verb: to wank noun: wanker adj: wanky 1) someone who jerks off alot 2) someone who does stupid stuff eg falling asleep at the bar, or taking home someone who's so drunk that they then go an piss in the bed 3) term of endearment 4) term of abuse
1) damn! bill's been in his room for hours! he must be having a wank 2) hahahaaaa what a wanker! 3) you daft wanker...here, have a beer 4) tony blair is a complete wanker
carnivore special
After yellping you will stick your nose in her vagina then eat up the meat products!
you know how we do So LO!!!!!
double kill
When you kill two people with one shot in a video game. They are most likely side by side when this happens.
Digital Ghost terminated A. Noob with a double kill!
An archaic term for the element mercury - a heavy silver-white poisonous metallic element that is liquid at ordinary temperatures and is used especially in scientific instruments.
Check what the temperature is with this old quicksilver thermometer.
An individual who has the constant stench of flatulent surrounding their face.
-'Have you ever met that Dan Williamson?' -'Yes and his face smelt of farts...' -'It's not his fault, he is a fartface, a dissorder he was born with' -'Unforgivable'
1. the state of ignorance created by the refusal see, acknowledge, or learn something which is necessary for understanding. 2. a righteous or hardheaded mentality resulting from the repeated unwillingness to hear or imagine another's perspective. 3. a lack of understanding with the ability to understand. 4. willful ignorance. 5. intelligent stupidity.
His defensiveness stems from his lifelong amathia. Her amathia makes her unfit to participate in this debate.
What a Mexican gynecologist looks at when he is working.
Excuse me miss, may I see your bayina?
bomber harris
The act of taking a shit in a toilet without touching the toilet seat. Normally done at festivals near the end of the weekend when the toilet is absolutely over flowing with shit.
"That bog was so full of shit I had to do a Bomber Harris!"
Cajun Firecracker
The act of disemboweling a fish, rubbing its innards all over one's erect penis alongside copious amounts of chili paste and celery, and then giving a woman head while moaning in french.
Guy 1: "Man, I gave that girl one killer of a Cajun Firecracker last night!" Guy 2: "That sounds nice and spicy, dude."
A sexual act in which a man takes a dump and the woman uses the turd as a dildo. She may also make the sound of a porpoise or a siberian llama in this process. Also see gay sweizch and the jefferson sweizch for further details.
Sweizch: what i do on a daily basis
wish you were here with me!
wywhwm, I miss you so much
One who is aroused by fire and the act of burning things.
"The fire gave frank a raging hardon at the campfire"-Person one "Yah I think he's a pyrophiliac."
Meta Bomb
The act of dropping a huge shit measured in feet following the ingestion of MetaMucil.
Bob come check this out " Dude.... that is a huge Meta Bomb" Dude this meta works great " I dropped an anaconda this morning" oh man " I bet that meta bomb was over 2 feet long"
A word used to make "love handles" sound cuter, because some girls can actually pull them off.
That girl's wubbies are bigger than her ass.
a girl that you want as a girlfriend and want to do wild things with her big ass
who that kira damn she sexy ass fuck
Proud Ford F-150 Owner
45 year old man going through a midlife crisis. Lives in Florida. Has a mullet. Ex-Convict. Probably stares at the children's genitalia at the playground. Goes mudding with his 12 year old son. His wife left him because he drinks non stop and licks her without consent. Listens to Nickelback 24/7. He stands up for his country. Supports Trump. Has a confederate flag on the back of his truck and always keeps a cigarette in his mouth.
My name is Harris and I am a proud Ford F-150 owner. Father of 7, and 3 ex wives. I Love the U.S. and little girls/boys.
Don’t do me
1. Don’t roast, mess with, or start drama with a person
“Girl, you got Wade in the Water 11’s on!” “Bitch, don’t do me!
Adding more weed to a previously-hit bowl.
