december 8th
national no panties day ;) don’t wear ur panties all day ladies :))))
bro: i’ve gotta go to my girls house bro #2: why bro we just started a game bro: it’s december 8th, national no panties day my dude bro #2: understandable understandable have fun with your boo
the condition of being completely inept, clueless, or just plain dumb; the inability to 'get a clue; the plight of an individual who consistently performs below par in the social or intellectual arena; idiocy
"Why is this idiot slowing down to miss the signal? It's a green light! Tardation!!" "Could you possibly drive any slower on the freeway on-ramp? We're going 20 into a 55 zone! Tardation!" "You cancelled our wedding plans, cost me a fortune, and humiliated me in front of all of our friends and family, and NOW you want to get back together? HAHAHAHA Tardation!!" "I'm so frustrated with my classmate, I give him precise instructions for completing our project and he still cannot produce coherent results. Total tardation!"
Freak booty boss savage legit queen
Mans, i swear that girl flamingo
God this guy is such a greymars
someone from the music class of our lady's royton 2003
dubheasa is a laggard
The Southern California City of Escondido combined with the word "dildo" to summarize the city's nature.
Samantha "What city do you live in?" Jenny "Escondildo"
Short for "Bad Ass Bitch In Charge". As in an extremely dominant and awesome woman who commands fierce loyalty and does not take challenges well. A BABIC is the most awesome force of nature any man could come up against and leaves few survivors in her wake. Only the most worthy are capable of standing in her presence without bursting into flames.
Don't fuck with Rhiannon, that BABIC is hardcore and will rip out and eat your uterus and eat it just for fun if you step out of line.
deiontre is the most sexiest, funniest, guy you could ever meet. he is an AMAZING dancer. he is the best person you could have in your life. he is sensitive and realy cares about his women
Man he was being so Deiontre today. i like it when he does that.
This is a picture of two eyes, and a mouth... the two eyes are crying, thats why there are lines running down the eyes... often used in sms, and txt...
john;(txt) i dont love you Jane;(txt) T-T T-T, i cant belive youd be such a douche.. T-T T-T
short form of the italian female name Francesca
Franci, don't use the word Fran or italians would think you are a guy
Engineer desk
The state of having incredible amounts of seemingly unrelated technical items on a desk, out of which only the owner can make sense. Such items usually include circuit boards, drafting diagrams, mechanical devices, power cords, and half-empty cans of soda.
"Christ, I'm so disorganized. I'm suffering from a severe case of engineer desk."
when one is overly drunk
After taking those last few tequilla shots, Milton was drozed, he blacked out.
the sound of robots beat boxing, and not doing too bad at it.
Robot Chuck Norris can fart techno.
deep-v diver
A penis, It's a deep vagina diver
You have a big deep-v diver.
Two BESTFRIENDS where everyone in a lower grade thinks and believes they are twin sisters they look so much alike.
Jesovy Lynn Madame Misseh Cambria Green Emiovy Victoria Stewart Jesovy&Emiovy Are Twin Sisters.
Dirty Lopez
When a man eats out a woman as fast as he possibly can.
Yeah dude she wanted to go all night but i just went down and gave her a dirty lopez bro.
Knowing that you are going to have relations with your woman that night, you have your friends get to your house early and hide in the closet. While doing you girl doggy style you grab her by the hair. your friends then jump out of the closet and scream rodeo. Try to hold on for 8 seconds.
I pulled a rodeo with Heather but only made 7 seconds.
hot topic
A clothing/merchandise store that has increased in popularity dramatically since the late 90's (even though the store itself has been in operation since the late 80's). Hot Topic's intention is to appeal primarily to the gothic, industrial and punk crowds, although in recent years it has also had tendences to cater to the metal and emo cultures among others. The franchise is often perceived negatively, both by the cultures it claims to represent, and those who are not interested in said cultures at all. This perception comes from the fact that a) Hot Topic often only explores the most popular and accessible bands in the previously stated cultures, b) adjusts their merchandise to changes in popular trends and c) often features variations of punk/gothic clothing that is intended to be more appealing to today's youth. Additionally, many also claim the accessories are overpriced and/or cheaply manufactured, and the stores tend to attract naive, impressionable teenagers that are primarily concerned with with the materialistic and surface appeal of the cultures represented (resulting in what could be labeled as faux-rebellion and mass conformism). Despite this, some simply see the store as a convenient place to buy accessories that are otherwise difficult to find without going online or visiting speciality stores. Hot Topic is often seen as a haven for posers because of its focus on popular rock merchandise; fans of the store often have a low opinion of clothing stores perceived as "preppy", such as Old Navy or Abercrombie and Fitch (incidentally, consumers of said stores often have a low opinion of those who shop at Hot Topic).
Hot Topic is just as negatively perceived as Old Navy or The Gap is.
It is the short form of Aryan in Kurdish.It is also the word that the Aryan word itself came from.
Ar-Ari-Aria-Arian= White/noble/good natured race-belonging to this race-the place/land of thesse people-the singular/plural of this race.
A persom from Birmingham speaking with funny accent at first a bit hard to understand. All the sentences to be said at one breath. Hard to explain eya, it must be heard
brummy: am u alright, mucker? where am ya? brummy2: Im with them people acroos the road
An ice-cream flavor that is composed of separate bands of chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla.
Neopolitan ice-cream tastes good.
Loose Stool
Noun 1. A piece of bar furniture with one leg coming out of its hole causing a rickety, disorienting, and sometimes dangerous condition. May cause user to subconsciously rock, causing annoyance to himself and others. 2. A soft, uncomfortable bowel movement that frequently follows a night of heavy beer drinking.
I should have known after pounding PBR's all night on that broken-ads bar stool that I'd have loose stool the next day. It couldn't wait to get out of me.
To dunk on a person in basketball;To have sexual intercourse until you cant walk.
You just got yammed on fool. Yamtime on that pink stuff,boi boi!
jew tree
1) item used for hanging jewelry on to. usually a random item on night stand, and bathroom counter (not a dish) which accumulates bracelets, hair ties, earrings and the like. 2) a jewish person's christmas tree with lame, non-personalized, or otherwise non-traditional ornamentation.
When I knocked over the lotion bottle on the counter... her watch , earrings, bracelets all fell off the jew tree.
1. A broad valley. (n) tis is a contraction of 'it is.' dale is a valley that is broad. 2. One with an old soul. (v) To be level-headed in difficult situations To be wisdomatic
1. Boise, Idaho is located between two mountain ranges. These two ranges create an enormous tisdale. 2. -Shaniqua: Sup yo -Molly: I'm not sure. I felt so attracted to this guy I met today. It was like there was a gravitational pull. -Shaniqua: Shit yo, that was prolly just his tisdale. Dudes like that are usually hung like a horse.. YOoU KNOooW
Laugh my kinky socks off
i was putting on my fishnets, when all of a sudden my friend fell down the stairs. ... and i laughed my kinky socks off.(LMKSO)
the line
When a man jizzes into the nostril of another person and covers their mouth so the person is forced to snort in the semen, as if snorting cocaine.
Dude, Last night I gave nicole the line.
a place where rodents party to the sunrise, a vagina that is filled with hot cheese
dude what the fuck is up with your ayako?, i was walking through the forest and ran into an ayako...it was some sweet shit
The act of trying to conceal a fart but giving yourself away by giggling two-five seconds after said fart. Derrived from the words fart-meaning letting gas out of ones ass and giggle meaning silly laughter.
Those stupid sluts totally just figgled.
Installed as a king.
That Abhishek is a great leader.
Takura is a very extraordinary person and is naturally gifted at everything he dose, he is a man of high class and is often fancied by the opposite sex. Takura is a name that originates from Zimbabwe, Takura isn't a pretty boy but he is not ugly either, he is hard working and normally has a powerful voice.
I wish I could date a Takura
Crunchy Granola
Noun. A person who is lives in a healthy, green, vegetarian way. This person often supports Greenpeace and other such environmental and anti-war groups.
Aislin is a crunchy granola, and I think she was awesome at the anti-war ralley today!
A term originating from the app ifunny, meaning the measurements of a woman’s squirt, or how far she can squirt
Woman:exists Ifunnier:the squirtistics, Now!
Relating to the slang term tight, meaning cool, or hip.
That game is tiz'ight.
sham on
To rock hard to party hard (from a GREAT song by bens folds)
"let me tell yall what its like being male middle class and white its a bitch if u dont believe listen up to my new cd sham on"~rockin the suburbs
this my shit
1. A problem that concerns you 2. Your poop
1. "Stay out of this!" "No, this my shit!" (as in the gwen stefani song "Hollaback Girl 2. What is this in the toilet? This my shit!
A male or female whom continuously complains for no reason at all.
My gosh John all you do is nag nag nag! It's so you to complain about everything!!
The Sacred Language Of Roblox
Me: Hi ###### #### ###### ## #### ######## Random Roblox Player: *confused* Me: I said ###### ##### #####
n. (see-pact-lee) A Mexican woman who comes to the US and whores herself out for citizenship and / or financial gain. Stems from the Aztec god, Cipactli, which had multiple mouths used to devour and vomit the universe. Is sometimes loosely used as a term for "gold-digger"
"I thought she loved me, but she was just a cipactli and took every thing I had." "Stay away from that cipactli"
Chance of Penetration
Heavily influenced by the Bangometric Pressure. Highly sophisticated survey based on probability that helps to determine the odds of tappin that ass.
Did you see that look in her eye bro? There is a 100% Chance of Penetration tonight. I blew it when she caught me checking out her mom, now there is a 0% chance of Penetration.
To prematurly ejaculate due to an over-extremely hot chick.
This bitch was so hot, I clerked all over her.
backward smiley
An emoticon intended to be viewed by tilting one's head to the right (as opposed to left for the originals. As originated by chucks.
The three original backward smileys: ( : ) : ( ;
Damn, Ken. She's actually... kinda cute.
(meme) A phrase one bro says to another to indicate that he is attracted to a chick in a nonchalant manor. It can also be a game in which one bro guesses what girl the other is referring to while in public with multiple women around them.
Bro: Damn, Ken. She's actually... kinda cute. Brah: Hmmm, the blonde? Or that brunette in the pink over there? Bro: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Justin Bieber
A seven year old girl who sings -despite lack of talent- about being a lesbian.
"Who sings this song?" "Oh, it's just Justin Bieber. I feel so bad for her, so young and so confused.
The creator and ruler of the universe.
I believe in God.
panic trash
If you are Panic Trash you are someone who would likely sell their soul for Panic! At The Disco (a band). The term is not fully understood by the lead singer, Beebo Urie, because he believes his fans shouldn't be called "trash". We do it anyway.
"I'm complete Panic Trash"
Street guy
A guy with street smarts, city guy not a hillbilly or a suburban transplant, tough, knows his job, can read people. Not a bitch or hipster knows the neighborhoods etc.
Johnny’s a street guy he’s from around here! He’s not a suburban pussy! He knows what he’s doing.
Growdie Lowdie
When you wake up and there is shit inside your boxers.
"Shit, not another Growdie Lowdie!"
Hulu and fuck
The term Hulu and fuck is slang for watching Hulu and chilling with friends, despite it's name it actually has nothing to do with actually fucking.
Hey bro, I just got a Hulu subscription, you down for some Hulu and fuck?
This is a reptile made completely out of shit.
This shitile stinks.
