alright tevelle
The act of doing something stupid or saying something stupid.
"Lil Wayne Sucks" ..."Alright Tevelle"
goss hawk
A mum who stands outside the scool gate, for ages after drop off, chatting who knows what to other goss hawks, like they have absolutely nothing to do all day.
I couldn't get out of the school gate for all the bloody goss hawks
The nonchalant text u send immediately before you send an important text to a person. The pre-text insures that you will know whether or not the person will reply so that you are not left with textpectation after sending the important text it insures that your important query will not be textnored. Sort of like signing for a UPS package so they know that you got it.
Dude I wanna ask Bertha on a date but if she doesnt wanna go she'll just textnore me and say that she never got it. I'll send her a pre-text saying "What's up" then if she doesn't respond to my text asking her on a date, I'll know she's super shady.
1. To defecate - the process of emptying one's bowels of feces. 2. Laughing very hard.
2. It was so funny we were cacking ourselves laughing.
on the tether
On house arrest, usually with a tracking device around one's ankle. Like a horse tethered to a post; you can't go anywhere.
Nah, man, you gotta come over to chill. You know they got me on the tether n' shit!
Justin Bieber
Inspirational, multi-instrument playing, talented Canadian boy who hit it big at the young age of 15. He has many haters, but if you can pick up the phone and call Usher and many other well-respected names in the music business you're doing something right. Justin Bieber is special to millions of people around the world girls and BOYS, young and OLD. Not to mention he is one sexy fly-ass mofo with brown eyes that'll make you melt like a popsicle on a hot summer day. He swags the fuck out all the time positive he's really black. AND speaking as a completely sane belieber there are so many POSITIVE definitions that can be given for Justin Drew Bieber he's an unbelievably talented, weird, cute, sweet, NORMAL 17-YEAR OLD BOY who we, beliebers, would love to call our bestfriend.....okay....sometimes boyfriend too ;P
Justin Bieber inspires me to follow my dreams. I support and respect Justin Bieber 100%
Mexican nigger faggot
Look at the blockhead nañio!
A cool ass nigga, with Asian eyes, funny jokes, and nice hair. Always has a big dick. And is in every way, sexier then Xavier Davis.
Yanzay is my nigga.
Jadiel This guy is not for everyone. The most down to earth person you will ever meet in your entire life. He knows what to say and when to say it. He's very talented and is eager to learn just about anything. He's a very curious person. HILARIOUS person. He masters everything he is passionate about. He has the most sparkly eyes that tell you if he loves you. A very selfless guy. Remembers the smallest details. He will sacrifice anything for God and for others. He's loyal to his girl. Not to mention that he's a hunk of a guy. Very sexy and passionate, but also very charming and respectful. Has a soft talk that gives you goosebumps just about everywhere. If you find a Jadiel, spend eternity with him. You guys will be friend forever. And if you're his girl give him a lot of love, he needs it. He's the love of your life. Granted.
Do you know Jadiel? Gosh he's great!
I love (French). See also le coq.
J'adore le bapage, said butt licka as he got pounded indabutt.
Drunken googling - the cyber version of drunken dialing
After drinking too much Suzie droogled her ex to see what he was up to.
rock city
a awesome place in tn which peopple go to so they can look at a bunch of lights and then talk about how cool the lights were for another week
Bill:did you see the lights at rock city last ngiht? Bob: ya dude they frickin rocked!
Marilyn's Law
Any discussion regarding portrayals of female beauty in the media, especially in regards to weight and shape, will devolve into a discussion of Marilyn Monroe's dress size (what it was, whether it was a constant, what it would be in today's dress sizes, whether she presented a more realistic beauty ideal, etc.)
A: I can't believe how skinny models have gotten! B: I know! I wish we lived back in the 1960s when people liked a woman with real curves. A: Did you know Marilyn Monroe wore a size 12? B: Can't we have a discussion about this without invoking Marilyn's Law? You know she had to diet and exercise and get plastic surgery, right? It's not like there were no unachievable standards of beauty for women and all was well with the world back then, either.
An exquisite game,set in a post apocalyptic world after a nuclear exchange. The games brilliance comes from music,atmosphere and the weaving of the overall story. It's bleak,depressing,eerie and gritty. The 50's retro theme fits perfectly with the nuclear war plot and pulp comic sci-fi science&technology. The high-tech world that is described is done in a 1950's motif, giving excellent atmosphere and feeling. The game itself is an rpg with somewhat non-linear gameplay. You are confined to the story ultimately, but still have a fair degree of freedom. The game is loads of fun any way you play and is equally interesting from start to finish. If you understand what the guys at Interplay were going for you'll see what an amazing game this is.