"Dude, this bowls almost dead and it tastes like ass. Wanna do a recap?
Man Ass
A supposed woman that has man features but is known for her male like Booty. MANASS also describes a woman with Muscle man like ass shape which may resemble Male Ass
Showgirls: She got a nice set of titties....oh wait....hell no look at the Manass on that Ho Cake.
See bussy
James you got in that buttgina yet??
East Bumfuck
1) A location of unknown origin where the worst possible shit is likelly to happen. 2) The worst place in the history of ever.
Some fagstack stole my car! By now it's in East Bumfuck!
green 💚💚💚💚
popcorn pimp
A pimp that wines and dines his hoes off an allowance given to him by his parents. Has been known to trick out his bitches to pay for playstation controllers, arcade tokens, and cheap bling.
See Rikki Lake, Jenny Jones, etc.
Demi-Gay is a combination of Demisexual and Gay, Demi-Gay: You only are liking the same gender, but you only like people for personality and traits, not looks or sexual attraction. You develop sexual feelings for a person after liking their personality and knowing them for a while. Invented by and on: Discord.gg/ke2H4kb
No! I'm not gay, I'm DemiGay.
Humongous Hooters! Doesn't matter if she is a rhino or a skinny chick... She has more than enough to share with her sororiety sisters... Love Them...
It took 3 Kappa Delta Pledges to lift the shirt on Jugzilla.
When you need only a Leatherman tool to do ANYTHING, then it has been Leathermaned. Coined by Bert Gerber and Ryan Cook.
I installed my new LCD on the wall using only my Leatherman. The TV has been Leathermaned.
Cunt. Derived from a Golf Pro on coastal NSW
"He did the dirty with his best mate's wife/girlfriend" "What a Halpy!"
Sketchy, sneaky, tricky, awkward, mischievous. Beasley can describe a person or a situation. It can be used in a variety of situations and contexts.
Person 1: Dude, I heard that they turn back the odometers at that used car place down the street. Person 2: Really? Thats pretty beasley of them.
A Twitch streamer who looks exactly like the WWE Wrestler Mark Henry. Kobe is also known to be a very lazy streamer, who likes to scam his audience. Among other things he’s a delusional cowboys fan who thinks the cowboys are the best team in the league. He was also put in a master lock.
Random dude:I’m going to get fake dreads, eat a bunch of junk food, say the cowboys are good and get myself put in a master lock. I’m going to be exactly like Kobe0802
A man with an absolutely massive hog, extremely hot & did I mention they have a giant hog?
You did you see that Thoryn Yeah dude, he had a massive hog
Short for Read the Article. Thought to originate from fark.com
If you had RTA, you would know that France had plans to surrender
yellow fever
A mental condition often found in white males that is characterized by a ferocious apetite for girls of asian descent. Symptoms may include a fascination with Hello Kitty, japanime, Domo, Mr. Chu's Asian Beaver, Japanese culture and language. In severe cases, an individual stricken with yellow fever can be referred to as a "Wapo", and may harbor a twisted interest in Asian inbreeding, which causes bow-leggedness. Some Wapos may date Mexican girls in between Asian girlfriends due to limited availability of FOBs in a given community. Wapos may also claim to be improving Asian standards of living by offering a larger penis size, which is usually an obvious lie. Those with yellow fever also seem to unconsciously detect an Asian girl's prescence, generally within 10-15 meters, and refer to it as a "Code-Y" (comp. "Gaydar").
"Wow, Chris has a bad case of yellow fever. He's almost as bad as Mr. Chu." "I'm not gonna lie; I've caught the yellow fever."
what the person on discord said to you
person 1: Do you like to eat candy? person 2: Yes person 1: candies nuts fit in your mouth
A Stupid greek origin person who can be fun to have around if u want to be stupid like how to make fire balls u can throw.
hey despenas
lo fight
the time when bomb guy is not mad as fuk
whitty in lo fight: leave me alone dim wits BF aka tooth paste hair: no
the act of a female who takes the lyrics to Snoop Dogg's record too literally.ie.,somehow ending up with multiple dicks in every hole (a video camara and microphone insertion may be involved)
When we up in thu houze tonite, we gonna be straight hoein !!!!
