I acknowledge what many pros have said, that beyond not fapping, to truly experience life changing benefits and longevity, one must replace that time-waste with something positive. I would like to get some kind of beneficial group going, so please share any thoughts that you guys have! I like to write fiction and could do running, swimming, whatever, though I am admittedly out of shape (but that will change!) So yeah, let me know. Edit: thanks for the feedback, guys! So here are my thoughs: - for fitness, we probably have varying goals, so an initial "set your goals" thread followed by regular check in, advice, and accountability threads might be the way to go. - for writing, I really like the idea of the war theme! I would certainly be up for doing a short piece or two in that vein regardless of the structure. As for me I would write fiction as it is my break from too much hard science and evidence and such. We could maybe discuss possible ideas or writing prompts, or just post stuff and critique each others work weekly (or biweekly, I know you guys are busy). - if you are concerned about being disruptive to the war's main purpose, you make a valid point. If anyone from command sees this, it would help you hear what you think is appropriate. Though I know there was a reading club last war, and that seemed to be okay. Regardless, if you guys want we can run side groups out of groupchats, another subreddit, pms, whatever you guys want. Thanks again, let me know what you think! I am definitely in for both categories. edit 2: Huh, looks like writing is more popular than I thought! So I shall no put some more definitive parameters and if something sounds off, just yell at me and we'll change it. Cool? - For fitness: I will post the resolutions thread tomorrow. Until then, think about what your fitness goals are (don't worry... you can still ask for advice/ figure it out on the spot). I (or, whoever wants to run that, if you do, please lmk as I'm not the most qualified to run a fitness group) will post check-in threads probably every other day. If it starts to obstruct the flow of this sub, I'll notify you guys and make a new one or, if you prefer, just jump to a groupchat or something. - For writing: glad to see the positive feedback! What I'm thinking is weekend writing club. On Sundays, an *optional*writing prompt is released (if you have something else you want to write, do it! It does not necessarily have to be war related, though that gets you more brownie points.) Try to keep it between 1 and 5 pages for the most part. It can be fiction or creative nonfiction (or whatever else one can think of. Poetry?) Then, the following Saturday, we share writings (if you are worried about keeping rights to your work, just put it up on [Wattpad]( and you will have established some kind of copyright claim. You can then put a link in the thread. If desired, we can pair up and edit/be editted by a fellow soldier for definitive feedback. *If you are busy and cannot post for a week, don't stress! Just try to get as much of you writing out there as you personally can for the benefit of other soldiers. TL;DR: jocks, shit starts tomorrow w/ the first of what will be every other day threads. Get your goals together. Also LMK if you would like to run this. Not my strong suit. Nerds, first optional writing prompt goes out tomorrow. Write any short thing you want for Saturday. To Victory! Of course, you can be both a nerd and a jock. Multiclassing ftw!
I acknowledge what many pros have said, that beyond not fapping, to truly experience life changing benefits and longevity, one must replace that time-waste with something positive. I would like to get some kind of beneficial group going, so please share any thoughts that you guys have! I like to write fiction and could do running, swimming, whatever, though I am admittedly out of shape (but that will change!) So yeah, let me know. Edit: thanks for the feedback, guys! So here are my thoughs: for fitness, we probably have varying goals, so an initial "set your goals" thread followed by regular check in, advice, and accountability threads might be the way to go. for writing, I really like the idea of the war theme! I would certainly be up for doing a short piece or two in that vein regardless of the structure. As for me I would write fiction as it is my break from too much hard science and evidence and such. We could maybe discuss possible ideas or writing prompts, or just post stuff and critique each others work weekly (or biweekly, I know you guys are busy). if you are concerned about being disruptive to the war's main purpose, you make a valid point. If anyone from command sees this, it would help you hear what you think is appropriate. Though I know there was a reading club last war, and that seemed to be okay. Regardless, if you guys want we can run side groups out of groupchats, another subreddit, pms, whatever you guys want. Thanks again, let me know what you think! I am definitely in for both categories. edit 2: Huh, looks like writing is more popular than I thought! So I shall no put some more definitive parameters and if something sounds off, just yell at me and we'll change it. Cool? For fitness: I will post the resolutions thread tomorrow. Until then, think about what your fitness goals are (don't worry... you can still ask for advice/ figure it out on the spot). I (or, whoever wants to run that, if you do, please lmk as I'm not the most qualified to run a fitness group) will post check-in threads probably every other day. If it starts to obstruct the flow of this sub, I'll notify you guys and make a new one or, if you prefer, just jump to a groupchat or something. For writing: glad to see the positive feedback! What I'm thinking is weekend writing club. On Sundays, an optional writing prompt is released (if you have something else you want to write, do it! It does not necessarily have to be war related, though that gets you more brownie points.) Try to keep it between 1 and 5 pages for the most part. It can be fiction or creative nonfiction (or whatever else one can think of. Poetry?) Then, the following Saturday, we share writings (if you are worried about keeping rights to your work, just put it up on [Wattpad]( and you will have established some kind of copyright claim. You can then put a link in the thread. If desired, we can pair up and edit/be editted by a fellow soldier for definitive feedback. *If you are busy and cannot post for a week, don't stress! Just try to get as much of you writing out there as you personally can for the benefit of other soldiers. TL;DR: jocks, shit starts tomorrow w/ the first of what will be every other day threads. Get your goals together. Also LMK if you would like to run this. Not my strong suit. Nerds, first optional writing prompt goes out tomorrow. Write any short thing you want for Saturday. To Victory! Of course, you can be both a nerd and a jock. Multiclassing ftw!
I acknowledge what many pros have said, that beyond not fapping, to truly experience life changing benefits and longevity, one must replace that time-waste with something positive. I would like to get some kind of beneficial group going, so please share any thoughts that you guys have! I like to write fiction and could do running, swimming, whatever, though I am admittedly out of shape (but that will change!) So yeah, let me know. Edit: thanks for the feedback, guys! So here are my thoughs: for fitness, we probably have varying goals, so an initial "set your goals" thread followed by regular check in, advice, and accountability threads might be the way to go. for writing, I really like the idea of the war theme! I would certainly be up for doing a short piece or two in that vein regardless of the structure. As for me I would write fiction as it is my break from too much hard science and evidence and such. We could maybe discuss possible ideas or writing prompts, or just post stuff and critique each others work weekly (or biweekly, I know you guys are busy). if you are concerned about being disruptive to the war's main purpose, you make a valid point. If anyone from command sees this, it would help you hear what you think is appropriate. Though I know there was a reading club last war, and that seemed to be okay. Regardless, if you guys want we can run side groups out of groupchats, another subreddit, pms, whatever you guys want. Thanks again, let me know what you think! I am definitely in for both categories. edit 2: Huh, looks like writing is more popular than I thought! So I shall no put some more definitive parameters and if something sounds off, just yell at me and we'll change it. Cool? For fitness: I will post the resolutions thread tomorrow. Until then, think about what your fitness goals are (don't worry... you can still ask for advice/ figure it out on the spot). I (or, whoever wants to run that, if you do, please lmk as I'm not the most qualified to run a fitness group) will post check-in threads probably every other day. If it starts to obstruct the flow of this sub, I'll notify you guys and make a new one or, if you prefer, just jump to a groupchat or something. For writing: glad to see the positive feedback! What I'm thinking is weekend writing club. On Sundays, an optional writing prompt is released (if you have something else you want to write, do it! It does not necessarily have to be war related, though that gets you more brownie points.) Try to keep it between 1 and 5 pages for the most part. It can be fiction or creative nonfiction (or whatever else one can think of. Poetry?) Then, the following Saturday, we share writings (if you are worried about keeping rights to your work, just put it up on [Wattpad]( and you will have established some kind of copyright claim. You can then put a link in the thread. If desired, we can pair up and edit/be editted by a fellow soldier for definitive feedback. *If you are busy and cannot post for a week, don't stress! Just try to get as much of you writing out there as you personally can for the benefit of other soldiers.
jocks, shit starts tomorrow w/ the first of what will be every other day threads. Get your goals together. Also LMK if you would like to run this. Not my strong suit. Nerds, first optional writing prompt goes out tomorrow. Write any short thing you want for Saturday. To Victory! Of course, you can be both a nerd and a jock. Multiclassing ftw!
And I arrive back at a prior remark, that girls just seem to really suck at figuring out how to get themselves off. It's that they are hard to get off, you just need to know how. Men somehow just "get it" for themselves, at a level that girls rarely achieve even when giving it a concentrated effort to learn how to orgasm. Again, as a male I don't have the parts or experiences to understand why women as a whole are unable to easily masturbate to orgasm. Especially considering that scientists are still arguing about whether the gspot exists, and if it does exist, is it just an extension of the clitoris or is it it's own unique erogenous zone? tl;dr Men aren't going to understand why it is that way, only that it is that way.
And I arrive back at a prior remark, that girls just seem to really suck at figuring out how to get themselves off. It's that they are hard to get off, you just need to know how. Men somehow just "get it" for themselves, at a level that girls rarely achieve even when giving it a concentrated effort to learn how to orgasm. Again, as a male I don't have the parts or experiences to understand why women as a whole are unable to easily masturbate to orgasm. Especially considering that scientists are still arguing about whether the gspot exists, and if it does exist, is it just an extension of the clitoris or is it it's own unique erogenous zone? tl;dr Men aren't going to understand why it is that way, only that it is that way.
And I arrive back at a prior remark, that girls just seem to really suck at figuring out how to get themselves off. It's that they are hard to get off, you just need to know how. Men somehow just "get it" for themselves, at a level that girls rarely achieve even when giving it a concentrated effort to learn how to orgasm. Again, as a male I don't have the parts or experiences to understand why women as a whole are unable to easily masturbate to orgasm. Especially considering that scientists are still arguing about whether the gspot exists, and if it does exist, is it just an extension of the clitoris or is it it's own unique erogenous zone?
Men aren't going to understand why it is that way, only that it is that way.
[Skinny girls can be unnattractive]( I've personally found a nearly equal amount of skinny and quite curvy girls that I find attractive. To me (and I presume most guys) it's how their face looks (not very dependent on weight), how their body looks/shaped, and then how they use their physical attributes to move, talk, etc. There are plenty of people that move in attractive ways, but have boring or unattractive bodies. TLDR there is more than just one rubric for physical attractiveness.
[Skinny girls can be unnattractive]( I've personally found a nearly equal amount of skinny and quite curvy girls that I find attractive. To me (and I presume most guys) it's how their face looks (not very dependent on weight), how their body looks/shaped, and then how they use their physical attributes to move, talk, etc. There are plenty of people that move in attractive ways, but have boring or unattractive bodies. TLDR there is more than just one rubric for physical attractiveness.
Skinny girls can be unnattractive]( I've personally found a nearly equal amount of skinny and quite curvy girls that I find attractive. To me (and I presume most guys) it's how their face looks (not very dependent on weight), how their body looks/shaped, and then how they use their physical attributes to move, talk, etc. There are plenty of people that move in attractive ways, but have boring or unattractive bodies.
there is more than just one rubric for physical attractiveness.
So reddit, i just did ARAB game in custom with some random people. Everything was going on as expected but when the game was about to end (We had something like 25 points on enemy nexus, They had like 90 on ours, we had both bases) Then suddenly the enemy teams teemo, janna and urgot went to cap the 3 other bases becouse they didnt want to lose a fair game(besides janna, she had been healing at base when she needed to (not when we had 2 bases) whole game) Is it really true that the lol community has suchs an idiotic(if i may) players that when they are losing a game they just do something against the rules just to win a game that had been going fairly well for both of the teams. Im not gonna call any names here (I would like to, but im not suchs person). tl;dr LoL community really has suchs and bad losers that they will just break the rules when they would lose a fair game just to win. I am dissapointed in the enemy teams players (There was 1 player who stayed true till the end, didnt cap the 3 other bases).
So reddit, i just did ARAB game in custom with some random people. Everything was going on as expected but when the game was about to end (We had something like 25 points on enemy nexus, They had like 90 on ours, we had both bases) Then suddenly the enemy teams teemo, janna and urgot went to cap the 3 other bases becouse they didnt want to lose a fair game(besides janna, she had been healing at base when she needed to (not when we had 2 bases) whole game) Is it really true that the lol community has suchs an idiotic(if i may) players that when they are losing a game they just do something against the rules just to win a game that had been going fairly well for both of the teams. Im not gonna call any names here (I would like to, but im not suchs person). tl;dr LoL community really has suchs and bad losers that they will just break the rules when they would lose a fair game just to win. I am dissapointed in the enemy teams players (There was 1 player who stayed true till the end, didnt cap the 3 other bases).
So reddit, i just did ARAB game in custom with some random people. Everything was going on as expected but when the game was about to end (We had something like 25 points on enemy nexus, They had like 90 on ours, we had both bases) Then suddenly the enemy teams teemo, janna and urgot went to cap the 3 other bases becouse they didnt want to lose a fair game(besides janna, she had been healing at base when she needed to (not when we had 2 bases) whole game) Is it really true that the lol community has suchs an idiotic(if i may) players that when they are losing a game they just do something against the rules just to win a game that had been going fairly well for both of the teams. Im not gonna call any names here (I would like to, but im not suchs person).
LoL community really has suchs and bad losers that they will just break the rules when they would lose a fair game just to win. I am dissapointed in the enemy teams players (There was 1 player who stayed true till the end, didnt cap the 3 other bases).
I ask because I reach completion by finding the best porn video for the time being (on my phone) and lay on my side(specifically the right) squeezing my upper thighs and also my vagina extremely tight together, giving me a feeling of..... Of..... Amazingly wonderful glittery stuff! And in about 5-20 minutes of watching whatever scene that floats my boat, I orgasm the greatest orgasm of that moment. I use no hands in this process which seems to be weird to others when I explain this them. I just never felt anything by masturbation with my hands. So I want to know if there's others that have different ways or even the same ways to reach completion. Tl;dr- I masturbate with no hands, wonder if anyone does the same thing or has a different way of masturbating
I ask because I reach completion by finding the best porn video for the time being (on my phone) and lay on my side(specifically the right) squeezing my upper thighs and also my vagina extremely tight together, giving me a feeling of..... Of..... Amazingly wonderful glittery stuff! And in about 5-20 minutes of watching whatever scene that floats my boat, I orgasm the greatest orgasm of that moment. I use no hands in this process which seems to be weird to others when I explain this them. I just never felt anything by masturbation with my hands. So I want to know if there's others that have different ways or even the same ways to reach completion. Tl;dr- I masturbate with no hands, wonder if anyone does the same thing or has a different way of masturbating
I ask because I reach completion by finding the best porn video for the time being (on my phone) and lay on my side(specifically the right) squeezing my upper thighs and also my vagina extremely tight together, giving me a feeling of..... Of..... Amazingly wonderful glittery stuff! And in about 5-20 minutes of watching whatever scene that floats my boat, I orgasm the greatest orgasm of that moment. I use no hands in this process which seems to be weird to others when I explain this them. I just never felt anything by masturbation with my hands. So I want to know if there's others that have different ways or even the same ways to reach completion.
I masturbate with no hands, wonder if anyone does the same thing or has a different way of masturbating
So my boyfriend has a huge life changing audition about a month from now that could really make or break his spirit. He doesn't have many friends and finds it hard to make good friends or trust people. His parents when he was younger was really critical of him and his siblings and was always telling him he'd fail if he chose the career path he's taking (Musical Theatre), his mother used to beat him if he ever got upset and now he 's not able to be upset and let out all of his emotions. He's usually a really happy person who's cheeky and smiley but over the past few days he's constantly snapping at me and others and saying horrible things. he just says he's really stressed out. I've told him i want to help but he doesn't seem to want to tell me exactly what's wrong and why he's feeling so lost. he keeps pushing me away and i don't know how to let him know that i'm here and he can trust me and that i want to help him. **tl;dr: boyfriend has serious trust issues and won't allow me to help him in his times of stress. How do i let him know he can rely on me?**
So my boyfriend has a huge life changing audition about a month from now that could really make or break his spirit. He doesn't have many friends and finds it hard to make good friends or trust people. His parents when he was younger was really critical of him and his siblings and was always telling him he'd fail if he chose the career path he's taking (Musical Theatre), his mother used to beat him if he ever got upset and now he 's not able to be upset and let out all of his emotions. He's usually a really happy person who's cheeky and smiley but over the past few days he's constantly snapping at me and others and saying horrible things. he just says he's really stressed out. I've told him i want to help but he doesn't seem to want to tell me exactly what's wrong and why he's feeling so lost. he keeps pushing me away and i don't know how to let him know that i'm here and he can trust me and that i want to help him. tl;dr: boyfriend has serious trust issues and won't allow me to help him in his times of stress. How do i let him know he can rely on me?
So my boyfriend has a huge life changing audition about a month from now that could really make or break his spirit. He doesn't have many friends and finds it hard to make good friends or trust people. His parents when he was younger was really critical of him and his siblings and was always telling him he'd fail if he chose the career path he's taking (Musical Theatre), his mother used to beat him if he ever got upset and now he 's not able to be upset and let out all of his emotions. He's usually a really happy person who's cheeky and smiley but over the past few days he's constantly snapping at me and others and saying horrible things. he just says he's really stressed out. I've told him i want to help but he doesn't seem to want to tell me exactly what's wrong and why he's feeling so lost. he keeps pushing me away and i don't know how to let him know that i'm here and he can trust me and that i want to help him.
boyfriend has serious trust issues and won't allow me to help him in his times of stress. How do i let him know he can rely on me?
18 year old blonde Australian girl on holiday by herself in NYC. First day/night in NYC and I had just bought a new jacket (sorry, sweater or coat to Americans ;) and I told the guy helping me I need it to be really warm since i'll be going up to Duluth in MN. It was dark by the time I left the store. I stopped at the first block and I heard someone right in my ear ask if my jacket was warm enough, I looked in shock and saw a darker coloured man right in my space bubble over my left shoulder trying to shake my hand. I ignored him and kept walking. A block or two down a black car pulls up on the side of the road and the same guy gets out. I start backing away and he tells me not to worry, it's NYC and there's police everywhere, and besides 'he IS police', and he pulls out his wallet with a badge thing, he 'just happens to be attracted to young blonde Australian girls.' I had never said anything to him yet, theres no way he would have known I was from Australia or to ask if my jacket was warm enough without watching me in that shop first. I didnt look down at the badge, (have done martial arts my whole life, instincts kicked in and didn't fall for any distractions) kept trying to push past him. He kept following me with his hand out trying to shake mine for some reason, and kept asking me questions right in my personal space. He followed for a couple blocks, until I realised ignoring him wasn't working so I turned to him and said something along the lines of "If you do not leave me alone right now so help me god I will scream bloody murder and every cop from here to central park will come running." I kept walking and looked a couple of seconds later and he was no where to be seen, and I saw the car quickly take off from the side of the road. I didn't know weather to go back to my hostel incase he was still following me but I didn't want to stay out either. I just walked really quickly and forcefully back and didn't go out the next day, haha. **TL;DR 18, overseas and by myself in NYC, black guy watched me in a shop, followed me down the street, then pulled over in a car and got out coming towards me claimed he was a police officer and kept trying to get me to shake his hand for some reason, followed me some more before I told him i'd scream bloody murder and he disappeared in a hurry.** Doesn't sound as scary as it was.. haha.
18 year old blonde Australian girl on holiday by herself in NYC. First day/night in NYC and I had just bought a new jacket (sorry, sweater or coat to Americans ;) and I told the guy helping me I need it to be really warm since i'll be going up to Duluth in MN. It was dark by the time I left the store. I stopped at the first block and I heard someone right in my ear ask if my jacket was warm enough, I looked in shock and saw a darker coloured man right in my space bubble over my left shoulder trying to shake my hand. I ignored him and kept walking. A block or two down a black car pulls up on the side of the road and the same guy gets out. I start backing away and he tells me not to worry, it's NYC and there's police everywhere, and besides 'he IS police', and he pulls out his wallet with a badge thing, he 'just happens to be attracted to young blonde Australian girls.' I had never said anything to him yet, theres no way he would have known I was from Australia or to ask if my jacket was warm enough without watching me in that shop first. I didnt look down at the badge, (have done martial arts my whole life, instincts kicked in and didn't fall for any distractions) kept trying to push past him. He kept following me with his hand out trying to shake mine for some reason, and kept asking me questions right in my personal space. He followed for a couple blocks, until I realised ignoring him wasn't working so I turned to him and said something along the lines of "If you do not leave me alone right now so help me god I will scream bloody murder and every cop from here to central park will come running." I kept walking and looked a couple of seconds later and he was no where to be seen, and I saw the car quickly take off from the side of the road. I didn't know weather to go back to my hostel incase he was still following me but I didn't want to stay out either. I just walked really quickly and forcefully back and didn't go out the next day, haha. TL;DR 18, overseas and by myself in NYC, black guy watched me in a shop, followed me down the street, then pulled over in a car and got out coming towards me claimed he was a police officer and kept trying to get me to shake his hand for some reason, followed me some more before I told him i'd scream bloody murder and he disappeared in a hurry. Doesn't sound as scary as it was.. haha.
18 year old blonde Australian girl on holiday by herself in NYC. First day/night in NYC and I had just bought a new jacket (sorry, sweater or coat to Americans ;) and I told the guy helping me I need it to be really warm since i'll be going up to Duluth in MN. It was dark by the time I left the store. I stopped at the first block and I heard someone right in my ear ask if my jacket was warm enough, I looked in shock and saw a darker coloured man right in my space bubble over my left shoulder trying to shake my hand. I ignored him and kept walking. A block or two down a black car pulls up on the side of the road and the same guy gets out. I start backing away and he tells me not to worry, it's NYC and there's police everywhere, and besides 'he IS police', and he pulls out his wallet with a badge thing, he 'just happens to be attracted to young blonde Australian girls.' I had never said anything to him yet, theres no way he would have known I was from Australia or to ask if my jacket was warm enough without watching me in that shop first. I didnt look down at the badge, (have done martial arts my whole life, instincts kicked in and didn't fall for any distractions) kept trying to push past him. He kept following me with his hand out trying to shake mine for some reason, and kept asking me questions right in my personal space. He followed for a couple blocks, until I realised ignoring him wasn't working so I turned to him and said something along the lines of "If you do not leave me alone right now so help me god I will scream bloody murder and every cop from here to central park will come running." I kept walking and looked a couple of seconds later and he was no where to be seen, and I saw the car quickly take off from the side of the road. I didn't know weather to go back to my hostel incase he was still following me but I didn't want to stay out either. I just walked really quickly and forcefully back and didn't go out the next day, haha.
18, overseas and by myself in NYC, black guy watched me in a shop, followed me down the street, then pulled over in a car and got out coming towards me claimed he was a police officer and kept trying to get me to shake his hand for some reason, followed me some more before I told him i'd scream bloody murder and he disappeared in a hurry. Doesn't sound as scary as it was.. haha.
The problem I (and I would assume many others) have with r/atheism, is that you are automatically subscribed upon joining. I wouldn't mind if it were some mature discussion, but, given the current state of the subreddit, it's like assuming every redditor who joins is an atheist. You might as well subscribe us to all the religious subreddits. To be honest, it actually took me a week or two before I even realised subreddits were subscription based, so I looking through some of the posts on my main page just got me angry. TL;DR: r/atheism is fine, but do we really need to be auto-subscribed? Edit: autocorrect...
The problem I (and I would assume many others) have with r/atheism, is that you are automatically subscribed upon joining. I wouldn't mind if it were some mature discussion, but, given the current state of the subreddit, it's like assuming every redditor who joins is an atheist. You might as well subscribe us to all the religious subreddits. To be honest, it actually took me a week or two before I even realised subreddits were subscription based, so I looking through some of the posts on my main page just got me angry. TL;DR: r/atheism is fine, but do we really need to be auto-subscribed? Edit: autocorrect...
The problem I (and I would assume many others) have with r/atheism, is that you are automatically subscribed upon joining. I wouldn't mind if it were some mature discussion, but, given the current state of the subreddit, it's like assuming every redditor who joins is an atheist. You might as well subscribe us to all the religious subreddits. To be honest, it actually took me a week or two before I even realised subreddits were subscription based, so I looking through some of the posts on my main page just got me angry.
r/atheism is fine, but do we really need to be auto-subscribed? Edit: autocorrect...
At the moment I store EVERYTHING of value at my main settlement (Sanctuary) and have trade routes to connect everyone to Sanctuary. The defense is extremely good at Sanctuary, with two decent layers of walls and turret towers/sniping positions all over the place. I'm still worried about losing my master cache. If Raiders somehow did penetrate my defenses, do they have the ability to loot all of my stuff? I'm getting really paranoid thinking about that Legendary Super Mutant that will steal all my shit while I'm crawling around the Metro - maybe I shouldn't be thinking about Settlement Raider mechanics while baked. **tl;dr** Can raiders steal from settlements? Yes or No? If yes, to what degree can they take your stuff?
At the moment I store EVERYTHING of value at my main settlement (Sanctuary) and have trade routes to connect everyone to Sanctuary. The defense is extremely good at Sanctuary, with two decent layers of walls and turret towers/sniping positions all over the place. I'm still worried about losing my master cache. If Raiders somehow did penetrate my defenses, do they have the ability to loot all of my stuff? I'm getting really paranoid thinking about that Legendary Super Mutant that will steal all my shit while I'm crawling around the Metro - maybe I shouldn't be thinking about Settlement Raider mechanics while baked. tl;dr Can raiders steal from settlements? Yes or No? If yes, to what degree can they take your stuff?
At the moment I store EVERYTHING of value at my main settlement (Sanctuary) and have trade routes to connect everyone to Sanctuary. The defense is extremely good at Sanctuary, with two decent layers of walls and turret towers/sniping positions all over the place. I'm still worried about losing my master cache. If Raiders somehow did penetrate my defenses, do they have the ability to loot all of my stuff? I'm getting really paranoid thinking about that Legendary Super Mutant that will steal all my shit while I'm crawling around the Metro - maybe I shouldn't be thinking about Settlement Raider mechanics while baked.
Can raiders steal from settlements? Yes or No? If yes, to what degree can they take your stuff?
...But a triple rep myrm is a beast. Fitting out of the box is fine. But a ship *SHOULD* be able to fit toward its bonuses too. Look at Bap calling everyone trying to fit medium hybrids to a medium hybrid bonused boat retarded. I'm fine with him fitting small hybrids, but why would you call medium hybrids retarded? TL;DR - Shut the fuck up.
...But a triple rep myrm is a beast. Fitting out of the box is fine. But a ship SHOULD be able to fit toward its bonuses too. Look at Bap calling everyone trying to fit medium hybrids to a medium hybrid bonused boat retarded. I'm fine with him fitting small hybrids, but why would you call medium hybrids retarded? TL;DR - Shut the fuck up.
But a triple rep myrm is a beast. Fitting out of the box is fine. But a ship SHOULD be able to fit toward its bonuses too. Look at Bap calling everyone trying to fit medium hybrids to a medium hybrid bonused boat retarded. I'm fine with him fitting small hybrids, but why would you call medium hybrids retarded?
Shut the fuck up.
I would hold off a bit. Companies are starting to roll out stand alone watches with their own data and phone number (Samsung has one out now). I would wait for it to evolve a bit more before buying though. Apple watch still relies on your iPhone for everything as far as I know. Tl:dr: wait for stand alone watch running android wear (current Samsung is tizen only) or a watch version of ios.
I would hold off a bit. Companies are starting to roll out stand alone watches with their own data and phone number (Samsung has one out now). I would wait for it to evolve a bit more before buying though. Apple watch still relies on your iPhone for everything as far as I know. Tl:dr: wait for stand alone watch running android wear (current Samsung is tizen only) or a watch version of ios.
I would hold off a bit. Companies are starting to roll out stand alone watches with their own data and phone number (Samsung has one out now). I would wait for it to evolve a bit more before buying though. Apple watch still relies on your iPhone for everything as far as I know.
wait for stand alone watch running android wear (current Samsung is tizen only) or a watch version of ios.
In high school I had a friend who had an item on his bucket list that I decided I'd help him out with. Getting hit by a car. We were working at a summer camp at the end of the week we were free to go, recently given my driver's license and with my car up at camp we decided it would be a perfect place to make his wish come true. He stood in the middle of the road and one of my best friends thought it would be awesome to ride shotgun in this experience. His only real contribution was to the question of "How fast should we hit him?" We decided that school zones were 20 mph so we should hit him at 15 mph. (You know, for safety) A couple of scrapes, bruises, and a broken windshield later his wish was fulfilled. tl;dr - hit my friend with a car at his request.
In high school I had a friend who had an item on his bucket list that I decided I'd help him out with. Getting hit by a car. We were working at a summer camp at the end of the week we were free to go, recently given my driver's license and with my car up at camp we decided it would be a perfect place to make his wish come true. He stood in the middle of the road and one of my best friends thought it would be awesome to ride shotgun in this experience. His only real contribution was to the question of "How fast should we hit him?" We decided that school zones were 20 mph so we should hit him at 15 mph. (You know, for safety) A couple of scrapes, bruises, and a broken windshield later his wish was fulfilled. tl;dr - hit my friend with a car at his request.
In high school I had a friend who had an item on his bucket list that I decided I'd help him out with. Getting hit by a car. We were working at a summer camp at the end of the week we were free to go, recently given my driver's license and with my car up at camp we decided it would be a perfect place to make his wish come true. He stood in the middle of the road and one of my best friends thought it would be awesome to ride shotgun in this experience. His only real contribution was to the question of "How fast should we hit him?" We decided that school zones were 20 mph so we should hit him at 15 mph. (You know, for safety) A couple of scrapes, bruises, and a broken windshield later his wish was fulfilled.
hit my friend with a car at his request.
Kind of a long story. I've never been a fan of handguns. I don't have a problem with rifles or shotguns, but handguns being so small and easy to fire they kind of freak me out. Well my dad talked me into going to the gun range with him. Later that day, one of my friends came over, and him and my dad started talking about guns. My friend told him he was interested in selling his gun and he went to to his car and got it. While this was going on I was in the other room, on the phone because I planned a bachelor party for my brother that night and was calling guests to make sure they knew all the plans. My friend unloaded the gun and handed it to my dad and he checked it and they talked about it a bit. My dad handed it back to my friend with the slide(?) back, and my friend put the magazine back in, not realizing he chambered a round, he pulled the magazine back out and told my dad the gun is also easy to take a part. My dad glanced away as this happened and looked up to see my friend struggling to take it a part, and immediately told him to stop and asked if he checked the gun. That's when the gun went off. I just walked into the dining room when this happened. When the gun fired I turned to see what it hit and saw a hole in the wall so at first I thought it missed me. I lifted my arm and thats when the blood started. Luckily it was a full metal jacket, it went straight through my arm without hitting bone or nerves. When I was at the hospital calling people to tell them I got shot but the party was still on, everyone thought it was a joke to trick my brother into coming down (he lives 45 minutes away). The hospital just wrapped it up and I was home in time for the bachelor party. Needless to say I got sympathy lap dances all night. **TLDR: I have a stupid friend, in the end I got free lap dances.** **Edit: I guess its worth noting the gun was a Taurus 9mm** At the hospital Hole in the wall behind me Camparison Not a very impressive scar Made a necklace with the bullet. Sorry about the formatting I don't know how to reddit good. Before all the gun safety people show up, yes I know I'm lucky, yes I know it was a stupid situation. Cheers!
Kind of a long story. I've never been a fan of handguns. I don't have a problem with rifles or shotguns, but handguns being so small and easy to fire they kind of freak me out. Well my dad talked me into going to the gun range with him. Later that day, one of my friends came over, and him and my dad started talking about guns. My friend told him he was interested in selling his gun and he went to to his car and got it. While this was going on I was in the other room, on the phone because I planned a bachelor party for my brother that night and was calling guests to make sure they knew all the plans. My friend unloaded the gun and handed it to my dad and he checked it and they talked about it a bit. My dad handed it back to my friend with the slide(?) back, and my friend put the magazine back in, not realizing he chambered a round, he pulled the magazine back out and told my dad the gun is also easy to take a part. My dad glanced away as this happened and looked up to see my friend struggling to take it a part, and immediately told him to stop and asked if he checked the gun. That's when the gun went off. I just walked into the dining room when this happened. When the gun fired I turned to see what it hit and saw a hole in the wall so at first I thought it missed me. I lifted my arm and thats when the blood started. Luckily it was a full metal jacket, it went straight through my arm without hitting bone or nerves. When I was at the hospital calling people to tell them I got shot but the party was still on, everyone thought it was a joke to trick my brother into coming down (he lives 45 minutes away). The hospital just wrapped it up and I was home in time for the bachelor party. Needless to say I got sympathy lap dances all night. TLDR: I have a stupid friend, in the end I got free lap dances. Edit: I guess its worth noting the gun was a Taurus 9mm At the hospital Hole in the wall behind me Camparison Not a very impressive scar Made a necklace with the bullet. Sorry about the formatting I don't know how to reddit good. Before all the gun safety people show up, yes I know I'm lucky, yes I know it was a stupid situation. Cheers!
Kind of a long story. I've never been a fan of handguns. I don't have a problem with rifles or shotguns, but handguns being so small and easy to fire they kind of freak me out. Well my dad talked me into going to the gun range with him. Later that day, one of my friends came over, and him and my dad started talking about guns. My friend told him he was interested in selling his gun and he went to to his car and got it. While this was going on I was in the other room, on the phone because I planned a bachelor party for my brother that night and was calling guests to make sure they knew all the plans. My friend unloaded the gun and handed it to my dad and he checked it and they talked about it a bit. My dad handed it back to my friend with the slide(?) back, and my friend put the magazine back in, not realizing he chambered a round, he pulled the magazine back out and told my dad the gun is also easy to take a part. My dad glanced away as this happened and looked up to see my friend struggling to take it a part, and immediately told him to stop and asked if he checked the gun. That's when the gun went off. I just walked into the dining room when this happened. When the gun fired I turned to see what it hit and saw a hole in the wall so at first I thought it missed me. I lifted my arm and thats when the blood started. Luckily it was a full metal jacket, it went straight through my arm without hitting bone or nerves. When I was at the hospital calling people to tell them I got shot but the party was still on, everyone thought it was a joke to trick my brother into coming down (he lives 45 minutes away). The hospital just wrapped it up and I was home in time for the bachelor party. Needless to say I got sympathy lap dances all night.
I have a stupid friend, in the end I got free lap dances. Edit: I guess its worth noting the gun was a Taurus 9mm At the hospital Hole in the wall behind me Camparison Not a very impressive scar Made a necklace with the bullet. Sorry about the formatting I don't know how to reddit good. Before all the gun safety people show up, yes I know I'm lucky, yes I know it was a stupid situation. Cheers!
People at death metal shows are nothing but kind to each other. I've been in enough pits, and have gotten knocked down more than enough times. I've never gotten hurt. Stand on the outskirts, go up to the front, just stay away from the pit if you are worried. Or go by the bar and get loaded. that's always a great time. The ONLY time I've gotten hurt was at Into the Moat/BTBAM/and Black Dahlia Murder. I was on the edge of the pit, while a bunch of douchebag pansies were hardcore-dancing. The pit was about 50 by 50, and there were, oh...6 kids in there. One kid came down right on the bridge of nose, and broke my nose. Didn't stop to check if I'm ok, didn't say I'm sorry; just kept "dancing." I followed him, picked him up, and threw him into another kid. Both of them got thrown out when the bouncer saw my face. TLDR; Don't worry. You are around respectful people, who are concerned about their safety, as much as they are concerned about your's.
People at death metal shows are nothing but kind to each other. I've been in enough pits, and have gotten knocked down more than enough times. I've never gotten hurt. Stand on the outskirts, go up to the front, just stay away from the pit if you are worried. Or go by the bar and get loaded. that's always a great time. The ONLY time I've gotten hurt was at Into the Moat/BTBAM/and Black Dahlia Murder. I was on the edge of the pit, while a bunch of douchebag pansies were hardcore-dancing. The pit was about 50 by 50, and there were, oh...6 kids in there. One kid came down right on the bridge of nose, and broke my nose. Didn't stop to check if I'm ok, didn't say I'm sorry; just kept "dancing." I followed him, picked him up, and threw him into another kid. Both of them got thrown out when the bouncer saw my face. TLDR; Don't worry. You are around respectful people, who are concerned about their safety, as much as they are concerned about your's.
People at death metal shows are nothing but kind to each other. I've been in enough pits, and have gotten knocked down more than enough times. I've never gotten hurt. Stand on the outskirts, go up to the front, just stay away from the pit if you are worried. Or go by the bar and get loaded. that's always a great time. The ONLY time I've gotten hurt was at Into the Moat/BTBAM/and Black Dahlia Murder. I was on the edge of the pit, while a bunch of douchebag pansies were hardcore-dancing. The pit was about 50 by 50, and there were, oh...6 kids in there. One kid came down right on the bridge of nose, and broke my nose. Didn't stop to check if I'm ok, didn't say I'm sorry; just kept "dancing." I followed him, picked him up, and threw him into another kid. Both of them got thrown out when the bouncer saw my face.
Don't worry. You are around respectful people, who are concerned about their safety, as much as they are concerned about your's.
Cullen is by far my favorite romance in Inquisition, but I feel bad romancing him as an elf or mage. I look at it this way, he doesn't trust mages from the torture at the Fereldan Circle, then in DA2, he kinda gets better but we all see it's still kind of the same situation. He distrusts them. In Inquisition we see him trying to be more accommodating, but a lot of the old prejudice is still there. Especially when picking between Templars and mages where he mocks the mages For being "unorganized". If you do side with the mages, he suggests sanctions and constant watch over them. If you do romance him as a mage, you can pretty much throw that in his face at any time and he has the lingering fear of the Inquisitor being possessed and how he would possibly react in that situation. For the elf, well they don't share any of the same beliefs. I suppose you could have them be Andrastian, but it wouldn't make sense with their background. They also bring nothing to offer, at least as a human mage they still are nobility and could help support Cullen and family in early marriage. It's mostly just "Hi I'm an elf your brother boned and my clan is dead so now I'm here." Tl; Dr Poor Cullen deserves a nice normal human girl to settle down with.
Cullen is by far my favorite romance in Inquisition, but I feel bad romancing him as an elf or mage. I look at it this way, he doesn't trust mages from the torture at the Fereldan Circle, then in DA2, he kinda gets better but we all see it's still kind of the same situation. He distrusts them. In Inquisition we see him trying to be more accommodating, but a lot of the old prejudice is still there. Especially when picking between Templars and mages where he mocks the mages For being "unorganized". If you do side with the mages, he suggests sanctions and constant watch over them. If you do romance him as a mage, you can pretty much throw that in his face at any time and he has the lingering fear of the Inquisitor being possessed and how he would possibly react in that situation. For the elf, well they don't share any of the same beliefs. I suppose you could have them be Andrastian, but it wouldn't make sense with their background. They also bring nothing to offer, at least as a human mage they still are nobility and could help support Cullen and family in early marriage. It's mostly just "Hi I'm an elf your brother boned and my clan is dead so now I'm here." Tl; Dr Poor Cullen deserves a nice normal human girl to settle down with.
Cullen is by far my favorite romance in Inquisition, but I feel bad romancing him as an elf or mage. I look at it this way, he doesn't trust mages from the torture at the Fereldan Circle, then in DA2, he kinda gets better but we all see it's still kind of the same situation. He distrusts them. In Inquisition we see him trying to be more accommodating, but a lot of the old prejudice is still there. Especially when picking between Templars and mages where he mocks the mages For being "unorganized". If you do side with the mages, he suggests sanctions and constant watch over them. If you do romance him as a mage, you can pretty much throw that in his face at any time and he has the lingering fear of the Inquisitor being possessed and how he would possibly react in that situation. For the elf, well they don't share any of the same beliefs. I suppose you could have them be Andrastian, but it wouldn't make sense with their background. They also bring nothing to offer, at least as a human mage they still are nobility and could help support Cullen and family in early marriage. It's mostly just "Hi I'm an elf your brother boned and my clan is dead so now I'm here."
Poor Cullen deserves a nice normal human girl to settle down with.
Recently I've gotten into a relationship with a new coworker who moved up to my hometown. He was in desperate need for money, so he became a dishwasher. The reason he came up here was to fight wildfires. He's actually leaving out today to go do that for two weeks. I'm leaving for college in a month. My priorities have been and remain to be set on getting my degree. I was absolutely not planning on being in a relationship with anyone. But when someone comes along that treats you very nice and well, and you have a TON in common? I'm sorry, but my natural instinct was to kinda go for it. Not to mention he's pretty handy and a very hard worker. (Three jobs to get by while he's waiting for a fire.) My parents are livid, and I think they are rightfully so. He wanted to meet them? They declined. My dad keeps calling him the dishwasher, and whenever I ask my mom if I can go hang out, she barrs her teeth at me and talks about 'responsibility' and 'priorities' I've told him IN FULL how my parents feel about the situation. He told me that he doesn't care that I'm going to college. He wants to continue seeing me. If my grades slip, he told me that I would not be seeing him often. He said that college is my ultimate goal and he respects that and he wants me to succeed. I'm getting to know him. My parents say I barely know him and I'm making poor judgement and he could be looking for a free ride. Yeah, working three jobs? And he NEVER let's me pick up my wallet when we go out. And I know he's been struggling since he moved here. I'm sorry, maybe my vision is skewed and I'm like my parents say, I'm not looking at it rationally and I'm 'doughy eyed' and I have absolutely no clue about him? I'm getting to know him though. Not only that? Fun fact: one time my sister slept in for church, they thought that he came to her apartment and killed her. She and I thought it was funny. They were completely serious. I know it's their job to be worried about me and what not, they're my parents. But I don't know if I'm the crazy one or they are. I have enough money saved up to buy a car and to pay for my first year (whatever isn't covered by scholarships and loans.) I've wanted to pay on my own all year, and suddenly my dad brings up getting a tax return if he pays me $4,000 a year? And the car. I could easily pay for it. And he wanted me to slowly buy it on my own, he just came into my room about 40 minutes ago (6:30 AM) and said maybe it was in my best interest to not pay for the car and to let him pay for it. Then he talked about my college and how I was the families' investment. And how I shouldn't switch my major. (I might have too, engineering is crazy and I like other things too.) He made me agree to give him a mileage report once a week, to know for sure that I'm not fucking around. A mileage report, once a week. I'm 18, and I'm trying to leave the nest into the wide unknown world, and I thought I would be free of the leash, even in just the slightest bit. But I guess not! And shouldn't I be learning my own lessons? If this doesn't end up like I want it to I can learn how to rectify it on my own and I personally think that's a valuable life skill, to fuck up and learn from it. And I only keep fucking up because of the tight leash and I want to go experience things (I'm sorry for wanting to be a fucking teenager and rebel and go hang out with people I like before I leave). I don't smoke. I don't drink. I don't party. I don't like being out past daytime. I'm never with someone who doesn't respect my boundaries and my personal views. Yet I'm constantly reminded on how I fuck up, when I do, and how to avoid it. I don't think it's right, and I don't think it's fair. I don't think they should hold anything over my head. It's cruel, to be completely honest. I know I'm their little girl and they're worried about me, they only want me to succeed. If they weren't worried I would be concerned. I don't know. Maybe I'm the crazy one? I would like a second opinion. I've told the boy of interest everything that I've written here. I'm just waiting for a response. He told me before we were going to prove them wrong, and send them grade reports regularly. Things just got a little more difficult. I've never felt this happy in my life, and I don't think my happiness is a mistake. And I can tell you, honestly, that whenever something comes along that makes me happy, it gets smashed with the paranoid (nothing is what it seems, be careful, you're irresponsible, yada yada) I try to talk to them about it, and all of a sudden, when I make a valid argument, I'm manipulating them. I don't want to make any brash decisions here to get a point across. I just want to know if I'm being crazy or if they're right about this. It's really bugging the shit out of me. They discourage me from dating all together to focus on school. I think personally that I should learn to do things on my own without a leash. Sorry about the rant. TL;DR My parents are crazy and they're holding things over my head to get me to focus on college (I already am) to prevent me from hanging out with a boy. Please give me some advice.
Recently I've gotten into a relationship with a new coworker who moved up to my hometown. He was in desperate need for money, so he became a dishwasher. The reason he came up here was to fight wildfires. He's actually leaving out today to go do that for two weeks. I'm leaving for college in a month. My priorities have been and remain to be set on getting my degree. I was absolutely not planning on being in a relationship with anyone. But when someone comes along that treats you very nice and well, and you have a TON in common? I'm sorry, but my natural instinct was to kinda go for it. Not to mention he's pretty handy and a very hard worker. (Three jobs to get by while he's waiting for a fire.) My parents are livid, and I think they are rightfully so. He wanted to meet them? They declined. My dad keeps calling him the dishwasher, and whenever I ask my mom if I can go hang out, she barrs her teeth at me and talks about 'responsibility' and 'priorities' I've told him IN FULL how my parents feel about the situation. He told me that he doesn't care that I'm going to college. He wants to continue seeing me. If my grades slip, he told me that I would not be seeing him often. He said that college is my ultimate goal and he respects that and he wants me to succeed. I'm getting to know him. My parents say I barely know him and I'm making poor judgement and he could be looking for a free ride. Yeah, working three jobs? And he NEVER let's me pick up my wallet when we go out. And I know he's been struggling since he moved here. I'm sorry, maybe my vision is skewed and I'm like my parents say, I'm not looking at it rationally and I'm 'doughy eyed' and I have absolutely no clue about him? I'm getting to know him though. Not only that? Fun fact: one time my sister slept in for church, they thought that he came to her apartment and killed her. She and I thought it was funny. They were completely serious. I know it's their job to be worried about me and what not, they're my parents. But I don't know if I'm the crazy one or they are. I have enough money saved up to buy a car and to pay for my first year (whatever isn't covered by scholarships and loans.) I've wanted to pay on my own all year, and suddenly my dad brings up getting a tax return if he pays me $4,000 a year? And the car. I could easily pay for it. And he wanted me to slowly buy it on my own, he just came into my room about 40 minutes ago (6:30 AM) and said maybe it was in my best interest to not pay for the car and to let him pay for it. Then he talked about my college and how I was the families' investment. And how I shouldn't switch my major. (I might have too, engineering is crazy and I like other things too.) He made me agree to give him a mileage report once a week, to know for sure that I'm not fucking around. A mileage report, once a week. I'm 18, and I'm trying to leave the nest into the wide unknown world, and I thought I would be free of the leash, even in just the slightest bit. But I guess not! And shouldn't I be learning my own lessons? If this doesn't end up like I want it to I can learn how to rectify it on my own and I personally think that's a valuable life skill, to fuck up and learn from it. And I only keep fucking up because of the tight leash and I want to go experience things (I'm sorry for wanting to be a fucking teenager and rebel and go hang out with people I like before I leave). I don't smoke. I don't drink. I don't party. I don't like being out past daytime. I'm never with someone who doesn't respect my boundaries and my personal views. Yet I'm constantly reminded on how I fuck up, when I do, and how to avoid it. I don't think it's right, and I don't think it's fair. I don't think they should hold anything over my head. It's cruel, to be completely honest. I know I'm their little girl and they're worried about me, they only want me to succeed. If they weren't worried I would be concerned. I don't know. Maybe I'm the crazy one? I would like a second opinion. I've told the boy of interest everything that I've written here. I'm just waiting for a response. He told me before we were going to prove them wrong, and send them grade reports regularly. Things just got a little more difficult. I've never felt this happy in my life, and I don't think my happiness is a mistake. And I can tell you, honestly, that whenever something comes along that makes me happy, it gets smashed with the paranoid (nothing is what it seems, be careful, you're irresponsible, yada yada) I try to talk to them about it, and all of a sudden, when I make a valid argument, I'm manipulating them. I don't want to make any brash decisions here to get a point across. I just want to know if I'm being crazy or if they're right about this. It's really bugging the shit out of me. They discourage me from dating all together to focus on school. I think personally that I should learn to do things on my own without a leash. Sorry about the rant. TL;DR My parents are crazy and they're holding things over my head to get me to focus on college (I already am) to prevent me from hanging out with a boy. Please give me some advice.
Recently I've gotten into a relationship with a new coworker who moved up to my hometown. He was in desperate need for money, so he became a dishwasher. The reason he came up here was to fight wildfires. He's actually leaving out today to go do that for two weeks. I'm leaving for college in a month. My priorities have been and remain to be set on getting my degree. I was absolutely not planning on being in a relationship with anyone. But when someone comes along that treats you very nice and well, and you have a TON in common? I'm sorry, but my natural instinct was to kinda go for it. Not to mention he's pretty handy and a very hard worker. (Three jobs to get by while he's waiting for a fire.) My parents are livid, and I think they are rightfully so. He wanted to meet them? They declined. My dad keeps calling him the dishwasher, and whenever I ask my mom if I can go hang out, she barrs her teeth at me and talks about 'responsibility' and 'priorities' I've told him IN FULL how my parents feel about the situation. He told me that he doesn't care that I'm going to college. He wants to continue seeing me. If my grades slip, he told me that I would not be seeing him often. He said that college is my ultimate goal and he respects that and he wants me to succeed. I'm getting to know him. My parents say I barely know him and I'm making poor judgement and he could be looking for a free ride. Yeah, working three jobs? And he NEVER let's me pick up my wallet when we go out. And I know he's been struggling since he moved here. I'm sorry, maybe my vision is skewed and I'm like my parents say, I'm not looking at it rationally and I'm 'doughy eyed' and I have absolutely no clue about him? I'm getting to know him though. Not only that? Fun fact: one time my sister slept in for church, they thought that he came to her apartment and killed her. She and I thought it was funny. They were completely serious. I know it's their job to be worried about me and what not, they're my parents. But I don't know if I'm the crazy one or they are. I have enough money saved up to buy a car and to pay for my first year (whatever isn't covered by scholarships and loans.) I've wanted to pay on my own all year, and suddenly my dad brings up getting a tax return if he pays me $4,000 a year? And the car. I could easily pay for it. And he wanted me to slowly buy it on my own, he just came into my room about 40 minutes ago (6:30 AM) and said maybe it was in my best interest to not pay for the car and to let him pay for it. Then he talked about my college and how I was the families' investment. And how I shouldn't switch my major. (I might have too, engineering is crazy and I like other things too.) He made me agree to give him a mileage report once a week, to know for sure that I'm not fucking around. A mileage report, once a week. I'm 18, and I'm trying to leave the nest into the wide unknown world, and I thought I would be free of the leash, even in just the slightest bit. But I guess not! And shouldn't I be learning my own lessons? If this doesn't end up like I want it to I can learn how to rectify it on my own and I personally think that's a valuable life skill, to fuck up and learn from it. And I only keep fucking up because of the tight leash and I want to go experience things (I'm sorry for wanting to be a fucking teenager and rebel and go hang out with people I like before I leave). I don't smoke. I don't drink. I don't party. I don't like being out past daytime. I'm never with someone who doesn't respect my boundaries and my personal views. Yet I'm constantly reminded on how I fuck up, when I do, and how to avoid it. I don't think it's right, and I don't think it's fair. I don't think they should hold anything over my head. It's cruel, to be completely honest. I know I'm their little girl and they're worried about me, they only want me to succeed. If they weren't worried I would be concerned. I don't know. Maybe I'm the crazy one? I would like a second opinion. I've told the boy of interest everything that I've written here. I'm just waiting for a response. He told me before we were going to prove them wrong, and send them grade reports regularly. Things just got a little more difficult. I've never felt this happy in my life, and I don't think my happiness is a mistake. And I can tell you, honestly, that whenever something comes along that makes me happy, it gets smashed with the paranoid (nothing is what it seems, be careful, you're irresponsible, yada yada) I try to talk to them about it, and all of a sudden, when I make a valid argument, I'm manipulating them. I don't want to make any brash decisions here to get a point across. I just want to know if I'm being crazy or if they're right about this. It's really bugging the shit out of me. They discourage me from dating all together to focus on school. I think personally that I should learn to do things on my own without a leash. Sorry about the rant.
