On the brains right-hand side, near the top of the head, is one of the brain spots activated by family terms: wife, husband, children, parents.
On the brains right-hand side, near the top of the head, is one of the brain spots used for family terms: wife, husband, children, parents.
Over the last three years alone, our company has paid more than 160m in various taxes, including National Insurance contributions, VAT and business rates.
Over the last three years alone, our company has paid more than 160 million in various taxes, including national insurance*, VAT and business rates.
You can be Aagot, Arney or sfrur; Baldey, Bebba or Br.
In Iceland, you can be called Aagot, Arney or sfrur; Baldey, Bebba or Br.
So he tried crowdfunding on a US website, Indiegogo, which had recently opened up in the UK.
So he tried crowdfunding on a US website, Indiegogo, which has recently opened up in the UK.
His article comes after music industry leaders met British Prime Minister David Cameron in Downing Street, where the issue of web piracy was discussed.
His article comes after music industry leaders met British Prime Minister David Cameron in Downing Street to discuss the issue of web piracy.
Quali cations: You dont necessarily need a degree in computer science.
Quali cations: You dont need a degree in computer science.
The Environment Minister, Jan Szyszko, makes no secret of being a hunter.
The Environment Minister, Jan Szyszko, is a hunter.
Theres no demographic reason why we cant have a similar return of wildlife in the UK.
Theres no reason why we cant have a similar return of wildlife in the UK.
Benjamin Carle is 96.9% made in France, right down to his underpants and socks.
Benjamin Carle is 96.9% made in France, even his underpants and socks.
At a pool in Bristol, she taught me some simple exercises to help me hold my breath for longer while swimming underwater.
At a swimming pool in Bristol, she taught me some simple ways to help me hold my breath for longer while swimming underwater.
Were just going to keep fighting this battle.
Were just going to continue to fight this battle.
Its really unfair that tips go towards breakages made by customers.
Its really unfair that money from our tips is taken for breakages by customers.
Alexs vision, energy and ability have built teams both on and off the pitch that his successor can count on as among the best and most loyal in world sport.
Alexs vision, energy and ability have built teams that are some of the best and most loyal in world sport.
Weve only been tracking vaping for just over a year, so its a short time period, but we are not seeing growth in the number of long-term ex-smokers or never smokers using e-cigarettes.
Weve only been studying vaping for just over a year, so its a short time period, but we are not seeing growth in the number of long-term ex-smokers or never smokers using e-cigarettes.
The fall of the Berlin Wall helped de ne Vienna as the hub for companies wanting to do business in Central Europe.
The fall of the Berlin Wall helped make Vienna a centre for companies who want to do business in Central Europe.
Shoppers are usually repaid any money they spend in the stores and may also be allowed to keep the products they buy.
Mystery shoppers are usually repaid any money they spend in the stores and may also be allowed to keep the products they buy.
Argentina rejects the .patagonia request for a new generic top-level domain, the government notes in an appeal.
Argentina rejects the .patagonia request for a new generic top-level domain.
Danes have no problem having children before marriage so things can move fast and, because the countrys so small, a Jutlander can date a Copenhagener without too much travel, Limal said.
Danes have no problem having children before marriage so things can move fast and, because the countrys so small, someone from Jutland can date someone from Copenhagen without too much travel, Limal said.
About 780 more children are preparing to enter school in 2017.
About 780 more children are preparing to start school in 2017.
Only Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Luxembourg in mainland Europe like Britain have no breeding populations of at least one large carnivore species.
Only Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Luxembourg in mainland Europe have no breeding populations of at least one large carnivore species.
Ice cream is important, she says between mouthfuls of a honey- avoured offering.
Ice cream is important, she says between mouthfuls of honey- avoured ice cream.
South American Indians have chewed coca 3 leaves for centuries.
South American Indians have chewed coca 3 leaves for hundreds of years.
Jenna Gavin, 29, lives in Southport, Merseyside, in the family home where she grew up.
Jenna Gavin, 29, lives in the family home where she grew up.
She said closing tax havens, which the Tax Justice Network says hold as much as $31 trillion, or as much as a third of all global wealth, could yield $189bn in additional tax revenues.
She said closing tax havens, which hold as much as $31 trillion, or as much as a third of all global wealth, could collect $189bn in additional taxes.
It is not as if you can argue to the politicians that wolves are a big tourist attraction.
You cant say to the politicians that wolves are a big tourist attraction.
Whether that ambition is achieved remains to be seen but exporting solar energy could have stabilizing effects within and between countries, according to the Moroccan solar energy agency (Masen).
Exporting solar energy could have stabilizing effects within and between countries, according to the Moroccan solar energy agency (Masen).
