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In the next few days, it's mostly sunny. But thunderstorms are likely on Monday. With a high around 34 degrees, it's hot.
Dr. Celia Infante Hernandez, DDS is a dentistry practitioner in Palmdale, CA. She graduated from Universidad Autonoma De Guadalajara, Facultad De Medicina and practices dentistry. A confident smile can change your life and we want to make it happen. We understand how uneasy some patients may feel about their dental visits, so our team is dedicated to providing a relaxing and positive experience. Our state-of-the-art equipment brings you modern, gentle treatments that can create stunning results. We welcome kids and have toys and a children's play area. Very knowledgeable and gentle with reasonable prices. My wife and I like her and the staff very much. ×Post a ResponseAre you Dr. Celia Infante Hernandez, DDS? She is very dry! No friendly smile or personality with patients!!! She told my husband his teeth was too old. She's not professional at all. Don't visit this dentist! Everyone in the office was very considerate polite kind and nice, perfect staff, I can't say enough about the excellent service. Dr. Hernandez she a jewel. I could not ask for a better Doctor, this Doctor cares. best Dentist I ever went to. How was your experience with Dr. Infante Hernandez?
Choose between your favorite wood-finish for this personalized two pen set. The choices are the dark walnut wood and light maple wood pens (both have silver hardware, retractable close mechanisms, and black ink). You may engrave a name, or a corporate logo on each pen. With a sleek and simple design these pens are the perfect writing utensils for the home or office. This gift-set also includes a bentwood pen holding case (that may not be personalized). A great gift for a valued employee. PLEASE NOTE: Pictured books are not included. Better yet, this wonderful gift-set now enjoys FREE SHIPPING in the U.S.
The lab at our local hospital regularly sends specimens to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. All they required was an order from my doctor for a 24-hour urine test for Gadolinium. When I presented the order, the lab personnel gave me all the collection materials I needed. Once I had completed the 24-hour collection, I took it back to the hospital’s lab and they prepared the specimen that was shipped to Mayo Clinic. The results were sent to the hospital’s lab which then sent them to my primary care doctor. So if you have any trouble getting the urine test through Mayo, contact the lab at one of your local hospitals. If the lab doesn’t already have a contract with Mayo, it is very easy for them to get one. Even if one hospital doesn’t have a contract with Mayo, it is very likely that another one does. Because most labs have never even heard about the urine test for Gadolinium, you will need to provide them with the Mayo test ID and test name. Details about the 24-Hour Urine Test can be found here: http://www.mayomedicallaboratories.com/test-catalog/Overview/89301. Note that Mayo does all of its Gadolinium-related testing on Thursday mornings and the specimen will need to be there the day before, if not sooner, in order to have it ready for testing on Thursday of that same week. I did my 24-hour collection on a Sunday/Monday and I took it to the hospital’s lab early on Monday so that it could be sent overnight to Mayo. You might be wondering what my result was. As I mentioned earlier, my test was performed almost exactly two years after my last contrast MRI. My Gadolinium level was 0.4 mcg/24-hour specimen which is at the top of Mayo’s reference range and not considered to be elevated by Mayo Clinic. But keep in mind, as time goes by, free Gadolinium will not be in circulation and available for excretion in your urine. If you retained Gadolinium, much of it will be deposited in your bones and soft tissues. That’s why provoked urine tests detect higher levels of Gadolinium than unprovoked tests – see Our Research for more detailed information about urine test results. Since I have never done chelation therapy, I have not had a reason to do many urine tests. However, I decided to do another test about 18 months after the one done by Mayo. I wasn’t expecting the results to be any higher and they weren’t. But I wanted to know if my Gadolinium level had remained about the same. You see, in mid-2013, Mayo Clinic changed the description of their Gadolinium-related tests to include a disclaimer of sorts. It now said, “Elevated gadolinium (>0.5 mcg/specimen) observed in a 24-hour urine specimen collected >96 hours after administration of gadolinium-containing contrast media may indicate impaired ability to eliminate gadolinium or continued exposure, suggesting either reduced renal function or exposure to anthropogenic sources”. An “anthropogenic source” means it is from a man-made source such as the Gadolinium from a Gadolinium-based Contrast Agent. The Gadolinium that has been eliminated in patients’ urine cannot be removed by the sewage treatment process and it has been detected in the water near metropolitan areas. If the 0.4 mcg of Gadolinium that was still in my urine 24-months after my last dose of contrast was supposedly from my drinking water, then I expected my Gadolinium level to be about the same as on my first test. My second test was done by Genova Diagnostics and I ordered it online through HealthRemedies. My Gd level at 42-months post contrast was 0.238 mcg/24-hour specimen. Anything above 0.019 mcg is considered to be elevated by Genova; however, it is not considered to be elevated by Mayo Clinic. The fact that it had gone down since the Mayo test indicates to me that the 0.4 mcg of Gadolinium was probably not caused by Gadolinium in my drinking water. You need a doctor’s order to have a test done by Genova Diagnostics. If your doctor doesn’t have an account with Genova, you can find a Wellness or Preventive Medicine doctor in your area that uses Genova by sending a request for information via the Genova website at https://www.gdx.net/patients/practitioner-directory. I received a list of doctors in my area via email. Or you can get the test through HealthRemedies.com: http://healthremedies.com/comprehensive_urine_elements_profile_genova_diagnostics.html. A doctor affiliated with HealthRemedies sends the order to Genova Diagnostics. Genova will send you what you need to do the collection along with detailed instructions. You might want to read Duke’s post about “Ideas on Getting a Gadolinium Urine Test” for more information. You will receive a copy of the Genova test results via an email from someone at HeathRemedies.com. Your cost for the tests will vary depending on which lab is used and how it was ordered. My insurance covered the cost of my test performed by Mayo Clinic. When it comes to Gadolinium urine testing, there are two things to keep in mind. First, evaluation of urine Gadolinium levels is not used when making a diagnosis of NSF. Second, even