A word used to describe someone who will certainly develop a serious liver condition before the age of 25.
Ryan "Bunce"
mo mo
we went to the mo mo to get our freak on
diamond merchant
1. Someone that sells diamonds. 2. Derogatory term for a Jewish person. Made famous by the so-called Reverend and bigot Al Sharpton during the Crown Heights Riot of 1991.
1. That diamond merchant ripped me off good. 2. Al: "Sorry, but we don't have room for the diamond merchant." Jesse: "Yes we do, just stick him in the ashtray!"
Means you believe that there is only men and property. Also known as Kitchenism.
"I can't bring my girlfriend to my friend's house because he believes in propertyism. He just forces her into the kitchen everytime she walks in..."
Peenk is the best compilation channel on youtube and hit 100k go subscribe.
Peenk is gonna voice reveal omg guys.
Thirsty hoe over there.
"See that person staring googly-eyed at you?" "Yep, it's a thot."
Kagamine Len
A Japanese Vocaloid created by Crypton Future Media that is an absolute god who also dies on occasion.
“Wow, we don't deserve Kagamine Len's Cuteness!!!” “Len!! Stop dying!!”
An icy hot stunna from the mean streets of Bothell. Rides a street fighter. Likes: Fish,Bikez,Chickz,Vettez Also see: Cuddle Bitch
at this time my left shoe flys off and i remember saying "F**K!! MY SHOOOE!!!"
a giant dump. a more severe version of duce. taking a big poopy.
Dude I just dropped a freakin giduce.
something that is fucked up yet beatiful
John: I think I am in love with goatse Tyler:awww, that's beautifuk
Someone who is gonna be on the receiving end of a size 9 for doin some dumass move !
I pity the fool who messes with my feathers !! (B.A. Baracas)
Something you should not watch in a relationship
You should not watch porn in a relationship
Yer dogs got tets
The only way to kill a man with four magic words
Guy 1 "fuck off ye wee specky cunt" Guy 2 "mate, yer dogs got tets" *guy 1 combusts into a pile of ash"
actually, godsflesh is a very specific mushroom, it is NOT any mushroom nor is it LSD, it is Psilocybe Mexicana, and specifically it is Guadalajara Jalisco from amoungst them. All Psilocybes are sacred, but Guadalajara Jalisco is extremely so, it is the Holy Grail, literally. it is said that it allows the eater to see through flesh, and to allow the eater to physically see whats wrong with a sick person, it is mother natures X-Ray. the Mayans were drilling holes in peoples heads to release hemoraging on the brain hundreds of years ago, and we have scientific proof of that. So how did they know WHERE to drill the hole without killing the victim? now you know. It is also said to be able to induce "hive mind" meaning that all within range that are also under its influences can see and hear your thoughts and you theirs, it is a catalyst for E.S.P., especially under the moon of the dog days, when Sirius is strongest (the "Dog-Star"). This mushroom literaly puts you in a realm where all that will ever be has already been, allowing for literally "seeing through".
numbers 11:4 and the mixed multitude that was amoung them, fell a lusting, and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, who shal give vs flesh to eate? godsflesh IS the holy sacrament. see exodus 13:21 & 22,
Something that has vinegar in it or is made of vinegar.
Those cookies were very vinegary!
Boy Child
a boy therefore a non-grown man who has yet to take on the responsibilities of being a proper gentleman and is therefore regarded at a total douche bag because he lacks the morals, sense, and propriety of a proper man
that dude that started crying when he got kicked out of the club... such a boy child!
startin shit
Taking the date to a level that one in the party is not ready for or uncomfortable about.