If i had to describe the series with colours: fallout 1 is black,fallout 2 is green, and fallout:tactics is pink for being so gay
to get pimped or pimp slaped
"I'ma prostitutionalize you bitch"
rat girl
A girl who is whoring herself out while making someone else pay for her bills...like housing, food, other things. She has no means of support for herself and will only be around as long as you provide these things for her.
Used in a sentence: My XBoyfriend now dates a Rat Girl
불타오르네 (bultaoreune)
불타오르네 is basically the chorus of the surth korean boyband BTS song called Fire!
X: Yoo let´s sing some good kpop chorus Y: okay... are we thinking in the same word as me? X,Y: okay.... one two three... 불타오르네 (bultaoreune) FIRE!!!!
another word for skittles. They happen to taste so much better when theyre called that.
nigga those skitchizzles were bitchin
A term used by someone that is so blinded by hate and ignorance that he does not even bother the learn the geography of whatever place he refers to while hating Muslims.
Go back to ME or whatever Muslimland you came from!
1. An cynical and unfortunately real being, often found lurking in online habitats and pubs. 2. A state of mind beyond cross, livid, or just plain narked.
1. The Croz lurked in the corner, peering over the rim of his pint of Old Speckled Hen. 2. The girl was so croz, she performed the act of Boonga Boonga on the sales assistant.
A sexy man with a sexy ass body His elongated penis keeps getting longer and longer it's crazy other men get mad but don't do anything cause he's amazing and his fighting moves are like mc jagger he is one of the most amazing in bed
Woman: Dominic your penis keeps growing what the fuck... this is crazy...but I am not complaining
A fucking bear.🐻
Dylan - Boby shut up, you fucking bear. Boby - roar
chatsworth is the greatest place ever. I live in chatsworth, other people live there to, but most importantly I like there. it is so great. it is a place where everyone can be friends and we can all have a fun fun time. I love chatsworth and you should to
Dude when I die i hope i go to heaven... I mean chatsworth Micah Davis lives in chatsworth and so should you chatsworth is the greatest place ever
One of the most loyla people you will meet.She is kind and has curves.If you will choose any girl make sure her name is Phoenix
Woah is that Phoenix
A person you love or care for. Someone you can cuddle with.
BF: hey cupcake ;) GF: hey babe
When you get beat so bad in call of duty, that you are basically in a state of shock and confusion. Coming from the word pandemonium, pandamonia is used amongst gamers to depict a panda on a killing streak.
Dude, I got pandamonia'd today and went 0 and 25. I was so confused that I thought I was going to literally get raped.
Choad Wart
It's similar to a Cocknozzle. It's what you call somebody who acts like a "know it all", and in most cases, is wrong more often than not.
Guy 1 - Hey, did you guys hear that earthquake in China was a 7.9 on the Richter scale? Guy 2 - It was actually a 9.5. Guy 1 - Shut the fuck up you Choad Wart, I heard on CNN it was a 7.9.
The best town in the south and the country. Also has the best high school football team and peaches in the country.
That town Gaffney has some dam good football players like Justin Ness #43 and the best peaches I ever had.
delaney williams
An alcoholic at age 15 and keeps denying it.
Tim-Delaney Williams you are an alcoholic, Delaney Williams- Tim I’m not
One of African descent that has overcome the obstacles of daily life and amass computer programming skills. "Computer Programming Nigga" condensed to a one word form.
Jamaal went to school to become an engineer, but later decide to become a protapriga.
a fiercely brave boy who isn’t afraid to go his own way, speak his own mind and empowers those around him. He walks with ignition that burns brighter than the sun, all the attention goes to him.
Person A: Who’s that? Person B: They’re breathtaking Person C: His name is probably An
A brociety is a population of bros characterized by patterns of relationships between individuals that share a distinctive culture and/or interest. More broadly, a brociety is an economic, social and industrial infrastructure, made up of a varied multitude of bros. Members of a brociety may be from different ethnic groups. A brociety may be a particular ethnic group, such as the Saxons, a nation state, such as Bhutan, or a broader cultural group.
Will: Those kids from Farmington are developing quite a brociety over there. Sean: Yeah, if they keep it up they're never going to be able to function in a real society. Will: Looks fun to me, I just hope they don't get too bromantic.
c note
1. $100 2. hundred bucks
I wish I had a c note in my wallet.
