its on because the menfolk are out at work making the money. Also, and this isn't a joke, studies show men are better at aiming and accuracy than women according to studies. So there goes guns being the great equalizer. Men are stronger and better at aiming guns for when we finally fight to the death! 9 hours ago Remerez : I don't think the study of men being more accurate is true, anyways it would depend on the individual really. Just look at the American and other countries Olympic rifle teams or the women russian snipers in ww2 that where the same or better then the men Jesse : Men invented guns. /thread 8 hours ago Alia : hey, you should probably step off of that soapbox. 6 hours ago Remerez : is this a competition to you? TL:DR: Trying challenge and debunk sexist view by a feminist is hard work.
I am sorry I didn't just cut the image out, i do not have photo manipulation software so i couldn't protect the identity of the people involved. Nina : I encounter this crap everywhere I go, and I'm sure you do too. I can't even be at work without some random man harassing me because it makes him feel more powerful. And it's even more disgusting because they know if I express being uncomfortable in any way, or get pissed off, I'd get disciplined in some way by the people I work with. You even get it from coworkers. "Smile, smile!" When a man tells me to smile I want to clock 'em in the face. A man would never tell another man that unless it was some legitimate bro love. They do it as a form of control, and because they think we should always be smiley and attractive because apparently we have nothing important enough going on in our heads that would make us feel otherwise. I'm going on a rant right now because this is the first post I've seen about sexism in a long time, so respect. Your post gets seriously trolled though, of course, because these guys can't even begin to take it seriously. 19 hours ago REMEREZ (me) anybody who generalizes their personal problems by blaming an entire gender only shows ignorance and bias. Its not about male and female its about masculine and feminine, their are masculine women and feminine men. Taking a stance like this is loaded because a man who is not sexist can take offense to being labeled as so and when he states his opinion which is his right he is only labeled more of a chauvinist. also 30% of all the underground sex slavery is men. look it up 16 hours ago Alia : Remerez, your response doesn't make sense because it discounts Nina's personal experience. You can't attack a personal experience with a general argument and expect to be taken seriously. The only the proof that you're offering is no proof. Your argument rests on unsubtantiated assertions only. 12 hours ago Remerez : dafaq? i'm not discounting her, i didn't tell her no you're wrong i only I am just saying she is taking it to a unjust conclusion. maybe the person is being a jerk because they are jerks not because they are men 12 hours ago Jesse : Ninas response condemns all men based on the actions of a few. I made a joke, I'm a sexist now too. Btw, at my last job, women constantly told me what they thought of my looks. Are they now all sexist too, or is it still men only? 12 hours ago via Mobile Alia : Remerez, Nina's argument is not yours in parallel, so don't treat it as such. Hers comes from true experience, and from part of the country I'm not sure you're familiar with, but she was not trying to say her experience was every woman's plight. Jesse, being honest about the attractiveness of the opposite gender in the workplace is a far cry from being subject to discipline when you refuse to conform with the perceptions of your co-workers. To suggest otherwise is disingenuous. 12 hours ago Remerez : I think you need to take a step off that soapbox. do you not think i haven't seen sexism in my life directed towards me or other men and women? Do you honestly think i just walk around without a problem. i am a white male, i'm one of the most hated groups of people in the world, and not because of anything i have done, i am guilty by proxy. I have had my fair share of abuse, i have had plenty of women come at me with ignorance and arrogance but i never once thought they where that way because they were women, to me they were ignorant because they where raised wrong or just looking for a fight. i honestly think you have a confirmation bias which is why you are clearly only hearing what you want to hear. 11 hours ago Remerez : Do you honestly think that i believe men are better then women? lets get this straight right now. BOTH GENDERS ARE EQUAL! both sides face double standards and injustice driven towards their gender. I choose to bring to light a lot of things about male rights simply because that stuff surrounds me and I can tackle it head on. I am not a white knight, I believe women are strong enough to take care of themselves. i find it disgusting that because i fight for gender equality from the angle of mens rights i am now the enemy of feminists. 10 hours ago Jesse : I thought women were equal until this conversation. 10 hours ago Remerez : you're not helping 9 hours ago Jesse : I never tried. I think the important thing to remember here is that there are MORE THAN TWO GENDERS. WOW, talk about sexism. 9 hours ago · Nina : Not once did I say "all men" or anything like that. Like Alia said, I'm just talking about my own personal experiences and how often they happen to me. Sexism towards woman does not happen from only men, but other woman as well. I've read psychology books and studies that say it's really common for girls in school to be subject to sexism by another female teacher. Think about it- I'm sure you remember all those male class clowns that would constantly talk or whatever and it was just seen as being silly and cute, wish a little hush every once in a while. A lot of times if a girl would talk to much, it was just disruptive. It seems that girls in general, at least in this part of this country, are raised to be agreeable and kind even if they feel otherwise. It seems like when women start to speak out, they better have something reaaally damn good to say or it won't be heard as loud as it would coming from a man. And this, of course, is all generally speaking. And these are the general personal experiences that I have had in my 19 years. First memory I had of some man whistling at me and whatnot was probably from when I was about 7 or 8 years old. Obviously that's messed up and most men wouldn't do that to a girl that young, but why do you think men do that in general to girls of all ages? It's a cowardly way of showing power. What is a girl gonna do to them if they're offended? Kick their ass? That would be nice, but that's pretty unlikely considering the physical differences. It seems like however we came to be as humans, whether it be through God or science or whatever, that there was supposed to be these vast differences in gender for us to survive and thrive, but at some point we all need to realize that it doesn't need to be that way socially. Unfortunately though, our children watch commericals from whatever company- Bud Weiser, Hardey's, ANYTHING, and our media teaches both genders that woman are objects. That is a fact that anyone that owns a television cannot deny. 9 hours ago Jesse : Orangutans rape to reproduce. Thats a weird fact, and should never be used as a pickup line. 9 hours ago Nina : I'll try not to use that one next time I try to get a date. 9 hours ago · Like Remerez : You are assuming a lot Nina. I was the class clown all throughout elementary and middle school, i can't even tell you how many times I was told to shut up and sit down or sent out of the classroom and given a ear full from the teacher or sent to the principal. I even remember in 2 grade i was sent to the office because a group of girls told my teacher i cursed when i didn't. I tried to explain that i didn't curse at all but nobody would believe me and I got sent home and had to apologize the next day to my class with 4 girls smirking and laughing at me. why do you think a women is heard less then a man? what about Margaret thatcher or Janet Reno or Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama or Oprah Winfrey, All great women that made HUGE change in this world. if it is harder for women to get their voice heard why does the view exist and the male version lasted maybe a season? Why are their women's centers but never a place for men to openly express their feelings without being considered weak? Physical difference doesn't matter anymore, you want an equalizer, get a gun and wear it on your hip. Cat calling is around and it is lame and disrespectful, i won't deny it and you have the right to get angry but you do not have the right to assume all men are capable of this, some of us where taught to respect women and see then as your equals. I love my mom and she taught me a lot. You have to understand how advertising works. Half of the job of an advertiser is to make the viewer feel terrible about their lives " Does your breathe stink?" " have you too many wrinkles" " does nobody likes likes you because you don't BLANK" etc. the second half is to tell the person their lives would be better with said product. Advertising objectifies both genders because it sells products. the difference is women are sold on improvement of life and self while men are sold on empowerment. 9 hours ago Jesse : I can answer the part about the male version of the View. Women are sexist and don't want to watch an all male version, and they are the only ones at home when its on because the menfolk are out at work making the money. Also, and this isn't a joke, studies show men are better at aiming and accuracy than women according to studies. So there goes guns being the great equalizer. Men are stronger and better at aiming guns for when we finally fight to the death! 9 hours ago Remerez : I don't think the study of men being more accurate is true, anyways it would depend on the individual really. Just look at the American and other countries Olympic rifle teams or the women russian snipers in ww2 that where the same or better then the men Jesse : Men invented guns. /thread 8 hours ago Alia : hey, you should probably step off of that soapbox. 6 hours ago Remerez : is this a competition to you?
Trying challenge and debunk sexist view by a feminist is hard work.
My parents were slightly above poor when they discovered that my mom was pregnant their senior year of high school. They were afraid that I would see being raised in the lowest end of the lower middle class. So my Dad and Mom worked their tails off to instill a work ethic in me to drive myself and do my best at all things. We had our problems from time to time, but they succeeded in giving me a burning desire to be a success. Because of them, today I am one of the evil 1%'ers and even though my mother is gone, I am able to make my dad and step mother (a wonderful women by the way) very comfortable. For all the times my dad worked three jobs while my mother raised us. For all the times during the bad economy of the 1970's when my dad was laid off several times and he went out to deliver pizza's to support us. For all the times that my mother went out and worked once me and my brother were old enough to care for ourselves. For all the time that my father cared for my mother when the MS made her completely and totally helpless and unable to care for herself........ For the example they set for me, even though they made a TON of mistakes along the way.....for their example of perserverance and dedication to family and the commitment that they showed to each other, I was able to overcome their irrational fear that I would end up where they were....slightly more than poor. For all of that, I am truly grateful. tl;dr My parents were the rock stars of parenthood!
My parents were slightly above poor when they discovered that my mom was pregnant their senior year of high school. They were afraid that I would see being raised in the lowest end of the lower middle class. So my Dad and Mom worked their tails off to instill a work ethic in me to drive myself and do my best at all things. We had our problems from time to time, but they succeeded in giving me a burning desire to be a success. Because of them, today I am one of the evil 1%'ers and even though my mother is gone, I am able to make my dad and step mother (a wonderful women by the way) very comfortable. For all the times my dad worked three jobs while my mother raised us. For all the times during the bad economy of the 1970's when my dad was laid off several times and he went out to deliver pizza's to support us. For all the times that my mother went out and worked once me and my brother were old enough to care for ourselves. For all the time that my father cared for my mother when the MS made her completely and totally helpless and unable to care for herself........ For the example they set for me, even though they made a TON of mistakes along the way.....for their example of perserverance and dedication to family and the commitment that they showed to each other, I was able to overcome their irrational fear that I would end up where they were....slightly more than poor. For all of that, I am truly grateful. tl;dr My parents were the rock stars of parenthood!
My parents were slightly above poor when they discovered that my mom was pregnant their senior year of high school. They were afraid that I would see being raised in the lowest end of the lower middle class. So my Dad and Mom worked their tails off to instill a work ethic in me to drive myself and do my best at all things. We had our problems from time to time, but they succeeded in giving me a burning desire to be a success. Because of them, today I am one of the evil 1%'ers and even though my mother is gone, I am able to make my dad and step mother (a wonderful women by the way) very comfortable. For all the times my dad worked three jobs while my mother raised us. For all the times during the bad economy of the 1970's when my dad was laid off several times and he went out to deliver pizza's to support us. For all the times that my mother went out and worked once me and my brother were old enough to care for ourselves. For all the time that my father cared for my mother when the MS made her completely and totally helpless and unable to care for herself........ For the example they set for me, even though they made a TON of mistakes along the way.....for their example of perserverance and dedication to family and the commitment that they showed to each other, I was able to overcome their irrational fear that I would end up where they were....slightly more than poor. For all of that, I am truly grateful.
My parents were the rock stars of parenthood!
What you're talking about is kink, and the golden rule of kink is RACK; **R**isk **A**ware **C**onsensual **K**ink. Being risk aware—or consenting—requires information and communication which are not happening. So... &gt; My new boyfriend (24) wants me (19 F) to call him names like, Master, Daddy, Father, etc. Some people find titles or pet names hot. It's fine, and many healthy relationships do contain that as a feature. But if you were in the kind of relationship where that would be healthy, you wouldn't be asking this question. &gt; He tells me what to do, Fine if you want a relationship where your partner does that, and have made an informed decision to adopt that relationship pattern. A few people do; most people would never do so. It doesn't sound like you have though, and that's bad. &gt; he calls me his bitch, his little slut, his little girl, Again, some people like pet names. And while those are *unusual* they're not fundamentally different than "cutesycuddles" or whatever. There is baggage and implications to calling your partner a "bitch" or a "whore", but at the end of the day it only has the meaning the two of you choose to place in it. Of course, no name is okay if it makes you uncomfortable. &gt; and he basically forces me into sexual situations through getting me to "submit". Submission is a legitimate thing. It could exist in the context of the bedroom (eg, "I like my partner to choose the positions, sex acts, and toys we during sex, as I trust him to make the choice which is best for us both"), or even in the broader context of your life. Some people, on mature reflection, choose to delegate responsibility for decisions such as when to have sex to someone else. That level of trust is a bit risky, but it's not inherently damaging; you just need tons of trust and communication. But, of course, "submission" and "force" are complete opposites. If you're submitting to him, then he's not forcing you. If he's forcing you, you're not submitting (in the context of BDSM-style submission). &gt; He says over and over that he will "Take care of me" and he does. He says sweet things. Fine but unrelated. &gt; Am I being manipulated? Not enough information to judge. If he's making you feel like you need to do things you aren't comfortable with, then absolutely. Actually submission is something you do because you enjoy it and want to do it. If you feel like you need to do sexual things so that he will "take care of you" or say sweet things, that's manipulative and abusive. &gt; What is the mentality behind a man who wishes to be called master? It means he's a person. Maybe a good person; maybe a bad person. That alone means nothing. &gt; Is it an unhealthy relationship to partake in? It sure sounds like it, yes. Agaim, nothing wrong with you calling him master, or him telling you what to do, calling you his little slut, you sexually submitting to him, etc. All of those can be features of a healthy relationship, and are in fact features of *my* relationship, which I think is very healthy and happy. What's wrong is the way you're describing how he wants things from you, and how you say he's "forcing" you. If this was healthy, you'd be saying "**I** want to call him names, have him tell me what to do, and be called dirty names. I want him to grab me and use me sexually, because that's what I enjoy most in bed, and because we've talked over our shared kinks and our limits, and I trust him to respect my consent and be the partner I want". And that would be fine; you're allowed to want these things, and many people do. Instead, this is phrased in terms of what he wants. The implication is that you do *not* want these things, and if you don't want them, they should absolutely not be forced on you. At the end of the day, I think your partner is likely immature, and has maybe read some BDSM erotica or watched some BDSM porn, but hasn't done the research to understand what BDSM truly entails. Worse, he doesn't seem to be respecting your wishes, desires, or limits, nor is he properly communicating with your or obtaining your consent. As a result, this whole thing seems dangerous and shady. TL;DR: Run.
What you're talking about is kink, and the golden rule of kink is RACK; R isk A ware C onsensual K ink. Being risk aware—or consenting—requires information and communication which are not happening. So... > My new boyfriend (24) wants me (19 F) to call him names like, Master, Daddy, Father, etc. Some people find titles or pet names hot. It's fine, and many healthy relationships do contain that as a feature. But if you were in the kind of relationship where that would be healthy, you wouldn't be asking this question. > He tells me what to do, Fine if you want a relationship where your partner does that, and have made an informed decision to adopt that relationship pattern. A few people do; most people would never do so. It doesn't sound like you have though, and that's bad. > he calls me his bitch, his little slut, his little girl, Again, some people like pet names. And while those are unusual they're not fundamentally different than "cutesycuddles" or whatever. There is baggage and implications to calling your partner a "bitch" or a "whore", but at the end of the day it only has the meaning the two of you choose to place in it. Of course, no name is okay if it makes you uncomfortable. > and he basically forces me into sexual situations through getting me to "submit". Submission is a legitimate thing. It could exist in the context of the bedroom (eg, "I like my partner to choose the positions, sex acts, and toys we during sex, as I trust him to make the choice which is best for us both"), or even in the broader context of your life. Some people, on mature reflection, choose to delegate responsibility for decisions such as when to have sex to someone else. That level of trust is a bit risky, but it's not inherently damaging; you just need tons of trust and communication. But, of course, "submission" and "force" are complete opposites. If you're submitting to him, then he's not forcing you. If he's forcing you, you're not submitting (in the context of BDSM-style submission). > He says over and over that he will "Take care of me" and he does. He says sweet things. Fine but unrelated. > Am I being manipulated? Not enough information to judge. If he's making you feel like you need to do things you aren't comfortable with, then absolutely. Actually submission is something you do because you enjoy it and want to do it. If you feel like you need to do sexual things so that he will "take care of you" or say sweet things, that's manipulative and abusive. > What is the mentality behind a man who wishes to be called master? It means he's a person. Maybe a good person; maybe a bad person. That alone means nothing. > Is it an unhealthy relationship to partake in? It sure sounds like it, yes. Agaim, nothing wrong with you calling him master, or him telling you what to do, calling you his little slut, you sexually submitting to him, etc. All of those can be features of a healthy relationship, and are in fact features of my relationship, which I think is very healthy and happy. What's wrong is the way you're describing how he wants things from you, and how you say he's "forcing" you. If this was healthy, you'd be saying " I want to call him names, have him tell me what to do, and be called dirty names. I want him to grab me and use me sexually, because that's what I enjoy most in bed, and because we've talked over our shared kinks and our limits, and I trust him to respect my consent and be the partner I want". And that would be fine; you're allowed to want these things, and many people do. Instead, this is phrased in terms of what he wants. The implication is that you do not want these things, and if you don't want them, they should absolutely not be forced on you. At the end of the day, I think your partner is likely immature, and has maybe read some BDSM erotica or watched some BDSM porn, but hasn't done the research to understand what BDSM truly entails. Worse, he doesn't seem to be respecting your wishes, desires, or limits, nor is he properly communicating with your or obtaining your consent. As a result, this whole thing seems dangerous and shady. TL;DR: Run.
What you're talking about is kink, and the golden rule of kink is RACK; R isk A ware C onsensual K ink. Being risk aware—or consenting—requires information and communication which are not happening. So... > My new boyfriend (24) wants me (19 F) to call him names like, Master, Daddy, Father, etc. Some people find titles or pet names hot. It's fine, and many healthy relationships do contain that as a feature. But if you were in the kind of relationship where that would be healthy, you wouldn't be asking this question. > He tells me what to do, Fine if you want a relationship where your partner does that, and have made an informed decision to adopt that relationship pattern. A few people do; most people would never do so. It doesn't sound like you have though, and that's bad. > he calls me his bitch, his little slut, his little girl, Again, some people like pet names. And while those are unusual they're not fundamentally different than "cutesycuddles" or whatever. There is baggage and implications to calling your partner a "bitch" or a "whore", but at the end of the day it only has the meaning the two of you choose to place in it. Of course, no name is okay if it makes you uncomfortable. > and he basically forces me into sexual situations through getting me to "submit". Submission is a legitimate thing. It could exist in the context of the bedroom (eg, "I like my partner to choose the positions, sex acts, and toys we during sex, as I trust him to make the choice which is best for us both"), or even in the broader context of your life. Some people, on mature reflection, choose to delegate responsibility for decisions such as when to have sex to someone else. That level of trust is a bit risky, but it's not inherently damaging; you just need tons of trust and communication. But, of course, "submission" and "force" are complete opposites. If you're submitting to him, then he's not forcing you. If he's forcing you, you're not submitting (in the context of BDSM-style submission). > He says over and over that he will "Take care of me" and he does. He says sweet things. Fine but unrelated. > Am I being manipulated? Not enough information to judge. If he's making you feel like you need to do things you aren't comfortable with, then absolutely. Actually submission is something you do because you enjoy it and want to do it. If you feel like you need to do sexual things so that he will "take care of you" or say sweet things, that's manipulative and abusive. > What is the mentality behind a man who wishes to be called master? It means he's a person. Maybe a good person; maybe a bad person. That alone means nothing. > Is it an unhealthy relationship to partake in? It sure sounds like it, yes. Agaim, nothing wrong with you calling him master, or him telling you what to do, calling you his little slut, you sexually submitting to him, etc. All of those can be features of a healthy relationship, and are in fact features of my relationship, which I think is very healthy and happy. What's wrong is the way you're describing how he wants things from you, and how you say he's "forcing" you. If this was healthy, you'd be saying " I want to call him names, have him tell me what to do, and be called dirty names. I want him to grab me and use me sexually, because that's what I enjoy most in bed, and because we've talked over our shared kinks and our limits, and I trust him to respect my consent and be the partner I want". And that would be fine; you're allowed to want these things, and many people do. Instead, this is phrased in terms of what he wants. The implication is that you do not want these things, and if you don't want them, they should absolutely not be forced on you. At the end of the day, I think your partner is likely immature, and has maybe read some BDSM erotica or watched some BDSM porn, but hasn't done the research to understand what BDSM truly entails. Worse, he doesn't seem to be respecting your wishes, desires, or limits, nor is he properly communicating with your or obtaining your consent. As a result, this whole thing seems dangerous and shady.