with elevated urine levels of Gadolinium years after their last exposure, patients with normal kidney function are not given a Gadolinium-related diagnosis. So don’t have a urine test thinking it will help you get a diagnosis. Instead, I recommend having a urine test in order to provide proof that you retained Gadolinium. Remember, if it has been a long time since your last dose of contrast, your Gadolinium level may not be elevated on an unprovoked urine test, but I suggest doing an unprovoked 24-hour urine collection to establish your baseline. You will be able to compare your results to those published in our self-study papers. At some point someone will “officially” make the connection between our unexplained chronic symptoms after our contrast MRIs and the Gadolinium we retained from the Gadolinium-based Contrast Agent we received. Unfortunately we are not there yet. By Sharon Williams in Help, Testing on December 27, 2014 . Is it possible to have retained gadolinium without it being detected in an unprovoked 24 hour urine? My husband has multiple symptoms of GDD after 2 mris with contrast in 2015-2016 but his 24 hour urine came back “less than detectable level”. Absolutely. The urine test only tells how much is being excreted, not how much is sill in the body. If you read the Gadolinium Retention papers on the Research->Our Research page (https://gadoliniumtoxicity.com/research/ourresearch/) that we published you will see the graphs that show how high the levels would have been sooner after the contrast MRI. People who have done a provoked test subsequent to receiving an “undetectable” unprovoked test usually get a positive result. I just had my 12th MRI with and without contrast because of a tumor. My vein blew up in my right arm and they injected me with 40 ML’s of Gadolinium and 20 ML’s in my left arm to finish off the MRI. My first question is, does Gadolinium Poisoning cause severe or chronic swelling in other extremities such as the legs? What other symptoms can it cause? Is there any way this metal can cause inflammation in the groin area for a female? My CRP, ESR, and white blood cell count have been elevated as well. Do you have any advice for me? Sorry you had to find us. You can read all about the symptoms, treatments, etc. in the Help section of this site. Also, if you have not done so, we recommend that you the papers we have written about Gadolinium Retention and the associated Chronic Symptoms discussed on the Our Research page in the Research section of the site. We do not provide individual advice or discuss individual cases here on this site because it is public. We suggest that you join the closed Support Group on Yahoo – MRI-Gadolinium Toxicity – https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/MRI-Gadolinium-Toxicity/info . It is a closed group only for people who are gadolinium toxic. There are many people in the very active group who can share their experience with you.
This blonde beauty certainly knows how to be her number one seller! They have already been seen at numerous fashion events like the Givenchy show in New York, where they mingled with Vogue editor-in-chief (and possible wedding guest? But this blonde bride-to-be is no stranger to being paired with successful men.
Now, just because the title says 5 days in Rome, that doesn’t mean … this post is in fact just part 2 of day 3. But you weren’t thinking that, of course. After the Catacombs of St. Callixtus on the Appian Way, we headed out to the Basilica di San Paolo fuori le Mura (St. Paul outside the Walls), one of the major papal basilicas in Rome. It is also here we would celebrate our second mass on pilgrimage. Msgr. Dreiling was still in the hospital, and the musicians from OLPH in Fresno CA came prepared, under the direction of Ruben Cabatic. They livened up the liturgy indeed. Notable at St. Paul’s are the mosaic portraits of all 266 bishops of Rome … and says Eleonora our city guide, “There have never been two living popes, so it is more than unusual to have both Papa Francesco and Papa Ratzi up there at the same time.” I didn’t think that was so unusual at all. I think she meant she hadn’t ever seen it in her lifetime. Then in the evening, dinner at La Vittoria with Lois, Marta & Jim. Here are some of the dishes we enjoyed … unless we enjoyed it first, so I didn’t remember to take a pic.
Are You Ready to Receive Your Soul? Where are You Leading me Coyote? What is going to be is what is, that is love…. Imagine the possibilities of who you are….. "Real fearlessness is the product of tenderness. It comes from letting the world tickle your heart, your raw and beautiful heart. You are willing to open up, without resistance or shyness, and face the world. You are willing to share your heart with others." © 2019 Fearless Flame. All Rights Reserved.
We only accept United States Postal Service money orders. You can pick up a U.S.P.S. money order at any post office for a few cents. To place your order, go through the shop and add things to your cart as you normally would. When you are finished, view your shopping cart and click on checkout. Follow all of the normal directions until you get to the point that you would usually continue to PayPal. At this point, just print your cart page that contains your ordered items and your shipping address.
I started with the question… “ why do we have to do the things we don’t like “ . I’ve had to face uncomfortable situations recently, in doing things I really just don’t wanna do , because of situations I just don’t wanna be in . I had to take a step back and re-evaluate that question . Like a really BIG step back . I’m the one who put myself in the unwanted situation, so why should I be angry at the fact I have to retrace my steps back now ? Well I’ve come to the conclusion it’s all apart of my learning journey, learning where and what I don’t want to be . Instead of thinking negatively and beating myself up about it , I’ve decided to look at the situation differently . If life was all easy and everything went our way , how would we grow and evolve to be the person we were meant to be … well we wouldn’t , we wouldn’t have the same learnings and self discovery as a person who trekked the harder path. I keep reminding myself with all the hardship comes a great reward . Changing my way of thinking is critical at this point … instead of “ I don’t want want to be here“ it’s needed to change too “ this is exactly where I need to be , this is my path I must walk or crawl“ . A blessing in disguise , although I may hate and loath this part of my story right now , i know it will only make me stronger . I need to walk the hard yard ( and stay on it ! ) to get to where I want to be . Thinking back to past hardships and experiences , they were the times that taught me the most , that turned me into a strong resilient women . So changing the mindset now from negative to positive is imperative. Lesson 26 : It’s the journey through the hard times that teach us who we are .