"Get your tongue outta my ear and quit startin shit."
adj; a combination of the words "greasy" and "sleazy"; used to describe a person who is both of these disgusting attributes at the same time; most likely an older male
"Ewwww....that old man is SO greazy!"
Hard “r” Friday
The only day of the week where saying “nigger” is acceptable. The word “nigga” is used on Monday-Thursday and Saturday & Sunday while “nigger” is is used on fridays.
“Hey nigger” “Broooo it’s not Hard “r” Friday you can’t say that!”
a girl that is beautiful adorable cute loving girl that you can ever meet she's unique because she's the only girl that's named begine in the USA she loves going on her Instagram and looking through her explore page she hates skirts loves sneakers she loves chick-fil-a and McDonald's
Z:Hey Begine B:Hey Gurll
hipster sweg
Hipsters cannot over come the power of normal swag, so must obtain their own type of swag, the slightly less powerful swag is sweg, hipsters may pretend to be gangsters by smoking weed 24/7 and listening to Tyler the creator/odd future, but in reality, they will never over come the boundary which separates them from swag and sweg.
Harry Evans has the most amount of hipster sweg in the UK, Leeds is full of hipsters.
To be surrounded by fire.
I am Aliyev.
A person who thinks too highly of themselves and are just asking to be smashed into realising what a retard they actually are.
Day of a douchebag: finishes playing on the computer at 5am to gel up hair until 7am. Waits for mum to finish making breakfast, eats, goes to train stop. Acts emo on train and acts important by rolling eyes at anyone who tried to talk to him. At school:Gets beaten up infront of everyone. After school: Still acts as if he is on top of everyone else.
Someone who’s always right. No matter the situation.
Your such a kfish Lily
A philosophical version of something euphoric.
The euphorocity of this conversation is rising.
mphoentle means beautiful gift. mphoentle is a unisex name, those who bare the name are very kind hearted and loving, make sure you keep them very close.
oh em gee, is that mphoentle? i wish she/he was my boyfriend.
cyber trick
a word used in Riverdale that seems sexual
Chic is a cyber trick.
Someone who lacks any grammar whatsoever. People who spell nearly every word that they type in slang.
Ja Rule Hater's explanation of GWB stupidity.
The cute boy in the hunger games that loves katniss/dates/marries
It was so sad how peeta was hijacked but katniss still loved him
eagle has landed
This was also a popular WW2 movie where Michael Caine was a German who landed in the UK to assinate Churchill.
We saw "the Eagle has landed" last weekend on cable.
bean bug
the most perfect guy you could think of. you're lucky to have him and you love spending time with him. just looking at him gives you butterflies and you just wanna hug him all the time. you make each other smile just by looking at the other.
he's my bean bug!!
(n) Term used to describe one who has a sexual affection for Norse goddesses and/or grey pajamas.
"Nif wants to get it on with Freya."
ebay bedroom warrior
A person who sells items on ebay or by other means over the Internet operating from their bedroom. This persons online selling appearance is normally that of a larger company or someone operating from larger premises.
Person 1 "You fancy coming out for a few drinks tonight?" Person 2 "Sorry I can't I have to pack up a load of parcels for stuff I sold online from my bedroom" Person 1 "You are such an ebay bedroom warrior"
Man Magma
Another word for a huge male orgasim that erupts like a volcano extruding mass quantities of Man Chowder everywhere.
Oliver got excited when that chick tugged his man meat and he erupted blasting Man Magma everywhere.
An amazing person, you defiantly need a Brianna in your life. She's nice, kind, and always makes you smile. If you don't know a Brianna go find one. She's always there if you need a shoulder to cry on. She is very loyal to her friends and family. But she is also very sensitive. She would cry at almost anything. If you do not know a Brianna than you're very lucky to brianna brings luck. If you get to know Brianna you will find she is very weird.
I am very lucky to be a Brianna.