My parents are crazy and they're holding things over my head to get me to focus on college (I already am) to prevent me from hanging out with a boy. Please give me some advice.
Ok so this is my only real badass moment ever. I moved from Vancouver, a big city with some serious junkies(they'll threaten you with dirty needles), to a very small town with little crime. I was in my early 20's and a punk kid and walking home. This older dude covered in junky soars jumps out from the bushes and yells "Give me your bag!" Scared I jumped back and kicked at him without looking at him to hard. I landed a lucky hit on his kneecap and down he goes screaming "you broke my knee you bitch". I took off running and I could still hear him at the end of the block. Turns out he was a well known very old alcoholic (60s) and I had caught him on a very bad day. I saw him begging for change in the "downtown" area with a cast and crutches. TL;DR: I accidently beat up an old man
Ok so this is my only real badass moment ever. I moved from Vancouver, a big city with some serious junkies(they'll threaten you with dirty needles), to a very small town with little crime. I was in my early 20's and a punk kid and walking home. This older dude covered in junky soars jumps out from the bushes and yells "Give me your bag!" Scared I jumped back and kicked at him without looking at him to hard. I landed a lucky hit on his kneecap and down he goes screaming "you broke my knee you bitch". I took off running and I could still hear him at the end of the block. Turns out he was a well known very old alcoholic (60s) and I had caught him on a very bad day. I saw him begging for change in the "downtown" area with a cast and crutches. TL;DR: I accidently beat up an old man
Ok so this is my only real badass moment ever. I moved from Vancouver, a big city with some serious junkies(they'll threaten you with dirty needles), to a very small town with little crime. I was in my early 20's and a punk kid and walking home. This older dude covered in junky soars jumps out from the bushes and yells "Give me your bag!" Scared I jumped back and kicked at him without looking at him to hard. I landed a lucky hit on his kneecap and down he goes screaming "you broke my knee you bitch". I took off running and I could still hear him at the end of the block. Turns out he was a well known very old alcoholic (60s) and I had caught him on a very bad day. I saw him begging for change in the "downtown" area with a cast and crutches.
I accidently beat up an old man
I am a dad, full time student and I work part time. I have been falling apart the past couple days and am not sure where to go for help. In the past my wife and I could work things out and I could get support from her but she doesn't know how to help me. I think I need therapy. I have a counselor who has helped me get diagnosed and helped me find the right medication (he sends his recommendation to my GP). When I talk about the emotional side of my problems he has not offered up much help. Maybe I have not been direct enough but all we ever talk about in our sessions is medication. I dont see him very often anyway. Again I think I need therapy. I am out of school for a few weeks and taking care of the kids more. There is less structure than when I am in school, which is part of the problem. I am clashing with the toddlers a lot. I am stressed at work, not getting enough sleep. I have emotional outbursts with my wife and kids. We have some usual marriage problems and generally work through them but this feels different. There seems to be a rut that we cant get out of. I wonder about marriage counseling possibly. I hate feeling so disconnected from my wife. I just really don't know where to go from here. I have experimented with mindfulness meditation which may be helpful. If that has helped anyone please chime in on how to make it a habit (I have been reading some of the reddit threads on this too). I am not sure if this rant fits within the requirements of Reddit. I just needed to get this off my chest before heading to work. TL;DR Feeling overwhelmed by kids, marriage, work, school, money. My ADHD is constantly getting in the way and causing problems for the ones I love. Im not sure where or how to get help.
I am a dad, full time student and I work part time. I have been falling apart the past couple days and am not sure where to go for help. In the past my wife and I could work things out and I could get support from her but she doesn't know how to help me. I think I need therapy. I have a counselor who has helped me get diagnosed and helped me find the right medication (he sends his recommendation to my GP). When I talk about the emotional side of my problems he has not offered up much help. Maybe I have not been direct enough but all we ever talk about in our sessions is medication. I dont see him very often anyway. Again I think I need therapy. I am out of school for a few weeks and taking care of the kids more. There is less structure than when I am in school, which is part of the problem. I am clashing with the toddlers a lot. I am stressed at work, not getting enough sleep. I have emotional outbursts with my wife and kids. We have some usual marriage problems and generally work through them but this feels different. There seems to be a rut that we cant get out of. I wonder about marriage counseling possibly. I hate feeling so disconnected from my wife. I just really don't know where to go from here. I have experimented with mindfulness meditation which may be helpful. If that has helped anyone please chime in on how to make it a habit (I have been reading some of the reddit threads on this too). I am not sure if this rant fits within the requirements of Reddit. I just needed to get this off my chest before heading to work. TL;DR Feeling overwhelmed by kids, marriage, work, school, money. My ADHD is constantly getting in the way and causing problems for the ones I love. Im not sure where or how to get help.
I am a dad, full time student and I work part time. I have been falling apart the past couple days and am not sure where to go for help. In the past my wife and I could work things out and I could get support from her but she doesn't know how to help me. I think I need therapy. I have a counselor who has helped me get diagnosed and helped me find the right medication (he sends his recommendation to my GP). When I talk about the emotional side of my problems he has not offered up much help. Maybe I have not been direct enough but all we ever talk about in our sessions is medication. I dont see him very often anyway. Again I think I need therapy. I am out of school for a few weeks and taking care of the kids more. There is less structure than when I am in school, which is part of the problem. I am clashing with the toddlers a lot. I am stressed at work, not getting enough sleep. I have emotional outbursts with my wife and kids. We have some usual marriage problems and generally work through them but this feels different. There seems to be a rut that we cant get out of. I wonder about marriage counseling possibly. I hate feeling so disconnected from my wife. I just really don't know where to go from here. I have experimented with mindfulness meditation which may be helpful. If that has helped anyone please chime in on how to make it a habit (I have been reading some of the reddit threads on this too). I am not sure if this rant fits within the requirements of Reddit. I just needed to get this off my chest before heading to work.
Feeling overwhelmed by kids, marriage, work, school, money. My ADHD is constantly getting in the way and causing problems for the ones I love. Im not sure where or how to get help.
Fuck it, I'm starting over. I say "start over" because I've been here for quite some time, lurking the posts of all of the beautiful people becoming even more glamorous. My original starting (redundant?) weight was 420lb when I was 20. Me: 24 years old, male, 5'11" on my driver's license. Also listen on my drivers license is a weight of 375lb (~170kg) which is fairly accurate at this moment (378 this morning, but in the past, it was all a *huge* lie :c) My BMR is something like 3191, I'm just pulling this out of memory and it's possible that it is completely off. Doing the multiplication jazz for sedentary (mostly) lifestyle gets about 3829. Realistically, to lose 2lb/week I would need to cut to 2829 calories/day which, in all honesty, seems excessively high still. In terms of my ending goal, I would like to be comfortable and happy with myself. In the short term, I would settle for dropping 5lb and just having more energy to do **anything.** (If you're a numbers person, I should be about 200lb which means I need to lose about 1/2 of me...). Plan (long term): stop eating garbage, move more. Plan (the now): I've started walking home from class again (~1mi with a 10lb bag on my back) and I have noticed a slight increase in energy. I have limited myself to 1L of soda/week in a running tally. This has been one of the harder things for me to do because I have an annoying sweet tooth and only a few things satisfy it. Plan (short term): I would like to cook more. I thoroughly enjoy cooking and I'm told that I'm decent at it. What I would really like, though, is a weeks worth of healthy(er) recipes that are nutritious, easy to make and quick (kind of a pick-two problem I've found...). With summer coming up for us college kids, I would love to continue to be active and stuff to drop weight... Say, maybe 30-40lb over the summer (Considering I did 20lb in about a month, I would say 30/summer is reasonable) I also suffer from clinically diagnosed depression and am currently seeing a counselor and taking medication. On the last few visits with my physician, I have had elevated blood pressure and I don't want to take more meds... TL;DR: fatty tired of being fat, wants help. I don't know how many times I have typed this out, deleted it and retyped it but it's getting somewhat absurd at this point.
Fuck it, I'm starting over. I say "start over" because I've been here for quite some time, lurking the posts of all of the beautiful people becoming even more glamorous. My original starting (redundant?) weight was 420lb when I was 20. Me: 24 years old, male, 5'11" on my driver's license. Also listen on my drivers license is a weight of 375lb (~170kg) which is fairly accurate at this moment (378 this morning, but in the past, it was all a huge lie :c) My BMR is something like 3191, I'm just pulling this out of memory and it's possible that it is completely off. Doing the multiplication jazz for sedentary (mostly) lifestyle gets about 3829. Realistically, to lose 2lb/week I would need to cut to 2829 calories/day which, in all honesty, seems excessively high still. In terms of my ending goal, I would like to be comfortable and happy with myself. In the short term, I would settle for dropping 5lb and just having more energy to do anything. (If you're a numbers person, I should be about 200lb which means I need to lose about 1/2 of me...). Plan (long term): stop eating garbage, move more. Plan (the now): I've started walking home from class again (~1mi with a 10lb bag on my back) and I have noticed a slight increase in energy. I have limited myself to 1L of soda/week in a running tally. This has been one of the harder things for me to do because I have an annoying sweet tooth and only a few things satisfy it. Plan (short term): I would like to cook more. I thoroughly enjoy cooking and I'm told that I'm decent at it. What I would really like, though, is a weeks worth of healthy(er) recipes that are nutritious, easy to make and quick (kind of a pick-two problem I've found...). With summer coming up for us college kids, I would love to continue to be active and stuff to drop weight... Say, maybe 30-40lb over the summer (Considering I did 20lb in about a month, I would say 30/summer is reasonable) I also suffer from clinically diagnosed depression and am currently seeing a counselor and taking medication. On the last few visits with my physician, I have had elevated blood pressure and I don't want to take more meds... TL;DR: fatty tired of being fat, wants help. I don't know how many times I have typed this out, deleted it and retyped it but it's getting somewhat absurd at this point.
Fuck it, I'm starting over. I say "start over" because I've been here for quite some time, lurking the posts of all of the beautiful people becoming even more glamorous. My original starting (redundant?) weight was 420lb when I was 20. Me: 24 years old, male, 5'11" on my driver's license. Also listen on my drivers license is a weight of 375lb (~170kg) which is fairly accurate at this moment (378 this morning, but in the past, it was all a huge lie :c) My BMR is something like 3191, I'm just pulling this out of memory and it's possible that it is completely off. Doing the multiplication jazz for sedentary (mostly) lifestyle gets about 3829. Realistically, to lose 2lb/week I would need to cut to 2829 calories/day which, in all honesty, seems excessively high still. In terms of my ending goal, I would like to be comfortable and happy with myself. In the short term, I would settle for dropping 5lb and just having more energy to do anything. (If you're a numbers person, I should be about 200lb which means I need to lose about 1/2 of me...). Plan (long term): stop eating garbage, move more. Plan (the now): I've started walking home from class again (~1mi with a 10lb bag on my back) and I have noticed a slight increase in energy. I have limited myself to 1L of soda/week in a running tally. This has been one of the harder things for me to do because I have an annoying sweet tooth and only a few things satisfy it. Plan (short term): I would like to cook more. I thoroughly enjoy cooking and I'm told that I'm decent at it. What I would really like, though, is a weeks worth of healthy(er) recipes that are nutritious, easy to make and quick (kind of a pick-two problem I've found...). With summer coming up for us college kids, I would love to continue to be active and stuff to drop weight... Say, maybe 30-40lb over the summer (Considering I did 20lb in about a month, I would say 30/summer is reasonable) I also suffer from clinically diagnosed depression and am currently seeing a counselor and taking medication. On the last few visits with my physician, I have had elevated blood pressure and I don't want to take more meds...
fatty tired of being fat, wants help. I don't know how many times I have typed this out, deleted it and retyped it but it's getting somewhat absurd at this point.
Or you know, you could just not complain about people complaining. That's more annoying than the people complaining about whatever it is they're crying about. Now not only do I have to ignore the people complaining about whatever it is, I have to ignore you as well because you get all up in arms about them complaining. TL;DR - Shut the fuck up
Or you know, you could just not complain about people complaining. That's more annoying than the people complaining about whatever it is they're crying about. Now not only do I have to ignore the people complaining about whatever it is, I have to ignore you as well because you get all up in arms about them complaining. TL;DR - Shut the fuck up
Or you know, you could just not complain about people complaining. That's more annoying than the people complaining about whatever it is they're crying about. Now not only do I have to ignore the people complaining about whatever it is, I have to ignore you as well because you get all up in arms about them complaining.
Shut the fuck up
We'll keep this short: Me & many others: Love it. Some guys: Hate it. Other guys: Are indifferent. tl;dr: Use the search, this question is asked **a lot**
We'll keep this short: Me & many others: Love it. Some guys: Hate it. Other guys: Are indifferent. tl;dr: Use the search, this question is asked a lot
We'll keep this short: Me & many others: Love it. Some guys: Hate it. Other guys: Are indifferent.
Use the search, this question is asked a lot
Thank you for the answer, I should have read the blog post entirely; another example of why tl;dr manners are bad.
Thank you for the answer, I should have read the blog post entirely; another example of why tl;dr manners are bad.
Thank you for the answer, I should have read the blog post entirely; another example of why
manners are bad.
Thankfully my friend and his father were fortunate enough to keep their lives, but they are both in the hospital after serious injuries. My friend, BK, lost half of his leg, broke his arm and has a laceration on his neck (23 staples needed). This happened 2 weeks after his Dad's aneurysm, which he witnessed first hand. To give you an idea of what type of person he is, one of the first things he said to me on the phone yesterday was, "I feel like a failure, I let my family down". I told him he has no right to beat himself up over it, but he always puts others before himself and is one of the most generous people I know. The reason why he said that is because he has been running his Dad's sheet metal services business in Hudson, NH, while his dad has been in the hospital due to the aneurysm. His Dad is the hardest working man I've ever met and an incredibly caring.. just a genuinely nice person. Their business has been struggling to stay afloat since the recession hit, so BK (my friend) has been working 14+ hour days, 6-7 days a week to help run the business. I want to help them save the business because my biggest concern is that between them they are going to be hit hard financially from medical bills while they both recover and they have no one capable of running it during their hospital stay. I have no idea how much rehabilitation and a prosthetic leg cost, but I can only imagine it is very expensive. They have no other income to my knowledge. Is there a way I can set up something that can help them financially? The last thing I want to see is them leave the hospital and have to file for bankruptcy - they do not deserve to go through that too. I've seen Reddit accomplish incredible feats, so it was the first place I thought to turn to. I'm going to visit him later today and would love to surprise him with something to lift his spirits. I appreciate any help, thank you. **Here is the news article about the accident:** **Here is their business website:** **Here is the business fanpage (you can see BK is the page owner):** I can also take a picture with him for verification when I go to visit him at Mass General Hospital later, if you request it. **TL;DR - My friend just lost half his leg in a car accident 2 weeks after his father had an aneurysm. He was running his dad's struggling sheet metal services business while he's been in the hospital, but now he physically cannot. I'm trying to help them keep the business. What can I do to accomplish this?**
Thankfully my friend and his father were fortunate enough to keep their lives, but they are both in the hospital after serious injuries. My friend, BK, lost half of his leg, broke his arm and has a laceration on his neck (23 staples needed). This happened 2 weeks after his Dad's aneurysm, which he witnessed first hand. To give you an idea of what type of person he is, one of the first things he said to me on the phone yesterday was, "I feel like a failure, I let my family down". I told him he has no right to beat himself up over it, but he always puts others before himself and is one of the most generous people I know. The reason why he said that is because he has been running his Dad's sheet metal services business in Hudson, NH, while his dad has been in the hospital due to the aneurysm. His Dad is the hardest working man I've ever met and an incredibly caring.. just a genuinely nice person. Their business has been struggling to stay afloat since the recession hit, so BK (my friend) has been working 14+ hour days, 6-7 days a week to help run the business. I want to help them save the business because my biggest concern is that between them they are going to be hit hard financially from medical bills while they both recover and they have no one capable of running it during their hospital stay. I have no idea how much rehabilitation and a prosthetic leg cost, but I can only imagine it is very expensive. They have no other income to my knowledge. Is there a way I can set up something that can help them financially? The last thing I want to see is them leave the hospital and have to file for bankruptcy - they do not deserve to go through that too. I've seen Reddit accomplish incredible feats, so it was the first place I thought to turn to. I'm going to visit him later today and would love to surprise him with something to lift his spirits. I appreciate any help, thank you. Here is the news article about the accident: Here is their business website: Here is the business fanpage (you can see BK is the page owner): I can also take a picture with him for verification when I go to visit him at Mass General Hospital later, if you request it. TL;DR - My friend just lost half his leg in a car accident 2 weeks after his father had an aneurysm. He was running his dad's struggling sheet metal services business while he's been in the hospital, but now he physically cannot. I'm trying to help them keep the business. What can I do to accomplish this?
Thankfully my friend and his father were fortunate enough to keep their lives, but they are both in the hospital after serious injuries. My friend, BK, lost half of his leg, broke his arm and has a laceration on his neck (23 staples needed). This happened 2 weeks after his Dad's aneurysm, which he witnessed first hand. To give you an idea of what type of person he is, one of the first things he said to me on the phone yesterday was, "I feel like a failure, I let my family down". I told him he has no right to beat himself up over it, but he always puts others before himself and is one of the most generous people I know. The reason why he said that is because he has been running his Dad's sheet metal services business in Hudson, NH, while his dad has been in the hospital due to the aneurysm. His Dad is the hardest working man I've ever met and an incredibly caring.. just a genuinely nice person. Their business has been struggling to stay afloat since the recession hit, so BK (my friend) has been working 14+ hour days, 6-7 days a week to help run the business. I want to help them save the business because my biggest concern is that between them they are going to be hit hard financially from medical bills while they both recover and they have no one capable of running it during their hospital stay. I have no idea how much rehabilitation and a prosthetic leg cost, but I can only imagine it is very expensive. They have no other income to my knowledge. Is there a way I can set up something that can help them financially? The last thing I want to see is them leave the hospital and have to file for bankruptcy - they do not deserve to go through that too. I've seen Reddit accomplish incredible feats, so it was the first place I thought to turn to. I'm going to visit him later today and would love to surprise him with something to lift his spirits. I appreciate any help, thank you. Here is the news article about the accident: Here is their business website: Here is the business fanpage (you can see BK is the page owner): I can also take a picture with him for verification when I go to visit him at Mass General Hospital later, if you request it.
My friend just lost half his leg in a car accident 2 weeks after his father had an aneurysm. He was running his dad's struggling sheet metal services business while he's been in the hospital, but now he physically cannot. I'm trying to help them keep the business. What can I do to accomplish this?
So I made this post before my recent trip since I was having problems with the comedown: The trip I just had was one of the best yet and the first that was free of any negative moments. The largest difference was my ongoing effort to keep things flowing. I realized that I had too many breaks in between activities on my trips. I also made sure there was always music playing. When the music stops, especially on the comedown, there is a great chance for negative, unproductive, anxious thought loops to occur. TLDR; 1.)Plan enough to keeps things going throughout the entire trip 2.) Don't stop the music! I know this is probably pretty basic, but if it helps even one person I figured it was worth posting. Cheers!
So I made this post before my recent trip since I was having problems with the comedown: The trip I just had was one of the best yet and the first that was free of any negative moments. The largest difference was my ongoing effort to keep things flowing. I realized that I had too many breaks in between activities on my trips. I also made sure there was always music playing. When the music stops, especially on the comedown, there is a great chance for negative, unproductive, anxious thought loops to occur. TLDR; 1.)Plan enough to keeps things going throughout the entire trip 2.) Don't stop the music! I know this is probably pretty basic, but if it helps even one person I figured it was worth posting. Cheers!
So I made this post before my recent trip since I was having problems with the comedown: The trip I just had was one of the best yet and the first that was free of any negative moments. The largest difference was my ongoing effort to keep things flowing. I realized that I had too many breaks in between activities on my trips. I also made sure there was always music playing. When the music stops, especially on the comedown, there is a great chance for negative, unproductive, anxious thought loops to occur.
1.)Plan enough to keeps things going throughout the entire trip 2.) Don't stop the music! I know this is probably pretty basic, but if it helps even one person I figured it was worth posting. Cheers!
As someone on the other side of getting their bachelor degree. I'd say first of all, learning to fiddle with group dynamics in order to get a project done is critical in the real world. I'm not denying that it's sometimes frustrating to work with people, but it's inevitable that you will have to work with a less than ideal team all the time. I did plenty of group projects with international students, who either were not used to the concept or were not confident with their English skills. And here's what I learned: Try to keep things as structured as possible. Here in the US we have a kind of project management style that is foreign to much of the world. If there is someone who general takes lead, it's more of a first amongst equals approach. This is not how much of the world works, instead it could be much more hierarchical where you just do exactly what your told to do, no more no less. Add to the fact that most Savy individuals will give deference to the locals when overseas and you'll commonly see international kids sitting at the groups table with a look of bewilderment as everyone is seemingly arguing over everything. They're probably wondering "who's in charge? And how do I figure out what I'm supposed to do". Also specifically with language issues I guarantee that the more you make the kid feel included and comfortable the better you'll be able to understand them and them you. If it seems like they don't understand what you said, just speak slowly and enunciate more. Whatever you do do not try to speak louder. They're likely not deaf so they will still not understand you and freak out a little bit. Speaking a second language is tough as hell, it takes a lot of focus to think out what you want to say and then try to translate into another language. Try to make that process smoother for them by being patient and considerate and things will turn out better for the both of you Tldr; empathy will make your life a lot easier
As someone on the other side of getting their bachelor degree. I'd say first of all, learning to fiddle with group dynamics in order to get a project done is critical in the real world. I'm not denying that it's sometimes frustrating to work with people, but it's inevitable that you will have to work with a less than ideal team all the time. I did plenty of group projects with international students, who either were not used to the concept or were not confident with their English skills. And here's what I learned: Try to keep things as structured as possible. Here in the US we have a kind of project management style that is foreign to much of the world. If there is someone who general takes lead, it's more of a first amongst equals approach. This is not how much of the world works, instead it could be much more hierarchical where you just do exactly what your told to do, no more no less. Add to the fact that most Savy individuals will give deference to the locals when overseas and you'll commonly see international kids sitting at the groups table with a look of bewilderment as everyone is seemingly arguing over everything. They're probably wondering "who's in charge? And how do I figure out what I'm supposed to do". Also specifically with language issues I guarantee that the more you make the kid feel included and comfortable the better you'll be able to understand them and them you. If it seems like they don't understand what you said, just speak slowly and enunciate more. Whatever you do do not try to speak louder. They're likely not deaf so they will still not understand you and freak out a little bit. Speaking a second language is tough as hell, it takes a lot of focus to think out what you want to say and then try to translate into another language. Try to make that process smoother for them by being patient and considerate and things will turn out better for the both of you Tldr; empathy will make your life a lot easier
As someone on the other side of getting their bachelor degree. I'd say first of all, learning to fiddle with group dynamics in order to get a project done is critical in the real world. I'm not denying that it's sometimes frustrating to work with people, but it's inevitable that you will have to work with a less than ideal team all the time. I did plenty of group projects with international students, who either were not used to the concept or were not confident with their English skills. And here's what I learned: Try to keep things as structured as possible. Here in the US we have a kind of project management style that is foreign to much of the world. If there is someone who general takes lead, it's more of a first amongst equals approach. This is not how much of the world works, instead it could be much more hierarchical where you just do exactly what your told to do, no more no less. Add to the fact that most Savy individuals will give deference to the locals when overseas and you'll commonly see international kids sitting at the groups table with a look of bewilderment as everyone is seemingly arguing over everything. They're probably wondering "who's in charge? And how do I figure out what I'm supposed to do". Also specifically with language issues I guarantee that the more you make the kid feel included and comfortable the better you'll be able to understand them and them you. If it seems like they don't understand what you said, just speak slowly and enunciate more. Whatever you do do not try to speak louder. They're likely not deaf so they will still not understand you and freak out a little bit. Speaking a second language is tough as hell, it takes a lot of focus to think out what you want to say and then try to translate into another language. Try to make that process smoother for them by being patient and considerate and things will turn out better for the both of you
empathy will make your life a lot easier
And Frank Oz called. Okay this was four Christmasses ago, I had forgotten about this until I saw the new Star Wars. Both my coworker and I were on vacation from working in the fundraising department of a nonprofit. My coworker was leading a partnership between our organization and Frank Oz, and he tried to get ahold of us multiple times. Neither of us had remembered to set up voicemails saying we'd be out of the office, so Frank Oz thought we just were ignoring him. I returned to the office after being home to a very angry voicemail from Frank Oz about how we weren't returning his calls. There may have been profanity. He had left several with my coworker. Our boss was not happy. (I left the department a few weeks later; don't know what happened to the partnership after that) TL:DR Frank Oz was just trying to be generous and my coworker and I made him really grumpy
And Frank Oz called. Okay this was four Christmasses ago, I had forgotten about this until I saw the new Star Wars. Both my coworker and I were on vacation from working in the fundraising department of a nonprofit. My coworker was leading a partnership between our organization and Frank Oz, and he tried to get ahold of us multiple times. Neither of us had remembered to set up voicemails saying we'd be out of the office, so Frank Oz thought we just were ignoring him. I returned to the office after being home to a very angry voicemail from Frank Oz about how we weren't returning his calls. There may have been profanity. He had left several with my coworker. Our boss was not happy. (I left the department a few weeks later; don't know what happened to the partnership after that) TL:DR Frank Oz was just trying to be generous and my coworker and I made him really grumpy
And Frank Oz called. Okay this was four Christmasses ago, I had forgotten about this until I saw the new Star Wars. Both my coworker and I were on vacation from working in the fundraising department of a nonprofit. My coworker was leading a partnership between our organization and Frank Oz, and he tried to get ahold of us multiple times. Neither of us had remembered to set up voicemails saying we'd be out of the office, so Frank Oz thought we just were ignoring him. I returned to the office after being home to a very angry voicemail from Frank Oz about how we weren't returning his calls. There may have been profanity. He had left several with my coworker. Our boss was not happy. (I left the department a few weeks later; don't know what happened to the partnership after that)
Frank Oz was just trying to be generous and my coworker and I made him really grumpy
She takes the pill, but only a small dosage to control her acne. I didn't use a condom, but never actually finished inside her (on her butt). There was none of my semen inside her, but is it possible for precum to get a girl pregnant? We're worried because her period starts today (the 21st, it didn't start), but the pill can apparently delay it by up to a week. TL;DR - what is the chance my girlfriend is pregnant?
She takes the pill, but only a small dosage to control her acne. I didn't use a condom, but never actually finished inside her (on her butt). There was none of my semen inside her, but is it possible for precum to get a girl pregnant? We're worried because her period starts today (the 21st, it didn't start), but the pill can apparently delay it by up to a week. TL;DR - what is the chance my girlfriend is pregnant?
She takes the pill, but only a small dosage to control her acne. I didn't use a condom, but never actually finished inside her (on her butt). There was none of my semen inside her, but is it possible for precum to get a girl pregnant? We're worried because her period starts today (the 21st, it didn't start), but the pill can apparently delay it by up to a week.
what is the chance my girlfriend is pregnant?
Hopefully tomorrow you'll learn about specificity. Not denying the accuracy of these, but sensitivity by itself is extremely useless. Example: This new home pregnancy test only requires that you urinate on this sponge. If the sponge turns wet, you're pregnant. 100% sensitivity! Sensitivity only means no false negatives. If you are positive, the sensitive test won't miss it. In the above example, specificity is virtually zero, and therefore the test is useless. TL:DR - Sensitivity alone is a very poor indicator of the quality of a test. Cheap screening tests are hyper-sensitive by design.
Hopefully tomorrow you'll learn about specificity. Not denying the accuracy of these, but sensitivity by itself is extremely useless. Example: This new home pregnancy test only requires that you urinate on this sponge. If the sponge turns wet, you're pregnant. 100% sensitivity! Sensitivity only means no false negatives. If you are positive, the sensitive test won't miss it. In the above example, specificity is virtually zero, and therefore the test is useless. TL:DR - Sensitivity alone is a very poor indicator of the quality of a test. Cheap screening tests are hyper-sensitive by design.
Hopefully tomorrow you'll learn about specificity. Not denying the accuracy of these, but sensitivity by itself is extremely useless. Example: This new home pregnancy test only requires that you urinate on this sponge. If the sponge turns wet, you're pregnant. 100% sensitivity! Sensitivity only means no false negatives. If you are positive, the sensitive test won't miss it. In the above example, specificity is virtually zero, and therefore the test is useless.
Sensitivity alone is a very poor indicator of the quality of a test. Cheap screening tests are hyper-sensitive by design.
Sometimes I have odd random thoughts. Nothing I would ever act upon but I have them. I get curious about things or I just get down right upset. It could be big things or it could be trivial shit. But it really helps when I log on here and realize I'm not the only one. There are hundreds of people on here that have the same kind of thoughts or worries, people that have the balls to post extremely personal things and ask for the help they know they want/need and I LOVE that the comments in this particular subreddit are actually helpful. I can come on here and not feel judged or feel weird for some of the things that go on in my head. I know this phrase had been used a lot lately but it has become something I tend to tell myself a lot in recent gets better, you just have to be here to see it. Thank you. Thank you to those that post here before they do something drastic. Thank you to those that try to help people they don't even know. Reminds me there are still good people in the world. **TL;DR**: /r/SW helps. And if you EVER need anyone to talk to, I'm here too.
Sometimes I have odd random thoughts. Nothing I would ever act upon but I have them. I get curious about things or I just get down right upset. It could be big things or it could be trivial shit. But it really helps when I log on here and realize I'm not the only one. There are hundreds of people on here that have the same kind of thoughts or worries, people that have the balls to post extremely personal things and ask for the help they know they want/need and I LOVE that the comments in this particular subreddit are actually helpful. I can come on here and not feel judged or feel weird for some of the things that go on in my head. I know this phrase had been used a lot lately but it has become something I tend to tell myself a lot in recent gets better, you just have to be here to see it. Thank you. Thank you to those that post here before they do something drastic. Thank you to those that try to help people they don't even know. Reminds me there are still good people in the world. TL;DR : /r/SW helps. And if you EVER need anyone to talk to, I'm here too.
Sometimes I have odd random thoughts. Nothing I would ever act upon but I have them. I get curious about things or I just get down right upset. It could be big things or it could be trivial shit. But it really helps when I log on here and realize I'm not the only one. There are hundreds of people on here that have the same kind of thoughts or worries, people that have the balls to post extremely personal things and ask for the help they know they want/need and I LOVE that the comments in this particular subreddit are actually helpful. I can come on here and not feel judged or feel weird for some of the things that go on in my head. I know this phrase had been used a lot lately but it has become something I tend to tell myself a lot in recent gets better, you just have to be here to see it. Thank you. Thank you to those that post here before they do something drastic. Thank you to those that try to help people they don't even know. Reminds me there are still good people in the world.
r/SW helps. And if you EVER need anyone to talk to, I'm here too.
*I apologize in advance if anyone is offended by this post. If you find the discussion of instant coffee objectionable, then please move along or [click here.]( So, getting up at 3am and leaving for work at 3:30 for a couple of weeks, I didn't have much time to make or buy coffee. My co-worker drinks instant all the time and I needed some caffeine, so I asked for a scoop. I've had instant before, but not since my Coffee Awakening™. I thought I'd hate it and would be unable to drink it. To my surprise (dismay?) I kind of liked it. It's got a certain, not unpleasant, je ne sais quoi that brewed coffee lacks. It's almost like a different drink. It's coffee, but it's not coffee. I wouldn't drink it all the time, but once in a while -- when in a pinch, or maybe when not in a pinch, I think I'll have a cup. **TL;DR** Drank instant. Still alive
*I apologize in advance if anyone is offended by this post. If you find the discussion of instant coffee objectionable, then please move along or [click here.]( So, getting up at 3am and leaving for work at 3:30 for a couple of weeks, I didn't have much time to make or buy coffee. My co-worker drinks instant all the time and I needed some caffeine, so I asked for a scoop. I've had instant before, but not since my Coffee Awakening™. I thought I'd hate it and would be unable to drink it. To my surprise (dismay?) I kind of liked it. It's got a certain, not unpleasant, je ne sais quoi that brewed coffee lacks. It's almost like a different drink. It's coffee, but it's not coffee. I wouldn't drink it all the time, but once in a while -- when in a pinch, or maybe when not in a pinch, I think I'll have a cup. TL;DR Drank instant. Still alive
I apologize in advance if anyone is offended by this post. If you find the discussion of instant coffee objectionable, then please move along or [click here.]( So, getting up at 3am and leaving for work at 3:30 for a couple of weeks, I didn't have much time to make or buy coffee. My co-worker drinks instant all the time and I needed some caffeine, so I asked for a scoop. I've had instant before, but not since my Coffee Awakening™. I thought I'd hate it and would be unable to drink it. To my surprise (dismay?) I kind of liked it. It's got a certain, not unpleasant, je ne sais quoi that brewed coffee lacks. It's almost like a different drink. It's coffee, but it's not coffee. I wouldn't drink it all the time, but once in a while -- when in a pinch, or maybe when not in a pinch, I think I'll have a cup.
Drank instant. Still alive
I'm doing a photographic project based on memory, childhood and dreams. The goal is to visually represent the process of image retention at an early age, mimicking the sensory-based associations that one creates at such an early age. When it comes down to it, it is a look into how since birth we come into this world as pattern-seeking machines. Having been raised most of my childhood in South America by the equator, early memories to me hold a very bright and washed out feel. [It was a bright world filled with happiness and wonder.]( What is your earliest memories and how are the scenes aesthetically visualized upon recall? Are any other senses affected (synesthesia) ? Any symbols or triggers with emotional links? tl;dr: Read title.
I'm doing a photographic project based on memory, childhood and dreams. The goal is to visually represent the process of image retention at an early age, mimicking the sensory-based associations that one creates at such an early age. When it comes down to it, it is a look into how since birth we come into this world as pattern-seeking machines. Having been raised most of my childhood in South America by the equator, early memories to me hold a very bright and washed out feel. [It was a bright world filled with happiness and wonder.]( What is your earliest memories and how are the scenes aesthetically visualized upon recall? Are any other senses affected (synesthesia) ? Any symbols or triggers with emotional links? tl;dr: Read title.
I'm doing a photographic project based on memory, childhood and dreams. The goal is to visually represent the process of image retention at an early age, mimicking the sensory-based associations that one creates at such an early age. When it comes down to it, it is a look into how since birth we come into this world as pattern-seeking machines. Having been raised most of my childhood in South America by the equator, early memories to me hold a very bright and washed out feel. [It was a bright world filled with happiness and wonder.]( What is your earliest memories and how are the scenes aesthetically visualized upon recall? Are any other senses affected (synesthesia) ? Any symbols or triggers with emotional links?
Read title.
I view it like conventional current. In that it is wrong but it is easier to use that than have to change things. Everything has been set up to use the conventional numbering the majority refer to the Doctors as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,War,9,10,(meta-ten),11,12. The majority refer to them using the conventional numbers. The show has put in explanations for why some should not be counted or not considered numerically in terms of being the Doctor. Using numbers is easier as it is much shorter to write 12/twelve than Capaldi or almost any other example. The number could be seen as which number tenure (at least one series or some EU stuff) they are e.g twelfth tenure. Using name instead of number could lead to confusion over whether we are talking about the actor or the incarnation TL;DR: It would complicate thing more if we changed terminology and it is a useful shorthand so we might as well keep it as it makes discussion easier.
I view it like conventional current. In that it is wrong but it is easier to use that than have to change things. Everything has been set up to use the conventional numbering the majority refer to the Doctors as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,War,9,10,(meta-ten),11,12. The majority refer to them using the conventional numbers. The show has put in explanations for why some should not be counted or not considered numerically in terms of being the Doctor. Using numbers is easier as it is much shorter to write 12/twelve than Capaldi or almost any other example. The number could be seen as which number tenure (at least one series or some EU stuff) they are e.g twelfth tenure. Using name instead of number could lead to confusion over whether we are talking about the actor or the incarnation TL;DR: It would complicate thing more if we changed terminology and it is a useful shorthand so we might as well keep it as it makes discussion easier.
I view it like conventional current. In that it is wrong but it is easier to use that than have to change things. Everything has been set up to use the conventional numbering the majority refer to the Doctors as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,War,9,10,(meta-ten),11,12. The majority refer to them using the conventional numbers. The show has put in explanations for why some should not be counted or not considered numerically in terms of being the Doctor. Using numbers is easier as it is much shorter to write 12/twelve than Capaldi or almost any other example. The number could be seen as which number tenure (at least one series or some EU stuff) they are e.g twelfth tenure. Using name instead of number could lead to confusion over whether we are talking about the actor or the incarnation
It would complicate thing more if we changed terminology and it is a useful shorthand so we might as well keep it as it makes discussion easier.
My girlfriend came into our home office this afternoon and told me she had 7-8 minutes to catch a rare pokemon in Pokemon Go. She said she could not get there in time walking and that she needed my car. I was reluctant to let her use it but could see that this battle wasn't worth fighting so I let her go. She came back and told me she couldn't get there in time. I told her sorry and asked her to please not use my car again. She didn't understand why I would tell her not to use my car, so I tried to explain my thoughts. I told her I felt like she'd be rushing and could end up in an accident. I also told her that I think there's a point where you have to draw the line between a reasonable way to play the game and when you're getting a little 'too deep', so to speak. She said that I was being controlling and that I was being irrational. She said that I just didn't want her to play the game anymore. I told her that she can play the game as much as she wants and can run off to catch Pokemon if that's what she wants to do, I just didn't want her to use my car to do it. I don't play the game so maybe I can't necessarily relate to what this particular event meant to her. But I wanted to draw the line somewhere and to my uninitiated brain, this seemed like a reasonable request. Am I being irrational? Is th ere another way I can explain this to her? We've been together 8 years. EDIT: To clarify, this is the only time it's happened. She has never asked to take my car out to casually play the game before and I don't expect her to. So this is a one-off instance but it rubbed me the wrong way and I felt like I needed to tell her how I felt instead of saying nothing and hoping it didn't happen again. And I don't believe she would be driving and playing at the same time. **tl;dr**: GF wants the option to use my car to catch Pokemon in Pokemon Go but I said no. She's mad, am I controlling?
My girlfriend came into our home office this afternoon and told me she had 7-8 minutes to catch a rare pokemon in Pokemon Go. She said she could not get there in time walking and that she needed my car. I was reluctant to let her use it but could see that this battle wasn't worth fighting so I let her go. She came back and told me she couldn't get there in time. I told her sorry and asked her to please not use my car again. She didn't understand why I would tell her not to use my car, so I tried to explain my thoughts. I told her I felt like she'd be rushing and could end up in an accident. I also told her that I think there's a point where you have to draw the line between a reasonable way to play the game and when you're getting a little 'too deep', so to speak. She said that I was being controlling and that I was being irrational. She said that I just didn't want her to play the game anymore. I told her that she can play the game as much as she wants and can run off to catch Pokemon if that's what she wants to do, I just didn't want her to use my car to do it. I don't play the game so maybe I can't necessarily relate to what this particular event meant to her. But I wanted to draw the line somewhere and to my uninitiated brain, this seemed like a reasonable request. Am I being irrational? Is th ere another way I can explain this to her? We've been together 8 years. EDIT: To clarify, this is the only time it's happened. She has never asked to take my car out to casually play the game before and I don't expect her to. So this is a one-off instance but it rubbed me the wrong way and I felt like I needed to tell her how I felt instead of saying nothing and hoping it didn't happen again. And I don't believe she would be driving and playing at the same time. tl;dr : GF wants the option to use my car to catch Pokemon in Pokemon Go but I said no. She's mad, am I controlling?
My girlfriend came into our home office this afternoon and told me she had 7-8 minutes to catch a rare pokemon in Pokemon Go. She said she could not get there in time walking and that she needed my car. I was reluctant to let her use it but could see that this battle wasn't worth fighting so I let her go. She came back and told me she couldn't get there in time. I told her sorry and asked her to please not use my car again. She didn't understand why I would tell her not to use my car, so I tried to explain my thoughts. I told her I felt like she'd be rushing and could end up in an accident. I also told her that I think there's a point where you have to draw the line between a reasonable way to play the game and when you're getting a little 'too deep', so to speak. She said that I was being controlling and that I was being irrational. She said that I just didn't want her to play the game anymore. I told her that she can play the game as much as she wants and can run off to catch Pokemon if that's what she wants to do, I just didn't want her to use my car to do it. I don't play the game so maybe I can't necessarily relate to what this particular event meant to her. But I wanted to draw the line somewhere and to my uninitiated brain, this seemed like a reasonable request. Am I being irrational? Is th ere another way I can explain this to her? We've been together 8 years. EDIT: To clarify, this is the only time it's happened. She has never asked to take my car out to casually play the game before and I don't expect her to. So this is a one-off instance but it rubbed me the wrong way and I felt like I needed to tell her how I felt instead of saying nothing and hoping it didn't happen again. And I don't believe she would be driving and playing at the same time.
GF wants the option to use my car to catch Pokemon in Pokemon Go but I said no. She's mad, am I controlling?
Hey. ##The Short Story: At Gw2 launch I saw the trailer and characters, wanted to create a big badass charr warrior in Rytlocks T3 armor. Launch came, and despite my love and plan for a charr warrior I created a Human Warrior because I like to have some "basic-standart-main"-character and wanted to be save in terms of appearance/style "about all the heavy armor skins coming up my way"... you know, all the standart problems charrs have to fight with -> armor/tail clipping. Didnt feel satisfied with the human warrior though, always when i saw a big badass charr with t3 in abyss and dark red and eternity i felt terrible, a dagger into the heart, and wished i'd have created a charr. The next year came and I finally deleted all characters, prepared everything for my restart and the day came... Today my main is a big badass charr warrior in heavy t3 in abyss and red, wielding eternity... xD I have a lot of other other human characters too now though. Well, for HoT I already had my plan completed about the revenant character creation: it should've been a human revenant, black skin (real black, not brown), white hair, red eyes. Revenant armor, fractal weapons. Everything was ok until... ...I saw the HoT release trailer short before BWE3. Saw that badass Rytlock and immediately wanted to create a charr instead. I would make his appearance basicly the same as my main but with the revenant armor. Let's hope for added customization in HoT. The history repeats... help!? :( - Who else feels this way? :D #charrmasterrace #TL;DR: I can't decide now between human and charr revenant, because i fear ending up creating and deleting my revenants again. On one side i really like the appearance of a beastly charr revenant with this spikey new armor and the story should be awesome with a charr rev, on the other side with a human i would be save with all the armor skins (charr tail/armor-clipping) (though the new revenant armor seems to be designed for rytlock, a charr) and probably better in pvp (small appearance). Also I dont really want another heavy armor profession charr, however, I already have the majority of characters as human characters so another human...? :/
Hey. The Short Story: At Gw2 launch I saw the trailer and characters, wanted to create a big badass charr warrior in Rytlocks T3 armor. Launch came, and despite my love and plan for a charr warrior I created a Human Warrior because I like to have some "basic-standart-main"-character and wanted to be save in terms of appearance/style "about all the heavy armor skins coming up my way"... you know, all the standart problems charrs have to fight with -> armor/tail clipping. Didnt feel satisfied with the human warrior though, always when i saw a big badass charr with t3 in abyss and dark red and eternity i felt terrible, a dagger into the heart, and wished i'd have created a charr. The next year came and I finally deleted all characters, prepared everything for my restart and the day came... Today my main is a big badass charr warrior in heavy t3 in abyss and red, wielding eternity... xD I have a lot of other other human characters too now though. Well, for HoT I already had my plan completed about the revenant character creation: it should've been a human revenant, black skin (real black, not brown), white hair, red eyes. Revenant armor, fractal weapons. Everything was ok until... ...I saw the HoT release trailer short before BWE3. Saw that badass Rytlock and immediately wanted to create a charr instead. I would make his appearance basicly the same as my main but with the revenant armor. Let's hope for added customization in HoT. The history repeats... help!? :( Who else feels this way? :D charrmasterrace TL;DR: I can't decide now between human and charr revenant, because i fear ending up creating and deleting my revenants again. On one side i really like the appearance of a beastly charr revenant with this spikey new armor and the story should be awesome with a charr rev, on the other side with a human i would be save with all the armor skins (charr tail/armor-clipping) (though the new revenant armor seems to be designed for rytlock, a charr) and probably better in pvp (small appearance). Also I dont really want another heavy armor profession charr, however, I already have the majority of characters as human characters so another human...? :/
Hey. The Short Story: At Gw2 launch I saw the trailer and characters, wanted to create a big badass charr warrior in Rytlocks T3 armor. Launch came, and despite my love and plan for a charr warrior I created a Human Warrior because I like to have some "basic-standart-main"-character and wanted to be save in terms of appearance/style "about all the heavy armor skins coming up my way"... you know, all the standart problems charrs have to fight with -> armor/tail clipping. Didnt feel satisfied with the human warrior though, always when i saw a big badass charr with t3 in abyss and dark red and eternity i felt terrible, a dagger into the heart, and wished i'd have created a charr. The next year came and I finally deleted all characters, prepared everything for my restart and the day came... Today my main is a big badass charr warrior in heavy t3 in abyss and red, wielding eternity... xD I have a lot of other other human characters too now though. Well, for HoT I already had my plan completed about the revenant character creation: it should've been a human revenant, black skin (real black, not brown), white hair, red eyes. Revenant armor, fractal weapons. Everything was ok until... ...I saw the HoT release trailer short before BWE3. Saw that badass Rytlock and immediately wanted to create a charr instead. I would make his appearance basicly the same as my main but with the revenant armor. Let's hope for added customization in HoT. The history repeats... help!? :( Who else feels this way? :D charrmasterrace
I can't decide now between human and charr revenant, because i fear ending up creating and deleting my revenants again. On one side i really like the appearance of a beastly charr revenant with this spikey new armor and the story should be awesome with a charr rev, on the other side with a human i would be save with all the armor skins (charr tail/armor-clipping) (though the new revenant armor seems to be designed for rytlock, a charr) and probably better in pvp (small appearance). Also I dont really want another heavy armor profession charr, however, I already have the majority of characters as human characters so another human...? :/
Last week, I joined a random lobby in MW2 and it turned out the host was a hacker and ranked me up to level 70. I did not want to be that level because I want to play the game right. I need help finding a way to get de ranked. My steam ID is Chromium_Blood. Any info on how to gwt de ranked via hackers or going in the steam files are welcome. TLDR: Need a way to de rank to level 1 via hacks or going into steam files.
Last week, I joined a random lobby in MW2 and it turned out the host was a hacker and ranked me up to level 70. I did not want to be that level because I want to play the game right. I need help finding a way to get de ranked. My steam ID is Chromium_Blood. Any info on how to gwt de ranked via hackers or going in the steam files are welcome. TLDR: Need a way to de rank to level 1 via hacks or going into steam files.
Last week, I joined a random lobby in MW2 and it turned out the host was a hacker and ranked me up to level 70. I did not want to be that level because I want to play the game right. I need help finding a way to get de ranked. My steam ID is Chromium_Blood. Any info on how to gwt de ranked via hackers or going in the steam files are welcome.
Need a way to de rank to level 1 via hacks or going into steam files.
So I had a guest DM for one of my games, and he added a really good antagonist to my game in the form of a Tempest Twin Gunslinger. I'd really like to bring this character back into the game, but I can't find the base stats for the race/monster anywhere. So I come to you guys. For those who aren't aware, a tempest twin is a single entity who fights as two people by constantly jumping forward and backward in time. As he jumps, he appears and disappears at will across the battlefield. (I know, how fucking cool is that?!) I have done a good amount of searching, and I can't find any listed stats for the creature. I know they're in one of his OLD bestiary books (possibly even from before 3.5, it's my gf's dad and he has been playing for like 30ish years), but they don't seem to be listed on any website and Idk when I'll get to see his books next. Thanks in advance for the help. You guys are the best help a young player/DM could ask for. TL;DR I need help finding the stats of an old monster from before Pathfinder.
So I had a guest DM for one of my games, and he added a really good antagonist to my game in the form of a Tempest Twin Gunslinger. I'd really like to bring this character back into the game, but I can't find the base stats for the race/monster anywhere. So I come to you guys. For those who aren't aware, a tempest twin is a single entity who fights as two people by constantly jumping forward and backward in time. As he jumps, he appears and disappears at will across the battlefield. (I know, how fucking cool is that?!) I have done a good amount of searching, and I can't find any listed stats for the creature. I know they're in one of his OLD bestiary books (possibly even from before 3.5, it's my gf's dad and he has been playing for like 30ish years), but they don't seem to be listed on any website and Idk when I'll get to see his books next. Thanks in advance for the help. You guys are the best help a young player/DM could ask for. TL;DR I need help finding the stats of an old monster from before Pathfinder.