So I'm here. Watching "The Dark Side of Oz". For those of you who don't know what that is, get high and google video search it. It's unbelievable. But anyway. I'm watching it, and being a film major, I appreciate all these little quirks about filmmaking. but I'm sitting here watching the movie, and I watch the transition into color, when Dorothy walks out of her house into Munchkinland. And all I could think was.... wow, what an amazing way to enter a world of color, how amazing that that was as an unused technique back then. And I thought, imagine if that smooth, perfect switch was the world's first glimpse of color film? How amazing would it be to see the film in the way you know it, in just black and white, then suddenly it becomes entirely filled with color? It would be mind-blowing. People would faint, people would have walked out of the theater in disbelief, anger, shock, happiness, fright- every emotion possible. Rather than the entire movie being in color, the suspense would just be built up to see it. Or they could not have not even told people what was coming, and it could have just been a huge surprise for every who watched it. JUST IMAGINE THAT. tl/dr: Basically what the title says. And a few more ways to look at it from a film majors perspective
So I'm here. Watching "The Dark Side of Oz". For those of you who don't know what that is, get high and google video search it. It's unbelievable. But anyway. I'm watching it, and being a film major, I appreciate all these little quirks about filmmaking. but I'm sitting here watching the movie, and I watch the transition into color, when Dorothy walks out of her house into Munchkinland. And all I could think was.... wow, what an amazing way to enter a world of color, how amazing that that was as an unused technique back then. And I thought, imagine if that smooth, perfect switch was the world's first glimpse of color film? How amazing would it be to see the film in the way you know it, in just black and white, then suddenly it becomes entirely filled with color? It would be mind-blowing. People would faint, people would have walked out of the theater in disbelief, anger, shock, happiness, fright- every emotion possible. Rather than the entire movie being in color, the suspense would just be built up to see it. Or they could not have not even told people what was coming, and it could have just been a huge surprise for every who watched it. JUST IMAGINE THAT. tl/dr: Basically what the title says. And a few more ways to look at it from a film majors perspective
So I'm here. Watching "The Dark Side of Oz". For those of you who don't know what that is, get high and google video search it. It's unbelievable. But anyway. I'm watching it, and being a film major, I appreciate all these little quirks about filmmaking. but I'm sitting here watching the movie, and I watch the transition into color, when Dorothy walks out of her house into Munchkinland. And all I could think was.... wow, what an amazing way to enter a world of color, how amazing that that was as an unused technique back then. And I thought, imagine if that smooth, perfect switch was the world's first glimpse of color film? How amazing would it be to see the film in the way you know it, in just black and white, then suddenly it becomes entirely filled with color? It would be mind-blowing. People would faint, people would have walked out of the theater in disbelief, anger, shock, happiness, fright- every emotion possible. Rather than the entire movie being in color, the suspense would just be built up to see it. Or they could not have not even told people what was coming, and it could have just been a huge surprise for every who watched it. JUST IMAGINE THAT.
Basically what the title says. And a few more ways to look at it from a film majors perspective
I took my buddy out disc golfing, his first time ever. Like, literally, his first time ever throwing a disc. We play 17 holes by which point he's had a handful of good shots scattered among a bunch of shanks and ugly throws. So by this point I think he's had some fun but is mostly just frustrated. The tee-pad for hole 18 is right in front of a very large downed tree which has become universally known as the main safety meeting spot for the course. There were about ten dudes and a couple of chicks chilling there watching us throw the last hole. Obviously, my buddy is BOB (last to throw), with me going first. I have a great first shot and base the pin. I hear a couple of "nice shots" from the smoke gallery. My buddy steps up - I can tell he is nervous with people watching - and he rips the best shot he has had all day... I forgot to mention that this is a hole that is almost impossible to ace. It has an extremely low ceiling as well as a cliff past the pin. ...Anyway, his shot is looking perfect. You can hear people behind us: "Get there, get there!" "Get in! Get in!" Then, CHING! He splashes the chains for his first ace ever. Everyone saw it, all 15 of us, and started jumping around like crazed monkeys, whooping and yelling. Needless to say, my buddy became addicted to the sport right then and there. He now plays all the time but has yet to get another ace. tl;dr: My buddy got an ace on hole 18 of his first round ever with 15 people there to witness it.
I took my buddy out disc golfing, his first time ever. Like, literally, his first time ever throwing a disc. We play 17 holes by which point he's had a handful of good shots scattered among a bunch of shanks and ugly throws. So by this point I think he's had some fun but is mostly just frustrated. The tee-pad for hole 18 is right in front of a very large downed tree which has become universally known as the main safety meeting spot for the course. There were about ten dudes and a couple of chicks chilling there watching us throw the last hole. Obviously, my buddy is BOB (last to throw), with me going first. I have a great first shot and base the pin. I hear a couple of "nice shots" from the smoke gallery. My buddy steps up - I can tell he is nervous with people watching - and he rips the best shot he has had all day... I forgot to mention that this is a hole that is almost impossible to ace. It has an extremely low ceiling as well as a cliff past the pin. ...Anyway, his shot is looking perfect. You can hear people behind us: "Get there, get there!" "Get in! Get in!" Then, CHING! He splashes the chains for his first ace ever. Everyone saw it, all 15 of us, and started jumping around like crazed monkeys, whooping and yelling. Needless to say, my buddy became addicted to the sport right then and there. He now plays all the time but has yet to get another ace. tl;dr: My buddy got an ace on hole 18 of his first round ever with 15 people there to witness it.
I took my buddy out disc golfing, his first time ever. Like, literally, his first time ever throwing a disc. We play 17 holes by which point he's had a handful of good shots scattered among a bunch of shanks and ugly throws. So by this point I think he's had some fun but is mostly just frustrated. The tee-pad for hole 18 is right in front of a very large downed tree which has become universally known as the main safety meeting spot for the course. There were about ten dudes and a couple of chicks chilling there watching us throw the last hole. Obviously, my buddy is BOB (last to throw), with me going first. I have a great first shot and base the pin. I hear a couple of "nice shots" from the smoke gallery. My buddy steps up - I can tell he is nervous with people watching - and he rips the best shot he has had all day... I forgot to mention that this is a hole that is almost impossible to ace. It has an extremely low ceiling as well as a cliff past the pin. ...Anyway, his shot is looking perfect. You can hear people behind us: "Get there, get there!" "Get in! Get in!" Then, CHING! He splashes the chains for his first ace ever. Everyone saw it, all 15 of us, and started jumping around like crazed monkeys, whooping and yelling. Needless to say, my buddy became addicted to the sport right then and there. He now plays all the time but has yet to get another ace.
My buddy got an ace on hole 18 of his first round ever with 15 people there to witness it.
Guy in my class that I don't know walked out of a guest lecture because he "didn't have to put up with that Republican bullshit. That's not what [he] pays to listen to in college!" I told him that I don't agree with half of the liberal professors I've had since being in college, but I would never disrespect someone by purposely making a scene with slamming my book down and huffing as I walked out of a class loudly muttering about what an asshole the lecturer is. He began to talk about how higher education is supposed to be liberally skewed to teach people the right way to think. I told him he was an idiot. He blew up. TL;DR: I, a politically moderate individual, told someone he was an asshole for not having an open mind in a law school course, then got yelled at.
Guy in my class that I don't know walked out of a guest lecture because he "didn't have to put up with that Republican bullshit. That's not what [he] pays to listen to in college!" I told him that I don't agree with half of the liberal professors I've had since being in college, but I would never disrespect someone by purposely making a scene with slamming my book down and huffing as I walked out of a class loudly muttering about what an asshole the lecturer is. He began to talk about how higher education is supposed to be liberally skewed to teach people the right way to think. I told him he was an idiot. He blew up. TL;DR: I, a politically moderate individual, told someone he was an asshole for not having an open mind in a law school course, then got yelled at.
Guy in my class that I don't know walked out of a guest lecture because he "didn't have to put up with that Republican bullshit. That's not what [he] pays to listen to in college!" I told him that I don't agree with half of the liberal professors I've had since being in college, but I would never disrespect someone by purposely making a scene with slamming my book down and huffing as I walked out of a class loudly muttering about what an asshole the lecturer is. He began to talk about how higher education is supposed to be liberally skewed to teach people the right way to think. I told him he was an idiot. He blew up.
I, a politically moderate individual, told someone he was an asshole for not having an open mind in a law school course, then got yelled at.
My boyfriend rarely expresses affection by easily visible means. That means he takes no interest in my activities/ interests, gives no gifts on any occasion, and rarely expresses any sort of appreciation for me or extends any sort of acknowledgement for my accomplishment (ex. on nights that I received honors/ presented my undergrad. dissertation, he stayed home to play LoL). This wasn't so much an issue when we were living in the same area, as I was content with the physical intimacy (sex, hand-holding, ect.) standing as an expression of his affection. However, we are now studying abroad in different countries, and the consequent lack of visible expressions of his affections has become more apparent and painful to me. I get along by trying to find other, less visible signs of affections from him, like how he types notes to me via skype daily, while he games and surfs the internet (refuses audio or visual contact, though). He also often sends me links to what he finds interesting from reddit and imgur. I cope, too, by trying to make up for his lacking with my own actions. I often ask after his interests and activities (I've learned many things about technology and physics and popular video games trying to connect with him), I often compliment him, express my appreciation for him, write love notes, send gifts, etc. But, again, it's all becoming more difficult with the distance. My friends tell me that I should leave him. They note that I've done so much to change myself in an effort to please him, while he has made no effort to change for me. I've tried so hard to make him happy, while his efforts to type and send links via skype are simple and near-effortless. They say there's no point in me staying now, since he has nothing to offer me than the most basics of a relationship, easily fulfilled by most men. It's really painful when the women I gather with in social group with have conversations describing their Christmas or birthday events/ gifts, and I get to be the one blushing and stammering about how my SO writes to me everyday on skype to show his love. They always ask: "But shouldn't he do that anyway?" He has expressed a difficulty to care for others/ give gifts/ etc. So I know he's not only treating me in this way. And I realize that all the affections and gift giving is really moreso a societal convention than a reliable proof of love--that if I were really unselfish and loved him I would need no sign or anything at all save to love him. Should just be understanding that this is how he is? Should I reprimand myself for wanting more expressions of his love than typing and links on skype when we are apart? Or should I be, as some I have spoken to about this matter, be upset? Also, I don't want to push him into doing anything: when I have pushed him in the past, the end result felt cheapened/ in-genuine for my having to ask, rather than him doing it on his own. Thoughts? Advice? **tl;dr** My boyfriend doesn't express his affections very well, which really sucks in a long distance relationship. Am I being selfish to want more visible signs of affection from him? EDIT: I've rephrased some sections and included my friends' advice on the matter.
My boyfriend rarely expresses affection by easily visible means. That means he takes no interest in my activities/ interests, gives no gifts on any occasion, and rarely expresses any sort of appreciation for me or extends any sort of acknowledgement for my accomplishment (ex. on nights that I received honors/ presented my undergrad. dissertation, he stayed home to play LoL). This wasn't so much an issue when we were living in the same area, as I was content with the physical intimacy (sex, hand-holding, ect.) standing as an expression of his affection. However, we are now studying abroad in different countries, and the consequent lack of visible expressions of his affections has become more apparent and painful to me. I get along by trying to find other, less visible signs of affections from him, like how he types notes to me via skype daily, while he games and surfs the internet (refuses audio or visual contact, though). He also often sends me links to what he finds interesting from reddit and imgur. I cope, too, by trying to make up for his lacking with my own actions. I often ask after his interests and activities (I've learned many things about technology and physics and popular video games trying to connect with him), I often compliment him, express my appreciation for him, write love notes, send gifts, etc. But, again, it's all becoming more difficult with the distance. My friends tell me that I should leave him. They note that I've done so much to change myself in an effort to please him, while he has made no effort to change for me. I've tried so hard to make him happy, while his efforts to type and send links via skype are simple and near-effortless. They say there's no point in me staying now, since he has nothing to offer me than the most basics of a relationship, easily fulfilled by most men. It's really painful when the women I gather with in social group with have conversations describing their Christmas or birthday events/ gifts, and I get to be the one blushing and stammering about how my SO writes to me everyday on skype to show his love. They always ask: "But shouldn't he do that anyway?" He has expressed a difficulty to care for others/ give gifts/ etc. So I know he's not only treating me in this way. And I realize that all the affections and gift giving is really moreso a societal convention than a reliable proof of love--that if I were really unselfish and loved him I would need no sign or anything at all save to love him. Should just be understanding that this is how he is? Should I reprimand myself for wanting more expressions of his love than typing and links on skype when we are apart? Or should I be, as some I have spoken to about this matter, be upset? Also, I don't want to push him into doing anything: when I have pushed him in the past, the end result felt cheapened/ in-genuine for my having to ask, rather than him doing it on his own. Thoughts? Advice? tl;dr My boyfriend doesn't express his affections very well, which really sucks in a long distance relationship. Am I being selfish to want more visible signs of affection from him? EDIT: I've rephrased some sections and included my friends' advice on the matter.
My boyfriend rarely expresses affection by easily visible means. That means he takes no interest in my activities/ interests, gives no gifts on any occasion, and rarely expresses any sort of appreciation for me or extends any sort of acknowledgement for my accomplishment (ex. on nights that I received honors/ presented my undergrad. dissertation, he stayed home to play LoL). This wasn't so much an issue when we were living in the same area, as I was content with the physical intimacy (sex, hand-holding, ect.) standing as an expression of his affection. However, we are now studying abroad in different countries, and the consequent lack of visible expressions of his affections has become more apparent and painful to me. I get along by trying to find other, less visible signs of affections from him, like how he types notes to me via skype daily, while he games and surfs the internet (refuses audio or visual contact, though). He also often sends me links to what he finds interesting from reddit and imgur. I cope, too, by trying to make up for his lacking with my own actions. I often ask after his interests and activities (I've learned many things about technology and physics and popular video games trying to connect with him), I often compliment him, express my appreciation for him, write love notes, send gifts, etc. But, again, it's all becoming more difficult with the distance. My friends tell me that I should leave him. They note that I've done so much to change myself in an effort to please him, while he has made no effort to change for me. I've tried so hard to make him happy, while his efforts to type and send links via skype are simple and near-effortless. They say there's no point in me staying now, since he has nothing to offer me than the most basics of a relationship, easily fulfilled by most men. It's really painful when the women I gather with in social group with have conversations describing their Christmas or birthday events/ gifts, and I get to be the one blushing and stammering about how my SO writes to me everyday on skype to show his love. They always ask: "But shouldn't he do that anyway?" He has expressed a difficulty to care for others/ give gifts/ etc. So I know he's not only treating me in this way. And I realize that all the affections and gift giving is really moreso a societal convention than a reliable proof of love--that if I were really unselfish and loved him I would need no sign or anything at all save to love him. Should just be understanding that this is how he is? Should I reprimand myself for wanting more expressions of his love than typing and links on skype when we are apart? Or should I be, as some I have spoken to about this matter, be upset? Also, I don't want to push him into doing anything: when I have pushed him in the past, the end result felt cheapened/ in-genuine for my having to ask, rather than him doing it on his own. Thoughts? Advice?
My boyfriend doesn't express his affections very well, which really sucks in a long distance relationship. Am I being selfish to want more visible signs of affection from him? EDIT: I've rephrased some sections and included my friends' advice on the matter.
If anything, they should reboot the series, take it back to Raccoon City and either re-tell the classic story or go with stories from other people in the city during the outbreak, and it needs to be back in the old fixed camera angle style with the old school controls, unless they can improve them somehow for the whiners. Everybody can get over the fact that it doesn't have a Gears of War control scheme and that you have to think about things other than which weapon you want to mow down the mindless fodder with. Fuckin' HDify the GameCube REmake, remake 2 and 3 in a similar fashion, then do Raccoon City side stories for later games. If they can branch out after Raccoon City without turning it into a total shitstorm and shitting on everything that the series is supposed to be, *then* they can go outside of Raccoon City. But honestly at this point, I'm not holding my breath anymore. I'm cautiously optimistic about The Evil Within, but I'm disappointed to see that it's another over-the-shoulder shooter. As much as I loved Dead Space 1 and 2, I hope it isn't just that in a different setting. TL;DR: Take it back to the roots. Fixed camera, tank controls, puzzles that involve more than getting X amount of pieces of whatever to make a crest to put in a door, and a story that isn't just balls to the wall stupid.
If anything, they should reboot the series, take it back to Raccoon City and either re-tell the classic story or go with stories from other people in the city during the outbreak, and it needs to be back in the old fixed camera angle style with the old school controls, unless they can improve them somehow for the whiners. Everybody can get over the fact that it doesn't have a Gears of War control scheme and that you have to think about things other than which weapon you want to mow down the mindless fodder with. Fuckin' HDify the GameCube REmake, remake 2 and 3 in a similar fashion, then do Raccoon City side stories for later games. If they can branch out after Raccoon City without turning it into a total shitstorm and shitting on everything that the series is supposed to be, then they can go outside of Raccoon City. But honestly at this point, I'm not holding my breath anymore. I'm cautiously optimistic about The Evil Within, but I'm disappointed to see that it's another over-the-shoulder shooter. As much as I loved Dead Space 1 and 2, I hope it isn't just that in a different setting. TL;DR: Take it back to the roots. Fixed camera, tank controls, puzzles that involve more than getting X amount of pieces of whatever to make a crest to put in a door, and a story that isn't just balls to the wall stupid.
If anything, they should reboot the series, take it back to Raccoon City and either re-tell the classic story or go with stories from other people in the city during the outbreak, and it needs to be back in the old fixed camera angle style with the old school controls, unless they can improve them somehow for the whiners. Everybody can get over the fact that it doesn't have a Gears of War control scheme and that you have to think about things other than which weapon you want to mow down the mindless fodder with. Fuckin' HDify the GameCube REmake, remake 2 and 3 in a similar fashion, then do Raccoon City side stories for later games. If they can branch out after Raccoon City without turning it into a total shitstorm and shitting on everything that the series is supposed to be, then they can go outside of Raccoon City. But honestly at this point, I'm not holding my breath anymore. I'm cautiously optimistic about The Evil Within, but I'm disappointed to see that it's another over-the-shoulder shooter. As much as I loved Dead Space 1 and 2, I hope it isn't just that in a different setting.
Take it back to the roots. Fixed camera, tank controls, puzzles that involve more than getting X amount of pieces of whatever to make a crest to put in a door, and a story that isn't just balls to the wall stupid.
as a woman, this is my general answer. i'm rational at work, with friends, with my money and car, and my finances in general; things that are inherently rational projects. i'm irrational in my relationship sometimes, because my relationship isn't based on rationality. i guess i wish it was, but i can't help who i'm attracted too. my relationships are based on emotions, like love. love isn't rational at all, it's pretty dumb actually. when you do something that hurts my feelings, no matter how inane it seems to you, it still hurt my feelings. i can't explain why it is rational for my feelings to be hurt because my feelings are by definition not rational; they're emotions. i personally think telling me i'm not being rational about about my feelings is itself an irrational argument. for example, intellectually, i think monogamy being the rule for all is dumb because i recognize everyone has a different sex drive, and sex can sometimes be just sex. however, if my boyfriend brought up the idea of maybe sleeping with another person or people, my feelings would be hurt. rationally i can recognize he may need more sex than i can handle, but put in that situation, it would still break my heart. kinda like the death penalty. i know it doesn't work as a deterrent, and innocent people get put to death far to frequently, so i'm against it, rationally speaking. however, if anyone ever hurt my brother, i'd want that fucker put down, as irrational as that is (an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind, and such). i might just do it myself. tl;dr when it comes to relationships, arguing about the irrationality of feelings is itself irrational.
as a woman, this is my general answer. i'm rational at work, with friends, with my money and car, and my finances in general; things that are inherently rational projects. i'm irrational in my relationship sometimes, because my relationship isn't based on rationality. i guess i wish it was, but i can't help who i'm attracted too. my relationships are based on emotions, like love. love isn't rational at all, it's pretty dumb actually. when you do something that hurts my feelings, no matter how inane it seems to you, it still hurt my feelings. i can't explain why it is rational for my feelings to be hurt because my feelings are by definition not rational; they're emotions. i personally think telling me i'm not being rational about about my feelings is itself an irrational argument. for example, intellectually, i think monogamy being the rule for all is dumb because i recognize everyone has a different sex drive, and sex can sometimes be just sex. however, if my boyfriend brought up the idea of maybe sleeping with another person or people, my feelings would be hurt. rationally i can recognize he may need more sex than i can handle, but put in that situation, it would still break my heart. kinda like the death penalty. i know it doesn't work as a deterrent, and innocent people get put to death far to frequently, so i'm against it, rationally speaking. however, if anyone ever hurt my brother, i'd want that fucker put down, as irrational as that is (an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind, and such). i might just do it myself. tl;dr when it comes to relationships, arguing about the irrationality of feelings is itself irrational.
as a woman, this is my general answer. i'm rational at work, with friends, with my money and car, and my finances in general; things that are inherently rational projects. i'm irrational in my relationship sometimes, because my relationship isn't based on rationality. i guess i wish it was, but i can't help who i'm attracted too. my relationships are based on emotions, like love. love isn't rational at all, it's pretty dumb actually. when you do something that hurts my feelings, no matter how inane it seems to you, it still hurt my feelings. i can't explain why it is rational for my feelings to be hurt because my feelings are by definition not rational; they're emotions. i personally think telling me i'm not being rational about about my feelings is itself an irrational argument. for example, intellectually, i think monogamy being the rule for all is dumb because i recognize everyone has a different sex drive, and sex can sometimes be just sex. however, if my boyfriend brought up the idea of maybe sleeping with another person or people, my feelings would be hurt. rationally i can recognize he may need more sex than i can handle, but put in that situation, it would still break my heart. kinda like the death penalty. i know it doesn't work as a deterrent, and innocent people get put to death far to frequently, so i'm against it, rationally speaking. however, if anyone ever hurt my brother, i'd want that fucker put down, as irrational as that is (an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind, and such). i might just do it myself.
when it comes to relationships, arguing about the irrationality of feelings is itself irrational.