They have got tipping right in Italy, where people dont add a service charge but usually round up their bill so, if they get a meal for 19, they leave a 20 note and dont ask for change.
They have got tipping right in Italy, where customers dont add a big tip but usually round up their bill so, if their meal is 19, they leave a 20 note and dont ask for change.
His son, Andrew, had his sunglasses stolen almost as soon as he sat on the beach.
His sons sunglasses were stolen almost as soon as he sat on the beach.
However, you still hear horror stories from new employees at some chains.
But you still hear horror stories from new employees at some chains.
But, for the small but growing Muslim community of Iqaluit, Nunavut, life in the land of the midnight sun poses a real challenge during the month of Ramadan, during which Muslims typically fast from sunrise to sunset.
But, for the small Muslim community of Iqaluit, life in the land of the midnight sun is a real challenge during the month of Ramadan, when Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.
As a woman, its made me happy, Vronique Soulier, president of the clubs supporters association, told journalists.
As a woman, its made me happy, said Vronique Soulier, president of the clubs supporters association.
The IPCC makes the case that climate change is real and happening much more strongly than before.
The IPCC says that climate change is real and happening much more strongly than before.
Reality meets talent show with no ending and the whole world watching.
A reality show and a talent show, with no ending and the whole world watching.
We also have terri c public transport, with the underground working 24 hours at weekends, and it only costs 1 per trip.
We also have terri c public transport the underground trains run 24 hours at weekends and it only costs 1 per trip.
Its very uplifting in a way because its a solution that will make people less ill, and happier and better at what they do.
Its very positive because its a solution that will make people less ill, and happier and better at what they do.
There is a tendency among some local authorities and organizations to treat e-cigarettes as cigarettes and ban them in public places and outdoors, he said.
Some local authorities and organizations treat e-cigarettes like cigarettes they ban them in public places and outdoors, he said.
Conservationists argue there is no evidence the cull will reduce the number of shark attacks on humans, as no previous cull has solely used drumlines.
Conservationists say there is no evidence the cull will reduce the number of shark attacks on humans, because no other cull has only used drumlines.
An overwhelming majority of 91% post a photo of themselves, 71% post the city or town where they live, up from 61%, more than half give email addresses and a fth give their phone number.
Ninety-one per cent post a photo of themselves, 71% post the city or town where they live, more than half give email addresses and a fth give their phone number.
That same day, he climbed up to the summit of Everest itself, reaching the top in complete darkness early on Sunday.
Later that day, he climbed to the summit of Everest, and reached the top in complete darkness early on Sunday.
We do need to make sure we are encouraging these businesses to invest in our country as they are, but they should be paying fair taxes as well.
We need to make sure we continue to encourage these businesses to invest in our country, but they should pay fair taxes as well.
The work I can create, as mayor, is temporary.
But Piscedda says, The work I can create, as mayor, is temporary.
Oxfam said world leaders should learn from countries such as Brazil, which has grown rapidly while reducing inequality.
Oxfam said world leaders should learn from countries such as Brazil, which has grown quickly and reduced inequality at the same time.
When the mirror is warmed up, it releases heat at a speci c wavelength of infrared light that passes easily through the atmosphere and out into space.
When the mirror is warmed up, it releases heat at a speci c wavelength of infrared light that goes easily through the atmosphere and out into space.
The Spanish team started their work after a group of cavers stumbled upon two skeletons in a deep and complex cave system high up in the Cantabrian Mountains of northwest Spain in 2006.
The Spanish team started their work after a group of cave explorers found two skeletons in a deep cave high up in the Cantabrian Mountains of northwest Spain in 2006.
The results of the research are based on an analysis of 343 peer-reviewed studies from around the world more than ever before which examine differences between organic and conventional fruit, vegetables and cereals.
The results of the research are based on an analysis of 343 studies from around the world more than ever before which examine differences between organic and regular fruit, vegetables and cereals.
There were about 900 music festival events in the UK between May and September 2014, he said, and there is no way they can all continue.
There were about 900 music festivals in the UK between May and September in 2014, he said, and they cannot all continue.
Can false memories be artificially created?
Can we create false memories?
Part of this is simply that air travel is inherently dangerous and, thus, standards are much higher.
Part of the reason for this is simply that air travel is dangerous so standards are much higher.
The age of the big British summer music festival, including Glastonbury, is drawing to a close, according to the leading rock promoter and manager Harvey Goldsmith.
The age of the big British summer music festival, including Glastonbury, is ending, according to the top rock manager Harvey Goldsmith.
Im a romantic at heart.
Im a romantic.
On the brains right-hand side, near the top of the head, is one of the brain spots activated by family terms: wife, husband, children, parents.