Commissions Doubler Review – Should you Invest? This program promises to show you how to make $200/day using a free traffic method. Allegedly you can double your profits overnight. They offer step by step video training that shows you how to put money in your pocket. Also discover the niche that Nick recommends any newbie use to get started. Within the program you will uncover the BIG mistakes almost all affiliate marketers make and how to avoid them. Commissions Doubler shows you the fastest way to get hordes of FREE traffic. Basically the program combines the traffic from Craigslist and niche products for sale from Clickbank. I personally don’t think craigslist is the best way to earn money online…. it’s better suited for finding a used couch or entertainment center. While niche marketing is an excellent way to earn money, spamming people through sites like craigslist is not a viable technique. I have built several websites in different niches and earn money from them everyday. For me, that’s the best way to start an online business that pays. Free traffic is seldom a good way to get targeted traffic that will convert. Who is Commissions Doubler For? Commissions Doubler is marketed toward the newbie or the person who is looking for a quick way to make money. Often times these tactics or promises of getting rich quickly are not legit and only a few people actually make money or benefit from programs like this. If you would rather look into a program that will actually make you money and teach you the skills to be successful, then check out my recommendation. Video training is available and a step by step guide is included. The video is long and drawn out. Getting to the point (the technique to make money) was not a priority. After 65 minutes, Nick finally gets to the bones of the program. Way too long if you ask me. The price starts at $47, however most of the time you are able to get it for a much lower price if you act quickly. They offer a price of only $6.97 for those that choose to sign up within an hour of landing on their page. In my opinion, any program that promises you’ll make money within 24 hours is NEVER legit. Although I do believe certain people can make money with this program, I don’t think it’s for newbies that are hoping for financial success immediately. Hard work and consistency is the only way to guarantee success. Most of these programs are shut down within a year. Compare My #1 Recommendation to Commissions Doubler Below – Learn How to Make Real Money!
Honey contains a high proportion of sugars and these can be readily absorbed by the body and are especially beneficial for children, the sick and those involved in heavy manual labour. In addition to being a food supplement, honey is also widely used as a home remedy especially by those suffering from colds and sore throats. The nutrient value of bee products lies in the fact that they are rich in carbohydrates and some in proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals. By-products such as bees wax can also be used to treat wounds such as burns and sores. The authors describe how these products can be made but point out that to become a beekeeper smallholders do need to have a lot of training and support. Local beekeepers can be a good source of information and help.
Don't Miss (Making) The Sale! A gift in the hand, is a sure sale! While being conservative is usually a sensible option, when it comes to stocking up for the holidays, it might not be so. Holiday shoppers tend to be low on time and high on impulse, so if you do not have what they seek when they are in your shop, you might miss out on the sale entirely. Holiday shoppers can be fickle so you have to be prepared to strike when the iron is hot! Bulk up early on popular tea ware items such as infusers, mugs with infusers and gravity style teapots. These don’t age and can be sold well past the holiday season. The latter is true of classic teas and non-seasonal blends. Seasonal blends can be stocked up as well but have a post-holiday clearance strategy for any leftovers. That week after Christmas is great for clearing older stock at a discount. At the very least, if you are super sensitive to overstock, have a plan to capture the sale while you have the customer in your store and ship the product to them once you get it from your vendor. This way you have taken care of the client, secured the sale and can make the most out of your holiday traffic.
GFWC is made up of 50 state federations, to which local clubs belong. By joining a local women’s club, clubwomen become members of their state federation, which conveys membership in GFWC. The California Federation of Women's Clubs is a member of the General Federation of Women's Clubs International, chartered in 1901 by the UnitedStates Congress. GFWC organized in 1890 with 61 charter clubs, is the world's largest and oldest women's volunteer organization with over 100,000 members in 3,000 clubs across the United States, with hundreds of members in countries around the world. Reflecting the GFWC motto, Unity in Diversity, there is considerable diversity in age, interest and experience of members. GFWC and its members raised nearly $64 million on behalf of more than 300,000 projects, and volunteered more than 10 million hours.
This salad is quite versatile with the base. You can use mixed greens, kale, arugula or spinach as seen here. Dark leafy greens are a great replacement to lettuce, being that they are more nutrient dense. Dark leafy greens are important for skin, hair, and bone health. They’re loaded with nutrients and low in calories. I threw in dried cranberries and pomegranates for a touch of added sweetness against the crisp spinach and smooth, earthy garbanzo beans. Feel free to add lean proteins to this dish to create a meal that is more hearty rather than a side dish. Combine spinach, garbanzo beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, dried cranberries, pomegranate seeds, and scallions in a bowl. Combine tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, honey and whisk together well. Add za’taar and salt to taste. Mix well.
