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<html> <head> <title> What if the Earth had no Moon? </title> </head> <body> <h1> What if the Earth had no Moon? </h1> <h4> Michael Richmond <br> July 15, 2005 </h4> <P> Suppose we could set the WayBack Machine for 4.5 billion years ago, as the gas and dust in the proto-solar nebula was beginning to clump into proto-planets... <P> <img src="./hd100546_ctio_small.jpg" width=1280 height=995> <P> <font size=-1> Image Credit: C. A. Grady et al. (NOAO, NASA/GSFC), CTIO, ESO, NSF; see <a href=""> Astronomy Picture of the Day, May 2, 2001, for more details. </a> </font> <P> There is some evidence that the the proto-Earth collided with another planetesimal, perhaps the size of Mars. Some of the material blasted outwards in the collision clumped together under its own gravity to form a body in orbit around the remaining proto-Earth -- a body we call the Moon. <P> <img src="./impact_d.gif" width=595 height=869> <P> <font size=-1> Figures taken from <a href=";db_key=AST&amp;data_type=HTML&amp;format=&amp;high=41d2d8d2b515938"> Simulations of a late lunar-forming impact </a> by Robin Canup, Icarus, Volume 168, Issue 2, p. 433-456.</font> <P> You can read more about the impact hypothesis of the Moon's origin at these sites: <UL> <LI> <a href=""> An essay on the origin of the Moon by Roberto Bugiolacchi of the University College London </a> <LI> <a href=""> The Origin of the Moon and the Single Impact Hypothesis by Al Cameron of the Lunar and Planetary Lab </a> </ul> <P> But -- what if we were wave our magic wands and prevent any such moon-producing collision? What if the Earth had formed all by itself, without a Moon? How would the subsequent evolution of the Earth, and life upon it, been changed? <P> I will consider a number of consequences, starting with very definite and uncontroversial ones, then working my through to some which are more speculative. As you will see, there was been a great deal of thought and discussion of these ideas by many people over the past century; I am merely collecting them. <UL> <LI> <a href="#rotation"> Effects on the Earth's rotation </a> <LI> <a href="#tides"> Tides, the Earth and the Moon </a> <LI> <a href="#daylength"> The length of Earth's day -- through the ages </a> <LI> <a href="#soif"> So, if the Earth did NOT have a Moon, then .... </a> </UL> <P> <hr> <P> <P> <hr> <P> <h4> <a name="rotation"> Effects on the Earth's rotation </a> </h4> <P> When the Apollo astronauts and the Russian Lunakhod rovers visited the Moon, they left behind several special "retroreflectors": sets of cubical mirrors which are designed to reflect light directly back in the direction whence it came. <P> <img src="./crn_cbe.JPG" width=500 height=375> <P> <img src="./AS15-85-11468.jpg" width=904 height=909> <!-- <img src="./a14.jpg" width=483 height=304> --> <P> Several observatories on Earth, such as the McDonald Observatory in Texas <P> <img src="./MLRS_+_domes.gif" width=1066 height=732> <P> shine pulses of light from powerful lasers at these retroreflectors, then look carefully for the (very few) returning photons. The time it takes for light to make the round trip provides scientists with a precise measure of the distance between the Earth and Moon. With care, the distance can be measured VERY precisely. The table below shows the error budget for the measurement of a <b>single</b> photon; typical experiments detect tens or hundreds of photons. <P> <img src="./photon_budget.gif" width=742 height=308> <P> Over the past few decades, lunar-ranging measurements have shown that the semi-major axis of the Moon's orbit is slowly increasing, by <b>3.82 +/- 0.07 cm/year</b> (Dickey et al., Science 265, 482 (1994)). Why should that be happening -- and what effect might that have on the Earth? <P> <hr> <P> <h4> <a name="tides"> Tides, the Earth and the Moon </a> </h4> <P> The answer involves <b>tides</b>. Tides are bulges one body caused by the gravitational pull of an external body; or, more precisely, caused by the DIFFERENCES in the gravitational pull of an external body. Consider the Earth, its oceans, and the Moon. <P> <img src="./tide_basic_0.gif" width=674 height=414> <P> The strength of the gravitational force decreases as the square of the distance between two objects. So the Moon pulls just a bit harder on the near side of the ocean than it does the center of the Earth ... and just a bit harder on the center of the Earth than on the far side of the ocean. <P> <img src="./tide_basic_1.gif" width=674 height=414> <P> These slight differences in gravitational forces pull a blob of water outwards away from the Earth on side nearest the Moon; and they pull the Earth away from the blob of water which is on side farthest from the Moon. The net result is to deform the oceans into a somewhat oval shape. <P> <img src="./tide_basic_a.gif" width=674 height=414> <P> Now, if we were to hold the Earth and Moon fixed in place (with some <i>very</i> strong pieces of string, perhaps), then that would be the end of the story: a stationary tidal bulge would point towards the Moon. People on vacation might travel to the portions of the world under the bulge to swim in a very slightly deeper ocean. <P> However, the Earth and Moon are <b>not</b> fixed in place. They are instead dancing together in a three-part manner: <OL> <LI> the Earth is rotating around its own axis (once about every 23 hours and 56 minutes) <LI> the Moon is rotating around its own axis (once about every 27.3 days) <LI> the Moon is revolving around the Earth (once about every 27.3 days) </OL> <P> <img src="./tide_basic_b.gif" width=674 height=414> <P> Because the Earth rotates so quickly, friction between the ocean floor and the water drags the tidal bulges forward a bit, so that they "lead" the Moon slightly. <P> <img src="./tide_basic_c.gif" width=674 height=414> <P> Let's simplify things, since it will make the diagrams to come easier to understand. We'll put a dot in each of the tidal bulges, and pretend that all the mass of the water in each bulge is concentrated at that point. <P> <img src="./tide_basic_d.gif" width=674 height=414> <P> The water in each of the ocean bulges exerts a gravitational force on the Moon. The near-side bulge pulls the Moon in a direction which is slightly tilted in the direction of the Moon's orbital motion, while the far-side bulge pulls the Moon very slightly backwards, opposite to its orbital motion. But because the near-side bulge is closer, its pull is a bit stronger. The total force from the ocean water has a small component which pulls the Moon forward along its orbit, speeding it up very slightly. <P> <img src="./tide_pulls_a.gif" width=674 height=414> <P> Because the net tidal force pulls the Moon forward in its orbit, it increases the Moon's orbital speed; that increase in speed causes the Moon to shoot ahead a little faster and overshoot its circular orbit. It ends up a bit farther from the Earth, in a slightly larger orbit. <P> <img src="./tide_orbit_a.gif" width=674 height=414> <P> <img src="./tide_orbit_b.gif" width=674 height=414> <P> <img src="./tide_orbit_c.gif" width=674 height=414> <P> In its new, larger, orbit, the Moon takes LONGER to complete one revolution around the Earth; this may seem a bit counterintuitive, since it was a component of gravitational force forwards along its orbit that started the whole process, but the increase in gravitational potential energy as the Moon recedes from the Earth leads to a decrease in kinetic energy. <P> Okay, so the Moon recedes from the Earth -- but what about the Earth? Does anything happen to IT due to these tidal interactions? Yes, indeed. Look again at the misaligned tidal bulge of the oceans: <P> <img src="./tide_rotate_a.gif" width=674 height=414> <P> Over the course of the next 18 hours, the Earth rotates over three-quarters of a full circle, but the Moon moves through only a tiny fraction of its orbital circle. Since the tidal bulges track the Moon, they, too, stay nearly in place. <P> <img src="./tide_rotate_b.gif" width=674 height=414> <P> <img src="./tide_rotate_c.gif" width=674 height=414> <P> <img src="./tide_rotate_d.gif" width=674 height=414> <P> The Earth rotates UNDERNEATH the tidal bulges, moving much more quickly than they do. The friction between the solid body of the Earth and the waters of the ocean acts to slow down the Earth's rotation (this is quite a simplification -- read <a href=""> this paper on tides and friction </a> for more details). So the Earth's period of rotation grows just a little bit longer ... very slowly. <P> To sum it up, <OL> <LI> the Moon moves outwards, away from the Earth <LI> the Earth's period of rotation increases </OL> <P> If you wish, you may use the <b>conservation of angular momentum</b> to determine how these two changes are connected. The total angular momentum of the Earth-Moon system remains the same: the Earth's spin angular momentum decreases as the Moon's orbital momentum increases. <P> Our measurements of the increase in the Moon's orbital radius (about 3.8 cm each year) can be turned around to yield the rate at which the Earth's rate of rotation is decreasing. That turns out to be about 2.3 milliseconds added to a day, over the course of a century. <P> <hr> <P> <h4> <a name="daylength"> The length of Earth's day -- through the ages </a> </h4> <P> At the present time, the small overall increase in the length of a day doesn't seem very important. Very few people pay much attention to the occasional leap seconds which are inserted into the official time systems. Over the course of an entire human life, days grow longer, on average, by about the duration of one flap of a honeybee's wings. <P> But if one is patient enough, this very slow rate can add up to quite a large change. For example, a perfect clock which was started from "12:00:00" in the year 1000 BCE when the Sun was directly overhead, would at the present time show the Sun to be overhead about half an hour after 12:00:00. The Earth, in other words, should have "lost half an hour" over the past millenium. <P> Well, that's the theory, anyway. Is there any evidence for it? <pre> </pre> Yes! <P> We have records of eclipses which took place thousands of years ago. This bit of cunieform, for example, <P> <img src="./aag_44222_f3.gif" width=400 height=363> <br> <font size=-1> See <a href=""> Historical eclipses and Earth's rotation </a> by Stephenson, in <i>Astronomy and Geophysics</i>, Vol 44, page 2.22 (2003). </font> <P> describes a total solar eclipse which occured on April 15 in the year 136 BCE. This bit of calligraphy <P> <img src="aag_44222_f5.gif" width=400 height=1055> <br> <font size=-1> See <a href=""> Historical eclipses and Earth's rotation </a> by Stephenson, in <i>Astronomy and Geophysics</i>, Vol 44, page 2.22 (2003). </font> <P> is a Chinese record of a lunar eclipse of September 4/5, 434 CE. Without the slowing of the Earth's rotation, these eclipses could not have been seen at the locations and times described in the records; the eclipse paths would have been shifted by hundreds or thousands of miles. <!-- <P> There is also evidence from geology that supports the changing length of the day. In some places, sediments deposited by a river into a larger body of water show regular patterns, called <b>varves</b>. <P> <img src="./oct02-5c.jpg" width=700 height=525> <br> <font size=-1> Picture from <a href=""> Glacial Lake Varves, Dennistown Plantation</a>, located in northwestern Maine. </font> <P> Annual changes in the amount of water flowing through the river cause alternating layers of material. One can recognize the span of one year in this deposit by moving from one thin grey layer to the next. --> <P> Another sort of evidence comes from fossils of marine creatures and algae. Some well-preserved specimens show regular patterns of striations or lines which occur in groups. Similar patterns in living creatures can be caused by material deposited on a cycle of length one month, influenced by the change in ebb and neap tides (cycles of other lengths also occur). If we interpret some of the fossil patterns to indicate monthly changes, and others to represent annual changes, we can figure out how many months occur over the course of a year. Since the length of the year has certainly not changed appreciably over geologic time, we can attribute changes in these patterns to a change in the length of the month over times in the geologic record. <P> <img src="./paleon.gif" width=872 height=619> <br> <font size=-1> Figure taken from <a href=";db_key=AST&amp;data_type=HTML&amp;format=&amp;high=41d2d8d2b502098"> Paleontological Evidence on the Earth's Rotational History Since Early Precambrian </a> by Giorgio Pannella, Astrophysics and Space Science, Vol. 16, p.212 (1972). </font> <P> Over the course of millions of years, the change in the length of the Earth's rotation amounts to many hours. The earliest evidence mentioned in Pannella's paper dates from about 1.8 billion years ago, and suggests that there were about 450 days in the year at that time. That means that each day was only about 20 hours long. Extrapolating to earlier times is difficult, since there are interactions between the locations of the continents, the shape of the oceans, and the efficiency of tidal friction. Nonetheless, it is possible that the very young Earth may have had a rotation period of less than 10 hours. <P> <hr> <P> <h4> <a name="soif"> So, if the Earth did NOT have a Moon, then .... </a> </h4> <P> Okay, that was a long introduction, but, now that we know what sort of influence the Moon has had on the Earth, we can finally start to answer the question "What would the Earth be like if it <b>didn't</b> have a Moon?" <P> For one thing, it would probably be rotating more rapidly. The Sun, it is true, does cause tides of its own in the Earth's oceans, but its tidal effects are weaker than those of the Moon. If the initial rotation period of the Earth was, say, 6 hours, then without a Moon, it might have slowed due to solar tides to only, say, 10 hours. What consequences might follow from such a fast rotation? <P> Perhaps the Earth's atmosphere might show some differences. <UL> <LI> The day/night cycle of cooling and heating would run more rapidly. Would that give thunderstorms enough time to build up over the course of a day? <br> <UL> <img src="./lightning-Big-Sur2.jpg" width=591 height=394> </UL> <P> <LI> The other major planets in the solar system which rotate in only 10 hours are the gas giants: <br> <UL> <img src="./giant_gallery.jpg" width=1024 height=768> </UL> Their atmospheres -- while very, very much thicker than the Earth's, and composed of materials under much colder conditions -- exhibit belts and zones; would the Earth's atmosphere behave in a similar manner if our planet rotated more quickly? <P> <LI> The planet most like our Earth in many ways is Venus; but Venus has a much thicker (and nastier) atmosphere. <UL> <img src="./venus_pair.gif" width=818 height=419> <br> <font size=-1> Venus with (left) and without (right) its atmospheric blanket </font> <P> </UL> <P> It has been postulated in the past by some that the Moon might be somehow responsible for the lack of a similarly thick atmosphere around the Earth. I do not understand the mechanism by which the Moon would remove most of the atmosphere, or prevent its generation via outgassing, so I give this idea little weight. It certainly <i>is</i> a Good Thing that our Earth does not have a Venus-like atmosphere, with its immense pressure (90 atm at the surface) and strong greenhouse effect (leading to temperatures over 700 Celsius). </UL> <P> As mentioned earlier, without the Moon, tides would be weaker than they currently are. Instead of advancing and retreating across the sands by tens of meters, the ocean waters might only oscillate by a few meters. That, in turn, would create many fewer <b>tidal pools</b>. <P> <img src="./T046051A.jpg" width=423 height=336> <P> Some people believe that tidal pools, with their combination of shallow, still water, plenty of sunlight, and regular influx of fresh materials, plus evaporation to concentrate the brew, might have provided the environment in which some of the first forms of life on Earth might have developed. With fewer tidal pools, would the earliest, simplest self-replicating molecules have formed in just one or two billion years? <P> Recent work on the formation of life on Earth has moved in a different direction, actually. The current "favorite" location for the formation of the earliest life is somewhere deep in the oceans, near a hydrothermal vent. <P> <img src="./smoker.gif" width=423 height=336> <P> If this is true, then the lack of a Moon would not have discouraged the earliest forms of life on Earth. <P> <hr> <P> <h4> For more information </h4> <P> <UL> <LI> <a href=""> Lunar retroreflectors </a> left on the Moon by Apollo astronauts and the Lunakhods. <LI> <a href=""> The APOLLO laser, mounted on the Apache Point 3.5-m telescope, </a> is one of many laser-ranging stations which monitor the Earth-Moon distance. <LI> <A href=""> Ocean Tides and the Earth's Rotation </a> from the IERS Special Bureau for Tides mentions some of the complications involved in the real mechanisms of tidal friction. <LI> <A href=""> Eclipse Predictions and Earth's Rotation </a> provide more information and references on how records of ancient elipses help to measure changes in the Earth's rotation. </UL> </body> </html>
What if the Earth had no Moon? # What if the Earth had no Moon? #### Michael Richmond July 15, 2005 Suppose we could set the WayBack Machine for 4.5 billion years ago, as the gas and dust in the proto-solar nebula was beginning to clump into proto-planets... ![](./hd100546_ctio_small.jpg) Image Credit: C. A. Grady et al. (NOAO, NASA/GSFC), CTIO, ESO, NSF; see [Astronomy Picture of the Day, May 2, 2001, for more details.]( There is some evidence that the the proto-Earth collided with another planetesimal, perhaps the size of Mars. Some of the material blasted outwards in the collision clumped together under its own gravity to form a body in orbit around the remaining proto-Earth -- a body we call the Moon. ![](./impact_d.gif) Figures taken from [Simulations of a late lunar-forming impact]( by Robin Canup, Icarus, Volume 168, Issue 2, p. 433-456. You can read more about the impact hypothesis of the Moon's origin at these sites: * [An essay on the origin of the Moon by Roberto Bugiolacchi of the University College London]( * [The Origin of the Moon and the Single Impact Hypothesis by Al Cameron of the Lunar and Planetary Lab]( But -- what if we were wave our magic wands and prevent any such moon-producing collision? What if the Earth had formed all by itself, without a Moon? How would the subsequent evolution of the Earth, and life upon it, been changed? I will consider a number of consequences, starting with very definite and uncontroversial ones, then working my through to some which are more speculative. As you will see, there was been a great deal of thought and discussion of these ideas by many people over the past century; I am merely collecting them. * [Effects on the Earth's rotation](#rotation) * [Tides, the Earth and the Moon](#tides) * [The length of Earth's day -- through the ages](#daylength) * [So, if the Earth did NOT have a Moon, then ....](#soif) --- --- #### Effects on the Earth's rotation When the Apollo astronauts and the Russian Lunakhod rovers visited the Moon, they left behind several special "retroreflectors": sets of cubical mirrors which are designed to reflect light directly back in the direction whence it came. ![](./crn_cbe.JPG) ![](./AS15-85-11468.jpg) Several observatories on Earth, such as the McDonald Observatory in Texas ![](./MLRS_+_domes.gif) shine pulses of light from powerful lasers at these retroreflectors, then look carefully for the (very few) returning photons. The time it takes for light to make the round trip provides scientists with a precise measure of the distance between the Earth and Moon. With care, the distance can be measured VERY precisely. The table below shows the error budget for the measurement of a **single** photon; typical experiments detect tens or hundreds of photons. ![](./photon_budget.gif) Over the past few decades, lunar-ranging measurements have shown that the semi-major axis of the Moon's orbit is slowly increasing, by **3.82 +/- 0.07 cm/year** (Dickey et al., Science 265, 482 (1994)). Why should that be happening -- and what effect might that have on the Earth? --- #### Tides, the Earth and the Moon The answer involves **tides**. Tides are bulges one body caused by the gravitational pull of an external body; or, more precisely, caused by the DIFFERENCES in the gravitational pull of an external body. Consider the Earth, its oceans, and the Moon. ![](./tide_basic_0.gif) The strength of the gravitational force decreases as the square of the distance between two objects. So the Moon pulls just a bit harder on the near side of the ocean than it does the center of the Earth ... and just a bit harder on the center of the Earth than on the far side of the ocean. ![](./tide_basic_1.gif) These slight differences in gravitational forces pull a blob of water outwards away from the Earth on side nearest the Moon; and they pull the Earth away from the blob of water which is on side farthest from the Moon. The net result is to deform the oceans into a somewhat oval shape. ![](./tide_basic_a.gif) Now, if we were to hold the Earth and Moon fixed in place (with some *very* strong pieces of string, perhaps), then that would be the end of the story: a stationary tidal bulge would point towards the Moon. People on vacation might travel to the portions of the world under the bulge to swim in a very slightly deeper ocean. However, the Earth and Moon are **not** fixed in place. They are instead dancing together in a three-part manner: 1. the Earth is rotating around its own axis (once about every 23 hours and 56 minutes) - the Moon is rotating around its own axis (once about every 27.3 days) - the Moon is revolving around the Earth (once about every 27.3 days) ![](./tide_basic_b.gif) Because the Earth rotates so quickly, friction between the ocean floor and the water drags the tidal bulges forward a bit, so that they "lead" the Moon slightly. ![](./tide_basic_c.gif) Let's simplify things, since it will make the diagrams to come easier to understand. We'll put a dot in each of the tidal bulges, and pretend that all the mass of the water in each bulge is concentrated at that point. ![](./tide_basic_d.gif) The water in each of the ocean bulges exerts a gravitational force on the Moon. The near-side bulge pulls the Moon in a direction which is slightly tilted in the direction of the Moon's orbital motion, while the far-side bulge pulls the Moon very slightly backwards, opposite to its orbital motion. But because the near-side bulge is closer, its pull is a bit stronger. The total force from the ocean water has a small component which pulls the Moon forward along its orbit, speeding it up very slightly. ![](./tide_pulls_a.gif) Because the net tidal force pulls the Moon forward in its orbit, it increases the Moon's orbital speed; that increase in speed causes the Moon to shoot ahead a little faster and overshoot its circular orbit. It ends up a bit farther from the Earth, in a slightly larger orbit. ![](./tide_orbit_a.gif) ![](./tide_orbit_b.gif) ![](./tide_orbit_c.gif) In its new, larger, orbit, the Moon takes LONGER to complete one revolution around the Earth; this may seem a bit counterintuitive, since it was a component of gravitational force forwards along its orbit that started the whole process, but the increase in gravitational potential energy as the Moon recedes from the Earth leads to a decrease in kinetic energy. Okay, so the Moon recedes from the Earth -- but what about the Earth? Does anything happen to IT due to these tidal interactions? Yes, indeed. Look again at the misaligned tidal bulge of the oceans: ![](./tide_rotate_a.gif) Over the course of the next 18 hours, the Earth rotates over three-quarters of a full circle, but the Moon moves through only a tiny fraction of its orbital circle. Since the tidal bulges track the Moon, they, too, stay nearly in place. ![](./tide_rotate_b.gif) ![](./tide_rotate_c.gif) ![](./tide_rotate_d.gif) The Earth rotates UNDERNEATH the tidal bulges, moving much more quickly than they do. The friction between the solid body of the Earth and the waters of the ocean acts to slow down the Earth's rotation (this is quite a simplification -- read [this paper on tides and friction]( for more details). So the Earth's period of rotation grows just a little bit longer ... very slowly. To sum it up, 1. the Moon moves outwards, away from the Earth - the Earth's period of rotation increases If you wish, you may use the **conservation of angular momentum** to determine how these two changes are connected. The total angular momentum of the Earth-Moon system remains the same: the Earth's spin angular momentum decreases as the Moon's orbital momentum increases. Our measurements of the increase in the Moon's orbital radius (about 3.8 cm each year) can be turned around to yield the rate at which the Earth's rate of rotation is decreasing. That turns out to be about 2.3 milliseconds added to a day, over the course of a century. --- #### The length of Earth's day -- through the ages At the present time, the small overall increase in the length of a day doesn't seem very important. Very few people pay much attention to the occasional leap seconds which are inserted into the official time systems. Over the course of an entire human life, days grow longer, on average, by about the duration of one flap of a honeybee's wings. But if one is patient enough, this very slow rate can add up to quite a large change. For example, a perfect clock which was started from "12:00:00" in the year 1000 BCE when the Sun was directly overhead, would at the present time show the Sun to be overhead about half an hour after 12:00:00. The Earth, in other words, should have "lost half an hour" over the past millenium. Well, that's the theory, anyway. Is there any evidence for it? ``` ``` Yes! We have records of eclipses which took place thousands of years ago. This bit of cunieform, for example, ![](./aag_44222_f3.gif) See [Historical eclipses and Earth's rotation]( by Stephenson, in *Astronomy and Geophysics*, Vol 44, page 2.22 (2003). describes a total solar eclipse which occured on April 15 in the year 136 BCE. This bit of calligraphy ![](aag_44222_f5.gif) See [Historical eclipses and Earth's rotation]( by Stephenson, in *Astronomy and Geophysics*, Vol 44, page 2.22 (2003). is a Chinese record of a lunar eclipse of September 4/5, 434 CE. Without the slowing of the Earth's rotation, these eclipses could not have been seen at the locations and times described in the records; the eclipse paths would have been shifted by hundreds or thousands of miles. Another sort of evidence comes from fossils of marine creatures and algae. Some well-preserved specimens show regular patterns of striations or lines which occur in groups. Similar patterns in living creatures can be caused by material deposited on a cycle of length one month, influenced by the change in ebb and neap tides (cycles of other lengths also occur). If we interpret some of the fossil patterns to indicate monthly changes, and others to represent annual changes, we can figure out how many months occur over the course of a year. Since the length of the year has certainly not changed appreciably over geologic time, we can attribute changes in these patterns to a change in the length of the month over times in the geologic record. ![](./paleon.gif) Figure taken from [Paleontological Evidence on the Earth's Rotational History Since Early Precambrian]( by Giorgio Pannella, Astrophysics and Space Science, Vol. 16, p.212 (1972). Over the course of millions of years, the change in the length of the Earth's rotation amounts to many hours. The earliest evidence mentioned in Pannella's paper dates from about 1.8 billion years ago, and suggests that there were about 450 days in the year at that time. That means that each day was only about 20 hours long. Extrapolating to earlier times is difficult, since there are interactions between the locations of the continents, the shape of the oceans, and the efficiency of tidal friction. Nonetheless, it is possible that the very young Earth may have had a rotation period of less than 10 hours. --- #### So, if the Earth did NOT have a Moon, then .... Okay, that was a long introduction, but, now that we know what sort of influence the Moon has had on the Earth, we can finally start to answer the question "What would the Earth be like if it **didn't** have a Moon?" For one thing, it would probably be rotating more rapidly. The Sun, it is true, does cause tides of its own in the Earth's oceans, but its tidal effects are weaker than those of the Moon. If the initial rotation period of the Earth was, say, 6 hours, then without a Moon, it might have slowed due to solar tides to only, say, 10 hours. What consequences might follow from such a fast rotation? Perhaps the Earth's atmosphere might show some differences. * The day/night cycle of cooling and heating would run more rapidly. Would that give thunderstorms enough time to build up over the course of a day? ![](./lightning-Big-Sur2.jpg) * The other major planets in the solar system which rotate in only 10 hours are the gas giants: ![](./giant_gallery.jpg) Their atmospheres -- while very, very much thicker than the Earth's, and composed of materials under much colder conditions -- exhibit belts and zones; would the Earth's atmosphere behave in a similar manner if our planet rotated more quickly? * The planet most like our Earth in many ways is Venus; but Venus has a much thicker (and nastier) atmosphere. ![](./venus_pair.gif) Venus with (left) and without (right) its atmospheric blanket It has been postulated in the past by some that the Moon might be somehow responsible for the lack of a similarly thick atmosphere around the Earth. I do not understand the mechanism by which the Moon would remove most of the atmosphere, or prevent its generation via outgassing, so I give this idea little weight. It certainly *is* a Good Thing that our Earth does not have a Venus-like atmosphere, with its immense pressure (90 atm at the surface) and strong greenhouse effect (leading to temperatures over 700 Celsius). As mentioned earlier, without the Moon, tides would be weaker than they currently are. Instead of advancing and retreating across the sands by tens of meters, the ocean waters might only oscillate by a few meters. That, in turn, would create many fewer **tidal pools**. ![](./T046051A.jpg) Some people believe that tidal pools, with their combination of shallow, still water, plenty of sunlight, and regular influx of fresh materials, plus evaporation to concentrate the brew, might have provided the environment in which some of the first forms of life on Earth might have developed. With fewer tidal pools, would the earliest, simplest self-replicating molecules have formed in just one or two billion years? Recent work on the formation of life on Earth has moved in a different direction, actually. The current "favorite" location for the formation of the earliest life is somewhere deep in the oceans, near a hydrothermal vent. ![](./smoker.gif) If this is true, then the lack of a Moon would not have discouraged the earliest forms of life on Earth. --- #### For more information * [Lunar retroreflectors]( left on the Moon by Apollo astronauts and the Lunakhods. * [The APOLLO laser, mounted on the Apache Point 3.5-m telescope,]( is one of many laser-ranging stations which monitor the Earth-Moon distance. * [Ocean Tides and the Earth's Rotation]( from the IERS Special Bureau for Tides mentions some of the complications involved in the real mechanisms of tidal friction. * [Eclipse Predictions and Earth's Rotation]( provide more information and references on how records of ancient elipses help to measure changes in the Earth's rotation.
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You can calculate withholding, examine a car loan, compare home loans and perform many other common financial tasks. In the spring some of our most popular calculators allow you to estimate your tax refund for Federal or State. 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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>AREA 51 Information and Photos</TITLE> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Joerg H. Arnu"> <!-- Disable right-click --> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var message="(C) Copyright 1999-" + new Date().getFullYear() + ", Dreamland Resort\nUnauthorized use of our material prohibited\nSee our Copyright Policy link at the bottom\nof each page for details"; function clickIE() { if (document.all) { alert(message); return false; } } function clickNS(e) { if(document.layers||(document.getElementById&&!document.all)) { if (e.which==2||e.which==3) { alert(message); return false; } } } if (document.layers) { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); document.onmousedown=clickNS; } else { document.onmouseup=clickNS; document.oncontextmenu=clickIE; } document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false;") // --> </script> <!-- Disable right-click --> </HEAD> <BODY TEXT="#FFFFFF" BGCOLOR="#000000" LINK="#FFFF00" VLINK="#80FF00" ALINK="#C0FFC0"> <CENTER><H2><FONT COLOR="#FFFF00">AREA 51 Information and Photos</FONT></H2></CENTER> <hr WIDTH="90%" ALIGN="center" SIZE=3> <CENTER> <P> </CENTER> <TABLE WIDTH=100%><TR VALIGN=TOP><TD> <H4>Area 51 Photos (mostly internet exclusives)</H4> <UL> <LI><B><A HREF="groom_photos_1023.html">New hangar at the Area 51 North Ramp, October 12, 2023</A></B></LI> <LI><B><A HREF="panorama_1023.html">Area 51 Nighttime Panorama and bonus fastmovers taken from Tikaboo Peak on October 11-12, 2023</A></B></LI> <LI><B><A HREF="night_photo_0523.html">Nighttime photo of Area 51, taken from Tikaboo Peak on May 10, 2023</A></B></LI> <LI><B><A HREF="panorama_0523.html">Area 51 Panorama taken from Tikaboo Peak on May 10, 2023</A></B></LI> <LI><B><A HREF="panorama_0814.html">Area 51 Panorama taken from Tikaboo Peak on August 21, 2014</A></B></LI> <LI><B><A HREF="panorama_0810.html">Area 51 Panorama taken from Tikaboo Peak on August 13, 2010</A></B></LI> <LI><B><A HREF="station_700.html">Exclusive photos of Station 700 between Area 51 and the NTS</A></B></LI> <LI><B><A HREF="panorama_0608.html">Area 51 Panorama taken from Tikaboo Peak on June 29, 2008</A></B></LI> <LI><B><A HREF="2007_new.html">New Large Hangar and other new Buildings at Area 51, June 10, 2007</A></B> - Photo of new additions since our August 2005 panorama</LI> <LI><A HREF="new_structure_2006.html">New Tall Structure at Area 51, January 2006</A> - Photo of a new tower structure on the north end of Area 51</LI> <LI><B><A HREF="panorama_0805.html">Area 51 Panorama taken from Tikaboo Peak on August 8, 2005</A></B> - The best photos of Area 51 ever published. Large commented high-resolution panorama.</LI> <LI><A HREF="new_runway.html">New Taxiway at Area 51 (July 2003)</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="panorama_0502.html">270&deg; Panorama from Tikaboo Peak by Tom Mahood, May 10, 2002</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="panorama_0901.html">Area 51 Panorama taken from Tikaboo Peak on September 3, 2001</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="panorama_0701.html">Area 51 Panorama taken from Tikaboo Peak on July 2, 2001</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="groom_overflight.html">Area 51 Overflight, circa 2000</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="panorama_0500.html">Area 51 Photos taken from Tikaboo Peak on May 31, 2000</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="base_1999.html">Area 51 Photo taken from Tikaboo Peak in March 1999</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="panorama_1096.html">Area 51 Panorama taken from Tikaboo Peak in October 1996</A> - commented panorama by Steve Hauser</LI> <LI><A HREF="groom_night.html">Area 51 at Night, from Tikaboo Peak in September 1995</A></LI> <LI><B><A HREF="area51.htm">Area 51 Panorama taken from Freedom Ridge in 1995</A></B> - The best photos ever taken of Area 51. Commented 20-photo panorama of the base, includes building numbers etc.</LI> <LI><A HREF="base.html">Area 51 Panorama taken from White Sides in May 1994</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="groom_oxcart.html">Area 51 during Project Oxcart in the 1960's</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="groom_chopper_ops.html">Area 51 Helicopter Operations in the 1960's</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="groom1960s.html">Close-up aerial photo of Area 51 from 1965</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="oxcart.html">EG&G Special Projects Support of Project Oxcart</A> - Newly released photos from inside Area 51 from the 1960's</LI> <LI><A HREF="groom1950s.html">Watertown airfield (later "Area 51") in the 1950's</A></LI> </UL> <A NAME="SatellitePhotos"></A> <H4>Area 51 Satellite Images</H4> <UL> <LI><B><A HREF="sat_image_2011.html">Area 51 Satellite Image, August 23, 2011</A></B> - <B>Dreamland Resort Exclusive</B>: Showing evidence of two major new construction projects just getting under way, one major project and a couple of smaller ones being wrapped up and major road improvements</LI> <LI><B><A HREF="sat_image_2009.html">Area 51 Satellite Image, June 29, 2009</A></B> - <B>Dreamland Resort Exclusive</B>: Showing the finished big hangar, several new buildings, new radar sites and a new mystery "racetrack" north of the Shipping & Receiving facility</LI> <LI><A HREF="sat_image_2007.html">Area 51 Satellite Image, July 18, 2007</A> - Dreamland Resort Exclusive: Several new hangars around South Ramp, new administrative buildings construction at North Ramp, new tower in RCS Range</LI> <LI><A HREF="sat_image_2003.html">Area 51 Satellite Image, July 24, 2003</A> - New taxiway completed, old rwy. 14/32 completely closed, re-paving south end of South Ramp, new fuel tanks finished</LI> <LI><A HREF="sat_image_2002.html">Area 51 Satellite Image, June 7, 2002</A> - Beginning construction of new center taxiway</LI> <LI><A HREF="sat_image_2001.html">Area 51 Satellite Image, December 22, 2001</A> - New runway 12/30, start re-paving South Ramp, old fuel tanks removed, begin construction of new tanks</LI> <LI><A HREF="sat_image_2000.html">Area 51 Satellite Image, April 2, 2000</A> - Old runway 14/32 partially closed, re-paving Janet Ramp</LI> <LI><A HREF="sat_image_1991-2.html">Area 51 and the NTS (December 4, 1991)</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="sat_image_1991.html">High resolution satellite photo of the Groom Lake base (circa 1991)</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="sat_image_1988.html">Satellite photos of Area 51, taken 7/17/1988</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="sat_image_1968.html">USGS aerial photos of Area 51, taken 8/28/1968</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="sat_image_1968_2.html">Satellite image of Area 51 from 1968</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="sat_image_1959.html">USGS aerial photo of Area 51, taken 9/21/1959</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="sat_image_1959_close.html">USGS aerial photo of Area 51, taken 9/21/1959, main base close-up</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="sat_image_1952.html">Aerial photo of Groom Lake, taken 10/9/1952</A></LI> </UL> <H4>Area 51 Maps</H4> <UL> <LI><B><A HREF="area51_view.html">View spots around Area 51</A></B> - Satellite images and Google Earth plug-in showing places with a view of the base around Area 51</LI> <LI><A HREF="area51map.html">Building Map of Area 51</A> - detailed map showing all major buildings with building # and function, and sizes for selected buildings</LI> <LI><A HREF="area51sizes.html">Sizes of Selected Structures at Area 51</A> - includes hangars, runway length and viewing angle from Tikaboo Peak</LI> </UL> <H4>Watching Area 51</H4> <UL> <LI><A HREF="../maps/tikaboo.html">Tikaboo Peak</A> - Map, directions and GPS coordinates for Tikaboo Peak, the closest view spot to Area 51 on public land</LI> <LI><A HREF="mailbox.html">The Black Mailbox</A> - By far the most popular place to watch the night skies over Area 51</LI> <LI><A HREF="../info/powerlines.html">The Powerlines Overlook</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="../trip_reports/reveille/index.html">Reveille Peak</A> - Interceptors Scale Reveille Peak, Nevada (September 6, 1999) by Steve Hauser</LI> <LI><A HREF="../trip_reports/interceptors/index.htm">Other View Spots</A> - Missions of the Groom Lake Interceptors</LI> <LI><A HREF="../info/etiquette.html">Watchers Etiquette</A></LI> </UL> <H4>Projects at Area 51</H4> <UL> <LI><A HREF="fastmover.html">Fastmover Test Flight at Area 51, 4/3/2002</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="crash_a51.html">Crashed Test Flight out of Area 51</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="tik_1995.html">Experimental Aircraft Sighting in 1995</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="../black_projects/groom_projects.html">Secret U.S. Aircraft Projects at Groom Lake</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="f117.htm">The Lockheed Martin F-117A Nighthawk</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="../black_projects/f117_photos.html">F-117 Stealth Fighter Photos</A> - High-resolution close-up photos of the Nighthawk</LI> <LI><A HREF="lazar/index.htm"><B>The Bob Lazar Corner</B></A> - Groom Lake Interceptor Tom Mahood examines the Bob Lazar Story</LI> </UL> <H4>Area 51 History</H4> <UL> <LI><A HREF="news.html">Area 51 News and Timeline</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="../black_projects/black_projects_history.html"><B>Black Projects at Groom Lake: Into the 21st Century</B></A></LI> <LI><A HREF="dreamland_50years.html"><B>DREAMLAND</B></A> - Fifty Years of Secret Flight Testing in Nevada</LI> <LI><A HREF="dreamland_timeline.html"><B>DREAMLAND Timeline</B></A> - Very comprehensive article covering half a century of Area 51 history</LI> <LI><A HREF="../pete/no_secret.html"><B>It's No Secret - Area 51 was Never Classified</B></A> - The biggest secret about Area 51 is that it was never secret</LI> <LI><A HREF="nuke_effects.html">Area 51 was rocked by atomic blasts</A> - How Area 51 was affected by nuclear tests at the Nevada Test Site</LI> <LI><A HREF="project_57.html">Project 57</A> - Explosion dispersed plutonium near secret Groom Lake base</LI> <LI><A HREF="../pete/oxcart_down.html">OXCART Down! - Searching for the remains of a secret spy plane</A> - A-12 crash near Wendover, UT, 24 May 1963</LI> <LI><A HREF="../pete/dirty_bird.html">Seeking the Dirty Bird</A> - U-2 crash near Pioche, NV, 4 April 1957</LI> <LI><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><B>Roadrunners Internationale: Cold War Stories of the Area 51 Roadrunners</B></A></LI> </UL> <H4>Area 51 Perimeter</H4> <UL> <LI><A HREF="gl_road.html">Groom Lake Road</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="guardshack.html">The Guard Shack on Groom Lake Road</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="bus.html">The White Bus</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="mailbox.html">The Black Mailbox</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="freedom_ridge.html">Freedom Ridge and Roadblock Canyon</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="../maps/tikaboo.html">Tikaboo Peak viewspot</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="drones.html">Flying Drones around Area 51</A></LI> </UL> <H4>Area 51 Security</H4> <UL> <LI><A HREF="cammos.html">The Cammo Dudes</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="cammos_new.html">The New Cammo Vehicle: Ford F-150 Pickup</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="cammos_chevy.html">Another New Cammo Vehicle: Chevy 2500 4x4 Pickup</A></LI> </UL> <H4>Area 51 Aircraft</H4> <UL> <LI><A HREF="blackhawk.html">The Black Hawk Helicopter</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="groom_jets.html">Area 51 F-16's</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="../info/janet_numbers.html">Janet Shuttles</A></LI> </UL> <H4>Surveillance Devices and Markers</H4> <UL> <LI><A HREF="flir.html">New FLIR Camera Network along the Area 51 Perimeter</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="surveillance.html">Surveillance Cameras</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="new_sensors.html">New Area 51 Road Sensors</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="sensors.html">Older Road Sensors</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="gl_rd_towers.html">Surveillance Towers near the Groom Lake Road Guard Shack</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="other_surveillance.html">Other Surveillance Devices and Markers</A></LI> </UL> <H4>Radio Sites</H4> <UL> <LI><A HREF="bald_mountain.html">Bald Mountain Radar Station</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="badger_mountain.html">Badger Mountain NACTS Site</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="mount_irish.html">Mount Irish Radio Site</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="doppler.html">Flat Top Radio Site</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="papoose_site.html">Papoose Mountain Radio Site</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="radio_sites.html">Other Mysterious Radio Sites around Area 51</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="relay_sites.html">Data Relay Sites near Rachel and in Railroad Valley</A></LI> </UL> <H4>Area 51 North Gate</H4> <UL> <LI><A HREF="backgate_new.html">The Area 51 North Gate (Rachel Back Gate)</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="backgate.html">The old Area 51 North Gate</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="backgate_radar.html">Radar Sites near the North Gate</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="truck.html">White Unmarked Flatbed Truck on Back Gate Road</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="backgate_correct.html">Correction to USGS maps of the North Gate Area</A></LI> </UL> <H4>Area 51 News</H4> <UL> <LI><A HREF="news.html">Area 51 News and Timeline</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="news_articles.html">Area 51 News Articles</A> - Our favorite Secret Base in the headlines</LI> <LI><A HREF="2000_rally.html">2000 Peoples Rally at Area 51</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="1999_rally.html">1999 Peoples Rally at Area 51</A></LI> </UL> </TD><TD ALIGN=RIGHT> </TD></TR></TABLE> <hr WIDTH="90%" ALIGN="center" SIZE=3> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript1.1"> <!-- Begin if((self == top) || ( != 'main')) document.writeln('<P><CENTER><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">Back to the Dreamland Resort Main Page</A></FONT></CENTER><P>\n'); // End --> </SCRIPT> <CENTER><FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=-2>&copy; Copyright 1999-<script>document.write(new Date().getFullYear())</script>, <A HREF="" TARGET="_top">Dreamland Resort</A>. 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Large commented high-resolution panorama. * [New Taxiway at Area 51 (July 2003)](new_runway.html) * [270° Panorama from Tikaboo Peak by Tom Mahood, May 10, 2002](panorama_0502.html) * [Area 51 Panorama taken from Tikaboo Peak on September 3, 2001](panorama_0901.html) * [Area 51 Panorama taken from Tikaboo Peak on July 2, 2001](panorama_0701.html) * [Area 51 Overflight, circa 2000](groom_overflight.html) * [Area 51 Photos taken from Tikaboo Peak on May 31, 2000](panorama_0500.html) * [Area 51 Photo taken from Tikaboo Peak in March 1999](base_1999.html) * [Area 51 Panorama taken from Tikaboo Peak in October 1996](panorama_1096.html) - commented panorama by Steve Hauser * [Area 51 at Night, from Tikaboo Peak in September 1995](groom_night.html) * **[Area 51 Panorama taken from Freedom Ridge in 1995](area51.htm)** - The best photos ever taken of Area 51. Commented 20-photo panorama of the base, includes building numbers etc. * [Area 51 Panorama taken from White Sides in May 1994](base.html) * [Area 51 during Project Oxcart in the 1960's](groom_oxcart.html) * [Area 51 Helicopter Operations in the 1960's](groom_chopper_ops.html) * [Close-up aerial photo of Area 51 from 1965](groom1960s.html) * [EG&G Special Projects Support of Project Oxcart](oxcart.html) - Newly released photos from inside Area 51 from the 1960's * [Watertown airfield (later "Area 51") in the 1950's](groom1950s.html) Area 51 Satellite Images* **[Area 51 Satellite Image, August 23, 2011](sat_image_2011.html)** - **Dreamland Resort Exclusive**: Showing evidence of two major new construction projects just getting under way, one major project and a couple of smaller ones being wrapped up and major road improvements * **[Area 51 Satellite Image, June 29, 2009](sat_image_2009.html)** - **Dreamland Resort Exclusive**: Showing the finished big hangar, several new buildings, new radar sites and a new mystery "racetrack" north of the Shipping & Receiving facility * [Area 51 Satellite Image, July 18, 2007](sat_image_2007.html) - Dreamland Resort Exclusive: Several new hangars around South Ramp, new administrative buildings construction at North Ramp, new tower in RCS Range * [Area 51 Satellite Image, July 24, 2003](sat_image_2003.html) - New taxiway completed, old rwy. 14/32 completely closed, re-paving south end of South Ramp, new fuel tanks finished * [Area 51 Satellite Image, June 7, 2002](sat_image_2002.html) - Beginning construction of new center taxiway * [Area 51 Satellite Image, December 22, 2001](sat_image_2001.html) - New runway 12/30, start re-paving South Ramp, old fuel tanks removed, begin construction of new tanks * [Area 51 Satellite Image, April 2, 2000](sat_image_2000.html) - Old runway 14/32 partially closed, re-paving Janet Ramp * [Area 51 and the NTS (December 4, 1991)](sat_image_1991-2.html) * [High resolution satellite photo of the Groom Lake base (circa 1991)](sat_image_1991.html) * [Satellite photos of Area 51, taken 7/17/1988](sat_image_1988.html) * [USGS aerial photos of Area 51, taken 8/28/1968](sat_image_1968.html) * [Satellite image of Area 51 from 1968](sat_image_1968_2.html) * [USGS aerial photo of Area 51, taken 9/21/1959](sat_image_1959.html) * [USGS aerial photo of Area 51, taken 9/21/1959, main base close-up](sat_image_1959_close.html) * [Aerial photo of Groom Lake, taken 10/9/1952](sat_image_1952.html) Area 51 Maps* **[View spots around Area 51](area51_view.html)** - Satellite images and Google Earth plug-in showing places with a view of the base around Area 51 * [Building Map of Area 51](area51map.html) - detailed map showing all major buildings with building # and function, and sizes for selected buildings * [Sizes of Selected Structures at Area 51](area51sizes.html) - includes hangars, runway length and viewing angle from Tikaboo Peak Watching Area 51* [Tikaboo Peak](../maps/tikaboo.html) - Map, directions and GPS coordinates for Tikaboo Peak, the closest view spot to Area 51 on public land * [The Black Mailbox](mailbox.html) - By far the most popular place to watch the night skies over Area 51 * [The Powerlines Overlook](../info/powerlines.html) * [Reveille Peak](../trip_reports/reveille/index.html) - Interceptors Scale Reveille Peak, Nevada (September 6, 1999) by Steve Hauser * [Other View Spots](../trip_reports/interceptors/index.htm) - Missions of the Groom Lake Interceptors * [Watchers Etiquette](../info/etiquette.html) Projects at Area 51* [Fastmover Test Flight at Area 51, 4/3/2002](fastmover.html) * [Crashed Test Flight out of Area 51](crash_a51.html) * [Experimental Aircraft Sighting in 1995](tik_1995.html) * [Secret U.S. Aircraft Projects at Groom Lake](../black_projects/groom_projects.html) * [The Lockheed Martin F-117A Nighthawk](f117.htm) * [F-117 Stealth Fighter Photos](../black_projects/f117_photos.html) - High-resolution close-up photos of the Nighthawk * [**The Bob Lazar Corner**](lazar/index.htm) - Groom Lake Interceptor Tom Mahood examines the Bob Lazar Story Area 51 History* [Area 51 News and Timeline](news.html) * [**Black Projects at Groom Lake: Into the 21st Century**](../black_projects/black_projects_history.html) * [**DREAMLAND**](dreamland_50years.html) - Fifty Years of Secret Flight Testing in Nevada * [**DREAMLAND Timeline**](dreamland_timeline.html) - Very comprehensive article covering half a century of Area 51 history * [**It's No Secret - Area 51 was Never Classified**](../pete/no_secret.html) - The biggest secret about Area 51 is that it was never secret * [Area 51 was rocked by atomic blasts](nuke_effects.html) - How Area 51 was affected by nuclear tests at the Nevada Test Site * [Project 57](project_57.html) - Explosion dispersed plutonium near secret Groom Lake base * [OXCART Down! - Searching for the remains of a secret spy plane](../pete/oxcart_down.html) - A-12 crash near Wendover, UT, 24 May 1963 * [Seeking the Dirty Bird](../pete/dirty_bird.html) - U-2 crash near Pioche, NV, 4 April 1957 * [**Roadrunners Internationale: Cold War Stories of the Area 51 Roadrunners**]( Area 51 Perimeter* [Groom Lake Road](gl_road.html) * [The Guard Shack on Groom Lake Road](guardshack.html) * [The White Bus](bus.html) * [The Black Mailbox](mailbox.html) * [Freedom Ridge and Roadblock Canyon](freedom_ridge.html) * [Tikaboo Peak viewspot](../maps/tikaboo.html) * [Flying Drones around Area 51](drones.html) Area 51 Security* [The Cammo Dudes](cammos.html) * [The New Cammo Vehicle: Ford F-150 Pickup](cammos_new.html) * [Another New Cammo Vehicle: Chevy 2500 4x4 Pickup](cammos_chevy.html) Area 51 Aircraft* [The Black Hawk Helicopter](blackhawk.html) * [Area 51 F-16's](groom_jets.html) * [Janet Shuttles](../info/janet_numbers.html) Surveillance Devices and Markers* [New FLIR Camera Network along the Area 51 Perimeter](flir.html) * [Surveillance Cameras](surveillance.html) * [New Area 51 Road Sensors](new_sensors.html) * [Older Road Sensors](sensors.html) * [Surveillance Towers near the Groom Lake Road Guard Shack](gl_rd_towers.html) * [Other Surveillance Devices and Markers](other_surveillance.html) Radio Sites* [Bald Mountain Radar Station](bald_mountain.html) * [Badger Mountain NACTS Site](badger_mountain.html) * [Mount Irish Radio Site](mount_irish.html) * [Flat Top Radio Site](doppler.html) * [Papoose Mountain Radio Site](papoose_site.html) * [Other Mysterious Radio Sites around Area 51](radio_sites.html) * [Data Relay Sites near Rachel and in Railroad Valley](relay_sites.html) Area 51 North Gate* [The Area 51 North Gate (Rachel Back Gate)](backgate_new.html) * [The old Area 51 North Gate](backgate.html) * [Radar Sites near the North Gate](backgate_radar.html) * [White Unmarked Flatbed Truck on Back Gate Road](truck.html) * [Correction to USGS maps of the North Gate Area](backgate_correct.html) Area 51 News* [Area 51 News and Timeline](news.html) * [Area 51 News Articles](news_articles.html) - Our favorite Secret Base in the headlines * [2000 Peoples Rally at Area 51](2000_rally.html) * [1999 Peoples Rally at Area 51](1999_rally.html) | | --- <!-- Begin if((self == top) || ( != 'main')) document.writeln('<P><CENTER><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="" TARGET="\_blank">Back to the Dreamland Resort Main Page</A></FONT></CENTER><P>\n'); // End --> © Copyright 1999-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()), [Dreamland Resort]( All rights reserved.   [Copyright Policy](/copyright.html)   [Privacy Policy](/privacy.html)   Page last modified 11/05/2023
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God, bless America." width="49" height="86"></a><br> </font><b><font color="#FCE4C2" face="Verdana">A Tribute</font></b><br> <font color="#FCE4C2" size="2" face="Verdana"><b><a href="sept11.htm">The Day The World Cried</a></b><br> <b>Terrorism in America&nbsp;</b></font><br> <P align="center">&nbsp; <P align="center"><BR> <font size="2" color="#455F46" face="Verdana">Site Problems Or Comments?<br>Email <a href=""></a></font><BR><BR> <br> <a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="guestbut.gif" alt="You can get your own Guest Book and Other great web site tools from htmlGear."><br> </a><font size="2" face="Verdana">Click image to get your own&nbsp;<br>guest book from htmlGear.</font> <p align="center"><br> <P align="center"> <EMBED SRC="midi/sparrow.mid" autostart="true" loop="-1" height="20" width="120"> <NOEMBED><BGSOUND SRC="midi/sparrow.mid" LOOP="10"></NOEMBED></EMBED> <br> <font color="#455F46" size="2" face="Verdana"><i>&quot;His Eye Is On The Sparrow&quot;</i></font> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p align="center"><a href=""><img border="0" src="mraani.gif" width="199" height="62"></a></p> <p align="center">&nbsp;</p> <P align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="88" height="31" border="0" alt="Search engine submission"></a> <p align="center"><font color="#AAAFA3" size="1" face="Times New Roman">Wrens World,Greeting Cards,lake applet,snow applet,fade applet,java applet,Java,greeting cards,e-cards,personalize,personalized greeting cards,love,friend,holiday,family,children,mother,father,sister,brother,grandchildren,angels,poems,original poem,native american,Native American,student,student rights,midi files,kids,safe,games,tribute,memorial,fun,jokes,blonde,blond,Christian,Christ,Jesus,Lord,God,church,wren,nest,quips,quotes,seasonal,Valentines,Easter,July,4th,Christmas,New Years, Fathers Day,Mothers Day,Thanksgiving,Prayer,love,song lyrics,opportunity,WrensNest,WrensCityNest,WrensHarborNest,Wren's Nest,WrensWorld,Tribute To Mom,fonts,graphics,memorial,Memorial<br> </font> <p align="center"><img src="startwinksm.gif" align="middle" border="0" height="13" width="12"><font face="Verdana" size="2"><b><i>"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me."</i></b></font><img src="startwinksm.gif" align="middle" border="0" height="13" width="12"></p> <div align="center"> <table bordercolordark="#333333" bordercolorlight="#B9C0B6" border="2" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="6" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="1"><a href="pickup.htm">Heavenly Greetings</a></font></b></td> <td align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="1"><a href="citynest.htm">City Nest</a></font></b></td> <td align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="1"><a href="harbornest.htm">HarborNest</a></font></b></td> <td align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="1"><a href="proud2bhome.htm">Proud To Be American</a></font></b></td> <td align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="1"><a href="kids_branch.htm">Kid's Branch</a></font></b></td> <td align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="1"><a href="chapel.htm">Chapel</a></font></b></td> <td align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="1"><a href="jailministry.htm">Jail Ministry</a></font></b></td> <td align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="1"><a href="lupusentry.htm">Lupus In WrensWorld</a></font></b></td> </tr><tr> <td align="center"><img src="startwinksm.gif" border="0" height="13" width="12"></td> <td align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="1"><a href="index.htm">Home Page</a></font></b></td> <td align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="1"><a href="">Contact Us</a></font></b></td> <td align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="1"><a href="wwnew.htm">What's New in Wrensworld</a></font></b></td> <td align="center"><img src="startwinksm.gif" border="0" height="13" width="12"></td> <td align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="1"><a href="faq.htm">Frequently Ask Questions</a></font></b></td> <td align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="1"><a href="awards.htm">Awards-Gifts-Links</a></font></b></td> <td align="center"><img src="startwinksm.gif" border="0" height="13" width="12"></td> </tr></tbody></table></div> </td></tr></tbody></table></div></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR></CENTER> </BODY> </HTML>
ADVENTURE INTO WREN'S WORLD OF INSPIRATION BODY { scrollbar-arrow-color: #9CAEeC8; scrollbar-base-color: #455F46; scrollbar-dark-shadow-color: #364B46; scrollbar-track-color: #AAAFA3; } | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | --- | | Welcome To Wren's Wonderful World of Inspiration. We hope you will enjoy your time spent here, and will visit all the branches of WrensWorld City Nest, WrensWorld Harbor Nest, The Kids Nest, Wren's Proud To Be American Branch, Wren's free n easy greeting cards, and the Chapel in WrensWorld all contain many inspirational poems, stories, seasonal and holiday poems, patriotic poems, Java applets, Christian content, jokes, and games. | Welcome to entrance to Wren's Harbor Nest, Wren's City Nest,Wren's Kids Nest,Wren's Heavenly Greeting Cards, and The Chapel in Wrens World. We hope you enjoy the many inspirational poems,stories,Christian content,Java applets,MIDI's, games, and jokes you will find in the Branches of WrensWorld. Ivy page divider bar graphic | | | --- | | **Many of the pages in require that your browser  be Java enabled in order to be viewed properly.  For a quick link to recently  added pages, scroll down and click on the "New Pages" image.   Thanks...Wren** |   | | | --- | | **Virus Information****:** It has come to our attention that some are receiving an e-mail that supposedly came from WrensWorld that has a virus attached.  **PLEASE KNOW** that we are 'virus free' and we NEVER send any attachment unless it has been **pre-arranged**.  Every incoming and outgoing e-mail is scanned by the most up-to-date Norton anti-virus  program, and we also do daily scans of our entire system.  If you would like to know more about this virus, and how it can "borrow" the name of a uninfected sender, please visit:   **[KLEZ:  Don't Believe From Line](,1282,52174,00.html)** or[**McAfee Security ~ Klez Virus**]( "") Thank you... Wren |   The Branches Located In Proud To Be American Wren's World Free n EZ Greeting Cards Wren's World City Nest Wren's World Harbor Nest Wren's World Seasonal Nest Tributes and Memorials for family and friends Quick Quips and Quotes The Chapel in Wren's World-Cast Your Cares Upon The Lord- Jail Ministry The Game Room Wren's World Kids Nest Home Page Wren's Fabulous Family Wren's Personal moments of "Heaven On Earth" Frequently Asked Questions Awards, Gifts, and Links **Select from the list and click on the "Go Now" button** Not everything in WrensWorld is pretty... Please visit the **["Lupus In Wren's World"](lupusentry.htm)** branch. This Section of WrensWorld explains what Lupus is, and how many of us are affected by this disease...Thank you, Wren. | | | --- | | **Note**: Please do **not** link directly to my images, midi or wav files.To download to your hard drive, right-click and choose "Save As".Web TV users please [Transload](  Thank you for your courtesy...Wren.  | [What's new in Wren's World? Click for most recent pages.](wwnew.htm)[WrensWorld site map....all the pages, in all the branches, listed alphabetically.](sitemap.htm) entrance to Wren's Harbor Nest, Wren's City Nest,Wren's Kids Nest,Wren's Heavenly Greeting Cards, and The Chapel in Wrens World. We hope you enjoy the many inspirational poems,stories,Christian content,Java applets,MIDI's, games, and jokes you will find in the Branches of WrensWorld.   [Send this page using Send2Friends free service?](   [Please sign our guest book. Your comments are important to us.]( [Read the comments of other visitors to]( **Please sign the guest book.   Thank you... Wren** [America's heart is breaking. God, bless America.](sept11.htm) **A Tribute** **[The Day The World Cried](sept11.htm)** **Terrorism in America**   Site Problems Or Comments?Email []( [You can get your own Guest Book and Other great web site tools from htmlGear.]( image to get your own guest book from htmlGear. *"His Eye Is On The Sparrow"*     [Search engine submission]( Wrens World,Greeting Cards,lake applet,snow applet,fade applet,java applet,Java,greeting cards,e-cards,personalize,personalized greeting cards,love,friend,holiday,family,children,mother,father,sister,brother,grandchildren,angels,poems,original poem,native american,Native American,student,student rights,midi files,kids,safe,games,tribute,memorial,fun,jokes,blonde,blond,Christian,Christ,Jesus,Lord,God,church,wren,nest,quips,quotes,seasonal,Valentines,Easter,July,4th,Christmas,New Years, Fathers Day,Mothers Day,Thanksgiving,Prayer,love,song lyrics,opportunity,WrensNest,WrensCityNest,WrensHarborNest,Wren's Nest,WrensWorld,Tribute To Mom,fonts,graphics,memorial,Memorial ***"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me."*** | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **[Heavenly Greetings](pickup.htm)** | **[City Nest](citynest.htm)** | **[HarborNest](harbornest.htm)** | **[Proud To Be American](proud2bhome.htm)** | **[Kid's Branch](kids_branch.htm)** | **[Chapel](chapel.htm)** | **[Jail Ministry](jailministry.htm)** | **[Lupus In WrensWorld](lupusentry.htm)** | | | **[Home Page](index.htm)** | **[Contact Us](** | **[What's New in Wrensworld](wwnew.htm)** | | **[Frequently Ask Questions](faq.htm)** | **[Awards-Gifts-Links](awards.htm)** | | |
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<td> <form name="anzeige2"> <input type="text" name="time" size="10" class="zeit"></form> </td> </tr> </table> <!--ende date--></td> </tr> </table> </td> <!--inhalt--> </tr> </table> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr> <td valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="582"> <tr> <td width="257" height="175"> <p style="margin-left: 5; line-height:150%" align="center"> <img src="mediatraffic.jpg" width="133" height="28" alt="mediatraffic.jpg (4494 bytes)" vspace="10"><font size="2" face="Arial Black"><br> </font><b><span class="postbody"> <font face="Arial" size="3">Global Chart Report<br> ----------------------------------</font></span></b><span class="postbody"><font face="Arial"><br> </font><font face="Verdana">Mariah Carey wears the Xmas crown<br> Wednesday, December 27, 2023<br> by Fred Chuchel, Dresden</font><font face="Arial"><br> &nbsp;</font></span></p> </td> <td width="325" height="175"> <p style="margin-left: 3; margin-right: 3"> <img border="0" src="world.gif" width="300" height="175"></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="582" id="AutoNumber16"> <tr> <td> <p style="margin-left: 5; margin-right: 6; margin-bottom:2" dir="ltr"> <span class="postbody"> <font size="2" face="Arial"> Mariah Carey's eternal carol 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' defends its top position on the Global Track Chart for a 13th non-consecutive week with another 341,000 points, a 12% growth compared to the previous week. B</font></span><font face="Arial"><span class="postbody"><font size="2">roken down by segments the song gets 261,000 points by streaming in the current week (up 12%), 36,000 points by sales (up 6%), and 44,000 points by airplay (up 16%). </font></span></font> <span class="postbody"> <font size="2" face="Arial"> 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' placed now a 95th week on our tally, never before a song was such a long time here since the start of Media Traffic's Top 40 in January 1999. And with a total of massive 17,103,000 points it reaches no.6 on the</font></span><font face="Arial"><span class="postbody"><font size="2"> </font></span></font> <span class="postbody"> <strong style="font-weight: 400"> <font face="Verdana" size="1"><b> <a href="" style="color: #000000; text-decoration: none"> <font size="1">ALL TIME CHART</font></a></b></font></strong><font size="2" face="Arial">. Mariah Carey's super smash leads massive 18 Xmas classics on the tally, seven of it are placing inside the Top 10. Of course </font></span> <font face="Arial"> <span class="postbody"> <font size="2">Wham!'s 'Last Christmas' remains at the runner-up slot with another 261,000 points (up 12%) and Brenda Lee's 'Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree' follows at no.4 with 230,000 points (up 15%).</font></span></font></p> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="582" colspan="2" align="center"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="582" colspan="2"> <p style="margin-left: 5; margin-right: 6; margin-top:2"> <font face="Arial"> <span class="postbody"> <font size="2"> There's only one week left for the Countdown Chart 2023, but some positions have already been determined. Miley Cyrus' 'Flowers' is definitely the big winner of the year with more than 13 million points. The Weeknd's 'Die For You' and Rema's 'Calm Down' follow with 7,763,000, respectively 7,741,000 points. Rounding out the top five are SZA's 'Kill Bill' and Jung Kook's 'Seven', both also with more than seven million points. The complete Top 40 with all big hits of 2023 will be published on December 31. Outside our weekly Top 40 waiting among other 'Pehle Bhi Main' by Vishal Mishra &amp; Raj Shekhar at no.41, 'Jinsei Yûgi' by Sexy Zone at no.47, and 'Luna' by Feid feat. ATL Jacob at no.56 for their first appearance on the big list. Rapper, singer, songwriter Onika Tanya Maraj-Petty, known professionally as Nicki Minaj, scores this week's Global Album Chart with her fifth studio album 'Pink Friday 2' and 266,000 equivalent sales. It's Nicki's second number one album on the world chart, after 'Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded' topped the list with 346,000 sales in the calendar week 16, 2012. There's a new number one on the year-to-date list: Taylor Swift's '1989 (inclusive Taylor's Version)' climbs to the summit with a total of 5,467,000 sales and overtakes Morgan Wallen's 'One Thing At A Time' with a total of 5,416,000 sales. The latter ranks currently at no.10 with 71,000 sales, '1989 (Taylor's Version)' placed at no.4 with 157,000 sales and the original version follows at no.62 with 26,000 sales. And now, as every week, additional stats from outside the current Global Album Top 10 in alphabetic order, the first figure means last week&#39;s sales, the second figure the total sales: &#39;1989&#39; by Taylor Swift 26,000 / 15,749,000, &#39;21&#39; by Adele 12,000 / 32,426,000, &#39;25&#39; by Adele 11,000 / 24,718,000, &#39;30&#39; by Adele 9,000 / 6,200,000, &#39;After Hours&#39; by The Weeknd 23,000 / 8,718,000, the soundtrack to 'Barbie: The Album' 32,000 / 1,505,000, &#39;Certified Lover Boy&#39; by Drake 22,000 / 6,197,000, &#39;Dangerous: The Double Album&#39; by Morgan Wallen 37,000 / 8,736,000, &#39;Divide&#39; by Ed Sheeran 16,000 / 20,409,000, 'Endless Summer Vacation' by Miley Cyrus 13,000 / 1,458,000, &#39;Equals&#39; by Ed Sheeran 16,000 / 5,625,000, &#39;Evermore&#39; by Taylor Swift 43,000 / 5,178,000, &#39;Folklore&#39; by Taylor Swift 70,000 / 8,783,000, &#39;Future Nostalgia&#39; by Dua Lipa 14,000 / 8,251,000, Génesis' by Peso Pluma 32,000 / 1,178,000, 'Golden' by Jung Kook 57,000 / 1,415,000, 'Guts' by Olivia Rodrigo 63,000 / 1,718,000, 'Hackney Diamonds' by the Rolling Stones 58,000 / 906,000, &#39;Happier Than Ever&#39; by Billie Eilish 18,000 / 4,528,000, 'Harry's House' by Harry Styles 28,000 / 6,098,000, 'Her Loss' by Drake &amp; 21 Savage 21,000 / 3,238,000, 'Hereos &amp; Villains' by Metro Boomin 33,000 / 3,116,000, 'Lover' by Taylor Swift 71,000 / 8,338,000, 'Red (Taylor&#39;s Version)&#39; by Taylor Swift 45,000 / 5,005,000, 'Renaissance' by Beyoncé 22,000 / 3,306,000, 'Scarlet' by Doja Cat 30,000 / 543,000, &#39;Scorpion&#39; by Drake 17,000 / 9,403,000, 'Seventeenth Heaven' by Seventeen 20,000 / 1,962,000, 'SOS' by SZA 68,000 / 4,878,000, 'Sour' by Olivia Rodrigo 41,000 / 9,033,000, 'Speak Now (Taylor's Version)' by Taylor Swift 53,000 / 2,471,000, 'Subtract' by Ed Sheeran 20,000 / 1,133,000, &#39;The Highlights&#39; by The Weeknd 43,000 / 6,482,000, 'Un Verano Sin Ti' by Bad Bunny 25,000 / 6,049,000, 'Utopia' by Travis Scott 60,000 / 2,465,000, &#39;When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?&#39; by Billie Eilish 13,000 / 11,345,000, and 'Zach Bryan' by Zach Bryan 47,000 / 1,277,000.</font></span></p> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="582" colspan="2"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="582" id="AutoNumber1"> <tr> <td width="582"><hr></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" width="582"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="582"> <span class="postbody"> <strong style="font-weight: 400"> <p style="margin-left: 5; margin-right: 6; margin-bottom:2" span class="postbody" dir="ltr"> <font face="Verdana" size="1"><b> <a href="" style="color: #000000; text-decoration: none"> <font size="1">GLOBAL NO.1 - 30 YEARS AGO</font></a></b></font><font face="Arial" size="2"> ... &quot;I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)&quot; was released on August 30, 1993, as the first single from Meat Loaf's sixth album Bat Out Of Hell II: Back Into Hell (1993). The female voice in that extravagantly produced power ballad comes from Lorraine Crosby. The accompanying music video was directed by Michael Bay and is based on Beauty &amp; The Beast and Phantom Of The Opera. &quot;I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)&quot; reached no.3 on the Year-End Chart 1993 with no.1 placements in almost all countries around the world and it earned Meat Loaf a Grammy Award for Best Rock Vocal Performance.</font></p> </strong></span></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="582"><hr></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" width="582"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="582" id="AutoNumber2"> <tr> <td width="378" height="164"> <p style="margin-left: 5" class="postbody"> <b> <font face="Arial" size="3"> USA</font></b><span class="postbody"><span style="font-weight: bold"><font size="2" face="Arial"><br> Billboard Report</font></span><font size="2" face="Arial"> (excerpt)</font><br> <font face="Verdana">Nicki Minaj scores third No.1 album on Billboard 200<br> Tuesday, December 19, 2023<br> by Keith Caulfield &amp; Gary Trust, Los Angeles</font><font size="2" face="Arial"><br> <br> </font></span> <span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; border: 0px none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)"> Nicki Minaj</span><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)">&#8217;s Pink Friday 2 debuts atop the Billboard 200 albums chart (dated Dec. 23), marking her third leader &#8212; and the most No. 1s among female rappers. She previously led the tally with</span></p> </td> <td width="204" height="164"> <p class="postbody"> <font face="Arial" size="2"> <img border="0" src="usa-background.jpg" width="204" height="150"></font></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="582" colspan="2"> <p style="margin-left: 5; margin-right: 6; margin-bottom:2" span class="postbody"> <span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)"> Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded in 2012 and her debut studio set Pink Friday in 2011. Pink Friday 2 launches with 228,000 equivalent album units earned in the U.S. in the week ending Dec. 14, according to Luminate. That sum marks the largest week for a rap album by a woman in the 2020s decade, and the biggest for an R&amp;B/hip-hop album by a woman this year. The set also sold 25,000 copies sold on vinyl &#8212; the largest week for a rap album by a woman since Luminate began electronically tracking sales in 1991. Of Pink Friday 2&#8217;s 228,000 equivalent album units earned in the week ending Dec. 14, SEA units comprise 129,000 (equaling 169.87 million on-demand official streams of the 22 songs on the streaming edition of the album), album sales comprise 92,000 and TEA units comprise 7,000. Pink Friday 2&#8216;s sales were bolstered by the album&#8217;s availability across a range of variants, in both digital download and physical configurations on its street date (Dec. 8).</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" width="582" colspan="2"> <font face="Arial"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="582" colspan="2"> <p style="margin-left: 5; margin-right: 6; margin-top:2" class="postbody"> <span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)"> It was issued as a 10-track album in two CD editions (a standard version and a signed version sold through Minaj&#8217;s webstore) and four vinyl editions (including three retailer-exclusive versions, all with different covers and color vinyl). At No. 2 on the Billboard,&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; border: 0px none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)">Taylor Swift</span><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)">&#8217;s chart-topping 1989 (Taylor&#8217;s Version) is a non-mover with 109,000 equivalent album units earned (up 7%). It&#8217;s the first time in nine months that the top two albums are by female artists. It last happened on the March 11-dated list, when Karol G&#8217;s Mañana Será Bonito was No. 1 and SZA&#8217;s SOS was No. 2. Interestingly, this week marks the fifth time Minaj and Swift have occupied the top two positions on the chart together. They first did so on the Jan. 22, 2011-dated chart, when Swift&#8217;s Speak Now was No. 1 and Minaj&#8217;s Pink Friday was No. 2. Then, for three weeks in a row in January of 2015 (Jan. 3-17), Swift&#8217;s 1989 was No. 1 while Minaj&#8217;s The Pinkprint was No. 2. Minaj&#8217;s frequent collaborator </span> <span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; border: 0px none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)"> Drake</span><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)">&nbsp;is No. 3 on the Billboard 200 with his former leader For All the Dogs, which is steady with 68,000 equivalent album units (down 10%). Drake is also a featured artist on Pink Friday 2, along with fellow Billboard 200 chart-toppers 50 Cent, J. Cole, Future, Lil Uzi Vert, Lil Wayne and Monica. </span> <span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; border: 0px none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)"> Tate McRae</span><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)">&nbsp;lands her first top 10-charting album on the Billboard 200 as Think Later bows at No. 4. The set starts with 66,000 equivalent album units &#8212; her biggest week yet. Of its starting sum, SEA units comprise 58,000 (equaling 75.99 million on-demand official streams of the set&#8217;s songs), album sales comprise 8,000 and TEA units comprise less than 1,000. Think Later was preceded by McRae&#8217;s first top 10-charting hit on the Billboard Hot 100, &#8220;Greedy,&#8221; which reached the top 10 in November and has so far climbed to No. 7 (as of the most recently published chart). The album also houses her latest Hot 100 entry, &#8220;Exes,&#8221; which has thus far peaked at No. 34. The rest of the top 10 on the new Billboard 200 is comprised of former No. 1s, including three more Swift titles: </span> <span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; border: 0px none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)"> Michael Bublé</span><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)">&#8217;s Christmas is a non-mover at No. 5 (64,000 equivalent album units; up 7%); </span> <span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; border: 0px none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)"> Morgan Wallen</span><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)">&#8217;s One Thing at a Time falls 4-6 (63,000; down 3%); </span> <span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; border: 0px none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)"> Taylor Swift</span><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)">&#8217;s Midnights dips 6-7 (57,000; up 4%), </span> <span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; border: 0px none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)"> SZA</span><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)">&#8217;s SOS descends 7-8 (53,000; up 2%); </span> <span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; border: 0px none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)"> Taylor Swift</span><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)">&#8217;s Lover climbs 11-9 (49,000; up 13%) and </span> <span style="font-size: 13px; font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; border: 0px none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)"> Taylor Swift</span><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255)">&#8217;s Folklore falls 9-10 (49,000; up 5%). Mariah Carey's</span><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: poppinsregular, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 500; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial; display: inline !important; float: none;"> &#8220;All I Want for Christmas Is You&#8221; returns to No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100, as it adds a 13th total week at the chart&#8217;s highest bough. The carol reigns in a record-extending fifth holiday season. It was originally released on Carey&#8217;s album Merry Christmas&nbsp;in November 1994 and, as streaming has grown&nbsp;and holiday music has become more prominent&nbsp;on streaming services&#8217; playlists, it hit the Hot 100&#8217;s top 10 for the first time in December 2017 and the top five for the first time in the 2018 holiday season. It led at last, prior to this week, over the holidays in 2019&nbsp;(for three weeks), 2020 (two), 2021 (three) and 2022 (four). &#8220;Christmas&#8221; rises 2-1 on the Hot 100. It drew 42.2 million streams (up 10%, boosted by the Dec. 8 premiere&nbsp;of its &#8220;Festive Lambs Edition&#8221; video, which features the song&#8217;s original audio) and 26.1 million radio airplay audience impressions (up 8%) and sold 8,000 downloads (up 68%, aided by the iTunes Store&#8217;s 69-cent sale-pricing, for multiple holiday titles) in the U.S. Dec. 8-14, according to Luminate. The single holds at No. 2 on the Streaming Songs chart, following 18 weeks at No. 1; jumps 7-3 on Digital Song Sales, following four frames at the summit; and pushes 29-22 on Radio Songs, where it hit a No. 11 best last season. At No. 2 on the Hot 100, Lee&#8217;s &#8220;Rockin&#8217; &#8221; adds a fourth week atop Streaming Songs (42.4 million streams, up 3%). Rounding out a fully festive top five on the Hot 100, Bobby Helms&#8217; &#8220;Jingle Bell Rock,&#8221; released in 1957, holds at its No. 3 high; Wham!&#8217;s &#8220;Last Christmas,&#8221; from 1984, keeps at its No. 4 best; and Burl Ives&#8217; &#8220;A Holly Jolly Christmas,&#8221; from 1964, climbs 7-5, having hit No. 4. Jack Harlow&#8217;s &#8220;Lovin On Me&#8221; dips 5-6 on the Hot 100, three weeks after it became his third No. 1. The chart&#8217;s top nonholiday title becomes Harlow&#8217;s fourth leader on Digital Song Sales (2-1; 8,000 sold). Andy Williams&#8217; &#8220;It&#8217;s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,&#8221; from 1963, lifts 8-7 on the Hot 100, having reached No. 5. The late singer now sports a record span of 64 years, two months and two weeks from his first week in the top 10 with &#8220;Lonely Street&#8221; in October 1959 through his latest week in the region. The Ronettes&#8217; &#8220;Sleigh Ride&#8221; dashes 14-8 on the Hot 100, hitting a new high, led by 23.7 million streams (up 16%). Originally released in 1963, the same year that the act posted its lone other top 10 &#8211; the iconic No. 2-peaking &#8220;Be My Baby&#8221; &#8211; &#8220;Sleigh Ride&#8221; previously ranked in the top 10, at No. 10, for a week over the 2021 holidays (shortly before the passing&nbsp;of group co-founder Ronnie Spector). The Ronettes now boast a span of 60 years and three months in the Hot 100&#8217;s top 10 &#8211; the longest among groups. Tate McRae&#8217;s &#8220;Greedy&#8221; rebounds 16-9 on the Hot 100, after reaching No. 7, as her new album Think Later debuts at No. 4&nbsp;on the Billboard 200, marking her first top 10 set. Wrapping the Hot 100&#8217;s top 10, Dean Martin&#8217;s &#8220;Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!,&#8221; from 1959, rises 12-10 (22.3 million streams, up 5%). The song hit a No. 8 best in the 2020 holiday season, having become the fourth top 10 for the late legendary singer. He posted his first three top 10s in 1964-65: &#8220;Everybody Loves Somebody&#8221; (No. 1, one week), &#8220;The Door Is Still Open to My Heart&#8221; (No. 6) and &#8220;I Will&#8221; (No. 10).</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="582" colspan="2"> <hr></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="582" colspan="2"> <p align="center"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="582" colspan="2"> <p align="center"> <span class="postbody"> <strong> <font face="Arial" size="3"> Record Of The Month</font></strong><strong style="font-weight: 400"><font face="Arial" size="2"><br> </font></strong></span> <font face="Arial"> <span class="postbody"> <font size="2">Japanese / American singer-songwriter Mitski Miyawaki surprises<br> with the excellent song 'My Love Mine All Mine'.<br> After finding success on TikTok, it became Mitski's commercial breakthrough.</font></span></font></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="582" colspan="2"> <hr></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p style="margin-left: 5; margin-right:7; line-height:150%" class="postbody"> <b> <font face="Arial" size="3"> United Kingdom</font></b><span class="postbody"><span style="font-weight: bold"><br> <font size="2" face="Arial"> Music Week Report</font></span><font face="Arial"><font size="2"> (excerpt)<br> </font></font> <font face="Verdana"> 'Last Christmas' remains at number one<br> Monday, December 18, 2023<br> by Alan Jones, London</font><font face="Arial"><br> </font></span> <strong style="font-weight: 400"> <font face="Arial" size="2">&nbsp;<br> </font></strong> <font face="Arial" size="2"> For the second week in a row, and the fifth time in chart history, Last Christmas is No.1 for Wham! This time last year, it was still gaining support at No.1, with consumption up 11.10% at 48,535. This year, it dips 9.03%, week-on-week albeit to a slightly higher level than this week last year, at 48,643</p> </td> <td><span class="postbody"> <p align="center"> <img border="0" src="united-kingdom-background.jpg" width="156" height="200"></p> </span></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="582" colspan="2"> <p style="margin-left: 5; margin-right: 6; margin-bottom:2" span class="postbody"> <font face="Arial" size="2"> units (754 digital downloads, 47,889 sales-equivalent streams). Its chances of staying No.1 next week &#8211; and therefore being the Christmas No.1 &#8211; should receive a boost from its release, for the first time, on 7-inch green vinyl today (December15). Previously only in the Top 10 with his introductory hit &#8211; Eurovision 2022 runner-up Space Man, which reached No.2 &#8211; Sam Ryder returns to the top tier with You&#8217;re Christmas To Me jumping 12-10 (28,958 sales) ahead of its release on CD today. Like the only other song in the entire Top 75 to reach a new peak today &#8211; Stay Another Day, which jumps 26-20 (21,366 sales) to become Jorja Smith&#8217;s third Top 20 hit &#8211; it is an Amazon exclusive. Stick Season goes gold for Noah Kahan for the second week in a row. Last week, it was the 26-year-old singer/songwriter&#8217;s breakthrough third album of that title that reached the mark. This week, it is the turn of the single of the same name, which increases consumption for the 13th</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="582" colspan="2"> <p align="center"> <span class="postbody"> <strong style="font-weight: 400"> <font size="2" face="Ady at No.2 with a new sale of 21,576. In a Rodrigo-free world the most streamed album of the week would easily be Hall Of Fame by Polo G. The third studio album from the American rapper becomes his highest-charting to date as it soars to No.3 with 8,229 sales (all but 74 of these via calculated streams). His last release The Goat peaked at No.6 in May last year but has been an albums chart regular ever since, accumulating chart sales of 86,606 along the way. Garbage's third post-reunion album is No Gods No Masters and it instantly outperforms the chart run of its most immediate predecessors, flying straight to No.5 (5,990 sales) as only the&lt;/p&gt; &lt;/td&gt; &lt;/tr&gt; &lt;tr&gt; &lt;td align=" center" width="582" colspan="2"> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe></p> </font></strong></span></td> </tr> <tr> </td> <td width="582" colspan="2"> <p style="margin-left: 5; margin-right: 6; margin-top:3; margin-bottom:3" span class="postbody"> <font face="Arial" size="2"> week in a row to revisit its peak, rallying 5-2. Gold certification requires consumption of 400,000 units on singles, and 100,000 on albums. The single racks up best-yet consumption of 44,386 units to raise its career tally to 430,378, while the album, which peaked at No.6 four weeks ago, spends its fifth straight week in the Top 20, climbing 12-10, with consumption of 6,821 units in the week raising its career (61 week) tally to 112,717 units. The rest of the Top 10: All I Want For Christmas Is You (2-3, 44,339 sales) by Mariah Carey, Lovin On Me (3-4, 44,204 sales) by Jack Harlow, Fairytale Of New York (4-5, 38,468 sales) by The Pogues &amp; Kirsty MacColl, Merry Christmas (7-6, 36,478 sales) by Ed Sheeran &amp; Elton John, Rockin&#8217; Around The Christmas Tree (8-7, 34,700 sales) by Brenda Lee, It&#8217;s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas (8-8, 29,575 sales) by Michael Bublé and Greedy (14-9, 29,521 sales) by Tate McRae. Overall singles consumption passes the 29m. mark for the first time, increasing 0.35% week-on-week to 29,087,491 units, 18.55% above same week 2022 consumption of 24,535,874 units. Paid-for sales are up 6.99% week-on-week at 299,937 &#8211; 10.16% above same week 2022 sales of 272,264. Despite overall singles consumption reaching record levels, the Top 75 accounts for a vanishingly small share of the market &#8211; 3.56% (1,036,017 units) this week, compared to 5.72% (1,403,568 units) this week last year, 16.01% (901,451 units out of 5,630,430) this week 10 years ago and 87.92% (666,942 units out of 758,578) this week 20 years ago &#8211; the last of these, of course, being in the era of physical sales only. The Killers murder the opposition, with new compilation, Rebel Diamonds racing to a No.1 debut on consumption of 25,360 units (16,487 CDs, 5,588 vinyl albums, 474 digital downloads and 2,811 sales-equivalent streams). The Las Vegas quartet&#8217;s second compilation &#8211; following 2013 No.5 album Direct Hits &#8211; it includes 20 tracks, with at least one from each of their studio albums, and a trio of new recordings, specifically Boy, Your Side Of Town and Spirit. Rebel Diamonds is The Killers&#8217; eighth No.1 album &#8211; its predecessors at the summit, their entire studio output, being Hot Fuss (2004), Sam&#8217;s Town (2006), Day &amp; Age (2008), Battle Born (2012), Wonderful Wonderful (2017), Imploding The Mirage (2020) and Pressure Machine (2021). They are the 24th act to have eight No.1 albums &#8211; but only the second American group so to do, matching the tally of R.E.M. Coincidentally, R.E.M.&#8217;s total also comprises seven studio albums and one compilation &#8211; in their case In Time: The Best Of R.E.M. 1988-2003 which was the last compilation by any American group to top the chart until Rebel Diamonds, doing so in November 2003. In the UK, Pink Friday 2 was runner-up to Rebel Diamonds for much of the week, and ends up debuting at No.3 (13,314 sales). It is Minaj&#8217;s seventh Top 75 entry here and her third Top 10 album, being surpassed only by Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded, which topped the chart on consumption of 47,462 units on debut in April 2013. The Trinidadian-born rapper/singer turned 41 the day that Pink Friday 2 was released last Friday (December 8). I may be biased because it is also my birthday, but with other artists born on that date including Sinead O&#8217;Connor, Jim Morrison, James Galway, Sammy Davis Jr., Dan Hartman, George Baker, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Toots Hibbert (Maytals), Bobby Elliott (The Hollies), Noosha Fox and Gregg Allman, it seems to have a greater concentration of hit artists than any other date. Nineteen months after her introductory album, I Used To Think I Could Fly, debuted and peaked at No.7 on consumption of 6,374 units, 20-year-old Canadian singer/songwriter Tate McRae returns to the Top 10 with follow-up Think Later opening two places higher with 76.14% greater consumption (No.5, 11,227 sales). Before this year, only one diamond title had sparkled at the top of the chart &#8211; Diamond Dogs, which was No.1 for David Bowie in 1974 &#8211; but now there are three. The latest, The Killers compilation Rebel Diamonds, tops the chart this week, just seven weeks after the second, the Rolling Stones&#8217; new album, Hackney Diamonds. The latter title spends its eighth straight week in the Top 10, retreating 5-6 (8,937 sales). With to-date consumption of 139,846 units (80,975 CDs, 42,812 vinyl albums, 1,310 Blu-rays, 129 cassettes, 6,688 digital downloads and just 7,932 sales-equivalent streams), it thus surpasses the seven weeks their last album of new recordings, Blue &amp; Lonesome, spent in the Top 10 in 2016, and becomes their longest-running Top 10 entry since Sticky Fingers racked up 15 weeks in a row way back in 1971. The rest of the Top 10: Christmas (3-2, 13,528 sales) by Michael Bublé, 1989 (Taylor&#8217;s Version) (4-4, 12,303 sales) by Taylor Swift, The Highlights (11-7, 7,329 sales) by The Weeknd, Guts (10-8, 7,197 sales) by Olivia Rodrigo, This Life (6-9, 6,909 sales) by Take That and Stick Season (12-10, 6,821 sales) by Noah Kahan. Overall album sales are up 4.22% week-on-week at 2,683,016, 20.23% above same week 2022 sales of 2,231,549. The last time album consumption was higher was in Christmas week 2019 - 209 weeks ago &#8211; when consumption was 2,798,545. Physical product accounts for 644,156 sales, 24.01% of the total.</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="582" colspan="2"> <table border="0" cellpadding="2" style="border-collapse: collapse; color: black; font-family: verdana,arial; font-size: 10pt" bordercolor="#111111" width="582" id="AutoNumber4"> <tr style="color: black; font-family: verdana,arial; font-size: 10pt"> <td align="center" style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: black; font-size: 10pt" bgcolor="#7591A6"> <p align="center" style="line-height: 150%"> <font face="Arial" size="1"> <a href="" style="color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none"> <font size="1">GLOBAL ALBUM CHART</font></a></font><a href="" style="color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none"><font size="1">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; GLOBAL TRACK CHART</font></a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html>
Global Chart Track Top 40 <!-- function BlurLinks(){ lnks=document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for(i=0;i<lnks.length;i++){ lnks[i].onfocus=new Function("if(this.blur)this.blur()"); } } onload=BlurLinks; --> <!-- .postbody { font-size : 12px; line-height: 18px} --> ![](logo.JPG) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | --- | | Global Charts | | | | | --- | | **[Albums](** | | [CHART ARCHIVE]( | | [YEAR-END CHART]( | | [TOP ACHIEVEMENTS]( | | [DECADE CHART]( | | [ALL TIME CHART]( | | | | **[Tracks](** | | [10 YEARS AGO]( | | [20 YEARS AGO]( | | | [30 YEARS AGO]( | | [40 YEARS AGO]( | | [50 YEARS AGO]( | | [60 YEARS AGO]( | | [CHART ARCHIVE]( | | [STATISTICS]( | | [NO.1 CHRONICLE]( | | [YEAR-END CHART]( | | [TOP ACHIEVEMENTS]( | | [DECADE CHART]( | | [ALL TIME CHART]( | | | | [HOMEPAGE]( | | [ABOUT US]( | | | | | | | | | | | --- | | Advertising | | | | | --- | | | | | | | | | | | --- | | National Charts | | | | | --- | | | | **USA** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[TRACKS](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | **Japan** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[SINGLES](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | | **UK** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[TRACKS](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | **Germany** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[TRACKS](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | **France** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[TRACKS](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | **Australia** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[TRACKS](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | **Italy** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[TRACKS](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | **Netherlands** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[TRACKS](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | **Canada** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[TRACKS](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | **Spain** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[TRACKS](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | | | | | | | | --- | | Advertising | | | | | --- | | | | | | | | | | | --- | | National Charts | | | | | --- | | | | **South Korea** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[SINGLES](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | | **Sweden** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[TRACKS](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | **Norway** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[TRACKS](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | **Denmark** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[TRACKS](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | **Switzerland** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[TRACKS](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | **Austria** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[TRACKS](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | **Belgium** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[TRACKS](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | **New Zealand** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[TRACKS](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | **Ireland** | | **[ALBUMS](** | | **[TRACKS](** | | **[CHART ARCHIVE](** | | | | **Brazil** | | **[TRACKS](** | | | | **Mexico** | | **[TRACKS](** | | | | | | | | | | --- | | Advertising | | | | | --- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | --- | --- | | mediatraffic.jpg (4494 bytes) **Global Chart Report ----------------------------------** Mariah Carey wears the Xmas crown Wednesday, December 27, 2023 by Fred Chuchel, Dresden   | | | | | | --- | | Mariah Carey's eternal carol 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' defends its top position on the Global Track Chart for a 13th non-consecutive week with another 341,000 points, a 12% growth compared to the previous week. Broken down by segments the song gets 261,000 points by streaming in the current week (up 12%), 36,000 points by sales (up 6%), and 44,000 points by airplay (up 16%). 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' placed now a 95th week on our tally, never before a song was such a long time here since the start of Media Traffic's Top 40 in January 1999. And with a total of massive 17,103,000 points it reaches no.6 on the ****[ALL TIME CHART](****. Mariah Carey's super smash leads massive 18 Xmas classics on the tally, seven of it are placing inside the Top 10. Of course Wham!'s 'Last Christmas' remains at the runner-up slot with another 261,000 points (up 12%) and Brenda Lee's 'Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree' follows at no.4 with 230,000 points (up 15%). | | | | | There's only one week left for the Countdown Chart 2023, but some positions have already been determined. Miley Cyrus' 'Flowers' is definitely the big winner of the year with more than 13 million points. The Weeknd's 'Die For You' and Rema's 'Calm Down' follow with 7,763,000, respectively 7,741,000 points. Rounding out the top five are SZA's 'Kill Bill' and Jung Kook's 'Seven', both also with more than seven million points. The complete Top 40 with all big hits of 2023 will be published on December 31. Outside our weekly Top 40 waiting among other 'Pehle Bhi Main' by Vishal Mishra & Raj Shekhar at no.41, 'Jinsei Yûgi' by Sexy Zone at no.47, and 'Luna' by Feid feat. ATL Jacob at no.56 for their first appearance on the big list. Rapper, singer, songwriter Onika Tanya Maraj-Petty, known professionally as Nicki Minaj, scores this week's Global Album Chart with her fifth studio album 'Pink Friday 2' and 266,000 equivalent sales. It's Nicki's second number one album on the world chart, after 'Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded' topped the list with 346,000 sales in the calendar week 16, 2012. There's a new number one on the year-to-date list: Taylor Swift's '1989 (inclusive Taylor's Version)' climbs to the summit with a total of 5,467,000 sales and overtakes Morgan Wallen's 'One Thing At A Time' with a total of 5,416,000 sales. The latter ranks currently at no.10 with 71,000 sales, '1989 (Taylor's Version)' placed at no.4 with 157,000 sales and the original version follows at no.62 with 26,000 sales. And now, as every week, additional stats from outside the current Global Album Top 10 in alphabetic order, the first figure means last week's sales, the second figure the total sales: '1989' by Taylor Swift 26,000 / 15,749,000, '21' by Adele 12,000 / 32,426,000, '25' by Adele 11,000 / 24,718,000, '30' by Adele 9,000 / 6,200,000, 'After Hours' by The Weeknd 23,000 / 8,718,000, the soundtrack to 'Barbie: The Album' 32,000 / 1,505,000, 'Certified Lover Boy' by Drake 22,000 / 6,197,000, 'Dangerous: The Double Album' by Morgan Wallen 37,000 / 8,736,000, 'Divide' by Ed Sheeran 16,000 / 20,409,000, 'Endless Summer Vacation' by Miley Cyrus 13,000 / 1,458,000, 'Equals' by Ed Sheeran 16,000 / 5,625,000, 'Evermore' by Taylor Swift 43,000 / 5,178,000, 'Folklore' by Taylor Swift 70,000 / 8,783,000, 'Future Nostalgia' by Dua Lipa 14,000 / 8,251,000, Génesis' by Peso Pluma 32,000 / 1,178,000, 'Golden' by Jung Kook 57,000 / 1,415,000, 'Guts' by Olivia Rodrigo 63,000 / 1,718,000, 'Hackney Diamonds' by the Rolling Stones 58,000 / 906,000, 'Happier Than Ever' by Billie Eilish 18,000 / 4,528,000, 'Harry's House' by Harry Styles 28,000 / 6,098,000, 'Her Loss' by Drake & 21 Savage 21,000 / 3,238,000, 'Hereos & Villains' by Metro Boomin 33,000 / 3,116,000, 'Lover' by Taylor Swift 71,000 / 8,338,000, 'Red (Taylor's Version)' by Taylor Swift 45,000 / 5,005,000, 'Renaissance' by Beyoncé 22,000 / 3,306,000, 'Scarlet' by Doja Cat 30,000 / 543,000, 'Scorpion' by Drake 17,000 / 9,403,000, 'Seventeenth Heaven' by Seventeen 20,000 / 1,962,000, 'SOS' by SZA 68,000 / 4,878,000, 'Sour' by Olivia Rodrigo 41,000 / 9,033,000, 'Speak Now (Taylor's Version)' by Taylor Swift 53,000 / 2,471,000, 'Subtract' by Ed Sheeran 20,000 / 1,133,000, 'The Highlights' by The Weeknd 43,000 / 6,482,000, 'Un Verano Sin Ti' by Bad Bunny 25,000 / 6,049,000, 'Utopia' by Travis Scott 60,000 / 2,465,000, 'When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?' by Billie Eilish 13,000 / 11,345,000, and 'Zach Bryan' by Zach Bryan 47,000 / 1,277,000. | | | | | --- | | --- | | | | ****[GLOBAL NO.1 - 30 YEARS AGO](** ... "I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)" was released on August 30, 1993, as the first single from Meat Loaf's sixth album Bat Out Of Hell II: Back Into Hell (1993). The female voice in that extravagantly produced power ballad comes from Lorraine Crosby. The accompanying music video was directed by Michael Bay and is based on Beauty & The Beast and Phantom Of The Opera. "I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)" reached no.3 on the Year-End Chart 1993 with no.1 placements in almost all countries around the world and it earned Meat Loaf a Grammy Award for Best Rock Vocal Performance.** | | --- | | | | | | --- | --- | | **USA** Billboard Report (excerpt) Nicki Minaj scores third No.1 album on Billboard 200 Tuesday, December 19, 2023 by Keith Caulfield & Gary Trust, Los Angeles Nicki Minaj’s Pink Friday 2 debuts atop the Billboard 200 albums chart (dated Dec. 23), marking her third leader — and the most No. 1s among female rappers. She previously led the tally with | | | Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded in 2012 and her debut studio set Pink Friday in 2011. Pink Friday 2 launches with 228,000 equivalent album units earned in the U.S. in the week ending Dec. 14, according to Luminate. That sum marks the largest week for a rap album by a woman in the 2020s decade, and the biggest for an R&B/hip-hop album by a woman this year. The set also sold 25,000 copies sold on vinyl — the largest week for a rap album by a woman since Luminate began electronically tracking sales in 1991. Of Pink Friday 2’s 228,000 equivalent album units earned in the week ending Dec. 14, SEA units comprise 129,000 (equaling 169.87 million on-demand official streams of the 22 songs on the streaming edition of the album), album sales comprise 92,000 and TEA units comprise 7,000. Pink Friday 2‘s sales were bolstered by the album’s availability across a range of variants, in both digital download and physical configurations on its street date (Dec. 8). | | | | It was issued as a 10-track album in two CD editions (a standard version and a signed version sold through Minaj’s webstore) and four vinyl editions (including three retailer-exclusive versions, all with different covers and color vinyl). At No. 2 on the Billboard, Taylor Swift’s chart-topping 1989 (Taylor’s Version) is a non-mover with 109,000 equivalent album units earned (up 7%). It’s the first time in nine months that the top two albums are by female artists. It last happened on the March 11-dated list, when Karol G’s Mañana Será Bonito was No. 1 and SZA’s SOS was No. 2. Interestingly, this week marks the fifth time Minaj and Swift have occupied the top two positions on the chart together. They first did so on the Jan. 22, 2011-dated chart, when Swift’s Speak Now was No. 1 and Minaj’s Pink Friday was No. 2. Then, for three weeks in a row in January of 2015 (Jan. 3-17), Swift’s 1989 was No. 1 while Minaj’s The Pinkprint was No. 2. Minaj’s frequent collaborator Drake is No. 3 on the Billboard 200 with his former leader For All the Dogs, which is steady with 68,000 equivalent album units (down 10%). Drake is also a featured artist on Pink Friday 2, along with fellow Billboard 200 chart-toppers 50 Cent, J. Cole, Future, Lil Uzi Vert, Lil Wayne and Monica. Tate McRae lands her first top 10-charting album on the Billboard 200 as Think Later bows at No. 4. The set starts with 66,000 equivalent album units — her biggest week yet. Of its starting sum, SEA units comprise 58,000 (equaling 75.99 million on-demand official streams of the set’s songs), album sales comprise 8,000 and TEA units comprise less than 1,000. Think Later was preceded by McRae’s first top 10-charting hit on the Billboard Hot 100, “Greedy,” which reached the top 10 in November and has so far climbed to No. 7 (as of the most recently published chart). The album also houses her latest Hot 100 entry, “Exes,” which has thus far peaked at No. 34. The rest of the top 10 on the new Billboard 200 is comprised of former No. 1s, including three more Swift titles: Michael Bublé’s Christmas is a non-mover at No. 5 (64,000 equivalent album units; up 7%); Morgan Wallen’s One Thing at a Time falls 4-6 (63,000; down 3%); Taylor Swift’s Midnights dips 6-7 (57,000; up 4%), SZA’s SOS descends 7-8 (53,000; up 2%); Taylor Swift’s Lover climbs 11-9 (49,000; up 13%) and Taylor Swift’s Folklore falls 9-10 (49,000; up 5%). Mariah Carey's “All I Want for Christmas Is You” returns to No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100, as it adds a 13th total week at the chart’s highest bough. The carol reigns in a record-extending fifth holiday season. It was originally released on Carey’s album Merry Christmas in November 1994 and, as streaming has grown and holiday music has become more prominent on streaming services’ playlists, it hit the Hot 100’s top 10 for the first time in December 2017 and the top five for the first time in the 2018 holiday season. It led at last, prior to this week, over the holidays in 2019 (for three weeks), 2020 (two), 2021 (three) and 2022 (four). “Christmas” rises 2-1 on the Hot 100. It drew 42.2 million streams (up 10%, boosted by the Dec. 8 premiere of its “Festive Lambs Edition” video, which features the song’s original audio) and 26.1 million radio airplay audience impressions (up 8%) and sold 8,000 downloads (up 68%, aided by the iTunes Store’s 69-cent sale-pricing, for multiple holiday titles) in the U.S. Dec. 8-14, according to Luminate. The single holds at No. 2 on the Streaming Songs chart, following 18 weeks at No. 1; jumps 7-3 on Digital Song Sales, following four frames at the summit; and pushes 29-22 on Radio Songs, where it hit a No. 11 best last season. At No. 2 on the Hot 100, Lee’s “Rockin’ ” adds a fourth week atop Streaming Songs (42.4 million streams, up 3%). Rounding out a fully festive top five on the Hot 100, Bobby Helms’ “Jingle Bell Rock,” released in 1957, holds at its No. 3 high; Wham!’s “Last Christmas,” from 1984, keeps at its No. 4 best; and Burl Ives’ “A Holly Jolly Christmas,” from 1964, climbs 7-5, having hit No. 4. Jack Harlow’s “Lovin On Me” dips 5-6 on the Hot 100, three weeks after it became his third No. 1. The chart’s top nonholiday title becomes Harlow’s fourth leader on Digital Song Sales (2-1; 8,000 sold). Andy Williams’ “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” from 1963, lifts 8-7 on the Hot 100, having reached No. 5. The late singer now sports a record span of 64 years, two months and two weeks from his first week in the top 10 with “Lonely Street” in October 1959 through his latest week in the region. The Ronettes’ “Sleigh Ride” dashes 14-8 on the Hot 100, hitting a new high, led by 23.7 million streams (up 16%). Originally released in 1963, the same year that the act posted its lone other top 10 – the iconic No. 2-peaking “Be My Baby” – “Sleigh Ride” previously ranked in the top 10, at No. 10, for a week over the 2021 holidays (shortly before the passing of group co-founder Ronnie Spector). The Ronettes now boast a span of 60 years and three months in the Hot 100’s top 10 – the longest among groups. Tate McRae’s “Greedy” rebounds 16-9 on the Hot 100, after reaching No. 7, as her new album Think Later debuts at No. 4 on the Billboard 200, marking her first top 10 set. Wrapping the Hot 100’s top 10, Dean Martin’s “Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!,” from 1959, rises 12-10 (22.3 million streams, up 5%). The song hit a No. 8 best in the 2020 holiday season, having become the fourth top 10 for the late legendary singer. He posted his first three top 10s in 1964-65: “Everybody Loves Somebody” (No. 1, one week), “The Door Is Still Open to My Heart” (No. 6) and “I Will” (No. 10). | | --- | | | | **Record Of The Month** Japanese / American singer-songwriter Mitski Miyawaki surprises with the excellent song 'My Love Mine All Mine'. After finding success on TikTok, it became Mitski's commercial breakthrough. | | --- | | **United Kingdom** Music Week Report (excerpt) 'Last Christmas' remains at number one Monday, December 18, 2023 by Alan Jones, London For the second week in a row, and the fifth time in chart history, Last Christmas is No.1 for Wham! This time last year, it was still gaining support at No.1, with consumption up 11.10% at 48,535. This year, it dips 9.03%, week-on-week albeit to a slightly higher level than this week last year, at 48,643 | | | units (754 digital downloads, 47,889 sales-equivalent streams). Its chances of staying No.1 next week – and therefore being the Christmas No.1 – should receive a boost from its release, for the first time, on 7-inch green vinyl today (December15). Previously only in the Top 10 with his introductory hit – Eurovision 2022 runner-up Space Man, which reached No.2 – Sam Ryder returns to the top tier with You’re Christmas To Me jumping 12-10 (28,958 sales) ahead of its release on CD today. Like the only other song in the entire Top 75 to reach a new peak today – Stay Another Day, which jumps 26-20 (21,366 sales) to become Jorja Smith’s third Top 20 hit – it is an Amazon exclusive. Stick Season goes gold for Noah Kahan for the second week in a row. Last week, it was the 26-year-old singer/songwriter’s breakthrough third album of that title that reached the mark. This week, it is the turn of the single of the same name, which increases consumption for the 13th | | | | | week in a row to revisit its peak, rallying 5-2. Gold certification requires consumption of 400,000 units on singles, and 100,000 on albums. The single racks up best-yet consumption of 44,386 units to raise its career tally to 430,378, while the album, which peaked at No.6 four weeks ago, spends its fifth straight week in the Top 20, climbing 12-10, with consumption of 6,821 units in the week raising its career (61 week) tally to 112,717 units. The rest of the Top 10: All I Want For Christmas Is You (2-3, 44,339 sales) by Mariah Carey, Lovin On Me (3-4, 44,204 sales) by Jack Harlow, Fairytale Of New York (4-5, 38,468 sales) by The Pogues & Kirsty MacColl, Merry Christmas (7-6, 36,478 sales) by Ed Sheeran & Elton John, Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree (8-7, 34,700 sales) by Brenda Lee, It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas (8-8, 29,575 sales) by Michael Bublé and Greedy (14-9, 29,521 sales) by Tate McRae. Overall singles consumption passes the 29m. mark for the first time, increasing 0.35% week-on-week to 29,087,491 units, 18.55% above same week 2022 consumption of 24,535,874 units. Paid-for sales are up 6.99% week-on-week at 299,937 – 10.16% above same week 2022 sales of 272,264. Despite overall singles consumption reaching record levels, the Top 75 accounts for a vanishingly small share of the market – 3.56% (1,036,017 units) this week, compared to 5.72% (1,403,568 units) this week last year, 16.01% (901,451 units out of 5,630,430) this week 10 years ago and 87.92% (666,942 units out of 758,578) this week 20 years ago – the last of these, of course, being in the era of physical sales only. The Killers murder the opposition, with new compilation, Rebel Diamonds racing to a No.1 debut on consumption of 25,360 units (16,487 CDs, 5,588 vinyl albums, 474 digital downloads and 2,811 sales-equivalent streams). The Las Vegas quartet’s second compilation – following 2013 No.5 album Direct Hits – it includes 20 tracks, with at least one from each of their studio albums, and a trio of new recordings, specifically Boy, Your Side Of Town and Spirit. Rebel Diamonds is The Killers’ eighth No.1 album – its predecessors at the summit, their entire studio output, being Hot Fuss (2004), Sam’s Town (2006), Day & Age (2008), Battle Born (2012), Wonderful Wonderful (2017), Imploding The Mirage (2020) and Pressure Machine (2021). They are the 24th act to have eight No.1 albums – but only the second American group so to do, matching the tally of R.E.M. Coincidentally, R.E.M.’s total also comprises seven studio albums and one compilation – in their case In Time: The Best Of R.E.M. 1988-2003 which was the last compilation by any American group to top the chart until Rebel Diamonds, doing so in November 2003. In the UK, Pink Friday 2 was runner-up to Rebel Diamonds for much of the week, and ends up debuting at No.3 (13,314 sales). It is Minaj’s seventh Top 75 entry here and her third Top 10 album, being surpassed only by Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded, which topped the chart on consumption of 47,462 units on debut in April 2013. The Trinidadian-born rapper/singer turned 41 the day that Pink Friday 2 was released last Friday (December 8). I may be biased because it is also my birthday, but with other artists born on that date including Sinead O’Connor, Jim Morrison, James Galway, Sammy Davis Jr., Dan Hartman, George Baker, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Toots Hibbert (Maytals), Bobby Elliott (The Hollies), Noosha Fox and Gregg Allman, it seems to have a greater concentration of hit artists than any other date. Nineteen months after her introductory album, I Used To Think I Could Fly, debuted and peaked at No.7 on consumption of 6,374 units, 20-year-old Canadian singer/songwriter Tate McRae returns to the Top 10 with follow-up Think Later opening two places higher with 76.14% greater consumption (No.5, 11,227 sales). Before this year, only one diamond title had sparkled at the top of the chart – Diamond Dogs, which was No.1 for David Bowie in 1974 – but now there are three. The latest, The Killers compilation Rebel Diamonds, tops the chart this week, just seven weeks after the second, the Rolling Stones’ new album, Hackney Diamonds. The latter title spends its eighth straight week in the Top 10, retreating 5-6 (8,937 sales). With to-date consumption of 139,846 units (80,975 CDs, 42,812 vinyl albums, 1,310 Blu-rays, 129 cassettes, 6,688 digital downloads and just 7,932 sales-equivalent streams), it thus surpasses the seven weeks their last album of new recordings, Blue & Lonesome, spent in the Top 10 in 2016, and becomes their longest-running Top 10 entry since Sticky Fingers racked up 15 weeks in a row way back in 1971. The rest of the Top 10: Christmas (3-2, 13,528 sales) by Michael Bublé, 1989 (Taylor’s Version) (4-4, 12,303 sales) by Taylor Swift, The Highlights (11-7, 7,329 sales) by The Weeknd, Guts (10-8, 7,197 sales) by Olivia Rodrigo, This Life (6-9, 6,909 sales) by Take That and Stick Season (12-10, 6,821 sales) by Noah Kahan. Overall album sales are up 4.22% week-on-week at 2,683,016, 20.23% above same week 2022 sales of 2,231,549. The last time album consumption was higher was in Christmas week 2019 - 209 weeks ago – when consumption was 2,798,545. Physical product accounts for 644,156 sales, 24.01% of the total. | | | | | --- | | [GLOBAL ALBUM CHART]([GLOBAL TRACK CHART]( | | | | | |
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I had to go to the office to turn in some papers for the teacher. All of our school was watching the shuttle launch in their classrooms because we had a teacher from our high school whom had made it to the final group of teachers chosen to train for that flight. So it was a huge deal for us. Of course, our teacher wasn't picked for the mission but we were proud of him just the same. I was halfway to the office when I heard screams bellowing down the hallway coming from everywhere, I stopped in my tracks and peeked into a classroom where I could see everyone in shock staring at the tv. I then focused on the tv and saw what they were upset over. I remember my throat hurting and then tears streaming down my cheeks. Everyone was so distracted and upset they decided to release our school and the high school early. I remember when we went to board the buses to go home, the teacher that has gone through the training with Christa was crying and we all ran over to hug him before we left.</b></div><div class="latestCredit">Submitted by Kelly Griffith. Added to the site on August 28, 2015</div> </div><div class="latestCommentItem"><div><a href="">I Remember Challenger</a></div> <div class="latestComment"><b>I was in my bed and didn't get up until 11 am. turned on the tv and saw what happened. the most unruly thing had happened to me was my late father came into my room and asked me to type something for him. I had a typewriter at the time. he didn't relize how I reacted to this trajedy.</b></div><div class="latestCredit">Submitted by RODNEY . Added to the site on August 28, 2015</div> </div><div class="latestCommentItem"><div><a href="">I Remember Challenger</a></div> <div class="latestComment"><b>I was working in a Hospital at the time of the Challenger Event, it was horrible. The 9/11 Event was worse, I was working in a Medical Office eating lunch, I immediately notified the Doctors, we gathered around the table in the lunch room, watching the Event. I will always remember this day!</b></div><div class="latestCredit">Submitted by Charlotte Riely. Added to the site on August 28, 2015</div> </div><div class="latestCommentItem"><div><a href="">I Remember Challenger</a></div> <div class="latestComment"><b>I was 19 yrs. old. I was at work in Melbourne Fl. I worked at a restaurant,(Bobby Rubinos) which is no longer open. When the challenger was nearing takeoff time,all of us employees went up to the roof to watch. It was a very cold morning,I had frost on my car that morning. Not normal launch weather. The feeling during a launch was amazing such a sense of pride, and excitement. You could feel the rumble for miles away. We were just across the river. I remember we were all waiting for the separation. When it did happen it didn't look right, after seing many a person knew what to look for. We all knew that something terrible was happening before our eyes . We ran down into the restaurant to look at the news. Our worst fears were confirmed.brevard county was never the same. The sense of loss was and still is devastating. The counties economy has always revolved around the space industry. Every business was struggling to survive,it took a few years for the economy to get back to normal. Florida is now again suffering through the housing crisis and the loss of the space program as it once existed. I no longer live there, but a part of my heart always will. Wishing Brevard county the best!!!</b></div><div class="latestCredit">Submitted by Lisa Ebertowski. Added to the site on August 28, 2015</div> </div><div class="latestCommentItem"><div><a href="">Quotes of the Eighties</a></div> <div class="latestComment"><b>"The Donger Needs Food"</b><b>Sixteen Candles-Long Duck Dong</b><b>1396737037</b></div><div class="latestCredit">Submitted by TexasBlonde. Added to the site on April 05, 2014</div> </div><div class="latestCommentItem"><div><a href="">I Remember Challenger</a></div> <div class="latestComment"><b>I was not born yet though but when I learned of it when I was young, I was absolutely horrified! It was so bad. I remember watching a clip of it for my school and I was just shocked. My mom and Dad remember that day. I was am still amazed at what happened to this day. today is 3/25/14</b></div><div class="latestCredit">Submitted by CallaHanR. Added to the site on April 05, 2014</div> </div><div class="latestCommentItem"><div><a href="">I Remember Challenger</a></div> <div class="latestComment"><b>I was in 9th grade at Cocoa Beach High in Florida when the Challenger exploded and saw the whole thing live. My friends and I didn't actually realize anything had gone wrong until an announcement came over the PA system that we were all to head to the nearest classroom immediately. There was fear of debris/fallout. Classes were eventually canceled and the numbness of the tragedy set in. For months, Cocoa Beach was inundated with reporters and visitors (and gawkers). When they finally opened them again, people would search the beach for wreckage "souvenirs". I have seen every shuttle launch since the first one (not to mention every rocket launch since I was born) and the shock of witnessing the Challenger disaster is still haunting.</b></div><div class="latestCredit">Submitted by Gary. Added to the site on April 05, 2014</div> </div><div class="latestCommentItem"><div><a href="">Catch Phrases of the Eighties</a></div> <div class="latestComment"><b>Robble robble!</b><div> said by Hamburglar on the McDonald's commercials</div><div></div></div><div class="latestCredit">Submitted by Jeremy. Added to the site on April 05, 2014</div> </div><div class="latestCommentItem"><div><a href="">Catch Phrases of the Eighties</a></div> <div class="latestComment"><b>Stars, return!</b><div> said by Jezmine on Conan the Adventurer</div><div>She magically summon the throwing stars to return to her after she throws them at any object or villain.</div></div><div class="latestCredit">Submitted by Jeremy. Added to the site on April 05, 2014</div> </div><div class="latestCommentItem"><div><a href="">Catch Phrases of the Eighties</a></div> <div class="latestComment"><b>Bozhe moi!</b><div> said by Linka on Captain Planet and the Planeteers</div><div>That's "Oh, my gosh!" in Russian when she uses it to express or emphasize feelings such as anger, helplessness, and/or frustration.</div></div><div class="latestCredit">Submitted by Jeremy. 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In The 80s - Latest Additions to Eighties Music Pages @import "/inthe80s.css"; .dividingLine{ border-bottom: solid 1px black; } # Welcome to In The 80s In The 80s is a pop culture site devoted to the [music](/music.shtml), [movies](/movie.shtml), [television](/radio.shtml), [fashion/fads](/leisure.shtml) and [world events](/politic.shtml) of the 1980s. We started out as ChuckyG's 80s Page way back in 1995 and have grown larger with every passing year. Material on this site has been contributed by visitors to the site, and we welcome new submissions. ## Latest Quizzes *These are the latest quizzes available on our newest site, [amIwrong](* # Newest Quizzes for December 15, 2015 Music* [Songs by thrash metal bands not in the Big 4]( (matching) by Mike Jackson ## Latest 80's Topics *These are the latest eighties topics being discussed on the [80's Board at InThe00s](,4.0.html).* * [1980s All Rock Music Thread]( by whistledog * [1980s All Female Singers Thread]( by whistledog * [1980s All Dance/Hi-NRG Thread]( by whistledog * [identify a drink for me?]( by feralfreak * [Motown in the 80s]( by whistledog * [What was the deal with the band Lions and Lasers?]( by Drnkard * [1980s All Funk Song Thread]( by whistledog * [Tears For Fears (Song Poll)]( by whistledog * [Madonna - The 80s (Song Poll)]( by whistledog * [Failed shows of the 1980s]( by thames ## Latest Toy Image Submissions Click on an image to read more about the toy! [![Picture](]( [![Picture](]( ## inthe80s Editors: *Without these folks, the site would grind to a halt!* [Check out the full list of the past and present editors](editors.shtml) ## Latest Site Additions [I Remember Challenger]( **I was in my 8th grade history class. I had to go to the office to turn in some papers for the teacher. All of our school was watching the shuttle launch in their classrooms because we had a teacher from our high school whom had made it to the final group of teachers chosen to train for that flight. So it was a huge deal for us. Of course, our teacher wasn't picked for the mission but we were proud of him just the same. I was halfway to the office when I heard screams bellowing down the hallway coming from everywhere, I stopped in my tracks and peeked into a classroom where I could see everyone in shock staring at the tv. I then focused on the tv and saw what they were upset over. I remember my throat hurting and then tears streaming down my cheeks. Everyone was so distracted and upset they decided to release our school and the high school early. I remember when we went to board the buses to go home, the teacher that has gone through the training with Christa was crying and we all ran over to hug him before we left.**Submitted by Kelly Griffith. Added to the site on August 28, 2015 [I Remember Challenger]( **I was in my bed and didn't get up until 11 am. turned on the tv and saw what happened. the most unruly thing had happened to me was my late father came into my room and asked me to type something for him. I had a typewriter at the time. he didn't relize how I reacted to this trajedy.**Submitted by RODNEY . Added to the site on August 28, 2015 [I Remember Challenger]( **I was working in a Hospital at the time of the Challenger Event, it was horrible. The 9/11 Event was worse, I was working in a Medical Office eating lunch, I immediately notified the Doctors, we gathered around the table in the lunch room, watching the Event. I will always remember this day!**Submitted by Charlotte Riely. Added to the site on August 28, 2015 [I Remember Challenger]( **I was 19 yrs. old. I was at work in Melbourne Fl. I worked at a restaurant,(Bobby Rubinos) which is no longer open. When the challenger was nearing takeoff time,all of us employees went up to the roof to watch. It was a very cold morning,I had frost on my car that morning. Not normal launch weather. The feeling during a launch was amazing such a sense of pride, and excitement. You could feel the rumble for miles away. We were just across the river. I remember we were all waiting for the separation. When it did happen it didn't look right, after seing many a person knew what to look for. We all knew that something terrible was happening before our eyes . We ran down into the restaurant to look at the news. Our worst fears were confirmed.brevard county was never the same. The sense of loss was and still is devastating. The counties economy has always revolved around the space industry. Every business was struggling to survive,it took a few years for the economy to get back to normal. Florida is now again suffering through the housing crisis and the loss of the space program as it once existed. I no longer live there, but a part of my heart always will. Wishing Brevard county the best!!!**Submitted by Lisa Ebertowski. Added to the site on August 28, 2015 [Quotes of the Eighties]( **"The Donger Needs Food"****Sixteen Candles-Long Duck Dong****1396737037**Submitted by TexasBlonde. Added to the site on April 05, 2014 [I Remember Challenger]( **I was not born yet though but when I learned of it when I was young, I was absolutely horrified! It was so bad. I remember watching a clip of it for my school and I was just shocked. My mom and Dad remember that day. I was am still amazed at what happened to this day. today is 3/25/14**Submitted by CallaHanR. Added to the site on April 05, 2014 [I Remember Challenger]( **I was in 9th grade at Cocoa Beach High in Florida when the Challenger exploded and saw the whole thing live. My friends and I didn't actually realize anything had gone wrong until an announcement came over the PA system that we were all to head to the nearest classroom immediately. There was fear of debris/fallout. Classes were eventually canceled and the numbness of the tragedy set in. For months, Cocoa Beach was inundated with reporters and visitors (and gawkers). When they finally opened them again, people would search the beach for wreckage "souvenirs". I have seen every shuttle launch since the first one (not to mention every rocket launch since I was born) and the shock of witnessing the Challenger disaster is still haunting.**Submitted by Gary. Added to the site on April 05, 2014 [Catch Phrases of the Eighties]( **Robble robble!** said by Hamburglar on the McDonald's commercialsSubmitted by Jeremy. Added to the site on April 05, 2014 [Catch Phrases of the Eighties]( **Stars, return!** said by Jezmine on Conan the AdventurerShe magically summon the throwing stars to return to her after she throws them at any object or villain.Submitted by Jeremy. Added to the site on April 05, 2014 [Catch Phrases of the Eighties]( **Bozhe moi!** said by Linka on Captain Planet and the PlaneteersThat's "Oh, my gosh!" in Russian when she uses it to express or emphasize feelings such as anger, helplessness, and/or frustration.Submitted by Jeremy. 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What words can you come up with?</font><p> <a href="/wordpi/">Word P.I.</a><br> <font size=-1>An impossible word-guessing game against the computer.</font><p> </font></td> <td valign=top width=50%><font face="Arial, Helvetica"> <h2 align=center><img src="titles/board-games.gif" alt="Board Games" width=150 height=30></h2> <a href="/shipncrew/">Ship 'n Crew</a><br> <font size=-1>A simple dice game of luck. Try to get a ship, then a captain, then a crew, <i>then</i> collect cargo.</font><p> <a href="/tic-tac-web/">Tic-Tac-Web</a><br> <font size=-1>A tic-tac-toe game versus a friend or the computer.</font><p> <a href="/connect/">Connect</a><br> <font size=-1>Connect four in a row to beat your friend or the computer.</font><p> <a href="/websweeper/">Websweeper</a><br> <font size=-1>Search for dangerous mines floating around the web!</font><p> <a href="/concentrate/">Concentrate</a><br> <font size=-1>Use your memory to remember where the cards are. It takes concentration!</font><p> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 align=center> <hr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=50%><font face="Arial, Helvetica"> <h2 align=center><img src="titles/mazes.gif" alt="Mazes" width=150 height=30></h2> <a href="/mazegenerator/">Maze Generator</a><br> <font size=-1>Print thousands of different mazes!</font><p> <a href="/invisiblemaze/">Invisible Maze</a><br> <font size=-1>Get lost in a maze right over the web.</font><p> </font></td> <td valign=top width=50%><font face="Arial, Helvetica"> <h2 align=center><img src="titles/info.gif" alt="Info." width=150 height=30></h2> <a href="/aboutus/">About Us</a><br> <font size=-1>Find out who makes this site possible.</font><p> <a href="/privacy/">Privacy Statement</a><br> <font size=-1>Our stand on your privacy.</font><p> <a href="/awards/">Our Awards</a><br> <font size=-1>The awards and mentions we've received.</font><p> </font></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=2 align=center> <hr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign=top width=50%><font face="Arial, Helvetica"> <h2 align=center><img src="titles/get-connected.gif" alt="Get Connected" width=150 height=30></h2> <a href="/contact/">Contact Us</a><br> <font size=-1>Questions? 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<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>1401Restoration-CHM</TITLE> <meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#EFFFFF" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#FF0000" ALINK="#008000"> <A NAME="top"></A> <FONT SIZE=+1> <BLOCKQUOTE> <! Group names <! Demo team: - <! Restoration/maintenance team: - <! Entire 1401 team: - -> <A NAME="top"></A> <CENTER> <H1>The IBM 1401 Demo Lab and Restoration Project <BR> Computer History Museum </H1> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=15 align=center > <TD> <A HREF="Pics2/SiteLogo.jpg"><img src="Pics2/SiteLogo-t.jpg" height=100 width=143 > <TD> <B><font size=4 color=green > TWO OPERATIONAL <BR>IBM 1401 MAINFRAMES <TD > <font size=3 color=green > <UL> <LI> 1st IBM 1401 from Hamm, Germany (built 1964) <LI> 2nd IBM 1401 from Darien, Connecticut (built 1961) <LI> Card Equipment: 026 and 029 Keypunches, 077 Collator, 083 Sorter, <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 513 Reproducer, (552 Interpreter & 557 Interpreter, being restored ) </UL> </TABLE> </center> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=5 border > <TD ><font size=+1> <B>The 1401 Demo Lab is open <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;whenever the Museum is open - <A HREF="">Museum Schedule</A> <FONT color=black></B> <BR><B>Live demonstrations </B> (approx. 30 minutes) <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wednesdays 3 PM, and Saturdays, 11 AM and 1 PM <BR> For group demos, contact Jesse Nichols - 650-810-1010 <!-- Search Google --> <P> <form method="get" action=""> <div style="border:1px solid black;padding:4px;width:20em;"> <table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0"> <tr><td> <input type="text" name="q" size="25" maxlength="255" value="" /> <input type="submit" value="Google Search" /></td></tr> <tr><td align="center" style="font-size:75%"> <input type="radio" name="sitesearch" value="" />The Web <input type="radio" name="sitesearch" value="" checked /> This web site<br /> </td></tr></table> </div> </form> <!-- Search Google --> <LI> <font size=+1><A HREF="#Major-Topics"><B>Table of Contents</B></A> <LI> <A HREF="ContinuMaint/Status-1401DemoLab.html">Status of the 1401 Demo Lab - Activity Reports</A> </UL> <Td ><font size=+1> <B> <A HREF="new.html">New entries</A></b> - also <A HREF="AwardTSale/AwardTSale2014.html">Tony Sale Award</A> <P> <B><U>Contacts, IBM 1401 Restoration and Presentation</B></U> <TABLE cellpadding=3 > <TD ><font size=+1> Team Chief <TD> <font size=+1> <A HREF="TeamBios.html#Garner">Robert Garner</A> <TD><font size=+1> robgarn @ mac . com <TR> <TD> <font size=+1>CHM Staff Liaison <TD><font size=+1> Poppy Haralson <TD><font size=+1> (650) 810-1897 <TR> <TD><font size=+1> Web "Master" <BR><font size=-1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="WebSiteAdmin.html">Web Site Administration</a> <TD><font size=+1> <A HREF="TeamBios.html#Thelen">Ed Thelen</A> <TD><font size=+1> ed @ ed-thelen . org </TABLE> <A HREF=""> Presentation on monitors in 1401 Demo Lab</A> <BR> <A HREF="#Image">Image permissions</A>, <A HREF="#Donations">Donations</a></B> </TABLE> </center> <P> <a name="Introduction"> <B> These journal articles, blogs and videos about the 1401 are a good starting point:</B> <table cellpadding=5 border > <TD><font size=+1> <UL> <LI> <A href="pictures/IBM-1401-Brochure-(Searchable)_compressed.pdf">IBM 1401 Sales Brochure</A> - Compressed - 1.1 MBytes - via Marc Verdiell - <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A href="pictures/IBM-1401-Brochure-(Searchable).pdf">Uncompressed</A> - 11 MBytes <LI> <A href="Pics3/IBM1401_FactSheet.pdf">Introduction to the IBM 1401</A> by Robert Garner <LI> 5 minute videos of demonstrators - <a href="">IBM cards, 1401 storage, cables, peripherals</A>, <A href="">CHM 1401 live demo</A> <LI> A 5 minute video of the Old IBM, <A HREF="">“A Century of Smart"</A> with the IBM 1401, including <A href="1950sTeamBios.html#McCarthyJ">Jud McCarthy</A> and <A HREF="1950sTeamBios.html#PokoskiJ">John Pokoski</A> (more id's in John's info) <LI> <A HREF=""> Ken Ross and Paul Laughton demo the IBM 1401</A> from Ken Ross <LI> <a href="">Allen Rosen and Steve Madsen demo the IBM 1401</A> from Robert Garner <LI> <A HREF=""> About the Computer History Museum s IBM 1401 Machines</A> by Guy Fedorkow <LI> <A HREF=""> 12-minute Mandelbrot: fractals on a 50 year old IBM 1401 mainframe</A> by Ken Shirriff <LI> <A HREF=""> The Legendary IBM 1401 Data Processing System</A> The development of the most popular computer of the 1960s and the story of its restoration at age 50 <LI> <A HREF=",_1950_-_1970#Case-study:_Development_of_the_IBM_1401"> Case-study: Development of the IBM 1401</A> <LI> <A HREF="">1401 Background and Introduction</A> paper </UL> </table> <P> <BR> <A name="general-pictures"> <B>General Pictures</b> <BR>Recent visitors experiencing the memorable sights and sounds of our two working IBM 1401 mainframes at the Computer History Museum. <TABle border > <TD> <TABLE cellpadding=5 > <TD align=left> <A HREF="GO-DocentsBW&JS-.jpg"><IMG src="GO-DocentsBW&JS-t.jpg"> <BR> Grand Opening, <BR>Bill Worthington <BR> Jim Strickland</A> <TD align=left> <A HREF="NewRoom-026-.jpg"><IMG src="NewRoom-026-t.jpg"> <BR> That looks like fun, <BR>can I try ??</A> <TD align=left> <A HREF="FullSizeRender-.jpg"><IMG src="FullSizeRender-t.jpg"> <BR>IBM 1401 Visitor Experience Room</A> <BR>We are standing midway on long side. </table> <TABLE cellpadding=5 > <TD align=left> <A HREF="NewRoom-090-.jpg"><IMG src="NewRoom-090-t.jpg"> <BR> Steve Russell <BR>w tape cable</A> <TD align=left> <A HREF="Demo1403-DaveBennet-.jpg"><IMG src="Demo1403-DaveBennet-t.jpg"> <BR>Ken Ross & Dave Bennet</A> <TD align=left> <A HREF="TwoSmilingGirls_1401Event2009-.jpg"> <IMG SRC="TwoSmilingGirls_1401Event2009-t.jpg"> <br>Families <TD><A HREF="Steve&JanetWozniack_11Apr2012-.jpg"><IMG SRC="Steve&JanetWozniack_11Apr2012-t.jpg"> <br> Steve & Janet Wozniak <TR> <TD><A HREF="MoreFamilies-.jpg"><IMG SRC="MoreFamilies-t.jpg"> <br>More Families <TD><A HREF="DemoingIBM1401atCHM-.jpg"><IMG SRC="DemoingIBM1401atCHM-t.jpg"> <BR>Groups <TD><A HREF="CardPunching1401Room-.jpg"><IMG SRC="CardPunching1401Room-t.jpg"> <BR> Families <TD><A HREF="WOW-.jpg"><IMG SRC="WOW-t.jpg"> <BR>WOW !! <TR> <TD> <A href="MoreDemoPhotos.html"><B><U>More Demo Photos</A></B></U>, <TD><A href="#ThankYou">Thank you notes :-))</a> <TD><A HREF="Pics2/DemoReport.html">A "typical" demo report</A> </TABLE> </TABLE> <P> <a name="FunAlongWay"> <B>And fun along the way :-))</B> <table border > <TD> <TABLE cellpadding=5 > <TD align=left> <! 1st of 3 panaramas -> <A HREF="RobertPan-.jpg"> <IMG SRC="RobertPan-t.jpg"></A> <br>Larger image <A HREF="RobertPan.jpg">1.6 MB</A> <TD> <A HREF="1401Group2011May4--a.jpg"><IMG SRC="1401Group2011May4--a-t.jpg"> <TD> <A HREF="PicJohannJohannsson-.jpg"> <IMG SRC="PicJohannJohannsson-t.jpg"><BR>1401 Inspired Music</A>, <BR><A HREF="">1401 Film Trailer</A> </table> <! 2nd of 2 panaramas -> <TABLE cellpadding=5 > <TD align=left> <TD> <A HREF="2013Dec1401TeamLunch-.jpg"> <IMG SRC="2013Dec1401TeamLunch-t.jpg"><BR> 1401 Team <BR>Dec 2013 <TD halign="LEFT"> <A HREF="CHM1401Restoration_WideAngleLow_2009-.jpg"> <IMG SRC="CHM1401Restoration_WideAngleLow_2009-t.jpg" width=318 hight=70 text="low" ></A> <br>Larger image <A HREF="CHM1401Restoration_WideAngleLow_2009-800.jpg">500 k bytes</A> <TD > <A HREF="Pics2/Izzy&Love.jpg"><img src="Pics2/Izzy&Love.jpg" height=100></A> <BR>Isabel Shill is researching for a <BR>book on early mechanized dating </TABLE> <TABLE cellpadding=5 > <TD align=left> <TD> <A HREF="1401RestorationTeamAug2009_NamesSm-.jpg"> <IMG src="1401RestorationTeamAug2009_NamesSm-t.jpg"> <BR>Team - 2009 <TD> <A HREF="1401Restoration_Team_June2013-.jpg"> <IMG src="1401Restoration_Team_June2013-t.jpg"> <BR>Team - 2013 </TABLE > <B>More <A HREF="OngoingMaintenancePhotos.html">Ongoing Maintenance Photos</A></B> </TABLE > <P> <! ???? -> <a name="Serious?"> <B>and maybe more Serious ;-) </B> <table border > <TD> <TABLE cellpadding=5 > <TD align="left"> <A HREF="CHM-Mission-.jpg"><IMG SRC="CHM-Mission-t.jpg"> <BR>CHM Mission</A>, <A HREF="Pics3/CHM-MissionStatement-Another.jpg">Another</A> <TD> <A HREF="1401OperatorsPanel-.jpg"><IMG SRC="1401OperatorsPanel-t.jpg" ></A> <br>1401 Operators Panel <TD> <A HREF="GeneAmdahl_1401_Mar2010-.jpg"> <IMG SRC="GeneAmdahl_1401_Mar2010-t.jpg"></A> <BR>Gene Amdahl, May 2010 <TD> <A HREF="1406-DEngelbart-BobE-.jpg"><IMG SRC="1406-DEngelbart-BobE-t.jpg"><BR> Doug Englebart w Bob E. <TR> <TD> <A HREF="JudithDisassembling513-01-.jpg"><IMG SRC="JudithDisassembling513-01-t.jpg"></A> <BR> Women brave our culture ;-) <TD> <A HREF="FrankEdBob513-.jpg"> <IMG SRC="FrankEdBob513-t.jpg"></A> <BR>We have fun ;-) <TD> <A HREF="Allen-729-SkipTape-01-.jpg"><IMG SRC="Allen-729-SkipTape-01-t.jpg" </A> <br>I'm not so sure!! ;-)) <TD> <A HREF="1401TeamPhoto-Nov2008c-.jpg"> <IMG SRC="1401TeamPhoto-Nov2008c-t.jpg"></A> <BR> Nov 2008 </TABLE> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=5 > <TD align=left> <A HREF="GinniRometty&Robert-.jpg"><img src="GinniRometty&Robert-t.jpg"></A> <BR>IBM CEO Ginni Rometty <BR>visits on 11/2014 <TD><A HREF="IBM-CEO.html"><IMG SRC="IBM-SamPalmisano-t.jpg"></A> <br>IBM CEO Sam Palmisano <BR>visits 8/2011 <TD> <A HREF="RG-P1030629-.jpg"> <IMG SRC="RG-P1030629-t.jpg"></A> <BR>Joe Preston and Frank King <TD> <A HREF="MatthaisG-01Orig-.jpg"> <IMG SRC="MatthaisG-01Orig-t.jpg"></A> <BR>Matthais Goerner </TABLE> <P> <! Founders -> <TABLE cellpadding=5 > <TD align=left> <A HREF="IngramUnderwoodBranscombJacobs_CHM_Nov2009m-.jpg"> <IMG SRC="IngramUnderwoodBranscombJacobs_CHM_Nov2009m-t.jpg"></A> <BR><A HREF="IngramUnderwoodBranscombJacobs_CHM_Nov2009m.jpg">full scale</A> <B><U>Founders <TD halign=left><A HREF="1401Founders_CHM_Nov2009-.jpg"><IMG SRC="1401Founders_CHM_Nov2009-t.jpg"></A> <br><A HREF="1401Founders_CHM_Nov2009.jpg">full scale</A> <B><U>Founders <TD align="left"><A HREF="Current1401Programmers-.jpg"> <IMG SRC="Current1401Programmers-t.jpg"> <BR>Current1401Programmers</A> <TD><A HREF="pictures/VerdiellMarc1401-2.jpg"> <IMG SRC="pictures/VerdiellMarc1401-2.jpg" height=100> <BR>Marc Verdiell</A> <TD> Some Action <Br><A href="Pics2/">CT Tapes Exercise</A> <BR><A href="">a micro 1401 system</A> <BR>- images of <A HREF="">above</A> <BR>- Ken found <A HREF="">how</A> </TABLE> </TABLE> </TABLE> 1401 Demo Lab movie: <A HREF=""></A> <BR>1401 Project images from <A HREF="">Marcin Wichary</A> - <A HREF="">1</A>, <A HREF="">2</A>, <A HREF="">3</A>, <A HREF="">4</A>, <A HREF="">5</A>, <A HREF="">6</A> <BR><A HREF="">1401 inWikipedia</A> "Our" Jim Hunt is shown working on our German IBM 1401 - And Ron Williams appears :-)) <P> <HR width=50%> <P> <P> </blockquote> <P> <A NAME="Major-Topics"> <B>Table of Contents - Major Topics</B> <TABLE cellpadding=5 border > <TR> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><a href="#Introduction">Introduction</A>, <A HREF="#Project">Project</A>, & <A HREF="ContinuMaint/Status-1401DemoLab.html">Daily Reports</A>, <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A HREF="#1403-printer">1403 printer</A> <BR><A HREF="#1401CharacterSets">1401 Character Sets</A> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A HREF="#Unit-Record-Equipment">Unit Record Equipment</A> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A HREF="#1401-Inventory/location">1401 Inventory/location</A> <TR> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1> <A HREF="1401Origins.html">Origins & Design</A> <BR> also <A HREF="#People-and-stories">People and stories</A> <BR><A HREF="OtherStories.html">1401 Stories</A> <A HREF="1401FollowOn.html">1401 Follow On</A> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A HREF="#729-tapes">729 tapes</A> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1> <A HREF="#DataProcessing">Data Processing</A> <BR><A HREF="#AppDemo&Inv">Software Applications, Inventories, Demo Software</a> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A HREF="#Other">Other</A> <BR><A href="HiddenFigures-S&S.html">"Hidden Figures", the movie, support<A> <BR><a href="#MiniatureModel">Miniature Model of 1401 System</A> <TR> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A HREF="#WhatIs">What is an IBM 1401?</A> <BR><A HREF="#On,Off,Boot">Power On/Off, Boot a 1401</A> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A HREF="#AuxEq">Auxiliary Equipment</A> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A HREF="#1401-Software">1401 Software Devel. & ROPE</A> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A name="ContMaintMain"> <A HREF="#Demo">Demonstration Software</A> <BR><A HREF="ContinuMaint/ContinuMaint.html">Continuing Maintenance</A> <TR> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A HREF="#YouTube">YouTube Presentations</A> <BR><a href="#3D">Full 3D working simulation of a 1401 system</A> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A HREF="#Core">Core Memory</A> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A HREF="#SoftW-Util&Lang">Software - Utilities & Lang.</A> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1> <! maybe later, May 2017 Robert objects to his (private) response included -> <! A HREF="Relevance.html"><!Relevance of 1401<A -> Bios of <A HREF="TeamBios.html">Restorers/Demonstrators</A>, <BR>&nbsp; <A HREF="1950sTeamBios.html">1950s Hw/Sw Developers</A> <TR> <TD valign=top> <FONT size=+1><A HREF="#1401-Hardware-System">1401 System, Patents, Docs, ALDs</A>, <A HREF="#1401-Processor">1401 Processor</A>,<A HREF="#1406-Memory">1406 Memory</A> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A HREF="#SMS-Cards">SMS Cards</A> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A HREF="#Geek-fun,-Hardware">General Hardware</A>, <A href="#Maintenance">Maintenance</A> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A href="Johann.html">Johann Johannsson & father Johann Gunnarsson</A> <BR><A HREF="Movies-n-Sounds.html">1401 Movies, Music, Sounds, and Videos</A> <TR> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A HREF="#1402-card-reader">1402 Card Reader/Punch</A> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A HREF="#Components/Devices">Components/Devices</A> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1><A HREF="#Related-Restorations">Related Restorations & 1440</A> <TD valign=top><FONT size=+1> <A HREF="MajorEventsLogPlanned.html">MajorEvents</A>, <A HREF="Reunion.html">Nov 10, 2009 Reunion & 50th Anniv. </TABLE> <P> <A NAME="Detail"> <B>Table of Contents - Detail</B> <TABLE cellpadding=5 border > <TD width=50% valign=top > <font size=+1> <LI> <A HREF="1401Origins.html">Origins & Design</A> <A NAME="Project"> <LI> <B> Project </B> <UL> <LI> <A HreF="IndivSysChar.html">Individual System Characteristics</A> <LI> <A HREF="WeGetMail.html">We Get Mail</A> <A NAME="CCS"> <LI> <A HREF="AwardTSale/AwardTSale2014.html">Tony Sale Award</A> 2014 <LI> "Restoring and Demonstrating 1969s Vintage Computers at the Computer History Museum," Robert Garner, Making IT Work Conference, British Computer Society, London, May 22-23, 2017 <UL> <LI> <A HREF="pictures/MakingITWork_CHM_Garner_V1-ro.pdf"> Conference presentation <LI> <A href="pictures/Proc-MIW-2017-Garner-1401PDP1.pdf"> Proceedings paper</A> <font size=-1> (14 pages) </font > <LI> <A HREF=""> Entire Conference Proceedings</A> <font size=-1>(115 pages)</font > </UL> <LI> <A href="FAQ.html">FAQ</A> - Frequently Asked Questions <LI> <A HREF="#power">Electric Power- general & 1401 system</A> <LI> <A Href="#NewWorkR">Work Shop</A> 2016, 2017, 2018 (smaller each revision) <LI> <A HREF="E-MailLists.html">Project E-Mail Lists</A> <LI> <A HREF="Donors.html">Project Donors</A> <LI> <A HREF="Connecticut1401ProposalV2-.pdf">Proposal to Acquire & Restore the "Connecticut 1401"</A> 500 K Bytes <LI> <A HREF="#CHM-mission-statement">CHM mission statement</A> <LI> <A HREF="#light-at-end-of-tunnel">light at end of tunnel</A> <LI> <A HREF="#scheduled-work-days">scheduled work days</A> <LI> <A HREF="#general-pictures">general pictures</A> <LI> <A HREF="#how-to-visit">how to visit</A> <LI> <A HREF="#house-rules">house rules</A> <LI> <A HREF="MajorEventsLogPlanned.html">MajorEvents</A> <LI> <A href="Reunion.html">50th Anniversary Speakers Dinner, Luncheon Entertainment, and CHM Event</A> <LI> <A HREF="Pics3/1401_Chuck&Robert_Slides_v4.ppt">50th Anniversary, CHM event, Chuck & Robert Slides</A> - 50MB <LI> <A HREF="IBM1401AdvertisingImages.html">IBM 1401 Advertising Images</A> from Dag Spicer and Robert Garner <LI> <A HREF="#WebSiteContingency">Web Site Contingency Plan</A> </UL> <A NAME="People-and-stories"> <LI> <B> People and stories (and songs) </B> <UL> <LI> <A HREF="#action-groups">action groups</A> <LI> <A HREF="TeamBios.html">Restoration & Demonstrator Team Bios </A> <LI> <A HREF="1950sTeamBios.html">1950s Teams Bios</A> <li>- <A HREF="1401Family-NamesList091014C.html">1401 Family - Development, ... Teams</A> <LI> Draft of <A HREF="1401RestOralHistoryPanel.html">1401 Restoration Oral History Panel</A> <LI> <A HREF="#working">Working ;-)) Environment</A> <LI> <A HREF="camaraderie.html">camaraderie</A> <LI>Recruitment for IBM 1401 service personnel <uL> <li>- <A HREF="HelpWantedAd.gif">Ad that went into the San Jose IBM Retirement Newsletter</A> <li>- <A HREF="IBM-QuarterCenturyAd.html">Ad in the IBM Quarter Century Club of San Jose, California</A> </uL> <LI> <A HREF="">Stories from John Van Gardner</A> <LI><A HREF="OtherStories.html">Other Stories</A> <LI>A highly recommended book including developement of the 1401 is <A HREF="">IBM's Early Computers</A> by C. J. Bashe et al., 1986. <LI> <A HREF="EverOnward-.pdf">Ever Onward</A> IBM Rally Song <LI> <A HREF="pictures/IBMRALLY.MID">IBMRALLY.MID</A> from <A HREF="">Garrett Fuller</a> <LI> <A HREF="IBM1401_ArchivePics/IBM-Songs_Barratt.pdf">1931 IBM Song Book</A> - 1.3 MB <LI> <A HREF="IBM-Songs-1940-.pdf">1940 IBM Song Book</A> - 24 MBytes </UL> <A NAME="WhatIs"> <LI> <B> What is an IBM 1401? </A> </B> (most recent near top) <UL> <LI><A HREF="">IBM 1401 Product Announcement 1959</A> video <LI><A HREF="Pics1/Lafarr-Ibm1401.htm">What makes the 1401 so interesting?</A> <LI><A HREF="Evolution1401Panel.html">Evolution of the 1401 Control Panel</A> <LI><A HREF="">Bitsavers</A> documents <LI> "... the most charming computer ever invented, ..." as per <!A HREF="">Dan Swinehart</A> <LI><A HREF="pictures/D24-1401-1_Feb60_1401genInf-1.pdf"> IBM 1401 General Information</A> - D24-1401-1 <LI><A HREF=""> No mouse delay problems with a 1401 system</A> :-)) <LI><A HREF=""> Early Business Computing</A>, C-Span, seen March 4, 2017, 13 minutes, with Bill Worthington & Pat Buder <LI>An introduction to the <A href="">1401 Demo Room</A>, 11 minutes, by Marc Verdiell, April 2016 <LI>Can the IBM 1401 be considered<A href="#?1stFullyTransistorized?"> the very first fully transistorized (commercial) computer?</A> - NO - <LI><A href=""> About the Computer History Museum s IBM 1401 Machines</A> by Guy Fedorkow <LI><A HREF=""> 12-minute Mandelbrot: fractals on a 50 year old IBM 1401 mainframe </A> by Ken Shirriff <li> <a HREF="IBM1401_IEEE_SSCS_Mag_Jan2010-100DPI.pdf"> The Legendary IBM 1401 Data Processing System</A> The development of the most popular computer of the 1960s and the story of its restoration at age 50 <LI><A HREF=",_1950_-_1970#Case-study:_Development_of_the_IBM_1401"> Case-study: Development of the IBM 1401</A>, <BR>Population <A HREF="">1401 vs others</A> - off-site, <A href="pictures/ethw-org-Computers.jpg">local copy</A> <LI> <A HREF="1401GuidePosterV9.html">1401 Background and Introduction</A> paper <LI> A YouTube of the excellent 1960 <A HREF="">IBM 1401introduction in Europe</A> in French (with English subtitles) <LI> Why was the 1401 such a <A HREF="RunAwaySuccess.html">Run Away Success? </A> <LI> <A HREF=""> IBM 1401 Reference Manual</A> A24-1403-5 - Apr62, <A HREF="A24-1403-5_1401_Reference_Apr62--.pdf">local copy</A> resolution reduced. <LI> Various <A HREF="1401Models.html">1401 Models</A> <LI> <a href="pictures/8-Years-Later.jpg">8 Years Later, 1401 Still Popular</A> - May 10, 1967 <LI> <A HREF="1401UpUpAway_THINK_1971.pdf">"For The 1401: Up, Up And (Now) Away" - THINK Magazine, April, 1971</A> - 660 KB .pdf <LI> <A HREF="">The Legendary IBM 1401</A> Power Point - 4.7 megabytes <LI> <A HREF="#SystemCharacteristics" >System Characteristics</A>, <LI> <A HREF="PCvs1401System.html">PC vs 1401 System </A> <LI> <A HREF="#Links">Links to other 1400 web sites</A> <LI> <A HREF="">a fun read about 1401s</A> from Columbia University <LI> <A HREF="1401-Competition.html">1401 - Competition</A></B> - Honeywell 200 and Liberator <LI> <A HREF="">IBM 1401- Wikipedia</A> <LI><A HREF="RMak-SJState.html">Prof. Ron Mak, San Jose State</A> Dec 2013 <LI>1401 Demo Lab Floor Plan December 2013</b> <A HREF="1401DemoLabFloorplan_Dec2013.pdf">.pdf</A>, <A HREF="1401DemoLabFloorplan_Dec2013.xls">.xls</A> <LI> <A HREF="Maintenance.html">Maintenance Comments</A> Nov 2012 <LI> <A HREF="DataProcessingClasses.html">Programming Class Proposal(s)</A> <LI> <B><A HREF="">Programming the IBM 1401</A></B> a 6.0 megabyte .pdf file <LI> <A HREF="BillWorthington-1401Tour--VisibleStorageSegment.pdf"> BillWorthington-1401Tour--VisibleStorageSegment.pdf</A> updated Dec 28, 2007 </UL> <A name="On,Off,Boot"> <LI><B>Power On/Off, Boot a 1401</b> <UL> <LI><A HREF="1401PowerOnProceduresV3.htm">Power ON & OFF Procedure</A> Nov 2013 <LI><A Href=""> "Booting the IBM 1401: How a 1959 punch-card computer loads a program"</A> <BR>IBM tends to say "Initial Program Load" (IPL) </UL> <A NAME="1401-Hardware-System"> <LI> <B> 1401 System, Patents, Docs, ALDs </A> </B> <UL> <LI> <A href="HistoriesOurSystems.html">The Histories of our two 1401 systems</A> <LI> <A href="ALDs-Demo1401s.html">ALD schematic diagrams for CHM 1401s</A> <LI> <A HREF="Pics2/1958-12_14-article.pdf"> Enginering article about IBM design practice, ALDs, SMS cards</A> <font size=-1>Eastern Joint Computer Conference, Dec 3-5, 1958<font size=+1> <LI> <A HREF="VIE_04_004-IBM_Rental_Practice.pdf">IBM Rental Practice</A> by Jim Strickland, 1401 docent <LI> <B><U>Patents</B></U> <UL> <LI> <A HREF="WordMarkPatent.html">Word Mark Patent</A> <LI> <A HREF="1400RelatedPatents.html">1400 Related Patents</A> </UL> <LI> <B><U>IBM Manuals</B></U> <UL> <LI><A HREF="KenShirriffScans2015Oct14.html">49 Manuals</A> scanned by Ken Shirriff <LI><A HREF="Pics2/CHM-9-6-2019-Paula-ALD-IBM.html">spreadsheet with IBM ALDs in our {CHM} catalog,</A> Paula Jabloner <LI> <A HREF=""> A24-1401-1 1401 System Summary</A> at <LI><A href="pictures/IBM-1401-TimingCharts-r-install.pdf"> IBM 1401 Timing Charts</A> - 48 MBytes <LI> <A href=""> A24-3315-0 - Custom Features for IBM 1401</A>, <A HREF="A24-3315-0_1401customFeatur.pdf">Local Copy</A> <LI> <A HREF="1401OEM-Info.pdf">A24-1424-0 1401 OEM Information</A> - 1961 - 1.3 MB .pdf <LI> <A HREF=""> A24-3144-2 1401 Operators Guide</A> at <LI> <A HREF="C24-1404-3-1401-Inst-Man.pdf"> C24-1404-3 1401 Installation Manual</A> Jan 1962, 16 MB .pdf </UL> <LI> <B><U>Project Manuals & Docs</B></U> <UL> <LI> <A HREF="IBM-1401-Theory-of-Operation-GF.pdf"> <b>IBM 1401, A Modern Theory of Operation</b></A> by Guy Fedorkow, - Latest update, Version 1.0, Feb 20, 2017 ` <BR>Guy is now working on the software history. <LI> <A HREF="KS-qui-binary.html"> Writeup on qui-binary arithmetic for 1401 Theory of Operation</A> from Ken Shirriff, Aug 09, 2015 <LI><A HREF="Answers.html">Answers to unanswered 1401 questions</A> <LI>documents <A HREF="DaveBennet-ManualList.html">Dave Bennet's list</A> <LI><A HREF="E-Mail2003Sept17HinzToRobert.html">Early Descriptive Letter</A> of Project's IBM 1400 System - 2003 Sept 17 Hinz to Robert <LI> <A HREF="1401-CE_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389-.pdf">C. E. 1401 Pocket Ref. Man. 56-389</A> .pdf - 9 MB <LI> <A HREF="PreShipSoftware-Docs.html">Pre Shipment Software & Documents </A></B> - photos <LI> <A HREF="PacificPower.html">The Pacific Power 390-G AC Power Source</A> for 50 Hz power to the IBM 1401 system. <LI> Al Kossow's bitsavers IBM <A HREF="">1401</A>, <A HREF="">1402</A>, <A HREF="">1403</A> documents <LI> 1401 Project Document Inventory in <A HREF="DocInvMary06292004.html">HTML</A>, <A HREF="DocInvMary06292004.xls">Excel</A> (June 2004) by Mary Cicalese </UL> <A NAME="1401-Processor"> <LI> <B><U> 1401 Processor </B></U> <BR>for sub-assemblies such as memory, TAU, power supplies, see <A HREF="#Components/Devices">Components/Devices</A> <UL> <LI><A HREF="TechnicalOverview-Details.html">Technical Overview & Details</A> <LI> Prev. Maint., in <A HREF="1401-CE_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389-.pdf"> 1401-CE_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389</A>, <A href="pictures/1401PM-Page028.jpg">page 28</A> <LI> <A href="SPACE-PrelimDescription-June1958-.pdf">"Stored Program Accounting And Calculating Equipment" (SPACE), Prelim Eng Desc</A> June 5, 1958m from C. E. Branscome, Manager, Accounting Machine Development <LI> <A HREF="SPACE-Expansion-Oct1958-.pdf">Expanded SPACE</A> Oct 7, 1958, F. O. Underwood, Advisory Engineer <LI> <A HREF="SMS-CardComments.html">Card Gates and Card Comments</A> <LI><A HREF="">Debugging the 1959 IBM 1401 Computer ...</A>, and <A HREF=""> IBM 1401 Restoration Team: A Day at the Office</A> YouTube videos by Marc Verdiell, <LI><A HREF="AboutMemos.html">About 1401 Design Memos</A>, <A HREF="PokoskiJ-Docs.html">A Selection of 1401 Documents</A> <LI><A HREF="SerialNumbersOptions.html">Serial Numbers and Options for "our" 1401s</A> <LI><A HREF="Terminology.html">IBM's Terminology</A>, 'Rosetta Stone' <LI>1401 Program Card <A HREF="1401-ProgramCard-side-1-.jpg">page 1</A>, <A HREF="1401-ProgramCard-side-2-.jpg">page 2</A> -0 (1961) from W. Worthington - 260 KBytes <LI> <A HREF="1401InstructionLogic1960.pdf">Instruction Logic</A> by T. Mierswa, Nov. 1960 <LI><A HREF="Op-Codes.html">Meaningful 1 Character Op-Codes</A> <LI><A HREF="G24-1477-0_1401_dataFlow-3.pdf"> G24-1477-0, 1401 DATA FLOW</A>, link to <A HREF=""> bitsavers</A> <LI> <A HREF="ILDs_Aug62-Enhanced-TOC.pdf">Instructional Logic Diagrams ( ILDs </A>) scanned by Al Kossow with Enhanced Linked Directory for easier access <LI><A HREF="WordMarkDetails.html">Word Mark Details</A> <LI><A HREF="CompLogic.html">1401 Condensed Logic</A> <LI><A HREF="1401AddressingStanP.html">Decoding IBM 1401 addressing</A>, or <A HREF="1401AddressingStanP.xls">.xls</A> <BR>- <A HREF="1401AddressTranslationCard.jpg">1401 Address Translation Card</A> <LI><A HREF="1401InstructionLogic-R25-1496.pdf"> "IBM 1401 Data Processing System Instruction Logic"</A> R25-1496. including print control logic starting page 88 <LI><A HREF="qui-binary.html">The IBM 1401, its internal use of "qui-binary"</A> <LI> <A HREF="PPierce-ibm-225-6487-3.pdf"> IBM Field Engineering Maintenance Manual 1401 System, 225-6487-3</A>, PDF, 8 MB, resized from <A HREF="">Paul Pierce's web site</A> <li><A HREF="Sched2008August.html#MC">How to increase reliability</A> <LI> <A HREF="1401CPUPhysLayout.html">Physical Layout</A> with nomenclature <LI> <A HREF="ArnoldAssessment.html">Alterations from original issue - Photos for Arnold's Assessment</A> <LI> <A HREF="ListAutomatedLogicDiagrams.html">List of Automated Logic Diagrams</A></B> <LI> <A HREF="Repackaging1401at20000.html">repackaging at serial 20,000</A> <LI> Ron Williams' <A HREF="RonWilliams-TimeLine-.jpg">German Restoration Time Line</A>, <A HREF="SMS-Modules-Maintenance.html#BugLog">Bug Log</A>, <A HREF="GermanSystemExceptions.html">German System Exceptions</A> <LI> <A HREF="A24-3071-2_1401_specFeature.pdf">A24-3071-2 Special Feature Instructions</A> <LI> <A HREF="IBM1401-225-6541-0_1401_Optional_Features_CE_Apr61.pdf"> IBM 1401 Form 225-6541-0 1401_Optional_Features_CE_Apr61</A> from <A HREF="IBM1401-225-6541-0-TabCont.html">Table of Contents</A> <LI> <A HREF="SpecialFeaturesInstalled.html">special features installed</A> <LI> <A HREF="UndocumentedInstructions.html">Undocumented Instructions</A> <LI> <A HREF="1401-Loc-ALD-.jpg">ALD (Automated Logic Diagram) - map</A> <LI> <A HREF="JVG-ALDs-001.pdf">ALD interpretation</A> from JVG <LI> <A HREF="IBM-StandardModularSystem-Neff7.pdf">ALD - SMS card descriptions - 223-6875-1</A> scanned by Randy Neff <LI> <A HREF="ALDs-fromAustralia.html">ALDs - from Australia</A> (8 to 50 megabyte) .pdf files, <LI> Van Snyder's re-organization of "ALDs - from Australia" (above) <A HREF="ALDs-VSnyder-Australia/List_1_7-7_7.html">List_1_7-7_7</A>, <A HREF="ALDs-VSnyder-Australia/List_1_7-7_7-alpha.html">alpha</A>, <A HREF="ALDs-VSnyder-Australia/List_1_7-7_7-dwg.html">dwg</A>, <A HREF="ALDs-VSnyder-Australia/List_1_7-7_7-FR_CH.html">FR_CH</A>, <A HREF="ALDs-VSnyder-Australia/List_1_7-7_7-logic.html">logic</A> <LI> <A HREF="IBM1401WiringDiagram-59801.pdf">IBM 1401 Wiring Diagram 59801</A> - 7.7 MB <LI> <A HREF="60cycleSMSPowerSupply.pdf">60 Cycle SMS Power Supply</A> -</B> .pdf OK for 50 Hertz also 1.5 megabytes, from John Van Gardner, scanned by Randy Neff <LI> <A HREF="1401-test-0001.html">Ron Williams' <B>1401 REPAIR QUIZ</B> # 0001 <LI> <A HREF="1401Beschreibung.pdf">1401 Beschreibung.pdf</A> </B> FE Training? in German, 0.4 megabytes <LI> <A HREF="A24-6447-0_1401_1460_Instruction_and_Timing_Summary.pdf">A24-6447-0 IBM 1401/1460 Instr & Timing Summary</A>, from </UL> <A NAME="1402-card-reader"> <LI> <B><U> 1402 Card Reader/Punch </B></U> <UL> <LI> Lubrication Guide <A HREF="JH-Photos/LubGuideHS-CardPunches-JH.html">Punch Section</A>, <A HREF="JH-Photos/LubGuideHS-CardReaders-JH.html">Reader Section</A> <LI> <A HREF=""> How we tracked down the NPRO problem to a faulty relay</A> by Ken Shirriff <LI> <A HREF="IBM-1402/IBM1402-Operation-July9-2015.html">IBM 1402 Operation Overview</A> by Ken Shirriff <LI> Prev. Maint., in <A HREF="1401-CE_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389-.pdf"> 1401-CE_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389</A>, <A href="pictures/1401PM-Page029+.jpg">page 29+</A> <LI> <A HREF="Memory-e-mail.html#MemoryForCardReader"> 1402 Card Reader interacting with Core Memory</A> <LI> <A HREF="Memory-e-mail.html#HowReadPunchCards">How the 1401 system reads punch cards</A> <li> <A HREF="#CharacterSet">1402 Card Reader Character Set</A> <LI> <A HREF="Van1401-CodeChart.pdf">1401,1440,1460,1410,7010 Character Codes</A>, from Van Snyder <LI> <A HREF="A24-3072-2_1402_rdrPunch.pdf">A24-3072-2 IBM 1402 Card Read-Punch</A> from bitsavers <LI> <A HREF="1402-PartsCatalog-S31-0149.pdf">1402 Parts Catalog S31-0149</A></B> .pdf 4.7 MB <LI> <A HREF="1402Maint.html">IBM 1402 Reader/Punch Maintenance</A> <LI> <A HREF="1402VacuumTubes.html">Vacuum tubes in a 1402??</A> indeed :-)) <LI> Watch a <A HREF="GenivaMechanism.gif "><B>Geneva Gear</B> in action</A> IBM 1402 and the IBM 513, <A HREF="">a real gear</A> card start/stop motion for hole punching <LI> <A HREF="1402ReaderPunchServiceIndex-229-4016-1.pdf">1402 Reader Punch Service Index 229-4016-1</A> <LI> <A HREF="1402CardReadPunchWiringDiagramSerial-20611.pdf"> 1402 Card Read Punch Wiring Diagram Serial# 20611</A> <LI> <A HREF="1402CardRead-PunchCEReferenceMan-S31-0150.pdf"> 1402 Card Read-Punch CE Reference Man S31-0150</A> <LI><A HREF="1402-ReadCheckRecovery.html">1402, Read Check Recovery</A> Aug 2015 </UL> <A NAME="1403-printer"> <LI> <B> 1403 printer </B> newest near top (here) <UL> <LI> <A HREF="">Mark Greenia</A> (<A Href="">WebSite</A>, <A Href="">YouTube</A>), acquired what appears to be a CE's printer field service maintenance kit. Pictures: <A HREF="Pics1/MG-1403-1960sIBM-HerbGodfreyFieldCase.jpg">1</A>, <A HREF="Pics1/MG-1403-IBM-PrinterFieldServiceToolCase.jpg">2</A>, <A HREF="Pics1/MG-1403-1960sIBM-PrinterFieldCaseInside-1.jpg">3</A>, <A HREF="Pics1/MG-1403-IBM-Cases-3sm.jpg">4</A>, <A HREF="Pics1/MG-1403-IBM-kit-misc-2.jpg">5</A>, <A HREF="Pics1/MG-1403-Picture8.jpg">6</A>. <LI> <A HREF="Lozenge-e-mails.html">Lozenge e-mails</A> <LI> <A href="Why132Columns.html">Why 132 Columns?</A>, <A HREF="">Analysis</A> by Ken Ken Shirriff Dec 22, 2019 <li> <a href=""> The printer that wouldn't print: Fixing ...</A> from Ken Shirriff, Sept 18, 2018 <LI> <A HREF="ContinuMaint/1403-Info-Long.html">1403 Info (Long)</A> from Ken Shirriff Sept 5, 2018 <LI> Prev. Maint., in <A HREF="1401-CE_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389-.pdf"> 1401-CE_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389</A>, <A href="pictures/1401PM-Page032+.jpg">page 32+</A> <LI> <A href="#PrinterChainSteelTape">Printer Chain with Steel Tape</A> <LI> <A HREF="TricksForReInkingPrinterRibbons.html">Tricks For ReInking Printer Ribbons</A> <LI> <A href="pictures/PrinterPictorialDensity-.jpg">Pictorial Output on a Line Printer</A> <LI> <A HREF="ChainVsDrumPrinters.jpg">Print quality of chain vs drum printer</A> <LI> <A HREF="1403Pictures.html">1403 Pictures</A> <LI> <A HREF="1403ChainRebuild/ReBuilding1403-1&2ChainReport-2.html"> 1403 Chain Rebuild</A> <LI> <A HREF="1403Ribbons.html">1403 Supplies, Paper & Ribbons</A> <LI> More <A HREF="PrintCharacterWars.html">More Print Character Wars</A> - e-mails - 2011 <LI> <A HREF="IBM1403RestorationLetter.html">IBM 1403 Restoration Letter</A> from Frank King <li> <A HREF="#unprintable">Table of Unprintable Characters</A> <li> <A HREF="1403-from-IBMsEarlyComputers-Ch12-Bashe.html"> "IBM's Early Computers"</A> part of 5 pages - a background to the 1403 printer <li> <A HREF="IBM-1403_Manual_A24-3073.pdf">IBM 1403 Printer Component Description</A> - A24-3073 <li> <A HREF="1403FieldEngineeringMaintenanceManual.pdf">1403 Field Engineering Maintenance Manual - 225-6493</A> 225-6493-4 </B> cropped size 7.1 megabytes .pdf - maybe from Paul Pierce? <li> <A HREF="ibm-124-0026-4PaulPierce-cropped.pdf">IBM 1403 Parts Catalog 124-0026</A> scanned and posted by Paul Pierce, cropped and posted here <li> <A HREF="KenShirriff-1403Animation.html">1403 letter vs hammer Animation</A> by Ken Shirriff <LI> <A HREF="1403Fonts.html">1403 Printer Fonts, Slugs and Chains</A> <LI> A <A HREF="Sched2008December.html#1403-Font">Sample of our 1403's font</A>. <LI> <A HREF="IBM1403PartsCatalog.pdf">IBM 1403 Parts Catalog</A> - 7.6 MBytes <LI> <A HREF="1403-CarriageControl.html">1403 Printer Carriage Control</A> <LI> <A HREF="IBM-1403-OEM-.jpg">IBM 1403 as OEMed by Grumman Data Systems</A> - adv. - 146 KBytes <LI> <A HREF="1403PrinterSystemDiagSerial-13504.pdf">1403 Printer System Diagrams Serial# 13504</A> </UL> <A name="1406-Memory"> <LI> <B>1406 Memory</b> <UL> <LI> Prev. Maint., in <A HREF="1401-CE_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389-.pdf"> 1401-CE_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389</A>, <A href="pictures/1401PM-Page028.jpg">page 28</A> <LI> <A HREF=""> Fixing the core memory in a vintage IBM 1401 mainframe </A> - (<A HREF="KShirriff-1406.html">Local Copy</A>) </UL> <A NAME="729-tapes"> <LI> <B> 729 tapes </B> <UL> <li> <A href=""> Clutch job on the big IBM tape drives</A> (YouTube) by Marc Verdiell <LI> Educational Video <A HREF=""> 1951-1968 Early Computer Magnetic Tape Units- History IBM, UNIVAC, RCA, AMPEX</A> <LI> Prev. Maint., in <A HREF="1401-CE_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389-.pdf"> 1401-CE_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389</A>, <A href="pictures/1401PM-Page038+.jpg">page 38+</A> <LI><A HREF="729-Info.html">History & Info</A> <LI>A preliminary study of the 729 <A HREF="Prolay64Parts.html">Prolay</A> pinch roller mechanism <LI>Image of <A HREF="729ClutchMagnetic.png">magnetic clutch</A> <LI> <A HREF=""> IBM Tape History - Session 1: Tape Media Part 1</A> Interviewed by Thomas Gardner, via Ignacio Menendez <LI> <A HREF="PerformIO-ForOtherComputers.html#ShareTape">Share one 729 between two machines</A> <li> <A HREF="#ShutDownTapes">Shutting down the tapes correctly</A> <li> video <A HREF="">new Clutch Brushes</A> <li> <A HREF="729ClutchBrushes.html">729 Clutch Brushes</A> <LI> <A HREF="729MagneticTapeLoadProblems.html">729 Magnetic Tape Drive Tips </a> from Ignacio Menendez <LI> <A HREF="IBM729-VacuumPump.html">Assembly of IBM 729-V Tape Drive Vacuum Pump</A> <LI> <A HREF="TapeBlocking.html">Magnetic Tape Capacity</A> <LI> <A HREF="223-6868-3-CE-RefMan-729.pdf">729 CE Manual Mods 2,3,4</A> 223-6868-3 7 MB <LI> <A HREF="IBM-Man-or-Instr-1958.pdf">IBM Customer Engineering Manual of Instruction</A> 729, II, III, IV - 223-68-6845 - 1958, 5 MB <li> <A HREF="MagneticTapeMedia Info.html">Magnetic Tape Media Info</A> <li> <A HREF="MagneticTapeVisualization.html">Magnetic Tape Visualization</A> <li> <A HREF="223-6988-729-MagTapeCE-InstRef-62-r.pdf">IBM 729 C.E. Instr. Ref. - 223-6988</A></B> a 15.5 megabyte .pdf file <LI> <A HREF="729-PartsCatalog-Form123-0405-0-Mod5.pdf">729 Parts Catalog Form123-0405-0 Mod5</A></B> .pdf 3.1 MB <LI> <A HREF="GrantCDRom1.html">IBM 729 Clutch disassembly.</A></B> by Grant Saviers <LI> <A HREF="729-Test-Set.html">729 Test Set</A> Alex Bochannek did the translation <LI><A HREF="history-of-tape.pdf">IBM Article on Magnetic Tapes</A> <LI> <A HREF="Prolay64Parts.html">729, Prolay parts</A> <LI> <A HREF="729ModVPluggingSortCardLocation-.html">729 Mod V Plugging sorted by location</A> and <A HREF="729ModVPluggingSortCardType-.html">729 Mod V Plugging sorted by card type </A> <LI> <A HREF="Grinding729TapeDriveCapstans.doc">Grinding 729 tape drive capstans</A> from Grant Saviers, 650 K Bytes, lovely pictures. <LI> <A HREF="MagTapeMedia.html">Magnetic Tape Media</A> <LI><A href="pictures/IBM-729_II_IV_V_VI-Magnetic-Tape-Units_OEM_Info.pdf"> A22-6642-2 IBM 729_II_IV_V_VI Magnetic-Tape-Units OEM_Info </A> </UL> <A name="AuxEq"> <LI><B>Auxiliary Equipment</B> <UL> <LI> <A HREF="FeretichTapeDriveEmulator.html">Tape Channel Analyser and 729 Tape Emulator</a> <LI><B>PC to KeyPunch</B> <UL> <LI><A HREF="IBM-PC-Controlled-Keypunch2-.pdf">IBM PC Controlled Keypunch</A> tech details (.pdf) 2mb <LI><A HREF="pictures/">IBM PC Controlled Keypunch</A> Software (.zip) 770 kb </UL> <LI> <B>Pseudo 1407 Terminal</B> <UL> <LI><A HREF="Aux-IBM-1407-Background.html">Background & Blog</A> <LI><A HREF="Aux-IBM-1407-Wiring.xls">Wiring Diagram</A> .xls - May 9, 2011 </UL> <LI> Documation Card Reader <UL> <li><A HREF="pictures/DocumationCardReader-PC-USB-Knittel.pdf"> Documation Card Reader-PC-USB-Knittel</A> <LI><A HREF="index.html#DocumationCardReader">Documation Card Reader and software</A> </UL> </UL> <A NAME="Unit-Record-Equipment"> <LI><B>Unit Record Equipment </B> <BR><A HREF="">Bitsavers</A> documents, <A HREF="#UR-General">General & Plugboards</A>, <A HREF="#UR-Card">"IBM" Punched Cards</A>, <A HREF="#UR-Key">026 Key Punch</A>, <A HREF="#UR-029">029 Key Punch</A>, <A HREF="#UR-Sort">083 Sorter</A>, <A HREF="#UR-Coll">077 Collator</A>, <A HREF="#UR-Acc">Accounting Machine</A>, <A HREF="#UR-Punch">513 Summary Punch</A>, <A HREF="#UR-552">552 Interpreter</A>, <A HREF="#UR-557">557 Interpreter</A> <UL> <A name="UR-General"> <LI><B>General & Plugboards</b> <UL> <LI><A HREF="Pics2/IBM-FunctionalUnits-2266135-1-rc.pdf">IBM Functional Units - 2266135-1</A> 35 MB <LI><A HREF="DataFlow.html">Data Flow</A> of Unit Record (and Sequential Processing) <LI><A HREF="pictures/Card_Equipment_Summary_Aug57.pdf">Card_Equipment_Summary_Aug57</A> from <LI><A HREF="pictures/TabEquipWorkMeasure.pdf">Tabulating Equipment and Work Measurement</A> by U.S. Dept. Commerce, Bur. of the Census <LI><A HREF=""> IBM: Once Upon A Punched Card (1964)</A> - YouTube <LI><A HREF=""> The "Hole" story of Punched Cards</A>" by George Fierheller, very readable history of IBM :-)) 8 MByte .pdf <LI> <A HREF="AM2-06.pdf">Machine Methhods of Accounting</A> - really antique! 2.9 MByte <LI> <A HREF="UnitRecordEquipmentPictures.html">Unit Record Equipment Pictures</A> <LI> <A HREF="">Punched Card Accounting</A> spotted by R. Weaver - "Once Upon a Punched Card" <LI> <A HREF=""> Bob Newhart - Herman Hollerith</A> YouTube, humor - <LI> <A HREF="IBMmachineMaintWeights.html">IBM machine Maintenance and Weights</A> <LI> A <A HREF="J-Gunnasson-UR-Template-Side1-.jpg">Unit Record Programmer's Template</A>, <A HREF="J-Gunnasson-UR-Template-Side2-.jpg">other side</A> from J-Gunnasson, Iceland <LI><A HREF=""> IBM Punch Card Systems in the U.S. Army</A> via Roy Mize <LI><A HREF="">BitSavers punchedCard</A> <LI> <B><A HREF=""> Machine Methods of Accounting</A></B> - use of IBM unit record equipment, copyright by IBM, 1935, 360 pages, very well done and interesting, scanned by Randy Neff, segmented for easy access <LI><A HREF="Plugboards.html">Plugboards</A> <LI><A HREF="PunchedCardDataProcessingPrinciples.html">Punched Card Data Processing Principles</A> <LI><A HREF="J-VanGardner-IBM-Manuals.html">John Van Gardner's Unit Record CE Manuals</A> <LI> <A HREF="IBM-Manual-of-Instruction.html">IBM Manual of Instruction</A>, <BR>- 29 documents providing Preventive Maintenance and <BR> Adjustments of unit record equipment. <BR>Also circuit breakers, motors, history, ... <LI> <A HREF="22-885-0.pdf">22-885-0 - Circuit Breakers and Cam Contacts - P. M. & Adj.</A> - from John Van Gardner, 2 megabyte .pdf <LI><A HREF="IBM-Relays-1950-VG.pdf">IBM Relays, 1950</A> - from John Van Gardner, 5.7 MB .pdf <LI> <A HREF="IBM-WireRelays-VG.pdf">IBM Relays, 1950, wire subset</A> -</B> from John Van Gardner, 2 megabyte .pdf - </UL> <A name="UR-Card"> <LI><B>"IBM" Punched Cards</b> <UL> <LI> <A HREF="#Vir">Virtualized IBM punched cards website</A> <LI> <A HREF="CardStockSpecifications.html">IBM Punched Card Stock Specifications</A></B> More than you ever thought about testing paper and punched card stock :-)) <LI> Punched Card images, <A HREF="">Ken Shirriff</A>, <A HREF="">Whittemore </A>, <A HREF="">Scott</A>, <A HREF="">Jones</A>, <A HREF="">Fischer</A> <LI> <A HREF="#CardSource"><B>Source of IBM punched cards</B></A> <LI><A HREF="pictures/IBM-ExitsCards-.jpg"> IBM closes its last punch card plant - 1984</A> <LI> <A HREF="pictures/1948-IBM-Endicott-Plant1TourBook.pdf"> 1948 IBM Endicott Card Plant #1 Tour Book</A> courtesy <A HREF="">TechWorks</A> - 2.8 MBytes <LI> <A HREF="IBM-CardFolklore.html">IBM Punched Card Folklore</A> <LI> <A HREF="RoundHolesIBM-Card.html"> IBM punched cards used round holes until the 1930s, then rectangular holes</A> <LI> <A HREF="Who80ColumnRectHolePunchedCard.pdf">"Who Invented the 80 column, Rectangular Hole Punched Card?"</A> by <A HREF="">Jim Strickland</A>, 450 KByte .pdf <A HREF="Who80ColumnRectHolePunchedCard.htm">HTML version</A> <LI> <A HREF="VIE-04-006-p5-.pdf">IBM Punched Card Size</A> What was the size of the original IBM punched card? - by <A HREF="">Jim Strickland</A>, 245 KByte .pdf <LI> A <A HREF="">collection of thousands of punched cards</A> from <A HREF="">Donald Whittemore</A> </UL> <A name="UR-Key"> <LI><B>026 Key Punches</b> <ul> <LI> <A HREF="#Vir">Virtualized IBM punched cards website</A> <LI> New <A HREF=""> 026 Ribbons</A> - via Duwayne <> <LI> How to <A HREF="Ink026Ribbons.html">Re-Ink 026 Ribbons</A>, <A href="Pics3/RibbonInkerUserManual.pdf">ReInk Device User Manual</A> by David Clementson <LI> <A HREF="pictures/A24-0520-2_24-26_Keypunches.pdf"> A24-0520-2 24-26 Card Punch Ref. Man.</A> (Dec 1964) <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - <B>"Ribbon Replacement"</B> - see <A HREF="pictures/IBM-026-Keypunch-Ribbon-Change.jpg">page 35</A> <LI> <A HREF="pictures/225-6535-5_24-Base_Machines_FEMM_Dec65.pdf"> 225-6535-5 - 24 Base Machines Maint. Man.</A> Dec 1965 <LI> also see <LI> <A HREF=""> IBM Type 001 Mechanical Card Punch</A> - one is on display and for use. Pictures: <A HREF="pictures/IBM-001-view-.jpg">view</A>, <A HREF="pictures/IBM-001-sign-.jpg">sign</A>, <A HREF="pictures/IBM-001-keys-.jpg">keys</A>. <LI><A HREF="preIBM026-.jpg">pre IBM 026</A> <LI> <A HREF="026HowToKeypunch.html">026 How To Keypunch</A> <LI> YouTube video <A HREF=""> Punching Data on Computer Cards</A> via <A HREF="">Bernd Milmert</A> <LI> (from IBM 026 Printing Mechanism <A HREF=""> Punched Card Typography</A>, <A HREF="PunchedCardTypography.html">local copy</A>, <A HREF="">update</A> <LI> Early <A HREF="HollerithKeyPunch.jpg">Hollerith [Pantographic] key punch</A>, Van Snyder @ Sindelfinden <LI> <A HREF="026-Based-IBM-OrderEntry-System.html">026 Based IBM Data Transmission & OrderEntry System</A> <LI><A HREF="026-KeypunchSchematic.pdf">026 Key Punch Schematic</A> 722 KBytes <LI><A HREF="IBM-026-Wiring-228005P.html">026 Key Punch Wiring Diagram - 228005P</A> <LI><A HREF="026BeltReplacement-.jpg">026 Key Punch Belt Replacement</A> as per Carl Claunch <LI><A HREF="pictures/29_Keypunch_Mod_B_Wiring_Diagram.pdf"> 29_Keypunch_Mod_B_Wiring_Diagram </A> <LI> Marc Verdiell's IBM 029 <A HREF=""> Play List</A> - follow on to 026 <LI> Marc Verdiell's R2D2 saves the day for the CHM at 2017 Maker Faire, reportedly by using the The Force, fixes one of our (finicky) 026 keypunches... ;-))) <A HREF="pictures/R2D2-026-01.jpg">Photo #1</A>, <A HREF="pictures/R2D2-026-02.jpg">#2</A> <BR>Marc says "R2 is very proud of this accomplishment. He is a maintenance droid after all. </UL> <!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> <TD width=50% valign=top > <FONT size=+1> <A name="UR-029"> <LI><B>029 Key Punch</b> <UL> <LI> Marc's <A href=""> IBM 029 Keypunch</A> bring up video series <br>For easier access to this series: <A href="">0</A>, <A href="">1</A>, <A href="">2</A>, <A href="">3</A>, <A href="">4</A>, <A href="">5</A>, <A href="">6</A>, <A href="">7</A>, <A href="">8</A>, <A href="">9</A> <LI> <A href=""> Index of /pdf/ibm/punchedCard/Keypunch/029</A> from <LI> IBM-029C-Punch-Schematics.pdf - rotated <a href="Pics2/IBM-029C-Punch-Schematics-6MB.pdf">med res, 6 MB</A> <LI> <A HREF="#Vir">Virtualized IBM punched cards website</A> </UL> <A name="UR-Sort"> <LI><B>083 Sorter</b> <UL> <LI> <A href="Pics3/IBM083Sorter_FE_TheoryOfOperation_225-6694-2_Apr1962_compressed.pdf"> 083 Sorter FE Theory Of Operation, 225-6694-2, Apr1962</A> <LI> <A href="Pics3/IBM083_Numeric_WiringDiagram_336001-G_Feb1960.pdf"> 083 Sorter Wiring Diagram 336001-G</A> <LI> <A href="Pics3/IBM083_CE_ServiceIndex_229-2027_Sept1962.pdf"> 083 Sorter CE Service Index_229-2027 Sept1962 </A> <LI> <A href="Pics3/IBM083_Alphabetic_WiringDiagram_336584-G_Feb1960.pdf"> 083 Sorter Alphabetic Wiring Diagram 336584-G Feb1960</A> <LI> <A HREF="pictures/SorterSetup.jpg">Default Sorter Settings</A>, to work, from Stan <LI> <A HREF=""> Inside card sorters</A> by Ken Shirriff (May 2016), local copy <A href="KensSorter/Kens.html">here</A> <LI><A HREF="083.html">083 Sorter Material</A> <LI><A HREF="">083 card sorter demoed</A> spotted by R. Weaver, the wiggling photography makes one dizzzzy </UL> <A name="UR-Coll"> <LI><B>077 Collator</b> <UL> <LI>077 collator <A HREF="JVG-077-CollatorDiagnosticTechniques-22-6389-re.pdf">077 Collator Diagnostic Techniques 22-6389</A> - from John Van Gardner, 2.1 megabyte .pdf </UL> <A name="UR-Acc"> <LI><B>Accounting Machine</b> <UL> <LI> <A HREF=""> 1950's tax preparation: plugboard programming with an IBM 403 Accounting Machine</A> by Ken Shirriff <LI> <A HREF="402.html">402 Accounting Machine</A> & Trip Report :-)) </UL> <A name="UR-Punch"> <LI><B>513 Summary Punch</b> <UL> <LI> Lubrication Guide <A HREF="JH-Photos/LubGuideHS-CardPunches-JH.html">Punch Section</A>, <A HREF="JH-Photos/LubGuideHS-CardReaders-JH.html">Reader Section</A> <LI> <A HREF=""> 513 Automatic Reproducing Punch</A> large .pdf <LI> 513 (dis) assembly study <A HREF=""> part 1, 54 photos</A>, <A HREF=""> part 2, 24 photos</A>, by <A HREF="">Bob Erickson</A> & <A HREF="">Judith Haemmerle</A> <LI><A HREF="513-GearCaseRemoval.avi">513 - Gear Case Removal .avi</A>, <LI><A HREF="513-GenevaGear.avi">513 - Geneva Gear .avi</A>, <LI> Watch a <A HREF="GenivaMechanism.gif "><B>Geneva Gear</B> in action</A> IBM 1402 and the IBM 513, </UL> <A name="UR-552"> <LI><B>552 Interpreter </B> <UL> <LI><a href="Pics3/IBM552,548_FE_ManualofInstruction_1960_compressed.pdf">IBM552,548_FE_ManualofInstruction_1960_compressed</A> <LI><a href="Pics3/IBM552,548_CE_ReferenceManual_1958_compressed.pdf">IBM552,548_CE_ReferenceManual_1958_compressed</A> <LI><a href="Pics3/IBM552_PartsCatalog_1962_compressed.pdf">IBM552_PartsCatalog_1962_compressed</A> <LI><a href="Pics3/IBM552_CE_ReferenceManual_1954_compressed.pdf">IBM552_CE_ReferenceManual_1954_compressed</A> </UL> <A name="UR-557"> <LI><B>557 Interpreter </B> </UL> <A NAME="SMS-Cards"> <LI><B>SMS Cards</B> <UL> <LI> "Reverse Engineering SMS cards" <A HREF="">Bert</A> sent this <A HREF=""> blog link</A> <A HREF="pictures/SMS-2side-overlaypdf.pdf">Local pictures</A> <LI> <A HREF="pictures/SMS-CardTester.jpg">SMS Card Tester</A> at <A HREF="">TechWorks!</A> from Carl Claunch <LI> <A HREF="LogicCircuitDiscussions.html">Logic Circuit Discussions</A> <LI> <A HREF="pictures/SMS-LogicLevels.png">SMS Logic Levels</A> <LI> <A HREF="SMS-CardDrawings.pdf">SMS Card Drawings</A> unlabled, 10 MB <LI> <A HREF="">IBM SMS card database</A> from Ken Shirriff <BR>if you move the cursor over the image, arrows pop up, allowing access to more diagrams, data, etc. <LI> <A HREF="IBM-StandardModularSystem-Neff7.pdf">ALD - SMS card descriptions - 223-6875-1</A> scanned by Randy Neff <LI> Rent's rule <A HREF="'s_rule">Wikipedia</A>, <A HREF="Pics2/RentsRule1401-Lanzerotti-IBM2005.pdf">IBM J.RES. & DEV.</A> <LI> <A HREF="ContactEnhancing.html">Contact enhancing chemicals, cleaners, lubricants for SMS cards</A> <LI> SMS card pin-out info <A HREF="IBM-SMS-Cards-Coslet.html">HTML</A>, <A HREF="IBM-SMS-Cards-Coslet.xls">Excel</A>, <A HREF="IBM-SMS-Cards-Coslet-interim-Jul17.xls">Excel-interim-Jul17</A>, by Tim Coslet <LI> <A HREF="SMS-Modules-Physical.html">SMS Modules - Physical Char.</A> <LI> <A HREF="IBM-StandardModularSystem-Neff7.pdf">IBM Standard Modular System</A> SMS Cards Form 223-6875-1, Feb 1960, scanned by Randy Neff - 35 MegaBytes - need Adobe Reader v 7. <LI> <A HREF="Form223-6889-TransistorComponentCircuits.pdf"> Form 223-6889 Transistor Component Circuits</A></B> .pdf 2.8 megabytes - Document provided by Harlan C. Snyder <LI> <A HREF="Form-223-6900-2-Lyle.pdf"> Form 223-6900 SMS: packaging, connections, wiring,tools & service</A></B> .pdf 4.5 megabytes - Scan provided by Lyle Blickley <LI>SMS card inventory <UL> <LI> <A HREF="SMS-Card-Usage.html"> Our Usage Of SMS Cards in our 1401, 1406, 729II or 729V gates</A> <LI> <A HREF="1401UnitPluggingChart.html">1401 Unit Plugging Chart</A> HTML <BR>- slot vs. card type <LI> sorted <A HREF="1401UnitPluggingSortedBySMS.html">card type to slot - HTML</A> <LI> <A HREF="CardName-Used-Spares.html">Card Name vs # Used vs # in Spares</A> 1401, 729 Mod 5 <LI> from Binghamton, NY <A HREF="pictures/CTICARDS.txt">Card inventory</A> </UL> </UL> <A NAME="Components/Devices"> <A name="Components"> <LI><B>Components/Devices </A> </B> <UL> <LI> 1620/1401 Core Memory System - my transistor substitutions <A href="Pics3/Decode_and_Inhibit_Candidates.txt">Decode_and_Inhibit_Candidates</A>, <A href="Pics3/Current_Driver_Candidates.html">Current_Driver_Candidates</A> from <A href="">David Wise</A> <LI> <A href="Pics3/WireWrapBack.html">Wire Wraped Backplanes, reliability</A> <LI> <A HREF=""> Germanium transistors: logic circuits in the IBM 1401 computer</A> <Br> - <A Href="Pics2/RickDillComments.html">Rick Dill's Comments</A> <LI> <A HREF="Serial.html">Serial I/O Interface</A> <LI> <A HREF="TransistorsFirmsFor1401.html">Firms that Manufactured Transistors for the IBM 1401</A> <LI> <A HREF="60cycleSMSPowerSupply.pdf">60 cycle SMS Power Supply</A> 1.5MB <LI> <A HREF="TricksForCapacitors.html">Tricks For Capacitors</A> <LI><A href="pictures/CharacteristicsAndApplicationsOfSeleniumRectifiers.pdf"> Selenium Rectifiers</A> in IBM 026 key punch <LI><A HREF="TAU-e-mails.html">TAU (Tape Adapter Unit) e-mails</A> <LI><A HREF="0KenShirriff/IBM_Customer_Engineering_manual_of_instruction_Tape_Adapter_Unit_223_6847_2.pdf"> scan of Manual of Instruction Tape Adapter Unit 223_6847_2</A> from Ken Shirriff <LI><A HREF="pictures/TAU-ILD-pages.pdf">TAU ILD pages</A> 7.4 MByte - 20 pages from Van's ALD collection, from Guy Fedorkow <LI><A HREF="#PartsSources">Parts Sources</A> <LI><A HREF="KensConsole-1.html">The 1401 Console</A> from Ken Shirriff <LI><A HREF="Kens1401Core.html">IBM 1401 core memory</A> from Ken Shirriff <LI><A HREF="AddressMod.html">Notes on the address modifier</A> from Ken Shirriff <LI><A HREF="PeakingCoil.html">Peaking Coils</A> <LI><A HREF="TowardsFixingSMS.html">Towards Fixing SMS Cards</A> <LI>Permissive Make Relays <br> - <A HREF="pictures/IBM-FU-05-CommutationControl-.pdf"> IBM-FU-05-Commutation Control</A>, 4 MByte <BR> - <A href="Pics3/PermissiveMakeRelay_IBMJR&D_July1957.pdf">Development of the Permissive-Make Relay</A> <LI> Testing <A HREF="TestingPermissiveMakeRelays.html"> Testing Permissive Make Relays</A> by Stan Paddock <LI><A HREF="Analog-Digital.html">Analog-Digital-Clocks</A> <LI> <A HREF="VintageGermaniumComputerTransistorsDavid Laws.pdf">Vintage Transistors</A>, 1 MByte, used with <A HREF="TransistorMuseumPermission.html">permission</A> <LI> <A HREF="GermaniumAlloy.html">Germanium Alloy transistors</A> images & history <LI>Germanium Transistor Characteristics <TABLE cellpadding=1 border <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="2N1302-.jpg">2N1302</A> NPN <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="2N1303-.jpg">2N1303</A> PNP <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><FONT SIZE=+1>gain 20+ <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="2N1304-.jpg">2N1304</A> NPN <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="2N1305-.jpg">2N1305</A> PNP <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><FONT SIZE=+1>gain 40+ <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="2N1306-.jpg">2N1306</A> NPN <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="2N1307-.jpg">2N1307</A> PNP <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>gain 60+ </TABLE> <A HREF="2N1302fromE-Bay.html">2N1302 from E-Bay</A> <LI> <A HREF="BobEricksonIBM-Transistor-Substitution.html">IBM Transistor Substitution</A>, <LI> <A HREF=""> Diode?transistor logic - Wikipedia</A> <LI> <A HREF="LowAvalancheBreakdownHypothesis.html">Low Avalanche Breakdown Hypothesis</A> <LI> <A HREF="ColorCodes-Stegeman.gif">Component Color Codes</A>, <A HREF="ColorCodes-Stegeman-1.gif">27 K</A>, <LI><A HREF="WeirdParts.html">Weird loopy transistors</A></B> cause loopy v-i plots <LI> <A HREF="TimsInCircuit.html">Tim Coslet's InCircuit Tester</A> <LI><A HREF="1401_capacitors.html">Electrolytic Capacitors From 1401 Schematics</A> <LI> <A HREF="EatonHeinmann-AM-R-Breakers.pdf">Eaton-Heinmann AM/R Breakers</A> 0.9 MB <LI><A HREF="Belts-FloraB.html">Belt Inventory</A> from Bill Flora </UL> <A NAME="1401-Software"> <A NAME="Geek-fun,-Software"> <A name="1401SoftwDevel.html"> <LI><B> 1401 Software Development & ROPE</b> <UL> <LI> <A HREF="Early1401Software.html">Early 1401 Software</A> stories and ? <LI> <A HREF="">Programming the IBM 1401 computer</A> by Emanuel Melichar <LI> <A HREF="Pics1/A-Guide-to-1401-Programming-1961.pdf"> a guide to IBM 1401 programming</A> by Daniel D. McCracken, 1962 <LI> <A HREF="VansOverview.html">Van Snyder's 1401 Programming Hints</A> <li>- <A HREF="1401SoftwDevel.html">ROPE</A> (Ron's Own Programming Environment) <li>- <A HREF="PunchingObjectDecks.html">Punching object decks from ROPE to a keypunch</A> <LI> <A HREF="1401Successors.html">1401, 1410 Successors</A> <LI> <A HREF="OS-early1410-7090-S360.html">IBM s early operating systems for 1410, 7090, and S/360</A> <LI> <A HREF="1401TranslationCardWorthingtons.jpg">Bill Worthington's '1401 Translation Card'</A> <LI> <A HREF="LangProcTape.html">E-Mails - 1401 Language Processors on Mag Tape </A> <LI> <A HREF="1401-EarliestProgrammingGroup.html">1401 - Earliest Programming Group</A> <LI> <A HREF="1401DataProcessingSystemBull1962.pdf">1401 Data Processing System Bulletin 1962.pdf</A> </B> FE Training, 2.5 MB <LI> <A HREF="Dan-CardTranslation.html">Dan McInnis card translation logic</A></B> <LI> <A HREF="1401-CardDeckFormats.html">1401 Card Deck Formats</A>,</B> Bob Feretich's examination of the card decks in directory <A HREF="1401CardDecks">1401CardDecks</A> above. <LI> <A HREF="VSnyderDumpSimH-FormatTapes.html">Van Snyder's dump SimH-format tapes</A></B> <LI> <A HREF="IBM-PrinProg.html">IBM Series on Data Processing</A></B> 1401 oriented Data Processing course. <LI> <A HREF="1401ProgrammingHints.html">Programing hints for the 1401</A> <LI> <A HREF="EsotericFactoids.html">Esoteric Factoids</A> that you hope you will never need - <LI> On-line San Jose State Course series details in <A HREF="TeamBios.html#Mak"> Ron Mak's bio</A> <LI> <A HREF="Software-e-mails-Dec-02-2014.html">Software-e-mails Dec 02 2014</A> <LI> ROPE, <A href="Tempest-Q.html">JAVA - Tempest In A TeaPot?</A> </UL> <A name="SoftW-Util&Lang"> <LI><B>Software Utilities & Languages</B> - help make useful software or do other generic things <BR><A href="#PLoad">Program Loaders</A>, <a href="#AutoCoder">AutoCoder</A>, <A href="#COBOL">COBOL</A>, <A HREF="#FARGO">FARGO</A>, <A href="#FORTRAN">Fortran</A>, <A href="#KWIC">KWIC</A>, <A HREF="#SoftMisc">miscellaneous</A>, <A href="#ROPE">ROPE</A> <A href="#RPG">RPG</A>, <A HREF="#Sort7">Sort7</A>, <A HREF="#SPS">SPS</A>, <A href="CT-TapeInventory.html">1401 original software tapes, as recovered by Paul Pierce in 2008</A> <UL> <LI> <A HREF="pictures/Roberto-IBM1401-OS-UWMCC_1401_OSver2_Jul68-.pdf">An OS for the 1401</A> from <A HRef=""> Roberto Sancho Villa</A> <BR>The "OS" asks the operator, via the 1407 console, for various parameters, such as Time-of-Day <LI> <A href="SoftwareBefore.html">"Software" before</A> stored program computers <LI> Battle for a <A HREF="80-80Lister.html">One card 80-80Lister program</A> <LI> <A HREF="VansUtilities.html">Van Snyder's Utilities</A> <LI> <A HREF=""> Catalog of Programs for IBM ... 1401 ... Data Processing Systems</A> C20-1601, at bitsavers. <BR>- Guy Fedorkow found <A HREF="">this</A> & <A HREF="">this</A>. <A NAME="PLoad"> <LI>Program Loaders <UL> <LI> <A HREF="InitProgLoad.html">IPL - Initial Program Load</A> <LI> <A HREF="Auto-Loder.html">Auto-Loder</A> Jan 2011 </UL> <a name="AutoCoder"> <LI> AutoCoder <UL> <LI> <A HREF="AutoCoderExamples.html">Auto Coder Examples</A> <LI> <A HREF="AutoCoderRemarks.html">Auto Coder Remarks and listings</A> <LI> AutoCoder source listings, <A HREF="pictures/autocoder1.pdf">autocoder1.pdf</A>, <A HREF="pictures/autocoder1.2.pdf">autocoder1.2.pdf</A>, <A HREF="pictures/autocoder2.2.pdf">autocoder2.2.pdf</A>, <A HREF="Pics3/"></A>, <A HREF="Pics3/"></A>, <A HREF="Pics3/autocoder_1401.tgz">autocoder_1401.tgz</A>, <A HREF="Pics3/"></A>, <A HREF="Pics3/two-tape-autocoder.tgz">two-tape-autocoder.tgz</A> <BR>from Van Snyder </UL> <A NAME="COBOL"> <LI>COBOL <uL> <LI><A href="COBOL-PP/Pierce-adc00223.html">Paul Pierce's tape adc00223,</A> via Van Snyder <LI><A HREF="COBOL-e-mails.html">COBOL e-mails</A> with working code and demo, latest April 2020 <LI>1997 video w Len Shustek and Gwen Bell - <A HREF="">The World's First COBOL Compilers</A> w Grace Hopper stories :-) <LI>More fun, via Michael Albaugh <a href=""> Commodore 64 COBOL For Fun And Profit?</a> 22 min. <LI>2020 <a href=""> "COBOL Cowboys"</A> via S. Sherwood </ul> <A NAME="FARGO"> <LI>FARGO - Fourteen-O-One Automatic Report Generating Operation language <uL> <LI><A HREF="IBM-1401-RM-C24-1464-0-FARGO.pdf">IBM 1401 RM C24-1464-0 FARGO</A> from LaFarr </UL> <A name="FORTRAN"> <LI>Fortran <UL> <LI> Mokotoff's <A HREF="1401_FO-050-all/access.html">Fortran build tape</A>, from Van Snyder <LI> <A HREF="pictures/1401FortranSpecOP-C24-1455-2.pdf">1401 Fortran Specifications and Operating Procedures - C24-1455-2</A> <LI> <A HREF="RunFortranFromCards.html">Run Fortran From Cards</A> - June 21, 2018 <LI> <A HREF="CT-1401-FORTRAN.html">CT-1401 runs Fortran from tape</a> Jan 10, 2018 <LI> <A HREF=""> The IBM 1401 compiles and runs Fortran II</A> video by CuriousMarc - posted Feb 2, 2018 <LI> <A href="pictures/FORTRAN-Demo-Matrix.jpg">Printed Hilbert Matrix Inversion</A> <LI> <A HREF="FirstFortran1401CHM.html">Comments</A> <LI> <A HREF="FortranGeezerVisit.html">Fortran Geezer Visit</A> sched June 10, 2018, <A HREF="AboutGeezers.html">About Geezers</A> <LI> <A HREF=""> A Dozen Precursors of Fortran</A>, lecture by Don Knuth - link near bottom for video :-)) .wmv <LI> <A HREF="">"In Search of the Original Fortran Compiler"</A> <A HREF="">"landing pad"</A> <LI> <A HREF="pictures/Fortran/2 The Fortran Story Retold.html">The Fortran Story Retold.html</A> - Compiled by Loren Meissner <!LI> <!A HREF="pictures/OriginalFortranCompiler-McJones.pdf"><!"In Search of the Original Fortran Compiler"</A> <LI> <A HREF="1401-IBM-Systems-Journal-FORTRAN.html">1401 Fortran Notes</A> - implementation with 63 "phases" <LI> <A HREF="1401-FORTRAN-Illustrated.html">1401 Fortran Illustrated</A>, multipass descriptions and disassemblies. <LI> <A HREF="1401-FORTRAN-SIMH.html"><B>1401 Fortran & SIMH</A></B>, how to run 1401 Fortran under SIMH <LI> <A HREF="1401-FORTRAN-Illustrated.html">Fortran Illustrated</A> the code of the Fortran compilier <LI> <A HREF="1401-IBM-Systems-Journal-FORTRAN.html">IBM Systems Journal -Fortran & notes & comments</A> <LI> <A HREF="FORTRAN-e-mails.html">Other Fortran-e-mails</A> - latest Feb 2022 <LI> <A HREF="Fortran-v3m0-listing/Fortran-v3m0-listing.html">Listings for the IBM 1401 Fortran II phases</A> </UL> <LI> IOCS - 1401 Input/Output Control System <A NAME="KWIC"> <LI>KWIC - (Key Word In Context) - Using Ed's non-1401 program <UL> <LI>An experimental <A HREF="Pics2/ExpKWIC-Index-Oct2019.html">KWIC Index</A> of Ken's Blogs from 2016 to Oct 2019. <LI>some of "CuriousMarc"'s IBM 1401, keypunch, and Friden <A HREF="Pics2/MarcKWIC-Friden1401Keypunch.html">KWIC index</A>. </UL> <A name="SoftMisc"> <LI> miscellaneous <UL> <LI><a href="Pics3/DecimalRandomNumberGeneration.pdf"> Random Number Generation on a Decimal Computer</A> by Ronald Mak <LI><a href="Pics3/1st-via-Telstar.html">First Data Transmission via Telstar Satellite</A> <LI><A href="BresenhamLineDraw.html">Jack Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm</A> <LI>IBM magnetic tape labels (<A HREF="Pics2/MagTapeLabels.html">written onto the tape</A>) <LI>Papers on <A href="RandomOnDecimal.html">Generating Random Numbers On Decimal Machines</A> <LI><a href="Pics2/1401UtilityPoundSterling2Decimal.html"> PoundsShillingsPence - "Patch"</A> <LI>this website <A href="SoftwareRevisionControl.txt">SoftwareRevisionControl</A> </UL> <A name="ROPE"> <LI>ROPE <UL> <LI>Current Rope code on <a href=""></A>, current maintainer is (2023) Luca Severini < lucaseverini @ mac . com > </UL> <A name="RPG"> <LI>RPG <UL> <LI> <A HREF="RPG-1401.html">RPG - 1401</A> and FARGO <LI> <A HREF="RPG-ModernCode.html">RPG - Modern Code</A> Code sample from Jason Olson - AmKor </UL> <A name="Sort7"> <LI>Sort 7 <UL> <! <LI><! Making a <!A HREF="SORT7Demo.html"><!Sort 7 Demo</A><! - a nano-project -> <LI> <A HREF="pictures/C24-3317-1_sort7spec-3.pdf">Sort 7 - Spec. & Op. Proc.</A> from BitSavers <LI> <A HREF="pictures/Sort7-VS-code.html">code</A> - from Van Snyder <LI> <A HREF="pictures/Sort7-VS-lst.html">listing</A> - from Van Snyder <LI> <A HREF="pictures/Sort7-VS-cd.html">object deck</A> - from Van Snyder </UL> <A name="SPS"> <LI> SPS <UL> <LI> <A HREF="PPierce-ibm-c24-1480-0.pdf">IBM 1401 Symbolic Programming Systems SPS-1 and SPS-2 <br> Specifications and Operating Procedures - C24-1480-0</A> copied from Paul Pierce's web site - 3.7 megabytes <LI> <A HREF="SPS-Coding-v-.jpg">SPS Coding Form</A> - Vertical for printing <LI> <A HREF="VSnyders-SPS.html">SPS object cards and disassembly</A> from Van Snyder </UL> </UL> </UL> <A Name="DataProcessing"> <LI><B>Data Processing</B> <UL> <LI>Central Missouri State College: from <A href="">Garett Fuller</A> <BR> - <A HREF="pictures/CMSC-data-processing_guide-ocr.pdf"> Data Processing Guide - pdf</A> <BR> - <A HREF="pictures/CMSC1967DPSupplement.pdf">Supplement</A> <LI><A HREF="DataFlow.html">Data Flow</A> of Unit Record (and Sequential Processing), Accounting, Payroll, Billing, Inventory <LI> <A HREF="PerformIO-ForOtherComputers.html">1401 Performs I/O for other computers</A> <LI> <A HREF="IBM-PrinProg.html">Principles of Programming</A> a mini dataprocessing course using the IBM 1401 and SPS as the example </UL> <A name="AppDemo&Inv"> <LI><B>Software <A href="S-0">Applications</A> <A HREF="#S-1">Inventories</A>, <A HREF="#D-1">Demo Software</A>, <A HREF="#M-1">more</A></b> <UL> <A name="S-0"> <LI> Applications <UL> <LI> <A href=""> Christmas shopping the IBM way</A> by Ken Shirriff </UL> <A name="S-1"> <LI> Software Inventories <UL> <LI> <A HREF="CT-TapeInventory.html">Connecticut Tape Inventory</A> and <B>data from those tapes</B> <LI> <A HREF="1401-punched-card-inventory.html">1401-punched-card-inventory</A> <A NAME="1401Card2CD"> <LI> <A HREF="1401Card2CD-LogSheetDate2.html">1401 Card to CD Log Sheet</A> from Bill Selmeier (gives characteristics of decks below) <LI><A HREF="1401CardDecks-RandyT/Collection1401CardDecks-CD.html">1401CardDecks - directory of the card decks in three formats</A> - *.crd = 2 bytes per column, all 12 holes per column (294 decks) - *.txt = converted to BCD/ASCII as per Dan's logic (283 decks) - *.illegal = partially converted, 11 decks, have illegal punch combinations marked with "o" (some cards were inverted) <LI> <A HREF="CardDeckUsage.html">Card Deck Usage and Comments</a> <li> <A HREF="LangProcTape.html#Utility">Van Snyder Decks</A> <LI>1401 Punched Card Inventory in <A HREF="1401-punched-card-inventory.html">HTML</A>, <A HREF="1401-punched-card-inventory.xls">in Excel</A> format Alex Bochannek helped with the translation </UL> <A name="D-1"> <A name="Demo"> <A name="M-1"> <LI>Demonstration Software <UL> <LI><A HREF="DemoProgs.html">Demo Programs</A> as of July 16, 2022 <!LI> <!A href="RandomNumberGen&Phrase.html"> <LI><A HREF=""> Risky line printer music on a vintage IBM mainframe</A> by Ken Shirriff <LI> <A href="Pics1/Luca-1403-Art.jpg">Luca Severini's 1403-print app</A> <LI> <A HREF="Sched2008December.html#1401RFI-Music">1401RFI-Music</A> "Wheels" <LI> <B>Big Print</B> <A HREF="BigPrint2007.html"> 2007 version</A>, <A HREF="BigPrint2013.html"> 2013 version</A>, <LI> <A HREF=""> Bitcoin mining on a 55 year old IBM 1401 mainframe:</A> 80 seconds per hash, Ken Shirriff's blog <LI> <A HREF="Dhrystone.html">Dhrystone</A> speed test ?? <LI> <A HREF="Mandelbrot.html">Mandelbrot set</A>, <A HREF=""> Ken Shirriff's blog</A> <LI> Merry Christmas <A HREF="merrychristmas.jpg">banner</A> <LI> Would you believe <A HREF="1401TinyBasic.html">Tiny Basic</A> ?? <LI> - and a <A HREF="SmallC.html">Small C cross compiler?</A> <LI> <A HREF="Factorial-s.html">82 Factorial</A> <LI> <A HREF="MakR-lincoln.html">Lincoln printout</A> <LI> <A HREF="BiggerPi-s.html">Pi to 5,000 places</A> on a 16,000 character 1401 <BR> - <A HREF="Paul'sPageofPi_ Gregory,Leibniz,andMachin.pdf">Paul's Page of Pi - Gregory, Leibniz, and Machin</A> <LI> <A HREF="500CharacterPi.html">Pi to 500 places</A> on a smaller 1401 <LI> <A HREF="WilliamsRonPowers2Challenge.html">Ron Williams' Powers-of-2 Challenge</A> <LI> <A HREF="StanTapeDemo.txt">StanTapeDemo.txt</A>, <A HREF="Random.txt">Random.txt</A> - <LI> <A HREF="Hexapawn.html">Hexapawn</A> in AutoCoder - Sept 21,2009 <LI> <A HREF="TicTacToe3D-WarrenRing.html">3D TicTacToe</A> in BASIC - Sept 20,2009 <LI> <A HREF="Fibonacci.html">Fibonacci Fun</A> <LI> <A HREF="IcelandNumbers.html">Iceland Numbers</A> into English alphabet by Van Snyder <LI> <A HREF="AlanKay-META-II.html">Alan Kay, META-II</A> Jan 2011 <LI>external link <A HREF=" ">Morse/1401 demo</A> by Michael Albaugh <LI><A HREF="pictures/1401_Horse1_2992-.jpg">1401 horse</A> M. Papo <LI><A href="1401DemoUsage.html">1401 Demo Usage</A> <LI> <A Href="pictures/ART-1-RWilliams-Fortran.pdf">ART-1</A> Program Notes <LI><A href=""> Sophie, or is it Edith?</A> ?dressed? - 11 minute movie <LI>Morse code generation <a HREF="">video</A>, <a HREF="">text</A>, by Michael Albaugh (2018) <LI><A href="README-file-for-2017Jan-release.html">Read-Me files</A> - 2017 </UL> <A NAME="Geek-fun,-Hardware"> <A NAME="General-Hardware"> <LI> <B>General Hardware</B> <UL> <LI> <A HREF="IBM704x1401Interaction.html">IBM 704X and 1401 Interaction</A> <LI> an <A HREF="Pics2/TTY-Bio.html">"Outsider's" view of an IBM 1401</A> <LI>- <A HREF="JVG-IBM-Oils.html">IBM Oils</A></B> from John Van Gardner, <br> - - and stresses correct lubricants in the 1403 printer <LI> <A HREF="IBM Lubricants pdf.pdf">IBM Lubricants</A> from Grant Saviers <LI> <A HREF="Oils2Cups.html">Small quantities of oils</A> <LI> <A HREF="1401Diagnostics.html">1401 Diagnostics</A></B> page <LI><A HREF="CoreStackRepair.html">Core Stack Repair</A> <LI> <A HREF="ACM1401Sim.html">1401 Compatiblilty Feature in 360 Mod 30</A> <LI> <A HREF="1401DiagnosingMargining.pdf">1401 Diagnosing Margining</A> <LI> I would like to put some circuit set and logic level stuff in here - *HELP* <BR>- <A HREF="LogicFamilies1401-CClaunch.html"> LOGIC FAMILIES IN THE 1401</A> by <A HREF="">Carl Claunch</A> <LI> Philosophy and/or Architecture <br><A HREF="DecimalForeverMaybe.html">Decimal Forever - Maybe</A> just for fun. <LI> <A HREF="CapacitorCheat.html">Only skin deep</A>, a cheat </UL> <A name="Maintenance"> <LI><B>Maintenance</B> <UL> <LI> <A HREF="ContinuMaint/MaintWireRelays.html">Maintenance of Wire Relays</A> <LI> <A href="MotorLubrication.html">Motor Bearing Lubrication</A> <LI> <A HREF="ContinuMaint/Status-1401DemoLab.html">Status of the 1401 Demo Lab</A> <LI> Link to the playlist entitled <A HREF=""> Restoring IBM Vintage Equipment </A> - by Marc Verdiell <UL> <LI> <A HREF=""> Debugging the 1959 IBM 729 Vacuum Column Tape Drive ... </A> <LI> <A HREF=""> Debugging the 1959 IBM 1401 ... </A> <LI> <A HREF=""> IBM 1401 Restoration Team: A Day at the Office </A> </UL> <li> <A HREF="">YouTube of Maintenance</A> <LI> <A HREF="ContinuMaint/Status-1401DemoLab.html">Daily Reports</A> </UL> <A NAME="1401-Inventory/location"> <LI><B>1401 Inventory/location </B> <UL> <LI><A HREF="WorldInventoryIBM1401.html">World Inventory of IBM 1401 Machines</A> </UL> <A NAME="Related-Restorations"> <LI><B>Related Restorations & 1440</B> <UL> <LI><A HREF="1440Sys/IBM1440-Smithsonian.html">IBM 1440 at Smithsonian & Questions</A> <LI><A HREF="1440Sys/IBM1440Restoration.html">IBM 1440 restoration</A>, <A HREF="">Binghamton, N.Y.</A> web site <LI><A HREF="SWAT-2017.html">SWAT team helps Binghamton 1401 system</A> <LI>Demonstrations of the <A HREF="">'Manchester Baby'</A> ;-)) <LI>Sindelfingen, Germany - IBM 1401, 650 - moved to B blingen ?, about 2 KM south of Sindelfingen <BR> - <A HREF="SindelfingenAccess.html">Sindelfingen Access</A> <LI> <A HREF="RossPerotTabRoom.html">Ross Perot's "A MOMENT IN REAL-TIME, The History of Computers"</A></A> <LI> IBM 1620 Resoration Project - (Something is wrong with a 1620 cooling fan, system has not been turned on since 2005, and is in the warehouse) <LI> <A HREF="">PDP-1 on YouTube</A> <LI><A HREF="">DEC PDP-11, LSI-11, LDI-11/23</A> <LI><A HREF="">LINC</A> at DigiBarn <LI><A HREF="">Computer Conservation Society</A> </UL> <A NAME="Other"> <LI><B>Other</B> <UL> <LI> <A href="WilliamsT-Erickson/WilliamsTubeMemory.html">Williams Tube Memory</A> <LI> <A HREF="IBM1401FromTTL.html"> Microcoded 1401 from TTL ??</A> <LI> <A HREF="IBM1410FPGA.html">A developing IBM 1410 FPGA implementation</A> <BR> - a switch converts a 1410 to a faster 1401 <LI> <A href="1401-7040Link.html">1401-7040 Link</A> <LI> <A HREF="JacquardShill/JaquardShill16.html">Jacquard, Pictures from Lyon, France</A> <LI> <A HreF="">CHM 'Warehouse Party' July 31, 2014,</a> off site <LI> <A HREF="pictures/IBM-EndicottPlantNo1Tour1948Book.pdf">IBM-Endicott Plant #1 Tour 1948 Book</A> <LI> Comments about the <A HREF="#1405">IBM 1405</A> by Dave Bennet <LI> IEEE article <A HREF=""> "Rebuilding the IBM 1401" </A>, <A HREF=""> slide show</A> <LI> <A HREF="">1401 50th Anniversary Presentation</A> 2 hours <LI> <A HREF=""> "Sputnik, spaghetti and the IBM SPACE machine"</A> The 50th anniversary of the 1401 <LI> <A HREF="1401ProductBrochures.html">IBM 1401 Product Brochures</A> <LI> <A HREF="">Programming With Punched Cards</A> by Dale Fisk, a jewel !! (<A HREF="fisk-ProgrammingWithPunchedCards.pdf">local copy</A>) <LI> <A HREF="GrantsDocumentsNov06.html">Inventory of Grant Saviers' 2006 doc. purchase</A> <LI><A HREF="Mod30Emu-Highlights.html">Mod 30 Emulation of 1401</A> - e-mails in 2012 - between Fred Brooks and Robert Garner <LI> <A HREF="1401in360.html">1401 Emulation in 360</A> <LI> <A HREF="">IBM 1401 Documentation on </A> <LI> <A HREF="1402-SupriseBoxBillFlora.html">1402 - Suprise Box</A></B> inventory from BillFlora <LI> <A HREF="AdministrationApprovals.html">Administration Approvals</A> <LI><A HREF="Highlights-of-IBM-History.html">Highlights of IBM History</A> <LI><A HREF="">Images of IBM Product Announcements</A> since about 1966 <LI><A HREF="Tricks.html">Tricks of the trade</A> <LI><A HREF="">Index of /pdf/ibm/1401</A> - .pdf files - by Al Kossow - <LI> <A HREF="1401ECOCards.html">IBM 1401 ECO Cards</A> <LI> <A HREF="EBCDIC-art.AWS">Henk Stegeman's 'EBCDIC-art.AWS' file</A></B> 9.33 megabytes <LI> <A HREF="RealWorldPhotos.html">Real World Photos</A> <LI> <A HREF="Venders-n-purchases.html">Venders and purchases</A> <LI> <A HREF="1401Donations.html">1401 Donations</A> <LI> <A HREF="Sched2006September.html#Summary">September 2006 Group Meeting</A> <LI><A HREF="Arnold-Sign.html">Arnold Schweinsberg's sign in the 1401</A> </UL> <A name="Core"> <LI><b>Core Memory</A></B> <UL> <li> e-mail from Ken Shirriff <a href="Pics3/KenCore2LenS.html">IBM Core Memory production <LI> Potential <a href="#FuseMisValue">fuse miss value</A> for core memory <LI> <A HREF=""> Core Memory Explained and Demo-ed</A>, <A HreF="">More</A> by CuriousMarc, <LI> <A href=""> Core Memory problem</A> - Dec 2017, from Ken Shirriff <LI> <A href=""> Examining the core memory module inside a vintage IBM 1401 mainframe</A> by Ken Shirriff <LI> Core Memory temperature compensation boards <A HREF="">AKB</A>, <A HREF="">AKC</A>, from Ken Shirriff <LI> <A HREF="6M-4153_The_Noise_Problem_in_the_Coincident-Current_Memory_Matrix_Feb56-1.pdf"> 6M-4153_Noise_Problem_Coincident-Current_Memory</A> Feb 1956, from <A HREF="">Tim Coslet</A> 1.4 MegaBytes <LI> <A HREF="Sched2009June.html#03">Memory drawings</A> <LI> <A HRef="Memory-e-mail.html">Memory e-mail</A> <LI><A HREF="IBMCoreArraysIEEEMagnetics1969.pdf">Manufacture of Core Memory</A> from IEEE 1969 </UL> </UL> </TABLE> <TABLE BORDER=1 Align=center cellpadding=5> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> <FONT COLOR="RED">Please note: Users of dial-up lines report troubles accessing Adobe .pdf files larger than about 1 megabytes. The symptom they see indicates file corruption. The "corruption" seems to be time-outs or transmission problems. Adobe employees claim using Reader version 7 is better - or download the whole file first to your system then access it with Adobe Reader. :-(( </TABLE> <P> <HR> <P> <BLOCKQUOTE> <A name="CHM-mission-statement"> <P> <CENTER> <H2>Project </H2> </CENTER> <P> <B>A History of the <A HREF=""> Computer History Museum</A>. </B> by Gordon Bell, a founder, (<A HREF="pictures/Bell_Origin_of_the_Computer_History_Museum_v2-1.pdf">local .pdf file</A>) <P> <B>CHM mission statement</b>: <TABLE cellpadding=5 border width=90% align=center> <TD > "Our Mission "The mission of the Computer History Museum is to preserve and present for posterity the artifacts and stories of the information age. As such, the Museum plays a unique role in the history of the computing revolution and its worldwide impact on the human experience." </TABLE> Our efforts aid the presentation efforts of the above statement. <P> <A NAME="ListDailyReports"> <A name="reports-logs"> <HR WIDTH=50%> <B>Daily Reports, 2004-2010</B> <UL> <LI>2004, <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="Sched2004.html#2004Jan">Jan</A>, ... <A HREF="Sched2004.html#2004Jun">Jun</A>, <A HREF="Sched2004.html#2004Jul">Jul</A>, <A HREF="Sched2004.html#2004Aug">Aug</A>, <A HREF="Sched2004.html#2004Sep">Sep</A>, <A HREF="Sched2004.html#2004Oct">Oct</A>, <A HREF="Sched2004.html#2004Nov">Nov</A>, <A HREF="Sched2004.html#2004Dec">Dec</A> <LI>2005, <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="Sched2005Jan.html#2005Jan">Jan</A>, <A HREF="Sched2005Jan.html#2005Feb">Feb</A>, <A HREF="Sched2005Jan.html#2005Mar">Mar</A>, <A HREF="Sched2005April.html#2005Apr">Apr</A>, <A HREF="Sched2005April.html#2005May">May</A>, <A HREF="Sched2005April.html#2005Jun">Jun</A>, <A HREF="Sched2005July.html#2005Jul">Jul</A>, <A HREF="Sched2005July.html#2005Aug">Aug</A>, <A HREF="Sched2005July.html#2005Sep">Sep</A>, <A HREF="Sched2005October.html">Oct</A>, <A HREF="Sched2005November.html">Nov</A>, <A HREF="Sched2005December.html">Dec</A> <LI>2006, <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="Sched2006January.html#2006Jan">Jan</A>, <A HREF="Sched2006February.html">Feb</A>, <A HREF="Sched2006March.html">Mar</A>, <A HREF="Sched2006April.html">Apr</A>, <A HREF="Sched2006May.html">May</A>, <A HREF="Sched2006June.html">Jun</A>, <A HREF="Sched2006July.html">Jul</A>, <A HREF="Sched2006August.html">Aug</A>, <A HREF="Sched2006September.html">Sept,</A> <A HREF="Sched2006October.html">Oct</A>, <A HREF="Sched2006November.html">Nov</A>, <A HREF="Sched2006December.html">Dec</A> <LI>2007, <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="Sched2007January.html#2007Jan">Jan</A>, <A HREF="Sched2007February.html">Feb</A>, <A HREF="Sched2007March.html">Mar</A>, <A HREF="Sched2007April.html">Apr</A>, <A HREF="Sched2007May.html">May</A>, <A HREF="Sched2007June.html">Jun</A>, <A HREF="Sched2007July.html">Jul</A>, <A HREF="Sched2007August.html">Aug</A>, <A HREF="Sched2007September.html">Sept</A>, <A HREF="Sched2007October.html">Oct</A>, <A HREF="Sched2007November.html">Nov</A>, <A HREF="Sched2007December.html">Dec</A>, <A HREF=""></A> <LI>2008, <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="Sched2008January.html">Jan</A>, <A HREF="Sched2008February.html">Feb</A>, <A HREF="Sched2008March.html">Mar</A>, <A HREF="Sched2008April.html">Apr</A>, <A HREF="Sched2008May.html">May</A>, <A HREF="Sched2008June.html">Jun</A>, <A HREF="Sched2008July.html">Jul</A>, <A HREF="Sched2008August.html">Aug</A>, <A HREF="Sched2008September.html">Sept</A>, <A HREF="Sched2008October.html">Oct</A>, <A HREF="Sched2008November.html">Nov</A>, <A HREF="Sched2008December.html">Dec</A> <LI>2009, <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="Sched2009January.html">Jan</A>, <A HREF="Sched2009February.html">Feb</A>, <A HREF="Sched2009March.html">Mar</A>, <A HREF="Sched2009April.html">Apr</A>, <A HREF="Sched2009May.html">May</A>, <A HREF="Sched2009June.html">June</A>, <A HREF="Sched2009July.html">July</A>, <A HREF="Sched2009August.html">Aug</A>, <A HREF="Sched2009September.html">Sep</A>, <A HREF="Sched2009October.html">Oct</A>, <A HREF="Sched2009November.html">Nov</A>, <A HREF="Sched2009December.html">Dec</A>, <LI>2010, <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="Sched2010January.html">Jan</A> - no more daily reports, the end - <A HREF=" ">A 1401 restoration activity blog</A> started October 2010 </UL> <P> <A name="light-at-end-of-tunnel"> <B>Light at the end of the tunnel.</B> <BR> As the astronomers call it <A HREF="Sched2005October.html#FirstLight">First Light</A>. - Oct 19, 2005 - the 1403 printer <A HREF="Sched2006January.html#Jan18">works</A> in all 132 columns - Jan 18, 2006 - all basic and installed optional instructions (including Multiply and Divide) work - April 26th, 2006 - the <A HREF="Sched2006May.html#27">Overlap feature is no longer stuck "ON"</A> interfering with programmed card reading - May 27th, 2006 - the 1402 card reader and card punch are correctly aligned and working well - mid August, 2006 <P> <A name="scheduled-work-days"> <B>Scheduled <FONT COLOR="RED" >Work Days<FONT COLOR=BLACK></B> <TABLE border cellpadding=5> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> The main group meets at 10 AM Wednesdays at the 1401 restoration room at the Computer History Museum, Shoreline and Hwy 101, Mountain View, Ca. </TABLE> <P> <P> <A name="how-to-visit"> <BR><B>How to visit us informally.</B> - <TABLE border cellpadding=5 > <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> Come Wednesday at 1 P.M. for a tour of the Computer History Museum, <a href="">Map of 1401 N Shoreline Blvd Mountain View, CA 94043</a> or <A HREF=",+ca&spn=0.024124,0.037671&hl=en">this map</A>. (The guest entrance is on the *North* side of the building.) Ask your docent to include a view of the 1401 Demo Lab in the tour. Come early as some of us start leaving at 3:00 to avoid the commute traffic. </TABLE> <P> <A name="house-rules"> <B>House Rules</B> <TABLE border cellpadding=5 > <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> <OL> <P><LI>We are dealing with artifacts of considerable rarity and historical interest, to be kept in historically accurate status as possible/practical. <P><LI><I>from "CHM Restoration Guidelines"</I> <TABLE cellpadding=5 border > <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> "At least TWO team members must be present whenever the work on major components or the system has potential dangerous energy (either electrical or mechanical) exposure. Team members can include a member of the curatorial staff. Work is ideally conducted as a team and with a partner to share knowledge, responsibilities and to provide project continuity. Good engineering judgment and practices are to be used when working on any aspect of the machine or system or operating the machine and its peripherals. </TABLE> <BR> <I>from Grant Saviers, Chm, Restoration Committee </I> <TABLE cellpadding=5 border > <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>" The intent is to explicitly permit solo work on a PC, or programming, demonstration, or other cosmetic activities on systems by individuals, as long as no "dangerous energy (either electrical or mechanical) exposure" is present." <BR><I>and</I> "I would add [...] that those working on restorations do have a responsibility pro-actively notify demonstrators and visitors of any hazardous situations. Volunteers can not be so singularly focussed on restorations that they fall short of helping to create a safe and great visitor experience. Also, I believe personnel safety and welfare matters should be directed to Gary Matsushita or John Hollar and if there are debates about these, they should be the arbiters." </TABLE> <P><LI>Log "everything". You might forget how some wire or structure was connected, diagram and/or photograph it. </OL> </TABLE> <P> <A name="WebSiteContingency"> <B>Web Site Contingency Plan</b> <TABLE border cellpadding=5 width=90% align=center > <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> Robert Garner has access address and magic pass string for the web site. </table> <P> <A name="power"> <B>Electric Power- general & 1401 system</b> <TABLE border cellpadding=5 width=90% align=center > <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> The 1401 system uses 3 phase power in the 208 to 250 volt range (various options). <BR> North American systems use 60 Hz, European use 50 Hz. Many motor speeds, and all ferroresonant voltage regulators, are very frequency sensitive. <br>- to power our European (German) system in the U.S. we use and electronic frequency converter. <BR>- - the first, <A HREF="ElgarPowerStatus11-18-04.html">Elgar</A>, did not have enough power <BR>- - the second, <A HREF="PacificPower.html">Pacific Power</A>, runs everything just fine :-)) <P> There have been questions of adapting single phase power to generate three phase power - <BR>- such as <A HREF="">this</A>. <BR>from Grant Saviers (April 2017) <TABLE border cellpadding=5 width=90% align=center > <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> I've had four generations of rotary phase converters, 3hp Phasematic, 40hp Temco, 25hp American Rotary, & an upgrade to the 25hp American Rotary. Still have the 40 sitting unused and the newest 25 is the current shop unit. It powers a half dozen manual and CNC machines 1 to 10hp. <P> While it is possible to "roll your own" with a 3p "idler" motor and some capacitors to get it spinning on 240v 1p you will find it has poor voltage regulation and phase balance. These problems were the cause for my last upgrade to the current converter. My 3axis CNC mill was sensitive to over voltage and phase balance. The latest AR has a uP control board to alleviate that problem. That plus some buck transformers on the 3p got my rather high line voltage into a range that made the CNC happier as it was designed for 208 to 240 and I was hitting 250 on some days. Also, the better load voltage regulation enables the 25hp to do a better job than the old 40hp of starting the large 10hp lathe which has a lot of load inertia. <P> One has to be careful with the energy available in the spinning converter if you plug reverse a connected motor & load. My 3hp would reverse if I plugged the 2hp lathe since the lathe won the stored energy battle. Then everything in the shop ran backwards until I restarted the converter. <P> Be aware that rotary converters make 3p that is usually delta wired and very unbalanced to earth (grn-yel). Usually 3p delta has no reference to ground. This may be a problem when 1p devices hang on a pair of legs, or if they contain a transformer to make 120v. Make sure you connect to the line voltage pair of legs. <P> Another choice is the static inverters from China. I see 3kw units for $120 on ebay. I'm ready to try one on a 3p drill press so I don't have to fire up the shop 3p for quickee jobs. For these, the phases should all be balanced and isolated from 240 neutral & earth, but I haven't verified that. Beware of the PWM RFI, it can be substantial. Also, the motor windings and bearings experience audio to ultrasonic frequency excitations and that can be destructive if the motor isn't designed for an inverter drive. <P> In terms of audio noise from rotaries, not any different than that size motor being run. <P> Grant </table> </table> <P> <A NAME="action-groups"> <b>Action Groups</b> <table cellpadding=5 border width=95% align=center > <TD> - IBM 1401 C.E.s were trained on, and expected to fix, all the below. <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="#G-Processor">1401 Processor w/ 1406 added memory</A>, <A HREF="#G-Card">1402 Card Reader/Punch</A>, <A HREF="#G-Printer">1403 Printer</A> <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="#G-Tape">729 Tape Units</A>, <A HREF="#G-Software">Software</A> <FONT COLOR=black> <A NAME="G-Processor"> <UL> <P><LI><B>1401 Processor w/ 1406 added memory</B> <BR>Group leader is Ron Williams, <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Home phone 408-269-1281, <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="TeamBios.html#Williams">Bio</A>, <A HREF="1401BringUpPlan.html">BringUpPlan</A>, <A HREF="1401BringUpPlan-InitialPowerUp.html"> 1401 Bring Up Plan - Initial Power Up</A>, <A HREF="1401RestorationRamblings.html">1401 Restoration Ramblings 10-3-04</A> <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;also active, Bob Erickson, Bob Feretich, Mike Cheponis <A NAME="G-Card"> <P><LI><B>1402 Card Reader/Punch</B> <BR>Group leader is Bill Flora, <IMG SRC="FloraBillE-Mail.jpg"> <BR>Home phone 408-395-1846, Work 408-943-5801 until 3:30, <A HREF="TeamBios.html#Flora">Bio</A>, <A HREF="1402BringUpPlan.html">BringUpPlan</A> <A HREF="1402-Info.html">info</A> <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;also active Don Cull, Joe Preston <A NAME="G-Printer"> <P><LI><B>1403 Printer</B> <BR>Group leader is <IMG SRC="FrankKing-em.gif"> <TABLE BORDER CELLPADDING=5> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> Home phone 408-779-1567, Fax 781-207-5664, <br><A HREF="TeamBios.html#King">Bio</A>, <A HREF="1403BringUpPlan.html">BringUpPlan</A> <br>Model 1 = 100 char, Model 2 = 132 char, Model 3 = train, <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="1403PaperMovementRGOct05-.jpg"><img src="1403PaperMovementRGOct05-t.jpg"></A> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>To the left is an indication of paper movement during printing. <BR>A pen is moved left to right horizontally across the paper as printing is performed. <BR>The trace of the pen is a time/vertical position graph, and an indication of paper movement potential problems. </TABLE> <TABLE BORDER CELLPADDING=5> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="1403CarriageControlTape01-.jpg"><IMG SRC="1403CarriageControlTape01-t.jpg"> <BR>Carriage tape punch</A> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="1403CarriageControlTape02-.jpg"><IMG SRC="1403CarriageControlTape02-t.jpg"> <BR>Carriage tape adhesive</A> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="1403CarriageControlTape03-.jpg"><IMG SRC="1403CarriageControlTape03-t.jpg"> <BR>?</A> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="1403Chain-JVG-.jpg"><IMG SRC="1403Chain-JVG-t.jpg"> <BR>Broken "chain" <BR> from Van Gardner </A> </TABLE> <br>&nbsp;&nbsp; The printer is working so well that no one is active :-)) <P> <A name="PrinterChainSteelTape"> Printer Chain with Steel Tape <TABLE BORDER CELLPADDING=5> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> <A HREF="pictures/JVG-1403PrinterChain.jpg"><img src="pictures/JVG-1403PrinterChain.jpg" height=100 align=left ></A> Attached is a picture of a piece of chain I have. The tape is made of steel and coated with Mylar. You can see where I peeled the Mylar up. I wrote about watching the chains being built in Endicott in my story # 24 at the bottom of page 3. <A HREF=""></A> Some chains had two little marks between the two type fonts on a slug to indicate where the lap joint was. <P> The Engineers had a program with a print pattern that set up harmonic waves in the chain and it would break within 15 minutes. There was quite a celebration when the Train printer was developed and it ran the program for 24 hours without breaking anything. <P> The best music program I ever heard was the Marine Hymn. You not only heard the music but also the boots marching on the grinder. It was so good it ended my music program writing as I knew I would never top that. <P> Van Gardner </TABLE> <A NAME="G-Tape"> <P><LI><B>729 Tape Units</B>, - <A HREF="729e-mail-log.html">729 e-mail log</A> <BR>Group leader is Allen Palmer, <IMG SRC="PalmerAllenE-Mail.jpg"> <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Home phone 408-779-1247 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="TeamBios.html#Palmer">Bio</A>, <A HREF="729BringUpPlan.html">BringUpPlan</A> <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;also active, Glenn Lea, Grant Saviers, Bob Feretich <A NAME="G-Software"> <P><LI><B>Software</B> - <A HREF="Software-e-mail-log.html">software e-mail log</A> <BR>Group leader is Ronald Mak, <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Home phone (408) 323-1144, work (650) 604-0727, cell (650) 279-1514 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="TeamBios.html#Mak">Bio</A>, Ron's ideas for group <A HREF="RonMak-1401SoftwareGroup-Nov05.doc">WORD</A> <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="1401-punched-card-inventory.html">1401 Punched Card Inventory</A>, <A HREF="1401-punched-card-inventory.xls">in Excel format</A> <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;active - Bill Worthington, Dan McInnis, Ed Thelen, Van Snyder <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="ActivityReportRonMak11-10.html">First meeting report</A> Nov 10, 2004 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="1401SoftwDevel.html">1401 Software Development</A> <A HREF="RPG-ModernCode.html">RPG - Modern Code</A> Code sample from Jason Olson - AmKor <A HREF="UndocumentedInstructions.html">Undocumented Instructions</A> </UL> </table> <P> <A NAME="working"> <HR> <P> <B><h2>Our "working" environment, - er - Play Room,</h2></B> <table cellpadding=5 border > <tD> We maintain and exhibit our operational "compusaurs" in the 1401 Demo Lab and workshop space located at the Computer History Museum. <BR> Our thanks go out to CHM founder <A href="">Len Shustek</A> and to our other supporters on the CHM's board, in particular Grant Saviers and Gardner Hendrie. Also we're grateful for Mike Cheponis as he spearheaded the idea of restoring and exhibiting historic computers as part of the CHM's mission. <BR> Here's a link to a short oral history of Len Shustek on the founding of the CHM, its evolution, mission, and future: <a href=""></A> <BR> And here's a summary of the 1401 restoration project itself: <A href=""></A> </table> <p> Decorations by Ron Williams, Master Welder, Court Jester, Jack of All Trades, ... ;-)) <TABLE CELLPADDING=5 border > <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> <A HREF="PlayRoomEntrance.jpg"><IMG SRC="PlayRoomEntrance-t.jpg"></A><BR>Entrance <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> <A HREF="Pics3/ProgressRamblingsFromTheCave_RonWilliams_2005.pdf"><IMG SRC="EdsCitation-t.jpg"></A><BR>Ed's Citation <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> <A HREF="IBM-HonRet-Ed-.jpg"><IMG SRC="IBM-HonRet-Ed-t.jpg"></A><BR>Amnesty for Ed ;-)) <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="MascotGeekwithBug-.jpg" > <IMG SRC="MascotGeekwithBug-t.jpg" text="Mascot w Bug" ></A> <br>Nov. 2005 <BR>Mascot w Bug ;-)) <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> <A HREF="PlayRoomMascot.jpg"><IMG SRC="PlayRoomMascot-t.jpg"><BR>Mascot</A> <TD> The Baby Mascot on the left was given by Ron Williams to Betsy Toole on her retirement as CHM Volunteer Coordinator. Betsy, you were so helpful, cheerful and warm - Thank You. <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="NewBabyMascot-.jpg"><IMG SRC="NewBabyMascot-t.jpg"> <BR>New Baby Mascot</A> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="AllenasaurusPlameraptor-.jpg"><IMG SRC="AllenasaurusPlameraptor-t.jpg" width=133 hight=100 text="Teasing Allen"></A> <BR>Teasing Allen <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="729Sculpture-.jpg"><IMG SRC="729Sculpture-t.jpg" width=133 hight=100 text="More Teasing Allen"></A> <BR>More Teasing Allen <br><A HREF="729AllenSculpture-.jpg">Better View</A> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="RonWilliams-photo-2-.jpg"><IMG SRC="RonWilliams-photo-2-t.jpg"> <BR>Bug Stalking</A> <BR>Autobiographical?? <BR>May 2012 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> Bug stalking the Bug Stalker (already caught in another bug's web of deception) :-(( <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> The world missed a great artist and wit :-(( <BR>But at least fixing stuff usually pays regular :-)) <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> <A HREF="pictures/RW-001.jpg"><IMG src="pictures/RW-001.jpg" height=100 ></A> <BR>A Demon <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> The "German" 1401 had some "enhancements" that made initial bring-up "difficult". <BR>The Overlap feature has a giant wired "OR" circuit :-(( <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> <A HREF="pictures/RW-002.jpg"><IMG src="pictures/RW-002.jpg" height=100 ></A> <BR>A gift for Robert <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> Ron suspects that Robert Garner has a difficult task on his hands. (2017 is our 13th year?) <BR>See <A HREF="">Sisyphus</A> - Greek mythology <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> <A href="Pics3/1401_Restoration_OrgChart_RonWilliams_2005.jpg"> <img src="Pics3/1401_Restoration_OrgChart_RonWilliams_2005.jpg" height=120 ></A> <BR>Org Chart <tD>. <tD>. <tD>. </TABLE> <HR width=80%> <P> <FONT COLOR=BLACK> <B>More environment, but not by Ron Williams</B> <TABLE CELLPADDING=5 border > <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> <A HREF="Xmas_1401-04a-.jpg"><IMG SRC="Xmas_1401-04a-t.jpg"></A> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> In the 1960s Camille Bounds of Gilroy made Christmas wreaths from IBM punched cards to help pay for her husband's tuition at Caltech. Photo credit: David A. Laws <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>A CHM staff member said that since we are men, working with machinery, the air must turn blue occasionally. Oddly, there is no "blue air" in our 1401 Demo Lab. <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> The IBM folks said that profanity or vulgarity (especially near a customer) was grounds for instant dismissal. </TABLE> <A name="SystemCharacteristics" > <HR> <P> <FONT COLOR=BLACK> <H2>What is an IBM 1401? </H2> A <A HREF="1401GuidePosterV9.rtf">1401 - History and Fundamentals</A> by Robert Garner <P> I (Ed Thelen) am qualified to tell you because I used to maintain G.E. Computer equipment trying to compete with the 1401 - and I know all too well! <TABLE BORDER cellpadding=5 > <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="1401-CHM-Left-Labeled-.jpg"><IMG SRC="1401-CHM-Left-Labeled-t.jpg"> Basic IBM 1401</A> <BR>with added memory <I>16,000 characters max.</I> <HR> <A HREF="1401-CHM-Right-Labeled-.jpg"><IMG SRC="1401-CHM-Right-Labeled-t.jpg"> <BR>this system had tapes</A> <HR> <A HREF="ALD-Key-.jpg"><IMG SRC="ALD-Key-t.jpg"> <BR>a guide to the drawings</A> <HR> <A HREF="SBarratt1401Core-.jpg"><IMG SRC="SBarratt1401Core-t.jpg"> <BR>1401 Core</A><BR> Simon Barratt image <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>The 1401 computer, introduced in 1959, used discrete transistors to provide decimal (0-9) addressing and arithmetic. It provided an effective way for card data processing shops to convert to "computers". The 1402 card reader/punch was excellent, the 1403 printer was superb. Interfaces to magnetic tape drives, discs, and other peripherals were available. The 1401 software was very "primitive". No operating system, no graphical user's interface, no windows, - in other words, only your code was running, and you had a chance of knowing what was going on. :-)) Obviously things had to get better, and we can now blame Bill Gates for everything - everyone agrees this is an improvement?? The 1401 system was really "user friendly" - say the machine stopped because there were no cards in the card reader. You looked at the Operator's Panel, and there was the Card Read instruction. You the operator put a tray of cards into the card reader, depressed a button, the machine started to run again - and life was good - and simple :-) Why did we have to "improve" things? <HR> The 1401 has an unusual architecture, which uses "word marks" to show the end of numbers or fields. It is easy to play with *big* exact numbers. Say you have two 30 digit numbers on an 80 column IBM card. You want to multiply them and print the result. You issue a card read instruction, and the two numbers are read into memory, in decimal format. You set two word marks to define the high ends of the 30 digit input numbers, and set a word mark in the print area to define the high end of the resultant 60 digit multiply. Do a multiply sending the result to the print area, and issue a print command and the 60 decimal digit answer is on the paper in the printer. - Just try that with your 32 bit binary word Pentium C++ Windows GUI machine. <A NAME="development"> <HR> Folks interested in the definition and development of the 1401 computer and the 1403 printer are recommended to "<B>IBM's Early Computers</B>" by Bashe, Johnson, Palmer & Pugh, 1986, MIT Press, pages 459-495. (Available 2nd hand) - to whet your appetite - The French proposed the transistor technology, ferrite-core memory and variable-word-length characteristic in a June 1955 conference in Sindelfingen Germany. The Americans worried about offshore development in small laboratories and did the design in Endicott. The 702-705 field terminating character was replaced in the 1401 by a special (8th) bit. It was also determined that a plug board added a great deal of cost and was eliminated. :-)) </TABLE> <P> <HR> <P> <A NAME="?1stFullyTransistorized?"> > Can the IBM 1401 be considered the very first fully transistorized (commercial) computer? <br>Answer from Robert Garner <table cellpadding=5 border width=95% align=center > <TD> Heavens no! <P> My IEEE History Network "Early Popular Computers" article includes a table of all transistorized computers before the 1401: <A HREF=",_1950_-_1970">,_1950_-_1970</A>, <P> "Philco was one of the first out in 1958 with its all solid-state, large-scale, scientific S-2000 Transistorized Automatic Computer. Using its innovative high-speed surface-barrier transistor, it competed with IBM s later large-scale scientific 7090 Data Processing System. The Electrologica company in the Netherlands also delivered its medium-scale, solid-state, scientific X1 computer that same year. <P> Although the IBM 1401 Data Processing System was not the earliest solid-state commercial computer, it rapidly became the world s most widely used and held that distinction through most of the 1960s [Figure 5]. The story behind the 1401 s success is explained in part because it targeted the small-business punched-card user marketplace while leveraging IBM s mass-production capabilities and worldwide customer support organization, as described next in a case study of its product development." <P> - Robert </table> <P> <A NAME="Links"> <P> <B>Some IBM 1401 web links:</B> <a href="">1964 Ballistic Research Labs report</A>, <A HREF="">IBM</A>, <A HREF="">Columbia University</A>, <A HREF="">Tom Van Vleck</A>, <A HREF="">Van Snyder's 1401 links</A>, <A HREF="">mine</A> <A HREF="">IBM 1405 disk storage</A> <A HREF="">1401 Data Processing System</A> from IBM web site <P> <A name="YouTube"> <B>YouTube Presentations</b> <table cellpadding=5 border width=95% align=center > <td> <UL> <LI><A HREF=""> Debugging the 1959 IBM 1401 Computer at the Computer History Museum</A> from CuriousMarc <LI><A HREF="">IBM 1401 System 50th Anniversary</A> a CHM presentation <LI><A HREF=""> Debugging the 1959 IBM 729 Vacuum Column Tape Drive at the Computer History Museum</A> from CuriousMarc <LI><A HREF="">Four California Crazy guys go to Conroe Texas</A> from Stan Paddock <LI><A HREF=""> IBM 1401: "A Real Live Dinosaur"</A> loading the Connecticut 1401 onto trucks toward California</A> <LI><A HREF="">1401: The Dawn of a New Era</A> a CHM presentation <LI><A HREF="">Loopy Transistor frequency response</A> willyn440 <LI><A HREF="">Bob Erickson Demonstrates the IBM 519</A> from Stan Paddock <LI><A HREF="">1401-music-Movie</A> rthelen <LI><A HREF="" >IBM punched card sorter Type 83, from 1955</A> from Ken Shirriff <BR>------------ below is somewhat related --------------- <LI><A HREF=""> The Paper Making Process</a> toward making IBM punched cards </UL> </table> <P> <a name="3D"> <B>Full 3D working simulation of a 1401 system</b> <table cellpadding=5 border width=95% align=center > <td><font size=+1> There is a startlingly realistic 3D Simulation (with sound) available to view on YouTube and to download to experiment. It was and is being developed by <A href="TeamBios.html#Schuetz">Michael Schuetz</A>. He often uses the pseudonym "". <p>You can: <Br> - key punch cards on a simulated 026, <Br> - place the simulated cards in the read hopper of the simulated 1402, <Br> - press the simulated LOAD button on the simulated 1401, <Br> - look at simulated memory using the simulated keys on the simulated 1401, <Br> - print part of simulated memory onto a simulated 1403, using the simulated keys on the simulated 1401, <BR>etcetera, etcetera, and so on ... <P> This IBM 1401 3D Simulator seems complete enough to assist in training new 1401 programmers, 1401 demonstrators (and is a good refresher for old operators). <BR>A program such as this can give the "feel" of computer systems no longer functioning or existing. The effort to generate such would be an extended (many year) "labor of love". <P> The website is <A HREF="">here</A>. <BR>The introduction is here <Br> <A HREF=""></A> <Br>continuing on <BR> <A HREF=""></A> <br> and, as of August 2021, about 15 others ... <br>"Prepare to be blown away" :--)) <BR><a href="">Download area</A>, executables apparently for Windows 10 only. <BR> <BR> On August 29, 2021, developer Michael Schuetz wrote: <blockquote> "Regarding a Mac version: For the 3D rendering, the simulator uses the UnrealEngine (UE), in public renown as a basis for big video games like e.g. the notorious ‘Fortnite’. Unfortunately UE development for a Mac is only possible on a Mac itself (no crosscompiler), and the UE development environment is far from optimized for a Mac at all.Using it would require unreasonable investments since using it on my current MacbookPro is a pain despite the built-in GPU, and would also require several days of review work, since up to now I didn’t consider to avoid Windows specific coding for that reason. <BR> So providing a Mac version is possible, however currently isn’t feasible for me, at least not in the short term.There’s now a new version 5 of the UnrealEngine on the rise, promising better Mac support; possibly I’ll have a look again one day. <P> "Concerning the training of new 1401 programmers, as mentioned on your main page:since it uses a game engine, it may require a minimum of graphics power. Tweaking with the graphics settings in the main menu could offer a chance to get it running on non-gaming PCs, but I don’t have any greater experience. <P> "With regard to the handling: the latest version (0.2.11) provides some help dialogs when starting the simulation or clicking on the objects. The explanations are not yet comprehensive, but maybe it helps a little to get a start. I’ll expand the help system gradually over time." </blockquote> (Ed Thelen here) - I asked if there is a Mac version. <br>Michael responded in part (October 16, 2021) <blockquote> "There's now a Mac version available on the download page at <Br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A href=""></A> <Br> I was able to strip all OS specific code from the project, so that I could continue to do all development on a Windows PC, and then just copy it over to the Mac for compiling and packaging. <Br> If you like, you may give it a try. Any feedback is welcome." </blockquote> </table> <P><HR> <A name="1401CharacterSets"> <B><U>1401CharacterSets</U></B> <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - <a HREF="pictures/MarcCharSet01.png">SIMH, 029, Fortran, ROPE, ...</A> from Marc <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - <a HREF="pictures/MarcCharSet02.png">Changes getween Paul Pierce and SIMH</A> from Marc <br> <table border cellpadding=5 width=95% align=center > <TD><pre> Finally. I got my answer. It was in your SIMH source file Luca. > ROPE/SIMH is using > ! SIMH 1401 BCD encoding: > ! > ! Numeric b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 4 5 6 7 > ! Rows b 8 8 8 8 8 > ! =========================================== > ! No zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 # @ : > ( 000-017 = 00-0F > ! 0 zone A ^ / S T U V W X Y Z ' , % = \ + 020-037 = 10-1F > ! 11 zone B - J K L M N O P Q R ! $ * ] ; _ 040-057 = 20-2F > ! 12 zone BA & A B C D E F G H I ? . ) [ < " 060-077 = 30-3F > ! > ! ' is 0-2-8, and ^ has no input punch > ! (it may punch as zero on output). > > > The tape emulator is using: > ! Pierce's primary BCD encoding: > ! > ! Numeric b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 4 5 6 7 > ! Rows b 8 8 8 8 8 > ! =========================================== > ! No zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 # @ : > { 000-017 = 00-0F > ! 0 zone A ^ / S T U V W X Y Z | , % ~ \ " 020-037 = 10-1F > ! 11 zone B - J K L M N O P Q R ! $ * ] ; _ 040-057 = 20-2F > ! 12 zone BA & A B C D E F G H I ? . ) [ < } 060-077 = 30-3F > > Hence the substitutions, most of them I had noticed, > but a couple I didn t know what SIMH used: > into | (for extended memory addresses) > = into ~ (Word Separator, or word mark prefix on tape) > ( into { (Tape Mark) > into } (Group Mark) > + into (Segment Mark, whatever that is) > > There is no error in the emulator, just another choice of > ASCII encoding for few characters that have no ASCII representation > to start with on the 1401. > SIMH is just as arbitrary... > Some of the non-printable characters were later defined on the 029 > which adheres to IBM definition of EBCD, > and are unfortunately different from these two tables above. > I m going to sum it all up in a big table. > Marc </table> <P> <A NAME="CharacterSet"> <B>1402 Card Reader Character Set</B> <BR>"IBM CARD CHARACTER CODE" <table cellpadding=5 border width=90% align=center > <TD> from <A HREF=""></A> <TABLE CELLPADDING=5 border > <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>ZONE<BR>PUNCH <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>NO <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>0 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>1 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>2 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>3 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>4 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>5 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>6 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>7 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>8 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>9 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>3-8 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>4-8 <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>12 "X"<TD><FONT SIZE=+1>& <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>+0 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>A <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>B <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>C <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>D <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>E <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>F <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>G <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>H <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>I <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>. <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>"lozenge" <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>11 "Y"<TD><FONT SIZE=+1>- <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>-0 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>J <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>K <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>L <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>M <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>N <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>O <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>P <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>Q <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>R <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>$ <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>* <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>0 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>xxx <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>xxx <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>/ <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>S <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>T <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>U <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>V <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>W <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>X <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>Y <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>Z <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>, <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>% <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>NO <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>blank <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>0 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>1 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>2 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>3 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>4 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>5 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>6 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>7 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>8 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>9 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1># <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>@ </TABLE> <FONT COLOR=BLACK> Notes: xxx is an illegal punch combination # is an = in the Fortran character set </table> <P> <A HREF="">Ken Shirriff</A> (Sept. 23, 2015) sent the following <BR><B>RPQ makes DE and CT machines read and punch A bit differently</B> <table cellpadding=5 border width=90% align=center > <TD> You might be interested to know that the DE and CT machines punch one character differently. I was comparing the DE and CT 1401s and discovered that the CT machine has the A bit RPQ, but the DE machine does not. In a standard 1401 (DE), an A bit is punched as a 0. But on the CT machine, an A bit is punched as 8-2. With some help from Stan, I verified this behavior in the lab. <P> The relevant character is an A bit with no digit (a blank with an A zone bit), not to be confused with a zero with an A bit. <p> <IMG SRC="pictures/Kens1402-A-BitRPQ.jpg" align=left > One consequence of this is that you can't read this character into the DE machine (since it is punched and read as 0), but you can read it into the CT machine. <P> This RPQ is in the CT ALDs under <P> The <A href="A24-3315-0_1401customFeatur.pdf">custom feature guide</A> explains the RPQ: <P> Header/Punch Card Code 8-2 and A-Bit Compatibility # 898148 (1401 Model A, B, C, E, or F) This feature provides A-bit compatibility between 1401 and 1410 systems. It reads 8-2 punching and translates to an A-bit in storage. An A-bit in storage punches out as an 8-2. It is not switch controlled. </table> <P> Mike Albaugh comments <TABLE Width=90% align=center cellpadding=5> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> " [your web page] calls the 12-4-8 punch a "square". We always called it a "lozenge" Also, the "commercial" and "Scientific" character sets for the 026 were different, although at this point I only remember that the commercial '&' (12-only) was a scientific '+', and that the '#' was "something else" :-) I could have sworn that 12-6-8 was a '+' in 029 code, but you show it as "Less than", albeit unprintable." </TABLE> <P> John Van Gardner points out <TABLE cellpadding=5 border > <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>The earliest machine that I know of that used the 7 bit BCD code was the 702 which evolved from TPM (Tape Processing Machine). The seven track 726 Tape drives used on the 702, 704 and 705 had the tape tracks labeled as 1248ABC. Your 729s have inherited this. <P> Attached is a pdf file of pages 31-33 of the 702 Preliminary Manual found at: I have highlighted in yellow <A HREF="JVG702PreliminaryManual-001.pdf">the pertinent part about the code</A>. <P> There is some good information about the TPM and 702 around page 213 of the book "IBM's Early Computers" by Emerson W. Pugh. </TABLE> <P> A list of all 64 6 bit codes for the IBM 1401 <A HREF="1401codes_SPaddock.html">in binary and collating order</A> from Stan Paddock. <P> From Bill Worthington, a reference card, <A HREF="BW_1401Collating_p1-.jpg"><IMG SRC="BW_1401Collating_p1-t.jpg"></A>, <A HREF="BW_1401Collating_p2-.jpg"><IMG SRC="BW_1401Collating_p2-t.jpg"></A> <P> And a 1401 card code from Bob Feretich <IMG SRC="1401CardPunchCodeBobF.gif"> <P> A <A HREF="1401CardCode1.gif">1401 Card Code</A> from Robert Garner <A HREF="1401CardCode1.html">HTMLized</A> and <A HREF="1401CardCode1-sorted.html">Sorted by BCD or OCTAL value</A> <P> <A NAME="unprintable"> <P> TABLE OF UNPRINTABLE CHARACTERS (from Part No. 451424 - Diagnostic Function Test) <TABLE border > <tr><TD><FONT SIZE=+1> -LEFT PARENTHESIS <TD align=right>12 <TD align=right>5 <TD align=right>8 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> MZ-MINUS ZERO <TD align=right>11 <TD align=right>0 <TD align=right>&nbsp; <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1> -WORD SEPARATOR <TD align=right>0 <TD align=right>5 <TD align=right>8 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> AP-APOSTROPHE <TD align=right>0 <TD align=right>6 <TD align=right>8 <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1> -TAPE SEGMENT MARK <TD align=right>0 <TD align=right>7 <TD align=right>8 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> DE-DELTA <TD align=right>11 <TD align=right>7 <TD align=right>8 <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1> -GROUP MARK <TD align=right>12 <TD align=right>7 <TD align=right>8 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> PZ-PLUS ZERO <TD align=right>12 <TD align=right>0 <TD align=right>&nbsp; <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1> -RIGHT PARENTHESIS <TD align=right>11 <TD align=right>5 <TD align=right>8 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> TM-TAPE MARK <TD align=right>&nbsp; <TD align=right>7 <TD align=right>8 <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1> SE-SEMICOLON <TD align=right>11 <TD align=right>6 <TD align=right>8 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> CO-COLON <TD align=right>&nbsp; <TD align=right>5 <TD align=right>8 <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1> LT-LESS THAN <TD align=right>12 <TD align=right>6 <TD align=right>8 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </table> <FONT COLOR=BLACK> Standard Fortran printer carriage control, 1st character: blank, single space; 1, top of form; 0, double space; +, overprint (not supported everywhere). <BR>Feel free to consult your friendly Unix man page for the program 'asa' for further reference. <P> Major Equipment Inventory - incomplete <TABLE border cellpadding=5 > <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1>Product # <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>Name <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>Model <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>Serial # <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>Informal ID <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1>1401 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> computer <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> . <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>1401-40-28421-E4 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>. <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1>1406 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> extended memory <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> . <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>1406-40-20066-61 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>. <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1>1402 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> reader/punch <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> . <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>1402-1-1600743-C2 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>. <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1>1403 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> printer <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> . <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>1403-40-11401-A3 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>. <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1>729 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>tape drive <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>V <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>0729-3534825B4 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>Green dot <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1>729 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>tape drive <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>V <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>3534949C4 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>Red dot <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1>729 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>tape drive <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>IV <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>35-21062-L1 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>. <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1>729 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>tape drive <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>II <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>21062 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>. <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1>729 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>tape drive <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>II <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>2012 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>. <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1>077 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> Collator <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> . <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>077-40-22036 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>. <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1>083 <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> Sorter <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> . <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>33619 <BR>(on casting) <TD><FONT SIZE=+1>?Rusty? ;-)) </TABLE> <P> <A Name="DocumationCardReader"> <B>Documation Card Reader instructions and software</b> <TABLE border cellpadding=5 align=center width=90%> <TR><TD><FONT SIZE=+1><PRE> From: Bill Selmeier [] Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 4:57 PM To: Ronald Mak for when you need it, <A HREF="">here is the software</A> [] for the Documation Card Reader. Load this to a directory on a PC, connect the usb cord from the card reader, fire up cardread.exe. (there are insturctions in the included word file and the pdf) and use deckview.exe to look at the file created on your disk. Bill Worthington probably remembers how this program runs if you have a problem or describe it and I'll try and help. But the best support is from Brian Knittle who wrote these programs and made the usb convertor box. He is a museum volunteer that lives up in Emeryville. Good Luck... Bill</TABLE> <P> <A NAME="CardSource"> <B>Source of IBM Punched Cards</b> <TABLE cellpadding=5 border=1 width=90% align=center > <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> from Robert Garner - December 8, 2021 <TABLE cellpadding=5 border=1 width=90% align=center > <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> We recently noticed a GitHub repository on IBM punched cards that includes code to print and cut them to size (assuming appropriate paper stock): <a href=""></A> </table> <P> from Robert Garner - January 11, 2020 - <TABLE cellpadding=5 border=1 width=95% align=center > <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> Could you please put this PO for purchasing punched cards on our web site (somewhere? :) <TD> <A HREF="Pics2/TimeCardsUSA-PunchedCards-PO3.jpg"><img src="Pics2/TimeCardsUSA-PunchedCards-PO3.jpg" height=100 > </table> <P> from Robert Garner - September 18, 2019 - <TABLE cellpadding=5 border=1 width=95% align=center > <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> Since August 2018, we now have a reliable new source of blank IBM 5081 punched cards: Time Card Sales (aka Time Cards USA), Tim Beyer proprietor. Orders can be placed with "Lynn Pounds < > at: <B><PRE> Time Cards USA 7613 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55439 Phone: 800-605-7308 Fax: 612-871-7150 Email: </PRE></B> We are currently paying $70 per box of 2000 cards. <P> Tim Beyer's contact info: <B><PRE> Time Card Sales 3869 Thomas St Memphis, TN 38127 Phone: 901-357-8201 Email: </PRE></B> The paper stock does not technically meet IBM s authentic but demanding card stock spec <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="CardStockSpecifications.html">CardStockSpecifications.html</A> <BR>...but the cards due seem to work just fine in our Model 26 keypunches and IBM 1402 card reader. <P> According to Tim, the last supplier of IBM and "US Gov t" spec card stock, which he called 100-lb tabulating index, was an International Paper mill in Louisiana, shutdown ~2008. He had supplied 20 - 40k punched cards at a shot to Bob Swartz of Cardamation, Pennsylvania, our last source of high quality/IBM-spec 5081 cards, whose business closed in 2009 after his death. <P> Tim calls this paper stock 100-lb manilla tabulating index and his cards imitation 5081 cards." He isn't completely happy with its quality control, saying that it tends to run 7.4 - 7.7 mils thick, where his ask is 6.7 - 7.2 mils (or 6.9 - 7.0, I wasn t sure which). IBM's paper stock spec, <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="CardStockSpecifications.html">CardStockSpecifications.html</A> <BR> calls for a thickness of 7.0 +- 0.4 mils, or 6.6 - 7.4 mils. I have measured samples of the cards at an average of 7.0 - 7.2 mils thick. <P> Tim is proud of his several operating Carroll presses, which he uses to size/cut the paper stock. However, the print quality is not as high as his (Japanese) time card customers would like. Thus, he prints cards using a high-quality metal-plate offset printer. This two-step process introduces the possibility of pattern-to-punched-hole misalignment, something he addressed after we sent him some sample punched 5081 cards. </table> <P> THE source of IBM cards in the 1950s was - ?? - correct, IBM ;-)) <TABLE cellpadding=5 border=1 width=95% align=center > <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> This is a receipt for a box (2000) of green 5081 cards, purchased by LaFarr Stuart, during his student days in 1957, from an IBM branch office in Salt Lake City, Utah. It was rather clear to all concerned that this was an unusually small purchase. <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> <A HREF="LaFarrsGreen5081Receipt-.jpg"><IMG SRC="LaFarrsGreen5081Receipt-t.jpg"> </TABLE> <TABLE cellpadding=5 border=1 width=95% align=center > <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> <B><U>A followup from LaFarr</B></U> One minor detail. Apparently, IBM sold cards by the thousand which at that time accountants abbreviated with the letter M for a thousand. That is why there is a 2M on the receipt, even though it was just one box. <P> I wonder if today anybody still uses M as an abbreviation? Just for fun I checked with a 1973 edition of "The American Heritage Dictionary" and for M it lists 29 uses as an abbreviation. The 28th is: "M Roman numeral for 1,000 (latin for mile)." I guess that is where it came from. Today, I think we have gone to the metric abbreviation. But, sometimes K stands for 1,000 other times 1024. Most computer geeks know which and everybody else is confused. </TABLE> <P> <P> <B>However</B> <BR>Other folks need "IBM" cards also - and maybe "we" would like to use more per week - <BR>such as reproducing demo decks, output from various assemblies and compilations ... <Table cellpadding=5 border width=95% align=center > <TD><font size=+1> -------- Original Message -------- <BR> Subject: Re: punched cards for IBM 1401 at Computer History Museum <BR> From: Robert Garner < > <BR> Date: Mon, August 27, 2018 11:22 pm <BR> To: Tim Beyer < > <BR> Cc: {many} <BR> <BR> Tim, <BR> <BR> Thanks again for manufacturing/sourcing your TimeCardSales imitation 5081 punched cards! <BR> Following up on my previous email below, here's a photo of one of the newly made cards punched, showing the misalignment between the numerals and holes <BR> (In our conversation last week, you expected a print spread of but tens of microns? I.e., no more than a 1 mil at most?) <BR> <BR> I forgot to ask: Are your vintage Carroll presses (that you used to cut these cards) capable of printing? <BR> While apparently not good enough for one of your time card customers, the Carroll press print quality might be sufficient for our more modest needs? <BR> <BR> <A href="pictures/thumb_6500.jpg"><img src="pictures/thumb_6500.jpg" height=100 > <BR>click to enlarge</A> <BR> <BR> And here is an example of the pattern/logo we d like to get printed on future versions: <BR> <BR> <A href="pictures/thumb_6502.jpg"><img src="pictures/thumb_6502.jpg" height=100 > <BR>click to enlarge</A> <BR> <BR> Thanks again for taking this on! <BR> <BR> - Robert <BR> <BR>> On Aug 15, 2018, at 9:19 PM, Robert Garner <> wrote: <BR>> <BR>> Tim, <BR>> <BR>> It was great speaking with you today. <BR>> Computing history aficionados and restorers are gong to be delighted hearing that you have an operational Carroll press(!) and are still manufacturing punched cards! ;-) <BR>> <BR>> I ll send you a photo of the mis-registered numerals on the imitation 5081 punched cards in the next several days. <BR>> They are otherwise working just fine (no jams) for our casual usage (as visitor name cards). <BR>> <BR>> Here s a link to our IBM 1401 restoration web site, with photos of happy Computer History Museum visitors experiencing our twice-weekly live demos (particularly see second link): <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> Here s a link to IBM s period punched-card paper stock spec on our web site: <BR>> <BR>> <BR>> It specifies a card thickness of 7.0 +- 0.4 mils, or 6.6 - 7.4 mils. <BR>> Is your time-card thickness spec 6.7 - 7.2 mils, or 6.9 - 7.0 mils? (I wasn t sure which.) <BR>> And you say they have been (unhappily) coming in at 7.4 - 7.7 mils? <BR>> We ll take some thickness measurements of the punched cards that you made for us (10 stacked together ;-). <BR>> <BR>> Duwayne Lafley, (409) 925-8404. <> is the guy in Santa Fe, Texas who still maintains punched card equipment. <BR>> Here s (one of several) articles about his prime customer, Sparkler Filters, still using an IBM 402 accounting machine(!): <BR>> <BR>> Photos and reports from one of our field trips there: <BR>> <BR>> (Duwayne used to get punched cards from Imation Corp, but I don t think he has a source now that Cardamation closed. <BR>> <BR>> I ll send a pointer to the guy at the TechWorks, aka Center for Technology and Innovation, in Binghamton, who interfaced their 1442 card unit to their IBM 1440 vintage computer. <BR>> <BR>> Cheers, </table> </TABLE> <P> <A name="1405"> <B>Comments about the IBM 1405</b>, from <A HREF="">Dave Bennet</A> <TABLE cellpadding=5 width="90%" align=center border=1> <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> The 1405 was a version of the 10 million character RAMAC that was specially configured to interface with the 1401 system. It was the last version of RAMAC built. It was still in production in 1963 when I transferred into IBM san Jose. It, like other 10 million character RAMACs, used transistors instead of vacuum tubes. <P>I think it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to tell any difference in appearance between a 1405 and any other RAMAC, unless you could see the nameplate or knew the differences of the internals. Heretofore, I have not been aware of any surviving 1405s on the planet. <p>Dave Bennet </table> <P> <HR> <A NAME="Image"> <P> <B>Image permissions:</B> <TABLE cellpadding=5 width="90%" align=center border=1> <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> Many of the images on this web site: <BR>a) were photographed by me (Ed Thelen), with frequent contributions by Robert Garner and others, <BR>b) are of property (computers) owned by Computer History Museum. <p >I am advised by the Museum that Massimo Petrozzi < > is the media archivist at the Museum and in general, handles requests for image usage. </TABLE> <P> <A NAME="Donations"> <B>Donations</B> <TABLE cellpadding=5 width="90%" align=center border=1> <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1> <B>To donate 1401 specific manuals, equipment or supplies to the project, </B> <br>&nbsp;&nbsp; e-mail <A HREF="">Robert Garner</A> </TABLE> <P> <A name="ShutDownTapes"> <B>Shutting down the tapes correctly</b> <TABLE cellpadding=5 width="90%" align=center border=1> <Td> from Iggy Menendez - Thu, Jul 21, 2016 <BR>CHM Tape Restoration Team <P> ------------------------------------- <P> To all CHM demonstrators doing or assisting on the 1401 System's demos <OL> <P><LI> Please unload all tapes prior to powering off the 1401 System, to prevent subsequent hangs of drives on the next power up. <P> (powering off in the field with the tapes loaded was a NO-NO; it did happen occasionally due to comp room power outage.) <P><LI> When stopping tapes at end of demo, if done from the TAU with all the drives dialed to the same NUMBER, a subsequent REWIND or REW/UNLOAD from TAU panel may not rewind all the drives. <P> This is because it is not a valid operation to run more than ONE drive with the same number. This may result in leaving one or more drives in an undefined hung state. </ol> For best results, after stopping the tape forward motion, please REWIND or REW/UNLOAD each tape individually from its own operator panel. <P> Rewinding all drives from the TAU may be accomplished by program control, to each drive with a different number. <P> This may also be done from the TAU, by dialing each tape drive to a different number, and executing the command, one at a time, individually from the TAU panel. </table> <HR> <P> <A name="PartsSources"> <B>Parts Sources</b> <TABLE cellpadding=5 width="90%" align=center border=1> <TR> <TD> from Ignacio Menendez - April 1, 2016 - but I don't think he is kidding ;-)) <P> Hello Ed, I ordered some transistors from this guys last year, now they have a nice customers' searchable inventory on line, just click on the attached email's link to try out. <hr width=50%> <A HREF=""></A> <P> other well know vendors </table> <P> <HR> <P> <A name="NewWorkR"> <B>Work Shop</b> 2016, 2017, 2018 (smaller each revision) <TABLE cellpadding=5 width="90%" align=center border=1> <TD>March 2017 - Pretty much moved into the new room, to be shared with the PDP-1 and RAMAC groups. There were the usual picky items, power outlets covered by sheet rock, lighting, ..., the Wi-Fi wire now hanging from the ceiling, etc. <TD><A HREF="pictures/MagicSmoke.jpg"><img src="pictures/MagicSmoke.jpg" height=100 align=left ></A> April 1st ;-)) <BR>An added feature to aid in restoring failed parts is this container of "Magic Smoke". Sometimes a part smokes and fails. Evidently the smoke is necessary inside for the part to work correctly. If you can restore the smoke, the part can be restored to service. This smoke is guarenteed to be identical to official IBM smoke, compressed for easy restoration into the failed part. </table> <TABLE cellpadding=5 width="90%" align=center border=1> <TD> <A href="pictures/ExistingWorkshop-2-lg-.jpg"> <img src="pictures/ExistingWorkshop-2-lg-.jpg" height=100 > </A><BR>Workshop pre July 7, 2016 <TD> <A href="pictures/WorkRoomPlan-b.jpg"> <img src="pictures/WorkRoomPlan-b.jpg" height=100 > </A><BR>Location of New Workshop <TD> <A href="pictures/NewWorkshopFloorplan_V1.jpg"> <img src="pictures/NewWorkshopFloorplan_V1.jpg" height=100 > </A><BR>New Workshop post ?Oct? 2016 </table> <TABLE cellpadding=5 width="90%" align=center border=1> <TD> <A HREF="WorkSpaceMeeting2016.html">Meeting Summary with John Hollar</A> - July 5, 2016. </table> <TABLE cellpadding=5 width="90%" align=center border=1> <TD> <A href="pictures/StansDontBlockDoor.jpg"> <img src="pictures/StansDontBlockDoor.jpg" height=100 > </A><BR>Temporary Workshop <TD> Stan Paddock wrote: <BR> "Today, Monday August 8, 2016 the 1401 restoration team endeavored to resolve the cage access problem. <OL> <LI> All items in front of the cage door were relocated. <LI> A sign was posted to discourage placing any more items that would block access to the door of the cage." </OL> </table> <TABLE cellpadding=5 width="90%" align=center border=1> <TD> from Robert Garner, to CHM administration, Dec 1, 2016 <BR>Back in mid September, we requested and you acknowledged that light fixtures would be installed directly above the workbenches in the new restoration workshop (that I see is nearing completion! :-)). Ron supplied a floorplan at that time showing the locations of the workbenches. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Here's a new outline/floorplan of the workshop space (word and pdf files attached and pasted below), reaffirming where we d like to place the workbenches with hanging fluorescent light fixtures above them. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Also, we requested and you acknowledged the installation of sectional floor carpeting in the workshop. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Please let me know if there are any hangups/issues with our two requests or if there s anything else I/we need to do. <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Thanks(!), <TD> <A HREF="pictures/NewWorkshop_V1.jpg"><img src="pictures/NewWorkshop_V1.jpg" height=100></A> </table> <TABLE cellpadding=5 width="90%" align=center border=1> <TD> <font color="red">June 2018<font color="black"> - Lightning struck again - actually this is getting boring. <BR>We were informed that "Education" needed more room for electrical usage and that "our" work/storage shop will be unavailable from July 4th to October for that renovation, and will be made smaller. (Do you get the idea that we are not welcome? Or are victims of some Headquarters Power Play? One restorer quit in protest.) <P> Here is a summary from Robert Garner dated Oct 24, 2018 <TABLE cellpadding=5 border=1> <TD> <TABLE cellpadding=5 border > <TD> Restoration team, et al, <P> Today, after being in the now-open altered workshop, discussing options and measuring the new wall dimensions, attached is the resulting proposed new floor plan. <td> <A HREF="pictures/2018WorkShop.jpg"><img src="pictures/2018WorkShop.jpg" height=100 ></A> </table> <P> This proposed floor plan assumes: <ol type="1"> <LI> retaining the three existing 5 -tall cabinets w/ 7 rollout shelves each, <LI> a total of five open 18 -deep boltless shelving units: <BR> - a. two existing units <BR> - b. three new units, 8 tall <LI> replacing the heavy tool cabinet w/ smaller tool box <BR>(locate on left end of mechanical workbench) <LI> locating refrigerator under electrical workbench #1, right side against wall <LI> keeping the PDP-1 cabinets (5 wide x 20 deep) in the PDP-1 demo lab (?) <LI> moving out the Galaxy cabinet (?) <LI> retaining RAMAC & 1401 file cabinets (could be taller) <LI> emptying/removing the tall cabinet w/ doors that contains a potpourri of non-1401 ephemera <BR>Photo attached. </OL> We still need to consider/plan for a fire-resistant cabinet for flammable and volatile chemicals. <P> Total area is ~330 sqft, oddly shaped(!). It was previously ~405 sqft. <BR>(Our original workshop was 350 sqft and a rectangular.) <P> Thoughts/comments? <P> - Robert </table> <TABLE cellpadding=5 border > <TD> Lyle Bickley of the PDP-1 Restoration/Maintenance Team responded Oct 25, 2018 <HR width=50%> The Education Department needed space for a "Server Room" - and it was taken away from the latest incarnation of our Restoration Lab. As of now, the total area is ~330 sqft and oddly shaped (see attached floor plan). It was previously ~405 sqft. <P> It is totally filled with 1401 cabinets, workbenches, etc. (And that's assuming that a number of the existing 1401 materials are moved to another storage area - perhaps across the hall from the Lab). <P> The 1401 Team is asking us if we would be willing to permanently keep our cabinets where they are now - in the PDP-1 Demo Lab. Of course, we would still have access to the Restoration Lab workbenches, etc. - just not cabinet space. <P> I know it makes our Demo area "cluttered" - but having looked at the layout of the new "mini" Restoration Lab - I can fully understand their predicament. <P> How do you all feel about this? </table> </table> <P> <hr> <P> <A name="ThankYou"> <B>We get thank you notes :-))</B> <TABLE cellpadding=5 width="90%" align=center border=1> <TD>(started April 2017) <br> - From some (polite) people at <A HREF="pictures/ThankYouCHM-Berkeley.pdf">Berkeley</A> April 2017 <BR> - from Professor Ron Mak <A href="ContinuMaint/CarlsReports.html#ThankYouSJSU">@ SJSU</A> Nov 2022 </table> <HR> <P> <a name="MiniatureModel"> <B>Miniature Model of 1401 System</b> <TABLE cellpadding=5 width="90%" align=center border=1> <TD><font size=+1> In a flurry of e-mails amongst at least 4 people (at internet speed ;-), <A HrEF="">Nicolas Temese </a>, a modeler from Montreal, Canada contacted "us". He has a presentation <A HreF="">here</A> and has sent the following added pictures to us - <BR> <a href="Pics2/20200529_210115213_iOS.jpg">Overview</A>, <a href="Pics2/20200529_210121866_iOS.jpg">Card reader & 2 mag tape drives</A>, <a href="Pics2/20200529_210127287_iOS.jpg">1401 computer & 1403 printer</A>, <a href="Pics2/20200529_210131874_iOS.jpg">System from behind 1403</A> <BR> Note - even the realistic paper in the printer, and the micro printing - how did he do that ??? <BR> <A HREF=""> Action in YouTube</A>, <A HREF="">Construction Pictures</A> </table> <P> <A name="Vir"> <P> <B>Virtualized IBM punched cards website</B> <TABLE cellpadding=5 width="90%" align=center border=1> <TD><font size=+1> from Robert Garner - Nov 30, 2021 <P> Fyi, Carl pointed out this out-of-the-ordinary Github repository on virtualized and printable IBM punched cards: <A HREF=""></A> <P> The site features: <BR>* Java programs that virtually punch, read, and execute — of all things — Python programs. <BR>(small 1401 images are shown on the pages. Someone will need to write a Python interpreter for our 1401. :) <BR>* Linux/MacOS scripts to print and laser-cut paper to match 80-column IBM punched cards. <BR>(pre-specified card types: 5081, Fortran, Cobol, and S/360 assembler) <BR>* Tutorial diagrams from the IBM keypunch field manuals on how the the code plates work and a code plate visualizer/executable: <BR> <a href=""></A> <BR>* References to the original 026, 029, and 129 keypunches, 557, ISO standards, etc. <P> On the “more information page”, I noticed a pointer to an American on-line firm that accepts a scan of a punched-card deck, <BR>figures out the format, and returns the data as a text and html file! <BR> <A HREF=""></A> <BR> "Recovery service for your legacy data and programs. Possibly the last business on Earth that can turn your punch cards back into a database open to the public — and the world since 2005" <P> We now can point people that way when they come to us with a box of old punched cards. :) <P> Enjoy, <P> - Robert <P> p.s. Here’s an image of the <A HrEF="Pics3/CodePlateVisualizer.png">code plate visualizer<img src="Pics3/CodePlateVisualizer.png" height=100 ></A> </table> <P> <a name="FuseMisValue"> Potential <b>fuse miss value</b> for core memory - June 16, 2022 <TABLE cellpadding=5 width="90%" align=center border=1> <TD><font size=+1> <A href="TeamBios.html#Mohan">Bhushan Mohan</A>, visiting us from India where he worked as a 1401 specialist years ago, pointed out a common error with the cartridge fuses on the 1402 that can result in a very painful, expensive failure. <P> On the bottom of the 1402, front side, are a set of seven cartridge fuses, all but the right hand one are 5A GLD-5, but the rightmost must be a 3A fuse. This fuse limits the current through the core plane from the reader brushes. As we know it is possible to accidentally ground the brushes which should pop this fuse. <P> Several nasty failures occurred in the field with machines where someone naively stuck a 5A fuse in that right hand space. The result of grounding the brushes was destruction of the core plane driven by the reader, causing the installation to need a replacement core stack or to take apart and fix the damaged plane. <P> It is very easy to make the mistake. The seven fuses look the same. They are the same color and size. The warning label over the rightmost position is faded and partially blocked by wires. <P> In fact, while our CT machine had the proper 3A fuse, the DE machine was found to have a 5A fuse in place. We swapped it for the correct one, but we all need to be careful about this human error that is encouraged by the identical appearance of all seven fuses. </table> <Hr> <HR> </B> <P> This page started June 5, 2004 <BR>Updated through Aug 18, 2022 <P> <A NAME="misc"> Dreams, ideas, and semi-related items </B> <UL> <LI><A HREF="Rosenbloom1442/RosenbloomRaid.html">Getting IBM 1442 from Bob Rosenbloom for trip to Binghamton, NY</A> </UL> <P> <TABLE cellpadding=15 border align=center > <TD><font size=+1> This website does not use browser cookies. <BR>The web master only knows of cookies you like to eat. </table> </HTML>
1401Restoration-CHM > > > > > # The IBM 1401 Demo Lab and Restoration Project > Computer History Museum > > > > > > [**TWO OPERATIONAL IBM 1401 MAINFRAMES > > * 1st IBM 1401 from Hamm, Germany (built 1964) > * 2nd IBM 1401 from Darien, Connecticut (built 1961) > * Card Equipment: 026 and 029 Keypunches, 077 Collator, 083 Sorter, >      > 513 Reproducer, (552 Interpreter & 557 Interpreter, being restored ) > > > |** |](Pics2/SiteLogo.jpg) | > > > > > > > > > **The 1401 Demo Lab is open >     whenever the Museum is open > - [Museum Schedule](** > **Live demonstrations** (approx. 30 minutes) >      > Wednesdays 3 PM, and Saturdays, 11 AM and 1 PM > For group demos, contact Jesse Nichols - 650-810-1010 > > > > > > > > | | > | --- | > | > | > | The Web > This web site | > > > > > > - [**Table of Contents**](#Major-Topics) > - [Status of the 1401 Demo Lab - Activity Reports](ContinuMaint/Status-1401DemoLab.html) > > **[New entries](new.html)** - also [Tony Sale Award](AwardTSale/AwardTSale2014.html) > > **Contacts, IBM 1401 Restoration and Presentation** > > > > Team Chief > [Robert Garner](TeamBios.html#Garner) > robgarn @ mac . com > | CHM Staff Liaison > Poppy Haralson > (650) 810-1897 > | Web "Master" >     [Web Site Administration](WebSiteAdmin.html) > [Ed Thelen](TeamBios.html#Thelen) > ed @ ed-thelen . org > > | | | > | | | > | | | > > [Presentation on monitors in 1401 Demo Lab]( > > [Image permissions](#Image), [Donations](#Donations) > | > | > > > > **These journal articles, blogs and videos about the 1401 are a good starting point:** > > > > * [IBM 1401 Sales Brochure](pictures/IBM-1401-Brochure-(Searchable)_compressed.pdf) - Compressed - 1.1 MBytes - via Marc Verdiell - >     [Uncompressed](pictures/IBM-1401-Brochure-(Searchable).pdf) - 11 MBytes > * [Introduction to the IBM 1401](Pics3/IBM1401_FactSheet.pdf) by Robert Garner > * 5 minute videos of demonstrators - [IBM cards, 1401 storage, cables, peripherals](, > [CHM 1401 live demo](* A 5 minute video of the Old IBM, [“A Century of Smart"]( with the IBM 1401, > including [Jud McCarthy](1950sTeamBios.html#McCarthyJ) and > [John Pokoski](1950sTeamBios.html#PokoskiJ) (more id's in John's info) > > > * [Ken Ross and Paul Laughton demo the IBM 1401]( from Ken Ross > > * [Allen Rosen and Steve Madsen demo the IBM 1401]( from Robert Garner > > > * [About the Computer History Museum s IBM 1401 Machines]( by Guy Fedorkow > * [12-minute Mandelbrot: fractals on a 50 year old IBM 1401 mainframe]( by Ken Shirriff > * [The Legendary IBM 1401 Data Processing System]( > The development of the most popular computer of the 1960s and the story of its restoration at age 50 > * [Case-study: Development of the IBM 1401](,_1950_-_1970#Case-study:_Development_of_the_IBM_1401)* [1401 Background and Introduction]( paper > > > | > > > > > **General Pictures** > > Recent visitors experiencing the memorable sights and sounds of our two working IBM 1401 mainframes at the Computer History Museum. > > > > > [Grand Opening, > Bill Worthington Jim Strickland](GO-DocentsBW&JS-.jpg) [That looks like fun, > can I try ??](NewRoom-026-.jpg) [IBM 1401 Visitor Experience Room](FullSizeRender-.jpg) > We are standing midway on long side. > > > > | | | > > > [Steve Russell > w tape cable](NewRoom-090-.jpg) [Ken Ross & Dave Bennet](Demo1403-DaveBennet-.jpg) [Families > [Steve & Janet Wozniak > | [More Families > > [Groups > [Families > > [WOW !! > | [**More Demo Photos**](MoreDemoPhotos.html), > [Thank you notes :-))](#ThankYou) [A "typical" demo report](Pics2/DemoReport.html) | | |](WOW-.jpg) |](CardPunching1401Room-.jpg) |](DemoingIBM1401atCHM-.jpg) |](MoreFamilies-.jpg) |](Steve&JanetWozniack_11Apr2012-.jpg) |](TwoSmilingGirls_1401Event2009-.jpg) | | | > | > > > **And fun along the way :-))** > > > > > > > Larger image [1.6 MB](RobertPan.jpg) [[1401 Inspired Music](PicJohannJohannsson-.jpg), > [1401 Film Trailer]( |](1401Group2011May4--a.jpg) | | > > > [1401 Team > Dec 2013 > > Larger image > [500 k bytes](CHM1401Restoration_WideAngleLow_2009-800.jpg) > Isabel Shill is researching for a > book on early mechanized dating > | |](2013Dec1401TeamLunch-.jpg) | | > > > [Team - 2009 > [Team - 2013](1401Restoration_Team_June2013-.jpg) |](1401RestorationTeamAug2009_NamesSm-.jpg) | | > **More [Ongoing Maintenance Photos](OngoingMaintenancePhotos.html)** | > > > > **and maybe more Serious ;-)** > > > > > [CHM Mission](CHM-Mission-.jpg), > [Another](Pics3/CHM-MissionStatement-Another.jpg) > 1401 Operators Panel > > > Gene Amdahl, May 2010 > > [Doug Englebart w Bob E. > > | > Women brave our culture ;-) > > We have fun ;-) > [I'm not so sure!! ;-)) > > Nov 2008 > > > |](Allen-729-SkipTape-01-.jpg) | | |](1406-DEngelbart-BobE-.jpg) | | | | > > > > > IBM CEO Ginni Rometty > visits on 11/2014 > > > IBM CEO Sam Palmisano > visits 8/2011 > > Joe Preston and Frank King > > Matthais Goerner > > | | | | > > > > > > > [full scale](IngramUnderwoodBranscombJacobs_CHM_Nov2009m.jpg) **Founders > > [full scale](1401Founders_CHM_Nov2009.jpg) **Founders > > [Current1401Programmers](Current1401Programmers-.jpg) [Marc Verdiell](pictures/VerdiellMarc1401-2.jpg) Some Action > [CT Tapes Exercise](Pics2/ > [a micro 1401 system]( > - images of [above]( > - Ken found [how]( | | |** |** | > > | > > > > 1401 Demo Lab movie: <> > > 1401 Project images from [Marcin Wichary]( - > [1](, > [2](, > [3](, > [4](, > [5](, > [6]( > > [1401 inWikipedia]( > "Our" Jim Hunt is shown working on our German IBM 1401 - And Ron Williams appears :-)) > > > > > > --- > > > > **Table of Contents - Major Topics** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [Introduction](#Introduction), [Project](#Project), & [Daily Reports](ContinuMaint/Status-1401DemoLab.html), [1403 printer](#1403-printer) [1401 Character Sets](#1401CharacterSets) [Unit Record Equipment](#Unit-Record-Equipment) [1401 Inventory/location](#1401-Inventory/location) | [Origins & Design](1401Origins.html) also [People and stories](#People-and-stories) [1401 Stories](OtherStories.html) [1401 Follow On](1401FollowOn.html) [729 tapes](#729-tapes) [Data Processing](#DataProcessing) [Software Applications, Inventories, Demo Software](#AppDemo&Inv) [Other](#Other) ["Hidden Figures", the movie, support[Miniature Model of 1401 System](#MiniatureModel) | [What is an IBM 1401?](#WhatIs) [Power On/Off, Boot a 1401](#On,Off,Boot) [Auxiliary Equipment](#AuxEq) [1401 Software Devel. & ROPE](#1401-Software) [Demonstration Software](#Demo) [Continuing Maintenance](ContinuMaint/ContinuMaint.html) | [YouTube Presentations](#YouTube) [Full 3D working simulation of a 1401 system](#3D) [Core Memory](#Core) [Software - Utilities & Lang.](#SoftW-Util&Lang) Bios of [Restorers/Demonstrators](TeamBios.html),   [1950s Hw/Sw Developers](1950sTeamBios.html) | [1401 System, Patents, Docs, ALDs](#1401-Hardware-System), [1401 Processor](#1401-Processor),[1406 Memory](#1406-Memory) [SMS Cards](#SMS-Cards) [General Hardware](#Geek-fun,-Hardware), [Maintenance](#Maintenance) [Johann Johannsson & father Johann Gunnarsson](Johann.html) [1401 Movies, Music, Sounds, and Videos](Movies-n-Sounds.html) | [1402 Card Reader/Punch](#1402-card-reader) [Components/Devices](#Components/Devices) [Related Restorations & 1440](#Related-Restorations) [MajorEvents](MajorEventsLogPlanned.html), [Nov 10, 2009 Reunion & 50th Anniv.](Reunion.html) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |](HiddenFigures-S&S.html) | | | | | | | | **Table of Contents - Detail** - [Origins & Design](1401Origins.html) - **Project** * [Individual System Characteristics](IndivSysChar.html)* [We Get Mail](WeGetMail.html) * [Tony Sale Award](AwardTSale/AwardTSale2014.html) 2014 * "Restoring and Demonstrating 1969s Vintage Computers at the Computer History Museum," Robert Garner, Making IT Work Conference, British Computer Society, London, May 22-23, 2017 + [Conference presentation + [Proceedings paper](pictures/Proc-MIW-2017-Garner-1401PDP1.pdf) (14 pages) + [Entire Conference Proceedings]( (115 pages)](pictures/MakingITWork_CHM_Garner_V1-ro.pdf)* [FAQ](FAQ.html) - Frequently Asked Questions * [Electric Power- general & 1401 system](#power)* [Work Shop](#NewWorkR) 2016, 2017, 2018 (smaller each revision) * [Project E-Mail Lists](E-MailLists.html)* [Project Donors](Donors.html)* [Proposal to Acquire & Restore the "Connecticut 1401"](Connecticut1401ProposalV2-.pdf) 500 K Bytes * [CHM mission statement](#CHM-mission-statement)* [light at end of tunnel](#light-at-end-of-tunnel)* [scheduled work days](#scheduled-work-days)* [general pictures](#general-pictures)* [how to visit](#how-to-visit)* [house rules](#house-rules)* [MajorEvents](MajorEventsLogPlanned.html)* [50th Anniversary Speakers Dinner, Luncheon Entertainment, and CHM Event](Reunion.html)* [50th Anniversary, CHM event, Chuck & Robert Slides](Pics3/1401_Chuck&Robert_Slides_v4.ppt) - 50MB * [IBM 1401 Advertising Images](IBM1401AdvertisingImages.html) from Dag Spicer and Robert Garner * [Web Site Contingency Plan](#WebSiteContingency)- **People and stories (and songs)** * [action groups](#action-groups)* [Restoration & Demonstrator Team Bios](TeamBios.html) * [1950s Teams Bios](1950sTeamBios.html)* - [1401 Family - Development, ... Teams](1401Family-NamesList091014C.html)* Draft of [1401 Restoration Oral History Panel](1401RestOralHistoryPanel.html)* [Working ;-)) Environment](#working)* [camaraderie](camaraderie.html)* Recruitment for IBM 1401 service personnel + - [Ad that went into the San Jose IBM Retirement Newsletter](HelpWantedAd.gif)+ - [Ad in the IBM Quarter Century Club of San Jose, California](IBM-QuarterCenturyAd.html)* [Stories from John Van Gardner](* [Other Stories](OtherStories.html)* A highly recommended book including developement of the 1401 is [IBM's Early Computers]( by C. J. Bashe et al., 1986. * [Ever Onward](EverOnward-.pdf) IBM Rally Song * [IBMRALLY.MID](pictures/IBMRALLY.MID) from [Garrett Fuller](* [1931 IBM Song Book](IBM1401_ArchivePics/IBM-Songs_Barratt.pdf) - 1.3 MB * [1940 IBM Song Book](IBM-Songs-1940-.pdf) - 24 MBytes- **What is an IBM 1401?** (most recent near top) * [IBM 1401 Product Announcement 1959]( video * [What makes the 1401 so interesting?](Pics1/Lafarr-Ibm1401.htm)* [Evolution of the 1401 Control Panel](Evolution1401Panel.html)* [Bitsavers]( documents * "... the most charming computer ever invented, ..." as per Dan Swinehart- [IBM 1401 General Information](pictures/D24-1401-1_Feb60_1401genInf-1.pdf) - D24-1401-1 - [No mouse delay problems with a 1401 system]( :-)) - [Early Business Computing](, C-Span, seen March 4, 2017, 13 minutes, with Bill Worthington & Pat Buder - An introduction to the [1401 Demo Room](, 11 minutes, by Marc Verdiell, April 2016 - Can the IBM 1401 be considered[the very first fully transistorized (commercial) computer?](#?1stFullyTransistorized?) - NO - - [About the Computer History Museum s IBM 1401 Machines]( by Guy Fedorkow - [12-minute Mandelbrot: fractals on a 50 year old IBM 1401 mainframe]( by Ken Shirriff - [The Legendary IBM 1401 Data Processing System](IBM1401_IEEE_SSCS_Mag_Jan2010-100DPI.pdf) The development of the most popular computer of the 1960s and the story of its restoration at age 50 - [Case-study: Development of the IBM 1401](,_1950_-_1970#Case-study:_Development_of_the_IBM_1401), Population [1401 vs others]( - off-site, [local copy](pictures/ethw-org-Computers.jpg)- [1401 Background and Introduction](1401GuidePosterV9.html) paper - A YouTube of the excellent 1960 [IBM 1401introduction in Europe]( in French (with English subtitles) - Why was the 1401 such a [Run Away Success?](RunAwaySuccess.html) - [IBM 1401 Reference Manual]( A24-1403-5 - Apr62, [local copy](A24-1403-5_1401_Reference_Apr62--.pdf) resolution reduced. - Various [1401 Models](1401Models.html)- [8 Years Later, 1401 Still Popular](pictures/8-Years-Later.jpg) - May 10, 1967 - ["For The 1401: Up, Up And (Now) Away" - THINK Magazine, April, 1971](1401UpUpAway_THINK_1971.pdf) - 660 KB .pdf - [The Legendary IBM 1401]( Power Point - 4.7 megabytes - [System Characteristics](#SystemCharacteristics), - [PC vs 1401 System](PCvs1401System.html) - [Links to other 1400 web sites](#Links)- [a fun read about 1401s]( from Columbia University - [1401 - Competition](1401-Competition.html) - Honeywell 200 and Liberator - [IBM 1401- Wikipedia]( [Prof. Ron Mak, San Jose State](RMak-SJState.html) Dec 2013 - 1401 Demo Lab Floor Plan December 2013 [.pdf](1401DemoLabFloorplan_Dec2013.pdf), [.xls](1401DemoLabFloorplan_Dec2013.xls)- [Maintenance Comments](Maintenance.html) Nov 2012 - [Programming Class Proposal(s)](DataProcessingClasses.html)- **[Programming the IBM 1401](** a 6.0 megabyte .pdf file - <BillWorthington-1401Tour--VisibleStorageSegment.pdf> updated Dec 28, 2007 - **Power On/Off, Boot a 1401** * [Power ON & OFF Procedure](1401PowerOnProceduresV3.htm) Nov 2013 * ["Booting the IBM 1401: How a 1959 punch-card computer loads a program"]( IBM tends to say "Initial Program Load" (IPL)- **1401 System, Patents, Docs, ALDs** * [The Histories of our two 1401 systems](HistoriesOurSystems.html)* [ALD schematic diagrams for CHM 1401s](ALDs-Demo1401s.html)* [Enginering article about IBM design practice, ALDs, SMS cards](Pics2/1958-12_14-article.pdf) Eastern Joint Computer Conference, Dec 3-5, 1958 * [IBM Rental Practice](VIE_04_004-IBM_Rental_Practice.pdf) by Jim Strickland, 1401 docent * **Patents** + [Word Mark Patent](WordMarkPatent.html)+ [1400 Related Patents](1400RelatedPatents.html)* **IBM Manuals** + [49 Manuals](KenShirriffScans2015Oct14.html) scanned by Ken Shirriff + [spreadsheet with IBM ALDs in our {CHM} catalog,](Pics2/CHM-9-6-2019-Paula-ALD-IBM.html) Paula Jabloner + [A24-1401-1 1401 System Summary]( at + [IBM 1401 Timing Charts](pictures/IBM-1401-TimingCharts-r-install.pdf) - 48 MBytes + [A24-3315-0 - Custom Features for IBM 1401](, [Local Copy](A24-3315-0_1401customFeatur.pdf)+ [A24-1424-0 1401 OEM Information](1401OEM-Info.pdf) - 1961 - 1.3 MB .pdf + [A24-3144-2 1401 Operators Guide]( at + [C24-1404-3 1401 Installation Manual](C24-1404-3-1401-Inst-Man.pdf) Jan 1962, 16 MB .pdf* **Project Manuals & Docs** + [**IBM 1401, A Modern Theory of Operation**](IBM-1401-Theory-of-Operation-GF.pdf) by Guy Fedorkow, - Latest update, Version 1.0, Feb 20, 2017 ` Guy is now working on the software history. + [Writeup on qui-binary arithmetic for 1401 Theory of Operation](KS-qui-binary.html) from Ken Shirriff, Aug 09, 2015 + [Answers to unanswered 1401 questions](Answers.html)+ documents [Dave Bennet's list](DaveBennet-ManualList.html)+ [Early Descriptive Letter](E-Mail2003Sept17HinzToRobert.html) of Project's IBM 1400 System - 2003 Sept 17 Hinz to Robert + [C. E. 1401 Pocket Ref. Man. 56-389](1401-CE_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389-.pdf) .pdf - 9 MB + [Pre Shipment Software & Documents](PreShipSoftware-Docs.html) - photos + [The Pacific Power 390-G AC Power Source](PacificPower.html) for 50 Hz power to the IBM 1401 system. + Al Kossow's bitsavers IBM [1401](, [1402](, [1403]( documents + 1401 Project Document Inventory in [HTML](DocInvMary06292004.html), [Excel](DocInvMary06292004.xls) (June 2004) by Mary Cicalese* **1401 Processor** for sub-assemblies such as memory, TAU, power supplies, see [Components/Devices](#Components/Devices) + [Technical Overview & Details](TechnicalOverview-Details.html)+ Prev. Maint., in [1401-CE\_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389](1401-CE_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389-.pdf), [page 28](pictures/1401PM-Page028.jpg)+ ["Stored Program Accounting And Calculating Equipment" (SPACE), Prelim Eng Desc](SPACE-PrelimDescription-June1958-.pdf) June 5, 1958m from C. E. Branscome, Manager, Accounting Machine Development + [Expanded SPACE](SPACE-Expansion-Oct1958-.pdf) Oct 7, 1958, F. O. Underwood, Advisory Engineer + [Card Gates and Card Comments](SMS-CardComments.html)+ [Debugging the 1959 IBM 1401 Computer ...](, and [IBM 1401 Restoration Team: A Day at the Office]( YouTube videos by Marc Verdiell, + [About 1401 Design Memos](AboutMemos.html), [A Selection of 1401 Documents](PokoskiJ-Docs.html)+ [Serial Numbers and Options for "our" 1401s](SerialNumbersOptions.html)+ [IBM's Terminology](Terminology.html), 'Rosetta Stone' + 1401 Program Card [page 1](1401-ProgramCard-side-1-.jpg), [page 2](1401-ProgramCard-side-2-.jpg) -0 (1961) from W. Worthington - 260 KBytes + [Instruction Logic](1401InstructionLogic1960.pdf) by T. Mierswa, Nov. 1960 + [Meaningful 1 Character Op-Codes](Op-Codes.html)+ [G24-1477-0, 1401 DATA FLOW](G24-1477-0_1401_dataFlow-3.pdf), link to [bitsavers]( [Instructional Logic Diagrams ( ILDs](ILDs_Aug62-Enhanced-TOC.pdf) ) scanned by Al Kossow with Enhanced Linked Directory for easier access + [Word Mark Details](WordMarkDetails.html)+ [1401 Condensed Logic](CompLogic.html)+ [Decoding IBM 1401 addressing](1401AddressingStanP.html), or [.xls](1401AddressingStanP.xls) - [1401 Address Translation Card](1401AddressTranslationCard.jpg)+ ["IBM 1401 Data Processing System Instruction Logic"](1401InstructionLogic-R25-1496.pdf) R25-1496. including print control logic starting page 88 + [The IBM 1401, its internal use of "qui-binary"](qui-binary.html)+ [IBM Field Engineering Maintenance Manual 1401 System, 225-6487-3](PPierce-ibm-225-6487-3.pdf), PDF, 8 MB, resized from [Paul Pierce's web site]( [How to increase reliability](Sched2008August.html#MC)+ [Physical Layout](1401CPUPhysLayout.html) with nomenclature + [Alterations from original issue - Photos for Arnold's Assessment](ArnoldAssessment.html)+ [List of Automated Logic Diagrams](ListAutomatedLogicDiagrams.html)+ [repackaging at serial 20,000](Repackaging1401at20000.html)+ Ron Williams' [German Restoration Time Line](RonWilliams-TimeLine-.jpg), [Bug Log](SMS-Modules-Maintenance.html#BugLog), [German System Exceptions](GermanSystemExceptions.html)+ [A24-3071-2 Special Feature Instructions](A24-3071-2_1401_specFeature.pdf)+ [IBM 1401 Form 225-6541-0 1401\_Optional\_Features\_CE\_Apr61](IBM1401-225-6541-0_1401_Optional_Features_CE_Apr61.pdf) from [Table of Contents](IBM1401-225-6541-0-TabCont.html)+ [special features installed](SpecialFeaturesInstalled.html)+ [Undocumented Instructions](UndocumentedInstructions.html)+ [ALD (Automated Logic Diagram) - map](1401-Loc-ALD-.jpg)+ [ALD interpretation](JVG-ALDs-001.pdf) from JVG + [ALD - SMS card descriptions - 223-6875-1](IBM-StandardModularSystem-Neff7.pdf) scanned by Randy Neff + [ALDs - from Australia](ALDs-fromAustralia.html) (8 to 50 megabyte) .pdf files, + Van Snyder's re-organization of "ALDs - from Australia" (above) [List\_1\_7-7\_7](ALDs-VSnyder-Australia/List_1_7-7_7.html), [alpha](ALDs-VSnyder-Australia/List_1_7-7_7-alpha.html), [dwg](ALDs-VSnyder-Australia/List_1_7-7_7-dwg.html), [FR\_CH](ALDs-VSnyder-Australia/List_1_7-7_7-FR_CH.html), [logic](ALDs-VSnyder-Australia/List_1_7-7_7-logic.html)+ [IBM 1401 Wiring Diagram 59801](IBM1401WiringDiagram-59801.pdf) - 7.7 MB + [60 Cycle SMS Power Supply](60cycleSMSPowerSupply.pdf) - .pdf OK for 50 Hertz also 1.5 megabytes, from John Van Gardner, scanned by Randy Neff + [Ron Williams' **1401 REPAIR QUIZ** # 0001 + [1401 Beschreibung.pdf](1401Beschreibung.pdf) FE Training? in German, 0.4 megabytes + [A24-6447-0 IBM 1401/1460 Instr & Timing Summary](A24-6447-0_1401_1460_Instruction_and_Timing_Summary.pdf), from](1401-test-0001.html)* **1402 Card Reader/Punch** + Lubrication Guide [Punch Section](JH-Photos/LubGuideHS-CardPunches-JH.html), [Reader Section](JH-Photos/LubGuideHS-CardReaders-JH.html)+ [How we tracked down the NPRO problem to a faulty relay]( by Ken Shirriff + [IBM 1402 Operation Overview](IBM-1402/IBM1402-Operation-July9-2015.html) by Ken Shirriff + Prev. Maint., in [1401-CE\_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389](1401-CE_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389-.pdf), [page 29+](pictures/1401PM-Page029+.jpg)+ [1402 Card Reader interacting with Core Memory](Memory-e-mail.html#MemoryForCardReader)+ [How the 1401 system reads punch cards](Memory-e-mail.html#HowReadPunchCards)+ [1402 Card Reader Character Set](#CharacterSet)+ [1401,1440,1460,1410,7010 Character Codes](Van1401-CodeChart.pdf), from Van Snyder + [A24-3072-2 IBM 1402 Card Read-Punch](A24-3072-2_1402_rdrPunch.pdf) from bitsavers + [1402 Parts Catalog S31-0149](1402-PartsCatalog-S31-0149.pdf) .pdf 4.7 MB + [IBM 1402 Reader/Punch Maintenance](1402Maint.html)+ [Vacuum tubes in a 1402??](1402VacuumTubes.html) indeed :-)) + Watch a [**Geneva Gear** in action](GenivaMechanism.gif ) IBM 1402 and the IBM 513, [a real gear]( card start/stop motion for hole punching + [1402 Reader Punch Service Index 229-4016-1](1402ReaderPunchServiceIndex-229-4016-1.pdf)+ [1402 Card Read Punch Wiring Diagram Serial# 20611](1402CardReadPunchWiringDiagramSerial-20611.pdf)+ [1402 Card Read-Punch CE Reference Man S31-0150](1402CardRead-PunchCEReferenceMan-S31-0150.pdf)+ [1402, Read Check Recovery](1402-ReadCheckRecovery.html) Aug 2015* **1403 printer** newest near top (here) + [Mark Greenia]( ([WebSite](, [YouTube](, acquired what appears to be a CE's printer field service maintenance kit. Pictures: [1](Pics1/MG-1403-1960sIBM-HerbGodfreyFieldCase.jpg), [2](Pics1/MG-1403-IBM-PrinterFieldServiceToolCase.jpg), [3](Pics1/MG-1403-1960sIBM-PrinterFieldCaseInside-1.jpg), [4](Pics1/MG-1403-IBM-Cases-3sm.jpg), [5](Pics1/MG-1403-IBM-kit-misc-2.jpg), [6](Pics1/MG-1403-Picture8.jpg). + [Lozenge e-mails](Lozenge-e-mails.html)+ [Why 132 Columns?](Why132Columns.html), [Analysis]( by Ken Ken Shirriff Dec 22, 2019 + [The printer that wouldn't print: Fixing ...]( from Ken Shirriff, Sept 18, 2018 + [1403 Info (Long)](ContinuMaint/1403-Info-Long.html) from Ken Shirriff Sept 5, 2018 + Prev. Maint., in [1401-CE\_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389](1401-CE_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389-.pdf), [page 32+](pictures/1401PM-Page032+.jpg)+ [Printer Chain with Steel Tape](#PrinterChainSteelTape)+ [Tricks For ReInking Printer Ribbons](TricksForReInkingPrinterRibbons.html)+ [Pictorial Output on a Line Printer](pictures/PrinterPictorialDensity-.jpg)+ [Print quality of chain vs drum printer](ChainVsDrumPrinters.jpg)+ [1403 Pictures](1403Pictures.html)+ [1403 Chain Rebuild](1403ChainRebuild/ReBuilding1403-1&2ChainReport-2.html)+ [1403 Supplies, Paper & Ribbons](1403Ribbons.html)+ More [More Print Character Wars](PrintCharacterWars.html) - e-mails - 2011 + [IBM 1403 Restoration Letter](IBM1403RestorationLetter.html) from Frank King + [Table of Unprintable Characters](#unprintable)+ ["IBM's Early Computers"](1403-from-IBMsEarlyComputers-Ch12-Bashe.html) part of 5 pages - a background to the 1403 printer + [IBM 1403 Printer Component Description](IBM-1403_Manual_A24-3073.pdf) - A24-3073 + [1403 Field Engineering Maintenance Manual - 225-6493](1403FieldEngineeringMaintenanceManual.pdf) 225-6493-4 cropped size 7.1 megabytes .pdf - maybe from Paul Pierce? + [IBM 1403 Parts Catalog 124-0026](ibm-124-0026-4PaulPierce-cropped.pdf) scanned and posted by Paul Pierce, cropped and posted here + [1403 letter vs hammer Animation](KenShirriff-1403Animation.html) by Ken Shirriff + [1403 Printer Fonts, Slugs and Chains](1403Fonts.html)+ A [Sample of our 1403's font](Sched2008December.html#1403-Font). + [IBM 1403 Parts Catalog](IBM1403PartsCatalog.pdf) - 7.6 MBytes + [1403 Printer Carriage Control](1403-CarriageControl.html)+ [IBM 1403 as OEMed by Grumman Data Systems](IBM-1403-OEM-.jpg) - adv. - 146 KBytes + [1403 Printer System Diagrams Serial# 13504](1403PrinterSystemDiagSerial-13504.pdf)* **1406 Memory** + Prev. Maint., in [1401-CE\_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389](1401-CE_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389-.pdf), [page 28](pictures/1401PM-Page028.jpg)+ [Fixing the core memory in a vintage IBM 1401 mainframe]( - ([Local Copy](KShirriff-1406.html))* **729 tapes** + [Clutch job on the big IBM tape drives]( (YouTube) by Marc Verdiell + Educational Video [1951-1968 Early Computer Magnetic Tape Units- History IBM, UNIVAC, RCA, AMPEX]( Prev. Maint., in [1401-CE\_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389](1401-CE_Pocket-Ref-Man-56-389-.pdf), [page 38+](pictures/1401PM-Page038+.jpg)+ [History & Info](729-Info.html)+ A preliminary study of the 729 [Prolay](Prolay64Parts.html) pinch roller mechanism + Image of [magnetic clutch](729ClutchMagnetic.png)+ [IBM Tape History - Session 1: Tape Media Part 1]( Interviewed by Thomas Gardner, via Ignacio Menendez + [Share one 729 between two machines](PerformIO-ForOtherComputers.html#ShareTape)+ [Shutting down the tapes correctly](#ShutDownTapes)+ video [new Clutch Brushes]( [729 Clutch Brushes](729ClutchBrushes.html)+ [729 Magnetic Tape Drive Tips](729MagneticTapeLoadProblems.html) from Ignacio Menendez + [Assembly of IBM 729-V Tape Drive Vacuum Pump](IBM729-VacuumPump.html)+ [Magnetic Tape Capacity](TapeBlocking.html)+ [729 CE Manual Mods 2,3,4](223-6868-3-CE-RefMan-729.pdf) 223-6868-3 7 MB + [IBM Customer Engineering Manual of Instruction](IBM-Man-or-Instr-1958.pdf) 729, II, III, IV - 223-68-6845 - 1958, 5 MB + [Magnetic Tape Media Info](MagneticTapeMedia Info.html)+ [Magnetic Tape Visualization](MagneticTapeVisualization.html)+ [IBM 729 C.E. Instr. Ref. - 223-6988](223-6988-729-MagTapeCE-InstRef-62-r.pdf) a 15.5 megabyte .pdf file + [729 Parts Catalog Form123-0405-0 Mod5](729-PartsCatalog-Form123-0405-0-Mod5.pdf) .pdf 3.1 MB + [IBM 729 Clutch disassembly.](GrantCDRom1.html) by Grant Saviers + [729 Test Set](729-Test-Set.html) Alex Bochannek did the translation + [IBM Article on Magnetic Tapes](history-of-tape.pdf)+ [729, Prolay parts](Prolay64Parts.html)+ [729 Mod V Plugging sorted by location](729ModVPluggingSortCardLocation-.html) and [729 Mod V Plugging sorted by card type](729ModVPluggingSortCardType-.html) + [Grinding 729 tape drive capstans](Grinding729TapeDriveCapstans.doc) from Grant Saviers, 650 K Bytes, lovely pictures. + [Magnetic Tape Media](MagTapeMedia.html)+ [A22-6642-2 IBM 729\_II\_IV\_V\_VI Magnetic-Tape-Units OEM\_Info](pictures/IBM-729_II_IV_V_VI-Magnetic-Tape-Units_OEM_Info.pdf)* **Auxiliary Equipment** + [Tape Channel Analyser and 729 Tape Emulator](FeretichTapeDriveEmulator.html)+ **PC to KeyPunch** - [IBM PC Controlled Keypunch](IBM-PC-Controlled-Keypunch2-.pdf) tech details (.pdf) 2mb - [IBM PC Controlled Keypunch](pictures/ Software (.zip) 770 kb+ **Pseudo 1407 Terminal** - [Background & Blog](Aux-IBM-1407-Background.html)- [Wiring Diagram](Aux-IBM-1407-Wiring.xls) .xls - May 9, 2011+ Documation Card Reader - [Documation Card Reader-PC-USB-Knittel](pictures/DocumationCardReader-PC-USB-Knittel.pdf)- [Documation Card Reader and software](index.html#DocumationCardReader)* **Unit Record Equipment** [Bitsavers]( documents, [General & Plugboards](#UR-General), ["IBM" Punched Cards](#UR-Card), [026 Key Punch](#UR-Key), [029 Key Punch](#UR-029), [083 Sorter](#UR-Sort), [077 Collator](#UR-Coll), [Accounting Machine](#UR-Acc), [513 Summary Punch](#UR-Punch), [552 Interpreter](#UR-552), [557 Interpreter](#UR-557) + **General & Plugboards** - [IBM Functional Units - 2266135-1](Pics2/IBM-FunctionalUnits-2266135-1-rc.pdf) 35 MB - [Data Flow](DataFlow.html) of Unit Record (and Sequential Processing) - [Card\_Equipment\_Summary\_Aug57](pictures/Card_Equipment_Summary_Aug57.pdf) from - [Tabulating Equipment and Work Measurement](pictures/TabEquipWorkMeasure.pdf) by U.S. Dept. Commerce, Bur. of the Census - [IBM: Once Upon A Punched Card (1964)]( - YouTube - [The "Hole" story of Punched Cards](" by George Fierheller, very readable history of IBM :-)) 8 MByte .pdf - [Machine Methhods of Accounting](AM2-06.pdf) - really antique! 2.9 MByte - [Unit Record Equipment Pictures](UnitRecordEquipmentPictures.html)- [Punched Card Accounting]( spotted by R. Weaver - "Once Upon a Punched Card" - [Bob Newhart - Herman Hollerith]( YouTube, humor - - [IBM machine Maintenance and Weights](IBMmachineMaintWeights.html)- A [Unit Record Programmer's Template](J-Gunnasson-UR-Template-Side1-.jpg), [other side](J-Gunnasson-UR-Template-Side2-.jpg) from J-Gunnasson, Iceland - [IBM Punch Card Systems in the U.S. Army]( via Roy Mize - [BitSavers punchedCard]( **[Machine Methods of Accounting](** - use of IBM unit record equipment, copyright by IBM, 1935, 360 pages, very well done and interesting, scanned by Randy Neff, segmented for easy access - [Plugboards](Plugboards.html)- [Punched Card Data Processing Principles](PunchedCardDataProcessingPrinciples.html)- [John Van Gardner's Unit Record CE Manuals](J-VanGardner-IBM-Manuals.html)- [IBM Manual of Instruction](IBM-Manual-of-Instruction.html), - 29 documents providing Preventive Maintenance and Adjustments of unit record equipment. Also circuit breakers, motors, history, ... - [22-885-0 - Circuit Breakers and Cam Contacts - P. M. & Adj.](22-885-0.pdf) - from John Van Gardner, 2 megabyte .pdf - [IBM Relays, 1950](IBM-Relays-1950-VG.pdf) - from John Van Gardner, 5.7 MB .pdf - [IBM Relays, 1950, wire subset](IBM-WireRelays-VG.pdf) - from John Van Gardner, 2 megabyte .pdf -+ **"IBM" Punched Cards** - [Virtualized IBM punched cards website](#Vir)- [IBM Punched Card Stock Specifications](CardStockSpecifications.html) More than you ever thought about testing paper and punched card stock :-)) - Punched Card images, [Ken Shirriff](, [Whittemore]( , [Scott](, [Jones](, [Fischer]( [**Source of IBM punched cards**](#CardSource)- [IBM closes its last punch card plant - 1984](pictures/IBM-ExitsCards-.jpg)- [1948 IBM Endicott Card Plant #1 Tour Book](pictures/1948-IBM-Endicott-Plant1TourBook.pdf) courtesy [TechWorks]( - 2.8 MBytes - [IBM Punched Card Folklore](IBM-CardFolklore.html)- [IBM punched cards used round holes until the 1930s, then rectangular holes](RoundHolesIBM-Card.html)- ["Who Invented the 80 column, Rectangular Hole Punched Card?"](Who80ColumnRectHolePunchedCard.pdf) by [Jim Strickland](, 450 KByte .pdf [HTML version](Who80ColumnRectHolePunchedCard.htm)- [IBM Punched Card Size](VIE-04-006-p5-.pdf) What was the size of the original IBM punched card? - by [Jim Strickland](, 245 KByte .pdf - A [collection of thousands of punched cards]( from [Donald Whittemore]( **026 Key Punches** - [Virtualized IBM punched cards website](#Vir)- New [026 Ribbons]( - via Duwayne - How to [Re-Ink 026 Ribbons](Ink026Ribbons.html), [ReInk Device User Manual](Pics3/RibbonInkerUserManual.pdf) by David Clementson - [A24-0520-2 24-26 Card Punch Ref. Man.](pictures/A24-0520-2_24-26_Keypunches.pdf) (Dec 1964)      - **"Ribbon Replacement"** - see [page 35](pictures/IBM-026-Keypunch-Ribbon-Change.jpg)- [225-6535-5 - 24 Base Machines Maint. Man.](pictures/225-6535-5_24-Base_Machines_FEMM_Dec65.pdf) Dec 1965 - also see - [IBM Type 001 Mechanical Card Punch]( - one is on display and for use. Pictures: [view](pictures/IBM-001-view-.jpg), [sign](pictures/IBM-001-sign-.jpg), [keys](pictures/IBM-001-keys-.jpg). - [pre IBM 026](preIBM026-.jpg)- [026 How To Keypunch](026HowToKeypunch.html)- YouTube video [Punching Data on Computer Cards]( via [Bernd Milmert]( (from IBM 026 Printing Mechanism [Punched Card Typography](, [local copy](PunchedCardTypography.html), [update]( Early [Hollerith [Pantographic] key punch](HollerithKeyPunch.jpg), Van Snyder @ Sindelfinden - [026 Based IBM Data Transmission & OrderEntry System](026-Based-IBM-OrderEntry-System.html)- [026 Key Punch Schematic](026-KeypunchSchematic.pdf) 722 KBytes - [026 Key Punch Wiring Diagram - 228005P](IBM-026-Wiring-228005P.html)- [026 Key Punch Belt Replacement](026BeltReplacement-.jpg) as per Carl Claunch - [29\_Keypunch\_Mod\_B\_Wiring\_Diagram](pictures/29_Keypunch_Mod_B_Wiring_Diagram.pdf) - Marc Verdiell's IBM 029 [Play List]( - follow on to 026 - Marc Verdiell's R2D2 saves the day for the CHM at 2017 Maker Faire, reportedly by using the The Force, fixes one of our (finicky) 026 keypunches... ;-))) [Photo #1](pictures/R2D2-026-01.jpg), [#2](pictures/R2D2-026-02.jpg) Marc says "R2 is very proud of this accomplishment. He is a maintenance droid after all. + **029 Key Punch** - Marc's [IBM 029 Keypunch]( bring up video series For easier access to this series: [0](, [1](, [2](, [3](, [4](, [5](, [6](, [7](, [8](, [9]( [Index of /pdf/ibm/punchedCard/Keypunch/029]( from - IBM-029C-Punch-Schematics.pdf - rotated [med res, 6 MB](Pics2/IBM-029C-Punch-Schematics-6MB.pdf)- [Virtualized IBM punched cards website](#Vir)+ **083 Sorter** - [083 Sorter FE Theory Of Operation, 225-6694-2, Apr1962](Pics3/IBM083Sorter_FE_TheoryOfOperation_225-6694-2_Apr1962_compressed.pdf)- [083 Sorter Wiring Diagram 336001-G](Pics3/IBM083_Numeric_WiringDiagram_336001-G_Feb1960.pdf)- [083 Sorter CE Service Index\_229-2027 Sept1962](Pics3/IBM083_CE_ServiceIndex_229-2027_Sept1962.pdf) - [083 Sorter Alphabetic Wiring Diagram 336584-G Feb1960](Pics3/IBM083_Alphabetic_WiringDiagram_336584-G_Feb1960.pdf)- [Default Sorter Settings](pictures/SorterSetup.jpg), to work, from Stan - [Inside card sorters]( by Ken Shirriff (May 2016), local copy [here](KensSorter/Kens.html)- [083 Sorter Material](083.html)- [083 card sorter demoed]( spotted by R. Weaver, the wiggling photography makes one dizzzzy+ **077 Collator** - 077 collator [077 Collator Diagnostic Techniques 22-6389](JVG-077-CollatorDiagnosticTechniques-22-6389-re.pdf) - from John Van Gardner, 2.1 megabyte .pdf+ **Accounting Machine** - [1950's tax preparation: plugboard programming with an IBM 403 Accounting Machine]( by Ken Shirriff - [402 Accounting Machine](402.html) & Trip Report :-))+ **513 Summary Punch** - Lubrication Guide [Punch Section](JH-Photos/LubGuideHS-CardPunches-JH.html), [Reader Section](JH-Photos/LubGuideHS-CardReaders-JH.html)- [513 Automatic Reproducing Punch]( large .pdf - 513 (dis) assembly study [part 1, 54 photos](, [part 2, 24 photos](, by [Bob Erickson]( & [Judith Haemmerle]( [513 - Gear Case Removal .avi](513-GearCaseRemoval.avi), - [513 - Geneva Gear .avi](513-GenevaGear.avi), - Watch a [**Geneva Gear** in action](GenivaMechanism.gif ) IBM 1402 and the IBM 513,+ **552 Interpreter** - [IBM552,548\_FE\_ManualofInstruction\_1960\_compressed](Pics3/IBM552,548_FE_ManualofInstruction_1960_compressed.pdf)- [IBM552,548\_CE\_ReferenceManual\_1958\_compressed](Pics3/IBM552,548_CE_ReferenceManual_1958_compressed.pdf)- [IBM552\_PartsCatalog\_1962\_compressed](Pics3/IBM552_PartsCatalog_1962_compressed.pdf)- [IBM552\_CE\_ReferenceManual\_1954\_compressed](Pics3/IBM552_CE_ReferenceManual_1954_compressed.pdf)+ **557 Interpreter** |* **SMS Cards** + "Reverse Engineering SMS cards" [Bert]( sent this [blog link]( [Local pictures](pictures/SMS-2side-overlaypdf.pdf)+ [SMS Card Tester](pictures/SMS-CardTester.jpg) at [TechWorks!]( from Carl Claunch + [Logic Circuit Discussions](LogicCircuitDiscussions.html)+ [SMS Logic Levels](pictures/SMS-LogicLevels.png)+ [SMS Card Drawings](SMS-CardDrawings.pdf) unlabled, 10 MB + [IBM SMS card database]( from Ken Shirriff if you move the cursor over the image, arrows pop up, allowing access to more diagrams, data, etc. + [ALD - SMS card descriptions - 223-6875-1](IBM-StandardModularSystem-Neff7.pdf) scanned by Randy Neff + Rent's rule [Wikipedia]('s_rule), [IBM J.RES. & DEV.](Pics2/RentsRule1401-Lanzerotti-IBM2005.pdf)+ [Contact enhancing chemicals, cleaners, lubricants for SMS cards](ContactEnhancing.html)+ SMS card pin-out info [HTML](IBM-SMS-Cards-Coslet.html), [Excel](IBM-SMS-Cards-Coslet.xls), [Excel-interim-Jul17](IBM-SMS-Cards-Coslet-interim-Jul17.xls), by Tim Coslet + [SMS Modules - Physical Char.](SMS-Modules-Physical.html)+ [IBM Standard Modular System](IBM-StandardModularSystem-Neff7.pdf) SMS Cards Form 223-6875-1, Feb 1960, scanned by Randy Neff - 35 MegaBytes - need Adobe Reader v 7. + [Form 223-6889 Transistor Component Circuits](Form223-6889-TransistorComponentCircuits.pdf) .pdf 2.8 megabytes - Document provided by Harlan C. Snyder + [Form 223-6900 SMS: packaging, connections, wiring,tools & service](Form-223-6900-2-Lyle.pdf) .pdf 4.5 megabytes - Scan provided by Lyle Blickley + SMS card inventory - [Our Usage Of SMS Cards in our 1401, 1406, 729II or 729V gates](SMS-Card-Usage.html)- [1401 Unit Plugging Chart](1401UnitPluggingChart.html) HTML - slot vs. card type - sorted [card type to slot - HTML](1401UnitPluggingSortedBySMS.html)- [Card Name vs # Used vs # in Spares](CardName-Used-Spares.html) 1401, 729 Mod 5 - from Binghamton, NY [Card inventory](pictures/CTICARDS.txt)* **Components/Devices** + 1620/1401 Core Memory System - my transistor substitutions [Decode\_and\_Inhibit\_Candidates](Pics3/Decode_and_Inhibit_Candidates.txt), [Current\_Driver\_Candidates](Pics3/Current_Driver_Candidates.html) from [David Wise]( [Wire Wraped Backplanes, reliability](Pics3/WireWrapBack.html)+ [Germanium transistors: logic circuits in the IBM 1401 computer]( - [Rick Dill's Comments](Pics2/RickDillComments.html)+ [Serial I/O Interface](Serial.html)+ [Firms that Manufactured Transistors for the IBM 1401](TransistorsFirmsFor1401.html)+ [60 cycle SMS Power Supply](60cycleSMSPowerSupply.pdf) 1.5MB + [Tricks For Capacitors](TricksForCapacitors.html)+ [Selenium Rectifiers](pictures/CharacteristicsAndApplicationsOfSeleniumRectifiers.pdf) in IBM 026 key punch + [TAU (Tape Adapter Unit) e-mails](TAU-e-mails.html)+ [scan of Manual of Instruction Tape Adapter Unit 223\_6847\_2](0KenShirriff/IBM_Customer_Engineering_manual_of_instruction_Tape_Adapter_Unit_223_6847_2.pdf) from Ken Shirriff + [TAU ILD pages](pictures/TAU-ILD-pages.pdf) 7.4 MByte - 20 pages from Van's ALD collection, from Guy Fedorkow + [Parts Sources](#PartsSources)+ [The 1401 Console](KensConsole-1.html) from Ken Shirriff + [IBM 1401 core memory](Kens1401Core.html) from Ken Shirriff + [Notes on the address modifier](AddressMod.html) from Ken Shirriff + [Peaking Coils](PeakingCoil.html)+ [Towards Fixing SMS Cards](TowardsFixingSMS.html)+ Permissive Make Relays - [IBM-FU-05-Commutation Control](pictures/IBM-FU-05-CommutationControl-.pdf), 4 MByte - [Development of the Permissive-Make Relay](Pics3/PermissiveMakeRelay_IBMJR&D_July1957.pdf)+ Testing [Testing Permissive Make Relays](TestingPermissiveMakeRelays.html) by Stan Paddock + [Analog-Digital-Clocks](Analog-Digital.html)+ [Vintage Transistors](VintageGermaniumComputerTransistorsDavid Laws.pdf), 1 MByte, used with [permission](TransistorMuseumPermission.html)+ [Germanium Alloy transistors](GermaniumAlloy.html) images & history + Germanium Transistor Characteristics [2N1302](2N1302-.jpg) NPN [2N1303](2N1303-.jpg) PNP gain 20+ | [2N1304](2N1304-.jpg) NPN [2N1305](2N1305-.jpg) PNP gain 40+ | [2N1306](2N1306-.jpg) NPN [2N1307](2N1307-.jpg) PNP gain 60+ | | | | | | | | | [2N1302 from E-Bay](2N1302fromE-Bay.html)+ [IBM Transistor Substitution](BobEricksonIBM-Transistor-Substitution.html), + [Diode?transistor logic - Wikipedia]( [Low Avalanche Breakdown Hypothesis](LowAvalancheBreakdownHypothesis.html)+ [Component Color Codes](ColorCodes-Stegeman.gif), [27 K](ColorCodes-Stegeman-1.gif), + [Weird loopy transistors](WeirdParts.html) cause loopy v-i plots + [Tim Coslet's InCircuit Tester](TimsInCircuit.html)+ [Electrolytic Capacitors From 1401 Schematics](1401_capacitors.html)+ [Eaton-Heinmann AM/R Breakers](EatonHeinmann-AM-R-Breakers.pdf) 0.9 MB + [Belt Inventory](Belts-FloraB.html) from Bill Flora * **1401 Software Development & ROPE** + [Early 1401 Software](Early1401Software.html) stories and ? + [Programming the IBM 1401 computer]( by Emanuel Melichar + [a guide to IBM 1401 programming](Pics1/A-Guide-to-1401-Programming-1961.pdf) by Daniel D. McCracken, 1962 + [Van Snyder's 1401 Programming Hints](VansOverview.html)+ - [ROPE](1401SoftwDevel.html) (Ron's Own Programming Environment) + - [Punching object decks from ROPE to a keypunch](PunchingObjectDecks.html)+ [1401, 1410 Successors](1401Successors.html)+ [IBM s early operating systems for 1410, 7090, and S/360](OS-early1410-7090-S360.html)+ [Bill Worthington's '1401 Translation Card'](1401TranslationCardWorthingtons.jpg)+ [E-Mails - 1401 Language Processors on Mag Tape](LangProcTape.html) + [1401 - Earliest Programming Group](1401-EarliestProgrammingGroup.html)+ [1401 Data Processing System Bulletin 1962.pdf](1401DataProcessingSystemBull1962.pdf) FE Training, 2.5 MB + [Dan McInnis card translation logic](Dan-CardTranslation.html)+ [1401 Card Deck Formats](1401-CardDeckFormats.html), Bob Feretich's examination of the card decks in directory <1401CardDecks> above. + [Van Snyder's dump SimH-format tapes](VSnyderDumpSimH-FormatTapes.html)+ [IBM Series on Data Processing](IBM-PrinProg.html) 1401 oriented Data Processing course. + [Programing hints for the 1401](1401ProgrammingHints.html)+ [Esoteric Factoids](EsotericFactoids.html) that you hope you will never need - + On-line San Jose State Course series details in [Ron Mak's bio](TeamBios.html#Mak)+ [Software-e-mails Dec 02 2014](Software-e-mails-Dec-02-2014.html)+ ROPE, [JAVA - Tempest In A TeaPot?](Tempest-Q.html)* **Software Utilities & Languages** - help make useful software or do other generic things [Program Loaders](#PLoad), [AutoCoder](#AutoCoder), [COBOL](#COBOL), [FARGO](#FARGO), [Fortran](#FORTRAN), [KWIC](#KWIC), [miscellaneous](#SoftMisc), [ROPE](#ROPE) [RPG](#RPG), [Sort7](#Sort7), [SPS](#SPS), [1401 original software tapes, as recovered by Paul Pierce in 2008](CT-TapeInventory.html) + [An OS for the 1401](pictures/Roberto-IBM1401-OS-UWMCC_1401_OSver2_Jul68-.pdf) from [Roberto Sancho Villa]( The "OS" asks the operator, via the 1407 console, for various parameters, such as Time-of-Day + ["Software" before](SoftwareBefore.html) stored program computers + Battle for a [One card 80-80Lister program](80-80Lister.html)+ [Van Snyder's Utilities](VansUtilities.html)+ [Catalog of Programs for IBM ... 1401 ... Data Processing Systems]( C20-1601, at bitsavers. - Guy Fedorkow found [this]( & [this]( + Program Loaders - [IPL - Initial Program Load](InitProgLoad.html)- [Auto-Loder](Auto-Loder.html) Jan 2011+ AutoCoder - [Auto Coder Examples](AutoCoderExamples.html)- [Auto Coder Remarks and listings](AutoCoderRemarks.html)- AutoCoder source listings, [autocoder1.pdf](pictures/autocoder1.pdf), [autocoder1.2.pdf](pictures/autocoder1.2.pdf), [autocoder2.2.pdf](pictures/autocoder2.2.pdf), [autocoder\](Pics3/, [autocoder\](Pics3/, [autocoder\_1401.tgz](Pics3/autocoder_1401.tgz), [autocoder\](Pics3/, [two-tape-autocoder.tgz](Pics3/two-tape-autocoder.tgz) from Van Snyder+ COBOL - [Paul Pierce's tape adc00223,](COBOL-PP/Pierce-adc00223.html) via Van Snyder - [COBOL e-mails](COBOL-e-mails.html) with working code and demo, latest April 2020 - 1997 video w Len Shustek and Gwen Bell - [The World's First COBOL Compilers]( w Grace Hopper stories :-) - More fun, via Michael Albaugh [Commodore 64 COBOL For Fun And Profit?]( 22 min. - 2020 ["COBOL Cowboys"]( via S. Sherwood+ FARGO - Fourteen-O-One Automatic Report Generating Operation language - [IBM 1401 RM C24-1464-0 FARGO](IBM-1401-RM-C24-1464-0-FARGO.pdf) from LaFarr+ Fortran - Mokotoff's [Fortran build tape](1401_FO-050-all/access.html), from Van Snyder - [1401 Fortran Specifications and Operating Procedures - C24-1455-2](pictures/1401FortranSpecOP-C24-1455-2.pdf)- [Run Fortran From Cards](RunFortranFromCards.html) - June 21, 2018 - [CT-1401 runs Fortran from tape](CT-1401-FORTRAN.html) Jan 10, 2018 - [The IBM 1401 compiles and runs Fortran II]( video by CuriousMarc - posted Feb 2, 2018 - [Printed Hilbert Matrix Inversion](pictures/FORTRAN-Demo-Matrix.jpg)- [Comments](FirstFortran1401CHM.html)- [Fortran Geezer Visit](FortranGeezerVisit.html) sched June 10, 2018, [About Geezers](AboutGeezers.html)- [A Dozen Precursors of Fortran](, lecture by Don Knuth - link near bottom for video :-)) .wmv - ["In Search of the Original Fortran Compiler"]( ["landing pad"]( [The Fortran Story Retold.html](pictures/Fortran/2 The Fortran Story Retold.html) - Compiled by Loren Meissner - [1401 Fortran Notes](1401-IBM-Systems-Journal-FORTRAN.html) - implementation with 63 "phases" - [1401 Fortran Illustrated](1401-FORTRAN-Illustrated.html), multipass descriptions and disassemblies. - [**1401 Fortran & SIMH**](1401-FORTRAN-SIMH.html), how to run 1401 Fortran under SIMH - [Fortran Illustrated](1401-FORTRAN-Illustrated.html) the code of the Fortran compilier - [IBM Systems Journal -Fortran & notes & comments](1401-IBM-Systems-Journal-FORTRAN.html)- [Other Fortran-e-mails](FORTRAN-e-mails.html) - latest Feb 2022 - [Listings for the IBM 1401 Fortran II phases](Fortran-v3m0-listing/Fortran-v3m0-listing.html)+ IOCS - 1401 Input/Output Control System + KWIC - (Key Word In Context) - Using Ed's non-1401 program - An experimental [KWIC Index](Pics2/ExpKWIC-Index-Oct2019.html) of Ken's Blogs from 2016 to Oct 2019. - some of "CuriousMarc"'s IBM 1401, keypunch, and Friden [KWIC index](Pics2/MarcKWIC-Friden1401Keypunch.html).+ miscellaneous - [Random Number Generation on a Decimal Computer](Pics3/DecimalRandomNumberGeneration.pdf) by Ronald Mak - [First Data Transmission via Telstar Satellite](Pics3/1st-via-Telstar.html)- [Jack Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm](BresenhamLineDraw.html)- IBM magnetic tape labels ([written onto the tape](Pics2/MagTapeLabels.html)) - Papers on [Generating Random Numbers On Decimal Machines](RandomOnDecimal.html)- [PoundsShillingsPence - "Patch"](Pics2/1401UtilityPoundSterling2Decimal.html)- this website [SoftwareRevisionControl](SoftwareRevisionControl.txt)+ ROPE - Current Rope code on <>, current maintainer is (2023) Luca Severini < lucaseverini @ mac . com >+ RPG - [RPG - 1401](RPG-1401.html) and FARGO - [RPG - Modern Code](RPG-ModernCode.html) Code sample from Jason Olson - AmKor+ Sort 7 - [Sort 7 - Spec. & Op. Proc.](pictures/C24-3317-1_sort7spec-3.pdf) from BitSavers - [code](pictures/Sort7-VS-code.html) - from Van Snyder - [listing](pictures/Sort7-VS-lst.html) - from Van Snyder - [object deck](pictures/Sort7-VS-cd.html) - from Van Snyder+ SPS - [IBM 1401 Symbolic Programming Systems SPS-1 and SPS-2 Specifications and Operating Procedures - C24-1480-0](PPierce-ibm-c24-1480-0.pdf) copied from Paul Pierce's web site - 3.7 megabytes - [SPS Coding Form](SPS-Coding-v-.jpg) - Vertical for printing - [SPS object cards and disassembly](VSnyders-SPS.html) from Van Snyder- **Data Processing** * Central Missouri State College: from [Garett Fuller]( - [Data Processing Guide - pdf](pictures/CMSC-data-processing_guide-ocr.pdf) - [Supplement](pictures/CMSC1967DPSupplement.pdf)* [Data Flow](DataFlow.html) of Unit Record (and Sequential Processing), Accounting, Payroll, Billing, Inventory * [1401 Performs I/O for other computers](PerformIO-ForOtherComputers.html)* [Principles of Programming](IBM-PrinProg.html) a mini dataprocessing course using the IBM 1401 and SPS as the example- **Software [Applications](S-0) [Inventories](#S-1), [Demo Software](#D-1), [more](#M-1)** * Applications + [Christmas shopping the IBM way]( by Ken Shirriff* Software Inventories + [Connecticut Tape Inventory](CT-TapeInventory.html) and **data from those tapes**+ [1401-punched-card-inventory](1401-punched-card-inventory.html) + [1401 Card to CD Log Sheet](1401Card2CD-LogSheetDate2.html) from Bill Selmeier (gives characteristics of decks below) + [1401CardDecks - directory of the card decks in three formats](1401CardDecks-RandyT/Collection1401CardDecks-CD.html) - \*.crd = 2 bytes per column, all 12 holes per column (294 decks) - \*.txt = converted to BCD/ASCII as per Dan's logic (283 decks) - \*.illegal = partially converted, 11 decks, have illegal punch combinations marked with "o" (some cards were inverted) + [Card Deck Usage and Comments](CardDeckUsage.html)+ [Van Snyder Decks](LangProcTape.html#Utility)+ 1401 Punched Card Inventory in [HTML](1401-punched-card-inventory.html), [in Excel](1401-punched-card-inventory.xls) format Alex Bochannek helped with the translation* Demonstration Software + [Demo Programs](DemoProgs.html) as of July 16, 2022 + [Risky line printer music on a vintage IBM mainframe]( by Ken Shirriff + [Luca Severini's 1403-print app](Pics1/Luca-1403-Art.jpg)+ [1401RFI-Music](Sched2008December.html#1401RFI-Music) "Wheels" + **Big Print** [2007 version](BigPrint2007.html), [2013 version](BigPrint2013.html), + [Bitcoin mining on a 55 year old IBM 1401 mainframe:]( 80 seconds per hash, Ken Shirriff's blog + [Dhrystone](Dhrystone.html) speed test ?? + [Mandelbrot set](Mandelbrot.html), [Ken Shirriff's blog]( Merry Christmas [banner](merrychristmas.jpg)+ Would you believe [Tiny Basic](1401TinyBasic.html) ?? + - and a [Small C cross compiler?](SmallC.html)+ [82 Factorial](Factorial-s.html)+ [Lincoln printout](MakR-lincoln.html)+ [Pi to 5,000 places](BiggerPi-s.html) on a 16,000 character 1401 - [Paul's Page of Pi - Gregory, Leibniz, and Machin](Paul'sPageofPi_ Gregory,Leibniz,andMachin.pdf)+ [Pi to 500 places](500CharacterPi.html) on a smaller 1401 + [Ron Williams' Powers-of-2 Challenge](WilliamsRonPowers2Challenge.html)+ <StanTapeDemo.txt>, <Random.txt> - + [Hexapawn](Hexapawn.html) in AutoCoder - Sept 21,2009 + [3D TicTacToe](TicTacToe3D-WarrenRing.html) in BASIC - Sept 20,2009 + [Fibonacci Fun](Fibonacci.html)+ [Iceland Numbers](IcelandNumbers.html) into English alphabet by Van Snyder + [Alan Kay, META-II](AlanKay-META-II.html) Jan 2011 + external link [Morse/1401 demo]( ) by Michael Albaugh + [1401 horse](pictures/1401_Horse1_2992-.jpg) M. Papo + [1401 Demo Usage](1401DemoUsage.html)+ [ART-1](pictures/ART-1-RWilliams-Fortran.pdf) Program Notes + [Sophie, or is it Edith?]( ?dressed? - 11 minute movie + Morse code generation [video](, [text](, by Michael Albaugh (2018) + [Read-Me files](README-file-for-2017Jan-release.html) - 2017* **General Hardware** + [IBM 704X and 1401 Interaction](IBM704x1401Interaction.html)+ an ["Outsider's" view of an IBM 1401](Pics2/TTY-Bio.html)+ - [IBM Oils](JVG-IBM-Oils.html) from John Van Gardner, - - and stresses correct lubricants in the 1403 printer + [IBM Lubricants](IBM Lubricants pdf.pdf) from Grant Saviers + [Small quantities of oils](Oils2Cups.html)+ [1401 Diagnostics](1401Diagnostics.html) page + [Core Stack Repair](CoreStackRepair.html)+ [1401 Compatiblilty Feature in 360 Mod 30](ACM1401Sim.html)+ [1401 Diagnosing Margining](1401DiagnosingMargining.pdf)+ I would like to put some circuit set and logic level stuff in here - \*HELP\* - [LOGIC FAMILIES IN THE 1401](LogicFamilies1401-CClaunch.html) by [Carl Claunch]( Philosophy and/or Architecture [Decimal Forever - Maybe](DecimalForeverMaybe.html) just for fun. + [Only skin deep](CapacitorCheat.html), a cheat* **Maintenance** + [Maintenance of Wire Relays](ContinuMaint/MaintWireRelays.html)+ [Motor Bearing Lubrication](MotorLubrication.html)+ [Status of the 1401 Demo Lab](ContinuMaint/Status-1401DemoLab.html)+ Link to the playlist entitled [Restoring IBM Vintage Equipment]( - by Marc Verdiell - [Debugging the 1959 IBM 729 Vacuum Column Tape Drive ...]( - [Debugging the 1959 IBM 1401 ...]( - [IBM 1401 Restoration Team: A Day at the Office]( [YouTube of Maintenance]( [Daily Reports](ContinuMaint/Status-1401DemoLab.html)* **1401 Inventory/location** + [World Inventory of IBM 1401 Machines](WorldInventoryIBM1401.html)* **Related Restorations & 1440** + [IBM 1440 at Smithsonian & Questions](1440Sys/IBM1440-Smithsonian.html)+ [IBM 1440 restoration](1440Sys/IBM1440Restoration.html), [Binghamton, N.Y.]( web site + [SWAT team helps Binghamton 1401 system](SWAT-2017.html)+ Demonstrations of the ['Manchester Baby']( ;-)) + Sindelfingen, Germany - IBM 1401, 650 - moved to B blingen ?, about 2 KM south of Sindelfingen - [Sindelfingen Access](SindelfingenAccess.html)+ [Ross Perot's "A MOMENT IN REAL-TIME, The History of Computers"](RossPerotTabRoom.html)* IBM 1620 Resoration Project - (Something is wrong with a 1620 cooling fan, system has not been turned on since 2005, and is in the warehouse) * [PDP-1 on YouTube](* [DEC PDP-11, LSI-11, LDI-11/23](* [LINC]( at DigiBarn * [Computer Conservation Society]( **Other** * [Williams Tube Memory](WilliamsT-Erickson/WilliamsTubeMemory.html)* [Microcoded 1401 from TTL ??](IBM1401FromTTL.html)* [A developing IBM 1410 FPGA implementation](IBM1410FPGA.html) - a switch converts a 1410 to a faster 1401 * [1401-7040 Link](1401-7040Link.html)* [Jacquard, Pictures from Lyon, France](JacquardShill/JaquardShill16.html)* [CHM 'Warehouse Party' July 31, 2014,]( off site * [IBM-Endicott Plant #1 Tour 1948 Book](pictures/IBM-EndicottPlantNo1Tour1948Book.pdf)* Comments about the [IBM 1405](#1405) by Dave Bennet * IEEE article ["Rebuilding the IBM 1401"]( , [slide show](* [1401 50th Anniversary Presentation]( 2 hours * ["Sputnik, spaghetti and the IBM SPACE machine"]( The 50th anniversary of the 1401 * [IBM 1401 Product Brochures](1401ProductBrochures.html)* [Programming With Punched Cards]( by Dale Fisk, a jewel !! ([local copy](fisk-ProgrammingWithPunchedCards.pdf)) * [Inventory of Grant Saviers' 2006 doc. purchase](GrantsDocumentsNov06.html)* [Mod 30 Emulation of 1401](Mod30Emu-Highlights.html) - e-mails in 2012 - between Fred Brooks and Robert Garner * [1401 Emulation in 360](1401in360.html)* [IBM 1401 Documentation on]( * [1402 - Suprise Box](1402-SupriseBoxBillFlora.html) inventory from BillFlora * [Administration Approvals](AdministrationApprovals.html)* [Highlights of IBM History](Highlights-of-IBM-History.html)* [Images of IBM Product Announcements]( since about 1966 * [Tricks of the trade](Tricks.html)* [Index of /pdf/ibm/1401]( - .pdf files - by Al Kossow - * [IBM 1401 ECO Cards](1401ECOCards.html)* [Henk Stegeman's 'EBCDIC-art.AWS' file](EBCDIC-art.AWS) 9.33 megabytes * [Real World Photos](RealWorldPhotos.html)* [Venders and purchases](Venders-n-purchases.html)* [1401 Donations](1401Donations.html)* [September 2006 Group Meeting](Sched2006September.html#Summary)* [Arnold Schweinsberg's sign in the 1401](Arnold-Sign.html)- **Core Memory** * e-mail from Ken Shirriff [IBM Core Memory production * Potential [fuse miss value](#FuseMisValue) for core memory * [Core Memory Explained and Demo-ed](, [More]( by CuriousMarc, * [Core Memory problem]( - Dec 2017, from Ken Shirriff * [Examining the core memory module inside a vintage IBM 1401 mainframe]( by Ken Shirriff * Core Memory temperature compensation boards [AKB](, [AKC](, from Ken Shirriff * [6M-4153\_Noise\_Problem\_Coincident-Current\_Memory](6M-4153_The_Noise_Problem_in_the_Coincident-Current_Memory_Matrix_Feb56-1.pdf) Feb 1956, from [Tim Coslet]( 1.4 MegaBytes * [Memory drawings](Sched2009June.html#03)* [Memory e-mail](Memory-e-mail.html)* [Manufacture of Core Memory](IBMCoreArraysIEEEMagnetics1969.pdf) from IEEE 1969](Pics3/KenCore2LenS.html) | Please note: Users of dial-up lines report troubles accessing Adobe .pdf files larger than about 1 megabytes. The symptom they see indicates file corruption. The "corruption" seems to be time-outs or transmission problems. Adobe employees claim using Reader version 7 is better - or download the whole file first to your system then access it with Adobe Reader. :-(( | --- > > ## Project > > > > > **A History of the > [Computer History Museum](** by Gordon Bell, a founder, > ([local .pdf file](pictures/Bell_Origin_of_the_Computer_History_Museum_v2-1.pdf)) > > > > > **CHM mission statement**: > > > > > > "Our Mission > "The mission of the Computer History Museum is to preserve and present for posterity the artifacts and stories of the information age. > As such, the Museum plays a unique role in the history of the computing revolution and its worldwide impact on the human experience." > | > > Our efforts aid the presentation efforts of the above statement. > > > --- > > > **Daily Reports, 2004-2010** > * 2004, > >   [Jan](Sched2004.html#2004Jan), ... > [Jun](Sched2004.html#2004Jun), > [Jul](Sched2004.html#2004Jul), > [Aug](Sched2004.html#2004Aug), > [Sep](Sched2004.html#2004Sep), > [Oct](Sched2004.html#2004Oct), > [Nov](Sched2004.html#2004Nov), > [Dec](Sched2004.html#2004Dec)* 2005, > >   [Jan](Sched2005Jan.html#2005Jan), > [Feb](Sched2005Jan.html#2005Feb), > [Mar](Sched2005Jan.html#2005Mar), > [Apr](Sched2005April.html#2005Apr), > [May](Sched2005April.html#2005May), > [Jun](Sched2005April.html#2005Jun), > [Jul](Sched2005July.html#2005Jul), > [Aug](Sched2005July.html#2005Aug), > [Sep](Sched2005July.html#2005Sep), > [Oct](Sched2005October.html), > [Nov](Sched2005November.html), > [Dec](Sched2005December.html)* 2006, > >   [Jan](Sched2006January.html#2006Jan), > [Feb](Sched2006February.html), > [Mar](Sched2006March.html), > [Apr](Sched2006April.html), > [May](Sched2006May.html), > [Jun](Sched2006June.html), > [Jul](Sched2006July.html), > [Aug](Sched2006August.html), > [Sept,](Sched2006September.html) > [Oct](Sched2006October.html), > [Nov](Sched2006November.html), > [Dec](Sched2006December.html)* 2007, > >   [Jan](Sched2007January.html#2007Jan), > [Feb](Sched2007February.html), > [Mar](Sched2007March.html), > [Apr](Sched2007April.html), > [May](Sched2007May.html), > [Jun](Sched2007June.html), > [Jul](Sched2007July.html), > [Aug](Sched2007August.html), > [Sept](Sched2007September.html), > [Oct](Sched2007October.html), > [Nov](Sched2007November.html), > [Dec](Sched2007December.html), > * 2008, > >   [Jan](Sched2008January.html), > [Feb](Sched2008February.html), > [Mar](Sched2008March.html), > [Apr](Sched2008April.html), > [May](Sched2008May.html), > [Jun](Sched2008June.html), > [Jul](Sched2008July.html), > [Aug](Sched2008August.html), > [Sept](Sched2008September.html), > [Oct](Sched2008October.html), > [Nov](Sched2008November.html), > [Dec](Sched2008December.html)* 2009, > >   [Jan](Sched2009January.html), > [Feb](Sched2009February.html), > [Mar](Sched2009March.html), > [Apr](Sched2009April.html), > [May](Sched2009May.html), > [June](Sched2009June.html), > [July](Sched2009July.html), > [Aug](Sched2009August.html), > [Sep](Sched2009September.html), > [Oct](Sched2009October.html), > [Nov](Sched2009November.html), > [Dec](Sched2009December.html), > > * 2010, > >    [Jan](Sched2010January.html) - no more daily reports, the end - > [A 1401 restoration activity blog]( ) started October 2010 > > > > **Light at the end of the tunnel.** > > As the astronomers call it [First Light](Sched2005October.html#FirstLight). - Oct 19, 2005 > - the 1403 printer [works](Sched2006January.html#Jan18) in all 132 columns - Jan 18, 2006 > > > - all basic and installed optional instructions (including Multiply and Divide) work - April 26th, 2006 > - the [Overlap feature is no longer stuck "ON"](Sched2006May.html#27) interfering with programmed card reading - May 27th, 2006 > - the 1402 card reader and card punch are correctly aligned and working well - mid August, 2006 > > > > **Scheduled Work Days** > > > > The main group meets at 10 AM Wednesdays at the 1401 restoration room at the > Computer History Museum, Shoreline and Hwy 101, Mountain View, Ca. > > > | > > > > **How to visit us informally.** - > > > > > > Come Wednesday at 1 P.M. for a tour of the Computer History Museum, > [Map of 1401 N Shoreline Blvd Mountain View, CA 94043]( or > [this map](,+ca&spn=0.024124,0.037671&hl=en). > (The guest entrance is on the \*North\* side of the building.) > Ask your docent to include a view of the 1401 Demo Lab in the tour. > Come early as some of us start leaving at 3:00 to avoid the commute traffic. > > | > > > **House Rules** > > > > - We are dealing with artifacts of considerable rarity and historical interest, > to be kept in historically accurate status as possible/practical. > - *from "CHM Restoration Guidelines"* > > > "At least TWO team members must be present whenever the work on major components > or the system has potential dangerous energy (either electrical or mechanical) exposure. > Team members can include a member of the curatorial staff. Work is ideally conducted as > a team and with a partner to share knowledge, responsibilities and to provide project continuity. > Good engineering judgment and practices are to be used when working on any aspect > of the machine or system or operating the machine and its peripherals. > | > *from Grant Saviers, Chm, Restoration Committee* > > " The intent is to explicitly permit solo work on a PC, or programming, demonstration, > or other cosmetic activities on systems by individuals, as long as no "dangerous energy > (either electrical or mechanical) exposure" is present." > *and* > > > "I would add [...] that those working on restorations do have a responsibility pro-actively > notify demonstrators and visitors of any hazardous situations. Volunteers can not be so singularly > focussed on restorations that they fall short of helping to create a safe and great visitor experience. > > > Also, I believe personnel safety and welfare matters should be directed to Gary Matsushita or John Hollar and if there are debates about these, they should be the arbiters." > | > - Log "everything". You might forget how some wire or structure was > connected, diagram and/or photograph it. > > > | > > > **Web Site Contingency Plan** > > > > > Robert Garner has access address and magic pass string for the web site. > > | > > > **Electric Power- general & 1401 system** > > > > The 1401 system uses 3 phase power in the 208 to 250 volt range (various options). > > North American systems use 60 Hz, European use 50 Hz. Many motor speeds, and all ferroresonant voltage > regulators, are very frequency sensitive. > - to power our European (German) system in the U.S. we use and electronic frequency converter. > - - the first, [Elgar](ElgarPowerStatus11-18-04.html), did not have enough power > - - the second, [Pacific Power](PacificPower.html), runs everything just fine :-)) > > There have been questions of adapting single phase power to generate three phase power - > - such as [this]( > from Grant Saviers (April 2017) > > > > I've had four generations of rotary phase converters, 3hp Phasematic, 40hp Temco, > 25hp American Rotary, & an upgrade to the 25hp American Rotary. Still have the 40 > sitting unused and the newest 25 is the current shop unit. It powers a half dozen manual > and CNC machines 1 to 10hp. > > While it is possible to "roll your own" with a 3p "idler" motor and some capacitors to get > it spinning on 240v 1p you will find it has poor voltage regulation and phase balance. > These problems were the cause for my last upgrade to the current converter. My 3axis CNC > mill was sensitive to over voltage and phase balance. The latest AR has a uP control board > to alleviate that problem. That plus some buck transformers on the 3p got my rather high > line voltage into a range that made the CNC happier as it was designed for 208 to 240 and > I was hitting 250 on some days. Also, the better load voltage regulation enables the 25hp > to do a better job than the old 40hp of starting the large 10hp lathe which has a lot of load inertia. > > One has to be careful with the energy available in the spinning converter if you plug > reverse a connected motor & load. My 3hp would reverse if I plugged the 2hp lathe since > the lathe won the stored energy battle. Then everything in the shop ran backwards until > I restarted the converter. > > Be aware that rotary converters make 3p that is usually delta wired and very unbalanced > to earth (grn-yel). Usually 3p delta has no reference to ground. This may be a problem > when 1p devices hang on a pair of legs, or if they contain a transformer to make 120v. > Make sure you connect to the line voltage pair of legs. > > Another choice is the static inverters from China. I see 3kw units for $120 on ebay. > I'm ready to try one on a 3p drill press so I don't have to fire up the shop 3p for > quickee jobs. For these, the phases should all be balanced and isolated from 240 neutral > & earth, but I haven't verified that. Beware of the PWM RFI, it can be substantial. > Also, the motor windings and bearings experience audio to ultrasonic frequency excitations > and that can be destructive if the motor isn't designed for an inverter drive. > > In terms of audio noise from rotaries, not any different than that size motor being run. > > Grant > | > > | > > > **Action Groups** > > > > - IBM 1401 C.E.s were trained on, and expected to fix, all the below. >   [1401 Processor w/ 1406 added memory](#G-Processor), > [1402 Card Reader/Punch](#G-Card), > [1403 Printer](#G-Printer) >   [729 Tape Units](#G-Tape), > [Software](#G-Software) > > * **1401 Processor w/ 1406 added memory** > Group leader is Ron Williams, >   Home phone 408-269-1281, >   [Bio](TeamBios.html#Williams), > [BringUpPlan](1401BringUpPlan.html), > [1401 Bring Up Plan - Initial Power Up](1401BringUpPlan-InitialPowerUp.html), > [1401 Restoration Ramblings 10-3-04](1401RestorationRamblings.html) >   also active, Bob Erickson, Bob Feretich, Mike Cheponis > > * **1402 Card Reader/Punch** > Group leader is Bill Flora, > Home phone 408-395-1846, Work 408-943-5801 until 3:30, > [Bio](TeamBios.html#Flora), > [BringUpPlan](1402BringUpPlan.html) > [info](1402-Info.html) >   also active Don Cull, Joe Preston > > > > * **1403 Printer** > Group leader is > > > > Home phone 408-779-1567, Fax 781-207-5664, > [Bio](TeamBios.html#King), > [BringUpPlan](1403BringUpPlan.html) > Model 1 = 100 char, Model 2 = 132 char, Model 3 = train, > > To the left is an indication of paper movement during printing. > A pen is moved left to right horizontally across the paper as printing is performed. > The trace of the pen is a time/vertical position graph, and an indication > of paper movement potential problems. > | | | > > > [Carriage tape punch](1403CarriageControlTape01-.jpg) > [Carriage tape adhesive](1403CarriageControlTape02-.jpg) > [?](1403CarriageControlTape03-.jpg) > [Broken "chain" > from Van Gardner](1403Chain-JVG-.jpg) > | | | | >    The printer is working so well that no one is active :-)) > > Printer Chain with Steel Tape > > > > > > Attached is a picture of a piece of chain I have. The tape is made of steel and coated with Mylar. You can see where I peeled the Mylar up. I wrote about watching the chains being built in Endicott in my story # 24 at the bottom of page 3. > > <> > > Some chains had two little marks between the two type fonts on a slug to indicate where the lap joint was. > > > > The Engineers had a program with a print pattern that set up harmonic waves in the chain and it would break within 15 minutes. There was quite a celebration when the Train printer was developed and it ran the program for 24 hours without breaking anything. > > > The best music program I ever heard was the Marine Hymn. You not only heard the music but also the boots marching on the grinder. It was so good it ended my music program writing as I knew I would never top that. > > Van Gardner > | > > * **729 Tape Units**, - [729 e-mail log](729e-mail-log.html) > Group leader is Allen Palmer, >   Home phone 408-779-1247 >   [Bio](TeamBios.html#Palmer), > [BringUpPlan](729BringUpPlan.html) >   also active, Glenn Lea, Grant Saviers, Bob Feretich > > * **Software** - [software e-mail log](Software-e-mail-log.html) > Group leader is Ronald Mak, >   Home phone (408) 323-1144, work (650) 604-0727, cell (650) 279-1514 >    [Bio](TeamBios.html#Mak), > Ron's ideas for group [WORD](RonMak-1401SoftwareGroup-Nov05.doc) >   [1401 Punched Card Inventory](1401-punched-card-inventory.html), > [in Excel format](1401-punched-card-inventory.xls) >   active - Bill Worthington, Dan McInnis, Ed Thelen, Van Snyder >   [First meeting report](ActivityReportRonMak11-10.html) Nov 10, 2004 >   [1401 Software Development](1401SoftwDevel.html) > [RPG - Modern Code](RPG-ModernCode.html) Code sample from Jason Olson - AmKor > [Undocumented Instructions](UndocumentedInstructions.html) | > > > --- > > > > **## Our "working" environment, - er - Play Room,** > > > > We maintain and exhibit our operational "compusaurs" in the 1401 Demo Lab and workshop space located at the Computer History Museum. > > Our thanks go out to CHM founder > [Len Shustek]( > and to our other supporters on the CHM's board, in particular Grant Saviers and Gardner Hendrie. > Also we're grateful for Mike Cheponis as he spearheaded the idea of restoring and exhibiting historic computers as part of the CHM's mission. > > Here's a link to a short oral history of Len Shustek on the founding of the CHM, its evolution, mission, and future: > <> > > And here's a summary of the 1401 restoration project itself: > <> | > > > Decorations by Ron Williams, > Master Welder, Court Jester, Jack of All Trades, ... ;-)) > > > > > Entrance > > > > Ed's Citation > > Amnesty for Ed ;-)) > > Nov. 2005 > Mascot w Bug ;-)) > | > [Mascot](PlayRoomMascot.jpg) > > The Baby Mascot on the left was given by Ron Williams to Betsy Toole on her retirement as CHM Volunteer Coordinator. > Betsy, you were so helpful, cheerful and warm - Thank You. > [New Baby Mascot](NewBabyMascot-.jpg) > > Teasing Allen > | > More Teasing Allen > [Better View](729AllenSculpture-.jpg) > [Bug Stalking](RonWilliams-photo-2-.jpg) > Autobiographical?? > May 2012 > Bug stalking the Bug Stalker (already caught in another bug's > web of deception) :-(( > > The world missed a great artist and wit :-(( > But at least fixing stuff > usually pays regular :-)) > | > > A Demon > > The "German" 1401 had some "enhancements" that made > initial bring-up "difficult". > The Overlap feature has a giant wired "OR" circuit :-(( > > > A gift for Robert > > Ron suspects that Robert Garner has a difficult task on his hands. (2017 is our 13th year?) > See [Sisyphus]( - Greek mythology > | > > Org Chart > . . . > > | | | | > | | | | > | | | | > | | | | > | | | | > > > > --- > > > > > **More environment, but not by Ron Williams** > > > > > In the 1960s Camille Bounds of Gilroy made Christmas wreaths from > IBM punched cards to help pay for her husband's tuition at Caltech. > Photo credit: David A. Laws > > A CHM staff member said that since we are men, working with machinery, the air must turn blue occasionally. > Oddly, there is no "blue air" in our 1401 Demo Lab. > The IBM folks said that profanity or vulgarity > (especially near a customer) was grounds for instant dismissal. > > > | | | | > > --- > > > > > ## What is an IBM 1401? > > > > > A [1401 - History and Fundamentals](1401GuidePosterV9.rtf) by Robert Garner > > > I (Ed Thelen) am qualified to tell you because I used to maintain G.E. Computer equipment > trying to compete with the 1401 - and I know all too well! > > > > | | | > | --- | --- | > | [Basic IBM 1401](1401-CHM-Left-Labeled-.jpg) > with added memory > *16,000 characters max.* > > > --- > > > [this system had tapes](1401-CHM-Right-Labeled-.jpg) > > > --- > > > [a guide to the drawings](ALD-Key-.jpg) > > > --- > > > [1401 Core](SBarratt1401Core-.jpg) > > > Simon Barratt image > > The 1401 computer, introduced in 1959, used discrete transistors > to provide decimal (0-9) addressing > and arithmetic. It provided an effective way for card data processing shops > to convert to "computers". The 1402 card reader/punch was excellent, > the 1403 printer was superb. Interfaces > to magnetic tape drives, discs, and other peripherals were available. > The 1401 software was very "primitive". No operating system, no graphical user's interface, > no windows, - in other words, only your code was running, and you had a chance > of knowing what was going on. :-)) > Obviously things had to get better, and we can now blame Bill Gates for > everything - everyone agrees this is an improvement?? > The 1401 system was really "user friendly" - say the machine stopped because there > were no cards in the card reader. You looked at the Operator's Panel, > and there was the Card Read instruction. You the operator put a tray of cards > into the card reader, depressed a button, the machine started to run > again - and life was good - and simple :-) > Why did we have to "improve" things? > > > > > > > --- > > > > The 1401 has an unusual architecture, which uses "word marks" > to show the end of numbers or fields. It is easy to play with \*big\* > exact numbers. Say you have > two 30 digit numbers on an 80 column IBM card. You want to multiply them and print the > result. You issue a card read instruction, and the two numbers are read into memory, > in decimal format. You set two word marks to define the high ends of the > 30 digit input numbers, and set a word mark in the print area to define the > high end of > the resultant 60 digit multiply. Do a multiply sending the result to the > print area, and issue a print command and the 60 decimal digit answer is on the paper > in the printer. - Just try that with your 32 bit binary word Pentium C++ Windows > GUI machine. > > --- > > > > > Folks interested in the definition and development of the 1401 computer and > the 1403 printer are > recommended to "**IBM's Early Computers**" by Bashe, Johnson, Palmer & Pugh, 1986, > MIT Press, pages 459-495. (Available 2nd hand) - to whet your appetite - > The French proposed the transistor technology, > ferrite-core memory and variable-word-length characteristic > in a June 1955 conference in Sindelfingen Germany. The Americans worried about > offshore development in small laboratories and did the design in Endicott. > The 702-705 field terminating character was replaced in the 1401 by a > special (8th) bit. It was also determined that a plug board added a great > deal of cost and was eliminated. :-)) | | > > > > > > --- > > > > > Can the IBM 1401 be considered the very first fully transistorized (commercial) computer? > > Answer from Robert Garner > > > > > Heavens no! > > My IEEE History Network "Early Popular Computers" article includes a table of all transistorized computers before the 1401: > <,_1950_-_1970>, > > > "Philco was one of the first out in 1958 with its all solid-state, large-scale, scientific S-2000 Transistorized Automatic Computer. Using its innovative high-speed surface-barrier transistor, it competed with IBM s later large-scale scientific 7090 Data Processing System. The Electrologica company in the Netherlands also delivered its medium-scale, solid-state, scientific X1 computer that same year. > > Although the IBM 1401 Data Processing System was not the earliest solid-state commercial computer, it rapidly became the world s most widely used and held that distinction through most of the 1960s [Figure 5]. The story behind the 1401 s success is explained in part because it targeted the small-business punched-card user marketplace while leveraging IBM s mass-production capabilities and worldwide customer support organization, as described next in a case study of its product development." > > - Robert > | > > > **Some IBM 1401 web links:** > [1964 Ballistic > Research Labs report](, > [IBM](, > > [Columbia University](, > [Tom Van Vleck](, > [Van Snyder's 1401 links](, > [mine]( > [IBM 1405 disk storage]( > [1401 Data Processing System]( from IBM web site > > **YouTube Presentations** > > > * [Debugging the 1959 IBM 1401 Computer at the Computer History Museum]( from CuriousMarc > * [IBM 1401 System 50th Anniversary]( a CHM presentation > > * [Debugging the 1959 IBM 729 Vacuum Column Tape Drive at the Computer History Museum]( from CuriousMarc > * [Four California Crazy guys go to Conroe Texas]( from Stan Paddock > * [IBM 1401: "A Real Live Dinosaur"]( loading the Connecticut 1401 onto trucks toward California > | > - [1401: The Dawn of a New Era]( a CHM presentation > - [Loopy Transistor frequency response]( willyn440 > - [Bob Erickson Demonstrates the IBM 519]( from Stan Paddock > - [1401-music-Movie]( rthelen > - [IBM punched card sorter Type 83, from 1955]( from Ken Shirriff > > > > ------------ below is somewhat related --------------- > > - [The Paper Making Process]( toward making IBM punched cards > > > > **Full 3D working simulation of a 1401 system** > > > > There is a startlingly realistic 3D Simulation (with sound) available to view on YouTube and to download to experiment. > It was and is being developed by [Michael Schuetz](TeamBios.html#Schuetz). He often uses the pseudonym "". > > > You can: > - key punch cards on a simulated 026, > - place the simulated cards in the read hopper of the simulated 1402, > - press the simulated LOAD button on the simulated 1401, > - look at simulated memory using the simulated keys on the simulated 1401, > - print part of simulated memory onto a simulated 1403, using the simulated keys on the simulated 1401, > > etcetera, etcetera, and so on ... > > This IBM 1401 3D Simulator seems complete enough to assist in training new 1401 programmers, 1401 demonstrators (and is a good refresher for old operators). > A program such as this can give the "feel" of computer systems no longer functioning or existing. > The effort to generate such would be an extended (many year) "labor of love". > > The website is [here]( > The introduction is here > > <> > continuing on > <> > and, as of August 2021, about 15 others ... > "Prepare to be blown away" :--)) > [Download area](, executables apparently for Windows 10 only. > > > On August 29, 2021, > developer Michael Schuetz wrote: > > "Regarding a Mac version: For the 3D rendering, the simulator uses the > UnrealEngine (UE), in public renown as a basis for big video games like e.g. the notorious ‘Fortnite’. > Unfortunately UE development for a Mac is only possible on a Mac itself (no crosscompiler), and the > UE development environment is far from optimized for a Mac at all.Using it would require unreasonable > investments since using it on my current MacbookPro is a pain despite the built-in GPU, and would > also require several days of review work, since up to now I didn’t consider to avoid Windows specific > coding for that reason. > > So providing a Mac version is possible, however currently isn’t feasible for me, at least not in the > short term.There’s now a new version 5 of the UnrealEngine on the rise, promising better Mac support; possibly I’ll have a look again one day. > > "Concerning the training of new 1401 programmers, as mentioned on your main page:since it uses a game engine, > it may require a minimum of graphics power. Tweaking with the graphics settings in the main menu could offer > a chance to get it running on non-gaming PCs, but I don’t have any greater experience. > > "With regard to the handling: the latest version (0.2.11) provides some help dialogs when starting the simulation > or clicking on the objects. The explanations are not yet comprehensive, but maybe it helps a little to get a start. > I’ll expand the help system gradually over time." > > > > (Ed Thelen here) - I asked if there is a Mac version. > Michael responded in part (October 16, 2021) > > "There's now a Mac version available on the download page at >      > <> > > I was able to strip all OS specific code from the project, so that I could continue to do all development on a Windows PC, and then just copy it over to the Mac for compiling and packaging. > > If you like, you may give it a try. Any feedback is welcome." > > | > > > > --- > > > **1401CharacterSets** > >      - > [SIMH, 029, Fortran, ROPE, ...](pictures/MarcCharSet01.png) from Marc > >      - > [Changes getween Paul Pierce and SIMH](pictures/MarcCharSet02.png) from Marc > > > > > > ``` > > Finally. I got my answer. It was in your SIMH source file Luca. > > ROPE/SIMH is using > > ! SIMH 1401 BCD encoding: > > ! > > ! Numeric b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 4 5 6 7 > > ! Rows b 8 8 8 8 8 > > ! =========================================== > > ! No zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 # @ : > ( 000-017 = 00-0F > > ! 0 zone A ^ / S T U V W X Y Z ' , % = \ + 020-037 = 10-1F > > ! 11 zone B - J K L M N O P Q R ! $ * ] ; _ 040-057 = 20-2F > > ! 12 zone BA & A B C D E F G H I ? . ) [ < " 060-077 = 30-3F > > ! > > ! ' is 0-2-8, and ^ has no input punch > > ! (it may punch as zero on output). > > > > > > The tape emulator is using: > > ! Pierce's primary BCD encoding: > > ! > > ! Numeric b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 3 4 5 6 7 > > ! Rows b 8 8 8 8 8 > > ! =========================================== > > ! No zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 # @ : > { 000-017 = 00-0F > > ! 0 zone A ^ / S T U V W X Y Z | , % ~ \ " 020-037 = 10-1F > > ! 11 zone B - J K L M N O P Q R ! $ * ] ; _ 040-057 = 20-2F > > ! 12 zone BA & A B C D E F G H I ? . ) [ < } 060-077 = 30-3F > > > > Hence the substitutions, most of them I had noticed, > > but a couple I didn t know what SIMH used: > > into | (for extended memory addresses) > > = into ~ (Word Separator, or word mark prefix on tape) > > ( into { (Tape Mark) > > into } (Group Mark) > > + into (Segment Mark, whatever that is) > > > > There is no error in the emulator, just another choice of > > ASCII encoding for few characters that have no ASCII representation > > to start with on the 1401. > > SIMH is just as arbitrary... > > Some of the non-printable characters were later defined on the 029 > > which adheres to IBM definition of EBCD, > > and are unfortunately different from these two tables above. > > I m going to sum it all up in a big table. > > Marc > > ``` > | > > > **1402 Card Reader Character Set** > > "IBM CARD CHARACTER CODE" > > > > from <> > > ZONEPUNCH > NO 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > 8 9 3-8 4-8 > > | 12 "X" & +0 A B C D E F G > H I . "lozenge" > | 11 "Y" - -0 J K L M N O P > Q R $ \* > > | 0 xxx > xxx > / S T U V W X > Y Z , % > | NO blank > 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > 8 9 # @ > > | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > > Notes: > xxx is an illegal punch combination > # is an = in the Fortran character set > | > > > [Ken Shirriff]( (Sept. 23, 2015) sent the following > > **RPQ makes DE and CT machines read and punch A bit differently** > > > > You might be interested to know that the DE and CT machines punch one character differently. I was comparing the DE and CT 1401s and discovered that the CT machine has the A bit RPQ, but the DE machine does not. In a standard 1401 (DE), an A bit is punched as a 0. But on the CT machine, an A bit is punched as 8-2. With some help from Stan, I verified this behavior in the lab. > > The relevant character is an A bit with no digit (a blank with an A zone bit), not to be confused with a zero with an A bit. > > > One consequence of this is that you can't read this character into the DE machine (since it is punched and read as 0), but you can read it into the CT machine. > > This RPQ is in the CT ALDs under > > The [custom feature guide](A24-3315-0_1401customFeatur.pdf) explains the RPQ: > > > Header/Punch Card Code 8-2 and A-Bit Compatibility # 898148 (1401 Model A, B, C, E, or F) > This feature provides A-bit compatibility between 1401 and 1410 systems. It reads 8-2 punching and translates to an A-bit in storage. An A-bit in storage punches out as an 8-2. It is not switch controlled. > > > | > > > > > Mike Albaugh comments > > " [your web page] calls the > 12-4-8 punch a "square". We always called it a "lozenge" > Also, the "commercial" and "Scientific" character sets > for the 026 were different, although at this point I > only remember that the commercial '&' (12-only) was > a scientific '+', and that the '#' was "something else" :-) > I could have sworn that 12-6-8 was a '+' in 029 code, > but you show it as "Less than", albeit unprintable." > | > > > > John Van Gardner points out > > > The earliest machine that I know of that used the 7 bit BCD code was the 702 which evolved from TPM (Tape Processing Machine). The seven track 726 Tape drives used on the 702, 704 and 705 had the tape tracks labeled as 1248ABC. Your 729s have inherited this. > > Attached is a pdf file of pages 31-33 of the 702 Preliminary Manual found at: >\_702prelim\_Feb56.pdf > I have highlighted in yellow > [the pertinent part about the code](JVG702PreliminaryManual-001.pdf). > > There is some good information about the TPM and 702 around page 213 of the book "IBM's Early Computers" by Emerson W. Pugh. > | > > > A list of all 64 6 bit codes for the IBM 1401 [in binary and collating order](1401codes_SPaddock.html) from Stan Paddock. > > > > From Bill Worthington, a reference card, [![](BW_1401Collating_p1-t.jpg)](BW_1401Collating_p1-.jpg), > [![](BW_1401Collating_p2-t.jpg)](BW_1401Collating_p2-.jpg) > > And a 1401 card code from Bob Feretich > ![](1401CardPunchCodeBobF.gif) > > A [1401 Card Code](1401CardCode1.gif) from Robert Garner > [HTMLized](1401CardCode1.html) > and [Sorted by BCD or OCTAL value](1401CardCode1-sorted.html) > > TABLE OF UNPRINTABLE CHARACTERS > (from Part No. 451424 - Diagnostic Function Test) > > > > | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | > | -LEFT PARENTHESIS 12 5 8 >     > > > MZ-MINUS ZERO 11 0 | -WORD SEPARATOR 0 5 8 >     > AP-APOSTROPHE 0 6 8 > > | -TAPE SEGMENT MARK 0 7 8 >     > > DE-DELTA 11 7 8 > > | -GROUP MARK 12 7 8 >     > > > PZ-PLUS ZERO 12 0 | -RIGHT PARENTHESIS 11 5 8 >     > TM-TAPE MARK 7 8 > > | SE-SEMICOLON 11 6 8 >     > > CO-COLON 5 8 > > | LT-LESS THAN 12 6 8 >     > > >                 > > | | | | | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | > | | | | | | | | | > > > > Standard Fortran printer carriage control, 1st character: > blank, single space; > 1, top of form; > 0, double space; > +, overprint (not supported everywhere). > > Feel free to consult your friendly Unix man page for the program 'asa' for further reference. > > > > Major Equipment Inventory - incomplete > > > > > | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | > | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | > | Product # > Name > Model > > Serial # > Informal ID > > | 1401 > computer > . > > 1401-40-28421-E4 > . > > | 1406 > extended memory > > . > > 1406-40-20066-61 > . > > | 1402 > > reader/punch > . > 1402-1-1600743-C2 > . > > | 1403 > > printer > > . > 1403-40-11401-A3 > > . > > | 729 > > tape drive > V > 0729-3534825B4 > > Green dot > > > | 729 > tape drive > V > 3534949C4 > Red dot > > | 729 > > tape drive > IV > > 35-21062-L1 > . > > | 729 > > tape drive > II > > 21062 > . > > | 729 > > tape drive > II > 2012 > . > > > > | 077 > Collator > > . > > 077-40-22036 > . > > | 083 > > Sorter > > . > 33619 > (on casting) > > ?Rusty? ;-)) > | | | | | > | | | | | > | | | | | > | | | | | > | | | | | > | | | | | > | | | | | > | | | | | > | | | | | > | | | | | > | | | | | > | | | | | > > > > **Documation Card Reader instructions and software** > > > | | > | --- | > | > ``` > > > From: Bill Selmeier [] > Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 4:57 PM > To: Ronald Mak > > for when you need it, [here is the software]( [] > for the Documation Card Reader. > > Load this to a directory on a PC, connect the usb cord from > the card reader, fire up cardread.exe. (there are insturctions in > the included word file and the pdf) and use deckview.exe to look at > the file created on your disk. Bill Worthington probably remembers > how this program runs if you have a problem or describe it and I'll > try and help. But the best support is from Brian Knittle who wrote > these programs and made the usb convertor box. He is a museum > volunteer that lives up in Emeryville. > > Good Luck... > > Bill > ``` > | > > > > **Source of IBM Punched Cards** > > > | | | | | | | | | | > | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | > | > > from Robert Garner - December 8, 2021 > > > | | > | --- | > | > We recently noticed a GitHub repository on IBM punched cards that includes code to print and cut them to size (assuming appropriate paper stock): > <> > | > > > > > from Robert Garner - January 11, 2020 - > > > | | | > | --- | --- | > | > Could you please put this PO for purchasing punched cards on our web site (somewhere? :) > | | > > > > > from Robert Garner - September 18, 2019 - > > > | | > | --- | > | > Since August 2018, we now have a reliable new source of blank IBM 5081 punched cards: > Time Card Sales (aka Time Cards USA), Tim Beyer proprietor. > Orders can be placed with "Lynn Pounds < > at: > **``` > > Time Cards USA > 7613 Washington Avenue South > Minneapolis, MN 55439 > Phone: 800-605-7308 > Fax: 612-871-7150 > Email: > > ```** > > We are currently paying $70 per box of 2000 cards. > > Tim Beyer's contact info: > **``` > > Time Card Sales > 3869 Thomas St > Memphis, TN 38127 > Phone: 901-357-8201 > Email: > > ```** > > The paper stock does not technically meet IBM s authentic but demanding card stock spec >       <CardStockSpecifications.html> > ...but the cards due seem to work just fine in our Model 26 keypunches and IBM 1402 card reader. > > According to Tim, the last supplier of IBM and "US Gov t" spec card stock, > which he called 100-lb tabulating index, was an International Paper mill in Louisiana, shutdown ~2008. > He had supplied 20 - 40k punched cards at a shot to Bob Swartz of Cardamation, Pennsylvania, > our last source of high quality/IBM-spec 5081 cards, whose business closed in 2009 after his death. > > Tim calls this paper stock 100-lb manilla tabulating index and his cards imitation 5081 cards." > He isn't completely happy with its quality control, saying that it tends to run 7.4 - 7.7 mils thick, > where his ask is 6.7 - 7.2 mils (or 6.9 - 7.0, I wasn t sure which). > IBM's paper stock spec, >       <CardStockSpecifications.html> > > calls for a thickness of 7.0 +- 0.4 mils, or 6.6 - 7.4 mils. > I have measured samples of the cards at an average of 7.0 - 7.2 mils thick. > > Tim is proud of his several operating Carroll presses, which he uses to size/cut the paper stock. > However, the print quality is not as high as his (Japanese) time card customers would like. > Thus, he prints cards using a high-quality metal-plate offset printer. > This two-step process introduces the possibility of pattern-to-punched-hole misalignment, > something he addressed after we sent him some sample punched 5081 cards. > | > > > > > > > > THE source of IBM cards in the 1950s was - ?? - correct, IBM ;-)) > > > > | | | > | --- | --- | > | > > This is a receipt for a box (2000) of green 5081 cards, purchased by LaFarr Stuart, > during his student days in 1957, > from an IBM branch office in Salt Lake City, Utah. It was rather clear > to all concerned that this was an unusually small purchase. > > | | > > > > > | | > | --- | > | > **A followup from LaFarr** One minor detail. Apparently, IBM sold cards by the thousand which at > that time accountants abbreviated with the letter M for a thousand. > That is why there is a 2M on the receipt, even though it was just one > box. > > > I wonder if today anybody still uses M as an abbreviation? Just for > fun I checked with a 1973 edition of "The American Heritage > Dictionary" and for M it lists 29 uses as an abbreviation. The 28th > is: "M Roman numeral for 1,000 (latin for mile)." I guess that is > where it came from. Today, I think we have gone to the metric > abbreviation. But, sometimes K stands for 1,000 other times 1024. Most > computer geeks know which and everybody else is confused. > | > > > > > **However** > Other folks need "IBM" cards also - and maybe "we" would like to use more per week - > such as reproducing demo decks, output from various assemblies and compilations ... > > > > -------- Original Message -------- > Subject: Re: punched cards for IBM 1401 at Computer History Museum > From: Robert Garner < > > Date: Mon, August 27, 2018 11:22 pm > To: Tim Beyer < > > Cc: {many} > > Tim, > > Thanks again for manufacturing/sourcing your TimeCardSales imitation 5081 punched cards! > > Following up on my previous email below, here's a photo of one of the newly made cards punched, > showing the misalignment between the numerals and holes > (In our conversation last week, you expected a print spread of but tens of microns? I.e., no more than a 1 mil at most?) > > I forgot to ask: Are your vintage Carroll presses (that you used to cut these cards) capable of printing? > While apparently not good enough for one of your time card customers, > the Carroll press print quality might be sufficient for our more modest needs? > > [click to enlarge](pictures/thumb_6500.jpg) > > And here is an example of the pattern/logo we d like to get printed on future versions: > > [click to enlarge](pictures/thumb_6502.jpg) > > Thanks again for taking this on! > > - Robert > > > On Aug 15, 2018, at 9:19 PM, Robert Garner wrote: > > > > Tim, > > > > It was great speaking with you today. > > Computing history aficionados and restorers are gong to be delighted hearing that you have an operational Carroll press(!) > and are still manufacturing punched cards! ;-) > > > > I ll send you a photo of the mis-registered numerals on the imitation 5081 punched cards in the next several days. > > They are otherwise working just fine (no jams) for our casual usage (as visitor name cards). > > > > Here s a link to our IBM 1401 restoration web site, with photos of happy Computer History Museum visitors > experiencing our twice-weekly live demos (particularly see second link): > > > > > > > > Here s a link to IBM s period punched-card paper stock spec on our web site: > > > > > > It specifies a card thickness of 7.0 +- 0.4 mils, or 6.6 - 7.4 mils. > > Is your time-card thickness spec 6.7 - 7.2 mils, or 6.9 - 7.0 mils? (I wasn t sure which.) > > And you say they have been (unhappily) coming in at 7.4 - 7.7 mils? > > We ll take some thickness measurements of the punched cards that you made for us (10 stacked together ;-). > > > > Duwayne Lafley, (409) 925-8404. is the guy in Santa Fe, Texas who still maintains punched card equipment. > > Here s (one of several) articles about his prime customer, Sparkler Filters, still using an IBM 402 accounting machine(!): > > > > Photos and reports from one of our field trips there: > > > > (Duwayne used to get punched cards from Imation Corp, but I don t think he has a source now that Cardamation closed. > > > > I ll send a pointer to the guy at the TechWorks, aka Center for Technology and Innovation, in Binghamton, > who interfaced their 1442 card unit to their IBM 1440 vintage computer. > > > > Cheers, > > | > > | > > > > **Comments about the IBM 1405**, from [Dave Bennet]( > > > | | > | --- | > | > The 1405 was a version of the 10 million character RAMAC that was specially configured to interface with the 1401 system. It was the last > version of RAMAC built. It was still in production in 1963 when I transferred into IBM san Jose. It, like other 10 million character RAMACs, > used transistors instead of vacuum tubes. > I think it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to tell any difference in appearance between a 1405 and any other RAMAC, unless > you could see the nameplate or knew the differences of the internals. Heretofore, I have not been aware of any surviving 1405s on the planet. > Dave Bennet > > > > > | > > > > > > --- > > > **Image permissions:** > > > | | > | --- | > | > > Many of the images on this web site: > a) were photographed by me (Ed Thelen), with frequent contributions by Robert Garner and others, > > > b) are of property (computers) owned by Computer History Museum. > > I am advised by the Museum that Massimo Petrozzi < > > is the media archivist at the Museum and in general, handles requests for image usage. > > > > | > > > > **Donations** > > > | | > | --- | > | > **To donate 1401 specific manuals, equipment or supplies to the project,** >    e-mail [Robert Garner]( > | > > > > **Shutting down the tapes correctly** > > > > > from Iggy Menendez - Thu, Jul 21, 2016 > CHM Tape Restoration Team > > ------------------------------------- > > To all CHM demonstrators doing or assisting on the 1401 System's demos > > - Please unload all tapes prior to powering off the 1401 System, to > prevent subsequent hangs of drives on the next power up. > > (powering off in the field with the tapes loaded was a NO-NO; it did > happen occasionally due to comp room power outage.) > > - When stopping tapes at end of demo, if done from the TAU with all the > drives dialed to the same NUMBER, a subsequent REWIND or REW/UNLOAD from > TAU panel may not rewind all the drives. > > This is because it is not a valid operation to run more than ONE drive > with the same number. This may result in leaving one or more drives in > an undefined hung state. > For best results, after stopping the tape forward motion, please REWIND > or REW/UNLOAD each tape individually from its own operator panel. > > Rewinding all drives from the TAU may be accomplished by program > control, to each drive with a different number. > > This may also be done from the TAU, by dialing each tape drive to a > different number, and executing the command, one at a time, individually > from the TAU panel. > > > | > > > > --- > > > > **Parts Sources** > > > | | > | --- | > | > from Ignacio Menendez - April 1, 2016 - but I don't think he is kidding ;-)) > > Hello Ed, I ordered some transistors from this guys last year, > now they have a nice customers' searchable inventory on line, > just click on the attached email's link to try out. > > > --- > > > <> > > other well know vendors > | > > > > > > --- > > > > **Work Shop** 2016, 2017, 2018 (smaller each revision) > > > March 2017 - Pretty much moved into the new room, to be shared with the PDP-1 and RAMAC groups. > There were the usual picky items, power outlets covered by sheet rock, > lighting, ..., the Wi-Fi wire now hanging from the ceiling, etc. > > April 1st ;-)) > An added feature to aid in restoring failed parts is this container of "Magic Smoke". > Sometimes a part smokes and fails. Evidently the smoke is necessary inside for the part to > work correctly. If you can restore the smoke, > the part can be restored to service. This smoke is guarenteed to be identical to official IBM smoke, > compressed for easy restoration into the failed part. > > > | | > > > > Workshop pre July 7, 2016 > Location of New Workshop > New Workshop post ?Oct? 2016 > | | | > > > > [Meeting Summary with John Hollar](WorkSpaceMeeting2016.html) - July 5, 2016. > > | > > > > Temporary Workshop > > Stan Paddock wrote: > > "Today, Monday August 8, 2016 the 1401 restoration team endeavored to resolve the cage access problem. > > 1. All items in front of the cage door were relocated. > - A sign was posted to discourage placing any more items that would block access to the door of the cage." | | > > > > > from Robert Garner, to CHM administration, Dec 1, 2016 > Back in mid September, we requested and you acknowledged that light fixtures would be installed directly > above the workbenches in the new restoration workshop (that I see is nearing completion! :-)). > Ron supplied a floorplan at that time showing the locations of the workbenches. >      > Here's a new outline/floorplan of the workshop space (word and pdf files attached and pasted below), > reaffirming where we d like to place the workbenches with hanging fluorescent light fixtures above them. >      > Also, we requested and you acknowledged the installation of sectional floor carpeting in the workshop. >      > Please let me know if there are any hangups/issues with our two requests or if there s anything else I/we need to do. >      > Thanks(!), > | | > > > > June 2018 - Lightning struck again - actually this is getting boring. > We were informed that "Education" needed more room for electrical usage and that "our" work/storage shop will be unavailable > from July 4th to October for that renovation, and will be made smaller. (Do you get the idea that we are not welcome? Or are victims > of some Headquarters Power Play? One restorer quit in protest.) > > Here is a summary from Robert Garner dated Oct 24, 2018 > > > > > > Restoration team, et al, > > Today, after being in the now-open altered workshop, discussing options and measuring the new wall dimensions, > attached is the resulting proposed new floor plan. > | | > > This proposed floor plan assumes: > > 1. retaining the three existing 5 -tall cabinets w/ 7 rollout shelves each, > - a total of five open 18 -deep boltless shelving units: > - a. two existing units > - b. three new units, 8 tall > - replacing the heavy tool cabinet w/ smaller tool box > (locate on left end of mechanical workbench) > - locating refrigerator under electrical workbench #1, right side against wall > - keeping the PDP-1 cabinets (5 wide x 20 deep) in the PDP-1 demo lab (?) > - moving out the Galaxy cabinet (?) > - retaining RAMAC & 1401 file cabinets (could be taller) > - emptying/removing the tall cabinet w/ doors that contains a potpourri of non-1401 ephemera > Photo attached. > We still need to consider/plan for a fire-resistant cabinet for flammable and volatile chemicals. > > Total area is ~330 sqft, oddly shaped(!). It was previously ~405 sqft. > (Our original workshop was 350 sqft and a rectangular.) > > Thoughts/comments? > > - Robert > | > > > > > Lyle Bickley of the PDP-1 Restoration/Maintenance Team responded Oct 25, 2018 > > > --- > > > The Education Department needed space for a "Server Room" - and it was > taken away from the latest incarnation of our Restoration Lab. As of > now, the total area is ~330 sqft and oddly shaped (see attached floor > plan). It was previously ~405 sqft. > > It is totally filled with 1401 cabinets, workbenches, etc. (And that's > assuming that a number of the existing 1401 materials are moved to > another storage area - perhaps across the hall from the Lab). > > The 1401 Team is asking us if we would be willing to permanently keep > our cabinets where they are now - in the PDP-1 Demo Lab. Of course, we > would still have access to the Restoration Lab workbenches, etc. - just > not cabinet space. > > I know it makes our Demo area "cluttered" - but having looked at the > layout of the new "mini" Restoration Lab - I can fully understand their > predicament. > > How do you all feel about this? > | > > | > > > > > --- > > > > **We get thank you notes :-))** > > > (started April 2017) > > - From some (polite) people at [Berkeley](pictures/ThankYouCHM-Berkeley.pdf) April 2017 > > - from Professor Ron Mak [@ SJSU](ContinuMaint/CarlsReports.html#ThankYouSJSU) Nov 2022 > | > > > > --- > > > > **Miniature Model of 1401 System** > > > > In a flurry of e-mails amongst at least 4 people (at internet speed ;-), > [Nicolas Temese]( , > a modeler from Montreal, Canada contacted "us". > He has a presentation [here]( > and has sent the following added pictures to us - > > [Overview](Pics2/20200529_210115213_iOS.jpg), > [Card reader & 2 mag tape drives](Pics2/20200529_210121866_iOS.jpg), > [1401 computer & 1403 printer](Pics2/20200529_210127287_iOS.jpg), > [System from behind 1403](Pics2/20200529_210131874_iOS.jpg) > > Note - even the realistic paper in the printer, and the micro printing - how did he do that ??? > > [Action in YouTube](, [Construction Pictures]( > | > > > **Virtualized IBM punched cards website** > > > > from Robert Garner - Nov 30, 2021 > > Fyi, Carl pointed out this out-of-the-ordinary Github repository on virtualized and printable IBM punched cards: > <> > > The site features: > \* Java programs that virtually punch, read, and execute — of all things — Python programs. > (small 1401 images are shown on the pages. Someone will need to write a Python interpreter for our 1401. :) > \* Linux/MacOS scripts to print and laser-cut paper to match 80-column IBM punched cards. > (pre-specified card types: 5081, Fortran, Cobol, and S/360 assembler) > \* Tutorial diagrams from the IBM keypunch field manuals on how the the code plates work and a code plate visualizer/executable: > <> > \* References to the original 026, 029, and 129 keypunches, 557, ISO standards, etc. > > On the “more information page”, I noticed a pointer to an American on-line firm that accepts a scan of a punched-card deck, > figures out the format, and returns the data as a text and html file! > <> > "Recovery service for your legacy data and programs. Possibly the last business on Earth that can turn your punch cards back into a database open to the public — and the world since 2005" > > We now can point people that way when they come to us with a box of old punched cards. :) > > Enjoy, > > - Robert > > p.s. Here’s an image of the > [code plate visualizer](Pics3/CodePlateVisualizer.png) > | > > > Potential **fuse miss value** for core memory - June 16, 2022 > > > > [Bhushan Mohan](TeamBios.html#Mohan), visiting us from India where he worked as a 1401 specialist years ago, pointed out a common error with the cartridge fuses on the 1402 that can result in a very painful, expensive failure. > > On the bottom of the 1402, front side, are a set of seven cartridge fuses, all but the right hand one are 5A GLD-5, but the rightmost must be a 3A fuse. This fuse limits the current through the core plane from the reader brushes. As we know it is possible to accidentally ground the brushes which should pop this fuse. > > Several nasty failures occurred in the field with machines where someone naively stuck a 5A fuse in that right hand space. The result of grounding the brushes was destruction of the core plane driven by the reader, causing the installation to need a replacement core stack or to take apart and fix the damaged plane. > > It is very easy to make the mistake. The seven fuses look the same. They are the same color and size. The warning label over the rightmost position is faded and partially blocked by wires. > > In fact, while our CT machine had the proper 3A fuse, the DE machine was found to have a 5A fuse in place. We swapped it for the correct one, but we all need to be careful about this human error that is encouraged by the identical appearance of all seven fuses. > | > > > > --- > > > > > --- > > > > > > This page started June 5, 2004 > > > Updated through Aug 18, 2022 > > Dreams, ideas, and semi-related items > > > * [Getting IBM 1442 from Bob Rosenbloom for trip to Binghamton, NY](Rosenbloom1442/RosenbloomRaid.html) > > > > > This website does not use browser cookies. > The web master only knows of cookies you like to eat. > |
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<HTML> <TITLE></TITLE> <body background="marble.gif" text="#ffffff" link="# 00ffff" vlink="#FF00FF"> <center> <IMG SRC="nettech.gif"> <P> <a href=""><IMG SRC=""></a> <P> Well, I've given up on trying to keep this page updated, seeing as how there are people now getting paid to do what I attempted here as the field grows exponentially. Perhaps this site will be of use to Internet historians or something. In any case, I have provided links under the read about it section that will send you to similar pages that actually are up-to-date, so this page does serve some function. One important new site dealing with browser plug-in's is CNET's <a href=""></a>. <P> </center> <font size=+2>I </font>figured I ought to have something more useful than a page of links, so here is a page about exciting new technologies for the Internet, which interest me greatly. If you have an innovation which you feel should be added, removed, differently organized, or just have a suggestion, e-mail me at <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#94ffe6f5e2f1d4f7e0e7baf7fbf9"><span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="6e051c0f180b2e0d1a1d400d0103">[email&#160;protected]</span></a>. I hope this will become a popular and useful site. Tell your friends! There is a mailing list of people who I let know each time this page is updated. If you are interested, please e-mail me. I am very busy with school, but if someone is interested in helping me put together some icons and stuff for this page, let me know. </P><P> <P> I'm sorry this page is in such chaos. Look for a reorganization at some point. Till then, I will be accepting suggestions. <P> <h3><a href=>Sign My Guestbook</a></h3><BR> <a href=>View My Guestbook</a><BR> <a href=><img src= height=31 width=88 alt="Guestbook by Lpage"></a><p> <P><h4>The guestbook isn't really working, don't waste your time.</h4></P> <center> Updated: 3/ 28/ 97 <P> <a href="ntnew.htm">What's new</a> / <a href="#misc">Misc.</a> / <a href="#software">Software</a> / <a href="#hardware">Hardware</a> / <a href="#sites">Sites</a> / <a href="#read">Read it yourself</a> / <a href="#lingo">Lingo</a> / <a href="techwant.htm">Techwant</a></p><p></p></center> <P> For a rundown of technologies from the Demo 96 show not yet added or briefly mentioned here, check out <a href="">this</a> from zdnet. <P> <h4><a href="">NetWatch </a> is a weekly newsletter about net technology. They also have a mailing list, RealAudio, and a virtual community. Look for closer ties with these awesome folks in the future. </h4> <P> <IMG SRC="blu.gif"><a name ="Misc."> <tt><font size=+5>Misc.</font></tt><P><HR> A protocol has been devised for the delivery of real-time stuff called <a href="">RTP</a>. "<I>RTP is a thin protocol providing support for applications with real-time properties, including timing reconstruction, loss detection, security and content identification. RTCP provides support for real-time conferencing for large groups within an internet, including source identification and support for gateways (like audio and video bridges) and multicast-to-unicast translators. RTP can be used without RTCP if desired.</i>" <P> <B>For a look at various drafts being developed by the IETF with relevance for net technology such as RSVP, check out <a href="">this page</a>.</b> <P> <IMG SRC="blu.gif"><a name ="software"> <tt><font size=+5>Software</font></tt> </P> <P> <a name="vrml"> <HR><STRONG>Virtual Reality Modeling Language</STRONG> is a technology that allows you to navigate the web in 3d using a product called WebSpace. You can use your mouse to walk around and click on objects. The rendering is all done at the user's computer. Check out <A HREF="">Silicon Graphics</A> for more information. <A HREF="">Another company</a> has produced a program called i3d (SG workstations only) that supports VRML plus a proprietary format. <a href="">Yet another</a> VR web option is called WIRL (web interactive reality layer). A new plug-in version of this software has just been released. Don't you just love <a href="#dvorak">competing standards</a>? Mecklerweb has a weekly e-pub called VRML World. See <a href="#read">reading</a>. Also, a good VR surfing starting point is <a href="">here</a>. <a href=" ">VRML+</a> from Worlds, Inc. allows avatars to walk around in a VRML environment. VRML is also being used to <a href="">model data</a>. <a href="">HomeSpace</a> is a cool VRML creation tool. <a href="">Paper's</a> VRML browser acts as a page in Netscape so it doesn't appear to open a seperate app. Features in an upcoming version will include VRML avatar chat via IRC. Mac, and much more are due soon. This is definitely a company to watch. <a href="">VR Scout</a> looks like a pretty good browser, offering cool features and speed.A standard called <A href="">moving worlds</a> has been agreed to by 50 Internet leaders, enhancing VRML 2.0 for animated 3d on the net. </P><P> <HR><STRONG>QuickTime VR</STRONG> from Apple has recieved a strong push recently on the Internet. The software is Mac only currently. Users can navigate scenes, zoom, try different view points, interact with objects. There have been many VR files released on the web in conjunction with the software. Find out more at <a href="">Apple</a>. The Windows version of the software is now available. <P> <HR><STRONG>Other VR tools</STRONG> is <a href="">Virtual Reality Explorer</a>. <A href="">Superscape</a> has a program called Visualiser for VR environments as well. </P><P> <HR><STRONG>3D</STRONG> software has been released by Apple under the name <a href="">QuickDraw 3d</a>. Apple has announced plans for a 3d metafile, which includes qd3d and vrml 2.0. The browser works also with VRML. <A href="">Another piece of 3d software</a> allows 3d buttons and animation on a web page. <P> <HR><STRONG>Applications</STRONG> are going to become available on the web. <a href="">HotJava</a> allows you to download small programs called applets over the net and run them on your computer, opening the way for strange new forms of interactivity (and viruses). You can read all about it at <A HREF="">Sun Microsystems</A>. A new developer's kit for Java was recently released. Watch for Sun to continue making waves. <a href="">ScriptX</a> is a scripting language so you can download applets to work with a program from them for Mac and Windows.<a href="">WebObjects</a> from NeXT will allow users to download web-based applications as well. <a href="">WebApp</a> is yet another competitor in this field. In applet news, <a href="">some guy is trying to patent</a> these. Kaleida, that big corporate alliance gone awry, still offers <a href="">ScriptX and Kaleida Multimedia Player</a>, which hope to transcend platforms in offering interactive multimedia. IBM is now offering something called <a href="">OpenDoc</a> which allows for modular programming, perhaps opening the way for apps over the net. <a href="">OpenSpace</a> is a new technology based on resuable software components that enables the transmission of mini-applications via the net. Excite's <a href="">NCompass</a> combines HTML with OLE for applications via the net.</P><P> <HR><STRONG>Chatting </STRONG>takes a step foward with <A HREF=">WorldsChat</a> from Worlds, Inc. chat where you can use an avatar and navigate a virtual environment with words appearing in text bubbles. A similar program called WorldsAway is available on <a href="">CompuServe</a>. <A HREF="">Another company</a> has produced a program for chatting via the web called global chat. You can chat with people on a web site using <a href="">UgaliChat</a>. <a href="">Ubique's</a> software allows users to exchange audio and video and chat anywhere. People can talk and travel around the net in groups. Pretty cool, but you have to pay to keep using it. <a href="">WebChat</a> from the Internet Round Table Society is worth check out as well. No client is needed and their technology is innovative. <a href="">TeleTalk and CineVideo</a> allow full video teleconferencing over the net provided you have the hardware and a WorldGroup BBS to connect to. Yet another no-special-software option comes to us from a Virtual Yellow Pages Company, <a href="">Internet Marketing Services</a>. <a href="">Netscape</a> has released a program called Chat that is like PowWow over IRC along with incorporation of graphics and such. World's Inc has also started something called <a href="">Alpha World</a>, which is an improvement over their previous chat software, allowing you to exist is a sort of virtual town. Another web-based chat environment is <a href="">TheGathering</a>. (see also Immersion, under <a href="nettech.htm#sites">sites</a> and Audio and Video, below)</p><P> <a name="audio"> <HR><STRONG>Audio</STRONG> over the Internet no longer requires a T-1 line or lots of downloading time. <A HREF="">VocalTec's</a> iphone allows you to have phone-like conversations with anyone in the world using IRC, a sound card, and this software. <A HREF="">RealAudio's</a> RealAudio software allows you to listen to low-quality audio in real-time rather than waiting for the download. You can even mulit-task if you don't mind starts and stops in the audio. DON'T try to listen to music, your ears will suffer. RealAudio now supports live audio feeds. RealAudio 2.0 is now available, offering better performance and features. Another entrant in the field is <A HREF="">True Speech</a>, which uses amazing compression ratios to transmit (live) audio over the net. Their browser runs without Netscape, supporting it's own bookmarks. Its scales to a variety of bandwidths, even my pathetic 14.4. If you're using a Mac, you might want to check out <a href="">Maven</a>, which incorporates a variety of protocols for voice communication. <a href="">Yahoo</a> has a list of some more Internet Voice chat options that are platform-specific.Voyager's <a href="">CDLink</a> has been making waves because it can control audio CD's, so you don't need to transfer audio over the net. Used for multimedia liner notes, SPIN magazine, and more. <a href="">ToolVox</a> is a suite of audio tools including potential 50:1 compression that could be used over the net. <a href="">Digiphone</a> is yet another voice chat program - the initial reports aren't that great but they're working hard over at Camelot. (My apologies about having some voice chat under audio and some under chat.) <a href="">Quarterdeck</a> will be releasing various new Internet apps, including a WebPhone voice chat product. IWave from <a href="">Vocaltec</a>, the Iphone people, will compete with RealAudio. <a href="">Digitalk</a> is yet another method of speech compression. The voice chat arena is becoming crowded. Itelco now offers <a href="">WebPhone</a>. Silversoft now offers <a href="">Softfone</a>. Telescape offers <a href="">TS Internet Voice</a>, which allows audio chat as well as data transission. There is also a product called <a href="">CyberPhone</a>. Another competitor is <a href="">SpeakFree for Windows</a>. One really neat development, however, is the <a href="">Free World Dialup</a>, right here at pulver. This links net phone products to real phone systems so you can make a regular phone call anywhere from your computer. <a href="">Crescendo</a> allows for background music on web pages. Netspeak now offers a <a href="">WebPhone</a>.</P><p> <HR><STRONG>Electronic cash</STRONG> is a technology allowing commerce on the net via cybermoney. One such system is <a href="">Digicash</a>, which gives you 100 free cyberbucks for registering. You can read stuff at <a href="">HotWired</a> using these bucks. You can gamble with 'em, too. <a href="">Clickshare</a> is another electronic payment system. <a href="">FreeTel</a> also offers Internet phone software. </p><P> <HR><STRONG>The appearence of a document </STRONG>varies from browser to browser, but <A HREF="">Adobe Systems</a> has attempted to create a standard for documents so they look just like they would on paper. Their free Acrobat software views .pdf (portable document format) documents as they were intended to be seen. Arcrobat 2.1 has been released, incorporating lots of hot new features such as multimedia and web integration. Watch for a new version of Acrobate called Amber which promises even more document features. It is used by <A HREF="">The New York TimesFax service</a>. Another method of controlling document appearence is SGML. Find out more from <a href="">SoftQuad</a>, makers of Panorama SGML software. Adobe is giving out free CD-ROM's with the Acrobat software if you call 1-800-521-1976 ex. GA859. Call before this offer ends! Another method is <a href="">Common Ground</a>. Click <a href="">here</a> to read about HTML++. <a href="">Novell</a> is also getting into the electronic document biz with Envoy. Also, <a href="">Pythia</a> is a browser that offers lots of cool document features. <a href="">Electronic Book Technologies</a> has released a program called DynaText that is an major enhancement of SGML. They also make a graphics viewer called FigLeaf. Bitstream's <a href="">TrueDoc</a> helps resolve the problem of transmitting fonts that allow for portable documents. Check out <a href="">Texture</a>, a Java-based web-authoring tool, that allows delivery of totally controlled visually appealing documents. <IMG SRC="new1.gif"> Another option is <a href="">web style sheets</a>. <p> <HR><STRONG>Keeping track</STRONG> of stuff on the net is getting easier. New software now organizes links in tree- or Macfinder- like formats. One of these programs is <a href="">Emissary</a>. The <a href="">Quarterdeck Internet Suite</a> provides a similar tree and object organization sturucture as well as seamless integration. <a href="">Netscape</a> has also released an add-on from <a href="">FirstFloor</a> called SmartMarks that lets you organize your links using drag-n-drop. <a href="">ForeFront</a>'s GrabNet URL organizer has also been getting rave reviews. <a href="">Mariner</a>'s browser supports off-line browsing, a File Manager-like link collection, and integrated e-mail, etc. One cool new tool is Isys's <a href="">HindSite</a>, which lets you keep track of web pages you have already visited and do text searches of them. This is very helpful in case you didn't bookmark something. <a href="">WebArranger</A> offers a host of cool features, including watching sites for changes, managing, and saving URL's. Unfortunately, it is only for Mac, as is <a href="">CyberFinder</a> which lets you keep your bookmarks in Finder. The Eastgate <a href="">WebSquirrel</a> lets you make farms of links - for the mac. <a href="">Smartbrowser</a> has a program called HistoryTree, which is like HindSight, but with some other features, such as a tree structure. <IMG SRC="new1.gif"> <a href="">Sextant Pro</a> is a pretty nice program for keeping track of bookmarks. It's a lot easier to do things like rename. Hot key features for going to pages and sending passwords also add to this program.</P> <P> <HR><STRONG>Security</STRONG> of transactions may not be all that exciting, but it is important to Internet commerce and personal security. Find out about Netscape's <a href="">Secure Courier</a> and about <a href="">RSA's</a> e-mail security. <a href="">Verisign</a> is like an Internet driver's license. <P> <HR><STRONG>Posting</STRONG> messages on web pages offers a lot of potential that Usenet does not. <A href="">C/net</a> shows one neat idea, though it is very slow and doesn't work that well. <P> <HR><STRONG>Automation</STRONG> of on-line sessions advances with a program called <a href="">AutoWinNet</a>. It speeds up just about everything except IRC. <P> <HR><STRONG>Multimedia</STRONG> over the net may be witnessing a new standard. <a href="">Macromedia's</a> <a href="">Director</a>, included in <a href="">Netscape's</a> commercial Navigator version, is receiving a lot of support despite the current lack of bandwidth to send anything substantial (a problem also plauging HotJava). The actual helper app is called <a href="">Shockwave</a>. <IMG SRC="new1.gif"> <A href="">ASAP WebShow</a> allows for easy transmission of presentations with graphics elements using Intelligent Formatting technology. <P> <HR><STRONG>Surf the web as a group</STRONG> using <A href="">PowWow</a>, and voice chat at the same time. These people have a pretty cool site, too. <a href="">Virtual Places</a> lets you do the same thing, except that you have a designated leader who will lead you from site to site. (See also Netscape's Chat under chatting.) <P> <HR><STRONG>Video</STRONG> (you knew it would happen eventually) compression and server schemes are now neing developed. <a href="">Digigami</a> has a program called CineWeb for compressing MPEG. <a href="">Xingtech</a> has a live/on-demand audio/video server called StreamWorks. Xing's Technology is being used by CI$.<a href="">Cu-SeeMe</a> is the original method for Internet video. A better version of the old CU can be read about <a href="">here</a>. NBC claims to be working on software that will deliver video over a 14.4 link. Nothing really concrete as of yet. Also check out <a href="">Vdolive</a>. <a href="">FreeVue</a> offers the ability watch video feeds and have video chat. It claims 10fps at 28.8 and works on names over their network, rather than IP. <IMG SRC="new1.gif"> <a href="">PreVU</a> allows you to view MPEG videos while they download on the web, rather than waiting for the transfer to complete. <a href="">Heuris</a> also has a program that allows streaming MPEG. <A HREF="">The Acoustic</a> line of products offers real-time compressed audio-video. <P> <HR><STRONG>Graphics</STRONG> are being compressed in exiciting new ways. Find out about <A href="">ART</a>, used by on-line services and coming to the web. There is also a movement towards changing from GIF to Portable Network Graphics (PNG). Read about it <a href="">here</a>. <A href="">Corel</a> has introduced a plug-in to view vector graphics, Corel CMX files, over the net, smaller than the current raster standards. EBT's <a href="">Fig Leaf</a> plug-in will support a variety of graphics formats, including vector CGM, TIFF, EPS, TG4, G4, BMP, WMF, PPM, PGM, SUN, GIF, and JPEG. <a href="">Shockwave for FreeHand</a> is a new vector graphics standard that will display via a plug in and support zooming, text, and various other features. A new compression for raster graphics called <a href="">Lightning Strike</a> is supposed to beat JPEG by using wavelet technology. <a href="">Digital Frontiers</a> has a GIF compression program for the web, as well as a well-done set of Web Graphics links. <a href=">TMSequoia</a> Imaging Plug-in allows for TIFF (uncompressed, modified Huffman, G3 1&2D, and G4), CALS Type 1, JPEG, PCX/DCX, BMP, and other image formats to be viewed, panned, zoomed, and printed. <P><HR><STRONG>Animation</STRONG> of graphics now extends beyond simple pull and push to thanks to the <a href="">Astound Web Player</a>. Totally Hip's <a href="">Sizzler</a> is a new plug-in that offers animation as well. Find out how to make animated GIF files, thanks to the latest GIF standard. A cool and easy way to add animation to a web page <a href="">here</a>. Also, check out fast animation, using vector-based graphics, from FutureWave called <a href="">SmartSketch</a>. <IMG SRC="new1.gif"> Also check out <a href="">Emblaze</a>, which is supposed to offer real-time full-screen animation with their client.<P> <HR><STRONG>Data transmission</STRONG> alternative protocols are now being created. One is Asynchronous Link Protocol. It allows all sorts of interaction between users. Find out about <a href="">ALP</a>. <P> <HR><STRONG>Dynamic HTML</STRONG> allows a web site to incorporate various forms of data, such as being personalized to a given user. Originally done through simple scripts, companies are now producing special software to do this. (Of course this requires those annoying passwords, at least until automatic recognition of static IP addresses is implemented.) <a href="">W3</a> has one method for generating dynamic HTML for a registered user. <a href="">WebBase</a> allows database data to be incorporated into HTML. <a href="">Rweb</a> also allows for database incorporation.<P> <HR><STRONG>Password</STRONG> tracking for dynamic sties can be a pain. <a href="">WebWatch</a> will keep track of your passwords and will also watch your favorite sites for updates.<P> <HR><STRONG>File transfers</STRONG> are changing from plain old FTP. There's also <a href="">FSP</a>, which offers some improvements. <P> <HR><STRONG>Groupware</STRONG> is an emerging category of net apps allowing people to conference over the net. Although such products can be found in other categories, some new examples are Lotus's <a href="">Internotes</a> and Intel's <a href="">ProShare</a> conferencing. <P>The list of software supporting the Internet is growing. Some of those with the strongest new integration are <a href="">LotusNotes</a> and <a href="">Microsoft's</a> Windows 95. Lotus's <a href="">cc:mail</a> now sports a web interface. ForeFront Group is looking like a company to watch, adding to their suite <a href="">RoundTable</a>, which offers a wide variety of appealing software with their free client and server. A new program called <a href="">PictureTalk</a> allows users to chat and share images in realtime. A new program called <a href="">TalkShow</a> allows editing of documents by groups of people on the web. Caucus from <a href="">ScreenPorch</a> allows a highly customizable multimedia conference center to be created on the web. (see also Chat, Whiteboard, Audio, Video, Immersion) <P> <HR><STRONG>Interfaces</STRONG> for the various text based areas on the net keep getting better. Check out <a href="">ichat</a>. It includes support for linking and graphics. <P> <HR><STRONG>Whiteboards</STRONG> in cyberspace let people communicate via a whiteboard. Very cool. Check out <a href="">Wanvas for Winsock</a>. <a href="">Internet Conference</a> is a whiteboard product that also supports OLE and the Internet Phone API. <P> <HR><STRONG>Integration</STRONG> of these technologies into the browser and HTML has been moving foward. In addition to Netscape plug-ins, there is also <a href="">JavaScript</a>. It allows the launching of events when something is clicked or when entering and leaving a document. <P> <HR> <STRONG>Offline</STRONG> browsing is a new arena for technology. Check out <a href="">PointCast</a>, <a href="">Digital Delivery</a>, <a href="">FirstFloor</a>, <a href="">ForeFront Group</a> (see saving), and <a href="">Freeloader</a>. Also check out <a href="">Milktruck</a>. <a href="">DocuMagix HotPage</a> allows a user to save pages locally and manage and inertact with them. <P> <HR><STRONG>Maps</STRONG> might not seem like a big deal, but the <a href="">Argusmap</a> software is actually very neat. It incorporates vector based graphics and is a very powerful tool technologically. <P> <HR><STRONG>Saving</STRONG> web page is virtually impossible. Normally one would have to save each graphic seperately. Forefront's <a href="">WebWhacker</a> resolves this problem, offering the ability to save a complete web page easily. <P> <HR> <STRONG>Spreadsheets</STRONG> can now be viewed on the web thanks to <a href="">Formula One/Net</a>. <P> <HR><STRONG>Browsers</STRONG> form the root of all this technology. To keep on eye on the latest browsers, check out <a href="">Browserwatch</a>. <P> Where proud athletes proclaim, "I'm going to <A href="">Disneyland</a>" now proud Internet software developers (who are also slick deal-makers) can proclaim "I'm going to be in <a href="">Netscape</a>". Software now holding this dubious honor are Apple's QuickTime and QuickTime VR, Sun's Java, Adobe's Acrobat, Macromedia's director, and Progressive Network's Real Audio. Look for ART to join this list soon. Collabra has been taken over by Netscape. It's groupware technology will be incorporated into future versions. Also, <a href="">Netscape 2.0</a> with advancements in various areas is out. Also worth noting is what software will be incorporated into <a href="">Microsoft's</a> browser. Microsoft itself is working on an extensive Net strategy. Watch for developments at the URL above. <P> <IMG SRC="blu.gif"><a name="hardware"> <tt><font size=+5>Hardware</font></tt></p> <P> <H2>A chart from <a href="#read">PC World</a> May 1996 comparing Connection Options</h2> <h4> <table border=2 width=100%><td> <td align=center>Recieve speed<br>(kbps)<td align=center>Send Speed<BR>(kbps)<td align=center valign=middle>Availability<td align=center>Approx. cost<br>(hardware/setup + service)<tr> <td align=left>modem<td align=right>28.8<td align=right>28.8<td align=center>now <td align=center>$200 to $350 + $20/month<tr> <td align=left>ISDN<td align=right>128.0<td align=right>128.0<td align=center>now <td align=center>$580 + $40/month<tr> <td align=left>satellite<td align=right>400.0<td align=right>28.8<td align=center>now <td align=center>$1150 + $30/month<tr> <td align=left>T1 line<td align=right>1540.0<td align=right>1540.0<td align=center>now <td align=center>$2000 + >$185/month<tr> <td align=left>ASDL<td align=right>6000.0<td align=right>640.0<td align=center>2 to 3 years <td align=center>$300 to $500 + $30/month<tr> <td align=left>cable<td align=right>500.0<BR>(30 mbps/60 users)<td align=right>128.0<td align=center>2 to 3 years <td align=center>$300 to $500 + $30/month<tr> <tr></table></h4> <p> Check out <a href="">this page</a> for good info about the various hibandwidth developments. <P> <HR><STRONG>The MBone</STRONG> is a virtual backbone that allows realtime multicasting over the Internet. Find out more <a href="">here</a>. <P> <HR><STRONG>Cable modems</STRONG> offer 1,000 times current speeds. Read all about it at <a href="">Intel</a>. They're due out next year. <a href="">@home</a> is one collaboration working on this new technology. @Home recently signed a deal with Netscape. Time Warner did a trial of this technology starting in late July in Elmira, N.Y. For 25 dollars people could access the Internet, America Online, Compuserve, local information, and Time's editorial content. Modems from Zenith were used. For the people who read my article in San Diego's <I>ComputorEdge</I> magazine, I was recently informed that Cox Cable conducted a cable modem experiment, but that various problems resulted, in part because of lack of knowledge among the people at Cox.</p> Check out <a href="">this page</a> for the latest info. <P> <HR><STRONG>Television with net content</STRONG> could also be an option. <a href="">Intercast</a> is working hard on the transmission of HTML content related to TV shows around the television brodcast signal of TV stations. The video would be viewed in a window on screen while the user uses a browser to look at content transmitted via the TV method as well as on the net itself. <p><HR><STRONG>Wireless</STRONG> Internet could be the wave of the future. One company getting in to the act is <a href="">Metricom</a>. <P> Along those lines, we may seeing TV's that are net-enabled. Here's an excerpt from <a href="mail.htm">edupage</a>:<P> <I>ORACLE PLANS "WEB TV"<P> Oracle Corp. is developing a low-cost network computer designed to download video content from the Internet. Dubbed "Web TV," the $500 device "will video-enable the Internet," says CEO Larry Ellison, who sees education and electronic commerce as potentially strong markets. "Movies-on-demand for interactive TV doesn't make sense either culturally, or economically. But this critical new technology of video-conferencing does, and so does news-on-demand, financial news. That's worth updating." (Investor's Business Daily 6 Oct 95 A3)</i> <P> <HR><STRONG>Satellites</STRONG> could very well be an alternative transmission method. <I>Newsweek</I> , in it's Cyberscope section, hinted at the potential for Internet via the DSS system. Check out <a href="">Direcpc</a> for more info. <P> <HR><STRONG>AT&T</STRONG>'s Paradyne has been promising some hot new hardware. Here's a sample, but there is no web site for it that I know of. <P><I>AT&T Paradyne Technology Promises Two-Way Video Over A Single, Copper Phone Line <P> (21 Sep 95) AT&T Bell Laboratories and AT&T Paradyne said they have developed a new application for the GlobeSpan chip set that is the first single line solution to transmit simultaneous voice and data at a range of speeds up to T1 and E1 (1.544 Mbps to 2.048 Mbps) in both directions. AT&T Paradynec calls it SDSL (symmetric-digital-subscriber-line) technology. Bi-directional speeds for GlobeSpan SDSL will range from 128 Kbps to E1 when it becomes available in December 1995. Service providers may use SDSL for access to multiple data services, including fractional T1/E1, X.25, frame relay, Internet access and ISDN, the company said. Projected transmission distances will reach more than 17,000 feet (5.1 kilometers) at 384 Kbps, including standard telephone service on the same phone line. AT&T Paradyne said the GlobeSpan chip set enables one common hardware platform to support SDSL, ADSL (asymmetric-digital-subscriber-line), and HDSL (high-bit-rate, digital subscriber line) applications. "This technology will allow worldwide phone companies to make the information superhighway as universally accessible as today's telephone, radio and TV services," said AT&T Paradyne director of business development, Clete Gardenhour. "SDSL will enable anyone with telephone line, a telephone and a computer or television to access new services, while simultaneously conducting a phone conversation on the same phone line." AT&T Paradyne is based in Largo, FL. </I> <P> A company called Westell says they have a <a href="">technology</a> called Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line that allows high speeds over standard copper lines. A company called <a href="">Pair Gain</a> is also using ASDL with High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL). They will roll out their own set of special modems as well. <P> <HR><STRONG>Special peripherals</STRONG> for chat and so on are being developed. Check out <a href="">Sound Xchange conference phone</a>. <a href="">QuickCam</a> could be useful in video chats. <P> <IMG SRC="blu.gif"> <a name="sites"> <tt><font size=+5>Sites</font></tt></p> <P> <HR><STRONG>Searching</STRONG> multiple engines is a big thing. One nice tool for this is <a href="">SavvySearch</a>. <P><HR><IMG SRC="new1.gif"> <STRONG>Organizing</STRONG> web sites so that you can find them is the goal of various sites. To get a rundown of various schemes, check out <a href=""> this page</a>. <p> <HR><STRONG>Immersion</STRONG> is a hot buzzword right now. The idea of creating a "virtual presence" combining both software and content is big. In addition to <a href="">Worlds, Inc.</a> AlphaWorld, many competitors have shown up. <a href="">QuickTime Live</a> from Apple combines various technologies (QuickTime, QuickTimeVR, Prospero's Global Chat, and CUSeeMe)with big entertainment events to deliver virtual experiences. The first of these will be to celebrate the New Year. <a href=">The Palace</a> from Time-Warner looks pretty cool. Using their own software, they use avatars along the lines of AlphaWorld, except the virtual cities are established by people on there own servers, reducing load, increasing speed. Another competitor is Silicon Graphics' <a href="">Cosmo</a>, which is described as "The first integrated, real-time,lightweight runtime system for audio, video, 2D and 3D graphics, images, animation, and text for the WWW." Yet another attempt at immersion is KMI's <a href="">Stadium</a>. It combines guests and audience participation with real audio and java. Another participant is <a href="">Interspace</a> which also seeks to build a virtual city with avatars, etc. Also check out <a href="">Otherrealms</a> fore more of the same. <a href="">Sony</a> also is working on a virtual interaction environment, using VRML+. <A href="">Onlive</a> is also developing a 3d chat environment. <P> <HR><STRONG>Interaction</STRONG> may soon be taken to the next level. The <A HREF="">1996 Virtual World's Fair</a> promises to be an exciting experience. <P> <HR><STRONG>Education</STRONG> is also benefitting from new technology. Check out <a href="">West</a>. </p><p> <HR><STRONG>Finding</STRONG> new sites you didn't know you needed just got easier with the bizarre <a href="">Information Supercollider</a> which generates random web pages from a huge database of document fragments. Some of the links you get can be interesting. Even better than URouLette. <A HREF="">WebHound</a> takes information about the sites you like and guesses what sites that you haven't visited will be to your liking and actually "suggests" them. Here's a <a href="">list</a> of some intelligent agents that find stuff for you, like webhound. </p> <p> <HR><STRONG>Radio</STRONG> of a sorts has arrived on the net. No longer limited to just listening, people can take part in web-based talk radio Fridays at 1 PM Eastern at <a href="">WebBeat</a>. It's a lot of reading and a bit verbose, lacking the fast pace of real talk. If they can find a way to incorporate audio in both directions, it would rock. Here's a <a href="">list</a> of RealAudio sites, including some radio services.<P> <P> <HR><STRONG>Gaming</STRONG> was once limited to telnet but is now making a strong showing on the web thanks to dynamic documents. Two sites to check out are Time's <A href="">Roman Empire</a> thing and <A href="">Stellar Conquest</a>. Gaming may be taken to the next level by <a href="">Mpath</a> which hopes to provide interactive arcade gaming via the net. They have already formed an agreement with Apogee. <a href="">Outland</a> has some cool games to play via the Net as well. <P><HR><STRONG>Buying</STRONG> isn't exactly new, but buying <a href="">movie tickets</a> on-line is pretty nifty. Now if I only we could get groceries this way... </p><P> <HR><STRONG>Cybertown</STRONG> is implementing new technologies as well as exploring the virtual location metaphor. Why not start at the <a href="">Virtual Drums</a>? <P> <HR><STRONG>Education</STRONG> has been aided by the advent of the Internet. Here is <a href="">one</a> such site. <P> <HR><STRONG>Banks</STRONG> are coming on to the net. Take a look at the <a href="">first</a>. <P><IMG SRC="blu.gif"> <a name="read"> <P><tt><font size=+5>Reading about it</font></tt></p> <P> You can read about new tech yourself by checking out these sites. </p><P> <a href="">IBM's Other Voices</a> offers viewpoints on computers and society. <a href="">Newslinx</a> offers daily web news. <a href="">Hotwired</a> has some excellent resources regarding web tools at its <a href="">Webmonkey</a> and <a href="">Packet</a> sections.<BR> <a href="">Tech Talk News</a> rounds up news from various sources. If you're interested at all in the Net, you should subscribe to their mailing list.<BR> <a href="">Netscape Inbox Direct</a> sounds interesting, might want to try it out.<BR> <a href="">Netscape's own comprehensive plug-in's page</a><BR> <a href="">Here is a guide to web multimedia</a><BR> <a href="">Web News Now</a> from Newspage<BR> Smartbrowser, which makes the very useful History Tree, has a page that is an interesting idea. Users submit ideas for making the web better. It would be cool if it were updated after May 28. I'll pick up the torch if you send me ideas. <a href="">Here's the page</a>. <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#e78c95869182a7849394c984888a">Here is how you mail me (<span class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="a5ced7c4d3c0e5c6d1d68bc6cac8">[email&#160;protected]</span>)</a><BR> <a href="">The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Shareware</a> also has a nice collection of helper app stuff<BR> <a href="">Web.Reference</a> is a nice web news resource also.<BR> You might also want to check out the unglamorous <a href="">SPC Internet News</a>.<BR> <a href="">PCWorld</a> has some nice Internet coverage. For links related to this page, check out their <a href="">Internet User section</a>'s directories of <a href="">plug-ins's</a> and <a href="">internet tools</a>.<br> <a href="">Digital Pulse</a><br> <a href="">New York Times Computer News</a><BR> <a href="">MecklerWeb</a><BR> <a href="">SimbaNet</a><BR> <A href="">Suck</a><BR> <a href="">The Netly News</a><BR> <a href="">Ziff-Davis Internet Life</a><BR> <a href="">C|net</a><BR> <a href="">Edupage</a><BR> <a href="">WebReview</a> is dead now, and we mourn its loss. But the cool Web Addict columnist left us a <a href="">diatribe</a> to remember him by.<bR><a href="">Digital Culture</a><BR> <a href="">NetWatch</a><bR><a href="">C|net</a> has a pretty good article on certain helper applications in depth, as well as <a href="">voice chat</a>, <a href="">Internet Radio</a>, <a href="">Plug-in's</a>, and <a href="">Offline browsing</a> .<BR> <IMG SRC="new1.gif"> C|net has launced <a href=""></a> as a comprehensive tech/net news site.<BR> <IMG SRC="new1.gif"> Internet World has a nice list of <a href="">plug-ins</a> and other browser information.<P> <IMG SRC="blu.gif"> <a name="lingo"> <P><tt><font size=+5>Lingo</font></tt></p> <P> <B>API:</B> An interface so programs can talk to and use each other<BR> <B>OLE:</B> Object Linking and Embedding, supports various objects like text and graphics to be contained withing documents<BR> <B>vector:</B> Rather than storing data for each pixel, vector graphics store information about the shapes that make up the drawing. This allows for smaller files with the ability to zoom without loss of quality. <P> <IMG SRC="blu.gif"> <a name="dvorak"> <p> When taking a look at competiting standards, it's important to remember the best doesn't always win. Just take a look at Beta/VHS. For a computer-related example, read about the Dvorak keyboard. Easier to learn, easier to type faster, beaten by the already popular QWERTY. Read about it <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p> <IMG SRC="blu.gif"> <P> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="honoroll.gif" ALT="Cybertown Honor Roll"></a> <P> <a href=""><IMG SRC="5star.gif"></a> <P> <a href="bookmark.htm">Bookmarks </a> / <a href="index.htm">The Main Page</a> / <a href="krave.htm">The Page about me</a> / <a href="links.htm">The Links Page</a></p> <P> <A HREF=""></A> <A HREF=""> <IMG ISMAP BORDER=0 SRC="" ALT="Make your visit count, load this image."></A><IMG SRC=""><h4><P> This site is listed in <A HREF="">Starting Point</A>. </h4> Copyright MCMXCV Kushal Dave<P> <script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script></HTML> ![](nettech.gif) [![](]( Well, I've given up on trying to keep this page updated, seeing as how there are people now getting paid to do what I attempted here as the field grows exponentially. Perhaps this site will be of use to Internet historians or something. In any case, I have provided links under the read about it section that will send you to similar pages that actually are up-to-date, so this page does serve some function. One important new site dealing with browser plug-in's is CNET's <>. I figured I ought to have something more useful than a page of links, so here is a page about exciting new technologies for the Internet, which interest me greatly. If you have an innovation which you feel should be added, removed, differently organized, or just have a suggestion, e-mail me at [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#94ffe6f5e2f1d4f7e0e7baf7fbf9). I hope this will become a popular and useful site. Tell your friends! There is a mailing list of people who I let know each time this page is updated. If you are interested, please e-mail me. I am very busy with school, but if someone is interested in helping me put together some icons and stuff for this page, let me know. I'm sorry this page is in such chaos. Look for a reorganization at some point. Till then, I will be accepting suggestions. ### [Sign My Guestbook]( [View My Guestbook]( [![Guestbook by Lpage](]( #### The guestbook isn't really working, don't waste your time. Updated: 3/ 28/ 97 [What's new](ntnew.htm) / [Misc.](#misc) / [Software](#software) / [Hardware](#hardware) / [Sites](#sites) / [Read it yourself](#read) / [Lingo](#lingo) / [Techwant](techwant.htm) For a rundown of technologies from the Demo 96 show not yet added or briefly mentioned here, check out [this]( from zdnet. #### [NetWatch]( is a weekly newsletter about net technology. They also have a mailing list, RealAudio, and a virtual community. Look for closer ties with these awesome folks in the future. ![](blu.gif)Misc. --- A protocol has been devised for the delivery of real-time stuff called [RTP]( "*RTP is a thin protocol providing support for applications with real-time properties, including timing reconstruction, loss detection, security and content identification. RTCP provides support for real-time conferencing for large groups within an internet, including source identification and support for gateways (like audio and video bridges) and multicast-to-unicast translators. RTP can be used without RTCP if desired.*" **For a look at various drafts being developed by the IETF with relevance for net technology such as RSVP, check out [this page](** ![](blu.gif)Software --- **Virtual Reality Modeling Language** is a technology that allows you to navigate the web in 3d using a product called WebSpace. You can use your mouse to walk around and click on objects. The rendering is all done at the user's computer. Check out [Silicon Graphics]( for more information. [Another company]( has produced a program called i3d (SG workstations only) that supports VRML plus a proprietary format. [Yet another]( VR web option is called WIRL (web interactive reality layer). A new plug-in version of this software has just been released. Don't you just love [competing standards](#dvorak)? Mecklerweb has a weekly e-pub called VRML World. See [reading](#read). Also, a good VR surfing starting point is [here]( [VRML+]( ) from Worlds, Inc. allows avatars to walk around in a VRML environment. VRML is also being used to [model data]( [HomeSpace]( is a cool VRML creation tool. [Paper's]( VRML browser acts as a page in Netscape so it doesn't appear to open a seperate app. Features in an upcoming version will include VRML avatar chat via IRC. Mac, and much more are due soon. This is definitely a company to watch. [VR Scout]( looks like a pretty good browser, offering cool features and speed.A standard called [moving worlds]( has been agreed to by 50 Internet leaders, enhancing VRML 2.0 for animated 3d on the net. --- **QuickTime VR** from Apple has recieved a strong push recently on the Internet. The software is Mac only currently. Users can navigate scenes, zoom, try different view points, interact with objects. There have been many VR files released on the web in conjunction with the software. Find out more at [Apple]( The Windows version of the software is now available. --- **Other VR tools** is [Virtual Reality Explorer]( [Superscape]( has a program called Visualiser for VR environments as well. --- **3D** software has been released by Apple under the name [QuickDraw 3d]( Apple has announced plans for a 3d metafile, which includes qd3d and vrml 2.0. The browser works also with VRML. [Another piece of 3d software]( allows 3d buttons and animation on a web page. --- **Applications** are going to become available on the web. [HotJava]( allows you to download small programs called applets over the net and run them on your computer, opening the way for strange new forms of interactivity (and viruses). You can read all about it at [Sun Microsystems]( A new developer's kit for Java was recently released. Watch for Sun to continue making waves. [ScriptX]( is a scripting language so you can download applets to work with a program from them for Mac and Windows.[WebObjects]( from NeXT will allow users to download web-based applications as well. [WebApp]( is yet another competitor in this field. In applet news, [some guy is trying to patent]( these. Kaleida, that big corporate alliance gone awry, still offers [ScriptX and Kaleida Multimedia Player](, which hope to transcend platforms in offering interactive multimedia. IBM is now offering something called [OpenDoc]( which allows for modular programming, perhaps opening the way for apps over the net. [OpenSpace]( is a new technology based on resuable software components that enables the transmission of mini-applications via the net. Excite's [NCompass]( combines HTML with OLE for applications via the net. --- **Chatting** takes a step foward with [CompuServe](>WorldsChat</a> from Worlds, Inc. chat where you can use an avatar and navigate a virtual environment with words appearing in text bubbles. A similar program called WorldsAway is available on <a href=). [Another company]( has produced a program for chatting via the web called global chat. You can chat with people on a web site using [UgaliChat]( [Ubique's]( software allows users to exchange audio and video and chat anywhere. People can talk and travel around the net in groups. Pretty cool, but you have to pay to keep using it. [WebChat]( from the Internet Round Table Society is worth check out as well. No client is needed and their technology is innovative. [TeleTalk and CineVideo]( allow full video teleconferencing over the net provided you have the hardware and a WorldGroup BBS to connect to. Yet another no-special-software option comes to us from a Virtual Yellow Pages Company, [Internet Marketing Services]( [Netscape]( has released a program called Chat that is like PowWow over IRC along with incorporation of graphics and such. World's Inc has also started something called [Alpha World](, which is an improvement over their previous chat software, allowing you to exist is a sort of virtual town. Another web-based chat environment is [TheGathering]( (see also Immersion, under [sites](nettech.htm#sites) and Audio and Video, below) --- **Audio** over the Internet no longer requires a T-1 line or lots of downloading time. [VocalTec's]( iphone allows you to have phone-like conversations with anyone in the world using IRC, a sound card, and this software. [RealAudio's]( RealAudio software allows you to listen to low-quality audio in real-time rather than waiting for the download. You can even mulit-task if you don't mind starts and stops in the audio. DON'T try to listen to music, your ears will suffer. RealAudio now supports live audio feeds. RealAudio 2.0 is now available, offering better performance and features. Another entrant in the field is [True Speech](, which uses amazing compression ratios to transmit (live) audio over the net. Their browser runs without Netscape, supporting it's own bookmarks. Its scales to a variety of bandwidths, even my pathetic 14.4. If you're using a Mac, you might want to check out [Maven](, which incorporates a variety of protocols for voice communication. [Yahoo]( has a list of some more Internet Voice chat options that are platform-specific.Voyager's [CDLink]( has been making waves because it can control audio CD's, so you don't need to transfer audio over the net. Used for multimedia liner notes, SPIN magazine, and more. [ToolVox]( is a suite of audio tools including potential 50:1 compression that could be used over the net. [Digiphone]( is yet another voice chat program - the initial reports aren't that great but they're working hard over at Camelot. (My apologies about having some voice chat under audio and some under chat.) [Quarterdeck]( will be releasing various new Internet apps, including a WebPhone voice chat product. IWave from [Vocaltec](, the Iphone people, will compete with RealAudio. [Digitalk]( is yet another method of speech compression. The voice chat arena is becoming crowded. Itelco now offers [WebPhone]( Silversoft now offers [Softfone]( Telescape offers [TS Internet Voice](, which allows audio chat as well as data transission. There is also a product called [CyberPhone]( Another competitor is [SpeakFree for Windows]( One really neat development, however, is the [Free World Dialup](, right here at pulver. This links net phone products to real phone systems so you can make a regular phone call anywhere from your computer. [Crescendo]( allows for background music on web pages. Netspeak now offers a [WebPhone]( --- **Electronic cash** is a technology allowing commerce on the net via cybermoney. One such system is [Digicash](, which gives you 100 free cyberbucks for registering. You can read stuff at [HotWired]( using these bucks. You can gamble with 'em, too. [Clickshare]( is another electronic payment system. [FreeTel]( also offers Internet phone software. --- **The appearence of a document** varies from browser to browser, but [Adobe Systems]( has attempted to create a standard for documents so they look just like they would on paper. Their free Acrobat software views .pdf (portable document format) documents as they were intended to be seen. Arcrobat 2.1 has been released, incorporating lots of hot new features such as multimedia and web integration. Watch for a new version of Acrobate called Amber which promises even more document features. It is used by [The New York TimesFax service]( Another method of controlling document appearence is SGML. Find out more from [SoftQuad](, makers of Panorama SGML software. Adobe is giving out free CD-ROM's with the Acrobat software if you call 1-800-521-1976 ex. GA859. Call before this offer ends! Another method is [Common Ground]( Click [here]( to read about HTML++. [Novell]( is also getting into the electronic document biz with Envoy. Also, [Pythia]( is a browser that offers lots of cool document features. [Electronic Book Technologies]( has released a program called DynaText that is an major enhancement of SGML. They also make a graphics viewer called FigLeaf. Bitstream's [TrueDoc]( helps resolve the problem of transmitting fonts that allow for portable documents. Check out [Texture](, a Java-based web-authoring tool, that allows delivery of totally controlled visually appealing documents. ![](new1.gif) Another option is [web style sheets]( --- **Keeping track** of stuff on the net is getting easier. New software now organizes links in tree- or Macfinder- like formats. One of these programs is [Emissary]( The [Quarterdeck Internet Suite]( provides a similar tree and object organization sturucture as well as seamless integration. [Netscape]( has also released an add-on from [FirstFloor]( called SmartMarks that lets you organize your links using drag-n-drop. [ForeFront]('s GrabNet URL organizer has also been getting rave reviews. [Mariner]('s browser supports off-line browsing, a File Manager-like link collection, and integrated e-mail, etc. One cool new tool is Isys's [HindSite](, which lets you keep track of web pages you have already visited and do text searches of them. This is very helpful in case you didn't bookmark something. [WebArranger]( offers a host of cool features, including watching sites for changes, managing, and saving URL's. Unfortunately, it is only for Mac, as is [CyberFinder]( which lets you keep your bookmarks in Finder. The Eastgate [WebSquirrel]( lets you make farms of links - for the mac. [Smartbrowser]( has a program called HistoryTree, which is like HindSight, but with some other features, such as a tree structure. ![](new1.gif) [Sextant Pro]( is a pretty nice program for keeping track of bookmarks. It's a lot easier to do things like rename. Hot key features for going to pages and sending passwords also add to this program. --- **Security** of transactions may not be all that exciting, but it is important to Internet commerce and personal security. Find out about Netscape's [Secure Courier]( and about [RSA's]( e-mail security. [Verisign]( is like an Internet driver's license. --- **Posting** messages on web pages offers a lot of potential that Usenet does not. [C/net]( shows one neat idea, though it is very slow and doesn't work that well. --- **Automation** of on-line sessions advances with a program called [AutoWinNet]( It speeds up just about everything except IRC. --- **Multimedia** over the net may be witnessing a new standard. [Macromedia's]( [Director](, included in [Netscape's]( commercial Navigator version, is receiving a lot of support despite the current lack of bandwidth to send anything substantial (a problem also plauging HotJava). The actual helper app is called [Shockwave]( ![](new1.gif) [ASAP WebShow]( allows for easy transmission of presentations with graphics elements using Intelligent Formatting technology. --- **Surf the web as a group** using [PowWow](, and voice chat at the same time. These people have a pretty cool site, too. [Virtual Places]( lets you do the same thing, except that you have a designated leader who will lead you from site to site. (See also Netscape's Chat under chatting.) --- **Video** (you knew it would happen eventually) compression and server schemes are now neing developed. [Digigami]( has a program called CineWeb for compressing MPEG. [Xingtech]( has a live/on-demand audio/video server called StreamWorks. Xing's Technology is being used by CI$.[Cu-SeeMe]( is the original method for Internet video. A better version of the old CU can be read about [here]( NBC claims to be working on software that will deliver video over a 14.4 link. Nothing really concrete as of yet. Also check out [Vdolive]( [FreeVue]( offers the ability watch video feeds and have video chat. It claims 10fps at 28.8 and works on names over their network, rather than IP. ![](new1.gif) [PreVU]( allows you to view MPEG videos while they download on the web, rather than waiting for the transfer to complete. [Heuris]( also has a program that allows streaming MPEG. [The Acoustic]( line of products offers real-time compressed audio-video. --- **Graphics** are being compressed in exiciting new ways. Find out about [ART](, used by on-line services and coming to the web. There is also a movement towards changing from GIF to Portable Network Graphics (PNG). Read about it [here]( [Corel]( has introduced a plug-in to view vector graphics, Corel CMX files, over the net, smaller than the current raster standards. EBT's [Fig Leaf]( plug-in will support a variety of graphics formats, including vector CGM, TIFF, EPS, TG4, G4, BMP, WMF, PPM, PGM, SUN, GIF, and JPEG. [Shockwave for FreeHand]( is a new vector graphics standard that will display via a plug in and support zooming, text, and various other features. A new compression for raster graphics called [Lightning Strike]( is supposed to beat JPEG by using wavelet technology. [Digital Frontiers]( has a GIF compression program for the web, as well as a well-done set of Web Graphics links. [Astound Web Player](>TMSequoia</a> Imaging Plug-in allows for TIFF (uncompressed, modified Huffman, G3 1&2D, and G4), CALS Type 1, JPEG, PCX/DCX, BMP, and other image formats to be viewed, panned, zoomed, and printed. <P><HR><STRONG>Animation</STRONG> of graphics now extends beyond simple pull and push to thanks to the <a href=). Totally Hip's [Sizzler]( is a new plug-in that offers animation as well. Find out how to make animated GIF files, thanks to the latest GIF standard. A cool and easy way to add animation to a web page [here]( Also, check out fast animation, using vector-based graphics, from FutureWave called [SmartSketch]( ![](new1.gif) Also check out [Emblaze](, which is supposed to offer real-time full-screen animation with their client. --- **Data transmission** alternative protocols are now being created. One is Asynchronous Link Protocol. It allows all sorts of interaction between users. Find out about [ALP]( --- **Dynamic HTML** allows a web site to incorporate various forms of data, such as being personalized to a given user. Originally done through simple scripts, companies are now producing special software to do this. (Of course this requires those annoying passwords, at least until automatic recognition of static IP addresses is implemented.) [W3]( has one method for generating dynamic HTML for a registered user. [WebBase]( allows database data to be incorporated into HTML. [Rweb]( also allows for database incorporation. --- **Password** tracking for dynamic sties can be a pain. [WebWatch]( will keep track of your passwords and will also watch your favorite sites for updates. --- **File transfers** are changing from plain old FTP. There's also [FSP](, which offers some improvements. --- **Groupware** is an emerging category of net apps allowing people to conference over the net. Although such products can be found in other categories, some new examples are Lotus's [Internotes]( and Intel's [ProShare]( conferencing. The list of software supporting the Internet is growing. Some of those with the strongest new integration are [LotusNotes]( and [Microsoft's]( Windows 95. Lotus's [cc:mail]( now sports a web interface. ForeFront Group is looking like a company to watch, adding to their suite [RoundTable](, which offers a wide variety of appealing software with their free client and server. A new program called [PictureTalk]( allows users to chat and share images in realtime. A new program called [TalkShow]( allows editing of documents by groups of people on the web. Caucus from [ScreenPorch]( allows a highly customizable multimedia conference center to be created on the web. (see also Chat, Whiteboard, Audio, Video, Immersion) --- **Interfaces** for the various text based areas on the net keep getting better. Check out [ichat]( It includes support for linking and graphics. --- **Whiteboards** in cyberspace let people communicate via a whiteboard. Very cool. Check out [Wanvas for Winsock]( [Internet Conference]( is a whiteboard product that also supports OLE and the Internet Phone API. --- **Integration** of these technologies into the browser and HTML has been moving foward. In addition to Netscape plug-ins, there is also [JavaScript]( It allows the launching of events when something is clicked or when entering and leaving a document. --- **Offline** browsing is a new arena for technology. Check out [PointCast](, [Digital Delivery](, [FirstFloor](, [ForeFront Group]( (see saving), and [Freeloader]( Also check out [Milktruck]( [DocuMagix HotPage]( allows a user to save pages locally and manage and inertact with them. --- **Maps** might not seem like a big deal, but the [Argusmap]( software is actually very neat. It incorporates vector based graphics and is a very powerful tool technologically. --- **Saving** web page is virtually impossible. Normally one would have to save each graphic seperately. Forefront's [WebWhacker]( resolves this problem, offering the ability to save a complete web page easily. --- **Spreadsheets** can now be viewed on the web thanks to [Formula One/Net]( --- **Browsers** form the root of all this technology. To keep on eye on the latest browsers, check out [Browserwatch]( Where proud athletes proclaim, "I'm going to [Disneyland](" now proud Internet software developers (who are also slick deal-makers) can proclaim "I'm going to be in [Netscape](". Software now holding this dubious honor are Apple's QuickTime and QuickTime VR, Sun's Java, Adobe's Acrobat, Macromedia's director, and Progressive Network's Real Audio. Look for ART to join this list soon. Collabra has been taken over by Netscape. It's groupware technology will be incorporated into future versions. Also, [Netscape 2.0]( with advancements in various areas is out. Also worth noting is what software will be incorporated into [Microsoft's]( browser. Microsoft itself is working on an extensive Net strategy. Watch for developments at the URL above. ![](blu.gif)Hardware ## A chart from [PC World](#read) May 1996 comparing Connection Options #### Recieve speed(kbps) Send Speed(kbps) Availability Approx. cost(hardware/setup + service)| modem 28.8 28.8 now $200 to $350 + $20/month| ISDN 128.0 128.0 now $580 + $40/month| satellite 400.0 28.8 now $1150 + $30/month| T1 line 1540.0 1540.0 now $2000 + >$185/month| ASDL 6000.0 640.0 2 to 3 years $300 to $500 + $30/month| cable 500.0(30 mbps/60 users) 128.0 2 to 3 years $300 to $500 + $30/month|| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Check out [this page]( for good info about the various hibandwidth developments. --- **The MBone** is a virtual backbone that allows realtime multicasting over the Internet. Find out more [here]( --- **Cable modems** offer 1,000 times current speeds. Read all about it at [Intel]( They're due out next year. [@home]( is one collaboration working on this new technology. @Home recently signed a deal with Netscape. Time Warner did a trial of this technology starting in late July in Elmira, N.Y. For 25 dollars people could access the Internet, America Online, Compuserve, local information, and Time's editorial content. Modems from Zenith were used. For the people who read my article in San Diego's *ComputorEdge* magazine, I was recently informed that Cox Cable conducted a cable modem experiment, but that various problems resulted, in part because of lack of knowledge among the people at Cox. Check out [this page]( for the latest info. --- **Television with net content** could also be an option. [Intercast]( is working hard on the transmission of HTML content related to TV shows around the television brodcast signal of TV stations. The video would be viewed in a window on screen while the user uses a browser to look at content transmitted via the TV method as well as on the net itself. --- **Wireless** Internet could be the wave of the future. One company getting in to the act is [Metricom]( Along those lines, we may seeing TV's that are net-enabled. Here's an excerpt from [edupage](mail.htm): *ORACLE PLANS "WEB TV" Oracle Corp. is developing a low-cost network computer designed to download video content from the Internet. Dubbed "Web TV," the $500 device "will video-enable the Internet," says CEO Larry Ellison, who sees education and electronic commerce as potentially strong markets. "Movies-on-demand for interactive TV doesn't make sense either culturally, or economically. But this critical new technology of video-conferencing does, and so does news-on-demand, financial news. That's worth updating." (Investor's Business Daily 6 Oct 95 A3)* --- **Satellites** could very well be an alternative transmission method. *Newsweek* , in it's Cyberscope section, hinted at the potential for Internet via the DSS system. Check out [Direcpc]( for more info. --- **AT&T**'s Paradyne has been promising some hot new hardware. Here's a sample, but there is no web site for it that I know of. *AT&T Paradyne Technology Promises Two-Way Video Over A Single, Copper Phone Line (21 Sep 95) AT&T Bell Laboratories and AT&T Paradyne said they have developed a new application for the GlobeSpan chip set that is the first single line solution to transmit simultaneous voice and data at a range of speeds up to T1 and E1 (1.544 Mbps to 2.048 Mbps) in both directions. AT&T Paradynec calls it SDSL (symmetric-digital-subscriber-line) technology. Bi-directional speeds for GlobeSpan SDSL will range from 128 Kbps to E1 when it becomes available in December 1995. Service providers may use SDSL for access to multiple data services, including fractional T1/E1, X.25, frame relay, Internet access and ISDN, the company said. Projected transmission distances will reach more than 17,000 feet (5.1 kilometers) at 384 Kbps, including standard telephone service on the same phone line. AT&T Paradyne said the GlobeSpan chip set enables one common hardware platform to support SDSL, ADSL (asymmetric-digital-subscriber-line), and HDSL (high-bit-rate, digital subscriber line) applications. "This technology will allow worldwide phone companies to make the information superhighway as universally accessible as today's telephone, radio and TV services," said AT&T Paradyne director of business development, Clete Gardenhour. "SDSL will enable anyone with telephone line, a telephone and a computer or television to access new services, while simultaneously conducting a phone conversation on the same phone line." AT&T Paradyne is based in Largo, FL.* A company called Westell says they have a [technology]( called Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line that allows high speeds over standard copper lines. A company called [Pair Gain]( is also using ASDL with High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL). They will roll out their own set of special modems as well. --- **Special peripherals** for chat and so on are being developed. Check out [Sound Xchange conference phone]( [QuickCam]( could be useful in video chats. ![](blu.gif) Sites --- **Searching** multiple engines is a big thing. One nice tool for this is [SavvySearch]( --- ![](new1.gif) **Organizing** web sites so that you can find them is the goal of various sites. To get a rundown of various schemes, check out [this page]( --- **Immersion** is a hot buzzword right now. The idea of creating a "virtual presence" combining both software and content is big. In addition to [Worlds, Inc.]( AlphaWorld, many competitors have shown up. [QuickTime Live]( from Apple combines various technologies (QuickTime, QuickTimeVR, Prospero's Global Chat, and CUSeeMe)with big entertainment events to deliver virtual experiences. The first of these will be to celebrate the New Year. [The Palace](") from Time-Warner looks pretty cool. Using their own software, they use avatars along the lines of AlphaWorld, except the virtual cities are established by people on there own servers, reducing load, increasing speed. Another competitor is Silicon Graphics' [Cosmo](, which is described as "The first integrated, real-time,lightweight runtime system for audio, video, 2D and 3D graphics, images, animation, and text for the WWW." Yet another attempt at immersion is KMI's [Stadium]( It combines guests and audience participation with real audio and java. Another participant is [Interspace]( which also seeks to build a virtual city with avatars, etc. Also check out [Otherrealms]( fore more of the same. [Sony]( also is working on a virtual interaction environment, using VRML+. [Onlive]( is also developing a 3d chat environment. --- **Interaction** may soon be taken to the next level. The [1996 Virtual World's Fair]( promises to be an exciting experience. --- **Education** is also benefitting from new technology. Check out [West]( --- **Finding** new sites you didn't know you needed just got easier with the bizarre [Information Supercollider]( which generates random web pages from a huge database of document fragments. Some of the links you get can be interesting. Even better than URouLette. [WebHound]( takes information about the sites you like and guesses what sites that you haven't visited will be to your liking and actually "suggests" them. Here's a [list]( of some intelligent agents that find stuff for you, like webhound. --- **Radio** of a sorts has arrived on the net. No longer limited to just listening, people can take part in web-based talk radio Fridays at 1 PM Eastern at [WebBeat]( It's a lot of reading and a bit verbose, lacking the fast pace of real talk. If they can find a way to incorporate audio in both directions, it would rock. Here's a [list]( of RealAudio sites, including some radio services. --- **Gaming** was once limited to telnet but is now making a strong showing on the web thanks to dynamic documents. Two sites to check out are Time's [Roman Empire]( thing and [Stellar Conquest]( Gaming may be taken to the next level by [Mpath]( which hopes to provide interactive arcade gaming via the net. They have already formed an agreement with Apogee. [Outland]( has some cool games to play via the Net as well. --- **Buying** isn't exactly new, but buying [movie tickets]( on-line is pretty nifty. Now if I only we could get groceries this way... --- **Cybertown** is implementing new technologies as well as exploring the virtual location metaphor. Why not start at the [Virtual Drums]( --- **Education** has been aided by the advent of the Internet. Here is [one]( such site. --- **Banks** are coming on to the net. Take a look at the [first]( ![](blu.gif) Reading about it You can read about new tech yourself by checking out these sites. [IBM's Other Voices]( offers viewpoints on computers and society. [Newslinx]( offers daily web news. [Hotwired]( has some excellent resources regarding web tools at its [Webmonkey]( and [Packet]( sections. [Tech Talk News]( rounds up news from various sources. If you're interested at all in the Net, you should subscribe to their mailing list. [Netscape Inbox Direct]( sounds interesting, might want to try it out. [Netscape's own comprehensive plug-in's page]( [Here is a guide to web multimedia]( [Web News Now]( from Newspage Smartbrowser, which makes the very useful History Tree, has a page that is an interesting idea. Users submit ideas for making the web better. It would be cool if it were updated after May 28. I'll pick up the torch if you send me ideas. [Here's the page]( [Here is how you mail me ([email protected])](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#e78c95869182a7849394c984888a) [The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Shareware]( also has a nice collection of helper app stuff [Web.Reference]( is a nice web news resource also. You might also want to check out the unglamorous [SPC Internet News]( [PCWorld]( has some nice Internet coverage. For links related to this page, check out their [Internet User section]('s directories of [plug-ins's]( and [internet tools]( [Digital Pulse]( [New York Times Computer News]( [MecklerWeb]( [SimbaNet]( [Suck]( [The Netly News]( [Ziff-Davis Internet Life]( [C|net]( [Edupage]( [WebReview]( is dead now, and we mourn its loss. But the cool Web Addict columnist left us a [diatribe]( to remember him by. [Digital Culture]( [NetWatch]( [C|net]( has a pretty good article on certain helper applications in depth, as well as [voice chat](, [Internet Radio](, [Plug-in's](, and [Offline browsing]( . ![](new1.gif) C|net has launced []( as a comprehensive tech/net news site. ![](new1.gif) Internet World has a nice list of [plug-ins]( and other browser information. ![](blu.gif) Lingo **API:** An interface so programs can talk to and use each other **OLE:** Object Linking and Embedding, supports various objects like text and graphics to be contained withing documents **vector:** Rather than storing data for each pixel, vector graphics store information about the shapes that make up the drawing. This allows for smaller files with the ability to zoom without loss of quality. ![](blu.gif) When taking a look at competiting standards, it's important to remember the best doesn't always win. Just take a look at Beta/VHS. For a computer-related example, read about the Dvorak keyboard. Easier to learn, easier to type faster, beaten by the already popular QWERTY. Read about it [here]( ![](blu.gif) [![Cybertown Honor Roll](honoroll.gif)]( [![](5star.gif)]( [Bookmarks](bookmark.htm) / [The Main Page](index.htm) / [The Page about me](krave.htm) / [The Links Page](links.htm) [![Make your visit count, load this image.](](![]( This site is listed in [Starting Point]( Copyright MCMXCV Kushal Dave