**** DOCSIS 3.0: There is no defined maximum number of channels, unlike with the old versions of the standard. (let's assume even 1 channel is used in the US) That one channel then gets a theoretical speed of 42.88 Mbits/s. If I pay, as a consumer, 33.99$ for a 5 Mbit connection, this means that I'm paying A TON for 8x's less than my single-channel "pipe" can handle. If the potential of 4 channels are used, I'm only receiving 2% of what the architecture can handle. FOR 33 $ / MONTH !!! What is going on here? Personal Editorial: Do they figure that if the speeds get any faster, everyone will just go with the 20 $ plan, as no one would ever need even 10 % of a 4 channel setup ? What's even more aggravating is that with my ISP, with my two businesses; the prices are essentially doubled for the same speed. [ Thanks to lobbyists / corporate america for stopping the FCC to better regulate these industries and slowing down our internet's infrastructure ] TL;DR: ISP's often charge a lot for maxing you out at 2% of your home's potential internet connection.
DOCSIS 3.0: There is no defined maximum number of channels, unlike with the old versions of the standard. (let's assume even 1 channel is used in the US) That one channel then gets a theoretical speed of 42.88 Mbits/s. If I pay, as a consumer, 33.99$ for a 5 Mbit connection, this means that I'm paying A TON for 8x's less than my single-channel "pipe" can handle. If the potential of 4 channels are used, I'm only receiving 2% of what the architecture can handle. FOR 33 $ / MONTH !!! What is going on here? Personal Editorial: Do they figure that if the speeds get any faster, everyone will just go with the 20 $ plan, as no one would ever need even 10 % of a 4 channel setup ? What's even more aggravating is that with my ISP, with my two businesses; the prices are essentially doubled for the same speed. [ Thanks to lobbyists / corporate america for stopping the FCC to better regulate these industries and slowing down our internet's infrastructure ] TL;DR: ISP's often charge a lot for maxing you out at 2% of your home's potential internet connection.
DOCSIS 3.0: There is no defined maximum number of channels, unlike with the old versions of the standard. (let's assume even 1 channel is used in the US) That one channel then gets a theoretical speed of 42.88 Mbits/s. If I pay, as a consumer, 33.99$ for a 5 Mbit connection, this means that I'm paying A TON for 8x's less than my single-channel "pipe" can handle. If the potential of 4 channels are used, I'm only receiving 2% of what the architecture can handle. FOR 33 $ / MONTH !!! What is going on here? Personal Editorial: Do they figure that if the speeds get any faster, everyone will just go with the 20 $ plan, as no one would ever need even 10 % of a 4 channel setup ? What's even more aggravating is that with my ISP, with my two businesses; the prices are essentially doubled for the same speed. [ Thanks to lobbyists / corporate america for stopping the FCC to better regulate these industries and slowing down our internet's infrastructure ]
ISP's often charge a lot for maxing you out at 2% of your home's potential internet connection.
This summer I have a tutor for a test I'm taking in August. I definitely have a crush on him, but I'm not sure whether a relationship is worth pursuing after my tutoring sessions end. I have never dated or been in a relationship before, and no one has ever expressed interest in me or flirted with me before. This tutor really nice and jokes around with me, and it feels different from how it feels when a guy is just talking to me to be nice. However, this friendly/joking demeanor might just be because I'm paying him for his tutoring services and could give him a good review when we're done. What makes it even more confusing is that I'm not sure how old he is, or if he has a girlfriend or not. (He seems really busy with work and his tutoring service, so I don't know when he'd have time for one!) He looks pretty young, like early 20s, but from his qualifications and when he graduated, he is probably in his late 20s or early 30s (and just looks young for his age). Anyway, I'm just really confused about how to proceed and whether I should even be thinking about this at all. I haven't felt this way about anyone I've met so far in college, and I honestly can't stop thinking about him. But are there too many variables to consider here? Should I just be patient, wait for someone my own age, and trust that I'll meet someone later, like in grad school? -- tl;dr: I have a crush on my tutor, but I don't know how old he is, whether he has a girlfriend or not, and whether he's interested in me. Wondering how to proceed.
This summer I have a tutor for a test I'm taking in August. I definitely have a crush on him, but I'm not sure whether a relationship is worth pursuing after my tutoring sessions end. I have never dated or been in a relationship before, and no one has ever expressed interest in me or flirted with me before. This tutor really nice and jokes around with me, and it feels different from how it feels when a guy is just talking to me to be nice. However, this friendly/joking demeanor might just be because I'm paying him for his tutoring services and could give him a good review when we're done. What makes it even more confusing is that I'm not sure how old he is, or if he has a girlfriend or not. (He seems really busy with work and his tutoring service, so I don't know when he'd have time for one!) He looks pretty young, like early 20s, but from his qualifications and when he graduated, he is probably in his late 20s or early 30s (and just looks young for his age). Anyway, I'm just really confused about how to proceed and whether I should even be thinking about this at all. I haven't felt this way about anyone I've met so far in college, and I honestly can't stop thinking about him. But are there too many variables to consider here? Should I just be patient, wait for someone my own age, and trust that I'll meet someone later, like in grad school? -- tl;dr: I have a crush on my tutor, but I don't know how old he is, whether he has a girlfriend or not, and whether he's interested in me. Wondering how to proceed.
This summer I have a tutor for a test I'm taking in August. I definitely have a crush on him, but I'm not sure whether a relationship is worth pursuing after my tutoring sessions end. I have never dated or been in a relationship before, and no one has ever expressed interest in me or flirted with me before. This tutor really nice and jokes around with me, and it feels different from how it feels when a guy is just talking to me to be nice. However, this friendly/joking demeanor might just be because I'm paying him for his tutoring services and could give him a good review when we're done. What makes it even more confusing is that I'm not sure how old he is, or if he has a girlfriend or not. (He seems really busy with work and his tutoring service, so I don't know when he'd have time for one!) He looks pretty young, like early 20s, but from his qualifications and when he graduated, he is probably in his late 20s or early 30s (and just looks young for his age). Anyway, I'm just really confused about how to proceed and whether I should even be thinking about this at all. I haven't felt this way about anyone I've met so far in college, and I honestly can't stop thinking about him. But are there too many variables to consider here? Should I just be patient, wait for someone my own age, and trust that I'll meet someone later, like in grad school? --
I have a crush on my tutor, but I don't know how old he is, whether he has a girlfriend or not, and whether he's interested in me. Wondering how to proceed.
What a nice way to talk to someone. I'm not 16, I'm assuming most players are around 16. Takes 3 min to do a tl;dr. Dick.
What a nice way to talk to someone. I'm not 16, I'm assuming most players are around 16. Takes 3 min to do a tl;dr. Dick.
What a nice way to talk to someone. I'm not 16, I'm assuming most players are around 16. Takes 3 min to do a
BF has been avoiding me for a month now and seems very reluctant to spend time with me. We had a massive fight and it turns out that he thinks I'm boring and doesn't really want to talk to me. I'm not sure how to go about fixing this. Thinking about it, we don't really have too much in common these days. A few examples: I like FPS games and he likes MOBA and RTS. I'm a feminist and he's not exactly. I'm a redditor and he loves his 4chan (he has an issue with me liking reddit). The genres of books, movies, manga we consume don't have any overlap. These feel like such shallow issues especially considering we both have the same long term goals and core principles. I'm not even sure how to go about finding stuff that we like together at this point. The blame mostly falls on me though since it is me that has changed. We liked a lot of the same things when we started dating and it has been my tastes and interests that have drastically changed. A complicating factor is that if it's something he has no interest in he will refuse to have anything to do with it whereas I'm a lot more flexible. How do we go about finding common ground? --- **tl;dr**: BF thinks I'm boring because my interests don't match with his anymore. How do we find common ground again?
BF has been avoiding me for a month now and seems very reluctant to spend time with me. We had a massive fight and it turns out that he thinks I'm boring and doesn't really want to talk to me. I'm not sure how to go about fixing this. Thinking about it, we don't really have too much in common these days. A few examples: I like FPS games and he likes MOBA and RTS. I'm a feminist and he's not exactly. I'm a redditor and he loves his 4chan (he has an issue with me liking reddit). The genres of books, movies, manga we consume don't have any overlap. These feel like such shallow issues especially considering we both have the same long term goals and core principles. I'm not even sure how to go about finding stuff that we like together at this point. The blame mostly falls on me though since it is me that has changed. We liked a lot of the same things when we started dating and it has been my tastes and interests that have drastically changed. A complicating factor is that if it's something he has no interest in he will refuse to have anything to do with it whereas I'm a lot more flexible. How do we go about finding common ground? tl;dr : BF thinks I'm boring because my interests don't match with his anymore. How do we find common ground again?
BF has been avoiding me for a month now and seems very reluctant to spend time with me. We had a massive fight and it turns out that he thinks I'm boring and doesn't really want to talk to me. I'm not sure how to go about fixing this. Thinking about it, we don't really have too much in common these days. A few examples: I like FPS games and he likes MOBA and RTS. I'm a feminist and he's not exactly. I'm a redditor and he loves his 4chan (he has an issue with me liking reddit). The genres of books, movies, manga we consume don't have any overlap. These feel like such shallow issues especially considering we both have the same long term goals and core principles. I'm not even sure how to go about finding stuff that we like together at this point. The blame mostly falls on me though since it is me that has changed. We liked a lot of the same things when we started dating and it has been my tastes and interests that have drastically changed. A complicating factor is that if it's something he has no interest in he will refuse to have anything to do with it whereas I'm a lot more flexible. How do we go about finding common ground?
BF thinks I'm boring because my interests don't match with his anymore. How do we find common ground again?
Pretty sure it should be 'queen of the Rhoynar' as they are a separate entity of people subjugated by the Iron Throne. All those who claim to hold a stake in the throne are king/queen of the seven kingdoms, ruler of the Rhoynar the Andals and the first men, protector of the realm. Though I could be wrong, I read the books a while ago.... TL;DR pretty much right as far as I can tell
Pretty sure it should be 'queen of the Rhoynar' as they are a separate entity of people subjugated by the Iron Throne. All those who claim to hold a stake in the throne are king/queen of the seven kingdoms, ruler of the Rhoynar the Andals and the first men, protector of the realm. Though I could be wrong, I read the books a while ago.... TL;DR pretty much right as far as I can tell
Pretty sure it should be 'queen of the Rhoynar' as they are a separate entity of people subjugated by the Iron Throne. All those who claim to hold a stake in the throne are king/queen of the seven kingdoms, ruler of the Rhoynar the Andals and the first men, protector of the realm. Though I could be wrong, I read the books a while ago....
pretty much right as far as I can tell
I'm [23F] and I've been with my bf [30] for a little over a year now and I'm not sure if this is me being "petty" but I texted almost 2 days about something not serious at all and he's yet to respond. We've been pretty happy lately and I'm not the clingy type so usually I don't worry if he doesn't get back to me ASAP but this is just a bit annoying and rude, I think. I'd even understand if he said he was in a funk and didn't feel like talking. Should I let it rest or say something? **Tl;dr: bf hasn't texted me back and I'm not sure why**
I'm [23F] and I've been with my bf [30] for a little over a year now and I'm not sure if this is me being "petty" but I texted almost 2 days about something not serious at all and he's yet to respond. We've been pretty happy lately and I'm not the clingy type so usually I don't worry if he doesn't get back to me ASAP but this is just a bit annoying and rude, I think. I'd even understand if he said he was in a funk and didn't feel like talking. Should I let it rest or say something? Tl;dr: bf hasn't texted me back and I'm not sure why
I'm [23F] and I've been with my bf [30] for a little over a year now and I'm not sure if this is me being "petty" but I texted almost 2 days about something not serious at all and he's yet to respond. We've been pretty happy lately and I'm not the clingy type so usually I don't worry if he doesn't get back to me ASAP but this is just a bit annoying and rude, I think. I'd even understand if he said he was in a funk and didn't feel like talking. Should I let it rest or say something?
bf hasn't texted me back and I'm not sure why
Me and a girl that I'm interested in have been hanging out and we seem to be getting along great. We met through Facebook, started texting each other, and then eventually we went out and got coffee. The coffee "date" went great, so she agreed to hang out again. Last night she drove down here and we hung out at the mall for a couple of hours, and again, it went great. Conversation was flowing, she was laughing, I was laughing, and we had a great time. So far we've only really hung out with each other those 2 times. So, I've always been really horribly bad at picking up on signals as to whether a girl likes me as a romantic/sexual interest or not. I've dated plenty of girls, but they've always had to make it painfully obvious or just outright tell me they were interested in me for me to make a move, otherwise I would be completely oblivious. I don't know whether she's interested in me as a romantic interest or not. I just know that we've hung out twice by ourselves, we text each other a lot, she initiates conversations with me as often as I initiate conversations with her, it's easy for me to make her laugh, and she wants to hang out again soon we just haven't figured out what day yet because of her work schedule. I'm genuinely interested in this girl and I want to take things further with her. The thing is, neither of us have been really touchy-feely with each other and I don't know what the most comfortable way to make the first move would be. I feel like finding the opportunity to kiss her would be really difficult to do naturally, and it'd be something I'd have to direct which I feel like may make it awkward and uncomfortable and ruin the whole thing. Would it be better to try holding her hand first, putting my arm around her ever once in a while when we sit down, or are those too "middle-school"? Or should I just somehow let her know of my intentions, since I may have not made them clear other than dropping hints that I find her attractive? **TL;DR: I've hung out with this girl twice and I'm interested in taking things further, but I have no idea if she only sees me as a friend or if she really sees me as a romantic interest. I figured the only way to find out for sure is to make the first move, but neither of us have been touchy-feely with each other and I feel like just outright trying to kiss her would make her really uncomfortable with me and put her off completely. Would it better to make my intentions clear before doing any of this somehow?** Thanks for reading, I appreciate it any comments. EDIT: I am a 24 year old Male and she's 21 btw
Me and a girl that I'm interested in have been hanging out and we seem to be getting along great. We met through Facebook, started texting each other, and then eventually we went out and got coffee. The coffee "date" went great, so she agreed to hang out again. Last night she drove down here and we hung out at the mall for a couple of hours, and again, it went great. Conversation was flowing, she was laughing, I was laughing, and we had a great time. So far we've only really hung out with each other those 2 times. So, I've always been really horribly bad at picking up on signals as to whether a girl likes me as a romantic/sexual interest or not. I've dated plenty of girls, but they've always had to make it painfully obvious or just outright tell me they were interested in me for me to make a move, otherwise I would be completely oblivious. I don't know whether she's interested in me as a romantic interest or not. I just know that we've hung out twice by ourselves, we text each other a lot, she initiates conversations with me as often as I initiate conversations with her, it's easy for me to make her laugh, and she wants to hang out again soon we just haven't figured out what day yet because of her work schedule. I'm genuinely interested in this girl and I want to take things further with her. The thing is, neither of us have been really touchy-feely with each other and I don't know what the most comfortable way to make the first move would be. I feel like finding the opportunity to kiss her would be really difficult to do naturally, and it'd be something I'd have to direct which I feel like may make it awkward and uncomfortable and ruin the whole thing. Would it be better to try holding her hand first, putting my arm around her ever once in a while when we sit down, or are those too "middle-school"? Or should I just somehow let her know of my intentions, since I may have not made them clear other than dropping hints that I find her attractive? TL;DR: I've hung out with this girl twice and I'm interested in taking things further, but I have no idea if she only sees me as a friend or if she really sees me as a romantic interest. I figured the only way to find out for sure is to make the first move, but neither of us have been touchy-feely with each other and I feel like just outright trying to kiss her would make her really uncomfortable with me and put her off completely. Would it better to make my intentions clear before doing any of this somehow? Thanks for reading, I appreciate it any comments. EDIT: I am a 24 year old Male and she's 21 btw
Me and a girl that I'm interested in have been hanging out and we seem to be getting along great. We met through Facebook, started texting each other, and then eventually we went out and got coffee. The coffee "date" went great, so she agreed to hang out again. Last night she drove down here and we hung out at the mall for a couple of hours, and again, it went great. Conversation was flowing, she was laughing, I was laughing, and we had a great time. So far we've only really hung out with each other those 2 times. So, I've always been really horribly bad at picking up on signals as to whether a girl likes me as a romantic/sexual interest or not. I've dated plenty of girls, but they've always had to make it painfully obvious or just outright tell me they were interested in me for me to make a move, otherwise I would be completely oblivious. I don't know whether she's interested in me as a romantic interest or not. I just know that we've hung out twice by ourselves, we text each other a lot, she initiates conversations with me as often as I initiate conversations with her, it's easy for me to make her laugh, and she wants to hang out again soon we just haven't figured out what day yet because of her work schedule. I'm genuinely interested in this girl and I want to take things further with her. The thing is, neither of us have been really touchy-feely with each other and I don't know what the most comfortable way to make the first move would be. I feel like finding the opportunity to kiss her would be really difficult to do naturally, and it'd be something I'd have to direct which I feel like may make it awkward and uncomfortable and ruin the whole thing. Would it be better to try holding her hand first, putting my arm around her ever once in a while when we sit down, or are those too "middle-school"? Or should I just somehow let her know of my intentions, since I may have not made them clear other than dropping hints that I find her attractive?
I've hung out with this girl twice and I'm interested in taking things further, but I have no idea if she only sees me as a friend or if she really sees me as a romantic interest. I figured the only way to find out for sure is to make the first move, but neither of us have been touchy-feely with each other and I feel like just outright trying to kiss her would make her really uncomfortable with me and put her off completely. Would it better to make my intentions clear before doing any of this somehow? Thanks for reading, I appreciate it any comments. EDIT: I am a 24 year old Male and she's 21 btw
You want to play PS2? Get an i5-4670K and a Z87 motherboard instead of what you have. People on AMD chips have issues with that game. The FX CPUs are great for heavily threaded tasks, not so much for tasks with &lt;4 threads. The intel chips are much better there. If you change that, and it's over budget, a decent CPU air cooler will be fine. Also, you might seriously consider a better GPU. If you have a microcenter nearby, buy the cCPU and motherboard there. You get a discount that doesn't show up in PCPartPicker. They have a deal on RAM that's better than anything else I've seen too. That case is really huge. You might change your mind after you see it. A 700W PSU is way overkill for that build. 500W is plenty if you aren't overclocking. I'd probably get a different brand anyway. TL;DR: get a high-end i5 and a better GPU. You can trim your build to make at least the i5 happen pretty easily.