The word used to describe the activity of drinking at different pubs while using a bike to travel from pub to pub Diking is not encouraged if you are either: 1. A terrible cyclist 2. Bad at holding your liquor
Sam: Man, I'm so tired of going to the same old pub every Friday Patrick: Well why don't we hit up multiple places this time! Sam: and how will we do that? Patrick: By going diking of course!
A ginger queer that smokes pot on a regular basis. He's a very angry ho and breaks shit constantly. Is a danger to be near.
Wow that Dan is a fucking retarded bitch, stay away from it!
A white BMW X6 with tinted windows OR any white SUV/Crossover vehicle with dark tinted windows.
When you see me, Black X6, phantom, white X6 looks like a panda. Going out like I'm Montana.
Very ugly boy but very smart and loyal
He’s ugly, he must be a Kewonile.
danielle cohn
Danielle Cohn is a 12 year old used to be tik toker. She is a liar and a manipulator and her fans fall for that shit. She dates men, yes i say men people most of them are almost 18. She tries to deny being a hoe, but we all know the tea. She looks like a damn racoon, and her mother looks like a crackhead.
P1: Who's that? P2: Oh, that's Danielle Cohn. Don't go near her, she'll bite you 'cause she's a snake.
Another way of saying nice or great or amazing
that was toxic yo.
bullshit day
Bullshit day is where you do bare minimum or fuck all (none) work
John: I’m not feeling like it today. Smith: Bullshit day? John: Yeah.
Some random bozo who is good singing
Villainofanime is a nerd!
A Chinese name, typically for females. Pronounced as Ling-lone :)
Her name is Linglong
An Elizabeth is the ultimate woman. Elegantly beautiful with energy that attracts all personalities. She possesses the ability to analyze the nature of others' personalities, as well as, her own. This deep reflection and her directness provides her with the characteristics of a loyal friend and lover. An Elizabeth outrageously witty due to her high intellect, making her desirable to all sexes.
When meeting an ideal mate for the first time, "Damn, I'd like to tag that elizabeth!"
Basically an f-word replacement to avoid offense, can be used in all of the same ways as the f-word.
"Twaq, I left my key in my other pants!" "You are twaqing stupid man, anyone knows that she's hot." "Mother-twaqer" "What the twaq?" and so on...
A relaxed term of saying good-bye, and "ease's" out of the conversation. Usually used in a lighter form of conversation, similar to saying later, peace out, etc...
Person A: John is finished talking with Jill, and say's "Alright, Ease-out." Person B: Mitch has recently realized that the person he is talking to is in fact the boyfriend of the girl he just slept with...time for Mitch to "Ease-out"
Probably a 15-year-old boy (I believe) who has a voice changer to make their voice "Kawaii" so PDF files simp for this minor (Don't do that, please.) Said slurs: R-Slur, F-Slur and The N-Word Said she talks in "3rd person" and their pronouns are "She/magic/doll" Was or still is a troll on the internet Supports Vladimir Putin and said she could beat Allah. (Which is disrespectful) Said she will rape the people who were raiding her other banned server
Meowbahh: "Konnichiwa! Meow Her-" Everyone On the internet: "No wonder why you were adopted." (I don't like or support meowbahh LMAO.)
the worship of the otter
Chris: Otterism is God.
Scenic Route
The scenic route, The undesirable neighborhood that you would not want to live in or find yourself driving through very often due to safety concerns and just the depressing scene that is hurting your eyes. As you begin your grove you’ll notice a gradual increase in trash and untidy kept porches, as well as more and more graffiti,you’ll start noticing abandon cars and trash filled lots were houses once stood, Before you know it there is just random people all over the place ,junkies ,People pushing shopping carts with god only knows what down the middle of the street. All of this is taking place for example on a Tuesday afternoon at 3 p.m. I guess nobody has to be at work in these either The smell of weed is everywhere in, cars with tinted windows and people in need of a belt to keep thier pants from falling down , there is no shortage of bodegas , Check cashing places, pawn shops, liquor stores,And plenty of takeout food stores. You can spot the place that you can buy drugs from just like seeing other cars continually pulling up to the same corner of people then quickly driving off into the sunset. And then at some point you have made it through the halfway point of the scenic route and you will find that conditions all the sudden begin to gradually improve back towards your neighborhood that actually has pride and respect for itself. As you arrive safely to your doorstep you reflect upon taking the scenic route home and are thankful that we live where you live. THE END.