Alung the name of a person with a dick long enough to touch the bottom of your lungs
Person 1: Alung is packing some serious heat
Honestly, just give up. You're bored beyond belief. There is nothing worse than here. Whether it be at work or school, you don't like what you're doing. Maybe consider a different career path. I don't know. Get help cause being this bored weekly is going to kill you. Like, seriously.
Classmate 1: zaqxswcdevfrbgtnhymjukilop Classmate 2: Dude, how fucking bored are you? Classmate 3: Take a wild guess
1. the act of erecting as a result of attraction. 2. the state of being erected as a result of attraction 3. something erected through sublimation of arousal, as a building or other structure. 4. Physiology. a distended and rigid state of an organ or part containing erectile tissue, esp. of the penis or the clitoris when subject is attracted to someone or something.
I had an attrection.
when you have poop all over your buttocks
"bro you have poopbottom!"
verb. to stimulate a woman's g-spot with the finger or fingers.
I diggled her on the couch in the library until she squirted over the biographies.
evil english teacher
the english teacher that constantly gives you homework, and one that you really think is a lesbian O.o She is also the reason you are on urban dictionary in the first place. And right now she is giving me a death stare
Person 1: What subject do you have next? Person 2: English * -.- * Person 1: Oh Crap, and you have that evil english teacher too Person 2: I swear she is a lesbian Person 1: I know, Oh well, time to look up and/or write definitions on urban dictionary.
luggin' it
something that trended in deviantart for a bit
Cathy Piller luggin' it
When your out wasted and all the sudden you feel that urge to jump into the arms of another man and you faceplant on the concrete. After the faceplant you are a mothface.
Joe jumped into Matts arms, and Matts frail body couldn't hold him. Joe is now a mothface. "Damn Joe! You're a total mothface now! What happened last night??"
A person with a disease that includes symptoms of dumb comments, fat face, drooling, and drooping tongue. Results in not attracting any women or surprisingly men either. Being a Sacky is not a good thing in fact, it could be hazardous to your health and ability to form relationships. Suicide is the only cure. Square on.
When Jon did the JRC he looked like a big Sacky. Square on Sacky, square on.
the opposite of improvement
John and Kate were working on a project. John made a change to the project that Kate didn't like. Kate then said to John: "Man, what an impoopment!" funny joke
Hella Fish
1. Unlimtey Coolness. The Point in which nothing can be better. 2. Reffering to someone who is drunk, or on drugs.
1. Man that car is hella fish. 2. Whoa. that guys is deffintly hella fish.
The Roastmaster
noun Someone who has a weak roast game.
Friend 1: I swear I will punch you in the face. Friend 2: You won't do shit, Skeletor-lookin' ass. Friend 1: Wow bud, you are the Roastmaster.
Epic Fail
An impossible, improbable, occurrance that is only achieved by the lower part of our society. But if you occomplish a fail that is impossible, than in theory, it could be labled an "epic fail."
Parking your car in your roof is, in theory, an "epic fail."
WoW Metal
Also known as Epic or Power Metal. An alternate name for the genre of heavy metal which consists of music written entirely about high fantasy, including but not limited to gnomes, elves, dwarves, magic, dungeons, epic battles, questing, monsters, etc.
Ashley: Dude check out this awesome new Blind Guardian song! Joe: What the hell... is this like WoW metal or some shit? You're such a nerd. Ashley: I challenge you to a duel, fucker.
literally a shit
"hey man you're tastes are woxxy tier"
yearbook editor
A person willing tot ake copius amounts of abuse from his or her graduating class.
"Duude.. who's that?" "A yearbook editor.... KILL 'EM!"
An affectionate, cute word used to replace 'you'. Started off as an error in a drunken text message...
'youp so cute!!!!'
Another website that people tell you to go to and a scary picture appears and screams.