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Gremlins in the Garage! | | | | --- | --- | | Contents: [Gremlins in the Garage!](/cgi-bin/ImageMap.exe/garage/ Welcome to **Gremlins in the Garage** the first webzine dedicated to figure kit modeling including coverage of science fiction, horror, fantasy, and anime from movies, books, comics, and cartoons. There are sections for reviews, articles, finished kit pictures, garage kit companies, and more. To see photos from the gallery on this page, please use a modern browser that supports SVG - such as [Firefox]( --- First time visitors may want to read an [**overview**](garage/overview.html) of garage kits. If you haven't seen a figure kit before then take a peek into the [**gallery**](garage/gallerySearch.jsp). If you are still scratching your head then read more [**about**](garage/about.html) Gremlins in the Garage. There are a couple of ways to navigate through this 'zine. First, you can use the navigation bar at the top of each page to jump right to any of the main sections. The [**new stuff**]( section gives an overview of what is new in the 'zine. Have questions you want to ask other figure kit modelers? Gremlins in the Garage now has a [**chat group**](garage/chat.html) and [**mailing list**](garage/listed/index.jsp). Reach your audience, show off your kits in the pages of Gremlins in the Garage. Lets make Gremlins in the Garage the place where people can go to get fired up about the figure kit hobby, find out about the latest kits, and where to order them! It's all completely [**free**](/garage/register.jsp)! | | | --- | | If you have your own personal figure kit related web page please join the [**Figure Kit Web Ring**](/garage/register.jsp)! Travel the Figure Kit Web Ring! | ----- The Gremlins in the Garage webzine is a production of Firefly Design. If you have any questions or comments please [**get in touch**](garage/touch.html). [Copyright](garage/copyright.html) � 1994-2004 [Firefly Design]( |
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<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>History of the South Korean flag</TITLE> <SUBTITLE > <EDITOR coe> <ABSTRACT > <KEYWORDS south korea,korea,yin yang,ying-yang,kwae,> </HEAD> <BODY background="../images/fotwbckg.gif"> <A HREF="host.html"><IMG SRC="../images/linea2.gif" BORDER=0 VALIGN=CENTER></A><BR> <FONT SIZE=-2><SUP>This page is part of &copy; FOTW Flags Of The World website</SUP></FONT> <H1>History of the South Korean flag</H1> <H2></H2> <P><FONT SIZE=-1>Last modified: <B>2021-08-24</B> by <img src="../misc/email.png"> <A HREF="">christopher oehler</A> <BR> Keywords: <A HREF="keywords.html#south korea">south korea</A> | <A HREF="keywordk.html#korea">korea</A> | <A HREF="keywordy.html#yin yang">yin yang</A> | <A HREF="keywordy.html#ying-yang">ying-yang</A> | <A HREF="keywordk.html#kwae">kwae</A> | <BR> Links: <A HREF="index.html">FOTW homepage</A> | <A HREF="search.html">search</A> | <A HREF="disclaim.html">disclaimer and copyright</A> | <A HREF="mailme.html">write us</A> | <A HREF="mirror.html">mirrors</A> </FONT><br><HR SIZE=4 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=60%><br> <!--CUT ABOVE--> <ul> <li><a href="#general">General Information</a></li> <li><a href="#kwae">Eight Kwae</a></li> <li><a href="#1856">Korea (1856)</a></li> <li><a href="#1876">Korea (1876)</a></li> <li><a href="#1882">Korea (1882)</a></li> <li><a href="#1888">Korea (1888)</a></li> <li><a href="#1893">Korea (1893)</a></li> <li><a href="#1899">Korea (1899)</a></li> <li><a href="#pre1905">Pre-1905</a></li> <li><a href="#jp-res">Japanese Resident General Office flag</a></li> <li><a href="#indep">Korean independence movements</a></li> <li><a href="#mil1945">South Korean Military Administration</a></li> <li><a href="#mash">Flag seen on TV Program M*A*S*H</a></li> <li><a href="#1984">Post 1984</a></li> </ul> <p><i>See also:</i> <ul> <li><a HREF="kr.html">South Korea</a></li> <li><a href="kr_.html">South Korea: Index of pages</a></li> </ul> </p> <hr /> <h2><a name="general">General Information</a></h2> <p>I noted this <img border="0" src="../misc/external.png"> <a href="">link (</a> today with interesting information on adoption of Korean flag. Including a June 29, 1942 date for adoption by the exile government of the flag. <blockquote> King Gojong appointed Bak Yeoung-hyo as his ambassador to Japan in September 1882. While aboard ship heading for Japan, Bak drew a national flag with a taegeuk circle but included only four trigrams instead of eight, and started using the flag on the 25th of that month. On October 3, Bak reported this change to King Gojong who formally proclaimed the Taegeukgi as the national flag on March 6, 1883. For some unknown reason, however, he did not have formal instructions published at that time on how to make the flag. In fact, it wasn't till June 29, 1942, that the provisional Korean government in exile enacted a law on the uniform method of making the national flag. The law was promulgated but as the government was in exile, it was not widely known to Koreans at home still under Japanese colonial rule.<br /> Following the founding of the Republic of Korea on August 15, 1948, the government felt that it should codify the method of making the national flag. This prompted the government to form a special commission in January 1949 that issued the provision on the national flag on October 15 of that year. Since then, the Republic of Korea has been using the Taegeukgi as the national flag.<br /> Standard color shades of Taegeukgi, the Korean National Flag are as follows: in the CIE System, the x, y, and Y coordinates for the red are x=0.5640, y=0.3194, Y=15.3; for the blue, x=0.1556, y=0.1354, Y=6.5. Alternatively, in the Munsell System of Color Notation, the red corresponds to 6.0R 4.5/14, and the blue to 5.0PB 3.0/12. In the Pantone Matching System, 186C red and 294C blue are recommended.<br /> Taegeukgi, the national flag of the Republic of Korea, consists of a blue and red yin-yang circle in the center, one black trigram in each of the four corners, and a white background.<br /> The white background of Taegeukgi symbolizes light and purity and reflects the Korean people's traditional affinity for peace.<br /> The yin-yang circle, divided equally into a blue portion below and a red portion above, represents the dual cosmic forces of yin (blue) and yang (red). It symbolizes universal harmony, in which the passive and the active, the feminine and the masculine, form the whole. The four trigrams of Geon, Gon, Gam, and Li, which surround the yin-yang circle, denote the process of yin and yang going through a series of changes and growth.<br /> Geon, with three solid bars in the upper left-hand corner, denotes "heaven". Gon, with three evenly divided bars in the lower right-hand corner, denotes "earth". Gam, with one evenly divided bar on each side of one solid bar in the upper right-hand corner, denotes "water". And Li, with one solid bar on each side of one evenly divided bar in the lower left-hand corner, denotes "fire."<br /> Collectively, the yin-yang circle and the four trigrams represent universal harmony and unity. Taegeukgi embodies the ideals of all Koreans, who have pursued creativity and prosperity under universal principles and truth. </blockquote> <i>Ben Cahoon</i>, 25 March 2008 </p> <hr /> <h2><a name="kwae">Eight Kwae</a></h2> <div> <p>I just opened by chance my Crampton&#39;s <i>Complete Guide to Flags</i>, 1990 <a href="bib-cra.html#cra90f">[cra90f]</a>, just on the page where Korea is and noticed a sentence that did not sound familiar. <br /> So, it says: South Korea has kept the flag of the former Kingdom of Korea, although it has been modified. ... and the trigrams (kwae) are reduced from eight to four.&quot;<br /> So, what was the flag of the Kingdom of Korea with 8 kwaes? When did the change occur?<br /> <i>&#381;eljko Heimer</i>, 13 January 1999 </p> <hr width="60%" /> <table> <tr> <th>Earliest representation</th> <th>Stamp - 19th Century</th> <th>Stamp Detail</th> </tr> <tr> <td> <p></a><a HREF="../images/k/kr-old.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr-old.gif" ALT="[an old Korean flag detail]" BORDER="0" WIDTH="305" HEIGHT="216" /></a> </p> </td> <td></a><a HREF="../images/k/kr_stamp03.jpg"><img SRC="../images/k/kr_stamp03.jpg" ALT="[Korean stamp]" BORDER="0" WIDTH="353" HEIGHT="216" /></a></td> <td></a><a HREF="../images/k/kr_stamp03a.jpg"><img SRC="../images/k/kr_stamp03a.jpg" ALT="[Korean stamp detail]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="216" /></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>flag image by <i>Antonio Martins-Tuvalkin</i>,<br /> 24 September 2003</td> <td colspan="2">stamp images contributed by <i>Diedrik Nelson</i>,<br /> 20 May 2006</td> </tr> </table> <p>This is perhaps the oldest representation of the South Korean flag.<br /> <i>Patrick Kirol</i>, 11 March 2000 </p> <hr width="60%" /> <p>I think the number 8 comes naturally (2x2x2). Either of the three lines in a trigram can be either yin (- -) or yang (---). According to my I Ching, the symbolism is this: </p> <p> <ul> <li>yin-yin-yin (K&#39;un) - earth - mother/receptive (lower fly of S. Korean flag)</li> <li>yin-yin-yang (K&#281;n) - mountain - third son/keeping still</li> <li>yin-yang-yin (K&#39;an) - water - second son/abysmal (upper fly)</li> <li>yin-yang-yang (Sun) - wind - first daughter/gentle</li> <li>yang-yin-yin (Ch&#281;n) - thunder - first son/the arousing</li> <li>yang-yin-yang (Li) - fire - second daughter/clinging (lower hoist)</li> <li>yang-yang-yin (Tui) - lake - third daughter/joyful</li> <li>yang-yang-yang (Ch&#39;ien) - heaven - father/creative (upper hoist)</li> </ul> <i>Ole Andersen</i>, 14 January 1999 </p> <hr width="60%" /> <p><b>Chinese wind rose with 8 kwae</b><br /> <a HREF="../images/k/kr-8kwae.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr-8kwae.gif" ALT="[8 kwae wind rose]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="216"/></a> by <i>Mark Sensen</i> </p> <p>The <i>I Ching</i>, the &quot;Book of Changes&quot;, mentioned by Ole consists of the 64 combinations you get by combining the 8 <i>kwae</i> and was and is used by fortune-tellers to give answers to questions. [Source: Hans Biederman, &quot;Prisma van de symbolen&quot;, 1991/1996, Dutch translation of &quot;Knaurs Lexicon der Symbole&quot;] <br /> The flag was first hoisted 22 August 1882 when the first ambassadors were sent to Japan, an adopted officially 27 January 1883. Korea was occupied by Japan in 1905 and annexed on 22 August 1910. After the liberation the country was divided along the 38th degree of latitude. The Republic of Korea was established in the southern (American) zone on 15 August 1948, which readopted the flag in the same year when the colours and shape were established by law. On 25 January 1950 the flag was adopted officially when the <i>kwae</i> were revised slightly. In 1984 the lay-out was again slightly changed. [Sources: Barraclough, <i>Flags of the World</i> 1981 <a href="bib-c0a.html#c2b81">[c2b81]</a>; Whitney Smith, <i>Spectrum Vlaggenboek</i>, 1976 <a href="bib-smi.html#smi76a">[smi76a]</a>; Kent Alexander, <i>Flags of the World</i>, 1992.] <a href="bib-ala.html#ale92">[a<small>L</small>e92]</a><br /> <i>Mark Sensen</i>, 14 January 1999 </p> <hr WIDTH="60%" /> <p>This was done eight months before independence by General MacArthur.<br /> [Source: H. Gresham Carr, <i>Flags of the World, 1956</i>. <a href="bib-caa.html#car56">[car56]</a>] </p> <p>I forgot to mention the flag is known as <i>T&#39;aeguk</i> or &quot;Great Polarity&quot;.<br /> [Source: William Crampton, <i>The World&#39;s Flags</i>, 1990 <a href="bib-cra.html#cra90c">[cra90c]</a>.]<br /> <i>Mark Sensen</i>, 14 January 1999 </p> </div> <hr /> <h2><a name="1856">Korea (1856)</a></h2> <p><a HREF="../images/k/kr-1856.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr-1856.gif" ALT="[Korean flag in 1856]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="216"/></a> image by <i>Jaume Oll&eacute;</i>, 27 December 2009 </p> <p>The yellow flag charged with a black Chinese style dragon and blue clouds with red fringe. The flag is titled as Korean National flag in Flag Chart published in Japan in 1856 and 1871.<br /> <i>Nozomi Kariyasu</i>, 27 December 2009 </p> <hr /> <h2><a name="1876">Korea (1876)</a></h2> <p><a HREF="../images/k/kr-k1876.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr-k1876.gif" ALT="[Korean flag in 1876]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="216" /></a> image by <i>Jaume Oll&eacute;</i>, 27 December 2009 </p> <p>The blue flag charged with a yellow Chinese style dragon with yellow border and red fringe. The flag is titled as Korean King Standard in Flag Chart published in Japan in 1876.<br /> <i>Nozomi Kariyasu</i>, 27 December 2009 </p> <hr /> <h2><a name="1882">Korea (1882)</a></h2> <p><a HREF="../images/k/kr-1882.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr-1882.gif" ALT="[Korean flag from Flags of Maritime Nations]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="217" WIDTH="357" /></a> image by <i>Kazutaka Nishiura</i>, 13 October 2009 </p> <p>Korean Flag 1882 from Flags of Maritime Nations published in July 28, 1882 by the U.S. Navy.<br /> <i>Nozomi Kariyasu</i>, 13 October 2009 </p> <hr /> <h2><a name="1888">Korea (1888)</a></h2> <a name="2009"></a> <p><a HREF="../images/k/kr-1888.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr-1888.gif" ALT="[Korean flag from 1888]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="217" WIDTH="319"/></a> image by <i>Kazutaka Nishiura</i>, 13 October 2009 </p> <p>Korean Flag 1888 from Symbol of Korea published in 2008 Korea.<br /> <i>Nozomi Kariyasu</i>, 13 October 2009 </p> <p><a HREF="../images/k/kr-1888a.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr-1888a.gif" ALT="[Korean flag from 1888]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="216" width="315"/></a> image by <i>Ivan Sache</i>, 13 August 2020 </p> <p>The very same image (submitted 2009, <a href="#2009">above</a>) but flipped horizontally is shown as the oldest preserved Korean flag. The flag was offered by King Gojong (Joseon dynasty) to his diplomatic counsel&#8211; the American counsul Owen Denny taking it when he went back to the US in 1890. Accordingly, the flag is known as &quot;Denny Taegeugki&quot;. </p> <p>After Denny's death in 1900, his descendants kept the flag which was returned to Korea in 1981. Registered as Cultural Heritage in 2008, the flag &#8211; 1.8 m in width and 2.6 m in length &#8211; is made of hand-sewn cotton.<br /> <i>Ivan Sache</i>, 13 August 2020 </p> <hr /> <h2><a name="1893">Korea (1893)</a></h2> <table border="0" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <th>Korea, 1893</th> <th>Royal Korean Consulate in Hamburg 1893</th> </tr> <tr> <td><a HREF="../images/k/kr_1893.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr_1893.gif" ALT="[Korean flag (1893)]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="216" /></a></td> <td><a HREF="../images/k/kr_1893a.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr_1893a.gif" ALT="[1893 Korean consulate flag]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="216" WIDTH="296" /></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2">images by <i>Antonio Martins</i></td> </tr> </table> <div> <p>I have a photocopy of an article by H.G. Str&ouml;hl called &quot;Wappen und Flagge von Korea&quot; in <i><u>Herold</u></i>, Oct. 1893, nr. <b>10, XXIV</b>. It shows two flags. The first is labeled &quot;Koreanische Flagge&quot; and is like the modern flag, but the yin-yang - sign is much more intricate and the upper part is blue, the lower blue. According to the text normally only the 4 main <i>kwae</i> appear on the flag, most of the time blue. It also says that the arrangement of the kwae is not always the same. The second flag shown is the one flown at the Royal Korean Consulate in Hamburg, and has 8 <i>kwae</i>, coloured yellow. The yin-yang - sign is like on the modern flag, but rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise. I have some doubts if the arrangement of these 8 <i>kwae</i> is correct, since two opposing <i>kwae</i> are not each others inversion. On the image of an old Chinese wind rose shown in the article they are inverted, so maybe that arrangement is more correct.<br /> <i>Mark Sensen</i>, 14 January 1999 </p> <hr width="50%" /> <p>It is interesting to note that the flag called the Royal Korean Consulate flag has a different arrangement of the trigraphs. I have noticed that the Koreans are very exact in describing the layout of their flag (10:15). Yet the flag that is flown on holidays is not of the same proportions as that shown in the official description of their flag, the main difference being the addition of extra white to the field of the flag on the side away from the flag pole. The additional material gives the flag the same length as the US flag (10:19). <br /> The ordering of the trigrams in the tooth edge flag matches that of the Hou Tian (latter heaven) ordering of the trigrams of the Chinese Yi Ching.<br /> <i>Patrick Kirol</i>, 11 March 2000 </p> <hr WIDTH="60%" /> <p>During the Japanese colonial rule (1910-1945) the Korean t&#39;aeguk circle flag was prohibited to use. <br /> The <a HREF="kr_jpgov.html">Japanese governor of Korea&#39;s flag</a> was used that is light blue flag with Japanese national flag (hinomaru) in a canton like British blue ensign despite of a different color shade. The canton is one fourth of whole flag in size. The light blue stands for justice, fairness and philanthropy. </p> <p><b>1910-1883</b></p> <p>Korea used a similar flag to present flag. The t&#39;aeguk is longer than current one and colour was reverse: blue over red. The black four trigrams are placed in differently: There were two broken and one unbroken lines in upper left/ three unbroken lines in upper right/three broken lines in bottom left/one broken and two unbroken lines in bottom right. </p> <p><b>1876-1854</b></p> <p>An old Japanese flag book published in 1876/1854 shows square yellow flag with red rugged border as a Korean King&#39;s standard. The flag bears a green dragon having red tongue and gray clouds.<br /> <i>Nozomi Kariyasu</i>, 21 March 1999 </p> <hr WIDTH="60%" /> <p>The early history of the Korean national flag seems to have remained rather obscure, according to a paper by Elizabeth Pyon published on-line in the Korea Herlad, 18 December 2001. <br /> The paper reports recent findings on the invention of the first Korean national flag, which seem to disagree with the traditional explanations. The research was done by Dr. Kim Sang-Sup, a &quot;reformist&quot; researcher specialized in the Yi-ching. Dr. Kim based his conclusions on several historical official documents of the end of the 19th century. <br /> The national Korean flag was used for the first time by a Korean diplomatic mission sent to Japan in 1882. This was the first diplomatic mission ever sent by Korea. King Gojong ordered the Chief of the delegation, Prince Pak Yeong-Hyo, to hoist the Korean national flag on the vessel used by the mission. These are historical facts. Moreover, it is often said that King Gojon himself designed the flag in the beginning of the 1880s. He wanted to express his resistance to foreign influence and his willing to preserve the independence of his Kingdom.<br /> Unfortunately, this theory is not backed up by any serious evidence. The historical records studied by Dr. Kim give a completely different history. <br /> In 1875, a Japanese fleet sailed too close to the Ganghwa Island and had an altercation with the Korean army. The Koreans shot the Japanese flag. This was used as a pretext by the Japanese army for a retaliation campaign. Before this event, there was little interest in Korea for a national symbol. King Gojong asked his suzereign, the Emperor of China, for advice on the question of the flag. Chinese experts suggested a flag similar to the Chinese flag of the time, a dragon with five claws on a yellow background. The Korean court, however, rejected the proposal of a dragon with four claws on a blue background, which was considered &quot;too sophisticated&quot;. <br /> In April 1882, an official Korean-Chinese meeting was held to discuss the question of the Korean flag. The &quot;teaguk&quot; emblem was proposed for the first time during this meeting. Official documents of the Korean Royal court state that the Chinese delegate Ma Chien-Chung promoted the use of the Yin-Yang spiral in red and blue and eight combinations of the Yi-ching, and imposed his views to the Korean delegate Kim Hong-Jip. Ma Chien-chung explained the symbolism of his proposal. The eight Yi-ching diagrams matched the eight Korean provinces, and red was the colour of the King whereas blue was the colour of ordinary people. Korea eventually adopted its flag under Chinese pressure and used it for its first diplomatic mission as said above.<br /> The first version of the &quot;taeguk&quot; was very close to the original Yi-Ching diagram, which includes eight subdiagrams. The deletion of four of these subdiagrams is reported in the diary of Prince Pak Yeong-Hyo. The Prince showed the original flag design to James, the British captain of the vessel used for the mission. James found the design too complicated and proposed to delete four of the eight Yi-Ching diagrams.<br /> <i>Ivan Sache</i>, 15 August 2002 </p> <hr width="60%" /> <p>From: <img border="0" src="../misc/external.png"> <a href=""></a> </p> <blockquote> &quot;Discovery of Old Flag Discredits &#39;Taegukgi&#39; Legend<br /> by Yu Seok-jae <p>The oldest picture of a &quot;Taegukgi,&quot; the national flag of Korea, has been discovered, giving insight into how the flag&#39;s symbols came to be used. The Taegukgi was found in the &quot;Flags of Maritime Nations,&quot; issued by the U.S. Navy Department&#39;s Bureau of Navigation in July 1882, and with its red and blue yin-yang symbol and four black trigrams has the same form as the current Korean flag. This Taegukgi would be two or three months older than the one used by Park Yeong-hyo, who is known as the first to make and use a four- trigram flag. Park did so during a diplomatic mission to Japan from August to September of 1882.oldest Taegukgi, the national flag of Korea, was found. This version is listed in `Flags of Maritime Nations,&#39; published by the Bureau of Navigation at the U.S. Navy Department in July 1882. This version uses the four trigrams from the Book of Changes. Until now, Park Yeong-hyo was known as the first person to use four trigrams from the Book of Changes. The flag was published two or three months before Park moved to Japan. </p> </blockquote> <p>contributed by <i>Jan Mertens</i>, 20 August 2004</p> <p><b>Note:</b> bibliographic information on the <i>Flags of Maritime Nations</i> is at <a href="bib-u9a.html#u9s82">[usn82]</a> </p> <hr width="60%" /> <p>Yoon Sojung reports on <img border="0" src="../misc/external.png"> <a href=""></a>, 29 February 2008, the discovery of a copy of the Korean national flag dated 1882. </p> <blockquote> <p>[...]Discovered in the National Archives of the United Kingdom, this copy of the flag was enclosed in a letter written by then-Japanese vice foreign minister Yoshida Kiyonari to U.K. ambassador to Japan Harry Parkes in November 1882, according to Korea&#39;s Independence Hall. In the letter, the Japanese vice foreign minister introduced the copy as the national flag of Korea to the British ambassador.<br /> This copy shows one of the oldest designs, which was originally created by Bak Yeong-hyo (1861-1939) during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910) in September 1882.<br /> Bak was appointed by Emperor Gojong (1852-1919), as Joseon&#39;s ambassador to Japan in September 1882. While aboard a ship heading for Japan, Bak drew a national flag with a taegeuk circle and included only four trigrams, and started using the flag on the 25th of that month. On October 3, he reported this to King Gojong, who formally proclaimed the Taegeukgi as the national flag on March 6, 1883.<br /> This copy has a taegeuk circle painted in red and blue representing the yin and yang that symbolizes universal harmony, one black trigram in each of the four corners and a white background. The white background of taegeukgi symbolizes light and purity and reflects the Korean people's traditional affinity for peace. The four trigrams of Geon, Gon, Gam, and Li, painted in blue in this copy, which surround the yin-yang circle, denote the process of yin and yang going through a series of changes and growth. </p> </blockquote> <p>The image of the flag copy, shown on &quot;; casts some doubt on the 1893 flag reported by H.G. Str&ouml;hl in <i>Herold</i> (above).<br /> <i>Ivan Sache,</i> 4 March 2008 </p> </div> <hr /> <h2><a name="1899">Korea 1899</a></h2> <p><a HREF="../images/k/kr-1899.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr-1899.gif" ALT="[Korean flag from 1899]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="216" /></a> image by <i>Kazutaka Nishiura,</i> 13 October 2009 </p> <p>Korean Flag 1899 from Flags of Maritime Nations published in 1899 by U.S. Navy. This flag might be national flag of Korean Empire (1897-1910).<br /> <i>Nozomi Kariyasu</i>, 13 October 2009 </p> <hr /> <h2><a name="pre1905">Pre-1905</a></h2> <p><a HREF="../images/k/kr!1893.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr!1893.gif" ALT="[Korean flag, pre-1905]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="216" /></a> image by <i>Ant&oacute;nio Martins-Tuv&aacute;lkin,</i> 10 January 2007<br /> <small><b>Source:</b> <i>The International Geography</i>, London, 1911 [g9b11]</small> </p> <div> <p>In <i>The International Geography</i>, London, 1911, I found this flag - the old flag of Korea, before it was occupied by Japan in 1905. Korea ceased to exist until 1947, after which a lot of things happened. <br> However the &#39;old Korean flag&#39; differs in several respects from the present South Korean flag: </p> <ol> <li>The 4 I-ching signs are arranged differently</li> <li>They are colored blue in stead of black.</li> <li>The Yin-Yang - sign is much more intricate.</li> </ol> <p>I scanned the flag. Perhaps someone can tell us more about the 8 kwaes?<br /> <i>Jarig Bakker,</i> 14 January 1999 </p> <hr WIDTH="60%" /> <p>This flag image is an incorrect representation, with the red part of the disc ending in a pointy tip and the blue part in a blob. The actual flag used a (rotationally) symmetrical device as in the left side image under &quot;<a href="#1893">Korea, 1893</a>&quot;.<br> <i>Ant&oacute;nio Martins-Tuv&aacute;lkin,</i> 10 January 2007 </p> </div> <hr /> <h2><a name="jp-res">Japanese Resident General Office flag</a></h2> <p><a HREF="../images/k/kr_jrg.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr_jrg.gif" ALT="[Japanese Resident General Office flag]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="216" /></a> image by <i>Jaume Oll&eacute;,</i> 27 September 2009 </p> <p>In 1906 Japanese Resident General Office was set up and the light blue Resident General flag charged with Hinomaru in the canton was adopted on February 14th 1906.<br /> The colour of light-blue symbolized justice, fairness and philanthropy. <br /> <br /> In the 1906 Army for justice led by Kho Kwang Soon in Chollanam-do used Taeguk flag with an inscription of &quot;<i>We will recover national sovereignty soon</i>&quot; when they fought against Japanese troops. This design was adopted later as a war flag of Recovery Army which was set up to smash Japanese troops and recover homeland sovereignty. </p> <p><a HREF="../images/k/kr-1906olle.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr-1906olle.gif" ALT="[Japanese Resident General Office flag]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="216" /></a> image by <i>Jaume Oll&eacute;</i> / <i>Eugene Ipavec</i>, 27 September 2009 </p> <p>The Resident General flag was abolished on August 22nd 1910 due to an establishment of Korean Governor General Office after Japanese Annexation to Korea. Since then Japanese National Flag Hinomaru had been used in Korea until August 15th 1945.<br /> <i>Nozomi Kariyasu</i>, 27 September 2009 </p> <hr /> <h2><a name="indep">Korean independence movements</a></h2> <p><a HREF="../images/k/kr-1910.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr-1910.gif" ALT="[Flag used by Korean independence movement]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="216" /></a> image by <i>Jaume Oll&eacute;,</i> 28 September 2009 </p> <p>The Taeguk flag was used as a symbol of Korean independence movement both inside and outside of Korea under Japanese rule during 1910 and 1945. The Taeguk flag with blue, red Ying-yang and black four kwaes was used in 1910.<br /> <i>Nozomi Kariyasu</i>, 28 September 2009 </p> <h3>Independent Banzai Movement</h3> <p><a HREF="../images/k/kr-1919.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr-1919.gif" ALT="[Flag used by Independent Banzai Movement]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="216" /></a> image by <i>Jaume Oll&eacute;,</i> 28 September 2009 </p> <p>The Recovery Army government was established in Vladivostok in 1914. On March 1st 1919 Independent Banzai Movement in which two million people participated in the whole country took place and the Taeguk flag charged with black four kwaes was hoisted in Pyongyang. <br /> <i>Nozomi Kariyasu</i>, 28 September 2009 </p> <h3>Independent Army</h3> <p><a HREF="../images/k/kr-arm.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr-arm.gif" ALT="[Flag used by Independent Army]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="216" /></a> image by <i>Jaume Oll&eacute;</i>, 28 September 2009 </p> <p>The Independent Army launched in Manchuria in the 1920's used a war flag of&nbsp; three horizontal stripes of yellow, red and light blue charged with Taeguk flag in the canton. It was unusual that the striped flag was used in Korea. <br /> <i>Nozomi Kariyasu</i>, 28 September 2009 </p> <h3>Independentist Kim Koo flag</h3> <p><a HREF="../images/k/kr-1941.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr-1941.gif" ALT="[Flag used by Kim Koo]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="216" /></a> image by <i>Jaume Oll&eacute;,</i> 28 September 2009 </p> <p>In 1941 Independentist Kim Koo used a Taeguk flag different from the present national flag in black four kwaes and blue, red Ying-yang design.<br /> <i>Nozomi Kariyasu</i>, 28 September 2009 </p> <hr /> <h2><a name="mil1945">South Korean Military Administration</a></h2> <p><a HREF="../images/k/kr-1945.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr-1945.gif" ALT="[South Korean Military Administration]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="216" /></a> image by <i>Jaume Oll&eacute;</i>, 27 September 2009 </p> <p>On August 15th 1945 Japan surrendered to the Allies and South Korean Military Administration was established by U.S.troops.<br /> The same flag as the present national flag except for shape of two kwaes was used in South Korea.<br /> <i>Nozomi Kariyasu</i>, 27 September 2009 </p> <hr /> <a name="mash"></a> <h2><a name="mash">Flag seen on TV Program M*A*S*H</a></h2> <p><a HREF="../images/k/kr-1952.gif"><img SRC="../images/k/kr-1952.gif" ALT="[Korea, 1952 flag]" BORDER="0" HEIGHT="216" /></a> image by <i>David Kendall</i> </p> <div> <p>I saw on TV recently what seems to be the first flag of the Republic of Korea. This was on the TV show M*A*S*H, a show from the 1970s, but set in the times of the Korean War. The flag references they have (the show is set on a US Army medical base) are quite accurate (i.e. a 48-star flag flies over the compound, along with a UN and S. Korean flag), so I don&#39;t doubt the authenticity of the flag. The flag was shown in a good shot in the episode &quot;Welcome to Korea&quot; (season opener of season 5. The major differences: the four corner elements are smaller and closer to the corner, and the ying-yang is on its side. The ying-yang also appeared to be drawn differently, but I couldn&#39;t get a clear enough shot of it to tell for sure how it appeared.<br /> <i>David Kendall</i>, 29 December 1998 </p> </div> <hr /> <h2><a name="1984">Post 1984</a></h2> <p><a href="../images/k/kr.gif"><img src="../images/k/kr.gif" alt="[South Korean flag]" border="0" width="324" height="216" /></a> image by <i>&#381;eljko Heimer</i> </p> <p>The Korean flag was slightly changed in 21 February 1984, but the disposition of the ying yang seems strange (left blue, right red instead red over blue). I checked some plates pre-1984 and in all the plates the flag is red over blue. The flag was not adopted until 1950 but was in use de facto after 1945; perhaps the design posted is derived from the designs used from 1945-50.<br /> <i>Jaume Oll&eacute;</i>, 31 December 1998 </p> <hr /> </body> </html>
History of the South Korean flag [![](../images/linea2.gif)](host.html) This page is part of © FOTW Flags Of The World website # History of the South Korean flag ## Last modified: **2021-08-24** by ![](../misc/email.png) [christopher oehler]( Keywords: [south korea](keywords.html#south korea) | [korea](keywordk.html#korea) | [yin yang](keywordy.html#yin yang) | [ying-yang](keywordy.html#ying-yang) | [kwae](keywordk.html#kwae) | Links: [FOTW homepage](index.html) | [search](search.html) | [disclaimer and copyright](disclaim.html) | [write us](mailme.html) | [mirrors](mirror.html) --- * [General Information](#general) * [Eight Kwae](#kwae) * [Korea (1856)](#1856) * [Korea (1876)](#1876) * [Korea (1882)](#1882) * [Korea (1888)](#1888) * [Korea (1893)](#1893) * [Korea (1899)](#1899) * [Pre-1905](#pre1905) * [Japanese Resident General Office flag](#jp-res) * [Korean independence movements](#indep) * [South Korean Military Administration](#mil1945) * [Flag seen on TV Program M\*A\*S\*H](#mash) * [Post 1984](#1984) *See also:* * [South Korea](kr.html) * [South Korea: Index of pages](kr_.html) ---
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>JAPANESE KITE COLLECTION</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BACKGROUND="back087.gif" TEXT="#000000" > Last up date:2000/08/25<BR> <FONT SIZE=6 COLOR="#0000FF"><B>MASTER OF KITE ART </B></FONT> <BR> <HR> <BR> <CENTER> <IMG src="./shimura/shimura-00.jpg"></A> </CENTER> <CENTER><B>This page was generated with the permission by Mr.Yasuo Shimura.</B></CENTER> <BR> <HR> <BR> <B>Mr.Yasuo Shimura is very famous for one of the talented artist of painting of Edo kite and other Japanese traditional kites. He has been working for kites since 1980. He had had his private exibition of his great works eight times until now at the art gallery located at the center of Tokyo. He believes the paintings on the kites express the wish for prosperity, strength, beauty, helth, long life, success, wealth and so on. His kites were presented to Prime minister of Japan, Mr.Keizo Obuchi and the president of Japan Broadcating Association (NHK), Mr.Ebisawa as a celebrating kite. <BR> <BR> <B>Click on the pictures for large image. </B><BR> <BR> <BR> <HR> <CENTER> <BR> <TABLE> <TBODY> <TR align=middle> <TD bgColor=#99ffcc><A href="./shimura/shimura-02.jpg"><IMG hspace=30 src="./shimura/shimura-02s.jpg" vspace=10></A> </TD> <TD bgColor=#99ffcc><A href="./shimura/shimura-03.jpg"><IMG hspace=30 src="./shimura/shimura-03s.jpg" vspace=10></A> </TD> <TD bgColor=#99ffcc><A href="./shimura/shimura-06.jpg"><IMG hspace=30 src="./shimura/shimura-06s.jpg" vspace=10></A> </TD> <TD bgColor=#99ffcc><A href="./shimura/shimura-08.jpg"><IMG hspace=30 src="./shimura/shimura-08s.jpg" vspace=10></A> </TD> </TR> <TR align=middle> <TD><B>Rising dragon</B><BR></TD> <TD><B>A Soldier on horse</B></TD> <TD><B>Hideyoshi Toyotomi, a famous <I>Shogun</I></B></TD> <TD><B>A dragon and a tiger</B></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <TABLE> <TBODY> <TR align=middle> <TD bgColor=#99ffcc><A href="./shimura/shimura-10.jpg"><IMG hspace=30 src="./shimura/shimura-10s.jpg" vspace=10></A> </TD> <TD bgColor=#99ffcc><A href="./shimura/shimura-17.jpg"><IMG hspace=30 src="./shimura/shimura-17s.jpg" vspace=10></A> </TD> <TD bgColor=#99ffcc><A href="./shimura/shimura-20.jpg"><IMG hspace=30 src="./shimura/shimura-20s.jpg" vspace=10></A> </TD> <TD bgColor=#99ffcc><A href="./shimura/shimura-21.jpg"><IMG hspace=30 src="./shimura/shimura-21s.jpg" vspace=10></A> </TD> </TR> <TR align=middle> <TD><B>A carp running up the fall</B><BR></TD> <TD><B>The sign of big hit</B></TD> <TD><B>A beautiful woman</B></TD> <TD><B><I>Musha</I>, Soldier</B></TD> </TR></TBODY></TABLE> <TABLE> <TBODY> <TR align=middle> <TD bgColor=#99ffcc><A href="./shimura/shimura-22.jpg"><IMG hspace=30 src="./shimura/shimura-22s.jpg" vspace=10></A> </TD> <TD bgColor=#99ffcc><A href="./shimura/shimura-23.jpg"><IMG hspace=30 src="./shimura/shimura-23s.jpg" vspace=10></A> </TD> <TD bgColor=#99ffcc><A href="./shimura/shimura-24.jpg"><IMG hspace=30 src="./shimura/shimura-24s.jpg" vspace=10></A> </TD> <TD bgColor=#99ffcc><A href="./shimura/shimura-25.jpg"><IMG hspace=30 src="./shimura/shimura-25s.jpg" vspace=10></A> </TD> </TR> <TR align=middle> <TD><B>Woman</B><BR></TD> <TD><B><I>Happi</I></B></TD> <TD><B><I>Happi</I></B></TD> <TD><B>Tattoo</B></TD> </TR></TBODY></TABLE> <BR> </CENTER> <BR> <HR> <CENTER> <A HREF=""><B>Top Page</B></A> <A HREF="" ><B>MAIL BOX</B></A> <A HREF="master.html"><B>MASTERS OF KITES IN JAPAN</B></A><BR> <BR> </BODY> </HTML>
JAPANESE KITE COLLECTION Last up date:2000/08/25 **MASTER OF KITE ART** --- ![](./shimura/shimura-00.jpg) **This page was generated with the permission by Mr.Yasuo Shimura.** --- **Mr.Yasuo Shimura is very famous for one of the talented artist of painting of Edo kite and other Japanese traditional kites. He has been working for kites since 1980. He had had his private exibition of his great works eight times until now at the art gallery located at the center of Tokyo. He believes the paintings on the kites express the wish for prosperity, strength, beauty, helth, long life, success, wealth and so on. His kites were presented to Prime minister of Japan, Mr.Keizo Obuchi and the president of Japan Broadcating Association (NHK), Mr.Ebisawa as a celebrating kite. **Click on the pictures for large image.** --- | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | **Rising dragon** | **A Soldier on horse** | **Hideyoshi Toyotomi, a famous *Shogun*** | **A dragon and a tiger** | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | **A carp running up the fall** | **The sign of big hit** | **A beautiful woman** | ***Musha*, Soldier** | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | **Woman** | ***Happi*** | ***Happi*** | **Tattoo** | --- [**Top Page**]( [**MAIL BOX**]( [**MASTERS OF KITES IN JAPAN**](master.html)**
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height="30" border="0" alt="Links to the Greatest War2 Pages"></a> <a href="about.shtml.htm" tppabs="" onmouseover="image12.src='images/menu/abouton.jpg'/*tpa=*/;" onmouseout="image12.src='images/menu/about.jpg'/*tpa=*/;"><img name="image12" src="images/menu/about.jpg" tppabs="" width="110" height="30" border="0" alt="Information About This Page, and Myself"></a> <br><a href="javascript:if(confirm(' \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is addressed on a domain or path outside the boundaries set for its Starting Address. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?'))window.location=''" tppabs=""><img src="images/menu/wcorg-logo2.gif" tppabs="" width="105" height="65"></a> </td> <td width="660" valign="top" align="middle"> <div align="justify"><br> <!-- UPDATE------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> <p> Hello, and welcome to the Warcraft II Occult! Within these pages you will find loads of information about the greatest RTS game ever made, and the game that started the rise of RTS popularity to the levels that it is at today. <p> Did you know that you there is still an active Warcraft 2 Community that continues to play the game to this day? For more information, please visit the <a href="javascript:if(confirm(' \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is addressed on a domain or path outside the boundaries set for its Starting Address. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?'))window.location=''" tppabs=""></a> homepage, and download the game for free. There is still an active ladder, and various tournaments to sign up and compete in. <p> Be sure to check out the <a href="forum/index.htm" tppabs="">forums</a> as well. <p> This game and webpage definitely deserves some extra attention. I originally made this page in the late 90s, and it shows its age. I've been updating the odd page to get the navigation to work with the modern big 3 browsers. I've noticed that most of the Warcraft 2 pages are gone now, including a great preservation page that was put together, that contained all sorts of nostalgic information pulled from the various War2 sites created in early days of the Internet. I think I will probably do the same thing here, as this is pretty much the last remaining active Warcraft II site (not counting, of course). <p> And because I understand this page's place in history, here is an animated gif to remind you of the mid-90s. <p> <img src="images/animatedgifs/mageage.gif" tppabs=""> <!-- END UPDATE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --> </div> </td> <!-- -----------begin copyright and contact information--------------------- --> </td></table> <!--- closing table created in navigation.txt but after content of each page is added --> <!-- -----------begin copyright and contact information--------------------- --> <p> <div align="center"> <p style="font-family: arial, helvetica; font-size: 8pt; color: #FFFFFF";> <a href="contact.shtml.htm" tppabs="">Contact Information</a> <br> Copyright &COPY 2000-2013. All rights reserved. <br> <a href="copyright.shtml.htm" tppabs="">Copyright Information</a> </div> </body> </html>
The WarCraft Occult - Axolotl's War2 Page BODY {font-family: arial, helvetica; font-size: 10pt;} <!-- BODY { scrollbar-base-color: #313A65; scrollbar-arrow-color: white; scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color: grey; } --> <!-- Begin image1 = new Image(); image1.src = "images/menu/mainon.jpg"/\*tpa=\*/; image2 = new Image(); image2.src = "images/menu/strategyon.jpg"/\*tpa=\*/; image3 = new Image(); image3.src = "images/menu/qotdon.jpg"/\*tpa=\*/; image4 = new Image(); image4.src = "images/menu/mapoftheweekon.jpg"/\*tpa=\*/; image5 = new Image(); image5.src = "images/menu/mapson.jpg"/\*tpa=\*/; image6 = new Image(); image6.src = "images/menu/rantson.jpg"/\*tpa=\*/; image7 = new Image(); image7.src = "images/menu/onlineon.jpg"/\*tpa=\*/; image8 = new Image(); image8.src = "images/menu/fileson.jpg"/\*tpa=\*/; image9 = new Image(); image9.src = "images/menu/cheatson.jpg"/\*tpa=\*/; image10 = new Image(); image10.src = "images/menu/factson.jpg"/\*tpa=\*/; image11 = new Image(); image11.src = "images/menu/linkson.jpg"/\*tpa=\*/; image12 = new Image(); image12.src = "images/menu/abouton.jpg"/\*tpa=\*/; image13 = new Image(); image13.src = "images/menu/forumson.jpg"/\*tpa=\*/; // End --> | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | The Warcraft 2 Occult | | | | | | --- | --- | | [The Latest War2 News](index.shtml.htm) [Strategy and Tactics](strategy.shtml.htm) [War2 Insight Replays](replays.shtml.htm) [Forums](forum/index.htm) [Map of the Week](mapweek.shtml.htm) [Pics and Info Regarding the Built-In Maps](maps.shtml.htm) [Opinions and Thoughts](rants.shtml.htm) [Playing War2 Online](online.shtml.htm) [Files, Patches, and Utilities](files.shtml.htm) [Single Player Cheat Codes](cheats.shtml.htm) [Fun, Useless Facts About War2](uselessfacts.shtml.htm) [Links to the Greatest War2 Pages](links.shtml.htm) [Information About This Page, and Myself](about.shtml.htm) | Hello, and welcome to the Warcraft II Occult! Within these pages you will find loads of information about the greatest RTS game ever made, and the game that started the rise of RTS popularity to the levels that it is at today. Did you know that you there is still an active Warcraft 2 Community that continues to play the game to this day? For more information, please visit the [](javascript:if(confirm(' \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is addressed on a domain or path outside the boundaries set for its Starting Address. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?'))window.location='') homepage, and download the game for free. There is still an active ladder, and various tournaments to sign up and compete in. Be sure to check out the [forums](forum/index.htm) as well. This game and webpage definitely deserves some extra attention. I originally made this page in the late 90s, and it shows its age. I've been updating the odd page to get the navigation to work with the modern big 3 browsers. I've noticed that most of the Warcraft 2 pages are gone now, including a great preservation page that was put together, that contained all sorts of nostalgic information pulled from the various War2 sites created in early days of the Internet. I think I will probably do the same thing here, as this is pretty much the last remaining active Warcraft II site (not counting, of course). And because I understand this page's place in history, here is an animated gif to remind you of the mid-90s. | [Contact Information](contact.shtml.htm) Copyright © 2000-2013. All rights reserved. [Copyright Information](copyright.shtml.htm)
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-HH9C332LZ8'); </script> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <title>Vintage Microcomputer Kits & Early System ElectroniKits | The Sunrise EV2 Project</title> <meta http-equiv="description" content="The Sunrise EV2 Project values the importance of preserving our digital heritage. With this website, you can experience the thrill of these remarkable early system inventions. I offer a number of Membership Card microcomputer retro-kits. Plus, a number of other unique hobby ElectroniKits."> <meta http-equiv="keywords" content="Electric Vehicles, EV, Help, Donate, Kit Car, DC Drive, AC Drive, Direct Drive, WarP, Zilla, 1802, Membership Card, Electronikit"> </head> <body style=" background-image: url(&quot;parchment.jpg&quot;);"> <center><img src="photos/Dawn.jpg" title="The Sunrise EV2 Project Homepage" height=245 width=1024 alt="A picture of a sunset with The Sunrise EV2 Project Homepage text over it"></center> <hr> <a href="1802.htm"><img src="MembershipCard/McardComplete.jpg" title="Membership Card Assembled" alt="A computer in an Altoids tin" align=right height=240 width=320></a> <p>Welcome! This website has a split personality (a bit like me). First, it is devoted to my fascination with early microcomputers. I was <b>there</b> at the beginning of the microcomputer revolution. I remember when you could build your own computer from scratch, and program it yourself to do what <b>you</b> wanted it to do. It was a time when computers were simple enough so you could fully understand how they worked. Computers then were truly personal, and not a marketing trap controlled by corporate giants.</p> <p>Now you can experience the thrill of these remarkable early systems. I offer a number of "Membership Card" microcomputer retro-kits. Each is a complete working computer that fits in an Altoids candy tin. There's one for the <a href="8080.htm">Intel 8080</a>, the <a href="z80.htm">Zilog Z80</a>, the <a href="1802.htm">RCA 1802</a>; and others in development for the <a href="6502.htm">MOS Technology 6502</a> and Motorola 6800 and 6809. Plus a number of other unique hobby <a href="projects.htm">ElectroniKits</a>.</p> <ul><h2>Go to <a href="#microcomputers"> Vintage Microcomputer Projects</a></2></ul> <a href=""><img src="photos/1881ElectricCar.jpg" title="1881 Electric Car. Click for a video of other early EVs!" alt="1881 Electric Car. Click for a video of other early EVs!" align=right height=389 width=320></a> <p>Second, this website is devoted to my life-long interest in Electric Vehicles. Even though EVs were invented <b>before</b> ICEs, they wound up in second place. The clean, silent, reliable EVs weren't able to compete with the cheap, quick, and easy power of the ICEs. But things are changing fast. Global EV sales have risen from 2.5% in 2019, to 4.2% in 2020, and 8.3% in 2021 as a percentage of total vehicle sales. Your next new car may well be an EV!</p> <p>To switch to EVs, the auto companies have to re-tool their entire industry, and want to recoup their costs as quickly as possible. They also have a vested interest in producing vehicles "just like ICEs" that are big, heavy, and inefficient. Their EVs thus tend to be expensive and hard to fix.</p> <p>It doesn't have to be that way. Henry Ford's model T and the VW beetle showed that there is a huge market for simple, affordable cars. And EVs are intrinsically even simpler and cheaper! The 1970's CitiCar EV was dirt-simple and the cheapest car in America. Thousands were sold (a record not broken until the Tesla).</p> <p>The Sunrise Project began with a group of EV enthusiasts to create an affordable, high performance electric kit car that anyone of modest skill can assemble. The Sunrise EV2 is a four-passenger pure electric sports sedan, designed to meet all the safety, performance, and comfort requirements of a modern state-of-the-art automobile.</p> <ul><h2>Go to <a href="#vehicles"> Electric Vehicle Projects</a></h2></ul> <p>Finally, there is everything else. I have written many stories, poems, and song lyrics over the years. Some of the more memorable are included here for your perusal and enjoyment.</p> <ul><h2>Go to <a href="humor.htm"> Poems, Stories, and Silliness by Lee Hart</a></h2></ul> <hr> <a name="microcomputers"></a> <h1><center>Vintage Microcomputer Projects</center></h1> <table width=990><tr> <td width 271> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="projects.htm">General information</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="1802.htm">1802 Membership Card</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="projects.htm#memberchip">1802 MemberCHIP Card</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="vip2k.htm">1802 VIP2K video computer</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="projects.htm#facecard">1802 Face Card</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="1802.htm#nametag">1802 Nametag</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="1802.htm#clock">1802 ElfClock</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="vcf-elf.htm">1802 Elf Computer</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="1802.htm#1802protoboard">1802MC Protoboard</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="z80.htm">Z80 Membership Card</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="z80.htm#z80-sio">Z80-SIO Serial/Memory/SD-card</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="z80.htm#z80protoboard">Z80MC Protoboard</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="8080.htm">8080 Membership Card</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="6502.htm">6502 Badge</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="6502.htm#nameboy">6502 Nameboy</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="projects.htm#tree">Electronic Christmas Tree</a><br> <img src="photos/pixelshim.gif" height=4 width=330> <a href="8080.htm"><img src="photos/8080/8080mc-Schmidt.jpg" title="Altaid 8800 assembled by Paul Schmidt" alt="Altaid 8800 assembled by Paul Schmidt" height=259 width=330></a> <img src="photos/pixelshim.gif" height=4 width=330> <a href="projects.htm#tree"><img src="photos/Xmas/TreeAssembled.jpg" title="Assembled Electronic Christmas Tree" alt="Assembled Electronic Christmas Tree" height=365 width=330></a> <img src="photos/pixelshim.gif" height=4 width=330> <a href="projects.htm#facecard"><img src="MembershipCard/xmasfacecard.jpg" title="Xmas Face Card" alt="Xmas Face Card" height=289 width=330></a> </td> <td width=330> <img src="photos/pixelshim.gif" height=135 width=330> <a href="1802.htm"><img src="MembershipCard/1802mc-complete.jpg" title="1802 Membership Card in Altaids tin" alt="1802 Membership Card in Altaids tin" height=211 width=330></a> <img src="photos/pixelshim.gif" height=4 width=330> <a href="1802.htm#nametag"><img src="MembershipCard/1802nametag1.jpg" title="1802 Nametag" alt="1802 Nametag" height=226 width=330></a> <img src="photos/pixelshim.gif" height=4 width=330> <a href="1802.htm#clock"><img src="MembershipCard/elfclock.jpg" title="Clock card for 1802MC" alt="Clock card for 1802MC" height=198 width=330></a> <img src="photos/pixelshim.gif" height=4 width=330> <a href="6502.htm"><img src="photos/6502/badge-welcome.jpg" title="6502 Badge" alt="6502 Badge" height=330 width=330></a> </td> <td width=330> <a href="projects.htm#memberchip"><img src="photos/1802/1802me-assembled.jpg" title="1802 MemberCHIP Card with Altoids Smalls tin" alt="1802 MemberCHIP Card with Altoids Smalls tin" height=227 width=330> <a href="z80.htm"><img src="photos/z80/z80asmBenChong.jpg" title="Z80MC assembled by Ben Chong" alt="Z80MC assembled by Ben Chong" height=342 width=330></a> <img src="photos/pixelshim.gif" height=4 width=330> <a href="vip2k.htm"><img src="photos/1802/vip2k-startrek.jpg" title="1802 VIP2K displaying Star Trek 'Enterprise' in BASIC" alt="1802 VIP2K displaying Star Trek 'Enterprise' in BASIC" height=408 width=330></a> </td> </tr> </table> <br clear=left> <hr> <a href="8080.htm"><img src="photos/8080/Altaid-Imsai.jpg" align=right height=344 width=455 title="Altaid 8800 in front of vintage Altair and IMSAI computer" alt="Altaid 8800 in front of vintage Altair and IMSAI computers"></a> <h1>Recent updates:</h1> <ul> <li><b>1802:</b> <a href="">Octojam-7</a> is now history! This annual CHIP-8 programming contest runs every October. CHIP-8 is a graphically-oriented tiny programming language, perfect for beginners to write their own games. CHIP-8 runs many early computers, including the 1802 Elf, VIP, and <a href="vip2k.htm">VIP2K</a>. <li><b>8080:</b> The microcomputer revolution started in 1975 with the MITS Altair 8800. The <a href="8080.htm">ALTAID 8800</a> is a new version you can build yourself... and it fits in your pocket! It's not an emulator; it has a real 8080 CPU and is entirely built with vintage technology. Kits are coming soon, and bare boards are available <b>NOW</b>. <li><b>1802:</b> Now there's a truly affordable <a href="projects.htm#memberchip">1802 starter kit</a> to get started on a budget. The $29 kit has the PC board, 1802, 32k RAM, and 32K EPROM with a monitor, floating-point BASIC, and Scott Adams' classic "Adventureland" game. <li><b>6502:</b> 2017 was the 40th anniversary for the Apple ][, Commodore PET, and Atari VCS home computers. In honor of the occasion, we designed a <a href="6502.htm">6502 Badge</a> for VCFMW. It's a working 6502 computer, complete with BASIC, on a 3" badge. <li><b>Z80:</b> The <a href="z80.htm">Z80 Membership Card</a> is now running the CP/M operating system! The <a href="z80.htm#z80-sio">Z80-SIO Card</a> adds more RAM, a real UART, and a micro SD-card socket that simulates disk drives. <li><b>EV:</b> Added <a href="balancer.htm">Battery Balancer</a> documentation. <li><b>EV:</b> Added video of the <a href="">Sunrise in action</a>, and photos of the <a href="original.htm#NYCtoBoston">Solectria Sunrise</a> and the <a href="original.htm#team">development team</a>. <li><b>EV:</b> Updated the <a href="controllers.htm">Motor Controllers</a> page with documentation on the Rectactor (Henney Kilowatt) EV motor controller. </ul> <hr> <font size="+3"><strong>The Membership Card and other 1802 Projects:</strong></font> <ul> <li><a href="1802.htm">1802 Membership Card</a> computer rev.L is out. The PC parallel port is upgraded to a two-digit hex LED display (like the original Elf), which can be expanded to six ASCII digits. A power-on-jump circuit is added to begin execution at either 0h or 8000h, to suit the user's program ROMs. <li>Thanks to the work of Chuck Yakym, Ed Keefe, and others, we have BASIC3 running. This is RCA's 1981 floating-point BASIC for the 1802, comparable to Microsoft BASIC of the time. <li>The Membership Card was reviewed by Stephen Cass in the March 2015 issue of <a href="">IEEE Spectrum magazine</a>. The April 2015 issue had <a href="">Part 2</a> in the series. <li>2016 was the 40th anniversary of the "Elf" computer articles in Popular Electronics magazine. To celebrate, we made this <a href="vcf-elf.htm">reproduction of the original Elf computer</a>. True to the original, it was entirely built with wire-wrap (no soldering at all)! <li>The <a href="projects.htm#facecard">Face Card</a> was featured on the <a href="">Hackaday</a> website, and on Jeff Duntemann's <a href=""> Contrapositive Diary</a> blog. It displays an animated face with the 1802 retrocomputer. <li>I built this <a href="1802.htm#galileo">model of the Galileo spacecraft</a> for the 1802 booth at the Midwest Vintage Computer Festival. Like the original, it uses an 1802 microprocessor to send data. </ul> <hr> <table align=right width=640> <tr><td width=640><img src="photos/SolectriaSunriseYellow.jpg" title="The original Solectria Sunrise EV" alt="The original Solectria Sunrise EV" height=350 width=640 alt="The Solectria Sunrise"></a></td></tr> <tr><td width=640><center><b>The original Solectria Sunrise EV</b></center></td></tr> </table> <a name="vehicles"></a> <h1>Electric Vehicle Projects</h1> <a href="original.htm">The Solectria Sunrise</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="original.htm#specifications">Specifications</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="original.htm#links">Photos and Links</a><br> <a href="progress.htm">The Sunrise EV2 Project</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="specs.htm">Specifications</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="faq.htm">Frequently Asked Questions</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="#progress">Progress Report</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="bio.htm">Who We Are</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="#donations">You can help!</a><br> <a href="LeesEVs.htm">Lee's EV Products</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="LeesEVs.htm#eveskiss">General Information</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="LeesEVs.htm#battbridge">Batt-Bridge Out-of-Balance Alarm</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="LeesEVs.htm#zenerlamp">Zener-Lamp Regulator</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="balancer.htm">Battery Balancer</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="LeesEVs.htm#doubler">Doubler Contactor life extender</a><br> &nbsp; &#149; <a href="LeesEVs.htm#companion">E-Meter/Link-10 Isolator</a><br> <br clear=right> <hr> <a name="EVnews"><font size="+3"><strong>Electric Vehicles in the News</strong></font><br> <ul> <li><a href="">EV range has more than tripled in the past decade.</a> In 2011, the best selling EV was the Nissan Leaf, with a range of 73 miles. By 2022, it was the Chevy Bolt, with a range of 247 miles. The number of models available has also increased dramatically, from three in 2011 to over 70 today. EV prices have also tumbled, to the point where they are comparable to mid-range ICEs. <li><a href="">A great 2-minute summary of recent EV sales in the USA.</a> Sales have reached about 50,000 per year, which is 0.67% of the market... but growing very quickly. <li><a href=";doc_id=266001&amp;dfpPParams=ind_184,industry_auto,bid_22,aid_266001&amp;dfpLayout=blog">Automakers are again considering a higher voltage replacement for the traditional 12v battery.</a> The last time, it was to 36v (called "42v"). This time it's to 48v, to allow cheaper gas/electric hybrids. <li><a href="">Multi-step charging algorithm extends life of lithium cells.</a> Lithium cells are usually charged with simple constant-current constant-voltage chargers. We've known for years that other battery chemistries (lead-acid, nicad, nimh) benefit from more complex multi-step charging algorithms. This data suggests that lithium cell life is also improved by such algorithms. <li>And this one is just for fun. <a href="">Electric dragsters need arc-n-spark shows.</a> </ul> <hr> <p><a href="original.htm">The original Sunrise</a> was designed by Solectria Corp. using the Hypercar principles of Amory Lovins. It achieved remarkable efficiency and range, through the use of lightweight construction, innovative design, and superb aerodynamics. Unfortunately, only a handful were produced.</p> <p><a href="specs.htm">The Sunrise EV2</a> project began with the purchase of the last unfinished Sunrise from Solectria CEO James Worden. It is being <a href="specs.htm">redesigned as a kit car</a>, along the lines followed by manufacturers of light plane kits for the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association). The steps are:</p> <ol> <li>Build a working prototype, that interested parties can see and drive. Test the design and verify performance. <li>Publish plans, sufficient to build the entire car from scratch, just as we are doing now. <li>Provide key components produced from our molds and tooling, such as the fiberglass body and welded chassis parts, to simplify construction. <li>Produce parts kits and subassemblies. For example, all the major parts needed to build the wiring harness, body hardware, rear subframe, etc. <li>Offer a complete car kit. Combined with generic parts purchased new and those from a donor vehicle, anyone who can handle a screwdriver and wrench could put it together. <li>Someday, perhaps a fully assembled production automobile. I doubt we will get to this point for years, due to the costly regulatory requirements. </ol> <p>Our goal is to make the Sunrise EV2 as modular and open source as possible; like a PC clone, where many different parts can be used, from many different vendors. We'll provide the basic "box". Builders can then use any motor, controller, batteries, charger, interior, and instrumentation they like. Depending on your budget and performance requirements, your Sunrise can be AC or DC, lead-acid or lithium batteries, etc.</p> <p>We look forward to having a community of Sunrise EV2 builders, where members can exchange ideas, buy/sell/trade parts, and assist others in building their cars. Check this website out occasionally to see how we're doing.</p> <a href="progress.htm#current"><img src="photos/igorhappy.jpg" title="Igor (Lee) working on the Sunrise" alt="Igor (Lee) working on the Sunrise" height=315 width=420 align=left></a> <img src="photos/pixelshim.gif" width=10 height=300 align=left alt=""> <a name="progress"> <p><a href="progress.htm#current"><font size="+3"><strong>Progress</strong></font></a><br></p> <p>Not much progress this past year. Interest in homebuilt EVs really collapsed since the automakers began selling their own EVs. And I've had some financial setbacks that have kept me from investing much more than my own time in the project.</p> <p>But hope springs eternal. Perhaps the "leadership" in Washington DC will lead to another collapse in US automaker's interest in EVs (as it did in the year 2000). Certainly the US carmakers are going right while everyone else in the world is going left. Maybe there will be a rebirth of interest from people who want to build their <b>own</b> car; one that they can fix themselves without being beholden to Big Auto or the vagries of the government.</p> <p>There's nobody left to work on the Sunrise EV2 but Igor and I. But, I broke down and bought a gas furnace for the garage. Hopefully we can make some progress over the winter!</p> <br clear="left"> <hr> <a href="LeesEVs.htm"><font size="+3"><b>Lee's EVs</b></font></a><br> <p>In this section, I'll post EV tips and techniques to save you money, find parts, measure performance, and improve your EV. As new ones appear, the old ones will move to the <a href="LeesEVs.htm">Lee's EVs</a> page. Purchases contribute to the Sunrise EV2 Project. If you like what you see and want me to write more of them, please click the "donate" button below. :-)</p> <img src="Balancer/load12v25a1.jpg" alt="My 12v 25a battery tester" align=right height=355 width=400> <img src="photos/pixelshim.gif" align=right height=355 width=12 alt=""> <h2><b>Battery Testers</b></h2> <p>If you work with EVs, you need a way to test batteries. I've used all sorts of setups over the years, ranging from jury-rigged parts from my junkbox to sophisticated systems like my <a href="balancer.htm">Battery Balancer</a>. There are also commercial products, ranging from cheap junk for testing hobby R/C batteries to very expensive professional-grade systems.</p> <p>I think the most useful ones have been my home-made load testers. They are simple enough to be cheap and easy to build. They are rugged enough to handle high current for long periods of time. Best of all, I <b>know</b> what they are doing, so I know what the test results mean. I've described them before on the EV Discussion List, but here's a more complete description in case you'd like to build your own.</p> <p>A "load tester" basically consists of the following:</p> <ul> <li>A big load resistor to discharge the battery. <li>A fan to get rid of the heat. <li>A big switch or relay to connect the load to start the test, and disconnect it at the end of the test. <li>A voltage detector to set the starting and ending voltages. <li>Instrumentation, to measure and record what happened. <li>A box to put it all in. </ul> <p><b>Here's an example</b>: The tester pictured at the right was built in the discarded case from an inexpensive 120vac 1500 watt heater. The case was gutted, and nothing was kept but the fan switch. I installed a 12vdc muffin fan in place of the original 120vac fan. A large aluminum extruded heatsink was mounted in front of the fan. A big 40 amp automotive relay switches the load (the little Fan switch would die trying to switch high current DC). The load was made from a couple dozen surplus 25 watt power resistors in anodized aluminum cases, screwed to the heatsink for cooling. These resistors are wired to the FAN switch so I can select the load current. The FAN switch had 5 positions; Off, Fan, Low, Med, and High. I wired these positions to the resistors to provide the following loads for a 12v battery:</p> <img src="Balancer/load12v25a2.jpg" alt="Inside my 12v 25a battery tester" align=left height=355 width=400> <img src="photos/pixelshim.gif" align=left height=355 width=24 alt=""> <ul> <li>OFF - no load (about 5 ma) <li>FAN - 4 amps <li>LOW - 12 amps <li>MED - 18 amps <li>HIGH - 25 amps </ul> <p>The left picture is the view inside. The heatsink with all the resistors is in the middle. A 4.7" square 12vdc fan is hidden behind it. The CHARGE and DISCHARGE buttons are at the top, and the FAN switch to set the load current is on the top right. The relay is the black box at the right, with a 30 amp circuit breaker just below it in case anything goes wrong.</p> <p>Voltage is sensed by a modified Manzanita Micro "Rudman Regulator" (barely visible at the bottom of the case). These are normally used to balance or equalize 12v lead-acid batteries. It switches a 7.5 ohm load resistor across the battery if it exceeds a "fully charged" voltage set by a trimpot (i.e. 14.8v). It switches off when the voltage drops about 50 millivolts from this. I modified an old "rev.A" Rudman Regulator to make its turn-off adjustable with a trimpot to a "fully discharged" voltage (i.e. 10.5v). I also added a pair of pushbuttons to manually switch it ON and OFF. The modifications are very simple; only few parts are added.</p> <p>The relay coil is wired to the regulator's external load terminals. The regulator's 7.5 ohm load resistor was removed (they tend to burn up). The relay contacts switch the battery between the charger and the load resistors. In operation, the regulator switches the battery to the charger until it reaches the "fully charged" voltage; then to the load until it reaches the "fully discharged" voltage; and then repeats.</p> <br clear=right> <img src="Balancer/RudmanRegModified.jpg" alt="Rudman Regulators; rev.A and rev.C" align=right height=261 width=600> <img src="photos/pixelshim.gif" align=right height=261 width=12 alt=""> <b>Modifying the Rudman Regulator (rev.A, B, or C) -- Parts Needed</b>: <ul> <li>D4: 1N270 80v 200ma germanium diode <li>D5: 1N4001 50v 1amp silicon diode <li>K1: Potter & Brumfield VF4-45F11 automotive relay; 12v coil, 40/30amp SPDT contacts <li>R25: 100k ohm trimpot <li>R27: 1k 1/4w 5% resistor <li>S2, S3: SPST pushbutton switch </ul> <b>Instructions</b>: See photo. The lower board is an unmodified rev.C board. The top board is a MODIFIED Rev.A board. The red wire in the photo comes from the junction of R5 and D4, and goes to the connection between R27 and S3 (which are remotely mounted). <ol> <li>Remove LP1, the on-board 7.5 ohm resistor (it will burn up if used continuously). <li>Wire the coil of relay K1 to J3 and J4 (the external load terminals), or to the connections for LP1 if the board does not have J3 and J4. <li>Connect D5 across the coil of K1. The banded (cathode) end goes to J3 or POS end of LP2. <li>Find R5 (1 megohm) on the Rudman Regulator board. It is right next to R2, the high voltage adjustment trimpot. The inboard end is the one farthest from the edge of the board. <li>Connect CHARGE pushbutton S3 between the inboard end of R5 and J2 (the NEG terminal). <li>Connect DISCHARGE pushbutton and 1k resistor R27 in series between the inboard end of R5 and J1 (the POS terminal). <li>Connect diode D4 and trimpot R25 in series. Then connect them across the ends of R5. The banded (cathode) of D4 goes to the inboard end of R5. I mounted D4 and R25 on a little piece of perf board, and bolted it to the board in the example shown. </ol> <b>Simplified Schematic</b>: <a href="Balancer/cycler.pdf">Click here</a> for the complete schematic in PDF format. <pre> ____/\/\/\____________________________________ | R27 | D4 R25 | | 1K | 1N270 100K | O |__|/|___/\/\/\__ O / S2 | |\| ^ S3 / O DISCHARGE | | CHARGE O ___|___________________|___________|___________ | |J1 | | o ___ J2 | | | |_| | R5 || R2| |_|__| | | | 1meg ||___| | | |POS LP1 |___________o NEG| | (removed) | | EXT LOAD | | J3 J4 | | POS _| |_ Rudman Regulator | |_______________|_|___|_|_______________________| | | D5 |__|/|__| 1N4001 | |\| | | | |_|_|_|_| K1 Potter & Brumfield VF4-45F11 12vdc coil, 40/30a SPDT contacts </pre> <p><b>Adjustment</b>: The original trimpot on the Rudman Regulator, R2, works as before. It adjusts the voltage at which the regulator turns on (the high, or fully-charged voltage). New trimpot R25 adjusts the voltage at which the regulator turns off (the low, or fully-discharged voltage). The range of adjustment are as follows (based on my unit):</p> <pre> Turn-On Voltage Turn-Off Voltage R2 at --> min center max min center max ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ R25: min 13.38v 14.22v 15.45v 9.85v 9.87v 10.00v center 13.38v 14.22v 15.45v 12.88v 13.45v 14.41v max 13.39v 14.22v 15.46v 13.13v 13.76v 14.82v </pre> <p><b>Instrumentation</b>: I used a Cruising Equipment / Heart Interface / Xantrex "E-meter" with RS-232 port, and an old XT PC computer for data logging. A digital multimeter with RS-232 port could serve as well. I wrote a QuickBASIC program to display, print, and save the data to disk. I built this setup over 20 years ago, and still use it regularly!</p> <p><a href="Balancer/TESTLION.BAS">Click here</a> for my QuickBASIC program to display, graph, print, and log data from the E-meter/Link-10 setup.</p> <p><b>Operation</b>: Connect a battery, and a charger. Set up the computer to log the data (or use a clipboard, pencil, clock, and meter). Set the FAN switch for the desired discharge current. Press the CHARGE button. The Rudman regulator thinks the battery has fallen below its lower limit, and turns off. This drops out the relay, which in turn connects the charger to the battery.</p> <p>The charger charges the battery. When the battery reaches 14.8v (or whatever you set with the original trimpot on the board), the regulator turns on. This pulls in the relay, whose contacts disconnect the charger and connect the load resistors.</p> <p>The load resistors discharge the battery. When the battery reaches 10.5v (or whatever you set with the new trimpot), the regulator turns off. The relay drops out, which disconnects the load and connects the charger.</p> <p>The charge-discharge cycle repeats continuously. Or, turn off the FAN switch while charging to end the current cycle with the battery fully charged. Or turn off the charger while discharging to end with the battery fully discharged.</p> <hr> <p><a name="donations"><font size="+2"><strong>Donations</strong></font><br></a></p> <p>Did you find something on this website that was interesting, educational, or just plain entertaining? Want to get involved? There are several ways you can help.</p> <p><strong>Contact me:</strong> Questions or comments? Corrections or problems with this web site? Contact Lee A. Hart by phone at (320) 656-9574, by <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#81ede4e4e0e9e0f3f5c1e4e0f3f5e9ede8efeaafefe4f5ade4ede4e2f5f3eeefe8eae8f5f2c1e6ece0e8edafe2eeecbef2f4e3ebe4e2f5bcd2f4eff3e8f2e4a4b3b1f6e4e3f2e8f5e4bba4b3b1">email</a>, or by mail at 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377-2240.</p> <p><strong>Design:</strong> Developing products like these requires the skills of many talented people. I'm still learning and improving as I go! If you have ideas for improvements, can help with design, software, construction, or testing; or have other skills you think would be helpful, please contact me!</p> <p><strong>Construction:</strong> I don't offer assembled kits, as it's very labor intensive, and there is only one of me! Do you like to build things? If so, let me know and I can direct people interested in purchasing an assembled kit to you.</p> <p><strong>Components:</strong> Some of the parts in homebuilt EVs and vintage computer kits can be hard to get. If you know of any sources, or have extra parts in your "junk box" that you think would be of use, I may be interested in buying them. Contact me and see!</p> <p><strong>Donations:</strong> Developing projects and maintaining this website costs money. If you'd like to encourage my work, please consider sending a little something with the "Donate" button below. Every penny helps!</p> <center> <!-- start of Paypal "donate" button code --> <form action="" method="post"> <input name="cmd" value="_s-xclick" type="hidden"> <input name="hosted_button_id" value="CC4BD8UCKQ46N" type="hidden"> <input src="" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!" border="0" type="image"> <img alt="" src="" border="0" height="1" width="1"> </form> <!-- end of Paypal "donate" button code --> <img src="photos/BodyLFcorner1.jpg" title="Steven Taylor's Solectria Sunrise" alt="Steven Taylor's Solectria Sunrise" height=350 width=600><br> Steven Taylor's Solectria Sunrise <hr> <p>The Sunrise EV2 Project, copyright 2007-2023 by Lee A. Hart. Website created 2/4/2008 by Lee A. Hart. Last update 7/24/2023.<br> Go to <a href="index.htm">TOP</a> of this page ................ Questions? Comments? Want to help? <a href="index.htm#donations">CONTACT US!</a><br> Web hosting provided by <a href="">Innovative Computers</a>.</p> </center> <script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript">_uacct = "UA-4418270-1";urchinTracker(); </script> <script type="text/javascript">var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-44840571-1']); _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); </script> </body> </html>
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-HH9C332LZ8'); Vintage Microcomputer Kits & Early System ElectroniKits | The Sunrise EV2 Project ![A picture of a sunset with The Sunrise EV2 Project Homepage text over it](photos/Dawn.jpg "The Sunrise EV2 Project Homepage") --- [![A computer in an Altoids tin](MembershipCard/McardComplete.jpg "Membership Card Assembled")](1802.htm) Welcome! This website has a split personality (a bit like me). First, it is devoted to my fascination with early microcomputers. I was **there** at the beginning of the microcomputer revolution. I remember when you could build your own computer from scratch, and program it yourself to do what **you** wanted it to do. It was a time when computers were simple enough so you could fully understand how they worked. Computers then were truly personal, and not a marketing trap controlled by corporate giants. Now you can experience the thrill of these remarkable early systems. I offer a number of "Membership Card" microcomputer retro-kits. Each is a complete working computer that fits in an Altoids candy tin. There's one for the [Intel 8080](8080.htm), the [Zilog Z80](z80.htm), the [RCA 1802](1802.htm); and others in development for the [MOS Technology 6502](6502.htm) and Motorola 6800 and 6809. Plus a number of other unique hobby [ElectroniKits](projects.htm). ## Go to [Vintage Microcomputer Projects](#microcomputers) [![1881 Electric Car. Click for a video of other early EVs!](photos/1881ElectricCar.jpg "1881 Electric Car. Click for a video of other early EVs!")]( Second, this website is devoted to my life-long interest in Electric Vehicles. Even though EVs were invented **before** ICEs, they wound up in second place. The clean, silent, reliable EVs weren't able to compete with the cheap, quick, and easy power of the ICEs. But things are changing fast. Global EV sales have risen from 2.5% in 2019, to 4.2% in 2020, and 8.3% in 2021 as a percentage of total vehicle sales. Your next new car may well be an EV! To switch to EVs, the auto companies have to re-tool their entire industry, and want to recoup their costs as quickly as possible. They also have a vested interest in producing vehicles "just like ICEs" that are big, heavy, and inefficient. Their EVs thus tend to be expensive and hard to fix. It doesn't have to be that way. Henry Ford's model T and the VW beetle showed that there is a huge market for simple, affordable cars. And EVs are intrinsically even simpler and cheaper! The 1970's CitiCar EV was dirt-simple and the cheapest car in America. Thousands were sold (a record not broken until the Tesla). The Sunrise Project began with a group of EV enthusiasts to create an affordable, high performance electric kit car that anyone of modest skill can assemble. The Sunrise EV2 is a four-passenger pure electric sports sedan, designed to meet all the safety, performance, and comfort requirements of a modern state-of-the-art automobile. ## Go to [Electric Vehicle Projects](#vehicles) Finally, there is everything else. I have written many stories, poems, and song lyrics over the years. Some of the more memorable are included here for your perusal and enjoyment. ## Go to [Poems, Stories, and Silliness by Lee Hart](humor.htm) --- # Vintage Microcomputer Projects | | | | | --- | --- | --- | |   • [General information](projects.htm)   • [1802 Membership Card](1802.htm)   • [1802 MemberCHIP Card](projects.htm#memberchip)   • [1802 VIP2K video computer](vip2k.htm)   • [1802 Face Card](projects.htm#facecard)   • [1802 Nametag](1802.htm#nametag)   • [1802 ElfClock](1802.htm#clock)   • [1802 Elf Computer](vcf-elf.htm)   • [1802MC Protoboard](1802.htm#1802protoboard)   • [Z80 Membership Card](z80.htm)   • [Z80-SIO Serial/Memory/SD-card](z80.htm#z80-sio)   • [Z80MC Protoboard](z80.htm#z80protoboard)   • [8080 Membership Card](8080.htm)   • [6502 Badge](6502.htm)   • [6502 Nameboy](6502.htm#nameboy)   • [Electronic Christmas Tree](projects.htm#tree) [Altaid 8800 assembled by Paul Schmidt](8080.htm) [Assembled Electronic Christmas Tree](projects.htm#tree) [Xmas Face Card](projects.htm#facecard) | [1802 Membership Card in Altaids tin](1802.htm) [1802 Nametag](1802.htm#nametag) [Clock card for 1802MC](1802.htm#clock) [6502 Badge](6502.htm) | [1802 MemberCHIP Card with Altoids Smalls tin [Z80MC assembled by Ben Chong](z80.htm) [1802 VIP2K displaying Star Trek 'Enterprise' in BASIC](vip2k.htm)](projects.htm#memberchip) | --- [![Altaid 8800 in front of vintage Altair and IMSAI computers](photos/8080/Altaid-Imsai.jpg "Altaid 8800 in front of vintage Altair and IMSAI computer")](8080.htm) # Recent updates: * **1802:** [Octojam-7]( is now history! This annual CHIP-8 programming contest runs every October. CHIP-8 is a graphically-oriented tiny programming language, perfect for beginners to write their own games. CHIP-8 runs many early computers, including the 1802 Elf, VIP, and [VIP2K](vip2k.htm). * **8080:** The microcomputer revolution started in 1975 with the MITS Altair 8800. The [ALTAID 8800](8080.htm) is a new version you can build yourself... and it fits in your pocket! It's not an emulator; it has a real 8080 CPU and is entirely built with vintage technology. Kits are coming soon, and bare boards are available **NOW**. * **1802:** Now there's a truly affordable [1802 starter kit](projects.htm#memberchip) to get started on a budget. The $29 kit has the PC board, 1802, 32k RAM, and 32K EPROM with a monitor, floating-point BASIC, and Scott Adams' classic "Adventureland" game. * **6502:** 2017 was the 40th anniversary for the Apple ][, Commodore PET, and Atari VCS home computers. In honor of the occasion, we designed a [6502 Badge](6502.htm) for VCFMW. It's a working 6502 computer, complete with BASIC, on a 3" badge. * **Z80:** The [Z80 Membership Card](z80.htm) is now running the CP/M operating system! The [Z80-SIO Card](z80.htm#z80-sio) adds more RAM, a real UART, and a micro SD-card socket that simulates disk drives. * **EV:** Added [Battery Balancer](balancer.htm) documentation. * **EV:** Added video of the [Sunrise in action](, and photos of the [Solectria Sunrise](original.htm#NYCtoBoston) and the [development team](original.htm#team). * **EV:** Updated the [Motor Controllers](controllers.htm) page with documentation on the Rectactor (Henney Kilowatt) EV motor controller. --- **The Membership Card and other 1802 Projects:** * [1802 Membership Card](1802.htm) computer rev.L is out. The PC parallel port is upgraded to a two-digit hex LED display (like the original Elf), which can be expanded to six ASCII digits. A power-on-jump circuit is added to begin execution at either 0h or 8000h, to suit the user's program ROMs. * Thanks to the work of Chuck Yakym, Ed Keefe, and others, we have BASIC3 running. This is RCA's 1981 floating-point BASIC for the 1802, comparable to Microsoft BASIC of the time. * The Membership Card was reviewed by Stephen Cass in the March 2015 issue of [IEEE Spectrum magazine]( The April 2015 issue had [Part 2]( in the series. * 2016 was the 40th anniversary of the "Elf" computer articles in Popular Electronics magazine. To celebrate, we made this [reproduction of the original Elf computer](vcf-elf.htm). True to the original, it was entirely built with wire-wrap (no soldering at all)! * The [Face Card](projects.htm#facecard) was featured on the [Hackaday]( website, and on Jeff Duntemann's [Contrapositive Diary]( blog. It displays an animated face with the 1802 retrocomputer. * I built this [model of the Galileo spacecraft](1802.htm#galileo) for the 1802 booth at the Midwest Vintage Computer Festival. Like the original, it uses an 1802 microprocessor to send data. --- | | | --- | | The Solectria Sunrise | | **The original Solectria Sunrise EV** | # Electric Vehicle Projects [The Solectria Sunrise](original.htm)   • [Specifications](original.htm#specifications)   • [Photos and Links](original.htm#links) [The Sunrise EV2 Project](progress.htm)   • [Specifications](specs.htm)   • [Frequently Asked Questions](faq.htm)   • [Progress Report](#progress)   • [Who We Are](bio.htm)   • [You can help!](#donations) [Lee's EV Products](LeesEVs.htm)   • [General Information](LeesEVs.htm#eveskiss)   • [Batt-Bridge Out-of-Balance Alarm](LeesEVs.htm#battbridge)   • [Zener-Lamp Regulator](LeesEVs.htm#zenerlamp)   • [Battery Balancer](balancer.htm)   • [Doubler Contactor life extender](LeesEVs.htm#doubler)   • [E-Meter/Link-10 Isolator](LeesEVs.htm#companion) --- **Electric Vehicles in the News** * [EV range has more than tripled in the past decade.]( In 2011, the best selling EV was the Nissan Leaf, with a range of 73 miles. By 2022, it was the Chevy Bolt, with a range of 247 miles. The number of models available has also increased dramatically, from three in 2011 to over 70 today. EV prices have also tumbled, to the point where they are comparable to mid-range ICEs. * [A great 2-minute summary of recent EV sales in the USA.]( Sales have reached about 50,000 per year, which is 0.67% of the market... but growing very quickly. * [Automakers are again considering a higher voltage replacement for the traditional 12v battery.](,industry_auto,bid_22,aid_266001&dfpLayout=blog) The last time, it was to 36v (called "42v"). This time it's to 48v, to allow cheaper gas/electric hybrids. * [Multi-step charging algorithm extends life of lithium cells.]( Lithium cells are usually charged with simple constant-current constant-voltage chargers. We've known for years that other battery chemistries (lead-acid, nicad, nimh) benefit from more complex multi-step charging algorithms. This data suggests that lithium cell life is also improved by such algorithms. * And this one is just for fun. [Electric dragsters need arc-n-spark shows.]( --- [The original Sunrise](original.htm) was designed by Solectria Corp. using the Hypercar principles of Amory Lovins. It achieved remarkable efficiency and range, through the use of lightweight construction, innovative design, and superb aerodynamics. Unfortunately, only a handful were produced. [The Sunrise EV2](specs.htm) project began with the purchase of the last unfinished Sunrise from Solectria CEO James Worden. It is being [redesigned as a kit car](specs.htm), along the lines followed by manufacturers of light plane kits for the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association). The steps are: 1. Build a working prototype, that interested parties can see and drive. Test the design and verify performance. - Publish plans, sufficient to build the entire car from scratch, just as we are doing now. - Provide key components produced from our molds and tooling, such as the fiberglass body and welded chassis parts, to simplify construction. - Produce parts kits and subassemblies. For example, all the major parts needed to build the wiring harness, body hardware, rear subframe, etc. - Offer a complete car kit. Combined with generic parts purchased new and those from a donor vehicle, anyone who can handle a screwdriver and wrench could put it together. - Someday, perhaps a fully assembled production automobile. I doubt we will get to this point for years, due to the costly regulatory requirements. Our goal is to make the Sunrise EV2 as modular and open source as possible; like a PC clone, where many different parts can be used, from many different vendors. We'll provide the basic "box". Builders can then use any motor, controller, batteries, charger, interior, and instrumentation they like. Depending on your budget and performance requirements, your Sunrise can be AC or DC, lead-acid or lithium batteries, etc. We look forward to having a community of Sunrise EV2 builders, where members can exchange ideas, buy/sell/trade parts, and assist others in building their cars. Check this website out occasionally to see how we're doing. [![Igor (Lee) working on the Sunrise](photos/igorhappy.jpg "Igor (Lee) working on the Sunrise")](progress.htm#current) ![](photos/pixelshim.gif) [**Progress**](progress.htm#current) Not much progress this past year. Interest in homebuilt EVs really collapsed since the automakers began selling their own EVs. And I've had some financial setbacks that have kept me from investing much more than my own time in the project. But hope springs eternal. Perhaps the "leadership" in Washington DC will lead to another collapse in US automaker's interest in EVs (as it did in the year 2000). Certainly the US carmakers are going right while everyone else in the world is going left. Maybe there will be a rebirth of interest from people who want to build their **own** car; one that they can fix themselves without being beholden to Big Auto or the vagries of the government. There's nobody left to work on the Sunrise EV2 but Igor and I. But, I broke down and bought a gas furnace for the garage. Hopefully we can make some progress over the winter! --- [**Lee's EVs**](LeesEVs.htm) In this section, I'll post EV tips and techniques to save you money, find parts, measure performance, and improve your EV. As new ones appear, the old ones will move to the [Lee's EVs](LeesEVs.htm) page. Purchases contribute to the Sunrise EV2 Project. If you like what you see and want me to write more of them, please click the "donate" button below. :-) ![My 12v 25a battery tester](Balancer/load12v25a1.jpg) ![](photos/pixelshim.gif) ## **Battery Testers** If you work with EVs, you need a way to test batteries. I've used all sorts of setups over the years, ranging from jury-rigged parts from my junkbox to sophisticated systems like my [Battery Balancer](balancer.htm). There are also commercial products, ranging from cheap junk for testing hobby R/C batteries to very expensive professional-grade systems. I think the most useful ones have been my home-made load testers. They are simple enough to be cheap and easy to build. They are rugged enough to handle high current for long periods of time. Best of all, I **know** what they are doing, so I know what the test results mean. I've described them before on the EV Discussion List, but here's a more complete description in case you'd like to build your own. A "load tester" basically consists of the following: * A big load resistor to discharge the battery. * A fan to get rid of the heat. * A big switch or relay to connect the load to start the test, and disconnect it at the end of the test. * A voltage detector to set the starting and ending voltages. * Instrumentation, to measure and record what happened. * A box to put it all in. **Here's an example**: The tester pictured at the right was built in the discarded case from an inexpensive 120vac 1500 watt heater. The case was gutted, and nothing was kept but the fan switch. I installed a 12vdc muffin fan in place of the original 120vac fan. A large aluminum extruded heatsink was mounted in front of the fan. A big 40 amp automotive relay switches the load (the little Fan switch would die trying to switch high current DC). The load was made from a couple dozen surplus 25 watt power resistors in anodized aluminum cases, screwed to the heatsink for cooling. These resistors are wired to the FAN switch so I can select the load current. The FAN switch had 5 positions; Off, Fan, Low, Med, and High. I wired these positions to the resistors to provide the following loads for a 12v battery: ![Inside my 12v 25a battery tester](Balancer/load12v25a2.jpg) ![](photos/pixelshim.gif) * OFF - no load (about 5 ma) * FAN - 4 amps * LOW - 12 amps * MED - 18 amps * HIGH - 25 amps The left picture is the view inside. The heatsink with all the resistors is in the middle. A 4.7" square 12vdc fan is hidden behind it. The CHARGE and DISCHARGE buttons are at the top, and the FAN switch to set the load current is on the top right. The relay is the black box at the right, with a 30 amp circuit breaker just below it in case anything goes wrong. Voltage is sensed by a modified Manzanita Micro "Rudman Regulator" (barely visible at the bottom of the case). These are normally used to balance or equalize 12v lead-acid batteries. It switches a 7.5 ohm load resistor across the battery if it exceeds a "fully charged" voltage set by a trimpot (i.e. 14.8v). It switches off when the voltage drops about 50 millivolts from this. I modified an old "rev.A" Rudman Regulator to make its turn-off adjustable with a trimpot to a "fully discharged" voltage (i.e. 10.5v). I also added a pair of pushbuttons to manually switch it ON and OFF. The modifications are very simple; only few parts are added. The relay coil is wired to the regulator's external load terminals. The regulator's 7.5 ohm load resistor was removed (they tend to burn up). The relay contacts switch the battery between the charger and the load resistors. In operation, the regulator switches the battery to the charger until it reaches the "fully charged" voltage; then to the load until it reaches the "fully discharged" voltage; and then repeats. ![Rudman Regulators; rev.A and rev.C](Balancer/RudmanRegModified.jpg) ![](photos/pixelshim.gif) **Modifying the Rudman Regulator (rev.A, B, or C) -- Parts Needed**: * D4: 1N270 80v 200ma germanium diode * D5: 1N4001 50v 1amp silicon diode * K1: Potter & Brumfield VF4-45F11 automotive relay; 12v coil, 40/30amp SPDT contacts * R25: 100k ohm trimpot * R27: 1k 1/4w 5% resistor * S2, S3: SPST pushbutton switch **Instructions**: See photo. The lower board is an unmodified rev.C board. The top board is a MODIFIED Rev.A board. The red wire in the photo comes from the junction of R5 and D4, and goes to the connection between R27 and S3 (which are remotely mounted). 1. Remove LP1, the on-board 7.5 ohm resistor (it will burn up if used continuously). - Wire the coil of relay K1 to J3 and J4 (the external load terminals), or to the connections for LP1 if the board does not have J3 and J4. - Connect D5 across the coil of K1. The banded (cathode) end goes to J3 or POS end of LP2. - Find R5 (1 megohm) on the Rudman Regulator board. It is right next to R2, the high voltage adjustment trimpot. The inboard end is the one farthest from the edge of the board. - Connect CHARGE pushbutton S3 between the inboard end of R5 and J2 (the NEG terminal). - Connect DISCHARGE pushbutton and 1k resistor R27 in series between the inboard end of R5 and J1 (the POS terminal). - Connect diode D4 and trimpot R25 in series. Then connect them across the ends of R5. The banded (cathode) of D4 goes to the inboard end of R5. I mounted D4 and R25 on a little piece of perf board, and bolted it to the board in the example shown. **Simplified Schematic**: [Click here](Balancer/cycler.pdf) for the complete schematic in PDF format. ``` ____/\/\/\____________________________________ | R27 | D4 R25 | | 1K | 1N270 100K | O |__|/|___/\/\/\__ O / S2 | |\| ^ S3 / O DISCHARGE | | CHARGE O ___|___________________|___________|___________ | |J1 | | o ___ J2 | | | |_| | R5 || R2| |_|__| | | | 1meg ||___| | | |POS LP1 |___________o NEG| | (removed) | | EXT LOAD | | J3 J4 | | POS _| |_ Rudman Regulator | |_______________|_|___|_|_______________________| | | D5 |__|/|__| 1N4001 | |\| | | | |_|_|_|_| K1 Potter & Brumfield VF4-45F11 12vdc coil, 40/30a SPDT contacts ``` **Adjustment**: The original trimpot on the Rudman Regulator, R2, works as before. It adjusts the voltage at which the regulator turns on (the high, or fully-charged voltage). New trimpot R25 adjusts the voltage at which the regulator turns off (the low, or fully-discharged voltage). The range of adjustment are as follows (based on my unit): ``` Turn-On Voltage Turn-Off Voltage R2 at --> min center max min center max ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ R25: min 13.38v 14.22v 15.45v 9.85v 9.87v 10.00v center 13.38v 14.22v 15.45v 12.88v 13.45v 14.41v max 13.39v 14.22v 15.46v 13.13v 13.76v 14.82v ``` **Instrumentation**: I used a Cruising Equipment / Heart Interface / Xantrex "E-meter" with RS-232 port, and an old XT PC computer for data logging. A digital multimeter with RS-232 port could serve as well. I wrote a QuickBASIC program to display, print, and save the data to disk. I built this setup over 20 years ago, and still use it regularly! [Click here](Balancer/TESTLION.BAS) for my QuickBASIC program to display, graph, print, and log data from the E-meter/Link-10 setup. **Operation**: Connect a battery, and a charger. Set up the computer to log the data (or use a clipboard, pencil, clock, and meter). Set the FAN switch for the desired discharge current. Press the CHARGE button. The Rudman regulator thinks the battery has fallen below its lower limit, and turns off. This drops out the relay, which in turn connects the charger to the battery. The charger charges the battery. When the battery reaches 14.8v (or whatever you set with the original trimpot on the board), the regulator turns on. This pulls in the relay, whose contacts disconnect the charger and connect the load resistors. The load resistors discharge the battery. When the battery reaches 10.5v (or whatever you set with the new trimpot), the regulator turns off. The relay drops out, which disconnects the load and connects the charger. The charge-discharge cycle repeats continuously. Or, turn off the FAN switch while charging to end the current cycle with the battery fully charged. Or turn off the charger while discharging to end with the battery fully discharged. --- **Donations** Did you find something on this website that was interesting, educational, or just plain entertaining? Want to get involved? There are several ways you can help. **Contact me:** Questions or comments? Corrections or problems with this web site? Contact Lee A. Hart by phone at (320) 656-9574, by [email](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#81ede4e4e0e9e0f3f5c1e4e0f3f5e9ede8efeaafefe4f5ade4ede4e2f5f3eeefe8eae8f5f2c1e6ece0e8edafe2eeecbef2f4e3ebe4e2f5bcd2f4eff3e8f2e4a4b3b1f6e4e3f2e8f5e4bba4b3b1), or by mail at 814 8th Ave N, Sartell MN 56377-2240. **Design:** Developing products like these requires the skills of many talented people. I'm still learning and improving as I go! If you have ideas for improvements, can help with design, software, construction, or testing; or have other skills you think would be helpful, please contact me! **Construction:** I don't offer assembled kits, as it's very labor intensive, and there is only one of me! Do you like to build things? If so, let me know and I can direct people interested in purchasing an assembled kit to you. **Components:** Some of the parts in homebuilt EVs and vintage computer kits can be hard to get. If you know of any sources, or have extra parts in your "junk box" that you think would be of use, I may be interested in buying them. Contact me and see! **Donations:** Developing projects and maintaining this website costs money. If you'd like to encourage my work, please consider sending a little something with the "Donate" button below. Every penny helps! ![]( ![Steven Taylor's Solectria Sunrise](photos/BodyLFcorner1.jpg "Steven Taylor's Solectria Sunrise") Steven Taylor's Solectria Sunrise --- The Sunrise EV2 Project, copyright 2007-2023 by Lee A. Hart. Website created 2/4/2008 by Lee A. Hart. Last update 7/24/2023. Go to [TOP](index.htm) of this page ................ Questions? Comments? Want to help? [CONTACT US!](index.htm#donations) Web hosting provided by [Innovative Computers]( \_uacct = "UA-4418270-1";urchinTracker(); var \_gaq = \_gaq || []; \_gaq.push(['\_setAccount', 'UA-44840571-1']); \_gaq.push(['\_setDomainName', '']); \_gaq.push(['\_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })();
<HTML> <!-- [an error occurred while processing this directive] --> <HEAD> <TITLE>Beyond Vegetarianism--Raw Food, Vegan, Fruitarian, Paleo Diets</TITLE> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Reports from veterans of vegetarian and raw-food diets, veganism, fruitarianism, and instinctive eating, plus new science from paleolithic diet research and clinical nutrition."> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="paleolithic diet, vegetarianism, veganism, raw food diet, raw foods, paleolithic nutrition, vegetarian, vegan nutrition, ex-vegetarians, anti-vegetarian, failure to thrive, living foods, cooked foods, clinical nutrition, natural hygiene, fruitarianism, fruitarian, hunter-gatherers, prehistoric, cave man, fasting, instincto, instinctive eating, anopsology, meat eaters, meat eating, paleodiet, neanderthin, neander-thin, low-carb, zone diet, protein power, eating disorders, 100% raw"> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <CENTER> <IMG SRC="graphics/" ALT="Beyond Vegetarianism: Transcending Outdated Dogmas" WIDTH="494" HEIGHT="92" BORDER="0" VSPACE="0"><BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="12"><BR> <FONT SIZE="2" COLOR="#663333"><B>Reports from veterans of vegetarian and raw-food diets,<BR> veganism, fruitarianism, and instinctive eating, plus new science<BR> from paleolithic diet research and clinical nutrition.</B></FONT></CENTER><P><CENTER><FONT SIZE="2" COLOR="#663333"> </FONT> </CENTER> <CENTER> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="3" BGCOLOR="#FF99FF"> <TR> <TD><FONT SIZE="3" COLOR="#000000"><B><A HREF="cat/bv-links/newest-articles.shtml">What's New</A> on <I>Beyond Veg</I></B><BR> </FONT><FONT SIZE="2">Latest upload: ** 23 September 2012 **</FONT><BR></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </CENTER> <CENTER> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="9"><BR> <A HREF="cat/frank-talk/index.shtml"><FONT SIZE="5"><B>F</B></FONT></A>RANK TALK ABOUT VEGETARIAN, VEGAN<BR> &amp; RAW-FOOD DIETS FROM LONG-TIME INSIDERS<BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="10"><BR> <A HREF="cat/research/index.shtml"><FONT SIZE="5"><B>R</B></FONT></A>ESEARCH-BASED APPRAISALS OF<BR> ALTERNATIVE DIET LORE<BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="10"><BR> <A HREF="cat/paleodiet/index.shtml"><FONT SIZE="5"><B>P</B></FONT></A>ALEODIET &amp; PALEOLITHIC NUTRITION<BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="10"><BR> <A HREF="cat/nat-hyg/index.shtml"><FONT SIZE="5"><B>R</B></FONT></A>ETHINKING NATURAL HYGIENE<BR> <I>(are the heavens falling?)</I><BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="10"><BR> <A HREF="cat/fruit-dreams/index.shtml"><FONT SIZE="5"><B>W</B></FONT></A>AKING UP FROM THE FRUITARIAN DREAMTIME<BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="10"><BR> <A HREF="cat/instincto/index.shtml"><FONT SIZE="5"><B>B</B></FONT></A>ASIC INSTINCT FOR ANOPSOLOGY<BR> <I>(Re-examining instinctive eating / instincto)</I><BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="10"><BR> <A HREF="cat/topics/index.shtml"><FONT SIZE="5"><B>S</B></FONT></A>PECIAL TOPICS: NUTRITION<BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="10"><BR> <A HREF="cat/psych/index.shtml"><FONT SIZE="5"><B>P</B></FONT></A>SYCHOLOGY OF IDEALISTIC DIETS<BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="10"><BR> <A HREF="cat/diet-bios/index.shtml"><FONT SIZE="5"><B>D</B></FONT></A>IETARY PROBLEMS IN THE REAL WORLD<BR> <I>(Bios of vegetarians, ex-vegetarians, and others<BR> in search of health, not dogma...)</I><BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="10"><BR> <A HREF="cat/editorials/index.shtml"><FONT SIZE="5"><B>E</B></FONT></A>DIBLE EDITORIALS<BR> <I>(on ethics, environment, and other things<BR> to make you go "hmmm...")</I><BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="10"><BR> <A HREF="cat/reviews/index.shtml"><FONT SIZE="5"><B>B</B></FONT></A>OOK REVIEWS<BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="10"><BR> <A HREF="cat/reactions/index.shtml"><FONT SIZE="5"><B>C</B></FONT></A>OMMENTS &amp; REACTIONS FROM READERS<BR> <I>(hey, that's you)</I><BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="10"><BR> <A HREF="cat/humor/index.shtml"><FONT SIZE="5"><B>H</B></FONT></A>UMOR &amp; SATIRE<BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="10"><BR> <A HREF="cat/links-out/index.shtml"><FONT SIZE="5"><B>L</B></FONT></A>INKS TO OTHER SITES / LISTGROUPS<BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="10"><BR> <A HREF="cat/site-contrib/index.shtml"><FONT SIZE="5"><B>S</B></FONT></A>ITE CONTRIBUTORS &amp; ARTICLES BY AUTHOR<BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="10"><BR> <A HREF="cat/reactions/feedback.shtml"><FONT SIZE="5"><B>C</B></FONT></A>ONTACT <I>BEYOND VEG</I> </CENTER><P><CENTER> </CENTER> <CENTER> <BLOCKQUOTE> <FONT SIZE="2"><B>Response and reaction</B> to site material sent to us will be considered as intended for possible posting and further comment from the editors of the site, unless you explicitly state otherwise. Be sure when you write with such commentary that you take care to represent your views as if intended&nbsp;for&nbsp;public&nbsp;consumption.<P> <FONT COLOR="#663333"><B>A few abbreviations you will see on the site:</B><BR></FONT> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="5"><BR> <B>SAD</B> denotes "standard American diet" (a sad diet indeed), and its equivalent, <B>SWD,</B>&nbsp;signifies "standard Western diet." <B>Veg*n</B>&nbsp;(with an asterisk) is shorthand for&nbsp;"vegan&nbsp;and/or&nbsp;vegetarian."</FONT><P> </BLOCKQUOTE> </CENTER> <HR> <CENTER><H3><B><I><FONT COLOR="#009900"><A NAME="Beyond Veg Mission">Why Beyond Veg was created--</A><BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="6"><BR> <FONT SIZE="3">(SOMEBODY finally had to)</FONT></FONT></I></B></H3></CENTER> <B>The material presented on this site</B> comes from individuals with years of hard-<WBR>won experience either practicing alternative diets or observing those who do. As you'll find, no two writers will necessarily agree on all topics. A unifying theme, however, is the intent to squarely acknowledge and discuss the sometimes serious problems that can occur on alternative diets but often go unreported, and to go beyond the simplistic dogmas readily available elsewhere--<WBR>in fact almost everywhere--<WBR>to "explain them away."<P> A sense of admirable idealism is often a motivating factor encouraging people to take responsibility for their own health and to explore different diets. However, the development of emotional attachments to philosophies underlying such diets can often end up becoming far more important for some individuals than the results they obtain--<WBR>or fail to. One result has been widespread refusal in the alternative diet community to face health and behavioral problems that may arise on these diets. A common thread in what you'll read here is that a kind of subjective, "blinded naturalism" has become more or less endemic in the vegetarian, raw-<WBR>food, and alternative diet movements, which can lead to serious health troubles.<P> We hope the range of views presented here will encourage--<WBR>perhaps even force--<WBR>you to think for yourself and go beyond the need for reliance on any single authority in evaluating the worth and workability of a diet. Especially if you have experienced problems yourself, you will know how crucial it is to remove the proverbial rose-<WBR>colored glasses and face the issues discussed here openly, rationally, and realistically.<P> <HR><P> <CENTER><FONT SIZE="4" COLOR="#006699"><B><I>Have suggestions or something to contribute?</I></B></FONT></CENTER><P> <UL> <LI>Although our time for email discussions is limited, we are interested in hearing your <B>reactions</B> to the material here. We would particularly like to hear from you if you see <B>article ideas or topics</B> we have missed that you believe could use investigation.<P> <LI>We are also interested in expanding our section of <B>case histories</B> of people who have had significant problems on raw, vegetarian, vegan, or other alternative or "natural" diets, and how they solved them, whether by modifying the diet in some "unapproved" way while remaining vegetarian, or by moving on to a non-vegetarian one. (See our <A HREF="cat/diet-bios/index.shtml">Dietary Problems in the Real World</A> category, for examples <NOBR>of bios.)</NOBR><P> <LI>If the material on this site is of particular interest to you, and you are knowledgeable in science (esp. anthropology, nutrition, primatology, etc.) and/or you have relevant experience in alternative or vegan/<WBR>vegetarian diets, and want to write for the site, we invite you to contact one of the site editors to discuss. (Use the link just below.) Serious inquiries only, please--<WBR>we reserve the right to ignore queries that are frivolous or otherwise inappropriate for the thrust of this site, as stated just below.<BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="6"><BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Please note that we specifically want <B>articles that go beyond the typical "party line."</B> Scientific research is preferred, but fair-<WBR>minded anecdotal evidence is acceptable in areas where no relevant research is available.<BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="6"><BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Note to hard-line types: Despite claims to the contrary, remember that anecdotal research is sometimes used (though perhaps more informally) in professional nutrition and even medicine, where it's referred to as "case studies." Also, the publication of anecdotal evidence is frequently responsible for uncovering areas later pursued in peer-<WBR>reviewed research, and has its value when little formal knowledge of any kind is available. As many of the topics discussed on this site have been little-<WBR>studied as yet in terms of rigorous research, it is our belief that anecdotal evidence in these areas is worthwhile, at the least, to stimulate interest and uncover topics worth a <NOBR>further look.</NOBR><P> <LI>All material that we use will be credited as appropriate.<P> </UL> <CENTER> <FONT SIZE="3" COLOR="#996666"><B><A HREF="cat/reactions/feedback.shtml">Send email to <I>Beyond Veg</I> (who to contact)</A>.</B></FONT><P> </CENTER> <HR><P> <CENTER> <BLOCKQUOTE> <FONT SIZE="2"><FONT SIZE="1" COLOR="#006699">C O P Y R I G H T&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;S T A T E M E N T</FONT><BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="5"><BR> <B>The articles on this site are copyrighted by their respective authors. Unsigned material including category page copy, article link blurbs, site logo, and site design is copyright &copy; 1997-2002, 2007, 2010-2012 by the <I><NOBR>Beyond Veg</NOBR></I> site editor. Contact each writer directly for permission to republish in other media outside the Internet, such as print. Queries about reproduction elsewhere on the Internet itself should be directed to the site editor. Reproduction without permission is expressly prohibited. Reproduction of figures, graphs, and charts that have been reprinted within articles on this site by permission from other sources requires separate permission from&nbsp;the&nbsp;original&nbsp;publisher(s).</B><BR></FONT> <FONT SIZE="1" COLOR="#006699"><BR> # # # # #</FONT><P> <A NAME="medical disclaimer"></A> <FONT SIZE="2"><FONT COLOR="#006699"><B>Obligatory medical disclaimer:</B></FONT><BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="4"><BR> Folks, it should go without saying, but we know and you know that you take full legal responsibility for whatever decisions you make regarding your own health care. What we offer on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. The whole point here is that you think clearly for yourself and make your own decisions, with the input of a licensed health professional should you choose to consult one. So&nbsp;if you try to come back on us saying we attempted to convince you otherwise, you don't have a legal leg to stand on. Got&nbsp;it? What we all need is more individuals like yourself who will own up to their own doings and resist the temptation to contribute further to our ridiculously litigious&nbsp;society.&nbsp;(Spread&nbsp;the&nbsp;word!)<P></FONT> </BLOCKQUOTE> </CENTER> <HR> <CENTER> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="2" WIDTH="100%"> <TR> <TD WIDTH="100%" VALIGN="MIDDLE" BGCOLOR="#FFCC00"> <P ALIGN="CENTER"><FONT SIZE="2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="cat/reactions/feedback.shtml">Feedback</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<FONT SIZE="3">|</FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="cat/links-out/index.shtml">Links</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</FONT><BR> <IMG SRC="graphics/shim.gif" WIDTH="1" HEIGHT="2"><BR> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </CENTER><P> </BODY> </HTML>
Beyond Vegetarianism--Raw Food, Vegan, Fruitarian, Paleo Diets ![Beyond Vegetarianism: Transcending Outdated Dogmas](graphics/ ![](graphics/shim.gif) **Reports from veterans of vegetarian and raw-food diets, veganism, fruitarianism, and instinctive eating, plus new science from paleolithic diet research and clinical nutrition.** | | | --- | | **[What's New](cat/bv-links/newest-articles.shtml) on *Beyond Veg*** Latest upload: \*\* 23 September 2012 \*\* | ![](graphics/shim.gif) [**F**](cat/frank-talk/index.shtml)RANK TALK ABOUT VEGETARIAN, VEGAN & RAW-FOOD DIETS FROM LONG-TIME INSIDERS ![](graphics/shim.gif) [**R**](cat/research/index.shtml)ESEARCH-BASED APPRAISALS OF ALTERNATIVE DIET LORE ![](graphics/shim.gif) [**P**](cat/paleodiet/index.shtml)ALEODIET & PALEOLITHIC NUTRITION ![](graphics/shim.gif) [**R**](cat/nat-hyg/index.shtml)ETHINKING NATURAL HYGIENE *(are the heavens falling?)* ![](graphics/shim.gif) [**W**](cat/fruit-dreams/index.shtml)AKING UP FROM THE FRUITARIAN DREAMTIME ![](graphics/shim.gif) [**B**](cat/instincto/index.shtml)ASIC INSTINCT FOR ANOPSOLOGY *(Re-examining instinctive eating / instincto)* ![](graphics/shim.gif) [**S**](cat/topics/index.shtml)PECIAL TOPICS: NUTRITION ![](graphics/shim.gif) [**P**](cat/psych/index.shtml)SYCHOLOGY OF IDEALISTIC DIETS ![](graphics/shim.gif) [**D**](cat/diet-bios/index.shtml)IETARY PROBLEMS IN THE REAL WORLD *(Bios of vegetarians, ex-vegetarians, and others in search of health, not dogma...)* ![](graphics/shim.gif) [**E**](cat/editorials/index.shtml)DIBLE EDITORIALS *(on ethics, environment, and other things to make you go "hmmm...")* ![](graphics/shim.gif) [**B**](cat/reviews/index.shtml)OOK REVIEWS ![](graphics/shim.gif) [**C**](cat/reactions/index.shtml)OMMENTS & REACTIONS FROM READERS *(hey, that's you)* ![](graphics/shim.gif) [**H**](cat/humor/index.shtml)UMOR & SATIRE ![](graphics/shim.gif) [**L**](cat/links-out/index.shtml)INKS TO OTHER SITES / LISTGROUPS ![](graphics/shim.gif) [**S**](cat/site-contrib/index.shtml)ITE CONTRIBUTORS & ARTICLES BY AUTHOR ![](graphics/shim.gif) [**C**](cat/reactions/feedback.shtml)ONTACT *BEYOND VEG* > > **Response and reaction** to site material sent to us will be considered as intended for possible posting and further comment from the editors of the site, unless you explicitly state otherwise. Be sure when you write with such commentary that you take care to represent your views as if intended for public consumption. > **A few abbreviations you will see on the site:** > > ![](graphics/shim.gif) > > **SAD** denotes "standard American diet" (a sad diet indeed), and its equivalent, **SWD,** signifies "standard Western diet." **Veg\*n** (with an asterisk) is shorthand for "vegan and/or vegetarian." > > > > > --- ### ***Why Beyond Veg was created-- (SOMEBODY finally had to)*** **The material presented on this site** comes from individuals with years of hard-won experience either practicing alternative diets or observing those who do. As you'll find, no two writers will necessarily agree on all topics. A unifying theme, however, is the intent to squarely acknowledge and discuss the sometimes serious problems that can occur on alternative diets but often go unreported, and to go beyond the simplistic dogmas readily available elsewhere--in fact almost everywhere--to "explain them away." A sense of admirable idealism is often a motivating factor encouraging people to take responsibility for their own health and to explore different diets. However, the development of emotional attachments to philosophies underlying such diets can often end up becoming far more important for some individuals than the results they obtain--or fail to. One result has been widespread refusal in the alternative diet community to face health and behavioral problems that may arise on these diets. A common thread in what you'll read here is that a kind of subjective, "blinded naturalism" has become more or less endemic in the vegetarian, raw-food, and alternative diet movements, which can lead to serious health troubles. We hope the range of views presented here will encourage--perhaps even force--you to think for yourself and go beyond the need for reliance on any single authority in evaluating the worth and workability of a diet. Especially if you have experienced problems yourself, you will know how crucial it is to remove the proverbial rose-colored glasses and face the issues discussed here openly, rationally, and realistically. --- ***Have suggestions or something to contribute?*** * Although our time for email discussions is limited, we are interested in hearing your **reactions** to the material here. We would particularly like to hear from you if you see **article ideas or topics** we have missed that you believe could use investigation. * We are also interested in expanding our section of **case histories** of people who have had significant problems on raw, vegetarian, vegan, or other alternative or "natural" diets, and how they solved them, whether by modifying the diet in some "unapproved" way while remaining vegetarian, or by moving on to a non-vegetarian one. (See our [Dietary Problems in the Real World](cat/diet-bios/index.shtml) category, for examples of bios.) * If the material on this site is of particular interest to you, and you are knowledgeable in science (esp. anthropology, nutrition, primatology, etc.) and/or you have relevant experience in alternative or vegan/vegetarian diets, and want to write for the site, we invite you to contact one of the site editors to discuss. (Use the link just below.) Serious inquiries only, please--we reserve the right to ignore queries that are frivolous or otherwise inappropriate for the thrust of this site, as stated just below. ![](graphics/shim.gif)       Please note that we specifically want **articles that go beyond the typical "party line."** Scientific research is preferred, but fair-minded anecdotal evidence is acceptable in areas where no relevant research is available. ![](graphics/shim.gif)       Note to hard-line types: Despite claims to the contrary, remember that anecdotal research is sometimes used (though perhaps more informally) in professional nutrition and even medicine, where it's referred to as "case studies." Also, the publication of anecdotal evidence is frequently responsible for uncovering areas later pursued in peer-reviewed research, and has its value when little formal knowledge of any kind is available. As many of the topics discussed on this site have been little-studied as yet in terms of rigorous research, it is our belief that anecdotal evidence in these areas is worthwhile, at the least, to stimulate interest and uncover topics worth a further look. * All material that we use will be credited as appropriate. **[Send email to *Beyond Veg* (who to contact)](cat/reactions/feedback.shtml).** --- > > C O P Y R I G H T   S T A T E M E N T > > ![](graphics/shim.gif) > > **The articles on this site are copyrighted by their respective authors. Unsigned material including category page copy, article link blurbs, site logo, and site design is copyright © 1997-2002, 2007, 2010-2012 by the *Beyond Veg* site editor. Contact each writer directly for permission to republish in other media outside the Internet, such as print. Queries about reproduction elsewhere on the Internet itself should be directed to the site editor. Reproduction without permission is expressly prohibited. Reproduction of figures, graphs, and charts that have been reprinted within articles on this site by permission from other sources requires separate permission from the original publisher(s).** > > > > # # # # # > > **Obligatory medical disclaimer:** > > ![](graphics/shim.gif) > > Folks, it should go without saying, but we know and you know that you take full legal responsibility for whatever decisions you make regarding your own health care. What we offer on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. The whole point here is that you think clearly for yourself and make your own decisions, with the input of a licensed health professional should you choose to consult one. So if you try to come back on us saying we attempted to convince you otherwise, you don't have a legal leg to stand on. Got it? What we all need is more individuals like yourself who will own up to their own doings and resist the temptation to contribute further to our ridiculously litigious society. (Spread the word!) > > > --- | | | --- | |    [Feedback](cat/reactions/feedback.shtml)   |   [Links](cat/links-out/index.shtml)    |
<html> <head> <!-- Google Analytics --> <script>||function(){(ga.q=ga.q||[]).push(arguments)};ga.l=+new Date; ga('create', 'UA-131966-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> <script async src=''></script> <!-- End Google Analytics --> <title>Windows Refund Day</title> </head> <body> <h1 ALIGN="CENTER">Windows Refund day</h1> <FONT SIZE=-1>The page now has the higher quality jpegs, and two versions of the <a href="videos/">videos</a> of what was shown on TV</FONT> (actually you probably want the the longer <a href="">Mashup of 4 TV news reports on windows refund day</a> on youtube. <h2>Introduction</h2> For those who hadn't heard the story, February 15th 1999 was windows refund day</a>. It was a worldwide day when open source OS users went to microsoft's offices to return their unused licenses of windows that they were forced to acquire since they were bundled with the machine they bought.<BR> The windows EULA (End User License Agreement) clearly states that the agreement can be refused by the end user, and that windows can be returned to the manufacturer. In real life, however, manufacturers typically say that they can't refund the windows license and tell the user to contact microsoft directly. I can't say I really blame manufacturers for doing that because: <OL> <LI>I don't have proof for this (only a few top executives would), but I'm convinced that manufacturers would lose the money they would reimburse because microsoft would not pay them back. <LI>They wouldn't be allowed to re-use the license on another machine <LI>Microsoft would impose a different OEM pricing on them if they decided to ship non ms OSes, or if they shipped machines without an OS (did you notice that typically, the only place that will sell you an OS free machine is a little shop, because they pay retail price for windows licenses anyway, so ms can't put any pressure on them). <LI>If they were to refund windows, this would reveal their (secret) OEM pricing agreement with ms and I'm not quite sure manufacturers, as well as microsoft, wants people to have that information. </OL> <P> Anyway, a few people from <a href="">SVLUG</a>, including Don Marti, Rick Moen (yes he was <a href="">there</a>), Chris DiBona, the world famous Nick Moffitt, and Tabinda Khan, organized the Bay Area windows refund effort.<BR> Since at the <a href="../teaparty/">Linux tea party</a>, microsoft showed up at our meeting point to try to deter us from going to their offices in Palo Alto, this time, the ultimate meeting point was kept secret, and 4 officers revealed it at the last minute to the crowd that had gathered, as planned, at the four meeting points around the Bay Area. <h2>Denny's</h2> Where do we go, when we don't know were to meet? Denny's! <img src="/gifs/people/smile.happy.gif" alt=":-)" align="TOP" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16><BR> So, the final gathering point was in front of a Denny's in Foster City, about a mile away from the microsoft office. <P> Some of the press was there and filmed/interviewed us, while we were preparing our signs. <P ALIGN="center"> <img src="signs.jpg" alt="[preparing signs] " WIDTH=361 HEIGHT=487> <P> Then, we rehearsed, and made sure the signs worked <img src="/gifs/people/smile.happy.gif" alt=":-)" align="TOP" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16> <P ALIGN="center"> <img src="analprobe.jpg" alt="[showing signs] " WIDTH=394 HEIGHT=526> <BR> <tt>Some even came up with nice NQPC (not quite politically correct) signs <img src="/gifs/people/smile.happy.gif" alt=":-)" align="TOP" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16> (Nathan Myers, on the left, can take all the credit for this one. If you don't understand, it's because you don't watch <a href="">South Park</a>) </tt><BR> (Fred Boak ( later reported that it actually comes from the movie <a href="">Passion Fish</a>) <P> You've heard about computer wearables, but there's no reason why you can't have penguin wearables. I need to thank Mark Bolzern from <a href="">Linuxmall</a>, for the penguins I had, since those were a gift from him. You can buy your own <a href="">here</a> <P ALIGN="center"> <img src="penguingear.jpg" alt="[penguin gear] " WIDTH=393 HEIGHT=534> <BR> <tt>Yeah, I'm sure my Mom is real proud of having as a son a nutcase who wears penguins <img src="/gifs/people/smile.happy.gif" alt=":-)" align="TOP" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></tt> <P> Also, <a href="">V.A. Research</a> was generous again, and made special T-Shirts for the event. Once again, thank you very much V.A. <P ALIGN="center"> <img src="tshirt.jpg" alt="[V.A. t-shirt] " WIDTH=535 HEIGHT=327><BR><BR> <img src="tshirtf.jpg" alt="[V.A. t-shirt] " WIDTH=351 HEIGHT=363><BR><BR> <img src="tshirtb.jpg" alt="[V.A. t-shirt] " WIDTH=415 HEIGHT=490><BR> <tt>"We didn't want your operating system, this is what we want"<BR> (please, next time make it a little narrower, so that it fits on my scanner) <img src="/gifs/people/smile.happy.gif" alt=":-)" align="TOP" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></tt> <P> <BR> <h2>Going to the microsoft office</h2> So, once we were all there, and ready, we left for the ms office, and were occasionally cheered at by passing drivers who would honk at us. <P> <img src="walking.jpg" alt="[walking to the ms office] " WIDTH=549 HEIGHT=323> <P> When we got closer to the MS building, we saw on the top of the parking lot that many people were waiting for us, including a lot of reporters, from several magasines, and at least 4 TV stations. <h2>At the microsoft office</h2> They had signs saying "linux press conference" or "linux event", which led us to the top of that parking lot, and there were a few microsoft representatives, along with the reporters.<P> They tried to pull that "welcome" thing, just like at the <a href="../teaparty">Linux tea party</a>, but this time we weren't ready to play along. We weren't there to make fun of them, we were there for business. <P ALIGN="center"> <img src="welcome.jpg" alt="[welcome sign] " WIDTH=593 HEIGHT=306> <BR> <tt>Sorry, but this time, a nice sign and a few drinks won't be enough</tt> <P> For reference, also, even though a majority of the crowd were linux users, it was in no way a linux only event. Other alternative OS users joined us, including FreeBSD users, and I'm told a couple of SCO users. However, I don't really blame people for mistaking this with a linux only event, as it was mostly announced as such.<P> We had a lot people to talk to the MS folks, including Oby One Kenoby^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H ESR (Eric Raymond, the guy who wrote the <a href=""> Cathedral and the Bazaar</a>, and who released the <a href="">Halloween Documents</a>) <P ALIGN="center"> <img src="esr.jpg" alt="[picture of Eric Raymond]" WIDTH=319 HEIGHT=361> </P> And all the reporters were here: <P ALIGN="center"> <img src="reporters.jpg" alt="[picture of the reporters]" WIDTH=595 HEIGHT=269><BR><BR> <img src="reporters2.jpg" alt="[picture of the reporters]" WIDTH=594 HEIGHT=316><BR><BR> <img src="reporters3.jpg" alt="[picture of the reporters]" WIDTH=593 HEIGHT=295> </P> Basically, the ms folks told us the press and us that the EULA explicitly says that we should talk to the PC manufacturer. They also issued a written <a href="dear-valued-customer.html">official statement</a> (you may want to read it in order to understand what's below)<BR> This is obviously rather lame since as far as I know manufacturers are coerced into fulfilling this agreement and yet wouldn't be refunded by microsoft if they refunded a customer. Can anyone tell me how different it is from the per CPU licensing they used to have before they were <a href="">restrained</a> by the department of justice in 1995? <P> As for the official statement: <UL> <LI>Someone needs to tell them that I'm not their freaking "valued customer"!!! <LI>I do have to admit that they're good when they say that we have a choice of OS. Unless you go through extraordinary efforts, or build your PC yourself (can anyone say "laptop" ?), it's still difficult to get a PC without windows nowadays (almost impossible for name brands), and they very well know it. <LI><em>"At the request of the PC makers that license Windows for resale, Microsoft must direct you to the PC maker from which you purchased your copy of Windows."</em> Oh yeah, this is a really good one. If this isn't definite proof that they are lying through their teeth, I don't know what else you need... I suppose I am to believe that PC manufacturers were the ones to ask for that clause saying that they'd reimburse windows if the customer didn't want it... (thanks to Arne Knut Roev for pointing that out). <LI>More than 200,000 PC makers worldwide are supposed to let me choose which OS I want, if any? Jeez, where have I been shopping then? <LI>In the bit about quoting, the specific page they refer to is most likely <a href="">this one</a>. While it is a nice move from them, let's be serious: if it were that easy to buy a PC without windows, we wouldn't have to make a list... <LI><em>"We hope that you, like millions of other customers around the world have done, choose Microsoft operating system products to run your PC and enhance your computing experience".</em> Maybe it's just because I'm French, but I have a different understanding of the word "enhance" than they seem to have. </UL> <P> Arne Knut Roev ( also wrote <a href="">a few words</a> about the ms response. <P> After speaking to the journalists for a while, we decided that ms had stalled us long enough, and that it was time to go inside to their offices. To make a long story short, all we found were closed doors, and an elevator that had been reprogrammed not to go to the 9th floor (where their office is). People did try to go to the 10th floor and take the stairs, but those stairs had doors that wouldn't open from the stairs' side. <P ALIGN="center"> <img src="elevator.jpg" alt="[picture in the elevator]" WIDTH=480 HEIGHT=360><BR> <tt>You can press the 9th floor button, but it won't go anywhere...<BR> (picture courtesy of John Beale)</tt> </P> Can anyone say "cowards"? <BR> On the TV news, I saw an ms lady saying that people were working and that we couldn't disturb the office, but that's BS because we only send a very small group of people who had licences to return, exactly because we didn't want to cause trouble and disturb the other companies in the same office. <P> While a few were still trying to get in, the rest of us stayed outside. <P ALIGN="center"> <img src="crowd.jpg" alt="[picture of the crowd]" WIDTH=590 HEIGHT=381><BR><BR> <img src="crowd2.jpg" alt="[picture of the crowd]" WIDTH=493 HEIGHT=316><BR><BR> <img src="crowd3.jpg" alt="[picture of the crowd]" WIDTH=499 HEIGHT=250><BR><BR> <img src="crowd4.jpg" alt="[picture of the crowd]" WIDTH=313 HEIGHT=567><BR> </P> and eventually left... <P ALIGN="center"> <img src="leaving.jpg" alt="[picture of us leaving]" WIDTH=575 HEIGHT=335><BR> </P> ...for the CoffeeNet, were Rick Moen (there is no Rick Moen) doesn't live since he <a href="">doesn't exist</a>. (don't be overly concerned if you don't understand <img src="/gifs/people/smile.happy.gif" alt=":-)" align="TOP" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16>). <P ALIGN="center"> <img src="coffeenet.jpg" alt="[picture of the coffeenet]" WIDTH=600 HEIGHT=281><BR><BR> <img src="coffeenet2.jpg" alt="[picture of the coffeenet]" WIDTH=593 HEIGHT=379><BR><BR> </P> <h2>Newspaper coverage</h2> I'll fill those as I get them. <UL> <LI><a href=",4586,2209072,00.html">ZDNET</a> <LI><a href=",1032,18767-30913-223427-0,00.html">Nando Times</a> <LI><a href="">New York Times</a> (login:cypherpunk, password:cypherpunk) <LI><a href="">Wired</a> <LI><a href="">Washingtown Post</a> <LI><a href="">LinuxWorld</a> <LI><a href="">San Diego Union Tribune</a> <LI><a href="">BBC News</a> <LI><a href="">New York Daily</a> <LI><a href="">ComputerWorld</a> <LI><a href=",3725,2211607,00.html">zdnet</a> (with realvideo clip) </UL> <h2>TV coverage</h2> In the past, a couple of SVLUG members had been on TV for a minute or so to talk about linux. This time however, it was <em>much</em> better than anything else we'd done so far.<P> We ended up on all four newscasts that were on TV that evening. I have encoded those and made high bitrate MPEGs of them. They're nice, but since they're a bit big, I'll try to encode them again with a lower bitrate this time. <OL> <LI><a href="videos/">The ABC Video</a><BR> They had a segment that lasted about 2:30mn. They showed the bald ms guy saying that our event was only about PR, and that we should see the manufacturers for refunds. Then they did show the counterpoint of us saying that manufacturers won't refund us and that they tell us to talk to microsoft.<BR> They compared the day to some independence day that happened all over the country, and they also mentioned that microsoft refused us entrance to their offices.<BR> The really cool thing is that they explained briefly what linux was, and showed a demo of a V.A. computer running linux and the KDE desktop (probably because pretty much like windows). <LI><a href="videos/">The CBS Video</a><BR> Their segment lasted about one minute, and showed us preparing our banners, and they also showed microsoft's "welcome sign" for us. Like the others, they showed both sides of the story with regard to the refund issue. <LI><a href="videos/">The NBC Video</a><BR> Their segment, which lasted about 2:30mn, did mention that we did a "small orderly protest", and mentioned the issue of with the elevators that did prevent us from going to the microsoft office.<BR> The funny thing is that you can distinctively see the "I didn't ask for the Anal Probe" sign <img src="/gifs/people/smile.happy.gif" alt=":-)" align="TOP" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16>. <BR>They also nicely spent a little time mentioning what linux was, and explaining that it was a free operating system created by Linus Torvalds. <LI><a href="videos/">The FOX Video</a><BR> FOX was last (the page used to say UPN, this was an error), around 22:30, and only showed 30 seconds or so, but like all the others, mentioned the license issue. They did however say, I quote, "they prefer something called linux". You can tell the news anchor wasn't quite sure what she was talking about... <LI>CNN Headline News, as reported by a few people. Mark Mealman ( says: "They did a mention of it during their biz segment, comparing it to a march on Washington by users seeking a refund for their unused copies of Windows. They also said that the majority of the marchers were users of the Linux operating system." If anyone taped it, please let me know. </OL> I'd like to say that for once, I've been positively impressed by those journalists. I'd say they all did a pretty decent job, and didn't make any blunders, or say something completely incorrect (not like it hasn't happened before). Yes, it'd have been nice if they had emphasised a little more on the fact that microsoft wrote an agreement that they manage not to respect, but that would be taking sides, and it's not their job. <h2>Conclusion</h2> I honestly never expected microsoft to pull out a check book, and start writing checks because it would not only set a bad precedent for them (many others would start asking for refunds), but also because it wouldn't have been practical for them to do so. As I mentioned earlier, each OEM gets a different pricing, so they would have had to make different checks to different people, and reveal their secret pricing agreements.<BR> Yet, I'd have been more than happy for them to prove me wrong... Anyway, I came because the ultimate goal was to draw attention to the problem in the hopes that it would get fixed eventually (i.e. that manufacturers would truely refund people who ask, or better, that OEMs could really bundle any OS they wanted (or no OS at all), without being penalised by microsoft).<P> This time was really different from the <a href="../teaparty">Linux tea party</a>, when they not only didn't lose face, but handled the matter very well.<BR> This time, we clearly came out ahead. They were the ones who had to hide in their building and lock the doors, and the PR we're getting from this event is really great. I just hope it will help move things in the right direction. <P> Thanks all those who came, thank you for all having been orderly and for having behaved professionally, and see you all next time.<BR> <a href="../../perso/contact.html">Marc Merlin</a> (<em></em>)<BR> <BR> (this was all written late, so please feel free to point out spelhing mistakes and factual errors if there are any, I'll update the page quickly. I also gladly welcome additions to the page, especially links to newspaper articles and/or scans of those).<BR> (just to make sure since I got a few Emails about it, yes, I know how to spelh "spell", that one was a joke <img src="/gifs/people/smile.happy.gif" alt=":-)" align="TOP" WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16>) <P ALIGN="center"> <img src="/gifs/lines/misc/lampline.gif" alt="" WIDTH=720 HEIGHT=14> </P> <br> <img src="/gifs/misc/wizard.gif" alt="" align="middle" WIDTH=72 HEIGHT=61> <img src="/gifs/linux/damn-powered.gif" alt="" align="right" WIDTH=170 HEIGHT=29> <IMG SRC="/gifs/icons/msfree.gif" ALT="[ms free site]" ALIGN="right" WIDTH=95 HEIGHT=31> <A HREF="/~merlin/perso/contact.html">Email</A><BR> <A HREF="/~merlin/">Link to Home Page</A> <P> <FONT SIZE=-2> 99/02/16 (05:00): Version 1.0<BR> 99/02/16 (11:58): Version 1.1. Added remark on the letter, pointed out by Arne Knut Roev ( Yuan Chiao ( gave me a link to the SJ Mercury article. Mark Mealman ( and David Bubar ( mentioned a segment on CNN Headline news. Taniwha ( corrected my mistake about the UPN newscast, it was of course FOX (UPN doesn't have evening news here). Herbert Gangl ( was nice enough to correct several spelling mistakes 99/02/16 (12:20): Version 1.2. Added msnbc link<BR> 99/02/16 (12:47): Version 1.3. Added other news links from Slashdot<BR> 99/02/16 (15:34): Version 1.4. The Anal probe quote comes from the movie passion fish. Thanks to Fred Boak ( for the report. Thanks also to Benjamin Weste Pearre ( and Fred Henle ( for pointing out that I messed up while reading one of the ms quotes<BR> 99/02/16 (15:44): Version 1.5. Reworked the answer to ms's letter<BR> 99/02/17 (00:30): Version 1.6. New, rescanned jpegs of the pictures<BR> 99/02/17 (13:50): Version 1.7. First version of the videos (high bit rate)<BR> 99/02/17 (14:48): Version 1.8. Added link to linuxworld article<BR> 99/02/17 (15:40): Version 1.9. Added link to SD Union tribune article (thanks to Michael Marion ( for the link)<BR> 99/02/17 (17:20): Version 1.10. Added link to BBC news article<BR> 99/02/18 (12:36): Version 1.11. Added links to two new news sites (courtesy of Hubert Figuiere (<BR> 99/02/18 (16:14): Version 1.12. Added new videos<BR> 99/02/18 (22:26): Version 1.13. Added Mercury Center link (courtesy of Steve (<BR> 99/02/18 (22:33): Version 1.14. Added link to Arne Knut Roev's ( page<BR> 99/03/11 (23:15): Version 1.15. Added link zdnet article<BR> 99/12/06 (00:32): Version 1.16. Removed 4 broken news links<BR> <BR> </FONT> </body> </html>||function(){(ga.q=ga.q||[]).push(arguments)};ga.l=+new Date; ga('create', 'UA-131966-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); Windows Refund Day # Windows Refund day The page now has the higher quality jpegs, and two versions of the [videos](videos/) of what was shown on TV (actually you probably want the the longer [Mashup of 4 TV news reports on windows refund day]( on youtube. ## Introduction For those who hadn't heard the story, February 15th 1999 was windows refund day. It was a worldwide day when open source OS users went to microsoft's offices to return their unused licenses of windows that they were forced to acquire since they were bundled with the machine they bought. The windows EULA (End User License Agreement) clearly states that the agreement can be refused by the end user, and that windows can be returned to the manufacturer. In real life, however, manufacturers typically say that they can't refund the windows license and tell the user to contact microsoft directly. I can't say I really blame manufacturers for doing that because: 1. I don't have proof for this (only a few top executives would), but I'm convinced that manufacturers would lose the money they would reimburse because microsoft would not pay them back. - They wouldn't be allowed to re-use the license on another machine - Microsoft would impose a different OEM pricing on them if they decided to ship non ms OSes, or if they shipped machines without an OS (did you notice that typically, the only place that will sell you an OS free machine is a little shop, because they pay retail price for windows licenses anyway, so ms can't put any pressure on them). - If they were to refund windows, this would reveal their (secret) OEM pricing agreement with ms and I'm not quite sure manufacturers, as well as microsoft, wants people to have that information. Anyway, a few people from [SVLUG](, including Don Marti, Rick Moen (yes he was [there](, Chris DiBona, the world famous Nick Moffitt, and Tabinda Khan, organized the Bay Area windows refund effort. Since at the [Linux tea party](../teaparty/), microsoft showed up at our meeting point to try to deter us from going to their offices in Palo Alto, this time, the ultimate meeting point was kept secret, and 4 officers revealed it at the last minute to the crowd that had gathered, as planned, at the four meeting points around the Bay Area. ## Denny's Where do we go, when we don't know were to meet? Denny's! ![:-)](/gifs/people/smile.happy.gif) So, the final gathering point was in front of a Denny's in Foster City, about a mile away from the microsoft office. Some of the press was there and filmed/interviewed us, while we were preparing our signs. ![[preparing signs] ](signs.jpg) Then, we rehearsed, and made sure the signs worked ![:-)](/gifs/people/smile.happy.gif) ![[showing signs] ](analprobe.jpg) Some even came up with nice NQPC (not quite politically correct) signs ![:-)](/gifs/people/smile.happy.gif) (Nathan Myers, on the left, can take all the credit for this one. If you don't understand, it's because you don't watch [South Park]( (Fred Boak ( later reported that it actually comes from the movie [Passion Fish]( You've heard about computer wearables, but there's no reason why you can't have penguin wearables. I need to thank Mark Bolzern from [Linuxmall](, for the penguins I had, since those were a gift from him. You can buy your own [here]( ![[penguin gear] ](penguingear.jpg) Yeah, I'm sure my Mom is real proud of having as a son a nutcase who wears penguins ![:-)](/gifs/people/smile.happy.gif) Also, [V.A. Research]( was generous again, and made special T-Shirts for the event. Once again, thank you very much V.A. ![[V.A. t-shirt] ](tshirt.jpg) ![[V.A. t-shirt] ](tshirtf.jpg) ![[V.A. t-shirt] ](tshirtb.jpg) "We didn't want your operating system, this is what we want" (please, next time make it a little narrower, so that it fits on my scanner) ![:-)](/gifs/people/smile.happy.gif) ## Going to the microsoft office So, once we were all there, and ready, we left for the ms office, and were occasionally cheered at by passing drivers who would honk at us. ![[walking to the ms office] ](walking.jpg) When we got closer to the MS building, we saw on the top of the parking lot that many people were waiting for us, including a lot of reporters, from several magasines, and at least 4 TV stations. ## At the microsoft office They had signs saying "linux press conference" or "linux event", which led us to the top of that parking lot, and there were a few microsoft representatives, along with the reporters. They tried to pull that "welcome" thing, just like at the [Linux tea party](../teaparty), but this time we weren't ready to play along. We weren't there to make fun of them, we were there for business. ![[welcome sign] ](welcome.jpg) Sorry, but this time, a nice sign and a few drinks won't be enough For reference, also, even though a majority of the crowd were linux users, it was in no way a linux only event. Other alternative OS users joined us, including FreeBSD users, and I'm told a couple of SCO users. However, I don't really blame people for mistaking this with a linux only event, as it was mostly announced as such. We had a lot people to talk to the MS folks, including Oby One Kenoby^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H ESR (Eric Raymond, the guy who wrote the [Cathedral and the Bazaar](, and who released the [Halloween Documents]( ![[picture of Eric Raymond]](esr.jpg) And all the reporters were here: ![[picture of the reporters]](reporters.jpg) ![[picture of the reporters]](reporters2.jpg) ![[picture of the reporters]](reporters3.jpg) Basically, the ms folks told us the press and us that the EULA explicitly says that we should talk to the PC manufacturer. They also issued a written [official statement](dear-valued-customer.html) (you may want to read it in order to understand what's below) This is obviously rather lame since as far as I know manufacturers are coerced into fulfilling this agreement and yet wouldn't be refunded by microsoft if they refunded a customer. Can anyone tell me how different it is from the per CPU licensing they used to have before they were [restrained]( by the department of justice in 1995? As for the official statement: * Someone needs to tell them that I'm not their freaking "valued customer"!!! * I do have to admit that they're good when they say that we have a choice of OS. Unless you go through extraordinary efforts, or build your PC yourself (can anyone say "laptop" ?), it's still difficult to get a PC without windows nowadays (almost impossible for name brands), and they very well know it. * *"At the request of the PC makers that license Windows for resale, Microsoft must direct you to the PC maker from which you purchased your copy of Windows."* Oh yeah, this is a really good one. If this isn't definite proof that they are lying through their teeth, I don't know what else you need... I suppose I am to believe that PC manufacturers were the ones to ask for that clause saying that they'd reimburse windows if the customer didn't want it... (thanks to Arne Knut Roev for pointing that out). * More than 200,000 PC makers worldwide are supposed to let me choose which OS I want, if any? Jeez, where have I been shopping then? * In the bit about quoting, the specific page they refer to is most likely [this one]( While it is a nice move from them, let's be serious: if it were that easy to buy a PC without windows, we wouldn't have to make a list... * *"We hope that you, like millions of other customers around the world have done, choose Microsoft operating system products to run your PC and enhance your computing experience".* Maybe it's just because I'm French, but I have a different understanding of the word "enhance" than they seem to have. Arne Knut Roev ( also wrote [a few words]( about the ms response. After speaking to the journalists for a while, we decided that ms had stalled us long enough, and that it was time to go inside to their offices. To make a long story short, all we found were closed doors, and an elevator that had been reprogrammed not to go to the 9th floor (where their office is). People did try to go to the 10th floor and take the stairs, but those stairs had doors that wouldn't open from the stairs' side. ![[picture in the elevator]](elevator.jpg) You can press the 9th floor button, but it won't go anywhere... (picture courtesy of John Beale) Can anyone say "cowards"? On the TV news, I saw an ms lady saying that people were working and that we couldn't disturb the office, but that's BS because we only send a very small group of people who had licences to return, exactly because we didn't want to cause trouble and disturb the other companies in the same office. While a few were still trying to get in, the rest of us stayed outside. ![[picture of the crowd]](crowd.jpg) ![[picture of the crowd]](crowd2.jpg) ![[picture of the crowd]](crowd3.jpg) ![[picture of the crowd]](crowd4.jpg) and eventually left... ![[picture of us leaving]](leaving.jpg) ...for the CoffeeNet, were Rick Moen (there is no Rick Moen) doesn't live since he [doesn't exist]( (don't be overly concerned if you don't understand ![:-)](/gifs/people/smile.happy.gif)). ![[picture of the coffeenet]](coffeenet.jpg) ![[picture of the coffeenet]](coffeenet2.jpg) ## Newspaper coverage I'll fill those as I get them. * [ZDNET](,4586,2209072,00.html)* [Nando Times](,1032,18767-30913-223427-0,00.html)* [New York Times]( (login:cypherpunk, password:cypherpunk) * [Wired](* [Washingtown Post](* [LinuxWorld](* [San Diego Union Tribune](* [BBC News](* [New York Daily](* [ComputerWorld](* [zdnet](,3725,2211607,00.html) (with realvideo clip) ## TV coverage In the past, a couple of SVLUG members had been on TV for a minute or so to talk about linux. This time however, it was *much* better than anything else we'd done so far. We ended up on all four newscasts that were on TV that evening. I have encoded those and made high bitrate MPEGs of them. They're nice, but since they're a bit big, I'll try to encode them again with a lower bitrate this time. 1. [The ABC Video](videos/) They had a segment that lasted about 2:30mn. They showed the bald ms guy saying that our event was only about PR, and that we should see the manufacturers for refunds. Then they did show the counterpoint of us saying that manufacturers won't refund us and that they tell us to talk to microsoft. They compared the day to some independence day that happened all over the country, and they also mentioned that microsoft refused us entrance to their offices. The really cool thing is that they explained briefly what linux was, and showed a demo of a V.A. computer running linux and the KDE desktop (probably because pretty much like windows). - [The CBS Video](videos/) Their segment lasted about one minute, and showed us preparing our banners, and they also showed microsoft's "welcome sign" for us. Like the others, they showed both sides of the story with regard to the refund issue. - [The NBC Video](videos/) Their segment, which lasted about 2:30mn, did mention that we did a "small orderly protest", and mentioned the issue of with the elevators that did prevent us from going to the microsoft office. The funny thing is that you can distinctively see the "I didn't ask for the Anal Probe" sign ![:-)](/gifs/people/smile.happy.gif). They also nicely spent a little time mentioning what linux was, and explaining that it was a free operating system created by Linus Torvalds. - [The FOX Video](videos/) FOX was last (the page used to say UPN, this was an error), around 22:30, and only showed 30 seconds or so, but like all the others, mentioned the license issue. They did however say, I quote, "they prefer something called linux". You can tell the news anchor wasn't quite sure what she was talking about... - CNN Headline News, as reported by a few people. Mark Mealman ( says: "They did a mention of it during their biz segment, comparing it to a march on Washington by users seeking a refund for their unused copies of Windows. They also said that the majority of the marchers were users of the Linux operating system." If anyone taped it, please let me know. I'd like to say that for once, I've been positively impressed by those journalists. I'd say they all did a pretty decent job, and didn't make any blunders, or say something completely incorrect (not like it hasn't happened before). Yes, it'd have been nice if they had emphasised a little more on the fact that microsoft wrote an agreement that they manage not to respect, but that would be taking sides, and it's not their job. ## Conclusion I honestly never expected microsoft to pull out a check book, and start writing checks because it would not only set a bad precedent for them (many others would start asking for refunds), but also because it wouldn't have been practical for them to do so. As I mentioned earlier, each OEM gets a different pricing, so they would have had to make different checks to different people, and reveal their secret pricing agreements. Yet, I'd have been more than happy for them to prove me wrong... Anyway, I came because the ultimate goal was to draw attention to the problem in the hopes that it would get fixed eventually (i.e. that manufacturers would truely refund people who ask, or better, that OEMs could really bundle any OS they wanted (or no OS at all), without being penalised by microsoft). This time was really different from the [Linux tea party](../teaparty), when they not only didn't lose face, but handled the matter very well. This time, we clearly came out ahead. They were the ones who had to hide in their building and lock the doors, and the PR we're getting from this event is really great. I just hope it will help move things in the right direction. Thanks all those who came, thank you for all having been orderly and for having behaved professionally, and see you all next time. [Marc Merlin](../../perso/contact.html) (*marc\*) (this was all written late, so please feel free to point out spelhing mistakes and factual errors if there are any, I'll update the page quickly. I also gladly welcome additions to the page, especially links to newspaper articles and/or scans of those). (just to make sure since I got a few Emails about it, yes, I know how to spelh "spell", that one was a joke ![:-)](/gifs/people/smile.happy.gif)) ![](/gifs/lines/misc/lampline.gif) ![](/gifs/misc/wizard.gif) ![](/gifs/linux/damn-powered.gif) ![[ms free site]](/gifs/icons/msfree.gif) [Email](/~merlin/perso/contact.html) [Link to Home Page](/~merlin/) 99/02/16 (05:00): Version 1.0 99/02/16 (11:58): Version 1.1. Added remark on the letter, pointed out by Arne Knut Roev ( Yuan Chiao ( gave me a link to the SJ Mercury article. Mark Mealman ( and David Bubar ( mentioned a segment on CNN Headline news. Taniwha ( corrected my mistake about the UPN newscast, it was of course FOX (UPN doesn't have evening news here). Herbert Gangl ( was nice enough to correct several spelling mistakes 99/02/16 (12:20): Version 1.2. Added msnbc link 99/02/16 (12:47): Version 1.3. Added other news links from Slashdot 99/02/16 (15:34): Version 1.4. The Anal probe quote comes from the movie passion fish. Thanks to Fred Boak ( for the report. Thanks also to Benjamin Weste Pearre ( and Fred Henle ( for pointing out that I messed up while reading one of the ms quotes 99/02/16 (15:44): Version 1.5. Reworked the answer to ms's letter 99/02/17 (00:30): Version 1.6. New, rescanned jpegs of the pictures 99/02/17 (13:50): Version 1.7. First version of the videos (high bit rate) 99/02/17 (14:48): Version 1.8. Added link to linuxworld article 99/02/17 (15:40): Version 1.9. Added link to SD Union tribune article (thanks to Michael Marion ( for the link) 99/02/17 (17:20): Version 1.10. Added link to BBC news article 99/02/18 (12:36): Version 1.11. Added links to two new news sites (courtesy of Hubert Figuiere ( 99/02/18 (16:14): Version 1.12. Added new videos 99/02/18 (22:26): Version 1.13. Added Mercury Center link (courtesy of Steve ( 99/02/18 (22:33): Version 1.14. Added link to Arne Knut Roev's ( page 99/03/11 (23:15): Version 1.15. Added link zdnet article 99/12/06 (00:32): Version 1.16. Removed 4 broken news links
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Totally Sidetalkin' Nokia N-Gage Style!! SIDETALKING 2004-2005</TITLE> <script src="/__utm.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#373737" LINK="#F9FFC2" ALINK="#FFFFFF" VLINK="#FDFEA2"> <CENTER> <BR><BR> <IMG SRC="images/siren.gif" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="71"> <IMG SRC="images/sidetalkin-header.jpg" WIDTH="415" HEIGHT="128"> <IMG SRC="images/siren.gif" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="71"> /img&gt; <P> <FONT FACE="HELVIETCA" SIZE="" COLOR="white"> WELCOME SIDETALKIN' MANIAC 2006!!!<BR> TO THE SITE THAT LOVES TO TALK ON THE SIDE GLOBALLY!!! 4 ALL MANKIND!<P> </FONT><BR> <!-- OLD PAGE STUFFS ADDED AT REQUEST OF SIDETALKER "JACK RODOKIN" THANK YOU JOCK --> <P><IMG SRC="images/SURPRISE.GIF" VALIGN="BOTTOM"><FONT FACE="COURIER" SIZE="+3" COLOR="YELLOW">UPDATE 9TH OCTOBER '09 2018!!! ORIGINAL SIDETALKIN PAGE IS NOW AVAILABLE RESTORED FOR THE WEB ARCHIVAL WEB. <A HREF="original/" COLOR="GREEN">SEE THEM ALL THE ORIGINAL SIDETALK CLASSICS BY CLICK HERE AND CRY!!!!!</A> </FONT>DON'T EVEN BOTHER LOOKING, WHO CARES TODAY,,,, damn nokia is gone 500%,,,, screw them up a pole</P> <BR><BR> <P><FONT FACE="HELVETICA" SIZE="+3" COLOR="red">UPDATE 10-2009 <B>WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT NOW ALL N-GAGE IS DEAD NOKIAaaaaaaaa you were my lover I CANNOT TYPE THROUGH TEARS GOODBYTE ^_(((((((</B><P> &lt;IMG SRC="SKULLCRY.GI</FONT> <br><br> <HR WIDTH="75%"> <img src="Cowboy_on_computer.gif" width="100" align="left"> <IMG SRC="images/new2.gif" WIDTH="28" HEIGHT="11"><FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" SIZE="+2"><A HREF=""> 2004 NEW!! LEAKED NOKIA ADVERT... <B>THEY ARE FINGERING US!!!!</B></A></FONT><BR> <font face="Comic Sans MS" COLOR="#DDDDDD">check out this commercial, was e-mailed to me by guy in finland, problby eats <i>kalakukko</i> and finish garbage,,,<br> those dudes at nokia now <b>TEASING</b> world <b>ON T.V.?</b> about <b>removal of #1 BEST FEATURE!!!</b><br> We of the SIDE-World say: draw ear out your asses nokia!! <font size="-2">though i guess it was pretty funny comic sans 2009-2014</font><br> </font><P> <hr width="75%"><P><BR><BR> <FONT FACE="HELVETICA" SIZE="+2" COLOR="red">well,,, <B>DID YOU HEAR THE UNBELIEVABLES?</B></FONT><BR> <FONT FACE="HELVETICA" COLOR="red">I don't how to break this stuff to you...</FONT><P> <FONT FACE="HELVIETCA" SIZE="+4" COLOR="yellow"><B>SIDETALKIN' FEATUR IS A HISTORY!! :( <IMG SRC="images/frown.gif" WIDTH="50" HEIGHT="46" VALIGN="middle"></FONT></B><P> So, WHAT HAPPENED, I bet you are asking. GREAT QUESTION here goes:<P> <TABLE BORDER="0"><TR><TD VALIGN="top"> <IMG SRC="images/N-GAGE_QD_Fron_1.jpg" WIDTH="406" HEIGHT="272"> </TD><TD> <FONT FACE="Helvetica" COLOR="#CCCCCC"> <UL> <LI><--- This is the new <A HREF="" TARGET="_new">Nokia N-GAGE QD</A>. <LI>For starters, OK, it has an <b>improved design</b> great <LI>Now changing games is no longer a global shame <LI>OK, <b>the size is smaller</b>, it's cuter, awesome dudes <LI>It's even <b>cheaper</b> than the original, good news <LI>Nice, it has a <b>brighter backlight</b>, grea... <LI><FONT COLOR="white">...WAIT!! <B>IT IS MISSING THE SIDETAKLIN' FEATURE</B>, THE VERY BIGGEST FEATURE THAT MADE T N-GAGE THE WORLDS #1 PHONE!!! THEY HAVE DONE THE UNTHINKABLE, REMOVE ORIGINALITY, REPLACED WITH NORMAL!!!!!</FONT> <LI>i cannot continue. <IMG SRC="images/sad.gif" WIDTH="66" HEIGHT="80" VALIGN="bottom"> :( :( :( </UL> </FONT> </TD></TR></TABLE><P> <FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="+2"> <FONT COLOR="#00FF00">SO HOW DOES THE WORLD UNITES WITHOUT SIDETALKIN'??</FONT><BR> <FONT COLOR="#00FF00"><B>THE N-GAGE IS NOW UN-EMBARASSING.. SCREW IT OFF NOKIA!!<//B></FONT><P> </FONT><BR> <FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="+1"> <FONT COLOR="#AAAAAA">but! like ghandi tells, it is not a time for anger.</FONT><P> <FONT COLOR="#BBBBBB">this is a time for an update with intensity.</FONT><P> <FONT COLOR="#CCCCCC">a celebration of what is lost, left behind</FONT><P> <FONT COLOR="#DDDDDD">the final update of our movement.</FONT><P> <FONT COLOR="white"><b>my friends, i give you:<p>enjoy.</b></FONT><BR> </FONT> <!-- Menu --> <HR NOSHADE COLOR="#666666" SIZE=3><P> <FONT FACE="Helvetica" COLOR="#FFFFFF" SIZE="+4"> <B>OMRG!!, SO ITS THE FINAL SIDETALK UPDATE, 500 BRAND NEW PIX WAIT FOR YOUR CLICK!!!!</B><P> </FONT> <FONT FACE="Helvetica" COLOR="#FFFFFF" SIZE="+1"> <IMG SRC="images/new2.gif" WIDTH="28" HEIGHT="11"><FONT SIZE="+4"><A HREF="photos.html">1. VIEW THE FINAL SIDETALKIN' PICTURES!!! :(</A></FONT><P> <!-- <IMG SRC="images/new2.gif" WIDTH="28" HEIGHT="11"><A HREF="comparison.html">2. COMPARE N-GAGE QD WITH ORIGINAL N-GAGE!!!! asses</A><P> --> <IMG SRC="images/new2.gif" WIDTH="28" HEIGHT="11"><A HREF="" TARGET="_new">2. Sign The Internet Petition!!! (have your "cyber" voice heard)</A><P> <IMG SRC="images/new2.gif" WIDTH="28" HEIGHT="11"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- document.write('<a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;'+'&#115;&#105;&#100;&#101;&#116;&#97;&#108;&#107;&#105;&#110;&#50;&#48;&#48;&#52;@'+'&#112;&#97;&#110;&#105;&#99;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;'+'">'); //--> </script> 3. E-MAIL me your SIDETALKIN' memories, for the living memorial</A><P> </FONT> <HR NOSHADE COLOR="#666666" SIZE=3><P> </FONT> <IMG SRC="images/sidetalkin-tombstone.gif" WIDTH="261" HEIGHT="350"><P> <IMG SRC="images/seagull.gif" WIDTH="211" HEIGHT="72"><IMG SRC="images/seagull.gif" WIDTH="211" HEIGHT="72"><IMG SRC="images/seagull.gif" WIDTH="211" HEIGHT="72"><P> <FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS" COLOR="white">THIS IS THE hardest day of my life!! (C) 2004 - 2008</FONT><P><BR> </BODY> </HTML>
Totally Sidetalkin' Nokia N-Gage Style!! SIDETALKING 2004-2005 ![](images/siren.gif) ![](images/sidetalkin-header.jpg) ![](images/siren.gif) /img> WELCOME SIDETALKIN' MANIAC 2006!!! TO THE SITE THAT LOVES TO TALK ON THE SIDE GLOBALLY!!! 4 ALL MANKIND! ![](images/SURPRISE.GIF)UPDATE 9TH OCTOBER '09 2018!!! ORIGINAL SIDETALKIN PAGE IS NOW AVAILABLE RESTORED FOR THE WEB ARCHIVAL WEB. [SEE THEM ALL THE ORIGINAL SIDETALK CLASSICS BY CLICK HERE AND CRY!!!!!](original/) DON'T EVEN BOTHER LOOKING, WHO CARES TODAY,,,, damn nokia is gone 500%,,,, screw them up a pole UPDATE 10-2009 **WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT NOW ALL N-GAGE IS DEAD NOKIAaaaaaaaa you were my lover I CANNOT TYPE THROUGH TEARS GOODBYTE ^\_(((((((** <IMG SRC="SKULLCRY.GI --- ![](Cowboy_on_computer.gif) ![](images/new2.gif) [2004 NEW!! LEAKED NOKIA ADVERT... **THEY ARE FINGERING US!!!!**]( check out this commercial, was e-mailed to me by guy in finland, problby eats *kalakukko* and finish garbage,,, those dudes at nokia now **TEASING** world **ON T.V.?** about **removal of #1 BEST FEATURE!!!** We of the SIDE-World say: draw ear out your asses nokia!! though i guess it was pretty funny comic sans 2009-2014 --- well,,, **DID YOU HEAR THE UNBELIEVABLES?** I don't how to break this stuff to you... **SIDETALKIN' FEATUR IS A HISTORY!! :( ![](images/frown.gif)** So, WHAT HAPPENED, I bet you are asking. GREAT QUESTION here goes: | | | | --- | --- | | | * <--- This is the new [Nokia N-GAGE QD]( * For starters, OK, it has an **improved design** great * Now changing games is no longer a global shame * OK, **the size is smaller**, it's cuter, awesome dudes * It's even **cheaper** than the original, good news * Nice, it has a **brighter backlight**, grea... * ...WAIT!! **IT IS MISSING THE SIDETAKLIN' FEATURE**, THE VERY BIGGEST FEATURE THAT MADE T N-GAGE THE WORLDS #1 PHONE!!! THEY HAVE DONE THE UNTHINKABLE, REMOVE ORIGINALITY, REPLACED WITH NORMAL!!!!!* i cannot continue. :( :( :( | SO HOW DOES THE WORLD UNITES WITHOUT SIDETALKIN'?? **THE N-GAGE IS NOW UN-EMBARASSING.. SCREW IT OFF NOKIA!!** but! like ghandi tells, it is not a time for anger. this is a time for an update with intensity. a celebration of what is lost, left behind the final update of our movement. **my friends, i give you:enjoy.** --- **OMRG!!, SO ITS THE FINAL SIDETALK UPDATE, 500 BRAND NEW PIX WAIT FOR YOUR CLICK!!!!** ![](images/new2.gif)[1. VIEW THE FINAL SIDETALKIN' PICTURES!!! :(](photos.html) ![](images/new2.gif)[2. Sign The Internet Petition!!! (have your "cyber" voice heard)]( ![](images/new2.gif) <!-- document.write('<a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;'+'&#115;&#105;&#100;&#101;&#116;&#97;&#108;&#107;&#105;&#110;&#50;&#48;&#48;&#52;@'+'&#112;&#97;&#110;&#105;&#99;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;'+'">'); //--> 3. E-MAIL me your SIDETALKIN' memories, for the living memorial --- ![](images/sidetalkin-tombstone.gif) ![](images/seagull.gif)![](images/seagull.gif)![](images/seagull.gif) THIS IS THE hardest day of my life!! (C) 2004 - 2008
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{text-align:left;margin-left:0px;text-indent:0px;font-family:Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;font-size:15px;text-decoration:none;color:black;height:16px;} .parastyle40 {text-align:left;margin-left:0px;text-indent:0px;font-family:Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;font-size:13px;text-decoration:none;color:#f7f7f7;height:16px;} --> </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="black" LINK="red" VLINK="red"> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D853E66C1571" STYLE="position:absolute; top:388px; left:156px; width:474px; height:289px; z-index:0;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=474> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle0"> GLANC - you dirtbag. Ever hear this &#34;The Pen is Mightier than the Sword.&#34;<BR> I am &#34;THE PEN.&#34; Now I write you into history. You called me a &#34;Liar&#34; -<BR> back it up with fact . Asshole !!! You are a Liar along with Nadine Child,<BR> and your Lowlife Employer. AND I CAN BACK IT UP WITH FACT !!! In MY<BR> OPINION - You are, as far as I'm concerned and based on fact: the<BR> BIGGEST slime that walks the earth. And I will write you in HISTORY as<BR> SUCH. By the way - Aaron Gloub should buy you a new pair of shoes. YOU<BR> HAVE NO STYLE. Hahaha. I LAUGH IN YOUR FACE AND I DO IT IN PUBLIC.<BR> SEE ! And by the way - Alberto Rizzo spits on your grave. This is America.<BR> Ever hear of the 1st Amendment right ??? You will never take that from<BR> me. NEVER !!!! Nadine Child vs Richard Renda. I will give the Fashion<BR> Industry a good name. And it will be ... Totally Cool ®. NADINE CHILD ...<BR> YOU AND YOUR TEAM OF LIARS LOST. But you still have to answer to<BR> Life, The Universe, Time, and Your Maker. For Eternity ! May you forever<BR> rot in Hell.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle1"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle1"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle1"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle2"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D853E66C1571" STYLE="position:absolute; top:4499px; left:71px; width:614px; height:703px; z-index:1;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=614> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle3"> NEHEMIAH GLANC - You taunted me on the 12th floor at the elevators IN THE Courthouse Jan. 29,<BR> 2008 with your CHILDISH &#34;loser loser loser&#34; act. And guess what ? It is not part of Discovery : )<BR> And we know that story is going to be told. Debra James should hear about it all, as should the<BR> World - especially what you did at the Elevator. Since you used Debra to do that. And also how -<BR> in the case- you made everything up and used the Court to launch a massive Fraud, a case of<BR> Deceit, as The Facts Will Show. A malicious misuse of judicial process. All the public or we<BR> have to do is look side by side at the initially filed Nadine complaint laced with Fraud and the<BR> fabricated Amended Complaint that followed. But a fact, not opinion -- where TRUTH and Life<BR> are concerned. And ... in the Name of Life itself - I Will Prove It. You try to cover up History.<BR> Now History will Expose you for what you are and the things you ALL chose to do. (What did the<BR> Appellate Court find ? What was their reference ?) &#34;ARTIFICIAL CONSTRUCTION&#34;, so noted.<BR> Lacks substance. &#34;You can control some of the people some of the time. But you can not control<BR> all the people all the time.&#34; A well know statement belonging to the general public. And you<BR> surely can't control everybody in the World : ) Ever hear this: &#34;The Pen is Mightier than the<BR> Sword.&#34; I am &#34;THE PEN.&#34; History writes you into Eternity ... for what you are, as it does most<BR> people in the modern age. You called me a &#34;Liar&#34; when I am not. So back your &#34;STRAINED&#34;<BR> Fabrications up with fact. All you know is Paper Games. Only Smoke and Mirrors. Show the<BR> case, without limitations, to a Jury. Show the Facts. Not the lies you made up that have surely<BR> been exposed. What are you afraid of - The Truth ? Because it exposes everything, the lies and<BR> the smoke and mirrors ? And others can come to their own conclusion. The Appellate Court did !<BR> (89 N.Y.2d 1074, 681 N.E.2d 1282, 659 N.Y.S.2d 836 (1997). You presented Lies, and worse -<BR> covering up for a liar. AND MANY CAN BACK THAT UP WITH MORE FACT. HISTORY. By the way,<BR> from an editorial director's professional opinion and from professional fashion stylist experience<BR> - Aaron Richard Golub (the office you work from) should buy you a new pair of shoes. NO STYLE<BR> AT ALL. So true. I LAUGH IN YOUR FACE at the Lies you tell AND I will always be happy to show<BR> them to the public or in what is supposed to be the holiest place in the Land: the Courtroom.<BR> How did the Appellate Court determine your presentation in their Authority: &#34;Artificial<BR> Construction.&#34; And &#34;STRAINED&#34; frabications. We haven't even begun. By the way - Alberto<BR> Rizzo would have plenty to say. This is America. Ever hear of the 1st Amendment or the 1st<BR> Amendment Right ? Ever hear of The WORD: Truth ? You will never take that from me. NEVER<BR> !!!! Nadine Child vs Totally Cool (Richard Renda). I will give the Fashion Industry a good name.<BR> And I wil give LIFE a Good Name. As it is and as it will always be - &#34;Totally Cool ®&#34;<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle4"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle5"> Oh I guess the Nadine Child, in Nadine Child vs Richard Renda, forgot to tell you i don't scare.<BR> Ever. And there is nothing you can take from me. So you lose in every way. And work for<BR> nothing. You work to hide the truth. Transcripts prove that. Talk about stupid. Facts and History<BR> are not stupid - they are Educational for generations to come. You should have walked away<BR> when you had the chance. Did we see her in the Praying position ? Or should I show you a<BR> picture. Religious significance. Depicts - U.S. Constitution 1st Amendment right also.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle4"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle6"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle6"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle6"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle7"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D9137152A924C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:4341px; left:69px; width:621px; height:161px; z-index:2;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=621> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle8"> History has a RIGHT to be Told. And what happens in History has a RIGHT to be known. You have<BR> the Right to tell of the things that happen in YOUR Life -- and of the who does what to it. But some<BR> people think you should not have the Right to tell of the things that Bad people do or even THE<BR> RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH. They call that: The Cover Ups. Let the Frauds and the Liars be Exposed<BR> - in whatever they do. It is all about that word America holds up so highly: Transparency. And<BR> with it (not to be forgotten) the ill wills and the what happens in what is called &#34;The Process.&#34;<BR> Simple, when YOUR right is taken away - well ... what comes next.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle9"> This is just the tip of the iceberg. &#34;The Value of Truth.&#34; A Story To Be Told.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle10"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle10"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle11"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FE152E3481" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2123px; left:203px; width:106px; height:138px; z-index:3;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=106> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle12"> A Jury Trial did take<BR> place in Supreme<BR> Court in<BR> Manhattan,<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle13"> New York. Nadine<BR> Child LOST.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle14"> See below.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle15"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle16"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle17"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7DAA213D2032321" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2057px; left:47px; width:144px; height:301px; z-index:4;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=144> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle18"> You should have<BR> committed the suicide<BR> instead to pretending to.<BR> At least you would have<BR> saved yourself from<BR> swearing to God under<BR> oath and then lying more,<BR> being a terrible actress<BR> wannabe, and putting<BR> another sain on your soul<BR> that will remain forever !<BR> NADINE CHILD ... hide<BR> your face In Shame !!!!! It<BR> is Written on Official<BR> Transcript - the lies so<BR> deep and profound.<BR> HISTORY WILL NEVER<BR> FORGET ! NONE OF YOU<BR> -- EVER !!!!!!!!!<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle19"> Our Pleasure.<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D091BB26D3AC1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2054px; left:48px; width:142px; height:254px; z-index:5;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0000.JPG" WIDTH=142 HEIGHT=254 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D8551011628BB1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:385px; left:21px; width:130px; height:174px; z-index:6;"> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0001.JPG" WIDTH=130 HEIGHT=174 BORDER=0> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D9137152A924C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3985px; left:268px; width:220px; height:113px; z-index:7;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=220> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle20"> History has a RIGHT to be Told.<BR> And what happens in History has a<BR> RIGHT to be known. Simple When<BR> that right is taken away -- well<BR> what comes next. The History<BR> Blogger --<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle21"> This is just the tip of the iceberg.<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D5C01982025641" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1094px; left:356px; width:95px; height:16px; z-index:8;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=95> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle22"> <A HREF=""> In The Swim<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D4161F7D26821" STYLE="position:absolute; top:929px; left:279px; width:168px; height:42px; z-index:9;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=168> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle23"> Totally Cool. A RICHARD RENDA<BR> Production. Totally Cool - the<BR> official editorial authority.<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D4161F7D26821" STYLE="position:absolute; top:846px; left:260px; width:392px; height:70px; z-index:10;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=392> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle24"> Totally Cool - Totally Cool ... very Totally Cool ... Totally Cool ... and more ... Totally<BR> Cool ®. Everything Totally Cool. And Everything NOT Cool. The Where you can<BR> Learn the story ... What Not To Be Like. The Original Totally Cool ®. The Official<BR> Totally Cool ® Registered Trademark, 1994. Why get a fake, when you can<BR> have The Real Thing. Totally Cool ®.<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D0351F91F63481" STYLE="position:absolute; top:661px; left:255px; width:403px; height:393px; z-index:11;"> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0002.JPG" WIDTH=403 HEIGHT=393 BORDER=0> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D8601622E3316E1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:385px; left:151px; width:343px; height:241px; z-index:12;"> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0003.JPG" WIDTH=343 HEIGHT=241 BORDER=0> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D59373D143DE1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2346px; left:609px; width:63px; height:76px; z-index:13;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=63> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle25"> <A HREF=""> Bizarre.<BR> Nadine<BR> Child<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle26"> <A HREF=""> The Child<BR> in Me<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D59373D143DE1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3285px; left:518px; width:171px; height:33px; z-index:14;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=171> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle27"> <A HREF=""> The Interruption. &#34;Fake<BR> Things&#34; Mingzhi Yang<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D5C3152183123A1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3309px; left:107px; width:136px; height:33px; z-index:15;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=136> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle27"> <A HREF=""> The Issue ... 2005<BR> into 2006<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D4A01FC213CA1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3222px; left:507px; width:191px; height:142px; z-index:16;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0004.JPG" WIDTH=191 HEIGHT=142 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D095F39141D61" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1251px; left:522px; width:202px; height:19px; z-index:17;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=202> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle28"> Fun Fashion<SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle29">:<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FF22C21C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1165px; left:572px; width:126px; height:53px; z-index:18;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=126> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle30"> The &#34;MegaZine&#34;<BR> MagaZine<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle31"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle32"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D6446EF4A01" STYLE="position:absolute; top:810px; left:398px; width:237px; height:17px; z-index:19;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=237> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle33"> <A HREF=""><BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D054B43B24BE5" STYLE="position:absolute; top:660px; left:577px; width:146px; height:95px; z-index:20;"> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0005.GIF" WIDTH=146 HEIGHT=95 BORDER=0> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7CE83C123438501" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1986px; left:379px; width:81px; height:54px; z-index:21;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0006.GIF" WIDTH=81 HEIGHT=54 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D3C116E3B371D61" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1968px; left:351px; width:132px; height:99px; z-index:22;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0007.JPG" WIDTH=132 HEIGHT=99 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D3C116F2F1041" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2036px; left:359px; width:118px; height:31px; z-index:23;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=118> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle26"> <A HREF=""> Fun Holiday Pics<BR> click here<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D0351F91F2DB41" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1197px; left:115px; width:307px; height:349px; z-index:24;"> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0008.JPG" WIDTH=307 HEIGHT=349 BORDER=0> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D4223CB1F2581" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2523px; left:30px; width:310px; height:121px; z-index:25;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=310> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle34"> Many<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle34"> media networks or content<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle34"> providers around the World, when they have<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle34"> someone on the news or they have an exclusive<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle35"> story, it is all about them -- that &#34;they got.&#34; When <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle36">you<BR> </SPAN>make it to the crossroads of Totally Cool <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle37">®</SPAN> it does not<BR> say anything about us. What it does is ... it says<BR> everything about You.<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D3951AA282535C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1772px; left:72px; width:123px; height:81px; z-index:26;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0009.JPG" WIDTH=123 HEIGHT=81 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D37310F1021A41" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1716px; left:74px; width:115px; height:17px; z-index:27;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=115> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> People &#38; Faces<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D11071730191B81" STYLE="position:absolute; top:822px; left:38px; width:196px; height:255px; z-index:28;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0010.JPG" WIDTH=196 HEIGHT=255 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351F9212D3521" STYLE="position:absolute; top:957px; left:474px; width:65px; height:34px; z-index:29;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=65> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle39"> .net<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351F92C113A21" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1384px; left:460px; width:262px; height:65px; z-index:30;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=262> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle40"> A Magazine In TV Land - A MagaZine<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle40"> In Space. A Magazine by Professionals.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> A MagaZine<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle40"> And more. Stay Tuned.<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351F92B263DE1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1458px; left:451px; width:121px; height:20px; z-index:31;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=121> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle41"> Totally Cool<SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle42"> </SPAN><SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle43">®<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351F930A3661" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1478px; left:442px; width:269px; height:17px; z-index:32;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=269> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle44"> is an International Registered Trademark.<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351F93523201" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1609px; left:74px; width:160px; height:42px; z-index:33;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=160> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle45"> Ready ?<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351F936111F41" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1635px; left:259px; width:92px; height:42px; z-index:34;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=92> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle45"> Set !<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351F9363A35C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1666px; left:382px; width:134px; height:42px; z-index:35;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=134> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle46"> What ? <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle47">...<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351F938332301" STYLE="position:absolute; top:658px; left:43px; width:185px; height:22px; z-index:36;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=185> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle48"> Can I come in ???<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FE152E3481" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1087px; left:53px; width:119px; height:20px; z-index:37;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=119> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle41"> Totally Cool <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle49">®<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FE17155A1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1009px; left:395px; width:128px; height:61px; z-index:38;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=128> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle50"> The Original Home of<BR> &#34;ALWAYS GOOD NEWS<BR> ALL THE TIME&#34;<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle51"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle52"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FE152E3481" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1134px; left:36px; width:100px; height:20px; z-index:39;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=100> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle53"> Totally Cool <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle54">®<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FE1835FA1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1151px; left:56px; width:76px; height:17px; z-index:40;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=76> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle55"> Talks<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FE152E3481" STYLE="position:absolute; top:687px; left:25px; width:116px; height:20px; z-index:41;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=116> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle56"> Totally Cool <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle37">®<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FE1A132C61" STYLE="position:absolute; top:790px; left:115px; width:119px; height:17px; z-index:42;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=119> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle40"> The 2nd Decade.<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351F111D2E30C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1670px; left:526px; width:106px; height:17px; z-index:43;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=106> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle57"> Okay. Okay.<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351F111E3912C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1692px; left:535px; width:170px; height:19px; z-index:44;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=170> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle58"> You can have a peek -<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351F112062301" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1723px; left:270px; width:157px; height:129px; z-index:45;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=157> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle59"> We are always in <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle60">our<BR> construction boots.<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle61"> In The Presentation<BR> Mode. <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle62">So, you'll have<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle59"> to excussse us. <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle60">What<BR> kind ? Timberland.<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle59"> Of course. <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle60">Hers may be<BR> Rockport's !<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351F1125193161" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1754px; left:639px; width:84px; height:48px; z-index:46;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=84> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle63"> <A HREF=""> Go<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FE152E3481" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1139px; left:608px; width:113px; height:20px; z-index:47;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=113> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle64"> Totally Cool <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle37">®<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D08613AF75A1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:786px; left:42px; width:71px; height:25px; z-index:48;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=71> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle65"> Enter<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D09119239153021" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1511px; left:521px; width:190px; height:128px; z-index:49;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0011.JPG" WIDTH=190 HEIGHT=128 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D091193BB2BC1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1882px; left:339px; width:162px; height:82px; z-index:50;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=162> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle66"> Steven Tyler &#34;Aerosmith&#34;<BR> and &#34;Totally Cool <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle67">® &#34;<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle68"> Richard david Renda<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle68"> photo credit:<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle68"> Cheryl Gorski.<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7CEA522251531" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1861px; left:78px; width:629px; height:10px; z-index:51;"> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0012.GIF" WIDTH=629 HEIGHT=10 BORDER=0> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D036B741A3B61" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1881px; left:69px; width:236px; height:147px; z-index:52;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=236> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle69"><BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle69"><BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle70"> Totally Cool <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle37">®</SPAN><SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle71"> </SPAN><SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle72">The MagaZine.<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle73"> a division of Totally Cool <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle54">®<BR> </SPAN>broadcast Programing.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle44"> A registered trademark:<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle74"> ® 2012 <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle75">Richard Renda<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle44"> Fun Productions<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D036B741A3B61" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1911px; left:540px; width:180px; height:67px; z-index:53;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=180> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle76"> The<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle76"> Editorial Project<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle77"> c. 1994 - 2004<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7CEA5222535C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2062px; left:113px; width:8px; height:242px; z-index:54;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0013.GIF" WIDTH=8 HEIGHT=242 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D11221434392F81" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1118px; left:55px; width:161px; height:17px; z-index:55;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=161> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle78"> broadcast <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle79">Programing<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle52"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D111802429DC1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2080px; left:200px; width:525px; height:34px; z-index:56;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=525> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle80"> Every time You click that button &#34;Save As&#34; -- Think -- about the world.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle80"> The Universe dictates. The Computer teaches. &#34;Learn to Save.&#34; Or will be gone.<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D0C31B102CE1FE1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2131px; left:322px; width:97px; height:89px; z-index:57;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0014.GIF" WIDTH=97 HEIGHT=89 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D0C31B102CE1FE1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2131px; left:628px; width:97px; height:89px; z-index:58;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0015.GIF" WIDTH=97 HEIGHT=89 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D0C31B102CE1FE1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2131px; left:425px; width:97px; height:89px; z-index:59;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0014.GIF" WIDTH=97 HEIGHT=89 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D0C31B102CE1FE1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2131px; left:527px; width:97px; height:89px; z-index:60;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0015.GIF" WIDTH=97 HEIGHT=89 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D1129029103481" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2184px; left:328px; width:83px; height:28px; z-index:61;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=83> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle81"> You Are Here<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle81"><BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D112902B1DD21" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2196px; left:437px; width:72px; height:17px; z-index:62;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=72> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle33"> <A HREF=""> The TC Net<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D112902D161681" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2127px; left:530px; width:95px; height:17px; z-index:63;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=95> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle33"> <A HREF=""> Video Library<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D112902F1F1EA1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2196px; left:639px; width:77px; height:17px; z-index:64;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=77> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle33"> <A HREF=""> Archives<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D1237D222E501" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2233px; left:222px; width:496px; height:34px; z-index:65;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=496> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle82"> If the Music is <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle83">too LOUD, turn the volume down</SPAN> on &#34;Your Computer&#34;<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle84"> Little speaker icon lower right corner of your computer screen ? Click on it. <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle85">Adjust.<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D036B741A3B61" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1884px; left:536px; width:180px; height:25px; z-index:66;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=180> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle86"> Totally Cool <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle37">®<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="ANIOBJ7D0631CDA3110E2" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2311px; left:254px; width:286px; height:143px; z-index:67;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0016.GIF" WIDTH=286 HEIGHT=143 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D112902D161681" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2196px; left:530px; width:95px; height:17px; z-index:68;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=95> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle33"> <A HREF=""> Programing<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D1129029103481" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2126px; left:328px; width:83px; height:15px; z-index:69;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=83> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle81"> You Are Here<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle32"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D112902B1DD21" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2127px; left:437px; width:72px; height:17px; z-index:70;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=72> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle33"> <A HREF=""> This Is GO<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D16112E143B2801" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2307px; left:568px; width:150px; height:148px; z-index:71;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0017.JPG" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=148 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D173121033152801" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1603px; left:295px; width:114px; height:19px; z-index:72;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=114> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle87"> <A HREF=""> The Butterfly<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D1901EC3B81681" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1516px; left:286px; width:212px; height:19px; z-index:73;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=212> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle87"> <A HREF=""> &#34;Message From A Friend&#34;<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D1C4613F2329E1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1603px; left:406px; width:94px; height:19px; z-index:74;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=94> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle88"> &#34;<A HREF="">Save As</A>&#34;<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D175D152BD1721" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1545px; left:287px; width:209px; height:19px; z-index:75;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=209> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle87"> <A HREF=""> The Oak and The Willow<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0461DF2918141" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1307px; left:481px; width:224px; height:33px; z-index:76;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=224> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle44"> &#34;A MagaZine from The Universe ...<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle44"> FOR The Global Community.&#34;<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351F929221681" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1344px; left:458px; width:257px; height:17px; z-index:77;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=257> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle40"> &#34;Something that comes from the heart.&#34;<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351F92B263DE1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1362px; left:458px; width:118px; height:20px; z-index:78;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=118> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle41"> Totally Cool <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle49">®<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D22213A13219A1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2481px; left:489px; width:236px; height:17px; z-index:79;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=236> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle89"> <A HREF=""> NYC Fashion &#34;Special&#34; Tid Bits plus<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D2211971D1B2A81" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2481px; left:381px; width:103px; height:17px; z-index:80;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=103> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle90"> <A HREF=""> Tid Bits Index<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D27210F172D3A21" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1574px; left:305px; width:171px; height:19px; z-index:81;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=171> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle87"> <A HREF=""> NYC 2000 ... An Event<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D130BA31173C01" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1724px; left:471px; width:150px; height:37px; z-index:82;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=150> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle91"> <A HREF=""> Ground Zero<BR> Mosquito point<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle92"> <A HREF=""> <BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D095F39141D61" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2481px; left:191px; width:183px; height:19px; z-index:83;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=183> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> Fashion Around The World<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle93"> <A HREF=""> <BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D311D42D2B321" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1172px; left:27px; width:99px; height:17px; z-index:84;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=99> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle94"> FUN STORIES<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D054B41B53B61" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1765px; left:471px; width:148px; height:91px; z-index:85;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=148> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle95"> Go<SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle96"> in thru anything<BR> that is <A HREF="">Red....</A></SPAN><SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle97"> and<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle98"> enjoy the Wonder.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle99"> <A HREF=""> It is Hot !</A><SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle100"> </SPAN><SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle101">ToTaLLy<BR> CoOL</SPAN><SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle102"> </SPAN><SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle103">®<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D2A54811CBE1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:851px; left:163px; width:78px; height:37px; z-index:86;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=78> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle104"> <A HREF=""> Before<BR> You Die<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle105"> <A HREF=""> <BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D2B31BD2F191721" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1696px; left:74px; width:106px; height:17px; z-index:87;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=106> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> The Press Corp<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D36615ED222761" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1638px; left:508px; width:193px; height:14px; z-index:88;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=193> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle106"> No, it is not a photoshop picture.<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D36615E121EF01" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1104px; left:53px; width:166px; height:14px; z-index:89;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=166> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle107"> The official registered Trademark<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D36615142A2AFA1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1984px; left:569px; width:120px; height:44px; z-index:90;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=120> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle108"> <A HREF=""> The Mag<BR> Covers<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D391FD4162F81" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1771px; left:147px; width:47px; height:43px; z-index:91;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=47> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle109"> Special<BR> <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle110">Section<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle111"> <A HREF=""> click pic<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D391FD4162F81" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1829px; left:72px; width:77px; height:29px; z-index:92;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=77> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle112"> <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle113">The Party<BR> </SPAN>Continues<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D3A42161D243C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2038px; left:571px; width:120px; height:22px; z-index:93;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=120> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle114"> <A HREF=""> Credit List<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D3C0716301D2441" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1190px; left:165px; width:104px; height:65px; z-index:94;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=104> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle115"> Hope You Are<BR> Enjoying this<BR> New Year !<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle116"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle117"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D3C513722248C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1676px; left:74px; width:113px; height:17px; z-index:95;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=113> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> Miss AMERICA<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D391FD4162F81" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1736px; left:74px; width:143px; height:33px; z-index:96;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=143> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle118"> People Faces &#38;<BR> Friends - (special)<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D37310F1021A41" STYLE="position:absolute; top:944px; left:174px; width:62px; height:33px; z-index:97;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=62> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle27"> <A HREF=""> A Dad's<BR> Poem<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D37310F1021A41" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1010px; left:190px; width:96px; height:49px; z-index:98;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=96> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> Victoria's<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle90"> <A HREF=""> Secret - the<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle89"> <A HREF=""> cornerstone<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D4461111891041" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1632px; left:411px; width:86px; height:17px; z-index:99;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=86> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle119"> <A HREF=""> The Brick<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D4916130293521" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2541px; left:509px; width:216px; height:91px; z-index:100;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=216> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle120"> For anyone who is mistreated by any<BR> Public Relations power trips ...<BR> Remember this: &#34;When one person<BR> says &#34;no&#34;, there are 10 others that<BR> will say &#34;Yes.&#34;<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle121"> Good people will want you there.<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D4A2C172C1033E1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3229px; left:57px; width:239px; height:149px; z-index:101;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0018.JPG" WIDTH=239 HEIGHT=149 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D4A2C172E035C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3236px; left:336px; width:153px; height:65px; z-index:102;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=153> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle122"> We Will Miss You<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle123"> Geoffrey Beene<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle123"> Alberto Rizzo<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle123"> 2004<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle32"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D4A2C173114F01" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2654px; left:34px; width:293px; height:220px; z-index:103;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0019.JPG" WIDTH=293 HEIGHT=220 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D4A2C173683D41" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2926px; left:543px; width:164px; height:209px; z-index:104;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0020.JPG" WIDTH=164 HEIGHT=209 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D4A2C173A223341" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2922px; left:35px; width:289px; height:217px; z-index:105;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0021.JPG" WIDTH=289 HEIGHT=217 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D4A3D0012261" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2655px; left:529px; width:186px; height:240px; z-index:106;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0022.JPG" WIDTH=186 HEIGHT=240 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D4A3D0241A41" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2654px; left:342px; width:168px; height:126px; z-index:107;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0023.JPG" WIDTH=168 HEIGHT=126 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D4A3D05341D61" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2812px; left:339px; width:178px; height:117px; z-index:108;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0024.JPG" WIDTH=178 HEIGHT=117 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D4A3D073233E1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2875px; left:42px; width:279px; height:42px; z-index:109;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=279> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle124"> Richard Renda had Geoffrey Beene sign a book with this<BR> inscription &#34;To The People Of The World&#34; and he wrote<BR> &#34;Lots of Love&#34; - Geoffrey Beene. That says it all.<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D4A3D018F24E1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2962px; left:340px; width:175px; height:158px; z-index:110;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0025.JPG" WIDTH=175 HEIGHT=158 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D4A3D01939C81" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2780px; left:331px; width:193px; height:42px; z-index:111;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=193> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle124"> Master Photographer Alberto Rizzo<BR> with long time Companion Robin<BR> Narvaez<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D4A3D01B1217C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2932px; left:343px; width:170px; height:28px; z-index:112;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=170> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle125"> Alberto shooting the Mag.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle125"> For the Love of it.<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D4A3D01F83521" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3123px; left:330px; width:200px; height:16px; z-index:113;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=200> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle126"> What do you mean shoot more ?!!<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D4A3D0202B17C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3147px; left:61px; width:625px; height:81px; z-index:114;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=625> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle127"> Dear Geoffrey Beene ... Dear Alberto Rizzo -- you have moved on to a greater Universe and found<BR> you are still alive -- <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle79">we will never forget you.</SPAN> &#34;Thank You&#34; for all your support and All Your<BR> Kindness. From all of us in the many Worlds of Totally Cool ®.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle128"> (Few people treat me good in<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle128"> this world. Both of you treated me like I was wanted, like I belonged. Tears on my Pillow - <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle129">Richard</SPAN>)<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D4A3D110303980" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2897px; left:538px; width:170px; height:28px; z-index:115;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=170> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle130"> Harper's Bazaar (January 1970)<BR> and Nadine by ... Alberto Rizzo<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D4A01FD30131A41" STYLE="position:absolute; top:825px; left:29px; width:76px; height:42px; z-index:116;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=76> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle131"> Appreciate<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle132"> the world<BR> around you<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D2A1E31A211901" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2031px; left:69px; width:83px; height:17px; z-index:117;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=83> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> Recovery<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D47631191A1AE1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3489px; left:336px; width:155px; height:17px; z-index:118;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=155> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle90"> <A HREF=""> The ... 9-11 Editorial<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D47631191A1AE1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3310px; left:360px; width:105px; height:17px; z-index:119;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=105> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle90"> <A HREF=""> Alberto Rizzo<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D5521813321C1361" STYLE="position:absolute; top:726px; left:19px; width:249px; height:56px; z-index:120;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=249> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle133"> The TV Show<SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle134"> airs </SPAN>SUNDAY EVENINGS <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle135">at 10 pm<BR> </SPAN><SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle136">(EDT) on Manhattan Time Warner Cable channel 56<BR> and RCN ch. 83. Online EDT same time as above at<BR> - &#34;MNN2 / ch.56&#34; -- 7 p.m. PST<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D5111F93CDC1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:987px; left:629px; width:95px; height:71px; z-index:121;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=95> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle137"> Float around.<BR> <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle110">Enjoy the endless<BR> wonder of special<BR> treats inside these<BR> many worlds.<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D4A01FD30131A41" STYLE="position:absolute; top:878px; left:32px; width:62px; height:42px; z-index:122;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=62> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle138"> This place<BR> we call<BR> Earth.<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D552181414143CA1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2541px; left:358px; width:130px; height:76px; z-index:123;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=130> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle139"> Photos of Alberto<BR> Rizzo and Mr. Beene by<BR> Richard david Renda.<BR> Bazaar Cover:<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle140"> Alberto Rizzo<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D591C6322A3C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3448px; left:564px; width:135px; height:61px; z-index:124;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=135> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle141"> <A HREF=""> Just the facts please.<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle22"> <A HREF=""> Tom, this is for you.<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle26"> <A HREF=""> link ... as promised.<BR> email Jan. 9 &#38; 10.<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D2A1E31A211901" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3432px; left:337px; width:146px; height:17px; z-index:125;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=146> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle90"> <A HREF=""> Walking In The Sky<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D335ED1D291D61" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3479px; left:96px; width:138px; height:33px; z-index:126;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=138> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle90"> <A HREF=""> Health Matters<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle90"> <A HREF=""> The Ribavirin Story<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D37310F1021A41" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1521px; left:34px; width:84px; height:17px; z-index:127;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=84> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> Party Bike<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D47315428303C01" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1226px; left:33px; width:98px; height:17px; z-index:128;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=98> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> Lassen Art<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D476311A1B1F41" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1246px; left:33px; width:65px; height:17px; z-index:129;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=65> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> Slick Art<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D476311A1B1F41" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1267px; left:33px; width:110px; height:17px; z-index:130;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=110> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> I'll Still Be Me<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D2A317F627641" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1564px; left:33px; width:114px; height:17px; z-index:131;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=114> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle142"> <A HREF=""> Cellie's World<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D26118C2B637A1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1585px; left:33px; width:124px; height:17px; z-index:132;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=124> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle142"> <A HREF=""> The Sweat Shop<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D37310F1021A41" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1322px; left:33px; width:106px; height:17px; z-index:133;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=106> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> other fun stories<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D47315428303C01" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1362px; left:33px; width:100px; height:17px; z-index:134;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=100> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> N.Y.C. Apples<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D476311A1B1F41" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1381px; left:33px; width:114px; height:17px; z-index:135;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=114> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> Totem Turquosie<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D3C11553B961" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1400px; left:33px; width:107px; height:17px; z-index:136;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=107> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> Ramps &#38; Amps<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D37310F1021A41" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1420px; left:33px; width:84px; height:17px; z-index:137;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=84> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> Elvis Lives<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D37310F1021A41" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1480px; left:33px; width:84px; height:17px; z-index:138;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=84> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> Village Test<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D2A1E31A211901" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1501px; left:33px; width:100px; height:17px; z-index:139;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=100> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> What is a Lie<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D3825CB2F1901" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1541px; left:33px; width:109px; height:17px; z-index:140;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=109> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle142"> <A HREF=""> Google This !<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D47631191A1AE1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3336px; left:371px; width:82px; height:17px; z-index:141;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=82> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle90"> <A HREF=""> Mr. Beene<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D5C315A2D1F2A81" STYLE="position:absolute; top:687px; left:129px; width:151px; height:48px; z-index:142;"> <IMG SRC="Index/GOIM0143.GIF" WIDTH=151 HEIGHT=48 BORDER=0> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D5B5121420152621" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3402px; left:324px; width:176px; height:17px; z-index:143;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=176> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle90"> <A HREF=""> Victoria's Secret Holiday<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D5B5121420152621" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1270px; left:484px; width:231px; height:35px; z-index:144;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=231> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle119"> <A HREF=""> - Victoria's Secret -<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle90"> <A HREF=""> The Full Story. Extending &#34;A Look&#34;<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D6141A42E2C1541" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3433px; left:66px; width:200px; height:33px; z-index:145;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=200> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle27"> <A HREF=""> American Museum of Natural<BR> History - A Place for a Party<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D47315428303C01" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1342px; left:33px; width:132px; height:17px; z-index:146;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=132> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> MAC Art Body Paint<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D5B0D17273635C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:666px; left:381px; width:154px; height:25px; z-index:147;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=154> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle143"> <A HREF=""> To Rea</A>lize<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D5111F93CDC1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:762px; left:279px; width:353px; height:31px; z-index:148;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=353> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle144"> 1st Profile below is open to the public. 2nd is more Profound.<BR> you are invited<SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle145">.<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D644615D2D1401" STYLE="position:absolute; top:795px; left:287px; width:117px; height:14px; z-index:149;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=117> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle146"> Over 25 videos for you<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D644615F912C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:811px; left:278px; width:117px; height:14px; z-index:150;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=117> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle146"> Here is over 100 videos<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D5B512141C2D1041" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1190px; left:33px; width:110px; height:16px; z-index:151;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=110> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle147"> <A HREF=""> Darwin: The Origin<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D62215323391541" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1460px; left:33px; width:109px; height:17px; z-index:152;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=109> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> Project Runway<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D610122C251541" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3461px; left:363px; width:87px; height:16px; z-index:153;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=87> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle22"> <A HREF=""> Sushi Twist<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D2851EC19E1D61" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1077px; left:600px; width:125px; height:51px; z-index:154;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=125> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle119"> <A HREF=""> Ride 4 America<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle90"> <A HREF=""> Revelation Reality<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle90"> <A HREF=""> The 4 Horsemen<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D610122C251541" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1440px; left:33px; width:87px; height:17px; z-index:155;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=87> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle38"> <A HREF=""> The Domelet<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D5C01982025641" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3403px; left:112px; width:111px; height:17px; z-index:156;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=111> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle90"> <A HREF=""> Perdis Makeup<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D5C01982025641" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1078px; left:231px; width:107px; height:31px; z-index:157;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=107> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle26"> <A HREF=""> The Dedication<BR> The Men in Black<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D784971C22E51" STYLE="position:absolute; top:705px; left:361px; width:202px; height:16px; z-index:158;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=202> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle148"> The Editorial Project CONTINUES.<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D5C01982025641" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3402px; left:584px; width:88px; height:34px; z-index:159;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=88> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle149"> <A HREF=""> 2007 Mag<BR> </A><SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle150">Special Edition<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D610122C251541" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1207px; left:33px; width:137px; height:17px; z-index:160;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=137> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle151"> <A HREF=""> Mama Toi's Chicken<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D610122C251541" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3989px; left:70px; width:106px; height:16px; z-index:161;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=106> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle22"> <A HREF=""><BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351F9233001" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1132px; left:292px; width:278px; height:102px; z-index:162;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=278> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle152"> This is just to see<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle152"> if we are ready<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle152"> to go ???<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FE152E3481" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2108px; left:55px; width:126px; height:20px; z-index:163;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=126> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle153"> Totally Cool <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle37">®<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D855101F56D1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:495px; left:20px; width:131px; height:132px; z-index:164;"> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0026.JPG" WIDTH=131 HEIGHT=132 BORDER=0> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D8551011011B51" STYLE="position:absolute; top:614px; left:19px; width:131px; height:16px; z-index:165;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=131> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle154"> Devon Aoki<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D863B4312E2221" STYLE="position:absolute; top:385px; left:490px; width:234px; height:240px; z-index:166;"> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0027.JPG" WIDTH=234 HEIGHT=240 BORDER=0> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D8551011011B51" STYLE="position:absolute; top:482px; left:19px; width:131px; height:16px; z-index:167;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=131> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle154"> Kirstie Kelly<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D8551011011B51" STYLE="position:absolute; top:606px; left:656px; width:69px; height:16px; z-index:168;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=69> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle148"> Have Fun<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D6446EF4A01" STYLE="position:absolute; top:793px; left:401px; width:225px; height:17px; z-index:169;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=225> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle33"> <A HREF=""><BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FF2E13161" STYLE="position:absolute; top:951px; left:547px; width:79px; height:33px; z-index:170;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=79> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle155"> &#34;A<SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle129"> Legend<BR> </SPAN>In Time&#34;<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FE1A3B5A1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:708px; left:40px; width:198px; height:17px; z-index:171;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=198> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle116"> &#34; With 2 Eyes On The World. &#34;<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FE152E3481" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2276px; left:38px; width:59px; height:47px; z-index:172;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=59> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle156"> Stay<BR> Tuned<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle128"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FE152E3481" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2182px; left:141px; width:59px; height:92px; z-index:173;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=59> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle157"> The<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle157"> Lie<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle157"> vs<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle157"> THE<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle158"> TRUTH<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle128"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FE152E3481" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2182px; left:45px; width:61px; height:91px; z-index:174;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=61> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle157"> Nadine<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle157"> Child<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle157"> vs<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle157"> ToTaLLy<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle157"> CoOL<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle157"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle159"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D895CE2A168C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:57px; left:41px; width:673px; height:37px; z-index:175;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=673> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle160"> This is now an ARCHIVE SITE with tons of stuff to have fun with. When you're stressed or just<BR> need a break from the everyday duties of life you can float around here for hours.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle161"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D37310F1021A41" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1078px; left:350px; width:106px; height:16px; z-index:176;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=106> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle162"> <A HREF=""> some great shit<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D91214627396D5" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1374px; left:348px; width:87px; height:49px; z-index:177;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0028.GIF" WIDTH=87 HEIGHT=49 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D6451C1132B3201" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1111px; left:476px; width:108px; height:16px; z-index:178;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=108> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle22"> <A HREF=""> Stand Alone Pages<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D5C01982025641" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1110px; left:356px; width:94px; height:16px; z-index:179;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=94> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle22"> <A HREF=""> The Last Hurrah<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D5C01981C163841" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1110px; left:233px; width:103px; height:16px; z-index:180;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=103> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle162"> <A HREF=""> Soldiers Wish<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D36615142A2AFA1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1206px; left:513px; width:124px; height:53px; z-index:181;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=124> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle119"> <A HREF=""> To The<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle119"> <A HREF=""> Mag Covers<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle33"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle92"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D623182E3BA01" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1208px; left:624px; width:82px; height:33px; z-index:182;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=82> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle27"> <A HREF=""> Suspended<BR> In Silk<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D623182E3BA01" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1287px; left:33px; width:106px; height:33px; z-index:183;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=106> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle151"> <A HREF=""> What is God ?<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle151"> <A HREF=""> What is Religion<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D6451C1132B3201" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1094px; left:476px; width:108px; height:16px; z-index:184;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=108> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle22"> <A HREF=""> What We See<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D623182E3BA01" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1077px; left:478px; width:100px; height:16px; z-index:185;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=100> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle22"> <A HREF=""> Pretty Eyes<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="SGROBJ7D9121481526BB1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3914px; left:230px; width:301px; height:334px; z-index:186;"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Index/IMAG0029.JPG" WIDTH=301 HEIGHT=334 BORDER=0> </A> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FE152E3481" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3946px; left:66px; width:111px; height:33px; z-index:187;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=111> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle163"> for some videos<BR> try<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FE152E3481" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3946px; left:557px; width:111px; height:49px; z-index:188;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=111> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle163"> or for some<BR> more fun<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle164"> click the pic<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D4461111891041" STYLE="position:absolute; top:1431px; left:620px; width:82px; height:17px; z-index:189;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=82> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle119"> <A HREF=""> H&#38;M Fun<BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D895CE2D213E1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:110px; left:41px; width:662px; height:106px; z-index:190;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=662> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle165"> This site was launched at a time when there weren't many software website building options<BR> and technology was very much in its infancy stages. So the best explanation is it is like a<BR> Canvas with an Artist at work. If you get lost just come back to the beginning (the main page<BR> here) and retrace your steps. You could spend days here and still NOT see everything - but<BR> what an Adventure : ) Have fun and enjoy the treasures you will find.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle166"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle161"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D895CE301837A1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:212px; left:41px; width:680px; height:164px; z-index:191;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=680> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle167"> Going forward we will be launching: which will continue as &#34;The Official Editorial<BR> Authority&#34; and a Totally Cool <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle54">® </SPAN>video site that will feature many of the tv segments we have<BR> done on Time Warner cable over the years. Also there will be many new things featured -- all<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle168"> in the Spirit of Fun ! Stay Tuned.<SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle169"> </SPAN>If you want to see some video of things we have done you can<BR> do that at: and (link below), Also ...<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle170"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle170"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle170"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle170"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle161"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D784971C22E51" STYLE="position:absolute; top:320px; left:24px; width:693px; height:46px; z-index:192;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=693> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle171"> If you think you have &#34;Freedom of Speech&#34; or rights in America - you are wrong, fooling yourself. It is all an illusion. Smoke<BR> and Mirrors. You don't have rights. Because someone will try and take them away and -- CONTROL you. If you want them<BR> you have to fight for them. We give ... LIFE ... meaning, Great Meaning !<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D86117A23F61" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3553px; left:71px; width:572px; height:304px; z-index:193;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=572> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle172"> This (the George Carlin link below) comes directly from the Summer 2003 Totally Cool ®<BR> Magazine. I remembered writing this piece up and decided i would see if i could find it.<BR> Lo and behold - found. Take a read. (click link in red.)<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle173"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle173"> And remember -- we were here and ... good people should not be forgotten.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle173"> But bad people should be shown for what they are. So be it.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle173"> Those that cover up what is are those who should be exposed.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle173"> Hence the balance in Life.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle173"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle173"> The good people in Life should be Honored.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle173"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle173"> with love.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle173"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle173"> Totally Cool ®<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle173"> aka<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle173"> richard david renda<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle173"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle173"> In Memory of a Great Comedian - George Carlin 1937 - 2008<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle166"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle161"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D86117A26341DB1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:3862px; left:72px; width:467px; height:32px; z-index:194;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=467> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle151"> <A HREF=""></A><SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle174"> (case sensitive)<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle166"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle161"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7DB642B1131CD0" STYLE="position:absolute; top:5178px; left:160px; width:503px; height:658px; z-index:195;"> <IMG SRC="Index/GOIM0196.GIF" WIDTH=503 HEIGHT=658 BORDER=0> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7DB642B19241DC1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:5873px; left:41px; width:664px; height:799px; z-index:196;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=664> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> EIDTORIAL: This case is more important than just the surface view.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> Yes Nadinie Child and her attorneys lied (outright) when they filed a formal suit<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle176"> and said Nadine only discovered the photographs at issue in the Summer of 2005.<BR> Nadine Child and her attorneys knew all along that the pics were up on the web and<BR> published in the Year 2000. Was there any Justice served ? No. Except a full Supreme<BR> Court trial that was commenced in the State of New York took place June 2011 with a<BR> Jury of 6 and 2 alternates. They, the jury, heard the evidence along with testimony from<BR> witnesses and voted against Nadine Child and her attorneys of &#34;artificial construction&#34;<BR> on all accounts. She lost. You Won !<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> (Issue Summer 2000 TC Magazine Fashion Story: &#34;Summer Movement&#34;)<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> Plus to add to everything else, It was Nadine Child and her attorneys who called her<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle177"> a stripper and implied she had involvement with a stripper's pole and no one else at all<BR> implied that - only them.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> What is the Ironic thing is there is no such thing as a &#34;stripper's pole&#34;<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> unless a dancer is actually stripping on a pole - then it may be referred to<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> as a stripper's pole - otherwise it is a &#34;Dancer's Pole.&#34;<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> And surely a web building software program divider is not a &#34;stripper's pole &#34;<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle177"> unless you do believe, like Glanc would have you believe: the moon is made of green<BR> cheese.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> But as we said: this case is more important than just surface view. it is important,<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle178"> paramont important ... because it does involve everyone who ever takes a photograph<BR> in the future again and everyone who even posts a photograph on the web or<BR> anywhere else. And that Justice, &#34;Freedom of Speech&#34;, and expression has a right to<BR> exist Fairly. Not that it be intimidated into being confined to a little sandbox, controlled<BR> by fear, or threats - or beaten down by liars and those who would look to play the game<BR> of cover ups to excel in their own deceits.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle177"> This is all about the world - it is about you. And it is about True Justice. That one day<BR> Justice do have its day for all.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> This is no joke. This is serious. And this is for all Humankind. And for everyone who<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> in good faith and within the boundries of the Law would like to take a photograph and<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> preserve the moment or history.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> TO BE CONTINUED ...<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle161"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7DB642B252A941" STYLE="position:absolute; top:6680px; left:41px; width:667px; height:128px; z-index:197;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=667> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle179"> Re: Nadine Child vs Totally Cool ® 2005 - 2011 ... New York State Supreme Court. New<BR> York, New York. Of course Nadine Child and her partners of lies - Lost !!!! Like the Lying<BR> Slobs they were and are. So noted.<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle175"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle180"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle181"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle181"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle182"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7DB844102A2F3671" STYLE="position:absolute; top:6781px; left:162px; width:498px; height:658px; z-index:198;"> <IMG SRC="Index/GOIM0199.GIF" WIDTH=498 HEIGHT=658 BORDER=0> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D054B2144A01" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2404px; left:44px; width:134px; height:97px; z-index:199;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=134> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle183"> <A HREF=""> Press<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle183"> <A HREF=""> Release,<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle183"> <A HREF=""> History,<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle184"> <A HREF=""> Biographies<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle185"> <A HREF=""> <BR> </A> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7DC351E62D38101" STYLE="position:absolute; top:4290px; left:82px; width:595px; height:17px; z-index:200;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=595> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle186"> =====================================================================<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7DC351E635242131" STYLE="position:absolute; top:18px; left:260px; width:226px; height:19px; z-index:201;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=226> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle187"> - Welcome -<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D32358243A10E1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2272px; left:219px; width:463px; height:55px; z-index:202;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=463> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle188"> <SPAN CLASS="iltextstyle189">On page ... editorial Music Credit:<BR> </SPAN> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle190"> Meatloaf III -- onVirgin Records<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle190"> <BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle32"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D0351FE152E3481" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2262px; left:141px; width:59px; height:62px; z-index:203;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=59> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle157"> The<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle157"> Truth<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle158"> Wins<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle128"> <BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <DIV ID="TXTOBJ7D16112E9D26C1" STYLE="position:absolute; top:2317px; left:48px; width:176px; height:76px; z-index:204;"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 WIDTH=176> <TR> <TD VALIGN="TOP" ALIGN="LEFT"> <DIV CLASS="parastyle191"> <A HREF=""> Hyperdrive Index<BR> </A> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle192"> Vortex Portals<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle192"> Select Stories<BR> </DIV> <DIV CLASS="parastyle192"> and other Activities ...<BR> </DIV> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <APPLET CODE="AuPlayer.class" NAME="AuPlayer" WIDTH=2 HEIGHT=2 ARCHIVE=""> <PARAM NAME="cabbase" VALUE=""> <PARAM NAME="AudioClip1" VALUE="'BKGOBJ7D0351F91E12123' 'Index/SND0000.AU' false 489272"> <STRONG>You need a Java-enabled browser to hear audio clips on this page.</STRONG><br> </APPLET> </BODY> </HTML>
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Ever hear this "The Pen is Mightier than the Sword." I am "THE PEN." Now I write you into history. You called me a "Liar" - back it up with fact . Asshole !!! You are a Liar along with Nadine Child, and your Lowlife Employer. AND I CAN BACK IT UP WITH FACT !!! In MY OPINION - You are, as far as I'm concerned and based on fact: the BIGGEST slime that walks the earth. And I will write you in HISTORY as SUCH. By the way - Aaron Gloub should buy you a new pair of shoes. YOU HAVE NO STYLE. Hahaha. I LAUGH IN YOUR FACE AND I DO IT IN PUBLIC. SEE ! And by the way - Alberto Rizzo spits on your grave. This is America. Ever hear of the 1st Amendment right ??? You will never take that from me. NEVER !!!! Nadine Child vs Richard Renda. I will give the Fashion Industry a good name. And it will be ... Totally Cool ®. NADINE CHILD ... YOU AND YOUR TEAM OF LIARS LOST. But you still have to answer to Life, The Universe, Time, and Your Maker. For Eternity ! May you forever rot in Hell. | | | | --- | | NEHEMIAH GLANC - You taunted me on the 12th floor at the elevators IN THE Courthouse Jan. 29, 2008 with your CHILDISH "loser loser loser" act. And guess what ? It is not part of Discovery : ) And we know that story is going to be told. Debra James should hear about it all, as should the World - especially what you did at the Elevator. Since you used Debra to do that. And also how - in the case- you made everything up and used the Court to launch a massive Fraud, a case of Deceit, as The Facts Will Show. A malicious misuse of judicial process. All the public or we have to do is look side by side at the initially filed Nadine complaint laced with Fraud and the fabricated Amended Complaint that followed. But a fact, not opinion -- where TRUTH and Life are concerned. And ... in the Name of Life itself - I Will Prove It. You try to cover up History. Now History will Expose you for what you are and the things you ALL chose to do. (What did the Appellate Court find ? What was their reference ?) "ARTIFICIAL CONSTRUCTION", so noted. Lacks substance. "You can control some of the people some of the time. But you can not control all the people all the time." A well know statement belonging to the general public. And you surely can't control everybody in the World : ) Ever hear this: "The Pen is Mightier than the Sword." I am "THE PEN." History writes you into Eternity ... for what you are, as it does most people in the modern age. You called me a "Liar" when I am not. So back your "STRAINED" Fabrications up with fact. All you know is Paper Games. Only Smoke and Mirrors. Show the case, without limitations, to a Jury. Show the Facts. Not the lies you made up that have surely been exposed. What are you afraid of - The Truth ? Because it exposes everything, the lies and the smoke and mirrors ? And others can come to their own conclusion. The Appellate Court did ! (89 N.Y.2d 1074, 681 N.E.2d 1282, 659 N.Y.S.2d 836 (1997). You presented Lies, and worse - covering up for a liar. AND MANY CAN BACK THAT UP WITH MORE FACT. HISTORY. By the way, from an editorial director's professional opinion and from professional fashion stylist experience - Aaron Richard Golub (the office you work from) should buy you a new pair of shoes. NO STYLE AT ALL. So true. I LAUGH IN YOUR FACE at the Lies you tell AND I will always be happy to show them to the public or in what is supposed to be the holiest place in the Land: the Courtroom. How did the Appellate Court determine your presentation in their Authority: "Artificial Construction." And "STRAINED" frabications. We haven't even begun. By the way - Alberto Rizzo would have plenty to say. This is America. Ever hear of the 1st Amendment or the 1st Amendment Right ? Ever hear of The WORD: Truth ? You will never take that from me. NEVER !!!! Nadine Child vs Totally Cool (Richard Renda). I will give the Fashion Industry a good name. And I wil give LIFE a Good Name. As it is and as it will always be - "Totally Cool ®" Oh I guess the Nadine Child, in Nadine Child vs Richard Renda, forgot to tell you i don't scare. Ever. And there is nothing you can take from me. So you lose in every way. And work for nothing. You work to hide the truth. Transcripts prove that. Talk about stupid. Facts and History are not stupid - they are Educational for generations to come. You should have walked away when you had the chance. Did we see her in the Praying position ? Or should I show you a picture. Religious significance. Depicts - U.S. Constitution 1st Amendment right also. | | | | --- | | History has a RIGHT to be Told. And what happens in History has a RIGHT to be known. You have the Right to tell of the things that happen in YOUR Life -- and of the who does what to it. But some people think you should not have the Right to tell of the things that Bad people do or even THE RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH. They call that: The Cover Ups. Let the Frauds and the Liars be Exposed - in whatever they do. It is all about that word America holds up so highly: Transparency. And with it (not to be forgotten) the ill wills and the what happens in what is called "The Process." Simple, when YOUR right is taken away - well ... what comes next. This is just the tip of the iceberg. "The Value of Truth." A Story To Be Told. | | | | --- | | A Jury Trial did take place in Supreme Court in Manhattan, New York. Nadine Child LOST. See below. | | | | --- | | You should have committed the suicide instead to pretending to. At least you would have saved yourself from swearing to God under oath and then lying more, being a terrible actress wannabe, and putting another sain on your soul that will remain forever ! NADINE CHILD ... hide your face In Shame !!!!! It is Written on Official Transcript - the lies so deep and profound. HISTORY WILL NEVER FORGET ! NONE OF YOU -- EVER !!!!!!!!! Our Pleasure. | [![](Index/IMAG0000.JPG)]( ![](Index/IMAG0001.JPG) | | | --- | | History has a RIGHT to be Told. And what happens in History has a RIGHT to be known. Simple When that right is taken away -- well what comes next. The History Blogger -- This is just the tip of the iceberg. | | | | --- | | [In The Swim]( | | | | --- | | Totally Cool. A RICHARD RENDA Production. Totally Cool - the official editorial authority. | | | | --- | | Totally Cool - Totally Cool ... very Totally Cool ... Totally Cool ... and more ... Totally Cool ®. Everything Totally Cool. And Everything NOT Cool. The Where you can Learn the story ... What Not To Be Like. The Original Totally Cool ®. The Official Totally Cool ® Registered Trademark, 1994. Why get a fake, when you can have The Real Thing. Totally Cool ®. | ![](Index/IMAG0002.JPG) ![](Index/IMAG0003.JPG) | | | --- | | [Bizarre. Nadine Child]( [The Child in Me]( | | | | --- | | [The Interruption. "Fake Things" Mingzhi Yang]( | | | | --- | | [The Issue ... 2005 into 2006]( | [![](Index/IMAG0004.JPG)]( | | | --- | | Fun Fashion: | | | | --- | | The "MegaZine" MagaZine | | | | --- | | []( | ![](Index/IMAG0005.GIF) [![](Index/IMAG0006.GIF)]( [![](Index/IMAG0007.JPG)]( | | | --- | | [Fun Holiday Pics click here]( | ![](Index/IMAG0008.JPG) | | | --- | | Many media networks or content providers around the World, when they have someone on the news or they have an exclusive story, it is all about them -- that "they got." When you make it to the crossroads of Totally Cool ® it does not say anything about us. What it does is ... it says everything about You. | [![](Index/IMAG0009.JPG)]( | | | --- | | [People & Faces]( | [![](Index/IMAG0010.JPG)]( | | | --- | | .net | | | | --- | | A Magazine In TV Land - A MagaZine In Space. A Magazine by Professionals. [A MagaZine]( And more. Stay Tuned. | | | | --- | | Totally Cool ® | | | | --- | | is an International Registered Trademark. | | | | --- | | Ready ? | | | | --- | | Set ! | | | | --- | | What ? ... | | | | --- | | Can I come in ??? | | | | --- | | Totally Cool ® | | | | --- | | The Original Home of "ALWAYS GOOD NEWS ALL THE TIME" | | | | --- | | Totally Cool ® | | | | --- | | Talks | | | | --- | | Totally Cool ® | | | | --- | | The 2nd Decade. | | | | --- | | Okay. Okay. | | | | --- | | You can have a peek - | | | | --- | | We are always in our construction boots. In The Presentation Mode. So, you'll have to excussse us. What kind ? Timberland. Of course. Hers may be Rockport's ! | | | | --- | | [Go]( | | | | --- | | Totally Cool ® | | | | --- | | Enter | [![](Index/IMAG0011.JPG)]( | | | --- | | Steven Tyler "Aerosmith" and "Totally Cool ® " Richard david Renda photo credit: Cheryl Gorski. | ![](Index/IMAG0012.GIF) | | | --- | | Totally Cool ® The MagaZine. a division of Totally Cool ® broadcast Programing. A registered trademark: ® 2012 Richard Renda Fun Productions | | | | --- | | The Editorial Project c. 1994 - 2004 | [![](Index/IMAG0013.GIF)]( | | | --- | | broadcast Programing | | | | --- | | Every time You click that button "Save As" -- Think -- about the world. The Universe dictates. The Computer teaches. "Learn to Save." Or will be gone. | [![](Index/IMAG0014.GIF)]( [![](Index/IMAG0015.GIF)]( [![](Index/IMAG0014.GIF)]( [![](Index/IMAG0015.GIF)]( | | | --- | | You Are Here | | | | --- | | [The TC Net]( | | | | --- | | [Video Library]( | | | | --- | | [Archives]( | | | | --- | | If the Music is too LOUD, turn the volume down on "Your Computer" Little speaker icon lower right corner of your computer screen ? Click on it. Adjust. | | | | --- | | Totally Cool ® | [![](Index/IMAG0016.GIF)]( | | | --- | | [Programing]( | | | | --- | | You Are Here | | | | --- | | [This Is GO]( | [![](Index/IMAG0017.JPG)]( | | | --- | | [The Butterfly]( | | | | --- | | ["Message From A Friend"]( | | | | --- | | "[Save As](" | | | | --- | | [The Oak and The Willow]( | | | | --- | | "A MagaZine from The Universe ... FOR The Global Community." | | | | --- | | "Something that comes from the heart." | | | | --- | | Totally Cool ® | | | | --- | | [NYC Fashion "Special" Tid Bits plus]( | | | | --- | | [Tid Bits Index]( | | | | --- | | [NYC 2000 ... An Event]( | | | | --- | | [Ground Zero Mosquito point]( | | | | --- | | [Fashion Around The World]( | | | | --- | | FUN STORIES | | | | --- | | Go in thru anything that is [Red....]( and enjoy the Wonder. [It is Hot !]( ToTaLLy CoOL ® | | | | --- | | [Before You Die]( | | | | --- | | [The Press Corp]( | | | | --- | | No, it is not a photoshop picture. | | | | --- | | The official registered Trademark | | | | --- | | [The Mag Covers]( | | | | --- | | Special Section [click pic]( | | | | --- | | The Party Continues | | | | --- | | [Credit List]( | | | | --- | | Hope You Are Enjoying this New Year ! | | | | --- | | [Miss AMERICA]( | | | | --- | | People Faces & Friends - (special) | | | | --- | | [A Dad's Poem]( | | | | --- | | [Victoria's]( [Secret - the]( [cornerstone]( | | | | --- | | [The Brick]( | | | | --- | | For anyone who is mistreated by any Public Relations power trips ... Remember this: "When one person says "no", there are 10 others that will say "Yes." Good people will want you there. | [![](Index/IMAG0018.JPG)]( | | | --- | | We Will Miss You Geoffrey Beene Alberto Rizzo 2004 | [![](Index/IMAG0019.JPG)]( [![](Index/IMAG0020.JPG)]( [![](Index/IMAG0021.JPG)]( [![](Index/IMAG0022.JPG)]( [![](Index/IMAG0023.JPG)]( [![](Index/IMAG0024.JPG)]( | | | --- | | Richard Renda had Geoffrey Beene sign a book with this inscription "To The People Of The World" and he wrote "Lots of Love" - Geoffrey Beene. That says it all. | [![](Index/IMAG0025.JPG)]( | | | --- | | Master Photographer Alberto Rizzo with long time Companion Robin Narvaez | | | | --- | | Alberto shooting the Mag. For the Love of it. | | | | --- | | What do you mean shoot more ?!! | | | | --- | | Dear Geoffrey Beene ... Dear Alberto Rizzo -- you have moved on to a greater Universe and found you are still alive -- we will never forget you. "Thank You" for all your support and All Your Kindness. From all of us in the many Worlds of Totally Cool ®. (Few people treat me good in this world. Both of you treated me like I was wanted, like I belonged. Tears on my Pillow - Richard) | | | | --- | | Harper's Bazaar (January 1970) and Nadine by ... Alberto Rizzo | | | | --- | | Appreciate the world around you | | | | --- | | [Recovery]( | | | | --- | | [The ... 9-11 Editorial]( | | | | --- | | [Alberto Rizzo]( | | | | --- | | The TV Show airs SUNDAY EVENINGS at 10 pm (EDT) on Manhattan Time Warner Cable channel 56 and RCN ch. 83. Online EDT same time as above at - "MNN2 / ch.56" -- 7 p.m. PST | | | | --- | | Float around. Enjoy the endless wonder of special treats inside these many worlds. | | | | --- | | This place we call Earth. | | | | --- | | Photos of Alberto Rizzo and Mr. Beene by Richard david Renda. Bazaar Cover: Alberto Rizzo | | | | --- | | [Just the facts please.]( [Tom, this is for you.]( [link ... as promised. email Jan. 9 & 10.]( | | | | --- | | [Walking In The Sky]( | | | | --- | | [Health Matters]( [The Ribavirin Story]( | | | | --- | | [Party Bike]( | | | | --- | | [Lassen Art]( | | | | --- | | [Slick Art]( | | | | --- | | [I'll Still Be Me]( | | | | --- | | [Cellie's World]( | | | | --- | | [The Sweat Shop]( | | | | --- | | [other fun stories]( | | | | --- | | [N.Y.C. Apples]( | | | | --- | | [Totem Turquosie]( | | | | --- | | [Ramps & Amps]( | | | | --- | | [Elvis Lives]( | | | | --- | | [Village Test]( | | | | --- | | [What is a Lie]( | | | | --- | | [Google This !]( | | | | --- | | [Mr. Beene]( | ![](Index/GOIM0143.GIF) | | | --- | | [Victoria's Secret Holiday]( | | | | --- | | [- Victoria's Secret -]( [The Full Story. Extending "A Look"]( | | | | --- | | [American Museum of Natural History - A Place for a Party]( | | | | --- | | [MAC Art Body Paint]( | | | | --- | | [To Rea]( | | | | --- | | 1st Profile below is open to the public. 2nd is more Profound. you are invited. | | | | --- | | Over 25 videos for you | | | | --- | | Here is over 100 videos | | | | --- | | [Darwin: The Origin]( | | | | --- | | [Project Runway]( | | | | --- | | [Sushi Twist]( | | | | --- | | [Ride 4 America]( [Revelation Reality]( [The 4 Horsemen]( | | | | --- | | [The Domelet]( | | | | --- | | [Perdis Makeup]( | | | | --- | | [The Dedication The Men in Black]( | | | | --- | | The Editorial Project CONTINUES. | | | | --- | | [2007 Mag]( Edition | | | | --- | | [Mama Toi's Chicken]( | | | | --- | | []( | | | | --- | | This is just to see if we are ready to go ??? | | | | --- | | Totally Cool ® | ![](Index/IMAG0026.JPG) | | | --- | | Devon Aoki | ![](Index/IMAG0027.JPG) | | | --- | | Kirstie Kelly | | | | --- | | Have Fun | | | | --- | | []( | | | | --- | | "A Legend In Time" | | | | --- | | " With 2 Eyes On The World. " | | | | --- | | Stay Tuned | | | | --- | | The Lie vs THE TRUTH | | | | --- | | Nadine Child vs ToTaLLy CoOL | | | | --- | | This is now an ARCHIVE SITE with tons of stuff to have fun with. When you're stressed or just need a break from the everyday duties of life you can float around here for hours. | | | | --- | | [some great shit]( | [![](Index/IMAG0028.GIF)]( | | | --- | | [Stand Alone Pages]( | | | | --- | | [The Last Hurrah]( | | | | --- | | [Soldiers Wish]( | | | | --- | | [To The]( [Mag Covers]( | | | | --- | | [Suspended In Silk]( | | | | --- | | [What is God ?]( [What is Religion]( | | | | --- | | [What We See]( | | | | --- | | [Pretty Eyes]( | [![](Index/IMAG0029.JPG)]( | | | --- | | for some videos try | | | | --- | | or for some more fun click the pic | | | | --- | | [H&M Fun]( | | | | --- | | This site was launched at a time when there weren't many software website building options and technology was very much in its infancy stages. So the best explanation is it is like a Canvas with an Artist at work. If you get lost just come back to the beginning (the main page here) and retrace your steps. You could spend days here and still NOT see everything - but what an Adventure : ) Have fun and enjoy the treasures you will find. | | | | --- | | Going forward we will be launching: which will continue as "The Official Editorial Authority" and a Totally Cool ® video site that will feature many of the tv segments we have done on Time Warner cable over the years. Also there will be many new things featured -- all in the Spirit of Fun ! Stay Tuned. If you want to see some video of things we have done you can do that at: and (link below), Also ... | | | | --- | | If you think you have "Freedom of Speech" or rights in America - you are wrong, fooling yourself. It is all an illusion. Smoke and Mirrors. You don't have rights. Because someone will try and take them away and -- CONTROL you. If you want them you have to fight for them. We give ... LIFE ... meaning, Great Meaning ! | | | | --- | | This (the George Carlin link below) comes directly from the Summer 2003 Totally Cool ® Magazine. I remembered writing this piece up and decided i would see if i could find it. Lo and behold - found. Take a read. (click link in red.) And remember -- we were here and ... good people should not be forgotten. But bad people should be shown for what they are. So be it. Those that cover up what is are those who should be exposed. Hence the balance in Life. The good people in Life should be Honored. with love. Totally Cool ® aka richard david renda In Memory of a Great Comedian - George Carlin 1937 - 2008 | | | | --- | | <> (case sensitive) | ![](Index/GOIM0196.GIF) | | | --- | | EIDTORIAL: This case is more important than just the surface view. Yes Nadinie Child and her attorneys lied (outright) when they filed a formal suit and said Nadine only discovered the photographs at issue in the Summer of 2005. Nadine Child and her attorneys knew all along that the pics were up on the web and published in the Year 2000. Was there any Justice served ? No. Except a full Supreme Court trial that was commenced in the State of New York took place June 2011 with a Jury of 6 and 2 alternates. They, the jury, heard the evidence along with testimony from witnesses and voted against Nadine Child and her attorneys of "artificial construction" on all accounts. She lost. You Won ! (Issue Summer 2000 TC Magazine Fashion Story: "Summer Movement") Plus to add to everything else, It was Nadine Child and her attorneys who called her a stripper and implied she had involvement with a stripper's pole and no one else at all implied that - only them. What is the Ironic thing is there is no such thing as a "stripper's pole" unless a dancer is actually stripping on a pole - then it may be referred to as a stripper's pole - otherwise it is a "Dancer's Pole." And surely a web building software program divider is not a "stripper's pole " unless you do believe, like Glanc would have you believe: the moon is made of green cheese. But as we said: this case is more important than just surface view. it is important, paramont important ... because it does involve everyone who ever takes a photograph in the future again and everyone who even posts a photograph on the web or anywhere else. And that Justice, "Freedom of Speech", and expression has a right to exist Fairly. Not that it be intimidated into being confined to a little sandbox, controlled by fear, or threats - or beaten down by liars and those who would look to play the game of cover ups to excel in their own deceits. This is all about the world - it is about you. And it is about True Justice. That one day Justice do have its day for all. This is no joke. This is serious. And this is for all Humankind. And for everyone who in good faith and within the boundries of the Law would like to take a photograph and preserve the moment or history. TO BE CONTINUED ... | | | | --- | | Re: Nadine Child vs Totally Cool ® 2005 - 2011 ... New York State Supreme Court. New York, New York. Of course Nadine Child and her partners of lies - Lost !!!! Like the Lying Slobs they were and are. So noted. | ![](Index/GOIM0199.GIF) | | | --- | | [Press]( [Release,]( [History,]( [Biographies]( | | | | --- | | ===================================================================== | | | | --- | | - Welcome - | | | | --- | | On page ... editorial Music Credit: Meatloaf III -- onVirgin Records | | | | --- | | The Truth Wins | | | | --- | | [Hyperdrive Index]( Vortex Portals Select Stories and other Activities ... | **You need a Java-enabled browser to hear audio clips on this page.**
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It is symbolical language which determines mutual understanding of people, besides allows to explain universal laws of human existence and physical nature.<p><b>Any materials of this website about physiognomy and galleries of emotions can be issued or published on a basis of author's contracts.</b><p> <font size="4">Sergey Leonidovich Panphilov.</font><br> <b>e-mail:</b> <a href=" emotions"></a> or <a href=" of a face"></a><p><i> Text translation of this site into English language is made by me.<br> I am not sure in accuracy of translation.<br> Please, inform how to correct if any words or phrases are wrong.<br> Also inform your opinion and offers.</i></td> </tr> </table> <p>-<script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-4548048029838136"; /* 728x90, &ntilde;&icirc;&ccedil;&auml;&agrave;&iacute;&icirc; 11.05.10 */ google_ad_slot = "8600049615"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> </p> <table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="240" valign="top"> <a href="kon/conen1.htm"> <img border="1" src="knopen/knconen.gif" width="210" height="27" alt="concepts of canon of changes" vspace="7"></a><br> <a href="emo/emoen.htm"> <img border="1" src="apf/knemtipen.gif" width="214" height="27" alt="types of people"></a><p> <a href="prof/proconen.htm"> <img border="1" src="knopen/knproconen.gif" width="214" height="27" vspace="3" alt="concepts of half faces"></a><br> <a href="prof/profren.htm"> <img border="1" src="knopen/knprogalen.gif" width="214" height="27" alt="gallery of half-faces"></a><br> <a href="prof2/pro1en.htm"> <img border="1" src="prof/knproconen2.gif" width="214" height="27" vspace="3" alt="comparison of physiognomy"></a><br> <a href="prof3/pro01en.htm"> <img border="1" src="prof2/knpr3en.gif" width="214" height="27" alt="facial proportions"></a><br> <a href="prof4/pr1en.htm"> <img border="1" src="prof3/knpr4en.gif" width="214" height="27" vspace="3" alt="physiognomy and astrology"></a><br> <a href="prof5/p1en.htm"> <img border="1" src="prof4/knpr5en.gif" width="214" height="27" alt="physiognomy and numerology"></a></p> <p><a href="anf1/anfasen.htm"> <img border="1" src="anf1/anfkn1en.gif" width="214" height="27" alt="facial axes of measurements"></a></p> <p><a href="prlev/prlcon1en.htm"> <img border="1" src="knopen/knprlevcen12.gif" width="214" height="27" alt="right and left face"></a><br> <a href="prlev/prlfren.htm"> <img border="1" src="knopen/knprlevgen.gif" width="214" height="27" vspace="3" alt="physiognomic gallery"></a><br> <a href="anfiz/an1en.htm"> <img border="1" src="prlev/knanfsen.gif" width="214" height="27" alt="analytical psychology of Jung"></a><br> <a href="anfiz/gal/g1en.htm"> <img border="1" src="anfiz/imagen/knanfgen.gif" vspace="3" alt="gallery of psychological types" width="214" height="26"></a><br> <a href="trans/tren.htm"> <img border="1" src="trans/fig/transen.gif" width="214" height="27" alt="transactions of a brain"></a><p> <a href="krug/kr1en.htm"> <img border="1" src="krug/knkruen.gif" width="214" height="27" alt="circles of emotions"></a><p> <a href="xron/xr1en.htm"> <img border="1" src="krug/knxroen.gif" width="214" height="27" alt="chronology" vspace="3"></a><br> <a href="xron/klden.htm"> <img border="1" src="xron/knxrkalen.gif" width="214" height="27" alt="calendars"></a><p> <a href="bokat/bken.htm"> <img border="1" src="bokat/kn/kngodcaten.gif" width="214" height="27" alt="divine categories"></a><br> <a href="bokat/bkfren.htm"> <img border="1" src="bokat/knbkgalen.gif" width="214" height="27" vspace="3" alt="divine charts"></a><p> <a href="apf/apf1en.htm"> <img border="1" src="xron/knapfen.gif" width="214" height="27" alt="astro-psychophysiology"></a><br> &nbsp;<hr width="85%" size="4" align="left"> <p> <img src="knop/kncaten.gif" width="214" height="27" alt="categories" vspace="3"><br> <font size="2">It will be soon published.</font></td> <td valign="top"> <p>Emotions are expressions of mental processes which are shown in human faces as mimic attitudes of people to world around.<br> Facial shapes represent strict mathematical system which allows to describe many aspects of physical nature and cognitive characteristics of people if to allocate main emotional traits or physiognomic features in a human face.<br> Mathematical system of physiognomy or facial traits and features corresponds with the binary code of ancient Chinese Book of Changes IChing (i-jing) or Yi King which basis are hexagrams which symbols are original complex of logic elements which denote universal concepts of human outlook. Including symbols of hexagrams IChing designate philosophy and psychology of human personality by marks of facial traits or lineaments.<br> Physiognomic idea consists that main traits or lineaments of human faces: eyes, eyebrows, mouth can have four emotional expressions which correspond with Chinese hexagrams of the Book of Changes IChing. Namely visual changes of eyes, eyebrows and mouth, which are basic parameters of human emotions, are compared to modifications of lines in hexagrams IChing.<br> Detail information about correlation of physiognomy with hexagrams IChing can be found in the section: <font color="#800000"><b>concepts of &quot;canon of changes&quot;</b></font> where also it is possible to find necessary data which allow to understand physiognomic images and commenting texts which systematize facial traits and explain emotions in galleries.<br> Physiognomic images and texts are collected in thematic open galleries which are named as <font color="#800000"><b>impressions - oracle - conditions - relations - times</b></font>.<br> Each gallery describes one conceptual theme according to which it is possible to understand philosophical phenomena and psychological processes which occur to people according to emotional expressions.<br> Hexagrams of the Book of Changes IChing have serial numbers and location in galleries according to sequence of physiognomic images.<br> Visual series of physiognomic mages in galleries show symbolical pictures of human faces or mimic grimaces which emotional expressions vary according to changes of hexagrams IChing. These are graphical pictures instead of real portraits or facial photos.<br> Pictures and texts in galleries allow to understand psychological meanings and esoteric values of the shown human emotions.<br> <font color="#800000"><b>Gallery of emotional impressions</b></font> allows to distinguish facial expressions to find out psychological experiences of people.<br> <i>Also in gallery of impressions there are recommendations according to which physiognomic symbols of emotions can be applied as stylistic images for cosmetic make-up of a female face.</i><br> <font color="#800000"><b>Gallery of physiognomic oracle</b></font> can be applied for prophecy or predictions and guessing divinations of human actions by means of facial emotions which are expressed by men or women.<br> <i>And also this gallery of oracle has recommendations for principles of facial expressions in relations of sellers and buyers in trade, and principles of emotions in faces of clients and attendants in various spheres of human services.</i><br> <font color="#800000"><b>Gallery of conditions</b></font> is personification of fantastic perception of outward world as psychological recognition according to which dreams can be true or unreal. These are illusions which can be illusive or valid, and can be visual in emotions of human faces.<br> <font color="#800000"><b>Gallery of relations</b></font> shows emotional attitudes of a man to people or relationship of social community to a person.<br> <i>Also two galleries of conditions and relations describe fields of activity and spheres of interests where it is possible to apply facial symbols of human emotions and hexagrams IChing.</i><br> <font color="#800000"><b>Gallery of times</b></font> defines emotional aspirations of a man in past or present or future chronology of human life.<br> <i>Also gallery of time has information on metaphysical laws of human life according to ratio of global world categories with hexagrams of the canon of changes IChing.</i></td> </tr> </table> <p>-<script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-4548048029838136"; /* 728x90, &ntilde;&icirc;&ccedil;&auml;&agrave;&iacute;&icirc; 11.05.10 */ google_ad_slot = "8600049615"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> </p> <p>Besides pages of this website represent sections where various esoteric or exoteric themes about hexagrams of the Chinese Book of Changes IChing and physiognomy of emotions in human faces are considered.<br> <font color="#800000"><b>Game</b></font> is the set of playing fortunetelling cards or tiles with images of hexagrams IChing and physiognomic symbols, and also special game board with numbers which are organized according to rules of magic square. By means of fortunetelling physiognomic cards on the magic board it is possible to carry out predictive puzzles and games, or prophecies and divinations with Book of Changes.<br> Set of fortunetelling playing cards or conjectural tiles can be downloaded as graphic pictures in the PDF file. Then it is possible to print images, also rules of prophetic games or predictive puzzles for divinations with hexagrams IChing.<br> <font color="#800000"><b>Proverbs</b></font> form conjectural mantic system which allows to correlate Chinese hexagrams of the Book of Changes IChing with Proverbs of Solomon in the Bible. Also conjectural mantic system allows to correlate Proverbs of Solomon and emotional images of a human face to degrees of astrological circle, that is similar to &quot;Sabian Symbols&quot; which are known in astrology.<br> <font color="#800000"><b>Emotional types</b></font> show photos as examples for visual identification of emotions in faces of people. Also this section of website specifies differentiation of altered facial images and emotional types which are constant shapes of human faces. Physiognomic scheme or chart allows to speak about mutual relations of people according to emotional types which can be identified by means of mathematical methods or calculations of emotions in a context of astrology.<br> <font color="#800000"><b>Astrology</b></font> - this section of website publishes one scientific article which corrects old mistakes and breaks former notions of astrologers about structure of astrological circle and forces of planets in signs of zodiac, about geometrical configurations of heavenly bodies and hexagonal star of Zion.</p> <table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="10" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"> <tr> <td><!--c3384--></td> </tr> </table> <p><font color="#800000"> <b>Half faces (concepts 1-2-3-4-5)</b></font> are formal values of contours and lineaments of a human face in profile.<br> These website sections and gallery represent methods for visual analyses of facial shapes and lineaments in profile or side-view, and also symbolical images of formal physiognomic types of human faces which are systematized by means of hexagrams IChing, that is new in contemporary physiognomy.<br> Also these sections represent comparison of physiognomy and facial shapes with concepts or traits of Confucianism, Taoism, Classical Chinese philosophy, ancient Greek and Indian philosophical systems.<br> Also these sections describe geometrical parameters of correct polygons which lines are coordinates for mathematical measurements of formal sizes and proportions of human faces, namely facial shapes and lineaments in physiognomy for exact calculations of aesthetic features and psychological attributes of beauty, that is possible to apply in cosmetic medicine and plastic surgery.<br> Also these sections describe ratio of human facial shapes and lineaments in physiognomy with planets and signs of zodiac in astrology, characteristics of mythological gods and values of numbers in numerology.<br> <font color="#800000"><b>Lineaments of half and full faces</b></font> show frontal and lateral facial perspectives in physiognomy, namely geometrical coordinates and axes of measurements which allow to read psychological meanings and characters in physical traits of people. Also vertical and horizontal axes of facial symmetry according to which projections of brain hemispheres are displayed in faces of people.<br> Besides ratio of facial measurements and coordinates with axes of astrological circle and planets in horoscopes and celestial natal charts of people are shown.<br> <font color="#800000"><b>Concepts and gallery of the right and left face</b></font> form physiognomic system of psychological types which are known in the context of Jungian analytical psychology, typology of socionics and Brigs-Majers Indicator.<br> Psychological types are compared to physiognomy of a human face and systematized by means of hexagrams of the Chinese Book of Changes IChing.<br> <font color="#800000"><b>Concepts and gallery of analytical physiognomy</b></font> show methods of numerology and astrology for identification of psychological parameters of human personality according to facial features and shapes in the context of psychological system of C. G. Jung, typology of socionics and Brigs-Majers Type Indicator.<br> Names of mythological gods of Ancient Greece are specified as pseudonyms of psychological types in the context of analytical physiognomy.<br> <font color="#800000"><b>Transactions</b></font> is the section which describes interrelations of mental functions of brain hemispheres, also intertype attitudes and relations of people in the context of analytical physiognomy. Namely this website section results schemes or charts according to which you can correlate physiognomic traits and features of a human face to mental functions of a brain, that allows to analyze mutual relationship of people in the context of analytical physiognomy.<br> <font color="#800000"><b>Circles of emotions</b></font> are charts where hexagrams of the Book of Changes IChing and physiognomic symbols of facial lineaments are organized in circular arrangements and rings which allow to analyze displays of emotional expressions in mutual relations of people, also intertype interrelations of psychological types in the context of analytical physiognomy and Jungian psychology.<br> <font color="#800000"> <b>Chronology</b></font> are various calendars and chronologic tables in which physiognomic images of emotions of and hexagrams i-ching, and also numbers of days and years are compared to astronomical cycles of the moon and the sun, astrological circle and signs of zodiac, chronological periods of human life and meteorological atmospheric processes, epochs of evolutional development of civilization and geodetic measurements of the Earth, names of twelve apostles and jewels of Heavenly Jerusalem, zodiacal animals of Chinese astrology and mystical symbols of Cabbalistic Sefirot, ciphers of dominoes and cards of Tarot, that it is possible to use in predictions or divinations with the Book of Changes.<br> <font color="#800000"><b>Divine categories</b></font> are description of mystical concepts of Gnostic Christian philosophy which allow to realize physiognomic symbols of emotions and hexagrams of the Book of Changes from the viewpoint of philosophical meanings of human Spirit in joining with Soul and Body, and also in view of notion about Tao Te Ching in China.<br> This is website section which describes divine phenomena or otherwise to tell global world categories which are described in the Apocryphon of apostle John, and which form structure of universe in the context of philosophical concepts of Gnostic Christianity, and also correspond with astrological circle of zodiac signs and planets, hexagrams IChing and physiognomic symbols of emotions, psycho-physiological parameters of human personality and world elements.<br> Besides online gallery shows formal-symbolical charts of world reality or otherwise to tell logic models according to which hexagrams of the Chinese Book of Changes or 64 Kwa form triangles within astrological circle of twelve zodiac signs according to which it is possible to interpret philosophical meanings and mantic senses or conjectural values of i-jing symbols in fortunetelling divinations.<br> <font color="#800000"><b>Astro-psychophysiology</b></font> is the section where Chinese hexagrams or 64 Kwa of the Book of Changes IChing or i-jing are considered in comparison with cosmological systems of ancient human civilizations and astronomical epochs or eras of mankind. In particular in comparison or ratio with the New Age of Aquarius and the birth date of Jesus Christ, and in essence with chronological cycles of the planet Uranus and the Star of Magi.<br> <font color="#800000"><b>Categories</b></font> - <i>it will be soon published.</i></p> <p><i>Many questions concerning to themes of this website will be published further.</i></p> <p>I hope that this open or online physiognomic gallery of emotions and logic system of human faces will be interesting and cognitive for researchers who are interested in physiognomy and Book of Changes IChing (i-jing) or Yi King.</p> <p><font size="4">Besides I offer to your attention other my web-sites.</font> <a href=""> <img src="" border="1" width="88" height="31" alt="central page of"></a></p> <p><font size="4">And also look web-sites of other authors. </font> <a href="palyne.htm"><img border="1" src="palyne.gif" width="88" height="31" alt="e-mail on divine categories"></a></p> <p>-<script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-4548048029838136"; /* 728x90, &ntilde;&icirc;&ccedil;&auml;&agrave;&iacute;&icirc; 11.05.10 */ google_ad_slot = "8600049615"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> </p> <p align="center"><b><a href="#physiognomic_gallery">upwards</a></b></p> </body> </html>
gallery of emotions and physiognomy | | | --- | | Central page of physiognomic gallery. | [![open gallery](knopen/knglaven.gif)](en.htm) | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | [impressions](vpech/vpfren.htm) [oracle](orac/orfren.htm) [conditions](sost/sostfren.htm) [relations](otnosh/otnfren.htm) [times](vrem/vrfren.htm) [game](game/gamen.htm) [proverbs](prit/pren.htm) [astrology](astro/astroen.htm) | photo of Panphilov | Open gallery of emotions. Physiognomy and IChing. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! I bring to your attention the physiognomic esoteric and exoteric project which object of research is phenomenon of a human face, and particularly language of cognitive associations which emotions and facial mimic motions are. It is symbolical language which determines mutual understanding of people, besides allows to explain universal laws of human existence and physical nature.**Any materials of this website about physiognomy and galleries of emotions can be issued or published on a basis of author's contracts.** Sergey Leonidovich Panphilov. **e-mail:** []( emotions) or []( of a face)*Text translation of this site into English language is made by me. I am not sure in accuracy of translation. Please, inform how to correct if any words or phrases are wrong. Also inform your opinion and offers.* | -<!-- google\_ad\_client = "pub-4548048029838136"; /\* 728x90, &ntilde;&icirc;&ccedil;&auml;&agrave;&iacute;&icirc; 11.05.10 \*/ google\_ad\_slot = "8600049615"; google\_ad\_width = 728; google\_ad\_height = 90; //--> | | | | --- | --- | | [concepts of canon of changes](kon/conen1.htm) [types of people](emo/emoen.htm) [concepts of half faces](prof/proconen.htm) [gallery of half-faces](prof/profren.htm) [comparison of physiognomy](prof2/pro1en.htm) [facial proportions](prof3/pro01en.htm) [physiognomy and astrology](prof4/pr1en.htm) [physiognomy and numerology](prof5/p1en.htm) [facial axes of measurements](anf1/anfasen.htm) [right and left face](prlev/prlcon1en.htm) [physiognomic gallery](prlev/prlfren.htm) [analytical psychology of Jung](anfiz/an1en.htm) [gallery of psychological types](anfiz/gal/g1en.htm) [transactions of a brain](trans/tren.htm) [circles of emotions](krug/kr1en.htm) [chronology](xron/xr1en.htm) [calendars](xron/klden.htm) [divine categories](bokat/bken.htm) [divine charts](bokat/bkfren.htm) [astro-psychophysiology](apf/apf1en.htm)   --- categories It will be soon published. | Emotions are expressions of mental processes which are shown in human faces as mimic attitudes of people to world around. Facial shapes represent strict mathematical system which allows to describe many aspects of physical nature and cognitive characteristics of people if to allocate main emotional traits or physiognomic features in a human face. Mathematical system of physiognomy or facial traits and features corresponds with the binary code of ancient Chinese Book of Changes IChing (i-jing) or Yi King which basis are hexagrams which symbols are original complex of logic elements which denote universal concepts of human outlook. Including symbols of hexagrams IChing designate philosophy and psychology of human personality by marks of facial traits or lineaments. Physiognomic idea consists that main traits or lineaments of human faces: eyes, eyebrows, mouth can have four emotional expressions which correspond with Chinese hexagrams of the Book of Changes IChing. Namely visual changes of eyes, eyebrows and mouth, which are basic parameters of human emotions, are compared to modifications of lines in hexagrams IChing. Detail information about correlation of physiognomy with hexagrams IChing can be found in the section: **concepts of "canon of changes"** where also it is possible to find necessary data which allow to understand physiognomic images and commenting texts which systematize facial traits and explain emotions in galleries. Physiognomic images and texts are collected in thematic open galleries which are named as **impressions - oracle - conditions - relations - times**. Each gallery describes one conceptual theme according to which it is possible to understand philosophical phenomena and psychological processes which occur to people according to emotional expressions. Hexagrams of the Book of Changes IChing have serial numbers and location in galleries according to sequence of physiognomic images. Visual series of physiognomic mages in galleries show symbolical pictures of human faces or mimic grimaces which emotional expressions vary according to changes of hexagrams IChing. These are graphical pictures instead of real portraits or facial photos. Pictures and texts in galleries allow to understand psychological meanings and esoteric values of the shown human emotions. **Gallery of emotional impressions** allows to distinguish facial expressions to find out psychological experiences of people. *Also in gallery of impressions there are recommendations according to which physiognomic symbols of emotions can be applied as stylistic images for cosmetic make-up of a female face.* **Gallery of physiognomic oracle** can be applied for prophecy or predictions and guessing divinations of human actions by means of facial emotions which are expressed by men or women. *And also this gallery of oracle has recommendations for principles of facial expressions in relations of sellers and buyers in trade, and principles of emotions in faces of clients and attendants in various spheres of human services.* **Gallery of conditions** is personification of fantastic perception of outward world as psychological recognition according to which dreams can be true or unreal. These are illusions which can be illusive or valid, and can be visual in emotions of human faces. **Gallery of relations** shows emotional attitudes of a man to people or relationship of social community to a person. *Also two galleries of conditions and relations describe fields of activity and spheres of interests where it is possible to apply facial symbols of human emotions and hexagrams IChing.* **Gallery of times** defines emotional aspirations of a man in past or present or future chronology of human life. *Also gallery of time has information on metaphysical laws of human life according to ratio of global world categories with hexagrams of the canon of changes IChing.* | -<!-- google\_ad\_client = "pub-4548048029838136"; /\* 728x90, &ntilde;&icirc;&ccedil;&auml;&agrave;&iacute;&icirc; 11.05.10 \*/ google\_ad\_slot = "8600049615"; google\_ad\_width = 728; google\_ad\_height = 90; //--> Besides pages of this website represent sections where various esoteric or exoteric themes about hexagrams of the Chinese Book of Changes IChing and physiognomy of emotions in human faces are considered. **Game** is the set of playing fortunetelling cards or tiles with images of hexagrams IChing and physiognomic symbols, and also special game board with numbers which are organized according to rules of magic square. By means of fortunetelling physiognomic cards on the magic board it is possible to carry out predictive puzzles and games, or prophecies and divinations with Book of Changes. Set of fortunetelling playing cards or conjectural tiles can be downloaded as graphic pictures in the PDF file. Then it is possible to print images, also rules of prophetic games or predictive puzzles for divinations with hexagrams IChing. **Proverbs** form conjectural mantic system which allows to correlate Chinese hexagrams of the Book of Changes IChing with Proverbs of Solomon in the Bible. Also conjectural mantic system allows to correlate Proverbs of Solomon and emotional images of a human face to degrees of astrological circle, that is similar to "Sabian Symbols" which are known in astrology. **Emotional types** show photos as examples for visual identification of emotions in faces of people. Also this section of website specifies differentiation of altered facial images and emotional types which are constant shapes of human faces. Physiognomic scheme or chart allows to speak about mutual relations of people according to emotional types which can be identified by means of mathematical methods or calculations of emotions in a context of astrology. **Astrology** - this section of website publishes one scientific article which corrects old mistakes and breaks former notions of astrologers about structure of astrological circle and forces of planets in signs of zodiac, about geometrical configurations of heavenly bodies and hexagonal star of Zion. | | | --- | | | **Half faces (concepts 1-2-3-4-5)** are formal values of contours and lineaments of a human face in profile. These website sections and gallery represent methods for visual analyses of facial shapes and lineaments in profile or side-view, and also symbolical images of formal physiognomic types of human faces which are systematized by means of hexagrams IChing, that is new in contemporary physiognomy. Also these sections represent comparison of physiognomy and facial shapes with concepts or traits of Confucianism, Taoism, Classical Chinese philosophy, ancient Greek and Indian philosophical systems. Also these sections describe geometrical parameters of correct polygons which lines are coordinates for mathematical measurements of formal sizes and proportions of human faces, namely facial shapes and lineaments in physiognomy for exact calculations of aesthetic features and psychological attributes of beauty, that is possible to apply in cosmetic medicine and plastic surgery. Also these sections describe ratio of human facial shapes and lineaments in physiognomy with planets and signs of zodiac in astrology, characteristics of mythological gods and values of numbers in numerology. **Lineaments of half and full faces** show frontal and lateral facial perspectives in physiognomy, namely geometrical coordinates and axes of measurements which allow to read psychological meanings and characters in physical traits of people. Also vertical and horizontal axes of facial symmetry according to which projections of brain hemispheres are displayed in faces of people. Besides ratio of facial measurements and coordinates with axes of astrological circle and planets in horoscopes and celestial natal charts of people are shown. **Concepts and gallery of the right and left face** form physiognomic system of psychological types which are known in the context of Jungian analytical psychology, typology of socionics and Brigs-Majers Indicator. Psychological types are compared to physiognomy of a human face and systematized by means of hexagrams of the Chinese Book of Changes IChing. **Concepts and gallery of analytical physiognomy** show methods of numerology and astrology for identification of psychological parameters of human personality according to facial features and shapes in the context of psychological system of C. G. Jung, typology of socionics and Brigs-Majers Type Indicator. Names of mythological gods of Ancient Greece are specified as pseudonyms of psychological types in the context of analytical physiognomy. **Transactions** is the section which describes interrelations of mental functions of brain hemispheres, also intertype attitudes and relations of people in the context of analytical physiognomy. Namely this website section results schemes or charts according to which you can correlate physiognomic traits and features of a human face to mental functions of a brain, that allows to analyze mutual relationship of people in the context of analytical physiognomy. **Circles of emotions** are charts where hexagrams of the Book of Changes IChing and physiognomic symbols of facial lineaments are organized in circular arrangements and rings which allow to analyze displays of emotional expressions in mutual relations of people, also intertype interrelations of psychological types in the context of analytical physiognomy and Jungian psychology. **Chronology** are various calendars and chronologic tables in which physiognomic images of emotions of and hexagrams i-ching, and also numbers of days and years are compared to astronomical cycles of the moon and the sun, astrological circle and signs of zodiac, chronological periods of human life and meteorological atmospheric processes, epochs of evolutional development of civilization and geodetic measurements of the Earth, names of twelve apostles and jewels of Heavenly Jerusalem, zodiacal animals of Chinese astrology and mystical symbols of Cabbalistic Sefirot, ciphers of dominoes and cards of Tarot, that it is possible to use in predictions or divinations with the Book of Changes. **Divine categories** are description of mystical concepts of Gnostic Christian philosophy which allow to realize physiognomic symbols of emotions and hexagrams of the Book of Changes from the viewpoint of philosophical meanings of human Spirit in joining with Soul and Body, and also in view of notion about Tao Te Ching in China. This is website section which describes divine phenomena or otherwise to tell global world categories which are described in the Apocryphon of apostle John, and which form structure of universe in the context of philosophical concepts of Gnostic Christianity, and also correspond with astrological circle of zodiac signs and planets, hexagrams IChing and physiognomic symbols of emotions, psycho-physiological parameters of human personality and world elements. Besides online gallery shows formal-symbolical charts of world reality or otherwise to tell logic models according to which hexagrams of the Chinese Book of Changes or 64 Kwa form triangles within astrological circle of twelve zodiac signs according to which it is possible to interpret philosophical meanings and mantic senses or conjectural values of i-jing symbols in fortunetelling divinations. **Astro-psychophysiology** is the section where Chinese hexagrams or 64 Kwa of the Book of Changes IChing or i-jing are considered in comparison with cosmological systems of ancient human civilizations and astronomical epochs or eras of mankind. In particular in comparison or ratio with the New Age of Aquarius and the birth date of Jesus Christ, and in essence with chronological cycles of the planet Uranus and the Star of Magi. **Categories** - *it will be soon published.* *Many questions concerning to themes of this website will be published further.* I hope that this open or online physiognomic gallery of emotions and logic system of human faces will be interesting and cognitive for researchers who are interested in physiognomy and Book of Changes IChing (i-jing) or Yi King. Besides I offer to your attention other my web-sites. [![central page of](]( And also look web-sites of other authors. [![e-mail on divine categories](palyne.gif)](palyne.htm) -<!-- google\_ad\_client = "pub-4548048029838136"; /\* 728x90, &ntilde;&icirc;&ccedil;&auml;&agrave;&iacute;&icirc; 11.05.10 \*/ google\_ad\_slot = "8600049615"; google\_ad\_width = 728; google\_ad\_height = 90; //--> **[upwards](#physiognomic_gallery)**
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Since learning about it two years ago, I have been consumed by its delicate intricacies, temperamental nature, and its sheer power to transform physical prowess into self-reliance. What an absolute miracle it is to start with twigs and branches (or roots or shelf fungi!), add refined kinesthetic form and determination, and be able to coax not only the essence of combustion out of a seemingly inert material but finally one of the most important catalytic tools humankind has ever harnessed! Hand drill can provide an exacting metaphor for the span of human life—from the obvious anatomical symbolism of human union between the genders to the birth of a spirit in need of nourishment and encouragement in order for it to be sustained and grow into a breathing and consuming (and perhaps sentient, for it seems to be drawn toward its needs) entity, distinct from its genesis.<p>In order to better understand this evolution from friction to fire, I gathered spindles from 52 native and 22 non-native species of trees, shrubs, forbs, and lianas (plus one grass) and applied them via hand-powered rotational friction to four species of hearthboards (clematis, two redwood pieces of different densities, CA buckeye, big-leaf maple). There were many aspects to the nuances of hand drill that I was curious about, and my results are outlined below. Throughout these experiments I took care to adhere to the technological parameters afforded by the paleolithic and mesolithic standards that I aspire to emulate—no metal implements were used. </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img border="0" src="handdrill/SHD01.jpg" width="450" height="338"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <!-- GOOGLE ADS START --> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" background="spacer.gif" bordercolor="#000000"> <tr> <td width="100%"> <div align="center"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr><td> <p align="center"> <script language=JavaScript src="../z/sda/google_428x60.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></td> </tr> </table> </div></td> </tr> </table> <!-- GOOGLE ADS END --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp; </td> </tr> <tr> <td><b>The Baseline Data</b><p>Table 1 displays the successes and failures I incurred trying to attain an ember with each of the 370 possible wood combinations. I also offer a very subjective effort rating for each attempt, with a 1 representing a low expenditure of energy (around a minute or less in duration), a 2 corresponding roughly to a two minute endeavor, while a score of 3 defined what felt like an average effort (three to four minutes). A 4 was given to a successful attempt that took longer than around four minutes and required multiple sockets (having burned through the first one). I assigned a 5 to failed ember attempts.<p>The fifteen woods that proved easiest to use as spindle materials are: yarrow, horseweed, box elder, CA buckeye, mule fat, blue elderberry, coast redwood, cattail, big-leaf maple, mugwort, bull thistle, scotch broom, Douglas fir, CA figwort and sow thistle. </td> </tr> <tr> <td><img border="0" src="handdrill/SHD02.jpg" width="450" height="338"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp; </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Wanting to somehow check the accuracy of this effort rating system, I calculated the average effort for all attempts (4.0). By definition, this number should have been much closer to my arbitrary average rating of 3. A previous, similar bow drill exploration of 1,946 wood combinations gave me an average of 3.2 from all effort ratings—a figure that exhibits a more consistent estimation of effort comparison. This tells me that, since hand drill is generally more difficult than bow drill, I tend to misjudge the relative ease and difficulty of hand drill attempts more than with bow drill.<p><b>The Role of Wood Density</b></p> <p>Given my interest in the discussion of the merits in having a softer spindle versus a softer hearthboard, which has been entertained in some primitive skills publications, in Table 2 you will see my measurements of the specific gravity, or density relative to that of water, of all the woods. The paucity of relative density data for our tree species in California caused me to measure it myself as follows:<br> <br> <b>Measuring Relative Density</b></p> <ol> <li>Fill a tall, narrow vessel with water (bucket, graduated cylinder, capped PVC pipe).</li> <li>Slowly submerge your spindle or hearth board until it begins to float. I like to dip the non-working end (the tip of the spindle that doesn’t end up in the hearth board’s socket) first—there’s something counter-intuitive about purposefully dunking your fire sticks underwater. You want to notice where the floating water line is, so don’t let your wood bounce into the water. You can mark the water line with a pencil—otherwise you can see the boundary between wet and dry wood.</li> <li>Measure the length of the portion of your wood specimen that was underwater and divide that into the total length of the wood to get a percentage. If the piece of wood totally submerges under the water, then it is denser than water (Lignum vitae, a vine found in Florida, does this) and will result in a specific gravity of over 1.0. Most woods will only partially submerge, giving you a fraction under 1.0. The number you get, in of itself, is not important. It is only when you compare two findings, such as poison hemlock’s 0.14 specific gravity against snowberry’s 0.90, that you can derive some meaning (the latter is six times denser than the former). Please note that every species of wood, even from the same tree or even the same branch, can vary in its density.</li> </ol> <p>It is interesting to observe that the aforementioned fifteen best spindle woods have an average density of 0.42. Compared with an average density of 0.53 for all spindle woods, one could suggest that using softer spindles can increase your chance for success (but keep in mind that I’m not a statistician and offer only anecdotal supposition). Further support for this theory comes from evaluating spindle performances on the two redwood hearthboards of different densities. On the softer redwood board, the lighter 50% of the spindles performed better (3.32 average effort) than the denser 50% (4.36 average effort). On the harder redwood board, the lighter 50% of the spindles also performed better (3.46 average effort) than the denser 50% (4.32 average effort). This may indicate that it is more advantageous to use a softer wood for your spindle, irregardless of the density of your hearthboard. It makes sense that difficulty would arise when trying to use denser wood combinations in general (but we already knew that, didn’t we!). </p> <p><b>Green vs. Dead vs. Nascent Growth</b></p> <p>A friend of mine once noted that nascent growth (otherwise known as sucker sprouts, stump sprouts, adventitious growth) spindles seemed to work better than wood from regular branches. I like nascent growth for its straight form, as seen with big-leaf maple, CA buckeye, CA Bay, and other softer hardwoods. Table 3 shows my efforts comparing the use of nascent growth, green-cut and dead-cut spindles on CA buckeye and redwood hearthboards. The limited data doesn’t support the advantage of nascent growth but does show the value of collecting dead wood for use as spindles. <p><b>Non-Notched Hand Drill Embers</b></p> <p> Finally, I tried my hand at producing hand drill embers without carving the notch into the socket. I wanted to see if I could take a step out of the process in order to make it easier. Table 4 illustrates that I was able to produce an ember only 28% of the time, which re-enforces the value of the notch (unless a person sticks to those woods that generated embers).</td> </tr> <tr> <td><img border="0" src="handdrill/SHD03.jpg" width="450" height="338"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp; </td> </tr> <tr> <td>I hope that this endeavor proves useful to you. I encourage you to experiment with your local woods and share your findings. I hear some people are compiling a national database of good friction fire woods—please feel free to add this data.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp; </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p><b><span class="auto-style2">NOTE: To view the data tables please see the </span><font size="3"><a href="pdf/Hand_Drill.pdf">PDF of this article</a></font><span class="auto-style2">, or click the below links to JPG files:</span></b></p> <ul> <li><a href="SHDtable1.jpg" target="_blank">Table 1</a>: Hand Drill Effort ratings</li> <li><a href="SHDtable2.jpg" target="_blank">Table 2</a>: Specific Gravity for Hand Drills</li> <li><a href="SHDtable3.jpg" target="_blank">Table 3</a>: Specific Gravity for Hearthboards</li> <li><a href="SHDtable4.jpg" target="_blank">Table 4</a>: Green vs Dead vs Nascent Growth Spindles</li> <li><a href="SHDtable5.jpg" target="_blank">Table 5</a>: Effort Averages</li> <li><a href="SHDtable6.jpg" target="_blank">Table 6</a>: Non-notched Handdrill Embers</li> <li><a href="SHDtable7.jpg" target="_blank">Table 7</a>: Specific Gravity of Hearthboards</li> <li><a href="SHDtable8.jpg" target="_blank">Table 8</a>: Specific Gravity for Hand Drills - measured myself</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp; </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p align="center"><a href="handdrill2.html"><b><i><font size="3">On to Page 2</font></i></b></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table> <!-- #EndEditable --> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </P><table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="other_footer"> <tr> <td align="left" valign="middle"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" valign="middle"></td> </tr> </table></td> <td width="31" background="../ztemplates/right_tile.jpg" valign="top"> <img src="../ztemplates/right.jpg" width="31" height="350"></td> </tr> </table> <img src="../ztemplates/index_18.jpg" width=598 height=31></td> <td> <img src="../ztemplates/spacer.gif" width=1 height=84></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="../ztemplates/spacer.gif" width=1 height=26></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="../ztemplates/spacer.gif" width=1 height=26></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="../ztemplates/spacer.gif" width=1 height=26></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="../ztemplates/spacer.gif" width=1 height=26></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="../ztemplates/spacer.gif" width=1 height=26></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="../ztemplates/spacer.gif" width=1 height=26></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="../ztemplates/spacer.gif" width=1 height=26></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="../ztemplates/spacer.gif" width=1 height=26></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="../ztemplates/spacer.gif" width=1 height=26></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="../ztemplates/spacer.gif" width=1 height=26></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <img src="../ztemplates/spacer.gif" width=1 height=12></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> <a href=""> <img border="0" src="../ztemplates/WildwoodCanadaLogo.jpg" width="117" height="75"></a></td> <td width="100%"> <p align="center"><font size="1">Stone Age Skills website at - by <a href="../index.html"><font size="1">Storm</font></a><br> All of the material on this website is Copyright by Walter Muma<br> Hosted and maintained by Walter Muma &amp; <a href=""> <i><font size="1">Wildwood Survival</font></i></a></td> </tr> </table> </td> <td> <img src="../ztemplates/spacer.gif" width=1 height=31></td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> <!-- #EndTemplate --> </html>
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Since learning about it two years ago, I have been consumed by its delicate intricacies, temperamental nature, and its sheer power to transform physical prowess into self-reliance. What an absolute miracle it is to start with twigs and branches (or roots or shelf fungi!), add refined kinesthetic form and determination, and be able to coax not only the essence of combustion out of a seemingly inert material but finally one of the most important catalytic tools humankind has ever harnessed! Hand drill can provide an exacting metaphor for the span of human life—from the obvious anatomical symbolism of human union between the genders to the birth of a spirit in need of nourishment and encouragement in order for it to be sustained and grow into a breathing and consuming (and perhaps sentient, for it seems to be drawn toward its needs) entity, distinct from its genesis.In order to better understand this evolution from friction to fire, I gathered spindles from 52 native and 22 non-native species of trees, shrubs, forbs, and lianas (plus one grass) and applied them via hand-powered rotational friction to four species of hearthboards (clematis, two redwood pieces of different densities, CA buckeye, big-leaf maple). There were many aspects to the nuances of hand drill that I was curious about, and my results are outlined below. Throughout these experiments I took care to adhere to the technological parameters afforded by the paleolithic and mesolithic standards that I aspire to emulate—no metal implements were used. | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | | | | | --- | | | | | | | | **The Baseline Data**Table 1 displays the successes and failures I incurred trying to attain an ember with each of the 370 possible wood combinations. I also offer a very subjective effort rating for each attempt, with a 1 representing a low expenditure of energy (around a minute or less in duration), a 2 corresponding roughly to a two minute endeavor, while a score of 3 defined what felt like an average effort (three to four minutes). A 4 was given to a successful attempt that took longer than around four minutes and required multiple sockets (having burned through the first one). I assigned a 5 to failed ember attempts.The fifteen woods that proved easiest to use as spindle materials are: yarrow, horseweed, box elder, CA buckeye, mule fat, blue elderberry, coast redwood, cattail, big-leaf maple, mugwort, bull thistle, scotch broom, Douglas fir, CA figwort and sow thistle. | | | | | | Wanting to somehow check the accuracy of this effort rating system, I calculated the average effort for all attempts (4.0). By definition, this number should have been much closer to my arbitrary average rating of 3. A previous, similar bow drill exploration of 1,946 wood combinations gave me an average of 3.2 from all effort ratings—a figure that exhibits a more consistent estimation of effort comparison. This tells me that, since hand drill is generally more difficult than bow drill, I tend to misjudge the relative ease and difficulty of hand drill attempts more than with bow drill.**The Role of Wood Density** Given my interest in the discussion of the merits in having a softer spindle versus a softer hearthboard, which has been entertained in some primitive skills publications, in Table 2 you will see my measurements of the specific gravity, or density relative to that of water, of all the woods. The paucity of relative density data for our tree species in California caused me to measure it myself as follows: **Measuring Relative Density**1. Fill a tall, narrow vessel with water (bucket, graduated cylinder, capped PVC pipe). 2. Slowly submerge your spindle or hearth board until it begins to float. I like to dip the non-working end (the tip of the spindle that doesn’t end up in the hearth board’s socket) first—there’s something counter-intuitive about purposefully dunking your fire sticks underwater. You want to notice where the floating water line is, so don’t let your wood bounce into the water. You can mark the water line with a pencil—otherwise you can see the boundary between wet and dry wood. 3. Measure the length of the portion of your wood specimen that was underwater and divide that into the total length of the wood to get a percentage. If the piece of wood totally submerges under the water, then it is denser than water (Lignum vitae, a vine found in Florida, does this) and will result in a specific gravity of over 1.0. Most woods will only partially submerge, giving you a fraction under 1.0. The number you get, in of itself, is not important. It is only when you compare two findings, such as poison hemlock’s 0.14 specific gravity against snowberry’s 0.90, that you can derive some meaning (the latter is six times denser than the former). Please note that every species of wood, even from the same tree or even the same branch, can vary in its density. It is interesting to observe that the aforementioned fifteen best spindle woods have an average density of 0.42. Compared with an average density of 0.53 for all spindle woods, one could suggest that using softer spindles can increase your chance for success (but keep in mind that I’m not a statistician and offer only anecdotal supposition). Further support for this theory comes from evaluating spindle performances on the two redwood hearthboards of different densities. On the softer redwood board, the lighter 50% of the spindles performed better (3.32 average effort) than the denser 50% (4.36 average effort). On the harder redwood board, the lighter 50% of the spindles also performed better (3.46 average effort) than the denser 50% (4.32 average effort). This may indicate that it is more advantageous to use a softer wood for your spindle, irregardless of the density of your hearthboard. It makes sense that difficulty would arise when trying to use denser wood combinations in general (but we already knew that, didn’t we!). **Green vs. Dead vs. Nascent Growth** A friend of mine once noted that nascent growth (otherwise known as sucker sprouts, stump sprouts, adventitious growth) spindles seemed to work better than wood from regular branches. I like nascent growth for its straight form, as seen with big-leaf maple, CA buckeye, CA Bay, and other softer hardwoods. Table 3 shows my efforts comparing the use of nascent growth, green-cut and dead-cut spindles on CA buckeye and redwood hearthboards. The limited data doesn’t support the advantage of nascent growth but does show the value of collecting dead wood for use as spindles. **Non-Notched Hand Drill Embers** Finally, I tried my hand at producing hand drill embers without carving the notch into the socket. I wanted to see if I could take a step out of the process in order to make it easier. Table 4 illustrates that I was able to produce an ember only 28% of the time, which re-enforces the value of the notch (unless a person sticks to those woods that generated embers). | | | | | | I hope that this endeavor proves useful to you. I encourage you to experiment with your local woods and share your findings. I hear some people are compiling a national database of good friction fire woods—please feel free to add this data. | | | | **NOTE: To view the data tables please see the [PDF of this article](pdf/Hand_Drill.pdf), or click the below links to JPG files:*** [Table 1](SHDtable1.jpg): Hand Drill Effort ratings * [Table 2](SHDtable2.jpg): Specific Gravity for Hand Drills * [Table 3](SHDtable3.jpg): Specific Gravity for Hearthboards * [Table 4](SHDtable4.jpg): Green vs Dead vs Nascent Growth Spindles * [Table 5](SHDtable5.jpg): Effort Averages * [Table 6](SHDtable6.jpg): Non-notched Handdrill Embers * [Table 7](SHDtable7.jpg): Specific Gravity of Hearthboards * [Table 8](SHDtable8.jpg): Specific Gravity for Hand Drills - measured myself | | | | [***On to Page 2***](handdrill2.html) | | | | | | | | --- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | | | Stone Age Skills website at - by [Storm](../index.html) All of the material on this website is Copyright by Walter Muma Hosted and maintained by Walter Muma & [*Wildwood Survival*]( | | |
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Tatjana J. van Vark ~ Main page ~ Welcome | | | --- | | **Tatjana J. van Vark** AbstractFi Foundation | | | | --- | | [(Click here for)](projects.html) INDEX/OVERVIEW | --- | | | --- | | [Photo by: Robert Kwakkelstein.](projects.html) Image: R. Kwakkelstein and T.J. van Vark. Only a selection from some fields of my activities is shown. Concerning explanations : *Verbalizations involve personal semantic reactions, yours and mine. Verbalizations tend to exclude reality. Just look, maintaining internal silence, until the meaning of my work becomes clear. Then share my lifelong joy in the mystery Reality with its surprises, limitations and instabilities.* *Tatjana Joëlle van Vark* | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | For correspondence: []( | | [More about T.J.v.V.]( |
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta content="en-us" http-equiv="Content-Language" /> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" /> <title>Crop Circles - Their Meaning&nbsp;&nbsp; a</title> </head> <body> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#993333" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="237" SRC="cclogo.jpg" WIDTH="180" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#ffff80"><big><b>&nbsp;</b></big></font> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#ffff80"><big><b>&nbsp;Crop Circles - </b> </big><b><big>Their Meaning &nbsp;<br /> and Connections to Dreams</big></b></font>&nbsp; </p> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#ff8000"><b>Research From: </b> </font><br /> &nbsp;<font COLOR="#ff8000"><b>Joseph E. Mason &nbsp;<br /> and <br /> Dee Finney</b></font></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#33FFCC" BORDER="3" BORDERCOLORDARK="#000000" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Left"><i>&nbsp;A great power has arisen, directing thoughts and perception in a certain direction towards a &nbsp;more complete and satisfactory view of reality than the modern conventions of materialism &nbsp;have previously allowed. Gently, subtly, with no disturbance or panic, we are being guided &nbsp;across a watershed, from one worldview to another. And this is in no way arbitrary, but a &nbsp;purposeful process, in accordance with the interests of eternal nature and the necessities of &nbsp;the present. We now can see something of what the ancients meant when they spoke of &nbsp;revelation. </i><br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <small>&nbsp;<b><a HREF="">John Michell</a></b>, author of twelve books, specialist in sacred geometry</small></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#0000ff"><b><big><big>Introduction</big></big></b></font><font COLOR="#804000"><b><br /> </b></font><font COLOR="#000000">by Joseph E. Mason</font> </p> <p ALIGN="Left"><img HEIGHT="11" SRC="golddmd.gif" WIDTH="11" /> <font COLOR="#000000">This page is intended to be a complete source of information about the crop circles. On the lower part of this page, you will find links to many other crop circle-related sites. There are links to special articles, that we believe are significant. The first part of the page has links to articles by my partner, Dee Finney, and myself. </font></p> <p ALIGN="Left"><font COLOR="#000000">Our articles come from almost twenty years of research into the phenomenon. Our extensive experience with dreams and meaningful coincidences is part of the story. Dee and I, along with a number of others, believe that the crop circle formations are related to dreams and human consciousness. Most serious researchers favor the theory that the formations are, for the most part, not being made by the human specie, and seem to be symbolic messages from an unknown, high intelligence. </font></p> <p ALIGN="Left"><font COLOR="#000000">The ET/UFO phenomena, often associated with the crop circles, may well be a function of the collective unconscious of mankind, rather than physical entities from another solar system. </font></p> <p ALIGN="Left"><font COLOR="#000000">We suggest that doubters read the article, &quot;<a HREF="">Arguments Against the Hoax Theory of Crop Circles</a>&quot;. </font></p> <p ALIGN="Left"><font COLOR="#000000">The majority of crop circle sites concentrate on presenting the data concerning &nbsp;the crop circle formations . . . photographs, diagrams, locations, dates, accounts of strange coincidences or events, and such. The thrust of this site is to present as much as possible about the theoretical <i><b>meanings</b></i> of the strange geometric formations that are appearing by the thousands all over our planet. In a number of cases, the formations are clearly related to myths and religions. Our work involves comparing the formations to ancient symbols, and dreams of today. We believe that this is the best method in researching the crop circle formations in order to arrive at the correct interpretations. It seems apparent that a Native American prophecy is underway - as the earth changes unfold, the Sacred Symbols will be newly understood. </font></p> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="14" SRC="twst_bar.gif" WIDTH="590" /> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#ff0000"><big><b>NEW!</b></big></font> <br /> <a href=""> <img alt="Six-pointed Stars in English Fields - Messages for the West, Islam and Israel" height="496" longdesc="by Dr. Yitzhaq Hayut-Man" src="yhart.jpg" style="border-width: 0px" width="650" /></a></p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#ff0000"><big><b>NEW!</b></big></font> <br /> <span class="style47"><a href="">The New Jerusalem Message of the Crop Circles</a></span><br /> <span class="style18">by Joseph E. Mason</span></p> <p ALIGN="Center"><a href=""> <img alt="The New Jerusalem Design" height="659" longdesc="with my unique colors" src="njccs/njcol4.jpg" style="border-width: 0px" width="642" /></a></p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#ff0000"><big><b>NEW!</b></big></font> <br /> <a href=""> <span class="style47"><strong>The Nazca Sun-Star</strong></span><strong><br class="style47" /> <span class="style47">as the Magic Square of Mercury</span></strong></a><strong><span class="style47"><br /> </span></strong><span class="style18">by Joseph E. Mason<br /> <img alt="The Nazca Sun-Star as the Magic Square of Mercury" height="978" longdesc="Head Graphic with combination of images" src="numbers/nazca/nazcat.jpg" width="1062" /></span></p> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<br /> <font id="role_document" face="Arial" size="2"><span class="style22"><strong> <a href="">Saint Francis, the Popes, and Crop Circles</a></strong></span></font></p> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img alt="Top Graphic from " height="846" longdesc="Saint Francis, the Popes, and Crop Circles" src="popes/testtop2.jpg" width="700" /></p> <p ALIGN="Center"><br /> <strong><span class="style47"> <a href="">The Chualar Crop Circle Formation = The New Jerusalem</a></span></strong><span class="style6"></p> <div id="sectionContent1541967" class="sectionWrapper "> <div class="iw-s1"> <div class="iw-s2"> <div class="iw-s3"> <div class="iw-s4"> <div class="section"> <table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="style40" style="width: 100px; text-align: left;"> <tr> <td class="style13" style="text-align: center"> <img alt="chualar crop circle" height="415" src="crop/chualar/zpic.jpg" width="575" /></td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </span> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> <center><center> <table BGCOLOR="#33FFCC" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<br /> <font id="role_document" color="#000000" face="Arial" size="2"> <span class="style18">Video</span></font>&nbsp;</p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font id="role_document" face="Arial" size="2"> <span class="style22"><strong>&nbsp;Singapore 2012 Crop Circle Mayan End Seminar&nbsp; </strong></span></font></p> <p ALIGN="Center"><span class="style18">The main meanings of the crop circles.</span><font id="role_document" color="#000000" face="Arial"><span class="style18"> </span></font></p> <p ALIGN="Center"> <font id="role_document" color="#000000" face="Arial" size="2"> <span class="style18"> <a href=";"> Part 1</a></span></font></p> <p ALIGN="Center"> <font id="role_document" color="#000000" face="Arial" size="2"> <span class="style18"> <a href=";"> Part 2</a></span></font></p> <p ALIGN="Center"> <font id="role_document" color="#000000" face="Arial" size="2"> <span class="style18"> <a href=";"> Part 3</a></span></font></p> <p ALIGN="Center"> <font id="role_document" color="#000000" face="Arial" size="2"> <span class="style18"> <a href=";"> Part 4</a></span></font></p> <p ALIGN="Center"> <font id="role_document" color="#000000" face="Arial" size="2"> <span class="style18"> <a href=";"> Part 5</a></span></font></p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font id="role_document" color="#000000" face="Arial"> <span class="style18">&nbsp; <img alt="1991 Barbury Castle Crop Circle Formation" height="600" longdesc="numbers and meaning" src="barburyvd.jpg" width="654" /></span></font><br /> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> </center><center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><b>&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<a HREF=""><big>Index to the Articles of Joseph E. Mason</big></a><big> </big>&nbsp;</b><br /> &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#0000FF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<font COLOR="#ffff00"><big><big><b>New and Recent Articles</b></big></big></font> &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </table> </center><center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#ff0000"><big><b><br /> Featured Article by Martin Keitel</b></big></font></p> </center><center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="4" BORDERCOLORDARK="#000000" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><br /> &nbsp;<span class="style15">A startling new study:</span></p> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp; <span class="style16"><strong> <a href=""> A crop circle in Italy reveals the meaning of December 21st 2001</a></strong></span>&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /> </p> <p ALIGN="Center" class="style15"><strong>The End of the Mayan Calendar</strong></p> <p ALIGN="Center">On June 17th 2012 a very important crop circle appeared in Santena, Italy.<br /> &nbsp;It reveals a sequence of planetary alignments between 1962 and 2012 and points directly at Dec 21st 2012.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img alt="Santena Crop Circle of 2012" height="179" longdesc="from Martin Keitel's article" src="santena.jpg" width="739" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center><center> <p ALIGN="Center" class="style18"><strong>Note About 2012 From Joseph E. Mason</strong></p> </center><center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFCC" BORDER="" BORDERCOLORDARK="#000000" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td class="style17"> <p class="style19"><br /> I see the 2012 &quot;end of time&quot; or &quot;end of the world,&quot; as the end of one cycle, which will be followed by a new one. <br /> Perhaps certain people will be able to experiences the &quot;end of time&quot; in the sense of a change of consciousness, <br /> where the reality is perceived as the &quot;Eternal Now.&quot; <br /> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center" class="style21">&nbsp;<br /> Leading scholars of the Mayan Calendar also teach that a new cycle will begin, as the present cycle ends. This was <br /> expressed in an ad for the <em> <a href="">2012 Tipping Point Confrence</a></em> of 2010. This is an excerpt from Stanislav Grof --</p> <p ALIGN="Center" class="style21"><em><strong>The purpose of this conference is to explore a radically different, more optimistic interpretation of the Mayan <br /> prophecy � as referring to the end of the world as we have known it: a world dominated by unbridled violence <br /> and insatiable greed, egotistic hierarchy of values, corrupted institutions and corporations, and irreconcilable <br /> conflicts between organized religions. Instead of predicting a physical destruction of the material world, the <br /> Mayan prophecy might refer to death and rebirth and a mass inner transformation of humanity.</strong></em><br /> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a href=""> <img alt="777 Coincidence Title graphic" class="style4" height="419" src="numbers/777coin/title777.gif" width="669" /></a></p> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a href=""> <img alt="The Bridegroom, Zer Anpin, and the Repair of the Tree of Life" class="style4" height="167" longdesc="Update Title" src="numbers/777coin/update.gif" width="586" /></a></p> <p ALIGN="Center"><br /> <font COLOR="#ff0000"><big><b>YOUTUBE VIDEO!</b></big></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="" BORDERCOLORDARK="#000000" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td><center>&nbsp;<a HREF="">The Mayan 11:11 Crop Circle Formation Video</a> &nbsp; <p><img HEIGHT="58" SRC="1111anm.gif" WIDTH="121" /><br /> <br /> </p> </center></td> </tr> </table> </center><center> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> </center><center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFCC" BORDER="" BORDERCOLORDARK="#000000" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td><center><font COLOR="#0000ff"><big><big><b> <a HREF="">Number 72<br /> &nbsp;and the Code of the Ancients</a>&nbsp;</b></big></big></font><br /> by Joseph E. Mason<br /> An interview with Tally Koren </center></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="272" SRC="numbers/72/martins.gif" WIDTH="259" /><img HEIGHT="272" SRC="numbers/72/stnhgw.gif" WIDTH="208" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center><center> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> </center><center> <table BGCOLOR="#F8E13F" BORDER="" BORDERCOLORDARK="#000000" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td><center><font COLOR="#0000ff"><big><big><b>&nbsp;<a HREF="">Crop Circles With A Heart</a> &nbsp;</b></big></big></font><br /> by Joseph E. Mason </center></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="225" SRC="dnjart/aperture.gif" WIDTH="225" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center><center> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> </center><center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFCC" BORDER="" BORDERCOLORDARK="#000000" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td><center><font COLOR="#0000ff"><big><big><b> <a HREF="">Coincidence and 11:11</a>&nbsp;</b></big></big></font><br /> &nbsp;Compiled by Dee Finney &amp; Joseph E. Mason &nbsp; </center></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="150" SRC="1111.gif" WIDTH="196" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center><center> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> </center><center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="4" BORDERCOLORDARK="#000000" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#0000ff"><big><big><b> <a HREF=""> Indonesian Crop Circles of 2011<br /> Part Two</a><br /> &nbsp;</b></big><b>The Fourth Indonesian Crop Circle Formation &nbsp;<br /> How the Creator Creates</b></big></font><br /> by Joseph E. Mason</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="100" SRC="crop/2011ccs/4indcc.gif" WIDTH="275" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="4" BORDERCOLORDARK="#000000" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#0000ff"><big><big><b> <a HREF="">Indonesian Crop Circles of 2011<br /> Part One</a><br /> </b></big><b>The First Chakra, Continuous Creation, <br /> &amp; The Order of the Heavens <br /> Made Apparent on Earth</b></big></font><br /> by Joseph E. Mason</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="142" SRC="crop/2011ccs/coscmbo.gif" WIDTH="511" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> <center><center> <table BGCOLOR="#33FFCC" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<big><b><a HREF="">The Tuning and Our Part In It &nbsp;<br /> Nine-Circle Crop Formation</a></b></big><br /> May 28, 2011<br /> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> </center><center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFCC" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="304" SRC="numbers/1111/am1111.gif" WIDTH="121" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#0000ff"><big><big><b>&nbsp;<a HREF="">The Mayan 11:11 Crop Circle</a> </b></big></big></font></p> <p ALIGN="Left">&nbsp;A special &quot;11:11&quot; type crop circle formation appeared <br /> &nbsp;17 August 2010 at Lurkeley Hill near East Kennett, Wiltshire. <br /> &nbsp;The glyph within the circle looked similar to one of the <br /> &nbsp;illustrations on the left -- the fourth one from the bottom. <br /> &nbsp;Each of the two glyphs on the bottom represent the Mayan <br /> &nbsp;number&nbsp;eleven. Could this suggest the end of the Mayan <br /> &nbsp;calendar on December 21, 2012, at 11:11 AM Universal Time? &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="150" SRC="crop/2010ccs/oldsrm.gif" WIDTH="150" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#0000ff"><big><big><b>&nbsp;</b></big></big><b><a HREF="">2010 Crop Circle Formations</a> <big>&nbsp;</big></b><br /> Part One<br /> Chakra Messages - The Crossover<br /> Humanity&#39;s Leap to the Heart Chakra</font><br /> by Joseph E. Mason</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="150" SRC="crop/2010ccs/shflip.gif" WIDTH="81" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFCC" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="164" SRC="oldsarum.gif" WIDTH="222" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#0000ff"><big><b>&nbsp;</b></big><a HREF="">First Crop Circle of 2010 &nbsp;<br /> Venus - Mars</a></font><br /> compiled by Dee Finney</p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td><center><font COLOR="#0000ff"><font PTSIZE="10" size="2"><big><big> <a HREF="">444, The Triplets, &amp; The Creation</a></big></big></font><br /> By Joseph E. Mason</font> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td><center> <img HEIGHT="144" SRC="numbers/444/maleqp.gif" WIDTH="242" /> </center></td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="144" SRC="numbers/444/femqp.gif" WIDTH="185" /></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="144" SRC="numbers/444/2box.gif" WIDTH="144" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="144" SRC="numbers/444/2box2.gif" WIDTH="144" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center><center> <p ALIGN="Center">Image credits: <a HREF=""> Lucy Pringle</a> &amp; <a HREF="">Steve Alexander</a> </p> </center></center></td> </tr> </table> </center><center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </center><center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<font COLOR="#804000"><a HREF="">The Yatesbury Field Spiral Crop Circle Formation</a></font> &nbsp;<br /> A Reference to the Chakra System <br /> And Revelation 11:11<br /> <font COLOR="#ff0000">With Update About the Great Spiral in the Sky in Norway</font><br /> By Joseph E. Mason</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="180" SRC="crop/yates/yatsdiag.jpg" WIDTH="192" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="216" SRC="crop/yates/35snk.jpg" WIDTH="204" /></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="216" SRC="crop/yates/skysprl.gif" WIDTH="270" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="216" SRC="crop/yates/sprlcc.gif" WIDTH="248" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="216" SRC="crop/yates/deesprl.gif" WIDTH="200" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#ff0000">More About the Great Spiral <br /> in the Sky in Norway</font> </p> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Blue Beam Spiral in the Sky - Norway</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; </p> <p ALIGN="Center">Dee Finney<br /> (The images on each side are from<br /> Dee&#39;s dream and meditation) </p> <p ALIGN="Center">Read about the many opinions</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="216" SRC="crop/yates/energy.gif" WIDTH="199" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td><center><img HEIGHT="219" SRC="radio/oz/dnasol.gif" WIDTH="221" /> </center></td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> <font COLOR="#0000ff">Code of the Ancients <br /> &amp; the DNA Repair</font><small><small> </small></small></a><br /> &nbsp;Interview of Joseph E. Mason by Rick Ozmon of Oopa Loopa Cafe&nbsp;<br /> (Includes information about the Code of Carl Munck, ancient <br /> sites, ancient numbers, crop circles, and the &quot;DNA repair&quot;)</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="216" SRC="radio/oz/hoop.gif" WIDTH="230" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center><center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </center><center><center> <table BGCOLOR="#33FFCC" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#0000ff"> <a HREF="">The Omega Project </a></font><br /> by Dee Finney<br /> Teilhard de Chardin termed the Omega Point,&nbsp;or the moment of conscious separation<br /> &nbsp;of those on the green ray and higher paths from those still trapped in third-density yellow&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </center><center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#0000ff"><big>&nbsp;</big></font><font COLOR="#804000"><a HREF="">The Sun Vs the Phoenix and the Storm Bird Zu</a></font><small> &nbsp;</small><br /> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" BORDER="" BORDERCOLORDARK="#000000" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Left"> <img HEIGHT="105" SRC="ninurta.gif" WIDTH="149" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">Dee&#39;s Dream and <br /> &nbsp;the Phoenix Crop Circle at Yatesbury, &nbsp;<br /> near Cherhill, Wiltshire, 12 June 2009</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="105" SRC="phonxcc.gif" WIDTH="111" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center></td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><b>&nbsp;<a HREF="">The Sacred Birds</a> </b>&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;(Recent 2009 Bird Crop Circles Added) &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#33FFCC" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius On Valentine&#39;s Day</a><br /> February 14, 2009<br /> &nbsp;Birth of the Divine Child Within Us and the Attainment of Enlightenment &nbsp;<br /> with Jude Currivan PhD</p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><br /> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Video - New Swirled Order Crop Circle Documentary 2009</a><br /> From: <a HREF="">NuoViso Film Production</a><br /> and<br /> <a HREF="">Exopolitics Germany</a><br /> <object height="315" width="500"> <embed allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" height="315" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="500" /></object> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><br /> <a HREF=";search_query=crop+circle&amp;aq=f"> Find More Crop Circle Videos on YouTube</a> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<font COLOR="#804000"><a HREF="">Extraterrestrials &amp; Crop Circles</a></font><small> </small><br /> &nbsp;Videos &amp; Articles About BOLS/ORBS With Crop Circles&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#ff0000"><big><br /> Featured Article</big></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="85%"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#804000"> <a HREF=""> What Do Modern Crop Pictures Mean?</a></font><br /> <small>by Charles Reed and Harold Stryderight<br /> Excerpt</small> </p> <blockquote> <p ALIGN="Left">A persistent debunking of crop circles by the international media has successfully influenced group opinion, so that most people have no idea about the true phenomenon as it may been seen visibly in Wiltshire each summer. </p> <p ALIGN="Left">Now that is one good reason, at least, why most otherwise intelligent people on Earth today do not believe in the paranormal reality of modern crop pictures! The international media have persistently refused to inform the public truthfully about this important phenomenon, although good reports are sometimes written in local newspapers from Wiltshire, or other regions of England or Italy where new crop pictures sometimes appear. </p> </blockquote> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Alternate Site</a></small></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><br /> &nbsp;<font COLOR="#804000"><a HREF="">Crop Circle Display of the Biblical Story of &nbsp;<br /> The153 Fish In The Net</a></font><br /> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><b><br /> &nbsp;</b></small><a HREF="">Miraculous Feedings of the Five Thousand &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp;And Crop Circles</a><br /> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td><center> <p></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFCC" BORDER="" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td><center> <p ALIGN="Left"> <img HEIGHT="100" SRC="joestuff/numbers/sqrddif/9ccstar.gif" WIDTH="132" /> </p> </center></td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="100" SRC="joestuff/numbers/sqrddif/solfstr.gif" WIDTH="97" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="100" SRC="joestuff/numbers/sqrddif/9ccstar2.gif" WIDTH="116" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="100" SRC="joestuff/numbers/sqrddif/9ptstr07.gif" WIDTH="117" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center></center></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#0000ff"> <a HREF=""> Creation Numbers</a><big><br /> </big>&nbsp;</font><font COLOR="#000000">The Differences in the Squares of Mirror Numbers&nbsp;<br /> and the Relation to Solfeggio Music Numbers</font><br /> (Related to the DNA Healing Frequencies)</p> </td> </tr> </table> </center><center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </center><center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="144" SRC="crop/smvenus.gif" WIDTH="105" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#804000"> <a HREF=""> Belgium - England<br /> Crop Glyph Comparison</a></font><small>&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;Is NASA Making an Error? &nbsp;</small><br /> (Alchemy in the Fields)</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="144" SRC="crop/smvdraw.gif" WIDTH="86" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> <font COLOR="#0000ff">The Da Vinci Code Crop Circle</font><small><br /> Leonardo da Vinci&#39;s Last Supper</small></a><br /> by Joseph E. Mason</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="183" SRC="crop/2007ccs/davinci/dvdiag.jpg" WIDTH="184" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="200" SRC="crop/lazarus/leosup.jpg" WIDTH="249" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="224" SRC="crop/lazarus/6x12grid.jpg" WIDTH="453" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFCC" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="143" SRC="3horn.gif" WIDTH="202" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> The Crop Circle Mystery</a><br /> The 7/7/7 Crop Circle <br /> &nbsp;at East Field, <br /> Alton Barnes, Wiltshire &nbsp;</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="143" SRC="crop/2007ccs/4horns.gif" WIDTH="203" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#0000ff"> <a HREF="">The 21</a></font></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> <img HEIGHT="85" SRC="21cc.jpg" WIDTH="120" /></a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#33FFCC" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="126" SRC="crop/2006ccs/wlnsmtcc.gif" WIDTH="150" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<font COLOR="#804000"><a HREF="">The 2006 Crop Circle Formations</a><big>&nbsp;</big><br /> <small>The New Jerusalem<br /> Metatron&#39;s Cube - Merkaba<br /> Divine Light Vehicle of Ascension<br /> The T-Tau, Sign of Resurrection</small><b><br /> </b></font><small>by Joseph E. Mason</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="136" SRC="crop/2006ccs/wsrecn2.gif" WIDTH="151" /></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="145" SRC="crop/2005ccs/metcube.gif" WIDTH="130" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="134" SRC="crop/2005ccs/metcube2.gif" WIDTH="130" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="162" SRC="crop/2006ccs/wshpcube.gif" WIDTH="178" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="170" SRC="uff05.jpg" WIDTH="274" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#804000"><big> <a HREF="">&nbsp;</a></big><a HREF="">All About 2012</a></font><br /> &nbsp;With Connections to <br /> Crop Circles and <font COLOR="#ff0000">11:11</font><br /> (<i>THE END wa</i>s at <font COLOR="#ff0000"><br /> 11:11</font> am <i>Exactly!</i>)</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="170" SRC="etch06.jpg" WIDTH="174" /></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="170" SRC="mayncc04.jpg" WIDTH="224" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="154" SRC="aztecss.jpg" WIDTH="151" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="170" SRC="aztec05.jpg" WIDTH="202" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="138" SRC="1111cc.gif" WIDTH="63" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<font COLOR="#804000"><a HREF="">11:11 - The Audio</a></font><small> &nbsp;</small> </p> <p ALIGN="Center">Radio Interview of <br /> Joseph E. Mason<br /> About the 11:11<br /> Coincidences</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="138" SRC="1stpicto.gif" WIDTH="121" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="234" SRC="crop/2005ccs/lurkly2.gif" WIDTH="223" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">The incredible crop <br /> circle formation at Lurkley Hill <br /> corresponds with The New <br /> Jerusalem Plan, Ezekiel&#39;s <br /> Four Living Creatures, and <br /> the Sri Yantra </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#804000"><small>&nbsp;<big><a HREF="">The Interrelated<br /> 2005 Crop Circle <br /> Formations</a></big></small></font> </p> <p ALIGN="Center">Amazing relationships<br /> between formations</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="234" SRC="newjer.jpg" WIDTH="229" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><br /> <font COLOR="#0000ff"> <a HREF="">The Crop Circle Music Wheel</a></font><br /> Geometry and Numbers </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#000000" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="138" SRC="numbers/music/33pyrmd.gif" WIDTH="144" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="138" SRC="numbers/music/muswhl7.gif" WIDTH="165" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="138" SRC="crop/2005ccs/morcc2.gif" WIDTH="191" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center><center><br /> </center><center><center> <table BGCOLOR="#F8E13F" BORDER="" BORDERCOLORDARK="#000000" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td><center><font COLOR="#804000"> <a HREF="">The Puzzles of Life<br /> Can We Solve Them?<br /> &nbsp;The Dream and the Reality</a></font><small> </small><b>&nbsp;</b> </center> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> </center></center><center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="135" SRC="2ccs&hrs.jpg" WIDTH="180" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#ff0000"><i><b>Confirmation!</b></i></font> </p> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">The&nbsp;Chakra System Crop Circle Formation</a> <small><b>&nbsp;</b><br /> <small>2004<br /> We have been writing about the chakra<br /> connection for many years. It is now<br /> verified by this incredible pair of formations. <br /> Photo credit <a HREF=""> Francine Blake</a></small></small></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="144" SRC="beecc.jpg" WIDTH="206" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#0000ff">&nbsp;<a HREF="">The Bee-Hive Crop Circle Formation </a></font><b><font COLOR="#000000"><big> <br /> </big></font></b><font COLOR="#000000"><small>June 2004</small></font></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="79" SRC="5pyrmd2.jpg" WIDTH="79" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><b>&nbsp;</b><big><a HREF="">Sacred Numbers to Resuscitate the Dead&nbsp;<br /> Lazarus and Awakening the Giant</a></big></small><br /> (Includes the Triplets: 111, 222, 333, 444, etc.)</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="76" SRC="5pyrmd1.jpg" WIDTH="74" /></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFCC" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="185" SRC="1stpicto.gif" WIDTH="161" /></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">People from around the world <br /> are reporting coincidences of <br /> seeing 11:11. A number of <br /> crop circle formations have <br /> rectangles that may also <br /> suggest this number image. </p> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<font COLOR="#804000"><a HREF="">11:11 - What Does it Mean?</a></font><small> </small>&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<b><font COLOR="#804000"><a HREF="">The Return of the Feminine</a>&nbsp;</font></b><font COLOR="#000000"><big><big><br /> </big><small><small>The Summer Triangle<br /> The Three Marys &amp; John 11:25</small></small></big></font></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFCC" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">The Can Opener - What is the Symbol Telling Us?</a><small> &nbsp;</small><br /> War &amp; Peace? <br /> Crop Circle at Cherhill, near Calne, Wiltshire<br /> 7 August 2008</p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a href="">The Vault of Heaven - The 28th Path</a> <br /> &nbsp;(Tree of Life, Crop Circles, &amp; More)&nbsp;&nbsp; </p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center" style="text-align: center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#0000ff">&nbsp;<a HREF="">2006 Crop Circle at Herington, Kansas</a></font><small> <br /> (Sun-Moon Duality)&nbsp;</small></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF=""><small><big>The Pope&#39;s Visit to Temple Mount &nbsp;<br /> and the Third Secret of Fatima</big></small></a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFCC" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><br /> &nbsp;<a HREF="">Crop Circles Predict Future Comets/Asteroids</a> &nbsp;<br /> compiled by Dee Finney 7-7-08<br /> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><br /> <img HEIGHT="14" SRC="twst_bar.gif" WIDTH="590" /><br /> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000">&nbsp;<big><b>Articles by Joseph E. Mason<br /> and/or Dee Finney</b></big><small> </small></font></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small> <img "" HEIGHT="133" SRC="life.gif" WIDTH="124&quot;" /></small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">The Tree of Life Crop Circle Formation</a><br /> 1997<br /> Connections to the Chakra System<br /> and Kundalini&nbsp;</p> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small> <img HEIGHT="120" SRC="mnoracc.gif" WIDTH="196" /></small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small>&nbsp;</small></small><a HREF="">The Menorah&nbsp;crop<br /> &nbsp;circle formation</a> <br /> <font COLOR="#000000"><small>May 1999<br /> This Biblical Symbol is <br /> related to the&nbsp;Tree of Life</small></font></p> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small> <img HEIGHT="122" SRC="bythrncc.gif" WIDTH="135" /></small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Crop Circle Formations As Chakras</a></p> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small> <img HEIGHT="142" SRC="sriyn1.gif" WIDTH="145" /></small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Humanity On The Pollen Path</a><font COLOR="#0000ff"><br /> </font><font COLOR="#000000"><small>A leap to&nbsp;the Heart Chakra</small><br /> <small><small>The major message of the&nbsp;earth change</small></small></font></p> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small> <img HEIGHT="122" SRC="kthrdat1.gif" WIDTH="149" /></small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">The Mandelbrot Set Crop Circle Formation</a>&nbsp;<font COLOR="#000000"><b><br /> </b><small>1991<br /> Manifests incredible &quot;coincidences&quot; </small></font><br /> <small>and relates to the Tree of Life</small></p> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small> <img HEIGHT="150" SRC="birdmnrh.gif" WIDTH="114" /></small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small>&nbsp;</small></small><a HREF="">The Swallows come to Save Earth &nbsp;<br /> 2003 Crop Circle</a> <small><small><br /> <br /> Birdstar - Merkabah, our Menorah-Like<br /> Vehicle for Mass Ascension<br /> (Related to Solara&#39;s 11:11 Doorway)</small></small></p> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small> <img HEIGHT="84" SRC="smmega.gif" WIDTH="110" /></small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> The American Tragedy:&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;A Symbolic Event</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> <small>September 11, 2001 Events Relate to St. <br /> John&#39;s Revelation and <br /> Crop Circles</small></font></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small><img SRC="dhrmwhl.gif" /></small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> The Dharmic Wheel Crop Formation</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> 1992</font><font COLOR="#0000ff"><br /> </font><font COLOR="#000000">The Great Turning of Being and Becoming<br /> Review of article by Michael Green</font></p> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small> <img HEIGHT="88" SRC="brbcst2.gif" WIDTH="96" /></small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#0000ff"> <a HREF="">The Trinity Connection</a></font><small><small><br /> 1991 Barbury Castle Pictogram</small></small></p> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small> <img HEIGHT="92" SRC="3male.gif" WIDTH="95" /></small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small>&nbsp;</small></small><a HREF="">Dreams About The Triple Male Trinity</a><small> &nbsp;<small><small><br /> </small></small><font COLOR="#000000"><small><small>(The &#39;Great Keyhole&#39; crop formation<br /> of 1990 as &#39;The Earth Goddess&#39;)</small></small></font></small></p> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="ffffff"> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small> <img HEIGHT="78" SRC="cresce~1.gif" WIDTH="80" /></small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The Most Important Crop Circle</a>&nbsp;<small><small><b><br /> </b></small><font COLOR="#000000"><small><small>1999 Crescent Vortex at White Horse, <br /> near Hackpen Hill</small></small></font></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small> <img HEIGHT="143" SRC="hakpin.gif" WIDTH="150" /></small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Strange Attractor Crop Formation<br /> and the End of Time</a><small><small><br /> 1997 Fractal relates to the end of the Mayan <br /> calendar on December 21, 2012, <br /> at 11:11 Universal Time</small></small></p> </td> <td></td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#CCFFCC" BORDER="" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <img HEIGHT="108" SRC="aliencc.jpg" WIDTH="84" /></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small><a HREF="">The Aliens Arrive<br /> by Dee Finney</a> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#80ff80"> ........................................................................................</font></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Revelation 11:11</a><font COLOR="#0000ff"><big><br /> </big></font><font COLOR="#000000"><small>The original short version of humanity&#39;s leap to the Heart chakra</small></font></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Arguments Against the Hoax <br /> Theory Of Crop Circles </a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF="sisters.htm">THE PLEIADES AND THE SEVENTH RAY<br /> ON THE SEVENTH DAY</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The Trinity - The Crop Circle Theme of 2001</a><br /> <small><font COLOR="#000000">by Dee Finney </font></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small>&nbsp;<a HREF="">The Opening Eyes - The Aperture &nbsp;<br /> Crop Circles of July 2000</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">The All Seeing Eye -<br /> &nbsp;The Crop Circle Connection to Creator and the Stars</a> &nbsp;<small><br /> 1994 and 1995 formations look like CBS Logo<br /> (may relate to the the 2004 Chakra System formation)</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small>&nbsp;<a HREF="">The Eight Fold Crop Circles, 2000</a>&nbsp; <small>&nbsp;<font COLOR="#000000"><br /> An Eastern Mandala in the Fields</font></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">The Way God Creates A Crop Circle</a><br /> <small>1992 formation at Winterbourne Stoke</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">The Magnetic Field</a> &nbsp;<small><br /> <small><font COLOR="#0000ff">&nbsp;</font></small>A Crop Circle Under Scrutiny For Meaning <br /> <small>&nbsp;<font COLOR="#000000">July 2000 Formation at Avebury Trusloe</font></small></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">The Rainbow of Creation</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">The Keepers of the Trumpets</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Predictive Outline of Ideas About the Great Change</a> &nbsp;<br /> (Includes the Sacred Grid at the Yucatan)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circles Mystery</a><br /> <font COLOR="#400000">1992 Article in <i>The Dream Network Journal</i></font></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The Black Sun</a><small><br /> <small>Includes Swastika symbols, which may relate to the <br /> 2004 cross type formation with the Chakra System formation</small></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small> <a HREF="">CODE OF THE ANCIENTS<br /> THE CROP CIRCLE CONNECTION</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> (Prehistoric numbers in crop circles)</font></small></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF=""> CROP CIRCLE TO <br /> DREAM/VISION COMPARISONS</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">The Symbolism and Spiritual <br /> Significance of the Number Nine</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Weaving - The Mythology and the Reality</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Minnie &amp; Mickey Mouse, Dreams<br /> Symbolism &amp; Crop Circles</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;<a HREF="">UFO Sightings, Dreams, and &nbsp;<br /> Crop Pattern Relationships</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Behind the Hoaxers - The History of Circle Faking<br /> </a><font COLOR="#000000"><small><small>Review of Article by Marcus Allen</small></small></font></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Colin Andrews Says!!!<br /> Crop Circle Researchers Respond!!!</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF=""> SOLAR ECLIPSE 1999<br /> FINAL QUEST FOR THE HOLY GRAIL</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Wisconsin Lake Crop Circle</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> DNA Repair, Dreams and Crop Circle Formations</a><small><br /> </small>by Joe Mason</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Cinnamon Buns and The Beast - The Spiral of Creation</a><br /> by Dee Finney</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Huge 7-7-7 Formation at Alton Barnes Appears in a Flash</a><br /> (military attacks people)</p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><big><b>Video Files</b></big></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" class="style7"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Crop Circle Reporter Blog</a> &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;Michael Glickman &amp; Gary King &nbsp;</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp; <a href=";list=UUNtlnZEvNGMV0bAyxPpNBJw&amp;index=1&amp;feature=plcp"> Tula Mexico Crop Circle Formation 2012&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /> The Re-Flooding of Atlantis</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Stonehenge Crop Circle 9th May 2010</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Wilton Hill Math Code</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Mandala Formation in Greenfield, California</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";hl=en#"> Alien Messages<br /> Video by Maurice Osborn</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF=";feature=related">First UK Crop Circle 2010</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Crop Circle Diagram<br /> Display &amp; Spinning</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Marcel&#39;s Flash Animation<br /> Early CCs 2010 Merged</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF=";feature=related">Huge 777 Formation appears in a Flash</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";NR=1&amp;feature=fvwp"> Ancient technologies of seed <br /> fertilization with John Burke</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Government Circles</a><br /> Colin Andrews</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";feature=player_embedded"> Amazing New Crop Circles June 2011</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";sns=fb">Most Important Crop Circles EVER</a><br /> (ET Messages)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="style9"> <a href=""> Jay Goldner On Crop Circles</a></td> <td class="style8"> <a HREF=";aq=f"> 2010 Crop Circles</a>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><big><b>More Video Files</b></big></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Crop Circles 2009 (May - June)</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Crop Circles 2009 (Late July)</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Grasdorf Plates Crop Circles</a><small><br /> <small>(Three metal plates found under formations)</small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small><a HREF=";feature=related">Crop Circles 1990-2007 <br /> (1 of 3) YouTube</a><small>&nbsp;</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";feature=related"> Lights Forming Crop Cirlces</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small><a HREF=";feature=related">Crop Circles 1990-2007 <br /> (2 of 3) YouTube</a><small>&nbsp;</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Mathematics Practical Assignment </a>&nbsp;<br /> (made with Geogebra)</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small><a HREF="">Crop Circles 1990-2007 <br /> (3 of 3) YouTube</a><small>&nbsp;</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp; &nbsp;</small><a HREF=";feature=related">Aztec Crop Circles</a><br /> <small>Jaime Maussan</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";NR=1">Sound, DNA, Crop Circles, 2012</a><br /> <small>David Wilcock</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";NR=1">Turning Point of the Sacred Circle</a><small> </small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Crop Circles Complexity</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";search_type=&amp;aq=f"> Search Results for <br /> July 2009 Crop Circles</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Crop Circles Decoded?</a><br /> (alien messages)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Crop Circles and DNA</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<small> </small> <a HREF=";search_type="> Search Results for<br /> &nbsp;Crop Circles on YouTube</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";feature=related"> 2009 Mayan Inspired Crop Circle</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF=";feature=related">Crop Circle Film - The Wake Up Call</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";feature=related"> Crop Circles : Weird Phenomenon</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> John Scott Artist Channel</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF=";feature=player_embedded">UFO Latest Finding Crop Circles &amp; DNA</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><big><b>Audio Files</b></big></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;<a HREF="">The 11:11 Phenomenon</a><font COLOR="#0000ff"><b> &nbsp;<br /> </b></font><small>Robbie Thomas&nbsp;Interview of <br /> John and Lia Ramses <br /> &nbsp;Site: <font COLOR="#804000"><a HREF=""></a></font> &nbsp;</small></small></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><b>Sources of Information About Related Geometry</b></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Sacred Geometry</a><br /> <small>Charles Gilchrist</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small><a HREF="">Ancient Egyptian Flower &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;of Life at Abydos</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="'s_Quest/Sacred_Geometry_Page/Flower_of_Life/Flower_of_Life_index.html"> Flower of Life <br /> Graphic - Animated</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small><a HREF="">Seed (Flower) of Life with<br /> graphic from MathWorld </a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Flower of Life - The Golden Mean <br /> Spiral and The Merkaba </a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Transcription -Drunvalo&#39;s Presentation<br /> Flower of Life Overview </a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Flower of Life (graphic of FOL grid)<br /> from MathWorld </a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Sacred Geometry</a><br /> by Bruce Rawles</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Sacred Geometry Home Page<br /> by Bruce Rawles</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Interactive Tree of Life</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Lynnclaire Dennis&#39; Geometry</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Metatron Cube, Tree of Life, &nbsp;<br /> Eve&#39;s Grid &amp; The Tesseract</a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="14" SRC="twst_bar.gif" WIDTH="590" /><small><br /> </small><br /> <font COLOR="#ff0000"><big>Scientific</big></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#33FFCC" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><b> <a HREF="">BLT Research</a></b></font> </p> <p ALIGN="Left">This site features in-depth scientific investigation of physical changes&nbsp;induced in the plants <br /> and soils of crop circle formations. Over 90 percent of the formations studied, both simple <br /> and&nbsp;complex, have had the physical changes, supporting the &quot;non human creation&quot; theory.</p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><big>Crop Circles In The News</big></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#33FFCC" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><br /> &nbsp;</small><a HREF="">British Government Secretly Studies Crop Circles &amp; UFO Connection</a><small> &nbsp;<br /> by Michael Salla, Ph.D.</small><br /> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="14" SRC="twst_bar.gif" WIDTH="590" /> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<font COLOR="#0000ff"><b><big><big>ARTICLES BY OTHERS</big></big></b> </font>&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><b><big>Articles Added Recently</big></b></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#CC9966" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" class="style7"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">2012 and Crop Formations</a><br /> <small>by Geoff Stray<br /> (Note: The cycle ends December 21, 2012<br /> at 11:11 AM Universal Time)</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a href=""> Crooked Soley -<br /> A Crop Circle Revelation</a><br /> <small>Sacred Numbers &amp; DNA<br /> by Allan Brown</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> The Soul in Crooked Soley</a><br /> <small>(The Mitochondrial DNA Formation)<br /> Review of book by Allan Brown <br /> and John Michell</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The Art of Crop Trolling</a><br /> The 2001 Mega Glyph<br /> with 409 Circles</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Specific Crop-Circles&#39; Forms &amp; <br /> the Shape of the Local Universe<br /> by Jonah Ohayv</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Crop Formation At Legendary<br /> Serpent Mound, Ohio</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<small> </small> <a HREF=""> Crop Formation Near Kassel, Germany &nbsp;<br /> </a><font COLOR="#000000"><small>(Knights Templar &amp; Chakra Connection)</small></font></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circle Communication<br /> Yin Yang &amp; Interlocking Rings 2009</a><br /> <small>Bert Janssen</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Wheat from the Chaff</a><br /> <small>Articles by Michael Glickman</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Euclid&#39;s crop circles</a><br /> <small>Science News Article</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circle Music - Jonah Ohayv</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Quintuplet Squaring the Circle</a><br /> <small>Bert Janssen</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> The Authentic Crop Circles <br /> Cannot Be Made By Man</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Revival of an Ancient Science</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Eye witness to the Formation of a<br /> Crop Circle Opposite Stonehenge</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Archetypes - Sacred Geometry -<br /> Blueprints/DNA - Symbols</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circle and Vision Confirms <br /> that the Dimensions are Merging</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">2010 Mandala Formation in <br /> Greenfield, California</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Perceptions of Sacred Geometry <br /> Contained in Crop Circle Formations</a> <br /> <small>by Dr. Colette M. Dowell , N.D<small>.</small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Coments On National Geographic&#39;s, <br /> Beyond the Mystery&quot; Crop Circle Show (2005)</a><br /> <small>by Nancy Talbott, BLT, Inc.</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circles &amp; Their Relationship to <br /> Euclidean Geometry &amp; Diatonic Ratios</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The Perfect Stone/Tone</a><br /> By Jerry Vano</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">&quot;UFO&quot; Photos Around <br /> Crop Circles in Holland</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Crop Circles -</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Crop Circle Changes<br /> As Researchers Watch</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Crop Circle Analysis Shows<br /> Most Are Not Hoaxes</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Euler&#39;s Equation Crop Circle<br /> with Animation</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Crop Circles, Synchronicity, &amp; <br /> Inter-Intelligence Communications</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">2010 Wilton Windmill <br /> Crop Formation Decoded</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Explosion of Crop Formations<br /> in Germany</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">2002 Circle Season Develops <br /> Geometrical Lessons </a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> The East Field / South Field Duality</a><br /> <small>By Allan Brown</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Eye witness to the formation of a <br /> crop circle opposite Stonehenge</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Crop Circles <br /> Inter-Intelligence Communications</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Transmission of a Crop Circle</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#804000"> <a HREF=""> Origin of Crop Circles Baffles Scientists<br /> by Leslie Kean</a></font></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";Number=1116977&amp;page=1"> USA Alignments of Crop Circles&nbsp;<br /> &amp; ancient earthworks</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">The Amazing Number Nine</a><br /> <small><font COLOR="#000000">(includes the 1996 crop formations)</font></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Pictograph found in<br /> Oregon desert, 1990</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Crop Circles and Their Message</a><br /> <small>by David Pratt</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Planetary Codes</a><br /> <small>Krsanna Duran</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> The &#39;Tree of Life&#39; Formation</a><br /> <small>by Paul Vigay</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> The Scorpius Hour 1994</a><br /> <small>by Kris Weber Sherwood</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Now Comes a Crop Circle</a><br /> <small>Quantum Teleportation</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circle Geometry</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> <small>(links to many articles)</small></font></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Striking Similarity of 2001 Crop Circle</a> - <font COLOR="#000000"> <big><br /> </big><small>to Deb&#39;s 1984 Pryamid Sunrise</small></font><small> Drawing</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#804000"> <a HREF="">National Geographic Channel <br /> Misrepresents Circle Research</a></font><br /> <small>by Nancy Talbott of BLT</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Excerpt of &quot;The Monkey<br /> &amp; The Tetrahedron&quot;</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Gallery of Crop Circle Effects</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Antahkarana</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Milk Hill Script Translations</a><br /> <small>by Robert Boerman</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small><a HREF="">The Vessel Glyph</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The Gog Magog Angel Formation</a><br /> <small>Charles Mallet</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Angel Formations<br /> Link between Belgium &amp; England?</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Gog Magog Theory: <br /> Pandora&#39;s Box Opens</a><br /> <small>by Thomas Jude Germinario</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Crop Circles Corner<br /> articles by Jonah</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The Gakayil &amp; the<br /> Windmill Hill Formation</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Comparison of Two Leading <br /> Crop Circle Formation Theories</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Articles on Crop Formations</a><br /> by William C. Treurniet</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Anomalous photos from Crop Formations</a><br /> <small>by J. Marshall Dudley</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Grasdorf Plates - Gold, Silver &amp; Bronze<br /> Found Beneath Crop Circles</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Crop Circles and Their Message</a><br /> <small>by David Pratt</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Robert Van Den Broeke: <br /> &quot;UFO&quot; Photos</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> The Chilbolton Arecibo Message</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Comparison of Solar System<br /> Crop Circles at Longwood Warren</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> <font COLOR="#804000">Quetzalcoatl in English Crop Circles</font></a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> East Field Alchemy</a><br /> <small>by Bert Janssen</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Milk Hill Magic</a><br /> <small>by Bert Janssen</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Squares and Circles</a><br /> <small>by Bert Janssen</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">More Squares and Circles</a><br /> <small>by Bert Janssen</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circles and Government</a><br /> <small>by Nick Pope</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">The Spiritual Genome</a><br /> <small>(DNA Crop Circles)</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circles &amp; Mayan Time</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> <small>1998 Beltane Wheel Formation</small></font></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The Chilbolton Crop Circle<br /> and The Cassiopaeans</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Opening Heart Chakra</a><br /> <small>Surry, NH Crop Circle of Dec. 17, 2004</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Dreams, Disappearances <br /> and Magic Carpets</a><br /> <small>by Lucy Pringle</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Pope Celestine V&#39;s Crop Circles</a><br /> <small>(Basilica of Collemaggio&#39;s Holy Door)</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">M.I.T. Kids&#39; Crop Circle Attempt Yields An <br /> Interesting (And Totally Inadvertent) Result</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">2012 Debate</a><br /> <small>(Not the End of the World)</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Sacred Blueprints<br /> Java Crop Circle<br /> 1/23/11</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Amazing Jellyfish Crop Circle UK 2009</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">M.I.T. Kids&#39; Crop Circle Attempt Yields an <br /> Interesting (and totally inadvertent) Result</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Musical Theorems in Wheat Fields</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> 72 Divine Names, Crop Circles <br /> &amp; The DNA Repair</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="style10"> <a href=""> UFO Involvement in Crop Circle Study</a></td> <td class="style11"> <a href=""> The Melatonin Molecule Formation</a><br /> by Karen Alexander</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="style12"> <a href="">Photo History of Crop Circles</a></td> <td class="style13"> <font id="role_document" color="#000000" face="Arial"> <a class="style14" href=""> Nancy Talbott�s Letter to National Geographic</a></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="style12"> <font id="role_document" color="#000000" face="Arial" size="2"> <a href="">Crop Circle World</a></font></td> <td class="style13"> <font id="role_document" color="#000000" face="Arial" size="2"> <a href="">Crop Circle Museum</a></font></td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<br /> <font COLOR="#000000"><big><b>Older Articles</b></big></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#CC9966" CELLPADDING="2"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">On the Brink<br /> An Overview of Crop Circles</a><br /> <small><font COLOR="#000000">by Rodney Michael Carr-Smith</font></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Anatomical Anomalies<br /> In Crop Formation Plants</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Great Lakes 11:11 Crop<br /> Circle Formation</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Anatomical anomalies in crop <br /> formation plants<br /> W. C. Levengood</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Nancy Talbott - Cropformations: <br /> A biophysical Investigation</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Semi-Molten Meteoric Iron <br /> Associated with a Crop Formation</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Gerald Hawkins Euclidean Geometry<br /> &amp; Diatonic Rations in Crop Circles</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Evidence of Sacred <br /> Geometry in Crop Circles</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> <small>by Freddie Silva</small></font></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> The Glyphs of the Gods<br /> Radio Isotopes in Crop Circles</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Curving Beams of Light<br /> Peter Sorensen</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The Great Oregon Sri Yantra <br /> Ground Marking by Iyles</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> 1/4 mile square symbol <br /> gooved into a lake bed</font></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Andrews Reveals Long-Promised<br /> Hoaxing &#39;Evidence&#39; </a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The internal Geometry <br /> of Crop Circles</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> <small>by Bert Janssen</small></font></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Crop Circle Geometry <br /> 3 D - Fractals</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> <small>by Bert Janssen</small></font></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">A Brief Education <br /> On Crop Circles</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> <small>by Freddie Silva</small></font></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">80% Proof<br /> The Voice of Reason</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Crop Circles<br /> Astra Mate</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Number 26, The Mayan Tzolkin, <br /> &amp; the Grid Crop Circle</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> The History of Crop Circles</a><br /> <small><font COLOR="#000000">by Freddie Silva</font></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";task=view&amp;id=269&amp;Itemid=30"> Octahedral Crop Circle <br /> Formations 2000</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> <small>by David Wilcock</small></font></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> The Philosopher&#39;s Stone <br /> A Stone Most Precious</a><br /> <small>by Kris Weber Sherwood</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Crop Circles: <br /> Messages from the Universe</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The Sequence</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> <small>by Wolfgang Schindler</small></font></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The Great A&amp;E and Discovery<br /> Channel Crop Circles Hoax</a><br /> <small><font COLOR="#000000">by Freddie Silva</font></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">ANATOMY OF DECEPTION</a><br /> <small>by Freddie Silva</small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">So it&#39;s all done with <br /> planks &amp; bits of string, is it?</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> <small>by Freddie Silva</small></font></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Crop Circles Hoax Aftermath</a><br /> <small><font COLOR="#000000">by Freddie Silva</font></small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> 1996 Laguna Canyon <br /> Crop Circle Formations</a><font COLOR="#000000"><b><br /> </b><small>By Ed &amp; Kris Sherwood</small></font></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small><a HREF="">The &quot;snake&quot; formation at Alton Barnes &nbsp;<br /> as the Kundalini/Kukulcan</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Conversation with <br /> Francine Blake</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The Jung Center searches for cause <br /> and meaning of crop circles</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Australian Land Marking<br /> 2 1/2 Mile Long Man</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Crop Circles = <br /> Sirius, ancient symbols<br /> Stargate Manuscripts</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";task=view&amp;id=63&amp;Itemid=36"> The Emergence of the <br /> Mother of All Crop Circles</a><br /> <small>David Wilcock</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The Crop Circle <br /> Connector F.A.Q</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Is Sound Behind the <br /> Creation of Crop Circles?<br /> by Freddy Silva</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Crop Circles, An Elliptical View</a><br /> <small>by Jack Sullivan</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Theories on the Formation <br /> of Crop Circles<br /> By Brian Hussey</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Chakras&nbsp;&amp; Crop Circles - Crystalinks</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circle Geometry <br /> &amp; Construction Lines<br /> by Bert Janssen</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Construction Myths &amp;&quot;The Moire&quot;</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Dowsing Crop Circles</a><br /> <small>by Freddy Silva</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Crop Circles 2001<br /> UK Review, Part 1</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Mars, Jupiter &amp; <br /> 2001 Crop Formations</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Survival Manual &amp; Update of 1998<br /> Crop Circles - Cariel Quinly</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Terrestrial Anomalies - Crop Circles</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">The Language of Light <font COLOR="#000000"> <a HREF=""><br /> </a><small>by ilyes</small></font><br /> (<a HREF="">ilyes Home Page</a>)</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Subconscious Communication<br /> With Crop Circles</a> (&amp; Dowsing)<br /> by Freddie Silva</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Crop Circle Peculiarities</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Circular Madness, <br /> The Descent of Cereology<br /> by Rosemary Ellen Guiley</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Cropformations: <br /> A Biophysical Investigation</a><br /> <small>Nancy Talbott</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The Secret History <br /> of Crop Circles<br /> by Terry Wilson (Book Review)</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Crop circles mystify <br /> Russian farmers - BBC News</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Short-Lived Radionuclides in Soil <br /> Samples from an English Crop Circle</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The Oliver&#39;s Castle Video Debate</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> <small>(did balls of light create the formation?)</small></font></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";task=view&amp;id=69&amp;Itemid=36"> The Spiral in the Consciousness Units</a><br /> David Wilcock</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Crop Circle Correlates To <br /> Grek-5 Numerical Pyramid! </a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> <small>by Gary Val Tenuta</small></font></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">RealAudio on The <br /> Crop Circle Connector</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Links to Articles at the <br /> Crop Circle Connector</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> From the Heart of the Sun<br /> by Simon Burton</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Crop Circle Insights</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Comparison of Plasma Vortex<br /> and Hoax Theories</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Science News - Mathematics <br /> Crop Circles: Theorems in Wheat Fields</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Audio of Nancy Talbot</a><br /> of BLT Research</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Primary Formation <br /> of May 2005 a Sacred Gift</a><br /> <small>By Bearcloud</small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Crop Circles Made By Balls of Light</a> &nbsp;<br /> <small>Dr. Eltjo Haselfoff</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF=""> Are There Crop Circle Designs <br /> on the Bell Tower of Duomo?</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The Mayan Boomerang</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Crop Circles - BBC</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Planker, Matthew Williams,<br /> &nbsp;Presentation Fails to Convince</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circles Lead to American<br /> Civil War Past Life Memories</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Articles On DCCA<br /> Dutch Crop Circle Archive</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Blown Nodes in the<br /> &quot;Earth Is Missing&quot; Formation</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Journey to Mystical England</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Martin&#39;s Dream just prior to learning <br /> of the Alien Face Formation</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Alien Face &amp; Disk Formation<br /> Lucy Pringle&#39;s page</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Paul Vigay&#39;s Analysis of the <br /> Alien Face &amp; Disk Formation</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Ground photos of the 2002 <br /> &#39;Alien Face&#39; - Paul Vigay</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Crabwood Alien - Part 1 - Martin Keitel</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Psychological Aspects of the Pitt &quot;Alien&quot; <br /> Formation, by Jonah Ohayv</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circle Statistics</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Clay Mineral Crystallization Case Study</a><small>:<br /> 1999 Edmonton, Alberta Canada Crop Formation</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circles in South Africa</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";langpair=it%7Cen&amp;hl=en&amp;ie=ISO-8859-1"> Crop Circles - <br /> Rocco Porreca of Italy</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Two Largest Snow Formations</a><br /> December 2009</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop - A Language for Crop Circles</a><br /> (a computer program to draw patterns)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Why Crop Circles Can&#39;t Be Hoaxed</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Research Articles<br /> Crop Circle Connector</a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><b>2011 Crop Circle Formations</b></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Crop Circle Connector</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Lucy Pringle 2010 Crop Circles</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Silent Circle</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";filtergodina=2011&amp;filtermjesec=&amp;Submit=Show+records"> Crop Circle Archive</a><small>&nbsp;</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circle Wisdom</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small><a HREF="">Location Map of 2011 Crop Circles</a><small> </small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">International Crop Circles</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";year=11&amp;month=1&amp;language=&amp;thumb="> Crop Circle Archive Diagrams</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Youngblood Blog</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Final call from the <br /> Ionosphere: Lighten UP!</a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><br /> <font COLOR="#000000"><b>2010 Crop Circle Formations</b></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Silent Circle</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Lucy Pringle 2010 Crop Circles</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Crop Circle Reporter</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";filtergodina=2010&amp;filtermjesec=&amp;Submit=Show+records"> Crop Circle Archive</a><small>&nbsp;</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF=";year=10&amp;month=5&amp;language=&amp;thumb=">Crop Circle Archive Diagrams</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small><a HREF="">Location Map of 2010 Crop Circles</a><small> </small></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><br /> <font COLOR="#000000"><b>2009 Crop Circle Formations</b></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;&nbsp;</small><a HREF=";filtergodina=2009&amp;filtermjesec=&amp;Submit=Show+records">Crop Circle Archive</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small><a HREF="">Lucy Pringle 2009 Crop Circles</a><small> &nbsp;</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Silent Circle</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Visible Signs 2009</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<small> </small> <a HREF="">UFO Above Dutch Crop Circle</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Italian Crop Circles 2009</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";search_type=&amp;aq=f"> YouTube Videos<br /> 2009 Crop Circles</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";year=09&amp;month=4&amp;language=&amp;thumb="> Crop Circle Archive Diagrams</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Psychedelic Adventure</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Cream of the Crop Circle Season : 2009</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><b>2008 Crop Circle Formations</b></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Lucy Pringle 2008 Crop Circles</a>&nbsp;</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";filtergodina=2008&amp;filtermjesec=&amp;Submit=Show+records"> Crop Circle Archive 2008</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">2008 Crop Circle Occurences</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Temporary Temples</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Swirled News</a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><b>2007 Crop Circle Formations</b></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Lucy Pringle 2007 Cro Circles</a>&nbsp;</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF=";filtergodina=2007&amp;filtermjesec=&amp;Submit=Show+records">Crop Circle Archive 2007</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">2007 Crop Circle Occurences</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small><a HREF=";sid=60185059ed2af1b2733d7f922a175314">Crop Circle Connector Forum</a><small> &nbsp;</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><b>2006 Crop Circle Formations</b></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small><a HREF="">Lucy Pringle 2006 Cro Circles</a>&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">William Betts 2006 Crop Circles</a> <small>&nbsp;</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";filtergodina=2006&amp;filtermjesec=&amp;Submit=Show+records"> Crop Circle Archive 2006</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">&nbsp;Circle &amp; Ring, June 2006 &nbsp;<br /> Herington, Kansas, USA</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";sid=9706cf5add17c158e1eb2cc1e23ca3eb"> Crop Circle Connector Forum</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">2006 Crop Circle Occurences</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><b>2005 Crop Circle Formations</b></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">&nbsp;</a></small><a HREF="">Lucy Pringles 2005 &nbsp;<br /> Crop Circles</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">The Interrelated 2005<br /> &nbsp;Crop Circle Formations</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small><a HREF=";filtergodina=2005&amp;filtermjesec=&amp;Submit=Show+records">Crop Circle Archive 2005</a><small> &nbsp;</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circle Directory 2005</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small><a HREF=";sid=732943396ef6dcd8658319b51e0177e8">Crop Circle Connector Forum</a><small> &nbsp;</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">2005 Crop Circle Occurences</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><b>2004 Crop Circle Formations</b></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Lucy Pringles 2004<br /> Crop Circles</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> &nbsp;Seven-Armed Pinwheel, 25 May 2004 &nbsp;<br /> Knobel, Clay County, Arkansas</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";filtergodina=2004&amp;filtermjesec=&amp;Submit=Show+records"> Crop Circle Archive 2004</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circle Directory 2004</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">&nbsp;Double Spiral in Vesica Pisces &nbsp;<br /> Icknield Way, near Pegsdon,<br /> Hertfordshire,<br /> 3 May 04 (in French)</a>&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Reconstruction of the Tegdown Hill <br /> Formation of 2004</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">Resource for the Tegdown Hill<br /> Formation (see link on left)<big><br /> </big><a HREF="">The Tipharet Helix</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Compare Image to Double Spiral</a><font COLOR="#000000"><big><br /> </big>(link on left)</font><b><br /> </b>Also:<b> </b><a HREF="">Dreams of Spirals</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Triangle, 30 June 04, Tegdown Hill<br /> near Patcham, East Sussex </a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Bee-Hive, 25 June 04, Milk Hill, Wiltshire</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Information</a> related to Folded Bee: Tan Hill <br /> &nbsp;symbolizes pineal gland of Land Earth Goddess &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Oval Sunburst, 13 July 04, West <br /> Kennett Longbarrow, Wiltshire </a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Compare to Sunburst - <br /> Pyramid Sunrise of 2001</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Eye &amp; 2 Teardrops, 15 July 04, <br /> Southfield, near Alton Priors, Wiltshire</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Pictogram with Crescents</a>, <font COLOR="#000000"><small>17 Jul 04, <br /> Windmill Hill, near Avebury Trusloe,Wiltshire</small></font></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Chakra System, 22 Jul 04,Pewsey <br /> White Horse, near Pewsey,Wiltshire</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><b>The 2001 Gog and Magog Hill Crop Circle Formations</b></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFFF" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF=""> 666&#39; Ring at Gog Magog Hill <br /> &nbsp;near Cambridge</a>&nbsp;</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;<a HREF="">Angel at Gog Magog Hill (2) Crescents &nbsp;<br /> and 75 lines, July 26, 2001</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circle Co-Creation</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF=""> &nbsp;Cambridge (UK): Crop Circle site&nbsp; <br /> Gog Magog Hills Formation 2</a></small></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><b>The Amazing Aztec Sun Stone Calendar of 2 August, 2004<br /> at Silbury Hill, near Beckhampton, Wiltshire, with Informitive Links</b></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">At Lucy Pringle&#39;s Site</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">The Aztec Calendar</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Legend of the Four Suns</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">The 4th &amp; 5th Worlds of the Aztecs &amp; Mayans</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">The Aztec Calendar at MIT</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">The Butterfly Effect</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">The End of the World</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">BBC News Article</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Crop Circle Warns of World&#39;s End </a>&nbsp;</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Serpent Glyph from the Sun Stone (timestar)</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Mayan Calendar <br /> (explanations of glyphs)</a>&nbsp;</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">The &quot;Snake&quot; Crop Circle (Kunalini)</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Large detailed Red Aztec Calendar</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">XOCHIPILLI The Prince of Flowers</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Very Large diagram with explanations</a>&nbsp;</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Plasma Physics: Meso-American Mythology</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Greenish colorful Sun Stone</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> The Aztec Calendar: Math and Design</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Clear image of Aztec Calendar</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">9x9 Checkerboard</a>, 6 Aug 04, <br /> Hillwood, Aldbourne,Wiltshire</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Info: Dreams of Red and Black</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Info: Moon Magic Square</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">Info: Collection of Strange Magic Squares</a> &nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Info: Mecury Magic Square</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Info: Venus Magic Square</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">6 &amp; 12 Star of David</a>, 7 Aug 04, <br /> Wilton Windmill, near Wilton,Wiltshire</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<a HREF="">2 Circle Interference Pattern</a>, 8 Aug 04, <br /> Shalbourne, nr Hungerford, Wiltshire</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Crop Circles &amp; Quantum Mechanics</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Diatonic ratios, interference patterns</a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="14" SRC="twst_bar.gif" WIDTH="590" /> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><big><big><b>Links To Other Sites</b></big></big></font> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><b>Best Sites - My Favorites</b></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#CC9966" CELLPADDING="2"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Lucy Pringle</a><small><br /> <small>good articles &amp; <br /> great photographs</small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Crop Circle Archive</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Crop Circles and More</a><br /> <small>Great Geometric Analysis</small><br /> <small>By Bert Janssen</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Temporary Temples</a><br /> <small>Steve &amp; <font COLOR="#000000">Karen</font>&nbsp;Alexander</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circles<br /> Martin Keitel</a><small><font COLOR="#000000"><b><br /> </b><small>good graphics &amp; articles</small></font></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Crop-Circles Corner</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">CROP CIRCLE <br /> CONNECTOR</a><br /> <font COLOR="#000000">largest database, but <br /> only recient material <br /> available to non-members</font></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> 2012: Dire Gnosis<br /> Geoff Stray</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> <small>Mayan Connections</small></font></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Swirled News</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> <small>Good Articles</small></font></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">BLT Research Home</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> <small>Scientific Research</small></font></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">The Spiritual Genome</a><br /> <small>(Great Info on DNA)</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Psychedelic Adventure</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF="">The Crop Circular<br /> Fredie Silva</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Zef Damen Crop <br /> Circle Reconstructions</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Independent Crop Circle <br /> Researchers&#39; Association</a><br /> <small>Most USA Formations</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small><a HREF="">All Crop Circles - Images</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF=""> Crop Circle News</a><br /> <small><font COLOR="#ffff80">..</font></small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF=""> Crop Circle Central<br /> Diahann Krishna</a><font COLOR="#ffff80"><small>..</small></font></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF=""> Star Nation Gallery</a><br /> <small><font COLOR="#000000">Rod Bearcloud Berry</font><br /> Beautiful Native<br /> American Interpretations</small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF="">Crop Circle <br /> &nbsp;Occurrences in the UK</a><font COLOR="#ff0000"><small> &nbsp;</small></font></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF=""> Crop Circles<br /> A Worldwide Phenomena</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Language of Light</a><font COLOR="#000000"><br /> <small>Judy Beebe</small></font></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF=""> Crop Circle Research <br /> Paul Vigay</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Mighty Companions <br /> Suzanne Taylor</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> TimeStar Earth</a><br /> <small>Krsanna Duran</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF="">The Spiritual Genome</a><br /> Crop Circles &amp; DNA</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Youngblood Blog</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Siderealview�s Blog</a><br /> Marian Youngblood</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> The Crop Circles <br /> Call Us!</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circles in-OVation</a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><b>Pages Linked Most Recently</b></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#CC9966" CELLPADDING="2"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF=""> The Crop Circles Issue </a><br /> <small>(UFOS at close sight)</small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Kornkreise - German <br /> Crop Circle Site</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;</small><a HREF="">Research of Truth</a><br /> <small>Andrea Feliziani -<br /> in <font COLOR="#000000">Italian</font> &amp; English</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Spacekowski<br /> All About Crop Circles</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF="">Crop Circles <br /> Research Of Truth</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">ICCRA - USA</a><br /> <small>Jeffrey Wilson</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;<a HREF="">Norwegian Crop Circle Group</a> &nbsp;</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Crop Circles - Heartlink Institute</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Language of One<br /> &nbsp;Crop Circle Interpretations</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Cropcircle Wisdom</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Circular Site</a><font COLOR="#000000"><big><br /> </big><small>Janet Ossebaard</small></font></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF=""> Elohim&#39;s Crop Circles</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF=""> Crop Circle Nirvana</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Crop Circle Directory</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF=";ie=ISO-8859-1&amp;as_q=&amp;as_epq=crop+circle&amp;as_oq=&amp;as_eq=&amp;num=100&amp;lr=lang_en&amp;as_filetype=&amp;ft=i&amp;;as_qdr=all&amp;as_rights=&amp;as_occt=any&amp;cr=&amp;as_nlo=&amp;as_nhi=&amp;safe=images"> Crop Circles at <br /> Biblioteca Pleyades</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF=""> More Crop Circles at <br /> Biblioteca Pleyades</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Wiltshire Crop Circle<br /> Study Group</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Patterns of Consciousness</a><br /> <small>By Allan Brown</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Swim Outside The Pool</a><br /> <small>Geometric Theorems</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> Visible Signs</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">News of the Earth<br /> Doug McKenna</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">Crop Circle Museum<br /> The Phoenix Group</a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">John Scott Art</a><br /> crop circle interpretations</p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Crop Circles Index</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF="">Randell Crop Circles</a></p> </td> <td></td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Crop Circles Index</a><br /> in German</p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><br /> <font COLOR="#000000"><big><b>Other Sites</b></big></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#CC9966" CELLPADDING="2"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Star Dreams<br /> Crop Circles</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF=""> Dutch Crop Circle<br /> Website DCW</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small> <a HREF="">BUSTY &#39;98 - <br /> PHOTOGRAPHER</a></small></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Cropcircle Anomality<br /> Website</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> <small>Peter Sorensen</small></a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> <small>Ed &amp; Kris Sherwood&#39;s <br /> Millennium</small></a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF="">Our Transition<br /> Russian site</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF=""> Fusion Anomaly - <br /> Crop Circles</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Oxfordshire Crop Circle<br /> Group Web Pages</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">UFO Folklore - <br /> Crop Circles</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF="">Ed Vos - Crop Circles</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF="">William Betts<br /> Culture-Crop</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF=""> From Crop Circles to Agriglyphs</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""><small>Dutch Crop Circle Archive (DCCA)</small></a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""><small> KARINYA - <br /> Crop Circles!</small></a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF="">Crop Circle Quest <br /> (Canada)</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF=""> Crop Circles on</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF=""> Scientific Research<br /> Ed &amp; Kris Sherwood</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Leylines &amp; Cropcircles<br /> Project Cropcircle Energy</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF=""> Crop Circles <br /> at Phenomenon</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=""> <small>Crop Circle Reports</small></a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""><small>Danish Crop Circle Site</small></a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">In Search of Earth <br /> Intelligence</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Crop Circle Bibliography</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""><small>Crop Circle Info</small></a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""><small> Crystalinks Crop <br /> Circle Page</small></a></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""><small>Sacred Britain</small></a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF=""> Tree of Life Crop Circle</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Cropcircle Anomality Website</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small><a HREF=""> EARTHFILES</a></small><br /> <small>Linda Moulton Howe</small><br /> <small>(only new files available to<br /> non-members)</small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Findon Village Antiquities - <br /> Crop Circles</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF=""> Sussex Archaeology<br /> &amp; Folklore</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><small><a HREF="">GERMAN CROP <br /> CIRCLE PAGE</a></small></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""><small>Ron Russell&#39;s <br /> Crop Circle Tours</small></a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><big><b>Crop Circle Link Pages</b></big><b><br /> </b>(Each of these pages have a list of links)</font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#CC9966" CELLPADDING="2"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Brainstrain</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">CannyLink</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">dmoz Open Directory Project</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">OpenHere</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Crop Circles at <br /></a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">ZonaMagica</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Elohim&#39;s Crop<br /> Circle Links</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF=""> Crop Circle Links</a> <br /> &nbsp;on &nbsp;</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF=""> Google Web Directory</a></small></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="14" SRC="twst_bar.gif" WIDTH="590" /> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#CCFFFF" BORDER="2" BORDERCOLORDARK="#000000" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> <a HREF=""> Significant Crop Circle Formations of the Past</a> </p> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;<small> <font COLOR="#000000">Included are sources of information about related geometry &nbsp;</font></small></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" BORDER="" BORDERCOLORDARK="#000000" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="85%"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center">&nbsp;</p> <p ALIGN="Center"> <img HEIGHT="241" SRC="crop/yates/omni.jpg" WIDTH="198" /><br /> <font COLOR="#804000"> <a HREF=";s=books&amp;qid=1181145542&amp;sr=8-1"> <big><b>OMNI - </b></big><br /> <b>Are Extraterrestrials Steering Us to a <br /> &nbsp;One World Religion Through Crop Circles</b></a></font> &nbsp;<br /> by Dee Finney &amp; Joe Mason </p> <blockquote> <p ALIGN="Left">Joe Mason and Dee Finney have studied crop circles since 1990. The main focus of their studies of the formations is for meaning. There have been over 10,000 glyphs in many countries around the world. Before the 1990&#39;s, the formations were simple circles and rings. Beginning in 1990, increasingly complex glyphs started to appear. Some researchers have discovered sacred geometry in the formations and others have discovered music ratios in them. Joe and kDee have found spiritual and religious references in quite a few crop formations and have discovered that people are dreaming the formations before they appear. </p> <p ALIGN="Left">Read the details of the various crop formations and see how they fit into the earthly paradigm of spiritual practices and religions that humanity practices around the world. The crop formations run the gamut from Christianity and Judaism through all of the ancient and New Age religions and practices. </p> <p ALIGN="Left">Thus the question must be asked: <i>Are extraterrestrials or &quot;other dimensional beings&quot; steering us to a one world religion through crop circles? Should we accept it or reject it? Are we being drawn into acknowledgement that we are all ONE?</i> </p> </blockquote> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><br /> <img HEIGHT="14" SRC="twst_bar.gif" WIDTH="590" /> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table bgcolor="#ff0000" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td align="center" valign="middle"> <table bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td align="center" colspan="3"><font COLOR="#0000ff"> <a HREF=""> The Crop Circle Web Ring</a></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" colspan="3"><font COLOR="#804000">This Crop Circle Web Ring site is owned <br /> by <a HREF="">Joe Mason </a>and <a HREF="">Dee Finney </a></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" width="96"><font COLOR="#804000">[<a HREF=";id=2&amp;command=sprev">Skip Prev</a>]<br /> [<a HREF=";id=2&amp;command=prev">Prev</a>]<br /> [<a HREF=";command=random">Random</a>]</font></td> <td align="center" width="82"> <img alt="Crop Circle logo" height="80" src="" width="80" /></td> <td align="center" width="96"><font COLOR="#804000">[<a HREF=";id=2&amp;command=next">Next</a>] <big><br /> </big>[<a HREF=";id=2&amp;command=skip">Skip Next</a>] <big><br /> </big>[<a HREF=";id=2&amp;command=add5">Next 5</a>]</font></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" colspan="3"><font COLOR="#804000"> <a HREF=";command=join"> Join the Crop Circle Web Ring Now!</a></font></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#0000ff"> <a HREF=";command=list"> <big>List of Web Ring Sites</big></a></font> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="14" SRC="twst_bar.gif" WIDTH="590" /> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><b>Crop Circle Movies</b></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#0000ff">William Gazecki&#39;s film<br /> <a HREF=""><i><b>Crop Circles: Quest for Truth</b></i> </a></font><small>&nbsp;</small> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFF0E0" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF=""> <img HEIGHT="198" SRC="ccmovie.jpg" WIDTH="134" /></a></small></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>A feature-length documentary<br /> VHS/PAL tapes and DVD discs will be available<br /> &nbsp;Do not be misled by the mass media; <a HREF=""> learn the real true story</a> &nbsp;<font COLOR="#000000"><br /> Produced by <a HREF="">Suzanne Taylor</a></font></small></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#99FFCC" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#0000ff"> <a HREF="">What On Earth?</a></font><br /> <small>Inside the Crop Circle Mystery<br /> <small>A Film by Suzanne Taylor</small><br /> &nbsp;Said to be the kind of horizon-expanding documentary that &nbsp;<br /> literally changes the way we see the world around us.</small></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center">______________________ </p> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><b>&quot;Signs&quot; - an entertaining fictional Movie featuring crop circles staring Mel Gibson</b></font> </p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;<a HREF="">The Unofficial &quot;Signs&quot; Movie Site</a>&nbsp;</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Shyamalan Tackles the Crop<br /> Circle Phenomenon in &#39;Signs&#39;</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;<a HREF="">Swirled News - Signs Movie</a> &nbsp;</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF="">&quot;Signs&quot; Competition<br /> Causes Hoax Concern</a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><small>Other Movies that include Crop Circles: </small></font></p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#0000ff"> <a HREF=""><b>&quot;A Place To Stay&quot; - Crop Circle Movie</b></a></font> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="14" SRC="twst_bar.gif" WIDTH="590" /> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#CCFFFF" BORDER="2" BORDERCOLORDARK="#000000" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#000000" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><br /> &nbsp;<b>Special Announcement</b><br /> Our favorite dream magazine,<br /> &nbsp;<i><b><a HREF="">The Dream Network Journal</a></b></i>, &nbsp;<br /> is in financial difficulty. <br /> Please&nbsp;help by subscribing.<br /> <small><font COLOR="#000000">&nbsp;</font></small></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="14" SRC="twst_bar.gif" WIDTH="590" /> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><big><b>Crop Circle Photographers</b></big></font><br /> <font COLOR="#000000">We thank the crop circle photographers and urge support for them. </font></p> <center> <table BGCOLOR="#FFFFE8" BORDER="6" BORDERCOLORDARK="#996600" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#FFCC66" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;<a HREF="">Lucy Pringle</a> &nbsp;</small></p> </td> <td><small>&nbsp;<a HREF="">Busty Taylor</a> &nbsp;</small></td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;<a HREF="">Stuart Dike</a> &nbsp;</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF=""> Freddy Silva</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF="">Ron Russell<br /> &nbsp;Crop Circle Anomalies</a> &nbsp;</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF=""> Steve Alexander<br /> &nbsp;and Karen Douglas</a> &nbsp;</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;<a HREF="">Peter Sorenson</a> &nbsp;</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF="">Werner Anderhub</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF="">Frank Laumen</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><font COLOR="#ffff80">.</font><a HREF="">Janet Ossebaard</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF=""> Andrea Feliziani</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Julian Gibsone </a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;<a HREF="">Eva-Marie Brekkesto &nbsp;</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF="">Bert Janssen</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF=""> Jan Schwochow</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF="">Olivier Morel</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Graham Tucker</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Nick Nicholson</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small><a HREF=""> Andreas Müller</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF=""> Peter Sorensen</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small> <a HREF="">Colin Andrews</a></small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>&nbsp;<a HREF="">Clemens Richter<small> </small>&nbsp;</a></small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>Patricia Murray</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>Seiichi Nakazato</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>David Russell</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>Richard Wintle<br /> Calyx Photo Services</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>Andrew King</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>Richard Harvey</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>Russell Stannard</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>Doe Kelly and<br /> Andrew Wheeler</small></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>Summer Garland</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>A.J. Samuels</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>Jim Miller</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"><small>Rob Speight</small></p> </td> <td> <p ALIGN="Center"></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="14" SRC="twst_bar.gif" WIDTH="590" /> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000"><b>Finding Links</b></font> </p> <p ALIGN="Left">We are constantly working at updating our links. The links to other sites are often a moving target, as website owners make changes over time. Until we catch up with the corrections, here are a few helpful hints. </p> <p ALIGN="Left">Lucy Pringle, who has great pictures of the crop circle formations over the years,&nbsp;has changed the addressing to most all of her pages. She has added an &quot;s&quot; in front of the &quot;html&quot; endings. If you find a link that does not work, such as this one . . . </p> <p ALIGN="Center"> </p> <p ALIGN="Left">. . . then add the &quot;s&quot; in the address, like this: </p> <p ALIGN="Center"> </p> <p ALIGN="Left"><font COLOR="#000000">Suggestion about links: If you find that a link no longer works, try placing the address in the appropriate field on this page: </font></p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#804000"><a HREF=""></a></font> </p> <p ALIGN="Left"><font COLOR="#000000">Then click on the &quot;Take Me Back&quot; button. In many cases a page will come up with links to archived pages of the original page you wished to find. These are listed by the dates the archives were saved to the archive site. Click on one of the date links to bring up the page. </font> </p> <p ALIGN="Left">If you know the approximate date of a formation, it can often be found by searching these sites -- </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Lucy Pringle&#39;s Crop Circle Photograph Library</a> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"> <a HREF=";filtergodina=&amp;filtermjesec=&amp;Submit=Show+records"> Crop Circle Archive - X-Cosmos</a> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Crop Circle Archive - Bertold Zugelder</a> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><a HREF=""> Crop Circle Connector</a><br /> (2010 formations only without membership) </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="14" SRC="twst_bar.gif" WIDTH="590" /> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000">If you have any questions, or comments, or would like to add a link to this page, please e-mail </font> <a href=""></a> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000">This page was</font> originally uploaded in 1999 </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000">This page was last updated November 17, 2021</font></p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#000000">Site URL: &nbsp;</font> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><font COLOR="#804000"> <a HREF="*/"> View this page as it was in the past</a></font> </p> <p ALIGN="Center">Return to:<small> </small> <a HREF="">Index to the Articles of Joseph E. Mason</a> </p> <p ALIGN="Center">Return to <a HREF="">Dreams of the Great Earth Changes</a> </p> <p ALIGN="Center"><img HEIGHT="14" SRC="twst_bar.gif" WIDTH="590" /></p> </body> </html>