You want to play PS2? Get an i5-4670K and a Z87 motherboard instead of what you have. People on AMD chips have issues with that game. The FX CPUs are great for heavily threaded tasks, not so much for tasks with <4 threads. The intel chips are much better there. If you change that, and it's over budget, a decent CPU air cooler will be fine. Also, you might seriously consider a better GPU. If you have a microcenter nearby, buy the cCPU and motherboard there. You get a discount that doesn't show up in PCPartPicker. They have a deal on RAM that's better than anything else I've seen too. That case is really huge. You might change your mind after you see it. A 700W PSU is way overkill for that build. 500W is plenty if you aren't overclocking. I'd probably get a different brand anyway. TL;DR: get a high-end i5 and a better GPU. You can trim your build to make at least the i5 happen pretty easily.
You want to play PS2? Get an i5-4670K and a Z87 motherboard instead of what you have. People on AMD chips have issues with that game. The FX CPUs are great for heavily threaded tasks, not so much for tasks with <4 threads. The intel chips are much better there. If you change that, and it's over budget, a decent CPU air cooler will be fine. Also, you might seriously consider a better GPU. If you have a microcenter nearby, buy the cCPU and motherboard there. You get a discount that doesn't show up in PCPartPicker. They have a deal on RAM that's better than anything else I've seen too. That case is really huge. You might change your mind after you see it. A 700W PSU is way overkill for that build. 500W is plenty if you aren't overclocking. I'd probably get a different brand anyway.
get a high-end i5 and a better GPU. You can trim your build to make at least the i5 happen pretty easily.
So we had a pretty busy Easter weekend which ended with the realization that SD8 didn't have school lunch sorted out for the week. I thought, "Fine. She can just eat the cafeteria lunch for a day." There are several options (four in particular on this Monday) and she will have to suck it up after a long weekend of endless food and sweets. NBD, right? WRONG! I should mention that we have major food issues in our house. Preferences change from day to day and "Can I be done?" is usually followed ten minutes later with "I'm hungry." Fairly typical, but nonetheless stressful. My belief is that this behavior should not be encouraged. Not out of spite or lack of understanding or because she's not my real daughter, but because I was raised with five siblings. We cleaned our plate and snacks were available when our parents made them available. We had no choice in the matter. Now my husband was an only child and things were different. So we butt heads on the subject of "too many options". I've accused him of never wanting his daughter to feel any discomfort no matter the sacrifice but am not sure if that's a crime or not. Sometimes it just seems like too much effort to keep her satisfied. I went without all the bells and whistles and believe my parents did a perfectly fine job raising me. So back to the school lunch. Monday morning spur of the moment my husband goes to the grocery store 15 minutes away and buys not one but *two* lunchables for her to choose from. So she was left with six options for her school lunch that dad woke up early and made a special trip to accommodate. Later on I expressed my frustrations and it led to a big fight with accusations and the inevitable " You'll understand someday when you have your own kid." It just feels like I'll never have any say in the way things go. Basically I was left feeling like the glorified babysitter. Nothing was resolved and I'm just hoping that someone here can give me hope or an idea on how to accept that my eight year old stepdaughter runs the house. We have a great relationship and she's a brilliant sweet girl. I'm just afraid that someday the real world is gonna hit her like a ton of bricks and we've done nothing to prepare her. *TLDR*: My husband is too accommodating to his young daughter and I am having a hard time coping.
So we had a pretty busy Easter weekend which ended with the realization that SD8 didn't have school lunch sorted out for the week. I thought, "Fine. She can just eat the cafeteria lunch for a day." There are several options (four in particular on this Monday) and she will have to suck it up after a long weekend of endless food and sweets. NBD, right? WRONG! I should mention that we have major food issues in our house. Preferences change from day to day and "Can I be done?" is usually followed ten minutes later with "I'm hungry." Fairly typical, but nonetheless stressful. My belief is that this behavior should not be encouraged. Not out of spite or lack of understanding or because she's not my real daughter, but because I was raised with five siblings. We cleaned our plate and snacks were available when our parents made them available. We had no choice in the matter. Now my husband was an only child and things were different. So we butt heads on the subject of "too many options". I've accused him of never wanting his daughter to feel any discomfort no matter the sacrifice but am not sure if that's a crime or not. Sometimes it just seems like too much effort to keep her satisfied. I went without all the bells and whistles and believe my parents did a perfectly fine job raising me. So back to the school lunch. Monday morning spur of the moment my husband goes to the grocery store 15 minutes away and buys not one but two lunchables for her to choose from. So she was left with six options for her school lunch that dad woke up early and made a special trip to accommodate. Later on I expressed my frustrations and it led to a big fight with accusations and the inevitable " You'll understand someday when you have your own kid." It just feels like I'll never have any say in the way things go. Basically I was left feeling like the glorified babysitter. Nothing was resolved and I'm just hoping that someone here can give me hope or an idea on how to accept that my eight year old stepdaughter runs the house. We have a great relationship and she's a brilliant sweet girl. I'm just afraid that someday the real world is gonna hit her like a ton of bricks and we've done nothing to prepare her. TLDR : My husband is too accommodating to his young daughter and I am having a hard time coping.
So we had a pretty busy Easter weekend which ended with the realization that SD8 didn't have school lunch sorted out for the week. I thought, "Fine. She can just eat the cafeteria lunch for a day." There are several options (four in particular on this Monday) and she will have to suck it up after a long weekend of endless food and sweets. NBD, right? WRONG! I should mention that we have major food issues in our house. Preferences change from day to day and "Can I be done?" is usually followed ten minutes later with "I'm hungry." Fairly typical, but nonetheless stressful. My belief is that this behavior should not be encouraged. Not out of spite or lack of understanding or because she's not my real daughter, but because I was raised with five siblings. We cleaned our plate and snacks were available when our parents made them available. We had no choice in the matter. Now my husband was an only child and things were different. So we butt heads on the subject of "too many options". I've accused him of never wanting his daughter to feel any discomfort no matter the sacrifice but am not sure if that's a crime or not. Sometimes it just seems like too much effort to keep her satisfied. I went without all the bells and whistles and believe my parents did a perfectly fine job raising me. So back to the school lunch. Monday morning spur of the moment my husband goes to the grocery store 15 minutes away and buys not one but two lunchables for her to choose from. So she was left with six options for her school lunch that dad woke up early and made a special trip to accommodate. Later on I expressed my frustrations and it led to a big fight with accusations and the inevitable " You'll understand someday when you have your own kid." It just feels like I'll never have any say in the way things go. Basically I was left feeling like the glorified babysitter. Nothing was resolved and I'm just hoping that someone here can give me hope or an idea on how to accept that my eight year old stepdaughter runs the house. We have a great relationship and she's a brilliant sweet girl. I'm just afraid that someday the real world is gonna hit her like a ton of bricks and we've done nothing to prepare her.
My husband is too accommodating to his young daughter and I am having a hard time coping.
Hello, little community of reddit, I'm a long time lurker and have been reading this subreddit since January. I've decided to get involved because my boyfriend and I need some support and advice to tackle the feat of a long distance relationship. Last July, while visiting Japan, I decided to go back for a year to learn the language and more about my heritage. When I got back home, at the beginning of my senior year of high school, I met my current boyfriend. We got together in October and lost our virginities to each other around New Year's. After that, things got serious, and he brought up having a long distance relationship when I leave for Japan. From February to May, we started having problems. My boyfriend became more paranoid and possessive, and I was unhappy with the relationship. I tried my best to be a better girlfriend, but I could tell we were getting worse. He knew I was unhappy and contemplating breaking up. In May, he told me our only connection was sex and our tech school. He said he was telling me this so we could fix things, but I later found out that he was deciding against a long distance relationship with me. In an attempt to sort things out, I let him know that we could either try for a long distance relationship, break up before I leave, break up now forever, or go on a break while I'm in Japan. I told him I preferred the the first and last option, and he said he preferred the last one. He went on a trip to visit the university he was accepted to, and when he came back, I called to ask how his weekend was. He said he thought we should break up romantically already. I was devastated. I went to visit him to ask how this happened and beg for him to change his mind, but he told me that it was best for him this way. He said he needed the summer to get over me, so he doesn't have to hurt in college, but he wanted to remain friends. The next day, my ex ignored me at school, and I spent some time with a male friend and told him that I wanted a distraction from the pain. We made out. After that, I texted my ex that I was taking the break up hard and was being reckless. I told him I was rebounding. He told me not to contact him. Again I made out with the rebound guy. Then my friends started encouraging me to rebound with my other friend who also went through a break up. I let the first friend know that I wasn't going to hook up with him anymore and spent an evening with the second friend. I pushed myself into having sex with him, but it felt so wrong that I told him to stop and began to cry. The next day I went out with another friend, an old crush. We made out that night, and it finally felt like I could face my feelings about my ex. I texted him letting him know that I was going to be mature and wanted to talk. He informed me that he would be dropping off my stuff. When he came over, he told me how hurt he was that I would move on so quickly. I let him know that I did those things out of pain. He asked to hear what I had done, and when I told him, he was a wreck. He said he never wanted to break up and wished that we were back together. I told him that he would have to forgive what I had done. He said he would with time. We spent that night and the next together, thankful that we were a couple again. Most of my friends disagreed with my choice to get back together. They warned me that he has control issues and that he was going to use me. His family also disagreed with his decision to get back together. They think I was vindictive after the break up. My boyfriend and I discussed why we broke up and what we plan on doing. We agreed to try long distance and to continue communicating our problems. I find out if I get accepted into the university I applied for next week. If I get in, I leave for Japan in August while he leaves the state for university. If I don't, I leave next month. Reddit, how can we survive this distance? TL;DR Been together nearly 8 months. Just broke up over prospect of long distance. Got back together. Need advice for overseas long distance relationship.
Hello, little community of reddit, I'm a long time lurker and have been reading this subreddit since January. I've decided to get involved because my boyfriend and I need some support and advice to tackle the feat of a long distance relationship. Last July, while visiting Japan, I decided to go back for a year to learn the language and more about my heritage. When I got back home, at the beginning of my senior year of high school, I met my current boyfriend. We got together in October and lost our virginities to each other around New Year's. After that, things got serious, and he brought up having a long distance relationship when I leave for Japan. From February to May, we started having problems. My boyfriend became more paranoid and possessive, and I was unhappy with the relationship. I tried my best to be a better girlfriend, but I could tell we were getting worse. He knew I was unhappy and contemplating breaking up. In May, he told me our only connection was sex and our tech school. He said he was telling me this so we could fix things, but I later found out that he was deciding against a long distance relationship with me. In an attempt to sort things out, I let him know that we could either try for a long distance relationship, break up before I leave, break up now forever, or go on a break while I'm in Japan. I told him I preferred the the first and last option, and he said he preferred the last one. He went on a trip to visit the university he was accepted to, and when he came back, I called to ask how his weekend was. He said he thought we should break up romantically already. I was devastated. I went to visit him to ask how this happened and beg for him to change his mind, but he told me that it was best for him this way. He said he needed the summer to get over me, so he doesn't have to hurt in college, but he wanted to remain friends. The next day, my ex ignored me at school, and I spent some time with a male friend and told him that I wanted a distraction from the pain. We made out. After that, I texted my ex that I was taking the break up hard and was being reckless. I told him I was rebounding. He told me not to contact him. Again I made out with the rebound guy. Then my friends started encouraging me to rebound with my other friend who also went through a break up. I let the first friend know that I wasn't going to hook up with him anymore and spent an evening with the second friend. I pushed myself into having sex with him, but it felt so wrong that I told him to stop and began to cry. The next day I went out with another friend, an old crush. We made out that night, and it finally felt like I could face my feelings about my ex. I texted him letting him know that I was going to be mature and wanted to talk. He informed me that he would be dropping off my stuff. When he came over, he told me how hurt he was that I would move on so quickly. I let him know that I did those things out of pain. He asked to hear what I had done, and when I told him, he was a wreck. He said he never wanted to break up and wished that we were back together. I told him that he would have to forgive what I had done. He said he would with time. We spent that night and the next together, thankful that we were a couple again. Most of my friends disagreed with my choice to get back together. They warned me that he has control issues and that he was going to use me. His family also disagreed with his decision to get back together. They think I was vindictive after the break up. My boyfriend and I discussed why we broke up and what we plan on doing. We agreed to try long distance and to continue communicating our problems. I find out if I get accepted into the university I applied for next week. If I get in, I leave for Japan in August while he leaves the state for university. If I don't, I leave next month. Reddit, how can we survive this distance? TL;DR Been together nearly 8 months. Just broke up over prospect of long distance. Got back together. Need advice for overseas long distance relationship.
Hello, little community of reddit, I'm a long time lurker and have been reading this subreddit since January. I've decided to get involved because my boyfriend and I need some support and advice to tackle the feat of a long distance relationship. Last July, while visiting Japan, I decided to go back for a year to learn the language and more about my heritage. When I got back home, at the beginning of my senior year of high school, I met my current boyfriend. We got together in October and lost our virginities to each other around New Year's. After that, things got serious, and he brought up having a long distance relationship when I leave for Japan. From February to May, we started having problems. My boyfriend became more paranoid and possessive, and I was unhappy with the relationship. I tried my best to be a better girlfriend, but I could tell we were getting worse. He knew I was unhappy and contemplating breaking up. In May, he told me our only connection was sex and our tech school. He said he was telling me this so we could fix things, but I later found out that he was deciding against a long distance relationship with me. In an attempt to sort things out, I let him know that we could either try for a long distance relationship, break up before I leave, break up now forever, or go on a break while I'm in Japan. I told him I preferred the the first and last option, and he said he preferred the last one. He went on a trip to visit the university he was accepted to, and when he came back, I called to ask how his weekend was. He said he thought we should break up romantically already. I was devastated. I went to visit him to ask how this happened and beg for him to change his mind, but he told me that it was best for him this way. He said he needed the summer to get over me, so he doesn't have to hurt in college, but he wanted to remain friends. The next day, my ex ignored me at school, and I spent some time with a male friend and told him that I wanted a distraction from the pain. We made out. After that, I texted my ex that I was taking the break up hard and was being reckless. I told him I was rebounding. He told me not to contact him. Again I made out with the rebound guy. Then my friends started encouraging me to rebound with my other friend who also went through a break up. I let the first friend know that I wasn't going to hook up with him anymore and spent an evening with the second friend. I pushed myself into having sex with him, but it felt so wrong that I told him to stop and began to cry. The next day I went out with another friend, an old crush. We made out that night, and it finally felt like I could face my feelings about my ex. I texted him letting him know that I was going to be mature and wanted to talk. He informed me that he would be dropping off my stuff. When he came over, he told me how hurt he was that I would move on so quickly. I let him know that I did those things out of pain. He asked to hear what I had done, and when I told him, he was a wreck. He said he never wanted to break up and wished that we were back together. I told him that he would have to forgive what I had done. He said he would with time. We spent that night and the next together, thankful that we were a couple again. Most of my friends disagreed with my choice to get back together. They warned me that he has control issues and that he was going to use me. His family also disagreed with his decision to get back together. They think I was vindictive after the break up. My boyfriend and I discussed why we broke up and what we plan on doing. We agreed to try long distance and to continue communicating our problems. I find out if I get accepted into the university I applied for next week. If I get in, I leave for Japan in August while he leaves the state for university. If I don't, I leave next month. Reddit, how can we survive this distance?
Been together nearly 8 months. Just broke up over prospect of long distance. Got back together. Need advice for overseas long distance relationship.
I dated a guy for 5 years. He was 6 years older than me and we met when I was 16 (should have sent up a red flag right there). He was actually fairly normal for the majority of our relationship until I started going to college. I commuted and I lived with him. I was not allowed to make any friends on campus (including female friends). I was only allowed to be friends with his friends and only hang out with them when he was around. One day about a month before we broke up I started suspecting that he was cheating on me with a girl from his work (he was...). He freaked out on me and when I went to walk out of the room he grabbed my arm and wouldn't let me go. I was hysterically crying and asking him repeatedly to let me go. When he didn't let me go I hit him open handed on the shoulder. He let me go but then came behind me and held my arms down and drug me to the bed and held me still. I got away and he apologized over and over. I forgave him. Over the next few weeks he would bring it up occasionally and he progressively started to defend himself and say that he was in the right and that he did nothing wrong. I broke it off with him shortly after that started. We still kept in contact and I thought about getting back together with him but I realized how much happier I was with him not around. The day after Christmas (over 2 months after we broke up... and we were hardly talking at that point). He shows up at my house with a bad full of presents and an engagment ring. I wasn't really sure how to react so I listened to him for a while. When I told him that I didn't think it was a good idea to get back with him and that we should go our seperate ways because we were in different points of our lives (I was 21 and he was 27 turning 28) he flipped out again and started pacing back and forth across the room with his fists clenched and looking like he was going to hit me. I kicked him out of my house. I haven't heard from him since however my mom heard that he got engaged to the girl that he cheated on me with a month after he tried to propose to me. Best decision I have ever made was getting out of that while I still could. TL;DR My ex-boyfriend of 5 years physically and emotionally abused me and then tried to propose to me over 2 months after I broke up with him. When I turned him down he got engaged to the girl he cheated on me with 1 month after he proposed to me.
I dated a guy for 5 years. He was 6 years older than me and we met when I was 16 (should have sent up a red flag right there). He was actually fairly normal for the majority of our relationship until I started going to college. I commuted and I lived with him. I was not allowed to make any friends on campus (including female friends). I was only allowed to be friends with his friends and only hang out with them when he was around. One day about a month before we broke up I started suspecting that he was cheating on me with a girl from his work (he was...). He freaked out on me and when I went to walk out of the room he grabbed my arm and wouldn't let me go. I was hysterically crying and asking him repeatedly to let me go. When he didn't let me go I hit him open handed on the shoulder. He let me go but then came behind me and held my arms down and drug me to the bed and held me still. I got away and he apologized over and over. I forgave him. Over the next few weeks he would bring it up occasionally and he progressively started to defend himself and say that he was in the right and that he did nothing wrong. I broke it off with him shortly after that started. We still kept in contact and I thought about getting back together with him but I realized how much happier I was with him not around. The day after Christmas (over 2 months after we broke up... and we were hardly talking at that point). He shows up at my house with a bad full of presents and an engagment ring. I wasn't really sure how to react so I listened to him for a while. When I told him that I didn't think it was a good idea to get back with him and that we should go our seperate ways because we were in different points of our lives (I was 21 and he was 27 turning 28) he flipped out again and started pacing back and forth across the room with his fists clenched and looking like he was going to hit me. I kicked him out of my house. I haven't heard from him since however my mom heard that he got engaged to the girl that he cheated on me with a month after he tried to propose to me. Best decision I have ever made was getting out of that while I still could. TL;DR My ex-boyfriend of 5 years physically and emotionally abused me and then tried to propose to me over 2 months after I broke up with him. When I turned him down he got engaged to the girl he cheated on me with 1 month after he proposed to me.
I dated a guy for 5 years. He was 6 years older than me and we met when I was 16 (should have sent up a red flag right there). He was actually fairly normal for the majority of our relationship until I started going to college. I commuted and I lived with him. I was not allowed to make any friends on campus (including female friends). I was only allowed to be friends with his friends and only hang out with them when he was around. One day about a month before we broke up I started suspecting that he was cheating on me with a girl from his work (he was...). He freaked out on me and when I went to walk out of the room he grabbed my arm and wouldn't let me go. I was hysterically crying and asking him repeatedly to let me go. When he didn't let me go I hit him open handed on the shoulder. He let me go but then came behind me and held my arms down and drug me to the bed and held me still. I got away and he apologized over and over. I forgave him. Over the next few weeks he would bring it up occasionally and he progressively started to defend himself and say that he was in the right and that he did nothing wrong. I broke it off with him shortly after that started. We still kept in contact and I thought about getting back together with him but I realized how much happier I was with him not around. The day after Christmas (over 2 months after we broke up... and we were hardly talking at that point). He shows up at my house with a bad full of presents and an engagment ring. I wasn't really sure how to react so I listened to him for a while. When I told him that I didn't think it was a good idea to get back with him and that we should go our seperate ways because we were in different points of our lives (I was 21 and he was 27 turning 28) he flipped out again and started pacing back and forth across the room with his fists clenched and looking like he was going to hit me. I kicked him out of my house. I haven't heard from him since however my mom heard that he got engaged to the girl that he cheated on me with a month after he tried to propose to me. Best decision I have ever made was getting out of that while I still could.
My ex-boyfriend of 5 years physically and emotionally abused me and then tried to propose to me over 2 months after I broke up with him. When I turned him down he got engaged to the girl he cheated on me with 1 month after he proposed to me.