Today’s contest reveals an interesting lesson. But before I reveal the winner (and the lesson), I need you to pick the ad that you think was clicked more often. If you were searching for a way to conduct online background checks, which ad would you click? The winning ad is ad number two. It was written by “cartmetrix,” and it improved CTR by 69%. 1. The winning ad switches up the title text by using DKI and using the alternate text “Instant Background Checks.” The word “instant” implies speed, which is an important buying criterium for anybody doing an online background check. Contrast this with the original title text, which says “Online Background Check.” The word “Online” does not imply speed, so “Instant” is the better word here. 2. The body copy in the losing ad starts with the price: $29. This is a huge “speed bump.” I expect it stops many searchers from reading any further. Now, listing the price is not necessarily a problem. But placing it first in the body copy is premature because searchers don’t yet know what they’re getting for $29. Furthermore, the price is followed by a comma and then the number 3. This makes the price harder to read, and may be confusing to non-American audiences where commas are used in place of periods in prices. 3. The winning ad leads with the offer: “3 Years of Unlimited Checks – $29″. This sounds like a bargain. Any person who is hiring a lot of employees or needing to do a lot of background checks is going to find this appealing. 4. The losing ad, on the other hand, lists the price first (not a good idea), then promises “3 Years Unlimited Searches.” The word “Searches” is far too vague. I don’t know if a “search” is equivalent to a “background check.” I’m reminded of the ads that promise a free credit report — but then charge extra for the credit score. The wording in the losing ad feels the same way. Am I going to get unlimited searches (which are basically worthless), or unlimited background checks? The losing ad doesn’t say. 6. Rather than address a problem that hasn’t happened yet, the winning ad gets into the mind of the searcher by saying, “Find out Who’s Hiding a Past Today!” This phrasing is masterful because it kills two birds with one stone: 1) It gets into the mind of the searcher, and 2) gives a clear call to action at the same time. What’s more, it generates instant curiosity. If you have a person you’ve just interviewed, you might even be thinking about what THAT person may be hiding. Hard to resist. Boost Media writers are standing at the ready to improve your pay-per-click ads on both Google and Facebook. Sign up today and give them their marching orders. I'm still learning from you, but I'm trying to reach my goals. I definitely liked reading all that is posted on your website.Keep the tips coming. I enjoyed it!
Sad news to report today that Love & Hip Hop Hollywood’s Nia Riley, girlfriend of Soulja Boy was in a car accident with her daughter. Soulja posted a picture of Nia’s tattoo of his name, Dre on Instagram with the following caption. My girlfriend @niariley was in a car accident and the car flipped over and our daughter was in the car. Need your prayers. Life is short and you never know what could happen I love them and don’t know what I would do if something happened to them. God first. We are keeping Nia, her little one and the whole family in our thoughts and prayers. Leave your well wishes in the comments below!
Whether you're moving into a new home, or you want to teach your old home some new tricks, you can get premium-quality smart home technology. In fact, we can retrofit our smart home systems into nearly any type of Jewell home, no matter the age or design. Vivint Smart Home wants to make your life as simple and secure as humanly possible. We provide a free one-on-one consultation so that you get the smart home of your dreams, customizing your system to fit the needs of your household. We will also send our Vivint Smart Home Pros directly to your Jewell house to set your system up and teach you how to use it for no additional cost (regularly $199). Still wondering if you can afford the security and convenience of a Vivint Smart Home system? If so, you'll be glad to know that new customers can finance a complete, top-of-the-line system of smart home devices and make no-interest payments over the life of the service contract, just like a smartphone. Plus, there's no activation fee. Give us a call today and see just how much more convenient, safer, cheaper, and more relaxed your life can be.
Each week, join Robyn Spice, as she interviews guests who are navigating their own experiences regarding LGBTQ+ issues. In this weeks episode of Our View I discuss internet trolling. I am a huge fan of social media, however social media gives individuals an anonymity which leads to nasty and harmful comments being made, especially against marginalised communities such as the LGBTQ+ community. Please subscribe to this podcast if you have been enjoying the episodes.
Verbal and Non–verbal Communication: Non–verbal communication (like body language and hand gestures) considered harmless in the U.S. may be offensive to people in Nicaragua and other countries to which you plan to travel. The list of gestures considered rude in other countries can grow beyond the obvious. For more help communicating in Nicaragua, please see the Communication Sheets. Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Keep yourself free from sexually transmitted diseases by using protection (like condoms or abstinence). Also, remember that "no" may not always be interpreted as "no" in Nicaragua and in other countries. Inform yourself about the types of diseases prevalent in the area in which you are studying and the areas in which you will be traveling. International Sources of Information: Inform yourself as much as possible about your new environment, making use of as many different sources as possible – online, in the library, on television and radio news programs, and in the paper. Don't limit yourself to U.S. sources. Instead, contrast the U.S. information with that provided by Nicaragua and other countries. Please see "Media" in the Resources section of this Handbook.
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The Mayor of the Town of Holly Ridge appoints members to a seven member board of the Holly Ridge Housing Authority. These terms are for 5 years, with one meeting per month. Applicants for this board do not have to be citizens within the Town of Holly Ridge. If you are interested in becoming a member please go to the Office at the Housing Authority located on Circle Drive for an application.
At the end of the Nordnes Peninsula, this aquarium makes a worthwhile trip, especially for families. There are around 60 individual aquaria here, housing lots of interesting marine species from octopi to reef fish, although kids are bound to gravitate to the shark tunnel or the seals and penguins. There's also a tropical zone housing snakes, crocodiles and other reptiles. On foot, you can get there from Torget in 20 minutes; alternatively, take the Vågen ferry or bus 11.
Took this before playing some tennis. This is my schools batting cages. This area is hardly ever cleaned. I love this shot as it is simple and combines three passions of mine: Sport, architecture, and photography. I love basketball more than tennis, however, I would have to choose tennis to pursue playing as it is easier on my body. Plus I’m only 5’9 which doesn’t help in either sport. I do play hard in both sports and would love to play on a basketball team. I just pursuing tennis as more favorable to me in the long run. Did a lot today but I still have a lot more to do. I wasn’t able to do everything that I wanted to do, but there is still time before midnight. I’m narrowing my focus and cutting off things that don’t really help me in the long run. Also will be limiting my entertainment which I have done to a certain point which has be being more productive. Going to focus on storytelling (photography, filmmaking, writing) and fitness. I’m interested in being a traveling photography and filmmaker while also pursuing sports coaching or at least get a certificate to coach athletes one on one. I can find ways to combine both storytelling and fitness, it will be a long progress but will be truly worth it. Nothing like some good tennis to get your day started. I was able to take a few shows before getting some practice in. I love experimenting with shadows and lines. I wanted to show that you want the ball to be on the other side of the court. You always aim above the net not at it. Meaning you must set hug goals for yourself and an even higher one. You can win a point after a long volley, an excellent ace, or even a smash. Whatever it takes score all the points you need to capture the win aka your dreams. Never give up and never give in.
If you already have a faculty page that is not on My Big Campus, you do not need to create a new page. HS Teachers will have an in-service training on this for the 2015-16 school year. If you are a HS teacher and will be attending this training, you must create a Weebly account before the training. Instructions are on the first video. If you haven't created a Weebly account, do that first. If you are going to the High School training during in service, you must have an account before attending the training. You need not watch any other videos before training, but you must have your account set up. If you need a refresher or a quick overview of what Weebly can do, this is the video to watch. This is a quick overview of the menu items that are on the top of your Weebly interface. Use the "Build" tab, use widgets to create content. You can also use a pre-made layout as demonstrated in this video. move widgets to create the perfect design you desire.. Have a page for your schedule. Have a page for your assignments. Have a page for every period, or every course your teach. Learn how to create those pages and structure them in a way that fits your needs.
site or any company or individual that is associated with them in any way. We are not responsible for the actions of the visitors of this website or any players that visit the online sportsbooks that are featured on this website. local jurisdiction before visiting a sportsbook listed on this website. You must be at least 18 years of age to visit any of the online sportsbooks that are featured on this website. If you have a gambling problem, you are no longer allowed to visit this site. Please visit Gamblers Anonymous to get the treatment that you need.
If you have diabetes and have been diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy, it's extremely important to control your blood sugar levels to help prevent further nerve damage. Talk to your diabetes health care team—managing blood glucose may involve careful blood glucose monitoring, changes in your diet and exercise program, and diabetes medications or insulin. Also, do not smoke. Smoking increases your risk for diabetes complications, including neuropathy, so it's important to quit. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), National Institutes of Health (NIH), symptoms of diabetic neuropathy may worsen temporarily when blood sugar is first brought under control. Over time, however, keeping blood glucose within a normal range reduces neuropathy symptoms and lowers the risk for additional problems and diabetes complications. Painful neuropathy usually is treated with oral medications. Recommended treatment measures depend on several factors, including the type of nerve damage and the symptoms you’re having. A combination of medicines and treatments may be used, especially in people with severe symptoms. Of the medications listed above, Cymbalta and Lyrica are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) specifically to treat diabetic nerve pain. Talk to your health care provider about which medication(s) may be right for you, and about possible side effects associated with oral medications for neuropathy. Also, be sure to tell your doctor about other medications you are taking—including prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, dietary supplements and herbal medicines—to prevent dangerous interactions. Topical medications—like capsaicin cream, lidocaine patches and nitrate sprays—also may be used to treat diabetic nerve pain. Other treatments, including complementary and alternative medicines, are being studied, have shown some promise, and may be beneficial. Along with detecting nerve problems early, foot care is crucial in people who experience diabetic neuropathy. other body systems and organs. Your health care team may recommend lifestyle changes, as well as over-the-counter or prescription medications to help relieve symptoms. For example, eating small, frequent meals and reducing your intake of fats and fiber can reduce indigestion. Medications can be used to help regulate digestion, reduce stomach acid, and improve symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation. Circulation problems that cause lightheadedness or dizziness can be controlled by sitting or standing slowly, raising the head of your bed, or wearing elastic stockings. Physical therapy can be helpful if you experience muscle weakness or loss of coordination. Urinary tract infection (UTI) requires treatment with antibiotics. If you suffer from urinary problems like incontinence, your doctor may recommend that you drink plenty of fluids and make sure urinate at regular intervals. Sexual dysfunction may be treated using oral medications, vaginal lubricants or other measures. Focal neuropathy occurs suddenly, is often painful, and affects specific nerves in the body. It may cause vision problems, nerve entrapment (e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome, tarsal tunnel syndrome) or a condition called Bell's palsy, which results in temporary paralysis on one side of the face. Pain and other symptoms of focal neuropathy improve slowly over time. Talk to your health care provider about ways to relieve your symptoms.
Find 2933 listings of Anatolian Shepherds puppies for adoption in Armenia near you. find puppies for adoption near me, Adopt a puppy in Armenia. Finding a puppy for your home is hard work, we make it easy for you. If you are looking to adopt a good puppy look no further browse our listings below. Get puppies for free near me, adopt puppies near me, give a home to this puppies. Look at our listings below. Have a dog for adoption in Armenia ? list it on our site. browse our 2933 puppies listings below.
The Yunohana Onsen in Otaru is quite famous! Hokkaido is a good summer cycling choice. What kind of suggestions are you looking for? What are you riding? touring bikes or lighter ones. Where do you want to stay? Time frame? How many peeps? E.T.C.
Travel can be hard on your body, your body clock, your suitcase, and your smartphone. Phones can get jostled around and compromised when you’re on the move. Criminals in unfamiliar places may target your phone for theft. If you use public Wi-Fi in an unfamiliar place, hackers could get access to your personal information. If you use caution, however, it is possible to travel widely while keeping your phone intact. Here are some tips for safeguarding your phone—even with a jet-set lifestyle. Turn on your phone’s built-in protection – Your phone comes with layers of security, including password entry or biometric protection such as facial recognition or fingerprint swipes. Many phone users disable these protections because they don’t want to waste time entering them. Passwords are your phone’s first line of defense. Biometric identification provides a stepped-up security check that is more difficult to breach. Make sure to enable these protections before you leave for your destination. Shut down geo-tracking – Your phone collects information about the places you have visited. While this feature may be helpful at home, it will be risky when you are traveling. Don’t broadcast your location, and use caution when posting on social media. If you announce to the world that you are leaving on a two-week vacation or business trip, you might as well send out a personalized invitation to burglars near you. Back up your phone – Backing up your phone is important because you never know when your phone will get lost or stolen. If your phone is not backed up, you will have lost much more than just your device. You will also lose the important information that you stored on your phone. Update your operating system – You know those annoying little reminders to update your phone’s operating system? They are critical for security. They often contain patches to keep hackers away from your personal data. When you travel, you head into unfamiliar territory and could inadvertently download malicious software that your phone won’t be able to defend against. Updates will decrease your risk of picking up malware. Your phone should enhance your fun, not diminish it. Take these precautions before you head out the door so you can travel worry-free. How could it be that the world can fit into a small device that can make life easier, sporty and trendy? You can call it a CP, a smartphone or an iPhone, but one thing is for sure, it has been part of your daily life. How can you protect its hardware and software? You can get helpful tips from this infographic.
Hi! I'm a second-year student Interaction Design in Belgium. This is my portfolio, which consists out of a blog and a portfolio section. The school-part is where I need to place everything related to school (mainly reflection on your education). I'm quite curious on the general feedback. How can I improve my website design-wise and technically? How do you feel about the content? Everything is written in HTML/CSS at this point (I update everything manually) as I don't know a lot of PHP or any CMS system.
At the request of the Seidenberg Institute for Computing Innovation (SICI), a newly established faculty development organization, Professor Darren Hayes organized a day-long workshop to teach practical skills in the burgeoning field of computer forensics to Pace faculty and students as well as invited faculty from other institutions. The workshop, which featured presentations by law enforcement experts, Hayes, and a specialist in forensic software tools, was well-attended and exceptionally well-received. Hayes opened the workshop with an introduction to the world of forensics and provided insight into how people continually leave a digital footprint that both investigators and criminals can track. In an effort to provide more enhanced training, Hayes arranged for world-renowned Mac forensics expert, Investigator Ryan Kubasiak, NY State Police, to speak to the attendees about this emerging field of science. The audience was enthralled with the practical application of his knowledge to a notorious homicide case. Kubasiak was followed by FBI Special Agent Albert Murray III who made an exciting presentation on a significant take-down of a multi-million dollar criminal ring which stretched from the U.S. to Eastern Europe. Hayes concluded the day with a discussion on mobile forensics and also demonstrated the equipment used in his computer forensics laboratory. At the end of the day, all participants received workshop materials, teaching materials for their classes, and a CD containing a wide range of forensic tools.
I went from 253 and hurting to 161 and feeling great! I have worked on my health with BioIntelligent for almost 4 years now. I went from 253 to 161 under her care. I went from hurting all of the time to feeling great and completing a sprint triathlon. I had gained and lost weight over the first two years of working with Julianna but what finally worked for me was Ideal Protein. I was so worried about the cost and how the food would taste. What I found out was the food tasted great and I saved money every month. I was not buying a bunch of junk every time I went to the store which saved a bunch of money. What I expecting was how great I would feel on the program. It is super easy to follow and the support the coaches give is fantastic. I am a Navy wife and I found it easy to fit it into my crazy world. I would just take my food with me. I would recommend BioIntelligent Wellness and Julianna to anyone!!!
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) are activities that adults do every day to carry out their lives. These include bathing, dressing, grooming, going to the bathroom, walking, eating and other basic activities. The vast majority of ADLs are provided by the paraprofessional in most health care settings. Because of this responsibility, it is important as caregivers to have a solid understanding of the appropriate techniques in providing personal care. The Personal Care Workers also needs to be able to correctly demonstrate the proper skills necessary to provide personal care. In addition to ADLs, it is important that the caregiver understand and practice the goals of proper skin care and the preventive measures necessary to avoid pressure ulcers. Demonstrate the proper technique for giving a client a bed bath.
Nike's inspiration for its team collection comes from the understanding that every team is special. While each style has its own unique design, every player will be armed with the most innovative technology. Find a variety of Nike Football Kits, Nike Womens wear, Nike Training Wear and much more.
Matt Smith is the president and founder of smithHOUSE, a creative/digital agency based out of Phoenix, Arizona. Smith has a BS in Industrial Design from Georgia Tech and and an MBA from the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. He is married and has four daughters. Good design is expensive. The only thing more expensive is bad design. We are in constant churn. As a society, we create new problems and we have to find new solutions. As a studio, we ultimately solve problems for people. We like to think that with the work that we do each day, we make the world a better place. With design, less is more. Except when more is more. I understand that restraint and deliberation is essential to good design, but we can’t pretend that simple always wins. Having said that, don’t be fooled into thinking that a complicated problem needs a complicated solution. Simple solutions, when you find them, are gold. This is what we want to bring to clients: simple solutions to complicated problems. Being original isn’t worth your time. It’s a strange kind of narcissism that you see with creative types–that we want to be see as original, uninfluenced by the world around us. But that desire is exhausting and rarely productive. Just do good work. I can’t explain it. But Charles and Ray Eames defined cool. Do you think that they fretted over being original? Of course not. They just did great work and we’re better because of it. Why should designers stay put? One of my college professors was displeased with Frank Gehry leaving architecture and stepping into industrial design. Sure, the Michael Graves tea kettle at Target was silly and the toaster was bloated, but to say that Michael Graves didn’t belong in industrial design is to say that Bo Jackson didn’t belong in football. If you have a gift, why not do it all? With smithHOUSE, we do web, mobile, and branding. But at the end of the day, I am designing furniture and making toys for my daughters. Makers gotta make. The thought a hoverboard kept me up at night as a kid. I hope that I can ride one in my lifetime, and when that moment comes, I hope that it’s as fun as I dreamed. I don’t waste my time trying to makes sense of Modern Art. Here we are in the fifth decade since we were first liberated from the rules of art, and no one can agree if this is a good thing or not. We mostly just ignore Modern Art until someone brings it up, and that rarely happens. Talk about design, and now you have something that matters to people. Because design is about solving problems. Form meets function and the world gets better. This is where I belong. My dream car? That’s not a fair question. I have a dream garage: 1972 C-10 Cheyenne Super, a late 1980s Porsche 911 Turbo, and a whole bunch of VW buses. I have a big family you know. It was fun to be a part of MTV in its golden era. Recently I went back home to visit my parents and my mom played some old VHS tapes of when I was on The Real World: New Orleans and the Road Rules Challenge: The Gauntlet. My oldest daughter, 4-years old at the time, met me in the kitchen and gave me a big hug as she cried. She sobbed and explained that it hurt her feelings that I was voted off the show. Being a dad is so much cooler than being an MTV reality star. Yes, I did deliver a baby. My second daughter–on the side of the freeway. The perfect buy at the perfect time? Those only exist in hindsight. It’s buying into Apple around 2004, or buying up city blocks of NYC during the 1980s. It’s always a matter of looking at the data, paying attention to momentum in the marketplace, and then placing your bet. It’s always a gamble. New York was different. It’s the only city that I’ve lived in where the #1 drama is your relationship with the city itself. It’s the one thing that everyone in NYC has in common–you’re all in a very complicated relationship.
Ask, how the job is, and if it gets busy at times, and if he is enjoying himself. Small talk. His answers and mime will let you guess whether it is a good place to work at! This really helps! Small talk.... They need to hire the right people to take on the job, so that they are not losing money due to poor customer service, theft, or turnover. Below are some possible interview questions you may face when applying for a restaurant job. Step 2: Select the Location for Your Job. There�s small window skip out to ask you to type your city and state. Click Select to move on. Next you will see a big map where you can select McDonald�s restaurant, choose one to apply. how to ask professor to review exam Ask, how the job is, and if it gets busy at times, and if he is enjoying himself. Small talk. His answers and mime will let you guess whether it is a good place to work at! This really helps! Small talk. Example of a Restaurant Cover Letter . Two Tips: If a job working in a restaurant interests you, be sure to include in your cover letter two essential elements: 1) your experience in this industry and 2) your enthusiasm for serving customers�whether as a waiter, chef, or host. 8/02/2013�� Photo by Les Roches. AS YOU ALL KNOW, there is a time and place for everything. This includes when it�s time to start printing out those ol� resumes and finding a new job. Applying for a job is probably a very stressful experience for anyone. It could even be the more nerve wracking than the job itself. From the time we make our cover letters and resume, we have to be cautious about the information that we write because it could either impress or discourage the employer reading it.
For the second week of BM # 50 I have picked Methi recipes. Methi or fenugreek is a winter green which is one of the greens that is my favorite, next to sarso or mustard. Spinach is one green that I am not really fond of , though I eat it mixed with some other veggie . As always Valli put a clause to these methi dishes, three days and three categories. So I begin with Methi Gota which is a very popular snack of Gujarat. The gotas have a little bit of sugar, which is added to kill the bitterness of the fenugreek. These gotas were my father in laws favorite and we used to make them very often. Times have changed and deep fried food is avoided but still we do make them once in a while.These gotas are a part of the Gujrati Thali that I made. I had cooked for 100 people at the hotel and I still need to post that Thali. Sieve the chick pea flour. Add these and rest of the ingredients to the chick pea flour. Slowly add water to make a semi soft batter, make sure the batter is not very soft. Heat oil and make balls of this batter and deep fry to a golden. Serve with either sweet chutney or ketchup.
Pro Drainage Solutions installs Sump pumps wired into a house's main electrical system, but it's important for us to include some kind of power backup as well. Many sump pumps in Cotton Plant, AR use car style batteries as a power backup, but if you don't like the idea of having a battery in your basement, we can install a sump pump that is run off the water pressure in your home. Some people use a five gallon bucket for their sump pit, Pro Drainage Solutions feels this can in fact cause problems in the long run because there is not enough room for the sump pump to work properly. In Cotton Plant, AR, Pro Drainage Solutions makes sure your sump pit is at least 18 inches across and 22 inches or more deep can keep this problem from happening.