So I had a guest DM for one of my games, and he added a really good antagonist to my game in the form of a Tempest Twin Gunslinger. I'd really like to bring this character back into the game, but I can't find the base stats for the race/monster anywhere. So I come to you guys. For those who aren't aware, a tempest twin is a single entity who fights as two people by constantly jumping forward and backward in time. As he jumps, he appears and disappears at will across the battlefield. (I know, how fucking cool is that?!) I have done a good amount of searching, and I can't find any listed stats for the creature. I know they're in one of his OLD bestiary books (possibly even from before 3.5, it's my gf's dad and he has been playing for like 30ish years), but they don't seem to be listed on any website and Idk when I'll get to see his books next. Thanks in advance for the help. You guys are the best help a young player/DM could ask for.
I need help finding the stats of an old monster from before Pathfinder.
i've fucked my girlfriend in her living room on her sofa. I've spoken to her mother with my dick inside my girlfriend hidden only by a think layer of blanket. I've watched game of thrones while getting head and asking her mother for ice cream. I've been walked in on going at it butterfly style in a local park and had some runner jog past us. On his part he was very respectful and simply smirked and ran on past. TLDR: My girlfriend and i dont have a place to have sex we've done it in numerous places in many shameful ways
i've fucked my girlfriend in her living room on her sofa. I've spoken to her mother with my dick inside my girlfriend hidden only by a think layer of blanket. I've watched game of thrones while getting head and asking her mother for ice cream. I've been walked in on going at it butterfly style in a local park and had some runner jog past us. On his part he was very respectful and simply smirked and ran on past. TLDR: My girlfriend and i dont have a place to have sex we've done it in numerous places in many shameful ways
i've fucked my girlfriend in her living room on her sofa. I've spoken to her mother with my dick inside my girlfriend hidden only by a think layer of blanket. I've watched game of thrones while getting head and asking her mother for ice cream. I've been walked in on going at it butterfly style in a local park and had some runner jog past us. On his part he was very respectful and simply smirked and ran on past.
My girlfriend and i dont have a place to have sex we've done it in numerous places in many shameful ways
Hello /r/2007scape ! I felt like starting a discussion that doesn't involve pumpkins :D Some of you may remember me from the 2007 reddit clan chat. Whenever I was in there I tried to be as active as possible and help people as well as I possible could (without wasting any xp that is). The past week has been the most frustrating experience I've ever experienced on my eight year RuneScape career. It all started on the evening of Monday the third of June when I got disconnected during a herb run. After trying to log back on, I got the message that my account was disabled. I went and checked my account status and I was apparently banned for 14 days for ”Macroing Minor”. As a long time RuneScape player who has never used a third party program to play the game for me, this ban seemed a bit confusing. I immeatidely appealed the offence and emailed and within the next 24 hours, my ban was gone and I was confirmed as a legitimate player by Mod Sayln. (The interesting part is that Jagex' system thinks questing+herb runs+skill training is bot-like behaviour but the real bots that cut yews 24/7 still remain there...) Everything seemed alright on Tuesday afternoon, maybe it only was a mistake by the system and I shouldn't have anything to worry about. Oh how wrong I was. The nightmare I am currently experiencing started on the next day (Wednesday 5th of June). And again, the reason for a ban was Macroing Minor. I did the same I did on Monday (appeal + email) and after that I just waited as there is nothing else to do after you get banned. And I waited. Rest of the week passed. The weekend (rainy and boring if I may add) passed. Monday passed. And now I am here, still constantly checking my email and account status for a response. I am slowly getting more and more irritated as I think of all the xp and progress I could've made during the past week, but instead I, one of the innocent, loyal customers, have remained banned. To add insult to injury. I spent April and May studying my ass off and making all these big plans regarding oldschool Runescape and now when I finally have time and motivation to play the game, I get banned. I have cancelled my membership and I am seriously considering to leave it like that unless Jagex gets their shit back together. /vent Now, the point of this post was so start a discussion about Jagex' customer support, your experiences with it and with the incorrect bans some of you may have gotten. (I searched the posts of this subreddit and there were some innocent people getting banned.) I know I am not alone with this problem and I really hope Jagex can fix their flawed botwatch because it is just unacceptable to ban a legitimate player for playing the game. And, in my opinion, even worse is the fact that it has been five and a half days without a response from their customer support. I am quite confident that any other company of this size would've already replied to my emails or appeal. Also, for the people who like to come to posts like this and post that usual *”hurrdurr you botted you get banned ezpz gg sit down son jagex doesn't make mistakes get a life nerd”* crap, please don't bother. I am a legitimate player who wants to play the game instead of watching some inefficient bot fishing for me. TL;DR: - Got incorrectly banned for 14 days, customer support doesn't reply and appeal is still pending (after 6 days) - The lack of customer support in general is causing Jagex more trouble than what they're saving from having too few people working at the customer support If you read this far, thank you for your attention and please drop a reply if you have something to say :)
Hello /r/2007scape ! I felt like starting a discussion that doesn't involve pumpkins :D Some of you may remember me from the 2007 reddit clan chat. Whenever I was in there I tried to be as active as possible and help people as well as I possible could (without wasting any xp that is). The past week has been the most frustrating experience I've ever experienced on my eight year RuneScape career. It all started on the evening of Monday the third of June when I got disconnected during a herb run. After trying to log back on, I got the message that my account was disabled. I went and checked my account status and I was apparently banned for 14 days for ”Macroing Minor”. As a long time RuneScape player who has never used a third party program to play the game for me, this ban seemed a bit confusing. I immeatidely appealed the offence and emailed and within the next 24 hours, my ban was gone and I was confirmed as a legitimate player by Mod Sayln. (The interesting part is that Jagex' system thinks questing+herb runs+skill training is bot-like behaviour but the real bots that cut yews 24/7 still remain there...) Everything seemed alright on Tuesday afternoon, maybe it only was a mistake by the system and I shouldn't have anything to worry about. Oh how wrong I was. The nightmare I am currently experiencing started on the next day (Wednesday 5th of June). And again, the reason for a ban was Macroing Minor. I did the same I did on Monday (appeal + email) and after that I just waited as there is nothing else to do after you get banned. And I waited. Rest of the week passed. The weekend (rainy and boring if I may add) passed. Monday passed. And now I am here, still constantly checking my email and account status for a response. I am slowly getting more and more irritated as I think of all the xp and progress I could've made during the past week, but instead I, one of the innocent, loyal customers, have remained banned. To add insult to injury. I spent April and May studying my ass off and making all these big plans regarding oldschool Runescape and now when I finally have time and motivation to play the game, I get banned. I have cancelled my membership and I am seriously considering to leave it like that unless Jagex gets their shit back together. /vent Now, the point of this post was so start a discussion about Jagex' customer support, your experiences with it and with the incorrect bans some of you may have gotten. (I searched the posts of this subreddit and there were some innocent people getting banned.) I know I am not alone with this problem and I really hope Jagex can fix their flawed botwatch because it is just unacceptable to ban a legitimate player for playing the game. And, in my opinion, even worse is the fact that it has been five and a half days without a response from their customer support. I am quite confident that any other company of this size would've already replied to my emails or appeal. Also, for the people who like to come to posts like this and post that usual ”hurrdurr you botted you get banned ezpz gg sit down son jagex doesn't make mistakes get a life nerd” crap, please don't bother. I am a legitimate player who wants to play the game instead of watching some inefficient bot fishing for me. TL;DR: Got incorrectly banned for 14 days, customer support doesn't reply and appeal is still pending (after 6 days) The lack of customer support in general is causing Jagex more trouble than what they're saving from having too few people working at the customer support If you read this far, thank you for your attention and please drop a reply if you have something to say :)
Hello /r/2007scape ! I felt like starting a discussion that doesn't involve pumpkins :D Some of you may remember me from the 2007 reddit clan chat. Whenever I was in there I tried to be as active as possible and help people as well as I possible could (without wasting any xp that is). The past week has been the most frustrating experience I've ever experienced on my eight year RuneScape career. It all started on the evening of Monday the third of June when I got disconnected during a herb run. After trying to log back on, I got the message that my account was disabled. I went and checked my account status and I was apparently banned for 14 days for ”Macroing Minor”. As a long time RuneScape player who has never used a third party program to play the game for me, this ban seemed a bit confusing. I immeatidely appealed the offence and emailed and within the next 24 hours, my ban was gone and I was confirmed as a legitimate player by Mod Sayln. (The interesting part is that Jagex' system thinks questing+herb runs+skill training is bot-like behaviour but the real bots that cut yews 24/7 still remain there...) Everything seemed alright on Tuesday afternoon, maybe it only was a mistake by the system and I shouldn't have anything to worry about. Oh how wrong I was. The nightmare I am currently experiencing started on the next day (Wednesday 5th of June). And again, the reason for a ban was Macroing Minor. I did the same I did on Monday (appeal + email) and after that I just waited as there is nothing else to do after you get banned. And I waited. Rest of the week passed. The weekend (rainy and boring if I may add) passed. Monday passed. And now I am here, still constantly checking my email and account status for a response. I am slowly getting more and more irritated as I think of all the xp and progress I could've made during the past week, but instead I, one of the innocent, loyal customers, have remained banned. To add insult to injury. I spent April and May studying my ass off and making all these big plans regarding oldschool Runescape and now when I finally have time and motivation to play the game, I get banned. I have cancelled my membership and I am seriously considering to leave it like that unless Jagex gets their shit back together. /vent Now, the point of this post was so start a discussion about Jagex' customer support, your experiences with it and with the incorrect bans some of you may have gotten. (I searched the posts of this subreddit and there were some innocent people getting banned.) I know I am not alone with this problem and I really hope Jagex can fix their flawed botwatch because it is just unacceptable to ban a legitimate player for playing the game. And, in my opinion, even worse is the fact that it has been five and a half days without a response from their customer support. I am quite confident that any other company of this size would've already replied to my emails or appeal. Also, for the people who like to come to posts like this and post that usual ”hurrdurr you botted you get banned ezpz gg sit down son jagex doesn't make mistakes get a life nerd” crap, please don't bother. I am a legitimate player who wants to play the game instead of watching some inefficient bot fishing for me.
Got incorrectly banned for 14 days, customer support doesn't reply and appeal is still pending (after 6 days) The lack of customer support in general is causing Jagex more trouble than what they're saving from having too few people working at the customer support If you read this far, thank you for your attention and please drop a reply if you have something to say :)
I think we have a stalemate here because assuming the guy with the gun has the gun draw then they will very likely get a shot off on target. However this isn't going to kill the lightsaber guy fast enough for him not slice something important off. TL;DR: MAD! the whole damn thing is MAD!
I think we have a stalemate here because assuming the guy with the gun has the gun draw then they will very likely get a shot off on target. However this isn't going to kill the lightsaber guy fast enough for him not slice something important off. TL;DR: MAD! the whole damn thing is MAD!
I think we have a stalemate here because assuming the guy with the gun has the gun draw then they will very likely get a shot off on target. However this isn't going to kill the lightsaber guy fast enough for him not slice something important off.
MAD! the whole damn thing is MAD!
So, me and the lady friend are very serious - it's not so much an "if" we are going to get married, but a when. However, she is currently overseas on scholarship, and returning to (finally!) live with me next summer while I slave away in graduate school. We spent a year living together already and it worked out fantastic, so the "don't get engaged until you live closer together" potential advice need not apply. The relationship is healthy. But then I start to get a little murky. I've been thinking about popping the question forever now. She's said she does not care when, where, or how we get engaged, or even if the ring is a super-quality one ("I will definitely want one, but we can wait until we are both together and get on our feet." Awesome. And she will get the best.) But usually the conversation will turn into "I'd say yes, but what's the rush? We aren't religious, and already are faithful to each other, a marriage will just be for tax purposes and extra jewelry." But for me, there is a sort of rush. She is flying back to finish up the last 6 months of her scholarship, and I really wish I could just revel in the fact that this girl I love is my fiance, and not "girlfriend", which makes me feel like a 16 year old (no offense..) when I talk about her to people in my program/department/etc. Semantics, but. Also, I am fortunate enough that I have my grandparents around. However, they have each had strokes in the last 3 years, and it has really been looking bleak - I came home from school for break, and it's just much worse than I thought it could be. Barring past family issues, I owe a lot of any success or happiness I had a chance to ever achieve to them - they are incredibly important to me, and I would really like for them to see their grandson get engaged, if not married at least. But is this fair to her? She says she is ready, but maybe just getting engaged for my own personal vocabulary change and my aging grandparent's aren't the right reasons (though the right reasons are definitely there - I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else. Mush mush.) We only have one night left together - the 3rd anniversary of our relationship is on New Years Eve. I bet I could muster something together. God. That's a crazy huge step. **TL;DR If there is no rush, and the marriage is inevitable, are these reasons (aging grandparents and personal want) enough to just get engaged now? Or would it be more mentally sound to just wait until she returns, and hope that the grandparents stick around long enough to see it? I really want to do an elaborate proposal, but if I decide to propose before she leaves.. might not be the flash I would love.** If anything, thanks for letting me vent. Thoughts are definitely appreciated.
So, me and the lady friend are very serious - it's not so much an "if" we are going to get married, but a when. However, she is currently overseas on scholarship, and returning to (finally!) live with me next summer while I slave away in graduate school. We spent a year living together already and it worked out fantastic, so the "don't get engaged until you live closer together" potential advice need not apply. The relationship is healthy. But then I start to get a little murky. I've been thinking about popping the question forever now. She's said she does not care when, where, or how we get engaged, or even if the ring is a super-quality one ("I will definitely want one, but we can wait until we are both together and get on our feet." Awesome. And she will get the best.) But usually the conversation will turn into "I'd say yes, but what's the rush? We aren't religious, and already are faithful to each other, a marriage will just be for tax purposes and extra jewelry." But for me, there is a sort of rush. She is flying back to finish up the last 6 months of her scholarship, and I really wish I could just revel in the fact that this girl I love is my fiance, and not "girlfriend", which makes me feel like a 16 year old (no offense..) when I talk about her to people in my program/department/etc. Semantics, but. Also, I am fortunate enough that I have my grandparents around. However, they have each had strokes in the last 3 years, and it has really been looking bleak - I came home from school for break, and it's just much worse than I thought it could be. Barring past family issues, I owe a lot of any success or happiness I had a chance to ever achieve to them - they are incredibly important to me, and I would really like for them to see their grandson get engaged, if not married at least. But is this fair to her? She says she is ready, but maybe just getting engaged for my own personal vocabulary change and my aging grandparent's aren't the right reasons (though the right reasons are definitely there - I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else. Mush mush.) We only have one night left together - the 3rd anniversary of our relationship is on New Years Eve. I bet I could muster something together. God. That's a crazy huge step. TL;DR If there is no rush, and the marriage is inevitable, are these reasons (aging grandparents and personal want) enough to just get engaged now? Or would it be more mentally sound to just wait until she returns, and hope that the grandparents stick around long enough to see it? I really want to do an elaborate proposal, but if I decide to propose before she leaves.. might not be the flash I would love. If anything, thanks for letting me vent. Thoughts are definitely appreciated.
So, me and the lady friend are very serious - it's not so much an "if" we are going to get married, but a when. However, she is currently overseas on scholarship, and returning to (finally!) live with me next summer while I slave away in graduate school. We spent a year living together already and it worked out fantastic, so the "don't get engaged until you live closer together" potential advice need not apply. The relationship is healthy. But then I start to get a little murky. I've been thinking about popping the question forever now. She's said she does not care when, where, or how we get engaged, or even if the ring is a super-quality one ("I will definitely want one, but we can wait until we are both together and get on our feet." Awesome. And she will get the best.) But usually the conversation will turn into "I'd say yes, but what's the rush? We aren't religious, and already are faithful to each other, a marriage will just be for tax purposes and extra jewelry." But for me, there is a sort of rush. She is flying back to finish up the last 6 months of her scholarship, and I really wish I could just revel in the fact that this girl I love is my fiance, and not "girlfriend", which makes me feel like a 16 year old (no offense..) when I talk about her to people in my program/department/etc. Semantics, but. Also, I am fortunate enough that I have my grandparents around. However, they have each had strokes in the last 3 years, and it has really been looking bleak - I came home from school for break, and it's just much worse than I thought it could be. Barring past family issues, I owe a lot of any success or happiness I had a chance to ever achieve to them - they are incredibly important to me, and I would really like for them to see their grandson get engaged, if not married at least. But is this fair to her? She says she is ready, but maybe just getting engaged for my own personal vocabulary change and my aging grandparent's aren't the right reasons (though the right reasons are definitely there - I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else. Mush mush.) We only have one night left together - the 3rd anniversary of our relationship is on New Years Eve. I bet I could muster something together. God. That's a crazy huge step.
If there is no rush, and the marriage is inevitable, are these reasons (aging grandparents and personal want) enough to just get engaged now? Or would it be more mentally sound to just wait until she returns, and hope that the grandparents stick around long enough to see it? I really want to do an elaborate proposal, but if I decide to propose before she leaves.. might not be the flash I would love. If anything, thanks for letting me vent. Thoughts are definitely appreciated.
I have a primary relationship with my boyfriend and a secondary LDR with my girlfriend (who is married to her primary). I've been with my GF since before the BF and I got together. I've always been completely open and upfront about the fact that I'm poly and, although he's struggled with it at times, he seems to be ok with it overall. Things between he and I are still relatively new, but I've expressed the fact that I'd love to see him get to a point where he feels comfortable dating and/or hooking up with another woman. When he and I first started dating, there was another woman that he had gone out with a few times, but he quickly decided that he didn't want to date her any more. We had a very intense connection and he said that he didn't have any desire to date anyone else. Other than my GF, I didn't have any desire to date anyone else either. My GF is quite awesome and she and I are are both cognizant of the fact that we have primary relationships that trump our secondary relationships. She's been very flexible and understanding about things as BF and I are finding our feet in a primary relationship. So, fast forward a couple of months. BF and I are doing really well and enjoying our relationship thoroughly. Things between BF and I are going well, but we are dealing with some pretty heavy issues that most people don't usually deal with so close to the beginning of a relationship. One of the great things about he and I is that we *communicate* really well and we are able to navigate our complications and still have a good time. However, it does mean that we aren't always as carefree as we would like to be. We are continuing to talk about dating other people using if/when because neither of us is inclined to go out and find anyone new. He started talking about this other woman that he had been dating before and how they wanted to go out and do something fun together (on a platonic basis). I was all for it and even baby-sat his kids while he went out. When he came back, he was feeling/acting more stress-free than I had seen him be in a long time. He and I talked and he said that he could finally understand how it might be nice to date someone else. He had had a really good time with her and he was attracted to her and it was nice to just go out and have a nice, easy time with someone. I was happy that he had found that, but part of me felt like this brought into focus the fact that I can be another stressor in his life. (He has lots of other obligations to deal with....a grandmother to take care of, baby mama drama, a special needs child, etc.) So now I'm struggling with the idea that this other woman can bring him relief from the stress of his life that I can't give him. Stress that I may even contribute to.... He's still not sure if he wants to deal with actually dating another woman and he hasn't even brought up poly to her (as far as I know). They went out again a few nights ago and I had some not-so-pretty feelings come up about it. I have not and would never ask BF to stop hanging out with her. I'm talking to him about my feelings around it and I'm fully aware that these are my own insecurities that I have to face. I have been poly (on and off) for years and I do a lot of reading about other people's feelings of jealousy and how they deal with it. Like the title says, I don't really know what I'm looking for here...I just want to be able to let go of the negative feelings and be able to be happy that my BF has found something to do that can help alleviate his stress..... TL;DR - I have a BF and a GF. BF is starting to explore his poly side and I'm not dealing with it very well....
I have a primary relationship with my boyfriend and a secondary LDR with my girlfriend (who is married to her primary). I've been with my GF since before the BF and I got together. I've always been completely open and upfront about the fact that I'm poly and, although he's struggled with it at times, he seems to be ok with it overall. Things between he and I are still relatively new, but I've expressed the fact that I'd love to see him get to a point where he feels comfortable dating and/or hooking up with another woman. When he and I first started dating, there was another woman that he had gone out with a few times, but he quickly decided that he didn't want to date her any more. We had a very intense connection and he said that he didn't have any desire to date anyone else. Other than my GF, I didn't have any desire to date anyone else either. My GF is quite awesome and she and I are are both cognizant of the fact that we have primary relationships that trump our secondary relationships. She's been very flexible and understanding about things as BF and I are finding our feet in a primary relationship. So, fast forward a couple of months. BF and I are doing really well and enjoying our relationship thoroughly. Things between BF and I are going well, but we are dealing with some pretty heavy issues that most people don't usually deal with so close to the beginning of a relationship. One of the great things about he and I is that we communicate really well and we are able to navigate our complications and still have a good time. However, it does mean that we aren't always as carefree as we would like to be. We are continuing to talk about dating other people using if/when because neither of us is inclined to go out and find anyone new. He started talking about this other woman that he had been dating before and how they wanted to go out and do something fun together (on a platonic basis). I was all for it and even baby-sat his kids while he went out. When he came back, he was feeling/acting more stress-free than I had seen him be in a long time. He and I talked and he said that he could finally understand how it might be nice to date someone else. He had had a really good time with her and he was attracted to her and it was nice to just go out and have a nice, easy time with someone. I was happy that he had found that, but part of me felt like this brought into focus the fact that I can be another stressor in his life. (He has lots of other obligations to deal with....a grandmother to take care of, baby mama drama, a special needs child, etc.) So now I'm struggling with the idea that this other woman can bring him relief from the stress of his life that I can't give him. Stress that I may even contribute to.... He's still not sure if he wants to deal with actually dating another woman and he hasn't even brought up poly to her (as far as I know). They went out again a few nights ago and I had some not-so-pretty feelings come up about it. I have not and would never ask BF to stop hanging out with her. I'm talking to him about my feelings around it and I'm fully aware that these are my own insecurities that I have to face. I have been poly (on and off) for years and I do a lot of reading about other people's feelings of jealousy and how they deal with it. Like the title says, I don't really know what I'm looking for here...I just want to be able to let go of the negative feelings and be able to be happy that my BF has found something to do that can help alleviate his stress..... TL;DR - I have a BF and a GF. BF is starting to explore his poly side and I'm not dealing with it very well....
I have a primary relationship with my boyfriend and a secondary LDR with my girlfriend (who is married to her primary). I've been with my GF since before the BF and I got together. I've always been completely open and upfront about the fact that I'm poly and, although he's struggled with it at times, he seems to be ok with it overall. Things between he and I are still relatively new, but I've expressed the fact that I'd love to see him get to a point where he feels comfortable dating and/or hooking up with another woman. When he and I first started dating, there was another woman that he had gone out with a few times, but he quickly decided that he didn't want to date her any more. We had a very intense connection and he said that he didn't have any desire to date anyone else. Other than my GF, I didn't have any desire to date anyone else either. My GF is quite awesome and she and I are are both cognizant of the fact that we have primary relationships that trump our secondary relationships. She's been very flexible and understanding about things as BF and I are finding our feet in a primary relationship. So, fast forward a couple of months. BF and I are doing really well and enjoying our relationship thoroughly. Things between BF and I are going well, but we are dealing with some pretty heavy issues that most people don't usually deal with so close to the beginning of a relationship. One of the great things about he and I is that we communicate really well and we are able to navigate our complications and still have a good time. However, it does mean that we aren't always as carefree as we would like to be. We are continuing to talk about dating other people using if/when because neither of us is inclined to go out and find anyone new. He started talking about this other woman that he had been dating before and how they wanted to go out and do something fun together (on a platonic basis). I was all for it and even baby-sat his kids while he went out. When he came back, he was feeling/acting more stress-free than I had seen him be in a long time. He and I talked and he said that he could finally understand how it might be nice to date someone else. He had had a really good time with her and he was attracted to her and it was nice to just go out and have a nice, easy time with someone. I was happy that he had found that, but part of me felt like this brought into focus the fact that I can be another stressor in his life. (He has lots of other obligations to deal with....a grandmother to take care of, baby mama drama, a special needs child, etc.) So now I'm struggling with the idea that this other woman can bring him relief from the stress of his life that I can't give him. Stress that I may even contribute to.... He's still not sure if he wants to deal with actually dating another woman and he hasn't even brought up poly to her (as far as I know). They went out again a few nights ago and I had some not-so-pretty feelings come up about it. I have not and would never ask BF to stop hanging out with her. I'm talking to him about my feelings around it and I'm fully aware that these are my own insecurities that I have to face. I have been poly (on and off) for years and I do a lot of reading about other people's feelings of jealousy and how they deal with it. Like the title says, I don't really know what I'm looking for here...I just want to be able to let go of the negative feelings and be able to be happy that my BF has found something to do that can help alleviate his stress.....
I have a BF and a GF. BF is starting to explore his poly side and I'm not dealing with it very well....
I would also like to add "yes". I downloaded the demo because I figured it would be fun accidentally blowing up Kerbals. Then through trial and error, kept getting farther and farther and more interested about how things work. I found myself researching orbital mechanics and finding it fascinating, learning how to better manage my launches. I had a blast building some crazy rockets, but I ended up getting a lot more out of it than I had intended. TL:DR - Come for the hilarious explosions, stay for rocket science.
I would also like to add "yes". I downloaded the demo because I figured it would be fun accidentally blowing up Kerbals. Then through trial and error, kept getting farther and farther and more interested about how things work. I found myself researching orbital mechanics and finding it fascinating, learning how to better manage my launches. I had a blast building some crazy rockets, but I ended up getting a lot more out of it than I had intended. TL:DR - Come for the hilarious explosions, stay for rocket science.
I would also like to add "yes". I downloaded the demo because I figured it would be fun accidentally blowing up Kerbals. Then through trial and error, kept getting farther and farther and more interested about how things work. I found myself researching orbital mechanics and finding it fascinating, learning how to better manage my launches. I had a blast building some crazy rockets, but I ended up getting a lot more out of it than I had intended.
Come for the hilarious explosions, stay for rocket science.
[Here is my transformation pic]( 30 day transformation period: **11/21/2013 - 12/20/2013** **My Reason Why**: I hated the way that I was starting to look in pics. Last year I had been at my peak physical condition and loved it (mostly from bootcamp classes I went to for 8 weeks). Then I started slowly letting the little things add up to bring me back down. Skipping workouts, eating like crap, etc. I would lie to myself and say - oh it's OK, you still look alright. In my head I was still the old in shape me. When in reality I was letting myself go again. When I would look at my photos before my last transformation I was embarrassed by them. Then I started to notice my most recent pictures were looking like my old pre-transformation ones. So I said, **"Hell No"! I'm not going there again!** I know I can be more. So I began. With a strong reason & a good enough plan to start and evolve with. I discovered reddit and you all inspired and taught me. # My Workout Goals --- - Aesthetics is all that I really care about - Functional strength is a nice to have - don't care about powerlifting - Workout no more than 30 mins per day - Maximize intensity & results - Build muscle while trimming fat # My Workout Hypothesis --- - Diet = Abs - Muscle Growth = Resistance Training - Circuit training would allow me to minimize wasted time resting, and allow me to get my lifts in. # Diet --- - Signed up for MFP (thanks /r/fitness FAQ!). - Week 1&2 - did a Keto-ish diet for about 2 weeks- was learning still - Week 3&4 - IIFYM, 20% cut but was often under my carb amount by alot - Week 5 - IIFYM to 15% cut and started hitting my carbs more. - Thanksgiving weekend was a bunch of cheats - Weekends I usually cheat twice with food and wine - Always made sure I got enough protein (at least .82 grams per/pound - usually more) # Struggles --- - I did this entire transformation while only getting about 4 hours of sleep a night due to my circumstances. - Just learned about MFP, calorie counting, Keto, IIFYM and still learning. # Workout Routine --- - I hate rest - so I wanted a routine with minimal rest, and I also wanted to get all of my lifts. - workout at home - 6 days a week circuit training - one floating rest day (used when I needed it due to life) ## Upper Body Routine 3 rounds - one minute rest between rounds, no rest between sets 10x ez bar curl, 10x dumbbell bench, 10 pull ups, 10x dumbbell shoulder press, 10x barbell bendover row, 10x dips, 10x burpees, (week 4&5 added 10x flys to work my chest more) ## Lower Body (Legs & Abs) Routine 3 rounds - no rest between rounds, no rest between sets 10x dumbbell squats, 10x hanging knee raises, 10x dumbbell reverse lunges, 20x hip ups, 10x weighted leg curl, 50x bicycles (25 per side), 20x weighted leg extensions, 30x weighted crunches, 15x dumbbell calf raises, 20x tuck jumps For almost the first two weeks I did the upper body routine every day. Then I switched to Upper Body, Lower Body alternating days. **tl;dr** I did a mix of Keto, IIFYM & circuit training to get myself back into "aesthetic" shape in under 30 mins per day. [Here is my transformation pic]( Thanks much for inspiring me!!!
[Here is my transformation pic]( 30 day transformation period: 11/21/2013 - 12/20/2013 My Reason Why : I hated the way that I was starting to look in pics. Last year I had been at my peak physical condition and loved it (mostly from bootcamp classes I went to for 8 weeks). Then I started slowly letting the little things add up to bring me back down. Skipping workouts, eating like crap, etc. I would lie to myself and say - oh it's OK, you still look alright. In my head I was still the old in shape me. When in reality I was letting myself go again. When I would look at my photos before my last transformation I was embarrassed by them. Then I started to notice my most recent pictures were looking like my old pre-transformation ones. So I said, "Hell No"! I'm not going there again! I know I can be more. So I began. With a strong reason & a good enough plan to start and evolve with. I discovered reddit and you all inspired and taught me. My Workout Goals Aesthetics is all that I really care about Functional strength is a nice to have - don't care about powerlifting Workout no more than 30 mins per day Maximize intensity & results Build muscle while trimming fat My Workout Hypothesis Diet = Abs Muscle Growth = Resistance Training Circuit training would allow me to minimize wasted time resting, and allow me to get my lifts in. Diet Signed up for MFP (thanks /r/fitness FAQ!). Week 1&2 - did a Keto-ish diet for about 2 weeks- was learning still Week 3&4 - IIFYM, 20% cut but was often under my carb amount by alot Week 5 - IIFYM to 15% cut and started hitting my carbs more. Thanksgiving weekend was a bunch of cheats Weekends I usually cheat twice with food and wine Always made sure I got enough protein (at least .82 grams per/pound - usually more) Struggles I did this entire transformation while only getting about 4 hours of sleep a night due to my circumstances. Just learned about MFP, calorie counting, Keto, IIFYM and still learning. Workout Routine I hate rest - so I wanted a routine with minimal rest, and I also wanted to get all of my lifts. workout at home 6 days a week circuit training - one floating rest day (used when I needed it due to life) Upper Body Routine 3 rounds - one minute rest between rounds, no rest between sets 10x ez bar curl, 10x dumbbell bench, 10 pull ups, 10x dumbbell shoulder press, 10x barbell bendover row, 10x dips, 10x burpees, (week 4&5 added 10x flys to work my chest more) Lower Body (Legs & Abs) Routine 3 rounds - no rest between rounds, no rest between sets 10x dumbbell squats, 10x hanging knee raises, 10x dumbbell reverse lunges, 20x hip ups, 10x weighted leg curl, 50x bicycles (25 per side), 20x weighted leg extensions, 30x weighted crunches, 15x dumbbell calf raises, 20x tuck jumps For almost the first two weeks I did the upper body routine every day. Then I switched to Upper Body, Lower Body alternating days. tl;dr I did a mix of Keto, IIFYM & circuit training to get myself back into "aesthetic" shape in under 30 mins per day. [Here is my transformation pic]( Thanks much for inspiring me!!!
Here is my transformation pic]( 30 day transformation period: 11/21/2013 - 12/20/2013 My Reason Why : I hated the way that I was starting to look in pics. Last year I had been at my peak physical condition and loved it (mostly from bootcamp classes I went to for 8 weeks). Then I started slowly letting the little things add up to bring me back down. Skipping workouts, eating like crap, etc. I would lie to myself and say - oh it's OK, you still look alright. In my head I was still the old in shape me. When in reality I was letting myself go again. When I would look at my photos before my last transformation I was embarrassed by them. Then I started to notice my most recent pictures were looking like my old pre-transformation ones. So I said, "Hell No"! I'm not going there again! I know I can be more. So I began. With a strong reason & a good enough plan to start and evolve with. I discovered reddit and you all inspired and taught me. My Workout Goals Aesthetics is all that I really care about Functional strength is a nice to have - don't care about powerlifting Workout no more than 30 mins per day Maximize intensity & results Build muscle while trimming fat My Workout Hypothesis Diet = Abs Muscle Growth = Resistance Training Circuit training would allow me to minimize wasted time resting, and allow me to get my lifts in. Diet Signed up for MFP (thanks /r/fitness FAQ!). Week 1&2 - did a Keto-ish diet for about 2 weeks- was learning still Week 3&4 - IIFYM, 20% cut but was often under my carb amount by alot Week 5 - IIFYM to 15% cut and started hitting my carbs more. Thanksgiving weekend was a bunch of cheats Weekends I usually cheat twice with food and wine Always made sure I got enough protein (at least .82 grams per/pound - usually more) Struggles I did this entire transformation while only getting about 4 hours of sleep a night due to my circumstances. Just learned about MFP, calorie counting, Keto, IIFYM and still learning. Workout Routine I hate rest - so I wanted a routine with minimal rest, and I also wanted to get all of my lifts. workout at home 6 days a week circuit training - one floating rest day (used when I needed it due to life) Upper Body Routine 3 rounds - one minute rest between rounds, no rest between sets 10x ez bar curl, 10x dumbbell bench, 10 pull ups, 10x dumbbell shoulder press, 10x barbell bendover row, 10x dips, 10x burpees, (week 4&5 added 10x flys to work my chest more) Lower Body (Legs & Abs) Routine 3 rounds - no rest between rounds, no rest between sets 10x dumbbell squats, 10x hanging knee raises, 10x dumbbell reverse lunges, 20x hip ups, 10x weighted leg curl, 50x bicycles (25 per side), 20x weighted leg extensions, 30x weighted crunches, 15x dumbbell calf raises, 20x tuck jumps For almost the first two weeks I did the upper body routine every day. Then I switched to Upper Body, Lower Body alternating days.
I did a mix of Keto, IIFYM & circuit training to get myself back into "aesthetic" shape in under 30 mins per day. [Here is my transformation pic]( Thanks much for inspiring me!!!
I was discussing memory with a couple of classmates when this came up. First, we couldn't fully establish whether or not short-term memory has a separate capacity for different stimuli - in this case auditory and visual are most relevant. What's the case? In any case, will the lack of "visual short-term memory" (if the term makes sense), make room for better auditory short-term memory? If it doesn't make sense to categorize short-term memories like that, does less/no input from one sense make more room for the input perceived by other senses? One of my classmates suggested that the average short-term memory capacity is 30 seconds, so that any perceived information will stick in the short-term memory for ~ 30 seconds. With this said, I can divide my question like so: * Will blind people (generally speaking) store audible information in their short-term memory *longer*? * Will blind people (generally speaking) be able to store *more* (auditory) information in their short-term memory? One could also flip it and consider deaf people. If you for some reason can answer that question more precisely, please do. **A major problem** when exploring this topic is that *blind people are more likely to process more auditory input than others*. This means that more of the audible information they perceive will be passed on to the working- and long-term memory, which would explain why a blind man in any given situation might be more likely to remember audible information than a seeing man in the same situation. The same concept goes for deaf people. Keep in mind that this is only an assumption I make, and I haven't read up on it. It just seems like common sense to me that without one sense, one would have to process more information from the other senses to properly navigate the environment. A way to bypass this issue and properly test the hypothesis would be to blindfold a seeing individual, then have him and a blind individual exposed to the same auditory input before testing short-term memory (in whatever way that is usually done). tl;dr: Read the title.
I was discussing memory with a couple of classmates when this came up. First, we couldn't fully establish whether or not short-term memory has a separate capacity for different stimuli - in this case auditory and visual are most relevant. What's the case? In any case, will the lack of "visual short-term memory" (if the term makes sense), make room for better auditory short-term memory? If it doesn't make sense to categorize short-term memories like that, does less/no input from one sense make more room for the input perceived by other senses? One of my classmates suggested that the average short-term memory capacity is 30 seconds, so that any perceived information will stick in the short-term memory for ~ 30 seconds. With this said, I can divide my question like so: Will blind people (generally speaking) store audible information in their short-term memory longer ? Will blind people (generally speaking) be able to store more (auditory) information in their short-term memory? One could also flip it and consider deaf people. If you for some reason can answer that question more precisely, please do. A major problem when exploring this topic is that blind people are more likely to process more auditory input than others . This means that more of the audible information they perceive will be passed on to the working- and long-term memory, which would explain why a blind man in any given situation might be more likely to remember audible information than a seeing man in the same situation. The same concept goes for deaf people. Keep in mind that this is only an assumption I make, and I haven't read up on it. It just seems like common sense to me that without one sense, one would have to process more information from the other senses to properly navigate the environment. A way to bypass this issue and properly test the hypothesis would be to blindfold a seeing individual, then have him and a blind individual exposed to the same auditory input before testing short-term memory (in whatever way that is usually done). tl;dr: Read the title.
I was discussing memory with a couple of classmates when this came up. First, we couldn't fully establish whether or not short-term memory has a separate capacity for different stimuli - in this case auditory and visual are most relevant. What's the case? In any case, will the lack of "visual short-term memory" (if the term makes sense), make room for better auditory short-term memory? If it doesn't make sense to categorize short-term memories like that, does less/no input from one sense make more room for the input perceived by other senses? One of my classmates suggested that the average short-term memory capacity is 30 seconds, so that any perceived information will stick in the short-term memory for ~ 30 seconds. With this said, I can divide my question like so: Will blind people (generally speaking) store audible information in their short-term memory longer ? Will blind people (generally speaking) be able to store more (auditory) information in their short-term memory? One could also flip it and consider deaf people. If you for some reason can answer that question more precisely, please do. A major problem when exploring this topic is that blind people are more likely to process more auditory input than others . This means that more of the audible information they perceive will be passed on to the working- and long-term memory, which would explain why a blind man in any given situation might be more likely to remember audible information than a seeing man in the same situation. The same concept goes for deaf people. Keep in mind that this is only an assumption I make, and I haven't read up on it. It just seems like common sense to me that without one sense, one would have to process more information from the other senses to properly navigate the environment. A way to bypass this issue and properly test the hypothesis would be to blindfold a seeing individual, then have him and a blind individual exposed to the same auditory input before testing short-term memory (in whatever way that is usually done).
Read the title.
I went out of town with some buddies, one of them knew I was a virgin. We went drinking and got pretty sauced. I knew I was gonna throw up at some point, and wanted to go back to the motel we were staying at. My friend convinced me to stay out and hit up one more club. I said fine. Somehow I picked up some chick when I was there (I was being moody and I guess it came across as confident), but a fight soon broke out so we all left. Eventually we made it back to the motel, and of course I could not get it up. After much trying and mentally kicking myself I was not good to go, but close enough. After about 5-10 min of what I guess you could call sex I finished, and about 10 seconds later I ran to the washroom to throw up EVERYWHERE. Cue a night of awkward shitty sleep (she stayed the night for some reason) and then we had to ditch her so we could eat breakfast in peace and then drive home. Only my one friend knew what a big night it had been for me. We still joke about it to this day. TL;DR: Went out of town, met someone random at a club. Had sex. Puked. Ditched her the next morning for a bro brekkist.
I went out of town with some buddies, one of them knew I was a virgin. We went drinking and got pretty sauced. I knew I was gonna throw up at some point, and wanted to go back to the motel we were staying at. My friend convinced me to stay out and hit up one more club. I said fine. Somehow I picked up some chick when I was there (I was being moody and I guess it came across as confident), but a fight soon broke out so we all left. Eventually we made it back to the motel, and of course I could not get it up. After much trying and mentally kicking myself I was not good to go, but close enough. After about 5-10 min of what I guess you could call sex I finished, and about 10 seconds later I ran to the washroom to throw up EVERYWHERE. Cue a night of awkward shitty sleep (she stayed the night for some reason) and then we had to ditch her so we could eat breakfast in peace and then drive home. Only my one friend knew what a big night it had been for me. We still joke about it to this day. TL;DR: Went out of town, met someone random at a club. Had sex. Puked. Ditched her the next morning for a bro brekkist.
I went out of town with some buddies, one of them knew I was a virgin. We went drinking and got pretty sauced. I knew I was gonna throw up at some point, and wanted to go back to the motel we were staying at. My friend convinced me to stay out and hit up one more club. I said fine. Somehow I picked up some chick when I was there (I was being moody and I guess it came across as confident), but a fight soon broke out so we all left. Eventually we made it back to the motel, and of course I could not get it up. After much trying and mentally kicking myself I was not good to go, but close enough. After about 5-10 min of what I guess you could call sex I finished, and about 10 seconds later I ran to the washroom to throw up EVERYWHERE. Cue a night of awkward shitty sleep (she stayed the night for some reason) and then we had to ditch her so we could eat breakfast in peace and then drive home. Only my one friend knew what a big night it had been for me. We still joke about it to this day.
Went out of town, met someone random at a club. Had sex. Puked. Ditched her the next morning for a bro brekkist.
I agree with you 100%, however it is a way of life for some people and at its core, I am fine with it, because it ULTIMATELY doesn't affect me. But when I am subject to some crunchy teenagers holdin up the line at Panda Express with their overly medicated jackassery it irks me. If this sounds oddly specific, it is because it happened. Fuckin 18-19 years old dudes decked out in "lol#420 gear", just way too high and being stupid and when the server changed to a dead-pan expression they simply said "oh, huh huh, sorry, we're kinda not all there. huh huh" Its not cool. I had to go out of my way to be some kind of fucking stoned ambassador when I ordered just to not feel like an asshole, so shes not like "another god damn stoner". I think the issue is high quality weed is soo easy to get already, kids these days don't get to acclimate. They are just fucked-smashed, and it isn't helpful for them, because teenagers are already stupid, we all were one once, we know. Legalize it and make it cheaper than what dealers on the street can sell it for. Make it easy to get with age restriction, I think 21 is the most realistic. However, I say make it like renting a car and make it 25. Haha. Maybe even see a dip in the crime ratings due to less smuggling? Who knows? weed is great, I love it, it is so helpful in so many ways. But you have to be responsible about any substance you put in your body, and getting blasted and being a fuckwit in public makes you look like an ass and give other smokers a bad name. TL;DR for the stoners: It is something to do, it can be a part of you, but it shouldn't be who you are.
I agree with you 100%, however it is a way of life for some people and at its core, I am fine with it, because it ULTIMATELY doesn't affect me. But when I am subject to some crunchy teenagers holdin up the line at Panda Express with their overly medicated jackassery it irks me. If this sounds oddly specific, it is because it happened. Fuckin 18-19 years old dudes decked out in "lol#420 gear", just way too high and being stupid and when the server changed to a dead-pan expression they simply said "oh, huh huh, sorry, we're kinda not all there. huh huh" Its not cool. I had to go out of my way to be some kind of fucking stoned ambassador when I ordered just to not feel like an asshole, so shes not like "another god damn stoner". I think the issue is high quality weed is soo easy to get already, kids these days don't get to acclimate. They are just fucked-smashed, and it isn't helpful for them, because teenagers are already stupid, we all were one once, we know. Legalize it and make it cheaper than what dealers on the street can sell it for. Make it easy to get with age restriction, I think 21 is the most realistic. However, I say make it like renting a car and make it 25. Haha. Maybe even see a dip in the crime ratings due to less smuggling? Who knows? weed is great, I love it, it is so helpful in so many ways. But you have to be responsible about any substance you put in your body, and getting blasted and being a fuckwit in public makes you look like an ass and give other smokers a bad name. TL;DR for the stoners: It is something to do, it can be a part of you, but it shouldn't be who you are.
I agree with you 100%, however it is a way of life for some people and at its core, I am fine with it, because it ULTIMATELY doesn't affect me. But when I am subject to some crunchy teenagers holdin up the line at Panda Express with their overly medicated jackassery it irks me. If this sounds oddly specific, it is because it happened. Fuckin 18-19 years old dudes decked out in "lol#420 gear", just way too high and being stupid and when the server changed to a dead-pan expression they simply said "oh, huh huh, sorry, we're kinda not all there. huh huh" Its not cool. I had to go out of my way to be some kind of fucking stoned ambassador when I ordered just to not feel like an asshole, so shes not like "another god damn stoner". I think the issue is high quality weed is soo easy to get already, kids these days don't get to acclimate. They are just fucked-smashed, and it isn't helpful for them, because teenagers are already stupid, we all were one once, we know. Legalize it and make it cheaper than what dealers on the street can sell it for. Make it easy to get with age restriction, I think 21 is the most realistic. However, I say make it like renting a car and make it 25. Haha. Maybe even see a dip in the crime ratings due to less smuggling? Who knows? weed is great, I love it, it is so helpful in so many ways. But you have to be responsible about any substance you put in your body, and getting blasted and being a fuckwit in public makes you look like an ass and give other smokers a bad name.
for the stoners: It is something to do, it can be a part of you, but it shouldn't be who you are.
Can't believe I haven't shared this story yet. Movie theatre manager. One weekend a few years ago, I received a call over the radio that there was a lady at the concession stand with a can of beer she had brought from outside. We don't allow outside food or drink, of course, and we certainly don't allow alcohol on our premises. As far as I'm aware, local law says we're required to reasonably ensure alcohol isn't consumed on our premises since we do not have an alcohol license. I headed over to the concession stand to ask the lady to toss the beer. When I arrived, I began a quick conversation with the concession supervisor to find out which register they were at, etc. As we were speaking, one of the assistant managers burst out of the concession stand and declared, "That drunk lady is yelling at [employee we shall henceforth refer to as Wilbur]!" I rushed in and quickly found the lady. She wasn't quite really yelling at Wilbur, but she was definitely angry and not being nice. I nudged Wilbur out of the way and, in my best "I hate you, but I have to provide good service" voice, asked "How can I help you?" While doing this, I noticed that the Drunk had brought along her two young daughters and elderly mother. The Drunk was definitely living up to her name. She was difficult to understand which I'm sure confused Wilbur and led Ms. Drunk to get angry with him. I was able to ascertain her issue, however. We sell a kids pack with a 12oz Icee drink, but we do not sell the 12oz Icee drink on its own. We do sell a 24oz and 32 oz Icee drink. Drunk wanted two 12oz Icee drinks for her daughters. Wilbur tried to explain we don't sell those individually, but she didn't like it. Drunk tried to complain that Wilbur was providing bad service, but I ignored her. I figured this out and offered a solution to Drunk: I'll sell her one 24oz drink and provide her with courtesy cups she can use to divide out for her daughters. She declared, "That's all I ask for," and seemed mollified. Now it was time to discuss with her the initial concern: her massive can of beer sitting on the counter. I brought the beer up and advised her that we don't allow outside food or drink and we don't allow alcohol. She became a little agitated and tried to argue that she should be able to keep the beer since our ticket taker didn't stop her from coming in - as if she had somehow earned the right to keep it by sneaking it in. I apologized, told her she still couldn't keep the drink, and told her she needed to either throw it away or take it outside to finish it. Drunk wasn't happy about this, but agreed to get rid of it. I gave Drunk the total of her transaction and was about to cash her out when the assistant manager from earlier brought up a box of Zours candy. I wasn't aware Drunk had asked for the candy, so I clarified with her that she had ordered a Zours before I arrived. I apologized and explained the Zours hadn't been punched in the register yet and gave her the new, higher total. Drunk was not pleased. She pointed her finger right at Wilbur (who had been standing here this whole time) and proclaimed, "THAT RETARD RIGHT THERE....!" That was the final straw. She had been far from a pleasant customer prior, but this was the next level and I wasn't having it. I hadn't cashed out the transaction yet (or received payment), so I demanded that Drunk return the concession items and get out of my theatre. She did not comply. Drunk declared she was going to watch her movie (going full crazy the whole time), threw a $20 on the counter, and stormed off to her movie. I rushed after her and call for an assistant manager to call security for assistance. I didn't want to start a screaming match in the auditorium, so I simply watched where Drunk and her family sat and waited for security (run in our area by off duty sheriff's deputies). While waiting, Drunk's mother came up to me and began apologizing to me and begging for me to let them watch the movie. She promised Drunk would be good, she'd make sure of it. I felt a little bad for the mother. She was clearly embarrassed (and perhaps feared what would happen to her daughter), but Drunk had crossed a line when she verbally assaulted my employee and I wasn't going to let it slide. The officer arrived and I pointed the group out. The officer recognized Drunk as having caused some issues outside before coming in to the theatre. Drunk complied with the officer and stepped out of the auditorium. She demanded refunds for her concession items and tickets. I handed back the $20 and made her throw the concession items away (we couldn't use them anymore, but I didn't want her money and she certainly wasn't going to keep the stuff for free). I refused refunds for the tickets thought. It doesn't happen when it gets this far. Drunk threw a fit and was arrested for disturbing the peace or public intoxication or something. It was out of my hands at that point. tl;dr - Five year old learns the phrase "fire retardant" and unfortunately decides that fire fighters must then be called "retards."