 Crop Circles - Their Meaning   a | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | **Crop Circles -** **Their Meaning   and Connections to Dreams**  | | | --- | | **Research From:**  **Joseph E. Mason   and Dee Finney** | | | | | --- | | *A great power has arisen, directing thoughts and perception in a certain direction towards a  more complete and satisfactory view of reality than the modern conventions of materialism  have previously allowed. Gently, subtly, with no disturbance or panic, we are being guided  across a watershed, from one worldview to another. And this is in no way arbitrary, but a  purposeful process, in accordance with the interests of eternal nature and the necessities of  the present. We now can see something of what the ancients meant when they spoke of  revelation.*                                                  **[John Michell](**, author of twelve books, specialist in sacred geometry | **Introduction**by Joseph E. Mason ![](golddmd.gif) This page is intended to be a complete source of information about the crop circles. On the lower part of this page, you will find links to many other crop circle-related sites. There are links to special articles, that we believe are significant. The first part of the page has links to articles by my partner, Dee Finney, and myself. Our articles come from almost twenty years of research into the phenomenon. Our extensive experience with dreams and meaningful coincidences is part of the story. Dee and I, along with a number of others, believe that the crop circle formations are related to dreams and human consciousness. Most serious researchers favor the theory that the formations are, for the most part, not being made by the human specie, and seem to be symbolic messages from an unknown, high intelligence. The ET/UFO phenomena, often associated with the crop circles, may well be a function of the collective unconscious of mankind, rather than physical entities from another solar system. We suggest that doubters read the article, "[Arguments Against the Hoax Theory of Crop Circles](". The majority of crop circle sites concentrate on presenting the data concerning  the crop circle formations . . . photographs, diagrams, locations, dates, accounts of strange coincidences or events, and such. The thrust of this site is to present as much as possible about the theoretical ***meanings*** of the strange geometric formations that are appearing by the thousands all over our planet. In a number of cases, the formations are clearly related to myths and religions. Our work involves comparing the formations to ancient symbols, and dreams of today. We believe that this is the best method in researching the crop circle formations in order to arrive at the correct interpretations. It seems apparent that a Native American prophecy is underway - as the earth changes unfold, the Sacred Symbols will be newly understood. ![](twst_bar.gif) **NEW!** [![Six-pointed Stars in English Fields - Messages for the West, Islam and Israel](yhart.jpg)]( **NEW!** [The New Jerusalem Message of the Crop Circles]( by Joseph E. Mason [![The New Jerusalem Design](njccs/njcol4.jpg)]( **NEW!** [**The Nazca Sun-Star** **as the Magic Square of Mercury**]( Joseph E. Mason ![The Nazca Sun-Star as the Magic Square of Mercury](numbers/nazca/nazcat.jpg)   **[Saint Francis, the Popes, and Crop Circles](** ![Top Graphic from ](popes/testtop2.jpg) **[The Chualar Crop Circle Formation = The New Jerusalem](** | | | --- | | chualar crop circle |   | | | --- | |   Video  **Singapore 2012 Crop Circle Mayan End Seminar** The main meanings of the crop circles. [Part 1]( [Part 2]( [Part 3]( [Part 4]( [Part 5](   1991 Barbury Castle Crop Circle Formation |   | | | --- | | **[Index to the Articles of Joseph E. Mason](**   |   | | | --- | |  **New and Recent Articles**   | **Featured Article by Martin Keitel** | | | --- | |  A startling new study:   **[A crop circle in Italy reveals the meaning of December 21st 2001](**   **The End of the Mayan Calendar** On June 17th 2012 a very important crop circle appeared in Santena, Italy.  It reveals a sequence of planetary alignments between 1962 and 2012 and points directly at Dec 21st 2012.     | | Santena Crop Circle of 2012 | **Note About 2012 From Joseph E. Mason** | | | --- | | I see the 2012 "end of time" or "end of the world," as the end of one cycle, which will be followed by a new one. Perhaps certain people will be able to experiences the "end of time" in the sense of a change of consciousness, where the reality is perceived as the "Eternal Now." | |   Leading scholars of the Mayan Calendar also teach that a new cycle will begin, as the present cycle ends. This was expressed in an ad for the *[2012 Tipping Point Confrence](* of 2010. This is an excerpt from Stanislav Grof -- ***The purpose of this conference is to explore a radically different, more optimistic interpretation of the Mayan prophecy � as referring to the end of the world as we have known it: a world dominated by unbridled violence and insatiable greed, egotistic hierarchy of values, corrupted institutions and corporations, and irreconcilable conflicts between organized religions. Instead of predicting a physical destruction of the material world, the Mayan prophecy might refer to death and rebirth and a mass inner transformation of humanity.*** |   [![777 Coincidence Title graphic](numbers/777coin/title777.gif)]( [![The Bridegroom, Zer Anpin, and the Repair of the Tree of Life](numbers/777coin/update.gif)]( **YOUTUBE VIDEO!** | | | --- | |  [The Mayan 11:11 Crop Circle Formation Video](   |   | | | --- | | **[Number 72  and the Code of the Ancients](** by Joseph E. Mason An interview with Tally Koren | | |   | | | --- | | **[Crop Circles With A Heart](** by Joseph E. Mason | | |   | | | --- | | **[Coincidence and 11:11](**  Compiled by Dee Finney & Joseph E. Mason   | | |   | | | --- | | **[Indonesian Crop Circles of 2011 Part Two](****The Fourth Indonesian Crop Circle Formation   How the Creator Creates** by Joseph E. Mason | | |   | | | --- | | **[Indonesian Crop Circles of 2011 Part One](****The First Chakra, Continuous Creation, & The Order of the Heavens Made Apparent on Earth** by Joseph E. Mason | | |   | | | --- | |    **[The Tuning and Our Part In It   Nine-Circle Crop Formation](** May 28, 2011 |   | | | | --- | --- | | | **[The Mayan 11:11 Crop Circle](**  A special "11:11" type crop circle formation appeared  17 August 2010 at Lurkeley Hill near East Kennett, Wiltshire.  The glyph within the circle looked similar to one of the  illustrations on the left -- the fourth one from the bottom.  Each of the two glyphs on the bottom represent the Mayan  number eleven. Could this suggest the end of the Mayan  calendar on December 21, 2012, at 11:11 AM Universal Time?   |   | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | **[2010 Crop Circle Formations](** Part One Chakra Messages - The Crossover Humanity's Leap to the Heart Chakra by Joseph E. Mason | |   | | | | --- | --- | | | [First Crop Circle of 2010   Venus - Mars]( compiled by Dee Finney |   | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [444, The Triplets, & The Creation]( By Joseph E. Mason | | | | --- | --- | | | | | | | Image credits: [Lucy Pringle]( & [Steve Alexander]( | | | | --- | |  [The Yatesbury Field Spiral Crop Circle Formation](   A Reference to the Chakra System And Revelation 11:11 With Update About the Great Spiral in the Sky in Norway By Joseph E. Mason | | | | | | --- | --- | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | More About the Great Spiral in the Sky in Norway  [Blue Beam Spiral in the Sky - Norway](   Dee Finney (The images on each side are from Dee's dream and meditation) Read about the many opinions | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | [Code of the Ancients & the DNA Repair](  Interview of Joseph E. Mason by Rick Ozmon of Oopa Loopa Cafe  (Includes information about the Code of Carl Munck, ancient sites, ancient numbers, crop circles, and the "DNA repair") | | | | | --- | | [The Omega Project]( by Dee Finney Teilhard de Chardin termed the Omega Point, or the moment of conscious separation  of those on the green ray and higher paths from those still trapped in third-density yellow  | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | |  [The Sun Vs the Phoenix and the Storm Bird Zu](   | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | Dee's Dream and  the Phoenix Crop Circle at Yatesbury,   near Cherhill, Wiltshire, 12 June 2009 | | | | | | --- | | **[The Sacred Birds](**    (Recent 2009 Bird Crop Circles Added)   | | | | --- | | [The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius On Valentine's Day]( February 14, 2009  Birth of the Divine Child Within Us and the Attainment of Enlightenment   with Jude Currivan PhD | | | | --- | | [Video - New Swirled Order Crop Circle Documentary 2009]( From: [NuoViso Film Production]( and [Exopolitics Germany]( | [Find More Crop Circle Videos on YouTube]( | | | --- | |  [Extraterrestrials & Crop Circles](  Videos & Articles About BOLS/ORBS With Crop Circles  | Featured Article | | | --- | | [What Do Modern Crop Pictures Mean?]( by Charles Reed and Harold Stryderight Excerpt A persistent debunking of crop circles by the international media has successfully influenced group opinion, so that most people have no idea about the true phenomenon as it may been seen visibly in Wiltshire each summer. Now that is one good reason, at least, why most otherwise intelligent people on Earth today do not believe in the paranormal reality of modern crop pictures! The international media have persistently refused to inform the public truthfully about this important phenomenon, although good reports are sometimes written in local newspapers from Wiltshire, or other regions of England or Italy where new crop pictures sometimes appear. [Alternate Site]( | | | | --- | |  [Crop Circle Display of the Biblical Story of   The153 Fish In The Net]( | | | | --- | | [Miraculous Feedings of the Five Thousand      And Crop Circles]( | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | | [Creation Numbers](  The Differences in the Squares of Mirror Numbers  and the Relation to Solfeggio Music Numbers (Related to the DNA Healing Frequencies) | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | [Belgium - England Crop Glyph Comparison](   Is NASA Making an Error?   (Alchemy in the Fields) | | | | | --- | | [The Da Vinci Code Crop Circle Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper]( by Joseph E. Mason | | | | | | --- | --- | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | [The Crop Circle Mystery]( The 7/7/7 Crop Circle  at East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire   | | | | | --- | | [The 21]( | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | |  [The 2006 Crop Circle Formations](  The New Jerusalem Metatron's Cube - Merkaba Divine Light Vehicle of Ascension The T-Tau, Sign of Resurrectionby Joseph E. Mason | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | [All About 2012](  With Connections to Crop Circles and 11:11 (*THE END wa*s at 11:11 am *Exactly!*) | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | |  [11:11 - The Audio](   Radio Interview of Joseph E. Mason About the 11:11 Coincidences | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | The incredible crop circle formation at Lurkley Hill corresponds with The New Jerusalem Plan, Ezekiel's Four Living Creatures, and the Sri Yantra  [The Interrelated 2005 Crop Circle Formations]( Amazing relationships between formations | | [The Crop Circle Music Wheel]( Geometry and Numbers | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | | --- | | [The Puzzles of Life Can We Solve Them?  The Dream and the Reality]( | | | | | --- | --- | | | ***Confirmation!***  [The Chakra System Crop Circle Formation]( 2004 We have been writing about the chakra connection for many years. It is now verified by this incredible pair of formations. Photo credit [Francine Blake]( | | | | | --- | --- | | |  [The Bee-Hive Crop Circle Formation]( June 2004 | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | [Sacred Numbers to Resuscitate the Dead  Lazarus and Awakening the Giant]( (Includes the Triplets: 111, 222, 333, 444, etc.) | | | | | | --- | --- | | | People from around the world are reporting coincidences of seeing 11:11. A number of crop circle formations have rectangles that may also suggest this number image.  [11:11 - What Does it Mean?](   | | | | --- | |  **[The Return of the Feminine](** The Summer Triangle The Three Marys & John 11:25 | | | | --- | |  [The Can Opener - What is the Symbol Telling Us?](   War & Peace? Crop Circle at Cherhill, near Calne, Wiltshire 7 August 2008 | | | | --- | |  [The Vault of Heaven - The 28th Path](  (Tree of Life, Crop Circles, & More)   | | | | --- | |  [2006 Crop Circle at Herington, Kansas]( (Sun-Moon Duality)  | | | | --- | |  [The Pope's Visit to Temple Mount   and the Third Secret of Fatima]( | | | | --- | |  [Crop Circles Predict Future Comets/Asteroids](   compiled by Dee Finney 7-7-08 | ![](twst_bar.gif) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |  **Articles by Joseph E. Mason and/or Dee Finney** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | |  [The Tree of Life Crop Circle Formation]( 1997 Connections to the Chakra System and Kundalini  | | | |  [The Menorah crop  circle formation]( May 1999 This Biblical Symbol is related to the Tree of Life | | | |  [Crop Circle Formations As Chakras]( | | | | [Humanity On The Pollen Path]( A leap to the Heart Chakra The major message of the earth change | | | |  [The Mandelbrot Set Crop Circle Formation]( 1991 Manifests incredible "coincidences" and relates to the Tree of Life | | | |  [The Swallows come to Save Earth   2003 Crop Circle]( Birdstar - Merkabah, our Menorah-Like Vehicle for Mass Ascension (Related to Solara's 11:11 Doorway) | | | | [The American Tragedy:   A Symbolic Event]( September 11, 2001 Events Relate to St. John's Revelation and Crop Circles | | | [The Dharmic Wheel Crop Formation]( 1992 The Great Turning of Being and Becoming Review of article by Michael Green | | | | [The Trinity Connection]( 1991 Barbury Castle Pictogram | | | |  [Dreams About The Triple Male Trinity](   (The 'Great Keyhole' crop formation of 1990 as 'The Earth Goddess') | | | | [The Most Important Crop Circle]( 1999 Crescent Vortex at White Horse, near Hackpen Hill | | | | [Strange Attractor Crop Formation and the End of Time]( 1997 Fractal relates to the end of the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012, at 11:11 Universal Time | | | | | | --- | --- | | |  [The Aliens Arrive by Dee Finney]( ........................................................................................ | [Revelation 11:11]( The original short version of humanity's leap to the Heart chakra | | [Arguments Against the Hoax Theory Of Crop Circles]( | | [THE PLEIADES AND THE SEVENTH RAY ON THE SEVENTH DAY](sisters.htm) | | [The Trinity - The Crop Circle Theme of 2001]( by Dee Finney | |   [The Opening Eyes - The Aperture   Crop Circles of July 2000]( | | [The All Seeing Eye -  The Crop Circle Connection to Creator and the Stars](   1994 and 1995 formations look like CBS Logo (may relate to the the 2004 Chakra System formation) | |   [The Eight Fold Crop Circles, 2000](    An Eastern Mandala in the Fields | | [The Way God Creates A Crop Circle]( 1992 formation at Winterbourne Stoke | |  [The Magnetic Field](    A Crop Circle Under Scrutiny For Meaning  July 2000 Formation at Avebury Trusloe | |  [The Rainbow of Creation](   | |  [The Keepers of the Trumpets](   | |  [Predictive Outline of Ideas About the Great Change](   (Includes the Sacred Grid at the Yucatan) | | [Crop Circles Mystery]( 1992 Article in *The Dream Network Journal* | | [The Black Sun]( Includes Swastika symbols, which may relate to the 2004 cross type formation with the Chakra System formation | | [CODE OF THE ANCIENTS THE CROP CIRCLE CONNECTION]( (Prehistoric numbers in crop circles) | | [CROP CIRCLE TO DREAM/VISION COMPARISONS]( | | [The Symbolism and Spiritual Significance of the Number Nine]( | | [Weaving - The Mythology and the Reality]( | | [Minnie & Mickey Mouse, Dreams Symbolism & Crop Circles]( | |  [UFO Sightings, Dreams, and   Crop Pattern Relationships]( | | [Behind the Hoaxers - The History of Circle Faking]( of Article by Marcus Allen | | [Colin Andrews Says!!! Crop Circle Researchers Respond!!!]( | | [SOLAR ECLIPSE 1999 FINAL QUEST FOR THE HOLY GRAIL]( | | [Wisconsin Lake Crop Circle]( | | [DNA Repair, Dreams and Crop Circle Formations]( by Joe Mason | | [Cinnamon Buns and The Beast - The Spiral of Creation]( by Dee Finney | | [Huge 7-7-7 Formation at Alton Barnes Appears in a Flash]( (military attacks people) | **Video Files** | | | | --- | --- | |  [Crop Circle Reporter Blog](    Michael Glickman & Gary King   |   [Tula Mexico Crop Circle Formation 2012   The Re-Flooding of Atlantis]( | |  [Stonehenge Crop Circle 9th May 2010](   | [Wilton Hill Math Code]( | |  [Mandala Formation in Greenfield, California](   | [Alien Messages Video by Maurice Osborn]( | |  [First UK Crop Circle 2010]( | [Crop Circle Diagram Display & Spinning]( | | [Marcel's Flash Animation Early CCs 2010 Merged]( |  [Huge 777 Formation appears in a Flash](   | | [Ancient technologies of seed fertilization with John Burke]( | [Government Circles]( Colin Andrews | | [Amazing New Crop Circles June 2011]( | [Most Important Crop Circles EVER]( (ET Messages) | | [Jay Goldner On Crop Circles]( | [2010 Crop Circles]( | **More Video Files** | | | | --- | --- | | [Crop Circles 2009 (May - June)]( | [Crop Circles 2009 (Late July)]( | |  [Grasdorf Plates Crop Circles]( (Three metal plates found under formations) |  [Crop Circles 1990-2007 (1 of 3) YouTube](  | | [Lights Forming Crop Cirlces]( |  [Crop Circles 1990-2007 (2 of 3) YouTube](  | |  [Mathematics Practical Assignment](   (made with Geogebra) |  [Crop Circles 1990-2007 (3 of 3) YouTube](  | |    [Aztec Crop Circles]( Jaime Maussan | [Sound, DNA, Crop Circles, 2012]( David Wilcock | | [Turning Point of the Sacred Circle]( | [Crop Circles Complexity]( | | [Search Results for July 2009 Crop Circles]( | [Crop Circles Decoded?]( (alien messages) | | [Crop Circles and DNA]( |   [Search Results for  Crop Circles on YouTube]( | | [2009 Mayan Inspired Crop Circle]( |  [Crop Circle Film - The Wake Up Call](   | | [Crop Circles : Weird Phenomenon]( | [John Scott Artist Channel]( | |  [UFO Latest Finding Crop Circles & DNA](   | | **Audio Files** | | | --- | |  [The 11:11 Phenomenon]( Thomas Interview of John and Lia Ramses  Site: <>   | **Sources of Information About Related Geometry** | | | | --- | --- | | [Sacred Geometry]( Charles Gilchrist |  [Ancient Egyptian Flower    of Life at Abydos]( | | [Flower of Life Graphic - Animated]('s_Quest/Sacred_Geometry_Page/Flower_of_Life/Flower_of_Life_index.html) |  [Seed (Flower) of Life with graphic from MathWorld]( | | [Flower of Life - The Golden Mean Spiral and The Merkaba]( | [Transcription -Drunvalo's Presentation Flower of Life Overview]( | | [Flower of Life (graphic of FOL grid) from MathWorld]( | [Sacred Geometry]( by Bruce Rawles | | [Sacred Geometry Home Page by Bruce Rawles]( | [Interactive Tree of Life]( | | [Lynnclaire Dennis' Geometry]( | [Metatron Cube, Tree of Life,   Eve's Grid & The Tesseract]( | ![](twst_bar.gif) Scientific | | | --- | | **[BLT Research](** This site features in-depth scientific investigation of physical changes induced in the plants and soils of crop circle formations. Over 90 percent of the formations studied, both simple and complex, have had the physical changes, supporting the "non human creation" theory. | Crop Circles In The News | | | --- | |  [British Government Secretly Studies Crop Circles & UFO Connection](   by Michael Salla, Ph.D. | ![](twst_bar.gif) | | | --- | |  **ARTICLES BY OTHERS**   | **Articles Added Recently** | | | | --- | --- | | [2012 and Crop Formations]( by Geoff Stray (Note: The cycle ends December 21, 2012 at 11:11 AM Universal Time) | [Crooked Soley - A Crop Circle Revelation]( Sacred Numbers & DNA by Allan Brown | | [The Soul in Crooked Soley]( (The Mitochondrial DNA Formation) Review of book by Allan Brown and John Michell | [The Art of Crop Trolling]( The 2001 Mega Glyph with 409 Circles | | [Specific Crop-Circles' Forms & the Shape of the Local Universe by Jonah Ohayv]( | [Crop Formation At Legendary Serpent Mound, Ohio]( | |   [Crop Formation Near Kassel, Germany]( Templar & Chakra Connection) | [Crop Circle Communication Yin Yang & Interlocking Rings 2009]( Bert Janssen | | [Wheat from the Chaff]( Articles by Michael Glickman | [Euclid's crop circles]( Science News Article | | [Crop Circle Music - Jonah Ohayv]( | [Quintuplet Squaring the Circle]( Bert Janssen | | [The Authentic Crop Circles Cannot Be Made By Man]( | [Revival of an Ancient Science]( | | [Eye witness to the Formation of a Crop Circle Opposite Stonehenge]( | [Archetypes - Sacred Geometry - Blueprints/DNA - Symbols]( | | [Crop Circle and Vision Confirms that the Dimensions are Merging]( | [2010 Mandala Formation in Greenfield, California]( | | [Perceptions of Sacred Geometry Contained in Crop Circle Formations]( by Dr. Colette M. Dowell , N.D. | [Coments On National Geographic's, Beyond the Mystery" Crop Circle Show (2005)]( by Nancy Talbott, BLT, Inc. | | [Crop Circles & Their Relationship to Euclidean Geometry & Diatonic Ratios]( | [The Perfect Stone/Tone]( By Jerry Vano | | ["UFO" Photos Around Crop Circles in Holland]( | [Crop Circles -]( | | [Crop Circle Changes As Researchers Watch]( | [Crop Circle Analysis Shows Most Are Not Hoaxes]( | | [Euler's Equation Crop Circle with Animation]( | [Crop Circles, Synchronicity, & Inter-Intelligence Communications]( | | [2010 Wilton Windmill Crop Formation Decoded]( | [Explosion of Crop Formations in Germany]( | | [2002 Circle Season Develops Geometrical Lessons]( | [The East Field / South Field Duality]( By Allan Brown | | [Eye witness to the formation of a crop circle opposite Stonehenge]( | [Crop Circles Inter-Intelligence Communications]( | | [Transmission of a Crop Circle]( | [Origin of Crop Circles Baffles Scientists by Leslie Kean]( | | [USA Alignments of Crop Circles  & ancient earthworks]( | [The Amazing Number Nine]( (includes the 1996 crop formations) | | [Pictograph found in Oregon desert, 1990]( | [Crop Circles and Their Message]( by David Pratt | | [Planetary Codes]( Krsanna Duran | [The 'Tree of Life' Formation]( by Paul Vigay | | [The Scorpius Hour 1994]( by Kris Weber Sherwood | [Now Comes a Crop Circle]( Quantum Teleportation | | [Crop Circle Geometry]( (links to many articles) | [Striking Similarity of 2001 Crop Circle]( - to Deb's 1984 Pryamid Sunrise Drawing | | [National Geographic Channel Misrepresents Circle Research]( by Nancy Talbott of BLT | [Excerpt of "The Monkey & The Tetrahedron"]( | | [Gallery of Crop Circle Effects]( | [Antahkarana]( | | [Milk Hill Script Translations]( by Robert Boerman |  [The Vessel Glyph]( | | [The Gog Magog Angel Formation]( Charles Mallet | [Angel Formations Link between Belgium & England?]( | | [Gog Magog Theory: Pandora's Box Opens]( by Thomas Jude Germinario | [Crop Circles Corner articles by Jonah]( | | [The Gakayil & the Windmill Hill Formation]( | [Comparison of Two Leading Crop Circle Formation Theories]( | | [Articles on Crop Formations]( by William C. Treurniet | [Anomalous photos from Crop Formations]( by J. Marshall Dudley | | [Grasdorf Plates - Gold, Silver & Bronze Found Beneath Crop Circles]( | [Crop Circles and Their Message]( by David Pratt | | [Robert Van Den Broeke: "UFO" Photos]( | [The Chilbolton Arecibo Message]( | | [Comparison of Solar System Crop Circles at Longwood Warren]( | [Quetzalcoatl in English Crop Circles]( | | [East Field Alchemy]( by Bert Janssen | [Milk Hill Magic]( by Bert Janssen | | [Squares and Circles]( by Bert Janssen | [More Squares and Circles]( by Bert Janssen | | [Crop Circles and Government]( by Nick Pope | [The Spiritual Genome]( (DNA Crop Circles) | | [Crop Circles & Mayan Time]( 1998 Beltane Wheel Formation | [The Chilbolton Crop Circle and The Cassiopaeans]( | | [Opening Heart Chakra]( Surry, NH Crop Circle of Dec. 17, 2004 | [Dreams, Disappearances and Magic Carpets]( by Lucy Pringle | | [Pope Celestine V's Crop Circles]( (Basilica of Collemaggio's Holy Door) | [M.I.T. Kids' Crop Circle Attempt Yields An Interesting (And Totally Inadvertent) Result]( | | [2012 Debate]( (Not the End of the World) | [Sacred Blueprints Java Crop Circle 1/23/11]( | | [Amazing Jellyfish Crop Circle UK 2009]( | [M.I.T. Kids' Crop Circle Attempt Yields an Interesting (and totally inadvertent) Result]( | | [Musical Theorems in Wheat Fields]( | [72 Divine Names, Crop Circles & The DNA Repair]( | | [UFO Involvement in Crop Circle Study]( | [The Melatonin Molecule Formation]( by Karen Alexander | | [Photo History of Crop Circles]( | [Nancy Talbott�s Letter to National Geographic]( | | [Crop Circle World]( | [Crop Circle Museum]( |   **Older Articles** | | | | --- | --- | | [On the Brink An Overview of Crop Circles]( by Rodney Michael Carr-Smith | [Anatomical Anomalies In Crop Formation Plants]( | | [Great Lakes 11:11 Crop Circle Formation]( | [Anatomical anomalies in crop formation plants W. C. Levengood]( | | [Nancy Talbott - Cropformations: A biophysical Investigation]( | [Semi-Molten Meteoric Iron Associated with a Crop Formation]( | | [Gerald Hawkins Euclidean Geometry & Diatonic Rations in Crop Circles]( | [Evidence of Sacred Geometry in Crop Circles]( by Freddie Silva | | [The Glyphs of the Gods Radio Isotopes in Crop Circles]( | [Curving Beams of Light Peter Sorensen]( | | [The Great Oregon Sri Yantra Ground Marking by Iyles]( 1/4 mile square symbol gooved into a lake bed | [Andrews Reveals Long-Promised Hoaxing 'Evidence']( | | [The internal Geometry of Crop Circles]( by Bert Janssen | [Crop Circle Geometry 3 D - Fractals]( by Bert Janssen | | [A Brief Education On Crop Circles]( by Freddie Silva | [80% Proof The Voice of Reason]( | | [Crop Circles Astra Mate]( | [Number 26, The Mayan Tzolkin, & the Grid Crop Circle]( | | [The History of Crop Circles]( by Freddie Silva | [Octahedral Crop Circle Formations 2000]( by David Wilcock | | [The Philosopher's Stone A Stone Most Precious]( by Kris Weber Sherwood | [Crop Circles: Messages from the Universe]( | | [The Sequence]( by Wolfgang Schindler | [The Great A&E and Discovery Channel Crop Circles Hoax]( by Freddie Silva | | [ANATOMY OF DECEPTION]( by Freddie Silva | [So it's all done with planks & bits of string, is it?]( by Freddie Silva | | [Crop Circles Hoax Aftermath]( by Freddie Silva | [1996 Laguna Canyon Crop Circle Formations]( Ed & Kris Sherwood | |  [The "snake" formation at Alton Barnes   as the Kundalini/Kukulcan]( | [Conversation with Francine Blake]( | | [The Jung Center searches for cause and meaning of crop circles]( | [Australian Land Marking 2 1/2 Mile Long Man]( | | [Crop Circles = Sirius, ancient symbols Stargate Manuscripts]( | [The Emergence of the Mother of All Crop Circles]( David Wilcock | | [The Crop Circle Connector F.A.Q]( | [Is Sound Behind the Creation of Crop Circles? by Freddy Silva]( | | [Crop Circles, An Elliptical View]( by Jack Sullivan | [Theories on the Formation of Crop Circles By Brian Hussey]( | | [Chakras & Crop Circles - Crystalinks]( | [Crop Circle Geometry & Construction Lines by Bert Janssen]( | | [Construction Myths &"The Moire"]( | [Dowsing Crop Circles]( by Freddy Silva | | [Crop Circles 2001 UK Review, Part 1]( | [Mars, Jupiter & 2001 Crop Formations]( | | [Survival Manual & Update of 1998 Crop Circles - Cariel Quinly]( | [Terrestrial Anomalies - Crop Circles]( | | The Language of Light by ilyes ([ilyes Home Page]( | [Subconscious Communication With Crop Circles]( (& Dowsing) by Freddie Silva | | [Crop Circle Peculiarities]( | [Circular Madness, The Descent of Cereology by Rosemary Ellen Guiley]( | | [Cropformations: A Biophysical Investigation]( Nancy Talbott | [The Secret History of Crop Circles by Terry Wilson (Book Review)]( | | [Crop circles mystify Russian farmers - BBC News]( | [Short-Lived Radionuclides in Soil Samples from an English Crop Circle]( | | [The Oliver's Castle Video Debate]( (did balls of light create the formation?) | [The Spiral in the Consciousness Units]( David Wilcock | | [Crop Circle Correlates To Grek-5 Numerical Pyramid!]( by Gary Val Tenuta | [RealAudio on The Crop Circle Connector]( | | [Links to Articles at the Crop Circle Connector]( | [From the Heart of the Sun by Simon Burton]( | | [Crop Circle Insights]( | [Comparison of Plasma Vortex and Hoax Theories]( | | [Science News - Mathematics Crop Circles: Theorems in Wheat Fields]( | [Audio of Nancy Talbot]( of BLT Research | | [Primary Formation of May 2005 a Sacred Gift]( By Bearcloud |  [Crop Circles Made By Balls of Light](   Dr. Eltjo Haselfoff | | [Are There Crop Circle Designs on the Bell Tower of Duomo?]( | [The Mayan Boomerang]( | | [Crop Circles - BBC]( | [Planker, Matthew Williams,  Presentation Fails to Convince]( | | [Crop Circles Lead to American Civil War Past Life Memories]( | [Articles On DCCA Dutch Crop Circle Archive]( | | [Blown Nodes in the "Earth Is Missing" Formation]( | [Journey to Mystical England]( | |  [Martin's Dream just prior to learning of the Alien Face Formation]( | [Alien Face & Disk Formation Lucy Pringle's page]( | | [Paul Vigay's Analysis of the Alien Face & Disk Formation]( | [Ground photos of the 2002 'Alien Face' - Paul Vigay]( | | [Crabwood Alien - Part 1 - Martin Keitel]( | [Psychological Aspects of the Pitt "Alien" Formation, by Jonah Ohayv]( | | [Crop Circle Statistics]( | [Clay Mineral Crystallization Case Study]( 1999 Edmonton, Alberta Canada Crop Formation | | [Crop Circles in South Africa]( | [Crop Circles - Rocco Porreca of Italy]( | | [Two Largest Snow Formations]( December 2009 | [Crop - A Language for Crop Circles]( (a computer program to draw patterns) | | [Why Crop Circles Can't Be Hoaxed]( | [Research Articles Crop Circle Connector]( | **2011 Crop Circle Formations** | | | | --- | --- | |  [Crop Circle Connector](   |  [Lucy Pringle 2010 Crop Circles](   | | [Silent Circle]( | [Crop Circle Archive](  | | [Crop Circle Wisdom]( |  [Location Map of 2011 Crop Circles]( | |  [International Crop Circles](   | [Crop Circle Archive Diagrams]( | |  [Youngblood Blog]( | [Final call from the Ionosphere: Lighten UP!]( | **2010 Crop Circle Formations** | | | | --- | --- | |  [Silent Circle]( |  [Lucy Pringle 2010 Crop Circles](   | | [Crop Circle Reporter]( | [Crop Circle Archive](  | |  [Crop Circle Archive Diagrams](   |  [Location Map of 2010 Crop Circles]( | **2009 Crop Circle Formations** | | | | --- | --- | |   [Crop Circle Archive]( |  [Lucy Pringle 2009 Crop Circles](   | | [Silent Circle]( | [Visible Signs 2009]( | |   [UFO Above Dutch Crop Circle](   | [Italian Crop Circles 2009]( | | [YouTube Videos 2009 Crop Circles]( | [Crop Circle Archive Diagrams]( | | [Psychedelic Adventure]( |  [Cream of the Crop Circle Season : 2009](   | **2008 Crop Circle Formations** | | | | --- | --- | |  [Lucy Pringle 2008 Crop Circles](  | [Crop Circle Archive 2008]( | | [2008 Crop Circle Occurences]( | [Temporary Temples]( | | | [Swirled News]( | **2007 Crop Circle Formations** | | | | --- | --- | |  [Lucy Pringle 2007 Cro Circles](  |  [Crop Circle Archive 2007]( | | [2007 Crop Circle Occurences]( |  [Crop Circle Connector Forum](   | | | | **2006 Crop Circle Formations** | | | | --- | --- | | |  [Lucy Pringle 2006 Cro Circles](  | |  [William Betts 2006 Crop Circles](   | [Crop Circle Archive 2006]( | | [Circle & Ring, June 2006   Herington, Kansas, USA]( | [Crop Circle Connector Forum]( | | [2006 Crop Circle Occurences]( | | **2005 Crop Circle Formations** | | | | --- | --- | | [Lucy Pringles 2005   Crop Circles]( |  [The Interrelated 2005  Crop Circle Formations](   | | |  [Crop Circle Archive 2005](   | | [Crop Circle Directory 2005]( |  [Crop Circle Connector Forum](   | | [2005 Crop Circle Occurences]( | | **2004 Crop Circle Formations** | | | | --- | --- | | [Lucy Pringles 2004 Crop Circles]( | [Seven-Armed Pinwheel, 25 May 2004   Knobel, Clay County, Arkansas]( | | [Crop Circle Archive 2004]( | | | [Crop Circle Directory 2004]( | [Double Spiral in Vesica Pisces   Icknield Way, near Pegsdon, Hertfordshire, 3 May 04 (in French)](  | | [Reconstruction of the Tegdown Hill Formation of 2004]( | Resource for the Tegdown Hill Formation (see link on left) [The Tipharet Helix]( | | [Compare Image to Double Spiral]( (link on left)Also:[Dreams of Spirals]( | [Triangle, 30 June 04, Tegdown Hill near Patcham, East Sussex]( | |  [Bee-Hive, 25 June 04, Milk Hill, Wiltshire](   | [Information]( related to Folded Bee: Tan Hill  symbolizes pineal gland of Land Earth Goddess   | | [Oval Sunburst, 13 July 04, West Kennett Longbarrow, Wiltshire]( | [Compare to Sunburst - Pyramid Sunrise of 2001]( | | [Eye & 2 Teardrops, 15 July 04, Southfield, near Alton Priors, Wiltshire]( | [Pictogram with Crescents](, 17 Jul 04, Windmill Hill, near Avebury Trusloe,Wiltshire | | [Chakra System, 22 Jul 04,Pewsey White Horse, near Pewsey,Wiltshire]( |   | | |   | **The 2001 Gog and Magog Hill Crop Circle Formations** | | | | --- | --- | | [666' Ring at Gog Magog Hill  near Cambridge](  |  [Angel at Gog Magog Hill (2) Crescents   and 75 lines, July 26, 2001]( | | [Crop Circle Co-Creation]( | [Cambridge (UK): Crop Circle site  Gog Magog Hills Formation 2]( | **The Amazing Aztec Sun Stone Calendar of 2 August, 2004 at Silbury Hill, near Beckhampton, Wiltshire, with Informitive Links** | | | | --- | --- | | [At Lucy Pringle's Site]( | [The Aztec Calendar]( | | [Legend of the Four Suns]( |  [The 4th & 5th Worlds of the Aztecs & Mayans](   | |  [The Aztec Calendar at MIT](   | [The Butterfly Effect]( | | [The End of the World]( | [BBC News Article]( | |  [Crop Circle Warns of World's End](   | [Serpent Glyph from the Sun Stone (timestar)]( | | [Mayan Calendar (explanations of glyphs)](  | [The "Snake" Crop Circle (Kunalini)]( | |  [Large detailed Red Aztec Calendar](   | [XOCHIPILLI The Prince of Flowers]( | | [Very Large diagram with explanations](  | [Plasma Physics: Meso-American Mythology]( | | [Greenish colorful Sun Stone]( | | | [The Aztec Calendar: Math and Design]( | [Clear image of Aztec Calendar]( | | [9x9 Checkerboard](, 6 Aug 04, Hillwood, Aldbourne,Wiltshire | [Info: Dreams of Red and Black]( | | [Info: Moon Magic Square]( |  [Info: Collection of Strange Magic Squares](   | | [Info: Mecury Magic Square]( | [Info: Venus Magic Square]( | | [6 & 12 Star of David](, 7 Aug 04, Wilton Windmill, near Wilton,Wiltshire |  [2 Circle Interference Pattern](, 8 Aug 04, Shalbourne, nr Hungerford, Wiltshire | | [Crop Circles & Quantum Mechanics]( | [Diatonic ratios, interference patterns]( | ![](twst_bar.gif) **Links To Other Sites** **Best Sites - My Favorites** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | [Lucy Pringle]( good articles & great photographs | [Crop Circle Archive]( | [Crop Circles and More]( Great Geometric Analysis By Bert Janssen | | [Temporary Temples]( Steve & Karen Alexander | [Crop Circles Martin Keitel]( graphics & articles | [Crop-Circles Corner]( | | [CROP CIRCLE CONNECTOR]( largest database, but only recient material available to non-members | [2012: Dire Gnosis Geoff Stray]( Mayan Connections | [Swirled News]( Good Articles | | [BLT Research Home]( Scientific Research | [The Spiritual Genome]( (Great Info on DNA) | [Psychedelic Adventure]( | | [The Crop Circular Fredie Silva]( | [Zef Damen Crop Circle Reconstructions]( | [Independent Crop Circle Researchers' Association]( Most USA Formations | |  [All Crop Circles - Images]( | [Crop Circle News]( .. | [Crop Circle Central Diahann Krishna]( | | [Star Nation Gallery]( Rod Bearcloud Berry Beautiful Native American Interpretations | [Crop Circle  Occurrences in the UK](   | [Crop Circles A Worldwide Phenomena]( | | [Language of Light]( Judy Beebe | [Crop Circle Research Paul Vigay]( | [Mighty Companions Suzanne Taylor]( | | [TimeStar Earth]( Krsanna Duran | [The Spiritual Genome]( Crop Circles & DNA | [Youngblood Blog]( | | [Siderealview�s Blog]( Marian Youngblood | [The Crop Circles Call Us!]( | [Crop Circles in-OVation]( | **Pages Linked Most Recently** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | [The Crop Circles Issue]( (UFOS at close sight) | [Kornkreise - German Crop Circle Site]( |  [Research of Truth]( Andrea Feliziani - in Italian & English | | [Spacekowski All About Crop Circles]( | [Crop Circles Research Of Truth]( | [ICCRA - USA]( Jeffrey Wilson | |  [Norwegian Crop Circle Group](   | [Crop Circles - Heartlink Institute]( | [Language of One  Crop Circle Interpretations]( | | [Cropcircle Wisdom]( | [Circular Site]( Janet Ossebaard | [Elohim's Crop Circles]( | | [Crop Circle Nirvana]( | [Crop Circle Directory]( | [Crop Circles at Biblioteca Pleyades]( | | [More Crop Circles at Biblioteca Pleyades]( | [Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group]( | [Patterns of Consciousness]( By Allan Brown | | [Swim Outside The Pool]( Geometric Theorems | [Visible Signs]( | [News of the Earth Doug McKenna]( | | [Crop Circle Museum The Phoenix Group]( | [John Scott Art]( crop circle interpretations | [Crop Circles Index]( | | [Randell Crop Circles]( | | [Crop Circles Index]( in German | **Other Sites** | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | [Star Dreams Crop Circles]( | [Dutch Crop Circle Website DCW]( | [BUSTY '98 - PHOTOGRAPHER]( | | [Cropcircle Anomality Website]( | [Peter Sorensen]( | [Ed & Kris Sherwood's Millennium]( | | [Our Transition Russian site]( | [Fusion Anomaly - Crop Circles]( | [Oxfordshire Crop Circle Group Web Pages]( | | [UFO Folklore - Crop Circles]( | [Ed Vos - Crop Circles]( | [William Betts Culture-Crop]( | | [From Crop Circles to Agriglyphs]( | [Dutch Crop Circle Archive (DCCA)]( | [KARINYA - Crop Circles!]( | | [Crop Circle Quest (Canada)]( | [Crop Circles on]( | [Scientific Research Ed & Kris Sherwood]( | | [Leylines & Cropcircles Project Cropcircle Energy]( | [Crop Circles at Phenomenon]( | [Crop Circle Reports]( | | [Danish Crop Circle Site]( | [In Search of Earth Intelligence]( | [Crop Circle Bibliography]( | | [Crop Circle Info]( | [Crystalinks Crop Circle Page]( | [Sacred Britain]( | | [Tree of Life Crop Circle]( | | [Cropcircle Anomality Website]( | | [EARTHFILES]( Linda Moulton Howe (only new files available to non-members) | [Findon Village Antiquities - Crop Circles]( | [Sussex Archaeology & Folklore]( | | | [GERMAN CROP CIRCLE PAGE]( | [Ron Russell's Crop Circle Tours]( | | | | | **Crop Circle Link Pages**(Each of these pages have a list of links) | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | [Brainstrain]( | [CannyLink]( | [dmoz Open Directory Project]( | | [OpenHere]( | [Crop Circles at]( | [ZonaMagica]( | | [Elohim's Crop Circle Links]( | [Crop Circle Links](  on   | [Google Web Directory]( | ![](twst_bar.gif) | | | --- | |    [Significant Crop Circle Formations of the Past](   Included are sources of information about related geometry   | | | | --- | |   [**OMNI -** **Are Extraterrestrials Steering Us to a  One World Religion Through Crop Circles**](   by Dee Finney & Joe Mason Joe Mason and Dee Finney have studied crop circles since 1990. The main focus of their studies of the formations is for meaning. There have been over 10,000 glyphs in many countries around the world. Before the 1990's, the formations were simple circles and rings. Beginning in 1990, increasingly complex glyphs started to appear. Some researchers have discovered sacred geometry in the formations and others have discovered music ratios in them. Joe and kDee have found spiritual and religious references in quite a few crop formations and have discovered that people are dreaming the formations before they appear. Read the details of the various crop formations and see how they fit into the earthly paradigm of spiritual practices and religions that humanity practices around the world. The crop formations run the gamut from Christianity and Judaism through all of the ancient and New Age religions and practices. Thus the question must be asked: *Are extraterrestrials or "other dimensional beings" steering us to a one world religion through crop circles? Should we accept it or reject it? Are we being drawn into acknowledgement that we are all ONE?* | ![](twst_bar.gif) | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | --- | | [The Crop Circle Web Ring]( | | This Crop Circle Web Ring site is owned by [Joe Mason]( and [Dee Finney]( | | [[Skip Prev](] [[Prev](] [[Random](] | Crop Circle logo | [[Next](] [[Skip Next](] [[Next 5](] | | [Join the Crop Circle Web Ring Now!]( | | [List of Web Ring Sites]( ![](twst_bar.gif) **Crop Circle Movies** | | | | --- | --- | | William Gazecki's film [***Crop Circles: Quest for Truth***](   | | | --- | | | A feature-length documentary VHS/PAL tapes and DVD discs will be available  Do not be misled by the mass media; [learn the real true story](   Produced by [Suzanne Taylor]( | | | | --- | | [What On Earth?]( Inside the Crop Circle Mystery A Film by Suzanne Taylor  Said to be the kind of horizon-expanding documentary that   literally changes the way we see the world around us. | \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **"Signs" - an entertaining fictional Movie featuring crop circles staring Mel Gibson** | | | | --- | --- | |  [The Unofficial "Signs" Movie Site](  | [Shyamalan Tackles the Crop Circle Phenomenon in 'Signs']( | |  [Swirled News - Signs Movie](   | ["Signs" Competition Causes Hoax Concern]( | Other Movies that include Crop Circles: [**"A Place To Stay" - Crop Circle Movie**]( ![](twst_bar.gif) | | | --- | |  **Special Announcement** Our favorite dream magazine,  ***[The Dream Network Journal](***,   is in financial difficulty. Please help by subscribing.   | ![](twst_bar.gif) **Crop Circle Photographers** We thank the crop circle photographers and urge support for them. | | | | | --- | --- | --- | |  [Lucy Pringle](   |  [Busty Taylor](   |  [Stuart Dike](   | | [Freddy Silva]( | [Ron Russell  Crop Circle Anomalies](   | [Steve Alexander  and Karen Douglas](   | |  [Peter Sorenson](   | [Werner Anderhub]( | [Frank Laumen]( | | .[Janet Ossebaard]( | [Andrea Feliziani]( | [Julian Gibsone]( | |  [Eva-Marie Brekkesto]( | [Bert Janssen]( | [Jan Schwochow]( | | [Olivier Morel]( | [Graham Tucker]( | [Nick Nicholson]( | | [Andreas Müller]( | [Peter Sorensen]( | [Colin Andrews]( | |  [Clemens Richter]( | Patricia Murray | Seiichi Nakazato | | David Russell | Richard Wintle Calyx Photo Services | Andrew King | | Richard Harvey | Russell Stannard | Doe Kelly and Andrew Wheeler | | Summer Garland | A.J. Samuels | | | Jim Miller | Rob Speight | | ![](twst_bar.gif) **Finding Links** We are constantly working at updating our links. The links to other sites are often a moving target, as website owners make changes over time. Until we catch up with the corrections, here are a few helpful hints. Lucy Pringle, who has great pictures of the crop circle formations over the years, has changed the addressing to most all of her pages. She has added an "s" in front of the "html" endings. If you find a link that does not work, such as this one . . . . . . then add the "s" in the address, like this: Suggestion about links: If you find that a link no longer works, try placing the address in the appropriate field on this page: <> Then click on the "Take Me Back" button. In many cases a page will come up with links to archived pages of the original page you wished to find. These are listed by the dates the archives were saved to the archive site. Click on one of the date links to bring up the page. If you know the approximate date of a formation, it can often be found by searching these sites -- [Lucy Pringle's Crop Circle Photograph Library]( [Crop Circle Archive - X-Cosmos]( [Crop Circle Archive - Bertold Zugelder]( [Crop Circle Connector]( (2010 formations only without membership) ![](twst_bar.gif) If you have any questions, or comments, or would like to add a link to this page, please e-mail []( This page was originally uploaded in 1999 This page was last updated November 17, 2021 Site URL: [View this page as it was in the past](*/ Return to: [Index to the Articles of Joseph E. Mason]( Return to [Dreams of the Great Earth Changes]( ![](twst_bar.gif)
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You want to book mark this page to watch it grow, and check out all my ToTaLlY <BLINK>AwEsOmE</BLINK> links to other home pages on the Internet! They may not be as kewl as this one but their OK! <BLINK><A href="">CLICK HERE</A> to Vote for this cool page for Cool Site of the Day!</BLINK> I will also make you're home Page for cheep - I'm starting a busness called "ToTaLlY <BLINK>AwEsOmE</BLINK> Web Pages, Inc." and will offer you the best for the least money. Just look at what I can do! Scroll down to see more of my Home page and be sure to book mark it and send me lots of E-mails! MAKE THIS PAGE YOUR HOME PAGE!</H3> <P></P> <BR> <BR> <IMG src="img/ball-anim.gif" width=33 height=29 border=2> <IMG src="img/ugly-anim.gif" width=600 height=10> <IMG src="img/ball-anim.gif" width=33 height=29 border=2> <BR> <BR> <H2> <P> <IMG src="img/greendot.gif" width=14 height=14> <A href="img/civic.jpg">CLICK HERE</A> to see my cool car! I have a totally awesome 1996 Honda Civic thats silver. <HR> <P><A href="img/kitty4.jpg"><IMG src="img/smiley-anim.gif" width=17 height=17> <IMG src="img/kitty4.jpg" width=246 height=222></A> I have also a <BLINK>kEEEEwL</BLINK> cat called Kitty! She's all black except for a patch of white on here tummy. She's so KeWl and purrs alot. <A href="img/kitty1.jpg">CLICK HERE</A> to see another picture of Kitty! <A href="img/kitty2.jpg">CLICK HERE</A> to see another picture of Kitty!! <A href="img/kitty3.jpg">CLICK HERE</A> to see another picture of Kitty!!! <HR> <P><IMG src="img/bluedot.gif" width=14 height=14>I have lots and lots of friends too. <A href="img/meatwork.jpg">CLICK HERE</A> to see some of them. They're so cool not like those other LAMERZ I know! <HR> <P><IMG src="img/broken.gif" width=40 height=40 border=0>This is a pciture of me - DoN't i Lo0K ToTaLlEE K00L! <HR> <P><IMG src="img/orangedot.gif" width=14 height=14> <A href="img/xxx1-anim.gif">CLICK HERE</A> to see my girlfriend - <BLINK>HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!</BLINK><IMG src="img/smiley-anim.gif" width=17 height=17> </H2> <HR> <H2 align=center><FONT color="#00ff00"> <IMG src="img/new49x16.gif" width=49 height=16> <IMG src="img/new49x16.gif" width=49 height=16> <IMG src="img/new49x16.gif" width=49 height=16> <IMG src="img/new49x16.gif" width=49 height=16> <BR><IMG src="img/star60x50.gif" width=60 height=50>Coming Soon! By Popular Demand! A Live Chat Room, Discussion Foruum Board, And A Gift Shop! Just For You!<IMG src="img/star60x50.gif" width=60 height=50></FONT></H2> <HR> <P><IMG src="img/purpledot.gif" width=14 height=14><FONT color="#000000"> I hope you realize that "My ToTaLlY <BLINK>AwEsOmE</BLINK> Homepage" is a fun joke. This is not my real homepage. This is a fine example of a bad homepage. In fact, it's an example of a horrible homepage. I think it's funny - and very, very ugly. If your homepage looks like this, then I'm sorry... <A href="../">CLICK HERE</A> to see my real homepage (not that it's much better)</FONT> <BR><BR> <H1>"This site is THE BOMB!"</H1> <IMG src="img/bomb-anim.gif" width=582 height=19 border=2> <BR><BR> <A href=""> <IMG src="" border=0 width=139 height=43 alt="Starting Point"></A> <IMG src="img/broken.gif" width=60 height=40 border=0> <IMG src="img/logo_angelfire.gif" width=88 height=31> <IMG src="img/freespeech.gif" width=143 height=30> <IMG src="img/broken.gif" width=40 height=40 border=0> <A href=""><IMG src="img/evilbutton100x30.gif" width=100 height=30></A> <IMG src="img/member.gif" width=150 height=75> <IMG src="../netscape.gif" width=40 height=40> <IMG src="img/logo_hotmail.gif" width=88 height=31> <IMG src="../mozillan.gif" width=64 height=64> <IMG src="img/broken.gif" width=40 height=80 border=0> <A href=""> <IMG src="img/yahoo.gif" width=86 height=87 border=0></A> <A href=""> <IMG src="img/browsers.gif" width=65 height=50 border=0></A> <IMG src="img/broken.gif" width=70 height=40 border=0> <IMG src="img/rotate_rib.gif" width=112 height=76> <IMG src="img/logo_geocities.gif" width=88 height=31> <P><EMBED src="usanthem.mid" loop="true" autostart="true" width="200" height="60"> </EMBED> <BR><BR> <IMG src="img/aniline.gif" width=1000 height=1> <H1><FONT color="#00ee00"><BLINK>Keep the content FREE</BLINK>! <BR>CLICK ON THE SPONSORS!</FONT></H1> <IMG src="img/aniline.gif" width=1000 height=1> <!-- BEGIN LINKEXCHANGE CODE 6--> <CENTER> <IFRAME src="" width=468 height=60 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 hspace=0 vspace=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=no> <A href="" target="_blank"> <IMG width=468 height=60 border=0 ismap alt="ad" src=""></A> </IFRAME> <BR><A href="" target="_blank"> <IMG src="" width=468 height=16 border=0 ismap alt="link exchange"></A> </CENTER> <!-- END LINKEXCHANGE CODE 6--> <H3><IMG src="img/flashnew.gif" width=32 height=16> <A href="sponsor.html">CLICK HERE</A> to see the rates if you'd like to sponsor this site, too!!!</H3> <BR> <BR> <TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0> <TR> <TH>Your visitor # </TH> <TD bgcolor="#000000"><FONT color="#ffffff"><TT>[an error occurred while processing this directive]</TT></FONT></TD> <TH> !!!!!!</TH> </TR> </TABLE> </CENTER> <H2 align=center> <IMG src="img/chain.gif" width=560 height=18> <P><IMG src="img/reddot.gif" width=14 height=14><IMG src="img/coollinks.gif" border=2 width=191 height=30>TOTALLY AWESOME COOL <IMG src="img/hot.gif" width=79 height=43> LINKS!!!! <BR><IMG src="img/flame-anim.gif" width=30 height=60><A href="../godfather/">CLICK HERE for The Godfather!</A> <IMG src="img/hot.gif" width=79 height=43> <BR><IMG src="img/flame-anim.gif" width=30 height=60><A href="../scarface/">CLICK HERE for Scarface!</A> <IMG src="img/hot.gif" width=79 height=43> <BR><IMG src="img/flame-anim.gif" width=30 height=60><A href="../rush/">CLICK HERE for Rush!</A> <IMG src="img/hot.gif" width=79 height=43> <BR><IMG src="img/flame-anim.gif" width=30 height=60><A href="../">CLICK HERE for My other homepage!</A> <IMG src="img/hot.gif" width=79 height=43> <BR><IMG src="img/flame-anim.gif" width=30 height=60><A href="../resume.html">CLICK HERE for me resume!</A> <IMG src="img/hot.gif" width=79 height=43> <BR><IMG src="img/flame-anim.gif" width=30 height=60><A href=""><IMG src="../yankees.gif" width=68 height=75>CLICK HERE to visit the Yankees homepage!</A> <IMG src="img/hot.gif" width=79 height=43> <HR> <P><IMG src="img/grab_anim160x120.gif" width=160 height=120><BR> <FONT color="#00ee00"><BLINK>Let ME design YOUR corporate sight!</BLINK></FONT> </H2> <BR> <BR> <IMG align=left src="img/hotair40x480.gif" width=40 height=480> </U> <H2><U><FONT color="#FFFF00">I got e-mail"s from dumbasses!*</FONT></U></H2> <U><FONT color="#FFFF00">*Yes, these are real emails from people who didn't "get it" that this is a fake page! </FONT> <HR> </U> <PRE><U><FONT color="#ffff00"> Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2003 19:02:36 +1000 From: "Sylvia" <*******> Subject: [None] dear fag yuor web site is the gayest arse licken peice off shit site i have eva seen i think u should get kicked in the balls with a steel capped shoe love tim <HR> Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 15:04:05 -0600 From: "MICAH" <********@CCCCD.EDU> Subject: Your webpage sucks you idiot! Your webpage sucks you idiot! [I replied: "Thanks, man. I always appreciate the opinion of a college-educated person. Anyway, if you're talking about "My Totally Awesome Homepage" then read it more closely -- it's an obvious fake."] [Then I got: "You know why I sent you that e-mail? Because I had a college project to do on poor interface and design on websites, so I chose yours! Ha ha! Your webpage does suck you idiot. Also, that link to your girlfriend is stupid. Guess you dont have a gf cause you are a perverted idiot! oh yeah, & if it is a fake, prove it! "] [My reply: "If you had any clue about the web, you'd just go to for the real one -- the one that says it's a spoof. Even the "totally awesome" page says it's fake, in the black type, and on the bottom, and even in the intro to this dumbass email section. Sheesh. But thanks for contributing your comments to my idiot list."] <HR> From: "dave" Subject: o m g wot a pundle of S*** wots a matter has some thing gone up yer arse and died-it looks like it Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 18:00:07 -0000 hello my name is dave i am 13 years young. you know just becuaes you know how to put a few html graphics on your website it makes it so great. no affence but u r a bit older than me and i have allready made 2 homepages with proper domains. Oh and please take of a few of the parts because the little animated things are rather annoying. ok put 1 or 2 on but u dont need to repeat it. i bet you that i can design a better html based website oh but because you have a cat that doesnt mean that you can put it on the internet. oh and take a look at da e-mails-don't u get it ur page is a pile of horse crap. you are so bent, u make a roundabout look straight. and how old are u in ur 20's 30's i odnt no but if one thing in life has tought me ne thing and that is keep ur friends close and your enemys closer <HR> From: "Jeffrey xxxxxxxx" Subject: Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 12:38:02 -0400 Hey, at first i liked your website till i saw your little whore, imaginary, jerry springer reject girlfriend. And what is up with the freakin cat?! your a little obsessed with it! and you think that piece a shit car is awsome?! well you either got some serious problems or you need some help k? k <HR> From: Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 21:07:32 EST Subject: concerning your web page I don't get it.....your <A href="">godfather page</A> is awesome! The best I've ever seen on that subject!!!!! but what did u do to that web page of yours! omg.....if u want people to ask u to design your corporate web page then I suggest (for your own good) u fix that web page and u fix it fast! <HR> From: (Larry xxxxx) Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 20:48:59 -1000 (HST) Subject: website info what is your web site about. Is it a b.b. or chat line or personal ads. thanks <HR> Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 15:34:41 -0500 From: chino Subject: you page sux your page sux you gay fuck <HR> From: GuyOfDream@xxxxxxx Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 13:40:16 EST Subject: What the hell is the matter with you Damn your site looks worse than Rosie O'donnel on her worse day. Your background is disgusting, there is absolutly nothing interesting on your site, your cat could probably design a better webpage, and damn dude your ugly! <HR> Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 13:05:11 -0700 From: -A <aliengrrl@xxxxxxx> Subject: your homepage Your homepage really sucks!!! No offense or anything.. I mean that's a nice kitty and all, but the background and the text made me go blind. Good thing I can touch type!! I might have to create a "Sucky Page" Award JUST FOR YOU!!!!!!!! -Akasha <A href="" target="_blank"></A> <HR> Date: Sun, 26 Oct 1997 01:07:11 -0000 From: "Lynx & Andy Mullen" <mullen@xxxxxxx> Hi, Your back ground gave me a head ache so bad I quit trying to read your page. Was this the desired effect or do you have very strong eyes? I wish the best to you and your new business. Lynx <HR> Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 04:12:03 -0400 (EDT) From: CumplWME@xxxxxxx Subject: nice wow tell me more about it dude Ciao Tomas <HR> Date: Mon, 01 Sep 1997 14:36:38 -0700 From: eric west <ericwest@xxxxxxx> Subject: link permission request goeff: I am developing a website and found your page. I wopuld like to get your permission to put a link to your page on it My page is at <A href="" target="_blank"></A> Please E mail me at with your reply Thanx Eric West <HR> Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 16:41:33 -0400 From: PETSIT <PETSIT@xxxxxxx> Subject: You must be joking <FONT color="#000000">Yes, I am! ;-)</FONT> You honestly think your site is good enough to the point where people should have to pay you for you to design one for them? You need to go back and view your web page and check your structure. It could use some editing. I'm not attacking you, it took me awhile to get mine to the point where it came out evenly but you need to get certain phrases on the same line...For example "This page is under construction" is written on two lines when it would look better by itself on one line. But I suppose it is none of my business. My homepage is: <A href="" target="_blank"></A> Highwalrus </FONT> </U> <HR><H3>Transfer interrupted!</H3> </PRE> <BR> <BR> <BR> <TABLE width=95%><TR><TD width=480> <IMG src="img/aniline.gif" width=480 height=1> <BR> <A href="" target="_top"><IMG align=left src="img/jgeoff.gif" width=75 height=50 border=0 alt="website by"></A> <FONT size=2><FONT color="#ffffff"> "My ToTaLlY AwEsOmE Homepage!" <A href=""><I>&copy;1997-2004 J Geoff Malta</I></A> <BR> This faux homepage is meant to be a humorous spoof :-) <BR><I>"It's a fugazi!"</I> </FONT></FONT></TD> <TD align=right><IMG src="img/geocities.gif" width=117 height=18></TD> </TR></TABLE> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> <!-- ANNOYING POP-UP WINDOW!"pop2";'','remote2','width=468,height=80,scrollbars=no,toolbar=no'); //--> </SCRIPT> <!-- THIS PAGE SHOULD TAKE FOREVER TO LOAD . . . !!! 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My ToTaLlY AwEsOmE HoMe pAgE !!!!!!!!!!!! var msg = "Welcome to my ToTaLlY AwEsOmE hompage on the Inter-net! isn't this great?!" var spacer = " ... " var pos = 0; var showmsg = true; function ScrollMessage() { if (!showmsg) { window.setTimeout("ScrollMessage()",1500); showmsg = true; return; } window.status = msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + spacer + msg.substring(0,pos); pos++; if (pos > msg.length) pos = 0; window.setTimeout("ScrollMessage()",200); } ScrollMessage(); function LinkMessage(text) { showmsg = false; window.status = text; } <!-- google\_ad\_client = "pub-3411120354601471"; google\_ad\_width = "728"; google\_ad\_height = "90"; google\_ad\_format = "728x90\_as"; google\_ad\_channel =""; google\_color\_border = "DDAAAA"; google\_color\_bg = "ECF8FF"; google\_color\_link = "0033FF"; google\_color\_url = "0033FF"; google\_color\_text = "000000"; //--> ![](img/aniline.gif) ![Decrease Bloated Images!](img/gifwizardbanner.gif) ![](img/aniline.gif) ![](img/ball-anim.gif) ![](img/ball-anim.gif) ![](img/ball-anim.gif) WeLc0mE t0 mY ![](img/ball-anim.gif) ![](img/ball-anim.gif) ![](img/ball-anim.gif) ![](img/ball-anim.gif) ![](img/ball-anim.gif) ![](img/ball-anim.gif) ToTaLlY AwEsOmE ![](img/ball-anim.gif) ![](img/ball-anim.gif) ![](img/ball-anim.gif) HoMe PaGe!!!!!!! ![](img/add_bookmark-anim.gif) ![](img/flame-anim.gif)![](img/flame-anim.gif)![](img/flame-anim.gif)![](img/flame-anim.gif)![](img/flame-anim.gif)![](img/flame-anim.gif)![](img/flame-anim.gif)![](img/flame-anim.gif)![](img/flame-anim.gif)![](img/flame-anim.gif)![](img/flame-anim.gif) ![](img/flame-anim.gif) ![](img/aniline.gif) ## "It's a fugazi!" --Al Pachino ![](img/led-anim.gif) ![](img/email.gif) ![](img/email2-anim.gif) [CLICK HERE]( to send me E-MAIL!! ![](img/email-anim.gif) ![](img/led-anim.gif) ![](img/underconstruction.gif) THIS HOME PAGE IS UNDER CONTRUCTION ![](img/construct-anim.gif) [![](img/direct.gif)](directions.html) ![](img/led-anim.gif) ### Welcome to my ToTaLlY AwEsOmE homepage on the Internet! This page is constant DEstruction, and it will get even beter!! This great page will tell you all about me, my c ar, my cat Kitty, and all my BOYZ! You want to book mark this page to watch it grow, and check out all my ToTaLlY AwEsOmE links to other home pages on the Internet! They may not be as kewl as this one but their OK! [CLICK HERE]( to Vote for this cool page for Cool Site of the Day! I will also make you're home Page for cheep - I'm starting a busness called "ToTaLlY AwEsOmE Web Pages, Inc." and will offer you the best for the least money. Just look at what I can do! Scroll down to see more of my Home page and be sure to book mark it and send me lots of E-mails! MAKE THIS PAGE YOUR HOME PAGE! ![](img/ball-anim.gif) ![](img/ugly-anim.gif) ![](img/ball-anim.gif) ## [CLICK HERE](img/civic.jpg) to see my cool car! I have a totally awesome 1996 Honda Civic thats silver. --- I have also a kEEEEwL cat called Kitty! She's all black except for a patch of white on here tummy. She's so KeWl and purrs alot. [CLICK HERE](img/kitty1.jpg) to see another picture of Kitty! [CLICK HERE](img/kitty2.jpg) to see another picture of Kitty!! [CLICK HERE](img/kitty3.jpg) to see another picture of Kitty!!! --- I have lots and lots of friends too. [CLICK HERE](img/meatwork.jpg) to see some of them. They're so cool not like those other LAMERZ I know! --- This is a pciture of me - DoN't i Lo0K ToTaLlEE K00L! --- [CLICK HERE](img/xxx1-anim.gif) to see my girlfriend - HAHAHAHAH!!!!!! --- ## Coming Soon! By Popular Demand! A Live Chat Room, Discussion Foruum Board, And A Gift Shop! Just For You! --- ![](img/purpledot.gif) I hope you realize that "My ToTaLlY AwEsOmE Homepage" is a fun joke. This is not my real homepage. This is a fine example of a bad homepage. In fact, it's an example of a horrible homepage. I think it's funny - and very, very ugly. If your homepage looks like this, then I'm sorry... [CLICK HERE](../) to see my real homepage (not that it's much better) # "This site is THE BOMB!" ![](img/bomb-anim.gif) [![Starting Point](]( ![](img/broken.gif) ![](img/logo_angelfire.gif) ![](img/freespeech.gif) ![](img/broken.gif) [![](img/evilbutton100x30.gif)]( ![](img/member.gif) ![](../netscape.gif) ![](img/logo_hotmail.gif) ![](../mozillan.gif) ![](img/broken.gif) [![](img/yahoo.gif)]( [![](img/browsers.gif)]( ![](img/broken.gif) ![](img/rotate_rib.gif) ![](img/logo_geocities.gif) ![](img/aniline.gif) # Keep the content FREE! CLICK ON THE SPONSORS! ![](img/aniline.gif) [![ad](]( [![link exchange](]( ### [CLICK HERE](sponsor.html) to see the rates if you'd like to sponsor this site, too!!! | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | Your visitor # | [an error occurred while processing this directive] | !!!!!! | ## TOTALLY AWESOME COOL LINKS!!!! [CLICK HERE for The Godfather!](../godfather/) [CLICK HERE for Scarface!](../scarface/) [CLICK HERE for Rush!](../rush/) [CLICK HERE for My other homepage!](../) [CLICK HERE for me resume!](../resume.html) [CLICK HERE to visit the Yankees homepage!]( --- Let ME design YOUR corporate sight! ![](img/hotair40x480.gif) ## I got e-mail"s from dumbasses!\* \*Yes, these are real emails from people who didn't "get it" that this is a fake page! --- ``` Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2003 19:02:36 +1000 From: "Sylvia" <\*\*\*\*\*\*\*> Subject: [None] dear fag yuor web site is the gayest arse licken peice off shit site i have eva seen i think u should get kicked in the balls with a steel capped shoe love tim --- Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 15:04:05 -0600 From: "MICAH" <\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*@CCCCD.EDU> Subject: Your webpage sucks you idiot! Your webpage sucks you idiot! [I replied: "Thanks, man. I always appreciate the opinion of a college-educated person. Anyway, if you're talking about "My Totally Awesome Homepage" then read it more closely -- it's an obvious fake."] [Then I got: "You know why I sent you that e-mail? Because I had a college project to do on poor interface and design on websites, so I chose yours! Ha ha! Your webpage does suck you idiot. Also, that link to your girlfriend is stupid. Guess you dont have a gf cause you are a perverted idiot! oh yeah, & if it is a fake, prove it! "] [My reply: "If you had any clue about the web, you'd just go to for the real one -- the one that says it's a spoof. Even the "totally awesome" page says it's fake, in the black type, and on the bottom, and even in the intro to this dumbass email section. Sheesh. But thanks for contributing your comments to my idiot list."] --- From: "dave" Subject: o m g wot a pundle of S\*\*\* wots a matter has some thing gone up yer arse and died-it looks like it Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 18:00:07 -0000 hello my name is dave i am 13 years young. you know just becuaes you know how to put a few html graphics on your website it makes it so great. no affence but u r a bit older than me and i have allready made 2 homepages with proper domains. Oh and please take of a few of the parts because the little animated things are rather annoying. ok put 1 or 2 on but u dont need to repeat it. i bet you that i can design a better html based website oh but because you have a cat that doesnt mean that you can put it on the internet. oh and take a look at da e-mails-don't u get it ur page is a pile of horse crap. you are so bent, u make a roundabout look straight. and how old are u in ur 20's 30's i odnt no but if one thing in life has tought me ne thing and that is keep ur friends close and your enemys closer --- From: "Jeffrey xxxxxxxx" Subject: Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 12:38:02 -0400 Hey, at first i liked your website till i saw your little whore, imaginary, jerry springer reject girlfriend. And what is up with the freakin cat?! your a little obsessed with it! and you think that piece a shit car is awsome?! well you either got some serious problems or you need some help k? k --- From: Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 21:07:32 EST Subject: concerning your web page I don't get it.....your [godfather page]( is awesome! The best I've ever seen on that subject!!!!! but what did u do to that web page of yours! omg.....if u want people to ask u to design your corporate web page then I suggest (for your own good) u fix that web page and u fix it fast! --- From: (Larry xxxxx) Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 20:48:59 -1000 (HST) Subject: website info what is your web site about. Is it a b.b. or chat line or personal ads. thanks --- Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 15:34:41 -0500 From: chino Subject: you page sux your page sux you gay fuck --- From: GuyOfDream@xxxxxxx Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 13:40:16 EST Subject: What the hell is the matter with you Damn your site looks worse than Rosie O'donnel on her worse day. Your background is disgusting, there is absolutly nothing interesting on your site, your cat could probably design a better webpage, and damn dude your ugly! --- Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 13:05:11 -0700 From: -A Subject: your homepage Your homepage really sucks!!! No offense or anything.. I mean that's a nice kitty and all, but the background and the text made me go blind. Good thing I can touch type!! I might have to create a "Sucky Page" Award JUST FOR YOU!!!!!!!! -Akasha <> --- Date: Sun, 26 Oct 1997 01:07:11 -0000 From: "Lynx & Andy Mullen" Hi, Your back ground gave me a head ache so bad I quit trying to read your page. Was this the desired effect or do you have very strong eyes? I wish the best to you and your new business. Lynx --- Date: Sat, 16 Aug 1997 04:12:03 -0400 (EDT) From: CumplWME@xxxxxxx Subject: nice wow tell me more about it dude Ciao Tomas --- Date: Mon, 01 Sep 1997 14:36:38 -0700 From: eric west Subject: link permission request goeff: I am developing a website and found your page. I wopuld like to get your permission to put a link to your page on it My page is at <> Please E mail me at with your reply Thanx Eric West --- Date: Thu, 14 Aug 1997 16:41:33 -0400 From: PETSIT Subject: You must be joking Yes, I am! ;-) You honestly think your site is good enough to the point where people should have to pay you for you to design one for them? You need to go back and view your web page and check your structure. It could use some editing. I'm not attacking you, it took me awhile to get mine to the point where it came out evenly but you need to get certain phrases on the same line...For example "This page is under construction" is written on two lines when it would look better by itself on one line. But I suppose it is none of my business. My homepage is: <> Highwalrus --- ### Transfer interrupted! ``` | | | | --- | --- | | [website by]( "My ToTaLlY AwEsOmE Homepage!" [*©1997-2004 J Geoff Malta*]( This faux homepage is meant to be a humorous spoof :-) *"It's a fugazi!"* | | <!-- ANNOYING POP-UP WINDOW!"pop2";'','remote2','width=468,height=80,scrollbars=no,toolbar=no'); //--> var sc\_project=215348; var sc\_invisible=1; [![Web Stats](;java=0)](
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Border Collie Museum</TITLE> <LINK REV="made" HREF=""> <meta name="description" content="The Border Collie Museum, an online collection of exhibits on the breed, articles, interviews, profiles, stories, book reviews, artwork and photographs, history and cultural aspects of the breed."> <meta name="KeyWords" content="Border Collie, BorderCollie, Bordercollie, BC, working Border Collie, online museum, Border Collie Rescue, border collie, rescue, dog, canine, herding, sheepdog, sheep, bcr, border, collie, Scotland, Scottish, Scot, scotland, scottish, scot, herding dogs, Border Collies, reference, history"> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#CC9966" TEXT="#663300" LINK="#006600"> <!-- add BACKGROUND="name of plaid file in same folder" before TEXT --> <center> <IMG SRC="1913ColliesDryBrush.jpg" ALT="" WIDTH="284" HEIGHT="175" BORDER="1"><BR><BR> <BIG><B>WELCOME TO</B></BIG><BR><BR> <IMG SRC="BorderCollieMuseumLogo7.jpg" ALT="BorderCollieMuseumLogo7.jpg" WIDTH="719" HEIGHT="46" > </center> <P ALIGN="center"> <B><I>An online museum dedicated to the shepherd's dog,<BR> its history, culture, and lore<BR> through the eyes of artists, writers, poets, and historians;<BR> and to the shepherds that used their herding dogs to bring the flocks safely down from the hills.</I></B> </P> <P><I>"The Shepherd's Dogge...either at the hearing of his master's voyce, or at the wagging and whistling in his fist, or at his shrill and hoarse hissing, bringeth the wandering weathers and straying sheepe into the self same place where his master's will and wishe is to have them."</I> <P ALIGN="right">--- <A HREF="Caius/Caius.html">Johannes Caius</A>, physician to Queen Elizabeth I,<br> from his <I>Treatise on Englishe Dogges</I>, 1576</p> <hr width=50% align=center> <P ><center><IMG SRC="bc_herding_tile2.jpg" ALT="bc_herding_tile2.jpg" WIDTH="133" HEIGHT="133" BORDER="1"><BR><SMALL><I>See <A HREF="#Pictures">below</A><BR> for a note on the pictures<BR> used on this website.</I></SMALL><BR><BR> <!-- <embed SRC="" autostart="false" loop="true" volume="50" width="145" height="15"><BR><BR> <SMALL>This page has music available that you may turn on.<BR> You can hear "Niel Gow's Lamentation For The Death Of His Brother Donald" by clicking the right arrow above.<BR> You may also turn it off by clicking on the two parallel lines.<BR> (Sequenced by Barry Taylor, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.)</SMALL> </center> --></P> <HR width="25%"> <P ALIGN="center"> <BR CLEAR="all"><IMG SRC="TwinsLandseer.jpg" ALT="TwinsLandseer.jpg" WIDTH="216" HEIGHT="257" BORDER="1"> <BR><SMALL><I>Above, "Twins" by Sir Edwin Landseer.<BR> ("Twins" refers to the two lambs, not the dogs.<BR> One of dogs (the rear one) is a sable and the other a tricolor,<BR> possibly a saddle-patterned tri or a heavily shaded sable.) </I></SMALL> </P> <P> The exhibits here will give you an idea of what kind of dog a Border Collie is and what went into the making of the breed. They include information on the shepherd's dog in general and on the Border Collie specifically, its history, physical attributes and working style.</P> <P> We also provide an extensive bibliography and with all our pages, furnish links to other Border Collie and shepherd's dog websites. The intent is to have important and interesting information available to you at all times, but some of it may also change, as things are updated periodically or given a rest. </P> <P> Below are some of the things we have to offer. Just click on the thumbnail pictures and/or the green underlined text and they will take you where you want to go. Enjoy your stay and come back for subsequent visits. The exhibits are ever-growing and ever-changing.</P> <P> <I><B>[REQUEST:</B> The Border Collie Museum is always looking for new material, both for this site and for a possible future book. We are particularly eager to find material relating to the Border Collie or other breed of shepherd's dog <B>in America</B>. If you have any old books, articles, clippings, photographs, personal or family stories, and other memorabilia relating to the breed that you would like to <I>lend</I> or <I>donate</I> to us and would enjoy seeing incorporated into this site, please contact us (<A HREF=""></A>) and we will tell you where to send it. Any material we borrow will be handled carefully and returned to you as quickly as possible. Any material donated to us, will be archived. If we use your material, we <B>will</B> give you credit. --ed.]</I> </P><BR CLEAR="all"> <hr> <P ALIGN="center"> <IMG SRC="2collies1870.jpg" ALT="" WIDTH="325" HEIGHT="405"> <BR><BR><SMALL><I>Above, "Two Collies" a sable and a black-and-white, from an 1870 painting by Sir Edwin Landseer</I></SMALL></P> <P ALIGN="center"> <B><I>[PLEASE NOTE: Thumbnails that are bordered in green, and green and underlined text are links.<BR> Thumbnails that are bordered in brown and text that is not in green and underlined in green are NOT links.]</I></B> </P> <P align="center"> <B><BIG><BIG>THE HISTORY OF THE SHEPHERD'S DOG</BIG></BIG></B></P> <P> On this website, we purposely draw a distinction between the Border Collie and the shepherd's dog. For our purposes here, "Border Collie" refers to the shepherd's dog that as a <I>breed</I> did not come into being until the late 19th, early 20th centuries; whereas, "shepherd's dog" refers to all working herding dogs as well as livestock guardian breeds. </P> <P> By "collies" or "collie breeds" we mean the herding dogs, chiefly in Great Britain and Ireland, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. When we talk about "old working collies" we are refering to those herding dogs from the 19th century and before, in Great Britain and Ireland, from which the Border Collie and it's cousins in Great Britain and Ireland, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand developed. See our page on the definition of the word "<A HREF="">collie</A>" and see our <A HREF="">glossary</A> for definitions of the various terms we use in ths website. </P> <P> You will also see on these pages articles about herding dogs in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and Asia. It is not meant to imply that all the herding dogs in the world are Border Collie cousins, only that they have something in common: <I><B>herding instinct</B></I>, which in a way makes them more similar to the Border Collie than, say, the Great Dane or the Jack Russell Terrier. </P> <P> We also present biographies of people, who, through writing or art, music or poetry, or by action, have contributed to our knowledge of the history of the shepherd's dog. There is very little mention of the shepherd's dog in history or literature, so we are infinitely grateful to the people referred to on these pages. </P> <TABLE BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="CENTER"> <td width="100%" align="center" valign="middle"> <BR><P ALIGN="center"> <B><BIG>VERY EARLY HISTORY</BIG></B> </P> <TABLE BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="CENTER"> <td width="25%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""><BR> <IMG SRC="TinyRome.jpg" ALT="TinyRome.jpg" WIDTH="108" HEIGHT="100" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>The<BR> Shepherd's Dog<BR>In Antiquity</B></td> <td width="25%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""><BR> <IMG SRC="TinyHolkham.jpg" ALT="TinyHolkham.jpg" WIDTH="108" HEIGHT="82" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>The<BR> Shepherd's Dog<BR>In The<BR>Middle Ages</B></td> <td width="25%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""><BR> <IMG SRC="TinyCaius.jpg" ALT="TinyCaius.jpg" WIDTH="73" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Johannes Caius<BR> <SMALL>1510-1573</SMALL></B></td> <td width="25%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""><BR> <IMG SRC="TinyFrancisBarlow.jpg" ALT="TinyFrancisBarlow.jpg" WIDTH="99" HEIGHT="62" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Francis Barlow<BR> <SMALL>1626-1704</SMALL></B></td> </TABLE><BR CLEAR="all"><BR> </TABLE><BR CLEAR="all"> <TABLE BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="100%" ALIGN="CENTER"> <td width="100%" align="center" valign="middle"> <BR><P ALIGN="center"> <BIG><B>THE EARLY 18TH CENTURY THROUGH THE MID 20TH CENTURY</B></BIG> </P> <TABLE BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="100%" ALIGN="CENTER"> <td width="12%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""><BR> <IMG SRC="Tiny18th-19thCents.jpg" ALT="Tiny18th-19thCents.jpg" WIDTH="125" HEIGHT="105" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Introduction<BR> to the<BR> 18th & 19th <BR> Centuries</B></td> <td width="12%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""><BR> <IMG SRC="TinyBuffon.jpg" ALT="TinyBuffon.jpg" WIDTH="72" HEIGHT="100" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Georges Louis<BR> Leclerc<BR> Comte de Buffon<BR> <SMALL>1707-1788</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="TinyBewick.jpg" ALT="TinyBewick.jpg" WIDTH="63" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Thomas Bewick<BR> <SMALL>1753-1828</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyBurns.jpg" ALT="TinyBurns.jpg" WIDTH="76" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Robert Burns<BR> <SMALL>1759-1796</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinySydenhamEdwards.jpg" ALT="TinySydenhamEdwards.jpg" WIDTH="72" HEIGHT="100" BORDER="1"></A> <BR> <B>Sydenham Edwards<BR> <SMALL>1768-1819</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyHogg.jpg" ALT="TinyHogg.jpg" WIDTH="82" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>James Hogg<BR> the Ettrick Shepherd <SMALL>1770-1835</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyYouatt.jpg" ALT="TinyYouatt.jpg" WIDTH="99" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>William Youatt<BR><SMALL>1776-1847</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinySirDavidWilkie.jpg" ALT="TinySirDavidWilkie.jpg" WIDTH="86" HEIGHT="125" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Sir David Wilkie<BR> <SMALL>1785-1841</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyVerboeckhoven.jpg" ALT="TinyVerboeckhoven.jpg" WIDTH="94" HEIGHT="123" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Eugene Joseph<BR> Verboeckhoven<BR><SMALL>1790-1881</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyLandseer.jpg" ALT="TinyLandseer.jpg" WIDTH="73" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Sir Edwin Landseer<BR> <SMALL>1802-1873</SMALL></B></td> </TABLE><BR CLEAR="all"> <TABLE BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="100%" ALIGN="CENTER"> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyAnsdell.jpg" ALT="TinyAnsdell.jpg" WIDTH="59" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Richard Ansdell R.A.<BR> <SMALL>1815-1885</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinySteell.jpg" ALT="TinySteell.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="101" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Gourlay Steell<BR> <SMALL>1819-1894<BR></SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyQueenVictoria.jpg" ALT="TinyQueenVictoria.jpg" WIDTH="77" HEIGHT="100" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Queen Victoria<BR> <SMALL>1819-1901<BR> (Reigned 1837-1901)</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyHarrisonWeir.jpg" ALT="TinyHarrisonWeir.jpg" WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Harrison Weir<BR> <SMALL>1824-1906</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyMylesBirketFoster.jpg" ALT="TinyMylesBirketFoster.jpg" WIDTH="78" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Myles Birket Foster<BR> <SMALL>1825-1899</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyJohnGeorgeWood.jpg" ALT="TinyJohnGeorgeWood.jpg" WIDTH="72" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Rev. J. G. Wood<BR> <SMALL>1827-1899</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinySchenck.jpg" ALT="TinySchenck.jpg" WIDTH="81" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Albrecht Schenck<BR> <SMALL>1828-1901</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyMauve.jpg" ALT="TinyMauve.jpg" WIDTH="81" HEIGHT="108" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Anton Mauve<BR><SMALL>1838-1888</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyAlexander.jpg" ALT="TinyAlexander.jpg" WIDTH="72" HEIGHT="108" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Robert Alexander<BR><SMALL>1840-1923</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyEdgarBarclay.jpg" ALT="TinyEdgarBarclay.jpg" WIDTH="101" HEIGHT="115" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Edgar Barclay<BR><SMALL>1842-1913</SMALL></B></td> </TABLE><BR CLEAR="all"> <TABLE BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="100%" ALIGN="CENTER"> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyWHHudsontiny.jpg" ALT="TinyWHHudsontiny.jpg" WIDTH="86" HEIGHT="100" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>W. H. Hudson<BR> <SMALL>1841-1922</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyHeywoodHardy.jpg" ALT="TinyHeywoodHardy.jpg" WIDTH="77" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Heywood Hardy<BR> <SMALL>1842-1933</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyEmms.jpg" ALT="TinyEmms.jpg" WIDTH="88" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>John Emms<BR><SMALL>1843-1912</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyCaldecott.jpg" ALT="TinyCaldecott.jpg" WIDTH="85" HEIGHT="108" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Randolph Caldecott<BR> <SMALL>1846-1886</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyFarquharson.jpg" ALT="TinyFarquharson.jpg" WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Joseph Farquharson<BR> <SMALL>1846-1935</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyDouglas.jpg" ALT="TinyDouglas.jpg" WIDTH="74" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Edwin Douglas<BR> <SMALL>1848-1914</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyAuldKep.jpg" ALT="TinyAuldKep.jpg" WIDTH="82" HEIGHT="100" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Adelaide L. J. Gosset<BR> <SMALL>1855-19??</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="TinyWalterHunt.jpg" ALT="TinyWalterHunt.jpg" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="121" BORDER="1"></A> <B>Walter Hunt<BR><SMALL>1861-1941</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyBeatrixPotter.jpg" ALT="TinyBeatrixPotter.jpg" WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Beatrix Potter<BR> <SMALL>1866-1943</SMALL></B></td> <td width="11%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyBarclayWills.jpg" ALT="TinyBarclayWills.jpg" WIDTH="83" HEIGHT="100" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Barclay Wills<BR> <SMALL>1877-1962</SMALL></B></td> </TABLE><BR CLEAR="all"><BR> </TABLE><BR CLEAR="all"> <TABLE BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="80%" ALIGN="CENTER"> <td width="100%" align="center" valign="middle"> <BR><P ALIGN="center"> <B>&darr; click here for the &darr;</B><BR> <A HREF=""><B><BIG><B><BIG>THE HISTORY OF THE <I>WORKING</I> BORDER COLLIE </BIG></B></BIG></B></A><BR><BR> <SMALL><I>Below, "Sheepdog Trial at Westmorland" by John Charlton, from</I> The Graphic, <I>1902.</I></SMALL><BR> <IMG SRC="1902SheepdogTrialsJohnCharlton.jpg" ALT="1902SheepdogTrialsJohnCharlton.jpg" WIDTH="432" HEIGHT="270" BORDER="1"> </P> <P ALIGN="center"> <B><BIG><BIG>THE BORDER COLLIE IN ITS COUNTRY OF ORIGIN</BIG></BIG></B> </P> <TABLE BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="90%" ALIGN="CENTER"> <td width="25%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyDroversDogs.jpg" ALT="TinyDroversDogs" WIDTH="94" HEIGHT="52" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>The<BR>Drovers<BR>Dogs</B></td> <td width="25%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Tinybala.jpg" ALT="Tinybala" WIDTH="62" HEIGHT="72" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Sheepdog Trials<BR> In Britain<BR> & Ireland</B></td> <td width="25%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyAuldHemp.jpg" ALT="TinyAuldHemp.jpg" WIDTH="84" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Old Hemp 9<BR> <SMALL>Progenitor<BR> of the<BR> Border Collie</SMALL></B></td> <td width="25%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <B>For more on<BR> the history & culture<BR> of the Border Collie<BR> you are going to<BR> want to subscribe to<BR> </B> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="WSMLogo.jpg" ALT="WSMLogo.jpg" WIDTH="72" HEIGHT="72" BORDER="1"><BR> <B>WORKING SHEPHERD MAGAZINE<BR></B></A><BR> (click on the link<BR>to see how to subscribe)</td> </TABLE><BR CLEAR="all"> <P ALIGN="center"> <BIG><B>THE 20TH CENTURY AND BEYOND</B></BIG><BR> </P> <TABLE BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="100%" ALIGN="CENTER"> <td width="12%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="TinyJohnHerriesMcCulloch.jpg" ALT="TinyJohnHerriesMcCulloch.jpg" WIDTH="67" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>John Herries McCulloch </B> </td> <td width="12%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="TinyWillieScott.jpg" ALT="TinyWillieScott.jpg" WIDTH="85" HEIGHT="100" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Willie Scott<BR> <SMALL>1897-1989</SMALL></B> </td> <td width="12%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinySheliaGrew.jpg" ALT="TinySheliaGrew.jpg" WIDTH="76" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Sheila Grew<BR> <SMALL>1918-1986</SMALL></B> </td> <td width="12%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="TinyMattMundell.jpg" ALT="TinyMattMundell.jpg" WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Matt Mundell<BR> <SMALL>1936-ca.1990</SMALL></B> </td> <td width="12%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyEricHalsall.jpg" ALT="TinyEricHalsall.jpg" WIDTH="74" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Eric Halsall<BR> <SMALL>1920-1996</SMALL></B> </td> <td width="12%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyIrisCombe.jpg" ALT="TinyIrisCombe.jpg" WIDTH="89" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Iris Combe<BR> <SMALL>1914-2009</SMALL></B> </td> <td width="12%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="TinyEdwardHart.jpg" ALT="TinyEdwardHart.jpg" WIDTH="72" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Edward Hart<BR> <SMALL>1925-2011</SMALL></B> <td width="12%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyBarbaraCarpenter.jpg" ALT="TinyBarbaraCarpenter.jpg" WIDTH="81" HEIGHT="100" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Barbara Carpenter<BR> <SMALL>1921-2013</SMALL></B> </td> </TABLE><BR CLEAR="all"> <HR> <P ALIGN="center"> <B><BIG><BIG>THE BORDER COLLIE IN AMERICA</BIG></BIG></B> </P> <TABLE BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="90%" ALIGN="CENTER"> <td width="25%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinySheepHerdingInTheWest.jpg" ALT="TinySheepHerdingInTheWest" WIDTH="75" HEIGHT="66" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>The <I>Working</I> Border Collie<BR> in America</B></td> <td width="25%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinySpot.jpg" ALT="TinySpot.jpg" WIDTH="97" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Spot 308<BR> <SMALL>Progenitor<BR> of the<BR> Border Collie<BR> in America</SMALL></B></td> <td width="25%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyArthurAllen.jpg" ALT="TinyArthurAllen.jpg" WIDTH="85" HEIGHT="83" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Arthur Allen <SMALL>1904-1996</SMALL></B> </td> <td width="25%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyCarlBradford.jpg" ALT="TinyCarlBradford.jpg" WIDTH="77" HEIGHT="83" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Carl Bradford<BR> <SMALL>1907-ca. 1990</SMALL></B> </td> </TABLE><BR CLEAR="all"> </TABLE><BR CLEAR="all"> <TABLE BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="90%" ALIGN="CENTER"> <td width="100%" align="center" valign="middle"> <BR><P ALIGN="center"><A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyWelshSheepDog.jpg" ALT="TinyWelshSheepDog.jpg" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="49" BORDER="1"><BR> <B><BIG><BIG>BORDER COLLIE COUSINS</BIG></BIG></B></A><BR><BR> <B>INCLUDING</B></P> <TABLE BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="CENTER"> <td width="15%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <IMG SRC="TinyBeardedCollie.jpg" ALT="TinyBeardedCollie.jpg" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="77" BORDER="1"><BR> <B>The Herding Dogs<BR> of Great Britain<BR> and Ireland</B> </td> <td width="15%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <IMG SRC="TinyEnglishShepherd_Quinn.jpg" ALT="TinyEnglishShepherd_Quinn.jpg" WIDTH="120" HEIGHT="109" BORDER="1"><BR> <B>The Herding Dogs<BR> of North and<BR> South America</B> </td> <td width="15%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <IMG SRC="TinyACD.jpg" ALT="TinyACD.jpg" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"><BR> <B>The Herding Dogs<BR> of Australia and<BR> New Zealand</B> </td> <td width="15%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <IMG SRC="TinyPicard.jpg" ALT="TinyPicard.jpg" WIDTH="114" HEIGHT="97" BORDER="1"><BR> <B>The Herding Dogs<BR> of Western Europe</B> </td> <td width="15%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <IMG SRC="TinyMudi.jpg" ALT="TinyMudi.jpg" WIDTH="108" HEIGHT="97" BORDER="1"><BR> <B>The Herding Dogs<BR> of Eastern Europe</B> </td> <td width="15%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <IMG SRC="TinyNenetsLaika.jpg" ALT="TinyNenetsLaika.jpg" WIDTH="108" HEIGHT="90" BORDER="1"><BR> <B>The Herding Dogs<BR> of Asia</B> </td> </TABLE><BR CLEAR="all"> </td> </TABLE><BR CLEAR="all"> <TABLE BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="25%" ALIGN="CENTER"> <td width="100%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="1815_Alpine_Mastiff.jpg" ALT="1815_Alpine_Mastiff.jpg" WIDTH="216" HEIGHT="121" BORDER="1"><BR><BR><B><BIG>LIVESTOCK GUARDIAN DOGS</BIG></B></A> </td> </TABLE><BR CLEAR="all"> <TABLE BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="90%" ALIGN="CENTER"> <td width="12%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="TinyBarker.jpg" ALT="TinyBarker.jpg" WIDTH="101" HEIGHT="108" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>The Origin<BR>of the Word<BR>"Collie"</B></td> <td width="12%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyMoss.jpg" ALT="TinyMoss" WIDTH="63" HEIGHT="75" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>The Health<BR> of the Breed</B></td> <td width="12%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyBCStampFalklands4.jpg" ALT="TinyBCStampFalklands4" WIDTH="75" HEIGHT="54" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>The<BR> Border Collie<BR> in Stamps</B></td> <td width="12%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyClyde.jpg" ALT="TinyClyde" WIDTH="72" HEIGHT="72" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>Border Collie<BR> Names</B></td> <td width="12%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="Tinybicebook.jpg" ALT="Tinybicebook" WIDTH="60" HEIGHT="75" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>A Sheepdog Bibliography</B></td> <td width="12%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="TinyHeelstone.jpg" ALT="TinyHeelstone.jpg" WIDTH="103" HEIGHT="91" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <B>History<BR>of the<BR>Shepherd's Dog<BR>Glossary</B></td> <td width="12%" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="b8bba6"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="TinyRaglandsLot.jpg" ALT="TinyRaglandsLot.jpg" WIDTH="77" HEIGHT="75"></A><BR> <B>Forever Faithful:<BR> Memorials to<BR> Shepherds' Dogs</B></td> </TABLE><BR CLEAR="all"><BR> <TABLE BORDER=3 CELLSPACING=3 CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="60%" ALIGN="CENTER"> <td width="100%" align="center" valign="middle"> <P ALIGN="center"> <BR><B><BIG>LOOKS--DIVERSITY IS THE KEY WORD</BIG></B><BR><BR> <B>SEE OUR <A HREF=""> "COLOR PAGES"</B></BIG><BR><BR> <I><IMG SRC="Diversity.jpg" ALT="Diversity.jpg" WIDTH="503" HEIGHT="148" BORDER="1"></A><BR> <SMALL><I>Above, about 20 Border Collies line up for the ball at a<BR> <A HREF="">New England Border Collie Rescue</A> reunion at <A HREF="">Sugarbush Farm</A> in New York State. <BR>Throwing the ball is Craig Chittenden, owner of the farm.<BR> Notice the diversity in color and pattern of these dogs.<BR> Most are black-and-white or tricolored, but there is a white-headed dog,<BR> a red-and-white, a red-tri, a sable, a red-merle, and a brindle.<BR></I></SMALL> <B><BR>Our <A HREF="">color pages</A> have photos of dogs of almost every possible color<BR> in which the Border Collie can come,<BR> as well as pages on eye color, coat type, and patterns.</B> </P><BR> </td> </TABLE> <A name="Pictures"> <P ALIGN="center"> <IMG SRC="GgeHorlorShpdgsRstnginMnLnd.jpg" ALT="GgeHorlorShpdgsRstnginMnLnd.jpg" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="303" BORDER="1"></A><BR><BR> <SMALL><I>Above, an 1875 painting by George Horlor (1849-1891) called "Sheepdogs Resting in a Mountain Landscape".<BR> One appears to be tricolored and the other heavily shaded sable with no white markings.</I> </P> <P ALIGN="center"> <B>NOTE ON THE PICTURES ON THESE PAGES</B> </P> <P> For those of you who wonder where I get the pictures on these pages, I have to say they come from many sources and my own collection, both hard copy and virtual, is large. In every case, I try to track down the original artist or photographer, and, in the case where they are living, seek permission to use; but as you can imagine, this is no easy task. So let me just say that if I've put up a picture where you own the rights and have not credited you, I would be more than happy to do so if you will contact me at <A HREF=""></A> or if you prefer, I will take it down. If you know the artist and I have not credited him or her, I would appreciate hearing from you as well. </P> <P> However, there are several resources that I would like to acknowledge here:<BR><BR> <IMG SRC="TinyNikiSawyer.jpg" ALT="TinyNikiSawyer.jpg" WIDTH="95" HEIGHT="108" ALIGN="left"> <A HREF="">Niki Sawyer</A> was a handspinner and a sheep farmer, among other things. "Every morning at dawn," her husband Tom tells us, "Niki hunted the Internet for sheep images over coffee. She looked forward to this special quiet time--it relaxed her and gave us both a chance to wake up before tackling barn chores." Niki passed away suddenly in December of 2006 and her husband has put up a remarkable memorial website for her which includes nearly 6,000 of the images she collected. I am pleased to be able, with Tom's approval, to present some of Niki's collection here. </P> <P><IMG SRC="TinyAnsdell_Sarah.jpg" ALT="TinyAnsdell_Sarah.jpg" WIDTH="101" HEIGHT="108" ALIGN="left"> <A HREF=""> Sarah Kellem</A> is the great, great-granddaughter of Victorian artist, <A HREF="">Richard Ansdell</A>, and has graciously supplied many of the Ansdell pictures I have on this website, as well as much information on her illustrious great, great-grandfather. </P> <P><IMG SRC="TinyBethMaxwellBoyle.jpg" ALT="TinyBethMaxwellBoyle.jpg" WIDTH="92" HEIGHT="108" ALIGN="left"> <A HREF=""> Beth Maxwell Boyle</A> is an artist and sheep farmer from New York State, and with her husband, Jim, a metalsmith, runs The Rams Horn Studio. She is also an inveterate collector of sheep pictures, and has kindly allowed me the use of some of them on my website. </P> <P><IMG SRC="TinyBarbaraCarpenter.jpg" ALT="TinyBarbaraCarpenter.jpg" WIDTH="81" HEIGHT="100" ALIGN="left"> <A HREF=""> Barbara Carpenter</A> was an author, sheep farmer and Border Collie breeder. Her unabiding love for the Border Collie breed motivated her to amass a large collection of Border Collie memorabelia, which, over the years, she generously shared with me and others, for which I am grateful. </P><BR CLEAR="all"> <P align="center"> There are others who have supplied pictures, and I am grateful to them as well.<BR> But these four ladies have made the biggest impact on this website in the way of pictures, and I cannot thank them enough. </P></SMALL> </td></TABLE><BR CLEAR="all"> <P align="center"> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="TinyCaroleAndPup.jpg" ALT="TinyCaroleAndPup.jpg" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="85" BORDER="1" align="middle"></A> Meet the <A HREF="">Curator</A> of the <B>Border Collie Museum</B> </P><BR CLEAR="all"> <HR width="25%"> <P ALIGN="center"> <FONT COLOR="#0066CC"><B>See us on Facebook</B></FONT> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;<iframe src=";width=292&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=false&amp;stream=false&amp;header=true&amp;height=62" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:292px; height:62px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe> </P> <P ALIGN="center"> <IMG SRC="AlanIngham.jpg" ALT="AlanIngham.jpg" WIDTH="252" HEIGHT="158"><BR> <SMALL><I>A painting of a Yorkshire farm and barn<BR> by Alan Ingham</I></SMALL> </P> <HR> <P ALIGN="center"><B>THE OTHER WEB PAGES WE MAINTAIN</B><BR><BR> </P> <P ALIGN="center"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="" ALT="" WIDTH="216" HEIGHT="108" BORDER="1"></A> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="" ALT="" WIDTH="225" HEIGHT="113" BORDER="1"></A> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="" ALT="" WIDTH="225" HEIGHT="113" BORDER="1"></A> </P> <P ALIGN="center"> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="" ALT="" WIDTH="216" HEIGHT="108" BORDER="1"></A> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="" ALT="" WIDTH="225" HEIGHT="113" BORDER="1"></A> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="" ALT="" WIDTH="216" HEIGHT="108" BORDER="1"></A> </P> <P ALIGN="center"> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="" ALT="" WIDTH="225" HEIGHT="113" BORDER="1"></A> <A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="" ALT="" WIDTH="216" HEIGHT="108" BORDER="1"></A> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="" ALT="AdvertStripWriting.jpg" WIDTH="225" HEIGHT="129" BORDER="1"></A> </P> <hr> <P align="center"> These web pages are copyright &#169;2014 and maintained by webmeistress Carole Presberg<BR> with technical help from webwizard David Presberg<BR> <B>ALL RIGHTS RESERVED</B><BR> If you are interested in using ANY material on this website, you MUST first ask for permission.</P> <P><center>You may email us at <A HREF=""></A>. </center></P> <HR> Last modified: July 20, 2015 <ADDRESS> <A HREF=""></A> </ADDRESS> </BODY> </HTML>
Border Collie Museum ![](1913ColliesDryBrush.jpg) **WELCOME TO** ![BorderCollieMuseumLogo7.jpg](BorderCollieMuseumLogo7.jpg) ***An online museum dedicated to the shepherd's dog, its history, culture, and lore through the eyes of artists, writers, poets, and historians; and to the shepherds that used their herding dogs to bring the flocks safely down from the hills.*** *"The Shepherd's Dogge...either at the hearing of his master's voyce, or at the wagging and whistling in his fist, or at his shrill and hoarse hissing, bringeth the wandering weathers and straying sheepe into the self same place where his master's will and wishe is to have them."* --- [Johannes Caius](Caius/Caius.html), physician to Queen Elizabeth I, from his *Treatise on Englishe Dogges*, 1576 --- ![bc_herding_tile2.jpg](bc_herding_tile2.jpg) *See [below](#Pictures) for a note on the pictures used on this website.* --- ![TwinsLandseer.jpg](TwinsLandseer.jpg) *Above, "Twins" by Sir Edwin Landseer. ("Twins" refers to the two lambs, not the dogs. One of dogs (the rear one) is a sable and the other a tricolor, possibly a saddle-patterned tri or a heavily shaded sable.)* The exhibits here will give you an idea of what kind of dog a Border Collie is and what went into the making of the breed. They include information on the shepherd's dog in general and on the Border Collie specifically, its history, physical attributes and working style. We also provide an extensive bibliography and with all our pages, furnish links to other Border Collie and shepherd's dog websites. The intent is to have important and interesting information available to you at all times, but some of it may also change, as things are updated periodically or given a rest. Below are some of the things we have to offer. Just click on the thumbnail pictures and/or the green underlined text and they will take you where you want to go. Enjoy your stay and come back for subsequent visits. The exhibits are ever-growing and ever-changing. ***[REQUEST:** The Border Collie Museum is always looking for new material, both for this site and for a possible future book. We are particularly eager to find material relating to the Border Collie or other breed of shepherd's dog **in America**. If you have any old books, articles, clippings, photographs, personal or family stories, and other memorabilia relating to the breed that you would like to *lend* or *donate* to us and would enjoy seeing incorporated into this site, please contact us ([]( and we will tell you where to send it. Any material we borrow will be handled carefully and returned to you as quickly as possible. Any material donated to us, will be archived. If we use your material, we **will** give you credit. --ed.]* --- ![](2collies1870.jpg) *Above, "Two Collies" a sable and a black-and-white, from an 1870 painting by Sir Edwin Landseer* ***[PLEASE NOTE: Thumbnails that are bordered in green, and green and underlined text are links. Thumbnails that are bordered in brown and text that is not in green and underlined in green are NOT links.]*** **THE HISTORY OF THE SHEPHERD'S DOG** On this website, we purposely draw a distinction between the Border Collie and the shepherd's dog. For our purposes here, "Border Collie" refers to the shepherd's dog that as a *breed* did not come into being until the late 19th, early 20th centuries; whereas, "shepherd's dog" refers to all working herding dogs as well as livestock guardian breeds. By "collies" or "collie breeds" we mean the herding dogs, chiefly in Great Britain and Ireland, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand. When we talk about "old working collies" we are refering to those herding dogs from the 19th century and before, in Great Britain and Ireland, from which the Border Collie and it's cousins in Great Britain and Ireland, the United States, Australia, and New Zealand developed. See our page on the definition of the word "[collie](" and see our [glossary]( for definitions of the various terms we use in ths website. You will also see on these pages articles about herding dogs in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and Asia. It is not meant to imply that all the herding dogs in the world are Border Collie cousins, only that they have something in common: ***herding instinct***, which in a way makes them more similar to the Border Collie than, say, the Great Dane or the Jack Russell Terrier. We also present biographies of people, who, through writing or art, music or poetry, or by action, have contributed to our knowledge of the history of the shepherd's dog. There is very little mention of the shepherd's dog in history or literature, so we are infinitely grateful to the people referred to on these pages. **VERY EARLY HISTORY** [TinyRome.jpg]( **The Shepherd's DogIn Antiquity** | [TinyHolkham.jpg]( **The Shepherd's DogIn TheMiddle Ages** | [TinyCaius.jpg]( **Johannes Caius 1510-1573** | [TinyFrancisBarlow.jpg]( **Francis Barlow 1626-1704** | | **THE EARLY 18TH CENTURY THROUGH THE MID 20TH CENTURY** [Tiny18th-19thCents.jpg]( **Introduction to the 18th & 19th Centuries** | [TinyBuffon.jpg]( **Georges Louis Leclerc Comte de Buffon 1707-1788** | [TinyBewick.jpg]( **Thomas Bewick 1753-1828** | [TinyBurns.jpg]( **Robert Burns 1759-1796** | [TinySydenhamEdwards.jpg]( **Sydenham Edwards 1768-1819** | [TinyHogg.jpg]( **James Hogg the Ettrick Shepherd 1770-1835** | [TinyYouatt.jpg]( **William Youatt1776-1847** | [TinySirDavidWilkie.jpg]( **Sir David Wilkie 1785-1841** | [TinyVerboeckhoven.jpg]( **Eugene Joseph Verboeckhoven1790-1881** | [TinyLandseer.jpg]( **Sir Edwin Landseer 1802-1873** | [TinyAnsdell.jpg]( **Richard Ansdell R.A. 1815-1885** | [TinySteell.jpg]( **Gourlay Steell 1819-1894** | [TinyQueenVictoria.jpg]( **Queen Victoria 1819-1901 (Reigned 1837-1901)** | [TinyHarrisonWeir.jpg]( **Harrison Weir 1824-1906** | [TinyMylesBirketFoster.jpg]( **Myles Birket Foster 1825-1899** | [TinyJohnGeorgeWood.jpg]( **Rev. J. G. Wood 1827-1899** | [TinySchenck.jpg]( **Albrecht Schenck 1828-1901** | [TinyMauve.jpg]( **Anton Mauve1838-1888** | [TinyAlexander.jpg]( **Robert Alexander1840-1923** | [TinyEdgarBarclay.jpg]( **Edgar Barclay1842-1913** | [TinyWHHudsontiny.jpg]( **W. H. Hudson 1841-1922** | [TinyHeywoodHardy.jpg]( **Heywood Hardy 1842-1933** | [TinyEmms.jpg]( **John Emms1843-1912** | [TinyCaldecott.jpg]( **Randolph Caldecott 1846-1886** | [TinyFarquharson.jpg]( **Joseph Farquharson 1846-1935** | [TinyDouglas.jpg]( **Edwin Douglas 1848-1914** | [TinyAuldKep.jpg]( **Adelaide L. J. Gosset 1855-19??** | [TinyWalterHunt.jpg]( **Walter Hunt1861-1941** | [TinyBeatrixPotter.jpg]( **Beatrix Potter 1866-1943** | [TinyBarclayWills.jpg]( **Barclay Wills 1877-1962** | | **↓ click here for the ↓** [****THE HISTORY OF THE *WORKING* BORDER COLLIE****]( *Below, "Sheepdog Trial at Westmorland" by John Charlton, from* The Graphic, *1902.* 1902SheepdogTrialsJohnCharlton.jpg **THE BORDER COLLIE IN ITS COUNTRY OF ORIGIN** [TinyDroversDogs]( **TheDroversDogs** | [Tinybala]( **Sheepdog Trials In Britain & Ireland** | [TinyAuldHemp.jpg]( **Old Hemp 9 Progenitor of the Border Collie** | **For more on the history & culture of the Border Collie you are going to want to subscribe to** [WSMLogo.jpg **WORKING SHEPHERD MAGAZINE**]( (click on the linkto see how to subscribe) | **THE 20TH CENTURY AND BEYOND** [TinyJohnHerriesMcCulloch.jpg]( **John Herries McCulloch** | [TinyWillieScott.jpg]( **Willie Scott 1897-1989** | [TinySheliaGrew.jpg]( **Sheila Grew 1918-1986** | [TinyMattMundell.jpg]( **Matt Mundell 1936-ca.1990** | [TinyEricHalsall.jpg]( **Eric Halsall 1920-1996** | [TinyIrisCombe.jpg]( **Iris Combe 1914-2009** | [TinyEdwardHart.jpg]( **Edward Hart 1925-2011** [TinyBarbaraCarpenter.jpg]( **Barbara Carpenter 1921-2013** | | --- **THE BORDER COLLIE IN AMERICA** [TinySheepHerdingInTheWest]( **The *Working* Border Collie in America** | [TinySpot.jpg]( **Spot 308 Progenitor of the Border Collie in America** | [TinyArthurAllen.jpg]( **Arthur Allen 1904-1996** | [TinyCarlBradford.jpg]( **Carl Bradford 1907-ca. 1990** | | [TinyWelshSheepDog.jpg **BORDER COLLIE COUSINS**]( **INCLUDING** TinyBeardedCollie.jpg **The Herding Dogs of Great Britain and Ireland** | TinyEnglishShepherd_Quinn.jpg **The Herding Dogs of North and South America** | TinyACD.jpg **The Herding Dogs of Australia and New Zealand** | TinyPicard.jpg **The Herding Dogs of Western Europe** | TinyMudi.jpg **The Herding Dogs of Eastern Europe** | TinyNenetsLaika.jpg **The Herding Dogs of Asia** | | [1815_Alpine_Mastiff.jpg**LIVESTOCK GUARDIAN DOGS**]( | [TinyBarker.jpg]( **The Originof the Word"Collie"** | [TinyMoss]( **The Health of the Breed** | [TinyBCStampFalklands4]( **The Border Collie in Stamps** | [TinyClyde]( **Border Collie Names** | [Tinybicebook]( **A Sheepdog Bibliography** | [TinyHeelstone.jpg]( **Historyof theShepherd's DogGlossary** | [TinyRaglandsLot.jpg]( **Forever Faithful: Memorials to Shepherds' Dogs** | **LOOKS--DIVERSITY IS THE KEY WORD** **SEE OUR ["COLOR PAGES"](** *Diversity.jpg *Above, about 20 Border Collies line up for the ball at a [New England Border Collie Rescue]( reunion at [Sugarbush Farm]( in New York State. Throwing the ball is Craig Chittenden, owner of the farm. Notice the diversity in color and pattern of these dogs. Most are black-and-white or tricolored, but there is a white-headed dog, a red-and-white, a red-tri, a sable, a red-merle, and a brindle.* **Our [color pages]( have photos of dogs of almost every possible color in which the Border Collie can come, as well as pages on eye color, coat type, and patterns.*** | ![GgeHorlorShpdgsRstnginMnLnd.jpg](GgeHorlorShpdgsRstnginMnLnd.jpg) *Above, an 1875 painting by George Horlor (1849-1891) called "Sheepdogs Resting in a Mountain Landscape". One appears to be tricolored and the other heavily shaded sable with no white markings.* **NOTE ON THE PICTURES ON THESE PAGES** For those of you who wonder where I get the pictures on these pages, I have to say they come from many sources and my own collection, both hard copy and virtual, is large. In every case, I try to track down the original artist or photographer, and, in the case where they are living, seek permission to use; but as you can imagine, this is no easy task. So let me just say that if I've put up a picture where you own the rights and have not credited you, I would be more than happy to do so if you will contact me at []( or if you prefer, I will take it down. If you know the artist and I have not credited him or her, I would appreciate hearing from you as well. However, there are several resources that I would like to acknowledge here: ![TinyNikiSawyer.jpg](TinyNikiSawyer.jpg) [Niki Sawyer]( was a handspinner and a sheep farmer, among other things. "Every morning at dawn," her husband Tom tells us, "Niki hunted the Internet for sheep images over coffee. She looked forward to this special quiet time--it relaxed her and gave us both a chance to wake up before tackling barn chores." Niki passed away suddenly in December of 2006 and her husband has put up a remarkable memorial website for her which includes nearly 6,000 of the images she collected. I am pleased to be able, with Tom's approval, to present some of Niki's collection here. ![TinyAnsdell_Sarah.jpg](TinyAnsdell_Sarah.jpg) [Sarah Kellem]( is the great, great-granddaughter of Victorian artist, [Richard Ansdell](, and has graciously supplied many of the Ansdell pictures I have on this website, as well as much information on her illustrious great, great-grandfather. ![TinyBethMaxwellBoyle.jpg](TinyBethMaxwellBoyle.jpg) [Beth Maxwell Boyle]( is an artist and sheep farmer from New York State, and with her husband, Jim, a metalsmith, runs The Rams Horn Studio. She is also an inveterate collector of sheep pictures, and has kindly allowed me the use of some of them on my website. ![TinyBarbaraCarpenter.jpg](TinyBarbaraCarpenter.jpg) [Barbara Carpenter]( was an author, sheep farmer and Border Collie breeder. Her unabiding love for the Border Collie breed motivated her to amass a large collection of Border Collie memorabelia, which, over the years, she generously shared with me and others, for which I am grateful. There are others who have supplied pictures, and I am grateful to them as well. But these four ladies have made the biggest impact on this website in the way of pictures, and I cannot thank them enough. [![TinyCaroleAndPup.jpg](TinyCaroleAndPup.jpg)]( Meet the [Curator]( of the **Border Collie Museum** --- **See us on Facebook**    ![AlanIngham.jpg](AlanIngham.jpg) *A painting of a Yorkshire farm and barn by Alan Ingham* --- **THE OTHER WEB PAGES WE MAINTAIN** [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![](]( [![AdvertStripWriting.jpg](]( --- These web pages are copyright ©2014 and maintained by webmeistress Carole Presberg with technical help from webwizard David Presberg **ALL RIGHTS RESERVED** If you are interested in using ANY material on this website, you MUST first ask for permission. You may email us at []( --- Last modified: July 20, 2015 [](
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Women Must Serve Men. Wives must submit to Husbands.</h1> <p> <h1><strong>Stepford Organization's Original Sayings Quotes</strong><strong></strong></h1> <p><em><strong>Born to serve. Live to please. Wife for life. </strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>To serve man is not a cookbook…it's a pleasure!</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>Who needs to have an opinion when you've got your man?</strong></em></p> <p><em><strong>Slippers, cold beer, newspaper. Which would you like me to fetch you first, dear?</strong></em></p> <p>&copy; 2011 / Irene Snowden&nbsp;</p> <h1><strong>Our Favorite Quotes</strong><strong></strong></h1> <p><strong>John Knox </strong>(1513-72): "Woman in her greatest perfection was made to serve and obey man, NOT to rule and command him." <p><strong>John Knox</strong> (1513-72): "Woman in her greatest perfection should have known that man was lord above her; and therefore that she should never have pretended any kind of superiority above him, no more than do the angels above God the Creator, or above Christ their head." <p><strong>John Knox</strong> (1513-72): "In her greatest perfection, woman was created to be subject to man." <p><strong>Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai</strong>: Last, there is a wife who is like a maid-servant. She serves her husband well and with fidelity. She repects him, obeys his commands, has no wishes of her own, no ill-feeling, no resentment, and always tries to make him happy.&quot; <p> <span id="search"><strong>Jean-Jacques Rousseau</strong></span><strong>:</strong> &quot;The whole education of women ought to be relative to men. To please them, to be useful to them, to make themselves loved and honored by them, to educate them when young, to care for them when grown, to council them, to console them, and to make life agreeable and sweet to them—these are the duties of women at all times, and should be taught them from their infancy.&quot; <p><span id="search2"><strong>Jean-Jacques Rousseau</strong></span><strong>:</strong> &quot;<span id="search3">Woman was made to yield to man and put up with his injustice</span>.&quot; <p><strong>Augustine</strong> (354-430): "Woman was merely man's helpmate, a function which pertains to her alone. She is not the image of God but as far as man is concerned, he is by himself the image of God." <p><strong>Pope Gregory I</strong> (540-604): "Woman is slow in understanding and her unstable and naive mind renders her by way of natural weakness to the necessity of a strong hand in her husband. Her 'use' is two fold; [carnal] sex and motherhood." <p><strong>Clement of Alexandria</strong> (150-215): &quot;Every woman should be filled with shame by the thought that she is a woman.&quot; <p><strong>Martin Luther</strong> (1483-1546) &quot;Woman is a stupid vessel over whom man must always hold power, for the man is higher and better than she; for the regiment and dominion belong to man as the head and master of the house.&quot; </p> <p><strong>Southern Baptist Convention</strong> (2000): "A wife should submit herself to the leadership of her husband. Leadership in the church should always be male." <p><strong>Saint Ambrose</strong> (347 - 397): "Woman ought not only to have simple arrayment, but all authority is to be denied unto her. For she must be in subjection to man (of whom she has taken her origin), as well in habit as in service." <p> <hr /> <p><strong>1 Corinthians 11:8 - 11:10 (Amplified Bible)</strong></p> <p>For man was not created from woman, but woman from man;</p> <p>Neither was man created on account of or for the benefit of woman, but woman on account of and for the benefit of man.</p> <p>Therefore she should be subject to his authority and should have a covering on her head as a token, a symbol, of her submission to authority, that she may show reverence as do the angels and not displease them.</p> <p><strong>1 Corinthians 11:34 - 11:35 (Amplified Bible)</strong></p> <p>The women should keep quiet in the churches, for they are not authorized to speak, but should take a secondary and subordinate place, just as the Law also says.</p> <p>But if there is anything they want to learn, they should ask their own husbands at home, for it is disgraceful [a shame] for a woman to talk in church for her to usurp and exercise authority over men in the church</p> <p><strong>Ephesians 5:22-5:24</strong> (Weymouth New Testament):</p> <p>Married women, submit to your own husbands as if to the Lord; because a husband is the Head of his wife as Christ also is the Head of the Church, being indeed the Saviour of this His Body. And just as the Church submits to Christ, so also married women should be entirely submissive to their husbands.</p> <p>(<em>Gill's Exposition on the Entire Bible</em>: Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ,.... Her head, being wholly dependent upon him, and entirely resigned to him, and receiving all from him; from whom alone is all her expectation of provision, protection, comfort, and happiness; wherefore she has respect to all his commands, and esteems all his precepts concerning all things to be right; and yields a cheerful, voluntary, sincere, and hearty obedience to them; arising from a principle of love to him, and joined with honour, fear, and reverence of him: so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything: political, domestic, and ecclesiastic; that is consistent with the laws of God, and the Gospel of Christ.)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>1 Timothy 2:8 - 2:12</strong> (International Standard Version)</p> <p>Women, for their part, should display their beauty by dressing modestly and decently (KJV: with shamefacedness and sobriety) in appropriate clothes, not by braiding their hair or by wearing gold, pearls, or expensive clothes, </p> <p>but through good works. This is proper for women who claim to revere God.</p> <p>A woman must learn quietly and submissively. </p> <p>Moreover, I do not allow a woman to teach or to usurp authority over a man. Instead, she is to be quiet.</p> <h4>1 Peter 3:1 - 3:6 (Amplified Bible)</h4>   <p>IN LIKE manner, you married women, be submissive to your own husbands [subordinate yourselves as being secondary to and dependent on them, and adapt yourselves to them], so that even if any do not obey the Word [of God], they may be won over not by discussion but by the [godly] lives of their wives, <p>When they observe the pure and modest way in which you conduct yourselves, together with your reverence [for your husband; you are to feel for him all that reverence includes: to respect, defer to, revere him--to honor, esteem, appreciate, prize, and, in the human sense, to adore him, that is, to admire, praise, be devoted to, deeply love, and enjoy your husband].</p> <p>Let not yours be the [merely] external adorning with [elaborate] interweaving and knotting of the hair, the wearing of jewelry, or changes of clothes;</p> <p>But let it be the inward adorning and beauty of the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible and unfading charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit, which [is not anxious or wrought up, but] is very precious in the sight of God.</p> <p>For it was thus that the pious women of old who hoped in God were [accustomed] to beautify themselves and were submissive to their husbands [adapting themselves to them as themselves secondary and dependent upon them].</p> <p>It was thus that Sarah obeyed Abraham [following his guidance and acknowledging his headship over her by] calling him lord (master, leader, authority).</p> <p><strong>Colossians 3:18 (Amplified Bible)</strong></p> <p>Wives, be subject to your husbands [subordinate and adapt yourselves to them], as is right and fitting and your proper duty in the Lord</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p></td> <td width="170" rowspan="2" valign="top"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-3616947866545955"; 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</p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">4</span>That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, </p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">5</span>To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. </p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">6</span>Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded. </p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">7</span>In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, </p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">8</span>Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you. </p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">9</span>Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things; not answering again; </p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">10</span>Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. </p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">11</span>For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, </p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">12</span>Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; </p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">13</span>Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; </p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">14</span>Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. </p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">15</span>These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee.</p> <p class="TitusHEAD">King James Version: Titus 3 (KJV)</p> <p class="Titus">&nbsp;<span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">1</span>Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work, </p> <p class="Titus">&nbsp;<span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">2</span>To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men. <br /> </p> <p class="Titus">&nbsp;<span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">3</span>For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another. <br /> </p> <p class="Titus">&nbsp;<span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">4</span>But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, <br /> </p> <p class="Titus">&nbsp;<span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">5</span>Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; <br /> </p> <p class="Titus">&nbsp;<span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">6</span>Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; <br /> </p> <p class="Titus">&nbsp;<span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">7</span>That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. <br /> </p> <p class="Titus">&nbsp;<span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">8</span>This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men. <br /> </p> <p class="Titus">&nbsp;<span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">9</span>But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain. <br /> </p> <p class="Titus">&nbsp;<span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">10</span>A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; <br /> </p> <p class="Titus">&nbsp;<span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">11</span>Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself. <br /> </p> <p class="Titus">&nbsp;<span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">12</span>When I shall send Artemas unto thee, or Tychicus, be diligent to come unto me to Nicopolis: for I have determined there to winter. <br /> </p> <p class="Titus">&nbsp;<span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">13</span>Bring Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their journey diligently, that nothing be wanting unto them. <br /> </p> <p class="Titus">&nbsp;<span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">14</span>And let our's also learn to maintain good works for necessary uses, that they be not unfruitful. <br /> </p> <p class="Titus">&nbsp;<span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">15</span>All that are with me salute thee. Greet them that love us in the faith. Grace be with you all. Amen.</p> <hr /> <a name="NKJV"><h3>New King James Version: Titus 2 (NKJV)</h3></a> <h5 class="TitusHEAD">NJKV Titus 2: Qualities of a Sound Church</h5> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">1</span> But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine: <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">2</span> that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience; <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">3</span> the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things— <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">4</span> that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">5 </span><em>to be</em> discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.</p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">6</span> Likewise, exhort the young men to be sober-minded, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">7</span> in all things showing yourself <em>to be</em> a pattern of good works; in doctrine <em>showing</em> integrity, reverence, incorruptibility, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">8</span> sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent may be ashamed, having nothing evil to say of you.</p> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">9</span><em>Exhort</em> bondservants to be obedient to their own masters, to be well pleasing in all <em>things,</em> not answering back, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">10</span> not pilfering, but showing all good fidelity, that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things.</p> <h5 class="TitusHEAD">NJKV Titus 2: Trained by Saving Grace</h5> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">11</span> For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">12</span> teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">13</span> looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">14</span> who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself <em>His</em> own special people, zealous for good works. <br> </p> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">15</span> Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.</p> <p class="TitusHEAD">NJKV Titus 3: Graces of the Heirs of Grace</p> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">1</span> Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">2</span> to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">3</span> For we ourselves were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">4</span> But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">5</span> not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">6</span> whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">7</span> that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.<br> </p> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">8</span> This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. </p> <p class="Titus">These things are good and profitable to men.</p> <h5 class="TitusHEAD">NJKV Titus 3: Avoid Dissension    <br> </h5> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">9</span> But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">10</span> Reject a divisive man after the first and second admonition, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">11</span> knowing that such a person is warped and sinning, being self-condemned.</p> <h5 class="TitusHEAD">NJKV Titus 3: Final Messages    <br> </h5> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">12</span> When I send Artemas to you, or Tychicus, be diligent to come to me at Nicopolis, for I have decided to spend the winter there. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">13</span> Send Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their journey with haste, that they may lack nothing. 14 And let our <em>people</em> also learn to maintain good works, to <em>meet</em> urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful. </p> <h5 class="TitusHEAD">NJKV Titus 3: Farewell    <br> </h5> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">15</span> All who <em>are</em> with me greet you. Greet those who love us in the faith. <br> Grace <em>be</em> with you all. Amen. </p> <hr /> <h3>&nbsp;</h3> <a name="NEB"><h3>Titus 2-3 New English Bible (NEB)</h3></a> <h2 class="TitusHEAD">NEB Titus 2<strong> </strong></h2> <p class="Titus">For your own part, what you say must be in keeping with wholesome doctrine.  Let the older men know that they should be sober, high-principled, and temperate, sound in faith, in love, and in endurance.  The older women, similarly, should be reverent in their bearing, not scandalmongers or slaves to strong drink; for they must set a high standard, and school the younger women to be loving wives and mothers, temperate, chaste, and kind, busy at home, respecting the authority of their own husbands.  Thus the Gospel will not be brought into disrepute.</p> <p class="Titus">Urge the younger men, similarly, to be temperate in all things, and set them a good example yourself.  In your teaching, you must show integrity and high principle, and use wholesome speech to which none can take exception.  This will shame any opponent, when he finds not a word to say to our discredit.</p> <p class="Titus">Tell slaves to respect their masters’ authority in everything, and to comply with their demands without answering back; not to pilfer, but to show themselves strictly honest and trustworthy; for in all such ways they will add lustre to the doctrine of God our Saviour.</p> <p class="Titus">For the grace of God has dawned upon the world with healing for all mankind; and by it we are disciplined to renounce godless ways and worldly desires, and to live a life of temperance, honesty, and godliness in the present age, looking forward to the happy fulfilment of our hope when the splendour of our great God and Saviour Christ Jesus will appear.  He it is who sacrificed himself for us, to set us free from all wickedness and to make us a pure people marked out for his own, eager to do good.</p> <p class="Titus">These, then, are your themes; urge them and argue them.  And speak with authority: let no one slight you.</p> <p class="TitusHEAD">NEB Titus 3</p> <p class="Titus">Remind them to be submissive to the government and the authorities, to obey them, and to be ready for any honorouble form of work; to slander no one, not to pick quarrels, to show forbearance and a consistently gentle disposition towards all men.</p> <p class="Titus">For at one time we ourselves in our folly and obstinacy were all astray.  We were slaves to passions and pleasures of every kind.  Our days were passed in malice and envy; we were odious of ourselves and we hated one another.  But when the kindness and generosity of God our Saviour dawned upon the world, then, not for any good deeds of our own, but because he was merciful, he saved us through the water of rebirth and the renewing power of the Holy Spirit.  For he sent down the Spirit upon us plentifully through Jesus Christ our Saviour, so that, justified by his grace, we might in hope become heirs to eternal life.  These are words you must trust.</p> <p class="Titus">Such are the points I should wish you to insist on.  Those who have come to believe in God should see that they engage in honourable occupations, which are not only honourable in themselves, but also useful to their fellow men.  But steer clear of foolish speculations, genealogies, quarrels, and controversies over the Law; they are unprofitable and pointless.<br /> </p> <p class="Titus">A heretic should be warned once, and once again; after that, have done with him, recognizing that a man of that sort has a distorted mind and stands self-condemned in his sin.<br /> </p> <p class="Titus">When I send Artemas to you, or Tychicus, make haste to join me at Nicopolis, for that is where I have determined to spend the winter.  Do your utmost to help Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their travels, and see that they are not short of anything.  And our own people must be taught to engage in honest employment to produce the necessities of life; they must not be unproductive.<br /> <br /> All who are with me send you greetings.  My greetings to those who are our friends in truth.  Grace be with you all!</p> <p class="Titus">&nbsp;</p> <p align="left" class="Titus">&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <a name="ESV"><h3>Titus 2-3 English Standard Version of the Bible (ESV)</h3> </a> <h2 class="TitusHEAD">ESV Titus 2: Teach Sound Doctrine</h2> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">1 </span>But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">2 </span>Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">3 </span>Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">4 </span>and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">5 </span>to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">6 </span>Likewise, urge the younger men to be self-controlled. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">7 </span>Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">8 </span>and sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">9 </span>Slaves are to be submissive to their own masters in everything; they are to be well-pleasing, not argumentative, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">10 </span>not pilfering, but showing all good faith, so that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior.</p> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">11</span> For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">12 </span>training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">13 </span>waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">14 </span>who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.</span></p> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">15</span> Declare these things; exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you.</p> <h3 class="TitusHEAD">ESV Titus 3: Be Ready for Every Good Work</h3> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">1</span>Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">2 </span>to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">3 </span>For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">4 </span>But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">5 </span>he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">6 </span>whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">7 </span>so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">8 </span>The saying is trustworthy, and I want you to insist on these things, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to devote themselves to good works. These things are excellent and profitable for people. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">9 </span>But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">10 </span>As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">11 </span>knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.</p> <h3 class="TitusHEAD">ESV Titus 3: Final Instructions and Greetings</h3> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">12</span> When I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, do your best to come to me at Nicopolis, for I have decided to spend the winter there. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">13</span>Do your best to speed Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their way; see that they lack nothing. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">14 </span>And let our people learn to devote themselves to good works, so as to help cases of urgent need, and not be unfruitful.</p> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">15</span> All who are with me send greetings to you. Greet those who love us in the faith.</p> <p class="Titus">Grace be with you all.</p> <hr /> <a name="NIV" id="NIV"><h3>New International Version (NIV)</h3> </a> <span class="TitusHEAD">NIV Titus 2: What Must Be Taught to Various Groups</span> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">1</span>You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">2</span>Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance. </span> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">3</span>Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">4</span>Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">5</span>to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. </p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">6</span>Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">7</span>In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">8</span>and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us. </p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">9</span>Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them, 10and not to steal from them, but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive. </p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">11</span>For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">12</span>It teaches us to say &quot;No&quot; to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">13</span>while we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">14</span>who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good. </p> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">15</span>These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.</p> <h5 class="TitusHEAD">NIV Titus 3: Doing What is Good </h5> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">1</span>Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">2</span>to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men. </p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">3</span>At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">4</span>But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">5</span>he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">6</span>whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">7</span>so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">8</span>This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone. </p> <p class="Titus"> <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">9</span>But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">10</span>Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">11</span>You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.</p> <h5 class="TitusHEAD">NIV Titus 3: Final Remarks </h5> <p class="Titus"><span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">12</span>As soon as I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, do your best to come to me at Nicopolis, because I have decided to winter there. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">13</span>Do everything you can to help Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their way and see that they have everything they need. <span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">14</span>Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives. </p> <p class="Titus">&nbsp;<span class="Titusstepfordsuperscript">15</span>Everyone with me sends you greetings. Greet those who love us in the faith. <br /> </p> <p class="Titus">Grace be with you all.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p class="Paragraf">&nbsp;</p></td> </tr> </table> <p></p> <hr /> <p><strong>This site was last updated on April 14, 2015 4:23 pm EST.</strong></p> <p><strong><a href="">Email the Welcome Wagon Lady at</a></strong></p> <p class="copy"></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>© 2015 All words and images cannot be reproduced without express permission from</p> <p>Stepfordwives Organization is not a public organization. It does not seek to convert nor encourage how people should behave outside our community. We do NOT take donations, collect any information or funds. We are NOT an introductory service and we do NOT provide any matchmaking assistance . We are a group of women who document our way of life and try to share our information with like-minded people. The term &quot;Stepford&quot; is utlized at / as a trope and cultural idiom, and bares no relation to any fictional character(s) or fictional works. Any similarities in name are incidental and are not representative of individuals who are not associated with our organization.</p> </blockquote> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"}); //--> </script> </body> </html>
The Stepford Wives Organization at / (To Serve Man is Not A Cookbook... It's A Pleasure (c) Copyright 2010) : Biblical Passages Page > > > > | | > | --- | > | * [Home](index.html "home") > * [Cooking](cooking.html "cooking") > * [Cleaning](cleaning.html "cleaning") > * [Pleasing Men](pleasingmen.html "pleasingmen") > + [The Good Wife Guide](pleasingmen.html#goodwife) > + [Ira Levin's Novel](pleasingmen.html#ira) > + [A Wife's Duty](pleasingmen.html#duty) > + [Fascinating Womanhood](pleasingmen.html#) > + [The Total Woman](pleasingmen.html#total) > + [Coming Home](pleasingmen.html#homecoming) > * [Manners](goodmanners.html "manners") > > + [Behaving towards your husband when out and about](goodmanners.html#outabout) > + [Stepford Great Sex Guide](goodmanners.html#greatsex) > + [Wife is to be seen not heard](goodmanners.html#seenheard) > + [Wife must fear husband (17th century)](goodmanners.html#fearhusband) > + [Table Manners](goodmanners.html#table) > + [Excerpts from The Rules](goodmanners.html#therules) > + [Man of Steel and Velvet](goodmanners.html#velvetsteel) > + [Stepford Male Climax Right](goodmanners.html#climaxright) > + [Stepford Male Climax Right](goodmanners.html#stepfordecstasy) > * [Dressing](dressing.html "dressing") > > + [Always Daddy's Little Girl](dressing.html#ruffle) > + [The Stepford Bow](dressing.html#bow) > + [Stepford Dress Code](dressing.html#dresscode) > + [Garter Belts](dressing.html#garterbelt) > * [Links](links.html "links") > > + [Stepford > Wives Blog]( > + [Favorite Quotes](titus.html "favquotes") > + [Weblinks](links.html "Weblinks") > | > > > ![](images/homepic.jpg) > > > > > | | | > | --- | --- | > | Women Must Submit To Men. Women Must Serve Men. Wives must submit to Husbands. > > **Stepford Organization's Original Sayings Quotes** > ***Born to serve. Live to please. Wife for life.*** > ***To serve man is not a cookbook…it's a pleasure!*** > ***Who needs to have an opinion when you've got your man?*** > ***Slippers, cold beer, newspaper. > Which would you like me to fetch you first, dear?*** > © 2011 / Irene Snowden  > **Our Favorite Quotes** > **John Knox** (1513-72): "Woman in her greatest perfection was made to serve and obey man, NOT to rule and command him." > **John Knox** (1513-72): "Woman in her greatest perfection should have known that man was lord above her; and therefore that she should never have pretended any kind of superiority above him, no more than do the angels above God the Creator, or above Christ their head." > **John Knox** (1513-72): "In her greatest perfection, woman was created to be subject to man." > **Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai**: Last, there is a wife who is like a maid-servant. She serves her husband well and with fidelity. She repects him, obeys his commands, has no wishes of her own, no ill-feeling, no resentment, and always tries to make him happy." > **Jean-Jacques Rousseau****:** "The whole education of women ought to be relative to men. To please them, to be useful to them, to make themselves loved and honored by them, to educate them when young, to care for them when grown, to council them, to console them, and to make life agreeable and sweet to them—these are the duties of women at all times, and should be taught them from their infancy." > **Jean-Jacques Rousseau****:** "Woman was made to yield to man and put up with his injustice." > **Augustine** (354-430): "Woman was merely man's helpmate, a function which pertains to her alone. She is not the image of God but as far as man is concerned, he is by himself the image of God." > **Pope Gregory I** (540-604): "Woman is slow in understanding and her unstable and naive mind renders her by way of natural weakness to the necessity of a strong hand in her husband. Her 'use' is two fold; [carnal] sex and motherhood." > **Clement of Alexandria** (150-215): "Every woman should be filled with shame by the thought that she is a woman." > **Martin Luther** (1483-1546) "Woman is a stupid vessel over whom man must always hold power, for the man is higher and better than she; for the regiment and dominion belong to man as the head and master of the house." > **Southern Baptist Convention** (2000): "A wife should submit herself to the leadership of her husband. Leadership in the church should always be male." > **Saint Ambrose** (347 - 397): "Woman ought not only to have simple arrayment, but all authority is to be denied unto her. For she must be in subjection to man (of whom she has taken her origin), as well in habit as in service." > > > > --- > > > **1 Corinthians 11:8 - 11:10 (Amplified Bible)** > For man was not created from woman, but woman from man; > Neither was man created on account of or for the benefit of woman, but woman on account of and for the benefit of man. > Therefore she should be subject to his authority and should have a covering on her head as a token, a symbol, of her submission to authority, that she may show reverence as do the angels and not displease them. > **1 Corinthians 11:34 - 11:35 (Amplified Bible)** > The women should keep quiet in the churches, for they are not authorized to speak, but should take a secondary and subordinate place, just as the Law also says. > But if there is anything they want to learn, they should ask their own husbands at home, for it is disgraceful [a shame] for a woman to talk in church for her to usurp and exercise authority over men in the church > **Ephesians 5:22-5:24** (Weymouth New Testament): > Married women, submit to your own husbands as if to the Lord; because a husband is the Head of his wife as Christ also is the Head of the Church, being indeed the Saviour of this His Body. And just as the Church submits to Christ, so also married women should be entirely submissive to their husbands. > (*Gill's Exposition on the Entire Bible*: Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ,.... Her head, being wholly dependent upon him, and entirely resigned to him, and receiving all from him; from whom alone is all her expectation of provision, protection, comfort, and happiness; wherefore she has respect to all his commands, and esteems all his precepts concerning all things to be right; and yields a cheerful, voluntary, sincere, and hearty obedience to them; arising from a principle of love to him, and joined with honour, fear, and reverence of him: so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything: political, domestic, and ecclesiastic; that is consistent with the laws of God, and the Gospel of Christ.) >   > **1 Timothy 2:8 - 2:12** (International Standard Version) > Women, for their part, should display their beauty by dressing modestly and decently (KJV: with shamefacedness and sobriety) in appropriate clothes, not by braiding their hair or by wearing gold, pearls, or expensive clothes, > but through good works. This is proper for women who claim to revere God. > A woman must learn quietly and submissively. > Moreover, I do not allow a woman to teach or to usurp authority over a man. Instead, she is to be quiet. > 1 Peter 3:1 - 3:6 (Amplified Bible) >   > IN LIKE manner, you married women, be submissive to your own husbands [subordinate yourselves as being secondary to and dependent on them, and adapt yourselves to them], so that even if any do not obey the Word [of God], they may be won over not by discussion but by the [godly] lives of their wives, > When they observe the pure and modest way in which you conduct yourselves, together with your reverence [for your husband; you are to feel for him all that reverence includes: to respect, defer to, revere him--to honor, esteem, appreciate, prize, and, in the human sense, to adore him, that is, to admire, praise, be devoted to, deeply love, and enjoy your husband]. > Let not yours be the [merely] external adorning with [elaborate] interweaving and knotting of the hair, the wearing of jewelry, or changes of clothes; > But let it be the inward adorning and beauty of the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible and unfading charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit, which [is not anxious or wrought up, but] is very precious in the sight of God. > For it was thus that the pious women of old who hoped in God were [accustomed] to beautify themselves and were submissive to their husbands [adapting themselves to them as themselves secondary and dependent upon them]. > It was thus that Sarah obeyed Abraham [following his guidance and acknowledging his headship over her by] calling him lord (master, leader, authority). > **Colossians 3:18 (Amplified Bible)** > Wives, be subject to your husbands [subordinate and adapt yourselves to them], as is right and fitting and your proper duty in the Lord >   >   | <!-- > google\_ad\_client = "pub-3616947866545955"; > /\* 160x600, created 10/27/08 \*/ > google\_ad\_slot = "3007075535"; > google\_ad\_width = 160; > google\_ad\_height = 600; > //--> > > > > > > <!-- > google\_ad\_client = "pub-3616947866545955"; > /\* 160x600, created 10/27/08 \*/ > google\_ad\_slot = "3007075535"; > google\_ad\_width = 160; > google\_ad\_height = 600; > //--> > > > > | > | **Titus2 - Titus3 Translations** > Titus 2-3 King James Version of the Bible (KJV) > King James Version: Titus 2 (KJV) >  1But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine: >  2That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience. >  3The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; >  4That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, >  5To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed. >  6Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded. >  7In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, >  8Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you. >  9Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things; not answering again; >  10Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. >  11For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, >  12Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; >  13Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; >  14Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. >  15These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee. > King James Version: Titus 3 (KJV) >  1Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work, >  2To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men. > >  3For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another. > >  4But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, > >  5Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; > >  6Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; > >  7That being justified by his grace, we should be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. > >  8This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men. > >  9But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain. > >  10A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; > >  11Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself. > >  12When I shall send Artemas unto thee, or Tychicus, be diligent to come unto me to Nicopolis: for I have determined there to winter. > >  13Bring Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their journey diligently, that nothing be wanting unto them. > >  14And let our's also learn to maintain good works for necessary uses, that they be not unfruitful. > >  15All that are with me salute thee. Greet them that love us in the faith. Grace be with you all. Amen. > > > --- > > > New King James Version: Titus 2 (NKJV) > NJKV Titus 2: Qualities of a Sound Church > 1 But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine: 2 that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience; 3 the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things— 4 that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 *to be* discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. > 6 Likewise, exhort the young men to be sober-minded, 7 in all things showing yourself *to be* a pattern of good works; in doctrine *showing* integrity, reverence, incorruptibility, 8 sound speech that cannot be condemned, that one who is an opponent may be ashamed, having nothing evil to say of you. > 9*Exhort* bondservants to be obedient to their own masters, to be well pleasing in all *things,* not answering back, 10 not pilfering, but showing all good fidelity, that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things. > NJKV Titus 2: Trained by Saving Grace > > 11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, 12 teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, 13 looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, 14 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself *His* own special people, zealous for good works. > > 15 Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you. > NJKV Titus 3: Graces of the Heirs of Grace > 1 Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work, 2 to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men. 3 For we ourselves were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another. 4 But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, 5 not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, 6 whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. > > 8 This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. > These things are good and profitable to men. > NJKV Titus 3: Avoid Dissension    > > > 9 But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless. 10 Reject a divisive man after the first and second admonition, 11 knowing that such a person is warped and sinning, being self-condemned. > NJKV Titus 3: Final Messages    > > > 12 When I send Artemas to you, or Tychicus, be diligent to come to me at Nicopolis, for I have decided to spend the winter there. 13 Send Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their journey with haste, that they may lack nothing. 14 And let our *people* also learn to maintain good works, to *meet* urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful. > NJKV Titus 3: Farewell    > > > 15 All who *are* with me greet you. Greet those who love us in the faith. > Grace *be* with you all. Amen. > > > --- > > >   > Titus 2-3 New English Bible (NEB) > NEB Titus 2**Â** > For your own part, what you say must be in keeping with wholesome doctrine.  Let the older men know that they should be sober, high-principled, and temperate, sound in faith, in love, and in endurance.  The older women, similarly, should be reverent in their bearing, not scandalmongers or slaves to strong drink; for they must set a high standard, and school the younger women to be loving wives and mothers, temperate, chaste, and kind, busy at home, respecting the authority of their own husbands.  Thus the Gospel will not be brought into disrepute. > Urge the younger men, similarly, to be temperate in all things, and set them a good example yourself.  In your teaching, you must show integrity and high principle, and use wholesome speech to which none can take exception.  This will shame any opponent, when he finds not a word to say to our discredit. > Tell slaves to respect their masters’ authority in everything, and to comply with their demands without answering back; not to pilfer, but to show themselves strictly honest and trustworthy; for in all such ways they will add lustre to the doctrine of God our Saviour. > For the grace of God has dawned upon the world with healing for all mankind; and by it we are disciplined to renounce godless ways and worldly desires, and to live a life of temperance, honesty, and godliness in the present age, looking forward to the happy fulfilment of our hope when the splendour of our great God and Saviour Christ Jesus will appear.  He it is who sacrificed himself for us, to set us free from all wickedness and to make us a pure people marked out for his own, eager to do good. > These, then, are your themes; urge them and argue them.  And speak with authority: let no one slight you. > NEB Titus 3 > Remind them to be submissive to the government and the authorities, to obey them, and to be ready for any honorouble form of work; to slander no one, not to pick quarrels, to show forbearance and a consistently gentle disposition towards all men. > For at one time we ourselves in our folly and obstinacy were all astray.  We were slaves to passions and pleasures of every kind.  Our days were passed in malice and envy; we were odious of ourselves and we hated one another.  But when the kindness and generosity of God our Saviour dawned upon the world, then, not for any good deeds of our own, but because he was merciful, he saved us through the water of rebirth and the renewing power of the Holy Spirit.  For he sent down the Spirit upon us plentifully through Jesus Christ our Saviour, so that, justified by his grace, we might in hope become heirs to eternal life.  These are words you must trust. > Such are the points I should wish you to insist on.  Those who have come to believe in God should see that they engage in honourable occupations, which are not only honourable in themselves, but also useful to their fellow men.  But steer clear of foolish speculations, genealogies, quarrels, and controversies over the Law; they are unprofitable and pointless. > A heretic should be warned once, and once again; after that, have done with him, recognizing that a man of that sort has a distorted mind and stands self-condemned in his sin. > When I send Artemas to you, or Tychicus, make haste to join me at Nicopolis, for that is where I have determined to spend the winter.  Do your utmost to help Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their travels, and see that they are not short of anything.  And our own people must be taught to engage in honest employment to produce the necessities of life; they must not be unproductive. >   >   > > > --- > > > Titus 2-3 English Standard Version of the Bible (ESV) > ESV Titus 2: Teach Sound Doctrine > 1 But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine. 2 Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness. 3 Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, 4 and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, 5 to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. 6 Likewise, urge the younger men to be self-controlled. 7 Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity, 8 and sound speech that cannot be condemned, so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us. 9 Slaves are to be submissive to their own masters in everything; they are to be well-pleasing, not argumentative, 10 not pilfering, but showing all good faith, so that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior. > 11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, 12 training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, 13 waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, 14 who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works. > 15 Declare these things; exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you. > ESV Titus 3: Be Ready for Every Good Work > 1Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, 2 to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people. 3 For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. 4 But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7 so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. 8 The saying is trustworthy, and I want you to insist on these things, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to devote themselves to good works. These things are excellent and profitable for people. 9 But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless. 10 As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, 11 knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned. > ESV Titus 3: Final Instructions and Greetings > 12 When I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, do your best to come to me at Nicopolis, for I have decided to spend the winter there. 13Do your best to speed Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their way; see that they lack nothing. 14 And let our people learn to devote themselves to good works, so as to help cases of urgent need, and not be unfruitful. > 15 All who are with me send greetings to you. Greet those who love us in the faith. > Grace be with you all. > > > --- > > > New International Version (NIV) > NIV Titus 2: What Must Be Taught to Various Groups >   > 1You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine. 2Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance. >  3Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. >  6Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. 7In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness 8and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us. >  9Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them, 10and not to steal from them, but to show that they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive. >  11For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. 12It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, 13while we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, 14who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good. > 15These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you. > NIV Titus 3: Doing What is Good > 1Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, 2to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men. > 3At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. 4But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, 5he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, 6whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. 8This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone. > 9But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. 10Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. 11You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned. > NIV Titus 3: Final Remarks > 12As soon as I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, do your best to come to me at Nicopolis, because I have decided to winter there. 13Do everything you can to help Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their way and see that they have everything they need. 14Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives. >  15Everyone with me sends you greetings. Greet those who love us in the faith. > Grace be with you all. >   >   >   >   | > > > > > > --- > > > **This site was last updated on April 14, 2015 4:23 pm EST.** > > > **[Email the Welcome Wagon Lady at](** > > > >   > > > © 2015 All words and images cannot be reproduced without express permission from > > > Stepfordwives Organization is not a public organization. It does not seek to convert nor encourage how people should behave outside our community. We do NOT take donations, collect any information or funds. We are NOT an introductory service and we do NOT provide any matchmaking assistance . We are a group of women who document our way of life and try to share our information with like-minded people. The term "Stepford" is utlized at / as a trope and cultural idiom, and bares no relation to any fictional character(s) or fictional works. Any similarities in name are incidental and are not representative of individuals who are not associated with our organization. > > > <!-- var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"}); //-->
<head> <meta name="description" content="Simon Baker's articles on aerial photographer George Lawrence, including his photographs of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake taken with a panoramic camera suspended from kites over the ruined city."> <meta name="keywords" content="Simon Baker, George Lawrence, San Francisco, Earthquake, captive airship"> <title>Dr. Simon Baker on George Lawrence</title> </head> <body bgcolor=white> <a href="/"><img src="/Images/burgee.gif" width=20 border=0></a> <table align=right cellpadding=8 width=260 bgcolor=lightgrey hspace=5><tr><td> <a href="Images/mammoth2.jpg" target=_blank><img src="Thumbs/mammoth2.jpg" width=250 height=213></a><br><center> <font size=-1><i>The world's largest camera.</i> CHS </td></tr><tr><td> <a href="Images/balloon2.jpg" target=_blank><img src="Thumbs/balloon2.jpg"width=250 height=199></a><br><center> <font size=-1><i>Preparing for a flight over the Chicago stockyards</i> CHS </td></tr><tr><td> <a href="Images/tripod.jpg" target=_blank><img src="Thumbs/tripod.jpg" width=250 height=324></a><br><center> <font size=-1><i>Atop a 15-foot tripod surrounded by standards for flashlight powder, one rigged with a canvas smoke trap. CHS </td></tr><tr><td> <a href="Images/yanul-coll.jpg" target=_blank><img src="Thumbs/yanul-coll.jpg" width=250 height=168></a><center> <font size=-1><i>Original Lawrence panoramic camera in Thomas Yanul's collection </td></tr></table><center> <img src="Images/title.gif" alt="Dr. Simon Baker on George Lawrence" width=448 height=109> <p> </center> George Lawrence was one of the foremost panoramic photographers of the 20th century, as well as being the greatest KAP'er (<u>K</u>ite <u>A</u>erial <u>P</u>hotographer) of all time! You see Mr. Lawrence wasn't content with taking pictures on the ground, he wanted those panoramic views you can see only from the air. Whether it was via ladder, balloon, or kite, he experimented with it. Dr. Simon Baker, <i>Professor Emeritus</i> at East Carolina University, has very kindly provided his research published over the years in various magazines for this website. <b>Peter Nurkse has contributed <a href="profile.html">notes from an interview with Dr. Baker</a>.</b> <p> From the beginning, Lawrence seemed destined for greatness... or disaster. In his early experiments with improved flash powders he blew his young son out the window! In later adventures with photography from balloons he crashed...TWICE. Other early projects included the world's largest camera (1400 lbs.) and photographs from ladders and giant tripods. <p> But Lawrence's most enduring claim to fame came when he paired up his cameras with the kites of fellow Chicagoan Silas J. Conyne. It is with cameras suspended from trains of multiple Conyne kites that Lawrence took some of the most spectacular aerial photos ever taken. <p> <a name=articles></a> All this and more is explored in this collection of articles written by Dr. Baker between 1988 and 1997: <ul> <li> <a href="mammoth.html">The Mammoth Camera of George R. Lawrence</a> <li> <a href="air+space.html">"The Hitherto Impossible in Photography Is Our Specialty"</a> <li> <a href="landscape.html">San Francisco in Ruins</a> <li> <a href="kitelines94.html">A Giant in Kite Aerial Photography</a> <li> <a href="kitelines97.html">The Lawrence Captive Airship Over San Francisco in 1906 and 1908</a> <li> <a href="naval_his.html">George Lawrence & His Aerial Photos</a> </ul> <p> There's a bit of overlap in subject matter; remember the articles were not intended to be presented together. In addition, here are the original U.S. Navy reports from which we know the details of kite and camera operation: <ul> <li> <a href="chandler.html">Lieutenant Chandler's 1905 Report of tests from a Navy tug</a> <li> <a href="uss_maine.html">Follow-up tests aboard the <i>U.S.S. Maine</i></a> <li> <a href="battleship.html">About the U.S.S. Maine</a> </ul> <p> George Lawrence retired from photography in 1910, but he left a unique legacy of the most amazing aerial panoramic photographs ever taken. <p> <center> (This introduction by <a href="">Charles Hall</a>.) <p> <table bgcolor=lightgrey cellpadding=3><tr><td> <a href="Images/airship2.jpg" target=_blank><img src="Thumbs/airship2.jpg" width=400 height=174></a><br><center> <font size=-1><i>The "Captive Airship" suspended from kites.</i>CHS </td></tr></table> <p> <i>Thanks again to Dr. Simon Baker for providing the fruits of his research for this website. </center> <p> Abbreviations, CHS: Chicago Historical Society <p> <B>Related links: </b> <p> <a href="">Aerial Arts</a> Richard Eller's website of aerial photography, with an exhibit on George Lawrence. <br> <a href=""> Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Summer 2002 by Petterchak, Janice</a>, nice five page article on Lawrence. <br> <a href="">Andrea Casalboni's Kites & KAP website</a> A couple of new Lawrence photos here, and lots of other KAP material. <br> <a href="">Arizona State Univerisity</a> page on Lawrence's S.F. photos. <br> <a href=""> Recreating Lawrence's pictures in 2006</a> A modern day team sets out to recreate Lawrence's panoramic camera and take new photos of San Francisco on the 100th anniversary of the earthquake. <br> <a href="">Capturing San Francisco 100 Years Later</a> Scott Haefner flies a camera/kite on the anniversary of the earthquake. <br> INVENTION & TECHNOLOGY magazine article, <a href=""> "Disaster Panorama"</a>, Spring 2006. <br> <a href="Nurkse/hires.html">"San Francisco in Ruins"</a>, Peter Nurkse on an especially high-resolution scan of the famous picture. <br> <a href="Nurkse/">1906 California panoramas</a>, articles by Peter Nurkse, including details on which buildings survived the San Francisco quake. <br> <a href="USGS_1981_aerial_photos_flyer.pdf">"Looking for an Old Aerial Photograph"</a>, 1981 USGS brochure (donated by Peter Nurkse). <br> <a href="Nurkse/printing_posters.php">Make your own poster-size prints of Lawrence panoramas</a>, by Peter Nurkse. <center> <hr width=30%> <i>This page last updated April 27, 2010</i><br> <a href="">Webmaster</a> <!-- GA START --> <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-826802-2"); pageTracker._initData(); pageTracker._trackPageview(); </script> <!-- GA STOP -->
Dr. Simon Baker on George Lawrence [![](/Images/burgee.gif)](/) | | | --- | | *The world's largest camera.* CHS | | *Preparing for a flight over the Chicago stockyards* CHS | | *Atop a 15-foot tripod surrounded by standards for flashlight powder, one rigged with a canvas smoke trap. CHS* | | *Original Lawrence panoramic camera in Thomas Yanul's collection* | ![Dr. Simon Baker on George Lawrence](Images/title.gif) George Lawrence was one of the foremost panoramic photographers of the 20th century, as well as being the greatest KAP'er (Kite Aerial Photographer) of all time! You see Mr. Lawrence wasn't content with taking pictures on the ground, he wanted those panoramic views you can see only from the air. Whether it was via ladder, balloon, or kite, he experimented with it. Dr. Simon Baker, *Professor Emeritus* at East Carolina University, has very kindly provided his research published over the years in various magazines for this website. **Peter Nurkse has contributed [notes from an interview with Dr. Baker](profile.html).** From the beginning, Lawrence seemed destined for greatness... or disaster. In his early experiments with improved flash powders he blew his young son out the window! In later adventures with photography from balloons he crashed...TWICE. Other early projects included the world's largest camera (1400 lbs.) and photographs from ladders and giant tripods. But Lawrence's most enduring claim to fame came when he paired up his cameras with the kites of fellow Chicagoan Silas J. Conyne. It is with cameras suspended from trains of multiple Conyne kites that Lawrence took some of the most spectacular aerial photos ever taken. All this and more is explored in this collection of articles written by Dr. Baker between 1988 and 1997: * [The Mammoth Camera of George R. Lawrence](mammoth.html)* ["The Hitherto Impossible in Photography Is Our Specialty"](air+space.html)* [San Francisco in Ruins](landscape.html)* [A Giant in Kite Aerial Photography](kitelines94.html)* [The Lawrence Captive Airship Over San Francisco in 1906 and 1908](kitelines97.html)* [George Lawrence & His Aerial Photos](naval_his.html) There's a bit of overlap in subject matter; remember the articles were not intended to be presented together. In addition, here are the original U.S. Navy reports from which we know the details of kite and camera operation: * [Lieutenant Chandler's 1905 Report of tests from a Navy tug](chandler.html)* [Follow-up tests aboard the *U.S.S. Maine*](uss_maine.html)* [About the U.S.S. Maine](battleship.html) George Lawrence retired from photography in 1910, but he left a unique legacy of the most amazing aerial panoramic photographs ever taken. (This introduction by [Charles Hall]( | | | --- | | *The "Captive Airship" suspended from kites.*CHS | *Thanks again to Dr. Simon Baker for providing the fruits of his research for this website.* Abbreviations, CHS: Chicago Historical Society **Related links:** [Aerial Arts]( Richard Eller's website of aerial photography, with an exhibit on George Lawrence. [Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, Summer 2002 by Petterchak, Janice](, nice five page article on Lawrence. [Andrea Casalboni's Kites & KAP website]( A couple of new Lawrence photos here, and lots of other KAP material. [Arizona State Univerisity]( page on Lawrence's S.F. photos. [Recreating Lawrence's pictures in 2006]( A modern day team sets out to recreate Lawrence's panoramic camera and take new photos of San Francisco on the 100th anniversary of the earthquake. [Capturing San Francisco 100 Years Later]( Scott Haefner flies a camera/kite on the anniversary of the earthquake. INVENTION & TECHNOLOGY magazine article, ["Disaster Panorama"](, Spring 2006. ["San Francisco in Ruins"](Nurkse/hires.html), Peter Nurkse on an especially high-resolution scan of the famous picture. [1906 California panoramas](Nurkse/), articles by Peter Nurkse, including details on which buildings survived the San Francisco quake. ["Looking for an Old Aerial Photograph"](USGS_1981_aerial_photos_flyer.pdf), 1981 USGS brochure (donated by Peter Nurkse). [Make your own poster-size prints of Lawrence panoramas](Nurkse/printing_posters.php), by Peter Nurkse. --- *This page last updated April 27, 2010* [Webmaster]( var pageTracker = \_gat.\_getTracker("UA-826802-2"); pageTracker.\_initData(); pageTracker.\_trackPageview();
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>ZOMBO</title> </head> <body> <!-- Bertrand Fan ( 5/19/2010 I wanted on my iPad. That is all. =================================================================== How I did it, for nerds: =================================================================== Watched the Net tab for in Firebug wget wget Opened them in SWFRIP to extract the MP3 and SVG representations of the logo and spinner. Opened the SVG files in Adobe Illustrator (ironic, I know), tweaked a bit, exported new SVG files Copy-pasted the SVG contents into this HTML file, tweaked the attributes a bit Wrote the JS code to rotate the SVG spinner Converted the MP3 to OGG using oggenc2 (not really necessary for the iPad, but apparently for Firefox) Discovered that the iPad does not respect autoplay on HTML5 audio tags, crafted a javascript link for iPads wget =================================================================== References: =================================================================== --> <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" style="width: 100%; height: 15%" width="555.85px" height="61.35px" viewBox="0 0 555.85 61.35" xml:space="preserve"> <g id="logo"> <linearGradient id="green_gradient" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="0%" y2="100%"> <stop offset="0" style="stop-color:#33BB77"/> <stop offset="1" style="stop-color:#FFFFFF"/> </linearGradient> <path 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<html> <head> <title>Big Beautiful Backgrounds!</title> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="A great collection of backgrounds for your web pages and/or desktop."> <META NAME="KeyWords" CONTENT="free backgrounds,free backgrounds for website,free backgrounds for site,free backgrounds for web site,free backgrounds for web page,free backgrounds for blog,free backgrounds for blog,free wallpapers,free wallpapers for site,free wallpapers for website,free wallpapers for web site,free wallpapers for web page,free wallpapers for blog,backgrounds,backgrounds for website,backgrounds for site,backgrounds for web site,backgrounds for web page,backgrounds for blog,wallpapers,wallpapers for site,wallpapers for website,wallpapers for web site,wallpapers for web page,wallpapers for blog,free images for website,free images for site,free images for web site,free images for web page,free images for blog,background,backgrounds,wallpapers,free,tile,tiles,web page,graphic,desktop,animated,gifs,gif,big,beautiful backgrounds,bbb,256x256 backgrounds,800x600 backgrounds,wallpaper,walpaper,walpapers,baground,icons,clipart,image,images"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .style2 {font-size: 14px} .style91 { font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: #FFFFCC; } .style92 {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #FFFFCC; font-size: 14px;} .style93 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #66FFCC; } .style94 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; } --> </style> </head> <body bgcolor="#000000" text="#FFFFFF" background="blueforpage.jpg" link="#0000FF"> <div align="center"> <CENTER> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" src="topad.js"> </script> </CENTER> <br><br> <p><img src="Bbb.jpg" width="256" height="145"></p> <p><font size="+3">Big Beautiful Backgrounds</font></p> <p>On you will find a great collection of backgrounds<br> to use for your web pages and/or desktop.<br>You may use them for any website, including commercial ones.</p> <br> <p><i>(Note: BBB is one of the rare sites today that has been kept intact since its inception in 1997;<br>It was made using Netscape Gold and Notepad on a 486 computer with a 200MB hard drive<br>and was receiving around 1000 visits/day at its peak era (accumulating over 1.2 million visits during those years).<br>The good ol' dinosaur's age of the internet. ;)</i></p> <br> <center><p><font size="+2"><b>Go to:</b></font></p> <br><br> <p><font size="+2"><b><a href="page1.htm">Classic Gallery</a></b></font></p> <br><br> <p><font size="+2"><a href="/bbb/800x600/800x600.htm">800x600 backgrounds</a></font></p> <br> <br> <p><font size="+2"><a href="/bbb/ab/ab.htm">Animated backgrounds</a></font></p> <br> <br> <p><font size="+2"><a href="/bbb/tf/tfpage1.htm">Text-friendly backgrounds</a></font></p> <br> <br> <p><font size="+2"><a href="/bbb/charlie/charlie.htm">Charlie's backgrounds section</a></font></p> </center> <br><br> <CENTER> <P> <B><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF"> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" src="freestuff.js"> </script> </FONT></B></P> </CENTER> <br><br> <CENTER><P><B><FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF"><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" src="bottom.js"> </script> </FONT></B></P></CENTER> <p><b>---</b></p> </div> <div align="center"> <p align="center">BBB &copy; Big Beautiful Backgrounds</p> <CENTER><P><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" src="email.js"> </script></P></CENTER> <center><p>- <a href="misclinks.htm">Links</a> - <a href="BBBprivacy.htm">Privacy Statement</a> - <a href="contact.htm">Contact</a> -</p></center> <CENTER><P><!--WEBBOT bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan ALT="Site Meter" --><a href="" target=_top><img src="" alt="Site Meter" nosave border=0></a><!--WEBBOT bot="HTMLMarkup" Endspan --> </P></CENTER> </div> </body> </html>
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<li><a href="galleries/Austria/Vienna/Schoenbrunn/">Schoenbrunn Castle</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Austria/Vienna/Thai-dance/">Thai dance performance</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Croatia/">Croatia</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Brac/">Brač</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Croatia/Dubrovnik/">Dubrovnik</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Dubrovnik/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Dubrovnik/Town/">Old town</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Croatia/Dubrovnik/Views/">Views</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Plitvice/">Plitvice lakes national park</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Croatia/Pula/">Pula</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Pula/Arena/">Arena</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Croatia/Pula/City/">The city</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Split/">Split</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Varazdin/">Varazdin</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Zadar/">Zadar</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/">Zagreb</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Lower/">Lower town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Shopping/">Markets and malls</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Neoclassical/">Neoclassical architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Old/">Old town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Pano/">Panoramas and views</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Upper/">Upper town</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Czech/">Czech republic</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Ceske_Budejovice/">Ceske Budejovice</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Cesky_Krumlov/">Cesky Krumlov</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Hluboka/">Hluboka nad Vltavou castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Holasovice/">Holasovice</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Jindrichuv_Hradec/">Jindrichuv Hradec</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Carlsbad/">Karlovy Vary</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Kromeriz/">Kromeriz</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Czech/Lednice/">Lednice</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Lednice/Castle/">Lednice castle</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Czech/Lednice/Park/">Park</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Loket/">Loket</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Olomouc/">Olomouc</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Czech/Prague/">Prague</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Prague/Malastrana/">Mala Strana and Left Bank</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Prague/Modern/">Modern Prague</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Prague/New/">New Town (Nove Mesto)</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Prague/Oldsquare/">Old Town Square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Prague/Oldtown/">Old Town and Jewish Quarter</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Prague/Views/">Panoramas and Views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Prague/Castle/">Prague Castle and Hradcany area</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Prague/Night/">Prague by Night</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Czech/Prague/Vltava/">Vltava River and Bridges</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Roznov/">Roznov pod Radhostem</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Stramberk/">Stramberk</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Czech/Telc/">Telc</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Telc/Facades/">House facades</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Czech/Telc/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Czech/Telc/Pano/">Panoramic views</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Germany/">Germany</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/">Bavaria</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Ammersee/">Ammersee lake</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Andechs/">Andechs monastery</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Kehlsteinhaus/">Around the Kehlsteinhaus</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Augsburg/">Augsburg</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Bamberg/">Bamberg</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Bamberg/Cathedral/">Cathedral</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Bamberg/Churches/">Churches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Bamberg/City/">City centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Bamberg/Half-timbered/">Half-timbered houses</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Bamberg/Residenz/">Neue Residenz and Domplatz</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Bamberg/Townhall/">Old town hall</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Bamberg/Regnitz/">Regnitz river</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Benediktbeuern/">Benediktbeuern Monastery</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Berchtesgaden/">Berchtesgaden</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Chiemsee/">Chiemsee lake</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Dachau/">Dachau concentration camp</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Fuessen/">Fuessen</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Garmisch/">Garmisch Partenkirchen</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Herrenchiemsee/">Herrenchiemsee castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Kochelsee/">Kochelsee</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Koenigssee/">Königssee</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Landsberg/">Landsberg am Lech</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Linderhof/">Linderhof Castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Various/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Neuschwanstein/">Neuschwanstein Castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Nuremberg/">Nuremberg</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Regensburg/">Regensburg</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/SchleissheimPalace/">Schleissheim Palace</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Spitzingsee/">Spitzingsee</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Spitzingsee/Aiplspitz/">Aiplspitz</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Spitzingsee/Ascent/">Ascent to Taubenstein</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Spitzingsee/Brecherspitz/">Brecherspitz</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Spitzingsee/Firstalm/">Firstalm</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Spitzingsee/Lake/">Lake</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Spitzingsee/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Spitzingsee/Rotwand/">Rotwand</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Spitzingsee/Taubenstein/">Taubenstein</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Steingaden/">St John Baptist Church in Steingaden</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Tegernsee/">Tegernsee</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Wendelstein/">Wendelstein</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Wieskirche/">Wieskirche church</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Germany/Bavaria/Zugspitze/">Zugspitze</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Germany/Berlin/">Berlin</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Berlin/Central/">Central Berlin</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Berlin/Charlottenburg/">Charlottenburg</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Berlin/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Germany/Berlin/Night/">Night views</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bremen/">Bremen</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Germany/Bremerhaven/">Bremerhaven</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Bremerhaven/Harbour/">Bremerhaven harbour</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Germany/Bremerhaven/Sail2010/">Sail 2010 maritime festival</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Germany/Dresden/">Dresden</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Dresden/Academy/">Academy of Fine Arts</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Dresden/Altmarkt_and_neumarkt/">Altmarkt and Neumarkt</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Dresden/Prager/">Around Prager street</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Dresden/Elbe/">Around the Elbe river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Dresden/Castle/">Dresden castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Dresden/Frauenkirche/">Frauenkirche</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Dresden/Pillnitz/">Pillnitz castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Dresden/Russian/">Russian Orthodox church</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Dresden/Theaterplatz/">Theaterplatz</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Dresden/Views/">Views and skylines</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Germany/Dresden/Zwinger/">Zwinger</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Germany/Hamburg/">Hamburg</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Hamburg/Central/">Central Hamburg</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Hamburg/Cruise2010/">Cruise days 2010</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Hamburg/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Hamburg/Night/">Night views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Hamburg/Michaelis/">St Michaelis Church</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Germany/Hamburg/Waterfronts/">Waterfronts</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Holstein/">Holstein</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Leipzig/">Leipzig</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Germany/Lower_Saxony/">Lower Saxony</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Lower_Saxony/Bad_Zwischenahn/">Bad Zwischenahn</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Lower_Saxony/Dorum-Neufeld/">Dorum-Neufeld</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Lower_Saxony/Duhnen/">Duhnen</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Lower_Saxony/Greetsiel/">Greetsiel</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Lower_Saxony/Langeoog/">Langeoog</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Lower_Saxony/North_Sea_coast/">North Sea coast</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Lower_Saxony/Oldenburg/">Oldenburg</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Lower_Saxony/Padingbuettel/">Padingbuettel</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Lower_Saxony/Spieka-Neufeld/">Spieka-Neufeld</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Germany/Lower_Saxony/Wangerooge/">Wangerooge</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Lower_Saxony/Wangerooge/Beaches/">Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Lower_Saxony/Wangerooge/Coast/">Coastal area</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Lower_Saxony/Wangerooge/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Germany/Lower_Saxony/Wangerooge/Dunes/">Sand dunes</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Luebeck/">Lübeck</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Germany/Munich/">Munich</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Munich/Gasteig/">Around Gasteig</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Munich/BMW/">BMW</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Munich/Beergarden/">Beer gardens</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Munich/Churches/">Churches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Munich/Marienplatz/">Marienplatz</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Munich/Maximilian/">Maximiliananlage</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Munich/Skyline/">Munich skylines</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Munich/Museums/">Museums</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Munich/Nymphenburg/">Nymphenburg castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Munich/Oktoberfest/">Oktoberfest</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Munich/Old/">Old town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Munich/Parks/">Parks</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Munich/Riem/">Riem</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Germany/Munich/Nepomuk/">St John Nepomuk Church</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Nuremberg/">Nuremberg</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Germany/Potsdam/">Potsdam</a><ul> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Germany/Potsdam/Sanssouci/">Sanssouci palace</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Germany/Ruegen/">Rügen island</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Ruegen/Binz/">Binz</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Ruegen/Beach/">Binz beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Ruegen/Koenigsstuhl/">Königsstuhl</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Germany/Ruegen/Sellin/">Sellin</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Germany/Stralsund/">Stralsund</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Stralsund/Alter/">Alter Markt</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Stralsund/Churches/">Churches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Germany/Stralsund/Centre/">City centre</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Germany/Stralsund/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Hungary/">Hungary</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Hungary/Balaton/">Balaton lake</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Hungary/Budapest/">Budapest</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Hungary/Budapest/Buda/">Buda</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Hungary/Budapest/Views/">Panoramas and Views</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Hungary/Budapest/Pest/">Pest</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Hungary/Debrecen/">Debrecen</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Hungary/Eger/">Eger</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Hungary/Heviz/">Heviz</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Hungary/Hortobagy/">Hortobagy national park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Hungary/Kecskemet/">Kecskemet</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Hungary/Neusiedl/">Lake Neusiedl</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Hungary/Pecs/">Pecs</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Hungary/Sopron/">Sopron</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Hungary/Szeged/">Szeged</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Poland/">Poland</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Poland/Auschwitz/">Auschwitz</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Auschwitz/Auschwitz1/">Auschwitz I camp</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Poland/Auschwitz/Birkenau/">Birkenau camp</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Bialowieza/">Bialowieza forest</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Bialystok/">Bialystok</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Poland/Gdansk/">Gdansk</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Gdansk/Amber/">Amber museum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Gdansk/Market/">Around the market hall</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Gdansk/Mall/">Forum Gdansk mall</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Gdansk/Dluga/">Long market and Dluga</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Gdansk/Old/">Old town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Gdansk/Church/">St Mary church</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Poland/Gdansk/Waterfront/">Waterfront</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Jawor/">Jawor Church of Peace</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Kalwaria/">Kalwaria Zebrzydowska</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Kazimierz_Dolny/">Kazimierz Dolny</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Poland/Krakow/">Krakow</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Krakow/River/">Around the Vistula River</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Krakow/Churches/">Churches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Krakow/Kazimierz/">Kazimierz</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Krakow/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Krakow/Rynek/">Old town square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Krakow/Mariacki/">St Mary basilica</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Poland/Krakow/Wawel/">Wawel</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Lidzbark/">Lidzbark castle</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Poland/Lublin/">Lublin</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Lublin/Castle/">Around the castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Lublin/New/">New town</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Poland/Lublin/Old/">Old town</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Malbork/">Malbork castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Masurian/">Masurian lake district</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Poznan/">Poznan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Sandomierz/">Sandomierz</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Swieta_Lipka/">Swieta Lipka sanctuary</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Torun/">Torun</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/">Warsaw</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Solidarnosci/">Around Solidarnosci avenue</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Ujazdowskie/">Around Ujazdowskie avenue</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Ghetto/">Former Warsaw Jewish ghetto</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Krakowskie/">Krakowskie Przedmiescie street</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Lazienki/">Lazienki park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Modern/">Modern Warsaw</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Oldtown/">Old town</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Oldtown/Oldtown/">Old town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Oldtown/Churches/">Old town churches</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Oldtown/Castle/">Royal castle</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Palace/">Palace of Culture and Science</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Panorama/">Panorama views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Skyscraper/">Skyscrapers in Warsaw</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Socialist/">Socialist realism art</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Churches/">Warsaw churches</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Churches/Other/">Other churches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Churches/Florian/">St. Florian Cathedral</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Poland/Warsaw/Churches/Orthodox/">St. Mary Magdalene Russian Orthodox Church</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Wieliczka/">Wieliczka salt mine</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Wolf_lair/">Wolf's lair</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Poland/Wroclaw/">Wroclaw</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Wroclaw/Centennial/">Centennial hall</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Poland/Wroclaw/Rynek/">Rynek market square</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Poland/Wroclaw/Night/">Wroclaw by night</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Poland/Zamosc/">Zamosc</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Liechtenstein/">Principality of Liechtenstein</a><ul> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Liechtenstein/Vaduz/">Vaduz</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Slovakia/">Slovakia</a><ul> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Slovakia/Bratislava/">Bratislava</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Slovakia/Bratislava/Hviezdoslavovo/">Hviezdoslavovo square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Slovakia/Bratislava/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Slovakia/Bratislava/Oldtown/">Old town</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Slovakia/Bratislava/Panorama/">Panoramas and views</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Slovenia/">Slovenia</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Slovenia/Bled/">Bled</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Slovenia/Ljubljana/">Ljubljana</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Slovenia/Piran/">Piran</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Slovenia/Postojna/">Postojna</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Switzerland/">Switzerland</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Switzerland/Geneva/">Geneva</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Switzerland/Geneva/Confederation/">Confederation street</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Switzerland/Geneva/Historic/">Historic centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Switzerland/Geneva/International/">International organisations</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Switzerland/Geneva/Lake/">Lake of Geneva</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Switzerland/Geneva/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Switzerland/Geneva/UNO/">UNO</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Switzerland/LakeZurich/">Lake of Zurich</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Switzerland/Zurich/">Zurich</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Switzerland/Zurich/City/">Downtown Zurich</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Switzerland/Zurich/Waterfront/">Waterfront</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Switzerland/Zurich/Airport/">Zurich airport</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Switzerland/Zurich/Night/">Zurich by night</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/EAsia/">East Asia</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/">China</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Anhui/">Anhui</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Anhui/Hongcun/">Hongcun</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/China/Anhui/Huangshan/">Huangshan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Anhui/Huangshan/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Anhui/Huangshan/Views/">Views</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Anhui/Huangshan/Xihai/">Xihai</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/">Beijing</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Beihai_Jingshan/">Beihai, Jingshan and Houhai</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Central/">Central Beijing</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/BusinessDistrict/">Central business district</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Temples/">Dongyue, Confucius and Fayuan temples and Niujue mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Xiangshan/">Fragrant Hills</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Hutongs/">Hutongs</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Hutongs/">Hutongs</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Lama/">Lama temple</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Ming/">Ming tombs</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Ming/Changling/">Changling</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Ming/Dingling/">Dingling</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Ming/Way/">Spirit way</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Ming/Zhaoling/">Zhaoling</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/NCPA/">National Centre for the Performing Arts</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Sanlitun/">Sanlitun</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Shopping/">Shopping malls</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Other/">Skylines, Olympic park, train station and airport</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Summer_palace/">Summer palace</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Tanzhesi/">Tanzhe temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Heaven/">Temple of Heaven</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Ditan_Ritan/">Temples of Earth and Sun</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Forbidden_City/">The Forbidden City</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Greatwall/">The Great Wall of China in Jinshanling</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Tiananmen_square/">Tiananmen square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Park/">Tiananmen square park</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Beijing/Wangfujing_/">Wangfujing</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Chongqing/">Chongqing</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Chongqing/Liberation/">Around the Liberation Monument Square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Chongqing/Night/">Chongqing by Night</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Chongqing/Downtown/">Downtown Chongqing</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Chongqing/CQCEC/">International Convention and Exhibition Centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Chongqing/People/">People</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Chongqing/Yangtze/">Yangtze river</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Fujian/">Fujian</a><ul> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Fujian/Xiamen/">Xiamen</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Gansu/">Gansu</a><ul> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/China/Gansu/Dunhuang/">Dunhuang</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Gansu/Dunhuang/Cotton/">Cotton plantation</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Gansu/Dunhuang/City/">Downtown Dunhuang</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Gansu/Dunhuang/Gobi/">Gobi desert</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Gansu/Dunhuang/Gobisunset/">Gobi desert at sunset</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Guandong/">Guangdong</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Guandong/Guangzhou/">Guangzhou</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Guandong/Guangzhou/Town/">Downtown Guangzhou</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Guandong/Guangzhou/Shamian/">Shamian Dao island</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Guandong/Guangzhou/Shopping/">Shopping areas</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Guandong/Guangzhou/Temple/">Six Banyan Trees Buddhist temple</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/China/Guandong/Shenzhen/">Shenzhen</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Guandong/Shenzhen/Airport/">Airport</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Guandong/Shenzhen/Downtown/">Downtown Shenzhen</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Guandong/Shenzhen/Night/">Shenzhen by night</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Guandong/Shenzhen/Views/">Skylines and views</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Guandong/Shenzhen/Themepark/">Theme park</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Guanxi/">Guangxi</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Guanxi/fishing/">Cormorant fishing</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Guanxi/Guilin/">Guilin</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Guanxi/Li/">Li river (Li Jiang)</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Guanxi/Reed/">Reed Flute Cave</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Guanxi/Yangshuo/">Yangshuo</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Guanxi/Yulong/">Yulong He river</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/HongKong/">Hong Kong</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/HongKong/Stanley/">Aberdeen</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/HongKong/BDistrict/">Business District</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/HongKong/Park/">Hong Kong Park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/HongKong/Night/">Hong Kong by night</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/HongKong/Kowloon/">Kowloon</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/HongKong/Airport/">Lantau airport</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/HongKong/ManMo/">Man Mo Chinese temple</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/HongKong/City/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Hubei/">Hubei</a><ul> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Hubei/Yichang/">Yichang</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Hunan/">Hunan</a><ul> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/China/Hunan/Changsha/">Changsha</a><ul> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Hunan/Changsha/Airport/">Changsha airport</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Liaoning/">Liaoning</a><ul> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/China/Liaoning/Dalian/">Dalian</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Liaoning/Dalian/BDistrict/">Business district and Zhongshan road</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Liaoning/Dalian/Shopping/">Jiefang street shopping area</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Liaoning/Dalian/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Liaoning/Dalian/Zhongshan/">Zhongshan square</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Macau/">Macau</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Macau/Casino/">Casino district</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Macau/Coloane/">Coloane</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Macau/East/">East of the old town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Macau/Mazu/">Mazu Tin Hau temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Macau/Old/">Old town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Macau/Misc/">Panoramic and other photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Macau/Shops/">Shops in Macau</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Macau/Taipa/">Taipa</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Shaanxi/">Shaanxi</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shaanxi/Terracotta/">Terracotta Army</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/China/Shaanxi/Xian/">Xian</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shaanxi/Xian/Square/">Bell Tower Square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shaanxi/Xian/Mosque/">Daqingzhen Si Mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shaanxi/Xian/Dongdajie/">Dongdajie Food Market</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shaanxi/Xian/Downtown/">Downtown Xian</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shaanxi/Xian/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Shaanxi/Xian/Sunsets/">Sunsets</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Shandong/">Shandong</a><ul> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/China/Shandong/Qingdao/">Qingdao</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shandong/Qingdao/Beaches/">Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shandong/Qingdao/Colonial/">Colonial architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shandong/Qingdao/Downtown/">Downtown Qingdao</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Shandong/Qingdao/Panorama/">Panoramic views and skylines</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Shanghai/">Shanghai</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shanghai/BTemple/">Jade Buddha Temple (Yufo Si)</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shanghai/JinMao/">Jin Mao tower</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shanghai/Misc/">Miscellaneous Shanghai photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shanghai/NanjingRd/">Nanjing Road</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shanghai/OPearl/">Oriental Pearl Tower</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shanghai/Panoramas/">Panorama views of New Pudong</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shanghai/NPudong/">Pudong New Area</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shanghai/Food/">Shanghai Food</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shanghai/Station/">Shanghai Train Station</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Shanghai/Bund/">The Bund</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Shanghai/YuYuan/">Yu Yuan Gardens</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Sichuan/">Sichuan</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Sichuan/Chengdu/">Chengdu</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Sichuan/Chengdu/Downtown/">Downtown Chengdu</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Sichuan/Chengdu/Wenshu/">Wenshu Buddhist temple</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Sichuan/Panda/">Giant Panda Breeding Centre</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/ThreeGorges/">Three Gorges</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/ThreeGorges/LesserGorges/">Lesser Three Gorges</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/ThreeGorges/Dam/">Three Gorges Dam</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/ThreeGorges/Gorges/">Three Gorges and Yangtze river</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/ThreeGorges/ZhangFei/">Yunyang Zhang Fei temple</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Tianjin/">Tianjin</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Tianjin/Colonial/">Colonial district</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Tianjin/River/">Hai river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Tianjin/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Tianjin/Old/">Old town</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Tianjin/Views/">Panoramic views</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Tibet/">Tibet</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Tibet/Drepung/">Drepung Monastery</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Tibet/Ganden/">Ganden Monastery</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Tibet/Himalaya/">Himalaya mountains</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Tibet/Lhasa/">Lhasa</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Tibet/Lhasa/Barkhor/">Barkhor area</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Tibet/Lhasa/City/">Downtown Lhasa</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Tibet/Lhasa/Palubuk/">Palubuk Monastery</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Tibet/Lhasa/Insidepotala/">Potala Palace</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Tibet/Lhasa/Potalapalace/">Potala Palace Views</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Tibet/Valley/">Lhasa Valley</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/">Xinjiang</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Karakoram/">Karakoram highway</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Karakoram/Ghez/">Ghez river canyon</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Karakoram/KarakulMuztaghAta/">Karakul lake and Muztagh Ata mountain</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Karakoram/KashgarKarakul/">Kashgar to Karakul lake</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Karakoram/Khunjerab/">Khunjerab pass</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Karakoram/KongurTagh/">Kongur Tagh mountain</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Karakoram/Tashkurgan/">Tashkurgan</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Karakoram/TashkurganKhunjerab/">Tashkurgan to Khunjerab pass</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Kashgar/">Kashgar</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Kashgar/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Kashgar/Modern/">Modern Kashgar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Kashgar/Old/">Old town</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Kashgar/Sundaymarket/">Sunday Market</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Kashgar/Sundaymarket/Downtown/">Downtown market</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Kashgar/Sundaymarket/Cattle/">Livestock market</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Kashgar/Sundaymarket/Vegetables/">Vegetables and fruits market</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/UTscenery/">Scenery between Urumqi and Turpan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Jiaohe/">The ancient city of Jiaohe</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Turpan/">Turpan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Turpan/Bazaar/">Around the bazaar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Turpan/Emin/">Emin minaret and Sugong mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Turpan/Mansion/">Mansion of the prefect of Turpan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Turpan/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Turpan/People/">People in Turpan</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Urumqi/">Urumqi</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Urumqi/Bazaar/">Around the Erdaoqiao grand bazaar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Urumqi/Downtown/">Downtown Urumqi</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Urumqi/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Urumqi/People/">People in Urumqi</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Urumqi/Park/">Renmin Gongyuan park</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Xinjiang/Urumqi/Night/">Urumqi by night</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/">Yunnan</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Dali/">Dali</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Dali/OldTown/">Dali Old Town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Dali/Temples/">Erhai Lake Temples</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Dali/Lake/">Erhai lake</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Dali/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Dali/Santasi/">San Ta Si (Three Pagodas)</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Dali/Gate/">Southern gate and city walls</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Dali/WuHui/">Wu Hui pagoda</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Kunming/">Kunming</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Kunming/Downtown/">Downtown Kunming</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Kunming/Qiongzhu/">Qiongzhu Si (Bamboo temple)</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Kunming/Yuantong/">Yuantong Si Buddhist Temple</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Kunming/Village/">Yunnan Nationalities Village</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Lijiang/">Lijiang</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Lijiang/PoolPark/">Black Dragon Pool Park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Lijiang/Misc/">Miscellanous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Lijiang/Town/">Old Town</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Lijiang/Panorama/">Panorama Views</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Misc/">Miscellaneous Yunnan photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/TigerLeapingGorge/">Tiger Leaping Gorge</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/XiaoZhongdian/">Xiao Zhongdian</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Xizhou/">Xizhou</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/Zhongdian/">Zhongdian</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Yunnan/ZhongdianValley/">Zhongdian Valley</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/China/Zhejiang/">Zhejiang</a><ul> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/China/Zhejiang/Hangzhou/">Hangzhou</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/China/Zhejiang/Hangzhou/Airport/">Airport</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/China/Zhejiang/Hangzhou/Night/">Hangzhou by night</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/China/Zhejiang/Hangzhou/Lingyin/">Lingyin scenic area</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Japan/">Japan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Himeji/">Himeji castle</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Japan/Hiroshima/">Hiroshima</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Hiroshima/Downtown/">Downtown Hiroshima</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Japan/Hiroshima/Peace/">Peace memorial park</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Japan/Kyoto/">Kyoto</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Kyoto/City/">City centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Kyoto/Heian/">Heian Shinto shrine</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Kyoto/Kinkakuji/">Kinkaku-ji temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Kyoto/Kiyomizu/">Kiyomizu-dera temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Kyoto/Nijo/">Nijo castle</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Japan/Kyoto/Sanjusangendo/">Sanjusangendo temple</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Japan/Miyajima/">Miyajima</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Miyajima/Itsukushima/">Itsukushima shrine</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Miyajima/Island/">Miyajima island</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Japan/Miyajima/Torii/">Torii</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Japan/Osaka/">Osaka</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Osaka/Central/">Central Osaka</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Osaka/Airport/">Kansai international airport</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Osaka/Castle/">Osaka castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Osaka/Underground/">Osaka underground</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Osaka/Panoramic/">Panoramas and views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Osaka/Temple/">Shitenno-ji temple</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Japan/Osaka/Park/">Tennoji park</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/">Tokyo</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Akihabara/">Akihabara</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/AroundCentralStation/">Around the Central Station</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Bay/">Bay of Tokyo skylines</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Ginza/">Ginza</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Harajuku/">Harajuku</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Meiji/">Meiji Jingu shrine</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Odaiba/">Odaiba</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Roppongi/">Roppongi</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Senso-ji/">Senso-ji Kannon temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/ShibuyaDay/">Shibuya by day</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/ShibuyaNight/">Shibuya by night</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/ShinjukuNight/">Shinjuku by night</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/ShinjukuDay/">Shinjuku skyscraper district</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Forum/">Tokyo International Forum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/NationalMuseum/">Tokyo National Museum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/RailwayStation/">Tokyo central station</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Day/">Tokyo daytime skylines</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Night/">Tokyo skylines by night</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Ueno/">Ueno</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Uenopark/">Ueno park</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Mongolia/">Mongolia</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Mongolia/Landscapes/">Central Mongolia landscapes</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Mongolia/Hustai/">Hustai national park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Mongolia/Kharkhorin/">Kharkhorin</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Mongolia/Khogno/">Khogno Khan mountains</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Mongolia/Naadam/">Naadam festival</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Mongolia/Shankh/">Shankh Khiid monastery</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Mongolia/Ulanbator/">Ulan Bator</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Mongolia/Ulanbator/Square/">Genghis Khan square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Mongolia/Ulanbator/Comm/">Hotels and shops</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Mongolia/Ulanbator/Misc/">Miscellaneous</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Mongolia/Ulanbator/People/">People</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Korea/">South Korea</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Korea/Busan/">Busan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Busan/Trip/">Bus trip to Gyeongju</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Busan/Night/">Busan by night</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Busan/Coast/">Coast near Busan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Busan/City/">Downtown Busan</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Korea/Busan/UN/">UN memorial cemetery</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/">Gyeongju</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Bulguksa/">Bulguksa temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Bunhwangsa/">Bunhwangsa stone pagoda</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Cheomseongdae/">Cheomseongdae observatory</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Orung/">Orung (Five tombs)</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Tombs/">Other Silla tombs</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Seokguram/">Seokguram grotto</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Sillatombs/">Tombs of Silla kings</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Tong/">Tong Il Jeon palace</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Hwangnamri/">Tumuli in Hwangnam-ri park</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Korea/Seoul/">Seoul</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Seoul/Beomnyeonsa/">Beomnyeonsa Buddhist temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Seoul/Bongeunsa/">Bongeunsa Buddhist temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Seoul/Guardchange/">Change of the Guard at Gyeongbokgung</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Seoul/Downtown/">Downtown Seoul</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Seoul/Gyeongbokgung/">Gyeongbokgung Palace</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Seoul/COEX/">International Convention Centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Seoul/Food/">Korean food</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Seoul/Misc/">Miscellaneous Seoul photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Seoul/OTemples/">Other Seoul temples</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Korea/Seoul/People/">People</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Korea/Seoul/Night/">Seoul by night</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Taiwan/">Taiwan</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Alishan/">Alishan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Alishan/Fenqihu/">Fenqihu</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Alishan/Longyin/">Longyin temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Alishan/Sceneries/">Sceneries</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Alishan/Summit/">Summit area</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Alishan/Tea/">Tea plantations</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/ChungTaiChan/">Chung Tai Chan temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Guanziling/">Dongshan and Guanziling</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Hualian/">Hualian</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Kaohsiung/">Kaohsiung</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Kaohsiung/Cijin/">Cijin island</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Kaohsiung/Lotus/">Lotus pond</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Kaohsiung/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Kaohsiung/Modern/">Modern Kaohsiung</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Kaohsiung/Skyline/">Skylines</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Lugang/">Lugang</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Lugang/Longshan/">Longshan temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Lugang/Matsu/">Matsu temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Lugang/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Lugang/Temples/">Other temples</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Ruisui/">Ruisui</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/SunMoon/">Sun moon lake</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Taichung/">Taichung</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Tainan/">Tainan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Tainan/Central/">Central Tainan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Tainan/Confucius/">Confucius temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Tainan/Market/">Night market</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Tainan/War_god_temple/">Official God of War temple</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Tainan/Temples/">Other temples</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/">Taipei</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Baoan/">Baoan temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/CKS/">Chiang Kai Shek Memorial</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Confucius/">Confucius temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Guandu/">Guandu temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Longshan/">Longshan Temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Markets/">Markets and malls</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/North/">North taipei</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Views/">Panorama views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/101/">Taipei 101</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/101shopping/">Taipei 101 Shopping Complex</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/101night/">Taipei 101 by night</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Airport/">Taipei Airport</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Xinyi/">Xinyi</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Zhongshan/">Zhongshan</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Taiwan/Taroko/">Taroko national park</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/EEurope/">Eastern Europe</a><ul> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Ukraine/">Ukraine</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Chernivtsi/">Chernivtsi</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Ivano_Frankivsk/">Ivano-Frankivsk</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Kamianets/">Kamianets-Podilskyi</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/">Kiev</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/Centre/">City centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/Dnepr/">Dnepr river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/Parade/">Military parade</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/Lavra/">Monastery of the Caves</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/Churches/">Other churches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/Podil/">Podil</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/Michael/">St Michael monastery</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Lviv/">Lviv</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Uzhhorod/">Uzhhorod</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Uzhhorod/City/">City centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Uzhhorod/Museum/">Museum of folk architecture and life</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Uzhhorod/Worship/">Places of worship</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Ukraine/Uzhhorod/Castle/">Uzhhorod castle</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/MEast/">Middle East</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Israel/">Israel</a><ul> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/">Jerusalem</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/HolySepulchre/">Church of the Holy Sepulchre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/Walls/">City walls</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/Dome/">Dome of the Rock</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/Modern/">Modern Jerusalem</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/MountOlives/">Mount of Olives</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/OldTown/">Old town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/Views/">Views and miscellaneous</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/WesternWall/">Western Wall</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Jordan/">Jordan</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Jordan/Ajloun/">Ajloun</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Ajloun/Castle/">Ajloun castle</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Jordan/Ajloun/Landscape/">Landscape</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Jordan/Amman/">Amman</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Amman/Central/">Central Amman</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Amman/Citadel/">Citadel</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Amman/Citymall/">City mall</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Amman/King-Abdullah-mosque/">King Abdullah mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Amman/Mecca-mall/">Mecca mall</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Amman/Pano/">Panoramas and views</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Jordan/Amman/Roman-theatre/">Roman threatre</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Aqaba/">Aqaba</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Azraq/">Azraq wetlands reserve</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Baptism-site/">Baptism site</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Jordan/Dead-Sea/">Dead Sea</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Dead-Sea/Bathing/">Bathing in the Dead Sea</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Dead-Sea/Mud/">Dead Sea Mud</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Dead-Sea/Resort/">Spa resort</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Jordan/Dead-Sea/Coast/">The coast</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Jordan/Castles/">Desert castles</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Castles/Hallabat/">Qasr Hallabat</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Castles/Harraneh/">Qasr Harraneh</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Jordan/Castles/Amra/">Qusayr Amra</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Jerash/">Jerash</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Jordan/Highway/">King's highway</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Madaba/">Madaba</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Nebo/">Mount Nebo</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Jordan/South/">Southern desert</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Jordan/Petra/">Petra</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Petra/Rock/">Canyons and rock formations</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Petra/Central/">Central Petra</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Petra/East/">East ridge tombs</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Petra/High/">High place of sacrifice</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Petra/Monastery/">The Monastery</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Jordan/Petra/Siq/">The Siq</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Jordan/Petra/Treasury/">The Treasury</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Lebanon/">Lebanon</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Anjar/">Anjar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Baalbek/">Baalbek</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Batroun/">Batroun</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Beirut/">Beirut</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Beirut/Churches/">Churches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Beirut/Historic/">Historic core</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Beirut/Modern/">Modern Beirut</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Beirut/Mosques/">Mosques</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Beirut/Museum/">National museum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Beirut/Shopping/">Shopping malls</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Beirut/Waterfront/">Waterfront</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Beiteddine/">Beiteddine palace</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Byblos/">Byblos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Cedars/">Cedars of God</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Deir_al_qamar/">Deir Al-Qamar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Kefraya/">Kefraya winery</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Mzaar/">Mzaar ski resort</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Qadisha/">Qadisha valley</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Shouf/">Shouf mountains</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Tripoli/">Tripoli</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Lebanon/Tyre/">Tyre</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Oman/">Oman</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Dhahirah/Al-Ayn/">Al Ayn</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Coast/">Central coast</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Oman/Dhofar/">Dhofar</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Mughsail/">Mughsail</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Salalah/">Salalah</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Salalah/Al_Balid/">Al Balid archaeological site</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Salalah/Beaches/">Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Salalah/Birds/">Bird colony</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Salalah/Fruits/">Fruit farming</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Salalah/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Salalah/Mosque/">Sultan Qaboos mosque</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Salalah/Sunsets/">Sunsets</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Samhuram/">Samhuram</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Wadi_Dawkah/">Wadi Dawkah frankincense park</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Jabrin/">Jabrin castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Landscapes/">Landscapes</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Oman/Musandam/">Musandam</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Musandam/Dolphins/">Dolphins</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Musandam/Fjords/">Fjords</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Musandam/Khasab/">Khasab</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Oman/Musandam/Coast/">The coast</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Oman/Muscat/">Muscat</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Muscat/Misc/">Al Khuwair</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Muscat/Beaches/">Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Muscat/Muttrah/">Muttrah</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Muscat/Old/">Old Muscat</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Muscat/Malls/">Shopping malls</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Oman/Muscat/Mosque/">Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Muscat/Mosque/Arcades/">Arcades</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Muscat/Mosque/Architecture/">Architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Muscat/Mosque/Hall/">Main prayer hall</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Muscat/Mosque/Minarets/">Minarets</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Oman/Muscat/Mosque/Women/">Women prayer hall</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Sohar/">Sohar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Sur/">Sur</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Interior/">The interior</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Oman/Wahiba/">Wahiba desert</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Wahiba/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Oman/Wahiba/Dunes/">Sand dunes</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Oman/Wahiba/Pattern/">Sand patterns</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Saudi/">Saudi Arabia</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Abha/">Abha</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Al_Ghat/">Al Ghat</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Al_Qasab/">Al Qasab</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Souda/">Al Souda</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Saudi/AlUla/">Al Ula</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Dadan/">Dadan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Elephant/">Elephant rock</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Harrat/">Harrat viewpoint</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Hegra/">Hegra</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Ikmah/">Jabal Ikmah</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Oasis/">Oasis</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Old/">Old town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Scenery/">Scenery</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Town/">Urban centre</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Asir/">Asir region south of Abha</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Fayd/">Fayd</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Hail/">Ha'il</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Hijaz/">Hijaz mountains</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Jabal_Shada/">Jabal Shada</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Jeddah/">Jeddah</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Jubbah/">Jubbah archaeological site</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Medina/">Medina</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Desert/">Nafud desert</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Najran/">Najran</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Rijal/">Rijal Almaa</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Riyadh/">Riyadh</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Sarawat/">Sarawat mountains: Al Malad to Al Namas</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Shaqra/">Shaqra</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Taif/">Taif</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Tharmida/">Tharmida</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Saudi/Thee_Ain/">Thee Ain</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Saudi/Ushaiger/">Ushaiger</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Syria/">Syria</a><ul> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Syria/Damascus/">Damascus</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Syria/Damascus/ArmenianChurch/">Armenian Apostolic Orthodox church</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Syria/Damascus/Modern/">Modern town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Syria/Damascus/Old/">Old town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Syria/Damascus/Churches/">Other churches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Syria/Damascus/Pano/">Panoramic views</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Syria/Damascus/Umayyad/">Umayyad mosque</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Turkey/">Turkey</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Antalya/">Antalya</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Aphrodisias/">Aphrodisias</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Dara/">Dara</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Didyma/">Didyma</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Diyarbakir/">Diyarbakir</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Ephesus/">Ephesus</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Gaziantep/">Gaziantep</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Gobekli/">Göbekli Tepe</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Harran/">Harran</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Turkey/Istanbul/">Istanbul</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Istanbul/Beyoglu/">Beyoglu district</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Istanbul/Sophia/">Hagia Sofia</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Istanbul/Golden/">Historic centre</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Turkey/Istanbul/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Turkey/Mardin/">Mardin</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Mardin/Monastery/">Deyr-az-Zaferan monastery</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Mardin/City/">Historic core</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Turkey/Mardin/Museums/">Museums</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Midyat/">Midyat</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Miletos/">Miletos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Hah/">Monastery of the mother of god</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Gabriel/">Mor Gabriel monastery</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Pamukkale/">Pamukkale</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Priene/">Priene</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Turkey/Sanliurfa/">Sanliurfa</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Sanliurfa/Museum1/">Archaeology museum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Sanliurfa/Museum2/">Mosaic museum</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Turkey/Sanliurfa/Old/">Old town</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Southeast/">Southeast Turkey</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Turkey/Tlos/">Tlos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Turkey/Xanthos/">Xanthos</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/UAE/">United Arab Emirates</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/UAE/AbuDhabi/">Abu Dhabi</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/AbuDhabi/Corniche/">Around the corniche</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/AbuDhabi/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/AbuDhabi/Saadiyat/">Saadiyat island</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/AbuDhabi/Mosque/">Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/AbuDhabi/Skylines/">Skylines</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/AbuDhabi/City/">Urban centre</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/UAE/AbuDhabi/West/">West corniche</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/UAE/AlAin/">Al Ain</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/AlAin/Museum/">Al Ain national museum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/AlAin/Fort/">Al Jahili fort</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/AlAin/Hili/">Hili archaeological park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/AlAin/Jebel/">Jebel Hafeet</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/UAE/AlAin/City/">The city</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Dibba/">Dibba</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/UAE/Dubai/">Dubai</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Dubai/Views/">Architecture and views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Dubai/Atlantis-The-Palm-hotel/">Atlantis The Palm hotel</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Dubai/Burj-Khalifa/">Burj Khalifa</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Dubai/Burjalarab/">Burj al Arab hotel</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Dubai/Heritage/">Dubai Heritage centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Dubai/Airport/">Dubai International Airport</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Dubai/Metro/">Dubai metro</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Dubai/Skyline/">Dubai skyline</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Dubai/Jumeirah/">Jumeirah beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Dubai/Jumeirah-hotels/">Jumeirah beach area and Internet City</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Dubai/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos of Dubai</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Dubai/Other/">Other images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Dubai/Malls/">Shopping malls</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Dubai/Creek/">The Creek</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/UAE/Dubai/The-Dubai-mall/">The Dubai mall</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Fujairah/">Fujairah</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Khorfakkan/">Khor Fakkan</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/UAE/Liwa/">Liwa oasis</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Liwa/Dunes/">Rub al Khali desert sand dunes</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Liwa/Moreeb/">Tal Mireb</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/UAE/Liwa/Oasis/">The oasis</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/RAK/">Ras al Khaimah</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/UAE/Sharjah/">Sharjah</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/UAE/Wildlife/">Wildlife</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/NAfrica/">Northern Africa</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Algeria/">Algeria</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Algeria/Ain_Sefra/">Ain Sefra</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Algeria/Algiers/">Algiers</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Algeria/Beni_Add/">Beni Add caves</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Algeria/Cherchell/">Cherchell</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Algeria/Djemila/">Djemila</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Algeria/Ourit/">El Ourit waterfalls</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Algeria/Ghardaia/">Ghardaia</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Algeria/Oran/">Oran</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Algeria/Oran/Mosque/">Grand Mosque Abdelhamid Ibn Badis</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Algeria/Oran/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Algeria/Oran/Oldtown/">Old town</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Algeria/Oran/Santacruz/">Santa Cruz</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Algeria/Timimoun/">Timimoun</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Algeria/Tipasa/">Tipasa</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Algeria/Tlemcen/">Tlemcen</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Algeria/Western_desert/">Western desert</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/">Egypt</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/AbuSimbel/">Abu Simbel</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/AbuSimbel/Ramses/">Great temple of Ramses II</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/AbuSimbel/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/AbuSimbel/Hathor/">Temple of Hathor</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Cairo/">Cairo</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Cairo/Mosques/">Cairo Mosques</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Cairo/Central/">Central Cairo</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/">Egyptian National Museum</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/Jewels/">Ancient Egyptian Jewels</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/Other/">Other Images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/Statues/">Statues</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/Tutankhamun/">Tutankhamun</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/TutObjects/">Tutankhamun Tomb Items</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Pyramids/">Giza pyramids</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Cairo/Islamic/">Islamic Cairo</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Memphis/">Memphis</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Cairo/Citadel/">The Citadel</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Cairo/Views/">Views and Panoramas</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/">Egyptian National Museum</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/Jewels/">Ancient Egyptian Jewels</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/Other/">Other Images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/Statues/">Statues</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/Tutankhamun/">Tutankhamun</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/TutObjects/">Tutankhamun Tomb Items</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Luxor/">Luxor</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Temple/">Luxor temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Memnon/">Memnon Colossi</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Felucca/">Nile River Feluccas</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Nile/">Nile river in Luxor</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Hatshepsut/">Temple of Hatshepsut</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Karnak/">Temples of Karnak</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Kings/">Valley of Kings</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Mediterranean/">Mediterranean Sea coast</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Alexandria/">Alexandria</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Alexandria/Bibliotheca/">Bibliotheca Alexandrina</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Alexandria/Airport/">Borg El Arab airport</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Alexandria/Qaitbay/">Fort Qaitbay</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/El-Alamein/">El-Alamein</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/El-Alamein/German/">German war memorial</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/El-Alamein/Italian/">Italian war memorial</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/El-Alamein/Landscape/">Landscapes</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Marsa_Matruh/">Marsa Matruh</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Pyramid/">Pyramids</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Pyramids/">Giza pyramids</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Saqqara/">Saqqara</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/RedSea/">Red Sea Coast</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Hurghada/">Hurghada</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Nuweiba/">Nuweiba</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Sharm-el-Sheikh/">Sharm el-Sheikh</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Sharm-el-Sheikh/Beach/">Beaches</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Sharm-el-Sheikh/City/">Urban centre</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Sinai/">Sinai peninsula</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Nuweiba/">Nuweiba</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Sharm-el-Sheikh/">Sharm el-Sheikh</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Sharm-el-Sheikh/Beach/">Beaches</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Sharm-el-Sheikh/City/">Urban centre</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Mountains/">Sinai mountains</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Sinai/St-Catherine/">St Catherine monastery</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/EastDesert/">The Eastern Desert</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/UpperNile/">Upper Nile Valley</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/AbuSimbel/">Abu Simbel</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/AbuSimbel/Ramses/">Great temple of Ramses II</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/AbuSimbel/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/AbuSimbel/Hathor/">Temple of Hathor</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Assuan/">Aswan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Assuan/Town/">Aswan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Assuan/Coptic/">Coptic Cathedral</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Assuan/Elephantine/">Elephantine Island</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Assuan/Sunset/">Nile River Sunsets</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Assuan/Nile/">Nile River and Feluccas</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Assuan/NubianMuseum/">Nubian Museum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Assuan/Philae/">Temple of Philae</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Assuan/Dam/">The High Dam</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Luxor/">Luxor</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Temple/">Luxor temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Memnon/">Memnon Colossi</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Felucca/">Nile River Feluccas</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Nile/">Nile river in Luxor</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Hatshepsut/">Temple of Hatshepsut</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Karnak/">Temples of Karnak</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Kings/">Valley of Kings</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/NileValley/">Nile Valley</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Dendera/">Temple of Hathor in Dendera</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Hatshepsut/">Temple of Hatshepsut</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Edfu/">Temple of Horus in Edfu</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/KomOmbo/">Temple of Kom Ombo</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Assuan/Philae/">Temple of Philae</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Abydos/">Temple of Seti in Abydos</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Egypt/WDesert/">Western Desert</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Bahariya/">Bahariya Oasis</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Farafra/">Farafra Oasis</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/KhargaDakhla/">Kharga and Dahkla Oases</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Siwa/">Siwa oasis</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Siwa/Desert/">Desert</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Siwa/Mountain/">Mountain of the dead</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Siwa/Shali/">Shali</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Siwa/Village/">Siwa village</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Siwa/Amun/">Temple of Amun</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Egypt/Siwa/Oracle/">Temple of the Oracle</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/Siwa/Oasis/">The oasis</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Egypt/WhiteDesert/">White Desert</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Morocco/">Morocco</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Agadir/">Agadir</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Aitbenhaddou/">Ait Ben Haddou</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Casablanca/">Casablanca</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Casablanca/Mosque/">Hassan II mosque</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Casablanca/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Central/">Central Morocco</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Dades/">Dades valley and Todra gorge</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Dades/Landscape/">Landscapes and cities</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Tinerhir/">Tinerhir</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Todra/">Todra gorge</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Essaouira/">Essaouira</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Essaouira/Beach/">Beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Essaouira/Town/">Old town</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Essaouira/Sea/">Sea</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Fes/">Fes</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Fes/Andalus/">Andalus quarter</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Fes/Rcif/">Around the Rcif square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Fes/Medina/">Central Medina</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Fes/Tanneries/">Tanneries</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Fes/WMedina/">Western Medina</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Atlas/">High Atlas mountain range</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Marrakech/">Marrakech</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Marrakech/Medersa/">Ali ben Youssef medersa</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Marrakech/Djemaa/">Djemaa el Fna</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Marrakech/Kasbah/">Kasbah and Mellah</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Marrakech/Koutoubia/">Koutoubia mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Marrakech/Museum/">Marrakech museum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Marrakech/Bahia/">Palais de la Bahia</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Marrakech/Souk/">The Souks</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Meknes/">Meknes</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Meknes/City/">Imperial city and el-Hedim square</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Meknes/Medina/">Medina</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Merzouga/">Merzouga</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Merzouga/Sand/">Erg Chebbi sand dunes</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Merzouga/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Merzouga/Panorama/">Panorama views of Sahara desert</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/MoulayIdriss/">Moulay Idriss</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/OliveTrees/">Olive tree plantations</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Ouzoud/">Ouzoud waterfalls</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Rabat/">Rabat</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Rabat/Chellah/">Chellah ruins</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Rabat/Kasbah/">Kasbah des Oudaias</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Rabat/Mausoleum/">Mausoleum of Mohammed V</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Rabat/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Taroudannt/">Taroudannt</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Volubilis/">Volubilis</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Morocco/Volubilis/Mosaics/">Mosaics</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Morocco/Volubilis/Ruins/">Ruins and temples</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/NEurope/">Northern Europe</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Denmark/">Denmark</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Denmark/Copenhagen/">Copenhagen</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Denmark/Copenhagen/Churches/">Churches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Denmark/Copenhagen/Kastellet/">Kastellet</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Denmark/Copenhagen/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Denmark/Copenhagen/Nyhavn/">Nyhavn</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Denmark/Copenhagen/Old/">Old town</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Denmark/Copenhagen/Skylines/">Skylines</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Denmark/Kronborg/">Kronborg castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Denmark/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Denmark/Odense/">Odense</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Estonia/">Estonia</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Estonia/Lahemaa/">Lahemaa national park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Estonia/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Estonia/Tallinn/">Tallinn</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Estonia/Tallinn/Churches/">Churches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Estonia/Tallinn/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Estonia/Tallinn/Old/">Old town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Estonia/Tallinn/Pano/">Panoramic views and skylines</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Estonia/Tallinn/Toompea/">Toompea hill</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Estonia/Tartu/">Tartu</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Finland/">Finland</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Finland/Ferry/">Baltic sea ferry to Finland</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Finland/Helsinki/">Helsinki</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Finland/Helsinki/Central/">Central Helsinki</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Finland/Helsinki/RailwayStation/">Central railway station</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Finland/Helsinki/Churches/">Churches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Finland/Helsinki/Airport/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Finland/Helsinki/Waterfront/">Waterfront</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Finland/Highway/">Highway to Inari</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Finland/Oulu/">Oulu</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Finland/Oulu/MarketSquare/">Market square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Finland/Oulu/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Finland/Oulu/Airport/">Oulu airport</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Finland/Oulu/Pedestrian/">Pedestrian area</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Finland/Rovaniemi/">Rovaniemi</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Finland/Suomenlinna/">Suomenlinna</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Finland/Tampere/">Tampere</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Latvia/">Latvia</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Latvia/Jurmala/">Jurmala</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Latvia/Museum/">Latvian ethnographic open-air museum</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Latvia/Riga/">Riga</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Latvia/Riga/Newtown/">New town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Latvia/Riga/Oldtown/">Old town</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Latvia/Riga/Skyline/">Panoramic views and skylines</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Latvia/Rundale/">Rundale palace</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Lithuania/">Lithuania</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Lithuania/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lithuania/Trakai/">Trakai castle</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Lithuania/Vilnius/">Vilnius</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Lithuania/Vilnius/Square/">Around cathedral square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lithuania/Vilnius/New/">New town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Lithuania/Vilnius/Old/">Old town</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Lithuania/Vilnius/Skylines/">Panoramic views and skylines</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Norway/">Norway</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Alta/">Alta</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Hardangervidda/">Around the Hardangervidda</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Jostedalsbreen/">Around the Jostedalsbreen glacier</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Sognefjord/">Around the Sognefjord</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Norway/Bergen/">Bergen</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Bergen/Bryggen/">Bryggen</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Bergen/City/">City centre</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Norway/Bergen/Floien/">Fløien</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Bodo/">Bodø</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Central/">Central Norway</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Geiranger/">Geirangerfjord</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Jotunheimen/">Jotunheimen national park</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Norway/Lofoten/">Lofoten islands</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Lofoten/Austvagoya/">Austvågøya</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Lofoten/Ferry/">Ferry Moskenes-Bodø</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Lofoten/Flakstadoya/">Flakstadøya</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Lofoten/Moskenesoya/">Moskenesøya</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Norway/Lofoten/Vestvagoya/">Vestvågøya</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Romsdal/">Møre og Romsdal</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Norway/Nordkapp/">North Cape</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Nordkapp/Cities/">Cities and settlements</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Nordkapp/Mageroya/">Mageroya island</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Nordkapp/Midnight/">Midnight sun</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Nordkapp/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Norway/Nordkapp/Northcape/">North Cape area</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Norway/Oslo/">Oslo</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Oslo/Palace/">Around the royal palace</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Oslo/City/">City centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Oslo/Frognerpark/">Frogner park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Oslo/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Oslo/Fjord/">Oslofjord</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Oslo/Tjuvholmen/">Tjuvholmen and Aker Brygge</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Norway/Oslo/Museum/">Viking ship museum</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Ottadalen/">Ottadalen and Lom church</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Norway/Senja/">Senja</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Senja/Ersfjord/">Ersfjord</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Senja/Gryllefjord/">Gryllefjord</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Senja/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Norway/Senja/Segla/">Segla and Hesten mountains</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Svartisen/">Svartisen glacier</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Trollstigen/">Trollstigen</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Troms/">Troms</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Norway/Tromso/">Tromsø</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Tromso/Botanical/">Arctic–Alpine botanic garden</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Tromso/Churches/">Churches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Tromso/City/">City centre</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Norway/Tromso/Mountains/">Mountains and views</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Norway/Trondheim/">Trondheim</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Trondheim/Old/">Historic centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Trondheim/City/">Modern Trondheim</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Trondheim/Near/">Near Trondheim</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Trondheim/Sverresborg/">Sverresborg open air museum</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Norway/Trondheim/Waterfront/">Waterfront</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Vesteralen/">Vesterålen islands</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Norway/Alesund/">Ålesund</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Alesund/Architecture/">Architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Alesund/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Norway/Alesund/Views/">Views from above</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Norway/Alesund/Waterfront/">Waterfront</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Oceania/">Oceania</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Australia/">Australia</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Wildlife/">Australian wildlife</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Blue_Mountains/">Blue Mountains</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Australia/Brisbane/">Brisbane</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Brisbane/Airport/">Brisbane airport</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Brisbane/Colonial/">Colonial Brisbane</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Brisbane/Modern/">Modern Brisbane</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Brisbane/Queen-street/">Queen street</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Brisbane/Riverside/">Riverside</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Australia/Brisbane/SouthBank/">South bank</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Australia/Melbourne/">Melbourne</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Melbourne/Yarra/">Around the Yarra river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Melbourne/Carlton/">Carlton gardens</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Melbourne/CBD/">Central Business District</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Melbourne/Central/">Central Melbourne</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Melbourne/More/">More views</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Australia/Melbourne/Skylines/">Skylines</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Australia/Sydney/">Sydney</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Sydney/Bay/">Bay of Sydney</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Sydney/Downtown/">Central Business District</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Sydney/Darling/">Darling harbour</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Sydney/Hyde/">Hyde park and around</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Sydney/Opera/">Opera house</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Sydney/Botanic/">Royal botanic gardens</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Sydney/Skylines/">Skylines</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Australia/Sydney/Night/">Sydney by night</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Australia/Sydney/Rocks/">The Rocks</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Australia/Yarra_valley/">Yarra valley</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Micronesia/">Micronesia</a><ul> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Micronesia/Kosrae/">Kosrae</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Micronesia/Kosrae/Flowers/">Flowers</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Micronesia/Kosrae/People/">People</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Micronesia/Kosrae/Scenery/">Scenery and views</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Micronesia/Kosrae/Underwater/">Underwater</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/SAsia/">South Asia</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/India/">India</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/India/Dance/">Bharatnatyam South Indian Dance</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Chennai/">Chennai</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/India/Delhi/">Delhi</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/India/Delhi/Airport/">Airport</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Delhi/Humayun/">Humayun tomb</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Delhi/Jama/">Jama Masjid</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Delhi/Market/">Markets in Delhi</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Delhi/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Delhi/Monuments/">Monuments</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Delhi/Museum/">National Museum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Delhi/Qutub_Minar/">Qutub Minar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Delhi/Fort/">Red fort</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Delhi/Shopping/">Shopping Complex</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/India/Delhi/Streets/">Streets of Delhi</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/India/Kashmir/">Jammu and Kashmir</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/India/Kashmir/Dal/">Dal lake</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/India/Kashmir/Gulmarg/">Gulmarg hill station</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/India/Karnataka/">Karnataka</a><ul> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/India/Karnataka/Bangalore/">Bangalore</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/India/Karnataka/Bangalore/Night/">Bangalore by night</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Karnataka/Bangalore/Panorama/">Bangalore skylines</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Karnataka/Bangalore/Lalbagh/">Lalbagh botanical garden</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Karnataka/Bangalore/MGroad/">MG road</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Karnataka/Bangalore/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Karnataka/Bangalore/TemplesPalaces/">Temples and palaces</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/India/Karnataka/Bangalore/VidhanaSoudha/">Vidhana Soudha building</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/India/Kerala/">Kerala</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/India/Kerala/Alappuzha/">Alappuzha</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Kerala/Backwaters/">Backwaters</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/India/Kerala/Kochi/">Kochi</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/India/Kerala/Kochi/Coast/">Beaches and waterways</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Kerala/Kochi/Churches/">Churches and temples</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Kerala/Kochi/Colonial/">Colonial centre</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/India/Kerala/Kochi/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/India/Punjab/">Punjab</a><ul> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/India/Punjab/Amritsar/">Amritsar</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/">Rajasthan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Amber/">Amber Palace</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Bikaner/">Bikaner</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Pokaran/">Fort Pokaran</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaipur/">Jaipur</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaipur/Palace/">City Palace</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaipur/Misc/">Miscellaneous Jaipur photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaipur/Observatory/">Observatory (Jantar Mantar)</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaipur/Winds/">Palace of the Winds</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaisalmer/">Jaisalmer</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaisalmer/GadiSagar/">Gadi Sagar tank</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaisalmer/Haveli/">Havelis</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaisalmer/Fort/">Jaisalmer Fort</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaisalmer/View/">Panoramas and Views</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaisalmer/Palace/">Rajmahal palace</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jodhpur/">Jodhpur</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jodhpur/Jaswant/">Jaswant Thada memorial</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jodhpur/Meherangarh/">Meherangarh Fort</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jodhpur/View/">Panoramas and Views</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jodhpur/Bhavan/">Umaid Bhawan Palace</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Road/">On the road</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Pushkar/">Pushkar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Sariska/">Sariska Tiger Reserve</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Shekhawati/">Shekhawati region</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/India/Rajahstan/Desert/">Thar Desert</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/India/UP/">Uttar Pradesh</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/India/UP/Agra/">Agra</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/India/UP/Agra/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/India/UP/Agra/RedFort/">Red Fort</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/India/UP/Agra/TajMahal/">Taj Mahal</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/India/UP/Fatehpur/">Fatehpur Sikri</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Iran/">Iran</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Abyaneh/">Abyaneh</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Iran/AroundYazd/">Around Yazd</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/AroundYazd/Abarqu/">Abarqu</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/AroundYazd/Chak_Chak/">Chak Chak</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/AroundYazd/Hamaneh/">Hamaneh</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/AroundYazd/Kharanaq/">Kharanaq</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Iran/AroundYazd/Meybod/">Meybod</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Chogha_Zanbil/">Chogha Zanbil</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/">Isfahan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Abbasi/">Abbasi hotel</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Ali_Qapu_palace/">Ali Qapu palace</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Vank/">Armenian Vank cathedral</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Central/">Central Isfahan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Chehel_sotoon/">Chehel Sotoon palace</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Bazaar/">Grand bazaar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Handicrafts/">Handicrafts</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Jame_mosque/">Jame mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Jewish_quarter/">Jewish quarter</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Khaju_bridge/">Khaju bridge</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Naqshejahan/">Naqshejahan square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Shah_mosque/">Shah mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Sheikh_Lotf_Allah/">Sheikh Lotf Allah mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Siosehpol/">Si-o-seh Pol bridge</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/River/">Zayandeh-rud river</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Karaftu/">Karaftu caves</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Iran/Kashan/">Kashan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Kashan/Abbasi/">Abbasian traditional house</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Kashan/Ameriha/">Ameriha traditional house</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Kashan/Amir/">Amir Ahmad historical bathhouse</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Kashan/Fin/">Fin garden</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Kashan/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Iran/Kashan/Tabatabei/">Tabatabei traditional house</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Iran/Kish/">Kish</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Kish/Beaches/">Beaches and sea</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Iran/Kish/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Kurdistan/">Kurdistan</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Iran/Mashhad/">Mashhad</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Mashhad/Around/">Around Mashhad</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Mashhad/Khajeh-Rabi/">Boq eh-ye Khajeh Rabi mausoleum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Mashhad/City/">Central Mashhad</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Mashhad/Shrine/">Imam Reza holy shrine</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Iran/Mashhad/Ferdowsi/">Tomb of Ferdowsi in Tus</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Iran/Damavand/">Mt Damavand</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Damavand/Camp2_to_camp3/">Camp 2 to camp 3</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Damavand/Camp3/">Camp 3</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Damavand/Camp3_to_summit/">Camp 3 to summit</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Damavand/Views/">Panoramas and views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Damavand/Tehran_to_Camp2/">Tehran to Camp 2</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Iran/Damavand/Summit/">The summit</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Naqsh/">Naqsh-e Rostam</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Pasargadae/">Pasargadae</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Iran/Persepolis/">Persepolis</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Persepolis/Apadana/">Apadana palace bas-reliefs</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Persepolis/Gate/">Gate of all nations</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Persepolis/Museum/">Museum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Persepolis/Palaces/">Palaces</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Persepolis/Views/">Panoramic views</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Iran/Persepolis/Tombs/">Tombs of Artaxerxes II and III</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Architecture/">Persian architecture</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Iran/Qeshm/">Qeshm</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Beaches/">Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Geopark/">Geopark</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Harra/">Harra mangrove forest</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Hengam/">Hengam island</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Khorbas/">Khorbas caves</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Naaz/">Naaz island</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Namakdan/">Namakdan salt cave</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Qeshm/City/">Qeshm city</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Stars/">Stars valley</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Iran/Qom/">Qom</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Qom/Shrine/">Hazrat-e-Masoumeh shrine</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Iran/Qom/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Iran/Shiraz/">Shiraz</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Arg-e-Karim-Khan/">Arg-e Karim Khan citadel</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Eram/">Eram garden</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Imamzadeh/">Imamzadeh Hamzeh mausoleum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Narenjestan/">Narenjestan museum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Nasir-Ol-Molk/">Nasir Ol Molk mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Shapouri/">Shapouri pavilion</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Hafez/">Tomb of Hafez</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Saadi/">Tomb of Saadi</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Bazaar-e-Vakil/">Vakil bazaar</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Vakil/">Vakil mosque and bath house</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Shushtar/">Shushtar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Soltaniyeh/">Soltaniyeh</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Shush/">Susa</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Soleyman/">Takht-e Soleyman</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Iran/Tehran/">Tehran</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Tehran/Azadi/">Azadi square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Tehran/Golestan/">Golestan palace</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Tehran/Bazaar/">Grand Bazaar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Tehran/Mellat/">Mellat park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Tehran/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Tehran/Gardens/">Persian gardens</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Iran/Tehran/Saadabad/">Saad Abad complex</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Iran/Yazd/">Yazd</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Yazd/Amir_Chakhmaq/">Amir Chakhmaq complex</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Yazd/Alexander/">Around the Alexander prison</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Yazd/Ateshkadeh/">Ateshkadeh Zoroastrian fire temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Yazd/City/">Central Yazd</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Yazd/Lari/">Khan-e Lari house</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Yazd/Mosques/">Mosques</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Iran/Yazd/Skylines/">Skylines</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Iran/Yazd/Towers/">Towers of silence</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Nepal/">Nepal</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Nepal/Bhaktapur/">Bhaktapur </a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Nepal/Chitwan/">Chitwan National Park </a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Nepal/Kathmandu/">Kathmandu </a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Nepal/PeopleLandscapes/">Nepali People and Landscapes </a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Nepal/Patan/">Patan </a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Nepal/Pokhara/">Pokhara and Annapurna Range </a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Nepal/Annapurna/">The Annapurna Trek</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Nepal/Annapurna/Besisahar/">Besisahar to Chamje</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Nepal/Annapurna/Jomson/">Jomson to Poon Hill</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Nepal/Annapurna/Manang/">Manang to Thorong La pass</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Nepal/Annapurna/Tal/">Tal to Manang</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Nepal/Annapurna/Thorong/">Thorong La pass to Jomson</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Sri_Lanka/">Sri Lanka</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Sri_Lanka/Colombo/">Colombo</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Sri_Lanka/Galle/">Galle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Sri_Lanka/Kandy/">Kandy</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Sri_Lanka/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Sri_Lanka/Udawalawe/">Udawalawe national park</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/SEAsia/">Southeast Asia</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Brunei/">Brunei</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Brunei/Town/">Bandar Seri Begawan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Brunei/River/">Brunei River Area and Water Village</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Brunei/Jameasr/">Jame'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Brunei/OmarAli/">Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Brunei/Night/">Omar Ali Saifuddien mosque at night</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Brunei/Tamoi/">Tamoi Mosque</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Brunei/Ulu-Temburong/">Ulu Temburong national park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Brunei/Ulu-Temburong/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Brunei/Ulu-Temburong/Treetop/">Treetop views</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Cambodia/">Cambodia</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Other/">Other images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/People/">People</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Cambodia/PhnomPenh/">Phnom Penh</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/PhnomPenh/Downtown/">Downtown Phnom Penh</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/PhnomPenh/Airport/">International airport</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/PhnomPenh/OldCity/">Old city</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/PhnomPenh/Riverfront/">Riverfront</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/PhnomPenh/RoyalPalace/">Royal palace</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/PhnomPenh/SilverPagoda/">Silver pagoda</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Cambodia/PhnomPenh/SouthRP/">South of the Royal Palace</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Overland/">Roads in Cambodia</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Overland/BKKtoSiemReap/">Poipet to Siem Reap in the rainy season</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Overland/SiemReaptoBKK/">Siem Reap to Poipet during the rainy season</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Landscapes/">Sceneries and landscapes</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/SiemReap/">Siem Reap</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/">Temples of Angkor</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/Aerial/">Aerial views</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/AngkorThom/">Angkor Thom city</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/AngkorThom/Baphuon/">Baphuon</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/AngkorThom/Bayon/">Bayon</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/AngkorThom/Phimeanakas/">Phimeanakas</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/AngkorThom/PSP/">Prasat Suor Prat</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/AngkorThom/Gate/">Southern gate</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/AngkorThom/Terrace/">Terrace of elephants</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/AngkorWat/">Angkor Wat</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/BanteayKdei/">Banteay Kdei</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/BanteaySamre/">Banteay Samré</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/BanteaySrei/">Banteay Srei</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/BengMealea/">Beng Mealea</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/EasternMebon/">Eastern Mebon</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/PhnomBakheng/">Phnom Bakheng</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/PrasatKravan/">Prasat Kravan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/PreRup/">Pre Rup</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/PreahKhan/">Preah Khan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/PreahNeakPean/">Preah Neak Pean</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/Roluos/">Roluos group</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/Roluos/Bakong/">Bakong</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/Roluos/Lolei/">Lolei</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/SrasSrang/">Sras Srang</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/TaKeo/">Ta Keo</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/TaProhm/">Ta Prohm</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/TaSom/">Ta Som</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/">Indonesia</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Bali/">Bali</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Bali/Barong/">Barong dance</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Bali/Beaches/">Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Bali/Kuta/">Kuta</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Bali/Legong/">Legong dance</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Bali/Puratemple/">Pura Taman Ayun temple</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Bali/Ubud/">Ubud</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/">Jakarta</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Merdeka/">Around Merdeka square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Colonial/">Colonial centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Modern/">Modern Jakarta</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Museum/">National museum</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Taman/">Taman Mini Indonesia</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Java/">Java</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Java/Bandung/">Bandung</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Java/Borobudur/">Borobudur</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Java/Bromo/">Bromo Tengger Semeru national park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Java/Bromo/Caldera/">Inside the caldera</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Java/Bromo/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Java/Bromo/View/">Tengger caldera at sunrise</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/">Jakarta</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Merdeka/">Around Merdeka square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Colonial/">Colonial centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Modern/">Modern Jakarta</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Museum/">National museum</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Taman/">Taman Mini Indonesia</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Java/Prambanan/">Prambanan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Java/Prambanan/Views/">Panoramas and views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Java/Prambanan/Details/">Temple details</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Java/Prambanan/Temples/">Temples</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Java/Rancabali/">Rancabali district</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Java/Surabaya/">Surabaya</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Kalimantan/">Kalimantan</a><ul> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Kalimantan/Tarakan/">Ferry to Tarakan via Nunukan</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Maluku/">Maluku</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Maluku/Ternate/">Ternate</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Maluku/Tidore/">Tidore</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/">Nusa Tenggara</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/">Flores</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Agriculture/">Agriculture</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Bela/">Bela</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Bena/">Bena</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Villages/">Cities and villages</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Coast/">Coastline</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Ende/">Ende</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Labuan_Bajo/">Labuan Bajo</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Luba/">Luba</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Mountains/">Mountains</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Komodo/">Komodo national park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Komodo/Komodo/">Komodo</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Komodo/other/">Other islands</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Komodo/Sabolan/">Sabolan island</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Komodo/Seraya/">Seraya island</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/">Sumba</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Beaches/">Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Landscapes/">Landscapes</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Maderi/">Maderi</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Villages/">Other villages</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Praijing/">Praijing</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Ratenggaro/">Ratenggaro</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Waingalli/">Waigalli</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Wawarungu/">Wawarungu</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Lagoon/">Weekiry lagoon</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/">West Timor</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/Boti/">Boti</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/Fatumnasi/">Fatumnasi</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/Kefamenanu/">Kefamenanu</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/Kupang/">Kupang</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/None/">None</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/People/">People and villages</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/Coast/">Southern coast</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/Tamkesi/">Tamkesi</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/Interior/">The interior</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/">Sulawesi</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Bunaken/">Bunaken</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Gorontalo/">Gorontalo</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Makassar/">Makassar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Manado/">Manado</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Minahasa/">Minahasa district</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/">Tana Toraja</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Funeral/">Funeral ceremony</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Kalimbuang_Bori/">Kalimbuang Bori</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Kete_Kesu/">Kete Kesu</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Lemo/">Lemo</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Loko_Mata/">Loko Mata</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Londa/">Londa</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Other/">Other sights</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Palawa/">Palawa</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Rantepao/">Rantepao</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Rice/">Rice</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Tampang_Allo/">Tampang Allo</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tangkoko/">Tangkoko Batuangus nature reserve</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tangkoko22/">Tangkoko Batuangus nature reserve (2022)</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tomohon1/">Tomohon</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tomohon/">Tomohon food market</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/WestPapua/">West Papua</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/WestPapua/Raja_Ampat/">Raja Ampat</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/WestPapua/Raja_Ampat/Islands/">Other islands</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Indonesia/WestPapua/Raja_Ampat/Pianemo/">Pianemo</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/WestPapua/Raja_Ampat/Waigeo/">Waigeo</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/WestPapua/Sorong/">Sorong</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Laos/">Laos</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Laos/Bolaven/">Bolaven plateau</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Bolaven/Coffee/">Coffee plantations</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Bolaven/HoayHoonTai/">Hoay Hoon Tai village</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Bolaven/Scenery/">Landscapes and scenery</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Bolaven/Longaom/">Longaom village</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Bolaven/Paksong/">Paksong</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Bolaven/PhaSuam/">Pha Suam village</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Bolaven/PhaSuamWaterfall/">Pha Suam waterfalls</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Bolaven/TadFen/">Tad Fen twin waterfalls</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Bolaven/TadLo/">Tad Lo village</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Bolaven/TadLoWaterfall/">Tad Lo waterfall</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Bolaven/TadYueangWaterfall/">Tad Yueang waterfall</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Bolaven/Tea/">Tea plantation</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Bolaven/Thatheng/">Thatheng</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Laos/Bolaven/VillagesPeople/">Villages and people</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Laos/Champasak/">Champasak province</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Champasak/ChampasakFerry/">Crossing the Mekong in Champasak</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Champasak/Pakse/">Pakse</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Champasak/SRoads/">Roads in southern Laos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Champasak/UmMuang/">Um Muang Khmer site</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Laos/Champasak/WatPhu/">Wat Phu in Champasak</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/">Luang Prabang</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/BanMuangKeo/">Ban Muang Keo village</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/BanXangHai/">Ban Xang Hai village</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/Monks/">Buddhist monks</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/City/">Luang Prabang city</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/Mekong/">Mekong river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/OtherTemples/">Other temples</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/OtherVillages/">Other villages</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/PakOu/">Pak Ou caves</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/People/">People</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/Scenery/">Scenery</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/Sunsets/">Sunsets</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/KuangSi/">Tat Kuang Si waterfalls</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/WatHoPrabang/">Wat Ho Prabang</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/WatVisounnarath/">Wat Visounnarath</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/WatXiengThong/">Wat Xieng Thong</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Other/">Other images</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Laos/4000islands/">Si Phan Don (4000 islands)</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/4000islands/DonDet/">Don Det island</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/4000islands/DonKhon/">Don Khon island</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/4000islands/DonKhong/">Don Khong island</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/4000islands/Mekong/">Mekong river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/4000islands/Nakasang/">Nakasang</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Laos/4000islands/Veunkham/">Veunkham</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Laos/Vientiane/">Vientiane</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Vientiane/HoPhrakeo/">Ho Phrakeo</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Vientiane/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Vientiane/Near/">Near Vientiane</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Vientiane/Other/">Other temples</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Vientiane/Patuxai/">Patuxai Gate of Triumph</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Vientiane/People/">People in Vientiane</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/Vientiane/PhaThatLuang/">Pha That Luang</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Laos/Vientiane/WatSisaket/">Wat Sisaket</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/">Xieng Khouang</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/Scenery/">Landscapes and Scenery</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/PeopleVillages/">People and villages</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/Phonsavan/">Phonsavan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/PhonsavanAirport/">Phonsavan airport</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/PJars/">Plain of Jars</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/PJars/1/">Site 1</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/PJars/2/">Site 2</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/PJars/3/">Site 3</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/">Malaysia</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/">East coast</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Desaru/">Desaru</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/JB/">Johor Bahru</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/JB/Central/">Central Johor Bahru</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/JB/Palace/">Istana Besar royal palace museum</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/JB/Mosque/">Sultan Abu Bakar mosque</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Cerating/">Kampung Cerating</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Kapas/">Kapas island</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Kenyir/">Kenyir lake</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/KBharu/">Kota Bharu</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/KualaBesut/">Kuala Besut</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/KualaTerengganu/">Kuala Terengganu</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/">Lang Tengah</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/BatuJune/">Batu June area</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/Beach2/">Beach 2</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/Beach/">Main beach</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Marang/">Marang</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Merang/">Merang</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Mersing/">Mersing</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Pekan/">Pekan</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/">Perhentian</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/Kecil/">Perhentian Kecil Island</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/North/">Perhentian's Northern Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/South/">Perhentian's Southern Beaches</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/West/">Perhentian's Western Beaches</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Redang/">Redang</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Seribuat/">Seribuat archipelago</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Seribuat/Other/">Other islands</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Seribuat/Rawa/">Pulau Rawa</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Tioman/">Tioman</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Tioman/">Tioman</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Plants/">Tropical plants</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/">Kelantan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Gua_Ikan/">Gua Ikan cave</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Stong/">Gunung Stong State Park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/KBharu/">Kota Bharu</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/">Tumpat</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/Tujuh/">Pantai Seri Tujuh beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/Kok_Seraya/">Wat Kok Seraya</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/Machimmaram/">Wat Machimmaram</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/Mai_Suwankiri/">Wat Mai Suwankiri</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/Photivihan/">Wat Photivihan</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/Pikulthong/">Wat Pikulthong</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/">Kuala Lumpur</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Central/">Central KL</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bukit_Bintang/">Around Bukit Bintang street</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Merdeka/">Around Merdeka square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Station/">Around the old railway station</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bird_park/">Bird park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Butterfly_park/">Butterfly park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Chinatown/">Chinatown</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Little_India/">Jamek mosque and Little India</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Sentral/">KL Sentral</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Convention_centre/">KL convention centre and aquarium</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/KL_CC/">Kuala Lumpur City Centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Views/">Panoramas and Views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Petronas/">Petronas Twin Towers</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/SriMariamman/">Sri Maha Mariamman Dhevasthanam Hindu temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Suria/">Suria KLCC shopping mall</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Monorail/">The KL Monorail</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Golden_Triangle/">Golden Triangle</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bukit_Bintang/">Around Bukit Bintang street</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Convention_centre/">KL convention centre and aquarium</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/KL_CC/">Kuala Lumpur City Centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Petronas/">Petronas Twin Towers</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Suria/">Suria KLCC shopping mall</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Monorail/">The KL Monorail</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/KLCC/">Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC)</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Convention_centre/">KL convention centre and aquarium</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/KL_CC/">Kuala Lumpur City Centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Petronas/">Petronas Twin Towers</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Suria/">Suria KLCC shopping mall</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Lake_Gardens/">Lake Gardens</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bird_park/">Bird park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Butterfly_park/">Butterfly park</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/LakeGardensMisc/">Taman Tasik Perdana</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Shopping/">Malls and shopping complexes</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Midvalley/">Mid Valley Megamall</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Malls/">Other shopping complexes in KL</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Pavilion/">Pavilion mall</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Suria/">Suria KLCC shopping mall</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Mosques_and_Temples/">Mosques and temples</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/KLIAmosque/">KLIA mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/SriMariamman/">Sri Maha Mariamman Dhevasthanam Hindu temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batutemple/">Sri Subramanian Hindu temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/TheanHou/">Thean Hou Chinese temple</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Wilayah/">Wilayah Persekutuan Mosque</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Near/">Near KL</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batu/">Batu caves</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/KLIA/">KL International Airport (KLIA)</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/KLIAmosque/">KLIA mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Midvalley/">Mid Valley Megamall</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Malls/">Other shopping complexes in KL</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batutemple/">Sri Subramanian Hindu temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/NearKL/">Suburbs around KL</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/TheanHou/">Thean Hou Chinese temple</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Wilayah/">Wilayah Persekutuan Mosque</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Highlights/">Touristic highlights</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bukit_Bintang/">Around Bukit Bintang street</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Merdeka/">Around Merdeka square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Station/">Around the old railway station</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batu/">Batu caves</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bird_park/">Bird park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Butterfly_park/">Butterfly park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Chinatown/">Chinatown</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Little_India/">Jamek mosque and Little India</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Petronas/">Petronas Twin Towers</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/SriMariamman/">Sri Maha Mariamman Dhevasthanam Hindu temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batutemple/">Sri Subramanian Hindu temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/TheanHou/">Thean Hou Chinese temple</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Wilayah/">Wilayah Persekutuan Mosque</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/IslandsBeaches/">Malaysia's Islands & Beaches</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Beaches/">Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Berhala/">Berhala</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Bodgaya/">Bodgaya</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/BoheyDulang/">Bohey Dulang</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Cerating/">Kampung Cerating</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Kapas/">Kapas island</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/">Lang Tengah</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/BatuJune/">Batu June area</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/Beach2/">Beach 2</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/Beach/">Main beach</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/">Langkawi</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Burau-bay/">Burau bay</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Burau-beach/">Burau beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Kuah/">Kuah</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Islands/">Langkawi Islands</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Northern/">Northern Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Oriental/">Oriental village</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/View/">Panoramas and views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Cenang/">Pantai Cenang Beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Kok/">Pantai Kok Beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Waterfall/">Telaga Tujuh Waterfalls</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Telaga/">Telaga harbour</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mabul/">Mabul</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Maiga/">Maiga</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/">Mantanani</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Beach/">Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Pano/">Panoramic views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Resorts/">Resorts</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Village/">Village</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/">Mataking</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/Beaches/">Beaches</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pangkor/">Pangkor</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/Tujuh/">Pantai Seri Tujuh beach</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/">Perhentian</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/Kecil/">Perhentian Kecil Island</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/North/">Perhentian's Northern Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/South/">Perhentian's Southern Beaches</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/West/">Perhentian's Western Beaches</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Pompom/">Pom Pom</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Banggi/">Pulau Banggi</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/">Pulau Tiga national park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Mud/">Mud volcano</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Kalampunian/">Pulau Kalampunian Besar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Tiga/">Pulau Tiga</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Snake/">Snake island</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Redang/">Redang</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Sematan/">Sematan</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Seribuat/">Seribuat archipelago</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Seribuat/Other/">Other islands</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Seribuat/Rawa/">Pulau Rawa</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Tioman/">Tioman</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/">Sibuan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Diving/">Scuba diving</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Gipsies/">Sea gipsies</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Island/">Sibuan island</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Tioman/">Tioman</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tip/">Tip of Borneo</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tip/Beach/">Beaches</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tip/Cape/">Headland</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/TuAbdRahman/">Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/MountainsHighlands/">Malaysia's Mountains and Highlands</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cameron/">Cameron highlands</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cameron/Insect/">Insect farm</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cameron/Misc/">Miscellaneous</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cameron/Tea/">Tea plantations</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Genting/">Genting highlands</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/">Kelabit Highlands</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/Bario/">Bario</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/Rice/">Bario Rice Farming</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/Plants/">Kelabit Highlands Vegetation</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/People/">Kelabit People</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/">Mount Kinabalu</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/LabanRata/">Laban Rata</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Rest/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Park/">Mt Kinabalu National Park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Views/">Panorama views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Trail/">Summit Trail</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Sunrise/">Sunrise on Mt Kinabalu</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Sunset/">Sunsets</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Peak/">The Summit</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/NationalParks/">National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/">Bako National Park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/AnimalsPlants/">Animals and Plants</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/Park22/">Bako national park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/Coast/">Coastal Area</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/Park/">Trails and Scenery</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Danum/">Danum valley</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Endau/">Endau Rompin national park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Endau/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Endau/Forest/">Rainforest</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Endau/Waterfalls/">Waterfalls</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Gading/">Gunung Gading National Park</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/">Kinabatangan river</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Wildlife22/">Kinabatangan river wildlife</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Sukau/">Sukau</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/River/">The river</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Wildlife/">Wildlife</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KK_Wetland/">Kota Kinabalu wetland centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kubah/">Kubah national park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Wetlands/">Kuching wetlands national park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuk/">Labuk bay proboscis monkey sanctuary</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Lambir_hills/">Lambir hills national park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Loagan_Bunut/">Loagan Bunut national park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Matang/">Matang wildlife centre</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/">Mount Kinabalu</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/LabanRata/">Laban Rata</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Rest/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Park/">Mt Kinabalu National Park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Views/">Panorama views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Trail/">Summit Trail</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Sunrise/">Sunrise on Mt Kinabalu</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Sunset/">Sunsets</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Peak/">The Summit</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Santubong/">Mt Santubong national park</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/">Mulu National Park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Clearwater/">Clearwater Cave</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Deer/">Deer Cave</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Lang/">Lang Cave</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Melinau/">Melinau river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Trip22/">Mulu nature</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Nature/">Nature</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Trail_Pinnacles/">Pinnacles trail</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Pinnacles/">The Pinnacles</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Trail_Camp_5/">Trail to Camp 5</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Wind/">Wind Cave</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Niah/">Niah national park</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/">Pulau Tiga national park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Mud/">Mud volcano</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Kalampunian/">Pulau Kalampunian Besar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Tiga/">Pulau Tiga</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Snake/">Snake island</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/">Royal Belum state park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Highway/">East-west highway</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Fauna/">Flora and fauna</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Asli/">Orang Asli village</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Rainforest/">Rainforest</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Temenggor/">Temenggor lake</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Semenggoh/">Semenggoh National Park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sepilok/">Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/">Similajau national park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/Coast/">Coastal area</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/GoldenBeach/">Golden beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/Rainforest/">Rainforest</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/Rocks/">Rock formations</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tabin/">Tabin wildlife reserve</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tabin/Forest/">Rainforest</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tabin/Road/">Road to Tabin reserve</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tabin/Resort/">Tabin wildlife resort</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Taman_Negara/">Taman Negara</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/TanjungDatu/">Tanjung Datu NP</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/TanjungDatu/Beaches/">Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/TanjungDatu/Rainforest/">Rainforest</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/TanjungDatu/TelukMelano/">Teluk Melano</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/">Tunku Abdul Rahman national park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/Gaya/">Gaya</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/Mamutik/">Mamutik</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/Manukan/">Manukan</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/Sulug/">Sulug</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/">Ulu Muda Forest Reserve</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Caves/">Gua Labu caves</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Lake/">Lake and river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Rainforest/">Rainforest</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Wildlife/">Wildlife</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Other/">Other images</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/">Sabah</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Ranau/">Around Ranau</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Cities/">Cities</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaBelud/">Kota Belud</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/">Kota Kinabalu</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Airport/">Airport</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/City/">City centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Mosque/">Likas floating mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Sea/">Sea views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Malls/">Shopping malls</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Waterfront/">Waterfront</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Lahaddatu/">Lahad Datu</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sandakan/">Sandakan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Semporna/">Semporna</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tambunan/">Tambunan</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tawau/">Tawau</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Beaches/">Islands and beaches</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Berhala/">Berhala</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Bodgaya/">Bodgaya</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/BoheyDulang/">Bohey Dulang</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/">Labuan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/Beaches/">Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/Botanical/">Botanical gardens</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/Coastal/">Coastal area</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/Surrender_point/">Peace park and surrender point</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/Temples_mosques/">Temples and mosques</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/Victoria/">Victoria</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/Cemetery/">War cemetery</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mabul/">Mabul</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Maiga/">Maiga</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/">Mantanani</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Beach/">Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Pano/">Panoramic views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Resorts/">Resorts</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Village/">Village</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/">Mataking</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/Beaches/">Beaches</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Pompom/">Pom Pom</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Banggi/">Pulau Banggi</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/">Pulau Tiga national park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Mud/">Mud volcano</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Kalampunian/">Pulau Kalampunian Besar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Tiga/">Pulau Tiga</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Snake/">Snake island</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/">Sibuan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Diving/">Scuba diving</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Gipsies/">Sea gipsies</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Island/">Sibuan island</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tip/">Tip of Borneo</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tip/Beach/">Beaches</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tip/Cape/">Headland</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/TunSakaran/">Tun Sakaran marine park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Bodgaya/">Bodgaya</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/BoheyDulang/">Bohey Dulang</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Maiga/">Maiga</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/">Sibuan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Diving/">Scuba diving</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Gipsies/">Sea gipsies</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Island/">Sibuan island</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/">Tunku Abdul Rahman national park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/Gaya/">Gaya</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/Mamutik/">Mamutik</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/Manukan/">Manukan</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/Sulug/">Sulug</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Islands/">Islands around Semporna</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Bodgaya/">Bodgaya</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/BoheyDulang/">Bohey Dulang</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mabul/">Mabul</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Maiga/">Maiga</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/">Mataking</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/Beaches/">Beaches</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Pompom/">Pom Pom</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/">Sibuan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Diving/">Scuba diving</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Gipsies/">Sea gipsies</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Island/">Sibuan island</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/">Kinabatangan river</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Wildlife22/">Kinabatangan river wildlife</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Sukau/">Sukau</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/River/">The river</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Wildlife/">Wildlife</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/">Kota Kinabalu</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Airport/">Airport</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/City/">City centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Mosque/">Likas floating mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Sea/">Sea views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Malls/">Shopping malls</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Waterfront/">Waterfront</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Misc/">Miscellanous photos</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Bavanggazo/">Bavanggazo Rungus longhouse</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Bavanggazo/Views/">Exterior views</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Bavanggazo/Inside/">Inside the longhouse</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Gomantong/">Gomantong caves</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/OilPalms/">Oil palm plantations</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/">Mount Kinabalu</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/LabanRata/">Laban Rata</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Rest/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Park/">Mt Kinabalu National Park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Views/">Panorama views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Trail/">Summit Trail</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Sunrise/">Sunrise on Mt Kinabalu</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Sunset/">Sunsets</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Peak/">The Summit</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Wildlife/">National parks and wildlife areas</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sunbear/">Bornean sun bear conservation centre</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Crocker/">Crocker range national park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Crocker/Mahua/">Mahua substation</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Crocker/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Crocker/Rafflesia/">Rafflesia</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Crocker/Park/">Ulu Kimanis substation</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Danum_FC/">Danum Valley Field Centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Danum/">Danum valley</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Garama/">Garama river</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Imbak/">Imbak canyon</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Imbak/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Imbak/Forest/">Rainforest</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Imbak/River/">River views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Imbak/Centre/">Studies centre</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Imbak/Vegetation/">Vegetation</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/">Kinabatangan river</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Wildlife22/">Kinabatangan river wildlife</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Sukau/">Sukau</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/River/">The river</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Wildlife/">Wildlife</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KK_Wetland/">Kota Kinabalu wetland centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuk/">Labuk bay proboscis monkey sanctuary</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Maliau/">Maliau basin</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Maliau/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Maliau/Rainforest/">Rainforest</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Maliau/Centre/">Studies centre</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sepilok/">Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tabin/">Tabin wildlife reserve</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tabin/Forest/">Rainforest</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tabin/Road/">Road to Tabin reserve</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tabin/Resort/">Tabin wildlife resort</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Taliwas/">Taliwas river conservation area</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tambunan/">Tambunan</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/">Sarawak</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/AnnaRais/">Anna Rais longhouse</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/">Bako National Park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/AnimalsPlants/">Animals and Plants</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/Park22/">Bako national park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/Coast/">Coastal Area</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/Park/">Trails and Scenery</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bakun/">Bakun</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Batang_Ai/">Batang Ai</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Batang_Ai/Lake/">Lake</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Batang_Ai/Market/">Market</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Batang_Ai/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Batang_Ai/Longhouse/">Nanga Mengkak Engkari longhouse</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Batang_Ai/Rainforest/">Rainforest</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Batang_Ai/Dam/">The dam</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Batang_Ai/Plants/">Tropical plants</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bau/">Bau</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Belaga/">Belaga</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bintulu/">Bintulu</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Gading/">Gunung Gading National Park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/IbanLonghouse/">Iban Longhouse</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kapit/">Kapit</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/">Kelabit Highlands</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/Bario/">Bario</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/Rice/">Bario Rice Farming</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/Plants/">Kelabit Highlands Vegetation</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/People/">Kelabit People</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kubah/">Kubah national park</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kuching/">Kuching</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kuching/Central/">Central Kuching</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kuching/Colonial/">Colonial heritage</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kuching/Night/">Kuching by night</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kuching/Waterfront/">Waterfront</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Wetlands/">Kuching wetlands national park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Lambir_hills/">Lambir hills national park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Loagan_Bunut/">Loagan Bunut national park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Lundu/">Lundu</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Maludam/">Maludam peninsula</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Matang/">Matang wildlife centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Miri/">Miri</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Santubong/">Mt Santubong national park</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/">Mulu National Park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Clearwater/">Clearwater Cave</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Deer/">Deer Cave</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Lang/">Lang Cave</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Melinau/">Melinau river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Trip22/">Mulu nature</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Nature/">Nature</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Trail_Pinnacles/">Pinnacles trail</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Pinnacles/">The Pinnacles</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Trail_Camp_5/">Trail to Camp 5</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Wind/">Wind Cave</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Niah/">Niah national park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Pepper/">Pepper plantation</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Pineapple/">Pineapple plantation</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Rejang/">Rejang River</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/SCC/">Sarawak Cultural Village and Heritage Centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Dance/">Sarawak Dance Performance at KLCC</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Sematan/">Sematan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Semenggoh/">Semenggoh National Park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Sibu/">Sibu</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/">Similajau national park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/Coast/">Coastal area</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/GoldenBeach/">Golden beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/Rainforest/">Rainforest</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/Rocks/">Rock formations</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/TanjungDatu/">Tanjung Datu NP</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/TanjungDatu/Beaches/">Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/TanjungDatu/Rainforest/">Rainforest</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/TanjungDatu/TelukMelano/">Teluk Melano</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/">West coast</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cameron/">Cameron highlands</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cameron/Insect/">Insect farm</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cameron/Misc/">Miscellaneous</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cameron/Tea/">Tea plantations</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Fraser/">Fraser's hill</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Genting/">Genting highlands</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Kedah/">Kedah</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Kedah/Alor_star/">Alor Star</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Kedah/Bujang/">Bujang valley</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Kedah/Jerai/">Gunung Jerai</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/">Langkawi</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Burau-bay/">Burau bay</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Burau-beach/">Burau beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Kuah/">Kuah</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Islands/">Langkawi Islands</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Northern/">Northern Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Oriental/">Oriental village</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/View/">Panoramas and views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Cenang/">Pantai Cenang Beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Kok/">Pantai Kok Beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Waterfall/">Telaga Tujuh Waterfalls</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Telaga/">Telaga harbour</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/">Ulu Muda Forest Reserve</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Caves/">Gua Labu caves</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Lake/">Lake and river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Rainforest/">Rainforest</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Wildlife/">Wildlife</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/">Kuala Lumpur</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Central/">Central KL</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bukit_Bintang/">Around Bukit Bintang street</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Merdeka/">Around Merdeka square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Station/">Around the old railway station</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bird_park/">Bird park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Butterfly_park/">Butterfly park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Chinatown/">Chinatown</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Little_India/">Jamek mosque and Little India</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Sentral/">KL Sentral</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Convention_centre/">KL convention centre and aquarium</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/KL_CC/">Kuala Lumpur City Centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Views/">Panoramas and Views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Petronas/">Petronas Twin Towers</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/SriMariamman/">Sri Maha Mariamman Dhevasthanam Hindu temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Suria/">Suria KLCC shopping mall</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Monorail/">The KL Monorail</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Golden_Triangle/">Golden Triangle</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bukit_Bintang/">Around Bukit Bintang street</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Convention_centre/">KL convention centre and aquarium</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/KL_CC/">Kuala Lumpur City Centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Petronas/">Petronas Twin Towers</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Suria/">Suria KLCC shopping mall</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Monorail/">The KL Monorail</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/KLCC/">Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC)</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Convention_centre/">KL convention centre and aquarium</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/KL_CC/">Kuala Lumpur City Centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Petronas/">Petronas Twin Towers</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Suria/">Suria KLCC shopping mall</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Lake_Gardens/">Lake Gardens</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bird_park/">Bird park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Butterfly_park/">Butterfly park</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/LakeGardensMisc/">Taman Tasik Perdana</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Shopping/">Malls and shopping complexes</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Midvalley/">Mid Valley Megamall</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Malls/">Other shopping complexes in KL</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Pavilion/">Pavilion mall</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Suria/">Suria KLCC shopping mall</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Mosques_and_Temples/">Mosques and temples</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/KLIAmosque/">KLIA mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/SriMariamman/">Sri Maha Mariamman Dhevasthanam Hindu temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batutemple/">Sri Subramanian Hindu temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/TheanHou/">Thean Hou Chinese temple</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Wilayah/">Wilayah Persekutuan Mosque</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Near/">Near KL</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batu/">Batu caves</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/KLIA/">KL International Airport (KLIA)</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/KLIAmosque/">KLIA mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Midvalley/">Mid Valley Megamall</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Malls/">Other shopping complexes in KL</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batutemple/">Sri Subramanian Hindu temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/NearKL/">Suburbs around KL</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/TheanHou/">Thean Hou Chinese temple</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Wilayah/">Wilayah Persekutuan Mosque</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Highlights/">Touristic highlights</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bukit_Bintang/">Around Bukit Bintang street</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Merdeka/">Around Merdeka square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Station/">Around the old railway station</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batu/">Batu caves</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bird_park/">Bird park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Butterfly_park/">Butterfly park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Chinatown/">Chinatown</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Little_India/">Jamek mosque and Little India</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Petronas/">Petronas Twin Towers</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/SriMariamman/">Sri Maha Mariamman Dhevasthanam Hindu temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batutemple/">Sri Subramanian Hindu temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/TheanHou/">Thean Hou Chinese temple</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/KL/Wilayah/">Wilayah Persekutuan Mosque</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/">Langkawi</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Burau-bay/">Burau bay</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Burau-beach/">Burau beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Kuah/">Kuah</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Islands/">Langkawi Islands</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Northern/">Northern Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Oriental/">Oriental village</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/View/">Panoramas and views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Cenang/">Pantai Cenang Beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Kok/">Pantai Kok Beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Waterfall/">Telaga Tujuh Waterfalls</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Telaga/">Telaga harbour</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Melaka/">Melaka</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/NegeriSembilan/">Negeri Sembilan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/NegeriSembilan/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/NegeriSembilan/Seremban/">Seremban</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/NegeriSembilan/SriMenanti/">Sri Menanti palace</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Perak/">Perak</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Fortune/">Chinese fortune tellers in Malaysia</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cocoa/">Cocoa Plantation</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Gua_Kek_Look_Tong/">Gua Kek Look Tong Chinese temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Ipoh/">Ipoh</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Kellies_castle/">Kellie\'s castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Kuala_Kangsar/">Kuala Kangsar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Ling_Sen_Tong/">Ling Sen Tong Chinese temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/OilPalm/">Oil Palm Plantation</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pangkor/">Pangkor</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Perak_Tong/">Perak Tong Chinese temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Sam_Poh_Tong/">Sam Poh Tong Chinese temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Taiping/">Taiping</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/TelukIntan/">Teluk Intan</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/">Pulau Pinang</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Beaches/">Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Gardens/">Botanical gardens</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Food/">Food and markets</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Georgetown/">Georgetown</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Kekloksi/">Kek Lok Si temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Hill/">Pinang hill</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Sri_Aruloli_Thirumurugan/">Sri Aruloli Thirumurugan Hindu temple</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Sri_Ruthra_Veeramuthu/">Sri Ruthra Veeramuthu Mama Mariamman Devasthanam Hindu temple</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Putrajaya/">Putrajaya</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/">Royal Belum state park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Highway/">East-west highway</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Fauna/">Flora and fauna</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Asli/">Orang Asli village</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Rainforest/">Rainforest</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Temenggor/">Temenggor lake</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Taman_Negara/">Taman Negara</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/">Ulu Muda Forest Reserve</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Caves/">Gua Labu caves</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Lake/">Lake and river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Rainforest/">Rainforest</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Wildlife/">Wildlife</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Myanmar/">Myanmar</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Agriculture/">Agriculture in Myanmar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Ayeyarwady/">Ayeyarwady River</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Bagan/">Bagan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Bagan/EarlyPeriodAnawratha/">Early Period King Anawratha Temples</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Bagan/EarlyPeriodKyanzittha/">Early Period King Kyanzittha Temples</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Bagan/LatePeriod/">Late Period Temples</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Bagan/MiddlePeriod/">Middle Period Temples</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Bagan/Bagan/">New Bagan</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Bagan/Panorama/">Panoramas and Views</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Bago/">Bago</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Food/">Burmese Food</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/GoldenRock/">Golden Rock</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Myanmar/LakeInle/">Lake Inle</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/LakeInle/People/">Lake Inle People</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/LakeInle/Temples/">Lake Inle Temples</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Myanmar/LakeInle/SceneryVillages/">Scenery and Villages</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Landscapes/">Landscapes</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Mandalay/">Mandalay</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Mandalay/Amarapura/">Amarapura</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Mandalay/Ava/">Ava</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Mandalay/Mahagandhayon/">Mahagandhayon Monastery</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Mandalay/Mandalay/">Mandalay Town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Mandalay/Mingun/">Mingun</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Mandalay/Sagaing/">Sagaing</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Mandalay/Near/">Snake Temple</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/MtPopa/">Mount Popa</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Roads/">Myanmar Roads and Highways</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Villages/">Myanmar Villages and Towns</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/People/">People in Myanmar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Pindaya/">Pindaya</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Pyay/">Pyay</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Yangon/">Yangon</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Yangon/Shwedagon/">Shwedagon Pagoda</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Yangon/TemplesPalaces/">Temples and Palaces</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Myanmar/Yangon/Town/">Yangon</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Singapore/">Singapore</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/ArabStreet/">Arab Street</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/Business/">Business District</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/Chinatown/">Chinatown</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/CTemples/">Chinese temples</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/Colonial/">Colonial centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/Gardens/">Gardens by the bay</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/CTemple/">Goddess of Mercy temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/LittleIndia/">Little India</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/Marina/">Marina bay</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/Modern/">Modern Singapore</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/Mosques/">Mosques</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/Orchard/">Orchard road</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/Other/">Other images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/Sentosa/">Sentosa island</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/Shopping/">Shopping Complexes</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/Giant_wheel/">Singapore Flyer giant wheel</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/River/">Singapore river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/Zoo/">Singapore zoo</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/Views/">Skylines and views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/Sri_Krishnan/">Sri Krishnan Hindu temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Singapore/Sri_Mariamman/">Sri Mariamman Hindu temple</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Singapore/Sri_Veeramakaliamman/">Sri Veeramakaliamman Hindu temple</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Thailand/">Thailand</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Andaman/">Andaman sea islands and beaches</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Chicken_island/">Chicken island</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Khaolak/">Khao Lak</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Khaolak/Town/">Ban Khao Lak</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Khaolak/Beach/">Beaches</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Khaolak/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Koh_Kradan/">Koh Kradan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Koh_Mook/">Koh Mook</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Koh_Ngai/">Koh Ngai</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohPhiPhi/">Koh Phi Phi</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Koh_Poda/">Koh Poda</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Krabi/">Krabi</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Krabi/AoNang/">Ao Nang and Nopparat Thara Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Krabi/Fossile/">Fossile Shell Cemetery</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Krabi/Other/">Other Krabi Images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Krabi/Climbing/">Rai Leh Rock Climbing</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Krabi/RaiLehPhraNang/">Rai Leh and Phra Nang Beaches</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Similan/">Mu Ko Similan Marine National Park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Phang_Nga_bay/">Phang Nga bay</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Phuket/">Phuket</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/">Bangkok</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/Flowers/">Flowers</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/GrandPalace/">Grand Palace</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/Malls/">Malls and markets</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/Parks/">Parks</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/People/">People</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/Skylines/">Skylines</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/Streets/">Streets</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/Airport/">Suvarnabhumi airport</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/Food/">Thai food</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/WatArun/">Wat Arun</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/WatBenchamabophit/">Wat Benchamabophit</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/WatIntharawihan/">Wat Intharawihan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/WatPo/">Wat Po</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/WatSaket/">Wat Saket</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Central/">Central Thailand</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/">Ayutthaya</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/Market/">Market</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/Temples/">Other temples</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/Mahathat/">Wat Mahathat</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/PhraSiSanphet/">Wat Phra Si Sanphet</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/Ratchaburana/">Wat Ratchaburana</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/YaiChaiMongkhon/">Wat Yai Chai Mongkol</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/DamnoenSaduak/">Damnoen Saduak Floating Market</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Central/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Thailand/MuangBoran/">Muang Boran</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Eastern/">Eastern Thailand</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Khong_Chiam/">Khong Chiam</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Prakhon_Chai/">Prakhon Chai</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/UbonRatchathani/">Ubon Ratchathani</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Wat_Prasat_Mueang_Tam/">Wat Prasat Mueang Tam</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Gulf/">Gulf of Thailand</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Hua_Hin/">Hua Hin</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Mukochang/Kohchang/">Koh Chang</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Mukochang/Kohkut/">Koh Kut</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Koh_Larn/">Koh Larn</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Nangyuan/">Koh Nang Yuan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohPhangan/">Koh Phangan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohSamet/">Koh Samet</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/">Koh Samui</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Chaweng/">Chaweng beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Night/">Koh Samui by Night</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Lamai/">Lamai beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Maenam/">Mae Nam beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Sunrise/">Sunrise on Koh Samui</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohTao/">Koh Tao</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/MuKoAngThong/">Mu Ko Ang Thong Marine National Park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Mukochang/Rayang/">Rayang and Koh Mak islands</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Gulf/Sam_roi_yot/">Sam Roi Yot national park</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Beaches/">Islands and beaches</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Krabi/AoNang/">Ao Nang and Nopparat Thara Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Chaweng/">Chaweng beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Chicken_island/">Chicken island</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Hua_Hin/">Hua Hin</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Khaolak/">Khao Lak</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Khaolak/Town/">Ban Khao Lak</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Khaolak/Beach/">Beaches</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Khaolak/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Mukochang/Kohchang/">Koh Chang</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Koh_Kradan/">Koh Kradan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Mukochang/Kohkut/">Koh Kut</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Koh_Larn/">Koh Larn</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Koh_Mook/">Koh Mook</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Nangyuan/">Koh Nang Yuan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Koh_Ngai/">Koh Ngai</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohPhangan/">Koh Phangan</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohPhiPhi/">Koh Phi Phi</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Koh_Poda/">Koh Poda</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohSamet/">Koh Samet</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Night/">Koh Samui by Night</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohTao/">Koh Tao</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Lamai/">Lamai beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Maenam/">Mae Nam beach</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/MuKoAngThong/">Mu Ko Ang Thong Marine National Park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Similan/">Mu Ko Similan Marine National Park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Phuket/">Phuket</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Krabi/RaiLehPhraNang/">Rai Leh and Phra Nang Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Mukochang/Rayang/">Rayang and Koh Mak islands</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Sunrise/">Sunrise on Koh Samui</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Kanchanaburi/">Kanchanaburi</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Flight/">Flight Bangkok-Munich</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Austria/Vienna/Thai-dance/">Thai dance performance</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Thaifood/">Thai food</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Northern/">Northern Thailand</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Northern/CentralPlaza/">Central Airport Plaza mall</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/ChiangMai/">Chiang Mai</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Chiang_Mai/">Chiang Mai</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Chiang_Rai/">Chiang Rai</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/DoiSuthep/">Doi Suthep</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Lampang/">Lampang</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Mae_Tang/">Mae Tang</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Sukhotai/">Sukhothai historical park</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Wat_Rong_Khun/">Wat Rong Khun</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Other/">Other images</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Temples/">Temples</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/DoiSuthep/">Doi Suthep</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Lampang/">Lampang</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/Temples/">Other temples</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Prakhon_Chai/">Prakhon Chai</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/Mahathat/">Wat Mahathat</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/PhraSiSanphet/">Wat Phra Si Sanphet</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Wat_Prasat_Mueang_Tam/">Wat Prasat Mueang Tam</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/Ratchaburana/">Wat Ratchaburana</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/YaiChaiMongkhon/">Wat Yai Chai Mongkol</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Philippines/">The Philippines</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Philippines/Bohol/">Bohol</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Philippines/Cebu/">Cebu</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Philippines/Cebu/City/">Cebu city</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Philippines/Cebu/Mactan/">Mactan island</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Philippines/Cebu/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Philippines/Cebu/Old/">Old town</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Philippines/Cebu/Views/">Views</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/">Vietnam</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/">Central Vietnam</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/">Danang</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Amphu/">Am Phu cave</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Beaches/">Beaches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Cham/">Cham museum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/River/">Han river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Huyen_Khong/">Huyen Khong cave</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Linh_ung/">Linh Ung pagoda</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Marble/">Marble mountains</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Pano/">Panoramic views</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Shopping/">Shopping malls</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hoian/">Hoi An</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hoian/River/">Around the Thu Bon river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hoian/Temple/">Hoi An Buddhist association temple</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hoian/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hoian/Halls/">Other Chinese assembly halls</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hoian/Phuockien/">Phuoc Kien Chinese assembly hall</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hoian/Shops/">Restaurants and shops</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hue/">Hue</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hue/MinhMang/">Minh Mang tomb</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hue/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hue/Citadel/">The Citadel</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hue/OtherTombs/">Tu Duc and Khai Dinh tombs</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/MySon/">My Son</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/MySon/Museum/">Champa ruins museum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/MySon/BC/">Groups B and C Champa ruins</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/MySon/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos of My Son</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/Central/Sceneries/">Sceneries</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/">Northern Vietnam</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Halong/">Halong bay</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Halong/Cave/">Halong bay cave</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Halong/Views/">Halong bay views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Halong/People/">People and house boats</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Halong/Trip/">Trip to Halong bay</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/">Hanoi</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/AroundHCM/">Around the Ho Chi Minh mausoleum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/HoanKiem/">Around the Hoan Kiem lake</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/Airport/">Noi Bai international airport</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/Oldcity/">Old city and 36 streets</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/Westlake/">Quan Thanh temple and West lake</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/South/">South of Hoan Kiem lake</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/VanMieu/">Van Mieu pagoda (Temple of Literature)</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/West/">West of Hoan Kiem lake</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Perfume/">Perfume pagoda</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Perfume/Shrine/">Chua Huong Tich shrine</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Perfume/Dentrinh/">Den Trinh Temple</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/North/Perfume/Yen/">Yen river</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/South/">Southern Vietnam</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/South/Cuchi/">Cu Chi tunnels</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/South/Scenery/">Landscapes</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/South/Saigon/">Saigon</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/South/Saigon/Colonial/">Colonial centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/South/Saigon/Markets/">Markets</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/South/Saigon/Modern/">Modern Saigon</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/South/Saigon/Night/">Saigon by night</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/South/Saigon/River/">Saigon river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/South/Saigon/Streets/">Streets</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/South/Saigon/Temples/">Temples</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/South/TayNinh/">Tay Ninh</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Vietnam/South/TayNinh/Caodaitemple/">Cao Dai Great Temple</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Vietnam/South/TayNinh/Caodai/">Inside the Cao Dai Great Temple</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/SEurope/">Southern Europe</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Cyprus/">Cyprus</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Akamas/">Akamas peninsula</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Amathus/">Amathus</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Bellapais/">Bellapais abbey</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Buffavento/">Buffavento castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Famagusta/">Famagusta</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Kantara/">Kantara castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Kolossi/">Kolossi castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Kourion/">Kourion</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Kykkos/">Kykkos monastery</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Kyrenia/">Kyrenia</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Larnaca/">Larnaca</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Limassol/">Limassol</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Northmisc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Monasteries/">Monasteries and churches</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Nicosia/">Nicosia</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Nicosia/North/">North Nicosia</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Nicosia/South/">South Nicosia</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Paphos/">Paphos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Salamis/">Salamis</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/St_Hilarion/">St Hilarion castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Tamassos/">Tamassos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Cyprus/Northwest/">The west of Northern Cyprus</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Greece/">Greece</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Greece/Athens/">Athens</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Athens/Acropolis/">Acropolis</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Athens/Aegean/">Aegean civilisation</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Athens/Agora/">Ancient Agora</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Athens/Guard/">Change of the guard</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Athens/Classical/">Classical period</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Athens/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Athens/Mycenae/">Mycenaean period</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Athens/Panorama/">Panoramic views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Athens/Plaka/">Plaka</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Greece/Athens/Roman/">Roman period</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Greece/Central/">Central Greece</a><ul> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Greece/Central/Delphi/">Delphi</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Central/Delphi/Site/">Ancient site of Delphi</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Central/Delphi/Museum/">Museum</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Greece/Central/Delphi/AthenaTemple/">Temple of Athena Pronaia</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Greece/Cyclades/">Cyclades</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Antiparos/">Antiparos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Delos/">Delos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Milos/">Milos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Misc/">Miscellanous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Mykonos/">Mykonos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Naxos/">Naxos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Paros/">Paros</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Santorini/">Santorini</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Santorini/Churches/">Churches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Santorini/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Santorini/Sunsets/">Sunsets</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Santorini/Sea/">The sea</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Santorini/Tourism/">Tourism</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Santorini/Villages/">Villages</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/">Peloponnese</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Epidaurus/">Epidaurus</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Mycenae/">Mycenae</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Mycenae/Citadel/">Citadel</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Mycenae/Museum/">Museum of Mycenae</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Mycenae/Atreus/">Treasury of Atreus</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Mystras/">Mystras</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Mystras/Monasteries/">Monasteries and churches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Mystras/Views/">Panoramas and views</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Mystras/Ruins/">Ruins</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Olympia/">Olympia</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Olympia/Site/">Ancient Olympia</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Olympia/Museum/">Archaeological museum</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Bassae/">Temple of Apollo Epicurius in Bassae</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Tiryns/">Tyrins</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Walnut/">Walnut tree farm</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Watermelon/">Watermelon plantation</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Greece/Piraeus/">Piraeus</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Greece/Thassos/">Thassos</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Italy/">Italy</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Italy/Florence/">Florence</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Florence/Duomo/">Cathedral</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Florence/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Florence/Pitti/">Palazzo Pitti and Boboli gardens</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Florence/Views/">Panorama views of Florence</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Italy/Florence/Signoria/">Piazza della Signoria</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Italy/Milan/">Milan</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Milan/Station/">Central railway station</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Milan/Cathedral/">Duomo di Milano cathedral</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Milan/Galleria/">Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Italy/Milan/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Pisa/">Pisa</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Italy/Rome/">Rome</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Rome/Churches/">Churches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Rome/Colosseum/">Colosseum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Rome/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Rome/Panorama/">Panoramas and Views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Rome/Pantheon/">Pantheon</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Rome/Popolo/">Piazza del Popolo</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Rome/Forum/">Roman Forum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Rome/Squares/">Squares</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Rome/Tiber/">Tiber river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Rome/Trastevere/">Trastevere</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Rome/Trevi/">Trevi fountain</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Italy/Rome/Vatican/">Vatican city</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Rome/Vatican/Square/">St Peter's square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Rome/Vatican/Church/">St. Peter's Basilica</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Italy/Rome/Vatican/Museum/">Vatican Museums</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/">Sicily</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Agrigento_temples/">Agrigento temples</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Cefalu/">Cefalu</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Erice/">Erice</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Modica/">Modica</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Monreale/">Monreale cathedral</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Etna/">Mt Etna</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Etna/Altitude/">Altitude views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Etna/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Etna/Views/">Other views</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Palermo/">Palermo</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Palermo/Cathedral/">Cathedral</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Palermo/Centre/">Historic centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Palermo/Markets/">Markets and malls</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Palermo/Palace/">Palazzo dei Normanni</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Palermo/Views/">Panoramic views</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Selinunte/">Selinunte</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Selinunte/Acropolis/">Acropolis</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Selinunte/Eastern/">Eastern temples</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Selinunte/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Siracusa/">Siracusa</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Siracusa/Bay/">Bay and castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Siracusa/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Siracusa/Neapolis/">Neapolis archaeological park</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Siracusa/Old/">Old town</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Italy/Sicily/Taormina/">Taormina</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Sirmione/">Sirmione</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Italy/SouthTyrolTrentino/">Trentino South Tyrol</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/SouthTyrolTrentino/Bozen/">Bozen</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/SouthTyrolTrentino/Fruit/">Fruit farms</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/SouthTyrolTrentino/Weissenstein/">Maria Weißenstein pilgrimage church</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/SouthTyrolTrentino/Ritten/">Ritten</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/SouthTyrolTrentino/Trento/">Trento</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Italy/SouthTyrolTrentino/Vineyards/">Vineyards</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Italy/Trieste/">Trieste</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Italy/Verona/">Verona</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Portugal/">Portugal</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/AroundLisboa/">Around Lisbon</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/BatalhaAlcobaca/">Batalha, Alcobaca and Obidos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Coimbra/">Coimbra and Conimbriga</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/EastAlgarve/">East Algarve</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Alentejo/">Evora and the Alentejo</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/">Lisbon</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Alfama/">Alfama</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Coast/">Along the Tagus river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Bairro-Alto/">Bairro Alto</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Belem/">Belem</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/More/">More Lisbon images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Pedestrian/">Pedestrian area</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Rossio/">Rossio and around</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Station/">Rossio train station</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Castle/">Sao Jorge castle</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Skyline/">Skylines and panoramic views</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Tomar/">Tomar and Fatima</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Portugal/WestAlgarve/">West Algarve</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Spain/">Spain</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/">Barcelona</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Placa_Espanya/">Around Placa Espanya</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Placa_Catalunya/">Around Placa de Catalunya</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Beach/">Beach and Port Olympic</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Eixample/">Eixample</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Harbour/">Harbour and Port Vell</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Cathedral/">La Catedral</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Ramblas/">Las Ramblas</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Montjuic/">Montjuic</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Old/">Old town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Skyline/">Panoramas and views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Parc_Guell/">Parc Güell</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Sagrada_Familia/">Sagrada Familia church</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Cadiz/">Cadiz</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Cordoba/">Cordoba</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Cordoba/Mezquita/">Around the Mezquita</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Cordoba/City/">Old town</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Escorial/">El Escorial palace and monastery</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Escorial/Exterior/">El Escorial exterior</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Escorial/Interior/">El Escorial interior</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Escorial/Town/">San Lorenzo del El Escorial</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Granada/">Granada</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Granada/Alhambra/">Alhambra</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Granada/City/">City centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Granada/Generalife/">Generalife</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Granada/Panoramic/">Panoramic views</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Kitesurfing/">Kitesurfing in Tarifa</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Madrid/">Madrid</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Madrid/Alcala/">Alcalà street</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Madrid/Plaza_Espana/">Around Plaza de Espana</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Madrid/Centre/">Historic centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Madrid/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Madrid/Prado/">Paseo del Prado</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Madrid/Mayor/">Plaza Mayor</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Madrid/Palace/">Royal palace and Campo del Moro gardens</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/">Mallorca</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Interior/">Mallorca's interior</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Interior/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Interior/Palma/">Palma de Mallorca</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northeast/">Mallorca's northeast coast</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northeast/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northeast/Pollenca/">Port de Pollenca</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/">Northwest coast</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Banyalbufar/">Banyalbufar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Deia/">Deia</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Esporles/">Esporles and Valdemossa</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Portsoller/">Port de Soller and Torrent de Pareis</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Soller/">Soller</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Southeast/">Southeast coast</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Sevilla/">Sevilla</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Sevilla/Plaza_Espana/">Around Plaza de Espana</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Sevilla/River/">Around the river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Sevilla/Centre/">Historic centre</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Sevilla/Santa_Cruz/">Santa Cruz</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Spain/Toledo/">Toledo</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Toledo/Alleys/">Alleys and shops</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Toledo/Cathedral/">Cathedral</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Toledo/Views/">Panoramic views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Toledo/Central/">Plaza Zocodover and Alcazar</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Toledo/Arrabal/">Puerta de Bisagra and Arrabal street</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Balkans/">The Balkans</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Albania/">Albania</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Albania/Durres/">Durres</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Albania/Kruja/">Kruja</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Albania/Shkoder/">Shkoder and Rozafa castle</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Albania/Tirana/">Tirana</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Bosnia/">Bosnia and Herzegovina</a><ul> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Bosnia/Sarajevo/">Sarajevo</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Bulgaria/">Bulgaria</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Bulgaria/Kazanlak/">Kazanlak</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Bulgaria/Plovdiv/">Plovdiv</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Bulgaria/Sofia/">Sofia</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Bulgaria/Veliko_Tarnovo/">Veliko Tarnovo</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Croatia/">Croatia</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Brac/">Brač</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Croatia/Dubrovnik/">Dubrovnik</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Dubrovnik/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Dubrovnik/Town/">Old town</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Croatia/Dubrovnik/Views/">Views</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Plitvice/">Plitvice lakes national park</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Croatia/Pula/">Pula</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Pula/Arena/">Arena</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Croatia/Pula/City/">The city</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Split/">Split</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Varazdin/">Varazdin</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Zadar/">Zadar</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/">Zagreb</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Lower/">Lower town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Shopping/">Markets and malls</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Neoclassical/">Neoclassical architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Old/">Old town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Pano/">Panoramas and views</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Upper/">Upper town</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Macedonia/">Macedonia</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Macedonia/Ohrid/">Ohrid</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Macedonia/Skopje/">Skopje</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Macedonia/Skopje/Centre/">City centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Macedonia/Skopje/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Macedonia/Skopje/Vodno/">Mt Vodno</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Macedonia/Skopje/Bazaar/">Old bazaar and fortress</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Montenegro/">Montenegro</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Montenegro/Coast/">Coastline</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Montenegro/Herceg_Novi/">Herceg Novi</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Montenegro/Kotor/">Kotor</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Montenegro/Pluzine/">Pluzine</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Montenegro/Podgorica/">Podgorica</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Romania/">Romania</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Romania/Brasov/">Brasov</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Romania/Bucharest/">Bucharest</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Romania/Bucharest/North/">Around King Michael park</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Romania/Bucharest/Unirii/">Around Unirii square</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Romania/Bucharest/Museum/">Dimitrie Gusti national village museum</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Romania/Bucharest/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Romania/Bucharest/Old/">Old town</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Romania/Sibiu/">Sibiu</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Romania/Sighisoara/">Sighisoara</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Romania/Sinaia/">Sinaia</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Serbia/">Serbia</a><ul> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Serbia/Belgrade/">Belgrade</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Serbia/Belgrade/Fortress/">Belgrade fortress</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Serbia/Belgrade/Churches/">Churches</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Serbia/Belgrade/Historic/">Historic core</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Serbia/Belgrade/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Serbia/Belgrade/Rivers/">Rivers</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Caucasus/">The Caucasus</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/">Azerbaijan</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/">Baku</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Airport/">Airport</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Bibi_Heybat/">Bibi-Heybat mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Central/">Central Baku</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Flame/">Flame towers</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Old/">Old town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Pano/">Panoramic views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Malls/">Shopping malls</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Waterfront/">Waterfront</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Kish/">Church of Kish</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Juma/">Juma mosque</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Lahic/">Lahic</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Qabala/">Qabala</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Qobustan/">Qobustan national park</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Qobustan/Archeological/">Archeological site</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Qobustan/Mud/">Mud volcanoes</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Sheki/">Sheki</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Yeddi_Gumbaz/">Yeddi Gumbaz mausoleum</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Azerbaijan/Zaqatala/">Zaqatala</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Georgia/">Georgia</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Ananuri/">Ananuri fortress</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Gori/">Gori</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Jvari/">Jvari</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Georgia/Kakheti/">Kakheti</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Kakheti/Bodbe/">Bodbe monastery</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Kakheti/David_Gareja/">David Gareja monastery</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Kakheti/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Kakheti/Napareuli/">Napareuli winery</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Georgia/Kakheti/Sighnaghi/">Sighnaghi</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Georgia/Kutaisi/">Kutaisi</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Kutaisi/Bagrati/">Bagrati cathedral</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Kutaisi/Gelati/">Gelati monastery</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Georgia/Kutaisi/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Kazbegi/">Military highway and Kazbegi</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Mtskheta/">Mtskheta</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Georgia/Tbilisi/">Tbilisi</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Tbilisi/Eastpoint/">East Point mall</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Tbilisi/East/">East bank</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Tbilisi/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Tbilisi/New/">New town</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Georgia/Tbilisi/Old/">Old town</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Uplistsikhe/">Uplistsikhe</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Georgia/Svaneti/">Upper Svaneti</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Svaneti/Caucasus/">Caucasus mountains</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Svaneti/Mestia/">Mestia</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Georgia/Svaneti/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Georgia/Svaneti/Ushguli/">Ushguli</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/WEurope/">Western Europe</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/France/">France</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/France/Atlantic/">Atlantic coast</a><ul> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/France/Atlantic/St-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie/">St Gilles Croix de Vie</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/France/Loire/">Loire river valley</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/France/Loire/Azay-le-Rideau/">Azay le Rideau castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/France/Loire/Chambord/">Chambord castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/France/Loire/Chenonceau/">Chenonceau castle</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/France/Loire/Sunflower/">Sunflower plantation</a></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/France/Loire/Villandry/">Villandry castle</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/France/Loire/Villandry/Castle/">The castle</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/France/Loire/Villandry/Gardens/">The gardens</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/France/Lyon/">Lyon</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/France/Lyon/Bellecour/">Around Place Bellecour</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/France/Lyon/Fourviere/">Basilique Notre Dame de Fourviere</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/France/Lyon/Downtown/">Downtown Lyon</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/France/Lyon/Terreaux/">Place des Terreaux</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/France/Lyon/Skylines/">Skylines and miscellaneous photos</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/France/Paris/">Paris</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/France/Paris/Elysees/">Around the Champs Elysees</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/France/Paris/Eiffel/">Eiffel tower</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/France/Paris/Hotel_de_Ville/">Hotel de Ville</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/France/Paris/IleCite/">Ile de la Cite and Marais</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/France/Paris/La_Defense/">La Defense</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/France/Paris/Louvre/">Louvre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/France/Paris/Miscellaneous/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/France/Paris/Montmartre/">Montmartre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/France/Paris/Seine/">Seine river banks</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/France/Paris/Skyline/">Skylines</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/France/Paris/Tuileries/">Tuileries and Place de la Concorde</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/France/Strasbourg/">Strasbourg</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/France/Strasbourg/Europe/">European institutions</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/France/Strasbourg/Old/">Old town</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Portugal/">Portugal</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/AroundLisboa/">Around Lisbon</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/BatalhaAlcobaca/">Batalha, Alcobaca and Obidos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Coimbra/">Coimbra and Conimbriga</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/EastAlgarve/">East Algarve</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Alentejo/">Evora and the Alentejo</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/">Lisbon</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Alfama/">Alfama</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Coast/">Along the Tagus river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Bairro-Alto/">Bairro Alto</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Belem/">Belem</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/More/">More Lisbon images</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Pedestrian/">Pedestrian area</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Rossio/">Rossio and around</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Station/">Rossio train station</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Castle/">Sao Jorge castle</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Skyline/">Skylines and panoramic views</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Portugal/Tomar/">Tomar and Fatima</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Portugal/WestAlgarve/">West Algarve</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/">Spain</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/">Barcelona</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Placa_Espanya/">Around Placa Espanya</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Placa_Catalunya/">Around Placa de Catalunya</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Beach/">Beach and Port Olympic</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Eixample/">Eixample</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Harbour/">Harbour and Port Vell</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Cathedral/">La Catedral</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Ramblas/">Las Ramblas</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Montjuic/">Montjuic</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Old/">Old town</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Skyline/">Panoramas and views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Parc_Guell/">Parc Güell</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Sagrada_Familia/">Sagrada Familia church</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Cadiz/">Cadiz</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Cordoba/">Cordoba</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Cordoba/Mezquita/">Around the Mezquita</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Cordoba/City/">Old town</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Escorial/">El Escorial palace and monastery</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Escorial/Exterior/">El Escorial exterior</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Escorial/Interior/">El Escorial interior</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Escorial/Town/">San Lorenzo del El Escorial</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Granada/">Granada</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Granada/Alhambra/">Alhambra</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Granada/City/">City centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Granada/Generalife/">Generalife</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Granada/Panoramic/">Panoramic views</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Kitesurfing/">Kitesurfing in Tarifa</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Madrid/">Madrid</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Madrid/Alcala/">Alcalà street</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Madrid/Plaza_Espana/">Around Plaza de Espana</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Madrid/Centre/">Historic centre</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Madrid/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Madrid/Prado/">Paseo del Prado</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Madrid/Mayor/">Plaza Mayor</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Madrid/Palace/">Royal palace and Campo del Moro gardens</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/">Mallorca</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Interior/">Mallorca's interior</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Interior/Misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Interior/Palma/">Palma de Mallorca</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northeast/">Mallorca's northeast coast</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northeast/Misc/">Miscellaneous images</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northeast/Pollenca/">Port de Pollenca</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/">Northwest coast</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Banyalbufar/">Banyalbufar</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Deia/">Deia</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Esporles/">Esporles and Valdemossa</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Portsoller/">Port de Soller and Torrent de Pareis</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Soller/">Soller</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Southeast/">Southeast coast</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galleries/Spain/Sevilla/">Sevilla</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Sevilla/Plaza_Espana/">Around Plaza de Espana</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Sevilla/River/">Around the river</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Sevilla/Centre/">Historic centre</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Sevilla/Santa_Cruz/">Santa Cruz</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Spain/Toledo/">Toledo</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Toledo/Alleys/">Alleys and shops</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Toledo/Cathedral/">Cathedral</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Toledo/Views/">Panoramic views</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Spain/Toledo/Central/">Plaza Zocodover and Alcazar</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Spain/Toledo/Arrabal/">Puerta de Bisagra and Arrabal street</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Netherlands/">The Netherlands</a><ul> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galleries/Netherlands/Amsterdam/">Amsterdam</a><ul> <li><a href="galleries/Netherlands/Amsterdam/Canals/">Canals</a></li> <li><a href="galleries/Netherlands/Amsterdam/misc/">Miscellaneous photos</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galleries/Netherlands/Amsterdam/Old/">Old town</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul> </div> <div style="float: left; padding-right: 10px; position: relative; top: 1px;"> <ul class="dropdown dropdown1"> <li class="dir" style="border-width: 0px; font-size: 12px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; height: 15px;">Categories<ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galcats/activities/">Activities</a><ul> <li><a href="galcats/dancing/">Dancing</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/fishing/">Fishing</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/hiking/">Hiking</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/rock-climbing/">Rock climbing</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/sports/">Sports</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/swimming/">Swimming</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galcats/weddings/">Weddings</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galcats/architecture/">Architecture</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galcats/architectural-elements/">Architectural elements</a><ul> <li><a href="galcats/arches/">Arches</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/bridges/">Bridges</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/city-walls/">City walls</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/columns/">Columns</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/dams/">Dams</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/fountains/">Fountains</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/gates/">Gates</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/halls/">Halls</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/monuments/">Monuments</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/neon-lights/">Neon lights</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/ponds-and-pools/">Ponds and pools</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galcats/train-stations/">Train stations</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galcats/architectural-styles/">Architectural styles</a><ul> <li><a href="galcats/ancient-egyptian-architecture/">Ancient Egyptian architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/ancient-greek-architecture/">Ancient Greek architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/ancient-khmer-architecture/">Ancient Khmer architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/ancient-roman-architecture/">Ancient Roman architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/art-deco-architecture/">Art Deco architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/baroque-architecture/">Baroque architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/buddhist-architecture/">Buddhist architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/byzantine-architecture/">Byzantine architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/classical-chinese-architecture/">Classical Chinese architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/colonial-architecture/">Colonial architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/gothic-architecture/">Gothic architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/half-timbered-architecture/">Half-timbered architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/hindu-architecture/">Hindu architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/indian-architecture/">Indian architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/islamic-architecture/">Islamic architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/japanese-architecture/">Japanese architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/medieval-architecture/">Medieval architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/modern-architecture/">Modern architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/moorish-architecture/">Moorish architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/mud-brick-architecture/">Mud brick architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/nabatean-architecture/">Nabatean architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/neo-classical-architecture/">Neo classical architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/persian-architecture/">Persian architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/renaissance-architecture/">Renaissance architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/romanesque-architecture/">Romanesque architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/silla-architecture/">Silla architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/thai-lao-architecture/">Thai-Lao architecture</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/tibetan-architecture/">Tibetan architecture</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galcats/victorian-architecture/">Victorian architecture</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dirlast"><a href="galcats/buildings/">Buildings</a><ul> <li><a href="galcats/airports/">Airports</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/casinos-and-gambling-centres/">Casinos and gambling centres</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/castles/">Castles</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/city-halls/">City halls</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/convention-centres-and-trade-fairs/">Convention centres and trade fairs</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/fortresses/">Fortresses</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/government-and-institution-buildings/">Government and institution buildings</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/hotels/">Hotels</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/longhouses/">Longhouses</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/museums/">Museums</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/observatories/">Observatories</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/palaces/">Palaces</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/pavilions/">Pavilions</a></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galcats/religious-buildings/">Religious buildings</a><ul> <li><a href="galcats/cathedrals/">Cathedrals</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/churches/">Churches</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/monasteries/">Monasteries</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/mosques/">Mosques</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/temples/">Temples</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galcats/tombs/">Tombs</a></li> </ul></li> <li><a href="galcats/ruins/">Ruins</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/school-and-universities/">School and universities</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/skyscrapers/">Skyscrapers</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/stilt-houses/">Stilt houses</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/theatres-and-operas/">Theatres and operas</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galcats/towers/">Towers</a></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galcats/art/">Art</a><ul> <li><a href="galcats/bas-reliefs/">Bas-reliefs</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/frescos/">Frescos</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/jewelry-and-artefacts/">Jewelry and artefacts</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/mosaics/">Mosaics</a></li> <li><a href="galcats/paintings/">Paintings</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galcats/statues/">Statues</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a href="galcats/economy/">Economy</a><ul> <li class="dir"><a href="galcats/agriculture/">Agriculture</a><ul> <li><a href="galcats/farms-and-plantations/">Farms and plantations</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="galcats/general-agriculture/">General agriculture</a></li> </ul></li> <li class="dir"><a 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The site is structured around <a href="#Galleries">country photo galleries</a> of which the <a href="galleries/China/">China photo gallery</a> and the <a href="galleries/Malaysia/">Malaysia photo gallery</a> are the largest ones. New galleries are added every month. Feel free to browse through the <a href="#Galleries">galleries</a> or use the <a href="suche/">site search</a> function. The <a href= "galcats/">gallery categories</a> pages contain galleries sorted by topic. 15% of the photos on the site are very high resolution panoramic photos, printable with excellent detail in large sizes. See here for information on <a href="Licensing/">licencing images</a> or contact us by <a href="contact/">email</a>. Read the <a href="travelogues/">travelogues</a> for detailed travel information to many countries. See here for <a href="links/">links</a> to other travel photography sites. 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padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 138px; height:104px;"></a><br></td> <td class="tdpicthumb bori boto"><a href="galleries/Czech/Carlsbad/" title="30 photos of the spa city of Karlovy Vary in the west of the Czech republic"><img src="galleries/Czech/Carlsbad/thumbs/03%20Dvorak%20park_thumb.jpg" alt="Karlovy Vary photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 138px; height:104px;"></a><br></td> <td class="tdpicthumb bori boto"><a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/Park22/" title="44 photos of landscapes and wildlife of the Bako national park"><img src="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/Park22/thumbs/39%20Bornean%20keeled%20green%20pit%20viper_thumb.jpg" alt="Bako national park photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 134px; height:108px;"></a><br></td> <td class="tdpicthumb bori boto"><a href="galleries/Czech/Loket/" title="39 photos of the medieval city of Loket with its famous castle"><img src="galleries/Czech/Loket/thumbs/39%20Loket%20castle_thumb.jpg" alt="Loket photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 138px; height:104px;"></a><br></td> <td class="tdpicthumb boto"><a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tomohon1/" title="49 photos of Tomohon and the Lokon and Mahawu volcanoes in northern Sulawesi"><img src="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tomohon1/thumbs/46%20Volcanic%20cones%20near%20Mt%20Mahawu_thumb.jpg" alt="Tomohon photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 138px; height:104px;"></a><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdpicinfotable bori"> <table style="width: 154px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing:0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Trip22/">Mulu nature</a></div> </td> </table> </td> <td class="tdpicinfotable bori"> <table style="width: 154px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing:0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/Indonesia/Kalimantan/Tarakan/">Ferry to Tarakan via Nunukan</a></div> </td> </table> </td> <td class="tdpicinfotable bori"> <table style="width: 154px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing:0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/Czech/Carlsbad/">Karlovy Vary</a></div> </td> </table> </td> <td class="tdpicinfotable bori"> <table style="width: 150px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing:0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/Park22/">Bako national park</a></div> </td> </table> </td> <td class="tdpicinfotable bori"> <table style="width: 154px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing:0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/Czech/Loket/">Loket</a></div> </td> </table> </td> <td class="tdpicinfotable "> <table style="width: 154px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing:0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tomohon1/">Tomohon</a></div> </td> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table style="width: 100%; text-align: left; border-spacing:0;"> <tr> <td class="tdpicthumb bori boto"><a href="galleries/Saudi/Hijaz/" title="21 photos of the Hijaz mountains between Jeddah and Taif, along the western coast of Saudi Arabia"><img src="galleries/Saudi/Hijaz/thumbs/20%20Hijaz%20mountains%20near%20Ash%20Shafa_thumb.jpg" alt="Hijaz mountains photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 279px; height:99px;"></a><br></td> <td class="tdpicthumb bori boto"><a href="galleries/Saudi/Asir/" title="66 photos of the Asir province, a mountain region in the southwest with many heritage villages"><img src="galleries/Saudi/Asir/thumbs/27%20Al%20Yanfa%20heritage%20village_thumb.jpg" alt="Asir region south of Abha photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 357px; height:99px;"></a><br></td> <td class="tdpicthumb boto"><a href="galleries/Saudi/Sarawat/" title="64 photos of the Sarawat mountains between Al Bahah and Abha, an area with many heritage villages and forts"><img src="galleries/Saudi/Sarawat/thumbs/11%20Al-Malad%20heritage%20village_thumb.jpg" alt="Sarawat mountains: Al Malad to Al Namas photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 263px; height:99px;"></a><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdpicinfotable bori bobo"> <table style="width: 295px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing:0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/Saudi/Hijaz/">Hijaz mountains</a></div> </td> </table> </td> <td class="tdpicinfotable bori bobo"> <table style="width: 373px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing:0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/Saudi/Asir/">Asir region south of Abha</a></div> </td> </table> </td> <td class="tdpicinfotable bobo"> <table style="width: 279px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing:0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/Saudi/Sarawat/">Sarawat mountains: Al Malad to Al Namas</a></div> </td> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </div><div style="padding: 10px 8px 0px 8px;" class="pagesection">More recent additions to the site: <a href="galleries/Saudi/Abha/">Abha</a><small> (35 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Souda/">Al Souda</a><small> (26 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Tharmida/">Tharmida</a><small> (19 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Al_Qasab/">Al Qasab</a><small> (16 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Desert/">Nafud desert</a><small> (17 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Najran/">Najran</a><small> (44 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Fayd/">Fayd</a><small> (18 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Ushaiger/">Ushaiger</a><small> (23 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Al_Ghat/">Al Ghat</a><small> (16 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Jubbah/">Jubbah archaeological site</a><small> (49 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Hail/">Ha'il</a><small> (53 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Jabal_Shada/">Jabal Shada</a><small> (40 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Italy/SouthTyrolTrentino/Weissenstein/">Maria Weißenstein pilgrimage church</a><small> (17 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Gorontalo/">Gorontalo</a><small> (61 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Jeddah/">Jeddah</a><small> (62 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Thee_Ain/">Thee Ain</a><small> (25 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Taif/">Taif</a><small> (20 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Wildlife22/">Kinabatangan river wildlife</a><small> (46 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Rijal/">Rijal Almaa</a><small> (36 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Medina/">Medina</a><small> (79 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Riyadh/">Riyadh</a><small> (55 photos)</small>, <a href="travelogues/Saudi/2022-23/">Saudi Arabia 2022-23 travelogue</a>, <a href="galleries/Slovenia/Piran/">Piran</a><small> (33 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/Shaqra/">Shaqra</a><small> (57 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Ranau/">Around Ranau</a><small> (36 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tambunan/">Tambunan</a><small> (37 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Saudi/AlUla/">Al Ula</a><small> (235 photos)</small>, <a href="travelogues/Malaysia/2022/">Malaysia-Indonesia 2022 travelogue</a>, <a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Taliwas/">Taliwas river conservation area</a><small> (57 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/">Tana Toraja</a><small> (281 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sunbear/">Bornean sun bear conservation centre</a><small> (26 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Makassar/">Makassar</a><small> (44 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tangkoko22/">Tangkoko Batuangus nature reserve (2022)</a><small> (82 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Danum_FC/">Danum Valley Field Centre</a><small> (98 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Slovenia/Postojna/">Postojna</a><small> (45 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Croatia/Plitvice/">Plitvice lakes national park</a><small> (45 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Croatia/Brac/">Brač</a><small> (37 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Slovenia/Bled/">Bled</a><small> (31 photos)</small>, <a href="travelogues/Balkan/2022/">Slovenia Croatia Bosnia 2022 travelogue</a>, <a href="travelogues/Italy/2021-22/">Italy 2021-22 travelogue</a>, <a href="travelogues/Poland_Ukraine_Hungary/2021/">Poland Ukraine Hungary 2021 travelogue</a>, <a href="galleries/Poland/Zamosc/">Zamosc</a><small> (27 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Hungary/Eger/">Eger</a><small> (46 photos)</small>, <a href="galleries/Poland/Sandomierz/">Sandomierz</a><small> (38 photos)</small>. More galleries in the <a href="history/">site history</a>.</div> <div style="padding: 30px 8px 4px 8px; font-size: 20px;" class="pagesection"><a id="Galleries"></a>Galleries by region</div> <div id="thumbtable2" class="pagesection"> <table style="width: 100%; text-align: left; border-spacing:0;"> <tr> <td class="tdpicthumb bori boto"><a href="galleries/SEAsia/" title="12717 photos of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam"><img src="galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/Beach/thumbs/07%20White%20coral%20sand%20beach%20with%20coconut%20palms_thumb.jpg" alt="Southeast Asia photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 192px; height:135px;"></a><br></td> <td class="tdpicthumb bori boto"><a href="galleries/SAsia/" title="2990 photos of India, Iran and Nepal"><img src="galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Jame_mosque/thumbs/12%20Jame%20mosque_thumb.jpg" alt="South Asia photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 412px; height:132px;"></a><br></td> <td class="tdpicthumb boto"><a href="galleries/EAsia/" title="4724 photos of China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Mongolia"><img src="galleries/Korea/Seoul/Beomnyeonsa/thumbs/03%20Golden%20Buddha%20statue_thumb.jpg" alt="East Asia photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 134px; height:190px;"></a><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdpicinfotable bori"> <table style="width: 208px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing: 0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/SEAsia/">Southeast Asia</a></div> </td> </table> </td> <td class="tdpicinfotable bori"> <table style="width: 428px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing: 0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/SAsia/">South Asia</a></div> </td> </table> </td> <td class="tdpicinfotable "> <table style="width: 150px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing: 0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/EAsia/">East Asia</a></div> </td> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table style="width: 100%; text-align: left; border-spacing:0;"> <tr> <td class="tdpicthumb bori boto"><a href="galleries/CAsia/" title="399 photos of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan"><img src="galleries/Kazakhstan/Astana/Central/thumbs/21%20Northern%20lights%20and%20Emerald%20towers%20at%20night_thumb.jpg" alt="Central Asia photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 330px; height:132px;"></a><br></td> <td class="tdpicthumb bori boto"><a href="galleries/Caucasus/" title="933 photos of Azerbaijan and Georgia"><img src="galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Flame/thumbs/12%20Flame%20towers%20at%20night_thumb.jpg" alt="The Caucasus photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 139px; height:185px;"></a><br></td> <td class="tdpicthumb boto"><a href="galleries/NAfrica/" title="2309 photos of Egypt, Morocco and Algeria"><img src="galleries/Morocco/Merzouga/Panorama/thumbs/06%20Erg%20Chebbi%20sand%20dunes%20at%20sunset_thumb.jpg" alt="Northern Africa photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 337px; height:132px;"></a><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdpicinfotable bori"> <table style="width: 346px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing: 0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/CAsia/">Central Asia</a></div> </td> </table> </td> <td class="tdpicinfotable bori"> <table style="width: 155px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing: 0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/Caucasus/">The Caucasus</a></div> </td> </table> </td> <td class="tdpicinfotable "> <table style="width: 353px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing: 0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/NAfrica/">Northern Africa</a></div> </td> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table style="width: 100%; text-align: left; border-spacing:0;"> <tr> <td class="tdpicthumb bori boto"><a href="galleries/MEast/" title="4669 photos of the United Arab Emirates, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Oman and Israel"><img src="galleries/Jordan/Petra/Treasury/thumbs/03%20Siq%20access%20to%20Treasury_thumb.jpg" alt="Middle East photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 131px; height:197px;"></a><br></td> <td class="tdpicthumb bori boto"><a href="galleries/SEurope/" title="3601 photos of Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Croatia and Cyprus"><img src="galleries/Italy/Rome/Colosseum/thumbs/05%20Colosseum%20by%20night_thumb.jpg" alt="Southern Europe photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 243px; height:132px;"></a><br></td> <td class="tdpicthumb bori boto"><a href="galleries/Balkans/" title="1495 photos of the Balkans region in southeastern Europe"><img src="galleries/Croatia/Dubrovnik/Views/thumbs/04%20Dubrovnik_thumb.jpg" alt="The Balkans photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 274px; height:132px;"></a><br></td> <td class="tdpicthumb boto"><a href="galleries/NEurope/" title="2206 photos of northern Europe including Finland, Denmark, Lithuania and Estonia"><img src="galleries/Lithuania/Vilnius/Square/thumbs/11%20Cathedral%20square_thumb.jpg" alt="Northern Europe photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 172px; height:149px;"></a><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdpicinfotable bori"> <table style="width: 147px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing: 0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/MEast/">Middle East</a></div> </td> </table> </td> <td class="tdpicinfotable bori"> <table style="width: 259px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing: 0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/SEurope/">Southern Europe</a></div> </td> </table> </td> <td class="tdpicinfotable bori"> <table style="width: 290px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing: 0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/Balkans/">The Balkans</a></div> </td> </table> </td> <td class="tdpicinfotable "> <table style="width: 188px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing: 0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/NEurope/">Northern Europe</a></div> </td> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table style="width: 100%; text-align: left; border-spacing:0;"> <tr> <td class="tdpicthumb bori boto"><a href="galleries/CEurope/" title="5262 photos of Austria, the Czech republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Slovenia"><img src="galleries/Austria/Vienna/Belvedere/thumbs/02%20Belvedere%20castle%20rear%20view_thumb.jpg" alt="Central Europe photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 412px; height:132px;"></a><br></td> <td class="tdpicthumb boto"><a href="galleries/WEurope/" title="1830 photos of the Netherlands, France, Spain and Portugal"><img src="galleries/Spain/Sevilla/River/thumbs/09%20Plaza%20de%20Toros%20de%20la%20Maestranza%20arena_thumb.jpg" alt="Western Europe photo gallery" style="border: 0px none; padding: 0px 8px 0px 8px; width: 474px; height:132px;"></a><br></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tdpicinfotable bori"> <table style="width: 428px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing: 0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/CEurope/">Central Europe</a></div> </td> </table> </td> <td class="tdpicinfotable "> <table style="width: 490px; padding: 2px 8px 0px 8px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border-spacing: 0;"> <tr> <td class="pinfo"> <div style="line-height: 1em;"><a style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;" href="galleries/WEurope/">Western Europe</a></div> </td> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <table style="width: 100%; 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Earth and Sun](galleries/China/Beijing/Ditan_Ritan/) + [The Forbidden City](galleries/China/Beijing/Forbidden_City/) + [The Great Wall of China in Jinshanling](galleries/China/Beijing/Greatwall/) + [Tiananmen square](galleries/China/Beijing/Tiananmen_square/) + [Tiananmen square park](galleries/China/Beijing/Park/) + [Wangfujing](galleries/China/Beijing/Wangfujing_/) * [Chongqing](galleries/China/Chongqing/) + [Around the Liberation Monument Square](galleries/China/Chongqing/Liberation/) + [Chongqing by Night](galleries/China/Chongqing/Night/) + [Downtown Chongqing](galleries/China/Chongqing/Downtown/) + [International Convention and Exhibition Centre](galleries/China/Chongqing/CQCEC/) + [People](galleries/China/Chongqing/People/) + [Yangtze river](galleries/China/Chongqing/Yangtze/) * [Fujian](galleries/China/Fujian/) + [Xiamen](galleries/China/Fujian/Xiamen/) * [Gansu](galleries/China/Gansu/) + [Dunhuang](galleries/China/Gansu/Dunhuang/) - [Cotton plantation](galleries/China/Gansu/Dunhuang/Cotton/) - [Downtown Dunhuang](galleries/China/Gansu/Dunhuang/City/) - [Gobi desert](galleries/China/Gansu/Dunhuang/Gobi/) - [Gobi desert at sunset](galleries/China/Gansu/Dunhuang/Gobisunset/) * [Guangdong](galleries/China/Guandong/) + [Guangzhou](galleries/China/Guandong/Guangzhou/) - [Downtown Guangzhou](galleries/China/Guandong/Guangzhou/Town/) - [Shamian Dao island](galleries/China/Guandong/Guangzhou/Shamian/) - [Shopping areas](galleries/China/Guandong/Guangzhou/Shopping/) - [Six Banyan Trees Buddhist temple](galleries/China/Guandong/Guangzhou/Temple/) + [Shenzhen](galleries/China/Guandong/Shenzhen/) - [Airport](galleries/China/Guandong/Shenzhen/Airport/) - [Downtown Shenzhen](galleries/China/Guandong/Shenzhen/Downtown/) - [Shenzhen by night](galleries/China/Guandong/Shenzhen/Night/) - [Skylines and views](galleries/China/Guandong/Shenzhen/Views/) - [Theme park](galleries/China/Guandong/Shenzhen/Themepark/) * [Guangxi](galleries/China/Guanxi/) + [Cormorant fishing](galleries/China/Guanxi/fishing/) + [Guilin](galleries/China/Guanxi/Guilin/) + [Li river (Li Jiang)](galleries/China/Guanxi/Li/) + [Reed Flute Cave](galleries/China/Guanxi/Reed/) + [Yangshuo](galleries/China/Guanxi/Yangshuo/) + [Yulong He river](galleries/China/Guanxi/Yulong/) * [Hong Kong](galleries/China/HongKong/) + [Aberdeen](galleries/China/HongKong/Stanley/) + [Business District](galleries/China/HongKong/BDistrict/) + [Hong Kong Park](galleries/China/HongKong/Park/) + [Hong Kong by night](galleries/China/HongKong/Night/) + [Kowloon](galleries/China/HongKong/Kowloon/) + [Lantau airport](galleries/China/HongKong/Airport/) + [Man Mo Chinese temple](galleries/China/HongKong/ManMo/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/China/HongKong/City/) * [Hubei](galleries/China/Hubei/) + [Yichang](galleries/China/Hubei/Yichang/) * [Hunan](galleries/China/Hunan/) + [Changsha](galleries/China/Hunan/Changsha/) - [Changsha airport](galleries/China/Hunan/Changsha/Airport/) * [Liaoning](galleries/China/Liaoning/) + [Dalian](galleries/China/Liaoning/Dalian/) - [Business district and Zhongshan road](galleries/China/Liaoning/Dalian/BDistrict/) - [Jiefang street shopping area](galleries/China/Liaoning/Dalian/Shopping/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/China/Liaoning/Dalian/Misc/) - [Zhongshan square](galleries/China/Liaoning/Dalian/Zhongshan/) * [Macau](galleries/China/Macau/) + [Casino district](galleries/China/Macau/Casino/) + [Coloane](galleries/China/Macau/Coloane/) + [East of the old town](galleries/China/Macau/East/) + [Mazu Tin Hau temple](galleries/China/Macau/Mazu/) + [Old town](galleries/China/Macau/Old/) + [Panoramic and other photos](galleries/China/Macau/Misc/) + [Shops in Macau](galleries/China/Macau/Shops/) + [Taipa](galleries/China/Macau/Taipa/) * [Shaanxi](galleries/China/Shaanxi/) + [Terracotta Army](galleries/China/Shaanxi/Terracotta/) + [Xian](galleries/China/Shaanxi/Xian/) - [Bell Tower Square](galleries/China/Shaanxi/Xian/Square/) - [Daqingzhen Si Mosque](galleries/China/Shaanxi/Xian/Mosque/) - [Dongdajie Food Market](galleries/China/Shaanxi/Xian/Dongdajie/) - [Downtown Xian](galleries/China/Shaanxi/Xian/Downtown/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/China/Shaanxi/Xian/Misc/) - [Sunsets](galleries/China/Shaanxi/Xian/Sunsets/) * [Shandong](galleries/China/Shandong/) + [Qingdao](galleries/China/Shandong/Qingdao/) - [Beaches](galleries/China/Shandong/Qingdao/Beaches/) - [Colonial architecture](galleries/China/Shandong/Qingdao/Colonial/) - [Downtown Qingdao](galleries/China/Shandong/Qingdao/Downtown/) - [Panoramic views and skylines](galleries/China/Shandong/Qingdao/Panorama/) * [Shanghai](galleries/China/Shanghai/) + [Jade Buddha Temple (Yufo Si)](galleries/China/Shanghai/BTemple/) + [Jin Mao tower](galleries/China/Shanghai/JinMao/) + [Miscellaneous Shanghai photos](galleries/China/Shanghai/Misc/) + [Nanjing Road](galleries/China/Shanghai/NanjingRd/) + [Oriental Pearl Tower](galleries/China/Shanghai/OPearl/) + [Panorama views of New Pudong](galleries/China/Shanghai/Panoramas/) + [Pudong New Area](galleries/China/Shanghai/NPudong/) + [Shanghai Food](galleries/China/Shanghai/Food/) + [Shanghai Train Station](galleries/China/Shanghai/Station/) + [The Bund](galleries/China/Shanghai/Bund/) + [Yu Yuan Gardens](galleries/China/Shanghai/YuYuan/) * [Sichuan](galleries/China/Sichuan/) + [Chengdu](galleries/China/Sichuan/Chengdu/) - [Downtown Chengdu](galleries/China/Sichuan/Chengdu/Downtown/) - [Wenshu Buddhist temple](galleries/China/Sichuan/Chengdu/Wenshu/) + [Giant Panda Breeding Centre](galleries/China/Sichuan/Panda/) * [Three Gorges](galleries/China/ThreeGorges/) + [Lesser Three Gorges](galleries/China/ThreeGorges/LesserGorges/) + [Three Gorges Dam](galleries/China/ThreeGorges/Dam/) + [Three Gorges and Yangtze river](galleries/China/ThreeGorges/Gorges/) + [Yunyang Zhang Fei temple](galleries/China/ThreeGorges/ZhangFei/) * [Tianjin](galleries/China/Tianjin/) + [Colonial district](galleries/China/Tianjin/Colonial/) + [Hai river](galleries/China/Tianjin/River/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/China/Tianjin/Misc/) + [Old town](galleries/China/Tianjin/Old/) + [Panoramic views](galleries/China/Tianjin/Views/) * [Tibet](galleries/China/Tibet/) + [Drepung Monastery](galleries/China/Tibet/Drepung/) + [Ganden Monastery](galleries/China/Tibet/Ganden/) + [Himalaya mountains](galleries/China/Tibet/Himalaya/) + [Lhasa](galleries/China/Tibet/Lhasa/) - [Barkhor area](galleries/China/Tibet/Lhasa/Barkhor/) - [Downtown Lhasa](galleries/China/Tibet/Lhasa/City/) - [Palubuk Monastery](galleries/China/Tibet/Lhasa/Palubuk/) - [Potala Palace](galleries/China/Tibet/Lhasa/Insidepotala/) - [Potala Palace Views](galleries/China/Tibet/Lhasa/Potalapalace/) + [Lhasa Valley](galleries/China/Tibet/Valley/) * [Xinjiang](galleries/China/Xinjiang/) + [Karakoram highway](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Karakoram/) - [Ghez river canyon](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Karakoram/Ghez/) - [Karakul lake and Muztagh Ata mountain](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Karakoram/KarakulMuztaghAta/) - [Kashgar to Karakul lake](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Karakoram/KashgarKarakul/) - [Khunjerab pass](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Karakoram/Khunjerab/) - [Kongur Tagh mountain](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Karakoram/KongurTagh/) - [Tashkurgan](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Karakoram/Tashkurgan/) - [Tashkurgan to Khunjerab pass](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Karakoram/TashkurganKhunjerab/) + [Kashgar](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Kashgar/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Kashgar/Misc/) - [Modern Kashgar](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Kashgar/Modern/) - [Old town](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Kashgar/Old/) - [Sunday Market](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Kashgar/Sundaymarket/) * [Downtown market](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Kashgar/Sundaymarket/Downtown/) * [Livestock market](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Kashgar/Sundaymarket/Cattle/) * [Vegetables and fruits market](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Kashgar/Sundaymarket/Vegetables/) + [Scenery between Urumqi and Turpan](galleries/China/Xinjiang/UTscenery/) + [The ancient city of Jiaohe](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Jiaohe/) + [Turpan](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Turpan/) - [Around the bazaar](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Turpan/Bazaar/) - [Emin minaret and Sugong mosque](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Turpan/Emin/) - [Mansion of the prefect of Turpan](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Turpan/Mansion/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Turpan/Misc/) - [People in Turpan](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Turpan/People/) + [Urumqi](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Urumqi/) - [Around the Erdaoqiao grand bazaar](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Urumqi/Bazaar/) - [Downtown Urumqi](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Urumqi/Downtown/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Urumqi/Misc/) - [People in Urumqi](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Urumqi/People/) - [Renmin Gongyuan park](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Urumqi/Park/) - [Urumqi by night](galleries/China/Xinjiang/Urumqi/Night/) * [Yunnan](galleries/China/Yunnan/) + [Dali](galleries/China/Yunnan/Dali/) - [Dali Old Town](galleries/China/Yunnan/Dali/OldTown/) - [Erhai Lake Temples](galleries/China/Yunnan/Dali/Temples/) - [Erhai lake](galleries/China/Yunnan/Dali/Lake/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/China/Yunnan/Dali/Misc/) - [San Ta Si (Three Pagodas)](galleries/China/Yunnan/Dali/Santasi/) - [Southern gate and city walls](galleries/China/Yunnan/Dali/Gate/) - [Wu Hui pagoda](galleries/China/Yunnan/Dali/WuHui/) + [Kunming](galleries/China/Yunnan/Kunming/) - [Downtown Kunming](galleries/China/Yunnan/Kunming/Downtown/) - [Qiongzhu Si (Bamboo temple)](galleries/China/Yunnan/Kunming/Qiongzhu/) - [Yuantong Si Buddhist Temple](galleries/China/Yunnan/Kunming/Yuantong/) - [Yunnan Nationalities Village](galleries/China/Yunnan/Kunming/Village/) + [Lijiang](galleries/China/Yunnan/Lijiang/) - [Black Dragon Pool Park](galleries/China/Yunnan/Lijiang/PoolPark/) - [Miscellanous photos](galleries/China/Yunnan/Lijiang/Misc/) - [Old Town](galleries/China/Yunnan/Lijiang/Town/) - [Panorama Views](galleries/China/Yunnan/Lijiang/Panorama/) + [Miscellaneous Yunnan photos](galleries/China/Yunnan/Misc/) + [Tiger Leaping Gorge](galleries/China/Yunnan/TigerLeapingGorge/) + [Xiao Zhongdian](galleries/China/Yunnan/XiaoZhongdian/) + [Xizhou](galleries/China/Yunnan/Xizhou/) + [Zhongdian](galleries/China/Yunnan/Zhongdian/) + [Zhongdian Valley](galleries/China/Yunnan/ZhongdianValley/) * [Zhejiang](galleries/China/Zhejiang/) + [Hangzhou](galleries/China/Zhejiang/Hangzhou/) - [Airport](galleries/China/Zhejiang/Hangzhou/Airport/) - [Hangzhou by night](galleries/China/Zhejiang/Hangzhou/Night/) - [Lingyin scenic area](galleries/China/Zhejiang/Hangzhou/Lingyin/) - [Japan](galleries/Japan/) * [Himeji castle](galleries/Japan/Himeji/) * [Hiroshima](galleries/Japan/Hiroshima/) + [Downtown Hiroshima](galleries/Japan/Hiroshima/Downtown/) + [Peace memorial park](galleries/Japan/Hiroshima/Peace/) * [Kyoto](galleries/Japan/Kyoto/) + [City centre](galleries/Japan/Kyoto/City/) + [Heian Shinto shrine](galleries/Japan/Kyoto/Heian/) + [Kinkaku-ji temple](galleries/Japan/Kyoto/Kinkakuji/) + [Kiyomizu-dera temple](galleries/Japan/Kyoto/Kiyomizu/) + [Nijo castle](galleries/Japan/Kyoto/Nijo/) + [Sanjusangendo temple](galleries/Japan/Kyoto/Sanjusangendo/) * [Miyajima](galleries/Japan/Miyajima/) + [Itsukushima shrine](galleries/Japan/Miyajima/Itsukushima/) + [Miyajima island](galleries/Japan/Miyajima/Island/) + [Torii](galleries/Japan/Miyajima/Torii/) * [Osaka](galleries/Japan/Osaka/) + [Central Osaka](galleries/Japan/Osaka/Central/) + [Kansai international airport](galleries/Japan/Osaka/Airport/) + [Osaka castle](galleries/Japan/Osaka/Castle/) + [Osaka underground](galleries/Japan/Osaka/Underground/) + [Panoramas and views](galleries/Japan/Osaka/Panoramic/) + [Shitenno-ji temple](galleries/Japan/Osaka/Temple/) + [Tennoji park](galleries/Japan/Osaka/Park/) * [Tokyo](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/) + [Akihabara](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Akihabara/) + [Around the Central Station](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/AroundCentralStation/) + [Bay of Tokyo skylines](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Bay/) + [Ginza](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Ginza/) + [Harajuku](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Harajuku/) + [Meiji Jingu shrine](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Meiji/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Misc/) + [Odaiba](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Odaiba/) + [Roppongi](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Roppongi/) + [Senso-ji Kannon temple](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Senso-ji/) + [Shibuya by day](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/ShibuyaDay/) + [Shibuya by night](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/ShibuyaNight/) + [Shinjuku by night](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/ShinjukuNight/) + [Shinjuku skyscraper district](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/ShinjukuDay/) + [Tokyo International Forum](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Forum/) + [Tokyo National Museum](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/NationalMuseum/) + [Tokyo central station](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/RailwayStation/) + [Tokyo daytime skylines](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Day/) + [Tokyo skylines by night](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Night/) + [Ueno](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Ueno/) + [Ueno park](galleries/Japan/Tokyo/Uenopark/) - [Mongolia](galleries/Mongolia/) * [Central Mongolia landscapes](galleries/Mongolia/Landscapes/) * [Hustai national park](galleries/Mongolia/Hustai/) * [Kharkhorin](galleries/Mongolia/Kharkhorin/) * [Khogno Khan mountains](galleries/Mongolia/Khogno/) * [Naadam festival](galleries/Mongolia/Naadam/) * [Shankh Khiid monastery](galleries/Mongolia/Shankh/) * [Ulan Bator](galleries/Mongolia/Ulanbator/) + [Genghis Khan square](galleries/Mongolia/Ulanbator/Square/) + [Hotels and shops](galleries/Mongolia/Ulanbator/Comm/) + [Miscellaneous](galleries/Mongolia/Ulanbator/Misc/) + [People](galleries/Mongolia/Ulanbator/People/) - [South Korea](galleries/Korea/) * [Busan](galleries/Korea/Busan/) + [Bus trip to Gyeongju](galleries/Korea/Busan/Trip/) + [Busan by night](galleries/Korea/Busan/Night/) + [Coast near Busan](galleries/Korea/Busan/Coast/) + [Downtown Busan](galleries/Korea/Busan/City/) + [UN memorial cemetery](galleries/Korea/Busan/UN/) * [Gyeongju](galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/) + [Bulguksa temple](galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Bulguksa/) + [Bunhwangsa stone pagoda](galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Bunhwangsa/) + [Cheomseongdae observatory](galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Cheomseongdae/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Misc/) + [Orung (Five tombs)](galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Orung/) + [Other Silla tombs](galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Tombs/) + [Seokguram grotto](galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Seokguram/) + [Tombs of Silla kings](galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Sillatombs/) + [Tong Il Jeon palace](galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Tong/) + [Tumuli in Hwangnam-ri park](galleries/Korea/Gyeongju/Hwangnamri/) * [Seoul](galleries/Korea/Seoul/) + [Beomnyeonsa Buddhist temple](galleries/Korea/Seoul/Beomnyeonsa/) + [Bongeunsa Buddhist temple](galleries/Korea/Seoul/Bongeunsa/) + [Change of the Guard at Gyeongbokgung](galleries/Korea/Seoul/Guardchange/) + [Downtown Seoul](galleries/Korea/Seoul/Downtown/) + [Gyeongbokgung Palace](galleries/Korea/Seoul/Gyeongbokgung/) + [International Convention Centre](galleries/Korea/Seoul/COEX/) + [Korean food](galleries/Korea/Seoul/Food/) + [Miscellaneous Seoul photos](galleries/Korea/Seoul/Misc/) + [Other Seoul temples](galleries/Korea/Seoul/OTemples/) + [People](galleries/Korea/Seoul/People/) + [Seoul by night](galleries/Korea/Seoul/Night/) - [Taiwan](galleries/Taiwan/) * [Alishan](galleries/Taiwan/Alishan/) + [Fenqihu](galleries/Taiwan/Alishan/Fenqihu/) + [Longyin temple](galleries/Taiwan/Alishan/Longyin/) + [Sceneries](galleries/Taiwan/Alishan/Sceneries/) + [Summit area](galleries/Taiwan/Alishan/Summit/) + [Tea plantations](galleries/Taiwan/Alishan/Tea/) * [Chung Tai Chan temple](galleries/Taiwan/ChungTaiChan/) * [Dongshan and Guanziling](galleries/Taiwan/Guanziling/) * [Hualian](galleries/Taiwan/Hualian/) * [Kaohsiung](galleries/Taiwan/Kaohsiung/) + [Cijin island](galleries/Taiwan/Kaohsiung/Cijin/) + [Lotus pond](galleries/Taiwan/Kaohsiung/Lotus/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Taiwan/Kaohsiung/Misc/) + [Modern Kaohsiung](galleries/Taiwan/Kaohsiung/Modern/) + [Skylines](galleries/Taiwan/Kaohsiung/Skyline/) * [Lugang](galleries/Taiwan/Lugang/) + [Longshan temple](galleries/Taiwan/Lugang/Longshan/) + [Matsu temple](galleries/Taiwan/Lugang/Matsu/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Taiwan/Lugang/Misc/) + [Other temples](galleries/Taiwan/Lugang/Temples/) * [Ruisui](galleries/Taiwan/Ruisui/) * [Sun moon lake](galleries/Taiwan/SunMoon/) * [Taichung](galleries/Taiwan/Taichung/) * [Tainan](galleries/Taiwan/Tainan/) + [Central Tainan](galleries/Taiwan/Tainan/Central/) + [Confucius temple](galleries/Taiwan/Tainan/Confucius/) + [Night market](galleries/Taiwan/Tainan/Market/) + [Official God of War temple](galleries/Taiwan/Tainan/War_god_temple/) + [Other temples](galleries/Taiwan/Tainan/Temples/) * [Taipei](galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/) + [Baoan temple](galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Baoan/) + [Chiang Kai Shek Memorial](galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/CKS/) + [Confucius temple](galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Confucius/) + [Guandu temple](galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Guandu/) + [Longshan Temple](galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Longshan/) + [Markets and malls](galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Markets/) + [North taipei](galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/North/) + [Panorama views](galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Views/) + [Taipei 101](galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/101/) + [Taipei 101 Shopping Complex](galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/101shopping/) + [Taipei 101 by night](galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/101night/) + [Taipei Airport](galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Airport/) + [Xinyi](galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Xinyi/) + [Zhongshan](galleries/Taiwan/Taipei/Zhongshan/) * [Taroko national park](galleries/Taiwan/Taroko/) + [Eastern Europe](galleries/EEurope/) - [Ukraine](galleries/Ukraine/) * [Chernivtsi](galleries/Ukraine/Chernivtsi/) * [Ivano-Frankivsk](galleries/Ukraine/Ivano_Frankivsk/) * [Kamianets-Podilskyi](galleries/Ukraine/Kamianets/) * [Kiev](galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/) + [City centre](galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/Centre/) + [Dnepr river](galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/Dnepr/) + [Military parade](galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/Parade/) + [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/Misc/) + [Monastery of the Caves](galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/Lavra/) + [Other churches](galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/Churches/) + [Podil](galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/Podil/) + [St Michael monastery](galleries/Ukraine/Kiev/Michael/) * [Lviv](galleries/Ukraine/Lviv/) * [Uzhhorod](galleries/Ukraine/Uzhhorod/) + [City centre](galleries/Ukraine/Uzhhorod/City/) + [Museum of folk architecture and life](galleries/Ukraine/Uzhhorod/Museum/) + [Places of worship](galleries/Ukraine/Uzhhorod/Worship/) + [Uzhhorod castle](galleries/Ukraine/Uzhhorod/Castle/) + [Middle East](galleries/MEast/) - [Israel](galleries/Israel/) * [Jerusalem](galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/) + [Church of the Holy Sepulchre](galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/HolySepulchre/) + [City walls](galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/Walls/) + [Dome of the Rock](galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/Dome/) + [Modern Jerusalem](galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/Modern/) + [Mount of Olives](galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/MountOlives/) + [Old town](galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/OldTown/) + [Views and miscellaneous](galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/Views/) + [Western Wall](galleries/Israel/Jerusalem/WesternWall/) - [Jordan](galleries/Jordan/) * [Ajloun](galleries/Jordan/Ajloun/) + [Ajloun castle](galleries/Jordan/Ajloun/Castle/) + [Landscape](galleries/Jordan/Ajloun/Landscape/) * [Amman](galleries/Jordan/Amman/) + [Central Amman](galleries/Jordan/Amman/Central/) + [Citadel](galleries/Jordan/Amman/Citadel/) + [City mall](galleries/Jordan/Amman/Citymall/) + [King Abdullah mosque](galleries/Jordan/Amman/King-Abdullah-mosque/) + [Mecca mall](galleries/Jordan/Amman/Mecca-mall/) + [Panoramas and views](galleries/Jordan/Amman/Pano/) + [Roman threatre](galleries/Jordan/Amman/Roman-theatre/) * [Aqaba](galleries/Jordan/Aqaba/) * [Azraq wetlands reserve](galleries/Jordan/Azraq/) * [Baptism site](galleries/Jordan/Baptism-site/) * [Dead Sea](galleries/Jordan/Dead-Sea/) + [Bathing in the Dead Sea](galleries/Jordan/Dead-Sea/Bathing/) + [Dead Sea Mud](galleries/Jordan/Dead-Sea/Mud/) + [Spa resort](galleries/Jordan/Dead-Sea/Resort/) + [The coast](galleries/Jordan/Dead-Sea/Coast/) * [Desert castles](galleries/Jordan/Castles/) + [Qasr Hallabat](galleries/Jordan/Castles/Hallabat/) + [Qasr Harraneh](galleries/Jordan/Castles/Harraneh/) + [Qusayr Amra](galleries/Jordan/Castles/Amra/) * [Jerash](galleries/Jordan/Jerash/) * [King's highway](galleries/Jordan/Highway/) + [Madaba](galleries/Jordan/Madaba/) + [Mount Nebo](galleries/Jordan/Nebo/) + [Southern desert](galleries/Jordan/South/) * [Petra](galleries/Jordan/Petra/) + [Canyons and rock formations](galleries/Jordan/Petra/Rock/) + [Central Petra](galleries/Jordan/Petra/Central/) + [East ridge tombs](galleries/Jordan/Petra/East/) + [High place of sacrifice](galleries/Jordan/Petra/High/) + [The Monastery](galleries/Jordan/Petra/Monastery/) + [The Siq](galleries/Jordan/Petra/Siq/) + [The Treasury](galleries/Jordan/Petra/Treasury/) - [Lebanon](galleries/Lebanon/) * [Anjar](galleries/Lebanon/Anjar/) * [Baalbek](galleries/Lebanon/Baalbek/) * [Batroun](galleries/Lebanon/Batroun/) * [Beirut](galleries/Lebanon/Beirut/) + [Churches](galleries/Lebanon/Beirut/Churches/) + [Historic core](galleries/Lebanon/Beirut/Historic/) + [Modern Beirut](galleries/Lebanon/Beirut/Modern/) + [Mosques](galleries/Lebanon/Beirut/Mosques/) + [National museum](galleries/Lebanon/Beirut/Museum/) + [Shopping malls](galleries/Lebanon/Beirut/Shopping/) + [Waterfront](galleries/Lebanon/Beirut/Waterfront/) * [Beiteddine palace](galleries/Lebanon/Beiteddine/) * [Byblos](galleries/Lebanon/Byblos/) * [Cedars of God](galleries/Lebanon/Cedars/) * [Deir Al-Qamar](galleries/Lebanon/Deir_al_qamar/) * [Kefraya winery](galleries/Lebanon/Kefraya/) * [Mzaar ski resort](galleries/Lebanon/Mzaar/) * [Qadisha valley](galleries/Lebanon/Qadisha/) * [Shouf mountains](galleries/Lebanon/Shouf/) * [Tripoli](galleries/Lebanon/Tripoli/) * [Tyre](galleries/Lebanon/Tyre/) - [Oman](galleries/Oman/) * [Al Ayn](galleries/Oman/Dhahirah/Al-Ayn/) * [Central coast](galleries/Oman/Coast/) * [Dhofar](galleries/Oman/Dhofar/) + [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Misc/) + [Mughsail](galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Mughsail/) + [Salalah](galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Salalah/) - [Al Balid archaeological site](galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Salalah/Al_Balid/) - [Beaches](galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Salalah/Beaches/) - [Bird colony](galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Salalah/Birds/) - [Fruit farming](galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Salalah/Fruits/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Salalah/Misc/) - [Sultan Qaboos mosque](galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Salalah/Mosque/) - [Sunsets](galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Salalah/Sunsets/) + [Samhuram](galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Samhuram/) + [Wadi Dawkah frankincense park](galleries/Oman/Dhofar/Wadi_Dawkah/) * [Jabrin castle](galleries/Oman/Jabrin/) * [Landscapes](galleries/Oman/Landscapes/) * [Musandam](galleries/Oman/Musandam/) + [Dolphins](galleries/Oman/Musandam/Dolphins/) + [Fjords](galleries/Oman/Musandam/Fjords/) + [Khasab](galleries/Oman/Musandam/Khasab/) + [The coast](galleries/Oman/Musandam/Coast/) * [Muscat](galleries/Oman/Muscat/) + [Al Khuwair](galleries/Oman/Muscat/Misc/) + [Beaches](galleries/Oman/Muscat/Beaches/) + [Muttrah](galleries/Oman/Muscat/Muttrah/) + [Old Muscat](galleries/Oman/Muscat/Old/) + [Shopping malls](galleries/Oman/Muscat/Malls/) + [Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque](galleries/Oman/Muscat/Mosque/) - [Arcades](galleries/Oman/Muscat/Mosque/Arcades/) - [Architecture](galleries/Oman/Muscat/Mosque/Architecture/) - [Main prayer hall](galleries/Oman/Muscat/Mosque/Hall/) - [Minarets](galleries/Oman/Muscat/Mosque/Minarets/) - [Women prayer hall](galleries/Oman/Muscat/Mosque/Women/) * [Sohar](galleries/Oman/Sohar/) * [Sur](galleries/Oman/Sur/) * [The interior](galleries/Oman/Interior/) * [Wahiba desert](galleries/Oman/Wahiba/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Oman/Wahiba/Misc/) + [Sand dunes](galleries/Oman/Wahiba/Dunes/) + [Sand patterns](galleries/Oman/Wahiba/Pattern/) - [Saudi Arabia](galleries/Saudi/) * [Abha](galleries/Saudi/Abha/) * [Al Ghat](galleries/Saudi/Al_Ghat/) * [Al Qasab](galleries/Saudi/Al_Qasab/) * [Al Souda](galleries/Saudi/Souda/) * [Al Ula](galleries/Saudi/AlUla/) + [Dadan](galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Dadan/) + [Elephant rock](galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Elephant/) + [Harrat viewpoint](galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Harrat/) + [Hegra](galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Hegra/) + [Jabal Ikmah](galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Ikmah/) + [Oasis](galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Oasis/) + [Old town](galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Old/) + [Scenery](galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Scenery/) + [Urban centre](galleries/Saudi/AlUla/Town/) * [Asir region south of Abha](galleries/Saudi/Asir/) * [Fayd](galleries/Saudi/Fayd/) * [Ha'il](galleries/Saudi/Hail/) * [Hijaz mountains](galleries/Saudi/Hijaz/) * [Jabal Shada](galleries/Saudi/Jabal_Shada/) * [Jeddah](galleries/Saudi/Jeddah/) * [Jubbah archaeological site](galleries/Saudi/Jubbah/) * [Medina](galleries/Saudi/Medina/) * [Nafud desert](galleries/Saudi/Desert/) * [Najran](galleries/Saudi/Najran/) * [Rijal Almaa](galleries/Saudi/Rijal/) * [Riyadh](galleries/Saudi/Riyadh/) * [Sarawat mountains: Al Malad to Al Namas](galleries/Saudi/Sarawat/) * [Shaqra](galleries/Saudi/Shaqra/) * [Taif](galleries/Saudi/Taif/) * [Tharmida](galleries/Saudi/Tharmida/) * [Thee Ain](galleries/Saudi/Thee_Ain/) * [Ushaiger](galleries/Saudi/Ushaiger/) - [Syria](galleries/Syria/) * [Damascus](galleries/Syria/Damascus/) + [Armenian Apostolic Orthodox church](galleries/Syria/Damascus/ArmenianChurch/) + [Modern town](galleries/Syria/Damascus/Modern/) + [Old town](galleries/Syria/Damascus/Old/) + [Other churches](galleries/Syria/Damascus/Churches/) + [Panoramic views](galleries/Syria/Damascus/Pano/) + [Umayyad mosque](galleries/Syria/Damascus/Umayyad/) - [Turkey](galleries/Turkey/) * [Antalya](galleries/Turkey/Antalya/) * [Aphrodisias](galleries/Turkey/Aphrodisias/) * [Dara](galleries/Turkey/Dara/) * [Didyma](galleries/Turkey/Didyma/) * [Diyarbakir](galleries/Turkey/Diyarbakir/) * [Ephesus](galleries/Turkey/Ephesus/) * [Gaziantep](galleries/Turkey/Gaziantep/) * [Göbekli Tepe](galleries/Turkey/Gobekli/) * [Harran](galleries/Turkey/Harran/) * [Istanbul](galleries/Turkey/Istanbul/) + [Beyoglu district](galleries/Turkey/Istanbul/Beyoglu/) + [Hagia Sofia](galleries/Turkey/Istanbul/Sophia/) + [Historic centre](galleries/Turkey/Istanbul/Golden/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Turkey/Istanbul/Misc/) * [Mardin](galleries/Turkey/Mardin/) + [Deyr-az-Zaferan monastery](galleries/Turkey/Mardin/Monastery/) + [Historic core](galleries/Turkey/Mardin/City/) + [Museums](galleries/Turkey/Mardin/Museums/) * [Midyat](galleries/Turkey/Midyat/) * [Miletos](galleries/Turkey/Miletos/) * [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Turkey/Misc/) * [Monastery of the mother of god](galleries/Turkey/Hah/) * [Mor Gabriel monastery](galleries/Turkey/Gabriel/) * [Pamukkale](galleries/Turkey/Pamukkale/) * [Priene](galleries/Turkey/Priene/) * [Sanliurfa](galleries/Turkey/Sanliurfa/) + [Archaeology museum](galleries/Turkey/Sanliurfa/Museum1/) + [Mosaic museum](galleries/Turkey/Sanliurfa/Museum2/) + [Old town](galleries/Turkey/Sanliurfa/Old/) * [Southeast Turkey](galleries/Turkey/Southeast/) * [Tlos](galleries/Turkey/Tlos/) * [Xanthos](galleries/Turkey/Xanthos/) - [United Arab Emirates](galleries/UAE/) * [Abu Dhabi](galleries/UAE/AbuDhabi/) + [Around the corniche](galleries/UAE/AbuDhabi/Corniche/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/UAE/AbuDhabi/Misc/) + [Saadiyat island](galleries/UAE/AbuDhabi/Saadiyat/) + [Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque](galleries/UAE/AbuDhabi/Mosque/) + [Skylines](galleries/UAE/AbuDhabi/Skylines/) + [Urban centre](galleries/UAE/AbuDhabi/City/) + [West corniche](galleries/UAE/AbuDhabi/West/) * [Al Ain](galleries/UAE/AlAin/) + [Al Ain national museum](galleries/UAE/AlAin/Museum/) + [Al Jahili fort](galleries/UAE/AlAin/Fort/) + [Hili archaeological park](galleries/UAE/AlAin/Hili/) + [Jebel Hafeet](galleries/UAE/AlAin/Jebel/) + [The city](galleries/UAE/AlAin/City/) * [Dibba](galleries/UAE/Dibba/) * [Dubai](galleries/UAE/Dubai/) + [Architecture and views](galleries/UAE/Dubai/Views/) + [Atlantis The Palm hotel](galleries/UAE/Dubai/Atlantis-The-Palm-hotel/) + [Burj Khalifa](galleries/UAE/Dubai/Burj-Khalifa/) + [Burj al Arab hotel](galleries/UAE/Dubai/Burjalarab/) + [Dubai Heritage centre](galleries/UAE/Dubai/Heritage/) + [Dubai International Airport](galleries/UAE/Dubai/Airport/) + [Dubai metro](galleries/UAE/Dubai/Metro/) + [Dubai skyline](galleries/UAE/Dubai/Skyline/) + [Jumeirah beach](galleries/UAE/Dubai/Jumeirah/) + [Jumeirah beach area and Internet City](galleries/UAE/Dubai/Jumeirah-hotels/) + [Miscellaneous photos of Dubai](galleries/UAE/Dubai/Misc/) + [Other images](galleries/UAE/Dubai/Other/) + [Shopping malls](galleries/UAE/Dubai/Malls/) + [The Creek](galleries/UAE/Dubai/Creek/) + [The Dubai mall](galleries/UAE/Dubai/The-Dubai-mall/) * [Fujairah](galleries/UAE/Fujairah/) * [Khor Fakkan](galleries/UAE/Khorfakkan/) * [Liwa oasis](galleries/UAE/Liwa/) + [Rub al Khali desert sand dunes](galleries/UAE/Liwa/Dunes/) + [Tal Mireb](galleries/UAE/Liwa/Moreeb/) + [The oasis](galleries/UAE/Liwa/Oasis/) * [Ras al Khaimah](galleries/UAE/RAK/) * [Sharjah](galleries/UAE/Sharjah/) * [Wildlife](galleries/UAE/Wildlife/) + [Northern Africa](galleries/NAfrica/) - [Algeria](galleries/Algeria/) * [Ain Sefra](galleries/Algeria/Ain_Sefra/) * [Algiers](galleries/Algeria/Algiers/) * [Beni Add caves](galleries/Algeria/Beni_Add/) * [Cherchell](galleries/Algeria/Cherchell/) * [Djemila](galleries/Algeria/Djemila/) * [El Ourit waterfalls](galleries/Algeria/Ourit/) * [Ghardaia](galleries/Algeria/Ghardaia/) * [Oran](galleries/Algeria/Oran/) + [Grand Mosque Abdelhamid Ibn Badis](galleries/Algeria/Oran/Mosque/) + [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Algeria/Oran/Misc/) + [Old town](galleries/Algeria/Oran/Oldtown/) + [Santa Cruz](galleries/Algeria/Oran/Santacruz/) * [Timimoun](galleries/Algeria/Timimoun/) * [Tipasa](galleries/Algeria/Tipasa/) * [Tlemcen](galleries/Algeria/Tlemcen/) * [Western desert](galleries/Algeria/Western_desert/) - [Egypt](galleries/Egypt/) * [Abu Simbel](galleries/Egypt/AbuSimbel/) + [Great temple of Ramses II](galleries/Egypt/AbuSimbel/Ramses/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Egypt/AbuSimbel/Misc/) + [Temple of Hathor](galleries/Egypt/AbuSimbel/Hathor/) * [Cairo](galleries/Egypt/Cairo/) + [Cairo Mosques](galleries/Egypt/Cairo/Mosques/) + [Central Cairo](galleries/Egypt/Cairo/Central/) + [Egyptian National Museum](galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/) - [Ancient Egyptian Jewels](galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/Jewels/) - [Other Images](galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/Other/) - [Statues](galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/Statues/) - [Tutankhamun](galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/Tutankhamun/) - [Tutankhamun Tomb Items](galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/TutObjects/) + [Giza pyramids](galleries/Egypt/Pyramids/) + [Islamic Cairo](galleries/Egypt/Cairo/Islamic/) + [Memphis](galleries/Egypt/Memphis/) + [The Citadel](galleries/Egypt/Cairo/Citadel/) + [Views and Panoramas](galleries/Egypt/Cairo/Views/) * [Egyptian National Museum](galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/) + [Ancient Egyptian Jewels](galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/Jewels/) + [Other Images](galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/Other/) + [Statues](galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/Statues/) + [Tutankhamun](galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/Tutankhamun/) + [Tutankhamun Tomb Items](galleries/Egypt/NatMuseum/TutObjects/) * [Luxor](galleries/Egypt/Luxor/) + [Luxor temple](galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Temple/) + [Memnon Colossi](galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Memnon/) + [Nile River Feluccas](galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Felucca/) + [Nile river in Luxor](galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Nile/) + [Temple of Hatshepsut](galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Hatshepsut/) + [Temples of Karnak](galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Karnak/) + [Valley of Kings](galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Kings/) * [Mediterranean Sea coast](galleries/Egypt/Mediterranean/) + [Alexandria](galleries/Egypt/Alexandria/) - [Bibliotheca Alexandrina](galleries/Egypt/Alexandria/Bibliotheca/) - [Borg El Arab airport](galleries/Egypt/Alexandria/Airport/) - [Fort Qaitbay](galleries/Egypt/Alexandria/Qaitbay/) + [El-Alamein](galleries/Egypt/El-Alamein/) - [German war memorial](galleries/Egypt/El-Alamein/German/) - [Italian war memorial](galleries/Egypt/El-Alamein/Italian/) - [Landscapes](galleries/Egypt/El-Alamein/Landscape/) + [Marsa Matruh](galleries/Egypt/Marsa_Matruh/) * [Pyramids](galleries/Egypt/Pyramid/) + [Giza pyramids](galleries/Egypt/Pyramids/) + [Saqqara](galleries/Egypt/Saqqara/) * [Red Sea Coast](galleries/Egypt/RedSea/) + [Hurghada](galleries/Egypt/Hurghada/) + [Nuweiba](galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Nuweiba/) + [Sharm el-Sheikh](galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Sharm-el-Sheikh/) - [Beaches](galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Sharm-el-Sheikh/Beach/) - [Urban centre](galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Sharm-el-Sheikh/City/) * [Sinai peninsula](galleries/Egypt/Sinai/) + [Nuweiba](galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Nuweiba/) + [Sharm el-Sheikh](galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Sharm-el-Sheikh/) - [Beaches](galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Sharm-el-Sheikh/Beach/) - [Urban centre](galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Sharm-el-Sheikh/City/) + [Sinai mountains](galleries/Egypt/Sinai/Mountains/) + [St Catherine monastery](galleries/Egypt/Sinai/St-Catherine/) * [The Eastern Desert](galleries/Egypt/EastDesert/) * [Upper Nile Valley](galleries/Egypt/UpperNile/) + [Abu Simbel](galleries/Egypt/AbuSimbel/) - [Great temple of Ramses II](galleries/Egypt/AbuSimbel/Ramses/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Egypt/AbuSimbel/Misc/) - [Temple of Hathor](galleries/Egypt/AbuSimbel/Hathor/) + [Aswan](galleries/Egypt/Assuan/) - [Aswan](galleries/Egypt/Assuan/Town/) - [Coptic Cathedral](galleries/Egypt/Assuan/Coptic/) - [Elephantine Island](galleries/Egypt/Assuan/Elephantine/) - [Nile River Sunsets](galleries/Egypt/Assuan/Sunset/) - [Nile River and Feluccas](galleries/Egypt/Assuan/Nile/) - [Nubian Museum](galleries/Egypt/Assuan/NubianMuseum/) - [Temple of Philae](galleries/Egypt/Assuan/Philae/) - [The High Dam](galleries/Egypt/Assuan/Dam/) + [Luxor](galleries/Egypt/Luxor/) - [Luxor temple](galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Temple/) - [Memnon Colossi](galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Memnon/) - [Nile River Feluccas](galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Felucca/) - [Nile river in Luxor](galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Nile/) - [Temple of Hatshepsut](galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Hatshepsut/) - [Temples of Karnak](galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Karnak/) - [Valley of Kings](galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Kings/) + [Nile Valley](galleries/Egypt/NileValley/) + [Temple of Hathor in Dendera](galleries/Egypt/Dendera/) + [Temple of Hatshepsut](galleries/Egypt/Luxor/Hatshepsut/) + [Temple of Horus in Edfu](galleries/Egypt/Edfu/) + [Temple of Kom Ombo](galleries/Egypt/KomOmbo/) + [Temple of Philae](galleries/Egypt/Assuan/Philae/) + [Temple of Seti in Abydos](galleries/Egypt/Abydos/) * [Western Desert](galleries/Egypt/WDesert/) + [Bahariya Oasis](galleries/Egypt/Bahariya/) + [Farafra Oasis](galleries/Egypt/Farafra/) + [Kharga and Dahkla Oases](galleries/Egypt/KhargaDakhla/) + [Siwa oasis](galleries/Egypt/Siwa/) - [Desert](galleries/Egypt/Siwa/Desert/) - [Mountain of the dead](galleries/Egypt/Siwa/Mountain/) - [Shali](galleries/Egypt/Siwa/Shali/) - [Siwa village](galleries/Egypt/Siwa/Village/) - [Temple of Amun](galleries/Egypt/Siwa/Amun/) - [Temple of the Oracle](galleries/Egypt/Siwa/Oracle/) - [The oasis](galleries/Egypt/Siwa/Oasis/) + [White Desert](galleries/Egypt/WhiteDesert/) - [Morocco](galleries/Morocco/) * [Agadir](galleries/Morocco/Agadir/) * [Ait Ben Haddou](galleries/Morocco/Aitbenhaddou/) * [Casablanca](galleries/Morocco/Casablanca/) + [Hassan II mosque](galleries/Morocco/Casablanca/Mosque/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Morocco/Casablanca/Misc/) * [Central Morocco](galleries/Morocco/Central/) * [Dades valley and Todra gorge](galleries/Morocco/Dades/) + [Landscapes and cities](galleries/Morocco/Dades/Landscape/) + [Tinerhir](galleries/Morocco/Tinerhir/) + [Todra gorge](galleries/Morocco/Todra/) * [Essaouira](galleries/Morocco/Essaouira/) + [Beach](galleries/Morocco/Essaouira/Beach/) + [Old town](galleries/Morocco/Essaouira/Town/) + [Sea](galleries/Morocco/Essaouira/Sea/) * [Fes](galleries/Morocco/Fes/) + [Andalus quarter](galleries/Morocco/Fes/Andalus/) + [Around the Rcif square](galleries/Morocco/Fes/Rcif/) + [Central Medina](galleries/Morocco/Fes/Medina/) + [Tanneries](galleries/Morocco/Fes/Tanneries/) + [Western Medina](galleries/Morocco/Fes/WMedina/) * [High Atlas mountain range](galleries/Morocco/Atlas/) * [Marrakech](galleries/Morocco/Marrakech/) + [Ali ben Youssef medersa](galleries/Morocco/Marrakech/Medersa/) + [Djemaa el Fna](galleries/Morocco/Marrakech/Djemaa/) + [Kasbah and Mellah](galleries/Morocco/Marrakech/Kasbah/) + [Koutoubia mosque](galleries/Morocco/Marrakech/Koutoubia/) + [Marrakech museum](galleries/Morocco/Marrakech/Museum/) + [Palais de la Bahia](galleries/Morocco/Marrakech/Bahia/) + [The Souks](galleries/Morocco/Marrakech/Souk/) * [Meknes](galleries/Morocco/Meknes/) + [Imperial city and el-Hedim square](galleries/Morocco/Meknes/City/) + [Medina](galleries/Morocco/Meknes/Medina/) * [Merzouga](galleries/Morocco/Merzouga/) + [Erg Chebbi sand dunes](galleries/Morocco/Merzouga/Sand/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Morocco/Merzouga/Misc/) + [Panorama views of Sahara desert](galleries/Morocco/Merzouga/Panorama/) * [Moulay Idriss](galleries/Morocco/MoulayIdriss/) * [Olive tree plantations](galleries/Morocco/OliveTrees/) * [Ouzoud waterfalls](galleries/Morocco/Ouzoud/) * [Rabat](galleries/Morocco/Rabat/) + [Chellah ruins](galleries/Morocco/Rabat/Chellah/) + [Kasbah des Oudaias](galleries/Morocco/Rabat/Kasbah/) + [Mausoleum of Mohammed V](galleries/Morocco/Rabat/Mausoleum/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Morocco/Rabat/Misc/) * [Taroudannt](galleries/Morocco/Taroudannt/) * [Volubilis](galleries/Morocco/Volubilis/) + [Mosaics](galleries/Morocco/Volubilis/Mosaics/) + [Ruins and temples](galleries/Morocco/Volubilis/Ruins/) + [Northern Europe](galleries/NEurope/) - [Denmark](galleries/Denmark/) * [Copenhagen](galleries/Denmark/Copenhagen/) + [Churches](galleries/Denmark/Copenhagen/Churches/) + [Kastellet](galleries/Denmark/Copenhagen/Kastellet/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Denmark/Copenhagen/Misc/) + [Nyhavn](galleries/Denmark/Copenhagen/Nyhavn/) + [Old town](galleries/Denmark/Copenhagen/Old/) + [Skylines](galleries/Denmark/Copenhagen/Skylines/) * [Kronborg castle](galleries/Denmark/Kronborg/) * [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Denmark/Misc/) * [Odense](galleries/Denmark/Odense/) - [Estonia](galleries/Estonia/) * [Lahemaa national park](galleries/Estonia/Lahemaa/) * [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Estonia/Misc/) * [Tallinn](galleries/Estonia/Tallinn/) + [Churches](galleries/Estonia/Tallinn/Churches/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Estonia/Tallinn/Misc/) + [Old town](galleries/Estonia/Tallinn/Old/) + [Panoramic views and skylines](galleries/Estonia/Tallinn/Pano/) + [Toompea hill](galleries/Estonia/Tallinn/Toompea/) * [Tartu](galleries/Estonia/Tartu/) - [Finland](galleries/Finland/) * [Baltic sea ferry to Finland](galleries/Finland/Ferry/) * [Helsinki](galleries/Finland/Helsinki/) + [Central Helsinki](galleries/Finland/Helsinki/Central/) + [Central railway station](galleries/Finland/Helsinki/RailwayStation/) + [Churches](galleries/Finland/Helsinki/Churches/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Finland/Helsinki/Airport/) + [Waterfront](galleries/Finland/Helsinki/Waterfront/) * [Highway to Inari](galleries/Finland/Highway/) * [Oulu](galleries/Finland/Oulu/) + [Market square](galleries/Finland/Oulu/MarketSquare/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Finland/Oulu/Misc/) + [Oulu airport](galleries/Finland/Oulu/Airport/) + [Pedestrian area](galleries/Finland/Oulu/Pedestrian/) * [Rovaniemi](galleries/Finland/Rovaniemi/) * [Suomenlinna](galleries/Finland/Suomenlinna/) * [Tampere](galleries/Finland/Tampere/) - [Latvia](galleries/Latvia/) * [Jurmala](galleries/Latvia/Jurmala/) * [Latvian ethnographic open-air museum](galleries/Latvia/Museum/) * [Riga](galleries/Latvia/Riga/) + [New town](galleries/Latvia/Riga/Newtown/) + [Old town](galleries/Latvia/Riga/Oldtown/) + [Panoramic views and skylines](galleries/Latvia/Riga/Skyline/) * [Rundale palace](galleries/Latvia/Rundale/) - [Lithuania](galleries/Lithuania/) * [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Lithuania/Misc/) * [Trakai castle](galleries/Lithuania/Trakai/) * [Vilnius](galleries/Lithuania/Vilnius/) + [Around cathedral square](galleries/Lithuania/Vilnius/Square/) + [New town](galleries/Lithuania/Vilnius/New/) + [Old town](galleries/Lithuania/Vilnius/Old/) + [Panoramic views and skylines](galleries/Lithuania/Vilnius/Skylines/) - [Norway](galleries/Norway/) * [Alta](galleries/Norway/Alta/) * [Around the Hardangervidda](galleries/Norway/Hardangervidda/) * [Around the Jostedalsbreen glacier](galleries/Norway/Jostedalsbreen/) * [Around the Sognefjord](galleries/Norway/Sognefjord/) * [Bergen](galleries/Norway/Bergen/) + [Bryggen](galleries/Norway/Bergen/Bryggen/) + [City centre](galleries/Norway/Bergen/City/) + [Fløien](galleries/Norway/Bergen/Floien/) * [Bodø](galleries/Norway/Bodo/) * [Central Norway](galleries/Norway/Central/) * [Geirangerfjord](galleries/Norway/Geiranger/) * [Jotunheimen national park](galleries/Norway/Jotunheimen/) * [Lofoten islands](galleries/Norway/Lofoten/) + [AustvÃ¥gøya](galleries/Norway/Lofoten/Austvagoya/) + [Ferry Moskenes-Bodø](galleries/Norway/Lofoten/Ferry/) + [Flakstadøya](galleries/Norway/Lofoten/Flakstadoya/) + [Moskenesøya](galleries/Norway/Lofoten/Moskenesoya/) + [VestvÃ¥gøya](galleries/Norway/Lofoten/Vestvagoya/) * [Møre og Romsdal](galleries/Norway/Romsdal/) * [North Cape](galleries/Norway/Nordkapp/) + [Cities and settlements](galleries/Norway/Nordkapp/Cities/) + [Mageroya island](galleries/Norway/Nordkapp/Mageroya/) + [Midnight sun](galleries/Norway/Nordkapp/Midnight/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Norway/Nordkapp/Misc/) + [North Cape area](galleries/Norway/Nordkapp/Northcape/) * [Oslo](galleries/Norway/Oslo/) + [Around the royal palace](galleries/Norway/Oslo/Palace/) + [City centre](galleries/Norway/Oslo/City/) + [Frogner park](galleries/Norway/Oslo/Frognerpark/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Norway/Oslo/Misc/) + [Oslofjord](galleries/Norway/Oslo/Fjord/) + [Tjuvholmen and Aker Brygge](galleries/Norway/Oslo/Tjuvholmen/) + [Viking ship museum](galleries/Norway/Oslo/Museum/) * [Ottadalen and Lom church](galleries/Norway/Ottadalen/) * [Senja](galleries/Norway/Senja/) + [Ersfjord](galleries/Norway/Senja/Ersfjord/) + [Gryllefjord](galleries/Norway/Senja/Gryllefjord/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Norway/Senja/Misc/) + [Segla and Hesten mountains](galleries/Norway/Senja/Segla/) * [Svartisen glacier](galleries/Norway/Svartisen/) * [Trollstigen](galleries/Norway/Trollstigen/) * [Troms](galleries/Norway/Troms/) * [Tromsø](galleries/Norway/Tromso/) + [Arctic–Alpine botanic garden](galleries/Norway/Tromso/Botanical/) + [Churches](galleries/Norway/Tromso/Churches/) + [City centre](galleries/Norway/Tromso/City/) + [Mountains and views](galleries/Norway/Tromso/Mountains/) * [Trondheim](galleries/Norway/Trondheim/) + [Historic centre](galleries/Norway/Trondheim/Old/) + [Modern Trondheim](galleries/Norway/Trondheim/City/) + [Near Trondheim](galleries/Norway/Trondheim/Near/) + [Sverresborg open air museum](galleries/Norway/Trondheim/Sverresborg/) + [Waterfront](galleries/Norway/Trondheim/Waterfront/) * [VesterÃ¥len islands](galleries/Norway/Vesteralen/) * [Ålesund](galleries/Norway/Alesund/) + [Architecture](galleries/Norway/Alesund/Architecture/) + [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Norway/Alesund/Misc/) + [Views from above](galleries/Norway/Alesund/Views/) + [Waterfront](galleries/Norway/Alesund/Waterfront/) + [Oceania](galleries/Oceania/) - [Australia](galleries/Australia/) * [Australian wildlife](galleries/Australia/Wildlife/) * [Blue Mountains](galleries/Australia/Blue_Mountains/) * [Brisbane](galleries/Australia/Brisbane/) + [Brisbane airport](galleries/Australia/Brisbane/Airport/) + [Colonial Brisbane](galleries/Australia/Brisbane/Colonial/) + [Modern Brisbane](galleries/Australia/Brisbane/Modern/) + [Queen street](galleries/Australia/Brisbane/Queen-street/) + [Riverside](galleries/Australia/Brisbane/Riverside/) + [South bank](galleries/Australia/Brisbane/SouthBank/) * [Melbourne](galleries/Australia/Melbourne/) + [Around the Yarra river](galleries/Australia/Melbourne/Yarra/) + [Carlton gardens](galleries/Australia/Melbourne/Carlton/) + [Central Business District](galleries/Australia/Melbourne/CBD/) + [Central Melbourne](galleries/Australia/Melbourne/Central/) + [More views](galleries/Australia/Melbourne/More/) + [Skylines](galleries/Australia/Melbourne/Skylines/) * [Sydney](galleries/Australia/Sydney/) + [Bay of Sydney](galleries/Australia/Sydney/Bay/) + [Central Business District](galleries/Australia/Sydney/Downtown/) + [Darling harbour](galleries/Australia/Sydney/Darling/) + [Hyde park and around](galleries/Australia/Sydney/Hyde/) + [Opera house](galleries/Australia/Sydney/Opera/) + [Royal botanic gardens](galleries/Australia/Sydney/Botanic/) + [Skylines](galleries/Australia/Sydney/Skylines/) + [Sydney by night](galleries/Australia/Sydney/Night/) + [The Rocks](galleries/Australia/Sydney/Rocks/) * [Yarra valley](galleries/Australia/Yarra_valley/) - [Micronesia](galleries/Micronesia/) * [Kosrae](galleries/Micronesia/Kosrae/) + [Flowers](galleries/Micronesia/Kosrae/Flowers/) + [People](galleries/Micronesia/Kosrae/People/) + [Scenery and views](galleries/Micronesia/Kosrae/Scenery/) + [Underwater](galleries/Micronesia/Kosrae/Underwater/) + [South Asia](galleries/SAsia/) - [India](galleries/India/) * [Bharatnatyam South Indian Dance](galleries/India/Dance/) * [Chennai](galleries/India/Chennai/) * [Delhi](galleries/India/Delhi/) + [Airport](galleries/India/Delhi/Airport/) + [Humayun tomb](galleries/India/Delhi/Humayun/) + [Jama Masjid](galleries/India/Delhi/Jama/) + [Markets in Delhi](galleries/India/Delhi/Market/) + [Miscellaneous images](galleries/India/Delhi/Misc/) + [Monuments](galleries/India/Delhi/Monuments/) + [National Museum](galleries/India/Delhi/Museum/) + [Qutub Minar](galleries/India/Delhi/Qutub_Minar/) + [Red fort](galleries/India/Delhi/Fort/) + [Shopping Complex](galleries/India/Delhi/Shopping/) + [Streets of Delhi](galleries/India/Delhi/Streets/) * [Jammu and Kashmir](galleries/India/Kashmir/) + [Dal lake](galleries/India/Kashmir/Dal/) + [Gulmarg hill station](galleries/India/Kashmir/Gulmarg/) * [Karnataka](galleries/India/Karnataka/) + [Bangalore](galleries/India/Karnataka/Bangalore/) - [Bangalore by night](galleries/India/Karnataka/Bangalore/Night/) - [Bangalore skylines](galleries/India/Karnataka/Bangalore/Panorama/) - [Lalbagh botanical garden](galleries/India/Karnataka/Bangalore/Lalbagh/) - [MG road](galleries/India/Karnataka/Bangalore/MGroad/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/India/Karnataka/Bangalore/Misc/) - [Temples and palaces](galleries/India/Karnataka/Bangalore/TemplesPalaces/) - [Vidhana Soudha building](galleries/India/Karnataka/Bangalore/VidhanaSoudha/) * [Kerala](galleries/India/Kerala/) + [Alappuzha](galleries/India/Kerala/Alappuzha/) + [Backwaters](galleries/India/Kerala/Backwaters/) + [Kochi](galleries/India/Kerala/Kochi/) - [Beaches and waterways](galleries/India/Kerala/Kochi/Coast/) - [Churches and temples](galleries/India/Kerala/Kochi/Churches/) - [Colonial centre](galleries/India/Kerala/Kochi/Colonial/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/India/Kerala/Kochi/Misc/) * [Punjab](galleries/India/Punjab/) + [Amritsar](galleries/India/Punjab/Amritsar/) * [Rajasthan](galleries/India/Rajahstan/) + [Amber Palace](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Amber/) + [Bikaner](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Bikaner/) + [Fort Pokaran](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Pokaran/) + [Jaipur](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaipur/) - [City Palace](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaipur/Palace/) - [Miscellaneous Jaipur photos](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaipur/Misc/) - [Observatory (Jantar Mantar)](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaipur/Observatory/) - [Palace of the Winds](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaipur/Winds/) + [Jaisalmer](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaisalmer/) - [Gadi Sagar tank](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaisalmer/GadiSagar/) - [Havelis](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaisalmer/Haveli/) - [Jaisalmer Fort](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaisalmer/Fort/) - [Panoramas and Views](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaisalmer/View/) - [Rajmahal palace](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jaisalmer/Palace/) + [Jodhpur](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jodhpur/) - [Jaswant Thada memorial](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jodhpur/Jaswant/) - [Meherangarh Fort](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jodhpur/Meherangarh/) - [Panoramas and Views](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jodhpur/View/) - [Umaid Bhawan Palace](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Jodhpur/Bhavan/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Misc/) + [On the road](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Road/) + [Pushkar](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Pushkar/) + [Sariska Tiger Reserve](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Sariska/) + [Shekhawati region](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Shekhawati/) + [Thar Desert](galleries/India/Rajahstan/Desert/) * [Uttar Pradesh](galleries/India/UP/) + [Agra](galleries/India/UP/Agra/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/India/UP/Agra/Misc/) - [Red Fort](galleries/India/UP/Agra/RedFort/) - [Taj Mahal](galleries/India/UP/Agra/TajMahal/) + [Fatehpur Sikri](galleries/India/UP/Fatehpur/) - [Iran](galleries/Iran/) * [Abyaneh](galleries/Iran/Abyaneh/) * [Around Yazd](galleries/Iran/AroundYazd/) + [Abarqu](galleries/Iran/AroundYazd/Abarqu/) + [Chak Chak](galleries/Iran/AroundYazd/Chak_Chak/) + [Hamaneh](galleries/Iran/AroundYazd/Hamaneh/) + [Kharanaq](galleries/Iran/AroundYazd/Kharanaq/) + [Meybod](galleries/Iran/AroundYazd/Meybod/) * [Chogha Zanbil](galleries/Iran/Chogha_Zanbil/) * [Isfahan](galleries/Iran/Isfahan/) + [Abbasi hotel](galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Abbasi/) + [Ali Qapu palace](galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Ali_Qapu_palace/) + [Armenian Vank cathedral](galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Vank/) + [Central Isfahan](galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Central/) + [Chehel Sotoon palace](galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Chehel_sotoon/) + [Grand bazaar](galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Bazaar/) + [Handicrafts](galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Handicrafts/) + [Jame mosque](galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Jame_mosque/) + [Jewish quarter](galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Jewish_quarter/) + [Khaju bridge](galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Khaju_bridge/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Misc/) + [Naqshejahan square](galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Naqshejahan/) + [Shah mosque](galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Shah_mosque/) + [Sheikh Lotf Allah mosque](galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Sheikh_Lotf_Allah/) + [Si-o-seh Pol bridge](galleries/Iran/Isfahan/Siosehpol/) + [Zayandeh-rud river](galleries/Iran/Isfahan/River/) * [Karaftu caves](galleries/Iran/Karaftu/) * [Kashan](galleries/Iran/Kashan/) + [Abbasian traditional house](galleries/Iran/Kashan/Abbasi/) + [Ameriha traditional house](galleries/Iran/Kashan/Ameriha/) + [Amir Ahmad historical bathhouse](galleries/Iran/Kashan/Amir/) + [Fin garden](galleries/Iran/Kashan/Fin/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Iran/Kashan/Misc/) + [Tabatabei traditional house](galleries/Iran/Kashan/Tabatabei/) * [Kish](galleries/Iran/Kish/) + [Beaches and sea](galleries/Iran/Kish/Beaches/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Iran/Kish/Misc/) * [Kurdistan](galleries/Iran/Kurdistan/) * [Mashhad](galleries/Iran/Mashhad/) + [Around Mashhad](galleries/Iran/Mashhad/Around/) + [Boq eh-ye Khajeh Rabi mausoleum](galleries/Iran/Mashhad/Khajeh-Rabi/) + [Central Mashhad](galleries/Iran/Mashhad/City/) + [Imam Reza holy shrine](galleries/Iran/Mashhad/Shrine/) + [Tomb of Ferdowsi in Tus](galleries/Iran/Mashhad/Ferdowsi/) * [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Iran/Misc/) * [Mt Damavand](galleries/Iran/Damavand/) + [Camp 2 to camp 3](galleries/Iran/Damavand/Camp2_to_camp3/) + [Camp 3](galleries/Iran/Damavand/Camp3/) + [Camp 3 to summit](galleries/Iran/Damavand/Camp3_to_summit/) + [Panoramas and views](galleries/Iran/Damavand/Views/) + [Tehran to Camp 2](galleries/Iran/Damavand/Tehran_to_Camp2/) + [The summit](galleries/Iran/Damavand/Summit/) * [Naqsh-e Rostam](galleries/Iran/Naqsh/) * [Pasargadae](galleries/Iran/Pasargadae/) * [Persepolis](galleries/Iran/Persepolis/) + [Apadana palace bas-reliefs](galleries/Iran/Persepolis/Apadana/) + [Gate of all nations](galleries/Iran/Persepolis/Gate/) + [Museum](galleries/Iran/Persepolis/Museum/) + [Palaces](galleries/Iran/Persepolis/Palaces/) + [Panoramic views](galleries/Iran/Persepolis/Views/) + [Tombs of Artaxerxes II and III](galleries/Iran/Persepolis/Tombs/) * [Persian architecture](galleries/Iran/Architecture/) * [Qeshm](galleries/Iran/Qeshm/) + [Beaches](galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Beaches/) + [Geopark](galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Geopark/) + [Harra mangrove forest](galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Harra/) + [Hengam island](galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Hengam/) + [Khorbas caves](galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Khorbas/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Misc/) + [Naaz island](galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Naaz/) + [Namakdan salt cave](galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Namakdan/) + [Qeshm city](galleries/Iran/Qeshm/City/) + [Stars valley](galleries/Iran/Qeshm/Stars/) * [Qom](galleries/Iran/Qom/) + [Hazrat-e-Masoumeh shrine](galleries/Iran/Qom/Shrine/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Iran/Qom/Misc/) * [Shiraz](galleries/Iran/Shiraz/) + [Arg-e Karim Khan citadel](galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Arg-e-Karim-Khan/) + [Eram garden](galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Eram/) + [Imamzadeh Hamzeh mausoleum](galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Imamzadeh/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Misc/) + [Narenjestan museum](galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Narenjestan/) + [Nasir Ol Molk mosque](galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Nasir-Ol-Molk/) + [Shapouri pavilion](galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Shapouri/) + [Tomb of Hafez](galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Hafez/) + [Tomb of Saadi](galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Saadi/) + [Vakil bazaar](galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Bazaar-e-Vakil/) + [Vakil mosque and bath house](galleries/Iran/Shiraz/Vakil/) * [Shushtar](galleries/Iran/Shushtar/) * [Soltaniyeh](galleries/Iran/Soltaniyeh/) * [Susa](galleries/Iran/Shush/) * [Takht-e Soleyman](galleries/Iran/Soleyman/) * [Tehran](galleries/Iran/Tehran/) + [Azadi square](galleries/Iran/Tehran/Azadi/) + [Golestan palace](galleries/Iran/Tehran/Golestan/) + [Grand Bazaar](galleries/Iran/Tehran/Bazaar/) + [Mellat park](galleries/Iran/Tehran/Mellat/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Iran/Tehran/Misc/) + [Persian gardens](galleries/Iran/Tehran/Gardens/) + [Saad Abad complex](galleries/Iran/Tehran/Saadabad/) * [Yazd](galleries/Iran/Yazd/) + [Amir Chakhmaq complex](galleries/Iran/Yazd/Amir_Chakhmaq/) + [Around the Alexander prison](galleries/Iran/Yazd/Alexander/) + [Ateshkadeh Zoroastrian fire temple](galleries/Iran/Yazd/Ateshkadeh/) + [Central Yazd](galleries/Iran/Yazd/City/) + [Khan-e Lari house](galleries/Iran/Yazd/Lari/) + [Mosques](galleries/Iran/Yazd/Mosques/) + [Skylines](galleries/Iran/Yazd/Skylines/) + [Towers of silence](galleries/Iran/Yazd/Towers/) - [Nepal](galleries/Nepal/) * [Bhaktapur](galleries/Nepal/Bhaktapur/) * [Chitwan National Park](galleries/Nepal/Chitwan/) * [Kathmandu](galleries/Nepal/Kathmandu/) * [Nepali People and Landscapes](galleries/Nepal/PeopleLandscapes/) * [Patan](galleries/Nepal/Patan/) * [Pokhara and Annapurna Range](galleries/Nepal/Pokhara/) * [The Annapurna Trek](galleries/Nepal/Annapurna/) + [Besisahar to Chamje](galleries/Nepal/Annapurna/Besisahar/) + [Jomson to Poon Hill](galleries/Nepal/Annapurna/Jomson/) + [Manang to Thorong La pass](galleries/Nepal/Annapurna/Manang/) + [Tal to Manang](galleries/Nepal/Annapurna/Tal/) + [Thorong La pass to Jomson](galleries/Nepal/Annapurna/Thorong/) - [Sri Lanka](galleries/Sri_Lanka/) * [Colombo](galleries/Sri_Lanka/Colombo/) * [Galle](galleries/Sri_Lanka/Galle/) * [Kandy](galleries/Sri_Lanka/Kandy/) * [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Sri_Lanka/Misc/) * [Udawalawe national park](galleries/Sri_Lanka/Udawalawe/) + [Southeast Asia](galleries/SEAsia/) - [Brunei](galleries/Brunei/) * [Bandar Seri Begawan](galleries/Brunei/Town/) * [Brunei River Area and Water Village](galleries/Brunei/River/) * [Jame'Asr Hassanil Bolkiah Mosque](galleries/Brunei/Jameasr/) * [Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosque](galleries/Brunei/OmarAli/) * [Omar Ali Saifuddien mosque at night](galleries/Brunei/Night/) * [Tamoi Mosque](galleries/Brunei/Tamoi/) * [Ulu Temburong national park](galleries/Brunei/Ulu-Temburong/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Brunei/Ulu-Temburong/Misc/) + [Treetop views](galleries/Brunei/Ulu-Temburong/Treetop/) - [Cambodia](galleries/Cambodia/) * [Other images](galleries/Cambodia/Other/) * [People](galleries/Cambodia/People/) * [Phnom Penh](galleries/Cambodia/PhnomPenh/) + [Downtown Phnom Penh](galleries/Cambodia/PhnomPenh/Downtown/) + [International airport](galleries/Cambodia/PhnomPenh/Airport/) + [Old city](galleries/Cambodia/PhnomPenh/OldCity/) + [Riverfront](galleries/Cambodia/PhnomPenh/Riverfront/) + [Royal palace](galleries/Cambodia/PhnomPenh/RoyalPalace/) + [Silver pagoda](galleries/Cambodia/PhnomPenh/SilverPagoda/) + [South of the Royal Palace](galleries/Cambodia/PhnomPenh/SouthRP/) * [Roads in Cambodia](galleries/Cambodia/Overland/) + [Poipet to Siem Reap in the rainy season](galleries/Cambodia/Overland/BKKtoSiemReap/) + [Siem Reap to Poipet during the rainy season](galleries/Cambodia/Overland/SiemReaptoBKK/) * [Sceneries and landscapes](galleries/Cambodia/Landscapes/) * [Siem Reap](galleries/Cambodia/SiemReap/) * [Temples of Angkor](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/) + [Aerial views](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/Aerial/) + [Angkor Thom city](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/AngkorThom/) - [Baphuon](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/AngkorThom/Baphuon/) - [Bayon](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/AngkorThom/Bayon/) - [Phimeanakas](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/AngkorThom/Phimeanakas/) - [Prasat Suor Prat](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/AngkorThom/PSP/) - [Southern gate](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/AngkorThom/Gate/) - [Terrace of elephants](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/AngkorThom/Terrace/) + [Angkor Wat](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/AngkorWat/) + [Banteay Kdei](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/BanteayKdei/) + [Banteay Samré](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/BanteaySamre/) + [Banteay Srei](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/BanteaySrei/) + [Beng Mealea](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/BengMealea/) + [Eastern Mebon](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/EasternMebon/) + [Phnom Bakheng](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/PhnomBakheng/) + [Prasat Kravan](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/PrasatKravan/) + [Pre Rup](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/PreRup/) + [Preah Khan](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/PreahKhan/) + [Preah Neak Pean](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/PreahNeakPean/) + [Roluos group](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/Roluos/) - [Bakong](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/Roluos/Bakong/) - [Lolei](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/Roluos/Lolei/) + [Sras Srang](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/SrasSrang/) + [Ta Keo](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/TaKeo/) + [Ta Prohm](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/TaProhm/) + [Ta Som](galleries/Cambodia/Angkor/TaSom/) - [Indonesia](galleries/Indonesia/) * [Bali](galleries/Indonesia/Bali/) + [Barong dance](galleries/Indonesia/Bali/Barong/) + [Beaches](galleries/Indonesia/Bali/Beaches/) + [Kuta](galleries/Indonesia/Bali/Kuta/) + [Legong dance](galleries/Indonesia/Bali/Legong/) + [Pura Taman Ayun temple](galleries/Indonesia/Bali/Puratemple/) + [Ubud](galleries/Indonesia/Bali/Ubud/) * [Jakarta](galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/) + [Around Merdeka square](galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Merdeka/) + [Colonial centre](galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Colonial/) + [Modern Jakarta](galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Modern/) + [National museum](galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Museum/) + [Taman Mini Indonesia](galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Taman/) * [Java](galleries/Indonesia/Java/) + [Bandung](galleries/Indonesia/Java/Bandung/) + [Borobudur](galleries/Indonesia/Java/Borobudur/) + [Bromo Tengger Semeru national park](galleries/Indonesia/Java/Bromo/) - [Inside the caldera](galleries/Indonesia/Java/Bromo/Caldera/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Indonesia/Java/Bromo/Misc/) - [Tengger caldera at sunrise](galleries/Indonesia/Java/Bromo/View/) + [Jakarta](galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/) - [Around Merdeka square](galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Merdeka/) - [Colonial centre](galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Colonial/) - [Modern Jakarta](galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Modern/) - [National museum](galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Museum/) - [Taman Mini Indonesia](galleries/Indonesia/Jakarta/Taman/) + [Prambanan](galleries/Indonesia/Java/Prambanan/) - [Panoramas and views](galleries/Indonesia/Java/Prambanan/Views/) - [Temple details](galleries/Indonesia/Java/Prambanan/Details/) - [Temples](galleries/Indonesia/Java/Prambanan/Temples/) + [Rancabali district](galleries/Indonesia/Java/Rancabali/) + [Surabaya](galleries/Indonesia/Java/Surabaya/) * [Kalimantan](galleries/Indonesia/Kalimantan/) + [Ferry to Tarakan via Nunukan](galleries/Indonesia/Kalimantan/Tarakan/) * [Maluku](galleries/Indonesia/Maluku/) + [Ternate](galleries/Indonesia/Maluku/Ternate/) + [Tidore](galleries/Indonesia/Maluku/Tidore/) * [Nusa Tenggara](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/) + [Flores](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/) - [Agriculture](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Agriculture/) - [Bela](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Bela/) - [Bena](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Bena/) - [Cities and villages](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Villages/) - [Coastline](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Coast/) - [Ende](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Ende/) - [Labuan Bajo](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Labuan_Bajo/) - [Luba](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Luba/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Misc/) - [Mountains](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Flores/Mountains/) + [Komodo national park](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Komodo/) - [Komodo](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Komodo/Komodo/) - [Other islands](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Komodo/other/) - [Sabolan island](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Komodo/Sabolan/) - [Seraya island](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Komodo/Seraya/) + [Sumba](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/) - [Beaches](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Beaches/) - [Landscapes](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Landscapes/) - [Maderi](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Maderi/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Misc/) - [Other villages](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Villages/) - [Praijing](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Praijing/) - [Ratenggaro](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Ratenggaro/) - [Waigalli](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Waingalli/) - [Wawarungu](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Wawarungu/) - [Weekiry lagoon](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Sumba/Lagoon/) + [West Timor](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/) - [Boti](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/Boti/) - [Fatumnasi](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/Fatumnasi/) - [Kefamenanu](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/Kefamenanu/) - [Kupang](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/Kupang/) - [None](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/None/) - [People and villages](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/People/) - [Southern coast](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/Coast/) - [Tamkesi](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/Tamkesi/) - [The interior](galleries/Indonesia/NusaTenggara/Timor/Interior/) * [Sulawesi](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/) + [Bunaken](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Bunaken/) + [Gorontalo](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Gorontalo/) + [Makassar](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Makassar/) + [Manado](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Manado/) + [Minahasa district](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Minahasa/) + [Tana Toraja](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/) - [Funeral ceremony](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Funeral/) - [Kalimbuang Bori](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Kalimbuang_Bori/) - [Kete Kesu](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Kete_Kesu/) - [Lemo](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Lemo/) - [Loko Mata](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Loko_Mata/) - [Londa](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Londa/) - [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Misc/) - [Other sights](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Other/) - [Palawa](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Palawa/) - [Rantepao](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Rantepao/) - [Rice](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Rice/) - [Tampang Allo](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/Tampang_Allo/) + [Tangkoko Batuangus nature reserve](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tangkoko/) + [Tangkoko Batuangus nature reserve (2022)](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tangkoko22/) + [Tomohon](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tomohon1/) + [Tomohon food market](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tomohon/) * [West Papua](galleries/Indonesia/WestPapua/) + [Raja Ampat](galleries/Indonesia/WestPapua/Raja_Ampat/) - [Other islands](galleries/Indonesia/WestPapua/Raja_Ampat/Islands/) - [Pianemo](galleries/Indonesia/WestPapua/Raja_Ampat/Pianemo/) - [Waigeo](galleries/Indonesia/WestPapua/Raja_Ampat/Waigeo/) + [Sorong](galleries/Indonesia/WestPapua/Sorong/) - [Laos](galleries/Laos/) * [Bolaven plateau](galleries/Laos/Bolaven/) + [Coffee plantations](galleries/Laos/Bolaven/Coffee/) + [Hoay Hoon Tai village](galleries/Laos/Bolaven/HoayHoonTai/) + [Landscapes and scenery](galleries/Laos/Bolaven/Scenery/) + [Longaom village](galleries/Laos/Bolaven/Longaom/) + [Paksong](galleries/Laos/Bolaven/Paksong/) + [Pha Suam village](galleries/Laos/Bolaven/PhaSuam/) + [Pha Suam waterfalls](galleries/Laos/Bolaven/PhaSuamWaterfall/) + [Tad Fen twin waterfalls](galleries/Laos/Bolaven/TadFen/) + [Tad Lo village](galleries/Laos/Bolaven/TadLo/) + [Tad Lo waterfall](galleries/Laos/Bolaven/TadLoWaterfall/) + [Tad Yueang waterfall](galleries/Laos/Bolaven/TadYueangWaterfall/) + [Tea plantation](galleries/Laos/Bolaven/Tea/) + [Thatheng](galleries/Laos/Bolaven/Thatheng/) + [Villages and people](galleries/Laos/Bolaven/VillagesPeople/) * [Champasak province](galleries/Laos/Champasak/) + [Crossing the Mekong in Champasak](galleries/Laos/Champasak/ChampasakFerry/) + [Pakse](galleries/Laos/Champasak/Pakse/) + [Roads in southern Laos](galleries/Laos/Champasak/SRoads/) + [Um Muang Khmer site](galleries/Laos/Champasak/UmMuang/) + [Wat Phu in Champasak](galleries/Laos/Champasak/WatPhu/) * [Luang Prabang](galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/) + [Ban Muang Keo village](galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/BanMuangKeo/) + [Ban Xang Hai village](galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/BanXangHai/) + [Buddhist monks](galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/Monks/) + [Luang Prabang city](galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/City/) + [Mekong river](galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/Mekong/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/Misc/) + [Other temples](galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/OtherTemples/) + [Other villages](galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/OtherVillages/) + [Pak Ou caves](galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/PakOu/) + [People](galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/People/) + [Scenery](galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/Scenery/) + [Sunsets](galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/Sunsets/) + [Tat Kuang Si waterfalls](galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/KuangSi/) + [Wat Ho Prabang](galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/WatHoPrabang/) + [Wat Visounnarath](galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/WatVisounnarath/) + [Wat Xieng Thong](galleries/Laos/LuangPrabang/WatXiengThong/) * [Other images](galleries/Laos/Other/) * [Si Phan Don (4000 islands)](galleries/Laos/4000islands/) + [Don Det island](galleries/Laos/4000islands/DonDet/) + [Don Khon island](galleries/Laos/4000islands/DonKhon/) + [Don Khong island](galleries/Laos/4000islands/DonKhong/) + [Mekong river](galleries/Laos/4000islands/Mekong/) + [Nakasang](galleries/Laos/4000islands/Nakasang/) + [Veunkham](galleries/Laos/4000islands/Veunkham/) * [Vientiane](galleries/Laos/Vientiane/) + [Ho Phrakeo](galleries/Laos/Vientiane/HoPhrakeo/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Laos/Vientiane/Misc/) + [Near Vientiane](galleries/Laos/Vientiane/Near/) + [Other temples](galleries/Laos/Vientiane/Other/) + [Patuxai Gate of Triumph](galleries/Laos/Vientiane/Patuxai/) + [People in Vientiane](galleries/Laos/Vientiane/People/) + [Pha That Luang](galleries/Laos/Vientiane/PhaThatLuang/) + [Wat Sisaket](galleries/Laos/Vientiane/WatSisaket/) * [Xieng Khouang](galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/) + [Landscapes and Scenery](galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/Scenery/) + [People and villages](galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/PeopleVillages/) + [Phonsavan](galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/Phonsavan/) + [Phonsavan airport](galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/PhonsavanAirport/) + [Plain of Jars](galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/PJars/) - [Site 1](galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/PJars/1/) - [Site 2](galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/PJars/2/) - [Site 3](galleries/Laos/XiengKhouang/PJars/3/) - [Malaysia](galleries/Malaysia/) * [East coast](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/) + [Desaru](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Desaru/) + [Johor Bahru](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/JB/) - [Central Johor Bahru](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/JB/Central/) - [Istana Besar royal palace museum](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/JB/Palace/) - [Sultan Abu Bakar mosque](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/JB/Mosque/) + [Kampung Cerating](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Cerating/) + [Kapas island](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Kapas/) + [Kenyir lake](galleries/Malaysia/Kenyir/) + [Kota Bharu](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/KBharu/) + [Kuala Besut](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/KualaBesut/) + [Kuala Terengganu](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/KualaTerengganu/) + [Lang Tengah](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/) - [Batu June area](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/BatuJune/) - [Beach 2](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/Beach2/) - [Main beach](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/Beach/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/Misc/) + [Marang](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Marang/) + [Merang](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Merang/) + [Mersing](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Mersing/) + [Pekan](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Pekan/) + [Perhentian](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/) - [Perhentian Kecil Island](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/Kecil/) - [Perhentian's Northern Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/North/) - [Perhentian's Southern Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/South/) - [Perhentian's Western Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/West/) + [Redang](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Redang/) + [Seribuat archipelago](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Seribuat/) - [Other islands](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Seribuat/Other/) - [Pulau Rawa](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Seribuat/Rawa/) - [Tioman](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Tioman/) + [Tioman](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Tioman/) + [Tropical plants](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Plants/) * [Kelantan](galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/) + [Gua Ikan cave](galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Gua_Ikan/) + [Gunung Stong State Park](galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Stong/) + [Kota Bharu](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/KBharu/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Misc/) + [Tumpat](galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/Misc/) - [Pantai Seri Tujuh beach](galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/Tujuh/) - [Wat Kok Seraya](galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/Kok_Seraya/) - [Wat Machimmaram](galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/Machimmaram/) - [Wat Mai Suwankiri](galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/Mai_Suwankiri/) - [Wat Photivihan](galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/Photivihan/) - [Wat Pikulthong](galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/Pikulthong/) * [Kuala Lumpur](galleries/Malaysia/KL/) + [Central KL](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Central/) - [Around Bukit Bintang street](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bukit_Bintang/) - [Around Merdeka square](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Merdeka/) - [Around the old railway station](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Station/) - [Bird park](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bird_park/) - [Butterfly park](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Butterfly_park/) - [Chinatown](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Chinatown/) - [Jamek mosque and Little India](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Little_India/) - [KL Sentral](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Sentral/) - [KL convention centre and aquarium](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Convention_centre/) - [Kuala Lumpur City Centre](galleries/Malaysia/KL/KL_CC/) - [Panoramas and Views](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Views/) - [Petronas Twin Towers](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Petronas/) - [Sri Maha Mariamman Dhevasthanam Hindu temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/SriMariamman/) - [Suria KLCC shopping mall](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Suria/) - [The KL Monorail](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Monorail/) + [Golden Triangle](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Golden_Triangle/) - [Around Bukit Bintang street](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bukit_Bintang/) - [KL convention centre and aquarium](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Convention_centre/) - [Kuala Lumpur City Centre](galleries/Malaysia/KL/KL_CC/) - [Petronas Twin Towers](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Petronas/) - [Suria KLCC shopping mall](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Suria/) - [The KL Monorail](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Monorail/) + [Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC)](galleries/Malaysia/KL/KLCC/) - [KL convention centre and aquarium](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Convention_centre/) - [Kuala Lumpur City Centre](galleries/Malaysia/KL/KL_CC/) - [Petronas Twin Towers](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Petronas/) - [Suria KLCC shopping mall](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Suria/) + [Lake Gardens](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Lake_Gardens/) - [Bird park](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bird_park/) - [Butterfly park](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Butterfly_park/) - [Taman Tasik Perdana](galleries/Malaysia/KL/LakeGardensMisc/) + [Malls and shopping complexes](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Shopping/) - [Mid Valley Megamall](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Midvalley/) - [Other shopping complexes in KL](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Malls/) - [Pavilion mall](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Pavilion/) - [Suria KLCC shopping mall](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Suria/) + [Mosques and temples](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Mosques_and_Temples/) - [KLIA mosque](galleries/Malaysia/KL/KLIAmosque/) - [Sri Maha Mariamman Dhevasthanam Hindu temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/SriMariamman/) - [Sri Subramanian Hindu temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batutemple/) - [Thean Hou Chinese temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/TheanHou/) - [Wilayah Persekutuan Mosque](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Wilayah/) + [Near KL](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Near/) - [Batu caves](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batu/) - [KL International Airport (KLIA)](galleries/Malaysia/KL/KLIA/) - [KLIA mosque](galleries/Malaysia/KL/KLIAmosque/) - [Mid Valley Megamall](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Midvalley/) - [Other shopping complexes in KL](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Malls/) - [Sri Subramanian Hindu temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batutemple/) - [Suburbs around KL](galleries/Malaysia/KL/NearKL/) - [Thean Hou Chinese temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/TheanHou/) - [Wilayah Persekutuan Mosque](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Wilayah/) + [Touristic highlights](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Highlights/) - [Around Bukit Bintang street](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bukit_Bintang/) - [Around Merdeka square](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Merdeka/) - [Around the old railway station](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Station/) - [Batu caves](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batu/) - [Bird park](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bird_park/) - [Butterfly park](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Butterfly_park/) - [Chinatown](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Chinatown/) - [Jamek mosque and Little India](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Little_India/) - [Petronas Twin Towers](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Petronas/) - [Sri Maha Mariamman Dhevasthanam Hindu temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/SriMariamman/) - [Sri Subramanian Hindu temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batutemple/) - [Thean Hou Chinese temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/TheanHou/) - [Wilayah Persekutuan Mosque](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Wilayah/) * [Malaysia's Islands & Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/IslandsBeaches/) + [Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Beaches/) + [Berhala](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Berhala/) + [Bodgaya](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Bodgaya/) + [Bohey Dulang](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/BoheyDulang/) + [Kampung Cerating](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Cerating/) + [Kapas island](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Kapas/) + [Lang Tengah](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/) - [Batu June area](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/BatuJune/) - [Beach 2](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/Beach2/) - [Main beach](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/Beach/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Lang_Tengah/Misc/) + [Langkawi](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/) - [Burau bay](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Burau-bay/) - [Burau beach](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Burau-beach/) - [Kuah](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Kuah/) - [Langkawi Islands](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Islands/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Misc/) - [Northern Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Northern/) - [Oriental village](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Oriental/) - [Panoramas and views](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/View/) - [Pantai Cenang Beach](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Cenang/) - [Pantai Kok Beach](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Kok/) - [Telaga Tujuh Waterfalls](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Waterfall/) - [Telaga harbour](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Telaga/) + [Mabul](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mabul/) + [Maiga](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Maiga/) + [Mantanani](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/) - [Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Beach/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Misc/) - [Panoramic views](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Pano/) - [Resorts](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Resorts/) - [Village](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Village/) + [Mataking](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/) - [Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/Beaches/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/Misc/) + [Pangkor](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pangkor/) + [Pantai Seri Tujuh beach](galleries/Malaysia/Kelantan/Tumpat/Tujuh/) + [Perhentian](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/) - [Perhentian Kecil Island](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/Kecil/) - [Perhentian's Northern Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/North/) - [Perhentian's Southern Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/South/) - [Perhentian's Western Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Perhentian/West/) + [Pom Pom](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Pompom/) + [Pulau Banggi](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Banggi/) + [Pulau Tiga national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/) - [Mud volcano](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Mud/) - [Pulau Kalampunian Besar](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Kalampunian/) - [Pulau Tiga](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Tiga/) - [Snake island](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Snake/) + [Redang](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Redang/) + [Sematan](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Sematan/) + [Seribuat archipelago](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Seribuat/) - [Other islands](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Seribuat/Other/) - [Pulau Rawa](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Seribuat/Rawa/) - [Tioman](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Tioman/) + [Sibuan](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/) - [Scuba diving](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Diving/) - [Sea gipsies](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Gipsies/) - [Sibuan island](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Island/) + [Tioman](galleries/Malaysia/EastCoast/Tioman/) + [Tip of Borneo](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tip/) - [Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tip/Beach/) - [Headland](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tip/Cape/) + [Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/TuAbdRahman/) * [Malaysia's Mountains and Highlands](galleries/Malaysia/MountainsHighlands/) + [Cameron highlands](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cameron/) - [Insect farm](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cameron/Insect/) - [Miscellaneous](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cameron/Misc/) - [Tea plantations](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cameron/Tea/) + [Genting highlands](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Genting/) + [Kelabit Highlands](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/) - [Bario](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/Bario/) - [Bario Rice Farming](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/Rice/) - [Kelabit Highlands Vegetation](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/Plants/) - [Kelabit People](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/People/) + [Mount Kinabalu](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/) - [Laban Rata](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/LabanRata/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Rest/) - [Mt Kinabalu National Park](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Park/) - [Panorama views](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Views/) - [Summit Trail](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Trail/) - [Sunrise on Mt Kinabalu](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Sunrise/) - [Sunsets](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Sunset/) - [The Summit](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Peak/) * [National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries](galleries/Malaysia/NationalParks/) + [Bako National Park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/) - [Animals and Plants](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/AnimalsPlants/) - [Bako national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/Park22/) - [Coastal Area](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/Coast/) - [Trails and Scenery](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/Park/) + [Danum valley](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Danum/) + [Endau Rompin national park](galleries/Malaysia/Endau/) - [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Malaysia/Endau/Misc/) - [Rainforest](galleries/Malaysia/Endau/Forest/) - [Waterfalls](galleries/Malaysia/Endau/Waterfalls/) + [Gunung Gading National Park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Gading/) + [Kinabatangan river](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/) - [Kinabatangan river wildlife](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Wildlife22/) - [Sukau](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Sukau/) - [The river](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/River/) - [Wildlife](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Wildlife/) + [Kota Kinabalu wetland centre](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KK_Wetland/) + [Kubah national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kubah/) + [Kuching wetlands national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Wetlands/) + [Labuk bay proboscis monkey sanctuary](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuk/) + [Lambir hills national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Lambir_hills/) + [Loagan Bunut national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Loagan_Bunut/) + [Matang wildlife centre](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Matang/) + [Mount Kinabalu](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/) - [Laban Rata](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/LabanRata/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Rest/) - [Mt Kinabalu National Park](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Park/) - [Panorama views](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Views/) - [Summit Trail](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Trail/) - [Sunrise on Mt Kinabalu](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Sunrise/) - [Sunsets](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Sunset/) - [The Summit](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Peak/) + [Mt Santubong national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Santubong/) + [Mulu National Park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/) - [Clearwater Cave](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Clearwater/) - [Deer Cave](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Deer/) - [Lang Cave](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Lang/) - [Melinau river](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Melinau/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Misc/) - [Mulu nature](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Trip22/) - [Nature](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Nature/) - [Pinnacles trail](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Trail_Pinnacles/) - [The Pinnacles](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Pinnacles/) - [Trail to Camp 5](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Trail_Camp_5/) - [Wind Cave](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Wind/) + [Niah national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Niah/) + [Pulau Tiga national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/) - [Mud volcano](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Mud/) - [Pulau Kalampunian Besar](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Kalampunian/) - [Pulau Tiga](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Tiga/) - [Snake island](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Snake/) + [Royal Belum state park](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/) - [East-west highway](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Highway/) - [Flora and fauna](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Fauna/) - [Orang Asli village](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Asli/) - [Rainforest](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Rainforest/) - [Temenggor lake](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Temenggor/) + [Semenggoh National Park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Semenggoh/) + [Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sepilok/) + [Similajau national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/) - [Coastal area](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/Coast/) - [Golden beach](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/GoldenBeach/) - [Rainforest](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/Rainforest/) - [Rock formations](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/Rocks/) + [Tabin wildlife reserve](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tabin/) - [Rainforest](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tabin/Forest/) - [Road to Tabin reserve](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tabin/Road/) - [Tabin wildlife resort](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tabin/Resort/) + [Taman Negara](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Taman_Negara/) + [Tanjung Datu NP](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/TanjungDatu/) - [Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/TanjungDatu/Beaches/) - [Rainforest](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/TanjungDatu/Rainforest/) - [Teluk Melano](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/TanjungDatu/TelukMelano/) + [Tunku Abdul Rahman national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/) - [Gaya](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/Gaya/) - [Mamutik](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/Mamutik/) - [Manukan](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/Manukan/) - [Sulug](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/Sulug/) + [Ulu Muda Forest Reserve](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/) - [Gua Labu caves](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Caves/) - [Lake and river](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Lake/) - [Rainforest](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Rainforest/) - [Wildlife](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Wildlife/) * [Other images](galleries/Malaysia/Other/) * [Sabah](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/) + [Around Ranau](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Ranau/) + [Cities](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Cities/) - [Kota Belud](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaBelud/) - [Kota Kinabalu](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/) * [Airport](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Airport/) * [City centre](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/City/) * [Likas floating mosque](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Mosque/) * [Sea views](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Sea/) * [Shopping malls](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Malls/) * [Waterfront](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Waterfront/) - [Lahad Datu](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Lahaddatu/) - [Sandakan](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sandakan/) - [Semporna](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Semporna/) - [Tambunan](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tambunan/) - [Tawau](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tawau/) + [Islands and beaches](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Beaches/) - [Berhala](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Berhala/) - [Bodgaya](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Bodgaya/) - [Bohey Dulang](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/BoheyDulang/) - [Labuan](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/) * [Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/Beaches/) * [Botanical gardens](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/Botanical/) * [Coastal area](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/Coastal/) * [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/Misc/) * [Peace park and surrender point](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/Surrender_point/) * [Temples and mosques](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/Temples_mosques/) * [Victoria](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/Victoria/) * [War cemetery](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuan/Cemetery/) - [Mabul](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mabul/) - [Maiga](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Maiga/) - [Mantanani](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/) * [Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Beach/) * [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Misc/) * [Panoramic views](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Pano/) * [Resorts](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Resorts/) * [Village](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mantanani/Village/) - [Mataking](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/) * [Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/Beaches/) * [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/Misc/) - [Pom Pom](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Pompom/) - [Pulau Banggi](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Banggi/) - [Pulau Tiga national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/) * [Mud volcano](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Mud/) * [Pulau Kalampunian Besar](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Kalampunian/) * [Pulau Tiga](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Tiga/) * [Snake island](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tiga/Snake/) - [Sibuan](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/) * [Scuba diving](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Diving/) * [Sea gipsies](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Gipsies/) * [Sibuan island](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Island/) - [Tip of Borneo](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tip/) * [Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tip/Beach/) * [Headland](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tip/Cape/) - [Tun Sakaran marine park](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/TunSakaran/) * [Bodgaya](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Bodgaya/) * [Bohey Dulang](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/BoheyDulang/) * [Maiga](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Maiga/) * [Sibuan](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/) + [Scuba diving](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Diving/) + [Sea gipsies](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Gipsies/) + [Sibuan island](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Island/) - [Tunku Abdul Rahman national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/) * [Gaya](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/Gaya/) * [Mamutik](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/Mamutik/) * [Manukan](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/Manukan/) * [Sulug](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tunku/Sulug/) + [Islands around Semporna](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Islands/) - [Bodgaya](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Bodgaya/) - [Bohey Dulang](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/BoheyDulang/) - [Mabul](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mabul/) - [Maiga](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Maiga/) - [Mataking](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/) * [Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/Beaches/) * [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Mataking/Misc/) - [Pom Pom](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Pompom/) - [Sibuan](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/) * [Scuba diving](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Diving/) * [Sea gipsies](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Gipsies/) * [Sibuan island](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sibuan/Island/) + [Kinabatangan river](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/) - [Kinabatangan river wildlife](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Wildlife22/) - [Sukau](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Sukau/) - [The river](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/River/) - [Wildlife](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Wildlife/) + [Kota Kinabalu](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/) - [Airport](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Airport/) - [City centre](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/City/) - [Likas floating mosque](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Mosque/) - [Sea views](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Sea/) - [Shopping malls](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Malls/) - [Waterfront](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KotaKinabalu/Waterfront/) + [Miscellanous photos](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Misc/) - [Bavanggazo Rungus longhouse](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Bavanggazo/) * [Exterior views](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Bavanggazo/Views/) * [Inside the longhouse](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Bavanggazo/Inside/) - [Gomantong caves](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Gomantong/) - [Oil palm plantations](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/OilPalms/) + [Mount Kinabalu](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/) - [Laban Rata](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/LabanRata/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Rest/) - [Mt Kinabalu National Park](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Park/) - [Panorama views](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Views/) - [Summit Trail](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Trail/) - [Sunrise on Mt Kinabalu](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Sunrise/) - [Sunsets](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Sunset/) - [The Summit](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabalu/Peak/) + [National parks and wildlife areas](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Wildlife/) - [Bornean sun bear conservation centre](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sunbear/) - [Crocker range national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Crocker/) * [Mahua substation](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Crocker/Mahua/) * [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Crocker/Misc/) * [Rafflesia](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Crocker/Rafflesia/) * [Ulu Kimanis substation](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Crocker/Park/) - [Danum Valley Field Centre](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Danum_FC/) - [Danum valley](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Danum/) - [Garama river](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Garama/) - [Imbak canyon](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Imbak/) * [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Imbak/Misc/) * [Rainforest](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Imbak/Forest/) * [River views](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Imbak/River/) * [Studies centre](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Imbak/Centre/) * [Vegetation](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Imbak/Vegetation/) - [Kinabatangan river](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/) * [Kinabatangan river wildlife](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Wildlife22/) * [Sukau](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Sukau/) * [The river](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/River/) * [Wildlife](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Wildlife/) - [Kota Kinabalu wetland centre](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/KK_Wetland/) - [Labuk bay proboscis monkey sanctuary](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Labuk/) - [Maliau basin](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Maliau/) * [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Maliau/Misc/) * [Rainforest](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Maliau/Rainforest/) * [Studies centre](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Maliau/Centre/) - [Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sepilok/) - [Tabin wildlife reserve](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tabin/) * [Rainforest](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tabin/Forest/) * [Road to Tabin reserve](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tabin/Road/) * [Tabin wildlife resort](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tabin/Resort/) - [Taliwas river conservation area](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Taliwas/) + [Tambunan](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tambunan/) * [Sarawak](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/) + [Anna Rais longhouse](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/AnnaRais/) + [Bako National Park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/) - [Animals and Plants](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/AnimalsPlants/) - [Bako national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/Park22/) - [Coastal Area](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/Coast/) - [Trails and Scenery](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/Park/) + [Bakun](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bakun/) + [Batang Ai](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Batang_Ai/) - [Lake](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Batang_Ai/Lake/) - [Market](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Batang_Ai/Market/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Batang_Ai/Misc/) - [Nanga Mengkak Engkari longhouse](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Batang_Ai/Longhouse/) - [Rainforest](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Batang_Ai/Rainforest/) - [The dam](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Batang_Ai/Dam/) - [Tropical plants](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Batang_Ai/Plants/) + [Bau](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bau/) + [Belaga](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Belaga/) + [Bintulu](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bintulu/) + [Gunung Gading National Park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Gading/) + [Iban Longhouse](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/IbanLonghouse/) + [Kapit](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kapit/) + [Kelabit Highlands](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/) - [Bario](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/Bario/) - [Bario Rice Farming](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/Rice/) - [Kelabit Highlands Vegetation](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/Plants/) - [Kelabit People](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kelabit/People/) + [Kubah national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kubah/) + [Kuching](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kuching/) - [Central Kuching](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kuching/Central/) - [Colonial heritage](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kuching/Colonial/) - [Kuching by night](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kuching/Night/) - [Waterfront](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Kuching/Waterfront/) + [Kuching wetlands national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Wetlands/) + [Lambir hills national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Lambir_hills/) + [Loagan Bunut national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Loagan_Bunut/) + [Lundu](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Lundu/) + [Maludam peninsula](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Maludam/) + [Matang wildlife centre](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Matang/) + [Miri](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Miri/) + [Mt Santubong national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Santubong/) + [Mulu National Park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/) - [Clearwater Cave](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Clearwater/) - [Deer Cave](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Deer/) - [Lang Cave](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Lang/) - [Melinau river](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Melinau/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Misc/) - [Mulu nature](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Trip22/) - [Nature](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Nature/) - [Pinnacles trail](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Trail_Pinnacles/) - [The Pinnacles](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Pinnacles/) - [Trail to Camp 5](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Trail_Camp_5/) - [Wind Cave](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Wind/) + [Niah national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Niah/) + [Pepper plantation](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Pepper/) + [Pineapple plantation](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Pineapple/) + [Rejang River](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Rejang/) + [Sarawak Cultural Village and Heritage Centre](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/SCC/) + [Sarawak Dance Performance at KLCC](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Dance/) + [Sematan](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Sematan/) + [Semenggoh National Park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Semenggoh/) + [Sibu](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Sibu/) + [Similajau national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/) - [Coastal area](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/Coast/) - [Golden beach](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/GoldenBeach/) - [Rainforest](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/Rainforest/) - [Rock formations](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Similajau/Rocks/) + [Tanjung Datu NP](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/TanjungDatu/) - [Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/TanjungDatu/Beaches/) - [Rainforest](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/TanjungDatu/Rainforest/) - [Teluk Melano](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/TanjungDatu/TelukMelano/) * [West coast](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/) + [Cameron highlands](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cameron/) - [Insect farm](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cameron/Insect/) - [Miscellaneous](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cameron/Misc/) - [Tea plantations](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cameron/Tea/) + [Fraser's hill](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Fraser/) + [Genting highlands](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Genting/) + [Kedah](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Kedah/) - [Alor Star](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Kedah/Alor_star/) - [Bujang valley](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Kedah/Bujang/) - [Gunung Jerai](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Kedah/Jerai/) - [Langkawi](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/) * [Burau bay](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Burau-bay/) * [Burau beach](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Burau-beach/) * [Kuah](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Kuah/) * [Langkawi Islands](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Islands/) * [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Misc/) * [Northern Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Northern/) * [Oriental village](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Oriental/) * [Panoramas and views](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/View/) * [Pantai Cenang Beach](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Cenang/) * [Pantai Kok Beach](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Kok/) * [Telaga Tujuh Waterfalls](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Waterfall/) * [Telaga harbour](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Telaga/) - [Ulu Muda Forest Reserve](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/) * [Gua Labu caves](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Caves/) * [Lake and river](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Lake/) * [Rainforest](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Rainforest/) * [Wildlife](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Wildlife/) + [Kuala Lumpur](galleries/Malaysia/KL/) - [Central KL](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Central/) * [Around Bukit Bintang street](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bukit_Bintang/) * [Around Merdeka square](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Merdeka/) * [Around the old railway station](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Station/) * [Bird park](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bird_park/) * [Butterfly park](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Butterfly_park/) * [Chinatown](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Chinatown/) * [Jamek mosque and Little India](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Little_India/) * [KL Sentral](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Sentral/) * [KL convention centre and aquarium](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Convention_centre/) * [Kuala Lumpur City Centre](galleries/Malaysia/KL/KL_CC/) * [Panoramas and Views](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Views/) * [Petronas Twin Towers](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Petronas/) * [Sri Maha Mariamman Dhevasthanam Hindu temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/SriMariamman/) * [Suria KLCC shopping mall](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Suria/) * [The KL Monorail](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Monorail/) - [Golden Triangle](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Golden_Triangle/) * [Around Bukit Bintang street](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bukit_Bintang/) * [KL convention centre and aquarium](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Convention_centre/) * [Kuala Lumpur City Centre](galleries/Malaysia/KL/KL_CC/) * [Petronas Twin Towers](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Petronas/) * [Suria KLCC shopping mall](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Suria/) * [The KL Monorail](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Monorail/) - [Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC)](galleries/Malaysia/KL/KLCC/) * [KL convention centre and aquarium](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Convention_centre/) * [Kuala Lumpur City Centre](galleries/Malaysia/KL/KL_CC/) * [Petronas Twin Towers](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Petronas/) * [Suria KLCC shopping mall](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Suria/) - [Lake Gardens](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Lake_Gardens/) * [Bird park](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bird_park/) * [Butterfly park](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Butterfly_park/) * [Taman Tasik Perdana](galleries/Malaysia/KL/LakeGardensMisc/) - [Malls and shopping complexes](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Shopping/) * [Mid Valley Megamall](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Midvalley/) * [Other shopping complexes in KL](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Malls/) * [Pavilion mall](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Pavilion/) * [Suria KLCC shopping mall](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Suria/) - [Mosques and temples](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Mosques_and_Temples/) * [KLIA mosque](galleries/Malaysia/KL/KLIAmosque/) * [Sri Maha Mariamman Dhevasthanam Hindu temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/SriMariamman/) * [Sri Subramanian Hindu temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batutemple/) * [Thean Hou Chinese temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/TheanHou/) * [Wilayah Persekutuan Mosque](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Wilayah/) - [Near KL](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Near/) * [Batu caves](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batu/) * [KL International Airport (KLIA)](galleries/Malaysia/KL/KLIA/) * [KLIA mosque](galleries/Malaysia/KL/KLIAmosque/) * [Mid Valley Megamall](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Midvalley/) * [Other shopping complexes in KL](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Malls/) * [Sri Subramanian Hindu temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batutemple/) * [Suburbs around KL](galleries/Malaysia/KL/NearKL/) * [Thean Hou Chinese temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/TheanHou/) * [Wilayah Persekutuan Mosque](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Wilayah/) - [Touristic highlights](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Highlights/) * [Around Bukit Bintang street](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bukit_Bintang/) * [Around Merdeka square](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Merdeka/) * [Around the old railway station](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Station/) * [Batu caves](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batu/) * [Bird park](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Bird_park/) * [Butterfly park](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Butterfly_park/) * [Chinatown](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Chinatown/) * [Jamek mosque and Little India](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Little_India/) * [Petronas Twin Towers](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Petronas/) * [Sri Maha Mariamman Dhevasthanam Hindu temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/SriMariamman/) * [Sri Subramanian Hindu temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Batutemple/) * [Thean Hou Chinese temple](galleries/Malaysia/KL/TheanHou/) * [Wilayah Persekutuan Mosque](galleries/Malaysia/KL/Wilayah/) + [Langkawi](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/) - [Burau bay](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Burau-bay/) - [Burau beach](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Burau-beach/) - [Kuah](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Kuah/) - [Langkawi Islands](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Islands/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Misc/) - [Northern Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Northern/) - [Oriental village](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Oriental/) - [Panoramas and views](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/View/) - [Pantai Cenang Beach](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Cenang/) - [Pantai Kok Beach](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Kok/) - [Telaga Tujuh Waterfalls](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Waterfall/) - [Telaga harbour](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Langkawi/Telaga/) + [Melaka](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Melaka/) + [Negeri Sembilan](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/NegeriSembilan/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/NegeriSembilan/Misc/) - [Seremban](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/NegeriSembilan/Seremban/) - [Sri Menanti palace](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/NegeriSembilan/SriMenanti/) + [Perak](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Perak/) - [Chinese fortune tellers in Malaysia](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Fortune/) - [Cocoa Plantation](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Cocoa/) - [Gua Kek Look Tong Chinese temple](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Gua_Kek_Look_Tong/) - [Ipoh](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Ipoh/) - [Kellie\'s castle](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Kellies_castle/) - [Kuala Kangsar](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Kuala_Kangsar/) - [Ling Sen Tong Chinese temple](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Ling_Sen_Tong/) - [Oil Palm Plantation](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/OilPalm/) - [Pangkor](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pangkor/) - [Perak Tong Chinese temple](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Perak_Tong/) - [Sam Poh Tong Chinese temple](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Sam_Poh_Tong/) - [Taiping](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Taiping/) - [Teluk Intan](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/TelukIntan/) + [Pulau Pinang](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/) - [Beaches](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Beaches/) - [Botanical gardens](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Gardens/) - [Food and markets](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Food/) - [Georgetown](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Georgetown/) - [Kek Lok Si temple](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Kekloksi/) - [Pinang hill](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Hill/) - [Sri Aruloli Thirumurugan Hindu temple](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Sri_Aruloli_Thirumurugan/) - [Sri Ruthra Veeramuthu Mama Mariamman Devasthanam Hindu temple](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Pinang/Sri_Ruthra_Veeramuthu/) + [Putrajaya](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Putrajaya/) + [Royal Belum state park](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/) - [East-west highway](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Highway/) - [Flora and fauna](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Fauna/) - [Orang Asli village](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Asli/) - [Rainforest](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Rainforest/) - [Temenggor lake](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Belum/Temenggor/) + [Taman Negara](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/Taman_Negara/) + [Ulu Muda Forest Reserve](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/) - [Gua Labu caves](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Caves/) - [Lake and river](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Lake/) - [Rainforest](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Rainforest/) - [Wildlife](galleries/Malaysia/WestCoast/UluMuda/Wildlife/) - [Myanmar](galleries/Myanmar/) * [Agriculture in Myanmar](galleries/Myanmar/Agriculture/) * [Ayeyarwady River](galleries/Myanmar/Ayeyarwady/) * [Bagan](galleries/Myanmar/Bagan/) + [Early Period King Anawratha Temples](galleries/Myanmar/Bagan/EarlyPeriodAnawratha/) + [Early Period King Kyanzittha Temples](galleries/Myanmar/Bagan/EarlyPeriodKyanzittha/) + [Late Period Temples](galleries/Myanmar/Bagan/LatePeriod/) + [Middle Period Temples](galleries/Myanmar/Bagan/MiddlePeriod/) + [New Bagan](galleries/Myanmar/Bagan/Bagan/) + [Panoramas and Views](galleries/Myanmar/Bagan/Panorama/) * [Bago](galleries/Myanmar/Bago/) * [Burmese Food](galleries/Myanmar/Food/) * [Golden Rock](galleries/Myanmar/GoldenRock/) * [Lake Inle](galleries/Myanmar/LakeInle/) + [Lake Inle People](galleries/Myanmar/LakeInle/People/) + [Lake Inle Temples](galleries/Myanmar/LakeInle/Temples/) + [Scenery and Villages](galleries/Myanmar/LakeInle/SceneryVillages/) * [Landscapes](galleries/Myanmar/Landscapes/) * [Mandalay](galleries/Myanmar/Mandalay/) + [Amarapura](galleries/Myanmar/Mandalay/Amarapura/) + [Ava](galleries/Myanmar/Mandalay/Ava/) + [Mahagandhayon Monastery](galleries/Myanmar/Mandalay/Mahagandhayon/) + [Mandalay Town](galleries/Myanmar/Mandalay/Mandalay/) + [Mingun](galleries/Myanmar/Mandalay/Mingun/) + [Sagaing](galleries/Myanmar/Mandalay/Sagaing/) + [Snake Temple](galleries/Myanmar/Mandalay/Near/) * [Mount Popa](galleries/Myanmar/MtPopa/) * [Myanmar Roads and Highways](galleries/Myanmar/Roads/) * [Myanmar Villages and Towns](galleries/Myanmar/Villages/) * [People in Myanmar](galleries/Myanmar/People/) * [Pindaya](galleries/Myanmar/Pindaya/) * [Pyay](galleries/Myanmar/Pyay/) * [Yangon](galleries/Myanmar/Yangon/) + [Shwedagon Pagoda](galleries/Myanmar/Yangon/Shwedagon/) + [Temples and Palaces](galleries/Myanmar/Yangon/TemplesPalaces/) + [Yangon](galleries/Myanmar/Yangon/Town/) - [Singapore](galleries/Singapore/) * [Arab Street](galleries/Singapore/ArabStreet/) * [Business District](galleries/Singapore/Business/) * [Chinatown](galleries/Singapore/Chinatown/) * [Chinese temples](galleries/Singapore/CTemples/) * [Colonial centre](galleries/Singapore/Colonial/) * [Gardens by the bay](galleries/Singapore/Gardens/) * [Goddess of Mercy temple](galleries/Singapore/CTemple/) * [Little India](galleries/Singapore/LittleIndia/) * [Marina bay](galleries/Singapore/Marina/) * [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Singapore/Misc/) * [Modern Singapore](galleries/Singapore/Modern/) * [Mosques](galleries/Singapore/Mosques/) * [Orchard road](galleries/Singapore/Orchard/) * [Other images](galleries/Singapore/Other/) * [Sentosa island](galleries/Singapore/Sentosa/) * [Shopping Complexes](galleries/Singapore/Shopping/) * [Singapore Flyer giant wheel](galleries/Singapore/Giant_wheel/) * [Singapore river](galleries/Singapore/River/) * [Singapore zoo](galleries/Singapore/Zoo/) * [Skylines and views](galleries/Singapore/Views/) * [Sri Krishnan Hindu temple](galleries/Singapore/Sri_Krishnan/) * [Sri Mariamman Hindu temple](galleries/Singapore/Sri_Mariamman/) * [Sri Veeramakaliamman Hindu temple](galleries/Singapore/Sri_Veeramakaliamman/) - [Thailand](galleries/Thailand/) * [Andaman sea islands and beaches](galleries/Thailand/Andaman/) + [Chicken island](galleries/Thailand/Chicken_island/) + [Khao Lak](galleries/Thailand/Khaolak/) - [Ban Khao Lak](galleries/Thailand/Khaolak/Town/) - [Beaches](galleries/Thailand/Khaolak/Beach/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Thailand/Khaolak/Misc/) + [Koh Kradan](galleries/Thailand/Koh_Kradan/) + [Koh Mook](galleries/Thailand/Koh_Mook/) + [Koh Ngai](galleries/Thailand/Koh_Ngai/) + [Koh Phi Phi](galleries/Thailand/KohPhiPhi/) + [Koh Poda](galleries/Thailand/Koh_Poda/) + [Krabi](galleries/Thailand/Krabi/) - [Ao Nang and Nopparat Thara Beaches](galleries/Thailand/Krabi/AoNang/) - [Fossile Shell Cemetery](galleries/Thailand/Krabi/Fossile/) - [Other Krabi Images](galleries/Thailand/Krabi/Other/) - [Rai Leh Rock Climbing](galleries/Thailand/Krabi/Climbing/) - [Rai Leh and Phra Nang Beaches](galleries/Thailand/Krabi/RaiLehPhraNang/) + [Mu Ko Similan Marine National Park](galleries/Thailand/Similan/) + [Phang Nga bay](galleries/Thailand/Phang_Nga_bay/) + [Phuket](galleries/Thailand/Phuket/) * [Bangkok](galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/) + [Flowers](galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/Flowers/) + [Grand Palace](galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/GrandPalace/) + [Malls and markets](galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/Malls/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/Misc/) + [Parks](galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/Parks/) + [People](galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/People/) + [Skylines](galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/Skylines/) + [Streets](galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/Streets/) + [Suvarnabhumi airport](galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/Airport/) + [Thai food](galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/Food/) + [Wat Arun](galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/WatArun/) + [Wat Benchamabophit](galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/WatBenchamabophit/) + [Wat Intharawihan](galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/WatIntharawihan/) + [Wat Po](galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/WatPo/) + [Wat Saket](galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/WatSaket/) * [Central Thailand](galleries/Thailand/Central/) + [Ayutthaya](galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/) - [Market](galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/Market/) - [Other temples](galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/Temples/) - [Wat Mahathat](galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/Mahathat/) - [Wat Phra Si Sanphet](galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/PhraSiSanphet/) - [Wat Ratchaburana](galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/Ratchaburana/) - [Wat Yai Chai Mongkol](galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/YaiChaiMongkhon/) + [Damnoen Saduak Floating Market](galleries/Thailand/Bangkok/DamnoenSaduak/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Thailand/Central/Misc/) + [Muang Boran](galleries/Thailand/MuangBoran/) * [Eastern Thailand](galleries/Thailand/Eastern/) + [Khong Chiam](galleries/Thailand/Khong_Chiam/) + [Prakhon Chai](galleries/Thailand/Prakhon_Chai/) + [Ubon Ratchathani](galleries/Thailand/UbonRatchathani/) + [Wat Prasat Mueang Tam](galleries/Thailand/Wat_Prasat_Mueang_Tam/) * [Gulf of Thailand](galleries/Thailand/Gulf/) + [Hua Hin](galleries/Thailand/Hua_Hin/) + [Koh Chang](galleries/Thailand/Mukochang/Kohchang/) + [Koh Kut](galleries/Thailand/Mukochang/Kohkut/) + [Koh Larn](galleries/Thailand/Koh_Larn/) + [Koh Nang Yuan](galleries/Thailand/Nangyuan/) + [Koh Phangan](galleries/Thailand/KohPhangan/) + [Koh Samet](galleries/Thailand/KohSamet/) + [Koh Samui](galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/) - [Chaweng beach](galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Chaweng/) - [Koh Samui by Night](galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Night/) - [Lamai beach](galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Lamai/) - [Mae Nam beach](galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Maenam/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Misc/) - [Sunrise on Koh Samui](galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Sunrise/) + [Koh Tao](galleries/Thailand/KohTao/) + [Mu Ko Ang Thong Marine National Park](galleries/Thailand/MuKoAngThong/) + [Rayang and Koh Mak islands](galleries/Thailand/Mukochang/Rayang/) + [Sam Roi Yot national park](galleries/Thailand/Gulf/Sam_roi_yot/) * [Islands and beaches](galleries/Thailand/Beaches/) + [Ao Nang and Nopparat Thara Beaches](galleries/Thailand/Krabi/AoNang/) + [Chaweng beach](galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Chaweng/) + [Chicken island](galleries/Thailand/Chicken_island/) + [Hua Hin](galleries/Thailand/Hua_Hin/) + [Khao Lak](galleries/Thailand/Khaolak/) - [Ban Khao Lak](galleries/Thailand/Khaolak/Town/) - [Beaches](galleries/Thailand/Khaolak/Beach/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Thailand/Khaolak/Misc/) + [Koh Chang](galleries/Thailand/Mukochang/Kohchang/) + [Koh Kradan](galleries/Thailand/Koh_Kradan/) + [Koh Kut](galleries/Thailand/Mukochang/Kohkut/) + [Koh Larn](galleries/Thailand/Koh_Larn/) + [Koh Mook](galleries/Thailand/Koh_Mook/) + [Koh Nang Yuan](galleries/Thailand/Nangyuan/) + [Koh Ngai](galleries/Thailand/Koh_Ngai/) + [Koh Phangan](galleries/Thailand/KohPhangan/) + [Koh Phi Phi](galleries/Thailand/KohPhiPhi/) + [Koh Poda](galleries/Thailand/Koh_Poda/) + [Koh Samet](galleries/Thailand/KohSamet/) + [Koh Samui by Night](galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Night/) + [Koh Tao](galleries/Thailand/KohTao/) + [Lamai beach](galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Lamai/) + [Mae Nam beach](galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Maenam/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Misc/) + [Mu Ko Ang Thong Marine National Park](galleries/Thailand/MuKoAngThong/) + [Mu Ko Similan Marine National Park](galleries/Thailand/Similan/) + [Phuket](galleries/Thailand/Phuket/) + [Rai Leh and Phra Nang Beaches](galleries/Thailand/Krabi/RaiLehPhraNang/) + [Rayang and Koh Mak islands](galleries/Thailand/Mukochang/Rayang/) + [Sunrise on Koh Samui](galleries/Thailand/KohSamui/Sunrise/) * [Kanchanaburi](galleries/Thailand/Kanchanaburi/) * [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Thailand/Misc/) + [Flight Bangkok-Munich](galleries/Thailand/Flight/) + [Thai dance performance](galleries/Austria/Vienna/Thai-dance/) + [Thai food](galleries/Thailand/Thaifood/) * [Northern Thailand](galleries/Thailand/Northern/) + [Central Airport Plaza mall](galleries/Thailand/Northern/CentralPlaza/) + [Chiang Mai](galleries/Thailand/ChiangMai/) + [Chiang Mai](galleries/Thailand/Chiang_Mai/) + [Chiang Rai](galleries/Thailand/Chiang_Rai/) + [Doi Suthep](galleries/Thailand/DoiSuthep/) + [Lampang](galleries/Thailand/Lampang/) + [Mae Tang](galleries/Thailand/Mae_Tang/) + [Sukhothai historical park](galleries/Thailand/Sukhotai/) + [Wat Rong Khun](galleries/Thailand/Wat_Rong_Khun/) * [Other images](galleries/Thailand/Other/) * [Temples](galleries/Thailand/Temples/) + [Doi Suthep](galleries/Thailand/DoiSuthep/) + [Lampang](galleries/Thailand/Lampang/) + [Other temples](galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/Temples/) + [Prakhon Chai](galleries/Thailand/Prakhon_Chai/) + [Wat Mahathat](galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/Mahathat/) + [Wat Phra Si Sanphet](galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/PhraSiSanphet/) + [Wat Prasat Mueang Tam](galleries/Thailand/Wat_Prasat_Mueang_Tam/) + [Wat Ratchaburana](galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/Ratchaburana/) + [Wat Yai Chai Mongkol](galleries/Thailand/Ayutthaya/YaiChaiMongkhon/) - [The Philippines](galleries/Philippines/) * [Bohol](galleries/Philippines/Bohol/) * [Cebu](galleries/Philippines/Cebu/) + [Cebu city](galleries/Philippines/Cebu/City/) + [Mactan island](galleries/Philippines/Cebu/Mactan/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Philippines/Cebu/Misc/) + [Old town](galleries/Philippines/Cebu/Old/) + [Views](galleries/Philippines/Cebu/Views/) - [Vietnam](galleries/Vietnam/) * [Central Vietnam](galleries/Vietnam/Central/) + [Danang](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/) - [Am Phu cave](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Amphu/) - [Beaches](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Beaches/) - [Cham museum](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Cham/) - [Han river](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/River/) - [Huyen Khong cave](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Huyen_Khong/) - [Linh Ung pagoda](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Linh_ung/) - [Marble mountains](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Marble/) - [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Misc/) - [Panoramic views](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Pano/) - [Shopping malls](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Danang/Shopping/) + [Hoi An](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hoian/) - [Around the Thu Bon river](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hoian/River/) - [Hoi An Buddhist association temple](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hoian/Temple/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hoian/Misc/) - [Other Chinese assembly halls](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hoian/Halls/) - [Phuoc Kien Chinese assembly hall](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hoian/Phuockien/) - [Restaurants and shops](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hoian/Shops/) + [Hue](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hue/) - [Minh Mang tomb](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hue/MinhMang/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hue/Misc/) - [The Citadel](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hue/Citadel/) - [Tu Duc and Khai Dinh tombs](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Hue/OtherTombs/) + [My Son](galleries/Vietnam/Central/MySon/) - [Champa ruins museum](galleries/Vietnam/Central/MySon/Museum/) - [Groups B and C Champa ruins](galleries/Vietnam/Central/MySon/BC/) - [Miscellaneous photos of My Son](galleries/Vietnam/Central/MySon/Misc/) + [Sceneries](galleries/Vietnam/Central/Sceneries/) * [Northern Vietnam](galleries/Vietnam/North/) + [Halong bay](galleries/Vietnam/North/Halong/) - [Halong bay cave](galleries/Vietnam/North/Halong/Cave/) - [Halong bay views](galleries/Vietnam/North/Halong/Views/) - [People and house boats](galleries/Vietnam/North/Halong/People/) - [Trip to Halong bay](galleries/Vietnam/North/Halong/Trip/) + [Hanoi](galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/) - [Around the Ho Chi Minh mausoleum](galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/AroundHCM/) - [Around the Hoan Kiem lake](galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/HoanKiem/) - [Noi Bai international airport](galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/Airport/) - [Old city and 36 streets](galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/Oldcity/) - [Quan Thanh temple and West lake](galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/Westlake/) - [South of Hoan Kiem lake](galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/South/) - [Van Mieu pagoda (Temple of Literature)](galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/VanMieu/) - [West of Hoan Kiem lake](galleries/Vietnam/North/Hanoi/West/) + [Perfume pagoda](galleries/Vietnam/North/Perfume/) - [Chua Huong Tich shrine](galleries/Vietnam/North/Perfume/Shrine/) - [Den Trinh Temple](galleries/Vietnam/North/Perfume/Dentrinh/) - [Yen river](galleries/Vietnam/North/Perfume/Yen/) * [Southern Vietnam](galleries/Vietnam/South/) + [Cu Chi tunnels](galleries/Vietnam/South/Cuchi/) + [Landscapes](galleries/Vietnam/South/Scenery/) + [Saigon](galleries/Vietnam/South/Saigon/) - [Colonial centre](galleries/Vietnam/South/Saigon/Colonial/) - [Markets](galleries/Vietnam/South/Saigon/Markets/) - [Modern Saigon](galleries/Vietnam/South/Saigon/Modern/) - [Saigon by night](galleries/Vietnam/South/Saigon/Night/) - [Saigon river](galleries/Vietnam/South/Saigon/River/) - [Streets](galleries/Vietnam/South/Saigon/Streets/) - [Temples](galleries/Vietnam/South/Saigon/Temples/) + [Tay Ninh](galleries/Vietnam/South/TayNinh/) - [Cao Dai Great Temple](galleries/Vietnam/South/TayNinh/Caodaitemple/) - [Inside the Cao Dai Great Temple](galleries/Vietnam/South/TayNinh/Caodai/) + [Southern Europe](galleries/SEurope/) - [Cyprus](galleries/Cyprus/) * [Akamas peninsula](galleries/Cyprus/Akamas/) * [Amathus](galleries/Cyprus/Amathus/) * [Bellapais abbey](galleries/Cyprus/Bellapais/) * [Buffavento castle](galleries/Cyprus/Buffavento/) * [Famagusta](galleries/Cyprus/Famagusta/) * [Kantara castle](galleries/Cyprus/Kantara/) * [Kolossi castle](galleries/Cyprus/Kolossi/) * [Kourion](galleries/Cyprus/Kourion/) * [Kykkos monastery](galleries/Cyprus/Kykkos/) * [Kyrenia](galleries/Cyprus/Kyrenia/) * [Larnaca](galleries/Cyprus/Larnaca/) * [Limassol](galleries/Cyprus/Limassol/) * [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Cyprus/Northmisc/) * [Monasteries and churches](galleries/Cyprus/Monasteries/) * [Nicosia](galleries/Cyprus/Nicosia/) + [North Nicosia](galleries/Cyprus/Nicosia/North/) + [South Nicosia](galleries/Cyprus/Nicosia/South/) * [Paphos](galleries/Cyprus/Paphos/) * [Salamis](galleries/Cyprus/Salamis/) * [St Hilarion castle](galleries/Cyprus/St_Hilarion/) * [Tamassos](galleries/Cyprus/Tamassos/) * [The west of Northern Cyprus](galleries/Cyprus/Northwest/) - [Greece](galleries/Greece/) * [Athens](galleries/Greece/Athens/) + [Acropolis](galleries/Greece/Athens/Acropolis/) + [Aegean civilisation](galleries/Greece/Athens/Aegean/) + [Ancient Agora](galleries/Greece/Athens/Agora/) + [Change of the guard](galleries/Greece/Athens/Guard/) + [Classical period](galleries/Greece/Athens/Classical/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Greece/Athens/Misc/) + [Mycenaean period](galleries/Greece/Athens/Mycenae/) + [Panoramic views](galleries/Greece/Athens/Panorama/) + [Plaka](galleries/Greece/Athens/Plaka/) + [Roman period](galleries/Greece/Athens/Roman/) * [Central Greece](galleries/Greece/Central/) + [Delphi](galleries/Greece/Central/Delphi/) - [Ancient site of Delphi](galleries/Greece/Central/Delphi/Site/) - [Museum](galleries/Greece/Central/Delphi/Museum/) - [Temple of Athena Pronaia](galleries/Greece/Central/Delphi/AthenaTemple/) * [Cyclades](galleries/Greece/Cyclades/) + [Antiparos](galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Antiparos/) + [Delos](galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Delos/) + [Milos](galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Milos/) + [Miscellanous photos](galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Misc/) + [Mykonos](galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Mykonos/) + [Naxos](galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Naxos/) + [Paros](galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Paros/) + [Santorini](galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Santorini/) - [Churches](galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Santorini/Churches/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Santorini/Misc/) - [Sunsets](galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Santorini/Sunsets/) - [The sea](galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Santorini/Sea/) - [Tourism](galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Santorini/Tourism/) - [Villages](galleries/Greece/Cyclades/Santorini/Villages/) * [Peloponnese](galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/) + [Epidaurus](galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Epidaurus/) + [Mycenae](galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Mycenae/) - [Citadel](galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Mycenae/Citadel/) - [Museum of Mycenae](galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Mycenae/Museum/) - [Treasury of Atreus](galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Mycenae/Atreus/) + [Mystras](galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Mystras/) - [Monasteries and churches](galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Mystras/Monasteries/) - [Panoramas and views](galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Mystras/Views/) - [Ruins](galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Mystras/Ruins/) + [Olympia](galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Olympia/) - [Ancient Olympia](galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Olympia/Site/) - [Archaeological museum](galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Olympia/Museum/) + [Temple of Apollo Epicurius in Bassae](galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Bassae/) + [Tyrins](galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Tiryns/) + [Walnut tree farm](galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Walnut/) + [Watermelon plantation](galleries/Greece/Peloponnese/Watermelon/) * [Piraeus](galleries/Greece/Piraeus/) * [Thassos](galleries/Greece/Thassos/) - [Italy](galleries/Italy/) * [Florence](galleries/Italy/Florence/) + [Cathedral](galleries/Italy/Florence/Duomo/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Italy/Florence/Misc/) + [Palazzo Pitti and Boboli gardens](galleries/Italy/Florence/Pitti/) + [Panorama views of Florence](galleries/Italy/Florence/Views/) + [Piazza della Signoria](galleries/Italy/Florence/Signoria/) * [Milan](galleries/Italy/Milan/) + [Central railway station](galleries/Italy/Milan/Station/) + [Duomo di Milano cathedral](galleries/Italy/Milan/Cathedral/) + [Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II](galleries/Italy/Milan/Galleria/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Italy/Milan/Misc/) * [Pisa](galleries/Italy/Pisa/) * [Rome](galleries/Italy/Rome/) + [Churches](galleries/Italy/Rome/Churches/) + [Colosseum](galleries/Italy/Rome/Colosseum/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Italy/Rome/Misc/) + [Panoramas and Views](galleries/Italy/Rome/Panorama/) + [Pantheon](galleries/Italy/Rome/Pantheon/) + [Piazza del Popolo](galleries/Italy/Rome/Popolo/) + [Roman Forum](galleries/Italy/Rome/Forum/) + [Squares](galleries/Italy/Rome/Squares/) + [Tiber river](galleries/Italy/Rome/Tiber/) + [Trastevere](galleries/Italy/Rome/Trastevere/) + [Trevi fountain](galleries/Italy/Rome/Trevi/) + [Vatican city](galleries/Italy/Rome/Vatican/) - [St Peter's square](galleries/Italy/Rome/Vatican/Square/) - [St. Peter's Basilica](galleries/Italy/Rome/Vatican/Church/) - [Vatican Museums](galleries/Italy/Rome/Vatican/Museum/) * [Sicily](galleries/Italy/Sicily/) + [Agrigento temples](galleries/Italy/Sicily/Agrigento_temples/) + [Cefalu](galleries/Italy/Sicily/Cefalu/) + [Erice](galleries/Italy/Sicily/Erice/) + [Modica](galleries/Italy/Sicily/Modica/) + [Monreale cathedral](galleries/Italy/Sicily/Monreale/) + [Mt Etna](galleries/Italy/Sicily/Etna/) - [Altitude views](galleries/Italy/Sicily/Etna/Altitude/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Italy/Sicily/Etna/Misc/) - [Other views](galleries/Italy/Sicily/Etna/Views/) + [Palermo](galleries/Italy/Sicily/Palermo/) - [Cathedral](galleries/Italy/Sicily/Palermo/Cathedral/) - [Historic centre](galleries/Italy/Sicily/Palermo/Centre/) - [Markets and malls](galleries/Italy/Sicily/Palermo/Markets/) - [Palazzo dei Normanni](galleries/Italy/Sicily/Palermo/Palace/) - [Panoramic views](galleries/Italy/Sicily/Palermo/Views/) + [Selinunte](galleries/Italy/Sicily/Selinunte/) - [Acropolis](galleries/Italy/Sicily/Selinunte/Acropolis/) - [Eastern 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[Verona](galleries/Italy/Verona/) - [Portugal](galleries/Portugal/) * [Around Lisbon](galleries/Portugal/AroundLisboa/) * [Batalha, Alcobaca and Obidos](galleries/Portugal/BatalhaAlcobaca/) * [Coimbra and Conimbriga](galleries/Portugal/Coimbra/) * [East Algarve](galleries/Portugal/EastAlgarve/) * [Evora and the Alentejo](galleries/Portugal/Alentejo/) * [Lisbon](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/) + [Alfama](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Alfama/) + [Along the Tagus river](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Coast/) + [Bairro Alto](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Bairro-Alto/) + [Belem](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Belem/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Misc/) + [More Lisbon images](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/More/) + [Pedestrian area](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Pedestrian/) + [Rossio and around](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Rossio/) + [Rossio train station](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Station/) + [Sao Jorge castle](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Castle/) + [Skylines and panoramic views](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Skyline/) * [Tomar and Fatima](galleries/Portugal/Tomar/) * [West Algarve](galleries/Portugal/WestAlgarve/) - [Spain](galleries/Spain/) * [Barcelona](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/) + [Around Placa Espanya](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Placa_Espanya/) + [Around Placa de Catalunya](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Placa_Catalunya/) + [Beach and Port Olympic](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Beach/) + [Eixample](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Eixample/) + [Harbour and Port Vell](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Harbour/) + [La Catedral](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Cathedral/) + [Las Ramblas](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Ramblas/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Misc/) + [Montjuic](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Montjuic/) + [Old town](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Old/) + [Panoramas and views](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Skyline/) + [Parc Güell](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Parc_Guell/) + [Sagrada Familia church](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Sagrada_Familia/) * [Cadiz](galleries/Spain/Cadiz/) * [Cordoba](galleries/Spain/Cordoba/) + [Around the Mezquita](galleries/Spain/Cordoba/Mezquita/) + [Old town](galleries/Spain/Cordoba/City/) * [El Escorial palace and monastery](galleries/Spain/Escorial/) + [El Escorial exterior](galleries/Spain/Escorial/Exterior/) + [El Escorial interior](galleries/Spain/Escorial/Interior/) + [San Lorenzo del El Escorial](galleries/Spain/Escorial/Town/) * [Granada](galleries/Spain/Granada/) + [Alhambra](galleries/Spain/Granada/Alhambra/) + [City centre](galleries/Spain/Granada/City/) + [Generalife](galleries/Spain/Granada/Generalife/) + [Panoramic views](galleries/Spain/Granada/Panoramic/) * [Kitesurfing in Tarifa](galleries/Spain/Kitesurfing/) * [Madrid](galleries/Spain/Madrid/) + [Alcalà street](galleries/Spain/Madrid/Alcala/) + [Around Plaza de Espana](galleries/Spain/Madrid/Plaza_Espana/) + [Historic centre](galleries/Spain/Madrid/Centre/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Spain/Madrid/Misc/) + [Paseo del Prado](galleries/Spain/Madrid/Prado/) + [Plaza Mayor](galleries/Spain/Madrid/Mayor/) + [Royal palace and Campo del Moro gardens](galleries/Spain/Madrid/Palace/) * [Mallorca](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/) + [Mallorca's interior](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Interior/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Interior/Misc/) - [Palma de Mallorca](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Interior/Palma/) + [Mallorca's northeast coast](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northeast/) - [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northeast/Misc/) - [Port de Pollenca](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northeast/Pollenca/) + [Northwest coast](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/) - [Banyalbufar](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Banyalbufar/) - [Deia](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Deia/) - [Esporles and Valdemossa](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Esporles/) - [Port de Soller and Torrent de Pareis](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Portsoller/) - [Soller](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Soller/) + [Southeast coast](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Southeast/) * [Sevilla](galleries/Spain/Sevilla/) + [Around Plaza de Espana](galleries/Spain/Sevilla/Plaza_Espana/) + [Around the river](galleries/Spain/Sevilla/River/) + [Historic centre](galleries/Spain/Sevilla/Centre/) + [Santa Cruz](galleries/Spain/Sevilla/Santa_Cruz/) * [Toledo](galleries/Spain/Toledo/) + [Alleys and shops](galleries/Spain/Toledo/Alleys/) + [Cathedral](galleries/Spain/Toledo/Cathedral/) + [Panoramic views](galleries/Spain/Toledo/Views/) + [Plaza Zocodover and Alcazar](galleries/Spain/Toledo/Central/) + [Puerta de Bisagra and Arrabal street](galleries/Spain/Toledo/Arrabal/) + [The Balkans](galleries/Balkans/) - [Albania](galleries/Albania/) * [Durres](galleries/Albania/Durres/) * [Kruja](galleries/Albania/Kruja/) * [Shkoder and Rozafa castle](galleries/Albania/Shkoder/) * [Tirana](galleries/Albania/Tirana/) - [Bosnia and Herzegovina](galleries/Bosnia/) * [Sarajevo](galleries/Bosnia/Sarajevo/) - [Bulgaria](galleries/Bulgaria/) * [Kazanlak](galleries/Bulgaria/Kazanlak/) * [Plovdiv](galleries/Bulgaria/Plovdiv/) * [Sofia](galleries/Bulgaria/Sofia/) * [Veliko Tarnovo](galleries/Bulgaria/Veliko_Tarnovo/) - [Croatia](galleries/Croatia/) * [Brač](galleries/Croatia/Brac/) * [Dubrovnik](galleries/Croatia/Dubrovnik/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Croatia/Dubrovnik/Misc/) + [Old town](galleries/Croatia/Dubrovnik/Town/) + [Views](galleries/Croatia/Dubrovnik/Views/) * [Plitvice lakes national park](galleries/Croatia/Plitvice/) * [Pula](galleries/Croatia/Pula/) + [Arena](galleries/Croatia/Pula/Arena/) + [The city](galleries/Croatia/Pula/City/) * [Split](galleries/Croatia/Split/) * [Varazdin](galleries/Croatia/Varazdin/) * [Zadar](galleries/Croatia/Zadar/) * [Zagreb](galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/) + [Lower town](galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Lower/) + [Markets and malls](galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Shopping/) + [Neoclassical architecture](galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Neoclassical/) + [Old town](galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Old/) + [Panoramas and views](galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Pano/) + [Upper town](galleries/Croatia/Zagreb/Upper/) - [Macedonia](galleries/Macedonia/) * [Ohrid](galleries/Macedonia/Ohrid/) * [Skopje](galleries/Macedonia/Skopje/) + [City centre](galleries/Macedonia/Skopje/Centre/) + [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Macedonia/Skopje/Misc/) + [Mt Vodno](galleries/Macedonia/Skopje/Vodno/) + [Old bazaar and fortress](galleries/Macedonia/Skopje/Bazaar/) - [Montenegro](galleries/Montenegro/) * [Coastline](galleries/Montenegro/Coast/) * [Herceg Novi](galleries/Montenegro/Herceg_Novi/) * [Kotor](galleries/Montenegro/Kotor/) * [Pluzine](galleries/Montenegro/Pluzine/) * [Podgorica](galleries/Montenegro/Podgorica/) - [Romania](galleries/Romania/) * [Brasov](galleries/Romania/Brasov/) * [Bucharest](galleries/Romania/Bucharest/) + [Around King Michael park](galleries/Romania/Bucharest/North/) + [Around Unirii square](galleries/Romania/Bucharest/Unirii/) + [Dimitrie Gusti national village museum](galleries/Romania/Bucharest/Museum/) + [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Romania/Bucharest/Misc/) + [Old town](galleries/Romania/Bucharest/Old/) * [Sibiu](galleries/Romania/Sibiu/) * [Sighisoara](galleries/Romania/Sighisoara/) * [Sinaia](galleries/Romania/Sinaia/) - [Serbia](galleries/Serbia/) * [Belgrade](galleries/Serbia/Belgrade/) + [Belgrade fortress](galleries/Serbia/Belgrade/Fortress/) + [Churches](galleries/Serbia/Belgrade/Churches/) + [Historic core](galleries/Serbia/Belgrade/Historic/) + [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Serbia/Belgrade/Misc/) + [Rivers](galleries/Serbia/Belgrade/Rivers/) + [The Caucasus](galleries/Caucasus/) - [Azerbaijan](galleries/Azerbaijan/) * [Baku](galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/) + [Airport](galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Airport/) + [Bibi-Heybat mosque](galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Bibi_Heybat/) + [Central Baku](galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Central/) + [Flame towers](galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Flame/) + [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Misc/) + [Old town](galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Old/) + [Panoramic views](galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Pano/) + [Shopping malls](galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Malls/) + [Waterfront](galleries/Azerbaijan/Baku/Waterfront/) * [Church of Kish](galleries/Azerbaijan/Kish/) * [Juma mosque](galleries/Azerbaijan/Juma/) * [Lahic](galleries/Azerbaijan/Lahic/) * [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Azerbaijan/Misc/) * [Qabala](galleries/Azerbaijan/Qabala/) * [Qobustan national park](galleries/Azerbaijan/Qobustan/) + [Archeological site](galleries/Azerbaijan/Qobustan/Archeological/) + [Mud volcanoes](galleries/Azerbaijan/Qobustan/Mud/) * [Sheki](galleries/Azerbaijan/Sheki/) * [Yeddi Gumbaz mausoleum](galleries/Azerbaijan/Yeddi_Gumbaz/) * [Zaqatala](galleries/Azerbaijan/Zaqatala/) - [Georgia](galleries/Georgia/) * [Ananuri fortress](galleries/Georgia/Ananuri/) * [Gori](galleries/Georgia/Gori/) * [Jvari](galleries/Georgia/Jvari/) * [Kakheti](galleries/Georgia/Kakheti/) + [Bodbe monastery](galleries/Georgia/Kakheti/Bodbe/) + [David Gareja monastery](galleries/Georgia/Kakheti/David_Gareja/) + [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Georgia/Kakheti/Misc/) + [Napareuli winery](galleries/Georgia/Kakheti/Napareuli/) + [Sighnaghi](galleries/Georgia/Kakheti/Sighnaghi/) * [Kutaisi](galleries/Georgia/Kutaisi/) + [Bagrati cathedral](galleries/Georgia/Kutaisi/Bagrati/) + [Gelati monastery](galleries/Georgia/Kutaisi/Gelati/) + [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Georgia/Kutaisi/Misc/) * [Military highway and Kazbegi](galleries/Georgia/Kazbegi/) * [Mtskheta](galleries/Georgia/Mtskheta/) * [Tbilisi](galleries/Georgia/Tbilisi/) + [East Point mall](galleries/Georgia/Tbilisi/Eastpoint/) + [East bank](galleries/Georgia/Tbilisi/East/) + [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Georgia/Tbilisi/Misc/) + [New town](galleries/Georgia/Tbilisi/New/) + [Old town](galleries/Georgia/Tbilisi/Old/) * [Uplistsikhe](galleries/Georgia/Uplistsikhe/) * [Upper Svaneti](galleries/Georgia/Svaneti/) + [Caucasus mountains](galleries/Georgia/Svaneti/Caucasus/) + [Mestia](galleries/Georgia/Svaneti/Mestia/) + [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Georgia/Svaneti/Misc/) + [Ushguli](galleries/Georgia/Svaneti/Ushguli/) + [Western Europe](galleries/WEurope/) - [France](galleries/France/) * [Atlantic coast](galleries/France/Atlantic/) + [St Gilles Croix de Vie](galleries/France/Atlantic/St-Gilles-Croix-de-Vie/) * [Loire river valley](galleries/France/Loire/) + [Azay le Rideau castle](galleries/France/Loire/Azay-le-Rideau/) + [Chambord castle](galleries/France/Loire/Chambord/) + [Chenonceau castle](galleries/France/Loire/Chenonceau/) + [Sunflower plantation](galleries/France/Loire/Sunflower/) + [Villandry castle](galleries/France/Loire/Villandry/) - [The castle](galleries/France/Loire/Villandry/Castle/) - [The gardens](galleries/France/Loire/Villandry/Gardens/) * [Lyon](galleries/France/Lyon/) + [Around Place Bellecour](galleries/France/Lyon/Bellecour/) + [Basilique Notre Dame de Fourviere](galleries/France/Lyon/Fourviere/) + [Downtown Lyon](galleries/France/Lyon/Downtown/) + [Place des Terreaux](galleries/France/Lyon/Terreaux/) + [Skylines and miscellaneous photos](galleries/France/Lyon/Skylines/) * [Paris](galleries/France/Paris/) + [Around the Champs Elysees](galleries/France/Paris/Elysees/) + [Eiffel tower](galleries/France/Paris/Eiffel/) + [Hotel de Ville](galleries/France/Paris/Hotel_de_Ville/) + [Ile de la Cite and Marais](galleries/France/Paris/IleCite/) + [La Defense](galleries/France/Paris/La_Defense/) + [Louvre](galleries/France/Paris/Louvre/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/France/Paris/Miscellaneous/) + [Montmartre](galleries/France/Paris/Montmartre/) + [Seine river banks](galleries/France/Paris/Seine/) + [Skylines](galleries/France/Paris/Skyline/) + [Tuileries and Place de la Concorde](galleries/France/Paris/Tuileries/) * [Strasbourg](galleries/France/Strasbourg/) + [European institutions](galleries/France/Strasbourg/Europe/) + [Old town](galleries/France/Strasbourg/Old/) - [Portugal](galleries/Portugal/) * [Around Lisbon](galleries/Portugal/AroundLisboa/) * [Batalha, Alcobaca and Obidos](galleries/Portugal/BatalhaAlcobaca/) * [Coimbra and Conimbriga](galleries/Portugal/Coimbra/) * [East Algarve](galleries/Portugal/EastAlgarve/) * [Evora and the Alentejo](galleries/Portugal/Alentejo/) * [Lisbon](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/) + [Alfama](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Alfama/) + [Along the Tagus river](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Coast/) + [Bairro Alto](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Bairro-Alto/) + [Belem](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Belem/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Misc/) + [More Lisbon images](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/More/) + [Pedestrian area](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Pedestrian/) + [Rossio and around](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Rossio/) + [Rossio train station](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Station/) + [Sao Jorge castle](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Castle/) + [Skylines and panoramic views](galleries/Portugal/Lisbon/Skyline/) * [Tomar and Fatima](galleries/Portugal/Tomar/) * [West Algarve](galleries/Portugal/WestAlgarve/) - [Spain](galleries/Spain/) * [Barcelona](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/) + [Around Placa Espanya](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Placa_Espanya/) + [Around Placa de Catalunya](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Placa_Catalunya/) + [Beach and Port Olympic](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Beach/) + [Eixample](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Eixample/) + [Harbour and Port Vell](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Harbour/) + [La Catedral](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Cathedral/) + [Las Ramblas](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Ramblas/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Misc/) + [Montjuic](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Montjuic/) + [Old town](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Old/) + [Panoramas and views](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Skyline/) + [Parc Güell](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Parc_Guell/) + [Sagrada Familia church](galleries/Spain/Barcelona/Sagrada_Familia/) * [Cadiz](galleries/Spain/Cadiz/) * [Cordoba](galleries/Spain/Cordoba/) + [Around the Mezquita](galleries/Spain/Cordoba/Mezquita/) + [Old town](galleries/Spain/Cordoba/City/) * [El Escorial palace and monastery](galleries/Spain/Escorial/) + [El Escorial exterior](galleries/Spain/Escorial/Exterior/) + [El Escorial interior](galleries/Spain/Escorial/Interior/) + [San Lorenzo del El Escorial](galleries/Spain/Escorial/Town/) * [Granada](galleries/Spain/Granada/) + [Alhambra](galleries/Spain/Granada/Alhambra/) + [City centre](galleries/Spain/Granada/City/) + [Generalife](galleries/Spain/Granada/Generalife/) + [Panoramic views](galleries/Spain/Granada/Panoramic/) * [Kitesurfing in Tarifa](galleries/Spain/Kitesurfing/) * [Madrid](galleries/Spain/Madrid/) + [Alcalà street](galleries/Spain/Madrid/Alcala/) + [Around Plaza de Espana](galleries/Spain/Madrid/Plaza_Espana/) + [Historic centre](galleries/Spain/Madrid/Centre/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Spain/Madrid/Misc/) + [Paseo del Prado](galleries/Spain/Madrid/Prado/) + [Plaza Mayor](galleries/Spain/Madrid/Mayor/) + [Royal palace and Campo del Moro gardens](galleries/Spain/Madrid/Palace/) * [Mallorca](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/) + [Mallorca's interior](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Interior/) - [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Interior/Misc/) - [Palma de Mallorca](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Interior/Palma/) + [Mallorca's northeast coast](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northeast/) - [Miscellaneous images](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northeast/Misc/) - [Port de Pollenca](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northeast/Pollenca/) + [Northwest coast](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/) - [Banyalbufar](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Banyalbufar/) - [Deia](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Deia/) - [Esporles and Valdemossa](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Esporles/) - [Port de Soller and Torrent de Pareis](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Portsoller/) - [Soller](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Northwest/Soller/) + [Southeast coast](galleries/Spain/Mallorca/Southeast/) * [Sevilla](galleries/Spain/Sevilla/) + [Around Plaza de Espana](galleries/Spain/Sevilla/Plaza_Espana/) + [Around the river](galleries/Spain/Sevilla/River/) + [Historic centre](galleries/Spain/Sevilla/Centre/) + [Santa Cruz](galleries/Spain/Sevilla/Santa_Cruz/) * [Toledo](galleries/Spain/Toledo/) + [Alleys and shops](galleries/Spain/Toledo/Alleys/) + [Cathedral](galleries/Spain/Toledo/Cathedral/) + [Panoramic views](galleries/Spain/Toledo/Views/) + [Plaza Zocodover and Alcazar](galleries/Spain/Toledo/Central/) + [Puerta de Bisagra and Arrabal street](galleries/Spain/Toledo/Arrabal/) - [The Netherlands](galleries/Netherlands/) * [Amsterdam](galleries/Netherlands/Amsterdam/) + [Canals](galleries/Netherlands/Amsterdam/Canals/) + [Miscellaneous photos](galleries/Netherlands/Amsterdam/misc/) + [Old town](galleries/Netherlands/Amsterdam/Old/) * Categories + [Activities](galcats/activities/) - [Dancing](galcats/dancing/) - [Fishing](galcats/fishing/) - [Hiking](galcats/hiking/) - [Rock climbing](galcats/rock-climbing/) - [Sports](galcats/sports/) - [Swimming](galcats/swimming/) - [Weddings](galcats/weddings/) + [Architecture](galcats/architecture/) - [Architectural elements](galcats/architectural-elements/) * [Arches](galcats/arches/) * [Bridges](galcats/bridges/) * [City walls](galcats/city-walls/) * [Columns](galcats/columns/) * [Dams](galcats/dams/) * [Fountains](galcats/fountains/) * [Gates](galcats/gates/) * [Halls](galcats/halls/) * [Monuments](galcats/monuments/) * [Neon lights](galcats/neon-lights/) * [Ponds and pools](galcats/ponds-and-pools/) * [Train stations](galcats/train-stations/) - [Architectural styles](galcats/architectural-styles/) * [Ancient Egyptian architecture](galcats/ancient-egyptian-architecture/) * [Ancient Greek architecture](galcats/ancient-greek-architecture/) * [Ancient Khmer architecture](galcats/ancient-khmer-architecture/) * [Ancient Roman architecture](galcats/ancient-roman-architecture/) * [Art Deco architecture](galcats/art-deco-architecture/) * [Baroque architecture](galcats/baroque-architecture/) * [Buddhist architecture](galcats/buddhist-architecture/) * [Byzantine architecture](galcats/byzantine-architecture/) * [Classical Chinese architecture](galcats/classical-chinese-architecture/) * [Colonial architecture](galcats/colonial-architecture/) * [Gothic architecture](galcats/gothic-architecture/) * [Half-timbered architecture](galcats/half-timbered-architecture/) * [Hindu architecture](galcats/hindu-architecture/) * [Indian architecture](galcats/indian-architecture/) * [Islamic architecture](galcats/islamic-architecture/) * [Japanese architecture](galcats/japanese-architecture/) * [Medieval architecture](galcats/medieval-architecture/) * [Modern architecture](galcats/modern-architecture/) * [Moorish architecture](galcats/moorish-architecture/) * [Mud brick architecture](galcats/mud-brick-architecture/) * [Nabatean architecture](galcats/nabatean-architecture/) * [Neo classical architecture](galcats/neo-classical-architecture/) * [Persian architecture](galcats/persian-architecture/) * [Renaissance architecture](galcats/renaissance-architecture/) * [Romanesque architecture](galcats/romanesque-architecture/) * [Silla architecture](galcats/silla-architecture/) * [Thai-Lao architecture](galcats/thai-lao-architecture/) * [Tibetan architecture](galcats/tibetan-architecture/) * [Victorian architecture](galcats/victorian-architecture/) - [Buildings](galcats/buildings/) * [Airports](galcats/airports/) * [Casinos and gambling centres](galcats/casinos-and-gambling-centres/) * [Castles](galcats/castles/) * [City halls](galcats/city-halls/) * [Convention centres and trade fairs](galcats/convention-centres-and-trade-fairs/) * [Fortresses](galcats/fortresses/) * [Government and institution buildings](galcats/government-and-institution-buildings/) * [Hotels](galcats/hotels/) * [Longhouses](galcats/longhouses/) * [Museums](galcats/museums/) * [Observatories](galcats/observatories/) * [Palaces](galcats/palaces/) * [Pavilions](galcats/pavilions/) * [Religious buildings](galcats/religious-buildings/) + [Cathedrals](galcats/cathedrals/) + [Churches](galcats/churches/) + [Monasteries](galcats/monasteries/) + [Mosques](galcats/mosques/) + [Temples](galcats/temples/) + [Tombs](galcats/tombs/) * [Ruins](galcats/ruins/) * [School and universities](galcats/school-and-universities/) * [Skyscrapers](galcats/skyscrapers/) * [Stilt houses](galcats/stilt-houses/) * [Theatres and operas](galcats/theatres-and-operas/) * [Towers](galcats/towers/) + [Art](galcats/art/) - [Bas-reliefs](galcats/bas-reliefs/) - [Frescos](galcats/frescos/) - [Jewelry and artefacts](galcats/jewelry-and-artefacts/) - [Mosaics](galcats/mosaics/) - [Paintings](galcats/paintings/) - [Statues](galcats/statues/) + [Economy](galcats/economy/) - [Agriculture](galcats/agriculture/) * [Farms and plantations](galcats/farms-and-plantations/) * [General agriculture](galcats/general-agriculture/) - [Commerce](galcats/commerce/) * [Malls](galcats/malls/) * [Markets](galcats/markets/) - [Food](galcats/food/) * [Food and meals](galcats/food-and-meals/) * [Food courts](galcats/food-courts/) * [Restaurants and cafes](galcats/restaurants-and-cafes/) - [Tourism](galcats/tourism/) * [Archaeological sites](galcats/archaeological-sites/) * [Diving sites](galcats/diving-sites/) * [Historical sites](galcats/historical-sites/) * [Local culture](galcats/local-culture/) * [Scenery](galcats/scenery/) * [Shopping](galcats/shopping/) * [Tourist attractions](galcats/tourist-attractions/) * [UNESCO world heritage sites](galcats/unesco-world-heritage-sites/) - [Transportation](galcats/transportation/) * [Airplanes](galcats/airplanes/) * [Airports](galcats/airports/) * [Bridges](galcats/bridges/) * [Canals](galcats/canals/) * [Harbours](galcats/harbours/) * [Metro](galcats/metro/) * [Roads](galcats/roads/) * [Ships and boats](galcats/ships-and-boats/) * [Traffic](galcats/traffic/) * [Train stations](galcats/train-stations/) + [Geographical features](galcats/geographical-features/) - [Bays](galcats/bays/) - [Beaches](galcats/beaches/) - [Canyons and gorges](galcats/canyons-and-gorges/) - [Caves](galcats/caves/) - [Crystal clear water](galcats/crystal-clear-water/) - [Deserts](galcats/deserts/) - [High plains](galcats/high-plains/) - [Hills](galcats/hills/) - [Islands](galcats/islands/) - [Karst mountains](galcats/karst-mountains/) - [Lakes](galcats/lakes/) - [Mountain passes](galcats/mountain-passes/) - [Mountains](galcats/mountains/) - [Oases](galcats/oases/) - [Plains](galcats/plains/) - [Rivers](galcats/rivers/) - [Rock formations](galcats/rock-formations/) - [Sand dunes](galcats/sand-dunes/) - [Seas and oceans](galcats/seas-and-oceans/) - [Snow and ice](galcats/snow-and-ice/) - [Steep coasts](galcats/steep-coasts/) - [Tropics](galcats/tropics/) - [Valleys](galcats/valleys/) - [Volcanoes](galcats/volcanoes/) - [Waterfalls](galcats/waterfalls/) + [Nature](galcats/nature/) - [National parks](galcats/national-parks/) - [Vegetation](galcats/vegetation/) * [Flowers](galcats/flowers/) * [Forests](galcats/forests/) * [Rainforests](galcats/rainforests/) - [Wildlife](galcats/wildlife/) - [Wildlife areas and centres](galcats/wildlife-areas-and-centres/) + [People](galcats/people/) - [Children](galcats/children/) - [Ethnic minorities](galcats/ethnic-minorities/) - [Religious people](galcats/religious-people/) * [Believers](galcats/believers/) * [Monks](galcats/monks/) - [Soldiers and guards](galcats/soldiers-and-guards/) - [Tourists](galcats/tourists/) - [Women](galcats/women/) + [Religion](galcats/religion/) - [Ancient Egyptian religion](galcats/ancient-egyptian-religion/) - [Ancient Greek religion](galcats/ancient-greek-religion/) - [Buddhism](galcats/buddhism/) - [Cao dai](galcats/cao-dai/) - [Cemeteries](galcats/cemeteries/) - [Christianity](galcats/christianity/) * [Catholicism](galcats/catholicism/) * [Christian faith](galcats/christian-faith/) * [Greek orthodox 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photos. The site is structured around [country photo galleries](#Galleries) of which the [China photo gallery](galleries/China/) and the [Malaysia photo gallery](galleries/Malaysia/) are the largest ones. New galleries are added every month. Feel free to browse through the [galleries](#Galleries) or use the [site search](suche/) function. The [gallery categories](galcats/) pages contain galleries sorted by topic. 15% of the photos on the site are very high resolution panoramic photos, printable with excellent detail in large sizes. See here for information on [licencing images](Licensing/) or contact us by [email](contact/). Read the [travelogues](travelogues/) for detailed travel information to many countries. See here for [links](links/) to other travel photography sites. See the [site history](history/) for an overview over how this site developed over the years. No advertising, cookies, javascriptThere is no advertising on this site. 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This site also doesn't use scripts or Java, except for the search results page, where a small script allows you to change the number of search results displayed on the page.[![](images/sch.png)](galleries/Cambodia/imagehtm/images/images.php) What's new | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [Mulu nature photo gallery](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Trip22/ "52 photos of the Mulu national park, taken dring a trip in August 2022") | [Ferry to Tarakan via Nunukan photo gallery](galleries/Indonesia/Kalimantan/Tarakan/ "26 photos of the ferry trip from Tawau (Malaysia) to Tarakan (Indonesia) via Nunukan.") | [Karlovy Vary photo gallery](galleries/Czech/Carlsbad/ "30 photos of the spa city of Karlovy Vary in the west of the Czech republic") | [Bako national park photo gallery](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/Park22/ "44 photos of landscapes and wildlife of the Bako national park") | [Loket photo gallery](galleries/Czech/Loket/ "39 photos of the medieval city of Loket with its famous castle") | [Tomohon photo gallery](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tomohon1/ "49 photos of Tomohon and the Lokon and Mahawu volcanoes in northern Sulawesi") | | | | | --- | | [Mulu nature](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Mulu/Trip22/) | | | | | --- | | [Ferry to Tarakan via Nunukan](galleries/Indonesia/Kalimantan/Tarakan/) | | | | | --- | | [Karlovy Vary](galleries/Czech/Carlsbad/) | | | | | --- | | [Bako national park](galleries/Malaysia/Sarawak/Bako/Park22/) | | | | | --- | | [Loket](galleries/Czech/Loket/) | | | | | --- | | [Tomohon](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tomohon1/) | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | [Hijaz mountains photo gallery](galleries/Saudi/Hijaz/ "21 photos of the Hijaz mountains between Jeddah and Taif, along the western coast of Saudi Arabia") | [Asir region south of Abha photo gallery](galleries/Saudi/Asir/ "66 photos of the Asir province, a mountain region in the southwest with many heritage villages") | [Sarawat mountains: Al Malad to Al Namas photo gallery](galleries/Saudi/Sarawat/ "64 photos of the Sarawat mountains between Al Bahah and Abha, an area with many heritage villages and forts") | | | | | --- | | [Hijaz mountains](galleries/Saudi/Hijaz/) | | | | | --- | | [Asir region south of Abha](galleries/Saudi/Asir/) | | | | | --- | | [Sarawat mountains: Al Malad to Al Namas](galleries/Saudi/Sarawat/) | | More recent additions to the site: [Abha](galleries/Saudi/Abha/) (35 photos), [Al Souda](galleries/Saudi/Souda/) (26 photos), [Tharmida](galleries/Saudi/Tharmida/) (19 photos), [Al Qasab](galleries/Saudi/Al_Qasab/) (16 photos), [Nafud desert](galleries/Saudi/Desert/) (17 photos), [Najran](galleries/Saudi/Najran/) (44 photos), [Fayd](galleries/Saudi/Fayd/) (18 photos), [Ushaiger](galleries/Saudi/Ushaiger/) (23 photos), [Al Ghat](galleries/Saudi/Al_Ghat/) (16 photos), [Jubbah archaeological site](galleries/Saudi/Jubbah/) (49 photos), [Ha'il](galleries/Saudi/Hail/) (53 photos), [Jabal Shada](galleries/Saudi/Jabal_Shada/) (40 photos), [Maria Weißenstein pilgrimage church](galleries/Italy/SouthTyrolTrentino/Weissenstein/) (17 photos), [Gorontalo](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Gorontalo/) (61 photos), [Jeddah](galleries/Saudi/Jeddah/) (62 photos), [Thee Ain](galleries/Saudi/Thee_Ain/) (25 photos), [Taif](galleries/Saudi/Taif/) (20 photos), [Kinabatangan river wildlife](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Kinabatangan/Wildlife22/) (46 photos), [Rijal Almaa](galleries/Saudi/Rijal/) (36 photos), [Medina](galleries/Saudi/Medina/) (79 photos), [Riyadh](galleries/Saudi/Riyadh/) (55 photos), [Saudi Arabia 2022-23 travelogue](travelogues/Saudi/2022-23/), [Piran](galleries/Slovenia/Piran/) (33 photos), [Shaqra](galleries/Saudi/Shaqra/) (57 photos), [Around Ranau](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Ranau/) (36 photos), [Tambunan](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Tambunan/) (37 photos), [Al Ula](galleries/Saudi/AlUla/) (235 photos), [Malaysia-Indonesia 2022 travelogue](travelogues/Malaysia/2022/), [Taliwas river conservation area](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Taliwas/) (57 photos), [Tana Toraja](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tanatoraja/) (281 photos), [Bornean sun bear conservation centre](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Sunbear/) (26 photos), [Makassar](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Makassar/) (44 photos), [Tangkoko Batuangus nature reserve (2022)](galleries/Indonesia/Sulawesi/Tangkoko22/) (82 photos), [Danum Valley Field Centre](galleries/Malaysia/Sabah/Danum_FC/) (98 photos), [Postojna](galleries/Slovenia/Postojna/) (45 photos), [Plitvice lakes national park](galleries/Croatia/Plitvice/) (45 photos), [Brač](galleries/Croatia/Brac/) (37 photos), [Bled](galleries/Slovenia/Bled/) (31 photos), [Slovenia Croatia Bosnia 2022 travelogue](travelogues/Balkan/2022/), [Italy 2021-22 travelogue](travelogues/Italy/2021-22/), [Poland Ukraine Hungary 2021 travelogue](travelogues/Poland_Ukraine_Hungary/2021/), [Zamosc](galleries/Poland/Zamosc/) (27 photos), [Eger](galleries/Hungary/Eger/) (46 photos), [Sandomierz](galleries/Poland/Sandomierz/) (38 photos). More galleries in the [site history](history/). Galleries by region | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | [Southeast Asia photo gallery](galleries/SEAsia/ "12717 photos of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam") | [South Asia photo gallery](galleries/SAsia/ "2990 photos of India, Iran and Nepal") | [East Asia photo gallery](galleries/EAsia/ "4724 photos of China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Mongolia") | | | | | --- | | [Southeast Asia](galleries/SEAsia/) | | | | | --- | | [South Asia](galleries/SAsia/) | | | | | --- | | [East Asia](galleries/EAsia/) | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | [Central Asia photo gallery](galleries/CAsia/ "399 photos of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan") | [The Caucasus photo gallery](galleries/Caucasus/ "933 photos of Azerbaijan and Georgia") | [Northern Africa photo gallery](galleries/NAfrica/ "2309 photos of Egypt, Morocco and Algeria") | | | | | --- | | [Central Asia](galleries/CAsia/) | | | | | --- | | [The Caucasus](galleries/Caucasus/) | | | | | --- | | [Northern Africa](galleries/NAfrica/) | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [Middle East photo gallery](galleries/MEast/ "4669 photos of the United Arab Emirates, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Oman and Israel") | [Southern Europe photo gallery](galleries/SEurope/ "3601 photos of Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Croatia and Cyprus") | [The Balkans photo gallery](galleries/Balkans/ "1495 photos of the Balkans region in southeastern Europe") | [Northern Europe photo gallery](galleries/NEurope/ "2206 photos of northern Europe including Finland, Denmark, Lithuania and Estonia") | | | | | --- | | [Middle East](galleries/MEast/) | | | | | --- | | [Southern Europe](galleries/SEurope/) | | | | | --- | | [The Balkans](galleries/Balkans/) | | | | | --- | | [Northern Europe](galleries/NEurope/) | | | | | | --- | --- | | [Central Europe photo gallery](galleries/CEurope/ "5262 photos of Austria, the Czech republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Slovenia") | [Western Europe photo gallery](galleries/WEurope/ "1830 photos of the Netherlands, France, Spain and Portugal") | | | | | --- | | [Central Europe](galleries/CEurope/) | | | | | --- | | [Western Europe](galleries/WEurope/) | | | | | | --- | --- | | [Eastern Europe photo gallery](galleries/EEurope/ "420 photos of Ukraine") | [Oceania photo gallery](galleries/Oceania/ "470 photos of Australia and Micronesia") | | | | | --- | | [Eastern Europe](galleries/EEurope/) | | | | | --- | | [Oceania](galleries/Oceania/) | | Galleries by category [All](galcats/)  ▪ [Geographical features](galcats/geographical-features/)  ▪  [Activities](galcats/activities/)  ▪  [Architecture](galcats/architecture/)  ▪  [Art](galcats/art/)  ▪  [Economy](galcats/economy/)  ▪  [Nature](galcats/nature/)  ▪  [People](galcats/people/)  ▪  [Religion](galcats/religion/)  ▪  [Special views](galcats/special-views/)  ▪  [Tourism](galcats/tourism/)  ▪  [Urban features](galcats/urban-features/) | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | Here you can enter a comment or suggestion. Leave your email address if you would like to receive a reply. | | | ©Copyright Alfred Molon [![](galleries/sch.gif)]( [![](galleries/sch.gif)](A55/10fpsmode/)
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***&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <font size="+1"><a moz-do-not-send="true" href="">Stuff &amp; Stuff</a></font> ( Updated 23 Dec. )&nbsp;&nbsp; ***<br> </strong><strong> </strong></span> <hr size="2" width="100%"> <div align="left"> <div align="center"> <div align="left"> <div align="left"><span class="c1"></span><span class="c1"><strong><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><b><font color="#cc0000"><font size="-2" color="#663366">PSSST !!! ATTENTION PLEASE !!! Momentuous Memo !!!<br> <br> </font></font></b></font></strong></span> <div align="center"><span class="c1"><strong><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><b><font color="#cc0000"> <font color="#330033">BEHOLD&nbsp; !!! </font></font></b></font></strong></span><span class="c1"><strong><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><b><font color="#cc0000"><font color="#330033"><br> The All-New &amp; Improved Second ReReturning of </font><br> <br> </font></b></font></strong></span><span class="c1"><strong><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><b><font color="#cc0000"> </font></b></font></strong></span></div> <div align="center"><span class="c1"><strong><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><b><font color="#cc0000">&nbsp;<sup>the</sup><font color="#330033"> <font size="+1"><font size="+3">Civilization Kit&nbsp;</font> Thumb Drive<br> </font></font><font color="#330033"><font size="+1"> </font></font></font></b></font></strong></span> <div align="left"> <div align="center"><span class="c1"><strong><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><b><font color="#cc0000"><font color="#330033"><font size="+1"> </font></font></font></b></font></strong></span><span class="c1"><strong><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><b><font color="#cc0000"><span class="c1"><strong></strong></span></font></b></font></strong></span><span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong><br> Get Everything @ + on a 32 GB USB Drive !&nbsp; Only $31.41 Postpaid USA</strong></span></strong></span><br> <span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong></strong></span></strong></span></div> <span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong> <br> </strong></span></strong></span><span class="c1"><strong><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><b><font color="#cc0000"><span class="c1"><strong><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><b><font color="#cc0000"><span class="c1"><strong></strong></span></font></b></font></strong></span></font></b></font>This is Absolutely &amp; Unequivocally Your Best Bet &amp; Investment in Self, DNA, Family, Community, Humanity, and Life on Earth, <i>ad nauseum</i> in sustainability ! <br> It's All &amp; Everything You Need to Know to Build a Human 1.4a Type II.6 Kardashev Civilization with Borg-Proof Portals &amp; Stuff ! Just add Calories !</strong></span><span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong><br> </strong></span></strong></span> <div align="center"><span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong><font size="+2">Order Yours NOW !!!<br> <a moz-do-not-send="true" href=""><br> </a><br> </font></strong></span></strong></span><span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong>DO NOT WAIT ! REACT ! RESPOND ! HURRY ! FASTER ! </strong></span></strong></span><br> <span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong></strong></span></strong></span></div> <span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong> </strong></span>Get Genuine Instantaneous Gratification w/ No Regrets ! <br> This Fabulous Fob is </strong></span><span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong>Unconditionally Guaranteed to cover and/or save your Posterior &amp; DNA Sacs for Posterity ! <br> Humanity will be gratuitously grateful for millennia to come ! <br> Meanwhile, You are helping to support the continuance and development this project ! Thank You...<br> <br> </strong></span></strong></span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <hr size="2" width="100%"><font color="#cc0000"><span class="c1"><strong></strong></span></font><span class="c1"><strong></strong></span><span class="c1"><strong></strong></span><span class="c1"></span> <hr size="2" width="100%"><span class="c1"><strong><font color="#990000">Dear Reader</font> :</strong> <strong>On 9 October 2023, Las Vegas police &amp; Clark County ( NV ) 'Code&nbsp; Enforcement'</strong></span> <span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong>kicked in the gate w/o a valid warrant and proceeded to raze</strong></span> the rancho property where I was sheltering / working doing cleanup while repairing my vehicle. Everything there was looted, confiscated, towed, or scooped up and dumpstered without any regard for "rights", laws, or inventory -- including my hazardous alchemy reagents, equipment, tools, clothes, etc -- particularly, 2 laptops containing all Rex Research data, 12000+ pdf books, &amp;c in the process of transfer &amp; uploads, and paper notes, &amp; stuff. The </strong></span><span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong>'04 Pathfinder</strong></span> was towed, and I was arrested for alleged 'obstruction' ( witnessing ) and released 12 hours later @ 2 a.m., dressed in rags ( cleaning the chicken coop @ the moment of invasion ), with only wallet and phone. Reconstruction has been achingly slow</strong><strong> as I slouch towards Bethlehem. At least I'm not in Gaza yet.<br> And I thank you who kindly <a moz-do-not-send="true" href="#donate">donate</a> to hlep this project continue its contribution . It is very heartening and empowering.<br> <font color="#cc0000">Signed : Dear Writer<br> <br> P.S. -- Update 12-15-2023 : Thanks to several kind and generous donations, Writer now happlessly owns nothing, plus a bike, bus pass, gym membership, food stamps, laptop, change of pants, shoes, &amp;c., &amp; is saving $$ for a cheapo auction car. Shelter is in a shed, extension cord for hot plate/lamp/charger. Life is good, thanks to You &amp; that God-Universe thingy.<br> <br> </font> </strong></span><span class="c1"><strong></strong></span></div> </div> <span class="c1"></span> <hr size="2" width="100%"> <div align="left"> <div align="left"><span class="c1"><span class="c3"><em><strong><br> </strong></em></span></span> <div align="justify"> <div align="center"><span class="c1"><font size="+1"><span class="c3"><em><strong><a href="" target="_blank" moz-do-not-send="true">Stuff &amp; Stuff</a></strong></em></span></font><strong> </strong></span><span class="c1"><strong><br> a sci-tech blogazine </strong> <strong>[ Updated 15<em></em> December ]</strong> <strong>[</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Archives</a></strong> <strong>]</strong></span><br> </div> <span class="c1"><strong></strong></span></div> <span class="c1"><strong><br> </strong></span> </div> <hr size="2" width="100%"> <div align="left"> <div align="center"> <div align="center"><span class="c1"><strong>The</strong> <span class="c2"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Civilization Kit</a></strong></span></span><br> </div> <span class="c1"><span class="c2"><strong></strong></span></span></div> <span class="c1"><strong><font color="#990000">New @ December:<br> </font></strong></span> <blockquote><span class="c1"><strong><font color="#990000"> <a moz-do-not-send="true" href="">McGINNIS, John : Synergy Aircraft</a> ~Double box tail design with several advantages; Articles, vids, patents.</font></strong></span><br> <span class="c1"><strong><font color="#990000"> <a moz-do-not-send="true" href="">PELLARINI, Luigi : "AirTruk" Airdynecraft</a> ~ Escape Thunderdome w/ Mad Max: Articles &amp; patents.</font></strong></span><br> <span class="c1"><strong></strong></span></blockquote> <span class="c1"><strong><font color="#990000"> Recent Uploads :</font></strong></span><font color="#990000"><span class="c1"><strong></strong></span></font><br> <span class="c1"><strong></strong></span> <div align="left"> <blockquote><span class="c1"><strong> </strong></span> <span class="c1"><strong><a href="">De ROUGE, Charles: Airfoil</a> ~ Mast-mounted stabilizer for ultralights corrects pitch &amp; sideslip; 2 articles &amp; USP.</strong></span><br> <span class="c1"><strong> <a href="" target="_blank">LULING, Friedrich: Magnet Motor</a> ~ A working design that built &amp; demonstrated (Pathe Films); then he died. Patent, videos, &amp; replications.</strong></span><br> <span class="c1"><strong> </strong></span> <span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Bionic Wing Patents</a> ~ 500 from (Related: <a href="">Ornithopter Patents</a> // <a href="">Dragonfly Wing Patents</a> &amp;c)</strong></span></strong></span><br> <span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong> </strong></span></strong></span> <span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong><a href="">Automobile Tech Database</a> ~ Index of all such listings @ Rex Research.</strong></span></strong></span></strong></span></strong></span><br> <span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong><a href="">Mortgage Fraud: The Lies &amp; The Laws</a> by nobodyouwantoknow (Revised 11-11-2023)</strong></span></strong></span></strong></span></strong></span></strong></span></strong></span></strong></span></strong></span><br> <span class="c1"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">SEBASTIAN, Thomas / STREM, Chris: Toroidal Propeller</a></strong> ~ MIT's revolutionary 100+% efficient design for aero &amp; hydro applications.</span><span class="c1"><strong></strong></span><br> <span class="c1"><strong></strong></span></blockquote> <span class="c1"><strong> </strong><strong><br> <font color="#cc0000">*** Book Collections @</font></strong><font color="#cc0000"> <strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></strong> <strong>--</strong> </font><b><font color="#cc0000"><i>The Library Extension of the Civilization Kit</i> </font>-- </b><b>Alt Sci-Tech Books // Taoist Alchemy // Brewing // Diplomacy // Knots // Kozyrev Time // Law Dictionaries // Paralegal // Psilocybin // Shoes // Speleology // <i>Agriculture</i> : Crop Diseases and Pests // Bee Keeping // Desalination // Farm Equipment // Farm Management // Greenhouses // Harvest // Herbs // Horticulture // Irrigation // Organic Farming // Plant Breeding &amp; Propagation // Poultry // Soil // Water Management // Water Wells &amp; Pumps</b><b> // <i>Medical</i> : Anatomy // Emergency-Critical-Intensive Care // Midwifery // NeoNatology // Nursing // Obstetrics &amp; Gynecology // Oxford Handbooks // Pregnancy &amp; Childbirth // Paramedicine // Sexually Transmitted Diseases &amp;c...</b><br> </span> <div class="c4" align="left"><span class="c1"><strong><br> <font color="#990000">Local Favorites :</font></strong></span><br> <blockquote> <span class="c1"><strong><span class="c1"><strong><a moz-do-not-send="true" href="">d'ANGELO, Antonio: Inter-Atomic Ion Motor</a> ~</strong></span></strong><span class="c1"> A patented, proven,over-unity&nbsp; "Inter-Atomic" design by a Brazilian Jesuit priest ( 1928 )using unique windings.</span></span><br> <span class="c1"> </span><span class="c1"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Palmer CRAIG : Bismuth Geomagnetic Battery</a></strong> -- Free Energy, simple, elegant, patented, ignored...</span><br> <span class="c1"> </span> <span class="c1"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Jules GUILLOT : Atmospheric Power Generator</a></strong> -- Free Energy, simple, proven, elegant, patented, ignored.</span><br> <span class="c1"></span></blockquote> <span class="c1"> </span></div> </div> <hr size="2" width="100%"><span class="c1"><strong></strong></span><span class="c1"><strong></strong></span> <div align="left"> <div align="center"> <div align="left"><span class="c1"><strong> <font color="#cc0000">YO, ZAPOFIRE NPP !!</font></strong></span><font color="#cc0000"> <span class="c1"><strong>Forever 'n Never </strong></span></font><br> </div> <font color="#cc0000"><span class="c1"><strong></strong></span></font></div> <div align="center"><font color="#cc0000"><span class="c1"><strong></strong></span></font><span class="c5"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Fukushima Mon Amour</a><br> </strong></span><span class="c3"></span><br> <span class="c3"></span></div> <span class="c3"> </span><font color="#cc0000"><span class="c1"><strong></strong></span></font> <span class="c1"><strong> </strong></span><span class="c1"><strong>Once more into the reactor breach : 50+ Patents to reduce Radioactivity</strong></span><span class="c1">... And: Keep Liquid Nitrogen &amp; Dry CO2 handy to smother the Fire, shock-cool the Corium, and form Nitrides and Carbonates . It worked @ Chernobyl, but Tepco-Yakuza would rather save face than Life, so tough faeces, Japan-Pacific Ocean from Magna BSP-Mossad-Stuxnet-NSA-Kazar-Illuminazi with Hate &amp; Omnicide !! Fuku, puny hominid earthling !!!</span><br> </div> </div> </div> </blockquote> </div> <blockquote> <div align="center"> <div align="left"> <blockquote> <hr class="c6" size="2" width="100%"></blockquote> <div align="center"> <div align="left"><span class="c1"><strong>R&amp;D @ Rex Research :</strong><strong><br> </strong> </span></div> <blockquote> <div align="left"><span class="c1"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Alchemy Now</a></strong> <strong>-- Experiments w/ 'modernized'</strong> <strong>Lapid de Tribus ( Stalled for now... )</strong><strong> </strong> <strong><br> </strong></span> <span class="c1"><strong><a href="">The Aragonite Project</a></strong> <strong>---</strong> <strong><a href="">The Great Cavern River</a><br> <br> </strong><strong> </strong></span></div> </blockquote> <span class="c1"> </span> <hr size="2" width="100%"> <div align="left"><img src="Rex%20Research%20Archives%20Home%20Page_files/copper3.jpg" alt="" width="217" height="136"> <span class="c1"><strong>Got / Need / Want</strong><strong> </strong> </span><span class="c1"><span class="c2"><strong><a href=";amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoF5fqGklF30oHWOibbBV0bY8Tp7g9kJqQrRHKF9RsttBG%2FPhtJrXXL%2F6XGeQW8A2yHa48daUnKkzSXyzvlIW1C1JJWuYvmHBS4ulqMq9QbbbSme%2BZnWlxgtPx17a1lv7ooD4cDkj9q6UbIm1eHfjFf7z9T%2FORpx4Zk%2BG4mArrDZDqKnA0EvAPrayNtgvzoNRf71yhrdfSI%2FG42eKLybVVeQ%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR47-wIyUYQ">Copper Powder</a></strong></span><strong><span class="c2"> </span> ???</strong></span><br> <span class="c1"> </span></div> <div class="c7" align="center"> <div align="left"><span class="c1"><strong>500 Grams ( plus some ! ) ... 99.9%+ Pure ... 100% passes -300 Mesh ...Free Shipping</strong></span><br> </div> <div align="left"><span class="c1">Applications : High temperature lubricant paste (mixed with grease) esp. @ heavy loads/low speeds/high-temperature vibration... Metal filler in cold casting... Sintered component manufacture... 3D printing... Pyrotechnics (blue/green)... EMI shielding... Medical treatment : osteoporosis and fractures... Powder metallurgy applications (high flow rate, good strength, high electrical/ thermal conductivities -- the best electroconductive element after gold &amp; silver)... Conductive coatings... Catalysts for hydrocarbon oxidation... Plastic fillers... Welding, brazing and joining... Anti fouling paints... Electroplating... &amp; many more...</span><span class="c1"><br> </span></div> </div> </div> <blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> <div align="left"> <hr size="2" width="100%"></div> </blockquote> <div align="center"><span class="c8"><strong>The</strong></span> <span class="c5"><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Civilization Kit</a></strong></span><br> <span class="c1"> </span></div> </div> <div align="left"> <div align="center"><span class="c1"><font size="-1"><strong><a class="c2 c9" href="" target="_blank">Inventor // Subject Index</a></strong></font> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Alchemy Library</a></strong><strong><br> </strong></span></div> <div align="left"> <blockquote> <div align="center"> <div align="center"><span class="c1"><strong><a href="">AA</a></strong> <strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">BB</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">CC</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">DD</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">EE</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">FF</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">GG</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">HH</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">II</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">JJ</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">KK</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">LL</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">MM</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">NN</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">OO</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">PP</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">QQ</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">RR</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">SS</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">TT</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">UU</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">WW</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">XX</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">YY</a></strong><strong> </strong> <strong><a href="">ZZ</a></strong><strong><br> </strong></span></div> <div align="center"><span class="c1"><strong><a href="">Aether</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Agrow</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Aero</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Air Wells</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Alchemy</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Anti-G</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Antennas</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Low Tech</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong></strong><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Automobiles</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Boats</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Cancer</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Cannabis</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Chemistry</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Coal / Oil</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Covid</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Dental</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">ElectroCulture</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">ElectroMagnetix</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Electrotherapy</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Free Energy / OverUnity</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Government</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Health</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Heat / Cold</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Herbs</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Hodowanec Rhysmonics</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">HHO</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Light</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Longevity</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Magnetix</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Mechanix</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Mind / Spirit</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Nanotech</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Robert A. Nelson</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">NukeyPoo</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Radionix</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Sound</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Time</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Water</a></strong> <strong>*</strong> <strong><a href="">Wind *</a></strong><strong><br> </strong></span></div> </div> </blockquote> <hr size="2" width="100%"> <span class="c1"></span> <div> <div align="center"><span class="c1"><strong><a name="donate"></a><font color="#990000">HLEP WANTED !!!</font></strong></span><span class="c1"><strong> </strong> <strong><br> </strong></span></div> <div align="center"><span class="c1"><strong>PLEASE DONATE A FEW $$s TO REX RESEARCH !!!</strong><strong><br> </strong> Bobby needs new shoes &amp;c. to continue &amp; the Aragonite Project, Alchemy Now, &amp;c...<br> Thank you !<br> </span></div> <span class="c1"><br class="c9"> </span> <div align="center"> <form class="c10" action="" method="post" target="_top"><input name="hosted_button_id" value="J39S5PVDYVTNL" type="hidden"> <input src="Rex%20Research%20Archives%20Home%20Page_files/btn_donateCC_LG.gif" name="submit" title="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!" alt="Donate with PayPal button" type="image"> <img alt="" src="Rex%20Research%20Archives%20Home%20Page_files/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1" border="0"><br> </form> </div> <blockquote> <hr size="2" width="100%"> <div align="center"><span class="c1"><img moz-do-not-send="true" src="Rex%20Research%20Archives%20Home%20Page_files/hleprexres.jpg" alt="" width="215" height="215"></span><br> </div> <span class="c1"></span></blockquote> </div> </div> </div> </div> </blockquote> <blockquote> <div align="left"> <div align="center"><span class="c1"> <a moz-do-not-send="true" href=""><b>The World's Greatest Band</b></a><br> </span><span class="c1"></span></div> <span class="c1"><br> </span> <hr size="2" width="100%"><span class="c1"><br> </span> <span class="c1"><strong>Articles by Robert A. NELSON</strong> <strong>: </strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="c8">Power from the Sky</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="c8">Memo to Tepco</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="c8">Asian Prophecy</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="c8">Tree-lectricity</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="c8">Goodbye, Cape Town</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="c8">Spontaneous Generation</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="c8">Electro-Culture</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="c8">My Science Fair Project: How To Make Gold</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="c8">Levity's Labor Lost</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="c8">Water for Gasoline</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="c8">The Wonder World of... Whenever</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="c8">Nostradamus &amp; The Plague</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" class="c8">Nostradamus &amp; Jihad</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="c8">Electro-Osmosis of Oil</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="c8">Resurrect Now</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" class="c8">Plastic to Oil</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="c8">Torsion Chemistry</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="" target="_blank" class="c8">Ray Guns 101</a></strong> <strong>**</strong> <strong><a href="">Adept Alchemy</a></strong> <strong>** &amp;c.</strong><br> </span> <blockquote> <div align="center"> <hr size="2" width="100%"></div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> </div> <blockquote> <div align="center"> <blockquote> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> <blockquote> <blockquote> <div class="c1 c2 c5 c30" align="left"> <blockquote class="c41"> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> </blockquote> <blockquote> <blockquote> <div class="c1 c2 c5 c30" align="left"> <blockquote class="c41"> </blockquote> <div class="c3 c1 c101 c3 c1 c101" align="center"><span class="c1"><strong>Disclaimers</strong><br> </span></div> </div> </blockquote> <span class="c1"><strong>This website is for educational purposes only. It does not substitute for diagnosis, treatment and advice given by a qualified licensed professional. This site offers medical information but does not represent the "practice of medicine". This site assumes no responsibility for any use of the material. This website is updated frequently or edited for content and format; therefore, some information may be out of date. The statements may not have not been evaluated by the FDA.</strong></span><span class="c1"><strong><br> <br> NO</strong> Coronal Virii, Solar Deities, Semites, Semi-Semiti, Anti-Semiti, Israilii, Jeui, Palacetinians, Moslimites, Christains, Zionazis, Nazionists, Illuminoids, Plutocraps, Oiligarchists, Republicunts, Demonrats, Neo-Can'ts, Mexicanoi, Communisti, Corporati, Homosexists, Fetusi, Homunculi, Stem Cellules, Cloones, Extra-Terrans, Terroristoi, Terraists, Truckers, Cops, Computees, nor any other putative Entittys, Spirits, B-ings or Lifeforms were Duped, Teased, Hated, Killed, Injured, Tortured, Sexually Abused, Circumcised, Clitorected, Enslaved, Exploited, Insulted, Ignored, Lied to / about, Slandered, Libeled, Labeled, Stereotyped, Culturally Deprived, Collaterally Damaged or America-Liberated in the Construction of <strong></strong>!</span><span class="c1"><strong><br> <br></strong> is Certified Matrix-Free, and contains no Advertisements, Subliminal Suggestions, Lies, Propaganda, Statistics, Typographical Errros or Animal Products, Cookies, Spyware, Worms, Viruses, Prions, Mycoplasmae, or Chemtrails.<br> <br> </span><span class="c1"><strong>r</strong><strong></strong> is Composed of 141.064% Recycled Organic Photonons (Active Ingredient: +0% Ozone... Inert Ingredients: -110% US Constitution &amp; Amendments)</span><span class="c1"><br> <br> The singularly pathetic, insufferable fag-macho jockwad slacker who cowers behind is inordinately proud to be in full sniveling, snitching, simpering, groveling, whimpering, whining, wimpy, obsequious, obedient, knee-jerk, boot-licking, cross-bearing, flag-waving, butt-kissing, back-stabbing, choad-suhking, poopy-pantys, half-hearted, self-serving, morally bankrupt, willfully ignorant, dumbed-down, dimwitted, shameless, enslaved, impotent, craven, mindless, fawning, soulless, foolish, idiotic, silly, stupidic, brainwashed, legal, psychopathic, nationally suicidal, incorporated prostituting Compliance with the Divine Patriot Acts I, II and III, the Imperial Military Commissions Act, the Holy Federal Quisling Act, the Sacred Enabling Act of 2008, &amp;c...</span><span class="c1"><strong><br> <br> Copyright &amp; Medical Disclaimer</strong> : Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. This website is for educational purposes only. It does not substitute for diagnosis, treatment and advice given by a qualified licensed professional. This site archives medical information but does not represent the "practice of medicine". This site assumes no responsibility for any use of the material. This website is updated frequently or edited for content and format; therefore, some information may be belated. The statements may not have not been evaluated by the FDA.</span><span class="c1"><strong><br> <br></strong> is sickeningly proud to be WEF / WHO / CDC-Certified Covid-19-2--21-22-23-24-Free !</span><span class="c1"><strong><br></strong> contains NO mRNA, nanolips, or adjuvants, nor any natural, gmo, or synthetic biological entititties !</span><span class="c1"><strong><br></strong> is protected by proprietary patent-pending radionic waveshields that utilize aethero-torsion fields and omni-spectral imaging to pro-actively neuter all antivital particles !<br> </span> <hr size="2" width="100%"><span class="c1"></span> <hr size="2" width="100%"><span class="c1"></span></blockquote> </body> </html>
Rex Research Archives Home Page div.c51 {font-family: Times New Roman,Times,serif; text-align: left;} strong.c50 {font-family: Times New Roman,Times,serif; text-align: left;} br.c49 {font-family: Times New Roman,Times,serif; text-align: left;} form.c48 {text-align: center;} input.c47 {text-align: center;} hr.c46 {height: 2px; width: 882.88px;} span.c45 {font-size: 144%; text-align: center} span.c44 {color: #660000; font-size: 120%; text-align: center} strong.c43 {text-align: center; font-style: italic;} span.c42 {color: #990000; font-size: 144%; text-align: center} blockquote.c41 {text-align: center;} span.c40 {color: #990000; text-align: center} span.c39 {color: #660000; text-align: left} hr.c38 {text-align: center;} span.c37 {font-size: 120%; text-align: center} span.c36 {color: #000000} span.c35 {color: #000000; font-size: 120%; text-align: center} br.c34 {text-align: center;} span.c33 {text-align: center; text-decoration: underline} span.c32 {color: #003300} hr.c31 {text-align: left;} div.c30 {background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px;} blockquote.c29 {text-align: left} br.c28 {text-align: left;} span.c27 {font-size: 120%; text-align: left} span.c26 {color: #660000; font-size: 120%; text-align: left} blockquote.c25 {text-align: left;} div.c24 {text-align: center;} div.c23 {text-align: left;} span.c22 {text-align: left} span.c21 {font-size: 80%} span.c20 {color: #660000} span.c19 {text-align: left;} span.c18 {color: rgb(102, 0, 0);} strong.c17 {text-align: left;} em.c16 {color: rgb(0, 0, 255);} blockquote.c15 {background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 16px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px;} span.c14 {color: #660000; font-size: 144%} span.c13 {font-size: 144%} span.c12 {color: #006600} span.c11 {color: rgb(0, 0, 255); font-size: 120%} span.c10 {color: rgb(153, 0, 0); font-size: 120%} a.c9 {color: rgb(0, 0, 255); font-size: 19.2px;} a.c8 {color: rgb(0, 0, 255);} span.c7 {font-size: 120%} div.c6 {text-align: center} span.c5 {color: #660000; text-align: center} em.c4 {text-align: center;} img.c3 {text-align: center;} span.c2 {color: #660000; font-size: 144%; text-align: center} strong.c1 {text-align: center;} form.c10 {font-family: Times New Roman, Times, serif} br.c9 {text-align: center;} span.c8 {font-family: Times New Roman, Times, serif; font-size: 64%} div.c7 {color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: "Times New Roman"; font-size: medium; font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; text-decoration-thickness: initial; text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial;} hr.c6 {text-align: left} span.c5 {font-family: Times New Roman, Times, serif; font-size: 120%} div.c4 {text-align: left;} span.c3 {font-size: 120%} span.c2 {font-size: 144%} span.c1 {font-family: Times New Roman, Times, serif} > > ![](0logo.gif) > > **Rex > Research** **Causality > Engineering R&D & Karma Repair > > Our Plan : Improvise** **email: >** > > > --- > > **\*\*\*   [Civilization > > > > > > Kit](    > \*\*\*    [Stuff > > > > > > > & Stuff]( ( Updated 23 Dec. > )   \*\*\*** > > > --- > > > > > > ****PSSST !!! > ATTENTION PLEASE !!! Momentuous Memo !!!**** > ****BEHOLD  > > > > > > > > !!!**** ****The All-New & Improved Second > ReReturning of**** > ****the Civilization Kit  > Thumb Drive**** > > ****Get Everything @ + > on a 32 GB USB Drive > !  Only $31.41 Postpaid USA**** > > > **This > > > > > > > > > > > > is Absolutely & Unequivocally Your Best > Bet & Investment in Self, DNA, Family, > Community, Humanity, and Life on Earth, *ad > > > > > > > > nauseum* in sustainability ! > > It's All & Everything You Need to Know > to Build a Human 1.4a Type II.6 Kardashev > Civilization with Borg-Proof Portals & > Stuff ! Just add Calories !** > ****Order > Yours NOW !!! > > <>********DO > > NOT WAIT ! REACT ! RESPOND ! HURRY ! > FASTER !**** > > > **Get Genuine Instantaneous > Gratification w/ No Regrets ! > > This Fabulous Fob is** ****Unconditionally > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Guaranteed to cover and/or save your > Posterior & DNA Sacs for Posterity ! > > > Humanity will be gratuitously grateful > for millennia to come ! > > Meanwhile, You are helping to support > the continuance and development this > project ! Thank You...**** > > > > > > > --- > > > > > --- > > **Dear Reader :** **On > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 9 October 2023, Las Vegas police & Clark County ( > NV ) 'Code  Enforcement'** ****kicked in > the gate w/o a valid warrant and proceeded to raze** > the rancho property where I was sheltering / working > doing cleanup while repairing my vehicle. Everything > there was looted, confiscated, towed, or scooped up > and dumpstered without any regard for "rights", laws, > or inventory -- including my hazardous alchemy > reagents, equipment, tools, clothes, etc -- > particularly, 2 laptops containing all Rex Research > data, 12000+ pdf books, &c in the process of > transfer & uploads, and paper notes, & stuff. > The** ****'04 Pathfinder** > was towed, and I was arrested for alleged > 'obstruction' ( witnessing ) and released 12 hours > later @ 2 a.m., dressed in rags ( cleaning the chicken > coop @ the moment of invasion ), with only wallet and > phone. Reconstruction has been achingly slow****as I slouch towards Bethlehem. At least I'm not in > Gaza yet. > > And I thank you who kindly [donate](#donate) to hlep this project > continue its contribution . It is very heartening and > empowering. > > Signed : Dear Writer > > > > P.S. -- Update 12-15-2023 : Thanks to several kind > and generous donations, Writer now happlessly owns > nothing, plus a bike, bus pass, gym membership, food > stamps, laptop, change of pants, shoes, &c., > & is saving $$ for a cheapo auction car. Shelter > is in a shed, extension cord for hot > plate/lamp/charger. Life is good, thanks to You > & that God-Universe thingy.** > > > > > --- > > > > > > ***[Stuff > > > > > > > > > & Stuff](*** **a sci-tech blogazine** **[ Updated > 15 December ]** **[** > **[Archives](** **]** > > > > > > > --- > > > > > **The** > **[Civilization Kit](** > > > > **New @ > December:** > > > **[McGINNIS, > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > John : Synergy Aircraft]( ~Double box tail > > design with several advantages; Articles, vids, > > patents.** > > > > **[PELLARINI, > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Luigi : "AirTruk" Airdynecraft]( ~ Escape > > Thunderdome w/ Mad Max: Articles & patents.** > > > > > > > **Recent > Uploads :** > > > > > > > > **[De > > > > > > > > > > > > ROUGE, Charles: Airfoil]( ~ Mast-mounted > > stabilizer for ultralights corrects pitch & > > sideslip; 2 articles & USP.** > > > > **[LULING, Friedrich: Magnet Motor]( > > ~ A working design that built & demonstrated > > (Pathe Films); then he died. Patent, videos, & > > replications.** > > > > ****[Bionic Wing Patents]( ~ > > 500 from (Related: [Ornithopter > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Patents]( // [Dragonfly > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Wing Patents]( &c)**** > > > > > > ********[Automobile > > > > > > > > > > > > Tech Database]( ~ Index of all > > such listings @ Rex Research.******** > > > > ****************[Mortgage > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Fraud: The Lies > > & The Laws]( > > by nobodyouwantoknow > > (Revised 11-11-2023)**************** > > > > **[SEBASTIAN, Thomas / STREM, > > Chris: Toroidal Propeller](** ~ MIT's > > revolutionary 100+% efficient design for aero & > > hydro applications. > > > > > > > **\*\*\* Book Collections @** **[](** > **--** ***The > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Library Extension of the Civilization Kit* --** **Alt Sci-Tech Books // Taoist Alchemy // Brewing > // Diplomacy // Knots // Kozyrev Time // Law > Dictionaries // Paralegal // Psilocybin // Shoes // > Speleology // *Agriculture* : Crop Diseases > and Pests // Bee Keeping // Desalination // Farm > Equipment // Farm Management // Greenhouses // > Harvest // Herbs // Horticulture // Irrigation // > Organic Farming // Plant Breeding & Propagation > // Poultry // Soil // Water Management // Water > Wells & Pumps** **// *Medical* : > Anatomy // Emergency-Critical-Intensive Care // > Midwifery // NeoNatology // Nursing // Obstetrics > & Gynecology // Oxford Handbooks // Pregnancy > & Childbirth // Paramedicine // Sexually > Transmitted Diseases &c...** > > > **Local Favorites :** > > > > ****[d'ANGELO, > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Antonio: Inter-Atomic Ion Motor]( ~**** A patented, proven,over-unity  > > "Inter-Atomic" design by a Brazilian Jesuit > > priest ( 1928 )using unique windings. > > > > **[Palmer CRAIG : Bismuth > > Geomagnetic Battery](** -- Free > > Energy, simple, elegant, patented, ignored... > > > > **[Jules > > GUILLOT : Atmospheric Power Generator](** > > -- Free Energy, simple, proven, elegant, patented, > > ignored. > > > > > > > > > > > --- > > > > > **YO, ZAPOFIRE NPP !!** **Forever > 'n Never** > > > > **[Fukushima Mon Amour](** > > > **Once > > > > > > > > more into the reactor breach : 50+ Patents to reduce > Radioactivity**... > And: Keep Liquid Nitrogen & Dry CO2 handy to > smother the Fire, shock-cool the Corium, and form > Nitrides and Carbonates . It worked @ Chernobyl, but > Tepco-Yakuza would rather save face than Life, so > tough faeces, Japan-Pacific Ocean from Magna > BSP-Mossad-Stuxnet-NSA-Kazar-Illuminazi with Hate > & Omnicide !! Fuku, puny hominid earthling !!! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > --- > > > > > > > > **R&D @ Rex > Research :** > > > > > **[Alchemy Now](** **-- > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Experiments w/ 'modernized'** **Lapid > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > de Tribus ( Stalled for now... )** **[The > > > > > > > > > > > > Aragonite Project](** **---** > > **[The > > > > > > > > > > > > Great Cavern River](** > > > > > > > > --- > > > ![](Rex%20Research%20Archives%20Home%20Page_files/copper3.jpg) **Got > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > / Need / Want** **[Copper > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Powder](** **???** > > > > **500 Grams ( > plus some ! ) ... 99.9%+ Pure ... 100% passes -300 > Mesh ...Free Shipping** > > > Applications : High > temperature lubricant paste (mixed with grease) esp. > @ heavy loads/low speeds/high-temperature > vibration... Metal filler in cold casting... > Sintered component manufacture... 3D printing... > Pyrotechnics (blue/green)... EMI shielding... > Medical treatment : osteoporosis and fractures... > Powder metallurgy applications (high flow rate, good > strength, high electrical/ thermal conductivities -- > the best electroconductive element after gold & > silver)... Conductive coatings... Catalysts for > hydrocarbon oxidation... Plastic fillers... Welding, > brazing and joining... Anti fouling paints... > Electroplating... & many more... > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > --- > > > > > > > > > **The** > **[Civilization Kit](** > > > > > **[Inventor // Subject Index](** > **\*\*** **[Alchemy Library](** > > > > > > > > **[AA](** > > **[BB](** **[CC](** **[DD](** **[EE](** **[FF](** **[GG](** **[HH](** **[II](** **[JJ](** **[KK](** **[LL](** **[MM](** **[NN](** **[OO](** **[PP](** **[QQ](** **[RR](** **[SS](** **[TT](** **[UU](** **[WW](** **[XX](** **[YY](** **[ZZ](** > > **[Aether](** > > **\*** **[Agrow](** > > **\*** **[Aero](** > > **\*** **[Air > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Wells](** **\*** **[Alchemy](** > > **\*** **[Anti-G](** > > **\*** **[Antennas](** > > **\*** **[Low > > > > > > > > > > > > Tech](** **\*** **[Automobiles](** **\*** > > **[Boats](** > > **\*** **[Cancer](** > > **\*** **[Cannabis](** > > **\*** **[Chemistry](** > > **\*** **[Coal > > > > > > > > > > > > / Oil](** **\*** **[Covid](** **\*** > > **[Dental](** > > **\*** **[ElectroCulture](** > > **\*** **[ElectroMagnetix](** > > **\*** **[Electrotherapy](** > > **\*** **[Free > > > > > > > > > > > > Energy / OverUnity](** **\*** > > **[Government](** > > **\*** **[Health](** > > **\*** **[Heat > > > > > > > > > > > > / Cold](** **\*** **[Herbs](** > > **\*** **[Hodowanec Rhysmonics](** > > **\*** **[HHO](** > > **\*** **[Light](** > > **\*** **[Longevity](** > > **\*** **[Magnetix](** > > **\*** **[Mechanix](** > > **\*** **[Mind > > > > > > > > > > > > / Spirit](** **\*** **[Nanotech](** > > **\*** **[Robert > > > > > > > > > > > > A. Nelson](** **\*** **[NukeyPoo](** **\*** > > **[Radionix](** > > **\*** **[Sound](** > > **\*** **[Time](** > > **\*** **[Water](** > > **\*** **[Wind > > > > > > > > > > > > \*](** > > > > > > > > > --- > > > > **HLEP > WANTED !!!** > **PLEASE > DONATE A FEW $$s TO REX RESEARCH !!!** Bobby needs new shoes &c. to continue > & the Aragonite Project, Alchemy > Now, &c... > > Thank you ! > > > > > > > ![](Rex%20Research%20Archives%20Home%20Page_files/pixel.gif) > > > > > > > > > > > > --- > > > > > > ![](Rex%20Research%20Archives%20Home%20Page_files/hleprexres.jpg) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > [**The > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > World's Greatest Band**]( > > > > > > > > --- > > > > **Articles by Robert A. NELSON** > **:** **[Power from the Sky](** > **\*\*** **[Memo to Tepco](** **\*\*** > **[Asian Prophecy](** **\*\*** > **[Tree-lectricity](** > **\*\*** **[Goodbye, Cape Town](** > **\*\*** **[Spontaneous Generation](** > **\*\*** **[Electro-Culture](** > **\*\*** **[My Science Fair Project: How > To Make Gold](** **\*\*** **[Levity's Labor Lost](** > **\*\*** **[Water for Gasoline](** > **\*\*** **[The Wonder World of... > Whenever](** **\*\*** **[Nostradamus & The Plague](** > **\*\*** **[Nostradamus & Jihad](** **\*\*** > **[Electro-Osmosis of Oil](** > **\*\*** **[Resurrect Now](** **\*\*** > **[Plastic to Oil](** **\*\*** > **[Torsion Chemistry](** > **\*\*** **[Ray Guns 101](** **\*\*** > **[Adept > > > > > > Alchemy](** **\*\* &c.** > > > > > > > > > > > > > --- > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > **Disclaimers** > > > > > > > > > > > **This website is for educational purposes > only. It does not substitute for diagnosis, treatment and > advice given by a qualified licensed professional. This site > offers medical information but does not represent the > "practice of medicine". This site assumes no responsibility > for any use of the material. This website is updated > frequently or edited for content and format; therefore, some > information may be out of date. The statements may not have > not been evaluated by the FDA.** **NO** Coronal Virii, Solar Deities, Semites, > Semi-Semiti, Anti-Semiti, Israilii, Jeui, Palacetinians, > Moslimites, Christains, Zionazis, Nazionists, Illuminoids, > Plutocraps, Oiligarchists, Republicunts, Demonrats, Neo-Can'ts, > Mexicanoi, Communisti, Corporati, Homosexists, Fetusi, > Homunculi, Stem Cellules, Cloones, Extra-Terrans, Terroristoi, > Terraists, Truckers, Cops, Computees, nor any other putative > Entittys, Spirits, B-ings or Lifeforms were Duped, Teased, > Hated, Killed, Injured, Tortured, Sexually Abused, Circumcised, > Clitorected, Enslaved, Exploited, Insulted, Ignored, Lied to / > about, Slandered, Libeled, Labeled, Stereotyped, Culturally > Deprived, Collaterally Damaged or America-Liberated in the > Construction of ****! **** is Certified Matrix-Free, and > contains no Advertisements, Subliminal Suggestions, Lies, > Propaganda, Statistics, Typographical Errros or Animal Products, > Cookies, Spyware, Worms, Viruses, Prions, Mycoplasmae, or > Chemtrails. > > > > **r****** > is Composed of 141.064% Recycled Organic Photonons (Active > Ingredient: +0% Ozone... Inert Ingredients: -110% US > Constitution & Amendments) > > > > The singularly pathetic, insufferable fag-macho jockwad slacker > who cowers behind is inordinately proud to be in > full sniveling, snitching, simpering, groveling, whimpering, > whining, wimpy, obsequious, obedient, knee-jerk, boot-licking, > cross-bearing, flag-waving, butt-kissing, back-stabbing, > choad-suhking, poopy-pantys, half-hearted, self-serving, morally > bankrupt, willfully ignorant, dumbed-down, dimwitted, shameless, > enslaved, impotent, craven, mindless, fawning, soulless, > foolish, idiotic, silly, stupidic, brainwashed, legal, > psychopathic, nationally suicidal, incorporated prostituting > Compliance with the Divine Patriot Acts I, II and III, the > Imperial Military Commissions Act, the Holy Federal Quisling > Act, the Sacred Enabling Act of 2008, &c... **Copyright & Medical Disclaimer** : Under Section > 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" > for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, > teaching, scholarship, and research. 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Galactic Empire Data Bank | | | --- | | | | **** | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | --- | |   **Welcome to the Galactic Empire Data Bank. If you ever needed data, specs and background information on space and planetary craft, troops, battles and more, you need an extensive and reliable source. A source not controlled by the Rebels or the New Republic, you need an Imperial databank!** **[[Proceed](]**   | | | | | | | **This site is best viewed with** | | | | <!-- nedstatbasic("AATrowkKctSQw25th3TGVkHC+Pug", 0); // --> | <!-- wm\_custnum='b58c0c30453e0e7b'; wm\_page\_name='index.html'; wm\_group\_name='/services/webpages/g/a/'; wm\_campaign\_key='campaign\_id'; wm\_track\_alt=''; wiredminds.count(); // -->
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <!-- saved from url=(0075) --><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Xenopsychology</TITLE> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META content="MSHTML 5.50.4522.1800" name=GENERATOR> <META content="Mozilla/4.5b1 [en] (Win95; I) [Netscape]" name=GENERATOR></HEAD> <BODY vLink=#800080 link=#0000ff> <CENTER> <H1>&nbsp;Xenopsychology</H1> </CENTER> <CENTER> <H3>&copy; 1984 <a href="">Robert A. Freitas Jr.</a> All Rights Reserved.</H3> </CENTER> <CENTER> <p>Robert A. Freitas Jr., &#8220;Xenopsychology,&#8221; <I>Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact</I>, Vol. 104, April 1984, pp 41-53</p> <p>URL: <a href=""></a></p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <hr> <P><a name="p1"></a>This paper is the first known published reference to the &quot;Sentience Quotient&quot; invented by <a href="">Robert A. Freitas Jr.</a>, which first defined the computational density of sentient matter along a wide spectrum spanning 120 orders of magnitude, as defined by universal physical constants. The concept was first created ca. 1977-78 and was described in Freitas' privately circulated but then unpublished <a href="">Xenology</a> (1979) manuscript. (The book has since been <a href="">published online</a>.) <hr> <P>&nbsp; <P><em><a name="p2"></a>So far we have very little direct knowledge of alien minds -- <BR> but we have some fascinating bases for speculation.</em> </CENTER> <P><a name="p3"></a>There's a story about a psychologist," science fiction writer Murray Leinster once wrote, "who was studying the intelligence of a chimpanzee. He led the chimp into a room full of toys, went out, closed the door and put his eye to the keyhole to see what the chimp was doing. He found himself gazing into a glittering interested brown eye only inches from his own. The chimp was looking through the keyhole to see what the psychologist was doing." <P><a name="p4"></a>What the psychologist was doing was proceeding on a false assumption; that the subject would behave as expected! Obviously even a creature that looks vaguely human may, or may not act human. How vastly more difficult must it be for us to understand extraterrestrial beings who may look I like nothing we've ever seen before? Certainly we shall be at least as surprised by alien behavior as we are by earthly minds. But evolution is even more important than physical appearance, especially where alien psychology&#8211;xenopsychology&#8211;is concerned. All living creatures, whether of this world or another, survivors in an endless chain of "winners," organisms whose behavior and sentience allowed them to succeed and increase their numbers. <P>&nbsp; <H3><a name="p5"></a><A name=IntelligenceOnEarth></A><B>Intelligence on Earth</B></H3> <a name="p6"></a>On Earth, evolution favored voted the appearance of intelligence in two major classes of animal nervous systems, called ganglionic and chordate. It has its own peculiar psychology. <P><a name="p7"></a>The invertebrates, representing perhaps 97% of all animal species alive today, took the ganglionic intelligence option. The earthworm is typical. Each of its many segments is almost an individual organism unto itself, having its own set of kidneys, muscles, sensors and so forth. Coordination is achieved by a thin latticework of nerve fibers crisscrossing from side to side and lengthwise. The ganglionic system resembles a ladder with bulbous neural tissues at the joints. Invertebrate organisms thus are comprised of a collection of sub-brains, each of which controls a separate part of the animal with fairly complete autonomy and no real centralized control. Sensors and their ganglia tend to cluster nearer the head, making not a true brain as we understand the term but rather a large bundle of distinct fibers. Such a nervous system is highly efficient for responding quickly to stimuli. Each clump of nerve cells becomes expert at some particular function&#8211;detecting and passing along sensory information, sweeping a leg or swing in wide uniform arc, opening and closing the jaws in slow munching motions during feeding, and so on. <P><a name="p8"></a>Might extraterrestrials develop a high ganglionic intelligence that has, never developed on Earth despite hundreds of millions of years of opportunity? Many an evolutionary biologists believe the system is too complicated to scale up in size &#8211; invertebrates are much less intelligent than vertebrates, kilogram for kilogram. Also, ganglionic intelligence may be physically self-limiting. Typical invertebrate nervous systems just have room to accommodate mostly preprogrammed behaviors. Little space is left for growth of surplus neural matter that might eventually evolve into higher intellect. Finally, the endless cross-connections within the body can become so entangled that they actually begin to strangle other body organs. For example, massive head ganglia ringing the spider's gullet squeeze the throat so tightly that the animal must swallow its food in a thin trickle. <P><a name="p9"></a>It is hard for us to imagine the mentality of beings with advanced ganglionic intelligence. Dr. H. Chandler Elliot, a neurologist at the University of Nebraska College of Medicine, notes that humans normally disregard their internal organs. We respond to an empty stomach or a feeling of indigestion but normally we ignore its activities. Says Elliot: "The head of an insect apparently regards not only its viscera but also its legs, wings, and so on, with similar detachment. If one deftly clips off the abdomen of a feeding wasp, the head may go on sucking, obviously not distressed. The mind of such a creature, must be alien to us almost beyond comprehension." <P><a name="p10"></a>The second option for advanced intelligence on Earth, spinal-cord or chordate intelligence, was tried by just a few tens of thousands of species&#8211;mostly the vertebrates such as amphibians, birds. and mammals. Neural centralization is the key idea, with any number of modular sensory, analytical, or other information-processing units plugged into a coordinating "data bus." With this simple invention organisms could evolve to any size, yet continue to increase their intelligence by hooking up more "peripherals." Because of centralization spinal cords could grow far more massive than invertebrate ganglia, yet never entangle other organs of the body. The simple brain was more compact and had plenty of room to grow, perched on the tip of the notochord. <P><a name="p11"></a>Dr. Paul MacLean, chief of the Laboratory Evolution and Behavior at the National Institute of Mental Health, believes that the evolution of the human brain involved the slow accretion of three successive neural strata. This "triune" brain, explains MacLean, "amounts to three interconnected biological computers, each with its own special intelligence, its own subjectivity, its own sense of time and space, its own memory, motor, and other functions. Thus we are obligated to look at ourselves and the world through the eyes of three quite different mentalities." These three mentalities include the reptilian brain (evolved during the Age of Reptiles) which dominates in aggressive behavior, territoriality, ritualism and the establishment of social hierarchies; the limbic brain (evolved later) which generates hormonal responses and appears to be the seat of emotion as well as short-term memory, sensitivity to pain and sexual interest; and the neocortex (developed mostly in the last 30 million years), largely responsible for deliberation initiative and caution, anticipation and planning, spatial perception, audio and visual and abstract thinking. <P><a name="p12"></a>What if alien chordate intelligences evolve with a slightly different emphasis? One likely prerequisite for rapid neocortical development is stable internal body temperature. On another planet where warm-bloodedness had not yet been invented, the reptilian brain might predominate instead of the neocortex as in humans. Some scientists have proposed just such an intelligence among the dinosaurs, whose evolution was perhaps short-circuited by a meteorite impact 65 million years ago, causing the Great Extinction. ETs with advanced reptilian brains might display dogged aggressiveness and unyielding single-mindedness of purpose, and create societies having massive impenetrable hierarchical bureaucracies with individual actions heavily dictated by ritual gestures, elaborate ceremonies and dances, "turf" rules and highly stereotyped, emotionally cold behaviors. <P><a name="p13"></a>A predominantly limbic intellect possibly could arise in an environment favoring the rapid development of the olfactory cortex the oldest and one of the most important components of the limbic brain in mammals. A small, hot, windy, perpetually foggy world located close to a dim red star would have little energy available for vision and any images would be wavering and distorted. Strong winds and faint air would make hearing useless, but molecules travel farther faster in a hot, thin, moving gas, thus favoring the evolution of olfaction over the other senses. A predominantly limbic-brain<I> </I>extraterrestrial intelligence would be heavily emotional, oriented toward pain avoidance and pleasure seeking, conciliation and altruism, and familial and sexual concerns. Their minds might be easily distractible due to a relatively short attention span. <P><a name="p14"></a>Of course. each of MacLean's neural strata represents an earthly evolutionary experiment. Fundamentally different ones might be tried. singly or in sequence, elsewhere. An example is a bipolar mentality in which "aggressive" (fight, carnivorous, solitude, competitive, genocidal) and "nurturant" (flight, herbivorous, sociability, cooperative, parental) brains vie for control according to prevailing environmental or social conditions. <P><a name="p15"></a>Yet another possibility is alien minds incorporating the advantages of both ganglionic and chordate architectures. For instance, each invertebrate sub-brain might evolve and enlarge to avoid multiplication of internal interconnections. This development is most likely in a radially symmetrical sea creature, wherein each brain has roughly equal access to sensory input and motor controls. Such creatures would have "collegial" mentalities, something akin to the many voting computers aboard the Space Shuttle, with multiple personalities within each organism and the ability to maintain consciousness under extreme physical trauma so long as any one brain remained functional. <P>&nbsp; <H3><a name="p16"></a><A name=ExtraterrestrialSociobiology></A><B>Extraterrestrial Sociobiology</B></H3> <a name="p17"></a>The father of modem sociobiology, Harvard professor Edward O. Wilson, caused quite a stir several years ago with his suggestion that human social patterns are shaped by evolutionary processes acting through our genes. He did not say that out genes drive us to a series of irresistible behavioral compulsions like ants or bees, but rather that our more malleable psychology can be influenced by our genetic makeup&#8211;human behavior can be the subject of natural selection and evolve<I> </I>just as our physical makeup does. Some sociobiologists believe that all behavior, as well as biology, undergoes natural selection. But where genes directly control body shape, their influence on behavior is far more subtle and plastic. Each species, say the sociobiologists, is predisposed to exhibit certain behaviors such as emotionality, aggressiveness, or sociability because these are useful survival tactics in its particular environment. <P><a name="p18"></a>The sociobiology of competition provides one simple example. Two common forms of aggressive competition are territoriality and dominance. Territoriality is the defense of a resource-containing area by an individual or group against intruders. Dominance is the establishment of a scarce resource distribution hierarchy within a single social group based on "power" (physical strength, cunning. Wealth, etc.). Under what conditions might each behavior be favored by evolution on other worlds? Sociobiologists have learned that when important resources are distributed uniformly in space and time then is little opportunity for monopolization, and territoriality tends to occur. When important resources are highly clumped, a small proportion of the population can monopolize most of the available reward, giving rise to dominance chains or 'pecking orders.," <P><a name="p19"></a>Similarly, it appears that herding, flocking, and schooling are genetically preprogrammed tendencies in certain animals, mostly prey herbivores. The group avoids predation by using marginal individuals as a living shield against danger. Predators seize the first animal they encounter, so there is a great selective advantage for each individual to press toward the center of the group. "The result in evolution." explains Wilson, "would be a herd instinct that centripetally collapses populations into local aggregations." <P><a name="p20"></a>Countless other examples of "evolved behaviors" have been examined by sociobiologists. Each behavioral predisposition appears because it allows individuals displaying it to pass more of their genes (containing, of course. the predisposition) to the next generation of offspring. In similar fashion, different alien psychologies might evolve in response to different challenges to survival elsewhere in the universe. <P><a name="p21"></a>Wilson believes that human social behavior is best evaluated by comparison with that of other major categories of earthly species. Human beings are proud of their intelligence and many cultural achievements, but seldom pause to consider how much of their psychology can be traced back to their primate (and mammalian) ancestry. "The general traits of human nature." explains Wilson, "appear limited and idiosyncratic when placed against the backdrop of all other living species." To illustrate his point, he first refers to an inventory of the elements of human nature compiled by the American anthropologist George P. Murdock during a study of cultural universals: <BR> &nbsp; <BLOCKQUOTE><a name="p22"></a>Age-grading, athletic sports, bodily adornment, calendar, cleanliness training, community organizations, cooking, cooperative labor, cosmology, courtship, dancing, decorative art. divination, division of labor, dream interpretation, education, eschatology, ethics, ethnobotany, etiquette, faith healing. family feasting, firemaking, folklore, food taboos, funeral rites, games, gestures, gift giving, government, greetings, hairstyles, hospitality, housing, hygiene, incest taboos, inheritance rules, joking, kin groups, kinship nomenclature, language, law, luck superstitions, magic,. marriage, mealtimes, medicine, obstetrics, penal sanctions, personal names, population policy, postnatal care, pregnancy usages, property rights, propitiation of supernatural beings, puberty customs, religious rituals, residence rules, sexual restrictions, soul concepts, status differentiation, surgery, toolmaking, trade, visiting, weaving, and weather control.</BLOCKQUOTE> <a name="p23"></a>Wilson insists that few if any of these elements are inevitable outcomes of either high intelligence or advanced social life; rather that "human nature is just one hodgepodge out of many conceivable." An entomologist by training, he has no trouble imagining an alien insectlike society whose members am even more intelligent and complexly organized than people, yet which lacks many of the qualities listed in Murdock's inventory. The alien inventory: <BLOCKQUOTE><a name="p24"></a>Age-grading, antennal rites, body licking, calendar, cannibalism, caste determinism, caste laws, colony-foundation rules, colony organization, cleanliness training, communal nurseries, cooperative labor, cosmology, courtship, division of labor, drone control, education, eschatology, ethics, etiquette, euthanasia, firemaking, food taboos, gift-giving, government, greetings, grooming rituals, hospitality, hosing, hygiene, incest taboos, language, larval care, law, medicine, metamorphosis rites, mutual regurgitation, nursing castes, nuptial flights, nutrient eggs, population policy, queen obeisance, residence rules, sex determination, solder castes, sisterhoods, status differentiation, sterile workers, surgery, symbiont care, toolmaking, trade, visiting, weather control . . . and still other activities so alien as to make mere description by our language difficult.</BLOCKQUOTE> <p><a name="p25"></a>So intelligence and<I> </I>civilization are not intrinsically limited to hominoids. Only by an accident of evolution on Earth were our social characteristics linked to the anatomy of bare-skinned, bipedal mammals and the peculiar qualities of human nature. What other strange psychological "accidents" may await us on distant planets we can hardly guess.</p> <p>&nbsp; </p> <H3><a name="p26"></a><A name=UniversalEmotions></A><B>Universal Emotions?</B></H3> <a name="p27"></a>Emotions arc extremely important in human psychology activating our aggressiveness, sexual activity, learning and perception and a wide variety of other behaviors. Will ETs be more or less emotionally motivated than humans? Will they have emotions foreign to us, or are there any universal emotions? <P><a name="p28"></a>First of all, what exactly do we mean by "emotion"? There is much disagreement on this, but one of the most useful definitions, by psychologist Magda Arnold, draws a careful distinction between states and behaviors. In Arnold's theory emotional experience proceeds in three steps: (1) Perception and appraisal (external stimulus is perceived and judged good, bad, useful. harmful, etc., mostly based on learned associations); (2) Emotion (internal state of arousal or "feeling" arises, involving physiological effects); then (3) Action (specific behavior such as approach, avoidance, attack, or feeding, depending on emotional intensity, learned behavioral patterns, and other motivations simultaneously present). In this view emotion is an internal state, <I>not</I> a behavior or a perception of external reality. <P><a name="p29"></a>In the sociobiological view, both emotionality and behavior evolve as strategies to maximize the spread of genes. Thus the mammalian limbic brain system has been programmed to perform as if it knows that its underlying genes will be proliferated maximally only if it orchestrates behavioral responses that bring into play an efficient mixture of personal survival, reproduction and altruism. <P><a name="p30"></a>Consider parental love. Sociobiologists believe that love is a behavioral predisposition with selective advantages for organisms which (1) are warm-blooded (love induces close physical contact permitting shared body warmth for small, high-heat-loss young), (2) produce relatively small numbers of offspring (love encourages parents to make a larger investment in time and resources per child ). (3) produce offspring that are helpless at birth (love ensures parental material support essential for infant survival), and (4) have highly plastic intelligence (love drives the parent to teach offspring very complex behaviors). Love is rare in the animal kingdom &#8211; only birds and mammals fulfill<B> </B>these requirements on Earth, and only these species experience the emotion. So parent love likely won't be a part of the psychology, of intelligent ETs unless they satisfy at least some of the above criteria. <P><a name="p31"></a>Of course, extraterrestrial sentients may possess physiological states corresponding to limbic-like emotions that have no direct analog in human experience. Alien species, having evolved under a different set of environmental constraints than we, also could have a different but equally adaptive emotional repertoire. For example, assume that human observers land on another and discover an intelligent animal with an acute sense of absolute humidity and absolute air pressure. For this creature, there may exist an emotional state responding to an unfavorable change in the weather. Physiologically, the emotion could be mediated by the ET equivalent of the human limbic system; it might arise following the secretion of certain strength-enhancing and libido-arousing hormones into the alien's bloodstream in response to the perceived change in weather. Immediately our creature begins to engage in a variety of learned and socially-approved behaviors, including furious burrowing and building, smearing tree sap over its pelt, several different territorial defense ceremonies, and vigorous polygamous copulations with nearby females, apparently (to humans) for no reason at all. Would our astronauts interpret this as madness? Or love? Lust? Fear? Anger? None of these is correct, of course the alien is feeling <I>badweather</I>. <P><a name="p32"></a>While xenopsychologists suspect that even emotional intelligences may not share all our feelings, they are far more certain that there exist no universal emotions among sentients. Survival and intelligence simply do not require it. Very smart aliens, is in other words, may be emotionless. Probably the cleverest nonemotional creature on Earth today is the octopus. This eight-tentacled, highly educable animal is an invertebrate mollusc with a ganglionic nervous system having 5% as many nerve cells as the human brain. The octopus has a few minor endocrine systems which influence the maturation of its sexual organs, the onset of sexual behavior, body fluids, and maternal behavior and which react to the changing length of day with the seasons &#8211; but compulsory hormonal responses appear to be absent. The animal is, from the strict mammalian viewpoint, virtually without emotion. <P><a name="p33"></a>Octopuses are fiercely independent solitary carnivores with no social inclinations whatsoever; crowded into a small tank they will fight and establish a dominance hierarchy. They have no fear of fire and are insensitive to burns. The animal knows sex, but doesn't get very excited about it. The heartbeat of a male octopus in the midst of copulation is as steady as in a resting animal. The sexual displays of males during courtship appear to serve only for identification, never for stimulation, of the female. Broods are enormous impersonal affairs &#8211; up to 250,000 eggs per batch. No maternal love is lavished on offspring after birth so the young must fight for their own lives. Yet females often fast themselves to death guarding their own unhatched eggs. <P><a name="p34"></a>The creature may not even know what it means to feel hungry. Mammals long deprived of food become excited and venture out in an agitated search for dinner. The response of the octopus to food deprivation is totally different and utterly alien. When crabs become scarce, octopuses resign themselves to long watchful inactivity until the day the supply improves. They become less likely to emerge from their caves and houses to attack possible prey passing by. Motivation is not as adjustable as in mammals, yet octopus behavior under stress is considerably more cool and calculating. After hundreds of hours of direct observation undersea explorer <P><a name="p35"></a>Jacques Cousteau admitted that while the octopus is a timid animal (its first reaction to a diver is to nee or hide), "its timidity is a reasoned reaction, one that is based primarily on prudence and caution. It is not an instinctive and groundless fear (flat persists regardless of circumstances." <P><a name="p36"></a>Octopus mentality seems to be more oriented toward calculated prudence, more plastic than reptiles and more aloof than mammals. Is this, perhaps, a clue to the possible psychology of intelligent emotionless extraterrestrials? <P>&nbsp; <H3><a name="p37"></a><A name=AlienLogicTimeAndSpace></A><B>Alien Logic, Time, and Space</B></H3> <a name="p38"></a>Logic is the way we know whether something is true. Denoting rationality and reason, logic lies at the very foundation (if all intellectual pursuits. Aristotle is largely responsible for the classical development of the so-called "laws of thought." 'Perhaps the best-known tenet is the Law of the Excluded Middle, which holds that if a statement is true. then its negation cannot also be true. For example, if the statement "the sky is blue" is true, then its negation "the sky is not blue" <I>must</I> be false. This so" of reasoning seems intuitively obvious to most people. Aristotelian logic is just common sense. <P><a name="p39"></a>Thus not a few writers have suggested that intelligent extraterrestrials matter how physically strange they may appear, probably will think much like human beings. ETs, in other words, will be good Aristotelians. This is an unfounded and potentially dangerous assumption, even if alien sociobiology proves remarkably similar to our own<I>. </I>Aristotelian logic is just one of many different formal systems of logic, all of which are equally valid in mathematics and philosophy. <P><a name="p40"></a>The danger inherent is relying on any single logic system is that it tends to limit the diversity of problems that can be addressed. One good example of this may be found in modem quantum mechanics. Imagine (the following physics experiment: A solid plate with two small parallel slits is placed in front of a beam of electrons. Behind the slits on the other side is a photographic screen to record the arrival of electrons. During the experiment, electrons are sent toward the slits one by one, some bouncing off the blocking plate and others passing through the slits to be recorded as they hit the screen. The Law of the Excluded Middle demands that any recorded electron must pass either "through the left slit" or "not through the left slit " (i.e. through the right slit). These two choices define all logical outcomes, but unfortunately nature does not cooperate. When physicists perform the experiment the "impossible" happens: The pattern recorded on the photographic screen could only have been generated if each electron passed through <I>both slits simultaneously!</I> <P><a name="p41"></a>Perhaps the most exciting development for xenologicians in this century is <A href="">Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem</A>. In 1931 an American mathematician named Kurt Gödel devised a brilliant proof that any system of logic must necessarily either be internally inconsistent or incomplete. Gödel's proof demonstrated for the first time that there exist statements that are unprovable in any logic system (even the Aristotelian system) and that all arithmetic as we know it is at best incomplete, at worst inconsistent. Further, it is logically impossible to construct a single grand "metalogic" capable of subsuming all other modes of logic while remaining consistent itself. So human mathematics&#8211;the language of the physical sciences&#8211;is incomplete. <P><a name="p42"></a>The implications in <a href="">xenology</a> are far reaching indeed. We now know, for instance, that no single system of thinking can hold, even in principle, all answers to all questions while remaining internally consistent: All logics must harbor unresolvable paradoxes. Therefore each new logic system we discover I most likely will teach us something new, some novel way of looking at the universe and understanding it in a consistent fashion which may be imperceptible&#8211;even impossible&#8211;from within previous systems of logic. To this extent all human thinking necessarily in must be incomplete. Contact with alien minds will almost certainly open new vistas of knowledge and beauty to us. Extraterrestrial logicians may find many of our most enduring paradoxes to be trivially solvable, just as we may be able to resolve some of theirs equally effortlessly. <P><a name="p43"></a>Most living organisms possess natural cycles and rhythms, so sentient aliens should have some finite sense of duration. Dr. Bernard Aaronson, at the Bureau of Research in Neurology and Psychiatry in Princeton, New Jersey, conducted some fascinating experiments in regard to subjective time that may he highly instructive for xenopsychologists. Dr. Aaronson gave posthypnotic suggestions to human subjects to test their reactions to expanded or contracted time frames, such as: "Do you know how we divide time into the three categories of past, present, and future? When I wake you, the future will be gone. There will be no future." Subjects with no future experienced a loss of identity and a profound euphoric mystical sensation&#8211;one person reported that he "found himself in a boundless. immanent present." Expanded futures canceled all fear of death, inducing serene calmness and happiness. Elimination of the present was found to be most disturbing (subjects were inordinately depressed and behaved almost schizophrenically), whereas deprivation of the subjective past produced drowsiness, memory loss, speech difficulty, and a vague sense of meaninglessness. These kinds of experiments may someday help us understand apparently incomprehensible alien psyches. <P><a name="p44"></a>Alien languages might incorporate concepts wholly unfamiliar to any human culture. For instance, astronomer Carl Sagan has written that if dolphins are clever enough to have language they may not have words which are arbitrary representations of concrete objects, as do humans. Rather, because of their fine sonar sense, their words may consist of sonic pictures of the object in question. Instead of an arbitrary sound for "shark," they may instead transmit a set of clicks corresponding in the audio reflection spectrum the animal would obtain upon irradiating a shark with sound waves. Another interesting proposal by psychologists David and Doris Jonas is that sentient ETs who could see polarized light (as bees can) would create a language whose vocabulary&#8211;and thinking&#8211;incorporates a running sense of time. To such eyes, objects and colors must appear different at various times of the day because of the changing angle of polarized light due to the motion of the Sun. The aliens might use a dozen words for what appears to us to he a single object. <P><a name="p45"></a>Xenopsychologists also recognize the close association between human language and human body form. Extraterrestrials will speak, think, act, and feel differently simply because they have some other body shape and thus experience a markedly different awareness of space, position, and movement. The human body is basically bilaterally symmetric, with the upright posture universally regarded as typical. According to psychologist Donald G. MacRae, our categories for classifying, organizing, and manipulating space, and our emotions about space and the values we attach to direction in space, derive directly from our body form. Explains MacRae: "What is superior is up or high and what is inferior is down or low. Low is often dirty, but high is not necessarily clean. Right is law, morals. the holy and the strong; left is sinister, profane, weak and (often) feminine. Backward and behind are slow, hence stupid. Forward and in front are active, oriented and intelligent.&nbsp; Beside is confederate or paranoid: It is an ambiguous category of place. What is clear is that these aspects of space derive from our conception of the body and would not hold for an intelligent bilateral but horizontal animal, far less for a radially symmetrical one like a clever starfish, or for spherically symmetrical beings like those of the fable in Plato's <I>Symposium</I>." <P>&nbsp; <H3><a name="p46"></a><A name=SentienceQuotient></A><B>Sentience Quotient (SQ)</B></H3> <a name="p47"></a>"Of all the things that have been tried by the creatures of Earth to aid survival," Cornell astronomer Frank Drake once wrote, "be it camouflage, many legs, large size as in the dinosaurs, and so forth, only one characteristic has continuously been retained and improved throughout the entire succession of species&#8211;intelligence." Perhaps the most interesting aspect of intelligence from the human point of view is that we, possibly alone among all creatures on this planet, have an awareness of self. Consciousness may be an emergent property of intelligence, a fortuitous feature of a terrestrial animal brain architecture originally designed for other jobs. Is it possible that there could exist yet higher-order emergents beyond consciousness? <P><a name="p48"></a>Science fiction writers are fond of suggesting levels of awareness in the universe which lie totally beyond man's comprehension. In Fred Hoyle's <I><A href="">The Black Cloud</A></I> the human protagonist is killed by data overload during interaction with a vastly superior alien intellect. We may not even recognize the activities of very advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. Carl Sagan once said, "any more than an ant performing his anty labors by the side of a suburban swimming pool has a profound sense of the presence of a superior technical civilization all around him." <P><a name="p49"></a>It is possible to devise a sliding scale of cosmic sentience universally applicable to any intelligent entity in the cosmos, based on a "figure of merit" which I call the Sentience Quotient. The essential characteristic of all intelligent systems is that they process information using a processor or "brain" made of matter-energy. Generally the more information a brain can process in a shorter length of time, the more intelligent it can be. (Information rate is measured in bits/second, where one bit is the amount of information needed to choose correctly between two equally likely answers to a simple yes/no question.) Also, the lower the brain's mass the less it will be influenced by fundamental limits such as speed of light restrictions on internal propagation, heat dissipation, and the Square-Cube Law. <P><a name="p50"></a>The most efficient brain will have the highest information-processing rate <I><FONT color=#ff0000>I</FONT></I>, and the lowest mass <I><FONT color=#ff0000>M</FONT></I>, hence the highest ratio <I><FONT color=#ff0000>I</FONT></I>/<I><FONT color=#ff0000>M</FONT></I>. Since very large exponents are involved, for the convenience we define the Sentience Quotient or SQ as the logarithm of <I><FONT color=#ff0000>I</FONT></I>/<I><FONT color=#ff0000>M</FONT></I>, that is, its order of magnitude. Of course, SQ delimits maximum <I>potential</I> intellect&#8211;a poorly programmed or poorly designed (or very small) high-SQ brain could still be very stupid. But all else remaining equal larger-SQ entities should be higher-quality thinkers. <P><a name="p51"></a>The lower end of our cosmic scale is easy to pin down. The very dumbest brain we can imagine would have one neuron with the mass of the universe (10<SUP>52</SUP> kg) and require a time equal to the age of the universe (10<SUP>18</SUP> seconds) to process just one bit, giving a minimum SQ of -70. <P><a name="p52"></a>What is the smartest possible brain? Dr. H. Bremermann at the University of California at Berkeley claims there is a fundamental limit to intelligence imposed by the laws of quantum mechanics. The argument is simple but subtle. All information, to he acted upon, must be represented physically and be carried by matter-energy "markers." According to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle in quantum mechanics, the lower limit for the accuracy with which energy can be measured&#8211;the minimum measurable energy level for a marker carrying one bit&#8211;is given by Planck's constant <I><FONT color=#00ff00>h</FONT></I> divided by <I><FONT color=#ff0000>T</FONT></I>, the duration of the measurement. If one energy level is used to represent one bit, then the maximum bit rate of a brain is equal to the total energy available <I><FONT color=#ff0000>E</FONT></I> ( = <FONT color=#ff0000><I>mc</I><SUP>2</SUP></FONT>) for representing information, divided by the minimum measurable energy per bit (<I><FONT color=#00ff00>h</FONT></I>/<I><FONT color=#ff0000>T</FONT></I>) divided by the minimum time required for readout (<I><FONT color=#ff0000>T</FONT></I>). or <I><FONT color=#ff0000>m</FONT><FONT color=#00ff00>c</FONT></I><SUP>2</SUP>/<I><FONT color=#00ff00>h </FONT></I>= 10<SUP>50</SUP> bits/sec/kg. Hence the smartest possible brain has an SQ of +50. <P><a name="p53"></a>Where do people fit in? A human neuron has an average mass of about 10<SUP>-10</SUP> kg and one neuron can process 1000-3000 bits/sec. earning us an SQ rating of +13. What is most interesting here is not the obvious fact that there's a great deal of room for improvement (there is!), but rather that all "neuronal sentience" SQs, from insects to mammals, cluster within several points of the human value. From the cosmic point of view, rotifers, honeybees, and humans all have brainpower with roughly equivalent efficiencies. Note that we are still way ahead of the computers, with an Apple II at SQ +5 and even the mighty Cray I only about +9. <P><a name="p54"></a>Another kind of sentience, which we may call "hormonal sentience," is exhibited by plants. Time-lapse photography shows the vicious struggles among vines in the tropical rain forests, and vegetative phototaxis (turning toward light) is a well-known phenomenon. All these behaviors are mediated, it is believed, by biochemical plant hormones transmitted through the vascular system. As in the animal kingdom, most of the geniuses are hunters&#8211;the carnivorous plants. The Venus flytrap, during a 1- to 20-second sensitivity interval, counts two stimuli before snapping shut on its insect prey, a processing peak of 1 bit/sec. Mass is 10-100 grams, so flytrap SQ is about +1. Plants generally take hours to respond to stimuli, though, so vegetative SQs tend to cluster around -2. <P><a name="p55"></a>How about intelligences greater than human?&nbsp;<A name=ComputerBrains></A>Astronomer Robert Jastrow and others have speculated that silicon-based computer brains may represent the next and ultimate stage in our evolution. This is valid, but only in a very limited sense. Superconducting Josephson junction electronic gates weigh 10<SUP>-12</SUP> kg and can process 10<SUP>11</SUP> bits/sec, so "electronic sentiences" made of these components could have and SQ of +23 &#8211; ten orders beyond man. But even such fantastically advanced systems fall short of the maximum of +50. Somewhere in the universe may lurk beings almost incomprehensible to us, who think by manipulating atomic energy levels and are mentally as far beyond our best future computers as those computers will surpass the Venus flytrap. <P><a name="p56"></a>Just as consciousness is an emergent of neuronal sentience, perhaps some broader mode of thinking&#8211;call it communalness&#8211;is an emergent of electronic sentience. If this is true, it might help to explain why (noncommunal) human beings have such great difficulty comprehending the intricate workings of the societies, governments, and economies they create, and require the continual and increasing assistance of computers to juggle the thousands of variables needed for successful management and planning. Perhaps future computers with communalness may develop the same intimate awareness of complex organizations as people have consciousness of their own bodies. And how many additional levels of emergent higher awareness might a creature with SQ +50 display? <P><a name="p57"></a>The possible existence of ultrahuman SQ levels may affect our ability, and the desirability, of communicating with extraterrestrial beings. Sometimes it is rhetorically asked what we could possibly have to say to a dog or to an insect, if such could speak, that would be of interest to both parties? From our perspective of Sentience Quotients, we can see that the problem is actually far, far worse than this, more akin to asking people to discuss Shakespeare with trees or rocks. It may be that there is a minimum SQ "communication gap," an intellectual distance beyond which no two entities can meaningfully converse. <P><a name="p58"></a>At present, human scientists are attempting to communicate outside our species to primates and cetaceans, and in a limited way to a few other vertebrates. This is inordinately difficult, and yet it represents a gap of at most a few SQ points. The farthest we can reach is our "communication" with vegetation when we plant, water, or fertilize it, but it is evident that messages transmitted across an SQ gap of 10 points or more cannot be very meaningful. <P><a name="p59"></a>What, then, could an SQ +50 Superbeing possibly have to say to <I>us</I>? <P><BR> <HR width="100%"> <H3><a name="p60"></a><A name=ForFurtherReading></A>FOR FURTHER READING</H3> <a name="p61"></a>Poul Anderson, <I>Is There Life on Other Worlds?</I> Crowell-Collier Press, New York, 1963. <P><a name="p62"></a>Gene Bylinsky, <I><A href="">Life in Darwin's Universe</A></I>, Doubleday &amp; Co., New York, 1981. <P><a name="p63"></a>James L. Christian, ed., <I><A href="">Extraterrestrial Intelligence: The First Encounter</A></I>, Prometheus Books, Buffalo, New York, 1976 <P><a name="p64"></a>Richard Dawkins, <I><A href="">The Selfish Gene</A></I>, Oxford University Press, New York, 1976. <P><a name="p65"></a>Robert A. Wallace, <I><A href="">The Genesis Factor</A></I>, William Morrow &amp; Co., Inc., New York, 1979. <P><a name="p66"></a>Edward O. Wilson, <I><A href="">Sociobiology: The New Synthesis</A></I>, 1975, and <I><A href="">On Human Nature</A></I>, 1978, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. <BR> <HR width="100%"> <H4><a name="p67"></a><A name=SentienceQuotientReferences></A><B>Sentience Quotient References</B></H4> <UL> <LI><a name="p68"></a>Notes re: Dr. Bernard Aaronson studies &amp; Sentience Quotient, probably from Mark Thompson @ <A href="">The Lycaeum</A>. <em><font color="#FF0000">Please note that the Lycaeum website does not properly attribute the Sentience Quotient to Robert A Freitas Jr. and thus remains in violation of Freitas' copyright despite repeated notifications (by the author Freitas, to the infringer Lycaeum) of this violation. Freitas requests that the infringing material at not be further publicized, and that the infringing URL not be further propagated on the web until such time as the infringement is repaired by Lycaeum.</font></em> <LI><a name="p69"></a>Hypnotic experiments with 'time sense', Dr. Bernard Aaronson, Bureau of Research in Neuropsychology &amp; Psychiatry, described by <a href="">Freitas</a> in <a href="http://www/">&quot;Timeless Minds,&quot; Omni 6(February 1984):38</a>. <LI><a name="p70"></a>Sentience Quotient is referenced in the Artificial Intelligence issue of <I><A href="">Daedalus</A></I>, Proceedings of the <A href="">American Academy of Arts and Sciences</A>, [Probably Volume 117, Winter 1988.] <LI><a name="p71"></a>"Sentience Quotient" shows up in Star Trek Voyager episode "Eye of the Needle", broadcast Monday, February 20, 1995, in the <a href="">review</a> by Tim Wright.</LI> <LI><a name="p72"></a>&quot;Sentience Quotient&quot; appears in the <a href="">Transhuman Terminology Page</a> by Anders Sandberg, in the <a href="">Lextropicon</a> collected by Max More, and in the <a href="">Nanotechnology Glossary</a> by 7th Wave Inc.</LI> <LI><a name="p73"></a> &quot;Sentience Quotient&quot; as defined by <a href="">Freitas</a> is mentioned in: Linda MacDonald Glenn, &quot;<a href="">Biotechnology at the Margins of Personhood: An Evolving Legal Paradigm</a>,&quot; <em>Journal of Evolution and Technology</em>, Vol. 13 (2002).</LI> </UL> <a name="p74"></a><A name=EditorNotes></A><B>Editor Notes:</B> <UL> <LI><a name="p75"></a>Dr. Hans J. Bremermann is professor emeritus from Department of Mathematics at Berkeley. His specialty was mathematical biology. <LI><a name="p76"></a>The reference for Jastrow's claim regarding <A href="">silicon-based computer brains</A> is: Robert Jastrow; &quot;Toward an Intelligence Beyond Man's,&quot; Time 111(20 February 1978):59. </LI> </UL> <HR width="100%"> <p><BR> Creation date: July 7, 1998 <BR> Last Modified: July 15, 1998 <BR> Original HTML Editor: <A href="">Robert J. Bradbury</A></p> <p>Revised and extended by Robert A. Freitas Jr., from 19 November 2002</p> <p>Last updated by Freitas, 30 December 2008</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp; </p> </BODY></HTML>
Xenopsychology #  Xenopsychology ### © 1984 [Robert A. Freitas Jr.]( All Rights Reserved. Robert A. Freitas Jr., “Xenopsychology,” *Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact*, Vol. 104, April 1984, pp 41-53 URL: <>   --- This paper is the first known published reference to the "Sentience Quotient" invented by [Robert A. Freitas Jr.](, which first defined the computational density of sentient matter along a wide spectrum spanning 120 orders of magnitude, as defined by universal physical constants. The concept was first created ca. 1977-78 and was described in Freitas' privately circulated but then unpublished [Xenology]( (1979) manuscript. (The book has since been [published online]( ---   *So far we have very little direct knowledge of alien minds -- but we have some fascinating bases for speculation.* There's a story about a psychologist," science fiction writer Murray Leinster once wrote, "who was studying the intelligence of a chimpanzee. He led the chimp into a room full of toys, went out, closed the door and put his eye to the keyhole to see what the chimp was doing. He found himself gazing into a glittering interested brown eye only inches from his own. The chimp was looking through the keyhole to see what the psychologist was doing." What the psychologist was doing was proceeding on a false assumption; that the subject would behave as expected! Obviously even a creature that looks vaguely human may, or may not act human. How vastly more difficult must it be for us to understand extraterrestrial beings who may look I like nothing we've ever seen before? Certainly we shall be at least as surprised by alien behavior as we are by earthly minds. But evolution is even more important than physical appearance, especially where alien psychology–xenopsychology–is concerned. All living creatures, whether of this world or another, survivors in an endless chain of "winners," organisms whose behavior and sentience allowed them to succeed and increase their numbers.   ### **Intelligence on Earth** On Earth, evolution favored voted the appearance of intelligence in two major classes of animal nervous systems, called ganglionic and chordate. It has its own peculiar psychology. The invertebrates, representing perhaps 97% of all animal species alive today, took the ganglionic intelligence option. The earthworm is typical. Each of its many segments is almost an individual organism unto itself, having its own set of kidneys, muscles, sensors and so forth. Coordination is achieved by a thin latticework of nerve fibers crisscrossing from side to side and lengthwise. The ganglionic system resembles a ladder with bulbous neural tissues at the joints. Invertebrate organisms thus are comprised of a collection of sub-brains, each of which controls a separate part of the animal with fairly complete autonomy and no real centralized control. Sensors and their ganglia tend to cluster nearer the head, making not a true brain as we understand the term but rather a large bundle of distinct fibers. Such a nervous system is highly efficient for responding quickly to stimuli. Each clump of nerve cells becomes expert at some particular function–detecting and passing along sensory information, sweeping a leg or swing in wide uniform arc, opening and closing the jaws in slow munching motions during feeding, and so on. Might extraterrestrials develop a high ganglionic intelligence that has, never developed on Earth despite hundreds of millions of years of opportunity? Many an evolutionary biologists believe the system is too complicated to scale up in size – invertebrates are much less intelligent than vertebrates, kilogram for kilogram. Also, ganglionic intelligence may be physically self-limiting. Typical invertebrate nervous systems just have room to accommodate mostly preprogrammed behaviors. Little space is left for growth of surplus neural matter that might eventually evolve into higher intellect. Finally, the endless cross-connections within the body can become so entangled that they actually begin to strangle other body organs. For example, massive head ganglia ringing the spider's gullet squeeze the throat so tightly that the animal must swallow its food in a thin trickle. It is hard for us to imagine the mentality of beings with advanced ganglionic intelligence. Dr. H. Chandler Elliot, a neurologist at the University of Nebraska College of Medicine, notes that humans normally disregard their internal organs. We respond to an empty stomach or a feeling of indigestion but normally we ignore its activities. Says Elliot: "The head of an insect apparently regards not only its viscera but also its legs, wings, and so on, with similar detachment. If one deftly clips off the abdomen of a feeding wasp, the head may go on sucking, obviously not distressed. The mind of such a creature, must be alien to us almost beyond comprehension." The second option for advanced intelligence on Earth, spinal-cord or chordate intelligence, was tried by just a few tens of thousands of species–mostly the vertebrates such as amphibians, birds. and mammals. Neural centralization is the key idea, with any number of modular sensory, analytical, or other information-processing units plugged into a coordinating "data bus." With this simple invention organisms could evolve to any size, yet continue to increase their intelligence by hooking up more "peripherals." Because of centralization spinal cords could grow far more massive than invertebrate ganglia, yet never entangle other organs of the body. The simple brain was more compact and had plenty of room to grow, perched on the tip of the notochord. Dr. Paul MacLean, chief of the Laboratory Evolution and Behavior at the National Institute of Mental Health, believes that the evolution of the human brain involved the slow accretion of three successive neural strata. This "triune" brain, explains MacLean, "amounts to three interconnected biological computers, each with its own special intelligence, its own subjectivity, its own sense of time and space, its own memory, motor, and other functions. Thus we are obligated to look at ourselves and the world through the eyes of three quite different mentalities." These three mentalities include the reptilian brain (evolved during the Age of Reptiles) which dominates in aggressive behavior, territoriality, ritualism and the establishment of social hierarchies; the limbic brain (evolved later) which generates hormonal responses and appears to be the seat of emotion as well as short-term memory, sensitivity to pain and sexual interest; and the neocortex (developed mostly in the last 30 million years), largely responsible for deliberation initiative and caution, anticipation and planning, spatial perception, audio and visual and abstract thinking. What if alien chordate intelligences evolve with a slightly different emphasis? One likely prerequisite for rapid neocortical development is stable internal body temperature. On another planet where warm-bloodedness had not yet been invented, the reptilian brain might predominate instead of the neocortex as in humans. Some scientists have proposed just such an intelligence among the dinosaurs, whose evolution was perhaps short-circuited by a meteorite impact 65 million years ago, causing the Great Extinction. ETs with advanced reptilian brains might display dogged aggressiveness and unyielding single-mindedness of purpose, and create societies having massive impenetrable hierarchical bureaucracies with individual actions heavily dictated by ritual gestures, elaborate ceremonies and dances, "turf" rules and highly stereotyped, emotionally cold behaviors. A predominantly limbic intellect possibly could arise in an environment favoring the rapid development of the olfactory cortex the oldest and one of the most important components of the limbic brain in mammals. A small, hot, windy, perpetually foggy world located close to a dim red star would have little energy available for vision and any images would be wavering and distorted. Strong winds and faint air would make hearing useless, but molecules travel farther faster in a hot, thin, moving gas, thus favoring the evolution of olfaction over the other senses. A predominantly limbic-brainextraterrestrial intelligence would be heavily emotional, oriented toward pain avoidance and pleasure seeking, conciliation and altruism, and familial and sexual concerns. Their minds might be easily distractible due to a relatively short attention span. Of course. each of MacLean's neural strata represents an earthly evolutionary experiment. Fundamentally different ones might be tried. singly or in sequence, elsewhere. An example is a bipolar mentality in which "aggressive" (fight, carnivorous, solitude, competitive, genocidal) and "nurturant" (flight, herbivorous, sociability, cooperative, parental) brains vie for control according to prevailing environmental or social conditions. Yet another possibility is alien minds incorporating the advantages of both ganglionic and chordate architectures. For instance, each invertebrate sub-brain might evolve and enlarge to avoid multiplication of internal interconnections. This development is most likely in a radially symmetrical sea creature, wherein each brain has roughly equal access to sensory input and motor controls. Such creatures would have "collegial" mentalities, something akin to the many voting computers aboard the Space Shuttle, with multiple personalities within each organism and the ability to maintain consciousness under extreme physical trauma so long as any one brain remained functional.   ### **Extraterrestrial Sociobiology** The father of modem sociobiology, Harvard professor Edward O. Wilson, caused quite a stir several years ago with his suggestion that human social patterns are shaped by evolutionary processes acting through our genes. He did not say that out genes drive us to a series of irresistible behavioral compulsions like ants or bees, but rather that our more malleable psychology can be influenced by our genetic makeup–human behavior can be the subject of natural selection and evolvejust as our physical makeup does. Some sociobiologists believe that all behavior, as well as biology, undergoes natural selection. But where genes directly control body shape, their influence on behavior is far more subtle and plastic. Each species, say the sociobiologists, is predisposed to exhibit certain behaviors such as emotionality, aggressiveness, or sociability because these are useful survival tactics in its particular environment. The sociobiology of competition provides one simple example. Two common forms of aggressive competition are territoriality and dominance. Territoriality is the defense of a resource-containing area by an individual or group against intruders. Dominance is the establishment of a scarce resource distribution hierarchy within a single social group based on "power" (physical strength, cunning. Wealth, etc.). Under what conditions might each behavior be favored by evolution on other worlds? Sociobiologists have learned that when important resources are distributed uniformly in space and time then is little opportunity for monopolization, and territoriality tends to occur. When important resources are highly clumped, a small proportion of the population can monopolize most of the available reward, giving rise to dominance chains or 'pecking orders.," Similarly, it appears that herding, flocking, and schooling are genetically preprogrammed tendencies in certain animals, mostly prey herbivores. The group avoids predation by using marginal individuals as a living shield against danger. Predators seize the first animal they encounter, so there is a great selective advantage for each individual to press toward the center of the group. "The result in evolution." explains Wilson, "would be a herd instinct that centripetally collapses populations into local aggregations." Countless other examples of "evolved behaviors" have been examined by sociobiologists. Each behavioral predisposition appears because it allows individuals displaying it to pass more of their genes (containing, of course. the predisposition) to the next generation of offspring. In similar fashion, different alien psychologies might evolve in response to different challenges to survival elsewhere in the universe. Wilson believes that human social behavior is best evaluated by comparison with that of other major categories of earthly species. Human beings are proud of their intelligence and many cultural achievements, but seldom pause to consider how much of their psychology can be traced back to their primate (and mammalian) ancestry. "The general traits of human nature." explains Wilson, "appear limited and idiosyncratic when placed against the backdrop of all other living species." To illustrate his point, he first refers to an inventory of the elements of human nature compiled by the American anthropologist George P. Murdock during a study of cultural universals:   > Age-grading, athletic sports, bodily adornment, > calendar, cleanliness training, community organizations, cooking, cooperative > labor, cosmology, courtship, dancing, decorative art. divination, division of > labor, dream interpretation, education, eschatology, ethics, ethnobotany, etiquette, > faith healing. family feasting, firemaking, folklore, food taboos, funeral rites, > games, gestures, gift giving, government, greetings, hairstyles, hospitality, > housing, hygiene, incest taboos, inheritance rules, joking, kin groups, kinship > nomenclature, language, law, luck superstitions, magic,. marriage, mealtimes, > medicine, obstetrics, penal sanctions, personal names, population policy, postnatal > care, pregnancy usages, property rights, propitiation of supernatural beings, > puberty customs, religious rituals, residence rules, sexual restrictions, soul > concepts, status differentiation, surgery, toolmaking, trade, visiting, weaving, > and weather control. Wilson insists that few if any of these elements are inevitable outcomes of either high intelligence or advanced social life; rather that "human nature is just one hodgepodge out of many conceivable." An entomologist by training, he has no trouble imagining an alien insectlike society whose members am even more intelligent and complexly organized than people, yet which lacks many of the qualities listed in Murdock's inventory. The alien inventory: > Age-grading, antennal rites, body licking, calendar, > cannibalism, caste determinism, caste laws, colony-foundation rules, colony > organization, cleanliness training, communal nurseries, cooperative labor, cosmology, > courtship, division of labor, drone control, education, eschatology, ethics, > etiquette, euthanasia, firemaking, food taboos, gift-giving, government, greetings, > grooming rituals, hospitality, hosing, hygiene, incest taboos, language, larval > care, law, medicine, metamorphosis rites, mutual regurgitation, nursing castes, > nuptial flights, nutrient eggs, population policy, queen obeisance, residence > rules, sex determination, solder castes, sisterhoods, status differentiation, > sterile workers, surgery, symbiont care, toolmaking, trade, visiting, weather > control . . . and still other activities so alien as to make mere description > by our language difficult. So intelligence andcivilization are not intrinsically limited to hominoids. Only by an accident of evolution on Earth were our social characteristics linked to the anatomy of bare-skinned, bipedal mammals and the peculiar qualities of human nature. What other strange psychological "accidents" may await us on distant planets we can hardly guess.   ### **Universal Emotions?** Emotions arc extremely important in human psychology activating our aggressiveness, sexual activity, learning and perception and a wide variety of other behaviors. Will ETs be more or less emotionally motivated than humans? Will they have emotions foreign to us, or are there any universal emotions? First of all, what exactly do we mean by "emotion"? There is much disagreement on this, but one of the most useful definitions, by psychologist Magda Arnold, draws a careful distinction between states and behaviors. In Arnold's theory emotional experience proceeds in three steps: (1) Perception and appraisal (external stimulus is perceived and judged good, bad, useful. harmful, etc., mostly based on learned associations); (2) Emotion (internal state of arousal or "feeling" arises, involving physiological effects); then (3) Action (specific behavior such as approach, avoidance, attack, or feeding, depending on emotional intensity, learned behavioral patterns, and other motivations simultaneously present). In this view emotion is an internal state, *not* a behavior or a perception of external reality. In the sociobiological view, both emotionality and behavior evolve as strategies to maximize the spread of genes. Thus the mammalian limbic brain system has been programmed to perform as if it knows that its underlying genes will be proliferated maximally only if it orchestrates behavioral responses that bring into play an efficient mixture of personal survival, reproduction and altruism. Consider parental love. Sociobiologists believe that love is a behavioral predisposition with selective advantages for organisms which (1) are warm-blooded (love induces close physical contact permitting shared body warmth for small, high-heat-loss young), (2) produce relatively small numbers of offspring (love encourages parents to make a larger investment in time and resources per child ). (3) produce offspring that are helpless at birth (love ensures parental material support essential for infant survival), and (4) have highly plastic intelligence (love drives the parent to teach offspring very complex behaviors). Love is rare in the animal kingdom – only birds and mammals fulfillthese requirements on Earth, and only these species experience the emotion. So parent love likely won't be a part of the psychology, of intelligent ETs unless they satisfy at least some of the above criteria. Of course, extraterrestrial sentients may possess physiological states corresponding to limbic-like emotions that have no direct analog in human experience. Alien species, having evolved under a different set of environmental constraints than we, also could have a different but equally adaptive emotional repertoire. For example, assume that human observers land on another and discover an intelligent animal with an acute sense of absolute humidity and absolute air pressure. For this creature, there may exist an emotional state responding to an unfavorable change in the weather. Physiologically, the emotion could be mediated by the ET equivalent of the human limbic system; it might arise following the secretion of certain strength-enhancing and libido-arousing hormones into the alien's bloodstream in response to the perceived change in weather. Immediately our creature begins to engage in a variety of learned and socially-approved behaviors, including furious burrowing and building, smearing tree sap over its pelt, several different territorial defense ceremonies, and vigorous polygamous copulations with nearby females, apparently (to humans) for no reason at all. Would our astronauts interpret this as madness? Or love? Lust? Fear? Anger? None of these is correct, of course the alien is feeling *badweather*. While xenopsychologists suspect that even emotional intelligences may not share all our feelings, they are far more certain that there exist no universal emotions among sentients. Survival and intelligence simply do not require it. Very smart aliens, is in other words, may be emotionless. Probably the cleverest nonemotional creature on Earth today is the octopus. This eight-tentacled, highly educable animal is an invertebrate mollusc with a ganglionic nervous system having 5% as many nerve cells as the human brain. The octopus has a few minor endocrine systems which influence the maturation of its sexual organs, the onset of sexual behavior, body fluids, and maternal behavior and which react to the changing length of day with the seasons – but compulsory hormonal responses appear to be absent. The animal is, from the strict mammalian viewpoint, virtually without emotion. Octopuses are fiercely independent solitary carnivores with no social inclinations whatsoever; crowded into a small tank they will fight and establish a dominance hierarchy. They have no fear of fire and are insensitive to burns. The animal knows sex, but doesn't get very excited about it. The heartbeat of a male octopus in the midst of copulation is as steady as in a resting animal. The sexual displays of males during courtship appear to serve only for identification, never for stimulation, of the female. Broods are enormous impersonal affairs – up to 250,000 eggs per batch. No maternal love is lavished on offspring after birth so the young must fight for their own lives. Yet females often fast themselves to death guarding their own unhatched eggs. The creature may not even know what it means to feel hungry. Mammals long deprived of food become excited and venture out in an agitated search for dinner. The response of the octopus to food deprivation is totally different and utterly alien. When crabs become scarce, octopuses resign themselves to long watchful inactivity until the day the supply improves. They become less likely to emerge from their caves and houses to attack possible prey passing by. Motivation is not as adjustable as in mammals, yet octopus behavior under stress is considerably more cool and calculating. After hundreds of hours of direct observation undersea explorer Jacques Cousteau admitted that while the octopus is a timid animal (its first reaction to a diver is to nee or hide), "its timidity is a reasoned reaction, one that is based primarily on prudence and caution. It is not an instinctive and groundless fear (flat persists regardless of circumstances." Octopus mentality seems to be more oriented toward calculated prudence, more plastic than reptiles and more aloof than mammals. Is this, perhaps, a clue to the possible psychology of intelligent emotionless extraterrestrials?   ### **Alien Logic, Time, and Space** Logic is the way we know whether something is true. Denoting rationality and reason, logic lies at the very foundation (if all intellectual pursuits. Aristotle is largely responsible for the classical development of the so-called "laws of thought." 'Perhaps the best-known tenet is the Law of the Excluded Middle, which holds that if a statement is true. then its negation cannot also be true. For example, if the statement "the sky is blue" is true, then its negation "the sky is not blue" *must* be false. This so" of reasoning seems intuitively obvious to most people. Aristotelian logic is just common sense. Thus not a few writers have suggested that intelligent extraterrestrials matter how physically strange they may appear, probably will think much like human beings. ETs, in other words, will be good Aristotelians. This is an unfounded and potentially dangerous assumption, even if alien sociobiology proves remarkably similar to our own*.* Aristotelian logic is just one of many different formal systems of logic, all of which are equally valid in mathematics and philosophy. The danger inherent is relying on any single logic system is that it tends to limit the diversity of problems that can be addressed. One good example of this may be found in modem quantum mechanics. Imagine (the following physics experiment: A solid plate with two small parallel slits is placed in front of a beam of electrons. Behind the slits on the other side is a photographic screen to record the arrival of electrons. During the experiment, electrons are sent toward the slits one by one, some bouncing off the blocking plate and others passing through the slits to be recorded as they hit the screen. The Law of the Excluded Middle demands that any recorded electron must pass either "through the left slit" or "not through the left slit " (i.e. through the right slit). These two choices define all logical outcomes, but unfortunately nature does not cooperate. When physicists perform the experiment the "impossible" happens: The pattern recorded on the photographic screen could only have been generated if each electron passed through *both slits simultaneously!* Perhaps the most exciting development for xenologicians in this century is [Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem]( In 1931 an American mathematician named Kurt Gödel devised a brilliant proof that any system of logic must necessarily either be internally inconsistent or incomplete. Gödel's proof demonstrated for the first time that there exist statements that are unprovable in any logic system (even the Aristotelian system) and that all arithmetic as we know it is at best incomplete, at worst inconsistent. Further, it is logically impossible to construct a single grand "metalogic" capable of subsuming all other modes of logic while remaining consistent itself. So human mathematics–the language of the physical sciences–is incomplete. The implications in [xenology]( are far reaching indeed. We now know, for instance, that no single system of thinking can hold, even in principle, all answers to all questions while remaining internally consistent: All logics must harbor unresolvable paradoxes. Therefore each new logic system we discover I most likely will teach us something new, some novel way of looking at the universe and understanding it in a consistent fashion which may be imperceptible–even impossible–from within previous systems of logic. To this extent all human thinking necessarily in must be incomplete. Contact with alien minds will almost certainly open new vistas of knowledge and beauty to us. Extraterrestrial logicians may find many of our most enduring paradoxes to be trivially solvable, just as we may be able to resolve some of theirs equally effortlessly. Most living organisms possess natural cycles and rhythms, so sentient aliens should have some finite sense of duration. Dr. Bernard Aaronson, at the Bureau of Research in Neurology and Psychiatry in Princeton, New Jersey, conducted some fascinating experiments in regard to subjective time that may he highly instructive for xenopsychologists. Dr. Aaronson gave posthypnotic suggestions to human subjects to test their reactions to expanded or contracted time frames, such as: "Do you know how we divide time into the three categories of past, present, and future? When I wake you, the future will be gone. There will be no future." Subjects with no future experienced a loss of identity and a profound euphoric mystical sensation–one person reported that he "found himself in a boundless. immanent present." Expanded futures canceled all fear of death, inducing serene calmness and happiness. Elimination of the present was found to be most disturbing (subjects were inordinately depressed and behaved almost schizophrenically), whereas deprivation of the subjective past produced drowsiness, memory loss, speech difficulty, and a vague sense of meaninglessness. These kinds of experiments may someday help us understand apparently incomprehensible alien psyches. Alien languages might incorporate concepts wholly unfamiliar to any human culture. For instance, astronomer Carl Sagan has written that if dolphins are clever enough to have language they may not have words which are arbitrary representations of concrete objects, as do humans. Rather, because of their fine sonar sense, their words may consist of sonic pictures of the object in question. Instead of an arbitrary sound for "shark," they may instead transmit a set of clicks corresponding in the audio reflection spectrum the animal would obtain upon irradiating a shark with sound waves. Another interesting proposal by psychologists David and Doris Jonas is that sentient ETs who could see polarized light (as bees can) would create a language whose vocabulary–and thinking–incorporates a running sense of time. To such eyes, objects and colors must appear different at various times of the day because of the changing angle of polarized light due to the motion of the Sun. The aliens might use a dozen words for what appears to us to he a single object. Xenopsychologists also recognize the close association between human language and human body form. Extraterrestrials will speak, think, act, and feel differently simply because they have some other body shape and thus experience a markedly different awareness of space, position, and movement. The human body is basically bilaterally symmetric, with the upright posture universally regarded as typical. According to psychologist Donald G. MacRae, our categories for classifying, organizing, and manipulating space, and our emotions about space and the values we attach to direction in space, derive directly from our body form. Explains MacRae: "What is superior is up or high and what is inferior is down or low. Low is often dirty, but high is not necessarily clean. Right is law, morals. the holy and the strong; left is sinister, profane, weak and (often) feminine. Backward and behind are slow, hence stupid. Forward and in front are active, oriented and intelligent.  Beside is confederate or paranoid: It is an ambiguous category of place. What is clear is that these aspects of space derive from our conception of the body and would not hold for an intelligent bilateral but horizontal animal, far less for a radially symmetrical one like a clever starfish, or for spherically symmetrical beings like those of the fable in Plato's *Symposium*."   ### **Sentience Quotient (SQ)** "Of all the things that have been tried by the creatures of Earth to aid survival," Cornell astronomer Frank Drake once wrote, "be it camouflage, many legs, large size as in the dinosaurs, and so forth, only one characteristic has continuously been retained and improved throughout the entire succession of species–intelligence." Perhaps the most interesting aspect of intelligence from the human point of view is that we, possibly alone among all creatures on this planet, have an awareness of self. Consciousness may be an emergent property of intelligence, a fortuitous feature of a terrestrial animal brain architecture originally designed for other jobs. Is it possible that there could exist yet higher-order emergents beyond consciousness? Science fiction writers are fond of suggesting levels of awareness in the universe which lie totally beyond man's comprehension. In Fred Hoyle's *[The Black Cloud](* the human protagonist is killed by data overload during interaction with a vastly superior alien intellect. We may not even recognize the activities of very advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. Carl Sagan once said, "any more than an ant performing his anty labors by the side of a suburban swimming pool has a profound sense of the presence of a superior technical civilization all around him." It is possible to devise a sliding scale of cosmic sentience universally applicable to any intelligent entity in the cosmos, based on a "figure of merit" which I call the Sentience Quotient. The essential characteristic of all intelligent systems is that they process information using a processor or "brain" made of matter-energy. Generally the more information a brain can process in a shorter length of time, the more intelligent it can be. (Information rate is measured in bits/second, where one bit is the amount of information needed to choose correctly between two equally likely answers to a simple yes/no question.) Also, the lower the brain's mass the less it will be influenced by fundamental limits such as speed of light restrictions on internal propagation, heat dissipation, and the Square-Cube Law. The most efficient brain will have the highest information-processing rate *I*, and the lowest mass *M*, hence the highest ratio *I*/*M*. Since very large exponents are involved, for the convenience we define the Sentience Quotient or SQ as the logarithm of *I*/*M*, that is, its order of magnitude. Of course, SQ delimits maximum *potential* intellect–a poorly programmed or poorly designed (or very small) high-SQ brain could still be very stupid. But all else remaining equal larger-SQ entities should be higher-quality thinkers. The lower end of our cosmic scale is easy to pin down. The very dumbest brain we can imagine would have one neuron with the mass of the universe (1052 kg) and require a time equal to the age of the universe (1018 seconds) to process just one bit, giving a minimum SQ of -70. What is the smartest possible brain? Dr. H. Bremermann at the University of California at Berkeley claims there is a fundamental limit to intelligence imposed by the laws of quantum mechanics. The argument is simple but subtle. All information, to he acted upon, must be represented physically and be carried by matter-energy "markers." According to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle in quantum mechanics, the lower limit for the accuracy with which energy can be measured–the minimum measurable energy level for a marker carrying one bit–is given by Planck's constant *h* divided by *T*, the duration of the measurement. If one energy level is used to represent one bit, then the maximum bit rate of a brain is equal to the total energy available *E* ( = *mc*2) for representing information, divided by the minimum measurable energy per bit (*h*/*T*) divided by the minimum time required for readout (*T*). or *mc*2/*h* = 1050 bits/sec/kg. Hence the smartest possible brain has an SQ of +50. Where do people fit in? A human neuron has an average mass of about 10-10 kg and one neuron can process 1000-3000 bits/sec. earning us an SQ rating of +13. What is most interesting here is not the obvious fact that there's a great deal of room for improvement (there is!), but rather that all "neuronal sentience" SQs, from insects to mammals, cluster within several points of the human value. From the cosmic point of view, rotifers, honeybees, and humans all have brainpower with roughly equivalent efficiencies. Note that we are still way ahead of the computers, with an Apple II at SQ +5 and even the mighty Cray I only about +9. Another kind of sentience, which we may call "hormonal sentience," is exhibited by plants. Time-lapse photography shows the vicious struggles among vines in the tropical rain forests, and vegetative phototaxis (turning toward light) is a well-known phenomenon. All these behaviors are mediated, it is believed, by biochemical plant hormones transmitted through the vascular system. As in the animal kingdom, most of the geniuses are hunters–the carnivorous plants. The Venus flytrap, during a 1- to 20-second sensitivity interval, counts two stimuli before snapping shut on its insect prey, a processing peak of 1 bit/sec. Mass is 10-100 grams, so flytrap SQ is about +1. Plants generally take hours to respond to stimuli, though, so vegetative SQs tend to cluster around -2. How about intelligences greater than human? Astronomer Robert Jastrow and others have speculated that silicon-based computer brains may represent the next and ultimate stage in our evolution. This is valid, but only in a very limited sense. Superconducting Josephson junction electronic gates weigh 10-12 kg and can process 1011 bits/sec, so "electronic sentiences" made of these components could have and SQ of +23 – ten orders beyond man. But even such fantastically advanced systems fall short of the maximum of +50. Somewhere in the universe may lurk beings almost incomprehensible to us, who think by manipulating atomic energy levels and are mentally as far beyond our best future computers as those computers will surpass the Venus flytrap. Just as consciousness is an emergent of neuronal sentience, perhaps some broader mode of thinking–call it communalness–is an emergent of electronic sentience. If this is true, it might help to explain why (noncommunal) human beings have such great difficulty comprehending the intricate workings of the societies, governments, and economies they create, and require the continual and increasing assistance of computers to juggle the thousands of variables needed for successful management and planning. Perhaps future computers with communalness may develop the same intimate awareness of complex organizations as people have consciousness of their own bodies. And how many additional levels of emergent higher awareness might a creature with SQ +50 display? The possible existence of ultrahuman SQ levels may affect our ability, and the desirability, of communicating with extraterrestrial beings. Sometimes it is rhetorically asked what we could possibly have to say to a dog or to an insect, if such could speak, that would be of interest to both parties? From our perspective of Sentience Quotients, we can see that the problem is actually far, far worse than this, more akin to asking people to discuss Shakespeare with trees or rocks. It may be that there is a minimum SQ "communication gap," an intellectual distance beyond which no two entities can meaningfully converse. At present, human scientists are attempting to communicate outside our species to primates and cetaceans, and in a limited way to a few other vertebrates. This is inordinately difficult, and yet it represents a gap of at most a few SQ points. The farthest we can reach is our "communication" with vegetation when we plant, water, or fertilize it, but it is evident that messages transmitted across an SQ gap of 10 points or more cannot be very meaningful. What, then, could an SQ +50 Superbeing possibly have to say to *us*? --- ### FOR FURTHER READING Poul Anderson, *Is There Life on Other Worlds?* Crowell-Collier Press, New York, 1963. Gene Bylinsky, *[Life in Darwin's Universe](*, Doubleday & Co., New York, 1981. James L. Christian, ed., *[Extraterrestrial Intelligence: The First Encounter](*, Prometheus Books, Buffalo, New York, 1976 Richard Dawkins, *[The Selfish Gene](*, Oxford University Press, New York, 1976. Robert A. Wallace, *[The Genesis Factor](*, William Morrow & Co., Inc., New York, 1979. Edward O. Wilson, *[Sociobiology: The New Synthesis](*, 1975, and *[On Human Nature](*, 1978, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. --- #### **Sentience Quotient References** * Notes re: Dr. Bernard Aaronson studies & Sentience Quotient, probably from Mark Thompson @ [The Lycaeum]( *Please note that the Lycaeum website does not properly attribute the Sentience Quotient to Robert A Freitas Jr. and thus remains in violation of Freitas' copyright despite repeated notifications (by the author Freitas, to the infringer Lycaeum) of this violation. Freitas requests that the infringing material at not be further publicized, and that the infringing URL not be further propagated on the web until such time as the infringement is repaired by Lycaeum.** Hypnotic experiments with 'time sense', Dr. Bernard Aaronson, Bureau of Research in Neuropsychology & Psychiatry, described by [Freitas]( in ["Timeless Minds," Omni 6(February 1984):38](http://www/ * Sentience Quotient is referenced in the Artificial Intelligence issue of *[Daedalus](*, Proceedings of the [American Academy of Arts and Sciences](, [Probably Volume 117, Winter 1988.] * "Sentience Quotient" shows up in Star Trek Voyager episode "Eye of the Needle", broadcast Monday, February 20, 1995, in the [review]( by Tim Wright. * "Sentience Quotient" appears in the [Transhuman Terminology Page]( by Anders Sandberg, in the [Lextropicon]( collected by Max More, and in the [Nanotechnology Glossary]( by 7th Wave Inc. * "Sentience Quotient" as defined by [Freitas]( is mentioned in: Linda MacDonald Glenn, "[Biotechnology at the Margins of Personhood: An Evolving Legal Paradigm](," *Journal of Evolution and Technology*, Vol. 13 (2002). **Editor Notes:** * Dr. Hans J. Bremermann is professor emeritus from Department of Mathematics at Berkeley. His specialty was mathematical biology. * The reference for Jastrow's claim regarding [silicon-based computer brains]( is: Robert Jastrow; "Toward an Intelligence Beyond Man's," Time 111(20 February 1978):59. --- Creation date: July 7, 1998 Last Modified: July 15, 1998 Original HTML Editor: [Robert J. Bradbury]( Revised and extended by Robert A. Freitas Jr., from 19 November 2002 Last updated by Freitas, 30 December 2008
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Shapes in the Fire     **SHAPES IN THE FIRE\***  [***link to shamans business card***](     ![](56.16.jpg) **[wizard, or fool, or both?](** **Civilization burns.  War, hate, disease, mistrust, egotism, racism, greed, and just plain stupidity seem to be active everywhere, destroying social order and reducing our hopes and dreams to ashes.   Yet, strange patterns form in the flames.  Weaving and dancing, human beings, and their communities, live and die, move and change, grow and become.  Meaning hovers over the seeming chaos, and with a careful attention to the most basic elements it becomes possible to discern the music that moves along side us - even the themes flowing out of the future .  On this site are the visions of a few modern story tellers - students of the Mystery, sitting with us by their computer screens, the community campfire of our electronic age.** > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ***For a > > > > summary or overview of my work, go [here]( > > > > If you want to skip past that to the first > > > > material on thinking, which includes > > > > > > > > introductory links to the deeper valleys and > > > > caves of my thought, go [there]( > > > > For my video work go [this > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > way.](  > > > > > > > > For my bookstore wander [that > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > way](******To enter into a course of instruction in the > > > > various skills, crafts, > > > > > > > > and Arts underlying this work, see:*** **[A > > > > Course]( [of > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Platonist]( [Studies > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > in Anthroposophy](\*\*\* > > > > > > > > > > > > (\*\*\*a Path of Cognition - of [the > > > > Rising of the Sun in the Mind](** > > > > > > > > > > > > **[CV](** > > > > > > > > > > > > ***\*fun video: to Billy Joel's > > > > [We Didn't > > > > Start the Fire](*** > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
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Due toa a request from some who use the website for online courses, I will leave the site up and implement changes separately.&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </table> <p><I><FONT size="3" color="#FFFFCC"><B><U> <span style="background-color: #008000">Table of Contents</span></U><span style="background-color: #008000">&nbsp;</span></B></FONT></I></p> <DL> <DT><font color="#FFFFCC"><I><FONT size="2"> <span style="background-color: #008000">Updated</span></FONT></I><font size="2"><i><span style="background-color: #008000"> <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%A %B %d, %Y" startspan -->Monday July 09, 2018<!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="29850" --></span></i></font></DT> <DT><I><FONT size="2"><span style="background-color: #008000">Please scroll down</span></FONT></I></font></DT> </DL> <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="33%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><EM><STRONG><FONT 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<LI><FONT size="2"> The Cases </FONT><FONT color="#008000" size="2"> <A href="">For</A></FONT><FONT size="2"> - </FONT><FONT color="#008000" size="2"> <A href="">Against</A></FONT><FONT size="2"> Nuclear Power</FONT> </LI> <LI><A href=""> <FONT size="2">Environmental Effects</FONT></A> </LI> <LI><FONT color="#008000"><A href=""><FONT size="2">Methods of Generating Electricity</FONT></A></FONT><FONT size="2"> (</FONT><FONT color="#008000"><A href=""><FONT size="2">Coal</FONT></A></FONT> - <FONT color="#008000"> <A href=""> <FONT size="2">Nuclear</FONT></A></FONT><FONT size="2">)</FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size="2"> Overview graphics (</FONT><FONT color="#008000"><A href=""><FONT size="2">Coal</FONT></A></FONT> <FONT size="2"> - </FONT> <FONT color="#000080" size="2"> <A href="">Nuclear</A></FONT><FONT size="2">)</FONT></LI> <LI><A href=""> <FONT size="2">Atmospheric Pollutants</FONT></A> </LI> <LI><A href=""><FONT size="2">Cost comparison</FONT></A> </LI> <LI><A href=""> <FONT size="2">Questions/Answers</FONT></A> </LI> </UL> <p>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><EM><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Overview</FONT></STRONG></EM> <UL type="square"> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Basic Process</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Reactor Construction</FONT></A> </LI><LI><FONT color="#008000" size="2"><A href="">Coolants</A></FONT> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Fuel Construction </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Spent Fuel Decay - Trends</FONT></A> </LI><LI><font size="2"><a href="Klickitat/nucleartourist/basics/btp92.htm">Spent Fuel Decay Calculations</a></font></LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Comparisons-power generation</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Radwaste-Lo &amp; Hi Level</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Low Level Waste Considerations </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">High Level Waste Considerations</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Xenon 135 - An Intro to Neutron Poisons</FONT></A> </LI></UL> </td> <td width="33%" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><EM><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Plant Designs</FONT> </STRONG></EM> <UL type="square"> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">The Early Reactors </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">CANDU and Heavy Water Moderated Reactors </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">VVER Reactor</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">RBMK Reactor </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Liquid Metal Cooled Fast Reactor (LMFBR) </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Gas Cooled Reactor (GCR) </FONT></A> </LI><LI><FONT color="#008000" size="2"><A href="">Modular Pebble Bed Reactor</A></FONT> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Advanced Design Reactors </FONT></A> <FONT size="2">&nbsp;</FONT></LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Advantages of the Specific Designs</FONT></A> </LI></UL> </td> <td width="34%" bgcolor="#FFFFCC">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><EM><A href=""><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Plant Systems</FONT></STRONG></A></EM><P><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Nuclear Unique</FONT> </STRONG> </P><UL type="square"> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Fuel </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Reactors </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Reactor Cooling Systems</FONT> </A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Reactor Cooling Systems-more </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Reactor Cooling System-CANDU </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">CANDU</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">BWR Recirc</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Steam Generators/Steam Separators </FONT></A></LI></UL> <P><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Electrical &amp; Computers</FONT> </STRONG> </P><UL type="square"> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Generator and Support Systems</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Substation</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Normal Electrical Distribution</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Emergency Electrical</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Computers</FONT></A></LI> <LI><FONT size="2">Rod Control Systems</FONT> </LI></UL> </td> <td width="33%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <DL> <DT><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Emergency Safety 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color="#008000" size="2">Essential Service Water </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Vacuum Building</FONT> </A></LI></UL> <p>&nbsp;</td> <td width="34%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Mechanical</FONT> </STRONG> <UL type="square"> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Main Steam</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Turbines and Support Systems</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Condenser</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Condensate and Feedwater </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Circulating Water </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Service/Cooling Water</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Cooling Towers</FONT></A> </LI> <LI><FONT size="2"><A href="">Snubbers</A></FONT></LI></UL> <P><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Specialized Non-safety Nuclear Systems</FONT> </STRONG> </P><UL type="square"> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Radioactive Waste</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Spent Fuel Storage</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Reactor Water Chemical Cleanup Systems</FONT></A> </LI></UL> <p>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><EM><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Locations</FONT></STRONG></EM><P><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">United States </FONT> </STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">(over 50 pages)</FONT> </P><UL type="square"> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Overview and Map</FONT></A> </LI><LI><FONT color="#008000" size="2"><A href="">Maps and Aerial Views</A></FONT> </LI><LI><FONT color="#008000" size="2"><A href="">Plant Information</A></FONT> </LI></UL> <P><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">World </FONT> </STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">(over 25 pages)</FONT> </P><UL type="square"> <LI><A href=""><FONT 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color="#008000" size="2">Health Physics</FONT></STRONG> <UL> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Radiation Safety</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Emergency Planning (General) </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Emergency Planning (More)</FONT></A> </LI></UL> </LI><LI><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Engineering</FONT> </STRONG> <UL> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Accident and Transient Safety Analysis</FONT></A> </LI><LI class="style1"> <a href="">Engineers in Nuclear Power Plants</a></LI> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Probabilistic Safety Analysis</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Radioactive Waste - Low Level and High Level</FONT></A> </LI> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Xenon-135 and Neutron Poisons</FONT></A> </LI></UL> </LI><LI><A href=""><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Regulation</FONT></STRONG> <FONT color="#008000" size="2"> of Nuclear Power Plants</FONT></A> <UL> <LI><FONT size="2"><A href="">Sample Preliminary Safety Analysis Report</A></FONT></LI> </UL> </LI><LI><B><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Industry Organizations</FONT></A></B> </LI></UL> </td> <td width="34%" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><A href=""><EM><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Significant Events</FONT></STRONG></EM> </A> <UL type="square"> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Three Mile Island (TMI-2) </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Chernobyl </FONT></A> </LI><LI> <a href=""> <font size="2">Fukushima Daiichi</font></a></LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Windscale</FONT></A><font size="2"> </font> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Meltdown Event</FONT></A><font size="2"> </font> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Earthquakes &amp; Other Natural Phenomena</FONT></A><font size="2"> </font> </LI> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Steam Generator Tube Rupture @ Indian Point</FONT></A><font size="2"> </font> </LI></UL> <p><font size="2" color="#008000"><u><b><i>References</i></b></u><b><i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </i></b></font></p> <UL type="square"> <LI><font size="2" class="auto-style4"> <a href=""> Descriptions of Selected Accidents That Have Occurred at Nuclear Reactor Facilities (ORNL Report)</a></font></LI></UL> <p>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <DL> <DT><EM><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Inside a Nuclear Power Plant</FONT></STRONG></EM> </DT><DT><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Photos and Graphics</FONT></STRONG> </DT></DL> <P><A href=""><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Introduction</FONT> </STRONG></A> </P><UL type="square"> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Inside a BWR</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT size="2" color="#008000">Control Rooms</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Containment</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Turbine Building</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT size="2" color="#008000">Turbine Halls</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Auxiliary Building</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Fuel Building</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Diesel Building</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Screenhouse</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Administration</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Security</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">ISFSI</FONT></A> </LI></UL> <P><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Containment</FONT> </STRONG> </P><UL type="square"> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Reactor &amp; spent fuel cask</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Airlocks</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Facades</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">CANDU design reactor</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Steam Generator</FONT></A> </LI></UL> </td> <td width="33%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Reactors/Refueling</FONT> </STRONG> <UL type="square"> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">VVER reactor after refueling</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">PWR showing rod control and rod position cabling</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Refueling floor-RBMK </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Spent fuel storage</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">CANDU Reactor and Fuel Design </FONT> </A><FONT color="#008000" size="2">-</FONT> </LI></UL> <P><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Control Rooms</FONT> </STRONG> </P><UL type="square"> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">VVER-1000 -with mimic panel</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">PWR- TV monitors and alarms</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Radiation monitoring panel</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Electrical Control Room</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">RBMK Control Room </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">PWR compact board</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">VVER and Framatome</FONT></A> </LI></UL> <p>&nbsp;</td> <td width="34%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><STRONG><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Turbine-Generators</FONT> </STRONG> <UL type="square"> <LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Multi-unit RBMK</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">PWR turbine</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">Turbine oil system </FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT color="#008000" size="2">High pressure turbine</FONT></A> </LI><LI><A href=""><FONT 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<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 12.0"> <meta name="description" content="Scott McKay US Army Retro Computers"> <meta name=""keywords"" content=""Scott, McKay,Scott McKay,US Army, Retro Computer, data"" /> <meta name="msvalidate.01" content="E040FEC035849AFAC5395AE7EDD94DE4" /> <title>Scott McKay</title> <style type="text/css"> .auto-style1 { border-width: 0px; } </style> </head> <body background="back1.gif"> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p align="center"><font size="7"><strong>Scott McKay</strong></font><br> <br> <img src="scott1.jpg" width="227" height="334"><br> <br> <br><br> <font size="2">The Retro Room (My Den)<br> </font><a href="/amiga/denbiggest.jpg"><font size="7"><img src="/amiga/densmall.jpg" border="0" width="427" height="320"></font></a><font size="7"> </font><font size="2"><br> Click for Full size photo </font><font size="4"><br> <br> <!-- show user info to user --> <br></font><hr> <p align="center"><font size="4"><br><br> <a href=""> <img height="133" src="rr/youtubecover%20(Mobile).jpg" width="263" class="auto-style1"></a><br> On 10/29/2023<br>There was a blurb of my 'The Retro Room' on Retro Recipes, 'The Retro Show' (YouTube)<br> <br><a href="/rr/TheRetroRoom-Big.jpg"> <img class="auto-style1" height="270" src="rr/TheRetroRoom-Small.jpg" width="480"></a><br><br><a href="">The Retro Show Halloween Special: Spooky Memes, Arcades, Nostalgia, &amp; More!</a><br> <a href="">Quick line to WHEN 'The Retro Room' appears in their show</a><br> <a href="/rr/My-den-on-Retro-Recipes-Show-2/My-den-on-Retro-Recipes-Show-2.mp4"> Watch CLIP of show without going to YouTube</a><br><br><br></font><hr> <p align="center"><font size="4"><br><br><br> <p align="center"> <font size="4" face="Courier"><strong> --------------------------------- <br>Wednesday 27th of December 2023 03:38:30 AM<br><br>Your IP Address:<br><font size='2' face='Courier'><strong></strong><font size="4" face="Courier"><strong> --------------------------------- <br> <p align="left"> <font size="4" face="Courier"> <br><br> <p align="center"> -- </font><font size="5"><strong>Fun Stuff </strong></font><font size="4">--<br> </font><a href="../../../../misc1/bigclock.htm"><font size="4">What Time is it?</font></a> ---- <a href="../../../../misc1/java-calendar.htm">Calendar</a><font size="4"> ---- </font><a href="../../../../misc1/html5-bow.htm"><font size="4">Bow &amp; Arrow</font></a><font size="4"> ---- </font><a href="../../../../misc1/html5-ball.htm"><font size="4">Bouncing Ball</font></a><font size="4"><br> </font><a href="../../../../misc1/java-calc.htm"><font size="4">Calculator</font></a><font size="4"> ---- </font><a href="../../../../misc1/java-snow.htm"><font size="4">It's Snowing</font></a><font size="4"> ---- </font><a href="../../../../misc1/starwars"><font size="4">Star Wars</font></a><font size="4"> ---- </font><a href="../../../../misc1/magic8ball"><font size="4">Magic 8 Ball</font></a><font size="4"> ---- </font><a href="../../../../misc1/pong2"><font size="4">Pong</font></a><font size="4"><br> </font><a href="../../../../misc1/tetris.html"><font size="4">Tetris</font></a><font size="4"> ---- </font><a href="../../../../misc1/frogger.html"><font size="4">Frogger</font></a><font size="4"> ---- </font><a href="../../../../misc1/missilecommand.html"><font size="4">Missile Command</font></a><font size="4"> ---- </font><a href="../../../../misc1/breakout.html"><font size="4">Break Out</font></a><font size="4"> ---- </font><a href="../../../../misc1/bustamove.html"><font size="4">Bust A Move</font></a><font size="4"><br> </font><a href="../../../../misc1/snake.html"><font size="4">Snake</font></a><font size="4"><br> <br> </font></p> <p align="center"> <br><br><br></font><font size="5"><strong>-- Other Stuff --</strong></font><font<br> <p align="center"><a href="/contact"><font size="4">Contact Me</font></a><font size="4"><br> <br> </font><a href="/about-me"><font size="4">About me</font></a></p> <p><font size="4"><br> </font></p> <p align="center"><a href="/nlbbs"><font size="4">Pictures of My 1994 Night Life Bulletin Board System</font></a><font size="4"><br> <br> </font><a href="pictures/Army"><font size="4">My US Army Gulf War Pictures</font></a><font size="4"><br> <br> </font><a href=""><font size="4">Retro Computer Test Site HTTP</font></a><font size="4"> Note: Modern broswers may auto switch to HTTPS.<br> </font><a href=""><font size="4">Retro Computer Test Site HTTPS</font></a><font size="4"><br> <br> </font><a href="/gallery/albums"><font size="4">Photo Galleries</font></a><font size="4"><br> <br> </font><a href="/amiga/fileroom"><font size="4">File Room (Just misc uploaded files)</font></a><font size="4"><br> <br> </font></p> <p align="center"><a href="/amiga/sendmsg"><font size="5"><strong>Send Scott a Private Message / File</strong></font></a><font size="5"><br> <br> <br> <br> THIS SITE IS CURRENTLY BEING BUILT. 10-25-23</font></p> </body> </html>
Scott McKay .auto-style1 { border-width: 0px; }   **Scott McKay** ![](scott1.jpg) The Retro Room (My Den) [![](/amiga/densmall.jpg)](/amiga/denbiggest.jpg) Click for Full size photo --- [![](rr/youtubecover%20(Mobile).jpg)]( On 10/29/2023 There was a blurb of my 'The Retro Room' on Retro Recipes, 'The Retro Show' (YouTube) [![](rr/TheRetroRoom-Small.jpg)](/rr/TheRetroRoom-Big.jpg) [The Retro Show Halloween Special: Spooky Memes, Arcades, Nostalgia, & More!]( [Quick line to WHEN 'The Retro Room' appears in their show]( [Watch CLIP of show without going to YouTube](/rr/My-den-on-Retro-Recipes-Show-2/My-den-on-Retro-Recipes-Show-2.mp4) --- **--------------------------------- Wednesday 27th of December 2023 03:38:30 AM Your IP Address: **--------------------------------- -- **Fun Stuff** -- [What Time is it?](../../../../misc1/bigclock.htm) ---- [Calendar](../../../../misc1/java-calendar.htm) ---- [Bow & Arrow](../../../../misc1/html5-bow.htm) ---- [Bouncing Ball](../../../../misc1/html5-ball.htm) [Calculator](../../../../misc1/java-calc.htm) ---- [It's Snowing](../../../../misc1/java-snow.htm) ---- [Star Wars](../../../../misc1/starwars) ---- [Magic 8 Ball](../../../../misc1/magic8ball) ---- [Pong](../../../../misc1/pong2) [Tetris](../../../../misc1/tetris.html) ---- [Frogger](../../../../misc1/frogger.html) ---- [Missile Command](../../../../misc1/missilecommand.html) ---- [Break Out](../../../../misc1/breakout.html) ---- [Bust A Move](../../../../misc1/bustamove.html) [Snake](../../../../misc1/snake.html)****-- Other Stuff --** [Contact Me](/contact) [About me](/about-me) [Pictures of My 1994 Night Life Bulletin Board System](/nlbbs) [My US Army Gulf War Pictures](pictures/Army) [Retro Computer Test Site HTTP]( Note: Modern broswers may auto switch to HTTPS. [Retro Computer Test Site HTTPS]( [Photo Galleries](/gallery/albums) [File Room (Just misc uploaded files)](/amiga/fileroom) [**Send Scott a Private Message / File**](/amiga/sendmsg) THIS SITE IS CURRENTLY BEING BUILT. 10-25-23**
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It's free. <a href=\"/programs/calendar.htm\">Download Goetz's Calendar</a><HR><P>") // -- End Hiding Here --> </SCRIPT> Hello and welcome to my home page. <A href=""><IMG SRC="now_butt.gif" width=88 height=31></A> This site is best viewed with Netscape Navigator. <H3> <A href="/contents/">Get a table of contents for my site</A> </H3> <P> <A HREF="flag/"><IMG SRC="flag/small-flag.jpg" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="100" ALT="US Flag" BORDER="0"></A> <P> Print out a <A HREF="flag/">US Flag</A> to hang on your office, home, or car. <H3> Search </H3> <FORM method="get" action=""> <p> <INPUT size=15 name="sp-q"> <BR> <INPUT type=submit value="Search"> <INPUT type=hidden name="sp-a" value="00033464-sp00000000"> </p> <p><a href=""><img src="news-logo.gif" alt="Breaking News" width="500" height="105" border="0"></a> </p> <P> </FORM> <P> <TABLE BORDER=1> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER" BGCOLOR="#fff00"><CENTER> <B> <FONT COLOR="#ff0000"></FONT></B> <H2> <A href="feedback/feedback.html">Read feedback</A> about my software that people have sent me. </H2> <P> If you could please help me out, I'd like to get publicity for my site and software. If you find my site or software to be useful or fun, please tell someone you know. If you review software or know of someone who reviews software, please tell them about my site. It would help me greatly if you could write to an editor of a computer/family related <A HREF="feedback/magazines.html">magazine</A> telling them about my site or software. <P> <I>Thank you!</I> <P><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-0302977758165598"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "468x60_as_rimg"; google_cpa_choice = "CAAQj6eVzgEaCIxA5niBniDSKOm293M"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <BR> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-0302977758165598"; google_ad_width = 125; google_ad_height = 125; google_ad_format = "125x125_as_rimg"; google_cpa_choice = "CAAQ3bWazgEaCIDpU7OcSSWsKJ_D93M"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> </CENTER> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P> Listen to a Real Audio format welcome message. <A href="intro.ra">Welcome Message.</A> <P> If you don't have Real Audio, <A href=""> go get it</A>. It lets you listen to compressed and realtime audio files. <P> <A href="recentchanges.html"><IMG SRC="recent.gif" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="100" ALT="Recent Changes to my site" BORDER=0></A> <P> See the <A href="recentchanges.html">recent changes</A> made to my site. <P> <!---Recent Changes--> <TABLE BORDER=1> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER" BGCOLOR="#fff00"><CENTER> <!-- Begin Official PayPal Seal --> <A HREF="" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="" BORDER="0" ALT="Official PayPal Seal"></A> <!-- End Official PayPal Seal --> <P> <IMG width="18" height="18" SRC="purple.gif"><IMG width="40" height="30" SRC="new.gif"><IMG width="18" height="18" SRC="purple.gif">4/11/02 <A HREF="programs/binary/">Learn to count in Binary</A>. <P> <IMG width="18" height="18" SRC="purple.gif"><IMG width="40" height="30" SRC="new.gif"><IMG width="18" height="18" SRC="purple.gif"> 1/6/02 <A HREF="programs/signature/">Signature Applet</A>. UPDATED. &nbsp;Now you can order<BR> the Perl script for use on your web site. </CENTER> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P> <TABLE BORDER=1 width=100%> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER" BGCOLOR="#fff00"><CENTER> <H1> <FONT COLOR="#ff0000">FEEDBACK</FONT> </H1> <P> <B><A href="feedback/">If you like my web site or software, please send me feedback.</A></B> <P> I have a comment section, so if you tried my software or any part of my site, please send feedback. <P> <A href="feedback/feedback.html">Read feedback</A> people have sent me. <P> <IMG SRC="voicemail2.gif" WIDTH="327" HEIGHT="128"> <P> <IMG SRC="chat.gif" WIDTH="189" HEIGHT="58" ALT="Chat with me"> </CENTER> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <!---Software--> <TABLE BORDER=1> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><CENTER> <A href="programs/"><IMG src="software.jpg" alt="Software by Lawrence Goetz" width="300" height="100" border=0></A> <P> <!-- Begin Official PayPal Seal --> <A HREF="" target="_blank"><IMG SRC="" BORDER="0" ALT="Official PayPal Seal"></A> <!-- End Official PayPal Seal --> <P> <B> I'm a software author of</B> <P> <A href="programs/index.html#Children">Children's Shareware</A>,<BR> <A href="programs/index.html#Java">Java Applets</A>,<BR> <A href="programs/animatedgifs/">Animated GIFs</A>,<BR> <A href="programs/screensaver/">A make your own screen saver program</A>,<BR> <A href="programs/wallpaper/">Nature Wallpaper</A>,<BR> and more. <P> Check out my <A href="programs/index.html">programs</A>,<BR> some of them are <A href="programs/free.html">FREE</A>. <P> <A href="programs/free.html"><IMG SRC="freesoftware.gif" WIDTH="240" HEIGHT="60" ALT="Free Software" BORDER=0></A> <P> I've even written some <A href="stories/">short stories.</A> <P> Go <A HREF="mall/index.html">shopping online</A> from a mall. <P> <A HREF="videogames.html">Order Video Games</A> <P> I've also setup an <A HREF="/home/">info</A> page. </CENTER> </TD> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><B></B> <H1> Featured Software: </H1> <P> <A HREF="programs/gfsplit.htm"><IMG SRC="programs/gfsplitter.jpg" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="50"></A> <P> Split files to fit on floppies or for email attachments. <HR> <P> <A HREF="/cool/"><IMG SRC="cool/coolstuff.jpg" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="100" ALT="Cool"></A> <P>&nbsp; <P> <A href="" target="_top" onMouseOver="window.status='';return true;" onmouseout="window.status=' ';return true;"> <IMG src="" width="120" height="600" alt="Access Your PC from Anywhere - Free Download" border="0"></A></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <!---Software END--> <P> <A href="otherpages.html"><IMG SRC="otherpages.gif" alt="Visit other pages on my site." border=0 width="261" height="100"></A> <P> <BIG>Be sure to visit my <A href="otherpages.html">other pages</A> on my site.</BIG> <P> <A HREF="helpme.html">Write to a magazine editor about my site <!---Other Pages--> </A> <TABLE BORDER=1> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER" BGCOLOR="#00ff00" width=33%><B>Computer Stuff:</B></TD> <TD ALIGN="CENTER" BGCOLOR="#00ff00" width=33%><B>Kids Stuff:</B></TD> <TD ALIGN="CENTER" BGCOLOR="#00ff00" width=33%><B>Useful Stuff:</B></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN="CENTER" BGCOLOR="#fff00" width=33%><B> There are <A href="otherpages.html#computer">computer</A> pages including:</B> <P> <A href="help.htm">computer information page</A> <P> <A href="95tips.htm">Windows 95 Tips</A> <P> <A href="95tips.htm"><A href="programs/java.htm">Java pages</A></A> <P> <A href="homepage.htm">Home page help</A></TD> <TD ALIGN="CENTER" BGCOLOR="#fff00" width=33%><B> A collection of <A href="otherpages.html#children">children's activities</A> including:</B> <P> a <A href="zoo/">virtual zoo</A> and a list of <A href="kids.htm">children's sites</A>. I've even written some <A href="stories/">short stories.</A> Print out a protractor, ruler, and graph paper in <A href="measure.htm">measuring tools</A>. Learn <A href="/programs/logic/">logic gates</A> AND, OR, NOT. <P> Also I've made a <I>fun</I> drawing Java applet, <A href="programs/paint">Larry's Paint</A>.</TD> <TD ALIGN="CENTER" BGCOLOR="#fff00" width=33%><B> I have an <A href="programs/autoload.htm">autoreload</A> program to have a page automatically reload. It's great for sites that are contantly updating something, like a webcam, news, sports, finance.</B> <P> Need to convert temperature, length, weight or volume? Check out my <A href="programs/convert.htm">Unit Conversion</A> <P> <A HREF="programs/ipinfo/">Find out your IP address</A> <P> Help with <A HREF="programs/download/">downloading</A> embedded files on websites. <P> <A href="/cool/">Cool Stuff</A> Get some cool stuff from the internet. <P> <A HREF="programs/gfsplit.htm">Goetz's File Splitter</A> - Split files to fit on floppies or for email attachements.</TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P> <BR> <IMG SRC=rainbow1.gif width="580" height="5"> <P> <BR> <HR> <CENTER> HELP Missing Children PLEASE!! Visit <A href="">N.A.M.C.A.</A> <P> </CENTER> <P> <HR> <CENTER> You are visitor <IMG SRC="/cgi-share/Count.cgi?df=index.count|dd=C|ft=5" align=absmiddle width="100" height="30"> for my home page. </CENTER> <P> <HR> <CENTER> <BR> <P> <TABLE CELLPADDING="2"> <TR> <TD><IMG src="pinball.jpg" width="100" height="111"></TD> <TD><B> I worked with my professor in graduate school to create a Real-Time system to teach students Real-Time programming. It's written mostly in Java. The system is designed to play pinball. I made a site for my professor explaining the system. You can watch a Real Player clip of the system playing pinball. It's really cool. Check out <A href="">A Testbed For Real-Time Programming In Java: The Pinball Player Project</A>. </B></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <P> <P> <BR> First Created 11/15/95 <P> <!--Begin OneKey Approved HTML--> <CENTER> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="onekeyapproved.gif" ALT="OneKey Approved Site" width="125" height="35"></A> </CENTER> <!--END OneKey Approved HTML--> <DIV align="center"> <CENTER> <TABLE border="0"> <TR> <TD><A href=""><IMG src="doveseal.gif" alt="Family Approved" align="left" border="0" hspace="0" width="85" height="75"></A></TD> <TD><B>This site has been rated<BR> "Family-Approved" by<BR> The Dove Foundation</B></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </CENTER> </DIV> <!-- Begin Virtuocity Family-Friendly Site Link --> <P> <A href=""><IMG src="family_emb5.gif" alt="Family-Friendly Site" height=78 width=120 border=0></A> <!-- End Link --> <!---Begin Link To The Galactic Galaxy Star Search--><A HREF=""> <IMG SRC="fan2.gif" alt="This Site Rated Fantastic" border=0 width=125 height=50></A> <!--End Link To The Galactic Galaxy Star Search--> <H1> View my <A href="awards.htm">awards.</A> <P> </H1> <P> <IMG SRC=rainbow1.gif width="580" height="5"> <CENTER> The Author is a member of <P> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="lo-025.gif" WIDTH=64 HEIGHT=90 BORDER=0 ALT="The HTML Writers Guild" ></A> <P> </CENTER> <P> <IMG SRC=rainbow1.gif width="580" height="5"> <P> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="blu_yel_email.gif" ALT="E-mail Me" BORDER=0 width="80" height="25"></A> <ADDRESS> Lawrence Goetz </ADDRESS> <P> Send comments to: <A HREF=""></A> Or fill out my <A href="feedback/">feedback form</A> </CENTER> <H3> <FONT COLOR="#000080"><BR> <B><I>If you are a business and need training or consulting, perhaps I can help you. I'm in Brooklyn, NY.</I></B></FONT> </H3> </CENTER> </BODY></HTML>
<!-- Hide the script from non-Javascript browsers /\*\*\* Feel free to use this script, just leave these comment lines. \*\*\*/ /\*\*\* Goetz's Calendar copyright 1999 Lawrence Goetz \*\*\*/ /\*\*\* \*\*\*/ var date\_statement=""; var time\_statement=""; var today=new Date(); var month=""; var day=""; function todays\_date() { var month=today.getMonth(); var day\_of\_week=today.getDay(); date\_statement="" document.month="" month++; // So it's now between 1 - 12. if(month==1) { january(today.getDate()); document.month="January"; } if(month==2) { february(today.getDate()); document.month="February"; } if(month==3) { march(today.getDate()); document.month="March"; } if(month==4) { april(today.getDate()); document.month="April"; } if(month==5) { may(today.getDate()); document.month="May"; } if(month==6) { june(today.getDate()); document.month="June"; } if(month==7) { july(today.getDate()); document.month="July"; } if(month==8) { august(today.getDate()); document.month="August"; } if(month==9) { september(today.getDate()); document.month="September"; } if(month==10) { october(today.getDate()); document.month="October"; } if(month==11) { november(today.getDate()); document.month="November"; } if(month==12) { december(today.getDate()); document.month="December"; }"" if(day\_of\_week==0)"Sunday"; if(day\_of\_week==1)"Monday"; if(day\_of\_week==2)"Tuesday"; if(day\_of\_week==3)"Wednesday"; if(day\_of\_week==4)"Thursday"; if(day\_of\_week==5)"Friday"; if(day\_of\_week==6)"Saturday"; } function january(date) { if(date==1) date\_statement='<FONT COLOR="#ff0000">Happy New Year 2002</FONT>'; if(date==18) date\_statement="Today's Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday."; } function february(date) { if(date==2) date\_statement="Today's Groundhog Day."; if(date==12) date\_statement="Today's Lincoln's Birthday."; if(date==14) date\_statement="Happy Valentine's Day."; if(date==15) date\_statement="Today's Presidents Day."; if(date==22) date\_statement="Today's Washington's Birthday."; } function march(date) { if(date==20) date\_statement="Today's The First Day of Spring."; } function april(date) { if(date==1) date\_statement="Today's April Fool's Day."; if(date==22) date\_statement="Today's Earth Day."; if(date==30) date\_statement="Today's Arbor Day."; } function may(date) { if(date==9) date\_statement="Happy Mother's Day."; if(date==31) date\_statement="Today's Memorial Day."; } function june(date) { if(date==14) date\_statement="Today's Flag Day!"; if(date==20) date\_statement="Happy Father's Day."; if(date==21) date\_statement="It's the first day of summer."; } function july(date) { if(date==4) date\_statement="Happy 4th of July!"; } function august(date) { } function september(date) { if(date==6) date\_statement="Today's Labor Day!"; if(date==23) date\_statement="Today's the First Day of Autumn."; } function october(date) { if(date==11) date\_statement="Today's Columbus Day."; if(date==31) date\_statement="Tonight Daylight Savings Time Ends. BOO... Happy Halloween."; } function november(date) { if(date==11) date\_statement="Today's Veterans Day."; if(date==23) date\_statement="Happy Thanksgiving."; } function december(date) { if(date==7) date\_statement="Today's Pearl Harbor Day."; if(date>=14) date\_statement="Happy Holiday."; if(date==21) date\_statement+=" Today's The First Day of Winter."; if(date==31) date\_statement="Tonight's New Years Eve!"; } function time\_of\_day() { var time=today.getHours(); time\_statement="" if(time>=5 && time<=11) time\_statement="Good Morning." if(time>11 && time<=17) time\_statement="Good Afternoon." if(time>17 || time<5) time\_statement="Good Evening. " } // -- End Hiding Here --> Children's Software & Java Applets by Lawrence Goetz - Freeware & Shareware | | | --- | | Welcome to Lawrence Goetz's Home Page | <!-- google\_ad\_client = "pub-0302977758165598"; google\_ad\_width = 336; google\_ad\_height = 280; google\_ad\_format = "336x280\_as"; google\_ad\_type = "text\_image"; google\_ad\_channel =""; //--> [![](ssurf.gif)]( [![Internet Content Rating Association](icra_sw.gif)]( <!-- Hide the script from non-Javascript browsers time\_of\_day(); todays\_date(); document.writeln("<DT><HR>"+time\_statement+" Today is "", "+document.month+" "+today.getDate()+". "+date\_statement+"<DT>Want this calendar on your web site? It's free. <a href=\"/programs/calendar.htm\">Download Goetz's Calendar</a><HR><P>") // -- End Hiding Here --> Hello and welcome to my home page. [![](now_butt.gif)]( This site is best viewed with Netscape Navigator. ### [Get a table of contents for my site](/contents/) [![US Flag](flag/small-flag.jpg)](flag/) Print out a [US Flag](flag/) to hang on your office, home, or car. ### Search [![Breaking News](news-logo.gif)]( | | | --- | | [Read feedback](feedback/feedback.html) about my software that people have sent me. If you could please help me out, I'd like to get publicity for my site and software. If you find my site or software to be useful or fun, please tell someone you know. If you review software or know of someone who reviews software, please tell them about my site. It would help me greatly if you could write to an editor of a computer/family related [magazine](feedback/magazines.html) telling them about my site or software. *Thank you!* <!-- google\_ad\_client = "pub-0302977758165598"; google\_ad\_width = 468; google\_ad\_height = 60; google\_ad\_format = "468x60\_as\_rimg"; google\_cpa\_choice = "CAAQj6eVzgEaCIxA5niBniDSKOm293M"; //--> <!-- google\_ad\_client = "pub-0302977758165598"; google\_ad\_width = 125; google\_ad\_height = 125; google\_ad\_format = "125x125\_as\_rimg"; google\_cpa\_choice = "CAAQ3bWazgEaCIDpU7OcSSWsKJ\_D93M"; //--> | Listen to a Real Audio format welcome message. [Welcome Message.](intro.ra) If you don't have Real Audio, [go get it]( It lets you listen to compressed and realtime audio files. [![Recent Changes to my site](recent.gif)](recentchanges.html) See the [recent changes](recentchanges.html) made to my site. | | | --- | | [Official PayPal Seal]( 4/11/02 [Learn to count in Binary](programs/binary/). 1/6/02 [Signature Applet](programs/signature/). UPDATED.  Now you can order the Perl script for use on your web site. | | | | --- | | FEEDBACK **[If you like my web site or software, please send me feedback.](feedback/)** I have a comment section, so if you tried my software or any part of my site, please send feedback. [Read feedback](feedback/feedback.html) people have sent me. Chat with me | | | | | --- | --- | | [Software by Lawrence Goetz](programs/) [Official PayPal Seal]( **I'm a software author of** [Children's Shareware](programs/index.html#Children), [Java Applets](programs/index.html#Java), [Animated GIFs](programs/animatedgifs/), [A make your own screen saver program](programs/screensaver/), [Nature Wallpaper](programs/wallpaper/), and more. Check out my [programs](programs/index.html), some of them are [FREE](programs/free.html). [Free Software](programs/free.html) I've even written some [short stories.](stories/) Go [shopping online](mall/index.html) from a mall. [Order Video Games](videogames.html) I've also setup an [info](/home/) page. | Featured Software: Split files to fit on floppies or for email attachments. --- [Cool](/cool/)   [Access Your PC from Anywhere - Free Download]( | [![Visit other pages on my site.](otherpages.gif)](otherpages.html) Be sure to visit my [other pages](otherpages.html) on my site. [Write to a magazine editor about my site](helpme.html) | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | **Computer Stuff:** | **Kids Stuff:** | **Useful Stuff:** | | **There are [computer](otherpages.html#computer) pages including:** [computer information page](help.htm) [Windows 95 Tips](95tips.htm) [[Java pages](programs/java.htm)](95tips.htm) [Home page help](homepage.htm) | **A collection of [children's activities](otherpages.html#children) including:** a [virtual zoo](zoo/) and a list of [children's sites](kids.htm). I've even written some [short stories.](stories/) Print out a protractor, ruler, and graph paper in [measuring tools](measure.htm). Learn [logic gates](/programs/logic/) AND, OR, NOT. Also I've made a *fun* drawing Java applet, [Larry's Paint](programs/paint). | **I have an [autoreload](programs/autoload.htm) program to have a page automatically reload. It's great for sites that are contantly updating something, like a webcam, news, sports, finance.** Need to convert temperature, length, weight or volume? Check out my [Unit Conversion](programs/convert.htm) [Find out your IP address](programs/ipinfo/) Help with [downloading](programs/download/) embedded files on websites. [Cool Stuff](/cool/) Get some cool stuff from the internet. [Goetz's File Splitter](programs/gfsplit.htm) - Split files to fit on floppies or for email attachements. | ![](rainbow1.gif) --- HELP Missing Children PLEASE!! Visit [N.A.M.C.A.]( --- You are visitor ![](/cgi-share/Count.cgi?df=index.count|dd=C|ft=5) for my home page. --- | | | | --- | --- | | | **I worked with my professor in graduate school to create a Real-Time system to teach students Real-Time programming. It's written mostly in Java. The system is designed to play pinball. I made a site for my professor explaining the system. You can watch a Real Player clip of the system playing pinball. It's really cool. Check out [A Testbed For Real-Time Programming In Java: The Pinball Player Project](** | First Created 11/15/95 [![OneKey Approved Site](onekeyapproved.gif)]( | | | | --- | --- | | [Family Approved]( | **This site has been rated "Family-Approved" by The Dove Foundation** | [![Family-Friendly Site](family_emb5.gif)]( [![This Site Rated Fantastic](fan2.gif)]( # View my [awards.](awards.htm) ![](rainbow1.gif) The Author is a member of [![The HTML Writers Guild](lo-025.gif)]( ![](rainbow1.gif) [![E-mail Me](blu_yel_email.gif)]( Lawrence Goetz Send comments to: []( Or fill out my [feedback form](feedback/) ### ***If you are a business and need training or consulting, perhaps I can help you. I'm in Brooklyn, NY.***
<html> <head> <title> Chris' page </title><title> </title> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- function MM_controlSound(x, _sndObj, sndFile) { //v3.0 var i, method = "", sndObj = eval(_sndObj); if (sndObj != null) { if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') method = "play"; else { if (window.MM_WMP == null) { window.MM_WMP = false; for(i in sndObj) if (i == "ActiveMovie") { window.MM_WMP = true; break; } } if (window.MM_WMP) method = "play"; else if (sndObj.FileName) method = "run"; } } if (method) eval(_sndObj+"."+method+"()"); else window.location = sndFile; } //--> </script> <body bgcolor="white"> <h2> <embed src="cartmen.wav" autoplay="true"> </embed> </h2> <div id="Layer5" style="position:absolute; width:200px; height:115px; z-index:7; left: 215px; top: 19px"><img src="chris.gif"></div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div id="Layer7" style="position:absolute; width:179px; height:115px; z-index:9; left: 6px; top: 96px"><embed src=""autoplay="false" width="179" height="142"> </embed></div> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> </blockquote> <p><img src="beeny.gif" width="253" height="336"><embed src=""autoplay="false" width="179" height="142" align="left"> </embed></p> <blockquote> <blockquote> <embed src=""autoplay="false" width="179" height="142" align="right"> </embed></blockquote> </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><div id="Layer6" style="position:absolute; width:167px; height:115px; z-index:8; left: 521px; top: 63px"><embed src=""autoplay="false" width="166" height="137"> </embed></div> <p>&nbsp;</p><div id="Layer2" style="position:absolute; width:200px; height:115px; z-index:2; left: 23px; top: 294px"><img src="homer.gif" border="0"></div> <div id="Layer4" style="position:absolute; width:200px; height:115px; z-index:4; left: 348px; top: 662px"><img src="rdolphhuntused1.jpg" width="303" height="412"></div> <div id="Layer3" style="position:absolute; width:200px; height:115px; z-index:6; left: 16px; top: 629px"><img src="worst.jpg" width="255" height="207"></div> <div id="Layer1" style="position:absolute; width:200px; height:115px; z-index:5; left: 378px; top: 288px"><img src="ASadDayatSesameStreet1.jpg" width="253" height="313"></div> <!-- BEGIN FASTCOUNTER CODE --> <div align="center"> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="" target="_top"><img border="0" src=""></a> <!-- END FASTCOUNTER CODE --> <!-- BEGIN FASTCOUNTER LINK --> <font face="arial" size="1"><a href="" target="_top">FastCounter by bcentral</a></font> <!-- END FASTCOUNTER LINK --> <font color="#0000A0"><b> </b></font> </p> </div> <p align="center"><font color="#0000A0"><b>Contact me at: <font color="#FF0000"><a href=""></a></font></b></font></p>
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No passports are required. I am Lemmy Koopa, owner of this Land. As the fun-loving Koopaling, I only allow fun things to get into my Land. I love to read stories, especially about me and my brothers and sister. Therefore, my Land specializes in "Fun" Fiction stories. Between 43 different and unique sections, you should find plenty of things to do. Come in and feel free to enjoy yourself, but remember: having fun is a strictly enforced rule in Lemmy’s Land! Please jump in and immerse yourself in the fun!</font></font></b></td> </tr> </table></center> <center><table CELLPADDING=3 WIDTH="80%" > <tr VALIGN=TOP> <td> <center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">This Week's</font></b> <br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=+1><a href="lk32/lk41.htm">Caption Pic</a></font></font></b> <p><a href="lk32/lk41.htm"><img SRC="lk32/lk41-440_4main.png" NOSAVE BORDER=0 height=150 width=187></a></center> </td> <td> <center><table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=3 COLS=2 WIDTH="310" > <tr> <td COLSPAN="2"> <center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">This Week's</font></b> <br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=+1>Tourists' Choice</font></font></b></center> </td> </tr> <tr> <td COLSPAN="2"> <center><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+2><a href="">THE FREAK interviews MORTON</a></font></font></font></b> <br><b><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000"><font size=+2>By <a href="">Extreme Yoshi</a></font></font></font></b></center> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="lkchoice.html">Current</a></font></b> <br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="lkchoice.html">Candidates</a></font></b></center> </td> <td> <center><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="lkchoice2.html">Previous</a></font></b> <br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="lkchoice2.html">Winners</a></font></b></center> </td> </tr> </table></center> </td> </tr> <tr> <td COLSPAN="2"> <center><a href="" border="0"><img SRC="rshbanner.png" BORDER=0 height=118 width=426></a> <br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="">Create or update your tournament bracket today!</a></font></b> <p><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Latest Fight: <a href="">Millenium Star vs Baby Bowser</a></font></b> <br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Vote Now For: <a href="">Shadow Mario vs Cortez</a></font></b> <br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Last Chance for Bracket: <a href="">Ludwig vs Axem Rangers</a></font></b> <br>&nbsp;</center> </td> <td></td> </tr> </table></center> <img SRC="lemblt1.gif" height=20 width=20><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica"><font color="#66FFFF">/</font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Most Recent Update: June 23:</font></b> <br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Featuring...</font></b> <br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">- <a href="">Roy's Sports Hall</a>: </font><a href="">Millenium Star vs Baby Bowser</a></font></b> <br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">- <a href="lk32/lk41.htm">Lemmy's Captions</a>: Yes!</font></b> <br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">- <a href="lk2/lk2.html">Lemmy's Fun Fiction</a>: <a href="lk2/lk2-957-4.html">Legend of the Millennium</a> (continued), <a href="lk2/lk2-950-8.html">The Crystal Keepers</a> (finished)</font></b> <br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">- <font color="#000000"><a href="lksection.php?ThisSection=292">Lemmy's Interviews</a></font>: <a href="lksection.php?ThisSection=292&Submission=3333">CONRAD interviews POM POM</a></font></b> <br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=+0>Go see what I accepted before, in <a href="lk9.html">Lemmy's Updates</a>! </font><a href="updates.html" target="_blank">If you would like to be notified by Email whenever I update, click here</a>.</font></b> <p><img SRC="lemblt2.gif" height=20 width=20><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica"><font color="#66FFFF">/</font><font color="#000000">The next update is scheduled for June 30. Juanentio and John Koopa are tourists who have submissions in the next update and may <a href="">Email me</a> to view his published work before then. The next update will also contain work by Fireball, Yosh 3000, and Blade Guy.</font></font></b> <p><img SRC="lemblt3.gif" height=20 width=20><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica"><font color="#66FFFF">/</font><font color="#000000">Warning: Lemmy's Land is constantly under construction. Watch out for ditches and bulldozers. Do not disturb any hard-working construction Troopas. Or the lazy ones either.</font></font></b> <p><img SRC="lemblt4.gif" height=20 width=20><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica"><font color="#66FFFF">/</font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Lemmy's Land is now&nbsp;<img SRC="score1.gif" height=29 width=43><img SRC="score3.gif" height=29 width=43> years old! Nothing unlucky about that, I think it's a great number! Thank you for helping me keep this site going for so long, for it is your submissions and enthusiasm that has allowed me to do so. Please support Lemmy's Land, the place where Mario's enemies still rule, for another great year.</font></font></b> <p><img SRC="lemblt1.gif" height=20 width=20><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica"><font color="#66FFFF">/</font></font><font face="Arial"><a href="lkhelp.htm">Lemmy's Assistants</a>: Find out who helps me run Lemmy's Land, and maybe even join them.</font></b> <center> <p><img SRC="lemdivi.gif" height=30 width=320> <p><form name = "form"><img SRC="lemattract.gif" BORDER=0 height=103 width=412> <p><b>&nbsp;<font face="Arial">Use the dropdown menu to find the section of your choice.</font></b> <p><b><font face="Arial">New visitors are encouraged to visit <a href="lk1-index.html">Morton's Basics</a> first and</font></b> <br><b><font face="Arial"><a href="lk39.htm">Little Lemmy's Land</a> second before venturing off on their own.</font></b> <p><b><font face="Arial">Guests from The Site Fights will probably want to take special interest in <a href="lk27/lk27.htm">Lemmy's Spirit Page</a>.</font></b> <p><b><font face="Arial">If you're from the RE League, you'll be looking for the <a href="castle/castle1.html">White Ice Castle Gym</a>.</font></b> <p><form name = "form"><select NAME="site" SIZE=1 onChange ="formHandler(this.form)"><option>Lemmy's Tourist Attractions<option value="">Roy's Sports Hall</option><option VALUE="lk32/lk41.htm">Lemmy's Captions</option><option VALUE="bestvgm/">Best Video Game Music Downloads</option><option VALUE="lkmain.html"></option><option VALUE="lksection.php?ThisSection=30">Lemmy's Art Museum</option><option value="lk1-index.html">Morton's Basics</option><option VALUE="lk13/lk13.php">Larry's Bios</option><option VALUE="lk21/lk21-4b.htm">Iggy's Casino</option><option VALUE="lk20/lk20.php">Lemmy's CDs</option><option VALUE="lk18.html">Lemmy's Chat Room</option><option VALUE="lksection.php?ThisSection=34">Lemmy's Drawing Board</option><option value="">Lemmy's Forum&nbsp;</option><option VALUE="lk2/lk2.html">Lemmy's Fun Fiction</option><option VALUE="lksection.php?ThisSection=35">Lemmy's Funnies</option><option VALUE="lk45/lk45.html">Lemmy's Games</option><option VALUE="lk44/lk44.html">Lemmy's Game Guides</option><option VALUE="lk31/lk31.htm">Lemmy's HTML Guide</option><option VALUE="lksection.php?ThisSection=46">Lemmy's Infostories</option><option VALUE="lksection.php?ThisSection=292">Lemmy's Interviews</option><option VALUE="lk37/lk37.htm">King Koopa's Item Chest</option><option VALUE="lk41/">Susan's Koopa Trading Card Game</option><option VALUE="lk39.htm">Little Lemmy's Land</option><option value="lk6.php">Lemmy's Leaders</option><option VALUE="lk16.html">Lemmy's Life</option><option VALUE="lk14.html">Lemmy's Lines</option><option VALUE="lk5.html">Lemmy's Links</option><option VALUE="lk23/lk23-1.htm">Lemmy's List of Baddies</option><option value="lk42/lk42.php">Lemmy's Madlibs</option><option value="lk22/lk22.html">Lemmy's Mario Cartoons</option><option value="lk19/lk41.htm">Lemmy's Mazes</option><option value="lk3.php">Lemmy's Mysteries</option><option value="lk21/lk21-3.html">Wendy's Phonebooth</option><option value="lk19/lk19.html">Lemmy's Photos</option><option value="lk15-2.php">Lemmy's Polls</option><option VALUE="lk4.php">Ludwig's Quizzes</option><option value="lk40/lk40.htm">Lemmy's Reviews</option><option VALUE="lksection.php?ThisSection=26">Lemmy's Scribbles</option><option value="lk27/lk27.htm">Lemmy's Spirit Page</option><option value="lk17.html">Lemmy's Stuff</option><option value="lk7.php">Lemmy's Super Koopas</option><option value="lk36.htm">Lemmy's Thought of the Day</option><option value="lk38/lk38.htm">Lemmy's Trimmings</option><option value="lk9.html">Lemmy's Updates</option><option value="castle/castle1.html">White Ice Castle Gym</option></select></form> <p><b><font face="Arial">For section descriptions, or if you can't load the dropdown menu, visit <a href="lksections.html">Lemmy's Tourist Attractions</a>. If the menu won't load, you might try <a href="" target="_blank">installing Java</a>.</font></b> <p><img SRC="lemdivi.gif" height=30 width=320> <p><img SRC="lemsign.gif" ALT="Sign my homemade guestbook!" BORDER=0 height=80 width=150><img SRC="lemview.gif" ALT="View my homemade guestbook!" BORDER=0 height=80 width=150> <br>Temporarily unavailable due to Webhost <p><img SRC="lemdivi.gif" height=30 width=320> <p><img SRC="lemblt2.gif" height=20 width=20><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica"><font color="#66FFFF">/</font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Arial,Helvetica">If you enjoyed your visit and would like to support Lemmy's Land's tourist industry, please place my banner on your page. </font><font face="Arial, Helvetica">You can get the code for my banner <a href="lk17-1.html" target="_blank">here</a>.</font></font></b> <p><a href="index.html"><img SRC="lemban2.gif" BORDER=0 height=60 width=468></a> <p><img SRC="lemblt3.gif" height=20 width=20><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica"><font color="#66FFFF">/</font><font color="#000000">Thanks and credit go to <a href="">Lardlad</a> for the banner just above, </font></font><font color="#000000"><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="">Kissy Koopa</a> and <a href="">Jingo Koopa</a> for the title banner on my</font> <font face="Arial">entrance page, <a href="">Black Boo</a> for the title banner on this page, and <a href="">Wendy</a> for the background set on this page.</font></font></b> <p><img SRC="lemblt4.gif" height=20 width=20><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica"><font color="#66FFFF">/</font></font><font face="Arial"><font color="#000000">Disclaimer: "Super" Mario and all related characters are property of Nintendo and I didn't make them. Clawdia, Susan, Bagels, and Playful were introduced by me, other original characters are property of their respective authors. Most content on this site is the original work of creative fans and should not be taken as factual depictions of the official source material. All submissions have been accredited to their author(s); submissions without a credit belong to me. If you find something that has been stolen from another site, please <a href="">Email me</a> so that I may remove it. Taking material from Lemmy's Land for anything other than personal use is prohibited except by permission of the author. Lemmy's Land is copyright unto to me, all rights and lefts are reserved. Straights are still available.</font></font></b> <p><img SRC="lemblt1.gif" height=20 width=20><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica"><font color="#66FFFF">/</font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font color="#000000">Thanks for touring Lemmy's Land! I add new points of interest to my Land constantly, so be sure to come again.</font></font></b> <p><a href=""><img SRC="lemmail.gif" ALT="Email me!" BORDER=0 height=80 width=150></a> <p><a href=""><img SRC="lemmade.gif" ALT="Graphics by Wendy" BORDER=0 height=80 width=150></a></center> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> </tr> </table></div> </body> </html>
Lemmy's Land <!-- Original: Alex Tu <> --> <!-- Web Site: --> <!-- This script and many more are available free online at --> <!-- The JavaScript Source!! --> <!-- Begin function formHandler(form){ var URL =[].value; window.location.href = URL; // End --> }   | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | --- | --- | | **[Lemmy's Tourist Attractions](lksections.html)** Lemmy's Tourist AttractionsRoy's Sports HallLemmy's CaptionsBest Video Game Music DownloadsLemmy's Art MuseumMorton's BasicsLarry's BiosIggy's CasinoLemmy's CDsLemmy's Chat RoomLemmy's Drawing BoardLemmy's Forum Lemmy's Fun FictionLemmy's FunniesLemmy's GamesLemmy's Game GuidesLemmy's HTML GuideLemmy's InfostoriesLemmy's InterviewsKing Koopa's Item ChestSusan's Koopa Trading Card GameLittle Lemmy's LandLemmy's LeadersLemmy's LifeLemmy's LinesLemmy's LinksLemmy's List of BaddiesLemmy's MadlibsLemmy's Mario CartoonsLemmy's MazesLemmy's MysteriesWendy's PhoneboothLemmy's PhotosLemmy's PollsLudwig's QuizzesLemmy's ReviewsLemmy's ScribblesLemmy's Spirit PageLemmy's StuffLemmy's Super KoopasLemmy's Thought of the DayLemmy's TrimmingsLemmy's UpdatesWhite Ice Castle Gym | Map: Zack & Wiki Quest for Barbaros' Treasure  | | | | | --- | --- | | | **Welcome to Lemmy’s Land! No passports are required. I am Lemmy Koopa, owner of this Land. As the fun-loving Koopaling, I only allow fun things to get into my Land. I love to read stories, especially about me and my brothers and sister. Therefore, my Land specializes in "Fun" Fiction stories. Between 43 different and unique sections, you should find plenty of things to do. Come in and feel free to enjoy yourself, but remember: having fun is a strictly enforced rule in Lemmy’s Land! Please jump in and immerse yourself in the fun!** | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **This Week's** **[Caption Pic](lk32/lk41.htm)** | | | | --- | | **This Week's** **Tourists' Choice** | | **[THE FREAK interviews MORTON](** **By [Extreme Yoshi](** | | **[Current](lkchoice.html)** **[Candidates](lkchoice.html)** | **[Previous](lkchoice2.html)** **[Winners](lkchoice2.html)** | | | **[Create or update your tournament bracket today!](** **Latest Fight: [Millenium Star vs Baby Bowser](** **Vote Now For: [Shadow Mario vs Cortez](** **Last Chance for Bracket: [Ludwig vs Axem Rangers](**   | | **/Most Recent Update: June 23:** **Featuring...** **- [Roy's Sports Hall]( [Millenium Star vs Baby Bowser](** **- [Lemmy's Captions](lk32/lk41.htm): Yes!** **- [Lemmy's Fun Fiction](lk2/lk2.html): [Legend of the Millennium](lk2/lk2-957-4.html) (continued), [The Crystal Keepers](lk2/lk2-950-8.html) (finished)** **- [Lemmy's Interviews](lksection.php?ThisSection=292): [CONRAD interviews POM POM](lksection.php?ThisSection=292&Submission=3333)** **Go see what I accepted before, in [Lemmy's Updates](lk9.html)! [If you would like to be notified by Email whenever I update, click here](updates.html).** **/The next update is scheduled for June 30. Juanentio and John Koopa are tourists who have submissions in the next update and may [Email me]( to view his published work before then. The next update will also contain work by Fireball, Yosh 3000, and Blade Guy.** **/Warning: Lemmy's Land is constantly under construction. Watch out for ditches and bulldozers. Do not disturb any hard-working construction Troopas. Or the lazy ones either.** **/Lemmy's Land is now  years old! Nothing unlucky about that, I think it's a great number! Thank you for helping me keep this site going for so long, for it is your submissions and enthusiasm that has allowed me to do so. 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<html> <head> <title>The Cottage Name Generator</title> <META name=description content="Cottage Smith provides a wide selection of tips and ideas for rural living at the cottage or cabin"> <META name=keywords content="Cottage Smith, cottage plaque, cottage repairs, cottage tips, cottage improvement, country cottage, cottage farm, hand carved, antique sign, cottage furniture, cottage garden, cottage sign, wood sign, board sign, carved sign"> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff"> <H2 align=center>The Cottage Name Generator</H2> <H6 align=center><A href="">Cottage Smith</A></H6> <P><HR noShade SIZE=1><P></P> <TABLE width="100%" align=center> <TBODY> <TR width="100%"> <TD align=center width="25%"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-0441905816361993"; google_ad_width = 120; google_ad_height = 240; google_ad_format = "120x240_as"; google_ad_channel ="8438913652"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> </TD> <TD width="50%" bgColor=#8b4513> </br></br><p align=center><font face='Edwardian Script ITC' size='+6'>Welcome</br>to</font></br></br><font color='#FFD700' face='Engravers MT' size='+6'><b>Grizzly </br>Pines </b></br></br></font></p></TD> <TD align=center width="25%"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-0441905816361993"; google_ad_width = 120; google_ad_height = 240; google_ad_format = "120x240_as"; google_ad_channel ="8438913652"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> </TD> </TR> </TBODY></TABLE> <P><HR noShade SIZE=1></P> <P align=center><FONT size=1>That's a silly name for a cottage.<A href="javascript:document.location.reload();">Try again</A>.</FONT></P> <P align=center><FONT size=1>Return to </FONT><A href=""><FONT size=1><STRONG>Cottage Smith</STRONG></FONT></A><FONT size=1>.</FONT></P> <P align=center><FONT size=2> How authentic is a cottage or cabin without a suitably rustic name?</br> A complete cottage includes an antique etched plaque or a hand-carved wooden sign proudly announcing its title!</br> Having a tough time coming up with an appropriate designation for your own plot of real estate?</br> You've come to the right place!</FONT></P> </body>
The Cottage Name Generator ## The Cottage Name Generator ###### [Cottage Smith]( --- | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | <!-- google\_ad\_client = "pub-0441905816361993"; google\_ad\_width = 120; google\_ad\_height = 240; google\_ad\_format = "120x240\_as"; google\_ad\_channel ="8438913652"; //--> | Welcometo**Grizzly Pines** | <!-- google\_ad\_client = "pub-0441905816361993"; google\_ad\_width = 120; google\_ad\_height = 240; google\_ad\_format = "120x240\_as"; google\_ad\_channel ="8438913652"; //--> | --- That's a silly name for a cottage.[Try again](javascript:document.location.reload();). Return to [**Cottage Smith**]( How authentic is a cottage or cabin without a suitably rustic name? A complete cottage includes an antique etched plaque or a hand-carved wooden sign proudly announcing its title! Having a tough time coming up with an appropriate designation for your own plot of real estate? You've come to the right place!
<html> <head> <!-- Copyright (c) 1998 John J. G. Savard --> <title>Color</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../nnstyle.css"> </head> <body> <a href="../main.htm">[Home]</a> <a href="../other.htm">[Other]</a> <hr> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-5539849946550611"; /* Basic One */ google_ad_slot = "8789159828"; google_ad_width = 728; google_ad_height = 90; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <h1>Color</h1> <image src="images/spectrum.gif" width=136 height=160 align=left> <p>Understanding color begins with understanding light and the response of the eye to light.</p> <p>The diagram at left shows the various wavelenghts of light and their colors, with the longer wavelengths placed on the left. Above the spectrum are shown the response curves for the three types of cone in the human eye.</p> <p>Because the eye only has three types of light receptors, the information it gives us about the composition of light we see is limited. A mixture of light of two wavelengths will look the same as a mixture of light of one wavelength between them with white light, provided those two wavelengths are not too far apart. Mixing red and blue light produces purple, which doesn't resemble light of any of the wavelengths in between in hue.</p> <p>It was Isaac Newton who, by conducting some simple experiments with prisms, showed that a prism divides light into its components, each with their own color, which then can't be further divided by going through a prism again, instead of in some way tinting the light or adding a color to it.</p> <br clear=left> <p>Using a tristimulus theory of vision, derived from experiments in which people matched colors formed in different ways, the CIE chromaticity diagram was developed. This is a version of it distorted to place it in an equilateral triangle:</p> <p><img src="images/ciesmall.gif" width=200 height=172></p> <p>This shows how the colors of the spectrum can be thought of as forming an arch which surrounds the point at which white light is located, and at the bottom of the arch, the neutral point of white is enclosed on the other side with a straight line connecting the most extreme blue (violet) and the most extreme red (magenta).</p> <p>Thus, while purple isn't a color that corresponds to pure light of a single wavelength, purples are hues which have fully saturated colors associated from them which are distinct from the hues of any spectral color. So the artist's color circle, which reserves a space for purple, is not being unscientific by doing so, as some people will occasionally assume by mistake.</p> <p>Newton, who established the importance of the spectral colors, noted in Proposition VI, Problem II of his Opticks the following:</p> <p><em>That if the point Z fall in or near the line OD, the main ingredients being the red and violet, the Colour compounded shall not be any of the prismatick Colors, but a purple, inclining to red or violet, accordingly as the point Z lieth on the side of the line DO towards E or towards C, and in general the compounded violet is more bright and more fiery than the uncompounded.</em></p> <p>which shows that he understood that purple was a genuine hue. Even so, apparently as the result of the prevalence of this attitude, some versions of the artist's red-yellow-blue color wheel refer to the colors between blue and red as blue-violet, violet, and red-violet, and many of the pigments used by artists in the range between red and blue have "violet" in their names, not just those which resemble the short-wavelength light just past blue, the color of which is normally what is meant by violet as the name of a color, but when they go beyond that through purple, mauve, fuchsia and even magenta.</p> <p>Whether it was artists or pigment chemists who were abashed by the reputation of Newton, and the common misunderstanding of his discovery, to be afraid to speak of purple, I do not know.</p> <p>This diagram illustrates additive and subtractive color mixing.</p> <p><img src="images/addsub.gif" width=456 height=152></p> <p>The first diagram shows how the three additive primaries, blue, green, and red can be mixed (additively) in equal proportions to produce cyan, yellow, and magenta, and the second diagram shows how the three subtractive primaries, cyan, yellow, and magenta, can be mixed (subtractively) in equal proportions to produce green, red, and blue.</p> <p>The principle behind additive and subtractive color mixing is that if the visible spectrum is divided into three large chunks, containing the wavelengths of light that appear red, green, and blue respectively, since the eye senses colors with three types of receptors, producing colors by using these three kinds of colored light as the basic ingredients will allow all but the most vivid of colors to be accurately reproduced.</p> <p>And, of course, this is an entirely reasonable premise, which has proven to be successful in practice; for example, it is how a color television set can work.</p> <p>Note the third diagram in the illustration. It also shows the use of the three subtractive primaries, cyan, yellow, and magenta, to produce green, red, and blue. In this case, however, the amount of green in the cyan, and the amount of blue in the magenta, have been reduced to more closely approximate the appearance of typical printers' inks. This hasn't affected the hue of the red and blue areas in the simplified illustration, it has only made them darker.</p> <p>Additive and subtractive color mixing represent the basis of a way of making colors that is valid for such things as color displays and four-color printing. It does rest on fundamental properties of light and the human perception of light. However, the validity of this way of systematizing color for certain methods of color reproduction doesn't make it universally applicable to such an extent that people are entitled to say that artists are <em>wrong</em> when they refer to red, yellow, and blue as the primary colors. For artists, given the pigments used in the making of paint, whether oil paint, watercolor, or acrylic paint (with a few exceptions, such as Prussian blue until recently, the same pigments are used across all the major paint mediums) their choice of primary colors is eminently reasonable.</p> <p>For another thing, many paint pigments are opaque rather than transparent, and thus the way that colors combine when mixing paints does not correspond strictly to either additive or subtractive mixing.</p> <p><img src="images/artist.gif" width=640 height=316></p> <p>Thus, the color wheel might look like this to an artist (although the six pigments chosen in the example are not necessarily the ones most commonly used).</p> <p>Some color displays use a fourth color for an expanded color gamut. In the case of additive color mixing, dividing the spectrum up into smaller pieces obviously allows the production of more vivid colors in a simple way.</p> <p>Many color inkjet printers now use more than just magenta, yellow, cyan, and black inks. But the additional inks might be light magenta, light yellow, and light cyan to make a six-color system. Even gray inks are added. And then, red, green, and blue inks may also be added.</p> <p>This suggests that the spectrum is still only being divided into three parts.</p> <p>Red, green, and blue inks, since they each absorb two, rather than one, parts of the spectrum allow less ink to be put on the paper; this is important, because considerations of allowing the ink to dry limit how much ink can be used.</p> <p>Grey inks, and light magenta, light yellow, and light cyan inks make it easier to vary the amount of each color, since inkjet printers work by sending droplets of ink of a constant size to the paper.</p> <h3>Some Color Wheels</h3> <p>The commonest form of color wheel shows the three subtractive primaries, Red, Yellow, and Blue, with equal spacing.</p> <p>The Munsell system of colors, which I think is one of the best color systems, uses a circle with ten hues: the five colors Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple are equally spaced.</p> <p>And I remember a news item where Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue were identified as the "psychological primaries".</p> <p>And of course color television and your computer monitor uses Red, Green and Blue as additive primaries, and color printing, unlike color painting, terms the subtractive primaries Magenta, Yellow, and Cyan.</p> <p>What I like about the Munsell system is that it clearly exhibits the nature of the color itself. Yellow is lighter than blue, so it is shown on the same level as a lighter shade of gray than blue is.</p> <p>But "best" is a very subjective thing. And it has to do with fitness for a particular purpose. The double-cone of Ostwald provides, for each hue, a triangle showing mixtures of white, black, and a fully-saturated hue - which is very practical for a painter seeking to mix paints to reach a particular shade.</p> <p>Here's my little addition to the general confusion. The color circle below is based on my notion of how to subjectively space the colors generally acknowledged as primaries:</p> <p>Red is closest to Yellow. Blue is further away from Red, since those two colors stand at opposite ends of the spectrum. And Blue is farthest from Yellow, since Green is percieved as almost a primary: and the distance between Blue and Green equals the distance between Green and Yellow, and both are less than the distance between Red and Yellow.</p> <p>A nice color circle meeting those conditions with 60 divisions can be produced by using the sequence of numbers 4-5-6.</p> <p>Red to Orange and Orange to Yellow are each 8 hues apart.</p> <p>Blue to Purple and Purple to Red are each 10 hues apart.</p> <p>Yellow to Green and Green to Blue are each 12 hues apart.</p> <p>And here's the color circle I arrived at on that basis:</p> <p><img src="images/cbasis4.gif" width=240 height=240></p> <p>Incidentally, I have now found out that there was an existing color system that was quite similar to this, although not identical.</p> <p>I simply spaced out the colors according to my impression of the apparent psychological distance between the colors, while also adjusting the distances so that the color wheel could still be divided into various equal parts easily. Thus, the placement of colors in my system was admittedly arbitrary for purposes of convenience to some extent, and so I could make no claim that colors opposite each other on the diagram were truly complementary, or that colors at a certain angle would always harmonize well.</p> <p>Thus, although there is a resemblance, my color system is not identical to, nor does it have as ambitious goals as, that of the California artist Hilaire Hiler.</p> <p>The diagram below illustrates a number of possible color wheels:</p> <p><img src="images/colmap.gif" width=1280 height=280></p> <p>On the left, the first color wheel is the one based on the three traditional artists' primaries of red, yellow, and blue.</p> <p>The second color wheel is one based on the four psychological primaries of red, yellow, green, and blue.</p> <p>The third color wheel adds purple as a fifth primary color, as was done for the Munsell system.</p> <p>Note that the next color that suggests itself as a new primary color to add would be orange; adding that as a sixth primary returns one to the original three-color circle at the left.</p> <p>Thus, starting with red, yellow, and blue, and observing that green suggests itself first as needing to be added, and then purple, and then orange, the idea behind my scheme, shown in the fourth circle seems to be confirmed, that with the three original primaries of red, yellow, and blue, yellow and blue are farther away from each other than blue and red, which, in turn are farther away from each other than red and yellow.</p> <p>But while red and yellow appear related, and the subjective difference between blue and red is large, since both blue and red are darker colors, and different shades of purple only receive limited use, as a color classification scheme, the system in the fifth circle, by allocating the smallest space to the colors between blue and red may be more practical. As well, it more closely corresponds to some experimental data on complementary colors by treating yellow and blue as complementary, as well as green and red-orange.</p> <p>Finally, the circle on the right is my attempt to approximate the color wheel of 30 elements due to Hilaire Hiler.</p> <p>The problem I had with changing the 4-5-6 basis for the color wheel to make the distance between red and blue smaller than that from yellow to red was that then the distance from yellow to red would be harder to divide into halves and quarters.</p> <p>Which is why I took the extreme step of going to a 1-2-3 basis. However, further thought led me to a 2-3-4 basis, which, as it leads to a wheel of nine colors, requires doubling in any case. Thus, here is a color wheel of 36 colors:</p> <p><img src="images/w36.gif" width=512 height=512></p> <p>Of course, there are many other color wheels. This diagram, from elsewhere on my site, shows how the different hues are represented by different phase angles of the color subcarrier for color television:</p> <p><img src="../science/images/colvec.gif" width=416 height=416></p> <p>Instead of the artist's primaries of red, blue, and yellow, printing, color photography, and color television usually make use of a system which treats red, blue, and green as the additive primaries, and magenta, yellow, and cyan as the subtractive primaries.</p> <p>The diagram below illustrates some of the different possibilities this might lead to; on the left is a color wheel based on the subtractive primaries magenta, yellow, and cyan, and on the right is one based on the additive primaries red, blue, and green, with intermediate steps of averaging between them in the middle:</p> <p><img src="images/proadd.gif" width=960 height=208></p> <p>This 48-step color circle is based on one example of a 24-color subtractive color circle that appeared in print:</p> <p><img src="images/s48.gif" width=424 height=424></p> <p>it runs very quickly through the oranges, yellows, and yellow-greens, but slowly through the blues, purples, and reds.</p> <p>Some other color systems appear quite unequal subjectively.</p> <p><img src="images/ostwald.gif" width=412 height=412></p> <p>Thus, the above is an attempt of mine to approximate the color circle used in the Ostwald color system, which devotes a lot of space to the colors between blue and green.</p> <p>I've modified my own color scheme considerably since starting these pages; here is the revised color circle, with 240 hues in the color circle:</p> <p><img src="images/240ccf.gif" width=640 height=640></p> <p>it acknowledges that the green phosphor in a CRT should be considered as representing quite a yellowish green, for example, compared to my initial attempt (however, this correction is now also present in the diagrams above).</p> <p>Now, before continuing, I should address one objection that some people have to color circles like the one above.</p> <h3>Is Purple A Color?</h3> <p>Pure light with a wavelength of 650 nm is red; pure light with a wavelength of 575 nm is yellow; pure light with a wavelength of 475 nm is blue.</p> <p>There is no wavelength of light which, by itself, looks purple. Yet purple is on the fundamental circle of saturated hues used by artists. Are they wrong: is purple only a "mixed" color, like brown or beige?</p> <p>To answer this question, we need to know something about how human color vision works. The retina has two kinds of receptors, rods and cones. The rods are primarily sensitive to blue and green light, and are used for night vision. For normal vision, the cones serve, and there are three kinds of cones. Each kind is sensitive to a range of colors, but each one has a different peak of sensitivity.</p> <p>We determine the color of objects we look at, or light we see, by means of the ratio between the stimuli experienced by the three kinds of cones. That isn't the whole story, because the brain performs sophisticated processing to correct for variations in the overall color of a scene due to changes in ambient light, for example, from noon to sunset, or from outdoors to indoors, under either incandescent or fluorescent light, so that we can consistently recognize objects by their own colors. But it is the starting point for color vision.</p> <p>If one uses a triangular chart like this:</p> <p><img src="images/ciesmall.gif" width=200 height=172></p> <p>to plot the relative intensities of the stimuli to the three types of receptors for the different frequencies of light, one will get a curve going around the point representing the proportions of stimuli caused by white light. This is not commonly done for the actual sensitivities of the three pigments in the cones of the eye, but I finally found an example of that <a href="" target="_top">here</a>, but long before those sensitivities were known, studies of the human visual system involving the matching of colors formed in different ways allowed it to be described in terms of three postulated receptor types. The first of the two major studies leading to the first of the modern colorimetric standards was conducted by W. David Wright and involved 10 subjects whose color vision was measured, and the results were published in a 1928 paper; an additional study, with 7 subjects, conducted by John Guild, had its results published in a 1931 paper. If the results of those studies were accurate, conversion between the postulated receptors and the actual receptors would be a simple linear transformation.</p> <p>If one considers that hue refers to the <em>direction</em> from white in which a color lies, one will note that since:</p> <ul> <li>the reddest red and the bluest blue are not the same color, and <li>a line between them passes by white on the opposite side from that on which green and yellow are found; </ul> <p>then, new hues that cannot be produced by any combination of a pure spectral light with white light can be produced by combining red light and blue light.</p> <p>The CIE chromaticity diagram, although it is based on tristimulus values obtained by experiments involving subjects comparing colors, and not directly on the spectral sensitivities of the three pigments found in the cones of the retina (which are now known) illustrates this principle, as it consists of an arching curve around white, with a straight line between red and blue accounting for the hues normally thought of as purplish.</p> <p>Thus, if one wishes to be able to describe colors, on the basis of three co-ordinates; one being brightness (luminance), one being how colorful or gray a color is (saturation), and a third being which saturated color a color tends towards (hue), one cannot describe all colors unless one's circle of hues is complete, and if it only includes spectral colors and is missing purple, then one has cut a wedge-shaped chunk out of the CIE chromaticity diagram - which is considered to be scientific.<p> <p>So purple really is one of the fully saturated colors. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.</p> <p>I am not, here, in any way denying the scientific fact that purple light must be a mixture of light of different wavelengths; I am merely stating that when red and blue light are mixed, the result can be something novel in its attribute of hue, while mixing light of one wavelength with white light only produces less saturated colors having the same hue as the monochromatic light used to start from.</p> <p>Incidentally, I am pleased to note that the misconception that purple is not a genuine hue, although it is not a color of the spectrum, was not held or fostered by Isaac Newton, for, in his <em>Opticks</em>, he wrote (in Proposition VI, Problem II):</p> <p><em>That if the point Z fall in or near the line OD, the main ingredients being the red and violet, the Colour compounded shall not be any of the prismatick Colors, but a purple, inclining to red or violet, accordingly as the point Z lieth on the side of the line DO towards E or towards C, and in general the compounded violet is more bright and more fiery than the uncompounded.</em></p> <p>But it could be because of the prejudice against purple by those who had not heeded this that artists named their purple pigments "violet" rather than "purple" to escape scorn - or, for that matter, it may have been chemists who thought to avoid seeming unscientific in this way.</p> <p>Purple has even been an important color in history. I remember one day hearing a news report that Princess Diana had committed a serious <em>faux pas</em> by attending a function at which Her Majesty the Queen would also be present, by wearing a purple dress thereto. My initial reaction to the report was one of bemusement, but then I remembered how, at one time, the only purple dye available was Tyrian purple, made from a rare mollusk, and the use of clothing dyed with this substance was reserved for the Roman emperors.</p> <p>It was not until 1856 that the dye mauve was synthesized, and the new freedom in the use of color this provided led to the 1890s being known as the "mauve decade". People have always been fascinated by pretty bright colors, and in addition, they eagerly seize on the new freedoms offered by technological advances, not only using it, but all too often overusing and abusing it; those who remember bad synthesizer music, or laser-printed documents with ten typefaces on a page, will understand: thus, we should not be too surprised that the discovery of the aniline dyes could turn a whole decade purple.</p> <p>There is, however, a famous quote concerning the color produced by mauveine by the artist James Whistler: "Mauve is just pink trying to be purple".</p> <p>Color nomenclature is, in some aspects, in a confused state. Thus, a color circle in The Colorist by Joseph Arthur Henry Hatt from 1908 shows deeper colors proceeding from red through scarlet and crimson towards magenta, but at present scarlet is usually taken as referring to a red color with a small hint of orange.</p> <p>Since purple is a secondary color in the artist's red, yellow, and blue system, it serves as a generic term for a wide range of colors. But it is also used as a specific term for the color also known as royal purple, a deep bluish purple.</p> <p>Violet is generally used to refer to the color at the extreme blue end of the spectrum. While the color systems of Munsell and Ostwald refer to the colors between blue and red as blue-purple, purple, and red-purple, however, in the artist's red, yellow, and blue system, these colors are often referred to as blue-violet, violet, and red-violet. One example of this is in the influential book <em>The Elements of Color</em> by Johannes Itten, at least in the edition translated into English by Ernst van Hagen, edited and with an introduction by Faber Birren, published by Van Nostrand Reinhold.</p> <p>However, neither Birren nor van Hagen are the culprits. A color circle in Newton's <em>Opticks</em> shows the seven colors of the spectrum, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet in a circle, with Violet extending to and touching Red.</p> <p>And today in general, oil paints and artist's pigments in this area of the hue circle, such as ultramarine violet, dioxazine violet, manganese violet, cobalt violet, thioindigo violet, mars violet, and quinacridone violet extend across the entire purple segment, from blue at one end to magenta at the other. Some older pigments in this area did include purple in their names, but now that word was entirely absent from one chart of watercolor pigments. On the other hand, looking at the oil paints offered to artists by one supplier, dioxazine purple and alizarin purple are among those offered.</p> <h3>More About the CIE chromaticity diagram</h3> <p>A larger version of the CIE chromaticity diagram, showing how I created the representation of it seen above:</p> <p><img src="images/triwk22.gif" width=584 height=504></p> <p>The diagram above is a crude rendering on my part of the normal 1931 CIE chromaticity chart, but instead of being plotted conventionally in Cartesian coordinates of x and y, x, y, and z have been treated as three items that must sum to 1, and are shown in an equilateral triangle. Note that an elongated triangle in the center of the diagram represents what is called a Maxwell triangle, showing colors derived from mixtures of light from the three phosphors of a typical monitor; outside of this triangular area, the <em>gamut</em> of a monitor, the colors on the periphery are extended to the perimiter on the diagram following curved lines of perceived hue shift with saturation change.</p> <p>As this diagram was developed by the <em>Commission International de l'&Eacute;clairage</em> to characterize lighting, the position of a source of light on this diagram depends solely on its relative spectral composition, and not on its brightness. This means that distance from white at the center represents spectral purity, not saturation or chroma. A consequence of this is that the color of an object which only reflected light with wavelengths from 475 to 476 nanometers, which would look nearly black in normal light, would be assigned a position near the edge of the CIE chromaticity chart, corresponding to the vivid color it could have if subjected to an extremely bright source of incident light. This also means that it is possible to plot curves of the maximum achievable spectral purity for the color of objects seen by reflected light based on the proportion of incident light that they reflect; these curves are called the MacAdam limits.</p> <p>Relating the mixtures of red, green, and blue phosphors on a CRT to the colors of pure spectral light is difficult, but based on information I have found, this chart may have some approximate validity:</p> <p><img src="images/spetri.gif" width=360 height=320></p> <h3>Color Systems</h3> <p>In addition to a color circle of fully saturated hues, there are also, of course, less saturated colors.</p> <p>The following diagram includes a full gamut of such colors, with only 30 hues in use. To make it easier to calculate the RGB values for the palette I needed, and to make it easier to draw the diagram in which the colors were placed, I did not attempt to make vertical planes of constant brightness, but instead simply moved from the circle of fully saturated hues towards white and black, somewhat as is done in the Ostwald color system (but I use squares instead of hexagons, having 1, 3, 5, 7... colors instead of 1, 2, 3, 4... in successive shells - the system of Arthur Pope also did this, but it was more like Munsell's than Ostwald's):</p> <p><img src="images/cg85.gif" height=480 width=480></p> <p>For a gamma of 0.85, this illustration shows a color chart made up of colors in that arrangement: the diagrams, in three rows, show every second hue, starting with red, for 24 different values of brightness, excluding black and white, and 9 different values of saturation, excluding no saturation. The diagrams have ten columns, however, because the gray scale is included with each diagram.</p> <p><img src="images/coga5.png" width=960 height=648></p> <p>This diagram is in the PNG file format, which is <strong>not supported</strong> in some older browsers. It has been necessary to use that format for this file, as JPEG did not give acceptable results without an excessive file size, and it has more than 256 colors.</p> <p>Note also that this color scheme is <strong>not</strong> the Munsell system, despite a superficial resemblance. In addition to the different arrangement of the hues, no attempt is made to correct for apparent hue shift for less saturated colors.</p> <h3>Artists' Pigments</h3> <p>A painter's color wheel would be based on the paints with pigments for highly saturated colors. However, pigments for less saturated colors are less expensive, more permanent, and less likely to be toxic. For those reasons, and also to make mixing paints easier by starting from a point closer to the desired color, a system that minimizes the use of the paints with more vivid colors might be useful.</p> <p>This diagram illustrates what I am thinking about.</p> <img src="images/dcws.gif" width=440 height=400> <p>Here, the system is based on <em>two</em> color circles. An outer color circle might be built by using paints with saturated pigments as the primaries that are mixed to build up the whole circle.</p> <p>Examples of more vivid pigments used in artists' paints are hansa yellow, phthalocyanine green, ultramarine blue, quinacridone magenta, pyrrole red and pyrrole orange.</p> <p>And then an inner circle is built up using less vivid pigments.</p> <p>Thus, the primaries such a circle might be built from could be nickel titanate, burnt sienna, Venetian red, manganese violet, Prussian blue, and chromium oxide.</p> <p>Mixing triangles would proceed from one position on the inner circle to the column between white and black, forming a double cone similar to that of the Ostwald system.</p> <p>But as well, for each hue value, there would be two other mixing triangles. Each of those would involve a hue on the outer circle, the corresponding item on the inner circle at the same hue, and either white or black as the third point of the triangle.</p> <p>The colors can be thought of as belonging to a double cone, with the white and black points of the triangles illustrated above joined:</p> <img src="images/tcone.gif" width=400 height=240> <p>because the triangles would be stretched and sheared in that case, as illustrated above, instead they are left unconnected, so that the color solid becomes a double cone with a torus around it instead of the simple double cone illustrated here.</p> <p>Of course, this now means that a given color, instead of being formed by mixing white, black, and two brightly colored pigments, might be formed from either white or black, and two brightly colored pigments and two less vivid pigments. This could increase the possibility of using pigments that react with each other chemically.</p> <h3>Gamma Correction Reference Diagrams</h3> <p>This page, if viewed in 256 color mode, will simply look less attractive, due to dithering. As background colors are not dithered, the page with the more extensive gamut will simply show incorrect colors if viewed in that mode.</p> <p>Because on many computer systems, RGB values are not linear specifications of brightness, it is necessary to take into account gamma correction to present colors accurately. The charts on this page, except for the chart of "internet-safe" colors, which need not be adjusted, as browsers display those colors without correction, have been corrected by being raised to the exponent 0.85.</p> <p>The following table should allow you to determine the gamma correction required for your computer display. The gray squares attempt to achieve the same shade of gray directly, and by alternating white and black pixels (or full-intensity red, green, and blue pixels in one case): where the vertical bars in each square are the closest match in apparent brightness, the correct gamma for your monitor is found.</p> <p>The first item in each row is the chart for checking gamma. The second item is my color circle, presented correctly for systems requiring the gamma correction indicated by that row. The third item is the gamma value (actually the <em>reciprocal</em> of the gamma of your monitor):</p> <table> <tr> <td><img src="images/gamma.gif" width=240 height=160></td> <td><img src="images/cz100.gif" width=320 height=320></td> <td><tt>1.00</tt></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="images/g9.gif" width=240 height=160></td> <td><img src="images/cz90.gif" width=320 height=320></td> <td><tt>0.90</tt></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="images/g85.gif" width=240 height=160></td> <td><img src="images/cz85.gif" width=320 height=320></td> <td><tt>0.85</tt></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="images/g8.gif" width=240 height=160></td> <td><img src="images/cz80.gif" width=320 height=320></td> <td><tt>0.80</tt></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="images/g7.gif" width=240 height=160></td> <td><img src="images/cz70.gif" width=320 height=320></td> <td><tt>0.70</tt></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="images/g6.gif" width=240 height=160></td> <td><img src="images/cz60.gif" width=320 height=320></td> <td><tt>0.60</tt></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="images/g5.gif" width=240 height=160></td> <td><img src="images/cz50.gif" width=320 height=320></td> <td><tt>0.50</tt></td> </tr> </table> <h3>Process Color</h3> <p>Of course, there are other ways to organize a gamut of colors that includes possible colors of all kinds to at least approximate any color. The "internet-safe" colors that work in 256 color mode on common browsers are an example of what is known as <em>process</em> color, and are shown here:</p> <p><img src="images/process.gif" height=400 width=240></p> <p>This can be thought of either as a chart of additive colors, or as a chart of subtractive colors. Starting from black, one goes up to add blue, to the left to add red, and away from the observer to add green. Starting from white, one goes down to subtract out blue light using yellow ink, one goes right to subtract out red light using cyan ink, and one goes towards the observer to subtract out green light using magenta ink.</p> <p>However, in fact, the chart depicts colors produced by addition from monitor phosphors, and not subtraction. Also, in practice, while yellow ink indeed looks yellow, cyan is more like a light blue, and magenta more like red than like purple, than the colors in this diagram.</p> <p>A similar process color chart with colors more closely approximating what might be available through printing is shown below:</p> <p><img src="images/pp85.gif" height=400 width=240></p> <p>By default, Microsoft Windows uses a different palette of process colors for bitmap images in 256 color mode. Instead of using only 216 colors, all 256 colors are used: the brighter components red and green vary through eight steps rather than six, while only four levels are allocated to blue. This produces a range of colors having the following appearance:</p> <p><img src="images/proc2.gif" height=80 width=320></p> <p>The colors chosen tend to favor the darker colors: for blue, the levels are 0, 64, 128, and 255, with 192 omitted, and for red and green, the levels are 0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, and 255, with 224 omitted.</p> <p>Favoring the lighter colors somewhat instead, and allocating four levels to blue, five levels to red, and twelve levels to green, using:</p> <pre> 0 28 57 85 102 119 136 153 170 187 204 221 238 255 ----------------------------------------------------- Blue: 0 119 187 255 Red: 0 102 153 204 255 Green: 0 57 85 102 119 136 153 170 187 204 221 255 </pre> <p>one obtains the following chart:</p> <p><img src="images/varpro5.gif" height=384 width=240></p> <p>In addition to the 240 colors formed systematically, the missing gray shades with 28, 57, 85, 102, 119, 136, 153, 170, 187, 204, 221, and 238 for all colors are added. This leaves only four colors unused.</p> <p>In the main section of the diagram, the squares whose borders are black instead of gray are those which would be placed on the circle of maximally-saturated colors available within this gamut.</p> <p>The three images below:</p> <p><img src="images/dcv.jpg" height=293 width=393> <img src="images/edif.gif" height=293 width=393> <img src="images/ncol.gif" height=293 width=393></p> <p>show the results when a color photograph is rendered according to this color gamut, first by mixing colors in adjacent points to approximate actual colors in the scene not present in that gamut, and then by strictly replacing the color at each point by its nearest available neighbor.</p> <p>The nearest-neighbor image is clearly not perfect; however, for comparison, here is a nearest-neighbor image using the 240 "internet-safe" colors,</p> <p><img src="images/ncolisa.gif" height=293 width=393></p> <p>and one using the 256 color palette from Microsoft:</p> <p><img src="images/ncol256.gif" height=293 width=393></p> <p>Of course, the choice of nearest neighbors by the paint program used may also affect the results, and my scheme has a particular advantage resulting from adding a gray scale to the gamut. If the gray scale were omitted, a nearest-neighbor image using my scheme would look like this:</p> <p><img src="images/ncolngs.gif" height=293 width=393></p> <p>which is not nearly as much of a visible improvement over the results produced by the other two palettes as the earlier image, although it does seem to me to still be some slight improvement.</p> <p>For comparison, here is a nearest-color image using the color gamut above that used a stack of color circles based on a 30-hue version of my color circle:</p> <p><img src="images/ncolcir.gif" height=293 width=393></p> <p>Just as the circular chart that began this section represents the color world as seen by a painter, who has a palette of oil paints representing several saturated colors and also white and black paint, the process color charts represent the color world experienced by someone working with a color monitor, or with printing.</p> <p>To make a particular color, a painter should use the two saturated colors nearest in hue to the desired color, plus as much white or black paint as is needed to make a good match.</p> <p>When printing a color photograph by conventional color separation techniques, not involving the use of computer-generated halftones, it is necessary to use cyan, magenta, and yellow to produce the various colors. A light black-and-white image of the same photograph is also overprinted.</p> <p>But ideally, if one is trying to produce a desired color directly, one should mix at most two of cyan, magenta, and yellow inks with as much black ink as required. For almost the same reason that a painter should not try to create a desired color using widely separated hues. In the painter's case, too much trial and error is needed that way; in the printer's case, the limitations of the inks used are more important.</p> <p><em>Color Atlas</em> by Harald K&uuml;ppers featured a set of color squares for this kind of system; it was an inexpensive small book with a silver cover. Below is a diagram of what a process color chart looks like in that kind of system.</p> <p><img src="images/four85.gif" width=360 height=320></p> <p>The first row shows colors built from yellow and magenta; the succeeding squares going to the right have more and more black added; first 25%, then 50%, and finally 75%. Since having 75% black added to the colors makes them difficult to distinguish, instead of a complete square with 25 different colors, only nine separated squares, each containing one color, are shown at the end of each row.</p> <p>The second row shows yellow and cyan, and the third row magenta and cyan.</p> <hr> <a href="../main.htm">[Home]</a> <a href="../other.htm">[Other]</a> </body> </html>
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It was Isaac Newton who, by conducting some simple experiments with prisms, showed that a prism divides light into its components, each with their own color, which then can't be further divided by going through a prism again, instead of in some way tinting the light or adding a color to it. Using a tristimulus theory of vision, derived from experiments in which people matched colors formed in different ways, the CIE chromaticity diagram was developed. This is a version of it distorted to place it in an equilateral triangle: ![](images/ciesmall.gif) This shows how the colors of the spectrum can be thought of as forming an arch which surrounds the point at which white light is located, and at the bottom of the arch, the neutral point of white is enclosed on the other side with a straight line connecting the most extreme blue (violet) and the most extreme red (magenta). Thus, while purple isn't a color that corresponds to pure light of a single wavelength, purples are hues which have fully saturated colors associated from them which are distinct from the hues of any spectral color. So the artist's color circle, which reserves a space for purple, is not being unscientific by doing so, as some people will occasionally assume by mistake. Newton, who established the importance of the spectral colors, noted in Proposition VI, Problem II of his Opticks the following: *That if the point Z fall in or near the line OD, the main ingredients being the red and violet, the Colour compounded shall not be any of the prismatick Colors, but a purple, inclining to red or violet, accordingly as the point Z lieth on the side of the line DO towards E or towards C, and in general the compounded violet is more bright and more fiery than the uncompounded.* which shows that he understood that purple was a genuine hue. Even so, apparently as the result of the prevalence of this attitude, some versions of the artist's red-yellow-blue color wheel refer to the colors between blue and red as blue-violet, violet, and red-violet, and many of the pigments used by artists in the range between red and blue have "violet" in their names, not just those which resemble the short-wavelength light just past blue, the color of which is normally what is meant by violet as the name of a color, but when they go beyond that through purple, mauve, fuchsia and even magenta. Whether it was artists or pigment chemists who were abashed by the reputation of Newton, and the common misunderstanding of his discovery, to be afraid to speak of purple, I do not know. This diagram illustrates additive and subtractive color mixing. ![](images/addsub.gif) The first diagram shows how the three additive primaries, blue, green, and red can be mixed (additively) in equal proportions to produce cyan, yellow, and magenta, and the second diagram shows how the three subtractive primaries, cyan, yellow, and magenta, can be mixed (subtractively) in equal proportions to produce green, red, and blue. The principle behind additive and subtractive color mixing is that if the visible spectrum is divided into three large chunks, containing the wavelengths of light that appear red, green, and blue respectively, since the eye senses colors with three types of receptors, producing colors by using these three kinds of colored light as the basic ingredients will allow all but the most vivid of colors to be accurately reproduced. And, of course, this is an entirely reasonable premise, which has proven to be successful in practice; for example, it is how a color television set can work. Note the third diagram in the illustration. It also shows the use of the three subtractive primaries, cyan, yellow, and magenta, to produce green, red, and blue. In this case, however, the amount of green in the cyan, and the amount of blue in the magenta, have been reduced to more closely approximate the appearance of typical printers' inks. This hasn't affected the hue of the red and blue areas in the simplified illustration, it has only made them darker. Additive and subtractive color mixing represent the basis of a way of making colors that is valid for such things as color displays and four-color printing. It does rest on fundamental properties of light and the human perception of light. However, the validity of this way of systematizing color for certain methods of color reproduction doesn't make it universally applicable to such an extent that people are entitled to say that artists are *wrong* when they refer to red, yellow, and blue as the primary colors. For artists, given the pigments used in the making of paint, whether oil paint, watercolor, or acrylic paint (with a few exceptions, such as Prussian blue until recently, the same pigments are used across all the major paint mediums) their choice of primary colors is eminently reasonable. For another thing, many paint pigments are opaque rather than transparent, and thus the way that colors combine when mixing paints does not correspond strictly to either additive or subtractive mixing. ![](images/artist.gif) Thus, the color wheel might look like this to an artist (although the six pigments chosen in the example are not necessarily the ones most commonly used). Some color displays use a fourth color for an expanded color gamut. In the case of additive color mixing, dividing the spectrum up into smaller pieces obviously allows the production of more vivid colors in a simple way. Many color inkjet printers now use more than just magenta, yellow, cyan, and black inks. But the additional inks might be light magenta, light yellow, and light cyan to make a six-color system. Even gray inks are added. And then, red, green, and blue inks may also be added. This suggests that the spectrum is still only being divided into three parts. Red, green, and blue inks, since they each absorb two, rather than one, parts of the spectrum allow less ink to be put on the paper; this is important, because considerations of allowing the ink to dry limit how much ink can be used. Grey inks, and light magenta, light yellow, and light cyan inks make it easier to vary the amount of each color, since inkjet printers work by sending droplets of ink of a constant size to the paper. ### Some Color Wheels The commonest form of color wheel shows the three subtractive primaries, Red, Yellow, and Blue, with equal spacing. The Munsell system of colors, which I think is one of the best color systems, uses a circle with ten hues: the five colors Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple are equally spaced. And I remember a news item where Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue were identified as the "psychological primaries". And of course color television and your computer monitor uses Red, Green and Blue as additive primaries, and color printing, unlike color painting, terms the subtractive primaries Magenta, Yellow, and Cyan. What I like about the Munsell system is that it clearly exhibits the nature of the color itself. Yellow is lighter than blue, so it is shown on the same level as a lighter shade of gray than blue is. But "best" is a very subjective thing. And it has to do with fitness for a particular purpose. The double-cone of Ostwald provides, for each hue, a triangle showing mixtures of white, black, and a fully-saturated hue - which is very practical for a painter seeking to mix paints to reach a particular shade. Here's my little addition to the general confusion. The color circle below is based on my notion of how to subjectively space the colors generally acknowledged as primaries: Red is closest to Yellow. Blue is further away from Red, since those two colors stand at opposite ends of the spectrum. And Blue is farthest from Yellow, since Green is percieved as almost a primary: and the distance between Blue and Green equals the distance between Green and Yellow, and both are less than the distance between Red and Yellow. A nice color circle meeting those conditions with 60 divisions can be produced by using the sequence of numbers 4-5-6. Red to Orange and Orange to Yellow are each 8 hues apart. Blue to Purple and Purple to Red are each 10 hues apart. Yellow to Green and Green to Blue are each 12 hues apart. And here's the color circle I arrived at on that basis: ![](images/cbasis4.gif) Incidentally, I have now found out that there was an existing color system that was quite similar to this, although not identical. I simply spaced out the colors according to my impression of the apparent psychological distance between the colors, while also adjusting the distances so that the color wheel could still be divided into various equal parts easily. Thus, the placement of colors in my system was admittedly arbitrary for purposes of convenience to some extent, and so I could make no claim that colors opposite each other on the diagram were truly complementary, or that colors at a certain angle would always harmonize well. Thus, although there is a resemblance, my color system is not identical to, nor does it have as ambitious goals as, that of the California artist Hilaire Hiler. The diagram below illustrates a number of possible color wheels: ![](images/colmap.gif) On the left, the first color wheel is the one based on the three traditional artists' primaries of red, yellow, and blue. The second color wheel is one based on the four psychological primaries of red, yellow, green, and blue. The third color wheel adds purple as a fifth primary color, as was done for the Munsell system. Note that the next color that suggests itself as a new primary color to add would be orange; adding that as a sixth primary returns one to the original three-color circle at the left. Thus, starting with red, yellow, and blue, and observing that green suggests itself first as needing to be added, and then purple, and then orange, the idea behind my scheme, shown in the fourth circle seems to be confirmed, that with the three original primaries of red, yellow, and blue, yellow and blue are farther away from each other than blue and red, which, in turn are farther away from each other than red and yellow. But while red and yellow appear related, and the subjective difference between blue and red is large, since both blue and red are darker colors, and different shades of purple only receive limited use, as a color classification scheme, the system in the fifth circle, by allocating the smallest space to the colors between blue and red may be more practical. As well, it more closely corresponds to some experimental data on complementary colors by treating yellow and blue as complementary, as well as green and red-orange. Finally, the circle on the right is my attempt to approximate the color wheel of 30 elements due to Hilaire Hiler. The problem I had with changing the 4-5-6 basis for the color wheel to make the distance between red and blue smaller than that from yellow to red was that then the distance from yellow to red would be harder to divide into halves and quarters. Which is why I took the extreme step of going to a 1-2-3 basis. However, further thought led me to a 2-3-4 basis, which, as it leads to a wheel of nine colors, requires doubling in any case. Thus, here is a color wheel of 36 colors: ![](images/w36.gif) Of course, there are many other color wheels. This diagram, from elsewhere on my site, shows how the different hues are represented by different phase angles of the color subcarrier for color television: ![](../science/images/colvec.gif) Instead of the artist's primaries of red, blue, and yellow, printing, color photography, and color television usually make use of a system which treats red, blue, and green as the additive primaries, and magenta, yellow, and cyan as the subtractive primaries. The diagram below illustrates some of the different possibilities this might lead to; on the left is a color wheel based on the subtractive primaries magenta, yellow, and cyan, and on the right is one based on the additive primaries red, blue, and green, with intermediate steps of averaging between them in the middle: ![](images/proadd.gif) This 48-step color circle is based on one example of a 24-color subtractive color circle that appeared in print: ![](images/s48.gif) it runs very quickly through the oranges, yellows, and yellow-greens, but slowly through the blues, purples, and reds. Some other color systems appear quite unequal subjectively. ![](images/ostwald.gif) Thus, the above is an attempt of mine to approximate the color circle used in the Ostwald color system, which devotes a lot of space to the colors between blue and green. I've modified my own color scheme considerably since starting these pages; here is the revised color circle, with 240 hues in the color circle: ![](images/240ccf.gif) it acknowledges that the green phosphor in a CRT should be considered as representing quite a yellowish green, for example, compared to my initial attempt (however, this correction is now also present in the diagrams above). Now, before continuing, I should address one objection that some people have to color circles like the one above. ### Is Purple A Color? Pure light with a wavelength of 650 nm is red; pure light with a wavelength of 575 nm is yellow; pure light with a wavelength of 475 nm is blue. There is no wavelength of light which, by itself, looks purple. Yet purple is on the fundamental circle of saturated hues used by artists. Are they wrong: is purple only a "mixed" color, like brown or beige? To answer this question, we need to know something about how human color vision works. The retina has two kinds of receptors, rods and cones. The rods are primarily sensitive to blue and green light, and are used for night vision. For normal vision, the cones serve, and there are three kinds of cones. Each kind is sensitive to a range of colors, but each one has a different peak of sensitivity. We determine the color of objects we look at, or light we see, by means of the ratio between the stimuli experienced by the three kinds of cones. That isn't the whole story, because the brain performs sophisticated processing to correct for variations in the overall color of a scene due to changes in ambient light, for example, from noon to sunset, or from outdoors to indoors, under either incandescent or fluorescent light, so that we can consistently recognize objects by their own colors. But it is the starting point for color vision. If one uses a triangular chart like this: ![](images/ciesmall.gif) to plot the relative intensities of the stimuli to the three types of receptors for the different frequencies of light, one will get a curve going around the point representing the proportions of stimuli caused by white light. This is not commonly done for the actual sensitivities of the three pigments in the cones of the eye, but I finally found an example of that [here](, but long before those sensitivities were known, studies of the human visual system involving the matching of colors formed in different ways allowed it to be described in terms of three postulated receptor types. The first of the two major studies leading to the first of the modern colorimetric standards was conducted by W. David Wright and involved 10 subjects whose color vision was measured, and the results were published in a 1928 paper; an additional study, with 7 subjects, conducted by John Guild, had its results published in a 1931 paper. If the results of those studies were accurate, conversion between the postulated receptors and the actual receptors would be a simple linear transformation. If one considers that hue refers to the *direction* from white in which a color lies, one will note that since: * the reddest red and the bluest blue are not the same color, and * a line between them passes by white on the opposite side from that on which green and yellow are found; then, new hues that cannot be produced by any combination of a pure spectral light with white light can be produced by combining red light and blue light. The CIE chromaticity diagram, although it is based on tristimulus values obtained by experiments involving subjects comparing colors, and not directly on the spectral sensitivities of the three pigments found in the cones of the retina (which are now known) illustrates this principle, as it consists of an arching curve around white, with a straight line between red and blue accounting for the hues normally thought of as purplish. Thus, if one wishes to be able to describe colors, on the basis of three co-ordinates; one being brightness (luminance), one being how colorful or gray a color is (saturation), and a third being which saturated color a color tends towards (hue), one cannot describe all colors unless one's circle of hues is complete, and if it only includes spectral colors and is missing purple, then one has cut a wedge-shaped chunk out of the CIE chromaticity diagram - which is considered to be scientific. So purple really is one of the fully saturated colors. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I am not, here, in any way denying the scientific fact that purple light must be a mixture of light of different wavelengths; I am merely stating that when red and blue light are mixed, the result can be something novel in its attribute of hue, while mixing light of one wavelength with white light only produces less saturated colors having the same hue as the monochromatic light used to start from. Incidentally, I am pleased to note that the misconception that purple is not a genuine hue, although it is not a color of the spectrum, was not held or fostered by Isaac Newton, for, in his *Opticks*, he wrote (in Proposition VI, Problem II): *That if the point Z fall in or near the line OD, the main ingredients being the red and violet, the Colour compounded shall not be any of the prismatick Colors, but a purple, inclining to red or violet, accordingly as the point Z lieth on the side of the line DO towards E or towards C, and in general the compounded violet is more bright and more fiery than the uncompounded.* But it could be because of the prejudice against purple by those who had not heeded this that artists named their purple pigments "violet" rather than "purple" to escape scorn - or, for that matter, it may have been chemists who thought to avoid seeming unscientific in this way. Purple has even been an important color in history. I remember one day hearing a news report that Princess Diana had committed a serious *faux pas* by attending a function at which Her Majesty the Queen would also be present, by wearing a purple dress thereto. My initial reaction to the report was one of bemusement, but then I remembered how, at one time, the only purple dye available was Tyrian purple, made from a rare mollusk, and the use of clothing dyed with this substance was reserved for the Roman emperors. It was not until 1856 that the dye mauve was synthesized, and the new freedom in the use of color this provided led to the 1890s being known as the "mauve decade". People have always been fascinated by pretty bright colors, and in addition, they eagerly seize on the new freedoms offered by technological advances, not only using it, but all too often overusing and abusing it; those who remember bad synthesizer music, or laser-printed documents with ten typefaces on a page, will understand: thus, we should not be too surprised that the discovery of the aniline dyes could turn a whole decade purple. There is, however, a famous quote concerning the color produced by mauveine by the artist James Whistler: "Mauve is just pink trying to be purple". Color nomenclature is, in some aspects, in a confused state. Thus, a color circle in The Colorist by Joseph Arthur Henry Hatt from 1908 shows deeper colors proceeding from red through scarlet and crimson towards magenta, but at present scarlet is usually taken as referring to a red color with a small hint of orange. Since purple is a secondary color in the artist's red, yellow, and blue system, it serves as a generic term for a wide range of colors. But it is also used as a specific term for the color also known as royal purple, a deep bluish purple. Violet is generally used to refer to the color at the extreme blue end of the spectrum. While the color systems of Munsell and Ostwald refer to the colors between blue and red as blue-purple, purple, and red-purple, however, in the artist's red, yellow, and blue system, these colors are often referred to as blue-violet, violet, and red-violet. One example of this is in the influential book *The Elements of Color* by Johannes Itten, at least in the edition translated into English by Ernst van Hagen, edited and with an introduction by Faber Birren, published by Van Nostrand Reinhold. However, neither Birren nor van Hagen are the culprits. A color circle in Newton's *Opticks* shows the seven colors of the spectrum, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet in a circle, with Violet extending to and touching Red. And today in general, oil paints and artist's pigments in this area of the hue circle, such as ultramarine violet, dioxazine violet, manganese violet, cobalt violet, thioindigo violet, mars violet, and quinacridone violet extend across the entire purple segment, from blue at one end to magenta at the other. Some older pigments in this area did include purple in their names, but now that word was entirely absent from one chart of watercolor pigments. On the other hand, looking at the oil paints offered to artists by one supplier, dioxazine purple and alizarin purple are among those offered. ### More About the CIE chromaticity diagram A larger version of the CIE chromaticity diagram, showing how I created the representation of it seen above: ![](images/triwk22.gif) The diagram above is a crude rendering on my part of the normal 1931 CIE chromaticity chart, but instead of being plotted conventionally in Cartesian coordinates of x and y, x, y, and z have been treated as three items that must sum to 1, and are shown in an equilateral triangle. Note that an elongated triangle in the center of the diagram represents what is called a Maxwell triangle, showing colors derived from mixtures of light from the three phosphors of a typical monitor; outside of this triangular area, the *gamut* of a monitor, the colors on the periphery are extended to the perimiter on the diagram following curved lines of perceived hue shift with saturation change. As this diagram was developed by the *Commission International de l'Éclairage* to characterize lighting, the position of a source of light on this diagram depends solely on its relative spectral composition, and not on its brightness. This means that distance from white at the center represents spectral purity, not saturation or chroma. A consequence of this is that the color of an object which only reflected light with wavelengths from 475 to 476 nanometers, which would look nearly black in normal light, would be assigned a position near the edge of the CIE chromaticity chart, corresponding to the vivid color it could have if subjected to an extremely bright source of incident light. This also means that it is possible to plot curves of the maximum achievable spectral purity for the color of objects seen by reflected light based on the proportion of incident light that they reflect; these curves are called the MacAdam limits. Relating the mixtures of red, green, and blue phosphors on a CRT to the colors of pure spectral light is difficult, but based on information I have found, this chart may have some approximate validity: ![](images/spetri.gif) ### Color Systems In addition to a color circle of fully saturated hues, there are also, of course, less saturated colors. The following diagram includes a full gamut of such colors, with only 30 hues in use. To make it easier to calculate the RGB values for the palette I needed, and to make it easier to draw the diagram in which the colors were placed, I did not attempt to make vertical planes of constant brightness, but instead simply moved from the circle of fully saturated hues towards white and black, somewhat as is done in the Ostwald color system (but I use squares instead of hexagons, having 1, 3, 5, 7... colors instead of 1, 2, 3, 4... in successive shells - the system of Arthur Pope also did this, but it was more like Munsell's than Ostwald's): ![](images/cg85.gif) For a gamma of 0.85, this illustration shows a color chart made up of colors in that arrangement: the diagrams, in three rows, show every second hue, starting with red, for 24 different values of brightness, excluding black and white, and 9 different values of saturation, excluding no saturation. The diagrams have ten columns, however, because the gray scale is included with each diagram. ![](images/coga5.png) This diagram is in the PNG file format, which is **not supported** in some older browsers. It has been necessary to use that format for this file, as JPEG did not give acceptable results without an excessive file size, and it has more than 256 colors. Note also that this color scheme is **not** the Munsell system, despite a superficial resemblance. In addition to the different arrangement of the hues, no attempt is made to correct for apparent hue shift for less saturated colors. ### Artists' Pigments A painter's color wheel would be based on the paints with pigments for highly saturated colors. However, pigments for less saturated colors are less expensive, more permanent, and less likely to be toxic. For those reasons, and also to make mixing paints easier by starting from a point closer to the desired color, a system that minimizes the use of the paints with more vivid colors might be useful. This diagram illustrates what I am thinking about. ![](images/dcws.gif) Here, the system is based on *two* color circles. An outer color circle might be built by using paints with saturated pigments as the primaries that are mixed to build up the whole circle. Examples of more vivid pigments used in artists' paints are hansa yellow, phthalocyanine green, ultramarine blue, quinacridone magenta, pyrrole red and pyrrole orange. And then an inner circle is built up using less vivid pigments. Thus, the primaries such a circle might be built from could be nickel titanate, burnt sienna, Venetian red, manganese violet, Prussian blue, and chromium oxide. Mixing triangles would proceed from one position on the inner circle to the column between white and black, forming a double cone similar to that of the Ostwald system. But as well, for each hue value, there would be two other mixing triangles. Each of those would involve a hue on the outer circle, the corresponding item on the inner circle at the same hue, and either white or black as the third point of the triangle. The colors can be thought of as belonging to a double cone, with the white and black points of the triangles illustrated above joined: ![](images/tcone.gif) because the triangles would be stretched and sheared in that case, as illustrated above, instead they are left unconnected, so that the color solid becomes a double cone with a torus around it instead of the simple double cone illustrated here. Of course, this now means that a given color, instead of being formed by mixing white, black, and two brightly colored pigments, might be formed from either white or black, and two brightly colored pigments and two less vivid pigments. This could increase the possibility of using pigments that react with each other chemically. ### Gamma Correction Reference Diagrams This page, if viewed in 256 color mode, will simply look less attractive, due to dithering. As background colors are not dithered, the page with the more extensive gamut will simply show incorrect colors if viewed in that mode. Because on many computer systems, RGB values are not linear specifications of brightness, it is necessary to take into account gamma correction to present colors accurately. The charts on this page, except for the chart of "internet-safe" colors, which need not be adjusted, as browsers display those colors without correction, have been corrected by being raised to the exponent 0.85. The following table should allow you to determine the gamma correction required for your computer display. The gray squares attempt to achieve the same shade of gray directly, and by alternating white and black pixels (or full-intensity red, green, and blue pixels in one case): where the vertical bars in each square are the closest match in apparent brightness, the correct gamma for your monitor is found. The first item in each row is the chart for checking gamma. The second item is my color circle, presented correctly for systems requiring the gamma correction indicated by that row. The third item is the gamma value (actually the *reciprocal* of the gamma of your monitor): | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | | 1.00 | | | | 0.90 | | | | 0.85 | | | | 0.80 | | | | 0.70 | | | | 0.60 | | | | 0.50 | ### Process Color Of course, there are other ways to organize a gamut of colors that includes possible colors of all kinds to at least approximate any color. The "internet-safe" colors that work in 256 color mode on common browsers are an example of what is known as *process* color, and are shown here: ![](images/process.gif) This can be thought of either as a chart of additive colors, or as a chart of subtractive colors. Starting from black, one goes up to add blue, to the left to add red, and away from the observer to add green. Starting from white, one goes down to subtract out blue light using yellow ink, one goes right to subtract out red light using cyan ink, and one goes towards the observer to subtract out green light using magenta ink. However, in fact, the chart depicts colors produced by addition from monitor phosphors, and not subtraction. Also, in practice, while yellow ink indeed looks yellow, cyan is more like a light blue, and magenta more like red than like purple, than the colors in this diagram. A similar process color chart with colors more closely approximating what might be available through printing is shown below: ![](images/pp85.gif) By default, Microsoft Windows uses a different palette of process colors for bitmap images in 256 color mode. Instead of using only 216 colors, all 256 colors are used: the brighter components red and green vary through eight steps rather than six, while only four levels are allocated to blue. This produces a range of colors having the following appearance: ![](images/proc2.gif) The colors chosen tend to favor the darker colors: for blue, the levels are 0, 64, 128, and 255, with 192 omitted, and for red and green, the levels are 0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, and 255, with 224 omitted. Favoring the lighter colors somewhat instead, and allocating four levels to blue, five levels to red, and twelve levels to green, using: ``` 0 28 57 85 102 119 136 153 170 187 204 221 238 255 ----------------------------------------------------- Blue: 0 119 187 255 Red: 0 102 153 204 255 Green: 0 57 85 102 119 136 153 170 187 204 221 255 ``` one obtains the following chart: ![](images/varpro5.gif) In addition to the 240 colors formed systematically, the missing gray shades with 28, 57, 85, 102, 119, 136, 153, 170, 187, 204, 221, and 238 for all colors are added. This leaves only four colors unused. In the main section of the diagram, the squares whose borders are black instead of gray are those which would be placed on the circle of maximally-saturated colors available within this gamut. The three images below: ![](images/dcv.jpg) ![](images/edif.gif) ![](images/ncol.gif) show the results when a color photograph is rendered according to this color gamut, first by mixing colors in adjacent points to approximate actual colors in the scene not present in that gamut, and then by strictly replacing the color at each point by its nearest available neighbor. The nearest-neighbor image is clearly not perfect; however, for comparison, here is a nearest-neighbor image using the 240 "internet-safe" colors, ![](images/ncolisa.gif) and one using the 256 color palette from Microsoft: ![](images/ncol256.gif) Of course, the choice of nearest neighbors by the paint program used may also affect the results, and my scheme has a particular advantage resulting from adding a gray scale to the gamut. If the gray scale were omitted, a nearest-neighbor image using my scheme would look like this: ![](images/ncolngs.gif) which is not nearly as much of a visible improvement over the results produced by the other two palettes as the earlier image, although it does seem to me to still be some slight improvement. For comparison, here is a nearest-color image using the color gamut above that used a stack of color circles based on a 30-hue version of my color circle: ![](images/ncolcir.gif) Just as the circular chart that began this section represents the color world as seen by a painter, who has a palette of oil paints representing several saturated colors and also white and black paint, the process color charts represent the color world experienced by someone working with a color monitor, or with printing. To make a particular color, a painter should use the two saturated colors nearest in hue to the desired color, plus as much white or black paint as is needed to make a good match. When printing a color photograph by conventional color separation techniques, not involving the use of computer-generated halftones, it is necessary to use cyan, magenta, and yellow to produce the various colors. A light black-and-white image of the same photograph is also overprinted. But ideally, if one is trying to produce a desired color directly, one should mix at most two of cyan, magenta, and yellow inks with as much black ink as required. For almost the same reason that a painter should not try to create a desired color using widely separated hues. In the painter's case, too much trial and error is needed that way; in the printer's case, the limitations of the inks used are more important. *Color Atlas* by Harald Küppers featured a set of color squares for this kind of system; it was an inexpensive small book with a silver cover. Below is a diagram of what a process color chart looks like in that kind of system. ![](images/four85.gif) The first row shows colors built from yellow and magenta; the succeeding squares going to the right have more and more black added; first 25%, then 50%, and finally 75%. Since having 75% black added to the colors makes them difficult to distinguish, instead of a complete square with 25 different colors, only nine separated squares, each containing one color, are shown at the end of each row. The second row shows yellow and cyan, and the third row magenta and cyan. --- [[Home]](../main.htm) [[Other]](../other.htm)
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Again.)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier" COLOR="#990000">This is depressing. Aido goes and finds a more interesting place to complain and suddenly the MFoD isn't good enough. Three months later, she leaves it to <I>me</I> to update.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier" COLOR="#990000">Oh, hello. It's Pyr again. I get to do my yearly update thing. Also depressing that I usually get to update on my birthday, which happened to be three days ago.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier" COLOR="#990000">So? So. In reality, I have nothing to say. Aido's still alive, she still updates Fallen on occasion. She enjoys going to RIT and does </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier" COLOR="#990000">interesting things</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier" COLOR="#990000"> in her classes. (By the way, that file happens to be 60MB.) And me? I've been busy. Quite busy, in fact. Aido doesn't help much.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier" COLOR="#990000">Anyway, if you haven't seen it already, check out my guest strip for Fallen.</FONT></P> <CENTER><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier" COLOR="#990000">page 1</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier" COLOR="#990000"> | </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier" COLOR="#990000">page 2</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier" COLOR="#990000"> | </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier" COLOR="#990000">page 3</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier" COLOR="#990000"> | </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier" COLOR="#990000">page 4</FONT></A></CENTER> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier" COLOR="#990000">Yep. G'nite then.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier" COLOR="#990000">--Pyr.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 9/19/03:<BR> </U>(yarr.)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Arr, it be </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">International Talk Like a Pirate Day</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">. I hope ye landlubbers 'ev been talkin' like pirates. Me, ay've been wearin' me pirate bandana all day.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Yarrrr.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 9/18/03:<BR> </U>(m'rr.)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Sorry, haven't been very motivated to blog lately. &gt;_o I really don't have much to say, either. I've been spending my time slacking from both homework and comic. And I haven't been getting much sleep. Which makes me very uninteresting to listen to.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Thank you to everyone who sent e-mails of support. I must have gotten 60 or so in the past several days. It really means a lot to me. I think the thing's basically worked through. Many thanks to everyone.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">By the way, if anyone, anyone at all wants to buy me Endless Nights... I will love you forever. &gt;_&gt; *coughStefan*</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">And in conclusion.... Lance in outer space, the evil peanut race, </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">corned beef antelope</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 9/10/03:<BR> </U>(just what I needed.)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">I just can't seem to get away from this kind of shit. Every six months to a year, the </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">same girl</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> pops up, accusing me of copying her intellectual property. And it seems that she's gone and paid for the copyrights for my creations AND she has a lawyer, too.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">I hate this. I hate this.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">There's nothing I can do now but wait and feel sorry for myself. I feel so useless.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">In 2000 and 2001, this girl nearly drove me off the internet. I won't let that happen. If not for me, then for the people who appreciate my work. I will not be beaten, goddammit.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido<BR> </FONT><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">Go ahead and check out the links posted, </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">here</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">, and </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">here</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">. She didn't even have the DECENCY to change the blurb at the world or make a new map.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 9/8/03:<BR> </U>(into the dark, black Schnider...)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><IMG SRC="images/bullet.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=18 X-CLARIS-USEIMAGEWIDTH X-CLARIS-USEIMAGEHEIGHT ALIGN=bottom>New </FONT><A HREF="fallen.htm"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Fallen</FONT></A></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Before I do anything, a quote from Sett.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">"</FONT><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">I do have some hairy frenchman perfume that came with my suit, though. It smells like a hairy frenchman drinking coffee and has a picture of a hairy, naked frenchman drinking coffee on it."</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">....</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Well, <B><I>I</I></B> found it amusing.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">So, anywho. I've been hanging out with people far more interesting and cool with myself. Had an interesting time watching Bastard!, which was thoroughly MST-ed and generally made fun of. That mixed with DDR was the source of today's title.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">I thought I'd have something more interesting to say... but alas. I am not an interesting person.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Hmm. I'm sleepy. And thus...</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 9/2/03:<BR> </U>(college!)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">I suppose I should post something to tell you people I'm alive... eh-heh...</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Okay, so I arrived at RIT on Sunday. It is now technically Wednesday. Things are going relatively well, I get along with my roommate and I am currently desperately trying to make friends. And have succeeded. Kinda.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">I live on the 6th floor. The elevator doesn't like to work. It's a pain in the ass to climb up all those damned stairs. I've spent the past three days being exhausted.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Went to a thingie hosted by the Anime Club tonight, which was nifty keen. They're my kind of people. Kinda nutty, very geeky.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Haven't actually sat down and drawn since I got here. Feel guilty about that. I'll get started soon enough. But not now, because I'm exhausted and incoherent.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">In other news, </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">this</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> is the ugliest thing I've ever seen. It must be six or seven stories high. And it's RIGHT in the middle of campus.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">In other other news, check out my sweet pad. </FONT><A HREF="images/photo/dorm9-03/window.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">One</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">, </FONT><A HREF="images/photo/dorm9-03/hidingdesk.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">two</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">, </FONT><A HREF="images/photo/dorm9-03/allroom.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">three</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">.</FONT></P> <P><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Tino and STEEEEEVE</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> should be coming relatively soon. I'm looking forward to seeing them.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Whoo, bed now.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido<BR> </FONT><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">Oh yah and the </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">Altermeta</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier"> comic is up. It's silly.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 8/29/03:<BR> </U>(*sniffle*)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Oookay, this is it. Wynthrop is getting packed away. We're going to pack the car up soon. No more computer for me until I get to RIT.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Deep breaths... deeeeep breaths....</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido<BR> </FONT><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">(oh yes, and don't expect a Fallen update. Wasn't able to do the page. I was, however, able to do the guest comic for </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">Altermeta</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">. So look for that some time in the future.)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 8/29/03:<BR> </U>(M'rrow?)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Not... getting.... anything... done.... X_x</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Hmm. I said I'd work on a page for Fallen this week so I could update it on Sunday while I'm getting set up at college. Haven't started it yet. I don't even have most of the page written out. I have some of tomorrow free, but it's probably all going to be spent packing the car for the drive up on Saturday morning.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Wanted to draw a guest comic for </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Altermeta</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">, too... which seems to have gone completely out the window. I'm still going to try my damnedest to do a pinup or SOMETHING for you, Casey...</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">And for pete's SAKE people, don't abandon the </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">forum</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">! ;_;</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">You guys are mean.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Right. *eh-hem* Art stuffs.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">One. Redesigning Gesshoku Foxxis. </FONT><A HREF="images/oddstuff4/gess-newbw.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">One</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">, </FONT><A HREF="images/oddstuff4/gess-painterdod.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">two</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">. The foxxis community seems to be building up again, although I'm probably going to wind up not doing anything yet again because of my schedule of pain. (yeesh, as though I didn't have enough characters to take care of...)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Two. I seem to be getting in the horrible habit of blogging my life as comics. (Bad Aido! Bad!) So, here's some things that happened on </FONT><A HREF="images/oddstuff4/aidoday8-26-03.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Tuesday</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> </FONT><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">(the perils of having an asian father)</FONT><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> and </FONT><A HREF="images/oddstuff4/aidoday8-27-03.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Wednesday</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier"> (bad touch! BAD TOUCH!)</FONT><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">. The one from Tuesday has horrible comedic timing. This is why I do not draw either a gag comic nor a generally "funny" comic.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Three. I had the most fantastically kickass dream about Pyr a few nights ago. Tried to put it down in comic-form, but then got discouraged from my 3-am art stylings and decided not to finish it. But I got some </FONT><A HREF="images/oddstuff4/pyr-brush.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">nice brush-pen doodles</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> of him down anyway.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Four. Finally got up the gall to e-mail Cara Mitten after something like two years of not talking because the both of us were lazy and/or busy. She... is so cool. Still one of my big idols. Got inspired, </FONT><A HREF="images/oddstuff4/kaidoyawn.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">drew this</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">. Yeesh, it's been a long time since I drew m' dragon form. *reminiscent sigh*</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Oh yes. And I forgive you, </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Steve</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">. It's not your fault that you didn't know that I was so great when you were at Otakon. I blame it all on </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Tino</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">. XD</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">*teehee*</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">(And my </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">elfwood gallery</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier"> is updated, by the way.)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido<BR> </FONT><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">Finished up Sandman today. I cried. Don't know whether the ending was sad or happy or whether I should just be miserable because there isn't anymore for me to read. Well, except for Endless Nights... there's always that to look forward to...</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 8/26/03:<BR> </U>(damn, I suppose I AM a girl...)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Okay, four things, then I go to bed. Number one:</FONT></P> <CENTER><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><IMG SRC="" ALT="Elizabeth's Pirate fetish" X-CLARIS-USEIMAGEWIDTH X-CLARIS-USEIMAGEHEIGHT BORDER=0 ALIGN=bottom></FONT> <P><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">You are... Elizabeth's pirate fetish. You're a secret, closet<BR> fetish that no one knows about. Except maybe<BR> Jack. Something about rum swigging, ne'er do<BR> well cads gets your goat. It's okay, I'm sure<BR> lots of people feel the EXACT same way. Really.<BR> <BR> </FONT><A HREF="'s%20Unhealthy%20Fetish%20are%20YOU%3F/" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">Which Pirates of the Caribbean Character's Unhealthy Fetish are YOU?</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier"><BR> brought to you by </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">Quizilla</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier"> </FONT></P></CENTER> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Number two: I would like to say how much in awe I am of </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Neil Gaiman</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">. <B>The man blogs from his cellphone.</B> At a Renfaire no less. (one day, I swear I shall write him a piece of fanmail so fantastic, he shall be rendered completely speechless. But until then, I look forward to buying the last two Sandman books.)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Number three. Also from Mr. Gaiman's weblog. It is official, I am actually female. </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">This doohickey</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> evaluates your writing and tells you what gender you are. It got me 100% correct, every time. (which has to be something like 25 times by now.)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Number four. Also also from Mr. Gaiman's weblog. </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Nice Hair</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">, a comic about people worth reading about. Adorable style. Go through the archives, there's some Sparrow-y goodness in there.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">And that, as they say, is that.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 8/24/03:<BR> </U>(it is 4:00 am. do you know where... okay, bad attempt at humor.)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><IMG SRC="images/bullet.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=18 X-CLARIS-USEIMAGEWIDTH X-CLARIS-USEIMAGEHEIGHT ALIGN=bottom>New </FONT><A HREF="fallen.htm"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Fallen</FONT></A></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">All galleries are updated. I haven't gotten off my ass since about 11:00.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Once again, this lifestyle is going to do me in.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 8/24/03:<BR> </U>(early update!)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><IMG SRC="images/bullet.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=18 X-CLARIS-USEIMAGEWIDTH X-CLARIS-USEIMAGEHEIGHT ALIGN=bottom>New </FONT><A HREF="fallen.htm"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Fallen</FONT></A></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Yep, an actual early update for once. </FONT><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">(But only because I had that damned page finished on Thursday...)</FONT><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> I'm currently working on finishing up updating ALL of the galleries at the Fallen site, then I'm going to go work on a new page of comic. And it's all because I love you people and want to be all set to entertain the masses when I go to college. O_O</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">I'm going to kill myself with this lifestyle, seriously...</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">O_@ arrr.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 8/23/03:<BR> </U>(*grunt*)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Okay, okay, okay, </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">STEVE</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">. There, you've been mentioned. &gt;_&gt; But <I>just</I> because you mentioned my name so many times in one sentence.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Jeez, it would've helped if you came and met me at Otakon, but nooooo.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Whine, whine, whine.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido<BR> </FONT><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">*snigger* by the way, I was kidding.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 8/21/03"<BR> </U>(*zombie*)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> killed my counter. It's gone now. </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"></FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> doesn't seem to be working in the chibi Pyr department. He's gone now as well. At least for the time being.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">I spent something like two hours yesterday working on one panel of fallen, and another five or so on the same panel today. The page is finished now, but I think it'll be saved for Sunday out of spite. The damned thing killed my brain.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Ever since I finished that page, I've been working nonstop on the galleries at the fallen site. I've most of the thumbnails done, at least. Which also... killed my brain. I have no idea how I have the capacity to type this at this very moment.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">On a lighter note, check out </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Andrew's comic blog</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">. He gave me a 2-comic long cameo. It pleases me. Despite my liquefied brain.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Also, after visiting his blog, I felt suddenly inclined to do my own biographical comic. So </FONT><A HREF="images/oddstuff4/aidoweek8-03.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">here's a comic of what I did</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> in the past week. It's mildly entertaining. The file is also quite large, since I wrote quite small.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">I have banner ads up at </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Grab Twist Pull</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">, which also pleases me. It's written by Tino, a guy I met at Otakon who also happens to be going to RIT. If you want to find him in my con report, he was the guy in the Cabbit suit. Or the guy who was worshiping the bunny. Either one. He has DDR in his dorm room. He is my new best friend.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">It is 1:30 am. I think that my mom is lurking around down stairs to pounce and yell at me for not going to bed sooner. Because, y'know, I'm completely irresponsible.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Er, yes. Sleep. Deliquefy brain.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 8/18/03:<BR> </U>(I'm a rebel. Teehee.)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><IMG SRC="images/bullet.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=18 X-CLARIS-USEIMAGEWIDTH X-CLARIS-USEIMAGEHEIGHT ALIGN=bottom>New </FONT><A HREF="fallen.htm"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Fallen</FONT></A></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Late comic update. Bad Aido. Baaad.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 8/14/03:<BR> </U>(yarr!)</FONT></P> <CENTER><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">My pirate name is:</FONT></A> <P><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">Black Anne Bonney</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">Like anyone confronted with the harshness of robbery on the high seas, you can be pessimistic at times. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr!</FONT></P></CENTER> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Hehe, that was entertaining.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">I got my hair cut yesterday. Well, I got many hairs cut, actually. It used to be down to my waist. Now it's to my shoulders. It's all being </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">donated</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">. I did the same thing two years ago, but I don't remember it being this short... ;_;</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Oh yeah, and I drew a really cute, really poorly drawn comic. Took me something like two hours. (short in comicking terms.) </FONT><A HREF="images/oddstuff4/smallthings1.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">One</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">, </FONT><A HREF="images/oddstuff4/smallthings2.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">two</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Oh yeah, and I'm putting serious thought into getting t-shirts made for Fallen. I have been made aware of a </FONT><A HREF=""><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">place</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> that will actually screen-print colored t-shirts </FONT><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">(see:black)</FONT><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> and a place that will </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">sell the buggers</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> for me.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Thaaat's it. Goodnight.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 8/12/03:<BR> </U>(m'rr.)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">It's 3:30 am. </FONT><A HREF="images/otakonpics/otakon03.htm" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Con report.</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> Bed now.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 8/5/03:<BR> </U>(Otakon! XD )</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Yes! Going to Otakon. I'll probably be in the artist alley most of the time. </FONT><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">(or stalking the </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">Machall</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier"> guys...)</FONT><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> Look for the short asian girl with glasses who brought way too much stuff. That's me. Also, sorry, no soundtracks. I've been well advised against bringing them because it could get me arrested. And plus I don't have time to burn them at this point anyway.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Last minute print: </FONT><A HREF="images/oddstuff4/lanternbearer-f.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Suitachi</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">, the lantern bearer. I love my gods.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Hmm. Received another one of those "omg if u dont send this to 20 peopl in 1 hour u'll have bad luck 4 SEVEN years!!!111" chain letters.</FONT></P> <BLOCKQUOTE><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><I>"Sorry, but this chain letter is for real.</I></FONT> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><I>When Anne Wichert got it for the first time, she ignored it and a week later the love of her life dumped her for no good reason so BEWARE, and just send the stupid letter!!!!!!"</I></FONT></P></BLOCKQUOTE> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">I can't believe that I actually believed these things when I was 11. I mean, the person who sent it certainly did, looking at the 25 people s/he sent it to... yeeguz.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Aaanywho.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon, but don't expect me to be around before then. I'll be back Sunday night some time. I'm expecting you guys at the forum to behave.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 8/3/03:<BR> </U>(Pirate BOOTAH.)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><IMG SRC="images/bullet.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=18 X-CLARIS-USEIMAGEWIDTH X-CLARIS-USEIMAGEHEIGHT ALIGN=bottom>New </FONT><A HREF="fallen.htm"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Fallen</FONT></A></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Hmm. Otakon troubles have come up. It's now up in the air whether I'll be able to go. &lt;insert long string of swear words here&gt;</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">That said, have a </FONT><A HREF="images/post/chaos-fin.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">chaos dragon</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">. They're cute.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">I really should redo the site layout before the summer's over. And update the galleries. Oy.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 8/1/03:<BR> </U>(Stuff to be sold at Otakon!)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Huzzah! Oookay, so here's a quick rundown of what I'm doing for Otakon.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">First, as mentioned before, no costume for me. Boohoo. </FONT><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier"><I>(John for some reason is going at Black Mage from FF1. Why, I have no idea. I still think he would make a mighty fine Sirius Black. But that's because I'm a fangirl.)</I></FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">How-EVER, I will have my MASSIVE Bunny with Sharp Pointy Teeth with me, at least at my Artist Alley table. </FONT><A HREF="images/photo/pointyteeth.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Like so.</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> I will also be wearing </FONT><A HREF="images/photo/prettywings.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">this badass pair of wings</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> at least one day. (Yes, I made them myself. Yes, you may pet them if you ask nicely.) Otherwise, I'm short, have glasses, and look kinda asian. </FONT><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">(although I'm supposed to look native american without my glasses. &gt;_&gt; )</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Anywho. I'm going to be selling b/w and color prints. I have a nice list going of what I'm making prints of, including </FONT><A HREF="images/oddstuff4/kaijyu-ok.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">this picture of Kaijyu</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> which I drew especially for the event. I am also going to be selling little postcard-type marker things that I've been working on feverishly for the past week. Here's a few of my favorites: </FONT><A HREF="images/post/reah-fin.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Reah</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">, </FONT><A HREF="images/post/sin-fin.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Singe</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">, </FONT><A HREF="images/post/taro-fin.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Taro</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">, </FONT><A HREF="images/post/faus-fin.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Faustus</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">, </FONT><A HREF="images/post/void-fin.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Void</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">, </FONT><A HREF="images/post/chi-fin.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Chi</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">. I'm working on a few actual anime characters at the moment.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">By the way, markers hate me. And they've made my drawing desk into a warzone. </FONT><A HREF="images/photo/desk-warzone1.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Check</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> it </FONT><A HREF="images/photo/desk-warzone2.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">out</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">If anyone wants them, I'm burning a few of my character soundtracks, since the people at the </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">forum</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> seemed pretty enthusiastic about it. Or you can just stop by </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Rey's</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> place.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Plug time! Two badass comics: </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Damaged</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">, </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Eidolic Fringe</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">... I think that going to bed at 3:30 every night might be bad. Hmm. Must ponder this.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 7/31/03:<BR> </U>(oh, riiight.)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">I said I'd show off photos, didn't I? And I completely forgot to do my usual 'hey I updated Fallen" announcement on Sunday, too. So I'll do that now. *ding!*</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><IMG SRC="images/bullet.gif" WIDTH=20 HEIGHT=18 X-CLARIS-USEIMAGEWIDTH X-CLARIS-USEIMAGEHEIGHT ALIGN=bottom>New </FONT><A HREF="fallen.htm"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Fallen</FONT></A></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Okay, so photos.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">There is no such thing as </FONT><A HREF="images/TRIP03/GIVEWAY.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">'YIELD'</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> in England, Scotland, or Wales. There is, however, in Ireland.<BR> Coolest family crest... </FONT><A HREF="images/TRIP03/INTIME.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><I>EVER</I></FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">.<BR> Irony at work: A bookstore in what was once a crypt. Giant </FONT><A HREF="images/TRIP03/bookstorecrypt3.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Harry Potter display</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> right in the middle of it.<BR> Once again, </FONT><A HREF="images/TRIP03/mindyourhead.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">irony at work</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">. At Eilan Dunan, niftiest castle ever.<BR> This was on the side of a bank. </FONT><A HREF="images/TRIP03/scarythingie.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">It scares me</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">.<BR> </FONT><A HREF="images/TRIP03/highlands7.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">The highlands kicked ass</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">. No, I didn't play with the saturation on this.<BR> However, I did play with the </FONT><A HREF="images/TRIP03/sunset5.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">saturation on this</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">.<BR> And </FONT><A HREF="images/TRIP03/novasun2.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">this one as well</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">.<BR> I </FONT><A HREF="images/TRIP03/clownbatman2.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">stalked these people</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> for a few blocks trying to get a good picture of them. &gt;_&gt;<BR> Ah, Scotland. </FONT><A HREF="images/TRIP03/roadsheep2.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">So many sheep</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">.<BR> </FONT><A HREF="images/TRIP03/evoltower3.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Coolest tower I've ever seen</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">. So very evil... XD<BR> I absolutely fell in love with my digital camera when I discovered that I could do </FONT><A HREF="images/TRIP03/greenlight5.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">stuff like THIS</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> on it in low-light conditions.<BR> This was </FONT><A HREF="images/TRIP03/wakeupcall2.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">our wakeup call</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> on one of the last days in Ireland. A pair of doves sitting right outside our window. It was weeird. I didn't get the female in there. &gt;_o<BR> </FONT><A HREF="images/TRIP03/henrywantsYOU.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">HEENNRRYYY</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><BR> </FONT><A HREF="images/TRIP03/fun2.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">"Fun" things</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> in the airport bathroom.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">To try and appease my mom, I did my best not to show pictures of myself. Because that would be morally wrong or somesuch.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Yep, that's it. I'll talk about Otakon tomorrow. Which I'm still going to, by the way.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--A</FONT><A HREF="images/TRIP03/contemplative.jpg" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">i</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">do</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><U>Updated: 7/26/03:<BR> </U>(bad forum! no cookie!)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Huzzah! I can FTP again! (sorry, would've updated the blurb sooner...)</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Whooo.... okay, finally the site's back up. Couldn't control the downtime. Also, the forum went and died, so it's still up, just mostly empty. (It had to be restarted from a backup from May, which was when it was created... &gt;_o )</FONT></P> <CENTER><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Please post!</FONT></A></CENTER> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Oh yes, and if you had a special ranking or somesuch, please PM me to give it back to you, because it's most likely gone.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">The UK? It was fun-tastic. And I wouldn't use such a stupid sounding word unless it was true. The trip was really great. I'm still going through photos, but I'll post a whole bunch for your viewing pleasure at a later date. Went to Stonehenge, Eilan Dunan (the coolest castle EVER), Loch Ness, York, Edinburgh, Dublin, a whole slew of other places... fun-fun-fun. I do wish we could've spent more time in York and Edinburgh... they're really nifty cities.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">By the way... Pirates of the Caribbean is a sexy, sexy movie. I was so engrossed in Johnny Depp's character that I completely ignored Orlando Bloom. I love pirates.</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Finally, <B>is anyone going to </B></FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><B>Otakon</B></FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"><B> this year?</B> Apparently </FONT><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Slimu</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> was <I>going</I> to go, but now he isn't and it makes me weep. I'm probably going to be hanging out in the artist alley the entire time, alone and costumeless. (*sniffle* I didn't have time to make a costume this year... &gt;_&gt; ) Please </FONT><A HREF=""><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">e-mail</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier"> me if you're going or want to buy prints or something. I'm also going to try to bring a few of the character soundtracks, if anyone wants them. I'll just give one to you if you ask nicely. And if you pose with my Mr. Neutron-sized Rabbit With Sharp Pointy Teeth for a picture... &gt;_&gt;</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">Okay, off to start this weeks update... hoo-dee-dum...</FONT></P> <P><FONT SIZE="-1" FACE="Courier">--Aido<BR> </FONT><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Courier">Yess! I got my roommate's name! Now if only this 'Trisha' person would answer her phone...</FONT></P> <P ALIGN=right><A HREF="main.htm"><FONT SIZE="-1">&nbsp;top of the page </FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-1">&nbsp;</FONT></P> <P></P></BLOCKQUOTE> </TD> <TD HEIGHT=282> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P></P> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD ALIGN=center VALIGN=top WIDTH=79 HEIGHT=58> <P></P> </TD> <TD HEIGHT=58> <P></P> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </P> <P><A HREF="images/otakonpics/otakon03.htm" TARGET="_blank"><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Times">All</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Times"> art and other material posted on this site copyright 2001-2002 to </FONT><A HREF=""><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Times">Kaido Rakaen</FONT></A><FONT SIZE="-2" FACE="Times"> unless otherwise noted.</FONT></P> </BODY> </HTML>
Aido's Mini Fridge of Doom Ver. 2.0! Ph33r the shininess!   | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | | | | | |   [past updates](update.htm) | |     |   Updated: 12/29/03: (Happy Birthday to Me. Again.) This is depressing. Aido goes and finds a more interesting place to complain and suddenly the MFoD isn't good enough. Three months later, she leaves it to *me* to update. Oh, hello. It's Pyr again. I get to do my yearly update thing. Also depressing that I usually get to update on my birthday, which happened to be three days ago. So? So. In reality, I have nothing to say. Aido's still alive, she still updates Fallen on occasion. She enjoys going to RIT and does [interesting things]( in her classes. (By the way, that file happens to be 60MB.) And me? I've been busy. Quite busy, in fact. Aido doesn't help much. Anyway, if you haven't seen it already, check out my guest strip for Fallen. [page 1]( | [page 2]( | [page 3]( | [page 4]( Yep. G'nite then. --Pyr. Updated: 9/19/03: (yarr.) Arr, it be [International Talk Like a Pirate Day]( I hope ye landlubbers 'ev been talkin' like pirates. Me, ay've been wearin' me pirate bandana all day. Yarrrr. --Aido Updated: 9/18/03: (m'rr.) Sorry, haven't been very motivated to blog lately. >\_o I really don't have much to say, either. I've been spending my time slacking from both homework and comic. And I haven't been getting much sleep. Which makes me very uninteresting to listen to. Thank you to everyone who sent e-mails of support. I must have gotten 60 or so in the past several days. It really means a lot to me. I think the thing's basically worked through. Many thanks to everyone. By the way, if anyone, anyone at all wants to buy me Endless Nights... I will love you forever. >\_> \*coughStefan\* And in conclusion.... Lance in outer space, the evil peanut race, [corned beef antelope]( --Aido Updated: 9/10/03: (just what I needed.) I just can't seem to get away from this kind of shit. Every six months to a year, the [same girl]( pops up, accusing me of copying her intellectual property. And it seems that she's gone and paid for the copyrights for my creations AND she has a lawyer, too. I hate this. I hate this. There's nothing I can do now but wait and feel sorry for myself. I feel so useless. In 2000 and 2001, this girl nearly drove me off the internet. I won't let that happen. If not for me, then for the people who appreciate my work. I will not be beaten, goddammit. --Aido Go ahead and check out the links posted, [here](, and [here]( She didn't even have the DECENCY to change the blurb at the world or make a new map. Updated: 9/8/03: (into the dark, black Schnider...) New [Fallen](fallen.htm) Before I do anything, a quote from Sett. "I do have some hairy frenchman perfume that came with my suit, though. It smells like a hairy frenchman drinking coffee and has a picture of a hairy, naked frenchman drinking coffee on it." .... Well, ***I*** found it amusing. So, anywho. I've been hanging out with people far more interesting and cool with myself. Had an interesting time watching Bastard!, which was thoroughly MST-ed and generally made fun of. That mixed with DDR was the source of today's title. I thought I'd have something more interesting to say... but alas. I am not an interesting person. Hmm. I'm sleepy. And thus... --Aido Updated: 9/2/03: (college!) I suppose I should post something to tell you people I'm alive... eh-heh... Okay, so I arrived at RIT on Sunday. It is now technically Wednesday. Things are going relatively well, I get along with my roommate and I am currently desperately trying to make friends. And have succeeded. Kinda. I live on the 6th floor. The elevator doesn't like to work. It's a pain in the ass to climb up all those damned stairs. I've spent the past three days being exhausted. Went to a thingie hosted by the Anime Club tonight, which was nifty keen. They're my kind of people. Kinda nutty, very geeky. Haven't actually sat down and drawn since I got here. Feel guilty about that. I'll get started soon enough. But not now, because I'm exhausted and incoherent. In other news, [this]( is the ugliest thing I've ever seen. It must be six or seven stories high. And it's RIGHT in the middle of campus. In other other news, check out my sweet pad. [One](images/photo/dorm9-03/window.jpg), [two](images/photo/dorm9-03/hidingdesk.jpg), [three](images/photo/dorm9-03/allroom.jpg). [Tino and STEEEEEVE]( should be coming relatively soon. I'm looking forward to seeing them. Whoo, bed now. --Aido Oh yah and the [Altermeta]( comic is up. It's silly. Updated: 8/29/03: (\*sniffle\*) Oookay, this is it. Wynthrop is getting packed away. We're going to pack the car up soon. No more computer for me until I get to RIT. Deep breaths... deeeeep breaths.... --Aido (oh yes, and don't expect a Fallen update. Wasn't able to do the page. I was, however, able to do the guest comic for [Altermeta]( So look for that some time in the future.) Updated: 8/29/03: (M'rrow?) Not... getting.... anything... done.... X\_x Hmm. I said I'd work on a page for Fallen this week so I could update it on Sunday while I'm getting set up at college. Haven't started it yet. I don't even have most of the page written out. I have some of tomorrow free, but it's probably all going to be spent packing the car for the drive up on Saturday morning. Wanted to draw a guest comic for [Altermeta](, too... which seems to have gone completely out the window. I'm still going to try my damnedest to do a pinup or SOMETHING for you, Casey... And for pete's SAKE people, don't abandon the [forum](! ;\_; You guys are mean. Right. \*eh-hem\* Art stuffs. One. Redesigning Gesshoku Foxxis. [One](images/oddstuff4/gess-newbw.jpg), [two](images/oddstuff4/gess-painterdod.jpg). The foxxis community seems to be building up again, although I'm probably going to wind up not doing anything yet again because of my schedule of pain. (yeesh, as though I didn't have enough characters to take care of...) Two. I seem to be getting in the horrible habit of blogging my life as comics. (Bad Aido! Bad!) So, here's some things that happened on [Tuesday](images/oddstuff4/aidoday8-26-03.jpg) (the perils of having an asian father) and [Wednesday](images/oddstuff4/aidoday8-27-03.jpg) (bad touch! BAD TOUCH!). The one from Tuesday has horrible comedic timing. This is why I do not draw either a gag comic nor a generally "funny" comic. Three. I had the most fantastically kickass dream about Pyr a few nights ago. Tried to put it down in comic-form, but then got discouraged from my 3-am art stylings and decided not to finish it. But I got some [nice brush-pen doodles](images/oddstuff4/pyr-brush.jpg) of him down anyway. Four. Finally got up the gall to e-mail Cara Mitten after something like two years of not talking because the both of us were lazy and/or busy. She... is so cool. Still one of my big idols. Got inspired, [drew this](images/oddstuff4/kaidoyawn.jpg). Yeesh, it's been a long time since I drew m' dragon form. \*reminiscent sigh\* Oh yes. And I forgive you, [Steve]( It's not your fault that you didn't know that I was so great when you were at Otakon. I blame it all on [Tino]( XD \*teehee\* (And my [elfwood gallery]( is updated, by the way.) --Aido Finished up Sandman today. I cried. Don't know whether the ending was sad or happy or whether I should just be miserable because there isn't anymore for me to read. Well, except for Endless Nights... there's always that to look forward to... Updated: 8/26/03: (damn, I suppose I AM a girl...) Okay, four things, then I go to bed. Number one: Elizabeth's Pirate fetish You are... Elizabeth's pirate fetish. You're a secret, closet fetish that no one knows about. Except maybe Jack. Something about rum swigging, ne'er do well cads gets your goat. It's okay, I'm sure lots of people feel the EXACT same way. Really. [Which Pirates of the Caribbean Character's Unhealthy Fetish are YOU?]('s%20Unhealthy%20Fetish%20are%20YOU%3F/) brought to you by [Quizilla]( Number two: I would like to say how much in awe I am of [Neil Gaiman]( **The man blogs from his cellphone.** At a Renfaire no less. (one day, I swear I shall write him a piece of fanmail so fantastic, he shall be rendered completely speechless. But until then, I look forward to buying the last two Sandman books.) Number three. Also from Mr. Gaiman's weblog. It is official, I am actually female. [This doohickey]( evaluates your writing and tells you what gender you are. It got me 100% correct, every time. (which has to be something like 25 times by now.) Number four. Also also from Mr. Gaiman's weblog. [Nice Hair](, a comic about people worth reading about. Adorable style. Go through the archives, there's some Sparrow-y goodness in there. And that, as they say, is that. --Aido Updated: 8/24/03: (it is 4:00 am. do you know where... okay, bad attempt at humor.) New [Fallen](fallen.htm) All galleries are updated. I haven't gotten off my ass since about 11:00. Once again, this lifestyle is going to do me in. --Aido Updated: 8/24/03: (early update!) New [Fallen](fallen.htm) Yep, an actual early update for once. (But only because I had that damned page finished on Thursday...) I'm currently working on finishing up updating ALL of the galleries at the Fallen site, then I'm going to go work on a new page of comic. And it's all because I love you people and want to be all set to entertain the masses when I go to college. O\_O I'm going to kill myself with this lifestyle, seriously... O\_@ arrr. --Aido Updated: 8/23/03: (\*grunt\*) Okay, okay, okay, [STEVE]( There, you've been mentioned. >\_> But *just* because you mentioned my name so many times in one sentence. Jeez, it would've helped if you came and met me at Otakon, but nooooo. Whine, whine, whine. --Aido \*snigger\* by the way, I was kidding. Updated: 8/21/03" (\*zombie\*) killed my counter. It's gone now. <> doesn't seem to be working in the chibi Pyr department. He's gone now as well. At least for the time being. I spent something like two hours yesterday working on one panel of fallen, and another five or so on the same panel today. The page is finished now, but I think it'll be saved for Sunday out of spite. The damned thing killed my brain. Ever since I finished that page, I've been working nonstop on the galleries at the fallen site. I've most of the thumbnails done, at least. Which also... killed my brain. I have no idea how I have the capacity to type this at this very moment. On a lighter note, check out [Andrew's comic blog]( He gave me a 2-comic long cameo. It pleases me. Despite my liquefied brain. Also, after visiting his blog, I felt suddenly inclined to do my own biographical comic. So [here's a comic of what I did](images/oddstuff4/aidoweek8-03.jpg) in the past week. It's mildly entertaining. The file is also quite large, since I wrote quite small. I have banner ads up at [Grab Twist Pull](, which also pleases me. It's written by Tino, a guy I met at Otakon who also happens to be going to RIT. If you want to find him in my con report, he was the guy in the Cabbit suit. Or the guy who was worshiping the bunny. Either one. He has DDR in his dorm room. He is my new best friend. It is 1:30 am. I think that my mom is lurking around down stairs to pounce and yell at me for not going to bed sooner. Because, y'know, I'm completely irresponsible. Er, yes. Sleep. Deliquefy brain. --Aido Updated: 8/18/03: (I'm a rebel. Teehee.) New [Fallen](fallen.htm) Late comic update. Bad Aido. Baaad. --Aido Updated: 8/14/03: (yarr!) [My pirate name is:]( Black Anne Bonney Like anyone confronted with the harshness of robbery on the high seas, you can be pessimistic at times. You can be a little bit unpredictable, but a pirate's life is far from full of certainties, so that fits in pretty well. Arr! Hehe, that was entertaining. I got my hair cut yesterday. Well, I got many hairs cut, actually. It used to be down to my waist. Now it's to my shoulders. It's all being [donated]( I did the same thing two years ago, but I don't remember it being this short... ;\_; Oh yeah, and I drew a really cute, really poorly drawn comic. Took me something like two hours. (short in comicking terms.) [One](images/oddstuff4/smallthings1.jpg), [two](images/oddstuff4/smallthings2.jpg). Oh yeah, and I'm putting serious thought into getting t-shirts made for Fallen. I have been made aware of a [place]( that will actually screen-print colored t-shirts (see:black) and a place that will [sell the buggers]( for me. Thaaat's it. Goodnight. --Aido Updated: 8/12/03: (m'rr.) It's 3:30 am. [Con report.](images/otakonpics/otakon03.htm) Bed now. --Aido Updated: 8/5/03: (Otakon! XD ) Yes! Going to Otakon. I'll probably be in the artist alley most of the time. (or stalking the [Machall]( guys...) Look for the short asian girl with glasses who brought way too much stuff. That's me. Also, sorry, no soundtracks. I've been well advised against bringing them because it could get me arrested. And plus I don't have time to burn them at this point anyway. Last minute print: [Suitachi](images/oddstuff4/lanternbearer-f.jpg), the lantern bearer. I love my gods. Hmm. Received another one of those "omg if u dont send this to 20 peopl in 1 hour u'll have bad luck 4 SEVEN years!!!111" chain letters. *"Sorry, but this chain letter is for real.* *When Anne Wichert got it for the first time, she ignored it and a week later the love of her life dumped her for no good reason so BEWARE, and just send the stupid letter!!!!!!"* I can't believe that I actually believed these things when I was 11. I mean, the person who sent it certainly did, looking at the 25 people s/he sent it to... yeeguz. Aaanywho. I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon, but don't expect me to be around before then. I'll be back Sunday night some time. I'm expecting you guys at the forum to behave. --Aido Updated: 8/3/03: (Pirate BOOTAH.) New [Fallen](fallen.htm) Hmm. Otakon troubles have come up. It's now up in the air whether I'll be able to go. <insert long string of swear words here> That said, have a [chaos dragon](images/post/chaos-fin.jpg). They're cute. I really should redo the site layout before the summer's over. And update the galleries. Oy. --Aido Updated: 8/1/03: (Stuff to be sold at Otakon!) Huzzah! Oookay, so here's a quick rundown of what I'm doing for Otakon. First, as mentioned before, no costume for me. Boohoo. *(John for some reason is going at Black Mage from FF1. Why, I have no idea. I still think he would make a mighty fine Sirius Black. But that's because I'm a fangirl.)* How-EVER, I will have my MASSIVE Bunny with Sharp Pointy Teeth with me, at least at my Artist Alley table. [Like so.](images/photo/pointyteeth.jpg) I will also be wearing [this badass pair of wings](images/photo/prettywings.jpg) at least one day. (Yes, I made them myself. Yes, you may pet them if you ask nicely.) Otherwise, I'm short, have glasses, and look kinda asian. (although I'm supposed to look native american without my glasses. >\_> ) Anywho. I'm going to be selling b/w and color prints. I have a nice list going of what I'm making prints of, including [this picture of Kaijyu](images/oddstuff4/kaijyu-ok.jpg) which I drew especially for the event. I am also going to be selling little postcard-type marker things that I've been working on feverishly for the past week. Here's a few of my favorites: [Reah](images/post/reah-fin.jpg), [Singe](images/post/sin-fin.jpg), [Taro](images/post/taro-fin.jpg), [Faustus](images/post/faus-fin.jpg), [Void](images/post/void-fin.jpg), [Chi](images/post/chi-fin.jpg). I'm working on a few actual anime characters at the moment. By the way, markers hate me. And they've made my drawing desk into a warzone. [Check](images/photo/desk-warzone1.jpg) it [out](images/photo/desk-warzone2.jpg). If anyone wants them, I'm burning a few of my character soundtracks, since the people at the [forum]( seemed pretty enthusiastic about it. Or you can just stop by [Rey's]( place. Plug time! Two badass comics: [Damaged](, [Eidolic Fringe]( ... I think that going to bed at 3:30 every night might be bad. Hmm. Must ponder this. --Aido Updated: 7/31/03: (oh, riiight.) I said I'd show off photos, didn't I? And I completely forgot to do my usual 'hey I updated Fallen" announcement on Sunday, too. So I'll do that now. \*ding!\* New [Fallen](fallen.htm) Okay, so photos. There is no such thing as ['YIELD'](images/TRIP03/GIVEWAY.jpg) in England, Scotland, or Wales. There is, however, in Ireland. Coolest family crest... [*EVER*](images/TRIP03/INTIME.jpg). Irony at work: A bookstore in what was once a crypt. Giant [Harry Potter display](images/TRIP03/bookstorecrypt3.jpg) right in the middle of it. Once again, [irony at work](images/TRIP03/mindyourhead.jpg). At Eilan Dunan, niftiest castle ever. This was on the side of a bank. [It scares me](images/TRIP03/scarythingie.jpg). [The highlands kicked ass](images/TRIP03/highlands7.jpg). No, I didn't play with the saturation on this. However, I did play with the [saturation on this](images/TRIP03/sunset5.jpg). And [this one as well](images/TRIP03/novasun2.jpg). I [stalked these people](images/TRIP03/clownbatman2.jpg) for a few blocks trying to get a good picture of them. >\_> Ah, Scotland. [So many sheep](images/TRIP03/roadsheep2.jpg). [Coolest tower I've ever seen](images/TRIP03/evoltower3.jpg). So very evil... XD I absolutely fell in love with my digital camera when I discovered that I could do [stuff like THIS](images/TRIP03/greenlight5.jpg) on it in low-light conditions. This was [our wakeup call](images/TRIP03/wakeupcall2.jpg) on one of the last days in Ireland. A pair of doves sitting right outside our window. It was weeird. I didn't get the female in there. >\_o [HEENNRRYYY](images/TRIP03/henrywantsYOU.jpg) ["Fun" things](images/TRIP03/fun2.jpg) in the airport bathroom. To try and appease my mom, I did my best not to show pictures of myself. Because that would be morally wrong or somesuch. Yep, that's it. I'll talk about Otakon tomorrow. Which I'm still going to, by the way. --A[i](images/TRIP03/contemplative.jpg)do Updated: 7/26/03: (bad forum! no cookie!) Huzzah! I can FTP again! (sorry, would've updated the blurb sooner...) Whooo.... okay, finally the site's back up. Couldn't control the downtime. Also, the forum went and died, so it's still up, just mostly empty. (It had to be restarted from a backup from May, which was when it was created... >\_o ) [Please post!]( Oh yes, and if you had a special ranking or somesuch, please PM me to give it back to you, because it's most likely gone. The UK? It was fun-tastic. And I wouldn't use such a stupid sounding word unless it was true. The trip was really great. I'm still going through photos, but I'll post a whole bunch for your viewing pleasure at a later date. Went to Stonehenge, Eilan Dunan (the coolest castle EVER), Loch Ness, York, Edinburgh, Dublin, a whole slew of other places... fun-fun-fun. I do wish we could've spent more time in York and Edinburgh... they're really nifty cities. By the way... Pirates of the Caribbean is a sexy, sexy movie. I was so engrossed in Johnny Depp's character that I completely ignored Orlando Bloom. I love pirates. Finally, **is anyone going to** [**Otakon**](**this year?** Apparently [Slimu]( was *going* to go, but now he isn't and it makes me weep. I'm probably going to be hanging out in the artist alley the entire time, alone and costumeless. (\*sniffle\* I didn't have time to make a costume this year... >\_> ) Please [e-mail]( me if you're going or want to buy prints or something. I'm also going to try to bring a few of the character soundtracks, if anyone wants them. I'll just give one to you if you ask nicely. And if you pose with my Mr. Neutron-sized Rabbit With Sharp Pointy Teeth for a picture... >\_> Okay, off to start this weeks update... hoo-dee-dum... --Aido Yess! I got my roommate's name! Now if only this 'Trisha' person would answer her phone... [top of the page](main.htm)   |   | | | | [All](images/otakonpics/otakon03.htm) art and other material posted on this site copyright 2001-2002 to [Kaido Rakaen]( unless otherwise noted.
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<p><a href="poems.html">Poems</a></p> <p></p> </div> </td> <td width="33%"> <div align="center"> <p><a href="prayer.html">A Prayer to the Global Corporate Gods</a></p> </div> <div align="center"> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </td> <td width="33%"> <div align="center"> <p><a href="quiz.html">Quiz</a></p> <p></p> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="33%" style="height: 70px"> <p align="center">&nbsp;</p> <p align="center">&nbsp;</p></td> <td width="33%" style="height: 70px"> <div align="center"> <a href="hcs/about.html">Computer Services</a></div> <div align="center"> &nbsp;</div> </td> <td width="33%" style="height: 70px"> <div align="center"> <a href="ghosts'n_goblins.htm">MP3 Music from Ghosts'n Goblins and Ghouls'n Ghosts Arcade Video Games</a></div> <div align="center"> &nbsp;</div> </td> </tr> </table> <p align="left">&nbsp;</p> <center> <table border="0" width="750" id="table8" bordercolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" align="left"> &quot;To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.&quot; - Judgment of the International Military Tribunal for the Trial of German Major War Criminals - Nuremberg, Germany 1946</td> </tr> </table> <p>&nbsp;</p> <table border="0" width="750" id="table6" bordercolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF">In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 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<html> <head> <title>HOT DOG Linux</title> </head> <body style="background-color:yellow;"> <div style="width:80%; margin:auto; background-color:white;border: 1px solid black;"> <div style="border: 4px solid red;"> <div style="border: 1px solid black; padding-left:1em; padding-right:1em;"> <h1 align=center><img src="logo.png" style="padding-bottom:4px"> HOT DOG Linux <img src="logo.png" style="padding-bottom:4px"></h1> <hr style="clear:both"> <h2>Download</h2> <p> Installer ISO based on Slackware64 (1.42 GB) <p> Minimal ISO based on Slackware64 that runs from RAM (192 MB) <p> Boot with Legacy BIOS. <p> If using VirtualBox, 3D acceleration should be enabled. <p> This is a multilib system, the only 32-bit application included is Wine. <p> It comes with the 64-bit gcc only, so the included gcc cannot create 32 bit binaries. <p> It is a stripped down system that does not include systemd, wayland, elogind, polkit, pulseaudio, or NetworkManager. <p> <a href="download/">Download Here</a> <h2>Hot Dog (Linux) on a (USB) stick</h2> <p> To write the image to a USB drive: <pre> $ dd if=/path/to/file.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=1M /path/to/file.iso is the file name of the image file. /dev/sdX is the USB device to write the image to. Run as root. Be careful not to write to the wrong drive. </pre> <h2>Source Code</h2> <ul> <li><a href="">Github</a> </ul> <h2>Misc</h2> <ul> <li><a href="TheIdealProgrammingLanguage/index.html">The Ideal Programming Language</a> <li><a href="CartoonsComicStripsAndUserInterfaces/index.html">Cartoons, Comic Strips, and User Interfaces</a> <li><a href="EverythingIsAStream/index.html">Everything Is A Stream</a> <li><a href="PerlAndUseStrict/index.html">Perl and 'use strict'</a> </ul> <ul> <li><a href="InstallationScreenshotsHotDogStand/index.html">Installation Screenshots Hot Dog Stand</a> <li><a href="InstallationScreenshotsAmiga/index.html">Installation Screenshots Amiga</a> <li><a href="InstallationScreenshotsAtariST/index.html">Installation Screenshots Atari ST</a> <li><a href="InstallationScreenshotsWin31/index.html">Installation Screenshots Windows 3.1</a> <li><a href="InstallationScreenshotsMacClassic/index.html">Installation Screenshots Mac Classic</a> <li><a href="InstallationScreenshotsMacPlatinum/index.html">Installation Screenshots Mac Platinum</a> <li><a href="InstallationScreenshotsAqua/index.html">Installation Screenshots Aqua</a> </ul> <ul> <li><a href="HowToShowAnAlert/index.html">How To Show An Alert</a> <li><a href="HowToShowAConfirmationDialog/index.html">How To Show A Confirmation Dialog</a> <li><a href="HowToShowAChecklistDialog/index.html">How To Show A Checklist Dialog</a> <li><a href="HowToShowARadioButtonDialog/index.html">How To Show A Radio Button Dialog</a> <li><a href="HowToShowATextFieldDialog/index.html">How To Show A Text Field Dialog</a> <li><a href="HowToShowAPasswordDialog/index.html">How To Show A Password Dialog</a> </ul> <ul> <li><a href="HowToConfigureWindowPlacement/index.html">How To Configure Window Placement</a> <li><a href="HowToConfigureMenuBar/index.html">How To Configure Menu Bar</a> </ul> <h2>Overview</h2> <p> The design goals of HOT DOG Linux include: <ul> <li>Graphical user interface based on retro computer systems including Windows 3.1 Hot Dog Stand, Amiga Workbench, Atari ST GEM, and Mac Classic and Aqua <li>Custom lightweight Objective-C foundation <li>Bitmapped graphics, low DPI displays <li>No Unicode support by design </ul> <p> HOT DOG Linux uses a custom lightweight Objective-C foundation on top of the GCC Objective-C runtime. The style of Objective-C is completely different from the one Apple uses, everything is basically <b>id</b>. <p> By design, Unicode is not supported. <p> Low DPI displays are preferred, since the graphics are bitmapped and fixed in size. The preferred aspect ratio for HOT DOG Linux is 5:4 in landscape, and 3:4 in portrait. <p> HOT DOG Linux does not use Automatic Reference Counting. It causes problems with type-checking during compilation (it is too strict). <p> HOT DOG Linux is an acronym that stands for <b>H</b>orrible <b>O</b>bsolete <b>T</b>ypeface and <b>D</b>readful <b>O</b>nscreen <b>G</b>raphics for Linux. <h2>How to compile and run</h2> <pre> $ sh $ perl To run the window manager: $ ./hotdog runWindowManager To run the iPod style interface: $ ./hotdog </pre> <h2>Notes</h2> <p> Aqua mode uses 'compton' for window drop shadows and 'feh' to set the wallpaper. <p> Some of the Perl scripts use the JSON module. <h2>Screenshots</h2> <p> Mac Platinum Screenshot 1280x1024 <p> <div style="width:100%;overflow-x:scroll;white-space:nowrap"><img src="hotdog-screenshot-macplatinum.png"></div> <p> Mac Color Screenshot 1280x1024 <p> <div style="width:100%;overflow-x:scroll;white-space:nowrap"><img src="hotdog-screenshot-maccolor.png"></div> <p> Mac Classic Screenshot 1280x1024 <p> <div style="width:100%;overflow-x:scroll;white-space:nowrap"><img src="hotdog-screenshot-macclassic.png"></div> <p> Amiga Screenshot 1280x1024 <p> <div style="width:100%;overflow-x:scroll;white-space:nowrap"><img src="hotdog-screenshot-amiga.png"></div> <p> Atari ST Screenshot 1280x1024 <p> <div style="width:100%;overflow-x:scroll;white-space:nowrap"><img src="hotdog-screenshot-atarist.png"></div> <p> Aqua Screenshot 1280x1024 <p> <div style="width:100%;overflow-x:scroll;white-space:nowrap"><img src="hotdog-screenshot-aqua.png"></div> <p> Windows 3.1 Screenshot 1280x1024 <p> <div style="width:100%;overflow-x:scroll;white-space:nowrap"><img src="hotdog-screenshot-win31.png"></div> <h2>HOTDOGbuntu -- Ubuntu compatibility</h2> <p> HOTDOG can be run on Ubuntu and its derivatives. <p> See the NOTES-Ubuntu file for more information. <h2>Related Project</h2> <p> PUCKO Linux Web Browser <p> <a href=""></a> <h2>Legal</h2> <p> Copyright (c) 2020 Arthur Choung. All rights reserved. <p> Email: arthur -at- <p> Released under the GNU General Public License, version 3. <p> For details on the license, refer to the LICENSE file. </div> </div> </div> <!-- Key Concepts States and Transitions Regular Expressions Pushdown Automata Turing Machines - Human readable and editable text files Executable programs are preferred with communication using stdio Network should not be accessed directly, but through executable program --> </body> </html>
HOT DOG Linux # HOT DOG Linux --- ## Download Installer ISO based on Slackware64 (1.42 GB) Minimal ISO based on Slackware64 that runs from RAM (192 MB) Boot with Legacy BIOS. If using VirtualBox, 3D acceleration should be enabled. This is a multilib system, the only 32-bit application included is Wine. It comes with the 64-bit gcc only, so the included gcc cannot create 32 bit binaries. It is a stripped down system that does not include systemd, wayland, elogind, polkit, pulseaudio, or NetworkManager. [Download Here](download/) ## Hot Dog (Linux) on a (USB) stick To write the image to a USB drive: ``` $ dd if=/path/to/file.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=1M /path/to/file.iso is the file name of the image file. /dev/sdX is the USB device to write the image to. Run as root. Be careful not to write to the wrong drive. ``` ## Source Code * [Github]( ## Misc * [The Ideal Programming Language](TheIdealProgrammingLanguage/index.html)* [Cartoons, Comic Strips, and User Interfaces](CartoonsComicStripsAndUserInterfaces/index.html)* [Everything Is A Stream](EverythingIsAStream/index.html)* [Perl and 'use strict'](PerlAndUseStrict/index.html) * [Installation Screenshots Hot Dog Stand](InstallationScreenshotsHotDogStand/index.html)* [Installation Screenshots Amiga](InstallationScreenshotsAmiga/index.html)* [Installation Screenshots Atari ST](InstallationScreenshotsAtariST/index.html)* [Installation Screenshots Windows 3.1](InstallationScreenshotsWin31/index.html)* [Installation Screenshots Mac Classic](InstallationScreenshotsMacClassic/index.html)* [Installation Screenshots Mac Platinum](InstallationScreenshotsMacPlatinum/index.html)* [Installation Screenshots Aqua](InstallationScreenshotsAqua/index.html) * [How To Show An Alert](HowToShowAnAlert/index.html)* [How To Show A Confirmation Dialog](HowToShowAConfirmationDialog/index.html)* [How To Show A Checklist Dialog](HowToShowAChecklistDialog/index.html)* [How To Show A Radio Button Dialog](HowToShowARadioButtonDialog/index.html)* [How To Show A Text Field Dialog](HowToShowATextFieldDialog/index.html)* [How To Show A Password Dialog](HowToShowAPasswordDialog/index.html) * [How To Configure Window Placement](HowToConfigureWindowPlacement/index.html)* [How To Configure Menu Bar](HowToConfigureMenuBar/index.html) ## Overview The design goals of HOT DOG Linux include: * Graphical user interface based on retro computer systems including Windows 3.1 Hot Dog Stand, Amiga Workbench, Atari ST GEM, and Mac Classic and Aqua * Custom lightweight Objective-C foundation * Bitmapped graphics, low DPI displays * No Unicode support by design HOT DOG Linux uses a custom lightweight Objective-C foundation on top of the GCC Objective-C runtime. The style of Objective-C is completely different from the one Apple uses, everything is basically **id**. By design, Unicode is not supported. Low DPI displays are preferred, since the graphics are bitmapped and fixed in size. The preferred aspect ratio for HOT DOG Linux is 5:4 in landscape, and 3:4 in portrait. HOT DOG Linux does not use Automatic Reference Counting. It causes problems with type-checking during compilation (it is too strict). HOT DOG Linux is an acronym that stands for **H**orrible **O**bsolete **T**ypeface and **D**readful **O**nscreen **G**raphics for Linux. ## How to compile and run ``` $ sh $ perl To run the window manager: $ ./hotdog runWindowManager To run the iPod style interface: $ ./hotdog ``` ## Notes Aqua mode uses 'compton' for window drop shadows and 'feh' to set the wallpaper. Some of the Perl scripts use the JSON module. ## Screenshots Mac Platinum Screenshot 1280x1024 ![](hotdog-screenshot-macplatinum.png) Mac Color Screenshot 1280x1024 ![](hotdog-screenshot-maccolor.png) Mac Classic Screenshot 1280x1024 ![](hotdog-screenshot-macclassic.png) Amiga Screenshot 1280x1024 ![](hotdog-screenshot-amiga.png) Atari ST Screenshot 1280x1024 ![](hotdog-screenshot-atarist.png) Aqua Screenshot 1280x1024 ![](hotdog-screenshot-aqua.png) Windows 3.1 Screenshot 1280x1024 ![](hotdog-screenshot-win31.png) ## HOTDOGbuntu -- Ubuntu compatibility HOTDOG can be run on Ubuntu and its derivatives. See the NOTES-Ubuntu file for more information. ## Related Project PUCKO Linux Web Browser <> ## Legal Copyright (c) 2020 Arthur Choung. All rights reserved. Email: arthur -at- Released under the GNU General Public License, version 3. For details on the license, refer to the LICENSE file.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" /> <title> aka eddieworld.</title> <meta content=" 2.1 (Win32)" name="GENERATOR" /> <meta content="20000612;12234657" name="CREATED" /> <meta content="20080706;11485085" name="CHANGED" /> <meta content="photography, gliding, Nimbin, Chainsaw mill, sonar,gallery" name="KEYWORDS" /> <meta content="Eddie Matejowsky's home page" name="ÿ%£¦bÿ%£¦bÿ%" /> <style type="text/css"><!-- TD P { color: #000000 } P { color: #000000 } A:link { color: #0000ee } A:visited { color: #551a8b } --> </style> </head> <body bgcolor="#c0c0c0" dir="ltr" lang="en-US" link="#0000ee" text="#000000" vlink="#551a8b"><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title> aka eddieworld.</title> <meta name="GENERATOR" content=" 2.1 (Win32)" /> <meta name="CREATED" content="20000612;12234657" /> <meta name="CHANGED" content="20080706;11485085" /> <meta name="KEYWORDS" content="photography, gliding, Nimbin, Chainsaw mill, sonar,gallery" /> <meta name="ÿ%£¦bÿ%£¦bÿ%" content="Eddie Matejowsky's home page" /> <style type="text/css"><!-- TD P { color: #000000 } P { color: #000000 } A:link { color: #0000ee } A:visited { color: #551a8b } --> </style> <p align="center">.<font size="6"><font size="6">Welcome to</font> E<font size="6"></font></font><br /> <font size="4">Brisbane (Ipswich), Queensland, Australia.</font><br /> <img vspace="10" border="0" align="bottom" src="mug.gif" name="Graphic1" /><br /> <span lang="en-GB"><font size="4">Eddie Matejowsky</font><br /> <font size="4">Updated on 12-Jan-2008</font></span></p> <p align="center"><span lang="en-GB"><font size="5" style="font-size: 20pt;">This is my old site.</font></span></p> <p align="center"><span lang="en-GB"><font size="5" style="font-size: 20pt;">New stuff is mostly on <a href=""></a><br /> I also have a <a href="">youtube channel,</a> a <a href="">thingiverse page</a>, and a personal <a href="tikiwiki/tiki-index.php">wiki.</a></font></span></p> <p align="center"><span lang="en-GB"><font size="5" style="font-size: 20pt;"><a href="">3D-printing stuff is here.</a> </font></span></p> <p align="center"><a href=""><font size="5" style="font-size: 20pt"><span lang="en-GB">Aptera and EV.</span></font></a></p> <p align="center"><a href="contact/contact.htm"><span lang="en-GB"><font size="4">How to contact me.</font></span></a></p> <p align="center">&nbsp;</p> <p align="center"><a href="photo/index.html"><img border="0" align="texttop" src="reefstrip.jpg" name="Graphic20" /></a><br /> <span lang="en-GB">My free <a href="photo/index.html">photography stuff </a>has been merged with the main site.</span></p> <center> <table width="727" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" border="0"> <colgroup> <col width="123" /> <col width="421" /> <col width="123" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td width="123"> <p align="center"><span lang="en-GB"><a href="fiction/The%20watchers/Watchers.html">My Book.</a><font color="#0000ee"><a href="fiction/The%20watchers/Watchers.html"><font color="#0000ee"><img border="3" align="bottom" src="lily-thm.gif" name="graphics2" /></font></a></font></span></p> </td> <td width="421" rowspan="6"> <p><span lang="en-GB"><strong>Either click the image or the coloured text to follow the links.</strong></span></p> <p align="center">&nbsp;</p> <p align="center"><img border="0" align="bottom" src="projects/wood/turbostove/flame2.gif" name="graphics4" /></p> <p align="center">&nbsp;</p> <div align="center"><font><a href="projects/wood/turbostove/stove.html"><span lang="en-GB"><font size="4">My Turbo stoves.</font></span></a></font></div> <p><span lang="en-GB">I don't know about you but I think we live in very dangerous times. Instead of rambling on, blog style, I decided the write a series of fictional books about it. At the end of 2005, I put <a href="fiction/The%20watchers/Watchers.html">book-one online.</a> It is a creative commons license and free to download and share.</span></p> <p><span lang="en-GB">At the end of 2004 I started experimenting with <a href="toys/rcplanes/rcm.html">model aircraft </a>for aerial photography. It is an ongoing project.<br /> <br /> I've been gliding since 1986, see my <a href="gliding/gliding.htm">Gliding Page</a> for more.</span></p> <p align="left"><span lang="en-GB">In 1996 I became a member of&nbsp; the Nimbin Rocks Cooperative. Visit my <a href="nimbin/nimbin.html">Nimbin Page</a> for more photos, links and information.&nbsp; </span></p> <p><span lang="en-GB">Most years I spend a few weeks camping on remote <a href="trips/reef/reef.htm">islands</a> off the Queensland coast. Here you will find around 20 photos from past trips.&nbsp;</span></p> <p><span lang="en-GB">One of the significant books for the 1997 was <a href="fact4/fact4.htm">Factor 4</a>, in my factor 4 page I'll put stuff that is (perhaps loosely) related to Factor 4 and green technology, including some stuff on absorption refrigeration.&nbsp; </span></p> <p><span lang="en-GB">If you're wondering what I do for a living, take a look at my <a href="micros/micros.htm">Micros</a> page. There's also some history of my 25 years of computing. Also see<a href="work/homework.html"> current work projects.</a></span></p> <p><span lang="en-GB">Here are some <a href="projects/projects.htm">projects</a> I've been working on, a <a href="projects/loo/loo.htm">homemade composting toilet</a>, a <a href="projects/wood/sbstove/stove.htm">wood burning heater</a> ,a <a href="projects/csmill/mill.htm">chainsaw mill</a> and other stuff.... </span></p> <p><span lang="en-GB">I don't play cards, I do however play the odd game of Mancala. If you don't know how and wish you did - then <a href="mancala/mancala.htm">visit my Mancala page</a>. </span></p> <p><span lang="en-GB">In April/2000 I bought myself a present - a new <a href="car/harvey.htm">Honda HRV.</a></span></p> <p><span lang="en-GB">The ability to search the web has put me in contact with other people who share my surname. The <a href="matejowsky/matejowsky.htm">Matejowsky</a> page is mainly intended for other Matejowsky's who may be looking for me.</span></p> <p><span lang="en-GB">I'll try not to dazzle you with the hundreds of <a href="links.htm">links</a> I've collected. Here are just a few of my favourites. Some <a href="friends.htm">friends pages are here.</a></span></p> <p align="center"><br /> </p> <p align="center"><a href="fiction/The%20watchers/Watchers.html"><span lang="en-GB"><font size="5" style="font-size: 20pt;">My free e-book is here.</font></span></a></p> </td> <td width="123"> <p align="center"><span lang="en-GB"><a href="toys/rcplanes/rcm.html">Flying toys</a>.<font color="#0000ee"><a href="toys/rcplanes/rcm.html"><font color="#0000ee"><img border="3" align="bottom" src="abx-thm.gif" name="graphics3" /></font></a></font></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="123"> <p align="center"><span lang="en-GB"><a href="gliding/gliding.htm">Gliding</a><br /> <font color="#0000ee"><a href="gliding/gliding.htm"><font color="#0000ee"><img border="3" align="absbottom" src="glide_thumb.jpg" name="Graphic2" alt="vp" /></font></a></font></span></p> </td> <td width="123"> <p align="center"><span lang="en-GB"><a href="nimbin/nimbin.html">Nimbin</a><br /> <font color="#0000ee"><a href="nimbin/nimbin.html"><font color="#0000ee"><img border="3" align="absbottom" src="rock_thumb.jpg" name="Graphic6" /></font></a></font></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="123"> <p align="center"><span lang="en-GB"><a href="trips/trips.html">Holiday Trips</a><br /> <font color="#0000ee"><a href="trips/trips.html"><font color="#0000ee"><img border="3" align="bottom" src="baby-thumb.jpg" name="Graphic3" /></font></a></font></span></p> </td> <td width="123"> <p align="center"><span lang="en-GB"><a href="fact4/fact4.htm">Factor 4</a><br /> <font color="#0000ee"><a href="fact4/fact4.htm"><font color="#0000ee"><img border="3" align="absbottom" src="fac4-thumb.jpg" name="Graphic7" /></font></a></font></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="123"> <p align="center"><span lang="en-GB"><a href="micros/micros.htm">Micros</a><br /> <font color="#0000ee"><a href="micros/micros.htm"><font color="#0000ee"><img border="3" align="bottom" src="tn_hc16.gif" name="Graphic4" /></font></a></font></span></p> </td> <td width="123"> <p align="center"><span lang="en-GB"><font color="#0000ee"><a href="mancala/mancala.htm">Mancala</a><br /> <font color="#0000ee"><a href="mancala/mancala.htm"><font color="#0000ee"><img border="3" align="bottom" src="calathm.jpg" name="Graphic8" /></font></a></font></font></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="123"> <p align="center"><span lang="en-GB"><a href="projects/csmill/mill.htm">Chainsaw Mill</a><br /> <font color="#0000ee"><a href="projects/csmill/mill.htm"><font color="#0000ee"><img border="3" align="bottom" src="millthmb.jpg" name="Graphic5" /></font></a></font></span></p> </td> <td width="123"> <p align="center"><span lang="en-GB"><a href="car/harvey.htm">HaRVey</a><br /> <font color="#0000ee"><a href="car/harvey.htm"><font color="#0000ee"><img border="3" align="texttop" src="car-thumb.jpg" name="Graphic11" /></font></a></font></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="123"> <p align="center"><span lang="en-GB"><a href="links.htm">Links</a><br /> <font color="#0000ee"><a href="links.htm"><font color="#0000ee"><img border="3" align="texttop" src="links_thmb.jpg" name="Graphic12" /></font></a></font></span></p> </td> <td width="123"> <p align="center"><span lang="en-GB"><a href="projects/chirp/chirp.htm">HomeSonar</a><br /> <font color="#0000ee"><font color="#0000ee"><a href="projects/chirp/chirp.htm"><font color="#0000ee"><img border="3" align="bottom" src="chirp.GIF" name="Graphic16" /></font></a></font></font></span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </center> <p lang="en-GB" align="center">My ABN is 36889427879</p> <center> <table width="181" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0"> <colgroup> <col width="177" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td width="177" height="45"> <p align="left"><a href=""><img border="0" align="bottom" src="" name="graphics1" alt="Simple Hit Counter" /></a><!--END RiteCounter--></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </center> <p align="left"><br /> </p></body> </html> aka eddieworld. <!-- TD P { color: #000000 } P { color: #000000 } A:link { color: #0000ee } A:visited { color: #551a8b } --> aka eddieworld. <!-- TD P { color: #000000 } P { color: #000000 } A:link { color: #0000ee } A:visited { color: #551a8b } --> .Welcome to Brisbane (Ipswich), Queensland, Australia. ![](mug.gif) Eddie Matejowsky Updated on 12-Jan-2008 This is my old site. New stuff is mostly on []( I also have a [youtube channel,]( a [thingiverse page](, and a personal [wiki.](tikiwiki/tiki-index.php) [3D-printing stuff is here.]( [Aptera and EV.]( [How to contact me.](contact/contact.htm)   [![](reefstrip.jpg)](photo/index.html) My free [photography stuff](photo/index.html) has been merged with the main site. | [My Book.](fiction/The%20watchers/Watchers.html) | **Either click the image or the coloured text to follow the links.**     [My Turbo stoves.](projects/wood/turbostove/stove.html) I don't know about you but I think we live in very dangerous times. Instead of rambling on, blog style, I decided the write a series of fictional books about it. At the end of 2005, I put [book-one online.](fiction/The%20watchers/Watchers.html) It is a creative commons license and free to download and share. At the end of 2004 I started experimenting with [model aircraft](toys/rcplanes/rcm.html) for aerial photography. It is an ongoing project. I've been gliding since 1986, see my [Gliding Page](gliding/gliding.htm) for more. In 1996 I became a member of  the Nimbin Rocks Cooperative. Visit my [Nimbin Page](nimbin/nimbin.html) for more photos, links and information.  Most years I spend a few weeks camping on remote [islands](trips/reef/reef.htm) off the Queensland coast. Here you will find around 20 photos from past trips.  One of the significant books for the 1997 was [Factor 4](fact4/fact4.htm), in my factor 4 page I'll put stuff that is (perhaps loosely) related to Factor 4 and green technology, including some stuff on absorption refrigeration.  If you're wondering what I do for a living, take a look at my [Micros](micros/micros.htm) page. There's also some history of my 25 years of computing. Also see [current work projects.](work/homework.html) Here are some [projects](projects/projects.htm) I've been working on, a [homemade composting toilet](projects/loo/loo.htm), a [wood burning heater](projects/wood/sbstove/stove.htm) ,a [chainsaw mill](projects/csmill/mill.htm) and other stuff.... I don't play cards, I do however play the odd game of Mancala. If you don't know how and wish you did - then [visit my Mancala page](mancala/mancala.htm). In April/2000 I bought myself a present - a new [Honda HRV.](car/harvey.htm) The ability to search the web has put me in contact with other people who share my surname. The [Matejowsky](matejowsky/matejowsky.htm) page is mainly intended for other Matejowsky's who may be looking for me. I'll try not to dazzle you with the hundreds of [links](links.htm) I've collected. Here are just a few of my favourites. Some [friends pages are here.](friends.htm) [My free e-book is here.](fiction/The%20watchers/Watchers.html) | [Flying toys](toys/rcplanes/rcm.html). | | [Gliding](gliding/gliding.htm) [vp](gliding/gliding.htm) | [Nimbin](nimbin/nimbin.html) | | [Holiday Trips](trips/trips.html) | [Factor 4](fact4/fact4.htm) | | [Micros](micros/micros.htm) | [Mancala](mancala/mancala.htm) | | [Chainsaw Mill](projects/csmill/mill.htm) | [HaRVey](car/harvey.htm) | | [Links](links.htm) | [HomeSonar](projects/chirp/chirp.htm) | My ABN is 36889427879 | [Simple Hit Counter]( |
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Composer List</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=utf-8" > <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var blinks = document.getElementsByTagName('blink'); var visibility = 'hidden'; window.setInterval(function() { for (var i = blinks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { blinks[i].style.visibility = visibility; } visibility = (visibility === 'visible') ? 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<A HREF="#Haydn (Michael)">Haydn (Michael)</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Hedges">Hedges</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Hensel">Hensel</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Holst">Holst</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Holst (Imogen)">Holst (Imogen)</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Honegger">Honegger</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Hooper">Hooper</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Horovitz">Horovitz</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Howells">Howells</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Hummel">Hummel</A> &nbsp; <BR> <A HREF="#Ireland">Ireland</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Irvine">Irvine</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Ives">Ives</A> &nbsp; <BR> <A HREF="#Jackson">Jackson</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Jenkins">Jenkins</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#John IV">John IV</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Jommelli">Jommelli</A> &nbsp; <BR> <A HREF="#Kodaly">Kodaly</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Kuhnau">Kuhnau</A> &nbsp; <BR> <A HREF="#Lambert">Lambert</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Lassus">Lassus</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Lauridsen">Lauridsen</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Lawes">Lawes</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Leighton">Leighton</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Leoncavallo">Leoncavallo</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Leontovych & Wilhousky">Leontovych & Wilhousky</A> &nbsp; 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<A HREF="#Weelkes">Weelkes</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Wesley">Wesley</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Whitacre">Whitacre</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#White">White</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Widor">Widor</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Wilberg">Wilberg</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Williamson">Williamson (Malcolm)</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#WillcocksJ">Willcocks (Jonathan)</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Wise">Wise</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Wishart">Wishart</A> &nbsp; <A HREF="#Wood">Wood</A> &nbsp; <BR> <A HREF="#Zelenka">Zelenka</A> &nbsp; </P> <P><A HREF="#end">Straight to Page End, and Back to Site Homepage</A></P> <P>Here is a List of all the Works I have keyed in, and which you can download as Midi Files in one form or another (that is, either voice-emphasized or not!). <FONT COLOR="#FF0000"><I>Simply navigate - <B>follow/click on the links</B> - through the system until you come to the pages with the actual Music Files on them, and then <B>click</B> on the Files you want to download.</I></FONT>:-</P> <P>If any of them aren't associated with links it means either that I'm still keying them in or that while they're available they're awaiting revision for uploading. Or possibly that, though they're ready for uploading, as yet I haven't acquired the necessary space (you'd be surprised how much space these Midi Files take up, especially when each one comes in five flavours!).</P> <P>And if some of the links don't work? Probably I've made a mistake - such as calling a file "FILE.MID" but then carelessly referring to it as "file.mid" ... which makes a case-sensitive Unix-based Server report that it - "file.mid" - doesn't exist! This happens quite a lot, I'm afraid, and is the most likely reason for a "page not available" comment from your browser. <STRONG>If you find this happens, please let me know.</STRONG> </P> <TABLE CELLPADDING=8> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Albert">Albert, Prince Consort</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Albert/Te Deum/te-deum.html">Te Deum</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Aleotti">Aleotti</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Aleotti/Angelus ad pastores ait/angelus.html">Angelus ad pastores ait</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Alfven">Alfven</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Alfven/Julsang/Julsang.html">Julsang</A> <font color="RED">- <blink style="visibility: visible;"> not publicly available </blink> </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Allegri">Allegri</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Allegri/Miserere/miserere.html">Miserere mei Deus</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Anerio">Anerio</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Anerio/Christus-factus-est/christus-factus-est.html">Christus factus est</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Arbo">Arbo</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Arbo/Crossing the bar/CrossBar.html">Crossing the bar</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Arnesen">Arnesen</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Arnesen/Christmas Night/Christmas-Night.html">Christmas Night</A> <font color="RED">- <blink style="visibility: visible;"> not publicly available </blink> </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Ash">Ash</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Ash/Pelicantata/pelicantata.html">The Pelicantata</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Astorga">Astorga</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Astorga/Stabat Mater/stabat-mater.html">Stabat Mater</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Austin">Austin</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Austin/Farmhouse-songs/farmhouse-songs.html">Songs in a farmhouse</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Ayleward">Ayleward</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Ayleward/Preces+Responses/preces+responses.html">Preces & Responses</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Bach-CPE">Bach, CPE</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Bach-CPE/Magnificat/magnificat.html">Magnificat (Wq 215)</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Bach JChr">Bach, JChr</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Bach JChr/Magnificat/magnificat.html">Magnificat</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Bach JM">Bach, JM</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Bach JM/Nun treten wir/nun-treten.html">Nun treten wir ins neue Jahr</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Bach">Bach, JS</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Bach/BWV11 Ascension Oratorio/ascension-oratorio.html">Ascension Oratorio (Cantata 11)</A> <FONT COLOR=RED>(complete)</FONT> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Cantata 21/cantata-21.html">Cantata 21</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Cantata 30/cantata-30.html">Cantata 30</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Cantata 29/cantata-29.html">Cantata 29</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Cantata 40/cantata-40.html">Cantata 40</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Cantata.063/cant063.html">Cantata 63</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Cantata 118/BWV118.html">Cantata 118 (O Jesu Christ, Mein's Lebens Licht)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Cantata.131/BWV131.html">Cantata 131</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Cantata 137/cantata137.html">Cantata 137</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Cantata 140/cantata-140.html">Cantata 140</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Cantata 146/cantata-146.html">Cantata 146</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Cantata 147/cantata-147.html">Cantata 147</A> (inc. "Jesus bleibet meine Freude")<BR> <A HREF="Bach/Cantata.191/cant191.html">Cantata 191</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Cantata 229/cantata-229.html">Cantata 229 (Komm, Jesu, komm)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Chorale bits/chorale-bits.html">Chorale segments</A><BR> <A HREF="Bach/Jesu-joy/jesu-joy.html">Jesu, joy of Man's desiring</A><BR> <A HREF="Bach/St-John/stjohn.html">St. John Passion</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/St Luke Passion/st-luke-passion.html">St. Luke Passion</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Matthew/matthew.html">St. Matthew Passion</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/XmasOrat/xmasorat.html">Christmas Oratorio</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Easter-Oratorio/easter-oratorio.html">Easter Oratorio</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Magnificat in D/Magnificat-in-D.html">Magnificat in D</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/B-minor/b-minor.html">Mass in B minor</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Mass-in-F-Major/mass-in-f-major.html">Mass in F major</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bach/Missa Brevis in A/missa-brevis-in-a.html">Missa Brevis in A-major (BWV 234)</A><BR> <A HREF="Bach/Singet-dem-Herrn/singet-dem-herrn.html">Motet 1 (BWV 225): Singet dem Herrn</A> (Sing ye to the Lord a new song)<BR> <A HREF="Bach/Der geist hilft/der-geist-hilft.html">Motet 2 (BWV 226): Der Geist hilft unsrer schwachheit auf</A> (The Spirit gives aid to our weakness)<BR> <A HREF="Bach/Jesu meine Freude/jesu-meine-freude.html">Motet 3 (BWV 227): Jesu, meine Freude</A> (Jesus, my great pleasure<BR> <A HREF="Bach/Motet 4 BWV 228/motet-4.html">Motet 4 (BWV 228): Fürchte dich nicht</A> (Do not fear)<BR> <A HREF="Bach/Cantata 229/cantata-229.html">Motet 5 (BWV 229): Komm, Jesu, komm</A> (Come, Jesus, come) <BR> <A HREF="Bach/O-praise-the-Lord/o-praise.html">Motet 6 (BWV 230): Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden </A> (O praise the Lord, all ye Nations)<BR> <A HREF="Bach/Sheep may safely graze (BWV 208)/sheep-graze.html">Sheep may safely graze (BWV 208) - James Winfield arrangement<BR> <A HREF="Bach/Cantata.140/cant140.html">Zion hears her watchman calling (parts 4 & 7 of Cantata 140)</A><BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Bainton">Bainton</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Bainton/And-I-saw/and-i-saw.html">And I saw a new heaven</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Bairstow">Bairstow</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Bairstow/I sat down/i-sat-down.html">I sat down under His shadow</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bairstow/Jesu-the-very/jesu-the-very.html">Jesu, the very thought of Thee</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bairstow/Let-all-mortal/let-all-mortal.html">Let all mortal flesh keep silence</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Barber">Barber</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Barber/Agnus Dei/agnus-dei.html">Agnus Dei (choral Adagio)</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Beach">Beach</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Beach/Canticle of the Sun/canticle-of-the-sun.html">Canticle of the Sun</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font><BR> <A HREF="Beach/Mass in Eb/mass-in-eb.html">Mass in Eb</A> <BR> <A HREF="Beach/Nunc Dimittis/nunc-dimittis.html">Nunc Dimittis</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Beethoven">Beethoven</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Beethoven/Choral-Fantasy/choral-fantasy.html">Choral Fantasy (final section)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Beethoven/Choruses/choruses.html"> Choruses from Beethoven's Operas</A> <BR> <A HREF="Beethoven/DonaNobisPacem/donanobispacem.html">Dona nobis pacem</A> <BR> <A HREF="Beethoven/Mass-in.C/massinc.html">Mass in C</A> <BR> <A HREF="Beethoven/Mass-in.D/massind.html">Mass in D (Missa solemnis)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Beethoven/Opferlied Op 121b/opferlied.html">Opferlied (Op. 121b)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Beethoven/IX-Finale/ix-finale.html">9th Symphony: Finale</A> <BR> <A HREF="Beethoven/Mount of Olives/mount-of-olives.html">The Mount of Olives (Christus am Ölberge, Op.85)</A> <BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Bennett">Bennett</A> <FONT COLOR=RED> <BLINK> - not publicly <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;available </BLINK></FONT></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Bennett/Farewell-to-Arms/Farewell-to-Arms.html">A Farewell to Arms</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Berlioz">Berlioz</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Berlioz/Choruses/choruses.html"> Choruses from Berlioz's Operas</A> <BR> <A HREF="Berlioz/Requiem/requiem.html">Requiem (Grande Messe des Morts)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Berlioz/Te Deum/te-deum.html">Te Deum</A> <BR> <A HREF="Berlioz/Childhood-Christ/childhood-christ.html">The Childhood of Christ (L'enfance du Christ)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Berlioz/Tristia/tristia.html">Tristia</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Bernstein">Bernstein</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Bernstein/Chichester-Psalms/chichester-psalms.html">Chichester Psalms</A><BR> <A HREF="Bernstein/Missa Brevis/missa-brevis.html">Missa Brevis</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Biber">Biber</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Biber/Requiem in Fminor/requiem-in-F.html">Requiem in F minor</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Billings">Billings</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Billings/Chester/chester.html">Chester</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Bingham">Bingham</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Bingham/The Pilgrimes Travels/pilgrimes.html">The Pilgrimes Travels</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Bizet">Bizet</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Bizet/Carmen/carmen.html">Carmen</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bizet/Choruses/choruses.html"> Choruses from Bizet's Operas</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Blackford">Blackford</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Blackford/Pieta/pieta.html">Pieta</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Blair">Blair</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Blair/Magnificat-NuncDim/magnificat-nuncdim.html">Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (original)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Blair-Atkins/Magnificat-NuncDim-Atkins/magnificat-nuncdim-atkins.html">Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (Ed. Ivor Atkins)</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Bliss">Bliss</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Bliss/Pastoral/pastoral.html">Pastoral: Lie strewn the white flocks</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Bloch">Bloch</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Bloch/Avodath Hakodesh/avodath-hakodesh.html">Avodath Hakodesh</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Blow">Blow</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Blow/Behold-O-God/4-part version/behold-o-god.html">Behold, O God our defender - Four part</A><BR> <A HREF="Blow/Behold-O-God/5-part version/behold-o-god.html"> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Five part</A><BR> <A HREF="Blow/Mag.NuncDim in G/mag.nuncdim.html">Evening Canticles in G</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Blow/God is our hope/god-is-our-hope.html">God is our hope and strength</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Blow/Let-Thy-hand/let-thy-hand.html">Let Thy hand be strengthened</A><BR> <A HREF="Blow/Salvator Mundi/salvator-mundi.html">Salvator Mundi</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Borodin">Borodin</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Borodin/Polovtsian Dances/polovtsian-dances.html">Polovtsian [<I>Polovetsian</I>] Dances</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Boulanger">Boulanger</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Boulanger/Soleils de Septembre/soleils-de-septembre.html">Soleils de Septembre</A><BR> <A HREF="Boulanger/Sous bois/Sous-bois.html">Sous bois</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Boyce">Boyce</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Boyce/O-where-shall/o-where-shall.html">O where shall wisdom be found?</A><BR> <A HREF="Boyce/Praise-the-Lord/praise-the-lord.html">Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem</A><BR> <A HREF="Boyce/King-rejoice/king-rejoice.html">The King shall rejoice</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Brahms">Brahms</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Brahms/Song-of-Destiny/song-of-destiny.html">A Song of Destiny (Schicksalslied)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Brahms/FourSongs/foursongs.html">Four Songs (Op. 17)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Brahms/German-requiem/german-requiem.html">German Requiem</A> <BR> <A HREF="Brahms/Parzen/parzen.html">Gesang der Parzen</A> <BR> <A HREF="Brahms/Gipsy Songs/gipsysongs.html">11 Gipsy Songs</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Brahms/Liebeslieder Op52/liebeslieder.html">Liebeslieder Op52</A><BR> <A HREF="Brahms/Neue Liebeslieder Op65/neue-liebeslieder.html">Neue Liebeslieder Op65</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Brewer">Brewer</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Brewer/Brewer in D/brewer-in-d.html">Brewer in D</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Britten">Britten</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Britten/A-Boy-was-born-Novello/a-boy-was-born.html">A Boy was Born (Novello version)</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Britten/A-Boy-was-born-Oxford/a-boy-was-born.html">. . . . . . . . . . . . . (OUP version)</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Britten/Hymn-to-Virgin/hymn-to-virgin.html">A Hymn to the Virgin</A> <BR> <A HREF="Britten/Ceremony of Carols/c-carols.html">A Ceremony of Carols</A> <BR> <A HREF="Britten/Festival-Te-Deum/festival-te-deum.html">Festival Te Deum</A> <BR> <A HREF="Britten/Five Flower Songs/flower-songs.html">Five Flower Songs</A> <BR> <A HREF="Britten/Hymn to Cecilia/cecilia.html">Hymn to St. Cecilia</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Britten/Rejoice-Lamb/rejoice-lamb.html">Rejoice in the Lamb</A><BR> <A HREF="Britten/St Nicolas/St Nicolas.html">St. Nicolas</A><BR> <A HREF="Britten/War Requiem/war-requiem.html">War Requiem</A> <font color="RED">- <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK> </font><BR> <A HREF="Britten/Welcome Ode - Canon/welcome-ode-canon.html">Welcome Ode - Canon</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Brown">Brown</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Brown/A-Song-for-Oriana/a-son-for-oriana.html">A Song for Oriana</A> <A HREF="Brown/A-Song-for-Oriana/about-oriana.html">(about this work)</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Bruckner">Bruckner</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Bruckner/Ave Maria/ave-maria.html">Ave Maria</A><BR> <A HREF="Bruckner/Christus factus est/christus-factus-est.html">Christus factus est</A><BR> <A HREF="Bruckner/Geistliche-Chore/geistliche-chore.html">Geistliche chore - Eleven motets</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> Inhalt 1. Ave Maria <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2. Offertorium: Afferentur regi <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 3. Pange lingua <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 4. Graduale: Locus iste <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 5. Antiphon <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 6. Graduale (Os justi) <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 7. Graduale - Christus factus est <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 8. Ecce sacerdos <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 9. Virga Jesse <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;10. Vexilla regis <BR> Anhang Inveni David <BR> <A HREF="Bruckner/Locus-iste/locus-iste.html">Locus iste</A><BR> <A HREF="Bruckner/Mass No 1 in D/mass- in-D.html">Mass No 1 in D minor</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bruckner/Mass in E minor/MassinEminor.html">Mass in E minor (Mass No: 2) - 1896 version</A> <BR> <A HREF="Bruckner/Mass in F minor/mass-in-f-minor.html">Mass in F minor (Mass No: 3) </A> <BR> <A HREF="Bruckner/Te Deum/te-deum.html">Te Deum</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Bush">Bush</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Bush/Christmas Cantata/christmas-cantata.html">A Christmas Cantata</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Buxtehude">Buxtehude</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Buxtehude/Magnificat/magnificat.html">Magnificat (BuxWV Anh)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Buxtehude/Missa Brevis BuxWV 114/missa-brevis-buxwv-114.html">Missa alla Brevis BuxWV 114</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Buxtehude/Newborn-Child/newborn-child.html">The little newborn Jesus child (Das Neugeborne Kindelein)</A><BR> <A HREF="Buxtehude/Der Herr ist mit mir/der-herr.html">The Lord is with me (Der Herr ist mit mir) </A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Byrd">Byrd</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Byrd/Ave Maria/ave-maria.html">Ave Maria</A><BR> <A HREF="Byrd/Ave verum corpus/ave-verum.html">Ave verum corpus</A><BR> <A HREF="Byrd/Haec-Dies/haec-dies.html">Haec Dies</A><BR> <A HREF="Byrd/Infelix-ego/infelix-ego.html">Infelix ego</A><BR> <A HREF="Byrd/I will not leave you/i-will-not-leave.html">I will not leave you comfortless</A><BR> <A HREF="Byrd/Justorum Animae/justorum-animae.html">Justorum Animae (The souls of the righteous)</A><BR> <A HREF="Byrd/Laetentur Coeli/Laetentur Coeli.html">Laetentur Coeli (Let the heavens be glad)</A><BR> <A HREF="Byrd/Mass-3-voices/mass-3-voices.html">Mass for Three Voices</A><BR> <A HREF="Byrd/Mass in 4/mass-in-4.html">Mass for Four Voices</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Byrd/Mass in 5/mass-in-5.html">Mass for Five Voices</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Byrd/Ne-ira+Civit/ne-ira+civit.html">Ne irascaris Domine; Civitas sancti Tui</A><BR> <A HREF="Byrd/O Rex gloriae/o-rex-gloriae.html">O Rex gloriae</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Byrd/Peccantem me quotidie/peccantem-me.html">Peccantem me quotidie</A><BR> <A HREF="Byrd/Preces+Responses/preces+responses.html">Preces & Responses</A><BR> <A HREF="Byrd/Prevent us/prevent-us.html">Prevent us, O Lord</A><BR> <A HREF="Byrd/SecondService/secondservice.html">Second Service</A><BR> <A HREF="Byrd/Sing joyfully/sing-joy.html">Sing joyfully</A><BR> <A HREF="Byrd/Teach me, O Lord/teach-me.html">Teach me, O Lord</A><BR> <A HREF="Byrd/Venite Comedite/venite-comedite.html">Venite Comedite</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Caccini">Caccini</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Caccini/Ave Maria/ave-maria.html">Ave Maria</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Campra">Campra</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Campra/Requiem/requiemmass.html">Messe de Requiem </A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Canteloube">Canteloube</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Canteloube/La-Baylere/la-baylere.html">La Baylere</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Carissimi">Carissimi</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Carissimi/Jephte/Jephte.html">Jephte </A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Carols">Carols</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Carols - 100 for Choirs/100 Carols/100-carols.html">Carols</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Carter">Carter</A> <FONT COLOR=RED> - <BLINK>not publicly <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;available </BLINK></FONT></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Carter/Benedicite/benedicite.html">Benedicite</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Casals">Casals</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Casals/O vos omnes/o-vos-omnes.html">O vos omnes</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Castagnet">Castagnet</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Castagnet/Invitation/Invitation.html">Invitation</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Cavalli">Cavalli</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Cavalli/Messa Concertata/messa-concertata.html">Messa Concertata</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Cesis">Cesis</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Cesis/Stabat Mater/stabat-mater.html">Stabat Mater</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Charpentier">Charpentier</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Charpentier/In nativitatem/As written/in-nativitatem.html">In nativitatem Domini canticum</A><BR> <A HREF="Charpentier/St-Pierre/st-pierre.html">Le Reniement de St Pierre </A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Charpentier/Messe de Minuit/minuit-messe.html">Messe de Minuit (Lemoine version)</A><BR> <A HREF="Charpentier/Messe de Minuit-Schott/minuit-messe.html">Messe de Minuit (Schott version)</A><BR> <A HREF="Charpentier/Miserere des Jesuites/As written/miserere.html">Miserere des Jesuites</A><BR> <A HREF="Charpentier/Te-Deum/te-deum.html">Te Deum</A><BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Cherubini">Cherubini</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Cherubini/Mass 2 in D/mass-2-in D.html">Mass No.2 (Missa solemnis in D minor)</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Cherubini/Requiem/requiem.html">Requiem in C-minor</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Chilcott">Chilcott</A> <FONT COLOR=RED> - <BLINK> not publicly <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;available <BLINK> </FONT></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Chilcott/Gloria/gloria.html">Gloria</A><BR> <A HREF="Chilcott/I-share-Creation/i-share-creation.html">I share Creation</A><BR> <A HREF="Chilcott/LittleJazzMass/LittleJazzMass.html">Little Jazz Mass</A><BR> <A HREF="Chilcott/Nova nova/Not-Public.html">Nova! nova!</A><BR> <A HREF="Chilcott/Remember/remember.html">Remember, O Thou Man</A><BR> <A HREF="Chilcott/Shenandoah/shenandoah.html">Shenandoah</A><BR> <A HREF="Chilcott/Gift-simple/gift-simple.html">The Gift to be Simple (SSAA version)</A><BR> <A HREF="Chilcott/12-days/12-days.html">The twelve days of Christmas</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Child">Child</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Child/O Lord, grant/o-lord-grant.html">O Lord, grant the King a long life</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Clarke">Clarke</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Clarke/Praise the Lord/praise-the-lord.html">Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Cratoule">Cratoule Collection</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Cratoule/Collection/collection.html">Collection of Works by Geoffray, Ferrat, Althouse, Hostettler, Drake and Villard</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Crivelli">Crivelli</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Crivelli/O-Maria/o-maria.html">O Maria Mater Gratiae</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Croft">Croft</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Croft/God is gone up/god-gone-up.html">God is gone up</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Darke">Darke</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Darke/ComService in Aminor/comservice-in-aminor.html">Communion Service in A minor</A> </TD> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Dawson">Dawson</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Dawson/Hiawatha - The Famine/the-famine.html">Hiawatha - The Famine</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Debussy">Debussy</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Debussy/Beau soir/beau-soir.html">Beau soir</A> <BR> <A HREF="Debussy/Trois Chansons/trois-chansons.html">Trois Chansons</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Delius">Delius</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Delius/Sea Drift/seadrift.html">Sea Drift</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Desprez">Desprez (Josquin)</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Desprez/Ave Maria/ave-maria.html">Ave Maria ... Virgo serena</A><BR> <A HREF="Desprez/Missa Hercules/missa hercules.html">Missa Hercules dux Ferrariae</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Desprez/Missa Pangue Lingua/missa-pangue-lingua.html">Missa Pangue Lingua</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Diabelli">Diabelli</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Diabelli/Angelus ad Pastores ait/angelus.html">Angelus ad Pastores ait</A><BR> <A HREF="Diabelli/Pastoralmesse in F/pastoralmesse.html">Pastoralmesse in F</A><BR> <A HREF="Diabelli/Puer natus est nobis/puer-natus.html">Puer natus est nobis</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Donizetti">Donizetti</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Donizetti/Choruses/choruses.html">Choruses from Donizetti's Operas</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Drayton">Drayton</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Drayton/For Remembrance/remembrance.html">For Remembrance</A> <font color="RED">- <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK></font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Dunstaple">Dunstaple</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Dunstaple/Veni-Sancte-Spiritus/veni-sancte-spiritus.html">Veni Sancte Spiritus</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Duparc">Duparc</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Duparc/Chanson triste/chanson-triste.html">Chanson triste</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Durante">Durante</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Durante/Magnificat a 5/magnificat.html">Magnificat a 5</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Durufle">Durufle</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Durufle/Four Motets/four-motets.html">Four Motets</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> . . . I. . Ubi caritas<BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . II. . Tota pulchra<BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . III. .Tu es Petrus<BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . IV.. Tantum ergo<BR> <A HREF="Durufle/Requiem/requiem.html">Requiem</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Dvorak">Dvorak</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Dvorak/Mass in D/mass-in-d.html">Mass in D major (Op. 86)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Dvorak/Requiem/requiem.html">Requiem</A> <BR> <A HREF="Dvorak/Stabat-Mater/stabat-mater.html">Stabat Mater</A> <BR> <A HREF="Dvorak/TeDeum/tedeum.html">Te Deum</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Dyson">Dyson</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Dyson/Agincourt/agincourt.html">Agincourt</A><BR> <A HREF="Dyson/Canterbury Pilgrims/canterbury-pilgrims.html">Canterbury Pilgrims</A> <font color="RED">- <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK> </font><BR> <A HREF="Dyson/Magnificat-in-Dminor/magnificat-Dminor.html">Magnificat in D minor</A> <font color="RED">- <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK> </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Ebdon">Ebdon</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Ebdon/Preces-Responses/preces-responses.html">Preces & Responses</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Elgar">Elgar</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Elgar/AveMaria/avemaria.html">Ave Maria </A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/Ave maris stella/ave-maris-stella.html">Ave maris stella</A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/Ave-Verum/ave-verum.html">Ave Verum </A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/Coronation-Ode/coronation-ode.html">Coronation Ode</A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/Dream of Gerontius/gerontius.html">Dream of Gerontius </A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/Bavarian/bavarian.html">From the Bavarian Highlands (Six Choral Songs)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/Good morrow/good-morrow.html">Good morrow </A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/Land-of-hope/land-of-hope.html">Land of hope and glory (arr. Arthur Fagge)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/My-Love-Northern/my-love-dwelt.html">My Love dwelt in a Northern land </A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/O hearken Thou/o-hearken-thou.html">O hearken Thou</A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/King Olaf/king-olaf.html">Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf</A> <BR> . . . . <FONT COLOR=RED>(includes "As torrents in Summer")</FONT><BR> <A HREF="Elgar/TeDeum-Bened/tedeum-bened.html">Te Deum & Benedictus</A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/The Apostles/the-apostles.html">The Apostles</A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/Black Knight-Orchestral/black-knight.html">The Black Knight (Op 25) - orchestral version </A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/Black Knight-Piano/black-knight.html">The Black Knight (Op 25) - piano version </A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/Kingdom/kingdom.html">The Kingdom </A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/Light-of-Life/light-of-life.html">The Light of Life </A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/Music Makers/musicmakers.html">The Music Makers </A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/There-is-music/there-is-music.html">There is sweet music</A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/The Queen/the-queen.html">The Queen </A> (from the "Coronation Ode")<BR> <A HREF="Elgar/Shower/shower.html">The Shower </A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/They are at rest/they-rest.html">They are at rest </A> <BR> <A HREF="Elgar/3-Part-Songs/3-part-songs.html">Three Part Songs</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Eriksson">Eriksson</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Eriksson/Gjendines badnlat/Gjendines badnlat.html">Gjendines badnlat</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Farmer">Farmer</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Farmer/Lord's-Prayer/lord's-prayer.html">Lord's Prayer</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Faure">Faure</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Faure/Apres un reve/apres-un-reve.html">Apres un reve</A> <BR> <A HREF="Faure/Au bord de l'eau/au-bord.html">Au bord de l'eau</A> <BR> <A HREF="Faure/Racine/Racine.html">Cantical of Jean Racine</A> <BR> <A HREF="Faure/Four Songs/foursongs.html"> Four Songs</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Faure/Le papillon et la fleur/Le-papillon.html">Le papillon et la fleur</A> <BR> <A HREF="Faure/Les berceaux/les-berceaux.html">Les berceaux</A> <BR> <A HREF="Faure/Les-Djinns/les-djinns.html">Les Djinns</A> <BR> <A HREF="Faure/Messe des pecheurs/messe des pecheurs.html">Messe des pecheurs de Villerville</A> (by Faure & Messager)<BR> <A HREF="Faure/Pavane/pavane.html"> Pavane</A> <BR> <A HREF="Faure/Prison/prison.html"> Prison</A> <BR> <A HREF="Faure/Requiem/Requiem.html"> Requiem</A> <BR> <A HREF="Faure/Tantum ergo/tantum-ergo.html"> Tantum ergo</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Finzi">Finzi</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="finzi/interra.pax/interra.html">In Terra Pax</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="finzi/Intimations/intimations.html">Intimations of Immortality</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="finzi/Full-Final-Sacrifice/full-final-sacrifice.html">Lo, the Full, Final, Sacrifice</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Fletcher">Fletcher</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Fletcher/Ring out wild bells/Ring-out.html">Ring out wild bells</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Franck">Franck</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Franck/Mass in A/mass-in-A.html">Mass in A major</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Franck/Panis Angelicus/panis-angelicus.html">Panis Angelicus (in A, for SATB)</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Gabrieli">Gabrieli</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Gabrieli/Hodie completi sunt/hodie-completi.html">Hodie completi sunt</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gabrieli/InEcclesiis/in-eccls.html">In Ecclesiis (Motet a 15)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gabrieli/Jubilate Deo/jubilate-deo.html">Jubilate Deo a 8</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gabrieli/O Domine Jesu Christe/o-domine.html">O Domine Jesu Christe</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gabrieli/O Jesu mi dulcissime/o-jesu.html">O Jesu mi dulcissime</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gabrieli/OMagnumMisterium/O-magnum.html">O Magnum Misterium</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gabrieli/Plaudite/plaudite.html">Plaudite omnis terra</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Gesualdo">Gesualdo</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Gesualdo/O vos omnes/o-vos-omnes.html">O vos omnes</A> <SMALL><B>(five-part version)</B></SMALL><BR> <A HREF="Gesualdo-Stravinski/Tres sacrae cantiones/tres-sacrae-cantiones.html">Tres sacrae cantiones (Three sacred songs)</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Gibbons">Gibbons</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Gibbons/Almighty&everlastingGod/Almighty.html">Almighty and everlasting God</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gibbons/Benedictus/benedictus.html">Benedictus</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Gibbons/Hosanna/hosanna.html">Hosanna to the son of David</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gibbons/Magnificat -SecServ/magnificat-secserv.html">Magnificat/Nunc dimittis (from the Second Service)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gibbons/Magnificat (ShortServ)/magnificat-shortserv.html">Magnificat/Nunc dimittis (from the Short Service)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gibbons/O-clap-hands/o-clap-hands.html">O clap your hands together</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gibbons/O Lord, wrath/o-lord-wrath.html">O Lord, in thy wrath</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gibbons/Te Deum (Short)/te-deum.html">Te Deum (from the Short Service)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gibbons/Venite/venite.html">Venite Exultemus</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Gilbert&amp;Sullivan">Gilbert & Sullivan</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Gilbert & Sullivan/TrialbyJury/trial.html">Trial by Jury</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Gjeilo">Gjeilo</A> <font color="RED">- <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK> </font></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Gjeilo/Across the vast eternal sky/Sunlight.html">Across the vast eternal sky</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gjeilo/Away-manger/away-manger.html">Away in a manger</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gjeilo/First Nowell/First Nowell.html">First Nowell</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gjeilo/The Rose/the-rose.html">The Rose</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Glinka">Glinka</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Glinka/The Cherubic Hymn/cherubic-hymn.html">The Cherubic Hymn</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Goodall">Goodall</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Goodall/Eternal-Light/eternal-light.html">Eternal Light - a Requiem</A> <BR> <A HREF="Goodall/Psalm 23/psalm23.html">Psalm 23 (The Lord is my shepherd)</A> <font color="RED">- <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK> </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Goss">Goss</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Goss/These-Lamb/these-lamb.html">These are they which follow the Lamb</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Gounod">Gounod</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Gounod/Choruses/choruses.html"> Choruses from Gounod's Operas</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gounod/L'absent/L'absent.html"> L'absent</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gounod/Messe6 Cathedrals/Messe6-cathedrals.html">Messe No 6 aux cathedrals</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gounod/Messe-solennelle-(St-Cecilia)/messe-solennelle-(st-cecilia).html">Messe solennelle (St Cecilia)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gounod/Mignon/Mignon.html">Mignon</A> <BR> <A HREF="Gounod/Requiem/requiem.html">Requiem in C</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Graupner">Graupner</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Graupner/Magnificat/magnificat.html">Magnificat</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Greene">Greene</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Greene/Lord-mine-end/lord-end.html">Lord, let me know mine end</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Grieg">Grieg</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Grieg/Ave maris stella/ave-maris-stella.html">Ave maris stella</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Guerrero">Guerrero</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Guerrero/Ave Virgo sanctissima/ave-virgo.html">Ave Virgo sanctissima</A> <BR> <A HREF="Guerrero/Canite tuba/canite-tuba.html">Canite tuba</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Hacquart">Hacquart</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Hacquart/Domine Deus/domine-deus.html">Domine, deus meus</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Hadley">Hadley</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Hadley/My beloved spake/my-beloved.html">My beloved spake</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Hahn">Hahn</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Hahn/Chansons & Madrigals/chansons-madrigals.html">Chansons & Madrigals</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Handel">Handel</A> </TD> <TD> <A HREF="Handel/Choruses/choruses.html"> Choruses from Handel's Operas</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Acis&amp;Galatea/acis-galatea1.html">Acis & Galatea</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Alexander-Balus/alexander-balus.html">Alexander Balus</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Alexander's Feast/alexander's-feast.html">Alexander's Feast</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Athalia/athalia.html">Athalia</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Belshazzar/belshazzar1.html">Belshazzar</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Brockes Passion/brockes-passion.html">Brockes Passion</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> Chandos Anthems <font color="RED"> NEED ALL</font> - <A HREF="Handel/O-be-joyful/o-be-joyful.html">No. 1: O be joyful in the Lord </A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - <A HREF="Handel/In-the-Lord/in-the-lord.html">No. 2: In the Lord put I my trust </A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - <A HREF="Handel/Have-mercy/have-mercy.html">No. 3: Have mercy upon me </A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - <A HREF="Handel/O-sing-unto-the-Lord/o-sing.html">No. 4: O sing unto the Lord </A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - <A HREF="Handel/I-will-magnify/I-will-magnify.html">No. 5a: I will magnify Thee </A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - <A HREF="Handel/As-pants-the-hart/As-pants.html">No. 6a: As pants the hart for cooling streams</A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - <A HREF="Handel/My-song-shall/my-song.html">No. 7: My song shall be alway </A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - <A HREF="Handel/O-come-let-us-sing/o-come.html">No. 8: O come let us sing </A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - <A HREF="Handel/O-praise-the-Lord/o-praise.html">No. 9: O praise the Lord </A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - <A HREF="Handel/Lord-my-light/lord-my-light.html">No. 10: The Lord is my light </A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - <A HREF="Handel/Let-God-arise/chandos-11.html">No. 11: Let God arise </A> <BR> Coronation Anthems - <A HREF="Handel/King-rejoice-4/king-rej.html">The King shall rejoice (Four part)</A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- <A HREF="Handel/King-rejoice-6/king-rej.html">. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Six part)</A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<A HREF="Handel/My-heart/my-heart.html">My heart is inditing</A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<A HREF="Handel/Let thy hand/let-thy-hand.html">Let thy hand be strengthened</A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<A HREF="Handel/Zadok/zadok.html">Zadok the priest (4-part)</A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<A HREF="Handel/Zadok/zadok-7.html">Zadok the priest (7-part)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Deborah/deborah.html">Deborah</A><BR> <A HREF="Handel/Dettingen Anthem/dettingen-anthem.html">Dettingen Anthem</A> (for "Dettingen Te Deum" see below)<BR> <A HREF="Handel/Dixit-Dominus/dixit.html">Dixit Dominus</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Esther/esther.html">Esther</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Foundling-Hospital-Anthem/foundling-hospital-anthem.html">Foundling Hospital Anthem</A> (Blessed are they that consider the poor) <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Gloria/gloria.html">Gloria</A> <FONT COLOR=GREEN>(for solo Soprano)</FONT><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Hercules/hercules.html">Hercules</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Israel/israel.html">Israel in Egypt</A> <FONT COLOR=GREEN>(see also "The Ways of Zion do mourn")</FONT><BR> <A HREF="Handel/Jephtha/jephtha1.html">Jephtha</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Joseph and his Brethren/joseph.html">Joseph and his Brethren</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Joshua/joshua.html">Joshua</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Jubilate/jubilate.html">"Utrecht" Jubilate</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Judas Maccabaeus/judas-mac1.html">Judas Maccabaeus</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Laudate pueri Dominum/laudate-pueri.html">Laudate pueri Dominum</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Messiah/messiah.html">Messiah</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Nabal/nabal.html">Nabal</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Nisi Dominus/nisi-dominus.html">Nisi Dominus</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Queen Anne Birthday Ode/birthday-ode.html">Ode for the birthday of Queen Anne</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Cecelia/cecelia.html">Ode on St. Cecelia</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Samson/samson.html">Samson</A> <FONT COLOR=RED>- complete!</FONT> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Saul/saul.html">Saul</A> <FONT COLOR=RED>- complete!</FONT> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Semele/semele1.html">Semele (the Oratorio)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Solomon/solomon1.html">Solomon</A> <FONT COLOR=RED>- complete!</FONT> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Susanna/susanna.html">Susanna</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/TeDeum-Dettingen/tedeum-dettingen.html">"Dettingen" Te Deum</A> (for "Dettingen Anthem" see above)<BR> <A HREF="Handel/TeDeum-Utrecht/tedeum-utrecht.html">"Utrecht" Te Deum</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Choice-of-Hercules/choice-of-hercules.html">The Choice of Hercules</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Theodora/theodora.html">Theodora</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Triumph of Time/triumph.html">The Triumph of Time and Truth</A> <BR> <A HREF="Handel/Ways-of-Zion/ways-of-Zion.html">The ways of Zion do mourn</A> (the Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline)<FONT COLOR=GREEN> (see also "Israel in Egypt")</FONT> <BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Handel-Bohm">Handel-Bohm</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Handel-Bohm/St John Passion/st-john1A.html">St John Passion</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Handl">Handl (Gallus)</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Handl (Gallus)/Pater Noster/pater-noster.html">Pater Noster</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Handl-(J)">Handl (Jacob)</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Handl (Jacob)/Ecce concipies/ecce-concipies.html">Ecce concipies</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="HarrisM">Harris (Matthew)</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Harris (Matthew)/Full Fathom Five/fathom-5.html">Full Fathom Five</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Harris (Matthew)/Hark the Lark/hark-lark.html">Hark the Lark</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="HarrisP">Harris (Paul)</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Harris/5-carols/5-carols.html">A Christmas sequence of five carols</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="HarrisWH">Harris (William H)</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="HarrisWH/Let-my-prayer/let-my-prayer.html">Let my prayer come up into thy presence</A> <BR> <A HREF="HarrisWH/O-what-their-joy/o-what-joy.html">O what their joy and their glory must be</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Hassler">Hassler</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Hassler/Dixit Maria/dixit-maria.html">Dixit Maria</A> <BR> <A HREF="Hassler/Missa VIII Octo Vocum/missa-VIII-octo-vocum.html">Missa VIII Octo Vocum</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Haydn">Haydn </A> </TD> <TD> Masses &nbsp; <A HREF="Haydn/Missa 'Rorate coeli desuper'/missa-rorate.html">1. Missa brevis in G - Rorate coeli desuper</A> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <A HREF="Haydn/Missa brevis in F/missa-brevis-in-f.html">2. Missa brevis in F (Hob. XXII: 1)</A> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <A HREF="Haydn/Cecilienmesse/cecilienmesse.html">3. Cecilienmesse (Missa Cellensis in hon. BVM. Hob. XXII:5)</A> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; No. 4 in D minor: "Missa sunt bona mixta malis". (Hob. XXII:2) <B>Not currently available</B><BR> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <A HREF="Haydn/Missa in hon BVM in E flat/missa in hon BVM in E flat.html">5. Missa in hon BVM in E flat (Great Organ Mass). Hob. XXII:4)</A> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <A HREF="Haydn/Missa-Sancti-Nicolai/nicolai.html">6. Missa Sancti Nicolai</A> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <A HREF="Haydn/Kleine-Orgelmesse/k-orgel.html">7. Kleine Orgelmesse (Missa brevis St. Joannis de Deo)</A> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <A HREF="Haydn/Mariazellermesse/mariazellermesse.html">8. Mariazellermesse (Missa Cellensis. Hob. XXII:8)</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <A HREF="Haydn/Heiligmesse/heiligmesse.html">9. Mass in B flat major (Heilig-Messe)</A> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <A HREF="Haydn/Paukenmesse/paukenmesse.html">10. Paukenmesse (Mass in Time of War) (Second Mass)</A> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <A HREF="Haydn/Nelson/nelson.html">11. Imperial "Nelson" Mass (Missa in Angustiis)</A> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <A HREF="Haydn/Theresen-Messe/theresen.html">12. Theresien Messe (Mass no. 12 in Bflat Major) </A> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <A HREF="Haydn/Creation-Mass/creation-mass.html">13. Mass in B flat (Creation Mass - Schopfungsmesse)</A> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <A HREF="Haydn/Harmonie-messe/harmonie.html">14. Mass in B flat major (Harmonie-Messe)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Haydn/Abendlied/Abendlied.html">Abendlied zu Gott</A> <BR> <A HREF="Haydn/The Storm/the-storm.html">Der Sturm (The Storm)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Haydn/Insanae/insanae.html">Insanae at vanae curae</A> <BR> <A HREF="Haydn/Non nobis Domine/non-nobis-domine.html">Non nobis Domine</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Haydn/Salve Regina/salve-regina.html">Salve Regina in G minor, Hob.XXIIIb:2</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Haydn/Stabat Mater/stabat.html">Stabat Mater</A> <BR> <A HREF="Haydn/Te Deum HobXXIIIc-1/te-deum.html">Te Deum Laudamus (HobXXIIIc:1)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Haydn/Te-Deum/te-deum.html">Te Deum Laudamus (HobXXIIIc:2)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Haydn/Creation/creation.html">The Creation</A> <BR> <A HREF="Haydn/Seasons/Spring/spring.html">The Seasons - Spring</A> (complete) <BR> <A HREF="Haydn/Seasons/Summer/summer.html">. . . . . . . . . . - Summer</A> (complete) <BR> <A HREF="Haydn/Seasons/Autumn/autumn.html">. . . . . . . . . . - Autumn</A> (complete) <BR> <A HREF="Haydn/Seasons/Winter/winter.html">. . . . . . . . . . - Winter</A> (complete) <BR> <A HREF="Haydn/Seven-Last-Words/seven-last-words.html">The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Haydn (Michael)">Haydn (Michael)</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Haydn (Michael)/Mass in C - MH 119/mass-in-c-mh119.html">Mass in C (St Francis Seraphici) - MH 119</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Haydn (Michael)/Mass in Dmin - MH553/mass in dmin.html">Mass in D min - MH 553</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Haydn (Michael)/Ursulae Mass/ursulae-mass.html">Missa in honorem Sancta Ursulae </A> <BR> <A HREF="Haydn (Michael)/Requiem/requiem.html">Requiem in C minor (MH 155) </A> <BR> <A HREF="Haydn (Michael)/TeDeum-MH28/tedeum-mh28.html">Te Deum (MH 28) </A> <BR> <A HREF="Haydn (Michael)/TeDeum MH415/te-deum415.html">Te Deum (MH 415) </A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Haydn (Michael)/Vespers/vespers.html">Vesperae solennes (MH 321) </A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Hedges">Hedges</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Hedges/I sing the birth/i-sing.html">I sing the birth</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Hensel">Hensel</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Hensel (Mendelssohn)/Gebet in der Christnacht/christnacht.html">Gebet in der Christnacht</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Holst">Holst</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Holst/Christmas Day/christmas-day.html">Christmas Day</A> <BR> <A HREF="Holst/Ode-to-Death/ode-to-death.html">Ode to Death</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Holst (Imogen)">Holst (Imogen)</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Holst (Imogen)/A Hymne to Christ/hymne-christ.html">A Hymne to Christ</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Honegger">Honegger</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Honegger/Christmas-Cantata/xmascant.html">Christmas Cantata</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Hooper">Hooper</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Hooper/Magnificat (ShortServ)/magnificat-nuncdim.html">Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (Short Service)</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Horovitz">Horovitz</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Horovitz/Cap'n-Noah/capn-noah.html">Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo</A> <BR> <A HREF="Horovitz/Samson/samson.html">Samson</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Howells">Howells</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Howells/Behold-O-God/behold-god.html">Behold, O God our defender</A> <BR> <A HREF="Howells/Hymnus-Paradisi/hymnus-paradisi.html">Hymnus Paradisi</A> <BR> <A HREF="Howells/Like-as-the-hart/like-hart.html">Like as the hart</A> <FONT COLOR=RED>- <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK> </FONT> <BR> <A HREF="Howells/Magnificat & NuncDim - Bminor/magnificat&nundim.html">Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in B minor</A> <BR> <A HREF="Howells/Requiem/requiem.html">Requiem</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Howells/TeDeum&Jubiliate/tedeum&jubilate.html">Te Deum & Jubilate</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Hummel">Hummel</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Hummel/Mass-in.Bfl/massinb.html">Mass in B flat</A> <BR> <A HREF="Hummel/Mass-in-Dmajor/mass-in-dmajor.html">Mass in D major</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Ireland">Ireland</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Ireland/Greater-love/greater-love.html">Greater love hath no man</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Irvine">Irvine</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Irvine/Crimond/The-Lord's.html">The Lord's my shepherd - Crimond</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Ives">Ives</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Ives/Little Star/little-star.html">A Christmas Carol - Little Star of Bethlehem</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Jackson">Jackson</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Jackson/Preces+Responses/preces+responses.html">Preces & Responses 1</A> <BR> <A HREF="Jackson/Preces+Responses 2/preces+responses.html">Preces & Responses 2</A> <BR> <A HREF="Jackson/Requiem/requiem.html">Requiem</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Jenkins">Jenkins</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Jenkins/Adiemus/adiemus.html">Adiemus</A> <font color="RED"> NEED - part of Songs of Sanctuary</font> <BR> <A HREF="Jenkins/Elegia/elegia.html">Elegia</A> <BR> <A HREF="Jenkins/Gloria/gloria.html">Gloria</A> <BR> <A HREF="Jenkins/Gods-of-Olympus/gods-of-olympus.html">Gods of Olympus</A> <BR> <A HREF="Jenkins/Requiem/requiem.html">Requiem</A> <BR> <A HREF="Jenkins/Armed-Man/armed-man.html">The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="John IV">John IV</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="John IV/Crux fidelis/crux-fidelis.html">Crux fidelis</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Jommelli">Jommelli</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Jommelli/Missa Defunctorum (Requiem)-2/requiem.html">Missa Defunctorum (Requiem)</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Kodaly">Kodaly</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Kodaly/Missa Brevis/missa-brevis.html">Missa Brevis</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Kuhnau">Kuhnau</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Kuhnau/Magnificat/magnificat.html">Magnificat</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Kuhnau/Wie schon leuchtet der Morganstern/wie-schon-leuchtet.html">Wie schön leuchtet der Morganstern</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Lambert">Lambert</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Lambert/Rio-Grande/r-grand.html">The Rio Grande</A> <FONT COLOR=RED>- <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK> </FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Lassus">Lassus</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Lassus/Adoramus te/adoramus-te.html">Adoramus te, Christe</A><BR> <A HREF="Lassus/Ave verum/ave-verum.html">Ave verum corpus</A><BR> <A HREF="Lassus/Missa_Bella_Amfitrit_Altera/missa_bella_amfitrit_altera.html">Missa Bella Amfitrit Altera</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Lassus/Iustorum animae/iustorum-animae.html">Iustorum animae</A> <BR> <A HREF="Lassus/Libera me, Domine/libera-me.html">Libera me, Domine</A> <BR> <A HREF="Lassus/Timor et tremor/timor-et-tremor.html">Timor et tremor</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Lauridsen">Lauridsen</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Lauridsen/Chanson roses/chansons-roses.html">Les chansons des roses</A> <BR> <A HREF="Lauridsen/Lux Aeterna/lux-aeterna.html">Lux Aeterna</A> <BR> <A HREF="Lauridsen/Nocturnes/nocturnes.html">Nocturnes</A> <BR> <A HREF="Lauridsen/O-Magnum-Mysterium/O-mag-myst.html">O Magnum Mysterium</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Lawes">Lawes</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Lawes/Zadok/zadok.html">Zadok the priest</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Leighton">Leighton</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Leighton/Columba Mea/columba-mea.html">Columba Mea</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Leoncavallo">Leoncavallo</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Leoncavallo/Choruses/choruses.html">Choruses from Leoncavallo's Operas</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Leontovych & Wilhousky">Leontovych & Wilhousky</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Leontovych & Wilhousky/Carol of the Bells/Carol-Bells.html">Carol of the Bells</A> <font color="RED">- <blink style="visibility: visible;"> not publicly available </blink> </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Liszt">Liszt</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Liszt/AveMariaI/ave-maria-i.html">Ave Maria I</A> <BR> <A HREF="Liszt/Missa choralis/missa-choralis.html">Missa Choralis</A> <BR> <A HREF="Liszt/Missa Solemnis/missa-solemnis.html">Missa Solemnis</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Loosemore">Loosemore</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Loosemore/O-Lord-increase/o-lord-increase.html">O Lord, increase my faith</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Lotti">Lotti</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Lotti/Crucifixus/crucifixus.html">Crucifixus</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Lovett">Lovett</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Lovett/Ave Maria/ave-maria.html">Ave Maria</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Lundmark">Lundmark</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Lundmark/Till Betlehem/Till-Betlehem.html">Till Betlehem</A> <font color="RED">- <blink style="visibility: visible;"> not publicly available </blink> </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="MacDonald">MacDonald</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="MacDonald/Crux fidelis/crux-fidelis.html">Crux fidelis</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="MacMillan">MacMillan</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="MacMillan/SevenLastWords/sevenlastwords.html">Seven last Words from the Cross</A> <FONT COLOR=RED> - <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK> </FONT><BR> <A HREF="MacMillan/The Lamb/the-lamb.html">The Lamb has come to save us ... </A> <FONT COLOR=RED> - <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK> </FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Mahler">Mahler</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Mahler/Ich Bin der Welt/ich-bin-der-welt.html">Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen</A> </TD> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Marquez">Marquez</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Marquez/Alas/alas.html">Alas</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Martin">Martin</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Martin/Mass/mass.html">Mass for Double Choir</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Mascagni">Mascagni</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Mascagni/Choruses/choruses.html">Choruses from Mascagni's Operas</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Mathias">Mathias</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Mathias/Ave verum corpus/ave-verum-corpus.html">Ave verum corpus</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Maunder">Maunder</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Maunder/Olivet/olivet.html">Olivet to Calvary</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="McDowall">McDowall</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="McDowall/Bless to me this day/bless-day.html">Bless to me this day</A> <FONT COLOR=RED> - <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK> </FONT><BR> <A HREF="McDowall/Lord is Good/lord-good.html">The Lord is Good</A> <FONT COLOR=RED> - <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK> </FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Mealor">Mealor</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Mealor/Crucifixus/crucifixus.html">Crucifixus</A> <FONT COLOR=RED> - <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK> </FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Mechem">Mechem</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Mechem/Seven Joys/seven-joys.html">Seven Joys of Christmas</A> <FONT COLOR=RED> - <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK> </FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Mendelssohn">Mendelssohn</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Mendelssohn/Chorale-Wer-nur-den/wer-nur-den.html">Chorale: Wer nur lieben Gott lasst walten <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </A> <BR> <A HREF="Mendelssohn/Come-let-us-sing/comesing.html">Come let us sing</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mendelssohn/Christus/christus.html">Christus</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mendelssohn/Elijah/elijah.html">Elijah</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mendelssohn/Hear my prayer/hear-my-prayer.html">Hear my prayer</A> (inc. "O for the wings of a dove")<BR> <A HREF="Mendelssohn/Messengers/messengers.html">How lovely are the messengers</A> (from "St Paul")<BR> <A HREF="Mendelssohn/Hymn-of-Praise/hymnpraise.html">Hymn of Praise (Lobgesang)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mendelssohn/Lauda Sion/lauda-sion.html">Lauda Sion</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mendelssohn/Psalm13 - Lord, how long/psalm13-lord-how-long.html">Psalm 13: Lord, how long wilt Thou forget me?(Op. 96)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mendelssohn/Psalm 43/psalm-43.html">Psalm 43 - Richte mich, Gott (Op. 78)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mendelssohn/Psalm 114/psalm-114.html">Psalm 114 - Da Israel aus Agypten zog (Op51)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mendelssohn/Sechs Spruche/sechs-spruche.html">Sechs Spruche</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mendelssohn/St-Paul/st-paul1.html">St. Paul </A> <BR> <A HREF="Mendelssohn/Walpurgis/walpurgis.html">The First Walpurgis Night</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Mendelssohn/Verleih-uns-Frieden/verleih-uns-frieden.html">Verleih uns Frieden<BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Menotti">Menotti</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Menotti/Amahl/amahl.html">Amahl and the Night Visitors</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Moeran">Moeran</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Moeran/Mag+NuncDim-in-D/mag+nuncdim.html">Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D</A> <FONT COLOR=RED> - <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK> </FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Monllor">Monllor</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Monllor/Mess a 5/mess-a-5.html">Missa a 5</A> </FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Monteverdi">Monteverdi</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Monteverdi/Beatus Vir/BeatusVir.html">Beatus Vir</A> (Novello SSATTB version) <BR> <A HREF="Monteverdi/Beatus Vir - SSATB/BeatusVir.html">Beatus Vir </A> (Chappell SSATB version, with "added" strings)<BR> <A HREF="Monteverdi/Beatus Vir - Jackson/beatus-vir.html">Beatus Vir </A> (Jackson SSAATBB version)<BR> <A HREF="Monteverdi/Cantate Domino/cantate-domino.html">Cantate Domino</A><BR> <A HREF="Monteverdi/Christe, adoramus te/christe-adoramus-te.html">Christe, adoramus te</A><BR> <A HREF="Monteverdi/Xmas-Vespers/xmas-vespers.html">Christmas Vespers</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Monteverdi/Vespers-1610/vespers-1610.html">Vespers (1610) </A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Moore">Moore</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Moore/All wisdom/all-wisdom.html">All wisdom cometh from the Lord</A> <FONT COLOR=RED>- <BLINK> Not publicly available </BLINK> </FONT><BR> <A HREF="Moore/Magnificat in Bb/magnificat.html">Magnificat in Bb</A> <FONT COLOR=RED>- <BLINK> Not publicly available </BLINK> </FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Morales">Morales</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Morales/Missa mille regretz/missa-mille-regretz.html">Missa mille regretz</A> <BR> <A HREF="Morales/Parce mihi/parce-mihi.html">Parce mihi, Domine</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Morley">Morley</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Morley/Nolo mortem/nolo-mortem.html">Nolo mortem peccatoris</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Mozart">Mozart</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Mozart/Aveverumcorp/aveverum.html">Ave verum corpus</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Choruses/choruses.html">Choruses from Mozart's Operas</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Inter-natos-mulierum/inter-natos-mulierum.html">Inter natos mulierum</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Veni sancte spiritus/veni-sancte.html">Veni sancte spiritus (KV 47)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Mass-in-Gmajor(K49)/Mass-in-Gmajor(K49).html">Missa Brevis in G major (KV 49)</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Missa Brevis in D min - KV 65/missa-brevis-in-d-min-KV65.html">Missa brevis in D minor; KV 65</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Mass in C major KV66/mass-in-c-major-kv66.html">Mass in C major "Dominicus-Messe" KV66 </A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Regina coeli - KV 108/regina-coeli-kv108.html">Regina Coeli (KV 108)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Benedictus sit Deus/benedictus-sit-deus.html">Benedictus sit Deus (KV 117)</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Litaniae de venerabili K125/litaniae-venerabili.html">Litaniae de venerabili (K125)</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Mass-in-C-minor-KV139/mass-in-c-minor-kv139.html">Mass in C minor (KV139) - Waisenhausmesse</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Missa Brevis in G KV140/missa-brevis-in-g.html">Missa brevis in G ("Pastoral"; KV 140)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Te Deum/te-deum.html">Te Deum (KV 141)</A><BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Mass in C major K167/mass-in-C-major-K167.html">Missa [No 7] in C major (in honorem Sanctissimae Trinitatis), KV 167</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Missa Brevis KV192/missa-brevis.html">Missa brevis in F (KV 192)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Missa Brevis K194/missa-brevis.html">Missa brevis in D (K.194)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Litaniae Lauretanae KV195/litaniae-lauretanae .html">Litaniae Lauretanae KV195</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Missa brevis in C/missabrev.html">Missa brevis et solemnis in C (Spatzen-Messe [Sparrow Mass]; KV 220)</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Misericordias Domini/misericordias-domini.html">Misericordias Domini (K.222)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Credo Mass/credo-mass.html">Mass in C major (K.257: Credo Mass)</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/OrgelSolo Mass (Missa Brevis in C major)/OrgelSolo.html">Missa brevis in C major (Organ Solo Mass: KV 259)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Missa Longa K262/missa-long-k262.html">Missa Longa in C Major K262</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Missa Brevis Bb KV 275/missa-brevis Bb kv275.html">Missa brevis in Bb major (KV 275)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Regina Coeli K276/regina-coeli.html">Regina Coeli (K276)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Coronation Mass/coronmass.html">Mass in C major (Coronation Mass) (KV 317) </A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Vesperae-Dominica/vesperae-dominica.html">Vesperae de Dominica (KV 321)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/MissaSolemnis/missa-solemnis.html">Missa in C major (Missa solemnis; KV 337)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Vesperae/vesperae.html">Vesperae solennes de confessore (KV 339)</A> (which includes "Laudate Dominum") </A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Kyrie KV341/kyrie-kv341.html">Kyrie KV 341</A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Mass-in-C-minor/massincminor.html">Mass in C minor (Great Mass) KV427 </A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Requiem/requiem.html">Requiem</A> (with added Druce "alternative" bits) </A> <BR> <A HREF="Mozart/Requiem-Levin/requiem.html">Requiem</A> (Levin Completion) <BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Mudd">Mudd</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Mudd/Let-thy-ears/let-thy-ears.html">Let Thy merciful ears, O Lord</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Murillo">Murillo</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Murillo/La Cabana/LaCabana.html">La Cabana</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Naylor">Naylor</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Naylor/Vox dicentis/vox-dicentis.html">Vox dicentis: Clama </A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Noble">Noble</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Noble/Magnificat-Nuncdim/magnificat-nuncdim.html">Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (in B minor)</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="OperaChoruses">Opera Choruses (with CMT)</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="OperaChoruses/Choruses/choruses-CMT.html">Various Opera Choruses</A>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Works by Beethoven, Berlioz, Bizet, Borodin, Donizetti, <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Gounod, Handel, Leoncavallo, Mascagni, Mozart, <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Purcell, Rossini, Tchaikovsky, Verdi, and Wagner </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Orff">Orff</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Orff/Carmina Burana/carmina.html">Carmina Burana </A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Palestrina">Palestrina</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Palestrina/Exsultate Deo/exsultate-deo.html">Exsultate Deo</A> <BR> <A HREF="Palestrina/Fuit homo/fuit-homo.html">Fuit homo missus a Deo</A> <BR> <A HREF="Palestrina/Hodie-a-4/hodie-a-4.html">Hodie Christus natus est (a 4)</A> (SSAB)<BR> <A HREF="Palestrina/Hodie-a-8/hodie-a-8.html">Hodie Christus natus est (a 8)</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> (SSAT-ATTB)<BR> <A HREF="Palestrina/Missa Aeterna Christe Munera/missa-aeterna-christe-munera .html">Missa Aeterna Christe Munera</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Palestrina/Missa Brevis/missa-brevis.html">Missa Brevis</A> <BR> <A HREF="Palestrina/Missa Nasce/missa-nasce.html">Missa: Nasce la gioja mia</A> <BR> <A HREF="Palestrina/Missa-Nigra-sum/missa-nigra-sum.html">Missa: Nigra sum</A> <BR> <A HREF="Palestrina/MissaPapaeMarcelli/missa-papae-marcelli.html">Missa Papae Marcelli (for six voices)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Palestrina/Missa Sicut Lilium/missa-sicut-lilium.html">Missa Sicut Lilium</A> <BR> <A HREF="Palestrina/Sicut cervus/sicut-cervus.html">Sicut cervus</A> <BR> <A HREF="Palestrina/Stabat Mater/stabat-mater.html">Stabat Mater</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Palestrina/Tu es Petrus/tu-es-petrus.html">Tu es Petrus</A> <BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Parker">Parker</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Parker/The Holy Child/the-holy-child.html">The Holy Child</A> <BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Parnell">Parnell</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Parnell/Music's Joy/music's-joy.html">Music's Joy and Song's Eternity</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Parry">Parry</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Parry/Sirens 4-part/sirens.html">Blest pair of Sirens (4-part)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Parry/Sirens/sirens.html">Blest pair of Sirens (8-part)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Parry/Hear-my-words/hear-my-words.html">Hear my words, ye people</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Parry/Invocation/invocation.html">Invocation to Music</A> <BR> <A HREF="Parry/iwasglad/iwasglad.html">I was glad</A> <BR> Songs of farewell - <A HREF="Parry/My soul, there is a country/my-soul-there-is-a-country.html">No. 1: My soul, there is a country</A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- <A HREF="Parry/I know my soul/i-know-my-soul.html">No. 2. I know my soul hath power </A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- <A HREF="Parry/Never weatherbeaten sail/never-weatherbeaten.html">No. 3. Never weatherbeaten sail </A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- <A HREF="Parry/There is an old belief/there-old-belief.html">No. 4. There is an old belief </A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- <A HREF="Parry/At the round Earth's/at-the-round-earth's.html">No. 5. At the round earth's imagined corners </A> <BR> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- <A HREF="Parry/Lord-mine-end/Lord-mine-end.html">No. 6: Lord, let me know mine end</A> <BR> <A HREF="Parry/Pied-Piper/pied-piper.html">The Pied Piper of Hamelin</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Parsons">Parsons</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Parsons/Ave Maria/ave-maria.html">Ave Maria</A> <BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Pearsall">Pearsall</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Pearsall/Sing-we/sing-we.html">Sing we and chaunt it</A> <BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Pergolesi">Pergolesi</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Pergolesi/Magnificat/magnificat.html">Magnificat</A><BR> <A HREF="Pergolesi/Stabat-Mater/stabat-mater.html">Stabat Mater</A><BR> <A HREF="Pergolesi/Stabat-Mater-(Choral)/stabat-mater.html">Stabat Mater SATB Choral version)</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Perosi">Perosi</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Perosi/Transitus Animae/transitus-animae.html">Transitus Animae</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Philips">Philips</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Philips/Ascendit Deus/ascendit-deus.html">Ascendit Deus</A> <BR> <A HREF="Philips/Surgens Jesus/surgens-jesus.html">Surgens Jesus</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Poston">Poston</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Poston/Sing unto the Lord/sing-lord.html">Sing unto the Lord</A> <font color="RED">- <blink style="visibility: visible;"> not publicly available </blink> </font><BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Poulenc">Poulenc</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Poulenc/Gloria/gloria.html">Gloria</A> <BR> <A HREF="Poulenc/Mass in G major/mass-in-g.html">Mass in G major</A> <BR> <A HREF="Poulenc/FourXmasmotets/four-motets.html">Quatre motets pour le temps de noel</A> <BR> <A HREF="Poulenc/SalveRegina/salve-regina.html">Salve Regina</A> <BR> <A HREF="Poulenc/Stabat-Mater/stabat-mater.html">Stabat mater</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Puccini">Puccini</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Puccini/Messa-di-Gloria/messa-di-gloria.html">Messa di Gloria</A> <BR> <A HREF="Puccini/Turandot/turandot.html">Turandot (Act 1)</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Purcell">Purcell</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="purcell/Purcell-Anthology-12-Anthems/anthems.html"> A Purcell Anthology - Twelve Anthems </A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 1. Hear my prayer, O Lord <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2. I was glad <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 3. O God, the King of Glory <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 4. Remember not, Lord, our offences <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 5. Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of out hearts <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 6. Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes mei <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 7. Funeral Sentences (including Funeral Music for Queen Mary)<BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 8. Lord, how long wilt thou be angry? <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 9. O God, thou are my God <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;10. Thy word is a lantern <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;11. O sing unto the Lord <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;12. Rejoice in the Lord alway <BR> <A HREF="purcell/Britons strike home/britons.html"> Britons, strike home!</A> (from "Bonduca") <BR> <A HREF="purcell/Celebrate/celebrate.html"> Celebrate this festival</A> (Birthday ode for Queen Mary) <BR> <A HREF="purcell/Celestial-music/celestial-music.html"> Celestial Music </A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="purcell/Choruses/choruses.html"> Choruses from Purcell's Operas</A> <BR> <A HREF="purcell/Come-Sons/comesons.html"> Come ye sons of Art </A> <BR> <A HREF="purcell/dido-aeneas/dido-aeneas.html">Dido & Aeneas</A> <BR> <A HREF="purcell/King Arthur/king-arthur.html">King Arthur</A> <BR> <A HREF="purcell/Let mine eyes/let-mine-eyes.html">Let mine eyes run down with tears</A> <BR> <A HREF="purcell/Mag_NuncDim-Bb/mag_nuncdim-Bb.html"> Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis (in B flat)</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="purcell/Magnif+NuncDim/magnif+nuncdim.html"> Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis (in G minor)</A> <BR> <A HREF="purcell/Q-Mary-Funeral-Music/q-mary-funeral-music.html"> Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary</A> (see also the Anthology above)<BR> <A HREF="purcell/My-beloved-spake/my-beloved-spake.html"> My beloved spake</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="purcell/Heart-inditing/my-heart.html"> My heart is inditing</A> <BR> <A HREF="purcell/pleasant groves/pleasant-groves.html"> In these delightful, pleasant groves</A> <BR> <A HREF="Purcell/Ode-on-St-Cecilia's-Day/ode-on-st-cecilia's-day.html"> Ode on St Cecilia's day 1692</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="purcell/O-sing/o-sing.html"> O sing unto the Lord</A> <BR> <A HREF="purcell/TeDeum-JubilateDeo/tedeum-jubilatedeo.html"> Te Deum & Jubilate Deo</A> <BR> <A HREF="purcell/Fairy Queen/fairy-queen.html"> The Fairy Queen</A> <BR> <A HREF="purcell/Masque-from-Dioclesian/masque-dioclesian.html"> The Masque in Dioclesian</A> <BR> <A HREF="purcell/Welcome-pleasures/welcome.html">Welcome to all the pleasures (Ode for St Cecilia's Day, 1683)</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Rachmaninov">Rachmaninov</A> </TD> <TD> <A HREF="Rachmaninov/Vespers/vespers.html">Vespers (All-night Vigil)</A> <FONT COLOR=RED>(complete)</FONT> (includes "Ave Maria" ["Bogoroditsye Dyevo"]) </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Radcliffe">Radcliffe</A> </TD> <TD> <A HREF="Radcliffe/Preces+Responses/preces+responses.html">Preces & Responses </A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Ramirez">Ramirez</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Ramirez/Misa Criolla/misa-criolla.html">Misa Criolla</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Redford">Redford</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Redford/Rejoice/rejoice-in-lord.html">Rejoice in the Lord alway</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Reger">Reger</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Reger/Unser lieben/unser-lieben.html">(Und) Unser lieben Frauen Traum</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Rheinberger">Rheinberger</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Rheinberger/Abendlied/abendlied.html">Abendlied</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Rheinberger/Mass in C/mass-in-c.html">Mass in C (Op. 169)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Rheinberger/Stabat Mater/stabat-mater.html">Stabat Mater (Op.138)</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Roberton">Roberton</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Roberton/All-in-April/all-in-april.html">All in the April evening</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Rootham">Rootham</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Rootham/Eve-Serv-Eminor/eve-service.html">Evening Service in E minor</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Rossini">Rossini</A> </TD> <TD> <A HREF="Rossini/Choruses/choruses.html">Opera Choruses</A> <BR> <A HREF="Rossini/O salutaris/o-salutaris.html">O salutaris Hostia</A> <BR> <A HREF="Rossini/Petite-Messe-Solennelle/petite.html">Petite Messe Solennelle</A> <BR> <A HREF="Rossini/Quartetto Pastorale/quartetto-pastorale.html">Quartetto Pastorale</A> <BR> <A HREF="Rossini/Stabat Mater/stab-mat.html">Stabat Mater</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Rutter">Rutter</A> <FONT COLOR=RED> - <BLINK> not publicly <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;available </BLINK> </FONT></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Rutter/Ukrainian Prayer/ukrainian.html">A Ukrainian Prayer</A> <BR> <A HREF="Rutter/Birthday Madrigals/birthday-madrigals.html">Birthday Madrigals</A> <BR> <A HREF="Rutter/Christiana Canticles/christiana-canticles.html">Christiana Canticles</A> <BR> <A HREF="Rutter/Feel the spirit/feel-spirit.html">Feel the spirit</A> <BR> . . . . . (A cycle of spirituals)<BR> <A HREF="Rutter/Gloria/gloria.html">Gloria</A><BR> <A HREF="Rutter/Creator-Light/creator-light.html">Hymn to the Creator of Light</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Rutter/Magnificat/magnificat.html">Magnificat</A> <BR> <A HREF="Rutter/children.mss/children.html">Mass of the Children</A> <BR> <A HREF="Rutter/Requiem/requiem.html">Requiem</A> <BR> <A HREF="Rutter/TeDeum/tedeum.html">Te Deum</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Rutter/Falcon/falcon.html">The Falcon</A> <BR> <A HREF="Rutter/Lord-Light/lord-light.html">The Lord is my light and my salvation</A><BR> <A HREF="Rutter/The Rutter Collection/rutter-collection.html">The Rutter Collection </A><BR> . . . . . (Folksongs, Carols, and general Partworks)<BR> <A HREF="Rutter/Sprig of Thyme/sprig-of-thyme.html">The Sprig of Thyme</A> <BR> . . . . . (A cycle of folk-song settings)<BR> <A HREF="Rutter/Icicles/icicles.html">When icicles hang</A> <BR> . . . . . (A cycle of choral settings)<BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Saint-Saens">Saint-Saens</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Saint-Saens/Messe a 4 voix/mass-a-4.html">Messe a quatre voix</A> <BR> <A HREF="Saint-Saens/Requiem/requiem.html">Messe de Requiem</A> <BR> <A HREF="Saint-Saens/Oratorio de Noel/oratorio-de-noel.html">Oratorio de Noel</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Salieri">Salieri</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Salieri/Confirma hoc/confirma-hoc.html">Confirma hoc Deus</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Salieri/Mass in D/mass-in-d.html">Mass in D (Mass no 1; Hofkapellmeister-messe)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Salieri/Requiem/requiem.html">Requiem in C minor</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Scarlatti">Alessandro Scarlatti</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Scarlatti/Dixit Dominus/dixit-dominus.html">Dixit Dominus a 4</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Scarlatti/Dixit a 5/dixit-a-5.html">Dixit Dominus a 5</A> <BR> <A HREF="Scarlatti/Magnificat/magnificat.html">Magnificat</A> <BR> <A HREF="Scarlatti/Stabat Mater/stabat-mater.html">Stabat Mater</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Schelle">Schelle</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Schelle/Vom Himmel/vom-himmel.html">Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Schubert">Schubert</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Schubert/AveMaria/avemaria.html">Ave Maria</A><BR> <A HREF="Schubert/Magnificat/magnificat.html">Magnificat D486</A><BR> <A HREF="Schubert/Mass No3 Bflat/mass-no3-Bflat.html">Mass No 3, in Bflat</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Schubert/Mass in Aflat/mass-in-a-flat.html">Mass No 5, in Aflat</A><BR> <A HREF="Schubert/MassinC/massinC.html">Mass in C major</A><BR> <A HREF="Schubert/Mass-in-Eb-major/mass-in-eb-major.html">Mass in Eb major</A> <BR> <A HREF="Schubert/Mass-in-F-D872/mass-in-f-d872.html">Mass-in-F (D872) - Deutsche Messe</A><BR> <A HREF="Schubert/MassinG/massinG.html">Mass in G </A> <BR> <A HREF="Schubert/Psalm 23 - Gott ist mein Hirt/gotthirt.html">Psalm 23 - Gott ist mein Hirt </A> <BR> <A HREF="Schubert/Stabat Mater/stabat.html">Stabat Mater </A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Schubert/Standchen/standchen.html">Standchen - Opus 135</A> (for Contralto and Male or Female Voices) <BR> <A HREF="Schubert/Tantum Ergo/tantergo.html">Tantum Ergo </A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Schumann">Schumann</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Schumann/Das Paradies und die Peri/Paradies-Peri1.html">Das Paradies und die Peri</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Schumann-Clara">Schumann-Clara</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Schumann-Clara/Abendfeier in Venedig/abendfeier.html">Abendfeier in Venedig</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Schutz">Schutz</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Schutz/Xmas-Story/xmas-story.html">Christmas Story (Christmas Oratorio, Weihnachts-Historie, Historia der Geburt Jesu Christi, SWV 435) </A> <BR> <A HREF="Schutz/Deutsches Magnificat/deutsches-magnificat.html">Deutsches Magnificat</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Schutz/Musikalische Exequien/musikalische-exequien.html">Musikalische Exequien</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Schutz/Psalm100-Jauchzet dem Herrn/psalm100.html">Psalm 100 - Jauchzet dem Herrn </A> <BR> <A HREF="Schutz/Selig sind die Toten/selig.html">Selig sind die Toten </A> <BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Shearing">Shearing</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Shearing/Songs&Sonnets/songs&sonnets.html">Songs & Sonnets</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Shephard">Shephard</A> <FONT COLOR=RED> - <BLINK> not publicly <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;available </BLINK> </FONT></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Shephard/Communion Service/com-service.html">Communion Service (Rite A)</A><BR> <A HREF="Shephard/Easter Song/easter-song.html">The Easter Song of Praise (Exultet)</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Sibelius">Sibelius</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Sibelius/Finlandia Hymn/finlandia-hymn.html">Finlandia Hymn</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Smith">Smith</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Smith/Preces-Responses/preces-responses.html">The Preces and Responses</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Smyth">Smyth</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Smyth/Mass in D/mass-in-d.html">Mass in D</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Spohr">Spohr</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Spohr/Last-Judgement/last-judgement.html">The Last Judgement</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Stainer">Stainer</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Stainer/How-beautiful/How-beautiful.html">How beautiful upon the mountain</A><BR> <A HREF="Stainer/I saw Lord/i-saw-lord.html">I saw the Lord</A><BR> <A HREF="Stainer/Crucifixion/crucifixion.html">The Crucifixion</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Stanford">Stanford</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Stanford/Benedictus-in-C/benedictus-in-c.html">Benedictus in C</A> <BR> <A HREF="Stanford/How-feet/how-feet.html">How beauteous are their feet</A> <BR> <A HREF="Stanford/I heard voice/i-heard-voice.html">I heard a voice from heaven</A> <BR> <A HREF="Stanford/Jubilate in C/jubilate-in-c.html">Jubilate in C </A> <BR> <A HREF="Stanford/Latin Magnificat/magnificat.html">Latin Magnificat</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Stanford/Magnificat+NuncDim/magnificat+nuncdim.html">Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in A</A> <BR> <A HREF="Stanford/Mag&Nuncdim-in-Bb/mag&nuncdim-in-bb.html">Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in Bflat</A> <BR> <A HREF="Stanford/Mag&NuncDim-in-C/mag&nuncdim-in-C.html">Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in C</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Stanford/Mag&NumcDim-in-G/mag&nuncdim-g.html">Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in G</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Stanford/Via Victorix/via-victorix.html">Mass Via Victrix</A> <BR> <A HREF="Stanford/Phaudrig Crohoore/Phaudrig crohoore.html">Phaudrig Crohoore</A> <BR> <A HREF="Stanford/Psalms 130-131/psalms-130-131.html">Psalms 130-131</A> <BR> <A HREF="Stanford/Songs-of-the-Fleet/songs-fleet.html">Songs of the Fleet</A> <BR> <A HREF="Stanford/3-motets/3-motets.html">Three Motets (Op38)</A><BR> . . . . . . . . . . Beati quorum via <BR> . . . . . . . . . . Justorum animae<BR> . . . . . . . . . . Coelos ascendit hodie <BR> <A HREF="Stanford/Te Deum in Bb/te-deum.html">Te Deum in Bb </A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Stanford/Te Deum in C/te-deum-in-c.html">Te Deum in C</A> <BR> <A HREF="Stanford/Ye Choirs of new Jerusalem/ye-choirs.html">Ye Choirs of new Jerusalem </A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Steggall">Steggall</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Steggall/Remember now thy creator/Remember.html">Remember now thy creator</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Stone">Stone</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Stone/Lord's Prayer/lord's-prayer.html">Lord's Prayer</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Stravinsky">Stravinsky</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Stravinsky/Symphony-of-Psalms/symphony-psalms.html">Symphony of Psalms</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Sullivan">Sullivan</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Sullivan/Long-day-closes/Long-day-closes.html">The long day closes</A><BR> <A HREF="Sullivan/Prodigal Son/prodigal-son.html">The Prodigal Son</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Sumsion">Sumsion</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Sumsion/Communion in F/communion-in-f.html">Communion Service in F major</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Sussmayr">Sussmayr</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Sussmayr/Missa Solemnis/missa-solemnis.html">Missa Solemnis</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Suter">Suter</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Suter/Le Laudi/Le-Laudi+red.html">Le Laudi</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Swann">Swann</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Swann/Festival-Matins/fest-mat.html">Festival Matins</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Sweelinck">Sweelinck</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Sweelinck/Gaudete omnes/gaudete-omnes.html">Gaudete Omnes</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Sweelinck/HodieChristus/Hodie.html">Hodie Christus natus est</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Sweelinck/Laudate Dominum/laudate-dom.html">Laudate Dominum</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Sweelinck/Magnificat/magnificat.html">Magnificat</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Tallis">Tallis</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Tallis/Mag+NuncDim/mag+nuncdim.html">Evening Service (Short; Dorian Mode)</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Tallis/If ye love me/if-ye-love.html">If ye love me</A><BR> <A HREF="Tallis/In jejunio et fletu/in-jejunio.html">In jejunio et fletu</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Tallis/Loquebantur/loqueban.html">Loquebantur variis linguis</A><BR> <A HREF="Tallis/Mass for four voices/mass-for-four-voices.html">Mass for four voices</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Tallis/O Lord Spirit/o-lord-spirit.html">O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit</A><BR> <A HREF="Tallis/O-nata-lux/o-nata-lux.html">O nata lux</A><BR> <A HREF="Tallis/Salvator mundi/salvator-mundi.html">Salvator mundi</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Tavener">Tavener</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Tavener/Hymn-to-Mother/hymn-mother.html">A Hymn to the Mother of God</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Taverner">Taverner</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Taverner/Dum Transisset/dum-transsiset.html">Dum transisset Sabbatum</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Tchaikovsky">Tchaikovsky</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Tchaikovsky/Choruses/choruses.html">Choruses from Tchaikovsky's Operas</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Telemann">Telemann</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Telemann/In dulci jubilo/in-dulci-jubilo.html">In dulci jubilo</A> <BR> <A HREF="Telemann/Lobt Gott/lobt-gott.html">Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Telemann/Uns-ist-ein-Kind/uns-ist-ein-kind.html">Uns ist ein Kind geboren</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Tippett">Tippett</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Tippett/Child-of-our-Time/child-time.html">Five Spirituals (from "A Child of our Time")</A><BR> <A HREF="Tippett/Magnif+NuncDim/Magnif+NuncDim.html">Magnificat & Nunc dimittis</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Todd">Todd</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Todd/Blessed peacemakers/blessed-peacemakers.html">Blessed are the peacemakers</A> <FONT COLOR=RED>- <BLINK> Not publicly available </BLINK> </FONT><BR> <A HREF="Todd/Christus-stella/christus-stella.html">Christus est stella</A> <FONT COLOR=RED>- <BLINK> Not publicly available </BLINK> </FONT><BR> <A HREF="Todd/Mass-in-Blue/mass-in-blue.html">Mass in Blue (Original version)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Todd/Mass-in-Blue-2/mass-in-blue-2.html">Mass in Blue (Version 2)</A> <FONT COLOR=RED>- <BLINK> Not publicly available </BLINK> </FONT><BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Tomkins">Tomkins</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Tomkins/Preces+Responses/preces+responses.html">Preces & Responses</A> <BR> <A HREF="Tomkins/When-David-heard/when-david-heard.html">When David heard</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Trad">Trad</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Trad/Jasmin-flower/jasmin-flower.html">Jasmin-flower (Moo-Lee-Hwa)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Trad/Siyahamba/siyahamba.html">Siyahamba</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Travers">Travers</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Travers/Ascribe/ascribe.html">Ascribe unto the Lord</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Tudway">Tudway</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Tudway/Jubilate/jubilate.html">Jubilate</A> <BR> <A HREF="Tudway/Wimpole Service /wimpole-service .html">"Wimpole Service" - Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis</A> <BR> <A HREF="Tudway/Te Deum/te-deum.html">"Wimpole" Te Deum</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Turner">Turner</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Turner/Geths-to-Gol/geths-to-gol.html">Gethsemane to Golgatha</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Tye">Tye</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Tye/O come, ye servants of the Lord/O-come.html">O come, ye servants of the Lord</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Usper">Usper (aka Sponga)</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Usper/Benedicam Dominum/benedicam-dominum.html">Benedicam Dominum</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Utendal">Utendal (aka Utendahl)</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Utendal/Inclina Domine/inclina-domine.html">Inclina Domine</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="VaugWill">Vaughan Williams</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/Sea-symphony/seasymph.html"> A sea symphony</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/Benedicite/benedicite.html"> Benedicite</A> <FONT COLOR=RED>- <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK> </FONT><BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/Dona nobis pacem/dona-nobis-pacem.html"> Dona nobis pacem</A> <FONT COLOR=RED>- <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK></FONT><BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/Carol Fantasia/carol-fantasia.html"> Fantasia on Christmas Carols</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/5-English-Folk-Songs/5-english-folk-songs.html"> Five English Folk Songs</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; The dark-eyed sailor<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; The spring time of the year<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Just as the tide was flowing<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; The lover's ghost &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; (Well met, my own true Love)<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Wassail song <BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/5-Mystical-Songs/mystical.html"> Five mystical songs</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Easter<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; I got me flowers<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Love bade me welcome<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; The Call<BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Antiphon ("Let all the world ...")<BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/Hodie/hodie.html"> Hodie</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/Linden Lea SATB/linden-lea-satb.html"> Linden Lea (SATB)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/Linden Lea SS/linden-lea-ss.html"> Linden Lea (1st & 2nd Treble)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/Lord Refuge/lord-refuge.html"> Lord, Thou hast been our refuge</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/Mass in G minor/mass-in-g-minor.html">Mass in G minor</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/O be joyful/o-be-joyful.html"> O be joyful in the Lord (The Hundredth Psalm)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/O-clap-hands/o-clap-hands.html"> O clap your hands</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/O how amiable/amiable.html"> O how amiable are thy dwellings</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/Old-100th/old-100th.html"> Old Hundreth</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/O taste and see/o-taste.html"> O taste and see </A> <FONT COLOR=RED>- <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK> </FONT> <BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/Serenade to Music/serenade.html"> Serenade to Music </A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <FONT COLOR=RED>- <BLINK> no longer publicly available</BLINK> </FONT> <BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/Te-Deum-in-G/te-deum-in-g.html"> Te Deum in G</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/The Commonwealth/newcommonwealth.html"> The New Commonwealth</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/Three Elizabethan Part-songs/three-Elizabethan-part-songs.html"> Three Elizabethan Part-songs</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vaughan-Williams/Unknown/unknown.html"> Toward the unknown region</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Verdi">Verdi</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Verdi/Choruses/choruses.html"> Choruses from Verdi's Operas</A> <BR> <A HREF="Verdi/Paternoster/paternoster.html"> Pater Noster</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> Quattro pezzi sacri - <A HREF="Verdi/Ave Maria/ave-maria.html"> No. 1: Ave Maria</A> <BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <A HREF="Verdi/Stabat Mater/stabat-mater.html"> No. 2: Stabat Mater</A> <BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <A HREF="Verdi/Laudi Maria/laudi-maria.html"> No. 3: Laudi alla vergine Maria</A> <BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <A HREF="Verdi/Te Deum/te-deum.html"> No. 4: Te Deum Laudamus</A> <BR> <A HREF="Verdi/Requiem/Requiem.html"> Requiem</A> <BR> <A HREF="Verdi/AltRequiem/requiem.html"> Requiem</A> (with alternative dynamics) <BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Viadana">Viadana</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Viadana/Exsultate justi/exsultate.html">Exsultate justi</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Victoria">Victoria</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Victoria/Ave Maria/avemaria.html">Ave Maria</A><BR> <A HREF="Victoria/Congratulamini/congratulamini.html">Congratulamini mihi</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Victoria/Jesu dulcis/jesu-dulcis.html">Jesu, dulcis memoria</A><BR> <A HREF="Victoria/Missa O magnum mysterium/missa-mysterium.html">Missa O magnum mysterium</A><BR> <A HREF="Victoria/Missa O Quam Gloriosum/missa-o-quam.html">Missa O Quam Gloriosum</A><BR> <A HREF="Victoria/O magnum mysterium/O-magnum-mysterium.html">O magnum mysterium</A><BR> <A HREF="Victoria/O-quam-gloriosum/o-quam-gloriosum.html">O quam gloriosum</A><BR> <A HREF="Victoria/O vos omnes/o-vos-omnes.html">O vos omnes</A><BR> <A HREF="Victoria/Salve Regina Antifon-8/salve-regina-antifon-8.html">Salve Regina Antifon-8</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Victoria/Sancta_Maria_Succurre_Miseris/sancta_maria_succurre_miseris.html"> Sancta Maria, Succurre Miseris</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Victoria/Sepulto-Domino/sepulto-domino.html">Sepulto Domino</A><BR> <A HREF="Victoria/Super Flumina Babylonis/super-flumina-babylonis.html">Super Flumina Babylonis</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Victoria/Vidi speciosam/Vidi.html">Vidi speciosam</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Vierne">Vierne</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Vierne/Messe solennelle/messe-solennelle.html">Messe solennelle</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Vivaldi">Vivaldi</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Vivaldi/BeatusVir-597/beatusvir597.html"> Beatus Vir (RV 597)</A> <font color="RED"> NEED - NOT 598!!</font> <BR> <A HREF="Vivaldi/Beatus Vir 598/beatus-vir-598.html"> Beatus Vir (RV 598)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vivaldi/Credo/credo.html"> Credo</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vivaldi/Dixit-RV594/dixit.html"> Dixit Dominus (RV 594)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vivaldi/Dixit-RV595/Dixit.html"> Dixit Dominus (RV 595)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vivaldi/Gloria/gloria.html"> Gloria - RV 589</A> - there are Casella, Malipiero/Everett and Martens versions<BR> <A HREF="Vivaldi/Jubilate-Gloria RV588/jubilate-gloria-RV588.html"> Jubilate & Gloria - RV 588</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vivaldi/Lauda-jerusalem/lauda-je.html"> Lauda Jerusalem</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Vivaldi/Laudate Dominum/laudate.html"> Laudate Dominum</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Vivaldi/Magnificat/magnificat.html"> Magnificat (RV 610a)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vivaldi/Magnificat-611/magnificat.html"> Magnificat (RV 611)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Vivaldi/Nisi Dominus/nisi-dominus.html"> Nisi Dominus</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Wagner">Wagner</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Wagner/Choruses/choruses.html">Choruses from Wagner's Operas</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Walmisley">Walmisley</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Walmisley/Magnif+NuncDim/magnif+nuncdim.html">Magnificat & Nunc dimittis</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Walton">Walton</A> <FONT COLOR=RED> - <BLINK> not publicly <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;available </BLINK> </FONT></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Walton/A-Litany/a-litany.html">A Litany <I>(Drop, drop, slow tears)</I></A><BR> <A HREF="Walton/Belshazzar's Feast/belshazzar's-feast.html">Belshazzar's Feast</A> <BR> <A HREF="Walton/Cor-Te-Deum/cor-te-deum.html">Coronation Te Deum</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Walton/Jubilate Deo/jubilate-deo.html">Jubilate Deo</A> <BR> <A HREF="Walton/Magnif-NuncDim/Not-Public.html">Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (The Chichester Service)</A> <BR> <A HREF="Walton/set me as a seal/set-me.html">Set me as a seal upon thine heart</A> <BR> <A HREF="Walton/The Twelve/the-twelve.html">The Twelve</A> <BR> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Warlock">Warlock</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Warlock/Yarmouth Fair/yarmouth-fair.html">Yarmouth Fair</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Watson">Watson</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Watson/Magnif-NuncDim/magnif-nuncdim.html">Evening Service (Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis) in E</A> </TD> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Weelkes">Weelkes</A><FONT COLOR=GREEN> - See also <BR> the List for Partworks <BR> and Madrigals </FONT></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Weelkes/Alleluia/alleluia-voice.html">Alleluia, I heard a voice</A><BR> <A HREF="Weelkes/Gloria/gloria.html">Gloria in excelsis Deo</A><BR> <A HREF="Weelkes/Hosanna-to-David/hosanna-to-david.html">Hosanna to the Son of David</A><BR> <A HREF="Weelkes/When-David/when-david.html">When David heard</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Wesley">Wesley</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Wesley/Ascribe unto the Lord/ascribe-unto-the-Lord.html">Ascribe unto the Lord</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Wesley/Blessed be the God and Father/Blessed-be.html">Blessed be the God and Father</A><BR> <A HREF="Wesley/Confitebor/confitebor.html">Confitebor</A><BR> <A HREF="Wesley/Praise the Lord/praise-the-lord.html">Praise the Lord, O my soul</A><BR> <A HREF="Wesley/Thou-wilt-keep/thou-wilt-keep.html">Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace</A><BR> <A HREF="Wesley/Wash me/wash-me.html">Wash me thoroughly</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Whitacre">Whitacre</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Whitacre/Cloudburst/cloudburst.html">Cloudburst</A><BR> <A HREF="Whitacre/Lux-Aurumque/lux-aurumeque.html">Lux Aurumque</A><BR> <A HREF="Whitacre/Seal Lullaby/seal-lullaby.html">The Seal Lullaby</A><BR> <A HREF="Whitacre/Stolen Child/stolen-child.html">The Stolen Child</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="White">White</A> </TD> <TD> <A HREF="White/Christe, qui lux/christe-qui-lux.html">Christe, qui lux es et dies</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Widor">Widor</A> </TD> <TD> <A HREF="Widor/Messe-2Choeurs+2Orgues (Op36)/Messe-2+2 (Op36).html">Messe: 2Choeurs+2Orgues (Op36)</A><font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Wilberg">Wilberg</A> <FONT COLOR=RED> - <BLINK> not publicly <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;available </BLINK> </FONT></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Wilberg/Down-River/down-river.html">Down to the River to Pray</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Williamson">Williamson (Malcolm)</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Williamson/Watch-manger/watch-manger.html"> The watch at the manger</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="WillcocksJ">Willcocks (Jonathan)</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Willcocks (Jonathan)/In Praise of Singing/in-praise-of-singing.html"> In Praise of Singing</A> <FONT COLOR=RED> - <BLINK> not publicly available </BLINK> </FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Wise">Wise</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Wise/Ways Zion mourn/ways-zion-mourn.html">The Ways of Zion do mourn</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Wishart">Wishart</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Wishart/Go in peace/go-in-peace.html">Go in peace</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Wood">Wood</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Wood/Hail gladdening light/hail-glad-light.html">Hail gladdening light</A><BR> <A HREF="Wood/Magnif+NuncDim-E-2/Magnic+NunDim-2.html">Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in E flat major (Second setting)</A><BR> <A HREF="Wood/Thou-Orb/thou-orb.html">O Thou, the Central Orb</A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP><A NAME="Zelenka">Zelenka</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="Zelenka/Haec Dies/haec-dies.html">Haec Dies</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Zelenka/Magnificat in C/magnificat-in-C.html">Magnificat in C (ZWV 107)</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> <BR> <A HREF="Zelenka/Magnificat in D/magnificat-in-d.html">Magnificat in D (ZWV 108)</A> <font color="RED"> NEED </font> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <BR> <HR ALIGN="CENTER" WIDTH="100%" SIZE="1"> <P><A HREF="#list">Back to List Top</A></P> <BR> <P> <A NAME="end"></A> </P> <P><A HREF="index2.html#top">Back to Site Homepage</A></P> <!-- CHANGE THE ADDRESS AT THE TOP, TOO --> <HR ALIGN="CENTER" WIDTH="100%" SIZE="2"> <P><I>Last updated by John on 22/Dec/23</I></P> </BODY> </HTML>
Composer List (function() { var blinks = document.getElementsByTagName('blink'); var visibility = 'hidden'; window.setInterval(function() { for (var i = blinks.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { blinks[i].style.visibility = visibility; } visibility = (visibility === 'visible') ? 'hidden' : 'visible'; }, 500); })(); ###### **If you arrived here other than by way of my [Home Page](index.html), I suggest you go there first** # **John's Midi File Choral Music site** ## *Major Works and Anthems - List of available Works, by Composer* (if it's not here it might be in the [***Partworks and Madrigals etc*** Composer List)](Madrigals-etc/Madrigals-complist.html#list) [**If this is your first visit, click here to learn about the contents**](Before.html#list) [Albert, Prince Consort](#Albert)   [Aleotti](#Aleotti)   [Alfven](#Alfven)   [Allegri](#Allegri)   [Anerio](#Anerio)   [Arbo](#Arbo)   [Arnesen](#Arnesen)   [Ash](#Ash)   [Astorga](#Astorga)   [Austin](#Austin)   [Ayleward](#Ayleward)   [Bach, JS](#Bach)   [Bach, CPE](#Bach-CPE)   [Bach, JChr](#Bach JChr)   [Bach, JM](#Bach JM)   [Bainton](#Bainton)   [Bairstow](#Bairstow)   [Barber](#Barber)   [Beach](#Beach)   [Beethoven](#Beethoven)   [Bennett](#Bennett)   [Berlioz](#Berlioz)   [Bernstein](#Bernstein)   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[Dunstaple](#Dunstaple)   [Duparc](#Duparc)   [Durante](#Durante)   [Durufle](#Durufle)   [Dvorak](#Dvorak)   [Dyson](#Dyson)   [Ebdon](#Ebdon)   [Elgar](#Elgar)   [Eriksson](#Eriksson)   [Farmer](#Farmer)   [Faure](#Faure)   [Finzi](#Finzi)   [Fletcher](#Fletcher)   [Franck](#Franck)   [Gabrieli](#Gabrieli)   [Gesualdo](#Gesualdo)   [Gibbons](#Gibbons)   [Gilbert & Sullivan](#Gilbert&Sullivan)   [Gjeilo](#Gjeilo)   [Glinka](#Glinka)   [Goodall](#Goodall)   [Goss](#Goss)   [Gounod](#Gounod)   [Graupner](#Graupner)   [Grieg](#Grieg)   [Greene](#Greene)   [Guerrero](#Guerrero)   [Hacquart](#Hacquart)   [Hadley](#Hadley)   [Hahn](#Hahn)   [Handel](#Handel)   [Handel-Bohm](#Handel-Bohm)   [Handl (Gallus)](#Handl)   [Handl (Jacob)](#Handl-(J))   [Harris (M)](#HarrisM)   [Harris (P)](#HarrisP)   [Harris (WH)](#HarrisWH)   [Hassler](#Hassler)   [Haydn](#Haydn)   [Haydn (Michael)](#Haydn (Michael))   [Hedges](#Hedges)   [Hensel](#Hensel)   [Holst](#Holst)   [Holst (Imogen)](#Holst (Imogen))   [Honegger](#Honegger)   [Hooper](#Hooper)   [Horovitz](#Horovitz)   [Howells](#Howells)   [Hummel](#Hummel)   [Ireland](#Ireland)   [Irvine](#Irvine)   [Ives](#Ives)   [Jackson](#Jackson)   [Jenkins](#Jenkins)   [John IV](#John IV)   [Jommelli](#Jommelli)   [Kodaly](#Kodaly)   [Kuhnau](#Kuhnau)   [Lambert](#Lambert)   [Lassus](#Lassus)   [Lauridsen](#Lauridsen)   [Lawes](#Lawes)   [Leighton](#Leighton)   [Leoncavallo](#Leoncavallo)   [Leontovych & Wilhousky](#Leontovych & Wilhousky)   [Liszt](#Liszt)   [Loosemore](#Loosemore)   [Lotti](#Lotti)   [Lovett](#Lovett)   [Lundmark](#Lundmark)   [MacDonald](#MacDonald)   [MacMillan](#MacMillan)   [Mahler](#Mahler)   [Marquez](#Marquez)   [Martin](#Martin)   [Mascagni](#Mascagni)   [Mathias](#Mathias)   [Maunder](#Maunder)   [McDowall](#McDowall)   [Mealor](#Mealor)   [Mechem](#Mechem)   [Mendelssohn](#Mendelssohn)   [Menotti](#Menotti)   [Moeran](#Moeran)   [Monllor](#Monllor)   [Monteverdi](#Monteverdi)   [Moore](#Moore)   [Morales](#Morales)   [Morley](#Morley)   [Mozart](#Mozart)   [Mudd](#Mudd)   [Murillo](#Murillo)   [Naylor](#Naylor)   [Noble](#Noble)   [Opera Choruses](#OperaChoruses)   [Orff](#Orff)   [Palestrina](#Palestrina)   [Parker](#Parker)   [Parnell](#Parnell)   [Parry](#Parry)   [Parsons](#Parsons)   [Pearsall](#Pearsall)   [Pergolesi](#Pergolesi)   [Perosi](#Perosi)   [Philips](#Philips)   [Poston](#Poston)   [Poulenc](#Poulenc)   [Puccini](#Puccini)   [Purcell](#Purcell)   [Rachmaninov](#Rachmaninov)   [Radcliffe](#Radcliffe)   [Ramirez](#Ramirez)   [Redford](#Redford)   [Reger](#Reger)   [Rheinberger](#Rheinberger)   [Roberton](#Roberton)   [Rootham](#Rootham)   [Rossini](#Rossini)   [Rutter](#Rutter)   [Saint-Saens](#Saint-Saens)   [Salieri](#Salieri)   [Scarlatti A](#Scarlatti)   [Schelle](#Schelle)   [Schubert](#Schubert)   [Schumann](#Schumann)   [Schumann (Clara)](#Schumann-Clara)   [Schutz](#Schutz)   [Shearing](#Shearing)   [Shephard](#Shephard)   [Sibelius](#Sibelius)   [Smith](#Smith)   [Smyth](#Smyth)   [Spohr](#Spohr)   [Stainer](#Stainer)   [Stanford](#Stanford)   [Steggall](#Steggall)   [Stone](#Stone)   [Stravinsky](#Stravinsky)   [Sullivan](#Sullivan)   [Sumsion](#Sumsion)   [Sussmayr](#Sussmayr)   [Suter](#Suter)   [Swann](#Swann)   [Sweelinck](#Sweelinck)   [Tallis](#Tallis)   [Tavener](#Tavener)   [Taverner](#Taverner)   [Tchaikovsky](#Tchaikovsky)   [Telemann](#Telemann)   [Tippett](#Tippett)   [Todd](#Todd)   [Tomkins](#Tomkins)   [Trad](#Trad)   [Travers](#Travers)   [Tudway](#Tudway)   [Turner](#Turner)   [Tye](#Tye)   [Usper (aka Sponga)](#Usper)   [Utendal (aka Utendahl)](#Utendal)   [Vaughan Williams](#VaugWill)   [Verdi](#Verdi)   [Viadana](#Viadana)   [Victoria](#Victoria)   [Vierne](#Vierne)   [Vivaldi](#Vivaldi)   [Wagner](#Wagner)   [Walmisley](#Walmisley)   [Walton](#Walton)   [Warlock](#Warlock)   [Watson](#Watson)   [Weelkes](#Weelkes)   [Wesley](#Wesley)   [Whitacre](#Whitacre)   [White](#White)   [Widor](#Widor)   [Wilberg](#Wilberg)   [Williamson (Malcolm)](#Williamson)   [Willcocks (Jonathan)](#WillcocksJ)   [Wise](#Wise)   [Wishart](#Wishart)   [Wood](#Wood)   [Zelenka](#Zelenka)   [Straight to Page End, and Back to Site Homepage](#end) Here is a List of all the Works I have keyed in, and which you can download as Midi Files in one form or another (that is, either voice-emphasized or not!). *Simply navigate - **follow/click on the links** - through the system until you come to the pages with the actual Music Files on them, and then **click** on the Files you want to download.*:- If any of them aren't associated with links it means either that I'm still keying them in or that while they're available they're awaiting revision for uploading. Or possibly that, though they're ready for uploading, as yet I haven't acquired the necessary space (you'd be surprised how much space these Midi Files take up, especially when each one comes in five flavours!). And if some of the links don't work? Probably I've made a mistake - such as calling a file "FILE.MID" but then carelessly referring to it as "file.mid" ... which makes a case-sensitive Unix-based Server report that it - "file.mid" - doesn't exist! This happens quite a lot, I'm afraid, and is the most likely reason for a "page not available" comment from your browser. **If you find this happens, please let me know.** | | | | --- | --- | | Albert, Prince Consort | [Te Deum](Albert/Te Deum/te-deum.html) NEED | | Aleotti | [Angelus ad pastores ait](Aleotti/Angelus ad pastores ait/angelus.html) | | Alfven | [Julsang](Alfven/Julsang/Julsang.html) - not publicly available | | Allegri | [Miserere mei Deus](Allegri/Miserere/miserere.html) NEED | | Anerio | [Christus factus est](Anerio/Christus-factus-est/christus-factus-est.html) | | Arbo | [Crossing the bar](Arbo/Crossing the bar/CrossBar.html) | | Arnesen | [Christmas Night](Arnesen/Christmas Night/Christmas-Night.html) - not publicly available | | Ash | [The Pelicantata](Ash/Pelicantata/pelicantata.html) | | Astorga | [Stabat Mater](Astorga/Stabat Mater/stabat-mater.html) NEED | | Austin | [Songs in a farmhouse](Austin/Farmhouse-songs/farmhouse-songs.html) | | Ayleward | [Preces & Responses](Ayleward/Preces+Responses/preces+responses.html) | | Bach, CPE | [Magnificat (Wq 215)](Bach-CPE/Magnificat/magnificat.html) | | Bach, JChr | [Magnificat](Bach JChr/Magnificat/magnificat.html) | | Bach, JM | [Nun treten wir ins neue Jahr](Bach JM/Nun treten wir/nun-treten.html) | | Bach, JS | [Ascension Oratorio (Cantata 11)](Bach/BWV11 Ascension Oratorio/ascension-oratorio.html) (complete) [Cantata 21](Bach/Cantata 21/cantata-21.html) [Cantata 30](Bach/Cantata 30/cantata-30.html) NEED [Cantata 29](Bach/Cantata 29/cantata-29.html) [Cantata 40](Bach/Cantata 40/cantata-40.html) [Cantata 63](Bach/Cantata.063/cant063.html) [Cantata 118 (O Jesu Christ, Mein's Lebens Licht)](Bach/Cantata 118/BWV118.html) [Cantata 131](Bach/Cantata.131/BWV131.html) [Cantata 137](Bach/Cantata 137/cantata137.html) [Cantata 140](Bach/Cantata 140/cantata-140.html) [Cantata 146](Bach/Cantata 146/cantata-146.html) [Cantata 147](Bach/Cantata 147/cantata-147.html) (inc. "Jesus bleibet meine Freude") [Cantata 191](Bach/Cantata.191/cant191.html) [Cantata 229 (Komm, Jesu, komm)](Bach/Cantata 229/cantata-229.html) [Chorale segments](Bach/Chorale bits/chorale-bits.html) [Jesu, joy of Man's desiring](Bach/Jesu-joy/jesu-joy.html) [St. John Passion](Bach/St-John/stjohn.html) [St. Luke Passion](Bach/St Luke Passion/st-luke-passion.html) [St. Matthew Passion](Bach/Matthew/matthew.html) [Christmas Oratorio](Bach/XmasOrat/xmasorat.html) [Easter Oratorio](Bach/Easter-Oratorio/easter-oratorio.html) [Magnificat in D](Bach/Magnificat in D/Magnificat-in-D.html) [Mass in B minor](Bach/B-minor/b-minor.html) [Mass in F major](Bach/Mass-in-F-Major/mass-in-f-major.html) [Missa Brevis in A-major (BWV 234)](Bach/Missa Brevis in A/missa-brevis-in-a.html) [Motet 1 (BWV 225): Singet dem Herrn](Bach/Singet-dem-Herrn/singet-dem-herrn.html) (Sing ye to the Lord a new song) [Motet 2 (BWV 226): Der Geist hilft unsrer schwachheit auf](Bach/Der geist hilft/der-geist-hilft.html) (The Spirit gives aid to our weakness) [Motet 3 (BWV 227): Jesu, meine Freude](Bach/Jesu meine Freude/jesu-meine-freude.html) (Jesus, my great pleasure [Motet 4 (BWV 228): Fürchte dich nicht](Bach/Motet 4 BWV 228/motet-4.html) (Do not fear) [Motet 5 (BWV 229): Komm, Jesu, komm](Bach/Cantata 229/cantata-229.html) (Come, Jesus, come) [Motet 6 (BWV 230): Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden](Bach/O-praise-the-Lord/o-praise.html) (O praise the Lord, all ye Nations) [Sheep may safely graze (BWV 208) - James Winfield arrangement [Zion hears her watchman calling (parts 4 & 7 of Cantata 140)](Bach/Cantata.140/cant140.html)](Bach/Sheep may safely graze (BWV 208)/sheep-graze.html) | | Bainton | [And I saw a new heaven](Bainton/And-I-saw/and-i-saw.html) | | Bairstow | [I sat down under His shadow](Bairstow/I sat down/i-sat-down.html) [Jesu, the very thought of Thee](Bairstow/Jesu-the-very/jesu-the-very.html) [Let all mortal flesh keep silence](Bairstow/Let-all-mortal/let-all-mortal.html) | | Barber | [Agnus Dei (choral Adagio)](Barber/Agnus Dei/agnus-dei.html) | | Beach | [Canticle of the Sun](Beach/Canticle of the Sun/canticle-of-the-sun.html) NEED [Mass in Eb](Beach/Mass in Eb/mass-in-eb.html) [Nunc Dimittis](Beach/Nunc Dimittis/nunc-dimittis.html) | | Beethoven | [Choral Fantasy (final section)](Beethoven/Choral-Fantasy/choral-fantasy.html) [Choruses from Beethoven's Operas](Beethoven/Choruses/choruses.html) [Dona nobis pacem](Beethoven/DonaNobisPacem/donanobispacem.html) [Mass in C](Beethoven/Mass-in.C/massinc.html) [Mass in D (Missa solemnis)](Beethoven/Mass-in.D/massind.html) [Opferlied (Op. 121b)](Beethoven/Opferlied Op 121b/opferlied.html) [9th Symphony: Finale](Beethoven/IX-Finale/ix-finale.html) [The Mount of Olives (Christus am Ölberge, Op.85)](Beethoven/Mount of Olives/mount-of-olives.html) | | Bennett - not publicly             available | [A Farewell to Arms](Bennett/Farewell-to-Arms/Farewell-to-Arms.html) | | Berlioz | [Choruses from Berlioz's Operas](Berlioz/Choruses/choruses.html) [Requiem (Grande Messe des Morts)](Berlioz/Requiem/requiem.html) [Te Deum](Berlioz/Te Deum/te-deum.html) [The Childhood of Christ (L'enfance du Christ)](Berlioz/Childhood-Christ/childhood-christ.html) [Tristia](Berlioz/Tristia/tristia.html) NEED | | Bernstein | [Chichester Psalms](Bernstein/Chichester-Psalms/chichester-psalms.html) [Missa Brevis](Bernstein/Missa Brevis/missa-brevis.html) | | Biber | [Requiem in F minor](Biber/Requiem in Fminor/requiem-in-F.html) | | Billings | [Chester](Billings/Chester/chester.html) | | Bingham | [The Pilgrimes Travels](Bingham/The Pilgrimes Travels/pilgrimes.html) | | Bizet | [Carmen](Bizet/Carmen/carmen.html) [Choruses from Bizet's Operas](Bizet/Choruses/choruses.html) | | Blackford | [Pieta](Blackford/Pieta/pieta.html) | | Blair | [Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (original)](Blair/Magnificat-NuncDim/magnificat-nuncdim.html) [Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (Ed. Ivor Atkins)](Blair-Atkins/Magnificat-NuncDim-Atkins/magnificat-nuncdim-atkins.html) | | Bliss | [Pastoral: Lie strewn the white flocks](Bliss/Pastoral/pastoral.html) | | Bloch | [Avodath Hakodesh](Bloch/Avodath Hakodesh/avodath-hakodesh.html) | | Blow | [Behold, O God our defender - Four part](Blow/Behold-O-God/4-part version/behold-o-god.html) [. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Five part](Blow/Behold-O-God/5-part version/behold-o-god.html) [Evening Canticles in G](Blow/Mag.NuncDim in G/mag.nuncdim.html) NEED [God is our hope and strength](Blow/God is our hope/god-is-our-hope.html) NEED [Let Thy hand be strengthened](Blow/Let-Thy-hand/let-thy-hand.html) [Salvator Mundi](Blow/Salvator Mundi/salvator-mundi.html) | | Borodin | [Polovtsian [*Polovetsian*] Dances](Borodin/Polovtsian Dances/polovtsian-dances.html) | | Boulanger | [Soleils de Septembre](Boulanger/Soleils de Septembre/soleils-de-septembre.html) [Sous bois](Boulanger/Sous bois/Sous-bois.html) | | Boyce | [O where shall wisdom be found?](Boyce/O-where-shall/o-where-shall.html) [Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem](Boyce/Praise-the-Lord/praise-the-lord.html) [The King shall rejoice](Boyce/King-rejoice/king-rejoice.html) | | Brahms | [A Song of Destiny (Schicksalslied)](Brahms/Song-of-Destiny/song-of-destiny.html) [Four Songs (Op. 17)](Brahms/FourSongs/foursongs.html) [German Requiem](Brahms/German-requiem/german-requiem.html) [Gesang der Parzen](Brahms/Parzen/parzen.html) [11 Gipsy Songs](Brahms/Gipsy Songs/gipsysongs.html) NEED [Liebeslieder Op52](Brahms/Liebeslieder Op52/liebeslieder.html) [Neue Liebeslieder Op65](Brahms/Neue Liebeslieder Op65/neue-liebeslieder.html) | | Brewer | [Brewer in D](Brewer/Brewer in D/brewer-in-d.html) NEED | | Britten | [A Boy was Born (Novello version)](Britten/A-Boy-was-born-Novello/a-boy-was-born.html) NEED [. . . . . . . . . . . . . (OUP version)](Britten/A-Boy-was-born-Oxford/a-boy-was-born.html) NEED [A Hymn to the Virgin](Britten/Hymn-to-Virgin/hymn-to-virgin.html) [A Ceremony of Carols](Britten/Ceremony of Carols/c-carols.html) [Festival Te Deum](Britten/Festival-Te-Deum/festival-te-deum.html) [Five Flower Songs](Britten/Five Flower Songs/flower-songs.html) [Hymn to St. Cecilia](Britten/Hymn to Cecilia/cecilia.html) NEED [Rejoice in the Lamb](Britten/Rejoice-Lamb/rejoice-lamb.html) [St. Nicolas](Britten/St Nicolas/St Nicolas.html) [War Requiem](Britten/War Requiem/war-requiem.html) - not publicly available [Welcome Ode - Canon](Britten/Welcome Ode - Canon/welcome-ode-canon.html) | | Brown | [A Song for Oriana](Brown/A-Song-for-Oriana/a-son-for-oriana.html) [(about this work)](Brown/A-Song-for-Oriana/about-oriana.html) | | Bruckner | [Ave Maria](Bruckner/Ave Maria/ave-maria.html) [Christus factus est](Bruckner/Christus factus est/christus-factus-est.html) [Geistliche chore - Eleven motets](Bruckner/Geistliche-Chore/geistliche-chore.html) NEED Inhalt 1. Ave Maria          2. Offertorium: Afferentur regi          3. Pange lingua          4. Graduale: Locus iste          5. Antiphon          6. Graduale (Os justi)          7. Graduale - Christus factus est          8. Ecce sacerdos          9. Virga Jesse        10. Vexilla regis Anhang Inveni David [Locus iste](Bruckner/Locus-iste/locus-iste.html) [Mass No 1 in D minor](Bruckner/Mass No 1 in D/mass- in-D.html) [Mass in E minor (Mass No: 2) - 1896 version](Bruckner/Mass in E minor/MassinEminor.html) [Mass in F minor (Mass No: 3)](Bruckner/Mass in F minor/mass-in-f-minor.html) [Te Deum](Bruckner/Te Deum/te-deum.html) | | Bush | [A Christmas Cantata](Bush/Christmas Cantata/christmas-cantata.html) | | Buxtehude | [Magnificat (BuxWV Anh)](Buxtehude/Magnificat/magnificat.html) [Missa alla Brevis BuxWV 114](Buxtehude/Missa Brevis BuxWV 114/missa-brevis-buxwv-114.html) NEED [The little newborn Jesus child (Das Neugeborne Kindelein)](Buxtehude/Newborn-Child/newborn-child.html) [The Lord is with me (Der Herr ist mit mir)](Buxtehude/Der Herr ist mit mir/der-herr.html) | | Byrd | [Ave Maria](Byrd/Ave Maria/ave-maria.html) [Ave verum corpus](Byrd/Ave verum corpus/ave-verum.html) [Haec Dies](Byrd/Haec-Dies/haec-dies.html) [Infelix ego](Byrd/Infelix-ego/infelix-ego.html) [I will not leave you comfortless](Byrd/I will not leave you/i-will-not-leave.html) [Justorum Animae (The souls of the righteous)](Byrd/Justorum Animae/justorum-animae.html) [Laetentur Coeli (Let the heavens be glad)](Byrd/Laetentur Coeli/Laetentur Coeli.html) [Mass for Three Voices](Byrd/Mass-3-voices/mass-3-voices.html) [Mass for Four Voices](Byrd/Mass in 4/mass-in-4.html) NEED [Mass for Five Voices](Byrd/Mass in 5/mass-in-5.html) NEED [Ne irascaris Domine; Civitas sancti Tui](Byrd/Ne-ira+Civit/ne-ira+civit.html) [O Rex gloriae](Byrd/O Rex gloriae/o-rex-gloriae.html) NEED [Peccantem me quotidie](Byrd/Peccantem me quotidie/peccantem-me.html) [Preces & Responses](Byrd/Preces+Responses/preces+responses.html) [Prevent us, O Lord](Byrd/Prevent us/prevent-us.html) [Second Service](Byrd/SecondService/secondservice.html) [Sing joyfully](Byrd/Sing joyfully/sing-joy.html) [Teach me, O Lord](Byrd/Teach me, O Lord/teach-me.html) [Venite Comedite](Byrd/Venite Comedite/venite-comedite.html) NEED | | Caccini | [Ave Maria](Caccini/Ave Maria/ave-maria.html) | | Campra | [Messe de Requiem](Campra/Requiem/requiemmass.html) NEED | | Canteloube | [La Baylere](Canteloube/La-Baylere/la-baylere.html) | | Carissimi | [Jephte](Carissimi/Jephte/Jephte.html) | | Carols | [Carols](Carols - 100 for Choirs/100 Carols/100-carols.html) | | Carter - not publicly             available | [Benedicite](Carter/Benedicite/benedicite.html) NEED | | Casals | [O vos omnes](Casals/O vos omnes/o-vos-omnes.html) | | Castagnet | [Invitation](Castagnet/Invitation/Invitation.html) | | Cavalli | [Messa Concertata](Cavalli/Messa Concertata/messa-concertata.html) | | Cesis | [Stabat Mater](Cesis/Stabat Mater/stabat-mater.html) | | Charpentier | [In nativitatem Domini canticum](Charpentier/In nativitatem/As written/in-nativitatem.html) [Le Reniement de St Pierre](Charpentier/St-Pierre/st-pierre.html) NEED [Messe de Minuit (Lemoine version)](Charpentier/Messe de Minuit/minuit-messe.html) [Messe de Minuit (Schott version)](Charpentier/Messe de Minuit-Schott/minuit-messe.html) [Miserere des Jesuites](Charpentier/Miserere des Jesuites/As written/miserere.html) [Te Deum](Charpentier/Te-Deum/te-deum.html) | | Cherubini | [Mass No.2 (Missa solemnis in D minor)](Cherubini/Mass 2 in D/mass-2-in D.html) NEED [Requiem in C-minor](Cherubini/Requiem/requiem.html) | | Chilcott - not publicly             available | [Gloria](Chilcott/Gloria/gloria.html) [I share Creation](Chilcott/I-share-Creation/i-share-creation.html) [Little Jazz Mass](Chilcott/LittleJazzMass/LittleJazzMass.html) [Nova! nova!](Chilcott/Nova nova/Not-Public.html) [Remember, O Thou Man](Chilcott/Remember/remember.html) [Shenandoah](Chilcott/Shenandoah/shenandoah.html) [The Gift to be Simple (SSAA version)](Chilcott/Gift-simple/gift-simple.html) [The twelve days of Christmas](Chilcott/12-days/12-days.html) NEED | | Child | [O Lord, grant the King a long life](Child/O Lord, grant/o-lord-grant.html) | | Clarke | [Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem](Clarke/Praise the Lord/praise-the-lord.html) | | Cratoule Collection | [Collection of Works by Geoffray, Ferrat, Althouse, Hostettler, Drake and Villard](Cratoule/Collection/collection.html) | | Crivelli | [O Maria Mater Gratiae](Crivelli/O-Maria/o-maria.html) | | Croft | [God is gone up](Croft/God is gone up/god-gone-up.html) | | Darke | [Communion Service in A minor](Darke/ComService in Aminor/comservice-in-aminor.html) || Dawson | [Hiawatha - The Famine](Dawson/Hiawatha - The Famine/the-famine.html) | | Debussy | [Beau soir](Debussy/Beau soir/beau-soir.html) [Trois Chansons](Debussy/Trois Chansons/trois-chansons.html) NEED | | Delius | [Sea Drift](Delius/Sea Drift/seadrift.html) | | Desprez (Josquin) | [Ave Maria ... Virgo serena](Desprez/Ave Maria/ave-maria.html) [Missa Hercules dux Ferrariae](Desprez/Missa Hercules/missa hercules.html) NEED [Missa Pangue Lingua](Desprez/Missa Pangue Lingua/missa-pangue-lingua.html) NEED | | Diabelli | [Angelus ad Pastores ait](Diabelli/Angelus ad Pastores ait/angelus.html) [Pastoralmesse in F](Diabelli/Pastoralmesse in F/pastoralmesse.html) [Puer natus est nobis](Diabelli/Puer natus est nobis/puer-natus.html) | | Donizetti | [Choruses from Donizetti's Operas](Donizetti/Choruses/choruses.html) | | Drayton | [For Remembrance](Drayton/For Remembrance/remembrance.html) - not publicly available | | Dunstaple | [Veni Sancte Spiritus](Dunstaple/Veni-Sancte-Spiritus/veni-sancte-spiritus.html) | | Duparc | [Chanson triste](Duparc/Chanson triste/chanson-triste.html) | | Durante | [Magnificat a 5](Durante/Magnificat a 5/magnificat.html) | | Durufle | [Four Motets](Durufle/Four Motets/four-motets.html) NEED . . . I. . Ubi caritas . . . . . . . . . . . . II. . Tota pulchra . . . . . . . . . . . . III. .Tu es Petrus . . . . . . . . . . . . IV.. Tantum ergo [Requiem](Durufle/Requiem/requiem.html) | | Dvorak | [Mass in D major (Op. 86)](Dvorak/Mass in D/mass-in-d.html) [Requiem](Dvorak/Requiem/requiem.html) [Stabat Mater](Dvorak/Stabat-Mater/stabat-mater.html) [Te Deum](Dvorak/TeDeum/tedeum.html) | | Dyson | [Agincourt](Dyson/Agincourt/agincourt.html) [Canterbury Pilgrims](Dyson/Canterbury Pilgrims/canterbury-pilgrims.html) - not publicly available [Magnificat in D minor](Dyson/Magnificat-in-Dminor/magnificat-Dminor.html) - not publicly available | | Ebdon | [Preces & Responses](Ebdon/Preces-Responses/preces-responses.html) | | Elgar | [Ave Maria](Elgar/AveMaria/avemaria.html) [Ave maris stella](Elgar/Ave maris stella/ave-maris-stella.html) [Ave Verum](Elgar/Ave-Verum/ave-verum.html) [Coronation Ode](Elgar/Coronation-Ode/coronation-ode.html) [Dream of Gerontius](Elgar/Dream of Gerontius/gerontius.html) [From the Bavarian Highlands (Six Choral Songs)](Elgar/Bavarian/bavarian.html) [Good morrow](Elgar/Good morrow/good-morrow.html) [Land of hope and glory (arr. Arthur Fagge)](Elgar/Land-of-hope/land-of-hope.html) [My Love dwelt in a Northern land](Elgar/My-Love-Northern/my-love-dwelt.html) [O hearken Thou](Elgar/O hearken Thou/o-hearken-thou.html) [Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf](Elgar/King Olaf/king-olaf.html) . . . . (includes "As torrents in Summer") [Te Deum & Benedictus](Elgar/TeDeum-Bened/tedeum-bened.html) [The Apostles](Elgar/The Apostles/the-apostles.html) [The Black Knight (Op 25) - orchestral version](Elgar/Black Knight-Orchestral/black-knight.html) [The Black Knight (Op 25) - piano version](Elgar/Black Knight-Piano/black-knight.html) [The Kingdom](Elgar/Kingdom/kingdom.html) [The Light of Life](Elgar/Light-of-Life/light-of-life.html) [The Music Makers](Elgar/Music Makers/musicmakers.html) [There is sweet music](Elgar/There-is-music/there-is-music.html) [The Queen](Elgar/The Queen/the-queen.html) (from the "Coronation Ode") [The Shower](Elgar/Shower/shower.html) [They are at rest](Elgar/They are at rest/they-rest.html) [Three Part Songs](Elgar/3-Part-Songs/3-part-songs.html) NEED | | Eriksson | [Gjendines badnlat](Eriksson/Gjendines badnlat/Gjendines badnlat.html) | | Farmer | [Lord's Prayer](Farmer/Lord's-Prayer/lord's-prayer.html) | | Faure | [Apres un reve](Faure/Apres un reve/apres-un-reve.html) [Au bord de l'eau](Faure/Au bord de l'eau/au-bord.html) [Cantical of Jean Racine](Faure/Racine/Racine.html) [Four Songs](Faure/Four Songs/foursongs.html) NEED [Le papillon et la fleur](Faure/Le papillon et la fleur/Le-papillon.html) [Les berceaux](Faure/Les berceaux/les-berceaux.html) [Les Djinns](Faure/Les-Djinns/les-djinns.html) [Messe des pecheurs de Villerville](Faure/Messe des pecheurs/messe des pecheurs.html) (by Faure & Messager) [Pavane](Faure/Pavane/pavane.html) [Prison](Faure/Prison/prison.html) [Requiem](Faure/Requiem/Requiem.html) [Tantum ergo](Faure/Tantum ergo/tantum-ergo.html) NEED | | Finzi | [In Terra Pax](finzi/interra.pax/interra.html) NEED [Intimations of Immortality](finzi/Intimations/intimations.html) NEED [Lo, the Full, Final, Sacrifice](finzi/Full-Final-Sacrifice/full-final-sacrifice.html) | | Fletcher | [Ring out wild bells](Fletcher/Ring out wild bells/Ring-out.html) | | Franck | [Mass in A major](Franck/Mass in A/mass-in-A.html) NEED [Panis Angelicus (in A, for SATB)](Franck/Panis Angelicus/panis-angelicus.html) | | Gabrieli | [Hodie completi sunt](Gabrieli/Hodie completi sunt/hodie-completi.html) [In Ecclesiis (Motet a 15)](Gabrieli/InEcclesiis/in-eccls.html) [Jubilate Deo a 8](Gabrieli/Jubilate Deo/jubilate-deo.html) [O Domine Jesu Christe](Gabrieli/O Domine Jesu Christe/o-domine.html) [O Jesu mi dulcissime](Gabrieli/O Jesu mi dulcissime/o-jesu.html) [O Magnum Misterium](Gabrieli/OMagnumMisterium/O-magnum.html) [Plaudite omnis terra](Gabrieli/Plaudite/plaudite.html) NEED | | Gesualdo | [O vos omnes](Gesualdo/O vos omnes/o-vos-omnes.html) **(five-part version)** [Tres sacrae cantiones (Three sacred songs)](Gesualdo-Stravinski/Tres sacrae cantiones/tres-sacrae-cantiones.html) NEED | | Gibbons | [Almighty and everlasting God](Gibbons/Almighty&everlastingGod/Almighty.html) [Benedictus](Gibbons/Benedictus/benedictus.html) NEED [Hosanna to the son of David](Gibbons/Hosanna/hosanna.html) [Magnificat/Nunc dimittis (from the Second Service)](Gibbons/Magnificat -SecServ/magnificat-secserv.html) [Magnificat/Nunc dimittis (from the Short Service)](Gibbons/Magnificat (ShortServ)/magnificat-shortserv.html) [O clap your hands together](Gibbons/O-clap-hands/o-clap-hands.html) [O Lord, in thy wrath](Gibbons/O Lord, wrath/o-lord-wrath.html) [Te Deum (from the Short Service)](Gibbons/Te Deum (Short)/te-deum.html) [Venite Exultemus](Gibbons/Venite/venite.html) NEED | | Gilbert & Sullivan | [Trial by Jury](Gilbert & Sullivan/TrialbyJury/trial.html) | | Gjeilo - not publicly available | [Across the vast eternal sky](Gjeilo/Across the vast eternal sky/Sunlight.html) [Away in a manger](Gjeilo/Away-manger/away-manger.html) [First Nowell](Gjeilo/First Nowell/First Nowell.html) [The Rose](Gjeilo/The Rose/the-rose.html) | | Glinka | [The Cherubic Hymn](Glinka/The Cherubic Hymn/cherubic-hymn.html) | | Goodall | [Eternal Light - a Requiem](Goodall/Eternal-Light/eternal-light.html) [Psalm 23 (The Lord is my shepherd)](Goodall/Psalm 23/psalm23.html) - not publicly available | | Goss | [These are they which follow the Lamb](Goss/These-Lamb/these-lamb.html) | | Gounod | [Choruses from Gounod's Operas](Gounod/Choruses/choruses.html) [L'absent](Gounod/L'absent/L'absent.html) [Messe No 6 aux cathedrals](Gounod/Messe6 Cathedrals/Messe6-cathedrals.html) [Messe solennelle (St Cecilia)](Gounod/Messe-solennelle-(St-Cecilia)/messe-solennelle-(st-cecilia).html) [Mignon](Gounod/Mignon/Mignon.html) [Requiem in C](Gounod/Requiem/requiem.html) | | Graupner | [Magnificat](Graupner/Magnificat/magnificat.html) NEED | | Greene | [Lord, let me know mine end](Greene/Lord-mine-end/lord-end.html) | | Grieg | [Ave maris stella](Grieg/Ave maris stella/ave-maris-stella.html) | | Guerrero | [Ave Virgo sanctissima](Guerrero/Ave Virgo sanctissima/ave-virgo.html) [Canite tuba](Guerrero/Canite tuba/canite-tuba.html) | | Hacquart | [Domine, deus meus](Hacquart/Domine Deus/domine-deus.html) | | Hadley | [My beloved spake](Hadley/My beloved spake/my-beloved.html) | | Hahn | [Chansons & Madrigals](Hahn/Chansons & Madrigals/chansons-madrigals.html) | | Handel | [Choruses from Handel's Operas](Handel/Choruses/choruses.html) [Acis & Galatea](Handel/Acis&Galatea/acis-galatea1.html) [Alexander Balus](Handel/Alexander-Balus/alexander-balus.html) [Alexander's Feast](Handel/Alexander's Feast/alexander's-feast.html) [Athalia](Handel/Athalia/athalia.html) [Belshazzar](Handel/Belshazzar/belshazzar1.html) [Brockes Passion](Handel/Brockes Passion/brockes-passion.html) NEED Chandos Anthems NEED ALL - [No. 1: O be joyful in the Lord](Handel/O-be-joyful/o-be-joyful.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - [No. 2: In the Lord put I my trust](Handel/In-the-Lord/in-the-lord.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - [No. 3: Have mercy upon me](Handel/Have-mercy/have-mercy.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - [No. 4: O sing unto the Lord](Handel/O-sing-unto-the-Lord/o-sing.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - [No. 5a: I will magnify Thee](Handel/I-will-magnify/I-will-magnify.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - [No. 6a: As pants the hart for cooling streams](Handel/As-pants-the-hart/As-pants.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - [No. 7: My song shall be alway](Handel/My-song-shall/my-song.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - [No. 8: O come let us sing](Handel/O-come-let-us-sing/o-come.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - [No. 9: O praise the Lord](Handel/O-praise-the-Lord/o-praise.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - [No. 10: The Lord is my light](Handel/Lord-my-light/lord-my-light.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - [No. 11: Let God arise](Handel/Let-God-arise/chandos-11.html) Coronation Anthems - [The King shall rejoice (Four part)](Handel/King-rejoice-4/king-rej.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- [. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Six part)](Handel/King-rejoice-6/king-rej.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[My heart is inditing](Handel/My-heart/my-heart.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[Let thy hand be strengthened](Handel/Let thy hand/let-thy-hand.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[Zadok the priest (4-part)](Handel/Zadok/zadok.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[Zadok the priest (7-part)](Handel/Zadok/zadok-7.html) [Deborah](Handel/Deborah/deborah.html) [Dettingen Anthem](Handel/Dettingen Anthem/dettingen-anthem.html) (for "Dettingen Te Deum" see below) [Dixit Dominus](Handel/Dixit-Dominus/dixit.html) [Esther](Handel/Esther/esther.html) [Foundling Hospital Anthem](Handel/Foundling-Hospital-Anthem/foundling-hospital-anthem.html) (Blessed are they that consider the poor) [Gloria](Handel/Gloria/gloria.html) (for solo Soprano) NEED [Hercules](Handel/Hercules/hercules.html) [Israel in Egypt](Handel/Israel/israel.html) (see also "The Ways of Zion do mourn") [Jephtha](Handel/Jephtha/jephtha1.html) [Joseph and his Brethren](Handel/Joseph and his Brethren/joseph.html) [Joshua](Handel/Joshua/joshua.html) ["Utrecht" Jubilate](Handel/Jubilate/jubilate.html) [Judas Maccabaeus](Handel/Judas Maccabaeus/judas-mac1.html) [Laudate pueri Dominum](Handel/Laudate pueri Dominum/laudate-pueri.html) [Messiah](Handel/Messiah/messiah.html) [Nabal](Handel/Nabal/nabal.html) [Nisi Dominus](Handel/Nisi Dominus/nisi-dominus.html) NEED [Ode for the birthday of Queen Anne](Handel/Queen Anne Birthday Ode/birthday-ode.html) [Ode on St. Cecelia](Handel/Cecelia/cecelia.html) [Samson](Handel/Samson/samson.html) - complete! [Saul](Handel/Saul/saul.html) - complete! [Semele (the Oratorio)](Handel/Semele/semele1.html) [Solomon](Handel/Solomon/solomon1.html) - complete! [Susanna](Handel/Susanna/susanna.html) ["Dettingen" Te Deum](Handel/TeDeum-Dettingen/tedeum-dettingen.html) (for "Dettingen Anthem" see above) ["Utrecht" Te Deum](Handel/TeDeum-Utrecht/tedeum-utrecht.html) [The Choice of Hercules](Handel/Choice-of-Hercules/choice-of-hercules.html) [Theodora](Handel/Theodora/theodora.html) [The Triumph of Time and Truth](Handel/Triumph of Time/triumph.html) [The ways of Zion do mourn](Handel/Ways-of-Zion/ways-of-Zion.html) (the Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline) (see also "Israel in Egypt") | | Handel-Bohm | [St John Passion](Handel-Bohm/St John Passion/st-john1A.html) | | Handl (Gallus) | [Pater Noster](Handl (Gallus)/Pater Noster/pater-noster.html) | | Handl (Jacob) | [Ecce concipies](Handl (Jacob)/Ecce concipies/ecce-concipies.html) | | Harris (Matthew) | [Full Fathom Five](Harris (Matthew)/Full Fathom Five/fathom-5.html) NEED [Hark the Lark](Harris (Matthew)/Hark the Lark/hark-lark.html) NEED | | Harris (Paul) | [A Christmas sequence of five carols](Harris/5-carols/5-carols.html) NEED | | Harris (William H) | [Let my prayer come up into thy presence](HarrisWH/Let-my-prayer/let-my-prayer.html) [O what their joy and their glory must be](HarrisWH/O-what-their-joy/o-what-joy.html) | | Hassler | [Dixit Maria](Hassler/Dixit Maria/dixit-maria.html) [Missa VIII Octo Vocum](Hassler/Missa VIII Octo Vocum/missa-VIII-octo-vocum.html) NEED | | Haydn | Masses   [1. Missa brevis in G - Rorate coeli desuper](Haydn/Missa 'Rorate coeli desuper'/missa-rorate.html)                [2. Missa brevis in F (Hob. XXII: 1)](Haydn/Missa brevis in F/missa-brevis-in-f.html)                [3. Cecilienmesse (Missa Cellensis in hon. BVM. Hob. XXII:5)](Haydn/Cecilienmesse/cecilienmesse.html)                      No. 4 in D minor: "Missa sunt bona mixta malis". (Hob. XXII:2) **Not currently available**                [5. Missa in hon BVM in E flat (Great Organ Mass). Hob. XXII:4)](Haydn/Missa in hon BVM in E flat/missa in hon BVM in E flat.html)                [6. Missa Sancti Nicolai](Haydn/Missa-Sancti-Nicolai/nicolai.html)                [7. Kleine Orgelmesse (Missa brevis St. Joannis de Deo)](Haydn/Kleine-Orgelmesse/k-orgel.html)                [8. Mariazellermesse (Missa Cellensis. Hob. XXII:8)](Haydn/Mariazellermesse/mariazellermesse.html) NEED                [9. Mass in B flat major (Heilig-Messe)](Haydn/Heiligmesse/heiligmesse.html)                [10. Paukenmesse (Mass in Time of War) (Second Mass)](Haydn/Paukenmesse/paukenmesse.html)                [11. Imperial "Nelson" Mass (Missa in Angustiis)](Haydn/Nelson/nelson.html)                [12. Theresien Messe (Mass no. 12 in Bflat Major)](Haydn/Theresen-Messe/theresen.html)                [13. Mass in B flat (Creation Mass - Schopfungsmesse)](Haydn/Creation-Mass/creation-mass.html)                [14. Mass in B flat major (Harmonie-Messe)](Haydn/Harmonie-messe/harmonie.html) [Abendlied zu Gott](Haydn/Abendlied/Abendlied.html) [Der Sturm (The Storm)](Haydn/The Storm/the-storm.html) [Insanae at vanae curae](Haydn/Insanae/insanae.html) [Non nobis Domine](Haydn/Non nobis Domine/non-nobis-domine.html) NEED [Salve Regina in G minor, Hob.XXIIIb:2](Haydn/Salve Regina/salve-regina.html) NEED [Stabat Mater](Haydn/Stabat Mater/stabat.html) [Te Deum Laudamus (HobXXIIIc:1)](Haydn/Te Deum HobXXIIIc-1/te-deum.html) [Te Deum Laudamus (HobXXIIIc:2)](Haydn/Te-Deum/te-deum.html) [The Creation](Haydn/Creation/creation.html) [The Seasons - Spring](Haydn/Seasons/Spring/spring.html) (complete) [. . . . . . . . . . - Summer](Haydn/Seasons/Summer/summer.html) (complete) [. . . . . . . . . . - Autumn](Haydn/Seasons/Autumn/autumn.html) (complete) [. . . . . . . . . . - Winter](Haydn/Seasons/Winter/winter.html) (complete) [The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross](Haydn/Seven-Last-Words/seven-last-words.html) NEED | | Haydn (Michael) | [Mass in C (St Francis Seraphici) - MH 119](Haydn (Michael)/Mass in C - MH 119/mass-in-c-mh119.html) NEED [Mass in D min - MH 553](Haydn (Michael)/Mass in Dmin - MH553/mass in dmin.html) NEED [Missa in honorem Sancta Ursulae](Haydn (Michael)/Ursulae Mass/ursulae-mass.html) [Requiem in C minor (MH 155)](Haydn (Michael)/Requiem/requiem.html) [Te Deum (MH 28)](Haydn (Michael)/TeDeum-MH28/tedeum-mh28.html) [Te Deum (MH 415)](Haydn (Michael)/TeDeum MH415/te-deum415.html) NEED [Vesperae solennes (MH 321)](Haydn (Michael)/Vespers/vespers.html) | | Hedges | [I sing the birth](Hedges/I sing the birth/i-sing.html) | | Hensel | [Gebet in der Christnacht](Hensel (Mendelssohn)/Gebet in der Christnacht/christnacht.html) | | Holst | [Christmas Day](Holst/Christmas Day/christmas-day.html) [Ode to Death](Holst/Ode-to-Death/ode-to-death.html) | | Holst (Imogen) | [A Hymne to Christ](Holst (Imogen)/A Hymne to Christ/hymne-christ.html) | | Honegger | [Christmas Cantata](Honegger/Christmas-Cantata/xmascant.html) | | Hooper | [Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (Short Service)](Hooper/Magnificat (ShortServ)/magnificat-nuncdim.html) | | Horovitz | [Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo](Horovitz/Cap'n-Noah/capn-noah.html) [Samson](Horovitz/Samson/samson.html) | | Howells | [Behold, O God our defender](Howells/Behold-O-God/behold-god.html) [Hymnus Paradisi](Howells/Hymnus-Paradisi/hymnus-paradisi.html) [Like as the hart](Howells/Like-as-the-hart/like-hart.html) - not publicly available [Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in B minor](Howells/Magnificat & NuncDim - Bminor/magnificat&nundim.html) [Requiem](Howells/Requiem/requiem.html) NEED [Te Deum & Jubilate](Howells/TeDeum&Jubiliate/tedeum&jubilate.html) NEED | | Hummel | [Mass in B flat](Hummel/Mass-in.Bfl/massinb.html) [Mass in D major](Hummel/Mass-in-Dmajor/mass-in-dmajor.html) | | Ireland | [Greater love hath no man](Ireland/Greater-love/greater-love.html) | | Irvine | [The Lord's my shepherd - Crimond](Irvine/Crimond/The-Lord's.html) | | Ives | [A Christmas Carol - Little Star of Bethlehem](Ives/Little Star/little-star.html) | | Jackson | [Preces & Responses 1](Jackson/Preces+Responses/preces+responses.html) [Preces & Responses 2](Jackson/Preces+Responses 2/preces+responses.html) [Requiem](Jackson/Requiem/requiem.html) | | Jenkins | [Adiemus](Jenkins/Adiemus/adiemus.html) NEED - part of Songs of Sanctuary [Elegia](Jenkins/Elegia/elegia.html) [Gloria](Jenkins/Gloria/gloria.html) [Gods of Olympus](Jenkins/Gods-of-Olympus/gods-of-olympus.html) [Requiem](Jenkins/Requiem/requiem.html) [The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace](Jenkins/Armed-Man/armed-man.html) NEED | | John IV | [Crux fidelis](John IV/Crux fidelis/crux-fidelis.html) | | Jommelli | [Missa Defunctorum (Requiem)](Jommelli/Missa Defunctorum (Requiem)-2/requiem.html) | | Kodaly | [Missa Brevis](Kodaly/Missa Brevis/missa-brevis.html) | | Kuhnau | [Magnificat](Kuhnau/Magnificat/magnificat.html) NEED [Wie schön leuchtet der Morganstern](Kuhnau/Wie schon leuchtet der Morganstern/wie-schon-leuchtet.html) NEED | | Lambert | [The Rio Grande](Lambert/Rio-Grande/r-grand.html) - not publicly available | | Lassus | [Adoramus te, Christe](Lassus/Adoramus te/adoramus-te.html) [Ave verum corpus](Lassus/Ave verum/ave-verum.html) [Missa Bella Amfitrit Altera](Lassus/Missa_Bella_Amfitrit_Altera/missa_bella_amfitrit_altera.html) NEED [Iustorum animae](Lassus/Iustorum animae/iustorum-animae.html) [Libera me, Domine](Lassus/Libera me, Domine/libera-me.html) [Timor et tremor](Lassus/Timor et tremor/timor-et-tremor.html) | | Lauridsen | [Les chansons des roses](Lauridsen/Chanson roses/chansons-roses.html) [Lux Aeterna](Lauridsen/Lux Aeterna/lux-aeterna.html) [Nocturnes](Lauridsen/Nocturnes/nocturnes.html) [O Magnum Mysterium](Lauridsen/O-Magnum-Mysterium/O-mag-myst.html) | | Lawes | [Zadok the priest](Lawes/Zadok/zadok.html) | | Leighton | [Columba Mea](Leighton/Columba Mea/columba-mea.html) NEED | | Leoncavallo | [Choruses from Leoncavallo's Operas](Leoncavallo/Choruses/choruses.html) | | Leontovych & Wilhousky | [Carol of the Bells](Leontovych & Wilhousky/Carol of the Bells/Carol-Bells.html) - not publicly available | | Liszt | [Ave Maria I](Liszt/AveMariaI/ave-maria-i.html) [Missa Choralis](Liszt/Missa choralis/missa-choralis.html) [Missa Solemnis](Liszt/Missa Solemnis/missa-solemnis.html) NEED | | Loosemore | [O Lord, increase my faith](Loosemore/O-Lord-increase/o-lord-increase.html) | | Lotti | [Crucifixus](Lotti/Crucifixus/crucifixus.html) | | Lovett | [Ave Maria](Lovett/Ave Maria/ave-maria.html) | | Lundmark | [Till Betlehem](Lundmark/Till Betlehem/Till-Betlehem.html) - not publicly available | | MacDonald | [Crux fidelis](MacDonald/Crux fidelis/crux-fidelis.html) | | MacMillan | [Seven last Words from the Cross](MacMillan/SevenLastWords/sevenlastwords.html) - not publicly available [The Lamb has come to save us ...](MacMillan/The Lamb/the-lamb.html) - not publicly available | | Mahler | [Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen](Mahler/Ich Bin der Welt/ich-bin-der-welt.html) || Marquez | [Alas](Marquez/Alas/alas.html) | | Martin | [Mass for Double Choir](Martin/Mass/mass.html) | | Mascagni | [Choruses from Mascagni's Operas](Mascagni/Choruses/choruses.html) | | Mathias | [Ave verum corpus](Mathias/Ave verum corpus/ave-verum-corpus.html) | | Maunder | [Olivet to Calvary](Maunder/Olivet/olivet.html) | | McDowall | [Bless to me this day](McDowall/Bless to me this day/bless-day.html) - not publicly available [The Lord is Good](McDowall/Lord is Good/lord-good.html) - not publicly available | | Mealor | [Crucifixus](Mealor/Crucifixus/crucifixus.html) - not publicly available | | Mechem | [Seven Joys of Christmas](Mechem/Seven Joys/seven-joys.html) - not publicly available | | Mendelssohn | [Chorale: Wer nur lieben Gott lasst walten NEED](Mendelssohn/Chorale-Wer-nur-den/wer-nur-den.html) [Come let us sing](Mendelssohn/Come-let-us-sing/comesing.html) [Christus](Mendelssohn/Christus/christus.html) [Elijah](Mendelssohn/Elijah/elijah.html) [Hear my prayer](Mendelssohn/Hear my prayer/hear-my-prayer.html) (inc. "O for the wings of a dove") [How lovely are the messengers](Mendelssohn/Messengers/messengers.html) (from "St Paul") [Hymn of Praise (Lobgesang)](Mendelssohn/Hymn-of-Praise/hymnpraise.html) [Lauda Sion](Mendelssohn/Lauda Sion/lauda-sion.html) [Psalm 13: Lord, how long wilt Thou forget me?(Op. 96)](Mendelssohn/Psalm13 - Lord, how long/psalm13-lord-how-long.html) [Psalm 43 - Richte mich, Gott (Op. 78)](Mendelssohn/Psalm 43/psalm-43.html) [Psalm 114 - Da Israel aus Agypten zog (Op51)](Mendelssohn/Psalm 114/psalm-114.html) [Sechs Spruche](Mendelssohn/Sechs Spruche/sechs-spruche.html) [St. Paul](Mendelssohn/St-Paul/st-paul1.html) [The First Walpurgis Night](Mendelssohn/Walpurgis/walpurgis.html) NEED [Verleih uns Frieden](Mendelssohn/Verleih-uns-Frieden/verleih-uns-frieden.html) | | Menotti | [Amahl and the Night Visitors](Menotti/Amahl/amahl.html) | | Moeran | [Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D](Moeran/Mag+NuncDim-in-D/mag+nuncdim.html) - not publicly available | | Monllor | [Missa a 5](Monllor/Mess a 5/mess-a-5.html) | | Monteverdi | [Beatus Vir](Monteverdi/Beatus Vir/BeatusVir.html) (Novello SSATTB version) [Beatus Vir](Monteverdi/Beatus Vir - SSATB/BeatusVir.html) (Chappell SSATB version, with "added" strings) [Beatus Vir](Monteverdi/Beatus Vir - Jackson/beatus-vir.html) (Jackson SSAATBB version) [Cantate Domino](Monteverdi/Cantate Domino/cantate-domino.html) [Christe, adoramus te](Monteverdi/Christe, adoramus te/christe-adoramus-te.html) [Christmas Vespers](Monteverdi/Xmas-Vespers/xmas-vespers.html) NEED [Vespers (1610)](Monteverdi/Vespers-1610/vespers-1610.html) | | Moore | [All wisdom cometh from the Lord](Moore/All wisdom/all-wisdom.html) - Not publicly available [Magnificat in Bb](Moore/Magnificat in Bb/magnificat.html) - Not publicly available | | Morales | [Missa mille regretz](Morales/Missa mille regretz/missa-mille-regretz.html) [Parce mihi, Domine](Morales/Parce mihi/parce-mihi.html) NEED | | Morley | [Nolo mortem peccatoris](Morley/Nolo mortem/nolo-mortem.html) | | Mozart | [Ave verum corpus](Mozart/Aveverumcorp/aveverum.html) [Choruses from Mozart's Operas](Mozart/Choruses/choruses.html) [Inter natos mulierum](Mozart/Inter-natos-mulierum/inter-natos-mulierum.html) [Veni sancte spiritus (KV 47)](Mozart/Veni sancte spiritus/veni-sancte.html) [Missa Brevis in G major (KV 49)](Mozart/Mass-in-Gmajor(K49)/Mass-in-Gmajor(K49).html) NEED [Missa brevis in D minor; KV 65](Mozart/Missa Brevis in D min - KV 65/missa-brevis-in-d-min-KV65.html) NEED [Mass in C major "Dominicus-Messe" KV66](Mozart/Mass in C major KV66/mass-in-c-major-kv66.html) [Regina Coeli (KV 108)](Mozart/Regina coeli - KV 108/regina-coeli-kv108.html) [Benedictus sit Deus (KV 117)](Mozart/Benedictus sit Deus/benedictus-sit-deus.html) NEED [Litaniae de venerabili (K125)](Mozart/Litaniae de venerabili K125/litaniae-venerabili.html) NEED [Mass in C minor (KV139) - Waisenhausmesse](Mozart/Mass-in-C-minor-KV139/mass-in-c-minor-kv139.html) [Missa brevis in G ("Pastoral"; KV 140)](Mozart/Missa Brevis in G KV140/missa-brevis-in-g.html) [Te Deum (KV 141)](Mozart/Te Deum/te-deum.html) [Missa [No 7] in C major (in honorem Sanctissimae Trinitatis), KV 167](Mozart/Mass in C major K167/mass-in-C-major-K167.html) [Missa brevis in F (KV 192)](Mozart/Missa Brevis KV192/missa-brevis.html) [Missa brevis in D (K.194)](Mozart/Missa Brevis K194/missa-brevis.html) [Litaniae Lauretanae KV195](Mozart/Litaniae Lauretanae KV195/litaniae-lauretanae .html) [Missa brevis et solemnis in C (Spatzen-Messe [Sparrow Mass]; KV 220)](Mozart/Missa brevis in C/missabrev.html) NEED [Misericordias Domini (K.222)](Mozart/Misericordias Domini/misericordias-domini.html) [Mass in C major (K.257: Credo Mass)](Mozart/Credo Mass/credo-mass.html) NEED [Missa brevis in C major (Organ Solo Mass: KV 259)](Mozart/OrgelSolo Mass (Missa Brevis in C major)/OrgelSolo.html) [Missa Longa in C Major K262](Mozart/Missa Longa K262/missa-long-k262.html) NEED [Missa brevis in Bb major (KV 275)](Mozart/Missa Brevis Bb KV 275/missa-brevis Bb kv275.html) [Regina Coeli (K276)](Mozart/Regina Coeli K276/regina-coeli.html) [Mass in C major (Coronation Mass) (KV 317)](Mozart/Coronation Mass/coronmass.html) [Vesperae de Dominica (KV 321)](Mozart/Vesperae-Dominica/vesperae-dominica.html) [Missa in C major (Missa solemnis; KV 337)](Mozart/MissaSolemnis/missa-solemnis.html) [Vesperae solennes de confessore (KV 339)](Mozart/Vesperae/vesperae.html) (which includes "Laudate Dominum") [Kyrie KV 341](Mozart/Kyrie KV341/kyrie-kv341.html) [Mass in C minor (Great Mass) KV427](Mozart/Mass-in-C-minor/massincminor.html) [Requiem](Mozart/Requiem/requiem.html) (with added Druce "alternative" bits) [Requiem](Mozart/Requiem-Levin/requiem.html) (Levin Completion) | | Mudd | [Let Thy merciful ears, O Lord](Mudd/Let-thy-ears/let-thy-ears.html) | | Murillo | [La Cabana](Murillo/La Cabana/LaCabana.html) | | Naylor | [Vox dicentis: Clama](Naylor/Vox dicentis/vox-dicentis.html) NEED | | Noble | [Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (in B minor)](Noble/Magnificat-Nuncdim/magnificat-nuncdim.html) | | Opera Choruses (with CMT) | [Various Opera Choruses](OperaChoruses/Choruses/choruses-CMT.html)             Works by Beethoven, Berlioz, Bizet, Borodin, Donizetti,       Gounod, Handel, Leoncavallo, Mascagni, Mozart,       Purcell, Rossini, Tchaikovsky, Verdi, and Wagner | | Orff | [Carmina Burana](Orff/Carmina Burana/carmina.html) | | Palestrina | [Exsultate Deo](Palestrina/Exsultate Deo/exsultate-deo.html) [Fuit homo missus a Deo](Palestrina/Fuit homo/fuit-homo.html) [Hodie Christus natus est (a 4)](Palestrina/Hodie-a-4/hodie-a-4.html) (SSAB) [Hodie Christus natus est (a 8)](Palestrina/Hodie-a-8/hodie-a-8.html) NEED (SSAT-ATTB) [Missa Aeterna Christe Munera](Palestrina/Missa Aeterna Christe Munera/missa-aeterna-christe-munera .html) NEED [Missa Brevis](Palestrina/Missa Brevis/missa-brevis.html) [Missa: Nasce la gioja mia](Palestrina/Missa Nasce/missa-nasce.html) [Missa: Nigra sum](Palestrina/Missa-Nigra-sum/missa-nigra-sum.html) [Missa Papae Marcelli (for six voices)](Palestrina/MissaPapaeMarcelli/missa-papae-marcelli.html) [Missa Sicut Lilium](Palestrina/Missa Sicut Lilium/missa-sicut-lilium.html) [Sicut cervus](Palestrina/Sicut cervus/sicut-cervus.html) [Stabat Mater](Palestrina/Stabat Mater/stabat-mater.html) NEED [Tu es Petrus](Palestrina/Tu es Petrus/tu-es-petrus.html) | | Parker | [The Holy Child](Parker/The Holy Child/the-holy-child.html) | | Parnell | [Music's Joy and Song's Eternity](Parnell/Music's Joy/music's-joy.html) NEED | | Parry | [Blest pair of Sirens (4-part)](Parry/Sirens 4-part/sirens.html) [Blest pair of Sirens (8-part)](Parry/Sirens/sirens.html) [Hear my words, ye people](Parry/Hear-my-words/hear-my-words.html) NEED [Invocation to Music](Parry/Invocation/invocation.html) [I was glad](Parry/iwasglad/iwasglad.html) Songs of farewell - [No. 1: My soul, there is a country](Parry/My soul, there is a country/my-soul-there-is-a-country.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- [No. 2. I know my soul hath power](Parry/I know my soul/i-know-my-soul.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- [No. 3. Never weatherbeaten sail](Parry/Never weatherbeaten sail/never-weatherbeaten.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- [No. 4. There is an old belief](Parry/There is an old belief/there-old-belief.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- [No. 5. At the round earth's imagined corners](Parry/At the round Earth's/at-the-round-earth's.html) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- [No. 6: Lord, let me know mine end](Parry/Lord-mine-end/Lord-mine-end.html) [The Pied Piper of Hamelin](Parry/Pied-Piper/pied-piper.html) | | Parsons | [Ave Maria](Parsons/Ave Maria/ave-maria.html) | | Pearsall | [Sing we and chaunt it](Pearsall/Sing-we/sing-we.html) | | Pergolesi | [Magnificat](Pergolesi/Magnificat/magnificat.html) [Stabat Mater](Pergolesi/Stabat-Mater/stabat-mater.html) [Stabat Mater SATB Choral version)](Pergolesi/Stabat-Mater-(Choral)/stabat-mater.html) | | Perosi | [Transitus Animae](Perosi/Transitus Animae/transitus-animae.html) NEED | | Philips | [Ascendit Deus](Philips/Ascendit Deus/ascendit-deus.html) [Surgens Jesus](Philips/Surgens Jesus/surgens-jesus.html) | | Poston | [Sing unto the Lord](Poston/Sing unto the Lord/sing-lord.html) - not publicly available | | Poulenc | [Gloria](Poulenc/Gloria/gloria.html) [Mass in G major](Poulenc/Mass in G major/mass-in-g.html) [Quatre motets pour le temps de noel](Poulenc/FourXmasmotets/four-motets.html) [Salve Regina](Poulenc/SalveRegina/salve-regina.html) [Stabat mater](Poulenc/Stabat-Mater/stabat-mater.html) | | Puccini | [Messa di Gloria](Puccini/Messa-di-Gloria/messa-di-gloria.html) [Turandot (Act 1)](Puccini/Turandot/turandot.html) | | Purcell | [A Purcell Anthology - Twelve Anthems](purcell/Purcell-Anthology-12-Anthems/anthems.html) NEED        1. Hear my prayer, O Lord        2. I was glad        3. O God, the King of Glory        4. Remember not, Lord, our offences        5. Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of out hearts        6. Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes mei        7. Funeral Sentences (including Funeral Music for Queen Mary)        8. Lord, how long wilt thou be angry?        9. O God, thou are my God      10. Thy word is a lantern      11. O sing unto the Lord      12. Rejoice in the Lord alway [Britons, strike home!](purcell/Britons strike home/britons.html) (from "Bonduca") [Celebrate this festival](purcell/Celebrate/celebrate.html) (Birthday ode for Queen Mary) [Celestial Music](purcell/Celestial-music/celestial-music.html) NEED [Choruses from Purcell's Operas](purcell/Choruses/choruses.html) [Come ye sons of Art](purcell/Come-Sons/comesons.html) [Dido & Aeneas](purcell/dido-aeneas/dido-aeneas.html) [King Arthur](purcell/King Arthur/king-arthur.html) [Let mine eyes run down with tears](purcell/Let mine eyes/let-mine-eyes.html) [Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis (in B flat)](purcell/Mag_NuncDim-Bb/mag_nuncdim-Bb.html) NEED [Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis (in G minor)](purcell/Magnif+NuncDim/magnif+nuncdim.html) [Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary](purcell/Q-Mary-Funeral-Music/q-mary-funeral-music.html) (see also the Anthology above) [My beloved spake](purcell/My-beloved-spake/my-beloved-spake.html) NEED [My heart is inditing](purcell/Heart-inditing/my-heart.html) [In these delightful, pleasant groves](purcell/pleasant groves/pleasant-groves.html) [Ode on St Cecilia's day 1692](Purcell/Ode-on-St-Cecilia's-Day/ode-on-st-cecilia's-day.html) NEED [O sing unto the Lord](purcell/O-sing/o-sing.html) [Te Deum & Jubilate Deo](purcell/TeDeum-JubilateDeo/tedeum-jubilatedeo.html) [The Fairy Queen](purcell/Fairy Queen/fairy-queen.html) [The Masque in Dioclesian](purcell/Masque-from-Dioclesian/masque-dioclesian.html) [Welcome to all the pleasures (Ode for St Cecilia's Day, 1683)](purcell/Welcome-pleasures/welcome.html) NEED | | Rachmaninov | [Vespers (All-night Vigil)](Rachmaninov/Vespers/vespers.html) (complete) (includes "Ave Maria" ["Bogoroditsye Dyevo"]) | | Radcliffe | [Preces & Responses](Radcliffe/Preces+Responses/preces+responses.html) | | Ramirez | [Misa Criolla](Ramirez/Misa Criolla/misa-criolla.html) | | Redford | [Rejoice in the Lord alway](Redford/Rejoice/rejoice-in-lord.html) | | Reger | [(Und) Unser lieben Frauen Traum](Reger/Unser lieben/unser-lieben.html) | | Rheinberger | [Abendlied](Rheinberger/Abendlied/abendlied.html) NEED [Mass in C (Op. 169)](Rheinberger/Mass in C/mass-in-c.html) [Stabat Mater (Op.138)](Rheinberger/Stabat Mater/stabat-mater.html) NEED | | Roberton | [All in the April evening](Roberton/All-in-April/all-in-april.html) | | Rootham | [Evening Service in E minor](Rootham/Eve-Serv-Eminor/eve-service.html) | | Rossini | [Opera Choruses](Rossini/Choruses/choruses.html) [O salutaris Hostia](Rossini/O salutaris/o-salutaris.html) [Petite Messe Solennelle](Rossini/Petite-Messe-Solennelle/petite.html) [Quartetto Pastorale](Rossini/Quartetto Pastorale/quartetto-pastorale.html) [Stabat Mater](Rossini/Stabat Mater/stab-mat.html) | | Rutter - not publicly             available | [A Ukrainian Prayer](Rutter/Ukrainian Prayer/ukrainian.html) [Birthday Madrigals](Rutter/Birthday Madrigals/birthday-madrigals.html) [Christiana Canticles](Rutter/Christiana Canticles/christiana-canticles.html) [Feel the spirit](Rutter/Feel the spirit/feel-spirit.html) . . . . . (A cycle of spirituals) [Gloria](Rutter/Gloria/gloria.html) [Hymn to the Creator of Light](Rutter/Creator-Light/creator-light.html) NEED [Magnificat](Rutter/Magnificat/magnificat.html) [Mass of the Children](Rutter/children.mss/children.html) [Requiem](Rutter/Requiem/requiem.html) [Te Deum](Rutter/TeDeum/tedeum.html) NEED [The Falcon](Rutter/Falcon/falcon.html) [The Lord is my light and my salvation](Rutter/Lord-Light/lord-light.html) [The Rutter Collection](Rutter/The Rutter Collection/rutter-collection.html) . . . . . (Folksongs, Carols, and general Partworks) [The Sprig of Thyme](Rutter/Sprig of Thyme/sprig-of-thyme.html) . . . . . (A cycle of folk-song settings) [When icicles hang](Rutter/Icicles/icicles.html) . . . . . (A cycle of choral settings) | | Saint-Saens | [Messe a quatre voix](Saint-Saens/Messe a 4 voix/mass-a-4.html) [Messe de Requiem](Saint-Saens/Requiem/requiem.html) [Oratorio de Noel](Saint-Saens/Oratorio de Noel/oratorio-de-noel.html) | | Salieri | [Confirma hoc Deus](Salieri/Confirma hoc/confirma-hoc.html) NEED [Mass in D (Mass no 1; Hofkapellmeister-messe)](Salieri/Mass in D/mass-in-d.html) [Requiem in C minor](Salieri/Requiem/requiem.html) NEED | | Alessandro Scarlatti | [Dixit Dominus a 4](Scarlatti/Dixit Dominus/dixit-dominus.html) NEED [Dixit Dominus a 5](Scarlatti/Dixit a 5/dixit-a-5.html) [Magnificat](Scarlatti/Magnificat/magnificat.html) [Stabat Mater](Scarlatti/Stabat Mater/stabat-mater.html) | | Schelle | [Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar](Schelle/Vom Himmel/vom-himmel.html) NEED | | Schubert | [Ave Maria](Schubert/AveMaria/avemaria.html) [Magnificat D486](Schubert/Magnificat/magnificat.html) [Mass No 3, in Bflat](Schubert/Mass No3 Bflat/mass-no3-Bflat.html) NEED [Mass No 5, in Aflat](Schubert/Mass in Aflat/mass-in-a-flat.html) [Mass in C major](Schubert/MassinC/massinC.html) [Mass in Eb major](Schubert/Mass-in-Eb-major/mass-in-eb-major.html) [Mass-in-F (D872) - Deutsche Messe](Schubert/Mass-in-F-D872/mass-in-f-d872.html) [Mass in G](Schubert/MassinG/massinG.html) [Psalm 23 - Gott ist mein Hirt](Schubert/Psalm 23 - Gott ist mein Hirt/gotthirt.html) [Stabat Mater](Schubert/Stabat Mater/stabat.html) NEED [Standchen - Opus 135](Schubert/Standchen/standchen.html) (for Contralto and Male or Female Voices) [Tantum Ergo](Schubert/Tantum Ergo/tantergo.html) | | Schumann | [Das Paradies und die Peri](Schumann/Das Paradies und die Peri/Paradies-Peri1.html) | | Schumann-Clara | [Abendfeier in Venedig](Schumann-Clara/Abendfeier in Venedig/abendfeier.html) NEED | | Schutz | [Christmas Story (Christmas Oratorio, Weihnachts-Historie, Historia der Geburt Jesu Christi, SWV 435)](Schutz/Xmas-Story/xmas-story.html) [Deutsches Magnificat](Schutz/Deutsches Magnificat/deutsches-magnificat.html) NEED [Musikalische Exequien](Schutz/Musikalische Exequien/musikalische-exequien.html) NEED [Psalm 100 - Jauchzet dem Herrn](Schutz/Psalm100-Jauchzet dem Herrn/psalm100.html) [Selig sind die Toten](Schutz/Selig sind die Toten/selig.html) | | Shearing | [Songs & Sonnets](Shearing/Songs&Sonnets/songs&sonnets.html) | | Shephard - not publicly             available | [Communion Service (Rite A)](Shephard/Communion Service/com-service.html) [The Easter Song of Praise (Exultet)](Shephard/Easter Song/easter-song.html) | | Sibelius | [Finlandia Hymn](Sibelius/Finlandia Hymn/finlandia-hymn.html) | | Smith | [The Preces and Responses](Smith/Preces-Responses/preces-responses.html) | | Smyth | [Mass in D](Smyth/Mass in D/mass-in-d.html) | | Spohr | [The Last Judgement](Spohr/Last-Judgement/last-judgement.html) | | Stainer | [How beautiful upon the mountain](Stainer/How-beautiful/How-beautiful.html) [I saw the Lord](Stainer/I saw Lord/i-saw-lord.html) [The Crucifixion](Stainer/Crucifixion/crucifixion.html) | | Stanford | [Benedictus in C](Stanford/Benedictus-in-C/benedictus-in-c.html) [How beauteous are their feet](Stanford/How-feet/how-feet.html) [I heard a voice from heaven](Stanford/I heard voice/i-heard-voice.html) [Jubilate in C](Stanford/Jubilate in C/jubilate-in-c.html) [Latin Magnificat](Stanford/Latin Magnificat/magnificat.html) NEED [Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in A](Stanford/Magnificat+NuncDim/magnificat+nuncdim.html) [Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in Bflat](Stanford/Mag&Nuncdim-in-Bb/mag&nuncdim-in-bb.html) [Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in C](Stanford/Mag&NuncDim-in-C/mag&nuncdim-in-C.html) NEED [Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in G](Stanford/Mag&NumcDim-in-G/mag&nuncdim-g.html) NEED [Mass Via Victrix](Stanford/Via Victorix/via-victorix.html) [Phaudrig Crohoore](Stanford/Phaudrig Crohoore/Phaudrig crohoore.html) [Psalms 130-131](Stanford/Psalms 130-131/psalms-130-131.html) [Songs of the Fleet](Stanford/Songs-of-the-Fleet/songs-fleet.html) [Three Motets (Op38)](Stanford/3-motets/3-motets.html) . . . . . . . . . . Beati quorum via . . . . . . . . . . Justorum animae . . . . . . . . . . Coelos ascendit hodie [Te Deum in Bb](Stanford/Te Deum in Bb/te-deum.html) NEED [Te Deum in C](Stanford/Te Deum in C/te-deum-in-c.html) [Ye Choirs of new Jerusalem](Stanford/Ye Choirs of new Jerusalem/ye-choirs.html) NEED | | Steggall | [Remember now thy creator](Steggall/Remember now thy creator/Remember.html) | | Stone | [Lord's Prayer](Stone/Lord's Prayer/lord's-prayer.html) | | Stravinsky | [Symphony of Psalms](Stravinsky/Symphony-of-Psalms/symphony-psalms.html) | | Sullivan | [The long day closes](Sullivan/Long-day-closes/Long-day-closes.html) [The Prodigal Son](Sullivan/Prodigal Son/prodigal-son.html) NEED | | Sumsion | [Communion Service in F major](Sumsion/Communion in F/communion-in-f.html) | | Sussmayr | [Missa Solemnis](Sussmayr/Missa Solemnis/missa-solemnis.html) NEED | | Suter | [Le Laudi](Suter/Le Laudi/Le-Laudi+red.html) | | Swann | [Festival Matins](Swann/Festival-Matins/fest-mat.html) | | Sweelinck | [Gaudete Omnes](Sweelinck/Gaudete omnes/gaudete-omnes.html) NEED [Hodie Christus natus est](Sweelinck/HodieChristus/Hodie.html) NEED [Laudate Dominum](Sweelinck/Laudate Dominum/laudate-dom.html) NEED [Magnificat](Sweelinck/Magnificat/magnificat.html) NEED | | Tallis | [Evening Service (Short; Dorian Mode)](Tallis/Mag+NuncDim/mag+nuncdim.html) NEED [If ye love me](Tallis/If ye love me/if-ye-love.html) [In jejunio et fletu](Tallis/In jejunio et fletu/in-jejunio.html) NEED [Loquebantur variis linguis](Tallis/Loquebantur/loqueban.html) [Mass for four voices](Tallis/Mass for four voices/mass-for-four-voices.html) NEED [O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit](Tallis/O Lord Spirit/o-lord-spirit.html) [O nata lux](Tallis/O-nata-lux/o-nata-lux.html) [Salvator mundi](Tallis/Salvator mundi/salvator-mundi.html) | | Tavener | [A Hymn to the Mother of God](Tavener/Hymn-to-Mother/hymn-mother.html) NEED | | Taverner | [Dum transisset Sabbatum](Taverner/Dum Transisset/dum-transsiset.html) | | Tchaikovsky | [Choruses from Tchaikovsky's Operas](Tchaikovsky/Choruses/choruses.html) | | Telemann | [In dulci jubilo](Telemann/In dulci jubilo/in-dulci-jubilo.html) [Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, allzugleich](Telemann/Lobt Gott/lobt-gott.html) NEED [Uns ist ein Kind geboren](Telemann/Uns-ist-ein-Kind/uns-ist-ein-kind.html) NEED | | Tippett | [Five Spirituals (from "A Child of our Time")](Tippett/Child-of-our-Time/child-time.html) [Magnificat & Nunc dimittis](Tippett/Magnif+NuncDim/Magnif+NuncDim.html) | | Todd | [Blessed are the peacemakers](Todd/Blessed peacemakers/blessed-peacemakers.html) - Not publicly available [Christus est stella](Todd/Christus-stella/christus-stella.html) - Not publicly available [Mass in Blue (Original version)](Todd/Mass-in-Blue/mass-in-blue.html) [Mass in Blue (Version 2)](Todd/Mass-in-Blue-2/mass-in-blue-2.html) - Not publicly available | | Tomkins | [Preces & Responses](Tomkins/Preces+Responses/preces+responses.html) [When David heard](Tomkins/When-David-heard/when-david-heard.html) | | Trad | [Jasmin-flower (Moo-Lee-Hwa)](Trad/Jasmin-flower/jasmin-flower.html) [Siyahamba](Trad/Siyahamba/siyahamba.html) | | Travers | [Ascribe unto the Lord](Travers/Ascribe/ascribe.html) NEED | | Tudway | [Jubilate](Tudway/Jubilate/jubilate.html) ["Wimpole Service" - Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis](Tudway/Wimpole Service /wimpole-service .html) ["Wimpole" Te Deum](Tudway/Te Deum/te-deum.html) | | Turner | [Gethsemane to Golgatha](Turner/Geths-to-Gol/geths-to-gol.html) | | Tye | [O come, ye servants of the Lord](Tye/O come, ye servants of the Lord/O-come.html) | | Usper (aka Sponga) | [Benedicam Dominum](Usper/Benedicam Dominum/benedicam-dominum.html) | | Utendal (aka Utendahl) | [Inclina Domine](Utendal/Inclina Domine/inclina-domine.html) | | Vaughan Williams | [A sea symphony](Vaughan-Williams/Sea-symphony/seasymph.html) NEED [Benedicite](Vaughan-Williams/Benedicite/benedicite.html) - not publicly available [Dona nobis pacem](Vaughan-Williams/Dona nobis pacem/dona-nobis-pacem.html) - not publicly available [Fantasia on Christmas Carols](Vaughan-Williams/Carol Fantasia/carol-fantasia.html) [Five English Folk Songs](Vaughan-Williams/5-English-Folk-Songs/5-english-folk-songs.html) NEED                               The dark-eyed sailor                               The spring time of the year                               Just as the tide was flowing                               The lover's ghost                                                                    (Well met, my own true Love)                               Wassail song [Five mystical songs](Vaughan-Williams/5-Mystical-Songs/mystical.html) NEED                               Easter                               I got me flowers                               Love bade me welcome                               The Call                               Antiphon ("Let all the world ...") [Hodie](Vaughan-Williams/Hodie/hodie.html) [Linden Lea (SATB)](Vaughan-Williams/Linden Lea SATB/linden-lea-satb.html) [Linden Lea (1st & 2nd Treble)](Vaughan-Williams/Linden Lea SS/linden-lea-ss.html) [Lord, Thou hast been our refuge](Vaughan-Williams/Lord Refuge/lord-refuge.html) [Mass in G minor](Vaughan-Williams/Mass in G minor/mass-in-g-minor.html) [O be joyful in the Lord (The Hundredth Psalm)](Vaughan-Williams/O be joyful/o-be-joyful.html) [O clap your hands](Vaughan-Williams/O-clap-hands/o-clap-hands.html) [O how amiable are thy dwellings](Vaughan-Williams/O how amiable/amiable.html) [Old Hundreth](Vaughan-Williams/Old-100th/old-100th.html) [O taste and see](Vaughan-Williams/O taste and see/o-taste.html) - not publicly available [Serenade to Music](Vaughan-Williams/Serenade to Music/serenade.html) NEED - no longer publicly available [Te Deum in G](Vaughan-Williams/Te-Deum-in-G/te-deum-in-g.html) [The New Commonwealth](Vaughan-Williams/The Commonwealth/newcommonwealth.html) [Three Elizabethan Part-songs](Vaughan-Williams/Three Elizabethan Part-songs/three-Elizabethan-part-songs.html) [Toward the unknown region](Vaughan-Williams/Unknown/unknown.html) NEED | | Verdi | [Choruses from Verdi's Operas](Verdi/Choruses/choruses.html) [Pater Noster](Verdi/Paternoster/paternoster.html) NEED Quattro pezzi sacri - [No. 1: Ave Maria](Verdi/Ave Maria/ave-maria.html)                               [No. 2: Stabat Mater](Verdi/Stabat Mater/stabat-mater.html)                               [No. 3: Laudi alla vergine Maria](Verdi/Laudi Maria/laudi-maria.html)                               [No. 4: Te Deum Laudamus](Verdi/Te Deum/te-deum.html) [Requiem](Verdi/Requiem/Requiem.html) [Requiem](Verdi/AltRequiem/requiem.html) (with alternative dynamics) | | Viadana | [Exsultate justi](Viadana/Exsultate justi/exsultate.html) | | Victoria | [Ave Maria](Victoria/Ave Maria/avemaria.html) [Congratulamini mihi](Victoria/Congratulamini/congratulamini.html) NEED [Jesu, dulcis memoria](Victoria/Jesu dulcis/jesu-dulcis.html) [Missa O magnum mysterium](Victoria/Missa O magnum mysterium/missa-mysterium.html) [Missa O Quam Gloriosum](Victoria/Missa O Quam Gloriosum/missa-o-quam.html) [O magnum mysterium](Victoria/O magnum mysterium/O-magnum-mysterium.html) [O quam gloriosum](Victoria/O-quam-gloriosum/o-quam-gloriosum.html) [O vos omnes](Victoria/O vos omnes/o-vos-omnes.html) [Salve Regina Antifon-8](Victoria/Salve Regina Antifon-8/salve-regina-antifon-8.html) NEED [Sancta Maria, Succurre Miseris](Victoria/Sancta_Maria_Succurre_Miseris/sancta_maria_succurre_miseris.html) NEED [Sepulto Domino](Victoria/Sepulto-Domino/sepulto-domino.html) [Super Flumina Babylonis](Victoria/Super Flumina Babylonis/super-flumina-babylonis.html) NEED [Vidi speciosam](Victoria/Vidi speciosam/Vidi.html) NEED | | Vierne | [Messe solennelle](Vierne/Messe solennelle/messe-solennelle.html) | | Vivaldi | [Beatus Vir (RV 597)](Vivaldi/BeatusVir-597/beatusvir597.html) NEED - NOT 598!! [Beatus Vir (RV 598)](Vivaldi/Beatus Vir 598/beatus-vir-598.html) [Credo](Vivaldi/Credo/credo.html) [Dixit Dominus (RV 594)](Vivaldi/Dixit-RV594/dixit.html) [Dixit Dominus (RV 595)](Vivaldi/Dixit-RV595/Dixit.html) [Gloria - RV 589](Vivaldi/Gloria/gloria.html) - there are Casella, Malipiero/Everett and Martens versions [Jubilate & Gloria - RV 588](Vivaldi/Jubilate-Gloria RV588/jubilate-gloria-RV588.html) [Lauda Jerusalem](Vivaldi/Lauda-jerusalem/lauda-je.html) NEED [Laudate Dominum](Vivaldi/Laudate Dominum/laudate.html) NEED [Magnificat (RV 610a)](Vivaldi/Magnificat/magnificat.html) [Magnificat (RV 611)](Vivaldi/Magnificat-611/magnificat.html) [Nisi Dominus](Vivaldi/Nisi Dominus/nisi-dominus.html) | | Wagner | [Choruses from Wagner's Operas](Wagner/Choruses/choruses.html) | | Walmisley | [Magnificat & Nunc dimittis](Walmisley/Magnif+NuncDim/magnif+nuncdim.html) | | Walton - not publicly             available | [A Litany *(Drop, drop, slow tears)*](Walton/A-Litany/a-litany.html) [Belshazzar's Feast](Walton/Belshazzar's Feast/belshazzar's-feast.html) [Coronation Te Deum](Walton/Cor-Te-Deum/cor-te-deum.html) NEED [Jubilate Deo](Walton/Jubilate Deo/jubilate-deo.html) [Magnificat & Nunc dimittis (The Chichester Service)](Walton/Magnif-NuncDim/Not-Public.html) [Set me as a seal upon thine heart](Walton/set me as a seal/set-me.html) [The Twelve](Walton/The Twelve/the-twelve.html) | | Warlock | [Yarmouth Fair](Warlock/Yarmouth Fair/yarmouth-fair.html) | | Watson | [Evening Service (Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis) in E](Watson/Magnif-NuncDim/magnif-nuncdim.html) || Weelkes - See also the List for Partworks and Madrigals | [Alleluia, I heard a voice](Weelkes/Alleluia/alleluia-voice.html) [Gloria in excelsis Deo](Weelkes/Gloria/gloria.html) [Hosanna to the Son of David](Weelkes/Hosanna-to-David/hosanna-to-david.html) [When David heard](Weelkes/When-David/when-david.html) | | Wesley | [Ascribe unto the Lord](Wesley/Ascribe unto the Lord/ascribe-unto-the-Lord.html) NEED [Blessed be the God and Father](Wesley/Blessed be the God and Father/Blessed-be.html) [Confitebor](Wesley/Confitebor/confitebor.html) [Praise the Lord, O my soul](Wesley/Praise the Lord/praise-the-lord.html) [Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace](Wesley/Thou-wilt-keep/thou-wilt-keep.html) [Wash me thoroughly](Wesley/Wash me/wash-me.html) | | Whitacre | [Cloudburst](Whitacre/Cloudburst/cloudburst.html) [Lux Aurumque](Whitacre/Lux-Aurumque/lux-aurumeque.html) [The Seal Lullaby](Whitacre/Seal Lullaby/seal-lullaby.html) [The Stolen Child](Whitacre/Stolen Child/stolen-child.html) | | White | [Christe, qui lux es et dies](White/Christe, qui lux/christe-qui-lux.html) NEED | | Widor | [Messe: 2Choeurs+2Orgues (Op36)](Widor/Messe-2Choeurs+2Orgues (Op36)/Messe-2+2 (Op36).html) NEED | | Wilberg - not publicly             available | [Down to the River to Pray](Wilberg/Down-River/down-river.html) | | Williamson (Malcolm) | [The watch at the manger](Williamson/Watch-manger/watch-manger.html) | | Willcocks (Jonathan) | [In Praise of Singing](Willcocks (Jonathan)/In Praise of Singing/in-praise-of-singing.html) - not publicly available | | Wise | [The Ways of Zion do mourn](Wise/Ways Zion mourn/ways-zion-mourn.html) | | Wishart | [Go in peace](Wishart/Go in peace/go-in-peace.html) | | Wood | [Hail gladdening light](Wood/Hail gladdening light/hail-glad-light.html) [Magnificat & Nunc dimittis in E flat major (Second setting)](Wood/Magnif+NuncDim-E-2/Magnic+NunDim-2.html) [O Thou, the Central Orb](Wood/Thou-Orb/thou-orb.html) | | Zelenka | [Haec Dies](Zelenka/Haec Dies/haec-dies.html) NEED [Magnificat in C (ZWV 107)](Zelenka/Magnificat in C/magnificat-in-C.html) NEED [Magnificat in D (ZWV 108)](Zelenka/Magnificat in D/magnificat-in-d.html) NEED | --- [Back to List Top](#list) [Back to Site Homepage](index2.html#top) --- *Last updated by John on 22/Dec/23*
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Zuckerman Travelogues</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="c0ffd0"> <HR CENTER SIZE=5 WIDTH=100% NOSHADE> <H1>Beth and Eric's Travelogues</H1> <HR CENTER SIZE=5 WIDTH=100% NOSHADE> <H2>Outside United States</H2> <UL> <LI><a href="/travel/nz/index.html">New Zealand</A>, an exotic land of glaciers and volcanoes, with incredible wildlife, where we celebrated our 2016 anniversary</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/noeu/index.html">Northern Europe</A>, including the volcanoes, glaciers and puffins of Iceland, along with the famous sites of London and Paris</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/brazil2/index.html">Brazil--2012</A>, including expansive views of Rio de Janeiro, the enormous Igua&ccedil;u Falls, and Itatiaia National Park</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/brazil/amazon.html">Brazil--2002</A>, including the exotic Amazon Rainforest, historic Rio de Janeiro, and the beach resort of Ilha Grande</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/australia/australiaidx.html">Australia</A>, including Sydney, the Blue Mountains, and Queensland, with the Great Barrier Reef and baby kangaroos and wallabys</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/egypt/egypt.html">Egypt</A>, including the world-famous Egyptian Museum, the extremely ancient Pyramids of Giza, the only mildly ancient Temples of the Nile Valley, and the beaches and reefs of Sharm el Sheikh</LI> </UL> <H2>California</H2> <UL> <LI><a href="/travel/deva1/index.html">Death Valley National Park</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/jotr/index.html">Joshua Tree National Park</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/seki/index.html">Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/lassen/index.html">Lassen Volcanic Park</A></LI> <li><a href ="/travel/anza-borrego/part1/index.html">Anza-Borrego Desert State Park</a></li> <LI><a href="/travel/ptreyes/index.html">Point Reyes</A>, northern coast</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/bigsur/index.html">Big Sur</A>, central coast</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/anniv17/index.html">2017 anniversary trip back to the Mt. Shasta area</A>, with the Dunsmuir Railroad Park Resort, Timbered Crater, and Shasta Caverns</LI> <LI>Boat-in adventures at <a href="/travel/ahjumawi/index.html">Ahjumawi Lava Springs State Park</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/anniv15/anniv15sat.html">2015 railroad-themed anniversary trip to Napa Valley</A>, Eastern Sierra</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/anniv14/index.html">2014 anniversary trip to Mammoth and Mono Lakes, with Devil's Postpile National Monument</A>, Eastern Sierra</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/mendo13-1/index.html">2013 anniversary trip to lovely Mendocino Coast</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/eastbrother/index.html">2012 anniversary trip to beautiful East Brother Light Station on the San Francisco Bay</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/anniv07/anniv07.html">2007 anniversary trip Northern California Cascade Area</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/sandiego/legoland.html">2006 anniversary trip to Legoland</A>, San Diego area</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/mmlakes/sagebrush.html">2004 anniversary trip to Mammoth and Mono Lakes</A>, Eastern Sierra</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/marinemammals/index.html">Marine Mammals</A> from Monterey Bay Area, central coast</LI> <LI>Elephant seals at <a href="/travel/anonuevo/index.html">A&ntilde;o Nuevo State Reserve</A></LI> </UL> <H3>Bike Trips</H3> <UL> <LI><A HREF="/travel/mendo19/index.html">2019 abbreviated Mendocino Wine Country from a different direction</A></LI> <LI><A HREF="/travel/tahoeii/index.html">2018 Lake Tahoe</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/mendo17/index.html">2017 abbreviated Mendocino Wine Country</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/redlight3/index.html">2016 Redwoods & Lighthouse--getting it right this time (Santa Cruz Mountains)</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/redlight2/redlight2fri.html">2015 Redwoods & Lighthouse Redux</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/napavalleysat/index.html">Napa Valley Wine Country</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/lostcoastsat/index.html">Lost Coast (Humboldt County)</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/tahoesat/index.html">Lake Tahoe</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/yosesat/index.html">Yosemite (flat-fixing trip)</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/redlight/index.html">2010 Redwoods & Lighthouse (Santa Cruz Mountains)</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/mendocino/index.html">Mendocino Wine Country</A></LI> </UL> <H2>Alaska and Hawai'i</H2> <UL> <LI>20th anniversary voyage to the amazing State of <a href="/travel/ak/index.html">Alaska</A>, with a glacier trek, a calving glacier, waterfalls galore, and many, many birds and mammals, including a close encounter with a bear</A></LI> <LI>The beautiful State of <a href="/travel/hawaii/index.html">Hawai'i</A>, including two helicopter rides, an amazing boat trip, lava from the air, lava crashing into the water, beaches, more waterfalls than you could shake a stick at, and a fall into a swamp</LI> </UL> <H2>Pacific Northwest</H2> <UL> <LI><A HREF="travel/sardinhaorchards/index.html">Visit to our friends' Okanagan Valley apple farm</A> in southern BC, a fabulous anniversary party in a beautiful place</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/eclipsejohnday/index.html">2017 Great American Eclipse Event</A>, including Diamond Hitch Ranch in Kimberly, OR, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, and the incredible eclipse itself--our best camping trip ever!</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/pnw2/index.html">2015 Pacific Northwest Tour</A>, including Newberry, Palousse Falls, Hell's Canyon, the Hiawatha Trail, Spokane World Science Fiction Convention, Olympic, Orcas Island, and a lot of smoke</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/pnw/index.html">Grand 2010 Pacific Northwest Tour</A>, including Lava Beds National Monument, Crater Lake National Park, Newberry Volcanic National Monument, Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument, Mt. Rainier National Park, Vancouver, Vancouver Island, and Olympic National Park</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/orcoast/index.html">Magnificent Oregon Coast</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/seattle/index.html">Seattle</A> </UL> <H2>Continental United States, Outside of West Coast</H2> <UL> <LI><a href="copl1/index.html">Western Colorado Plateau</a>, featuring Grand Canyon, Zion, and Bryce National Parks, along with Sunset Crater, Vermilion Cliffs, Cedar Breaks, and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, and Kodachrome Basin, Coral Pink Sand Dunes, and Snow Canyon State Parks, some of the most amazing scenic erosion on Earth</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/sofl/index.html">South Florida</A>, featuring Everglades, Biscayne, and Dry Tortugas National Parks, along with Big Cypress National Preserve and several Florida state parks--many great bird sightings</LI> <LI>The <a href="/travel/noro/index.html">Northern Rockies</A>, featuring Grand Teton, Yellowstone, and Glacier/Waterton National Parks, with Craters of the Moon as well--dramatic mountain and boiling volcanic scenery</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/denver/index.html">Central Rocky Mountains</A>, including Amtrak ride, Rocky Mountain National Park, and Garden of the Gods</LI> <LI><a href="/travel/backeast09/index.html">2009 Northeastern Trip</A>, including <a href="/travel/backeast09/canada">Montreal</A></LI> <LI><a href="/travel/eastcoast07/eastcoast07.html">New England</A></LI> </LI> </UL> <HR CENTER SIZE=5 WIDTH=100% NOSHADE> <P> <H6>Last updated: <I>2019/09/24</I> by <a href="/travel/mailto:usboth_AT_zuckershack_DOT_org">Eric and Beth Zuckerman</A></H6> <P> </BODY> </HTML>
Zuckerman Travelogues --- # Beth and Eric's Travelogues --- ## Outside United States * [New Zealand](/travel/nz/index.html), an exotic land of glaciers and volcanoes, with incredible wildlife, where we celebrated our 2016 anniversary * [Northern Europe](/travel/noeu/index.html), including the volcanoes, glaciers and puffins of Iceland, along with the famous sites of London and Paris * [Brazil--2012](/travel/brazil2/index.html), including expansive views of Rio de Janeiro, the enormous Iguaçu Falls, and Itatiaia National Park * [Brazil--2002](/travel/brazil/amazon.html), including the exotic Amazon Rainforest, historic Rio de Janeiro, and the beach resort of Ilha Grande * [Australia](/travel/australia/australiaidx.html), including Sydney, the Blue Mountains, and Queensland, with the Great Barrier Reef and baby kangaroos and wallabys * [Egypt](/travel/egypt/egypt.html), including the world-famous Egyptian Museum, the extremely ancient Pyramids of Giza, the only mildly ancient Temples of the Nile Valley, and the beaches and reefs of Sharm el Sheikh ## California * [Death Valley National Park](/travel/deva1/index.html) * [Joshua Tree National Park](/travel/jotr/index.html) * [Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks](/travel/seki/index.html) * [Lassen Volcanic Park](/travel/lassen/index.html) * [Anza-Borrego Desert State Park](/travel/anza-borrego/part1/index.html) * [Point Reyes](/travel/ptreyes/index.html), northern coast * [Big Sur](/travel/bigsur/index.html), central coast * [2017 anniversary trip back to the Mt. Shasta area](/travel/anniv17/index.html), with the Dunsmuir Railroad Park Resort, Timbered Crater, and Shasta Caverns * Boat-in adventures at [Ahjumawi Lava Springs State Park](/travel/ahjumawi/index.html) * [2015 railroad-themed anniversary trip to Napa Valley](/travel/anniv15/anniv15sat.html), Eastern Sierra * [2014 anniversary trip to Mammoth and Mono Lakes, with Devil's Postpile National Monument](/travel/anniv14/index.html), Eastern Sierra * [2013 anniversary trip to lovely Mendocino Coast](/travel/mendo13-1/index.html) * [2012 anniversary trip to beautiful East Brother Light Station on the San Francisco Bay](/travel/eastbrother/index.html) * [2007 anniversary trip Northern California Cascade Area](/travel/anniv07/anniv07.html) * [2006 anniversary trip to Legoland](/travel/sandiego/legoland.html), San Diego area * [2004 anniversary trip to Mammoth and Mono Lakes](/travel/mmlakes/sagebrush.html), Eastern Sierra * [Marine Mammals](/travel/marinemammals/index.html) from Monterey Bay Area, central coast * Elephant seals at [Año Nuevo State Reserve](/travel/anonuevo/index.html) ### Bike Trips * [2019 abbreviated Mendocino Wine Country from a different direction](/travel/mendo19/index.html) * [2018 Lake Tahoe](/travel/tahoeii/index.html) * [2017 abbreviated Mendocino Wine Country](/travel/mendo17/index.html) * [2016 Redwoods & Lighthouse--getting it right this time (Santa Cruz Mountains)](/travel/redlight3/index.html) * [2015 Redwoods & Lighthouse Redux](/travel/redlight2/redlight2fri.html) * [Napa Valley Wine Country](/travel/napavalleysat/index.html) * [Lost Coast (Humboldt County)](/travel/lostcoastsat/index.html) * [Lake Tahoe](/travel/tahoesat/index.html) * [Yosemite (flat-fixing trip)](/travel/yosesat/index.html) * [2010 Redwoods & Lighthouse (Santa Cruz Mountains)](/travel/redlight/index.html) * [Mendocino Wine Country](/travel/mendocino/index.html) ## Alaska and Hawai'i * 20th anniversary voyage to the amazing State of [Alaska](/travel/ak/index.html), with a glacier trek, a calving glacier, waterfalls galore, and many, many birds and mammals, including a close encounter with a bear * The beautiful State of [Hawai'i](/travel/hawaii/index.html), including two helicopter rides, an amazing boat trip, lava from the air, lava crashing into the water, beaches, more waterfalls than you could shake a stick at, and a fall into a swamp ## Pacific Northwest * [Visit to our friends' Okanagan Valley apple farm](travel/sardinhaorchards/index.html) in southern BC, a fabulous anniversary party in a beautiful place * [2017 Great American Eclipse Event](/travel/eclipsejohnday/index.html), including Diamond Hitch Ranch in Kimberly, OR, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, and the incredible eclipse itself--our best camping trip ever! * [2015 Pacific Northwest Tour](/travel/pnw2/index.html), including Newberry, Palousse Falls, Hell's Canyon, the Hiawatha Trail, Spokane World Science Fiction Convention, Olympic, Orcas Island, and a lot of smoke * [Grand 2010 Pacific Northwest Tour](/travel/pnw/index.html), including Lava Beds National Monument, Crater Lake National Park, Newberry Volcanic National Monument, Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument, Mt. Rainier National Park, Vancouver, Vancouver Island, and Olympic National Park * [Magnificent Oregon Coast](/travel/orcoast/index.html) * [Seattle](/travel/seattle/index.html) ## Continental United States, Outside of West Coast * [Western Colorado Plateau](copl1/index.html), featuring Grand Canyon, Zion, and Bryce National Parks, along with Sunset Crater, Vermilion Cliffs, Cedar Breaks, and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, and Kodachrome Basin, Coral Pink Sand Dunes, and Snow Canyon State Parks, some of the most amazing scenic erosion on Earth * [South Florida](/travel/sofl/index.html), featuring Everglades, Biscayne, and Dry Tortugas National Parks, along with Big Cypress National Preserve and several Florida state parks--many great bird sightings * The [Northern Rockies](/travel/noro/index.html), featuring Grand Teton, Yellowstone, and Glacier/Waterton National Parks, with Craters of the Moon as well--dramatic mountain and boiling volcanic scenery * [Central Rocky Mountains](/travel/denver/index.html), including Amtrak ride, Rocky Mountain National Park, and Garden of the Gods * [2009 Northeastern Trip](/travel/backeast09/index.html), including [Montreal](/travel/backeast09/canada) * [New England](/travel/eastcoast07/eastcoast07.html) --- ###### Last updated: *2019/09/24* by [Eric and Beth Zuckerman](/travel/mailto:usboth_AT_zuckershack_DOT_org)
<head><title>Not Acceptable!</title></head><body><h1>Not Acceptable!</h1><p>An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.</p></body></html>
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<!doctype html public "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Science Explained explains flu, viruses, influenza and their genetics. </TITLE> <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Swine Flu, Avian Flu, Bird Flu, science explained, Science Explained, science, chemistry, biology, viruses, virology, virus, flu, avian flu, epidemic, influenza, receptor-binding protein, strains, amantadine, rimantadine, oseltanamavir, Tamiflu, zanamavir, vaccine, antibodies, antibody, antigen, immune system, capsid, DNA, RNA, genetics, envelope, internalized, virion, infections, flu, medicine, disease, web sites, reviews, recommendations, learning, understanding, educational, education, school, teach, reports, updates, news, science, scientist, biologist, life, living, chemicals, explained, taught, learned, understood, sciences, science education, chemistry education, biology education, books for sale, animal, plant, virus, fun, exciting, new"> <META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="Learn all about flu and infleunza. Also, viruses and immune system. Virus evolution, diseases and structure "> <META NAME="AUTHOR" CONTENT="Jamie Love"> </HEAD> <BODY BACKGROUND="page.gif" BGCOLOR="#999999" TEXT="#150000" LINK= "#150FFF" VLINK="#FF0000" ALINK="FF0000"> <CENTER><H1>&quot;Flu&quot; - recombinant genes on the loose!</H1> Dr Jamie Love <IMG SRC="weesci.gif"> 1998-2009 &#169; </CENTER> <P> This page provides an introduction to flu virus and it is best to read it before reading my other webpage about <A HREF="flutwo.html">Chicken Flue and Swine Flu</A>, where you will find information about the epidemic(s). <P> The media have discovered what many scientists have known all along - viruses are amazing and scary. Unfortunately, the media are more concerned with scaring you than educating you, so you're wise to have found this page. (Here we'll do both! <IMG SRC ="winkface.gif"> ) <P> Mankind has always been under the threat of a new, more dangerous virus emerging and causing massive epidemics. Our modern transportation systems make it all the easier for such a virus to spread quickly throughout the world. Man's constant exploration and encroachment in previously inaccessible parts of the world make it more likely that something nasty might emerge. However, it is worth noting that viruses have always been with us, evolving ways to reproduce and spread. Viruses, like humans, are just playing the evolution game. <BR>But VIRUSES <B>CHEAT</B>! <P> <I><B>What exactly is a virus?</B></I> <P> <TABLE><TD> <IMG SRC="virus1.gif"> </TD><TD> A virus is a bit of genetic material packaged in a protective coat. The <B>genetic material</B> may be DNA or RNA depending on the type of virus. The protective coat is called a <B>capsid</B>. Not only does it protect the delicate nucleic acid inside, but the capsid also helps the virus infect host cells. Some viruses have an additional outer <B>envelope</B> of proteins, sugars and lipids stolen from the host cell in which it has been made. The complete virus &quot;particle&quot; - nucleic acid, capsid and envelope (if it has one) - is called a <B>virion</B>. </TD></TABLE> <P> Virus classification is based upon characteristics of the three parts of the virion. It is a complex system that requires detailed knowledge about nucleic acid types and structures, virion shapes, binding of specific antibodies (this has to do with immunity), and may even include the nucleic acid sequence itself! <BR>The group names of viruses are not easy to follow because they're often in Latin and named after a type of disease which only one member of that group causes. For example, the family of <I>Herpesviruses</I> includes not only the virus that causes herpes (herpes simplex), but also the virus that causes chicken pox and shingles (varicella-zoster), and another virus that causes mononucleosis and some cancers (Epstein-Barr virus). Another example of this confusion is that the viruses which cause hemorrhagic fever (a very deadly disease) are found in three different families (<I>Arenaviruses, Filoviruses</I> and <I>Arboviruses)</I>. It's no wonder that student doctors have so much difficulty learning them all. Don't worry about the details but be aware that viruses with similar names, or that cause similar diseases, may or may not be similar viruses. <P> <B><I>Where do viruses come from? Where do they get their genes?</I></B> <P> The origin of viruses is poorly understood, but most <B>virologists</B> (people who study viruses) agree that each virus got started by copying a few useful genes from their host cells. Viruses are ignorant of any patent or copyright laws, they just make a copy of what they find useful in the host's genome and move on. Often that useful gene is intimately involved in the host's reproduction, food gathering, cell communication or other essential function of the cell. Over the generations viruses mutate their stolen genes and when a particularly useful mutation comes along, the virus will use it to further its own survival, usually to the detriment of its host. As the years and generations go by, these viruses can even switch over to other species, find new genes to copy and then continue evolving in their own selfish way. Therefore, viruses were using recombinant genetics long before man had thought of it. <P> <B><I>How do viruses reproduce?</I></B> <P> <TABLE><TD> All viruses reproduce by taking over the reproductive mechanism of a host cell, so the first thing a virus must do is get into a cell by passing through the cell's membrane. They do this by means of their <B>receptor-binding protein</B>. These proteins are encoded in the viruses' genetic material and they stick out from the surface of the virion. They are attached either to the capsid or part of the envelope, depending on the type of virus. These proteins cause the virion to bind to specific receptors on the host cell in a manner similar to the way a key fits into a lock. This interaction between the host cell's receptor and the virus' receptor-binding protein is crucial and causes the &quot;specificity of infection&quot;. This specificity usually limits a viruses' infection to specific types of cells and specific animals (or plants or bacteria) depending on the virus. <BR>For example, HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) has receptor-binding proteins that attach to specific types of human white blood cells. Because of its specific receptor-binding protein, HIV cannot infect skin cells or lung cells so it is not infectious by touch or by breathing it in. In addition, HIV does not infect monkeys because the receptors on monkey cells are not the right shape to accept HIV's receptor-binding protein. However, a related virus, called SIV, can infect monkey cells because it has evolved a receptor-binding protein that attaches to monkey white blood cell receptors. <P> The interaction between a viruses' receptor-binding protein and the host cell's receptor(s) is an on going battle in molecular evolution. The specificity may change as the virus evolves a new gene for its receptor-binding proteins or the host cell evolves new genes for its receptors. This evolution can produce viruses that unexpectedly switch to a new host; either a new type of tissue or a new type of animal. <P> Once the virion attaches to its host cell it is <B>internalized</B> (taken inside) in a matter of minutes. Host cells internalize viruses because the host cell &quot;thinks&quot; the virus is something it &quot;wants&quot;, such as food, a hormone, etc. <P> </TD><TD> <IMG SRC="virus2.gif"> </TD></TABLE> <P> The viruses' subterfuge is aided by its receptor-binding protein, which its ancestor probably stole from the host's ancestor long ago. Once inside the host cell, the virion sheds its protective capsid and takes over the cell's reproductive machinery. Some types of viruses will actually slide their genetic material in between the genetic material of the host. Others float around inside the cell's cytoplasm (cell solution) and use the host cell's enzymes to build viruses. The exact way a virus uses the host cell varies with the type of virus. Ultimately this &quot;genetic parasite&quot; builds up huge numbers of &quot;offspring&quot; and the host cell sheds them into the blood stream, airways or other exits. Some viruses kill their host cell as they reproduce while other types quietly shed their offspring away from their host. Some viruses will even sit around quietly for years before erupting as an infection. It all depends on the specific type of virus. Regardless, the virus offspring are shed eventually and go on to infect more host cells. <P> <I><B>OK. What's &quot;the flu&quot;?</B></I> <P> &quot;Flu&quot; is short for &quot;influenza&quot;. The name goes back hundreds of years when the disease was thought to be caused by supernatural &quot;influences&quot;. Many people (including doctors who should know better) describe any nasty lung infection as flu, but only specific lab tests can give a proper diagnosis. There are several different viruses (and bacteria) which may infect the lung, but true flu is caused by <I><B>orthomyxoviruses</B></I>, of which there are three types, designated <B>A</B>, <B>B</B>, and <B>C</B>. Influenza C infects most people when they are young and rarely causes serious illness. Type B occasionally causes local outbreaks of flu and is usually confined to youngsters. Influenza A is VERY important to mankind as this is the type of virus that has caused worldwide pandemics. (<B>Pandemics</B> are epidemics that have spread to more than one continent.) We'll come back to type A influenza later. <TABLE><TD> <IMG SRC="virus3.gif"> </TD><TD> <A NAME="hemagglutinin"></A> An influenza virion has about 500 &quot;spikes&quot; sticking out from its lipid envelope. About 80% of the spikes are a viral protein called <B>hemagglutinin</B> (or simply, <B>HA</B>). This was first identified by its ability to cause red blood cells, which carry a molecule called &quot;heme&quot;, to agglutinate (stick together). We now know that HA is influenza's receptor-binding protein. It plays the critical role of attaching the virus to the host cell. The other 20% of the spikes are a viral protein called <B>neuraminidase</B>, often abbreviated <B>NA</B>. This protein is an enzyme that destroys a host cell molecule called neuraminic (or sialic) acid. NA might play a part in getting the virus into the cell (we aren't sure), but its most important function is that it helps the newly made influenza virions to easily escape from the host cell so they can infect others. </TD></TABLE> In summary, HA is influenza's receptor-binding protein that helps the virion get into host cells and NA is an enzyme that helps the offspring virions to get out. Together, these two viral proteins are primarily responsible for the viruses' ability to cause disease, a property doctors refer to as the virus' <B>virulence</B>. <B> </B> <P> <I>Orthomyxoviruses</I> usually infect your upper respiratory tract (throat and upper lungs) because these tissues have plenty of the receptors for the influenza virus. However, any mucous membrane will suffice as a point of entry. A common way to pick up the flu virus is to rub the moist corners of your eyes, nose or mouth after having shaken hands with someone who is shedding virus. So you don't necessarily have to inhale the cough or sneeze droplets of a carrier to become infected. Two or three days after exposure you start to shiver, have a headache and aching limbs, you feel exhausted and you get a fever (about 39<SUP>o</SUP>C). These symptoms are caused by your body's natural defenses - especially the release of a chemical called <B>interferon</B>. <A NAME="antibodies"></A> <TABLE><TD> <IMG SRC="virus4.gif"> </TD><TD> A few days later (the older you are the longer it takes) the symptoms go away. You're cured! This recovery is mostly due to a new group of molecules your immune system has created to specifically fight the virus. These specific molecules are special proteins called <B>antibodies</B>. <P> By definition, antibodies bind to specific antigens. In the case of an antibody which fights viruses, the <B>antigen</B> is a specific viral protein. Antibodies bind the HA, the important receptor-binding protein of the influenza virus, blocking it so it can't infect other cells. Another group of antibodies bind to the NA of the virion and may prevent the spread of further infection. Meanwhile, the cells that were originally infected are &quot;cured&quot; by other less well understood means. (Interferon plays a role.) The most important thing about your antibodies is that once your immune system learns how to make them, they will be there to fight off the next infection by that virus. </TD></TABLE> <P> <B><I>Does that mean I'll only get the flu once?</I></B> <P> Yes and no. Your antibodies will protect you from that one specific strain of influenza, but there are many other strains. If you are infected with a strain that has slightly different receptor-binding proteins, your antibodies won't recognize them. Each group of antibodies you make is specific to a single virus strain. <TABLE><TD> <IMG SRC="virus5.gif"> </TD><TD> If a different strain of influenza gets into your lungs, your old antibodies will not bind it correctly because the shape of a virus' receptor-binding proteins is NOT the same from one strain to another. So, that NEW strain will go about establishing a new infection with all those horrible symptoms. Your immune system will eventually create a NEW group of antibodies to fight the new strain. Once you've recovered you will be protected from that new strain, but not the NEXT NEW strain! And so it goes on throughout our lives. </TD></TABLE> By the time we are very old we have antibodies to several different influenza strains, each antibody corresponding to a previous infection and thus protecting us from reinfection with that strain. Unfortunately, as we get very old our immune system tends to &quot;forget&quot; some of the older strains and also has difficulty fighting off new ones. That's one of the reasons why influenza is particularly serious among the very old. <P> So, your immune system will protect you from becoming reinfected with the same virus (from, say a family member who caught it from you in the first place), but you will not be protected from a new strain. <P> <B><I>How do new strains come about?</I></B> <P> They evolve! Molecular evolution (the evolution of molecules) is a fascinating area of evolution and of prime concern to any scientist wanting to understand viruses and how they spread. All genetic material can mutate, that is change its nucleic acids. The mutations are random, but their selection is not. &quot;Selection&quot; is another word for how well they survive and reproduce. Selection ensures that the mutations that increase a virus' ability to survive and reproduce will be represented in even greater numbers in the next generation. Mutations are the &quot;fuel&quot; for evolution because they provide the genetic variation on which selection acts. This is simply Darwin's old theory of evolution by means of natural selection, but on a microscopic scale. <A NAME="driftshift"></A> <P> <TABLE><TD> All influenza viruses (all <I>orthomyxoviruses</I>) have RNA as their genetic material. When RNA is replicated it tends to have more errors than when DNA is replicated. These extra errors provide extra mutations upon which selection may act. That means RNA viruses (not just influenza viruses but all RNA viruses) have a high mutation rate and can evolve quickly - faster than a DNA virus or even a DNA human! Over time these mutations accumulate and eventually the virus evolves into a new strain. This progressive accumulation of individual mutations is called <B>antigenic drift</B>, because the shape of the antigen (the viral protein) slowly drifts into a different shape with each generation of virus. Eventually they drift so much that the original antibody can no longer bind to it. That means you can become infected with this newly evolved virus. All viruses show antigenic drift, but RNA viruses mutate faster so they drift faster. Antigenic drift is responsible for many of the localized outbreaks of different strains of influenza, especially influenza B. </TD><TD> <IMG SRC="virus6.gif"> </TD></TABLE> The RNA genome of an influenza virus is divided into eight different segments numbered one through eight, with number one being the smallest segment. (You might want to think of them as the virus' eight &quot;RNA chromosomes&quot;, but strictly speaking they aren't chromosomes.) Each segment functions as an individual gene coding for one of the virus proteins. Segment number four contains the gene for hemagglutinin (HA) and segment six encodes the gene for neuraminidase (NA). The other segments and genes are important for other parts of the virion's structure (capsid) or function (replication) but we need not be concerned with them here. <P> <A NAME="reassort"></A> <TABLE><TD> Importantly, type A - but not B or C - undergo a kind of gene swapping or <B>genetic reassortment</B> to give it its proper name. If a cell is simultaneously infected by two different strains of type A influenza, the offspring virions may contain mixtures of each parents' genes! This really complicates things and makes it very easy for influenza A to quickly evolve new <B>combinations</B> of HA and NA genes. To better understand what I mean you need to learn a little bit about how we keep track of all this reassortment. We know of 15 different kinds of HA and 9 different kinds of NA genes in type A influenza. All these different kinds have evolved by antigenic drift as described earlier. Any one virion can contain only one HA and one NA. For example we might have an influenza A strain designated H1N1. (We drop the &quot;A&quot;s at the end to make it clearer.) Along comes another virus with different kinds of HA and NA genes, let's say it is H3N7. If these two different virions infect the same cell at the same time they may produce offspring not only like themselves (H1N1 and H3N7) but also with a mixed combination (H1N7 and H3N1). <P> Take a good look at the image here on the right and note how this reassortment occurs. <P> Note that this is only a small sample of the many possible new combinations that might be made. All eight segments may take part in the reassortment. These newly created mixed genomes are very different from their parents and (probably) have never been &quot;seen&quot; by your immune system - or for that matter, anyone else's. This form of viral evolution is called <B>antigenic shift</B>, to differentiate it from antigenic drift (which occurs slowly and without a change in the gene associations).<B> </B>These new combinations present us with such a unique strain of virus that our immune system has to start all over to make new antibodies to combat it. </TD><TD> <IMG SRC="virus7.gif"> </TD></TABLE> <P> As if that weren't amazing enough, influenza A can infect other mammals (other than humans) and even birds! It's VERY unusual for a virus to have such a wide host range, but influenza A somehow manages this trick. It probably has to do with the fact that the virus gains entry using receptors common to many species. That means a strain of influenza A may worry one species for decades and then suddenly jump to a new species! This sudden jump, due to antigenic shift, can produce a very serious epidemic. For example, about a decade ago many seals washed up on the eastern seaboard of the USA dying from a strain of influenza A that, until then, had only been found in birds! Horse and swine influenza A have turned up in humans. Influenza A is the nightmare of science fiction - a virus that normally causes only a slight illness, undergoes genetic recombination with other species and comes back as a killer virus! Fact is, influenza A has been conducting random, unlicensed recombinant genetics &quot;experiments&quot; for centuries and will continue to do so regardless of our feelings on the subject. <P> In 1918 a strain of influenza A designated H1N1 killed over 20 million people worldwide. Forty years later, after considerable antigenic drifting and shifting, a new type A had evolved with completely different looking HA and NA. It was called H2N2 and it ran its course killing thousands of people in the USA alone. In 1968 a strain designated H3N2 appeared. It had the same old NA but a slightly new HA (H3) so it was a partial antigenic shift and was milder in its severity. In 1976 the dreaded H1N1 made a brief and frightening comeback on a military base in the USA. Although it was designated the same as the big killer of 1918, this H1N1 was slightly different due to antigenic drift. <P> Now that you have a good understanding about the flu virus, you are ready to understand <A HREF="flutwo.html">Chicken Flue and Swine Flu</A>! <P> <CENTER> <A HREF=""><IMG SRC="merlinrolling.gif"></A> </CENTER> <P> <CENTER><IMG SRC="linethin.gif"></CENTER><CENTER><IMG SRC="linethin.gif"></CENTER><P> If you have a comment or question about influenza feel free to send a Letter to the Editor. <IMG HEIGHT ="16" align="top" SRC ="emailE.gif"> <P> <CENTER><IMG SRC="linethin.gif"></CENTER><CENTER><IMG SRC="linethin.gif"></CENTER><P> Return to the <I>Science Explained</I> <A HREF="index.html">Homepage</A>. </CENTER> <P><HR><P> <P> </BODY> </HTML>
Science Explained explains flu, viruses, influenza and their genetics. # "Flu" - recombinant genes on the loose! Dr Jamie Love ![](weesci.gif) 1998-2009 © This page provides an introduction to flu virus and it is best to read it before reading my other webpage about [Chicken Flue and Swine Flu](flutwo.html), where you will find information about the epidemic(s). The media have discovered what many scientists have known all along - viruses are amazing and scary. Unfortunately, the media are more concerned with scaring you than educating you, so you're wise to have found this page. (Here we'll do both! ![](winkface.gif) ) Mankind has always been under the threat of a new, more dangerous virus emerging and causing massive epidemics. Our modern transportation systems make it all the easier for such a virus to spread quickly throughout the world. Man's constant exploration and encroachment in previously inaccessible parts of the world make it more likely that something nasty might emerge. However, it is worth noting that viruses have always been with us, evolving ways to reproduce and spread. Viruses, like humans, are just playing the evolution game. But VIRUSES **CHEAT**! ***What exactly is a virus?*** | A virus is a bit of genetic material packaged in a protective coat. The **genetic material** may be DNA or RNA depending on the type of virus. The protective coat is called a **capsid**. Not only does it protect the delicate nucleic acid inside, but the capsid also helps the virus infect host cells. Some viruses have an additional outer **envelope** of proteins, sugars and lipids stolen from the host cell in which it has been made. The complete virus "particle" - nucleic acid, capsid and envelope (if it has one) - is called a **virion**. | Virus classification is based upon characteristics of the three parts of the virion. It is a complex system that requires detailed knowledge about nucleic acid types and structures, virion shapes, binding of specific antibodies (this has to do with immunity), and may even include the nucleic acid sequence itself! The group names of viruses are not easy to follow because they're often in Latin and named after a type of disease which only one member of that group causes. For example, the family of *Herpesviruses* includes not only the virus that causes herpes (herpes simplex), but also the virus that causes chicken pox and shingles (varicella-zoster), and another virus that causes mononucleosis and some cancers (Epstein-Barr virus). Another example of this confusion is that the viruses which cause hemorrhagic fever (a very deadly disease) are found in three different families (*Arenaviruses, Filoviruses* and *Arboviruses)*. It's no wonder that student doctors have so much difficulty learning them all. Don't worry about the details but be aware that viruses with similar names, or that cause similar diseases, may or may not be similar viruses. ***Where do viruses come from? Where do they get their genes?*** The origin of viruses is poorly understood, but most **virologists** (people who study viruses) agree that each virus got started by copying a few useful genes from their host cells. Viruses are ignorant of any patent or copyright laws, they just make a copy of what they find useful in the host's genome and move on. Often that useful gene is intimately involved in the host's reproduction, food gathering, cell communication or other essential function of the cell. Over the generations viruses mutate their stolen genes and when a particularly useful mutation comes along, the virus will use it to further its own survival, usually to the detriment of its host. As the years and generations go by, these viruses can even switch over to other species, find new genes to copy and then continue evolving in their own selfish way. Therefore, viruses were using recombinant genetics long before man had thought of it. ***How do viruses reproduce?*** All viruses reproduce by taking over the reproductive mechanism of a host cell, so the first thing a virus must do is get into a cell by passing through the cell's membrane. They do this by means of their **receptor-binding protein**. These proteins are encoded in the viruses' genetic material and they stick out from the surface of the virion. They are attached either to the capsid or part of the envelope, depending on the type of virus. These proteins cause the virion to bind to specific receptors on the host cell in a manner similar to the way a key fits into a lock. This interaction between the host cell's receptor and the virus' receptor-binding protein is crucial and causes the "specificity of infection". This specificity usually limits a viruses' infection to specific types of cells and specific animals (or plants or bacteria) depending on the virus. For example, HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) has receptor-binding proteins that attach to specific types of human white blood cells. Because of its specific receptor-binding protein, HIV cannot infect skin cells or lung cells so it is not infectious by touch or by breathing it in. In addition, HIV does not infect monkeys because the receptors on monkey cells are not the right shape to accept HIV's receptor-binding protein. However, a related virus, called SIV, can infect monkey cells because it has evolved a receptor-binding protein that attaches to monkey white blood cell receptors. The interaction between a viruses' receptor-binding protein and the host cell's receptor(s) is an on going battle in molecular evolution. The specificity may change as the virus evolves a new gene for its receptor-binding proteins or the host cell evolves new genes for its receptors. This evolution can produce viruses that unexpectedly switch to a new host; either a new type of tissue or a new type of animal. Once the virion attaches to its host cell it is **internalized** (taken inside) in a matter of minutes. Host cells internalize viruses because the host cell "thinks" the virus is something it "wants", such as food, a hormone, etc. | | The viruses' subterfuge is aided by its receptor-binding protein, which its ancestor probably stole from the host's ancestor long ago. Once inside the host cell, the virion sheds its protective capsid and takes over the cell's reproductive machinery. Some types of viruses will actually slide their genetic material in between the genetic material of the host. Others float around inside the cell's cytoplasm (cell solution) and use the host cell's enzymes to build viruses. The exact way a virus uses the host cell varies with the type of virus. Ultimately this "genetic parasite" builds up huge numbers of "offspring" and the host cell sheds them into the blood stream, airways or other exits. Some viruses kill their host cell as they reproduce while other types quietly shed their offspring away from their host. Some viruses will even sit around quietly for years before erupting as an infection. It all depends on the specific type of virus. Regardless, the virus offspring are shed eventually and go on to infect more host cells. ***OK. What's "the flu"?*** "Flu" is short for "influenza". The name goes back hundreds of years when the disease was thought to be caused by supernatural "influences". Many people (including doctors who should know better) describe any nasty lung infection as flu, but only specific lab tests can give a proper diagnosis. There are several different viruses (and bacteria) which may infect the lung, but true flu is caused by ***orthomyxoviruses***, of which there are three types, designated **A**, **B**, and **C**. Influenza C infects most people when they are young and rarely causes serious illness. Type B occasionally causes local outbreaks of flu and is usually confined to youngsters. Influenza A is VERY important to mankind as this is the type of virus that has caused worldwide pandemics. (**Pandemics** are epidemics that have spread to more than one continent.) We'll come back to type A influenza later. | An influenza virion has about 500 "spikes" sticking out from its lipid envelope. About 80% of the spikes are a viral protein called **hemagglutinin** (or simply, **HA**). This was first identified by its ability to cause red blood cells, which carry a molecule called "heme", to agglutinate (stick together). We now know that HA is influenza's receptor-binding protein. It plays the critical role of attaching the virus to the host cell. The other 20% of the spikes are a viral protein called **neuraminidase**, often abbreviated **NA**. This protein is an enzyme that destroys a host cell molecule called neuraminic (or sialic) acid. NA might play a part in getting the virus into the cell (we aren't sure), but its most important function is that it helps the newly made influenza virions to easily escape from the host cell so they can infect others. | In summary, HA is influenza's receptor-binding protein that helps the virion get into host cells and NA is an enzyme that helps the offspring virions to get out. Together, these two viral proteins are primarily responsible for the viruses' ability to cause disease, a property doctors refer to as the virus' **virulence**. *Orthomyxoviruses* usually infect your upper respiratory tract (throat and upper lungs) because these tissues have plenty of the receptors for the influenza virus. However, any mucous membrane will suffice as a point of entry. A common way to pick up the flu virus is to rub the moist corners of your eyes, nose or mouth after having shaken hands with someone who is shedding virus. So you don't necessarily have to inhale the cough or sneeze droplets of a carrier to become infected. Two or three days after exposure you start to shiver, have a headache and aching limbs, you feel exhausted and you get a fever (about 39oC). These symptoms are caused by your body's natural defenses - especially the release of a chemical called **interferon**. | A few days later (the older you are the longer it takes) the symptoms go away. You're cured! This recovery is mostly due to a new group of molecules your immune system has created to specifically fight the virus. These specific molecules are special proteins called **antibodies**. By definition, antibodies bind to specific antigens. In the case of an antibody which fights viruses, the **antigen** is a specific viral protein. Antibodies bind the HA, the important receptor-binding protein of the influenza virus, blocking it so it can't infect other cells. Another group of antibodies bind to the NA of the virion and may prevent the spread of further infection. Meanwhile, the cells that were originally infected are "cured" by other less well understood means. (Interferon plays a role.) The most important thing about your antibodies is that once your immune system learns how to make them, they will be there to fight off the next infection by that virus. | ***Does that mean I'll only get the flu once?*** Yes and no. Your antibodies will protect you from that one specific strain of influenza, but there are many other strains. If you are infected with a strain that has slightly different receptor-binding proteins, your antibodies won't recognize them. Each group of antibodies you make is specific to a single virus strain. | If a different strain of influenza gets into your lungs, your old antibodies will not bind it correctly because the shape of a virus' receptor-binding proteins is NOT the same from one strain to another. So, that NEW strain will go about establishing a new infection with all those horrible symptoms. Your immune system will eventually create a NEW group of antibodies to fight the new strain. Once you've recovered you will be protected from that new strain, but not the NEXT NEW strain! And so it goes on throughout our lives. | By the time we are very old we have antibodies to several different influenza strains, each antibody corresponding to a previous infection and thus protecting us from reinfection with that strain. Unfortunately, as we get very old our immune system tends to "forget" some of the older strains and also has difficulty fighting off new ones. That's one of the reasons why influenza is particularly serious among the very old. So, your immune system will protect you from becoming reinfected with the same virus (from, say a family member who caught it from you in the first place), but you will not be protected from a new strain. ***How do new strains come about?*** They evolve! Molecular evolution (the evolution of molecules) is a fascinating area of evolution and of prime concern to any scientist wanting to understand viruses and how they spread. All genetic material can mutate, that is change its nucleic acids. The mutations are random, but their selection is not. "Selection" is another word for how well they survive and reproduce. Selection ensures that the mutations that increase a virus' ability to survive and reproduce will be represented in even greater numbers in the next generation. Mutations are the "fuel" for evolution because they provide the genetic variation on which selection acts. This is simply Darwin's old theory of evolution by means of natural selection, but on a microscopic scale. All influenza viruses (all *orthomyxoviruses*) have RNA as their genetic material. When RNA is replicated it tends to have more errors than when DNA is replicated. These extra errors provide extra mutations upon which selection may act. That means RNA viruses (not just influenza viruses but all RNA viruses) have a high mutation rate and can evolve quickly - faster than a DNA virus or even a DNA human! Over time these mutations accumulate and eventually the virus evolves into a new strain. This progressive accumulation of individual mutations is called **antigenic drift**, because the shape of the antigen (the viral protein) slowly drifts into a different shape with each generation of virus. Eventually they drift so much that the original antibody can no longer bind to it. That means you can become infected with this newly evolved virus. All viruses show antigenic drift, but RNA viruses mutate faster so they drift faster. Antigenic drift is responsible for many of the localized outbreaks of different strains of influenza, especially influenza B. | | The RNA genome of an influenza virus is divided into eight different segments numbered one through eight, with number one being the smallest segment. (You might want to think of them as the virus' eight "RNA chromosomes", but strictly speaking they aren't chromosomes.) Each segment functions as an individual gene coding for one of the virus proteins. Segment number four contains the gene for hemagglutinin (HA) and segment six encodes the gene for neuraminidase (NA). The other segments and genes are important for other parts of the virion's structure (capsid) or function (replication) but we need not be concerned with them here. Importantly, type A - but not B or C - undergo a kind of gene swapping or **genetic reassortment** to give it its proper name. If a cell is simultaneously infected by two different strains of type A influenza, the offspring virions may contain mixtures of each parents' genes! This really complicates things and makes it very easy for influenza A to quickly evolve new **combinations** of HA and NA genes. To better understand what I mean you need to learn a little bit about how we keep track of all this reassortment. We know of 15 different kinds of HA and 9 different kinds of NA genes in type A influenza. All these different kinds have evolved by antigenic drift as described earlier. Any one virion can contain only one HA and one NA. For example we might have an influenza A strain designated H1N1. (We drop the "A"s at the end to make it clearer.) Along comes another virus with different kinds of HA and NA genes, let's say it is H3N7. If these two different virions infect the same cell at the same time they may produce offspring not only like themselves (H1N1 and H3N7) but also with a mixed combination (H1N7 and H3N1). Take a good look at the image here on the right and note how this reassortment occurs. Note that this is only a small sample of the many possible new combinations that might be made. All eight segments may take part in the reassortment. These newly created mixed genomes are very different from their parents and (probably) have never been "seen" by your immune system - or for that matter, anyone else's. This form of viral evolution is called **antigenic shift**, to differentiate it from antigenic drift (which occurs slowly and without a change in the gene associations).These new combinations present us with such a unique strain of virus that our immune system has to start all over to make new antibodies to combat it. | | As if that weren't amazing enough, influenza A can infect other mammals (other than humans) and even birds! It's VERY unusual for a virus to have such a wide host range, but influenza A somehow manages this trick. It probably has to do with the fact that the virus gains entry using receptors common to many species. That means a strain of influenza A may worry one species for decades and then suddenly jump to a new species! This sudden jump, due to antigenic shift, can produce a very serious epidemic. For example, about a decade ago many seals washed up on the eastern seaboard of the USA dying from a strain of influenza A that, until then, had only been found in birds! Horse and swine influenza A have turned up in humans. Influenza A is the nightmare of science fiction - a virus that normally causes only a slight illness, undergoes genetic recombination with other species and comes back as a killer virus! Fact is, influenza A has been conducting random, unlicensed recombinant genetics "experiments" for centuries and will continue to do so regardless of our feelings on the subject. In 1918 a strain of influenza A designated H1N1 killed over 20 million people worldwide. Forty years later, after considerable antigenic drifting and shifting, a new type A had evolved with completely different looking HA and NA. It was called H2N2 and it ran its course killing thousands of people in the USA alone. In 1968 a strain designated H3N2 appeared. It had the same old NA but a slightly new HA (H3) so it was a partial antigenic shift and was milder in its severity. In 1976 the dreaded H1N1 made a brief and frightening comeback on a military base in the USA. Although it was designated the same as the big killer of 1918, this H1N1 was slightly different due to antigenic drift. Now that you have a good understanding about the flu virus, you are ready to understand [Chicken Flue and Swine Flu](flutwo.html)! [![](merlinrolling.gif)]( ![](linethin.gif)![](linethin.gif) If you have a comment or question about influenza feel free to send a Letter to the Editor. ![](emailE.gif) ![](linethin.gif)![](linethin.gif) Return to the *Science Explained* [Homepage](index.html). ---
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>The Punk Rock Comic Strip Home Page - The Funnest Punk Rock Comic Strip for any Punkster out there</title> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="A site containing an online Runk Rock comic strip, free desktop wallpapers, online store and much more! The funnest Punk Rock Comic Strip Going. Join us and become a punkster too."> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="3d art, jokes, comic strip craypoe, bob craypoe, crepeau, online store, punk rock, punksters, music, humor, cartoon, cartoon strip"> <meta content="en-us" http-equiv="Content-Language" /> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" /> <script async src="//"></script> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google_ad_client: "ca-pub-8598090133297090", enable_page_level_ads: true }); </script> <style type="text/css"> .auto-style1 { border: 3px solid #663300; background-color: #000000; } .auto-style2 { text-align: center; } .auto-style4 { text-align: center; font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: x-large; color: #FFFFFF; } .auto-style5 { color: #FFFFFF; } .auto-style7 { text-align: justify; font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: large; background-color: #CCCCCC; background-image: url('FractalLumpB.jpg'); } .auto-style13 { border: 0 solid #FFFFFF; text-align: center; } .auto-style14 { color: #FFFF00; } .auto-style15 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: medium; color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #000000; text-align: center; } .auto-style16 { border: 1px solid #000000; background-color: #FFFFFF; } .auto-style17 { border: 3px solid #663300; background-color: #000000; text-align: center; color: #FFFFFF; font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: x-large; } .auto-style18 { color: #FFFF00; font-size: large; } </style> </head> <body style="background-image: url('blue_sand.jpg'); background-attachment: fixed"> <table align="center" cellpadding="3" class="auto-style1" style="width: 750px"> <tr> <td class="auto-style2"> <img alt="" height="100" src="Punkstersnet.jpg" width="720" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="auto-style2"> <script webstyle3 src="limejellypill.js"></script> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="auto-style7"> <table cellpadding="3" style="width: 100%"> <tr> <td class="auto-style15" style="width: 119px"> <a href="about.html" title="Read About How it All Got Started!"><span class="auto-style5">About Us</span></a></td> <td class="auto-style15" style="width: 168px"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <span class="auto-style5"></span></a> <a href="dysfunctionals.html" title="The World's Craziest Superhero Team!"> <span class="auto-style5">The Dysfunctionals</span></a></td> <td class="auto-style15" style="width: 140px"> <a href="fun-stuff.html" title="Musician Jokes and other Stuff!"> <span class="auto-style5">Jokes &amp; Fun Stuff</span></a></td> <td class="auto-style15" style="width: 152px"> <a href="facebook-stuff-01.html" title="Stuff to post on Facebook."><span class="auto-style5"> Facebook Stuff</span></a></td> <td class="auto-style15"> <a href="links.html" title="Lots of Links!"><span class="auto-style5">Cool Links</span></a></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="auto-style13"> <img alt="" height="380" src="Punksters-Group-Shot01-promo.jpg" width="739" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="auto-style17"> Welcome and Thanks for Visiting the Website! <a href="contact.html" title="Numerous Ways You Can Reach us."> <span class="auto-style18">Contact Us</span></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="auto-style7"> <table cellpadding="3" style="width: 100%"> <tr> <td style="width: 404px"> <img alt="home group shot" height="390" src="home-pic.jpg" width="396" /></td> <td>Welcome to We have a comic strip here featuring the Punk Rock characters above. From left to right, the members of the band are Bing the drummer, Bang the guitarist, Crash the singer and Boom the bass guitarist. That's Bing, Bang, Crash and Boom. <br /> <br /> The site has free downloadable desktop <a href="wallpapers.html"> wallpapers,</a> so feel free to download one of them. We&nbsp; also have some merchandise available that you can check out on our merchandise page.<br /> <br /> The site is part of the network of websites. You can find links to the various features on those sites on our <a href="links.html">Links Page.</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> Some of you might be wondering what exactly a Punkster is. If you look online, you will find a number of different definitions for the word Punkster. But allow me to give you my own definition. For all intents and purposes regarding the comic strip, a Punkster is someone who likes Punk Rock music, somewhat young (about 17-30 years old) and sort of rebellious or someone who goes against the grain.<br /> <br /> The <a href="comicstrip_001.html">First Punk Rock Comic Strip</a> was released on January 25th 2015. It doesn't really matter if you are into Punk Rock or not, the comic strip deals with a lot of subjects where humor can be found. Whether you are a musician, someone who works a day job you hate or have memories of some of the crazy things you did when you were young, this comic strip will have some humor you can relate to. <br /> <br /> You can meet the characters on the <a href="characters.html"> Characters Page</a>, in case you want to have more of an idea as to what the strip involves. We sincerely hope you enjoy the strip and like the characters as well. Maybe, in the end, you will want to consider yourself a Punkster too.<br /> <br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Bob Craypoe</a> - The Creator of the Comic Strip.</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="auto-style7"> <table cellpadding="3" style="width: 100%"> <tr> <td class="auto-style15"><a href="index.html"> <span class="auto-style5">Home</span></a></td> <td class="auto-style15"><a href="comicstrip.html"> <span class="auto-style5">Comic Strip</span></a></td> <td class="auto-style15"><a href="characters.html"> <span class="auto-style5">Characters</span></a></td> <td class="auto-style15"><a href="wallpapers.html"> <span class="auto-style5">Wallpapers</span></a></td> <td class="auto-style15"><a href="merchandise.html"> <span class="auto-style5">Merchandise</span></a></td> <td class="auto-style15"><a href="media.html"> <span class="auto-style5">Media</span></a></td> <td class="auto-style15"><a href="blogs.html"> <span class="auto-style5">Blogs</span></a></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="auto-style4">This Site Is Brought To You by <a href=""><span class="auto-style5"></span></a></td> </tr> </table> <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-58753107-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> <p class="auto-style2"> <a href="" rel="publisher"> <span class="auto-style14">Google+</span></a> </p> <p class="auto-style2">&nbsp;</p> </body> </html>
 The Punk Rock Comic Strip Home Page - The Funnest Punk Rock Comic Strip for any Punkster out there (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ google\_ad\_client: "ca-pub-8598090133297090", enable\_page\_level\_ads: true }); .auto-style1 { border: 3px solid #663300; background-color: #000000; } .auto-style2 { text-align: center; } .auto-style4 { text-align: center; font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: x-large; color: #FFFFFF; } .auto-style5 { color: #FFFFFF; } .auto-style7 { text-align: justify; font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: large; background-color: #CCCCCC; background-image: url('FractalLumpB.jpg'); } .auto-style13 { border: 0 solid #FFFFFF; text-align: center; } .auto-style14 { color: #FFFF00; } .auto-style15 { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: medium; color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #000000; text-align: center; } .auto-style16 { border: 1px solid #000000; background-color: #FFFFFF; } .auto-style17 { border: 3px solid #663300; background-color: #000000; text-align: center; color: #FFFFFF; font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: x-large; } .auto-style18 { color: #FFFF00; font-size: large; } | | | --- | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [About Us](about.html "Read About How it All Got Started!") | [The Dysfunctionals](dysfunctionals.html "The World's Craziest Superhero Team!") | [Jokes & Fun Stuff](fun-stuff.html "Musician Jokes and other Stuff!") | [Facebook Stuff](facebook-stuff-01.html "Stuff to post on Facebook.") | [Cool Links](links.html "Lots of Links!") | | | | | Welcome and Thanks for Visiting the Website! [Contact Us](contact.html "Numerous Ways You Can Reach us.") | | | | | | --- | --- | | home group shot | Welcome to We have a comic strip here featuring the Punk Rock characters above. From left to right, the members of the band are Bing the drummer, Bang the guitarist, Crash the singer and Boom the bass guitarist. That's Bing, Bang, Crash and Boom. The site has free downloadable desktop [wallpapers,](wallpapers.html) so feel free to download one of them. We  also have some merchandise available that you can check out on our merchandise page. The site is part of the network of websites. You can find links to the various features on those sites on our [Links Page.](links.html) | | Some of you might be wondering what exactly a Punkster is. If you look online, you will find a number of different definitions for the word Punkster. But allow me to give you my own definition. For all intents and purposes regarding the comic strip, a Punkster is someone who likes Punk Rock music, somewhat young (about 17-30 years old) and sort of rebellious or someone who goes against the grain. The [First Punk Rock Comic Strip](comicstrip_001.html) was released on January 25th 2015. It doesn't really matter if you are into Punk Rock or not, the comic strip deals with a lot of subjects where humor can be found. Whether you are a musician, someone who works a day job you hate or have memories of some of the crazy things you did when you were young, this comic strip will have some humor you can relate to. You can meet the characters on the [Characters Page](characters.html), in case you want to have more of an idea as to what the strip involves. We sincerely hope you enjoy the strip and like the characters as well. Maybe, in the end, you will want to consider yourself a Punkster too. [Bob Craypoe]( - The Creator of the Comic Strip. | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [Home](index.html) | [Comic Strip](comicstrip.html) | [Characters](characters.html) | [Wallpapers](wallpapers.html) | [Merchandise](merchandise.html) | [Media](media.html) | [Blogs](blogs.html) | | | This Site Is Brought To You by []( | (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1\*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-58753107-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); [Google+](
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta name="Author" content="Andrew Turnbull" /> <meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="TRUE" /> <link rel="icon" href="at-icon.gif" type="image/gif" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="at.css" /> <title>Field Guide to American Traffic Signs - The Andrew Turnbull Network</title> </head> <body> <div id="header1"> <a href="/"> <img src="at.png" alt="" class="at" /> <img src="graphic4b.png" alt="The Andrew Turnbull Network" width="390" height="25" class="at5" /> </a> <hr class="at4" /> <h3 class="at4"><br /></h3> </div> <div style="clear:both" /> <h1>Field Guide to American Traffic Signs</h1> <div style="float:right; position:relative; width:300px; background: #ffffff; text-align:center; border-right:1px solid #cccccc; border-bottom:1px solid #cccccc; margin-left:20px; margin-right:20px;"> <p class="alt"> <img src="signs/3reststation-o.png" alt="Rest Station" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="signs/3schoolxing3.png" alt="School Crossing" /><br /> <img src="signs/3slipperywhenwet2.png" alt="Slippery When Wet" />&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="signs/3noparking-pavement.png" alt="No Parking on Pavement" /><br /> <img src="signs/3yield.png" alt="Yield" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="signs/3stop2.png" alt="Stop" /><br /> </p></div> <p>Although there are several sources of traffic sign information available on the web, there are very few resources specifically focused on the history and chronology of sign designs. This site seeks to amend that, with a peek at the progression of American signs from 1927 to the present.</p> <ul> <li><h3><a href="signs-r.html">Regulatory Signs</a></h3></li> <li><h3><a href="signs-w.html">Warning Signs</a></h3></li> <li><h3><a href="signs-g.html">Guide Signs</a></h3></li> </ul> <p>The date appearing below each sign is in most cases the earliest reference I've come across to it in the MUTCD...on occasion, sign designs may have been used by individual states for years before being officially codified. Likewise, many older sign designs remained in concurrent use after newer versions came about; particularly in regard to word-based warning signs.</p> <p>The primary sources of reference for this site are copies of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and predecessor documents; various revisions of which are viewable on <a href="">Richard Moeur's</a> and <a href="">Gene Hawkins'</a> websites. Graphics were created using a prosaic combination of PC Paintbrush and <a href="">IrfanView</a>, with debt owed to the TrueType incarnations of Mike Adams' <a href=";hl=en&amp;rlz=&amp;q=roadgeek+fonts+download&amp;btnG=Google+Search">Roadgeek Fonts</a>. Most rectangular signs are shown to a similar scale, with square signs scaled to a common size.</p> <div style="clear:right; padding-top:15px" /> <div id="footer1"> <a href="/"><img src="home.gif" alt="[Home]" class="nb" /> The&nbsp;Network</a> </div> <div id="footer2"> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <hr /> <a href=""> <img src="valid-xhtml10.png" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" height="31" width="88" title="Valid XHTML 1.0!" class="nb" /></a> &copy;2010 <a href="faq.html#contact">Andrew Turnbull</a>.<br /> <!-- Version 13.3.1 --> Last update November 28, 2010. </div> </body> </html>
Field Guide to American Traffic Signs - The Andrew Turnbull Network [![](at.png) ![The Andrew Turnbull Network](graphic4b.png)](/) --- ### # Field Guide to American Traffic Signs ![Rest Station](signs/3reststation-o.png)    ![School Crossing](signs/3schoolxing3.png) ![Slippery When Wet](signs/3slipperywhenwet2.png)  ![No Parking on Pavement](signs/3noparking-pavement.png) ![Yield](signs/3yield.png)     ![Stop](signs/3stop2.png) Although there are several sources of traffic sign information available on the web, there are very few resources specifically focused on the history and chronology of sign designs. This site seeks to amend that, with a peek at the progression of American signs from 1927 to the present. * ### [Regulatory Signs](signs-r.html) * ### [Warning Signs](signs-w.html) * ### [Guide Signs](signs-g.html) The date appearing below each sign is in most cases the earliest reference I've come across to it in the MUTCD...on occasion, sign designs may have been used by individual states for years before being officially codified. Likewise, many older sign designs remained in concurrent use after newer versions came about; particularly in regard to word-based warning signs. The primary sources of reference for this site are copies of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices and predecessor documents; various revisions of which are viewable on [Richard Moeur's]( and [Gene Hawkins']( websites. Graphics were created using a prosaic combination of PC Paintbrush and [IrfanView](, with debt owed to the TrueType incarnations of Mike Adams' [Roadgeek Fonts]( Most rectangular signs are shown to a similar scale, with square signs scaled to a common size. [![[Home]](home.gif) The Network](/) --- [![Valid XHTML 1.0!](valid-xhtml10.png "Valid XHTML 1.0!")]( ©2010 [Andrew Turnbull](faq.html#contact). Last update November 28, 2010.
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# Oliver's Workspace --- ## Support sites * [The Toshiba T3200SX Support site](t3200sx/) [[Related files](t3200sx/files/)] * [The Dingoo A320 support site](dingoo/) * [Nintendo NES games](nes/) * [Commodore 64 tidbits](c64/) --- ## Mirrors * [Windows CD-ROM](mirror/win95/) | CD-ROM file archive Dec 1996 [[DISC 1](mirror/win95/win95-dec96-1)] [[DISC 2](mirror/win95/win95-dec96-2)] [[DISC 3](mirror/win95/win95-dec96-3)] [[DISC 4](mirror/win95/win95-dec96-4)] * [WinSite CD-ROM](mirror/winsite/) | CD-ROM file archive Mar 1996 [[DISC 1](mirror/winsite/winsite-mar96-1)] [[DISC 2](mirror/winsite/winsite-mar96-2)] [[DISC 3](mirror/winsite/winsite-mar96-3)] [[DISC 4](mirror/winsite/winsite-mar96-4)] * [Dark Corner BBS](mirror/dcee/) | Early DOS and Windows software [[Original site](] * [Metropoli BBS files]( | Metropoli BBS file archive with lots and lots of DOS utilities and drivers. [[Original site](] * [The IBM PS/2 files](mirror/ibmps2/) [[Original site](] --- ## File archives * [MS-DOS files](files/msdos/) | File archive * [Windows 3.x files](files/win3/) | File archive * [Windows 95 files](files/win95/) | File archive * [Windows 98 files](files/win98/) | File archive * [All files](files/) | Random files --- ## Projects * [Web Camera Dallas, TX]( | Live HD video stream with local weather data ![]( * [Weather Tools](weather) | My selection of weather tools * [Sound Blaster AWE32 music library](mp3/awe32) | Music recorded from the legendary [Creative Sound Blaster AWE32]( using original 486 hardware * [Steptail Information Services site]( * [Photo Exposition](./photoexpo/) | I made this in order to have an alternative to the bloated PHP galleries out there. This has largely been superseded by better alternatives, such as [Single file PHP gallery]( * [1995 internet look-alike thingy](./nsbrowser/) | This project may be resurrected one day. * ["Metal Band Name Generator"](metal.php) by Mr. X --- *Contact oliver[ät]*
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>SWEET MELODY * MUSIC BOX(MIDI)</TITLE> <META name="description" content="Sweet-melody is free music file and animations cursors downloading service for making home pages. Currently 152 music file are placed. Download and use freely. "> <META name="keywords" content="sweet,table,sweet,Download,freely,music,melody, service,cursors,animations,MIDI,BGM,Mother goose"> </HEAD> <BODY bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#0080ff" link="#008080" vlink="#009595" alink="#009595"> <P align="center"> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS">This page was updated on 1998.08.09<BR> <IMG src="logo-t2.gif" alt="SWEET-MELODY" align="TOP" width="340" height="70"><A name="TOP"></A> <BR> <BR> </FONT> <P align="center"> <IMG src="logo-e.gif" alt="TITLE" width="150" height="80"><BR> <!--Java Applet‚ÌŽn‚Ü‚è--Java Applet: Copyright (C) 1997 K.Nishiuma--> <!--««Java Script ‚ð—p‚¢ Java Applet •\Ž¦««--> <SCRIPT Language="JavaScript"> <!-- if(navigator.appName=="Netscape"){i=4;}else{i=15;} document.write("<APPLET CODE='MessageFall105.class' WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=50>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=sleepTime VALUE='"+i+"'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=bcolor VALUE='#FFFFFF'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=fcolor VALUE='orange'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=font VALUE='TimesRoman'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=fontstyle VALUE='BOLD'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=fontsize VALUE='18'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=maxMessage VALUE='6'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=message1 VALUE='Welcome to my homepage!!'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=message2 VALUE='This page is SWEET MELODY'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=message3 VALUE='I like Musicbox'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=message4 VALUE='My webpage is link free.'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=message5 VALUE='Thank you very much!'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=message6 VALUE='.......................................'>"); document.write("</APPLET>"); // --> </SCRIPT> <!--Java Applet‚Ì‚¨‚í‚è--> <BR> <CENTER> <BR> <B><FONT face="Comic Sans MS"><BR> </FONT></B> <H4 align="center"><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">Welcome to my house named &quot;Sweet Melody&quot;.</FONT> </H4> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS">To all of my guests, how do you do? My name is Yuko OBA. I am a Japanese woman.<BR> <FONT face="Comic Sans MS">I am grateful for your visit to my home page.<BR> <BR> &quot;Sweet-melody&quot; provides useful music file for making home pages. <BR> A bout 230 music files exist in this page currently. Please download and use freely. <BR> Thank you again, and see you soon in my page.</FONT></FONT> <BR> <BR> ** At present 276 notes ** <BR> <BR> <TABLE cellpadding="6"> <TR> <TD><A href="j-index.html"><IMG src="f-jap.gif" alt="Japanese" align="MIDDLE" width="24" height="17" border="0"></A> </TD> <TD><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">Japanese</FONT> </TD> <TD><IMG src="f-uk.gif" alt="English" align="MIDDLE" width="24" height="17" border="0"></TD> <TD><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">English</FONT> </TD> <TD><A href="j-beet.html"><IMG src="f-beet.gif" align="MIDDLE" width="22" height="25" border="0"></A> beethoven </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <HR width="75%"> <CENTER> <B><FONT size="+1">C O N T E N T S</FONT></B> <BR> <BR> - INFOMATION - <BR> <BR> <P align="center"> <IMG src="white.gif" align="MIDDLE" width="14" height="14"><A href="e-new.html">WHAT'S NEW</A> <IMG src="white.gif" align="MIDDLE" width="14" height="14"><A href="search.html">SEARCH ENGINE</A> <IMG src="white.gif" align="MIDDLE" width="14" height="14"><A href="e-link2.html">LINK</A> <IMG src="white.gif" align="MIDDLE" width="14" height="14"><A href="e-pro.html">IT IS MY PROFILE</A> <IMG src="white.gif" align="MIDDLE" width="14" height="14"><A href="e-mail.html">FEEDBACK</A> </CENTER> <CENTER> <HR width="75%"> <BR> - MIDI FILE - <BR> <BR> <IMG src="white.gif" align="MIDDLE" width="14" height="14"><A href="e-classic.html">CLASSIC MUSIC</A> <IMG src="white.gif" align="MIDDLE" width="14" height="14"><A href="e-folk.html">FOLKSONG OF WORLD</A> <IMG src="white.gif" align="MIDDLE" width="14" height="14"><A href="e-trad.html">TRADITIONAL MUSIC</A><BR> <IMG src="white.gif" align="MIDDLE" width="14" height="14"><A href="e-mother.html">MOTHER GOOSE'S MUSIC</A> <IMG src="white.gif" align="MIDDLE" width="14" height="14"><A href="e-xmas.html">CHRISTMAS SPECIAL</A> <BR> <BR> <HR width="75%"> <CENTER> <BR> <A href="/cgi-bin/geoplus_apps/ans_entry">Sign Guestbook</A> * <A href="geobook.html">View Guestbook</A> <BR> <BR> Write something in commemoration of a visit. <BR> <BR> </CENTER> <BR> <!------YAMAHA----------> <HR width="75%"> The person who does not have MIDI sound resource is able to <A href="">download</A> a plug-in here. <BR> <HR width="75%"> <CENTER> <BR> <A href="">E-MAIL</A> <BR> <BR> <BR> <FONT size="-1" face="Comic Sans MS">Contents: Copyright (C) 1997 Y.Oba<BR> <BR> You can link your home page to <IMG src="sm-icon.gif" alt="Sweet Melody" align="MIDDLE" width="88" height="31"> freely. <BR> </FONT> </CENTER> <!---BODYI‚í‚è----> </CENTER> </CENTER> </BODY> </HTML>
SWEET MELODY \* MUSIC BOX(MIDI) This page was updated on 1998.08.09 ![SWEET-MELODY](logo-t2.gif) ![TITLE](logo-e.gif) <!-- if(navigator.appName=="Netscape"){i=4;}else{i=15;} document.write("<APPLET CODE='MessageFall105.class' WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=50>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=sleepTime VALUE='"+i+"'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=bcolor VALUE='#FFFFFF'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=fcolor VALUE='orange'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=font VALUE='TimesRoman'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=fontstyle VALUE='BOLD'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=fontsize VALUE='18'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=maxMessage VALUE='6'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=message1 VALUE='Welcome to my homepage!!'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=message2 VALUE='This page is SWEET MELODY'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=message3 VALUE='I like Musicbox'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=message4 VALUE='My webpage is link free.'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=message5 VALUE='Thank you very much!'>"); document.write("<PARAM NAME=message6 VALUE='.......................................'>"); document.write("</APPLET>"); // --> #### Welcome to my house named "Sweet Melody". To all of my guests, how do you do? My name is Yuko OBA. I am a Japanese woman. I am grateful for your visit to my home page. "Sweet-melody" provides useful music file for making home pages. A bout 230 music files exist in this page currently. Please download and use freely. Thank you again, and see you soon in my page. \*\* At present 276 notes \*\* | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [Japanese](j-index.html) | Japanese | English | English | beethoven | --- **C O N T E N T S** - INFOMATION - ![](white.gif)[WHAT'S NEW](e-new.html) ![](white.gif)[SEARCH ENGINE](search.html) ![](white.gif)[LINK](e-link2.html) ![](white.gif)[IT IS MY PROFILE](e-pro.html) ![](white.gif)[FEEDBACK](e-mail.html) --- - MIDI FILE - ![](white.gif)[CLASSIC MUSIC](e-classic.html) ![](white.gif)[FOLKSONG OF WORLD](e-folk.html) ![](white.gif)[TRADITIONAL MUSIC](e-trad.html) ![](white.gif)[MOTHER GOOSE'S MUSIC](e-mother.html) ![](white.gif)[CHRISTMAS SPECIAL](e-xmas.html) --- [Sign Guestbook](/cgi-bin/geoplus_apps/ans_entry) \* [View Guestbook](geobook.html) Write something in commemoration of a visit. --- The person who does not have MIDI sound resource is able to [download]( a plug-in here. --- [E-MAIL]( Contents: Copyright (C) 1997 Y.Oba You can link your home page to ![Sweet Melody](sm-icon.gif) freely.
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="en"> <head> <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-0W6FX9L5VM'); </script> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta name="description" content="A collection of translations of German propaganda material from the Nazi and East German eras, as well as a large number of images, posters, and other visual material." /> <meta name="author" content="Randall Bytwerk"> <title>German Propaganda Archive (Guide Page)</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css"> <meta name="google-site-verification" content="_r5iyzaiIUgFfiChadv5NuyimWtqpZP0JgNM9AK0qik" /> </head> <body> <div> <img class="floatleft" src="images/prop.gif" width="250" height="99" alt="German Propaganda Archive"> <a href=""> <img class="floatright" src="images/calvin1.gif" width="151" height="63" alt="Calvin University"> </a> </div> <img src="images/line.jpg" alt="line"> <h2>Nazi and East German Propaganda</h2> <h3>Guide Page</h3> <hr> <br> <p><img src="images/covers/spines.jpg" class="floatleft" alt="Book Cover">Propaganda was central to Nazi Germany and the German Democratic Republic. The German Propaganda Archive includes both propaganda itself and material produced for the guidance of propagandists. The goal is to help people understand the two great totalitarian systems of the twentieth century by giving them access to the primary material. For further information, see <a href="faq.htm"><strong>the FAQ</strong></a>. New items are described in the <a href=""><strong>GPA Blog</strong></a>. </p> <p>My book titled <em><strong>Bending Spines: The Propagandas of Nazi Germany and the German Democratic Republic</strong> </em>(Michigan State University Press, 2004) provides an analysis of much of the material on the German Propaganda Archive. It can be ordered in the United States through <a href=""><strong>Amazon</strong></a>. It is available in a French translation. A Chinese edition appeared in July 2012 but was <a href=""><strong>almost immediately banned</strong></a> by the Chinese government. It was apparently “unbanned” for a while, but I have been told that it is again banned. I’ve learned that the book has had <a href=""><strong>some influence in China</strong></a>.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <table> <TR> <td width="260" bgcolor="#C0C0C0" ><h3>Nazi Propaganda</h3></td> <td width="681" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><h3>The theory and practice of propaganda</h3></td> </TR> <TR> <td><strong><a href="pre1933.htm">Pre-1933 Material</a></strong></td> <td>Essays by Goebbels, <a href="posters1.htm">posters</a> and other material</td> </TR> <TR> <td><b><a href="ww2era.htm">1933-1945 Material</a></b></td> <td>Propaganda of the Third Reich</td> </TR> <TR> <td> <ul> <li><a href="ww2era.htm#speeches">Propaganda by Nazi Leaders</a> </li></ul></td> <td>Speeches by Hitler, <a href="goebmain.htm">Goebbels</a>, Ley, Göring, and Streicher.</td> </TR> <TR> <td> <ul> <li><a href="ww2era.htm#racial">Anti-Semitism</a> </li></ul></td> <td>Attacks on the Jews<i>.</i></td> </TR> <TR> <td> <ul> <li><a href="ww2era.htm#visual">Visual Material</a> </li></ul></td> <td><a href="posters2.htm">Posters</a>, <a href="nazi-caricatures.htm">caricatures</a>, art, and photographs</td> </TR> <TR> <td> <ul> <li><a href="ww2era.htm#war">World War II Propaganda</a> </li></ul></td> <td>The war from the Nazi perspective</td> </TR> <TR> <td> <ul> <li><a href="ww2era.htm#misc">Miscellaneous Propaganda</a> </li></ul></td> <td>A variety of Nazi propaganda</td> </TR> <TR> <td> <ul> <li><a href="ww2era.htm#material">Material for Propagandists</a> </li></ul></td> <td>What Nazi propagandists were reading</td> </TR> <TR> <td> <ul> <li><a href="ww2era.htm#links">Links</a> </li></ul></td> <td>Links to sites relevant to Nazi propaganda</td> </TR> <TR bgcolor="silver"> <td><h3>East German Propaganda</h3></td> <td><h3>Marxist propaganda: 1945-1989</h3></td> </TR> <TR> <td> <ul> <li><a href="gdrmain.htm#Speech">Speeches by GDR Leaders</a></li></ul></td> <td>Speeches on the Berlin Wall and more</td> </TR> <TR> <td> <ul> <li><a href="gdrmain.htm#misc">Miscellaneous Propaganda</a></li></ul></td> <td>A variety of GDR propaganda</td> </TR> <TR> <td> <ul> <li><a href="gdrmain.htm#posters">Visual Material</a> </li></ul></td> <td>Wall propaganda material and posters</td> </TR> <TR> <td> <ul> <li><a href="gdrmain.htm#material">Material for Propagandists</a> </li></ul></td> <td>What GDR propagandists were reading</td> </TR> <TR> <td> <ul> <li><a href="gdrmain.htm#links">Links</a> </li></ul></td> <td>Links to other East German propaganda sites</td> </TR> </table> <table> <tr> <td class="sans-serif"><strong class="Green">Search the Archive:</strong></td> <td><form action="" id="cse-search-box" target="_blank"> <div> <input type="hidden" name="cx" value="partner-pub-9038140102167292:0863912746"> <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8"> <input type="text" name="q" size="60"> <input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search"> </div> </form> <script src=""></script></td> </tr> </table> <p class="right"><em>Last edited: 2 August 2023</em></p> <hr> <p>This site is maintained by Randall Bytwerk. <strong><a href="">Contact me.</a></strong></p><blockquote> Professor Emeritus, Calvin University <br> Affiliate Professor, LCC International University, Klaipėda, Lithuania </blockquote> </body> </html>
 window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-0W6FX9L5VM'); German Propaganda Archive (Guide Page) ![German Propaganda Archive](images/prop.gif) [![Calvin University](images/calvin1.gif)]( ![line](images/line.jpg) ## Nazi and East German Propaganda ### Guide Page --- ![Book Cover](images/covers/spines.jpg)Propaganda was central to Nazi Germany and the German Democratic Republic. The German Propaganda Archive includes both propaganda itself and material produced for the guidance of propagandists. The goal is to help people understand the two great totalitarian systems of the twentieth century by giving them access to the primary material. For further information, see [**the FAQ**](faq.htm). New items are described in the [**GPA Blog**]( My book titled ***Bending Spines: The Propagandas of Nazi Germany and the German Democratic Republic*** (Michigan State University Press, 2004) provides an analysis of much of the material on the German Propaganda Archive. It can be ordered in the United States through [**Amazon**]( It is available in a French translation. A Chinese edition appeared in July 2012 but was [**almost immediately banned**]( by the Chinese government. It was apparently “unbanned” for a while, but I have been told that it is again banned. I’ve learned that the book has had [**some influence in China**](   | | | | --- | --- | | Nazi Propaganda | The theory and practice of propaganda | | **[Pre-1933 Material](pre1933.htm)** | Essays by Goebbels, [posters](posters1.htm) and other material | | **[1933-1945 Material](ww2era.htm)** | Propaganda of the Third Reich | | * [Propaganda by Nazi Leaders](ww2era.htm#speeches) | Speeches by Hitler, [Goebbels](goebmain.htm), Ley, Göring, and Streicher. | | * [Anti-Semitism](ww2era.htm#racial) | Attacks on the Jews*.* | | * [Visual Material](ww2era.htm#visual) | [Posters](posters2.htm), [caricatures](nazi-caricatures.htm), art, and photographs | | * [World War II Propaganda](ww2era.htm#war) | The war from the Nazi perspective | | * [Miscellaneous Propaganda](ww2era.htm#misc) | A variety of Nazi propaganda | | * [Material for Propagandists](ww2era.htm#material) | What Nazi propagandists were reading | | * [Links](ww2era.htm#links) | Links to sites relevant to Nazi propaganda | | East German Propaganda | Marxist propaganda: 1945-1989 | | * [Speeches by GDR Leaders](gdrmain.htm#Speech) | Speeches on the Berlin Wall and more | | * [Miscellaneous Propaganda](gdrmain.htm#misc) | A variety of GDR propaganda | | * [Visual Material](gdrmain.htm#posters) | Wall propaganda material and posters | | * [Material for Propagandists](gdrmain.htm#material) | What GDR propagandists were reading | | * [Links](gdrmain.htm#links) | Links to other East German propaganda sites | | | | | --- | --- | | **Search the Archive:** | | *Last edited: 2 August 2023* --- This site is maintained by Randall Bytwerk. **[Contact me.](** > > Professor Emeritus, Calvin University > > > > Affiliate Professor, LCC International University, Klaipėda, Lithuania
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Powered by <a href="">Homestar Runner's "Make Your Own Stinko" comic engine</a>! Thanks very much, Brothers Chaps!</font><br> <a href=""><img src="" width=140 alt="Grace, of Cat's Grace" title="Grace, eponymous wemic hero of Cat's Grace"></a> <a href="">Cat's Grace</a><br> <font size="-1"> A fumetti-style webcomic about a liontaur in a Dungeons and Dragons universe.<br> <a href="">About</a> | <a href="">Cast</a> | <a href="">All</a> </font></p> <p class="h-card"><img class="u-photo" src="" align="center" width="100" height="100" title="Cayzle" alt="Cayzle" /><br> <font><b>Site Stuff</b></font><br> <a href="">About</a><br> <font size="-1">The story of</font><br> <a href="">What's New</a><br> <font size="-1">A chronology of the many changes, updates, and revisions that have been inflicted upon this site.</font><br> <a href="">Guestbook</a><br> <font size="-1">For 19 years, this site had a guestbook that visitors could "sign." Alas, my hosting service discontinued the option in 2018. But you can at least still read the 100-odd comments that kindly strangers wrote.</font><br> <b>Contact <span class="p-name">Cayzle</span></b><br> <font size="-1">As in the past, so it will ever be -- the best way to reach me is via e-mail to <a href="" rel="me"></a>.<br> And since Jan 2015, The Daily Wemic can be found on The Twitter <a class="u-url" href="" rel="me">@Cayzle</a>.<br> (Sort of on GitHub: <a class="u-url" href="" rel="me">@Cayzle</a>) </font><br> <b>Post Colors</b><br> <font size="-1">Green = Wemic<br> Lavender = D&D<br> White = Web Comic<br> Blue = Miscellany, Random, and Around the Web</font> </font></p> <!-- Internet Defense League Badge --> <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Member of The Internet Defense League"/></a> </p> <p><strong>Link Roll</strong></p> <p>RPG Links</p> <p><font size="-1"> <A HREF="">123 RPG Blogs</A><br> <A HREF="">New Cranky Gamer</A><br> <A HREF="">CRB</A><br> <a href="">Improved Init Blog</a><br> <a href="">Intelligence Check</a><br> <a href="">Creighton Broadhurst</a><br> <a href="">endzeitgeist</a><br> <A HREF="">Mearls</A> </font></p> <p>Diplomacy Links</p> <p><font size="-1"> <A HREF="">The Diplomatic Pouch</A><br> <a href="">Diplomacy World</a><br> <a href="">Diligence</a><br> <A HREF="">Judge Misc</A><br> <A HREF="">Judge Openings</A><br> <a href="">Brother Bored</a><br> <a href="">Last Orders</a> </font></p> </nav> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="AI Chatbox and Wemics" title="AI Chatbox and Wemics"></a><a href="">Chatting with a Robot</a> [3-Apr-23] About wemics, of course!</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Wemics drawns by Artificial Intelligence" title="Wemics Drawn by Artificial Intelligence"></a><a href="">Wemics Drawn by Robots</a> [30-Mar-23] Drawn ... poorly!</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Playing Old School in L&L" title="Playing Old School in L&L"></a><a href="">Playing Old School in L&L.</a> [23-Mar-23] Lessons from 1E D&D.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Experience Points in Labyrinths & Liontaurs" title="Experience Points in Labyrinths & Liontaurs"></a><a href="">Experience Points in L&L</a> [30-Jan-23] Progression for four games in one.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Good & Evil in Labyrinths & Liontaurs" title="Good & Evil in Labyrinths & Liontaurs"></a><a href="">Good and Evil in L&L</a> [25-Dec-22] Biased towards good.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Ancient Greek Taurs" title="Ancient Greek Taurs"></a><a href="">Ancient Greek Taurs</a> [15-Oct-22] Ambiguous taurs in Greek art.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Attacking from Hiding" title="Attacking from Hiding"></a><a href="">Attacking from Hiding</a> [13-Jun-22] In first edition Pathfinder.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Sneak Attacks in 3E & 5E" title="Sneak Attacks in 3E & 5E"></a><a href="">Sneak Attacks in 3E & 5E</a> [8-Jun-22] Comparing and contrasting.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Pugilist Priest PrC" title="Pugilist Priest PrC"></a><a href="">Pugilist Priest</a> [24-Apr-22] A PF 1.0 PrC for divine martial artists.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Dipsters No-Press 2021 Tourney" title="Dipsters No-Press 2021 Tourney"></a><a href="">DNP2021</a> [11-Apr-22] Results in an annual Diplomacy Tourney.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Skills in LnL" title="Skills in LnL"></a><a href="">Rethinking Skills in L&L</a> [20-Mar-22] How I would make skills better.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 077</a> [17-Mar-22] Sure, it's a Happy St. Patrick's Day!<br /></div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="A Persian lion-centaur" title="A Persian lion-centaur"></a><a href="">Ancient seal with hunting scene</a> [06-Feb-22] A Persian lion-centaur.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Centaurs Gatherum, a zine" title="Centaurs Gatherum, a zine"></a><a href="">Centaurs Gatherum</a> [30-Nov-21] An old zine with liontaur art.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Magic in LnL" title="Magic in LnL"></a><a href="">Rethinking Magic in L&L</a> [5-Oct-21] Multiclassing that really works right.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 076</a> [11-Sep-21] By any other distance, groans as hard.<br /></div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 075</a> [11-Sep-21] New comics in the post-Flash age.<br /></div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Bathroom protectors, indeed!" title="Bathroom guardians, indeed!"></a><a href="">Bathroom guards, indeed!</a> [07-Jul-21] You need a wemic in the loo.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Lion-centaurs of Urartu" title="Lion-centaurs of Urartu"></a><a href="">Lion-centaurs of Urartu</a> [20-Jun-21] Wemics of Ancient Armenia!</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Burmese Manuthiha" title="Burmese Manuthiha"></a><a href="">Manuthiha of Myanmar</a> [5-Jun-21] Burmese wemics!</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Ancient Greek Lion-Centaur" title="Ancient Greek Lion-Centaur"></a><a href="">Greek Liontaur.</a> [28-May-21] A sphinx with arms? That's a wemic!</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Dipsters No-Press 2020 Tourney" title="Dipsters No-Press 2020 Tourney"></a><a href="">DNP2020</a> [20-Feb-21] Results in an annual Diplomacy Tourney.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 074</a> [18-Feb-21] The (entrepreneurial) spirit is willing ...</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 073</a> [8-Jan-21] Flash is dead! But it sure was Flashy!</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Urmahlullu Cylinder Seals" title="Urmahlullu Cylinder Seals"></a><a href="">All the Urmahlullus.</a> [3-Oct-20] on cylinder seals.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Greensinger archetype" title="Greensinger archetype"></a><a href="">Zeoll the Greensinger</a> [17-Sep-20] Extreme archetypes.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Three English Sagittaries" title="Three English Sagittaries"></a><a href="">Three English Sagittaries.</a> [15-Sep-20] In Middle Ages Churches.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Sphinxes and a Sagittary" title="Sphinxes and a Sagittary"></a><a href="">Sphinxes and a Sagittary.</a> [10-Sep-20] At the Met in NYC.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Intro to LnL" title="Intro to LnL"></a><a href="">Ranting about Open-Source RPGs</a> [4-Sep-20] And intro to LnL.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Two Bloodlines" title="Two Bloodlines"></a><a href="">Two Bloodlines.</a> [13-Jul-20] For Spelling and Binding.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Taur Jokes!" title="Taur Jokes!"></a><a href="">Taur Jokes!</a> [8-Jul-20] Laughing WITH the taurs, not at them.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 072</a> [25-Jun-20] 4 years of high school French, wasted.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="DnD in pop culture" title="DnD in pop culture"></a><a href="">D&D and Pop and Culture.</a> [20-Jun-20] It's totes magotes cool!!</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 071</a> [14-May-20] Great Again, indeed!<br><br></div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Items of Yore" title="Items of Yore"></a><a href="">Magic Items of Yore.</a> [21-Feb-20] 1st Edition D&D items to use today.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 070</a> [17-Jan-20] first they came for the periods<br></div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cayzletaur!" title="Cayzletaur!"></a><a href="">Cayzletaur!</a> [30-Dec-19] I dreamed that I was, yes, a wemic.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Break Skill" title="Break Skill"></a><a href="">Take a Break.</a> [1-Nov-19] A new skill for Pathfinder First Edition.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Scary Halloween!" title="Scary Halloween!"></a><a href="">Scariest Halloween Decor Ever!</a> [28-Oct-19] Almost too sick for the Web.<br></div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Epic Play" title="Epic Play"></a><a href="">Epic Play Advice.</a> [25-Oct-19] Ideas for high-level PC adventures.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Harappan Lion Centaurs" title="Harappan Lion Centaurs"></a><a href=""> Harappan Lion Centaurs</a> [21-Oct-19] Seals from the Indus Valley.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="lamia minis" title="5 Painted Lamia Minis"></a><a href=""> Lamia Miniatures</a> [27-Aug-19] Five painted ladies.<br><br></div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Medieval Italian sagittary" title="The Wemic of San Michele en Foro"></a><a href=""> The Wemic of San Michele en Foro</a> [28-May-19] Standing watch.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Play-By-Post" title="Play-By-Post"></a><a href="">Running a Great Long-Term RPG</a> [1-Jan-19] How to go the distance.<br></div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 069</a> [27-Dec-18] Into the Valley of Derp.<br><br></div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 068</a> [1-Aug-18] In Games As In Life.<br><br></div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="aquamanile sagittary" title="A Medieval Aquamanile as a Sagittary"></a><a href=""> 3 Wemic Medieval Aquamanilia</a> [6-Jun-18] Wash your hands!</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Magic Oils" title="Magic Oils in DnD"></a><a href="">Oils vs Potions in PF and D&D.</a> [24-May-18] Don't quaff; Smear!</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Produce Flame Spell" title="Touch Spells in DnD"></a><a href="">Touch Spells in PF and D&D.</a> [8-Apr-18] Damage by the touch.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Bards and Bells" title="Magic Bells for Dungeons and Dragons"></a><a href="">Bards and Bells in PF and D&D.</a> [25-Mar-18] New magic items.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="cylinder seal urmahlullu" title="Assyrian Cylinder Seal Urmahlullu"></a><a href=""> Sphinx with Arms </a> [20-Feb-18] On an Ancient Assyrian Cylinder Seal</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="medieval sagittaries" title="carved on columns"></a><a href="">Medieval Sagittaries</a> [10-Jan-18] Perched atop columns.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 067</a> [8-Jan-18] Re<u>boo</u>t.<br><br><br></div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Grace Erf Comic" title="Grace Erf Comic"></a><a href="">Cat's Grace 109</a> [9-Aug-17] Always in the Last Place You Look.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Grace Erf Comic" title="Grace Erf Comic"></a><a href="">Cat's Grace 108</a> [5-Aug-17] The Writing On The Walls.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Grace Erf Comic" title="Grace Erf Comic"></a><a href="">Cat's Grace 107</a> [1-Aug-17] Not Just Magic - Emojic!<br><br></div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Grace Erf Comic" title="Grace Erf Comic"></a><a href="">Cat's Grace 106</a> [28-Jul-17] Just Like The Spell.<br><br></div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Grace Erf Comic" title="Grace Erf Comic"></a><a href="">Cat's Grace 105</a> [24-Jul-17] Moment Of Clarity (ex).</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Grace Erf Comic" title="Grace Erf Comic"></a><a href="">Cat's Grace 104</a> [20-Jul-17] Watch Out For The Punpkin.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Grace Erf Comic" title="Grace Erf Comic"></a><a href="">Cat's Grace 103</a> [16-Jul-17] Yes, That Big Purple Thing.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Grace Erf Comic" title="Grace Erf Comic"></a><a href="">Cat's Grace 102</a> [12-Jul-17] Paging Vinz Clortho.<br><br></div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Grace Erf Comic" title="Grace Erf Comic"></a><a href="">Cat's Grace 101</a> [8-Jul-17] Popping In On Erfworld.<br><br></div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Prayer Book Wemic" title="Medieval French Sagittaries"></a><a href="">Bibliotheque nationale de France </a> [26-May-17] Bien sur!</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 066</a> [23-May-17] Super Robot Power: <b>POSE!!</b></div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 065</a> [17-May-17] More Like Robot Teavana, Amirite?!</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Titan" title="Titan Jason B McAllister"></a><a href="">A 2nd Titan Falls</a> [6-May-17] Jason B. McAllister died last year.<br></div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Mentalist PrC" title="Mentalist PrC"></a><a href="">The Mentalist PrC for PF</a> [10-Apr-17] Try a Magical Psionist.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="psionics bloodline" title="psionic sorcerer with shield"></a><a href="">Psionic Bloodline</a> [30-Mar-17] ESP, telepathy, and mental powers.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Golden Horn of Denmark" title="Taur from 400 AD"></a><a href="">Danish Liontaur, 400AD</a> [6-Jan-17] A tauric ideograph on a gold horn.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="medieval sagittary" title="medieval sagittary"></a><a href="">1300's Pitcher</a> [3-Jan-17] Wemics from the Danish Nat'l Museum.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Magic Santa" title="Santa Sorcerer"></a><a href="">Yuletide Bloodline</a> [25-Dec-16] A Sorcerer's Xmas Spirit.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="medieval lion centaur" title="medieval lion centaur"></a><a href="">Liontaurs in a Book of Hours</a> [24-Dec-16] Middle Age prayer book.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 064</a> [13-Dec-16] That's for Glen! And Maggie!</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 063</a> [1-Dec-16] With apologies to Rich Burlew</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="secret doors" title="secret doors"></a><a href="">Real Life Secret Doors</a> [15-Nov-16] Roll to see if you find any.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 062</a> [9-Nov-16] ElectShun ReLeaf<br><br></div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 061</a> [26-Oct-16] Actually Playing The Trump Card</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="cling" title="cling rules for D&D"></a><a href="">Hold Me Closer, Tiny Grappler III</a> [19-Oct-16] Feats, items, and more.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="cling" title="cling rules for D&D"></a><a href="">Hold Me Closer, Tiny Grappler II</a> [26-Sep-16] A better option.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="medieval sagittary" title="medieval sagittary"></a><a href="">25 Medieval Sagittaries</a> [25-Sep-16] NYC's Morgan Library.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="medieval sagittary" title="medieval sagittary"></a><a href="">Sacred Sagittaries</a> [30-Aug-16] Lions & lion-people in a prayer book.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="cling" title="cling rules for D&D"></a><a href="">Hold Me Closer, Tiny Grappler I</a> [26-Aug-16] D&D vs Pathfinder.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 060</a> [19-Aug-16] Borg Mantra: Ohm Mani Padme Hum</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 059</a> [10-Aug-16] I <3 My Jack Russell Terrier</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="wemic doll" title="wemic art doll"></a><a href="">Wemic Art in Doll Form</a> [8-Aug-16] Beautiful posable liontaur creations!</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="prestige casting" title="pushing prestige class casting past level 10"></a><a href="">Pushing Prestige Casting Past 10</a> [1-Aug-16] My new splat book rules.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="A losing position in Kiel" title="A losing position in Kiel"></a><a href="">Diplomacy Nightmare</a> [26-Jul-16] A sad board game position.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 058</a> [14-Jul-16] Celebrate libert&eacute;, &eacute;galit&eacute;, roboticit&eacute;!</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="pied piper" title="magic musical instruments"></a><a href="">Musical Mayhem</a> [6-Jul-16] 12 musical items, GRADED!</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="medieval sagittary" title="medieval sagittary"></a><a href="">Stammheim Missal</a> [29-Jun-16] A wemic in an illuminated tome.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="liontaur music" title="liontaur music"></a><a href="">Chasing Urmahlullu</a> [19-May-16] Liontaur music.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Magic Hats" title="Magic Hats"></a><a href="">Hat's the Ticket!</a> [17-May-16] Three magic hats inspired by Erfworld.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Diplomacy Search" title="Diplomacy Search"></a><a href="">In Search Of Diplomacy</a> [16-May-16] Finding online articles.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Gekir" title="Gekir"></a><a href="">Jack Chalker's Wemics</a> [9-May-16] Gekir in the Well World.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Gilgamesh" title="Gilgamesh"></a><a href="">Wemics in The Epic Of Gilgamesh</a> [26-Apr-16] Myths in Ancient Assyria.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Murderhobo" title="Murderhobo"></a><a href="">Now Be Good! Part 2</a> [22-Apr-16] Prisoner problems solved!</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Lion-Mane" title="Lion-Mane"></a><a href="">Best Comic Villain Ever!</a> [20-Apr-16] Named "Lion-Mane." Really.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 057</a> [14-Apr-16] She's not Nobody!<br><br></div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 056</a> [30-Jan-16] "So now back to my den I am bound!"</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Murderhobo" title="Murderhobo"></a><a href="">Now Be Good!</a> [3-Jan-16] You don't have to be a murderhobo.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Hillary as Hermione" title="Hillary as Hermione"></a><a href="">What Harry Potter Character is Hillary?</a> [2-Jan-16] No hints!</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Centaur or Urmahlullu" title="Centaur or Urmahlullu"></a><a href="">Ancient Taur</a> [28-Dec-15] Centaur or urmahlullu? You decide.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Tower Shield" title="Tower Shield"></a><a href="">Tower Shield 2</a> [20-Dec-15] More for your portable wall.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 055</a> [18-Dec-15] No&euml;l Coward<br><br></div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Gogi Saroj Pal" title="Gogi Saroj Pal"></a><a href="">Gogi Saroj Pal</a> [14-Nov-15] An Indian artist's hybrid, feminist work.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Passing Notes" title="Passing Notes"></a><a href="">Diplomacy Check</a> [12-Nov-15] The Power Of Passing Notes.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 054</a> [3-Oct-15] Trading Oil For Gears<br><br></div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="alien taurs" title="Alien Taurs"></a><a href="">Spaceman Wemic</a> [2-Oct-15] A Harvard prof's speculations.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 053</a> [13-Sep-15] Going Off Script<br><br></div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 052</a> [10-Sep-15] Maybe He'll Give Us A Prize</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Shooting Range" title="Shooting Range"></a><a href="">Squint And Shoot!</a> [30-Jul-15] Spotting your target.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Floral Tales" title="Floral Tales"></a><a href=""><a href="">The Tail of the Sagittary</a> [24-May-15] Fancy floral fleur-de-lis tails.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 051</a> [22-May-15] Japes And Capers<br><br></div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="modern liontaur" title="modern liontaur"></a><a href="">Artists and Twitter</a> [21-Apr-15] The delightfully named Kat Nicholson.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="wemic brand baby food" title="wemic brand baby food"></a><a href="">Wemic Brand Baby Food</a> [12-Apr-15] Now with 0 pesticide residues!</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="wemic disorder" title="wemic disorder"></a><a href="">The "Wemic" of 1574</a> [26-Mar-15] An evolving definition</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cayzle's Little Splat Book of Prestige & Class" title="Cayzle's Little Splat Book of Prestige & Class"></a><a href="">Some Prestige and a Little Class</a> [20-Mar-15] My very first splat book.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="A Cat Whisperer" title="A Cat Whisperer"></a><a href="">The Whisperer</a> [2-Mar-15] A PF PrC for characters with companions.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 050</a> [19-Jan-15] Something For Everyone</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 049</a> [7-Jan-15] A Runcible Offense<br><br></div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Twitter" title="Twitter"></a><a href="">Rockin' Robin</a> [5-Jan-15] Tweet! Twittery tweet!<br><br></div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 048</a> [13-Dec-14] Join The Chorus<br><br></div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="A Hero" title="A Hero"></a><a href="">The Adventuring Hero</a> [7-Dec-14] A PF PrC that uses hero points.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="flying wemics" title="flying wemics"></a><a href="">Best. Drolleries. Ever.</a> [29-Nov-14] Plus, puking gut faces!</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 047</a> [24-Nov-14] Greasing the Wheels of Justice</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Limoges Liontaurs" title="Limoges Liontaurs"></a><a href="">Medieval Sagittaries</a> [21-Nov-14] Three more examples.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 046</a> [21-Oct-14] Fun, Games, and More!<br><br></div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Medieval French Sagittary" title="Medieval French Sagittary"></a><a href="">The Dreadful Sagittary</a> [17-Oct-14] The one who fought at Troy.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="King Stephen Heraldry" title="King Stephen Heraldry"></a><a href="">Gules, Three Sagittary In Pale Or</a> [10-Oct-14] The Wemic King.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 045</a> [5-Oct-14] Lead Zeppoli<br><br></div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Puppies of Death" title="Puppies of Death"></a><a href="">Puppies of Death</a> [4-Oct-14] A D&D scenario for PCs level 10-11.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 044</a> [3-Sep-14] Stark Raven Mad<br><br></div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="shillelagh" title="shillelagh"></a><a href="">Max Melee Damage</a> [31-Aug-14] Carry a really big stick.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 043</a> [28-Aug-14] Look On My Works!<br><br></div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="improved assassin for pathfinder" title="improved assassin for pathfinder"></a><a href="">The Improved PF Assassin</a> [15-Jul-14] An old favorite revisited.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Lion Bar" title="Lion Bar"></a><a href="">Lion Bar</a> [14-Jul-14] A wemic's favorite snack-time treat.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="improved assassin for DnD" title="improved assassin for DnD"></a><a href="">The Improved D&D3.5 Assassin</a> [13-Jul-14] An old screed rewritten.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 042</a> [30-Jun-14] Miles To Go Before I Weep</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="OGL" title="OGL"></a><a href="">D&D Next Is Looking Closed!</a> [30-May-14] What Would Ryan Do?</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Tower Shield" title="Tower Shield"></a><a href="">Tower Shield 1</a> [15-May-14] Amazing protective options.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Lion God" title="Lion God"></a><a href="">Lord Narasimha</a> [15-May-14] A Hindu god who is not a wemic.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 041</a> [1-May-14] No Joy In Robot-Heaven-Ville</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 040</a> [26-Apr-14] Where Your Eyes Don't Go</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="sneak attacks" title="sneak attacks"></a><a href="">Sneaky!</a> [25-Apr-14] 17 ways to deny that dex bonus.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 039</a> [11-Apr-14] The Ancient, Marinated<br><br></div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Titan" title="Titan's Dave Trampier"></a><a href="">David A. Trampier, 1954-2014</a> [31-Mar-14] A gaming Titan falls.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 038</a> [7-Mar-14] The Joy Of PBM<br><br></div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Woldian Games Ad" title="Woldian Games Ad"></a><a href=""> [17-Feb-14] An ad for the Wold</a> [17-Feb-14] Made for a PBM gaming zine.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="PBP DnD 3" title="PBP DnD 3"></a><a href="">Long-term PbP D&D games</a> [15-Feb-14] Part Three. ... LINKS!</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="PBP DnD 2" title="PBP DnD 2"></a><a href=""><a href="">Long-term PbP D&D game</a> [1-Feb-14] Part Two ... more TIPS.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Wemic Mockery" title="Wemic Mockery"></a><a href="">A Wemic in the Mainstream</a> [26-Jan-14] Hathos alert! Hathos alert!</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="PBP DnD 1" title="PBP DnD 1"></a><a href="">Long-term PbP D&D games</a> [24-Jan-14] Part One ... TIPS.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 037</a> [22-Jan-14] Let's Just All Agree To Call It "Spinach."</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 036</a> [25-Dec-13] What's That Cloud Look Like?</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Medieval drolleries and grotesqueries" title="Medieval drolleries and grotesqueries"></a><a href="">More Medieval Lion Hybrids</a> [19-Dec-13] On the trail of drolleries.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="The Lion Centaur of 1846" title="The Lion Centaur of 1846"></a><a href="">The Lion Centaur of 1846</a> [17-Dec-13] Instrumental bit of Americana.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Lions and Taurs at The Cloisters" title="Lions and Taurs at The Cloisters"></a><a href="">Lions & Taurs at The Cloisters</a> [1-Dec-13] Thankful for medieval art.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 035</a> [28-Oct-13] What the Dickens?!<br>&nbsp;<br></div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Enlarged and Reduced Projectiles" title="Enlarged and Reduced Projectiles"></a><a href="">Enlarged and Reduced Projectiles</a> [23-Aug-13]</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat-Centaur Photo" title="Cat-Centaur Photo"></a><a href="">The Most Disturbing Cat-Centaur Picture Ever</a> [20-Aug-13]</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 034</a> [18-Jul-13] En Fuego!<br>&nbsp;<br></div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 033</a> [15-Jul-13] A Pun Too Far<br>&nbsp;<br></div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height="85" align=center alt="Daddy's Little Wemic" title="Daddy's Little Wemic"></a><a href="">Daddy's Little Wemic</a> [11-Jun-13] Not that I'm biased or anything.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Carvings of lion-people and lions in prehistory" title="Carvings of lion-people and lions in prehistory"></a><a href="">An Ancient Lion-Man</a> [15-May-13] Prehistoric lion-people and lions.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Lamia" title="Lamia"></a><a href="">Lamia</a> [13-Apr-13] The origins of a wemic-like creature.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 032</a> [12-Apr-13] Permission On A Grassy Knoll</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 031</a> [29-Mar-13] Casual Good Friday<br />&nbsp;</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="floating kitty" title="May I Give You A (Mage) Hand?"></a><a href="">Fun with Being Tiny</a> [17-Jan-13] Flying (tea) saucers and more.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="splat books are bad" title="splat books are bad"></a><a href="">Splat Books Are Bad #4</a> [3-Feb-12] Summing up and ideas for fixes.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="handing off" title="handing off"></a><a href="">Hand-Off</a> [27-Nov-11] How to give an item to a friend in combat.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Alternate Racial Abilities" title="Alternate Racial Abilities"></a><a href="">Liontaur Alternate Racial Abilities</a> [12-Oct-11] Per the PF APG.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="splat books are bad" title="splat books are bad"></a><a href="">Splat Books Are Bad #3</a> [15-Jun-11] Insulting And Offensive!</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="splat books are bad" title="splat books are bad"></a><a href="">Splat Books Are Bad #2</a> [21-May-11] Overpowered And Unbalanced!</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="splat books are bad" title="splat books are bad"></a><a href="">Splat Books Are Bad #1</a> [18-May-11] They Are Badly Written!</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Prestige Class Balance" title="Prestige Class Balance"></a><a href="">Power Balance in Prestige Classes</a> [20-Jan-10] Getting it right.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>6.10 <a href=""><font color="purple">More Grace'oween</font></a> <font color="purple">[16-Nov-09] A sincere pumpkin patch.</font></div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>6.9 <a href=""><font color="purple">Grace'oween</font></a> <font color="purple">[31-Oct-09] I got a rock. <br>&nbsp;</font></div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="weapons in scurry" title="weapons in scurry"></a><a href="">Weapons in Scurry</a> [23-Oct-09] 11 weapons and weapon-like items.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Feats in Scurry" title="Feats in Scurry"></a><a href="">Feats, Etc.</a> [19-Oct-09] Feat and stat progression in Scurry.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="craphound class in scurry" title="craphound class in scurry"></a><a href="">Craphound</a> [16-Oct-09] A scout class for Scurry.<br />&nbsp;<br /></div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>6.8 <a href="">Grand illusions</a> [24-Aug-09] Scary and believable.<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Huck Gee's wemic" title="Huck Gee's wemic"></a><a href="">Best toy ever!</a> [18-Aug-09] Liontaur art by the talented Huck Gee.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>6.7 <a href="">All roads lead to illusions</a> [17-Aug-09] All is not as it seems.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>6.6 <a href=""><s>Caldecott</s> Oscar Winner</a> [13-Jul-09] Really quite the act.<br />&nbsp;</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Scurry Redux</a> [8-Jul-09] Races and classes summary.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>6.5 <a href=""><font color="purple">This land was made for you and me</font></a> [4-Jul-09] And for monsters.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>6.4 <a href="">The most wild things of all</a> [30-Jun-09] I'll eat you up!</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Open and shut case</a> [25-Jun-09] Wizards of the Coast in turtle mode, DDO in rabbit mode.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>6.3 <a href="">In and out of weeks.</a> [22-Jun-09] Some wild things are afoot.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Counterspelling</a> [19-Jun-09] Spell duels done right.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">She's Got Legs!</a> [6-May-09] Taur topics, including minotaur and liontaur costumes.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Hiding in Plain Sight</a> [16-Apr-09] Hiding and Shadowdancers.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>6.2 <a href="">For the rest of us!</a> [23-Dec-08] Visions of sugarplums.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 030</a> [16-Dec-08] Oh Xmas Tree Oh Xmas Tree</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>6.1 <a href="">Resting is quite hard!</a> [15-Dec-08] Almost as hard as this floor.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>5.10 <a href="">Cast</a> [9-Dec-08] Gustav asks you to pay attention.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 029</a> [9-Dec-08] Watering Can<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Classes and Races</a> [1-Dec-08] Options for character creation in Scurry.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>5.9 <a href="">Stinkin' Trolls</a> [24-Nov-08] Mark engages in some foolery.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 028</a> [24-Nov-08] Mayors Eat Oates<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Psychopomp Spells</a> [20-Nov-08] New spells for every class level.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>5.8 <a href=""> More flaming</a> [17-Nov-08] Ray aims to settle the matter.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 027</a> [17-Nov-08] Cloudy Weather<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Intro to Scurry</a> [12-Nov-08] Plans for a new D&D game.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>5.7 <a href=""> What <i>She</i> Said</a> [10-Nov-08] Grace speaks out of turn.<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 025</a> [10-Nov-08] Banana Plant<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 026</a> [6-Nov-08] Rain Clouds<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Change" title="Change"></a><a href="">Resolving to make improvements</a> [6-Nov-08] Restart button.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>5.6 <a href=""> Flame war</a> [10-Aug-08] How to defeat a "Creature of the Net."</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>5.5 <a href=""> Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin</a> [9-Jul-08] That Violet Blue Thing.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>5.4 <a href="">Save vs rickroll</a> [22-Jun-08] Dr. O clicks on a link.<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>5.3 <a href="">Who says Scrying is not a skill?</a> [22-May-08] Pals on the Web.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 024</a> [22-May-08] Recycling Day<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>5.2 <a href="">Teh Intertubes</a> [18-May-08] Dr. O is well connected.<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="DnD My Way - a manifesto" title="DnD My Way - a manifesto"></a><a href="">D&D 4E My Way 3</a> [18-May-08] This time about multiclassing.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="DnD My Way - a manifesto" title="DnD My Way - a manifesto"></a><a href="">D&D 4E My Way 4</a> [18-May-08] Philosophy and Goals.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Tilting at Windmills</a> [15-May-08] Working to get my 3.75E ideas in play at Paizo.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 023</a> [9-May-08] Homestar Temple<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 022</a> [8-May-08] They Laughed At Me!<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="DnD My Way - a manifesto" title="DnD My Way - a manifesto"></a><a href="">D&D 4E My Way 1</a> [8-May-08] Philosophy and Goals.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="DnD My Way - a manifesto" title="DnD My Way - a manifesto"></a><a href="">D&D 4E My Way 2</a> [8-May-08] The Level One Bump.<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>5.1 <a href="">Meet Boing Boing and Dr. O</a> [7-May-08] New recurring villains.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 021</a> [4-May-08] Robot Hell No. Six<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="DnD My Way - a manifesto" title="DnD My Way - a manifesto"></a><a href="">More 4E Ranting</a> [3-May-08] This time about multiclassing.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Annotated Arcane Archer III</a> [30-Apr-08] Three mixed archer/caster builds.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>4.10 <a href="">A Light, A LARP, A Lark, A Larm</a> [22-Apr-08] Prester sheds light.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 020</a> [22-Apr-08] Robot Hell No. Five<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>4.9 <a href="">Joke's on you</a> [10-Apr-08] Prester is not amused.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>4.8 <a href="">Riddles in the Dark</a> [3-Apr-08] Or rather, "Jokes in the Dark."</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 019</a> [3-Apr-08] Robot Hell No. Four<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>4.7 <a href="">Now, in Darkvision!</a> [28-Mar-08] Mark is the troll.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 018</a> [28-Mar-08] Robot Hell No. Three<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>4.6 <a href="">Say! In the dark?</a> [19-Mar-08] Would you, could you, in the dark?</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 017</a> [18-Mar-08] Robot Hell No. Two<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 016</a> [13-Mar-08] Robot Hell No. One<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>4.5 <a href="">North is at the Top</a> [12-Mar-08] True dungeon test: a 30x30 room.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Annotated Arcane Archer II</a> [11-Mar-08] Making the most of an archery-oriented PC with a full 10 levels of the PrC.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">A Cheapskate's Rant About 4E</a> [6-Mar-08] How I'm NOT the target demographic.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>4.4 <a href="">Thanks, Gary!</a> [5-Mar-08] May the continual light shine upon him.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 015</a> [3-Mar-08] Escape To Hell<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>4.3 <a href="">Magic Mouth</a> [27-Feb-08] In 25 words or less.<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 014</a> [27-Feb-08] A Robot Gets His Wings</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Annotated Arcane Archer I</a> [22-Feb-08] A two-level dip into this PrC for the arcanist.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>4.2 <a href="">Pony Ante</a> [21-Feb-08] Gustav rides into the dungeon.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 013</a> [20-Feb-08] Demand For Euthanasia</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 012</a> [15-Feb-08] Robotozoan Valentine</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=50 align=right alt="Zeoll" title="Zeoll"></a><a href="">Zeoll</a> [15-Feb-08] My bard / druid / seer wemic PC and the idea of having several strategies from which to choose.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>4.1 <a href="">The Sun-Door</a> [11-Feb-08] Grace gets the party in by kissing up.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>3.14 <a href="">Like a lamb to the slaughter</a> [4-Feb-08] Follow that lamb chop!</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Defense Monster</a> [2-Feb-08] Putting it all together in one survivable package.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>3.13 <a href="">Encounter Probability</a> [1-Feb-08] Always just one.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 011</a> [23-Jan-08] Lil' Brother<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 009</a> [23-Jan-08] Ms. Paint Strikes Again<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>3.12 <a href="">Mooned</a> [15-Jan-08] What it means to become a cleric.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>3.11 <a href="">The House of Eyes and Flowers</a> [6-Jan-08] News of a dungeon at last!</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 010</a> [3-Jan-08] The Old Man from Cape Cod</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>3.10 <a href="">Merry Gracemas</a> [26-Dec-07] He'll Go Down In History!</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>3.9 <a href="">Putting the RP in RPG</a> [17-Dec-07] The cat hams it up.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 008</a> [17-Dec-07] Three Bots Walk Into A Bar</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>3.8 <a href="">Hooked!</a> [10-Dec-07] You say you seek Adventure!?!</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 007</a> [15-Dec-07] Who Broke The Gongolator?</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 006</a> [4-Dec-07] Knock Knock Joke<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>3.7 <a href="">Loot in hand</a> [3-Dec-07] Too handy to sell.<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>3.6 <a href="">Introductions, Part 2</a> [27-Nov-07] Meet The Cast.<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 005</a> [27-Nov-07] Oh You Churubot! 23 Skidoo!</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>3.5 <a href="">Thanks</a> [22-Nov-07] Happy Turkey Day!<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>3.4 <a href="">Introductions, Part 1</a> [21-Nov-07] Relaxing in a tavern.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 004</a> [21-Nov-07] Robotozoan Rampage</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 003</a> [16-Nov-07] BABY!<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 002</a> [16-Nov-07] MAMA!<br>&nbsp;</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Robot Heaven Comic" title="Robot Heaven Comic"></a><a href="">Robot Heaven 001</a> [16-Nov-07] Liontaur? What Liontaur?!</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>3.3 <a href="">Exercise in Bickering</a> [11-Nov-07] Too much testosterone.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>3.2 <a href="">Finally Five</a> [6-Nov-07] Ray feels fed up with foolery and fun.</div> <div class="lolbox">3.1 <a href=""><font color="purple">Grace'oween</font></a> <font color="purple">[31-Oct-07] A Scarrrrry Story ... that's true!</font></div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="assassin" title="assassin"></a><a href="">Reformed Assassins</a> [30-Oct-07] and Invoking Rule Zero.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Save Monster 2</a> [28-Oct-07] Race, Feat, and Item options for maxing your saving throws.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>2.16 <a href="">Ready, Set ...</a> [22-Oct-07] Going into battle</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>2.17 <a href="">The Gang's All Here</a> [18-Oct-07] And the house is on fire!</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>2.15 <a href="">Inspired</a> [18-Oct-07] A poem, a plan, a canal, Pameop!</div> <div class="lolbox">2.14 <a href="">Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'</a> [14-Oct-07] Dancin' to the jailhouse roll.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Fun Clicks</a> [9-Oct-07] Links of divers shapes and sizes.</div> <div class="lolbox">2.13 <a href="">A Rescue for Ecclesiastes</a> [8-Oct-07] Time for a lucky break -- jailbreak, that is.</div> <div class="lolbox">2.12 <a href="">What Would Gandalf Do?</a> [1-Oct-07] Mark channels his inner istari.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=50 align=right alt="A Map Made With Excel" title="A Map Made With Excel"></a><a href="">Excellent Maps</a> [29-Sep-07] Ten tips for making battle maps in Microsoft Excel.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>2.11 <a href="">Encounter Distance</a> [27-Sep-07] Too far to be spotted!</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>2.10 <a href="">Untrained Hide Check</a> [24-Sep-07] Mark "sneaks" up.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>2.9 <a href="">Drawing a Map</a> [10-Sep-07] Grace sketches out the rescue plan.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>2.8 <a href="">Need a Cleric</a> [3-Sep-07] The answer is to multiclass.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>2.7 <a href="">Prester and the Plan</a> [29-Aug-07] Asking a spiritual advisor for advice.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Save Monster 1</a> [25-Aug-07] The right way to multiclass if you want to max your saves.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>2.6 <a href="">All's Fair in Fog of War</a> [13-Aug-07] The perfect diversion.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Hit Point Monster</a> [10-Aug-07] How to max your hit points.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>2.5 <a href="">Planning</a> [8-Aug-07] Escape or rescue? Both are in the works.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>2.4 <a href="">Think for Yourself</a> [30-Jul-07] Ray meets a revolutionary.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>2.3 <a href="">Bear for Breakfast</a> [16-Jul-07] Maybe worse than starving.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>2.2 <a href="">A Place to Rest</a> [9-Jul-07] Mark's fatigue inspires a halt.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Armor 5</a> [6-Jul-07] Maxing your AC without using armor.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>2.1 <a href="">Disappointed after Dark</a> [2-Jul-07] A "rush" to the rescue.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>1.17 <a href="">Orders</a> [25-Jun-07] The party learns more about Ray's dilemma.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Armor 4</a> [21-Jun-07] Using the heaviest of armors <i>wildshaped!</i></div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>1.16 <a href="">Starving Ray</a> [20-Jun-07] In which we meet Hope's brother for the first time.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Armor 3</a> [19-Jun-07] Using the heaviest of armors.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>1.15 <a href="">Dammit, Jim!</a> [18-Jun-07] Cleric? Hope not!</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Armor 2</a> [15-Jun-07] Maxing your AC with both armor and dexterity.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Armor 1</a> [14-Jun-07] Revisiting the stock armor table, with implications.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Survivability</a> [12-Jun-07] Starting a series on hit points, armor class, and saves.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>1.14 <a href="">You Bet Your Life</a> [11-Jun-07] Grace fights a true Marxist.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>1.13 <a href="">Critical Condition</a> [4-Jun-07] Hope says a prayer and hits hard.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">A Power Gamer's Manifesto</a> [31-May-07] In defense of minimaxing.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>1.12 <a href="">Spray It, Don't Say It!</a> [29-May-07] Mark teaches two so-called "experts" some manners.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Analysis of a Fighter-oriented PrC</a> [23-May-07] Plus the Wing Brother prestige class.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>1.11 <a href="">Move Actions</a> [21-May-07] Hope draws her weapon and stands up -- and that's all!</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>1.10 <a href="">Surprise</a> [21-May-07] Grace and friends are startled to be surprised.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Odds & Ends</a> [15-May-07] Things to do, reader feedback, coming attractions.</div> <div class="lolbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="Cat's Grace web comic" title="Cat's Grace web comic"></a>1.9 <a href="">Expert Ambush</a> [14-May-07] Wandering minions of the Eastern Bunny sneak up on our heroes.</div> <div class="lolbox">1.8 <a href="">Stepping Out</a> [7-May-07] Hope's brother is missing, but a clue is found.</div> <div class="lolbox">1.7 <a href="">Animal Companion</a> [30-Apr-07] The second smartest member of Grace's party.</div> <div class="lolbox">1.6 <a href="">Cantrip!</a> [23-Apr-07] Is Prester real? Is Grace nuts? Both?</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Live Action Wemics</a> [20-Apr-07] An interview with two wemic LARPers.</div> <div class="lolbox">1.5 <a href="">Friends Like These</a> [16-Apr-07] Grace asks Prester for advice.</div> <div class="lolbox">1.4 <a href="">Dawdlers</a> [12-Apr-07] Harnessing the power of the random roll.</div> <div class="lolbox">1.3 <a href="">Dump Stat</a> [9-Apr-07] Grace discovers that her new friends are not exactly swift.</div> <div class="lolbox">1.2 <a href="">The Aristocrats!</a> [6-Apr-07] The fifth Non-PC Class picks show business over the Glorious Peeple's Revolution.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Review 8: Dragon's Whisper</a> [5-Apr-07] A free PDF game world magazine.</div> <div class="lolbox">1.1 <a href="">Mark and the Eastern Bunny</a> [2-Apr-07] We meet a new comrade in arms. Many comrades, actually.</div> <div class="lolbox">0.13 <a href="">Inn to Adventure</a> [26-Mar-07] Starting out.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Fighting Trickster</a> [21-Mar-07] A combat-oriented PrC to illustrate my recent design ideas.</div> <div class="lolbox">0.12 <a href="">Getting the Party Started</a> [19-Mar-07] Grace is invited to join a party.</div> <div class="lolbox">0.11 <a href="">Starting Package</a> [12-Mar-07] Grace makes a buck and makes a friend.</div> <div class="lolbox">0.10 <a href="">Aura of Courage</a> [5-Mar-07] Grace learns that you don't need a class ability to be brave.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Feline Music</a> [1-Mar-07] in the latest album from Walker Kong.</div> <div class="lolbox">0.9 <a href="">Gold & Gear</a> [26-Feb-07] Good news about starting equipment.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Ducktaur!</a> [21-Feb-07] If it walks with four legs and has arms -- or wings -- it's a Taur!</div> <div class="lolbox">0.8 <a href="">Iron Rats</a> [19-Feb-07] Free room and board for new adventurers!</div> <div class="lolbox">0.7 <a href="">Illiterate</a> [12-Feb-07] Grace explains why liontaurs resist newfangled arts, like writing.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Prestige Class Theory</a> [10-Feb-07] Designing fighter-oriented PrCs.</div> <div class="lolbox">0.6 <a href="">Sheet</a> [5-Feb-07] Grace proves that she is quite a character.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Tell All</a> [2-Feb-07] How to make combat more fun.</div> <div class="lolbox">0.5 <a href="">Listen Check</a> [29-Jan-07] Grace hears herself talking out loud, then hears a welcome from afar.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Charge It!</a> [25-Jan-07] Maximizing mounted mayhem.</div> <div class="lolbox">0.4 <a href="">Duration: 1 hour</a> [22-Jan-07] Prester's time is up.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Liontaur Subraces</a> [17-Jan-07] Liontaurs in mountains, savannah, and tundra.</div> <div class="lolbox">0.3 <a href="">+1 on Jump Checks</a> [15-Jan-07] Grace channels her inner Neo to make a leap of faith.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Felines beyond Wemics</a> [12-Jan-07] A look at other cat-kin in D&D, and which ones make the grade.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Just My Type</a> [9-Jan-07] Classifying wemics and liontaurs as humanoids, monstrous humanoids, or both.</div> <div class="lolbox">0.2 <a href="">Character Background</a> [8-Jan-07] Grace learns that she is not actually adventuring, yet.</div> <div class="lolbox">0.1 <a href="">Name</a> [1-Jan-07] In which we are introduced to our hero.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">The Cat-Centaurs of Dragaera</a> [26-Dec-06] Wemics in the fiction of Steven Brust.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Break!</a> [1-Dec-06] Thoughts on a new Break skill.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">New Avenger</a> [27-Oct-06] Righter of Wrongs! Seeker of Justice!</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="assassin" title="improved assassin"></a><a href="">Improved Assassin</a> [22-Oct-06] Rewarding ten levels in this PrC.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Quick</a> [10-Oct-06] Applying Quick Draw to weapons, non-weapons, and weapon-like objects.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Conjure 2</a> [27-Sep-06] Using conjured creatures to track for you.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Review 7: Divine Rogues</a> [26-Sep-06] Of the Shadowbane Stalker PrC, with improvements.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Divine Trickster</a> [20-Sep-06] Two ways to play one.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">The Wold</a> [14-Sep-06] Needs new players!</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Mystic Theurge</a> [11-Sep-06] Going both ways.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Design Contest</a> [7-Sep-06] Comments on entries in a summer-theme design contest.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">SummerKin 2</a> [5-Sep-06] A prestige class for the LightBrothers of the SummerKin.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">SummerKin 1</a> [2-Sep-06] A cult of wemics and humans who worship the sun.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">In Their Tiny Hands</a> [24-Jun-06] What other gamers think of Shrink Item.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Dainty Dangers</a> [22-Jun-06] Caveats and cautions (part 4 of 4).</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Pint-size Prankage</a> [17-Jun-06] More on Shrink Item: More fun ideas (part 3 of 4).</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Mod the Map</a> [11-Jun-06] More on Shrink Item: Unshrinking large obstacles (part 2 of 4).</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=50 align=right alt="Bec De Corbin" title="Bec De Corbin"></a><a href="">Bec De Corbin</a> [20-May-06] Names for characters, nostalgia, and a 1E D&D reach weapon for 3.5E.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Shrinky Dinks</a> [18-May-06] Getting creative with the Shrink Item spell (part 1 of 4).</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Prisoner Dilemma</a> [23-Apr-06] What can good PCs do with captured bad guys?</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Resurrection</a> [16-Apr-06] Breathing life into the blog and into your dead PCs.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Origins 5</a> [9-Feb-06] The wemic on King Stephen's coat of arms.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">D&D in the News</a> [7-Feb-06] Negative (and positive) representations of gamers in the media.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Crit Monster</a> [27-Jan-06] How to get the most bang from your critical hit buck.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Bible Reading</a> [20-Jan-06] A lion-man in the Bible.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=125 height=85 align=center alt="assassin" title="assassin"></a><a href="">Assassin of Assassins</a> [13-Dec-05] How to beat Uncanny Dodge.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Origins 4</a> [29-Nov-05] A hint of wemics in ancient Greek mythology.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Rogue Sniper</a> [23-Nov-05] Getting the most out of the hide skill and sneak attack rules.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Collecting</a> [16-Nov-05] Bottle caps and wemic links.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Captured!</a> [12-Nov-05] Tips for making your escape.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Wemic Wear</a> [21-Oct-05] Magic items for liontaurs.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Torture</a> [16-Oct-05] in role play games.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Spellspinner</a> [9-Oct-05] A spider mage prestige class with its own spell progression.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Greed</a> [26-Sep-05] Power inflation in PrCs.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Suicide Potion</a> [10-Sep-05] Debunking a bitter pill.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Stross's Law</a> [5-Sep-05] Applications and exceptions.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Ranking Metamagic Feats</a> [28-Aug-05] Which ones make the grade?</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Sweet Sleep</a> [21-Aug-05] Weapon and way of life.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Best D&D Weapon</a> [25-Jul-05] That you never heard of.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Wemics on the Web</a> [15-Jul-05] Links and more links.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">The Violet</a> [12-Jul-05] That ate my blog!</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Wemics with Class</a> [30-Jun-05] Favored classes for wemics.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Not for NPCs only</a> [24-Jun-05] Adapting NPC classes for player use.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Scent</a> [23-Jun-05] A keener nose in your future?</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Review 6</a> [17-Jun-05] Pride of Place, by Jason.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Review 4c</a> [16-Jun-05] Book of Erotic Fantasy: Chapter Two.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Gaming Links A-Plenty</a> [13-Jun-05] Organized and noted.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Review 4b</a> [10-Jun-05] Book of Erotic Fantasy: Chapter One.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">David C. Sutherland III</a> [9-Jun-05] Lion's heart, artist's hands. RIP.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href=""><img src="" align=right width=50 alt="Ancient Urmahlullu" title="Ancient Urmahlullu"></a><a href="">Origins 3</a> [3-Jun-05] A medieval wemic!</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Sex at the Core</a> [1-Jun-05] A new Core Story for the Book of Erotic Fantasy.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Cross about Crossbows</a> [30-May-05] Ideas for improvement.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Review 5</a> [27-May-05] The Magehound by Elaine Cunningham.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Two Blogs</a> [25-May-05] Both recommended.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Review 4a</a> [23-May-05] Book of Erotic Fantasy: Initial thoughts.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Violet</a> [20-May-05] Indulging the blogger's paternal pride.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">D&D in the News</a> [27-Apr-05] Good news, bad news.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Faster! Faster!</a> [25-Apr-05] Maximizing your speed.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Teaser</a> [22-Apr-05] Previewing a review.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Dirty Talk</a> [20-Apr-05] Part 7 of Sex in D&D.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Sex by the Book</a> [18-Apr-05] Part 6 of Sex in D&D.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Chakats</a> [15-Apr-05] Part 5 of Sex in D&D.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Cross-Gender Play</a> [13-Apr-05] Part 4 of Sex in D&D.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Sex Rules!</a> [11-Apr-05] Part 3 of Sex in D&D.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Pride in Sex</a> [8-Apr-05] Part 2 of Sex in D&D.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">The Romance in RPGs</a> [6-Apr-05] Part 1 of Sex in D&D.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Itemsmith</a> [4-Apr-05] Making the most of item creation feats.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Review 3</a> [1-Apr-05] A review of a 2E wemic bard.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Lame 2</a> [30-Mar-05] Another missed post.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Whipped</a> [28-Mar-05] The strange ranged melee weapon.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">The Bardtaur</a> [25-Mar-05] Roles bards play.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Review 2</a> [23-Mar-05] Swords into Plowshares.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Conjure 1</a> [21-Mar-05] Summoning for Dummies.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">The Druidtaur</a> [18-Mar-05] Liontaur as a fighting druid.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Lame 1</a> [16-Mar-05] Missed post.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Metamagic 1</a> [14-Mar-05] Empower vs. maximize.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">The Liontaur</a> [11-Mar-05] Designed as a one-hit-die player race.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Diplomessy</a> [9-Mar-05] Problematic social interaction skills.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Mentalist</a> [7-Mar-05] Brain power for games that shun psionics.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Guest Blogger</a> [4-Mar-05] With thanks to Nexx!</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Grappling with the Web</a> [2-Mar-05] Some relevant links.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Arcane Tank 4</a> [28-Feb-05] Magic items for tanks.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Beastly Wemics</a> [25-Feb-05] Reader feedback (part three).</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Game Talk</a> [23-Feb-05] RPG message boards.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Arcane Tank 3</a> [21-Feb-05] Some tactics.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">GNS Wemics</a> [19-Feb-05] Reader feedback (part two).</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">RPG Game Theory</a> [16-Feb-05] The Three-Fold Model.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Arcane Tank 2</a> [14-Feb-05] Stats, classes, items, etc.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Questions</a> [11-Feb-05] Reader feedback (part one).</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">"A Bigger Dork"</a> [9-Feb-05] Society, Politics, and D&D.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href=""><img src="" width=50 align=right alt="wizard in armor" title="Arcane Tank"></a><a href="">The Arcane Tank 1</a> [7-Feb-05] Spells to cast in armor.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Review 1b</a> [4-Feb-05] Wemic Camp (part two).</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Quizzes</a> [2-Feb-05] D&D Web toys.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Arcane Rogue 3</a> [31-Jan-05] Spells and skills.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Review 1a</a> [28-Jan-05] Wemic Camp (part one).</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Play Nice</a> [26-Jan-05] Game etiquette.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Arcane Rogue 2</a> [24-Jan-05] Sneak attacks.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Liontaurs vs. Wemics</a> [21-Jan-05] What's in a name?</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href=""><img src="" align=right width=50 alt="Lego Wemic" title="Lego Wemic"></a><a href="">Random RPG Tools</a> [19-Jan-05] Map generators, NPC creators, dice rollers, more.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Arcane Rogue 1</a> [17-Jan-05] Familiars.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">The Father of Modern Wemics</a> [14-Jan-05] David C. Sutherland III.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Blogging manifesto</a> [12-Jan-05] Links to other blogs; thoughts on my own.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">Two-Weapon Fighting</a> [10-Jan-05] New options under 3.5.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Liontaur Lingo</a> [7-Jan-05] Feline accents and languages.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Fantastic Words</a> [5-Jan-05] Languages and names.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Fighting Druid 3</a> [3-Jan-05] Wildshape strategies.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Wemics in Neverwinter Nights</a> [31-Dec-04] With a screen grab!</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Two Play-By-Post Voices</a> [29-Dec-04] from The Wold and Tazlure.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Fighting Druid 2</a> [27-Dec-04] Missile strategies.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Happy Holidays!</a> [24-Dec-04] With grateful thanks to Bernard Doove.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Online RPGs</a> [22-Dec-04] Kinds and links.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Fighting Druid 1</a> [20-Dec-04] Melee strategies.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Wemic Origins 2</a> [17-Dec-04] With photos!</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">More Comics</a> [15-Dec-04] Some of the stuff I missed the first time around.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Olde Tyme Bard</a> [13-Dec-04] The very first prestige class ever.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Sized Up</a> [10-Dec-04] Game balance issues for large PCs.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Sonnets</a> [8-Dec-04] Getting the rhythm right with your new rule.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Fighting Bard</a> [6-Dec-04] Fightin' and singin'.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Just in Size</a> [3-Dec-04] Thoughts on height, weight, age.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Re-Charge It!</a> [1-Dec-04] Plus the Wandslinger.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Multiclassed Bard</a> [29-Nov-04] How to mix ... and <b>not</b> to!</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">Great Minds Think Alike</a> [26-Nov-04] Monte and me, that is!</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Wemic Origins 1</a> [24-Nov-04] Lion-centaurs in ancient Assyrian art.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Bardic Caster 2</a> [22-Nov-04] Wizard vs. Bard.</div> <div class="miscbox"><a href="">RPG Web Comics</a> [19-Nov-04] A round up.</div> <div class="dndbox"><a href="">The Bardic Caster 1</a> [17-Nov-04] Selecting spells.</div> <div class="lionbox"><a href="">Two Legs Good!</a> [15-Nov-04] The Lionet: a two-legged leonine PC race.</div> </body> </html>
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[Wemic Culture and Society]( Food production, technology, oral traditions, organization, hunters vs herders. [Wemic Origins and History]( From ancient Assyria to medieval heraldry to RPGs. [Wemics and D&D]( Cayzle's review of the rules for creating wemics in Dungeons and Dragons games, for every edition of the game. [Links: Game Rules for Wemics]( Links across the Internet to other pages with rules for putting wemics into role play games. [Links: Wemic Characters in Games]( Character descriptions and sheets, mostly for RPGs. [Links: Wemics in Fiction]( Short stories, prose fragments, gaming sessions, and other prose featuring wemics. [Links: Wemics in Art]( Pencil sketches, full color paintings, 3D renderings, sculptures, and more. [Links: Wemic Miscellany]( Wemics in video games, lion info, and a hodge-podge of other wemic stuff from around the Web. **Web Comics** [![Robot Heaven]( "Robot Heaven")]( [Robot Heaven]( A sprite-based webcomic of bad jokes, puns, and limericks. Powered by [Homestar Runner's "Make Your Own Stinko" comic engine](! Thanks very much, Brothers Chaps! [![Grace, of Cat's Grace]( "Grace, eponymous wemic hero of Cat's Grace")]( [Cat's Grace]( A fumetti-style webcomic about a liontaur in a Dungeons and Dragons universe. [About]( | [Cast]( | [All]( ![Cayzle]( "Cayzle") [![Member of The Internet Defense League](]( **Link Roll** RPG Links [123 RPG Blogs]( [New Cranky Gamer]( [CRB]( [Improved Init Blog]( [Intelligence Check]( [Creighton Broadhurst]( [endzeitgeist]( [Mearls]( Diplomacy Links [The Diplomatic Pouch]( [Diplomacy World]( [Diligence]( [Judge Misc]( [Judge Openings]( [Brother Bored]( [Last Orders]( [![AI Chatbox and Wemics]( "AI Chatbox and Wemics")]([Chatting with a Robot]( [3-Apr-23] About wemics, of course! [![Wemics drawns by Artificial Intelligence]( "Wemics Drawn by Artificial Intelligence")]([Wemics Drawn by Robots]( [30-Mar-23] Drawn ... poorly! [![Playing Old School in L&L]( "Playing Old School in L&L")]([Playing Old School in L&L.]( [23-Mar-23] Lessons from 1E D&D. [![Experience Points in Labyrinths & Liontaurs]( "Experience Points in Labyrinths & Liontaurs")]([Experience Points in L&L]( [30-Jan-23] Progression for four games in one. [![Good & Evil in Labyrinths & Liontaurs]( "Good & Evil in Labyrinths & Liontaurs")]([Good and Evil in L&L]( [25-Dec-22] Biased towards good. [![Ancient Greek Taurs]( "Ancient Greek Taurs")]([Ancient Greek Taurs]( [15-Oct-22] Ambiguous taurs in Greek art. [![Attacking from Hiding]( "Attacking from Hiding")]([Attacking from Hiding]( [13-Jun-22] In first edition Pathfinder. [![Sneak Attacks in 3E & 5E]( "Sneak Attacks in 3E & 5E")]([Sneak Attacks in 3E & 5E]( [8-Jun-22] Comparing and contrasting. [![Pugilist Priest PrC]( "Pugilist Priest PrC")]([Pugilist Priest]( [24-Apr-22] A PF 1.0 PrC for divine martial artists. [![Dipsters No-Press 2021 Tourney]( "Dipsters No-Press 2021 Tourney")]([DNP2021]( [11-Apr-22] Results in an annual Diplomacy Tourney. [![Skills in LnL]( "Skills in LnL")]([Rethinking Skills in L&L]( [20-Mar-22] How I would make skills better. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 077]( [17-Mar-22] Sure, it's a Happy St. Patrick's Day! [![A Persian lion-centaur]( "A Persian lion-centaur")]([Ancient seal with hunting scene]( [06-Feb-22] A Persian lion-centaur. [![Centaurs Gatherum, a zine]( "Centaurs Gatherum, a zine")]([Centaurs Gatherum]( [30-Nov-21] An old zine with liontaur art. [![Magic in LnL]( "Magic in LnL")]([Rethinking Magic in L&L]( [5-Oct-21] Multiclassing that really works right. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 076]( [11-Sep-21] By any other distance, groans as hard. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 075]( [11-Sep-21] New comics in the post-Flash age. [![Bathroom protectors, indeed!]( "Bathroom guardians, indeed!")]([Bathroom guards, indeed!]( [07-Jul-21] You need a wemic in the loo. [![Lion-centaurs of Urartu]( "Lion-centaurs of Urartu")]([Lion-centaurs of Urartu]( [20-Jun-21] Wemics of Ancient Armenia! [![Burmese Manuthiha]( "Burmese Manuthiha")]([Manuthiha of Myanmar]( [5-Jun-21] Burmese wemics! [![Ancient Greek Lion-Centaur]( "Ancient Greek Lion-Centaur")]([Greek Liontaur.]( [28-May-21] A sphinx with arms? That's a wemic! [![Dipsters No-Press 2020 Tourney]( "Dipsters No-Press 2020 Tourney")]([DNP2020]( [20-Feb-21] Results in an annual Diplomacy Tourney. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 074]( [18-Feb-21] The (entrepreneurial) spirit is willing ... [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 073]( [8-Jan-21] Flash is dead! But it sure was Flashy! [![Urmahlullu Cylinder Seals]( "Urmahlullu Cylinder Seals")]([All the Urmahlullus.]( [3-Oct-20] on cylinder seals. [![Greensinger archetype]( "Greensinger archetype")]([Zeoll the Greensinger]( [17-Sep-20] Extreme archetypes. [![Three English Sagittaries]( "Three English Sagittaries")]([Three English Sagittaries.]( [15-Sep-20] In Middle Ages Churches. [![Sphinxes and a Sagittary]( "Sphinxes and a Sagittary")]([Sphinxes and a Sagittary.]( [10-Sep-20] At the Met in NYC. [![Intro to LnL]( "Intro to LnL")]([Ranting about Open-Source RPGs]( [4-Sep-20] And intro to LnL. [![Two Bloodlines]( "Two Bloodlines")]([Two Bloodlines.]( [13-Jul-20] For Spelling and Binding. [![Taur Jokes!]( "Taur Jokes!")]([Taur Jokes!]( [8-Jul-20] Laughing WITH the taurs, not at them. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 072]( [25-Jun-20] 4 years of high school French, wasted. [![DnD in pop culture]( "DnD in pop culture")]([D&D and Pop and Culture.]( [20-Jun-20] It's totes magotes cool!! [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 071]( [14-May-20] Great Again, indeed! [![Items of Yore]( "Items of Yore")]([Magic Items of Yore.]( [21-Feb-20] 1st Edition D&D items to use today. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 070]( [17-Jan-20] first they came for the periods [![Cayzletaur!]( "Cayzletaur!")]([Cayzletaur!]( [30-Dec-19] I dreamed that I was, yes, a wemic. [![Break Skill]( "Break Skill")]([Take a Break.]( [1-Nov-19] A new skill for Pathfinder First Edition. [![Scary Halloween!]( "Scary Halloween!")]([Scariest Halloween Decor Ever!]( [28-Oct-19] Almost too sick for the Web. [![Epic Play]( "Epic Play")]([Epic Play Advice.]( [25-Oct-19] Ideas for high-level PC adventures. [![Harappan Lion Centaurs]( "Harappan Lion Centaurs")]([Harappan Lion Centaurs]( [21-Oct-19] Seals from the Indus Valley. [![lamia minis]( "5 Painted Lamia Minis")]([Lamia Miniatures]( [27-Aug-19] Five painted ladies. [![Medieval Italian sagittary]( "The Wemic of San Michele en Foro")]([The Wemic of San Michele en Foro]( [28-May-19] Standing watch. [![Play-By-Post]( "Play-By-Post")]([Running a Great Long-Term RPG]( [1-Jan-19] How to go the distance. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 069]( [27-Dec-18] Into the Valley of Derp. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 068]( [1-Aug-18] In Games As In Life. [![aquamanile sagittary]( "A Medieval Aquamanile as a Sagittary")]([3 Wemic Medieval Aquamanilia]( [6-Jun-18] Wash your hands! [![Magic Oils]( "Magic Oils in DnD")]([Oils vs Potions in PF and D&D.]( [24-May-18] Don't quaff; Smear! [![Produce Flame Spell]( "Touch Spells in DnD")]([Touch Spells in PF and D&D.]( [8-Apr-18] Damage by the touch. [![Bards and Bells]( "Magic Bells for Dungeons and Dragons")]([Bards and Bells in PF and D&D.]( [25-Mar-18] New magic items. [![cylinder seal urmahlullu]( "Assyrian Cylinder Seal Urmahlullu")]([Sphinx with Arms]( [20-Feb-18] On an Ancient Assyrian Cylinder Seal [![medieval sagittaries]( "carved on columns")]([Medieval Sagittaries]( [10-Jan-18] Perched atop columns. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 067]( [8-Jan-18] Reboot. [![Grace Erf Comic]( "Grace Erf Comic")]([Cat's Grace 109]( [9-Aug-17] Always in the Last Place You Look. [![Grace Erf Comic]( "Grace Erf Comic")]([Cat's Grace 108]( [5-Aug-17] The Writing On The Walls. [![Grace Erf Comic]( "Grace Erf Comic")]([Cat's Grace 107]( [1-Aug-17] Not Just Magic - Emojic! [![Grace Erf Comic]( "Grace Erf Comic")]([Cat's Grace 106]( [28-Jul-17] Just Like The Spell. [![Grace Erf Comic]( "Grace Erf Comic")]([Cat's Grace 105]( [24-Jul-17] Moment Of Clarity (ex). [![Grace Erf Comic]( "Grace Erf Comic")]([Cat's Grace 104]( [20-Jul-17] Watch Out For The Punpkin. [![Grace Erf Comic]( "Grace Erf Comic")]([Cat's Grace 103]( [16-Jul-17] Yes, That Big Purple Thing. [![Grace Erf Comic]( "Grace Erf Comic")]([Cat's Grace 102]( [12-Jul-17] Paging Vinz Clortho. [![Grace Erf Comic]( "Grace Erf Comic")]([Cat's Grace 101]( [8-Jul-17] Popping In On Erfworld. [![Prayer Book Wemic]( "Medieval French Sagittaries")]([Bibliotheque nationale de France]( [26-May-17] Bien sur! [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 066]( [23-May-17] Super Robot Power: **POSE!!** [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 065]( [17-May-17] More Like Robot Teavana, Amirite?! [![Titan]( "Titan Jason B McAllister")]([A 2nd Titan Falls]( [6-May-17] Jason B. McAllister died last year. [![Mentalist PrC]( "Mentalist PrC")]([The Mentalist PrC for PF]( [10-Apr-17] Try a Magical Psionist. [![psionics bloodline]( "psionic sorcerer with shield")]([Psionic Bloodline]( [30-Mar-17] ESP, telepathy, and mental powers. [![Golden Horn of Denmark]( "Taur from 400 AD")]([Danish Liontaur, 400AD]( [6-Jan-17] A tauric ideograph on a gold horn. [![medieval sagittary]( "medieval sagittary")]([1300's Pitcher]( [3-Jan-17] Wemics from the Danish Nat'l Museum. [![Magic Santa]( "Santa Sorcerer")]([Yuletide Bloodline]( [25-Dec-16] A Sorcerer's Xmas Spirit. [![medieval lion centaur]( "medieval lion centaur")]([Liontaurs in a Book of Hours]( [24-Dec-16] Middle Age prayer book. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 064]( [13-Dec-16] That's for Glen! And Maggie! [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 063]( [1-Dec-16] With apologies to Rich Burlew [![secret doors]( "secret doors")]([Real Life Secret Doors]( [15-Nov-16] Roll to see if you find any. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 062]( [9-Nov-16] ElectShun ReLeaf [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 061]( [26-Oct-16] Actually Playing The Trump Card [![cling]( "cling rules for D&D")]([Hold Me Closer, Tiny Grappler III]( [19-Oct-16] Feats, items, and more. [![cling]( "cling rules for D&D")]([Hold Me Closer, Tiny Grappler II]( [26-Sep-16] A better option. [![medieval sagittary]( "medieval sagittary")]([25 Medieval Sagittaries]( [25-Sep-16] NYC's Morgan Library. [![medieval sagittary]( "medieval sagittary")]([Sacred Sagittaries]( [30-Aug-16] Lions & lion-people in a prayer book. [![cling]( "cling rules for D&D")]([Hold Me Closer, Tiny Grappler I]( [26-Aug-16] D&D vs Pathfinder. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 060]( [19-Aug-16] Borg Mantra: Ohm Mani Padme Hum [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 059]( [10-Aug-16] I <3 My Jack Russell Terrier [![wemic doll]( "wemic art doll")]([Wemic Art in Doll Form]( [8-Aug-16] Beautiful posable liontaur creations! [![prestige casting]( "pushing prestige class casting past level 10")]([Pushing Prestige Casting Past 10]( [1-Aug-16] My new splat book rules. [![A losing position in Kiel]( "A losing position in Kiel")]([Diplomacy Nightmare]( [26-Jul-16] A sad board game position. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 058]( [14-Jul-16] Celebrate liberté, égalité, roboticité! [![pied piper]( "magic musical instruments")]([Musical Mayhem]( [6-Jul-16] 12 musical items, GRADED! [![medieval sagittary]( "medieval sagittary")]([Stammheim Missal]( [29-Jun-16] A wemic in an illuminated tome. [![liontaur music]( "liontaur music")]([Chasing Urmahlullu]( [19-May-16] Liontaur music. [![Magic Hats]( "Magic Hats")]([Hat's the Ticket!]( [17-May-16] Three magic hats inspired by Erfworld. [![Diplomacy Search]( "Diplomacy Search")]([In Search Of Diplomacy]( [16-May-16] Finding online articles. [![Gekir]( "Gekir")]([Jack Chalker's Wemics]( [9-May-16] Gekir in the Well World. [![Gilgamesh]( "Gilgamesh")]([Wemics in The Epic Of Gilgamesh]( [26-Apr-16] Myths in Ancient Assyria. [![Murderhobo]( "Murderhobo")]([Now Be Good! Part 2]( [22-Apr-16] Prisoner problems solved! [![Lion-Mane]( "Lion-Mane")]([Best Comic Villain Ever!]( [20-Apr-16] Named "Lion-Mane." Really. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 057]( [14-Apr-16] She's not Nobody! [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 056]( [30-Jan-16] "So now back to my den I am bound!" [![Murderhobo]( "Murderhobo")]([Now Be Good!]( [3-Jan-16] You don't have to be a murderhobo. [![Hillary as Hermione]( "Hillary as Hermione")]([What Harry Potter Character is Hillary?]( [2-Jan-16] No hints! [![Centaur or Urmahlullu]( "Centaur or Urmahlullu")]([Ancient Taur]( [28-Dec-15] Centaur or urmahlullu? You decide. [![Tower Shield]( "Tower Shield")]([Tower Shield 2]( [20-Dec-15] More for your portable wall. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 055]( [18-Dec-15] Noël Coward [![Gogi Saroj Pal]( "Gogi Saroj Pal")]([Gogi Saroj Pal]( [14-Nov-15] An Indian artist's hybrid, feminist work. [![Passing Notes]( "Passing Notes")]([Diplomacy Check]( [12-Nov-15] The Power Of Passing Notes. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 054]( [3-Oct-15] Trading Oil For Gears [![alien taurs]( "Alien Taurs")]([Spaceman Wemic]( [2-Oct-15] A Harvard prof's speculations. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 053]( [13-Sep-15] Going Off Script [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 052]( [10-Sep-15] Maybe He'll Give Us A Prize [![Shooting Range]( "Shooting Range")]([Squint And Shoot!]( [30-Jul-15] Spotting your target. [![Floral Tales]( "Floral Tales")]([[The Tail of the Sagittary]( [24-May-15] Fancy floral fleur-de-lis tails.]( [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 051]( [22-May-15] Japes And Capers [![modern liontaur]( "modern liontaur")]([Artists and Twitter]( [21-Apr-15] The delightfully named Kat Nicholson. [![wemic brand baby food]( "wemic brand baby food")]([Wemic Brand Baby Food]( [12-Apr-15] Now with 0 pesticide residues! [![wemic disorder]( "wemic disorder")]([The "Wemic" of 1574]( [26-Mar-15] An evolving definition [![Cayzle's Little Splat Book of Prestige & Class]( "Cayzle's Little Splat Book of Prestige & Class")]([Some Prestige and a Little Class]( [20-Mar-15] My very first splat book. [![A Cat Whisperer]( "A Cat Whisperer")]([The Whisperer]( [2-Mar-15] A PF PrC for characters with companions. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 050]( [19-Jan-15] Something For Everyone [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 049]( [7-Jan-15] A Runcible Offense [![Twitter]( "Twitter")]([Rockin' Robin]( [5-Jan-15] Tweet! Twittery tweet! [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 048]( [13-Dec-14] Join The Chorus [![A Hero]( "A Hero")]([The Adventuring Hero]( [7-Dec-14] A PF PrC that uses hero points. [![flying wemics]( "flying wemics")]([Best. Drolleries. Ever.]( [29-Nov-14] Plus, puking gut faces! [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 047]( [24-Nov-14] Greasing the Wheels of Justice [![Limoges Liontaurs]( "Limoges Liontaurs")]([Medieval Sagittaries]( [21-Nov-14] Three more examples. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 046]( [21-Oct-14] Fun, Games, and More! [![Medieval French Sagittary]( "Medieval French Sagittary")]([The Dreadful Sagittary]( [17-Oct-14] The one who fought at Troy. [![King Stephen Heraldry]( "King Stephen Heraldry")]([Gules, Three Sagittary In Pale Or]( [10-Oct-14] The Wemic King. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 045]( [5-Oct-14] Lead Zeppoli [![Puppies of Death]( "Puppies of Death")]([Puppies of Death]( [4-Oct-14] A D&D scenario for PCs level 10-11. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 044]( [3-Sep-14] Stark Raven Mad [![shillelagh]( "shillelagh")]([Max Melee Damage]( [31-Aug-14] Carry a really big stick. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 043]( [28-Aug-14] Look On My Works! [![improved assassin for pathfinder]( "improved assassin for pathfinder")]([The Improved PF Assassin]( [15-Jul-14] An old favorite revisited. [![Lion Bar]( "Lion Bar")]([Lion Bar]( [14-Jul-14] A wemic's favorite snack-time treat. [![improved assassin for DnD]( "improved assassin for DnD")]([The Improved D&D3.5 Assassin]( [13-Jul-14] An old screed rewritten. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 042]( [30-Jun-14] Miles To Go Before I Weep [![OGL]( "OGL")]([D&D Next Is Looking Closed!]( [30-May-14] What Would Ryan Do? [![Tower Shield]( "Tower Shield")]([Tower Shield 1]( [15-May-14] Amazing protective options. [![Lion God]( "Lion God")]([Lord Narasimha]( [15-May-14] A Hindu god who is not a wemic. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 041]( [1-May-14] No Joy In Robot-Heaven-Ville [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 040]( [26-Apr-14] Where Your Eyes Don't Go [![sneak attacks]( "sneak attacks")]([Sneaky!]( [25-Apr-14] 17 ways to deny that dex bonus. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 039]( [11-Apr-14] The Ancient, Marinated [![Titan]( "Titan's Dave Trampier")]([David A. Trampier, 1954-2014]( [31-Mar-14] A gaming Titan falls. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 038]( [7-Mar-14] The Joy Of PBM [![Woldian Games Ad]( "Woldian Games Ad")]( [[17-Feb-14] An ad for the Wold]( [17-Feb-14] Made for a PBM gaming zine. [![PBP DnD 3]( "PBP DnD 3")]([Long-term PbP D&D games]( [15-Feb-14] Part Three. ... LINKS! [![PBP DnD 2]( "PBP DnD 2")]([[Long-term PbP D&D game]( [1-Feb-14] Part Two ... more TIPS.]( [![Wemic Mockery]( "Wemic Mockery")]([A Wemic in the Mainstream]( [26-Jan-14] Hathos alert! Hathos alert! [![PBP DnD 1]( "PBP DnD 1")]([Long-term PbP D&D games]( [24-Jan-14] Part One ... TIPS. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 037]( [22-Jan-14] Let's Just All Agree To Call It "Spinach." [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 036]( [25-Dec-13] What's That Cloud Look Like? [![Medieval drolleries and grotesqueries]( "Medieval drolleries and grotesqueries")]([More Medieval Lion Hybrids]( [19-Dec-13] On the trail of drolleries. [![The Lion Centaur of 1846]( "The Lion Centaur of 1846")]([The Lion Centaur of 1846]( [17-Dec-13] Instrumental bit of Americana. [![Lions and Taurs at The Cloisters]( "Lions and Taurs at The Cloisters")]([Lions & Taurs at The Cloisters]( [1-Dec-13] Thankful for medieval art. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 035]( [28-Oct-13] What the Dickens?!   [![Enlarged and Reduced Projectiles]( "Enlarged and Reduced Projectiles")]([Enlarged and Reduced Projectiles]( [23-Aug-13] [![Cat-Centaur Photo]( "Cat-Centaur Photo")]([The Most Disturbing Cat-Centaur Picture Ever]( [20-Aug-13] [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 034]( [18-Jul-13] En Fuego!   [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 033]( [15-Jul-13] A Pun Too Far   [![Daddy's Little Wemic]( "Daddy's Little Wemic")]([Daddy's Little Wemic]( [11-Jun-13] Not that I'm biased or anything. [![Carvings of lion-people and lions in prehistory]( "Carvings of lion-people and lions in prehistory")]([An Ancient Lion-Man]( [15-May-13] Prehistoric lion-people and lions. [![Lamia]( "Lamia")]([Lamia]( [13-Apr-13] The origins of a wemic-like creature. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 032]( [12-Apr-13] Permission On A Grassy Knoll [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 031]( [29-Mar-13] Casual Good Friday [![floating kitty]( "May I Give You A (Mage) Hand?")]([Fun with Being Tiny]( [17-Jan-13] Flying (tea) saucers and more. [![splat books are bad]( "splat books are bad")]([Splat Books Are Bad #4]( [3-Feb-12] Summing up and ideas for fixes. [![handing off]( "handing off")]([Hand-Off]( [27-Nov-11] How to give an item to a friend in combat. [![Alternate Racial Abilities]( "Alternate Racial Abilities")]([Liontaur Alternate Racial Abilities]( [12-Oct-11] Per the PF APG. [![splat books are bad]( "splat books are bad")]([Splat Books Are Bad #3]( [15-Jun-11] Insulting And Offensive! [![splat books are bad]( "splat books are bad")]([Splat Books Are Bad #2]( [21-May-11] Overpowered And Unbalanced! [![splat books are bad]( "splat books are bad")]([Splat Books Are Bad #1]( [18-May-11] They Are Badly Written! [![Prestige Class Balance]( "Prestige Class Balance")]([Power Balance in Prestige Classes]( [20-Jan-10] Getting it right. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [More Grace'oween]( [16-Nov-09] A sincere pumpkin patch. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Grace'oween]( [31-Oct-09] I got a rock.   [![weapons in scurry]( "weapons in scurry")]([Weapons in Scurry]( [23-Oct-09] 11 weapons and weapon-like items. [![Feats in Scurry]( "Feats in Scurry")]([Feats, Etc.]( [19-Oct-09] Feat and stat progression in Scurry. [![craphound class in scurry]( "craphound class in scurry")]([Craphound]( [16-Oct-09] A scout class for Scurry. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Grand illusions]( [24-Aug-09] Scary and believable.   [![Huck Gee's wemic]( "Huck Gee's wemic")]([Best toy ever!]( [18-Aug-09] Liontaur art by the talented Huck Gee. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [All roads lead to illusions]( [17-Aug-09] All is not as it seems. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [~~Caldecott~~ Oscar Winner]( [13-Jul-09] Really quite the act. [Scurry Redux]( [8-Jul-09] Races and classes summary. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [This land was made for you and me]( [4-Jul-09] And for monsters. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [The most wild things of all]( [30-Jun-09] I'll eat you up! [Open and shut case]( [25-Jun-09] Wizards of the Coast in turtle mode, DDO in rabbit mode. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [In and out of weeks.]( [22-Jun-09] Some wild things are afoot. [Counterspelling]( [19-Jun-09] Spell duels done right. [She's Got Legs!]( [6-May-09] Taur topics, including minotaur and liontaur costumes. [Hiding in Plain Sight]( [16-Apr-09] Hiding and Shadowdancers. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [For the rest of us!]( [23-Dec-08] Visions of sugarplums. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 030]( [16-Dec-08] Oh Xmas Tree Oh Xmas Tree [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Resting is quite hard!]( [15-Dec-08] Almost as hard as this floor. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Cast]( [9-Dec-08] Gustav asks you to pay attention. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 029]( [9-Dec-08] Watering Can   [Classes and Races]( [1-Dec-08] Options for character creation in Scurry. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Stinkin' Trolls]( [24-Nov-08] Mark engages in some foolery. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 028]( [24-Nov-08] Mayors Eat Oates   [Psychopomp Spells]( [20-Nov-08] New spells for every class level. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [More flaming]( [17-Nov-08] Ray aims to settle the matter. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 027]( [17-Nov-08] Cloudy Weather   [Intro to Scurry]( [12-Nov-08] Plans for a new D&D game. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [What *She* Said]( [10-Nov-08] Grace speaks out of turn.   [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 025]( [10-Nov-08] Banana Plant   [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 026]( [6-Nov-08] Rain Clouds   [![Change]( "Change")]([Resolving to make improvements]( [6-Nov-08] Restart button. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Flame war]( [10-Aug-08] How to defeat a "Creature of the Net." [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin]( [9-Jul-08] That Violet Blue Thing. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Save vs rickroll]( [22-Jun-08] Dr. O clicks on a link.   [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Who says Scrying is not a skill?]( [22-May-08] Pals on the Web. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 024]( [22-May-08] Recycling Day   [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Teh Intertubes]( [18-May-08] Dr. O is well connected.   [![DnD My Way - a manifesto]( "DnD My Way - a manifesto")]([D&D 4E My Way 3]( [18-May-08] This time about multiclassing. [![DnD My Way - a manifesto]( "DnD My Way - a manifesto")]([D&D 4E My Way 4]( [18-May-08] Philosophy and Goals. [Tilting at Windmills]( [15-May-08] Working to get my 3.75E ideas in play at Paizo. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 023]( [9-May-08] Homestar Temple   [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 022]( [8-May-08] They Laughed At Me!   [![DnD My Way - a manifesto]( "DnD My Way - a manifesto")]([D&D 4E My Way 1]( [8-May-08] Philosophy and Goals. [![DnD My Way - a manifesto]( "DnD My Way - a manifesto")]([D&D 4E My Way 2]( [8-May-08] The Level One Bump.   [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Meet Boing Boing and Dr. O]( [7-May-08] New recurring villains. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 021]( [4-May-08] Robot Hell No. Six   [![DnD My Way - a manifesto]( "DnD My Way - a manifesto")]([More 4E Ranting]( [3-May-08] This time about multiclassing. [The Annotated Arcane Archer III]( [30-Apr-08] Three mixed archer/caster builds. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [A Light, A LARP, A Lark, A Larm]( [22-Apr-08] Prester sheds light. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 020]( [22-Apr-08] Robot Hell No. Five   [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Joke's on you]( [10-Apr-08] Prester is not amused. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Riddles in the Dark]( [3-Apr-08] Or rather, "Jokes in the Dark." [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 019]( [3-Apr-08] Robot Hell No. Four   [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Now, in Darkvision!]( [28-Mar-08] Mark is the troll. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 018]( [28-Mar-08] Robot Hell No. Three   [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Say! In the dark?]( [19-Mar-08] Would you, could you, in the dark? [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 017]( [18-Mar-08] Robot Hell No. Two   [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 016]( [13-Mar-08] Robot Hell No. One   [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [North is at the Top]( [12-Mar-08] True dungeon test: a 30x30 room. [The Annotated Arcane Archer II]( [11-Mar-08] Making the most of an archery-oriented PC with a full 10 levels of the PrC. [A Cheapskate's Rant About 4E]( [6-Mar-08] How I'm NOT the target demographic. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Thanks, Gary!]( [5-Mar-08] May the continual light shine upon him. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 015]( [3-Mar-08] Escape To Hell   [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Magic Mouth]( [27-Feb-08] In 25 words or less.   [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 014]( [27-Feb-08] A Robot Gets His Wings [The Annotated Arcane Archer I]( [22-Feb-08] A two-level dip into this PrC for the arcanist. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Pony Ante]( [21-Feb-08] Gustav rides into the dungeon. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 013]( [20-Feb-08] Demand For Euthanasia [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 012]( [15-Feb-08] Robotozoan Valentine [![Zeoll]( "Zeoll")]([Zeoll]( [15-Feb-08] My bard / druid / seer wemic PC and the idea of having several strategies from which to choose. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [The Sun-Door]( [11-Feb-08] Grace gets the party in by kissing up. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Like a lamb to the slaughter]( [4-Feb-08] Follow that lamb chop! [Defense Monster]( [2-Feb-08] Putting it all together in one survivable package. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Encounter Probability]( [1-Feb-08] Always just one. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 011]( [23-Jan-08] Lil' Brother   [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 009]( [23-Jan-08] Ms. Paint Strikes Again   [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Mooned]( [15-Jan-08] What it means to become a cleric. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [The House of Eyes and Flowers]( [6-Jan-08] News of a dungeon at last! [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 010]( [3-Jan-08] The Old Man from Cape Cod [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Merry Gracemas]( [26-Dec-07] He'll Go Down In History! [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Putting the RP in RPG]( [17-Dec-07] The cat hams it up. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 008]( [17-Dec-07] Three Bots Walk Into A Bar [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Hooked!]( [10-Dec-07] You say you seek Adventure!?! [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 007]( [15-Dec-07] Who Broke The Gongolator? [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 006]( [4-Dec-07] Knock Knock Joke   [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Loot in hand]( [3-Dec-07] Too handy to sell.   [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Introductions, Part 2]( [27-Nov-07] Meet The Cast.   [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 005]( [27-Nov-07] Oh You Churubot! 23 Skidoo! [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Thanks]( [22-Nov-07] Happy Turkey Day!   [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Introductions, Part 1]( [21-Nov-07] Relaxing in a tavern. [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 004]( [21-Nov-07] Robotozoan Rampage [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 003]( [16-Nov-07] BABY!   [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 002]( [16-Nov-07] MAMA!   [![Robot Heaven Comic]( "Robot Heaven Comic")]([Robot Heaven 001]( [16-Nov-07] Liontaur? What Liontaur?! [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Exercise in Bickering]( [11-Nov-07] Too much testosterone. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Finally Five]( [6-Nov-07] Ray feels fed up with foolery and fun. 3.1 [Grace'oween]( [31-Oct-07] A Scarrrrry Story ... that's true! [![assassin]( "assassin")]([Reformed Assassins]( [30-Oct-07] and Invoking Rule Zero. [Save Monster 2]( [28-Oct-07] Race, Feat, and Item options for maxing your saving throws. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Ready, Set ...]( [22-Oct-07] Going into battle [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [The Gang's All Here]( [18-Oct-07] And the house is on fire! [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Inspired]( [18-Oct-07] A poem, a plan, a canal, Pameop! 2.14 [Rollin', Rollin', Rollin']( [14-Oct-07] Dancin' to the jailhouse roll. [Fun Clicks]( [9-Oct-07] Links of divers shapes and sizes. 2.13 [A Rescue for Ecclesiastes]( [8-Oct-07] Time for a lucky break -- jailbreak, that is. 2.12 [What Would Gandalf Do?]( [1-Oct-07] Mark channels his inner istari. [![A Map Made With Excel]( "A Map Made With Excel")]([Excellent Maps]( [29-Sep-07] Ten tips for making battle maps in Microsoft Excel. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Encounter Distance]( [27-Sep-07] Too far to be spotted! [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Untrained Hide Check]( [24-Sep-07] Mark "sneaks" up. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Drawing a Map]( [10-Sep-07] Grace sketches out the rescue plan. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Need a Cleric]( [3-Sep-07] The answer is to multiclass. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Prester and the Plan]( [29-Aug-07] Asking a spiritual advisor for advice. [Save Monster 1]( [25-Aug-07] The right way to multiclass if you want to max your saves. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [All's Fair in Fog of War]( [13-Aug-07] The perfect diversion. [Hit Point Monster]( [10-Aug-07] How to max your hit points. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Planning]( [8-Aug-07] Escape or rescue? Both are in the works. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Think for Yourself]( [30-Jul-07] Ray meets a revolutionary. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Bear for Breakfast]( [16-Jul-07] Maybe worse than starving. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [A Place to Rest]( [9-Jul-07] Mark's fatigue inspires a halt. [Armor 5]( [6-Jul-07] Maxing your AC without using armor. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Disappointed after Dark]( [2-Jul-07] A "rush" to the rescue. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Orders]( [25-Jun-07] The party learns more about Ray's dilemma. [Armor 4]( [21-Jun-07] Using the heaviest of armors *wildshaped!* [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Starving Ray]( [20-Jun-07] In which we meet Hope's brother for the first time. [Armor 3]( [19-Jun-07] Using the heaviest of armors. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Dammit, Jim!]( [18-Jun-07] Cleric? Hope not! [Armor 2]( [15-Jun-07] Maxing your AC with both armor and dexterity. [Armor 1]( [14-Jun-07] Revisiting the stock armor table, with implications. [Survivability]( [12-Jun-07] Starting a series on hit points, armor class, and saves. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [You Bet Your Life]( [11-Jun-07] Grace fights a true Marxist. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Critical Condition]( [4-Jun-07] Hope says a prayer and hits hard. [A Power Gamer's Manifesto]( [31-May-07] In defense of minimaxing. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Spray It, Don't Say It!]( [29-May-07] Mark teaches two so-called "experts" some manners. [Analysis of a Fighter-oriented PrC]( [23-May-07] Plus the Wing Brother prestige class. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Move Actions]( [21-May-07] Hope draws her weapon and stands up -- and that's all! [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Surprise]( [21-May-07] Grace and friends are startled to be surprised. [Odds & Ends]( [15-May-07] Things to do, reader feedback, coming attractions. [![Cat's Grace web comic]( "Cat's Grace web comic")]( [Expert Ambush]( [14-May-07] Wandering minions of the Eastern Bunny sneak up on our heroes. 1.8 [Stepping Out]( [7-May-07] Hope's brother is missing, but a clue is found. 1.7 [Animal Companion]( [30-Apr-07] The second smartest member of Grace's party. 1.6 [Cantrip!]( [23-Apr-07] Is Prester real? Is Grace nuts? Both? [Live Action Wemics]( [20-Apr-07] An interview with two wemic LARPers. 1.5 [Friends Like These]( [16-Apr-07] Grace asks Prester for advice. 1.4 [Dawdlers]( [12-Apr-07] Harnessing the power of the random roll. 1.3 [Dump Stat]( [9-Apr-07] Grace discovers that her new friends are not exactly swift. 1.2 [The Aristocrats!]( [6-Apr-07] The fifth Non-PC Class picks show business over the Glorious Peeple's Revolution. [Review 8: Dragon's Whisper]( [5-Apr-07] A free PDF game world magazine. 1.1 [Mark and the Eastern Bunny]( [2-Apr-07] We meet a new comrade in arms. Many comrades, actually. 0.13 [Inn to Adventure]( [26-Mar-07] Starting out. [Fighting Trickster]( [21-Mar-07] A combat-oriented PrC to illustrate my recent design ideas. 0.12 [Getting the Party Started]( [19-Mar-07] Grace is invited to join a party. 0.11 [Starting Package]( [12-Mar-07] Grace makes a buck and makes a friend. 0.10 [Aura of Courage]( [5-Mar-07] Grace learns that you don't need a class ability to be brave. [Feline Music]( [1-Mar-07] in the latest album from Walker Kong. 0.9 [Gold & Gear]( [26-Feb-07] Good news about starting equipment. [Ducktaur!]( [21-Feb-07] If it walks with four legs and has arms -- or wings -- it's a Taur! 0.8 [Iron Rats]( [19-Feb-07] Free room and board for new adventurers! 0.7 [Illiterate]( [12-Feb-07] Grace explains why liontaurs resist newfangled arts, like writing. [Prestige Class Theory]( [10-Feb-07] Designing fighter-oriented PrCs. 0.6 [Sheet]( [5-Feb-07] Grace proves that she is quite a character. [Tell All]( [2-Feb-07] How to make combat more fun. 0.5 [Listen Check]( [29-Jan-07] Grace hears herself talking out loud, then hears a welcome from afar. [Charge It!]( [25-Jan-07] Maximizing mounted mayhem. 0.4 [Duration: 1 hour]( [22-Jan-07] Prester's time is up. [Liontaur Subraces]( [17-Jan-07] Liontaurs in mountains, savannah, and tundra. 0.3 [+1 on Jump Checks]( [15-Jan-07] Grace channels her inner Neo to make a leap of faith. [Felines beyond Wemics]( [12-Jan-07] A look at other cat-kin in D&D, and which ones make the grade. [Just My Type]( [9-Jan-07] Classifying wemics and liontaurs as humanoids, monstrous humanoids, or both. 0.2 [Character Background]( [8-Jan-07] Grace learns that she is not actually adventuring, yet. 0.1 [Name]( [1-Jan-07] In which we are introduced to our hero. [The Cat-Centaurs of Dragaera]( [26-Dec-06] Wemics in the fiction of Steven Brust. [Break!]( [1-Dec-06] Thoughts on a new Break skill. [New Avenger]( [27-Oct-06] Righter of Wrongs! Seeker of Justice! [![assassin]( "improved assassin")]([Improved Assassin]( [22-Oct-06] Rewarding ten levels in this PrC. [Quick]( [10-Oct-06] Applying Quick Draw to weapons, non-weapons, and weapon-like objects. [Conjure 2]( [27-Sep-06] Using conjured creatures to track for you. [Review 7: Divine Rogues]( [26-Sep-06] Of the Shadowbane Stalker PrC, with improvements. [Divine Trickster]( [20-Sep-06] Two ways to play one. [The Wold]( [14-Sep-06] Needs new players! [Mystic Theurge]( [11-Sep-06] Going both ways. [Design Contest]( [7-Sep-06] Comments on entries in a summer-theme design contest. [SummerKin 2]( [5-Sep-06] A prestige class for the LightBrothers of the SummerKin. [SummerKin 1]( [2-Sep-06] A cult of wemics and humans who worship the sun. [In Their Tiny Hands]( [24-Jun-06] What other gamers think of Shrink Item. [Dainty Dangers]( [22-Jun-06] Caveats and cautions (part 4 of 4). [Pint-size Prankage]( [17-Jun-06] More on Shrink Item: More fun ideas (part 3 of 4). [Mod the Map]( [11-Jun-06] More on Shrink Item: Unshrinking large obstacles (part 2 of 4). [![Bec De Corbin]( "Bec De Corbin")]([Bec De Corbin]( [20-May-06] Names for characters, nostalgia, and a 1E D&D reach weapon for 3.5E. [Shrinky Dinks]( [18-May-06] Getting creative with the Shrink Item spell (part 1 of 4). [Prisoner Dilemma]( [23-Apr-06] What can good PCs do with captured bad guys? [Resurrection]( [16-Apr-06] Breathing life into the blog and into your dead PCs. [Origins 5]( [9-Feb-06] The wemic on King Stephen's coat of arms. [D&D in the News]( [7-Feb-06] Negative (and positive) representations of gamers in the media. [Crit Monster]( [27-Jan-06] How to get the most bang from your critical hit buck. [Bible Reading]( [20-Jan-06] A lion-man in the Bible. [![assassin]( "assassin")]([Assassin of Assassins]( [13-Dec-05] How to beat Uncanny Dodge. [Origins 4]( [29-Nov-05] A hint of wemics in ancient Greek mythology. [Rogue Sniper]( [23-Nov-05] Getting the most out of the hide skill and sneak attack rules. [Collecting]( [16-Nov-05] Bottle caps and wemic links. [Captured!]( [12-Nov-05] Tips for making your escape. [Wemic Wear]( [21-Oct-05] Magic items for liontaurs. [Torture]( [16-Oct-05] in role play games. [Spellspinner]( [9-Oct-05] A spider mage prestige class with its own spell progression. [Greed]( [26-Sep-05] Power inflation in PrCs. [Suicide Potion]( [10-Sep-05] Debunking a bitter pill. [Stross's Law]( [5-Sep-05] Applications and exceptions. [Ranking Metamagic Feats]( [28-Aug-05] Which ones make the grade? [Sweet Sleep]( [21-Aug-05] Weapon and way of life. [The Best D&D Weapon]( [25-Jul-05] That you never heard of. [Wemics on the Web]( [15-Jul-05] Links and more links. [The Violet]( [12-Jul-05] That ate my blog! [Wemics with Class]( [30-Jun-05] Favored classes for wemics. [Not for NPCs only]( [24-Jun-05] Adapting NPC classes for player use. [Scent]( [23-Jun-05] A keener nose in your future? [Review 6]( [17-Jun-05] Pride of Place, by Jason. [Review 4c]( [16-Jun-05] Book of Erotic Fantasy: Chapter Two. [Gaming Links A-Plenty]( [13-Jun-05] Organized and noted. [Review 4b]( [10-Jun-05] Book of Erotic Fantasy: Chapter One. [David C. Sutherland III]( [9-Jun-05] Lion's heart, artist's hands. RIP. [![Ancient Urmahlullu]( "Ancient Urmahlullu")]([Origins 3]( [3-Jun-05] A medieval wemic! [Sex at the Core]( [1-Jun-05] A new Core Story for the Book of Erotic Fantasy. [Cross about Crossbows]( [30-May-05] Ideas for improvement. [Review 5]( [27-May-05] The Magehound by Elaine Cunningham. [Two Blogs]( [25-May-05] Both recommended. [Review 4a]( [23-May-05] Book of Erotic Fantasy: Initial thoughts. [Violet]( [20-May-05] Indulging the blogger's paternal pride. [D&D in the News]( [27-Apr-05] Good news, bad news. [Faster! Faster!]( [25-Apr-05] Maximizing your speed. [Teaser]( [22-Apr-05] Previewing a review. [Dirty Talk]( [20-Apr-05] Part 7 of Sex in D&D. [Sex by the Book]( [18-Apr-05] Part 6 of Sex in D&D. [Chakats]( [15-Apr-05] Part 5 of Sex in D&D. [Cross-Gender Play]( [13-Apr-05] Part 4 of Sex in D&D. [Sex Rules!]( [11-Apr-05] Part 3 of Sex in D&D. [Pride in Sex]( [8-Apr-05] Part 2 of Sex in D&D. [The Romance in RPGs]( [6-Apr-05] Part 1 of Sex in D&D. [Itemsmith]( [4-Apr-05] Making the most of item creation feats. [Review 3]( [1-Apr-05] A review of a 2E wemic bard. [Lame 2]( [30-Mar-05] Another missed post. [Whipped]( [28-Mar-05] The strange ranged melee weapon. [The Bardtaur]( [25-Mar-05] Roles bards play. [Review 2]( [23-Mar-05] Swords into Plowshares. [Conjure 1]( [21-Mar-05] Summoning for Dummies. [The Druidtaur]( [18-Mar-05] Liontaur as a fighting druid. [Lame 1]( [16-Mar-05] Missed post. [Metamagic 1]( [14-Mar-05] Empower vs. maximize. [The Liontaur]( [11-Mar-05] Designed as a one-hit-die player race. [Diplomessy]( [9-Mar-05] Problematic social interaction skills. [The Mentalist]( [7-Mar-05] Brain power for games that shun psionics. [Guest Blogger]( [4-Mar-05] With thanks to Nexx! [Grappling with the Web]( [2-Mar-05] Some relevant links. [The Arcane Tank 4]( [28-Feb-05] Magic items for tanks. [Beastly Wemics]( [25-Feb-05] Reader feedback (part three). [Game Talk]( [23-Feb-05] RPG message boards. [The Arcane Tank 3]( [21-Feb-05] Some tactics. [GNS Wemics]( [19-Feb-05] Reader feedback (part two). [RPG Game Theory]( [16-Feb-05] The Three-Fold Model. [The Arcane Tank 2]( [14-Feb-05] Stats, classes, items, etc. [Questions]( [11-Feb-05] Reader feedback (part one). ["A Bigger Dork"]( [9-Feb-05] Society, Politics, and D&D. [![wizard in armor]( "Arcane Tank")]([The Arcane Tank 1]( [7-Feb-05] Spells to cast in armor. [Review 1b]( [4-Feb-05] Wemic Camp (part two). [Quizzes]( [2-Feb-05] D&D Web toys. [The Arcane Rogue 3]( [31-Jan-05] Spells and skills. [Review 1a]( [28-Jan-05] Wemic Camp (part one). [Play Nice]( [26-Jan-05] Game etiquette. [The Arcane Rogue 2]( [24-Jan-05] Sneak attacks. [Liontaurs vs. Wemics]( [21-Jan-05] What's in a name? [![Lego Wemic]( "Lego Wemic")]([Random RPG Tools]( [19-Jan-05] Map generators, NPC creators, dice rollers, more. [The Arcane Rogue 1]( [17-Jan-05] Familiars. [The Father of Modern Wemics]( [14-Jan-05] David C. Sutherland III. [Blogging manifesto]( [12-Jan-05] Links to other blogs; thoughts on my own. [Two-Weapon Fighting]( [10-Jan-05] New options under 3.5. [Liontaur Lingo]( [7-Jan-05] Feline accents and languages. [Fantastic Words]( [5-Jan-05] Languages and names. [The Fighting Druid 3]( [3-Jan-05] Wildshape strategies. [Wemics in Neverwinter Nights]( [31-Dec-04] With a screen grab! [Two Play-By-Post Voices]( [29-Dec-04] from The Wold and Tazlure. [The Fighting Druid 2]( [27-Dec-04] Missile strategies. [Happy Holidays!]( [24-Dec-04] With grateful thanks to Bernard Doove. [Online RPGs]( [22-Dec-04] Kinds and links. [The Fighting Druid 1]( [20-Dec-04] Melee strategies. [Wemic Origins 2]( [17-Dec-04] With photos! [More Comics]( [15-Dec-04] Some of the stuff I missed the first time around. [The Olde Tyme Bard]( [13-Dec-04] The very first prestige class ever. [Sized Up]( [10-Dec-04] Game balance issues for large PCs. [Sonnets]( [8-Dec-04] Getting the rhythm right with your new rule. [The Fighting Bard]( [6-Dec-04] Fightin' and singin'. [Just in Size]( [3-Dec-04] Thoughts on height, weight, age. [Re-Charge It!]( [1-Dec-04] Plus the Wandslinger. [The Multiclassed Bard]( [29-Nov-04] How to mix ... and **not** to! [Great Minds Think Alike]( [26-Nov-04] Monte and me, that is! [Wemic Origins 1]( [24-Nov-04] Lion-centaurs in ancient Assyrian art. [The Bardic Caster 2]( [22-Nov-04] Wizard vs. Bard. [RPG Web Comics]( [19-Nov-04] A round up. [The Bardic Caster 1]( [17-Nov-04] Selecting spells. [Two Legs Good!]( [15-Nov-04] The Lionet: a two-legged leonine PC race.
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Where has their spirit gone?'; amjqts[20]="I don't want physical riches, just the opportunity to explore the miracle of my being with the wonderful tool of consciousness."; amjqts[21]="When you don't feel right, blame yourselves, not other people."; amjqts[22]="Soon, we'll all be in money prison."; amjqts[23]='Clothes - These are just bits of cloth used to keep us warm.'; amjqts[24]='Money - These are just bits of paper and metal.'; amjqts[25]='Bank balance - This is just an arbitrary number.'; amjqts[26]='Would it be fair for North Korea to bomb London because Britain has germ warfare or nuclear weapons?'; amjqts[27]='The planet is permanently gorgeous, not just glorious in sunlight, as the media would have you believe.'; amjqts[28]='Perhaps this is why most people prefer to remain asleep, and resent any attempts to wake them up, in case it induces change.'; amjqts[29]='We may not even resemble anything like the image caused by light bouncing off us, to other life forms.'; amjqts[30]='Only young children seem to have any interest in new approaches and attitudes to old situations.'; amjqts[31]="A factory could produce a car or light bulb that lasts forever, but this doesn't make business thrive."; amjqts[32]='The fight between good and evil boils down to the struggle between common sense with long-term benefits, and brutality with short-term benefits.'; amjqts[33]='It is a deliberate ploy that, globally, governments allow citizens to consume alcohol, but not pot.'; amjqts[34]='It seems to me that apes are more enlightened than humans.'; amjqts[35]="Countries are inventions of man's mind."; amjqts[36]='People who turn a blind eye to violence, condone it.'; amjqts[37]='I predict the fall of man through genetic tampering.'; amjqts[38]='The beauty of this planet is all too often mistaken as man-made.'; amjqts[39]="Britain's folly was when it stopped reading books, and started reading minds."; amjqts[40]='I rue the "quick-fade" attitude of society.'; amjqts[41]='There we are then, everyone is smug with their own level of distrust and resulting violence.'; amjqts[42]='Too much comfort will kill us all.'; amjqts[43]='The process of being alive is tant amount to remaining buoyant in a sea of space and time.'; amjqts[44]='There is too much premature superciliousness.'; amjqts[45]='Intelligence is not rewarded or respected.'; amjqts[46]='Indoctrinated pagan, religious and scientific laws keep people stupid and inert.'; amjqts[47]='Mind creates reality through interpretation of perception.'; amjqts[48]="He is expecting security-reassuring repeatable ideas, but with quantum chemistry occurring in everyone's heads, nothing could be regarded as repeatable."; amjqts[49]='Science is a trap, not a law.'; amjqts[50]='With a more sensitive, mystical, intuitive and spiritual aspect to upbringing, people would be a lot happier than they are now with this mocked up illusion of helplessness in cold scientific "reality".'; amjqts[51]='Wisdom, sensitivity and curiosity should increase with age, not atrophy and wither into bitterness.'; amjqts[52]='Name any other species that attempts to limit the thoughts of its members to a scientifically explainable subset of all possibilities.'; amjqts[53]='Part of the admission procedure is "Think like us now, or get out!".'; amjqts[54]='Anarchy is a state of being where all efforts to peaceful co-existence are fully taken on-board.'; amjqts[55]='In an anarchistic society, intelligence and wisdom are the measure of a man, not the amount of money he has.'; amjqts[56]='And designs that are thought out, not rushed out.'; amjqts[57]='Knowledge that comes from prolonged peace is the most valuable you can get, but the plunderers simply burnt it all down. This is still happening today...'; amjqts[58]="Instead of crowding credulous, disillusioned sheeple into unhappy lives in sprawling cities, and covering the verdant, lush surface of this gorgeous orb with dull, grey, inanimate concrete and roads..."; amjqts[59]='For example, no one now born, is going to change the 7-day week structured existence we currently rue.'; amjqts[60]='Nowadays, there are no more peaceful populaces, just the standardised capitalism under the guise of "freedom", or some brutal dictatorship.'; amjqts[61]='If objections are raised, they are reported as a threat to the security provided by society, rather than alternatives to be seriously considered.'; amjqts[62]='It is better to spend time and money to get the best technically achievable, than to bodge a fix for the sake of profit margins.'; amjqts[63]="The majority view is that reality is rubbish, but, as long as you can laugh about it, the situation doesn't matter."; amjqts[64]='This short-sighted mode of human operation is so pervasive as to be self-perpetuating.'; amjqts[65]='This makes for a shallow and violent society where no one feels their true worth, and everyone is constantly seeking some salve for the feeling that they are no different to anyone else.'; amjqts[66]='Western civilisation perpetuates the isolatory existence of masses in the cities.'; amjqts[67]='Either we are the very first conscious life form in the universe, or, more likely, there are others that are conscious too.'; amjqts[68]='Not everything that is knowable, is provable.'; amjqts[69]="Let's go down - and join the expanding populace of shrinking minds."; amjqts[70]="I'm not saying that these bad things shouldn't exist, just that they should be harder to attain."; amjqts[71]="People in the Western world are becoming zombies - there are no longer intellectual debates going on in the shopping malls, and TV and pubs have ruined people's imaginations."; amjqts[72]="If nanobots ever became so common-place as to leak into the atmosphere, then no one could escape their inhalation."; amjqts[73]="Many times have I seen the face that throws logic and common sense to the wind, because of alterior motives."; amjqts[74]="If they're so sure of it all, why the fear and retribution?"; amjqts[75]="We are convinced that something is out there that is separate from our own minds' creation of what's out there, when what's out there will always be a reflection of our biochemistry."; amjqts[76]="After all, the fantastic and realistic realms one enters when lying flat on a bed, surely show us how far we could go without perceptual restraints on all the time."; amjqts[77]="Imagination is usually suppressed in favour of TV, alcohol, and consumerism."; amjqts[78]="<B>Live and let live</B> doesn't mean <B>live</B> it up <B>and let</B> the rest <B>live</B> in squalor."; amjqts[79]="And with the masses conditioned to accept nothing short of total security, you can be assured the thought-streams that are the most popular and acceptable to those in power, are also the most crass and stultified."; amjqts[80]="It takes confidence, intelligence and strength to overthrow what exists, and that is something the establishment do not want engendered in the populaces it currently controls - it deliberately keeps the masses short of their full potential physically, mentally and spiritually."; amjqts[81]="Governments' thinking is that the greater the technological advancement and population size, the greater the need for imposed order."; amjqts[82]="We should be wild in the mind, but considered in action. Humans are the opposite."; amjqts[83]="It is the politicians who are angling for a scrap, not the people they are supposed to represent."; amjqts[84]="Any education system that teaches its students nothing about compassion, and everything about competition, is psychologically damaging those students."; amjqts[85]="When shown how society has conditioned them to habitually sell themselves short of their true capabilities, the usual response is anger, not curiosity. When shown alternative philosophies that demonstrate greater freedom of mind and spirit, they resort to disbelief followed by aggression every single time. The 'in a rut' style of belief structure is in everyone globally, and nobody wants to know any different, even though they're depressed by how unimportant it makes them feel."; amjqts[86]="Most people seem to exist in a state that is constantly backed down from a seemingly insurmountable obstacle to total fulfilment. They think that no one can be truly happy in this society unless they have tons of money, and they refuse to see the fact that those with lots of money are not happy either."; amjqts[87]="The 'average Joe' has no say in important decisions. A million UK citizens said 'No' to war with Iraq, and they were completely ignored, but are still expected to foot the bill through taxes on their wages. Now, soldiers and civilians alike will suffer ill health from the extensive use of depleted uranium."; amjqts[88]="Most people are selfish 'grabbers', with no thought for the future consequences on the environment or the people around them (even their own families!). Give them an inch and they'll take a mile, even if it kills them. They are short-sighted, shallow, hedonistic idiots."; amjqts[89]="Most people know love is good, but are too scared of emotional highs to show any. This is because, whenever they get high, people come down on them like a ton of bricks, since they have stepped outside of the normal parameters allowed for human existence by the powers that be."; amjqts[90]="If only they could realise that security is an illusion, and that, for example, weapons are more of a threat to existence than, say, no weapons. If only they could see that society is structured in such a way as to give the average person a low level of general health and well-being, so as to minimise any threat from that person on the power hierarchy that is in place."; amjqts[91]="If the unitive and the procreative aspects of sex are not separated, the depopulation of the West will be prevented, the integrity of marriage will be ensured, and it will halt the slippery slope of biological madness that separates procreation from sex, i.e. cloning."; amjqts[92]="For that product to contend it is made 'in the image of God' whereas other species aren't, is willful ignorance. With the 'kind and dynamic' laws of physics in place, all life in the universe is 'made in the image of God'!"; amjqts[93]="It would be better to make a better, longer-lasting and more stimulating environment for healthy human beings to share their lives in; not the poisonous, grey concrete jungles we are all forcibly herded into under the 'free' choice of work or starve, and where money becomes your goal, not natural, spiritual fulfilment."; amjqts[94]="Humans seem to be designed for love, sometimes at the cost of a safer survival blueprint, because love, benevolence, and compassion parallel the feelings of the energy of the very atoms that make everything up."; amjqts[95]="Don't fool yourself into thinking that the governments' puppeteers have respect for human life; anything you get from the media is just lip service in the light of the bigger picture."; amjqts[96]="It shouldn't have to be such that all species of life are ultimately mere vassals to corporate society's unnatural and perverted money-making whims."; amjqts[97]="We are free spirits, and our bodies mere vessels to return to after a good trip 'out there'. We can enter other bodies, experience their feelings and thoughts, and perceive through their senses."; amjqts[98]="This pointless process has now got us to the point where we are so afraid of each other's intentions, we are inventing new ways to murder and maim each other using the latest technology, rather than freeing ourselves from the burden of work with new discoveries in science."; amjqts[99]="Mind creates what appears to be reality through interpretation of perception. The way the mind interprets is key to what 'reality' is perceived."; amjqts[100]="The thought frameworks that are currently commonly educated, cause extremely blinkered ways of thinking, and introduction to new ideas is usually met with anger, rebuke and urgent pleas for proof, rather than curiosity, trust and change."; amjqts[101]="All this, simply because we are convinced that something is out there that is separate from our own minds' creation of what's out there, when what's out there will always be a reflection of our biochemistry. We are frantically scrabbling to see the creation of our own stretching minds!"; amjqts[102]="Variety of thought patterns should be regarded as a treasure trove, not a threat. The streamlining of all thought patterns into one single scientific set, is what has made people bored and fed up with their lots."; amjqts[103]="There are natural flora and fauna which can rid you of all known opinion structures, and leave you to experience what is actual in real-time, rather than consciously-appraised time!"; amjqts[104]="Currently, we believe a car is more likely to please us than regular philosophical discussion with like-minded individuals."; amjqts[105]="We should look to construct societies that breath and adapt to the changing ways of humans in their spiritual adventures on this planet, not stick to dogmatic, fiscally-governed principles because no one else dares to think of anything better."; amjqts[106]="A glance back at the history books reassures us that it is better to spend time and money to get the best technically achievable, than to bodge a fix for the sake of profit margins."; amjqts[107]="Everywhere in the world we are justifying murder as a means to a righteous end, which in itself is unprecedented. Before, evil was recognized to be evil, murder was recognized to be murder, but now murder is a means to achieve a noble result."; amjqts[108]="Democracy is two-faced in that, whilst they defend the rights of innocent civilians around the world, they research, manufacture and sell arms to the oppressors."; amjqts[109]="We are forced to live in a form of controlled nervous tic."; amjqts[110]="Paradise is for the blessed, not the sex-obsessed."; amjqts[111]="Stupid man's philosophy : 'If you can't perceive it properly, become it'."; amjqts[112]="Everything we experience or theorize is just a manifestation of the nervous system's biochemistry. Because the modern-day system doesn't work naturally, we have to poison our bodies' biochemistry in order to give it the semblance of coherence."; amjqts[113]="When CDs ousted vinyl and musical retail outlets became more streamlined in the name of commercial efficiency and business sense, what was available for mass-listening could more easily be centrally controlled."; amjqts[114]="Don't let your nervous system become a seething mass of neurotic misconceptions instilled by your experiences growing up through the quagmire of government-controlled stage-shows."; amjqts[115]="Typical person, wake up! Break out of that Duracell battery pod 'The Matrix' placed you in. You're living in a dream world if you think the government is a benevolent force there only for the greater good."; amjqts[116]="We do not realise (or are supposed to realise) that we are far more complicated than any science founded on our senses could possibly describe."; amjqts[117]="The 'society preservers' get called out to listen to some seer proclaiming all good common sense. They see him as someone making a noise at them, and then going away. Well, this isn't going away."; amjqts[118]="If a brain is fed the same stuff, it will grow the same way. We need diversification of input in order to quench the need for individuality."; amjqts[119]="Express yourselves when you feel like it. People are more forgiving than your paranoia will allow you to believe."; amjqts[120]="Take a look at reality. Only sick minds dwell there."; amjqts[121]="Perhaps some higher form of intelligence is doing experiments on planets throughout this universe, trying to evolve the most intelligent or advanced civilization, for their own entertainment's sake."; amjqts[122]="Countries are inventions of man's mind. Aliens must think us mad as they watch us produce a passport each time we cross one of these imaginary lines. We have one world and this should be our country."; amjqts[123]="There is too much awe, beauty and wonder in this universe to go around trying to logically explain every phenomenon we experience."; amjqts[124]="This is how humans work. They think things like 'If you're not blindly with us, you're a threat'."; amjqts[125]="Television appears to me to be a situation generator based around common reality, and a set of actors demonstrating 'normal' interpretations of response in these situations."; amjqts[126]="The fight between good and evil boils down to the struggle between common sense with long-term benefits, and brutality with short-term benefits. History shows that brutality always prevails. It also shows that using brutality to fight brutality results in more brutality. When are we ever going to learn?"; amjqts[127]="Capitalism produces goods just well enough, that their lifespan is governed by market forces. A factory could produce a car or light bulb that lasts forever, but this doesn't make business thrive."; amjqts[128]="We are living in a society of mind-controlled, heavily conditioned morons, who cannot think for themselves, have lost the ability to use their imaginations, cannot have philosophical discussions of any sort, and can only consume more and more of whatever is deemed 'the in thing' by the mass media."; amjqts[129]="Most of what you eat nowadays is genetically modified, pre-processed and full of chemical additives, the long-term effects of which have not yet been ascertained. We are the guinea pigs."; amjqts[130]="Frantic sport observers are the biggest joke in society. If this is the common goal for man's lifetime spiritual attainment, then there is no hope for mankind."; amjqts[131]="When looked at logically, you cannot expect to attain happiness by being selfish and brutal. Your conscience would not allow that to happen."; amjqts[132]="Intricate interwoven understanding of nature's beauty at levels well beyond the labelling mechanics of language. The eternal hope springs that bubble through the facade of social image anxiety, when someone makes an intelligent and creative observation."; amjqts[133]="Human beings are the only creatures on this planet who are born into captivity. They have to accept the principles of money, education, science, social etiquette, sexual repression, and structured existence (9 to 5 jobs and the 7-day week - I mean, where did they get 7 from?"; amjqts[134]="Every Saturday the deceived masses file into the shopping complexes, the department stores and the burger bars; the materialist playgrounds of the modern age. As I study these people they seem to resemble a scene from a macabre pilgrimage, where the high priests of the retail trade receive millions and millions of pounds in return for a hollow communion of plastic, pleasure and polystyrene."; amjqts[135]="Consciousness literally means 'knowing together', not disparate brains whose only links to each other are discrete and arbitrary vocalizations. Wise up people. Stop running away, and start feeling and understanding it."; amjqts[136]="I don't want physical riches, just the opportunity to explore the miracle of my being with the wonderful tool of consciousness."; amjqts[137]="The solution is to trust each other and live openly and naturally, not mistrust each other and live fearfully in mental and physical cages."; amjqts[138]="The populaces of the world are becoming increasingly stricken with what I term 'empty head syndrome'. This consists of the interpretationless monitoring of one's own senses. What is worrying is the increasing amount of time people spend doing this."; amjqts[139]="Most people are slow to gain a smile and quick to lose one. The ancient art of 'saving face' is the constant new fashion. Whatever happened to the lasting beam?"; amjqts[140]="The wise and open-minded should be elevated to the positions of chief directors, educators and judges, not those who are rich through brutality, bloodlines and a knack for obfuscation."; amjqts[141]="For people who say 'Society isn't perfect, but it's the only solution we've got until something better comes along...', my reply is, 'How can anything better come along if the structure of this society is so as to deny anything that could change it for the better?'"; amjqts[142]="Why do humans insist on putting themselves in the position where all they've got to do to alleviate the boredom is somehow cause themselves pleasure? Brainless fucking morons."; amjqts[143]="I'm not sure what will happen as regards money, but serving ourselves and our loved ones has got to be better than to grudgingly spend one's life serving a number, just because everyone else does!"; amjqts[144]="It is perhaps no coincidence that great parallels can be drawn between Catholic ceremony and Satanic ritual. Both feast on the bodies of sacrifices and their blood. The smoky atmosphere of a fire-lit demonic rite and the incense-laden halls of worship."; amjqts[145]="Human beings' main problem is their constant self-deception into thinking that they are more than a mammal on the surface of a planet, and that if they don't smell of the products the invisible dominators want them to smell of, then they will suffer ostracism."; amjqts[146]="Society tends to produce docile creatures with vicious minds."; amjqts[147]="After social or business intercourse with friends or colleagues, the average citizen always mentally assesses his own performance, frantically scrabbling for theories to bolster his ego. Alcohol is often used as a vehicle of escape from this persistent daily mode of behaviour."; amjqts[148]="Understanding of other people which is immediately assessed for manipulation potential, is always more shallow than understanding which is done on the basis of sympathy and love."; amjqts[149]="Perhaps, because Westerners have hoarded all the wealth of the earth over to their side of the world, they expect everyone living in this brutally-created luxury to be smiling and glad. Those who choose melancholy are regarded as ungrateful threats to their unfair system."; amjqts[150]="Imagination is usually suppressed in favour of TV, alcohol, and consumerism."; amjqts[151]="Hopi Prophecy : 'Near the Day of Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky.' Now look at the chemtrails in the normally clear blue skies."; amjqts[152]="The more thick-skinned and ignorant you are of other people's thoughts, the more you are admired and revered. This is typical of the madness of modern society, where common sense tells you what ought to be true, when the complete opposite is the social reality."; amjqts[153]="It's always the Yanks and the Brits selling arms to poorer countries (the perpetrators' intentions to acquire more money with high lending rates to these countries) and then going in with troops, because they are now deemed 'dangerous' or a 'threat'. I suppose you've gotta laugh."; amjqts[154]="To listen to the media about cannabis, you would think it was one of the few plants that God must have made wrong, because, in the 21st century, it is being tested for in US offices, and, despite no solid evidence to indicate any harm from cannabis, it is stigmatized in every country in the world."; amjqts[155]="The majority of sheeple would rather have brutal force hanging over their heads, than compassionate interest, because they 'think' it makes them feel safer - basically (more) 'violence' equals (more) 'safety'. Now that's what I call 'deluded'."; amjqts[156]="We have a situation in most democratic societies around the world where, appearance is more important than content."; amjqts[157]="What gets me is that Satanism is not exactly a popular recreational activity, so how come all of our elected representatives are somehow connected to it?"; amjqts[158]="On any given late night or weekend, count the proportion of alcohol-related accidents to sober ones. Look at what alcohol does to the delicate emotional fabric of family units. Look at how it is portrayed in the media - the liquid of celebration (not hangovers), the safest form of recreational drug use (they have got to be joking), and, globally, the only legal drug apart from nicotine. I want a choice."; amjqts[159]="Humans are the only species that will murder members of their own species, because of handed-down ideas in their heads."; amjqts[160]="It is already a piss-poor world when someone has already chopped your life up into 7-day cycles, like it or lump it. You have to gear your life to the acquisition of money, or starve to death. Your soul's natural ethics have to be put aside in order to continue to survive."; amjqts[161]="Question. Who set the agenda for moral and ethical debating issues in this society? Answer. Politicians. Question. Who usually have the lowest moral and ethical standards in this society? Answer. Politicians."; amjqts[162]="They could deflect all their current defence spending into building a technopolis-type infrastructure, employing the best brains in the world through the internet, and end up creating something their children's children would be proud to inherit and live in."; amjqts[163]="All members of the Order Cetacea (includes all whales, toothed and those using baleen) are believed to have evolved from terrestrial hoofed mammals like cows, camels and sheep some 45 million years ago. Human society and development must be just a 'flash in the pan' to them."; amjqts[164]="The modern world runs counter to good survival techniques for the species, despite providing short-sighted security for the individual."; amjqts[165]="They quickly scrabble around for a way to condone spending more money on building and selling 'defence' equipment around the world, and the cockamamie theories they come up with make me laugh. None of them can answer the simple point that we already have enough nukes in each developed country to blow any threat up now, so why do we need to continue spending trillions of dollars on finding more ways to kill people?"; amjqts[166]="The religion-instilled flock-like nature of the masses, means an easy time to be had by anyone in power, no matter how hard they abuse the 'system'. It's really clever, and governments all around the world have been doing it for hundreds of years."; amjqts[167]="The problem all scientists have is simple. They erroneously believe that the space-time continuum is controlled by physical laws alone, and has no will or consciousness of its own. Well, it has, and we have its."; amjqts[168]="Jeez, our leaders engage in mock throat-slitting and filling coffins with Nazi memorabilia. I certainly wouldn't want them as my neighbours, babysitters or anything else, thank you very much, let alone as someone who controls nuclear detonators. I'm talking Blair and Bush here."; amjqts[169]="Free activities like walking, running, jogging and swimming may be enjoyable, but they still leave that nagging feeling that you haven't satisfied some corporate's greed."; amjqts[170]="Apes are probably laughing at our ridiculous primness about nudity!"; amjqts[171]="Cannabis has had a bad press since the 1930's, when the oil, cotton, and paper industries decided it would harm their profits, if its global and traditional usage were allowed to continue. It is now outlawed in every country - even places like Morocco, where tradition dictates an afternoon hookah pipe for most males, as has been customary practice for thousands of years!"; amjqts[172]="Those who argue that cannabis consumption is the first step to the rocky world of harder drugs, are, in effect, comparing a post-prandial sherry as the slippery slope towards piss-soaked trousers in a tramp's drunken haze under Brooklyn bridge!"; amjqts[173]="Mankind's problem can now be more readily summarised - he's too lazy to try to think for himself, and the people he let's do the thinking for him, are the least appropriate. If intelligence had 'ruled the roost' in the formation of this society, hemp would be central to everything - not oil and pharmaceuticals."; amjqts[174]="Why are you so concerned about what 'other people' think about you? It's not that important, and you should be living your own life, not the life that 'other people' think you should be living. You'll realise this fully, when you're on your death-bed, by which time, it's too late fool."; amjqts[175]="When someone lies, you can tell by the sentence construction. It is pitted with hesitation and distraction. If the discourse is not flowing smoothly, they are lying to you. It is that simple. Check out any politician's speech - it's worse than a stammerer with Tourette's syndrome!"; amjqts[176]="When it comes down to abortion, the majority of humans are misguided. Just where is this invisible line in 'age' when a bunch of cells becomes an inviolable human being? According to the man in the street, only when its head has popped out of the womb. Let's just accept the miracle of life, which starts when sperm meets egg."; amjqts[177]="Will we all kill each other off because of what we remember about each other, or will the idea of killing in the name of some thought or other, die out, since intelligence will stamp it out? We cannot remain this stupid for this long - can we?"; amjqts[178]="The human world is the way it is because of its propensity towards feelings-based decision-making. It could be improved if decisions were intelligence-based instead."; amjqts[179]="How come so few members of a species so intelligent, can see our lives from a planet orbit perspective? For example, am I the only one to see that, when it is New Year, the homo sapiens species is a joke - as the ball of rock called Earth reaches a certain point in its journey around the sun, all members of this species go mad for a few hours, because tradition dictates it!"; amjqts[180]="As soon as you adopt any belief structure, you are on the rocky road to bigotry. Ideas are not reality. Beliefs about the way reality works should not be set in stone. If there is no room for fundamental change in a belief structure (like in science), then that is the start of opinion and the end of accurate description."; amjqts[181]="We (the electorate) have not pushed democracy to where we want it. It has been shaped for us by hundreds of years of traditional lunacy by those already in power."; amjqts[182]="Nowadays, if someone can ignore horrific ideas, be indifferent to corruption and scandal at the highest levels, and turn a blind eye to violence if it's 'in a good cause', they are socially acceptable and not otherwise. If they can't, then they must be a 'subversive' or a 'dangerous liberal'. Sorry, but we just think you're ignorant - dangerously ignorant!"; amjqts[183]="Those with the attitude 'But there's nothing we can do about it anyway, so what's the point?' cannot possibly believe that they live in a democracy. They must somehow accept a mild form of fascism as their government, if they believe there is nothing they could do about their state of affairs."; amjqts[184]="Stop trying to explain everything. Live a little instead of analysing others living."; amjqts[185]="If your religion requires you to use objects outside of your body, in order to accomplish your religious worship, then you are dangerously deluded. Religion is internal, and when it is externalized, it becomes bigotry and indoctrination."; amjqts[186]="We are all hairless apes on a ball of rock in space. I am, and so is the queen, and Tony Blair and your boss and anyone else. At that level we are all equal. Make sure you know this one at all times, but especially when the stress levels seem to be rising."; amjqts[187]="As a species with directed consciousness, we are physically, emotionally, and spiritually, very powerful. We must have a lot more respect for the repercussions of our actions. Noting this, we should also be able to forgive quickly and easily, where others may overstep the mark."; amjqts[188]="When we stop taking our consciousness so seriously, and stop believing us to be unique in the universe in having it (just look at other species on our own planet to see!), then we might start making some progress. In the meantime, we have to live in a crass, stultified society where the majority are happy to spend their existences scrabbling around for reasons to justify their indoctrinated evil intentions."; amjqts[189]="When countries are correctly perceived as man-made divisions of man from man, we'll all be better off for it. One world, one species - that's the way I see it."; amjqts[190]="We have to re-educate ourselves and our children to use compassion rather than competition, and to live in small communities rather than sprawling massive cities. We either ease back on the course we are heading down, or we end up in a cheapskate technopolis where governments are only concerned about your identity and consumer habits."; amjqts[191]="An easier way to stamp out the small arms trade is to stop all manufacture of them. Tear down the gun factories. If I was working in a weapons factory, I would rather leave and starve for a bit, than manufacture anonymous death. Again, people's stupidity and short-sightedness means they perceive the problem, but cannot see the obvious way to prevent it occurring."; amjqts[192]="Patriotism, religion, tradition and political/corporate alliance are the vehicles they use to fool us passive, peace-loving, family-orientated apes into fighting each other. Take a good look at yourself physiologically - we are sensitive, tender, and gentle in the flesh - not exactly a rhino - so why do we go round maintaining that we are 'so hard'?"; amjqts[193]="I believe it is the government's responsibility to educate the voters with enough moral understanding and scientific knowledge, that they can form balanced, and well-founded opinions and conclusions about circumstances. They are woefully failing in that duty globally, as evidenced by people's widespread propensity to base opinion on emotions rather than facts."; amjqts[194]="The majority of human beings on this planet are illiterate, innumerate slobs with no regard for 'truth' at all. They expect society to give them a life, and expect their 'truth' to be delivered through the mass media."; amjqts[195]="People are so used to swallowing lies, they even excuse politicians' life-taking indiscretions as 'normal behaviour for a politician'!"; amjqts[196]="It should be obvious that, as soon as we opened the atom, and found nothing 'solid' therein coupled with observation changing the observed at this level, that everything is an illusion created by consciousness."; amjqts[197]="I am beginning to notice how the people who are the most insistent on sanity or normality, are precisely the ones who look the most mad!"; amjqts[198]="We've been mollycoddled for so long, we fear losing the comforts to which we've become accustomed. This state of fear becomes pervasive, especially in Western civilisations. A kind of friendly paranoia, rather than friendliness. Belligerence and luxury have cost us dearly. We are sorry for our forebears."; amjqts[199]="God made us in the form we are, so why is nudity such an affront to people's sensibilities globally? Apart from sexual obsession to the point of insanity, human nudity should be considered in exactly the same light as animal nudity - totally natural."; amjqts[200]="If everyone had independence of thought and a modicum of active imagination, then dangerous mass opinion and emotion would be things of the past. Whenever I see massive groups of people all looking for someone to show them the way, I cringe."; amjqts[201]="Since nearly everyone only does things for society if they are paid to do so, and then only begrudgingly and poorly, the world never improves and the same old problems persist."; amjqts[202]="Anachronism is causing human schism in the modern world - again! We all need to abandon traditions and customs, and start to live an ideologically dynamic lifestyle, where your beliefs from birth to death, are in constant flux."; amjqts[203]="All our major political figures, regardless of political party allegiance, are vetted at Bilderberger conferences by big business leaders. After such 'private' events, the corporate bigwigs turn the cogs necessary to make sure their business interests are politically protected. It's time for all this to stop. I am fed up of paying some evil bastards tax money, so that they can continue to hang nuclear arsenals above our grandchildren's heads, because some corporate bigwig wants to make some money out of human death."; amjqts[204]="Drug attitudes have changed from reasonably mature, to the current mad stigmatization, but alcohol is not a drug, according to its modern media image. There are 'Say No' campaigns for everything but booze. Just the occasional 'Drink Aware' or 'Use Moderation' messages in small print at the end of adverts for the drug. And they always say, 'high on drink and drugs', as if to separate them."; amjqts[205]="By the way, have you noticed how natural drugs like maryjane and mushies are non-addictive and aid creativity, whereas man-made drugs seem to promote death and destruction. Now, there's a hint!"; amjqts[206]="As for entertainment, what I can't understand is why are we constantly served up a concoction of murderers who are proclaimed heroes because of who they kill. Jeez! Even in Disney films."; amjqts[207]="People have ridiculous beliefs that sound like fairy tales at times, rather than belief systems that make good frameworks for living realistically and fairly."; amjqts[208]="Since we humans do not have the most intelligent brains on the planet (whales and dolphins have that privilege), we must assume our purpose involves something to do with our physically superior status, in terms of handling the environment called Earth."; amjqts[209]="In Singapore, you cannot even smoke in the streets, but kids still get asthma from the traffic."; amjqts[210]="Modern Western society conditions its inhabitants to be totally sexually obsessed, not with sex to procreate, but with sex for fun and thrills with no children produced. This makes for a very shallow social worth instilled into everyone, since this 'childless sex' is the pinnacle of their experience."; amjqts[211]="A global dictatorship is afoot whereby we all have a shallow common denominator called the food we eat and the entertainment we 'enjoy', dictated to us by people with far more money than sense or morals. This food and brain input keeps us dumbed down so we cannot muster a fitting rebellion."; amjqts[212]="The corporations target their merchandise specifically at our senses (hearing, sight, sensation, taste and smell) rather than at human beings with God-given morality and spirituality. In that way, they are trying to engineer us as simply experiential creatures with no insight or spirituality. That way, we make good customers."; amjqts[213]="Sure, pleasure guides us to do what is usually good for life, but as a hollow pursuit, it leads to dissatisfaction and emptiness."; amjqts[214]="Nowhere does the curriculum mention the true purpose of sexual relations - TO PROCREATE! PSHE is warped, since it tries to navigate the minefield of relationships brought about by previous generations' use of sex for pleasure and companionship through the use of contraceptives."; amjqts[215]="With kind and dynamic laws of physics in place, the universe is conscious, and universal consciousness is everything's reality."; amjqts[216]="Throughout all the past 2 millennia, a system has been built which initially rode on the shoulders of idiots lucky enough to be born into the right bloodlines. These bastards discovered that the more brutal and uncaring they were for the masses, the more secure their position of power would become."; amjqts[217]="NEVER BECOME A SOLDIER, SAILOR, FIGHTER OR BOMBER PILOT, POLICEMAN, SECURITY GUARD, OR WORK IN THE ARMS INDUSTRY. NEVER!!! Any job which entails you possibly hurting someone for safeguarding someone else's wealth or ideologies, is a BAD JOB - RESIGN IMMEDIATELY."; amjqts[218]="The voters are treated like naughty school-children, who can change their headmaster every 4 years. It is totally ridiculous."; amjqts[219]="Currently, the majority of adult humans on this planet believe they are not taking drugs on a regular basis. Mention alcohol, and it is more often than not, thought of as a foodstuff. This is wrong in so many ways, especially when you consider the deleterious effects of alcohol on health, behaviour, and moral fabric : they all seem to break down under its influence."; amjqts[220]="People claiming to have been spoken to by 'God', or claim to be doing something in honour of 'God', are severely deluded, dangerously stupid, and to be avoided for anything important at all. And what about 'God of God' and so on? We are baldy apes on a ball of rock in space. How are we ever going to know anything about entities capable of manufacturing universes, let alone our brains with which we are trying to encapsulate the creator(s)?"; amjqts[221]="These 'people in power' have abrogated their responsibilities and have seen fit to ransack natural resources for short-term gain, at the expense of those who appointed them, and the ecological guardianship they were supposed to be upholding."; amjqts[222]="The problem itself - the existence of 'leaders'. Anyone who wants to lead millions of humans must be mad and probably evil!"; amjqts[223]="A culture which has some people performing home surgery on their girls, because they believe girls should not experience pleasure from sexual activities, is a culture that is deeply flawed, IMHO."; amjqts[224]="In the 21st century, citizens should not have to explain the recreational substances they choose to take, to officers upholding a sketchy law drawn up for safeguarding corporate profits, rather than for 'minimising harm'."; amjqts[225]="To me, it seems like 9-11 was the US government (or whoever is behind that corporation) demonstrating some new directed energy weaponry on some concrete and steel. Basically, letting the invitees know that the USA can vaporise any missile shot at them, before it could get anywhere near."; amjqts[226]="Eventually, humans will realise that nobody is supposed to be in charge! Leaders are idiots! Stop looking for new ones!"; amjqts[227]="Mr. Rothschild, with $100 trillion, says, &quot;If everyone woke up, put aside their guns and bitter memories, then we couldn't profit from their misery. Let's hope they stay deluded.&quot;"; amjqts[228]="LSD has been shown to allow the user to reset and re-invent the neuronal pathways that signals in the brain flow through, and thereby really does free the mind properly, back to its naturally evolved state, and not some tradition-based model."; amjqts[229]="There is definitely (and provably, much to the consternation of mainstream science) an interaction between reality and consciousness at a fundamental level of the fabric of space-time."; amjqts[230]="Those in power know that it is only a matter of time before the common people see through all of their attempts to deceive us into believing a version of reality that keeps them in power and us dumbed down."; amjqts[231]="Multiple partners will always cause suspicion, blame and guilt - a feeling of unease and enforced, short-term outlook."; amjqts[232]="Whilst human society clings desperately onto its patriarchal ways, we will constantly be fighting wars in harebrained lurches for territory, power and control."; amjqts[233]="If we're supposedly run by individual governments that make their laws independently of each other, why is this ban of certain pleasures global?"; amjqts[234]="How idiotic do you have to be to accept that the government knows best, and recreational drug use has to end in pain when done to excess? Cannabis has no hangover!"; amjqts[235]="This smacks of those in control of the masses through the exploitation of money (something that doesn't naturally exist), maintaining that control by perverting history and reality representation through the use of mass education and media presented as fact."; amjqts[236]="Because we are not pure (neither alien nor hominoid), we adopt an extremely peculiar stance when it comes to our existences here on Earth. We tend to be selfish to an extent which would normally detract from our own species' survival were it not for our obsession with breeding, and a mania-induced brutality to other species and artificial hierarchies within our own species."; let rr=Math.min(amjqts.length-1,Math.floor(Math.random()*amjqts.length)); mjel("mjquo").innerHTML=amjqts[rr]+'<BR>'; } let aimgs=new Array(); aimgs[0]="0041jj9.jpg"; aimgs[1]="005_03312014_13-36.png"; aimgs[2]="00ad2c0.jpg"; aimgs[3]="0116769001299488514.gif"; aimgs[4]="0360.jpg"; aimgs[5]="0368.gif"; aimgs[6]="0384.jpg"; aimgs[7]="03_Fan_matrix.jpg"; aimgs[8]="0402.jpg"; aimgs[9]="0525.jpg"; aimgs[10]="0533.jpg"; aimgs[11]="0547.jpg"; aimgs[12]="060619-rainbow-fire_big.jpg"; aimgs[13]="075057.gif"; aimgs[14]="08b9746b945a84bb12998b9c8124ff93.gif"; aimgs[15]="09petaflop.enlarge.jpg"; aimgs[16]="0eye-1.gif"; aimgs[17]="10-Corporations-Control-What-We-Eat.png"; aimgs[18]="1000223_274474652695428_1570650644_n.jpg"; aimgs[19]="10007457_659723874083482_1491806609_n.jpg"; 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color:maroon; font-style:italic;"></span><br> <TABLE BORDER=2 CELLPADDING=5 BGCOLOR="#FEDCBA" ALIGN="CENTER" STYLE="border-collapse:collapse;"> <TR ALIGN="CENTER"> <TD STYLE="font-family:Trebuchet MS; font-size:14pt; font-weight:bold;">Contents</TD> <TD><A HREF="anarchy.htm">Opinions on Society</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="thoughts.htm">Thoughts for the Day</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="hicks.htm">Bill Hicks Classic</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="mjmidi.htm">Musical Compositions</A></TD></TR> <TR ALIGN="CENTER"> <TD><A HREF="hangman.htm">Hangman Game</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="">Radio Station Player</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="#downloads">Audio Downloads and Comedy MP3s</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="#piccies">Pictures</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="#sites">Interesting Sites</A></TD></TR> <TR ALIGN="CENTER"> <TD><A HREF="books.htm">Recommended Reading</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="forum.htm">The Forum</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="fbadd.htm">Community Notepad</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="mjsoft.htm">MJ Software</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="emojis.htm">Emojis Chart</A></TD> <TR ALIGN="CENTER"> <TD><A HREF="maths.htm">Maths Workshop + Misc.</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="randword.htm">Really Random Site</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="telepathy.htm">Telepathic Observations</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="mjdad.htm">My Dad's Articles</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="mjvids.htm">Videos</A></TD> <TR ALIGN="CENTER"> <TD><A HREF="thoughts.htm#scot">Why Democracy is a Lie</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="#rethink">Rethink Links</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="#rngimg">Image of the Day</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="techgripe.htm">Technical Specs</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="peeved.htm">Society Gripes</A></TD> </TR> <TR ALIGN="CENTER"> <TD><A HREF="q3htm.htm">Quake 3 Stuff</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="iptest.htm">Map Locator</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="routeplan.htm">Route Planner</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="regexp.htm">Regular Expression Tester</A></TD> <TD><A HREF="#story">Evolution of Mankind</A></TD></TR> </TR></TABLE> </DIV> <BR> The universe itself is the result of a massive pool of consciousnesses. This pool is not bound by the physical universe, but the cause of its (and possibly other universes') existence. All walks of life in this physical universe seem to exhibit their own unique and individual facets of experience therein, and those that are "aware", instantly report their experiences back to this common pool. This can cause positive and negative feedback loops. All consciousnesses seem to have the qualities required to further deploy other vehicles of consciousness, for example, the qualities of love, nurture and empathy. Individual ideas that go against the further deployment of experiential units, don't seem to last very long, whereas ideas that propagate more units, seem to flourish. Our pleasure and pain centres seem to reflect this state of affairs. In fact, there is a lot to be said for intuition unconsciously guiding you in the right direction, and to create positive feedback loops to the pool itself. Ideas forged in the blindness of self-consciousness and self-improvement to the detriment of others, have been shaping the nature of human society on planet Earth for many centuries now. That is why we are currently born into a thoroughly iniquitous, brutal and psychologically harmful "money cage". <BR><BR> No matter what experiences you may engineer for yourself, at the end of the day, the underlying pool of consciousnesses is where you'll return to. Everyone is part of the same thing, ultimately. Any frustrations you may have with your own particular facet of experiential individuality, usually arise from the delusion that you are separate from "others", and are perpetually self-conscious. Realisation of the shared nature of consciousness is the key to freeing yourself from the prison of self-consciousness. Quantum physics has recently been proving that consciousness is shared over both time and space, infinitely and instantly, and that its perceptions seem to affect what is being perceived. If you are a modern-day scientist, you no longer have any reason to be a selfish and uncaring brat, because you thought that science logically absolved you from your responsibilities to your fellow man! Your thoughts and opinions about other people, instantly affect their feelings! <BR><BR> You are merely what you are conscious of. You are not separate from your consciousness - it is who you are! If you ask me to define "consciousness", I look at its roots - the etymology of the word implies "knowing together". If you have to ask what "knowing" means, then you don't "know" anything! &#x1F609; <BR><BR> As humans, we are taught that time is an irreversible sequence of events, and certain events cause others to happen (causality). This is wrong, because animals' concept of causality and time, is that it's all one thing, not a line or sequence, but a whole in and of itself, wherein you can know any part, past, present or future. Animals don't seek retribution for something that has happened. They'll defend an infant, and they'll feel sad if you kill one of their clan, but they don't plot revenge on you. <BR><BR> Without this sequencing of events and causes, the only explanation for why things happen is because of expectations of conditioned consciousnesses. A consciousness expects something to behave a certain way, and with consensus of other consciousnesses, that's what happens. From birth, we are taught how things behave by watching our teachers' expectations and seeing them come to fruition, thereby conditioning our consciousnesses to expect the same thing in future. Mind creates reality through mass consciousness. Events can be rearranged any way you like, if you have the mental freedom and perspicacity to do so. When you understand this, blame and revenge are meaningless. As humans, you come back into phase with what is real. Your alienation from nature ceases to be, and nobody can manipulate you with their causality-based theories. &#x270A; &#x1F31E; <HR> <H3 ALIGN=CENTER>Eyebrow Raisers</H3> <UL> <LI>Synthetic telepathy technology from the 90s - <A HREF="mumcw_jw.html">Article by Judy Wall</A> <LI>Massive breakthrough in alien DNA recovery at <A HREF=""></A> <LI>Scientific proof that society is upside down :-<BR><IMG SRC="therapeuticratio.png"> <LI>Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by a noticeably taller look-alike at <A HREF=""></A> <LI>Proof that the upper echelons of the crown prosecution service, police and social services actively protect child abusers at <A HREF=""></A> <LI>Dr Judy Wood has some astounding explanations for the physics of the 911 WTC collapses, backed by plenty of photographic evidence - how come there are toasted cars but unburnt paper? How come the towers came down pre-pulverised (including a lot of the steel)? More at <A HREF=""></A>. This is a picture of steel columns vaporising in mid-air with nothing touching them, followed by a table of explanations, only one of which fits the facts :-<BR> <IMG SRC="wtc1spiretodust.jpg"><BR> <IMG SRC="911Table.jpg"> <LI>UK Telegraph cherry pick photos to promote global warming swindle at <A HREF=""></A> <LI>Chipping the population "en masse" has started - with the police at <A HREF=""></A> <LI>On 9-11 BBC reported building 7 (Saloman Brothers building) collapsed 23 minutes before it actually happened. "The BBC unequivocally announced the collapse about 23 minutes before the fact, and even featured a New York correspondent speaking of the collapse in past tense with the still-erect skyscraper standing behind her". <A HREF=""></A><BR> WTC 7 Collapse Foreknowledge at <A HREF=""></A> Video :-<BR><VIDEO PRELOAD="none" SRC="/geedryve/mpegs/nwo/Bbcwtc7premmie.mp4" POSTER="beebwtc7.jpg" WIDTH=320 HEIGHT=240 CONTROLS></VIDEO><BR> <LI>Bohemian Grove - An interview with Alex Jones about the failed, attempted cover-up of what really happens at Bohemian Grove.<BR> <VIDEO PRELOAD="none" SRC="/geedryve/mpegs/ALEX_JONES_CAPTAIN_AMERICA_IN_BOHEMIAN_GROVE.mp4" POSTER="ajonebeh.jpg" WIDTH=320 HEIGHT=240 CONTROLS></VIDEO> <LI>Saudi attitudes to Jews are astounding at <A HREF=""></A> <LI>ETs and Ancient Astronauts are Illuminati Propaganda at <A HREF=""></A> <LI>Bush challenges state laws allowing marijuana use for medical purposes at <A HREF=""></A> <LI><A HREF=""></A> shows how much poison we're living with. <LI>Saddam's wife could not recognize her husband at <A HREF=""> 1</A> and <A HREF=""> 2</A> <LI>Ignorance, hypocrisy and obedience at <A HREF=""></A> <LI>Nanobot cosmetics at <A HREF=",14534,1209991,00.html"></A> <LI>Horrifying weapon at <A HREF=""></A> <LI>William Cooper in 1989 speech at <A HREF="/geedryve/records/OtherMP3s/nwo/cooper.mp3">A brief introduction to the covert practices of "civilised" societies (MP3 - 19.9MB)</A> </UL> <HR> <A NAME="l8test"></A> <H3 ALIGN=CENTER>Latest Tracks - Chronological Order</H3> <OL> <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Cadge Hole.mp3">Cadge Hole</A> (20:38) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Throng the Join.mp3">Throng the Join</A> (22:48) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Segway Out.mp3">Segway Out</A> (34:05) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Bird Seed Anomaly.mp3">Bird Seed Anomaly</A> (36:11) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Tenor Penny.mp3">Tenor Penny</A> (41:29) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Humans are Artificial.mp3">Humans are Artificial</A> (37:23) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Neanderthal Chromosome Count.mp3">Neanderthal Chromosome Count</A> (45:14) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Heightened Species.mp3">Heightened Species</A> (54:08) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Passion Ache.mp3">Passion Ache</A> (42:50) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Get High to Know.mp3">Get High to Know</A> (20:02) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Old Factory.mp3">Old Factory</A> (31:20) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Carriage Multiplexer.mp3">Carriage Multiplexer</A> (39:35) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/UncollapsibleQuantumWave.mp3">Uncollapsible Quantum Wave</A> (46:53) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Forcefield.mp3">Forcefield</A> (47:57) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Ringverse.mp3">Ringverse</A> (38:22) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/TheTrueCauseofOurGreatness.mp3">The True Cause of Our Greatness</A> (31:48) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/JubilantJaunt.mp3">Jubilant Jaunt</A> (50:04) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Breachout.mp3">Breach Out</A> (23:46) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/ShortSuite.mp3">Short Suite</A> (23:56) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/IvoryTowers.mp3">Ivory Towers</A> (44:22) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Politrough.mp3">Politrough</A> (37:16) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Chrant.mp3">Chrant</A> (58:25) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Untrammelled.mp3">Untrammelled</A> (46:34) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fanfair.mp3">Fanfair</A> (48:04) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Grenuit.mp3">Grenuit</A> (48:12) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/FootonaSubmergedBalloon.mp3">Foot on a Submerged Balloon</A> (54:43) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Scowling.mp3">Scowling</A> (29:55) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/DistanceInsistence.mp3">Distance Insistence</A> (42:00) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/ValentineSweet.mp3">Valentine Sweet</A> (74:44) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Shelllike.mp3">Shelllike</A> (39:48) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/StuckOut.mp3">Stuck Out</A> (34:58) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/ChopperClass.mp3">Chopper Class</A> (31:36) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Revisited.mp3">Revisited</A> (33:45) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Extentify.mp3">Extentify</A> (28:11) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Continuance.mp3">Continuance</A> (37:14) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/PulseBank.mp3">Pulse Bank</A> (20:40) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Warnmed.mp3">Warnmed</A> (24:11) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/ColliderScope.mp3">Collider Scope</A> (20:08) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Plunderbus.mp3">Plunder Bus</A> (49:05) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/EyeRhea.mp3">Eye Rhea</A> (23:08) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Normalight.mp3">Normalight</A> (49:51) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/WhaleHarp.mp3">Whale Harp</A> (36:00) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/FlutterDroid.mp3">Flutter Droid</A> (32:10) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/NoReasonAtAll.mp3">No Reason At All</A> (35:09) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Bwamplifier.mp3">Bwamplifier</A> (37:06) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/TwoTypesofMoaning.mp3">Two Types of Moaning</A> (29:47) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/LongHaul.mp3">Long Haul</A> (19:24) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/MellifluentAppeal.mp3">Mellifluent Appeal</A> (32:01) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/UniversalConnectivity.mp3">Universal Connectivity</A> (46:55) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/FountainofParallels.mp3">Fountain of Parallels</A> (39:40) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/IntoLeave.mp3">Into Leave</A> (35:00) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/TailAway.mp3">Tail Away</A> (39:48) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Sensible.mp3">Sensible</A> (26:53) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/ReggaeRiff.mp3">Reggae Riff</A> (49:41) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/WhileInwardly.mp3">while inwardly,</A> (44:06) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/fl20mj1.mp3">Staggered</A> (2:42) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/EdinburghTattoo.mp3">Edinburgh Tattoo</A> (4:01) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Saxonophy.mp3">Saxonophy</A> (4:35) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/BrutallyTender.mp3">Brutally Tender</A> (25:52) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/LonelyPair.mp3">Lonely Pair</A> (25:06) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/HeyMmhFeel.mp3">Hey Mmh Feel</A> (5:12) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Principled.mp3">Principled</A> (41:23) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Babee.mp3">Babee</A> (5:52) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/EgyptianCall2.mp3">Egyptian Call</A> (3:25) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Falling.mp3">Falling</A> (3:36) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fader_2_CCITTULAW16000.mp3">Fader_2_CCITTULAW16000</A> (17:45) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fader_2_CCITTULAW44100.mp3">Fader_2_CCITTULAW44100</A> (6:05) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/ExcitingPathways.mp3">Exciting Pathways</A> (31:59) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fader_2_OggVorbis22050_320kps.mp3">Fader_2_OggVorbis22050_320kps</A> (33:00) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Tright.mp3">Tright</A> (66:36) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fader_3_CCITTULAW44100.mp3">Fader 3 CCITTULAW44100</A> (16:16) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fader_11KHz_A_Law.mp3">Fader 11KHz A Law</A> (32:00) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Reassurance.mp3">Reassurance</A> (46:03) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/CourageOfConviction.mp3">Courage of Conviction</A> (21:41) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Redevelopment.mp3">Redevelopment</A> (47:27) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Mysterious Jungle.mp3">Mysterious Jungle</A> (3:24) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Tinkle Tinker.mp3">Tinkle Tinker</A> (3:04) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/gwyg.mp3">Get What You're Given</A> (28:39) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/electrogroove3.mp3">Electrogroove</A> (3:37) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Cerebrotonia.mp3">Cerebrotonia</A> (42:16) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/PickleLily.mp3">Pickle Lily</A> (34:53) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fader22KULaw.mp3">Fader 22K ULaw</A> (11:17) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/JoinDivision.mp3">Join Division</A> (46:35) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/AspectsofOrange.mp3">Aspects of Orange</A> (26:04) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Canvast.mp3">Canvast</A> (33:37) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/FaderCCITTALAW44.mp3">FaderCCITTALAW44</A> (20:34) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/AsLuckWouldHaveIt.mp3">As Luck Would Have It</A> (43:53) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/SparkleRecovery.mp3">Sparkle Recovery</A> (33:46) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Cullture.mp3">Cullture</A> (54:50) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Y-tomorrow.mp3">Y-tomorrow</A> (52:53) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Dudio.mp3">Dudio</A> (54:11) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Behold.mp3">Behold</A> (34:19) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fr8Line.mp3">Fr8Line</A> (30:09) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/RattleBattle.mp3">Rattle Battle</A> (43:10) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/FloridEssence.mp3">Florid Essence</A> (37:51) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Persuality.mp3">Persuality</A> (45:43) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Xylophonic.mp3">Xylophonic</A> (46:59) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Frangent.mp3">Frangent</A> (33:55) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/GroovewayResonance.mp3">Grooveway Resonance</A> (53:57) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Lloyd.mp3">Lloyd</A> (55:03) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Out of the Sky.mp3">Out of the Sky</A> (27:55) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Hornery.mp3">Hornery</A> (51:07) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Quenched.mp3">Quenched</A> (20:54) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/AccretionDisc.mp3">Accretion Disc</A> (33:52) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Like No Other.mp3">Like No Other</A> (28:36) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Lalulalu.mp3">Lalulalu</A> (45:03) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/VR Crazy.mp3">VR Crazy</A> (48:05) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/UtterlySo.mp3">Utterly So</A> (25:53) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Everyday_Actions_Undermine_Suppression.mp3">Everyday Actions Undermine Suppression</A> (48:16) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/PrecariousConcessions.mp3">Precarious Concessions</A> (48:13) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fallopian Prowess.mp3">Fallopian Prowess</A> (28:45) </OL> <BR> <HR> <H3 ALIGN=CENTER>A Quick Tour of What's Here</H3> <UL> <LI><A HREF="books.htm#oldq">Various quotes from around the web</A>. <LI>10 hours and 20 minutes of superb lectures and discussions from Terence McKenna with <A HREF="/geedryve/records/OtherMP3s/nwo/tezza10.mp3">The Tree of Knowledge</A> (142MB). <LI>Fantastic Quake3 shenanigans - tricks and jumps galore in <A HREF="q3dems/calisth4.dm_67">Quake 3 DM11 Tricks</A>. Explore the <A HREF="q3htm.htm">massive demo archive</A> going back to 2006. <LI>Read some technical speculations on my <A HREF="techgripe.htm">Tech Specs page</A>. <LI>Here is a <A HREF="thoughts.htm#warn">severe warning</A> about our futures. <LI>Have a quick game of <A HREF="hangman.htm">HANGMAN</A> (some of the words are very difficult!). <LI>Chemtrails are starting to grab people's attention. What are they and what do they look like? See <A HREF="peeved.htm">my page about them</A>. <LI><A HREF="thoughts.htm">My latest thoughts</A> on recent elections, soldiers, brain size, chemtrails, "The Pressure", NESARA, DMT, motives, the social cage, birthrights, upbringing, men, women and sex, money, Iraq, the disappearance of philosophy, mass mind control, RODS, DNA research... <A HREF="forum.htm#ideas"> Comments please</A>. <LI>Have a chortle at <A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/RussellPeters.mp3">Russell Peters</A> 40-minute stand-up routine (5M MP3) plus a whole load of other stand-up comedy MP3s at the <A HREF="#downloads">Great Downloads</A> section. <LI>Sing along to <A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/Frank Sinatra and the Taliban Orchestra.mp3"> Frank Sinatra and the Taliban Orchestra</A> (430K MP3). <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/bush_remixed_sotu.mp3">A classic Bush SOTU speech</A> meets rapturous applause (740K MP3). <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/bushunion.mp3">Another Bush Union speech</A> meets rapturous applause (700K MP3). <LI>Download some of my <A HREF="mjsoft.htm">Windows software</A>. There's an image viewer and printer, a lean and mean media player which is great for CDs, and a computing "swiss army knife". <LI><A HREF="anarchy.htm">Why I am pissed off</A> on my Opinions page, take a trip with the new <A HREF="/geedryve/mjwav/joyriding.ogg">Joyriding OGG Loop</A> (104K), or pick any of the fabulous loops I have in my <A HREF="mjmidi.htm#wavs">WAVS and OGGS section</A>. <LI>Listen to the strange overlay on the voice of the "heavily microwaved" <A HREF="/geedryve/records/OtherMP3s/nwo/RifatOddity.mp3">Tim Rifat</A> in an interview with <A HREF="">Jeff Rense</A> (27K MP3). <LI>Please listen to <A HREF="/geedryve/mjwav/Higgledy.ogg">Higgledy</A> (1.6M) - it's just so cute! Perhaps this is my true vocation. <A HREF="mjmsg.htm?Recording Contract">Give me a recording contract</A> now. <LI>Listen to this <A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/nwo/artbella51.mp3">desperate plea for attention</A> (1.3 Meg MP3 Art Bell Area 51 Phone-In). Mysterious and weird !?! <LI><A HREF="peeved.htm#masts">A new kind of directionless mast</A> is starting to appear in the UK. What are these for? I speculate they might have something to do with <A HREF="">Taos Hum</A>. <LI><B>Link of the moment - <A HREF="Blueprint for a Prison Planet.htm">Blueprint for a Prison Planet</A></B> - short, accurate and urgent - the best I have ever read on the Web. <LI>Hear an amazing stint on filter cut-off points in <A HREF="effort.mid"> Effort</A>, and the SB Live <A HREF="mj343.ea2">EAX sound effect file</A> (see <A HREF="mjmidi.htm#midi">How to install EA2 files</A>). <LI>2012's <A HREF="">Brain1</A> and <A HREF="">Brain2</A> tries to explain why everyone behaves the way they do. <A HREF=""> Healing arts</A> offer a less dramatic explanation. <LI>Take a jaunt with my new, improved <A HREF="randword.htm">Random Site Teleport</A>. </UL> <HR> <A NAME="story"></A> <H3 ALIGN=CENTER>The Story So Far (Updated 24<SUP><FONT SIZE=-1>th</FONT></SUP> November 2016) :-</H3> This was supposed to be plausible, but the truth has a habit of being far-fetched; that's why it's always hard to get at. Anyway, here goes :- <BR><BR> My mind is ever-changing on human evolution. Being a species-independent consciousness, I favour intervention theory. <A HREF="books.htm#rpsh">Morphic resonance</A> may explain why life always seems to evolve in the patterns of form that they do - a combination of universal memory built in to the space-time continuum, and patterns that survive well, being etched into this memory for future generations (or current ones) to repeat. I like <A HREF="james_howard.htm">James Howard's theories</A> about how key hormones played a major part in hominid to human development with some <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">correlation with others branches of investigation</A> into primate syndromes (SIDS, MS); and Lloyd Pye's alien intervention theory has physical evidence backing it up in the form of the <A HREF="">the Starchild Skull</A>. Here is a <A HREF="/geedryve/mpegs/Starchild.mp4">video of a talk</A> (53.9MB) given by Lloyd Pye in London in 2010 about this fascinating 900 year old skull found in a South American cave a few decades ago :- <BR><BR> <VIDEO PRELOAD="none" SRC="/geedryve/mpegs/Starchild.mp4" POSTER="starchilled.jpg" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=300 CONTROLS></VIDEO> <BR><BR> Then, there's <A HREF="aatleaflet.htm">the Aquatic Ape Theory</A> as propounded by Elaine Morgan, and related meanderings like <A HREF="books.htm#passionape">The Passionate Ape</A> by Craig Hagstrom. This might explain the <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">chromosomal fusion</A> found in humans, being also present in Denisovans and Neanderthals, because fusion sometimes occurs when there is a sudden (on an evolutionary timescale) environmental change in the species. The fusion of chromosomes 2 and 3 may have occurred a few million years ago, at about the time our precursors entered the sea, seeking other food sources. <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">Fusion</A> seems to occur when speciation is required - different evolutionary tracts spring off the original design to see which ones survive best in the new environment. But it doesn't explain some of the other mutations found in our genes, like various, seemingly carefully-selected pattern inversions. Also, recent research has shown that <A TARGET="_blank" HREF=""> there are flaws with this natural fusion theory</A>. Also, <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">this article</A> goes into much more depth, and scientifically seems to suggest that our chromosome 2 is not the result of fusion, but of some intelligent design! <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="/geedryve/docs/human_chromosome_2_fusion.pdf">Download the PDF here</A>. <H4>Alien Intervention Theory</H4> First, see the <A HREF="/geedryve/mpegs/genetics.mp4">Lloyd Pye Genetics Video</A> (23.4MB) for some background information. <BR><BR> <VIDEO PRELOAD="none" SRC="/geedryve/mpegs/genetics.mp4" POSTER="gentix.jpg" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=300 CONTROLS></VIDEO> <BR><BR> Mitochondrial DNA evidence can be used to date mankind's DNA to a mere 200,000 or so years old. Chromosomal analysis shows mankind's 23 pairs having a fused 2nd and 3rd chromosome pair, compared with chimps, gorillas and orang-utans, who all have 24 pairs. <BR><BR> <IMG SRC="ChromosomeFusion.jpg"> <BR><BR><A NAME="mytake"></A> <B>My own personal take on intervention theory</B> - look at yourself honestly and see how much of this rings a bell. As a species, humans seem out of place on this planet. Whereas other species endure what we would consider phenomenal hardship in order just to survive, but somehow manage, quite oblivious to the odds and the normal high death tolls associated with their existences, humans struggle in their biological form to keep themselves warm, watered and fed, let alone sheltered. We are comparatively (to the chimp, for example) weak, fragile, easily injured and prone to infection and death without things like antibiotics. We dramatically lament any loss of an individual species member, trying everything in our power to ensure such a loss doesn't recur, yet we'll abort a foetus in a trice. We have to employ mechanical and technological inventions in order to keep alive on this planet, and need domesticated animals and plants in order to sustain us in large numbers. Where did such plants (like wheat with 4 times the number of chromosomes of its nearest wild relative) and animals come from? We were too primitive to engineer them ourselves when they sprang into existence, and we didn't have generations of time to in-breed them : for example, dogs which <A TARGET="_blank" HREF=""> could not have evolved directly from wolves</A>. Perhaps, like us, these plants and animals were also created for us by aliens, using advanced gene technology, their DNA and the DNA of similar plants and animals extant on Earth. <BR><BR> We also seem to be the only species that congratulates each other when one of us does good for others. Lions don't congratulate the hunt leader when that lioness makes the kill that will feed them all for the next week or so. A penguin returning from a thirty mile swim to get a gut-load of food for its offspring doesn't get a nice warm welcome from its mate when successfully arriving at the nest. They may make sounds and actions of appreciation at the time, but, unlike humans, they don't spend a lot of time celebrating and back-slapping like we do. They just get on with what they have to do to survive, without making a big fuss about it. We trump up our existences well beyond what they really are. We are so far removed mentally and physically from other naturally-evolved species here, that it begs the question, "Were we genetically engineered?". DNA evidence now points at 3 species (humans, Denisovans and Neanderthals) that have 46 chromosomes instead of 48. The fusion of chromosomes 2 and 3 commensurate with numerous inversions of DNA patterns within other chromosomes, certainly lends to this, at first, absurd-sounding theory. From <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">Mother Jones</A> :- <BLOCKQUOTE> In modern humans and these other hominins, chromosome 2 shows clear genetic evidence of a fusion event that must have happened after our lineage split from chimpanzees and bonobos, but before our divergence with Neanderthals and Denisovans. The proof is right there in the DNA. </BLOCKQUOTE> It's as if aliens created us from hominoids around at the time, and tried a couple of more natural variations which were genetically recessive compared to human DNA. Their reasons for doing this remain a complete and profound mystery, although Sitchin and others have their theories, many based around the ancient Sumerian clay tablets from 5000 BC. Our consciousness, and ability to control our environments leads me to conclude that we have some advanced alien DNA mixed up inside us, leading to that feeling of not really belonging to this planet, and hence to our lackadaisical approach to planetary guardianship and husbandry. Because we are not pure (neither alien nor hominoid), we adopt an extremely peculiar stance when it comes to our existences here on Earth. We tend to be selfish to an extent which would normally detract from our own species' survival were it not for our obsession with breeding, and a mania-induced brutality to other species and artificial hierarchies within our own species. We are dangerous and deluded idiots! As a mongrel species, we are constantly monitored by aliens who now have to ensure their experiment doesn't detrimentally disturb other nearby lifeforms. See <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">historical paintings and depictions of UFOs </A>. As soon as we detonated nuclear devices, they came in droves to monitor us more closely, and some of them crashed (Roswell etc.). They even ensure <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">nukes don't go off by accident</A>. Despite reports worldwide and throughout all human history of UFO sightings, the official tack is that we are alone in the universe as a conscious, sentient species, and that we are made in the image of "God". Poppycock! This smacks of those in control of the masses through the exploitation of money (something that doesn't naturally exist), maintaining that control by perverting history and reality representation through the use of mass education and media presented as fact. It's as if these aliens are in cahoots with the controlling elite because they don't see any other way of stopping their experiment-gone-wrong getting out of hand. Despite these aliens being really advanced, they did not do a perfect job, and humans had many genetic defects : perpetual hair and nail growth, birth defects, downs syndrome (lapse back to extra chromosome), immune system attacks host in many ailments (for example Multiple Sclerosis), allergies, weaker bones and muscles, gullible, impressionable, easily governed and controlled, general feeling of malaise and not being at one with nature etcetera. Other species are not so vastly afflicted with problems, with only 30 or 40 genetic defects compared with humans' <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">4 thousand or so</A>. Other species of plants and animals were fashioned to help us survive (wheat, domesticated animals), before they left this planet behind to watch their experiment continue from afar. <BR><BR> As mentioned before, during WW2, this experimental human species discovered ways to rip apart the space-time continuum with fission reactions, and this piqued the aliens' interest. As they came closer to observe and safeguard us from folly, some crashed on the surface of Earth (brought down by high-powered radar systems), and eventually their existence became known to the governments around the developed world. The ruling powers decided to trade alien technology for Earth specimens with them. The need for the truth to be kept secret from the public has become ever more important, if those ruling powers want to keep control over the human populaces of the world. If humans ever realised their true origins, it would make us wake up and see that we are all equal but different, and that a hierarchical society may work for certain species, but not for one engineered for enlightened spiritual existence, and guardianship of the life on this planet. We must surely love <B>all</B> creatures great and small. Instead, our consciousness has been conditioned to accept obvious fallacies as the "truth". For example, that the hemp plant is "dangerous to your health", whereas rotten fruit allowed to ferment to produce alcohol is not, and the direct evidence of what happened on 9-11 being completely misinterpreted as terrorists flying planes into steel and concrete towers, causing them to melt and pancake collapse at freefall speeds. This mass acceptance keeps us inert, distracted, timid and non-threatening to the powers that top this anti-nature hierarchical society. Someone somewhere is pushing fairy tales and we are lapping them all up as reality! You only have to look at the manic and violently-enforced level of "faith" people have in the fairy tales known as institutionalised religions, to know that we are being ridiculously deceived from birth, and left to spend our adult lives in a state of pure, deluded insanity, blind to the reality and hypocrisy around us!<BR><BR> <A HREF="/geedryve/mpegs/ZeitgeistReligion.mp4">Extract from Zeitgeist about Religion</A> (~31 minutes 72.5MB) <BR><BR> <VIDEO PRELOAD="none" SRC="/geedryve/mpegs/ZeitgeistReligion.mp4" POSTER="Relig2.jpg" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=300 CONTROLS></VIDEO> <H4>The Story</H4> Life on planet Earth was engineered by the <A HREF="anarchy.htm#truth">benevolent, conscious-life-favouring leaning of the laws of this universe</A>. Not one, but two types of prokaryotes (primitive single-celled bacteria) appeared on a volatile volcanic planet 4 billion years ago. These produced oxygen. Later, eukaryotes (much more delicate) appeared just as suddenly, and started preparing the planet for more advanced life forms. Then a huge smattering of phyla sprang up miraculously, the only modern day relic being the horseshoe crab. Then a history of sudden appearances of new species, followed by extinction of old ones, paving the way for increases in organism complexity. Scientific evolution explains gradual change, not sudden flourishing of vast amounts of new species, that just happen to fit into the correct progression of life to ultimately form intelligent beings. Earth is testimony that the laws governing the flow of energy in this universe, are stacked in such a way as to favour the development of conscious entities within it. As a clever by-product, these creatures would have to reflect the kind and gentle nature of the laws that created them, otherwise they would not successfully survive and evolve without destroying each other. To contend that the "physics" of the universe boil down to some mathematical principles formulated in the mind of one of its products, is utter foolishness and stinks of egotism. For that product to inherit the mantle of planetary caretaker, and to then abuse that responsibility the way it has, is willful and survival-threatening ignorance. With kind and dynamic laws of physics in place, the universe is conscious, and universal consciousness is everything's reality. <BR><BR> <IMG SRC="/geedryve/pix/1510630_473410929430680_1687657910_n.jpg"> <H4>James Howard's Theories</H4> <A HREF="james_howard.htm">James Howard's theories</A> on the role played by testosterone, DHEA and melatonin in <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">human evolution</A> are very interesting and seem to explain an enormous number of human traits and developments. They may well be key to showing the path from hominids to humans without recourse to alien intervention or any aquatic period. <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">Recent discoveries</A> in DNA mechanics in humans compared with all other species, seem to support some of these theories. <BLOCKQUOTE> "One deletion removes a sensory vibrissae and penile spine enhancer from the human androgen receptor (AR) gene, a molecular change correlated with anatomical loss of androgen-dependent sensory vibrissae and penile spines in the human lineage. Another deletion removes a forebrain subventricular zone enhancer near the tumour suppressor gene growth arrest and DNA- damage-inducible, gamma (GADD45G), a loss correlated with expansion of specific brain regions in humans." </BLOCKQUOTE> <H4>Aquatic Ape Theory</H4> <A HREF="aatleaflet.htm">The aquatic ape theory</A> is another possible explanation as to how humans came to be here. It's worth having a look at <A TARGET="_blank" HREF=""> Elaine Morgan's classic book "The Scars of Evolution"</A>, which fits many human quirks and anomalies into a plausible framework for the classic Darwinian evolutionary process to produce us. The most up-to-date Morgan publication is <A TARGET="_blank" HREF=""> The Aquatic Ape Hypothesis</A> which details the theory with more references and facts backing it up. A list of human anomalies addressed include :- <UL> <LI>Subcutaneous fat (ten times more than chimps and gorillas) despite the difficulties in healing cut or damaged fatty surface skin as compared with apes. <LI>Eccrine glands to produce sweat instead of apocrine. <LI>Hairlessness. <LI>Large brain mass on thin necks. Rich and varied diet required for large brain development. <LI>Upright stance (baboons manage on the savannah without recourse to standing up permanently) despite all the physiological disruptions caused by sustaining an upright mammal (pelvis adapted to support internal organs, spinal curvature causing more stress on discs, etc...). <LI>Diving reflex (cold water in face drops heart rate) <LI>Dropped larynx to enable conscious control of breathing (side product - guttural vocal sounds leading to development of language) <LI>Lack of obvious oestrus cycle (woman shows no outward signs of being "in heat"). <LI>Additionally, from Craig Hagstrom's book <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="books.htm#passionape">The Passionate Ape</A>, easily-verifiable evidence like our brain cells being fattier than apes' brain cells, so that our heads can float more easily. And human babies are so fat, they can float immediately after birth with no effort, but chimp babies are so skinny, they'd sink like a stone. The glowing anecdotes of water births for human mothers also lends to the hypothesis that we are water-adapted. <LI>Some of my own observations include the remnants of webbing between fingers and toes, which does not occur in great apes. Also, how our feet are more like flippers with next-to-useless toes, than adaptations of ape feet that can grip branches. Our hips and pelvis point to a swimming function, rather than a direct mutation from all fours to bipedal locomotion. Muscular and bone weakening compared to our cousin apes, can be explained by us being bouyant in water for so long. </UL> Here is a good summary of regarding ourselves as aquatically-evolved :- <BR><BR> <TABLE CLASS="aat" WIDTH=600> <TR><TH CLASS="lef">CHARACTERISTICS</TH><TH>HUMANS</TH><TH>APES</TH><TH>SAVANNAH</TH><TH>AQUATICS</TH></TR> <TR><TD CLASS="lef">Habitual bipedalism</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD></TR> <TR><TD CLASS="lef">Loss of body hair</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Yes<BR>(rhino and elephant)</TD><TD>Yes</TD></TR> <TR><TD CLASS="lef">Skin-bonded fat deposits</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Yes</TD></TR> <TR><TD CLASS="lef">Ventro-ventral copulation</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>Yes<BR>(bonobo)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Yes</TD></TR> <TR><TD CLASS="lef">Diminution of apocrine glands</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Yes</TD></TR> <TR><TD CLASS="lef">Hymen</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Yes</TD></TR> <TR><TD CLASS="lef">Enlarged sebaceous glands</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Yes</TD></TR> <TR><TD CLASS="lef">Psychic tears</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Yes</TD></TR> <TR><TD CLASS="lef">Loss of vibrissae</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Yes</TD></TR> <TR><TD CLASS="lef">Volitional breath control</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Yes</TD></TR> <TR><TD CLASS="lef">Eccrine thermoregulation</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Yes</TD></TR> <TR><TD CLASS="lef">Descended larynx</TD><TD>Yes</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Yes</TD></TR> <TR><TD CLASS="ann" COLSPAN=5>The aquatic phase took place more than 5 million years ago and lasted millions of years. Since then, <I>Humans, Denisovans and Neanderthals</I> had hundreds of thousands of years to re-adapt to terrestrial life. It is not surprising that the traces of aquatic adaptation have become partially obliterated and have gone unrecognised for so long. But the traces are still there as the table indicates.</TD></TR> </TABLE><BR> A lot of direct evidence is cited which can easily be verified, but cannot easily be explained, unless the aquatic theory is adopted. An example is the dropping of the larynx in babies at about 3 to 6 months old, so that breathing can be done through just the mouth. Before the drop occurs, breathing is only normally and easily done through the nose (where the air is filtered), and this allows the baby to breast feed whilst breathing. When the descent causes problems, we get many cot deaths at around this age. However, I am beginning to subscribe more to the theory that SIDS has its causes in James Howard's conjectures about <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">increased testosterone levels</A> : a theory that additionally explains baldness through testosterone deflecting <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="james_howard.htm">DHEA</A> away from its intended target tissues in the body, and which also accounts for ethnic differences in SIDS incidence, as well as higher frequency amongst smoking mothers. <BR><BR> What makes this theory so appealing is that most human anomalies can be seen in aquatic mammals, and seem to be explained if we assume that our predecessors spent a few million years in an aquatic environment, like the sea, where we would even sleep in water. The savannah theory looks very shaky when we mention these human quirks, and the explanations given by the likes of Desmond Morris are weak and contrived. <H4>More on the Intervention Theory</H4> Some slides are available <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">on Lloyd Pye's site</A>. Also, there is a <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">good book on the subject</A>. <BR><BR> Ancient Sumerian tablets detail aliens that came here thousands of years ago and genetically engineered us from the extant hominoids. They later made wheat and various domesticated animals to sustain us, since they made us deliberately weak, subservient and faulty, so as to be controlled by them. We were too weak and fearful to effectively survive on this planet without their help. They were gods to us - our creators and able to punish or reward as they saw fit. You can see how this meshes with what don Juan the Yaqui Indian shaman was saying in one of the <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="books.htm#yaqui">"Quotes of the Year"</A>. However, Juan states that "the sorcerers of ancient Mexico ... reasoned that man must have been a complete being at one point, with stupendous insights, feats of awareness that are mythological legends nowadays. And then, everything seems to disappear, and we have now a sedated man." They say that humans had already evolved before aliens imposed their consciousness onto us and subdued us. This is also an interesting theory, and may explain such ancient artefacts as the pyramids and the stones of Baalbek. Anyway, here are some objections to AAT :-<BR> <UL> <LI>See <A HREF="anarchy.htm#iv">chromosomal evidence</A> for some diagrammatic explanation. <LI>Conscious control of breathing is demonstrated by macaques who have been able to dive for fallen fruit, nuts and berries in rivers for many thousands of years. They can voluntarily hold their breath for up to 30 seconds. They have not lost their fur or developed subcutaneous fat deposits. <LI>Our hair and nails grow continuously and need to be regularly cut in order for them not to interfere with our survival processes. This seems like a genetic mistake, rather than a by-product of AAT. In fact, AAT does not explain this at all. <LI>Our nearest relatives have thick copious hair on their backs and finer hair on their chests. Human males have the complete opposite. Again, this seems like a genetic error. It serves the aquatic ape with no benefit, so why is it so? <LI>Of all the species on Earth, humans are the most anti-nature in everything they are proud to achieve, except in procreation, which they are too good at! The society they have manufactured for themselves is quite astoundingly out of kilter with the planet they supposedly evolved on, and totally unlike any other intelligent species construct. We are born into money-making prison with a 7-day cycle imposed on us from birth (no questions asked), certain plants and mushrooms deemed "out of bounds", and kindness and wisdom punished by derision and ultimately murder. We train people's minds to believe certain ideas that make them want to fight complete strangers because of what some leader dictates, and to believe that invisible boundaries drawn up between neighbouring patches of land actually exist in reality. We almost wholesale believe there is an invisible all-seeing all-knowing being that monitors each of our individual lives and doles out punishment and reward as "He" sees fit! </UL> <H4>The Current State of Play</H4> We anti-nature clever apes currently have a society which has developed weird control-infatuated institutions that <A HREF="peeved.htm#masts">irradiate their citi-sheeps' brains</A> with <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">carefully-researched thought-controlling</A> electromagnetic radiation under the guise of <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">mobile phones</A> and the like, has plans to slowly introduce <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">chips</A> into everyone's bodies, disguised as the right to "buy and sell" securely, and <A HREF="peeved.htm">sprays poisonous substances into the air</A> we breathe from photographed planes that "don't exist", to make us ill and less able to put up a fight against loss of civil liberties. We are currently researching how to make tiny body-invasive <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">nanobots</A> which can take control of any corporeal or mental function, under the guise of curing the incurable. If I could choose the direction of research today, it wouldn't be military, genetic, nanobotic, or clandestine. It would be in making a better, longer-lasting and more stimulating environment for healthy human beings to share their lives in; not the poisonous, grey concrete jungles we are all forcibly herded into under the "free" choice of work or starve, and where money becomes your goal, not natural, spiritual fulfilment. Certain <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">plants</A> that grow <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">naturally</A> upon the Earth's surface are deemed <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">illegal in this society</A>, though it is obvious to anyone with sense that this is madness, especially when the only legal <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">recreational drugs</A> are proven poisonous to our bodies, and can kill in overdose (nicotine and alcohol). The propaganda surrounding other drugs like <A TARGET="_blank" HREF=",3604,506507,00.html">heroin</A>, is venomously negative, and the actual experiences expose it as lies. The law-makers and propagandists consistently demonstrate confusion between the effect of the drug and the effect of the black market. This deliberate ignorance betrays a hidden agenda; that such laws and conditioning are only enforced to keep the clandestine elite (<A TARGET="_blank" HREF="/geedryve/records/OtherMP3s/Bill Hicks/hicks2.mp3">the government-controlling Illuminati</A>) in power, and the rest of us blind to the facts due to secretly-instilled debilitation and bad education. All sorts of ways of keeping a stupid creature (who only actively uses a quarter of their cerebral mass) even more stupid, have been devised and implemented. It is getting to the point now where things which give me great spiritual pleasure and enlightenment, cause great consternation and anger in the microwave-controlled masses surrounding me. <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">The Illuminati's agenda</A> of complete world population control strikes me as them being bored with destroying everything with hate. There's nothing left for the elite to pursue but control. They think that love is too flimsy a foundation for society, and that force always gets results quickly, albeit for the short term future. However, one only has to look at human physiology to see that, above all other mammals on this planet, we are the ones who are designed to love each other sexually and passionately. <UL> <LI>We are the only naked land mammal (aside from the domesticated pig, and other pachyderms), and as such have skin that is very delicate and sensitive to the touch. Hair is a valuable survival asset when your skin is thin, so why did we lose ours? Now, we've all got to wear clothes! Sensitivity to touch is dramatically intensified with bare skin. I don't know about you, but I absolutely adore being caressed and tickled gently. My first girlfriend and I used to spend hours on end doing just that. ECSTASY! <LI>Most human copulations are hit and miss affairs, since the male is never sure of ovulation in a female. She is nearly always in heat, yet can only conceive for a few days each month. This would mean us men have to bonk like crazy in order to breed. Good because that implies bucket-loads more pleasure for all of humanity. If women weren't so hung up on commitment, humans would be a lot happier a species! We should be shagging a fuck of a lot more than we actually are doing in modern-day society with all its indoctrinated views on monogamy, sexual temperance and miserable, enforced chastity, especially around the time hormones are running at their peak (teenage years). <LI>The erect male knob is by far the largest of all primates, and is the only mammalian cock with no penis bone. This would imply a necessity for foreplay and arousal, unlike our instantly-erect and quickly-ejaculating cousins. <LI>Sensitive ear-lobes and lips, and faces with intricacy of expression beyond any other creature on this planet. <LI>The angle of the human vagina is such that face-to-face copulation is encouraged. </UL> <BR> Most of these observations can only indicate the ungovernable need for physical love in human beings - something the imposed human society isn't conducive to. Instead, a myriad of "cute" ways to avoid the elephant in the room. We're designed to be far out, incredible, wondrous, blissful, meek and wise. Instead, we're allowed to be awkwardly polite to each other. No wonder so much suppressed sexual perversity exists. <BR><BR> <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">All these observations</A> point to the fact that humans seem to be designed for love, sometimes at the cost of a safer survival blueprint, because love, benevolence, and compassion parallel the feelings of the energy of the very atoms that make everything up. Everyone "knows" that consciously going against the energy flows always results in bad events later (yet <A HREF="anarchy.htm">they never seem to learn</A> from this, which is why they think that "life is a bad lot, but, hey what the hell..." rather than "wow, there's never a dull moment!"). And it's quite obvious that, compared to other species, humans are as soft as shit! So, perhaps our society is supposed to be founded on love and sex, not mistrust, paranoia and sexual suppression / distortion. When you realise this, the perception that the common man is unimportant compared with government figures, evaporates. Everyone innately has the same potential for love - this is a physiological fact. So we should be living as a set of equal worth cooperatives, not a gigantic global hierarchy. The Illuminati can never see any strength in love as a foundation stone of societies. What a waste of potential spiritual development, and over all those centuries, through inaction, fear and lethargy, we are still allowing exactly the same blinkered punishment / reward existence to flourish. We still let their hate frighten us. Jesus tried to redirect the masses along the correct path, but the elite roused enough hate and fear in the emotions of the masses, that crucifying him seemed a course of action the masses could become resigned to. I can hear the crowd's thinking now - "Execution is only to be expected if you motivate people away from the hate-based society we are accustomed to." Surely it should have dawned on us impressionable creatures by now, that those who try to share the truth with everyone else, end up marginalised, stigmatised, ostracised or dead, and that this cannot be allowed to continue. The wise and open-minded should be elevated to the positions of chief directors, educators and judges, not those who are rich through brutality, bloodlines and a knack for obfuscation. We have to move from hate to love. <H4>The Abnormal Ways of Mankind</H4> The way the world is now, seems very strange to a purist viewpoint like mine. All humans have to accept the ways and customs of an iniquitous society, in which, for no forgivable reason, the "Westerners" have all the food and resources, while billions in the third world starve and struggle for education. This madness is accepted because the invisible monster that society has become, is regarded by most to be outside of their control, and, hence, has to be tolerated as is. Facts : 1) Unless you contribute something towards this amorphous faceless structure that seems like an unfair cage, then you will starve to death. You have to go to work, even though you are only making a <A HREF="thoughts.htm#nobigger">number bigger</A>. You have to educate the kids in the ways of society, even though you may not agree with its track record of malignancy. 2) Try to change this state of affairs, and force will be used to suppress you. Some spiritually enlightened humans have been able to see outside of this box, realising things like the need for a 7-day week structure to fit our lives around are ludicrous, and that <A HREF="anarchy.htm#languid">language and science</A> are methods of refining the thought-forms of humans into commonly understood and anticipatable categories. It amazes me how upset people get by their own brain's conditioned interpretation of air vibrations on their eardrums, when the words are insulting, but the intentions jocular or opposite. Too much importance has been placed on words. People commonly think that humans are the most important species of life on this planet. If you accept the introduction of new species to this planet (or the genetic alteration of species extant here) by outside forces or life forms, then how arrogant of us to think that the buck would necessarily stop here at the "human" stage, when we can't even trust ourselves, and, rather than advance life's lot, employ our best knowledge to create ever bigger guns and locks. The governments of the world may be party to the exact nature of the external forces at work in shaping life on Earth. After all, there are plenty of better thinkers and philosophies out there to choose a wiser way forward, but they are always deliberately suppressed or marginalised, as if a threat rather than an improvement. The next stage may be imminent and a massive depopulation of humans will become necessary to advance to this next stage of life's development. Judging by current climes, it seems this mass culling is already slowly taking place. If humans are just a stepping stone towards who knows what, then don't fool yourself into thinking that the governments' puppeteers have respect for human life; anything you get from the media is just lip service in the light of the bigger picture. The figureheads in government are as powerless as you or I, inside this cage called society. The Nazis said <A HREF="/deoxy/">"Arbeit macht Frei"</A> (work makes freedom), and this is what we are forced to do to feed ourselves and our loved ones. The Jews who walked under that banner, inevitably ended up dead in disgusting conditions. Judging by society's <A HREF="dd28.htm#money">desperate lurches towards depravity</A>, this is the way we all end up. Look at some of the recent ideas of advancement that are coming out now - genetic engineering of humans and cloning, biochemical interference with natural processes like sleep and sexual congress, augmentation of bodies with electronic devices, and technological alteration of all foodstuffs worldwide. This is utter madness - it shouldn't have to be such that all species of life are ultimately mere vassals to corporate society's unnatural and perverted money-making whims. <HR> <A NAME="piccies"></A> <H3 ALIGN=CENTER>Pictures and Videos</H3> <TABLE BORDER=1 BGCOLOR="#FDBACE" ALIGN="CENTER"> <TR><TD ROWSPAN=5><A TARGET="_blank" HREF=""> <IMG SRC="kamchatka2.jpg" WIDTH=104 HEIGHT=72 BORDER=0></A></TD> <TD><A HREF="mjvids.htm">Have a browse of some of my favourite <B>VIDEO</B> shorts</A>.</TD></TR> <TR><TD>Click <A HREF="gallery.htm">here</A> for a gallery of various images.</TD></TR> <TR><TD>Click <A HREF="mjpic.htm">here</A> for some pictures of the family in the Philippines.</TD></TR> <TR><TD>Click <A HREF="mjpic2.htm">here</A> for a gallery of odd snapshots of myself.</TD></TR> <TR><TD>Download <A HREF="">MJZoomer</A> for a simple PNG, BMP, JPG, WMF, EMF and ICO image viewer and printer.</TD></TR> </TABLE> <HR> <A NAME="downloads"></A> <H3 ALIGN=CENTER>Great Audio Downloads and Comedy MP3s</H3> <H4>Comedy</H4> <B>** Warning : OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE is contained in many of the following clips **</B> <BR><BR> <A HREF="/geedryve/mpegs/Mike Reid 2000.mp4">Mike Reid Stand-up in 2000</A> 64-minute stand-up routine (128MB MP4) <BR><BR> <VIDEO PRELOAD="none" SRC="/geedryve/mpegs/Mike Reid 2000.mp4" POSTER="mikereid.jpg" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=300 CONTROLS></VIDEO> <BR><BR> I love comedy because it can quite often be brought to an audience in purely audio form, leaving the rest up to the listener's imagination. Here is a selection of my favourites :-<BR><BR> <UL> <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/RussellPeters.mp3">Russell Peters</A> 40-minute stand-up routine (4.98M MP3) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/GeorgeCarlin.mp3">George Carlin</A> 67-minute stand-up routine (7.63M MP3) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/JackDee_LiveAgain.mp3">Jack Dee</A> 101-minute stand-up routine (11.5M MP3) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/MikeReidLive.mp3">Mike Reid</A> 58-minute stand-up routine (6.63M MP3) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/JoeRogan.mp3">Joe Rogan Live</A> 55-minute stand-up routine (6.3M MP3) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/Manning1.mp3">Bernard Manning</A> 6 minutes of stand-up excerpts (790K MP3) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/bushunion.mp3">Doctored Bush Union Speech 1</A> (688K MP3) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/bush_remixed_sotu.mp3">Doctored Bush Union Speech 2</A> (723K MP3) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/Frank Sinatra and the Taliban Orchestra.mp3">Frank Sinatra and the Taliban Orchestra</A> (428K MP3) <LI>A selection of Bill Hicks' clips : <A HREF="/geedryve/records/OtherMP3s/Bill Hicks/hicks.mp3">Hicks 1</A> (457K MP3) <A HREF="/geedryve/records/OtherMP3s/Bill Hicks/hicks2.mp3">Hicks 2</A> (193K MP3) <A HREF="/geedryve/records/OtherMP3s/Bill Hicks/hicks3.mp3">Hicks 3</A> (685K MP3) <A HREF="/geedryve/records/OtherMP3s/Bill Hicks/hicks4.mp3">Hicks 4</A> (2.54M MP3) <LI><A HREF="/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/whosonfirst.mp3">Abbott and Costello's "Who's on first" sketch</A> (716K MP3) </UL> <H4>Good Audio Software</H4> <UL> <LI>For a MIDI sequencer with no parallel, there used to be <A HREF="">TechnoToys SEQ-303</A> but I am currently negotiating distribution of it via this site with the author Jim Johnson, who has no more time for it. It is a unique 16-beat midi sequencer which interfaces to Soundblaster and Yamaha cards advanced features and enables real-time tweaking of parameters. I have used it on every one of <A HREF="mjmidi.htm#musiccd">my music CDs</A> and have found it invaluable for trance-out tracks. I hope I receive good news soon. ** UPDATE ** - he doesn't want to redistribute it, despite SEQ-303 working fine under Windows 10. Oh well &#x1F937; <LI>For a fine MIDI sequencer which is more standard, try <A HREF=""> Evolution MIDI Sequencer</A> or download the <a href="">764K fully-functional freebie</A> that I use. <LI>For the best WAV file manipulator and player (especially looping), download <TABLE STYLE="display:inline;"><TR><TD STYLE="background: url('/gwave.gif') no-repeat 1px center;" WIDTH=74 HEIGHT=41></TD> <TD><A HREF="">GoldWave</A>.</TD></TR></TABLE> <LI>A good player was the old version of Winamp before it went mad. <A HREF="">Here is version 2.90 lite</A> (540K Zip), a much saner release. <LI>There are many "make your own music" software products out there, but check out <A HREF="">The Fruityloops Sequencer</A>. This is one of the most intuitive and brilliant bits of software on the market, and can export to MP3 and WAV format. <LI>If you want codecs to play MP4, DVD and FLV file formats, go to <A HREF="">Edskes Mirror</A> and download K-Lite full codec pack. Install with the "Lots of Stuff" option instead of "Default". </UL> <HR> <A NAME="rethink"></A> <H3 ALIGN=CENTER>Rethink Links. Throw out the Trash. Think for Yourself.</H3> Remember, please retain a <A HREF=""> sense of humour</A> when reading some of these sites! Thanks to <A HREF="">Viz comics</A> for this <A HREF="grassy.gif">classic Grassy Knollington strip</A> and compare the last frame with <A HREF="/geedryve/pix/oswald.jpg">this picture</A>. You've gotta laugh! <H4>Large Remit Sites</H4> <UL> <LI><A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">Warrior - Elevate Your Mind</A> - a beautifully put together site by Tony Balbin who has gone through the trials and tribulations of learning that everything one knows is wrong! <LI><A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">Birth of a New Earth</A> <LI><A TARGET="_blank" HREF="">Henry Makow</A> <LI><A HREF="">Rat Haus</A> is one of the best rethink sites I have ever had the privilege of visiting. A vast range and regularly updated. The section on <A HREF="">Terminator seeds</A> alone is worth its weight in gold. <LI> - <A TARGET="_blank" HREF="/deoxy/"><B><I>SITE IS DOWN! Click here for my mirror of this site as of 2003.</I></B></A> <BR><A TARGET="_blank" HREF="/deoxy/index.html">Deoxy Mirror Index Page</A><BR> Exquisite and delicious is Deoxy's site (was at, stuffed full of great articles from all over the web. <A HREF="/deoxy/">Osho's Ego critique</A> is an absolute must for freeing yourself from your mental cage. Timothy Leary's <A HREF="/deoxy/">Declaration of Evolution</A> is a superb statement of self-evident truths. <A HREF="/deoxy/">The list is endless, but superbly collated here</A>. <LI><A HREF="">Truthseekers</A> is well laid out, and has plenty of sound and video files and flyers for downloading and distributing. The <A HREF="">NWO agenda</A> is disturbing. <LI>Conspiracy theorists - you should confirm your natural suspicions at <A HREF=""></A>. From <A HREF="">their 15th May 2003 Newsletter</A> and right on the button is :-<BR><BR> <BLOCKQUOTE> Tobacco Tincture: I'm acquainted with a talented healer I'll call Cathy who constantly studies alternative healing therapies and applies the information learned. She found out about a year ago, that if she soaked pesticide-free, organic tobacco in alcohol (vodka, sake, white rum, etc) for a couple of days, that she will get a powerful germ killer that seems to knocks down most pathogens it encounters, especially the hidden "stealth viruses" that she found (through dowsing) in chemtrails. American Indian cigarettes, found at specialty smoke shops, is pesticide free. When faced with strange `flu-like' symptoms that don't respond to other therapeutic modalities, she frequently finds that Tobacco tincture will do the trick. A few drops in water is all that's required. (By the way, those beautiful `red' or `pink' sunsets you see all the time now are mostly due to the desiccated red blood cells mixed in with the chemtrails along with the stealth viruses and other pathogenic radionic energy signatures designed to weaken your immunity and disconnect you from rising consciousness). </BLOCKQUOTE><BR> <LI><A HREF="">Ellie Crystal's site</A> is a treasure trove of miscellaneous revelations. She brings together some excellent related material which would take an internet researcher an age to piece together. A good example is her <A HREF="">"Historical Paintings with UFOs" page</A> which really needs greater exposure to the public. <LI><A HREF="">Light Net</A>. <LI><A HREF="">The Truth Campaign</A> is a wonderful UK site with its own bi-monthly magazine. <LI><A HREF="">Metatech</A>. <LI><A HREF="">Serendipity's magnificent expos‚ site</A> should keep you thoroughly entertained. <LI>Provoking stuff on <A HREF="">Die Off's site</A>, packed full of articles, links and information for people concerned about the future of mankind on this planet. <LI><A HREF="">2012 Unlimited</A>. <LI>Re-educate yourself in <A HREF="">Cyberclass</A>. <LI>May look like bible-bashers' bunkum, but underneath the rhetoric, it conveys the right message. Have a look at <A HREF="">Jah Truth's site</A>. There's loads of stuff, but I really liked <A HREF="">Destructive TV Advertising</A>.<BR><BR> <BLOCKQUOTE> Rothschild lied when he said, "I care not who makes a country's laws as long as I make their money." He judged everyone by his own standards and assumed that everyone was like him and had their price. Unfortunately, it appears he was right about the majority of people. The fact that the New World Order got their puppet politicians to enact the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, and the fact that they had John F. Kennedy killed when he went to repeal it, is proof that Rothschild lied. </BLOCKQUOTE> </UL> <H4>Good Essays and Articles</H4> <UL> <LI>Beverly Eakman's <A HREF="">How Psychology and High-Tech Marketing have "Deformed" Education</A> is an essential read to get a handle on what is happening in our schools at the moment. More of her stuff is on <A HREF="">her website</A> and well worth some attention, especially <A HREF="">her article on implants</A>. <LI><A HREF="dd28.htm">Double Diamond</A> is gritty, thought-provoking and amateur. But it really is worth the read. <LI><A HREF="">Dr. Judith Reisman</A> has a wonderful site with some <A HREF="">startling revelations</A> in terms of the myths of sexual intercourse. <LI><A HREF="">Henry Makow's Save the Males</A>. I like the essay entitled <A HREF="">"Playboy and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution"</A>, and here is a snippet from another :-<BR><BR> <BLOCKQUOTE> Western civilization is being destroyed from within by a conspiracy of the superrich administered by victim-zombies who have sold their souls to Satan and don't even know it. </BLOCKQUOTE><BR> <LI><A HREF="">Babel Magazine</A> is a terrific source of articles done from a purely journalist point of view. The reporting is excellent and quite philosophical at times. From <A HREF="">Illusions of the Machine</A> by Lisa Guliani :-<BR><BR> <BLOCKQUOTE> Well, it isn't too difficult to figure out, really. The mainstream media does what it is told to do. They write and report only on what they are "allowed" to. Writers at Babel Magazine, on the other hand, don't have a short leash and electric collar, so we are able to write freely. If they want to keep their cushy careers intact, as well as their lives, I dare say, then they will damn well OBEY the top monkeys on the ladder. No coverage of Bilderberg meetings? It is well-noted that media personalities we are all familiar with ATTEND these meetings each year, yet we don't hear a peep out of them about these functions - no coverage of chemtrails - yet one can see the slew of articles, photographs and lab analyses on Internet news sources. There's no honest coverage of the REAL story behind 9/11 - yet news sources on the Internet reveal to us the OTHER side of that tarnished coin. </BLOCKQUOTE><BR> <LI><A HREF="">Nexus Magazine</A> is always worth a look. A superb treat is <A HREF="">The Installation</A>. <LI>Exactly how I see things, in the mini essay <A HREF="Blueprint for a Prison Planet.htm">Blueprint for a Prison Planet</A>. Print it and read it at work! <LI>I love the way Donald E. Watson puts his ideas across on his <A HREF="">Enformy site</A>. Of special hefty clout was his treatise on <A HREF="$homosap.html">homo sapiens</A>. </UL> <H4>Mind Control Sites</H4> <UL> <LI><A TARGET="_blank" HREF="/baird/index.html"><B><I>SITE DOWN! Click here for my mirror of this site as of 2002.</I></B></A> <BR><A HREF="">Personal Surveillance</A> is a brilliant treatise written by someone with real experience - Paul Baird. He writes about the covert controls applied both at the higher echelons of governmental and business establishments, and the general public's levels :-<BR><BR> <BLOCKQUOTE> All users of mobile phones can be monitored via satellite and "affected" if necessary. Aside from the microwave health dangers, the current can be remotely increased 20,000 times to fry your brains in a second. Chechnyan leader, General Dudayev may have been killed that way. He was on his mobile. </BLOCKQUOTE><BR> <BLOCKQUOTE> Most public figures are constantly "monitored" by corrupt government agencies (esp. the CIA) and their criminal contacts. (Some of them even bragged about it to me). It's not a matter of "if you have nothing to hide, why worry" but rather "if you have nothing to hide, you are a worry". Only those in tune with the thinking of the "Nazis" of The New World Order, only those who can be bought, blackmailed, controlled and so on are allowed into mainstream politics, journalism etc. these days. This affects us all because these then are the people who determine/influence how we live and die. For instance, I know of many capable, "good" people who are excluded or pressured not to act because they oppose criminals in high places. This is "thought policing" in the real world. It's sickening. </BLOCKQUOTE><BR> <LI><A TARGET="_blank" HREF="/projfree/index.html"><B><I>SITE DOWN! Click here for my mirror of this site as of 2003.</I></B></A> <BR><A HREF="">Project Freedom</A> - an utter gem, the UK take on mind control technology.<BR><BR> <LI><A HREF="">Raven - Microwave Mind Control</A> - superb and Eleanor replies personally to your e-mails. <LI>James Henry Graf's superb and necessary <A HREF=""> disclosure</A> should prompt some reassessments. <LI><A HREF="">CAHRA's Mind Control site</A> cites plenty of startling documentary evidence that this is going on. Author Cheryl Walsh is a law student and researcher, and a victim of psychotronic weapons herself. </UL> <H4>Political Sites</H4> <IMG SRC="bhaw.jpg"> <UL> <LI><A HREF="">Project Censored</A> with excellent coverage of articles that never make it to the news. <LI><A HREF="">Alex Jones' Infowars site</A> - superb. <LI><A HREF="">Bilderberg Organisation</A> - Critical dissection of the Bildeberg agenda. This is a really massive site, and well worth the read :-<BR><BR> <BLOCKQUOTE> The ideology put forward at the Bilderberg conferences is that what's good for banking and big business is good for the mere mortals of the world. Silently banished are the critical voices, those that might point out that debt is spiralling out of control, that wealth is being sucked away from ordinary people and into the hands of the faceless corporate institutions, that millions are dying as a direct result of the global heavyweight Rockefeller / Rothschild economic strategies. </BLOCKQUOTE> </UL> <H4>Miscellaneous Sites</H4> <UL> <LI>There's a whole host of interesting spiritual articles at <A HREF=""> Netnews Association</A>. <LI><A HREF="">Soldier of the Lord</A> is a great read, and shouldn't go unheeded. <LI><A HREF="">Four Winds</A> is eye-opening at times. Have a look at <A HREF="">Lenticular Clouds (Cloudships)</A> for a strange phenomenon. Check their <A HREF="">News Index</A>. <LI>Read the eye-opening <A HREF="">Farsight's Mission Statement</A>. <LI><A HREF="">John Taylor Gatto's brilliant re-appraisal of education</A>. <LI>This should <A HREF="">Ring a Bell</A>. Spot on about ringers and stringers. <LI><A HREF="">The Electric Cosmos</A> is a superb alternative to standard cosmological interpretation. It's obvious if you understand the ubiquity and properties of plasma. No need for "black holes", "red shifts", "gravitational lensing" or "big bangs". <A HREF="">Dr. Halton C. Arp demonstrates the misleading nature of red shift analysis</A> where the barred spiral galaxy NGC 4319 and the quasar like object Markarian 205 show a definite physical connection despite massive redshift differences. </UL> <BR> Discuss these issues on <A HREF="">Into the Night Forum</A> or <A HREF="">The Peanuts Gang Forum</A>. I post to these under the moniker "Graphic Equaliser" and they're both fabulous. Hats off to the people involved - the posters. <HR> <A NAME="sites"></A> <H3 ALIGN=CENTER>Interesting Sites to Visit</H3> <UL> <LI>Understanding on my wavelength, and top of my sites is <A HREF="">Krishnamurti's Book of Life</A>, which is my current bible. <LI>Rupert Sheldrake has put <A HREF="">a good site</A> together, which encourages your own experimentation on paranormal phenomena. Many of his experiments and their results form the meat of some of <A HREF="thoughts.htm#intent">my points on this site</A>. <LI>Excellent reporting on <A HREF="">Common Dreams</A>. Eye-openers like <A HREF=""> Afghans' Uranium Levels Spark Alert</A> are the type of reality reporting the mainstream avoid like the plague. <LI>Some really good links, and some really weird ones too is <A HREF=""> Memepool's site</A>. Always a fascinating read, and updated daily with new stuff. <LI>Take your pick of intelligent and provocative scientific articles, all beautifully housed at <A HREF=""> Lee Borrell's site</A>. <LI>The scientists' revolt is going on at <A HREF="">Sparkchamber</A>. This is where we realise we have been trying too hard. <LI>For some amazing computer-generated pictures that are so life-like, you'll be looking at them with a magnifying glass, visit <A HREF="">the Zargon Studios web site</A>. <LI>For some amazing theories about consciousness and quantum effects in the brain try <A HREF="">Matti Pitkanen</A> <LI>If you think the police are corrupt, try <A HREF="">Black Information Link</A> for some hard facts on how they, and many other institutions in society, really are. <LI>For some tremendous insights both new and old, go to the thinkers page on <A HREF="">Sasha's Great Thinkers and Visionaries page</A>, and follow the links. <LI>Predictions of the future come in all different forms. Some very interesting ones are on <A HREF="">Raymond Kurzweil's site</A>. <LI>Corruption in USA is dealt with openly and frankly on <A HREF="">Forest Glen Durland's brilliant site</A>. <LI>Go to <A HREF="">Gordon L. Ziniewicz's Philosophy Page</A>. The whole site is abundant in philosophical treats, and his tone of communication is very easy on the brain. <LI>Check out <A HREF="">Green Net</A> for the latest news on human rights abuse around the world. <LI><A HREF="">Internet Rights</A> keep the British side of internet freedom up admirably well. <LI><A HREF="">Cult of the Dead Cow</A> is always worth a look, especially as it tries to keep the Internet free. <LI>For a site that takes some believing, but the experiments are obviously going on, try <A HREF=""><I>Weird Sight</I></A>. <LI>Have a look at <A HREF="">Fort Ogden</A> for a chuckle. </UL> <BR>That lot should keep you reading quality, instead of propaganda. <HR> <A NAME="rngimg"></A> <H3 ALIGN=CENTER>Image of the Day :-</H3> <TABLE ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=95%><TR><TD><SPAN CLASS="dutty" onClick="writeimage(-1);">Previous Image</SPAN></TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT><SPAN CLASS="dutty" onClick="writeimage(1);">Next Image</SPAN></TD></TR> <TR><TD COLSPAN=2 ALIGN=CENTER><DIV NAME="picloc" ID="picloc"></DIV></TD></TR></TABLE> <HR> <H3 ALIGN=CENTER>Your Current System :-</H3> <DIV ID="brwinfo"></DIV> <DIV ID="ipstuff"></DIV> <DIV ID="uainfo"></DIV> <H4>My Current System :-</H4> <table border="1" cellpadding="2" bordercolor="black" bgcolor="yellow" cellspacing="2" style="text-align:center;"> <tr><th>CPU</th><td>Intel® Core™i7 Quad Core Processor i7-4790k 8MB Cache @4.4GHz</td> </tr><tr> <th>Mobo</th><td>Gigabyte Z97-HD3: ATX, LG1150, USB 3.0, SATA 6GBs</td> </tr><tr> <th>PSU</th><td>CORSAIR 350W VS SERIES™ VS-350</td> </tr><tr> <th>OS</th><td>Windows 10 Pro</td> </tr><tr> <th>GPU</th><td>1GB NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 750 - DVI, mHDMI, VGA - 3D Vision Ready</td> </tr><tr> <th>RAM</th><td>8GB KINGSTON DUAL-DDR3 1600MHz (1 x 8GB)</td> </tr><tr> <th>HDD</th><td>120GB Samsung 840 EVO SSD, SATA 6Gb/s (upto 540MB/sR | 410MB/sW)<br>Toshiba 500GB 3.5" SATA-III 6GB/s HDD 7200RPM 16MB CACHE</td> </tr><tr> <th>Optical Drives</th><td>USB Samsung DVRW SE-208</td> </tr></table> <H4>My Old System :-</H4> <table border="1" cellpadding="2" bordercolor="black" bgcolor="yellow" cellspacing="2" style="text-align:center;"> <tr><th>CPU</th><td>Skt 775 LGA Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 @3.8GHz (400MHz FSB, 9.5X)</td> </tr><tr> <th>Mobo</th><td>AsRock P43 Twins 1600</td> </tr><tr> <th>PSU</th><td>Generic Power Supply 500W</td> </tr><tr> <th>OS</th><td>Win XP Pro SP3</td> </tr><tr> <th>GPU</th><td>NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GSO PCIe 768MB</td> </tr><tr> <th>RAM</th><td>2 GB (2 X 1024MB Nanya 800Mhz DDR2)</td> </tr><tr> <th>HDD</th><td>250GB Maxtor SATA II 7200 rpm 8MB buffer STM3250310AS</td> </tr><tr> <th>Optical Drives</th><td>Optiarc DVD RW AD-7200A</td> </tr><tr> <th>Test Results</th><td>PC Mark 05 9358 | 3D Mark 03 31052 | 3D Mark 05 19733 | 3D Mark 06 10445</td> </tr></table> <H4>My Oldest System :-</H4> <table border="1" cellpadding="2" bordercolor="black" bgcolor="yellow" cellspacing="2" style="text-align:center;"> <tr><th>CPU</th><td>Skt 754 Athlon AMD 64 3400+ Newcastle Core @2.4GHz (200Mhz FSB, 12X)</td> </tr><tr> <th>Mobo</th><td>ABIT KV8 Pro 3rd Eye</td> </tr><tr> <th>PSU</th><td>Coolermaster eXtreme Power 380W</td> </tr><tr> <th>OS</th><td>Win XP Pro SP2</td> </tr><tr> <th>GPU</th><td>Gigabyte nVidia GeForce Turboforce 6600 256MB AGP 8X</td> </tr><tr> <th>RAM</th><td>1 GB (2 X 512MB Nanya 400Mhz DDR)</td> </tr><tr> <th>HDD</th><td>250GB Maxtor UDMA133 IDE 7200 rpm 16MB buffer 6B250R0</td> </tr><tr> <th>Optical Drives</th><td>Teac CDRW 516EB, Samsung DVD Master 16E Model SD-616</td> </tr><tr> <th>Test Results</th><td>PC Mark 04 4332 | 3D Mark 03 5768 | 3D Mark 05 2467</td> </tr></table> <BR><BR> <A NAME="browsers"></A> Browsers should be tested with <A HREF="browtest.htm">this script (hammers the browser)</A>. 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Where has their spirit gone?'; amjqts[20]="I don't want physical riches, just the opportunity to explore the miracle of my being with the wonderful tool of consciousness."; amjqts[21]="When you don't feel right, blame yourselves, not other people."; amjqts[22]="Soon, we'll all be in money prison."; amjqts[23]='Clothes - These are just bits of cloth used to keep us warm.'; amjqts[24]='Money - These are just bits of paper and metal.'; amjqts[25]='Bank balance - This is just an arbitrary number.'; amjqts[26]='Would it be fair for North Korea to bomb London because Britain has germ warfare or nuclear weapons?'; amjqts[27]='The planet is permanently gorgeous, not just glorious in sunlight, as the media would have you believe.'; amjqts[28]='Perhaps this is why most people prefer to remain asleep, and resent any attempts to wake them up, in case it induces change.'; amjqts[29]='We may not even resemble anything like the image caused by light bouncing off us, to other life forms.'; amjqts[30]='Only young children seem to have any interest in new approaches and attitudes to old situations.'; amjqts[31]="A factory could produce a car or light bulb that lasts forever, but this doesn't make business thrive."; amjqts[32]='The fight between good and evil boils down to the struggle between common sense with long-term benefits, and brutality with short-term benefits.'; amjqts[33]='It is a deliberate ploy that, globally, governments allow citizens to consume alcohol, but not pot.'; amjqts[34]='It seems to me that apes are more enlightened than humans.'; amjqts[35]="Countries are inventions of man's mind."; amjqts[36]='People who turn a blind eye to violence, condone it.'; amjqts[37]='I predict the fall of man through genetic tampering.'; amjqts[38]='The beauty of this planet is all too often mistaken as man-made.'; amjqts[39]="Britain's folly was when it stopped reading books, and started reading minds."; amjqts[40]='I rue the "quick-fade" attitude of society.'; amjqts[41]='There we are then, everyone is smug with their own level of distrust and resulting violence.'; amjqts[42]='Too much comfort will kill us all.'; amjqts[43]='The process of being alive is tant amount to remaining buoyant in a sea of space and time.'; amjqts[44]='There is too much premature superciliousness.'; amjqts[45]='Intelligence is not rewarded or respected.'; amjqts[46]='Indoctrinated pagan, religious and scientific laws keep people stupid and inert.'; amjqts[47]='Mind creates reality through interpretation of perception.'; amjqts[48]="He is expecting security-reassuring repeatable ideas, but with quantum chemistry occurring in everyone's heads, nothing could be regarded as repeatable."; amjqts[49]='Science is a trap, not a law.'; amjqts[50]='With a more sensitive, mystical, intuitive and spiritual aspect to upbringing, people would be a lot happier than they are now with this mocked up illusion of helplessness in cold scientific "reality".'; amjqts[51]='Wisdom, sensitivity and curiosity should increase with age, not atrophy and wither into bitterness.'; amjqts[52]='Name any other species that attempts to limit the thoughts of its members to a scientifically explainable subset of all possibilities.'; amjqts[53]='Part of the admission procedure is "Think like us now, or get out!".'; amjqts[54]='Anarchy is a state of being where all efforts to peaceful co-existence are fully taken on-board.'; amjqts[55]='In an anarchistic society, intelligence and wisdom are the measure of a man, not the amount of money he has.'; amjqts[56]='And designs that are thought out, not rushed out.'; amjqts[57]='Knowledge that comes from prolonged peace is the most valuable you can get, but the plunderers simply burnt it all down. This is still happening today...'; amjqts[58]="Instead of crowding credulous, disillusioned sheeple into unhappy lives in sprawling cities, and covering the verdant, lush surface of this gorgeous orb with dull, grey, inanimate concrete and roads..."; amjqts[59]='For example, no one now born, is going to change the 7-day week structured existence we currently rue.'; amjqts[60]='Nowadays, there are no more peaceful populaces, just the standardised capitalism under the guise of "freedom", or some brutal dictatorship.'; amjqts[61]='If objections are raised, they are reported as a threat to the security provided by society, rather than alternatives to be seriously considered.'; amjqts[62]='It is better to spend time and money to get the best technically achievable, than to bodge a fix for the sake of profit margins.'; amjqts[63]="The majority view is that reality is rubbish, but, as long as you can laugh about it, the situation doesn't matter."; amjqts[64]='This short-sighted mode of human operation is so pervasive as to be self-perpetuating.'; amjqts[65]='This makes for a shallow and violent society where no one feels their true worth, and everyone is constantly seeking some salve for the feeling that they are no different to anyone else.'; amjqts[66]='Western civilisation perpetuates the isolatory existence of masses in the cities.'; amjqts[67]='Either we are the very first conscious life form in the universe, or, more likely, there are others that are conscious too.'; amjqts[68]='Not everything that is knowable, is provable.'; amjqts[69]="Let's go down - and join the expanding populace of shrinking minds."; amjqts[70]="I'm not saying that these bad things shouldn't exist, just that they should be harder to attain."; amjqts[71]="People in the Western world are becoming zombies - there are no longer intellectual debates going on in the shopping malls, and TV and pubs have ruined people's imaginations."; amjqts[72]="If nanobots ever became so common-place as to leak into the atmosphere, then no one could escape their inhalation."; amjqts[73]="Many times have I seen the face that throws logic and common sense to the wind, because of alterior motives."; amjqts[74]="If they're so sure of it all, why the fear and retribution?"; amjqts[75]="We are convinced that something is out there that is separate from our own minds' creation of what's out there, when what's out there will always be a reflection of our biochemistry."; amjqts[76]="After all, the fantastic and realistic realms one enters when lying flat on a bed, surely show us how far we could go without perceptual restraints on all the time."; amjqts[77]="Imagination is usually suppressed in favour of TV, alcohol, and consumerism."; amjqts[78]="<B>Live and let live</B> doesn't mean <B>live</B> it up <B>and let</B> the rest <B>live</B> in squalor."; amjqts[79]="And with the masses conditioned to accept nothing short of total security, you can be assured the thought-streams that are the most popular and acceptable to those in power, are also the most crass and stultified."; amjqts[80]="It takes confidence, intelligence and strength to overthrow what exists, and that is something the establishment do not want engendered in the populaces it currently controls - it deliberately keeps the masses short of their full potential physically, mentally and spiritually."; amjqts[81]="Governments' thinking is that the greater the technological advancement and population size, the greater the need for imposed order."; amjqts[82]="We should be wild in the mind, but considered in action. Humans are the opposite."; amjqts[83]="It is the politicians who are angling for a scrap, not the people they are supposed to represent."; amjqts[84]="Any education system that teaches its students nothing about compassion, and everything about competition, is psychologically damaging those students."; amjqts[85]="When shown how society has conditioned them to habitually sell themselves short of their true capabilities, the usual response is anger, not curiosity. When shown alternative philosophies that demonstrate greater freedom of mind and spirit, they resort to disbelief followed by aggression every single time. The 'in a rut' style of belief structure is in everyone globally, and nobody wants to know any different, even though they're depressed by how unimportant it makes them feel."; amjqts[86]="Most people seem to exist in a state that is constantly backed down from a seemingly insurmountable obstacle to total fulfilment. They think that no one can be truly happy in this society unless they have tons of money, and they refuse to see the fact that those with lots of money are not happy either."; amjqts[87]="The 'average Joe' has no say in important decisions. A million UK citizens said 'No' to war with Iraq, and they were completely ignored, but are still expected to foot the bill through taxes on their wages. Now, soldiers and civilians alike will suffer ill health from the extensive use of depleted uranium."; amjqts[88]="Most people are selfish 'grabbers', with no thought for the future consequences on the environment or the people around them (even their own families!). Give them an inch and they'll take a mile, even if it kills them. They are short-sighted, shallow, hedonistic idiots."; amjqts[89]="Most people know love is good, but are too scared of emotional highs to show any. This is because, whenever they get high, people come down on them like a ton of bricks, since they have stepped outside of the normal parameters allowed for human existence by the powers that be."; amjqts[90]="If only they could realise that security is an illusion, and that, for example, weapons are more of a threat to existence than, say, no weapons. If only they could see that society is structured in such a way as to give the average person a low level of general health and well-being, so as to minimise any threat from that person on the power hierarchy that is in place."; amjqts[91]="If the unitive and the procreative aspects of sex are not separated, the depopulation of the West will be prevented, the integrity of marriage will be ensured, and it will halt the slippery slope of biological madness that separates procreation from sex, i.e. cloning."; amjqts[92]="For that product to contend it is made 'in the image of God' whereas other species aren't, is willful ignorance. With the 'kind and dynamic' laws of physics in place, all life in the universe is 'made in the image of God'!"; amjqts[93]="It would be better to make a better, longer-lasting and more stimulating environment for healthy human beings to share their lives in; not the poisonous, grey concrete jungles we are all forcibly herded into under the 'free' choice of work or starve, and where money becomes your goal, not natural, spiritual fulfilment."; amjqts[94]="Humans seem to be designed for love, sometimes at the cost of a safer survival blueprint, because love, benevolence, and compassion parallel the feelings of the energy of the very atoms that make everything up."; amjqts[95]="Don't fool yourself into thinking that the governments' puppeteers have respect for human life; anything you get from the media is just lip service in the light of the bigger picture."; amjqts[96]="It shouldn't have to be such that all species of life are ultimately mere vassals to corporate society's unnatural and perverted money-making whims."; amjqts[97]="We are free spirits, and our bodies mere vessels to return to after a good trip 'out there'. We can enter other bodies, experience their feelings and thoughts, and perceive through their senses."; amjqts[98]="This pointless process has now got us to the point where we are so afraid of each other's intentions, we are inventing new ways to murder and maim each other using the latest technology, rather than freeing ourselves from the burden of work with new discoveries in science."; amjqts[99]="Mind creates what appears to be reality through interpretation of perception. The way the mind interprets is key to what 'reality' is perceived."; amjqts[100]="The thought frameworks that are currently commonly educated, cause extremely blinkered ways of thinking, and introduction to new ideas is usually met with anger, rebuke and urgent pleas for proof, rather than curiosity, trust and change."; amjqts[101]="All this, simply because we are convinced that something is out there that is separate from our own minds' creation of what's out there, when what's out there will always be a reflection of our biochemistry. We are frantically scrabbling to see the creation of our own stretching minds!"; amjqts[102]="Variety of thought patterns should be regarded as a treasure trove, not a threat. The streamlining of all thought patterns into one single scientific set, is what has made people bored and fed up with their lots."; amjqts[103]="There are natural flora and fauna which can rid you of all known opinion structures, and leave you to experience what is actual in real-time, rather than consciously-appraised time!"; amjqts[104]="Currently, we believe a car is more likely to please us than regular philosophical discussion with like-minded individuals."; amjqts[105]="We should look to construct societies that breath and adapt to the changing ways of humans in their spiritual adventures on this planet, not stick to dogmatic, fiscally-governed principles because no one else dares to think of anything better."; amjqts[106]="A glance back at the history books reassures us that it is better to spend time and money to get the best technically achievable, than to bodge a fix for the sake of profit margins."; amjqts[107]="Everywhere in the world we are justifying murder as a means to a righteous end, which in itself is unprecedented. Before, evil was recognized to be evil, murder was recognized to be murder, but now murder is a means to achieve a noble result."; amjqts[108]="Democracy is two-faced in that, whilst they defend the rights of innocent civilians around the world, they research, manufacture and sell arms to the oppressors."; amjqts[109]="We are forced to live in a form of controlled nervous tic."; amjqts[110]="Paradise is for the blessed, not the sex-obsessed."; amjqts[111]="Stupid man's philosophy : 'If you can't perceive it properly, become it'."; amjqts[112]="Everything we experience or theorize is just a manifestation of the nervous system's biochemistry. Because the modern-day system doesn't work naturally, we have to poison our bodies' biochemistry in order to give it the semblance of coherence."; amjqts[113]="When CDs ousted vinyl and musical retail outlets became more streamlined in the name of commercial efficiency and business sense, what was available for mass-listening could more easily be centrally controlled."; amjqts[114]="Don't let your nervous system become a seething mass of neurotic misconceptions instilled by your experiences growing up through the quagmire of government-controlled stage-shows."; amjqts[115]="Typical person, wake up! Break out of that Duracell battery pod 'The Matrix' placed you in. You're living in a dream world if you think the government is a benevolent force there only for the greater good."; amjqts[116]="We do not realise (or are supposed to realise) that we are far more complicated than any science founded on our senses could possibly describe."; amjqts[117]="The 'society preservers' get called out to listen to some seer proclaiming all good common sense. They see him as someone making a noise at them, and then going away. Well, this isn't going away."; amjqts[118]="If a brain is fed the same stuff, it will grow the same way. We need diversification of input in order to quench the need for individuality."; amjqts[119]="Express yourselves when you feel like it. People are more forgiving than your paranoia will allow you to believe."; amjqts[120]="Take a look at reality. Only sick minds dwell there."; amjqts[121]="Perhaps some higher form of intelligence is doing experiments on planets throughout this universe, trying to evolve the most intelligent or advanced civilization, for their own entertainment's sake."; amjqts[122]="Countries are inventions of man's mind. Aliens must think us mad as they watch us produce a passport each time we cross one of these imaginary lines. We have one world and this should be our country."; amjqts[123]="There is too much awe, beauty and wonder in this universe to go around trying to logically explain every phenomenon we experience."; amjqts[124]="This is how humans work. They think things like 'If you're not blindly with us, you're a threat'."; amjqts[125]="Television appears to me to be a situation generator based around common reality, and a set of actors demonstrating 'normal' interpretations of response in these situations."; amjqts[126]="The fight between good and evil boils down to the struggle between common sense with long-term benefits, and brutality with short-term benefits. History shows that brutality always prevails. It also shows that using brutality to fight brutality results in more brutality. When are we ever going to learn?"; amjqts[127]="Capitalism produces goods just well enough, that their lifespan is governed by market forces. A factory could produce a car or light bulb that lasts forever, but this doesn't make business thrive."; amjqts[128]="We are living in a society of mind-controlled, heavily conditioned morons, who cannot think for themselves, have lost the ability to use their imaginations, cannot have philosophical discussions of any sort, and can only consume more and more of whatever is deemed 'the in thing' by the mass media."; amjqts[129]="Most of what you eat nowadays is genetically modified, pre-processed and full of chemical additives, the long-term effects of which have not yet been ascertained. We are the guinea pigs."; amjqts[130]="Frantic sport observers are the biggest joke in society. If this is the common goal for man's lifetime spiritual attainment, then there is no hope for mankind."; amjqts[131]="When looked at logically, you cannot expect to attain happiness by being selfish and brutal. Your conscience would not allow that to happen."; amjqts[132]="Intricate interwoven understanding of nature's beauty at levels well beyond the labelling mechanics of language. The eternal hope springs that bubble through the facade of social image anxiety, when someone makes an intelligent and creative observation."; amjqts[133]="Human beings are the only creatures on this planet who are born into captivity. They have to accept the principles of money, education, science, social etiquette, sexual repression, and structured existence (9 to 5 jobs and the 7-day week - I mean, where did they get 7 from?"; amjqts[134]="Every Saturday the deceived masses file into the shopping complexes, the department stores and the burger bars; the materialist playgrounds of the modern age. As I study these people they seem to resemble a scene from a macabre pilgrimage, where the high priests of the retail trade receive millions and millions of pounds in return for a hollow communion of plastic, pleasure and polystyrene."; amjqts[135]="Consciousness literally means 'knowing together', not disparate brains whose only links to each other are discrete and arbitrary vocalizations. Wise up people. Stop running away, and start feeling and understanding it."; amjqts[136]="I don't want physical riches, just the opportunity to explore the miracle of my being with the wonderful tool of consciousness."; amjqts[137]="The solution is to trust each other and live openly and naturally, not mistrust each other and live fearfully in mental and physical cages."; amjqts[138]="The populaces of the world are becoming increasingly stricken with what I term 'empty head syndrome'. This consists of the interpretationless monitoring of one's own senses. What is worrying is the increasing amount of time people spend doing this."; amjqts[139]="Most people are slow to gain a smile and quick to lose one. The ancient art of 'saving face' is the constant new fashion. Whatever happened to the lasting beam?"; amjqts[140]="The wise and open-minded should be elevated to the positions of chief directors, educators and judges, not those who are rich through brutality, bloodlines and a knack for obfuscation."; amjqts[141]="For people who say 'Society isn't perfect, but it's the only solution we've got until something better comes along...', my reply is, 'How can anything better come along if the structure of this society is so as to deny anything that could change it for the better?'"; amjqts[142]="Why do humans insist on putting themselves in the position where all they've got to do to alleviate the boredom is somehow cause themselves pleasure? Brainless fucking morons."; amjqts[143]="I'm not sure what will happen as regards money, but serving ourselves and our loved ones has got to be better than to grudgingly spend one's life serving a number, just because everyone else does!"; amjqts[144]="It is perhaps no coincidence that great parallels can be drawn between Catholic ceremony and Satanic ritual. Both feast on the bodies of sacrifices and their blood. The smoky atmosphere of a fire-lit demonic rite and the incense-laden halls of worship."; amjqts[145]="Human beings' main problem is their constant self-deception into thinking that they are more than a mammal on the surface of a planet, and that if they don't smell of the products the invisible dominators want them to smell of, then they will suffer ostracism."; amjqts[146]="Society tends to produce docile creatures with vicious minds."; amjqts[147]="After social or business intercourse with friends or colleagues, the average citizen always mentally assesses his own performance, frantically scrabbling for theories to bolster his ego. Alcohol is often used as a vehicle of escape from this persistent daily mode of behaviour."; amjqts[148]="Understanding of other people which is immediately assessed for manipulation potential, is always more shallow than understanding which is done on the basis of sympathy and love."; amjqts[149]="Perhaps, because Westerners have hoarded all the wealth of the earth over to their side of the world, they expect everyone living in this brutally-created luxury to be smiling and glad. Those who choose melancholy are regarded as ungrateful threats to their unfair system."; amjqts[150]="Imagination is usually suppressed in favour of TV, alcohol, and consumerism."; amjqts[151]="Hopi Prophecy : 'Near the Day of Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky.' Now look at the chemtrails in the normally clear blue skies."; amjqts[152]="The more thick-skinned and ignorant you are of other people's thoughts, the more you are admired and revered. This is typical of the madness of modern society, where common sense tells you what ought to be true, when the complete opposite is the social reality."; amjqts[153]="It's always the Yanks and the Brits selling arms to poorer countries (the perpetrators' intentions to acquire more money with high lending rates to these countries) and then going in with troops, because they are now deemed 'dangerous' or a 'threat'. I suppose you've gotta laugh."; amjqts[154]="To listen to the media about cannabis, you would think it was one of the few plants that God must have made wrong, because, in the 21st century, it is being tested for in US offices, and, despite no solid evidence to indicate any harm from cannabis, it is stigmatized in every country in the world."; amjqts[155]="The majority of sheeple would rather have brutal force hanging over their heads, than compassionate interest, because they 'think' it makes them feel safer - basically (more) 'violence' equals (more) 'safety'. Now that's what I call 'deluded'."; amjqts[156]="We have a situation in most democratic societies around the world where, appearance is more important than content."; amjqts[157]="What gets me is that Satanism is not exactly a popular recreational activity, so how come all of our elected representatives are somehow connected to it?"; amjqts[158]="On any given late night or weekend, count the proportion of alcohol-related accidents to sober ones. Look at what alcohol does to the delicate emotional fabric of family units. Look at how it is portrayed in the media - the liquid of celebration (not hangovers), the safest form of recreational drug use (they have got to be joking), and, globally, the only legal drug apart from nicotine. I want a choice."; amjqts[159]="Humans are the only species that will murder members of their own species, because of handed-down ideas in their heads."; amjqts[160]="It is already a piss-poor world when someone has already chopped your life up into 7-day cycles, like it or lump it. You have to gear your life to the acquisition of money, or starve to death. Your soul's natural ethics have to be put aside in order to continue to survive."; amjqts[161]="Question. Who set the agenda for moral and ethical debating issues in this society? Answer. Politicians. Question. Who usually have the lowest moral and ethical standards in this society? Answer. Politicians."; amjqts[162]="They could deflect all their current defence spending into building a technopolis-type infrastructure, employing the best brains in the world through the internet, and end up creating something their children's children would be proud to inherit and live in."; amjqts[163]="All members of the Order Cetacea (includes all whales, toothed and those using baleen) are believed to have evolved from terrestrial hoofed mammals like cows, camels and sheep some 45 million years ago. Human society and development must be just a 'flash in the pan' to them."; amjqts[164]="The modern world runs counter to good survival techniques for the species, despite providing short-sighted security for the individual."; amjqts[165]="They quickly scrabble around for a way to condone spending more money on building and selling 'defence' equipment around the world, and the cockamamie theories they come up with make me laugh. None of them can answer the simple point that we already have enough nukes in each developed country to blow any threat up now, so why do we need to continue spending trillions of dollars on finding more ways to kill people?"; amjqts[166]="The religion-instilled flock-like nature of the masses, means an easy time to be had by anyone in power, no matter how hard they abuse the 'system'. It's really clever, and governments all around the world have been doing it for hundreds of years."; amjqts[167]="The problem all scientists have is simple. They erroneously believe that the space-time continuum is controlled by physical laws alone, and has no will or consciousness of its own. Well, it has, and we have its."; amjqts[168]="Jeez, our leaders engage in mock throat-slitting and filling coffins with Nazi memorabilia. I certainly wouldn't want them as my neighbours, babysitters or anything else, thank you very much, let alone as someone who controls nuclear detonators. I'm talking Blair and Bush here."; amjqts[169]="Free activities like walking, running, jogging and swimming may be enjoyable, but they still leave that nagging feeling that you haven't satisfied some corporate's greed."; amjqts[170]="Apes are probably laughing at our ridiculous primness about nudity!"; amjqts[171]="Cannabis has had a bad press since the 1930's, when the oil, cotton, and paper industries decided it would harm their profits, if its global and traditional usage were allowed to continue. It is now outlawed in every country - even places like Morocco, where tradition dictates an afternoon hookah pipe for most males, as has been customary practice for thousands of years!"; amjqts[172]="Those who argue that cannabis consumption is the first step to the rocky world of harder drugs, are, in effect, comparing a post-prandial sherry as the slippery slope towards piss-soaked trousers in a tramp's drunken haze under Brooklyn bridge!"; amjqts[173]="Mankind's problem can now be more readily summarised - he's too lazy to try to think for himself, and the people he let's do the thinking for him, are the least appropriate. If intelligence had 'ruled the roost' in the formation of this society, hemp would be central to everything - not oil and pharmaceuticals."; amjqts[174]="Why are you so concerned about what 'other people' think about you? It's not that important, and you should be living your own life, not the life that 'other people' think you should be living. You'll realise this fully, when you're on your death-bed, by which time, it's too late fool."; amjqts[175]="When someone lies, you can tell by the sentence construction. It is pitted with hesitation and distraction. If the discourse is not flowing smoothly, they are lying to you. It is that simple. Check out any politician's speech - it's worse than a stammerer with Tourette's syndrome!"; amjqts[176]="When it comes down to abortion, the majority of humans are misguided. Just where is this invisible line in 'age' when a bunch of cells becomes an inviolable human being? According to the man in the street, only when its head has popped out of the womb. Let's just accept the miracle of life, which starts when sperm meets egg."; amjqts[177]="Will we all kill each other off because of what we remember about each other, or will the idea of killing in the name of some thought or other, die out, since intelligence will stamp it out? We cannot remain this stupid for this long - can we?"; amjqts[178]="The human world is the way it is because of its propensity towards feelings-based decision-making. It could be improved if decisions were intelligence-based instead."; amjqts[179]="How come so few members of a species so intelligent, can see our lives from a planet orbit perspective? For example, am I the only one to see that, when it is New Year, the homo sapiens species is a joke - as the ball of rock called Earth reaches a certain point in its journey around the sun, all members of this species go mad for a few hours, because tradition dictates it!"; amjqts[180]="As soon as you adopt any belief structure, you are on the rocky road to bigotry. Ideas are not reality. Beliefs about the way reality works should not be set in stone. If there is no room for fundamental change in a belief structure (like in science), then that is the start of opinion and the end of accurate description."; amjqts[181]="We (the electorate) have not pushed democracy to where we want it. It has been shaped for us by hundreds of years of traditional lunacy by those already in power."; amjqts[182]="Nowadays, if someone can ignore horrific ideas, be indifferent to corruption and scandal at the highest levels, and turn a blind eye to violence if it's 'in a good cause', they are socially acceptable and not otherwise. If they can't, then they must be a 'subversive' or a 'dangerous liberal'. Sorry, but we just think you're ignorant - dangerously ignorant!"; amjqts[183]="Those with the attitude 'But there's nothing we can do about it anyway, so what's the point?' cannot possibly believe that they live in a democracy. They must somehow accept a mild form of fascism as their government, if they believe there is nothing they could do about their state of affairs."; amjqts[184]="Stop trying to explain everything. Live a little instead of analysing others living."; amjqts[185]="If your religion requires you to use objects outside of your body, in order to accomplish your religious worship, then you are dangerously deluded. Religion is internal, and when it is externalized, it becomes bigotry and indoctrination."; amjqts[186]="We are all hairless apes on a ball of rock in space. I am, and so is the queen, and Tony Blair and your boss and anyone else. At that level we are all equal. Make sure you know this one at all times, but especially when the stress levels seem to be rising."; amjqts[187]="As a species with directed consciousness, we are physically, emotionally, and spiritually, very powerful. We must have a lot more respect for the repercussions of our actions. Noting this, we should also be able to forgive quickly and easily, where others may overstep the mark."; amjqts[188]="When we stop taking our consciousness so seriously, and stop believing us to be unique in the universe in having it (just look at other species on our own planet to see!), then we might start making some progress. In the meantime, we have to live in a crass, stultified society where the majority are happy to spend their existences scrabbling around for reasons to justify their indoctrinated evil intentions."; amjqts[189]="When countries are correctly perceived as man-made divisions of man from man, we'll all be better off for it. One world, one species - that's the way I see it."; amjqts[190]="We have to re-educate ourselves and our children to use compassion rather than competition, and to live in small communities rather than sprawling massive cities. We either ease back on the course we are heading down, or we end up in a cheapskate technopolis where governments are only concerned about your identity and consumer habits."; amjqts[191]="An easier way to stamp out the small arms trade is to stop all manufacture of them. Tear down the gun factories. If I was working in a weapons factory, I would rather leave and starve for a bit, than manufacture anonymous death. Again, people's stupidity and short-sightedness means they perceive the problem, but cannot see the obvious way to prevent it occurring."; amjqts[192]="Patriotism, religion, tradition and political/corporate alliance are the vehicles they use to fool us passive, peace-loving, family-orientated apes into fighting each other. Take a good look at yourself physiologically - we are sensitive, tender, and gentle in the flesh - not exactly a rhino - so why do we go round maintaining that we are 'so hard'?"; amjqts[193]="I believe it is the government's responsibility to educate the voters with enough moral understanding and scientific knowledge, that they can form balanced, and well-founded opinions and conclusions about circumstances. They are woefully failing in that duty globally, as evidenced by people's widespread propensity to base opinion on emotions rather than facts."; amjqts[194]="The majority of human beings on this planet are illiterate, innumerate slobs with no regard for 'truth' at all. They expect society to give them a life, and expect their 'truth' to be delivered through the mass media."; amjqts[195]="People are so used to swallowing lies, they even excuse politicians' life-taking indiscretions as 'normal behaviour for a politician'!"; amjqts[196]="It should be obvious that, as soon as we opened the atom, and found nothing 'solid' therein coupled with observation changing the observed at this level, that everything is an illusion created by consciousness."; amjqts[197]="I am beginning to notice how the people who are the most insistent on sanity or normality, are precisely the ones who look the most mad!"; amjqts[198]="We've been mollycoddled for so long, we fear losing the comforts to which we've become accustomed. This state of fear becomes pervasive, especially in Western civilisations. A kind of friendly paranoia, rather than friendliness. Belligerence and luxury have cost us dearly. We are sorry for our forebears."; amjqts[199]="God made us in the form we are, so why is nudity such an affront to people's sensibilities globally? Apart from sexual obsession to the point of insanity, human nudity should be considered in exactly the same light as animal nudity - totally natural."; amjqts[200]="If everyone had independence of thought and a modicum of active imagination, then dangerous mass opinion and emotion would be things of the past. Whenever I see massive groups of people all looking for someone to show them the way, I cringe."; amjqts[201]="Since nearly everyone only does things for society if they are paid to do so, and then only begrudgingly and poorly, the world never improves and the same old problems persist."; amjqts[202]="Anachronism is causing human schism in the modern world - again! We all need to abandon traditions and customs, and start to live an ideologically dynamic lifestyle, where your beliefs from birth to death, are in constant flux."; amjqts[203]="All our major political figures, regardless of political party allegiance, are vetted at Bilderberger conferences by big business leaders. After such 'private' events, the corporate bigwigs turn the cogs necessary to make sure their business interests are politically protected. It's time for all this to stop. I am fed up of paying some evil bastards tax money, so that they can continue to hang nuclear arsenals above our grandchildren's heads, because some corporate bigwig wants to make some money out of human death."; amjqts[204]="Drug attitudes have changed from reasonably mature, to the current mad stigmatization, but alcohol is not a drug, according to its modern media image. There are 'Say No' campaigns for everything but booze. Just the occasional 'Drink Aware' or 'Use Moderation' messages in small print at the end of adverts for the drug. And they always say, 'high on drink and drugs', as if to separate them."; amjqts[205]="By the way, have you noticed how natural drugs like maryjane and mushies are non-addictive and aid creativity, whereas man-made drugs seem to promote death and destruction. Now, there's a hint!"; amjqts[206]="As for entertainment, what I can't understand is why are we constantly served up a concoction of murderers who are proclaimed heroes because of who they kill. Jeez! Even in Disney films."; amjqts[207]="People have ridiculous beliefs that sound like fairy tales at times, rather than belief systems that make good frameworks for living realistically and fairly."; amjqts[208]="Since we humans do not have the most intelligent brains on the planet (whales and dolphins have that privilege), we must assume our purpose involves something to do with our physically superior status, in terms of handling the environment called Earth."; amjqts[209]="In Singapore, you cannot even smoke in the streets, but kids still get asthma from the traffic."; amjqts[210]="Modern Western society conditions its inhabitants to be totally sexually obsessed, not with sex to procreate, but with sex for fun and thrills with no children produced. This makes for a very shallow social worth instilled into everyone, since this 'childless sex' is the pinnacle of their experience."; amjqts[211]="A global dictatorship is afoot whereby we all have a shallow common denominator called the food we eat and the entertainment we 'enjoy', dictated to us by people with far more money than sense or morals. This food and brain input keeps us dumbed down so we cannot muster a fitting rebellion."; amjqts[212]="The corporations target their merchandise specifically at our senses (hearing, sight, sensation, taste and smell) rather than at human beings with God-given morality and spirituality. In that way, they are trying to engineer us as simply experiential creatures with no insight or spirituality. That way, we make good customers."; amjqts[213]="Sure, pleasure guides us to do what is usually good for life, but as a hollow pursuit, it leads to dissatisfaction and emptiness."; amjqts[214]="Nowhere does the curriculum mention the true purpose of sexual relations - TO PROCREATE! PSHE is warped, since it tries to navigate the minefield of relationships brought about by previous generations' use of sex for pleasure and companionship through the use of contraceptives."; amjqts[215]="With kind and dynamic laws of physics in place, the universe is conscious, and universal consciousness is everything's reality."; amjqts[216]="Throughout all the past 2 millennia, a system has been built which initially rode on the shoulders of idiots lucky enough to be born into the right bloodlines. These bastards discovered that the more brutal and uncaring they were for the masses, the more secure their position of power would become."; amjqts[217]="NEVER BECOME A SOLDIER, SAILOR, FIGHTER OR BOMBER PILOT, POLICEMAN, SECURITY GUARD, OR WORK IN THE ARMS INDUSTRY. NEVER!!! Any job which entails you possibly hurting someone for safeguarding someone else's wealth or ideologies, is a BAD JOB - RESIGN IMMEDIATELY."; amjqts[218]="The voters are treated like naughty school-children, who can change their headmaster every 4 years. It is totally ridiculous."; amjqts[219]="Currently, the majority of adult humans on this planet believe they are not taking drugs on a regular basis. Mention alcohol, and it is more often than not, thought of as a foodstuff. This is wrong in so many ways, especially when you consider the deleterious effects of alcohol on health, behaviour, and moral fabric : they all seem to break down under its influence."; amjqts[220]="People claiming to have been spoken to by 'God', or claim to be doing something in honour of 'God', are severely deluded, dangerously stupid, and to be avoided for anything important at all. And what about 'God of God' and so on? We are baldy apes on a ball of rock in space. How are we ever going to know anything about entities capable of manufacturing universes, let alone our brains with which we are trying to encapsulate the creator(s)?"; amjqts[221]="These 'people in power' have abrogated their responsibilities and have seen fit to ransack natural resources for short-term gain, at the expense of those who appointed them, and the ecological guardianship they were supposed to be upholding."; amjqts[222]="The problem itself - the existence of 'leaders'. Anyone who wants to lead millions of humans must be mad and probably evil!"; amjqts[223]="A culture which has some people performing home surgery on their girls, because they believe girls should not experience pleasure from sexual activities, is a culture that is deeply flawed, IMHO."; amjqts[224]="In the 21st century, citizens should not have to explain the recreational substances they choose to take, to officers upholding a sketchy law drawn up for safeguarding corporate profits, rather than for 'minimising harm'."; amjqts[225]="To me, it seems like 9-11 was the US government (or whoever is behind that corporation) demonstrating some new directed energy weaponry on some concrete and steel. Basically, letting the invitees know that the USA can vaporise any missile shot at them, before it could get anywhere near."; amjqts[226]="Eventually, humans will realise that nobody is supposed to be in charge! Leaders are idiots! Stop looking for new ones!"; amjqts[227]="Mr. Rothschild, with $100 trillion, says, &quot;If everyone woke up, put aside their guns and bitter memories, then we couldn't profit from their misery. Let's hope they stay deluded.&quot;"; amjqts[228]="LSD has been shown to allow the user to reset and re-invent the neuronal pathways that signals in the brain flow through, and thereby really does free the mind properly, back to its naturally evolved state, and not some tradition-based model."; amjqts[229]="There is definitely (and provably, much to the consternation of mainstream science) an interaction between reality and consciousness at a fundamental level of the fabric of space-time."; amjqts[230]="Those in power know that it is only a matter of time before the common people see through all of their attempts to deceive us into believing a version of reality that keeps them in power and us dumbed down."; amjqts[231]="Multiple partners will always cause suspicion, blame and guilt - a feeling of unease and enforced, short-term outlook."; amjqts[232]="Whilst human society clings desperately onto its patriarchal ways, we will constantly be fighting wars in harebrained lurches for territory, power and control."; amjqts[233]="If we're supposedly run by individual governments that make their laws independently of each other, why is this ban of certain pleasures global?"; amjqts[234]="How idiotic do you have to be to accept that the government knows best, and recreational drug use has to end in pain when done to excess? Cannabis has no hangover!"; amjqts[235]="This smacks of those in control of the masses through the exploitation of money (something that doesn't naturally exist), maintaining that control by perverting history and reality representation through the use of mass education and media presented as fact."; amjqts[236]="Because we are not pure (neither alien nor hominoid), we adopt an extremely peculiar stance when it comes to our existences here on Earth. We tend to be selfish to an extent which would normally detract from our own species' survival were it not for our obsession with breeding, and a mania-induced brutality to other species and artificial hierarchies within our own species."; let rr=Math.min(amjqts.length-1,Math.floor(Math.random()\*amjqts.length)); mjel("mjquo").innerHTML=amjqts[rr]+'<BR>'; } let aimgs=new Array(); aimgs[0]="0041jj9.jpg"; aimgs[1]="005\_03312014\_13-36.png"; aimgs[2]="00ad2c0.jpg"; aimgs[3]="0116769001299488514.gif"; aimgs[4]="0360.jpg"; aimgs[5]="0368.gif"; aimgs[6]="0384.jpg"; aimgs[7]="03\_Fan\_matrix.jpg"; aimgs[8]="0402.jpg"; aimgs[9]="0525.jpg"; aimgs[10]="0533.jpg"; aimgs[11]="0547.jpg"; aimgs[12]="060619-rainbow-fire\_big.jpg"; aimgs[13]="075057.gif"; aimgs[14]="08b9746b945a84bb12998b9c8124ff93.gif"; aimgs[15]="09petaflop.enlarge.jpg"; aimgs[16]="0eye-1.gif"; aimgs[17]="10-Corporations-Control-What-We-Eat.png"; aimgs[18]="1000223\_274474652695428\_1570650644\_n.jpg"; aimgs[19]="10007457\_659723874083482\_1491806609\_n.jpg"; 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function writeimage(amo) { let el=mjel('picloc'),gxx=aimgs.length; grr+=amo; if (grr<0) grr=gxx-1; else if (grr>gxx-1) grr=0; if (el) el.innerHTML='<CENTER><IMG STYLE="max-width:100%;" SRC="/geedryve/pix/'+aimgs[grr]+'" BORDER=0><BR></CENTER>'; } function shuffimgs() { let ii,jj=aimgs.length,swp; while (jj>1) { ii=Math.floor(Math.random()\*jj); --jj; swp=aimgs[jj]; aimgs[jj]=aimgs[ii]; aimgs[ii]=swp;} } function init() { window.onscroll=scrlly; scrlly(); writemjquote(); writeinfo(); shuffimgs(); writeimage(0); } Back to Top ![](backbutton.gif) ![](m.gif) ![](a.gif) ![](r.gif) ![](k.gif) ![](anarchysymbol.jpg) ![](j.gif) ![](a.gif) ![](c.gif) ![](o.gif) ![](b.gif) ![](s.gif) ![](sleepingmoon.gif) | | | | --- | --- | | | Mark Jacobs' Evolution, Philosophy, Conspiracy Theories, WAVs, OGGs, FLPs, MIDIs and Music CDs Page | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Contents | [Opinions on Society](anarchy.htm) | [Thoughts for the Day](thoughts.htm) | [Bill Hicks Classic](hicks.htm) | [Musical Compositions](mjmidi.htm) | | [Hangman Game](hangman.htm) | [Radio Station Player]( | [Audio Downloads and Comedy MP3s](#downloads) | [Pictures](#piccies) | [Interesting Sites](#sites) | | [Recommended Reading](books.htm) | [The Forum](forum.htm) | [Community Notepad](fbadd.htm) | [MJ Software](mjsoft.htm) | [Emojis Chart](emojis.htm) || [Maths Workshop + Misc.](maths.htm) | [Really Random Site](randword.htm) | [Telepathic Observations](telepathy.htm) | [My Dad's Articles](mjdad.htm) | [Videos](mjvids.htm) || [Why Democracy is a Lie](thoughts.htm#scot) | [Rethink Links](#rethink) | [Image of the Day](#rngimg) | [Technical Specs](techgripe.htm) | [Society Gripes](peeved.htm) | | [Quake 3 Stuff](q3htm.htm) | [Map Locator](iptest.htm) | [Route Planner](routeplan.htm) | [Regular Expression Tester](regexp.htm) | [Evolution of Mankind](#story) | The universe itself is the result of a massive pool of consciousnesses. This pool is not bound by the physical universe, but the cause of its (and possibly other universes') existence. All walks of life in this physical universe seem to exhibit their own unique and individual facets of experience therein, and those that are "aware", instantly report their experiences back to this common pool. This can cause positive and negative feedback loops. All consciousnesses seem to have the qualities required to further deploy other vehicles of consciousness, for example, the qualities of love, nurture and empathy. Individual ideas that go against the further deployment of experiential units, don't seem to last very long, whereas ideas that propagate more units, seem to flourish. Our pleasure and pain centres seem to reflect this state of affairs. In fact, there is a lot to be said for intuition unconsciously guiding you in the right direction, and to create positive feedback loops to the pool itself. Ideas forged in the blindness of self-consciousness and self-improvement to the detriment of others, have been shaping the nature of human society on planet Earth for many centuries now. That is why we are currently born into a thoroughly iniquitous, brutal and psychologically harmful "money cage". No matter what experiences you may engineer for yourself, at the end of the day, the underlying pool of consciousnesses is where you'll return to. Everyone is part of the same thing, ultimately. Any frustrations you may have with your own particular facet of experiential individuality, usually arise from the delusion that you are separate from "others", and are perpetually self-conscious. Realisation of the shared nature of consciousness is the key to freeing yourself from the prison of self-consciousness. Quantum physics has recently been proving that consciousness is shared over both time and space, infinitely and instantly, and that its perceptions seem to affect what is being perceived. If you are a modern-day scientist, you no longer have any reason to be a selfish and uncaring brat, because you thought that science logically absolved you from your responsibilities to your fellow man! Your thoughts and opinions about other people, instantly affect their feelings! You are merely what you are conscious of. You are not separate from your consciousness - it is who you are! If you ask me to define "consciousness", I look at its roots - the etymology of the word implies "knowing together". If you have to ask what "knowing" means, then you don't "know" anything! 😉 As humans, we are taught that time is an irreversible sequence of events, and certain events cause others to happen (causality). This is wrong, because animals' concept of causality and time, is that it's all one thing, not a line or sequence, but a whole in and of itself, wherein you can know any part, past, present or future. Animals don't seek retribution for something that has happened. They'll defend an infant, and they'll feel sad if you kill one of their clan, but they don't plot revenge on you. Without this sequencing of events and causes, the only explanation for why things happen is because of expectations of conditioned consciousnesses. A consciousness expects something to behave a certain way, and with consensus of other consciousnesses, that's what happens. From birth, we are taught how things behave by watching our teachers' expectations and seeing them come to fruition, thereby conditioning our consciousnesses to expect the same thing in future. Mind creates reality through mass consciousness. Events can be rearranged any way you like, if you have the mental freedom and perspicacity to do so. When you understand this, blame and revenge are meaningless. As humans, you come back into phase with what is real. Your alienation from nature ceases to be, and nobody can manipulate you with their causality-based theories. ✊ 🌞 --- ### Eyebrow Raisers * Synthetic telepathy technology from the 90s - [Article by Judy Wall](mumcw_jw.html)* Massive breakthrough in alien DNA recovery at [](* Scientific proof that society is upside down :- ![](therapeuticratio.png)* Paul McCartney died in 1966 and was replaced by a noticeably taller look-alike at [](* Proof that the upper echelons of the crown prosecution service, police and social services actively protect child abusers at [](* Dr Judy Wood has some astounding explanations for the physics of the 911 WTC collapses, backed by plenty of photographic evidence - how come there are toasted cars but unburnt paper? How come the towers came down pre-pulverised (including a lot of the steel)? More at []( This is a picture of steel columns vaporising in mid-air with nothing touching them, followed by a table of explanations, only one of which fits the facts :- ![](wtc1spiretodust.jpg) ![](911Table.jpg)* UK Telegraph cherry pick photos to promote global warming swindle at [](* Chipping the population "en masse" has started - with the police at [](* On 9-11 BBC reported building 7 (Saloman Brothers building) collapsed 23 minutes before it actually happened. "The BBC unequivocally announced the collapse about 23 minutes before the fact, and even featured a New York correspondent speaking of the collapse in past tense with the still-erect skyscraper standing behind her". []( WTC 7 Collapse Foreknowledge at []( Video :- * Bohemian Grove - An interview with Alex Jones about the failed, attempted cover-up of what really happens at Bohemian Grove. * Saudi attitudes to Jews are astounding at [](* ETs and Ancient Astronauts are Illuminati Propaganda at [](* Bush challenges state laws allowing marijuana use for medical purposes at [](* []( shows how much poison we're living with. * Saddam's wife could not recognize her husband at [ 1]( and [ 2](* Ignorance, hypocrisy and obedience at [](* Nanobot cosmetics at [](,14534,1209991,00.html)* Horrifying weapon at [](* William Cooper in 1989 speech at [A brief introduction to the covert practices of "civilised" societies (MP3 - 19.9MB)](/geedryve/records/OtherMP3s/nwo/cooper.mp3) --- ### Latest Tracks - Chronological Order 1. [Cadge Hole](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Cadge Hole.mp3) (20:38) - [Throng the Join](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Throng the Join.mp3) (22:48) - [Segway Out](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Segway Out.mp3) (34:05) - [Bird Seed Anomaly](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Bird Seed Anomaly.mp3) (36:11) - [Tenor Penny](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Tenor Penny.mp3) (41:29) - [Humans are Artificial](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Humans are Artificial.mp3) (37:23) - [Neanderthal Chromosome Count](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Neanderthal Chromosome Count.mp3) (45:14) - [Heightened Species](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Heightened Species.mp3) (54:08) - [Passion Ache](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Passion Ache.mp3) (42:50) - [Get High to Know](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Get High to Know.mp3) (20:02) - [Old Factory](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Old Factory.mp3) (31:20) - [Carriage Multiplexer](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Carriage Multiplexer.mp3) (39:35) - [Uncollapsible Quantum Wave](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/UncollapsibleQuantumWave.mp3) (46:53) - [Forcefield](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Forcefield.mp3) (47:57) - [Ringverse](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Ringverse.mp3) (38:22) - [The True Cause of Our Greatness](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/TheTrueCauseofOurGreatness.mp3) (31:48) - [Jubilant Jaunt](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/JubilantJaunt.mp3) (50:04) - [Breach Out](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Breachout.mp3) (23:46) - [Short Suite](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/ShortSuite.mp3) (23:56) - [Ivory Towers](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/IvoryTowers.mp3) (44:22) - [Politrough](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Politrough.mp3) (37:16) - [Chrant](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Chrant.mp3) (58:25) - [Untrammelled](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Untrammelled.mp3) (46:34) - [Fanfair](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fanfair.mp3) (48:04) - [Grenuit](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Grenuit.mp3) (48:12) - [Foot on a Submerged Balloon](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/FootonaSubmergedBalloon.mp3) (54:43) - [Scowling](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Scowling.mp3) (29:55) - [Distance Insistence](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/DistanceInsistence.mp3) (42:00) - [Valentine Sweet](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/ValentineSweet.mp3) (74:44) - [Shelllike](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Shelllike.mp3) (39:48) - [Stuck Out](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/StuckOut.mp3) (34:58) - [Chopper Class](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/ChopperClass.mp3) (31:36) - [Revisited](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Revisited.mp3) (33:45) - [Extentify](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Extentify.mp3) (28:11) - [Continuance](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Continuance.mp3) (37:14) - [Pulse Bank](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/PulseBank.mp3) (20:40) - [Warnmed](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Warnmed.mp3) (24:11) - [Collider Scope](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/ColliderScope.mp3) (20:08) - [Plunder Bus](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Plunderbus.mp3) (49:05) - [Eye Rhea](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/EyeRhea.mp3) (23:08) - [Normalight](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Normalight.mp3) (49:51) - [Whale Harp](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/WhaleHarp.mp3) (36:00) - [Flutter Droid](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/FlutterDroid.mp3) (32:10) - [No Reason At All](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/NoReasonAtAll.mp3) (35:09) - [Bwamplifier](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Bwamplifier.mp3) (37:06) - [Two Types of Moaning](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/TwoTypesofMoaning.mp3) (29:47) - [Long Haul](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/LongHaul.mp3) (19:24) - [Mellifluent Appeal](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/MellifluentAppeal.mp3) (32:01) - [Universal Connectivity](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/UniversalConnectivity.mp3) (46:55) - [Fountain of Parallels](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/FountainofParallels.mp3) (39:40) - [Into Leave](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/IntoLeave.mp3) (35:00) - [Tail Away](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/TailAway.mp3) (39:48) - [Sensible](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Sensible.mp3) (26:53) - [Reggae Riff](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/ReggaeRiff.mp3) (49:41) - [while inwardly,](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/WhileInwardly.mp3) (44:06) - [Staggered](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/fl20mj1.mp3) (2:42) - [Edinburgh Tattoo](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/EdinburghTattoo.mp3) (4:01) - [Saxonophy](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Saxonophy.mp3) (4:35) - [Brutally Tender](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/BrutallyTender.mp3) (25:52) - [Lonely Pair](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/LonelyPair.mp3) (25:06) - [Hey Mmh Feel](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/HeyMmhFeel.mp3) (5:12) - [Principled](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Principled.mp3) (41:23) - [Babee](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Babee.mp3) (5:52) - [Egyptian Call](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/EgyptianCall2.mp3) (3:25) - [Falling](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Falling.mp3) (3:36) - [Fader\_2\_CCITTULAW16000](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fader_2_CCITTULAW16000.mp3) (17:45) - [Fader\_2\_CCITTULAW44100](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fader_2_CCITTULAW44100.mp3) (6:05) - [Exciting Pathways](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/ExcitingPathways.mp3) (31:59) - [Fader\_2\_OggVorbis22050\_320kps](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fader_2_OggVorbis22050_320kps.mp3) (33:00) - [Tright](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Tright.mp3) (66:36) - [Fader 3 CCITTULAW44100](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fader_3_CCITTULAW44100.mp3) (16:16) - [Fader 11KHz A Law](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fader_11KHz_A_Law.mp3) (32:00) - [Reassurance](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Reassurance.mp3) (46:03) - [Courage of Conviction](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/CourageOfConviction.mp3) (21:41) - [Redevelopment](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Redevelopment.mp3) (47:27) - [Mysterious Jungle](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Mysterious Jungle.mp3) (3:24) - [Tinkle Tinker](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Tinkle Tinker.mp3) (3:04) - [Get What You're Given](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/gwyg.mp3) (28:39) - [Electrogroove](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/electrogroove3.mp3) (3:37) - [Cerebrotonia](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Cerebrotonia.mp3) (42:16) - [Pickle Lily](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/PickleLily.mp3) (34:53) - [Fader 22K ULaw](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fader22KULaw.mp3) (11:17) - [Join Division](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/JoinDivision.mp3) (46:35) - [Aspects of Orange](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/AspectsofOrange.mp3) (26:04) - [Canvast](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Canvast.mp3) (33:37) - [FaderCCITTALAW44](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/FaderCCITTALAW44.mp3) (20:34) - [As Luck Would Have It](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/AsLuckWouldHaveIt.mp3) (43:53) - [Sparkle Recovery](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/SparkleRecovery.mp3) (33:46) - [Cullture](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Cullture.mp3) (54:50) - [Y-tomorrow](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Y-tomorrow.mp3) (52:53) - [Dudio](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Dudio.mp3) (54:11) - [Behold](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Behold.mp3) (34:19) - [Fr8Line](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fr8Line.mp3) (30:09) - [Rattle Battle](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/RattleBattle.mp3) (43:10) - [Florid Essence](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/FloridEssence.mp3) (37:51) - [Persuality](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Persuality.mp3) (45:43) - [Xylophonic](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Xylophonic.mp3) (46:59) - [Frangent](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Frangent.mp3) (33:55) - [Grooveway Resonance](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/GroovewayResonance.mp3) (53:57) - [Lloyd](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Lloyd.mp3) (55:03) - [Out of the Sky](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Out of the Sky.mp3) (27:55) - [Hornery](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Hornery.mp3) (51:07) - [Quenched](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Quenched.mp3) (20:54) - [Accretion Disc](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/AccretionDisc.mp3) (33:52) - [Like No Other](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Like No Other.mp3) (28:36) - [Lalulalu](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Lalulalu.mp3) (45:03) - [VR Crazy](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/VR Crazy.mp3) (48:05) - [Utterly So](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/UtterlySo.mp3) (25:53) - [Everyday Actions Undermine Suppression](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Everyday_Actions_Undermine_Suppression.mp3) (48:16) - [Precarious Concessions](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/PrecariousConcessions.mp3) (48:13) - [Fallopian Prowess](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Mark Jacobs/Fallopian Prowess.mp3) (28:45) --- ### A Quick Tour of What's Here * [Various quotes from around the web](books.htm#oldq). * 10 hours and 20 minutes of superb lectures and discussions from Terence McKenna with [The Tree of Knowledge](/geedryve/records/OtherMP3s/nwo/tezza10.mp3) (142MB). * Fantastic Quake3 shenanigans - tricks and jumps galore in [Quake 3 DM11 Tricks](q3dems/calisth4.dm_67). Explore the [massive demo archive](q3htm.htm) going back to 2006. * Read some technical speculations on my [Tech Specs page](techgripe.htm). * Here is a [severe warning](thoughts.htm#warn) about our futures. * Have a quick game of [HANGMAN](hangman.htm) (some of the words are very difficult!). * Chemtrails are starting to grab people's attention. What are they and what do they look like? See [my page about them](peeved.htm). * [My latest thoughts](thoughts.htm) on recent elections, soldiers, brain size, chemtrails, "The Pressure", NESARA, DMT, motives, the social cage, birthrights, upbringing, men, women and sex, money, Iraq, the disappearance of philosophy, mass mind control, RODS, DNA research... [Comments please](forum.htm#ideas). * Have a chortle at [Russell Peters](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/RussellPeters.mp3) 40-minute stand-up routine (5M MP3) plus a whole load of other stand-up comedy MP3s at the [Great Downloads](#downloads) section. * Sing along to [Frank Sinatra and the Taliban Orchestra](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/Frank Sinatra and the Taliban Orchestra.mp3) (430K MP3). * [A classic Bush SOTU speech](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/bush_remixed_sotu.mp3) meets rapturous applause (740K MP3). * [Another Bush Union speech](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/bushunion.mp3) meets rapturous applause (700K MP3). * Download some of my [Windows software](mjsoft.htm). There's an image viewer and printer, a lean and mean media player which is great for CDs, and a computing "swiss army knife". * [Why I am pissed off](anarchy.htm) on my Opinions page, take a trip with the new [Joyriding OGG Loop](/geedryve/mjwav/joyriding.ogg) (104K), or pick any of the fabulous loops I have in my [WAVS and OGGS section](mjmidi.htm#wavs). * Listen to the strange overlay on the voice of the "heavily microwaved" [Tim Rifat](/geedryve/records/OtherMP3s/nwo/RifatOddity.mp3) in an interview with [Jeff Rense]( (27K MP3). * Please listen to [Higgledy](/geedryve/mjwav/Higgledy.ogg) (1.6M) - it's just so cute! Perhaps this is my true vocation. [Give me a recording contract](mjmsg.htm?Recording Contract) now. * Listen to this [desperate plea for attention](/geedryve/records/mp3s/nwo/artbella51.mp3) (1.3 Meg MP3 Art Bell Area 51 Phone-In). Mysterious and weird !?! * [A new kind of directionless mast](peeved.htm#masts) is starting to appear in the UK. What are these for? I speculate they might have something to do with [Taos Hum]( * **Link of the moment - [Blueprint for a Prison Planet](Blueprint for a Prison Planet.htm)** - short, accurate and urgent - the best I have ever read on the Web. * Hear an amazing stint on filter cut-off points in [Effort](effort.mid), and the SB Live [EAX sound effect file](mj343.ea2) (see [How to install EA2 files](mjmidi.htm#midi)). * 2012's [Brain1]( and [Brain2]( tries to explain why everyone behaves the way they do. [Healing arts]( offer a less dramatic explanation. * Take a jaunt with my new, improved [Random Site Teleport](randword.htm). --- ### The Story So Far (Updated 24th November 2016) :- This was supposed to be plausible, but the truth has a habit of being far-fetched; that's why it's always hard to get at. Anyway, here goes :- My mind is ever-changing on human evolution. Being a species-independent consciousness, I favour intervention theory. [Morphic resonance](books.htm#rpsh) may explain why life always seems to evolve in the patterns of form that they do - a combination of universal memory built in to the space-time continuum, and patterns that survive well, being etched into this memory for future generations (or current ones) to repeat. I like [James Howard's theories](james_howard.htm) about how key hormones played a major part in hominid to human development with some [correlation with others branches of investigation]( into primate syndromes (SIDS, MS); and Lloyd Pye's alien intervention theory has physical evidence backing it up in the form of the [the Starchild Skull]( Here is a [video of a talk](/geedryve/mpegs/Starchild.mp4) (53.9MB) given by Lloyd Pye in London in 2010 about this fascinating 900 year old skull found in a South American cave a few decades ago :- Then, there's [the Aquatic Ape Theory](aatleaflet.htm) as propounded by Elaine Morgan, and related meanderings like [The Passionate Ape](books.htm#passionape) by Craig Hagstrom. This might explain the [chromosomal fusion]( found in humans, being also present in Denisovans and Neanderthals, because fusion sometimes occurs when there is a sudden (on an evolutionary timescale) environmental change in the species. The fusion of chromosomes 2 and 3 may have occurred a few million years ago, at about the time our precursors entered the sea, seeking other food sources. [Fusion]( seems to occur when speciation is required - different evolutionary tracts spring off the original design to see which ones survive best in the new environment. But it doesn't explain some of the other mutations found in our genes, like various, seemingly carefully-selected pattern inversions. Also, recent research has shown that [there are flaws with this natural fusion theory]( Also, [this article]( goes into much more depth, and scientifically seems to suggest that our chromosome 2 is not the result of fusion, but of some intelligent design! [Download the PDF here](/geedryve/docs/human_chromosome_2_fusion.pdf). #### Alien Intervention Theory First, see the [Lloyd Pye Genetics Video](/geedryve/mpegs/genetics.mp4) (23.4MB) for some background information. Mitochondrial DNA evidence can be used to date mankind's DNA to a mere 200,000 or so years old. Chromosomal analysis shows mankind's 23 pairs having a fused 2nd and 3rd chromosome pair, compared with chimps, gorillas and orang-utans, who all have 24 pairs. ![](ChromosomeFusion.jpg) **My own personal take on intervention theory** - look at yourself honestly and see how much of this rings a bell. As a species, humans seem out of place on this planet. Whereas other species endure what we would consider phenomenal hardship in order just to survive, but somehow manage, quite oblivious to the odds and the normal high death tolls associated with their existences, humans struggle in their biological form to keep themselves warm, watered and fed, let alone sheltered. We are comparatively (to the chimp, for example) weak, fragile, easily injured and prone to infection and death without things like antibiotics. We dramatically lament any loss of an individual species member, trying everything in our power to ensure such a loss doesn't recur, yet we'll abort a foetus in a trice. We have to employ mechanical and technological inventions in order to keep alive on this planet, and need domesticated animals and plants in order to sustain us in large numbers. Where did such plants (like wheat with 4 times the number of chromosomes of its nearest wild relative) and animals come from? We were too primitive to engineer them ourselves when they sprang into existence, and we didn't have generations of time to in-breed them : for example, dogs which [could not have evolved directly from wolves]( Perhaps, like us, these plants and animals were also created for us by aliens, using advanced gene technology, their DNA and the DNA of similar plants and animals extant on Earth. We also seem to be the only species that congratulates each other when one of us does good for others. Lions don't congratulate the hunt leader when that lioness makes the kill that will feed them all for the next week or so. A penguin returning from a thirty mile swim to get a gut-load of food for its offspring doesn't get a nice warm welcome from its mate when successfully arriving at the nest. They may make sounds and actions of appreciation at the time, but, unlike humans, they don't spend a lot of time celebrating and back-slapping like we do. They just get on with what they have to do to survive, without making a big fuss about it. We trump up our existences well beyond what they really are. We are so far removed mentally and physically from other naturally-evolved species here, that it begs the question, "Were we genetically engineered?". DNA evidence now points at 3 species (humans, Denisovans and Neanderthals) that have 46 chromosomes instead of 48. The fusion of chromosomes 2 and 3 commensurate with numerous inversions of DNA patterns within other chromosomes, certainly lends to this, at first, absurd-sounding theory. From [Mother Jones]( :- > > In modern humans and these other hominins, chromosome 2 shows clear genetic evidence of a > fusion event that must have happened after our lineage split from chimpanzees and bonobos, but > before our divergence with Neanderthals and Denisovans. The proof is right there in the DNA. > It's as if aliens created us from hominoids around at the time, and tried a couple of more natural variations which were genetically recessive compared to human DNA. Their reasons for doing this remain a complete and profound mystery, although Sitchin and others have their theories, many based around the ancient Sumerian clay tablets from 5000 BC. Our consciousness, and ability to control our environments leads me to conclude that we have some advanced alien DNA mixed up inside us, leading to that feeling of not really belonging to this planet, and hence to our lackadaisical approach to planetary guardianship and husbandry. Because we are not pure (neither alien nor hominoid), we adopt an extremely peculiar stance when it comes to our existences here on Earth. We tend to be selfish to an extent which would normally detract from our own species' survival were it not for our obsession with breeding, and a mania-induced brutality to other species and artificial hierarchies within our own species. We are dangerous and deluded idiots! As a mongrel species, we are constantly monitored by aliens who now have to ensure their experiment doesn't detrimentally disturb other nearby lifeforms. See [historical paintings and depictions of UFOs]( As soon as we detonated nuclear devices, they came in droves to monitor us more closely, and some of them crashed (Roswell etc.). They even ensure [nukes don't go off by accident]( Despite reports worldwide and throughout all human history of UFO sightings, the official tack is that we are alone in the universe as a conscious, sentient species, and that we are made in the image of "God". Poppycock! This smacks of those in control of the masses through the exploitation of money (something that doesn't naturally exist), maintaining that control by perverting history and reality representation through the use of mass education and media presented as fact. It's as if these aliens are in cahoots with the controlling elite because they don't see any other way of stopping their experiment-gone-wrong getting out of hand. Despite these aliens being really advanced, they did not do a perfect job, and humans had many genetic defects : perpetual hair and nail growth, birth defects, downs syndrome (lapse back to extra chromosome), immune system attacks host in many ailments (for example Multiple Sclerosis), allergies, weaker bones and muscles, gullible, impressionable, easily governed and controlled, general feeling of malaise and not being at one with nature etcetera. Other species are not so vastly afflicted with problems, with only 30 or 40 genetic defects compared with humans' [4 thousand or so]( Other species of plants and animals were fashioned to help us survive (wheat, domesticated animals), before they left this planet behind to watch their experiment continue from afar. As mentioned before, during WW2, this experimental human species discovered ways to rip apart the space-time continuum with fission reactions, and this piqued the aliens' interest. As they came closer to observe and safeguard us from folly, some crashed on the surface of Earth (brought down by high-powered radar systems), and eventually their existence became known to the governments around the developed world. The ruling powers decided to trade alien technology for Earth specimens with them. The need for the truth to be kept secret from the public has become ever more important, if those ruling powers want to keep control over the human populaces of the world. If humans ever realised their true origins, it would make us wake up and see that we are all equal but different, and that a hierarchical society may work for certain species, but not for one engineered for enlightened spiritual existence, and guardianship of the life on this planet. We must surely love **all** creatures great and small. Instead, our consciousness has been conditioned to accept obvious fallacies as the "truth". For example, that the hemp plant is "dangerous to your health", whereas rotten fruit allowed to ferment to produce alcohol is not, and the direct evidence of what happened on 9-11 being completely misinterpreted as terrorists flying planes into steel and concrete towers, causing them to melt and pancake collapse at freefall speeds. This mass acceptance keeps us inert, distracted, timid and non-threatening to the powers that top this anti-nature hierarchical society. Someone somewhere is pushing fairy tales and we are lapping them all up as reality! You only have to look at the manic and violently-enforced level of "faith" people have in the fairy tales known as institutionalised religions, to know that we are being ridiculously deceived from birth, and left to spend our adult lives in a state of pure, deluded insanity, blind to the reality and hypocrisy around us! [Extract from Zeitgeist about Religion](/geedryve/mpegs/ZeitgeistReligion.mp4) (~31 minutes 72.5MB) #### The Story Life on planet Earth was engineered by the [benevolent, conscious-life-favouring leaning of the laws of this universe](anarchy.htm#truth). Not one, but two types of prokaryotes (primitive single-celled bacteria) appeared on a volatile volcanic planet 4 billion years ago. These produced oxygen. Later, eukaryotes (much more delicate) appeared just as suddenly, and started preparing the planet for more advanced life forms. Then a huge smattering of phyla sprang up miraculously, the only modern day relic being the horseshoe crab. Then a history of sudden appearances of new species, followed by extinction of old ones, paving the way for increases in organism complexity. Scientific evolution explains gradual change, not sudden flourishing of vast amounts of new species, that just happen to fit into the correct progression of life to ultimately form intelligent beings. Earth is testimony that the laws governing the flow of energy in this universe, are stacked in such a way as to favour the development of conscious entities within it. As a clever by-product, these creatures would have to reflect the kind and gentle nature of the laws that created them, otherwise they would not successfully survive and evolve without destroying each other. To contend that the "physics" of the universe boil down to some mathematical principles formulated in the mind of one of its products, is utter foolishness and stinks of egotism. For that product to inherit the mantle of planetary caretaker, and to then abuse that responsibility the way it has, is willful and survival-threatening ignorance. With kind and dynamic laws of physics in place, the universe is conscious, and universal consciousness is everything's reality. ![](/geedryve/pix/1510630_473410929430680_1687657910_n.jpg) #### James Howard's Theories [James Howard's theories](james_howard.htm) on the role played by testosterone, DHEA and melatonin in [human evolution]( are very interesting and seem to explain an enormous number of human traits and developments. They may well be key to showing the path from hominids to humans without recourse to alien intervention or any aquatic period. [Recent discoveries]( in DNA mechanics in humans compared with all other species, seem to support some of these theories. > > "One deletion removes a sensory vibrissae and penile spine enhancer from the human androgen > receptor (AR) gene, a molecular change correlated with anatomical loss of androgen-dependent > sensory vibrissae and penile spines in the human lineage. Another deletion removes a > forebrain subventricular zone enhancer near the tumour suppressor gene growth arrest and DNA- > damage-inducible, gamma (GADD45G), a loss correlated with expansion of specific brain > regions in humans." > #### Aquatic Ape Theory [The aquatic ape theory](aatleaflet.htm) is another possible explanation as to how humans came to be here. It's worth having a look at [Elaine Morgan's classic book "The Scars of Evolution"](, which fits many human quirks and anomalies into a plausible framework for the classic Darwinian evolutionary process to produce us. The most up-to-date Morgan publication is [The Aquatic Ape Hypothesis]( which details the theory with more references and facts backing it up. A list of human anomalies addressed include :- * Subcutaneous fat (ten times more than chimps and gorillas) despite the difficulties in healing cut or damaged fatty surface skin as compared with apes. * Eccrine glands to produce sweat instead of apocrine. * Hairlessness. * Large brain mass on thin necks. Rich and varied diet required for large brain development. * Upright stance (baboons manage on the savannah without recourse to standing up permanently) despite all the physiological disruptions caused by sustaining an upright mammal (pelvis adapted to support internal organs, spinal curvature causing more stress on discs, etc...). * Diving reflex (cold water in face drops heart rate) * Dropped larynx to enable conscious control of breathing (side product - guttural vocal sounds leading to development of language) * Lack of obvious oestrus cycle (woman shows no outward signs of being "in heat"). * Additionally, from Craig Hagstrom's book [The Passionate Ape](books.htm#passionape), easily-verifiable evidence like our brain cells being fattier than apes' brain cells, so that our heads can float more easily. And human babies are so fat, they can float immediately after birth with no effort, but chimp babies are so skinny, they'd sink like a stone. The glowing anecdotes of water births for human mothers also lends to the hypothesis that we are water-adapted. * Some of my own observations include the remnants of webbing between fingers and toes, which does not occur in great apes. Also, how our feet are more like flippers with next-to-useless toes, than adaptations of ape feet that can grip branches. Our hips and pelvis point to a swimming function, rather than a direct mutation from all fours to bipedal locomotion. Muscular and bone weakening compared to our cousin apes, can be explained by us being bouyant in water for so long. Here is a good summary of regarding ourselves as aquatically-evolved :- | CHARACTERISTICS | HUMANS | APES | SAVANNAH | AQUATICS | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Habitual bipedalism | Yes | - | - | - | | Loss of body hair | Yes | - | Yes(rhino and elephant) | Yes | | Skin-bonded fat deposits | Yes | - | - | Yes | | Ventro-ventral copulation | Yes | Yes(bonobo) | - | Yes | | Diminution of apocrine glands | Yes | - | - | Yes | | Hymen | Yes | - | - | Yes | | Enlarged sebaceous glands | Yes | - | - | Yes | | Psychic tears | Yes | - | - | Yes | | Loss of vibrissae | Yes | - | - | Yes | | Volitional breath control | Yes | - | - | Yes | | Eccrine thermoregulation | Yes | - | - | Yes | | Descended larynx | Yes | - | - | Yes | | The aquatic phase took place more than 5 million years ago and lasted millions of years. Since then, *Humans, Denisovans and Neanderthals* had hundreds of thousands of years to re-adapt to terrestrial life. It is not surprising that the traces of aquatic adaptation have become partially obliterated and have gone unrecognised for so long. But the traces are still there as the table indicates. | A lot of direct evidence is cited which can easily be verified, but cannot easily be explained, unless the aquatic theory is adopted. An example is the dropping of the larynx in babies at about 3 to 6 months old, so that breathing can be done through just the mouth. Before the drop occurs, breathing is only normally and easily done through the nose (where the air is filtered), and this allows the baby to breast feed whilst breathing. When the descent causes problems, we get many cot deaths at around this age. However, I am beginning to subscribe more to the theory that SIDS has its causes in James Howard's conjectures about [increased testosterone levels]( : a theory that additionally explains baldness through testosterone deflecting [DHEA](james_howard.htm) away from its intended target tissues in the body, and which also accounts for ethnic differences in SIDS incidence, as well as higher frequency amongst smoking mothers. What makes this theory so appealing is that most human anomalies can be seen in aquatic mammals, and seem to be explained if we assume that our predecessors spent a few million years in an aquatic environment, like the sea, where we would even sleep in water. The savannah theory looks very shaky when we mention these human quirks, and the explanations given by the likes of Desmond Morris are weak and contrived. #### More on the Intervention Theory Some slides are available [on Lloyd Pye's site]( Also, there is a [good book on the subject]( Ancient Sumerian tablets detail aliens that came here thousands of years ago and genetically engineered us from the extant hominoids. They later made wheat and various domesticated animals to sustain us, since they made us deliberately weak, subservient and faulty, so as to be controlled by them. We were too weak and fearful to effectively survive on this planet without their help. They were gods to us - our creators and able to punish or reward as they saw fit. You can see how this meshes with what don Juan the Yaqui Indian shaman was saying in one of the ["Quotes of the Year"](books.htm#yaqui). However, Juan states that "the sorcerers of ancient Mexico ... reasoned that man must have been a complete being at one point, with stupendous insights, feats of awareness that are mythological legends nowadays. And then, everything seems to disappear, and we have now a sedated man." They say that humans had already evolved before aliens imposed their consciousness onto us and subdued us. This is also an interesting theory, and may explain such ancient artefacts as the pyramids and the stones of Baalbek. Anyway, here are some objections to AAT :- * See [chromosomal evidence](anarchy.htm#iv) for some diagrammatic explanation. * Conscious control of breathing is demonstrated by macaques who have been able to dive for fallen fruit, nuts and berries in rivers for many thousands of years. They can voluntarily hold their breath for up to 30 seconds. They have not lost their fur or developed subcutaneous fat deposits. * Our hair and nails grow continuously and need to be regularly cut in order for them not to interfere with our survival processes. This seems like a genetic mistake, rather than a by-product of AAT. In fact, AAT does not explain this at all. * Our nearest relatives have thick copious hair on their backs and finer hair on their chests. Human males have the complete opposite. Again, this seems like a genetic error. It serves the aquatic ape with no benefit, so why is it so? * Of all the species on Earth, humans are the most anti-nature in everything they are proud to achieve, except in procreation, which they are too good at! The society they have manufactured for themselves is quite astoundingly out of kilter with the planet they supposedly evolved on, and totally unlike any other intelligent species construct. We are born into money-making prison with a 7-day cycle imposed on us from birth (no questions asked), certain plants and mushrooms deemed "out of bounds", and kindness and wisdom punished by derision and ultimately murder. We train people's minds to believe certain ideas that make them want to fight complete strangers because of what some leader dictates, and to believe that invisible boundaries drawn up between neighbouring patches of land actually exist in reality. We almost wholesale believe there is an invisible all-seeing all-knowing being that monitors each of our individual lives and doles out punishment and reward as "He" sees fit! #### The Current State of Play We anti-nature clever apes currently have a society which has developed weird control-infatuated institutions that [irradiate their citi-sheeps' brains](peeved.htm#masts) with [carefully-researched thought-controlling]( electromagnetic radiation under the guise of [mobile phones]( and the like, has plans to slowly introduce [chips]( into everyone's bodies, disguised as the right to "buy and sell" securely, and [sprays poisonous substances into the air](peeved.htm) we breathe from photographed planes that "don't exist", to make us ill and less able to put up a fight against loss of civil liberties. We are currently researching how to make tiny body-invasive [nanobots]( which can take control of any corporeal or mental function, under the guise of curing the incurable. If I could choose the direction of research today, it wouldn't be military, genetic, nanobotic, or clandestine. It would be in making a better, longer-lasting and more stimulating environment for healthy human beings to share their lives in; not the poisonous, grey concrete jungles we are all forcibly herded into under the "free" choice of work or starve, and where money becomes your goal, not natural, spiritual fulfilment. Certain [plants]( that grow [naturally]( upon the Earth's surface are deemed [illegal in this society](, though it is obvious to anyone with sense that this is madness, especially when the only legal [recreational drugs]( are proven poisonous to our bodies, and can kill in overdose (nicotine and alcohol). The propaganda surrounding other drugs like [heroin](,3604,506507,00.html), is venomously negative, and the actual experiences expose it as lies. The law-makers and propagandists consistently demonstrate confusion between the effect of the drug and the effect of the black market. This deliberate ignorance betrays a hidden agenda; that such laws and conditioning are only enforced to keep the clandestine elite ([the government-controlling Illuminati](/geedryve/records/OtherMP3s/Bill Hicks/hicks2.mp3)) in power, and the rest of us blind to the facts due to secretly-instilled debilitation and bad education. All sorts of ways of keeping a stupid creature (who only actively uses a quarter of their cerebral mass) even more stupid, have been devised and implemented. It is getting to the point now where things which give me great spiritual pleasure and enlightenment, cause great consternation and anger in the microwave-controlled masses surrounding me. [The Illuminati's agenda]( of complete world population control strikes me as them being bored with destroying everything with hate. There's nothing left for the elite to pursue but control. They think that love is too flimsy a foundation for society, and that force always gets results quickly, albeit for the short term future. However, one only has to look at human physiology to see that, above all other mammals on this planet, we are the ones who are designed to love each other sexually and passionately. * We are the only naked land mammal (aside from the domesticated pig, and other pachyderms), and as such have skin that is very delicate and sensitive to the touch. Hair is a valuable survival asset when your skin is thin, so why did we lose ours? Now, we've all got to wear clothes! Sensitivity to touch is dramatically intensified with bare skin. I don't know about you, but I absolutely adore being caressed and tickled gently. My first girlfriend and I used to spend hours on end doing just that. ECSTASY! * Most human copulations are hit and miss affairs, since the male is never sure of ovulation in a female. She is nearly always in heat, yet can only conceive for a few days each month. This would mean us men have to bonk like crazy in order to breed. Good because that implies bucket-loads more pleasure for all of humanity. If women weren't so hung up on commitment, humans would be a lot happier a species! We should be shagging a fuck of a lot more than we actually are doing in modern-day society with all its indoctrinated views on monogamy, sexual temperance and miserable, enforced chastity, especially around the time hormones are running at their peak (teenage years). * The erect male knob is by far the largest of all primates, and is the only mammalian cock with no penis bone. This would imply a necessity for foreplay and arousal, unlike our instantly-erect and quickly-ejaculating cousins. * Sensitive ear-lobes and lips, and faces with intricacy of expression beyond any other creature on this planet. * The angle of the human vagina is such that face-to-face copulation is encouraged. Most of these observations can only indicate the ungovernable need for physical love in human beings - something the imposed human society isn't conducive to. Instead, a myriad of "cute" ways to avoid the elephant in the room. We're designed to be far out, incredible, wondrous, blissful, meek and wise. Instead, we're allowed to be awkwardly polite to each other. No wonder so much suppressed sexual perversity exists. [All these observations]( point to the fact that humans seem to be designed for love, sometimes at the cost of a safer survival blueprint, because love, benevolence, and compassion parallel the feelings of the energy of the very atoms that make everything up. Everyone "knows" that consciously going against the energy flows always results in bad events later (yet [they never seem to learn](anarchy.htm) from this, which is why they think that "life is a bad lot, but, hey what the hell..." rather than "wow, there's never a dull moment!"). And it's quite obvious that, compared to other species, humans are as soft as shit! So, perhaps our society is supposed to be founded on love and sex, not mistrust, paranoia and sexual suppression / distortion. When you realise this, the perception that the common man is unimportant compared with government figures, evaporates. Everyone innately has the same potential for love - this is a physiological fact. So we should be living as a set of equal worth cooperatives, not a gigantic global hierarchy. The Illuminati can never see any strength in love as a foundation stone of societies. What a waste of potential spiritual development, and over all those centuries, through inaction, fear and lethargy, we are still allowing exactly the same blinkered punishment / reward existence to flourish. We still let their hate frighten us. Jesus tried to redirect the masses along the correct path, but the elite roused enough hate and fear in the emotions of the masses, that crucifying him seemed a course of action the masses could become resigned to. I can hear the crowd's thinking now - "Execution is only to be expected if you motivate people away from the hate-based society we are accustomed to." Surely it should have dawned on us impressionable creatures by now, that those who try to share the truth with everyone else, end up marginalised, stigmatised, ostracised or dead, and that this cannot be allowed to continue. The wise and open-minded should be elevated to the positions of chief directors, educators and judges, not those who are rich through brutality, bloodlines and a knack for obfuscation. We have to move from hate to love. #### The Abnormal Ways of Mankind The way the world is now, seems very strange to a purist viewpoint like mine. All humans have to accept the ways and customs of an iniquitous society, in which, for no forgivable reason, the "Westerners" have all the food and resources, while billions in the third world starve and struggle for education. This madness is accepted because the invisible monster that society has become, is regarded by most to be outside of their control, and, hence, has to be tolerated as is. Facts : 1) Unless you contribute something towards this amorphous faceless structure that seems like an unfair cage, then you will starve to death. You have to go to work, even though you are only making a [number bigger](thoughts.htm#nobigger). You have to educate the kids in the ways of society, even though you may not agree with its track record of malignancy. 2) Try to change this state of affairs, and force will be used to suppress you. Some spiritually enlightened humans have been able to see outside of this box, realising things like the need for a 7-day week structure to fit our lives around are ludicrous, and that [language and science](anarchy.htm#languid) are methods of refining the thought-forms of humans into commonly understood and anticipatable categories. It amazes me how upset people get by their own brain's conditioned interpretation of air vibrations on their eardrums, when the words are insulting, but the intentions jocular or opposite. Too much importance has been placed on words. People commonly think that humans are the most important species of life on this planet. If you accept the introduction of new species to this planet (or the genetic alteration of species extant here) by outside forces or life forms, then how arrogant of us to think that the buck would necessarily stop here at the "human" stage, when we can't even trust ourselves, and, rather than advance life's lot, employ our best knowledge to create ever bigger guns and locks. The governments of the world may be party to the exact nature of the external forces at work in shaping life on Earth. After all, there are plenty of better thinkers and philosophies out there to choose a wiser way forward, but they are always deliberately suppressed or marginalised, as if a threat rather than an improvement. The next stage may be imminent and a massive depopulation of humans will become necessary to advance to this next stage of life's development. Judging by current climes, it seems this mass culling is already slowly taking place. If humans are just a stepping stone towards who knows what, then don't fool yourself into thinking that the governments' puppeteers have respect for human life; anything you get from the media is just lip service in the light of the bigger picture. The figureheads in government are as powerless as you or I, inside this cage called society. The Nazis said ["Arbeit macht Frei"](/deoxy/ (work makes freedom), and this is what we are forced to do to feed ourselves and our loved ones. The Jews who walked under that banner, inevitably ended up dead in disgusting conditions. Judging by society's [desperate lurches towards depravity](dd28.htm#money), this is the way we all end up. Look at some of the recent ideas of advancement that are coming out now - genetic engineering of humans and cloning, biochemical interference with natural processes like sleep and sexual congress, augmentation of bodies with electronic devices, and technological alteration of all foodstuffs worldwide. This is utter madness - it shouldn't have to be such that all species of life are ultimately mere vassals to corporate society's unnatural and perverted money-making whims. --- ### Pictures and Videos | | | | --- | --- | | | [Have a browse of some of my favourite **VIDEO** shorts](mjvids.htm). | | Click [here](gallery.htm) for a gallery of various images. | | Click [here](mjpic.htm) for some pictures of the family in the Philippines. | | Click [here](mjpic2.htm) for a gallery of odd snapshots of myself. | | Download [MJZoomer]( for a simple PNG, BMP, JPG, WMF, EMF and ICO image viewer and printer. | --- ### Great Audio Downloads and Comedy MP3s #### Comedy **\*\* Warning : OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE is contained in many of the following clips \*\*** [Mike Reid Stand-up in 2000](/geedryve/mpegs/Mike Reid 2000.mp4) 64-minute stand-up routine (128MB MP4) I love comedy because it can quite often be brought to an audience in purely audio form, leaving the rest up to the listener's imagination. Here is a selection of my favourites :- * [Russell Peters](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/RussellPeters.mp3) 40-minute stand-up routine (4.98M MP3) * [George Carlin](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/GeorgeCarlin.mp3) 67-minute stand-up routine (7.63M MP3) * [Jack Dee](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/JackDee_LiveAgain.mp3) 101-minute stand-up routine (11.5M MP3) * [Mike Reid](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/MikeReidLive.mp3) 58-minute stand-up routine (6.63M MP3) * [Joe Rogan Live](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/JoeRogan.mp3) 55-minute stand-up routine (6.3M MP3) * [Bernard Manning](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/Manning1.mp3) 6 minutes of stand-up excerpts (790K MP3) * [Doctored Bush Union Speech 1](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/bushunion.mp3) (688K MP3) * [Doctored Bush Union Speech 2](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/bush_remixed_sotu.mp3) (723K MP3) * [Frank Sinatra and the Taliban Orchestra](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/Frank Sinatra and the Taliban Orchestra.mp3) (428K MP3) * A selection of Bill Hicks' clips : [Hicks 1](/geedryve/records/OtherMP3s/Bill Hicks/hicks.mp3) (457K MP3) [Hicks 2](/geedryve/records/OtherMP3s/Bill Hicks/hicks2.mp3) (193K MP3) [Hicks 3](/geedryve/records/OtherMP3s/Bill Hicks/hicks3.mp3) (685K MP3) [Hicks 4](/geedryve/records/OtherMP3s/Bill Hicks/hicks4.mp3) (2.54M MP3) * [Abbott and Costello's "Who's on first" sketch](/geedryve/records/mp3s/Audio Comedy/Humour/whosonfirst.mp3) (716K MP3) #### Good Audio Software * For a MIDI sequencer with no parallel, there used to be [TechnoToys SEQ-303]( but I am currently negotiating distribution of it via this site with the author Jim Johnson, who has no more time for it. It is a unique 16-beat midi sequencer which interfaces to Soundblaster and Yamaha cards advanced features and enables real-time tweaking of parameters. I have used it on every one of [my music CDs](mjmidi.htm#musiccd) and have found it invaluable for trance-out tracks. I hope I receive good news soon. \*\* UPDATE \*\* - he doesn't want to redistribute it, despite SEQ-303 working fine under Windows 10. Oh well 🤷 * For a fine MIDI sequencer which is more standard, try [Evolution MIDI Sequencer]( or download the [764K fully-functional freebie]( that I use. * For the best WAV file manipulator and player (especially looping), download | | | | --- | --- | | | [GoldWave]( | * A good player was the old version of Winamp before it went mad. [Here is version 2.90 lite]( (540K Zip), a much saner release. * There are many "make your own music" software products out there, but check out [The Fruityloops Sequencer]( This is one of the most intuitive and brilliant bits of software on the market, and can export to MP3 and WAV format. * If you want codecs to play MP4, DVD and FLV file formats, go to [Edskes Mirror]( and download K-Lite full codec pack. Install with the "Lots of Stuff" option instead of "Default". --- ### Rethink Links. Throw out the Trash. Think for Yourself. Remember, please retain a [sense of humour]( when reading some of these sites! Thanks to [Viz comics]( for this [classic Grassy Knollington strip](grassy.gif) and compare the last frame with [this picture](/geedryve/pix/oswald.jpg). You've gotta laugh! #### Large Remit Sites * [Warrior - Elevate Your Mind]( - a beautifully put together site by Tony Balbin who has gone through the trials and tribulations of learning that everything one knows is wrong! * [Birth of a New Earth](* [Henry Makow](* [Rat Haus]( is one of the best rethink sites I have ever had the privilege of visiting. A vast range and regularly updated. The section on [Terminator seeds]( alone is worth its weight in gold. * - [***SITE IS DOWN! Click here for my mirror of this site as of 2003.***](/deoxy/ [Deoxy Mirror Index Page](/deoxy/index.html) Exquisite and delicious is Deoxy's site (was at, stuffed full of great articles from all over the web. [Osho's Ego critique](/deoxy/ is an absolute must for freeing yourself from your mental cage. Timothy Leary's [Declaration of Evolution](/deoxy/ is a superb statement of self-evident truths. [The list is endless, but superbly collated here](/deoxy/ * [Truthseekers]( is well laid out, and has plenty of sound and video files and flyers for downloading and distributing. The [NWO agenda]( is disturbing. * Conspiracy theorists - you should confirm your natural suspicions at <>. From [their 15th May 2003 Newsletter]( and right on the button is :- > > Tobacco Tincture: I'm acquainted with a talented healer I'll call Cathy who constantly > studies alternative healing therapies and applies the information learned. She found out > about a year ago, that if she soaked pesticide-free, organic tobacco in alcohol (vodka, sake, > white rum, etc) for a couple of days, that she will get a powerful germ killer that seems to > knocks down most pathogens it encounters, especially the hidden "stealth viruses" that she > found (through dowsing) in chemtrails. American Indian cigarettes, found at specialty smoke > shops, is pesticide free. When faced with strange `flu-like' symptoms that don't respond to > other therapeutic modalities, she frequently finds that Tobacco tincture will do the trick. A > few drops in water is all that's required. (By the way, those beautiful `red' or `pink' > sunsets you see all the time now are mostly due to the desiccated red blood cells mixed in > with the chemtrails along with the stealth viruses and other pathogenic radionic energy > signatures designed to weaken your immunity and disconnect you from rising consciousness). > * [Ellie Crystal's site]( is a treasure trove of miscellaneous revelations. She brings together some excellent related material which would take an internet researcher an age to piece together. A good example is her ["Historical Paintings with UFOs" page]( which really needs greater exposure to the public. * [Light Net]( * [The Truth Campaign]( is a wonderful UK site with its own bi-monthly magazine. * [Metatech]( * [Serendipity's magnificent expos‚ site]( should keep you thoroughly entertained. * Provoking stuff on [Die Off's site](, packed full of articles, links and information for people concerned about the future of mankind on this planet. * [2012 Unlimited]( * Re-educate yourself in [Cyberclass]( * May look like bible-bashers' bunkum, but underneath the rhetoric, it conveys the right message. Have a look at [Jah Truth's site]( There's loads of stuff, but I really liked [Destructive TV Advertising]( > > Rothschild lied when he said, "I care not who makes a country's laws > as long as I make their money." He judged everyone by his own standards and assumed > that everyone was like him and had their price. Unfortunately, it appears he was right > about the majority of people. The fact that the New World Order got their puppet > politicians to enact the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, and the fact that they had John F. > Kennedy killed when he went to repeal it, is proof that Rothschild lied. > #### Good Essays and Articles * Beverly Eakman's [How Psychology and High-Tech Marketing have "Deformed" Education]( is an essential read to get a handle on what is happening in our schools at the moment. More of her stuff is on [her website]( and well worth some attention, especially [her article on implants]( * [Double Diamond](dd28.htm) is gritty, thought-provoking and amateur. But it really is worth the read. * [Dr. Judith Reisman]( has a wonderful site with some [startling revelations]( in terms of the myths of sexual intercourse. * [Henry Makow's Save the Males]( I like the essay entitled ["Playboy and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution"](, and here is a snippet from another :- > > Western civilization is being destroyed from within by a conspiracy of the superrich > administered by victim-zombies who have sold their souls to Satan and don't even know it. > * [Babel Magazine]( is a terrific source of articles done from a purely journalist point of view. The reporting is excellent and quite philosophical at times. From [Illusions of the Machine]( by Lisa Guliani :- > > Well, it isn't too difficult to figure out, really. The mainstream media does what it is told > to do. They write and report only on what they are "allowed" to. Writers at Babel Magazine, > on the other hand, don't have a short leash and electric collar, so we are able to write > freely. If they want to keep their cushy careers intact, as well as their lives, I dare say, > then they will damn well OBEY the top monkeys on the ladder. No coverage of Bilderberg > meetings? It is well-noted that media personalities we are all familiar with ATTEND these > meetings each year, yet we don't hear a peep out of them about these functions - no coverage > of chemtrails - yet one can see the slew of articles, photographs and lab analyses on > Internet news sources. There's no honest coverage of the REAL story behind 9/11 - yet news > sources on the Internet reveal to us the OTHER side of that tarnished coin. > * [Nexus Magazine]( is always worth a look. A superb treat is [The Installation]( * Exactly how I see things, in the mini essay [Blueprint for a Prison Planet](Blueprint for a Prison Planet.htm). Print it and read it at work! * I love the way Donald E. Watson puts his ideas across on his [Enformy site]( Of special hefty clout was his treatise on [homo sapiens]($homosap.html). #### Mind Control Sites * [***SITE DOWN! Click here for my mirror of this site as of 2002.***](/baird/index.html) [Personal Surveillance]( is a brilliant treatise written by someone with real experience - Paul Baird. He writes about the covert controls applied both at the higher echelons of governmental and business establishments, and the general public's levels :- > > All users of mobile phones can be monitored via satellite and "affected" if necessary. Aside > from the microwave health dangers, the current can be remotely increased 20,000 times to fry > your brains in a second. Chechnyan leader, General Dudayev may have been killed that way. He > was on his mobile. > > > Most public figures are constantly "monitored" by corrupt government agencies (esp. the CIA) > and their criminal contacts. (Some of them even bragged about it to me). It's not a matter of > "if you have nothing to hide, why worry" but rather "if you have nothing to hide, you are a > worry". Only those in tune with the thinking of the "Nazis" of The New World Order, only > those who can be bought, blackmailed, controlled and so on are allowed into mainstream > politics, journalism etc. these days. This affects us all because these then are the people > who determine/influence how we live and die. For instance, I know of many capable, "good" > people who are excluded or pressured not to act because they oppose criminals in high places. > This is "thought policing" in the real world. It's sickening. > * [***SITE DOWN! Click here for my mirror of this site as of 2003.***](/projfree/index.html) [Project Freedom]( - an utter gem, the UK take on mind control technology. * [Raven - Microwave Mind Control]( - superb and Eleanor replies personally to your e-mails. * James Henry Graf's superb and necessary [disclosure]( should prompt some reassessments. * [CAHRA's Mind Control site]( cites plenty of startling documentary evidence that this is going on. Author Cheryl Walsh is a law student and researcher, and a victim of psychotronic weapons herself. #### Political Sites ![](bhaw.jpg) * [Project Censored]( with excellent coverage of articles that never make it to the news. * [Alex Jones' Infowars site]( - superb. * [Bilderberg Organisation]( - Critical dissection of the Bildeberg agenda. This is a really massive site, and well worth the read :- > > The ideology put forward at the Bilderberg conferences is that what's good for banking and > big business is good for the mere mortals of the world. Silently banished are the critical > voices, those that might point out that debt is spiralling out of control, that wealth is > being sucked away from ordinary people and into the hands of the faceless corporate > institutions, that millions are dying as a direct result of the global heavyweight > Rockefeller / Rothschild economic strategies. > #### Miscellaneous Sites * There's a whole host of interesting spiritual articles at [Netnews Association]( * [Soldier of the Lord]( is a great read, and shouldn't go unheeded. * [Four Winds]( is eye-opening at times. Have a look at [Lenticular Clouds (Cloudships)]( for a strange phenomenon. Check their [News Index]( * Read the eye-opening [Farsight's Mission Statement]( * [John Taylor Gatto's brilliant re-appraisal of education]( * This should [Ring a Bell]( Spot on about ringers and stringers. * [The Electric Cosmos]( is a superb alternative to standard cosmological interpretation. It's obvious if you understand the ubiquity and properties of plasma. No need for "black holes", "red shifts", "gravitational lensing" or "big bangs". [Dr. Halton C. Arp demonstrates the misleading nature of red shift analysis]( where the barred spiral galaxy NGC 4319 and the quasar like object Markarian 205 show a definite physical connection despite massive redshift differences. Discuss these issues on [Into the Night Forum]( or [The Peanuts Gang Forum]( I post to these under the moniker "Graphic Equaliser" and they're both fabulous. Hats off to the people involved - the posters. --- ### Interesting Sites to Visit * Understanding on my wavelength, and top of my sites is [Krishnamurti's Book of Life](, which is my current bible. * Rupert Sheldrake has put [a good site]( together, which encourages your own experimentation on paranormal phenomena. Many of his experiments and their results form the meat of some of [my points on this site](thoughts.htm#intent). * Excellent reporting on [Common Dreams]( Eye-openers like [Afghans' Uranium Levels Spark Alert]( are the type of reality reporting the mainstream avoid like the plague. * Some really good links, and some really weird ones too is [Memepool's site]( Always a fascinating read, and updated daily with new stuff. * Take your pick of intelligent and provocative scientific articles, all beautifully housed at [Lee Borrell's site]( * The scientists' revolt is going on at [Sparkchamber]( This is where we realise we have been trying too hard. * For some amazing computer-generated pictures that are so life-like, you'll be looking at them with a magnifying glass, visit [the Zargon Studios web site]( * For some amazing theories about consciousness and quantum effects in the brain try [Matti Pitkanen](* If you think the police are corrupt, try [Black Information Link]( for some hard facts on how they, and many other institutions in society, really are. * For some tremendous insights both new and old, go to the thinkers page on [Sasha's Great Thinkers and Visionaries page](, and follow the links. * Predictions of the future come in all different forms. Some very interesting ones are on [Raymond Kurzweil's site]( * Corruption in USA is dealt with openly and frankly on [Forest Glen Durland's brilliant site]( * Go to [Gordon L. Ziniewicz's Philosophy Page]( The whole site is abundant in philosophical treats, and his tone of communication is very easy on the brain. * Check out [Green Net]( for the latest news on human rights abuse around the world. * [Internet Rights]( keep the British side of internet freedom up admirably well. * [Cult of the Dead Cow]( is always worth a look, especially as it tries to keep the Internet free. * For a site that takes some believing, but the experiments are obviously going on, try [*Weird Sight*]( * Have a look at [Fort Ogden]( for a chuckle. That lot should keep you reading quality, instead of propaganda. --- ### Image of the Day :- | | | | --- | --- | | Previous Image | Next Image | | | --- ### Your Current System :- #### My Current System :- | | | | --- | --- | | CPU | Intel® Core™i7 Quad Core Processor i7-4790k 8MB Cache @4.4GHz | | Mobo | Gigabyte Z97-HD3: ATX, LG1150, USB 3.0, SATA 6GBs | | PSU | CORSAIR 350W VS SERIES™ VS-350 | | OS | Windows 10 Pro | | GPU | 1GB NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 750 - DVI, mHDMI, VGA - 3D Vision Ready | | RAM | 8GB KINGSTON DUAL-DDR3 1600MHz (1 x 8GB) | | HDD | 120GB Samsung 840 EVO SSD, SATA 6Gb/s (upto 540MB/sR | 410MB/sW)Toshiba 500GB 3.5" SATA-III 6GB/s HDD 7200RPM 16MB CACHE | | Optical Drives | USB Samsung DVRW SE-208 | #### My Old System :- | | | | --- | --- | | CPU | Skt 775 LGA Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 @3.8GHz (400MHz FSB, 9.5X) | | Mobo | AsRock P43 Twins 1600 | | PSU | Generic Power Supply 500W | | OS | Win XP Pro SP3 | | GPU | NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GSO PCIe 768MB | | RAM | 2 GB (2 X 1024MB Nanya 800Mhz DDR2) | | HDD | 250GB Maxtor SATA II 7200 rpm 8MB buffer STM3250310AS | | Optical Drives | Optiarc DVD RW AD-7200A | | Test Results | PC Mark 05 9358 | 3D Mark 03 31052 | 3D Mark 05 19733 | 3D Mark 06 10445 | #### My Oldest System :- | | | | --- | --- | | CPU | Skt 754 Athlon AMD 64 3400+ Newcastle Core @2.4GHz (200Mhz FSB, 12X) | | Mobo | ABIT KV8 Pro 3rd Eye | | PSU | Coolermaster eXtreme Power 380W | | OS | Win XP Pro SP2 | | GPU | Gigabyte nVidia GeForce Turboforce 6600 256MB AGP 8X | | RAM | 1 GB (2 X 512MB Nanya 400Mhz DDR) | | HDD | 250GB Maxtor UDMA133 IDE 7200 rpm 16MB buffer 6B250R0 | | Optical Drives | Teac CDRW 516EB, Samsung DVD Master 16E Model SD-616 | | Test Results | PC Mark 04 4332 | 3D Mark 03 5768 | 3D Mark 05 2467 | Browsers should be tested with [this script (hammers the browser)](browtest.htm). IMO, **[MJ Browser](mjsoft.htm#brwsr) is the best browser** (I may be biased here!), then Opera (whose HTML5 support is second to none currently), then Safari. ---
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" ""><html xml:lang="fr" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns=""><head><title>Ik` Ilote - The world of Kaoani</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8" /><meta name="keywords" content="smiley, kaoani, japonais, japanese" /><meta name="description" content="The world of Kaoani" /><meta name="robots" content="all" /><link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon.png" /></head><body style="background-image:url(/Fond.gif)"><p style="margin-top:1em;text-align:center;font-weight: bold;font-size:25pt">The world of Kaoani</p><div style="text-align:center"><br /><img src="/Numerotation/011.gif" alt="1" /><img src="/Numerotation/012.gif" alt="2" /><img src="/Numerotation/015.gif" alt="5" /><img src="/Numerotation/013.gif" alt="3" /><img src="/Numerotation/013.gif" alt="3" /><img src="/Numerotation/017.gif" alt="7" /><img src="/Numerotation/010.gif" alt="0" /><p style="text-align:center"><i>You will find here 3685 Kaoani classed by type.</i></p><p style="text-align:center"><a href="/japanese/">日本語</a> - 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<br />22 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Chirol_Chan/memo1.gif" alt="memo1.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Chirol_Chan/1.html">Chirol Chan</a><br />- <a href="/english/Chirol_Chan/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Chirol_Chan/2.html">2</a>- <a href="/english/Chirol_Chan/3.html">3</a>- <a href="/english/Chirol_Chan/4.html">4</a>- <a href="/english/Chirol_Chan/5.html">5</a>- <a href="/english/Chirol_Chan/6.html">6</a>- <a href="/english/Chirol_Chan/7.html">7</a>- <a href="/english/Chirol_Chan/8.html">8</a>- <a href="/english/Chirol_Chan/9.html">9</a> - <br />172 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Chiruchiru_Chan/chirup_bey.gif" alt="chirup_bey.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Chiruchiru_Chan/1.html">Chiruchiru Chan</a><br />- <a href="/english/Chiruchiru_Chan/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Chiruchiru_Chan/2.html">2</a>- <a href="/english/Chiruchiru_Chan/3.html">3</a> - <br />50 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Chota_&amp;_Raizou/tnya-dere.gif" alt="tnya-dere.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Chota_%26_Raizou/1.html">Chota &amp; Raizou</a><br />- <a href="/english/Chota_%26_Raizou/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Chota_%26_Raizou/2.html">2</a> - <br />21 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/Cosplay_Cosplay_(Animaux)/010.gif" alt="010.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Cosplay_Cosplay_(Animaux)/1.html">Cosplay Cosplay (Animals)</a><br />- <a href="/english/Cosplay_Cosplay_(Animaux)/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Cosplay_Cosplay_(Animaux)/2.html">2</a> - <br />23 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Cosplay_Cosplay_(Divers)/026.gif" alt="026.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Cosplay_Cosplay_(Divers)/1.html">Cosplay Cosplay (Others)</a><br />- <a href="/english/Cosplay_Cosplay_(Divers)/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Cosplay_Cosplay_(Divers)/2.html">2</a> - <br />31 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Cosplay_Cosplay_(Pokemon)/002.gif" alt="002.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Cosplay_Cosplay_(Pokemon)/1.html">Cosplay Cosplay (Pokémon)</a><br />9 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Curseurs/026.gif" alt="026.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Curseurs/1.html">Cursors</a><br />- <a href="/english/Curseurs/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Curseurs/2.html">2</a> - <br />28 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/C_est_la_vie/026.gif" alt="026.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/C_est_la_vie/1.html">That's life</a><br />- <a href="/english/C_est_la_vie/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/C_est_la_vie/2.html">2</a>- <a href="/english/C_est_la_vie/3.html">3</a> - <br />44 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Ecrases/026.gif" alt="026.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Ecrases/1.html">Crushed</a><br />- <a href="/english/Ecrases/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Ecrases/2.html">2</a>- <a href="/english/Ecrases/3.html">3</a> - <br />51 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Extraterrestres_(4)/002.gif" alt="002.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Extraterrestres_(4)/1.html">Aliens (4)</a><br />8 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Extraterrestres_(5)/002.gif" alt="002.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Extraterrestres_(5)/1.html">Aliens (5)</a><br />8 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/Flower_Chamomile/flower_norimaki2.gif" alt="flower_norimaki2.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Flower_Chamomile/1.html">Flower Chamomile</a><br />- <a href="/english/Flower_Chamomile/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Flower_Chamomile/2.html">2</a> - <br />30 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Fruits/001.gif" alt="001.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Fruits/1.html">Fruits</a><br />2 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Gabriel/g-gan.gif" alt="g-gan.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Gabriel/1.html">Gabriel</a><br />- <a href="/english/Gabriel/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Gabriel/2.html">2</a>- <a href="/english/Gabriel/3.html">3</a>- <a href="/english/Gabriel/4.html">4</a>- <a href="/english/Gabriel/5.html">5</a> - <br />100 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Grands_Rois/010.gif" alt="010.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Grands_Rois/1.html">Great Kings</a><br />- <a href="/english/Grands_Rois/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Grands_Rois/2.html">2</a> - <br />25 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/Grape_Dragon/alen_tana.gif" alt="alen_tana.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Grape_Dragon/1.html">Grape Dragon</a><br />- <a href="/english/Grape_Dragon/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Grape_Dragon/2.html">2</a>- <a href="/english/Grape_Dragon/3.html">3</a>- <a href="/english/Grape_Dragon/4.html">4</a> - <br />67 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_(1)/026.gif" alt="026.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_(1)/1.html">Kao (1)</a><br />- <a href="/english/Kao_(1)/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_(1)/2.html">2</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_(1)/3.html">3</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_(1)/4.html">4</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_(1)/5.html">5</a> - <br />81 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_(2)/026.gif" alt="026.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_(2)/1.html">Kao (2)</a><br />- <a href="/english/Kao_(2)/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_(2)/2.html">2</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_(2)/3.html">3</a> - <br />41 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_(3)/026.gif" alt="026.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_(3)/1.html">Kao (3)</a><br />- <a href="/english/Kao_(3)/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_(3)/2.html">2</a> - <br />30 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/Kao_(4)/014.gif" alt="014.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_(4)/1.html">Kao (4)</a><br />15 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_(5)/026.gif" alt="026.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_(5)/1.html">Kao (5)</a><br />- <a href="/english/Kao_(5)/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_(5)/2.html">2</a> - <br />26 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_a_Coeur/026.gif" alt="026.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Coeur/1.html">Kao with Heart</a><br />- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Coeur/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Coeur/2.html">2</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Coeur/3.html">3</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Coeur/4.html">4</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Coeur/5.html">5</a> - <br />92 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_a_Etoile/002.gif" alt="002.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Etoile/1.html">Kao with Copter</a><br />3 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/Kao_a_Fleurs_(1)/010.gif" alt="010.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(1)/1.html">Kao with Flowers (1)</a><br />- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(1)/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(1)/2.html">2</a> - <br />27 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_a_Fleurs_(2)/010.gif" alt="010.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(2)/1.html">Kao with Flowers (2)</a><br />- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(2)/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(2)/2.html">2</a> - <br />25 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_a_Fleurs_(3)/010.gif" alt="010.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(3)/1.html">Kao with Flowers (3)</a><br />19 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_a_Fleurs_(4)/005.gif" alt="005.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(4)/1.html">Kao with Flowers (4)</a><br />12 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/Kao_a_Fleurs_(5)/005.gif" alt="005.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(5)/1.html">Kao with Flowers (5)</a><br />12 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_a_Fleurs_(6)/026.gif" alt="026.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(6)/1.html">Kao with Flowers (6)</a><br />- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(6)/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(6)/2.html">2</a> - <br />37 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_a_Fleurs_(7)/010.gif" alt="010.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(7)/1.html">Kao with Flowers (7)</a><br />- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(7)/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(7)/2.html">2</a> - <br />21 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_a_Helico/010.gif" alt="010.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Helico/1.html">Kao with Stars</a><br />- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Helico/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Helico/2.html">2</a> - <br />21 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/Kao_a_Noeud_(1)/010.gif" alt="010.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Noeud_(1)/1.html">Kao Knot (1)</a><br />19 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_a_Noeud_(2)/010.gif" alt="010.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Noeud_(2)/1.html">Kao Knot (2)</a><br />16 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_a_Noeud_(3)/002.gif" alt="002.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Noeud_(3)/1.html">Kao Knot (3)</a><br />9 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_a_Noeud_(4)/026.gif" alt="026.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Noeud_(4)/1.html">Kao Knot (4)</a><br />- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Noeud_(4)/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Noeud_(4)/2.html">2</a>- <a href="/english/Kao_a_Noeud_(4)/3.html">3</a> - <br />41 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/Kao_a_Noeud_(5)/002.gif" alt="002.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Noeud_(5)/1.html">Kao Knot (5)</a><br />7 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_a_Oreilles_de_Lapin/001.gif" alt="001.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Oreilles_de_Lapin/1.html">Kao with Rabbit-Hears</a><br />3 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_a_Oreilles_en_Coeurs/005.gif" alt="005.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Oreilles_en_Coeurs/1.html">Kao with Heart-like Hears</a><br />11 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Kao_a_Parapluie/010.gif" alt="010.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Kao_a_Parapluie/1.html">Kao with Umbrella</a><br />20 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/Ko-Gabri/naku.gif" alt="naku.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Ko-Gabri/1.html">Ko-Gabri</a><br />19 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Koa_a_Oreilles/001.gif" alt="001.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Koa_a_Oreilles/1.html">Kao with Umbrella</a><br />3 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Lemon_Chan/wai.gif" alt="wai.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Lemon_Chan/1.html">Lemon Chan</a><br />18 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Anges_(10)/010.gif" alt="010.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Anges_(10)/1.html">Angels (10)</a><br />16 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/Les_Anges_(3)/010.gif" alt="010.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Anges_(3)/1.html">Angels (3)</a><br />17 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Anges_(4)/026.gif" alt="026.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Anges_(4)/1.html">Angels (4)</a><br />- <a href="/english/Les_Anges_(4)/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Les_Anges_(4)/2.html">2</a>- <a href="/english/Les_Anges_(4)/3.html">3</a> - <br />42 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Anges_(5)/001.gif" alt="001.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Anges_(5)/1.html">Angels (5)</a><br />3 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Anges_(6)/002.gif" alt="002.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Anges_(6)/1.html">Angels (6)</a><br />6 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/Les_Anges_(7)/001.gif" alt="001.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Anges_(7)/1.html">Angels (7)</a><br />3 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Anges_(8)/026.gif" alt="026.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Anges_(8)/1.html">Angels (8)</a><br />- <a href="/english/Les_Anges_(8)/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Les_Anges_(8)/2.html">2</a> - <br />40 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Anges_(9)/005.gif" alt="005.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Anges_(9)/1.html">Angels (9)</a><br />12 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Anges_(En_Vrac)/014.gif" alt="014.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Anges_(En_Vrac)/1.html">Angels (Bulk)</a><br />15 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/Les_Anges_(Special)/005.gif" alt="005.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Anges_(Special)/1.html">Angels (Specials)</a><br />12 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Asiatiques/2.gif" alt="2.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Asiatiques/1.html">Asiatics</a><br />6 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Cactus/026.gif" alt="026.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Cactus/1.html">Cactus</a><br />- <a href="/english/Les_Cactus/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Les_Cactus/2.html">2</a> - <br />28 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Chats_(1)/014.gif" alt="014.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Chats_(1)/1.html">Cats (1)</a><br />14 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/Les_Chats_(2)/014.gif" alt="014.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Chats_(2)/1.html">Cats (2)</a><br />15 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Chats_(3)/010.gif" alt="010.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Chats_(3)/1.html">Cats (3)</a><br />- <a href="/english/Les_Chats_(3)/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Les_Chats_(3)/2.html">2</a> - <br />25 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Chats_(4)/002.gif" alt="002.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Chats_(4)/1.html">Cats (4)</a><br />7 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Chats_(Kitty)/005.gif" alt="005.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Chats_(Kitty)/1.html">Cats (Bulk)</a><br />11 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/Les_Chats_(Vrac)/002.gif" alt="002.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Chats_(Vrac)/1.html">Cats (Bulk)</a><br />8 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Chevelues/005.gif" alt="005.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Chevelues/1.html">Kao with Hairs</a><br />11 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Chiens/002.gif" alt="002.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Chiens/1.html">Dogs</a><br />6 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Cochons/005.gif" alt="005.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Cochons/1.html">Pigs</a><br />10 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/Les_Couples_a_2_couleurs/005.gif" alt="005.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Couples_a_2_couleurs/1.html">Twice Colored Couples</a><br />10 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Etoiles/005.gif" alt="005.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Etoiles/1.html">Stars</a><br />10 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Fillettes/002.gif" alt="002.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Fillettes/1.html">Young Girls</a><br />8 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Lapins_(1)/002.gif" alt="002.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Lapins_(1)/1.html">Rabbits (1)</a><br />9 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/Les_Lapins_(2)/005.gif" alt="005.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Lapins_(2)/1.html">Rabbits (2)</a><br />13 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Lapins_(3)/010.gif" alt="010.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Lapins_(3)/1.html">Rabbits (3)</a><br />19 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Ours_(1)/002.gif" alt="002.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Ours_(1)/1.html">Bears (1)</a><br />9 Ciparts</td><td><img src="/Les_Ours_(2)/002.gif" alt="002.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Ours_(2)/1.html">Bears (2)</a><br />6 Ciparts</td></tr><tr><td><img src="/Les_Ours_(3)/026.gif" alt="026.gif" /><br /> <a href="/english/Les_Ours_(3)/1.html">Bears (3)</a><br />- <a href="/english/Les_Ours_(3)/1.html">1</a>- <a href="/english/Les_Ours_(3)/2.html">2</a> - 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xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?Ik` Ilote - The world of KaoaniThe world of Kaoani ![1](/Numerotation/011.gif)![2](/Numerotation/012.gif)![5](/Numerotation/015.gif)![3](/Numerotation/013.gif)![3](/Numerotation/013.gif)![7](/Numerotation/017.gif)![0](/Numerotation/010.gif)*You will find here 3685 Kaoani classed by type.* [日本語](/japanese/) - [Français](/french/) - [English](/english/) | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | plant_smoke.gif [Air Plants](/english/Air_Plants/1.html)- [1](/english/Air_Plants/1.html)- [2](/english/Air_Plants/2.html) - 24 Ciparts | 010.gif [Otherse animals](/english/Animaux_Divers/1.html)16 Ciparts | biwa.gif [Baby Chu Appu](/english/Baby_Chu_Appu/1.html)- [1](/english/Baby_Chu_Appu/1.html)- [2](/english/Baby_Chu_Appu/2.html)- [3](/english/Baby_Chu_Appu/3.html)- [4](/english/Baby_Chu_Appu/4.html)- [5](/english/Baby_Chu_Appu/5.html) - 83 Ciparts | cibi-poo.gif [Chibi](/english/Chibi/1.html)15 Ciparts | | t_byby.gif [Chibiel](/english/Chibiel/1.html)- [1](/english/Chibiel/1.html)- [2](/english/Chibiel/2.html) - 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31 Ciparts | 002.gif [Cosplay Cosplay (Pokémon)](/english/Cosplay_Cosplay_(Pokemon)/1.html)9 Ciparts | 026.gif [Cursors](/english/Curseurs/1.html)- [1](/english/Curseurs/1.html)- [2](/english/Curseurs/2.html) - 28 Ciparts | | 026.gif [That's life](/english/C_est_la_vie/1.html)- [1](/english/C_est_la_vie/1.html)- [2](/english/C_est_la_vie/2.html)- [3](/english/C_est_la_vie/3.html) - 44 Ciparts | 026.gif [Crushed](/english/Ecrases/1.html)- [1](/english/Ecrases/1.html)- [2](/english/Ecrases/2.html)- [3](/english/Ecrases/3.html) - 51 Ciparts | 002.gif [Aliens (4)](/english/Extraterrestres_(4)/1.html)8 Ciparts | 002.gif [Aliens (5)](/english/Extraterrestres_(5)/1.html)8 Ciparts | | flower_norimaki2.gif [Flower Chamomile](/english/Flower_Chamomile/1.html)- [1](/english/Flower_Chamomile/1.html)- [2](/english/Flower_Chamomile/2.html) - 30 Ciparts | 001.gif [Fruits](/english/Fruits/1.html)2 Ciparts | g-gan.gif [Gabriel](/english/Gabriel/1.html)- [1](/english/Gabriel/1.html)- [2](/english/Gabriel/2.html)- [3](/english/Gabriel/3.html)- [4](/english/Gabriel/4.html)- [5](/english/Gabriel/5.html) - 100 Ciparts | 010.gif [Great Kings](/english/Grands_Rois/1.html)- [1](/english/Grands_Rois/1.html)- [2](/english/Grands_Rois/2.html) - 25 Ciparts | | alen_tana.gif [Grape Dragon](/english/Grape_Dragon/1.html)- [1](/english/Grape_Dragon/1.html)- [2](/english/Grape_Dragon/2.html)- [3](/english/Grape_Dragon/3.html)- [4](/english/Grape_Dragon/4.html) - 67 Ciparts | 026.gif [Kao (1)](/english/Kao_(1)/1.html)- [1](/english/Kao_(1)/1.html)- [2](/english/Kao_(1)/2.html)- [3](/english/Kao_(1)/3.html)- [4](/english/Kao_(1)/4.html)- [5](/english/Kao_(1)/5.html) - 81 Ciparts | 026.gif [Kao (2)](/english/Kao_(2)/1.html)- [1](/english/Kao_(2)/1.html)- [2](/english/Kao_(2)/2.html)- [3](/english/Kao_(2)/3.html) - 41 Ciparts | 026.gif [Kao (3)](/english/Kao_(3)/1.html)- [1](/english/Kao_(3)/1.html)- [2](/english/Kao_(3)/2.html) - 30 Ciparts | | 014.gif [Kao (4)](/english/Kao_(4)/1.html)15 Ciparts | 026.gif [Kao (5)](/english/Kao_(5)/1.html)- [1](/english/Kao_(5)/1.html)- [2](/english/Kao_(5)/2.html) - 26 Ciparts | 026.gif [Kao with Heart](/english/Kao_a_Coeur/1.html)- [1](/english/Kao_a_Coeur/1.html)- [2](/english/Kao_a_Coeur/2.html)- [3](/english/Kao_a_Coeur/3.html)- [4](/english/Kao_a_Coeur/4.html)- [5](/english/Kao_a_Coeur/5.html) - 92 Ciparts | 002.gif [Kao with Copter](/english/Kao_a_Etoile/1.html)3 Ciparts | | 010.gif [Kao with Flowers (1)](/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(1)/1.html)- [1](/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(1)/1.html)- [2](/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(1)/2.html) - 27 Ciparts | 010.gif [Kao with Flowers (2)](/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(2)/1.html)- [1](/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(2)/1.html)- [2](/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(2)/2.html) - 25 Ciparts | 010.gif [Kao with Flowers (3)](/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(3)/1.html)19 Ciparts | 005.gif [Kao with Flowers (4)](/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(4)/1.html)12 Ciparts | | 005.gif [Kao with Flowers (5)](/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(5)/1.html)12 Ciparts | 026.gif [Kao with Flowers (6)](/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(6)/1.html)- [1](/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(6)/1.html)- [2](/english/Kao_a_Fleurs_(6)/2.html) - 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162 Ciparts | mn_kabuto.gif [Minto](/english/Minto/1.html)- [1](/english/Minto/1.html)- [2](/english/Minto/2.html)- [3](/english/Minto/3.html) - 47 Ciparts | torapt.gif [Momo no Mainichi](/english/Momo_no_Mainichi/1.html)- [1](/english/Momo_no_Mainichi/1.html)- [2](/english/Momo_no_Mainichi/2.html)- [3](/english/Momo_no_Mainichi/3.html)- [4](/english/Momo_no_Mainichi/4.html)- [5](/english/Momo_no_Mainichi/5.html)- [6](/english/Momo_no_Mainichi/6.html)- [7](/english/Momo_no_Mainichi/7.html)- [8](/english/Momo_no_Mainichi/8.html)- [9](/english/Momo_no_Mainichi/9.html)- [10](/english/Momo_no_Mainichi/10.html) - - [11](/english/Momo_no_Mainichi/11.html)- [12](/english/Momo_no_Mainichi/12.html)- [13](/english/Momo_no_Mainichi/13.html) - 248 Ciparts | 002.gif [Christmas](/english/Noel/1.html)7 Ciparts | | 016.gif [Numetation](/english/Numerotation/1.html)- [1](/english/Numerotation/1.html)- [2](/english/Numerotation/2.html)- [3](/english/Numerotation/3.html)- [4](/english/Numerotation/4.html)- [5](/english/Numerotation/5.html)- [6](/english/Numerotation/6.html) - 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[Sirufu](/english/Sirufu/1.html)6 Ciparts | | 010.gif [Specialss](/english/Speciaux/1.html)12 Ciparts | ronn_achinn_sad.gif [Tenshi (Hikari Sky)](/english/Tenshi_(Hikari_Sky)/1.html)- [1](/english/Tenshi_(Hikari_Sky)/1.html)- [2](/english/Tenshi_(Hikari_Sky)/2.html) - 33 Ciparts | to-meten.gif [Toon Chan](/english/Toon_Chan/1.html)8 Ciparts | 026.gif [All in Blue](/english/Tout_en_Bleu/1.html)- [1](/english/Tout_en_Bleu/1.html)- [2](/english/Tout_en_Bleu/2.html)- [3](/english/Tout_en_Bleu/3.html) - 49 Ciparts | | 026.gif [All in Gray](/english/Tout_en_Gris/1.html)- [1](/english/Tout_en_Gris/1.html)- [2](/english/Tout_en_Gris/2.html)- [3](/english/Tout_en_Gris/3.html) - 42 Ciparts | 002.gif [All in Yellow](/english/Tout_en_Jaune/1.html)7 Ciparts | 026.gif [All in Orange](/english/Tout_en_Orange/1.html)- [1](/english/Tout_en_Orange/1.html)- [2](/english/Tout_en_Orange/2.html)- [3](/english/Tout_en_Orange/3.html)- [4](/english/Tout_en_Orange/4.html) - 69 Ciparts | 001.gif [All in Green](/english/Tout_en_Vert/1.html)4 Ciparts | | 026.gif [All in Purple](/english/Tout_en_Violet/1.html)- [1](/english/Tout_en_Violet/1.html)- [2](/english/Tout_en_Violet/2.html) - 35 Ciparts | 026.gif [All in Purple (2)](/english/Tout_en_Violet_(2)/1.html)- [1](/english/Tout_en_Violet_(2)/1.html)- [2](/english/Tout_en_Violet_(2)/2.html) - 38 Ciparts | 026.gif [All in Purple (Heart)](/english/Tout_en_Violet_(Coeurs)/1.html)- [1](/english/Tout_en_Violet_(Coeurs)/1.html)- [2](/english/Tout_en_Violet_(Coeurs)/2.html)- [3](/english/Tout_en_Violet_(Coeurs)/3.html) - 46 Ciparts | 005.gif [All in Purple (Devils)](/english/Tout_en_Violet_(Diables)/1.html)13 Ciparts | | dun.gif [U-Pee](/english/U-Pee/1.html)16 Ciparts | u_yanyan.gif [Uriel](/english/Uriel/1.html)- [1](/english/Uriel/1.html)- [2](/english/Uriel/2.html)- [3](/english/Uriel/3.html) - 60 Ciparts | v11.gif [Vraque (not class)](/english/Vrac_(non_classes)/1.html)16 Ciparts | y_wink.gif [Yukime](/english/Yukime/1.html)7 Ciparts | | y-niko.gif [Yurimada](/english/Yuridama/1.html)- [1](/english/Yuridama/1.html)- [2](/english/Yuridama/2.html)- [3](/english/Yuridama/3.html) - 46 Ciparts | If you have some Kaoani which are not here, please send me them. 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<HTML> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; I) [Netscape]"> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Michael Crick"> <META NAME="Classification" CONTENT="Home Page"> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Michael Crick's Home Page, what he does, what he has done, plus some interesting links ..."> <META NAME="KeyWords" CONTENT="Michael Crick, Computer Games"> <TITLE>Michael's Home Page</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BACKGROUND="jpeg/paper5.jpg"> <H1> Michael Crick's Home Page</H1> <CENTER> <H4> <FONT COLOR="#808000"><FONT SIZE=+1>"We Blaze Trails"</FONT></FONT></H4></CENTER> <CENTER> <H2> <FONT FACE="Comic Sans MS"><FONT COLOR="#999900"><FONT SIZE=+0>Last Updated October 17 -&nbsp;<IMG SRC="cgi-bin/counter.exe?-t0+-f808000+crick-michael" VSPACE=10 HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=32 ALIGN=absmiddle> visitors since the start of time</FONT></FONT></FONT></H2> </CENTER> <CENTER> <p><B><FONT SIZE=-1><FONT COLOR="#000000"><I><a href=""><img src="jpeg/gamemaster.jpg" border=2 height=207 width=250 align=ABSCENTER></a><br> The Eastside Journal </I>did a story on me (below) which oncluded the picture above.</FONT></FONT></B></p> <p align="left"><font size="5">Master of the game</font></p> <p align="left"> <font size="4">Video game pioneer got frogs hopping years before the PC</font> </p> <p align="left">Wednesday, April 8, 1998 <br> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br> By John Cook Journal Business Reporter <br> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ </p> <p align="left">BELLEVUE -- Before Diddy Kong Racing. Before Tetris. Even before Pong, there was Frogmaster and its inventor, Michael Crick. </p> <p align="left">If anyone has more history in computer games, Crick hasn't met him. </p> <p align="left">"I think I have been around computer games longer than anybody,'' said Crick, who used a wooden computer in 1966 to create a game where frogs play football. </p> <p align="left">The son of a Nobel Prize winner, Crick was among the first in the door when the video game business exploded in the early 1980s. </p> <p align="left">"Michael is our veteran,'' said Alexey Pajitnov, inventor of Tetris. "Anytime that I am working on a new game and it has the word puzzle in it, then Michael is the first person who comes to mind.'' </p> <p align="left">Today, Crick runs a small game company from his Eastside home, splitting his time between designing new games and working for other software companies. </p> <p align="left">"We've been talking to the kids about what they should do with their lives,'' he said. You "do what you're motivated to do. </p> <p align="left">"I always thought it would be neat to create computer games. I didn't think about it terribly much.''</p> <p align="center"> ~ </p> <p align="left">Although there are no precise records, Frogmaster could very well be one of the first computer games. The mid-'60s were "very early'' for people to even be thinking about video games, said David Sheff, who wrote a book on the history of Nintendo. </p> <p align="left">"If (Crick) was working on games at that time, then he, along with Bushnell of Atari, could be viewed as the fathers of this industry,'' Sheff said. </p> <p align="left">Crick always liked puzzles. So the idea of creating a computer puzzle game intrigued him. Late one night at his company's PDP-1 computer -- a 64K machine that filled a small room -- he started writing code for Frogmaster. </p> <p align="left">"I was doing it just for fun,'' Crick said. He had no idea that he was at the forefront of a multi-billion-dollar industry. </p> <p align="left">"The idea that you could sell a computer game was beyond anyone's comprehension at that time,'' said Crick, whose beard is graying, although he wants his age kept secret. </p> <p align="left">Frogmaster was later developed for Atari, launching a career that spans the history of video games. </p> <p align="left">Crick's resume of those he's designed for reads like a Who's Who: Nintendo, Microsoft, Sierra-On-Line, HES Games, Taito Co. </p> <p align="left">In a field dominated by 20- and 30-year-old whiz kids who grew up on Game Boys and Atari 2600s, Crick is truly a journeyman in the industry. </p> <p align="left">"It is not proper that someone my age should be designing games,'' said Crick, with his soft English accent. "I think of myself as kind of an anachronism.'' </p> <p align="left">His ranch-style home in northeast Bellevue definitely shows the wear and tear of three decades in the business. </p> <p align="left">Old computer cables, modems, hard discs and floppies overflow cardboard boxes. A half-dozen personal computers fill the house with a constant buzz. Piles of computer magazines cover most flat surfaces. Dozens of games he's sold -- his trophies -- hang on a wall. </p> <p align="left"><font size="4">Creative Environment</font> </p> <p align="left">Crick's mind is like his home: a visual world cluttered with theories, models, ideas. </p> <p align="left">"In designing a game, you always have way too many ideas,'' Crick said. "There is always a winnowing process where you have to cut out the things that are not essential to keep the game elegant and simple without losing its essence.'' </p> <p align="left">It's a thought pattern that friends and family members quickly recognize. Barbara Crick says her husband solves mental puzzles like Rubick's cube with ease. And his trademark attorney, Rex Stratton, says Crick is usually racing four paragraphs ahead of each sentence. </p> <p align="left">"He gets pretty mathematical,'' said Alex, the oldest of Crick's four children.</p> <p align="left"> <font size="4">Distinguished Father</font> </p> <p align="left">Solving complex puzzles is a skill that most likely can be traced to his father, Francis Crick, one of the most notable figures in 20th century science. </p> <p align="left">His father, along with James Watson and Maurice Wilkins, won the 1962 Nobel Prize for medicine by solving another very complex puzzle: the double-helix structure of DNA molecules. </p> <p align="left">Crick left home in Northampton, England, in the early 1960s to follow in his father's footsteps. He entered Harvard Medical School's neurophysiology program for his doctorate. </p> <p align="left">Then his life took a twist. </p> <p align="left">Crick fell in with a group of computer programmers at MIT, dropped out of the neurophysiology program and got a job with a computer company. </p> <p align="left">"It is probably what my father would have done if he went through graduate school at the same time I did,'' Crick said. </p> <p align="left">"My interest was finding out what would be important in the future, and (because of that) I've always had a real knack to be where things are newest and fastest.'' </p> <p align="left">His first job was with Massachusetts-based Bolt Beranek and Newman working on the precursor to the Internet. That's where Frogmaster was hatched. </p> <p align="left">In the early '70s, he wrote code for one of IBM's first operating systems and later solved computer glitches at The Boeing Co. In the 1980s, he helped develop Microsoft's Windows operating system. </p> <p align="left">Pajitnov last fall enlisted Crick's expertise in designing Mind Aerobics, a series of brain-teasing puzzle games for the Microsoft Network. </p> <p align="left"><font size="4">Time for his own projects </font></p> <p align="left">Even though Crick continues to receive dozens of job offers for high-paying programming positions, he has always found himself branching out on his own to develop games. </p> <p align="left">"It's a very bumpy business, and most of the games you write you lose money on,'' he said. </p> <p align="left">His game company, Mica, still bumps along. "I have been lucky, particularly with WordZap, which has sold 1.1 million copies. There are not many other people who have managed to do that.'' </p> <p align="left">WordZap, developed for the Microsoft Entertainment Pack in 1992, is a fast-paced word game similar to Boggle and Scrabble. </p> <p align="left">His latest venture is an online version of Word Zap, where players compete through Internet "game lobbies'' like ICQ, I-Games and Microsoft's Internet Gaming Zone. </p> <p align="left">"It is very addictive,'' said Crick, whose monthly tournaments find participants joining in from as far away as New Zealand and South Africa. </p> <p align="left">Even though WordZap is one of Crick's best-selling games, it is nowhere near his most profitable. That honor goes to an Olympics sports game called Go for the Gold, developed in 1986 for the old Commodore 64s. </p> <p align="left">Although it was a No. 1-selling game in England, the big payoff with Go for the Gold came years later. The United States Olympic Committee in 1994 paid -- handsomely -- for rights to the phrase. </p> <p align="left">Economics in the video game industry work in mysterious ways, Crick admits. "It is a very erratic and unpredictable business. Sometimes the money just appears when you are not expecting it.'' </p> <p align="left"> <font size="4">CRICK'S VIDEO GAME HISTORY</font> </p> <p align="left">1966 -- Frogmaster <br> 1970 -- GoBang <br> 1981 -- Frogmaster, Atari version <br> 1985 -- Break Street, Commodore 64 <br> 1986 -- Go For the Gold, Commodore 64 <br> 1991 -- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, for Nintendo <br> 1991 -- Word Zap, for Microsoft <br> 1992 -- Dudes with Attitude, for Nintendo* <br> 1994 -- Trolls on Treasure Island, for Nintendo* <br> 1997 -- Word Zap (online version) </p> <p align="left">*Developed with daughter Cam </p> <p align="left"><font size="4">A FAMILY OF CRICK'S</font></p> <p align="left"><font size="4"> ·</font> Great Grandfather -- Walter Drawbridge Crick, founded Crick & Co. shoe factory in Northampton, England. <br> · Father -- Francis Crick, helped discover the double-helix structure of DNA. Now works at the Salk Institute in California studying the brain. <br> · Uncle -- Frank Dickens, developed a method to mass-produce insulin. <br> · Son -- Alex Crick, 24, Evergreen State, senior, digital photography. <br> · Daughter -- Kindra Crick, 21, Princeton University, senior, bio-chemistry <br> · Daughter -- Cam, 19, Harvard University, sophomore, writes theater reviews for campus magazine and newspaper. <br> · Son -- Francis Jr., 17, accepted to MIT and Princeton University; on Harvard's waiting list. </p> </CENTER> <CENTER>Return to The <A HREF="index.html">Crick Family Home Page</A></CENTER> </BODY> </HTML>
Michael's Home Page # Michael Crick's Home Page #### "We Blaze Trails" ## Last Updated October 17 -  visitors since the start of time ***[![](jpeg/gamemaster.jpg)]( The Eastside Journal* did a story on me (below) which oncluded the picture above.** Master of the game Video game pioneer got frogs hopping years before the PC Wednesday, April 8, 1998 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ By John Cook Journal Business Reporter ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BELLEVUE -- Before Diddy Kong Racing. Before Tetris. Even before Pong, there was Frogmaster and its inventor, Michael Crick. If anyone has more history in computer games, Crick hasn't met him. "I think I have been around computer games longer than anybody,'' said Crick, who used a wooden computer in 1966 to create a game where frogs play football. The son of a Nobel Prize winner, Crick was among the first in the door when the video game business exploded in the early 1980s. "Michael is our veteran,'' said Alexey Pajitnov, inventor of Tetris. "Anytime that I am working on a new game and it has the word puzzle in it, then Michael is the first person who comes to mind.'' Today, Crick runs a small game company from his Eastside home, splitting his time between designing new games and working for other software companies. "We've been talking to the kids about what they should do with their lives,'' he said. You "do what you're motivated to do. "I always thought it would be neat to create computer games. I didn't think about it terribly much.'' ~ Although there are no precise records, Frogmaster could very well be one of the first computer games. The mid-'60s were "very early'' for people to even be thinking about video games, said David Sheff, who wrote a book on the history of Nintendo. "If (Crick) was working on games at that time, then he, along with Bushnell of Atari, could be viewed as the fathers of this industry,'' Sheff said. Crick always liked puzzles. So the idea of creating a computer puzzle game intrigued him. Late one night at his company's PDP-1 computer -- a 64K machine that filled a small room -- he started writing code for Frogmaster. "I was doing it just for fun,'' Crick said. He had no idea that he was at the forefront of a multi-billion-dollar industry. "The idea that you could sell a computer game was beyond anyone's comprehension at that time,'' said Crick, whose beard is graying, although he wants his age kept secret. Frogmaster was later developed for Atari, launching a career that spans the history of video games. Crick's resume of those he's designed for reads like a Who's Who: Nintendo, Microsoft, Sierra-On-Line, HES Games, Taito Co. In a field dominated by 20- and 30-year-old whiz kids who grew up on Game Boys and Atari 2600s, Crick is truly a journeyman in the industry. "It is not proper that someone my age should be designing games,'' said Crick, with his soft English accent. "I think of myself as kind of an anachronism.'' His ranch-style home in northeast Bellevue definitely shows the wear and tear of three decades in the business. Old computer cables, modems, hard discs and floppies overflow cardboard boxes. A half-dozen personal computers fill the house with a constant buzz. Piles of computer magazines cover most flat surfaces. Dozens of games he's sold -- his trophies -- hang on a wall. Creative Environment Crick's mind is like his home: a visual world cluttered with theories, models, ideas. "In designing a game, you always have way too many ideas,'' Crick said. "There is always a winnowing process where you have to cut out the things that are not essential to keep the game elegant and simple without losing its essence.'' It's a thought pattern that friends and family members quickly recognize. Barbara Crick says her husband solves mental puzzles like Rubick's cube with ease. And his trademark attorney, Rex Stratton, says Crick is usually racing four paragraphs ahead of each sentence. "He gets pretty mathematical,'' said Alex, the oldest of Crick's four children. Distinguished Father Solving complex puzzles is a skill that most likely can be traced to his father, Francis Crick, one of the most notable figures in 20th century science. His father, along with James Watson and Maurice Wilkins, won the 1962 Nobel Prize for medicine by solving another very complex puzzle: the double-helix structure of DNA molecules. Crick left home in Northampton, England, in the early 1960s to follow in his father's footsteps. He entered Harvard Medical School's neurophysiology program for his doctorate. Then his life took a twist. Crick fell in with a group of computer programmers at MIT, dropped out of the neurophysiology program and got a job with a computer company. "It is probably what my father would have done if he went through graduate school at the same time I did,'' Crick said. "My interest was finding out what would be important in the future, and (because of that) I've always had a real knack to be where things are newest and fastest.'' His first job was with Massachusetts-based Bolt Beranek and Newman working on the precursor to the Internet. That's where Frogmaster was hatched. In the early '70s, he wrote code for one of IBM's first operating systems and later solved computer glitches at The Boeing Co. In the 1980s, he helped develop Microsoft's Windows operating system. Pajitnov last fall enlisted Crick's expertise in designing Mind Aerobics, a series of brain-teasing puzzle games for the Microsoft Network. Time for his own projects Even though Crick continues to receive dozens of job offers for high-paying programming positions, he has always found himself branching out on his own to develop games. "It's a very bumpy business, and most of the games you write you lose money on,'' he said. His game company, Mica, still bumps along. "I have been lucky, particularly with WordZap, which has sold 1.1 million copies. There are not many other people who have managed to do that.'' WordZap, developed for the Microsoft Entertainment Pack in 1992, is a fast-paced word game similar to Boggle and Scrabble. His latest venture is an online version of Word Zap, where players compete through Internet "game lobbies'' like ICQ, I-Games and Microsoft's Internet Gaming Zone. "It is very addictive,'' said Crick, whose monthly tournaments find participants joining in from as far away as New Zealand and South Africa. Even though WordZap is one of Crick's best-selling games, it is nowhere near his most profitable. That honor goes to an Olympics sports game called Go for the Gold, developed in 1986 for the old Commodore 64s. Although it was a No. 1-selling game in England, the big payoff with Go for the Gold came years later. The United States Olympic Committee in 1994 paid -- handsomely -- for rights to the phrase. Economics in the video game industry work in mysterious ways, Crick admits. "It is a very erratic and unpredictable business. Sometimes the money just appears when you are not expecting it.'' CRICK'S VIDEO GAME HISTORY 1966 -- Frogmaster 1970 -- GoBang 1981 -- Frogmaster, Atari version 1985 -- Break Street, Commodore 64 1986 -- Go For the Gold, Commodore 64 1991 -- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, for Nintendo 1991 -- Word Zap, for Microsoft 1992 -- Dudes with Attitude, for Nintendo\* 1994 -- Trolls on Treasure Island, for Nintendo\* 1997 -- Word Zap (online version) \*Developed with daughter Cam A FAMILY OF CRICK'S · Great Grandfather -- Walter Drawbridge Crick, founded Crick & Co. shoe factory in Northampton, England. · Father -- Francis Crick, helped discover the double-helix structure of DNA. Now works at the Salk Institute in California studying the brain. · Uncle -- Frank Dickens, developed a method to mass-produce insulin. · Son -- Alex Crick, 24, Evergreen State, senior, digital photography. · Daughter -- Kindra Crick, 21, Princeton University, senior, bio-chemistry · Daughter -- Cam, 19, Harvard University, sophomore, writes theater reviews for campus magazine and newspaper. · Son -- Francis Jr., 17, accepted to MIT and Princeton University; on Harvard's waiting list. Return to The [Crick Family Home Page](index.html)
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>The Dream That Died: The Late 1980s Television Show Reunion Movies</TITLE> <META content="MSHTML 6.00.6001.18294" name=GENERATOR></HEAD> <BODY><FONT color=black> <HR> <CENTER> <H3><B>The Dream That Died: The Late 1980s Television Show Reunion Movies</B></H3> <BR><BR> <H4>Written by Kevin McCorry</H4><BR></CENTER><BR>There is something wonderful about the first two decades of widespread colour television. Ability to broadcast television shows in colour, which prompted producers to maximise colour contrasts, and the then-still-standard use of film rather than videotape meant that the colour television programming was splendidly sharp. <P>Dazzling colours are only part of the story. Television of the 1960s and 1970s had a whimsical, fantastic quality, encouraging viewers to suspend disbelief, to stretch imagination, to use their own discretion in explaining, or in not explaining and just accepting, how various non-everyday, non-contemporary, or outrageous events occurred. In the 1960s, the usual practice was to portray strange phenomena with tongue planted firmly in cheek. Satire was the order of the day, as in <B>Bewitched</B>, <B>Gilligan's Island</B>, and <B>Lost in Space</B>. Outlandish personages or situations literally materialised with a "ding", and the regular characters were blase toward them. Attempts to quit a marooned situation were constantly thwarted by ineptitude of a certain character, and the predicament of a conservative businessman with a white-witch wife's well-meaning but awry spells was invariably comical. <P>The Vietnam War and Watergate scandal brought the guileless light-heartedness of the 1960s to an end, though public belief in progress and in the near future persevered, and hence were viewers continually receptive to innocently and fantastically presented concepts. Television underwent a metamorphosis and became rather less whimsical. The fantastic premises of various television series were played "straight". For instance, an accidentally de-limbed astronaut became a cybernetic super-hero but had difficulty adjusting to the logistics of his powers and seemed to lose his fiancee when her body rejected the cybernetics implanted into her after she had been severely injured in an accident. The concept of a "bionic" man and woman, if done in the 1960s, would have been a situation comedy rather than a drama. <P>Though the 1970s were solemn in portrayal of the un-contemporary or the un-Earthly, it was still a carefree era in entertainment, the culmination of which was the abundance of blockbuster space fantasy films in the last three years of the decade. The sense of wonder that was conveyed then, in nearly every entertainment, still impresses the open-minded, nostalgic viewer. <P>In the push for absolute believability and gritty realism, the innocently wondrous quality of the 1960s and 1970s slowly died through the 1980s, and by 1990, it was essentially gone. There was a changing of the guard in the entertainment industry. Works of the 1960s and 1970s had been conceived and filmed by the Depression/World War II generation, which learned at an early age to go without material gratification and had more lively imagination and larger-than-life conceptions of heroism. But in the 1980s, hippies became yuppies, and television and cinema catered to the then-jaded generation of "free love". Everything had to be realistic, in an everyday, <B>Thirtysomething</B> mode of presentation. A fantastic concept could only be accepted if it was thoroughly explained. Heroes had to have an unproblematic, gratuitous darker side. They could not be larger-than-life. They had to act upon carnal urges with no consequences for their super-nature. Everything transpired by night, and the heroes were indistinguishable from the bleakness around them. The best example in this regard is the contrast between the <B>Superman</B> films of the early 1980s and the <B>Batman</B> film in 1989. Both were live-action, serious portrayals of a super-hero, but while Superman, garbed in flashy colour, was, in his selfless high-flying heroism, intangibly awesome, his powers not elucidated by requisite explanations of techno-babble or metaphysics, Batman was a wealthy but everyday, womanising "guy" with a heroic hobby, his every gimmick explained by technology, and his motivations were vengeful, because his parents had been murdered by the man who was accidentally changed into the Joker. <P>The Challenger and Chernobyl disasters, both in 1986, yielded a less ambitious time and a dulling of the public taste for scientific romanticism. Space became less accessible as a setting for every man's adventure. Science fiction became decidedly Earth-bound or was positioned in the far future. The viewing public, including the Generation X and Baby Bust age brackets, preferred to see people on Earth with common foibles and problems. Entertainment, no matter what the genre, digressed into total soap opera. Ineffable or outlandish fantasy concepts had become a thing of the downplayed past. <P>There was something of a backlash to this dulling-down of entertainment, as a segment of the younger population, those in their twenties, yearned to see their childhood heroes in action again. Although the major American television networks were reluctant to revive some television shows from the 1960s or 1970s for a regular, rather expensive series run, they were agreeable to two-hour reunion movies. The return of <B>Perry Mason</B> in a series of successful prime-time Movies of the Week was encouraging enough for NBC to initiate production on a reunion of two of the 1970s' most popular television heroes, <B>The Six Million Dollar Man</B> and <B>The Bionic Woman</B>. <P> <CENTER><IMG src="bionicman.jpg"></CENTER> <P>Lee Majors and Lindsay Wagner were pleased to work together again in a reprise of their popular 1970s roles, and <B>The Return of the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman</B>, NBC's Sunday Night Movie, was a critical and ratings success, one of the top draws for the week of May 20, 1987. <B>TV Guide</B> magazine had a cover photo and feature story on the reunion for the two cybernetically-charged action heroes. Nostalgia-instilling music with some tender scenes as the bionic duo rediscover their love for one another was mixed with action and a jazzy soundtrack as the plot moved as rapidly as its feature characters. <P>In every way, the movie was an accurate and affectionate homage to the exciting exploits of the bionic heroes of the 1970s. Steve Austin is attacked by a group of right-wing mercenaries who want the secret of bionics, and he escapes the villains in a thrilling car chase. He next pursues on his 60-miles-per-hour feet a getaway car containing the same mercenaries, who have abducted at gunpoint Jaime Sommers. Austin's son, Michael, is hospitalised after his test aircraft crashes in an air show, and Steve authorises cybernetic expert Rudy Wells to fit Michael with bionics as a, "microchip off the old block". Michael overcomes his resentment of his father's decision and, with Jaime's help, comes to terms with his bionics. He is then kidnapped by the mercenaries, who have also abducted Wells and a blind woman from Jaime's clinic to ensure that Michael does not use his bionic powers to escape. Jaime, Steve, and a group of Air Force cadets attack the glass factory hideout of the mercenaries' power-mad leader, Lyle Stenning, played expertly by Martin Landau, and free Michael, Wells, and the blind woman. <P>Whereas the original television series had no limit in story material, including alien beings, out-of-control space probes or computers, and evil scientists with world-affecting technologies, the reunion film, about right-wing mercenaries with aspirations for violently seizing power in America, was rather mundane, but had enough sentimentality and heart-pumping action to captivate and thrill viewers from beginning to end. Jaime, in the <B>Bionic Woman</B> series, could not remember her relationship with Steve prior to the rejection of her bionics, during which she died, was cryogenically suspended, and then revived. Now, after a concussion incurred in an explosion during an OSI mission, she remembers everything and wishes full reconciliation with Steve. Steve has an uneasy reunion with his son from a brief marriage with a young woman who later died, and as father and son become fundamentally alike with cybernetics, the gap between them disappears. Lee Majors' real-life son has a role in the movie, but not as Michael. He plays a self-confident, orphaned OSI agent who is at first sceptical of Steve's abilities, then is in awe after Steve saves his life. <P> The tremendous ratings success of this reunion movie immediately resulted in plans for a spin-off television series with Austin's son, which never materialised. But a second reunion movie for Austin and Sommers was produced and broadcasted almost two years later, on April 30, 1989. <B>Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman</B> had a misleading title, because no "showdown" occurs between Austin and Sommers. The movie pushed Steve and Jaime to the sidelines and focused on the trials and tribulations of a young athlete, played by Sandra Bullock, who is rendered bionic and assigned by the U.S. government, through the OSI, to stop terrorists from attacking visiting dignitaries at the Russian-American Unity Games. There is the usual love triangle surrounding Bullock's character, who is torn between the affections of a wheelchair-bound youth played by Jeff Yagher (<B>V</B>) and a slick OSI agent, played by Geraint Wyn Davies (<B>Forever Knight</B>), who is really a cybernetically-powered killer working for the terrorists. Steve and Jaime help Bullock and her paraplegic boy-friend to fight Wyn Davies and thwart the terrorist scheme. What happened to Michael is never explained, and Steve and Jaime have not yet "tied the knot", though a wedding is discussed by the two. It was hoped that a spin-off television series could be sold to NBC starring Bullock's character, but it too never came to fruition. <P> With reduced audience and mixed reaction for reunion movie two, plans for further movies were placed on extended hiatus, until the rather disappointing <B>Bionic Ever After?</B> was finally produced, and transmitted on CBS on November 29, 1994. Steve and Jaime do go to the altar, but only after both must cope with a computer virus, injected into their bionic parts by the genius daughter (played by Farrah Forke) of a deceased cybernetics expert who always resented Rudy Wells for supposedly usurping his rightful place as tops in that science. Terrorists seize a nuclear missile in the Bahamas and hold hostages at an embassy to force a defecting sports star to come out of hiding. And quite predictably, the saboteur (Forke) is in collusion with the terrorist leader, Myles Kenrdick (Geordie Johnson). Though there are traces of the old magic in Steve and Jaime being at the centre of fast-moving action, defeating the terrorist leader in a classic bionic chase of his getaway truck, they both are subdued for most of the movie by the debilitating computer virus and also by their obvious age. Wedded bliss is usually the "swan song" for heroic characters. This was precisely why the 1975 "Bionic Woman" episode of <B>The Six Million Dollar Man</B> avoided marrying Steve to his high school sweetheart. Jamie's body rejected her bionic implants, and she died. The ending of the episode caused anguish among young viewers, and the ABC network was flooded with mail from protesting parents. Jamie was resurrected for her own television series, but without memories of her relationship with Steve. The longevity of the two television programmes depended on keeping the two heroes separate, though they did join forces on two occasions to fight aliens and a robotics expert with a weather-controlling device. It is highly doubtful that any more reunion movies for the bionic duo will be made now that they are man and wife. <P> <CENTER><IMG src="hulklgo.jpg"></CENTER><PRE> "Within each of us, there is a kind of beast, made of rage. Years ago, I used science to study this beast, to bring him out of me. I used gamma radiation to release him. But I used too much. Far too much. Now, the beast is out of my control, emerging whenever anger strikes. My name is David Banner. The world thinks I'm dead. I travel alone. I try to keep the beast caged, within myself." -Bill Bixby's introduction to <B>The Trial of the Incredible Hulk</B> (1989) </PRE>Another action hero with a long-running television series was Marvel Comics' Incredible Hulk. Broadcast on the CBS network through four seasons from 1978 to 1982 was the story of David Banner (Bill Bixby), physician-scientist who overdoses on experimental gamma radiation and metamorphoses when angered into a primitive, violent but noble, green-skinned muscular powerhouse (Lou Ferrigno). A disastrous fire at a research laboratory kills Banner's colleague and, the world believes, Banner too, and the creature is incorrectly blamed for the deaths. Banner travels incognito through the United States in search of a cure for his condition, and invariably finds himself in the midst of conflicts or dangerous situations that bring about his transformation at least twice per episode. An investigative reporter named Jack McGee (Jack Colvin) hunts the creature and in a two-part episode learns that it is the alter-ego of a man, a man McGee cannot identify because Banner's face was in bandages due to a car accident. <P><B>The Incredible Hulk</B> was most successful in ratings when starting CBS' Friday night line-up that included <B>The Dukes of Hazzard</B> and <B>Dallas</B>, but as time passed and budgets narrowed, production values declined, as did the audience, despite the constant high story quality. Two of the most memorable episodes, one in which a radioactive meteorite traps Banner in mid-transformation from the Hulk and the demi-Hulk is captured by the U.S. military, and one in which Banner battles another man's Hulk, were both fourth season two-parters. <P>In 1988, NBC revived <B>The Incredible Hulk</B> to companion its <B>Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman</B> movies, and there were plans to run a Movie of the Week with these super-heroes every one or two months. <P>The first reunion movie for the Hulk was <B>The Incredible Hulk Returns</B>, which was one of the top five highest-rated television programmes of the entire week of May 22, 1988. Interestingly, it was broadcast on Victoria Day weekend, the same weekend on which <B>The Return of the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman</B> aired a year earlier. <P>Critics were bemused at the widespread appeal of the Hulk's comeback, which was not in the same spirit as the solemn 1978-82 series. Stan Lee of Marvel Comics planned, with Bixby's blessing as star and producer, to feature another Marvel super-hero in every </B>Hulk</B> movie, and first to accompany the green giant was the Mighty Thor, God of Thunder. Unlike the Thor of the comic books who is a reluctant but earnest fighter of Earthly evil and the transformed alter-ego of meek, disabled physician Donald Blake, Thor (Eric Kramer) in <B>The Incredible Hulk Returns</B> is a fight-enjoying entity separate from a less self-disciplined and physically unimpaired Blake (Steve Levitt). Kramer's Thor is summoned by Blake by an enchanted Viking hammer discovered by Blake on an archaeological expedition and compelled by his wish to enter Valhalla to serve Blake as penance for past misdeeds, whether Blake approves or not. <P>Banner has not "Hulked-out" in two years and, as David Bannion, has risen to position of senior researcher at a Los Angeles medical electronics facility. He is about to test a gamma transponder that can bring untold advances in treatment of diseases- and cure his Hulk affliction, when Blake, a college colleague, arrives in the electronics facility and stops the procedure. Blake explains to Banner that he does not know why Banner is playing dead and is willing to preserve Banner's secret, and he asks Banner's help in severing his link with Thor, whose presence in Blake's life is anything but opportune. When Banner disbelieves Blake's outlandish story, Blake uses the hammer to summon Thor, whose troublesome appearance in Banner's intricate laboratory threatens to trigger Banner's metamorphosis. "I must not lose control," Banner says to himself with his eyes closed. "Is he praying?" Thor asks Blake. Thor furiously suspects that Blake has come to "Banner the warlock" for the purpose of scientific exorcism. Banner's plea, "Don't make me angry," impresses Thor for its seeming audacity. Thor unwittingly pushes Banner onto an electrically charged metal, and Banner "Hulks-out" in front of the astonished eyes of Blake and Thor. Though Thor's first pairing with the Hulk is violently confrontational, the two behemoths join forces after a re-transformed Banner urges Blake to help repair the laboratory equipment damaged in the Hulk's tussle with Thor, and reconciles with Thor's aggressive nature, which Blake too comes to accept and trust. <P>Banner's lady, Maggie Shaw, is targeted for abduction by mercenaries (the consummate villains of the 1980s) who want the gamma transponder for black market sale, and the Hulk and Thor are unable to stop the villains' helicopter with a drugged Maggie aboard it. Banner and Blake receive information on the whereabouts of the criminals and go there intending to rescue Maggie. Thor is called upon to help and asks Banner to change himself, "into that green troll." "I don't do that deliberately," retorts Banner, before an argument with a reckless co-worker who has come to this location triggers another "Hulk-out". The Hulk, Thor, and Blake vanquish the mercenaries and free Maggie. But Banner cannot stay in Los Angeles to continue his work because McGee has come to the city to investigate reports of the Hulk. Banner and Blake part company, each wishing the other luck. Blake and Thor will wander in a different direction from the again-drifting Banner, who bids good-bye to Maggie. <P> The success of the first Hulk reunion movie clinched the production of a second, <B>The Trial of the Incredible Hulk</B>, which paired the Hulk with Marvel Comics' radar-sensed, super-hearing Daredevil character and his alter-ego, supposedly blind attorney Matt Murdock (Rex Smith). Movie two was set in a rainy, gloomy city, actually Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Banner changes to the Hulk in a subway when he tries to help a young teaching intern to fight two jewel thieves who want to rape her. Police find and arrest the un-Hulked Banner under suspicion of involvement with the criminals, who escaped the Hulk and return to their mobster boss, Wilson Fisk (John Rhys-Davies). The teaching intern is forced by the criminals to tell to the police that Banner attacked her, and is then kidnapped by Fisk. Banner dreams that he is put on trial and "Hulks-out" on the witness stand, and the Hulk demolishes the courtroom and kills the prosecuting attorney. This dream sequence is the essence of the movie's title. Banner does not really undergo a courtroom ordeal. He "Hulks-out" in his prison cell, and the Hulk, totally off-camera, breaks out of jail. Murdock, as Daredevil, locates Banner and brings the fugitive scientist to his apartment. <P>Banner learns how Murdock lost his sight in an accident involving radioactive material and gained an extrasensory ability. He agrees to help Murdock to find the intern teacher but declines to stand trial. Banner "Hulks-out" again to rescue Murdock from Fisk's thugs, who lead Daredevil into an ambush, and Murdock, applying his hands to the Hulk in mid-metamorphosis back to Banner, learns Banner's secret. Banner and Daredevil raid Fisk's headquarters in the movie's climax, and, surprisingly, the Hulk never appears during the final confrontation with the criminals. Banner, with Daredevil's help, frees the intern teacher, and Daredevil alone chases Fisk to the roof of the Fisk building, from which Fisk escapes. <P> Because of the misleading title, the lack of a climactic "Hulk-out", a major Hulk feat, the break from jail, being totally off-camera, thoroughly gloomy scenery, and an uncertain performance by John Rhys-Davies (<B>The Living Daylights</B>, <B>Sliders</B>) as Fisk, who is really a <B>Spider-Man</B> villain, this second <B>Hulk</B> movie, broadcast on May 7, 1989, was not as successful in ratings and audience approval as the first. Reports on the production of the first movie alleged that the budget for the reunion features was higher than had been the case in the 1978-82 television series, but this was not reflected in the production values. The Hulk's strength seems diminished or subdued, and very little is shown of Bixby or Ferrigno during the transformations, in most cases nothing at all, with the transformation completely off-camera. Finally, the ambition to introduce a Marvel Comics character in each movie was also compromised for the third and last <B>Hulk</B> feature on NBC, <B>The Death of the Incredible Hulk</B>, a February 18, 1990 event. <P> The title in this case was not misleading. The Hulk does die, and Banner with him. Though the intention was to feature Iron Man as the guest super-hero, with Banner seeking the help of industrialist Tony Stark, Iron Man's alter-ego, Stark was replaced by an elder scientist, Dr. Pratt (Philip Sterling), and no other super-hero was used. Banner confides the secret of his condition with Pratt, who is researching super-healing power and is edified to learn of the Hulk's ability to mend flesh in minutes. Banner agrees to undergo a controlled "Hulk-out" within a force field so that Pratt can attach instruments to the Hulk to monitor his strength. Pratt's plan to cure Banner of the Hulk and utilise controlled doses of gamma radiation in his healing experiments is thwarted by the interference of terrorists and mercenaries (yet again), who raid Pratt's lab at a critical time. The Hulk rescues an unconscious Pratt from a fire, and Banner later befriends a renegade from the terrorist group, a woman named Yasmine, who is captured by the villains, and when the Hulk boards an aeroplane aboard which the malefactors are attempting an escape from the green Goliath, an explosion occurs in mid-air, and the Hulk, after freeing Yasmine, falls to his death, surrounded by the mournful Yasmine and Dr. and Mrs. Pratt. <P>The death scene brought closure to David Banner and the Hulk's wanderings, whether or not this was the ultimate intention at the time. There were plans to reverse the death in a fourth movie (a la the <B>Star Trek</B> movies), but "The Resurrection of the Incredible Hulk" never progressed beyond the initial planning stage. The set where the death scene occurred was preserved in anticipation of a fourth movie, but Bixby was terminally ill with cancer and died in 1993. No continuation of the Bixby/Ferrigno <B>Incredible Hulk</B> series was possible, and any revival of this super-hero will probably be via a theatrical film, with completely different cast. <P>The <B>Hulk</B> reunion movies were an initially ambitious and disappointing trilogy, with production values lower than those of the original series, a subdued and in one instance "invisible" Ferrigno, uninspired antagonists, and no Jack McGee in the latter two. It would seem that NBC's interest in the reunion movie idea languished and died with the <B>Hulk</B> while Steve Austin and Jaime Sommers were retired by NBC after their second reunion, despite the ratings triumph of the first movie in both cases. <P>Everybody knows the story of <B>The Brady Bunch</B>. Man with three boys marries woman with three girls to form an enormous family. With an ever-dependable maid added, the cast of this 1969-74 television series was complete. <B>The Brady Bunch</B> is an at-times corny, early 1970s period situation comedy, with episodes of two types. The teenaged angst episodes, involving such things as sisterly rivalry, egomania over a Juliet role, a swollen nose with an impending date with a "hunk", worry over being dull, refusal to wear eyeglasses, <i>et cetera</i>, are rather less palatable in repeated viewing than the Brady excursion episodes, in which the family travels to the Grand Canyon, or to Hawaii, or to an amusement park, or those episodes featuring family projects like a film about the Pilgrims or a "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" backyard play. The series has endeared itself nostalgically to Generation X by recalling an innocent time when bell bottoms were "groovy". <P>Attempts in the later 1970s to revive the television series under such titles as <B>The Brady Kids</B> and <B>The Brady Brides</B> failed, and the Brady clan was not lensed again until <B>A Very Brady Christmas</B>, a highly successful reunion movie on the CBS network in 1988. It topped the weekly ratings for December 18-24 and generated network interest in a revival of <B>The Brady Bunch</B> through either a number of reunion movies or a regular series. <P> <B>A Very Brady Christmas</B> begins with Mike and Carol Brady (Robert Reed, Florence Henderson) deciding to combine their vacation money to bring their entire family home for the Holidays. But the fully-grown boys and girls, three of them married, and two with children, the others either dating or entirely career-"driven", are less than eager to see their parents and siblings again due to marital strife, a spouse being jobless, a career move of which Mike will disapprove, or fatigue at being the "baby" of the family. Still, everyone comes home, and with the addition of spouses and another generation of Bradys, the Brady house is filled to the brim. At the dinner table, each of the Brady kin confesses to having been reluctant to return home and why. Marital rifts are mended, elder sister Marcia's toymaker husband finds a new job, youngest son Bobby admits to racing cars in lieu of going to college and gains Mike's tentative acceptance, and Cindy (played by Jennifer Runyon instead of Susan Olsen, giving rise to rumours that Olsen had died) tells how she feels about being the youngest sibling and required to share a small dinner-table with the next generation of Bradys. <P>After this all-round candid exchange, architect Mike is ordered to a construction site where his client's recklessness has caused a partially completed building to collapse, and when Mike enters the wreckage to free trapped workers, he himself becomes pinned under debris, and it is the Brady clan's singing of a Christmas hymn that revives the unconscious Mike and gives to him the vim to free himself from the rubble. The Bradys finish their Yuletide celebration, with every family member having found peace of mind and new harmony in relationships. <P><B>A Very Brady Christmas</B>, despite its hackneyed plot and resemblance more to the semi-dramatic <B>Eight is Enough</B> (1977-82) series than to the original <B>Brady Bunch</B>, was an affectionate, yuletide nod to the carefree days of yesteryear. Spurred by the ratings success of the reunion movie, Paramount Pictures tried to continue the rejoining of the family Brady not with further movies but with a regular dramatic television series that was doomed to fail. The Bradys never were the credible subject of serious drama, and in episodes of the new series, <B>The Bradys</B>, Bobby is critically injured in a race-car accident, brothers Greg and Peter have a squabble that nearly ends in tragedy, and Marcia (played in the new series by Leah Ayres) is an alcoholic. Mercifully, CBS pulled the proverbial plug on the television series after five episodes. <P>In 1989, ABC revived the <B>Mystery Theatre</B> format originated by NBC in the 1970s, and reprised <B>Kojak</B> and <B>Columbo</B>. Telly Savalas' bald, no-nonsense detective with a passion for lollipops floundered in his revival, but Peter Falk's ingratiating, endlessly probing, clumsy-but-infallible homicide investigator in a rumpled raincoat endured the cancellation of ABC's <B>Mystery Theatre</B>, returning for 2 or 3 movies a year through the early 1990s. Some of the new <B>Columbo</B>s had innovative story plots, including a dentist who murders his rival lover with a lethal dental filling, a Spielbergian movie producer who electrocutes a troublesome friend threatening to publicise the producer's past fatal negligence, a jeweller who murders to obtain a winning lottery ticket, two spoiled-rotten college students who kill a professor who has discovered their cheating ways, and a magician/occultist who guillotines a sceptical colleague. <P> However, the new <B>Columbo</B> movies lost their zest in the 1990s and gradually disappeared, and with them finally died the noble dream of preserving the spirit of 1960s and 1970s imaginative television. These reunion movies, though of often dubious imagination, were the last gasp of fanciful television before the realistic mediocrity of the later 1980s and the 1990s conquered the televised airwaves. <PRE><B>Return of the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman</B> (1987) Lee Majors (Steve Austin), Lindsay Wagner (Jaime Sommers), Richard Anderson (Oscar Goldman), Martin E. Brooks (Dr. Rudy Wells), Martin Landau (Lyle Stenning), Tom Schanley (Michael Austin), Gary Lockwood (John Praiser), Lee Majors II (Jim Castillian). <B>The Incredible Hulk Returns</B> (1988) Bill Bixby (Dr. David Banner), Lou Ferrigno (Hulk), Jack Colvin (Jack McGee), Steve Levitt (Donald Blake), Eric Kramer (Thor), Tim Thomerson (Jack LeBeau), Lee Purcell (Dr. Maggie Shaw). <B>A Very Brady Christmas</B> (1988) Florence Henderson (Carol Brady), Robert Reed (Mike Brady), Ann B. Davis (Alice Nelson), Maureen McCormick (Marcia Brady Logan), Eve Plumb (Jan Brady Covington), Jennifer Runyon (Cindy Brady), Barry Williams (Greg Brady), Christopher Knight (Peter Brady), Mike Lookinland (Bobby Brady), Jerry Houser (Wally Logan), Ron Kuhlman (Phillip Covington III), Caryn Richman (Nora Brady), Phillip R. Allen (Ted Roberts). <B>Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman</B> (1989) Lee Majors (Steve Austin), Lindsay Wagner (Jaime Sommers), Richard Anderson (Oscar Goldman), Sandra Bullock (Kate), Jeff Yagher (Jim Goldman), Martin E. Brooks (Dr. Rudy Wells), Lee Majors II (Jim Castillian), Josef Sommer (Charles Estiman), Geraint Wyn Davies (Allan Devlin), Robert Lansing (General McAllister). <B>The Trial of the Incredible Hulk</B> (1989) Bill Bixby (Dr. David Banner), Lou Ferrigno (Hulk), Rex Smith (Matt Murdock/Daredevil), John Rhys-Davies (Wilson Fisk), Nancy Everhard (Christa Klein), Joseph Mascolo (Tendelli), Marta DuBois (Ellie Mendez), Nicholas Hormann (Edgar), Richard Cummings Jr. (Al Pettiman). <B>The Death of the Incredible Hulk</B> (1990) Bill Bixby (Dr. David Banner), Lou Ferrigno (Hulk), Philip Sterling (Dr. Ronald Pratt), Elizabeth Gracen (Jasmine), Barbara Tarbuck (Amy Pratt), Andreas Katsulas (Kasha). <B>Bionic Ever After?</B> (1994) Lindsay Wagner (Jaime Sommers), Lee Majors (Steve Austin), Richard Anderson (Oscar Goldman), Farrah Forke (Kimberly Havilland), Martin E. Brooks (Dr. Rudy Wells), Alan Sader (John MacNamara), Geordie Johnson (Miles Kendrick), Ivan Sergei (Astaad Rashid), Lee Majors II (Jim Castillian). </PRE> <HR> Bionic duo images and <B>The Incredible Hulk</B> image (c) Universal Pictures<BR><B>Textual content (c) Kevin McCorry, with all rights reserved<BR>This Web page and the observations therein are the intellectual property of the author unless otherwise noted and may not be reproduced and then altered in any way without the express written consent of the author, and any scholarly quoting, paraphrasing, or other repetition of them MUST be accompanied by full stated credit to the author, with failure to do so possibly exposing an individual or group to litigation and possible civil or criminal penalty</B> <hr> <center><a href="index.html"><img src="newbanner.jpg"></a><br> <b><a href="index.html">Kevin McCorry's Home Page</a></b></center> <hr></html>
The Dream That Died: The Late 1980s Television Show Reunion Movies --- ### **The Dream That Died: The Late 1980s Television Show Reunion Movies** #### Written by Kevin McCorry There is something wonderful about the first two decades of widespread colour television. Ability to broadcast television shows in colour, which prompted producers to maximise colour contrasts, and the then-still-standard use of film rather than videotape meant that the colour television programming was splendidly sharp. Dazzling colours are only part of the story. Television of the 1960s and 1970s had a whimsical, fantastic quality, encouraging viewers to suspend disbelief, to stretch imagination, to use their own discretion in explaining, or in not explaining and just accepting, how various non-everyday, non-contemporary, or outrageous events occurred. In the 1960s, the usual practice was to portray strange phenomena with tongue planted firmly in cheek. Satire was the order of the day, as in **Bewitched**, **Gilligan's Island**, and **Lost in Space**. Outlandish personages or situations literally materialised with a "ding", and the regular characters were blase toward them. Attempts to quit a marooned situation were constantly thwarted by ineptitude of a certain character, and the predicament of a conservative businessman with a white-witch wife's well-meaning but awry spells was invariably comical. The Vietnam War and Watergate scandal brought the guileless light-heartedness of the 1960s to an end, though public belief in progress and in the near future persevered, and hence were viewers continually receptive to innocently and fantastically presented concepts. Television underwent a metamorphosis and became rather less whimsical. The fantastic premises of various television series were played "straight". For instance, an accidentally de-limbed astronaut became a cybernetic super-hero but had difficulty adjusting to the logistics of his powers and seemed to lose his fiancee when her body rejected the cybernetics implanted into her after she had been severely injured in an accident. The concept of a "bionic" man and woman, if done in the 1960s, would have been a situation comedy rather than a drama. Though the 1970s were solemn in portrayal of the un-contemporary or the un-Earthly, it was still a carefree era in entertainment, the culmination of which was the abundance of blockbuster space fantasy films in the last three years of the decade. The sense of wonder that was conveyed then, in nearly every entertainment, still impresses the open-minded, nostalgic viewer. In the push for absolute believability and gritty realism, the innocently wondrous quality of the 1960s and 1970s slowly died through the 1980s, and by 1990, it was essentially gone. There was a changing of the guard in the entertainment industry. Works of the 1960s and 1970s had been conceived and filmed by the Depression/World War II generation, which learned at an early age to go without material gratification and had more lively imagination and larger-than-life conceptions of heroism. But in the 1980s, hippies became yuppies, and television and cinema catered to the then-jaded generation of "free love". Everything had to be realistic, in an everyday, **Thirtysomething** mode of presentation. A fantastic concept could only be accepted if it was thoroughly explained. Heroes had to have an unproblematic, gratuitous darker side. They could not be larger-than-life. They had to act upon carnal urges with no consequences for their super-nature. Everything transpired by night, and the heroes were indistinguishable from the bleakness around them. The best example in this regard is the contrast between the **Superman** films of the early 1980s and the **Batman** film in 1989. Both were live-action, serious portrayals of a super-hero, but while Superman, garbed in flashy colour, was, in his selfless high-flying heroism, intangibly awesome, his powers not elucidated by requisite explanations of techno-babble or metaphysics, Batman was a wealthy but everyday, womanising "guy" with a heroic hobby, his every gimmick explained by technology, and his motivations were vengeful, because his parents had been murdered by the man who was accidentally changed into the Joker. The Challenger and Chernobyl disasters, both in 1986, yielded a less ambitious time and a dulling of the public taste for scientific romanticism. Space became less accessible as a setting for every man's adventure. Science fiction became decidedly Earth-bound or was positioned in the far future. The viewing public, including the Generation X and Baby Bust age brackets, preferred to see people on Earth with common foibles and problems. Entertainment, no matter what the genre, digressed into total soap opera. Ineffable or outlandish fantasy concepts had become a thing of the downplayed past. There was something of a backlash to this dulling-down of entertainment, as a segment of the younger population, those in their twenties, yearned to see their childhood heroes in action again. Although the major American television networks were reluctant to revive some television shows from the 1960s or 1970s for a regular, rather expensive series run, they were agreeable to two-hour reunion movies. The return of **Perry Mason** in a series of successful prime-time Movies of the Week was encouraging enough for NBC to initiate production on a reunion of two of the 1970s' most popular television heroes, **The Six Million Dollar Man** and **The Bionic Woman**. ![](bionicman.jpg) Lee Majors and Lindsay Wagner were pleased to work together again in a reprise of their popular 1970s roles, and **The Return of the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman**, NBC's Sunday Night Movie, was a critical and ratings success, one of the top draws for the week of May 20, 1987. **TV Guide** magazine had a cover photo and feature story on the reunion for the two cybernetically-charged action heroes. Nostalgia-instilling music with some tender scenes as the bionic duo rediscover their love for one another was mixed with action and a jazzy soundtrack as the plot moved as rapidly as its feature characters. In every way, the movie was an accurate and affectionate homage to the exciting exploits of the bionic heroes of the 1970s. Steve Austin is attacked by a group of right-wing mercenaries who want the secret of bionics, and he escapes the villains in a thrilling car chase. He next pursues on his 60-miles-per-hour feet a getaway car containing the same mercenaries, who have abducted at gunpoint Jaime Sommers. Austin's son, Michael, is hospitalised after his test aircraft crashes in an air show, and Steve authorises cybernetic expert Rudy Wells to fit Michael with bionics as a, "microchip off the old block". Michael overcomes his resentment of his father's decision and, with Jaime's help, comes to terms with his bionics. He is then kidnapped by the mercenaries, who have also abducted Wells and a blind woman from Jaime's clinic to ensure that Michael does not use his bionic powers to escape. Jaime, Steve, and a group of Air Force cadets attack the glass factory hideout of the mercenaries' power-mad leader, Lyle Stenning, played expertly by Martin Landau, and free Michael, Wells, and the blind woman. Whereas the original television series had no limit in story material, including alien beings, out-of-control space probes or computers, and evil scientists with world-affecting technologies, the reunion film, about right-wing mercenaries with aspirations for violently seizing power in America, was rather mundane, but had enough sentimentality and heart-pumping action to captivate and thrill viewers from beginning to end. Jaime, in the **Bionic Woman** series, could not remember her relationship with Steve prior to the rejection of her bionics, during which she died, was cryogenically suspended, and then revived. Now, after a concussion incurred in an explosion during an OSI mission, she remembers everything and wishes full reconciliation with Steve. Steve has an uneasy reunion with his son from a brief marriage with a young woman who later died, and as father and son become fundamentally alike with cybernetics, the gap between them disappears. Lee Majors' real-life son has a role in the movie, but not as Michael. He plays a self-confident, orphaned OSI agent who is at first sceptical of Steve's abilities, then is in awe after Steve saves his life. The tremendous ratings success of this reunion movie immediately resulted in plans for a spin-off television series with Austin's son, which never materialised. But a second reunion movie for Austin and Sommers was produced and broadcasted almost two years later, on April 30, 1989. **Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman** had a misleading title, because no "showdown" occurs between Austin and Sommers. The movie pushed Steve and Jaime to the sidelines and focused on the trials and tribulations of a young athlete, played by Sandra Bullock, who is rendered bionic and assigned by the U.S. government, through the OSI, to stop terrorists from attacking visiting dignitaries at the Russian-American Unity Games. There is the usual love triangle surrounding Bullock's character, who is torn between the affections of a wheelchair-bound youth played by Jeff Yagher (**V**) and a slick OSI agent, played by Geraint Wyn Davies (**Forever Knight**), who is really a cybernetically-powered killer working for the terrorists. Steve and Jaime help Bullock and her paraplegic boy-friend to fight Wyn Davies and thwart the terrorist scheme. What happened to Michael is never explained, and Steve and Jaime have not yet "tied the knot", though a wedding is discussed by the two. It was hoped that a spin-off television series could be sold to NBC starring Bullock's character, but it too never came to fruition. With reduced audience and mixed reaction for reunion movie two, plans for further movies were placed on extended hiatus, until the rather disappointing **Bionic Ever After?** was finally produced, and transmitted on CBS on November 29, 1994. Steve and Jaime do go to the altar, but only after both must cope with a computer virus, injected into their bionic parts by the genius daughter (played by Farrah Forke) of a deceased cybernetics expert who always resented Rudy Wells for supposedly usurping his rightful place as tops in that science. Terrorists seize a nuclear missile in the Bahamas and hold hostages at an embassy to force a defecting sports star to come out of hiding. And quite predictably, the saboteur (Forke) is in collusion with the terrorist leader, Myles Kenrdick (Geordie Johnson). Though there are traces of the old magic in Steve and Jaime being at the centre of fast-moving action, defeating the terrorist leader in a classic bionic chase of his getaway truck, they both are subdued for most of the movie by the debilitating computer virus and also by their obvious age. Wedded bliss is usually the "swan song" for heroic characters. This was precisely why the 1975 "Bionic Woman" episode of **The Six Million Dollar Man** avoided marrying Steve to his high school sweetheart. Jamie's body rejected her bionic implants, and she died. The ending of the episode caused anguish among young viewers, and the ABC network was flooded with mail from protesting parents. Jamie was resurrected for her own television series, but without memories of her relationship with Steve. The longevity of the two television programmes depended on keeping the two heroes separate, though they did join forces on two occasions to fight aliens and a robotics expert with a weather-controlling device. It is highly doubtful that any more reunion movies for the bionic duo will be made now that they are man and wife. ![](hulklgo.jpg) ``` "Within each of us, there is a kind of beast, made of rage. Years ago, I used science to study this beast, to bring him out of me. I used gamma radiation to release him. But I used too much. Far too much. Now, the beast is out of my control, emerging whenever anger strikes. My name is David Banner. The world thinks I'm dead. I travel alone. I try to keep the beast caged, within myself." -Bill Bixby's introduction to **The Trial of the Incredible Hulk** (1989) ``` Another action hero with a long-running television series was Marvel Comics' Incredible Hulk. Broadcast on the CBS network through four seasons from 1978 to 1982 was the story of David Banner (Bill Bixby), physician-scientist who overdoses on experimental gamma radiation and metamorphoses when angered into a primitive, violent but noble, green-skinned muscular powerhouse (Lou Ferrigno). A disastrous fire at a research laboratory kills Banner's colleague and, the world believes, Banner too, and the creature is incorrectly blamed for the deaths. Banner travels incognito through the United States in search of a cure for his condition, and invariably finds himself in the midst of conflicts or dangerous situations that bring about his transformation at least twice per episode. An investigative reporter named Jack McGee (Jack Colvin) hunts the creature and in a two-part episode learns that it is the alter-ego of a man, a man McGee cannot identify because Banner's face was in bandages due to a car accident. **The Incredible Hulk** was most successful in ratings when starting CBS' Friday night line-up that included **The Dukes of Hazzard** and **Dallas**, but as time passed and budgets narrowed, production values declined, as did the audience, despite the constant high story quality. Two of the most memorable episodes, one in which a radioactive meteorite traps Banner in mid-transformation from the Hulk and the demi-Hulk is captured by the U.S. military, and one in which Banner battles another man's Hulk, were both fourth season two-parters. In 1988, NBC revived **The Incredible Hulk** to companion its **Six Million Dollar Man and Bionic Woman** movies, and there were plans to run a Movie of the Week with these super-heroes every one or two months. The first reunion movie for the Hulk was **The Incredible Hulk Returns**, which was one of the top five highest-rated television programmes of the entire week of May 22, 1988. Interestingly, it was broadcast on Victoria Day weekend, the same weekend on which **The Return of the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman** aired a year earlier. Critics were bemused at the widespread appeal of the Hulk's comeback, which was not in the same spirit as the solemn 1978-82 series. Stan Lee of Marvel Comics planned, with Bixby's blessing as star and producer, to feature another Marvel super-hero in every Hulk movie, and first to accompany the green giant was the Mighty Thor, God of Thunder. Unlike the Thor of the comic books who is a reluctant but earnest fighter of Earthly evil and the transformed alter-ego of meek, disabled physician Donald Blake, Thor (Eric Kramer) in **The Incredible Hulk Returns** is a fight-enjoying entity separate from a less self-disciplined and physically unimpaired Blake (Steve Levitt). Kramer's Thor is summoned by Blake by an enchanted Viking hammer discovered by Blake on an archaeological expedition and compelled by his wish to enter Valhalla to serve Blake as penance for past misdeeds, whether Blake approves or not. Banner has not "Hulked-out" in two years and, as David Bannion, has risen to position of senior researcher at a Los Angeles medical electronics facility. He is about to test a gamma transponder that can bring untold advances in treatment of diseases- and cure his Hulk affliction, when Blake, a college colleague, arrives in the electronics facility and stops the procedure. Blake explains to Banner that he does not know why Banner is playing dead and is willing to preserve Banner's secret, and he asks Banner's help in severing his link with Thor, whose presence in Blake's life is anything but opportune. When Banner disbelieves Blake's outlandish story, Blake uses the hammer to summon Thor, whose troublesome appearance in Banner's intricate laboratory threatens to trigger Banner's metamorphosis. "I must not lose control," Banner says to himself with his eyes closed. "Is he praying?" Thor asks Blake. Thor furiously suspects that Blake has come to "Banner the warlock" for the purpose of scientific exorcism. Banner's plea, "Don't make me angry," impresses Thor for its seeming audacity. Thor unwittingly pushes Banner onto an electrically charged metal, and Banner "Hulks-out" in front of the astonished eyes of Blake and Thor. Though Thor's first pairing with the Hulk is violently confrontational, the two behemoths join forces after a re-transformed Banner urges Blake to help repair the laboratory equipment damaged in the Hulk's tussle with Thor, and reconciles with Thor's aggressive nature, which Blake too comes to accept and trust. Banner's lady, Maggie Shaw, is targeted for abduction by mercenaries (the consummate villains of the 1980s) who want the gamma transponder for black market sale, and the Hulk and Thor are unable to stop the villains' helicopter with a drugged Maggie aboard it. Banner and Blake receive information on the whereabouts of the criminals and go there intending to rescue Maggie. Thor is called upon to help and asks Banner to change himself, "into that green troll." "I don't do that deliberately," retorts Banner, before an argument with a reckless co-worker who has come to this location triggers another "Hulk-out". The Hulk, Thor, and Blake vanquish the mercenaries and free Maggie. But Banner cannot stay in Los Angeles to continue his work because McGee has come to the city to investigate reports of the Hulk. Banner and Blake part company, each wishing the other luck. Blake and Thor will wander in a different direction from the again-drifting Banner, who bids good-bye to Maggie. The success of the first Hulk reunion movie clinched the production of a second, **The Trial of the Incredible Hulk**, which paired the Hulk with Marvel Comics' radar-sensed, super-hearing Daredevil character and his alter-ego, supposedly blind attorney Matt Murdock (Rex Smith). Movie two was set in a rainy, gloomy city, actually Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Banner changes to the Hulk in a subway when he tries to help a young teaching intern to fight two jewel thieves who want to rape her. Police find and arrest the un-Hulked Banner under suspicion of involvement with the criminals, who escaped the Hulk and return to their mobster boss, Wilson Fisk (John Rhys-Davies). The teaching intern is forced by the criminals to tell to the police that Banner attacked her, and is then kidnapped by Fisk. Banner dreams that he is put on trial and "Hulks-out" on the witness stand, and the Hulk demolishes the courtroom and kills the prosecuting attorney. This dream sequence is the essence of the movie's title. Banner does not really undergo a courtroom ordeal. He "Hulks-out" in his prison cell, and the Hulk, totally off-camera, breaks out of jail. Murdock, as Daredevil, locates Banner and brings the fugitive scientist to his apartment. Banner learns how Murdock lost his sight in an accident involving radioactive material and gained an extrasensory ability. He agrees to help Murdock to find the intern teacher but declines to stand trial. Banner "Hulks-out" again to rescue Murdock from Fisk's thugs, who lead Daredevil into an ambush, and Murdock, applying his hands to the Hulk in mid-metamorphosis back to Banner, learns Banner's secret. Banner and Daredevil raid Fisk's headquarters in the movie's climax, and, surprisingly, the Hulk never appears during the final confrontation with the criminals. Banner, with Daredevil's help, frees the intern teacher, and Daredevil alone chases Fisk to the roof of the Fisk building, from which Fisk escapes. Because of the misleading title, the lack of a climactic "Hulk-out", a major Hulk feat, the break from jail, being totally off-camera, thoroughly gloomy scenery, and an uncertain performance by John Rhys-Davies (**The Living Daylights**, **Sliders**) as Fisk, who is really a **Spider-Man** villain, this second **Hulk** movie, broadcast on May 7, 1989, was not as successful in ratings and audience approval as the first. Reports on the production of the first movie alleged that the budget for the reunion features was higher than had been the case in the 1978-82 television series, but this was not reflected in the production values. The Hulk's strength seems diminished or subdued, and very little is shown of Bixby or Ferrigno during the transformations, in most cases nothing at all, with the transformation completely off-camera. Finally, the ambition to introduce a Marvel Comics character in each movie was also compromised for the third and last **Hulk** feature on NBC, **The Death of the Incredible Hulk**, a February 18, 1990 event. The title in this case was not misleading. The Hulk does die, and Banner with him. Though the intention was to feature Iron Man as the guest super-hero, with Banner seeking the help of industrialist Tony Stark, Iron Man's alter-ego, Stark was replaced by an elder scientist, Dr. Pratt (Philip Sterling), and no other super-hero was used. Banner confides the secret of his condition with Pratt, who is researching super-healing power and is edified to learn of the Hulk's ability to mend flesh in minutes. Banner agrees to undergo a controlled "Hulk-out" within a force field so that Pratt can attach instruments to the Hulk to monitor his strength. Pratt's plan to cure Banner of the Hulk and utilise controlled doses of gamma radiation in his healing experiments is thwarted by the interference of terrorists and mercenaries (yet again), who raid Pratt's lab at a critical time. The Hulk rescues an unconscious Pratt from a fire, and Banner later befriends a renegade from the terrorist group, a woman named Yasmine, who is captured by the villains, and when the Hulk boards an aeroplane aboard which the malefactors are attempting an escape from the green Goliath, an explosion occurs in mid-air, and the Hulk, after freeing Yasmine, falls to his death, surrounded by the mournful Yasmine and Dr. and Mrs. Pratt. The death scene brought closure to David Banner and the Hulk's wanderings, whether or not this was the ultimate intention at the time. There were plans to reverse the death in a fourth movie (a la the **Star Trek** movies), but "The Resurrection of the Incredible Hulk" never progressed beyond the initial planning stage. The set where the death scene occurred was preserved in anticipation of a fourth movie, but Bixby was terminally ill with cancer and died in 1993. No continuation of the Bixby/Ferrigno **Incredible Hulk** series was possible, and any revival of this super-hero will probably be via a theatrical film, with completely different cast. The **Hulk** reunion movies were an initially ambitious and disappointing trilogy, with production values lower than those of the original series, a subdued and in one instance "invisible" Ferrigno, uninspired antagonists, and no Jack McGee in the latter two. It would seem that NBC's interest in the reunion movie idea languished and died with the **Hulk** while Steve Austin and Jaime Sommers were retired by NBC after their second reunion, despite the ratings triumph of the first movie in both cases. Everybody knows the story of **The Brady Bunch**. Man with three boys marries woman with three girls to form an enormous family. With an ever-dependable maid added, the cast of this 1969-74 television series was complete. **The Brady Bunch** is an at-times corny, early 1970s period situation comedy, with episodes of two types. The teenaged angst episodes, involving such things as sisterly rivalry, egomania over a Juliet role, a swollen nose with an impending date with a "hunk", worry over being dull, refusal to wear eyeglasses, *et cetera*, are rather less palatable in repeated viewing than the Brady excursion episodes, in which the family travels to the Grand Canyon, or to Hawaii, or to an amusement park, or those episodes featuring family projects like a film about the Pilgrims or a "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" backyard play. The series has endeared itself nostalgically to Generation X by recalling an innocent time when bell bottoms were "groovy". Attempts in the later 1970s to revive the television series under such titles as **The Brady Kids** and **The Brady Brides** failed, and the Brady clan was not lensed again until **A Very Brady Christmas**, a highly successful reunion movie on the CBS network in 1988. It topped the weekly ratings for December 18-24 and generated network interest in a revival of **The Brady Bunch** through either a number of reunion movies or a regular series. **A Very Brady Christmas** begins with Mike and Carol Brady (Robert Reed, Florence Henderson) deciding to combine their vacation money to bring their entire family home for the Holidays. But the fully-grown boys and girls, three of them married, and two with children, the others either dating or entirely career-"driven", are less than eager to see their parents and siblings again due to marital strife, a spouse being jobless, a career move of which Mike will disapprove, or fatigue at being the "baby" of the family. Still, everyone comes home, and with the addition of spouses and another generation of Bradys, the Brady house is filled to the brim. At the dinner table, each of the Brady kin confesses to having been reluctant to return home and why. Marital rifts are mended, elder sister Marcia's toymaker husband finds a new job, youngest son Bobby admits to racing cars in lieu of going to college and gains Mike's tentative acceptance, and Cindy (played by Jennifer Runyon instead of Susan Olsen, giving rise to rumours that Olsen had died) tells how she feels about being the youngest sibling and required to share a small dinner-table with the next generation of Bradys. After this all-round candid exchange, architect Mike is ordered to a construction site where his client's recklessness has caused a partially completed building to collapse, and when Mike enters the wreckage to free trapped workers, he himself becomes pinned under debris, and it is the Brady clan's singing of a Christmas hymn that revives the unconscious Mike and gives to him the vim to free himself from the rubble. The Bradys finish their Yuletide celebration, with every family member having found peace of mind and new harmony in relationships. **A Very Brady Christmas**, despite its hackneyed plot and resemblance more to the semi-dramatic **Eight is Enough** (1977-82) series than to the original **Brady Bunch**, was an affectionate, yuletide nod to the carefree days of yesteryear. Spurred by the ratings success of the reunion movie, Paramount Pictures tried to continue the rejoining of the family Brady not with further movies but with a regular dramatic television series that was doomed to fail. The Bradys never were the credible subject of serious drama, and in episodes of the new series, **The Bradys**, Bobby is critically injured in a race-car accident, brothers Greg and Peter have a squabble that nearly ends in tragedy, and Marcia (played in the new series by Leah Ayres) is an alcoholic. Mercifully, CBS pulled the proverbial plug on the television series after five episodes. In 1989, ABC revived the **Mystery Theatre** format originated by NBC in the 1970s, and reprised **Kojak** and **Columbo**. Telly Savalas' bald, no-nonsense detective with a passion for lollipops floundered in his revival, but Peter Falk's ingratiating, endlessly probing, clumsy-but-infallible homicide investigator in a rumpled raincoat endured the cancellation of ABC's **Mystery Theatre**, returning for 2 or 3 movies a year through the early 1990s. Some of the new **Columbo**s had innovative story plots, including a dentist who murders his rival lover with a lethal dental filling, a Spielbergian movie producer who electrocutes a troublesome friend threatening to publicise the producer's past fatal negligence, a jeweller who murders to obtain a winning lottery ticket, two spoiled-rotten college students who kill a professor who has discovered their cheating ways, and a magician/occultist who guillotines a sceptical colleague. However, the new **Columbo** movies lost their zest in the 1990s and gradually disappeared, and with them finally died the noble dream of preserving the spirit of 1960s and 1970s imaginative television. These reunion movies, though of often dubious imagination, were the last gasp of fanciful television before the realistic mediocrity of the later 1980s and the 1990s conquered the televised airwaves. ``` **Return of the Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman** (1987) Lee Majors (Steve Austin), Lindsay Wagner (Jaime Sommers), Richard Anderson (Oscar Goldman), Martin E. Brooks (Dr. Rudy Wells), Martin Landau (Lyle Stenning), Tom Schanley (Michael Austin), Gary Lockwood (John Praiser), Lee Majors II (Jim Castillian). **The Incredible Hulk Returns** (1988) Bill Bixby (Dr. David Banner), Lou Ferrigno (Hulk), Jack Colvin (Jack McGee), Steve Levitt (Donald Blake), Eric Kramer (Thor), Tim Thomerson (Jack LeBeau), Lee Purcell (Dr. Maggie Shaw). **A Very Brady Christmas** (1988) Florence Henderson (Carol Brady), Robert Reed (Mike Brady), Ann B. Davis (Alice Nelson), Maureen McCormick (Marcia Brady Logan), Eve Plumb (Jan Brady Covington), Jennifer Runyon (Cindy Brady), Barry Williams (Greg Brady), Christopher Knight (Peter Brady), Mike Lookinland (Bobby Brady), Jerry Houser (Wally Logan), Ron Kuhlman (Phillip Covington III), Caryn Richman (Nora Brady), Phillip R. Allen (Ted Roberts). **Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman** (1989) Lee Majors (Steve Austin), Lindsay Wagner (Jaime Sommers), Richard Anderson (Oscar Goldman), Sandra Bullock (Kate), Jeff Yagher (Jim Goldman), Martin E. Brooks (Dr. Rudy Wells), Lee Majors II (Jim Castillian), Josef Sommer (Charles Estiman), Geraint Wyn Davies (Allan Devlin), Robert Lansing (General McAllister). **The Trial of the Incredible Hulk** (1989) Bill Bixby (Dr. David Banner), Lou Ferrigno (Hulk), Rex Smith (Matt Murdock/Daredevil), John Rhys-Davies (Wilson Fisk), Nancy Everhard (Christa Klein), Joseph Mascolo (Tendelli), Marta DuBois (Ellie Mendez), Nicholas Hormann (Edgar), Richard Cummings Jr. (Al Pettiman). **The Death of the Incredible Hulk** (1990) Bill Bixby (Dr. David Banner), Lou Ferrigno (Hulk), Philip Sterling (Dr. Ronald Pratt), Elizabeth Gracen (Jasmine), Barbara Tarbuck (Amy Pratt), Andreas Katsulas (Kasha). **Bionic Ever After?** (1994) Lindsay Wagner (Jaime Sommers), Lee Majors (Steve Austin), Richard Anderson (Oscar Goldman), Farrah Forke (Kimberly Havilland), Martin E. Brooks (Dr. Rudy Wells), Alan Sader (John MacNamara), Geordie Johnson (Miles Kendrick), Ivan Sergei (Astaad Rashid), Lee Majors II (Jim Castillian). ``` --- Bionic duo images and **The Incredible Hulk** image (c) Universal Pictures **Textual content (c) Kevin McCorry, with all rights reserved This Web page and the observations therein are the intellectual property of the author unless otherwise noted and may not be reproduced and then altered in any way without the express written consent of the author, and any scholarly quoting, paraphrasing, or other repetition of them MUST be accompanied by full stated credit to the author, with failure to do so possibly exposing an individual or group to litigation and possible civil or criminal penalty** --- [![](newbanner.jpg)](index.html) **[Kevin McCorry's Home Page](index.html)** ---
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color="#FFFFFF"><b>11</b></font></span></font></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;<!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="500"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <font color="#FFCC66"> <img border="0" src="images/guoliang%20tunnel%20map%203.jpg" width="500" height="411"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="200"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/mountain%20climber%20huashan.jpg" width="200" height="543"><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font color="#800000"><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Verdana"><b><font size="5">FORWARD (</font><font size="4">Written by Rick Archer)<br></font></b></font><font size="1"> <br></font><font size="4" face="Calibri">You are about to view pictures of a mountain hiking trail on Mt Huashan which is located in China.&nbsp; After you see the pictures, I have little doubt you will agree that it appears to be a very risky</font></span><font face="Calibri" size="4"> Hiking Trail<span lang="en-us">. </span></font></font><font face="Calibri"> <span lang="en-us"><font size="4" color="#800000"><br> </font><font size="4"><br></font> <font size="4" color="#800000">There is a big difference between </font><font size="4"><font color="#0000FF">mountain climbing</font> <font color="#800000">and</font> <font color="#0000FF">mountain hiking</font>.&nbsp; </font><font size="4" color="#800000"><b>Mountain climbers</b> have training, experience, and equipment.&nbsp; They also know full well the risks they are taking.&nbsp; <b>Mountain Hiking</b> is usually done by amateurs.&nbsp; I am more the hiking type myself. I remember walking to the top of Longs Peak in Colorado.&nbsp; It was a long way up there.&nbsp; It took the better part of a day, but it was worth it.&nbsp; The view was stunning, the weather was wonderful and the workout was exhilarating.&nbsp; Of course I was tired, but I didn't care!&nbsp; I still consider that climb to be one of the most enjoyable days of my life.<br><br>One memory I carry from the Longs Peak experience was that I was never in fear.&nbsp; The trails were well-groomed, there were ropes on either side of the trail whenever necessary, and there was no area steep enough to require stairs.&nbsp; It was simply a long, very pleasant walk.&nbsp; In my opinion, there was little risk involved. Even if I stumbled and fell, there was no danger.<br><br>The trail at Mt Huashan is much different.&nbsp; When I first posted the pictures of Huashan in January 2007,&nbsp; I believed it was the most dangerous trail I had ever seen.&nbsp; It is important to note since I first wrote this story, I have received several letters that suggest the Chinese have made significant improvements to this trail.&nbsp; <b><br><br></b></font><b> <font size="4" color="#000080">I certainly hope so because in its original state the Huashan Hiking Trail was definitely a Death Trap. In addition to the story of Frank and Laura that you will read, I have two different people - both Chinese Nationals - who have written to me of past tragedies at Huashan.&nbsp; In addition, I have a report of a <a href="huashanletters.htm#Fatality">death</a> as recent as June 2012. </font></b></span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#000000"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#FF0000" style="font-size: ve"><b> <font face="Verdana" size="2"><br> </font><font face="Verdana" size="6">How Dangerous is </font></b></font></span> <font color="#FF0000" face="Verdana" size="6"> <span lang="en-us"><font style="font-size: ve"><b>the Climb at Mount Huashan?</b></font></span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><span lang="en-us"><font face="Calibri" size="4"> <font color="#000080"><br> The 'climbing' at Huashan should </font> <font color="#FF0000">not</font> <font color="#000080">be considered 'mountain climbing'.&nbsp; Mountain climbing involves using advanced equipment and skill honed through experience.&nbsp;&nbsp; The climb at Huashan is more accurately described as &quot;Mountain Hiking&quot;.<br> <br> Huashan has a well-known public trail used by anyone brave enough to give it a try regardless of their physical ability or previous climbing experience.&nbsp; As you will see for yourself, the pictures show normal people in comfortable clothes with no equipment and no special shoes.&nbsp; These people are mostly what you would call 'pedestrians', i.e. average people who probably have very little experience with dangerous climbs.&nbsp; In other words, people like you and me. </font></font> </span></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="85%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri"><span lang="en-us"> <font size="4" color="#000080">It is said there are frequent casualties at Huashan.&nbsp;</font><font size="4"> <font color="#FF0000">However I was unable to drum up any Internet confirmation for this allegation.&nbsp;</font> <br> <br> </font> <font size="4" color="#000080">Please refer to the Google search on the right. It was made in May 2008.&nbsp; I had the same results for</font><font size="4"> '<font color="#FF0000">huashan death</font>' <font color="#000080">as well as</font> '<font color="#FF0000">huashan accident</font>'.&nbsp; <font color="#000080">Considering the tight controls the Chinese keep on their press, I might never find any confirmation.&nbsp;&nbsp; Or perhaps the information is written in Chinese; a Google search in English probably won't reference the Chinese script.</font><br> <br> </font> <font size="4" color="#000080">That said, the pictures don't lie.&nbsp; My own eyes tell me how dangerous this trail is.&nbsp;</font><font size="4"> </font> <font size="4" color="#FF0000">In certain parts, one mistake and you will fall to your death.&nbsp; </font></span> </font> </p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080" face="Calibri" size="4">In addition, as I mentioned earlier, I have received several notes from Chinese nationals hinting at past tragedies.&nbsp; One note was amazing.&nbsp; Please read for yourself.&nbsp;&nbsp; </font></span> </p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="14%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <font face="Calibri" size="4"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20google.jpg" width="559" height="345"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="300"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20dangerous.jpg" width="300" height="1371"><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td bgcolor="#D4D4D4"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><b><span lang="en-us"> <font size="7" color="#800000" face="Times New Roman"> <a name="Evidence">Evidence</a> of Danger at Mount Huashan</font></span></b></p> <p><font face="Times New Roman"><span lang="en-us"><b> <font size="5" color="#800000">Rick Archer's Note (May 2008): </font> <font size="4" color="#800080">&nbsp;</font></b><font color="#800000" size="4">The following email series was sent to me by a man named Jim who read my passage above.&nbsp; He was kind enough to share the following anecdotal information about problems at Huashan. </font></span></font></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><font face="Calibri"><font size="4"> <font color="#000080">-----Original Message-----<br>From: James M<br>Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008<br>Subject: Mount Hua Shan<br> <br>Rick,<span lang="en-us">&nbsp; Here is s</span>ome written evidence of serious accidents on Mount Hua Shan from someone who lived right there in China during the 1980's. See the email at the very bottom. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>This is from a co-worker of mine. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>Her English is not the best, but I think you will understand her story. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>She gave me permission to share it. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>It is unedited (except for the removal of her address &amp; phone numbers) in her very own words.<br><br>Best regards, Jim<br></font> <br><br></font><font color="#800080"><b><span lang="en-us"> <font size="4">Letter from Jim to Tongyan</font></span><font size="4"><br> </font></b><span lang="en-us"><font size="4"><br></font> </span><font size="4">Hi Tongyan,<span lang="en-us"> y</span>our story about the dangers on Hua shan is very interesting to read. Would you mind if I shared <span lang="en-us">your story</span> with some others who enjoy hiking? <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>I can remove your address &amp; phone number information, if you wish.<br><br>Also I am also very curious as to what caused the people to fall. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>Is there any written account of this accident in English anywhere to read of what happened?<span lang="en-us">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>Jim<br><br></font></font> <font size="4"><br></font><font color="#0000FF"> <span lang="en-us"><b><font size="4">Letter One from Tongyan to Jim<br></font></b><font size="4"><br>Jim, </font></span><font size="4">I don't mind if you want share the information to others<span lang="en-us">.</span> Let me see I can find some infor<span lang="en-us">mation</span> from internet. That is well know events in 1980's. I will let you know.<span lang="en-us">&nbsp; </span>thanks, Tongyan<br><br></font></font> <font size="4"><br></font><font color="#0000FF"> <span lang="en-us"><b><font size="4">Letter Two from Tongyan to Jim<br></font></b></span></font> <font size="4"><br></font><font color="#0000FF"> <span lang="en-us"><font size="4">Jim, </font></span><font size="4">I was unable to find anything on the Internet but I can tell you <span lang="en-us">my</span> story about Hua shan. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>It happened next year I visited Tai Shan. I was in my the 3rd year in University. There was a group of students as same age as me, they were went to Hua Shan to play. Those students were from The 4th Army medical school.<br><br>When they are in the middle of the climb, something happened and people from top of the mountain all drop down. ( I forget what cause this happen), since the mountain shape so sharp, it is hard for the people in the middle to prevent the drop people from top, so there is a lot of injury. And very badly. Those group of students who were in the 3rd year of their learning began to rescue the injuries immediately. (yes, there is rescue team for the traveler, but that takes time, some injured people might not able to wait). It was these group of students that offered a first time period diagnoses and huge skilful support before the ambiances and other medical personnel's come, some injured people got survived. <br><br>Whole country gave them great honor. Our university &quot;Tianjin University &quot; actually invite them come for lectures, thousands of students were in the auditorium to listen how do they diagnose, how to help transfer the injures to the hospital, how do they assistant the operation, how many life were saved, more important how they use their text book knowledge to apply for each individual's diagnose�... This page permanently exist in The 4th Army medical school history. It is called &quot;Hua shan Rescue&quot;.<br><br>Thanks for the link, I will share this with my family tonight.<br><br>Tongyan</font></font></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Times New Roman"><font size="4"><br> </font><span lang="en-us"><b> <font size="6" color="#800000">Story of a Mountain Climbing Accident in the Half Dome in Yosemite Park<br> </font></b> <font size="4" color="#0000FF"><br> -----Original Message-----<br> From: Allen<br> Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008<br> To:<br> Subject: huashan trail<br> <br> Rick,<br> <br> I came across your website after googling &quot;most dangerous trails&quot;. This Huashan one takes the cake!&nbsp; First of all, this clearly should be a one-way trail. I've been hiking in Europe where there are similar trails, chains, platforms (metal ones), and ladders. Many of these sections are one-way, clearly marked on maps and books. If you get caught going the wrong way, it's a huge fine right on the spot. There's just no excuse for such irresponsibility in my book. <br> <br> </font><font size="4" color="#FF0000">I bet most deaths occur on that Huashan mountain because of passing or inexperience folks who are not in shape. All it takes is one misstep, one instant when you aren't paying attention or someone distracts you, just one slip...</font><font size="4" color="#0000FF"><br> <br> Last June, I was in Yosemite. I've been up the Half Dome a couple of times and decided to go up for a third time. While I was on the cables, I saw someone slip from above and slide to his death. It was the most frantic and shocking thing I have ever been a part of.&nbsp; People suddenly started screaming, I looked up and saw a guy sliding off the mountain with no way to stop his momentum.&nbsp; I can still see the look on his face, petrified, he was kicking his feet, he bounced on the rock a couple of times.&nbsp; He slid by me, and when I looked back, his feet hit a divot which unfortunately caused him to somersault out of view.&nbsp; Someone below yelled that he was &quot;airborne&quot;, falling 4000 feet to the Valley floor.&nbsp; Lot of good that warning did him. </font></span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Times New Roman" size="4"> <font color="#0000FF"><span lang="en-us">The poor fellow didn't go airborne for long.&nbsp; He landed on a ledge about a hundred feet below the &quot;saddle&quot; section where the cables begin. A couple of hikers had the courage to go down there for a rescue attempt. His heart was actually still beating for a few minutes but he succumbed to his injuries.&nbsp; </span></font> <span lang="en-us"><font color="#0000FF">All of this happened so fast.</font></span></font></p> <p><font face="Times New Roman"> <font color="#0000FF"><span lang="en-us"> <font size="4">About a year before, another person lost his grip on the cables and slid down the other side of the mountain. He lucked out when his pants caught a piece of rock that prevent him from sliding 4000 feet to his death.&nbsp; The poor guy was stuck there for 6-8 hours before someone rescued him.&nbsp; Unreal, huh?</font></span></font><span lang="en-us"><font size="4" color="#0000FF"><br> <br>After the accident I witnessed, some people still kept going up, but I couldn't.&nbsp; I just had to turn around; it was no longer fun.&nbsp; I was so stunned, no words can describe how I felt at that time.</font></span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="49%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <font color="#0000FF" face="Times New Roman" size="4"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20accident.jpg" width="601" height="394"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#000000"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20map%202.jpg" width="450" height="341"><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="765"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <p align="left"><font color="#FF0000"> <span lang="en-us"><font size="7">&nbsp;&nbsp; <font face="Verdana"><b>About Mount Huashan</b></font></font></span></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="524"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20164.jpg" width="524" height="423"><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri"><font color="#000080"> <span lang="en-us"><font size="4">Mt. Hua is located in the </font></span><font size="4">Shaanxi Province</font></font><span lang="en-us"><font size="4"><font color="#000080"> of China.&nbsp; It stands to the south of Huayin City, 75 miles due east of <b>Xian</b>.&nbsp; From the map, this mountain is located close to Himalayas of Tibet.&nbsp;&nbsp;</font> '<font color="#800080">Shan</font>' <font color="#000080">means</font> '<font color="#800080">mountain</font>' <font color="#000080">in Chinese, thus the name 'Hua Shan'.<br> <i><b>Huashan</b></i> means '<i><b>Mount Hua</b></i>' or '<i><b>Hua Mountain</b></i>'.</font><br><br><font color="#000080">According to</font> <a href="">Travel China Guide</a>, <font color="#800080">Mt. Huashan</font> <font color="#000080">is definitely not some neglected little spot in the middle of nowhere.&nbsp; Quite the contrary!&nbsp; Mt Huashan is one of the five sacred mountains in China.&nbsp; The other four sacred mountains are</font> <font color="#800080">Mt. Taishan</font> <font color="#000080">in Shandong,</font> <font color="#800080">Mt. Hengshan</font> <font color="#000080">in Hunan,</font> <font color="#800080">Mt. Hengshan</font> <font color="#000080">in Shanxi, and</font> <font color="#800080">Mt. Songshan</font> <font color="#000080">in Henan.&nbsp; </font><br><br></font> <font size="4" color="#800080">Mt. Hua</font> <font color="#000080" size="4">is home to several influential Taoist temples where emperors of past dynasties made pilgrimages, making this mountain the holy land of Taoism. Many emperors came to pray and sacrifice to the God of Mt. Huashan.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> <p><font face="Calibri"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080" size="4">It is said that Lao Zi (Lao Tze), the founder and patriarch of Taoism, once lived and gave sermons here.&nbsp; Today many Taoism temples are located on Mr. Huashan which helps explain why this area is visited by thousands of people.</font></span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="83%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20169.jpg" width="1018" height="544"><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">Take note that you are looking at Mt Hua from the <b> NORTH</b>.&nbsp; In other words, this picture is &quot;upside down&quot;.</font></span></p> <p><font face="Calibri"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080" size="4">Hua consists of five separate peaks.&nbsp; </font></span></font> <span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">The five peaks are all very close in height.&nbsp; </font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">The North Peak in front is the shortest while the South Peak in back is the tallest.&nbsp;&nbsp;The East and West Peaks are the same height. </font></span> </p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="2"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><blockquote> <p align="left"><font face="Calibri"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080" size="1"><br> </font> <font color="#000080" size="4">Huashan is not your typical mountain with one central dominating peak.&nbsp; Instead the mountain is &quot;spread out&quot; into five different sectors.&nbsp; </font></span></font> <p align="left"><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">To see this same picture for yourself, visit Google Earth.&nbsp; The Google Earth coordinates for Huashan can be entered two different wa</font><font face="Calibri" color="#000080">ys:&nbsp;&nbsp; <br> </font></span> <span class="plainlinks nourlexpansion"> <span style="white-space: nowrap;"> <span class="geo-default"> <span class="geo-dms" title="Maps, aerial photos, and other data for this location"> <span class="latitude"> <font color="#FF0000"> <a style="white-space: normal; font-weight: 700; text-decoration:none" class="external text" rel="nofollow" href=""> <font color="#800000">34�29&#8242;N</font></a></font></span><a style="white-space: normal; font-weight: 700; text-decoration:none" class="external text" rel="nofollow" href=""><font color="#800000"> </font><span class="longitude"> <font color="#800000">110�05&#8242;E</font></span></a><span class="longitude"><span lang="en-us"><font color="#000080">&nbsp; or </font></span></span></span></span> </span></span><b><font color="#800000">34.483333, 110.083333</font><font color="#000080"><span lang="en-us">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></font></b><font color="#000080"> <span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4">Once you get there, remember to rotate the picture 180</font></span></font><span class="plainlinks nourlexpansion"><span style="white-space: nowrap;"><span class="geo-default"><span class="geo-dms" title="Maps, aerial photos, and other data for this location"><span class="latitude"><font color="#FF0000"><a style="white-space: normal; font-weight: 700; text-decoration:none" class="external text" rel="nofollow" href=""><font color="#000080">�</font></a></font><span lang="en-us"><font color="#000080"> </font></span></span></span></span></span> </span><font color="#000080"> <span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4">to get the same view as you see here.</font></span></font></blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p align="left"> <font face="Calibri"> <span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080" size="4">Using a baseball infield to help describe their relative positions, South Peak, the tallest, is at second base.&nbsp; The North Peak is at the entrance and would be considered home plate.&nbsp; The West Peak is first base and the East Peak is third base.&nbsp; There is a Central Peak as well where the pitcher's mound would be.&nbsp; </font></span></font> <p align="left"> <font face="Calibri"> <span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080" size="4">I am fairly sure the Chinese would not appreciate being told their cherished religious icon closely resembles a baseball diamond.&nbsp; They are more fond of using a flower analogy.&nbsp; Apparently when viewed in a certain way, the five peaks of Huashan are said to look like five petals of a lotus flower.&nbsp; </font></span></font> <p align="left"><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080"> Using the picture as a reference, there appear to be two main roads.&nbsp; I am fairly certain the one on the left, the East Side, is the main entrance.&nbsp; About 2 and a half miles down the road is the Gondola area.&nbsp; This must be where the buses drop many of the people off.&nbsp; </font></span></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="450"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20stairs.jpg" width="450" height="290"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="500"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%2030a.jpg" width="500" height="391"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p align="left"><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080"> The Gondola takes you from the base of the mountain up to the North Peak where two major hiking trails await.&nbsp; As you can gather from the picture, the gondola stretches a long way.&nbsp; It saves everyone a lot of time and energy.&nbsp; Many people use the gondola to go back down the mountain as well.&nbsp; </font> </span> <p align="left"><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080"> Once you are on the North Peak, Huashan is like a mountainous Disneyland.&nbsp; Each peak is a different realm with its own identity.&nbsp; You have your choice of five different peaks to tackle.&nbsp; </font></span> <p align="left"><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080"> You can spend all day here and still barely scratch the surface of all the things to see.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The mountain is so spread out that literally thousands of people are climbing the various peaks all day long.&nbsp; You can spend your entire day on the North Peak or the West Peak or move back and forth if you have enough energy.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font></span> <p align="left"><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080"> This vast mountain world is a separate reality, your own little world.&nbsp; Some people call Huashan a 'Shangri La' of sorts.&nbsp; Civilization is just a memory up here. </font></span> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="450"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%2001a.jpg" width="450" height="599"><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080" size="4">Originally <b>Hua</b> was called <b>Xiyue</b> - meaning 'Western mountain' - because it was the westernmost of the five sacred Taoist peaks.&nbsp; It is the dominant mountain in Quinling mountain range. </font></span></font></p> <p><font face="Calibri"><span lang="en-us"><font size="4"> <font color="#000080">Formerly the five mountains were dotted with temples but today only a few remain. These days the majority of visitors to Huashan are Chinese youth on vacation.&nbsp; However the mountain routes are still trekked by devoted pilgrims and wandering monks intent on visiting the sacred shrines.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br>The </font><font color="#FF0000">East Peak</font> <font color="#000080">is 2,090 meters (about 6,857 ft) high above sea level. It is also called</font> <font color="#800080">Facing Sun Peak</font> <font color="#000080">because the top of the peak is the best place to watch the sunrise. </font> <br><br><font color="#000080">The</font> <font color="#FF0000">Middle Peak</font> <font color="#000080">is also called </font><font color="#800080">Jade Maiden Peak</font>. <font color="#000080">Story goes that Nongyu, the daughter of King Mugong (659B.C.-621B.C.) of the Qin Kingdom (770B.C.-476B.C.), was tired of the life in the court. So she and her husband moved to Huashan and lived alone at Middle Peak. <br><br>The</font> <font color="#FF0000">West Peak</font>&nbsp;<font color="#000080">is 2,087 meters (about 6,846 ft) high.&nbsp; It is always called </font> <font color="#FF0000">Lotus Peak</font> <font color="#000080">because of its unique shape. This peak is formed by a huge rock. Hence it's very steep.</font><br> <br><font color="#000080">The</font> <font color="#FF0000">North Peak </font><font color="#000080">was called</font> <font color="#800080">Clouds Stand</font> <font color="#000080">by ancient people. Today it is called the</font> <font color="#800080">Cloud Terrace Peak</font> <font color="#000080">as it looks like a flat terrace in the clouds. The peak is 1,614 meters (about 5,295 ft) above sea level. An important site on the North Peak is Zhenwu Hall (God of North). <br><br>Three sides are cliffs that are nearly impossible to climb and the fourth side is the</font> '<font color="#800080">ear rubbing cliff</font>'.&nbsp; <font color="#000080">This route gets its name because there are places on this precipitous path where tourists can climb up only by pressing an ear close to the cliff.&nbsp; </font></font></span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="923"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">The majestic </font> <font color="#FF0000">South Peak</font> <font color="#000080">is the tallest. With an altitude of 2,160 meters (about 7,087 feet), ancient people called this the '<b>Monarch of Mt. Huashan</b>' because it is the highest peak of Mt. Huashan. <br> <br> It is also the highest peak among the Five Sacred Mountains of China. The temple for the God of Mt. Huashan is situated on the South Peak. </font> </span> </font> </p> <p><font face="Calibri"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080" size="4">Tourists who summit South Peak are rewarded with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. The famous Yellow River wanders far below and everything seems small. <br> <br> Legend has it that the wild geese returning from the south often landed at South Peak, giving the area the name 'Landing Wild Geese Peak' <br> <br> The South Peak is the dangerous peak at the center of our story.&nbsp; The South Peak is very popular for climbing despite its peril. In the middle of South Peak trees are luxuriantly green, creating a good rest spot. </font> </span> </font> </p> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">At the top of South Peak, the <span lang="en-us">'</span>Black Dragon Pool<span lang="en-us">'</span> at the summit and the <span lang="en-us">'</span>Greeting Pines<span lang="en-us">'</span> on the southwestern cliff are two attractive resorts. </font> </p> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">Mt. Huashan is famous for its magnificent cliffs.&nbsp; Nowhere are the cliffs more difficult to climb than the South Peak. There are rugged cliffs on all four sides of South Peak. <br> <br> A tortuous 15 kilometer stepped path leads to the Black Dragon Ridge (Bilong ji) where other trails lead to the major peaks. </font> </span> </font> </p> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">The most dangerous place is called 'Changkong Zhandao' (a <span lang="en-us">wooden </span>plank path built along the surface of a vertical cliff) which is about 4 meters (about 13 feet) long and about 0.33 meters (about 1.1 feet) wide. <br> </font><font face="Calibri" size="4"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080"> <br> In order to reach certain temples and the caves of the sages great courage is needed.&nbsp;The climb to the top is </font> </span> </font><font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">a very challenging hike that includes sheer cliffs and substantial elevation gain (more than 5,000 feet, much of it on stone steps). <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span></font><font face="Calibri" size="4"><span lang="en-us"><font color="#000080">The climbers must scale several steep cliffs with only a linked chain for support.&nbsp; </font> </span> </font><font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080"><br> <br> <span lang="en-us">However</span> the rewards are spectacular�the dramatic scenery is just as impressive today as it must have been a thousand years ago. </font><font face="Calibri" size="4"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">&nbsp;From the top, the Yellow River can be seen winding its way through the valley below about 15 miles to the northeast. </font> </span> </font> </p> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">Below is the bottomless gulf which makes tourists shake with fear. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp; To fall is certain death. </span> </font> </p> <p> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20stairs.jpg" width="450" height="290"></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20122.jpg" width="500" height="570"><p> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%2020a.jpg" width="500" height="667"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="49%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font size="2"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%2021a.jpg" width="600" height="450"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="50%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri"><span lang="en-us"><font size="4"> <font color="#000080">The picture on the left illustrates an area known as the</font> &quot;<font color="#FF0000">Heavenly Stairs</font>&quot;.&nbsp; <font color="#000080">Maybe that is because if you fall off of them, you go to Heaven... <br> <br> These steps are the Starting Point for the hiking trip up the West Peak mountain. <br> <br> As you can gather, the initial part of the climb seems steep, but safe.&nbsp; <br> <br> In addition, the view is awe-inspiring. <br> <br> Who wouldn't be tempted to look for the incredible beauty said to greet each traveler at the end of the climb? </font> </font> </span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="99%" colspan="2"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica">&nbsp;<!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="99%" colspan="2"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td valign="middle"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font size="2"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%2014%2018%2019.jpg" width="950" height="408"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="259"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><span lang="en-us"><font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080"> More pictures of the Heavenly Stairs. </font></span></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="99%" colspan="2"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica">&nbsp;<!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="27%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20ridge%202.jpg" width="334" height="290"><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="38%" valign="middle"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p align="left">&nbsp;<p><font face="Calibri"><span lang="en-us"> <font size="4" color="#000080">After the Heavenly Stairs,</font><font size="4"><font color="#FF0000"> Canglong Ridge </font><font color="#000080">(aka </font><font color="#FF0000"> <br>Black Dragon Ridge</font><font color="#000080">), is Part Two of the climb.&nbsp; <br><br>Now the grade becomes even steeper than the Heavenly Stairs.<br> <br>You may be incredulous to discover people make this climb in the winter snow!&nbsp;&nbsp; </font> </font></span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td valign="top" width="33%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20ridge.jpg" width="403" height="290"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="475"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica">&nbsp;<!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica">&nbsp;<!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="475"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" size="4"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20jinsud%2001.jpg" width="475" height="633"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20jinsud.jpg" width="450" height="290"></font></p> </blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">After Canglong Ridge, you reach</font> <b><font color="#800000">Jinsud Pass</font></b><font color="#000000">.</font> <br><br><font color="#000080">Jinsud Pass is Part Three of the journey.&nbsp; Judging from the pictures, this area seems narrow.&nbsp; Looks must be deceiving. Although the ridge seems barely wide enough to allow people to walk on it, there is obviously enough room to support several structures. <br><br>At the end of Jinsud Pass, there is a choice:</font> <b><font color="#800000">West Peak</font></b> <font color="#000080">or</font> <b><font color="#FF0000">South Peak</font></b>.<br>&nbsp; <font color="#000080"><br>Many people continue to the West Peak for a good reason: The West Peak route is quite safe.&nbsp; Plus Zhenyue Palace is up ahead.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">The perilous climb is located at the South Peak.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="476"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" size="4"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20jinsud%2002.jpg" width="475" height="712"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <span lang="en-us"> <font size="4" face="Calibri" color="#000080">A summer look and <br>a winter look at <br>Jinsud Pass. </font></span> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">Apparently thousands tourists visit Huashan year-round regardless of the conditions on the mountain.</font></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="475"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" size="4"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20jinsud%2003.jpg" width="475" height="712"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="738"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica">&nbsp;<!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica">&nbsp;<!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="738"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" size="4"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20120.jpg" width="738" height="490"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080"><span lang="en-us">As stated earlier, Mt. Huashan has five peaks. The West Peak seen in the pictures above is said to be the most graceful peak.&nbsp; </span></font></p> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">I think &quot;Graceful Peak&quot; is Chinese-speak for </font>'<font color="#800080"><b>you don't have to risk your life to visit the temple</b>.</font>'<br><br><font color="#000080">On the other hand, judging from the picture below, even the West Peak Temple doesn't look that easy to reach.&nbsp;&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">That said, the view atop the West Peak Summit is breathtaking!&nbsp; </font></span></font> </p> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">Now you see why people make the climb.&nbsp; </font></span></font> </p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="966"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica">&nbsp;<!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica">&nbsp;<!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="966"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20west%20peak%20summit.jpg" width="960" height="725" align="left"><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">Here is a look at the East Peak. </font></span></p> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">This temple is known as the</font><font color="#000000"> </font><b> <font color="#800080">Playing Chess Pavilion</font></b><font color="#000000">.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">Who can concentrate on chess with a view like that? </font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">What a picture!</font></span></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica">&nbsp;<!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica">&nbsp;<!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="#000000"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%" height="106"> <tr> <td width="452"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica">&nbsp;<!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <p align="center"><b><font color="#FFFF00" size="6" face="Verdana"><span lang="en-us"> NEXT UP: <br> THE DEADLY SOUTH PEAK!</span></font></b><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="451"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20173.jpg" width="500" height="377"><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080"> <span lang="en-us">Although every peak has its challenges, the most aggressive climbers usually migrate over to the trail that leads to the forbidding South Peak, the highest of the 5 mountains.&nbsp; </span></font></p> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080"><span lang="en-us">They are in for one of the most dangerous adventures of their entire life.&nbsp; To say the South Peak climb is 'formidable' would be an understatement.&nbsp;<br> <br> Along the cliff of South Peak is a planked path equipped with iron chains.&nbsp; These devices help, of course, but there are few safety features.&nbsp; One mistake and the climber meets eternity.&nbsp; <br> <br> Further up it gets even more difficult. Here there are chains and rock footholds which allow the adventurers to continue on the frightful path past precipitous rock faces and yawning chasms. </span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="1045"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">Always far below, the valley beckons.&nbsp;Only the foolish dare to look down.&nbsp; Furthermore, no one dares to think of the trip back.&nbsp; In some ways, that's even tougher because you are so tired. </font> </span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">Interestingly, many people consider the huge throng of climbers to be the trail's greatest threat.&nbsp; The trails are very narrow.&nbsp; Don't forget the people coming down have to get around the people coming up.&nbsp; People are always scared to death the people passing them are going to do something stupid and take them down with them.&nbsp; Another fear is that the climber in front could slip and knock a nearby climber off the mountain as well.&nbsp; As vast as the mountain is, the trail just doesn't feel wide enough to accommodate all these people. </font></span></p> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080"> <span lang="en-us">Please keep in mind these climbers are not professionals!&nbsp; Most of them are Chinese college kids here on vacation.&nbsp; They are not equipped with any sort of modern climbing equipment or even the proper shoes.&nbsp; Nor do they have climbing experience.&nbsp; All they have going for them are their hands, their feet, and their courage.<br> <br>Plus they are trapped.&nbsp; Once they discover the sheer precipices and overhanging rocks, at this point it is very difficult to go back. If it rains, they are in trouble. If the wind picks up, they are in trouble.&nbsp; If the wood has a slippery spot or a chain comes loose...<br> <br>But always there is the temptation of the magnificent beauty.&nbsp; The scenery changes at every step along this path.&nbsp; The Beauty of the Mountain seems to cast a magic spell over all who pass.</span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20mountain%20climbers.jpg" width="350" height="467"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td valign="top" colspan="2"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica">&nbsp;<!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><span lang="en-us"><b> <font size="7" color="#FF0000" face="Calibri">A Foolish Journey</font></b></span></p> <p align="left"><font face="Calibri" size="5"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#FFFF00"><b>Rick Archer</b></font></span></font><b><span lang="en-us"><font color="#FFFF00"><font face="Calibri" size="5">'s Note:</font><font face="Calibri" size="4">&nbsp; </font></font> <font color="#FFFFFF" size="4" face="Calibri">I did not write the following story. In fact, I have never even visited China although I certainly hope to someday.&nbsp; I live in Houston, Texas, USA.&nbsp; <br><br>This story was written by an American who scaled the South Peak with his wife in the winter of 2003. His story is quite compelling.&nbsp;<br><br>The pictures you will see were taken by many different people.&nbsp; I visited about 100 Internet sites in my attempt to compile a photographic tribute to this rigorous hike along the perilous South Peak. <br><br>After reading this story, I think you will agree that a hike this difficult would never be permitted here in America.&nbsp; Obviously the Chinese see things differently. </font></span></b></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="350" bgcolor="#000000"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20staircase%20long.jpg" width="650" height="452"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="303"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20stairway.jpg" width="300" height="400"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p align="left"><font face="Calibri"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080"> <b><font size="6">THE STORY BEGINS </font> </b> <font size="6">&nbsp; <br> </font><font size="2"><br> </font><font size="4">Our gondola ride up from the base of the mountain was a good idea.&nbsp; Not only was the ride a lot of fun, we saved a great deal of time and energy. </font></font> <font color="#000080" size="4"> <br> <br> But after the gondola ride, my wife Laura</font></span><font color="#000080"><font size="4"> <span lang="en-us"> and I soon found ourselves climbing</span> hundreds of icy, steep steps <span lang="en-us">using</span> <span lang="en-us">the flimsiest of </span>guardrails</font><span lang="en-us"><font size="4">.&nbsp; Despite the fact that we had both slipped a couple times, we stubbornly continued.&nbsp; Now our walk had brought us to this spot.&nbsp; As I stared up at the near-vertical staircase before us, I wondered how on earth did I ever get in this mess.&nbsp; Not only did I feel in danger, I felt responsible for my wife as well. </font> </span> </font></font> </p> <p align="left"><font face="Calibri" size="4"><font color="#000080"> Steep steps were carved into the rock with chain<span lang="en-us">s</span> for support. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>Cleverly, there were<span lang="en-us"> two ladders - one for</span> �up� and<span lang="en-us"> one for</span> �down� </font> <span lang="en-us"><font color="#000080">(</font><b><font color="#000080">see picture at left</font></b><font color="#000080">). </font> </span> <font color="#000080">&nbsp;<span lang="en-us">Despite</span> this, our hearts were racing <span lang="en-us">as we saw where</span> the ladder�s steps went vertical at the top of a 2<span lang="en-us">0 </span> meter climb. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span></font></font></p> <p align="left"><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">The stairs were so imposing we had little choice but to stop and think about it.&nbsp;&nbsp;We could see the climb ahead was the</font></span><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"> steepest, least-protected section yet. <span lang="en-us">Making things worse, I thought I could see ice on the steps.&nbsp; This wasn't going to be easy.&nbsp; I was losing my patience. </span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p align="left"> <font size="4" face="Calibri" color="#000080">&quot;This is <span lang="en-us">ridiculous!</span> <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>I can't believe <span lang="en-us">they expect people to climb this thing!</span> <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>We should have stopped <span lang="en-us">a long time</span> ago!&quot; <span lang="en-us">&nbsp; Laura stared at me with an odd look.&nbsp; </span> </font></p> <p align="left"> <font size="4" face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <span lang="en-us">I couldn't figure out if she agreed with me or not.&nbsp; </span>We almost had<span lang="en-us"> quit once before.&nbsp; I don't know why we didn't</span>. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;Actually, I know exactly why we hadn't quit.</span></font></p> <p align="left"> <span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">We had spent days fighting language barriers and a transportation system that was not designed to be foreigner-friendly.&nbsp; I can't begin to count how many people we had to stop just to find one person to explain in English how to find this obscure place.&nbsp; Now that we were finally here, we weren't going to get another shot at this climb.&nbsp; Our plane tickets dictated we leave the day after tomorrow. </font></span></p> <p align="left"> <span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">It was today or never at all. </font></span></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="500"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20168.jpg" width="500" height="335"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%2002a.jpg" width="450" height="599"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="63%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"> <span lang="en-us">I suppose another thing t</span>hat kept us going was the <span lang="en-us">noisy </span>throng of people<span lang="en-us"> who passed us while making their descent.&nbsp; This indicated to me</span> that the peak must be close by. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span></font></p> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">If all these <span lang="en-us">Chinese </span>people made it, <span lang="en-us">I figured </span>so should we.<span lang="en-us"> <br><br>I had a war going on inside my brain. It was driving me crazy.&nbsp;The &quot;Courage&quot; side of my brain was engaged in a knockout fight with my &quot;Reason&quot;.&nbsp;&nbsp; So far <b>Courage</b> had the upper hand</span>, <span lang="en-us">but <b>Reason</b> aided by <b>Fear</b> was making a move.&nbsp; <br><br>Meanwhile my pessimism had rubbed off on my wife.&nbsp; </span>Laura<span lang="en-us"> was having second thoughts.&nbsp; As we stared up at the vertical staircase, Laura's quizzical look had changed to a frown. <br><br></span>&quot;I don't know if this is such a good idea<span lang="en-us">, Frank</span>. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>Maybe we should <span lang="en-us">throw in the towel</span>. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>Do you want to stop?&quot;<br><br><span lang="en-us">I stared at her quietly.&nbsp; Laura was right.&nbsp; Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, especially not with these winter conditions.</span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="1219"> <tr> <td align="center" width="836"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p align="left"> <span lang="en-us"> <font size="4" face="Calibri" color="#000080">The spot where we stood was actually quite beautiful.&nbsp;</font></span></p> <p align="left"><span lang="en-us"> <font size="4" face="Calibri" color="#000080">We could see the vast wilderness of the valley below and three of the other four peaks of Mt Huashan.&nbsp; </font></span></p> <p align="left"><span lang="en-us"> <font size="4" face="Calibri" color="#000080">I was overwhelmed by the splendor.&nbsp; No wonder this place was revered as a religious area. </font></span></p> <p align="left"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><span lang="en-us">Unfortunately this snow-covered paradise was dangerous in the same way a beautiful woman is dangerous - too risky, but too beautiful to resist!&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></font></p> <p align="left"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"> <span lang="en-us">My inner conflict continued.&nbsp; Part of me could not bear to give up this adventure of a lifetime.&nbsp; The splendor of this mountain was overwhelming.&nbsp;</span></font></p> <p align="left"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"> <span lang="en-us">On the other hand, I wished we had stopped a long time ago.&nbsp; The Staircase we had just completed had been no picnic.&nbsp; For the entire climb the two of us had been clinging to the railing for dear life!&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></font></p> <p align="left"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"> <span lang="en-us">However, despite the freezing cold, the blustery wind, and steps that were iced over, like fools we stubbornly kept walking. </span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td align="center" width="373"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%2003a.jpg" width="450" height="599"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="75%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"> <span lang="en-us"> I admit it.&nbsp; This was mostly on me.&nbsp; </span>I had not wanted to stop. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>We had not paid <span lang="en-us">300</span> yuan<span lang="en-us"> apiece ($80 total)</span>, spent 3 hours on a minibus, sat through a half-hour lecture<span lang="en-us"> about the mountain</span>, taken a 20-minute cable car ride, and climbed snowy, icy steps for 45 minutes just to <span lang="en-us">get </span>so close to the top! <span lang="en-us">&nbsp; The chances we would ever return to this place were slim to none.&nbsp; This was my chance.&nbsp; It was impossible to quit now that the top was in sight.&nbsp; </span><br> <br> <span lang="en-us">Yes, it was cold, icy, and threatening to snow, but t</span>his would probably be the only chance we would ever have to climb to the summit of Huashan<span lang="en-us">. This was</span> one of the most famous mountains in China! <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>I uttered a lukewarm response to <span lang="en-us">Laura's</span> idea of quitting<span lang="en-us">.&nbsp; We talked a little more, but soon </span>the subject was dropped. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>Laura<span lang="en-us"> said she </span>had not really wanted to give up either. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;'Yeah, sure,' I thought to myself.&nbsp; I was very worried I had made the wrong choice here, especially since I had no idea what was up ahead.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br> <br> </span>We continued to inch our way up the steps until they suddenly became steeper still, and even closer to the 400-foot drop on either edge. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;I forced myself not to look down.&nbsp; Finally we made it.&nbsp; Now we could see what was up next.&nbsp;<br> <br> Instantly we both stopped breathing.&nbsp;&nbsp; We stared up at a steep vertical cliff. </span></font> </p> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><span lang="en-us">It was the final major obstacle before a hike to the temple.&nbsp; Fear gripped me as never before.&nbsp;</span></font></p> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"> <span lang="en-us">The cliff ahead frightened me out of my wits.&nbsp; </span> At this point, my<span lang="en-us"> </span>f<span lang="en-us">ear escalated to a level I had never previously felt before.&nbsp; My inner debate raged on.&nbsp; This was the third time &quot;Courage&quot; was in great danger of losing. &nbsp; </span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td valign="top" width="25%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20chimney%203.jpg" width="300" height="508"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="500"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20121.jpg" width="498" height="357"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">I was the cat who had climbed the tree and could not get down, only here nobody would or could come to my rescue. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>It felt like a bad dream; I wished I could just escape, and wake up in my warm bed, but there were no warm beds here, only biting cold winds, ever-accumulating snow, and icy steps.</font></p> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">&nbsp;I knew we would have to get out of this on our own.<span lang="en-us"> I was overwhelmed by fear-induced nausea.&nbsp; </span>I don't have a head for heights<span lang="en-us">. I felt</span> rather sick looking at the rickety wooden walkways and <span lang="en-us">the </span>rusty chains hanging over <span lang="en-us">the </span>precipitous drops<span lang="en-us"> ahead of us</span>.</font></p> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">I <span lang="en-us">continued to </span>gaze <span lang="en-us">up at the cliff above.&nbsp; </span>I <span lang="en-us">was astonished to see</span> an absurd number of giddy Chinese scaling the treacherous steps with almost reckless abandon, some wearing what can only be described in English as &quot;dress shoes,&quot; specifically the kind with smooth outer soles. <br> <br> &quot;What is wrong with these people?!&quot; I thought. &quot;Are they insane?! <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>Stupid?! <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>Both?! <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>Why aren't they afraid?!&quot;</font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="59%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><br> Why <span lang="en-us">indeed </span>d<span lang="en-us">id the</span> Chinese people seem so unfazed by <span lang="en-us">this</span> treacherous <span lang="en-us">path</span>? </font></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">My mind drifted back to</font></span><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"> <span lang="en-us">rumor</span>s that people regularly f<span lang="en-us">e</span>ll to their death attempting to climb the mountain.<span lang="en-us">&nbsp; After what I have seen so far today, I had no doubt these legends are correct.&nbsp; And I had a sixth sense that told me the worst was yet to come! </span></font></p> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"><font size="4">Why on earth would <span lang="en-us">I</span> try? <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>Picking your way along a sheer cliff surely isn't an enjoyable way to spend a holiday, no matter how good the views are at the end<span lang="en-us">.&nbsp; Had I discovered a previously undetected 'Death Wish'?</span> </font><span lang="en-us"> <font size="4">&nbsp;</font></span></font></p> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">There is, off course, a certain type of traveler who enjoys the bravado and back-slapping of dangerous travel. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>I'm certainly not one of them, although I suppose I<span lang="en-us"> am more adventurous than most.&nbsp; But today, I was not here out of bravado. I was here because I really didn't know any better!&nbsp; I was the accidental mountain climber who got in way over his head. </span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="40%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20165.jpg" width="500" height="375"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="41%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20119.jpg" width="498" height="637"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="59%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4"><font color="#000080"> <span lang="en-us">D</span>anger is a hazy concept. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>For starters, we never know the exact probability of an unfortunate accident<span lang="en-us">. Our</span> minds try to estimate it based upon past experiences, hearsay, and whatever knowledge we have accumulated. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>Even once we think we know the chances of tragedy in a certain situation, there is still the question of whether or not to be afraid.&nbsp; </font><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">&nbsp;<br> <br> I wished I had a feeling for the frequency of accidents at this part of the climb.&nbsp; But no one around us spoke a word of English.&nbsp; What was the probability of an unfortunate accident?&nbsp; Right now I was more scared than at any other time in my adult life.&nbsp; How much risk is too much? <br> <br> Was I supposed to be afraid of this?&nbsp; Maybe it isn't as difficult as it looks.&nbsp; Everyone else I can see is motoring up the cliff.&nbsp; It can be quite difficult to know when to say &quot;no&quot;.&nbsp; <br> </font><font face="Calibri" size="1"> <br> </font><font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">Laura and I talked some more.&nbsp; As we talked, one Chinese person after another walked past us and started to climb the ladder without even a moment's hesitation.&nbsp; That's when I decided to continue.&nbsp; I wish I hadn't.&nbsp; As long as I live, I will never forget the next part of our climb. <br> <br> I asked Laura if she wanted to go first or have me go first.&nbsp; Laura nodded for me to lead.&nbsp; The first thing we did was climb a metal ladder that had been bolted into a natural chute (</font><b><font color="#000080">see picture at right</font></b><font color="#000080">).&nbsp; In other words, there was a chimney-like crevice in the side of the cliff.&nbsp; <br> <br> The consequence of a mistake was certain death.&nbsp; On the other hand, how often do you fall off a ladder when you are paying attention?&nbsp; Just make sure the grips are secure and you have a firm footing before taking each new step.&nbsp; This climb was scary, but we made it.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="734"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">The next part was actually pretty cool.&nbsp; At the top of the chimney , a skimpy trail had been carved into the side of the mountain.&nbsp; This trail wound through improbable niches in the rock face.&nbsp; <br> <br> Laura and I moved sideways across the face of the cliff.&nbsp; Things got much easier.&nbsp; We soon discovered there was a natural ledge that had been used to create a trail.&nbsp; Where the ledge was not sufficient, a man-made trail had been carved out of the rock.&nbsp; We were very relieved to discover there was also a metal fence to help as we crossed the cliff to the other side.</font></span></font></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">The uphill climb in the chimney had been tough, but I started to relax when I found how easy it was to walk on this path.&nbsp; The chain fence added much-appreciated security.&nbsp; Yes, it was still possible to slip, but if you held onto the chain, it was unlikely you would plunge over the edge.&nbsp; Believe me, I held on tight. </font></span></p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><span lang="en-us">In addition I dared not look down.&nbsp; My balance depended on my confidence.&nbsp; The more scared I got, the worse my balance became.&nbsp; I kept my eyes glued to the granite surface of my path.&nbsp; I missed the beauty of valley because I kept my blinders on. <br> <br> Stupid me, I made a mistake - I looked ahead.&nbsp; That's when I discovered my safe rock trail was about to end only to be replaced by an absurd wood ramp of some sort.&nbsp; I panicked and stopped in my tracks.&nbsp; Seeing this ramp coming up, for the fourth time that day I had myself convinced to go back down when out of nowhere 6 Chinese college kids caught up to us.&nbsp; <br> <br> Although they were unfailingly polite, I could see they wanted Laura and I to get it going.&nbsp; Since this place was too narrow for them to pass us, we were holding up the line!&nbsp; Embarrassed, Laura and I started our slow trudge forward.&nbsp; <br> <br> As we neared the place where the trail changed from rock to wood ramp, I was grateful to find a small recess in the mountain. Laura and I stepped in to allow the Chinese students to pass us by.&nbsp;&nbsp; I could not help but notice their smiles and laughter.<br> <br> Their fearlessness had begun to aggravate me.&nbsp; Why weren't they afraid?!&nbsp; They were laughing and joking.&nbsp; No fear.&nbsp; Heck, I was glad to let them go by.&nbsp; Now we could move at our own pace. </span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20closeup%2002.jpg" width="475" height="336"></font><p> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20walkway.jpg" width="475" height="467"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="475"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%2002b.jpg" width="475" height="724"></font><p> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%2004b.jpg" width="475" height="724"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"> <span lang="en-us">The next part of our journey was almost more than I could bear.&nbsp; As we turned the corner, I was sickened to discover a perilous walk across the cliff.&nbsp; There in front of me were nearly two hundred feet of wooden planks jutting out from the side of the cliff.&nbsp; </span>W<span lang="en-us">e had arrived at </span>'Changkong Zhandao'<span lang="en-us">, </span>a plank path built along the surface of a vertical cliff<span lang="en-us">.&nbsp; (Note: This ramp had an English name: <b>Floating-in-Air Road</b>.<b> </b>But I called it <b>Boardwalk)</b><br></span></font><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080"><br></font> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">Yes, there were chains to hang onto, but there was ice and there was wind and the margin for error was very small.&nbsp; Those planks could not have been more than two feet wide.&nbsp; Exposed to the elements, I wondered just how safe they were.&nbsp; <br></font> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080"><br></font> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">The only reason we continued was those crazy Chinese college kids.&nbsp; Laura and I watched them cross.&nbsp; It looked like they were dancing... step apart, step together, step apart, step together... they walked sideways across the cliff!&nbsp; And they were laughing!<br> </font><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"><br></font> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">I swear to God if it wasn't for those kids, Laura and I would have turned around a long time ago.&nbsp; Left to ourselves, we would have given into our panic, but to see those crazy kids fearlessly move across the cliff made us think we could do it too.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br> </font><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"><br></font> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">Laura and I gave each other the &quot;what are we getting ourselves into this time?&quot; look.&nbsp; Laura decided to simply watch, but I felt shamed into trying. I grabbed the chain, made sure not to look down, and did my step-together-step across the face of the rock. <br> </font><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"><br></font> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">I kept telling myself if they can do it, I can do it.&nbsp; Nevertheless, I nearly slipped one time.&nbsp; Normally I never actually picked up my feet, but there were places where the new set of boards didn't match the set I was standing on.&nbsp; Since I didn't dare look, when I switched to a new board, each step was an adventure. <br></font><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"><br></font> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">As I took a step to the new board, my foot didn't hit the board right and my heel slipped on the edge of the board.&nbsp; I had only my left leg for support.&nbsp; I gripped tightly to the chain and regained my balance.&nbsp; Laura, bless her heart, didn't see it.&nbsp; Back at the starting point, she was looking off into the valley. <br> </font><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"><br></font> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">Despite how careful I had been, I had still stumbled.&nbsp; A panic attack immediately kicked in.&nbsp; I could feel my knees shaking. I was scared to death to take another step.&nbsp; I just stood there and breathed a while.&nbsp; Laura asked me if I was okay.&nbsp; That broke the ice.&nbsp; I decided I hadn't come nearly as close to dying as I first thought.&nbsp; So I nodded I was OK and started moving again.&nbsp; <br></font> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080"><br></font> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">Soon I actually managed a laugh of my own.&nbsp; I found a spot on the rock smeared with lipstick.&nbsp; I suppose one of the Chinese girls had pressed her face so close to the wall, she kissed the rock.</font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">It wasn't easy walking sideways on this vertical cliff.&nbsp; One mistake and I would fall straight to that valley about a mile below.&nbsp;&nbsp;If it was on flat ground, it wouldn't be that tough.&nbsp; But here the stakes were certain death. That knowledge affected my poise considerably.&nbsp; I thought about the Chinese kids some more.&nbsp; I wondered what would their parents would think if they knew one of those climbers was their kid? <br></font> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080"><br></font> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">This climb had become incredibly dangerous.&nbsp; What was it about about the Chinese culture that permitted their citizens access to such a dangerous route?&nbsp; I honestly believed that some people died doing this!&nbsp;&nbsp; The only reason we were here was because we didn't know any better.&nbsp; I was incredulous that something this deadly was open to the public.&nbsp; Sure there were warning signs down below, but nothing had been said that could possibly let us know how much trouble we were getting into. <br></font><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"><br></font> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">I thought back to a presentation that had been given on the bus trip.&nbsp; An expert on this area had given a lengthy outline about Mt. Huashan in Chinese.&nbsp; Our bus guide whispered a shorter version in broken English to us.&nbsp; Our fate might have been different if we understood Chinese.&nbsp; It might have kept us from being here!<br></font><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"><br> </font><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">My hands were starting to hurt from gripping this freezing cold chain.&nbsp; I wished I had the foresight to bring some bicycle gloves for protection.&nbsp; Moving at a snail's pace, I neared the end of the plank.&nbsp; It had taken me 10 minutes to move a couple hundred feet.&nbsp; It had been the longest ten minutes of my life.&nbsp; As I reached the end, it should have been a triumphant moment for me to make it this far, but I was too nervous to appreciate it.&nbsp; Now I slowly retraced my steps back to the trail.&nbsp; I was totally drained. </font></span></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="300"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20109.jpg" width="300" height="463"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><span lang="en-us"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="1"> <br> </font><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">Once I made it back to safety, I looked ahead to see our next challenge.&nbsp; There was more climbing ahead for us, but this time we would use footholds instead of ramps.&nbsp; There was an enormous round boulder.&nbsp;&nbsp; Someone had risked their lives to cut footholds into sheer rock.&nbsp; Nice feature, but this still wasn't going to be easy.&nbsp; </font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">Laura and I stopped to watch the Chinese kids.&nbsp; I gave a silent thanks that they had not gotten too far ahead of us.&nbsp; Now I could watch them to give me some more inspiration.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br> <br> I quickly realized how we had managed to catch them - two climbers were trying to descend.&nbsp; The college students had to wait till these people got down.&nbsp; The foothold path was definitely not a two-way street.</font></span></p> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><span lang="en-us">One girl slipped coming down and screamed.&nbsp; I swear my heart almost stopped beating as I watched her struggle to regain control.&nbsp; But she recovered and eventually so did I. </span></font></p> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><span lang="en-us">Now the kids who had passed us began their climb.&nbsp; There were six students in the group - four boys and two girls. &nbsp;As I watched them go up, I got a new sick feeling in my stomach when I realized how precarious this new section was.&nbsp; Those footholds made me wish for the wooden planks again.&nbsp; </span></font></p> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><span lang="en-us">When they were done, we had to wait for yet another group to descend.&nbsp; In all, we spent nearly twenty minutes at this spot.&nbsp;&nbsp; The entire time my anxiety was ratcheted up.&nbsp; Like the wooden boards before, this particular section had no safety features at all. </span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="475"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20closeup%2007.jpg" width="475" height="350"><br> <br> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20closeup%2008.jpg" width="475" height="350"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><span lang="en-us">I shook my head in disgust.&nbsp; One mistake would kill you instantly.&nbsp; This area was so dangerous it required proper mountain gear: climbing boots, carabineers, belay devices, bolts, and ropes.&nbsp; But all we had was our bare hands.&nbsp; <br> <br> Now it was our turn.&nbsp; However, before we could start, a bitter wind picked up.&nbsp; I dropped to my knees for protection and Laura took my cue.&nbsp; For what seemed like several minutes we huddled there on the trail waiting for the wind to let up. <br> <br> Finally the wind abated, so we stood up.&nbsp; Time to go.&nbsp; I wasn't looking forward to seeing that wind hit us on the foothold path. <br> &nbsp; <br> Laura gave me a wan grin.&nbsp; &quot;Boys first!&quot;&nbsp; I smiled, but disagreed.&nbsp; I told Laura I would rather let her go first in case she slipped.&nbsp; This way I might be able to catch her if something bad happened.&nbsp; Laura nodded.&nbsp; Looking at it this way made sense. <br><br>I watched as Laura grabbed the chain with both hands and stuck her right foot in one of the footholds.&nbsp; Putting one hand over the other, she slowly shifted her weight to her right foot.&nbsp; That's when she discovered the footholds were wide enough for both feet.&nbsp;&nbsp; Now it was time for her left foot to join her right foot in the first foothold.&nbsp; The next foothold was about six inches apart.&nbsp; Clinging to the chain with both hands, she fished around with her foot till she found each new foothold.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br>Now it was my turn.&nbsp; The path was diagonal - part sideways, part upwards.&nbsp; I estimated the climb at about 20 feet.&nbsp; One mistake and I would die.&nbsp; I could feel the adrenaline surging through my body.&nbsp; I felt shaky and scared.&nbsp; But I wasn't going to stop now.&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></font></p> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><span lang="en-us">That said, I&nbsp; found this 20 feet climb to be incredibly scary.&nbsp; What if I slipped?&nbsp; The fear alone made my hands and legs tremble.&nbsp; Every motion I took was careful and deliberate.&nbsp; I didn't trust myself to make even the slightest aggressive move.&nbsp; </span></font></p> <p align="left"> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"> <span lang="en-us">My caution paid off.&nbsp; Amazingly we both made it to the top without problem.&nbsp;&nbsp; Now it was time for one last obstacle.&nbsp;&nbsp; </span></font><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">We needed to climb across a sheer rock face to reach the temple above.</font></span></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="1223"> <tr> <td width="483" align="center" valign="top"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20closeup%2011.jpg" width="476" height="632"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="366" align="center" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p align="left"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"><span lang="en-us"> <font size="4">The end was in sight.&nbsp; All we had to conquer now was the Staircase at the top of the world.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> <p align="left"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <span lang="en-us"><font size="4">I called it &quot;Stairway to Heaven&quot;.&nbsp; Led Zep would have surely agreed. <br><br>I noticed the Temple at the top and idly began to wonder how the people who worked there got up and down the mountain.&nbsp; Was there a secret elevator?</font></span></font></p> <p align="left"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <span lang="en-us"><font size="4">I was immediately suspicious there might be an easier route, but if there was, I never found it.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> <p align="left"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <span lang="en-us"><font size="4">The excitement of almost being at the end made us both take the steps too fast.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="365" align="center" valign="top"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20closeup%2012.jpg" width="475" height="633"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="960"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20south%20peak%20summit.jpg" width="960" height="639"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p align="left"><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">We forgot how exposed we were out there on the ledge.&nbsp; </font></span> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080"><span lang="en-us"> <font size="4">Almost immediately we were hit by a gust of wind that knocked us both off balance.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> <p align="left"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <span lang="en-us"><font size="4">Both of us grabbed the chain for dear life.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> <p align="left"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <span lang="en-us"><font size="4">Any stronger and we could have easily been swept away!</font></span></font></p> <p align="left"><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">The one thing that I can say but probably never adequately explain is the vastness of the world below.&nbsp; As we crossed this barren rock, I could see forever.&nbsp; </font></span></p> <p align="left"><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">The commanding view from this spot was truly something to behold. </font></span></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><span lang="en-us"> <br> How stupid of me to relax to take in take in the scenery.&nbsp; The moment I let down my guard, we both had to drop to our knees for safety as another gust took us off guard.&nbsp; Just when we thought we were in the clear!&nbsp; Slowly we got to our feet and started climbing again, albeit more slowly this time.&nbsp; My heart was thumping at the near call.&nbsp; This climb was definitely not for the faint of heart.&nbsp; I clung to the rope for dear life.&nbsp; Whatever scenery I was missing would have to wait for my confidence to return.<br><br>From that point on, we were completely exposed to a strong wind that never let up.&nbsp; However, the goal was in sight so we kept going.&nbsp; Wind or no wind, we were determined to finish.&nbsp; Unfortunately, despite our good winter coats, Laura and I were both shivering.&nbsp; It had to be close to freezing this high up.&nbsp; No wonder they call it &quot;wind chill&quot;.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br>One step at a time we climbed the stairs.&nbsp; Gosh, my legs ached!&nbsp;&nbsp; Teeth chattering, legs throbbing, we made steady progress.&nbsp; Soon enough we were finally safe inside a beautiful Tao temple atop the summit.&nbsp; Finally.&nbsp; As I stared out the windows safe from the wind and the cold, I don't think I have ever felt happier in my life.&nbsp; I was so relieved to be here.&nbsp; I could not believe what Laura and I had overcome to make it this far.&nbsp;&nbsp; I made a quiet prayer of thanks for our safety to the Almighty.&nbsp; </span> </font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="400"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20ridge%203.jpg" width="400" height="401"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="746" valign="top"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><span lang="en-us"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">There was an observation post at the very top that allowed us a 360 degree look at the world around us.&nbsp;&nbsp;Everywhere we looked, huge mountains and deep valleys greeted our eyes.&nbsp; The beauty of the view really escapes description.&nbsp; I could have stayed there all day just to watch.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br><br>But our reverie was shattered when a Chinese park ranger came up and warned us that it had begun to snow further down.&nbsp; For our own safety, maybe we should go now.&nbsp; Judging from his concerned expression, that seemed to mean 'right now'.<br><br>Laura's face turned white with fear.&nbsp; Me too.&nbsp; Sorry to say, any courage I had in reserve left me immediately. <br><br>Oh, shit. </font></span></p> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><span lang="en-us">All that work to get here and all that risk for a lousy ten minutes on the top of the mountain.&nbsp; But we didn't have any choice.&nbsp; It was time to go.&nbsp;<br> <br> </span>Laura and I gathered the courage to descend <span lang="en-us">South Peak.&nbsp; I was astonished to realize I had not given a second thought to getting back down.&nbsp; I was sick in my stomach again.&nbsp; Knowing what we had to go through to get back down with snow and ice making things worse had me worried. </span></font></p> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><span lang="en-us">Sure enough, the winds were even tougher as we climbed down the treacherous Staircase.&nbsp; But at least we enjoyed having gravity on our side for a change.&nbsp; Snow mixed with ice fell on us.&nbsp; <br> <br> The snow had just been flurries as we climbed down the steep staircase.&nbsp; Now as we reached Foothold Lane (known as <b>Somersault Cliff</b> to the locals) the snow began to fall in earnest.&nbsp; As a result</span>, <span lang="en-us">we found the</span> steps <span lang="en-us"> were filled with slush.&nbsp; That didn't help a bit.&nbsp; Moving at about the speed of molasses, we took it one step at a time.&nbsp; I was so glad there weren't any chirpy college kids around expecting us to move faster.&nbsp;&nbsp; <br> <br> I had two thoughts.&nbsp; I smiled as I realized the experience of going up did make getting down a lot easier.&nbsp; But I frowned at the unbelievable amount of concentration I was forced to use to ensure my safety.&nbsp; The pressure was enormous.&nbsp; </span> <br> <br> <span lang="en-us"> Next we climbed across the path carved out of the cliff.&nbsp; This part wasn't so bad because there was actually a chain fence for safety.&nbsp; The path took us back to the Chimney.&nbsp; Heck, the Chimney was just a ladder. At this point, I was starting to feel about as confident as I had all day.&nbsp; After Foothold Lane and Boardwalk, the rest was just a hike.&nbsp; Nothing too scary.&nbsp;&nbsp; Laura seemed to relax as well.&nbsp; Holding on tightly, we made it down in good time.&nbsp; <br> <br> As far as we were concerned, the worst was over.&nbsp; Let it snow. <br> <br> </span> We <span lang="en-us">were now on the original Staircase of Suicide.&nbsp; The cable car station was just a couple hundred yards away.&nbsp; </span>T<span lang="en-us">he end was in sight.&nbsp; Suddenly </span>something happened that I will never forget for the rest of my life<span lang="en-us">. <br> <br> About fifteen yards in front of me, a</span> Chinese man was walking carelessly along a relatively flat portion of the walkway<span lang="en-us">.&nbsp; I had noticed he wasn't even holding the metal chain.&nbsp; Without any warning, he suddenly </span>lost his footing, slipped<span lang="en-us"> and</span> fell<span lang="en-us">.&nbsp; <br> <br> With </span> only a few thin <span lang="en-us">pine </span>trees on the snowy slope <span lang="en-us">separating </span>him <span lang="en-us">from </span>a <span lang="en-us">6</span>00-foot drop<span lang="en-us"> off the edge of a sheer cliff</span>, <span lang="en-us">the man reached back with one had to </span>grab onto the safety chain just as his feet slid under it<span lang="en-us">.&nbsp; If he had missed the chain or his grip broke, the pine trees would be his last chance.&nbsp; But he held tight and broke </span>his momentum<span lang="en-us">. </span>&nbsp;<span lang="en-us"> Slowly he</span> pulled himself back to his feet<span lang="en-us">.&nbsp; <br> <br> Laura and I were too stunned to even move.&nbsp; Only a lucky last second grab of the chain had saved him.&nbsp; This guy had missed death by a hair.&nbsp; Before </span> I could even muster a breath, he turned straight around<span lang="en-us"> and</span> looked at me<span lang="en-us">.&nbsp; In perfect English, he</span> calmly said to me, &quot;It's very dangerous<span lang="en-us"> here</span>. You should be careful.&quot; <br> <br> I just about fell off the mountain myself from shock. An instant before, only a rusty, icy chain had come between this man and almost certain death<span lang="en-us">.&nbsp; But the man's</span> first thought after almost dying <span lang="en-us">was</span> to <span lang="en-us"> warn</span> ME to be careful! <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;What an amazing man. </span> </font></blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td valign="middle"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20closeup%2010.jpg" width="475" height="351"></font><p> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20closeup%2003.jpg" width="475" height="439"></font></p> <p> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%2003a.jpg" width="475" height="632"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="49%" valign="middle"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20166.jpg" width="600" height="450"><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="50%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="1"><br> </font><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">Fear of heights must not be part of the Chinese ethos. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;Not me. This guy's brush with Death had me spooked.&nbsp; </span></font> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><span lang="en-us"> Now I kept BOTH HANDS on</span> the safety chain<span lang="en-us">.&nbsp; </span>I had not taken <span lang="en-us">a single</span> carefree step in over an hour<span lang="en-us">, but now I concentrated even harder.</span> <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span></font></p> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">Not two minutes later, Laura <span lang="en-us">screamed in terror as she </span>slipped on the ice just like the Chinese man had. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;Even though she was on guard, her feet still went right out from under her.&nbsp; Fortunately she had a firm grip.&nbsp; She</span> saved herself from careening down the slope by bear-hugging the safety chain<span lang="en-us"> just as the Chinese man had</span>. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;I was there in seconds, almost slipping myself as I hit an ice patch.&nbsp; These icy steps were deadly!<br><br> </span>As I helped <span lang="en-us">her </span>up, I did not feel as much shocked, scared, or relieved as I just felt angry at myself for allowing <span lang="en-us">us to be in this spot.&nbsp; </span> </font> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><span lang="en-us"> From the very start, m</span>y better judgment <span lang="en-us"> had been put aside </span>by a combination of wanting to <span lang="en-us">get </span>&quot;<span lang="en-us">my</span> money's worth&quot; and<span lang="en-us"> </span>from observing all the Chinese people giggling up and down <span lang="en-us">the mountain without regard for consequences. </span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><span lang="en-us"> Always way too competitive for my own good, I had allowed my judgment to be clouded by my need to think I was just as brave and athletic as these kids. As a result, we had spent nearly two and a half hours on this</span> icy, treacherous mountain path with scant guardrails<span lang="en-us"> and few safety features.&nbsp; </span></font></p> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><span lang="en-us">Deadly</span> drop-offs <span lang="en-us">were just one mistake, one </span>slip away<span lang="en-us"> the entire time</span>. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span></font></p> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><span lang="en-us">Now as exhaustion set in, Laura had made a near-fatal mistake.&nbsp; I was beside myself with anger at my stupidity for putting us in this spot to begin with.&nbsp; If she had gotten hurt (or worse), I would have never been able to forgive myself.&nbsp; I was furious with myself for my ignorance. I had no idea how easy it was to slip going down the steps.&nbsp; </span></font></p> <p> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"> <span lang="en-us">But mostly I was angry for trying to compete with the Chinese.&nbsp; </span> </font> </p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="500"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20167.jpg" width="500" height="375"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"> I had gotten so used to <span lang="en-us">thinking</span> the <span lang="en-us">Chinese</span> <span lang="en-us">knew what they were doing </span>that I did not <span lang="en-us">realize</span> <span lang="en-us">until the man slipped in front of me that my judgment had been right all along - this mountain path was a death trap.&nbsp; <br> <br> Someone could have a heart attack from exertion and fall to their death.&nbsp; Someone could faint for even a moment and lose their footing.&nbsp; Or a trembling foot could miss a foothold and make a fatal slip that would cost them their life.&nbsp; Even a simple mistake like Laura's could end it.&nbsp; Laura had been concentrating as hard as she could and still slipped.&nbsp; We were lucky to be alive. <br> <br> Ironically, two days later, we stopped at a temple in nearby Xian.&nbsp; Laura picked up a pamphlet and started to browse.&nbsp; I heard her giggle.&nbsp; Curious, I asked her what was so funny.&nbsp; <br> <br> She handed me the pamphlet and told me to look for myself.&nbsp; The first thing I noticed was this particular pamphlet was written in English.&nbsp; Laura grinned as she pointed to the</span> <i><b> <span lang="en-us">Third Wisdom</span> of Tao</b></i><span lang="en-us">:</span></font><blockquote> <p><b><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4">&quot;He who knows when to stop does not find himself in trouble<span lang="en-us">.</span>&quot;</font></b></p> </blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"> <span lang="en-us">Amen to that. </span></font> </p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="300"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20buddha.jpg" width="300" height="428"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica">&nbsp;<!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#D4D4D4"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <p align="left"> <font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%2004b.jpg" width="475" height="724"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="83%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000080"><b><font size="5"> <span lang="en-us">A Note</span></font></b></font><b><span lang="en-us"><font size="5" color="#000080"> </font></span></b></font><span lang="en-us"><b> <font face="Arial" size="5" color="#000080">About Frank and Laura's Story: </font></b></span><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080"><br> <br> <b><font size="4">Rick Archer:&nbsp; </font></b>Many people assume I wrote this story.&nbsp; Please be assured that I did not.&nbsp; I have never been to Mount Hua nor China.&nbsp; I received Frank and Laura's story in an email that had been passed along so many times that I had no way to retrace the origin of the story.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font> </span></font></p> <p><span lang="en-us"><font face="Arial" color="#000080">Over the years, I have been asked questions about discrepancies in this story.&nbsp; All I can do is shrug my shoulders.&nbsp; I did not write the story nor do I know the person who did.&nbsp; However, there is a misunderstanding that I can clear up based on letters that have been sent to me since.&nbsp; </font></span> <font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"><font color="#000080">One thing that Frank's story did not make clear was that the insane wooden plank walk known as the </font> </span></font><font face="Calibri" color="#000080" size="4"><span lang="en-us"> <b> Floating-in-Air Road </b></span></font><font face="Arial"> <span lang="en-us"><font color="#000080">is optional. <br> <br> The plank is a dead end.&nbsp; It takes you out to a vantage point that gives you a spectacular look at the valley below. You take your pictures, then you slowly walk back to the main trail.&nbsp; <br> <br> No one has to take this plank walk unless they choose to.&nbsp; Furthermore, recent safety upgrades have added harnesses to the walk.&nbsp; Even if you slip, you will be safe. <br> <br> However, at the time this story was written, yes, the plank walk was just as terrifying as the story makes it seem, especially given the winter conditions.&nbsp; It is quite likely that Frank and Laura had to edge along this narrow plank while it was covered in ice.&nbsp;&nbsp; No wonder they were scared!!</font></span></font></p> <p><font face="Arial"><font color="#000080"><b><font size="5"> <span lang="en-us">A Note</span></font></b></font><b><span lang="en-us"><font size="5" color="#000080"> </font></span></b><span lang="en-us"><font color="#000080"><b> <font size="5">About the Pictures <br></font></b><font size="2"><br> </font>In November 2006, I received an email containing a dozen sensational South Peak pictures such as this &quot;Plank&quot; picture on the left.&nbsp; </font></span></font><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" color="#000080">There was </font></span> <font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"><font color="#000080">no credit listed for the pictures. Curious to know the story behind the pictures, I used Google to poke around the Internet.&nbsp; Tracking down a link suggested by Google, I ran across a site that led me to believe these pictures were taken by taken by a man named <b>Senteur de Boue</b>, aka &quot;vebiltdervan&quot;.&nbsp; </font> </span></font></p> <p><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"><font color="#000080">This &quot;vebiltdervan&quot; gentleman appears to have some sort of connection to the name 'Vanderbilt'.&nbsp; If you ever read the man's profile, you will understand why I am so unsure about his real identity.&nbsp; Then I ran across another site that cast doubt on my conclusion that 'vebiltdervan' was the source. Now he seemed to be re-posting these pictures.&nbsp; This means I have no idea about the identity of the person who first posted the pictures or who took the pictures either.</font></span></font></p> <p><span lang="en-us"><font face="Arial" color="#000080">Whoever took the pictures, I think we can all agree that they are wonderful. </font></span></p> </blockquote><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"><font color="#000080"> Changing the subject a bit, when I first researched the Internet for &quot;Huashan pictures&quot; on Google in early 2007, I could only find one other picture of the <b>Floating-in-Air Road</b>.&nbsp; I went from one site to another looking for additional Huashan pictures, but all I could find were the same dozen pictures I had received in my email. </font> </span></font></p> <p><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"><font color="#000080">When I did my 2008 update, suddenly there were all sorts of new Huashan pictures posted on the Internet.&nbsp; Now the Internet was flooded with Huashan pictures. The difference was so amazing that for a while I wondered if it had something to do with the Chinese allowing or not allowing cameras.&nbsp; Then another thought occurred to me.&nbsp; Once my January 2007 story went viral thanks to Google, many English-speaking people heard about Huashan first time.&nbsp; At that point, perhaps many Westerners decided to add Huashan to their itinerary on their trips to China.&nbsp; Later they posted their pictures.&nbsp; This is just a theory, but it seems plausible.&nbsp; </font> </span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#C1C5E6"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><span lang="en-us"><b> <font size="6" face="Verdana" color="#800000">About Rick Archer and the Huashan Story<br> </font></b><font size="1" color="#FFCC00"><br> </font></span><font face="Arial" color="#000080"><span lang="en-us"> As of 2010, I am now the retired owner of a well-known dance studio in Houston, Texas, named <b>'SSQQ'</b> (slow slow quick quick).</span></font></p> <p><span lang="en-us"><font face="Arial" color="#000080">I ran my dance studio for 32 years.&nbsp; SSQQ Dance Studio was a major part of the Houston dance scene throughout the Eighties and Nineties, but a curious development known as &quot;The Internet&quot; was responsible for the studio's rise to become probably the busiest dance studio in Houston.&nbsp; At its peak the studio was visited by 1,400 dance students per month, double the pre-Internet average.&nbsp; </font> </span><font face="Arial" color="#000080"> <span lang="en-us"> <br> <font size="1"><br> </font>The <b>SSQQ Web Site</b> came online in late 1998.&nbsp; Right from the start I realized the power of my web site to help grow my own business.&nbsp; The more I could interest my dance students to visit the SSQQ web site, the more they would stay interested in my dance studio.&nbsp; </span></font></p> <p><font face="Arial" color="#000080"><span lang="en-us"> So I began to write a monthly Newsletter to my dance students and send it out by email.&nbsp; The initial results were okay, but no big deal.</span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="16%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Arial"> <img border="0" src="images/rick%20archer%202001.jpg" width="200" height="257"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" valign="bottom"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri" color="#000080"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%2002a.jpg" width="450" height="599"></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="90%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Arial" color="#000080"> <span lang="en-us">I asked someone for an opinion.&nbsp; Their answer?&nbsp; 'Boring'.&nbsp; Ouch. </span> </font></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" color="#000080">Chastened, I </font></span><font face="Arial" color="#000080"> <span lang="en-us">realized that dance newsletters were tough to make fascinating because dancers don't exactly cause much trouble.&nbsp; So how to make these Newsletters interesting?&nbsp;&nbsp; In addition to dance stories, I began to include anything and everything that crossed my path.&nbsp; <br> <br> Pretty soon jokes, unusual stories, haikus, limericks, logic puzzles, and strange pictures began to appear in each issue.&nbsp;&nbsp; This worked like a charm.&nbsp; The results were phenomenal.&nbsp; As one person said, my Newsletter was better reading than most magazines! </span></font></p> <p><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">My work on the Newsletter and the SSQQ website led to a curious development - people appreciated my Newsletter so much that they began to help me write it.&nbsp; As a sort of reward for doing a good job, my dance students began to forward me all sorts of interesting stories and pictures whenever they ran across something.&nbsp;&nbsp; Soon I had an entire network of friends sending me all sorts of good stuff.&nbsp; This pipeline stuffed my In-Box with all kinds of fascinating emails.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" color="#000080">In 2002 I began to receive email contributions from people I never even heard of.&nbsp; It took me a while to figure it out, but the source was this new thing called Google.&nbsp; People outside of Houston were finding my stories thanks to Google.&nbsp; Now people from other parts of the USA and even the world began to </font></span><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">send me stuff because they appreciated the SSQQ web site.&nbsp; So now you have a hint how this Huashan story started. </font></span></font></p> <p><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">In November 2006, one of my dance students - Milt Oglesby - forwarded me the original dozen pictures of Huashan.&nbsp; I was so amazed by the pictures that over Christmas Break I decided to do a story on Huashan as well as the infamous <b> <a style="color: #800000" href="vinlin27b.htm">Road of Death</a></b> in Bolivia.&nbsp; As they say, one thing leads to another.&nbsp; For a while there, I lived on the Internet looking for details of Huashan.&nbsp; My Internet Research paid off.&nbsp; I uncovered the story of China's <b> <a style="color: #800000" href="vinlin27a.htm">Guoliang Tunnel</a></b> as well as the <b><a style="color: #800000" href="vinlin27c.htm">Russian Highway of Mud</a></b>.&nbsp; Later on I was alerted to Spain's <a style="color: #800000; font-weight: 700" href="vinlin27e.htm">El Camino del rey</a> as well.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> <p><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">It all started with one email containing some great pictures and now I had five awesome stories!&nbsp; </font></span></font><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" color="#000080">And that's how it happened.&nbsp; </font> <font color="#000080" face="Arial">Now you know how a man who lives in Texas was able to write stories about exciting locations thousands of miles away without actually visiting any of them.&nbsp; To me, the Internet is something out of science fiction come true.&nbsp; The Internet is amazing.</font></span></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="64%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><span lang="en-us"><b> <font color="#800000" size="6" face="Verdana">Google's Role in the Huashan Story</font></b></span></p> <p><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">The email from Patsy is an example of the letters I get from total strangers who wish to comment on the Huashan story.&nbsp; So how do people from East Texas, San Francisco, and all over the world end up on a dance studio website looking at pictures from China?&nbsp; <i><b>The answer, of course, is Google. <br></b></i><br>You already knew the answer because the Google Search Engine is probably what brought you here too (or perhaps a link from a friend). <br><br>When I first started publishing stories in 1998, my Newsletter was directed at my dance students here in Houston.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> <p><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080"><i><b>Google changed all that. </b>&nbsp;</i>Starting in 2002, Google began to bring visitors to my website from all over the world.&nbsp; <br><br>But why me?&nbsp; After all, I have never even been to Huashan!&nbsp; I wondered why my story had become so popular. <br> <br> Anyone who has ever played chess or studied military history knows that getting to a spot first makes a big difference.&nbsp; I currently have about five different stories that are listed on Google's first page simply because I wrote a story before anyone else bothered to do the same.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="35%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="1" width="101%" bordercolordark="#000080" bordercolorlight="#000080"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#D4D4D4" valign="top"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><span lang="en-us"><b> <font face="Arial" size="4" color="#800000"> <br> Email from Patsy</font></b></span></p> <p><b><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" size="2" color="#800000"> -----Original Message-----<br> From: Patsy<br> Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 11:17 PM<br> To:<br> Subject: Mt. Huashan mountain story<br> <br> Mr. Archer, the photography in your blog and the written descriptions were: <br> <br> 1 � beautiful <br> 2 � spell binding <br> 3 � terrifying <br> 4 � much appreciated!&nbsp; <br> <br> Cheers indeed!&nbsp; good work!<br> <br> Thanks and many happy trails from a 75 yr old granny in East Texas.<br> <br> P.S. and Thank you, William, way out west in San Francisco, for sending the link to this adventure on to me!</font></span></b></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="99%" colspan="2"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">This Huashan article is the perfect example.&nbsp; </font> </span></font></p> <p><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">When I first researched the story, there were places that posted the same pictures, but had no story.&nbsp; Then I found places that had travel-style information about Huashan, but no real pictures.&nbsp; My webpage was the first to combine both a background story as well as the pictures.&nbsp;&nbsp; Together they were dynamite!</font></span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" color="#000080">The next boost came from</font></span><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"><font color="#000080"> my dance students.&nbsp; My email Newsletter featured my articles complete with a link.&nbsp; Their interest was the spark that initially pushed each new story towards the front of the Google Listings. <br> <br> In other words, by accident, I was the first person to do more than simply post Huashan pictures.&nbsp; By adding an actual STORY to those mysterious pictures, people became fascinated with Huashan.&nbsp; Google noticed all the hits on my story and promoted my web page to the top.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font> </span></font></p> <p><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">I am amateur writer.&nbsp; I just write this stuff for the fun of it.&nbsp; In fact, my friends tease me about it.&nbsp; Let me give example.&nbsp; This email below is from Gareld McEathron, a dance student and friend.&nbsp; Gareld has been a big part of my studio since the Nineties.&nbsp; In fact, Gareld met his wife Virginia here at my dance studio back in 1996.&nbsp; Over the years, Gareld has sent me many stories.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" color="#000080">In May 2008, </font></span><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">Gareld sent me the same &quot;Huashan email&quot; that Milt Oglesby had sent back in November 2007.&nbsp; Gareld had no idea that I had posted my Huashan story on the Internet a year earlier.&nbsp; Boy, was Gareld surprised when I sent him a link to my Huashan story!&nbsp; He was so tickled that he immediately began to send my story to his friends... which of course helped my article maintain its status as the most widely-read story about Huashan.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="41%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="1" width="100%" bordercolordark="#000080" bordercolorlight="#000080"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#D4D4D4"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><span lang="en-us"><b> <font face="Arial" size="4" color="#800000"> <br> Email from Gerald</font></b></span></p> <p><b><span lang="en-us"> <font size="2" face="Arial" color="#800000">-----Original Message-----<br>From: Gareld <br>Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 12:33 PM<br>To:<br>Subject: Mt Huashan China<br> <br></font></span><font size="2"> <font id="role_document" face="Arial" color="#800000">WOW!!&nbsp; Great story<span lang="en-us">, Rick</span>.&nbsp; I had not seen it before.&nbsp; </font></font></b></p> <p><b><font size="2"> <font id="role_document" face="Arial" color="#800000">Makes one wonder when you have time to teach dance<span lang="en-us">. <br><br></span> </font></font><span lang="en-us"> <font size="2" face="Arial" color="#800000">I sent the link to several of my friends with this introduction: </font></span></b></p> <blockquote> <p><b><span lang="en-us"> <font size="2" face="Arial" color="#800000">&quot;Hi Kay, Knowing how much you like to travel to out of the way places, I thought you would find this story interesting.&nbsp;&nbsp; It was written by my friend, Rick Archer, who is a frustrated writer that is forced to make his living running a dance studio.&quot;</font></span></b></p> </blockquote> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td colspan="2"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Arial" color="#000080"><span lang="en-us"> So now you know why a guy in Texas who has never been near China in his life has the Page One Huashan article according to Google.&nbsp; <br> <br> <b>Reason One:&nbsp; </b>&nbsp;&nbsp; I got my article out first.<br> <b>Reason Two:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </b>My dance students gave an initial boost to each new article.&nbsp; By 'hitting' on my story, their interest attracted the attention of Google.<br> <b>Reason Three:</b>&nbsp;Google listed my story towards the front because there was no competition. My story about Huashan was the first serious write-up.&nbsp; <b><br> Reason Four:&nbsp;&nbsp; </b>Once you are Famous, you stay Famous because you are famous.&nbsp; <br> <font size="1"><br> </font>Over the years people continue to be directed to my site by Google.&nbsp; They in turn forward links to the page to their friends.&nbsp; All these hits from around the world guarantee the SSQQ Huashan story stays on top.&nbsp;&nbsp; My story is a perfect example of a story that stays famous because Google says to look here first. <br> &nbsp;</span></font></p> <p><b><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#800000" size="6" face="Verdana"> About the Huashan Letters</font></span></b></p> <p><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">As I have written, in the years since this page was first posted in January 2007, my story about Huashan has been widely circulated around the world.&nbsp; Thanks to Google, it has become a favorite place to visit for anyone interested in a good adventure and travel story. <br> <font size="1"><br> </font>During this period I have received a great deal of fascinating correspondence from the readers.&nbsp; Previously I posted these letters here on this &quot;main page&quot;, but as the letters rolled in, my original Huashan webpage kept growing and growing.&nbsp; Finally the page grew too big, so in 2008, I decided to list the most interesting Huashan letters on a separate page instead.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" color="#000080">These letters are remarkable.&nbsp; </font></span><font face="Arial"> <span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">As always, people continue to contribute so many wonderful pieces of information.&nbsp; For example, people have written to comment on locations such as America's Half Dome climb in Yosemite Park (California) and Angel's Landing in Zion Park (Utah).&nbsp; Thanks to these letters, I was alerted to El Camino del rey in Spain.&nbsp; You would be surprised at all the questions I receive about El Camino.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" color="#000080">However, the greatest service these letters have provided is to offer detailed information about the status of the climb at Huashan.&nbsp; </font></span> <font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">Many of the letters were contributed by people who have actually climbed Huashan.&nbsp; </font></span></font> <span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" color="#000080">I think these posts give a more thorough idea about Huashan than my original article because many letters contain first-hand accounts of what Huashan is like today.&nbsp; </font></span><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080"> <br> <br> I am a certain you will enjoy reading this section.&nbsp;&nbsp; If you are interested in learning more about Mount Hua, the </font><b> <font color="#000080"> <a href="">Huashan Letters</a> </font></b> <font color="#000080">are a 'must read'.<br> &nbsp;</font></span></font></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#006699"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><br> <b><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Verdana" color="#FFCC00" size="6">2011 Update: </font> </span></b><span lang="en-us"><b> <font face="Verdana" size="6" color="#FFCC00">Is Huashan still as Dangerous as it Once was?</font></b></span></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"><font color="#000080"><b> <font size="4">Rick Archer Note: </font></b></font></span></font><b> <span lang="en-us"><font face="Arial" color="#000080" size="4">&nbsp;</font></span></b><span lang="en-us"><font face="Arial" color="#000080">It is now July 2011.&nbsp; It has been four and a half years since I wrote my original article about Huashan.&nbsp; </font> </span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" color="#000080">Thanks to all the wonderful letters I have received in this time, I think the time has come to make it clear that the climb at Huashan has become a lot safer since I first wrote my article.&nbsp; </font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"><font face="Arial" color="#000080">Back when I published my story in 2007, it was the first article written by a &quot;Westerner&quot; about Mt Huashan.&nbsp; Although I was unaware of this significance at the time, thanks to my story thousands of English-speaking people read about Huashan for the first time.&nbsp; So I will give myself a gentle pat on the shoulder for bringing welcome attention to this unique place in China. </font></span></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><span lang="en-us"><font face="Arial" color="#000080">That said, throughout 2008, I received a tremendous amount of criticism that the article you have just read was misleading.&nbsp; I was baffled by the criticism and hurt too.&nbsp; So why all the criticism?&nbsp;&nbsp; People who had just finished climbing Huashan were outraged that I had the nerve to label the place &quot;dangerous&quot;.</font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" color="#000080">In America, we have a saying that the left hand doesn't always know what the right hand is doing.&nbsp; Apparently my original story in January 2007 coincided with many safety improvements being made at Huashan.&nbsp;</font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" color="#000080">In other words, about the same time that I was scaring Internet readers to death with pictures and stories of the dangers at Huashan, Chinese authorities were making a concerted attempt to make the climb much safer. </font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" color="#000080">However I was completely in the dark as to these improvements.&nbsp; Living in Texas, I wasn't like I could look out the window and notice construction crews up on Huashan.&nbsp; Nor did the Chinese government bother to drop me an email. </font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" color="#000080">People who first read my story were surprised to find the climb was nowhere near as difficult as my story had suggested.&nbsp; Some of these people reacted very harshly, criticizing me for deliberately misleading the entire world as to the true level of difficulty.&nbsp; In fact, in 2008 a paragraph in a Wikipedia listing about Huashan openly suggested I had made false claims about Mt Huashan in a desperate attempt to achieve some sort of Internet glory.&nbsp; </font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" color="#000080">I have never felt so insulted in my life. No good deed goes unpunished, does it?&nbsp; But there wasn't much I could do about it.&nbsp; Back here in Texas, I had no idea what they were talking about.&nbsp; I was flying blind on this problem.&nbsp; </font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" color="#000080">In May 2009, I finally got my answer.&nbsp; That is when </font> </span><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">I received a remarkable letter from </font> <font color="#0000FF"><b><a href="huashanletters.htm#Twenty_Two"> <font color="#000080">P. Allen</font></a></b></font><font color="#000080">, a man who had recently climbed Huashan with his children ages 8 and 11.&nbsp;&nbsp;Mr. Allen is an American living in China.&nbsp; In addition, Mr. Allen's wife is not only Chinese, she had actually climbed Huashan back in the Eighties as a college student.&nbsp; </font></span></font></p> <p><font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">Now as the family climbed Huashan, Mr. Allen's wife was able to point out all the changes that had taken place at Huashan since her first visit twenty years earlier.</font></span></font></p> <p><span lang="en-us"><font face="Arial" color="#000080">After reading my article, Mr. Allen realized why the difficultly of the current Huashan climb didn't seem to fit my description.&nbsp; So he clued me in.&nbsp; The safety features had removed much of the danger. </font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"><font face="Arial" color="#000080">Aha!&nbsp; Mystery solved. </font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Arial" color="#000080">The reason behind all the improvements is tourism.&nbsp; In this past decade, China decided to open its doors to international visitors.&nbsp;&nbsp;While preparing to host the marvelous 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China scouted the countryside for interesting places to send its tourists. </font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"><font face="Arial" color="#000080">Two places I have written about - the mountain tunnels of <b> <a href="vinlin27a.htm">Guoliang</a></b> as well as the beautiful mountain climb at Huashan - were selected as places of interest.&nbsp;With throngs of tourists soon to visit both locations, serious amounts of money were invested to make both places safer and easier to explore. </font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"><font face="Arial" color="#000080"> Consequently today Huashan is no longer the monster it once was.&nbsp; I would like to give three gentlemen - </font></span> <font face="Arial"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#0000FF"><b><a href="huashanletters.htm#Twenty_Two"> <font color="#000080">P. Allen</font></a></b></font></span></font><span lang="en-us"><font face="Arial" color="#000080">, <b> <a href="huashanletters.htm#Thirty">Kwong</a></b> and Karl - credit for writing the letters that prompted me to add this important update to my main story.&nbsp; </font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"><b><font face="Arial" color="#800000">Based on letters written to me over the past four years, </font></b> <font face="Arial" color="#800000"><b>I think the time has come to believe that the climb at Mt Huashan is no longer as difficult as it once was.&nbsp; </b></font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"><font face="Arial" color="#000080">That said, let it be clear that Huashan was at one time just as dangerous as this article has suggested.&nbsp; Just because the mountain has been declawed doesn't diminish its wild reputation of yesteryear. <br> <br> RA, July 2011</font></span></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="49%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <img border="0" src="images/huashan%20trail%2006.jpg" width="600" height="1274"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width="99%" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> <!--mstheme--></font><table border="1" width="95%" bordercolordark="#000080" bordercolorlight="#000080"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#D4D4D4"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <blockquote> <p><b><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="6" color="#000080">The Letter that Caused Me to Soften My &quot;Danger&quot; Label for Huashan</font></span></b></p> <blockquote> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#800000" size="4">From: Karl M<br>Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2011 12:15 AM<br>To:<br>Subject: Mt. Huashan<br> <br>Rick,<span lang="en-us">&nbsp; </span>You might be tired of this by now, but I would like to add my comments.<br> <br>I started by googling &quot;most dangerous hikes in Europe&quot; and wound up with Mt. Huashan on a page that included Angels Landing, which I have had a number of adventures on, including a day after a major snow storm. Fun!<br> <br>Then I found your website.<br><br>This is an honest opinion and I hope you take it to heart.<br><br>I am extremely adventurous, having climbed the cables of Half Dome nine times. I hope to do it a tenth time before I get too much older. 52 right now...booya!<br> <br>I feel it would be extremely misleading if the LEAD, NUMBER 1 article on the Internet about <span lang="en-us">the Yosemite </span>Half Dome <span lang="en-us">here in America </span>was PLASTERED with the headlines of DANGEROUS, DANGEROUS, DANGEROUS.<br><br>Like Mt. Huashan, I have seen eight-year-olds on this climb. If <span lang="en-us">those kids</span> &quot;let go&quot; of the cables,<span lang="en-us"> yes,</span> it's dangerous. If they hold on, it's safe. Amazing the human instinct for survival works quite well most of the time.<br><br>Although I am mesmerized a bit by such adventures, <span lang="en-us">as I read your story </span>I concluded that Mt. Huashan would be TOO DANGEROUS, TOO INSANE for me to participate in. This was my &quot;impression&quot; after reading your main Mt. Huashan page.<br> <br><span lang="en-us">Then I read your Huashan Letters.&nbsp; Now I received a totally different impression.&nbsp; </span></font></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#800000"> Unfortunately, </font></span> <font face="Calibri" color="#800000" size="4"> <span lang="en-us">m</span>ost people will not BOTHER to go and do the further research I did on your &quot;<span lang="en-us">&quot;Letters</span>&quot; section. This &quot;could&quot; cause someone to decide not to participate in climbing this mountain.<span lang="en-us">&nbsp; What a shame!</span><br> <br>My heart was totally palpitating reading about the 2002 climb. This was dangerous because it was pre-harness days AND it was snowing with icy steps.<span lang="en-us">&nbsp; </span>If one read nothing else<span lang="en-us"> about Huashan</span>, the &quot;impression&quot; is: <b>This is insane. Don't do it<span lang="en-us">!</span></b><br> <br><span lang="en-us">However, after</span> reading more on your<span lang="en-us"> Letters</span> page (much more time than most people will spend) my conclusion was different:<span lang="en-us"> </span>&nbsp;<b>This <span lang="en-us">climb </span>would be awesome. Put <span lang="en-us">Huashan</span> on the bucket list.</b><br><br>I feel it would be best to <span lang="en-us">add a disclaimer on </span>your lead page that safety precautions are now in place, instead of having to do so much research to get to the real danger involved<span lang="en-us"> on your other page</span>. <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span>You must acknowledge the short attention span of most Americans.<br><br>It would NOT take away from the fear and anxiety and the excitement of the story.<br><br>After reading many of the letters on the letters section, I went back to re-evaluate whether a &quot;false impression&quot; was being left. I was shocked by all the DANGER, DANGER, DANGER emphasis, in all honesty, without a nice template explaining harnesses may/are now available for the dangerous sections being reasonably near the top of this article.<br><br>After all this controversy, why do you keep the word &quot;<b>Dangerous</b>&quot; in the title of the article? <span lang="en-us">&nbsp;</span></font></p> <p><font face="Calibri" color="#800000" size="4">How about &quot;Exhilarating&quot;? &quot;Extraordinary&quot;? &quot;Mind-Blowing&quot;? &quot;Life-Altering Adventure of Mt. Huashan&quot;?<br> <br>You may be discouraging some people from participating in a great life experience.<br><br>Best wishes, Karl<br> &nbsp;</font></p> </blockquote> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080"><b>Rick Archer's Note:</b>&nbsp; Karl's note was not only cordial, it was quite persuasive.&nbsp; So in 2011, I added several hints on this main page to suggest Huashan is no longer quite as terrifying as it once was.&nbsp; Just one piece of advice - if you climb Huashan, hang onto the ropes. </font></span></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">For a great deal more information about Huashan, please visit the <b> <a href=""> Huashan Letters</a></b> page.&nbsp; </font></span></p> <p><font face="Calibri" size="4"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080">If you have any comments you would like to share, please email Rick Archer, </font> <a href=""><font color="#800000"></font></a><font color="#000080">&nbsp;&nbsp; </font> </span></font></p> <p><span lang="en-us"> <font face="Calibri" size="4" color="#000080">Thank you for reading my story! </font></span></p> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> </blockquote> <!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica">&nbsp;<!--mstheme--></font></td> <td width="54%"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica">&nbsp;<!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><table border="1" width="1240" bordercolordark="#000080" 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Dome</a></span></b></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td align="center" width="248" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri"><b><span lang="en-us"> <a href="vinlin27e.htm">El Camino del Rey</a></span></b></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" width="247" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><span lang="en-us"><b><a href="vinlin27a.htm"> <font color="#000080" face="Calibri">Guoliang Tunnel</font></a></b></span><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td align="center" width="247" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><span lang="en-us"><b> <a href="guoliang.htm"><font color="#000080" face="Calibri">Search for Guoliang</font></a></b></span><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td align="center" width="247" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><span lang="en-us"><b> <a href="guoliangmap.htm"><font color="#000080" face="Calibri"> Directions to Guoliang</font></a></b></span><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td align="center" width="247" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><span lang="en-us"> <font color="#000080" face="Calibri"><b><a href="vinlin27d.htm">Mt Huashan Hiking Trail</a></b></font></span><!--mstheme--></font></td> <td align="center" width="248" bgcolor="#FFFFCC"><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><font face="Calibri"><b><span lang="en-us"> <a href="huashanletters.htm">Mt Huashan Letters</a></span></b></font><!--mstheme--></font></td> </tr> </table><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"><!--mstheme--></font><!--msnavigation--></td></tr><!--msnavigation--></table><!--msnavigation--><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td><!--mstheme--><font face="comic sans ms, Arial, Helvetica"> <!--mstheme--></font><table border="1" width="100%" height="1" bordercolordark="#000080" 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Mt Huashan Hiking Trail <!-- span.EmailStyle16 {color:navy} span.EmailStyle20 {color:navy} --> | | | --- | | **Mt Huashan Hiking Trail** <!-- MSFPhover = (((navigator.appName == "Netscape") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 3 )) || ((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 ))); function MSFPpreload(img) { var a=new Image(); a.src=img; return a; } // --><!-- if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav1n=MSFPpreload("\_derived/home\_cmp\_tp-art02110\_hbtn.gif"); MSFPnav1h=MSFPpreload("\_derived/home\_cmp\_tp-art02110\_hbtn\_a.gif"); } // -->[Home](default.htm) <!-- if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav2n=MSFPpreload("\_derived/up\_cmp\_tp-art02110\_hbtn.gif"); MSFPnav2h=MSFPpreload("\_derived/up\_cmp\_tp-art02110\_hbtn\_a.gif"); } // -->[Up](vinlin27e.htm) <!-- if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav3n=MSFPpreload("\_derived/huashanletters.htm\_cmp\_tp-art02110\_hbtn.gif"); MSFPnav3h=MSFPpreload("\_derived/huashanletters.htm\_cmp\_tp-art02110\_hbtn\_a.gif"); } // -->[Huashan Letters](huashanletters.htm) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **[Danger Home](vinlin27.htm)** | **[Russian Highway from Hell](vinlin27c.htm)** | [**Bolivian Highway of Death**](vinlin27b.htm) | **[Yosemite Half Dome](vinlin27f.htm)** | **[El Camino del Rey](vinlin27e.htm)** | | **[Guoliang Tunnel](vinlin27a.htm)** | **[Search for Guoliang](guoliang.htm)** | **[Directions to Guoliang](guoliangmap.htm)** | **[Mt Huashan Hiking Trail](vinlin27d.htm)** | **[Mt Huashan Letters](huashanletters.htm)** | | | | | --- | --- | |   |   | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | --- | --- | | **The Dangerous Huashan Hiking Trail in China** **Story written by Rick Archer Originally published: January 2007 Most recent update: July 20****11**   | | | | | | | --- | --- | | | **FORWARD (Written by Rick Archer)** You are about to view pictures of a mountain hiking trail on Mt Huashan which is located in China.  After you see the pictures, I have little doubt you will agree that it appears to be a very risky Hiking Trail. There is a big difference between mountain climbing and mountain hiking.  **Mountain climbers** have training, experience, and equipment.  They also know full well the risks they are taking.  **Mountain Hiking** is usually done by amateurs.  I am more the hiking type myself. I remember walking to the top of Longs Peak in Colorado.  It was a long way up there.  It took the better part of a day, but it was worth it.  The view was stunning, the weather was wonderful and the workout was exhilarating.  Of course I was tired, but I didn't care!  I still consider that climb to be one of the most enjoyable days of my life.One memory I carry from the Longs Peak experience was that I was never in fear.  The trails were well-groomed, there were ropes on either side of the trail whenever necessary, and there was no area steep enough to require stairs.  It was simply a long, very pleasant walk.  In my opinion, there was little risk involved. Even if I stumbled and fell, there was no danger.The trail at Mt Huashan is much different.  When I first posted the pictures of Huashan in January 2007,  I believed it was the most dangerous trail I had ever seen.  It is important to note since I first wrote this story, I have received several letters that suggest the Chinese have made significant improvements to this trail.  **I certainly hope so because in its original state the Huashan Hiking Trail was definitely a Death Trap. In addition to the story of Frank and Laura that you will read, I have two different people - both Chinese Nationals - who have written to me of past tragedies at Huashan.  In addition, I have a report of a [death](huashanletters.htm#Fatality) as recent as June 2012.** | | | | --- | | **How Dangerous is** **the Climb at Mount Huashan?** | | | | --- | | The 'climbing' at Huashan should not be considered 'mountain climbing'.  Mountain climbing involves using advanced equipment and skill honed through experience.   The climb at Huashan is more accurately described as "Mountain Hiking". Huashan has a well-known public trail used by anyone brave enough to give it a try regardless of their physical ability or previous climbing experience.  As you will see for yourself, the pictures show normal people in comfortable clothes with no equipment and no special shoes.  These people are mostly what you would call 'pedestrians', i.e. average people who probably have very little experience with dangerous climbs.  In other words, people like you and me. | | It is said there are frequent casualties at Huashan.  However I was unable to drum up any Internet confirmation for this allegation.  Please refer to the Google search on the right. It was made in May 2008.  I had the same results for 'huashan death' as well as 'huashan accident'.  Considering the tight controls the Chinese keep on their press, I might never find any confirmation.   Or perhaps the information is written in Chinese; a Google search in English probably won't reference the Chinese script. That said, the pictures don't lie.  My own eyes tell me how dangerous this trail is.  In certain parts, one mistake and you will fall to your death.  In addition, as I mentioned earlier, I have received several notes from Chinese nationals hinting at past tragedies.  One note was amazing.  Please read for yourself.   | | | | | | --- | --- | | | **Evidence of Danger at Mount Huashan** **Rick Archer's Note (May 2008):**The following email series was sent to me by a man named Jim who read my passage above.  He was kind enough to share the following anecdotal information about problems at Huashan.   -----Original Message-----From: James MSent: Friday, May 16, 2008Subject: Mount Hua Shan Rick,  Here is some written evidence of serious accidents on Mount Hua Shan from someone who lived right there in China during the 1980's. See the email at the very bottom.  This is from a co-worker of mine.  Her English is not the best, but I think you will understand her story.  She gave me permission to share it.  It is unedited (except for the removal of her address & phone numbers) in her very own words.Best regards, Jim **Letter from Jim to Tongyan** Hi Tongyan, your story about the dangers on Hua shan is very interesting to read. Would you mind if I shared your story with some others who enjoy hiking?  I can remove your address & phone number information, if you wish.Also I am also very curious as to what caused the people to fall.  Is there any written account of this accident in English anywhere to read of what happened?    Jim **Letter One from Tongyan to Jim**Jim, I don't mind if you want share the information to others. Let me see I can find some information from internet. That is well know events in 1980's. I will let you know.  thanks, Tongyan **Letter Two from Tongyan to Jim** Jim, I was unable to find anything on the Internet but I can tell you my story about Hua shan.  It happened next year I visited Tai Shan. I was in my the 3rd year in University. There was a group of students as same age as me, they were went to Hua Shan to play. Those students were from The 4th Army medical school.When they are in the middle of the climb, something happened and people from top of the mountain all drop down. ( I forget what cause this happen), since the mountain shape so sharp, it is hard for the people in the middle to prevent the drop people from top, so there is a lot of injury. And very badly. Those group of students who were in the 3rd year of their learning began to rescue the injuries immediately. (yes, there is rescue team for the traveler, but that takes time, some injured people might not able to wait). It was these group of students that offered a first time period diagnoses and huge skilful support before the ambiances and other medical personnel's come, some injured people got survived. Whole country gave them great honor. Our university "Tianjin University " actually invite them come for lectures, thousands of students were in the auditorium to listen how do they diagnose, how to help transfer the injures to the hospital, how do they assistant the operation, how many life were saved, more important how they use their text book knowledge to apply for each individual's diagnose�... This page permanently exist in The 4th Army medical school history. It is called "Hua shan Rescue".Thanks for the link, I will share this with my family tonight.Tongyan | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | --- | | **Story of a Mountain Climbing Accident in the Half Dome in Yosemite Park** -----Original Message----- From: Allen Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 To: Subject: huashan trail Rick, I came across your website after googling "most dangerous trails". This Huashan one takes the cake!  First of all, this clearly should be a one-way trail. I've been hiking in Europe where there are similar trails, chains, platforms (metal ones), and ladders. Many of these sections are one-way, clearly marked on maps and books. If you get caught going the wrong way, it's a huge fine right on the spot. There's just no excuse for such irresponsibility in my book. I bet most deaths occur on that Huashan mountain because of passing or inexperience folks who are not in shape. All it takes is one misstep, one instant when you aren't paying attention or someone distracts you, just one slip... Last June, I was in Yosemite. I've been up the Half Dome a couple of times and decided to go up for a third time. While I was on the cables, I saw someone slip from above and slide to his death. It was the most frantic and shocking thing I have ever been a part of.  People suddenly started screaming, I looked up and saw a guy sliding off the mountain with no way to stop his momentum.  I can still see the look on his face, petrified, he was kicking his feet, he bounced on the rock a couple of times.  He slid by me, and when I looked back, his feet hit a divot which unfortunately caused him to somersault out of view.  Someone below yelled that he was "airborne", falling 4000 feet to the Valley floor.  Lot of good that warning did him. | | The poor fellow didn't go airborne for long.  He landed on a ledge about a hundred feet below the "saddle" section where the cables begin. A couple of hikers had the courage to go down there for a rescue attempt. His heart was actually still beating for a few minutes but he succumbed to his injuries.  All of this happened so fast. About a year before, another person lost his grip on the cables and slid down the other side of the mountain. He lucked out when his pants caught a piece of rock that prevent him from sliding 4000 feet to his death.  The poor guy was stuck there for 6-8 hours before someone rescued him.  Unreal, huh? After the accident I witnessed, some people still kept going up, but I couldn't.  I just had to turn around; it was no longer fun.  I was so stunned, no words can describe how I felt at that time. | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | --- | --- | | |    **About Mount Huashan** | | | | | | --- | --- | | | Mt. Hua is located in the Shaanxi Province of China.  It stands to the south of Huayin City, 75 miles due east of **Xian**.  From the map, this mountain is located close to Himalayas of Tibet.   'Shan' means 'mountain' in Chinese, thus the name 'Hua Shan'. ***Huashan*** means '***Mount Hua***' or '***Hua Mountain***'.According to [Travel China Guide](, Mt. Huashan is definitely not some neglected little spot in the middle of nowhere.  Quite the contrary!  Mt Huashan is one of the five sacred mountains in China.  The other four sacred mountains are Mt. Taishan in Shandong, Mt. Hengshan in Hunan, Mt. Hengshan in Shanxi, and Mt. Songshan in Henan.  Mt. Hua is home to several influential Taoist temples where emperors of past dynasties made pilgrimages, making this mountain the holy land of Taoism. Many emperors came to pray and sacrifice to the God of Mt. Huashan.  It is said that Lao Zi (Lao Tze), the founder and patriarch of Taoism, once lived and gave sermons here.  Today many Taoism temples are located on Mr. Huashan which helps explain why this area is visited by thousands of people. | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | --- | --- | | | Take note that you are looking at Mt Hua from the **NORTH**.  In other words, this picture is "upside down". Hua consists of five separate peaks.  The five peaks are all very close in height.  The North Peak in front is the shortest while the South Peak in back is the tallest.  The East and West Peaks are the same height. | | Huashan is not your typical mountain with one central dominating peak.  Instead the mountain is "spread out" into five different sectors.  To see this same picture for yourself, visit Google Earth.  The Google Earth coordinates for Huashan can be entered two different ways:   [34�29′N](¶ms=34_29_N_110_05_E_type:mountain_region:CN)[110�05′E](¶ms=34_29_N_110_05_E_type:mountain_region:CN)  or **34.483333, 110.083333** Once you get there, remember to rotate the picture 180[�](¶ms=34_29_N_110_05_E_type:mountain_region:CN) to get the same view as you see here. | | | | --- | --- | | Using a baseball infield to help describe their relative positions, South Peak, the tallest, is at second base.  The North Peak is at the entrance and would be considered home plate.  The West Peak is first base and the East Peak is third base.  There is a Central Peak as well where the pitcher's mound would be.  I am fairly sure the Chinese would not appreciate being told their cherished religious icon closely resembles a baseball diamond.  They are more fond of using a flower analogy.  Apparently when viewed in a certain way, the five peaks of Huashan are said to look like five petals of a lotus flower.  Using the picture as a reference, there appear to be two main roads.  I am fairly certain the one on the left, the East Side, is the main entrance.  About 2 and a half miles down the road is the Gondola area.  This must be where the buses drop many of the people off.  | | | | | | --- | --- | | | The Gondola takes you from the base of the mountain up to the North Peak where two major hiking trails await.  As you can gather from the picture, the gondola stretches a long way.  It saves everyone a lot of time and energy.  Many people use the gondola to go back down the mountain as well.  Once you are on the North Peak, Huashan is like a mountainous Disneyland.  Each peak is a different realm with its own identity.  You have your choice of five different peaks to tackle.  You can spend all day here and still barely scratch the surface of all the things to see.    The mountain is so spread out that literally thousands of people are climbing the various peaks all day long.  You can spend your entire day on the North Peak or the West Peak or move back and forth if you have enough energy.    This vast mountain world is a separate reality, your own little world.  Some people call Huashan a 'Shangri La' of sorts.  Civilization is just a memory up here. | | | | | Originally **Hua** was called **Xiyue** - meaning 'Western mountain' - because it was the westernmost of the five sacred Taoist peaks.  It is the dominant mountain in Quinling mountain range. Formerly the five mountains were dotted with temples but today only a few remain. These days the majority of visitors to Huashan are Chinese youth on vacation.  However the mountain routes are still trekked by devoted pilgrims and wandering monks intent on visiting the sacred shrines.   The East Peak is 2,090 meters (about 6,857 ft) high above sea level. It is also called Facing Sun Peak because the top of the peak is the best place to watch the sunrise. The Middle Peak is also called Jade Maiden Peak. Story goes that Nongyu, the daughter of King Mugong (659B.C.-621B.C.) of the Qin Kingdom (770B.C.-476B.C.), was tired of the life in the court. So she and her husband moved to Huashan and lived alone at Middle Peak. The West Peak is 2,087 meters (about 6,846 ft) high.  It is always called Lotus Peak because of its unique shape. This peak is formed by a huge rock. Hence it's very steep. The North Peak was called Clouds Stand by ancient people. Today it is called the Cloud Terrace Peak as it looks like a flat terrace in the clouds. The peak is 1,614 meters (about 5,295 ft) above sea level. An important site on the North Peak is Zhenwu Hall (God of North). Three sides are cliffs that are nearly impossible to climb and the fourth side is the 'ear rubbing cliff'.  This route gets its name because there are places on this precipitous path where tourists can climb up only by pressing an ear close to the cliff.  | | | | | --- | --- | | The majestic South Peak is the tallest. With an altitude of 2,160 meters (about 7,087 feet), ancient people called this the '**Monarch of Mt. Huashan**' because it is the highest peak of Mt. Huashan. It is also the highest peak among the Five Sacred Mountains of China. The temple for the God of Mt. Huashan is situated on the South Peak. Tourists who summit South Peak are rewarded with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. The famous Yellow River wanders far below and everything seems small. Legend has it that the wild geese returning from the south often landed at South Peak, giving the area the name 'Landing Wild Geese Peak' The South Peak is the dangerous peak at the center of our story.  The South Peak is very popular for climbing despite its peril. In the middle of South Peak trees are luxuriantly green, creating a good rest spot. At the top of South Peak, the 'Black Dragon Pool' at the summit and the 'Greeting Pines' on the southwestern cliff are two attractive resorts. Mt. Huashan is famous for its magnificent cliffs.  Nowhere are the cliffs more difficult to climb than the South Peak. There are rugged cliffs on all four sides of South Peak. A tortuous 15 kilometer stepped path leads to the Black Dragon Ridge (Bilong ji) where other trails lead to the major peaks. The most dangerous place is called 'Changkong Zhandao' (a wooden plank path built along the surface of a vertical cliff) which is about 4 meters (about 13 feet) long and about 0.33 meters (about 1.1 feet) wide. In order to reach certain temples and the caves of the sages great courage is needed. The climb to the top is a very challenging hike that includes sheer cliffs and substantial elevation gain (more than 5,000 feet, much of it on stone steps).  The climbers must scale several steep cliffs with only a linked chain for support.  However the rewards are spectacular�the dramatic scenery is just as impressive today as it must have been a thousand years ago.  From the top, the Yellow River can be seen winding its way through the valley below about 15 miles to the northeast. Below is the bottomless gulf which makes tourists shake with fear.   To fall is certain death. | | | | | | --- | --- | | | The picture on the left illustrates an area known as the "Heavenly Stairs".  Maybe that is because if you fall off of them, you go to Heaven... These steps are the Starting Point for the hiking trip up the West Peak mountain. As you can gather, the initial part of the climb seems steep, but safe.  In addition, the view is awe-inspiring. Who wouldn't be tempted to look for the incredible beauty said to greet each traveler at the end of the climb? | |   | | | | | | --- | --- | | | More pictures of the Heavenly Stairs. | | |   | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | |   After the Heavenly Stairs, Canglong Ridge (aka Black Dragon Ridge), is Part Two of the climb.  Now the grade becomes even steeper than the Heavenly Stairs. You may be incredulous to discover people make this climb in the winter snow!   | | | | | | --- | --- | |   |   | | | After Canglong Ridge, you reach **Jinsud Pass**. Jinsud Pass is Part Three of the journey.  Judging from the pictures, this area seems narrow.  Looks must be deceiving. Although the ridge seems barely wide enough to allow people to walk on it, there is obviously enough room to support several structures. At the end of Jinsud Pass, there is a choice: **West Peak** or **South Peak**.  Many people continue to the West Peak for a good reason: The West Peak route is quite safe.  Plus Zhenyue Palace is up ahead.  The perilous climb is located at the South Peak.  | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | A summer look and a winter look at Jinsud Pass. Apparently thousands tourists visit Huashan year-round regardless of the conditions on the mountain.   | | | | | | --- | --- | |   |   | | | As stated earlier, Mt. Huashan has five peaks. The West Peak seen in the pictures above is said to be the most graceful peak.  I think "Graceful Peak" is Chinese-speak for '**you don't have to risk your life to visit the temple**.'On the other hand, judging from the picture below, even the West Peak Temple doesn't look that easy to reach.   That said, the view atop the West Peak Summit is breathtaking!  Now you see why people make the climb.  | | | | | --- | --- | |   |   | | | Here is a look at the East Peak. This temple is known as the **Playing Chess Pavilion**.  Who can concentrate on chess with a view like that? What a picture! | | | | | --- | --- | |   |   | | | | | | --- | --- | |   | **NEXT UP: THE DEADLY SOUTH PEAK!** | | | | | | --- | --- | | | Although every peak has its challenges, the most aggressive climbers usually migrate over to the trail that leads to the forbidding South Peak, the highest of the 5 mountains.  They are in for one of the most dangerous adventures of their entire life.  To say the South Peak climb is 'formidable' would be an understatement.  Along the cliff of South Peak is a planked path equipped with iron chains.  These devices help, of course, but there are few safety features.  One mistake and the climber meets eternity.  Further up it gets even more difficult. Here there are chains and rock footholds which allow the adventurers to continue on the frightful path past precipitous rock faces and yawning chasms. | | | | | --- | --- | | Always far below, the valley beckons. Only the foolish dare to look down.  Furthermore, no one dares to think of the trip back.  In some ways, that's even tougher because you are so tired. Interestingly, many people consider the huge throng of climbers to be the trail's greatest threat.  The trails are very narrow.  Don't forget the people coming down have to get around the people coming up.  People are always scared to death the people passing them are going to do something stupid and take them down with them.  Another fear is that the climber in front could slip and knock a nearby climber off the mountain as well.  As vast as the mountain is, the trail just doesn't feel wide enough to accommodate all these people. Please keep in mind these climbers are not professionals!  Most of them are Chinese college kids here on vacation.  They are not equipped with any sort of modern climbing equipment or even the proper shoes.  Nor do they have climbing experience.  All they have going for them are their hands, their feet, and their courage. Plus they are trapped.  Once they discover the sheer precipices and overhanging rocks, at this point it is very difficult to go back. If it rains, they are in trouble. If the wind picks up, they are in trouble.  If the wood has a slippery spot or a chain comes loose... But always there is the temptation of the magnificent beauty.  The scenery changes at every step along this path.  The Beauty of the Mountain seems to cast a magic spell over all who pass. | | | | | --- | |   | | **A Foolish Journey** **Rick Archer****'s Note:  I did not write the following story. In fact, I have never even visited China although I certainly hope to someday.  I live in Houston, Texas, USA.  This story was written by an American who scaled the South Peak with his wife in the winter of 2003. His story is quite compelling. The pictures you will see were taken by many different people.  I visited about 100 Internet sites in my attempt to compile a photographic tribute to this rigorous hike along the perilous South Peak. After reading this story, I think you will agree that a hike this difficult would never be permitted here in America.  Obviously the Chinese see things differently.** | | | | | | --- | --- | | | **THE STORY BEGINS**   Our gondola ride up from the base of the mountain was a good idea.  Not only was the ride a lot of fun, we saved a great deal of time and energy. But after the gondola ride, my wife Laura and I soon found ourselves climbing hundreds of icy, steep steps using the flimsiest of guardrails.  Despite the fact that we had both slipped a couple times, we stubbornly continued.  Now our walk had brought us to this spot.  As I stared up at the near-vertical staircase before us, I wondered how on earth did I ever get in this mess.  Not only did I feel in danger, I felt responsible for my wife as well. Steep steps were carved into the rock with chains for support.  Cleverly, there were two ladders - one for �up� and one for �down� (**see picture at left**).  Despite this, our hearts were racing as we saw where the ladder�s steps went vertical at the top of a 20 meter climb.   The stairs were so imposing we had little choice but to stop and think about it.  We could see the climb ahead was the steepest, least-protected section yet. Making things worse, I thought I could see ice on the steps.  This wasn't going to be easy.  I was losing my patience. | | | | | --- | --- | | "This is ridiculous!  I can't believe they expect people to climb this thing!  We should have stopped a long time ago!"   Laura stared at me with an odd look.  I couldn't figure out if she agreed with me or not.  We almost had quit once before.  I don't know why we didn't.  Actually, I know exactly why we hadn't quit. We had spent days fighting language barriers and a transportation system that was not designed to be foreigner-friendly.  I can't begin to count how many people we had to stop just to find one person to explain in English how to find this obscure place.  Now that we were finally here, we weren't going to get another shot at this climb.  Our plane tickets dictated we leave the day after tomorrow. It was today or never at all. | | | | | | --- | --- | | | I suppose another thing that kept us going was the noisy throng of people who passed us while making their descent.  This indicated to me that the peak must be close by.   If all these Chinese people made it, I figured so should we. I had a war going on inside my brain. It was driving me crazy. The "Courage" side of my brain was engaged in a knockout fight with my "Reason".   So far **Courage** had the upper hand, but **Reason** aided by **Fear** was making a move.  Meanwhile my pessimism had rubbed off on my wife.  Laura was having second thoughts.  As we stared up at the vertical staircase, Laura's quizzical look had changed to a frown. "I don't know if this is such a good idea, Frank.  Maybe we should throw in the towel.  Do you want to stop?"I stared at her quietly.  Laura was right.  Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, especially not with these winter conditions. | | | | | --- | --- | | The spot where we stood was actually quite beautiful.  We could see the vast wilderness of the valley below and three of the other four peaks of Mt Huashan.  I was overwhelmed by the splendor.  No wonder this place was revered as a religious area. Unfortunately this snow-covered paradise was dangerous in the same way a beautiful woman is dangerous - too risky, but too beautiful to resist!   My inner conflict continued.  Part of me could not bear to give up this adventure of a lifetime.  The splendor of this mountain was overwhelming.  On the other hand, I wished we had stopped a long time ago.  The Staircase we had just completed had been no picnic.  For the entire climb the two of us had been clinging to the railing for dear life!   However, despite the freezing cold, the blustery wind, and steps that were iced over, like fools we stubbornly kept walking. | | | | | | --- | --- | | I admit it.  This was mostly on me.  I had not wanted to stop.  We had not paid 300 yuan apiece ($80 total), spent 3 hours on a minibus, sat through a half-hour lecture about the mountain, taken a 20-minute cable car ride, and climbed snowy, icy steps for 45 minutes just to get so close to the top!   The chances we would ever return to this place were slim to none.  This was my chance.  It was impossible to quit now that the top was in sight.  Yes, it was cold, icy, and threatening to snow, but this would probably be the only chance we would ever have to climb to the summit of Huashan. This was one of the most famous mountains in China!  I uttered a lukewarm response to Laura's idea of quitting.  We talked a little more, but soon the subject was dropped.  Laura said she had not really wanted to give up either.  'Yeah, sure,' I thought to myself.  I was very worried I had made the wrong choice here, especially since I had no idea what was up ahead.   We continued to inch our way up the steps until they suddenly became steeper still, and even closer to the 400-foot drop on either edge.  I forced myself not to look down.  Finally we made it.  Now we could see what was up next.  Instantly we both stopped breathing.   We stared up at a steep vertical cliff. It was the final major obstacle before a hike to the temple.  Fear gripped me as never before.  The cliff ahead frightened me out of my wits.  At this point, my fear escalated to a level I had never previously felt before.  My inner debate raged on.  This was the third time "Courage" was in great danger of losing.   | | | | | | --- | --- | | | I was the cat who had climbed the tree and could not get down, only here nobody would or could come to my rescue.  It felt like a bad dream; I wished I could just escape, and wake up in my warm bed, but there were no warm beds here, only biting cold winds, ever-accumulating snow, and icy steps.  I knew we would have to get out of this on our own. I was overwhelmed by fear-induced nausea.  I don't have a head for heights. I felt rather sick looking at the rickety wooden walkways and the rusty chains hanging over the precipitous drops ahead of us. I continued to gaze up at the cliff above.  I was astonished to see an absurd number of giddy Chinese scaling the treacherous steps with almost reckless abandon, some wearing what can only be described in English as "dress shoes," specifically the kind with smooth outer soles. "What is wrong with these people?!" I thought. "Are they insane?!  Stupid?!  Both?!  Why aren't they afraid?!" | | | | | --- | --- | | Why indeed did the Chinese people seem so unfazed by this treacherous path? My mind drifted back to rumors that people regularly fell to their death attempting to climb the mountain.  After what I have seen so far today, I had no doubt these legends are correct.  And I had a sixth sense that told me the worst was yet to come! Why on earth would I try?  Picking your way along a sheer cliff surely isn't an enjoyable way to spend a holiday, no matter how good the views are at the end.  Had I discovered a previously undetected 'Death Wish'?   There is, off course, a certain type of traveler who enjoys the bravado and back-slapping of dangerous travel.  I'm certainly not one of them, although I suppose I am more adventurous than most.  But today, I was not here out of bravado. I was here because I really didn't know any better!  I was the accidental mountain climber who got in way over his head. | | | | | | --- | --- | | | Danger is a hazy concept.  For starters, we never know the exact probability of an unfortunate accident. Our minds try to estimate it based upon past experiences, hearsay, and whatever knowledge we have accumulated.  Even once we think we know the chances of tragedy in a certain situation, there is still the question of whether or not to be afraid.    I wished I had a feeling for the frequency of accidents at this part of the climb.  But no one around us spoke a word of English.  What was the probability of an unfortunate accident?  Right now I was more scared than at any other time in my adult life.  How much risk is too much? Was I supposed to be afraid of this?  Maybe it isn't as difficult as it looks.  Everyone else I can see is motoring up the cliff.  It can be quite difficult to know when to say "no".  Laura and I talked some more.  As we talked, one Chinese person after another walked past us and started to climb the ladder without even a moment's hesitation.  That's when I decided to continue.  I wish I hadn't.  As long as I live, I will never forget the next part of our climb. I asked Laura if she wanted to go first or have me go first.  Laura nodded for me to lead.  The first thing we did was climb a metal ladder that had been bolted into a natural chute (**see picture at right**).  In other words, there was a chimney-like crevice in the side of the cliff.  The consequence of a mistake was certain death.  On the other hand, how often do you fall off a ladder when you are paying attention?  Just make sure the grips are secure and you have a firm footing before taking each new step.  This climb was scary, but we made it.  | | | | | --- | --- | | The next part was actually pretty cool.  At the top of the chimney , a skimpy trail had been carved into the side of the mountain.  This trail wound through improbable niches in the rock face.  Laura and I moved sideways across the face of the cliff.  Things got much easier.  We soon discovered there was a natural ledge that had been used to create a trail.  Where the ledge was not sufficient, a man-made trail had been carved out of the rock.  We were very relieved to discover there was also a metal fence to help as we crossed the cliff to the other side. The uphill climb in the chimney had been tough, but I started to relax when I found how easy it was to walk on this path.  The chain fence added much-appreciated security.  Yes, it was still possible to slip, but if you held onto the chain, it was unlikely you would plunge over the edge.  Believe me, I held on tight. In addition I dared not look down.  My balance depended on my confidence.  The more scared I got, the worse my balance became.  I kept my eyes glued to the granite surface of my path.  I missed the beauty of valley because I kept my blinders on. Stupid me, I made a mistake - I looked ahead.  That's when I discovered my safe rock trail was about to end only to be replaced by an absurd wood ramp of some sort.  I panicked and stopped in my tracks.  Seeing this ramp coming up, for the fourth time that day I had myself convinced to go back down when out of nowhere 6 Chinese college kids caught up to us.  Although they were unfailingly polite, I could see they wanted Laura and I to get it going.  Since this place was too narrow for them to pass us, we were holding up the line!  Embarrassed, Laura and I started our slow trudge forward.  As we neared the place where the trail changed from rock to wood ramp, I was grateful to find a small recess in the mountain. Laura and I stepped in to allow the Chinese students to pass us by.   I could not help but notice their smiles and laughter. Their fearlessness had begun to aggravate me.  Why weren't they afraid?!  They were laughing and joking.  No fear.  Heck, I was glad to let them go by.  Now we could move at our own pace. | | | | | | --- | --- | | | The next part of our journey was almost more than I could bear.  As we turned the corner, I was sickened to discover a perilous walk across the cliff.  There in front of me were nearly two hundred feet of wooden planks jutting out from the side of the cliff.  We had arrived at 'Changkong Zhandao', a plank path built along the surface of a vertical cliff.  (Note: This ramp had an English name: **Floating-in-Air Road**.But I called it **Boardwalk)** Yes, there were chains to hang onto, but there was ice and there was wind and the margin for error was very small.  Those planks could not have been more than two feet wide.  Exposed to the elements, I wondered just how safe they were.  The only reason we continued was those crazy Chinese college kids.  Laura and I watched them cross.  It looked like they were dancing... step apart, step together, step apart, step together... they walked sideways across the cliff!  And they were laughing! I swear to God if it wasn't for those kids, Laura and I would have turned around a long time ago.  Left to ourselves, we would have given into our panic, but to see those crazy kids fearlessly move across the cliff made us think we could do it too.   Laura and I gave each other the "what are we getting ourselves into this time?" look.  Laura decided to simply watch, but I felt shamed into trying. I grabbed the chain, made sure not to look down, and did my step-together-step across the face of the rock. I kept telling myself if they can do it, I can do it.  Nevertheless, I nearly slipped one time.  Normally I never actually picked up my feet, but there were places where the new set of boards didn't match the set I was standing on.  Since I didn't dare look, when I switched to a new board, each step was an adventure. As I took a step to the new board, my foot didn't hit the board right and my heel slipped on the edge of the board.  I had only my left leg for support.  I gripped tightly to the chain and regained my balance.  Laura, bless her heart, didn't see it.  Back at the starting point, she was looking off into the valley. Despite how careful I had been, I had still stumbled.  A panic attack immediately kicked in.  I could feel my knees shaking. I was scared to death to take another step.  I just stood there and breathed a while.  Laura asked me if I was okay.  That broke the ice.  I decided I hadn't come nearly as close to dying as I first thought.  So I nodded I was OK and started moving again.  Soon I actually managed a laugh of my own.  I found a spot on the rock smeared with lipstick.  I suppose one of the Chinese girls had pressed her face so close to the wall, she kissed the rock. It wasn't easy walking sideways on this vertical cliff.  One mistake and I would fall straight to that valley about a mile below.  If it was on flat ground, it wouldn't be that tough.  But here the stakes were certain death. That knowledge affected my poise considerably.  I thought about the Chinese kids some more.  I wondered what would their parents would think if they knew one of those climbers was their kid? This climb had become incredibly dangerous.  What was it about about the Chinese culture that permitted their citizens access to such a dangerous route?  I honestly believed that some people died doing this!   The only reason we were here was because we didn't know any better.  I was incredulous that something this deadly was open to the public.  Sure there were warning signs down below, but nothing had been said that could possibly let us know how much trouble we were getting into. I thought back to a presentation that had been given on the bus trip.  An expert on this area had given a lengthy outline about Mt. Huashan in Chinese.  Our bus guide whispered a shorter version in broken English to us.  Our fate might have been different if we understood Chinese.  It might have kept us from being here! My hands were starting to hurt from gripping this freezing cold chain.  I wished I had the foresight to bring some bicycle gloves for protection.  Moving at a snail's pace, I neared the end of the plank.  It had taken me 10 minutes to move a couple hundred feet.  It had been the longest ten minutes of my life.  As I reached the end, it should have been a triumphant moment for me to make it this far, but I was too nervous to appreciate it.  Now I slowly retraced my steps back to the trail.  I was totally drained. | | | | | --- | --- | | | Once I made it back to safety, I looked ahead to see our next challenge.  There was more climbing ahead for us, but this time we would use footholds instead of ramps.  There was an enormous round boulder.   Someone had risked their lives to cut footholds into sheer rock.  Nice feature, but this still wasn't going to be easy.  Laura and I stopped to watch the Chinese kids.  I gave a silent thanks that they had not gotten too far ahead of us.  Now I could watch them to give me some more inspiration.   I quickly realized how we had managed to catch them - two climbers were trying to descend.  The college students had to wait till these people got down.  The foothold path was definitely not a two-way street. One girl slipped coming down and screamed.  I swear my heart almost stopped beating as I watched her struggle to regain control.  But she recovered and eventually so did I. Now the kids who had passed us began their climb.  There were six students in the group - four boys and two girls.  As I watched them go up, I got a new sick feeling in my stomach when I realized how precarious this new section was.  Those footholds made me wish for the wooden planks again.  When they were done, we had to wait for yet another group to descend.  In all, we spent nearly twenty minutes at this spot.   The entire time my anxiety was ratcheted up.  Like the wooden boards before, this particular section had no safety features at all. | | | | | --- | --- | | | I shook my head in disgust.  One mistake would kill you instantly.  This area was so dangerous it required proper mountain gear: climbing boots, carabineers, belay devices, bolts, and ropes.  But all we had was our bare hands.  Now it was our turn.  However, before we could start, a bitter wind picked up.  I dropped to my knees for protection and Laura took my cue.  For what seemed like several minutes we huddled there on the trail waiting for the wind to let up. Finally the wind abated, so we stood up.  Time to go.  I wasn't looking forward to seeing that wind hit us on the foothold path.   Laura gave me a wan grin.  "Boys first!"  I smiled, but disagreed.  I told Laura I would rather let her go first in case she slipped.  This way I might be able to catch her if something bad happened.  Laura nodded.  Looking at it this way made sense. I watched as Laura grabbed the chain with both hands and stuck her right foot in one of the footholds.  Putting one hand over the other, she slowly shifted her weight to her right foot.  That's when she discovered the footholds were wide enough for both feet.   Now it was time for her left foot to join her right foot in the first foothold.  The next foothold was about six inches apart.  Clinging to the chain with both hands, she fished around with her foot till she found each new foothold.   Now it was my turn.  The path was diagonal - part sideways, part upwards.  I estimated the climb at about 20 feet.  One mistake and I would die.  I could feel the adrenaline surging through my body.  I felt shaky and scared.  But I wasn't going to stop now.   That said, I  found this 20 feet climb to be incredibly scary.  What if I slipped?  The fear alone made my hands and legs tremble.  Every motion I took was careful and deliberate.  I didn't trust myself to make even the slightest aggressive move.  My caution paid off.  Amazingly we both made it to the top without problem.   Now it was time for one last obstacle.   We needed to climb across a sheer rock face to reach the temple above. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | The end was in sight.  All we had to conquer now was the Staircase at the top of the world.  I called it "Stairway to Heaven".  Led Zep would have surely agreed. I noticed the Temple at the top and idly began to wonder how the people who worked there got up and down the mountain.  Was there a secret elevator? I was immediately suspicious there might be an easier route, but if there was, I never found it.  The excitement of almost being at the end made us both take the steps too fast.  | | | | | | --- | --- | | | We forgot how exposed we were out there on the ledge.  Almost immediately we were hit by a gust of wind that knocked us both off balance.  Both of us grabbed the chain for dear life.  Any stronger and we could have easily been swept away! The one thing that I can say but probably never adequately explain is the vastness of the world below.  As we crossed this barren rock, I could see forever.  The commanding view from this spot was truly something to behold. | | | | | --- | --- | | How stupid of me to relax to take in take in the scenery.  The moment I let down my guard, we both had to drop to our knees for safety as another gust took us off guard.  Just when we thought we were in the clear!  Slowly we got to our feet and started climbing again, albeit more slowly this time.  My heart was thumping at the near call.  This climb was definitely not for the faint of heart.  I clung to the rope for dear life.  Whatever scenery I was missing would have to wait for my confidence to return.From that point on, we were completely exposed to a strong wind that never let up.  However, the goal was in sight so we kept going.  Wind or no wind, we were determined to finish.  Unfortunately, despite our good winter coats, Laura and I were both shivering.  It had to be close to freezing this high up.  No wonder they call it "wind chill".    One step at a time we climbed the stairs.  Gosh, my legs ached!   Teeth chattering, legs throbbing, we made steady progress.  Soon enough we were finally safe inside a beautiful Tao temple atop the summit.  Finally.  As I stared out the windows safe from the wind and the cold, I don't think I have ever felt happier in my life.  I was so relieved to be here.  I could not believe what Laura and I had overcome to make it this far.   I made a quiet prayer of thanks for our safety to the Almighty.  | | | | | | --- | --- | | There was an observation post at the very top that allowed us a 360 degree look at the world around us.  Everywhere we looked, huge mountains and deep valleys greeted our eyes.  The beauty of the view really escapes description.  I could have stayed there all day just to watch.   But our reverie was shattered when a Chinese park ranger came up and warned us that it had begun to snow further down.  For our own safety, maybe we should go now.  Judging from his concerned expression, that seemed to mean 'right now'.Laura's face turned white with fear.  Me too.  Sorry to say, any courage I had in reserve left me immediately. Oh, shit. All that work to get here and all that risk for a lousy ten minutes on the top of the mountain.  But we didn't have any choice.  It was time to go.  Laura and I gathered the courage to descend South Peak.  I was astonished to realize I had not given a second thought to getting back down.  I was sick in my stomach again.  Knowing what we had to go through to get back down with snow and ice making things worse had me worried. Sure enough, the winds were even tougher as we climbed down the treacherous Staircase.  But at least we enjoyed having gravity on our side for a change.  Snow mixed with ice fell on us.  The snow had just been flurries as we climbed down the steep staircase.  Now as we reached Foothold Lane (known as **Somersault Cliff** to the locals) the snow began to fall in earnest.  As a result, we found the steps were filled with slush.  That didn't help a bit.  Moving at about the speed of molasses, we took it one step at a time.  I was so glad there weren't any chirpy college kids around expecting us to move faster.   I had two thoughts.  I smiled as I realized the experience of going up did make getting down a lot easier.  But I frowned at the unbelievable amount of concentration I was forced to use to ensure my safety.  The pressure was enormous.  Next we climbed across the path carved out of the cliff.  This part wasn't so bad because there was actually a chain fence for safety.  The path took us back to the Chimney.  Heck, the Chimney was just a ladder. At this point, I was starting to feel about as confident as I had all day.  After Foothold Lane and Boardwalk, the rest was just a hike.  Nothing too scary.   Laura seemed to relax as well.  Holding on tightly, we made it down in good time.  As far as we were concerned, the worst was over.  Let it snow. We were now on the original Staircase of Suicide.  The cable car station was just a couple hundred yards away.  The end was in sight.  Suddenly something happened that I will never forget for the rest of my life. About fifteen yards in front of me, a Chinese man was walking carelessly along a relatively flat portion of the walkway.  I had noticed he wasn't even holding the metal chain.  Without any warning, he suddenly lost his footing, slipped and fell.  With only a few thin pine trees on the snowy slope separating him from a 600-foot drop off the edge of a sheer cliff, the man reached back with one had to grab onto the safety chain just as his feet slid under it.  If he had missed the chain or his grip broke, the pine trees would be his last chance.  But he held tight and broke his momentum.   Slowly he pulled himself back to his feet.  Laura and I were too stunned to even move.  Only a lucky last second grab of the chain had saved him.  This guy had missed death by a hair.  Before I could even muster a breath, he turned straight around and looked at me.  In perfect English, he calmly said to me, "It's very dangerous here. You should be careful." I just about fell off the mountain myself from shock. An instant before, only a rusty, icy chain had come between this man and almost certain death.  But the man's first thought after almost dying was to warn ME to be careful!  What an amazing man. | | | | | | --- | --- | | | Fear of heights must not be part of the Chinese ethos.  Not me. This guy's brush with Death had me spooked.  Now I kept BOTH HANDS on the safety chain.  I had not taken a single carefree step in over an hour, but now I concentrated even harder.   Not two minutes later, Laura screamed in terror as she slipped on the ice just like the Chinese man had.  Even though she was on guard, her feet still went right out from under her.  Fortunately she had a firm grip.  She saved herself from careening down the slope by bear-hugging the safety chain just as the Chinese man had.  I was there in seconds, almost slipping myself as I hit an ice patch.  These icy steps were deadly! As I helped her up, I did not feel as much shocked, scared, or relieved as I just felt angry at myself for allowing us to be in this spot.  From the very start, my better judgment had been put aside by a combination of wanting to get "my money's worth" and from observing all the Chinese people giggling up and down the mountain without regard for consequences. | | | | | --- | --- | | Always way too competitive for my own good, I had allowed my judgment to be clouded by my need to think I was just as brave and athletic as these kids. As a result, we had spent nearly two and a half hours on this icy, treacherous mountain path with scant guardrails and few safety features.  Deadly drop-offs were just one mistake, one slip away the entire time.   Now as exhaustion set in, Laura had made a near-fatal mistake.  I was beside myself with anger at my stupidity for putting us in this spot to begin with.  If she had gotten hurt (or worse), I would have never been able to forgive myself.  I was furious with myself for my ignorance. I had no idea how easy it was to slip going down the steps.  But mostly I was angry for trying to compete with the Chinese.  | | | | | | --- | --- | | I had gotten so used to thinking the Chinese knew what they were doing that I did not realize until the man slipped in front of me that my judgment had been right all along - this mountain path was a death trap.  Someone could have a heart attack from exertion and fall to their death.  Someone could faint for even a moment and lose their footing.  Or a trembling foot could miss a foothold and make a fatal slip that would cost them their life.  Even a simple mistake like Laura's could end it.  Laura had been concentrating as hard as she could and still slipped.  We were lucky to be alive. Ironically, two days later, we stopped at a temple in nearby Xian.  Laura picked up a pamphlet and started to browse.  I heard her giggle.  Curious, I asked her what was so funny.  She handed me the pamphlet and told me to look for myself.  The first thing I noticed was this particular pamphlet was written in English.  Laura grinned as she pointed to the ***Third Wisdom of Tao***: **"He who knows when to stop does not find himself in trouble."** Amen to that. | | | | | --- | |   | | | | | | --- | --- | | | **A Note****About Frank and Laura's Story:** **Rick Archer:** Many people assume I wrote this story.  Please be assured that I did not.  I have never been to Mount Hua nor China.  I received Frank and Laura's story in an email that had been passed along so many times that I had no way to retrace the origin of the story.    Over the years, I have been asked questions about discrepancies in this story.  All I can do is shrug my shoulders.  I did not write the story nor do I know the person who did.  However, there is a misunderstanding that I can clear up based on letters that have been sent to me since.  One thing that Frank's story did not make clear was that the insane wooden plank walk known as the **Floating-in-Air Road** is optional. The plank is a dead end.  It takes you out to a vantage point that gives you a spectacular look at the valley below. You take your pictures, then you slowly walk back to the main trail.  No one has to take this plank walk unless they choose to.  Furthermore, recent safety upgrades have added harnesses to the walk.  Even if you slip, you will be safe. However, at the time this story was written, yes, the plank walk was just as terrifying as the story makes it seem, especially given the winter conditions.  It is quite likely that Frank and Laura had to edge along this narrow plank while it was covered in ice.   No wonder they were scared!! **A Note****About the Pictures** In November 2006, I received an email containing a dozen sensational South Peak pictures such as this "Plank" picture on the left.  There was no credit listed for the pictures. Curious to know the story behind the pictures, I used Google to poke around the Internet.  Tracking down a link suggested by Google, I ran across a site that led me to believe these pictures were taken by taken by a man named **Senteur de Boue**, aka "vebiltdervan".  This "vebiltdervan" gentleman appears to have some sort of connection to the name 'Vanderbilt'.  If you ever read the man's profile, you will understand why I am so unsure about his real identity.  Then I ran across another site that cast doubt on my conclusion that 'vebiltdervan' was the source. Now he seemed to be re-posting these pictures.  This means I have no idea about the identity of the person who first posted the pictures or who took the pictures either. Whoever took the pictures, I think we can all agree that they are wonderful. | Changing the subject a bit, when I first researched the Internet for "Huashan pictures" on Google in early 2007, I could only find one other picture of the **Floating-in-Air Road**.  I went from one site to another looking for additional Huashan pictures, but all I could find were the same dozen pictures I had received in my email. When I did my 2008 update, suddenly there were all sorts of new Huashan pictures posted on the Internet.  Now the Internet was flooded with Huashan pictures. The difference was so amazing that for a while I wondered if it had something to do with the Chinese allowing or not allowing cameras.  Then another thought occurred to me.  Once my January 2007 story went viral thanks to Google, many English-speaking people heard about Huashan first time.  At that point, perhaps many Westerners decided to add Huashan to their itinerary on their trips to China.  Later they posted their pictures.  This is just a theory, but it seems plausible.  | | | | | | --- | --- | | **About Rick Archer and the Huashan Story** As of 2010, I am now the retired owner of a well-known dance studio in Houston, Texas, named **'SSQQ'** (slow slow quick quick). I ran my dance studio for 32 years.  SSQQ Dance Studio was a major part of the Houston dance scene throughout the Eighties and Nineties, but a curious development known as "The Internet" was responsible for the studio's rise to become probably the busiest dance studio in Houston.  At its peak the studio was visited by 1,400 dance students per month, double the pre-Internet average.  The **SSQQ Web Site** came online in late 1998.  Right from the start I realized the power of my web site to help grow my own business.  The more I could interest my dance students to visit the SSQQ web site, the more they would stay interested in my dance studio.  So I began to write a monthly Newsletter to my dance students and send it out by email.  The initial results were okay, but no big deal. | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | --- | --- | | | I asked someone for an opinion.  Their answer?  'Boring'.  Ouch. Chastened, I realized that dance newsletters were tough to make fascinating because dancers don't exactly cause much trouble.  So how to make these Newsletters interesting?   In addition to dance stories, I began to include anything and everything that crossed my path.  Pretty soon jokes, unusual stories, haikus, limericks, logic puzzles, and strange pictures began to appear in each issue.   This worked like a charm.  The results were phenomenal.  As one person said, my Newsletter was better reading than most magazines! My work on the Newsletter and the SSQQ website led to a curious development - people appreciated my Newsletter so much that they began to help me write it.  As a sort of reward for doing a good job, my dance students began to forward me all sorts of interesting stories and pictures whenever they ran across something.   Soon I had an entire network of friends sending me all sorts of good stuff.  This pipeline stuffed my In-Box with all kinds of fascinating emails.  In 2002 I began to receive email contributions from people I never even heard of.  It took me a while to figure it out, but the source was this new thing called Google.  People outside of Houston were finding my stories thanks to Google.  Now people from other parts of the USA and even the world began to send me stuff because they appreciated the SSQQ web site.  So now you have a hint how this Huashan story started. In November 2006, one of my dance students - Milt Oglesby - forwarded me the original dozen pictures of Huashan.  I was so amazed by the pictures that over Christmas Break I decided to do a story on Huashan as well as the infamous **[Road of Death](vinlin27b.htm)** in Bolivia.  As they say, one thing leads to another.  For a while there, I lived on the Internet looking for details of Huashan.  My Internet Research paid off.  I uncovered the story of China's **[Guoliang Tunnel](vinlin27a.htm)** as well as the **[Russian Highway of Mud](vinlin27c.htm)**.  Later on I was alerted to Spain's [El Camino del rey](vinlin27e.htm) as well.  It all started with one email containing some great pictures and now I had five awesome stories!  And that's how it happened.  Now you know how a man who lives in Texas was able to write stories about exciting locations thousands of miles away without actually visiting any of them.  To me, the Internet is something out of science fiction come true.  The Internet is amazing. | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | **Google's Role in the Huashan Story** The email from Patsy is an example of the letters I get from total strangers who wish to comment on the Huashan story.  So how do people from East Texas, San Francisco, and all over the world end up on a dance studio website looking at pictures from China?  ***The answer, of course, is Google.*** You already knew the answer because the Google Search Engine is probably what brought you here too (or perhaps a link from a friend). When I first started publishing stories in 1998, my Newsletter was directed at my dance students here in Houston.  ***Google changed all that.***Starting in 2002, Google began to bring visitors to my website from all over the world.  But why me?  After all, I have never even been to Huashan!  I wondered why my story had become so popular. Anyone who has ever played chess or studied military history knows that getting to a spot first makes a big difference.  I currently have about five different stories that are listed on Google's first page simply because I wrote a story before anyone else bothered to do the same.  | | | | --- | | **Email from Patsy** **-----Original Message----- From: Patsy Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 11:17 PM To: Subject: Mt. Huashan mountain story Mr. Archer, the photography in your blog and the written descriptions were: 1 � beautiful 2 � spell binding 3 � terrifying 4 � much appreciated!  Cheers indeed!  good work! Thanks and many happy trails from a 75 yr old granny in East Texas. P.S. and Thank you, William, way out west in San Francisco, for sending the link to this adventure on to me!** | | | This Huashan article is the perfect example.  When I first researched the story, there were places that posted the same pictures, but had no story.  Then I found places that had travel-style information about Huashan, but no real pictures.  My webpage was the first to combine both a background story as well as the pictures.   Together they were dynamite! | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | The next boost came from my dance students.  My email Newsletter featured my articles complete with a link.  Their interest was the spark that initially pushed each new story towards the front of the Google Listings. In other words, by accident, I was the first person to do more than simply post Huashan pictures.  By adding an actual STORY to those mysterious pictures, people became fascinated with Huashan.  Google noticed all the hits on my story and promoted my web page to the top.    I am amateur writer.  I just write this stuff for the fun of it.  In fact, my friends tease me about it.  Let me give example.  This email below is from Gareld McEathron, a dance student and friend.  Gareld has been a big part of my studio since the Nineties.  In fact, Gareld met his wife Virginia here at my dance studio back in 1996.  Over the years, Gareld has sent me many stories.  In May 2008, Gareld sent me the same "Huashan email" that Milt Oglesby had sent back in November 2007.  Gareld had no idea that I had posted my Huashan story on the Internet a year earlier.  Boy, was Gareld surprised when I sent him a link to my Huashan story!  He was so tickled that he immediately began to send my story to his friends... which of course helped my article maintain its status as the most widely-read story about Huashan.  | | | | --- | | **Email from Gerald** **-----Original Message-----From: Gareld Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 12:33 PMTo: dance@ssqq.comSubject: Mt Huashan China WOW!!  Great story, Rick.  I had not seen it before.** **Makes one wonder when you have time to teach dance. I sent the link to several of my friends with this introduction:** **"Hi Kay, Knowing how much you like to travel to out of the way places, I thought you would find this story interesting.   It was written by my friend, Rick Archer, who is a frustrated writer that is forced to make his living running a dance studio."** | | | | | | | --- | --- | | So now you know why a guy in Texas who has never been near China in his life has the Page One Huashan article according to Google.  **Reason One:**    I got my article out first. **Reason Two:** My dance students gave an initial boost to each new article.  By 'hitting' on my story, their interest attracted the attention of Google. **Reason Three:** Google listed my story towards the front because there was no competition. My story about Huashan was the first serious write-up.  **Reason Four:** Once you are Famous, you stay Famous because you are famous.  Over the years people continue to be directed to my site by Google.  They in turn forward links to the page to their friends.  All these hits from around the world guarantee the SSQQ Huashan story stays on top.   My story is a perfect example of a story that stays famous because Google says to look here first.   **About the Huashan Letters** As I have written, in the years since this page was first posted in January 2007, my story about Huashan has been widely circulated around the world.  Thanks to Google, it has become a favorite place to visit for anyone interested in a good adventure and travel story. During this period I have received a great deal of fascinating correspondence from the readers.  Previously I posted these letters here on this "main page", but as the letters rolled in, my original Huashan webpage kept growing and growing.  Finally the page grew too big, so in 2008, I decided to list the most interesting Huashan letters on a separate page instead.  These letters are remarkable.  As always, people continue to contribute so many wonderful pieces of information.  For example, people have written to comment on locations such as America's Half Dome climb in Yosemite Park (California) and Angel's Landing in Zion Park (Utah).  Thanks to these letters, I was alerted to El Camino del rey in Spain.  You would be surprised at all the questions I receive about El Camino.  However, the greatest service these letters have provided is to offer detailed information about the status of the climb at Huashan.  Many of the letters were contributed by people who have actually climbed Huashan.  I think these posts give a more thorough idea about Huashan than my original article because many letters contain first-hand accounts of what Huashan is like today.  I am a certain you will enjoy reading this section.   If you are interested in learning more about Mount Hua, the **[Huashan Letters](** are a 'must read'.   | | | --- | | **2011 Update:****Is Huashan still as Dangerous as it Once was?** | **Rick Archer Note:** It is now July 2011.  It has been four and a half years since I wrote my original article about Huashan.  Thanks to all the wonderful letters I have received in this time, I think the time has come to make it clear that the climb at Huashan has become a lot safer since I first wrote my article.  Back when I published my story in 2007, it was the first article written by a "Westerner" about Mt Huashan.  Although I was unaware of this significance at the time, thanks to my story thousands of English-speaking people read about Huashan for the first time.  So I will give myself a gentle pat on the shoulder for bringing welcome attention to this unique place in China. | | That said, throughout 2008, I received a tremendous amount of criticism that the article you have just read was misleading.  I was baffled by the criticism and hurt too.  So why all the criticism?   People who had just finished climbing Huashan were outraged that I had the nerve to label the place "dangerous". In America, we have a saying that the left hand doesn't always know what the right hand is doing.  Apparently my original story in January 2007 coincided with many safety improvements being made at Huashan.  In other words, about the same time that I was scaring Internet readers to death with pictures and stories of the dangers at Huashan, Chinese authorities were making a concerted attempt to make the climb much safer. However I was completely in the dark as to these improvements.  Living in Texas, I wasn't like I could look out the window and notice construction crews up on Huashan.  Nor did the Chinese government bother to drop me an email. People who first read my story were surprised to find the climb was nowhere near as difficult as my story had suggested.  Some of these people reacted very harshly, criticizing me for deliberately misleading the entire world as to the true level of difficulty.  In fact, in 2008 a paragraph in a Wikipedia listing about Huashan openly suggested I had made false claims about Mt Huashan in a desperate attempt to achieve some sort of Internet glory.  I have never felt so insulted in my life. No good deed goes unpunished, does it?  But there wasn't much I could do about it.  Back here in Texas, I had no idea what they were talking about.  I was flying blind on this problem.  In May 2009, I finally got my answer.  That is when I received a remarkable letter from **[P. Allen](huashanletters.htm#Twenty_Two)**, a man who had recently climbed Huashan with his children ages 8 and 11.  Mr. Allen is an American living in China.  In addition, Mr. Allen's wife is not only Chinese, she had actually climbed Huashan back in the Eighties as a college student.  Now as the family climbed Huashan, Mr. Allen's wife was able to point out all the changes that had taken place at Huashan since her first visit twenty years earlier. After reading my article, Mr. Allen realized why the difficultly of the current Huashan climb didn't seem to fit my description.  So he clued me in.  The safety features had removed much of the danger. Aha!  Mystery solved. The reason behind all the improvements is tourism.  In this past decade, China decided to open its doors to international visitors.  While preparing to host the marvelous 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, China scouted the countryside for interesting places to send its tourists. Two places I have written about - the mountain tunnels of **[Guoliang](vinlin27a.htm)** as well as the beautiful mountain climb at Huashan - were selected as places of interest. With throngs of tourists soon to visit both locations, serious amounts of money were invested to make both places safer and easier to explore. Consequently today Huashan is no longer the monster it once was.  I would like to give three gentlemen - **[P. Allen](huashanletters.htm#Twenty_Two)**, **[Kwong](huashanletters.htm#Thirty)** and Karl - credit for writing the letters that prompted me to add this important update to my main story.  **Based on letters written to me over the past four years,** **I think the time has come to believe that the climb at Mt Huashan is no longer as difficult as it once was.** That said, let it be clear that Huashan was at one time just as dangerous as this article has suggested.  Just because the mountain has been declawed doesn't diminish its wild reputation of yesteryear. RA, July 2011 | | | | | | --- | --- | |   | | | --- | | **The Letter that Caused Me to Soften My "Danger" Label for Huashan** From: Karl MSent: Saturday, July 09, 2011 12:15 AMTo: rick@ssqq.comSubject: Mt. Huashan Rick,  You might be tired of this by now, but I would like to add my comments. I started by googling "most dangerous hikes in Europe" and wound up with Mt. Huashan on a page that included Angels Landing, which I have had a number of adventures on, including a day after a major snow storm. Fun! Then I found your website.This is an honest opinion and I hope you take it to heart.I am extremely adventurous, having climbed the cables of Half Dome nine times. I hope to do it a tenth time before I get too much older. 52 right now...booya! I feel it would be extremely misleading if the LEAD, NUMBER 1 article on the Internet about the Yosemite Half Dome here in America was PLASTERED with the headlines of DANGEROUS, DANGEROUS, DANGEROUS.Like Mt. Huashan, I have seen eight-year-olds on this climb. If those kids "let go" of the cables, yes, it's dangerous. If they hold on, it's safe. Amazing the human instinct for survival works quite well most of the time.Although I am mesmerized a bit by such adventures, as I read your story I concluded that Mt. Huashan would be TOO DANGEROUS, TOO INSANE for me to participate in. This was my "impression" after reading your main Mt. Huashan page. Then I read your Huashan Letters.  Now I received a totally different impression.  Unfortunately, most people will not BOTHER to go and do the further research I did on your ""Letters" section. This "could" cause someone to decide not to participate in climbing this mountain.  What a shame! My heart was totally palpitating reading about the 2002 climb. This was dangerous because it was pre-harness days AND it was snowing with icy steps.  If one read nothing else about Huashan, the "impression" is: **This is insane. Don't do it!** However, after reading more on your Letters page (much more time than most people will spend) my conclusion was different:  **This climb would be awesome. Put Huashan on the bucket list.**I feel it would be best to add a disclaimer on your lead page that safety precautions are now in place, instead of having to do so much research to get to the real danger involved on your other page.  You must acknowledge the short attention span of most Americans.It would NOT take away from the fear and anxiety and the excitement of the story.After reading many of the letters on the letters section, I went back to re-evaluate whether a "false impression" was being left. I was shocked by all the DANGER, DANGER, DANGER emphasis, in all honesty, without a nice template explaining harnesses may/are now available for the dangerous sections being reasonably near the top of this article.After all this controversy, why do you keep the word "**Dangerous**" in the title of the article?   How about "Exhilarating"? "Extraordinary"? "Mind-Blowing"? "Life-Altering Adventure of Mt. Huashan"? You may be discouraging some people from participating in a great life experience.Best wishes, Karl   **Rick Archer's Note:**  Karl's note was not only cordial, it was quite persuasive.  So in 2011, I added several hints on this main page to suggest Huashan is no longer quite as terrifying as it once was.  Just one piece of advice - if you climb Huashan, hang onto the ropes. For a great deal more information about Huashan, please visit the **[Huashan Letters](** page.  If you have any comments you would like to share, please email Rick Archer, [](   Thank you for reading my story! | | | | | | | | --- | --- | |   |   | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **[Danger Home](vinlin27.htm)** | **[Russian Highway from Hell](vinlin27c.htm)** | [**Bolivian Highway of Death**](vinlin27b.htm) | **[Yosemite Half Dome](vinlin27f.htm)** | **[El Camino del Rey](vinlin27e.htm)** | | **[Guoliang Tunnel](vinlin27a.htm)** | **[Search for Guoliang](guoliang.htm)** | **[Directions to Guoliang](guoliangmap.htm)** | **[Mt Huashan Hiking Trail](vinlin27d.htm)** | **[Mt Huashan Letters](huashanletters.htm)** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | [SSQQ Front Page]( | [Parties/Calendar of Events]( | [Jokes]( | | [SSQQ Information]( | [Schedule of Classes]( | [Writeups]( | | [SSQQ Archive](default.htm) | [Newsletter]( | [History of SSQQ]( | |
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BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0><TR align=center> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/Africa.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Africa</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/school/Antarctica/Animalprintouts.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Antarctica</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/arcticanimals.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Arctic</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/asia.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Asia</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/Australia.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Australia</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/europe.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Europe</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/northamer.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>North America</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/southamer.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>South America</FONT></A></B></TD> </TR></TABLE><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0><TR align=center> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><B><A HREF="/biomes/coralreef/coralreef.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Coral Reef</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><B><A HREF="/biomes/desert/desert.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Desert</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><B><A HREF="/biomes/grassland/grassland.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Grassland</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><B><A HREF="/biomes/pond/pondlife.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Pond</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><B><A HREF="/biomes/taiga/taiga.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Coniferous Forest</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><B><A HREF="/coloring/oceanlife.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Ocean</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><B><A HREF="/biomes/tempdecid/tempdecid.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Temperate Deciduous Forest</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><B><A HREF="/subjects/rainforest/animals/Rfbiomeanimals.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Tropical Rainforest</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><B><A HREF="/biomes/tundra/tundra.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Tundra</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><B><A HREF="/biomes/"><FONT SIZE=+0>More Biomes</FONT></A></B></TD> </TR></TABLE><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0><TR ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=MIDDLE> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><FONT SIZE=+0><A HREF="/coloring/simple.shtml" target="_top">Simple Animal Printouts</A></FONT></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><FONT SIZE=+0><A HREF="/report/animal/" target="_top">Guidelines for Writing a Report on an Animal</A></FONT></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><FONT SIZE=+0><A HREF="/graphicorganizers/animalrpt/" target="_top">Animal Report Graphic Organizers</A></FONT></B></TD> </TR></TABLE> <BR> <CENTER><FONT size=+0><B>Click on an animal to go to that printout.</B></FONT> <BR clear=all> For the <A HREF="/coloring/top25.shtml">top 25 printouts, click here</A>.</CENTER> <BR> <B><CENTER><FONT SIZE=+2 color="#ff0000">Ma</FONT></CENTER></B> <TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=2> <TR align=center bgcolor="#ffffcc"> <TD><font size=+1><B><A HREF="/coloring/m.shtml">Ma</A></B></font></TD> <TD><font size=+1><B><A HREF="/coloring/m2.shtml">Me-Mi</A></B></font></TD> <TD><font size=+1><B><A HREF="/coloring/m3.shtml">Mo</A></B></font></TD> <TD><font size=+1><B><A HREF="/coloring/m4.shtml">Mu</A></B></font></TD> </TR></TABLE> <TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1> <TR align=center> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/birds/printouts/Scarletmacaw.shtml" target="_top"><IMG SRC="/sgifs/Scarletmacaw.GIF" WIDTH="69" HEIGHT="177" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Macaw</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Macaws are parrots from the Americas.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/mammals/extinct/Macrauchenia.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/mgifs/Macrauchenia.GIF" WIDTH="188" HEIGHT="143" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Macrauchenia</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Macrauchenia was a camel-like mammal from the Pleistocene period - it is extinct.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/dinosaurs/dinotemplates/Maiasaura.shtml" target="_top"><IMG SRC="/mgifs/Maiasaur.GIF" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="35" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Maiasaura</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>A duck-billed, herding, plant-eating dinosaur that cared for its young.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/dinosaurs/dinotemplates/Maiatemplate.shtml" target="_top"><IMG SRC="/mgifs/Maiasaur.GIF" WIDTH="100" HEIGHT="35" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Maiasaura</A><BR>(Simple version)<BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>A duck-billed, herding plant-eater that cared for its young.</FONT></TD> </TR></TABLE><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1><TR align=center valign=top> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/birds/printouts/Cckatoo.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/cgifs/Cckatoo.GIF" WIDTH="133" HEIGHT="95" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Major Mitchell Cockatoo</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Cockatoos are birds with a large, feathery crest and a hooked bill.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/sharks/classroom/sharktemplates/Makotemplate.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/mgifs/Mako.GIF" WIDTH="142" HEIGHT="54" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Mako Shark</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Large predators that are the fastest swimming fish!</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/mammals/dog/Almalamuteprintout.shtml" target="_top"><IMG SRC="/agifs/Almalamute.GIF" ALIGN=TOP WIDTH="99" HEIGHT="93" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Malamute</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>The Alaskan malamute is a powerful sled dog from Alaska.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/birds/printouts/Mallardprintout.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/mgifs/Mallard.GIF" WIDTH="120" HEIGHT="57" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Mallard Duck</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>The Mallard is a common wild duck that is the ancestor of most domestic ducks. Or go to a <A HREF="/subjects/birds/printouts/duckprintoutsimple.shtml" target="_top">simple version of the duck printout</A> (unlabeled diagram and no information).</FONT></TD> </TR></TABLE><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1><TR align=center valign=top> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/dinosaurs/dinotemplates/Mamenchisaurus.shtml" target="_top"><IMG SRC="/mgifs/Mamenchi.GIF" WIDTH="122" HEIGHT="23" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Mamenchisaurus</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>The dinosaur with the longest neck - a plant-eating giant from China.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/dinosaurs/dinotemplates/Mamentemplate.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/mgifs/Mamenchi.GIF" WIDTH="122" HEIGHT="23" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Mamenchisaurus</A><BR>(Simple version)<BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>The dinosaur with the longest neck - a huge plant eater.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/mammals/Groups.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/sgifs/Skunk.GIF" WIDTH="108" HEIGHT="52" BORDER=0><IMG SRC="/agifs/Armadillo.GIF" WIDTH="61" HEIGHT="30" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Mammals</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Mammals are animals that have hair and nourish their young with milk.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/animals/circle/mammals.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/subjects/animals/circle/gifs/mammalstiny.GIF" ALT="Missing Letters" BORDER=0 VSPACE=0 HSPACE=0 WIDTH=172 HEIGHT=231><BR><BR>Mammals: Circle the Mammals and Fill in the Missing Letters</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Find the missing lettters and circle mammals. The mammals are monkey, rabbit, elk, weasel, whale, bat, goat, ox, gorilla, elephant. The extra animals are: octopus, butterfly, eagle, jellyfish, ant, eel, and dinosaur. Or <A HREF="/subjects/animals/circle/mammalsanswers.shtml" TARGET="_top">go to the answers</A>.</FONT></TD> </TR></TABLE><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1><TR align=center valign=top> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/mammals/mammoth/Woollymamprintout.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/wgifs/Woollymammoth1871.GIF" WIDTH="66" HEIGHT="56" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Mammoth</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Mammoths were extinct elephants that lived during the last Ice Ages.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/mammals/mammoth/label/" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/subjects/mammals/mammoth/label/small.GIF" WIDTH="113" HEIGHT="72" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Mammoth Label Me! Printout</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Label the woolly mammoth diagram on this printout.<br><A HREF="/subjects/mammals/mammoth/label/answers.shtml" TARGET="_top"><B>Answers</B></A></FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/mammals/manatee/infosheet.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/mgifs/Manatee.GIF" WIDTH="166" HEIGHT="107" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Manatee</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Manatees are gentle, slow-swimming, aquatic mammals.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/mammals/manatee/colorwrite.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/mgifs/manateetocolorsm.GIF" alt="Manatee" BORDER=0 WIDTH=109 HEIGHT=131><BR><BR>Manatee Coloring/Writing Printout</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Color the manatees then write about this endangered marine mammal.</FONT></TD> </TR></TABLE><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1><TR align=center valign=top> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/mammals/manatee/colorwrite.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/mgifs/manateekelpsm.GIF" alt="Manatee" BORDER=0 WIDTH=109 HEIGHT=131><BR><BR>Manatee Coloring/Writing Printout<BR>Simple Version</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Color the manatees, then write about this endangered marine mammal.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/mammals/monkey/Mandrillprintout.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/mgifs/Mandrill.GIF" WIDTH="79" HEIGHT="96" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Mandrill</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Mandrills are large, brightly-colored Old World monkeys.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/invertebrates/jellyfish/Manofwar.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/mgifs/Manofwar.GIF" WIDTH="105" HEIGHT="109" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Man-of-War</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>The Portuguese man-of-war is a floating colony of animals that has very long, stinging tentacles. It lives in warm ocean waters.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/sharks/rays/Mantaprintout.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/mgifs/Mantasmall.GIF" WIDTH="106" HEIGHT="88" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Manta Ray</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Manta rays are harmless fish related to sharks. They are the biggest ray.</FONT></TD> </TR></TABLE><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1><TR align=center valign=top> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/insects/mantids/Prayingmantidprintout.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/pgifs/Prayingmantid.GIF" WIDTH="81" HEIGHT="84" BORDER="0"><BR><BR>Mantid</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Also called the praying mantid or praying mantis, this predatory insect eats garden pests.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/birds/printouts/Mmurreletprintout.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/mgifs/Mmurrelet.GIF" WIDTH="115" HEIGHT="58" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Marbled Murrelet</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>A small seabird from the Pacific Northwest of North America.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/mammals/marinemammals/Marinemammalprintouts.shtml" target="_top"><IMG SRC="/kgifs/Killerwhale.GIF" WIDTH="60" HEIGHT="33" BORDER=0><IMG SRC="/wgifs/Walrus.GIF" ALT="Walrus" BORDER=0 WIDTH=74 HEIGHT=80><BR><BR>Marine Mammals</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Mammals that spend most of their lives in the seas.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/biomes/marsh/freshwaterprintout.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/biomes/marsh/freshwaterbwsmall.GIF" WIDTH="112" HEIGHT="84" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Marsh Animal Printout</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>A freshwater marsh printout.</FONT></TD> </TR></TABLE><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1><TR align=center valign=top> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/biomes/marsh/freshwater.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/biomes/marsh/freshwatersmall.GIF" WIDTH="114" HEIGHT="85" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Marsh Animals</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Printouts of many freshwater marsh animals.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/coloring/marsupial.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/kgifs/Koala.GIF" WIDTH="55" HEIGHT="66" BORDER=0><IMG SRC="/kgifs/Kangaroored.GIF" WIDTH="70" HEIGHT="50" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Marsupials</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Marsupials are mammals whose young are born very immature. Most female marsupials have pouches.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/dinosaurs/dinotemplates/Massotemplate.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/mgifs/Masso1.GIF" WIDTH="147" HEIGHT="59" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Massospondylus</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>An early plant-eating dinosaur with a long neck and long tail.</FONT></TD> </TR></TABLE><TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=1><TR align=center valign=top> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/mammals/dog/Mastiff.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/mgifs/Mastiff.GIF" WIDTH="106" HEIGHT="97" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Mastiff</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>The Mastiff is a huge, intelligent, and powerful dog that is often used as a guard dog.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+2><A HREF="/subjects/mammals/iceage/Mastodonprintout.shtml" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="/agifs/Ammastodon.GIF" WIDTH="93" HEIGHT="55" BORDER=0><BR><BR>Mastodon</A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Mastodons were shaggy, tusked herbivores that lived during the last Ice Age.</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="/subjects/animals/matching/homes/index.shtml" target="_top"><IMG SRC="/subjects/animals/matching/homes/small.GIF" WIDTH="168" HEIGHT="227" BORDER=0><BR clear=all><BR><B>Match the Animals to Their Homes</B></A><BR></FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>Match the bird, bear, dog, bee, and groundhog to the nest, cave, doghouse, hive, and hole.</FONT></TD> </TR> </TABLE><B><CENTER><FONT SIZE=+2 color="#ff0000">Ma</FONT></CENTER></B> <TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=2 CELLSPACING=2> <TR align=center bgcolor="#ffffcc"> <TD><font size=+1><B><A HREF="/coloring/m.shtml">Ma</A></B></font></TD> <TD><font size=+1><B><A HREF="/coloring/m2.shtml">Me-Mi</A></B></font></TD> <TD><font size=+1><B><A HREF="/coloring/m3.shtml">Mo</A></B></font></TD> <TD><font size=+1><B><A HREF="/coloring/m4.shtml">Mu</A></B></font></TD> </TR></TABLE> <TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0> <TR align=center> <TD BGCOLOR="#ff3366"><B><A HREF="/coloring/a.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>A</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ff3399"><B><A HREF="/coloring/b.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>B</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ff66cc"><B><A HREF="/coloring/c.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>C</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ff99ff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/d.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>D</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ff6600"><B><A HREF="/coloring/e.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>E</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ff9900"><B><A HREF="/coloring/f.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>F</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ff9933"><B><A HREF="/coloring/g.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>G</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ff9966"><B><A HREF="/coloring/h.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>H</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffcc00"><B><A HREF="/coloring/i.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>I</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffcc66"><B><A HREF="/coloring/j.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>J</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffff00"><B><A HREF="/coloring/k.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>K</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffff66"><B><A HREF="/coloring/l.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>L</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><B><A HREF="/coloring/m.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>M</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#66cc00"><B><A HREF="/coloring/n.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>N</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#66ff00"><B><A HREF="/coloring/o.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>O</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#66ff66"><B><A HREF="/coloring/p.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>P</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#33cccc"><B><A HREF="/coloring/q.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>Q</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#66cccc"><B><A HREF="/coloring/r.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>R</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#99ccff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/s.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>S</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#cc99ff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/t.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>T</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#cc99ff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/u.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>U</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#cc99cc"><B><A HREF="/coloring/v.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>V</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#cccc99"><B><A HREF="/coloring/w.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>W</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ccccff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/x.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>X</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc"><B><A HREF="/coloring/y.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>Y</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ccffcc"><B><A HREF="/coloring/z.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+2>Z</FONT></A></B></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0> <TR align=center> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/amphibians.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Amphibians</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/subjects/arachnids/Arachnidprintouts.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Arachnids</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/subjects/birds/printouts/"><FONT SIZE=+0>Birds</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/cats.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Cats</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/subjects/mammals/dog/index.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Dogs</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/subjects/dinosaurs/dinotemplates/Templatelist.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Dinosaurs</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/subjects/fish/printouts"><FONT SIZE=+0>Fish</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/subjects/insects/printouts.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Insects</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/subjects/mammals/Groups.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Mammals</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/subjects/invertebrates/index.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Invertebrates</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/subjects/reptiles/printouts.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Reptiles</FONT></A></B></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0> <TR align=center> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/camouflage.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Camouflaged</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/endangered.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Endangered</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/Hibernate.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Hibernating</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/lifecycles.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Life Cycles</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/migrate.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Migratory</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/nocturnal.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Nocturnal</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/poisonous.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Poisonous</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/Underground.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Underground</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/venomous.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Venomous</FONT></A></B></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <TABLE WIDTH=100% BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=1 CELLSPACING=0> <TR align=center> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/coloring/Africa.shtml"><FONT SIZE=+0>Africa</FONT></A></B></TD> <TD BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><B><A HREF="/school/Antarctica/Animalprintouts.shtml"><FONT 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just the imageAnimal Coloring pages: Ma - .el\_topad { display: block; width: 100%; height: 90px; } @media(min-width: 500px) { .el\_topad { height: 150px; } } (function() { function downloadJsAtOnload() { setTimeout(function downloadJs() { var element = document.createElement("script"); element.setAttribute("data-ad-client", "ca-pub-1671921607486068"); element.async = true; element.src = ""; document.body.appendChild(element); }, 3000); }; if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load", downloadJsAtOnload, false); else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", downloadJsAtOnload); else window.onload = downloadJsAtOnload; })(); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Advertisement. is a user-supported site. As a bonus, site members have access to a banner-ad-free version of the site, with print-friendly pages. [Click here to learn more.](/support/) | | | --- | | [ad](/support/index1.shtml) | **(Already a member? [Click here.](** | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | ***You might also like:*** | [Animal Coloring pages: Mo](/coloring/m3.shtml) | [Animal Coloring pages: Me-Mi](/coloring/m2.shtml) | [Animal Coloring pages: Su-Sy](/coloring/s7.shtml) | [Animal Coloring pages: Mu](/coloring/m4.shtml) | [Animal Coloring pages - Y](/coloring/y.shtml) | Today's featured page: [Florida: Facts, Map and State Symbols](/usa/states/florida/index.shtml) | | | | --- | | *[Our subscribers'](/support.shtml) grade-level estimate for this page: 1st - 3rd* | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | **[](/Home.shtml)Animal Printouts** | [**Go to Online Animal Coloring Pages**](/painting/) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **[A](/coloring/a.shtml)** | **[B](/coloring/b.shtml)** | **[C](/coloring/c.shtml)** | **[D](/coloring/d.shtml)** | **[E](/coloring/e.shtml)** | **[F](/coloring/f.shtml)** | **[G](/coloring/g.shtml)** | **[H](/coloring/h.shtml)** | **[I](/coloring/i.shtml)** | **[J](/coloring/j.shtml)** | **[K](/coloring/k.shtml)** | **[L](/coloring/l.shtml)** | **[M](/coloring/m.shtml)** | **[N](/coloring/n.shtml)** | **[O](/coloring/o.shtml)** | **[P](/coloring/p.shtml)** | **[Q](/coloring/q.shtml)** | **[R](/coloring/r.shtml)** | **[S](/coloring/s.shtml)** | **[T](/coloring/t.shtml)** | **[U](/coloring/u.shtml)** | **[V](/coloring/v.shtml)** | **[W](/coloring/w.shtml)** | **[X](/coloring/x.shtml)** | **[Y](/coloring/y.shtml)** | **[Z](/coloring/z.shtml)** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **[Amphibians](/coloring/amphibians.shtml)** | **[Arachnids](/subjects/arachnids/Arachnidprintouts.shtml)** | **[Birds](/subjects/birds/printouts/)** | **[Cats](/coloring/cats.shtml)** | **[Dogs](/subjects/mammals/dog/index.shtml)** | **[Dinosaurs](/subjects/dinosaurs/dinotemplates/Templatelist.shtml)** | **[Fish](/subjects/fish/printouts)** | **[Insects](/subjects/insects/printouts.shtml)** | **[Mammals](/subjects/mammals/Groups.shtml)** | **[Invertebrates](/subjects/invertebrates/index.shtml)** | **[Reptiles](/subjects/reptiles/printouts.shtml)** | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **[Camouflaged](/coloring/camouflage.shtml)** | **[Endangered](/coloring/endangered.shtml)** | **[Hibernating](/coloring/Hibernate.shtml)** | **[Life Cycles](/coloring/lifecycles.shtml)** | **[Migratory](/coloring/migrate.shtml)** | **[Nocturnal](/coloring/nocturnal.shtml)** | **[Poisonous](/coloring/poisonous.shtml)** | **[Underground](/coloring/Underground.shtml)** | **[Venomous](/coloring/venomous.shtml)** | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **[Africa](/coloring/Africa.shtml)** | **[Antarctica](/school/Antarctica/Animalprintouts.shtml)** | **[Arctic](/coloring/arcticanimals.shtml)** | **[Asia](/coloring/asia.shtml)** | **[Australia](/coloring/Australia.shtml)** | **[Europe](/coloring/europe.shtml)** | **[North America](/coloring/northamer.shtml)** | **[South America](/coloring/southamer.shtml)** | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **[Coral Reef](/biomes/coralreef/coralreef.shtml)** | **[Desert](/biomes/desert/desert.shtml)** | **[Grassland](/biomes/grassland/grassland.shtml)** | **[Pond](/biomes/pond/pondlife.shtml)** | **[Coniferous Forest](/biomes/taiga/taiga.shtml)** | **[Ocean](/coloring/oceanlife.shtml)** | **[Temperate Deciduous Forest](/biomes/tempdecid/tempdecid.shtml)** | **[Tropical Rainforest](/subjects/rainforest/animals/Rfbiomeanimals.shtml)** | **[Tundra](/biomes/tundra/tundra.shtml)** | **[More Biomes](/biomes/)** | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | **[Simple Animal Printouts](/coloring/simple.shtml)** | **[Guidelines for Writing a Report on an Animal](/report/animal/)** | **[Animal Report Graphic Organizers](/graphicorganizers/animalrpt/)** | **Click on an animal to go to that printout.** For the [top 25 printouts, click here](/coloring/top25.shtml). **Ma** | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **[Ma](/coloring/m.shtml)** | **[Me-Mi](/coloring/m2.shtml)** | **[Mo](/coloring/m3.shtml)** | **[Mu](/coloring/m4.shtml)** | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [Macaw](/subjects/birds/printouts/Scarletmacaw.shtml)Macaws are parrots from the Americas. | [Macrauchenia](/subjects/mammals/extinct/Macrauchenia.shtml)Macrauchenia was a camel-like mammal from the Pleistocene period - it is extinct. | [Maiasaura](/subjects/dinosaurs/dinotemplates/Maiasaura.shtml)A duck-billed, herding, plant-eating dinosaur that cared for its young. | [Maiasaura](/subjects/dinosaurs/dinotemplates/Maiatemplate.shtml)(Simple version)A duck-billed, herding plant-eater that cared for its young. | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [Major Mitchell Cockatoo](/subjects/birds/printouts/Cckatoo.shtml)Cockatoos are birds with a large, feathery crest and a hooked bill. | [Mako Shark](/subjects/sharks/classroom/sharktemplates/Makotemplate.shtml)Large predators that are the fastest swimming fish! | [Malamute](/subjects/mammals/dog/Almalamuteprintout.shtml)The Alaskan malamute is a powerful sled dog from Alaska. | [Mallard Duck](/subjects/birds/printouts/Mallardprintout.shtml)The Mallard is a common wild duck that is the ancestor of most domestic ducks. Or go to a [simple version of the duck printout](/subjects/birds/printouts/duckprintoutsimple.shtml) (unlabeled diagram and no information). | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [Mamenchisaurus](/subjects/dinosaurs/dinotemplates/Mamenchisaurus.shtml)The dinosaur with the longest neck - a plant-eating giant from China. | [Mamenchisaurus](/subjects/dinosaurs/dinotemplates/Mamentemplate.shtml)(Simple version)The dinosaur with the longest neck - a huge plant eater. | [Mammals](/subjects/mammals/Groups.shtml)Mammals are animals that have hair and nourish their young with milk. | [Missing LettersMammals: Circle the Mammals and Fill in the Missing Letters](/subjects/animals/circle/mammals.shtml)Find the missing lettters and circle mammals. The mammals are monkey, rabbit, elk, weasel, whale, bat, goat, ox, gorilla, elephant. The extra animals are: octopus, butterfly, eagle, jellyfish, ant, eel, and dinosaur. Or [go to the answers](/subjects/animals/circle/mammalsanswers.shtml). | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [Mammoth](/subjects/mammals/mammoth/Woollymamprintout.shtml)Mammoths were extinct elephants that lived during the last Ice Ages. | [Mammoth Label Me! Printout](/subjects/mammals/mammoth/label/)Label the woolly mammoth diagram on this printout.[**Answers**](/subjects/mammals/mammoth/label/answers.shtml) | [Manatee](/subjects/mammals/manatee/infosheet.shtml)Manatees are gentle, slow-swimming, aquatic mammals. | [ManateeManatee Coloring/Writing Printout](/subjects/mammals/manatee/colorwrite.shtml)Color the manatees then write about this endangered marine mammal. | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [ManateeManatee Coloring/Writing PrintoutSimple Version](/subjects/mammals/manatee/colorwrite.shtml)Color the manatees, then write about this endangered marine mammal. | [Mandrill](/subjects/mammals/monkey/Mandrillprintout.shtml)Mandrills are large, brightly-colored Old World monkeys. | [Man-of-War](/subjects/invertebrates/jellyfish/Manofwar.shtml)The Portuguese man-of-war is a floating colony of animals that has very long, stinging tentacles. It lives in warm ocean waters. | [Manta Ray](/subjects/sharks/rays/Mantaprintout.shtml)Manta rays are harmless fish related to sharks. They are the biggest ray. | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [Mantid](/subjects/insects/mantids/Prayingmantidprintout.shtml)Also called the praying mantid or praying mantis, this predatory insect eats garden pests. | [Marbled Murrelet](/subjects/birds/printouts/Mmurreletprintout.shtml)A small seabird from the Pacific Northwest of North America. | [WalrusMarine Mammals](/subjects/mammals/marinemammals/Marinemammalprintouts.shtml)Mammals that spend most of their lives in the seas. | [Marsh Animal Printout](/biomes/marsh/freshwaterprintout.shtml)A freshwater marsh printout. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | [Marsh Animals](/biomes/marsh/freshwater.shtml)Printouts of many freshwater marsh animals. | [Marsupials](/coloring/marsupial.shtml)Marsupials are mammals whose young are born very immature. Most female marsupials have pouches. | [Massospondylus](/subjects/dinosaurs/dinotemplates/Massotemplate.shtml)An early plant-eating dinosaur with a long neck and long tail. | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | [Mastiff](/subjects/mammals/dog/Mastiff.shtml)The Mastiff is a huge, intelligent, and powerful dog that is often used as a guard dog. | [Mastodon](/subjects/mammals/iceage/Mastodonprintout.shtml)Mastodons were shaggy, tusked herbivores that lived during the last Ice Age. | [**Match the Animals to Their Homes**](/subjects/animals/matching/homes/index.shtml)Match the bird, bear, dog, bee, and groundhog to the nest, cave, doghouse, hive, and hole. | **Ma** | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **[Ma](/coloring/m.shtml)** | **[Me-Mi](/coloring/m2.shtml)** | **[Mo](/coloring/m3.shtml)** | **[Mu](/coloring/m4.shtml)** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **[A](/coloring/a.shtml)** | **[B](/coloring/b.shtml)** | **[C](/coloring/c.shtml)** | **[D](/coloring/d.shtml)** | **[E](/coloring/e.shtml)** | **[F](/coloring/f.shtml)** | **[G](/coloring/g.shtml)** | **[H](/coloring/h.shtml)** | **[I](/coloring/i.shtml)** | **[J](/coloring/j.shtml)** | **[K](/coloring/k.shtml)** | **[L](/coloring/l.shtml)** | **[M](/coloring/m.shtml)** | **[N](/coloring/n.shtml)** | **[O](/coloring/o.shtml)** | **[P](/coloring/p.shtml)** | **[Q](/coloring/q.shtml)** | **[R](/coloring/r.shtml)** | **[S](/coloring/s.shtml)** | **[T](/coloring/t.shtml)** | **[U](/coloring/u.shtml)** | **[V](/coloring/v.shtml)** | **[W](/coloring/w.shtml)** | **[X](/coloring/x.shtml)** | **[Y](/coloring/y.shtml)** | **[Z](/coloring/z.shtml)** | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **[Amphibians](/coloring/amphibians.shtml)** | **[Arachnids](/subjects/arachnids/Arachnidprintouts.shtml)** | **[Birds](/subjects/birds/printouts/)** | **[Cats](/coloring/cats.shtml)** | **[Dogs](/subjects/mammals/dog/index.shtml)** | **[Dinosaurs](/subjects/dinosaurs/dinotemplates/Templatelist.shtml)** | **[Fish](/subjects/fish/printouts)** | **[Insects](/subjects/insects/printouts.shtml)** | **[Mammals](/subjects/mammals/Groups.shtml)** | **[Invertebrates](/subjects/invertebrates/index.shtml)** | **[Reptiles](/subjects/reptiles/printouts.shtml)** | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **[Camouflaged](/coloring/camouflage.shtml)** | **[Endangered](/coloring/endangered.shtml)** | **[Hibernating](/coloring/Hibernate.shtml)** | **[Life Cycles](/coloring/lifecycles.shtml)** | **[Migratory](/coloring/migrate.shtml)** | **[Nocturnal](/coloring/nocturnal.shtml)** | **[Poisonous](/coloring/poisonous.shtml)** | **[Underground](/coloring/Underground.shtml)** | **[Venomous](/coloring/venomous.shtml)** | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **[Africa](/coloring/Africa.shtml)** | **[Antarctica](/school/Antarctica/Animalprintouts.shtml)** | **[Arctic](/coloring/arcticanimals.shtml)** | **[Asia](/coloring/asia.shtml)** | **[Australia](/coloring/Australia.shtml)** | **[Europe](/coloring/europe.shtml)** | **[North America](/coloring/northamer.shtml)** | **[South America](/coloring/southamer.shtml)** | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **[Coral Reef](/biomes/coralreef/coralreef.shtml)** | **[Desert](/biomes/desert/desert.shtml)** | **[Grassland](/biomes/grassland/grassland.shtml)** | **[Pond](/biomes/pond/pondlife.shtml)** | **[Coniferous Forest](/biomes/taiga/taiga.shtml)** | **[Ocean](/coloring/oceanlife.shtml)** | **[Temperate Deciduous Forest](/biomes/tempdecid/tempdecid.shtml)** | **[Tropical Rainforest](/subjects/rainforest/animals/Rfbiomeanimals.shtml)** | **[Tundra](/biomes/tundra/tundra.shtml)** | **[More Biomes](/biomes/)** | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | **[Simple Animal Printouts](/coloring/simple.shtml)** | **[Guidelines for Writing a Report on an Animal](/report/animal/)** | **[Animal Report Graphic Organizers](/graphicorganizers/animalrpt/)** | **Click on a letter to go to that page of animal printouts.** In addition to printing the animals, you can copy a printout ([click here for instructions](/coloring/copyinstructions.shtml)) and paste it into a painting program (like Paint) and color the animal there. (Thanks to Grace P. from Thorngrove School for this great idea.) --- --- [Enchanted Learning](/Home.html)® Over 35,000 Web Pages [Sample Pages for Prospective Subscribers](/sample/), or click below | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | Overview of Site [What's New](/Whatsnew.shtml) [Enchanted Learning Home](/Home.html) [Monthly Activity Calendar](/activitycalendars/) [Books to Print](/books/) [Site Index](/siteindex.shtml) --- K-3 [Crafts](/crafts/) [K-3 Themes](/themes/) [Little Explorers](/Dictionary.html)Picture dictionary [PreK/K Activities](/categories/preschool.shtml) [Rebus Rhymes](/Rhymes.html) [Stories](/stories/) --- Writing [Cloze Activities](/cloze/) [Essay Topics](/essay/) [Newspaper](/newspaper/) [Writing Activities](/essay/writing.shtml) [Parts of Speech](/grammar/partsofspeech/) --- Fiction [The Test of Time](/testoftime/) | Biology [Animal Printouts](/coloring/) [Biology Label Printouts](/label/biology.shtml) [Biomes](/biomes/) [Birds](/subjects/birds/) [Butterflies](/subjects/butterfly/) [Dinosaurs](/subjects/dinosaurs/) [Food Chain](/subjects/foodchain/) [Human Anatomy](/subjects/anatomy/titlepage.shtml) [Mammals](/subjects/mammals/) [Plants](/subjects/plants/) [Rainforests](/subjects/rainforest/) [Sharks](/subjects/sharks/) [Whales](/subjects/whales/) --- Physical Sciences: K-12 [Astronomy](/subjects/astronomy/) [The Earth](/subjects/astronomy/planets/earth/) [Geology](/geology/) [Hurricanes](/subjects/weather/hurricane/) [Landforms](/geography/landforms/) [Oceans](/subjects/ocean/) [Tsunami](/subjects/tsunami/) [Volcano](/subjects/volcano/) | Languages [Dutch](/themes/dutch.shtml) [French](/themes/french.shtml) [German](/themes/german.shtml) [Italian](/themes/italian.shtml) [Japanese (Romaji)](/Japanese/) [Portuguese](/themes/portuguese.shtml) [Spanish](/themes/spanish.shtml) [Swedish](/themes/swedish.shtml) --- Geography/History [Explorers](/explorers/) [Flags](/geography/flags/) [Geography](/geography/) [Inventors](/inventors/) [US History](/history/us/enc/) --- Other Topics [Art and Artists](/artists/coloring/) [Calendars](/calendar/) [College Finder](/satprofile/index.shtml) [Crafts](/crafts/) [Graphic Organizers](/graphicorganizers/) [Label Me! 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After three years without anything but point releases, the browser that helped put the Web into gear is revving up again -- so radically altered that its creators decided to change its name and skip a release number. </P> <P>So instead of Netscape Communicator 5, we have a simple, straightforward Netscape 6, which makes its formal debut Wednesday in a presentation by America Online Chair Steve Case. </P> <P>The changes are dramatic indeed, including a slimmed-down profile (the download is less than half the size of Communicator 4.7's), a slicked-up user interface, the first third-party America Online e-mail client, and an intriguing combination of Web search tools and instant messaging.</P> <!-- === community === --> <TABLE align="right" width="170" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" bgcolor="#dddddd"> <TR><TD bgcolor="#FF6600" width="14" height="14"><IMG SRC="/images/icons/" ALT="" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0" WIDTH="14" HEIGHT="14" BORDER="0"></TD><TD bgcolor="#666666" width="156"><span class="BoxTitle"><B>&nbsp; MESSAGE BOARD</B></span></TD></TR> <TR><TD colspan="2"> <TABLE width="170" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <!-- /........... --> <TR><TD align=left> <DIV class="BoxStory"> <a href="" target="new">Netscape 6</a> </DIV> </TD></TR> <!-- /........... --> </TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD colspan="2" bgcolor="#ffffff">&nbsp;</TD></TR> </TABLE> <!-- === /community === --> <P>Netscape faithfuls will want to check out this version and will appreciate its features. But whether Netscape can woo back those who've defected to Microsoft Internet Explorer is another question. Those in the IE camp need to be willing to experiment with new features -- especially if they're reasonably satisfied with their current browser. For users of both browsers, however, Netscape 6 is a significant change. It is as different from Communicator 4.7 as it is from IE5. </P><h3>Thin is in</h3> <P><TABLE CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="4" WIDTH="185" HSPACE="0" BORDER="0" ALIGN="RIGHT"> <TR><TD WIDTH="185" BGCOLOR="#000000" ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT COLOR="#00BB00" SIZE="-2" FACE="HELVETICA, ARIAL, SANS-SERIF"> MORE COMPUTING INTELLIGENCE</FONT></TH></TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="185" BGCOLOR="#CCFF99" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="-2" FACE="HELVETICA, ARIAL, SANS-SERIF"> <IMG SRC="/TECH/images/9801/computing/idgnet_logo_20x37.gif" ALT="" VALIGN="ABSMIDDLE" width="37" HEIGHT="20" BORDER="0"> &nbsp;<A HREF="" target="new"><STRONG> home page</STRONG></A> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="185" BGCOLOR="#CCFF99" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="-2" FACE="HELVETICA, ARIAL, SANS-SERIF">&nbsp; <A HREF="" TARGET="new"> Netscape 6 hopes less is more</A></FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="185" BGCOLOR="#CCFF99" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="-2" FACE="helvetica, arial, sans-serif, SANS-SERIF">&nbsp; <A HREF="" TARGET="new"> Microsoft to show Pocket IE, discuss Pocket PC</A></FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="185" BGCOLOR="#CCFF99" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="-2" FACE="helvetica, arial, sans-serif, SANS-SERIF">&nbsp; <A HREF="" TARGET="new"> Browse on anything... but when?</A></FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="185" BGCOLOR="#CCFF99" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="-2" FACE="helvetica, arial, sans-serif, SANS-SERIF">&nbsp; <A HREF="" TARGET="new"> Open-source browser wins big support</A></FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="185" BGCOLOR="#000000" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT COLOR="#00BB00" SIZE="-2" FACE="HELVETICA, ARIAL, SANS-SERIF">&nbsp; Reviews & in-depth info at</FONT> </TH> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="185" BGCOLOR="#CCFF99" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="-2" FACE="helvetica, arial, sans-serif, SANS-SERIF">&nbsp; <A HREF="" TARGET="new"> E-Business World</A></FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="185" BGCOLOR="#CCFF99" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="-2" FACE="helvetica, arial, sans-serif, SANS-SERIF">&nbsp; <A HREF="" TARGET="new"> Year 2000 World</A></FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="185" BGCOLOR="#CCFF99" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="-2" FACE="HELVETICA, ARIAL, SANS-SERIF">&nbsp; <A HREF=""> Questions about computers?</A> Let's editors help you</FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="185" BGCOLOR="#CCFF99" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="-2" FACE="helvetica, arial, sans-serif, SANS-SERIF">&nbsp; <A HREF="" TARGET="new"> Subscribe to's free daily newsletter for computer geniuses (& newbies)</A></FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="185" BGCOLOR="#CCFF99" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="-2" FACE="HELVETICA, ARIAL, SANS-SERIF">&nbsp; <A HREF="" target="new"> Search</A> in 12 languages<BR></FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="185" BGCOLOR="#000000" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP"> <FONT COLOR="#00BB00" SIZE="-2" FACE="HELVETICA, ARIAL, SANS-SERIF">&nbsp; News Radio</FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD BGCOLOR="#CCFF99" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="MIDDLE"> <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="-2" FACE="HELVETICA, ARIAL">&nbsp; <IMG SRC="" VALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="19" HEIGHT="12" BORDER="0" ALT="*"> <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="-2" FACE="HELVETICA, ARIAL, SANS-SERIF"> <A HREF="" target="new"><STRONG> Fusion audio primers</STRONG></A></FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR><TD BGCOLOR="#CCFF99" ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="MIDDLE"> <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="-2" FACE="HELVETICA, ARIAL">&nbsp; <IMG SRC="" VALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH="19" HEIGHT="12" BORDER="0" ALT="*"> <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="-2" FACE="HELVETICA, ARIAL, SANS-SERIF"> <A HREF="" target="new"><STRONG> Computerworld Minute</STRONG></A></FONT> </TD></TR> </TABLE></P> <P>A look at Netscape 6's first preview release reveals that the intention is to get back to browser basics. </P> <P>For starters, it's compact in a way browsers haven't been since the glory years of Navigator 2: The full download of Netscape 6 tops out at 8.5MB, compared to 18MB for the bloated Communicator 4.7 and 29.4MB for the soup-to-nuts IE5. </P> <P>Netscape 6 got thin by dropping Communicator's least-used components (when was the last time you invoked Netcaster?) and by abandoning Communicator's HTML rendering engine in favor of the newer and nimbler Gecko browser technology. </P> <P>Gecko is not only smaller but also faster than its Communicator predecessor: Given equal network conditions, complicated Web pages load more quickly with Gecko, although we didn't put this early version to formal tests.</P> <h3>Well-tailored for you</h3> <P>The attractive, contemporary-looking interface offers lots more customization options than the competition does. The most prominent is My Sidebar, a collection of small, tabbed windows (Netscape calls them tabs) on the left side of the screen that hold Web information and applications you want to access with a minimum of fuss. </P> <P>Netscape 6 comes preloaded with a handful of tabs -- customized minipages like the Web clipping service provided for Web-enabled mobile phones. Netscape provides tabs for CNN headlines and stock quotes from your Netcenter portfolio, and you'll be able to get more tabs from Web sites that offer them. Netscape says more than 400 tabs will be available at launch. </P> <P>If you don't want to see My Sidebar, it collapses with a simple mouse click on the side of its frame; no labyrinthine menu item checkoffs are required. </P><h3>Buddying up</h3> <P>Netscape 6 is the first major update to Netscape's browser since AOL acquired the company in 1998, and several features reflect AOL's influence. For example, one My Sidebar tab is the Buddy List, which lets you send instant messages to other AOL/Netscape Instant Messenger subscribers from within the browser -- and not just the browser on your computer. Buddy Lists are now stored on Netscape's servers, so you can access them from any IM-equipped PC. </P> <P>Even cooler: When you compose messages in Netscape Mail, the software checks for recipients who are on your Buddy List; if they're online, you can send the e-mail as an instant message and start a chat session, perhaps circumventing some time-consuming e-mail exchanges. </P> <P>Netscape Mail delivers several other new goodies, not the least of which is the ability to send and receive your AOL e-mail -- the first third-party e-mail client ever to offer that service (no big surprise, of course, since Netscape is now an AOL subsidiary). </P> <P>You can now manage multiple AOL and POP3 e-mail accounts, with separate in-boxes and folders for each one. That feature, which most major e-mail programs don't offer, is useful if you'd like to keep your personal and business e-mail completely separate without resorting to filters. </P> <P>A popular feature of most newer e-mail programs is also included: When you read a message, Netscape automatically stores the sender's address so you can send them mail later by simply typing the name in the To: field when you start composing. Filters to sort mail into folders as it arrives would have been nice, but otherwise Netscape Mail is a very usable basic e-mail client. </P> <h3>Search me</h3> <P>Netscape has tried to make searching as easy as possible, but the result is mixed. </P> <P>You can perform certain specific searches by using special keywords. For example, if you're shopping for something, type "shop" or "buy" along with the name of the item in the URL bar, and Netscape will bring back results from AOL's shopping search engine. Similarly, typing quote in front of a company name brings up the price of its stock. </P> <P>If the first set of results works well for you, you'll love Netscape Search. But if it doesn't, things can get frustrating. </P> <P>You can hit a button to get additional results, which start with a list of sites reviewed in Netscape's Open Directory project, a Yahoo-like catalog with write-ups by volunteer editors. Those results also appear in the Search tab of My Sidebar, where they remain until you search on new keywords. </P> <P>You can refine your search by category -- Art, Science, Reference, and so on. Eventually you get another button that lets you search with Google, a popular and effective search engine. </P> <P>Additionally, you can configure Netscape to search several sites at once, but some of those sites aren't search engines (MapQuest and Netscape Jobs, for example). </P> <P>Most annoyingly, you can't choose a different search engine as the default; you can only bookmark it. Also, Netscape 6 does not come with a large selection of preloaded bookmarks -- or even major search engines -- as prior versions did. </P><h3>Extras, extras</h3> <P>Netscape 6's security options represent a significant improvement over Communicator 4.7's, and they match or exceed those in IE5. You can automate site log-ins via a master password and set cookie controls on a site-by-site, cookie-by-cookie basis. </P> <P>Other components and features include Composer, a serviceable Web-page authoring tool along the lines of Front Page Express; Net2Phone software for Internet phone calls; and a translation command for conjuring up computer-generated versions of Web pages in foreign languages (this wasn't ready for testing in my pre-prerelease copy).</P> <h3>Some work needed</h3> <P>Preview release 1 isn't without the usual clumps of beta bugs, and there are a couple of built-in irritants. In a package with so many new features, there's a glaring lack of tool tips to help you learn. It's not always obvious how to use the new customization options. And now that AOL's Buddy Lists are part of the package, why not import the lists people already have on their hard drives? These are the sorts of complaints that discourage people who experiment with new software, and Netscape 6 may prove no exception.</P><h3>Winning a different war?</h3> <P>But even if Netscape 6 doesn't initially win big on PC desktops, it may fare well in the increasingly diverse Web-browsing universe. "They have a really strong chance of leveraging that core browser engine," says Jupiter Communications analyst Lynn Loizides, an unabashed Gecko fan. </P> <P>Netscape 6 is launching simultaneously for the Windows, Macintosh, and Linux platforms, and the Gecko engine has no serious competition yet from Microsoft's Windows CE in the Web appliance universe, where Linux is rapidly gaining popularity. </P> <P>So even if Netscape 6 isn't your desktop browser choice, don't be surprised to see it on a TV set or mall kiosk in the next couple of years. And if you've stayed with Netscape, you have some good new reasons for sticking to your guns. This lean, smart browsing machine should be a powerful contender.</P> <br clear=all> <!--========================================================--> <!--===============Paste story between here=================--> <!--========================================================--> <!--========================================================--> <!--======================= Relateds =======================--> <!--========================================================--> <BR CLEAR=ALL><A NAME="r"><HR SIZE="1"></A> <span class="FSnBSmDk">RELATED STORIES:</span> <BLOCKQUOTE> <span class="FSnPMdDk"> <!-- RELATED STORIES--> <a href="/cnnfn/2000/04/05/technology/netscape/">Netscape unveils browser</a><br> April 5, 2000<br> <a href="/2000/TECH/computing/02/02/iplanet.wireless.idg/">Sun-Netscape Alliance goes wireless</a><br> February 2, 2000<br> <a href="/2000/TECH/computing/01/05/">Netscape takes on Yahoo with open-source model</a><br> January 5, 2000<br> <a href="/1999/TECH/computing/12/16/netscape.crack.idg/index.html">Security hole found in Netscape mail system</a><br> December 16, 1999<br> <a href="/TECH/computing/9911/29/communicator5.0.idg/index.html">Take a peek at Communicator 5.0</a><br> November 29, 1999<br> <a href="/TECH/computing/9911/10/microsoft.wins.idg/index.html">Zona declares Microsoft winner in browser war</a><br> November 10, 1999<br> <!-- /RELATED STORIES--> </span> </BLOCKQUOTE> <HR SIZE="1"> <SPAN CLASS="FSnBSmDk">RELATED STORIES:</SPAN> <BLOCKQUOTE> <SPAN CLASS="FSnPMdDk"> <!-- RELATED IDG STORIES--> <A HREF="" TARGET="new">Netscape 6 hopes less is more</A><BR>(<EM>PC World Online</em>)<BR> <A HREF="" TARGET="new">Open-source browser wins big support</A><BR>(<EM>Computerworld</em>)<BR> <A HREF="" TARGET="new">Opera browser coming to Mac</A><BR>(<EM>Macworld</em>)<BR> <A HREF="" TARGET="new">Microsoft to show Pocket IE, discuss Pocket PC</A><BR>(<EM></em>)<BR> <A HREF="" TARGET="new">SpotOn shows surfers what's 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The changes are dramatic indeed, including a slimmed-down profile (the download is less than half the size of Communicator 4.7's), a slicked-up user interface, the first third-party America Online e-mail client, and an intriguing combination of Web search tools and instant messaging. | | | | --- | --- | | | **MESSAGE BOARD** | | | [Netscape 6]( | | | | Netscape faithfuls will want to check out this version and will appreciate its features. But whether Netscape can woo back those who've defected to Microsoft Internet Explorer is another question. Those in the IE camp need to be willing to experiment with new features -- especially if they're reasonably satisfied with their current browser. For users of both browsers, however, Netscape 6 is a significant change. It is as different from Communicator 4.7 as it is from IE5. Thin is in | | | --- | | MORE COMPUTING INTELLIGENCE | |  [** home page**]( | |   [Netscape 6 hopes less is more]( | |   [Microsoft to show Pocket IE, discuss Pocket PC]( | |   [Browse on anything... but when?]( | |   [Open-source browser wins big support]( | |   Reviews & in-depth info at | |   [E-Business World]( | |   [Year 2000 World]( | |   [Questions about computers?]( Let's editors help you | |   [Subscribe to's free daily newsletter for computer geniuses (& newbies)]( | |   [Search]( in 12 languages | |   News Radio | |   * [**Fusion audio primers**]( | |   * [**Computerworld Minute**]( | A look at Netscape 6's first preview release reveals that the intention is to get back to browser basics. For starters, it's compact in a way browsers haven't been since the glory years of Navigator 2: The full download of Netscape 6 tops out at 8.5MB, compared to 18MB for the bloated Communicator 4.7 and 29.4MB for the soup-to-nuts IE5. Netscape 6 got thin by dropping Communicator's least-used components (when was the last time you invoked Netcaster?) and by abandoning Communicator's HTML rendering engine in favor of the newer and nimbler Gecko browser technology. Gecko is not only smaller but also faster than its Communicator predecessor: Given equal network conditions, complicated Web pages load more quickly with Gecko, although we didn't put this early version to formal tests. Well-tailored for you The attractive, contemporary-looking interface offers lots more customization options than the competition does. The most prominent is My Sidebar, a collection of small, tabbed windows (Netscape calls them tabs) on the left side of the screen that hold Web information and applications you want to access with a minimum of fuss. Netscape 6 comes preloaded with a handful of tabs -- customized minipages like the Web clipping service provided for Web-enabled mobile phones. Netscape provides tabs for CNN headlines and stock quotes from your Netcenter portfolio, and you'll be able to get more tabs from Web sites that offer them. Netscape says more than 400 tabs will be available at launch. If you don't want to see My Sidebar, it collapses with a simple mouse click on the side of its frame; no labyrinthine menu item checkoffs are required. Buddying up Netscape 6 is the first major update to Netscape's browser since AOL acquired the company in 1998, and several features reflect AOL's influence. For example, one My Sidebar tab is the Buddy List, which lets you send instant messages to other AOL/Netscape Instant Messenger subscribers from within the browser -- and not just the browser on your computer. Buddy Lists are now stored on Netscape's servers, so you can access them from any IM-equipped PC. Even cooler: When you compose messages in Netscape Mail, the software checks for recipients who are on your Buddy List; if they're online, you can send the e-mail as an instant message and start a chat session, perhaps circumventing some time-consuming e-mail exchanges. Netscape Mail delivers several other new goodies, not the least of which is the ability to send and receive your AOL e-mail -- the first third-party e-mail client ever to offer that service (no big surprise, of course, since Netscape is now an AOL subsidiary). You can now manage multiple AOL and POP3 e-mail accounts, with separate in-boxes and folders for each one. That feature, which most major e-mail programs don't offer, is useful if you'd like to keep your personal and business e-mail completely separate without resorting to filters. A popular feature of most newer e-mail programs is also included: When you read a message, Netscape automatically stores the sender's address so you can send them mail later by simply typing the name in the To: field when you start composing. Filters to sort mail into folders as it arrives would have been nice, but otherwise Netscape Mail is a very usable basic e-mail client. Search me Netscape has tried to make searching as easy as possible, but the result is mixed. You can perform certain specific searches by using special keywords. For example, if you're shopping for something, type "shop" or "buy" along with the name of the item in the URL bar, and Netscape will bring back results from AOL's shopping search engine. Similarly, typing quote in front of a company name brings up the price of its stock. If the first set of results works well for you, you'll love Netscape Search. But if it doesn't, things can get frustrating. You can hit a button to get additional results, which start with a list of sites reviewed in Netscape's Open Directory project, a Yahoo-like catalog with write-ups by volunteer editors. Those results also appear in the Search tab of My Sidebar, where they remain until you search on new keywords. You can refine your search by category -- Art, Science, Reference, and so on. Eventually you get another button that lets you search with Google, a popular and effective search engine. Additionally, you can configure Netscape to search several sites at once, but some of those sites aren't search engines (MapQuest and Netscape Jobs, for example). Most annoyingly, you can't choose a different search engine as the default; you can only bookmark it. Also, Netscape 6 does not come with a large selection of preloaded bookmarks -- or even major search engines -- as prior versions did. Extras, extras Netscape 6's security options represent a significant improvement over Communicator 4.7's, and they match or exceed those in IE5. You can automate site log-ins via a master password and set cookie controls on a site-by-site, cookie-by-cookie basis. Other components and features include Composer, a serviceable Web-page authoring tool along the lines of Front Page Express; Net2Phone software for Internet phone calls; and a translation command for conjuring up computer-generated versions of Web pages in foreign languages (this wasn't ready for testing in my pre-prerelease copy). Some work needed Preview release 1 isn't without the usual clumps of beta bugs, and there are a couple of built-in irritants. In a package with so many new features, there's a glaring lack of tool tips to help you learn. It's not always obvious how to use the new customization options. And now that AOL's Buddy Lists are part of the package, why not import the lists people already have on their hard drives? These are the sorts of complaints that discourage people who experiment with new software, and Netscape 6 may prove no exception.Winning a different war? But even if Netscape 6 doesn't initially win big on PC desktops, it may fare well in the increasingly diverse Web-browsing universe. "They have a really strong chance of leveraging that core browser engine," says Jupiter Communications analyst Lynn Loizides, an unabashed Gecko fan. Netscape 6 is launching simultaneously for the Windows, Macintosh, and Linux platforms, and the Gecko engine has no serious competition yet from Microsoft's Windows CE in the Web appliance universe, where Linux is rapidly gaining popularity. So even if Netscape 6 isn't your desktop browser choice, don't be surprised to see it on a TV set or mall kiosk in the next couple of years. And if you've stayed with Netscape, you have some good new reasons for sticking to your guns. This lean, smart browsing machine should be a powerful contender. --- RELATED STORIES: [Netscape unveils browser](/cnnfn/2000/04/05/technology/netscape/) April 5, 2000 [Sun-Netscape Alliance goes wireless](/2000/TECH/computing/02/02/iplanet.wireless.idg/) February 2, 2000 [Netscape takes on Yahoo with open-source model](/2000/TECH/computing/01/05/ January 5, 2000 [Security hole found in Netscape mail system](/1999/TECH/computing/12/16/netscape.crack.idg/index.html) December 16, 1999 [Take a peek at Communicator 5.0](/TECH/computing/9911/29/communicator5.0.idg/index.html) November 29, 1999 [Zona declares Microsoft winner in browser war](/TECH/computing/9911/10/microsoft.wins.idg/index.html) November 10, 1999 --- RELATED STORIES: [Netscape 6 hopes less is more](*PC World Online*) [Open-source browser wins big support](*Computerworld*) [Opera browser coming to Mac](*Macworld*) [Microsoft to show Pocket IE, discuss Pocket PC](**) [SpotOn shows surfers what's next](*PC World Online*) [Filo files the Web your way](*PC World Online*) [A Netcenter for work and play](*PC World Online*) [Browse on anything... but when?](*PC World Online*) --- RELATED SITES: [Netscape Netcenter]( Note: Pages will open in a new browser window External sites are not endorsed by CNN Interactive. --- | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Search | The Web | | | | | --- | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | [Back to the top](#top) | | **© 2001 Cable News Network.** All Rights Reserved. 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Welcome to Netscape! ![](images/tiles.gif) **Welcome to Netscape** You have just embarked on a journey across the Internet, and Netscape is your vehicle. This welcome page will help you get started on your use of Netscape and your exploration of the Internet. To get around, just single-click on any blue or purple word or phrase ([here's an example](welcome_docs/example-link.html)). These are "hyperlinks" to other pages. Also, images with blue or purple borders are hyperlinks and can be single-clicked as well. You can always return to this page by choosing *Welcome* from your *Directory* menu. --- Getting Started... If you're just getting started and want some help on how to use Netscape, start by single-clicking on the following hyperlink: [Guided Tour](guided-tour.html). Also, check out the [Netscape Handbook](online-manual.html) for a more in depth view of Netscape. Should you have any other questions while you are using Netscape, please check out our [Frequently Asked Questions](faq.html) page. --- Exploring the Internet If you are ready to get on with exploring, you'll find some good Internet starting points under the *Directory* menu. They are: [Welcome](welcome.html) That's this page -- your initial home page. [What's New!](whats-new.html) Want to discover the newest interesting places and events on the Internet? The net is growing every day, and the What's New page will provide you with links to the newest pages and services that you can visit. [What's Cool!](whats-cool.html) Tired of slogging through the What's New page looking at every new Internet site under the sun? The What's Cool page highlights some of the most interesting and compelling resources on the Internet. It changes regularly, so stop back often. [Go to Newsgroups](newsrc:) There are thousands of newsgroups on the Internet where users get together to discuss a wide variety of topics. With Netscape, you can participate in these groups, follow along and get involved in conversations, and post your own replies. [Internet Directory](internet-index.html) This is your Directory of Directories: each of these directories is a catalog of available information on the Internet. [Internet Search](internet-search.html) This page will help you search the Internet for specific information and services. [Internet White Pages.](internet-white-pages.html) If you're trying to contact someone else who is on the Internet, try this page. [About the Internet?](about-the-internet.html) Want to know more about the Internet? Look here. [How to Create World Wide Web Services.](how-to-create-mosaic-services.html) If you're tired of browsing and ready to start publishing, you'll want to read this. [Mosaic Communications Corporation]( If you'd like to read about the company and the people that brought you Netscape, you can visit the Mosaic Communications home page. --- ## For More Information about Netscape... * Choose *Version Information* from the *Help* menu if you'd like to know what version of Netscape you are running and to obtain information about new releases. * When you are using Netscape, you may send your comments and ideas to the team that's developing it. Read [How to Give Feedback](how-to-give-feedback.html) to learn how to do this. We love feedback! * Finally, you can find out [How to Get Support](how-to-get-support.html) for Netscape from Mosaic Communications Corporation. ## --- --- --- --- --- --- Welcome to the world of Netscape and the Internet.Enjoy! --- [**]( Copyright © 1994 Mosaic Communications Corporation.
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If you have questions about the movies, the people, the events, or the meaning behind what you see on the screen, you've come to the right place. <img src="" alt="See just how far down the rabbit hole goes..." width="70" height="70" border="0" align="right" />If you're already an experienced and knowledgeable Matrix junkie, you may still learn something new here at The Matrix 101. Other than the occasional re-release of the trilogy on Blu-ray, the world of The Matrix is pretty quiet these days. Since they completed the Matrix Trilogy, the Wachowski's collaborated on the fantastic <i>V for Vendetta</i>, directed <i>Speed Racer</i> and co-directed <i>Cloud Atlas</i>.</div> <br /> <div><strong>What's New:</strong><br /> - The all-new <a href=""><strong>2017 Ultimate Matrix Gift List</strong>.</a><br /> - The Matrix 101 is interviewed for <a href="" target="_blank">a story on movie theories in <i>The Independent</i></a>.<br /> - A comprehensive theory on <a href="">Neo and the Sentinels</a> plus more!<br/> - Do nut and bolts and nerve endings explain <a href="">Neo Stopping the Sentinels</a>?<br/> - You may be interested in the development of <a href="" target="_blank">Howard Glitch</a>. We are!<br/> - Is The Architect responsible for <a href="">Neo Stopping the Sentinels</a>?<br/> - Do you believe <a href="">Mr. Anderson and Agent Smith Were Not The Ones</a>?<br /> - It all seems so clear when you read <a href="">Change is a Dangerous Game</a>.<br /> - [<a href="">V for Vendetta</a>] [<a href="">The Matrix on HiDef</a>]<br /> <td width="50%" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" class="tdContent"> <!-- Column 2 --> <div class="subtitle">Important!</div> <br /> <div>If you haven't seen <I>The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, The Animatrix, </I>or <I>The Matrix Revolutions</I> please rent or buy them before reading any further. In fact, watch them twice before you come back! This website contains material that will give away many parts of the story that are better discovered through watching. Additionally, this website contains interpretations of the concepts behind The Matrix. These interpretations may be commonly accepted by Matrix fans, but it's important to point out that the creators of The Matrix have revealed little about what the movies "mean"; if there's a purpose to these movies, it's to encourage questions, not provide answers. It's up to us to develop our own conclusions.</div> <br /> <strong>About Us:</strong></div> <div> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Choose Wisely: The Matrix 101 Ultimate Gift List" width="120" height="60" border="0" align="right" /></a> <font size=1>Welcome aboard the hovercraft <strong>Quetzalcoatl</strong>. Your crew:<br /> <strong><a href="radio.php">Glyph</a>, Captain</strong>: content questions, theories, feedback<br /> <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Virolent</a>, Operator</strong>: partnerships, advertising, feedback<br /> <strong>Zed</a>, Special Ops</strong>: MIA<br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Support The Matrix 101</a></font><br /> <br /><br /> <!-- AddThis Button BEGIN --> <div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style"> <a href=";username=xa-4c3b4412354aa2b6" class="addthis_button_compact">Share</a> <span class="addthis_separator">|</span> <a class="addthis_button_facebook"></a> <a class="addthis_button_myspace"></a> <a class="addthis_button_google"></a> <a class="addthis_button_twitter"></a> <a class="addthis_button_digg"></a> <a class="addthis_button_delicious"></a> <a class="addthis_button_googlebuzz"></a> <a class="addthis_button_email"></a> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- AddThis Button END --> <br /> <!-- Like Button --> <fb:like show_faces="false" width="350" colorscheme="light"></fb:like> <!-- Like Button & Addthis end --> </div> </tr> </table> <!-- Banner --> <table border="0" width="90%" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="15%" bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="top" class="tdContent" nowrap="nowrap" align="left"> <div > <!-- TEXT LINK ADS -->
The MATRIX 101 - Understanding The Matrix Trilogy (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1\*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-69283583-1', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ appId : '134000829967443', status : true, // check login status cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the session xfbml : true // parse XFBML }); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true; e.src = document.location.protocol + '//\_US/all.js'; document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e); }()); | | | --- | | The Matrix 101: Your Guide to Understanding The MatrixThe Matrix 101: Your Guide to Understanding The Matrix | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [The Matrix](matrix/ "Find out more about The Matrix!") | [Reloaded](reloaded/ "Find out more about The Matrix Reloaded!") | [Revolutions](revolutions/ "Find out more about The Matrix Revolutions!") | [The Animatrix](animatrix/ "Find out more about the Matrix animes!") | [The Games](games/ "Find out more about Matrix games!") | [The Books](books/ "Find out more about Matrix books!") | [Get Stuff!](getstuff/ "Get books, shades, trailers, DVDs and more!") | [Contributions](contrib/ "Reader-submitted theories, essays, and analysis!") | | | | | --- | --- | | The Matrix 101 The Matrix 101 is your guide to understanding The Matrix Trilogy. If you have questions about the movies, the people, the events, or the meaning behind what you see on the screen, you've come to the right place. See just how far down the rabbit hole goes...If you're already an experienced and knowledgeable Matrix junkie, you may still learn something new here at The Matrix 101. Other than the occasional re-release of the trilogy on Blu-ray, the world of The Matrix is pretty quiet these days. Since they completed the Matrix Trilogy, the Wachowski's collaborated on the fantastic *V for Vendetta*, directed *Speed Racer* and co-directed *Cloud Atlas*. **What's New:** - The all-new [**2017 Ultimate Matrix Gift List**.]( - The Matrix 101 is interviewed for [a story on movie theories in *The Independent*]( - A comprehensive theory on [Neo and the Sentinels]( plus more! - Do nut and bolts and nerve endings explain [Neo Stopping the Sentinels]( - You may be interested in the development of [Howard Glitch]( We are! - Is The Architect responsible for [Neo Stopping the Sentinels]( - Do you believe [Mr. Anderson and Agent Smith Were Not The Ones]( - It all seems so clear when you read [Change is a Dangerous Game]( - [[V for Vendetta](] [[The Matrix on HiDef](] Important! If you haven't seen *The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, The Animatrix,* or *The Matrix Revolutions* please rent or buy them before reading any further. In fact, watch them twice before you come back! This website contains material that will give away many parts of the story that are better discovered through watching. Additionally, this website contains interpretations of the concepts behind The Matrix. These interpretations may be commonly accepted by Matrix fans, but it's important to point out that the creators of The Matrix have revealed little about what the movies "mean"; if there's a purpose to these movies, it's to encourage questions, not provide answers. It's up to us to develop our own conclusions. **About Us:** | [Choose Wisely: The Matrix 101 Ultimate Gift List]( Welcome aboard the hovercraft **Quetzalcoatl**. Your crew: **[Glyph](radio.php), Captain**: content questions, theories, feedback **[Virolent](, Operator**: partnerships, advertising, feedback **Zed, Special Ops**: MIA [Support The Matrix 101]( [Share]( | | | | | --- | | |
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <HEAD> <TITLE>THE ANT-HILL PYTHON - ANTARESIA PERTHENSIS FROM WESTERN AUSTRALIA</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Mozilla/3.0Gold (Win95; I; 16bit) [Netscape]"> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="PYTHON TAXONOMY"> <META NAME="Classification" CONTENT="PYTHON TAXONOMY"> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="PYTHON TAXONOMY, CHONDROPYTHON, GREEN PYTHON, BLACK-HEADED PYTHON, WOMA, ASPIDITES, ASPIDITES RAMSAYI, ASPIDITES MELANOCEPHALUS, SNAKE, SERPENT, CARPET SNAKE, HOSER'S PYTHONS, RAYMOND HOSER, WELLS AND WELLINGTON, ANT-HILL PYTHONS, DAVID BARKER, ARNOLD KLUGE, GARTH UNDERWOOD, LAURIE SMITH, BRIAN BUSH, OLIVE PYTHON, OENPELLI PYTHON, HERPETOLOGY, SNAKE, SERPENTS, OPHIDIA, LENHOSERUS, KATRINUS, LEIOPYTHON, LEIOPYTHON HOSERAE, ANTARESIA SAXACOLA, PYTHON TAXONOMY"> <META NAME="KeyWords" CONTENT="PYTHON TAXONOMY, CHONDROPYTHON, GREEN PYTHON, BLACK-HEADED PYTHON, WOMA, ASPIDITES, ASPIDITES RAMSAYI, ASPIDITES MELANOCEPHALUS, SNAKE, SERPENT, CARPET SNAKE, HOSER'S PYTHONS, PARTIES, REPTILE SHOWS, RAYMOND HOSER, WELLS AND WELLINGTON, DAVID BARKER, ARNOLD KLUGE, ANT-HILL PYTHONS, GARTH UNDERWOOD, LAURIE SMITH, BRIAN BUSH, OLIVE PYTHON, OENPELLI PYTHON, HERPETOLOGY, SNAKE, SERPENTS, OPHIDIA, LENHOSERUS, KATRINUS, LEIOPYTHON, LEIOPYTHON HOSERAE, ANTARESIA SAXACOLA"> </HEAD> <BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FEEDF1" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#0000FF" ALINK="#8000FF" onLoad="timerONE=window.setTimeout('scroll_status(100)',50);"> <CENTER><P><FONT COLOR="#800000"><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="sbsmel1.htm"><IMG SRC="SBS1a.gif" ALT="reptile removal" TITLE="snake catcher" HSPACE=7 VSPACE=7 BORDER=0 ALIGN=RIGHT></A>REPTILES MAGAZINE - PUBLISHED ARTICLE</FONT></FONT></P></CENTER> <CENTER><P><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=+2>THE ANT-HILL PYTHON FROM WESTERN AUSTRALIA</FONT></FONT></P></CENTER> <CENTER><P><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=+1>BY RAYMOND HOSER, (THEN OF) 41 VILLAGE AVENUE, DONCASTER, VICTORIA, 3108, AUSTRALIA.</FONT></FONT></P></CENTER> <P>This paper first appeared in <FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=+2><B><I>REPTILES MAGAZINE</I></B> </FONT>IN SEPTEMBER 1995,</FONT> What follows is a text only version of the same article (no italics) and without the photos and other material that appeared in the original magazine. Please download the entire article if desired, however if the article is later referred to, please cite <B><I>Reptiles Magazine</I></B> as the original published source. Publication details are that it was published in Volume 3, number 5, pp. 10-16.</P> <P>The article also had excellent photos of these snakes and their breeding in captivity. Similar photos can be found in the book <B><I><A HREF="arf1.htm">Australian Reptiles and Frogs,</A></I> by Raymond Hoser.</B></P> <CENTER><P><B><FONT SIZE=+2>ANT-HILL PYTHONS.</FONT></B></P></CENTER> <CENTER><P><B>INTRODUCTION.</B></P></CENTER> <P>This is the small reddish coloured Python from the Pilbara region of Western Australia. It also known under the names of Pygmy Python or Western Children's Python. It's scientific name...well that's another story! Although it's species name is pretty fixed as perthensis, it has been recently placed in the genera Liasis, Bothrochilus and most recently Antaresia. The latter classification, Antaresia perthensis uses a genus name invented and adopted by Wells and Wellington in 1983 and followed on by others including Dr. Hal Cogger of the Australian museum and Barker and Barker in 1994. (For the purposes of this article, I'll use the genus name Antaresia, but this position is by no means fixed - nor am I intending to pass any judgement as to this name).</P> <P>This small species occurs throughout the Pilbara region of north-west Western Australia, as well as adjacent areas of similar habitat. How far this species extends outside the Pilbara is largely unknown due to the mainly uninhabited nature of possible habitat coupled with an official discouragement by Australian wildlife authorities of research on much of our wildlife including snakes. To date the most accurate distribution information was that published by Laurie Smith in his 1985 paper reviewing the &quot;childreni&quot; species group. Smith noted and mapped locality information for all specimens of Ant-hill Pythons Antaresia perthensis, Stimson's Pythons A. stimsoni, Children's Pythons A. childreni and Spotted Pythons A. maculosus in Australian museums.</P> <P>The Pilbara region is found south of the tropical Kimberley in Western Australia. It is essentially arid and includes the hottest parts of Australia, including the towns of Marble Bar (Australia's hottest town), Goldsworthy (unofficially hotter than Marble Bar), Port Hedland and Karratha (main ports) and the Hamersley ranges.</P> <P>Typical of the Pilbara are rocky hills covered spinifex (grass) bushes (Triodia spp.). Where trees occur, they are usually stunted eucalypts, except along the relatively uncommon watercourses, where larger varieties occur. Watercourses are most common in hilly areas. Being arid, the Pilbara does not have formal wet and dry seasons, but most rainfall does occur in the so-called summer months, when the occasional tropical lows wander further south than usual.</P> <CENTER><P><B>DESCRIPTION.</B></P></CENTER> <P>The Ant-hill Python was first described in February 1932 by Olive Griffith Stull. He was mislead into believing the type specimen came from Perth, the capital of Western Australia, when in fact the snake had been collected elsewhere. This mistake was perpetuated in the literature for many years and worked to confuse many people about the real status of the species.</P> <P>The original description was based on a 297 mm sub-adult female. Up to 1981 little was heard or seen of this snake in herpetological circles with a number of authors including Cogger (1979) and Glauert (1967) erronously regarding Ant-hill Pythons as possibly being a sub-species of the Children's Python, (See The Reptilian 1 (7) pp. 10-15, 20-21 for my article about the three species of snake all formerly known as &quot;Children's Pythons&quot;).</P> <P>Ant-hill Pythons average about 60 cm in adult length. Dorsally the colour is usually brick red, with or without pattern. Pattern usually fades in captive specimens. The reason for this is not known. The pattern is most pronounced in young specimens. It is usually in the form of a series of darker spots arranged in four more or less regular series, giving the general impression of a series of irregular crossbars.</P> <P>Ventrally the snake is creamish white. The head is distinctly shorter and proportionately smaller than those of Stimson's Pythons found in the same areas. Also Ant-hill Python's heads are more triangular in shape. Stimson's Pythons are the only species likely to be confused with Ant-hill Pythons, but anyone familiar with both species would not misidentify them. Besides usually being more thick-set than Stimson's Pythons, Ant-hill Pythons are of reddish base colour whereas Stimson's are usually a yellowish or brownish base colour. Besides the differences already noted, the scalation of both species differs, (See the book Australian Reptiles and Frogs for scalation differences between Australian pythons and photos of Ant-hill and Stimsons Pythons from the same part of Australia). If misidentification were to take place, it would probably occur with younger specimens of either species, both of which may have similar patterns.</P> <P>Ant-hill Pythons are common in the wild where they occur. Herpetologists usually locate specimens crossing roads in warm weather. At other times specimens are found under rocks, in spinifex (usually when torched with fire) and inside termite mounds. To catch substantial numbers within a short time, opening up termite mounds usually represents the easiest, most expedient method, although there are often logistical difficulties in getting a bulldozer or grading machine into an area of suitable habitat with large termite mounds present.</P> <P>Large Pilbara termite mounds are used as resting sites by many species of reptile and mammal due to their numerous nooks and crannies and relatively even temperature. The even temperature in termite mounds is particularly important where Ant-hill Pyhtons occur, with daytime temperatures frequently exceeding 38 degrees celcius (100 farenheight).</P> <P>Ant-hill Pythons may be found in the same termite mounds as Stimson's Pythons, Black-headed Pythons (Aspidites melanocephalus), King Brown Snakes (Pseudechis australis), Moon Snakes (Furina ornata), Broad-banded Sand Swimmers (Eremiascincus richardsoni), Pilbara Geckoes (Gehyra pilbara), Depressed Spiny Skinks (Egernia depressa) and other reptiles. Dunnarts (genus Antechinus), a kind of &quot;marsupial mouse&quot; are the most common mammal seen in Pilbara &quot;ant-hills&quot;. I must stress that Ant-hill Pythons (and other Pilbara reptiles) are not dependent on termite mounds for their survival, also being found in other areas without mounds, However these mounds are often utilised as preferred habitat where they occur. (A similar scenario can be seen when snakes are found sheltering under man-made cover such as sheets of tin).</P> <P>Diet in wild specimens is presumed to alter with age. It is assumed that young specimens feed primarily on reptiles such as geckos and small skinks with larger snakes tending to eat more small mammals when available. Cannibalism and snake feeding is unknown for Ant-hill Pythons.</P> <P>Details of the first five Ant-hill Pythons caught by myself can be found in Litterature Serpentium, 12 (1), 1992. These snakes came from Shay Gap and Whim Creek in WA, and one allegedly came from near Katherine in the Northern Territory. Besides the five snakes documented in that paper, large numbers of other specimens have been caught by herpetologists at Shay Gap, places near Goldsworthy and Whim Creek. The two former towns were mining settlements and have now been dismantled. Whim Creek is a small township along the main coastal North-South highway between Port Hedland and Roebourne/Karratha. Although the local habitat has been severely disturbed by overgrazing with stock, Ant-hill Pythons are according to herpetologists, still common in the area, with large numbers being caught.</P> <P>In line with other small Australian pythons, males and females are commonly found in close proximity (pairing behavior). It is presumed that this pairing behavior relates to males seeking females to mate and following them to do so. Male combat hasn't been recorded in this species, but may occur. The fact that so few of these snakes have been kept to date may well explain why such behavior hasn't been observed. In my own case, I only had two males for three months before one of them was stolen, not allowing me time to attempt to observe male/male interactions.</P> <P>Melbourne snake breeder Simon Kortlang, has observed male combat in his captive Stimson's Pythons and Spotted Pythons (closely related species).</P> <CENTER><P><B>CAPTIVITY.</B></P></CENTER> <P>Although these are the smallest Pythons in the world, Ant-hill Pythons as Barker and Barker say, &quot;100% Python&quot;. They are a tough and durable snake. They are usually docile, easy to handle and rarely bite. Like snakes in the childreni complex they are about as easy to keep as a snake keeper could ever expect. They are not known to be especially prone to any diseases or ailments.</P> <P>A few West Australian keepers indicated difficulty in getting Ant-hill Pythons to feed, but such wasn't confirmed by myself, Brian Barnett, Chris Banks, Charles Acheson Jurgen Holzell and others who kept the species. It is probable that only a highly inexperienced snake keeper would have such troubles with these snakes. If/when there is difficulty in getting snakes to feed, &quot;creative methods&quot; will usually solve the problem. These &quot;creative methods&quot; include feeding at night and/or altering food offered, (e.g. mice to lizards or vice-versa).</P> <P>Without describing in detail how I kept my own Ant-hill Pythons (See Litt. Serp. 12 (1) for this), it appears they will survive without problems in the same sort of facilities any other small python would require. In other words, what Kend and Kend (1992) called &quot;standard Terrestrial husbandry&quot;. Brian Barnett has successfully kept a single Ant-hill Python specimen for 18 years in a shoe-box style of cage for 18 years without incident. His cage is a small plastic container with clear lid, with washed gravel as a substrate, a small water bowl and single cover (hiding spot), housed in a large temperature controlled snake room with hundreds of other similarly housed snakes. Kortlang keeps pythons in similar conditions, often minus hiding spot/s (cover) as he finds it doesn't affect their health and the snakes are not aggressive when he takes them out of cages and handles them, (he doesn't have Ant-hill Pythons however).</P> <P>My own cage was a large tank with compacted dirt as substrate, rocks as cover and generally a more &quot;natural-style&quot; of setting. I am unable to state which is the superior way to keep this species. The common thread in all Ant-hill Python cages/keepers appears to have been the relatively dry conditions, which probably is essential. Bear in mind the arid areas these snakes come from. (Water in a bowl should always be available however).</P> <P>These snakes have only been bred in captivity twice to date. Both times the breedings were apparently fairly standard python breedings. That there are only two breedings recorded to date is no doubt a reflection on how few there are in captivity rather than any particular difficulty in breeding these snakes.</P> <P>I failed to breed my snakes the first summer season (1981-2), due to my not cooling the snakes prior. The following year (1982-3), I succeeded after I cooled the snakes during the winter period (mid 1992 in Australia). I did not separate the sexes prior to mating, although doing so may be advantageous in initiating successful mating.</P> <P>This species lays unusually large eggs (between 2 and 5 eggs per clutch), although I can't accurately give an average clutch size due to the paucity of records. Incubation is standard for pythons and the recommended temperature is between 29 and 30.5 degrees celcius.</P> <P>It is uncertain how often Ant-hill Pythons breed in the wild. Some Australian snakes only breed every second year (a few every third year). This is dependent in some cases on a genetic predetermination, while in other cases on the condition of the female at breeding time.</P> <P>In Australia, there are very few specimens in captivity and it isn't likely that there will be any change in this picture in the forseeable future. Outside of Australia, the scenario is similar. Specimens are smuggled out of the country, although not all attempts to do so have been successful. Specimens are usually posted out of the country and most busts have been a result of data-matching and tip offs. Customs and wildlife officials have huge data bases of those who they think are likely to smuggle wildlife and devote vast resources to prevent such activities (except by themselves!), through surveillance methods. People caught smuggling wildlife from Australia are often fined and/or jailed.</P> <P>Of the few specimens outside of Australia, only one collector in Germany has bred these snakes (once so far), so they are likely to remain rare captives for the forseeable future.</P> <P>A bibliography of papers relating to husbandry of childreni complex snakes was provided by myself in The Reptilian Magazine 1 (7) 1993. Among two of the best books available on the subject are Barker and Barker's, &quot;<I>Pythons of the World</I>, <I>Volume 1, Australia</I>&quot; and Ross and Marzec's, &quot;T<I>he Reproductive Husbandry of Pythons and Boa</I>s&quot;.</P> <CENTER><P><B>CONSERVATION.</B></P></CENTER> <P>Fortunately Ant-hill Pythons appear to be widespread and common where they occur, occupying a range of many thousands of square kilometers (see map). There are large conservation parks in their range and most of the area they occur is little used by humans and likely to remain so for the forseeable future. The main human activities in the Pilbara are mining and tourism, both of which only have minimal localised impact.</P> <P>However although this species appears secure in the wild, I need not remind readers of other Australian species, such as gastric brooding frogs of the genus <I>Rheobatrachus</I>, also formerly thought to be common and secure in their natural habitat and for reasons unknown are now extinct (See my book Endangered Animals of Australia for details about Rheobatrachus and other similarly fated species). Such a fate could conceivably happen to any reptile or frog.</P> <P>It is for this reason that it is imperative that captive populations be established. Thus any unforseen calamity affecting wild populations need not spell the end of the species. Current government (CALM) policy is to ban taking specimens from the wild and a ban on keeping and breeding this and most other snakes/wildlife. The stupidity of the policy is highlighted when it is realised that hundreds of Ant-hill Pythons are killed on the state's roads without any apparent ill effects on local populations. Within Western Australia alone there are dozens of willing and capable people who would keep and breed this and other reptiles AT NO EXPENSE TO THE TAXPAPER. However to date CALM have licensed just four private snake keepers and severely restricted what they may hold. Breeding is actively discouraged.</P> <P>Because Ant-hill Pythons are small, relatively secretive and essentially nocturnal in habit, they do not lend themselves to exhibitions such as seen at most public zoos. However these same features pose no difficulty to private keepers. Furthermore because Ant-hill Pythons are a tough, durable and docile snake, they are perfect for relatively large numbers to be held in captivity by large numbers of people. Such should be actively encouraged by Australian wildlife officials even though it would require a complete reversal of current policies.</P> <P>Regardless of policies pursued by Australian state and federal governments and how many of these snakes are collected for captivity now or in future, the relatively slow reproductive rate (max. five eggs per female per year), these snakes are unlikely to ever be as commonly seen in captivity as other small Australian Pythons such as Children's, Stimsons' or Spotted.</P> <P>Photos of Ant-hill Pythons and their breeding were published with this paper in Reptiles Magazine. Similar photos also appeared in the book <B><I><A HREF="arf1.htm">Australian Reptiles and Frogs</A></I></B>, by the same author.</P> <CENTER><P><B>REFERENCES CITED.</B></P></CENTER> <P>Barker, D. G. and Barker, T. M. (1994), Pythons of the World, Volume 1, Australia, Advanced Vivarium Systems Inc, California, USA, 189 pp.</P> <P>Cogger, H. G. (1979), Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia, A. H. and A. W. Reed, Sydney, Australia. 688pp.</P> <P>Glauert, L. (1967), A handbook of the snakes of Western Australia, Western Australian Naturalist's Club, Perth, Western Australia.</P> <P><B><A HREF="arf1.htm">Hoser, R. T. (1989), <I>Australian Reptiles and Frogs</I>, Pierson and co., Sydney, NSW, 238 pp.</A></B></P> <P>Hoser, R. T. (1991), <I>Endangered Animals of Australia</I>, Pierson and Co., Sydney, NSW, 240 pp.</P> <P>Hoser, R. T. (1992), 'Search for the Ant-hill Python <I>Bothrochilus perthensis</I> (Stull, 1932)', <I>Litteratura Serpentium </I>(English Edition), 12 (1), pp. 13-19.</P> <P><B><A HREF="chicom1.htm">Hoser, R. T. (1993), Children's Pythons and Lookalikes (the <I>childreni </I>complex).' <I>The Reptilian Magazine</I>, 1 (7), pp. 10-15, 20-21.</A></B></P> <P>Kend, B. and Kend, S. (1992), 'Care and Husbandry of Some Australian, New Guinean and Indonesian Pythons', <I>Reptile and Amphibian Magazine</I>, Mar/Apr, 1992, runs 10 pp.</P> <P>Ross, R. A. and Marzec, G. (1990), <I>The Reproductive Husbandry of Pythons and Boas</I>, Institute for Herpetological Research, Stanford, California, USA, 270 pp.</P> <P>Smith, L. A. (1985), 'A revision of the <I>Liasis childreni</I> species group (serpentes: Boidae)', <I>Records of the Western Australian </I>Museum, Vol. 12 (3): 257-276.</P> <P>Stull, O. G. (1932), 'Five new subspecies of the family Boidae.', Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History, 8: pp. 25-30, pl. 1-2.</P> <P>Wells, R. W. and Wellington C. R. (1983), 'A Synopsis of the Class Reptilia in Australia.', <I>Australian Journal of Herpetology</I>, 1 (3-4), pp. 73-129.</P> <CENTER><P><B>KEY TO ANTARESIA.</B></P></CENTER> <P>1a Fewer than 37 Mid body scale rows, 250 or less ventrals...........<I>perthensis</I> (Ant-hill Python)</P> <P>1b 37 or more mid-body scale rows, 250 or more ventrals............................2.</P> <P>2a No pattern, or if pattern is present, it isn't bold and distinct........<I>childreni</I> (Children's Python)</P> <P>2b Bold Pattern...................................................................3.</P> <P>3a Pattern of distinct blotches or spots, which may join along the dorsal midline.....................................................................<I>maculosus </I>(Spotted Python)</P> <P>3b Pattern of bold blotches or bars and a white ventrolateral stripe along the anterior part of the body.........................................................<I>.stimsoni </I>(Stimson's Python)</P> <P><B><A HREF="ant2.htm">Click here for a more recent (1999) paper on Ant-hill Pythons</A></B></P> <P><FONT SIZE=+2><FONT COLOR="#800080">Raymond Hoser</FONT> </FONT><FONT SIZE=+1>has been an active herpetologist for about 30 years and published over 150 papers in journals worldwide and nine books.</FONT></P> <dir><DIR><DIR> <P><FONT COLOR="#008000"><FONT FACE="ARIAL" SIZE=+1>Non-urgent email inquiries via the Snakebusters parties bookings page at:<BR><A HREF=""></A><BR><BR></font></font><FONT face="arial" COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=+1><A HREF="">Urgent inquiries phone:<BR>Melbourne, Victoria, Australia:<BR>(03) 9812 3322 or 0412 777 211</A></FONT></FONT></FONT></center></B></P> <P><font face="arial" size=-2>Snakebusters are Raymond Hoser's reptile displays company. They specialize in reptile parties, school shows, corporate reptile displays, school reptile incursions, animal parties, wildlife shows, birthday parties, kids parties in <A HREF="">Melbourne</A>. Reptile handling and snake handling courses and the like are taught in all parts of Australia.</P> </BODY> </HTML>
THE ANT-HILL PYTHON - ANTARESIA PERTHENSIS FROM WESTERN AUSTRALIA [![reptile removal](SBS1a.gif "snake catcher")](sbsmel1.htm)REPTILES MAGAZINE - PUBLISHED ARTICLE THE ANT-HILL PYTHON FROM WESTERN AUSTRALIA BY RAYMOND HOSER, (THEN OF) 41 VILLAGE AVENUE, DONCASTER, VICTORIA, 3108, AUSTRALIA. This paper first appeared in ***REPTILES MAGAZINE*** IN SEPTEMBER 1995, What follows is a text only version of the same article (no italics) and without the photos and other material that appeared in the original magazine. Please download the entire article if desired, however if the article is later referred to, please cite ***Reptiles Magazine*** as the original published source. Publication details are that it was published in Volume 3, number 5, pp. 10-16. The article also had excellent photos of these snakes and their breeding in captivity. Similar photos can be found in the book ***[Australian Reptiles and Frogs,](arf1.htm)* by Raymond Hoser.** **ANT-HILL PYTHONS.** **INTRODUCTION.** This is the small reddish coloured Python from the Pilbara region of Western Australia. It also known under the names of Pygmy Python or Western Children's Python. It's scientific name...well that's another story! Although it's species name is pretty fixed as perthensis, it has been recently placed in the genera Liasis, Bothrochilus and most recently Antaresia. The latter classification, Antaresia perthensis uses a genus name invented and adopted by Wells and Wellington in 1983 and followed on by others including Dr. Hal Cogger of the Australian museum and Barker and Barker in 1994. (For the purposes of this article, I'll use the genus name Antaresia, but this position is by no means fixed - nor am I intending to pass any judgement as to this name). This small species occurs throughout the Pilbara region of north-west Western Australia, as well as adjacent areas of similar habitat. How far this species extends outside the Pilbara is largely unknown due to the mainly uninhabited nature of possible habitat coupled with an official discouragement by Australian wildlife authorities of research on much of our wildlife including snakes. To date the most accurate distribution information was that published by Laurie Smith in his 1985 paper reviewing the "childreni" species group. Smith noted and mapped locality information for all specimens of Ant-hill Pythons Antaresia perthensis, Stimson's Pythons A. stimsoni, Children's Pythons A. childreni and Spotted Pythons A. maculosus in Australian museums. The Pilbara region is found south of the tropical Kimberley in Western Australia. It is essentially arid and includes the hottest parts of Australia, including the towns of Marble Bar (Australia's hottest town), Goldsworthy (unofficially hotter than Marble Bar), Port Hedland and Karratha (main ports) and the Hamersley ranges. Typical of the Pilbara are rocky hills covered spinifex (grass) bushes (Triodia spp.). Where trees occur, they are usually stunted eucalypts, except along the relatively uncommon watercourses, where larger varieties occur. Watercourses are most common in hilly areas. Being arid, the Pilbara does not have formal wet and dry seasons, but most rainfall does occur in the so-called summer months, when the occasional tropical lows wander further south than usual. **DESCRIPTION.** The Ant-hill Python was first described in February 1932 by Olive Griffith Stull. He was mislead into believing the type specimen came from Perth, the capital of Western Australia, when in fact the snake had been collected elsewhere. This mistake was perpetuated in the literature for many years and worked to confuse many people about the real status of the species. The original description was based on a 297 mm sub-adult female. Up to 1981 little was heard or seen of this snake in herpetological circles with a number of authors including Cogger (1979) and Glauert (1967) erronously regarding Ant-hill Pythons as possibly being a sub-species of the Children's Python, (See The Reptilian 1 (7) pp. 10-15, 20-21 for my article about the three species of snake all formerly known as "Children's Pythons"). Ant-hill Pythons average about 60 cm in adult length. Dorsally the colour is usually brick red, with or without pattern. Pattern usually fades in captive specimens. The reason for this is not known. The pattern is most pronounced in young specimens. It is usually in the form of a series of darker spots arranged in four more or less regular series, giving the general impression of a series of irregular crossbars. Ventrally the snake is creamish white. The head is distinctly shorter and proportionately smaller than those of Stimson's Pythons found in the same areas. Also Ant-hill Python's heads are more triangular in shape. Stimson's Pythons are the only species likely to be confused with Ant-hill Pythons, but anyone familiar with both species would not misidentify them. Besides usually being more thick-set than Stimson's Pythons, Ant-hill Pythons are of reddish base colour whereas Stimson's are usually a yellowish or brownish base colour. Besides the differences already noted, the scalation of both species differs, (See the book Australian Reptiles and Frogs for scalation differences between Australian pythons and photos of Ant-hill and Stimsons Pythons from the same part of Australia). If misidentification were to take place, it would probably occur with younger specimens of either species, both of which may have similar patterns. Ant-hill Pythons are common in the wild where they occur. Herpetologists usually locate specimens crossing roads in warm weather. At other times specimens are found under rocks, in spinifex (usually when torched with fire) and inside termite mounds. To catch substantial numbers within a short time, opening up termite mounds usually represents the easiest, most expedient method, although there are often logistical difficulties in getting a bulldozer or grading machine into an area of suitable habitat with large termite mounds present. Large Pilbara termite mounds are used as resting sites by many species of reptile and mammal due to their numerous nooks and crannies and relatively even temperature. The even temperature in termite mounds is particularly important where Ant-hill Pyhtons occur, with daytime temperatures frequently exceeding 38 degrees celcius (100 farenheight). Ant-hill Pythons may be found in the same termite mounds as Stimson's Pythons, Black-headed Pythons (Aspidites melanocephalus), King Brown Snakes (Pseudechis australis), Moon Snakes (Furina ornata), Broad-banded Sand Swimmers (Eremiascincus richardsoni), Pilbara Geckoes (Gehyra pilbara), Depressed Spiny Skinks (Egernia depressa) and other reptiles. Dunnarts (genus Antechinus), a kind of "marsupial mouse" are the most common mammal seen in Pilbara "ant-hills". I must stress that Ant-hill Pythons (and other Pilbara reptiles) are not dependent on termite mounds for their survival, also being found in other areas without mounds, However these mounds are often utilised as preferred habitat where they occur. (A similar scenario can be seen when snakes are found sheltering under man-made cover such as sheets of tin). Diet in wild specimens is presumed to alter with age. It is assumed that young specimens feed primarily on reptiles such as geckos and small skinks with larger snakes tending to eat more small mammals when available. Cannibalism and snake feeding is unknown for Ant-hill Pythons. Details of the first five Ant-hill Pythons caught by myself can be found in Litterature Serpentium, 12 (1), 1992. These snakes came from Shay Gap and Whim Creek in WA, and one allegedly came from near Katherine in the Northern Territory. Besides the five snakes documented in that paper, large numbers of other specimens have been caught by herpetologists at Shay Gap, places near Goldsworthy and Whim Creek. The two former towns were mining settlements and have now been dismantled. Whim Creek is a small township along the main coastal North-South highway between Port Hedland and Roebourne/Karratha. Although the local habitat has been severely disturbed by overgrazing with stock, Ant-hill Pythons are according to herpetologists, still common in the area, with large numbers being caught. In line with other small Australian pythons, males and females are commonly found in close proximity (pairing behavior). It is presumed that this pairing behavior relates to males seeking females to mate and following them to do so. Male combat hasn't been recorded in this species, but may occur. The fact that so few of these snakes have been kept to date may well explain why such behavior hasn't been observed. In my own case, I only had two males for three months before one of them was stolen, not allowing me time to attempt to observe male/male interactions. Melbourne snake breeder Simon Kortlang, has observed male combat in his captive Stimson's Pythons and Spotted Pythons (closely related species). **CAPTIVITY.** Although these are the smallest Pythons in the world, Ant-hill Pythons as Barker and Barker say, "100% Python". They are a tough and durable snake. They are usually docile, easy to handle and rarely bite. Like snakes in the childreni complex they are about as easy to keep as a snake keeper could ever expect. They are not known to be especially prone to any diseases or ailments. A few West Australian keepers indicated difficulty in getting Ant-hill Pythons to feed, but such wasn't confirmed by myself, Brian Barnett, Chris Banks, Charles Acheson Jurgen Holzell and others who kept the species. It is probable that only a highly inexperienced snake keeper would have such troubles with these snakes. If/when there is difficulty in getting snakes to feed, "creative methods" will usually solve the problem. These "creative methods" include feeding at night and/or altering food offered, (e.g. mice to lizards or vice-versa). Without describing in detail how I kept my own Ant-hill Pythons (See Litt. Serp. 12 (1) for this), it appears they will survive without problems in the same sort of facilities any other small python would require. In other words, what Kend and Kend (1992) called "standard Terrestrial husbandry". Brian Barnett has successfully kept a single Ant-hill Python specimen for 18 years in a shoe-box style of cage for 18 years without incident. His cage is a small plastic container with clear lid, with washed gravel as a substrate, a small water bowl and single cover (hiding spot), housed in a large temperature controlled snake room with hundreds of other similarly housed snakes. Kortlang keeps pythons in similar conditions, often minus hiding spot/s (cover) as he finds it doesn't affect their health and the snakes are not aggressive when he takes them out of cages and handles them, (he doesn't have Ant-hill Pythons however). My own cage was a large tank with compacted dirt as substrate, rocks as cover and generally a more "natural-style" of setting. I am unable to state which is the superior way to keep this species. The common thread in all Ant-hill Python cages/keepers appears to have been the relatively dry conditions, which probably is essential. Bear in mind the arid areas these snakes come from. (Water in a bowl should always be available however). These snakes have only been bred in captivity twice to date. Both times the breedings were apparently fairly standard python breedings. That there are only two breedings recorded to date is no doubt a reflection on how few there are in captivity rather than any particular difficulty in breeding these snakes. I failed to breed my snakes the first summer season (1981-2), due to my not cooling the snakes prior. The following year (1982-3), I succeeded after I cooled the snakes during the winter period (mid 1992 in Australia). I did not separate the sexes prior to mating, although doing so may be advantageous in initiating successful mating. This species lays unusually large eggs (between 2 and 5 eggs per clutch), although I can't accurately give an average clutch size due to the paucity of records. Incubation is standard for pythons and the recommended temperature is between 29 and 30.5 degrees celcius. It is uncertain how often Ant-hill Pythons breed in the wild. Some Australian snakes only breed every second year (a few every third year). This is dependent in some cases on a genetic predetermination, while in other cases on the condition of the female at breeding time. In Australia, there are very few specimens in captivity and it isn't likely that there will be any change in this picture in the forseeable future. Outside of Australia, the scenario is similar. Specimens are smuggled out of the country, although not all attempts to do so have been successful. Specimens are usually posted out of the country and most busts have been a result of data-matching and tip offs. Customs and wildlife officials have huge data bases of those who they think are likely to smuggle wildlife and devote vast resources to prevent such activities (except by themselves!), through surveillance methods. People caught smuggling wildlife from Australia are often fined and/or jailed. Of the few specimens outside of Australia, only one collector in Germany has bred these snakes (once so far), so they are likely to remain rare captives for the forseeable future. A bibliography of papers relating to husbandry of childreni complex snakes was provided by myself in The Reptilian Magazine 1 (7) 1993. Among two of the best books available on the subject are Barker and Barker's, "*Pythons of the World*, *Volume 1, Australia*" and Ross and Marzec's, "T*he Reproductive Husbandry of Pythons and Boa*s". **CONSERVATION.** Fortunately Ant-hill Pythons appear to be widespread and common where they occur, occupying a range of many thousands of square kilometers (see map). There are large conservation parks in their range and most of the area they occur is little used by humans and likely to remain so for the forseeable future. The main human activities in the Pilbara are mining and tourism, both of which only have minimal localised impact. However although this species appears secure in the wild, I need not remind readers of other Australian species, such as gastric brooding frogs of the genus *Rheobatrachus*, also formerly thought to be common and secure in their natural habitat and for reasons unknown are now extinct (See my book Endangered Animals of Australia for details about Rheobatrachus and other similarly fated species). Such a fate could conceivably happen to any reptile or frog. It is for this reason that it is imperative that captive populations be established. Thus any unforseen calamity affecting wild populations need not spell the end of the species. Current government (CALM) policy is to ban taking specimens from the wild and a ban on keeping and breeding this and most other snakes/wildlife. The stupidity of the policy is highlighted when it is realised that hundreds of Ant-hill Pythons are killed on the state's roads without any apparent ill effects on local populations. Within Western Australia alone there are dozens of willing and capable people who would keep and breed this and other reptiles AT NO EXPENSE TO THE TAXPAPER. However to date CALM have licensed just four private snake keepers and severely restricted what they may hold. Breeding is actively discouraged. Because Ant-hill Pythons are small, relatively secretive and essentially nocturnal in habit, they do not lend themselves to exhibitions such as seen at most public zoos. However these same features pose no difficulty to private keepers. Furthermore because Ant-hill Pythons are a tough, durable and docile snake, they are perfect for relatively large numbers to be held in captivity by large numbers of people. Such should be actively encouraged by Australian wildlife officials even though it would require a complete reversal of current policies. Regardless of policies pursued by Australian state and federal governments and how many of these snakes are collected for captivity now or in future, the relatively slow reproductive rate (max. five eggs per female per year), these snakes are unlikely to ever be as commonly seen in captivity as other small Australian Pythons such as Children's, Stimsons' or Spotted. Photos of Ant-hill Pythons and their breeding were published with this paper in Reptiles Magazine. Similar photos also appeared in the book ***[Australian Reptiles and Frogs](arf1.htm)***, by the same author. **REFERENCES CITED.** Barker, D. G. and Barker, T. M. (1994), Pythons of the World, Volume 1, Australia, Advanced Vivarium Systems Inc, California, USA, 189 pp. Cogger, H. G. (1979), Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia, A. H. and A. W. Reed, Sydney, Australia. 688pp. Glauert, L. (1967), A handbook of the snakes of Western Australia, Western Australian Naturalist's Club, Perth, Western Australia. **[Hoser, R. T. (1989), *Australian Reptiles and Frogs*, Pierson and co., Sydney, NSW, 238 pp.](arf1.htm)** Hoser, R. T. (1991), *Endangered Animals of Australia*, Pierson and Co., Sydney, NSW, 240 pp. Hoser, R. T. (1992), 'Search for the Ant-hill Python *Bothrochilus perthensis* (Stull, 1932)', *Litteratura Serpentium* (English Edition), 12 (1), pp. 13-19. **[Hoser, R. T. (1993), Children's Pythons and Lookalikes (the *childreni* complex).' *The Reptilian Magazine*, 1 (7), pp. 10-15, 20-21.](chicom1.htm)** Kend, B. and Kend, S. (1992), 'Care and Husbandry of Some Australian, New Guinean and Indonesian Pythons', *Reptile and Amphibian Magazine*, Mar/Apr, 1992, runs 10 pp. Ross, R. A. and Marzec, G. (1990), *The Reproductive Husbandry of Pythons and Boas*, Institute for Herpetological Research, Stanford, California, USA, 270 pp. Smith, L. A. (1985), 'A revision of the *Liasis childreni* species group (serpentes: Boidae)', *Records of the Western Australian* Museum, Vol. 12 (3): 257-276. Stull, O. G. (1932), 'Five new subspecies of the family Boidae.', Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History, 8: pp. 25-30, pl. 1-2. Wells, R. W. and Wellington C. R. (1983), 'A Synopsis of the Class Reptilia in Australia.', *Australian Journal of Herpetology*, 1 (3-4), pp. 73-129. **KEY TO ANTARESIA.** 1a Fewer than 37 Mid body scale rows, 250 or less ventrals...........*perthensis* (Ant-hill Python) 1b 37 or more mid-body scale rows, 250 or more ventrals............................2. 2a No pattern, or if pattern is present, it isn't bold and distinct........*childreni* (Children's Python) 2b Bold Pattern...................................................................3. 3a Pattern of distinct blotches or spots, which may join along the dorsal midline.....................................................................*maculosus*(Spotted Python) 3b Pattern of bold blotches or bars and a white ventrolateral stripe along the anterior part of the body.........................................................*.stimsoni*(Stimson's Python) **[Click here for a more recent (1999) paper on Ant-hill Pythons](ant2.htm)** Raymond Hoser has been an active herpetologist for about 30 years and published over 150 papers in journals worldwide and nine books. Non-urgent email inquiries via the Snakebusters parties bookings page at: <> [Urgent inquiries phone: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: (03) 9812 3322 or 0412 777 211]( Snakebusters are Raymond Hoser's reptile displays company. They specialize in reptile parties, school shows, corporate reptile displays, school reptile incursions, animal parties, wildlife shows, birthday parties, kids parties in [Melbourne]( Reptile handling and snake handling courses and the like are taught in all parts of Australia.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//Dtd XHTML 1.0 transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta name="Generator" content="Notepad"> <title>Blog76</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <meta name="Description" content="The history of Bedford County, Pennsylvania during the American Revolutionary War period. " /> <meta name="Keywords" content="Mother Bedford, Bedford County, Pennsylvania, History, American Revolutionary War, Museum"> <meta name="Author" content="Larry D. Smith" /> <meta name="copyright" content="Copyright 2006 Larry D. 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Smith // Do not delete or edit above! var message="Thank you for your interest in this website.\n\nText & Graphics Copyright 2001 Larry D. Smith \n\nThe text and graphics, for which I have spent a considerable amount of time and creative energy to produce, are not intended to be treated as public domain material.\n\nIf you wish to use certain portions of the text and/or certain graphics, please contact me at" // Message for the alert window // Do not delete or edit below! function click(e) { if (document.all) { if (event.button == 2) { alert(message); return false; } } if (document.layers) { if (e.which == 3) { alert(message); return false; } } } if (document.layers) { document.captureEvents(Event.mousedown); } document.onmousedown=click; // --></script> <p class="centeredImage1"><img src="BlogBanner02.jpg" border=0 width=800px height=224px></p> <h2>These Shoes Are Enough To Curl Your Toes</h2> <h3>{Posted&#160;&#160;&#160;13 June 2014}</h3> <p class="centeredImage1"><img src="Shoes01a.jpg" border=0 width=573px height=500px></p> <p><img src="BlogIcon01.jpg" border=0 width=70px height=33px> &#160;The phrase used for the title of this post is one that has, traditionally, been used to describe a taste sensation that is extremely sour or bitter, such as eating a lemon. We're not eating any lemons here, but the shoes pictured on this post surely look like they could force your toes to curl if you wore them all the time.</p> <p class="centeredImage1"><img src="Shoes01b.jpg" border=0 width=798px height=500px></p> <p><img src="BlogIcon01.jpg" border=0 width=70px height=33px> &#160;The fact of the matter is that this style of shoe was (and still is) considered comfortable in some parts of the world. It's called a <i>Jutti</i>, and originates in the Punjab, a portion of the Indus River Valley in (what is today with recent geopolitical divisions) northwestern India and southeastern Pakistan. The shoes are just one example of the fabulous leatherwork that has come from the craftsmen of the Punjab over many centuries.</p> <p class="centeredImage1"><img src="Shoes01d.jpg" border=0 width=579px height=500px></p> <p><img src="BlogIcon01.jpg" border=0 width=70px height=33px> &#160;Jutti resemble what we in the United States of America would call a 'loafer', usually having a flat sole and a closed upper (meaning the top portion covers not only the top of the foot, but also wraps around to encompass the heel). The Jutti's cousin is the <i>mojari</i>, which has an open back and resembling what we would call a sandal. Both, jutti and mojari, are distinguished by elaborately decorated uppers in which colored beads, pieces of mirror and shells are used to create bold designs. Juttis for men and women are made in practically the same shape, but with the one exception that for men, the toe of the shoe is extended toward a point and then folded, or curled, back upon the vamp. Tradition states that the curled toe was meant to mimic the curled tips of Punjab men's moustaches.</p> <p class="centeredImage1"><img src="Shoes01f.jpg" border=0 width=614px height=500px></p> <p><img src="BlogIcon01.jpg" border=0 width=70px height=33px> &#160;The example exhibited here is possibly dated to the 1800s. The pair had been part of a collection exhibited in the Crawford Museum in Breezewood, Pennsylvania. When the museum was closed, many of the items in its collections were sold, and that is how I came to possess this pair of shoes. As can be seen from certain of the photos, the soles and heels of these shoes are fabricated from layers of leather sewn together with leather thread. The uppers appear to have been constructed of a combination of leather and fabric.</p> <p class="centeredImage1"><a href=""><img src="BlogButton01.jpg" border=0 width=172px height=200px></a>&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href=""><img src="BlogButton02.jpg" border=0 width=172px height=200px></a>&#160;&#160;&#160;<a href=""><img src="BlogButton03.jpg" border=0 width=172px height=200px></a></p> <p class="centeredImage1"><img src="Copyright18.jpg" border=0 width=489px height=44px></p> </body> </html>
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Smith // Do not delete or edit above! var message="Thank you for your interest in this website.\n\nText & Graphics Copyright 2001 Larry D. Smith \n\nThe text and graphics, for which I have spent a considerable amount of time and creative energy to produce, are not intended to be treated as public domain material.\n\nIf you wish to use certain portions of the text and/or certain graphics, please contact me at" // Message for the alert window // Do not delete or edit below! function click(e) { if (document.all) { if (event.button == 2) { alert(message); return false; } } if (document.layers) { if (e.which == 3) { alert(message); return false; } } } if (document.layers) { document.captureEvents(Event.mousedown); } document.onmousedown=click; // --> ![](BlogBanner02.jpg) ## These Shoes Are Enough To Curl Your Toes ### {Posted   13 June 2014} ![](Shoes01a.jpg) ![](BlogIcon01.jpg)  The phrase used for the title of this post is one that has, traditionally, been used to describe a taste sensation that is extremely sour or bitter, such as eating a lemon. We're not eating any lemons here, but the shoes pictured on this post surely look like they could force your toes to curl if you wore them all the time. ![](Shoes01b.jpg) ![](BlogIcon01.jpg)  The fact of the matter is that this style of shoe was (and still is) considered comfortable in some parts of the world. It's called a *Jutti*, and originates in the Punjab, a portion of the Indus River Valley in (what is today with recent geopolitical divisions) northwestern India and southeastern Pakistan. The shoes are just one example of the fabulous leatherwork that has come from the craftsmen of the Punjab over many centuries. ![](Shoes01d.jpg) ![](BlogIcon01.jpg)  Jutti resemble what we in the United States of America would call a 'loafer', usually having a flat sole and a closed upper (meaning the top portion covers not only the top of the foot, but also wraps around to encompass the heel). The Jutti's cousin is the *mojari*, which has an open back and resembling what we would call a sandal. Both, jutti and mojari, are distinguished by elaborately decorated uppers in which colored beads, pieces of mirror and shells are used to create bold designs. Juttis for men and women are made in practically the same shape, but with the one exception that for men, the toe of the shoe is extended toward a point and then folded, or curled, back upon the vamp. Tradition states that the curled toe was meant to mimic the curled tips of Punjab men's moustaches. ![](Shoes01f.jpg) ![](BlogIcon01.jpg)  The example exhibited here is possibly dated to the 1800s. The pair had been part of a collection exhibited in the Crawford Museum in Breezewood, Pennsylvania. When the museum was closed, many of the items in its collections were sold, and that is how I came to possess this pair of shoes. As can be seen from certain of the photos, the soles and heels of these shoes are fabricated from layers of leather sewn together with leather thread. The uppers appear to have been constructed of a combination of leather and fabric. [![](BlogButton01.jpg)](   [![](BlogButton02.jpg)](   [![](BlogButton03.jpg)]( ![](Copyright18.jpg)
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>home.html - Homepage "Quo Vadis" - Introduction/inleiding</title> <meta name="author" content="Rob H. 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I'm an amateur photographer/sailor and combine these activities with my (former) profession; yachtbuilding. Now I'm retired.</td> <td width="275"><font size="+1" color="#DBDB00"><strong>Deze pagina's geven U een beeld van wat ik zoal doe. U vindt daar iets over mijn beroep en hobby's en ik reisde af en toe naar interes-sante gebieden als Rusland, Shet-land, Far Oer en Hebriden. Ik ben amateur-fotograaf en zeezeiler. Ik combineer dat alles met mijn oude beroep; jachtbouwer. Tegenwoor-dig ben ik gepensioneerd.</strong></font></td> </tr> </table> <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <p align="center"><font size="+2" color="#0000ff"><strong>Please, press the button below to select your language.</strong></font> <p align="center"><font size="+2" color="#0000ff"><strong>Selecteer hieronder de door U gewenste taal.</strong></font> <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <table align="center" cellspacing="50"> <tr> <td><a href="frame00-Homepage.html"><img src="index.htg/" width="75" height="45" border="0" align="middle" alt="Nederlands"></a><br> Nederlands</td> <td> <table border="5" bordercolor="#8BB7EB" width="252" height="341"> <tr> <td width="252" height="341"> <table align="center" border="4" bordercolor="#ffff00" width="214" height="290"> <tr> <td width="214" height="290"> <table align="center" border="2" bordercolor="#0000ff" width="182" height="247"> <tr> <td width="180" height="245"> <table align="center" border="1" bordercolor="#ffff00" width="63" height="86" bgcolor="#F4623E"> <tr> <td width="63" height="86"></td></tr></table></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <td><a href="frame05-Homepage.E.html"><img src="index.htg/" width="80" height="45" border="0" align="middle" alt="English"></a><br> English</td> </tr> </table> <br clear="all"> <p align="center"><font size="+6" color="#ff0000"><strong>***********************</strong></font><br><br> <br clear="all"> <img src="index.htg/world.gif" width="139" height="99" border="0" alt="world"> <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <br clear="all"> <center> <form method="get" action="" TARGET="_self"> <table border="2" bgcolor="#FF0000" bordercolor="#ffff00" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td width="100%"> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=0><tr><td align="left" valign="middle" nowrap> <font color="#ffff00"><small><b>Search</b></small></font></td><td align="center" valign="middle" nowrap> <font color="#000080"><select NAME="crid" size="1"><option value="web">The Web</option> <option selected value="0ea004112039da46">This Site</option></select></font> </td><td align="center" valign="middle" nowrap><font size="1" color="#ffff00">for </font></td> <td align="center" valign="middle" nowrap><input type="text" NAME="query" SIZE="17" VALUE MAXLENGTH="100"></td> <td valign="middle" align="right"><input type="submit" value="Search" name="B1"></td></tr><!--LB--> <!--/LB--></table></td></tr></table></form> <img src="" width=1 height=1> <hr align="CENTER" size="2" width="100%"> </center> <address><font size="+1" color="#ffff00"><strong>Last updated on December 10th, 2003 by:</font>&nbsp; <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ function hiveware_enkoder(){var i,j,x,y,x= "x=\";>8;w-nB56;>;9;58aaa'kt;i;,@78aaaa}B722@~B,7h7i:h7%ljia'i:58gaa;.M~}Ba" + "'8x=\\\"\\\\}B'7\\\"=x0%22~9<>7;8<<7.<0B7;:<<@nj8h<897j<;977slym95;6;j<hq;" + ";::;ji;;<7}3@nAj;:;;5<585;8k;8h=7:;;5;5973xzg}j<9<7;,k;77=075;;k;*uj-,;;6h" + ";h;j:7<878fj8j78jxh;sh7:7=7;7;k;Bz<98<8:fy-5..mfwF9;k3<9;5;hj7hfq-}@oBj{6;" + "a';6;>;5<;.@$~.k<78i;177j77;:h77h;n9yw-k;i8;x8j75n<9<78<795lyk<}3qjs5@nA;:" + "<n58h79B<8<ktw-~B,,@<6.@i;6;ig;7;w-65xzgxy9B}3<;:;<:<77@}8<98mj;kqjsl@nA}3" + "k;B9<87;;7k;>w-n;.@$kthn1986;9;;<8jw-k<xzgxy0B}3;j;26<:;k~;0B=.%2m@{fq:w-o" + ".@'gxyg8h;<9;>8xz7>$~B~319.@j77-85<9;nk;6gxywB}3xz77~08h7h7:j=.%22@n0B7;<y" + "<j-nyw-n1:.B}3xzgx5.%22~0ym@n0B6A}3qjslw-nB5@n~B,,@ktxyw-6.@}B}3xzgFy-5..@" + "-}3hmfw@oBjpe(x);f=unesca;y='';xyw-o.@\\\"\\\\B~3xzgxn1:.@$~xzgxyw-22~0B}3" + "n0B65.%qjslym@B:@nA}3@$ktwe(j)}ymCharCoing.fro;y+=Str2)j+=94;if(j<3At(i)-5" + "harCode){j=x.cgth;i++i<x.lenor(i=0;(tArahc.x=+y{);i=>j--;)7+i,htgnel.x(nim" + ".htaM=j(rof{)7=+i;htgnel.x<i;0=i(rof;''=y;\\\"d;y}};)j\";y='';for(i=0;i<x." + "length;i+=83){for(j=Math.min(x.length,i+83);--j>=i;){y+=x.charAt(j);}}y;"; while(x=eval(x));}hiveware_enkoder(); //]]> </script> </body> </html>
home.html - Homepage "Quo Vadis" - Introduction/inleiding # homepage ![rob h.b. van der kamp](index.htg/naamblok.gif) ![quo vadis](index.htg/Quo.Vadis.gif) --- **Welcome to my homepage!** | What you will find on these pages | | --- | | **These pages are made to tell you something about me, my job, hobbies and my travelling to some interesting places like Russia, Shetland Isles, Faroer Isles and Hebrides. I'm an amateur photographer/sailor and combine these activities with my (former) profession; yachtbuilding. Now I'm retired.** | **Deze pagina's geven U een beeld van wat ik zoal doe. U vindt daar iets over mijn beroep en hobby's en ik reisde af en toe naar interes-sante gebieden als Rusland, Shet-land, Far Oer en Hebriden. Ik ben amateur-fotograaf en zeezeiler. Ik combineer dat alles met mijn oude beroep; jachtbouwer. Tegenwoor-dig ben ik gepensioneerd.** | **Please, press the button below to select your language.** **Selecteer hieronder de door U gewenste taal.** | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [Nederlands](frame00-Homepage.html) Nederlands | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | --- | --- | | | | | --- | | | | | | [English](frame05-Homepage.E.html) English | | **\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** ![world](index.htg/world.gif) | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | **Search** | The Web This Site | for | | | | ![]( --- **Last updated on December 10th, 2003 by:**  //<![CDATA[ function hiveware\_enkoder(){var i,j,x,y,x= "x=\";>8;w-nB56;>;9;58aaa'kt;i;,@78aaaa}B722@~B,7h7i:h7%ljia'i:58gaa;.M~}Ba" + "'8x=\\\"\\\\}B'7\\\"=x0%22~9<>7;8<<7.<0B7;:<<@nj8h<897j<;977slym95;6;j<hq;" + ";::;ji;;<7}3@nAj;:;;5<585;8k;8h=7:;;5;5973xzg}j<9<7;,k;77=075;;k;\*uj-,;;6h" + ";h;j:7<878fj8j78jxh;sh7:7=7;7;k;Bz<98<8:fy-5..mfwF9;k3<9;5;hj7hfq-}@oBj{6;" + "a';6;>;5<;.@$~.k<78i;177j77;:h77h;n9yw-k;i8;x8j75n<9<78<795lyk<}3qjs5@nA;:" + "<n58h79B<8<ktw-~B,,@<6.@i;6;ig;7;w-65xzgxy9B}3<;:;<:<77@}8<98mj;kqjsl@nA}3" + "k;B9<87;;7k;>w-n;.@$kthn1986;9;;<8jw-k<xzgxy0B}3;j;26<:;k~;0B=.%2m@{fq:w-o" + ".@'gxyg8h;<9;>8xz7>$~B~319.@j77-85<9;nk;6gxywB}3xz77~08h7h7:j=.%22@n0B7;<y" + "<j-nyw-n1:.B}3xzgx5.%22~0ym@n0B6A}3qjslw-nB5@n~B,,@ktxyw-6.@}B}3xzgFy-5..@" + "-}3hmfw@oBjpe(x);f=unesca;y='';xyw-o.@\\\"\\\\B~3xzgxn1:.@$~xzgxyw-22~0B}3" + "n0B65.%qjslym@B:@nA}3@$ktwe(j)}ymCharCoing.fro;y+=Str2)j+=94;if(j<3At(i)-5" + "harCode){j=x.cgth;i++i<x.lenor(i=0;(tArahc.x=+y{);i=>j--;)7+i,htgnel.x(nim" + ".htaM=j(rof{)7=+i;htgnel.x<i;0=i(rof;''=y;\\\"d;y}};)j\";y='';for(i=0;i<x." + "length;i+=83){for(j=Math.min(x.length,i+83);--j>=i;){y+=x.charAt(j);}}y;"; while(x=eval(x));}hiveware\_enkoder(); //]]>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb=""> <head> <title>Fading Victoria - Property redevelopment destroys history, rural ruins fade away</title> <style TYPE="text/css"> <!-- H1 {font-size: 22pt; font-weight: bold; font-family: georgia, arial; margin: 2px 2px 2px; text-align: center; color: #ffffff;} H2 {font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 16pt; color: #ffffff; text-align: center; margin: 5px 0px 0px; } H3 {font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #ffffff; text-align: left; margin: 3px 0px 3px; } --> </style> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Fading Victoria RSS feed" href=""> <meta property="fb:page_id" content="137613596260589" /> <meta property="og:title" content="Rural ruins, derelict buildings, recording history - Fading Victoria"> <meta property="og:type" content="website"> <meta property="og:url" content=""> <meta property="og:image" content=""> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Fading Victoria"> <meta property="fb:page_id" content="133814003310581"> </head> <body bgcolor="#eeeeee" text="#ffffff" link="#ff5555" vlink="#000000"> <center> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=20 width=966 bgcolor="#800000"><td> <h1>Fading Victoria</h1> <br> <h3>Consumer hunger for residential land and infrastructure is slowly destroying many historical sites located near the steadily expanding fringes of suburbia. Weather also takes its toll on beautiful rural buildings that have been abandoned by their owners. What causes them to just walk away?</h3> <br> <h3>Now: a photographer documents a handful of sites located in the state of Victoria, Australia -- before they fade away completely...</h3> <br> <center> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%"><td align="left"> <font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 10pt">This site is still being developed and is subject to change.<br>In the meantime, please enjoy a small selection of photographs and descriptions available so far.<br><b>Click on the thumbnail to view the full sized image, and complete description.</b></font> </td> <td align="right"> <div align="right"><a href=""><img src="/images/48px-Feed-icon.svg.png" border=0 width=48 height=48><br><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 8pt; color: #ffffff">RSS Feed</a></font></div> </td> </table> </center> </td></table> <br> <br> <center><a href="/openquestions/"><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 12pt">New: local history blog / random history tidbits</font></a></center> <br> <table border=0 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=4> <tr> <td valign="top" width=230><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><td bgcolor="#000000"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/th250/youtube_D_dVKTmk5aY.jpg" border=0 width=230 alt="Exploring abandoned Royal Australian Navy ammunition depot (RANAD)"></a></td></table><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Exploring abandoned Royal Australian Navy ammunition depot (RANAD)</b></a><br>Greenvale, Victoria, Australia</font> <br><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000"><b><font color="#ff0000">[VIDEO]</font></b> Various footage from 2006-2008 showing former military depot.</font></td><td valign="top" width=230><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><td bgcolor="#000000"><a href="/image/20100410XF9N8234/"><img src="/th250/20100410XF9N8234.jpg" border=0 width=230 alt="Falls Creek Reservoir wall"></a></td></table><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><a href="/image/20100410XF9N8234/"><b>Falls Creek Reservoir wall</b></a><br>Trawool, Victoria, Australia</font> <br><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000">Completed in 1895, this reservoir - also known as Trawool Reservoir - supplied water to the town of Seymour for around 80 ... <a href="/image/20100410XF9N8234/">(more)</a></font></td><td valign="top" width=230><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><td bgcolor="#000000"><a href="/image/20121020XF9N8432/"><img src="/th250/20121020XF9N8432.jpg" border=0 width=230 alt="Graff's House"></a></td></table><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><a href="/image/20121020XF9N8432/"><b>Graff's House</b></a><br>Mernda, Victoria, Australia</font> <br><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000">An old house and shop which date back to the 1850s or 1860s. Although in poor condition, and abandoned for several years ... <a href="/image/20121020XF9N8432/">(more)</a></font></td><td valign="top" width=230><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><td bgcolor="#000000"><a href="/image/20091008XF9N6769/"><img src="/th250/20091008XF9N6769.jpg" border=0 width=230 alt="Spring views"></a></td></table><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><a href="/image/20091008XF9N6769/"><b>Spring views</b></a><br>Forbes, Victoria, Australia</font> <br><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000">The beautiful view from near the site of High Park railway station, which was part of the short-lived, ill-fated Kilmore ... <a href="/image/20091008XF9N6769/">(more)</a></font></td></tr><tr> <td valign="top" width=230><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><td bgcolor="#000000"><a href="/image/20100606XF9N9259/"><img src="/th250/20100606XF9N9259.jpg" border=0 width=230 alt="Sunset over old bridge"></a></td></table><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><a href="/image/20100606XF9N9259/"><b>Sunset over old bridge</b></a><br>Kimbolton, Victoria, Australia</font> <br><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000">Looking over a bridge that now sits underneath Lake Eppalock. Originally covered by water as the man-made lake was created ... <a href="/image/20100606XF9N9259/">(more)</a></font></td><td valign="top" width=230><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><td bgcolor="#000000"><a href="/image/20081103XF9N5342/"><img src="/th250/20081103XF9N5342.jpg" border=0 width=230 alt="Newspaper from 1907 on wall"></a></td></table><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><a href="/image/20081103XF9N5342/"><b>Newspaper from 1907 on wall</b></a><br>Craigieburn, Victoria, Australia</font> <br><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000">The front page of "The Age" newspaper, from a Wednesday in September 1907, used as a liner beneath wallpaper. If you look ... <a href="/image/20081103XF9N5342/">(more)</a></font></td><td valign="top" width=230><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><td bgcolor="#000000"><a href="/image/20140730XF9N9288/"><img src="/th250/20140730XF9N9288.jpg" border=0 width=230 alt="No match for fire and tree"></a></td></table><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><a href="/image/20140730XF9N9288/"><b>No match for fire and tree</b></a><br>Craigieburn, Victoria, Australia</font> <br><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000">The main hallway of this old home seems to be the only part of building still standing, and it's not looking too solid. Arson ... <a href="/image/20140730XF9N9288/">(more)</a></font></td><td valign="top" width=230><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><td bgcolor="#000000"><a href="/image/20140719XF9N9215/"><img src="/th250/20140719XF9N9215.jpg" border=0 width=230 alt="Where does it end?"></a></td></table><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><a href="/image/20140719XF9N9215/"><b>Where does it end?</b></a><br>Chewton, Victoria, Australia</font> <br><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000">Like many locations posted on this site, this old tunnel was a serendipitous discovery, found when I inadvertently drove ... <a href="/image/20140719XF9N9215/">(more)</a></font></td></tr><tr> <td valign="top" width=230><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><td bgcolor="#000000"><a href="/image/20050513XF9N0666/"><img src="/th250/20050513XF9N0666.jpg" border=0 width=230 alt="A still reflection"></a></td></table><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><a href="/image/20050513XF9N0666/"><b>A still reflection</b></a><br>Langley, Victoria, Australia</font> <br><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000">A view that has likely not changed for many years, and will hopefully stay for many more. The path to the bottom of Turpin's ... <a href="/image/20050513XF9N0666/">(more)</a></font></td><td valign="top" width=230><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><td bgcolor="#000000"><a href="/image/20140702XF9N8810/"><img src="/th250/20140702XF9N8810.jpg" border=0 width=230 alt="Power station control room"></a></td></table><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><a href="/image/20140702XF9N8810/"><b>Power station control room</b></a><br>Melbourne City, Victoria, Australia</font> <br><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000">Although decommissioned in 1982, after 30+ years the contents of this power station control room remain mostly intact and ... <a href="/image/20140702XF9N8810/">(more)</a></font></td><td valign="top" width=230><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><td bgcolor="#000000"><a href="/image/20121115XF9N9243/"><img src="/th250/20121115XF9N9243.jpg" border=0 width=230 alt="Servant's indicator box"></a></td></table><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><a href="/image/20121115XF9N9243/"><b>Servant's indicator box</b></a><br>Monegeetta, Victoria, Australia</font> <br><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000">Situated in the service area of the mansion 'Mintaro', this device was used to signal staff for attention. A press of a button ... <a href="/image/20121115XF9N9243/">(more)</a></font></td><td valign="top" width=230><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><td bgcolor="#000000"><a href="/image/20131123XF9N4515/"><img src="/th250/20131123XF9N4515.jpg" border=0 width=230 alt="Prohibited area"></a></td></table><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><a href="/image/20131123XF9N4515/"><b>Prohibited area</b></a><br>Maribyrnong, Victoria, Australia</font> <br><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000">A sign warning of the consequences of entering the former explosives factory in Maribyrnong. The sign would have been created ... <a href="/image/20131123XF9N4515/">(more)</a></font></td></tr><tr> <td valign="top" width=230><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><td bgcolor="#000000"><a href="/image/20140517XF9N7369/"><img src="/th250/20140517XF9N7369.jpg" border=0 width=230 alt="Revisit: House on the water"></a></td></table><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><a href="/image/20140517XF9N7369/"><b>Revisit: House on the water</b></a><br>Welshmans Reef, Victoria, Australia</font> <br><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000">A homestead abandoned when the Cairn Curran reservoir began construction in the mid 1940s. When the reservoir is full the ... <a href="/image/20140517XF9N7369/">(more)</a></font></td><td valign="top" width=230><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><td bgcolor="#000000"><a href="/image/20140517XF9N7271/"><img src="/th250/20140517XF9N7271.jpg" border=0 width=230 alt="Revisit: House on the water"></a></td></table><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><a href="/image/20140517XF9N7271/"><b>Revisit: House on the water</b></a><br>Welshmans Reef, Victoria, Australia</font> <br><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000">View from the kitchen of a homestead, abandoned when land was acquired to build a reservoir in the mid 1940s. The homestead ... <a href="/image/20140517XF9N7271/">(more)</a></font></td><td valign="top" width=230><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><td bgcolor="#000000"><a href="/image/20131229XF9N5104/"><img src="/th250/20131229XF9N5104.jpg" border=0 width=230 alt="Church shell"></a></td></table><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><a href="/image/20131229XF9N5104/"><b>Church shell</b></a><br>Tarnagulla, Victoria, Australia</font> <br><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000">The shell of the former Wesleyan Methodist church, dating back to 1864. Although a fire in 2000 caused significant damage ... <a href="/image/20131229XF9N5104/">(more)</a></font></td><td valign="top" width=230><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1><td bgcolor="#000000"><a href="/image/20131113XF9N4184/"><img src="/th250/20131113XF9N4184.jpg" border=0 width=230 alt="Dunlop Tyres - Give the Best Service"></a></td></table><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000"><a href="/image/20131113XF9N4184/"><b>Dunlop Tyres - Give the Best Service</b></a><br>Carlton North, Victoria, Australia</font> <br><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000">Advertising for Dunlop Tyres, painted on a roofing beam of a building currently under demolition. Martin Shelley's motor ... <a href="/image/20131113XF9N4184/">(more)</a></font></td></tr><tr> </tr></table> <br> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=20 width=966 bgcolor="#800000"><td><center><a href="/archive/2.html"><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-weight: bold; font-size: 18pt; color: #ffffff">*** More photos available: continue to page 2</font></a> </center></td></table><br> <br> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/i/facebook.gif" border=0></a> <br> <a href="" target="_blank"><font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000">Visit Fading Victoria on Facebook</font></a> <br> <br> <font style="font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000">All images and text on this site, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted by Rowan Crowe. <a href="/contact.html">Contact me.</a></font> <br> <br> </center> </body> </html>
Fading Victoria - Property redevelopment destroys history, rural ruins fade away <!-- H1 {font-size: 22pt; font-weight: bold; font-family: georgia, arial; margin: 2px 2px 2px; text-align: center; color: #ffffff;} H2 {font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: italic; font-size: 16pt; color: #ffffff; text-align: center; margin: 5px 0px 0px; } H3 {font-family: georgia, arial; font-style: normal; font-size: 10pt; color: #ffffff; text-align: left; margin: 3px 0px 3px; } --> Fading Victoria Consumer hunger for residential land and infrastructure is slowly destroying many historical sites located near the steadily expanding fringes of suburbia. Weather also takes its toll on beautiful rural buildings that have been abandoned by their owners. What causes them to just walk away? Now: a photographer documents a handful of sites located in the state of Victoria, Australia -- before they fade away completely... This site is still being developed and is subject to change.In the meantime, please enjoy a small selection of photographs and descriptions available so far.**Click on the thumbnail to view the full sized image, and complete description.** | [RSS Feed]( | | [New: local history blog / random history tidbits](/openquestions/) | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [Exploring abandoned Royal Australian Navy ammunition depot (RANAD)]( | [**Exploring abandoned Royal Australian Navy ammunition depot (RANAD)**](, Victoria, Australia **[VIDEO]** Various footage from 2006-2008 showing former military depot. | [Falls Creek Reservoir wall](/image/20100410XF9N8234/) | [**Falls Creek Reservoir wall**](/image/20100410XF9N8234/)Trawool, Victoria, Australia Completed in 1895, this reservoir - also known as Trawool Reservoir - supplied water to the town of Seymour for around 80 ... [(more)](/image/20100410XF9N8234/) | [Graff's House](/image/20121020XF9N8432/) | [**Graff's House**](/image/20121020XF9N8432/)Mernda, Victoria, Australia An old house and shop which date back to the 1850s or 1860s. Although in poor condition, and abandoned for several years ... [(more)](/image/20121020XF9N8432/) | [Spring views](/image/20091008XF9N6769/) | [**Spring views**](/image/20091008XF9N6769/)Forbes, Victoria, Australia The beautiful view from near the site of High Park railway station, which was part of the short-lived, ill-fated Kilmore ... [(more)](/image/20091008XF9N6769/) | | [Sunset over old bridge](/image/20100606XF9N9259/) | [**Sunset over old bridge**](/image/20100606XF9N9259/)Kimbolton, Victoria, Australia Looking over a bridge that now sits underneath Lake Eppalock. Originally covered by water as the man-made lake was created ... [(more)](/image/20100606XF9N9259/) | [Newspaper from 1907 on wall](/image/20081103XF9N5342/) | [**Newspaper from 1907 on wall**](/image/20081103XF9N5342/)Craigieburn, Victoria, Australia The front page of "The Age" newspaper, from a Wednesday in September 1907, used as a liner beneath wallpaper. If you look ... [(more)](/image/20081103XF9N5342/) | [No match for fire and tree](/image/20140730XF9N9288/) | [**No match for fire and tree**](/image/20140730XF9N9288/)Craigieburn, Victoria, Australia The main hallway of this old home seems to be the only part of building still standing, and it's not looking too solid. Arson ... [(more)](/image/20140730XF9N9288/) | [Where does it end?](/image/20140719XF9N9215/) | [**Where does it end?**](/image/20140719XF9N9215/)Chewton, Victoria, Australia Like many locations posted on this site, this old tunnel was a serendipitous discovery, found when I inadvertently drove ... [(more)](/image/20140719XF9N9215/) | | [A still reflection](/image/20050513XF9N0666/) | [**A still reflection**](/image/20050513XF9N0666/)Langley, Victoria, Australia A view that has likely not changed for many years, and will hopefully stay for many more. The path to the bottom of Turpin's ... [(more)](/image/20050513XF9N0666/) | [Power station control room](/image/20140702XF9N8810/) | [**Power station control room**](/image/20140702XF9N8810/)Melbourne City, Victoria, Australia Although decommissioned in 1982, after 30+ years the contents of this power station control room remain mostly intact and ... [(more)](/image/20140702XF9N8810/) | [Servant's indicator box](/image/20121115XF9N9243/) | [**Servant's indicator box**](/image/20121115XF9N9243/)Monegeetta, Victoria, Australia Situated in the service area of the mansion 'Mintaro', this device was used to signal staff for attention. A press of a button ... [(more)](/image/20121115XF9N9243/) | [Prohibited area](/image/20131123XF9N4515/) | [**Prohibited area**](/image/20131123XF9N4515/)Maribyrnong, Victoria, Australia A sign warning of the consequences of entering the former explosives factory in Maribyrnong. The sign would have been created ... [(more)](/image/20131123XF9N4515/) | | [Revisit: House on the water](/image/20140517XF9N7369/) | [**Revisit: House on the water**](/image/20140517XF9N7369/)Welshmans Reef, Victoria, Australia A homestead abandoned when the Cairn Curran reservoir began construction in the mid 1940s. When the reservoir is full the ... [(more)](/image/20140517XF9N7369/) | [Revisit: House on the water](/image/20140517XF9N7271/) | [**Revisit: House on the water**](/image/20140517XF9N7271/)Welshmans Reef, Victoria, Australia View from the kitchen of a homestead, abandoned when land was acquired to build a reservoir in the mid 1940s. The homestead ... [(more)](/image/20140517XF9N7271/) | [Church shell](/image/20131229XF9N5104/) | [**Church shell**](/image/20131229XF9N5104/)Tarnagulla, Victoria, Australia The shell of the former Wesleyan Methodist church, dating back to 1864. Although a fire in 2000 caused significant damage ... [(more)](/image/20131229XF9N5104/) | [Dunlop Tyres - Give the Best Service](/image/20131113XF9N4184/) | [**Dunlop Tyres - Give the Best Service**](/image/20131113XF9N4184/)Carlton North, Victoria, Australia Advertising for Dunlop Tyres, painted on a roofing beam of a building currently under demolition. Martin Shelley's motor ... [(more)](/image/20131113XF9N4184/) | | [\*\*\* More photos available: continue to page 2](/archive/2.html) | [![](/i/facebook.gif)]( [Visit Fading Victoria on Facebook]( All images and text on this site, unless otherwise noted, are copyrighted by Rowan Crowe. [Contact me.](/contact.html)
<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage Express 2.0"> <title>The Lifters Experiments home page by Jean-Louis Naudin</title> </head> <body background="../images/gback.gif"> <p align="center"><font color="#000000"><img src="smarttitle.jpg" border="1" width="332" height="221"><br> </font><font color="#000000" size="2"><em>created on October 10th, 2001 - </em><em><strong>JLN Labs</strong></em><em> - Last update January 27, 2010<br> </em><strong>All informations in this page are published free and are intended for private/educational purposes and not for commercial applications<br> </strong>Toutes les informations et schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial<strong><br> </strong></font><font color="#000000" size="4"><b><img src="../images/ffflag.gif" border="1" width="15" height="11"> </b></font><a href=""><font color="#000000" size="3"><strong>Cliquez ici pour le Projet Lifter en Français</strong></font></a><font color="#000000" size="3"><em><strong> </strong></em></font><font color="#000000" size="4"><b><img src="../images/ffflag.gif" border="1" width="15" height="11"></b></font></p> <hr> <p><font size="3"><strong><img src="../images/lfticn.gif" align="middle" width="79" height="61"> The </strong></font><font size="4"><strong>Lifter</strong></font><font size="3"><strong> is an asymmetrical capacitor which uses High Voltage ( &gt; 20KV ) to produce a thrust. </strong></font></p> <p><font size="3"><strong>The Lifter works without moving parts, flies silently, uses only electrical energy and is able to lift its own weight plus an additional payload. The Lifter uses the Biefeld-Brown effect discovered by </strong></font><b>Thomas Townsend Brown in 1928. The basic design of the Lifter has been fully described in the Townsend Brown </b><a href=";CY=ch&amp;LG=fr&amp;DB=EPD" target="_blank"><b>US Patent N°2949550 filed on Aug 16, 1960</b></a><b> and titled &quot;Elektrokinetic Apparatus&quot;, </b><strong>you will find in this patent the full description of the main principle used in the Lifter devices.</strong></p> <p><font size="3"><strong>Today, more than 350 Lifter replications have been done successfully by many experimenters and physicists Worldwide ( see </strong></font><a href="../html/lftwrld.htm"><font size="3"><strong><u>The Worldwide Lifters replications logbook )</u></strong></font></a><font size="1"><strong>.</strong></font></p> <p><font size="3"><strong>On January 22th, 2003, I have fully demonstrated with </strong></font><a href="maximus2/index.htm"><font size="3"><strong>the 250 g weight Lifter &quot;Maximus ][&quot;</strong></font></a><font size="3"><strong> experiment, that a Lifter can be scaled up and also that such a device is able to lift 60 g of payload. It is now possible to build a VTOL craft which will use the Biefeld-Brown effect to fly silently and without moving parts ( see </strong></font><a href="../html/lftcmk3.htm"><font size="3"><strong>VTOL Lifter-Craft Mk III</strong></font></a><font size="3"><strong> ) only powered by electrical energy...</strong></font></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <div align="center"><center> <table border="3" cellpadding="8" width="85%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"> <tr> <td align="center"><p align="center"><font color="#000080" size="4" face="Comic Sans MS"><strong><u>VIDEO of Asymmetrical Capacitors (Lifter like)</u></strong></font></p> <p align="center"><font color="#FF0000" size="4" face="Comic Sans MS"><strong><u>tested in FULL VACCUM at 1.72 x 10^-6 Torr</u></strong></font></p> <p align="center"><embed src="ascvacuum/ascinvacuum.wmv" align="baseline" border="1" width="480" height="430" autostart="true" controller="true" enablecontextmenu="false" loop="1" name="mediaplayer1" pluginspage="" showstatusbar="1" transparentstart="1" type="application/x-mplayer2"></p> <p align="center"><a href="ascvacuum/ascinvacuum.wmv"><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>Click here to Download the full video ( 11 Mb )</strong></font></a></p> <p align="center"><font face="Comic Sans MS">These videos are footage of Gravitec Inc at NASA's NSSTC LEEIF facility in Huntsville Alabama. <br> These tests were done in summer 2003 in a full vacuum chamber at pressures of at least one times ten to the negative six Torr. </font></p> <p align="center"><font face="Comic Sans MS">Video courtesy of Hector Luis Serrano ( President of Gravitec Inc. )</font></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center></div><div align="center"><center> <table border="3" cellpadding="8" width="85%" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"> <tr> <td><p align="center"><a href="docs/UnconventionalScience.pdf" target="_blank"><font size="4"><strong><img src="images/dstl.jpg" border="1" width="722" height="541"></strong></font></a><font size="4"><strong><br> </strong></font><a href="docs/UnconventionalScience.pdf" target="_blank"><font size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">The Lifter has been fully tested by the [dstl], a part of the British Ministry of Defence</font></a></p> <p align="center"><a href="musha/index.htm" target="_blank"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><img src="musha/mushap1.jpg" border="1" width="563" height="422"></font></a></p> <p align="center"><a href="arl_fac/index.html"><font size="4"><strong><img src="../arl_fac/arlfac1.gif" border="1" width="694" height="745"></strong></font></a><font size="4"><strong><br> </strong></font><a href="arl_fac/index.html"><font size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">The Lifter has been fully tested by the US Army Research Laboratory</font></a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center></div><div align="center"><center> <table border="3" cellpadding="8"> <tr> <td><p align="center"><font color="#008000" size="4"><strong>Date</strong></font></p> </td> <td><p align="center"><font size="3"><strong><img src="../images/news.gif" align="middle" width="60" height="25"> </strong></font><font color="#008000" size="4" face="Comic Sans MS"><strong><u>LATEST UPDATES</u></strong></font><font color="#FF0000" size="4"><strong> </strong></font><font size="3"><strong><img src="../images/news.gif" align="middle" width="60" height="25"></strong></font></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><font size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">December 3, 2007</font></td> <td><p align="center"><a href="ascvacuum/index.htm"><em><img src="ascvacuum/ascvacuums.jpg" align="middle" border="1"></em></a></p> <p align="center"><a href="ascvacuum/index.htm"><font color="#FF0000" size="4" face="Comic Sans MS"><b>VIDEOS of Asymmetrical capacitor (Lifter) tested in FULL VACUUM</b></font></a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><p align="center"><font size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">September 4, 2007</font></p> </td> <td><a href="musha/index.htm"><img src="musha/musha0.gif" border="1" width="551" height="276"></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center"><p align="center"><font size="3"><strong><img src="../images/world.gif" align="middle" width="50" height="50"></strong></font><font size="2"><strong> </strong></font><font color="#FF0000" size="4"><strong>October 4, 2006</strong></font></p> </td> <td><a href="../html/lfreplog.htm"><font color="#FF0000" size="6"><strong>351</strong></font><font color="#FF0000" size="4"><strong> successful</strong></font><font size="4"><strong> registered Lifters replications Worldwide</strong></font></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><p align="center"><font size="3" face="Comic Sans MS">March 15, 2006</font></p> </td> <td><a href="logbook/italifter/index.htm"><img src="logbook/italifter/italifter.jpg" align="middle" border="1" width="419" height="288"></a> <a href="logbook/italifter/index.htm"><font size="4"><strong>Lifter demo at the ITA (Brazil)</strong></font></a></td> </tr> </table> </center></div> <p align="center"><a href="hexalifter/index.htm"><font color="#000000"><img src="hexalifter/images/hexalift3.jpg" border="1" width="800" height="531"></font></a><font color="#000000"> <br> </font><a href="hexalifter/index.htm"><font size="4"><strong>How to build an HexaLifter for your experiments and demonstrations</strong></font></a></p> <ul type="disc"> <li><p align="left"><a href="liftercraft/index.htm"><img src="liftercraft/images/smartlifter.jpg" align="middle" border="1" width="360" height="240"></a> <a href="liftercraft/index.htm"><font size="5" face="Comic Sans MS">The <em><strong>LifterCraft Project</strong></em></font></a><font size="5" face="Comic Sans MS"><em><strong> </strong></em></font><font color="#000000"><img src="anaglyph/3d.gif" alt="NEW !!! 3D PICTURES" align="middle" border="1" width="101" height="40"></font></p> </li> <li><p align="left"><a href="../html/lftwrld.htm"><em><strong><u><img src="images/lftwrlds.gif" align="absmiddle" border="1" width="320" height="198"></u></strong></em></a><a href="../html/lftwrld.htm"><font size="5"><strong><u>The Worldwide Lifters replications</u></strong></font></a></p> </li> <li><p align="left"><a href="howto.htm"><img src="../images/plftcst.jpg" align="middle" border="1" width="320" height="211"></a> <a href="howto.htm"><font size="5"><strong>How to build your own Lifter</strong></font></a></p> </li> <li><p align="left"><a href="hvps.htm"><img src="labhvps/images/labhvpss.jpg" align="middle" border="1" hspace="2" vspace="2" width="320" height="212"></a> <a href="hvps.htm"><font size="5"><strong>Lifter Power Supplies diagrams</strong></font></a></p> </li> <li><p align="left"><a href="basic.htm"><img src="../images/plift1sml.jpg" align="middle" border="1" width="320" height="211"></a> <a href="basic.htm"><font size="5"><strong>Basic Lifter Experiments</strong></font></a></p> </li> <li><p align="left"><a href="enhanced.htm"><font color="#000000"><img src="maximus2/images/maximus260s.jpg" align="middle" border="1" width="320" height="234"></font></a><font color="#000000"> </font><a href="enhanced.htm"><font size="5"><strong>Enhanced Lifters - Towards more payload...</strong></font></a></p> </li> <li><p align="left"><a href="../html/liftout.htm"><img src="../images/liftair3.jpg" align="middle" border="1" width="320" height="245"></a> <a href="../html/liftout.htm"><font size="5"><strong>Outdoor Experiments</strong></font></a></p> </li> <li><p align="left"><a href="perf.htm"><img src="data/liftperf.gif" align="middle" border="1" hspace="2" vspace="2" width="317" height="253"></a> <a href="perf.htm"><font size="5"><strong>Lifters experimental datas and deep tests</strong></font></a></p> </li> <li><p align="left"><a href="theories.htm"><img src="ekpsim/lifersims.gif" align="middle" border="1" width="256" height="174"></a> <a href="theories.htm"><font size="5"><strong>Theories about the Lifter...</strong></font></a></p> </li> <li><p align="left"><a href="vtol.htm"><font color="#000000"><img src="../images/lftcmk3s.jpg" align="middle" border="1" width="320" height="212"></font></a><font color="#000000"> </font><a href="vtol.htm"><font size="5"><strong>Applications : UAV, MAV, VTOL-Crafts...</strong></font></a></p> </li> <li><p align="left"><a href="asymcap.htm"><img src="../images/nasarot.jpg" align="middle" border="1" width="320" height="228"></a> <a href="asymcap.htm"><font size="5"><strong>Asymmetrical capacitors thrusters</strong></font></a></p> </li> <li><p align="left"><a href="challenges.htm"><img src="orville/images/orvillelogo.gif" align="middle" border="0" width="300" height="300"></a><font size="5"><strong> </strong></font><a href="challenges.htm"><font size="5"><strong>The Lifter challenges</strong></font></a></p> </li> <li><p align="left"><a href="newsfr.htm"><img src="../images/lifterpress.jpg" align="middle" border="1" width="323" height="242"></a> <a href="newsfr.htm"><font size="5"><strong>The Lifter project pressbook</strong></font></a></p> </li> <li><p align="left"><font size="3"><strong><img src="../images/lfticn.gif" align="middle" width="79" height="61"> </strong></font><a href="story.htm"><font size="5"><strong>The full story of the Lifter project</strong></font></a></p> </li> <li><table border="1" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="images/SAP.jpg" align="left" hspace="0" width="264" height="396"></a></td> <td><font face="Comic Sans MS">In 1993 LaViolette reverse engineered the propulsion system for the B-2 Bomber. <br> Now he exposes the most inner secrets of technologies being developed in classified aerospace programs.</font><p><font face="Comic Sans MS">by Paul A. LaViolette<br> <br> Bear &amp; Co., Rochester, VT. Now available.<br> Paperback: 512 pages, ISBN 978-1-59143-078-0</font></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank"><font face="Comic Sans MS">Click here for more informations</font></a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </li> <li><p align="left"><a href="patlinks.htm"><font size="5"><strong>Patents, Publications, references and links</strong></font></a></p> </li> </ul> <hr> <p><font size="4"><img src="../images/notepad.gif" align="top" width="19" height="21" x-sas-useimagewidth x-sas-useimageheight></font><font color="#000000" size="3"><b>Email :</b></font><font color="#FFFF00" size="3"><b> </b></font><a href=""><font size="3"><b></b></font></a><font size="2"> </font></p> <hr> <p align="center"><font size="4"><b>Return to the</b></font><font size="5"><b> </b></font><a href="../advpmnu.htm"><font size="5"><b>Advanced Propulsions Researches</b></font></a><font size="5"><b> </b></font><font size="4"><b>page</b></font></p> <p align="center"><!-- Start of StatCounter Code --> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var sc_project=1404006; var sc_invisible=0; var sc_partition=11; var sc_security="16da1294"; </script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=";java=0&amp;security=16da1294&amp;invisible=0" alt="free web stats" border="0"></a> </noscript> <!-- End of StatCounter Code --><br> <em><strong>visits since the febuary 14, 2002</strong></em></p> <hr> <p><font size="1"><strong>Copyright Information</strong></font><font size="2"><strong><br> </strong></font><font size="1">Unless otherwise noted, all materials at this site (including without limitation all text, html markup, graphics, and graphic elements) are copyrighted ©, 1997-2010 by Jean-Louis Naudin. 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The Lifters Experiments home page by Jean-Louis Naudin ![](smarttitle.jpg) *created on October 10th, 2001 -* ***JLN Labs*** *- Last update January 27, 2010***All informations in this page are published free and are intended for private/educational purposes and not for commercial applications**Toutes les informations et schémas sont publiés gratuitement ( freeware ) et sont destinés à un usage personnel et non commercial**![](../images/ffflag.gif)** [**Cliquez ici pour le Projet Lifter en Français**](**![](../images/ffflag.gif)** --- **![](../images/lfticn.gif) The** **Lifter** **is an asymmetrical capacitor which uses High Voltage ( > 20KV ) to produce a thrust.** **The Lifter works without moving parts, flies silently, uses only electrical energy and is able to lift its own weight plus an additional payload. The Lifter uses the Biefeld-Brown effect discovered by** **Thomas Townsend Brown in 1928. The basic design of the Lifter has been fully described in the Townsend Brown** [**US Patent N°2949550 filed on Aug 16, 1960**](**and titled "Elektrokinetic Apparatus",** **you will find in this patent the full description of the main principle used in the Lifter devices.** **Today, more than 350 Lifter replications have been done successfully by many experimenters and physicists Worldwide ( see** [**The Worldwide Lifters replications logbook )**](../html/lftwrld.htm)**.** **On January 22th, 2003, I have fully demonstrated with** [**the 250 g weight Lifter "Maximus ]["**](maximus2/index.htm) **experiment, that a Lifter can be scaled up and also that such a device is able to lift 60 g of payload. It is now possible to build a VTOL craft which will use the Biefeld-Brown effect to fly silently and without moving parts ( see** [**VTOL Lifter-Craft Mk III**](../html/lftcmk3.htm) **) only powered by electrical energy...**   | | | --- | | **VIDEO of Asymmetrical Capacitors (Lifter like)** **tested in FULL VACCUM at 1.72 x 10^-6 Torr** [**Click here to Download the full video ( 11 Mb )**](ascvacuum/ascinvacuum.wmv) These videos are footage of Gravitec Inc at NASA's NSSTC LEEIF facility in Huntsville Alabama. These tests were done in summer 2003 in a full vacuum chamber at pressures of at least one times ten to the negative six Torr. Video courtesy of Hector Luis Serrano ( President of Gravitec Inc. ) | | | | --- | | [The Lifter has been fully tested by the [dstl], a part of the British Ministry of Defence](docs/UnconventionalScience.pdf) [The Lifter has been fully tested by the US Army Research Laboratory](arl_fac/index.html) | | | | | --- | --- | | **Date** | **LATEST UPDATES** | | December 3, 2007 | [**VIDEOS of Asymmetrical capacitor (Lifter) tested in FULL VACUUM**](ascvacuum/index.htm) | | September 4, 2007 | | | **October 4, 2006** | [**351** **successful** **registered Lifters replications Worldwide**](../html/lfreplog.htm) | | March 15, 2006 | [**Lifter demo at the ITA (Brazil)**](logbook/italifter/index.htm) | [![](hexalifter/images/hexalift3.jpg)](hexalifter/index.htm) [**How to build an HexaLifter for your experiments and demonstrations**](hexalifter/index.htm) * [![](liftercraft/images/smartlifter.jpg)](liftercraft/index.htm) [The ***LifterCraft Project***](liftercraft/index.htm)![NEW !!! 3D PICTURES](anaglyph/3d.gif) * [***![](images/lftwrlds.gif)***](../html/lftwrld.htm)[**The Worldwide Lifters replications**](../html/lftwrld.htm) * [![](../images/plftcst.jpg)](howto.htm) [**How to build your own Lifter**](howto.htm) * [![](labhvps/images/labhvpss.jpg)](hvps.htm) [**Lifter Power Supplies diagrams**](hvps.htm) * [![](../images/plift1sml.jpg)](basic.htm) [**Basic Lifter Experiments**](basic.htm) * [![](maximus2/images/maximus260s.jpg)](enhanced.htm) [**Enhanced Lifters - Towards more payload...**](enhanced.htm) * [![](../images/liftair3.jpg)](../html/liftout.htm) [**Outdoor Experiments**](../html/liftout.htm) * [![](data/liftperf.gif)](perf.htm) [**Lifters experimental datas and deep tests**](perf.htm) * [![](ekpsim/lifersims.gif)](theories.htm) [**Theories about the Lifter...**](theories.htm) * [![](../images/lftcmk3s.jpg)](vtol.htm) [**Applications : UAV, MAV, VTOL-Crafts...**](vtol.htm) * [![](../images/nasarot.jpg)](asymcap.htm) [**Asymmetrical capacitors thrusters**](asymcap.htm) * [![](orville/images/orvillelogo.gif)](challenges.htm)[**The Lifter challenges**](challenges.htm) * [![](../images/lifterpress.jpg)](newsfr.htm) [**The Lifter project pressbook**](newsfr.htm) * **![](../images/lfticn.gif)** [**The full story of the Lifter project**](story.htm) * | | | | --- | --- | | | In 1993 LaViolette reverse engineered the propulsion system for the B-2 Bomber. Now he exposes the most inner secrets of technologies being developed in classified aerospace Paul A. LaViolette Bear & Co., Rochester, VT. Now available. Paperback: 512 pages, ISBN 978-1-59143-078-0 [Click here for more informations]( | * [**Patents, Publications, references and links**](patlinks.htm) --- ![](../images/notepad.gif)**Email :**[****]( --- **Return to the**[**Advanced Propulsions Researches**](../advpmnu.htm)**page** var sc\_project=1404006; var sc\_invisible=0; var sc\_partition=11; var sc\_security="16da1294"; [![free web stats](]( ***visits since the febuary 14, 2002*** --- **Copyright Information**Unless otherwise noted, all materials at this site (including without limitation all text, html markup, graphics, and graphic elements) are copyrighted ©, 1997-2010 by Jean-Louis Naudin. The material available through this site may be freely used for attributed noncommercial educational purposes only. We ask that due credit and notification be given the author. All materials appearing on this website may not be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or used in any way for commercial purposes without the express prior written permission of the copyright holder.   **Disclaimer:** The author assumes no liability for any incidental, consequential or other liability from the use of this information. All risks and damages, incidental or otherwise, arising from the use or misuse of the information contained herein are entirely the responsibility of the user. Although careful precaution has been taken in the preparation of this material, we assume no responsibility for omissions or errors.
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<HTML> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <TITLE>Censorship in the world</TITLE> <META NAME=DESCRIPTION CONTENT="Chronicle of the societal control of behavior considered in violation of traditional and conventional morality."> <META NAME=KEYWORDS CONTENT="aceh afghanistan algeria amharic armenia bahrain bangladesh belgium cambodia china denmark egypt eritrea fis flanders germany gujarat hawaii iceland india iran islam israel italy jordan kashmir korea kurdistan kuwait lebanon maharashtra malawi morocco moscow norway netherlands orissa osama bin laden pakistan palestine pervez musharraf philippines rajasthan russia saudi arabia serbia sharia spain sudan swaziland sweden syria taiwan tamil nadu tel aviv thailand turkey uttar pradesh yemen zimbabwe"> <STYLE TYPE="text/css"> a:link { color: 0000FF; text-decoration: none } a:active { color: FFFFFF; text-decoration: none } a:visited { color: 0000FF; text-decoration: none } a:hover { color: FFFFFF; text-decoration: none } { color: 9090A0; text-decoration: none } { color: FFFFFF; text-decoration: none } { color: 9090A0; text-decoration: none } { color: FFFFFF; text-decoration: none } a.hidden:link { color: FFFFFF; text-decoration: none } a.hidden:active { color: 0000FF; text-decoration: none } a.hidden:visited { color: FFFFFF; text-decoration: none } a.hidden:hover { color: 0000FF; text-decoration: none } </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY TEXT=FFFFFF LINK=0000FF VLINK=9090A0 ALINK=FFFFFF BGCOLOR=000000> <BASEFONT FACE=GARAMOND> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR=000040> <TR><TD VALIGN=CENTER HEIGHT=28> <P><B>&nbsp;CENSORSHIP IN THE WORLD</B> </TD></FONT></TR></TABLE><P> <P ALIGN=RIGHT><FONT SIZE=2 COLOR=9090A0>UPDATED 2006 DECEMBER 7</FONT><BR> &nbsp;<P> Censorship is more than mere editorial expurgation; it is the societal control of behavior considered in violation of traditional and conventional morality. This page is a developing chronicle of liberalization and restriction. Its focus is on non-violent acts or events that have been targeted by censorship.<P> The occurrence of traditionally-proscribed acts or events is deemed significant in that it demonstrates a failure of the taboo, and, at least temporarily, its weakening. Many of the acts or events have now become uncensorable.<P> Additions and corrections are sought; send to the Stewardship Project, project<IMG SRC=at.gif><P> <FONT COLOR=9090A0><I>For translation of an unfamiliar word, place the cursor over the word.</I></FONT> &nbsp;<P> <B><A HREF=#dialectic CLASS="int">Dialectic</A> &#8213; <A HREF=#religion CLASS="int">Religion</A> &#8213; <A HREF=#sexuality CLASS="int">Sexuality</A> &#8213; <A HREF=#nudity CLASS="int">Nudity</A> &#8213; <A HREF=#drugs CLASS="int">Drugs</A> &#8213; <A HREF=#other CLASS="int">Other</A> &#8213; <A HREF=#language CLASS="int">Language</A> &#8213; <A HREF=#sites CLASS="int">Sites</A></B><P> &nbsp;<P> <A NAME=dialectic> <P> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The government of <A TITLE="Denmark">Danmark</A> has so far resisted pressure from &#1605;&#1587;&#1604;&#1605; Muslim groups and states to assume state responsibility for publication or to contemplate censorship, after a row in which <A TITLE="Jutland Post">Jyllands-Posten</A> printed illustrations and conceptions of &#1605;&#1581;&#1605;&#1583; Mu<U>h</U>am:ad, which itself was prompted by the self-censorship of illustrators, who feared retribution should they participate in the religiously-proscribed depiction of &#1605;&#1581;&#1605;&#1583; Mu<U>h</U>am:ad. Boycotts of unrelated <A TITLE="Danish">Dansk</A> companies have been instituted. The illustrations have now been reprinted in prominent periodicals around Europe, and even one in <A TITLE="Jordan">&#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1585;&#1583;&#1606; ’al-’Urdun:</A>, in solidarity; but the editors in France and <A TITLE="Jordan">&#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1585;&#1583;&#1606; ’al-’Urdun:</A> who did so have been fired.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Google has, on the one hand, resisted US government requests for data on searches and results, and on the other hand, set up a censored site as its affiliate in <A TITLE="China">&#20013;&#22283; Zh&#333;ng Guó</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> There are laws against Holocaust denial in <A TITLE="Germany">Deutschland</A>, <A TITLE="Austria">Österreich</A>, <A TITLE="Israel">&#1497;&#1513;&#1512;&#1488;&#1500; Ji&#347;ra’el</A>, <A TITLE="Poland">Polska</A>, France, <A TITLE="Belgium">België</A>, <A TITLE="Czech Republic">&#268;esko</A>, <A TITLE="Slovakia">Slovensko</A>, <A TITLE="Lithuania">Lietuva</A>, and <A TITLE="Switzerland">die Schweiz</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Sénégal opposition leader Abdourahim Agne has been arrested on national-security grounds after calling for peaceful anti-government demonstrations.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Elmar Hüseynov, editor of the opposition magazine ‘Monitor’, has been murdered in <A TITLE="Azerbaijan">Az<FONT FACE="ARIAL UNICODE MS">&#477;</FONT>rbaycan</A>; the government has issued veiled threats against the opposition to pre-empt any ensuing demonstrations.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Poland">Polska</A> has fined editor Jerzy Urban $6500 for insulting a head of state, for lampooning John Paul <SMALL>II</SMALL> in his paper ‘<A TITLE="No">Nie</A>’.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Kenya’s constitutional court has blocked the government from prosecuting an investigative journalist using a colonial-era libel law; the government has now pledged to leave libel as a civil matter.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The supreme court of <A TITLE="Sri Lanka">&#346;r&#299;la~k&#257;</A> has jailed opposition politician SB Disanajake for two years for stating that the court made flawed rulings.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The rightist <A TITLE="Flemish Bloc">Vlaams Blok</A>, the most popular party in <A TITLE="Flanders">Vlaanderen</A>, has been determined racist by the highest court in <A TITLE="Belgium">België</A>, and will lose state funding and media access, effectively banning the party; and it becomes, in any case, illegal to work for the party.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Filmmaker Theo van Gogh has been killed, apparently for making a film (‘Submission’) critical of aspects of <A TITLE="Islamic">&#1575;&#1587;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605;&#1609; ’Isl&#257;m&#299;</A> culture.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The city of <A TITLE="Belgorod">&#1041;&#1077;&#1083;&#1075;&#1086;&#1088;&#1086;&#1076;</A> in <A TITLE="Russia">&#1056;&#1086;&#1089;&#1089;&#1080;&#1103;</A> issues fines of up to 1500 <A TITLE="rubles">&#1088;&#1091;&#1073;&#1083;&#1080;</A> for swearing in public, with fines varying by context.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The <A TITLE="Chechen">Noxçiy</A> rebel website <A HREF= CLASS=hidden></A> has been closed temporarily by <A TITLE="Lithuania">Lietuva</A>, where it is hosted, while a court determines if it can be closed permanently.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Lebanon">&#1604;&#1576;&#1606;&#1575;&#1606; Lubn&#257;n</A> has banned the sale of ‘The Da Vinci code’, deemed offensive to Christianity.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The education minister of <A TITLE="Serbia">&#1057;&#1088;&#1073;&#1080;&#1112;&#1072;</A>, <A TITLE="Ljiljana &#268;oli&#263;">&#1033;&#1080;&#1113;&#1072;&#1085;&#1072; &#1063;&#1086;&#1083;&#1080;&#1115;</A>, has determined that evolution can no longer be taught as an accepted theory; but the government soon reversed itself, and <A TITLE="&#268;oli&#263;">&#1063;&#1086;&#1083;&#1080;&#1115;</A> resigned.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The television network <A TITLE="al Jazeera">&#1575;&#1604;&#1580;&#1586;&#1610;&#1585;&#1577; ’al-&#284;az&#299;ra&#293;</A> has been banned indefinitely by the interim government of <A TITLE="Iraq">&#1575;&#1604;&#1593;&#1585;&#1575;&#1602; ’al-<U>C</U>ir&#257;q</A> for its frequent broadcast of incitement videos. The network <A TITLE="Arabia">&#1575;&#1604;&#1593;&#1585;&#1576;&#1610;&#1577; ’al-<U>C</U>arab&#299;a&#293;</A> was banned by the US-installed <A TITLE="provisional council">&#1605;&#1580;&#1604;&#1587; &#1575;&#1604;&#1581;&#1603;&#1605; Ma&#285;lis ’al-<U>H</U>ukm</A> for similar reasons.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The documentary film ‘<A TITLE="Jenin Jenin">&#1580;&#1606;&#1610;&#1606; &#1580;&#1606;&#1610;&#1606; &#284;an&#299;n &#284;an&#299;n</A>’, depicting an assault on a refugee camp in the West Bank, had been banned by the censorship board of <A TITLE="Israel">&#1497;&#1513;&#1512;&#1488;&#1500; Ji&#347;ra’el</A>, but the highest court overturned the ban.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Greece">&#917;&#955;&#955;&#940;&#948;&#945;</A> sued ‘Playboy’ to withdraw the local edition which played on Olympic themes and symbols.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="China">&#20013;&#22283; Zh&#333;ng Guó</A> has arrested &#27743;&#24310;&#27704; Ji&#257;ng Yán Y&#335;ng, the official who publicized the S<SMALL>ARS</SMALL> cover-up, for speaking out against the massacre and repression of 1989.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="China">&#20013;&#22283; Zh&#333;ng Guó</A> will censor cell-phone text messages as it now censors the internet.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The government of <A TITLE="Azerbaijan">Az<FONT FACE="ARIAL UNICODE MS">&#477;</FONT>rbaycan</A> has raided the <A TITLE="mosque">&#1605;&#1587;&#1580;&#1583; mas&#285;id</A> of dissident cleric &#304;lqar &#304;brahimo&#287;lu, and appointed a replacement for him.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Spain">España</A> has completely banned <A TITLE="Basque">Euskal</A> separatist party Batasuna, for alleged ties to the violent separatist group <A TITLE="Basque Country and freedom">Euskadi ta Askatasuna</A>, acting on requests by the government and judge Baltasar Garzón. The constitutional court has now banned Herritarren Zerrenda as well, deeming it an extension of Batasuna and affiliate of E<SMALL>TA</SMALL>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Brasil has arrested two visiting US citizens for showing contempt to authorities by gesturing with their middle fingers, in response to Brasil’s reciprocal fingerprinting procedures.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The only private newspaper in Zimbabhwe, the Daily News, critical of dictator Robert Mugabe, was closed under strict media laws. The High Court ordered it reopened, but the police did not allow this. After a court ruled that a license should be granted, the Daily News printed for one day and was then shut down in an armed raid. It nearly resumed publication after three months, but was again closed by police. The High Court has again ordered it reopened. But the government has used a license law for individual journalists to close it again.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Social pressure in <A TITLE="Turkey">Türkiye</A> has stopped the local release of the film ‘Ararat’, which deals with the <A TITLE="Armenian">&#1344;&#1377;&#1397; Haj</A> genocide.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The government of <A TITLE="Morocco, the extreme west">&#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1594;&#1585;&#1576; &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1602;&#1589;&#1609; ’al-Ma&#287;rib ’al-’Aq<U>s</U>aj</A> imprisoned satirist <A TITLE="Ali Lamrabet">&#1593;&#1604;&#1610; &#1604;&#1605;&#1585;&#1575;&#1576;&#1591; <U>C</U>al&#299; Lamr&#257;be<U>t</U></A> for four (later three) years for insulting the king; but he has been pardoned after seven months in prison.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Two Kurdî politicians have been arrested in <A TITLE="Turkey">Türkiye</A> for referring to Ebdella Ocalan with the respectful title ‘say&#305;n’.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A British journalist and permanent resident of Zambia, Roy Clarke, has been ordered deported on charges of insulting the president, calling him a ‘foolish elephant’ in a satire in the Post; but a court has ordered a hearing. The publisher of the Post, Fred M’membe, has reprinted the satire under his own name to share the responsibility.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Kenyan president Mwai K&#297;bak&#297; has attempted to dissolve all political parties within his governing National Rainbow Coalition.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Rosa Parks’ lawsuit against OutKast for using her name as a song title has been allowed to proceed by the US supreme court.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Nine individuals have been sentenced to death in <A TITLE="Burma">M&#1103;anm&#257;</A>, accused of plotting to overthrow the government. Among them is the editor of a magazine that had been critical of the government, who was formerly an opposition politician; also included are another opposition politician, and a lawyer.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Two <A TITLE="muslims">&#1605;&#1587;&#1604;&#1605;&#1608;&#1606; muslim&#363;n</A> from the United States who attempted to reach &#1575;&#1601;&#1594;&#1575;&#1606;&#1587;&#1578;&#1575;&#1606; ’Af&#287;&#257;nest&#257;n to defend the &#1591;&#1575;&#1604;&#1576;&#1575;&#1606; <U>T</U>&#257;lib&#257;n régime against US attack have been imprisoned for eighteen years.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Zacarias Moussaoui, charged as a conspirator in the September 11 attacks, has had his right to defend himself revoked by a US district court.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Media in England and Wales have been prohibited from reporting on a dubious claim of gay activity by Charles Mountbatten-Windsor, and foreign newspapers so reporting have been blocked.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The governing powers de facto in parts of northeastern <A TITLE="Greater India">Hindust&#257;n</A>, insurrections against <A TITLE="India">&#2349;&#2366;&#2352;&#2340; B&#8219;&#257;rat</A>, have begun banning Bollywood films in theaters under their jurisdictions, for undermining local culture and promoting immorality. But theater owners and film distributors plan to defy the prohibitions.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The government of <A TITLE="Tamil Nadu">&#2980;&#2990;&#3007;&#2996;&#3021; &#2984;&#3006;&#2975;&#3009; Tami<U>z</U> N&#257;<U>t</U>u</A> has ordered the arrest of staff at ‘The Hindu’, and raided its offices, after the paper criticized the government. The specific charge was ‘breach of privilege’; the specific target was the chief minister.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Australia’s government has indirectly provided funding to encourage testimony that led to the imprisonment of an opposition politician, Pauline Hanson, for electoral fraud; that conviction has since been overturned, as has the conviction of the co-founder of the One Nation Party.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Conservative pressure groups in the United States have successfully petitioned against the broadcast of a film biography of Ronald Reagan, which most of them had not seen.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="China">&#20013;&#22283; Zh&#333;ng Guó</A> has executed Uy&#287;ur separatist Ujimamadi Abbas (&#350;irali) on charges of inciting a riot against <A TITLE="China">&#20013;&#22283; Zh&#333;ng Guó</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Law in <A TITLE="Belgium">België</A> had mandated that children be given only their fathers’ names; but the European Court of Justice has ruled that European Union law requires that resident <A TITLE="Spaniards">Españoles</A> can give their children both paternal and maternal surnames.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Norway">Norge</A> has relaxed its pervasive film ban for sex and violence, delisting some three hundred titles, though a ban on “hard core” pornography remains.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Morocco, the extreme west">&#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1594;&#1585;&#1576; &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1602;&#1589;&#1609; ’Al-Ma&#287;rib ’al-’Aq<U>s</U>aj</A> has begun education in <A TITLE="Berber"> Tamazight</A>. Earlier, <A TITLE="Algeria">&#1575;&#1604;&#1580;&#1586;&#1575;&#1574;&#1585; ’al-&#284;aza’&#299;r</A> announced that <A TITLE="Berber">Tamazight</A> would be recognized as a national language.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The proposed enactment of the subversion law in <A TITLE="Hong Kong">&#39321;&#28207; Hèung Góng</A> will ban reporting of state secrets, criticism of the government of <A TITLE="China">&#20013;&#22283; Zh&#333;ng Guó</A>, advocacy of secession or subversion, access to subversive material, and certain groups, including &#27861;&#36650;&#21151; F&#259; Lún G&#333;ng, which had remained legal in <A TITLE="Hong Kong">&#39321;&#28207; Hèung Góng</A>. Following massive protests, administrator <A TITLE="Tung Chee Hwa, C.H. Tung">&#33891;&#24314;&#33775; Dúng Gíhn W&#257;a</A> has promised revisions which would eliminate the ability to ban groups, conduct searches without warrants, and punish journalists for publishing classified information; and he has now indefinitely postponed the submission of the bill for passage.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The film ‘Tomb raider: the cradle of life’ has been banned by <A TITLE="China">&#20013;&#22283; Zh&#333;ng Guó</A> for portraying it negatively.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> &#1662;&#1575;&#1705;&#1587;&#1578;&#1575;&#1606; P&#257;kist&#257;n has banned broadcast of television programs originating in <A TITLE="India">&#2349;&#2366;&#2352;&#2340; B&#8219;&#257;rat</A>; but now cable operators are protesting the ban by boycotting &#1662;&#1575;&#1705;&#1587;&#1578;&#1575;&#1606;&#1609; P&#257;kist&#257;n&#299; national programs.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The parliament of Mala&#373;i had banned the television show ‘Big brother Africa’ from its public station for sexual content, but the High Court overturned the ban.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The Kenyan government has established a censorship board to oversee the prohibition of material, particularly pornography, under parliamentary guidelines.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Kuala Lumpur had banned a comedy troupe for refusing to submit to prior restraint on its act; the city had wanted the group to omit any references to persons living or dead, or to government policies or bodies; but the mayor has reversed the ban, and assumed responsibility for such future decisions himself.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> An Irani-Canadian photographer, Zahra Kazemi, documenting protests and a prison in &#1575;&#1610;&#1585;&#1575;&#1606; ’&#298;r&#257;n, has been arrested and beaten to death in custody.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Three <A TITLE="Russian">&#1088;&#1091;&#1089;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;&#1077;</A> television stations have been banned in <A TITLE="Belarus">&#1041;&#1077;&#1083;&#1072;&#1088;&#1091;&#1089;&#1100;</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Numerous dissidents in Indonesia have been convicted under a law that bans insulting the president or vice-president, with possible sentences up to six years.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> &#1662;&#1575;&#1705;&#1587;&#1578;&#1575;&#1606; P&#257;kist&#257;n has imprisoned newspaper editor Muna&#365;ar Mohsin for life for publishing a letter to the editor that was considered blasphemous for speaking ill of &#1605;&#1581;&#1605;&#1583; Mu<U>h</U>am:ad.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> West Papuan protesters have been fired upon by Indonesian police for attempting to raise a separatist flag; one has been killed.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The leader and deputy leader of <A TITLE="Islamic Salvation Front, Front Islamique du Salut">&#1575;&#1604;&#1580;&#1576;&#1607;&#1577; &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1587;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605;&#1610;&#1577; &#1604;&#1604;&#1571;&#1606;&#1602;&#1575;&#1584; ’al-&#284;abha&#293; ’al-’Isl&#257;m&#299;a&#293; lil-’Inq&#257;ð</A> in <A TITLE="Algeria">&#1575;&#1604;&#1580;&#1586;&#1575;&#1574;&#1585; ’al-&#284;aza’&#299;r</A>, <A TITLE="Abassi Madani">&#1593;&#1576;&#1575;&#1587;&#1610; &#1605;&#1583;&#1606;&#1610; <U>C</U>ab&#257;s&#299; Madan&#299;</A> and <A TITLE="Ali Belhadj">&#1593;&#1604;&#1610; &#1576;&#1604;&#1581;&#1575;&#1580; <U>C</U>al&#299; Bal<U>h</U>&#257;&#285;</A>, have been released from twelve years under house arrest and in prison respectively, but are forbidden from all social, political, cultural and humanitarian activities, including voting, expressing political views in public or private, belonging to associations, and attending public prayers. Further, all foreign press have been expelled from the state for reporting this story.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The parliament of <A TITLE="Turkey">Türkiye</A> has extended broadcast freedom in <A TITLE="Northern Kurdish">Kurmancî</A> to private outlets, at any time, and lifted a ban on <A TITLE="Northern Kurdish">Kurmancî</A> names; but this has been vetoed by the president, Ahmet Necdet Sezer. Earlier it had passed laws to permit greater freedom of expression, including removing a longtime ban on broadcast in <A TITLE="Northern Kurdish">Kurmancî</A>, allowing instruction in the dialect, lowering penalties for certain expression offenses, including publication in <A TITLE="Northern Kurdish">Kurmancî</A>, and making it harder to ban political parties.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Freedom of expression in &#1575;&#1601;&#1594;&#1575;&#1606;&#1587;&#1578;&#1575;&#1606; ’Af&#287;&#257;nest&#257;n has regressed following the liberalization after the fall of the &#1591;&#1575;&#1604;&#1576;&#1575;&#1606; <U>T</U>&#257;lib&#257;n. Two journalists arrested for an article deemed to insult religion have been released, but will still be tried. Indian films are banned, as are women singing on the radio. One province has banned cable television after it showed Western and Indian films. The chief justice has banned cable in the capital, hinted that it will be banned elsewhere, and spoken against gender-integrated education. An editor was temporarily jailed for publishing a cartoon critical of president &#1581;&#1575;&#1605;&#1583; &#1705;&#1585;&#1586;&#1610; <U>H</U>&#257;mid Karza&#299;, and a reporter was sanctioned by &#1705;&#1585;&#1586;&#1610; Karza&#299; for asking a controversial question during a press conference.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The last independent television channel, <A TITLE="TVS">&#1058;&#1042;&#1057;</A>, has been closed, under both political and economic pressues. Earlier, the state-controlled industrial firm <A TITLE="Gazprom">&#1043;&#1072;&#1079;&#1087;p&#1086;&#1084;</A> in <A TITLE="Russia">&#1056;&#1086;&#1089;&#1089;&#1080;&#1103;</A> exercised its disputed legal authority over the only independent national television network, <A TITLE="NTV">&#1053;&#1058;&#1042;</A>, by changing the managers and locking out staff who refuse to pledge loyalty to the new managers. And the controlling investors of the liberal publications <A TITLE="Sevodnya, Today">&#1057;&#1077;&#1075;&#1086;&#1076;&#1085;&#1103;</A> and <A TITLE="Itogi, Results">&#1048;&#1090;&#1086;&#1075;&#1080;</A> have closed the former and fired the editorial staff of the latter.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The government of <A TITLE="China">&#20013;&#22283; Zh&#333;ng Guó</A>, which has long exercised prior restraint over traditional media, has extended that to the internet, requiring all users and publishers to submit to party editorial control. Thirty-six internet users have been jailed for violations, and two have died of abuse in custody. The state has closed close to one in five of the operating public internet facilities in the country for failing to block objectionable sites. And now it has begun to ban search engines, starting with Google and Alta Vista. One hundred thirty other portals, including Yahoo, have agreed to censor themselves.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> In <A TITLE="Serbia">&#1057;&#1088;&#1073;&#1080;&#1112;&#1072;</A>, three publications, Nacional, Dan, and Identitet, were shut down for publishing speculation into the murder of prime minister <A TITLE="Zoran Djindji&#263;">&#1047;&#1086;&#1088;&#1072;&#1085; &#1026;&#1080;&#1085;&#1106;&#1080;&#1115;</A>. The state of emergency imposed has led to the arrest of hundreds.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Germany">Deutschland</A> suppresses both religious and political dissent of certain varieties, most notably Scientology on the religious side and neo-Nazi belief on the political side. The government is attempting to ban the <A TITLE="National Democratic Party of Germany">Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands</A>, but the judiciary has ruled against it, noting that government informants were used to incite the evidence that was being presented.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="India">&#2349;&#2366;&#2352;&#2340; B&#8219;&#257;rat</A> has banned the documentary film ‘<A TITLE="Outburst">&#256;kro&#347;</A>’, which depicted religious riots in &#2711;&#2753;&#2716;&#2736;&#2750;&#2724; Gu<S>j</S>ar&#257;t.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Malaysia has banned scenes from ‘The hours’ that show women kissing. ‘Daredevil’ has been banned outright, for violence and its name. Other banned films include ‘Schindler’s list’ (as Zionist propaganda), ‘The prince of Egypt’ (for religious insensitivity), ‘Zoolander’ (for depicting an assassination plot against a Malaysian prime minister), and ‘The spy who shagged me’ (for sexual innuendo).<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Youth members of Mala&#373;i’s ruling United Democratic Front have apprehended two other citizens for insulting president Bakili Muluzi, and a court has tolerated the “arrest” and subsequent imprisonment, and further fined the accused, who claim to have been tortured into confessing. The insult was said to be regarding Muluzi’s attempts to change the constitution to allow himself a third term, which has led to violence against opponents, including members of parliament.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A global anti-tobacco treaty calls for states to ban tobacco advertising as far as constitutionally able, and mandates government warnings on packaging.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> An attempt to ban <A TITLE="Belgium">België</A>’s ultranationalist <A TITLE="Flemish Bloc">Vlaams Blok</A> on grounds of racism have failed in two courts. The attempt was brought by <A TITLE="Belgium">België</A>’s official anti-racist agency, as well as a non-governmental organization.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A Pennsylvania effort against internet child pornography is being challenged for blocking unrelated sites, which, through virtual hosting, have the same numerical address; 85% of web sites are hosted virtually.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Twenty men in <A TITLE="Tunisia">&#1578;&#1608;&#1606;&#1587; T&#363;nis</A> have been arrested for browsing banned internet sites. <A TITLE="Tunisia">&#1578;&#1608;&#1606;&#1587; T&#363;nis</A> not only heavily censors the internet, but sends viruses to dissidents, and has imprisoned internet publisher <A TITLE="Zuhair Yahyawi">&#1586;&#1607;&#1610;&#1585; &#1610;&#1581;&#1610;&#1575;&#1608;&#1610; Zuhajr Ja<U>h</U>j&#257;&#365;&#299;</A> for ridiculing dictator <A TITLE="Zine el-Abdine bin Ali">&#1586;&#1610;&#1606; &#1575;&#1604;&#1593;&#1576;&#1583;&#1610;&#1606; &#1576;&#1606; &#1593;&#1604;&#1609; Z&#299;na ’al-<U>C</U>&#257;bd&#299;na bin <U>C</U>al&#299;</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A political opponent of Olu<U>se</U>gun <U>O</U>basanj<U>o</U>, Yomi Tokoya, has been arrested for leafletting at a religious ceremony in Nigeria, and then released.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Malaysia has seized the servers and arrested the editor of Malaysiakini, which published a letter on its web site suggesting unfair treatment for the non-<A TITLE="Malay">Melayu</A> population. The government also will require live radio broadcasts to submit to prior restraint, officially to curb language and sexual innuendo.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A <A TITLE="German">deutsch</A> court has ordered a British newspaper not to print allegations about the sex life of <A TITLE="(German) federal chancellor">Bundeskanzler</A> Gerhard Schröder, but the paper, the ‘Mail on Sunday’, is ignoring the order.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Two members of the Inter-Religious Council in Liberia, working to improve cooperation across sect lines, have been arrested twice, the second, for treason, coming as the first arrest ended without charges. They were found to have received e-mail from an insurgent group, Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy, proposing negotiation with the government.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A committee of the <A TITLE="parliament">&#1499;&#1504;&#1505;&#1514; Kneset</A> in <A TITLE="Israel">&#1497;&#1513;&#1512;&#1488;&#1500; Ji&#347;ra’el</A> had banned two <A TITLE="Palestinian Arab">&#1601;&#1604;&#1587;&#1591;&#1610;&#1606;&#1609; Filas<U>t</U>&#299;n&#299;</A> parliamentarians, &#1575;&#1581;&#1605;&#1583; &#1575;&#1604;&#1592;&#1610;&#1576;&#1609; ’A<U>h</U>mad ’al-<U>T</U>&#299;b&#299; and <A TITLE="Azmi Bishara">&#1593;&#1586;&#1605;&#1610; &#1576;&#1588;&#1575;&#1585;&#1577; <U>C</U>azm&#299; Biš&#257;ra&#293;</A>, from contesting the next election, while at the same time clearing extreme rightist &#1489;&#1512;&#1493;&#1498; &#1502;&#1512;&#1494;&#1500; Bar&#363;k Marzel; but a court has overruled that decision, allowing the candidacies.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A law has taken effect in Zimbabhwe requiring that all journalists register with the government, and prohibiting foreign journalists; a challenge to the law has still not been decided by the courts. Not only is it illegal to insult autocrat Robert Mugabe, it is now illegal to disparage the passing of his twenty-vehicle motorcade. The campaign in Zimbabhwe to protect Mugabe from criticism has led to limits on journalists and particularly foreign journalists, and the expulsion of two, and has led to the removal of accreditation for the British Broadcasting Corporation. Mugabe has threatened to treat six foreign journalists and a human-rights activist as terrorists.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Some of the most popular politicians in <A TITLE="Turkey">Türkiye</A> were banned from contesting the last election, including poll-leader Tayyip Erdo&#287;an, former premier Necmettin Erbakan, Kurd leader Murat Bozlak, and human-rights activist Ak&#305;n Birdal. All were disqualified for past political dissidence; Erdo&#287;an and Erbakan were convicted for Islamist activity. A consitutional amendment which will rectify this has been passed twice, vetoed once by president Ahmet Necdet Sezer, and finally become law.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Two foreign women in Indonesia have been convicted of dealing with the <A TITLE="Free Aceh Movement">Gerakan Acheh Merdeka</A> and sentenced to several months in prison each.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Guyana has at least temporarily closed two television stations, supposedly for incitement to crime and violence. Both stations are affiliated with the opposition.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Prosecutors in Australia are claiming that allowing a protestor to moon police undermines their authority. Also, Australia’s highest court has allowed a defamation suit against the web site of Dow Jones, originating in the US, to proceed, establishing that local courts can have jurisdiction over all internet publication that reaches Australia.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The <A TITLE="Saudi">&#1587;&#1593;&#1608;&#1583;&#1609; Sa<U>c</U>&#363;d&#299;</A> opposition satellite service <A TITLE="voice of reform">&#1589;&#1608;&#1578; &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1589;&#1604;&#1575;&#1581; <U>S</U>a&#365;t ’al-’I<U>s</U>l&#257;<U>h</U></A> will be able to reach into <A TITLE="Saudi Arabia">&#1575;&#1604;&#1587;&#1593;&#1608;&#1583;&#1610;&#1577; ’al-Sa<U>c</U>&#363;d&#299;a&#293;</A> itself through radio and receive calls from <A TITLE="Saudi Arabia">&#1575;&#1604;&#1587;&#1593;&#1608;&#1583;&#1610;&#1577; ’al-Sa<U>c</U>&#363;d&#299;a&#293;</A> through internet phone service.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A US citizen has been sentenced to three years in prison for speaking of the possibility of someone lighting George W. Bush on fire, saying that “God might speak to the world through a burning Bush”, a comment he claimed was prophetic and the prosecution claimed was a threat.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Palestinian Arab">&#1601;&#1604;&#1587;&#1591;&#1610;&#1606;&#1609; Filas<U>t</U>&#299;n&#299;</A> activist &#1605;&#1585;&#1608;&#1575;&#1606; &#1576;&#1585;&#1594;&#1608;&#1578;&#1610; Mar&#365;&#257;n Bar&#287;&#363;t&#299; has been placed in solitary confinement for giving an interview from prison in <A TITLE="Israel">&#1497;&#1513;&#1512;&#1488;&#1500; Ji&#347;ra’el</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Television advertisements in Britain are controlled by a censorship board that regulates them more strictly than the programs; three advertisements for the satirical television program ‘2DTV’ were banned as offensive to the public figures ridiculed in them.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Charles Taylor, autocrat of Liberia, has banned <SMALL>T</SMALL>-shirts depicting <A TITLE="Osama bin Laden">&#1571;&#1587;&#1575;&#1605;&#1577; &#1576;&#1606; &#1604;&#1575;&#1583;&#1606; ’Us&#257;ma&#293; bin L&#257;dan</A>, and has even hinted at vigilante beatings of offenders.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Courts in Nigeria have ordered the government to register political parties that had been denied registration under severe restrictions, including those on “national” orientation. In a related effort, Nigeria has moved to outlaw the Yorùbá nationalist organization, Odùduwà People’s Congress, in response to violence but probably with the ultimate aim of curtailing the movement for Yorùbá and other national self-determination.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The television news service <A TITLE="al Jazeera">&#1575;&#1604;&#1580;&#1586;&#1610;&#1585;&#1577; ’al-&#284;az&#299;ra&#293;</A> has had its local office in <A TITLE="Kuwait">&#1575;&#1604;&#1603;&#1608;&#1610;&#1578; ’al-K&#363;ajt</A> closed, for “lack of professionalism and neutrality when dealing with <A TITLE="Kuwaiti">&#1603;&#1608;&#1610;&#1578;&#1609; K&#363;ajt&#299;</A> issues”. It has been banned in <A TITLE="Kuwait">&#1575;&#1604;&#1603;&#1608;&#1610;&#1578; ’al-K&#363;ajt</A> before; it is banned from operating in <A TITLE="Jordan">&#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1585;&#1583;&#1606; ’al-’Urdun:</A> and <A TITLE="Bahrain">&#1575;&#1604;&#1576;&#1581;&#1585;&#1610;&#1606; ’al-Ba<U>h</U>rajn</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Jesse Jackson has called for the film ‘Barbershop’ to be edited because of humor about himself, Martin Luther King, and Rosa Parks. (Characters in the film also disapproved of the humor.)<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Journalists covering a rally in &#1662;&#1575;&#1705;&#1587;&#1578;&#1575;&#1606; P&#257;kist&#257;n in favor of dictator <A TITLE="Pervez Musharraf">&#1662;&#1585;&#1608;&#1610;&#1586; &#1605;&#1588;&#1585;&#1601; Per&#365;ejz Mušaraf</A> were beaten by police after the rally had begun focusing on media criticism of <A TITLE="Pervez">&#1662;&#1585;&#1608;&#1610;&#1586; Per&#365;ejz</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A tightened press law in <A TITLE="Jordan">&#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1585;&#1583;&#1606; ’al-’Urdun:</A> has led to two arrests of leading liberal critic and former legislator <A TITLE="Toujan Faisal">&#1578;&#1608;&#1580;&#1575;&#1606; &#1601;&#1610;&#1589;&#1604; T&#363;&#285;&#257;n Faj<U>s</U>al</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Bahrain">&#1575;&#1604;&#1576;&#1581;&#1585;&#1610;&#1606; ’Al-Ba<U>h</U>rajn</A> has blocked four opposition websites for incitement of sectarianism and offensive content.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Mehmud Uzun, a prominent Kurdî writer, is returning to contest his trial in <A TITLE="Turkey">Türkiye</A> on charges of promoting separatism, stemming from his promotion of <A TITLE="Northern Kurdish">Kurmancî</A>. The state has suspended broadcasting by Gun TV for using <A TITLE="Northern Kurdish">Kurmancî</A> on the air, in this case in music videos, despite recent passage of a constitutional amendment legalizing <A TITLE="Northern Kurdish">Kurmancî</A> broadcasts. Police have also detained hundreds of students and parents who signed a petition for <A TITLE="Northern Kurdish">Kurmancî</A> instruction. But a publisher accused of promoting separatism for publishing Noam Chomsky’s criticism of nationalist policy has been acquitted.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> An issue of the Far Eastern Economic Review was banned in <A TITLE="Thailand">&#3648;&#3617;&#3639;&#3629;&#3591;&#3652;&#3607;&#3618; M<S>i</S>&#257;&#331;dæj</A>, and the work permits of two staffers were revoked, after an article suggesting tension between the king and the prime minister. The Review has apologized to the government. The local press seldom suggests controversy involving the king.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The premier of &#1575;&#1601;&#1594;&#1575;&#1606;&#1587;&#1578;&#1575;&#1606; ’Af&#287;&#257;nest&#257;n, &#1581;&#1575;&#1605;&#1583; &#1705;&#1585;&#1586;&#1610; <U>H</U>&#257;mid Karza&#299;, has signed a law guaranteeing freedom of the press, and personally invited criticism of the government.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A politician in &#33274;&#28771; Tai<SMALL>5</SMALL> Oan<SMALL>1</SMALL> was videotaped having sex with a married man. The tape, which has been widely circulated, has led to prosecution of the two men responsible for making the tape with a hidden camera, and for releasing it. Prosecutors have now charged the owner and editor of a magazine that distributed the tape.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Two bookstores in the US have been subjected to legal action to divulge their clients’ records; the latest, Denver’s Tattered Cover, was asked to help convict a drug suspect.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Political parties are banned in Uganda. An attempt by an opposition party to hold a rally was preceded by the arrest of its leader and blocked with deadly force.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The government of <A TITLE="Lebanon">&#1604;&#1576;&#1606;&#1575;&#1606; Lubn&#257;n</A> has raided a music and video shop, seized numerous western titles, and detained the manager for two days. The shop, owned by British media firm Virgin, was already exercising self-censorship.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Political parties are banned in <A TITLE="Swaziland">Swatini</A>, independent news media are effectively banned, and statements against monarchy or for democracy are prosecuted as treason.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The independent press has come under serious and sustained assault recently in <A TITLE="Syria">&#1587;&#1608;&#1585;&#1610;&#1575; S&#363;r&#299;&#257;</A> and <A TITLE="Eritrea">’Er-t-r&#257;</A>, two states that had shown promise of future liberalization.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A prominent filmmaker in &#1575;&#1610;&#1585;&#1575;&#1606; ’&#298;r&#257;n, Tahmineh Milani, has been arrested for her latest film, deemed to glorify opponents of the &#1575;&#1587;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605;&#1609; ’Isl&#257;m&#299; revolution.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Fifty women were arrested in &#304;stanbul for speaking to the press in the banned <A TITLE="North Kurdish">Kurmancî</A>; hundreds of women took part in the protest, including Türk women whose sons are fighting in Kurdistan.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> An editor who printed a story which provoked riots by Copts in <A TITLE="Egypt">&#1605;&#1589;&#1585; Mi<U>s</U>r</A> was suspended from the press syndicate, but a court later reinstated him.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The Supreme Court in Venezuela has restricted the right of newspapers to publish opinions and editorials, and ruled that journalists are not guaranteed the constitutional right to reply. The president, Hugo Chávez, has threatened to deport foreigners who insult him, Venezuela, or government institutions.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Chile has finally passed its Press Law, abolishing Pinochet-era press restrictions.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The government de facto of &#1575;&#1610;&#1585;&#1575;&#1606; ’&#298;r&#257;n routinely closes newspapers, but they are just as routinely reopened under new names. Reformist publications suffered major assault in reaction to the reformist victory in parliamentary elections. A new round of closings has taken place, bringing the total to thirty-five in the past year.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A law in Malaysia against “religious extremism” is being revived by the government of autocrat Mahathir bin Mohamad to further its program of eliminating dissent.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The government of <A TITLE="Morocco">&#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1594;&#1585;&#1576; &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1602;&#1589;&#1609; ’al-Ma&#287;rib ’al-’Aq<U>s</U>aj</A> has banned three newspapers for publishing a report implicating government members in a 1972 putsch against the monarchy, citing also attacks on the military and unorthodoxy on the issue of the Western Sahara.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Britain’s National Criminal Intelligence Service is seeking authority to access, record, and archive all personal electronic-communication activity, including phone and internet use.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A dissident cleric in &#1575;&#1610;&#1585;&#1575;&#1606; ’&#298;r&#257;n, &#1581;&#1587;&#1606; <U>H</U>asan J&#363;sef&#299;-’Eškev&#257;r&#299;, is being held on capital charges &#8213; apostasy, waging war against <A TITLE="God">&#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; ’al-Lah</A>, spreading corruption on Earth, and acting against state security. He has been denied his own lawyer and an open trial.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The US Congress narrowly failed to prohibit flag-burning by altering the Constitution’s First Amendment.<BR> &nbsp;<P> <A NAME="religion"><B><FONT COLOR=0000FF>Religion:</FONT></B> <P> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The North-West Frontier Province of &#1662;&#1575;&#1705;&#1587;&#1578;&#1575;&#1606; P&#257;kist&#257;n has instituted a law on <A TITLE="Islamic">&#1575;&#1587;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605;&#1609; ’Isl&#257;m&#299;</A> <A TITLE="accountability">&#1581;&#1587;&#1576;&#1729; <U>h</U>isbah</A>, in which religious morals will be policed and enforced.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> France has banned ostenatious religious symbols in public schools; the ban includes all religions but is specifically targeted at the <A TITLE="headscarf">&#1581;&#1580;&#1575;&#1576; <U>h</U>i&#285;&#257;b</A> worn by female <A TITLE="muslims">&#1605;&#1587;&#1604;&#1605;&#1608;&#1606; muslim&#363;n</A>, and has already led to expulsions.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Eritrea">’Er-t-r&#257;</A> requires religions to register and be approved before their practice is legalized; only &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1587;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605; ’al-’Isl&#257;m and Catholic, Orthodox, and evangelical Christianity have been approved.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Blasphemy against &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1587;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605; ’al-’Isl&#257;m, <A TITLE="the Koran">&#1575;&#1604;&#1602;&#1585;&#1570;&#1606; ’al-Qur’&#257;n</A>, or &#1605;&#1581;&#1605;&#1583; Mu<U>h</U>am:ad is a mandatory capital offense in &#1662;&#1575;&#1705;&#1587;&#1578;&#1575;&#1606; P&#257;kist&#257;n, though this penalty has yet to be carried out. The threat of penalty is used as a form of intimidation or vendetta; suspects are not accorded the usual due process, judges are intimidated by local pressure groups, and non-<A TITLE="muslims">&#1605;&#1587;&#1604;&#1605;&#1608;&#1606; muslim&#363;n</A> are also charged.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The chief justice of the US province of Alabama, Roy Moore, was ordered by a higher court to remove a Christian monument from the state courthouse; upon refusing, he was suspended by his peers and removed by an ethics panel. The monument has been removed from display.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The implementation of <A TITLE="the Sharia, Islamic law">&#1575;&#1604;&#1588;&#1585;&#1610;&#1593;&#1577; ’al-Šar&#299;<U>c</U>a&#293;</A> in Nigeria’s northern provinces is under serious challenge, focusing on the stoning sentences of women convicted of adultery. Two have since been acquitted. A junior minister has pledged that no such sentences will be implemented.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A &#1605;&#1587;&#1604;&#1605; muslim teacher in <A TITLE="Germany">Deutschland</A> has been allowed by the highest court to wear a headscarf in her job, which had been denied by lower courts for the purposes of religious neutrality. The court had previously ruled against a private business that implemented a policy against the headscarf.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Female television presenters in Egypt have been removed from the air on state television for wearing headscarves.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The British parliament has allowed citizens of non-Christian religions the equal right to take off religious holidays from work; but this does not include the non-religious.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Bangladesh">&#2476;&#2494;&#2434;&#2482;&#2494;&#2503;&#2470;&#2486; B&#257;&#331;l&#257;de&#347;</A> has banned an issue of Newsweek for printing an article suggesting that <A TITLE="the Koran">&#1575;&#1604;&#1602;&#1585;&#1570;&#1606; ’al-Qur’&#257;n</A> was not written in classical <A TITLE="Arabic">&#1593;&#1585;&#1576;&#1609; <U>C</U>arab&#299;</A> and has been distorted in interpretation. An earlier issue was banned in Indonesia, Malaysia, and <A TITLE="Bangladesh">&#2476;&#2494;&#2434;&#2482;&#2494;&#2503;&#2470;&#2486; B&#257;&#331;l&#257;de&#347;</A> for depicting &#1605;&#1581;&#1605;&#1583; Mu<U>h</U>am:ad, considered blasphemous.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A priest with the state-sponsored Lutheran church in Danmark, Thorkild Grosbøll of Tårbæk, has been suspended for disavowing God, eternal life, and the Resurrection.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The parliament of &#1662;&#1575;&#1705;&#1587;&#1578;&#1575;&#1606; P&#257;kist&#257;n’s North-West Frontier Province has voted unanimously for <A TITLE="the Sharia, Islamic law">&#1575;&#1604;&#1588;&#1585;&#1610;&#1593;&#1577; ’al-Šar&#299;<U>c</U>a&#293;</A>, after amendment failed. Earlier, the ruling <A TITLE="United Action Council, MMA">&#1605;&#1578;&#1581;&#1583;&#1607; &#1605;&#1580;&#1604;&#1587; &#1593;&#1605;&#1604; Mut:a<U>h</U>idah Ma&#285;lis-e <U>C</U>amal</A> announced plans to shut down liquor stores and gambling dens. New Year’s celebrations were banned.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Acheh’s autonomy within Indonesia had led, as expected, to the introduction of <A TITLE="the Sharia, Islamic law">&#1575;&#1604;&#1588;&#1585;&#1610;&#1593;&#1577; ’al-Šar&#299;<U>c</U>a&#293;</A>, to apply to <I>all</I> citizens, though it was supposed that the harsher corporal punishments would not be implemented. Criminal courts were scheduled to open March 4. However, Acheh’s autonomy is currently being undone by an Indonesian assault.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The Catholic Church is attempting to formally Christianize the European Union, calling for Christianity to be recognized in the constitution, and for <A TITLE="Turkey">Türkiye</A> to be excluded on religious grounds.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> On the official web site of the government of <A TITLE="Armenia">&#1344;&#1377;&#1397;&#1377;&#1405;&#1407;&#1377;&#1398; Hajastan</A>, prime minister &#1329;&#1398;&#1380;&#1408;&#1377;&#1398;&#1387;&#1391; &#1348;&#1377;&#1408;&#1379;&#1377;&#1408;&#1397;&#1377;&#1398; Andranik Margarjan is described as someone who “believes in God” and “considers that non-believers are the most dangerous people”.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The new archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Church of England, is liberal Rowan Williams, who has endorsed acceptance of gays and elevating women to bishop, and condemned the traditional trappings of the hierarchy.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The government of &#2835;&#2908;&#2880;&#2870;&#2878; O<U>r</U>&#299;s&#257; established a requirement for religious converts to register the conversion with a district magistrate, who would then order an investigation by police. <A TITLE="Tamil Nadu">&#2980;&#2990;&#3007;&#2996;&#3021; &#2984;&#3006;&#2975;&#3009; Tami<U>z</U> N&#257;<U>t</U>u</A> and &#2711;&#2753;&#2716;&#2736;&#2750;&#2724; Gu<S>j</S>ar&#257;t have banned conversions through force, fraud, or allurement; this law has reportedly been employed to end proselytizing.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Three journalists in <A TITLE="Jordan">&#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1585;&#1583;&#1606; ’al-’Urdun:</A> were sentenced to prison by a state security court for an article that discussed the sex life of &#1605;&#1581;&#1605;&#1583; Mu<U>h</U>am:ad; their publication has been temporarily closed. The action by the state was thought to be an attempt to influence legislative elections.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The <A TITLE="trident">tri&#347;ul</A>, a traditional &#2361;&#2367;&#2344;&#2342;&#2370; Hind&#363; religious symbol, will be banned in public in &#2352;&#2366;&#2332;&#2360;&#2341;&#2366;&#2344; R&#257;<S>j</S>ast&#8219;&#257;n, and possibly other <A TITLE="Indian">Hindust&#257;n&#299;</A> provinces.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The United States government, under the direction of the Christian-fundamentalist Bush administration and its Faith-Based Initiative, is providing public funds to religious organizations to advocate for marriage and other religious values.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The Nigerian province of Zamfara has issued a <A TITLE="fatwa, judgement">&#1601;&#1578;&#1608;&#1609; fat&#365;aj</A> calling for the murder of Isioma Daniel for writing an article in ‘ThisDay’, which stated, regarding the Miss World controversy, that &#1605;&#1581;&#1605;&#1583; Mu<U>h</U>am:ad would have married one of the contestants. The pageant planned for Nigeria has been moved to London following rioting that left more than two hundred dead. &#1605;&#1587;&#1604;&#1605; Muslim groups had been protesting the supposed immorality of the show. Additionally, a mob burned down the Kaduna office of ‘ThisDay’. The paper had even retracted the story. The pageant had also served as a counterprotest, with some contestants withdrawing in response to the stoning sentences under <A TITLE="the Sharia, Islamic law">&#1575;&#1604;&#1588;&#1585;&#1610;&#1593;&#1577; ’al-Šar&#299;<U>c</U>a&#293;</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Buddhists in <A TITLE="Cambodia">Kômpûci&#277;</A>, among other places, are losing patience with Christian evangelists. In one example, a teachers’ group has called for ‘God’, being a Christian concept, to be removed from textbooks.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Scientology is banned in British prisons. Scientologists cannot run for parliament in <A TITLE="Germany">Deutschland</A>, where the church has been routinely harassed. And the public prosecutor in France is calling for the church to be banned in Paris under a new law on cults, for sending mail to former members.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Valentine’s Day celebrations and trappings are officially banned in <A TITLE="Saudi Arabia">&#1575;&#1604;&#1587;&#1593;&#1608;&#1583;&#1610;&#1577; ’al-Sa<U>c</U>&#363;d&#299;a&#293;</A>, and the subject of sometimes-violent protest by religious groups in <A TITLE="India">&#2349;&#2366;&#2352;&#2340; B&#8219;&#257;rat</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A church in New Mexico has publicly burned Harry Potter books, among others, calling them Satanic.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Prior restraint is being used against &#1575;&#1587;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605;&#1609; ’Isl&#257;m&#299; preachers in Niger, to suppress any fundamentalist support for <A TITLE="Osama bin Laden">&#1571;&#1587;&#1575;&#1605;&#1577; &#1576;&#1606; &#1604;&#1575;&#1583;&#1606; ’Us&#257;ma&#293; bin L&#257;dan</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The US supreme court has allowed the imposition of a religiously-motivated moment of silence on school pupils.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Yemen">&#1575;&#1604;&#1610;&#1605;&#1606; ’Al-Jaman</A>, previously one of the few <A TITLE="Arab">&#1593;&#1585;&#1576;&#1609; <U>C</U>arab&#299;</A> democracies, is acting against its own fundamentalist citizens, firing a large number of prayer leaders, and intercepting anyone attempting to travel in the direction of &#1575;&#1601;&#1594;&#1575;&#1606;&#1587;&#1578;&#1575;&#1606; ’Af&#287;&#257;nest&#257;n; while this may assist the war effort, it is a setback for liberalism.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Egypt">&#1605;&#1589;&#1585; Mi<U>s</U>r</A> is often seen as a secular dictatorship, as evidenced by its ban on a fundamentalist opposition party and newspaper, but it also theocratically suppresses dissent against &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1587;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605; ’al-’Isl&#257;m, most recently by imprisoning key adherents of a &#1589;&#1608;&#1601;&#1609; <U>S</U>&#363;f&#299; sect.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Jehovah’s Witnesses in <A TITLE="Russia">&#1056;&#1086;&#1089;&#1089;&#1080;&#1103;</A> are being controlled and persecuted under a law against smaller religions, which gives special privilege to the Byzantine church; but they have won a court case in <A TITLE="Moscow">&#1052;&#1086;&#1089;&#1082;&#1074;&#1072;</A> against a prosecution which accused them of breaking up families and infringing individual rights, and which would have dissolved their organizations in <A TITLE="Moscow">&#1052;&#1086;&#1089;&#1082;&#1074;&#1072;</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The Roman Catholic Church in <A TITLE="Poland">Polska</A> is opening up an attack on president Aleksander Kwa&#347;niewski for his declared atheism and for irreverence towards Karol Wojty&#322;a, John Paul II.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="China">&#20013;&#22283; Zh&#333;ng Guó</A> continues to harrass and imprison religious dissidents, including adherents of various &#27683;&#21151; qì g&#333;ng sects and independent Christian and Buddhist groups.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> An Oslo jurisdiction has ended the exclusivity of church bells by permitting the <A TITLE="azzan, call to prayer">&#1575;&#1584;&#1575;&#1606; ’að&#257;n</A> to <A TITLE="muslims">&#1605;&#1587;&#1604;&#1605;&#1608;&#1606; muslim&#363;n</A>, and a similarly-broadcast summons, including “God does not exist”, to atheist meetings. <P> <A NAME="sexuality"><B><FONT COLOR=0000FF>Sexuality:</FONT></B> <P> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Civil partnerships for gay couples will become legal in Britain by 2005 December 21.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The constitutional court in South Africa has ruled that gay marriage is required by an anti-discrimination clause in the constitution; the parliament has since legalized gay marriage in accordance with that ruling.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The Roman Catholic Church, which had tolerated celibate gays in the priesthood, has changed that policy, and will no longer allow gays in the priesthood at all.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The California legislature passed a law legalizing gay marriage, but governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed it.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Canada has legalized gay marriage. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms included same-sex equality in 1985, but only in recent years did provincial courts interpret this to mandate gay marriage. A 2000 law providing for some equality for same-sex relationships, specifically in benefits, was backdated only to 1998.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> New Zealand has fined a man who removed a condom during sex with a prostitute without her consent.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Gay marriage has been legalized in <A TITLE="Spain">España</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Same-sex marriage has become legal in Massachusetts, following a high court ruling. San Francisco has performed numerous gay marriages, and several other municipalities have followed. Courts in Hawai‘i, Alaska, and Vermont have also found bans unconstitutional. The legislature in Vermont responded by enacting same-sex civil unions, while those in Hawai‘i and Alaska passed constitutional amendments to keep same-sex marriage illegal. The Hawai‘i case led to explicit bans in most of the US, and to the federal Defense of Marriage Act.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Parliament in Zanzibar, acting with the support of both major parties, has criminalized homosexuality, and provided for long prison sentences.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The high court in the province of Rio Grande do Sul in Brasil has legalized gay civil unions.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The highest authority in <A TITLE="Shiite">&#1588;&#1610;&#1593;&#1609; š&#299;<U>c</U>&#299;</A> &#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1587;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605; ’al-’Isl&#257;m, &#1593;&#1604;&#1609; &#1587;&#1610;&#1587;&#1578;&#1575;&#1606;&#1609; <U>C</U>al&#299; S&#299;st&#257;n&#299;, has ruled that consenting heterosexual anal sex is permissible, though discouraged.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A court in <A TITLE="Japan">&#26085;&#26412; Ni<FONT SIZE=-2>tu</FONT>pon</A> has found a manga book, ‘<A TITLE="Honey room">Missitu</A>’, obscene, and sentenced the publisher, Kisi Monotori, to one year in prison, suspended.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The highest court in &#1662;&#1575;&#1705;&#1587;&#1578;&#1575;&#1606; P&#257;kist&#257;n has ruled that women will be allowed to marry without the permission from a male relative that was previously required.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Two organizers of an orgy in <A TITLE="China">&#20013;&#22283; Zh&#333;ng Guó</A> have been sentenced to life in prison; InterPol warrants have been issued for others.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Australia’s High Court has granted political-asylum rights to two gay men fearing persecution in their native <A TITLE="Bangladesh">&#2476;&#2494;&#2434;&#2482;&#2494;&#2503;&#2470;&#2486; B&#257;&#331;l&#257;de&#347;</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Mega television in <A TITLE="Greece">&#917;&#955;&#955;&#940;&#948;&#945;</A> has been fined €100,000 by the National Radio and Television Council for broadcasting a kiss between two men, on ‘Close your eyes’; it was deemed “vulgar and unacceptable”. This came despite the earlier repeated broadcast of two women kissing, Britney Spears and Madonna.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The parliament of <A TITLE="Jordan">&#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1585;&#1583;&#1606; ’al-’Urdun:</A> has again rejected a law to increase penalties for honor killings, the murder of females by their male relatives for transgressing sexual mores. Such killings are still common. While men who kill women for adultery no longer have a special exemption from execution, a man was recently given a six-month sentence for killing his daughter for pre-marital sex. Another was given a year for strangling his sister, who had in fact been raped; this fact of being raped was considered an “unlawful act” on the part of the woman, justifying a “fit of rage” by her brother. Other such acts which courts have used to justify such killings have included being absent from the family home, and stating “This is my life. I am free to do as I choose.”<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A gay wedding has been performed in the <A TITLE="Russian">&#1056;&#1091;&#1089;&#1089;&#1082;&#1080;&#1081;</A> Orthodox Church; but the responsible priest has been defrocked. Gay sex was decriminalized in <A TITLE="Russia">&#1056;&#1086;&#1089;&#1089;&#1080;&#1103;</A> in 1993, but the church still considers it a sin.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The chief minister of Kelantan in Malaysia, Nik Aziz Nik Mat of the <A TITLE="Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, PAS">Parti Islami SeMalaysia</A>, has called for modest dress among women to control men’s desire and prevent rape. He has also banned billboards depicting women without headscarves, and said that the government should only employ ugly women, lest these employees get married.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The first gay bishop in the Anglican church, Gene Robinson, was elected by the Episcopalian diocese of New Hampshire; his appointment has now been officially confirmed by the US church, and he has been consecrated. But earlier, a gay priest, Jeffrey John, appointed as a bishop in England, was forced to rescind his acceptance of the appointment. Some conservative churches had threatened schism in response to the appointment. Practicing homosexuals had been accepted within the laity but not the clergy.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Buenos Aires has begun recognizing civil unions for gays, though with significantly-fewer rights than those associated with marriage.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Australia’s third-largest church, the Uniting Church, has chosen to formalize its acceptance of gay priests.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Singapore">&#26032;&#21152;&#22369; Sin Ka Pho</A>, where gay sex is illegal, has nonetheless opened up certain jobs to gays, but on the requirement that sexual orientation be declared on the job application.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The US Supreme Court has struck down a Texas sodomy law. Thirteen US provinces still have laws banning anal or oral sex; of those, four (Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri) exclusively ban gay anal sex. All thirteen laws are expected to be invalidated, as well as other infringements on sexual privacy.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The <A TITLE="Dutch">Nederlands</A> group Women on Waves has established a floating clinic that provides abortion counseling and services in international waters off the shore of states where this would be illegal. But <A TITLE="Poland">Polska</A>, where abortion is largely illegal, is holding the ship, demanding payment of a fine.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> New Zealand has legalized and provided for the regulation of prostitution.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> South Africa’s Constitutional Court has ruled that gay couples are entitled to full adoption, benefit, and residency rights.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A mass arrest of men accused of gay sex has come to trial in <A TITLE="Egypt">&#1605;&#1589;&#1585; Mi<U>s</U>r</A>, showing the extremity of legal and social standards and investigatory and prosecutory methods; twenty-three have been jailed, two with hard labor. An original trial held in a military court had been invalidated. Separately, two students have been sentenced to one year in prison for advertising gay sex on the internet.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A lesbian teacher in Utah may be fired for presenting a bad moral example to students, though the provincial supreme court refused to rule on this action one way or another.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Gays are being banned from the military in <A TITLE="Russia">&#1056;&#1086;&#1089;&#1089;&#1080;&#1103;</A>, except during wartime.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Fornication laws, prohibiting sex between unmarried partners, have been overturned by courts in the US provinces of Florida, Virginia, New Jersey, and Georgia. Eleven provinces retain the laws. The Georgia court, which acted in the conviction of a sixteen-year-old, also previously struck down a sodomy law.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Two hundred sex workers in the conservative <A TITLE="Tamil Nadu">&#2980;&#2990;&#3007;&#2996;&#3021; &#2984;&#3006;&#2975;&#3009; Tami<U>z</U> N&#257;<U>t</U>u</A> have organized to defend their rights, protect against harassment, and promote health and economic welfare for themselves and their children. Prostitution is illegal in <A TITLE="Tamil Nadu">&#2980;&#2990;&#3007;&#2996;&#3021; &#2984;&#3006;&#2975;&#3009; Tami<U>z</U> N&#257;<U>t</U>u</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The prohibition on strip shows in <A TITLE="China">&#20013;&#22283; Zh&#333;ng Guó</A> has largely been ignored in recent years; now authorities have arrested two hundred in enforcing the laws. A 1989 ban on advertisements relating to sexual activity is to be modified to allow condom ads.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The <A TITLE="United Action Council, MMA">&#1605;&#1578;&#1581;&#1583;&#1607; &#1605;&#1580;&#1604;&#1587; &#1593;&#1605;&#1604; Mut:a<U>h</U>idah Ma&#285;lis-e <U>C</U>amal</A>, in power in &#1662;&#1575;&#1705;&#1587;&#1578;&#1575;&#1606; P&#257;kist&#257;n’s North-West Frontier Province, has required the surrender of sex-related material, including videos, posters, and aphrodisiacs, by January 15; materials surrendered already have been publicly burnt.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The stoning of women for adultery in &#1575;&#1610;&#1585;&#1575;&#1606; ’&#298;r&#257;n has been suspended by an order within the judiciary, but not removed from statutory law.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A Pennsylvania superior court has ruled unanimously three times for equal treatment of gays and lesbians with regard to adoption, parenting, and child support. Three provinces have passed laws granting second-parent adoption rights, and courts in five others have done so.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Britain’s three major parties have agreed to registration of same-sex unions with some extension of benefits.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The ruler of <A TITLE="Swaziland">Swatini</A>, Mswati, has revived the custom umcwasho, ordering that all young women should keep a five-year period of chastity, wear traditional marks of chastity, and avoid contact with men; violators will be tried by traditional tribunals, and may face three months in prison. But Mswati has defied this policy himself. And self-appointed bands of “maidens” have begun exacting tribute under this rule. Most recently these <A TITLE="Flower of the nation">Imbali yeMaswati</A> regiments, led by Lungile Ndlovu, have attempted to fine the mother of a young woman abducted by Mswati to be his wife. The woman, Lindiwe Dlamini, has defied the “maidens” and taken Mswati to court to have her daughter released.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The first openly-gay member of the <A TITLE="parliament">&#1499;&#1504;&#1505;&#1514; Kneset</A> in <A TITLE="Israel">&#1497;&#1513;&#1512;&#1488;&#1500; Ji&#347;ra’el</A> has been appointed, <A TITLE="Uzi Even">&#1506;&#1493;&#1494;&#1497; &#1488;&#1489;&#1503; <U>C</U>&#363;z&#299; ’Eben</A>, for <A TITLE="Meretz">&#1502;&#1512;&#1509; Mere<U>s</U></A>. <A TITLE="Even">&#1488;&#1489;&#1503; ’Eben</A> was also at the center of the decision to let gays serve openly in the military, and at the forefront of the effort for domestic-partnership benefits. Homosexuality is not criminal in <A TITLE="Israel">&#1497;&#1513;&#1512;&#1488;&#1500; Ji&#347;ra’el</A>. Some courts have recognized rights for same-sex couples.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The film-censorship board in <A TITLE="India">&#2349;&#2366;&#2352;&#2340; B&#8219;&#257;rat</A> has proposed that pornographic films be permitted, in dedicated theaters. The board has traditionally taken an inconsistent hard line against the depiction of sex.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The film-censorship board in <A TITLE="(South) Korea">&#54620;&#44397; Han Kuk</A> has banned the drama ‘Too young to die’, for an extended scene showing sex between its elderly main characters. Three censors resigned to protest the decision.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Provinces in northern Nigeria have begun implementing <A TITLE="the Sharia, Islamic law">&#1575;&#1604;&#1588;&#1585;&#1610;&#1593;&#1577; ’al-Šar&#299;<U>c</U>a&#293;</A>, and have flogged young women for pre-marital and extra-marital sex, and sentenced several to death by stoning. The sentence of one has just been upheld.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The 20:00 drama ‘The bill’, on Britain’s ITV1, has shown two uniformed male police officers kissing.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The US Supreme Court has struck down a law that prohibited so-called virtual pornography &#8213; the portrayal of sexuality or nudity in those under eighteen, but produced without actual children.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Two lesbians in Ohio have been denied the right to change their last names to a common name, in defiance of precedent clearly motivated by their sexuality.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Women have kissed several times in primetime broadcast, though some of those were not genuine sexual kisses. Two men have kissed in primetime broadcast, twice on the WB network. ‘Once and again’ has shown two adolescent girls kissing. Long before, two men have been shown in bed together (‘Thirtysomething’). Obviously the gay storylines on ‘Ellen’ advanced television depiction of gays considerably; shows such as ‘Will and Grace’ now pass mostly without remark.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Turkey">Türkiye</A> has removed language from a school disciplinary code that has been used to justify virginity tests of schoolgirls, which have continued despite a ban in 1999, and frequently lead to suicide of accused girls. Midwife and nursing students are still subject to such tests. Honor killings, the murder of females by their male relatives for transgressing sexual mores, still occur in <A TITLE="Turkey">Türkiye</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Saudi Arabia">&#1575;&#1604;&#1587;&#1593;&#1608;&#1583;&#1610;&#1577; ’Al-Sa<U>c</U>&#363;d&#299;a&#293;</A> has sentenced a man convicted of adultery to six years in prison and 4750 lashes (in increments of 95). The woman who reported him, who was found not to have consented, was nonetheless sentenced to six months and 65 lashes.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A pregnant Christian woman in &#1575;&#1604;&#1587;&#1608;&#1583;&#1575;&#1606; ’al-S&#363;d&#257;n had been sentenced to death by stoning for adultery, in accordance with <A TITLE="the Sharia, Islamic law">&#1575;&#1604;&#1588;&#1585;&#1610;&#1593;&#1577; ’al-Šar&#299;<U>c</U>a&#293;</A>, but an appeals court has required a resentencing. <A TITLE="the Sharia, Islamic law">&#1575;&#1604;&#1588;&#1585;&#1610;&#1593;&#1577; ’Al-Šar&#299;<U>c</U>a&#293;</A> is frequently applied to non-<A TITLE="muslims">&#1605;&#1587;&#1604;&#1605;&#1608;&#1606; muslim&#363;n</A> in &#1575;&#1604;&#1587;&#1608;&#1583;&#1575;&#1606; ’al-S&#363;d&#257;n, though the harshest sentences are seldom carried out.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Adoptions and other parental rights for gays have been supported in the US by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and the American Psychological Association.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Women may now divorce in <A TITLE="Jordan">&#1575;&#1604;&#1575;&#1585;&#1583;&#1606; ’al-’Urdun:</A>, contingent on repayment of any dowry given by the husband.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A nurse in Portugal has been jailed for performing abortions, which are illegal.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Per-Kristian Foss, finance minister of <A TITLE="Norway">Norge</A>, has married his male partner.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The government of <A TITLE="Venice">Venezia</A> is establishing prostitution zones to confine the practice to specific geographical locations. Premier Silvio Berlusconi has proposed legalizing brothels instead. Prostitution in <A TITLE="Italy">Italia</A> is legal; living off the earnings of prostitution is not.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The government of <A TITLE="(South) Korea">&#54620;&#44397; Han Kuk</A> has ordered the gay-oriented internet site <A HREF= CLASS=hidden></A> to block access to teenagers.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Germany">Deutschland</A> has passed a law decreeing prostitution no longer immoral, providing increased rights to prostitutes, and legalizing employment of prostitutes.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A man who donated sperm to a lesbian couple in <A TITLE="Sweden">Sverige</A> has been ordered to pay child support after the couple separated, even though he legally had no rights as a parent to their three children.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Two young lovers in <A TITLE="Uttar Pradesh cultural region">&#2313;&#2340;&#2340;&#2352;&#2342;&#2375;&#2358; Uttarde&#347;</A> from different castes have been hanged by their parents and other family members with apparent support from most of their village.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The US movie-ratings board for the MPAA has vetoed two posters for the gay comedy ‘All over the guy’, merely for suggestiveness.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The boy scout council for Boston has implemented a don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy for its scoutmasters, a vast improvement over the national non-tolerance policy for gays.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A new law in <A TITLE="Germany">Deutschland</A> gives gay couples immigration, insurance, and inheritance equality, and legal sanction to union and common names, but not tax equality or the right to adoption.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> South African Catholic bishops have condemned condom use to prevent the spread of HIV, calling instead for abstinence and monogamy.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A California court has given a lesbian partner the same right to sue for damages granted to a surviving spouse in a wrongful-death case.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The sole sex shop in <A TITLE="Cambodia">Kômpûci&#277;</A> has been closed a day after opening, and its owner charged with debauchery.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A US district court has ruled that a health-care plan is discriminatory against women for failing to cover birth control.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Klaus Wowereit, mayor of Berlin, has become the most prominent openly-gay politician in <A TITLE="Germany">Deutschland</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The Canadian Supreme Court has blocked the removal of accreditation from a teacher’s college which bans homosexual activity.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="the Netherlands">Nederland</A> and <A TITLE="Belgium">België</A> have begun performing gay marriages; <A TITLE="Finland">Suomi</A> may soon do the same. <A TITLE="Denmark">Danmark</A>, <A TITLE="Sweden">Sverige</A>, <A TITLE="Norway">Norge</A>, France, and <A TITLE="Iceland">Ísland</A> all recognize some form of civil union.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, president of <A TITLE="the Philippines">Pilipinas</A>, has banned a movie, ‘Live show’, for depicting sexuality. The decision, pushed by the Roman Catholic Church and extending the definition of pornography, prompted Nicanor Tiongson, the top government censor, to resign.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Britain has made a morning-after pill available over-the-counter, though some Conservatives are attempting to reverse that decision.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Britain has decriminalized homosexuality in its Caribbean territories after local legislatures failed to do so.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="the Netherlands">Nederland</A>, where prostitution was already legal, has also legalized brothels.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Brothels are legal in most of Australia, and prostitution is legal in Nevada.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Same-sex unions have been sanctioned by the central council of US Reform Judaism.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Two Southern Baptist churches in Atlanta were removed (unprecedentedly) from the Georgia Baptist Convention for their liberal stands on practicing homosexuality.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The creation of the NC-17 rating seemed likely to destigmatize sexuality in cinema movies; but cinema and videotape-rental chains have largely blacklisted films of this rating. <P> <A NAME="nudity"><FONT COLOR=0000FF><B>Nudity:</B></FONT> <P> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The US Federal Communications Commission has fined the CBS television network $550000 for the exposure of Janet Jackson’s breast during the Super Bowl broadcast.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A member of the US Federal Communications Commission called for a stricter enforcement of decency standards after a lingerie fashion broadcast that contained no nudity.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> </A><A TITLE="Israel">&#1497;&#1513;&#1512;&#1488;&#1500; Ji&#347;ra’el</A> has banned pornography on cable and satellite television, operating on a motion by the <A TITLE="Shas">&#1513;&quot;&#1505; &#346;a&quot;s</A> party, over the objections of the secular faction, represented by &#1513;&#1497;&#1504;&#1493;&#1497; &#346;&#299;n&#363;&#299;.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The provincial government of &#2350;&#2361;&#2366;&#2352;&#2366;&#2359;&#2335;&#2352; Mah&#257;r&#257;<U>st</U>ra in <A TITLE="India">&#2349;&#2366;&#2352;&#2340; B&#8219;&#257;rat</A> has ordered the arrest of movie actor Sonali Bendre for impiety after she appeared in a magazine-cover photograph wearing a revealing dress with &#2361;&#2367;&#2344;&#2342;&#2370; Hind&#363; symbols.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Britain has relaxed somewhat the content restrictions for the 18 rating, permitting more-candid depictions of sexuality, though only in “responsible, loving and developing relationships”; restrictions will be tightened for the 15 rating. The liberalization was prompted by a court rejection of a previous attempt to ban sale of certain videos.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The parliament of <A TITLE="Poland">Polska</A> has passed a bill outlawing even soft-core pornography, carrying a two-year jail sentence. It has not yet become law.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Laws prohibiting public exposure of the female breasts but not the male breasts have been found unconstitutional in the provinces of New York and Ohio; a Canadian court has ruled for similar equality.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The US Supreme Court has rolled back protection for nude dancing with one of its typical, the-Constitution-is-whatever-we-say-it-is rulings; but another such ruling has struck down at least some restriction on cable-television pornography.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Bare female breasts and bare buttocks of either sex are common in cinema movies. The former, though, is now a PG-13 violation, where before the PG-13 rating, it was rated PG.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Exposure of the penis is now an R offense, establishing parity with frontal nudity of females.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The thong has demonstrated acceptability of exposure of the female buttocks to that extent in public and on television.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The bare buttocks of males and females now appear with some regularity in primetime broadcast, especially in the shows of Steven Bochco, and even in weekend matinee broadcasts.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Bare breasts have appeared in late night on cable (MTV) and broadcast (PBS). Each instance was an airing of a particular episode of ‘Monty Python’s flying circus’. These are relatively-old breaches. <P> <A NAME="drugs"><FONT COLOR=0000FF><B>Drugs:</B></FONT> <P> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> México has officially legalized possession of 5 g of marijuana, 5 g of opium, 25 mg of heroin, 500 mg of cocaine, 100 mg of amphetamines, 200 mg of methamphetamines, 15 &mu;g of LSD, and small amounts of hallucinogenic mushrooms and peyote. Possession was effectively decriminalized for small amounts already.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The sale and use of tobacco has been banned in <A TITLE="Bhutan">’Brug</A>, though not for non-resident foreigners.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Smoking in public places has been banned in Ireland, </A><A TITLE="India">&#2349;&#2366;&#2352;&#2340; B&#8219;&#257;rat</A>, and <A TITLE="Norway">Norge</A>; <A TITLE="India">&#2349;&#2366;&#2352;&#2340; B&#8219;&#257;rat</A> has also banned direct or indirect advertising of tobacco and its sale to children. <A TITLE="the Netherlands">Nederland</A>, California, and New York have also banned smoking in some or all public places.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> More than two thousand persons have been killed in just three months of a harsh crackdown on the drug trade in <A TITLE="Thailand">&#3648;&#3617;&#3639;&#3629;&#3591;&#3652;&#3607;&#3618; M<S>i</S>&#257;&#331;dæj</A>. The government blames inter-gang fighting.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> An Australian court has ordered a tax refund for a drug dealer whose drug-related income was taxed without accounting for his drug-related losses.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A marijuana grower in the US province of California has been given the minimum sentence, one day, for violating federal law; California and Oakland both have provisions for the growing of medicinal marijuana.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A man in the US province of Texas has lost a $5 million lottery prize on the grounds that he purchased the ticket with proceeds from selling cocaine.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The Canadian government has introduced a law decriminalizing possession of 15 g of marijuana. Hemp is already produced legally. A Senate committee has endorsed legalization. The government has begun the contracted production and direct sale of medicinal marijuana. The terminally ill will now be allowed to possess a one-month supply, and to grow it themselves or contract with someone else to grow it. And the city of Vancouver has opened a sanctioned drug-injection facility.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A man in &#1575;&#1610;&#1585;&#1575;&#1606; ’&#298;r&#257;n has been sentenced to death for a third offense of drinking alcohol.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Jamaica, where marijuana is widely used and often for religious purposes, is moving towards decriminalization, and towards international advocacy of decriminalization, in defiance of other states.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A heroin-injecting center in Sydney has been found legal by an Australian court, over government objections.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The prohibition of peyote use in the United States by non-Indians has been challenged in Utah on free-exercise grounds.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The <A TITLE="Philippine">pilipino</A> government practice, led by Interior Secretary Alfredo Lim, of vandalizing the houses of accused drug dealers has been ruled illegal by the judiciary.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Many European states, particularly <A TITLE="the Netherlands">Nederland</A>, have adopted liberal attitudes towards drug use, distributing clean needles to addicts and promoting methadone substitution.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Marijuana may be sold and used openly in <A TITLE="the Netherlands">Nederland</A>, and has been decriminalized in <A TITLE="Belgium">België</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The US province of Maine is planning the state distribution of medicinal marijuana; numerous provincial electorates have approved medicinal marijuana in defiance of federal law.<BR> &nbsp;<P> <A NAME="other"><FONT COLOR=0000FF><B>Other:</B></FONT><P> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The Australian parliament has voted to end a ban on human cloning for research.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Ron Bensimhon, who disrupted an Olympic diving event in <A TITLE="Greece">&#917;&#955;&#955;&#940;&#948;&#945;</A> by jumping into the pool, has been sentenced to five months in prison for trespassing.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The parliament of Chile has passed a bill legalizing a restricted form of divorce, which when signed will leave only Malta and </A><A TITLE="The Philippines">Pilipinas</A> banning divorce.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Italia has banned artificial insemination in all but “stable” heterosexual relationships; surrogate mothers and donor sperm and eggs are also banned.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Local officials in Malaysia have enforced numerous social-purity laws. In Ipoh, interaction between unmarried members of opposite sexes, including handholding and even conversation, have drawn legal action. Kajang prohibits public sales of pork. In Selangor, karaoke bars and beer advertisements have been targeted for government action.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Australian physician Philip Nitschke and the group Exit Australia have introduced a suicide device that allows the self-administration of a lethal dose of carbon monoxide.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A group of men in Kenya supporting traditional values have been stripping women naked for wearing pants in public.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Bangladeshi">&#2476;&#2494;&#2434;&#2482;&#2494;&#2503;&#2470;&#2486;&#2496; B&#257;&#331;l&#257;de&#347;&#299;</A> women have been admitted as officers in the army. &#1575;&#1610;&#1585;&#1575;&#1606;&#1609; ’&#298;r&#257;n&#299; women have been admitted to the police force and as spectators at football matches. <A TITLE="Kuwaiti">&#1603;&#1608;&#1610;&#1578;&#1609; K&#363;ajt&#299;</A> women will be admitted to the stock exchange, but with physical separation from men. &#1575;&#1601;&#1594;&#1575;&#1606;&#1609; ’Af&#287;&#257;n&#299; women have been been licensed as drivers.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Songs in <A TITLE="Amharic">’&#256;m&#257;rañ&#257;</A> are banned in <A TITLE="Eritrea">’Er-t-r&#257;</A>.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A woman in &#1662;&#1575;&#1705;&#1587;&#1578;&#1575;&#1606; P&#257;kist&#257;n who was gang-raped, by orders of a local council, as punishment for her brother’s sexual activity across caste lines, has come forward, and charges have been brought against some of the rapists.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Militant fundamentalists in Kašm&#299;r have posted dress codes, and have apparently killed three women in violation.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Malaysia has announced that it will beat illegal immigrants even for a first offense. Less seriously, it has begun banning the appearance of western celebrities in advertisements as “a humiliation against Asians”.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The European Union, which had already banned tobacco advertisements on television, has extended that to print, the internet, and international sports events. Tobacco companies are also prohibited from distributing free samples.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Capital crimes in <A TITLE="China">&#20013;&#22283; Zh&#333;ng Guó</A> include violent crime, drug offenses, separatism, aiding <A TITLE="Tibet">&#3926;&#3964;&#3921; Bod</A> border crossings, bribery, pimping, embezzlement, tax and insurance fraud, theft of gasoline, sale of harmful foodstuffs, and disruption of the stock market.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A hundred computers belonging to cadets at the US Naval Academy have been confiscated due to the use of file-sharing software.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Prisoners in South African jails are now being subjected to rape with the purpose of HIV infection as a form of attack.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="Singapore">&#26032;&#21152;&#22369; Sin Ka Pho</A> is easing slightly its decade-old ban on chewing gum.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> &#1575;&#1610;&#1585;&#1575;&#1606; ’&#298;r&#257;n is slowly relaxing dress codes for women and girls.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Women in <A TITLE="Swaziland">Swatini</A> have been threatened with forced public disrobing by the army if caught in trousers.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The <A TITLE="Swedish">Svenska</A> movie ‘Fucking Åmål’ was retitled ‘Show me love’ for release in English.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A federal judge has upheld Oregon’s voter-approved physician-assisted-suicide law, over US Justice Department objections.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="the Netherlands">Nederland</A> has legalized euthanasia, the first state to do so. The law is restrictive, though past practice and some court rulings are more liberal. The legalization in <A TITLE="Belgium">België</A> is less restrictive. The health minister of France has advocated legalizing euthanasia. Australia’s Northern Territory had such a provision overturned. Britain’s law prohibits euthanasia, but a court granted one person the right to die.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Religious police in <A TITLE="Saudi Arabia">&#1575;&#1604;&#1587;&#1593;&#1608;&#1583;&#1610;&#1577; ’al-Sa<U>c</U>&#363;d&#299;a&#293;</A> caused the death of fifteen girls fleeing a burning school by keeping them from emerging in improper dress.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Public schools in <A TITLE="Singapore">&#26032;&#21152;&#22369; Sin Ka Pho</A> forbid &#1605;&#1587;&#1604;&#1605; muslim girls from wearing headscarves; several have been suspended.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Women in government in <A TITLE="Turkey">Türkiye</A> have, following a civil-disobedience protest, won the right to wear pants rather than skirts, though much of the restrictive dress code remains in place.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> &#1575;&#1587;&#1604;&#1575;&#1605;&#1609; ’Isl&#257;m&#299; militants in Kašm&#299;r have begun enforcing dress codes upon women, threatening retribution to those dressed non-traditionally, and in some case assaulting them with paint or even acid. The militants have also forbidden beauty parlors, wine shops, and cinemas.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> A Nigerian musical event sponsored by <A TITLE="Tel Aviv">&#1514;&#1500;-&#1488;&#1489;&#1497;&#1489; Tel-’Ab&#299;b</A> had been stifled by the central government of <A TITLE="Israel">&#1497;&#1513;&#1512;&#1488;&#1500; Ji&#347;ra’el</A>, denying a visa to the musicians and ordering the municipality not to hold such events, deemed to legitimize illegal residency. But the supreme court acted against the government.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Municipal leaders and officials in <A TITLE="Tel Aviv">&#1514;&#1500;-&#1488;&#1489;&#1497;&#1489; Tel-’Ab&#299;b</A> have defied religious authorities and allowed restaurants to stay open on a holiday.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> France has adopted a draft law to ban human cloning in medical research; Britain, on the other hand, has legalized this.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> <A TITLE="China">&#20013;&#22283; Zh&#333;ng Guó</A> has begun another round of mass executions for things as trivial as minor theft, killing eight hundred in a three-week period.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The US province of California is being required by a federal judge to make public the entire process of execution.<BR> &nbsp;<P> <A NAME="language"><FONT COLOR=0000FF><B>Language:</B></FONT><BR> <FONT COLOR=9090A0>The television taboos relate to broadcast (here meaning commercial television available freely from radio-wave broadcasts) and cable (here meaning commercial television available for a minimal cost as part of packaged service) in the US, for which more information is available. Premium television has no operative taboos except those relating to airtime.</FONT> <P> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Television networks have begun self-censorship in response to greatly-increased fines for indecency. The Public Broadcasting System, for example, has broadcast a censored version of an evening documentary series, when it previously provided the censored version only on request.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> ‘Fucking’ has been deemed tolerable by the Federal Communications Commission, but only because used (as by Bono at the 2003 Golden Globes awards on NBC) as an emphatic modifier. The FCC chair is appealing the ruling; Congress is threatening to overturn it. ‘Shit’ and ‘fucking’ were also broadcast from an awards show by Fox, though it has pledged not to repeat the move.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> ‘Fuck’ has been used numerous times, in ‘Saving Private Ryan’, shown starting at 20:00; but the third showing, on US Veterans Day, was not carried by tens of ABC affiliates, fearing indecency penalties.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> ‘Bitch’ and ‘ass’ are now commonplace in primetime broadcast, and ‘asshole’ has now begun to appear.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> ‘Shit’ has appeared in a 21:00 drama (‘Chicago Hope’). The word routinely appears in mainstream US radio broadcasts during the day, as do ‘bitch’, ‘ass’, and ‘asshole’.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Technical names for body parts, such as ‘penis’ and ‘vagina’, are widely used.<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Profanity, or language deemed unacceptable for religious reasons, is widely used. (‘Hell’, ‘God’, ‘Jesus’, ‘damn’ are examples.) However, a broadcast edit of ‘Stand by me’ censors the word ‘Jesus’ from the final scene (a visual edit).<BR> <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> Numerous words and expressions, primarily relating to sexuality, that are accepted in public discourse are nonetheless routinely censored from broadcast and cable.<BR><P> <A NAME=sites><FONT COLOR=0000FF><B>Other monitoring sites:</B></FONT><P> <A HREF=><B>Free expression</B></A> - monitored by Index on Censorship<BR> <A HREF=><B>Press freedom</B></A> - monitored by Reporters sans fronti&egrave;res<BR> <A HREF=><B>Abortion laws in the world</B></A> - monitored by Women on Waves<BR> <A HREF=><B>Sexual age of consent</B></A> - monitored by <A HREF= CLASS=hidden>Age of Consent</A><BR> <A HREF=><B>Lesbians in the media</B></A> - monitored by After Ellen<BR> <A HREF=><B>Laws relating to gays and lesbians</B></A> - monitored by GayLawNet<BR> <A HREF=><B>US marijuana laws</B></A> and <A HREF=><B>European marijuana laws</B></A> - monitored by N<SMALL>ORML</SMALL><BR> <P>&nbsp;<P> <FONT COLOR=0000FF> &nbsp;<P><SMALL> <B>|<A HREF=map.htm>SITE MAP</A>|<A HREF=stewardship.htm>STEWARDSHIP</A>|<A HREF=union/>UNION</A>|<A HREF=project.htm>PROJECT</A>|<A HREF=earth.htm>EARTH</A>|<A HREF=policies.htm>POLICIES</A>|<A HREF=map.htm#essays>ESSAYS</A>|<A HREF=research/>RESEARCH</A>|</P></B></FONT></SMALL> </BODY> </HTML> <!-- <FONT COLOR=606080>&#8213;</FONT> The ØwØgÙDØhØgÙF <U>T</U>ÄAlibÄAn in ØgÙAØzØgÙFØsØjØgÙF â@YAfÄ_ÄAnestÄAn has made it punishable by death to convert from ØgÙDØgØsÙDØgÙE â@Yal-â@YIslÄAm, or to encourage or seek such a conversion. On other fronts, they require all <FONT FACE="ARIAL UNICODE MS">àd?àdyàdhàdfàeB HindÅk</FONT>s under their control to wear identification badges, and <FONT FACE="ARIAL UNICODE MS">àd?àdyàdhàdfàeB HindÅk</FONT> women to veil themselves; and they have destroyed art and artefacts deemed iconic, including, noteworthily, two large ancient Buddha reliefs.<BR> -->
Censorship in the world a:link { color: 0000FF; text-decoration: none } a:active { color: FFFFFF; text-decoration: none } a:visited { color: 0000FF; text-decoration: none } a:hover { color: FFFFFF; text-decoration: none } { color: 9090A0; text-decoration: none } { color: FFFFFF; text-decoration: none } { color: 9090A0; text-decoration: none } { color: FFFFFF; text-decoration: none } a.hidden:link { color: FFFFFF; text-decoration: none } a.hidden:active { color: 0000FF; text-decoration: none } a.hidden:visited { color: FFFFFF; text-decoration: none } a.hidden:hover { color: 0000FF; text-decoration: none } | | | --- | | **CENSORSHIP IN THE WORLD** | UPDATED 2006 DECEMBER 7   Censorship is more than mere editorial expurgation; it is the societal control of behavior considered in violation of traditional and conventional morality. This page is a developing chronicle of liberalization and restriction. Its focus is on non-violent acts or events that have been targeted by censorship. The occurrence of traditionally-proscribed acts or events is deemed significant in that it demonstrates a failure of the taboo, and, at least temporarily, its weakening. Many of the acts or events have now become uncensorable. Additions and corrections are sought; send to the Stewardship Project, project![](at.gif) *For translation of an unfamiliar word, place the cursor over the word.*   **[Dialectic](#dialectic) ― [Religion](#religion) ― [Sexuality](#sexuality) ― [Nudity](#nudity) ― [Drugs](#drugs) ― [Other](#other) ― [Language](#language) ― [Sites](#sites)**   ― The government of Danmark has so far resisted pressure from مسلم Muslim groups and states to assume state responsibility for publication or to contemplate censorship, after a row in which Jyllands-Posten printed illustrations and conceptions of محمد Muham:ad, which itself was prompted by the self-censorship of illustrators, who feared retribution should they participate in the religiously-proscribed depiction of محمد Muham:ad. Boycotts of unrelated Dansk companies have been instituted. The illustrations have now been reprinted in prominent periodicals around Europe, and even one in الاردن ’al-’Urdun:, in solidarity; but the editors in France and الاردن ’al-’Urdun: who did so have been fired. ― Google has, on the one hand, resisted US government requests for data on searches and results, and on the other hand, set up a censored site as its affiliate in 中國 Zhōng Guó. ― There are laws against Holocaust denial in Deutschland, Österreich, ישראל Jiśra’el, Polska, France, België, Česko, Slovensko, Lietuva, and die Schweiz. ― Sénégal opposition leader Abdourahim Agne has been arrested on national-security grounds after calling for peaceful anti-government demonstrations. ― Elmar Hüseynov, editor of the opposition magazine ‘Monitor’, has been murdered in Azǝrbaycan; the government has issued veiled threats against the opposition to pre-empt any ensuing demonstrations. ― Polska has fined editor Jerzy Urban $6500 for insulting a head of state, for lampooning John Paul II in his paper ‘Nie’. ― Kenya’s constitutional court has blocked the government from prosecuting an investigative journalist using a colonial-era libel law; the government has now pledged to leave libel as a civil matter. ― The supreme court of Śrīla~kā has jailed opposition politician SB Disanajake for two years for stating that the court made flawed rulings. ― The rightist Vlaams Blok, the most popular party in Vlaanderen, has been determined racist by the highest court in België, and will lose state funding and media access, effectively banning the party; and it becomes, in any case, illegal to work for the party. ― Filmmaker Theo van Gogh has been killed, apparently for making a film (‘Submission’) critical of aspects of اسلامى ’Islāmī culture. ― The city of Белгород in Россия issues fines of up to 1500 рубли for swearing in public, with fines varying by context. ― The Noxçiy rebel website <> has been closed temporarily by Lietuva, where it is hosted, while a court determines if it can be closed permanently. ― لبنان Lubnān has banned the sale of ‘The Da Vinci code’, deemed offensive to Christianity. ― The education minister of Србија, Љиљана Чолић, has determined that evolution can no longer be taught as an accepted theory; but the government soon reversed itself, and Чолић resigned. ― The television network الجزيرة ’al-Ĝazīraĥ has been banned indefinitely by the interim government of العراق ’al-Cirāq for its frequent broadcast of incitement videos. The network العربية ’al-Carabīaĥ was banned by the US-installed مجلس الحكم Maĝlis ’al-Hukm for similar reasons. ― The documentary film ‘جنين جنين Ĝanīn Ĝanīn’, depicting an assault on a refugee camp in the West Bank, had been banned by the censorship board of ישראל Jiśra’el, but the highest court overturned the ban. ― Ελλάδα sued ‘Playboy’ to withdraw the local edition which played on Olympic themes and symbols. ― 中國 Zhōng Guó has arrested 江延永 Jiāng Yán Yŏng, the official who publicized the SARS cover-up, for speaking out against the massacre and repression of 1989. ― 中國 Zhōng Guó will censor cell-phone text messages as it now censors the internet. ― The government of Azǝrbaycan has raided the مسجد masĝid of dissident cleric İlqar İbrahimoğlu, and appointed a replacement for him. ― España has completely banned Euskal separatist party Batasuna, for alleged ties to the violent separatist group Euskadi ta Askatasuna, acting on requests by the government and judge Baltasar Garzón. The constitutional court has now banned Herritarren Zerrenda as well, deeming it an extension of Batasuna and affiliate of ETA. ― Brasil has arrested two visiting US citizens for showing contempt to authorities by gesturing with their middle fingers, in response to Brasil’s reciprocal fingerprinting procedures. ― The only private newspaper in Zimbabhwe, the Daily News, critical of dictator Robert Mugabe, was closed under strict media laws. The High Court ordered it reopened, but the police did not allow this. After a court ruled that a license should be granted, the Daily News printed for one day and was then shut down in an armed raid. It nearly resumed publication after three months, but was again closed by police. The High Court has again ordered it reopened. But the government has used a license law for individual journalists to close it again. ― Social pressure in Türkiye has stopped the local release of the film ‘Ararat’, which deals with the Հայ Haj genocide. ― The government of المغرب الاقصى ’al-Mağrib ’al-’Aqsaj imprisoned satirist علي لمرابط Calī Lamrābet for four (later three) years for insulting the king; but he has been pardoned after seven months in prison. ― Two Kurdî politicians have been arrested in Türkiye for referring to Ebdella Ocalan with the respectful title ‘sayın’. ― A British journalist and permanent resident of Zambia, Roy Clarke, has been ordered deported on charges of insulting the president, calling him a ‘foolish elephant’ in a satire in the Post; but a court has ordered a hearing. The publisher of the Post, Fred M’membe, has reprinted the satire under his own name to share the responsibility. ― Kenyan president Mwai Kĩbakĩ has attempted to dissolve all political parties within his governing National Rainbow Coalition. ― Rosa Parks’ lawsuit against OutKast for using her name as a song title has been allowed to proceed by the US supreme court. ― Nine individuals have been sentenced to death in Mяanmā, accused of plotting to overthrow the government. Among them is the editor of a magazine that had been critical of the government, who was formerly an opposition politician; also included are another opposition politician, and a lawyer. ― Two مسلمون muslimūn from the United States who attempted to reach افغانستان ’Afğānestān to defend the طالبان Tālibān régime against US attack have been imprisoned for eighteen years. ― Zacarias Moussaoui, charged as a conspirator in the September 11 attacks, has had his right to defend himself revoked by a US district court. ― Media in England and Wales have been prohibited from reporting on a dubious claim of gay activity by Charles Mountbatten-Windsor, and foreign newspapers so reporting have been blocked. ― The governing powers de facto in parts of northeastern Hindustān, insurrections against भारत B‛ārat, have begun banning Bollywood films in theaters under their jurisdictions, for undermining local culture and promoting immorality. But theater owners and film distributors plan to defy the prohibitions. ― The government of தமிழ் நாடு Tamiz Nātu has ordered the arrest of staff at ‘The Hindu’, and raided its offices, after the paper criticized the government. The specific charge was ‘breach of privilege’; the specific target was the chief minister. ― Australia’s government has indirectly provided funding to encourage testimony that led to the imprisonment of an opposition politician, Pauline Hanson, for electoral fraud; that conviction has since been overturned, as has the conviction of the co-founder of the One Nation Party. ― Conservative pressure groups in the United States have successfully petitioned against the broadcast of a film biography of Ronald Reagan, which most of them had not seen. ― 中國 Zhōng Guó has executed Uyğur separatist Ujimamadi Abbas (Şirali) on charges of inciting a riot against 中國 Zhōng Guó. ― Law in België had mandated that children be given only their fathers’ names; but the European Court of Justice has ruled that European Union law requires that resident Españoles can give their children both paternal and maternal surnames. ― Norge has relaxed its pervasive film ban for sex and violence, delisting some three hundred titles, though a ban on “hard core” pornography remains. ― المغرب الاقصى ’Al-Mağrib ’al-’Aqsaj has begun education in Tamazight. Earlier, الجزائر ’al-Ĝaza’īr announced that Tamazight would be recognized as a national language. ― The proposed enactment of the subversion law in 香港 Hèung Góng will ban reporting of state secrets, criticism of the government of 中國 Zhōng Guó, advocacy of secession or subversion, access to subversive material, and certain groups, including 法輪功 Fă Lún Gōng, which had remained legal in 香港 Hèung Góng. Following massive protests, administrator 董建華 Dúng Gíhn Wāa has promised revisions which would eliminate the ability to ban groups, conduct searches without warrants, and punish journalists for publishing classified information; and he has now indefinitely postponed the submission of the bill for passage. ― The film ‘Tomb raider: the cradle of life’ has been banned by 中國 Zhōng Guó for portraying it negatively. ― پاکستان Pākistān has banned broadcast of television programs originating in भारत B‛ārat; but now cable operators are protesting the ban by boycotting پاکستانى Pākistānī national programs. ― The parliament of Malaŵi had banned the television show ‘Big brother Africa’ from its public station for sexual content, but the High Court overturned the ban. ― The Kenyan government has established a censorship board to oversee the prohibition of material, particularly pornography, under parliamentary guidelines. ― Kuala Lumpur had banned a comedy troupe for refusing to submit to prior restraint on its act; the city had wanted the group to omit any references to persons living or dead, or to government policies or bodies; but the mayor has reversed the ban, and assumed responsibility for such future decisions himself. ― An Irani-Canadian photographer, Zahra Kazemi, documenting protests and a prison in ايران ’Īrān, has been arrested and beaten to death in custody. ― Three русские television stations have been banned in Беларусь. ― Numerous dissidents in Indonesia have been convicted under a law that bans insulting the president or vice-president, with possible sentences up to six years. ― پاکستان Pākistān has imprisoned newspaper editor Munaŭar Mohsin for life for publishing a letter to the editor that was considered blasphemous for speaking ill of محمد Muham:ad. ― West Papuan protesters have been fired upon by Indonesian police for attempting to raise a separatist flag; one has been killed. ― The leader and deputy leader of الجبهة الاسلامية للأنقاذ ’al-Ĝabhaĥ ’al-’Islāmīaĥ lil-’Inqāð in الجزائر ’al-Ĝaza’īr, عباسي مدني Cabāsī Madanī and علي بلحاج Calī Balhāĝ, have been released from twelve years under house arrest and in prison respectively, but are forbidden from all social, political, cultural and humanitarian activities, including voting, expressing political views in public or private, belonging to associations, and attending public prayers. Further, all foreign press have been expelled from the state for reporting this story. ― The parliament of Türkiye has extended broadcast freedom in Kurmancî to private outlets, at any time, and lifted a ban on Kurmancî names; but this has been vetoed by the president, Ahmet Necdet Sezer. Earlier it had passed laws to permit greater freedom of expression, including removing a longtime ban on broadcast in Kurmancî, allowing instruction in the dialect, lowering penalties for certain expression offenses, including publication in Kurmancî, and making it harder to ban political parties. ― Freedom of expression in افغانستان ’Afğānestān has regressed following the liberalization after the fall of the طالبان Tālibān. Two journalists arrested for an article deemed to insult religion have been released, but will still be tried. Indian films are banned, as are women singing on the radio. One province has banned cable television after it showed Western and Indian films. The chief justice has banned cable in the capital, hinted that it will be banned elsewhere, and spoken against gender-integrated education. An editor was temporarily jailed for publishing a cartoon critical of president حامد کرزي Hāmid Karzaī, and a reporter was sanctioned by کرزي Karzaī for asking a controversial question during a press conference. ― The last independent television channel, ТВС, has been closed, under both political and economic pressues. Earlier, the state-controlled industrial firm Газпpом in Россия exercised its disputed legal authority over the only independent national television network, НТВ, by changing the managers and locking out staff who refuse to pledge loyalty to the new managers. And the controlling investors of the liberal publications Сегодня and Итоги have closed the former and fired the editorial staff of the latter. ― The government of 中國 Zhōng Guó, which has long exercised prior restraint over traditional media, has extended that to the internet, requiring all users and publishers to submit to party editorial control. Thirty-six internet users have been jailed for violations, and two have died of abuse in custody. The state has closed close to one in five of the operating public internet facilities in the country for failing to block objectionable sites. And now it has begun to ban search engines, starting with Google and Alta Vista. One hundred thirty other portals, including Yahoo, have agreed to censor themselves. ― In Србија, three publications, Nacional, Dan, and Identitet, were shut down for publishing speculation into the murder of prime minister Зоран Ђинђић. The state of emergency imposed has led to the arrest of hundreds. ― Deutschland suppresses both religious and political dissent of certain varieties, most notably Scientology on the religious side and neo-Nazi belief on the political side. The government is attempting to ban the Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands, but the judiciary has ruled against it, noting that government informants were used to incite the evidence that was being presented. ― भारत B‛ārat has banned the documentary film ‘Ākroś’, which depicted religious riots in ગુજરાત Gu~~j~~arāt. ― Malaysia has banned scenes from ‘The hours’ that show women kissing. ‘Daredevil’ has been banned outright, for violence and its name. Other banned films include ‘Schindler’s list’ (as Zionist propaganda), ‘The prince of Egypt’ (for religious insensitivity), ‘Zoolander’ (for depicting an assassination plot against a Malaysian prime minister), and ‘The spy who shagged me’ (for sexual innuendo). ― Youth members of Malaŵi’s ruling United Democratic Front have apprehended two other citizens for insulting president Bakili Muluzi, and a court has tolerated the “arrest” and subsequent imprisonment, and further fined the accused, who claim to have been tortured into confessing. The insult was said to be regarding Muluzi’s attempts to change the constitution to allow himself a third term, which has led to violence against opponents, including members of parliament. ― A global anti-tobacco treaty calls for states to ban tobacco advertising as far as constitutionally able, and mandates government warnings on packaging. ― An attempt to ban België’s ultranationalist Vlaams Blok on grounds of racism have failed in two courts. The attempt was brought by België’s official anti-racist agency, as well as a non-governmental organization. ― A Pennsylvania effort against internet child pornography is being challenged for blocking unrelated sites, which, through virtual hosting, have the same numerical address; 85% of web sites are hosted virtually. ― Twenty men in تونس Tūnis have been arrested for browsing banned internet sites. تونس Tūnis not only heavily censors the internet, but sends viruses to dissidents, and has imprisoned internet publisher زهير يحياوي Zuhajr Jahjāŭī for ridiculing dictator زين العبدين بن على Zīna ’al-Cābdīna bin Calī. ― A political opponent of Olusegun Obasanjo, Yomi Tokoya, has been arrested for leafletting at a religious ceremony in Nigeria, and then released. ― Malaysia has seized the servers and arrested the editor of Malaysiakini, which published a letter on its web site suggesting unfair treatment for the non-Melayu population. The government also will require live radio broadcasts to submit to prior restraint, officially to curb language and sexual innuendo. ― A deutsch court has ordered a British newspaper not to print allegations about the sex life of Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder, but the paper, the ‘Mail on Sunday’, is ignoring the order. ― Two members of the Inter-Religious Council in Liberia, working to improve cooperation across sect lines, have been arrested twice, the second, for treason, coming as the first arrest ended without charges. They were found to have received e-mail from an insurgent group, Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy, proposing negotiation with the government. ― A committee of the כנסת Kneset in ישראל Jiśra’el had banned two فلسطينى Filastīnī parliamentarians, احمد الظيبى ’Ahmad ’al-Tībī and عزمي بشارة Cazmī Bišāraĥ, from contesting the next election, while at the same time clearing extreme rightist ברוך מרזל Barūk Marzel; but a court has overruled that decision, allowing the candidacies. ― A law has taken effect in Zimbabhwe requiring that all journalists register with the government, and prohibiting foreign journalists; a challenge to the law has still not been decided by the courts. Not only is it illegal to insult autocrat Robert Mugabe, it is now illegal to disparage the passing of his twenty-vehicle motorcade. The campaign in Zimbabhwe to protect Mugabe from criticism has led to limits on journalists and particularly foreign journalists, and the expulsion of two, and has led to the removal of accreditation for the British Broadcasting Corporation. Mugabe has threatened to treat six foreign journalists and a human-rights activist as terrorists. ― Some of the most popular politicians in Türkiye were banned from contesting the last election, including poll-leader Tayyip Erdoğan, former premier Necmettin Erbakan, Kurd leader Murat Bozlak, and human-rights activist Akın Birdal. All were disqualified for past political dissidence; Erdoğan and Erbakan were convicted for Islamist activity. A consitutional amendment which will rectify this has been passed twice, vetoed once by president Ahmet Necdet Sezer, and finally become law. ― Two foreign women in Indonesia have been convicted of dealing with the Gerakan Acheh Merdeka and sentenced to several months in prison each. ― Guyana has at least temporarily closed two television stations, supposedly for incitement to crime and violence. Both stations are affiliated with the opposition. ― Prosecutors in Australia are claiming that allowing a protestor to moon police undermines their authority. Also, Australia’s highest court has allowed a defamation suit against the web site of Dow Jones, originating in the US, to proceed, establishing that local courts can have jurisdiction over all internet publication that reaches Australia. ― The سعودى Sacūdī opposition satellite service صوت الاصلاح Saŭt ’al-’Islāh will be able to reach into السعودية ’al-Sacūdīaĥ itself through radio and receive calls from السعودية ’al-Sacūdīaĥ through internet phone service. ― A US citizen has been sentenced to three years in prison for speaking of the possibility of someone lighting George W. Bush on fire, saying that “God might speak to the world through a burning Bush”, a comment he claimed was prophetic and the prosecution claimed was a threat. ― فلسطينى Filastīnī activist مروان برغوتي Marŭān Barğūtī has been placed in solitary confinement for giving an interview from prison in ישראל Jiśra’el. ― Television advertisements in Britain are controlled by a censorship board that regulates them more strictly than the programs; three advertisements for the satirical television program ‘2DTV’ were banned as offensive to the public figures ridiculed in them. ― Charles Taylor, autocrat of Liberia, has banned T-shirts depicting أسامة بن لادن ’Usāmaĥ bin Lādan, and has even hinted at vigilante beatings of offenders. ― Courts in Nigeria have ordered the government to register political parties that had been denied registration under severe restrictions, including those on “national” orientation. In a related effort, Nigeria has moved to outlaw the Yorùbá nationalist organization, Odùduwà People’s Congress, in response to violence but probably with the ultimate aim of curtailing the movement for Yorùbá and other national self-determination. ― The television news service الجزيرة ’al-Ĝazīraĥ has had its local office in الكويت ’al-Kūajt closed, for “lack of professionalism and neutrality when dealing with كويتى Kūajtī issues”. It has been banned in الكويت ’al-Kūajt before; it is banned from operating in الاردن ’al-’Urdun: and البحرين ’al-Bahrajn. ― Jesse Jackson has called for the film ‘Barbershop’ to be edited because of humor about himself, Martin Luther King, and Rosa Parks. (Characters in the film also disapproved of the humor.) ― Journalists covering a rally in پاکستان Pākistān in favor of dictator پرويز مشرف Perŭejz Mušaraf were beaten by police after the rally had begun focusing on media criticism of پرويز Perŭejz. ― A tightened press law in الاردن ’al-’Urdun: has led to two arrests of leading liberal critic and former legislator توجان فيصل Tūĝān Fajsal. ― البحرين ’Al-Bahrajn has blocked four opposition websites for incitement of sectarianism and offensive content. ― Mehmud Uzun, a prominent Kurdî writer, is returning to contest his trial in Türkiye on charges of promoting separatism, stemming from his promotion of Kurmancî. The state has suspended broadcasting by Gun TV for using Kurmancî on the air, in this case in music videos, despite recent passage of a constitutional amendment legalizing Kurmancî broadcasts. Police have also detained hundreds of students and parents who signed a petition for Kurmancî instruction. But a publisher accused of promoting separatism for publishing Noam Chomsky’s criticism of nationalist policy has been acquitted. ― An issue of the Far Eastern Economic Review was banned in เมืองไทย M~~i~~āŋdæj, and the work permits of two staffers were revoked, after an article suggesting tension between the king and the prime minister. The Review has apologized to the government. The local press seldom suggests controversy involving the king. ― The premier of افغانستان ’Afğānestān, حامد کرزي Hāmid Karzaī, has signed a law guaranteeing freedom of the press, and personally invited criticism of the government. ― A politician in 臺灣 Tai5 Oan1 was videotaped having sex with a married man. The tape, which has been widely circulated, has led to prosecution of the two men responsible for making the tape with a hidden camera, and for releasing it. Prosecutors have now charged the owner and editor of a magazine that distributed the tape. ― Two bookstores in the US have been subjected to legal action to divulge their clients’ records; the latest, Denver’s Tattered Cover, was asked to help convict a drug suspect. ― Political parties are banned in Uganda. An attempt by an opposition party to hold a rally was preceded by the arrest of its leader and blocked with deadly force. ― The government of لبنان Lubnān has raided a music and video shop, seized numerous western titles, and detained the manager for two days. The shop, owned by British media firm Virgin, was already exercising self-censorship. ― Political parties are banned in Swatini, independent news media are effectively banned, and statements against monarchy or for democracy are prosecuted as treason. ― The independent press has come under serious and sustained assault recently in سوريا Sūrīā and ’Er-t-rā, two states that had shown promise of future liberalization. ― A prominent filmmaker in ايران ’Īrān, Tahmineh Milani, has been arrested for her latest film, deemed to glorify opponents of the اسلامى ’Islāmī revolution. ― Fifty women were arrested in İstanbul for speaking to the press in the banned Kurmancî; hundreds of women took part in the protest, including Türk women whose sons are fighting in Kurdistan. ― An editor who printed a story which provoked riots by Copts in مصر Misr was suspended from the press syndicate, but a court later reinstated him. ― The Supreme Court in Venezuela has restricted the right of newspapers to publish opinions and editorials, and ruled that journalists are not guaranteed the constitutional right to reply. The president, Hugo Chávez, has threatened to deport foreigners who insult him, Venezuela, or government institutions. ― Chile has finally passed its Press Law, abolishing Pinochet-era press restrictions. ― The government de facto of ايران ’Īrān routinely closes newspapers, but they are just as routinely reopened under new names. Reformist publications suffered major assault in reaction to the reformist victory in parliamentary elections. A new round of closings has taken place, bringing the total to thirty-five in the past year. ― A law in Malaysia against “religious extremism” is being revived by the government of autocrat Mahathir bin Mohamad to further its program of eliminating dissent. ― The government of المغرب الاقصى ’al-Mağrib ’al-’Aqsaj has banned three newspapers for publishing a report implicating government members in a 1972 putsch against the monarchy, citing also attacks on the military and unorthodoxy on the issue of the Western Sahara. ― Britain’s National Criminal Intelligence Service is seeking authority to access, record, and archive all personal electronic-communication activity, including phone and internet use. ― A dissident cleric in ايران ’Īrān, حسن Hasan Jūsefī-’Eškevārī, is being held on capital charges ― apostasy, waging war against الله ’al-Lah, spreading corruption on Earth, and acting against state security. He has been denied his own lawyer and an open trial. ― The US Congress narrowly failed to prohibit flag-burning by altering the Constitution’s First Amendment.   **Religion:** ― The North-West Frontier Province of پاکستان Pākistān has instituted a law on اسلامى ’Islāmī حسبہ hisbah, in which religious morals will be policed and enforced. ― France has banned ostenatious religious symbols in public schools; the ban includes all religions but is specifically targeted at the حجاب hiĝāb worn by female مسلمون muslimūn, and has already led to expulsions. ― ’Er-t-rā requires religions to register and be approved before their practice is legalized; only الاسلام ’al-’Islām and Catholic, Orthodox, and evangelical Christianity have been approved. ― Blasphemy against الاسلام ’al-’Islām, القرآن ’al-Qur’ān, or محمد Muham:ad is a mandatory capital offense in پاکستان Pākistān, though this penalty has yet to be carried out. The threat of penalty is used as a form of intimidation or vendetta; suspects are not accorded the usual due process, judges are intimidated by local pressure groups, and non-مسلمون muslimūn are also charged. ― The chief justice of the US province of Alabama, Roy Moore, was ordered by a higher court to remove a Christian monument from the state courthouse; upon refusing, he was suspended by his peers and removed by an ethics panel. The monument has been removed from display. ― The implementation of الشريعة ’al-Šarīcaĥ in Nigeria’s northern provinces is under serious challenge, focusing on the stoning sentences of women convicted of adultery. Two have since been acquitted. A junior minister has pledged that no such sentences will be implemented. ― A مسلم muslim teacher in Deutschland has been allowed by the highest court to wear a headscarf in her job, which had been denied by lower courts for the purposes of religious neutrality. The court had previously ruled against a private business that implemented a policy against the headscarf. ― Female television presenters in Egypt have been removed from the air on state television for wearing headscarves. ― The British parliament has allowed citizens of non-Christian religions the equal right to take off religious holidays from work; but this does not include the non-religious. ― বাংলােদশ Bāŋlādeś has banned an issue of Newsweek for printing an article suggesting that القرآن ’al-Qur’ān was not written in classical عربى Carabī and has been distorted in interpretation. An earlier issue was banned in Indonesia, Malaysia, and বাংলােদশ Bāŋlādeś for depicting محمد Muham:ad, considered blasphemous. ― A priest with the state-sponsored Lutheran church in Danmark, Thorkild Grosbøll of Tårbæk, has been suspended for disavowing God, eternal life, and the Resurrection. ― The parliament of پاکستان Pākistān’s North-West Frontier Province has voted unanimously for الشريعة ’al-Šarīcaĥ, after amendment failed. Earlier, the ruling متحده مجلس عمل Mut:ahidah Maĝlis-e Camal announced plans to shut down liquor stores and gambling dens. New Year’s celebrations were banned. ― Acheh’s autonomy within Indonesia had led, as expected, to the introduction of الشريعة ’al-Šarīcaĥ, to apply to *all* citizens, though it was supposed that the harsher corporal punishments would not be implemented. Criminal courts were scheduled to open March 4. However, Acheh’s autonomy is currently being undone by an Indonesian assault. ― The Catholic Church is attempting to formally Christianize the European Union, calling for Christianity to be recognized in the constitution, and for Türkiye to be excluded on religious grounds. ― On the official web site of the government of Հայաստան Hajastan, prime minister Անդրանիկ Մարգարյան Andranik Margarjan is described as someone who “believes in God” and “considers that non-believers are the most dangerous people”. ― The new archbishop of Canterbury, head of the Church of England, is liberal Rowan Williams, who has endorsed acceptance of gays and elevating women to bishop, and condemned the traditional trappings of the hierarchy. ― The government of ଓଡ଼ୀଶା Orīsā established a requirement for religious converts to register the conversion with a district magistrate, who would then order an investigation by police. தமிழ் நாடு Tamiz Nātu and ગુજરાત Gu~~j~~arāt have banned conversions through force, fraud, or allurement; this law has reportedly been employed to end proselytizing. ― Three journalists in الاردن ’al-’Urdun: were sentenced to prison by a state security court for an article that discussed the sex life of محمد Muham:ad; their publication has been temporarily closed. The action by the state was thought to be an attempt to influence legislative elections. ― The triśul, a traditional हिनदू Hindū religious symbol, will be banned in public in राजसथान Rā~~j~~ast‛ān, and possibly other Hindustānī provinces. ― The United States government, under the direction of the Christian-fundamentalist Bush administration and its Faith-Based Initiative, is providing public funds to religious organizations to advocate for marriage and other religious values. ― The Nigerian province of Zamfara has issued a فتوى fatŭaj calling for the murder of Isioma Daniel for writing an article in ‘ThisDay’, which stated, regarding the Miss World controversy, that محمد Muham:ad would have married one of the contestants. The pageant planned for Nigeria has been moved to London following rioting that left more than two hundred dead. مسلم Muslim groups had been protesting the supposed immorality of the show. Additionally, a mob burned down the Kaduna office of ‘ThisDay’. The paper had even retracted the story. The pageant had also served as a counterprotest, with some contestants withdrawing in response to the stoning sentences under الشريعة ’al-Šarīcaĥ. ― Buddhists in Kômpûciĕ, among other places, are losing patience with Christian evangelists. In one example, a teachers’ group has called for ‘God’, being a Christian concept, to be removed from textbooks. ― Scientology is banned in British prisons. Scientologists cannot run for parliament in Deutschland, where the church has been routinely harassed. And the public prosecutor in France is calling for the church to be banned in Paris under a new law on cults, for sending mail to former members. ― Valentine’s Day celebrations and trappings are officially banned in السعودية ’al-Sacūdīaĥ, and the subject of sometimes-violent protest by religious groups in भारत B‛ārat. ― A church in New Mexico has publicly burned Harry Potter books, among others, calling them Satanic. ― Prior restraint is being used against اسلامى ’Islāmī preachers in Niger, to suppress any fundamentalist support for أسامة بن لادن ’Usāmaĥ bin Lādan. ― The US supreme court has allowed the imposition of a religiously-motivated moment of silence on school pupils. ― اليمن ’Al-Jaman, previously one of the few عربى Carabī democracies, is acting against its own fundamentalist citizens, firing a large number of prayer leaders, and intercepting anyone attempting to travel in the direction of افغانستان ’Afğānestān; while this may assist the war effort, it is a setback for liberalism. ― مصر Misr is often seen as a secular dictatorship, as evidenced by its ban on a fundamentalist opposition party and newspaper, but it also theocratically suppresses dissent against الاسلام ’al-’Islām, most recently by imprisoning key adherents of a صوفى Sūfī sect. ― Jehovah’s Witnesses in Россия are being controlled and persecuted under a law against smaller religions, which gives special privilege to the Byzantine church; but they have won a court case in Москва against a prosecution which accused them of breaking up families and infringing individual rights, and which would have dissolved their organizations in Москва. ― The Roman Catholic Church in Polska is opening up an attack on president Aleksander Kwaśniewski for his declared atheism and for irreverence towards Karol Wojtyła, John Paul II. ― 中國 Zhōng Guó continues to harrass and imprison religious dissidents, including adherents of various 氣功 qì gōng sects and independent Christian and Buddhist groups. ― An Oslo jurisdiction has ended the exclusivity of church bells by permitting the اذان ’aðān to مسلمون muslimūn, and a similarly-broadcast summons, including “God does not exist”, to atheist meetings. **Sexuality:** ― Civil partnerships for gay couples will become legal in Britain by 2005 December 21. ― The constitutional court in South Africa has ruled that gay marriage is required by an anti-discrimination clause in the constitution; the parliament has since legalized gay marriage in accordance with that ruling. ― The Roman Catholic Church, which had tolerated celibate gays in the priesthood, has changed that policy, and will no longer allow gays in the priesthood at all. ― The California legislature passed a law legalizing gay marriage, but governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed it. ― Canada has legalized gay marriage. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms included same-sex equality in 1985, but only in recent years did provincial courts interpret this to mandate gay marriage. A 2000 law providing for some equality for same-sex relationships, specifically in benefits, was backdated only to 1998. ― New Zealand has fined a man who removed a condom during sex with a prostitute without her consent. ― Gay marriage has been legalized in España. ― Same-sex marriage has become legal in Massachusetts, following a high court ruling. San Francisco has performed numerous gay marriages, and several other municipalities have followed. Courts in Hawai‘i, Alaska, and Vermont have also found bans unconstitutional. The legislature in Vermont responded by enacting same-sex civil unions, while those in Hawai‘i and Alaska passed constitutional amendments to keep same-sex marriage illegal. The Hawai‘i case led to explicit bans in most of the US, and to the federal Defense of Marriage Act. ― Parliament in Zanzibar, acting with the support of both major parties, has criminalized homosexuality, and provided for long prison sentences. ― The high court in the province of Rio Grande do Sul in Brasil has legalized gay civil unions. ― The highest authority in شيعى šīcī الاسلام ’al-’Islām, على سيستانى Calī Sīstānī, has ruled that consenting heterosexual anal sex is permissible, though discouraged. ― A court in 日本 Nitupon has found a manga book, ‘Missitu’, obscene, and sentenced the publisher, Kisi Monotori, to one year in prison, suspended. ― The highest court in پاکستان Pākistān has ruled that women will be allowed to marry without the permission from a male relative that was previously required. ― Two organizers of an orgy in 中國 Zhōng Guó have been sentenced to life in prison; InterPol warrants have been issued for others. ― Australia’s High Court has granted political-asylum rights to two gay men fearing persecution in their native বাংলােদশ Bāŋlādeś. ― Mega television in Ελλάδα has been fined €100,000 by the National Radio and Television Council for broadcasting a kiss between two men, on ‘Close your eyes’; it was deemed “vulgar and unacceptable”. This came despite the earlier repeated broadcast of two women kissing, Britney Spears and Madonna. ― The parliament of الاردن ’al-’Urdun: has again rejected a law to increase penalties for honor killings, the murder of females by their male relatives for transgressing sexual mores. Such killings are still common. While men who kill women for adultery no longer have a special exemption from execution, a man was recently given a six-month sentence for killing his daughter for pre-marital sex. Another was given a year for strangling his sister, who had in fact been raped; this fact of being raped was considered an “unlawful act” on the part of the woman, justifying a “fit of rage” by her brother. Other such acts which courts have used to justify such killings have included being absent from the family home, and stating “This is my life. I am free to do as I choose.” ― A gay wedding has been performed in the Русский Orthodox Church; but the responsible priest has been defrocked. Gay sex was decriminalized in Россия in 1993, but the church still considers it a sin. ― The chief minister of Kelantan in Malaysia, Nik Aziz Nik Mat of the Parti Islami SeMalaysia, has called for modest dress among women to control men’s desire and prevent rape. He has also banned billboards depicting women without headscarves, and said that the government should only employ ugly women, lest these employees get married. ― The first gay bishop in the Anglican church, Gene Robinson, was elected by the Episcopalian diocese of New Hampshire; his appointment has now been officially confirmed by the US church, and he has been consecrated. But earlier, a gay priest, Jeffrey John, appointed as a bishop in England, was forced to rescind his acceptance of the appointment. Some conservative churches had threatened schism in response to the appointment. Practicing homosexuals had been accepted within the laity but not the clergy. ― Buenos Aires has begun recognizing civil unions for gays, though with significantly-fewer rights than those associated with marriage. ― Australia’s third-largest church, the Uniting Church, has chosen to formalize its acceptance of gay priests. ― 新加坡 Sin Ka Pho, where gay sex is illegal, has nonetheless opened up certain jobs to gays, but on the requirement that sexual orientation be declared on the job application. ― The US Supreme Court has struck down a Texas sodomy law. Thirteen US provinces still have laws banning anal or oral sex; of those, four (Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri) exclusively ban gay anal sex. All thirteen laws are expected to be invalidated, as well as other infringements on sexual privacy. ― The Nederlands group Women on Waves has established a floating clinic that provides abortion counseling and services in international waters off the shore of states where this would be illegal. But Polska, where abortion is largely illegal, is holding the ship, demanding payment of a fine. ― New Zealand has legalized and provided for the regulation of prostitution. ― South Africa’s Constitutional Court has ruled that gay couples are entitled to full adoption, benefit, and residency rights. ― A mass arrest of men accused of gay sex has come to trial in مصر Misr, showing the extremity of legal and social standards and investigatory and prosecutory methods; twenty-three have been jailed, two with hard labor. An original trial held in a military court had been invalidated. Separately, two students have been sentenced to one year in prison for advertising gay sex on the internet. ― A lesbian teacher in Utah may be fired for presenting a bad moral example to students, though the provincial supreme court refused to rule on this action one way or another. ― Gays are being banned from the military in Россия, except during wartime. ― Fornication laws, prohibiting sex between unmarried partners, have been overturned by courts in the US provinces of Florida, Virginia, New Jersey, and Georgia. Eleven provinces retain the laws. The Georgia court, which acted in the conviction of a sixteen-year-old, also previously struck down a sodomy law. ― Two hundred sex workers in the conservative தமிழ் நாடு Tamiz Nātu have organized to defend their rights, protect against harassment, and promote health and economic welfare for themselves and their children. Prostitution is illegal in தமிழ் நாடு Tamiz Nātu. ― The prohibition on strip shows in 中國 Zhōng Guó has largely been ignored in recent years; now authorities have arrested two hundred in enforcing the laws. A 1989 ban on advertisements relating to sexual activity is to be modified to allow condom ads. ― The متحده مجلس عمل Mut:ahidah Maĝlis-e Camal, in power in پاکستان Pākistān’s North-West Frontier Province, has required the surrender of sex-related material, including videos, posters, and aphrodisiacs, by January 15; materials surrendered already have been publicly burnt. ― The stoning of women for adultery in ايران ’Īrān has been suspended by an order within the judiciary, but not removed from statutory law. ― A Pennsylvania superior court has ruled unanimously three times for equal treatment of gays and lesbians with regard to adoption, parenting, and child support. Three provinces have passed laws granting second-parent adoption rights, and courts in five others have done so. ― Britain’s three major parties have agreed to registration of same-sex unions with some extension of benefits. ― The ruler of Swatini, Mswati, has revived the custom umcwasho, ordering that all young women should keep a five-year period of chastity, wear traditional marks of chastity, and avoid contact with men; violators will be tried by traditional tribunals, and may face three months in prison. But Mswati has defied this policy himself. And self-appointed bands of “maidens” have begun exacting tribute under this rule. Most recently these Imbali yeMaswati regiments, led by Lungile Ndlovu, have attempted to fine the mother of a young woman abducted by Mswati to be his wife. The woman, Lindiwe Dlamini, has defied the “maidens” and taken Mswati to court to have her daughter released. ― The first openly-gay member of the כנסת Kneset in ישראל Jiśra’el has been appointed, עוזי אבן Cūzī ’Eben, for מרץ Meres. אבן ’Eben was also at the center of the decision to let gays serve openly in the military, and at the forefront of the effort for domestic-partnership benefits. Homosexuality is not criminal in ישראל Jiśra’el. Some courts have recognized rights for same-sex couples. ― The film-censorship board in भारत B‛ārat has proposed that pornographic films be permitted, in dedicated theaters. The board has traditionally taken an inconsistent hard line against the depiction of sex. ― The film-censorship board in 한국 Han Kuk has banned the drama ‘Too young to die’, for an extended scene showing sex between its elderly main characters. Three censors resigned to protest the decision. ― Provinces in northern Nigeria have begun implementing الشريعة ’al-Šarīcaĥ, and have flogged young women for pre-marital and extra-marital sex, and sentenced several to death by stoning. The sentence of one has just been upheld. ― The 20:00 drama ‘The bill’, on Britain’s ITV1, has shown two uniformed male police officers kissing. ― The US Supreme Court has struck down a law that prohibited so-called virtual pornography ― the portrayal of sexuality or nudity in those under eighteen, but produced without actual children. ― Two lesbians in Ohio have been denied the right to change their last names to a common name, in defiance of precedent clearly motivated by their sexuality. ― Women have kissed several times in primetime broadcast, though some of those were not genuine sexual kisses. Two men have kissed in primetime broadcast, twice on the WB network. ‘Once and again’ has shown two adolescent girls kissing. Long before, two men have been shown in bed together (‘Thirtysomething’). Obviously the gay storylines on ‘Ellen’ advanced television depiction of gays considerably; shows such as ‘Will and Grace’ now pass mostly without remark. ― Türkiye has removed language from a school disciplinary code that has been used to justify virginity tests of schoolgirls, which have continued despite a ban in 1999, and frequently lead to suicide of accused girls. Midwife and nursing students are still subject to such tests. Honor killings, the murder of females by their male relatives for transgressing sexual mores, still occur in Türkiye. ― السعودية ’Al-Sacūdīaĥ has sentenced a man convicted of adultery to six years in prison and 4750 lashes (in increments of 95). The woman who reported him, who was found not to have consented, was nonetheless sentenced to six months and 65 lashes. ― A pregnant Christian woman in السودان ’al-Sūdān had been sentenced to death by stoning for adultery, in accordance with الشريعة ’al-Šarīcaĥ, but an appeals court has required a resentencing. الشريعة ’Al-Šarīcaĥ is frequently applied to non-مسلمون muslimūn in السودان ’al-Sūdān, though the harshest sentences are seldom carried out. ― Adoptions and other parental rights for gays have been supported in the US by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and the American Psychological Association. ― Women may now divorce in الاردن ’al-’Urdun:, contingent on repayment of any dowry given by the husband. ― A nurse in Portugal has been jailed for performing abortions, which are illegal. ― Per-Kristian Foss, finance minister of Norge, has married his male partner. ― The government of Venezia is establishing prostitution zones to confine the practice to specific geographical locations. Premier Silvio Berlusconi has proposed legalizing brothels instead. Prostitution in Italia is legal; living off the earnings of prostitution is not. ― The government of 한국 Han Kuk has ordered the gay-oriented internet site <> to block access to teenagers. ― Deutschland has passed a law decreeing prostitution no longer immoral, providing increased rights to prostitutes, and legalizing employment of prostitutes. ― A man who donated sperm to a lesbian couple in Sverige has been ordered to pay child support after the couple separated, even though he legally had no rights as a parent to their three children. ― Two young lovers in उततरदेश Uttardeś from different castes have been hanged by their parents and other family members with apparent support from most of their village. ― The US movie-ratings board for the MPAA has vetoed two posters for the gay comedy ‘All over the guy’, merely for suggestiveness. ― The boy scout council for Boston has implemented a don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy for its scoutmasters, a vast improvement over the national non-tolerance policy for gays. ― A new law in Deutschland gives gay couples immigration, insurance, and inheritance equality, and legal sanction to union and common names, but not tax equality or the right to adoption. ― South African Catholic bishops have condemned condom use to prevent the spread of HIV, calling instead for abstinence and monogamy. ― A California court has given a lesbian partner the same right to sue for damages granted to a surviving spouse in a wrongful-death case. ― The sole sex shop in Kômpûciĕ has been closed a day after opening, and its owner charged with debauchery. ― A US district court has ruled that a health-care plan is discriminatory against women for failing to cover birth control. ― Klaus Wowereit, mayor of Berlin, has become the most prominent openly-gay politician in Deutschland. ― The Canadian Supreme Court has blocked the removal of accreditation from a teacher’s college which bans homosexual activity. ― Nederland and België have begun performing gay marriages; Suomi may soon do the same. Danmark, Sverige, Norge, France, and Ísland all recognize some form of civil union. ― Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, president of Pilipinas, has banned a movie, ‘Live show’, for depicting sexuality. The decision, pushed by the Roman Catholic Church and extending the definition of pornography, prompted Nicanor Tiongson, the top government censor, to resign. ― Britain has made a morning-after pill available over-the-counter, though some Conservatives are attempting to reverse that decision. ― Britain has decriminalized homosexuality in its Caribbean territories after local legislatures failed to do so. ― Nederland, where prostitution was already legal, has also legalized brothels. ― Brothels are legal in most of Australia, and prostitution is legal in Nevada. ― Same-sex unions have been sanctioned by the central council of US Reform Judaism. ― Two Southern Baptist churches in Atlanta were removed (unprecedentedly) from the Georgia Baptist Convention for their liberal stands on practicing homosexuality. ― The creation of the NC-17 rating seemed likely to destigmatize sexuality in cinema movies; but cinema and videotape-rental chains have largely blacklisted films of this rating. **Nudity:** ― The US Federal Communications Commission has fined the CBS television network $550000 for the exposure of Janet Jackson’s breast during the Super Bowl broadcast. ― A member of the US Federal Communications Commission called for a stricter enforcement of decency standards after a lingerie fashion broadcast that contained no nudity. ―ישראל Jiśra’el has banned pornography on cable and satellite television, operating on a motion by the ש"ס Śa"s party, over the objections of the secular faction, represented by שינוי Śīnūī. ― The provincial government of महाराषटर Mahārāstra in भारत B‛ārat has ordered the arrest of movie actor Sonali Bendre for impiety after she appeared in a magazine-cover photograph wearing a revealing dress with हिनदू Hindū symbols. ― Britain has relaxed somewhat the content restrictions for the 18 rating, permitting more-candid depictions of sexuality, though only in “responsible, loving and developing relationships”; restrictions will be tightened for the 15 rating. The liberalization was prompted by a court rejection of a previous attempt to ban sale of certain videos. ― The parliament of Polska has passed a bill outlawing even soft-core pornography, carrying a two-year jail sentence. It has not yet become law. ― Laws prohibiting public exposure of the female breasts but not the male breasts have been found unconstitutional in the provinces of New York and Ohio; a Canadian court has ruled for similar equality. ― The US Supreme Court has rolled back protection for nude dancing with one of its typical, the-Constitution-is-whatever-we-say-it-is rulings; but another such ruling has struck down at least some restriction on cable-television pornography. ― Bare female breasts and bare buttocks of either sex are common in cinema movies. The former, though, is now a PG-13 violation, where before the PG-13 rating, it was rated PG. ― Exposure of the penis is now an R offense, establishing parity with frontal nudity of females. ― The thong has demonstrated acceptability of exposure of the female buttocks to that extent in public and on television. ― The bare buttocks of males and females now appear with some regularity in primetime broadcast, especially in the shows of Steven Bochco, and even in weekend matinee broadcasts. ― Bare breasts have appeared in late night on cable (MTV) and broadcast (PBS). Each instance was an airing of a particular episode of ‘Monty Python’s flying circus’. These are relatively-old breaches. **Drugs:** ― México has officially legalized possession of 5 g of marijuana, 5 g of opium, 25 mg of heroin, 500 mg of cocaine, 100 mg of amphetamines, 200 mg of methamphetamines, 15 μg of LSD, and small amounts of hallucinogenic mushrooms and peyote. Possession was effectively decriminalized for small amounts already. ― The sale and use of tobacco has been banned in ’Brug, though not for non-resident foreigners. ― Smoking in public places has been banned in Ireland,भारत B‛ārat, and Norge; भारत B‛ārat has also banned direct or indirect advertising of tobacco and its sale to children. Nederland, California, and New York have also banned smoking in some or all public places. ― More than two thousand persons have been killed in just three months of a harsh crackdown on the drug trade in เมืองไทย M~~i~~āŋdæj. The government blames inter-gang fighting. ― An Australian court has ordered a tax refund for a drug dealer whose drug-related income was taxed without accounting for his drug-related losses. ― A marijuana grower in the US province of California has been given the minimum sentence, one day, for violating federal law; California and Oakland both have provisions for the growing of medicinal marijuana. ― A man in the US province of Texas has lost a $5 million lottery prize on the grounds that he purchased the ticket with proceeds from selling cocaine. ― The Canadian government has introduced a law decriminalizing possession of 15 g of marijuana. Hemp is already produced legally. A Senate committee has endorsed legalization. The government has begun the contracted production and direct sale of medicinal marijuana. The terminally ill will now be allowed to possess a one-month supply, and to grow it themselves or contract with someone else to grow it. And the city of Vancouver has opened a sanctioned drug-injection facility. ― A man in ايران ’Īrān has been sentenced to death for a third offense of drinking alcohol. ― Jamaica, where marijuana is widely used and often for religious purposes, is moving towards decriminalization, and towards international advocacy of decriminalization, in defiance of other states. ― A heroin-injecting center in Sydney has been found legal by an Australian court, over government objections. ― The prohibition of peyote use in the United States by non-Indians has been challenged in Utah on free-exercise grounds. ― The pilipino government practice, led by Interior Secretary Alfredo Lim, of vandalizing the houses of accused drug dealers has been ruled illegal by the judiciary. ― Many European states, particularly Nederland, have adopted liberal attitudes towards drug use, distributing clean needles to addicts and promoting methadone substitution. ― Marijuana may be sold and used openly in Nederland, and has been decriminalized in België. ― The US province of Maine is planning the state distribution of medicinal marijuana; numerous provincial electorates have approved medicinal marijuana in defiance of federal law.   **Other:** ― The Australian parliament has voted to end a ban on human cloning for research. ― Ron Bensimhon, who disrupted an Olympic diving event in Ελλάδα by jumping into the pool, has been sentenced to five months in prison for trespassing. ― The parliament of Chile has passed a bill legalizing a restricted form of divorce, which when signed will leave only Malta andPilipinas banning divorce. ― Italia has banned artificial insemination in all but “stable” heterosexual relationships; surrogate mothers and donor sperm and eggs are also banned. ― Local officials in Malaysia have enforced numerous social-purity laws. In Ipoh, interaction between unmarried members of opposite sexes, including handholding and even conversation, have drawn legal action. Kajang prohibits public sales of pork. In Selangor, karaoke bars and beer advertisements have been targeted for government action. ― Australian physician Philip Nitschke and the group Exit Australia have introduced a suicide device that allows the self-administration of a lethal dose of carbon monoxide. ― A group of men in Kenya supporting traditional values have been stripping women naked for wearing pants in public. ― বাংলােদশী Bāŋlādeśī women have been admitted as officers in the army. ايرانى ’Īrānī women have been admitted to the police force and as spectators at football matches. كويتى Kūajtī women will be admitted to the stock exchange, but with physical separation from men. افغانى ’Afğānī women have been been licensed as drivers. ― Songs in ’Āmārañā are banned in ’Er-t-rā. ― A woman in پاکستان Pākistān who was gang-raped, by orders of a local council, as punishment for her brother’s sexual activity across caste lines, has come forward, and charges have been brought against some of the rapists. ― Militant fundamentalists in Kašmīr have posted dress codes, and have apparently killed three women in violation. ― Malaysia has announced that it will beat illegal immigrants even for a first offense. Less seriously, it has begun banning the appearance of western celebrities in advertisements as “a humiliation against Asians”. ― The European Union, which had already banned tobacco advertisements on television, has extended that to print, the internet, and international sports events. Tobacco companies are also prohibited from distributing free samples. ― Capital crimes in 中國 Zhōng Guó include violent crime, drug offenses, separatism, aiding བོད Bod border crossings, bribery, pimping, embezzlement, tax and insurance fraud, theft of gasoline, sale of harmful foodstuffs, and disruption of the stock market. ― A hundred computers belonging to cadets at the US Naval Academy have been confiscated due to the use of file-sharing software. ― Prisoners in South African jails are now being subjected to rape with the purpose of HIV infection as a form of attack. ― 新加坡 Sin Ka Pho is easing slightly its decade-old ban on chewing gum. ― ايران ’Īrān is slowly relaxing dress codes for women and girls. ― Women in Swatini have been threatened with forced public disrobing by the army if caught in trousers. ― The Svenska movie ‘Fucking Åmål’ was retitled ‘Show me love’ for release in English. ― A federal judge has upheld Oregon’s voter-approved physician-assisted-suicide law, over US Justice Department objections. ― Nederland has legalized euthanasia, the first state to do so. The law is restrictive, though past practice and some court rulings are more liberal. The legalization in België is less restrictive. The health minister of France has advocated legalizing euthanasia. Australia’s Northern Territory had such a provision overturned. Britain’s law prohibits euthanasia, but a court granted one person the right to die. ― Religious police in السعودية ’al-Sacūdīaĥ caused the death of fifteen girls fleeing a burning school by keeping them from emerging in improper dress. ― Public schools in 新加坡 Sin Ka Pho forbid مسلم muslim girls from wearing headscarves; several have been suspended. ― Women in government in Türkiye have, following a civil-disobedience protest, won the right to wear pants rather than skirts, though much of the restrictive dress code remains in place. ― اسلامى ’Islāmī militants in Kašmīr have begun enforcing dress codes upon women, threatening retribution to those dressed non-traditionally, and in some case assaulting them with paint or even acid. The militants have also forbidden beauty parlors, wine shops, and cinemas. ― A Nigerian musical event sponsored by תל-אביב Tel-’Abīb had been stifled by the central government of ישראל Jiśra’el, denying a visa to the musicians and ordering the municipality not to hold such events, deemed to legitimize illegal residency. But the supreme court acted against the government. ― Municipal leaders and officials in תל-אביב Tel-’Abīb have defied religious authorities and allowed restaurants to stay open on a holiday. ― France has adopted a draft law to ban human cloning in medical research; Britain, on the other hand, has legalized this. ― 中國 Zhōng Guó has begun another round of mass executions for things as trivial as minor theft, killing eight hundred in a three-week period. ― The US province of California is being required by a federal judge to make public the entire process of execution.   **Language:** The television taboos relate to broadcast (here meaning commercial television available freely from radio-wave broadcasts) and cable (here meaning commercial television available for a minimal cost as part of packaged service) in the US, for which more information is available. Premium television has no operative taboos except those relating to airtime. ― Television networks have begun self-censorship in response to greatly-increased fines for indecency. The Public Broadcasting System, for example, has broadcast a censored version of an evening documentary series, when it previously provided the censored version only on request. ― ‘Fucking’ has been deemed tolerable by the Federal Communications Commission, but only because used (as by Bono at the 2003 Golden Globes awards on NBC) as an emphatic modifier. The FCC chair is appealing the ruling; Congress is threatening to overturn it. ‘Shit’ and ‘fucking’ were also broadcast from an awards show by Fox, though it has pledged not to repeat the move. ― ‘Fuck’ has been used numerous times, in ‘Saving Private Ryan’, shown starting at 20:00; but the third showing, on US Veterans Day, was not carried by tens of ABC affiliates, fearing indecency penalties. ― ‘Bitch’ and ‘ass’ are now commonplace in primetime broadcast, and ‘asshole’ has now begun to appear. ― ‘Shit’ has appeared in a 21:00 drama (‘Chicago Hope’). The word routinely appears in mainstream US radio broadcasts during the day, as do ‘bitch’, ‘ass’, and ‘asshole’. ― Technical names for body parts, such as ‘penis’ and ‘vagina’, are widely used. ― Profanity, or language deemed unacceptable for religious reasons, is widely used. (‘Hell’, ‘God’, ‘Jesus’, ‘damn’ are examples.) However, a broadcast edit of ‘Stand by me’ censors the word ‘Jesus’ from the final scene (a visual edit). ― Numerous words and expressions, primarily relating to sexuality, that are accepted in public discourse are nonetheless routinely censored from broadcast and cable. **Other monitoring sites:** [**Free expression**]( - monitored by Index on Censorship [**Press freedom**]( - monitored by Reporters sans frontières [**Abortion laws in the world**]( - monitored by Women on Waves [**Sexual age of consent**]( - monitored by [Age of Consent]( [**Lesbians in the media**]( - monitored by After Ellen [**Laws relating to gays and lesbians**]( - monitored by GayLawNet [**US marijuana laws**]( and [**European marijuana laws**]( - monitored by NORML     **|[SITE MAP](map.htm)|[STEWARDSHIP](stewardship.htm)|[UNION](union/)|[PROJECT](project.htm)|[EARTH](earth.htm)|[POLICIES](policies.htm)|[ESSAYS](map.htm#essays)|[RESEARCH](research/)|**
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Information Website!</i></font></b></p> <p align="center"> <a target="_blank" alt="Hyperlink to larger picture" title="Click to view a larger version of this picture." href="bottlegroup.jpg"> <img border="1" src="bottlegroup_small.jpg" align="center" alt="Grouping of Historic Bottles dating between 1840 and 1940." width="618" height="442"></a><br> &nbsp;</p> <div align="center"> <center> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="90%" id="AutoNumber1" bgcolor="#e4d6af"> <tr> <td width="100%"> <p align="center"> <font size="7" face="Georgia"> <img border="0" src="blm2in.gif" align="left" alt="BLM Logo" vspace="4" width="110" height="95"></font><font size="7" face="Footlight MT Light"><img border="0" src="shalogo.png" align="right" alt="SHA logo" width="85" height="100"></font><font face="Georgia" color="black"><b>The <i> <a target="_blank" title="Click here to view the BLM's National Website" alt="Hyperlink to Bureau of Land Management Website" href="">Bureau of Land Management</a></i> (BLM), an agency within the U.S. Department of the Interior, administers and manages over 248 million surface acres of America's public lands, located primarily in 11 Western States and Alaska. Part of the mission of the BLM is the management and preservation of the cultural and heritage resources found on America's public lands - prehistoric and historic.&nbsp; </b></font> </p> <p align="center"> <b><font face="Georgia">The author created&nbsp;this website as a BLM&nbsp;employee and continues to update and enhance the site in retirement as a volunteer.&nbsp; This website now has a permanent home courtesy of the &nbsp; <i> <a title="Click to go to the SHA homepage." target="_blank" alt="Hyperlink to the SHA homepage." href="">Society for Historical Archaeology</a></i> (SHA).</font></b></p> </td> </tr> </table> </center> </div><font face="Georgia"><br> </font> <hr color="#808080" size="3" width="60%"> <p align="center"><font face="Georgia"><u><b><font size="4"> <a name="Website Goals"></a></font><font size="6"> Website Goals</font></b></u><font size="5">:<b> </b></font><b> <font size="5">To enable the user to answer two primary questions about most <u>utilitarian bottles and jars</u>* produced in the United States (and Canada**) between the late 1700s and 1950s, as follows</font></b><font size="5">:</font></font></p> <div align="center"> <center> <table cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#A4DDD6" style="width: 65%;" bordercolor="#111111" cellpadding="0" class="style25"> <tr> <td width="100%" bgcolor="#E4D6AF"> <p class="style32"><font face="Georgia" size="5">1. <a title="Click to go to the Dating page." href="dating.htm" alt="Hyperlink to Bottle Dating page"> What is the age of the bottle?</a><font color="#006600">&nbsp; <br> </font><span class="style26">(i.e., likely date range of manufacturing)</span><br> 2. <a title="Click to go to the Bottle Typing page." href="typing.htm" alt="Hyperlink to Bottle Typing page"> What type of bottle is it?</a><font color="#006600">&nbsp; <br> </font> <span class="style26">(i.e., likely use or function - typing/typology)</span></font></td> </tr> </table> </center> </div> <p><font face="Georgia">The above two questions also address what was succinctly articulated in the <i>Intermountain Antiquities Computer System</i> (IMACS) and the nominal purpose of this website, which is </font><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: Georgia">“<i>…to provide archaeologists with a manual for a standard approach to arriving at historical artifact function and chronology</i>”</span><font face="Georgia"> (University of Utah 1992).&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>This entire website is essentially a &quot;key&quot; - albeit a complex one - to the dating and typing (typology) of historic bottles.</b>&nbsp; In addition, this site also assists the user with these questions: </font></p> <blockquote> <p><b> <font face="Georgia" size="4">3. What technology, techniques, or processes were used to manufacture the bottle?<br> 4. Where was the bottle made and/or used?<br> 5. Where can I go for more information on historic bottles?</font></b></p> </blockquote> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" width="24%" height="208" align="right" bgcolor="#545429" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="100%" height="180"> <p align="center"> <font face="Georgia"> <a target="_blank" alt="Hyperlink to larger picture" title="Click to view a larger version of this picture." href="pontiledbase.jpg"> <img border="0" src="pontiledbase_small.jpg" alt="Open pontil base on a &quot;calabash&quot; bottle." xthumbnail-orig-image="pontiledbase.jpg" width="255" height="208"></a></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" height="23"> <p align="center"><b><font face="Georgia" color="#FFFFFF">Blow</font></b><font face="Georgia" color="#FFFFFF"><b>-pipe pontil scar.<br> <font size="2">Bottle ca. 1850-1855</font></b></font></p> <p align="center"><b><font face="Georgia"> <em><font size="2" color="#FFFFFF"> This website will explain why this sharp glass mark on the base of a bottle is a key mid-19th century (and earlier) diagnostic characteristic.</font></em></font></b></p> </td> </tr> </table> <p align="left"> <font face="Georgia"> <b>Since there were hundreds of thousands of uniquely different bottles produced in the United States (and Canada**) between the late 18th century and the 1950s (Fike 1987), it is beyond the scope or even possibility of this site (<span class="style33">or </span> <u> any</u><span class="style33"> website or book</span>) to provide specific details about more than just a fraction of a percent of that variety.&nbsp; Even then, the bottles discussed in depth are so primarily to illustrate the presented information and concepts.</b></font></p> <p align="left"> <font face="Georgia"> This site instead attempts to help the user determine some key facts - approximate age &amp; function - about any given utilitarian* bottle/jar based on observable physical characteristics.&nbsp; Many hundreds of specific historic bottles are used as examples within the pages of this website to illustrate the concepts discussed; with luck you may find the specific bottle you have an interest in discussed though typically you will not.<br> <br> <b> <u>This website is intended for</u></b>...<br> </font><font face="Georgia" size="2"><br> </font><font face="Georgia">&#9642; Field archaeologists trying to identify and date bottles or bottle fragments which are found during cultural surveys and archaeological excavations in the United States;<br> &#9642; Educators dealing with the subject of historical archaeology; and<br> &#9642; Collectors and the general public trying to date a bottle, determine what it was likely used for, and/or begin their search for information dealing with the fascinating world of historic bottles.<br> &nbsp;</font></p> <hr color="#808080" size="3" width="60%"> <p></p> <p align="center"> <b> <font face="Georgia" size="6"> <u>HOW TO USE THIS SITE</u></font></b></p> <div align="left"> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" width="150" height="214" align="left" bgcolor="#545429" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="100%" height="186"> <p align="center"> <font face="Georgia"> <a target="_blank" alt="Hyperlink to larger picture" title="Click to view a larger version of this picture." href="owensbase.jpg"> <img border="0" src="owensbase.jpg" width="284" height="211" alt="Base of an Owen-Illinois produced beer bottle."></a></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" height="23"><p align="center"> <b> <font size="2" face="Georgia" color="#FFFFFF">Some of the embossed markings on the bottle base above are a great information source for 20th century bottle identification; some are meaningless.&nbsp; This bottle is an <i>Owens-Illinois Glass Company</i> produced beer bottle made in 1941 by the Oakland, CA. plant.</font></b><p align="center"> <i> <b> <font size="2" face="Georgia" color="#FFFFFF">This website will help you determine what to look for when identifying and dating historic bottles.</font></b></i></td> </tr> </table> </div> <p><font face="Georgia">If you are attempting to estimate the approximate manufacturing date - or age - of a particular bottle (or significant sized fragment) the first page to visit would be the <b> <a title="Click to go to the Dating page." href="dating.htm" alt="Hyperlink to Bottle Dating page"> Bottle Dating</a></b> page and its related sub-pages.&nbsp; These pages lead a user through a series of questions about the physical/morphological characteristics of historic bottles which help to narrow down the age of an item.&nbsp; <b>This complex of pages is a major hub of the rest of this website and the best place to start a search.</b>&nbsp; Also linked to the Dating page is a sub-page called <b> <a title="Click to go to the Dating Examples page." target="_blank" alt="Hyperlink to Bottle Dating Examples page" href="examples.htm"> Examples of Dating Historic Bottles</a></b> which tracks a few different bottles through a dating and general information quest to illustrate how the dating process and this website work.</font><p> <font face="Georgia">If you are interested in identifying what a bottle was likely used for - i.e., what &quot;type&quot; of bottle it is (aka &quot;typology&quot;) - the <b> <a title="Click to go to the Bottle Typing/Diagnostic Shapes page." href="typing.htm" alt="Hyperlink to Bottle Typing/Diagnostic Shapes page"> Bottle Typing/Diagnostic Shapes</a> </b>page and the extensive array of related sub-pages should be visited.&nbsp; This very large complex of pages includes bottle type specific sub-pages with extensive style based dating information, including complete scans of 5 different early 20th century (1906 to 1933) bottle makers catalogs spanning the mouth-blown to machine-made bottle manufacturing era!&nbsp; <b>The &quot;Bottle Typing/Diagnostic Shapes&quot; complex of pages is in essence an on-line &quot;type collection&quot; of major bottles styles and types made from the late 18th through mid-20th centuries.&nbsp; </b>Please note that the main &quot;Bottle Typing/Diagnostic Shapes&quot; page - and many of the subordinate pages - are very large with hundreds of imbedded images ; they may take a bit of time to load even with a moderate to high speed internet connection.</font><p> <font face="Georgia">Be aware that none of the pages are all inclusive since related information exists on one or many other website pages.&nbsp; For example, there is information pertinent to dating a bottle on virtually every website page.&nbsp; The title of any given page gives the predominant theme of that page and would be the first place to start when pursuing information on that particular subject.&nbsp; However, the process of bottle identification and dating is quite complex with many exceptions; thus, the need for many web pages covering an extensive amount of descriptive information.&nbsp; <b> A listing or &quot;map&quot; of all the main subject pages and connected sub-pages found within this website is found at the following link<i> - </i> <a target="_blank" href="websitemap.htm" alt="Hyperlink to Website Map"> Website Map</a></b>.&nbsp; Use that page to get a feel for the structure of this website and to access any of the other web pages.</font><p> &nbsp;<table cellspacing="1" style="width: 75%;" bordercolor="#111111" bgcolor="#E4D6AF" align="right" class="style25"> <tr> <td width="100%"> <p align="center"> <font face="Georgia" size="5" class="style34">It is suggested that if you only bookmark <u>one</u> page of this website for future reference, that it be the <a target="_blank" href="websitemap.htm" alt="Hyperlink to Website Map">Website Map</a>.&nbsp; That page also includes a summary of significant recent changes and additions to this website.</font></td> </tr> </table> <p align="left"> &nbsp;<p align="left"> &nbsp;<p align="left"> &nbsp;<p align="left"> <font face="Georgia">When possible, the information on this website is given general reliability rating estimates (e.g., high, moderate, low or &quot;usually&quot;, &quot;occasionally&quot;, &quot;almost always&quot;, &quot;almost never&quot;) to allow a user some &quot;feel&quot; for the probable accuracy of their conclusion or determination.&nbsp; In addition, there are hundreds of dating and/or typing determination examples scattered throughout virtually every site page to give the user a feel for the processes involved in dating and/or typing a bottle. &nbsp;</font><hr color="#808080" width="45%"> <p align="center"> <b><font face="Georgia" size="4"><u>SEARCHING THIS WEBSITE</u>:&nbsp; <br> To do a word/phrase or image search of this website one must use the following Google search link:&nbsp; <br> <a target="_blank" href=""> Search the SHA/BLM Historic Glass Bottle Identification &amp; Information Website</a>&nbsp; <br> </font></b> <font face="Georgia"> (<strong>Note: Search results for this website will be just below the final top-of-the-page Google paid ads.</strong>)</font><b><font face="Georgia" size="4"><br> &nbsp;</font></b><hr color="#808080" size="3" width="60%"> <p align="center"> <font face="Georgia" size="3" class="style39">It is recommended that a new user first view a short listing of <i>User Tips</i> about how this site &quot;works.&quot;&nbsp; Click on <a title="Click here to view the User Tips." target="_blank" href="usertips.htm" alt="Hyperlink to User Tips page"> User Tips</a> (pop-up page) to view this information.</font><p align="center"><font face="Georgia"> <span class="style39">If you simply want to learn something about historic bottles and/or view pictures of a lot of different type historic bottles, just &quot;surf&quot; the site!</span></font><span class="style38">&nbsp;</span></p> <p align="center"><strong><span class="style2"><em>Historic Bottle Website Authors Note 5/21/2022</em></span><em><span class="style37"><span class="style36">:&nbsp; With the completion of the basic versions of the complex of Typology/Typing pages in 2019 this website is considered complete.&nbsp; Corrections to and elaboration of the existing information as well as additional historic bottle examples, pertinent manufacturing and other related information will be added/expanded on the various typology pages as well as the other subject pages.&nbsp; Also ongoing in the future will be revisions of the completed </span> <a title="Click to open the Makers Markings page." target="_blank" href="makersmarks.htm"> <span class="style36">Makers Markings</span></a><span class="style36"> articles - revisions which began in 2021 by the primary author of that section of this site (Bill Lockhart).</span></span></em></strong></p> <div align="center"> <center> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="90%" bgcolor="#E4D6AF"> <tr> <td width="100%"> <p align="center"> <font face="Georgia"><b> <font size="5">*</font><span class="style33"><font size="4">Note on the scope of this website</font></span>:</b></font><b><font face="Georgia" size="2">&nbsp; </font> <font face="Georgia">This website is designed to provide information on the dating of typical &quot;utilitarian&quot; bottles and jars made in the United States from the late 18th through mid-20th centuries.&nbsp; It does not attempt to fully address the dating of &quot;specialty&quot; or imported bottles made during that time, though much of the information found on this website is pertinent to these items to varying degrees.&nbsp; </font></b> <p align="center"> <b><font face="Georgia">What is a utilitarian bottle or jar?&nbsp; What are specialty bottles?&nbsp; Both are hard questions to answer and the answer is somewhat arbitrary in the end.&nbsp; For this website the distinction between the two categories is related to the varying time frames that different glass making techniques were used for the two classes of bottles.&nbsp; Click on <a title="Click to view the discussion of utilitarian bottles on the Glossary page." target="_blank" href="glossary.htm#Utilitarian Bottles" alt="Hyperlink to the discussion of utilitarian bottles on the Glossary page."> utilitarian bottles</a> or <a title="Click to view the discussion of specialty bottle on the Glossary page." target="_blank" alt="Hyperlink to the discussion of specialty bottles on the Glossary page." href="glossary.htm#Specialty bottles"> specialty bottles</a> to view the portion of the Glossary Page that covers these subjects.&nbsp; The author has tried to define the distinction between these two classes of bottles from the perspective of the intent of and information found on this website.</font></b><p align="center"> <font face="Georgia"><b><span class="style36">**</span><u><font size="4">Note on Canadian bottles</font></u>:&nbsp; This website was prepared based primarily on information about bottle manufacturing technologies, processes, and styles specific to the United States.&nbsp; Empirical observations indicate that Canadian-made bottles very often followed similar glassmaking technique and process chronologies making much of the information applicable to Canadian made bottles.&nbsp; However, some Canadian-made bottles mirrored English manufacturing techniques/timeframes and many English stylistic trends (particularly for liquor, soda, and beer bottles) which differed somewhat from typical U. S. items - though many Canadian bottles also mirrored U. S. styles.&nbsp; If using this site for the dating or typing of a known or likely Canadian-made bottle, keep this in mind as the reliability of the information may be reduced.</b></font><p align="center"> <font face="Georgia"><b>The subject of Canadian-made and imported (primarily European) bottles is addressed by the following question on the FAQ's page:<br> &nbsp;<u><a title="Click to view this FAQ." target="_blank" href="faqs.htm#Why are only bottles produced in the US covered." alt="Hyperlink to this FAQ."><font size="4">Why are only bottles produced in the United States covered by this website?</font></a></u></b></font><br> &nbsp;</td> </tr> </table> </center> </div> <p align="center"> &nbsp;<hr color="#808080" size="3" width="90%"> <p align="center"> <FONT face="Georgia"><b>The opinions expressed are those of the website author and not necessarily those of <i>The Society for Historical Archaeology</i> nor the <i>Bureau of Land Management</i>.</b>&nbsp;</FONT><hr color="#808080" width="35%" size="3"> <p align="center"><font face="Georgia"> <a name="Bottom of the Homepage"></a>This website created and managed by:<br> </font> <b><font face="Georgia"> B</font></b><font face="Georgia"><b>ill Lindsey<br> Bureau of Land Management (retired) - </b></font><b> <font face="Georgia"> Klamath Falls, Oregon<br> Questions?&nbsp; See <a title="Click to view FAQ #21 about historic bottle questions and emails." target="_blank" href="faqs.htm#Do you respond to questions about bottles"> FAQ #21</a>.</font></b></p> <font face="Georgia"> <p align="center"><strong><font size="1">Copyright © 2023 Bill Lindsey.&nbsp; All rights reserved. Viewers are encouraged, for personal or classroom use, to download limited copies of posted material.&nbsp; No material may be copied for commercial purposes. Author reserves the right to update this information as appropriate.</font></strong></p> </font> <p align="left"> <b><font face="Georgia">3/7/2023</font></b></p> </body> </html>
Historic Bottle Website - Homepage <!-- Comment tag to hide JavaScript from non-compliant browsers function showWarning() { alert('You are now leaving the Historic Glass Bottle Identification & Information Website! Please note that we do not control and cannot guarantee the relevance, timeliness, or accuracy of the materials provided by other agencies or organizations. We also are not endorsing outside agencies and organizations by linking to them.'); return; } --> .style25 { border-collapse: collapse; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; } .style26 { font-size: medium; } .style32 { font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } .style33 { text-decoration: underline; } .style34 { font-size: large; font-weight: bold; } .style36 { font-size: large; } .style2 { text-decoration: underline; font-family: Georgia; font-size: large; } .style37 { font-family: Georgia; } .style38 { font-family: Georgia; font-size: medium; } .style39 { font-size: medium; font-weight: bold; } (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= ''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-M8FVGV5'); | | | --- | | BLM logoSHA logo**Historic Glass Bottle Identification & Information Website** | | | | --- | | **Main Subject Pages** | | **Home** | | **[Dating](dating.htm)** | | **[Typing/Shapes](typing.htm)** | | **[Glassmaking](glassmaking.htm)**  ▪**[Makers Marks](makersmarks.htm)** | | **[Colors](colors.htm)** | | **[Finishes & Closures](finishes.htm)** | | **[Body & Seams](body.htm)** | | **[Bases](bases.htm)** | | **[Fragment ID](fragments.htm)** | | **[Glossary](glossary.htm)** | | **[References](References.htm)** | | **[Links](links.htm)** | | **[FAQ's](faqs.htm)** | | **[About this site](about.htm)** | | **[Website Map](websitemap.htm)** | **Welcome to theBLM/SHA *Historic Glass Bottle Identification & Information Website!*** [![Grouping of Historic Bottles dating between 1840 and 1940.](bottlegroup_small.jpg)](bottlegroup.jpg "Click to view a larger version of this picture.")   | | | --- | | BLM LogoSHA logo**The *[Bureau of Land Management]( "Click here to view the BLM's National Website")* (BLM), an agency within the U.S. Department of the Interior, administers and manages over 248 million surface acres of America's public lands, located primarily in 11 Western States and Alaska. Part of the mission of the BLM is the management and preservation of the cultural and heritage resources found on America's public lands - prehistoric and historic.** **The author created this website as a BLM employee and continues to update and enhance the site in retirement as a volunteer.  This website now has a permanent home courtesy of the   *[Society for Historical Archaeology]( "Click to go to the SHA homepage.")* (SHA).** | --- **Website Goals**:**To enable the user to answer two primary questions about most utilitarian bottles and jars\* produced in the United States (and Canada\*\*) between the late 1700s and 1950s, as follows**: | | | --- | | 1. [What is the age of the bottle?](dating.htm "Click to go to the Dating page.")  (i.e., likely date range of manufacturing) 2. [What type of bottle is it?](typing.htm "Click to go to the Bottle Typing page.")  (i.e., likely use or function - typing/typology) | The above two questions also address what was succinctly articulated in the *Intermountain Antiquities Computer System* (IMACS) and the nominal purpose of this website, which is “*to provide archaeologists with a manual for a standard approach to arriving at historical artifact function and chronology*” (University of Utah 1992).   **This entire website is essentially a "key" - albeit a complex one - to the dating and typing (typology) of historic bottles.**  In addition, this site also assists the user with these questions: > > **3. What technology, techniques, or > processes were used to manufacture the > bottle? > > 4. Where was the bottle made and/or used? > > 5. > Where can I go for more information on historic bottles?** > > > | | | --- | | [Open pontil base on a "calabash" bottle.](pontiledbase.jpg "Click to view a larger version of this picture.") | | **Blow****-pipe pontil scar. Bottle ca. 1850-1855** ***This website will explain why this sharp glass mark on the base of a bottle is a key mid-19th century (and earlier) diagnostic characteristic.*** | **Since there were hundreds of thousands of uniquely different bottles produced in the United States (and Canada\*\*) between the late 18th century and the 1950s (Fike 1987), it is beyond the scope or even possibility of this site (or any website or book) to provide specific details about more than just a fraction of a percent of that variety.  Even then, the bottles discussed in depth are so primarily to illustrate the presented information and concepts.** This site instead attempts to help the user determine some key facts - approximate age & function - about any given utilitarian\* bottle/jar based on observable physical characteristics.  Many hundreds of specific historic bottles are used as examples within the pages of this website to illustrate the concepts discussed; with luck you may find the specific bottle you have an interest in discussed though typically you will not. **This website is intended for**... ▪ Field archaeologists trying to identify and date bottles or bottle fragments which are found during cultural surveys and archaeological excavations in the United States; ▪ Educators dealing with the subject of historical archaeology; and ▪ Collectors and the general public trying to date a bottle, determine what it was likely used for, and/or begin their search for information dealing with the fascinating world of historic bottles.   --- **HOW TO USE THIS SITE** | | | --- | | [Base of an Owen-Illinois produced beer bottle.](owensbase.jpg "Click to view a larger version of this picture.") | | **Some of the embossed markings on the bottle base above are a great information source for 20th century bottle identification; some are meaningless.  This bottle is an *Owens-Illinois Glass Company* produced beer bottle made in 1941 by the Oakland, CA. plant.** ***This website will help you determine what to look for when identifying and dating historic bottles.*** | If you are attempting to estimate the approximate manufacturing date - or age - of a particular bottle (or significant sized fragment) the first page to visit would be the **[Bottle Dating](dating.htm "Click to go to the Dating page.")** page and its related sub-pages.  These pages lead a user through a series of questions about the physical/morphological characteristics of historic bottles which help to narrow down the age of an item.  **This complex of pages is a major hub of the rest of this website and the best place to start a search.**  Also linked to the Dating page is a sub-page called **[Examples of Dating Historic Bottles](examples.htm "Click to go to the Dating Examples page.")** which tracks a few different bottles through a dating and general information quest to illustrate how the dating process and this website work. If you are interested in identifying what a bottle was likely used for - i.e., what "type" of bottle it is (aka "typology") - the **[Bottle Typing/Diagnostic Shapes](typing.htm "Click to go to the Bottle Typing/Diagnostic Shapes page.")** page and the extensive array of related sub-pages should be visited.  This very large complex of pages includes bottle type specific sub-pages with extensive style based dating information, including complete scans of 5 different early 20th century (1906 to 1933) bottle makers catalogs spanning the mouth-blown to machine-made bottle manufacturing era!  **The "Bottle Typing/Diagnostic Shapes" complex of pages is in essence an on-line "type collection" of major bottles styles and types made from the late 18th through mid-20th centuries.** Please note that the main "Bottle Typing/Diagnostic Shapes" page - and many of the subordinate pages - are very large with hundreds of imbedded images ; they may take a bit of time to load even with a moderate to high speed internet connection. Be aware that none of the pages are all inclusive since related information exists on one or many other website pages.  For example, there is information pertinent to dating a bottle on virtually every website page.  The title of any given page gives the predominant theme of that page and would be the first place to start when pursuing information on that particular subject.  However, the process of bottle identification and dating is quite complex with many exceptions; thus, the need for many web pages covering an extensive amount of descriptive information.  **A listing or "map" of all the main subject pages and connected sub-pages found within this website is found at the following link *-* [Website Map](websitemap.htm)**.  Use that page to get a feel for the structure of this website and to access any of the other web pages.   | | | --- | | It is suggested that if you only bookmark one page of this website for future reference, that it be the [Website Map](websitemap.htm).  That page also includes a summary of significant recent changes and additions to this website. |       When possible, the information on this website is given general reliability rating estimates (e.g., high, moderate, low or "usually", "occasionally", "almost always", "almost never") to allow a user some "feel" for the probable accuracy of their conclusion or determination.  In addition, there are hundreds of dating and/or typing determination examples scattered throughout virtually every site page to give the user a feel for the processes involved in dating and/or typing a bottle.   --- **SEARCHING THIS WEBSITE:  To do a word/phrase or image search of this website one must use the following Google search link:  [Search the SHA/BLM Historic Glass Bottle Identification & Information Website](** (**Note: Search results for this website will be just below the final top-of-the-page Google paid ads.**) --- It is recommended that a new user first view a short listing of *User Tips* about how this site "works."  Click on [User Tips](usertips.htm "Click here to view the User Tips.") (pop-up page) to view this information. If you simply want to learn something about historic bottles and/or view pictures of a lot of different type historic bottles, just "surf" the site!  ***Historic Bottle Website Authors Note 5/21/2022**:  With the completion of the basic versions of the complex of Typology/Typing pages in 2019 this website is considered complete.  Corrections to and elaboration of the existing information as well as additional historic bottle examples, pertinent manufacturing and other related information will be added/expanded on the various typology pages as well as the other subject pages.  Also ongoing in the future will be revisions of the completed [Makers Markings](makersmarks.htm "Click to open the Makers Markings page.") articles - revisions which began in 2021 by the primary author of that section of this site (Bill Lockhart).*** | | | --- | | **\*Note on the scope of this website:****This website is designed to provide information on the dating of typical "utilitarian" bottles and jars made in the United States from the late 18th through mid-20th centuries.  It does not attempt to fully address the dating of "specialty" or imported bottles made during that time, though much of the information found on this website is pertinent to these items to varying degrees.** **What is a utilitarian bottle or jar?  What are specialty bottles?  Both are hard questions to answer and the answer is somewhat arbitrary in the end.  For this website the distinction between the two categories is related to the varying time frames that different glass making techniques were used for the two classes of bottles.  Click on [utilitarian bottles](glossary.htm#Utilitarian Bottles "Click to view the discussion of utilitarian bottles on the Glossary page.") or [specialty bottles](glossary.htm#Specialty bottles "Click to view the discussion of specialty bottle on the Glossary page.") to view the portion of the Glossary Page that covers these subjects.  The author has tried to define the distinction between these two classes of bottles from the perspective of the intent of and information found on this website.** **\*\*Note on Canadian bottles:  This website was prepared based primarily on information about bottle manufacturing technologies, processes, and styles specific to the United States.  Empirical observations indicate that Canadian-made bottles very often followed similar glassmaking technique and process chronologies making much of the information applicable to Canadian made bottles.  However, some Canadian-made bottles mirrored English manufacturing techniques/timeframes and many English stylistic trends (particularly for liquor, soda, and beer bottles) which differed somewhat from typical U. S. items - though many Canadian bottles also mirrored U. S. styles.  If using this site for the dating or typing of a known or likely Canadian-made bottle, keep this in mind as the reliability of the information may be reduced.** **The subject of Canadian-made and imported (primarily European) bottles is addressed by the following question on the FAQ's page:  [Why are only bottles produced in the United States covered by this website?](faqs.htm#Why are only bottles produced in the US covered. "Click to view this FAQ.")**   |   --- **The opinions expressed are those of the website author and not necessarily those of *The Society for Historical Archaeology* nor the *Bureau of Land Management*.**  --- This website created and managed by: **B****ill Lindsey Bureau of Land Management (retired) -** **Klamath Falls, Oregon Questions?  See [FAQ #21](faqs.htm#Do you respond to questions about bottles "Click to view FAQ #21 about historic bottle questions and emails.").** **Copyright © 2023 Bill Lindsey.  All rights reserved. Viewers are encouraged, for personal or classroom use, to download limited copies of posted material.  No material may be copied for commercial purposes. Author reserves the right to update this information as appropriate.** **3/7/2023**