Sometimes dentists need to do more in-depth work than your regular cleanings & exams. Due to the sensitivity of your teeth & gums, some treatment may require local anesthetic medication to cause numbness. Local anesthesia is used to make a very small, specific area of your body temporarily unable to feel sensations, including pain. Examples of procedures requiring local anesthesia include fillings, crown placement & root canals. A local anesthetic works by blocking nerve cells in a specific area from sending pain signals to your brain. You can expect this numbness to last for two to four hours, which means you will probably still feel residual numbness after your appointment. You may have heard of dentists using Novocain to numb patients’ mouths, but Novocain is not actually used anymore. Modern dentists use much safer & more effective drugs such as lidocaine. These are usually combined with other substances such as vasoconstrictors to increase the effectiveness & duration of the anesthesia. There are two kinds of local anesthetics that dentists use to numb your mouth. The first is called a topical anesthetic, which is swabbed over a small area on the surface of your mouth or gums. In most cases, this is used to numb the area where the dentist plans to inject the other kind of local anesthetic. The injectable anesthetic is what we rely on to keep you comfortable & pain-free. Despite the numbness from the topical anesthetic, some patients feel a stinging sensation from the injection & think it isn’t working. In reality, this feeling is caused by the anesthetic drug entering the body & beginning to work. The stinging subsides within several seconds. Local anesthesia does have side effects, but they are usually not serious. One well-known side effect is a temporary rapid heartbeat, which can happen if the local anesthetic is injected into a blood vessel. One of the chemicals used in the local anesthetic injection, epinephrine, can travel directly from the blood vessel to the heart. You may also know epinephrine by its other name: adrenaline. It is a naturally occurring substance in your body that can rapidly increase your heart rate. The fast heartbeat it causes can be alarming, but it is not dangerous & should return to normal in a matter of seconds. The numbness from local anesthesia will take a couple hours to wear off, which may inhibit proper speaking & eating. After your appointment, you’ll need to be careful about biting & chewing—you could bite your tongue or cheek & not feel it! You may also experience temporary swelling or drooping of parts of your mouth or face. Some patients find themselves unable to blink, though this is not something to worry about. The dentist can tape your eye shut so it won’t dry out. You’ll be able to blink normally again as soon as the anesthetic wears off. Before you undergo a procedure requiring local anesthesia, we will ask for information regarding any allergies & the medications you take. There is a possibility you might need a different formula if you have certain medical conditions. Call us if you have concerns or wish to know more about how we use local anesthesia.
I’m trying to think thorough certain aspects of migrating my .pst files from Outlook 2003 to Outlook 2013 before actually attempting the migration. If I start Outlook 2013 before I have created an email account and I decline any invitation to create an email account, will I still be able to set my AutoArchive preferences and set Outlook 2013 to work offline? Or must I create an email account before I do either of these? If I must create an email account before I can set my AutoArchive preferences and set Outlook 2013 to work offline, I need advice on how to achieve these tasks before allowing Outlook 2013 to access my saved .pst files and download additional emails from my mail server. With Outlook 2003, I was able to prevent the download of emails from my mail server by disabling my Internet connection. But I am not sure I can do this with a newly installed click-to-run Outlook 2013. I don’t know whether I would be inhibiting any necessary streaming. You can cut the internet connection, but I'd probably wait an hour or two before doing this, so that you are sure outlook is completely streamed. It doesn't matter which order you create the account but its usually easier/better if you create the account before opening Outlook, especially if you are using an existing pst. In most/some cases, Outlook will be able to use the mailbox manager file created by the older version of Outlook and it won't redownload existing mail. If you are upgrading on the same computer it will use a copy of the outlook 2003 profile. Another option is to create the account using a new pst, let the stuff download then add the old pst and set it as the default. You didn’t state explicitly that I would not be able to set my AutoArchive preferences and set Outlook 2013 to work offline until I have created an email account. But, I will assume it is true unless I am corrected. I don’t know what the default AutoArchive settings are in Outlook 2013, but I didn’t want Outlook 2013 to start auto-archiving emails in my saved Outlook.pst file as soon as I started Outlook 2013 for the first time. And I like to be prompted before allowing AutoArchive to proceed. And I wasn’t really concerned about existing emails being re-downloaded. On my mail server, an email is removed from the server Inbox as soon as it is downloaded to my PC, so there is no danger of it being re-downloaded (I use POP3/SMTP, not IMAP). What I don’t want is any new emails to be downloaded before I am ready to receive them. Hence the reason for wanting to work offline initially. In order to avoid any potential problems in migrating from Outlook 2003 to Outlook 2013, I was actually planning to start from a completely “clean sheet”. So I was intending to back up my .pst and nickname files, delete my email account and email profile, and uninstall Office 2003 before installing Office 2013. So, when I start Outlook 2013 for the first time, a new email profile will be created. Considering all my requirements, it sounds as though my best strategy would be to store my backed-up .pst files in a location where Outlook 2013 won’t look for them and disable my Internet connection before I start Outlook 2013 for the first time. I can then proceed to create a new email profile and a new email account with a new “empty” .pst file. This will give me the chance to set my AutoArchive preferences and set Outlook 2013 to work offline. Then, having exited Outlook 2013, I can use the Mail applet in the Control Panel to specify the location of my backed-up .pst files before entering Outlook 2013 again. Will this strategy work? You say “You can cut the Internet connection, but I'd probably wait an hour or two before doing this …”. Can I ask after what event should I wait an hour or two? After installing Office 2013? I have no idea how click-to-run streaming works and I can find no information about how it works. Under what circumstances will Outlook 2013 code be streamed to my PC? Will it be streamed if I leave my PC on, but unattended, for an hour or two with Outlook 2013 having never been started? Or is the code only ever streamed if Outlook 2013 is in a started state, or has been started at least once? If either of the latter possibilities, then I have a real problem if I want to start Outlook 2013 for the first time with my Internet connection disabled! Cutting the internet: the click to run installation will stream the apps in the background but you can begin using the apps before they are fully downloaded and installed. You need to give it some time to insure everything is downloaded before you go offline. On some of my installs i received alerts that said it was done and i could go offline, other times i did not. Your strategy sounds perfect and yes, it will work. I did eventually install Office 2013 with Outlook. However, I decided in the end that it might be simpler to install from the backup DVD with my Internet connection disabled. It all worked well. However, I had a nervous three days following installation waiting for Office 2013 to be updated. The backup DVD contains only RTM level code and I had expected an update to the current level to be sooner. I tried disabling updates and then enabling them, but that appeared to have no effect. Anyway, eventually it did update. Thank you once again for the support. Glad to hear it worked out for you. The updates are usually checked / installed at 3 AM, so there should be a delay if you don't check for updates manfully. I usually have to check 3 -4 times before everything is installed - the update system works on its own schedule. Cannot access query builder in Outlook 2007? When I expand query builder, why are the search fields grayed out?
I have a lot of experience about swimming pool. I have worked for 10 years with it. Today i come here to share my experience to you guys.If you have any question about swimming pool.Please leave comment here, I will answer everything. I am leaving in Quang Binh, Vietnam and I am building a boat shape swimming pool next to a lake. Half of the swimming pool inground and other half above the ground to look like a boat. I ask a local contractor to do it, but they never did this kind of swimming pool, only conventional inground swimming pool. They usually do all the swimming pool with concrete pillar every 4 meters (13ft) and brick wall in between. I am worry that the bricks are not strong enough to support the water pressure. Do you think it will be ok like that? I wonder why you decided to choose this particular profession? Do you like it really? I just do research, on the basis of which people choose their profession. if interested, you can read my previous research papers PapersWizard it seems to me that it will be very informative for you.
I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world. So far, my life has been rich in teaching and learning, both personally and professionally. And I would love to have a conversation with you about how can we work together. Click on the following resumes for more details on my work history. I am more than happy to provide references upon request.
Lot with spectacular views of the Fox studios and boulevard 2000. Here you can build the estate or home always craved in this place you can enjoy the beauty that nature offers. From this location will have a spectacular view to Fox Studies and will have a short Rosarito, Puerto Nuevo and Tecate, Baja California, where you can go to enjoy everything that you have these beautiful places.
First Visit – Please arrive 15 minutes early to complete the initial intake forms. Alternately, you may download our initial intake form and health information form and complete the forms prior to your first visit. When you meet with me for the first time, you will typically spend about an hour and a half together. The first hour will be spent discussing your current and past medical history, which is then followed by a pertinent physical exam and discussion about possible diagnostics and treatment options, if necessary. We will then decide on a comprehensive treatment plan and I will make recommendations for follow-up. Follow-Up Visits – The follow-up visits typically last 45 minutes, and involves an assessment of how effectively the treatment plan is working. We will also review any diagnostic results that may have been ordered during the previous visit. Any necessary adjustments will be made to the treatment program at this time, and we will continue to remove any obstacles to your cure that may be present. In addition, a thorough physical exam may be performed to aid in the prevention of future health problems. Payment Policies – Payment is due in full at the time of service. Patients who are covered by Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Oxford, Cigna, and Connecticare health insurance plans may owe a co-pay or co-insurance amount for the visit. Patients covered by other health insurance plans will be provided with the appropriate documentation to self-file with their insurance company.
The Higher Education Directory® is our original reference tool. Listing over 4,900 institutions and more than 90,000 administrators, the 1,128 page directory is the perfect solution for the occasional user. Success in the higher education market requires efficiency and accuracy. But at the same time, the demands of business require you to find ways to accomplish more in less time and with fewer resources—all without sacrificing either efficiency or accuracy. The Higher Education Directory®will give you the edge you’re looking for.
One of the most important aspects to marketing, if not the most important, is understanding your target market. Without knowing your target market you will not be able to ensure that your message resonates correctly, and many hours (and dollars) of work will be lost. For a small team that can’t afford any wasted time or money, that’s a death sentence to your marketing strategy. Fortunately identifying your target market isn’t especially difficult. It just takes some time and dedication. Marketing is not about blasting your message for all to hear, that’s what soap boxes are for – let me ask you, when is the last time you paid for something sold off a soapbox? When marketing is done well it shouldn’t look like marketing at all, it should look like the right message at the right time for the right person.That’s because people are complex. People do not like being talked at, they like being engaged with. Right now you’re thinking this is a bit more difficult than throwing an email together or a series of social posts linking back to your website. And you’re right. Being able to pull that off doesn’t require a crystal ball though, it requires good targeting. Fortunately, good targeting is pretty accessible (and we can cover it in this quick guide). Let’s break it down into a series of tips. Our first tip when it comes to defining your target audience: get granular, really granular. There is a temptation in writing these buyer personas to stop half way. Don’t. Make a cup of coffee or grab a beer and have some fun. Really consider who is buying from you. How old are they? Where did they go to school? What are their hobbies? Asking these questions forces you to truly understand your buyers and prospects. If you find yourself stumbling here or coming at a loss for words it may be time to step away from the computer and pick up your phone to have a conversation. Or better yet, grab some time to meet in person. Getting granular puts yourself in your customers’ shoes and sets you up for success with your marketing strategy. While we want you to be granular that doesn’t mean we want works of fiction. Are there really men aged 25-35 who dye their hair a mixture of green and red, have been married three times, are on the run from the IRS, and desperately need your financial services, new toy for their child, or cream that cures athlete’s foot? Essentially: be granular but don’t write the part that fits your story. Write down what you observe, because by doing that you’ll know if your solution is the right one for that type of person. The goal here is to be scientific. If you find that you need to draw inspiration from your favorite novel, then maybe you’re trying to force a round peg through a square hole. This may be a sign it’s time to go back to the drawing board and consider your offering once more. Somewhat related to the above, try to avoid assumptions. In fact, avoid them like the plague. Go off what you know to be true from examining your customer base and having real life conversations with as many people as you can. If you assume, you risk following a rabbit hole that leads nowhere but hours of wasted time. Just like the previous section, the goal here is to be scientific and jot down what you’ve observed. Not what you imagine. Be honest, have you given much thought to how your customers actually end up making that purchase decision? What steps do they take? How many variations of steps could they take (and do different personas gravitate towards these steps)? Do they ask for opinions of their friends, family, or the internet first? Do they talk to your sales team or buy on their own? Being able to map out the journey from prospect to customer allows you to customize that experience in a way your personas can understand it, and feel comfortable with it. If your persona is used to doing everything self-service a sales call will drive them away. Understanding that in advance ensures that you are catering towards the right set of people and maximizing the effort you put in. Our last tip is to let the personas evolve. The people buying from you today may not be the exact same subset of people who will buy from you 10 years from now. And that’s okay. Businesses that survive are ones that evolve. Make it a habit to engage with and understand your customers, prospects, and product offering. Don’t go back to the drawing board every week or month, but perhaps every year it would be a good idea to review your personas with your team to make sure you’re on the right track.
This week on Up Close, religions and beliefs don’t exist in a vacuum, and they change over time as influences go back and forth. The yoga tradition is presented popularly as ancient wisdom in classes around America today, but most of what’s being taught is less than a hundred years old. The woman largely responsible for making your yoga class what it is, and as popular as it is, is the subject of “The Nation” Senior Contributing Writer Michelle Goldberg’s The Goddess Pose: The Audacious Life of Indra Devi, the Woman Who Helped Bring Yoga to the West. And with the mix of religions here in the United States, it can sometimes feel like we’re building a distinctly American religion. One way that manifests is with those who belong to multiple religions at once. Susan Katz Miller discusses that journey in Being Both: Embracing Two Religions in One Interfaith Family.