Can't believe I haven't shared this story yet. Movie theatre manager. One weekend a few years ago, I received a call over the radio that there was a lady at the concession stand with a can of beer she had brought from outside. We don't allow outside food or drink, of course, and we certainly don't allow alcohol on our premises. As far as I'm aware, local law says we're required to reasonably ensure alcohol isn't consumed on our premises since we do not have an alcohol license. I headed over to the concession stand to ask the lady to toss the beer. When I arrived, I began a quick conversation with the concession supervisor to find out which register they were at, etc. As we were speaking, one of the assistant managers burst out of the concession stand and declared, "That drunk lady is yelling at [employee we shall henceforth refer to as Wilbur]!" I rushed in and quickly found the lady. She wasn't quite really yelling at Wilbur, but she was definitely angry and not being nice. I nudged Wilbur out of the way and, in my best "I hate you, but I have to provide good service" voice, asked "How can I help you?" While doing this, I noticed that the Drunk had brought along her two young daughters and elderly mother. The Drunk was definitely living up to her name. She was difficult to understand which I'm sure confused Wilbur and led Ms. Drunk to get angry with him. I was able to ascertain her issue, however. We sell a kids pack with a 12oz Icee drink, but we do not sell the 12oz Icee drink on its own. We do sell a 24oz and 32 oz Icee drink. Drunk wanted two 12oz Icee drinks for her daughters. Wilbur tried to explain we don't sell those individually, but she didn't like it. Drunk tried to complain that Wilbur was providing bad service, but I ignored her. I figured this out and offered a solution to Drunk: I'll sell her one 24oz drink and provide her with courtesy cups she can use to divide out for her daughters. She declared, "That's all I ask for," and seemed mollified. Now it was time to discuss with her the initial concern: her massive can of beer sitting on the counter. I brought the beer up and advised her that we don't allow outside food or drink and we don't allow alcohol. She became a little agitated and tried to argue that she should be able to keep the beer since our ticket taker didn't stop her from coming in - as if she had somehow earned the right to keep it by sneaking it in. I apologized, told her she still couldn't keep the drink, and told her she needed to either throw it away or take it outside to finish it. Drunk wasn't happy about this, but agreed to get rid of it. I gave Drunk the total of her transaction and was about to cash her out when the assistant manager from earlier brought up a box of Zours candy. I wasn't aware Drunk had asked for the candy, so I clarified with her that she had ordered a Zours before I arrived. I apologized and explained the Zours hadn't been punched in the register yet and gave her the new, higher total. Drunk was not pleased. She pointed her finger right at Wilbur (who had been standing here this whole time) and proclaimed, "THAT RETARD RIGHT THERE....!" That was the final straw. She had been far from a pleasant customer prior, but this was the next level and I wasn't having it. I hadn't cashed out the transaction yet (or received payment), so I demanded that Drunk return the concession items and get out of my theatre. She did not comply. Drunk declared she was going to watch her movie (going full crazy the whole time), threw a $20 on the counter, and stormed off to her movie. I rushed after her and call for an assistant manager to call security for assistance. I didn't want to start a screaming match in the auditorium, so I simply watched where Drunk and her family sat and waited for security (run in our area by off duty sheriff's deputies). While waiting, Drunk's mother came up to me and began apologizing to me and begging for me to let them watch the movie. She promised Drunk would be good, she'd make sure of it. I felt a little bad for the mother. She was clearly embarrassed (and perhaps feared what would happen to her daughter), but Drunk had crossed a line when she verbally assaulted my employee and I wasn't going to let it slide. The officer arrived and I pointed the group out. The officer recognized Drunk as having caused some issues outside before coming in to the theatre. Drunk complied with the officer and stepped out of the auditorium. She demanded refunds for her concession items and tickets. I handed back the $20 and made her throw the concession items away (we couldn't use them anymore, but I didn't want her money and she certainly wasn't going to keep the stuff for free). I refused refunds for the tickets thought. It doesn't happen when it gets this far. Drunk threw a fit and was arrested for disturbing the peace or public intoxication or something. It was out of my hands at that point. tl;dr - Five year old learns the phrase "fire retardant" and unfortunately decides that fire fighters must then be called "retards."
Can't believe I haven't shared this story yet. Movie theatre manager. One weekend a few years ago, I received a call over the radio that there was a lady at the concession stand with a can of beer she had brought from outside. We don't allow outside food or drink, of course, and we certainly don't allow alcohol on our premises. As far as I'm aware, local law says we're required to reasonably ensure alcohol isn't consumed on our premises since we do not have an alcohol license. I headed over to the concession stand to ask the lady to toss the beer. When I arrived, I began a quick conversation with the concession supervisor to find out which register they were at, etc. As we were speaking, one of the assistant managers burst out of the concession stand and declared, "That drunk lady is yelling at [employee we shall henceforth refer to as Wilbur]!" I rushed in and quickly found the lady. She wasn't quite really yelling at Wilbur, but she was definitely angry and not being nice. I nudged Wilbur out of the way and, in my best "I hate you, but I have to provide good service" voice, asked "How can I help you?" While doing this, I noticed that the Drunk had brought along her two young daughters and elderly mother. The Drunk was definitely living up to her name. She was difficult to understand which I'm sure confused Wilbur and led Ms. Drunk to get angry with him. I was able to ascertain her issue, however. We sell a kids pack with a 12oz Icee drink, but we do not sell the 12oz Icee drink on its own. We do sell a 24oz and 32 oz Icee drink. Drunk wanted two 12oz Icee drinks for her daughters. Wilbur tried to explain we don't sell those individually, but she didn't like it. Drunk tried to complain that Wilbur was providing bad service, but I ignored her. I figured this out and offered a solution to Drunk: I'll sell her one 24oz drink and provide her with courtesy cups she can use to divide out for her daughters. She declared, "That's all I ask for," and seemed mollified. Now it was time to discuss with her the initial concern: her massive can of beer sitting on the counter. I brought the beer up and advised her that we don't allow outside food or drink and we don't allow alcohol. She became a little agitated and tried to argue that she should be able to keep the beer since our ticket taker didn't stop her from coming in - as if she had somehow earned the right to keep it by sneaking it in. I apologized, told her she still couldn't keep the drink, and told her she needed to either throw it away or take it outside to finish it. Drunk wasn't happy about this, but agreed to get rid of it. I gave Drunk the total of her transaction and was about to cash her out when the assistant manager from earlier brought up a box of Zours candy. I wasn't aware Drunk had asked for the candy, so I clarified with her that she had ordered a Zours before I arrived. I apologized and explained the Zours hadn't been punched in the register yet and gave her the new, higher total. Drunk was not pleased. She pointed her finger right at Wilbur (who had been standing here this whole time) and proclaimed, "THAT RETARD RIGHT THERE....!" That was the final straw. She had been far from a pleasant customer prior, but this was the next level and I wasn't having it. I hadn't cashed out the transaction yet (or received payment), so I demanded that Drunk return the concession items and get out of my theatre. She did not comply. Drunk declared she was going to watch her movie (going full crazy the whole time), threw a $20 on the counter, and stormed off to her movie. I rushed after her and call for an assistant manager to call security for assistance. I didn't want to start a screaming match in the auditorium, so I simply watched where Drunk and her family sat and waited for security (run in our area by off duty sheriff's deputies). While waiting, Drunk's mother came up to me and began apologizing to me and begging for me to let them watch the movie. She promised Drunk would be good, she'd make sure of it. I felt a little bad for the mother. She was clearly embarrassed (and perhaps feared what would happen to her daughter), but Drunk had crossed a line when she verbally assaulted my employee and I wasn't going to let it slide. The officer arrived and I pointed the group out. The officer recognized Drunk as having caused some issues outside before coming in to the theatre. Drunk complied with the officer and stepped out of the auditorium. She demanded refunds for her concession items and tickets. I handed back the $20 and made her throw the concession items away (we couldn't use them anymore, but I didn't want her money and she certainly wasn't going to keep the stuff for free). I refused refunds for the tickets thought. It doesn't happen when it gets this far. Drunk threw a fit and was arrested for disturbing the peace or public intoxication or something. It was out of my hands at that point.
Five year old learns the phrase "fire retardant" and unfortunately decides that fire fighters must then be called "retards."
That is an interesting thought exercise. Water, so it has been established, isn't a right. You have to pay for water. Once you've paid for it, I think you should be free to do with it as you please. Some people will literally piss it away. Some will sell it on in either bottles or as a constituent of other products. The local government, as the presumed owners of the water rights, are free to set rates as they see fit. If the residents, who should be the only people who's opinions matter, are ok with the current state of affairs, then it's ok. If the residents are not, then they should consider increasing the price they charge for their water or perhaps establish a tiered system based on residential versus business or make it increasingly expensive based on usage. Of course, you increase the price too much and the all-mighty jobs disappear. tl;dr Ultimately the locals need to decide this issue and regulate water usage accordingly.
That is an interesting thought exercise. Water, so it has been established, isn't a right. You have to pay for water. Once you've paid for it, I think you should be free to do with it as you please. Some people will literally piss it away. Some will sell it on in either bottles or as a constituent of other products. The local government, as the presumed owners of the water rights, are free to set rates as they see fit. If the residents, who should be the only people who's opinions matter, are ok with the current state of affairs, then it's ok. If the residents are not, then they should consider increasing the price they charge for their water or perhaps establish a tiered system based on residential versus business or make it increasingly expensive based on usage. Of course, you increase the price too much and the all-mighty jobs disappear. tl;dr Ultimately the locals need to decide this issue and regulate water usage accordingly.
That is an interesting thought exercise. Water, so it has been established, isn't a right. You have to pay for water. Once you've paid for it, I think you should be free to do with it as you please. Some people will literally piss it away. Some will sell it on in either bottles or as a constituent of other products. The local government, as the presumed owners of the water rights, are free to set rates as they see fit. If the residents, who should be the only people who's opinions matter, are ok with the current state of affairs, then it's ok. If the residents are not, then they should consider increasing the price they charge for their water or perhaps establish a tiered system based on residential versus business or make it increasingly expensive based on usage. Of course, you increase the price too much and the all-mighty jobs disappear.
Ultimately the locals need to decide this issue and regulate water usage accordingly.
I agree, but T-Mobile could easily sort this whole issue out by communicating. Just have Legere or some VP say that, "Preorders that were accepted will be delivered Friday. Wait for your tracking number," or, "Phones will be shipped Friday. Check your tracking numbers for the actual delivery date." It's really simple for them to shut up the majority of customers calling in, but they haven't and don't seem likely to. Likely not to disappoint customers who expected that they'd follow suit with Apple and some other carriers and deliver on launch day. TL;DR: T-Mobile needs to get engaged with customers and tell them something official.
I agree, but T-Mobile could easily sort this whole issue out by communicating. Just have Legere or some VP say that, "Preorders that were accepted will be delivered Friday. Wait for your tracking number," or, "Phones will be shipped Friday. Check your tracking numbers for the actual delivery date." It's really simple for them to shut up the majority of customers calling in, but they haven't and don't seem likely to. Likely not to disappoint customers who expected that they'd follow suit with Apple and some other carriers and deliver on launch day. TL;DR: T-Mobile needs to get engaged with customers and tell them something official.
I agree, but T-Mobile could easily sort this whole issue out by communicating. Just have Legere or some VP say that, "Preorders that were accepted will be delivered Friday. Wait for your tracking number," or, "Phones will be shipped Friday. Check your tracking numbers for the actual delivery date." It's really simple for them to shut up the majority of customers calling in, but they haven't and don't seem likely to. Likely not to disappoint customers who expected that they'd follow suit with Apple and some other carriers and deliver on launch day.
T-Mobile needs to get engaged with customers and tell them something official.
I want to start by saying everything in our relationship is fine, except for sex. Not that the sex is bad, I just don't know if we are compatible. The last time we had sex I ended up with a vaginal fissure. I had to tell him because we can't have sex while it heals. He is not a well endowed guy, he is just average sized. The issue seems to be I do not produce enough natural lubrication and we didn't use enough synthetic lube. After finding out he was upset with me because I didn't tell him that I was in pain while we were having sex. He tends to be off in his own world while we are having sex and doesn't respond to me when I talk to him or tell him that he is hurting me. His preference would be for me to be on top, but he is a bigger guy so I can't get comfortable and it ends up hurting my hip (I understand that I could make the effort to stretch out my hip to alleviate the problem so I am working on it). The other issue I seem to be having is that once he finishes we are done. I have told him before that I have never been able to orgasm through intercourse so it would likely take some extra effort. I'm not saying that he just rolls over and goes to sleep, but after he is done he just wants to cuddle. I know that he is inexperienced (I am only his second partner), but I feel like he doesn't care about my satisfaction. My question is, is this something that we can talk through and work out or am I just delaying the inevitable? **tl;dr**: Sex injury and maybe incompatibility, is it fixable?
I want to start by saying everything in our relationship is fine, except for sex. Not that the sex is bad, I just don't know if we are compatible. The last time we had sex I ended up with a vaginal fissure. I had to tell him because we can't have sex while it heals. He is not a well endowed guy, he is just average sized. The issue seems to be I do not produce enough natural lubrication and we didn't use enough synthetic lube. After finding out he was upset with me because I didn't tell him that I was in pain while we were having sex. He tends to be off in his own world while we are having sex and doesn't respond to me when I talk to him or tell him that he is hurting me. His preference would be for me to be on top, but he is a bigger guy so I can't get comfortable and it ends up hurting my hip (I understand that I could make the effort to stretch out my hip to alleviate the problem so I am working on it). The other issue I seem to be having is that once he finishes we are done. I have told him before that I have never been able to orgasm through intercourse so it would likely take some extra effort. I'm not saying that he just rolls over and goes to sleep, but after he is done he just wants to cuddle. I know that he is inexperienced (I am only his second partner), but I feel like he doesn't care about my satisfaction. My question is, is this something that we can talk through and work out or am I just delaying the inevitable? tl;dr : Sex injury and maybe incompatibility, is it fixable?
I want to start by saying everything in our relationship is fine, except for sex. Not that the sex is bad, I just don't know if we are compatible. The last time we had sex I ended up with a vaginal fissure. I had to tell him because we can't have sex while it heals. He is not a well endowed guy, he is just average sized. The issue seems to be I do not produce enough natural lubrication and we didn't use enough synthetic lube. After finding out he was upset with me because I didn't tell him that I was in pain while we were having sex. He tends to be off in his own world while we are having sex and doesn't respond to me when I talk to him or tell him that he is hurting me. His preference would be for me to be on top, but he is a bigger guy so I can't get comfortable and it ends up hurting my hip (I understand that I could make the effort to stretch out my hip to alleviate the problem so I am working on it). The other issue I seem to be having is that once he finishes we are done. I have told him before that I have never been able to orgasm through intercourse so it would likely take some extra effort. I'm not saying that he just rolls over and goes to sleep, but after he is done he just wants to cuddle. I know that he is inexperienced (I am only his second partner), but I feel like he doesn't care about my satisfaction. My question is, is this something that we can talk through and work out or am I just delaying the inevitable?
Sex injury and maybe incompatibility, is it fixable?
Recently my ex-girlfriend of 2 years whom lives in New York traveled to visit her blood family in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This was supposed to be for a month long. 2 months later, her mutual friends start sending me messages asking about her whereabouts. Then I start looking into it, without any reply from family, another close mutual friend who got in contact with her mother told him she had been 'admitted into a facility'. They will not disclose anymore information. Being with her for 2 years, I know her past. In high school she had a schizophrenic episode that was life threatening and ended the same way. That was about 13 years ago though. Ever since then she's been perfectly normal. What sucks about this situation is that she is overseas and her family does not disclose any information whatsoever. I can't even send her a card, or see how she is doing. I am too broke to do a mission and fly there. They are full Malaysian, strict, and I know they probably want to keep her in that country forever.. And I fear I may never get to see her again.. Her phone is off and she has no internet access. **Tldr, my ex-gf is admitted into a mental hospital overseas with no way whatsoever of contacting her, and no help from family.** Also, I live in California now, so I can't just drive to see any of her family. Are there any malaysian redditors about willing to look into which facility she's being held in? *She is also a fellow Redditor.
Recently my ex-girlfriend of 2 years whom lives in New York traveled to visit her blood family in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This was supposed to be for a month long. 2 months later, her mutual friends start sending me messages asking about her whereabouts. Then I start looking into it, without any reply from family, another close mutual friend who got in contact with her mother told him she had been 'admitted into a facility'. They will not disclose anymore information. Being with her for 2 years, I know her past. In high school she had a schizophrenic episode that was life threatening and ended the same way. That was about 13 years ago though. Ever since then she's been perfectly normal. What sucks about this situation is that she is overseas and her family does not disclose any information whatsoever. I can't even send her a card, or see how she is doing. I am too broke to do a mission and fly there. They are full Malaysian, strict, and I know they probably want to keep her in that country forever.. And I fear I may never get to see her again.. Her phone is off and she has no internet access. Tldr, my ex-gf is admitted into a mental hospital overseas with no way whatsoever of contacting her, and no help from family. Also, I live in California now, so I can't just drive to see any of her family. Are there any malaysian redditors about willing to look into which facility she's being held in? *She is also a fellow Redditor.
Recently my ex-girlfriend of 2 years whom lives in New York traveled to visit her blood family in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This was supposed to be for a month long. 2 months later, her mutual friends start sending me messages asking about her whereabouts. Then I start looking into it, without any reply from family, another close mutual friend who got in contact with her mother told him she had been 'admitted into a facility'. They will not disclose anymore information. Being with her for 2 years, I know her past. In high school she had a schizophrenic episode that was life threatening and ended the same way. That was about 13 years ago though. Ever since then she's been perfectly normal. What sucks about this situation is that she is overseas and her family does not disclose any information whatsoever. I can't even send her a card, or see how she is doing. I am too broke to do a mission and fly there. They are full Malaysian, strict, and I know they probably want to keep her in that country forever.. And I fear I may never get to see her again.. Her phone is off and she has no internet access.
my ex-gf is admitted into a mental hospital overseas with no way whatsoever of contacting her, and no help from family. Also, I live in California now, so I can't just drive to see any of her family. Are there any malaysian redditors about willing to look into which facility she's being held in? *She is also a fellow Redditor.
I notice a lot of people in this sub who have a significant amount of weight lost but don't have any flair whatsoever. I'm wondering why this is. Is it humility? Do I look like a pretentious d-bag for carrying my flair around? TL;DR What are the pro's and con's of this sub's flair?
I notice a lot of people in this sub who have a significant amount of weight lost but don't have any flair whatsoever. I'm wondering why this is. Is it humility? Do I look like a pretentious d-bag for carrying my flair around? TL;DR What are the pro's and con's of this sub's flair?
I notice a lot of people in this sub who have a significant amount of weight lost but don't have any flair whatsoever. I'm wondering why this is. Is it humility? Do I look like a pretentious d-bag for carrying my flair around?
What are the pro's and con's of this sub's flair?
I don't know how to handle everything anymore. I was diagnosed as clinically depressed a few years ago along with an eating disorder (anorexia and bulimia) and generalized anxiety disorder. I have two jobs and recently quit one of them because my manager was a douche and I just got another job. On top of that I'm a full time student at school. I just got an apartment with my boyfriend as well. I feel like I'm doing way too much at once and now I feel more depressed than usual. I've been acting on impulse with everything and I don't know what to do... I'm happy about having a new job I know I'll enjoy and I'm happy about getting an apartment with my boyfriend but now I just feel horribly depressed about everything. I can barely eat and I'm getting back in my eating disorder ways and I hardly have any motivation to do school work or go to school for that matter. I want to get away for a bit and think of how fast everything is going for me. Am I doing too much at once? I don't know anymore. I just feel lost and confused. I've been close to getting back into my self harming habits. I used to cut myself for almost eight years and I'm finally over a year clean. I keep having thoughts of suicide and don't even know why... I don't know what to do anymore.. I just want someone to talk to. TL;DR: Got a new apartment and new job but feeling extremely depressed. Feel like things are going way too fast. Having thoughts of suicide. Just want someone to talk to.
I don't know how to handle everything anymore. I was diagnosed as clinically depressed a few years ago along with an eating disorder (anorexia and bulimia) and generalized anxiety disorder. I have two jobs and recently quit one of them because my manager was a douche and I just got another job. On top of that I'm a full time student at school. I just got an apartment with my boyfriend as well. I feel like I'm doing way too much at once and now I feel more depressed than usual. I've been acting on impulse with everything and I don't know what to do... I'm happy about having a new job I know I'll enjoy and I'm happy about getting an apartment with my boyfriend but now I just feel horribly depressed about everything. I can barely eat and I'm getting back in my eating disorder ways and I hardly have any motivation to do school work or go to school for that matter. I want to get away for a bit and think of how fast everything is going for me. Am I doing too much at once? I don't know anymore. I just feel lost and confused. I've been close to getting back into my self harming habits. I used to cut myself for almost eight years and I'm finally over a year clean. I keep having thoughts of suicide and don't even know why... I don't know what to do anymore.. I just want someone to talk to. TL;DR: Got a new apartment and new job but feeling extremely depressed. Feel like things are going way too fast. Having thoughts of suicide. Just want someone to talk to.
I don't know how to handle everything anymore. I was diagnosed as clinically depressed a few years ago along with an eating disorder (anorexia and bulimia) and generalized anxiety disorder. I have two jobs and recently quit one of them because my manager was a douche and I just got another job. On top of that I'm a full time student at school. I just got an apartment with my boyfriend as well. I feel like I'm doing way too much at once and now I feel more depressed than usual. I've been acting on impulse with everything and I don't know what to do... I'm happy about having a new job I know I'll enjoy and I'm happy about getting an apartment with my boyfriend but now I just feel horribly depressed about everything. I can barely eat and I'm getting back in my eating disorder ways and I hardly have any motivation to do school work or go to school for that matter. I want to get away for a bit and think of how fast everything is going for me. Am I doing too much at once? I don't know anymore. I just feel lost and confused. I've been close to getting back into my self harming habits. I used to cut myself for almost eight years and I'm finally over a year clean. I keep having thoughts of suicide and don't even know why... I don't know what to do anymore.. I just want someone to talk to.
Got a new apartment and new job but feeling extremely depressed. Feel like things are going way too fast. Having thoughts of suicide. Just want someone to talk to.
Ok, from the title it already sounds bad, so let me tell you my length story. The question to be asked amounts to: I don't know what the hell I'm doing. ***** *Currently the relationship is about a year old. We are both 27. I live in an asian country that starts with a K. And she lives in the states. I am on a two year contract, minimum, and she is stuck in a year lease. then doing one of three things depending on where she gets accepted, one of them is coming here. The other two are, well, not. Another thing in the States I could follow her to, and a college in Europe that I can't. But, as it stands, it'll be around a year and a half before this can be a short distance relationship, at which point we've agreed that it will stop being an open relationship. ****** So how did we get into that situation? Flip back a few years. *We had been friends since our early 20's, and never really interested in eachother. Passing, sure, but we had relationships. And over the years, our relationships lasted, and got really shitty. We weren't super close though. *Cue sometime before we're in a relationship together. I am solid about leaving the country. Any way, any means, no matter what. She was all about leaving the town, but was ok with staying in country. *We hang out, by chance, and bitch to eachother. Then we keep hanging out. And over several months spill our guts about everything ever. *This includes our respective "I really wanna break up with so and so" and admitting sheepishly that we like someone else (both a third person) *Then, one drunken night, we hook up. We're both not proud of it, and she insists it never happened. "No no, I know it happened, and I'm not denying that. Just... you know... it never happened." *Things get super weird for a while, but we keep hanging out, platonicly. And we have a few confessions of deep deep feelings for each other that we could never act on. Spend a lot of time doing 'non-dates.' The occasional party attended by both us and our respective others gets really weird. *Our plans for the next year are now confirmed, I will leave the country for two years. She will move to a big city with a group of friends and her boyfriend. *Things are extra awkward and tense for a few weeks. We insist we need to keep hanging out because we're eachothers best friends. ******* *After a few months, we admit to ourselves what we've been doing, and just start making out, then sleeping together. *I break up with my girlfriend. She complains that I've "changed the rules" mostly jokingly. Admittedly, when we both were in relationships, it felt easier to ignore that we were pretty much awful people. *Her boyfriend let's on that he knows and doesn't care. Probably because I'm leaving. I hate hit face. He even suggests a threesome. So hate his face. *For a few weeks before I leave, she and I "play real relationship" and go on a long ass trip. We feel everything was settled, and that if we break up, that's that. Have fun wherever, always love you, wouldn't have it any other way kind of business. *Agree that whatever the other does is acceptable, and we'd meet up in winter as friends and see how things stand. If I was going to bail, this wouldn't have been the best time, but I didn't/don't want to. * Correlation of the above: We also say that we're ok with the other based on logic and reasoning. I "am into asian girls" and live here, effectively single, she loves a certain kind of guy her city is filled with. Oh, and that whole boyfriend thing. whom she said, when I left, that she needed to give him a chance, and after all she's stuck with him, so she "would leave, but I signed the lease before I made up my mind." ******* Now, we waver constantly on how much of an open relationship we want. We tease each other about liking people. I'm pretty ruthless in knowing exactly what she says to disguise stuff and calling her on it. She keeps encouraging me to pick up random girls as long as I don't catch anything. *To date, I have done next to nothing while here, and she has only had requisite and necessary relations with her boyfriend. (obviously, her word on that one. I trust she said the truth, I don't trust that it'll stay that way though. ****** *Enter the winter vacation and the land of confusion!* She comes up for winter vacation, and we act like the most sickeningly saccharine couple ever. We're all over each other. Then we get insanely drunk, and have a humongous fight. It went something like this, with a shit ton of slurring, and lots lots more to it. "you should break up with so and so" "I will, and pretty much have. We still can't be near each other for a year or more. I need to know you're serious about this." "I'm ok with that." "I'm probably going to want to sleep with other people." "I... uh... I am not going to be celibate for two years while you fuck every guy in the city." "Ok, go ahead. It's settled." Oh the wonders of drunk talk. A conversation she denies her half of, but rags on me about my half. From the day she leaves, until today, we are constantly sending handwritten letters, talking on the phone or texting, pretty much any time we can. We're back to that best friend mode and further, and she, who never ever would talk about future plans if you tortured her, is now constantly on about "when we're together." We are as inseparable as we can get at such a distance. But, I feel, I'm not happy. I want to discuss with her what we are, what we want to be, but it's really fucked up. We've tried a few times, and it tends to amount to "Do whatever you'd like, as long as we're together in the end." which to me always comes off as "I'm fucking dude, why should you feel bad getting laid?" I'm pretty much in a position where I would marry her if I had a chance. Where if I lived with her, I'd fight through the insecurity, but I need to make it that far. I'm at a point in my life where I only feel like dating women who seem marriageable. I'm really tired of casual dates or single life. I haven't brought the subject to her recently, for obvious reasons, but she is totally all for that... in a couple years. When she's had her fun and has a PhD. But she's said flat out, whatever I ask her to do, she'd be ok with. Which, I just let it be. I don't know how to confront her about the way she is currently. To ask point blank: "Are you fucking guys?" feels far too aggressive. Same with saying: "I don't want you fucking anyone." In such a weird situation, a demand like that feels like it'd just breed animosity, and encourage dishonesty over time, or resentment later in life. "You know, when you say you should get around, I feel...." etc etc has been said, and I get the general "I just want you to be happy, because this distance is really hard for the both of us" kind of response. Which I realize is what I've been saying to her. So it seems we're both playing a game of emotional chicken. I guess, I trust everything she says. I also trust her to completely not talk about anything she thinks will upset me. I still think back to her denying that first time we had sex counted, and wonder when she'll say that about someone else. Or more, if nothing happens, how do I keep something with such a bad start together? ********* I'm riddled with insecurities in my not-really a relationship, and don't know where to begin looking for help. **How do you hold a discussion like what I want?** **How do you trust a relationship that's currently open will actually close when you ask?** **How do you build or repair the kind of trust needed for a real relationship at such a long distance?** ******* **TL:DR** I'm 27, in a long distance nonrelationship. She encourages me to sleep around, but I don't, and she says she doesn't. I am dreadfully insecure about the future of this relationship, and need to know: How do you hold what kind of discussion I need? How do you build trust from here? ~~How~~ can I make this work?
Ok, from the title it already sounds bad, so let me tell you my length story. The question to be asked amounts to: I don't know what the hell I'm doing. *Currently the relationship is about a year old. We are both 27. I live in an asian country that starts with a K. And she lives in the states. I am on a two year contract, minimum, and she is stuck in a year lease. then doing one of three things depending on where she gets accepted, one of them is coming here. The other two are, well, not. Another thing in the States I could follow her to, and a college in Europe that I can't. But, as it stands, it'll be around a year and a half before this can be a short distance relationship, at which point we've agreed that it will stop being an open relationship. So how did we get into that situation? Flip back a few years. *We had been friends since our early 20's, and never really interested in eachother. Passing, sure, but we had relationships. And over the years, our relationships lasted, and got really shitty. We weren't super close though. *Cue sometime before we're in a relationship together. I am solid about leaving the country. Any way, any means, no matter what. She was all about leaving the town, but was ok with staying in country. *We hang out, by chance, and bitch to eachother. Then we keep hanging out. And over several months spill our guts about everything ever. *This includes our respective "I really wanna break up with so and so" and admitting sheepishly that we like someone else (both a third person) *Then, one drunken night, we hook up. We're both not proud of it, and she insists it never happened. "No no, I know it happened, and I'm not denying that. Just... you know... it never happened." *Things get super weird for a while, but we keep hanging out, platonicly. And we have a few confessions of deep deep feelings for each other that we could never act on. Spend a lot of time doing 'non-dates.' The occasional party attended by both us and our respective others gets really weird. *Our plans for the next year are now confirmed, I will leave the country for two years. She will move to a big city with a group of friends and her boyfriend. *Things are extra awkward and tense for a few weeks. We insist we need to keep hanging out because we're eachothers best friends. *After a few months, we admit to ourselves what we've been doing, and just start making out, then sleeping together. *I break up with my girlfriend. She complains that I've "changed the rules" mostly jokingly. Admittedly, when we both were in relationships, it felt easier to ignore that we were pretty much awful people. *Her boyfriend let's on that he knows and doesn't care. Probably because I'm leaving. I hate hit face. He even suggests a threesome. So hate his face. *For a few weeks before I leave, she and I "play real relationship" and go on a long ass trip. We feel everything was settled, and that if we break up, that's that. Have fun wherever, always love you, wouldn't have it any other way kind of business. *Agree that whatever the other does is acceptable, and we'd meet up in winter as friends and see how things stand. If I was going to bail, this wouldn't have been the best time, but I didn't/don't want to. Correlation of the above: We also say that we're ok with the other based on logic and reasoning. I "am into asian girls" and live here, effectively single, she loves a certain kind of guy her city is filled with. Oh, and that whole boyfriend thing. whom she said, when I left, that she needed to give him a chance, and after all she's stuck with him, so she "would leave, but I signed the lease before I made up my mind." Now, we waver constantly on how much of an open relationship we want. We tease each other about liking people. I'm pretty ruthless in knowing exactly what she says to disguise stuff and calling her on it. She keeps encouraging me to pick up random girls as long as I don't catch anything. *To date, I have done next to nothing while here, and she has only had requisite and necessary relations with her boyfriend. (obviously, her word on that one. I trust she said the truth, I don't trust that it'll stay that way though. Enter the winter vacation and the land of confusion! She comes up for winter vacation, and we act like the most sickeningly saccharine couple ever. We're all over each other. Then we get insanely drunk, and have a humongous fight. It went something like this, with a shit ton of slurring, and lots lots more to it. "you should break up with so and so" "I will, and pretty much have. We still can't be near each other for a year or more. I need to know you're serious about this." "I'm ok with that." "I'm probably going to want to sleep with other people." "I... uh... I am not going to be celibate for two years while you fuck every guy in the city." "Ok, go ahead. It's settled." Oh the wonders of drunk talk. A conversation she denies her half of, but rags on me about my half. From the day she leaves, until today, we are constantly sending handwritten letters, talking on the phone or texting, pretty much any time we can. We're back to that best friend mode and further, and she, who never ever would talk about future plans if you tortured her, is now constantly on about "when we're together." We are as inseparable as we can get at such a distance. But, I feel, I'm not happy. I want to discuss with her what we are, what we want to be, but it's really fucked up. We've tried a few times, and it tends to amount to "Do whatever you'd like, as long as we're together in the end." which to me always comes off as "I'm fucking dude, why should you feel bad getting laid?" I'm pretty much in a position where I would marry her if I had a chance. Where if I lived with her, I'd fight through the insecurity, but I need to make it that far. I'm at a point in my life where I only feel like dating women who seem marriageable. I'm really tired of casual dates or single life. I haven't brought the subject to her recently, for obvious reasons, but she is totally all for that... in a couple years. When she's had her fun and has a PhD. But she's said flat out, whatever I ask her to do, she'd be ok with. Which, I just let it be. I don't know how to confront her about the way she is currently. To ask point blank: "Are you fucking guys?" feels far too aggressive. Same with saying: "I don't want you fucking anyone." In such a weird situation, a demand like that feels like it'd just breed animosity, and encourage dishonesty over time, or resentment later in life. "You know, when you say you should get around, I feel...." etc etc has been said, and I get the general "I just want you to be happy, because this distance is really hard for the both of us" kind of response. Which I realize is what I've been saying to her. So it seems we're both playing a game of emotional chicken. I guess, I trust everything she says. I also trust her to completely not talk about anything she thinks will upset me. I still think back to her denying that first time we had sex counted, and wonder when she'll say that about someone else. Or more, if nothing happens, how do I keep something with such a bad start together? I'm riddled with insecurities in my not-really a relationship, and don't know where to begin looking for help. How do you hold a discussion like what I want? How do you trust a relationship that's currently open will actually close when you ask? How do you build or repair the kind of trust needed for a real relationship at such a long distance? TL:DR I'm 27, in a long distance nonrelationship. She encourages me to sleep around, but I don't, and she says she doesn't. I am dreadfully insecure about the future of this relationship, and need to know: How do you hold what kind of discussion I need? How do you build trust from here? How can I make this work?
Ok, from the title it already sounds bad, so let me tell you my length story. The question to be asked amounts to: I don't know what the hell I'm doing. *Currently the relationship is about a year old. We are both 27. I live in an asian country that starts with a K. And she lives in the states. I am on a two year contract, minimum, and she is stuck in a year lease. then doing one of three things depending on where she gets accepted, one of them is coming here. The other two are, well, not. Another thing in the States I could follow her to, and a college in Europe that I can't. But, as it stands, it'll be around a year and a half before this can be a short distance relationship, at which point we've agreed that it will stop being an open relationship. So how did we get into that situation? Flip back a few years. *We had been friends since our early 20's, and never really interested in eachother. Passing, sure, but we had relationships. And over the years, our relationships lasted, and got really shitty. We weren't super close though. *Cue sometime before we're in a relationship together. I am solid about leaving the country. Any way, any means, no matter what. She was all about leaving the town, but was ok with staying in country. *We hang out, by chance, and bitch to eachother. Then we keep hanging out. And over several months spill our guts about everything ever. *This includes our respective "I really wanna break up with so and so" and admitting sheepishly that we like someone else (both a third person) *Then, one drunken night, we hook up. We're both not proud of it, and she insists it never happened. "No no, I know it happened, and I'm not denying that. Just... you know... it never happened." *Things get super weird for a while, but we keep hanging out, platonicly. And we have a few confessions of deep deep feelings for each other that we could never act on. Spend a lot of time doing 'non-dates.' The occasional party attended by both us and our respective others gets really weird. *Our plans for the next year are now confirmed, I will leave the country for two years. She will move to a big city with a group of friends and her boyfriend. *Things are extra awkward and tense for a few weeks. We insist we need to keep hanging out because we're eachothers best friends. *After a few months, we admit to ourselves what we've been doing, and just start making out, then sleeping together. *I break up with my girlfriend. She complains that I've "changed the rules" mostly jokingly. Admittedly, when we both were in relationships, it felt easier to ignore that we were pretty much awful people. *Her boyfriend let's on that he knows and doesn't care. Probably because I'm leaving. I hate hit face. He even suggests a threesome. So hate his face. *For a few weeks before I leave, she and I "play real relationship" and go on a long ass trip. We feel everything was settled, and that if we break up, that's that. Have fun wherever, always love you, wouldn't have it any other way kind of business. *Agree that whatever the other does is acceptable, and we'd meet up in winter as friends and see how things stand. If I was going to bail, this wouldn't have been the best time, but I didn't/don't want to. Correlation of the above: We also say that we're ok with the other based on logic and reasoning. I "am into asian girls" and live here, effectively single, she loves a certain kind of guy her city is filled with. Oh, and that whole boyfriend thing. whom she said, when I left, that she needed to give him a chance, and after all she's stuck with him, so she "would leave, but I signed the lease before I made up my mind." Now, we waver constantly on how much of an open relationship we want. We tease each other about liking people. I'm pretty ruthless in knowing exactly what she says to disguise stuff and calling her on it. She keeps encouraging me to pick up random girls as long as I don't catch anything. *To date, I have done next to nothing while here, and she has only had requisite and necessary relations with her boyfriend. (obviously, her word on that one. I trust she said the truth, I don't trust that it'll stay that way though. Enter the winter vacation and the land of confusion! She comes up for winter vacation, and we act like the most sickeningly saccharine couple ever. We're all over each other. Then we get insanely drunk, and have a humongous fight. It went something like this, with a shit ton of slurring, and lots lots more to it. "you should break up with so and so" "I will, and pretty much have. We still can't be near each other for a year or more. I need to know you're serious about this." "I'm ok with that." "I'm probably going to want to sleep with other people." "I... uh... I am not going to be celibate for two years while you fuck every guy in the city." "Ok, go ahead. It's settled." Oh the wonders of drunk talk. A conversation she denies her half of, but rags on me about my half. From the day she leaves, until today, we are constantly sending handwritten letters, talking on the phone or texting, pretty much any time we can. We're back to that best friend mode and further, and she, who never ever would talk about future plans if you tortured her, is now constantly on about "when we're together." We are as inseparable as we can get at such a distance. But, I feel, I'm not happy. I want to discuss with her what we are, what we want to be, but it's really fucked up. We've tried a few times, and it tends to amount to "Do whatever you'd like, as long as we're together in the end." which to me always comes off as "I'm fucking dude, why should you feel bad getting laid?" I'm pretty much in a position where I would marry her if I had a chance. Where if I lived with her, I'd fight through the insecurity, but I need to make it that far. I'm at a point in my life where I only feel like dating women who seem marriageable. I'm really tired of casual dates or single life. I haven't brought the subject to her recently, for obvious reasons, but she is totally all for that... in a couple years. When she's had her fun and has a PhD. But she's said flat out, whatever I ask her to do, she'd be ok with. Which, I just let it be. I don't know how to confront her about the way she is currently. To ask point blank: "Are you fucking guys?" feels far too aggressive. Same with saying: "I don't want you fucking anyone." In such a weird situation, a demand like that feels like it'd just breed animosity, and encourage dishonesty over time, or resentment later in life. "You know, when you say you should get around, I feel...." etc etc has been said, and I get the general "I just want you to be happy, because this distance is really hard for the both of us" kind of response. Which I realize is what I've been saying to her. So it seems we're both playing a game of emotional chicken. I guess, I trust everything she says. I also trust her to completely not talk about anything she thinks will upset me. I still think back to her denying that first time we had sex counted, and wonder when she'll say that about someone else. Or more, if nothing happens, how do I keep something with such a bad start together? I'm riddled with insecurities in my not-really a relationship, and don't know where to begin looking for help. How do you hold a discussion like what I want? How do you trust a relationship that's currently open will actually close when you ask? How do you build or repair the kind of trust needed for a real relationship at such a long distance?
I'm 27, in a long distance nonrelationship. She encourages me to sleep around, but I don't, and she says she doesn't. I am dreadfully insecure about the future of this relationship, and need to know: How do you hold what kind of discussion I need? How do you build trust from here? How can I make this work?
Well, there are a ton of comments, but I'll share anyway because I'm almost certain the person I'm going to mention is dead, and everyone deserves to be remembered some way or another. Even if only by one person. This took place in Portland, OR, outside of Lloyd Center mall. I used to frequent the mall in high school to buy clothes and just hang out with friends. There was always this one homeless man sitting in an electric wheelchair outside of the mall, between the few hundred yards that separated the mall entrance from the light rail stop. He had a friendly smile, friendly voice, and a style comparable to Jimmy Hendrix mixed with the crazy bird lady from Home Alone. He was a black guy, with braids that snuck out from beneath his golf cap that went down to his lower back. He always wore sunglasses, and he always hung around in the same spot next to the sidewalk about half way between the light rail and the mall. He had never spoke directly to me. Maybe there was a lot of foot traffic when I would go by him so he talked to others who looked like they were more able to give him money or goods, who knows. But this day, he looked right at me and asked me if I had any money so he could go get some food, a meal for the day. I don't like to give money to homeless people. I'd rather buy them something so I know the money wont go to drugs or alcohol. I felt bad telling the man no, he looked hungry, but he looked so friendly. So I told him I was sorry, but I only had a debit card, which was only partially true because I had cash on me as well as a debit card, and then carried on in to the mall. I didn't stay long at the mall, maybe 45 minutes. I met a friend there and they left early. I was walking towards the exit and thought about the homeless man in his wheelchair looking for a meal. I wanted to help. I turned around and went to the food court to get the man a meal. I bought him a Big Mac, fries, and a drink. Then I went to get him a few slices if pizza because cold pizza is still amazing, this way he could eat it later without having to heat it up. I walked back to where the guy usually would be, but he was gone. In all the time I'd gone to that mall, that homeless man was never not in that same spot. But just 45 minutes after I'd seen him, he was no longer around. I walked around the area for a few minutes but didn't see any sign if him. I wanted to give home the food and, if he was willing, talk to him a little bit. That was the last time I saw this man. For over six years, he was in the same spot, and now he was gone. It's been about another six years since this happened and I still frequent that mall about once per month. I always look for him. I turn my head when I walk and I look for him. But I've never seen him again. It makes me sad to think that he is most likely dead. Now a days, I buy stuff for homeless people on a regular basis, making "survival kits" with food, water, bandages, toothpaste, and a few other things. I give them out when I have them and I try to talk to the people I give them to so I can learn a little about them. TL;DR: went to buy a homeless guy food and he was gone from a spot he'd been at for years on end, never seen again.
Well, there are a ton of comments, but I'll share anyway because I'm almost certain the person I'm going to mention is dead, and everyone deserves to be remembered some way or another. Even if only by one person. This took place in Portland, OR, outside of Lloyd Center mall. I used to frequent the mall in high school to buy clothes and just hang out with friends. There was always this one homeless man sitting in an electric wheelchair outside of the mall, between the few hundred yards that separated the mall entrance from the light rail stop. He had a friendly smile, friendly voice, and a style comparable to Jimmy Hendrix mixed with the crazy bird lady from Home Alone. He was a black guy, with braids that snuck out from beneath his golf cap that went down to his lower back. He always wore sunglasses, and he always hung around in the same spot next to the sidewalk about half way between the light rail and the mall. He had never spoke directly to me. Maybe there was a lot of foot traffic when I would go by him so he talked to others who looked like they were more able to give him money or goods, who knows. But this day, he looked right at me and asked me if I had any money so he could go get some food, a meal for the day. I don't like to give money to homeless people. I'd rather buy them something so I know the money wont go to drugs or alcohol. I felt bad telling the man no, he looked hungry, but he looked so friendly. So I told him I was sorry, but I only had a debit card, which was only partially true because I had cash on me as well as a debit card, and then carried on in to the mall. I didn't stay long at the mall, maybe 45 minutes. I met a friend there and they left early. I was walking towards the exit and thought about the homeless man in his wheelchair looking for a meal. I wanted to help. I turned around and went to the food court to get the man a meal. I bought him a Big Mac, fries, and a drink. Then I went to get him a few slices if pizza because cold pizza is still amazing, this way he could eat it later without having to heat it up. I walked back to where the guy usually would be, but he was gone. In all the time I'd gone to that mall, that homeless man was never not in that same spot. But just 45 minutes after I'd seen him, he was no longer around. I walked around the area for a few minutes but didn't see any sign if him. I wanted to give home the food and, if he was willing, talk to him a little bit. That was the last time I saw this man. For over six years, he was in the same spot, and now he was gone. It's been about another six years since this happened and I still frequent that mall about once per month. I always look for him. I turn my head when I walk and I look for him. But I've never seen him again. It makes me sad to think that he is most likely dead. Now a days, I buy stuff for homeless people on a regular basis, making "survival kits" with food, water, bandages, toothpaste, and a few other things. I give them out when I have them and I try to talk to the people I give them to so I can learn a little about them. TL;DR: went to buy a homeless guy food and he was gone from a spot he'd been at for years on end, never seen again.
Well, there are a ton of comments, but I'll share anyway because I'm almost certain the person I'm going to mention is dead, and everyone deserves to be remembered some way or another. Even if only by one person. This took place in Portland, OR, outside of Lloyd Center mall. I used to frequent the mall in high school to buy clothes and just hang out with friends. There was always this one homeless man sitting in an electric wheelchair outside of the mall, between the few hundred yards that separated the mall entrance from the light rail stop. He had a friendly smile, friendly voice, and a style comparable to Jimmy Hendrix mixed with the crazy bird lady from Home Alone. He was a black guy, with braids that snuck out from beneath his golf cap that went down to his lower back. He always wore sunglasses, and he always hung around in the same spot next to the sidewalk about half way between the light rail and the mall. He had never spoke directly to me. Maybe there was a lot of foot traffic when I would go by him so he talked to others who looked like they were more able to give him money or goods, who knows. But this day, he looked right at me and asked me if I had any money so he could go get some food, a meal for the day. I don't like to give money to homeless people. I'd rather buy them something so I know the money wont go to drugs or alcohol. I felt bad telling the man no, he looked hungry, but he looked so friendly. So I told him I was sorry, but I only had a debit card, which was only partially true because I had cash on me as well as a debit card, and then carried on in to the mall. I didn't stay long at the mall, maybe 45 minutes. I met a friend there and they left early. I was walking towards the exit and thought about the homeless man in his wheelchair looking for a meal. I wanted to help. I turned around and went to the food court to get the man a meal. I bought him a Big Mac, fries, and a drink. Then I went to get him a few slices if pizza because cold pizza is still amazing, this way he could eat it later without having to heat it up. I walked back to where the guy usually would be, but he was gone. In all the time I'd gone to that mall, that homeless man was never not in that same spot. But just 45 minutes after I'd seen him, he was no longer around. I walked around the area for a few minutes but didn't see any sign if him. I wanted to give home the food and, if he was willing, talk to him a little bit. That was the last time I saw this man. For over six years, he was in the same spot, and now he was gone. It's been about another six years since this happened and I still frequent that mall about once per month. I always look for him. I turn my head when I walk and I look for him. But I've never seen him again. It makes me sad to think that he is most likely dead. Now a days, I buy stuff for homeless people on a regular basis, making "survival kits" with food, water, bandages, toothpaste, and a few other things. I give them out when I have them and I try to talk to the people I give them to so I can learn a little about them.
went to buy a homeless guy food and he was gone from a spot he'd been at for years on end, never seen again.
###The Situation --- I’m in the 2nd year of my university degree, which is an unusually small cohort (there’s about 100 of us in one year). I’m not excessively sociable, so even while the cohort is fairly small, I only got to know a handful of people well in the first year. This second year has been far more fruitful in terms of friendship – for more than just me; everyone has come together to a larger degree, and there’s a lovely burgeoning camaraderie between us all. One person I got to know this year was this girl who I’d only previously known of as *‘another person in the class’.* We’d been invited by a mutual friend to hang out, but said mutual friend couldn’t make it, and we ended up going along together and actually talking in depth for the first time. That was sometime in September. Since then, seeing her at university, with friends and occasionally hanging out one on one has seen me drift into that precarious position of being quite enamoured with her. I hesitated to call her ‘shy’ in the title, because she isn’t necessarily quiet or aloof. She is however extremely self-effacing and humble, to the point where I almost feel she has elements of an inferiority complex. I think she’s tremendously talented and quirky, and exceedingly kind and thoughtful and loyal, but she would vehemently disagree. She’s also extremely busy, rarely having a free day what with her multiple jobs and family commitments. I really like her and enjoy spending time with her. --- ###The Question --- At the moment, I’ve convinced myself I need to let her know, predominately because I feel I’d prefer to live in a universe in which my ‘What if?’ question was definitively answered, rather than secretly wrestling with it unanswered. My qualms are myriad though. I don’t think she feels any romantic interest for me. She’s fairly secretive, and doesn’t enjoy talking about herself, so there’s a chance I’m wrong. She does seem to like me a lot – the last few times we were with a large group of friends, she spoke to me the most. We share similar interests and, I think, a lot of similar tastes, morals, thoughts etc. If she rejects me, I think I’ll be okay. I’d like to continue getting to know her on a platonic level, in that case. I’d just be worried about how it would affect our current friendship *(ah that age-old conundrum!),* because I wouldn’t want it to nip in the bud a friendship that has only just begun due to an air of awkwardness that might permeate our interactions following my confession. I wouldn’t want to muddy the waters between us, seeing as we’d have another year of university to navigate together whether we strike up a relationship or not. Though I think what most worries me is the potential negative effect it may have on her. I’m deathly afraid of upsetting her, or causing her to freak out over this. With that in mind, my current plan is to let her know via a note or letter. The next time I see her alone I’ll give her a note in an envelope when we go our separate ways. It’ll say something like this; >“[Girl’s name] >I felt you’d appreciate a letter over a conversation in this instance. >I like spending time with you. You’re rather smashing. >Would you like to go on a date? >All the best, >[My name]” I’m guessing a lot of you will come back with a ‘Just ask her out in person,’ sort of approach, and while I see it’s merit, I’d prefer to give her the option of time in which to think of a response. I think she’d become flustered if I ‘cornered her in conversation,’ so to speak. So I’d appreciate your thoughts on; **Should I let her know of my romantic interest at all?** **If so, how should I do so?** TL;DR - Started having feelings for a shy friend of mine. Should I let her know, and, if so, how?