About two months ago, I (21F) went with a group of my friends/ housemates to celebrate Mardi Gras. At the end of the night I ended up in my neighbor's bed (20M); we eventually fell into a FWB situation and started spending time together on and off until about two weeks ago. I slept with someone else, as we had not made any sort of official commitment to each other, and quite frankly, I didn't really think he was all that into me. The night before this happened, he commented on how he was so bored whenever he was hanging out with me. Kinda hurt to hear that. I mean, nobody intends to be perceived as boring. But we don't really have alot of core interests in common, so it wasn't a huge surprise. I texted him yesterday seeing if he wanted to catch up sometime this week and he responded with a resounding "no". Clearly he wants nothing to do with me, and I suppose I can deal with that. Reddit, he lives just 50 meters away from me. I open my door and I can see his. I have to run into him on the stairs, the parking lot, and in any other common space/ social situation we share. I really liked him, and I really wanted to salvage some sort of friendship out of this mess. What can I do to fix this? TL;DR :: My neighbor and I hooked up and things didn't end up working out between us. Now he wants nothing to do with me. What do?
About two months ago, I (21F) went with a group of my friends/ housemates to celebrate Mardi Gras. At the end of the night I ended up in my neighbor's bed (20M); we eventually fell into a FWB situation and started spending time together on and off until about two weeks ago. I slept with someone else, as we had not made any sort of official commitment to each other, and quite frankly, I didn't really think he was all that into me. The night before this happened, he commented on how he was so bored whenever he was hanging out with me. Kinda hurt to hear that. I mean, nobody intends to be perceived as boring. But we don't really have alot of core interests in common, so it wasn't a huge surprise. I texted him yesterday seeing if he wanted to catch up sometime this week and he responded with a resounding "no". Clearly he wants nothing to do with me, and I suppose I can deal with that. Reddit, he lives just 50 meters away from me. I open my door and I can see his. I have to run into him on the stairs, the parking lot, and in any other common space/ social situation we share. I really liked him, and I really wanted to salvage some sort of friendship out of this mess. What can I do to fix this? TL;DR :: My neighbor and I hooked up and things didn't end up working out between us. Now he wants nothing to do with me. What do?
About two months ago, I (21F) went with a group of my friends/ housemates to celebrate Mardi Gras. At the end of the night I ended up in my neighbor's bed (20M); we eventually fell into a FWB situation and started spending time together on and off until about two weeks ago. I slept with someone else, as we had not made any sort of official commitment to each other, and quite frankly, I didn't really think he was all that into me. The night before this happened, he commented on how he was so bored whenever he was hanging out with me. Kinda hurt to hear that. I mean, nobody intends to be perceived as boring. But we don't really have alot of core interests in common, so it wasn't a huge surprise. I texted him yesterday seeing if he wanted to catch up sometime this week and he responded with a resounding "no". Clearly he wants nothing to do with me, and I suppose I can deal with that. Reddit, he lives just 50 meters away from me. I open my door and I can see his. I have to run into him on the stairs, the parking lot, and in any other common space/ social situation we share. I really liked him, and I really wanted to salvage some sort of friendship out of this mess. What can I do to fix this?
My neighbor and I hooked up and things didn't end up working out between us. Now he wants nothing to do with me. What do?
Sorry, we are not ready yet. We will talk to you in 20 years, when you have a retirement age as high as others in Europe (not "on average 63"), services as low as elsewhere, and when the rampant corruption is gone. I'm all for making a more socially just Europe but Greece is not the place that will or can start it. Rise we will. Rise we will when it is time, when the masses all over Europe have learned what it means if their elites betray them. Rise we will and I promise I will stand and the forefront and shout with and for you too. But you, the Greeks, haven't learned the right lesson yet. You chose the elites who already before the elections promised to betray you the most... the elites who allowed corruption and wastage of money. The elites who promised to lower taxes and make everything even easier. And now, when you have the first leader that actually stands up for you, that is honest about the state of your country, then you don't even give him a chance to fix it. I know things are not nice over there but you're not exactly trying... your country's problem is not one of politics. You country's problem is one of values and ethics. If [tax evasion]( is done by everybody, what do you think your country finances the higher-than-elsewhere retirement money and wages from? Why do you have the largest civil service relative to the population? No, sorry, Greeks, you will have to fight yourself. That is, you won't have to fight your government, you will have to fight the ones among yourselves who messed up - everyone who didn't pay their share, everyone who didn't vote, everyone who asks for bribes. Those you need to call out. Against those you need to found NGOs and organisations; and shame them until it becomes a universal value and honour to do your share to save your country. I know not all are guilty. But too many are - too many are guilty of silence, of seeing what happens and not saying no. I'm sorry for those that acted right, that paid their share, that fought against corruption and cronyism - but now is the time for the majority to stop hitting your own government, the first in twenty years that does not lie to you and does not betray you, and actually tries to help you. It is time to hit those of you that brought you in this situation and to stop hitting those that try to bring you out of it. tl;dr: The Greek problem is not one of social justice, social rights, rights, equality, gender, politics or European pressure. The Greek problem is a failure of civil society, a failure of the majority of individuals to either act right or call out those that acted wrong.
Sorry, we are not ready yet. We will talk to you in 20 years, when you have a retirement age as high as others in Europe (not "on average 63"), services as low as elsewhere, and when the rampant corruption is gone. I'm all for making a more socially just Europe but Greece is not the place that will or can start it. Rise we will. Rise we will when it is time, when the masses all over Europe have learned what it means if their elites betray them. Rise we will and I promise I will stand and the forefront and shout with and for you too. But you, the Greeks, haven't learned the right lesson yet. You chose the elites who already before the elections promised to betray you the most... the elites who allowed corruption and wastage of money. The elites who promised to lower taxes and make everything even easier. And now, when you have the first leader that actually stands up for you, that is honest about the state of your country, then you don't even give him a chance to fix it. I know things are not nice over there but you're not exactly trying... your country's problem is not one of politics. You country's problem is one of values and ethics. If [tax evasion]( is done by everybody, what do you think your country finances the higher-than-elsewhere retirement money and wages from? Why do you have the largest civil service relative to the population? No, sorry, Greeks, you will have to fight yourself. That is, you won't have to fight your government, you will have to fight the ones among yourselves who messed up - everyone who didn't pay their share, everyone who didn't vote, everyone who asks for bribes. Those you need to call out. Against those you need to found NGOs and organisations; and shame them until it becomes a universal value and honour to do your share to save your country. I know not all are guilty. But too many are - too many are guilty of silence, of seeing what happens and not saying no. I'm sorry for those that acted right, that paid their share, that fought against corruption and cronyism - but now is the time for the majority to stop hitting your own government, the first in twenty years that does not lie to you and does not betray you, and actually tries to help you. It is time to hit those of you that brought you in this situation and to stop hitting those that try to bring you out of it. tl;dr: The Greek problem is not one of social justice, social rights, rights, equality, gender, politics or European pressure. The Greek problem is a failure of civil society, a failure of the majority of individuals to either act right or call out those that acted wrong.
Sorry, we are not ready yet. We will talk to you in 20 years, when you have a retirement age as high as others in Europe (not "on average 63"), services as low as elsewhere, and when the rampant corruption is gone. I'm all for making a more socially just Europe but Greece is not the place that will or can start it. Rise we will. Rise we will when it is time, when the masses all over Europe have learned what it means if their elites betray them. Rise we will and I promise I will stand and the forefront and shout with and for you too. But you, the Greeks, haven't learned the right lesson yet. You chose the elites who already before the elections promised to betray you the most... the elites who allowed corruption and wastage of money. The elites who promised to lower taxes and make everything even easier. And now, when you have the first leader that actually stands up for you, that is honest about the state of your country, then you don't even give him a chance to fix it. I know things are not nice over there but you're not exactly trying... your country's problem is not one of politics. You country's problem is one of values and ethics. If [tax evasion]( is done by everybody, what do you think your country finances the higher-than-elsewhere retirement money and wages from? Why do you have the largest civil service relative to the population? No, sorry, Greeks, you will have to fight yourself. That is, you won't have to fight your government, you will have to fight the ones among yourselves who messed up - everyone who didn't pay their share, everyone who didn't vote, everyone who asks for bribes. Those you need to call out. Against those you need to found NGOs and organisations; and shame them until it becomes a universal value and honour to do your share to save your country. I know not all are guilty. But too many are - too many are guilty of silence, of seeing what happens and not saying no. I'm sorry for those that acted right, that paid their share, that fought against corruption and cronyism - but now is the time for the majority to stop hitting your own government, the first in twenty years that does not lie to you and does not betray you, and actually tries to help you. It is time to hit those of you that brought you in this situation and to stop hitting those that try to bring you out of it.
The Greek problem is not one of social justice, social rights, rights, equality, gender, politics or European pressure. The Greek problem is a failure of civil society, a failure of the majority of individuals to either act right or call out those that acted wrong.
I like the theory that the FM "rules" are a thing the Kindly Man made up, to force Arya's hand, sort of the way a lot of the arbitrary rules in a real life boot camp are there to develop a recruit's ability to adapt on the fly. Basically "these are the Rules. Don't break them. (But if you do, good on you. We won't tell you that tho)" Tl;dr Arya will become an FM and also be Arya
I like the theory that the FM "rules" are a thing the Kindly Man made up, to force Arya's hand, sort of the way a lot of the arbitrary rules in a real life boot camp are there to develop a recruit's ability to adapt on the fly. Basically "these are the Rules. Don't break them. (But if you do, good on you. We won't tell you that tho)" Tl;dr Arya will become an FM and also be Arya
I like the theory that the FM "rules" are a thing the Kindly Man made up, to force Arya's hand, sort of the way a lot of the arbitrary rules in a real life boot camp are there to develop a recruit's ability to adapt on the fly. Basically "these are the Rules. Don't break them. (But if you do, good on you. We won't tell you that tho)"
Arya will become an FM and also be Arya
26, M, 140 pounds, 5'7. Here's my original post. Long story short I had a lump in my neck from a swollen lymph node. Turned out I had a mild case of mono. ANYWAY, the doctor ran a bunch of blood tests on me and I ended up testing slightly positive (as he put it) for Hep C antibodies. He was concerned and so he ran a "Confirmatory test" as he put it and that came back negative. He now wants to send me to a specialist to confirm my results but it sounds like to me I don't have it and that this was a false positive test. I'm not sure what the point of going to a specialist is other than being overly cautious. The only possible way I could have gotten hep c is sex. I have no tatoos, piercings, have never done any drugs and I am not a vampire. So any advice here? Have any of you experienced anything similar? It's worth pointing out that I did also test positive for Mono and EBV along with this Hep C test. Everything else came back normal/negative. (HIV included) **TLDR: Tested "slightly positive" for Hep C antibodies. Confirmatory test came back negative. Should I be concerned? Should I go to a specialist?**
26, M, 140 pounds, 5'7. Here's my original post. Long story short I had a lump in my neck from a swollen lymph node. Turned out I had a mild case of mono. ANYWAY, the doctor ran a bunch of blood tests on me and I ended up testing slightly positive (as he put it) for Hep C antibodies. He was concerned and so he ran a "Confirmatory test" as he put it and that came back negative. He now wants to send me to a specialist to confirm my results but it sounds like to me I don't have it and that this was a false positive test. I'm not sure what the point of going to a specialist is other than being overly cautious. The only possible way I could have gotten hep c is sex. I have no tatoos, piercings, have never done any drugs and I am not a vampire. So any advice here? Have any of you experienced anything similar? It's worth pointing out that I did also test positive for Mono and EBV along with this Hep C test. Everything else came back normal/negative. (HIV included) TLDR: Tested "slightly positive" for Hep C antibodies. Confirmatory test came back negative. Should I be concerned? Should I go to a specialist?
26, M, 140 pounds, 5'7. Here's my original post. Long story short I had a lump in my neck from a swollen lymph node. Turned out I had a mild case of mono. ANYWAY, the doctor ran a bunch of blood tests on me and I ended up testing slightly positive (as he put it) for Hep C antibodies. He was concerned and so he ran a "Confirmatory test" as he put it and that came back negative. He now wants to send me to a specialist to confirm my results but it sounds like to me I don't have it and that this was a false positive test. I'm not sure what the point of going to a specialist is other than being overly cautious. The only possible way I could have gotten hep c is sex. I have no tatoos, piercings, have never done any drugs and I am not a vampire. So any advice here? Have any of you experienced anything similar? It's worth pointing out that I did also test positive for Mono and EBV along with this Hep C test. Everything else came back normal/negative. (HIV included)
Tested "slightly positive" for Hep C antibodies. Confirmatory test came back negative. Should I be concerned? Should I go to a specialist?
I was a day care teacher and nannied for 2 families in Michigan for two years before I moved to California with my Boyfriend. Child Care is not new to me. I was the lead teacher of 1.5-3 year olds. I loved every moment of it. I didn't seem to have much of a problem creating fun activities for the children to do in my classroom, but, now that I am a nanny of an almost 2 year old and a 3.5 month old, I am having a hard time making activities for us to do. Previous family had slightly older children and allowed shirt screen time.current family, no screen time rule. (Which I agree with) The baby has a blast hanging out and is rather "low maintenance" as far as babis go, however, I have an active little man that is almost 2 and a handful and seems to get into trouble because he just so bored. We have a fairly general schedule, but I am looking for specific things to do with **one** child. We already read a ton, go for a morning and afternoon walk, do a daily craft, water play outside when the weather is nice, puzzles, occasionally go to the library, and do simple house hold chores together. What else can I do doing for both directed and independent play? Tl; dr: what are some activities I can be doing throughout the day with an almost 2 year old (very intelligent) toddler boy?
I was a day care teacher and nannied for 2 families in Michigan for two years before I moved to California with my Boyfriend. Child Care is not new to me. I was the lead teacher of 1.5-3 year olds. I loved every moment of it. I didn't seem to have much of a problem creating fun activities for the children to do in my classroom, but, now that I am a nanny of an almost 2 year old and a 3.5 month old, I am having a hard time making activities for us to do. Previous family had slightly older children and allowed shirt screen time.current family, no screen time rule. (Which I agree with) The baby has a blast hanging out and is rather "low maintenance" as far as babis go, however, I have an active little man that is almost 2 and a handful and seems to get into trouble because he just so bored. We have a fairly general schedule, but I am looking for specific things to do with one child. We already read a ton, go for a morning and afternoon walk, do a daily craft, water play outside when the weather is nice, puzzles, occasionally go to the library, and do simple house hold chores together. What else can I do doing for both directed and independent play? Tl; dr: what are some activities I can be doing throughout the day with an almost 2 year old (very intelligent) toddler boy?
I was a day care teacher and nannied for 2 families in Michigan for two years before I moved to California with my Boyfriend. Child Care is not new to me. I was the lead teacher of 1.5-3 year olds. I loved every moment of it. I didn't seem to have much of a problem creating fun activities for the children to do in my classroom, but, now that I am a nanny of an almost 2 year old and a 3.5 month old, I am having a hard time making activities for us to do. Previous family had slightly older children and allowed shirt screen time.current family, no screen time rule. (Which I agree with) The baby has a blast hanging out and is rather "low maintenance" as far as babis go, however, I have an active little man that is almost 2 and a handful and seems to get into trouble because he just so bored. We have a fairly general schedule, but I am looking for specific things to do with one child. We already read a ton, go for a morning and afternoon walk, do a daily craft, water play outside when the weather is nice, puzzles, occasionally go to the library, and do simple house hold chores together. What else can I do doing for both directed and independent play?
what are some activities I can be doing throughout the day with an almost 2 year old (very intelligent) toddler boy?
I'm in a dynasty league (16 team, QS, SV+HD, OPS for some of the relevant stat categories). My only C is d'Arnaud right now. I've been offered Verlander+Ramos for Segura+Stephenson. Would you do it? Do you think Verlander has enough in the tank to last 2 more years? I'm heavily invested in prospects and young guys (also have T. Walker, E. Butler, C. Correa, C. Owings, M. Wisler, Gausman, Y. Ventura to name a few). I'm also hurting at SP until some of these guys come up from the minors. I've got Kennedy, Hughes, Buchholz as vets with Medlen and J. Fernandez on the DL. **TL;DR: Verlander+Ramos for Segura+Stephenson?**
I'm in a dynasty league (16 team, QS, SV+HD, OPS for some of the relevant stat categories). My only C is d'Arnaud right now. I've been offered Verlander+Ramos for Segura+Stephenson. Would you do it? Do you think Verlander has enough in the tank to last 2 more years? I'm heavily invested in prospects and young guys (also have T. Walker, E. Butler, C. Correa, C. Owings, M. Wisler, Gausman, Y. Ventura to name a few). I'm also hurting at SP until some of these guys come up from the minors. I've got Kennedy, Hughes, Buchholz as vets with Medlen and J. Fernandez on the DL. TL;DR: Verlander+Ramos for Segura+Stephenson?
I'm in a dynasty league (16 team, QS, SV+HD, OPS for some of the relevant stat categories). My only C is d'Arnaud right now. I've been offered Verlander+Ramos for Segura+Stephenson. Would you do it? Do you think Verlander has enough in the tank to last 2 more years? I'm heavily invested in prospects and young guys (also have T. Walker, E. Butler, C. Correa, C. Owings, M. Wisler, Gausman, Y. Ventura to name a few). I'm also hurting at SP until some of these guys come up from the minors. I've got Kennedy, Hughes, Buchholz as vets with Medlen and J. Fernandez on the DL.
Verlander+Ramos for Segura+Stephenson?
Stand behind your beliefs, even if that means dealing with some crap from his friends. If his friends give you crap, you explain your issue with it (if you even feel like offering an explanation to them) and you move on. If they keep pressing the issue, you tell them politely it's something you don't feel like getting into, or is something between you and your partner. Done. Might they talk shit about you, yes, they very well might. Luckily they aren't in a relationship with you so it doesn't much matter what they have to say. Don't make this into a bigger issue than it is. Your partner was willing to respect your views on it and alter his plans, don't make him lie to protect you from a little ribbing. TLDR: You have an opinion, he is willing to respect it. You need to stand behind it, even if you think it will result in ribbing and teasing. In the end, the crap they give you will be nothing compared to the crap they give him for being "whipped" and a whole other assortment of insults he will be facing.
Stand behind your beliefs, even if that means dealing with some crap from his friends. If his friends give you crap, you explain your issue with it (if you even feel like offering an explanation to them) and you move on. If they keep pressing the issue, you tell them politely it's something you don't feel like getting into, or is something between you and your partner. Done. Might they talk shit about you, yes, they very well might. Luckily they aren't in a relationship with you so it doesn't much matter what they have to say. Don't make this into a bigger issue than it is. Your partner was willing to respect your views on it and alter his plans, don't make him lie to protect you from a little ribbing. TLDR: You have an opinion, he is willing to respect it. You need to stand behind it, even if you think it will result in ribbing and teasing. In the end, the crap they give you will be nothing compared to the crap they give him for being "whipped" and a whole other assortment of insults he will be facing.
Stand behind your beliefs, even if that means dealing with some crap from his friends. If his friends give you crap, you explain your issue with it (if you even feel like offering an explanation to them) and you move on. If they keep pressing the issue, you tell them politely it's something you don't feel like getting into, or is something between you and your partner. Done. Might they talk shit about you, yes, they very well might. Luckily they aren't in a relationship with you so it doesn't much matter what they have to say. Don't make this into a bigger issue than it is. Your partner was willing to respect your views on it and alter his plans, don't make him lie to protect you from a little ribbing.
You have an opinion, he is willing to respect it. You need to stand behind it, even if you think it will result in ribbing and teasing. In the end, the crap they give you will be nothing compared to the crap they give him for being "whipped" and a whole other assortment of insults he will be facing.
