Red Bomb
Also known as a "bloody bomb" it doesn't quite blow you up. When the bomb blows up it's force is just powerful enough to make you bleed.
The red bomb made him bleed
A piece of shit that I scraped off of my shoe
Damn, what is that on the carpet? Oh, it's just Alice.
acronym for tag team, when two men tag team and have intercourse with a female, making sure to demean her at all costs, be sure to give mushroom stamps and houdini's
Me and BT got T T'd lindsay in the Navi. I really let one loose on her face.
The Natoli Stromboli
World's longest and heaviest penis
Have you ever heard of the Natoli Stromboli
Text Attack
Sending one text message as many times as possible in a short period of time to one person causing their phone to freeze up or reboot. Is most effective when five or more people text one persons phone sending them upwards of 100 messages each. Easier to do pre smartphone era but is still possible with the resend feature on most phones being easily accessible.
"I text attacked Jess yesterday to the point where she called me crying saying her phone was broken."
Facebook friend
Person you've spent more time reading their updates online than seeing them in person.
I have no idea where I met this Facebook friend, but I'm really glad she still keeps all her updates public.
burned tacita
Similar to a upper decker. The process of deficating/shitting in or on someones cooking grill or bar-b-q
I hate that guy, he wont be grillling any time soon cause I just gave him a burned tacita
1.the word you use to curse a demon program that will not work when most needed 2. a word used by UF students whenever something goes wrong
1. ten minutes left to take my chem online exam *error* Shibboleth! 2. *step on some dog business*... "Shibboleth!!!"
Casual Collective
A gaming site which was awesome until the developers left for Facebook riches.
Guy 1: Dude have you been on the Casual Collective lately? Guy 2: No man that site died years ago.
category 4 club
A club one automatically joins after having sex during a category 4 hurricane.
When I go to Florida in the fall with Brad, we are going to become members of the "Category 4 Club".
the cat
Slang for the woman's vagina (or pussy) Made popular by Sir Mix-A-Lot's song "Sprung on the Cat"
"Dont pet the cat if you just met the cat. If you're sprung on the cat, you might as well eat it."
A brand of cider and a very popular alcoholic drink in Britain. Although there are numerous other brands strongbow remains the most popular cider.
"I'll buy you a drink. What do you want?" "Pint of Strongbow." "I should have known, watch my Strongbow while I buy yours."
The one who has the ability to conquer the world. If he use his focus he can achieve anything whatever he want. Imdad always ready to give his 100% but don't get in return they always got betrayed but he has the audacity to handle every situation and smile. Self obsessed, narcissist
Girl - Why don't I found true love? Am I so unlucky why god why? God - You haven't tried Imdad. Elon Musk - If anyone can achieve what I had then mark my words its only Imdad who can break all my records. Bill Gates - I agree with Elon. Jeff Bezos - Me too! Putin - There's nothing to disagree.
One who replies to his or her own question with a questionable estimation.
Tyrone: Hey Jaquantay, how much do they pay at Popeye's....? (waiting less than 1 second for response) Tyrone: ..... Nevermind, I think they pay $25 an hour. Jaquantay: You crazy! You gotsta stop wit 'yo questimations.
donut bumper
A slang term describing a homosexual woman, insinuating that she humps other female's crotches.
That unusually large lady over there is a donut bumper.
the best last name.
me: hello what’s your last name? person: salamon. me: omg you’re perfect person: thanks me: marry me
you were so bored u fell asleep trying to type qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm so you didnt get to the end. at least you are sleeeping now
wow he found a new combination qwertyuiopa. oh no he just fell asleep and didnt finish typing
one of the greatest tiktokers in history and never misses also one of the greatest moots and consists of slandering randoms like fwbrent and rucking he is a goat who thinks that cala maria is hot also a peak ball z fan
"calaisbae_ never misses he is a goat" "fwbrent <<<<<<<< calaisbae_" "calaisbae_ when is the day you gonna miss?"
delly smooth
A fake nigger who acts hard but without a gun is nothing
That guy is such a Delly smooth
A desktop computer primarily used for porn. Very much like faptop
I'm so glad I have a dicktop, my girl didn't finish me.