The Situation I’m in the 2nd year of my university degree, which is an unusually small cohort (there’s about 100 of us in one year). I’m not excessively sociable, so even while the cohort is fairly small, I only got to know a handful of people well in the first year. This second year has been far more fruitful in terms of friendship – for more than just me; everyone has come together to a larger degree, and there’s a lovely burgeoning camaraderie between us all. One person I got to know this year was this girl who I’d only previously known of as ‘another person in the class’. We’d been invited by a mutual friend to hang out, but said mutual friend couldn’t make it, and we ended up going along together and actually talking in depth for the first time. That was sometime in September. Since then, seeing her at university, with friends and occasionally hanging out one on one has seen me drift into that precarious position of being quite enamoured with her. I hesitated to call her ‘shy’ in the title, because she isn’t necessarily quiet or aloof. She is however extremely self-effacing and humble, to the point where I almost feel she has elements of an inferiority complex. I think she’s tremendously talented and quirky, and exceedingly kind and thoughtful and loyal, but she would vehemently disagree. She’s also extremely busy, rarely having a free day what with her multiple jobs and family commitments. I really like her and enjoy spending time with her. The Question At the moment, I’ve convinced myself I need to let her know, predominately because I feel I’d prefer to live in a universe in which my ‘What if?’ question was definitively answered, rather than secretly wrestling with it unanswered. My qualms are myriad though. I don’t think she feels any romantic interest for me. She’s fairly secretive, and doesn’t enjoy talking about herself, so there’s a chance I’m wrong. She does seem to like me a lot – the last few times we were with a large group of friends, she spoke to me the most. We share similar interests and, I think, a lot of similar tastes, morals, thoughts etc. If she rejects me, I think I’ll be okay. I’d like to continue getting to know her on a platonic level, in that case. I’d just be worried about how it would affect our current friendship (ah that age-old conundrum!), because I wouldn’t want it to nip in the bud a friendship that has only just begun due to an air of awkwardness that might permeate our interactions following my confession. I wouldn’t want to muddy the waters between us, seeing as we’d have another year of university to navigate together whether we strike up a relationship or not. Though I think what most worries me is the potential negative effect it may have on her. I’m deathly afraid of upsetting her, or causing her to freak out over this. With that in mind, my current plan is to let her know via a note or letter. The next time I see her alone I’ll give her a note in an envelope when we go our separate ways. It’ll say something like this; >“[Girl’s name] >I felt you’d appreciate a letter over a conversation in this instance. >I like spending time with you. You’re rather smashing. >Would you like to go on a date? >All the best, >[My name]” I’m guessing a lot of you will come back with a ‘Just ask her out in person,’ sort of approach, and while I see it’s merit, I’d prefer to give her the option of time in which to think of a response. I think she’d become flustered if I ‘cornered her in conversation,’ so to speak. So I’d appreciate your thoughts on; Should I let her know of my romantic interest at all? If so, how should I do so? TL;DR - Started having feelings for a shy friend of mine. Should I let her know, and, if so, how?
The Situation I’m in the 2nd year of my university degree, which is an unusually small cohort (there’s about 100 of us in one year). I’m not excessively sociable, so even while the cohort is fairly small, I only got to know a handful of people well in the first year. This second year has been far more fruitful in terms of friendship – for more than just me; everyone has come together to a larger degree, and there’s a lovely burgeoning camaraderie between us all. One person I got to know this year was this girl who I’d only previously known of as ‘another person in the class’. We’d been invited by a mutual friend to hang out, but said mutual friend couldn’t make it, and we ended up going along together and actually talking in depth for the first time. That was sometime in September. Since then, seeing her at university, with friends and occasionally hanging out one on one has seen me drift into that precarious position of being quite enamoured with her. I hesitated to call her ‘shy’ in the title, because she isn’t necessarily quiet or aloof. She is however extremely self-effacing and humble, to the point where I almost feel she has elements of an inferiority complex. I think she’s tremendously talented and quirky, and exceedingly kind and thoughtful and loyal, but she would vehemently disagree. She’s also extremely busy, rarely having a free day what with her multiple jobs and family commitments. I really like her and enjoy spending time with her. The Question At the moment, I’ve convinced myself I need to let her know, predominately because I feel I’d prefer to live in a universe in which my ‘What if?’ question was definitively answered, rather than secretly wrestling with it unanswered. My qualms are myriad though. I don’t think she feels any romantic interest for me. She’s fairly secretive, and doesn’t enjoy talking about herself, so there’s a chance I’m wrong. She does seem to like me a lot – the last few times we were with a large group of friends, she spoke to me the most. We share similar interests and, I think, a lot of similar tastes, morals, thoughts etc. If she rejects me, I think I’ll be okay. I’d like to continue getting to know her on a platonic level, in that case. I’d just be worried about how it would affect our current friendship (ah that age-old conundrum!), because I wouldn’t want it to nip in the bud a friendship that has only just begun due to an air of awkwardness that might permeate our interactions following my confession. I wouldn’t want to muddy the waters between us, seeing as we’d have another year of university to navigate together whether we strike up a relationship or not. Though I think what most worries me is the potential negative effect it may have on her. I’m deathly afraid of upsetting her, or causing her to freak out over this. With that in mind, my current plan is to let her know via a note or letter. The next time I see her alone I’ll give her a note in an envelope when we go our separate ways. It’ll say something like this; >“[Girl’s name] >I felt you’d appreciate a letter over a conversation in this instance. >I like spending time with you. You’re rather smashing. >Would you like to go on a date? >All the best, >[My name]” I’m guessing a lot of you will come back with a ‘Just ask her out in person,’ sort of approach, and while I see it’s merit, I’d prefer to give her the option of time in which to think of a response. I think she’d become flustered if I ‘cornered her in conversation,’ so to speak. So I’d appreciate your thoughts on; Should I let her know of my romantic interest at all? If so, how should I do so?
Started having feelings for a shy friend of mine. Should I let her know, and, if so, how?
I worked at this gas station with this 300lb woman (I'm not exaggerating). Not only did she never do anything, but she was OBSESSED with babies and pregnancy. Now, as a dude in his mid-twenties, I don't give a shit about babies. She would spend the entire shift talking my ear off about her many, many pregnancies. The thing that was the worst, though, was when any time a slightly larger female would come into the store, she would always ask them "when are you due?" Well.... Sometimes they weren't "due" at all and were just a little chubby. I can't tell you how many times I had to make myself go momentarily numb to the world when she'd ask that stupid question. TL;DR: woman I worked with would occasionally ask larger ladies when their baby was due, only to find out that they're just kinda fat.
I worked at this gas station with this 300lb woman (I'm not exaggerating). Not only did she never do anything, but she was OBSESSED with babies and pregnancy. Now, as a dude in his mid-twenties, I don't give a shit about babies. She would spend the entire shift talking my ear off about her many, many pregnancies. The thing that was the worst, though, was when any time a slightly larger female would come into the store, she would always ask them "when are you due?" Well.... Sometimes they weren't "due" at all and were just a little chubby. I can't tell you how many times I had to make myself go momentarily numb to the world when she'd ask that stupid question. TL;DR: woman I worked with would occasionally ask larger ladies when their baby was due, only to find out that they're just kinda fat.
I worked at this gas station with this 300lb woman (I'm not exaggerating). Not only did she never do anything, but she was OBSESSED with babies and pregnancy. Now, as a dude in his mid-twenties, I don't give a shit about babies. She would spend the entire shift talking my ear off about her many, many pregnancies. The thing that was the worst, though, was when any time a slightly larger female would come into the store, she would always ask them "when are you due?" Well.... Sometimes they weren't "due" at all and were just a little chubby. I can't tell you how many times I had to make myself go momentarily numb to the world when she'd ask that stupid question.
woman I worked with would occasionally ask larger ladies when their baby was due, only to find out that they're just kinda fat.
Oh, without a doubt it would get tiring, but you just gotta be stronger than that. Everybody deals with shit and some still manage to walk away smiling and happy. I'm not saying unhappiness is a choice, but it is something shifting attitudes can certainly dampen. And being outwardly hostile to others that irritate you is not to taken for a healthy behavior. Find a hobby to sublimate your irritation. I know what I would do based on what I have done. I spent part of high school in the Bible belt. I dealt with homophobia a lot, which irritated me, but I'm not gay so it didn't affect me personally, just really disappointed me. So when I found a friend might be gay, I made an active effort to let them know that there was nothing wrong with it, people who said otherwise were ignorant, and to embrace who they are. She was worried about what others would think, I said if they were her friends they'd come around and if they didn't they were just assholes. She took the jump, she actually got a girlfriend (I found that very impressive), and her homophobic friends came around. Truth be told, they weren't that bad, they weren't hateful, just ignorant, so it wasn't a matter of good triumphing evil or anything, just people growing. I'm not saying I was that influential, but I used my irritation to at least make an effort to comfort the afflicted. I was also tolerant enough to not cry foul every time I heard those things, only to express my love of the LGBT community as they're people too and try and promote accepting perspectives when I could. Really, I might not have had any impact at all, but I know we spent several lunches discussing it and she came around a while later, so I at least patted myself on the back for the effort. I wonder if I really did have an impact...? Looking back it's hard to say. But enough of the life story that puts me in a better light than I'm really comfortable with. I hate patting myself on the back, truth be told, though I feel like I just did it anyways. If this comes across as that, I'm so sorry. **TL;DR**- Healthy attitudes and a personal anecdote concerning sublimation (or at least I think it's sublimation, I'm rusty on my Freudian shit, not that he was right about a lot of stuff. Well, I think he was right about the id, ego, superego stuff, in the sense of the relationship between the neocortex and hindbrain, but that's a whole other thing.)
Oh, without a doubt it would get tiring, but you just gotta be stronger than that. Everybody deals with shit and some still manage to walk away smiling and happy. I'm not saying unhappiness is a choice, but it is something shifting attitudes can certainly dampen. And being outwardly hostile to others that irritate you is not to taken for a healthy behavior. Find a hobby to sublimate your irritation. I know what I would do based on what I have done. I spent part of high school in the Bible belt. I dealt with homophobia a lot, which irritated me, but I'm not gay so it didn't affect me personally, just really disappointed me. So when I found a friend might be gay, I made an active effort to let them know that there was nothing wrong with it, people who said otherwise were ignorant, and to embrace who they are. She was worried about what others would think, I said if they were her friends they'd come around and if they didn't they were just assholes. She took the jump, she actually got a girlfriend (I found that very impressive), and her homophobic friends came around. Truth be told, they weren't that bad, they weren't hateful, just ignorant, so it wasn't a matter of good triumphing evil or anything, just people growing. I'm not saying I was that influential, but I used my irritation to at least make an effort to comfort the afflicted. I was also tolerant enough to not cry foul every time I heard those things, only to express my love of the LGBT community as they're people too and try and promote accepting perspectives when I could. Really, I might not have had any impact at all, but I know we spent several lunches discussing it and she came around a while later, so I at least patted myself on the back for the effort. I wonder if I really did have an impact...? Looking back it's hard to say. But enough of the life story that puts me in a better light than I'm really comfortable with. I hate patting myself on the back, truth be told, though I feel like I just did it anyways. If this comes across as that, I'm so sorry. TL;DR - Healthy attitudes and a personal anecdote concerning sublimation (or at least I think it's sublimation, I'm rusty on my Freudian shit, not that he was right about a lot of stuff. Well, I think he was right about the id, ego, superego stuff, in the sense of the relationship between the neocortex and hindbrain, but that's a whole other thing.)
Oh, without a doubt it would get tiring, but you just gotta be stronger than that. Everybody deals with shit and some still manage to walk away smiling and happy. I'm not saying unhappiness is a choice, but it is something shifting attitudes can certainly dampen. And being outwardly hostile to others that irritate you is not to taken for a healthy behavior. Find a hobby to sublimate your irritation. I know what I would do based on what I have done. I spent part of high school in the Bible belt. I dealt with homophobia a lot, which irritated me, but I'm not gay so it didn't affect me personally, just really disappointed me. So when I found a friend might be gay, I made an active effort to let them know that there was nothing wrong with it, people who said otherwise were ignorant, and to embrace who they are. She was worried about what others would think, I said if they were her friends they'd come around and if they didn't they were just assholes. She took the jump, she actually got a girlfriend (I found that very impressive), and her homophobic friends came around. Truth be told, they weren't that bad, they weren't hateful, just ignorant, so it wasn't a matter of good triumphing evil or anything, just people growing. I'm not saying I was that influential, but I used my irritation to at least make an effort to comfort the afflicted. I was also tolerant enough to not cry foul every time I heard those things, only to express my love of the LGBT community as they're people too and try and promote accepting perspectives when I could. Really, I might not have had any impact at all, but I know we spent several lunches discussing it and she came around a while later, so I at least patted myself on the back for the effort. I wonder if I really did have an impact...? Looking back it's hard to say. But enough of the life story that puts me in a better light than I'm really comfortable with. I hate patting myself on the back, truth be told, though I feel like I just did it anyways. If this comes across as that, I'm so sorry.
Healthy attitudes and a personal anecdote concerning sublimation (or at least I think it's sublimation, I'm rusty on my Freudian shit, not that he was right about a lot of stuff. Well, I think he was right about the id, ego, superego stuff, in the sense of the relationship between the neocortex and hindbrain, but that's a whole other thing.)
So i met this guy over a dinner meet up with friends. I know of him being married with a kid, but from his jokes I can tell that he is hiding a lot of pain. After meeting a few times with friends and alone, we grew towards each other's company alot. At first it was just as a friendly gesture to hang out together. Then he started to share his feelings and his life. Being a very manly guy, none of his friends even knows the extend of his situation. He was together with a girl for 1 week before he broke off with her, only to have her telling him 1 month later that she was pregnant with his kid. He loves kids and didnt want his kid to grow up not knowing him, so he chose to marry the girl (his now wife) for the child. This was 2 years ago. Being in a society that is frowned upon for bastard children, it was the only thing to do. He tried to love his wife, but they were just too different. Even when living together, they rarely have sex (sexual preference mismatch), and couldn't even communicate on a basic level. And he has to bottle this all within him, if he wants to maintain his marriage. His marriage got so bad over time, so he buried himself in work. It got to the point whereby staying together with his wife (the fights and screaming matches they have) are detrimental to the benefit the kid would have being brought up in family/home with two parents. Even when living together, they sleep separately, and he doesnt wish to see her until the point that he would tuck his son into bed at 10pm and stay outside driving all the way till 7am, sleeping in his car, or at office, sometimes drinking the night away and come home only at 7am to send his son to school. Then he would sleep when his wife goes to work. These happen even before he knows me. In their 2 years, he has not cheated on her, choosing to be numbed to any other girls and living for his kid. Everyday a grind, rewind and repeat. When I met him, I open him up slowly. I choose to think that knowing me was like breathing again, when he had been holding his breath. We could be doing nothing, but we feel the connection just looking into each other's eyes. We understand each other on subconscious level. Of course, I only know him for 1 month, and the road is already so tough. He is legally still married (he has to wait for the 3years mark to file for divorce. Before knowing me he already discussed seperation with his wife and she agrees. He told her to look for her emotional needs elsewhere and not in him and she agrees. They only communicate about their son). I haven't been married or have a child before. The road ahead is tough in things that I don't even understand, like the subconsious jealousy when he choses his son over me (logically I would of cos encourage him to, emotionally, can't help feeling like 2nd place). He also had a lot of bad habits like smoking, drinking, sleeping only at 8am all the way to 5pm.... Totally unlike any other 'normal' couples. We only can spend few hours together in the wee hours (after he is done with work and son), don't really go dating or couple activities. Furthermore, until his separation is final and he has 50% custody of his son, we have to be very careful (err on caution). What would the future be for me also? Marriage with him? I can understand his fear of marriage and unwillingness. What about children (if i do have kids with him, will it lose the specialness)? I have never met his kid, what if I don't like his kid? And even after he divorce, an unknown woman (his ex-wife) would have so much impact on my life even when I don't even know this person. I would appreciate if anyone has experience with such situations, I would love another point of view. --- **tl;dr**: Met a guy with son on verge of separation from wife, want some thoughts or similar situation on how to deal with situation.
So i met this guy over a dinner meet up with friends. I know of him being married with a kid, but from his jokes I can tell that he is hiding a lot of pain. After meeting a few times with friends and alone, we grew towards each other's company alot. At first it was just as a friendly gesture to hang out together. Then he started to share his feelings and his life. Being a very manly guy, none of his friends even knows the extend of his situation. He was together with a girl for 1 week before he broke off with her, only to have her telling him 1 month later that she was pregnant with his kid. He loves kids and didnt want his kid to grow up not knowing him, so he chose to marry the girl (his now wife) for the child. This was 2 years ago. Being in a society that is frowned upon for bastard children, it was the only thing to do. He tried to love his wife, but they were just too different. Even when living together, they rarely have sex (sexual preference mismatch), and couldn't even communicate on a basic level. And he has to bottle this all within him, if he wants to maintain his marriage. His marriage got so bad over time, so he buried himself in work. It got to the point whereby staying together with his wife (the fights and screaming matches they have) are detrimental to the benefit the kid would have being brought up in family/home with two parents. Even when living together, they sleep separately, and he doesnt wish to see her until the point that he would tuck his son into bed at 10pm and stay outside driving all the way till 7am, sleeping in his car, or at office, sometimes drinking the night away and come home only at 7am to send his son to school. Then he would sleep when his wife goes to work. These happen even before he knows me. In their 2 years, he has not cheated on her, choosing to be numbed to any other girls and living for his kid. Everyday a grind, rewind and repeat. When I met him, I open him up slowly. I choose to think that knowing me was like breathing again, when he had been holding his breath. We could be doing nothing, but we feel the connection just looking into each other's eyes. We understand each other on subconscious level. Of course, I only know him for 1 month, and the road is already so tough. He is legally still married (he has to wait for the 3years mark to file for divorce. Before knowing me he already discussed seperation with his wife and she agrees. He told her to look for her emotional needs elsewhere and not in him and she agrees. They only communicate about their son). I haven't been married or have a child before. The road ahead is tough in things that I don't even understand, like the subconsious jealousy when he choses his son over me (logically I would of cos encourage him to, emotionally, can't help feeling like 2nd place). He also had a lot of bad habits like smoking, drinking, sleeping only at 8am all the way to 5pm.... Totally unlike any other 'normal' couples. We only can spend few hours together in the wee hours (after he is done with work and son), don't really go dating or couple activities. Furthermore, until his separation is final and he has 50% custody of his son, we have to be very careful (err on caution). What would the future be for me also? Marriage with him? I can understand his fear of marriage and unwillingness. What about children (if i do have kids with him, will it lose the specialness)? I have never met his kid, what if I don't like his kid? And even after he divorce, an unknown woman (his ex-wife) would have so much impact on my life even when I don't even know this person. I would appreciate if anyone has experience with such situations, I would love another point of view. tl;dr : Met a guy with son on verge of separation from wife, want some thoughts or similar situation on how to deal with situation.
So i met this guy over a dinner meet up with friends. I know of him being married with a kid, but from his jokes I can tell that he is hiding a lot of pain. After meeting a few times with friends and alone, we grew towards each other's company alot. At first it was just as a friendly gesture to hang out together. Then he started to share his feelings and his life. Being a very manly guy, none of his friends even knows the extend of his situation. He was together with a girl for 1 week before he broke off with her, only to have her telling him 1 month later that she was pregnant with his kid. He loves kids and didnt want his kid to grow up not knowing him, so he chose to marry the girl (his now wife) for the child. This was 2 years ago. Being in a society that is frowned upon for bastard children, it was the only thing to do. He tried to love his wife, but they were just too different. Even when living together, they rarely have sex (sexual preference mismatch), and couldn't even communicate on a basic level. And he has to bottle this all within him, if he wants to maintain his marriage. His marriage got so bad over time, so he buried himself in work. It got to the point whereby staying together with his wife (the fights and screaming matches they have) are detrimental to the benefit the kid would have being brought up in family/home with two parents. Even when living together, they sleep separately, and he doesnt wish to see her until the point that he would tuck his son into bed at 10pm and stay outside driving all the way till 7am, sleeping in his car, or at office, sometimes drinking the night away and come home only at 7am to send his son to school. Then he would sleep when his wife goes to work. These happen even before he knows me. In their 2 years, he has not cheated on her, choosing to be numbed to any other girls and living for his kid. Everyday a grind, rewind and repeat. When I met him, I open him up slowly. I choose to think that knowing me was like breathing again, when he had been holding his breath. We could be doing nothing, but we feel the connection just looking into each other's eyes. We understand each other on subconscious level. Of course, I only know him for 1 month, and the road is already so tough. He is legally still married (he has to wait for the 3years mark to file for divorce. Before knowing me he already discussed seperation with his wife and she agrees. He told her to look for her emotional needs elsewhere and not in him and she agrees. They only communicate about their son). I haven't been married or have a child before. The road ahead is tough in things that I don't even understand, like the subconsious jealousy when he choses his son over me (logically I would of cos encourage him to, emotionally, can't help feeling like 2nd place). He also had a lot of bad habits like smoking, drinking, sleeping only at 8am all the way to 5pm.... Totally unlike any other 'normal' couples. We only can spend few hours together in the wee hours (after he is done with work and son), don't really go dating or couple activities. Furthermore, until his separation is final and he has 50% custody of his son, we have to be very careful (err on caution). What would the future be for me also? Marriage with him? I can understand his fear of marriage and unwillingness. What about children (if i do have kids with him, will it lose the specialness)? I have never met his kid, what if I don't like his kid? And even after he divorce, an unknown woman (his ex-wife) would have so much impact on my life even when I don't even know this person. I would appreciate if anyone has experience with such situations, I would love another point of view.
Met a guy with son on verge of separation from wife, want some thoughts or similar situation on how to deal with situation.
A Dothraki invasion would be devastating, but only on a local level, and it would likely be broken fairly quickly. Consider the logistical challenges inherent in moving any large number of troops across the sea, especially an army comprised mostly of cavalry. They'd need hundreds of ships specifically designed to carry horses in order to move a proper khalasar, and even then they'd probably lose thousands of horses. Unlike the Mongols, the Dothraki have no aptitude for infantry or siege engineering, so these dismounted screamers wouldn't be good for much besides soaking up arrows. In addition, there's the issue of actually staging a landing. Aegon I's genius was disembarking in a lightly peopled area contested by several powers who couldn't coordinate an effective counterattack until it was too late. Drogo, in this situation, would have no such luck with the bulk of the Royal Navy parked in and around Blackwater Bay and a fairly urbanized Crownlands. And without an easy and defensible landing zone in the Crownlands, there's no suitable place anywhere on the eastern coast of Westeros for a host of that size: * The sheer size of **The North** wouldn't pose as much of a challenge to a highly mobile khalasar, but every other aspect of the geography would. Dothraki cavalry would have to deal with rolling hills, mountains, thick forests, and swamps to subdue the North, in addition to many strong castles (Winterfell, Karhold, the Dreadfort, etc). Plus, they'd all freeze to death when winter came. * Landing in **The Vale** may prove to be more feasible at first, but not very. Though Gulltown would fall soon enough, the full strength of the khalasar would probably be scattered around the jagged coastline, disorganized and lost while the lords of the Vale prepare for siege or counterattack. Going further inland, Dothraki numbers would count for little in the high mountain passes, where they would also freeze to death during the winter. * As of *Dance*, we've seen a successful coastal invasion of **The Stormlands**, though that's hardly applicable to this situation. Connington's forces were much smaller, much more disciplined, and comprised primarily of heavy infantry and cavalry suited to Westerosi warfare. Discipline is the operative characteristic here, as individual Golden Company captains had to account for the likelihood that they would have to take their individual targets independently and stealthily. Sneaking a khalasar of over 40,000 shirtless cavalrymen throughout the Rainwood while assuming that most of them don't sink to the bottom of the ocean beforehand is about as possible as Ramsay Bolton identifying as a feminist. * Short of time-traveling the khalasar to before Aegon's Conquest, landing in **Dorne** would probably be one's best bet, both geographically and politically. However, even assuming that the administration in Sunspear is sympathetic, you have to consider the difficulty of transporting tens of thousands of men through weeks of desert. The Dothraki would drink the rivers and wells dry, which considering how they'd also be raping and slaving their way through the local peasantry, would doubly screw Dorne over. * Sailing around Westeros is always an option, though that brings its own challenges, such as the fact that the better part of Westeros's naval strength is invested in the western kingdoms (Redwynes, Hightowers, Shield Islands, Lannisters, Iron Fleet, etc.) and that no sizable force from Essos would be able to bypass all these actors unseen. Even if the Dothraki could easily defeat their Westerosi counterparts in the field (which the text really doesn't seem to support), they'd be killed by logistics. The only way to make this kind of conquest stick is to enlist tens of thousands of Westerosi troops to augment the Dothraki cavalry. In addition to compensating for their tactical weaknesses, any conqueror would need to co-opt a good portion of the local nobility, lest they break themselves over and over putting down rebellions. That said, even the Martells lack to motivation or manpower necessary to adequately serve this role. **tl;dr:** They'd lay waste to one or two kingdoms, but they'd starve or freeze or rout before being able to conquer all 7/8.
A Dothraki invasion would be devastating, but only on a local level, and it would likely be broken fairly quickly. Consider the logistical challenges inherent in moving any large number of troops across the sea, especially an army comprised mostly of cavalry. They'd need hundreds of ships specifically designed to carry horses in order to move a proper khalasar, and even then they'd probably lose thousands of horses. Unlike the Mongols, the Dothraki have no aptitude for infantry or siege engineering, so these dismounted screamers wouldn't be good for much besides soaking up arrows. In addition, there's the issue of actually staging a landing. Aegon I's genius was disembarking in a lightly peopled area contested by several powers who couldn't coordinate an effective counterattack until it was too late. Drogo, in this situation, would have no such luck with the bulk of the Royal Navy parked in and around Blackwater Bay and a fairly urbanized Crownlands. And without an easy and defensible landing zone in the Crownlands, there's no suitable place anywhere on the eastern coast of Westeros for a host of that size: The sheer size of The North wouldn't pose as much of a challenge to a highly mobile khalasar, but every other aspect of the geography would. Dothraki cavalry would have to deal with rolling hills, mountains, thick forests, and swamps to subdue the North, in addition to many strong castles (Winterfell, Karhold, the Dreadfort, etc). Plus, they'd all freeze to death when winter came. Landing in The Vale may prove to be more feasible at first, but not very. Though Gulltown would fall soon enough, the full strength of the khalasar would probably be scattered around the jagged coastline, disorganized and lost while the lords of the Vale prepare for siege or counterattack. Going further inland, Dothraki numbers would count for little in the high mountain passes, where they would also freeze to death during the winter. As of Dance , we've seen a successful coastal invasion of The Stormlands , though that's hardly applicable to this situation. Connington's forces were much smaller, much more disciplined, and comprised primarily of heavy infantry and cavalry suited to Westerosi warfare. Discipline is the operative characteristic here, as individual Golden Company captains had to account for the likelihood that they would have to take their individual targets independently and stealthily. Sneaking a khalasar of over 40,000 shirtless cavalrymen throughout the Rainwood while assuming that most of them don't sink to the bottom of the ocean beforehand is about as possible as Ramsay Bolton identifying as a feminist. Short of time-traveling the khalasar to before Aegon's Conquest, landing in Dorne would probably be one's best bet, both geographically and politically. However, even assuming that the administration in Sunspear is sympathetic, you have to consider the difficulty of transporting tens of thousands of men through weeks of desert. The Dothraki would drink the rivers and wells dry, which considering how they'd also be raping and slaving their way through the local peasantry, would doubly screw Dorne over. Sailing around Westeros is always an option, though that brings its own challenges, such as the fact that the better part of Westeros's naval strength is invested in the western kingdoms (Redwynes, Hightowers, Shield Islands, Lannisters, Iron Fleet, etc.) and that no sizable force from Essos would be able to bypass all these actors unseen. Even if the Dothraki could easily defeat their Westerosi counterparts in the field (which the text really doesn't seem to support), they'd be killed by logistics. The only way to make this kind of conquest stick is to enlist tens of thousands of Westerosi troops to augment the Dothraki cavalry. In addition to compensating for their tactical weaknesses, any conqueror would need to co-opt a good portion of the local nobility, lest they break themselves over and over putting down rebellions. That said, even the Martells lack to motivation or manpower necessary to adequately serve this role. tl;dr: They'd lay waste to one or two kingdoms, but they'd starve or freeze or rout before being able to conquer all 7/8.
A Dothraki invasion would be devastating, but only on a local level, and it would likely be broken fairly quickly. Consider the logistical challenges inherent in moving any large number of troops across the sea, especially an army comprised mostly of cavalry. They'd need hundreds of ships specifically designed to carry horses in order to move a proper khalasar, and even then they'd probably lose thousands of horses. Unlike the Mongols, the Dothraki have no aptitude for infantry or siege engineering, so these dismounted screamers wouldn't be good for much besides soaking up arrows. In addition, there's the issue of actually staging a landing. Aegon I's genius was disembarking in a lightly peopled area contested by several powers who couldn't coordinate an effective counterattack until it was too late. Drogo, in this situation, would have no such luck with the bulk of the Royal Navy parked in and around Blackwater Bay and a fairly urbanized Crownlands. And without an easy and defensible landing zone in the Crownlands, there's no suitable place anywhere on the eastern coast of Westeros for a host of that size: The sheer size of The North wouldn't pose as much of a challenge to a highly mobile khalasar, but every other aspect of the geography would. Dothraki cavalry would have to deal with rolling hills, mountains, thick forests, and swamps to subdue the North, in addition to many strong castles (Winterfell, Karhold, the Dreadfort, etc). Plus, they'd all freeze to death when winter came. Landing in The Vale may prove to be more feasible at first, but not very. Though Gulltown would fall soon enough, the full strength of the khalasar would probably be scattered around the jagged coastline, disorganized and lost while the lords of the Vale prepare for siege or counterattack. Going further inland, Dothraki numbers would count for little in the high mountain passes, where they would also freeze to death during the winter. As of Dance , we've seen a successful coastal invasion of The Stormlands , though that's hardly applicable to this situation. Connington's forces were much smaller, much more disciplined, and comprised primarily of heavy infantry and cavalry suited to Westerosi warfare. Discipline is the operative characteristic here, as individual Golden Company captains had to account for the likelihood that they would have to take their individual targets independently and stealthily. Sneaking a khalasar of over 40,000 shirtless cavalrymen throughout the Rainwood while assuming that most of them don't sink to the bottom of the ocean beforehand is about as possible as Ramsay Bolton identifying as a feminist. Short of time-traveling the khalasar to before Aegon's Conquest, landing in Dorne would probably be one's best bet, both geographically and politically. However, even assuming that the administration in Sunspear is sympathetic, you have to consider the difficulty of transporting tens of thousands of men through weeks of desert. The Dothraki would drink the rivers and wells dry, which considering how they'd also be raping and slaving their way through the local peasantry, would doubly screw Dorne over. Sailing around Westeros is always an option, though that brings its own challenges, such as the fact that the better part of Westeros's naval strength is invested in the western kingdoms (Redwynes, Hightowers, Shield Islands, Lannisters, Iron Fleet, etc.) and that no sizable force from Essos would be able to bypass all these actors unseen. Even if the Dothraki could easily defeat their Westerosi counterparts in the field (which the text really doesn't seem to support), they'd be killed by logistics. The only way to make this kind of conquest stick is to enlist tens of thousands of Westerosi troops to augment the Dothraki cavalry. In addition to compensating for their tactical weaknesses, any conqueror would need to co-opt a good portion of the local nobility, lest they break themselves over and over putting down rebellions. That said, even the Martells lack to motivation or manpower necessary to adequately serve this role.
They'd lay waste to one or two kingdoms, but they'd starve or freeze or rout before being able to conquer all 7/8.
I live with my boyfriend, we've been together for two years and have lived together in my parental home for the last year. However, about four months ago I found gay porn on his laptop. I confronted him about it and he seemed to just say he wasn't sure why he looked at it and promised it wouldn't happen again. He's pretty closed and wouldn't talk about it. Anyway, looking at his Reddit account (only really just started using this website, I know, slowpoke or what) he actively goes on Gaybros/Gaymersgonewild/LoLGaymers etc. ...What does this mean? He's listed as 'Bi (living with gf)' - I don't know much about these forums but is that some kind of signal that he wants to hook up with guys or something? I'm just kinda worried that he might want to leave me to explore his gay side or something. I know he's never been with a guy, he only had one girlfriend before me and that lasted for about two months. I'm honestly worried and feel I'm going to get more and more paranoid as time goes by. What do I do? :( TL;DR: Live with boyfriend, he frequently goes on Gaymers/Gaybros subreddits, is tagged as 'Bi (Lives with gf) on Reddit. What does it mean, do I talk to him, what do?
I live with my boyfriend, we've been together for two years and have lived together in my parental home for the last year. However, about four months ago I found gay porn on his laptop. I confronted him about it and he seemed to just say he wasn't sure why he looked at it and promised it wouldn't happen again. He's pretty closed and wouldn't talk about it. Anyway, looking at his Reddit account (only really just started using this website, I know, slowpoke or what) he actively goes on Gaybros/Gaymersgonewild/LoLGaymers etc. ...What does this mean? He's listed as 'Bi (living with gf)' - I don't know much about these forums but is that some kind of signal that he wants to hook up with guys or something? I'm just kinda worried that he might want to leave me to explore his gay side or something. I know he's never been with a guy, he only had one girlfriend before me and that lasted for about two months. I'm honestly worried and feel I'm going to get more and more paranoid as time goes by. What do I do? :( TL;DR: Live with boyfriend, he frequently goes on Gaymers/Gaybros subreddits, is tagged as 'Bi (Lives with gf) on Reddit. What does it mean, do I talk to him, what do?
I live with my boyfriend, we've been together for two years and have lived together in my parental home for the last year. However, about four months ago I found gay porn on his laptop. I confronted him about it and he seemed to just say he wasn't sure why he looked at it and promised it wouldn't happen again. He's pretty closed and wouldn't talk about it. Anyway, looking at his Reddit account (only really just started using this website, I know, slowpoke or what) he actively goes on Gaybros/Gaymersgonewild/LoLGaymers etc. ...What does this mean? He's listed as 'Bi (living with gf)' - I don't know much about these forums but is that some kind of signal that he wants to hook up with guys or something? I'm just kinda worried that he might want to leave me to explore his gay side or something. I know he's never been with a guy, he only had one girlfriend before me and that lasted for about two months. I'm honestly worried and feel I'm going to get more and more paranoid as time goes by. What do I do? :(
Live with boyfriend, he frequently goes on Gaymers/Gaybros subreddits, is tagged as 'Bi (Lives with gf) on Reddit. What does it mean, do I talk to him, what do?
*edit The title should be "right thing to do", not "tight". I'm an idiot and fat-fingered it. OK, so my mother and sister came home from an outlet mall sporting a new camera the other day. When I asked about it, they told me that they had found it. The only problem for them was that the language had been changed from English to either Chinese or Korean and they wanted me to change it back. No problem. After a few minutes I got the menus back to English. Out of morbid curiosity, I decided to dig through the pictures to see what kind of person lost their camera. Pretty asian girl taking pictures of school, homelife, family, etc. Nothing too extra ordinary. I took the micro sd card to work to continue digging. I asked one of my coworkers if he could find this person after I had found a picture of the owner standing in front of a stop sign. In the distance I could make out the intersection and google maps'd it. The live about an hour or so away from me in a college town. My coworker on the other hand was able to dig up even more like and email on a PAL form and that lead to a blog written in Korean about their journey from S. Korea to Texas. Yay Goggle Translate! Incredibly long story short, an over-seas student documenting her time in the US for those back home loses her camera and it's picked up by a member of my family. I've got someone's life in my hands. The old saying is true, a picture speaks a thousand words. I took the email my buddy deciphered from the illegible hand writing and sent them an email explaining the situation and how I'd like to return said property. No response yet, but I'll keep this post updated. I told my mother about the email and she became furious that I wanted to give this person back their camera because she wanted to keep it. Even going as far as stating, "You care more about this stranger than you do about me". I tried explaining to her that this isn't just some rich kid's camera that was left behind because they don't know the value of a dollar, but the documentation and life of someone in a foreign country. There's more emotion/sentimental value to the camera. TL;DR - Mom found camera and I found the owner. I want to give it back and she now mad at me. Am I doing the right thing in finding the owner and wanting to give it back? **Update1** Well, I've heard no response from the owner (saw something on their blog about going to Oklahoma for the last bit of Spring Break) but I've made a deal with Mom. If I don't hear anything for a month from the owner, she can keep the camera. She agreed.
*edit The title should be "right thing to do", not "tight". I'm an idiot and fat-fingered it. OK, so my mother and sister came home from an outlet mall sporting a new camera the other day. When I asked about it, they told me that they had found it. The only problem for them was that the language had been changed from English to either Chinese or Korean and they wanted me to change it back. No problem. After a few minutes I got the menus back to English. Out of morbid curiosity, I decided to dig through the pictures to see what kind of person lost their camera. Pretty asian girl taking pictures of school, homelife, family, etc. Nothing too extra ordinary. I took the micro sd card to work to continue digging. I asked one of my coworkers if he could find this person after I had found a picture of the owner standing in front of a stop sign. In the distance I could make out the intersection and google maps'd it. The live about an hour or so away from me in a college town. My coworker on the other hand was able to dig up even more like and email on a PAL form and that lead to a blog written in Korean about their journey from S. Korea to Texas. Yay Goggle Translate! Incredibly long story short, an over-seas student documenting her time in the US for those back home loses her camera and it's picked up by a member of my family. I've got someone's life in my hands. The old saying is true, a picture speaks a thousand words. I took the email my buddy deciphered from the illegible hand writing and sent them an email explaining the situation and how I'd like to return said property. No response yet, but I'll keep this post updated. I told my mother about the email and she became furious that I wanted to give this person back their camera because she wanted to keep it. Even going as far as stating, "You care more about this stranger than you do about me". I tried explaining to her that this isn't just some rich kid's camera that was left behind because they don't know the value of a dollar, but the documentation and life of someone in a foreign country. There's more emotion/sentimental value to the camera. TL;DR - Mom found camera and I found the owner. I want to give it back and she now mad at me. Am I doing the right thing in finding the owner and wanting to give it back? Update1 Well, I've heard no response from the owner (saw something on their blog about going to Oklahoma for the last bit of Spring Break) but I've made a deal with Mom. If I don't hear anything for a month from the owner, she can keep the camera. She agreed.
edit The title should be "right thing to do", not "tight". I'm an idiot and fat-fingered it. OK, so my mother and sister came home from an outlet mall sporting a new camera the other day. When I asked about it, they told me that they had found it. The only problem for them was that the language had been changed from English to either Chinese or Korean and they wanted me to change it back. No problem. After a few minutes I got the menus back to English. Out of morbid curiosity, I decided to dig through the pictures to see what kind of person lost their camera. Pretty asian girl taking pictures of school, homelife, family, etc. Nothing too extra ordinary. I took the micro sd card to work to continue digging. I asked one of my coworkers if he could find this person after I had found a picture of the owner standing in front of a stop sign. In the distance I could make out the intersection and google maps'd it. The live about an hour or so away from me in a college town. My coworker on the other hand was able to dig up even more like and email on a PAL form and that lead to a blog written in Korean about their journey from S. Korea to Texas. Yay Goggle Translate! Incredibly long story short, an over-seas student documenting her time in the US for those back home loses her camera and it's picked up by a member of my family. I've got someone's life in my hands. The old saying is true, a picture speaks a thousand words. I took the email my buddy deciphered from the illegible hand writing and sent them an email explaining the situation and how I'd like to return said property. No response yet, but I'll keep this post updated. I told my mother about the email and she became furious that I wanted to give this person back their camera because she wanted to keep it. Even going as far as stating, "You care more about this stranger than you do about me". I tried explaining to her that this isn't just some rich kid's camera that was left behind because they don't know the value of a dollar, but the documentation and life of someone in a foreign country. There's more emotion/sentimental value to the camera.
Mom found camera and I found the owner. I want to give it back and she now mad at me. Am I doing the right thing in finding the owner and wanting to give it back? Update1 Well, I've heard no response from the owner (saw something on their blog about going to Oklahoma for the last bit of Spring Break) but I've made a deal with Mom. If I don't hear anything for a month from the owner, she can keep the camera. She agreed.
I've had mixed results, both looking at lolnexus and not looking at it. I've played both ways to see if my performance was better with or without and I noticed no difference in win ratio or even attitude toward a particular match. This may however be due to my long history with sports in general, which reminds to never underestimate my opponent and remember that no matter how much better than me he seems, he still has to play by the same rules. TL;DR - lolnexus means nothing, its all a mindset. Whether you choose to have it or not is up to you.
I've had mixed results, both looking at lolnexus and not looking at it. I've played both ways to see if my performance was better with or without and I noticed no difference in win ratio or even attitude toward a particular match. This may however be due to my long history with sports in general, which reminds to never underestimate my opponent and remember that no matter how much better than me he seems, he still has to play by the same rules. TL;DR - lolnexus means nothing, its all a mindset. Whether you choose to have it or not is up to you.
I've had mixed results, both looking at lolnexus and not looking at it. I've played both ways to see if my performance was better with or without and I noticed no difference in win ratio or even attitude toward a particular match. This may however be due to my long history with sports in general, which reminds to never underestimate my opponent and remember that no matter how much better than me he seems, he still has to play by the same rules.
lolnexus means nothing, its all a mindset. Whether you choose to have it or not is up to you.
My mom went to a psychic 20 years ago when she was trying to get pregnant. The Psychic told her to stop trying because she saw that my mom was physically unable to and said that a baby would come to her in an unconventional way. Weeks later, my mom went to the doctor and found out that her Fallopian tubes were tied and applied for an adoption, resulting in me. These days, I go to my moms old psychic. She knew who my best friend would be a year before I met him. She also provides an endless supply of wine and cigarettes during a reading, so that's a plus. Tl;dr My psychic is rad.
My mom went to a psychic 20 years ago when she was trying to get pregnant. The Psychic told her to stop trying because she saw that my mom was physically unable to and said that a baby would come to her in an unconventional way. Weeks later, my mom went to the doctor and found out that her Fallopian tubes were tied and applied for an adoption, resulting in me. These days, I go to my moms old psychic. She knew who my best friend would be a year before I met him. She also provides an endless supply of wine and cigarettes during a reading, so that's a plus. Tl;dr My psychic is rad.
My mom went to a psychic 20 years ago when she was trying to get pregnant. The Psychic told her to stop trying because she saw that my mom was physically unable to and said that a baby would come to her in an unconventional way. Weeks later, my mom went to the doctor and found out that her Fallopian tubes were tied and applied for an adoption, resulting in me. These days, I go to my moms old psychic. She knew who my best friend would be a year before I met him. She also provides an endless supply of wine and cigarettes during a reading, so that's a plus.
My psychic is rad.
About a year ago I got two microdermals taken out that I'd had for almost 2 years. They were an inch apart (not connected) and located about an inch below my collarbone and 2.5 inches from my sternum. Since they have "healed" I sometimes get little scabs in the puncture site (about the diameter of a blackhead, or the post of a microdermal anchor). No blood or pus, just little scabs. Also, I have pain every few weeks in the general location of my scars, and stiffness in my shoulder/collarbone area. No swelling or redness, but sometimes itchiness. It's definitely related to my removed peircings. The shop that I got it done at is very reputable, sterile, and cautious, and they have done many microdermals. However, all they tell me is that the scars minimize over time. I need to know what sort of doctor to talk to in order to be checked for infection. I'm not sure if an infection can persist this far along, but I need to know for sure since it could spread to my lungs/bloodstream easily given the location of the scars. Please no stories about your previous infections that "eventually went away on their own" unless relevant to my situation. tl;dr I need to look up a medical professional for a potential infection, but someone who is knowledgeable about piercing problems.
About a year ago I got two microdermals taken out that I'd had for almost 2 years. They were an inch apart (not connected) and located about an inch below my collarbone and 2.5 inches from my sternum. Since they have "healed" I sometimes get little scabs in the puncture site (about the diameter of a blackhead, or the post of a microdermal anchor). No blood or pus, just little scabs. Also, I have pain every few weeks in the general location of my scars, and stiffness in my shoulder/collarbone area. No swelling or redness, but sometimes itchiness. It's definitely related to my removed peircings. The shop that I got it done at is very reputable, sterile, and cautious, and they have done many microdermals. However, all they tell me is that the scars minimize over time. I need to know what sort of doctor to talk to in order to be checked for infection. I'm not sure if an infection can persist this far along, but I need to know for sure since it could spread to my lungs/bloodstream easily given the location of the scars. Please no stories about your previous infections that "eventually went away on their own" unless relevant to my situation. tl;dr I need to look up a medical professional for a potential infection, but someone who is knowledgeable about piercing problems.
About a year ago I got two microdermals taken out that I'd had for almost 2 years. They were an inch apart (not connected) and located about an inch below my collarbone and 2.5 inches from my sternum. Since they have "healed" I sometimes get little scabs in the puncture site (about the diameter of a blackhead, or the post of a microdermal anchor). No blood or pus, just little scabs. Also, I have pain every few weeks in the general location of my scars, and stiffness in my shoulder/collarbone area. No swelling or redness, but sometimes itchiness. It's definitely related to my removed peircings. The shop that I got it done at is very reputable, sterile, and cautious, and they have done many microdermals. However, all they tell me is that the scars minimize over time. I need to know what sort of doctor to talk to in order to be checked for infection. I'm not sure if an infection can persist this far along, but I need to know for sure since it could spread to my lungs/bloodstream easily given the location of the scars. Please no stories about your previous infections that "eventually went away on their own" unless relevant to my situation.
I need to look up a medical professional for a potential infection, but someone who is knowledgeable about piercing problems.
But again, I want to ask: Why does this *have* to be the reality? Why do we have to spend $400-$500 on a second console (which could go into more games, I might add) that I may not even *want*, just so I can play multiplatform games that the system is more than capable of running? Why do we have to be talked down to, lied to, and outright disrespected by third parties time and time again? Why do *we* as consuemrs have no power in the situation, when we're the ones that inevitably pay the cheques of the developers making the games with our purchases? This becomes doubly prominent at a time when literally *dozens* of studios are closing, games that sell millions of units *still* [fail to meet expectations]( and the costs of offering the game to a new market [are trivial]( in this case. Really, there's no reason why we should have to *beg* for [a port]( of something like Soul Calibur 2. The "it's just the reality" argument doesn't, and never *has* sat well with me. It's an implicit confirmation that we're willing to take third party douchebaggery because it's the status quo. It's a nod to let them keep doing exactly what they're doing. And, unfortunately, I don't see the business logic in publisher decisions in starving out a platform that, if treated with some modicum of respect, could prove to be a viable market. It's not a matter of getting *every* third party game. It's the matter of being treated like a valid, *paying* customer instead of some leper with the cootie-box. I mean, really. Look at last generation: developers flooded the Wii with crapware, and laughed at it. Any profits from Wii games [went directly into HD titles]( that may or may not have broken even. But the moment that customers wised up and stopped buying this garbage, they started shrieking and blaming the little white box and its "idiot customers" for not smiling, swallowing their tripe, and saying "please sir, can I have another"? That's not business. That's stiffing your real customers to make vanity projects. tl;dr Reality makes no sense. Why are we sitting here and taking it?
But again, I want to ask: Why does this have to be the reality? Why do we have to spend $400-$500 on a second console (which could go into more games, I might add) that I may not even want , just so I can play multiplatform games that the system is more than capable of running? Why do we have to be talked down to, lied to, and outright disrespected by third parties time and time again? Why do we as consuemrs have no power in the situation, when we're the ones that inevitably pay the cheques of the developers making the games with our purchases? This becomes doubly prominent at a time when literally dozens of studios are closing, games that sell millions of units still [fail to meet expectations]( and the costs of offering the game to a new market [are trivial]( in this case. Really, there's no reason why we should have to beg for [a port]( of something like Soul Calibur 2. The "it's just the reality" argument doesn't, and never has sat well with me. It's an implicit confirmation that we're willing to take third party douchebaggery because it's the status quo. It's a nod to let them keep doing exactly what they're doing. And, unfortunately, I don't see the business logic in publisher decisions in starving out a platform that, if treated with some modicum of respect, could prove to be a viable market. It's not a matter of getting every third party game. It's the matter of being treated like a valid, paying customer instead of some leper with the cootie-box. I mean, really. Look at last generation: developers flooded the Wii with crapware, and laughed at it. Any profits from Wii games [went directly into HD titles]( that may or may not have broken even. But the moment that customers wised up and stopped buying this garbage, they started shrieking and blaming the little white box and its "idiot customers" for not smiling, swallowing their tripe, and saying "please sir, can I have another"? That's not business. That's stiffing your real customers to make vanity projects. tl;dr Reality makes no sense. Why are we sitting here and taking it?
But again, I want to ask: Why does this have to be the reality? Why do we have to spend $400-$500 on a second console (which could go into more games, I might add) that I may not even want , just so I can play multiplatform games that the system is more than capable of running? Why do we have to be talked down to, lied to, and outright disrespected by third parties time and time again? Why do we as consuemrs have no power in the situation, when we're the ones that inevitably pay the cheques of the developers making the games with our purchases? This becomes doubly prominent at a time when literally dozens of studios are closing, games that sell millions of units still [fail to meet expectations]( and the costs of offering the game to a new market [are trivial]( in this case. Really, there's no reason why we should have to beg for [a port]( of something like Soul Calibur 2. The "it's just the reality" argument doesn't, and never has sat well with me. It's an implicit confirmation that we're willing to take third party douchebaggery because it's the status quo. It's a nod to let them keep doing exactly what they're doing. And, unfortunately, I don't see the business logic in publisher decisions in starving out a platform that, if treated with some modicum of respect, could prove to be a viable market. It's not a matter of getting every third party game. It's the matter of being treated like a valid, paying customer instead of some leper with the cootie-box. I mean, really. Look at last generation: developers flooded the Wii with crapware, and laughed at it. Any profits from Wii games [went directly into HD titles]( that may or may not have broken even. But the moment that customers wised up and stopped buying this garbage, they started shrieking and blaming the little white box and its "idiot customers" for not smiling, swallowing their tripe, and saying "please sir, can I have another"? That's not business. That's stiffing your real customers to make vanity projects.
Reality makes no sense. Why are we sitting here and taking it?
Yeah, bc they are definitely not valuing the fact that I don't take forever driving them, I'm courteous, respect their wish to either hold a conversation or remain silent, I show up after I get pinged in almost no time (I get a lot of comments about how fast I got to them compared to their average experience), and overall, I try to provide a good experience for the customer. If they can't muster up even 50 cents extra for all that, then I don't want to drive them ever again. There is no way anyone in LA doesn't know by now that it's greatly appreciated by drivers when we get tipped, and not only that, but only receiving tips is what makes this job be worth it, once you subtract gas, oil changes, and wear and tear on my personal car. Finally, it annoys the hell out of me when I get stuck up passengers who are expecting me to behave as if I'm a professional driver, when they can't even pay for one of the uber services that are provided by actual professional drivers. If they are so entitled, why can't they leave $1 behind? Why should I, by giving a 5 star rating, encourage that behavior?? As a driver, I like to know that if I get a 5 star passenger, it's bc all the previous drivers have had a good experience with that passenger. Besides, it's not like I have the luxury to sit there on my car, and first look at the passenger's rating before accepting the ride. We have to keep >90% acceptance in order to get the winter warm-up rate. I wish I could deny all passengers with a 4.5 or less, alas, that's not the case. At least I want to know to gear up for a bad experience on my way to picking up the passenger. TL;DR: If giving a 4 star or less rating is going to make me feel better about my day, I'm gonna do it, regardless of what other drivers might think.