Last Titan Standing (LTS) without respawn makes it very different from the other Titanfall game-modes. Its also likely the most 'team oriented' of all the game-modes due to its win-condition and the meta of killing Titans. The tragedy of Titanfall matchmaking was been written about a lot. However, in LTS, you see the worst aspects of it. Balancing abilities without breaking-up parties frequently results in games between players of averaged, equal ability, but a large difference in number of players. (In the smaller pool of PC-players this is very noticeable.) For example games between, 1v3, 2v4, 3v5, and 4v6 are common. In LTS, between teams of roughly equal ability, one team having two or more additional players is too large an advantage for a fair match. Recently, I've been seeing *some* experienced players, tired of 'turkey shoots' opting-out of unbalanced matches. That is, they realize you can take no pride in winning a match where one side has a two or more numerical superiority. What I've been seeing is players do, is declare on the Team Channel, '*I'm going to even-up the odds, guys.*' They then perform an X-Eject at the drop zone, after politely moving away from their teammates. Their Titan self-destructs, and then they play on foot. Admittedly, an experienced Pilot on foot has some game value. However, in the heavily leveraged Titan-on-Titan meta of LTS, its a lot less than that of fighting their Titan. I applaud this behavior and, I've started doing it myself. **I** can take no pride in 'turkey shoots'. Surprisingly, nobody on my team (or the other team) complains when I do this. I think more LTS players should, adopt this etiquette. It would make for better matches in the face of the bad matchmaking. **TL;DR** Matchmaking creates teams with large differences in number of players per team. Once any LTS team has a two+ advantage in Titans it makes for a one-sided match. Members of the larger team have recently been voluntarily self-destructing to make for more even matches.
Last Titan Standing (LTS) without respawn makes it very different from the other Titanfall game-modes. Its also likely the most 'team oriented' of all the game-modes due to its win-condition and the meta of killing Titans. The tragedy of Titanfall matchmaking was been written about a lot. However, in LTS, you see the worst aspects of it. Balancing abilities without breaking-up parties frequently results in games between players of averaged, equal ability, but a large difference in number of players. (In the smaller pool of PC-players this is very noticeable.) For example games between, 1v3, 2v4, 3v5, and 4v6 are common. In LTS, between teams of roughly equal ability, one team having two or more additional players is too large an advantage for a fair match. Recently, I've been seeing some experienced players, tired of 'turkey shoots' opting-out of unbalanced matches. That is, they realize you can take no pride in winning a match where one side has a two or more numerical superiority. What I've been seeing is players do, is declare on the Team Channel, ' I'm going to even-up the odds, guys. ' They then perform an X-Eject at the drop zone, after politely moving away from their teammates. Their Titan self-destructs, and then they play on foot. Admittedly, an experienced Pilot on foot has some game value. However, in the heavily leveraged Titan-on-Titan meta of LTS, its a lot less than that of fighting their Titan. I applaud this behavior and, I've started doing it myself. I can take no pride in 'turkey shoots'. Surprisingly, nobody on my team (or the other team) complains when I do this. I think more LTS players should, adopt this etiquette. It would make for better matches in the face of the bad matchmaking. TL;DR Matchmaking creates teams with large differences in number of players per team. Once any LTS team has a two+ advantage in Titans it makes for a one-sided match. Members of the larger team have recently been voluntarily self-destructing to make for more even matches.
Last Titan Standing (LTS) without respawn makes it very different from the other Titanfall game-modes. Its also likely the most 'team oriented' of all the game-modes due to its win-condition and the meta of killing Titans. The tragedy of Titanfall matchmaking was been written about a lot. However, in LTS, you see the worst aspects of it. Balancing abilities without breaking-up parties frequently results in games between players of averaged, equal ability, but a large difference in number of players. (In the smaller pool of PC-players this is very noticeable.) For example games between, 1v3, 2v4, 3v5, and 4v6 are common. In LTS, between teams of roughly equal ability, one team having two or more additional players is too large an advantage for a fair match. Recently, I've been seeing some experienced players, tired of 'turkey shoots' opting-out of unbalanced matches. That is, they realize you can take no pride in winning a match where one side has a two or more numerical superiority. What I've been seeing is players do, is declare on the Team Channel, ' I'm going to even-up the odds, guys. ' They then perform an X-Eject at the drop zone, after politely moving away from their teammates. Their Titan self-destructs, and then they play on foot. Admittedly, an experienced Pilot on foot has some game value. However, in the heavily leveraged Titan-on-Titan meta of LTS, its a lot less than that of fighting their Titan. I applaud this behavior and, I've started doing it myself. I can take no pride in 'turkey shoots'. Surprisingly, nobody on my team (or the other team) complains when I do this. I think more LTS players should, adopt this etiquette. It would make for better matches in the face of the bad matchmaking.
Matchmaking creates teams with large differences in number of players per team. Once any LTS team has a two+ advantage in Titans it makes for a one-sided match. Members of the larger team have recently been voluntarily self-destructing to make for more even matches.
I think you have standard chance to ignite with anything fire that you use, just like you have a chance to freeze when using Ice. I have happily used all my passives for Immolation &amp; 10% extra burning damage etc etc, but honestly, I don't feel like those are really worth it much. With Fire, I feel that you have multiple ways of doing damage, but there's not really anything that's dominating. Firestorm is fun, but gets too dispersed with AoE passives (even with Concentrated Effect, and even though area damage increases), Fireball just doesn't cut it, Fire Trap is fun, but you only have 3 that you can use... Flame Totem is the most powerful, but is mostly close range, and will still need time to burn through mobs. I've been experimenting with Flame Totem a lot: Flame Totem + GMP + Added Fire Penetration + Faster Casting seems to work best. You can add LMP, Chance to ignite, Increased Crits, Chain, etc etc, but those don't seem to add much. Added Chaos damage seems to do ok as well. Flame Totem also ends up being very expensive, at about 400 mana. TL;DR it might be worthwhile to put your passives more into Fire damage, and not so much into Burning damage. I'm considering respec'ing myself.
I think you have standard chance to ignite with anything fire that you use, just like you have a chance to freeze when using Ice. I have happily used all my passives for Immolation & 10% extra burning damage etc etc, but honestly, I don't feel like those are really worth it much. With Fire, I feel that you have multiple ways of doing damage, but there's not really anything that's dominating. Firestorm is fun, but gets too dispersed with AoE passives (even with Concentrated Effect, and even though area damage increases), Fireball just doesn't cut it, Fire Trap is fun, but you only have 3 that you can use... Flame Totem is the most powerful, but is mostly close range, and will still need time to burn through mobs. I've been experimenting with Flame Totem a lot: Flame Totem + GMP + Added Fire Penetration + Faster Casting seems to work best. You can add LMP, Chance to ignite, Increased Crits, Chain, etc etc, but those don't seem to add much. Added Chaos damage seems to do ok as well. Flame Totem also ends up being very expensive, at about 400 mana. TL;DR it might be worthwhile to put your passives more into Fire damage, and not so much into Burning damage. I'm considering respec'ing myself.
I think you have standard chance to ignite with anything fire that you use, just like you have a chance to freeze when using Ice. I have happily used all my passives for Immolation & 10% extra burning damage etc etc, but honestly, I don't feel like those are really worth it much. With Fire, I feel that you have multiple ways of doing damage, but there's not really anything that's dominating. Firestorm is fun, but gets too dispersed with AoE passives (even with Concentrated Effect, and even though area damage increases), Fireball just doesn't cut it, Fire Trap is fun, but you only have 3 that you can use... Flame Totem is the most powerful, but is mostly close range, and will still need time to burn through mobs. I've been experimenting with Flame Totem a lot: Flame Totem + GMP + Added Fire Penetration + Faster Casting seems to work best. You can add LMP, Chance to ignite, Increased Crits, Chain, etc etc, but those don't seem to add much. Added Chaos damage seems to do ok as well. Flame Totem also ends up being very expensive, at about 400 mana.
it might be worthwhile to put your passives more into Fire damage, and not so much into Burning damage. I'm considering respec'ing myself.
Hey guys, I'm hoping to give some back story and then jump into the problem. Last summer when we were not talking, my girlfriend got drunk at a party and almost had sex with her best-friends brother. The only reason they did not is because he had whisky dick. She says hes only viewed as a brother to her now. I guess that situation makes me feel unconformable and is recently brought to light because my girlfriend, her best-friend and her brother have been hanging out again. I then see on someone else snap-chat that he has his shirt off and my girlfriend is rubbing his back. Should I be concerned about this behavior? Should I confront her? tl;dr Girlfriend hanging out with guy she almost hooked up with, now see her rubbing his back on social media. She knows things like that make me uncomfortable and she also does not do those things for me if I ask.
Hey guys, I'm hoping to give some back story and then jump into the problem. Last summer when we were not talking, my girlfriend got drunk at a party and almost had sex with her best-friends brother. The only reason they did not is because he had whisky dick. She says hes only viewed as a brother to her now. I guess that situation makes me feel unconformable and is recently brought to light because my girlfriend, her best-friend and her brother have been hanging out again. I then see on someone else snap-chat that he has his shirt off and my girlfriend is rubbing his back. Should I be concerned about this behavior? Should I confront her? tl;dr Girlfriend hanging out with guy she almost hooked up with, now see her rubbing his back on social media. She knows things like that make me uncomfortable and she also does not do those things for me if I ask.
Hey guys, I'm hoping to give some back story and then jump into the problem. Last summer when we were not talking, my girlfriend got drunk at a party and almost had sex with her best-friends brother. The only reason they did not is because he had whisky dick. She says hes only viewed as a brother to her now. I guess that situation makes me feel unconformable and is recently brought to light because my girlfriend, her best-friend and her brother have been hanging out again. I then see on someone else snap-chat that he has his shirt off and my girlfriend is rubbing his back. Should I be concerned about this behavior? Should I confront her?
Girlfriend hanging out with guy she almost hooked up with, now see her rubbing his back on social media. She knows things like that make me uncomfortable and she also does not do those things for me if I ask.
I don't think I'd enjoy it much at all if the girl wasn't enjoying it. That being said eating pussy is fucking awesome. The guys you're with seem to focus too much on themselves to worry about your pleasure, which is sad because it really makes everything better when you're both not being self-serving. TL;DR fuck each other like their pleasure is the most important thing in the world and you'll get an awesome feedback loop of sexual energy. :D
I don't think I'd enjoy it much at all if the girl wasn't enjoying it. That being said eating pussy is fucking awesome. The guys you're with seem to focus too much on themselves to worry about your pleasure, which is sad because it really makes everything better when you're both not being self-serving. TL;DR fuck each other like their pleasure is the most important thing in the world and you'll get an awesome feedback loop of sexual energy. :D
I don't think I'd enjoy it much at all if the girl wasn't enjoying it. That being said eating pussy is fucking awesome. The guys you're with seem to focus too much on themselves to worry about your pleasure, which is sad because it really makes everything better when you're both not being self-serving.
fuck each other like their pleasure is the most important thing in the world and you'll get an awesome feedback loop of sexual energy. :D
All snobbery aside, not meaning to be a dick, but I would need to have it done in ~4 hours to make it anything close to cost-effective, compared to my day wages. Not counting expertise. I work in a costume shop, I do this sort of thing for side income sometimes. Normal commission rates run between $100 to $500 for my time, and could be best quoted as $1000 to $5000 for my boss. Before materials. Materials would be between $60 - $450, depending on quality. If you wanted it *cheap*, just cotton broadcloth all the way through and a few buttons for ornamentation. You want nicer fabric through the vest and "leather" brassiere, as he appears to be pictured, you're looking a lot closer to $150, and if you want the fancy cravat and any decoration, we'd be hitting $200 with ease. Of course, if you want the nice stuff, the whole damn thing would need more than 4 hours total time to not look shitty anyway. If you're only putting 60 into materials, there's no way it won't look like you made it in your garage with hot melt and your grandma's sewing machine, so I suspect you'd gun for that $30. TL:DR, if you can't find a commercially manufactured one, you may need to modify your expectations looking at a commission piece.
All snobbery aside, not meaning to be a dick, but I would need to have it done in ~4 hours to make it anything close to cost-effective, compared to my day wages. Not counting expertise. I work in a costume shop, I do this sort of thing for side income sometimes. Normal commission rates run between $100 to $500 for my time, and could be best quoted as $1000 to $5000 for my boss. Before materials. Materials would be between $60 - $450, depending on quality. If you wanted it cheap , just cotton broadcloth all the way through and a few buttons for ornamentation. You want nicer fabric through the vest and "leather" brassiere, as he appears to be pictured, you're looking a lot closer to $150, and if you want the fancy cravat and any decoration, we'd be hitting $200 with ease. Of course, if you want the nice stuff, the whole damn thing would need more than 4 hours total time to not look shitty anyway. If you're only putting 60 into materials, there's no way it won't look like you made it in your garage with hot melt and your grandma's sewing machine, so I suspect you'd gun for that $30. TL:DR, if you can't find a commercially manufactured one, you may need to modify your expectations looking at a commission piece.
All snobbery aside, not meaning to be a dick, but I would need to have it done in ~4 hours to make it anything close to cost-effective, compared to my day wages. Not counting expertise. I work in a costume shop, I do this sort of thing for side income sometimes. Normal commission rates run between $100 to $500 for my time, and could be best quoted as $1000 to $5000 for my boss. Before materials. Materials would be between $60 - $450, depending on quality. If you wanted it cheap , just cotton broadcloth all the way through and a few buttons for ornamentation. You want nicer fabric through the vest and "leather" brassiere, as he appears to be pictured, you're looking a lot closer to $150, and if you want the fancy cravat and any decoration, we'd be hitting $200 with ease. Of course, if you want the nice stuff, the whole damn thing would need more than 4 hours total time to not look shitty anyway. If you're only putting 60 into materials, there's no way it won't look like you made it in your garage with hot melt and your grandma's sewing machine, so I suspect you'd gun for that $30.
if you can't find a commercially manufactured one, you may need to modify your expectations looking at a commission piece.
Hey everyone. I adopted an Australian Shepherd back in May and he is now 7 months old. He will be 9 months by the time I move out of my family's home to another city and state. Getting him was my idea and I am primarily the sole care taker for him, although my siblings and parents will definitely help out if I am working late, want to go out, etc. He is a pretty laid back dog for the most part as I take him to the dog park about 3-4x a week for an hour. We live in a two story home with a decent sized yard but he only goes outside to pee/poo. I leave for work typically around 8:30am and don't come home until 6:30pm. During the time in between no one is at home (either at work or school) except for my dad who does not work but is always out and about with his friends. My dad will put food out for him and let him out to pee, etc, but is not really keeping an eye out on him. People will start to trickle home from 5-6pm and then I come home and he is always most excited to see me. I will be moving away from home to another city and state before the new year in December and will be living alone in a one bedroom apartment (second floor). I want to bring my dog but I am worried that he won't be as happy if he stayed with my family. I am pretty positive I am his favorite as he goes crazy when he sees me, but he also enjoys hanging out with my siblings. I am renting an apartment directly across the street from a park with a designated gated dog area. My work schedule, however, is inconsistent as I am in a client serving industry (public accounting). I know two of my clients through June will be close enough where I can go home for lunch and let him out, but beyond June I am not sure. My main concern is my dog's happiness and whether or not he would be happier if I kept him home with family. He also does not have separation anxiety and has never gotten into anything bad while living at home with family while left alone. What are your thoughts: bring my dog or keep him at home? My siblings have said they would take care of him but they sometimes don't always follow through when they tell me they are taking him on a walk, to the park, etc. TLDR; moving out of family home away to a new state, I am dog's primary care giver, family told me they would be ok with me leaving him but unsure if he will be cared for but he loves them too, I will be living alone in new state with inconsistent work schedule but can come home for lunch every now and then. should i bring him? just want whats best for him.
Hey everyone. I adopted an Australian Shepherd back in May and he is now 7 months old. He will be 9 months by the time I move out of my family's home to another city and state. Getting him was my idea and I am primarily the sole care taker for him, although my siblings and parents will definitely help out if I am working late, want to go out, etc. He is a pretty laid back dog for the most part as I take him to the dog park about 3-4x a week for an hour. We live in a two story home with a decent sized yard but he only goes outside to pee/poo. I leave for work typically around 8:30am and don't come home until 6:30pm. During the time in between no one is at home (either at work or school) except for my dad who does not work but is always out and about with his friends. My dad will put food out for him and let him out to pee, etc, but is not really keeping an eye out on him. People will start to trickle home from 5-6pm and then I come home and he is always most excited to see me. I will be moving away from home to another city and state before the new year in December and will be living alone in a one bedroom apartment (second floor). I want to bring my dog but I am worried that he won't be as happy if he stayed with my family. I am pretty positive I am his favorite as he goes crazy when he sees me, but he also enjoys hanging out with my siblings. I am renting an apartment directly across the street from a park with a designated gated dog area. My work schedule, however, is inconsistent as I am in a client serving industry (public accounting). I know two of my clients through June will be close enough where I can go home for lunch and let him out, but beyond June I am not sure. My main concern is my dog's happiness and whether or not he would be happier if I kept him home with family. He also does not have separation anxiety and has never gotten into anything bad while living at home with family while left alone. What are your thoughts: bring my dog or keep him at home? My siblings have said they would take care of him but they sometimes don't always follow through when they tell me they are taking him on a walk, to the park, etc. TLDR; moving out of family home away to a new state, I am dog's primary care giver, family told me they would be ok with me leaving him but unsure if he will be cared for but he loves them too, I will be living alone in new state with inconsistent work schedule but can come home for lunch every now and then. should i bring him? just want whats best for him.
Hey everyone. I adopted an Australian Shepherd back in May and he is now 7 months old. He will be 9 months by the time I move out of my family's home to another city and state. Getting him was my idea and I am primarily the sole care taker for him, although my siblings and parents will definitely help out if I am working late, want to go out, etc. He is a pretty laid back dog for the most part as I take him to the dog park about 3-4x a week for an hour. We live in a two story home with a decent sized yard but he only goes outside to pee/poo. I leave for work typically around 8:30am and don't come home until 6:30pm. During the time in between no one is at home (either at work or school) except for my dad who does not work but is always out and about with his friends. My dad will put food out for him and let him out to pee, etc, but is not really keeping an eye out on him. People will start to trickle home from 5-6pm and then I come home and he is always most excited to see me. I will be moving away from home to another city and state before the new year in December and will be living alone in a one bedroom apartment (second floor). I want to bring my dog but I am worried that he won't be as happy if he stayed with my family. I am pretty positive I am his favorite as he goes crazy when he sees me, but he also enjoys hanging out with my siblings. I am renting an apartment directly across the street from a park with a designated gated dog area. My work schedule, however, is inconsistent as I am in a client serving industry (public accounting). I know two of my clients through June will be close enough where I can go home for lunch and let him out, but beyond June I am not sure. My main concern is my dog's happiness and whether or not he would be happier if I kept him home with family. He also does not have separation anxiety and has never gotten into anything bad while living at home with family while left alone. What are your thoughts: bring my dog or keep him at home? My siblings have said they would take care of him but they sometimes don't always follow through when they tell me they are taking him on a walk, to the park, etc.
moving out of family home away to a new state, I am dog's primary care giver, family told me they would be ok with me leaving him but unsure if he will be cared for but he loves them too, I will be living alone in new state with inconsistent work schedule but can come home for lunch every now and then. should i bring him? just want whats best for him.
When i was a child we lived for two years on a farm/ranch in an old farmhouse. My brother and I had bedrooms across the hall from one another, mine on the south side and his on the north. One day I noticed that common houseflies were getting in my room, so I would kill them and go on with it. Until one day I came home from spending the weekend at a friend's house and noticed from the outside that somebody had covered up my window with a blanket or something. Or so I thought. When I got up to my room my window was completely blacked out with houseflies. To give you and idea of how many it took the window was probably six feet by four, and there were thousands of them. After getting over the initial fear of it all, I went in like a brave little boy, and mercilessly slaughtered what must have been five thousand of them. This went on all summer. I'd get to the point where I was able to fill up a paper grocery bag, take it outside and throw it in the garden, then repeat the process. Every damn day for three months my window would be blacked out by flies. I still have no idea where they were coming from. If flies are angels, I will be sharing a cell with hitler in hell. **TL;DR -- When I was a kid my room was infested with houseflies and I probably killed a few hundred thousand of them over the course of a summer.** **EDIT:** A few years after we moved the house burned down due to some old, shitty electrics. The family that was living there was not home at the time so nobody was harmed. I like to think it was for the best.
When i was a child we lived for two years on a farm/ranch in an old farmhouse. My brother and I had bedrooms across the hall from one another, mine on the south side and his on the north. One day I noticed that common houseflies were getting in my room, so I would kill them and go on with it. Until one day I came home from spending the weekend at a friend's house and noticed from the outside that somebody had covered up my window with a blanket or something. Or so I thought. When I got up to my room my window was completely blacked out with houseflies. To give you and idea of how many it took the window was probably six feet by four, and there were thousands of them. After getting over the initial fear of it all, I went in like a brave little boy, and mercilessly slaughtered what must have been five thousand of them. This went on all summer. I'd get to the point where I was able to fill up a paper grocery bag, take it outside and throw it in the garden, then repeat the process. Every damn day for three months my window would be blacked out by flies. I still have no idea where they were coming from. If flies are angels, I will be sharing a cell with hitler in hell. TL;DR -- When I was a kid my room was infested with houseflies and I probably killed a few hundred thousand of them over the course of a summer. EDIT: A few years after we moved the house burned down due to some old, shitty electrics. The family that was living there was not home at the time so nobody was harmed. I like to think it was for the best.