Person 1: hey go on to google and search mov0001 and click on the first link. Person 2: nice try.
verb: to be obsessed with Marcus Mumford (musician) and/or Mumford and Sons (band). Being Mumsessed means the person is about all things Mumford and Sons. This person has everything pertaining to Marcus Mumford and Mumford and Sons. He/She is in atleast 3 Mumford And Sons or Marcus Mumford love groups on Facebook, Follows all pages dedicated to Mumford And Sons on Twitter, has a tumblr account just for Mumford feed, and owns Mumford and Sons albums. This person always bashes anyone against Mumford and Sons and will ALWAYS defend them when someone insults them. This person is a TRUE Mumford and Sons fan who is obsessed with them.
Matty: "Listen to this new Ke$ha song!" Cady: "I hate Ke$ha, I'd rather be mumsessed." Being mumsessed is a big responsibility, you have to ABSOLUTELY L.O.V.E. great music!
He’s a funny and adorable lil thing. He’s so sweet and innocent. He has good taste in women and is analytical. He might be clueless in certain situations so just give him a little hand. He’s understanding and thoughtful. His love is like no other. And he has a cute Afro :)
P1:”did you go to the party last night? Carriean was there.” P2:” damn I missed it, he’s the life of the party.”
To be distracted in awe of a friend or co-worker macking (and being succesful) on someone WAY out of their league.
At the hotel me and the other valets were mackstracted at Josh's fruitful conversation with the attractive Milf in the expensive Lexus.
Swine Fail
When someone gets sick, stinks, burps, or farts.
someone farts extremely loud and everyone knows who it is. MASSIVE SWINE FAIL.
the dastardly trick of distracting someone in public for long enough to put your testicles in their drink and then return to the bar.
the luchadors de muerto are playing at pearl, hide your drinks, they're melonballers.
trojan horse
A sexual act whereby when a female passes out, usually when drunk, and the male waits and then ejaculates on the unsuspecting ginch.
I pulled a trojan horse on that ginch when she passed out last night.
the bull rider
It's when you are doing a chick from behind and as you are both enjoying yourselves, you hold on to her, lean over her ear and wisper another girls name which will then make her mad and try and kick you off like a bull.
"Hey man i heard you are single now cause you did the bull rider on you gf last weekend."
Matthew is a sweet, caring guy. He likes to look presentable and often always looks good, they have amazing hair and are the best kissers. If you’re dating a Matthew you are truly lucky he might be a little distant but he just needs time to let you in, most Matthews come off to the world as players. This may be true but all they need is to have unconditional love so they know you won’t leave. If you’re dating a Matthew cherish them because you won’t find anyone better. Matthews also make the best soccer players
Wow Matthew has such cute hair He’s so handsome and he isn’t even doing anything
A boy who THINKS he is a god wen it cums to pleasing women. A boy who THINKS he's making all the ladies moan when they're actually GROANING 'get off of me'. A boy who doesn't actually know what he's doing, and he's pretty square. A boy that will never ever get a gurl. A boy who has a large ego.
" He's never going to get anything with that ego. " " Oh my god, I know, he is SUCH a Matt.
De'Shon can be a really good friend to you. He cares about others and has such a good humour, and he's so talented at art! Honestly he deserves so much more, he's a friend that you can truly trust and he can always make you Smile. De'Shon is one of those Persons u have to keep, his soul is too kind and beautiful for this world.
Person A: unholy hell, you have a De'Shon as your friend?! Person B: Ikr I'm so lucky to have him
beer thong
A variation on an ice luge substituting a person's asscrack for the block of ice. The act requires two people to complete successfully. Typically the first participant will position their mouth at the base of the asscrack of the second participant. Then beer will be poured down the asscrack into the mouth of the first participant. In its original conception the act was strictly homosexual in that both participants were to be male. Often times a reacharound was added to increase the homosexuality of it. In theory it is not limited to male participation only.
George much prefers to do beer thongs with reacharounds instead of beer bongs.