On my way home from work today I had to take the scenic route due to a detour, I made sure my doors were locked and my Legally owed and licensed to carry 9 mm we’re ready just in case
Sød is a danish word for sweet ore cute. It can both refer to a person, an animal or food.
If you want to give a compliment to a girl you could say 'You're sweet' In danish 'Du er sød'.
abo nikes
Abo nikes is Australian slang for when you don't have shoes so you're going to go bare foot. Or you could use Coon Boots.
Jack: "oh man! I left my Nike Airs at Jenny's house, looks like the Abo nikes will have to do."
Drop The Cosbys Off At The Pool
Taking a huge shit.
Anthony Padilla: Excuse me, I have to go "Drop The Cosbys Off At The Pool." Girlfriend: What are you talking about?
A gun in Call of Duty: Black Ops in the zombies game mode that is attained from the mystery box. also rapes zombies in the ass
Bro the thundergun in zombies is fucking awesome!
Direct translation u taking me for a poes (the don't respect you ah ahhhh)
You take me for a cwenga Cwenga-(fatherless) is seen as a consumption of space, has lack of brain cells yet he still choices to breath the oxygen you and I could be using
common law gay
When one goes 10+ years without getting laid or even coming remotely close to vagina, they are then, by default, gay as fuck.
Norm hasn't gotten pussy in so long, that nigga HAS to be common law gay by now!
Go to war
When two criminal enterprises engage in violent attacks on each other for control of power and the flow of money
Tony Montana: You wana go to war? Wel take you to war!
Similar to gay meaning doing the things the other gender does e.g. makeup
Eww, you’re so yag!
Pickle chin
An insult for someone with a face structure that looks similar to the Crimson Chin from The Fairly OddParents
Boy I’m really boutta get to yo pickle chin ass boy, egg head like collard greens headass boy, oh hell nah boy yo dirt ass boy stank ass boy afro headass, lip gloss chin ass boy ugly ass boy
an acronym that stands for "bust upon entry" and describes the immediate ejaculation that occurs the first time you bang a total slam piece. more prone to happening on boats in the islands. a BUE can occur for several reasons, which include: banging a girl after a little too much foreplay, triumphantly banging a girl you've been trying to bang for a really long time, banging a girl after a long dry spell, banging an unbelievably hot girl, banging a girl for the first time without a condom on, banging while thinking too much about how you're presently banging, or really just any time you pull a BWS (banging while sober)
"dude i paid $400 to bang that stripper but it was a total BUE. what a waste of money"
Ecuadorian slang for a blonde woman.
La suca vive en Gulag, más arrabita. The suca lives a little North of Gulag.
vegas princess
A person who does not want to have fun in vegas or is afraid to drink due to previous night in vegas
Frank: "yo joshua lets have some drinks" Joshua: "nah I have a hangover don't feel like drinking" Frank: "why you acting like a vegas princess?"
gerbil fight
the process of throwing excessive amounts of gerbils at one another hoping to achieve victory
guy #1:hey everyone!!! everyone:what? guy #1:gerbil fight!!! everyone:yay!!
A passionate, hopelessly romantic girl, who often puts too much on her plate. Often gets frustrated but at the same time she’s very caring and loving. Usually with brown hair and grey or green eyes.
“Is Bridget still in love with that kid” “Not a moment goes by when she’s not thinking about him”
mow the lawn
to 'mow the lawn' can also mean to take a dump. not sure where this originated from, but have heard it a few times in London.
"i say, shall we go forth and partake in the quest for punani?" "yeah mate, but give me five minutes to mow the lawn first..."
Lotus Land
1. A nickname for Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Term comes from the land of the lotus eaters in The Odyssey, where people ate lotus flowers and "A single taste of this native fruit made my soldiers forget everything they had ever know; where they were from, where they were going, everything." It is in reference to Vancouver's laid back attitude and prominent drug culture (especially the large scale use and acceptance of marijuana).
"Hey, I'm going to Lotus Land"
What wooper says when it is decapitated by a kabutops.
OWIE! my fuggin head.
When one inhales enough bromine to end one's life.
"Bro why is our chemistry teacher on the floor " "'Cause he's been brominated, bro"
1.)A black man who is only attracted to white women . 2.) The last name of an associate who this definition is in honor of. 3.)A den black men take white women to watch them walk around in yoga pants.
snowden:"Damn, look at that white girl in those yoga pants." Me:"Bruh, three black girls in yoga pants have just walked past you." Snowden: ". . so what." Me:"Snowden your a fucking snowden"
To be aggressively pursued or courted by someone with romantic intentions.