When i was a child we lived for two years on a farm/ranch in an old farmhouse. My brother and I had bedrooms across the hall from one another, mine on the south side and his on the north. One day I noticed that common houseflies were getting in my room, so I would kill them and go on with it. Until one day I came home from spending the weekend at a friend's house and noticed from the outside that somebody had covered up my window with a blanket or something. Or so I thought. When I got up to my room my window was completely blacked out with houseflies. To give you and idea of how many it took the window was probably six feet by four, and there were thousands of them. After getting over the initial fear of it all, I went in like a brave little boy, and mercilessly slaughtered what must have been five thousand of them. This went on all summer. I'd get to the point where I was able to fill up a paper grocery bag, take it outside and throw it in the garden, then repeat the process. Every damn day for three months my window would be blacked out by flies. I still have no idea where they were coming from. If flies are angels, I will be sharing a cell with hitler in hell.
When I was a kid my room was infested with houseflies and I probably killed a few hundred thousand of them over the course of a summer. EDIT: A few years after we moved the house burned down due to some old, shitty electrics. The family that was living there was not home at the time so nobody was harmed. I like to think it was for the best.
||| --:|:-- || __Details__ _Vendor:_ |[`StarDockGaLiX`] _Market:_ |[`Agora`] _Product:_ |[`1g of Peru Classic Cocaine`] _Shipped from:_ |[`US`] _Shipped to:_ |[`US`] _Required FE:_ |[`YES`] _Vacuum Sealed:_ |[`YES`] _Decoy:_ |[`NO`] _Handwriting:_ |[`NO`] ||__Rating__ _Communication:_ |[`5`] / 10 _Stealth:_ |[`8`] / 10 _Shipping time:_ |[`5`] / 10 _Price value:_ |[`8`] / 10 _Aesthetics:_ |[`10`] / 10 _Weight:_ |[`11`] / 10 _Quality:_ |[`8`] / 10 _Transaction:_ |[`7`] / 10 _Vendor:_ |[`6`] / 10 _Drug:_ |[`8`] / 10 | | | | _TOTAL SCORE:_ | __[`76`] / 100__ I got caught up in his December mess. I don't think (judging on his Agora feedback) this is representative of his operation as a whole but there are a few reasons why his Agora account got suspended and people got irritated. Also I sort of learned from this why those damn "FE" comments are kind of useful. During the middle of all of this it helped to recognize how many orders were in limbo and that they were getting resolved so there was a bit of a sense before my order arrived that mine was coming too. Communication was the main thing wrong with this order. This was an FE listing, which was fine except a week passed and I received nothing and halfway through the next week I sent a message and received no response. I left it for two days, sent another and nothing. What is dissapointing is he only started responding to my messages (and others based, again, on FE feedback traffic) once Agora suspended his account, and at that point it was to blast Agora on his profile and to tell us he'd checked shipping and it was coming by Friday. I waited three weeks for this package, meanwhile I ordered a back-up from TLS that arrived in three days priority, the day before StarDockGaLiX's package arrived. I have actually never seen a package put together the way this one was. I don't want to specifically explain the package, but it was the goofiest thing I have ever seen. There was no post date and no obvious tracking number I could see (yes, this was intended to be priority). The way the post office marked it was strange and suspicious. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something but it seemed obvious to me when I saw the package why it ended up getting bounced around during the holidays. I bumped stealth down on this a little and maybe I should more... I do not want to receive a package that looks like that from a DNM. For all the wait the product was ok but not nearly as good as its replacement. It was overweight which was really nice but it was speedy and made me anxious. I gave it an eight because it was still potent and my friends enjoyed it so it worked out. I feel the need to say I get that items arrive later during the holidays but vendors (especially those requiring FE) should be aware that an update helps. I don't think everyone would have been so fed up and reported him had he responded to messages or updated his info page. TLDR: December postal insanity, no communication until Agora suspended him, wacky shipping, ok product. EDIT: boxed up the listing title, should be "1g of Peru Classic Cocaine" not the fishscale.
Details Vendor: [ StarDockGaLiX ] Market: [ Agora ] Product: [ 1g of Peru Classic Cocaine ] Shipped from: [ US ] Shipped to: [ US ] Required FE: [ YES ] Vacuum Sealed: [ YES ] Decoy: [ NO ] Handwriting: [ NO ] Rating Communication: [ 5 ] / 10 Stealth: [ 8 ] / 10 Shipping time: [ 5 ] / 10 Price value: [ 8 ] / 10 Aesthetics: [ 10 ] / 10 Weight: [ 11 ] / 10 Quality: [ 8 ] / 10 Transaction: [ 7 ] / 10 Vendor: [ 6 ] / 10 Drug: [ 8 ] / 10 TOTAL SCORE: [ 76 ] / 100 I got caught up in his December mess. I don't think (judging on his Agora feedback) this is representative of his operation as a whole but there are a few reasons why his Agora account got suspended and people got irritated. Also I sort of learned from this why those damn "FE" comments are kind of useful. During the middle of all of this it helped to recognize how many orders were in limbo and that they were getting resolved so there was a bit of a sense before my order arrived that mine was coming too. Communication was the main thing wrong with this order. This was an FE listing, which was fine except a week passed and I received nothing and halfway through the next week I sent a message and received no response. I left it for two days, sent another and nothing. What is dissapointing is he only started responding to my messages (and others based, again, on FE feedback traffic) once Agora suspended his account, and at that point it was to blast Agora on his profile and to tell us he'd checked shipping and it was coming by Friday. I waited three weeks for this package, meanwhile I ordered a back-up from TLS that arrived in three days priority, the day before StarDockGaLiX's package arrived. I have actually never seen a package put together the way this one was. I don't want to specifically explain the package, but it was the goofiest thing I have ever seen. There was no post date and no obvious tracking number I could see (yes, this was intended to be priority). The way the post office marked it was strange and suspicious. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something but it seemed obvious to me when I saw the package why it ended up getting bounced around during the holidays. I bumped stealth down on this a little and maybe I should more... I do not want to receive a package that looks like that from a DNM. For all the wait the product was ok but not nearly as good as its replacement. It was overweight which was really nice but it was speedy and made me anxious. I gave it an eight because it was still potent and my friends enjoyed it so it worked out. I feel the need to say I get that items arrive later during the holidays but vendors (especially those requiring FE) should be aware that an update helps. I don't think everyone would have been so fed up and reported him had he responded to messages or updated his info page. TLDR: December postal insanity, no communication until Agora suspended him, wacky shipping, ok product. EDIT: boxed up the listing title, should be "1g of Peru Classic Cocaine" not the fishscale.
Details Vendor: [ StarDockGaLiX ] Market: [ Agora ] Product: [ 1g of Peru Classic Cocaine ] Shipped from: [ US ] Shipped to: [ US ] Required FE: [ YES ] Vacuum Sealed: [ YES ] Decoy: [ NO ] Handwriting: [ NO ] Rating Communication: [ 5 ] / 10 Stealth: [ 8 ] / 10 Shipping time: [ 5 ] / 10 Price value: [ 8 ] / 10 Aesthetics: [ 10 ] / 10 Weight: [ 11 ] / 10 Quality: [ 8 ] / 10 Transaction: [ 7 ] / 10 Vendor: [ 6 ] / 10 Drug: [ 8 ] / 10 TOTAL SCORE: [ 76 ] / 100 I got caught up in his December mess. I don't think (judging on his Agora feedback) this is representative of his operation as a whole but there are a few reasons why his Agora account got suspended and people got irritated. Also I sort of learned from this why those damn "FE" comments are kind of useful. During the middle of all of this it helped to recognize how many orders were in limbo and that they were getting resolved so there was a bit of a sense before my order arrived that mine was coming too. Communication was the main thing wrong with this order. This was an FE listing, which was fine except a week passed and I received nothing and halfway through the next week I sent a message and received no response. I left it for two days, sent another and nothing. What is dissapointing is he only started responding to my messages (and others based, again, on FE feedback traffic) once Agora suspended his account, and at that point it was to blast Agora on his profile and to tell us he'd checked shipping and it was coming by Friday. I waited three weeks for this package, meanwhile I ordered a back-up from TLS that arrived in three days priority, the day before StarDockGaLiX's package arrived. I have actually never seen a package put together the way this one was. I don't want to specifically explain the package, but it was the goofiest thing I have ever seen. There was no post date and no obvious tracking number I could see (yes, this was intended to be priority). The way the post office marked it was strange and suspicious. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something but it seemed obvious to me when I saw the package why it ended up getting bounced around during the holidays. I bumped stealth down on this a little and maybe I should more... I do not want to receive a package that looks like that from a DNM. For all the wait the product was ok but not nearly as good as its replacement. It was overweight which was really nice but it was speedy and made me anxious. I gave it an eight because it was still potent and my friends enjoyed it so it worked out. I feel the need to say I get that items arrive later during the holidays but vendors (especially those requiring FE) should be aware that an update helps. I don't think everyone would have been so fed up and reported him had he responded to messages or updated his info page.
December postal insanity, no communication until Agora suspended him, wacky shipping, ok product. EDIT: boxed up the listing title, should be "1g of Peru Classic Cocaine" not the fishscale.
2 of my good friends and I scored tickets to see Minnesota in some tiny little bar in Orlando. Minnesota is a favorite of ours, and we had never seen him before. So we're hanging out drinking in my buddies condo and the question should we roll comes up. Normally this wouldn't be a question, but it was the Monday before thanksgiving and we all had to work early in the morning. After little hesitation we all decide to roll. So were pretty pumped up, jamming out, and decide to each take 2 pills of some of the best ecstasy I've ever had. So we drop, and start walking to the venue. All our tickets say is 7:00, so we're assuming that's when the first act comes on. We get there and there is literally no one in line. I jokingly ask the bouncer if were the first ones there, to which he replies yes. At this point things are starting to feel pretty goofy. Mike and Eric are just looking around at buildings, and pretty much unaware that were in the middle of a conversation with the bouncer. So we find out that the show actually starts at 10:00. I'm starting to blow up at this point, Eric is totally wrecked, and Mike seems to be ok. So here we are, in the middle of downtown Orlando rolling our faces off with 3 hours to kill. We end up walking to bar that we know, they play chill techno and it's a nice environment. As we walk there is no talking, we're just laughing. At one point Eric notes that the brick side walks are tripping him out and it feels like he's walking through a river of red bricks. This cracks me up, and we end up hugging each other laughing uncontrollably while walking to the bar. Once we get there, there is some sort of really fancy event going on. Mike knows the bouncer, so he just laughs at us and let's us in to this business launch event in which everyone is dressed in like suits and ties. I look up at the ceiling, which has dim blue lights and I feel like a million bucks. Eric looks at me and says "holy shit, FaeKaelius, you're pupils are huge! Don't make eye contact with anyone!" This cracks me up for some reason and I can't stop laughing. Not real sure how much time passes, but at some point a bunch of really really sexy girls in scantily clad cocktail dresses come walking out with all kinds of promotional items. After talking to all the stuffy business people they make their way over to us and we end up talking and joking around. One girl tries to get me to sign up for something on her iPad, to which I refuse and tell her that I actually have no clue what I'm doing here and she just cracks up and gets us drinks. A different girl is showing Mike something on her iPad, and he is totally mesmerized by it. the rest of the evening is a little blurry, as we drank a lot and Eric and I also took another half pill shortly after the show started. I got kicked out for throwing water on someone about half way through Minnesota's set (amazing btw). Not my best moment. Especially considering there maybe 50 people there and it was the coldest day if the year, but I was rolling and idk, I just threw water. No idea why. So I get kicked out, mike is just dying laughing at me, and Eric is so wrecked he forgot why we were leaving about 30 seconds after we got outside the venue. We ended the night going to a roof top bar on the Orlando Magic's arena. TLDR: mistimed the start of a concert and ended up wandering downtown Orlando rolling our faces off on a Monday. Stumbled into a VIP event. Got kicked out of the Minnesota show :(
2 of my good friends and I scored tickets to see Minnesota in some tiny little bar in Orlando. Minnesota is a favorite of ours, and we had never seen him before. So we're hanging out drinking in my buddies condo and the question should we roll comes up. Normally this wouldn't be a question, but it was the Monday before thanksgiving and we all had to work early in the morning. After little hesitation we all decide to roll. So were pretty pumped up, jamming out, and decide to each take 2 pills of some of the best ecstasy I've ever had. So we drop, and start walking to the venue. All our tickets say is 7:00, so we're assuming that's when the first act comes on. We get there and there is literally no one in line. I jokingly ask the bouncer if were the first ones there, to which he replies yes. At this point things are starting to feel pretty goofy. Mike and Eric are just looking around at buildings, and pretty much unaware that were in the middle of a conversation with the bouncer. So we find out that the show actually starts at 10:00. I'm starting to blow up at this point, Eric is totally wrecked, and Mike seems to be ok. So here we are, in the middle of downtown Orlando rolling our faces off with 3 hours to kill. We end up walking to bar that we know, they play chill techno and it's a nice environment. As we walk there is no talking, we're just laughing. At one point Eric notes that the brick side walks are tripping him out and it feels like he's walking through a river of red bricks. This cracks me up, and we end up hugging each other laughing uncontrollably while walking to the bar. Once we get there, there is some sort of really fancy event going on. Mike knows the bouncer, so he just laughs at us and let's us in to this business launch event in which everyone is dressed in like suits and ties. I look up at the ceiling, which has dim blue lights and I feel like a million bucks. Eric looks at me and says "holy shit, FaeKaelius, you're pupils are huge! Don't make eye contact with anyone!" This cracks me up for some reason and I can't stop laughing. Not real sure how much time passes, but at some point a bunch of really really sexy girls in scantily clad cocktail dresses come walking out with all kinds of promotional items. After talking to all the stuffy business people they make their way over to us and we end up talking and joking around. One girl tries to get me to sign up for something on her iPad, to which I refuse and tell her that I actually have no clue what I'm doing here and she just cracks up and gets us drinks. A different girl is showing Mike something on her iPad, and he is totally mesmerized by it. the rest of the evening is a little blurry, as we drank a lot and Eric and I also took another half pill shortly after the show started. I got kicked out for throwing water on someone about half way through Minnesota's set (amazing btw). Not my best moment. Especially considering there maybe 50 people there and it was the coldest day if the year, but I was rolling and idk, I just threw water. No idea why. So I get kicked out, mike is just dying laughing at me, and Eric is so wrecked he forgot why we were leaving about 30 seconds after we got outside the venue. We ended the night going to a roof top bar on the Orlando Magic's arena. TLDR: mistimed the start of a concert and ended up wandering downtown Orlando rolling our faces off on a Monday. Stumbled into a VIP event. Got kicked out of the Minnesota show :(
2 of my good friends and I scored tickets to see Minnesota in some tiny little bar in Orlando. Minnesota is a favorite of ours, and we had never seen him before. So we're hanging out drinking in my buddies condo and the question should we roll comes up. Normally this wouldn't be a question, but it was the Monday before thanksgiving and we all had to work early in the morning. After little hesitation we all decide to roll. So were pretty pumped up, jamming out, and decide to each take 2 pills of some of the best ecstasy I've ever had. So we drop, and start walking to the venue. All our tickets say is 7:00, so we're assuming that's when the first act comes on. We get there and there is literally no one in line. I jokingly ask the bouncer if were the first ones there, to which he replies yes. At this point things are starting to feel pretty goofy. Mike and Eric are just looking around at buildings, and pretty much unaware that were in the middle of a conversation with the bouncer. So we find out that the show actually starts at 10:00. I'm starting to blow up at this point, Eric is totally wrecked, and Mike seems to be ok. So here we are, in the middle of downtown Orlando rolling our faces off with 3 hours to kill. We end up walking to bar that we know, they play chill techno and it's a nice environment. As we walk there is no talking, we're just laughing. At one point Eric notes that the brick side walks are tripping him out and it feels like he's walking through a river of red bricks. This cracks me up, and we end up hugging each other laughing uncontrollably while walking to the bar. Once we get there, there is some sort of really fancy event going on. Mike knows the bouncer, so he just laughs at us and let's us in to this business launch event in which everyone is dressed in like suits and ties. I look up at the ceiling, which has dim blue lights and I feel like a million bucks. Eric looks at me and says "holy shit, FaeKaelius, you're pupils are huge! Don't make eye contact with anyone!" This cracks me up for some reason and I can't stop laughing. Not real sure how much time passes, but at some point a bunch of really really sexy girls in scantily clad cocktail dresses come walking out with all kinds of promotional items. After talking to all the stuffy business people they make their way over to us and we end up talking and joking around. One girl tries to get me to sign up for something on her iPad, to which I refuse and tell her that I actually have no clue what I'm doing here and she just cracks up and gets us drinks. A different girl is showing Mike something on her iPad, and he is totally mesmerized by it. the rest of the evening is a little blurry, as we drank a lot and Eric and I also took another half pill shortly after the show started. I got kicked out for throwing water on someone about half way through Minnesota's set (amazing btw). Not my best moment. Especially considering there maybe 50 people there and it was the coldest day if the year, but I was rolling and idk, I just threw water. No idea why. So I get kicked out, mike is just dying laughing at me, and Eric is so wrecked he forgot why we were leaving about 30 seconds after we got outside the venue. We ended the night going to a roof top bar on the Orlando Magic's arena.
mistimed the start of a concert and ended up wandering downtown Orlando rolling our faces off on a Monday. Stumbled into a VIP event. Got kicked out of the Minnesota show :(
Mine was today. How pleasant, I had part one of a root canal done a few days ago and hurt it while eating yesterday so I had an emergency appointment today. The dentist drilled out the temp filling and right into my nerve/excess pulp that she missed last time. I actually screamed and jumped with tears streaming down my face. She clearly gave me no injections because she assumed she'd got all the nerves on the first go. Nope. The feeling felt like a twisting pulling and it was excruciating! It still hurts as I type this. So I have no idea if the psycho even got all the nerves and pulp out. TL;DR: temp root canal drilled out without any pain relief and I could feel every second of it.
Mine was today. How pleasant, I had part one of a root canal done a few days ago and hurt it while eating yesterday so I had an emergency appointment today. The dentist drilled out the temp filling and right into my nerve/excess pulp that she missed last time. I actually screamed and jumped with tears streaming down my face. She clearly gave me no injections because she assumed she'd got all the nerves on the first go. Nope. The feeling felt like a twisting pulling and it was excruciating! It still hurts as I type this. So I have no idea if the psycho even got all the nerves and pulp out. TL;DR: temp root canal drilled out without any pain relief and I could feel every second of it.
Mine was today. How pleasant, I had part one of a root canal done a few days ago and hurt it while eating yesterday so I had an emergency appointment today. The dentist drilled out the temp filling and right into my nerve/excess pulp that she missed last time. I actually screamed and jumped with tears streaming down my face. She clearly gave me no injections because she assumed she'd got all the nerves on the first go. Nope. The feeling felt like a twisting pulling and it was excruciating! It still hurts as I type this. So I have no idea if the psycho even got all the nerves and pulp out.
temp root canal drilled out without any pain relief and I could feel every second of it.