On the brains right-hand side, near the top of the head, is one of the brain spots used for family terms: wife, husband, children, parents.
However, we are disappointed with the decision to reject the proposal to regulate nicotine-containing products (NCPs), including e-cigarettes, as medicines.
But we are disappointed with the decision not to regulate nicotine-containing products (NCPs), including e-cigarettes, as medicines.
What about false memories for more than just contexts false memories for objects, food or other mice?
What about false memories for more than just places false memories for objects, food or other mice?
A man stood at my door and told me he had post from my grandfather.
A man came to my door and told me he had post from my grandfather.
The ndings seem to show that children born in the early months of the school year enjoy a double autumn advantage they are already known to have an academic advantage and, now, they also appear to be better equipped for sport, too.
The ndings seem to show that children born in the early months of the school year enjoy a double autumn advantage we already know that they have an academic advantage and, now, they also seem to be better at sport, too.
To be honest, I have never seen what my neighbours look like.
I have never seen what my neighbours look like.
Councilwoman LaToya Cantrell, who introduced and pushed the ban, disagrees: The responsibility is on the bar-owner to keep their clientele respectful outside their establishment as well, she says.
Councilwoman LaToya Cantrell, who introduced the ban, disagrees: The responsibility is on the bar-owner to keep their customers respectful outside as well, she says.
We are conditioning ourselves to ignore the information coming into our ears.
We are training ourselves to ignore the information that comes into our ears.
From 2007, when just 13 rhinos were killed by poachers in South Africa, the killings have grown horri cally.
In 2007, 13 rhinos were killed by poachers in South Africa.
Race engineer A race engineer liaises between the driver and the mechanics.
Race engineer A race engineer takes information from the driver and gives it to the mechanics.
And, yes, he says he nds the start of his working day much easier now than he did when he was younger.
And, yes, he says he nds the start of his working day much easier now than when he was younger.
One major problem is maintaining radio contact with a drone and planning for what happens if that contact breaks.
One big problem is keeping radio contact with a drone and planning for what happens if that contact breaks.
She has a series of adventures as Johansson until she is eventually found out and, in the end, dies in a car crash.
She has many adventures as Johansson and, in the end, dies in a car crash.
Singh, a 42-year-old salesman, and his friends are far from alone.
Singh, a 42-year-old salesman, and his friends are not alone.
About 22% of Japanese work more than 49 hours a week, compared with 16% of US workers and 11% in France and Germany, according to data compiled by the Japanese government.
About 22% of Japanese work more than 49 hours a week, compared with 16% of US workers and 11% in France and Germany, according to data from the Japanese government.
This guy had to be darker than any modern European, but we dont know how dark, the scientist said.
This guy was darker than any modern European, but we dont know how dark, the scientist said.
She has a series of adventures as Johansson until she is eventually found out and, in the end, dies in a car crash.
She has many adventures as Johansson and, in the end, dies in a car crash.
Elsewhere, there has been a glut of goals: 28 in the rst eight games almost three times as many as at the same stage in South Africa in 2010.
And, there have been lots of goals: 28 in the rst eight games almost three times as many as at the same stage in South Africa in 2010.
He was very friendly, very inquisitive and a popular attraction here.
He was very friendly and a popular attraction here.
The Stanford mirror was designed in such a way that it re ects 97% of the visible light that falls on it.
The Stanford mirror re ects 97% of the visible light that falls on it.
Solar energy will make up a third of Moroccos renewable energy supply by 2020, with wind and hydro taking the same share each.
Solar energy will make up a third of Moroccos renewable energy supply by 2020.
You see a lot of reconstructions of these people hunting and gathering and they look like modern Europeans with light skin.
You see a lot of pictures of these people hunting and gathering and they look like modern Europeans with light skin.
Since then, the only security threat has been petty theft and overexcited fans.
Since then, the only security problem has been petty theft and overexcited fans.
Researchers at the University of Western Australia say the recent spate of shark attacks in the state may have more to do with the state having the fastest-growing population in Australia, rather than a rising number of sharks.
Researchers at the University of Western Australia say the increased number of shark attacks in the state may be because Western Australia has the fastest-growing population in Australia, not because of a rising number of sharks.
At St Ninians, teachers take their pupils out of lessons on to a specially built circuit around the schools playing eld for their daily mile whenever it best suits that days timetable.
At St Ninians, teachers take their pupils out of lessons to the schools playing eld for their daily mile at a time that suits that days timetable.
In 2006, the Irish designer completed a scuba-diving course and loved the feeling of being able to breathe underwater and observe sh in their natural environment.
In 2006, the Irish designer completed a scuba-diving course and loved the feeling of being able to breathe underwater and watch sh in their natural environment.