What you could get if you're not careful when you play around with bustdowns!
Shenequa gave Daiquon clamydia, so now he goes with LaWiesha
To smoke the vast majority of bowl of methamphetamine in one hit, usually in the presence and much to the dismay of the other tweakers in the cipher.
"Don't dolan that bowl, dude... Leave some for the rest of us!" He looked don to see that the pipe had been totally dolaned by the previous smoker, who had just vaporized nearly the entire bowl to her head.
selma karic
A big nosed slut who think she's right with everything and is mostly likely a serbian girl.
selma karic
Best aimer on the planet, most consistent 200 pumper in history
Damn I just hit a zozu Damn this guy just hit a phat zozu classic on me
1.exprssion used to mock a certain individual where one has/had a nose in shape of a penis. 2.expression used to rudly interupt an single person/persons while they are asking a question, telling a story, or just simply standing there. 3. expression used to respond to a single person if you want everyone to laugh.
1."hey Jay are you going down the shore this weekend?" Jays respose, "heeaaaa!" "No seriously what time do you think your leaving?" Jays reponse, Well probably around "heeaaaa". 2."Yo dicknose are you coming out this weekend?" Jay said. Dicknose responds,"Yea , but it depend wha...."Jay rudly interupts,"heeaaaa!!!" as he slaps his forehead using his whole arm to indicate that it is a nose as he rubs his index finger on the tip of his elbow to make believe he is picking an enormous nose. 3.in the day "heeaaaa...." in the night "heeaaaa..."
Doing a Cleary
1) participating in heterosexual anal sex before losing vaginal virginity. This is usually done accidently.
LOL so you were doing a cleary
halfway crook
A poser. Someone who professes to live one style of life but reality tells a much different story. Used as a diss in freestyleraping to describe someone who claims to be a thug or hard but is very much the opposite.
Guy 1- "Yo', Ja Rule is the realest nigga representin' the streets!" Guy 2- "Hell no he ain't! He's a halfway crook"
church boy
Church Boy: a man with a small penis. ... Because he be praying to god you still want to get with him when you see it.
"Thought he was a blackhammer - turns out he's just a church boy"
Japanese for "idiot". Often mispronounced by white anime-obsessed college kids who insist on using it in conversation but instead utter a less-than-enearing "BOCK-uh".
Like, you think Miroku's cuter than Inu-Yasha? Oh my god, you're such a bock-uh. It's BAKA, you... baka!
To engage in anal sex before marriage
She wore a white dress on her wedding day, but that didn't mean she hadn't cornicated.
A person that likes to be loved and doesn’t take disrespect kindly. They are loyal and is always there for there friends or happy to help or calm them down
Nyanjel is the best
intoxication station
Point of no return while drinking. You could stop, but if you stay on the drinking train past intoxication station, you are getting extremely wasted for sure.
Wow, that dude hit intoxication station and kept right on going. I bet he pees the bed tonight.
Self-inflicted injury sustained with the aid of booze (ale to be specific, but applies equally to other fermented drinks).
A)- C)'s not in today then? B)- Nah, he's got some mystery alement, a broken toe. A)- How's that a mystery? B)- He has no idea how it happened.
Dirty Scott
To be dancing with a female at a party as a male, and start having manual sex with said female against a wall.
"Dude, this chick was grinding on me so hard at that party, I just had to dirty Scott that bitch. It was fucked up."
The act of suffering while suffocating
I was suffercating
Another word for Wife.
I wonder what my wif is doing for tea. Come here wif, I want you.
A female of the human species who firmly believes her shit does not stink. She develops an attitude of indifference towards the feelings of those of the opposite gender, which initially stems from her prior experiences with a fuckboy. She justifies malice intent toward men by asserting the delusion that men have malice intent towards her. She is often found at a rooftop bar sitting by herself while internally/mentally attacking everyone around her who displays joy. She is rarely satisfied with the simple things in life and enjoys misconstruing kind actions by others into percieved "alterior motives". She is not necessarily promiscuous, due to the fact that most avoid her dark aura.
I bought this fuckgirl a drink at the bar, then she went to the bathroom and never returned smh.
Morisha means goddess of love and wisdom. She is the epitome of beauty and is blessed with alot of booty
Everyone wants to be be friends with Morisha
1. Some one born south of the mid west 2. The area containing the dumbest people in the country (I live in Oklahoma, The entire state is extreme right wing, conservative, Christian cluster fuck; we have to many fat ass people and to little Intelegent people, do not visit the south, especially Oklahoma, you can't get laid, science education, non judgemental people, and too many assholes)
Bill: do you believe in Jesus? Glenn Beck? Fox News? And think gays are satanic? Luke:...No, southerner ways of life suck Bill: 'ight then, we will hang your ass at sundown, and then watch Hannity
Lolli Queen
A physically unattractive man who gives fellation in front of Candy stores. (believed to have orginated in San Francisco in the mid 70s - possibly during the filming of a Mitchell bros. Porn Flick - Sodom and Gommorrah)
The mayor was really pissed off that the Lolli Queen would do his act in front of the japanese tourists.
Revay is gay
Revay has the big gay
A kid whoe flares his hair all day in my 6th and 7th hour.
"hey flare, what the fuck are you doing dude!"
A fucking dumbass.
person 1:chads such a fucking dumbass. person 2: I know what a moron fucking dumb bitch.
A problem. Derivced from the Internet error message "HTTP 404: Page Not Found".
Jesus fuck, what's YOUR four-oh-four?
asshole naked
The absolute most naked you can be. No clothes no wallet no ride no blanket.....nothing.
That hooker tried to rip me off so I left her asshole naked on the side of the road.
A Honger (HUNG-UR)is a generally new word with means lound annoying asian. Hongers either come form Hong Kong or sometimes are CBC (Canadian Born Chinese). Classic traits of Hongers are odd fashion trends to meet the eye, rather extravagant accesories such as cell phones, organizers etc. And fast jap cars which are leeched of their parents.They think they own Vancouver. They tend to be extremely loud and annoying always ranting in cantonese or something, (its enough to make you shoot urself) and only seem to accept other established hongers into their organization.They drink this disgusting shit called bubble tea and play badminton. They are also pretty cocky sumtimes and have threats to kick your ass when really all it takes is a few bitchslaps across those ugly ass faces of theirs to send them back to Hong Kong. On the plus side, some hongers can be quite nice,(I've experinced some nice hongers) and they can also be so cute and adorable (THE GIRLS ONLY) kinda like a kitten. Personally I dislike hongers. Also, the emo fad has seem to take the honger world by storm always bitching in blog sites. To find hongers (i dont know why anyone in hell would want to do that) visit towns along the west coast such as Vancouver, BC :( Seattle, WA, and San Francisco, CA. Hongers tend to be in abundance in this area.
The Honger went to get bubble tea. Hongers are the reason why Vancouver is the shittiest city on earth.
Lemon drizzle
When you pull out and cum either on; booty, back or them sweet ass titties and that little bit of spunk hangs from the helm
Oi geez, smashed some fine lass last night! Shame about the Lemon drizzle that dripped on her Persian rug
the part between trousers and a belt
When you put on your mobile phone holder, just attach it beltween
A Girl Who Likes To Show Inappropriate Body Parts To Other People
Wheres Cami?
Incredibly arrogant creatures who seem to think that they are the only species on this planet.
The human race will eventually destroy itself, as well as the rest of the planet.
A Midland American English pronunciation of “wash”. This pronunciation is referred to as the “intrusive R” common in middle America. Contrary to popular myth it’s not common is Southern American English.
Grab the laundry and start Warshing.
New flavor of Powerthirst energy drink
New flaovors of powerthirst now include; manana, fizzbitch, and GUN!
Someone that is a friend but not really Also used when you can't remember someone name.
Kyk daar loop Poenie verby Cecil
The bean kicked in
A phrase used when a certain drug had kicked in. Usually referred to pills.
Stoner 1: ay bro i think the bean kicked in Stoner 2: woah dude
An epic album by the American rock band the Melvins. Released in 1993, it contains memorable tracks such as "Night Goat" and "Honey Bucket".
"My brain nearly exploded while listening to Houdini one night"
Z: You are naturally upbeat and charismatic. You always walk on sunny side of the street, so to say, but also have high standards. A: You are your own person: ambitious and free thinker. R: You feel things strongly and you’re rich, intense inner life emanates outward. V: You are a seer — you have a great intuition. But be careful, with a strong imagination, it may be hard to separate fact from fiction. A: You are your own person: ambitious and free thinker. N: You are a thing outside the box kind of a person: creative and original. Zarvan knows how to keep things going and make things happen. Although Zarvan fears routine and being in rut. Zarvan often jumps the gun because Zarvan is afraid of being left behind. Zarvan is sympathetic, extremely concerned and devoted. Zarvan is rather emotional. Zarvan is a persuasive, but in a very quiet way, never forceful. Zarvan is affectionate and loving. Zarvan’s independent nature makes him self-centered.
Our leader is such an independent, self-centered and devoted person. He must surely be “Zarvan”
Rylan (girl)
Rylan’s are the best friends you will ever have!! They are trustworthy, sweet and always has a smile for you. They are good at hiding things and are normally the “moms” of the friend group. They are responsible and funny, and they turn any bad situation into a good one! They are always surrounded by friends. They fall for boys easily, but are prepared to have their heart broken.
Have you seen Rylan (girl)? Yes, she is the best friend you will ever have!!
a lemonlicker aka a minger
dude1: dat beeatch is hanging dude2: fo' shizzle my nizzle
A fun, awesome place where cool kids live.
"Wow! Dude, your party was Roleystone!" "Omg, that kids house is like Roleystone"
Chocolate boy
A really cool guy that maybe don't look so brown on the outside – but really, really is on the inside. To the bone! Like Miklo Velka in the critically acclaimed blockbuster movie ”Blood in, blood out”.
Chocolate boy: I may be white from the outside, but I'm brown on the inside, TO THE BONE.
michael guy chislett
the newest member of the academy is..., he replaced tom conrad on lead guitar. hes australian and very hot, even though he has roller coaster teeth. before he was in the academy is..., he was in a band with butch walker called butch walker and the lets go out tonites. he also has an awesome fedora collection.
tai fan #1: man, it sucks that tomrad had to go tai fan #2: yeah, but michael guy chislett is pretty damn hot
audio claustrophobia
The feeling when you're in a small space or confined space you can't, or feel like you can't get out of, and there is excessive noise that you feel like chaos is just everywhere, it is surrounding you. (Can also be related to misophonia)
When my audio claustrophobia kicks in.... *sitting in small classroom with 30+ people* Pencil tapping 12 conversations Obnoxious laughter Teacher yelling Pencil case dropped Teacher scolding someone Footsteps Music Shouting *has nervous breakdown*
It’s just a fucking dodo doesn’t mean anything
Luke:Dam how was your day Me:🦤
in Arabic it means happy or smiling
Basim has a great smile. He always seems happy.
Virgin Lord
A Virgin Lord is someone who leads a group of virgins against the unclean and unfit nonvirgins. They are part of the Virgin Order and help push the goals of a Darth Virgin the leader of 12 Virgin Lords in his court. They are the backbone of the Virgin Order and live and breath the idea of being a virgin. They can punish members of the Virgin Order if they believe that they are committing nonvirgin behaviour. This included the injection of barbeque sauce into their veins. Virgin Lords are almost the epidemy of virgins. Requirements include being male, a virgin, and unfuckable.
Rick: "Have you saw our Virgin Lord lately, I can't find him?" John: "Yes, our Virgin Lord is at his house meeting with the other Virgin Lords"
The act of laying a bed of toilet paper on a lavatory seat due to chronic concern about personal hygiene
A green zombie rabbit that was injected with the G virus. If you get infected by many of them, one will sprout up out of your head (from gaiaonline.com)
All hail Lord Grunny and his green rabbity-ness
Tobacco Bong Rip Hitting a bong with tobacco instead weed.
Jace: yo, can I load a TBR? Jack: yeah, sure. Just make sure you blow the smoke out the window.
The most legit number ever.
2 is CLEARLY better than 7
a person who is a wanker
don't be a biffa
OBLP Batch 2011
Like seriously, they're the most awesome batch. EVER.
You're so awesome! You must be from OBLP Batch 2011.
Also known as penile flatulence. Deefing is similar to the female equivalent of queefing.
Deef (n) Deefing (v) "He deefed on me last night."
a boy who goes by the name of corey , can somwtimes be called an assboy , thta gets fucked up the ass for ten dollas a pop
daling the # -beep beep his mom answers-hello ? me-oh hi coreys mother , may i please speak to your son ? his mom-of coures sweeetie corey answers- SUP ASSBOY ?! Kendall-hey harley , did you see that kid whoop out his junk and take a piss on that buiilding and leave ?! harley- hell ya , what a fuckn assboy
A popular greeting in English and Spanish speaking countries.
"Toast bro" "Toast" Or "Toast Amigo" "toast"
pancake sac
when one presses his scrotum against a glass door, having an audience on the other side of the door watch it expand to the size of a pancake; leaves a sweaty and/or greasy residue on said window
"Dude, Alan, bust a pancake sac on the window or I'll give you a Cleveland Steamer! Gosh!"
my dino
A girl probably named a boy this on a social midia app she is very into u and you r into her u told her she likes u but she hasn’t yet both of use r sensitive asf but crackheads use r best friends and love eachother you both never give up on each other. Use r very similar. And use r both a cute couple. But the girl is always taller than the boy and use r both good kissers ✨❤️
Omg there such a good couple she called him my Dino
Calm Your Balls
Boy 1 : Holy Shit im gonna fail my exam Boy 2 : Stop freaking out CYB
It's meaning is simply this: Kim Woojin This word is for those who practice the wooligion and live in wooville. Have a good day :)
Him: Did you see God, today? Her: Woojin God
Porch Monkey
Someone who just sits on the porch all day talking smack. Usually referred to someone black.
Jose Rojas does nothing but play xbox and is an EXTREME Porch Monkey!!!!
crack hat
Like a beer hat, but with crack cocaine
James: I just pictured you in a beer hat Lucy: Why not a crack hat?
When someone is dribbling everyone on the field and won't pass the ball to open teammates.
Chilibar, stop being Šuker and pass the ball. PASSSS DE BALLL!!!
bull headed clap
a form of penile gonorrhea that is devastating. Causing a strong odor reminiscent of rotting dead fish mixed with mayonnaise, severe swelling, and a painful discharge that has a slight purplish tint to it. If left untreated, the end result will be an explosion of penile tissue aka congratulations, you just blew off the head of your own cock. the worst part is that this terrible disease is untreatable. the only cure being to place your genitalia on top of a cinder block, hold another cinder block over recently placed genitalia, close your eyes, and let go of said suspended cinder block.
Phil-Hey Jim, how did your date go with Jamie? Jim-I think that bitch gave me the bull headed clap. Phil-That sucks brother...here's a pistol, I'll leave the room and call a meat wagon after I hear the shot fired. Jim-Thanks bro...(Phil leaves room as Jim commits suicide)
Packin` Mud
The act of having anal sex with your partner.
" ...yeah Martha and I decided to change it up last night and do the Packin` Mud routine"
being cooler than presh. so cooler than cool or awesome.
Rachel's kicks were a lot presher than Austins....
A form of self expression often used by neruodivergent people. Xenogenders are ways to describe ones gender. Ask someone how they'd describe their gender and you'll probably get stuff like "blue" or "tough" (masculine stuff for guys usually).
I use Xenogenders! I use catgender and beegender!
(dil-oo-shd) The meaning of dilooshd is to be stupid or to make up something that has never been said or done.
James is dilooshd because he said that a strawberry is a vegetable.
bop the clown
slang phrase to jerk off
After i fucked her, i usually bop the clown till i shoot my load
1. Character from the popular 90's TV show Saved by the Bell played by Mario López
Slater became Bayside's star athlete in such fields as wrestling, football, and basketball.
having intercourse, having hardcore,yet, pleasurable sex.
yo, i bunned the hell out of that girl.
A word used to call any kind of guy, beyond his walth, race or sex.
-Wazzuup dude? -Cool, how are you? -Fine dude, lets go and grab a bite.
Stealth mode
One can achieve 'stealth mode' when they are driving in country lanes or poorly lit areas over speeds of 40mph, and then turning all of their lights off, so that they essentially disappear into the darkness, when you are doing this, you are in stealth mode. Going into stealth mode is highly illegal, extremely dangerous and foolish, but an incredible adrenaline rush. Going into stealth mode for more than five seconds is almost certainly going to end in a bad way. Stealth mode is not advisable for drivers who are not experienced or confident.
A term used to define a partner that has porn star like qualities... Also used to describe greatness in any form or the best of somthing...
female: OMG he did me like a hardisty! dude #1: that party was awesome! dude #2: i know it was so hardisty!
Cat sex
This occurs when two (or more) 0_o; cats proceed to have sexual intercourse with eachother(s) They fuck the shit out of eachother. :o
Dude, I saw my cats having sex last night. I taped it and totally slammed my ham to it this morning. >.< *whispers* I love cat sex. :o
poop shit
onatah is poop shit
Short term for online life. One can only use this word correctly when one starts to feel an obligation to tweet and update Facebook in the same way that you might feel obligated to clean your room or call your freind back.
My onlife is so hard to handle sometimes...
FatMingElephantSkinBraceletsCarvedByBlindNunsEatingGrass originated in 3000BC when overweight, unnatractive blind nuns peeled the dead skin off their pet and or stray elephants to make bracelets and other various forms of clothing to ensure that they were not naked during the winter. They did this by picking grass through their teeth until it was strong enough to bind the elephant skin together.
Susan: 'Oh my God i love your bracelet where did you get it?' Maria: 'My great aunt was a blind nun back in the 80's, she weeved the bracelet together from elephant skin and grass.' Susan: 'What!?' Maria: 'Haven't you heard of FatMingElephantSkinBraceletsCarvedByBlindNunsEatingGrass??'
Females with this name tend to be gorgeous and beautiful in every way. Raimi is one of a kind and makes people's heart stop when she is seen. Raimi makes guys easily fall in love with her because of her sense of humor and her many talents.
Wow, that girl astonishes me, she must be a Raimi.
A portmanteau of Nintendo and otaku. A die-hard Nintendo fanboy. The typical Nintendotaku spends their days playing motion- and touch-controlled "casual" games rather than games with any depth or maturity. They are also usually very immature and refuse to acknowledge any positives of the 360, PS3, and PSP, as well as any negatives of the Wii and DS. When pressured to explain their obsessive love of the company (or their obsessive hate of its competitors), they often provide absurd reasons, such as the company's "family-friendly" nature, or the PS3 and 360 being more expensive, despite containing more features and good games than the Wii.
A sound made in deep distress or an unwanted presence.
A scary ghost creature in the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario faces these a lot. These pearly-white ghosts will become invisible if anyone faces them. They usually cannot be disposed of. There are also other Boos, like the Big Boo, King Boo, and more.
"I thought I heard a Boo, but I turned around and saw nothing."