This is exhausting. Writing about it is exhausting. I know that people say you can't ever give up, and believing that you can will ensure that you will, but the fact is that I've been trying to lose weight for 16 years and I think I'm out of options, except weight loss drugs and weight loss surgery. Maybe you have some ideas? I have some brain damage from a head injury that I think contributes to impulse control element of binge eating. Right now, I feel a little bit hungry. Intuitive eating would say that I should go downstairs and eat a hunger-proportional healthy snack. But I'm afraid that what will happen is I will go downstairs and eat everything in sight. I did that last night, and I've done that for the past three nights in a row. Currently I'm at 290, and I've been on the increase since Christmas when I was 273. I honestly don't know how much I should weigh, because I didn't keep careful track of my weight when I didn't look fat. When I started getting fat, I remember the number 230 popping into my head, and that steadily increasing. I struggled to stay 230, and that failed over time. Then I was 280 for what felt like a long time. The heaviest I've ever been was 326, and at that point I had trouble moving around and experienced abdominal and back pain. Generally if I stay below 300 I don't have motion problems. But it's been up and down since I was 22. I don't even know what to shoot for -- just "as much as possible" would be a good amount of weight to lose. The BMI calculator tells me I should weigh 195 maximum, but I've heard that the BMI was developed in the 19th century and that people are bigger now. I dunno...the lightest I've been since I started struggling with my weight was 210, and I was lifting weights somewhat obsessively then and eating really minimally. It was nothing I could sustain. So: what should I do? Calorie counting? Intuitive eating? Some combination? I need to solve this! I can't live my life fat. I won't. And this is maybe most important: is there anything I can do about binge eating? I have powerful brain compulsions to eat lots of food, and I feel like I have no power to stop myself from walking downstairs to get a dish of ice cream (I live with my parents, and they keep goodies in the house -- I can't ask them to get rid of all their food). As I write this, my hunger is growing. I don't know what to do. I gave up on love and romance for the time being, which was a good decision, but I'm worried about my health and just general social acceptance (including getting hired in the medical field, which is what I'm in school for). I don't want to be fat anymore! Do I have to be fat? I don't know what to do. I've considered suicide because of this...I know how silly it would look on a suicide note to say "I couldn't lose weight", but I don't think some people understand how frustrating it can be. Everyone must understand how awful it is to be fat in contemporary America. Sorry for rambling on and the disorganization. TL;DR: how do I stop binge eating?
This is exhausting. Writing about it is exhausting. I know that people say you can't ever give up, and believing that you can will ensure that you will, but the fact is that I've been trying to lose weight for 16 years and I think I'm out of options, except weight loss drugs and weight loss surgery. Maybe you have some ideas? I have some brain damage from a head injury that I think contributes to impulse control element of binge eating. Right now, I feel a little bit hungry. Intuitive eating would say that I should go downstairs and eat a hunger-proportional healthy snack. But I'm afraid that what will happen is I will go downstairs and eat everything in sight. I did that last night, and I've done that for the past three nights in a row. Currently I'm at 290, and I've been on the increase since Christmas when I was 273. I honestly don't know how much I should weigh, because I didn't keep careful track of my weight when I didn't look fat. When I started getting fat, I remember the number 230 popping into my head, and that steadily increasing. I struggled to stay 230, and that failed over time. Then I was 280 for what felt like a long time. The heaviest I've ever been was 326, and at that point I had trouble moving around and experienced abdominal and back pain. Generally if I stay below 300 I don't have motion problems. But it's been up and down since I was 22. I don't even know what to shoot for -- just "as much as possible" would be a good amount of weight to lose. The BMI calculator tells me I should weigh 195 maximum, but I've heard that the BMI was developed in the 19th century and that people are bigger now. I dunno...the lightest I've been since I started struggling with my weight was 210, and I was lifting weights somewhat obsessively then and eating really minimally. It was nothing I could sustain. So: what should I do? Calorie counting? Intuitive eating? Some combination? I need to solve this! I can't live my life fat. I won't. And this is maybe most important: is there anything I can do about binge eating? I have powerful brain compulsions to eat lots of food, and I feel like I have no power to stop myself from walking downstairs to get a dish of ice cream (I live with my parents, and they keep goodies in the house -- I can't ask them to get rid of all their food). As I write this, my hunger is growing. I don't know what to do. I gave up on love and romance for the time being, which was a good decision, but I'm worried about my health and just general social acceptance (including getting hired in the medical field, which is what I'm in school for). I don't want to be fat anymore! Do I have to be fat? I don't know what to do. I've considered suicide because of this...I know how silly it would look on a suicide note to say "I couldn't lose weight", but I don't think some people understand how frustrating it can be. Everyone must understand how awful it is to be fat in contemporary America. Sorry for rambling on and the disorganization. TL;DR: how do I stop binge eating?
This is exhausting. Writing about it is exhausting. I know that people say you can't ever give up, and believing that you can will ensure that you will, but the fact is that I've been trying to lose weight for 16 years and I think I'm out of options, except weight loss drugs and weight loss surgery. Maybe you have some ideas? I have some brain damage from a head injury that I think contributes to impulse control element of binge eating. Right now, I feel a little bit hungry. Intuitive eating would say that I should go downstairs and eat a hunger-proportional healthy snack. But I'm afraid that what will happen is I will go downstairs and eat everything in sight. I did that last night, and I've done that for the past three nights in a row. Currently I'm at 290, and I've been on the increase since Christmas when I was 273. I honestly don't know how much I should weigh, because I didn't keep careful track of my weight when I didn't look fat. When I started getting fat, I remember the number 230 popping into my head, and that steadily increasing. I struggled to stay 230, and that failed over time. Then I was 280 for what felt like a long time. The heaviest I've ever been was 326, and at that point I had trouble moving around and experienced abdominal and back pain. Generally if I stay below 300 I don't have motion problems. But it's been up and down since I was 22. I don't even know what to shoot for -- just "as much as possible" would be a good amount of weight to lose. The BMI calculator tells me I should weigh 195 maximum, but I've heard that the BMI was developed in the 19th century and that people are bigger now. I dunno...the lightest I've been since I started struggling with my weight was 210, and I was lifting weights somewhat obsessively then and eating really minimally. It was nothing I could sustain. So: what should I do? Calorie counting? Intuitive eating? Some combination? I need to solve this! I can't live my life fat. I won't. And this is maybe most important: is there anything I can do about binge eating? I have powerful brain compulsions to eat lots of food, and I feel like I have no power to stop myself from walking downstairs to get a dish of ice cream (I live with my parents, and they keep goodies in the house -- I can't ask them to get rid of all their food). As I write this, my hunger is growing. I don't know what to do. I gave up on love and romance for the time being, which was a good decision, but I'm worried about my health and just general social acceptance (including getting hired in the medical field, which is what I'm in school for). I don't want to be fat anymore! Do I have to be fat? I don't know what to do. I've considered suicide because of this...I know how silly it would look on a suicide note to say "I couldn't lose weight", but I don't think some people understand how frustrating it can be. Everyone must understand how awful it is to be fat in contemporary America. Sorry for rambling on and the disorganization.
how do I stop binge eating?
It was at my Secondary school. Aged 14-16. I didn't have many dependable friends then. But during these final 3 years, I had a friend whom shall be named "John." John was in a similar situation as me, but he lived in a village quite far from my town where the school was, so we never saw each other that summer. He also always treated me like shit to make himself more accepting to other schoolmates. I being a naive, wiener went along with this through the last 3 years of Secondary school, I got pissed but I utterly let it go out of it being "Witty Banter", a commonly man-thing to do. Then after that final year, three things hit me: * He was bullying me/treating me like his bitch. * Like me, he didn't have any actual friends apart from one, naive me. * He's going to be miserably alone this summer. All through the summer, he proceeded to tell me through MSN that: * I've been his only trustworthy friend. * His foot fetish * His wanking habits and problems with wanking privacy in regards to his family * Infatuations about the girls in our year and his fantasies of what he would do to said women. * How he's miserable and alone. * Most hilarious of them all, his foreskin is stuck on his bellend and he was considering a circumcision. After all this 3 year crap he put me through, I decided it was his turn. About halfway during the summer holidays, he tells me through MSN that would be somewhere else for a few days, with no computer access and proceeded to ask me for advice on wanking while in proximity of his mother and younger sister at this place. I gave him some cliche advice and off he went. Time to play MSN "hacker" by guessing his password at 1 in the morning. Luckily he's a bit of a technophobe and put his MSN username as his password. This was the gateway to all things sweet and delicious. Here's the list and what happened with each: * His MSN obviously. Did nothing on that, I continued to use this when he went to bed at 10-11PM after he came back. * Youtube. Deleted that sumbitch ASAP. * Facebook. Juiciest part of all. Those fantasies he told me about? I thought I'd like to share these thoughts to each, individual "Friend" he had on there, resulting in blocks and the sort. All while Role-playing as John. When John gets back from his break?, he finds out about what "he" said to these girls and claim he was hacked via status update. He then came straight to me to ask me about what has happened these past few days. I claim not [to have anything to do with it.] ( He believes me. I mean, why wouldn't he? I'm his only **trustworthy** friend of course! As a result, he creates another MSN account. But makes the same mistake of having his username, his password. And the next couple of weeks and e-mail addresses he goes through, I just tell all these girls and boys (Including me) on his Facebook how I would like to: * Spray his load onto their feet. (John's Actual Fantasy. Shortened to JAF.) * Trim their lady garden with my teeth. (Made up.) * Lick them up in his house. Alone. (JAF.) * Watch them and another girl trib while simultaneously jerking him off. (JAF.) * Watch 2 Girls, 1 Cup with her. (Made up.) * Tie them up with his bedsheets to his bed in his house. Alone... (JAF.) He eventually calls the "hacker" out via Facebook status... Saying he won't be made a mockery of. He gets a few "Likes" and comments saying "Oh John, we know it's just you expressing yourself and you should be okay with that." While this was going on, I stopped as it was getting towards September and wrote an appeal to go to a better college someplace else. So summer is over and so begins College. Our Secondary school has a college block, so same place, I haven't received a reply from the other college yet. First thing he says to me "ARE YOU THE HACKER?!" I claim not to be "THE HACKER" and began our induction. On the 3rd of ~~Christmas~~ college, I get a phonecall from my college I applied to, asking if I could come to an induction day the next day, while John being a nosy bastard, trying to listen in to my conversation. I agreed to go to this college and thanked them. I then told John. "You know when I said I wasn't the hacker a few days ago? [I lied.] ( I then resigned from that college, went home and prepared to go to this new college. Because I hated John and how these tiny college block sucked balls and when a presentation of the Biology objective through these two years was to have "Have fun :)", you know it's going to be boring as shit. I didn't think this would be so long, if you read the above, thank you for your time. I hope it wasn't too draining. **TL,DR:** John was treating me like his bitch in Secondary school, so I made sure he never got with any bitch in his school life via guessing his MSN password at 1 in the morning, which was connected to all his social media. I then told him to his face and left, never to be seen again by him again.
It was at my Secondary school. Aged 14-16. I didn't have many dependable friends then. But during these final 3 years, I had a friend whom shall be named "John." John was in a similar situation as me, but he lived in a village quite far from my town where the school was, so we never saw each other that summer. He also always treated me like shit to make himself more accepting to other schoolmates. I being a naive, wiener went along with this through the last 3 years of Secondary school, I got pissed but I utterly let it go out of it being "Witty Banter", a commonly man-thing to do. Then after that final year, three things hit me: He was bullying me/treating me like his bitch. Like me, he didn't have any actual friends apart from one, naive me. He's going to be miserably alone this summer. All through the summer, he proceeded to tell me through MSN that: I've been his only trustworthy friend. His foot fetish His wanking habits and problems with wanking privacy in regards to his family Infatuations about the girls in our year and his fantasies of what he would do to said women. How he's miserable and alone. Most hilarious of them all, his foreskin is stuck on his bellend and he was considering a circumcision. After all this 3 year crap he put me through, I decided it was his turn. About halfway during the summer holidays, he tells me through MSN that would be somewhere else for a few days, with no computer access and proceeded to ask me for advice on wanking while in proximity of his mother and younger sister at this place. I gave him some cliche advice and off he went. Time to play MSN "hacker" by guessing his password at 1 in the morning. Luckily he's a bit of a technophobe and put his MSN username as his password. This was the gateway to all things sweet and delicious. Here's the list and what happened with each: His MSN obviously. Did nothing on that, I continued to use this when he went to bed at 10-11PM after he came back. Youtube. Deleted that sumbitch ASAP. Facebook. Juiciest part of all. Those fantasies he told me about? I thought I'd like to share these thoughts to each, individual "Friend" he had on there, resulting in blocks and the sort. All while Role-playing as John. When John gets back from his break?, he finds out about what "he" said to these girls and claim he was hacked via status update. He then came straight to me to ask me about what has happened these past few days. I claim not [to have anything to do with it.] ( He believes me. I mean, why wouldn't he? I'm his only trustworthy friend of course! As a result, he creates another MSN account. But makes the same mistake of having his username, his password. And the next couple of weeks and e-mail addresses he goes through, I just tell all these girls and boys (Including me) on his Facebook how I would like to: Spray his load onto their feet. (John's Actual Fantasy. Shortened to JAF.) Trim their lady garden with my teeth. (Made up.) Lick them up in his house. Alone. (JAF.) Watch them and another girl trib while simultaneously jerking him off. (JAF.) Watch 2 Girls, 1 Cup with her. (Made up.) Tie them up with his bedsheets to his bed in his house. Alone... (JAF.) He eventually calls the "hacker" out via Facebook status... Saying he won't be made a mockery of. He gets a few "Likes" and comments saying "Oh John, we know it's just you expressing yourself and you should be okay with that." While this was going on, I stopped as it was getting towards September and wrote an appeal to go to a better college someplace else. So summer is over and so begins College. Our Secondary school has a college block, so same place, I haven't received a reply from the other college yet. First thing he says to me "ARE YOU THE HACKER?!" I claim not to be "THE HACKER" and began our induction. On the 3rd of Christmas college, I get a phonecall from my college I applied to, asking if I could come to an induction day the next day, while John being a nosy bastard, trying to listen in to my conversation. I agreed to go to this college and thanked them. I then told John. "You know when I said I wasn't the hacker a few days ago? [I lied.] ( I then resigned from that college, went home and prepared to go to this new college. Because I hated John and how these tiny college block sucked balls and when a presentation of the Biology objective through these two years was to have "Have fun :)", you know it's going to be boring as shit. I didn't think this would be so long, if you read the above, thank you for your time. I hope it wasn't too draining. TL,DR: John was treating me like his bitch in Secondary school, so I made sure he never got with any bitch in his school life via guessing his MSN password at 1 in the morning, which was connected to all his social media. I then told him to his face and left, never to be seen again by him again.
It was at my Secondary school. Aged 14-16. I didn't have many dependable friends then. But during these final 3 years, I had a friend whom shall be named "John." John was in a similar situation as me, but he lived in a village quite far from my town where the school was, so we never saw each other that summer. He also always treated me like shit to make himself more accepting to other schoolmates. I being a naive, wiener went along with this through the last 3 years of Secondary school, I got pissed but I utterly let it go out of it being "Witty Banter", a commonly man-thing to do. Then after that final year, three things hit me: He was bullying me/treating me like his bitch. Like me, he didn't have any actual friends apart from one, naive me. He's going to be miserably alone this summer. All through the summer, he proceeded to tell me through MSN that: I've been his only trustworthy friend. His foot fetish His wanking habits and problems with wanking privacy in regards to his family Infatuations about the girls in our year and his fantasies of what he would do to said women. How he's miserable and alone. Most hilarious of them all, his foreskin is stuck on his bellend and he was considering a circumcision. After all this 3 year crap he put me through, I decided it was his turn. About halfway during the summer holidays, he tells me through MSN that would be somewhere else for a few days, with no computer access and proceeded to ask me for advice on wanking while in proximity of his mother and younger sister at this place. I gave him some cliche advice and off he went. Time to play MSN "hacker" by guessing his password at 1 in the morning. Luckily he's a bit of a technophobe and put his MSN username as his password. This was the gateway to all things sweet and delicious. Here's the list and what happened with each: His MSN obviously. Did nothing on that, I continued to use this when he went to bed at 10-11PM after he came back. Youtube. Deleted that sumbitch ASAP. Facebook. Juiciest part of all. Those fantasies he told me about? I thought I'd like to share these thoughts to each, individual "Friend" he had on there, resulting in blocks and the sort. All while Role-playing as John. When John gets back from his break?, he finds out about what "he" said to these girls and claim he was hacked via status update. He then came straight to me to ask me about what has happened these past few days. I claim not [to have anything to do with it.] ( He believes me. I mean, why wouldn't he? I'm his only trustworthy friend of course! As a result, he creates another MSN account. But makes the same mistake of having his username, his password. And the next couple of weeks and e-mail addresses he goes through, I just tell all these girls and boys (Including me) on his Facebook how I would like to: Spray his load onto their feet. (John's Actual Fantasy. Shortened to JAF.) Trim their lady garden with my teeth. (Made up.) Lick them up in his house. Alone. (JAF.) Watch them and another girl trib while simultaneously jerking him off. (JAF.) Watch 2 Girls, 1 Cup with her. (Made up.) Tie them up with his bedsheets to his bed in his house. Alone... (JAF.) He eventually calls the "hacker" out via Facebook status... Saying he won't be made a mockery of. He gets a few "Likes" and comments saying "Oh John, we know it's just you expressing yourself and you should be okay with that." While this was going on, I stopped as it was getting towards September and wrote an appeal to go to a better college someplace else. So summer is over and so begins College. Our Secondary school has a college block, so same place, I haven't received a reply from the other college yet. First thing he says to me "ARE YOU THE HACKER?!" I claim not to be "THE HACKER" and began our induction. On the 3rd of Christmas college, I get a phonecall from my college I applied to, asking if I could come to an induction day the next day, while John being a nosy bastard, trying to listen in to my conversation. I agreed to go to this college and thanked them. I then told John. "You know when I said I wasn't the hacker a few days ago? [I lied.] ( I then resigned from that college, went home and prepared to go to this new college. Because I hated John and how these tiny college block sucked balls and when a presentation of the Biology objective through these two years was to have "Have fun :)", you know it's going to be boring as shit. I didn't think this would be so long, if you read the above, thank you for your time. I hope it wasn't too draining.
John was treating me like his bitch in Secondary school, so I made sure he never got with any bitch in his school life via guessing his MSN password at 1 in the morning, which was connected to all his social media. I then told him to his face and left, never to be seen again by him again.
Your very lucky. A co-worker of mine was in a similar situation when she was younger. She was skipping school with 3 other friends of hers and they were walking around on the train tracks. They came to a point where the tracks went over a narrow bridge ( theres maybe a foot between the tracks and the edge) when they hear the whistle of a train. At this point they're half way across this bridge with a train speeding towards them. My co-worker and the girl walking with her ran and jumped off and started sprinting back to school. When the y got there they realized the two boys were no longer with them. Later that day they find out the two boys never heard rhe train coming and were killed. They had to pick up pieces of these poor kids off the tracks. Its amazing you reacted that quickly and chose the right direction. Glad you made it. Tl; dr co- worker was walking over a bridge with train tracks. Train comes by. Two make it home..
Your very lucky. A co-worker of mine was in a similar situation when she was younger. She was skipping school with 3 other friends of hers and they were walking around on the train tracks. They came to a point where the tracks went over a narrow bridge ( theres maybe a foot between the tracks and the edge) when they hear the whistle of a train. At this point they're half way across this bridge with a train speeding towards them. My co-worker and the girl walking with her ran and jumped off and started sprinting back to school. When the y got there they realized the two boys were no longer with them. Later that day they find out the two boys never heard rhe train coming and were killed. They had to pick up pieces of these poor kids off the tracks. Its amazing you reacted that quickly and chose the right direction. Glad you made it. Tl; dr co- worker was walking over a bridge with train tracks. Train comes by. Two make it home..
Your very lucky. A co-worker of mine was in a similar situation when she was younger. She was skipping school with 3 other friends of hers and they were walking around on the train tracks. They came to a point where the tracks went over a narrow bridge ( theres maybe a foot between the tracks and the edge) when they hear the whistle of a train. At this point they're half way across this bridge with a train speeding towards them. My co-worker and the girl walking with her ran and jumped off and started sprinting back to school. When the y got there they realized the two boys were no longer with them. Later that day they find out the two boys never heard rhe train coming and were killed. They had to pick up pieces of these poor kids off the tracks. Its amazing you reacted that quickly and chose the right direction. Glad you made it.
co- worker was walking over a bridge with train tracks. Train comes by. Two make it home..
Can confirm, In a similar situation here. Everyone told me I'd look stupid in a beard. Grew a majestic bushy goatee. Now my friends and family wholeheartedly approve and I have joined the local the beard and mustache society and attend meetings. Tl; dr: I grew a goatee, joined a cult, &amp; found purpose.
Can confirm, In a similar situation here. Everyone told me I'd look stupid in a beard. Grew a majestic bushy goatee. Now my friends and family wholeheartedly approve and I have joined the local the beard and mustache society and attend meetings. Tl; dr: I grew a goatee, joined a cult, & found purpose.
Can confirm, In a similar situation here. Everyone told me I'd look stupid in a beard. Grew a majestic bushy goatee. Now my friends and family wholeheartedly approve and I have joined the local the beard and mustache society and attend meetings.
I grew a goatee, joined a cult, & found purpose.