The Seychelles are 4 hours ahead of London-time. The Seychelles are a great example of multiple ethnicities living peacefully together. Most of the population are even mixed, so mixed ethnic marriage is pretty common. On your visit to the Seychelles, you find Racially Mixed People, French (European), African, Indo-Seychellois, Chinese and Arab. All of them are friendly and helpful. The mobile telephone network is rather good. Internet access is OK, but speeds are not what you are used to from other "non-island" countries. You have to share Seychelles overall bandwidth with quite a few others, especially in the evening. Many hotels have free wifi, others charge for internet access. You can get into the net via your mobile phone. As with calls, keep in mind that you have quite high roaming costs. SMS, on the other hand, is rather cheap. If you plan to make a lot of calls within the Seychelles during your stay, consider buying a prepaid kit - especially when you have a contract-free cell phone with you. One more word on roaming: if you have your voicemail activated, you already pay when somebody is talking onto your mailbox. You don´t even have to call your own mailbox to listen to messages or answer a call and already pay roaming fees. The top-level domain for the Seychelles is ".sc" and country calling code is +248. Seychelles economy is dominated by tourism, tuna fishing and the public sector. Agriculture is only at 2% of the GDP, which is easy to understand, considering that most of the land is rather mountainous. Agriculture products are coconuts, cinnamon, vanilla and others. GDP per capita is rather high, putting the Seychelles among the top 50 in the world, but numbers vary depending on your source, so we won´t list it here (for more info you might want to have a look at Wikipedia). Currency is the Seychelles Rupee - be sure to check the Seychelles Rupee exchange rate prior to your arrival. A big majority of the Seychellois are Christians. 76,2% are Roman Catholic, 10,6% Protestant, 2,4% other Christian, 2,4% Hindu and 1,6% Muslim.
it's still winter, darnit. | Anna Allen Clothing Blog: it's still winter, darnit. I know, I haven't updated this spot in weeks! It's been busy around here. I think I can officially say that February is my busiest month. Seriously, everyone wants me to sew something or alter something for them all at the same time! I'm not complaining! I'm really grateful I have a lot of work, but I admit there was a moment a few weeks ago when I broke down because I was feeling totally overwhelmed. But I actually think that the break-down helped, because I started thinking about how un-productive I had been. I'm feeling a lot better about my schedule these days and I'm putting together a budget. (Did I mention I finished my taxes and I got a REFUND?!!!!! This never happens. NEVER.) PLUS, I am starting some new clothing patterns and hope to have some made for spring/summer. I've got about a trillion ideas up my sleeve with absolutely no time for any of them. This seems to happen a lot... About my clothing "line" or whatever you want to call it, I'm basically just going to make clothing I would wear. So it might not all coordinate, but we'll see. Maybe it will! I'm getting lots of inspiration from past collections of jackson, johnston & roe (i am jealous they came up with that name and I didn't...I love it!). I am not crazy about their current collection, except I love those button-crotch shirts (or whatever they call them). I have a 1940's pattern for a similar shirt and it sounds like a super nifty idea! Okay, times up, I have to get to work. Have a great Wednesday! Hopefully I will post again before spring! Also, I have a cinnamon roll recipe I've been meaning to share... One of these days I'll get around to that too.
In the wake of a recent admission by the German-based Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DİTİB), which said some of its imams had acted as informants against sympathizers of the Gülen movement, a German paper reported on Tuesday that spying allegations against the imams have expanded as it has emerged that five Turkish religious teachers have also been profiled by the imams. The North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Interior Affairs told the Kölner Stadt Anziger daily on Tuesday that imams openly profiled five teachers in German schools. The profiling list reportedly prepared and submitted to Ankara by DİTİB imams includes 28 people and 11 institutions.
"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks about changing themselves." Does Caffeine Contribute to Diabetes? Before Drinking That Next Beverage with Caffeine, Read This. If you're worried about diabetes, you should know that the chemical Alloxan can poison insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, thereby killing the insulin-producing cells and causing diabetes. Think you don't have to worry because you've never heard of Alloxan and you're definitely not consuming it? Think again. If you're drinking beverages with caffeine, visit now to find out your chances of having Alloxan in your system: Does Caffeine Contribute to Diabetes? Before Drinking That Next Beverage with Caffeine, Read This. ... that today is the MSN Project Birthday (2000)? Celebrate by using MSN today!
Damage Indicators Mod adds a damage indicator, and health bar to Minecraft making it absolutely more playable and have more immersion into it. This mod adds an RPG-ish vibe into the game as it enables the players to see the damage he has done to the enemy and the damage the enemy has done to them. This mod is customizable through its settings and also includes a small portrait of the enemy you are currently fighting as well. This makes Minecraft look like a better role-playing game so you can now determine how much damage you are doing to the monster at the same time you can now monitor how much health the mobs have left. If you love this pack and want to have more in the future, you can show your love to Damage Indicators Mod. You can check his Youtube Channel to support him. You can check more PVP packs over here. How to Install Damage Indicators Mod? If you don’t know how to install the Damage Indicators Mod just look below, we’ll provide you with a short tutorial there. This installation guide should work with all Minecraft versions. To see the Official Download Links just scroll down.
vast new areas of the Earth. cut off the icy Arctic current to the North, while the warm Japan current played upon the South coast. the New World, perhaps originally more than 100 thousands of years ago (ka) and probably on several excursions. oceanic channel 0.9 to 0.8 Ma [1, 2]. We have no evidence to suggest that they knew how to make boats so early. kilometers wide nearly a million years ago [3-6]. Morwood et al. [1, 2] have concluded that Homo erectus was capable of repeated water crossings using water-craft, by the beginning of the middle Pleistocene, 0.7-0.9 Ma. Some 6 million years ago we split from a common ancestor with chimps. Fossils found at the key sites shown on the map below reveal that hominins then diversified into many species and spread far from their ancestral home in Africa. Click on each site to learn more about what we've found there. resource use & coastal settlements by Hs. Here, we provide a long-term & evolutionary perspective of these behaviors. dates to MIS-5 & -4. Africa during this time frame. particularly often in (near)coastal MSA sites. - more formal evolutionary models & research strategies.
Smart card supplier Oberthur Card Systems has partnered with HID Global to produce a FIPS 201-certified card that can support either HID 125 kHz Prox or Indala 125 kHz Prox. Organizations now have a commercial solution that allows interoperability with an existing physical access control installation while allowing a smooth transition to implement the requirements of HSPD-12. LOS ANGELES & CHANTILLY, Va.–Oberthur Card Systems, one of the leading smart card suppliers to the Government ID Market, has partnered with HID Global to produce the first fully FIPS 201 certified card (FIPS 201 Certificate #1 and NIST FIPS 140-2 Certificate #668) with HID Prox Technology. HID is a leading supplier of contactless access control cards and readers, and other security products for corporations and governments globally. Using HID’s technology, the card can support either HID 125 kHz Prox or Indala 125 kHz Prox, which provides a more secure solution. With this development, organizations now have a commercial solution that allows interoperability with an existing physical access control installation base while allowing a smooth transition to implement the requirements of Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12. “This development is another example of how Oberthur Card Systems identifies market needs and deploys a commercially proven solution. By having already tested this product in a live customer environment, backed by our existing commercial deployments in the government market space, any agency or organization will be confident of buying such products today,” said Patrick W. Hearn, Director, Government and ID Markets of Oberthur Card Systems’ American division. Oberthur Card Systems is the only company in the U.S. to offer an identification solution that couples smart card manufacturing with card personalization, carrier attachment and activation services, as well as the exclusive rights to the card software applets. Additionally, Oberthur Card Systems’ government smart card products are manufactured and personalized in the United States in ISO certified environments, a significant advantage for agencies looking for a shared services provider of ID credentialing. With sales of 500.8 million Euros in 2005, Oberthur Card Systems is one of the world’s leading providers of card-based solutions, software and applications, including SIM and multi-application smart cards, as well as services ranging from consulting to personalization. Innovative products, security expertise and high quality services ensure Oberthur Card Systems’ strong positioning in its main target markets. For more information, visit www.oberthurcs.com. HID is a leading supplier and manufacturer in the access control industry, serving customers worldwide with proximity and contactless smart card technologies; central station managed access controllers; secure and custom card solutions; digital identity and photo card management software solutions; and electronic cylinders. Headquartered in Irvine, Calif., HID operates international offices that support more than 100 countries and is a member of ASSA ABLOY Global Technologies Division. To learn more, please visit www.hidcorp.com.
James is a Computer Evil Scientist, which is similar to, but materially distinct from being an Evil Computer Scientist. After spending some years pushing buttons for one of them giant Internet conglomerates with a double-O in the name, he left his job and became a freelance writer. Frankly everyone involved is much happier as a result. Quite what he's doing here is anyone's guess, because he's never played a Half-Life game and can't aim properly with the analogue stick. Suggestions that it's all a vain attempt to turn the purchase of an iPhone into a tax write-off are vigorously denied, even though they're almost certainly true. A violent and feral creature, rumoured to be half-man and half-beast, reviews a game about space minotaurs. I May Not Know Art… but I know how to write intros. James explains why he's drinking the Apple Kool-Aid... and loving it! Inside a Star-Filled Sky is the latest game developed by Jason Rohrer, creator last year's indie mini-hit, Sleep is Death. Rohrer's latest is something of a departure: it's a procedurally generated shoot-em-up.
Have you ever expressed a concern or a new symptom with someone and their response was “get over it”? I’ve always thought that to be a strange response. Get over what? Get over the pain? Get over the fear? Get over a chronic disease? What exactly am I to be getting over? How do you get over something that you live with on a day to day, minute by minute basis. It’s easy for someone to come along who isn’t living in your body and say “get over it” when they aren’t experiencing your challenges. A person doesn’t just get over Multiple Sclerosis…they live with it. I have no control over how my body is going to respond each day and the challenges I am going to face. One day I may feel great and the next day feel as if I’ve been hit by not just one, but two Mac trucks. I can’t control how my body is feeling even in the next hour, so how am I supposed to “get over it”? Unfortunately, there are people who are unequipped, ill-equipped and wrongly equipped to be helpful to a person living with a chronic illness. If I had a broken arm, I would have people pouring out their concern and desire to help me open doors and carry a pile of books, but that’s because a broken arm is temporary and the need is visible. Once the bone mends and the cast is removed, the need for help is no longer there. Life goes on as it always has and no one has to open the doors or carry the books any more. But a chronic illness is ongoing. It doesn’t simply go away no matter how much someone wishes it would. That’s why it doesn’t make sense to expect someone who is going through pain, weakness or any other MS struggle to “get over it” as if it’s a decision that can be made. “Oh, today I’m going to ignore the fact that my legs don’t work, get over it and walk across the room.” Really? And that’s suppose to make Multiple Sclerosis go away…ignoring it and just getting over it? Yeah…No, that doesn’t work. Most of the time people who give that kind of advice, if you want to call it advice, are at a point of frustration. They actually say what they say because in reality they want you to be over it so they can be spared having to deal with your challenges. Most want to help, but they want you to feel better and move on in an unrealistic time thus sparing them the inconvenience of having to adjust their lives to accommodate the unexpected. Don’t ever apologize because you are hurting or need help. Don’t feel guilty because you are having challenges. You are the one living with MS and you have the right to feel what you feel. The better response a person could give would be to help you get through it. You will never get over it, but you can get through it. You do that every day you wake up and make it to the end of the day.
A yoga therapy session is probably a lot more than what you think if you have never been to one before. Those that have not experienced yoga think it is just a bunch of poses that don’t mean anything. In reality, there is a reason behind each practice. The benefits of yoga are limitless, but you have to attend a session to understand it fully. When you attend just one yoga therapy session, you will uncover the profound healing that occurs with the practice. Students learn how to be more mindful and how to listen to what their inner wisdom is telling them. Tension, trauma, belief, and self-perceptions can all be released with proper posturing during a yoga session. The first experience is one that many people never forget. It becomes something that is depended on for relaxation, focus, and a healthy lifestyle by those that are dedicated to it. Connecting the mind, body, and heart is the primary goal in a yoga therapy session. To do that properly, it must be customized to the individual. That is how he or she will get the most out of their class. A qualified instructor knows how to put together a program that suits each person’s specific needs and skill levels. Part of each program of a yoga therapy session is a commitment to linking the body, mind, and spirit in a healthy way. There are generally breathing practices, meditation, visualizations, and various yoga postures completed during every appointment. By doing each of the exercises, or poses during a class, the student is going to discover a lot out about themselves. There is also a feeling of release, healing, and growth that happens while being active in yoga. Just about everyone is going to find some sort of benefit from a yoga therapy session. There is proof that it helps with a variety of injuries, illnesses, and various mental health issues. Depression, anxiety, trauma, grief, chronic pain, and even relationship problems have been overcome successfully with yoga. Not only will you get what you need from your yoga therapy session with a professional instructor, but you will take it with you. It is not like going to the gym. You walk in, work out, and go home. With a yoga therapy session, you leave with techniques to use in relationships, daily life, and with the world as a whole. The main concern of your instructor is to explore your physical, emotional, and spiritual self in a safe and supportive way. The satisfaction of the client is always the number one priority for an empathetic and educated yoga teacher. Are you ready to explore a yoga therapy session? If you answered yes, now is the time to call us. We will point you in the right direction. Find a class level that is suited to your specific needs. You can also get a private lesson for a more individualized experience.
Reserve your seat on the bus by Friday, June 21 at 5 p.m. No refunds for no-shows or cancellations on or after 6/26/19. Substitutions are permitted. The 2019 ABC National Legislative Conference Bus Trip to Washington, D.C. is an ABC Member-only event. Please contact Mike Bachman at 717-653-8106 to learn more about how ABC Keystone can help you grow your business.
Access to ESA Preview System? I have requested for access to ESA Preview System last week and didn't receive any sought of communication regarding the same. Could some one acknowledge me how many days it would to get the access? Your request is not handled in an automated way, since it has to be reviewed through a workflow. Normally it takes anywhere from 3-7 business days. If you see someone answer your question, be sure to reward them by selecting one of the options to the left of their answer. It's been more than 7 working days, I have requested for the access. Could you acknowledge me how many days it would take further?
Potassium carbonate - 501i - Noshly - Wise eating, made easy. Potassium carbonate, E501 (i), is a subclass of Potassium carbonates (E501 ). Potassium carbonate is used in the production of soap and glass.
Project Runway season 4 winner Christian Siriano showed again Saturday at New York Fashion week. Click the image above to see more photos of his line, or read about it here. It's exciting and exhilarating, but bizarre. When they came to me, I said, 'I'm about to turn 56 years old. Are they crazy?' But it kept revealing itself in layers and next thing, I'm wearing the 'Iron Man' suit. I was dumbstruck. According to the NY Daily News it hit the streets last Thursday. I guess if anyone make it work, he can. I really like dsome of the things Siriano showed- the ball gowns, especially, were very charming. But the shoes. oh god. I am all for an architectural heel. I am all for platforms, as when they are made well, they actually make heels more comfortable. I'm sure that when they are actually released by Payless, they will be very different. As of right now, those shoes are AWFUL.
Tom Bansek, aquatic ecologist at the Flathead Lake Biological Station will present a program on changes that have occurred in Flathead Lake over the last 100+ years including water quality and monitoring efforts. Although Flathead Lake’s water quality is still some of the finest in the world, its ecological community has been greatly altered through both intentional and unintentional species introductions. The latest species threatening to change Flathead Lake forever are invasive mussels that were recently detected elsewhere in Montana. Tom Bansak moved to the Flathead in the mid-1990s because of Glacier National Park and the Flathead Lake Biological Station. He completed his Master’s Degree at the Bio Station, examining surface-groundwater interactions on the Middle Fork Flathead River. Since then, he has gained extensive research experience on freshwater systems around Western North America, particularly the Flathead watershed and large salmon rivers around the Pacific Rim. Tom also has experience teaching ecology, and has led field ecology courses all over the West. The Flathead Lake Biological Station is a University of Montana Center of Excellence that conducts ecological research with an emphasis on fresh water, particularly Flathead Lake and its watershed. Join us Monday, February 13 at the Gateway West Community room in Kalispell at 7 PM. The event is free and open to the public.
Today officially started treatment. 5 days of chemo, then 3 weeks off. This was the first day and there was a lot of information to digest. Met with doctor, nurse coordinator, they even did a personal Power Point presentation! The actual chemo drug is Decitabine and it is administered via IV. It only takes an hour. However, two out of the 5 days I have lab work first so they can check my blood counts and determine if I need blood or platelet infusion. Today, only a platelet infusion. It was about the same level as last week, which is good. It means my counts had stabilized and even gone up a bit. How about those Cardinals? I was able to watch game during treatment. Interesting watching what other people do during treatment. Some type away on their laptops, others chit-chat, a lot just lay back and take a nap. With doctor and nurse visits, I didn’t really have much time to do anything else this day. Missing you but you’re in good hands. Your blog is definitely one of high social substance. It will make a great digest for others who are also in this battle and to those who need their awareness raised. You are a diamond in the rough, to say the least. What was the last thing I said to you…remember?? “Take care”. Ok, you’ve been properly chastised, now the treatment begins. The medicos will be doing their thing, and I’ll be doing a little healing treatment too! I’ve got plenty of prayer time available for you, and I know a real good one JUST for you. Laughter is the best medicine! I’m not the short-sheet-the-bed or bed-pan-in-the-freezer type…but I have been known to do surprise underwear checks, so beware! Love is a universal healing agent, and should be applied liberally to the effected areas. I’ll be sending you waves of love, deep from my heart, as you go through this. If you need anything, your neighborhood buddies here will be happy to pitch in! You are such a positive guy, it will go a long way in getting you through this very quickly. Thanks…my neighbors have been very helpful already. One is cutting my grass for me now. Wonderful to hear the first round went great. Stay positive which I’m sure you will. I wouldn’t expect differently. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! We’ll definitely need a wing celebration when your done with all this!
from unique fibers to cloud services. to meet customers' needs, such as uses of wearable sensors, electrodes, electromagnetic interference, RFID antennas, industrial and antibacterial materials. to collect your biometric information such as ECG and heart rate. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding our company. We challenge the world with our strength of one-stop solutions. which are our self-developed products from Japan to customers around the world. We are looking for joint-research partners. Please contact us if you have an interest in our business. Copyright © Mitsufuji Corporation. All Right Reserved.
Our Topsoil contains good basic fertility, organic matter and pH. It is a lighter density topsoil so that it won't dry out and harden up in the middle of summer like some darker soils do. You will need to purchase some vegetable or sod/seed specific fertilizer at a your local garden store to get the best results from your project. There is no "Jack & the Bean Stalk" magic soil in Denver that contains all the trace minerals and nutrients needed for every type of lawn or garden project. I am from a farm in the Midwest, where we have some of the most fertile and productive soils on earth. We still went to the local fertilizer company and purchased a fertilizer blend every spring to grow the biggest crop of corn, soybeans and hay. Example: 20 feet long by 60 feet wide = 1200 square feet.
The Nexus 7 is an inexpensive tablet already, but you can sometimes catch it on sale for a relative pittance. A refurbished 32GB N7 is currently waiting for you on eBay Daily Deals for $169.99. That's close to the price we recently spotted for the 16GB. This is a refurb device, so the warranty is only 90 days. Still, it's $100 less than the Google Play price. This tablet is getting on toward the end of its life cycle, but it's still a pretty capable machine with 2GB of RAM and a Snapdragon S4 Pro. The eBay deal includes free expedited shipping worldwide, but there is a limited quantity. Might want to get on it.
With a test so reliant upon clock speed rather than taking advantage of all the bells and whistles, it's not a great surprise to see that the i7-4770K is a bit better than its brethren, but not stunningly so. However, the new AES tricks definitely have a benefit far greater than the mere 200MHz clock speed difference would bring. Memory is a lot better on the 4th Generation CPU, despite using the exact same kit at the same 1333MHz speed on both systems. We've added the i7-3930K to the graph just to further demonstrate that the X79 Quad-Channel idea ended up with no real performance benefits.
People often think about their future, how they would like to live 20 years from now, and especially where. Everyone has a dream home, which will be unique in every way possible, and will be similar to a palace. But unfortunately, for most people, the ridiculous amounts of money required to construct such a dream house is just too much. However, you would be surprised to know that you could build your dream house at a fraction of the cost of building a mansion. Don’t believe me? It is completely true and read on to know more. 1. Arched Cabins is a company based out of Houston, TX, and Timberon, NMwhich has been expanding rapidly. 2. They build inexpensive and durable cabins, and moreover, the inside of these cabins are just breathtakingly beautiful. 3. They not only build cabins for people to live in; they also build cabins for vacation homes, lodges, retirement homes and even animal shelters. 4. As said earlier, these cabins are really inexpensive, but what’s impressive is the fact that they can design these cabins really quick. 5. If you are thinking how much these cabins cost, the most expensive one they have built cost $5000. So as you can imagine, they are really affordable, compared to the luxurious cabins they build. 6. Even more impressive is the fact that the insulators used in these cabins are made from latest technology which keep the room warm when its cold outside, and keep the air cool during summers. 7. Only 4 men are needed to construct these luxurious cabins, hence they are so cheap. But they don’t compromise on quality, it’s extremely hard to find acabin of such quality at this price. 8. They are available in all 48 continental states in the U.S. If the quantity of orders is high, their service will be available in Alaska and Canada too.
Do you or someone you care about have diabetes? November is National Diabetes Month, an important reminder that comprehensive eye examinations are an important part of diabetic care as those with diabetes can have changes in their eyes and not even know it! Diabetes can affect your entire body, especially your eyes. Most diabetic eye changes occur without any signs or symptoms to the patient. It often starts weakening of small blood vessels on the retina, the light-sensing layer on the inside of the back of the eye. As the changes progress, they can actually cause blood vessel to rupture and leak blood into the eye. The diabetic damage can eventually cause permanent vision loss. Usually, diabetic retinopathy has no symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. However, diabetic eye changes can be picked up early during a comprehensive eye examination. It examines the front and back of your eyes. It consists of an eye doctor putting drops to dilate (widen) the pupil of the eye, giving a better look at the retina to look for damage from diabetes or other problems. Unfortunately, only about 60% of people with diabetes get comprehensive eye exams as often as they should. That’s a concerning statistic! Diabetic eye disease is the leading cause of vision loss among working-age adults in the United States. There is good news! It is estimated that 95% of the time severe vision loss from diabetes could be prevented with early evaluation and treatment. There are multiple effective treatment options including laser procedure. If you have diabetes, remember to get a comprehensive eye examination at least once per year, even if you are not experiencing any problems with your eyes. Also, control your blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol as by doing so, you will greatly reduce your risk of diabetic eye disease. Watching your blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Getting a comprehensive eye exam at least once a year or more often as recommended by your eye doctor. Women with diabetes should get a comprehensive eye exam prior and early in their pregnancy. Keeping a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet. To help contribute to better eye diabetic care, especially during this national month of diabetic eye disease awareness, the Southwest Eye Institute has appointments available to examine those with diabetes who have not had a dilated eye examination in more than a year or sooner if advised by their doctor. Call (915) 267-2020 to schedule a consultation with one of our eye specialists. The Southwest Eye Institute is El Paso’s largest and most comprehensive eye doctor group.
In the can a file be deleted project, I'm not sure what are the dependent and independent variables. Does any one have any ideas on this? Thanks. Hi, and welcome to Science Buddies! This will be an interesting project. For this project, you will not be following the Scientific Method Process with variables. Instead, you should follow the Engineering Design process, which is a series of steps that engineers follow to come up with a solution to a problem. You can read more here. Take a look at this and write back with questions. Deana, thank you for that information. But I'm still a bit confused. The Engineering Process includes building a prototype. I'm not building anything or programming anything in this project. I'm just going to try different ways to delete files. My son wondered about that too when he saw it. He asked the computer teacher and she said that it wasn't really a project. It was more like a simple experiment to demonstrate something. She suggested not doing this with Windows since once a file is deleted out of the wastebasket it's pretty much gone because Windows is always writing to the disk. She said to try it in Linux but also suggested that he write his own undelete code. That would make it a project.
The latest album from three times Eurovision Song Contest winner was in September released in Denmark, Sweden and Norway and made it to the charts in all three countries. At the end of January Irishman in America will be released in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Irishman in America was recorded in Denmark, Germany, Ireland and the USA and was first released in the three Scandinavian countries, where Johnny Logan is quite a big name and always makes it to the charts. With this album he however didn’t manage to get the top positions, as he is use to. The album was four weeks on the Danish album Top40 where it peaked as #10. In Norway it peaked as #20 with five weeks on the Top40. In Sweden it only had three weeks on the album Top60 and peaked as #24. With the coming release in Germany, Austria and Switzerland he gets another chance to make it to the absolute top. There are a few things different on this album. Johnny Logan’s three sons, Adam (29), Fionn (24) and Jack (16), all sing chorus on the title song Irishman in America. Johnny Logan himself has worked as a producer on the whole album, which is the first time he is trying that. ← System Of A Down to Represent Armenia?
If you are going to take that big step make sure you are ready for it. Home » Blog » Want to Open a Bar? First Things To Do. The first thing you need to do before opening a bar is to figure out if you can open a bar. There are some quite simple things to think through before committing to this huge step. We will be doing a whole series of posts on everything to do with opening/starting/running bars and nightclubs. So make sure you follow us. TIME, Do you have it? Figure out if you are willing and capable of working from 9am to 2am constantly or longer if needed. OK this is the standard scare tactic when you want to start and be in business. People saying “It’s hard work” and “its long hours” are not wrong. When starting a business your hours are going to be long. Hopefully once you start making enough you can hire other people to do things for you. BUT, are you willing to work long hours if the money doesn’t come in as fast as expected? Bar owners have it tougher than most other new business owners. Mainly because most of your suppliers are working 9am -5pm so if you need something done you need to be awake within those hours. Plus your business runs from 5pm -12am or later so you need to be awake within those hours too. Watch every episode of Bar Rescue and maybe even the Profit. These shows will show you what not to do plus they also prove that if you are stubborn you will fail. You might not be able to do all the things they do to improve bars due to money and a huge team, but you will get ideas and information that will help. If you have never worked in a Bar you should go and do a bartender course and get a job in a different bar. It’s easy to get a job in a bar if you have done the course. Go to any busy bar, say you will work for cheap or free for couple of weeks and I’m sure they’ll be happy to have you. You still wanting to open your own bar after working for 2 weeks is a good sign. Get educated. A masters degree will help, but is really not worth it to run a bar, we have seen plenty of over educated bar owners fail because they rely too much on their education. Bartender / cocktail courses are a must. Cooking essentials is always good to know to help you in a kitchen. Plus any license or permits you need in your state or territory. Fire, food standards, etc.. You need an idea / concept, this can be as crazy as you want it to be. You might just want a small bar with a pool table or you might want to recreate the garden of Eden. First rule of your dream is, DREAMS CHANGE so do not fall in love with your dream, it might not suit your market. Dream will give you a good starting point but be prepared that it will change. This is why Bar Rescue is good to watch, it will show you what happens when someone’s dream does not suit the market and does not deliver expected returns. Also go to other bars and have a look to see what you like, look around and imagine your dream in that space. Try to find faults with your dream before you spend any money. Take photos of things you like so you can refer back to them later, because once you start your head is going to be full of million other things. First off do you have some, second do you have some more. It is not cheap opening and running a bar for the first couple of years you will only just be getting by. We will get more into the money side in the next posts. For now the best thing to do is to roughly figure out your building costs and other expenses for the next year and then double it. Most people leave lots of small things out and small things add up quickly. Plus most people do not understand that marketing costs A LOT. Every new bar owner thinks they just open the door and people will come. It’s true and false at the same time, people will come, but will they stay is up to you. People have their local for a reason, they feel safe there. When people go to a new bar they compare it to their current local, they are very judgmental. You need to make them feel safe and comfortable, one mistake will push them back to their local. Did we scare you off? What did you answer to these questions? Are you still thinking your in the right position to open a bar? If so hopefully the next post will help to guide you in the right direction. Remember lots of bars are very successful even though they did not follow any guides, steps or processes. But I bet you they were stressed out most of the time.
As a restaurant owner, you might be wondering how you could transform and expand your business. Do not wonder no more. ChefMod will make that easy for you. Let us take a look at how ChefMod came to be. About 12 years ago, two hardworking, food loving and restaurant owners sat down and came up with the brilliant idea. They looked at the issues and troubles that fellow restaurant owners were going through and decided to intervene. Being in business since 2005, ChefMod has transformed many restaurants and created networks for the businesses to run as smooth as possible. This entry was posted in Restaurants on August 5, 2017 by Admin. In this health guide we are talkingabout losing weight. There are assortments of eating regimen shakes and pills that offer help with weight reduction. The weight reduction issue is turning out to be impossible to miss with the progression of time. Shakeology offers an eating regimen shake that will help you to decrease weight efficiently. It is not an enchantment need that in a solitary spell you easily decrease weight. No, it is not a simple fantastic arrangement. You need to make a harmony between work out, solid eating regimen and Shakeology to get the most extreme result. There is no free lunch on the planet so you need to put endeavors to get your wanted results. This entry was posted in Foods on November 18, 2016 by Admin. It can be very disturbing opening your ridge to find an unidentifiable bad odor. There are many reasons that could lead to this and among them are molds growing on the door, spoilt food and many more. There are a number of ways that you can use to free your fridge of bad smell. Here is how to keep your fridge free of odor. This entry was posted in Cooking on March 22, 2016 by Admin. Garcinia Cambogia is a natural weight loss supplement that is extracted from a pumpkin like fruit known as tamarind. The product has been around for many years, and it is mostly found in South East Asia. The name Garcinia Cambogia is a biological name which has been popularized by the media coverage because of its newly discovered weight loss properties. Other common names include Gambooge , Brindle Berry fruit amongst others. This entry was posted in Foods on October 24, 2013 by Admin. Champagne has been a popular drink for centuries. Fine champagne can delight the senses while providing a perfect complement to a meal, dessert or evening. Not surprisingly, due its popularity and great reputation, champagne is considered to be a popular gift for the holiday seasons—Christmas, in particular, but also Valentine’s Day and New Year’s presents. But does champagne really make a good gift, for the holidays or otherwise? This entry was posted in Restaurants on October 11, 2013 by Admin. Saving money when dining out is the most important aspect for everyone, and we can only save this with restaurant coupons. Dining out is one of the pleasure we enjoy and it keeps us away from a hectic lifestyle. Sometimes it’s good to go for a Lunch if you don’t want to cook at home or you are too tired. But high prices of restaurants scares and hold your will. In fact this is the most common budget buster for all of us. This entry was posted in Restaurants on October 3, 2013 by Admin. There are undoubtedly going to be lots of advantages to taking cooking classes, notably for individuals who desire to work in restaurants or bakeries. Cooking classes are one of the great things to do in nyc, for people who live there. It’ll be vital to begin searching for a place locally you could visit take these lessons, should you’re feeling like your culinary skills are limited. The longer you take to complete your research, the further you’ll get from the classes you wind up taking. You will need to pick the best one overall, since there are numerous alternatives as it pertains to places which provide these courses to review. This entry was posted in Cooking on August 20, 2013 by Admin.
It's fun to drive across the lake with this little ferry. You have to lend a hand and are often in company with others. There is always a good mood there and people are relaxed.
Why is the app stuck “Connecting” or “Offline”? Text message saying, "I sent you a message on Voxer." I didn't sign up for Voxer. Why am I getting a welcome email? I'm receiving unwanted messages to join Voxer. Why does the app keep crashing or freezing?
Hello, my name is Zack. Welcome to my little slice of the Internet. I work in the information technology industry. I enjoy computers, technology, programming, gaming, and building electronics. I think it was late in 2010 when I decided I wanted a place online to keep track of some of my hobbies and projects so an early version of this site was born. Then on May 24, 2013, I purchased the domain voltdrift.com. Most of the content on this site is related to my hobby projects. I am not sure if there is any real theme to the site other then that. If for some reason you wish to contact me then take a look at the Contact Me page. Sorry, but there is no direct e-mail address due to spam. But I do check the contact page often and should be able to reply within a day! There is currently 6 visitors online.
Watch any jewelry commercial and the message is clear: “Buy her a diamond mined by a child and mounted on a platinum band, and she will give . . . Now I can get fat. And they say MGTOW can’t get a date?
This is a replacement letter for Port District Ruling Letter PD D87930 that was issued to you on February 25, 1999. In your letter dated March 3, 1999, you state that you erroneously gave the incorrect country of origin as China in PD D87930 and that the correct country of origin is Hong Kong. Style 05138 is composed of 70% acrylic / 30% wool knit fabric. The garment extends from the shoulders to the area of the mid thigh. It features a hood with drawcord closure, a V-neck, long sleeves and a pouch pocket on the front. The applicable subheading for the garment is 6110.30.1520, Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States, which provides for women’s sweaters of man made fibers with more than 23% by weight of wool. The rate of duty is 17%. The garment falls into textile category 446. As products of Hong Kong, this merchandise is presently subject to visa requirements based on international trade agreements and subject to quota reporting. The designated textile and apparel category may be subdivided into parts. If so, visa and quota requirements applicable to the subject merchandise may be affected. Since part categories are the result of international bilateral agreements which are subject to frequent renegotiations and changes, we suggest that you check, close to the time of shipment, the Status Report On Current Import Quotas (Restraint Levels), an internal issuance of the U.S. Customs Service, which is available for inspection at your local Customs office. A copy of this ruling or the control number indicated above should be provided with the entry documents filed at the time this merchandise is imported. If you have questions regarding the ruling, contact National Import Specialist Mike Crowley at 212-637-7077.
Garden Hose pipe is a flexible tube used to convey water. There are a number of common attachments available for the end of the hose, such as sprayers and sprinklers (which are used to concentrate water at one point or spread it over a large area). Garden hose pipe is ideally suited to unlimited applications in a wide range of industries where low pressure work is required for conveyance of water, gardening and other everyday application.
Your method organization are going to be afflicted by the end purpose. Then you will observe how effortlessly you work your organization with low problems down the road. No matter of what subject you select for your new on-line business, the 1 idea you possess to do is usually to carry out SOMETHING. The firm is mainly employed in investing in a monopoly to justify its status as the very best valued start up on the market. This has a newly designed product that it should be introduced to the potential patients. A powerful provider using a confirmed record definitely will go a ways toward guaranteeing economical success. Not simply are you heading to lower your expenses, but you will certainly as well be capable of spend additional time with your children. In cases where a lot of money must get started out tests the idea, possibly because costs are excessive or because it is going to take some time to become income confident, loans is heading to become needed either from founders or perhaps shareholders. Sure, you can generate money with respect to those who also have work, but you will find other options as very well just like starting the personal organization. Seeing that a young person, you might be constantly on the lookout meant for ways of receive money, and with good reason. Any idea can be turn into a business and the features which will be effective are the ones which in turn have been studied, paid for, and maintained for the future. You also are encouraged to help to make sure the thought does not get in the way of you earning profits today inside your present work. You can’t accomplish that working upon many completely unique thoughts and marketplaces. In case your business increases, you may think regarding receiving your own business kitchen space afterward. As it grows, you may decide to expand. Starting a business is quite demanding and you simply do need to carry out every single one of the responsibilities on your own. Prior to a prosperous company can come to life, that has to first end up being a perception. A proven work from home business can source a exceptional start off pertaining to a new endeavour online. When beginning a house based organization, the earliest stage you should do can be choose a thing that you actually enjoy. In actuality, home-based businesses generally happen to be elevating and appearing to be quite profitable.
Buzz is beginning to grow about Google's plans for a rolling, significant overhaul of how we experience search. Below are the latest pieces which covered the release of semantic search details last week. It's worth noting how these changes might affect rankings and traffic from the search giant in the future.
When I officially set my studio up in 2012, I changed the name I’d unofficially been using for almost ten years. To say that I did it to distance myself from my previous artistic ventures wouldn’t be entirely true though. Yes, I cringe when I look at my older pieces – people have even had to intervene to prevent me from destroying some of them (a whole other story), but that doesn’t mean that the work itself is without some merit. You can’t see me twitching violently here, as I go to post this. Some of the work that will appear in this series dates back as far as the 1980’s, and challenges me not to hit delete. . . but it’s part of the process. I’m preparing to release another creative project out into the wilds. Why not just release this new thing, and not put yourself / us through this? I’m glad you asked that. I did this as a personal challenge. I’ve been fairly successful as an artist, I’ve won awards, scholarships, contests, been featured in magazines, galleries and had a number of solo shows. I’ve sold my work to people around the world. This has happened over 42 years. Yep. The first thing I won was a province wide painting contest, to design a poster for the public library system. It was open to any elementary students in British Columbia. I was in kindergarten. With that said, I know art is subjective, and not everyone likes my work. I’ve had less than constructive critiques leveled at me over the years, as well as positive encouragement. I learned from my detractors, as some of what they had to say was useful. Some of it was not. Some of it was intended to be destructive. I developed a sense of humour about myself, as well as a thick skin. I do what I do because it’s a part of me. To stop would be to stop breathing. I draw, paint, sculpt, explore digital stuff, take pictures, dabble in music and write, because I love it. If others like the results too, that’s fantastic! This new project has fewer years behind it. I’ve only shown my writing to a small group. I’m learning from the critiques. The art I’m using with this feature is my quiet way to ‘stalk’ those parts of me that are still fragile, bound to ego, or would get in the way of letting my creative ‘word-baby’ grow properly. Thank you for reading this. Please feel free to comment, and share your own creative process. Great work Jenn. It is amazing to me what you did at 5 years old. You are amazingly talented. Thank you – What creative things do you pursue? Jenn I am not an artist. I love looking at your art though. I have a blog. I love to refinish antique furniture. I have not done any pieces in a very long time. I just recently purchased an antique headboard and footboard for my grand daughter. I will be working on that soon. That, makes you an artist. Will you post pictures of it when you're done?
View more photos of the awards ceremony on Flickr. We also have a photo gallery on Facebook. Check it out! This week, CYCA honored its 2012 Champions and Corpsmembers of the Year – and inspiring words from young adults such as Christian Ndushabandi were shared by every corpsmember who was recognized for his or her contribution to land, energy and water conservation. Held in the Colorado State Capitol’s Old Supreme Court Chambers, the annual Youth Corps Awards Ceremony was both a tribute and a testament to the hard work of young adults throughout the state, as well as to the leaders who keep the vision of youth corps and natural resources stewardship moving forward every year. Will Shafroth, counselor to the secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior, was named the 2012 Champion for Youth. CYCA selected Shafroth as the 2012 Champion for Youth because of his leadership at the U.S. Department of the Interior, service on the 21st Century Conservation Service Corps Federal Advisory Committee, work on the America’s Great Outdoors Initiative, and support for youth conservation corps during his time as executive director of Great Outdoors Colorado. All of these efforts have contributed to the success of Colorado youth corps over the past 15 years and resulted in thousands more young people having the opportunity to serve Colorado while charting a brighter future for themselves. While Shafroth was unable to attend the ceremony in person, he shared a video in which he acknowledged and congratulated this year’s award winners. In the video, Shafroth said, “One of the things I love about working on youth corps issues is that I can do a lot of different things with one effort. Youth corps provide great opportunities to engage young people in meaningful employment that has tangible effects. Whether it be restoring wetlands, building trails, planting trees or preserving historic structures, these young people have a chance to make a real difference in the world. These experiences also help young people gain life skills that will serve them in the workforce, build confidence and leadership skills, and connect them with nature in a way that will benefit them today but also the country in the future.” View the video here. Colorado State Senator Jeanne Nicholson (Senate District 16) and State Representative Millie Hamner (House District 61) were named Legislators of the Year. They were honored because of their co-sponsorship of HB 12-1032 (Forest Restoration Programs Continuation), which encourages the use of youth conservation corps on forest restoration projects. As a result of HB 12-1032, youth conservation corps will be able to engage more young people on forest restoration and beetle kill projects for the protection of residents, visitors, and our water and recreation resources. Senator Nicholson and Representative Hamner recognize that youth and young adults can serve as assets to our state and make positive contributions. At the ceremony, they spoke about the importance of providing young people with work opportunities that are meaningful and that contribute to making our forests healthy. They also pointed to the value of partnerships between youth corps and public agencies with critical projects that need to be completed. The work of these individuals has helped hundreds of young people gain jobs, job training, life skills, college scholarships, and high school and college credits. “In many cases, these corpsmembers have overcome personal barriers and capitalized on support from their youth corps to serve our state, further their education, learn to work hard, and look toward bright futures. We are so proud of their commitment to the state of Colorado,” said Jennifer Freeman, executive director of CYCA. Born in Rwanda, East Africa, Christian grew up in a country entrenched in civil war and genocide. In 1994, when Christian was just one year old, he lost his father to violence. His pregnant mother was severely injured and left for dead after she was struck by a machete. Christian, a Tutsi, was saved by his Hutu babysitter, who strapped him to her back and pretended that he was hers, saving his life. Christian was reunited with his mother, and they fled across the border to the Congo. Years later, Christian’s mother remarried and his sisters were born. Then civil war broke out in the Congo and Christian’s stepfather was killed. Finally, from a refugee camp in Uganda, Christian’s family was given the opportunity to immigrate to the United States. Today, Christian is enrolled full-time at Pikes Peak Community College – thanks in part to an AmeriCorps Education Award he earned through youth corps – and works every weekend in food service the U.S. Air Force Academy. He plans to become a United States citizen, attend medical school, and someday return to aid his native country. Christian’s story, and the stories of the other nine Corpsmembers of the Year, were an inspiration to everyone in attendance – and it’s these types of stories that keep some people coming back to the awards ceremony each year. One of our guests was Michael McClain of the National Park Service, who travels from Florissant so that he can be there in person to honor the youth corps for their dedication. Youth corps regularly complete land conservation projects at the Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument where McClain works. A 20-year veteran of the National Park Service, McClain says he was 19 when he first started doing natural resources work. And thank you, Senator Marble, for introducing our Corpsmembers of the Year on the floor of the Senate. The young people were thrilled to be on the floor and see their elected officials in action. We couldn’t pull off this event without the support of our sponsors!
The Best Western Hotel Rastatt is located in a suburban area of Rastatt. The airport is about 15 km and the train station is 0,5 kilometres away. The distance to the fair grounds is only 12 km. The 3½-star hotel disposes of 125 comfortably furnished guest rooms with Bathroom with bathtub, minibar, Full-length mirror, Wi-Fi, DSL/high-speed Internet access, non-smoking rooms, Windows for opening, Allergy-free room and disabled-friendly. For conferences and seminars, we have 8 meeting rooms that can accommodate up to 140 persons with modern equipment like dimming, Handheld microphone and Video projector. The 3½-star hotel offers 125 comfortable guest rooms with Bathroom with bathtub, minibar, Full-length mirror, Wi-Fi, DSL/high-speed Internet access, non-smoking rooms, Windows for opening, Allergy-free room and disabled-friendly. 8 meeting rooms that can accommodate up to 140 persons with state-of-the-art equipment.
We went to Hound Habits, which operates out of Kenmore's Petbarn. It's not far from the end of Gap Creek Road. Our puppy seemed to enjoy it and learnt a bit.
January 1: You are ambitious, studious, and original, and have fine executive ability. You have self-respect and great personal charm. You are generous and affectionate and would make any sacrifice for your loved ones.
There are two major ways for retailers to bring their products onto the market. As always, we are focusing on the online one. With a total revenue of US$421.1 billion in 2017, the U.S. is currently the bigger eCommerce market compared with Europe that reached a revenue of US$ 330.9 billion in the same year. Germany distributes US$63.5 billion in revenues to Europe. Consumer electronics is currently the most highly developed global eCommerce market. 54 percent of the 2017 revenues in the U.S., 49% in Germany and 29% in Europe were generated via online channels. All news about eCommerce and the database can be found here.
Would you like to gain international experience during your studies? We can give you advice regarding financial support or how your internship is recognised for your studies. We offer support in all international issues and help achieve your goal of combining excellent subject knowledge, intercultural competences and soft skills for your professional and academic future. The International Support is part of the StudyServiceCenter of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics and provides support and advice for all students and staff members who would like to spend time abroad as well as for incoming exchange students.
The Republic of Bulgaria covers a territory of 110 993 square kilometres. The average altitude of the country is 470 metres above sea level. The Stara Planina Mountain occupies central position and serves as a natural dividing line from the west to the east. It is a 750 km long mountain range stretching from the Vrushka Chuka Pass to Cape Emine and is part of the Alpine-Himalayan mountain range. It reaches the Black Sea to the east and turns to the north along the Bulgarian-Yugoslavian border. The Black Sea is the natural eastern border of Bulgaria and its coastline is 378 km long. There are clearly cut bays, the biggest two being those of Varna and Bourgas. About 25% of the coastline are covered with sand and hosts our seaside resorts. The southern part of Bulgaria is mainly mountainous. The highest mountain is Rila with Mt. Moussala being the highest peak on the Balkan Peninsula (2925 m). The second highest and the mountain of most alpine character in Bulgaria is Pirin with its highest Mt. Vihren (2914 m), followed by the Rhodope Mountains and Vitosha. The plains and the lowlands in the country cover large areas to the north and the south of the Stara Planina Mountain. The Danube Plain is the biggest, bordering Yugoslavia to the west, the Dobroudzha region and the Black Sea to the east, the river Danube to the north and the Balkan Mountains to the south. Its relief is noted for the numerous plateaus, hills and river valleys cutting through the mountain. The Rose Valley is located to the north between Stara Planina and the long and low mountain chain of Sredna Gora Mountain. Besides the widespread crops, the valley is typical for the oil-yielding rose grown there. It is one of the patents of the unique climate of Bulgaria. Another is the world-famous Bulgarian yogourt, made with the help of the yeast-type “bacillus Bulgaricum” (Lactobacterium Bulgaricum Grigoroff). The Thracian Lowland is the second biggest in the country, starting from the mountains that surround Sofia to the west and reaching the Black Sea to the east. It stretches between the Sredna Gora to the north and Rila, the Rhodope Mountains and Strandzha to the south. Crops typical for the southern longitudes are grown there and sometimes two harvests are gathered.
The Clinical Education research group have been investigating the academic and non-academic factors which may affect student performance with the goal of being able to predict when students may be at risk of poor academic performance. At the AECC we would like our students to get the most out of their learning experience and achieve the best results they can. As such, we have been looking at academic and non-academic factors which are linked to poor performance and optimal performance. If we can find factors which are linked to poor performance, we can address these early in future years to ensure better performance. If we can find factors which are linked to optimal performance, we can encourage and nurture these factors through the year to help students achieve the best results. The first study examined the Influence of year-on-year performance on final degree classification in a chiropractic master’s degree program. This involved an analysis of student’s assessment grades over their period of study at the AECC to see if performance in one year can predict performance in another year or whether it is possible to predict degree classification based on previous assessment results. Currently, the team are analysing non-academic factors, such as attendance, previous education, library usage, additional learning needs (ALN), time management, study skills and stress, and whether these can help identify which students are at risk of failing. Future work in this area is ongoing both within the AECC and through collaborations with other universities such as the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic, to build a bigger picture of the type of student who may need additional assistance in their education so that they can be appropriately supported to achieve their full potential. Results of these studies have been presented at international conferences, such as the World Federation of Chiropractic Conference in Washington D.C. and the European Chiropractors’ Union Conferences in Dublin and Cyprus. The following papers have been published or are currently under review by research journals focussing on chiropractic education.
Your are moving and have no more room for your grand or upright piano? You need to sell but have no time to announce your piano? To accommodate you, we can take care of selling your piano for you. Call for more information regarding our consignment service.
Croatian and Serbian (Matic): patronymic from the personal name Matija or Matej (see Matthew), or from the pet forms Mate (Croatian) or Mato. Where is the Matic family from? You can see how Matic families moved over time by selecting different census years. The Matic family name was found in the USA in 1920. In 1920 there were 3 Matic families living in Illinois. This was about 21% of all the recorded Matic's in the USA. Illinois and 2 other states had the highest population of Matic families in 1920. Use census records and voter lists to see where families with the Matic surname lived. Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations. What did your Matic ancestors do for a living? Census records can tell you a lot of little known facts about your Matic ancestors, such as occupation. Occupation can tell you about your ancestor's social and economic status. What Matic family records will you find? There are 3,000 census records available for the last name Matic. Like a window into their day-to-day life, Matic census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more. There are 642 immigration records available for the last name Matic. Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the UK, and how they made the journey - from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure. There are 1,000 military records available for the last name Matic. For the veterans among your Matic ancestors, military collections provide insights into where and when they served, and even physical descriptions. You've only scratched the surface of Matic family history. What is the average Matic lifespan? Between 1964 and 2004, in the United States, Matic life expectancy was at its lowest point in 1964, and highest in 1985. The average life expectancy for Matic in 1964 was 41, and 70 in 2004. An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your Matic ancestors lived in harsh conditions. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names. You can find birthdates, death dates, addresses and more.
In part 1, we talked about the differences were between a VO2max and a Physiological Assessment, the benefits of each and the importance of analyzing the homeostatic capacity of various systems, not just concentrating on one or two values. As we stated, there are two major parts of the Physiological Assessment: the resting and the active. These are set up this way as we try to keep in my mind the “Extended Performance Pyramid”, adapted from the Functional Movement Systems concept of the Performance Pyramid. This concept adds the importance of one’s physical and mental health, which we see as the foundation to build a resilient and consistent person in regards to their performance. Our physical and emotional health need to be assessment and treated if needed, before we even think of how fast we can become or how many goals we can score. You will always have a fundamental limitation to your full potential if you ignore you basic physical and mental state. We always start with the client’s individual history, using the “HRV Optimization Checklist” I developed for HRVcourse.com as a guide. This checklist goes through major areas of one’s health and wellness: Physical Health, Emotional Health, Nutrition, Sleep and Physical Activity. However, this is not a conclusive list and is only a way to see which part of the client’s health needs to be looked into further. For example, has the person been hospitalized for any reason? Have they been in a car accident? Have they had a concussion? Why did they tend to ignore questions about their home life? Is there something that may be going on that they aren’t telling me? By having a full, detailed history of the person you are about to assess is critical, as there may be something they think is a small issue that maybe significantly impacting their health and performance. After we have a picture of the subjective information from the client, we then do a Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) tests. From here, we can see the current health status of the individual, getting values such as LnRMSSD and HF from HRV, and Phase angle (PA), basal metabolic rate and body cell mass (BCM) from the BIA. These values allow us to get information about the persons overall homeostatic capacity, acute and chronic stress status, and cellular health to know if a person is thriving, or just surviving. As the metaphor goes, if you want to optimize your performance, there is no point adding horsepower to a car that has a flat tire. To assure that we don’t do that, we assess the movement of the person to see if they do have the flat tire. They need the basics in order to perform at a high level, assuring there is no major dysfunctions that would limit them from moving to a higher level. For this, we use the systematic approach of the Functional Movement Systems (FMS), provide objective information about their movement and provide exercises to help assess limitations caught by the screens, tests and assessments of the FMS. A VO2 assessment looks at your ability to intake oxygen, which is used to turn into fuel for the body to use. Are you breathing too fast? Breathing too shallow? Are you breathing out almost the same amount of oxygen you are breathing in? This is where your performance starts; can you supply your body what it needs to survive? And at what point does it break? Too many people mistakenly exercise too hard or are not exercising hard enough. Assessing your heart rate, you will know your ideal training zones, you get the most out of every exercise session. Whatever happens during your physiological assessment, whatever system is limited or compensating, you will use your heart rate as the marker of intensity to work on that system. For example, if your ventilation rate is the first to significant change at a heart rate of 150bpm, then this value will be used in your recommendations as this is easily measured compared to the other systems. The MOXY monitor is a part of the new wave of physiological testing. It is a small, non-invasive sensor that utilizes infrared light to continuously monitor oxygen saturation (SmO₂) levels and total hemoglobin (THb) in the muscles while they exercise. It is designed to provide accurate, real time measurements of the percentage of hemoglobin-and-myoglobin-carrying oxygen in the capillaries and cells of muscle tissue, where oxygen is consumed to produce energy. MOXY helps identify optimal training intensity zones and provides feedback on the physiologic systems limiting performance. From here, it is up to the tester or coach to interpret the results and give you feedback on how to improve on your health, movement or performance limitations. After these are optimized, the only part left is the skill of the task at hand, whether it’s a sport, movement or activity; meaning, the fun part! Come in and let’s help you find where your limitation is.
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Toc Toc is a 2017 Spanish comedy film directed by Vicente Villanueva. The movie follows the adventures and misadventures of a group of patients with OCD dated at the same time. A group of patients with OCD wait for their flight-delayed doctor to arrive for their appointments, forcing them to endure each other's oddball quirks. Plot: The adventures and misadventures of a group of patients with OCD appointed at the same time.
Lady-to-Lady Conference is an extraordinary conference where the presence of God is experienced tangibly and has a special place in God's heart. The conference carries with it an experience that words cannot perfectly express. While we will love to describe this experience, we are equally aware that no words could perfectly express such experience hence why you will have to be present to experience it yourself. All we can say is that the experience inspires and brings about Hope, Faith and Love. Each year is different and 2018 edition will not be an exception. The theme for 2018 is The Glory ​. You will be clothed in His Glory that will separate and position you for greater works, which will be evident for all to see. As it is written, "The glory of the latter will surely surpass the former". Glory! Are you ready to move to the next level in aAre you pregnant with a dream, a vision or an idea that you are ready to birth? Then Lady-to-Lady conference 2018 is the right place to be. Lady-to-Lady will continually be on a mission to impact ladies to be confident in who they are in Christ and live out their God given purpose here on earth.
Be classy, show temper and shine bright. If you do, winning takes care of itself. This quote totally expresses who I really am. I believe that woman should combine a lot of traits inside of her but only the real and strong one is able to keep them all together. I am a very optimistic person, no matter what happens in life I like to keep my head up and look at things from positive prospective. I believe that positive mindset is the key to everything. Once I put my mind to something I always achieve it. I’m also a very romantic and passionate. I like going for the long walks to the park or beach, having dates at the shore or somewhere in the mountains. But as I am a very diverse person I like to mix things up from time to time and have fun. I think that life was meant to be lived to its fullest and I am not wasting any minute on empty things. I like to go out with my friends, visit my family and play with my cousins, what can I say, I really love kids. I am a very adventurous person, I like visiting new places, trying new things and doing something unusual and a little crazy from time to time. When it comes to things that I like and the way I dress up I have to say that the diversity of my interests is very broad. I like listening to almost every kind of music, watching every film genre and reading different kinds of books. Most of the time it depends on my mood, but I’m just trying to develop myself in every possible way. My fashion style is mostly classy, I like wearing dresses, skirts, blouses and heels. But sometimes you may find me wearing casual clothes and I am feeling just amazing. I can make even simple jeans, t-shirt and sneakers rock. If you are looking for the real lady, someone who knows how to be classy and keep it real and to the top, crack jokes from time to time then you are on the right page. The bigger the plot the more interesting the book is. I think that there is no time on this planet to waste and while having all these amazing opportunities people have to live it up!! That’s what I’m trying to do. My range of interest is so big, there are so many things that I’m doing right now and still so many that I want to try. One of my biggest interests is learning languages. I like discovering new ways to communicate with people and make new friends. Even though I still got a lot to learn I’m trying to do my best and develop myself every single day. I like to travel and I think that travelling and discovering different countries and islands, meeting a lot of new people, learning about new cultures and trying local cuisines are the best things to do. I’ve been to a lot of cities in Ukraine and I hope I will travel abroad very soon. You never know where life may take you so I am open to anything. I also like spending time with my family, friends and all my little cousins. I think that family is one of the most important things in life and I truly want to find someone reliable to have a strong and big family with. Summer has to be one of my favorite seasons. I like hot weather, swimming in the sea and bathing in the sun. My dream is to live somewhere near to the beach and be surrounded by palm trees. As you can see I’m trying to explore as many things as I can and live my life to the fullest, all I need is a good man by my side to make my life journey perfect. We all want that somebody to make us feel safe and give us love. I am here to prove everyone that love has no borders and no distance. No matter what the circumstances in life are, no matter if we are happy or sad we all need somebody to share our ups and downs with. I am here to find myself not a superhero, but simply my own hero. From my point of view, woman can’t be completely strong and powerful if she doesn’t have a strong man by her side. Someone who can make her feel special and turn the whole world upside down just to make his queen happy. I am looking for that type of man, someone mentally and physically strong, and someone who knows what he wants from life and how to take care of his business. No one is perfect and so am I but I didn’t come here to look for a magical superhero to make all of my wishes come true, I came here to find a man who can show his woman that she’s loved and the most precious person to him. I believe that if two people are perfect for each other, if they are soul mates everything will fall into places. I am willing to make my man happy and give him all he needs but he also has to do the same thing for me. Only mutual love, work, support, trust, affection and passion can make relationships work. I believe that passion and affection are very important. So, I am that type of a person who can kiss you passionately and show you my affection every single day. I hope to find someone with a good sense of humor, I like having fun and joking around from time to time, well, we all know that laugh is the best medicine. I hope you can relate yourself to my perfect man description. If you do, don’t hesitate and write me. I can’t wait to meet my love and have a happy and adventurous life with him.
According to figures released by the quasi-governmental Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute (IEICI) Israeli exports suffered in 2015, but the decline wasn’t across the board. Among Israel’s top 10 export destinations, half showed big declines but two enjoyed major increases while the rest showed moderate improvement or no change. Israeli exports to Turkey, with which Israel has had tense relations since the fatal Mavi Marmara raid in 2010, plunged 40% last year to US$1.7 billion. Most of the decline was due to lower dollar prices for chemical products and refined oil as world petroleum prices plunged. Israeli exports to Turkey, with which Israel has had tense relations since the fatal Mavi Marmara raid in 2010, plunged 40% last year to $1.7 billion. Most of the decline was due to lower dollar prices for chemical products and refined oil as world petroleum prices plunged. Other big declines were in the euro zone. Exports to the Netherlands declined 14% to US$2.1 billion, to Germany by 16% to US$1.4 billion, to Italy by 23% to US$800 million, and to Spain by 26% also to about US$800 million. Those big drops, however, were partly offset by double-digit increase in exports to the rising world economic powers in China and India. The Export institute said exports to China last year climbed 21% to US$3.1 billion while those to India rose 21% to US$1.3 billion. Israel’s biggest export to China is electronic components, which came to US$1.6 billion last, a 53% rise over 2014, and thanks mainly to sales of semiconductors made by the Intel plant in Kiryat Gat. But other major categories include medical instruments, which is the fastest growing segment of China exports. Last year, they grew 14% to US$260 million, but in 2011-15 they rose an average of about 27% a year. The United States remained Israel’s single biggest overseas market, but last year exports were unchanged from 2014 at US$11.2 billion. Exports to No. 2 Britain edged 2% higher to US$3.7 billion, the same pace as to France, where exports reached US$1.4 billion. All told, however, exports of goods and services last year were down 7% to US$92 billion, but Ofer Sachs, CEO of the Export Institute, is optimistic about this year, citing a recovery in world trade. He said exports to the U.S. should grow and those to the EU should see a modest recovery while exports to Asian should grow strongly.
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One of the most frequent issues that many of my NGO clients have is connecting with people who are truly interested in their issues on Twitter. While it’s easy to find followers, it’s much more difficult to find relevant followers. For the last few years I frequently recommended using SocialBro (now: “Audiense”) because it had a very nifty feature that made it easy to do just that: you could search for a phrase or hashtag with AND/OR/NOT operators, see who is using this term and then filter the results by number of followers, language, whether you already follow them or not etc.. While a lot of tools offer a keyword search across Twitter profiles, SocialBro searched the actual tweets. This is a very important difference, because what a person tweets about is far more relevant than how he/she describes him/herself in the bio. Think about it: it is far more likely that someone interested in climate change has used #climatechange in a tweet than in his bio. Unfortunately, with the name-change to Audiense, SocialBro also changed their pricing. While you used to be able to do this type of search as part of your normal subscription, you now have to pay 150 USD to buy a package of 50,000 results based on your queries, in addition to your monthly subscription fee. Below is the short list of alternatives I have found so far. If you have experience using any of them, please leave a comment below. The listed prices do not include possible non-profit discounts. I’m not a huge fan of Commun.it because I don’t like their interface and the constant nagging to upgrade is driving me nuts. But when it comes to identifying users worth following, they are doing things slightly ­better than Mention: Commun.it shows either a “follow” or an “unfollow” button next to each name making it much easier to go through the list. Unfortunately, it’s not possible to filter the results so you still have to scroll past users you are already following. If you thought Commun.it’s interface was bad, don’t even think about looking at Socialoomph. Setting up an alert has the charm of configuring a Wifi Router. However, if you don’t mind that, then there is a lot to like: Socialoomph has a lot of configuration options and you can search for up to five keywords at any given time. I particularly like that you can easily choose between following someone or adding him/her to a Twitter list. With all the tools that I have listed so far, finding people is one of many features. Refollow, on the other hand, is a one-trick pony that focuses only on helping you decide who to follow and unfollow. For the purpose of finding people based on hashtags or keywords it is by far my favourite, since it comes closest to what I used to do with Socialbro. Whether that functionality alone is worth 20 USD/month is something only you can answer. With Refollow you can easily set criteria to identify people talking about certain topics and you can filter the results so that you only see those that you are not already following. The interface is very clean, but unfortunately some of the settings are a bit hard to interpret. Have you used any of these tools? Can you recommend one that wasn’t mentioned? Please leave a comment!
Near new 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment overlooking the water in Birtinya. You will have your own bathroom and large bedroom and share the living space. The bedroom has a large built in wardrobe and small desk, central heating/cooling and a ceiling fan. The house is furnished except for the bedroom. Walking distance to Sunshine Coast University Hospital and Stockland Birtinya shopping centre. 10 minutes drive to USC and 15 mins to Sunshine Plaza. There are some carparks available off street (first come) as well as on street parking. I'm 24 and have recently relocated to the Sunshine Coast to study Paramedicine at USC. I will be studying full time as well as working part time. Im a respectful, eco-conscious person who enjoys cooking, sewing and a social wine. Looking for a like minded, social housemate of a similar age.
‘Come & See’ is widely regarded as the greatest war film of all time AFAIK. The story of its production (including the flagrant disregard for the health and safety of the crew and various farm animals) is legendary. WRT portrayal of the Germans/Russians… it is (at least partially) propagandistic, produced as it was to mark the 40th anniversary of the Soviet victory, but that said, the brutality of the German’s on the Eastern front cannot be exaggerated. Glad to see a positive review of it, especially after the awful treatment you doled out to Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Having said that, I’m not a huge fan of WWII films either… and while I do watch a lot of non-Anglophone cinema, Come and See’s rep as “the greatest film of all time” seems to have passed me by. Though I will admit, it’s a deserving candidate. Point taken on the depiction of Russians and Germans.
How to Find the Right Wooden Doors for Your Home? A wooden door can add appeal to your home. No matter whether you choose a classic or vintage style, it remains one of the oldest structures in the human history. You can find its significance in history where alder, cherry, timber, oak or mahogany was used for the protection of forts. Now customization on doors is available. You can customize a wood depending on your budget and the functional requirements. Wood doors add more charm to the overall look of your home. It is a practical choice to opt for wooden doors. You should stay updated about various options to make it a good choice for you. These doors feature a frame which is covered with a layer of wood or veneer on its both sides. Solid timber strips with its edges are also available in the market. The supports in between the face veneers provide the rigidity. Face veneers can also be availed in varnished or painted plywood. Different in-fills make it durable to the hollow core doors. A cardboard honeycomb is the most widely used type of such doors and easily available with wooden door suppliers. You can position a solid timber area at a specific height on one door side. You can use it to put the lock and handle. Hollow core doors come as an affordable option in comparison to the most solid wood doors. They are lighter and easier to install. The only disadvantage is that they cannot absorb sound effectively. Flush doors have the thin sheets of hardwood veneer which is placed on the top of the core of particle board, wood or fiberboard. The veneer helps in protecting the door from stabilizing and warping. You can always enhance the face veneers using decorative panels. Two kinds of cores are used in flush doors. It includes stile and rail core and wood-stave block core. A wood-stave core has vertical wood strips of low-density. A stile and rail core includes wood blocks that are glued inside the rails and stiles. It comes with more reliability as compared to wood stave. Panel doors are more popular nowadays. They feature a series of solid wood panels that are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. These panels are arranged next to each other. Panel doors have grooved frames coupled with thinner panels of pine, oak or beech. The moldings can be installed to ensure the panels remain in its place. The size and number of panels will depend on your requirements including the door and size you need. Four panels are the most common kinds of panel wooden doors these days. Due to inset glass panels, the lited doors are in demand. There are doors with interior or exterior openings. For instance, the office doors or patio doors serve as the perfect example of the lited doors. Often wooden door manufacturers call doors lited doors because of the number of glass panels they have. Welcome to D.P. Woodtech Pvt. Ltd, one of the India’s leading manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of high-quality wooden furniture for homes and offices.
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Create interactive features such as a chat area on your website for customers. Allowing your customers the ability to communicate with each other on your site makes them enjoy visiting you more. It is natural for people to want to be part of a group, and if you give them that feeling, they are more likely to return to your site. Making and uploading a viral video and including tags in your video will aid in your internet marketing success. Be sure to include a link that leads to your site in the video’s description. You can significantly increase your website traffic by using this strategy. Advertise with popular websites. If you spend this money, you will notice how much your traffic improves. The more daily visits a website has, the more potential customers will become familiar with your brand. If writing is something you are skilled at, write an article containing information about your business and send it over to websites or magazines that allow article submissions. Be certain to add your company information and site information. Getting your articles published is easier if you cultivate relationships with editors; you can do this by giving out free samples or making affiliate arrangements. Consider offering an e-freebie that represents your business or service well, and put it out there where it can reach the masses. If it’s an e-book that’s free, submit it to sites that provide free e-books. There are lots of different websites that offer general freebies, articles, e-books and e-zines that you can try to submit it to. Never overlook something like direct marketing, as this can be an excellent complement to help in your Internet marketing efforts. You could call, email or send a fax to your customers to advertise a special offer. There are many ways to get the information of potential customers, including websites and the yellow pages. How your website looks and the appearance it should be just as memorable as if the customer was walking into a store. Make sure you always test your links and ads to ensure that they work for your visitors. Consider the fact that your customers can’t enter your store if the doors are locked; if your site has bugs that prevent customers from shopping, they won’t stick around too long. When you are just beginning in Internet marketing be realistic about the amount of money you will make. If you get good results, you might want to make a career out of it. But in the beginning, look at it as something fun. There are many aspects involved in effective Internet marketing. The blessing is that there are many options available that you can customize to your particular business, and the curse is that it may be difficult to decide which options are right for you. The following tips will make your journey into Internet marketing a success.
Last night it was the 'beauty oscars', the CEW Awards demonstration evening. I'm lucky enough to be a member through work. For those of you who don't know it, CEW (Cosmetic Executive Women) is the main beauty industry board in the UK. It's awards are one of the most sought-after as they give an official stamp of approval for a brand's product. So last night, all the brands who have been shortlisted were able to give their products to CEW members to try and then vote. Needless to say it was a bit of a free for all, with most people having the same plan of heading for fragrances first, then prestige skincare, then onto the more mass market brands. You just had to grab what you could - a whole room full of beauty-crazed women means dignity kind of goes out the window! It is hugely exciting checking out all the products when you get home. So many amazing classic and new beauty treats to discover and obviously there are a billion reviews to come! Brands who have been shortlisted include La Prairie, Nails Inc, Dr. Nick Lowe, Liz Earle and so many more! All members will be voting over the next few weeks with the winners being announced at the end of April! I would have loved to come to this and become a member of CEW in general, I am giving some serious thought and hope to come to the event next year. NOTW: Leighton Denny Get Your Cote!
From Great Lakes rescues to patrols during World War II, The Escanaba is the most famous cutter you’ve probably never heard of. Over 120 men were saved when the troopship Dorchester was sunk by a Nazi submarine on February 3rd, 1943. 101 of those men would be lost when the Esky itself exploded and sank. There has never been a conclusive answer to why it was lost, but this Mixtory shares some rare eyewitness accounts of the disaster. Mixtories 3 "The Armistice Day Storm of 1940" Lake Michigan’s worst November Gale is told by the men who survived it. Mixtories "The Great Equinoctial of 1872"
This is a placeholder page for Barbara Cherry, which means this person is not currently on this site. We do suggest using the tools below to find Barbara Cherry. You are visiting the placeholder page for Barbara Cherry. This page is here because someone used our placeholder utility to look for Barbara Cherry. We created this page automatically in hopes Barbara Cherry would find it. If you are not Barbara Cherry, but are an alumni of Mariemont High School, register on this site for free now.
This function returns the name of the object by a given it ordinal in the specified chart. pos Ordinal number of the object, value of type Integer. Returns object name. In error case call GetlastError() function to get the detailed error information.
I very rarely know what I am going to have presented to me when I go out to photograph a landscape. I know what I would like but we don’t always get what we want. Not only are we dealing with nature’s finest creations, we are trying to balance it with whatever the ‘greatest lighting man’ throws at us. This can often please or displease in equal measures. Take A Different View: 14 Variations of the Same Location posted on Fujifilm Insider on August 5, 2017 12:27 pm .
Over the last ten years, Christian has been responsible for developing a number of tax efficient products, particularly Enterprise Investment Schemes. He is able to lead on tax efficient product development from inception through to completion, because of his financial and tax background and commercial experience. Christian is a non-executive board member to a number of leisure and hospitality companies, Casper & Cole Ltd, Wright & Bell Ltd, Albion & East Ltd, Camm & Hooper Ltd and Darwin & Wallace Ltd.
Using codeine together with ezogabine may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating. Some people, especially the elderly, may also experience impairment in thinking, judgment, and motor coordination. You should avoid or limit the use of alcohol while being treated with these medications. Also avoid activities requiring mental alertness such as driving or operating hazardous machinery until you know how the medications affect you. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor. Using dexbrompheniramine together with ezogabine may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating. Some people, especially the elderly, may also experience impairment in thinking, judgment, and motor coordination. You should avoid or limit the use of alcohol while being treated with these medications. Also avoid activities requiring mental alertness such as driving or operating hazardous machinery until you know how the medications affect you. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs. Do not stop using any medications without first talking to your doctor.
Getting to and out of an airport can be a troubling endeavor, especially if it is is one of the biggest international airports in the city. Heathrow airports receives a ton of traffic from foreign and local travelers and thus you might find yourself lost in the commotion. However, if you choose silverline gps cars as your guide, you will be guided every step of the way. We pave the way for your stress free airport transfers. A ‘Meet and Greet’ service can be arranged when booking whereby the driver will be in arrivals with the passenger’s name or company name, whichever you prefer. A comforting thought, especially for first time visitors in a foreign country. If your flight is early or subject to delays, we will track your flight’s progress and send your driver at the new expected time of arrival. A lot of our work is corporate based so if you are booking a taxi for other people you need not worry, we will give them the professional quality service they would expect. We accept most major credit cards and debit cards and send receipts via email.
Imagine someone that does not like cold weather at all, but as it has to be in Europe by mid February 2015, is trying to find a not-so-cold place to visit. Well, thought about Portugal, Barcelona, but I'm now totally lying towards Tuscany and surroundings. So, what would you recommend me to visit? What cities are worth to go during the winter? Wineries, restaurants, are they all open? What are all the best? Though I wouldn't say the temps are the warmest in Tuscany in Feb, I can say that the Carnival party spirit is sure to warm you up. Another thing you can do which will keep you warm while enjoying Tuscany are the many thermal spas. My experience is everyone is open in Feb - and even better because they are expecting to cater to a local clientele!
Our existence is not in isolation with the rest of the world. While this idea sounds spiritual, it is very pertinent to social and global situations that we see every now and then. When a house is on fire in the neighborhood, if we don’t act, it is only a matter of time before the fire reaches our own doorstep. There is an idea found in many ancient cultures that this world is one organism. The microcosm is a reflection of the macrocosm. Just like within us there are billions of cells with their independent existence that collectively make up our existence, all the billions of people and other creatures make up the Being of this world. Today, there are many parts of the world that are on fire. Many governments and authorities, like in Syria and Egypt, end up using force in conflict-zones. While sometimes necessary in extreme situations, such an approach is reactive and often leads to complications in the long term. Taking care of hygiene and preserving health is easier than to go through treatment after the onset of disease. Just as we need to be proactive in maintaining our health, we need to be proactive in maintaining harmony in the world. A healthy multi-cultural exposure to children can go a long way in eliminating religious fanaticism. An attitude of service cultivated in young minds can be a preventive approach to tackling corruption. Therefore, proper education – one that inculcates human values and honors diversity, is necessary for sustainable peace in the world. Only a few people in the world cause terror, not the whole population. Of the seven billion people on this planet, there are hardly a few thousand who cause crime and the whole world is affected. With the same law, won’t the reverse also work? Just a few thousand of us, being really peaceful, loving and caring for the whole planet — can we not bring a transformation? One should not think, ‘What can I do?” or that one is insignificant. Everyone has a role to play when the world is in turmoil. A tiny homeopathic pill has the power to heal an 80 kg body. In the same way, every individual has an influence on this cosmos, on this planet. When we radiate peace and good vibrations, it definitely makes an impact. Those of us who have been fortunate to find some peace within ourselves, now have a challenge to reach out to all those who are not at peace with themselves as well as to those countries and parts of the world where there is conflict. The knowledge of the oneness that we share with the world can bring people out of their narrow mindsets. A bigger vision of life can kindle human values, enabling one to see diversity in oneness and unity in diversity. New York: We have known it for ages. Now Americans have woken up to the benefits meditation brings in life. Meditations have different effects and that meditation can lead to non-dual or transcendental experiences – a sense of self-awareness without content, says a fascinating study. According to Fred Travis, director of the centre for brain, consciousness, and cognition at Maharishi University of Management in the US, physiological measures and first-person descriptions of transcendental experiences and higher states have only been investigated during practice of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique. After analyzing descriptions of transcendental consciousness from 52 people practicing TM, Travis found that they experienced “a state where thinking, feeling, and individual intention were missing, but self-awareness remained”. A systematic analysis of their experiences revealed three themes – absence of time, space and body sense. “This research focuses on the larger purpose of meditation practices – to develop higher states of consciousness,” explained Travis. With regular meditation, experiences of transcendental consciousness begin to co-exist with sleeping, dreaming and even while one is awake. This state is called cosmic consciousness in the Vedic tradition, said the paper published in the journal Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Whereas people practicing TM describe themselves in relation to concrete cognitive and behavioral processes, those experiencing cosmic consciousness describe themselves in terms of a continuum of inner self-awareness that underlies their thoughts, feelings and actions, added the paper. “The practical benefit of higher states is that you become more anchored to your inner self, and, therefore, less likely to be overwhelmed by the vicissitudes of daily life,” said Travis. TM is an effortless technique for automatic self-transcending, different from the other categories of meditation – focused attention or open monitoring. It allows the mind to settle inward beyond thought to experience the source of thought – pure awareness or transcendental consciousness. This is the most silent and peaceful level of consciousness – one’s innermost self, said the study.
We have spoken with three people, who are responsible for waste management in three types of stores, from a small grocery store to one of the biggest department stores in the world. We asked them how they tackle waste management and recycling in their businesses on a day-to-day basis. The Hemköp store in Vrigstad is the only one in the area and it has a loyal customer base. Sales amount to approximately 40 million SEK a year. As the store has grown quickly over the years, so has the volume of waste to handle. ICA Supermarket Olskroken is located in central Gothenburg. Sixty people work in the store, which turns over around 175 million SEK a year. Gekås in Ullared is one of Sweden’s most popular places to visit and is thought to be the world’s largest department store of its kind. A department store with 4.8 million customers and sales of 5.3 billion SEK a year certainly generates a lot of waste. Generally speaking, many stores seem to be quite good at compacting and recycling their waste. Awareness is increasing and consumer pressure is making a green environmental profile increasingly important. There is still a lot to do and too many stores continue to rely on a mixed waste containers for all their waste. It is time for a change if these stores are to keep up with the competition and stay attractive to their customers. Contact an expert at Orwak and we will help you improve and streamline your waste management and recycling.
Shoji Yamamoto, Takeshi Okamoto, Norimichi Tsumura; Visual assessable inspection for short-term memory with eye tracking. Journal of Vision 2017;17(15):52. doi: 10.1167/17.15.52. An early prediction and diagnosis for dementia is necessary to prevent the progress to serious condition in the aging stage. Focused on the forgetfulness of dementia participants, we developed a visual assessable method to evaluate the ability of short-term memory. Our proposed method employs a visual-type memory test with series position effect with eye tracking. Unlike in the case of verbal test, this visualtype test is easy for elderly people, and it is possible to examine by oneself. Moreover, the use of eye tracking for detection of series position can accomplish a tough-to-fudge procedure for the evaluation of short-term memory. As a practical procedure, the proposed method represents the colored five patches in the 10 degrees field of view. A participant memorizes the color name as a sequential order within a prescribed time limit. After 2 seconds interval with gray screen, the representation of five color patches with one changed color in these patches is executed. The participants obtain a good appraisal when they point out the changed patch based on their memory. The controller can change inquiry position flexibly since the memorized order of each color is recognized by using eye track measurement. As the result of experiment for 20's and 50's participants, a compatible response was obtained as same as the verbal test with series position effect. Moreover, an explicit difference exists that the ability of short-term memory in the 50's participant was degraded compared with the 20's participant.
De Beers reported Friday that 2005 earnings rose by 26 percent over the previous year to $782 million. The increase was mostly derived from a specific deferred tax gain of $148 million. Without this benefit own earnings would have been 2 percent higher than in 2004. Diamond Trading Company sales set at a record $6 54 billion, 15% higher than in 2004, but without the favorable impact of the stockpile releases that took place in 2004, diamond account margins were lower, said the South African-based company, adding that 2005 was adversely affected by mark-to-market differences on hedges and the mine closure costs referred to below. Initial reports of retail sales of diamond jewelry for the year indicate growth in the 6 percent to 7 percent range, De Beers said, with growth in all areas with the exception of Europe. The U.S. holiday season was considered “satisfactory,” by the company, “with overall annual growth in line with the world trend.” The high-end independents and internet retailers outperformed the market. Japan and the rest of Asia-Pacific grew in low single digits, with China doing better after the poor first half of the year. Asia-Arabian was in the double digits for 2005. During the year, the DTC raised its rough diamond prices on two occasions, the effect was that sales by the DTC in 2005 were at prices, on average, 9.5 percent higher than in 2004, De Beers said. For most of the year, demand for rough diamonds from the cutting centres was strong. In addition, the DTC successfully launched a suite of Value Added Services to clients. Diamond production in 2005 for the world’s biggest diamond producer, including joint ventures in Namibia and Botswana, was 49 million cts., an increase of 4 percent over 2004, De Beers said. Debswana produced a record 31.9 million cts., an increase of 2 percent over 2004. Namdeb’s production of 1.8 million cts. was 5 percent lower than in 2004. De Beers’ South African mines produced a total of 15.2 million cts., a 10 percent increase over 2004. De Beers Consolidated Mining completed the closing of its loss-making underground operations in Kimberley and Koffiefontein resulting in impairments and provisions for retrenchments amounting to $48 million. Operating cash flow fell to $723 million, before the payment of $250 million to settle a class-action lawsuit with the U.S., from $985 million in 2004, mainly as a result of an increase in working capital requirements during 2005.
Getting your Qufoto website is easy and fast. Just complete the form below and that's it! You'll have a professional photography website in no time. close Domain taken If you own this domain, no problem. If you don't, please choose another. close Choose a plan Please select which plan you'd like before continuing. No problem! You can redirect a domain that you already own to your Qufoto site, or choose a new domain for free. All plans run on a month-to-month basis. There are no long-term contracts, so you can cancel at any time with no fees. Once you sign up it will take up to 24 hours to create your account. Once you log in, you can get started instantly.
Availability of trees in the environment it is so important because they provide clean air to breathe in. More so, they ensure that you can have the required shade in your home; however, it is in order to remove them from your yard due to some reasons. So that you remove the trees from your yard in a proper way you have to ensure that you are hiring the services of the professional tree removal company. It is imperative to incorporate the services of tree Removal Company so that you can secure your property from damage and destructions. Below are some of the factors that you can use to choose the services of tree Removal Company. You should consider the license of the company you are about to hire. So that you hire the permitted tree removal company it must be in a position to present its business license as that it is an indication that is authorized by the law to carry out tree removal services. Also, you have to check if the company is insured. When you hire the tree removal company that is insured you will be able to have your property protected since if the destruction occurs you will be able to seek compensation from the insurance company. During the process anything can happen that can lead to injuries or damage and since you don’t want to be liable the insurance company will be able to cover the cost. It is imperative to put into consideration the training and tools that the company has for its services. The job of tree removal requires people that are highly trained and are professional so that the job is accomplished as it is required. Moreover, the tree removal company is supposed to have all the necessary tools to carry out the project in order to perfectly make all the work completed on time. The stumps that are left should be as well be gridded or removed and you have to consider the company that will offer that services as well. The best tree Removal Company ensures that the stumps are removed from the yard so that it looks attractive and beautiful. It is imperative to consider the reputable tree removal company. Always ensure that the tree removal company you will hire will be able to meet all the demands you want. Through the reviews of the customers on the company’s website will show you whether it is the best company to hire for tree removal services I your yard. You can also get the best tree removal company that will provide you with excellent tree removal services through recommendations from your close friends.
I love the new paper I bought in NYC for my cranes. It's so bright with so many different colorful patterns. It's super thin though, which makes it a bit harder for me to fold cranes. There's a happy medium with paper. It cannot be thick like card stock. I do have some paper that is quite thick that requires me to double fold (folding in one direction and then back in the opposite direction). But it also can't be too thin because then it's also less likely to stay folded when I'm trying to make subsequent folds. Just one of the little tips I can bring to the table after folding over 600 paper cranes!
I’ve been following General Motors (GM) and the new Transformers movie and I think it is great that car companies want to advertise on movies. As I take a sip of cool, refreshing Coca-Cola, I realize that I don’t mind good product placement now and again. But I’m not really hoping for anything great from this next movie. In fact I’m anticipating disappointment. I liked the first Transformers movie. It was a fair plot, plenty of humor, lots of action, and a chance to see the new Camaro. But the Camaro is the exact thing that is bothering me about the new movie. Apparently GM has decided that some changes needed to be made to the car, though it is still the same color and basic shape, but that doesn’t bother me to much. What bothers me is this, the Camaro should have been ready to be purchased after the first movie. Don’t advertise cars that don’t exist. I want to drive “Bumble-Bee” not wait two years to see one at Barrett Jackson and yet still have to wait till 2010 to get a ride in one. Could you imagine how much money GM could have made on Camaros with the “Bumble Bee” paint job if the car was ready for the release of the Movie? This year GM has been showing a bunch of cars at the Chicago auto show that are going to be in the Transformers 2, and guess what? They don’t exist either. GM is going to be putting a new Stingray Corvette, the Chevy Beat concept, and the car that really makes me angry, the Volt. That car doesn’t even have a real sales date, so why advertise it? I think the Volt is going to be great but when am I going to be able to drive back an forth from work without using a drop of fuel? Maybe GM is trying to get interest back into the car, I don’t know. The whole allure of Transformers growing up to me was My cousin’s VW bug could be an Autobot, my Dad’s pick-up could be an Autobot, and the 911 Turbo next to me could be an Autobot. There is no allure if I don’t get to see it, touch it, and listen to it. I’m just frustrated. If you are going to be advertising cars in your movie please, please let them be available for a test drive. Well I guess I’ll just have to see how everything pans out with the movie and GM. The video and all pictures are © GM Corp. Geiler Post. Fast so toll, wie das Zocken von Computerspielen selbst. förderlich für das Reaktionsvermögen sein kann. oft just in seinem favorisierten Game Gleichgesinnte. Kurz gefasst: spielen ist geil! Spielen ist Kunst. Yellow color is love and this one is very practical for single people and that living alone. Also this was said to be very economical which is amazing.
For hundreds of years, people have been examining the history of the Cat Queen, a tabby cat who ruled over a remote island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean called Boomshakalaka. Historians have stated that the cat sat on a throne during her ruling and made all gubernatorial decisions for the island. It is speculated that this Cat Queen, or Your Feline Majesty, as the villagers were known to call her, dictated all the animals in the island to serve and obey her. Documents have been found detailing the struggles the island went through under her dictatorship. The island is rumored to have had as many as 1,000 human occupants, none of whom are living today. The feline was reported to be 1.5 feet tall and weighing around 30 pounds. Pictures depict her as being gray and black in color, with long fur. Many people believe that this cat was all-knowing, almost a god of sorts. The Cat Queen has been thought to be a hero among her people, despite her tyrannical rule. Some people believe that the way in which she ran her society, with residents working 12 hours a day with little to no food, was unethical, while others believe that the island residents could benefit from the robust education system the Cat Queen had supposedly implemented during her years of reign. Historians have traced many successes of the island of Boomshakalaka back to the Cat Queen. The economy apparently boomed during her reign. Many were dismayed to find out she had passed in a tragic accident while chasing a ball of yarn off a cliff. While the Cat Queen may have either been a noble ruler or an evil dictator, her legacy will live on.
Our services are available to patients referred by veterinarians in private practice and to horse-owners without referrals. To schedule an appointment for your animal, please call our reception staff at (765) 494-8548 between 8am and 5pm Monday through Friday. In case of emergency, call the same number and tell the operator that you have an animal emergency. The operator will contact the clinician on call who will return your call. Normal receiving hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with appointments scheduled at 9:30 a.m. or 1:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. We provide emergency care for sick or injured horses 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The Tips Guru > Inspiration > Revenge – do you really want revenge? If we are hurt by someone and we retaliate by hurting that person in return, it doesn’t do us any good and it surely doesn’t do them any good either. We think that by taking our revenge, it might become easier for us to move on in life. But, in reality, we just keep dwelling on that topic and it leads us to an even bigger sense of sadness than what we’d usually expect. Often the major reason why we even think to take revenge is that we don’t want to lose face. It is a very serious thing for some people. We try to avenge thinking it might get us the love and respect that we lost through the journey of hatred. We become less forgiving and that takes us from being an innocent, hurt person to an almost cruel one. We might think that revenging will bring us back everything that we have lost, but we forget to take into consideration the feeling that follows it – the guilt, the shame, and the sadness. However, it is very important to realize that hurting someone the same way that we got hurt, is not going to get us anywhere in life. Forgiving them, might. That is why, it is necessary that people realize that revenge should not be questioned of whether it is good or bad. Because it can never be good. We think it will bring us closure, but it might not. Even if it does, it brings the closure at a price – the price of our self-dignity and the goodness that we had inside of us. If we learn to forgive people instead of hurting them back in return, we will not only help ourselves in being happy, but we may also be able to teach that person a lesson in forgiving and letting go. We can simply make this world an inch better place by forgiving the people that have hurt us. It is natural to be angry, to be sad and to be hurt, but we should only try to get even with that person if it is going to make us feel better for the rest of our lives, which in most cases is not possible. Taking revenge may seem like the only option, but in reality it is just the easier option. Hence, most people tend to take it. Forgiving someone is difficult, but once we do it, we can see how that makes us a better person and as Oscar Wilde once quoted, ‘Always forgive your ermines, nothing annoys them so much.
Seamless web pop-outs mean that your customers do not have to download an app! Making easy to collect orders for Pick-up or Delivery! New! Take pre-paid reservations! Easy and streamlined with no hidden commissions or fees. Perfect for local restaurants that offer pick-up and delivery! Allow customers to order any of your menu items for pick-up. Set unique delivery times that best suit your business. Create delivery zones with Google Map allowing your customers to see if they are in your area. The Garden Gate, opened its doors to a parade of diners that would come from the four corners of the world. It soon became a 'go to place' for the tired, the hungry and the not-too-rich of all ages and persuasions! Affectionately known as THE GOOF. Allow customers to order any of your menu items for pick-up and / or delivery. Set unique delivery times that best suit your business. Create delivery zones with Google Map allowing your customers to see if they are in your area. Orders come straight to your kitchen e-mail or smart phone. $950.00 CDN with no hidden fees. period.
An article published by Zippia ranks Bakersfield as one of the worst job markets in America in 2018. The article states researchers ranked 386 metro areas based on wage change, unemployment rate change and the current unemployment rate. Bakersfield ranked number seven out of the worst ten.
Thanks for the reply @v_kyr, that did the job. I didn't think to check for any fixes in the beta. But that is exactly what was missing from the grid manager, and the isometric studio also is a nice addition. Although I don't know why they didn't just call it axonometric studio. I know isometric is the most popular form of axonometric projection but still. This formula does seem to solve the alignment of 2 of the 3 planes, but the downside is that the grid isn't uniform anymore, making it impossible to make proportional cubes for example. I don't know if this is possible but it seems to me that the solution is to shift the plane consisting of the first and up axis and the plane consisting of the second and up axis down or up to align with the plane consisting of the first and second axis. I would really like to have other grid types be able to have aligned plane sets, just as the isometric grid type does.
I really, really love writing, mostly because I love arguing. Dogs are pretty great too - especially Great Danes. In fact, I have one (Bones, aka the love of my life). I am the first (and best) part of the Holy Trinity.
Dozens of active wildfires in the Northwest U.S. Above: Active wildfires in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Western Montana, and Northern California at 4:18 a.m. MDT August 16, 2017. Dozens of wildfires are active in the Northwest one-quarter of the United States. Many of them have been burning for several weeks under a limited suppression strategy. The states of Washington and Oregon have a total of 32 large uncontained fires that have spread over 810,171 acres. Satellite photo showing smoke from wildfires near Missoula, Montana, August 15, 2017. Satellite photo showing smoke from wildfires in northwest California, August 15, 2017. Active wildfires (without added name tags) in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Western Montana, and Northern California at 4:18 a.m. MDT August 16, 2017. After 15 years as a small town fire fighter in South West Montana, [20 yrs. ] of living here the smoke is piling up with the wind. If yang have any medical issues with respiratory problems , STAY AWAY FROM IT THE BEST YOU CAN make defensible spaces & remain vigiant, a simple wind change can change a fire situation very bad very fast. God bless the hard working fire fighters !!!
I bought my first book of poetry when I was maybe 11 years old. I bought it from a small used book store that had just opened up at the end of my street. It was calledFive Courtier Poets of the English Renaissance and it was pretty heavy stuff for a child. The book store owner tried to talk me out of buying it, but I fell in love with it. And I went back there and told him so!
Duncan Hines brand Apple Caramel Cake Mix recalled due to Salmonella. On December 14, 2016, Pinnacle Foods Canada Corporation has issued notice that they are recalling Duncan Hines brand Apple Caramel Cake Mix, due to possible Salmonella contamination. If you have this product in your home, please check to see if your product is on the recall list. If you think you consumed and became sick from a recalled product, call your doctor. Food contaminated with Salmonella can make you sick even if it does not look or smell spoiled. Pregnant women, young children, elderly and people with weakened immune systems are more at risk, and may contract serious and sometimes deadly infections. Healthy people may experience short-term symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever, and headache. Severe arthritis and long-term complications may result. If you have consumed the recalled product and have any of the above symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.
It is true that every professional ­ fresher or experienced ­ carries a set of strengths and a set of weaknesses. Some may be aware of the same and some may not be in the know readily.Many authors suggest that we must discover our strengths and play to it. It’s true; such strategy works very well and it does give professional success. However, it is also true that we think about our weaknesses more than our strengths (Yes, you can pause at this moment and think for yourself)! The areas that we are not good at keep haunting us. They affect our confidence. They hold us back in our professional endeavors. While we are aware of our weaknesses and we know that they affect our professional and personal life, what do we do to deal with them? I notice the following approaches to deal with the weaknesses. At this stage, you are most likely thinking about yourself; you are wondering which of the above approaches do you adopt in dealing with your weaknesses. While it is true that you must be following different methods at different situations, it is important to study if there is one approach that you use more often than others. Accordingly, you can decide if you wish to bring about some changes in dealing with your weaknesses. Each of the above approaches bring with them some advantages and associated challenges. Most often adopted approach is to hide one’s weakness. It comes very naturally. It is almost instinctive to wear a mask and cover-up the weaknesses. Take for example a conversation in which the other person is almost assuming that you know the subject and flowing with the topic. Though you don’t know the topic, you act as if you know it and try managing the situation. To your misfortune if the conversation on the topic were to continue, your weakness will get exposed. Obviously, you are in a hurry to conclude the conversation and move away! Therefore, it is clear that hiding your weakness is possible if the relationship is transitory and not prolonged. If you attempt this approach at workplace where your colleagues see you everyday, you will be mostly seen as a fake personality! Since hiding weakness is a burden, some people resort to declaring it openly. They confidently say “I don’t know“ or “I am weak in this“ and thereby lessen the expectations. They instantly feel lighter because others will not expect anything in the areas of their weakness. For example, I hear some saying, “I am very bad with numbers“. Such an approach does sound genuine and does work for its honesty. However, the flip side is that you will not work on the weakness because you have already managed the expectations. You tend to live with your weakness. This is a practical approach and healthy when used in conjunction with “Declaring weakness“. In other words, you first admit that you don’t know and then you will strive to improve in the areas of your weakness. It will add to your credibility professionally. For example, if someone says, “I don’t know how to use excel, but give me a few days for me to learn“, wont you like that person? This is also a good approach in some situations, especially after you exhausted (B) and (C). That is, you admitted your mistake and tried improving. If it did not work, one should not feel shy in seeking help. That is the only way to deal with your weakness. Imagine yourself not asking for help; you are most likely to go back to (A) ­ that is hiding the weakness! Look back at your professional or personal experiences; reflect how you tend to react and approach your weakness. Change your approach if it is not working. Remember one thing ­ mishandling of weaknesses will surely hamper your professional development and damage your professional credibility.
Oh, those government spell-checkers. . . . As one guy here said when he saw the goof, “At banks, people get fired for that kind of oversight (regardless of the irrelevance).” Yes, they do. . . .
Are you still eating low carb? There’s a reason why low carb diets make you feel moody and lethargic, leading to low-key training sessions, followed by poor recovery…hardly ideal as I’m sure the idea is to make progress and see results right? Whilst we’re at it, how’s your sleeping when eating low carb? The body has a primary objective, which is to fuel the brain, the rest is secondary. 1 – Carbohydrates are the bodies’ primary source of energy, so if they are present, the body will use them first to provide energy for the brain, daily activity and exercise. 2 – They are vital in the recovery process after exercise, restoring depleted glycogen stores so that you’re ready to go again whenever your next workout is. 3 – The more active you are on a daily basis, in addition to training frequency, the greater your requirement for carbohydrates (think quantity), over someone more sedentary. Eating carbohydrates will not lead to fat gain, overeating on a regular basis will! After a prolonged period of low carb eating, re-introducing carbohydrates may lead you to feel funny at first; this is simply because you’ve restricted them for a period of time, not because you have a problem with them. You’ll possibly weigh more on the scales too, don’t panic! This is down to your muscles holding the carbohydrates, don’t confuse this with fat gain – it isn’t! Whether your goal is muscle gain or fat loss, it’ll take you far longer to reach that goal if you’re not performing at your peak the majority of the time, and carbohydrates are vital for performance. A thought for the week – Suppose you remove or majorly restrict a certain food group, do you have a legitimate reason for doing so, such as a genuine allergy or intolerance?
This howto should help you with setting up an RSA public and private key setup from a Mac to an Ubuntu box. Of course, this should be possible with other OS's but I have not tested it. Please post if it was useful! For the past week I have been trying to set up an RSA SSH certificate for accessing my Ubuntu servers from PuTTY and Mac's SSH through a terminal. However I have been faced with some serious problems, thankfully the guys over at ubuntuforums.org could help me out. So here is a quick howto I wrote so that people don't have the same kind of trouble that I did. Just to clear things up an SSH key is a way to secure your connection to SSH. By using a key you make one private and one public key that sort of match each other. You put the public key on the server and then use your private key to unlock it. It's a type of encryption. Open up a terminal (Macintosh HD > Applications > Utilities > Terminal). Now you can make a few different bit lengths (which is the how secure the key is). I think 2048 should be adequate, but you can put anything you would like. You will then be prompted for a few questions. This is the default place where the key is stored, keep it here so that you don't have to tell the computer where to find the key. Please put in a passphrase, if you do not that means if the key gets out anyone can use it WITHOUT ANY PASSWORDS! After this your computer now has the public and private key pair in your computer. Now we have to put the public key onto the server. This is a in terminal text editor, first off copy all of the text in that file, and then press ctrl + x to exit out of the editor. Once this is done SSH into your server. From here you can paste the data from the public key generated on your Mac. Make sure that it all fits onto one line. Now test out your connection to make sure that it works from your mac, if all went well you should be prompted for the passphrase for the key. Now the following steps are optional, these will make it so that all you can do is log in via a private key, this means you will no longer be able to use your username and password to log in. Once this is done SSH into your server. I'm wondering how one could do this.......if it hasn't been set up yet. How do we do #3? There's no gas in there. that's a poor analogy. Also it assumes you have ssh access to the server in the first place. If you don't this won't help you. This is not a way AROUND security, it's a way to implement better security. yes onion, bad analogy. This works very well. You must allready have ssh set up with passwords to follow this step by step. If you dont you will have to upload the .pub file and copy its contents to authorized_keys. Then turn off password auth. This is exactly what I was searching for, and it worked! Don't listen to all the negative comments. You were at the top of my google search and it worked. I perfer to use vi editor but that is just a preference of mine. For others reading, if you are sick of being prompted for the remote root password because you ssh into 20 different servers a day this is very helpful indeed. Thanks for posting this! It's straight forward and helpful. This page should be re-titled as these are not certificates. These are ssh PSK(pre-shared keys). Certificates have chains of authority signed by root CA, etc. Good quick tutorial, I have used it many times. You don't explain what computer's user name to use. The server or the client?
In 2012 Caroline Jaine’s peice “5 Migrants” was shortlisted for the Searle Award – it has now been published by Askance as “Getting There” and is available in full colour hard-back or a soft-back with a black & white interior. This work was drawn from five interviews with migrants living in the UK. It transcribes their words into a 184 page book, presenting the five journeys in the form of a puzzle. Jaine said, “I wanted the reader/viewer to be able to make choices, play with their assumptions, and reflect the choices made by the story-tellers”. The front cover image is of Jaine’s grandfather writing home from India. Other images used have been donated by the subjects, or are Jaine’s own photographs and paintings. Sorry, currently out of print. PAYMENT: Buying directly from Askance is done via PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account, you can use your credit or debit card as you would with any other online purchase.