Oh my God you shoulda seen this lame try to bullychop me last night in the club! I had on that tight green mini and he grabs my arm yelling "YO!! AYO GREEN! YO GREEN LET ME GET YO NUMBER REAL QUICK!!" Spitting in my face n shit!
A jokingly scientific take on the word twat. Means vagina.
"Wow" Bob says pointing at the girl who just walked in the room, "She looks like she could take some cock in her entwatus."
Crumple Fuck
To crumple up an important document or item in front of the items owner, followed by throwing the crumpled item on a desk or the floor.
Bro, the sergeant walked over to me, snatched my birthday card out of my hands, crinkled it up and threw it on the floor! Yeah, dude, the sergeant crumple fucked the birthday card my momma sent to me, too.
newbie days
When you're going through your first weeks of getting high a newbie tends to giggle alot over little things as pot heads the non newbies hardly ever laugh anymore they smoke to feel normal.
Mike: remember the newbie days when we smoked for the first time together in hines park Me: yeah we had the giggles so bad Kevin: remember we were by the water and mike talked about teletobbies coming out of the water and killing us Me: yeah man I miss the newbie days we laughed so much over little things Kris: its over now lets smoke some more weed
18-20 year old girls who come to Beta Nightclub on thursday nights for the sole pupose of getting free liquor and hooking up with random dudes that offer to take them to Louisiana.
The betahoes last night were whack because they didn't want to go to Louisiana
Bubble Butt
Contrary to popular belief Bubble Butts are ~not~ big asses. Bubble Butts are round like a globe, usually complement a slender/slim body, they are very tight and firm unlike the one's on fat asses...
she is skinny but - dam - she has a bubble-li-cious bubble butt ass.
The ultimate trap-house located in north-west London. The only private school you will find with nos canisters in the bushes.
person 1:"Hey gurl you thinking of going to St.Helen's sixth form" person 2: "Yeah gurl Reading festival pt.2"
A form of greeting amongst the members of the Order of Munan Chohept Onast
Majima: Munancho! Priest: Munancho Brother Majima!
fo fo fo
when you at Wendy's and you in a rush, you get the "Four for four"
Friend 1: Wya Friend 2: Wendy's Friend 1: Can you get me the fo fo fo? Friend 2: Wut Friend 1: FO FO FO
To interrupt an answer you asked as no answer will satisfy you.
Wife - "What were you doing with that woman?" Husband - "Well, we were just..." Wife - "Yeah, right! I know what you were doing!" Husband - "Don't answerupt me."
social rights
noun refers to a set of rights which an individual is entitled within society in a social context. These consist of; a; freedom of choice b.; free will c; individuality
all members of a free Democratic society, are bequeathed with social rights.
A word one exclaims when one's hot pocket explodes on some part of their body, causing them pain. It can also be used as a verb.
"The hotpocket ridowked my arm!"
Study Skittles
Nickname given to ADD meds such as adderall. Origins began during the adderall shortage of 2011 during fall term finals at Drexel University.
" yo man you got them study skittles?" " yerp 6 bills each, how many you need?"
A word used to describe anything that is stupid, inappropriate, lacking, or just not necessary. Also can describe someone who is full of themselves.
1. The sluggish way I was running today was assnine... 2. I'm not going to say his name, but D is so assnine that its annoying.
Campbell student
a person who spends a minimum of several hours a week at Wal-Mart, where all the people from Dunn complain about the uppity Campbell kids not realizing in their own stupidity that we contribute heavily to their economy, guess thats what they get for not graduating high school.
Hey you wanna go with me to Wal-Mart?
A girl who is looking around with the main motivation of obtaining oral sex that will finish with swallowing. (IHOP stands for International House Of Pancakes, a pancake restaurant with the motto "Come Hungry Leave Happy" hence if a girl is I-hoppin' she's Cum Hungry and Leaving Happy)
Man I saw Dashiki today, she was all lickin her lips and struttin Spanish, she's totally I-hoppin' for you dog!
Nag Champa
A great incense to burn, with its strong individual smell that you can't find in any other incense. Starting with a potent smell that goes to a cool sweet smell as time passes. If you burn, than it's the only one to have in your burner.
it means yes. when we are in an unsure situation, but are thinking yes.
When times of confusion and stress, we use the word to describe our sayings of yes, or argggggh...