He spent two months in prison before being bailed for 50,000.
He spent two months in prison; then, they let him out on 50,000 bail.
Conservationists argue there is no evidence the cull will reduce the number of shark attacks on humans, as no previous cull has solely used drumlines.
Conservationists say there is no evidence the cull will reduce the number of shark attacks on humans, because no other cull has only used drumlines.
The worst case is Saudi Arabia, where people think only 28% are, when 71% are.
The worst case is Saudi Arabia, where people think only 28% are overweight, when 71% are.
Mys_ajek says only scienti c arguments the need to regenerate forests and control the wild animal population can save Europes wild carnivores, especially the unpopular wolf.
Mys_ajek says only the need to save forests and control the wild animal population can save Europes wild carnivores, especially the unpopular wolf.
In 2006, the Irish designer completed a scuba-diving course and loved the feeling of being able to breathe underwater and observe sh in their natural environment.
In 2006, the Irish designer completed a scuba-diving course and loved the feeling of being able to breathe underwater and watch sh in their natural environment.
Species that cause diarrhoea and nausea, both benign and bad E.coli (mostly benign), and the bacteria that can cause skin infections and urinary-tract infections were common all over the city.
Bacteria that cause diarrhoea and nausea, as well as E.coli, and the bacteria that can cause skin infections and urinary-tract infections were common all over the city.
Were going to PC World first thing their sale starts at 8am.
Were going to PC World in the morning their sale starts at 8am.
I will always cherish the wonderful memories he has given us, like that magical night in Moscow.
I will never forget the wonderful memories he has given us, like that magical night in Moscow.
In a three-year period, the number of paying subscribers rose from 8 million to 28 million, according to the 2014 digital music report from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).
In three years, the number of paying subscribers rose from 8 million to 28 million, according to the 2014 digital music report from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI).
The Mesolithic man, who lived in Spain around 7,000 years ago, had an unusual mix of blue eyes, black or brown hair and dark skin, according to analyses of his genetic make-up.
The Mesolithic man, who lived in Spain about 7,000 years ago, had an unusual mix of blue eyes, black or brown hair and dark skin.
Even in successful countries such as Indonesia and Vietnam, the proportion has been 20%.
Even in successful countries such as Indonesia and Vietnam, the proportion was 20%.
Its really unfair that tips go towards breakages made by customers.
Its really unfair that money from our tips is taken for breakages by customers.
I felt that people were looking at me in the wrong way, I began to struggle with loud noises and I suffered from memory loss.
I felt that people were looking at me in the wrong way, I began to have problems with loud noises and I suffered from memory loss.
We may as well get used to it, said David Kirkpatrick, author of The Facebook Effect.
David Kirkpatrick, author of The Facebook Effect, said that we need to get used to it.
Each month, Sullivans members choose from a list of seven possible gifts (chocolate, tea sets, manicures).
Each month, Sullivans clients choose from a list of seven possible gifts (chocolate, tea sets, etc).
Some ships are quieter than others but the average intensity of noise next to all the ships was 173 underwater decibels, equivalent to 111 decibels through the air about the sound of a loud rock concert.
Some ships are quieter than others but the average noise next to all the ships was 173 underwater decibels, the same as 111 decibels through the air about the sound of a loud rock concert.
Without their contribution, the history of this great club would not be as rich.
Without them, the history of this great club would not be as rich.
They spend 20% of their time viewing short video clips, for example on YouTube, or news clips distributed via Facebook and other social sites.
They spend 20% of their time watching short video clips, for example on YouTube, or news clips on Facebook and other social sites.
I wont touch those jobs anymore.
I wont do those jobs anymore.
And I just thought: You shouldnt be ashamed of this.
And I thought: You shouldnt be ashamed of this.
Only four out of McDonalds 14,000 US restaurants had so far tested build your own burger, he said, raising questions about how it could be scaled up.
Only four out of McDonalds 14,000 US restaurants have tested build your own burger, he said.
More than 25,000 kilos of dead sh were collected in the aftermath and nearly 2,000 adult birds, chicks, eggs and nests were killed or destroyed.
They collected more than 25,000 kilos of dead sh afterwards and nearly 2,000 adult birds, chicks, eggs and nests were killed or destroyed.
You also need a strong sense of personal ethics and an understanding of the law.
You also need to have strong personal ethics and to understand the law.
Real Driving Emissions (RDE) is a totally new regulation that will force significant emission control hardware changes that may be demanded in the middle of a vehicles production lifetime, said Cara McLaughlin, a spokesperson for the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA).
Real Driving Emissions is a totally new regulation that will force significant changes, said Cara McLaughlin, a spokesperson for the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA).