Hey dumbass look here
"whats this mean?" "hdlh" points to definition right beside it
warpy pie
a girl who is discusting and gross her vaginal area is sick and nasty girls who have sex alot and don't clean down there
warpy pie: a girl who just had sex and never took a shower greasy people sluts with some waar jizz in it jizz faces
A cross over between the word fluke and blunder to display you know you really messed up.
That was a total flunder. Now I'll never get my teacher's respect.
Botta Bing Botta Boom
This is a term used by Italion mafia types to express their opinion that whatever they are planning is going to be a snap.
Fat Tony: I think we should steal the money plate from the church. Greasy Sal: Ya, we go in and Botta Bing Botta Boom and take all the money.
peaches and cream
Man is getting oral gratification from man or woman (your choice). Just before that special moments comes and your gratifier stops bobbing and leans back to get a face full. At this point a quick punch to the nose will yeild a nice trickle of blood which will quickly be joined by a shower of semen and when mixed togeter becomes your peaches and cream.
If this hoe doesn't start showing my balls some attention this blow job will end in some peaches and cream.
Self Adulation
One of the great reasons that Jesus isn't going to barge in any time soon and destroy the world. Due largely to the success regarding the saturation of Christianity (and affiliated ideas)in human belief and every day life. Whether acknowledged or not. Big clue: Jesus cannot worship himself. Thus cannot be re-born into this world currently. Talk amongst yourselves!
The self adulation paradox really gets the ecclesiastic control freaks in a snit. It is possible to: "WWJD" It isn't at all possible to: "I am the fucking second coming of Christ, do as I command" (For reasons beyond such psychological mutation being nothing more than "Caa-rack Nigga" reasoning).
Usually meaning the yummy pie like dinner snack, but is begening to be a sensation for weed somkers to use as "code word".
Tanner & Dominic are going to eat pizza every day for three months.... Pot heads!!!
A Jehad is a beautiful, polite, clean woman who usually enjoys long walks on the beach and sunsets, jehad usually stands for feminine . Ali's are usually leaders and clearly stand out from others.
Boy 1: "Have you met jehad?" Boy 2: "Yeah, She's cool." Boy 3: "You kidding? She's amazing!" Boy 1: "What I thought exactly"
A person who is addicted to cars, and everything cars. The typical Asian.
"Bruh, every time he sees a nice Japanese car, he acts like such a Deeje..."
Sloppy Dirtbike
A sex position where a man, lying on his back, grabs a woman by the pigtails and presses her face against his asshole and lets loose his bowels.
Sloppy Dirtbike
Andrew: I'm the fucking shit. Friend: Dude go brush your teeth, that much salt can cause burns
Promethazine/Codeine "syrup"
"Sippin' on Parmason" -Project Pat
suck face
To make out with; to kiss passionately.
I almost threw up when I saw two guys sucking face behind a tree.
#knock #knock
What people post on Twitter when they possibly just swatted someone.
@poodlecorp #knock #knock
weenie juice
My dog, Hooch, loves to drink weeju.
The male version of the word "skank" or a male who is promiscuous.
"Randy is a dirty Schieg"
Dunkadelic Phat 5 of College Basketball
Is a basketball slang " nickname " for the 5 winningest college basketball programs in the history of college Division 1 basketball. Kentucky, N. Carolina, UCLA, Kansas, and Duke make up the Phat 5. The Phat 5 are in the Dunkadelic terminology full word or abbreviation. D U N K A D E L I C , Kentucky ( UK ). N. Carolina ( UNC ). U. California Los Angeles ( UCLA ). Kansas ( KU ). Duke ( DUKE ).
N. Carolina added to the Phat 5 winning tradition by beating Illinois to win it's 4 National title. UCLA has more National Championships ( 11 ) than any other Phat 5 program, Kentucky is second with ( 7 ). Now that's Dunkadelic!!!!!
A Fit person who has been hit in the head with an apple
Oh Miriam is such a mipple, getting hit in the head with an apple, by Elliot
chaser rip
When a person is smoking weed, and combines his/her rip with a flavored e cig of their choice without exhaling to eliminate coughing or stress on the throat.
Damn yo, you were right about that chaser rip, I thought you were tripping but I don’t cough anymore!
Grease BB
When your asshole is so tight that even a greased up BB can't fit up your ass.
He missed the easy shot because he had a common case of Grease BB. That guy had Grease BB on the pitching mound because he couldn't throw a strike. I had Grease BB giving my speech in front of my class today.
White kid with Fro, spams on genmay.com a lot.
Man, he sure did post a lot today; almost as much as IceMan713.
HopCat Victory
Definition: Being the winner/victor with little to no effort, planning or action, usually due to the incompetence and/or failures of those around you. The most common occurrences come when you are losing, but due to incredibly bad luck or decision making on your opponent’s end, you end up winning the game. It is typically used in video games, and more specifically, in the Super Smash Bros. series. How/when to say it: Usually, it is exclaimed at the end of a game when your opponent loses. Typically, it isn’t used in a sentence like “I got a HopCat victory!” More commonly and fittingly, it is exclaimed at the end of a match.
Context: 3 players alive and on last stock. Player 1 is at 13%, player 2 is at 24% and player 3 is at 147% Player 1: goes for an edge guard on player 2 Player 2: dies Player 1: fails to make it back to stage and dies as well Player 3: “HOPCAT VICTORY!”
Some retarded kid who doesn't know how to do the most simple tasks.
"How do i cut this paper?" "Damnit Josh, don't be such a Timmy
Heil Moses
It is a greeting used by the supporters of Moses
Heil Moses, Sir!
When two cats in love run away to become mates.
Fluffy and Tiger fell in love and went on to catelope!
A complete tool. The biggest loser around. Can be used as both noun and verb. Remember in "Kingpin" when everyone would say "he pulled a Munson"? Munson has been replaced by Keegan.
"Dude, don't be a Keegan" "He just got Keeganed!" "What a Keegan"
House Strats
When you juke them deer with an ankle breaker
"yo, did you get caught by the police?" "nah, I pulled some House Strats on they ass"
Abbriviation for : miss me with that shit. Used in texting as a faster way to type it.
Man 1 : "Hey, wanna go get drunk and break into a house?" Man 2 : "Nah, man. MMWTS."
Katelyn is a girl. She is not like any other girl you will encounter in your lifetime. She's different, but, in a good way. She is beautiful. She is knows to be extremely shy. She is prone to being attracted to older guys, and older guys tend to be attracted to her. Which, can not always be a bad thing. Her soul mate has the name Brandon.
"Who is that?" "That's Katelyn!" "She's beautiful." "I know!" "Her and Brandon should be together."
Gonk Droid
Our Lord and Savior Gonk Droid is a walking battery that repeatedly says gonk. Lucasfilm has made multiple attempts to make a Gonk Droid stand alone film but that was deemed impossible. This was because to make the film Lucasfilm would need footage of heaven itself. The amount of light and holiness would have blinded people. The blind would be able to see again but would just go blind again from its holiness.
Me: I need to charge my phone. *Gonk Droid descends from heaven to help you* Our Lord and Savior Gonk Droid: Gonk
George Floyd
idk he some dude he chillin doe
jack: yo u heard about george floyd? sam: yea he some dude and he chillin
Torture porn
A phrase for a genre of horror films that seriously-very-douchebaggy critics came up with, and critic-sheep use as a mantra. They tend to mindlessly apply them to the Saw films, The Devil's Rejetcs and Hostel without actually doing any research. But when your opinion is popular, you don't need to do research, amirite? Saw is usually accused of starting the torture porn genre. For more on that theory, see: flat-out fucking lie You see, Cannibal Holocaust came out twenty years ago, much more violent than all the Saw/Hostel/Devils Rejects films put together. That was 1980, so this didn't come out of nowhere with Hostel and Saw. Plus, the Texas Chainsaw/Halloween/Friday the 13th remakes have been regarded as "torture porn" by some, even though they're the same as they were twenty years ago. So...it is possible that we're just in an age of oversensitive-politically-correct douchebaggery? Our crack team of researchers say...yeah, pretty much.
Person who thinks: Hostel and Saw aren't actually made for sick people, if you take time to really analyze it, you'll see it is deeper than it appears. The old adage "never judge a book by its cover" applies in most corners of life, including horror films. Moron: That's just an excuse to watch someone get tortured with torture p0rnz in teh movie pictures!!1 Person who thinks: Actually, Saw fans are people who see the films not even for the gore, they enjoy the characters, the message, the story-- Moron: That's just an excuse to watch someone get tortured with torture p0rnz in teh movie pictures!!1 Person who thinks: They're still just movies. Besides, if they're meant to be horror, isn't that what they're supposed to do? If they exploit on it, isn;t that the whole point? Would you call a sad romance film that exploits audience emotions "romance porn", or a funny comedy that exploits the audience sense of humor "comedy porn"? Moron: That's just an excuse to watch someone get tortured with teh torture p0rnz in teh movie pictures!!1 (Super-impose on the screen): Arguing with someone who thinks Saw/Hostel are torture porn; it really is like dividing by zero.
1. The phonetic spelling for the quick pronunciation of the almighty name "Daniel" 2. Nickname given to the highest ranking of Daniels 3. The absense of a space and/or comma between calling your friend, Dan, and greeting him.
1. Hey Danyo! Why are you so awesome beyond all awesomeness? 2. I dub thee Danyo, Daniel. You are of the greatest of Daniels. 3. Friend: danyo Dan: huh? Friend: dan, yo Dan: oh
see poomouf
Saji is someone who likes to talk selectively and prefer texting over calls. If he determine to do something, he does it with all effort and passion. He is so charming and this makes people confuse, if he is flirting with them. He like to read and write and love getting exciting gifts and moments. He is a great cook, pet lover and a progressive thinker. He is so secretive at times and this makes his dear ones, crazy often. Saji brings happiness and trauma equally to people he adore. He is a deep thinker; but this gives him dark circles as he lack sleep. He always remains in perfect shape and he loves it. His reluctance to socialize is at times perceived as ego. But in reality, it's sheer lack of confidence. He is a fashionista and up-to-date in technology and information. Professions like modelling, acting, anchoring, radio jockey, film maker, writer, dancer, hacker, mentalist, announcer, pilot, scuba diver etc suits him. He dislike being controlled and he loves freedom but at the same time, he need a home and heart to go back and relax. He is selfish but caring.
Saji is one of a kind and he brings light to your life. Leaving Saji is hard
best friend
Someone you meet and become instant friends with on the first day of college. You become close and are good friends. You know he is your best friend because you would take the bullet for him. Then, eleven years later, he gets whipped and calls you to tell you the friendship is over while his girlfriend goes apeshit in the background.
Manny used to be my best friend, then his girlfriend Latrina told him we couldn't be friends anymore, so we're not.
Acronym for 'Are We Having Fun Yet?'
Kyle: "Alright c'mon, let's hear it. 'Hey-'" Henry: "I'd rather not." Kyle: "Hey, AWHFY?!"
In reference to the subculture; A term that has been thrown around so much these days, who knows what it actually means. I know that, it seems to be defined by the music you listen to... which I think, personally, is ridiculous. Even some of the the open minded people who say they are goth assume that all fans of slipknot and manson are posers, and think that they're badass because they listen to that music. Well, here's a newsflash- goths can wear tons of different styles of clothes and listen to different styles of music. Just because someone listens to Slipknot or Marilyn Manson doesn't mean they are poser. There are a lot of types of goths, and suggesting music defines the person is just stupid and close-minded. So, instead of listening to all these people saying "goths are depressed, suicidal satanists (which, btw, isnt the evil religion people make it out to be o.O)" ALONG with "all people who like slipknot and manson are posers who think theyre goths and are just trying to be 'cool'", why don't you listen to me and the other people with brains out there who know that "goth" doesn't rely on music or religion or anything like that. (shortened version: a subculture that ISN'T just about wearing black nail polish and listening to certain music and its hard to define it, because theyre all so different.)
Music doesn't make the goth.
Tshimollo is a SETSWANA name meaning 'the beginning ' or 'the start'. Tshimollo is a name for both male and female. Tshimollo is an emotional person but independent. She/He is funny and smart. Don't mess with her/him beacause she/he can be a bitch if needed.
This is Tshimollo of a new life
An awesome person that makes an even better family member. Tatjiana sincerely cares for others and it such a sweet person
“Oh, there’s Tatjiana!” “You know, you should meet her. She’s super nice.” “Really! She seems like it”
Michelle DiBenedetto
Michelle Louise DiBenedetto is the current, and adorable girlfriend of the guitarist of Avenged Sevenfold; Synyster Gates, a.k.a. Brian Haner Jr. They have been dating for about 2 years and she has a twin, Valary who is seriously involved with Matt Shadows (lead singer of Avenged Sevenfold). Michelle is "wild" and a truckload of fun according to Mr. Gates. She also helps him design his clothing line, and helps run his myspace site, but don't blame Michelle if you get deleted, you probably deserved it!
Whoa Michelle DiBenedetto, what a total babe!
the coolest cat in the world.
I met Ena and he is soooo cool, like...soo cool
the BMX term for Girlfriend
Dude, I chilled with my girlfar today!:)
short for - boo fucking hoo
Comment: I got a sunburned on the beach today, while you were at work. Response: bfh
The act of listening to music while vigorously masturbating to a picture of old English women named Gertrude.
At dinner with parents: I gotta go pull a Koppi, brb
angry h
threesome that looks like an H
Let's make that hooker the crossbar in our angry H.
Lainey is a hard core country girl, with an amazing sense of humer, making everybody laugh all the time. Shes never scared, she will face anything that comes her way tough as nails, she likes gettin dirty in the mud, and other places. She is a pick up truck drivin cowgirl allways around her horses. she is extremely beautifull as well, pickin up all kinds of cowboys, but you break her heart or her daddy may shoot yours. Overall she is hillarious, tough, and sexy as hell.
Lainey is so funny and beutifull, look at the way her hair blows when ridding that horse, she ain't affraid of nothing.
The process of sexing whilst flopping like a seal in a coma.
Mate, I was totally imping this bitch last night!
Katie Stevens
a cracker who is a nigger on the inside and who's brain makes its own THC
katie stevens is a nigger...lets lynch that bitch
Is one of ambitious or hard work ethic .. a thought or saying you did something positive or dope in your actions or work..
Man your a Jerusa towards everything you do..
The type of seafood that Samantha burns like.
To tell someone to "screw off" without being to harmful.
Um, i really do like being your friend, but just fanfair...
Pro Minecrafter
A pro minecrafter is a minecraft fanboy usually between the age of 2 and 12 they are obsessed that they are "pros" at the game even though it is impossible to be "pro" at minecraft. And to be Professional at something you must be payed for being good at it
"Hey guys makin anotha minecraft video here my name is theprominecraftkid and im a pro minecrafter" Little johnny aka the minecraft fanboy said
When describing a situation that is profound, exceptional, or shocking!
Todd: How was your trip? Chris: It was AMAZING! I saw a person taking a shit in the street! Todd:Hmmm...
A word meaning multiple goatish things done in a short time span
Wesley and Josh we’re playing brawl stars and there was a lot of goatery going on
rolling on floor laughing my ass off out loud while breaking many fragile objects with flailing limbs
"(somthing funny)" "ROFLMAOOLWBMFOWFL!!!"
ocean sauce
Who to fuck calls ocean sauce "water"??!!!??
students against gays
person 1 : would you like to join the gay student union person 2 : hell no i'm with S.A.G
A very odd and highly combustible yellow fruit that live gives you, to burn your house down. -Note- It is not necessary to accept them.
Guy 1 - Hey when life give you lemons you make lemonade right? Guy 2 - Are you fucking insane?!? Why are accepting something so dangerous? You have to take that from life! Send it back to him make sure he knows who not to fuck with.
switched up
when a person suddenly changes their behavior towards you for the worst.
Aw man, I used to fuck with her heavy but she switched up.
One who lurks, the act of sneaking around suspiciously in public areas in a white GMC Jimmy.
Travis was so lurkin' on all them freshmen girls last night, he is quite the lurker.
1. The act of throwing a student planner on the table in anger during an RS lesson. 2. The ramblings of McGazza after vandalisation of his student planner. 3. A sexual dance created by the aboriginal Hieednesees of South Africa. Origin: Word is believed to have been created as the result of a christmas R.S. lesson that went horribly wrong, resulting in the uprising of a Jedi Council House and the uniting of polish and Polish lovers.
Caitlin plommed and Zoe's polish lover was extremely annoyed!
The act of coming up short of the set goal. ex: The Philadelphia Eagles(see also cocksuckers)
'01-'05 Philthydelphia Eagles
She is one of a kind..pretty, good nature, but cross her and watch out..she admits to being a vindictive little bitch..very intelligent, strong 6th sense, related to John Procter who was executed for witchcraft in Salem, Mass. Very quick witted..loves a 'war of wits', just don't show up unarmed. More country than city. Slightly on the wacky-weird side (actually, very wacky-weird) artistic..likes to howl at the moon, doesn't mind getting dirty, rarely swears, and never bored. Who could ask for anything more?
thyera fred. sexy
Blame it on the dry mouth
A saying used as an excuse when people continuously slur their words as a result of being very high.
Kenzie: I know that amaa--amba-aa-ambidextrous girl. Caitlin: What? Haha, You tripped over that one a bit! Kenzie: Oh shh-shhushhuhhshh. Caitlin: Just blame it on the dry mouth bro.
Colloquial term for Clothing
the baddest bitch alive peridot
oh shi here comes prabjot she’s so bad
female genitalia resembling a nugget of beef
"bitch im trying to get that nugget juicy"
The best metal band EVER!
Disturbed, is down with the Sickness!
Lullet the official name for the Cherry Bullet fan base. Lullet is pronounced similarly to “roulette” and is a shortened form of “Love Cherry Bullet.” Lullet is also an acronym for the words “love,” “unique,” “light,” “laugh,” “everlasting, and “treasure.” This acronym means that Cherry Bullet’s fans are unique treasures who love Cherry Bullet and make them shine and laugh forever.
As Cherry Bullet get ready to perform they wave to their lullets. Cherry Bullet love their Lullet.
Super blind
Kayla is super blind
shortened version of none of your
T: wat u doun Me: nun'ya business
To get crusted is to get very high through the process of smoking Marijuana.
I am so crusted right now. I am too crusted to move. Would you like to get crusted tomorrow night?
last name of a hmong family; also spelt as herr; spelt hawj in hmong language
Danny Her, john her
YG Elitist
YG Entertainment * - A label company; talent agency in South Korea- which produces the best artists. A forever fan of YG Entertainment. Loves artists from YG Entertainment. A person who thinks that YG artists are the best, which they are really the best. NO JOKE. A family.
I'm proud to be a YG Elitist!
Tachanka, a character from the game: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege. Tachanka is seen as the god of siege and the memes that have come about are great. *cough cough* Jäger is best. Tachanka is commonly known as Lord Chanka.
Recruit: Hey Tachanka, what's up." Lord Chanka: "Time to get serious." Recruit: Oh, ok..." Lord Chanka: "LMG mounted and loaded." *LMG fires and Recruit dies*
Nod of Acknoweldgement
The act of acknowledging someones existence by nodding, most often used between males of lower generations however has become a practice which people of all ages perform. The act of nodding ones head is usually a sign of friendship between two people. A common phrase used during the nod of acknowledgement "y'alright" is used to show an appreciation for the other person. The phrase 'nod of acknowledgement' was coined in the year 1823, however use of the phrase has only recently peaked over the past decade.
Dan used the Nod of Acknoweldgement as he approached Jim in the alleyway. Steve nodded in acknowledgement when he saw his work colleague in the store.
the symbol of manhood. they are what makes a man a man
i am still a man as long as my testicles are dangling between my legs
1. Someone who has lost in fantasy football so many times to his friends that he gives up and changes his team name to "Fairyqueen" to show his total lack of masculinity. Often uses the prefix "Ima". Applies especially to fans of the Cowboys. 2. A great name to use when someone loses a bet.
"Are you playing fantasy football this year?" "Yeah, looking forward to winning money against Damon again!" "Oh you mean Fairyqueen? Yeah, Jennifer and Kelli took him for about $600 last year! HAHA!!"
Cotton-Eyed Joe
Aids from your english teacher/shakespear
Jacks buddies asked him to go round for a BBQ and beers but he had to turn them down because he had a severe case of cotton-eyed joe.
The act of being very slow at some kind of thing trying to achieve their objective
Noel: You can't beat my high score on that game! You're barely even milimetering up the leaderboard. Dan: Soon enough i'll be number 1
Punk girl
These are the best types of girls. They listen to bands such as Blink182, My Chemical Romance, the Ramones, sum41, ect. They usually have many piercings, tattoos, and some body modifications such as stretched ears. They wear skinny jeans, band tees, beanies, and sometimes flannels. These chicks are sexy af.
What kind of girls do you like? I like punk girls, man
The best web hosting provider since 2018 providing quality support and services.
Guy: What's that really good hosting provider? Other Guy: Uhhh Dudeeee it's obviously Zunded...
A person who likes anime
I like anime so i am a weeb
Deja awesome
Recurring feeling that you are better than everyone else.
Bruce knows he is Deja awesome because he can use a ~.
A period of time, either vividly remembered or forgotten about
"My high school years were just a big brimblex!" "You forgot the work party yesterday." "Yes, I was watching The Office and got stuck in a brimblex."
I want to apologize
words spoken when the other person loses an argument with you by using a weapon
Hudson : You,re a dead meat Carl : *hold a gun* Hudson : I want to apologize
Typical Allosaurus enjoyer. Owns the 'Al Big' division, also known as AB and appears to have trackers in many people's necks. Intimidating but often found by G U E S T to be the owner because of the Green Ugly Eccentric Stinky Troopers hammer tag next to his name on the player list.
"Big_Al omg give me admin omg how do b donossur" "sad apple 08 you are so bad mannered! you should be more respectful to your players since your the owner of this place!" "i better leave. big al is here. intimidating"
(pronounced Boob-lay) The bubble of snot which occasionally appears involuntarily from ones nose as a result of hearty laughter.
I laughed so hard there that I had to wipe a wee buble off my honker.
cheshire bridge
An area on Cheshire Rd in Atlanta Ga where wild crackheads roam free & graze on the needle ridden fields.
“Hey do you know where Jack went?” “Yea I saw him walking to Cheshire Bridge.” “Uh oh you DO realize what he’s probably about to do?”
Person that just loves a good big black cock inside his asshole.
"That gay is so Bernardo."
1. The act of filling someones mouth with poop until their cheeks are full, and then cock slapping them in the face until it all comes out their nose. Requires 2 man dicks.
I srsly Klayton'ed that douche.
Reverse Bel Air
The Reverse Bel Air is a variation of the Bel Air. You start with the "Fresh Prince" lyrics and, while your target is paying attention and 'open' mentally, you hit them with the heavy news.
http://xkcd.com/464/ She broke up with him in reverse bel air style.
Portland, maine
the best motherfucking city in the world. where you can live, eat, play, and fuck, within a 5 mile radius. portland maine is the OG portland. the munjoy hill district is possibly the best place to hang out. EVAR. oregon stole portland from us, because they couldn't come up with their own fucking name. those ore-fags.
dude, portland, maine is THE shit. like, fo realz.
A loud and annoying as fuck horn that sounds like a swarm of angry bees
I can't hear anything at this soccer game, because everyone is blowing on thier Vuvuzela.
exeter job corps academy
Exeter Job Corps Academy AKA: EJCA is a place where juvenile delinquents such as myself & homeless kids come and get a so called 'education & job training'. most who attend here are 18+ and get treated as though they're 5 years old. walking on the grass: 5$ dollar fine, facial piercing: 2$ fine, cussing out a teacher whose being a douchebag to you: write-up plus a negative. The food here either makes you constipated or have to shit every 10 minutes. curfew is at 10 and you have to do major cleanup and clean up after a bunch of assholes you cannot stand. all the girls sleep with each other while none of the guys get laid unless you lucky. pretty much everybody is a scumbag or once was. the RA's barely speak English & only a few of them are actually decent and let you get away with shit. the security people think theyre the shit because they're higher authority than you. before you come here they make this place look so wonderfull wen really its a hellhole and a half. not to mention the weirdest creature and insects lurk there and ejca once was a part of the ladd school aka Rhode Island institute for the feeble minded. You get paid every 2 weeks and that 27.01 makes you soupt off your ass wen you get it then within 30 minutes its spent on Newports and a bottle of cheap vodka if you're staying the weekend there.
person 1: bro, did you here diane got terminated for smokin on no smoking thursday? person 2: you serious? they gotta cut that bullshit we're all fucking adults nd if we wanna light a damn cigarette then so be it. fuck exeter job corps academy dude it's like we're incarcerated. person 1: im sayin' dude .
A god in everything he does. Associated with over superior intelligence, great talent and a charming personality. Fun to be around. A man with a futuristic view of the world.
"Did you hear about that scientist?" "The one who won a Noble Prize?" "Yes. He must be a Dimitar, don't you think?" "Definitely!"
pork chops
A term used to describe and deliciously hot chick.
When Phyllis puts on those fish-net stockings and red lipstick, she totally pork chops!
used as another word for 'suck', such as an unfortunate event happening to a person. it is a cruel and funny way to emphasize the pain of the person "failing"
person no#1: u heard about the guy that locked himself in his room and played WoW for 72 hours and died? person # 2: fail
Someone who is obsessed with Swedish culture, likely to an unhealthy degree. Similar to weeaboo, but for Swedish culture instead of Japanese culture. Other spellings and variants include swediboo, sweaboo, and sweeaboo (all of which are also found here on Urban Dictionary). Does not include people who are simply interested in Swedish culture, history, language, etc. in a healthy, non-obsessive, non-fetishistic way, just like how a regular person that is interested in Japanese culture, history, language etc. in a healthy, non-obsessive, non-fetishistic way doesn't qualify as a weeaboo.
I saw some guy act like he knew everything about Swedish culture just because he binged a bunch of PewDiePie videos and Vinesauce Joel streams. What a Swedaboo.