Famous, having a good reputation
The all-powerful sage and eminent junkie
Farting whilst receiving a blow job. Either by accident or on purpose.
Honey...........I was wondering.........when you give me a BJ...why not blow instead of suck?!?....it might work. As she blows you RASP one out. "Hey don't blow that hard, it's not a trumpet.....now I've had a blartkin
An action word ie: POW, Bang. to be used only when the situation calls for a word that goes beyond all limits of amazing.
"I will totaly take you down...SKEDOOSH!"
The best girl in the world you can tell her. Anything
Ugh I wish I was Evie
A fanfiction story challenge made by the author Severitus on fanfiction.net. It includes a very specific set of requirements, found at their LiveJournal page (google "severitus challenge livejournal"). Requirements: 1. Severus Snape must be revealed to be Harry's father. 2. Remus Lupin must have returned to Hogwarts for some reason or another (unless it's a 3rd year AU, in which case he's already there). 3. Harry must undergo some progressive physical change starting on his birthday. No *tada!* and suddenly he looks like Snape. 4. The story must be based mostly around Harry and Snape. 5. (Optional) Incorporate one or more of the conversations posted on the LiveJournal page. Change them however you want (it's encouraged!). 6. Make a note somewhere that it's in response to this challenge, so all the other nice people can give it a shot too, and be able to find the other challenge responses. 7. Tell Severitus that you wrote a response to the challenge! Feel free to either email them or let them know in a review on one of their stories.
I was reading a fic tagged as a Severitus, but the author didn't include all of the requirements of the challenge. They probably assumed that "Severitus" was just a fancy name for a "Mentor!Snape" fic, and never read the challenge themselves.
Something being gross; vile
Ew kelsey that's so lurp put it away!
The main character in an anime called: SpongeBob SquarePants. This character is seen to have a love interest by the name of senpai Squidward. SpongeBob also has a best friend named Patrick Star, who is a kunfu master. I'm the anime, you also see special apearences like: Shrek, Cory from the Cory in the House anime, and many more.
Dude 1:"Have you seen the SpongeBob SquarePants animeyet?" Dude 2:"Yes I have! SpongeBob's training scene to find his true potential with Sensei Shrek is my favorite episode!" Dude 1:"Oh yeah, what episode was that again?" Dude 2:"I think it was season 1 episode 3: Sensei Shrek."
death uno
The act of a total loser of a game of uno has to send a dick pic with no context to someone of their choosing
Bro I fucking suck at death uno
extremely attracted to someone by the name of jaxson
oh my goodness i’m so attracted to jaxson. i’m jaxsonsexual
exflaw list
Making a list of the flaws of an ex who dumped you to raise your spirits in an otherwise sad time.
I miss her,so I made an "exflaw list": she was always late, had no tits, no cum in mouth, c section scar, snored like a tractor etc...
late night creepy uncle
A person in a position of authority who molests young children
Did you hear Merl Cook got convicted of buggering a whole first grade class? I believe when he was young he had a late night creepy uncle.
to overly show affection to someone in public. to claim as your own. to be all over someone.
"man your like a dog, quit spraying her."
The ultimate form of banishment used only by those who have the ability to wield such great power.
Peasant: Please sir I will do better next time, I swear. Man: Be gone THOT Peasant:Noooooooooooooooooo
It is like amazing, except it is for something SUPER amazing! It sounds better than amayzinger. You say it lyk UH MAY ZING. It is important to emphasize all the syllables.
That one boy looks amazing, but the other one looks UHMAYZING!
tiggol bitties
it comes from the latin words "huge titts" it means : big ass titys
damm greg, look at those fine ass titys!
When idiots try to spell "hello" without realizing that they need to proofread
helllo my friend
crim de la crim
the best of; the finest in its category
1) T.I. is the crim de la crim of rappers. 2) Jesus is the crim de la crim of man. 3) A 64 Impala is the crim de la crim of cars.
a new word to combine psychology, sociology, anthropology into one word.
The new field covering all social sciences is Socioanthropsychapology.
Quiet Kid
A kid at school who doesn't talk often portrayed as a sadistic goth kid who like guns.
The Quiet Kid has a list of classmates how bout' that!
A breed that is superior to every substance (pertaining humans.In many religions the "Gingers" will rule bringing the events leading to the Apocalypse/Armageddon.
The Gingers are superior to the Aryans.
A stampede of tramps.
A few days ago in Spanish class, a guy said trampede. One person asked what that is. Another guy said it was a stampede of tramps. The whole class laughed and I could see my teacher trying not to laugh, then she did. I know why I love this class. MLIA.
Better than MTV eventhough there both owned by the same company
At least Vh1 plays music videos and has no TRL
Juiced Springsteen
Drinking too much so that you can't remember the lines to The Boss' greatest hits.
Simanto: I really can't sing Thunder Road after 2 century clubs, way to juiced springsteen. GWAR: Ya man, I had a vodka and cran and I'm hooped on nipple shwa. Simanto: Maybe we should break-up.
Someone from the suburbs who believes they are a redneck
Todd: did you see him today? He is a country boy!! He was mudding in a 4x4 and fishing at the local park. Ross: nah. He's not actually a redneck, he's just a hickenson Todd: ohh I didn't realize
To describe a person that is confusing or difficult to work out or understand.
If a young gentleman is dating a lady that is playing games or isn't straight forward with him. 'This girl I hooked up with is 'encrypted' bruv!'
Tscharner is a boy who is very intelligent and and very loved you will be so lucky to have a friend like him or even more but if you turn on him or someone he lives he will turn ruthless
Tscharner is an amazing person
A blog about cool stuff that only someone named Tessa says. Also can be essays by someone named Tessa.
You're a loser 'cuz you never read any Tessays in yo LIFE!
Stimulation of the prostate of a man with a finger, normally the index finger, in order to create an intense, explosive orgasm. Only correct stimulation of the prostate will create a Boop-Ding. When done correctly and with appropriate timing, the entire process can be done in the same time as it takes to say the phrase.
While Craig was enjoying his chance to jerk-off, he had to get back to work, so he gave himself the boop-ding and finished up quickly.
A girl with the best hair ever known to man. She is totes gorgeous and can rock ANY coture. She is great at acting, and can be somewhat dramatic at times, but who doesn't love some drama now and then! Ramya is a name that means delightful, and she surely is!
Wow, she's so fun to be around, she's such a Ramya!
An author in a chain of publications that post's content either as it is or with a add-on input; consecutive poster
The CP is so delusional, I don't think he'll survive the comment thread
The way Hispanic people say the word "flick".
Mexican 1: "Hey, amigo, how do you operate this lighter?" Mexican 2: "You have to fleek it, pendejo!"
SWAG ; Sundries, Wearables And Giveaways. A budget line item which was easily communicated as an acronym.
The budget for a trade show booth this year is higher than years past, Even the cost for freebies and SWAG has increased and will affect the quality of these items.
Pussy, a woman's sexual organ, a vagina, also can be sexual intercourse.
Aye, I've been feelin some kinda way,I want me some tud!!!
Pronunciation: 'düsh Function: verb Etymology: unknown. Possible Scandinavian or German origin. 1 a. that which is here or especially now b. an immediate moment of awe that can’t be defined with mere words 2 a masculine greeting, salutation or goodbye 3 an assertion of freedom and justice 4 Northern MidwestU.S.: a sign of a completion.
What a wonderful world. I just tapped my bowl out. Doosh!
see sqee please >< god i suck at spelling
erm... i was trying to spell squee but accidentally put in sqee
Sora The Troll
(Pronounced as "so-rah der tro-ll") 1. (verb, used at people) Nerd. 2. No-lifer. 3. (noun) When you get disowned by your own mom.
Examples 1. That person has been studying non-stop all day, what a Sora The Troll. 2. "Hey you're Sora The Troll, go get a life!" 3. She got Sora The Troll, now she's alone at the orphanage.
a combination of "school" and "work." first coined by a pharmacy student to describe the last year of pharmacy school, in which students pay tuition to work for free as part of their training/"learning experience."
i'll be schorking at the hospital tomorrow until 5pm.
Someone truly amazing .She has a beautiful smile .Shes a savage and loves to hangout with the people she loves . She's a true friend so never let her go. She is very loyal .
Wow You know the beautiful Nirely
Applying salt to the area surrounding your asshole and then having a clam lick it all off.
Dude, sorry I couldn't pick up the phone. I was getting a clamjob.
An acronym for Sudden Extreme Boner Syndrome. SEBS may occur due to a sudden high volume of stimulation, or occasionally no apparent reason at all. Unfortunate recipients of SEBS often experience pain, rupturing of clothing in the crotch, among other unpleasantries.
Stacy was going down on Chad, when Chad suddenly thought about Stacy’s mom and immediately contracted SEBS. His powerful erection broke the sound barrier and punched a hole in Stacy’s skull. Stacy’s mom heard the sonic boom from downstairs and immediately knew that SEBS had just lobotomized her daughter.
the piece of shit that comes back after you thought you flushed it... and makes you wait until the tank is full again for another try (not to be confused with stagnofecalia, which see...)
I couldn't rush out of the bathroom because I saw there was a retrofecalion left in the john, so I had to flush it again.
Your ride or die, always down, funny and serious at the same time. Loyal to fam and friends but will be quick to drop someone that does him wrong. Sports and music is what counts, Also a huge smart ass at any given moment serious or not. Always a good time when Eains around. ELO.
Everyone wants to be like Eain
A cleaning ustinsle
Did you get the cleansle for the toilet
Someone who wears a fedora hat with almost any outfit (whether it goes with it or not), wears a fedora almost every day, and has a large wardrobe of fedora hats in different colors and trims; someone who basically just loves fedoras.
Frank Sinatra might have been the original celebrity to do it, but Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt and Jake Gyllenhaal are modern-day fedorawhoras, wearing fedora hats almost every day.
jalex barakarth
(aka Jalex) the bromance created for the two band members of pop-punk band All Time Low, Jack Barakat and Alex Gaskarth
Fangirl One: Omg Zack and Jack are adorbs Fangirl Two: Hush you idiot. Jack isnt real. Ship Jalex Barakarth-now that's real.
blood helmet
When a girl on her period sits on your forehead, leaving a crusty red coating.
I had my girlfriend sit on my face when she was on the rag, and she gave me a blood helmet.
A person who has natural beauty, but kinda smells. She's a freak at first, but once you get to know her you will love her. The best friend a person can have!
Steve: You know Kirsten? Bob: Yes, she kinda smells like tacos. Steve: I like tacos, I think she smells nice. Bob: You're a freak.
For those who can't afford a Lexus or Cadillac...
Check out my LeSabre!
early 2000's kids
The best generation of people ever best generation people ever.
Did you see him he is so cool i bet he is an early 2000's kid. Early 2000's kids are the coolest and that's a fact.
A shitty little town in Ohio near Mansfield, where all people do for fun is play with sticks and pretend they are good at things. Lucas' high school nickname are the Cubs or the titty baby of a bear. Why wouldn't they call themselves the bears or Grizzlies? Because they want people to make fun of them. There is nothing good that comes out of Lucas besides the fact that you are glad you left. Brining a phone to Lucas is torture because they do not have reception anywhere. So don't do it if you make the wrong decision and take a trip to this shitty little town. They think that their baseball & softball is the greatest thing to hit the planet but nobody knows who they are and they fucking blow.
Person 1: your from Lucas? Person 2: yes! Person 1: Ew. That's why I smelt something disgusting.