Yeah, bc they are definitely not valuing the fact that I don't take forever driving them, I'm courteous, respect their wish to either hold a conversation or remain silent, I show up after I get pinged in almost no time (I get a lot of comments about how fast I got to them compared to their average experience), and overall, I try to provide a good experience for the customer. If they can't muster up even 50 cents extra for all that, then I don't want to drive them ever again. There is no way anyone in LA doesn't know by now that it's greatly appreciated by drivers when we get tipped, and not only that, but only receiving tips is what makes this job be worth it, once you subtract gas, oil changes, and wear and tear on my personal car. Finally, it annoys the hell out of me when I get stuck up passengers who are expecting me to behave as if I'm a professional driver, when they can't even pay for one of the uber services that are provided by actual professional drivers. If they are so entitled, why can't they leave $1 behind? Why should I, by giving a 5 star rating, encourage that behavior?? As a driver, I like to know that if I get a 5 star passenger, it's bc all the previous drivers have had a good experience with that passenger. Besides, it's not like I have the luxury to sit there on my car, and first look at the passenger's rating before accepting the ride. We have to keep >90% acceptance in order to get the winter warm-up rate. I wish I could deny all passengers with a 4.5 or less, alas, that's not the case. At least I want to know to gear up for a bad experience on my way to picking up the passenger. TL;DR: If giving a 4 star or less rating is going to make me feel better about my day, I'm gonna do it, regardless of what other drivers might think.
Yeah, bc they are definitely not valuing the fact that I don't take forever driving them, I'm courteous, respect their wish to either hold a conversation or remain silent, I show up after I get pinged in almost no time (I get a lot of comments about how fast I got to them compared to their average experience), and overall, I try to provide a good experience for the customer. If they can't muster up even 50 cents extra for all that, then I don't want to drive them ever again. There is no way anyone in LA doesn't know by now that it's greatly appreciated by drivers when we get tipped, and not only that, but only receiving tips is what makes this job be worth it, once you subtract gas, oil changes, and wear and tear on my personal car. Finally, it annoys the hell out of me when I get stuck up passengers who are expecting me to behave as if I'm a professional driver, when they can't even pay for one of the uber services that are provided by actual professional drivers. If they are so entitled, why can't they leave $1 behind? Why should I, by giving a 5 star rating, encourage that behavior?? As a driver, I like to know that if I get a 5 star passenger, it's bc all the previous drivers have had a good experience with that passenger. Besides, it's not like I have the luxury to sit there on my car, and first look at the passenger's rating before accepting the ride. We have to keep >90% acceptance in order to get the winter warm-up rate. I wish I could deny all passengers with a 4.5 or less, alas, that's not the case. At least I want to know to gear up for a bad experience on my way to picking up the passenger.
If giving a 4 star or less rating is going to make me feel better about my day, I'm gonna do it, regardless of what other drivers might think.
In the first presentation, they offered that designing the characters would pretty much be the same process, what with being made of squares, but you would not have to retopologize them into a smaller ploycount, since infinite detail isnt a big deal for their conversion tools. I'm curious as to the range of filetypes they would accept, actually. Animating would generally be the same, but it might require a really nice computer that can handle all of those polys, at least on the front end. Certain animating/rigging is derived from formulas, such as having a bone affect only the vertices that are within a predetermined range, and so I imagine cloud pixel rigging would just do something similar, but in the immediate future, animators would still use traditional rigging/animating with their polymodels. tl;dr polys converted to cloud pixels *after* characters modelled/rigged.
In the first presentation, they offered that designing the characters would pretty much be the same process, what with being made of squares, but you would not have to retopologize them into a smaller ploycount, since infinite detail isnt a big deal for their conversion tools. I'm curious as to the range of filetypes they would accept, actually. Animating would generally be the same, but it might require a really nice computer that can handle all of those polys, at least on the front end. Certain animating/rigging is derived from formulas, such as having a bone affect only the vertices that are within a predetermined range, and so I imagine cloud pixel rigging would just do something similar, but in the immediate future, animators would still use traditional rigging/animating with their polymodels. tl;dr polys converted to cloud pixels after characters modelled/rigged.
In the first presentation, they offered that designing the characters would pretty much be the same process, what with being made of squares, but you would not have to retopologize them into a smaller ploycount, since infinite detail isnt a big deal for their conversion tools. I'm curious as to the range of filetypes they would accept, actually. Animating would generally be the same, but it might require a really nice computer that can handle all of those polys, at least on the front end. Certain animating/rigging is derived from formulas, such as having a bone affect only the vertices that are within a predetermined range, and so I imagine cloud pixel rigging would just do something similar, but in the immediate future, animators would still use traditional rigging/animating with their polymodels.
polys converted to cloud pixels after characters modelled/rigged.
no, no, and no. Parody is ok, but there's a fine line between fun and respectful parody and outright mocking. While this is all subjective, the worst way to go about parody is making a topical mocking assets and releases. People do feel a sense of attachment to things they like, and having to choose between things can leave a sour taste in everyone's mouth. I'm not sure how many people here remember when Crash Bandicoot was first released for the PSX for example. Their adverts for the game where a costumed man as Crash going to Nintendo of America's office and making alot of "mario is old" jokes in front of his RAD TV DISPLAY wagon, full of screens of the Crash Banicoot games. This advert is what children respond to and like, open mocking of what they find "kiddy" to make themselves feel older. Looking at SMNC though, there's a ton of stuff there already to enjoy and even more added on every patch. There's a world that everyone is learning about, lore already of what's happened in this future, the outlandishness of the Pros and Commentors shows that it's a Idiocracy future that plays and preys on human desires and savagery. Taste have change, and people are still smart, but there's a new gap forming between those of corporate life and everyone else. (All of this can be found out just by listening to the commentators and the Pros.) No my friend, I think instead of mocking the next big releases, Uber would do much better if their next set of Pros showed more in common with the future of said releases. Examples: LARP'er styled Commando - his "Imagination" is a holo much like the Vet's Ka-Cawl, so Magic Missle and Firewall would look holograpic but still hurt. Sniper is already a CoD/BF styled character (Very Bravado, twitchy, and kind of a jerk), but it would be nice to see something like the TF2 Soldier's persona in SMNC. Disciplined and street smart, but almost aloof with intelligence. (Megabeth kinda has this going on, she's intelligent but her English seems to put words together that are correct even though their usage is questionable.) This is what would make a better parody. Taking traits and creating a living persona that people can get behind, rather then "Hax0r n00b 2008" skin pack which gets outdated and poor taste quickly. **tl;dr: No. Add content that adds to the world, not just for the sake of making fun of people.**
no, no, and no. Parody is ok, but there's a fine line between fun and respectful parody and outright mocking. While this is all subjective, the worst way to go about parody is making a topical mocking assets and releases. People do feel a sense of attachment to things they like, and having to choose between things can leave a sour taste in everyone's mouth. I'm not sure how many people here remember when Crash Bandicoot was first released for the PSX for example. Their adverts for the game where a costumed man as Crash going to Nintendo of America's office and making alot of "mario is old" jokes in front of his RAD TV DISPLAY wagon, full of screens of the Crash Banicoot games. This advert is what children respond to and like, open mocking of what they find "kiddy" to make themselves feel older. Looking at SMNC though, there's a ton of stuff there already to enjoy and even more added on every patch. There's a world that everyone is learning about, lore already of what's happened in this future, the outlandishness of the Pros and Commentors shows that it's a Idiocracy future that plays and preys on human desires and savagery. Taste have change, and people are still smart, but there's a new gap forming between those of corporate life and everyone else. (All of this can be found out just by listening to the commentators and the Pros.) No my friend, I think instead of mocking the next big releases, Uber would do much better if their next set of Pros showed more in common with the future of said releases. Examples: LARP'er styled Commando - his "Imagination" is a holo much like the Vet's Ka-Cawl, so Magic Missle and Firewall would look holograpic but still hurt. Sniper is already a CoD/BF styled character (Very Bravado, twitchy, and kind of a jerk), but it would be nice to see something like the TF2 Soldier's persona in SMNC. Disciplined and street smart, but almost aloof with intelligence. (Megabeth kinda has this going on, she's intelligent but her English seems to put words together that are correct even though their usage is questionable.) This is what would make a better parody. Taking traits and creating a living persona that people can get behind, rather then "Hax0r n00b 2008" skin pack which gets outdated and poor taste quickly. tl;dr: No. Add content that adds to the world, not just for the sake of making fun of people.
no, no, and no. Parody is ok, but there's a fine line between fun and respectful parody and outright mocking. While this is all subjective, the worst way to go about parody is making a topical mocking assets and releases. People do feel a sense of attachment to things they like, and having to choose between things can leave a sour taste in everyone's mouth. I'm not sure how many people here remember when Crash Bandicoot was first released for the PSX for example. Their adverts for the game where a costumed man as Crash going to Nintendo of America's office and making alot of "mario is old" jokes in front of his RAD TV DISPLAY wagon, full of screens of the Crash Banicoot games. This advert is what children respond to and like, open mocking of what they find "kiddy" to make themselves feel older. Looking at SMNC though, there's a ton of stuff there already to enjoy and even more added on every patch. There's a world that everyone is learning about, lore already of what's happened in this future, the outlandishness of the Pros and Commentors shows that it's a Idiocracy future that plays and preys on human desires and savagery. Taste have change, and people are still smart, but there's a new gap forming between those of corporate life and everyone else. (All of this can be found out just by listening to the commentators and the Pros.) No my friend, I think instead of mocking the next big releases, Uber would do much better if their next set of Pros showed more in common with the future of said releases. Examples: LARP'er styled Commando - his "Imagination" is a holo much like the Vet's Ka-Cawl, so Magic Missle and Firewall would look holograpic but still hurt. Sniper is already a CoD/BF styled character (Very Bravado, twitchy, and kind of a jerk), but it would be nice to see something like the TF2 Soldier's persona in SMNC. Disciplined and street smart, but almost aloof with intelligence. (Megabeth kinda has this going on, she's intelligent but her English seems to put words together that are correct even though their usage is questionable.) This is what would make a better parody. Taking traits and creating a living persona that people can get behind, rather then "Hax0r n00b 2008" skin pack which gets outdated and poor taste quickly.
No. Add content that adds to the world, not just for the sake of making fun of people.
I know the Venture Bros usually takes an unaturally long time between seasons and this time seems to be the longest with the least information yet. But I think I understand why now and I'm ok with the wait. They literally just burnt down the location where a vast majority of the show takes place, the compound. All of their backgrounds and production work that they have accumulated for over a decade now is almost all useless. They are having to recreate and redraw a good majority of the Venture Bros universe. And knowing how high resolution they have to cater to and the insane dedication and love Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick have to their show its no doubt how long they've had to take. Just watching the new trailer you can see how much is new and that all had to be created just for this season. I know it may suck only having 8 episodes this season but I think its going to be some of their greatest work. And I think they could only do 8 to get it all out as soon as they could. I bet season 7 will come faster now that they spent so much time recreating their universe. Season 6 is going to be awesome and I never fail to appreciate how much Hammer and Publick are willing to shake up their show, try new things, and develop their characters. Go Team Venture. tl;dr - the show had to redraw all of their backgrounds after burning down the compound and it's taking a long time.
I know the Venture Bros usually takes an unaturally long time between seasons and this time seems to be the longest with the least information yet. But I think I understand why now and I'm ok with the wait. They literally just burnt down the location where a vast majority of the show takes place, the compound. All of their backgrounds and production work that they have accumulated for over a decade now is almost all useless. They are having to recreate and redraw a good majority of the Venture Bros universe. And knowing how high resolution they have to cater to and the insane dedication and love Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick have to their show its no doubt how long they've had to take. Just watching the new trailer you can see how much is new and that all had to be created just for this season. I know it may suck only having 8 episodes this season but I think its going to be some of their greatest work. And I think they could only do 8 to get it all out as soon as they could. I bet season 7 will come faster now that they spent so much time recreating their universe. Season 6 is going to be awesome and I never fail to appreciate how much Hammer and Publick are willing to shake up their show, try new things, and develop their characters. Go Team Venture. tl;dr - the show had to redraw all of their backgrounds after burning down the compound and it's taking a long time.
I know the Venture Bros usually takes an unaturally long time between seasons and this time seems to be the longest with the least information yet. But I think I understand why now and I'm ok with the wait. They literally just burnt down the location where a vast majority of the show takes place, the compound. All of their backgrounds and production work that they have accumulated for over a decade now is almost all useless. They are having to recreate and redraw a good majority of the Venture Bros universe. And knowing how high resolution they have to cater to and the insane dedication and love Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick have to their show its no doubt how long they've had to take. Just watching the new trailer you can see how much is new and that all had to be created just for this season. I know it may suck only having 8 episodes this season but I think its going to be some of their greatest work. And I think they could only do 8 to get it all out as soon as they could. I bet season 7 will come faster now that they spent so much time recreating their universe. Season 6 is going to be awesome and I never fail to appreciate how much Hammer and Publick are willing to shake up their show, try new things, and develop their characters. Go Team Venture.
the show had to redraw all of their backgrounds after burning down the compound and it's taking a long time.
While trying to consolidate my student loans I landed on this site. It looks old, feels old and frankly is just a horrible site. It's so bad I ended up searching to see if it is a legit site before I put my SS# and other information in. The process takes you through multiple loops and it really seems like it could be cleaned up and made more streamlined. My biggest beef was that it only allowed me to 'consolidate' one loan on my initial online application (which I still had to MAIL in two forms). If I wanted to add more I had to fill out a paper application and mail it in with in 180 days. This made no sense to me. I understand that back in the day everything was handled by paper and im a whiny little brat in my mid 20's, but why even have an online application if it cant be done all online. It just confuses people. The consolidation process is already foreign, I think it would be in there benefit to make it simple. Are there any better ways to consolidate student loans that don't use this shitty site?? TLDR: [This government]( owned student loan consolidation site is shit.
While trying to consolidate my student loans I landed on this site. It looks old, feels old and frankly is just a horrible site. It's so bad I ended up searching to see if it is a legit site before I put my SS# and other information in. The process takes you through multiple loops and it really seems like it could be cleaned up and made more streamlined. My biggest beef was that it only allowed me to 'consolidate' one loan on my initial online application (which I still had to MAIL in two forms). If I wanted to add more I had to fill out a paper application and mail it in with in 180 days. This made no sense to me. I understand that back in the day everything was handled by paper and im a whiny little brat in my mid 20's, but why even have an online application if it cant be done all online. It just confuses people. The consolidation process is already foreign, I think it would be in there benefit to make it simple. Are there any better ways to consolidate student loans that don't use this shitty site?? TLDR: [This government]( owned student loan consolidation site is shit.
While trying to consolidate my student loans I landed on this site. It looks old, feels old and frankly is just a horrible site. It's so bad I ended up searching to see if it is a legit site before I put my SS# and other information in. The process takes you through multiple loops and it really seems like it could be cleaned up and made more streamlined. My biggest beef was that it only allowed me to 'consolidate' one loan on my initial online application (which I still had to MAIL in two forms). If I wanted to add more I had to fill out a paper application and mail it in with in 180 days. This made no sense to me. I understand that back in the day everything was handled by paper and im a whiny little brat in my mid 20's, but why even have an online application if it cant be done all online. It just confuses people. The consolidation process is already foreign, I think it would be in there benefit to make it simple. Are there any better ways to consolidate student loans that don't use this shitty site??
This government]( owned student loan consolidation site is shit.
This girl I used to go to school with messaged me on Facebook asking if I remember her (I kind of do but we never talked in school). We talked more and started flirting a little. This has only been going on for about 3 days but I'm pretty socially inept so I don't know when I should ask for her number or when I should ask her out. I'm worried that there is a dating window and that it will close if I don't make a move. I'm also very self conscious about my body right now and I feel like she wouldn't like me if she saw me irl. **tl;dr**: I want to date this girl but I don't know when to ask for her number etc and I am very self conscious. Edit: She hasn't replied to me all day or texted me after I gave her my number and I've seen her online. Maybe I was wrong and she wasn't into me to begin with. Time will tell I guess :(
This girl I used to go to school with messaged me on Facebook asking if I remember her (I kind of do but we never talked in school). We talked more and started flirting a little. This has only been going on for about 3 days but I'm pretty socially inept so I don't know when I should ask for her number or when I should ask her out. I'm worried that there is a dating window and that it will close if I don't make a move. I'm also very self conscious about my body right now and I feel like she wouldn't like me if she saw me irl. tl;dr : I want to date this girl but I don't know when to ask for her number etc and I am very self conscious. Edit: She hasn't replied to me all day or texted me after I gave her my number and I've seen her online. Maybe I was wrong and she wasn't into me to begin with. Time will tell I guess :(
This girl I used to go to school with messaged me on Facebook asking if I remember her (I kind of do but we never talked in school). We talked more and started flirting a little. This has only been going on for about 3 days but I'm pretty socially inept so I don't know when I should ask for her number or when I should ask her out. I'm worried that there is a dating window and that it will close if I don't make a move. I'm also very self conscious about my body right now and I feel like she wouldn't like me if she saw me irl.
I want to date this girl but I don't know when to ask for her number etc and I am very self conscious. Edit: She hasn't replied to me all day or texted me after I gave her my number and I've seen her online. Maybe I was wrong and she wasn't into me to begin with. Time will tell I guess :(
This is probably the best point I have seen. He may not be "The Man," but he can be for a few games here and then. Health issues and consistency issues may plague him but when he is healthy and on he is a game changer who is almost impossible to stop. TL;DR - He's no Montana but he can be a Superstar for a few games here and there.
This is probably the best point I have seen. He may not be "The Man," but he can be for a few games here and then. Health issues and consistency issues may plague him but when he is healthy and on he is a game changer who is almost impossible to stop. TL;DR - He's no Montana but he can be a Superstar for a few games here and there.
This is probably the best point I have seen. He may not be "The Man," but he can be for a few games here and then. Health issues and consistency issues may plague him but when he is healthy and on he is a game changer who is almost impossible to stop.
He's no Montana but he can be a Superstar for a few games here and there.
Fitness is masochistic toil, no matter how you look at it. If you're talking about sport, then winning is the goal, fitness is just a necessary side effect. If you wanna be fit, you have to feel the pain the lack of breath, the itchy body when you start to sweat, the constant desire to stop, thinking that your legs can't hold out, but you won't give in. That is fitness. The rest of your evening isn't being fit, it's recovering from your fitness. Join a gym. Go. Commit yourself. Don't be a bitch. It's good to do hard things in life. You wrote your thesis on quantum mechanics? Irl, nobody cares. It's nice to get a compliment by some meathead I meet. I've been lifting for years. I may not be Arnold schwarzenegger, but that's irrelevant. I'm proud of myself for having achieved that. It transfers over to other skills. Unless I'm feeling depressed, I never procrastinate. Tl;dr: no pain no gain. You learn to love the pain. Life isn't being lived unless your calves are screaming and you feel guilty when you don't go.
Fitness is masochistic toil, no matter how you look at it. If you're talking about sport, then winning is the goal, fitness is just a necessary side effect. If you wanna be fit, you have to feel the pain the lack of breath, the itchy body when you start to sweat, the constant desire to stop, thinking that your legs can't hold out, but you won't give in. That is fitness. The rest of your evening isn't being fit, it's recovering from your fitness. Join a gym. Go. Commit yourself. Don't be a bitch. It's good to do hard things in life. You wrote your thesis on quantum mechanics? Irl, nobody cares. It's nice to get a compliment by some meathead I meet. I've been lifting for years. I may not be Arnold schwarzenegger, but that's irrelevant. I'm proud of myself for having achieved that. It transfers over to other skills. Unless I'm feeling depressed, I never procrastinate. Tl;dr: no pain no gain. You learn to love the pain. Life isn't being lived unless your calves are screaming and you feel guilty when you don't go.
Fitness is masochistic toil, no matter how you look at it. If you're talking about sport, then winning is the goal, fitness is just a necessary side effect. If you wanna be fit, you have to feel the pain the lack of breath, the itchy body when you start to sweat, the constant desire to stop, thinking that your legs can't hold out, but you won't give in. That is fitness. The rest of your evening isn't being fit, it's recovering from your fitness. Join a gym. Go. Commit yourself. Don't be a bitch. It's good to do hard things in life. You wrote your thesis on quantum mechanics? Irl, nobody cares. It's nice to get a compliment by some meathead I meet. I've been lifting for years. I may not be Arnold schwarzenegger, but that's irrelevant. I'm proud of myself for having achieved that. It transfers over to other skills. Unless I'm feeling depressed, I never procrastinate.
no pain no gain. You learn to love the pain. Life isn't being lived unless your calves are screaming and you feel guilty when you don't go.
To preface this post, I'm 15 year old from a small, affluent town in New England. Our town has roughly 10,000 and the current graduating class has 174 kids in it, so it's a pretty small place (news gets around fast. Very Fast). I'm a member of my school's theater program and I've enjoyed it a ridiculous amount thus far (just backstage so far, but I'm auditioning next week) and I've met some of the best (and worst) kinds of people because of it. Anyway, on to the topic at hand. I don't have the opportunity to go to many parties, but when I do they're always the kind where everyone gets drunk/high and crashes at the house. I drink (though have never gotten completely drunk owing to extenuating circumstances, described below) and have considered partaking in trees, but am waiting until after AP testing next year to ~~enjoy myself~~ try it. In my opinion, as long as no one is leaving, I honestly don't see any issue with a kids doing that as long as they don't put anyone else in danger (ie drunk driving). My parents, however, feel a little differently.. My mother grew up in the bible belt in an unbelievably conservative household. I have trouble believing that she drank anything until she was well past the legal age and if you could prove to me that she's ever done drugs, I would be very impressed. My father, the youngest of three, (probably-definitely) partied hard in college and may have done so in high school as well (he grew up in an affluent suburb in New Jersey). They have a strict policy about parties: "Nothing good happens after midnight," so I'm out of the party by 12; 12:30 if I'm lucky I can completely understand where they're coming from, they don't want me out breaking the law with my hoodlum friends, however this philosophy results in me getting cockblocked (lol) and it creates a disconnect between those that "were there" and those that "weren't." It's also a lot of fun that it kinda (really) sucks to miss out on. **TL;DR- Me: Parties=good (sans drunk driving)/Parents: Parties=bad, f*ck you. Me: okay.jpg** Anyways, post where you/your parents stand on it. Also, if any kind redditors actually read my obscenely long block of text, any thoughts on a solution would be lovely.
To preface this post, I'm 15 year old from a small, affluent town in New England. Our town has roughly 10,000 and the current graduating class has 174 kids in it, so it's a pretty small place (news gets around fast. Very Fast). I'm a member of my school's theater program and I've enjoyed it a ridiculous amount thus far (just backstage so far, but I'm auditioning next week) and I've met some of the best (and worst) kinds of people because of it. Anyway, on to the topic at hand. I don't have the opportunity to go to many parties, but when I do they're always the kind where everyone gets drunk/high and crashes at the house. I drink (though have never gotten completely drunk owing to extenuating circumstances, described below) and have considered partaking in trees, but am waiting until after AP testing next year to enjoy myself try it. In my opinion, as long as no one is leaving, I honestly don't see any issue with a kids doing that as long as they don't put anyone else in danger (ie drunk driving). My parents, however, feel a little differently.. My mother grew up in the bible belt in an unbelievably conservative household. I have trouble believing that she drank anything until she was well past the legal age and if you could prove to me that she's ever done drugs, I would be very impressed. My father, the youngest of three, (probably-definitely) partied hard in college and may have done so in high school as well (he grew up in an affluent suburb in New Jersey). They have a strict policy about parties: "Nothing good happens after midnight," so I'm out of the party by 12; 12:30 if I'm lucky I can completely understand where they're coming from, they don't want me out breaking the law with my hoodlum friends, however this philosophy results in me getting cockblocked (lol) and it creates a disconnect between those that "were there" and those that "weren't." It's also a lot of fun that it kinda (really) sucks to miss out on. TL;DR- Me: Parties=good (sans drunk driving)/Parents: Parties=bad, f*ck you. Me: okay.jpg Anyways, post where you/your parents stand on it. Also, if any kind redditors actually read my obscenely long block of text, any thoughts on a solution would be lovely.
To preface this post, I'm 15 year old from a small, affluent town in New England. Our town has roughly 10,000 and the current graduating class has 174 kids in it, so it's a pretty small place (news gets around fast. Very Fast). I'm a member of my school's theater program and I've enjoyed it a ridiculous amount thus far (just backstage so far, but I'm auditioning next week) and I've met some of the best (and worst) kinds of people because of it. Anyway, on to the topic at hand. I don't have the opportunity to go to many parties, but when I do they're always the kind where everyone gets drunk/high and crashes at the house. I drink (though have never gotten completely drunk owing to extenuating circumstances, described below) and have considered partaking in trees, but am waiting until after AP testing next year to enjoy myself try it. In my opinion, as long as no one is leaving, I honestly don't see any issue with a kids doing that as long as they don't put anyone else in danger (ie drunk driving). My parents, however, feel a little differently.. My mother grew up in the bible belt in an unbelievably conservative household. I have trouble believing that she drank anything until she was well past the legal age and if you could prove to me that she's ever done drugs, I would be very impressed. My father, the youngest of three, (probably-definitely) partied hard in college and may have done so in high school as well (he grew up in an affluent suburb in New Jersey). They have a strict policy about parties: "Nothing good happens after midnight," so I'm out of the party by 12; 12:30 if I'm lucky I can completely understand where they're coming from, they don't want me out breaking the law with my hoodlum friends, however this philosophy results in me getting cockblocked (lol) and it creates a disconnect between those that "were there" and those that "weren't." It's also a lot of fun that it kinda (really) sucks to miss out on.
Me: Parties=good (sans drunk driving)/Parents: Parties=bad, f*ck you. Me: okay.jpg Anyways, post where you/your parents stand on it. Also, if any kind redditors actually read my obscenely long block of text, any thoughts on a solution would be lovely.
Backstory: about a week ago I had a life-changing dream. When I say life-changing, I mean that every single day since I had that dream I have been looking at things and doing things differently. In the dream, it was the day that the world was supposed to end. I was hanging out with a friend editing a movie we were making (actually making in real life) and I was like "I have to go", so I gave him a hug, told him "I love you man, you've been a great friend" and left. As I was running, I looked at the sky. Dark, ominous clouds were rolling in from the west. It was so vivid, I can't even believe now that it was just a dream. I was going to see this one girl who I am currently very interested in; I just wanted to see her one more time before the world ended. I had to cross this one bridge to get to her house, but as I was crossing, there were all these people that were crowding it. I called another friend, asking how much longer we all had. "8 minutes," he said. I realized that there wasn't a chance I could get to her house in that amount of time. Strange lightning was coming from the ominous clouds in the sky. I wanted to go home. I wanted to be with my family. I started to run the opposite direction, but knew deep down I would never make it back. With nothing left to lose, no worrying about how others saw me, I shamelessly yelled "I love you all". One man said back, sincerely, "I love you too, man." Then I woke up. Jesus Christ, I have never had a more beautiful awakening. That day, I treated every single moment with everyone as if it was my last. Try it, you truly enjoy the presence of every single soul, you forgive everyone and everything, and you see the good in everyone. Please, try it. So yesterday, I had another mind-opening experience, which was connected to that dream. I had had an extremely stressful day and had plans that night. Before biking over to hang out with my friends, I smoked a quick bowl (the people I was meeting up with don't smoke). We all played beach volleyball, and it was such a simple thing, just playing volleyball, which we all were god awful at. It was so fun. Afterwards, we got ice-cream. There was a moment where I found myself outside of any conversations, and I just looked at the sky (at the time, at a comfortable coming-down [4]). Looking at the sky brought me back to that dream, and I had a real perspective moment. I remembered- *I will die one day, and so will everyone else* and it really made me realize how temporary life really is. It makes life seem like a party, like some away-from-home camp where you meet all these people that you will never see again, so you just have fun with them, forget about shame and worrying about how others see you. Enjoy everyone you interact with. Do what you want in life. Don't hold back on things that you will never have the opportunity to do again in life, regret is an awful feeling. If you've made it this far, major props. Here are some corgis running: **tl;dr Had a dream that the world was ending, made me enjoy life that much more. Life is temporary, don't have regrets, do what you want in life, who gives a shit about what people think of you?**
Backstory: about a week ago I had a life-changing dream. When I say life-changing, I mean that every single day since I had that dream I have been looking at things and doing things differently. In the dream, it was the day that the world was supposed to end. I was hanging out with a friend editing a movie we were making (actually making in real life) and I was like "I have to go", so I gave him a hug, told him "I love you man, you've been a great friend" and left. As I was running, I looked at the sky. Dark, ominous clouds were rolling in from the west. It was so vivid, I can't even believe now that it was just a dream. I was going to see this one girl who I am currently very interested in; I just wanted to see her one more time before the world ended. I had to cross this one bridge to get to her house, but as I was crossing, there were all these people that were crowding it. I called another friend, asking how much longer we all had. "8 minutes," he said. I realized that there wasn't a chance I could get to her house in that amount of time. Strange lightning was coming from the ominous clouds in the sky. I wanted to go home. I wanted to be with my family. I started to run the opposite direction, but knew deep down I would never make it back. With nothing left to lose, no worrying about how others saw me, I shamelessly yelled "I love you all". One man said back, sincerely, "I love you too, man." Then I woke up. Jesus Christ, I have never had a more beautiful awakening. That day, I treated every single moment with everyone as if it was my last. Try it, you truly enjoy the presence of every single soul, you forgive everyone and everything, and you see the good in everyone. Please, try it. So yesterday, I had another mind-opening experience, which was connected to that dream. I had had an extremely stressful day and had plans that night. Before biking over to hang out with my friends, I smoked a quick bowl (the people I was meeting up with don't smoke). We all played beach volleyball, and it was such a simple thing, just playing volleyball, which we all were god awful at. It was so fun. Afterwards, we got ice-cream. There was a moment where I found myself outside of any conversations, and I just looked at the sky (at the time, at a comfortable coming-down [4]). Looking at the sky brought me back to that dream, and I had a real perspective moment. I remembered- I will die one day, and so will everyone else and it really made me realize how temporary life really is. It makes life seem like a party, like some away-from-home camp where you meet all these people that you will never see again, so you just have fun with them, forget about shame and worrying about how others see you. Enjoy everyone you interact with. Do what you want in life. Don't hold back on things that you will never have the opportunity to do again in life, regret is an awful feeling. If you've made it this far, major props. Here are some corgis running: tl;dr Had a dream that the world was ending, made me enjoy life that much more. Life is temporary, don't have regrets, do what you want in life, who gives a shit about what people think of you?
Backstory: about a week ago I had a life-changing dream. When I say life-changing, I mean that every single day since I had that dream I have been looking at things and doing things differently. In the dream, it was the day that the world was supposed to end. I was hanging out with a friend editing a movie we were making (actually making in real life) and I was like "I have to go", so I gave him a hug, told him "I love you man, you've been a great friend" and left. As I was running, I looked at the sky. Dark, ominous clouds were rolling in from the west. It was so vivid, I can't even believe now that it was just a dream. I was going to see this one girl who I am currently very interested in; I just wanted to see her one more time before the world ended. I had to cross this one bridge to get to her house, but as I was crossing, there were all these people that were crowding it. I called another friend, asking how much longer we all had. "8 minutes," he said. I realized that there wasn't a chance I could get to her house in that amount of time. Strange lightning was coming from the ominous clouds in the sky. I wanted to go home. I wanted to be with my family. I started to run the opposite direction, but knew deep down I would never make it back. With nothing left to lose, no worrying about how others saw me, I shamelessly yelled "I love you all". One man said back, sincerely, "I love you too, man." Then I woke up. Jesus Christ, I have never had a more beautiful awakening. That day, I treated every single moment with everyone as if it was my last. Try it, you truly enjoy the presence of every single soul, you forgive everyone and everything, and you see the good in everyone. Please, try it. So yesterday, I had another mind-opening experience, which was connected to that dream. I had had an extremely stressful day and had plans that night. Before biking over to hang out with my friends, I smoked a quick bowl (the people I was meeting up with don't smoke). We all played beach volleyball, and it was such a simple thing, just playing volleyball, which we all were god awful at. It was so fun. Afterwards, we got ice-cream. There was a moment where I found myself outside of any conversations, and I just looked at the sky (at the time, at a comfortable coming-down [4]). Looking at the sky brought me back to that dream, and I had a real perspective moment. I remembered- I will die one day, and so will everyone else and it really made me realize how temporary life really is. It makes life seem like a party, like some away-from-home camp where you meet all these people that you will never see again, so you just have fun with them, forget about shame and worrying about how others see you. Enjoy everyone you interact with. Do what you want in life. Don't hold back on things that you will never have the opportunity to do again in life, regret is an awful feeling. If you've made it this far, major props. Here are some corgis running:
Had a dream that the world was ending, made me enjoy life that much more. Life is temporary, don't have regrets, do what you want in life, who gives a shit about what people think of you?
Never changed my play. Had guardians out of state, out of country. Found a cell with basically 0 ENL score for 6 months prior. TL;DR- I got lucky.
Never changed my play. Had guardians out of state, out of country. Found a cell with basically 0 ENL score for 6 months prior. TL;DR- I got lucky.
Never changed my play. Had guardians out of state, out of country. Found a cell with basically 0 ENL score for 6 months prior.
I got lucky.
But you got the greatest TL;DR out of it ever.
But you got the greatest TL;DR out of it ever.
But you got the greatest
out of it ever.
So, this isn't as much a question as it is a silly, kind of embarrassing realization. My boyfriend taught me how to ride about five years ago and told me to just go with whatever stance felt most natural. I guess you could say I defaulted to regular. As a woman who had never skated or did any board sports, I sucked at snowboarding for a long time. Once I learned how to actually make it down the mountain, and quickly, I got complacent and thus didn't actually learn my toe edge until a couple seasons later. I've recently moved from Phoenix to So-Cal and upped my game considerably now that my home mountains are Snow Summit and Bear. Two weeks ago I owned a double black for the first time without taking the easy way out and plowing. Naturally I start feeling like a boss. I tell the boyfriend I want to start trying out my skills in the park and he tells me I should work on holding a straight line rather than riding so quickly from toe to heel so that I don't slip out on boxes and such. For some reason I'd never been able feel comfortable staying completely parallel to the mountain riding regular. So I tried it goofy. I was able to stay balanced without going to toe or heel for quite a while when it dawned on me: I'm effing goofy. I always have been. All the years I'd struggled to truly learn how to ride came down to that very basic, seemingly obvious error. How the hell did this happen? What sucks is that I now have to learn my toe edge all over again. I feel so silly and a little defeated. Boyfriend, king of the silver lining (bless his heart), tells me I should be happy because once I get my toe side down again, I'll already have mastered riding switch. Any advice for me? I'd like to believe I'm not the only one who's gone through this. Thanks for letting me rant in my first ever post on reddit. tl;dr: I'm a dummy and have been riding the wrong way for five years. What do I do?
So, this isn't as much a question as it is a silly, kind of embarrassing realization. My boyfriend taught me how to ride about five years ago and told me to just go with whatever stance felt most natural. I guess you could say I defaulted to regular. As a woman who had never skated or did any board sports, I sucked at snowboarding for a long time. Once I learned how to actually make it down the mountain, and quickly, I got complacent and thus didn't actually learn my toe edge until a couple seasons later. I've recently moved from Phoenix to So-Cal and upped my game considerably now that my home mountains are Snow Summit and Bear. Two weeks ago I owned a double black for the first time without taking the easy way out and plowing. Naturally I start feeling like a boss. I tell the boyfriend I want to start trying out my skills in the park and he tells me I should work on holding a straight line rather than riding so quickly from toe to heel so that I don't slip out on boxes and such. For some reason I'd never been able feel comfortable staying completely parallel to the mountain riding regular. So I tried it goofy. I was able to stay balanced without going to toe or heel for quite a while when it dawned on me: I'm effing goofy. I always have been. All the years I'd struggled to truly learn how to ride came down to that very basic, seemingly obvious error. How the hell did this happen? What sucks is that I now have to learn my toe edge all over again. I feel so silly and a little defeated. Boyfriend, king of the silver lining (bless his heart), tells me I should be happy because once I get my toe side down again, I'll already have mastered riding switch. Any advice for me? I'd like to believe I'm not the only one who's gone through this. Thanks for letting me rant in my first ever post on reddit. tl;dr: I'm a dummy and have been riding the wrong way for five years. What do I do?
So, this isn't as much a question as it is a silly, kind of embarrassing realization. My boyfriend taught me how to ride about five years ago and told me to just go with whatever stance felt most natural. I guess you could say I defaulted to regular. As a woman who had never skated or did any board sports, I sucked at snowboarding for a long time. Once I learned how to actually make it down the mountain, and quickly, I got complacent and thus didn't actually learn my toe edge until a couple seasons later. I've recently moved from Phoenix to So-Cal and upped my game considerably now that my home mountains are Snow Summit and Bear. Two weeks ago I owned a double black for the first time without taking the easy way out and plowing. Naturally I start feeling like a boss. I tell the boyfriend I want to start trying out my skills in the park and he tells me I should work on holding a straight line rather than riding so quickly from toe to heel so that I don't slip out on boxes and such. For some reason I'd never been able feel comfortable staying completely parallel to the mountain riding regular. So I tried it goofy. I was able to stay balanced without going to toe or heel for quite a while when it dawned on me: I'm effing goofy. I always have been. All the years I'd struggled to truly learn how to ride came down to that very basic, seemingly obvious error. How the hell did this happen? What sucks is that I now have to learn my toe edge all over again. I feel so silly and a little defeated. Boyfriend, king of the silver lining (bless his heart), tells me I should be happy because once I get my toe side down again, I'll already have mastered riding switch. Any advice for me? I'd like to believe I'm not the only one who's gone through this. Thanks for letting me rant in my first ever post on reddit.
I'm a dummy and have been riding the wrong way for five years. What do I do?
I (Male 18 at the time) met this incredible woman a year ago on may 25 (Female at the time 18). Ever since that day, I have thought about her day and night. We started dating 20 days later. Unfortunately, she had to go to college in New York 2 months later and we decided to give it a go. We've been doing long distance pretty much the whole year. I've been over there two times and she's been here couple of times due to spring break, winter break, ect. Everything was perfect. I never thought I could love a girl as much as her. She started to distance herself from me about 3 months ago. So I decided to give her a surprise visit in New York (I've already went once for her birthday on October). She called me about a week after I booked the flights and told me that she needed some space. I had a huge panic attack. I was contemplating on telling her if a was going over there or wait and surprise her. I decided to tell her. The mini break was pretty much over. When I went over there is was no doubt the most amazing time I've had in my life. I will always remember those 3 days. Afterwards everything went back to normal. Skype calls pretty much every day and texts every day. Ever since that day she almost broke up with me, I've been scared. Scared that she would have those feelings again. I was right. About 1.5 - 2 months ago, I started to feel her pull away from me again, slowly. I talked to her about this, but she said that finals and her grades were putting a lot of stress on her, and I understood that, since she was going to Barnard, a subdivision of Columbia University, and the semester was coming to an end. As time passed, Skype calls started to decrease, text messages started becoming drier and drier. I again tried to talk to her about it but she insisted that it was her stress about college. Also, it was about a month away from summer, which ment we were going to be together for 4 months! A moment I've been waiting for all year. I picked her up from the airport on the 15th (8 days ago) and I felt something wrong. On the drive back, she started mentioning that I have been being a bit of a pushover, and I have to agree. I've been trying my best to keep this relationship alive, sometimes not expressing myself fully to avoid a fight. But I've always had a problem with this, since my mother is super strict and I have always been afraid of making mistakes. She said that if she keeps feeling that she is over powering me, she doesn't know if we would do it. I reassured her that I will do my best to be straightforward and not hide anything to avoid a fight. I took her home and everything seemed to be fine. The following day, we went to a party. She was so damn beautiful. I missed her so much. During the party, we sat and talked about what happened the previous day. I felt that I connected with her again. But then, something strange happend, she said that this summer, she needed to fall in love with me again. I paused and asked her if she was in love with me. She said yes yes yes of course, but she just needed to connect with me again. She also told me that she doesn't think she can do another year of long distance. In the past, I've planned to transfer to New York, but it's extremely hard due to its costs. In the end, it was a successful conversation. I tried not to get too emotional, but I was confident that we were starting to fix the damage long distance has done. We have a whole four months! Anyways, after the party we went to my house and had the most amazing sex. I was so happy. I held her as we cuddled and began to feel a warm feeling inside, something I haven't felt in a while due to all this disconnecting. The following day we talked and she wanted to make sure everything was fine after the talk we had. Everything seemed to be going back to normal. I let all my emotions out, telling her how I've been feeling and that she was everything to me. Talking the past few days with her was incredible, but things changed very quickly. Fast forward to Tuesday (4 days ago). She started being dry again. She wanted to come over to watch a movie, like we always did when she come from New York. I noticed some strange things. Instead of me picking her up like always, she wanted to come in her dad's car. Strange. This was she first thought of "is she going to break up with me and avoid an awkward car ride home?" But I shook it off. When she come, she wanted to go on a walk. Every more concerning. That walk was the weirdest walk we have ever had. She seemed stage, and didn't hold me hand. But nothing happend. We watched a show afterwards and she just paid attention to that. No talking. Few episodes later, she had to leave. She kissed me and started walking towards the door. I stood up. She never does this. I always take her to her car (if she brings a car or is getting picked up). I stood up and walked her to the door. We kissed for a while and she left. She didn't say I love you, like she always did. From that night, things went downhill fast. The next day I wanted to talk to her but she had something with a friend. I needed to talk to her in person. Anyways, for a while now we have been planning to go to my sister's show for her birthday (May 21st, 2 days ago). I had a tennis match that day and told her that there is a possibility of not going, but I decided that I needed to talk to her and watch my sister's rehearsal (it was her birthday!) I called her that morning and told her I defaulted my match and if she wanted to go to the rehearsal. She said that she might go, cause she panned something with a friend, but she'll try to cancel. Again, conversation ending with me saying I love you and her hanging up. Couple of hours later, she texted me asking if I was home and wanted to pass by. My heart stopped. I knew exactly what was going to happend. I opened the door and she was in tears. She said that it didn't feel the same anymore and she couldn't keep on with it. I asked her if there was someone else included and she said no. I cried on the floor for a while and then she stood me up, looked at me, and said that I will find someone that appreciates me. I cried even harder and she hugged me. She said if I was ready to be friends, to text her. And left. I've been crying non stop for the past few days, eating barely nothing. It is the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life. I just cried and cried and wanted to do nothing with my life. I haven't been able to do anything. I have this memory box things I've collected from our relationship. I can't stop looking at it. Movie tickets, plane tickets, birthday cards, cork from wine bottles. I can't stand it. Many friends have told me that she would come back and talk again, since she if going to be here another 4 whole months. The time perfect time to finally reconnect with her is now ruined. It's been hell for me these past few days. All day, I've been waiting for her message. Hoping she would feel what I'm feeling and regret the break. In a few days, it's going to the day I met her last year. I remember that night we looked at the stars and tried to name them with an application I had. The only star we got was Arcturus. Since then it has been our star. On that day, I'm going to put a snapshot of the location of the star in Snapchat, I know that as soon as she sees it, she will remember the day we met. I don't know is this is a good idea. I'm sorry writing so damn much. It's a way to vent out I suppose. I need some advice on what to do to. Everyone has told me going out and being with friends and family. It works, but when I'm alone, it's a pain I can't bear. TL;DR; My long distance girlfriend of almost a year broke up with me when she came back for summer, and I'm the worst pain I've ever felt in my life.
I (Male 18 at the time) met this incredible woman a year ago on may 25 (Female at the time 18). Ever since that day, I have thought about her day and night. We started dating 20 days later. Unfortunately, she had to go to college in New York 2 months later and we decided to give it a go. We've been doing long distance pretty much the whole year. I've been over there two times and she's been here couple of times due to spring break, winter break, ect. Everything was perfect. I never thought I could love a girl as much as her. She started to distance herself from me about 3 months ago. So I decided to give her a surprise visit in New York (I've already went once for her birthday on October). She called me about a week after I booked the flights and told me that she needed some space. I had a huge panic attack. I was contemplating on telling her if a was going over there or wait and surprise her. I decided to tell her. The mini break was pretty much over. When I went over there is was no doubt the most amazing time I've had in my life. I will always remember those 3 days. Afterwards everything went back to normal. Skype calls pretty much every day and texts every day. Ever since that day she almost broke up with me, I've been scared. Scared that she would have those feelings again. I was right. About 1.5 - 2 months ago, I started to feel her pull away from me again, slowly. I talked to her about this, but she said that finals and her grades were putting a lot of stress on her, and I understood that, since she was going to Barnard, a subdivision of Columbia University, and the semester was coming to an end. As time passed, Skype calls started to decrease, text messages started becoming drier and drier. I again tried to talk to her about it but she insisted that it was her stress about college. Also, it was about a month away from summer, which ment we were going to be together for 4 months! A moment I've been waiting for all year. I picked her up from the airport on the 15th (8 days ago) and I felt something wrong. On the drive back, she started mentioning that I have been being a bit of a pushover, and I have to agree. I've been trying my best to keep this relationship alive, sometimes not expressing myself fully to avoid a fight. But I've always had a problem with this, since my mother is super strict and I have always been afraid of making mistakes. She said that if she keeps feeling that she is over powering me, she doesn't know if we would do it. I reassured her that I will do my best to be straightforward and not hide anything to avoid a fight. I took her home and everything seemed to be fine. The following day, we went to a party. She was so damn beautiful. I missed her so much. During the party, we sat and talked about what happened the previous day. I felt that I connected with her again. But then, something strange happend, she said that this summer, she needed to fall in love with me again. I paused and asked her if she was in love with me. She said yes yes yes of course, but she just needed to connect with me again. She also told me that she doesn't think she can do another year of long distance. In the past, I've planned to transfer to New York, but it's extremely hard due to its costs. In the end, it was a successful conversation. I tried not to get too emotional, but I was confident that we were starting to fix the damage long distance has done. We have a whole four months! Anyways, after the party we went to my house and had the most amazing sex. I was so happy. I held her as we cuddled and began to feel a warm feeling inside, something I haven't felt in a while due to all this disconnecting. The following day we talked and she wanted to make sure everything was fine after the talk we had. Everything seemed to be going back to normal. I let all my emotions out, telling her how I've been feeling and that she was everything to me. Talking the past few days with her was incredible, but things changed very quickly. Fast forward to Tuesday (4 days ago). She started being dry again. She wanted to come over to watch a movie, like we always did when she come from New York. I noticed some strange things. Instead of me picking her up like always, she wanted to come in her dad's car. Strange. This was she first thought of "is she going to break up with me and avoid an awkward car ride home?" But I shook it off. When she come, she wanted to go on a walk. Every more concerning. That walk was the weirdest walk we have ever had. She seemed stage, and didn't hold me hand. But nothing happend. We watched a show afterwards and she just paid attention to that. No talking. Few episodes later, she had to leave. She kissed me and started walking towards the door. I stood up. She never does this. I always take her to her car (if she brings a car or is getting picked up). I stood up and walked her to the door. We kissed for a while and she left. She didn't say I love you, like she always did. From that night, things went downhill fast. The next day I wanted to talk to her but she had something with a friend. I needed to talk to her in person. Anyways, for a while now we have been planning to go to my sister's show for her birthday (May 21st, 2 days ago). I had a tennis match that day and told her that there is a possibility of not going, but I decided that I needed to talk to her and watch my sister's rehearsal (it was her birthday!) I called her that morning and told her I defaulted my match and if she wanted to go to the rehearsal. She said that she might go, cause she panned something with a friend, but she'll try to cancel. Again, conversation ending with me saying I love you and her hanging up. Couple of hours later, she texted me asking if I was home and wanted to pass by. My heart stopped. I knew exactly what was going to happend. I opened the door and she was in tears. She said that it didn't feel the same anymore and she couldn't keep on with it. I asked her if there was someone else included and she said no. I cried on the floor for a while and then she stood me up, looked at me, and said that I will find someone that appreciates me. I cried even harder and she hugged me. She said if I was ready to be friends, to text her. And left. I've been crying non stop for the past few days, eating barely nothing. It is the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life. I just cried and cried and wanted to do nothing with my life. I haven't been able to do anything. I have this memory box things I've collected from our relationship. I can't stop looking at it. Movie tickets, plane tickets, birthday cards, cork from wine bottles. I can't stand it. Many friends have told me that she would come back and talk again, since she if going to be here another 4 whole months. The time perfect time to finally reconnect with her is now ruined. It's been hell for me these past few days. All day, I've been waiting for her message. Hoping she would feel what I'm feeling and regret the break. In a few days, it's going to the day I met her last year. I remember that night we looked at the stars and tried to name them with an application I had. The only star we got was Arcturus. Since then it has been our star. On that day, I'm going to put a snapshot of the location of the star in Snapchat, I know that as soon as she sees it, she will remember the day we met. I don't know is this is a good idea. I'm sorry writing so damn much. It's a way to vent out I suppose. I need some advice on what to do to. Everyone has told me going out and being with friends and family. It works, but when I'm alone, it's a pain I can't bear. TL;DR; My long distance girlfriend of almost a year broke up with me when she came back for summer, and I'm the worst pain I've ever felt in my life.