Captain Canuck
Canada`s own personal Super Hero, he is able to...well, he`s a generic hero who can run fast and lift heavy things. He works for CISO, in a future where Canada is the most powerful country in the world. His alter ego is Tom Evans. He also has some powers pertaining to maple syrup that were only hinted upon in two comics.
Jim: Holy Crap, it`s Captain Canuck! John: So?
Also known as Nuggeting; a popular in-school form of entertainment where the "Capooner" flips the victim's back-pack inside out and puts all the books back inside.
Nick - Yo, Joe just got Capooned while he was on the lunch line. Mike - Look, Dan just said he did it, Joe wants him to flip it back. Nick - Dan is sayin' no, looks like there's gonna be a fight. Mike - I got my money on Joe, what about you? Nick - Yeah Dan doesn't stand a chance, Joe will teach him never to capoon anyone's backpack again.
Is a person that is all perfect that will help you in trouble times and he loves you no matter what if you have him in your life you are lucky
God is not dead
Means god of the south in some language. Or is a Character found in world of warcraft. Best warrior in the game.
ZOMGOSH Komaku just smashed that gnome. he's leet.
A person (usually an Emo) Who wants to be an Aspie. A person who is an Aspie has a neurological difference called Aspergers Syndrome, a mild forum of autism that has good and bad attributes such as Depression, anger, emotional issues, Anti-social behavior, rebellious nature, trouble socializing, psychological problems Above average or higher Intelligence, Passions in one subject, eccentric personality and possibly great talents if the talent is productive and can tribute to the world. Waspies are completely Normal people, higly social, average Intelligence sometimes lowered because of the constant social non-productive rituals (i.e Shopping, hanging out at the mall, popularity contests) Waspies do not like their normal selves. They want to be different and unique like an Aspie and pretended they suffer their emotional problems. Not realizing just means someone has Aspergers doesn't mean their rebellious unique individuals. They want to be weird, insane depressed and think being psychologically disturbed will make you look cool. Because it seems that now-a-days Preppy popular young people. Don't want to be preppy and popular but desire to be social misfits cause it's more "cool" Waspie was inspired by the term Wigger
I hate those Waspies being such attention whores. Why the hell would you want to have Aspergers syndrome?, Don't they realize being unique like an Aspie is a big price to pay-Your social life. It's like a curse, man you get to be weird like what those Waspies desire but your social ability is impaired. Those social fools would die right away if you infected them with Aspergers. They wouldn't like it. They would be like us staying the hell out of Wrongplanet.com where the Waspies hang out. Dude those Waspies totally took over our forum. Dawm Emo kids.
hopeless harmony
not worth it but hides it with peace
a depressed person feeling hopeless pretending to be happy ( hopeless harmony )
Female genital organs.
"My tumpsy is kicking up a right pong in this heat."
The biggest 2b2t YouTuber second to FitMC.
If you subscribe to SalC1, then you receive a notification every time he posts a video.
The Samson is when you are having sex with a girl, and she cuts your pubic hair, and then you instantly go limp.
I was having sex with Delilah when she whipped out scissors and gave me a Samson. Now I can't get it up, and I went blind.
a terrible person and the worse member of nitro central
did you hear about how NitroDubh blew up that orphanage? did you know NitroDubh caused 9/11
A heart shaped symbol typically sent from someone to their significant other via text message, email, etc. 1. Usually used when one has strong emotions for another that are hard to express, i.e love, happiness Commonly used when one is too shy to say "I love you" for fear of it being taken the wrong way, or scaring off the person receiving the message
"Alex, I really like you, and hypothetically speaking, I miss you more. <3"
not available
1)a person who is having rough sex, with only one person. Only open for buisness to one. 2)a nice way of saying I am single and have no one.
"I'm so not available with him."
When an individual humps another so hard they deficate all over themselves and their partner.
That girl took me home and winburned me into next week. It sure is a goodthing I didn't eat corn last night.
A massively fat individual, normally complete with gunt (f) windows apron (f) or giant belly (m) that's rather fond of wheelbarrow loads of deep fried potato products. When found in Scotland they are fairly recognisable by massive size and dark pink corned-beef pattern on skin.
Look at the size of him/her. What a complete Chippopotamus
A person who has an insatiable lust for lactation and gives you no rest if you are nursing. This can include coworkers and friends boyfriends.They are fiends for it. But you can also make them crawl through broken glass for it....
God my husband locked on my breasts like Lacula.. " I vant to drenk your milk...........!"