I (Male 18 at the time) met this incredible woman a year ago on may 25 (Female at the time 18). Ever since that day, I have thought about her day and night. We started dating 20 days later. Unfortunately, she had to go to college in New York 2 months later and we decided to give it a go. We've been doing long distance pretty much the whole year. I've been over there two times and she's been here couple of times due to spring break, winter break, ect. Everything was perfect. I never thought I could love a girl as much as her. She started to distance herself from me about 3 months ago. So I decided to give her a surprise visit in New York (I've already went once for her birthday on October). She called me about a week after I booked the flights and told me that she needed some space. I had a huge panic attack. I was contemplating on telling her if a was going over there or wait and surprise her. I decided to tell her. The mini break was pretty much over. When I went over there is was no doubt the most amazing time I've had in my life. I will always remember those 3 days. Afterwards everything went back to normal. Skype calls pretty much every day and texts every day. Ever since that day she almost broke up with me, I've been scared. Scared that she would have those feelings again. I was right. About 1.5 - 2 months ago, I started to feel her pull away from me again, slowly. I talked to her about this, but she said that finals and her grades were putting a lot of stress on her, and I understood that, since she was going to Barnard, a subdivision of Columbia University, and the semester was coming to an end. As time passed, Skype calls started to decrease, text messages started becoming drier and drier. I again tried to talk to her about it but she insisted that it was her stress about college. Also, it was about a month away from summer, which ment we were going to be together for 4 months! A moment I've been waiting for all year. I picked her up from the airport on the 15th (8 days ago) and I felt something wrong. On the drive back, she started mentioning that I have been being a bit of a pushover, and I have to agree. I've been trying my best to keep this relationship alive, sometimes not expressing myself fully to avoid a fight. But I've always had a problem with this, since my mother is super strict and I have always been afraid of making mistakes. She said that if she keeps feeling that she is over powering me, she doesn't know if we would do it. I reassured her that I will do my best to be straightforward and not hide anything to avoid a fight. I took her home and everything seemed to be fine. The following day, we went to a party. She was so damn beautiful. I missed her so much. During the party, we sat and talked about what happened the previous day. I felt that I connected with her again. But then, something strange happend, she said that this summer, she needed to fall in love with me again. I paused and asked her if she was in love with me. She said yes yes yes of course, but she just needed to connect with me again. She also told me that she doesn't think she can do another year of long distance. In the past, I've planned to transfer to New York, but it's extremely hard due to its costs. In the end, it was a successful conversation. I tried not to get too emotional, but I was confident that we were starting to fix the damage long distance has done. We have a whole four months! Anyways, after the party we went to my house and had the most amazing sex. I was so happy. I held her as we cuddled and began to feel a warm feeling inside, something I haven't felt in a while due to all this disconnecting. The following day we talked and she wanted to make sure everything was fine after the talk we had. Everything seemed to be going back to normal. I let all my emotions out, telling her how I've been feeling and that she was everything to me. Talking the past few days with her was incredible, but things changed very quickly. Fast forward to Tuesday (4 days ago). She started being dry again. She wanted to come over to watch a movie, like we always did when she come from New York. I noticed some strange things. Instead of me picking her up like always, she wanted to come in her dad's car. Strange. This was she first thought of "is she going to break up with me and avoid an awkward car ride home?" But I shook it off. When she come, she wanted to go on a walk. Every more concerning. That walk was the weirdest walk we have ever had. She seemed stage, and didn't hold me hand. But nothing happend. We watched a show afterwards and she just paid attention to that. No talking. Few episodes later, she had to leave. She kissed me and started walking towards the door. I stood up. She never does this. I always take her to her car (if she brings a car or is getting picked up). I stood up and walked her to the door. We kissed for a while and she left. She didn't say I love you, like she always did. From that night, things went downhill fast. The next day I wanted to talk to her but she had something with a friend. I needed to talk to her in person. Anyways, for a while now we have been planning to go to my sister's show for her birthday (May 21st, 2 days ago). I had a tennis match that day and told her that there is a possibility of not going, but I decided that I needed to talk to her and watch my sister's rehearsal (it was her birthday!) I called her that morning and told her I defaulted my match and if she wanted to go to the rehearsal. She said that she might go, cause she panned something with a friend, but she'll try to cancel. Again, conversation ending with me saying I love you and her hanging up. Couple of hours later, she texted me asking if I was home and wanted to pass by. My heart stopped. I knew exactly what was going to happend. I opened the door and she was in tears. She said that it didn't feel the same anymore and she couldn't keep on with it. I asked her if there was someone else included and she said no. I cried on the floor for a while and then she stood me up, looked at me, and said that I will find someone that appreciates me. I cried even harder and she hugged me. She said if I was ready to be friends, to text her. And left. I've been crying non stop for the past few days, eating barely nothing. It is the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life. I just cried and cried and wanted to do nothing with my life. I haven't been able to do anything. I have this memory box things I've collected from our relationship. I can't stop looking at it. Movie tickets, plane tickets, birthday cards, cork from wine bottles. I can't stand it. Many friends have told me that she would come back and talk again, since she if going to be here another 4 whole months. The time perfect time to finally reconnect with her is now ruined. It's been hell for me these past few days. All day, I've been waiting for her message. Hoping she would feel what I'm feeling and regret the break. In a few days, it's going to the day I met her last year. I remember that night we looked at the stars and tried to name them with an application I had. The only star we got was Arcturus. Since then it has been our star. On that day, I'm going to put a snapshot of the location of the star in Snapchat, I know that as soon as she sees it, she will remember the day we met. I don't know is this is a good idea. I'm sorry writing so damn much. It's a way to vent out I suppose. I need some advice on what to do to. Everyone has told me going out and being with friends and family. It works, but when I'm alone, it's a pain I can't bear.
My long distance girlfriend of almost a year broke up with me when she came back for summer, and I'm the worst pain I've ever felt in my life.
Sorry for short notice, but I'd like to ask you guys to participate in the first of many monthly PM Wifi and Netplay tournaments. **TL:DR** [Offical Hypest Reddit Post]( [Wifi Bracket & Regristration]( [Wifi IRC Chat]( [Netplay Registration and Bracket]( [Netplay IRC Chat]( (Idk if working right now though.)
Sorry for short notice, but I'd like to ask you guys to participate in the first of many monthly PM Wifi and Netplay tournaments. TL:DR [Offical Hypest Reddit Post]( [Wifi Bracket & Regristration]( [Wifi IRC Chat]( [Netplay Registration and Bracket]( Netplay IRC Chat
Sorry for short notice, but I'd like to ask you guys to participate in the first of many monthly PM Wifi and Netplay tournaments.
Offical Hypest Reddit Post]( [Wifi Bracket & Regristration]( [Wifi IRC Chat]( [Netplay Registration and Bracket]( Netplay IRC Chat
My friend, let's call him Steven, and I have been best friends for the past 3 years now. We started off as close buddies and progressively became closer as we hung out more and more often. For about the last 6 months, I've been attending the same academy as he was. After preparing for the big test with him at the academy, I aced the test, and graduated; ultimately leaving him behind. (Note: Just if it makes it more clear, I was studying the SAT2 Math Level 2C Exam). Ever since I've left the academy, I've had less time to hang around with him. As a junior in high school, I have a lot more responsibilities than I did back as a freshman. I understand that time away from him makes it hard to be as close as we were, but I feel that I'm falling further away from him. Of course there are a lot more factors, but I'll explain that as thoroughly as possible throughout this submission. First off, I'd like to clarify that even as close friends, we've had some pretty nasty fights. They weren't such a big deal actually; until this school year. I have a tendency to cut contact briefly when arguing because if I feel that the topic is pointless, there is no need to ruin the relationship. Steven is not the brightest person on the planet. Even though I'd love him till death (no homo), we have silly arguments. For example, maybe if we were talking about the Marvel Universe, we'd argue about the theories regarding the uncertainties in it. Of course the arguments were more realistic (it's just that I can't think of one off the top of my head). I would provide evidence and logic behind my arguments while he would just throw out his thoughts to me without justifying them. Now, I don't have a problem with that; I respect the opinions of others. The problem I have with Steven is that he will get emotionally attached and start yelling. If I had to describe out relationship, he's the muscle and I'm the brain. He has his leverage by raising his voice. I believe in being rational and giving everyone a chance, so when I try to argue my point, he won't let me. That's what makes me mad; just as I respect your opinion and your time to speak, I should be given the same opportunity and respect. The biggest problem with these arguments were that they got out of hand. The first instance was at one of my classes. We were given the task of making a picture book where the picture was in the front and the words for it were on the back. By design, it was supposed to have many pages meaning that the description for the photos needed to be 1 step ahead of the photos so that when putting the page at the back, the correct text could be read. However, I made a mistake when building this with my friend and he got frustrated with me. He sighed, clearly annoyed, and I tired of bottling in erupted. It made a scene with some unnecessary vulgar words on both sides and an audience. Of course, he and I weren't super serious, it was just another one of our fights for us, but the crowd mistook it. I got a lot of backlash for being emotional and overreacting. I tend to have a loud voice, so I can see how easily it could be for me to look like the bad guy. But to be brutally honest, I have a gut feeling that Steven changed the story when asked; but I can excuse that since he probably just wanted to save face. Now the issue I have with this is that people saw me as someone who overreacted quickly. It can be more accurately described by the Korean word "삐졌어." I have no clue as to how I can translate this word accurately into English as I am unfamiliar with the direct translation. Basically it means that I'm "being a baby," for the lack of better words. Now this word is also used when I refuse to talk to the person I'm arguing with to prevent further collateral damage. However, now even that is viewed as being like a kid in the eyes of my peers. The next big factor that I see is when I helped Steven get a girlfriend. Steven told me about this girl he really liked so naturally, I did my research. Turns out the girl he likes, let's call her Sally, likes him too! Just like all good friends do, her best friend immediately started talking to me, and we began to formulate a ship (if you catch my drift). So everything was going nicely and it seemed that the day Steven was going to ask Sally out was the day of my birthday. What better birthday present than seeing your best friend find a girl! But the day before the big day was going to happen, Sally figured out that her friend and I had been talking behind their back about this. Sally was cool about this, but thought it would be good to mention this to Steven. Steven suddenly blew up at me on Facebook and began to furious about why I was talking to her best friend behind his back. He said he knew but really just didn't want to say anything. At that point, I had no idea what was going on and was quite confused. It turned out that Sally had seen her friend's phone when her friend had left it out by accident. Somehow, Steven connected that Sally didn't want to be in a relationship because of the talking I had done with her friend. I figured this out later, but Sally wasn't ready to be in a relationship. She told this to me personally and asked me to kindly tell Steven. What I've concluded is that Sally told Steven about her friend talking to me AND how she didn't want to be in a relationship. This must've made Steven think that it was because of the talking. As a result, Steven blamed me for not being able to get with Sally. He cooled down eventually, but he was very rude to me that day. And as a good friend, I took it since I understood that he couldn't be thinking straight. Deep down I was hoping that Steven would apologize sooner or later but it never happened. Now that school has started again after winter break, I've felt more distant and depressed. I've felt negative recently and wished I could have more friends. The fun, friends have together seemed to be more apparent. Please help me reddit! **tl;dr**: Had some arguments with my friends...snowballed into a fall out.
My friend, let's call him Steven, and I have been best friends for the past 3 years now. We started off as close buddies and progressively became closer as we hung out more and more often. For about the last 6 months, I've been attending the same academy as he was. After preparing for the big test with him at the academy, I aced the test, and graduated; ultimately leaving him behind. (Note: Just if it makes it more clear, I was studying the SAT2 Math Level 2C Exam). Ever since I've left the academy, I've had less time to hang around with him. As a junior in high school, I have a lot more responsibilities than I did back as a freshman. I understand that time away from him makes it hard to be as close as we were, but I feel that I'm falling further away from him. Of course there are a lot more factors, but I'll explain that as thoroughly as possible throughout this submission. First off, I'd like to clarify that even as close friends, we've had some pretty nasty fights. They weren't such a big deal actually; until this school year. I have a tendency to cut contact briefly when arguing because if I feel that the topic is pointless, there is no need to ruin the relationship. Steven is not the brightest person on the planet. Even though I'd love him till death (no homo), we have silly arguments. For example, maybe if we were talking about the Marvel Universe, we'd argue about the theories regarding the uncertainties in it. Of course the arguments were more realistic (it's just that I can't think of one off the top of my head). I would provide evidence and logic behind my arguments while he would just throw out his thoughts to me without justifying them. Now, I don't have a problem with that; I respect the opinions of others. The problem I have with Steven is that he will get emotionally attached and start yelling. If I had to describe out relationship, he's the muscle and I'm the brain. He has his leverage by raising his voice. I believe in being rational and giving everyone a chance, so when I try to argue my point, he won't let me. That's what makes me mad; just as I respect your opinion and your time to speak, I should be given the same opportunity and respect. The biggest problem with these arguments were that they got out of hand. The first instance was at one of my classes. We were given the task of making a picture book where the picture was in the front and the words for it were on the back. By design, it was supposed to have many pages meaning that the description for the photos needed to be 1 step ahead of the photos so that when putting the page at the back, the correct text could be read. However, I made a mistake when building this with my friend and he got frustrated with me. He sighed, clearly annoyed, and I tired of bottling in erupted. It made a scene with some unnecessary vulgar words on both sides and an audience. Of course, he and I weren't super serious, it was just another one of our fights for us, but the crowd mistook it. I got a lot of backlash for being emotional and overreacting. I tend to have a loud voice, so I can see how easily it could be for me to look like the bad guy. But to be brutally honest, I have a gut feeling that Steven changed the story when asked; but I can excuse that since he probably just wanted to save face. Now the issue I have with this is that people saw me as someone who overreacted quickly. It can be more accurately described by the Korean word "삐졌어." I have no clue as to how I can translate this word accurately into English as I am unfamiliar with the direct translation. Basically it means that I'm "being a baby," for the lack of better words. Now this word is also used when I refuse to talk to the person I'm arguing with to prevent further collateral damage. However, now even that is viewed as being like a kid in the eyes of my peers. The next big factor that I see is when I helped Steven get a girlfriend. Steven told me about this girl he really liked so naturally, I did my research. Turns out the girl he likes, let's call her Sally, likes him too! Just like all good friends do, her best friend immediately started talking to me, and we began to formulate a ship (if you catch my drift). So everything was going nicely and it seemed that the day Steven was going to ask Sally out was the day of my birthday. What better birthday present than seeing your best friend find a girl! But the day before the big day was going to happen, Sally figured out that her friend and I had been talking behind their back about this. Sally was cool about this, but thought it would be good to mention this to Steven. Steven suddenly blew up at me on Facebook and began to furious about why I was talking to her best friend behind his back. He said he knew but really just didn't want to say anything. At that point, I had no idea what was going on and was quite confused. It turned out that Sally had seen her friend's phone when her friend had left it out by accident. Somehow, Steven connected that Sally didn't want to be in a relationship because of the talking I had done with her friend. I figured this out later, but Sally wasn't ready to be in a relationship. She told this to me personally and asked me to kindly tell Steven. What I've concluded is that Sally told Steven about her friend talking to me AND how she didn't want to be in a relationship. This must've made Steven think that it was because of the talking. As a result, Steven blamed me for not being able to get with Sally. He cooled down eventually, but he was very rude to me that day. And as a good friend, I took it since I understood that he couldn't be thinking straight. Deep down I was hoping that Steven would apologize sooner or later but it never happened. Now that school has started again after winter break, I've felt more distant and depressed. I've felt negative recently and wished I could have more friends. The fun, friends have together seemed to be more apparent. Please help me reddit! tl;dr : Had some arguments with my friends...snowballed into a fall out.
My friend, let's call him Steven, and I have been best friends for the past 3 years now. We started off as close buddies and progressively became closer as we hung out more and more often. For about the last 6 months, I've been attending the same academy as he was. After preparing for the big test with him at the academy, I aced the test, and graduated; ultimately leaving him behind. (Note: Just if it makes it more clear, I was studying the SAT2 Math Level 2C Exam). Ever since I've left the academy, I've had less time to hang around with him. As a junior in high school, I have a lot more responsibilities than I did back as a freshman. I understand that time away from him makes it hard to be as close as we were, but I feel that I'm falling further away from him. Of course there are a lot more factors, but I'll explain that as thoroughly as possible throughout this submission. First off, I'd like to clarify that even as close friends, we've had some pretty nasty fights. They weren't such a big deal actually; until this school year. I have a tendency to cut contact briefly when arguing because if I feel that the topic is pointless, there is no need to ruin the relationship. Steven is not the brightest person on the planet. Even though I'd love him till death (no homo), we have silly arguments. For example, maybe if we were talking about the Marvel Universe, we'd argue about the theories regarding the uncertainties in it. Of course the arguments were more realistic (it's just that I can't think of one off the top of my head). I would provide evidence and logic behind my arguments while he would just throw out his thoughts to me without justifying them. Now, I don't have a problem with that; I respect the opinions of others. The problem I have with Steven is that he will get emotionally attached and start yelling. If I had to describe out relationship, he's the muscle and I'm the brain. He has his leverage by raising his voice. I believe in being rational and giving everyone a chance, so when I try to argue my point, he won't let me. That's what makes me mad; just as I respect your opinion and your time to speak, I should be given the same opportunity and respect. The biggest problem with these arguments were that they got out of hand. The first instance was at one of my classes. We were given the task of making a picture book where the picture was in the front and the words for it were on the back. By design, it was supposed to have many pages meaning that the description for the photos needed to be 1 step ahead of the photos so that when putting the page at the back, the correct text could be read. However, I made a mistake when building this with my friend and he got frustrated with me. He sighed, clearly annoyed, and I tired of bottling in erupted. It made a scene with some unnecessary vulgar words on both sides and an audience. Of course, he and I weren't super serious, it was just another one of our fights for us, but the crowd mistook it. I got a lot of backlash for being emotional and overreacting. I tend to have a loud voice, so I can see how easily it could be for me to look like the bad guy. But to be brutally honest, I have a gut feeling that Steven changed the story when asked; but I can excuse that since he probably just wanted to save face. Now the issue I have with this is that people saw me as someone who overreacted quickly. It can be more accurately described by the Korean word "삐졌어." I have no clue as to how I can translate this word accurately into English as I am unfamiliar with the direct translation. Basically it means that I'm "being a baby," for the lack of better words. Now this word is also used when I refuse to talk to the person I'm arguing with to prevent further collateral damage. However, now even that is viewed as being like a kid in the eyes of my peers. The next big factor that I see is when I helped Steven get a girlfriend. Steven told me about this girl he really liked so naturally, I did my research. Turns out the girl he likes, let's call her Sally, likes him too! Just like all good friends do, her best friend immediately started talking to me, and we began to formulate a ship (if you catch my drift). So everything was going nicely and it seemed that the day Steven was going to ask Sally out was the day of my birthday. What better birthday present than seeing your best friend find a girl! But the day before the big day was going to happen, Sally figured out that her friend and I had been talking behind their back about this. Sally was cool about this, but thought it would be good to mention this to Steven. Steven suddenly blew up at me on Facebook and began to furious about why I was talking to her best friend behind his back. He said he knew but really just didn't want to say anything. At that point, I had no idea what was going on and was quite confused. It turned out that Sally had seen her friend's phone when her friend had left it out by accident. Somehow, Steven connected that Sally didn't want to be in a relationship because of the talking I had done with her friend. I figured this out later, but Sally wasn't ready to be in a relationship. She told this to me personally and asked me to kindly tell Steven. What I've concluded is that Sally told Steven about her friend talking to me AND how she didn't want to be in a relationship. This must've made Steven think that it was because of the talking. As a result, Steven blamed me for not being able to get with Sally. He cooled down eventually, but he was very rude to me that day. And as a good friend, I took it since I understood that he couldn't be thinking straight. Deep down I was hoping that Steven would apologize sooner or later but it never happened. Now that school has started again after winter break, I've felt more distant and depressed. I've felt negative recently and wished I could have more friends. The fun, friends have together seemed to be more apparent. Please help me reddit!
Had some arguments with my friends...snowballed into a fall out.
I have been married for almost two years now. I was perfectly happy when I was single, but being married is truly amazing. My husband's love and care for me blows me away every single day. The feeling of being loved -- and I'm not talking about the silly flighty kind of "true love" that fairy tales talk about, but real love; love that is selfless and boundless and tender and compassionate and strong and endless and ever growing -- is unbelievably strengthening and encouraging. Life still has ups and downs, but having someone who will cheer you on through your ups makes those times all the more enjoyable, and having someone who supports you through your downs makes those times more endurable. The kind of intimacy that I share with my husband in every aspect of our lives is refreshing and sweet. Could I live and be happy without it? Yes. So I don't "need" a husband. And it's not true that you're not whole without a significant other. But it does give life more cheer, and my husband is the one person on earth that I can wholly trust implicitly. I have more to live for than if I was on my own. tl;dr Marriage is *awesome*.
I have been married for almost two years now. I was perfectly happy when I was single, but being married is truly amazing. My husband's love and care for me blows me away every single day. The feeling of being loved -- and I'm not talking about the silly flighty kind of "true love" that fairy tales talk about, but real love; love that is selfless and boundless and tender and compassionate and strong and endless and ever growing -- is unbelievably strengthening and encouraging. Life still has ups and downs, but having someone who will cheer you on through your ups makes those times all the more enjoyable, and having someone who supports you through your downs makes those times more endurable. The kind of intimacy that I share with my husband in every aspect of our lives is refreshing and sweet. Could I live and be happy without it? Yes. So I don't "need" a husband. And it's not true that you're not whole without a significant other. But it does give life more cheer, and my husband is the one person on earth that I can wholly trust implicitly. I have more to live for than if I was on my own. tl;dr Marriage is awesome .
I have been married for almost two years now. I was perfectly happy when I was single, but being married is truly amazing. My husband's love and care for me blows me away every single day. The feeling of being loved -- and I'm not talking about the silly flighty kind of "true love" that fairy tales talk about, but real love; love that is selfless and boundless and tender and compassionate and strong and endless and ever growing -- is unbelievably strengthening and encouraging. Life still has ups and downs, but having someone who will cheer you on through your ups makes those times all the more enjoyable, and having someone who supports you through your downs makes those times more endurable. The kind of intimacy that I share with my husband in every aspect of our lives is refreshing and sweet. Could I live and be happy without it? Yes. So I don't "need" a husband. And it's not true that you're not whole without a significant other. But it does give life more cheer, and my husband is the one person on earth that I can wholly trust implicitly. I have more to live for than if I was on my own.
Marriage is awesome .
Vodka. It was my roommate's 20th birthday, let's call her Ashley, and after our original plans were a bust (a highlighter party was busted by the police) she decided to bring us (one other friend, let's call her Hannah, and me) to a friend's house full of people I didn't know. Que Ashley getting all of the best alcohol in the house and immediately being trashed while Hannah and I stood around awkwardly while these new people refused us alcohol. So we pooled about $10 and begged a random guy to buy us a handle of Barton. Yes, that Barton. The scum of all vodkas that only minors contemplate consuming. So Hannah and I take a couple of shots and resume standing around awkwardly. After approximately 5 minutes of watching an uninteresting game of beer pong I decide I'm not nearly close enough to the level of drunk I considered acceptable at bad parties. I head back up to the kitchen where Hannah and I take another 5 shots. We figure this will hold us up. To be honest we were probably already fairly drunk by the 3rd, but due to the the lack of time between shots we had no time to realize this. Que an older girl walking into the kitchen who introduces herself to us as Rihanna. This time I refuse to change her name because, I mean, really. The immediate hate I had of her and her half-sized excuse for a shirt in combination with her name lives with me to this day. She found our choice in alcohol "cute" and dared Hannah and I to take double shots. Hannah backed out as she was about 5" shorter than I and probably 15lbs smaller, already on her way to trashed. For those of you not keeping track, Hannah and I were at 7 shots each in a time span of 15 minutes. But I was young, foolish, already drunk without realizing it yet, and I wanted to show Rihanna I wasn't the uptight minor despite my white polo and khakis I hadn't bothered to change out of from work. So of course I took a double shot. I remember Rihanna smirking and my urge to slap it off of her, but here is where my memory gets a little hazy. The guy who bought Hannah and I the alcohol walked into the kitchen, and I proudly tout that I and all 125lbs of me, had just taken 7 shots in a row. He said something along the lines of not believing me, so I decide in all my infinite wisdom that I will take another double shot to "prove it." (Shot count = 11. Time frame = 15 minutes. Alcohol tolerance at the time = low.) The last thing I remember was turning around to tell him "told ya so." I woke up the next morning at around 11am without a clue where I was. I was in the middle of the hallway, a pillow under my head with a wet spot underneath, with a blanket half covering me. My white polo was around my neck, I was wearing someone else's over-sized shirt and my hair was sloppily thrown into a scrunchy. Various unconscious strangers were scattered around the living room. I couldn't find Hannah but I managed to find my roommate who drove us back to the dorms. I spent the rest of the day with an epic hangover so great I refused to leave my bunk bed because I couldn't figure out how my body worked long enough to get up there in the first place. The next day I questioned Ashley about the events that occurred during my black out. She explained to me that I had about 10 minutes of "fun" in which I was just a happy sloppy drunk. After this I proceeded to projectile vomit on the girl who owned the house. Three times. Why I was following her around long enough to do so is unknown to anyone. Ashley had decided I needed to get home before I caused any more destruction and called some guy to pick me up. When he arrived I was still able to walk with the help of three others. They shoved me into the guy's Jeep but chose that moment to vomit all over his back seat. He immediately freaked out and refused to drive me home. I can't blame the guy, I wouldn't have driven my sorry excuse anywhere. Ashley managed to remove me from the guy's Jeep but I forced myself to the ground and refused to get up from the middle of the street. Meanwhile my would-be-savior-in-a-Jeep takes off, leaving Ashley to get one of the guys from the house to carry me inside, fireman style. According to him I fought pretty violently. Once inside he threw me on the living room couch. Ashley and the girl who I had vomited on were worried about my white polo. How I had managed to not blow chunks all over myself by this point is miraculous. Or skillful. So they attempt to remove my shirt but were unsuccessful due to my flailing. I can't imagine I was too happy about having my clothing removed in the living room full of strangers. They left my shirt around my neck and managed to throw another one on me. My story then is unknown for the rest of the night as Ashley then went outside for her birthday gift - some allegedly great weed they smoked in the backyard. So I have approximately 2 hours of time in which no one I can find to this date know what I was up to. I have met people and have them suddenly state "oh, you were that girl on the couch..." so perhaps I was merely passed out. Also, great way to be remembered let me tell you. I was found in the hallway with vomit under me at about 7 in the morning by one of the guys that lived in the house. He was headed to work and figured I had tried to go to the bathroom (I was just outside the door) but didn't make it far enough. He felt bad for me so gave me a pillow and covered me up. Thanks bro. tl;dr 11 shots of Barton Vodka can really fuck up a 125lb 18 year old girl. Also: a scrunchie.
Vodka. It was my roommate's 20th birthday, let's call her Ashley, and after our original plans were a bust (a highlighter party was busted by the police) she decided to bring us (one other friend, let's call her Hannah, and me) to a friend's house full of people I didn't know. Que Ashley getting all of the best alcohol in the house and immediately being trashed while Hannah and I stood around awkwardly while these new people refused us alcohol. So we pooled about $10 and begged a random guy to buy us a handle of Barton. Yes, that Barton. The scum of all vodkas that only minors contemplate consuming. So Hannah and I take a couple of shots and resume standing around awkwardly. After approximately 5 minutes of watching an uninteresting game of beer pong I decide I'm not nearly close enough to the level of drunk I considered acceptable at bad parties. I head back up to the kitchen where Hannah and I take another 5 shots. We figure this will hold us up. To be honest we were probably already fairly drunk by the 3rd, but due to the the lack of time between shots we had no time to realize this. Que an older girl walking into the kitchen who introduces herself to us as Rihanna. This time I refuse to change her name because, I mean, really. The immediate hate I had of her and her half-sized excuse for a shirt in combination with her name lives with me to this day. She found our choice in alcohol "cute" and dared Hannah and I to take double shots. Hannah backed out as she was about 5" shorter than I and probably 15lbs smaller, already on her way to trashed. For those of you not keeping track, Hannah and I were at 7 shots each in a time span of 15 minutes. But I was young, foolish, already drunk without realizing it yet, and I wanted to show Rihanna I wasn't the uptight minor despite my white polo and khakis I hadn't bothered to change out of from work. So of course I took a double shot. I remember Rihanna smirking and my urge to slap it off of her, but here is where my memory gets a little hazy. The guy who bought Hannah and I the alcohol walked into the kitchen, and I proudly tout that I and all 125lbs of me, had just taken 7 shots in a row. He said something along the lines of not believing me, so I decide in all my infinite wisdom that I will take another double shot to "prove it." (Shot count = 11. Time frame = 15 minutes. Alcohol tolerance at the time = low.) The last thing I remember was turning around to tell him "told ya so." I woke up the next morning at around 11am without a clue where I was. I was in the middle of the hallway, a pillow under my head with a wet spot underneath, with a blanket half covering me. My white polo was around my neck, I was wearing someone else's over-sized shirt and my hair was sloppily thrown into a scrunchy. Various unconscious strangers were scattered around the living room. I couldn't find Hannah but I managed to find my roommate who drove us back to the dorms. I spent the rest of the day with an epic hangover so great I refused to leave my bunk bed because I couldn't figure out how my body worked long enough to get up there in the first place. The next day I questioned Ashley about the events that occurred during my black out. She explained to me that I had about 10 minutes of "fun" in which I was just a happy sloppy drunk. After this I proceeded to projectile vomit on the girl who owned the house. Three times. Why I was following her around long enough to do so is unknown to anyone. Ashley had decided I needed to get home before I caused any more destruction and called some guy to pick me up. When he arrived I was still able to walk with the help of three others. They shoved me into the guy's Jeep but chose that moment to vomit all over his back seat. He immediately freaked out and refused to drive me home. I can't blame the guy, I wouldn't have driven my sorry excuse anywhere. Ashley managed to remove me from the guy's Jeep but I forced myself to the ground and refused to get up from the middle of the street. Meanwhile my would-be-savior-in-a-Jeep takes off, leaving Ashley to get one of the guys from the house to carry me inside, fireman style. According to him I fought pretty violently. Once inside he threw me on the living room couch. Ashley and the girl who I had vomited on were worried about my white polo. How I had managed to not blow chunks all over myself by this point is miraculous. Or skillful. So they attempt to remove my shirt but were unsuccessful due to my flailing. I can't imagine I was too happy about having my clothing removed in the living room full of strangers. They left my shirt around my neck and managed to throw another one on me. My story then is unknown for the rest of the night as Ashley then went outside for her birthday gift - some allegedly great weed they smoked in the backyard. So I have approximately 2 hours of time in which no one I can find to this date know what I was up to. I have met people and have them suddenly state "oh, you were that girl on the couch..." so perhaps I was merely passed out. Also, great way to be remembered let me tell you. I was found in the hallway with vomit under me at about 7 in the morning by one of the guys that lived in the house. He was headed to work and figured I had tried to go to the bathroom (I was just outside the door) but didn't make it far enough. He felt bad for me so gave me a pillow and covered me up. Thanks bro. tl;dr 11 shots of Barton Vodka can really fuck up a 125lb 18 year old girl. Also: a scrunchie.
Vodka. It was my roommate's 20th birthday, let's call her Ashley, and after our original plans were a bust (a highlighter party was busted by the police) she decided to bring us (one other friend, let's call her Hannah, and me) to a friend's house full of people I didn't know. Que Ashley getting all of the best alcohol in the house and immediately being trashed while Hannah and I stood around awkwardly while these new people refused us alcohol. So we pooled about $10 and begged a random guy to buy us a handle of Barton. Yes, that Barton. The scum of all vodkas that only minors contemplate consuming. So Hannah and I take a couple of shots and resume standing around awkwardly. After approximately 5 minutes of watching an uninteresting game of beer pong I decide I'm not nearly close enough to the level of drunk I considered acceptable at bad parties. I head back up to the kitchen where Hannah and I take another 5 shots. We figure this will hold us up. To be honest we were probably already fairly drunk by the 3rd, but due to the the lack of time between shots we had no time to realize this. Que an older girl walking into the kitchen who introduces herself to us as Rihanna. This time I refuse to change her name because, I mean, really. The immediate hate I had of her and her half-sized excuse for a shirt in combination with her name lives with me to this day. She found our choice in alcohol "cute" and dared Hannah and I to take double shots. Hannah backed out as she was about 5" shorter than I and probably 15lbs smaller, already on her way to trashed. For those of you not keeping track, Hannah and I were at 7 shots each in a time span of 15 minutes. But I was young, foolish, already drunk without realizing it yet, and I wanted to show Rihanna I wasn't the uptight minor despite my white polo and khakis I hadn't bothered to change out of from work. So of course I took a double shot. I remember Rihanna smirking and my urge to slap it off of her, but here is where my memory gets a little hazy. The guy who bought Hannah and I the alcohol walked into the kitchen, and I proudly tout that I and all 125lbs of me, had just taken 7 shots in a row. He said something along the lines of not believing me, so I decide in all my infinite wisdom that I will take another double shot to "prove it." (Shot count = 11. Time frame = 15 minutes. Alcohol tolerance at the time = low.) The last thing I remember was turning around to tell him "told ya so." I woke up the next morning at around 11am without a clue where I was. I was in the middle of the hallway, a pillow under my head with a wet spot underneath, with a blanket half covering me. My white polo was around my neck, I was wearing someone else's over-sized shirt and my hair was sloppily thrown into a scrunchy. Various unconscious strangers were scattered around the living room. I couldn't find Hannah but I managed to find my roommate who drove us back to the dorms. I spent the rest of the day with an epic hangover so great I refused to leave my bunk bed because I couldn't figure out how my body worked long enough to get up there in the first place. The next day I questioned Ashley about the events that occurred during my black out. She explained to me that I had about 10 minutes of "fun" in which I was just a happy sloppy drunk. After this I proceeded to projectile vomit on the girl who owned the house. Three times. Why I was following her around long enough to do so is unknown to anyone. Ashley had decided I needed to get home before I caused any more destruction and called some guy to pick me up. When he arrived I was still able to walk with the help of three others. They shoved me into the guy's Jeep but chose that moment to vomit all over his back seat. He immediately freaked out and refused to drive me home. I can't blame the guy, I wouldn't have driven my sorry excuse anywhere. Ashley managed to remove me from the guy's Jeep but I forced myself to the ground and refused to get up from the middle of the street. Meanwhile my would-be-savior-in-a-Jeep takes off, leaving Ashley to get one of the guys from the house to carry me inside, fireman style. According to him I fought pretty violently. Once inside he threw me on the living room couch. Ashley and the girl who I had vomited on were worried about my white polo. How I had managed to not blow chunks all over myself by this point is miraculous. Or skillful. So they attempt to remove my shirt but were unsuccessful due to my flailing. I can't imagine I was too happy about having my clothing removed in the living room full of strangers. They left my shirt around my neck and managed to throw another one on me. My story then is unknown for the rest of the night as Ashley then went outside for her birthday gift - some allegedly great weed they smoked in the backyard. So I have approximately 2 hours of time in which no one I can find to this date know what I was up to. I have met people and have them suddenly state "oh, you were that girl on the couch..." so perhaps I was merely passed out. Also, great way to be remembered let me tell you. I was found in the hallway with vomit under me at about 7 in the morning by one of the guys that lived in the house. He was headed to work and figured I had tried to go to the bathroom (I was just outside the door) but didn't make it far enough. He felt bad for me so gave me a pillow and covered me up. Thanks bro.
11 shots of Barton Vodka can really fuck up a 125lb 18 year old girl. Also: a scrunchie.
I was friends with this guy for 2 years in highschool, best friends we hung out every day we'd go for long walks and we would talk about our relationships with other people. Then one day things changed, we slowly started becoming closer and closer a little kiss here a little kiss there and suddenly we found ourselves dating. At the time I liked the idea of being in love with my high school sweet heart. It was also nice to date your best friend. Fast forward 3 years, we got engaged and I thought I was the happiest and luckiest person ever. But this was a month before we were starting university. Our original plan was to go to the same school so we could get a car together and drive everyday. But a complication with the acceptances happened and he ended up having to go away to another school in a city a little while away from me. So now I was stuck in a different school all by myself. I'm terrible at making friends so it was really hard for me to adjust and I didn't really like university all that much. He made it better for me, but we mostly only talked through skype. Changing from a relationship where he lives next door to a long distance relationship was so difficult, he was good at making friends so he was always either busy with that or with his school work. Which I understand it's a new experience for him too. University was weird for me, people quickly found out I was engaged and boys started avoiding me for that. Girls always treated me differently. They all go out in skimpy outfits and have hook ups and I’m just jealous of it all. Because there’s me being nice and talking with guys that come up to me at bars and then having to turn them down because I'm engaged. I mean I'm 20 years old I feel like I deserve to be able to party and have hook ups and enjoy getting drunk and things that you do in university. But here I'm stuck just making sure that I don’t do anything to upset my fiancé. I mean it's good when we're together, don't get me wrong. When we're together it feels nice, but lately I just don't know what to do. I like being friends with him, but I just feel like our relationship went a little too fast. And our lives are so intertwined, I work at a factory with his mom and dad and a couple uncles, we have a pets together, we have many collections together, so even if I tried to break it off I don't think I would be able to live with myself. But I just want to be able to go out and have fun from time to time. I want to use tinder and have some crazy one night stands or something? I just want to live like a normal 20 year old. I actually tried to break up with him recently, but it just didn’t work. He didn’t take me seriously at first, and then kept saying he can change and be better for me but I’m just not sure if I want that? My supervisor (24) at work has been showing interest in me. I know he doesn't know I'm engaged (because I can't wear my ring at work and he doesn't know any of my fiancé’s family) and it's just making me feel so special. I love feeling like something wants me or lusts for me. With my fiancé it just seems like the same old same old there's not much excitement. I flirt back with my supervisor occasionally, and in my head I want him to ask me out for a beer or for a coffee or something and I know that I would say yes but I know that I would find it really hard to tell him that I’m in a relationship, much less engaged. I just feel like I’m stuck and I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t know what to think. **[TLDR: Got engaged too young don’t know if I regret it just want to be a normal 20 year old.]**
I was friends with this guy for 2 years in highschool, best friends we hung out every day we'd go for long walks and we would talk about our relationships with other people. Then one day things changed, we slowly started becoming closer and closer a little kiss here a little kiss there and suddenly we found ourselves dating. At the time I liked the idea of being in love with my high school sweet heart. It was also nice to date your best friend. Fast forward 3 years, we got engaged and I thought I was the happiest and luckiest person ever. But this was a month before we were starting university. Our original plan was to go to the same school so we could get a car together and drive everyday. But a complication with the acceptances happened and he ended up having to go away to another school in a city a little while away from me. So now I was stuck in a different school all by myself. I'm terrible at making friends so it was really hard for me to adjust and I didn't really like university all that much. He made it better for me, but we mostly only talked through skype. Changing from a relationship where he lives next door to a long distance relationship was so difficult, he was good at making friends so he was always either busy with that or with his school work. Which I understand it's a new experience for him too. University was weird for me, people quickly found out I was engaged and boys started avoiding me for that. Girls always treated me differently. They all go out in skimpy outfits and have hook ups and I’m just jealous of it all. Because there’s me being nice and talking with guys that come up to me at bars and then having to turn them down because I'm engaged. I mean I'm 20 years old I feel like I deserve to be able to party and have hook ups and enjoy getting drunk and things that you do in university. But here I'm stuck just making sure that I don’t do anything to upset my fiancé. I mean it's good when we're together, don't get me wrong. When we're together it feels nice, but lately I just don't know what to do. I like being friends with him, but I just feel like our relationship went a little too fast. And our lives are so intertwined, I work at a factory with his mom and dad and a couple uncles, we have a pets together, we have many collections together, so even if I tried to break it off I don't think I would be able to live with myself. But I just want to be able to go out and have fun from time to time. I want to use tinder and have some crazy one night stands or something? I just want to live like a normal 20 year old. I actually tried to break up with him recently, but it just didn’t work. He didn’t take me seriously at first, and then kept saying he can change and be better for me but I’m just not sure if I want that? My supervisor (24) at work has been showing interest in me. I know he doesn't know I'm engaged (because I can't wear my ring at work and he doesn't know any of my fiancé’s family) and it's just making me feel so special. I love feeling like something wants me or lusts for me. With my fiancé it just seems like the same old same old there's not much excitement. I flirt back with my supervisor occasionally, and in my head I want him to ask me out for a beer or for a coffee or something and I know that I would say yes but I know that I would find it really hard to tell him that I’m in a relationship, much less engaged. I just feel like I’m stuck and I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t know what to think. [TLDR: Got engaged too young don’t know if I regret it just want to be a normal 20 year old.]
I was friends with this guy for 2 years in highschool, best friends we hung out every day we'd go for long walks and we would talk about our relationships with other people. Then one day things changed, we slowly started becoming closer and closer a little kiss here a little kiss there and suddenly we found ourselves dating. At the time I liked the idea of being in love with my high school sweet heart. It was also nice to date your best friend. Fast forward 3 years, we got engaged and I thought I was the happiest and luckiest person ever. But this was a month before we were starting university. Our original plan was to go to the same school so we could get a car together and drive everyday. But a complication with the acceptances happened and he ended up having to go away to another school in a city a little while away from me. So now I was stuck in a different school all by myself. I'm terrible at making friends so it was really hard for me to adjust and I didn't really like university all that much. He made it better for me, but we mostly only talked through skype. Changing from a relationship where he lives next door to a long distance relationship was so difficult, he was good at making friends so he was always either busy with that or with his school work. Which I understand it's a new experience for him too. University was weird for me, people quickly found out I was engaged and boys started avoiding me for that. Girls always treated me differently. They all go out in skimpy outfits and have hook ups and I’m just jealous of it all. Because there’s me being nice and talking with guys that come up to me at bars and then having to turn them down because I'm engaged. I mean I'm 20 years old I feel like I deserve to be able to party and have hook ups and enjoy getting drunk and things that you do in university. But here I'm stuck just making sure that I don’t do anything to upset my fiancé. I mean it's good when we're together, don't get me wrong. When we're together it feels nice, but lately I just don't know what to do. I like being friends with him, but I just feel like our relationship went a little too fast. And our lives are so intertwined, I work at a factory with his mom and dad and a couple uncles, we have a pets together, we have many collections together, so even if I tried to break it off I don't think I would be able to live with myself. But I just want to be able to go out and have fun from time to time. I want to use tinder and have some crazy one night stands or something? I just want to live like a normal 20 year old. I actually tried to break up with him recently, but it just didn’t work. He didn’t take me seriously at first, and then kept saying he can change and be better for me but I’m just not sure if I want that? My supervisor (24) at work has been showing interest in me. I know he doesn't know I'm engaged (because I can't wear my ring at work and he doesn't know any of my fiancé’s family) and it's just making me feel so special. I love feeling like something wants me or lusts for me. With my fiancé it just seems like the same old same old there's not much excitement. I flirt back with my supervisor occasionally, and in my head I want him to ask me out for a beer or for a coffee or something and I know that I would say yes but I know that I would find it really hard to tell him that I’m in a relationship, much less engaged. I just feel like I’m stuck and I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t know what to think. [
Got engaged too young don’t know if I regret it just want to be a normal 20 year old.]
I would go to the edge of the universe for this women, but geez does she like to complain. For example,on December 2nd, Our 2 year anniversary, I was going to take her to dinner but after much thought I asked her if she could drive this one time because the new headlight didnt come. I recently hit a deer, and I needed a new head light. It was literally hanging by one piece. She got so mad at the fact that she had to drive that she let it ruin the whole night. She didn't appreciate anything. Another example, when I got my first car it had some problems. The radiator was bad, but by the time I noticed, I blew my head gasket. I had a bad job at the time and needed to save a couple weeks to have enough money. My girlfriend, the whole time, complained about how Im the guy and how I should be driving. She obsessed about it so much that she almost broke up with me. I could go on and on, but you all probably get the point. Everyone handles thing differently, but there comes a point when it goes to far and gets tiring. I spend a lot of time feeding her complaints. Ive tried everything. Ive tried doing what; psychology today said to do with people who complain, I tried to find out if there was an underlying reason, but she doesnt know, None of which worked. I asked her to go to counseling to see if there was a problem, she only went twice and never went again. She said it was two much money. By no means am I looking for sympathy. Ive run out of options., and no longer know what to do. --- **tl;dr**: My girlfriend is a complainer who even let it ruin our 2 year anniversary. How can I get her to understand the severity of her complaining and the strain its putting on our relationship?
I would go to the edge of the universe for this women, but geez does she like to complain. For example,on December 2nd, Our 2 year anniversary, I was going to take her to dinner but after much thought I asked her if she could drive this one time because the new headlight didnt come. I recently hit a deer, and I needed a new head light. It was literally hanging by one piece. She got so mad at the fact that she had to drive that she let it ruin the whole night. She didn't appreciate anything. Another example, when I got my first car it had some problems. The radiator was bad, but by the time I noticed, I blew my head gasket. I had a bad job at the time and needed to save a couple weeks to have enough money. My girlfriend, the whole time, complained about how Im the guy and how I should be driving. She obsessed about it so much that she almost broke up with me. I could go on and on, but you all probably get the point. Everyone handles thing differently, but there comes a point when it goes to far and gets tiring. I spend a lot of time feeding her complaints. Ive tried everything. Ive tried doing what; psychology today said to do with people who complain, I tried to find out if there was an underlying reason, but she doesnt know, None of which worked. I asked her to go to counseling to see if there was a problem, she only went twice and never went again. She said it was two much money. By no means am I looking for sympathy. Ive run out of options., and no longer know what to do. tl;dr : My girlfriend is a complainer who even let it ruin our 2 year anniversary. How can I get her to understand the severity of her complaining and the strain its putting on our relationship?
I would go to the edge of the universe for this women, but geez does she like to complain. For example,on December 2nd, Our 2 year anniversary, I was going to take her to dinner but after much thought I asked her if she could drive this one time because the new headlight didnt come. I recently hit a deer, and I needed a new head light. It was literally hanging by one piece. She got so mad at the fact that she had to drive that she let it ruin the whole night. She didn't appreciate anything. Another example, when I got my first car it had some problems. The radiator was bad, but by the time I noticed, I blew my head gasket. I had a bad job at the time and needed to save a couple weeks to have enough money. My girlfriend, the whole time, complained about how Im the guy and how I should be driving. She obsessed about it so much that she almost broke up with me. I could go on and on, but you all probably get the point. Everyone handles thing differently, but there comes a point when it goes to far and gets tiring. I spend a lot of time feeding her complaints. Ive tried everything. Ive tried doing what; psychology today said to do with people who complain, I tried to find out if there was an underlying reason, but she doesnt know, None of which worked. I asked her to go to counseling to see if there was a problem, she only went twice and never went again. She said it was two much money. By no means am I looking for sympathy. Ive run out of options., and no longer know what to do.
My girlfriend is a complainer who even let it ruin our 2 year anniversary. How can I get her to understand the severity of her complaining and the strain its putting on our relationship?
And I am an adult, so I feel like maybe I was supposed to have figured this one out by now. Feel silly and teenagerish for being all confused about this guy. I am in a strange and rare situation: I am working for a couple of yers in a rural area of a developing country. There are a bunch of employees of the same org. in country, but each one is placed alone and hours apart in their community. Every other weekend or so, or random days when need be, we travel in to the nearest capital city. Your friends here are the people who use the same capital city as you - but you only see your friends maybe once a month, as people travel in as need be and not necessarily all at the same time. Ok, so the social scene is limited. Even more limited is the dating scene (and the cultural divide is too wide to try and date locals, always ends in disaster.) A few months ago, near the beginning, I was sitting with a good girlfriend of mine and I said something about another guy who was across the room, abotu how I was surprised what a big crush I had on him. She immediately responded with, "Really? Me too!" We laughed and made a bunch of jokes about how we were going to have to fight over him. It's been some months, we have both actually started gettitng to know him and it's a little less funny now. We both really, really like him quite a bit. As she is much closer to this city, she has seen him a lot more and has gotten to know him a lot better. I feel like I am really just starting to get to know him, but every time I hang out with him, I just dig him more. Neither of us have any idea where he stands. In general, I am the type that would just straight up tell him I was into him, but I feel like making a strong move would totally be pushing my friend out of the way. Feels rude. Part of me just feels like I should back off and let her go at it, just to avoid any potential probelms, but I have trouble with that, as I really do genuinely find him awesome as hell, and can't help hoping he feels the same way about me. Look at what a dorky little crushed out freak I am being. I think being so out of my element for so long has completely made me forget how to be normal... Oh yeah, I am asking because I am going to town this weekend, will be hanging out with him and all the others and she mentioned she can't make it. So it may actually be the first time I am hanging out with him without her there and I will be pretty tempted to come on stronger, make sure he knows. **TL;DR:** Friend and I both like the same guy, a lot. Do I back off (even though such a big part of me really doesn't want to) and let her try for it? Do I make a move? Or do I just keep awkwardly sailing along and let it figure itself out?
And I am an adult, so I feel like maybe I was supposed to have figured this one out by now. Feel silly and teenagerish for being all confused about this guy. I am in a strange and rare situation: I am working for a couple of yers in a rural area of a developing country. There are a bunch of employees of the same org. in country, but each one is placed alone and hours apart in their community. Every other weekend or so, or random days when need be, we travel in to the nearest capital city. Your friends here are the people who use the same capital city as you - but you only see your friends maybe once a month, as people travel in as need be and not necessarily all at the same time. Ok, so the social scene is limited. Even more limited is the dating scene (and the cultural divide is too wide to try and date locals, always ends in disaster.) A few months ago, near the beginning, I was sitting with a good girlfriend of mine and I said something about another guy who was across the room, abotu how I was surprised what a big crush I had on him. She immediately responded with, "Really? Me too!" We laughed and made a bunch of jokes about how we were going to have to fight over him. It's been some months, we have both actually started gettitng to know him and it's a little less funny now. We both really, really like him quite a bit. As she is much closer to this city, she has seen him a lot more and has gotten to know him a lot better. I feel like I am really just starting to get to know him, but every time I hang out with him, I just dig him more. Neither of us have any idea where he stands. In general, I am the type that would just straight up tell him I was into him, but I feel like making a strong move would totally be pushing my friend out of the way. Feels rude. Part of me just feels like I should back off and let her go at it, just to avoid any potential probelms, but I have trouble with that, as I really do genuinely find him awesome as hell, and can't help hoping he feels the same way about me. Look at what a dorky little crushed out freak I am being. I think being so out of my element for so long has completely made me forget how to be normal... Oh yeah, I am asking because I am going to town this weekend, will be hanging out with him and all the others and she mentioned she can't make it. So it may actually be the first time I am hanging out with him without her there and I will be pretty tempted to come on stronger, make sure he knows. TL;DR: Friend and I both like the same guy, a lot. Do I back off (even though such a big part of me really doesn't want to) and let her try for it? Do I make a move? Or do I just keep awkwardly sailing along and let it figure itself out?
And I am an adult, so I feel like maybe I was supposed to have figured this one out by now. Feel silly and teenagerish for being all confused about this guy. I am in a strange and rare situation: I am working for a couple of yers in a rural area of a developing country. There are a bunch of employees of the same org. in country, but each one is placed alone and hours apart in their community. Every other weekend or so, or random days when need be, we travel in to the nearest capital city. Your friends here are the people who use the same capital city as you - but you only see your friends maybe once a month, as people travel in as need be and not necessarily all at the same time. Ok, so the social scene is limited. Even more limited is the dating scene (and the cultural divide is too wide to try and date locals, always ends in disaster.) A few months ago, near the beginning, I was sitting with a good girlfriend of mine and I said something about another guy who was across the room, abotu how I was surprised what a big crush I had on him. She immediately responded with, "Really? Me too!" We laughed and made a bunch of jokes about how we were going to have to fight over him. It's been some months, we have both actually started gettitng to know him and it's a little less funny now. We both really, really like him quite a bit. As she is much closer to this city, she has seen him a lot more and has gotten to know him a lot better. I feel like I am really just starting to get to know him, but every time I hang out with him, I just dig him more. Neither of us have any idea where he stands. In general, I am the type that would just straight up tell him I was into him, but I feel like making a strong move would totally be pushing my friend out of the way. Feels rude. Part of me just feels like I should back off and let her go at it, just to avoid any potential probelms, but I have trouble with that, as I really do genuinely find him awesome as hell, and can't help hoping he feels the same way about me. Look at what a dorky little crushed out freak I am being. I think being so out of my element for so long has completely made me forget how to be normal... Oh yeah, I am asking because I am going to town this weekend, will be hanging out with him and all the others and she mentioned she can't make it. So it may actually be the first time I am hanging out with him without her there and I will be pretty tempted to come on stronger, make sure he knows.
Friend and I both like the same guy, a lot. Do I back off (even though such a big part of me really doesn't want to) and let her try for it? Do I make a move? Or do I just keep awkwardly sailing along and let it figure itself out?
Hi reddit. Throwaway for this one. I've been seeing this girl (Emma) for a while now, and the relationship has been pretty solid so far, with no major issues. We are both pretty content with each other and on the same page. The other day, I had a small party at my house after a night out on the town with a few of my friends (10 people). There was a small group which came back, including my girlfriend. My friend unexpectedly brought back other people, who I know on a 'hello' basis only (we would share some similar circles of friends though on a night out). At one point in the night, I was in the kitchen putting on the kettle. One of the girls thanked me for having them back and that it was a great party, and in my drunken happy state was delighted to hear this, so I gave her a hug. When I went to back out though, she moved and gave me a proper kiss on the lips. I was caught off guard and noped out of there with awkwardness. At the time, I brushed it off as an awkward encounter and carried on with the night. Everyone was very drunk or written off by the time the night was over. I didn't really think any more of it until today when I heard that the girl in question was seen crying on the street outside of my house at the end of the party, with another friend. The question I'd like to ask is, should I tell my girlfriend about it? On one hand, we have an honest relationship and I feel like if I don't tell her its like I'm hiding something from her. If it crops up in conversation with another girl she might get the wrong impression of what happened? On the other hand, a slightly similar situation to this one happened only very recently with another friend of ours and his girlfriend, except he kissed a girl and not the other way around. I think I should just say it to her, that at the party a girl kissed me and I felt like it was nothing at the time, but thought I should tell you anyway because the relationship we have should be straight up? I personally don't think its a big deal at all what happened, it was more of an awkward moment at the time. I've never been in this situation before though, and I don't know how I feel about not saying it to the gf. I think I'm just afraid she'll get the wrong idea, considering the rage she had for the incident that happened just last week with the other couple. All of this hadn't even occurred to me until today when I heard the girl got upset over it. Any ideas, reddit? **tl;dr**: Girl kissed me after a night out. Brushed it off at the time, am wondering if I should just say it to current gf so that she is aware it happened?
Hi reddit. Throwaway for this one. I've been seeing this girl (Emma) for a while now, and the relationship has been pretty solid so far, with no major issues. We are both pretty content with each other and on the same page. The other day, I had a small party at my house after a night out on the town with a few of my friends (10 people). There was a small group which came back, including my girlfriend. My friend unexpectedly brought back other people, who I know on a 'hello' basis only (we would share some similar circles of friends though on a night out). At one point in the night, I was in the kitchen putting on the kettle. One of the girls thanked me for having them back and that it was a great party, and in my drunken happy state was delighted to hear this, so I gave her a hug. When I went to back out though, she moved and gave me a proper kiss on the lips. I was caught off guard and noped out of there with awkwardness. At the time, I brushed it off as an awkward encounter and carried on with the night. Everyone was very drunk or written off by the time the night was over. I didn't really think any more of it until today when I heard that the girl in question was seen crying on the street outside of my house at the end of the party, with another friend. The question I'd like to ask is, should I tell my girlfriend about it? On one hand, we have an honest relationship and I feel like if I don't tell her its like I'm hiding something from her. If it crops up in conversation with another girl she might get the wrong impression of what happened? On the other hand, a slightly similar situation to this one happened only very recently with another friend of ours and his girlfriend, except he kissed a girl and not the other way around. I think I should just say it to her, that at the party a girl kissed me and I felt like it was nothing at the time, but thought I should tell you anyway because the relationship we have should be straight up? I personally don't think its a big deal at all what happened, it was more of an awkward moment at the time. I've never been in this situation before though, and I don't know how I feel about not saying it to the gf. I think I'm just afraid she'll get the wrong idea, considering the rage she had for the incident that happened just last week with the other couple. All of this hadn't even occurred to me until today when I heard the girl got upset over it. Any ideas, reddit? tl;dr : Girl kissed me after a night out. Brushed it off at the time, am wondering if I should just say it to current gf so that she is aware it happened?
Hi reddit. Throwaway for this one. I've been seeing this girl (Emma) for a while now, and the relationship has been pretty solid so far, with no major issues. We are both pretty content with each other and on the same page. The other day, I had a small party at my house after a night out on the town with a few of my friends (10 people). There was a small group which came back, including my girlfriend. My friend unexpectedly brought back other people, who I know on a 'hello' basis only (we would share some similar circles of friends though on a night out). At one point in the night, I was in the kitchen putting on the kettle. One of the girls thanked me for having them back and that it was a great party, and in my drunken happy state was delighted to hear this, so I gave her a hug. When I went to back out though, she moved and gave me a proper kiss on the lips. I was caught off guard and noped out of there with awkwardness. At the time, I brushed it off as an awkward encounter and carried on with the night. Everyone was very drunk or written off by the time the night was over. I didn't really think any more of it until today when I heard that the girl in question was seen crying on the street outside of my house at the end of the party, with another friend. The question I'd like to ask is, should I tell my girlfriend about it? On one hand, we have an honest relationship and I feel like if I don't tell her its like I'm hiding something from her. If it crops up in conversation with another girl she might get the wrong impression of what happened? On the other hand, a slightly similar situation to this one happened only very recently with another friend of ours and his girlfriend, except he kissed a girl and not the other way around. I think I should just say it to her, that at the party a girl kissed me and I felt like it was nothing at the time, but thought I should tell you anyway because the relationship we have should be straight up? I personally don't think its a big deal at all what happened, it was more of an awkward moment at the time. I've never been in this situation before though, and I don't know how I feel about not saying it to the gf. I think I'm just afraid she'll get the wrong idea, considering the rage she had for the incident that happened just last week with the other couple. All of this hadn't even occurred to me until today when I heard the girl got upset over it. Any ideas, reddit?
Girl kissed me after a night out. Brushed it off at the time, am wondering if I should just say it to current gf so that she is aware it happened?
You have to admit the 2012 Thanksgiving Day game was an epic meltdown in Jets history. The only game that even came close to that heart crushing was the Richard Todd's 5 interceptions playoff game against the Dolphins. The only reason I found that game less painful was because it was so easy to blame it on one player. The fake-spike Dolphin win was also up there, but that was limited to only one monumental gaffe, and wasn't as important as the 11/22/12 game. (I invite any fans to explain why this loss wasn't a big deal. There were certainly more consequential losses, but I really think the 2012 Jet team should really be embarrassed by this game.) My point is that Jet fans have every reason to be disgusted with this season's team play; even though I can see miniscule improvements over last year's play. But Jet fan shitty behavior is a reflection on the fan, not on the team, the fanbase, or Fireman Ed. Frankly, I never had a negative opinion on Fireman Ed, wouldn't blame him for "quitting" over that game as unofficial, unpaid, cheerleader (I believe its for the reasons he stated). I can only hope he can come back to the point where he can enjoy watching Jet games again. Fans should never be vicious or pugnacious with other fans over differing opinions. They should direct their discontent at the owner or management. tl;dr: Many Jet fans are moronic, boorish, shitty people. That is on them. I suspect other teams have less of them than the Jets fanbase, but they shouldn't assume they have better fans.
You have to admit the 2012 Thanksgiving Day game was an epic meltdown in Jets history. The only game that even came close to that heart crushing was the Richard Todd's 5 interceptions playoff game against the Dolphins. The only reason I found that game less painful was because it was so easy to blame it on one player. The fake-spike Dolphin win was also up there, but that was limited to only one monumental gaffe, and wasn't as important as the 11/22/12 game. (I invite any fans to explain why this loss wasn't a big deal. There were certainly more consequential losses, but I really think the 2012 Jet team should really be embarrassed by this game.) My point is that Jet fans have every reason to be disgusted with this season's team play; even though I can see miniscule improvements over last year's play. But Jet fan shitty behavior is a reflection on the fan, not on the team, the fanbase, or Fireman Ed. Frankly, I never had a negative opinion on Fireman Ed, wouldn't blame him for "quitting" over that game as unofficial, unpaid, cheerleader (I believe its for the reasons he stated). I can only hope he can come back to the point where he can enjoy watching Jet games again. Fans should never be vicious or pugnacious with other fans over differing opinions. They should direct their discontent at the owner or management. tl;dr: Many Jet fans are moronic, boorish, shitty people. That is on them. I suspect other teams have less of them than the Jets fanbase, but they shouldn't assume they have better fans.
You have to admit the 2012 Thanksgiving Day game was an epic meltdown in Jets history. The only game that even came close to that heart crushing was the Richard Todd's 5 interceptions playoff game against the Dolphins. The only reason I found that game less painful was because it was so easy to blame it on one player. The fake-spike Dolphin win was also up there, but that was limited to only one monumental gaffe, and wasn't as important as the 11/22/12 game. (I invite any fans to explain why this loss wasn't a big deal. There were certainly more consequential losses, but I really think the 2012 Jet team should really be embarrassed by this game.) My point is that Jet fans have every reason to be disgusted with this season's team play; even though I can see miniscule improvements over last year's play. But Jet fan shitty behavior is a reflection on the fan, not on the team, the fanbase, or Fireman Ed. Frankly, I never had a negative opinion on Fireman Ed, wouldn't blame him for "quitting" over that game as unofficial, unpaid, cheerleader (I believe its for the reasons he stated). I can only hope he can come back to the point where he can enjoy watching Jet games again. Fans should never be vicious or pugnacious with other fans over differing opinions. They should direct their discontent at the owner or management.
Many Jet fans are moronic, boorish, shitty people. That is on them. I suspect other teams have less of them than the Jets fanbase, but they shouldn't assume they have better fans.
Probably too late to board the karma train, but what the hell. When I was in seventh grade, my buddy and I shared a fairly significant porn stash that we "borrowed" from his father/step father. It included about a dozen playboys and a full length VHS porn tape that we copied using two vcrs. He had the stash hide at his house until his parents decided to move. He didn't want to get caught with the stash during the move, so I smuggled it into my house and put it in a padlocked trunk in my bedroom. Over time my parents got more and more curious as to what was in the trunk. The summer after seventh grade, there was a nasty thunderstorm. I was afraid of tornados back then, so I slept on a couch in the basement. Rookie mistake; I left the keys to the padlock in my bedroom. The next morning, I come back upstairs to find my dad outside my room with an unmarked VHS tape. He asked, "What's this?" Naturally, I tried to play dumb. He responded with "Let's find out." He sat me down, put the tape in the VCR and hit play and I realized that I was fucked. After a long lecture on respecting women and two weeks of being grounded, I learned the valuable lesson that a padlocked trunk is the worst hiding place in the world. TL;DR: My dad found my hidden porn stash when I was in seventh grade.
Probably too late to board the karma train, but what the hell. When I was in seventh grade, my buddy and I shared a fairly significant porn stash that we "borrowed" from his father/step father. It included about a dozen playboys and a full length VHS porn tape that we copied using two vcrs. He had the stash hide at his house until his parents decided to move. He didn't want to get caught with the stash during the move, so I smuggled it into my house and put it in a padlocked trunk in my bedroom. Over time my parents got more and more curious as to what was in the trunk. The summer after seventh grade, there was a nasty thunderstorm. I was afraid of tornados back then, so I slept on a couch in the basement. Rookie mistake; I left the keys to the padlock in my bedroom. The next morning, I come back upstairs to find my dad outside my room with an unmarked VHS tape. He asked, "What's this?" Naturally, I tried to play dumb. He responded with "Let's find out." He sat me down, put the tape in the VCR and hit play and I realized that I was fucked. After a long lecture on respecting women and two weeks of being grounded, I learned the valuable lesson that a padlocked trunk is the worst hiding place in the world. TL;DR: My dad found my hidden porn stash when I was in seventh grade.
Probably too late to board the karma train, but what the hell. When I was in seventh grade, my buddy and I shared a fairly significant porn stash that we "borrowed" from his father/step father. It included about a dozen playboys and a full length VHS porn tape that we copied using two vcrs. He had the stash hide at his house until his parents decided to move. He didn't want to get caught with the stash during the move, so I smuggled it into my house and put it in a padlocked trunk in my bedroom. Over time my parents got more and more curious as to what was in the trunk. The summer after seventh grade, there was a nasty thunderstorm. I was afraid of tornados back then, so I slept on a couch in the basement. Rookie mistake; I left the keys to the padlock in my bedroom. The next morning, I come back upstairs to find my dad outside my room with an unmarked VHS tape. He asked, "What's this?" Naturally, I tried to play dumb. He responded with "Let's find out." He sat me down, put the tape in the VCR and hit play and I realized that I was fucked. After a long lecture on respecting women and two weeks of being grounded, I learned the valuable lesson that a padlocked trunk is the worst hiding place in the world.
My dad found my hidden porn stash when I was in seventh grade.
Please keep in mind while reading this that I have confessed the sinful part of this. So for my confirmation, we had to write an essay about our saint. Now, I am no english fan (much more of a chemistry kind of guy) so I did my best not to write this essay. Luckily for me (or so I thought at the time), my friend, who is an amazing writer (somewhere around 10 years or more better than the average person his age), went to a different parish and also had to write an essay. Because of this, I decided to use his essay as mine (changed the name of course) and "take" his saint. I had forgotten this for a long while as I did not care about the faith and even turned away from it for a few months. I looked the saint up this year out of curiosity of what he did (I didn't remember his name, but I did remember what he was the patron saint of). When I did this I had been (and still am) in a spell of trying to find out my vocation and it so happened that this saint had the same trouble I did before he actually decided. I want your opinions: do you think God could be trying to tell me my vocation through my mistake in choosing a saint? TL;DR: I picked a confirmation saint in a way I shouldn't have and looked back at it recently. I want to know if God could be telling me my vocation through said saint.
Please keep in mind while reading this that I have confessed the sinful part of this. So for my confirmation, we had to write an essay about our saint. Now, I am no english fan (much more of a chemistry kind of guy) so I did my best not to write this essay. Luckily for me (or so I thought at the time), my friend, who is an amazing writer (somewhere around 10 years or more better than the average person his age), went to a different parish and also had to write an essay. Because of this, I decided to use his essay as mine (changed the name of course) and "take" his saint. I had forgotten this for a long while as I did not care about the faith and even turned away from it for a few months. I looked the saint up this year out of curiosity of what he did (I didn't remember his name, but I did remember what he was the patron saint of). When I did this I had been (and still am) in a spell of trying to find out my vocation and it so happened that this saint had the same trouble I did before he actually decided. I want your opinions: do you think God could be trying to tell me my vocation through my mistake in choosing a saint? TL;DR: I picked a confirmation saint in a way I shouldn't have and looked back at it recently. I want to know if God could be telling me my vocation through said saint.
Please keep in mind while reading this that I have confessed the sinful part of this. So for my confirmation, we had to write an essay about our saint. Now, I am no english fan (much more of a chemistry kind of guy) so I did my best not to write this essay. Luckily for me (or so I thought at the time), my friend, who is an amazing writer (somewhere around 10 years or more better than the average person his age), went to a different parish and also had to write an essay. Because of this, I decided to use his essay as mine (changed the name of course) and "take" his saint. I had forgotten this for a long while as I did not care about the faith and even turned away from it for a few months. I looked the saint up this year out of curiosity of what he did (I didn't remember his name, but I did remember what he was the patron saint of). When I did this I had been (and still am) in a spell of trying to find out my vocation and it so happened that this saint had the same trouble I did before he actually decided. I want your opinions: do you think God could be trying to tell me my vocation through my mistake in choosing a saint?
I picked a confirmation saint in a way I shouldn't have and looked back at it recently. I want to know if God could be telling me my vocation through said saint.
My ex and I dated for about 3 months last year and about every couple of months or so he'll text me telling me that he misses me or asks if we can be friends. Now, I'm not against being friends with him but his definition of friends is a bit strange to me. I ended up meeting him for coffee about 3 months after we broke up, he told me really missed me and I thought this meet up would lead to rekindling flames but he clarified that he didn't want to be in an intimate relationship. Later that same day, we went to beach and he was acting super cuddly and asked if I would play with his hair and all that cute couple stuff. We took the bus back and I asked him what he wanted out of the relationship and he said he just wants to be friends and all the stuff he did at the beach was stuff he would do with ANY friend he had. Um, excuse me? I told him that if that was his definition of friends that I didn't want to be friends with him because it would make me uncomfortable to cuddle with an ex as "friends." He left me alone for awhile but every time I seem to forget he exists, he comes back up into my life. He messaged me on Facebook 3-4 months after the coffee and said that he went into my old job looking for me but someone told him I just got off (My name is really similar to another girl's name that worked there) and he really need to speak to me because it was very important. I agreed but at that time I was approaching college graduation so I kept changing times around on him because my schedule was super wonky and he just ended up texting me a novel saying that he missed me and wants to be friends. I texted him back that I wasn't down to be friends again because I've moved on and it would make me uncomfortable to hang out with him and drink hot chocolate and cuddle on Friday night at his place. (Yes, he actually suggested that.) I was really mean in my text and I actually felt bad afterwards because I hate being mean to people, but this kid pushed me to the edge. The last time he texted me was on Christmas. He wished me a happy holiday and I returned the favor. I really only wanted that to be the extent of our conversation but the conversation continued. That time he basically admitted to me that he was cyberstalking me and again told me he missed me and wants to be friends. I finally broke down and said "sure, we can be friends but if you touch my thigh while hanging out, I will leave." He said he understood but we never made official plans to try to be friends. We both live in a pretty small city so I ended up bumping into him while taking the bus a couple weeks ago and it was more than uncomfortable. We said hi but after that I was distracting myself with my friends and he was on the phone talking to someone. --- TL;DR: An annoying ex keeps telling me he misses me and wants to be friends about every 3 months, but he defines friends as cuddling and staying in on Friday night and that it's normal since he does it with all his friends. Does he really want to be friends or is he trying to keep me on a string? How do I get him to stop bothering me when I feel like I've tried everything? I'm trying to understand where he's coming from, but I don't have a clue.
My ex and I dated for about 3 months last year and about every couple of months or so he'll text me telling me that he misses me or asks if we can be friends. Now, I'm not against being friends with him but his definition of friends is a bit strange to me. I ended up meeting him for coffee about 3 months after we broke up, he told me really missed me and I thought this meet up would lead to rekindling flames but he clarified that he didn't want to be in an intimate relationship. Later that same day, we went to beach and he was acting super cuddly and asked if I would play with his hair and all that cute couple stuff. We took the bus back and I asked him what he wanted out of the relationship and he said he just wants to be friends and all the stuff he did at the beach was stuff he would do with ANY friend he had. Um, excuse me? I told him that if that was his definition of friends that I didn't want to be friends with him because it would make me uncomfortable to cuddle with an ex as "friends." He left me alone for awhile but every time I seem to forget he exists, he comes back up into my life. He messaged me on Facebook 3-4 months after the coffee and said that he went into my old job looking for me but someone told him I just got off (My name is really similar to another girl's name that worked there) and he really need to speak to me because it was very important. I agreed but at that time I was approaching college graduation so I kept changing times around on him because my schedule was super wonky and he just ended up texting me a novel saying that he missed me and wants to be friends. I texted him back that I wasn't down to be friends again because I've moved on and it would make me uncomfortable to hang out with him and drink hot chocolate and cuddle on Friday night at his place. (Yes, he actually suggested that.) I was really mean in my text and I actually felt bad afterwards because I hate being mean to people, but this kid pushed me to the edge. The last time he texted me was on Christmas. He wished me a happy holiday and I returned the favor. I really only wanted that to be the extent of our conversation but the conversation continued. That time he basically admitted to me that he was cyberstalking me and again told me he missed me and wants to be friends. I finally broke down and said "sure, we can be friends but if you touch my thigh while hanging out, I will leave." He said he understood but we never made official plans to try to be friends. We both live in a pretty small city so I ended up bumping into him while taking the bus a couple weeks ago and it was more than uncomfortable. We said hi but after that I was distracting myself with my friends and he was on the phone talking to someone. TL;DR: An annoying ex keeps telling me he misses me and wants to be friends about every 3 months, but he defines friends as cuddling and staying in on Friday night and that it's normal since he does it with all his friends. Does he really want to be friends or is he trying to keep me on a string? How do I get him to stop bothering me when I feel like I've tried everything? I'm trying to understand where he's coming from, but I don't have a clue.
My ex and I dated for about 3 months last year and about every couple of months or so he'll text me telling me that he misses me or asks if we can be friends. Now, I'm not against being friends with him but his definition of friends is a bit strange to me. I ended up meeting him for coffee about 3 months after we broke up, he told me really missed me and I thought this meet up would lead to rekindling flames but he clarified that he didn't want to be in an intimate relationship. Later that same day, we went to beach and he was acting super cuddly and asked if I would play with his hair and all that cute couple stuff. We took the bus back and I asked him what he wanted out of the relationship and he said he just wants to be friends and all the stuff he did at the beach was stuff he would do with ANY friend he had. Um, excuse me? I told him that if that was his definition of friends that I didn't want to be friends with him because it would make me uncomfortable to cuddle with an ex as "friends." He left me alone for awhile but every time I seem to forget he exists, he comes back up into my life. He messaged me on Facebook 3-4 months after the coffee and said that he went into my old job looking for me but someone told him I just got off (My name is really similar to another girl's name that worked there) and he really need to speak to me because it was very important. I agreed but at that time I was approaching college graduation so I kept changing times around on him because my schedule was super wonky and he just ended up texting me a novel saying that he missed me and wants to be friends. I texted him back that I wasn't down to be friends again because I've moved on and it would make me uncomfortable to hang out with him and drink hot chocolate and cuddle on Friday night at his place. (Yes, he actually suggested that.) I was really mean in my text and I actually felt bad afterwards because I hate being mean to people, but this kid pushed me to the edge. The last time he texted me was on Christmas. He wished me a happy holiday and I returned the favor. I really only wanted that to be the extent of our conversation but the conversation continued. That time he basically admitted to me that he was cyberstalking me and again told me he missed me and wants to be friends. I finally broke down and said "sure, we can be friends but if you touch my thigh while hanging out, I will leave." He said he understood but we never made official plans to try to be friends. We both live in a pretty small city so I ended up bumping into him while taking the bus a couple weeks ago and it was more than uncomfortable. We said hi but after that I was distracting myself with my friends and he was on the phone talking to someone.
An annoying ex keeps telling me he misses me and wants to be friends about every 3 months, but he defines friends as cuddling and staying in on Friday night and that it's normal since he does it with all his friends. Does he really want to be friends or is he trying to keep me on a string? How do I get him to stop bothering me when I feel like I've tried everything? I'm trying to understand where he's coming from, but I don't have a clue.
So 3 years ago I worked in an office and there was this girl in a different department who I had a massive crush on, turns out she was gay and potentially liked me too (and I knew this at the time). I was in a bad relationship at the time but stayed loyal. She'd try talking to me a handful of times but I was so shy around her and got so flustered at times that I probably came across as a nervous wreck! Fast forward 2 jobs later and her workmate (who she sat next to in previous job) worked with me... her friend and I were barely acquaintances and didn't really click but we had mutual work-friends... Now to the present day; i'm single, temping in a new job... I on off think about the work crush from 3 years ago and what could have been and saw her in a shop in a city near me a few months ago (but she was with a friend and I didn't have the courage to approach her). So early into this new Temp job I see a girl wondering around the office who bears a striking resemblance to this girl I used to fancy... I thought it was fate, that somehow the universe had found some way of giving me a second chance with her and that now i'm single the timing is right to get to know her. I was full of excitement and promise about what could develop and even caught myself daydreaming of how I could charm her socks off properly this second time round... but I find out the girl in this new job is in fact a straight, married, doppelganger of my crush... I was crushed! So since coming to terms with this I've been non stop thinking of the girl from 3 years ago and can't get her off my mind. I feel the only way to shake it is to get in touch with her somehow. She doesn't have facebook (I've looked) and I've browsed POF in my city on the off-chance she's got a profile on there (to no avail). (I need a life! haha) My only way of potential contact would be to message her friend on facebook who also worked in job 2 with me (who i'm not friends with) and ask for her number... but this feels stalkery and a bit hit or miss (as to whether she'll tell me). What do y'all think? Would this be a pointless move? I wonder if i'm just hanging on to something that never was and should focus on someone new? It's driving me crazy! ***TL;DR**** - Constantly thinking about crush from 3 years ago, missed chance, desperate to get in touch with her in attempt to take her on a date (but unsure if it's pointless trying)...
So 3 years ago I worked in an office and there was this girl in a different department who I had a massive crush on, turns out she was gay and potentially liked me too (and I knew this at the time). I was in a bad relationship at the time but stayed loyal. She'd try talking to me a handful of times but I was so shy around her and got so flustered at times that I probably came across as a nervous wreck! Fast forward 2 jobs later and her workmate (who she sat next to in previous job) worked with me... her friend and I were barely acquaintances and didn't really click but we had mutual work-friends... Now to the present day; i'm single, temping in a new job... I on off think about the work crush from 3 years ago and what could have been and saw her in a shop in a city near me a few months ago (but she was with a friend and I didn't have the courage to approach her). So early into this new Temp job I see a girl wondering around the office who bears a striking resemblance to this girl I used to fancy... I thought it was fate, that somehow the universe had found some way of giving me a second chance with her and that now i'm single the timing is right to get to know her. I was full of excitement and promise about what could develop and even caught myself daydreaming of how I could charm her socks off properly this second time round... but I find out the girl in this new job is in fact a straight, married, doppelganger of my crush... I was crushed! So since coming to terms with this I've been non stop thinking of the girl from 3 years ago and can't get her off my mind. I feel the only way to shake it is to get in touch with her somehow. She doesn't have facebook (I've looked) and I've browsed POF in my city on the off-chance she's got a profile on there (to no avail). (I need a life! haha) My only way of potential contact would be to message her friend on facebook who also worked in job 2 with me (who i'm not friends with) and ask for her number... but this feels stalkery and a bit hit or miss (as to whether she'll tell me). What do y'all think? Would this be a pointless move? I wonder if i'm just hanging on to something that never was and should focus on someone new? It's driving me crazy! *TL;DR** - Constantly thinking about crush from 3 years ago, missed chance, desperate to get in touch with her in attempt to take her on a date (but unsure if it's pointless trying)...
So 3 years ago I worked in an office and there was this girl in a different department who I had a massive crush on, turns out she was gay and potentially liked me too (and I knew this at the time). I was in a bad relationship at the time but stayed loyal. She'd try talking to me a handful of times but I was so shy around her and got so flustered at times that I probably came across as a nervous wreck! Fast forward 2 jobs later and her workmate (who she sat next to in previous job) worked with me... her friend and I were barely acquaintances and didn't really click but we had mutual work-friends... Now to the present day; i'm single, temping in a new job... I on off think about the work crush from 3 years ago and what could have been and saw her in a shop in a city near me a few months ago (but she was with a friend and I didn't have the courage to approach her). So early into this new Temp job I see a girl wondering around the office who bears a striking resemblance to this girl I used to fancy... I thought it was fate, that somehow the universe had found some way of giving me a second chance with her and that now i'm single the timing is right to get to know her. I was full of excitement and promise about what could develop and even caught myself daydreaming of how I could charm her socks off properly this second time round... but I find out the girl in this new job is in fact a straight, married, doppelganger of my crush... I was crushed! So since coming to terms with this I've been non stop thinking of the girl from 3 years ago and can't get her off my mind. I feel the only way to shake it is to get in touch with her somehow. She doesn't have facebook (I've looked) and I've browsed POF in my city on the off-chance she's got a profile on there (to no avail). (I need a life! haha) My only way of potential contact would be to message her friend on facebook who also worked in job 2 with me (who i'm not friends with) and ask for her number... but this feels stalkery and a bit hit or miss (as to whether she'll tell me). What do y'all think? Would this be a pointless move? I wonder if i'm just hanging on to something that never was and should focus on someone new? It's driving me crazy! *
Constantly thinking about crush from 3 years ago, missed chance, desperate to get in touch with her in attempt to take her on a date (but unsure if it's pointless trying)...
It's still sony. They aren't going to release a movie that cost them millions on the Internet for free. Our best bet is it being released on demand somehow or on dvd so soft can recoup their losses. You have to look at it from their perspective. They spent a bunch of millions on this movie. They expected to make that money back and a profit.. At the very least make their investment back. Right now they have effectively written off that money, the idea of selling it to a streaming service or to release dvd to recoup losses would be favorable surely. But releasing it for free, Sony would be in the exact same position they are in now with the added bonus of legitimizing piracy. The only way this would happen is an executive producer or someone like Rogan himself leaked it personally. But that puts careers in jeopardy, I'm sure there's some clause in the Romans contract that would result in Sony suing him for the 8 million he was paid for making the movie.. Tldr: all Sony care about is money. They aren't going to release it for free on torrents out of pride.
It's still sony. They aren't going to release a movie that cost them millions on the Internet for free. Our best bet is it being released on demand somehow or on dvd so soft can recoup their losses. You have to look at it from their perspective. They spent a bunch of millions on this movie. They expected to make that money back and a profit.. At the very least make their investment back. Right now they have effectively written off that money, the idea of selling it to a streaming service or to release dvd to recoup losses would be favorable surely. But releasing it for free, Sony would be in the exact same position they are in now with the added bonus of legitimizing piracy. The only way this would happen is an executive producer or someone like Rogan himself leaked it personally. But that puts careers in jeopardy, I'm sure there's some clause in the Romans contract that would result in Sony suing him for the 8 million he was paid for making the movie.. Tldr: all Sony care about is money. They aren't going to release it for free on torrents out of pride.
It's still sony. They aren't going to release a movie that cost them millions on the Internet for free. Our best bet is it being released on demand somehow or on dvd so soft can recoup their losses. You have to look at it from their perspective. They spent a bunch of millions on this movie. They expected to make that money back and a profit.. At the very least make their investment back. Right now they have effectively written off that money, the idea of selling it to a streaming service or to release dvd to recoup losses would be favorable surely. But releasing it for free, Sony would be in the exact same position they are in now with the added bonus of legitimizing piracy. The only way this would happen is an executive producer or someone like Rogan himself leaked it personally. But that puts careers in jeopardy, I'm sure there's some clause in the Romans contract that would result in Sony suing him for the 8 million he was paid for making the movie..
all Sony care about is money. They aren't going to release it for free on torrents out of pride.
First, this happened over the Easter so I am bit late. My sister is pregnant with her first child. She found out and told everybody it will be a boy. Mys sister, her husband and myself were at her husbands family's house. Within minutes everyone was asking what they name of baby is. My sister and brother in-law are not telling anyone. Now the FU. My name is Bryan so at dinner I suggested that the name should be Stewie. Everyone laughed and my sister said no. After I said the name everyone started to call my unborn nephew Stewie. I basically gave him a nickname before he born. I am now on probation when my nephew is born with supervised visitation. TLDR: Gave my sisters unborn baby a nickname that the family is using.
First, this happened over the Easter so I am bit late. My sister is pregnant with her first child. She found out and told everybody it will be a boy. Mys sister, her husband and myself were at her husbands family's house. Within minutes everyone was asking what they name of baby is. My sister and brother in-law are not telling anyone. Now the FU. My name is Bryan so at dinner I suggested that the name should be Stewie. Everyone laughed and my sister said no. After I said the name everyone started to call my unborn nephew Stewie. I basically gave him a nickname before he born. I am now on probation when my nephew is born with supervised visitation. TLDR: Gave my sisters unborn baby a nickname that the family is using.
First, this happened over the Easter so I am bit late. My sister is pregnant with her first child. She found out and told everybody it will be a boy. Mys sister, her husband and myself were at her husbands family's house. Within minutes everyone was asking what they name of baby is. My sister and brother in-law are not telling anyone. Now the FU. My name is Bryan so at dinner I suggested that the name should be Stewie. Everyone laughed and my sister said no. After I said the name everyone started to call my unborn nephew Stewie. I basically gave him a nickname before he born. I am now on probation when my nephew is born with supervised visitation.
Gave my sisters unborn baby a nickname that the family is using.
Dear Readers, Prepare, since you are about to enter the Random Zone. It was normal Friday morning. Nothing seemed stranger than usual. Pidgey were peacefully cleaning their feathers, few Rattata were searching for food in the tall grass, lonely Spearow still didn't wake up on his branch, dreaming about all the bugs he could eat. Nothing seemed wrong. Our hero - the Pokemon trainer - was walking to the train station on his way to the workplace. Weather was great, summer sunshine, no clouds, pleasant breeze of chill morning. Friday, beginning of weekend, freedom was only few hours away. Nothing could go wrong, right? Suddenly, some unusual shadow appeared on the radar of Sightings list. Was it real? Was it just an illusion? It appeared to be true - real Nidoking silquette out of nowhere! Our hero was more than shocked - such mighty beast in a place where even single Nidoran is considered a rarity?? So the race with time has begun. Trainer had only 8 minutes to check all near places where Pokemon were usually appearing. He left his usual road to the station and started wandering around. First spot - Weedle. Second - Rattata. Then Pidgey. Suddenly, another Rattata and Weedle. Numbers of wild Pokemon challenging our hero into battle were astounding. But what about Nidoking, you may ask? Only 6 minutes left... Nidoking disappeared from the list. - Well - thought our resigned trainer, as he started walking back to the station - it had to be in other way... Suddenly, Nidoking returned on the list! It's impossible! - thought our hero - There are no spots left! There can't be any... Wait a minute... It was there. Standing in the corner of the streets, next to closed pharmacy in the spot where, since out Hero started his Pokemon hunting, Rattata was appearing everyday. Every single time. Rattata. And now Nidoking. Our hero didn't have the luxury of time to think about this anomaly for too long. He immediately engaged purple monster into battle and run through the tunnel, which was leading to the the train platform. Meanwhile Nidoking was treated with huge and juicy Rasp Berry, so for a few seconds he was busy. The train appeared 2 minutes before usual arrival time, but trainer managed to get in thanks to his Stamina IV, which sometimes was exceeding calculations. Finally the battle was on. Man vs. Beast. Not usual beast... His favorite Pokemon ever. He remembered long and heartbreaking battle of other Pokemon trainer - /u/gaspah vs. wild Charizard which he saw yesterday and thought - I can't believe I was thinking that there's no point in wasting so many Pokeballs on evolved Pokemon... It was thinking of naive unexperienced trainer, who never experienced the thrill of meeting such Pokemon. Now he understood it well. He took a deep breath and threw his first Ultraball, afraid thet when train will start moving, he may lose the connection with his purple opponent. Black ball was flying in the air, but because of rush it couldn't hit the red circle. Nidoking broke out unfortunately. And immediately ran away. Our hero was speechless... He couldn't think straight and tried to persuade himself that it was better to lose only one ball than all of them after long battle... As the train reached its destination, and trainer was walking through the platform, the only silquette which was seen on the radar, was scary lonely clown... No Pidgey, Rattata or Spearow in range... Just a creepy Mr. Mime, giggling and mocking our hero after his terrible loss... TL;DR - Niantic decided to ruin my Friday and spawned Nidoking on Rattata spawn out of nowhere. It ran away. PS. Fully evolved Pokemon should really give us at least 3 chances of "safe breakout" before escaping. Thanks for reading and letting me to share the pain, everyone!
Dear Readers, Prepare, since you are about to enter the Random Zone. It was normal Friday morning. Nothing seemed stranger than usual. Pidgey were peacefully cleaning their feathers, few Rattata were searching for food in the tall grass, lonely Spearow still didn't wake up on his branch, dreaming about all the bugs he could eat. Nothing seemed wrong. Our hero - the Pokemon trainer - was walking to the train station on his way to the workplace. Weather was great, summer sunshine, no clouds, pleasant breeze of chill morning. Friday, beginning of weekend, freedom was only few hours away. Nothing could go wrong, right? Suddenly, some unusual shadow appeared on the radar of Sightings list. Was it real? Was it just an illusion? It appeared to be true - real Nidoking silquette out of nowhere! Our hero was more than shocked - such mighty beast in a place where even single Nidoran is considered a rarity?? So the race with time has begun. Trainer had only 8 minutes to check all near places where Pokemon were usually appearing. He left his usual road to the station and started wandering around. First spot - Weedle. Second - Rattata. Then Pidgey. Suddenly, another Rattata and Weedle. Numbers of wild Pokemon challenging our hero into battle were astounding. But what about Nidoking, you may ask? Only 6 minutes left... Nidoking disappeared from the list. - Well - thought our resigned trainer, as he started walking back to the station - it had to be in other way... Suddenly, Nidoking returned on the list! It's impossible! - thought our hero - There are no spots left! There can't be any... Wait a minute... It was there. Standing in the corner of the streets, next to closed pharmacy in the spot where, since out Hero started his Pokemon hunting, Rattata was appearing everyday. Every single time. Rattata. And now Nidoking. Our hero didn't have the luxury of time to think about this anomaly for too long. He immediately engaged purple monster into battle and run through the tunnel, which was leading to the the train platform. Meanwhile Nidoking was treated with huge and juicy Rasp Berry, so for a few seconds he was busy. The train appeared 2 minutes before usual arrival time, but trainer managed to get in thanks to his Stamina IV, which sometimes was exceeding calculations. Finally the battle was on. Man vs. Beast. Not usual beast... His favorite Pokemon ever. He remembered long and heartbreaking battle of other Pokemon trainer - /u/gaspah vs. wild Charizard which he saw yesterday and thought - I can't believe I was thinking that there's no point in wasting so many Pokeballs on evolved Pokemon... It was thinking of naive unexperienced trainer, who never experienced the thrill of meeting such Pokemon. Now he understood it well. He took a deep breath and threw his first Ultraball, afraid thet when train will start moving, he may lose the connection with his purple opponent. Black ball was flying in the air, but because of rush it couldn't hit the red circle. Nidoking broke out unfortunately. And immediately ran away. Our hero was speechless... He couldn't think straight and tried to persuade himself that it was better to lose only one ball than all of them after long battle... As the train reached its destination, and trainer was walking through the platform, the only silquette which was seen on the radar, was scary lonely clown... No Pidgey, Rattata or Spearow in range... Just a creepy Mr. Mime, giggling and mocking our hero after his terrible loss... TL;DR - Niantic decided to ruin my Friday and spawned Nidoking on Rattata spawn out of nowhere. It ran away. PS. Fully evolved Pokemon should really give us at least 3 chances of "safe breakout" before escaping. Thanks for reading and letting me to share the pain, everyone!
Dear Readers, Prepare, since you are about to enter the Random Zone. It was normal Friday morning. Nothing seemed stranger than usual. Pidgey were peacefully cleaning their feathers, few Rattata were searching for food in the tall grass, lonely Spearow still didn't wake up on his branch, dreaming about all the bugs he could eat. Nothing seemed wrong. Our hero - the Pokemon trainer - was walking to the train station on his way to the workplace. Weather was great, summer sunshine, no clouds, pleasant breeze of chill morning. Friday, beginning of weekend, freedom was only few hours away. Nothing could go wrong, right? Suddenly, some unusual shadow appeared on the radar of Sightings list. Was it real? Was it just an illusion? It appeared to be true - real Nidoking silquette out of nowhere! Our hero was more than shocked - such mighty beast in a place where even single Nidoran is considered a rarity?? So the race with time has begun. Trainer had only 8 minutes to check all near places where Pokemon were usually appearing. He left his usual road to the station and started wandering around. First spot - Weedle. Second - Rattata. Then Pidgey. Suddenly, another Rattata and Weedle. Numbers of wild Pokemon challenging our hero into battle were astounding. But what about Nidoking, you may ask? Only 6 minutes left... Nidoking disappeared from the list. - Well - thought our resigned trainer, as he started walking back to the station - it had to be in other way... Suddenly, Nidoking returned on the list! It's impossible! - thought our hero - There are no spots left! There can't be any... Wait a minute... It was there. Standing in the corner of the streets, next to closed pharmacy in the spot where, since out Hero started his Pokemon hunting, Rattata was appearing everyday. Every single time. Rattata. And now Nidoking. Our hero didn't have the luxury of time to think about this anomaly for too long. He immediately engaged purple monster into battle and run through the tunnel, which was leading to the the train platform. Meanwhile Nidoking was treated with huge and juicy Rasp Berry, so for a few seconds he was busy. The train appeared 2 minutes before usual arrival time, but trainer managed to get in thanks to his Stamina IV, which sometimes was exceeding calculations. Finally the battle was on. Man vs. Beast. Not usual beast... His favorite Pokemon ever. He remembered long and heartbreaking battle of other Pokemon trainer - /u/gaspah vs. wild Charizard which he saw yesterday and thought - I can't believe I was thinking that there's no point in wasting so many Pokeballs on evolved Pokemon... It was thinking of naive unexperienced trainer, who never experienced the thrill of meeting such Pokemon. Now he understood it well. He took a deep breath and threw his first Ultraball, afraid thet when train will start moving, he may lose the connection with his purple opponent. Black ball was flying in the air, but because of rush it couldn't hit the red circle. Nidoking broke out unfortunately. And immediately ran away. Our hero was speechless... He couldn't think straight and tried to persuade himself that it was better to lose only one ball than all of them after long battle... As the train reached its destination, and trainer was walking through the platform, the only silquette which was seen on the radar, was scary lonely clown... No Pidgey, Rattata or Spearow in range... Just a creepy Mr. Mime, giggling and mocking our hero after his terrible loss...
Niantic decided to ruin my Friday and spawned Nidoking on Rattata spawn out of nowhere. It ran away. PS. Fully evolved Pokemon should really give us at least 3 chances of "safe breakout" before escaping. Thanks for reading and letting me to share the pain, everyone!
Let's not forget that the OP is KerrickLong, who fought a [long and pointless battle]( in which he made himself look like an arse, before [trying (and failing) to find support among the greater Reddit community]( by "proving" that Reddit's views are "unconstitutional". tl;dr: we're dealing with Reddit's reigning buzzkill champion.
Let's not forget that the OP is KerrickLong, who fought a long and pointless battle to find support among the greater Reddit community]( by "proving" that Reddit's views are "unconstitutional". tl;dr: we're dealing with Reddit's reigning buzzkill champion.
Let's not forget that the OP is KerrickLong, who fought a long and pointless battle to find support among the greater Reddit community]( by "proving" that Reddit's views are "unconstitutional".
we're dealing with Reddit's reigning buzzkill champion.
Nerves are going to happen whether you're an undergraduate music major or a professional concert pianist. I've talked to a few international concert pianists about it, and they generally said "anyone who says they're not nervous on stage is lying." What helps is to focus your concentration on what's important - the music - despite your nerves. Memory slips and finger slips happen to everyone, even in the most high-stakes competitions. When you've learned your pieces, it helps to then go back and work on one section at a time, playing EXTREMELY slow (As in, if the original tempo marking is 120 BPM, take it down to 40-50) and memorized. If you have truly memorized your part, you'll be able to play it very slow without any mistakes. This works because playing slow completely removes the "muscle memory" aspect of performing your piece, and instead makes your fingers completely dependent on your actual memory. Think about it - if you have been playing your piece over and over, memorized, all by muscle memory, one little finger slip will derail you and cause a huge memory slip, because your muscle memory is no longer there. By practicing in small sections and "testing your mental memory" by playing very slow, you'll be able to easily find points in your piece to recover during a memory slip. Once you have the memory down, in performance, your goal is to portray the "meaning" of the piece - you're not just playing notes, you're trying to paint a picture with the piece and let the audience understand the deeper emotional level of the melodic lines and harmonies in the music. Memory should be second-nature at this point. **TL;DR:** Don't worry about memory slips and finger slips. Read the above to learn how to avoid/recover from memory slips easily, and instead, focus on the music. Nerves happen to everybody.
Nerves are going to happen whether you're an undergraduate music major or a professional concert pianist. I've talked to a few international concert pianists about it, and they generally said "anyone who says they're not nervous on stage is lying." What helps is to focus your concentration on what's important - the music - despite your nerves. Memory slips and finger slips happen to everyone, even in the most high-stakes competitions. When you've learned your pieces, it helps to then go back and work on one section at a time, playing EXTREMELY slow (As in, if the original tempo marking is 120 BPM, take it down to 40-50) and memorized. If you have truly memorized your part, you'll be able to play it very slow without any mistakes. This works because playing slow completely removes the "muscle memory" aspect of performing your piece, and instead makes your fingers completely dependent on your actual memory. Think about it - if you have been playing your piece over and over, memorized, all by muscle memory, one little finger slip will derail you and cause a huge memory slip, because your muscle memory is no longer there. By practicing in small sections and "testing your mental memory" by playing very slow, you'll be able to easily find points in your piece to recover during a memory slip. Once you have the memory down, in performance, your goal is to portray the "meaning" of the piece - you're not just playing notes, you're trying to paint a picture with the piece and let the audience understand the deeper emotional level of the melodic lines and harmonies in the music. Memory should be second-nature at this point. TL;DR: Don't worry about memory slips and finger slips. Read the above to learn how to avoid/recover from memory slips easily, and instead, focus on the music. Nerves happen to everybody.
Nerves are going to happen whether you're an undergraduate music major or a professional concert pianist. I've talked to a few international concert pianists about it, and they generally said "anyone who says they're not nervous on stage is lying." What helps is to focus your concentration on what's important - the music - despite your nerves. Memory slips and finger slips happen to everyone, even in the most high-stakes competitions. When you've learned your pieces, it helps to then go back and work on one section at a time, playing EXTREMELY slow (As in, if the original tempo marking is 120 BPM, take it down to 40-50) and memorized. If you have truly memorized your part, you'll be able to play it very slow without any mistakes. This works because playing slow completely removes the "muscle memory" aspect of performing your piece, and instead makes your fingers completely dependent on your actual memory. Think about it - if you have been playing your piece over and over, memorized, all by muscle memory, one little finger slip will derail you and cause a huge memory slip, because your muscle memory is no longer there. By practicing in small sections and "testing your mental memory" by playing very slow, you'll be able to easily find points in your piece to recover during a memory slip. Once you have the memory down, in performance, your goal is to portray the "meaning" of the piece - you're not just playing notes, you're trying to paint a picture with the piece and let the audience understand the deeper emotional level of the melodic lines and harmonies in the music. Memory should be second-nature at this point.
Don't worry about memory slips and finger slips. Read the above to learn how to avoid/recover from memory slips easily, and instead, focus on the music. Nerves happen to everybody.
Not a barber, but when I was 8 I had a hairdresser who was trying to talk to someone watch E!, and cut my hair simultaneously. She didn't spend much time looking at my head and consequently cut the top of my ear off with scissors. She finished the cut, and was then fired on the spot. I didn't feel bad at all, bitch deserved it. TL:DR Multitasking hairdresser cut off the top of my ear, finished anyway, and was fired immediately afterwards.
Not a barber, but when I was 8 I had a hairdresser who was trying to talk to someone watch E!, and cut my hair simultaneously. She didn't spend much time looking at my head and consequently cut the top of my ear off with scissors. She finished the cut, and was then fired on the spot. I didn't feel bad at all, bitch deserved it. TL:DR Multitasking hairdresser cut off the top of my ear, finished anyway, and was fired immediately afterwards.
Not a barber, but when I was 8 I had a hairdresser who was trying to talk to someone watch E!, and cut my hair simultaneously. She didn't spend much time looking at my head and consequently cut the top of my ear off with scissors. She finished the cut, and was then fired on the spot. I didn't feel bad at all, bitch deserved it.
Multitasking hairdresser cut off the top of my ear, finished anyway, and was fired immediately afterwards.
So, I was just wondering if there was any confirmation on Highlife's decision regarding his post about city vs wilderness danger. To me, it seems to be 30% zombies in the cities and 70% in the wilderness. Is this going to be the case from now on? See, I think the one change that would make the MineZ experience **PERFECT** would be simply cutting out about 1/5 the total zombie population **in the wilderness**. Cities are just fine, but there are WAY too many hordes spawning outside cities. It doesn't make sense. **tl;dr** I just want to know the current/permanent zombie spawning rates regarding cities vs wilderness. Thanks!
So, I was just wondering if there was any confirmation on Highlife's decision regarding his post about city vs wilderness danger. To me, it seems to be 30% zombies in the cities and 70% in the wilderness. Is this going to be the case from now on? See, I think the one change that would make the MineZ experience PERFECT would be simply cutting out about 1/5 the total zombie population in the wilderness . Cities are just fine, but there are WAY too many hordes spawning outside cities. It doesn't make sense. tl;dr I just want to know the current/permanent zombie spawning rates regarding cities vs wilderness. Thanks!
So, I was just wondering if there was any confirmation on Highlife's decision regarding his post about city vs wilderness danger. To me, it seems to be 30% zombies in the cities and 70% in the wilderness. Is this going to be the case from now on? See, I think the one change that would make the MineZ experience PERFECT would be simply cutting out about 1/5 the total zombie population in the wilderness . Cities are just fine, but there are WAY too many hordes spawning outside cities. It doesn't make sense.
I just want to know the current/permanent zombie spawning rates regarding cities vs wilderness. Thanks!