Here is this month’s food that we are highlighting a specific topic of sleep. There are 3 foods that help you sleep better that you do not read about enough. If you noticed, we specifically chose fruits as they get no love when it comes to having the anti-inflammatory conversation. Fruits get a bad rap due to the high sugar content but do not let that fool you. ReVITALize Rehab Club is a place where eastern and western medicine combine to provide a natural method in combating pain and achieving high performance fitness. Essential oil is a great way to use mother nature’s resources to aid in our recovery.
I appear to be a female, black American Pit Bull Terrier. I have been at the shelter since Sep 10, 2018. Oakie is super sweet gal! She's gentle and affectionate but still has a fun-loving playful side. She loves older children, but is not a fan of other dogs or cats. She has a moderate energy level, meaning she can be rambunctious but still has good manners - isn't a jumper or a barker. She is about 4 years old, already spayed, and current on vaccines. She loves to cuddle on the couch and give kisses to her humans. Oakie is in a foster home, so you would need to make an appointment to meet her.
When I order an Unlock Code for my Huawei E5788u, what will I receive? With all Huawei E5788u Unlocking Code orders we usually deliver a complete set of unlocking codes. Most of the time you just need the Network Code (NCK) but when needed you'll also receive Unfreeze Code, Reset Key, or Service Provide Code. In the same email that includes your unlock code(s), you will also receive complete instructions on how to use it. Usually, you just insert the SIM card in the phone you want to use and the phone will prompt you for the unlock code. In case you need any assistance, our customer support is always there to answer any questions you might have. We will get back to you within less than 12 Hours from Monday to Friday. How to Unlock Huawei E5788u?
The following is a summary of the breakout session "Economic Development through Tourism & Events" at the 2014 U.S.-Japan Council Annual Conference on October 10, 2014. - Mr. Tsukasa Harufuku, President and CEO, JTB Hawaii, Inc. This session discussed successful tourism markets and how to promote international accessibility, including the impact on community and economic development. Panelists presented the case of tourism between Hawaii and Japan and discussed tourism policy how to attract visitors. The Government of Japan established its tourism policy when former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi was in power. The target was to welcome 10 million foreign tourists to Japan in 2010. Last year, Japan welcomed more than 10 million foreign tourists. However, Japan is still 27th in the world as a tourist destination. The No. 1 country is France (18 million) and the U.S. is No. 2 (17 million). Prime Minister Abe and his administration have drawn a plan to welcome 20 million foreign visitors by 2020. Japan will host the summer Olympic and Paralympic games in 2020. To boost the number of foreign visitors, the Government of Japan promotes the country’s unique culture to the world. To achieve its goal, Japan needs to change not only its transportation system but also prepare multi-language signs and free Wi-Fi. Japan needs to make its tourism infrastructure universal. Cross-sector cooperation will also be needed. Brand USA is the organization that promotes U.S. tourism. The Obama administration signed the Travel Promotion Act in 2010 and Brand USA uses both the U.S. government and private companies, as well as the Japan Tourism Agency (JTA) and other foreign countries’ tourism agencies, to welcome foreign visitors to the United States. Tourists to Hawaii from Japan have a huge impact on Hawaii’s economy and jobs. Large-scale events like hosting the concert of a Japanese pop group drew in 15,000 tourists from Asian countries. The United States and Japan signed the “Japan-U.S. Joint Promotional Agreement” in 2012, dubbing that year the Japan-U.S. Tourism Exchange Year. Japanese tourists are No. 2 in term of the greatest number of foreign visitors who spend money in Hawaii during their travel. Therefore, the relationship between the two countries is indispensable for Hawaii’s development and tax revenue. Japan envisions becoming a leading tourism nation after the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic games. Brand USA is also seeking ways to attract more foreign visitors. They cooperate with airline companies for promotional campaigns. During the Q&A session, the audience was interested in the difference between the Tokyo Olympic games in 1964 and 2020. The answer was that the Olympics in 1964 did not have any strategy for tourism, while there is a strategic plan in place for 2020. Japan also aims to invite more foreign visitors to local cities. Chinese tourists have a huge impact on both the United States and Japan. The United States is still considering how to welcome increasing Chinese tourists. It is said that Chinese tourists will be the No. 1 visitor in 2018, but the United States is not ready for that. All panelists agree that tourism brings goodwill and peace to each country.
Reports from users revealed that Xiaomi phones have by default disabled system Documents app, and for this reason writing to external memory card doesn't work. Open system settings and go to Apps. Find application named Documents. You may need to enable to show system apps from menu. You may also filter to show only disabled apps, then you may find it easy. Then enable the app, and retry task in X-plore. This is reported to fix the problem.
SAM’s specialty? Outerwear that blends practicality with style. After noticing a lack of everyday, all-weather options on the market, the NYC label formed to create waterproof parkas and down coats that incorporate both state-of-the-art materials—like neoprene, Thinsulate, and lacquered nylon—and elevated utilitarian design. Meaning, SAM. coats are guaranteed to keep you warm, dry, and looking great.
Do not start investing in property believing you’ll get high cash returns in two or three weeks. Real estate is most profitable on the long term. Actually, it’s one of the most reliable investment options to secure your future. So plan accordingly, and be patient. It takes time to find good property deals and acquire the necessary financing. If you have a bulky savings account to finance your property investment dream, then great. Otherwise, you will need to take out loans as start-up capital. Banks and other certified lending agencies will easily give you home loans for real estate investment at low interest rates. However, you also need to consider your ability to pay it all back. It may be difficult at first, but you need a Plan B in case your investments don’t make it. So don’t borrow if you can’t pay it back. No matter how tempted you are to buy that newly built apartment in Sydney, stop and think first. You can make a grave mistake by speculating on the future value of a property. It’s very important to hold yourself back when you buy new property. Their value may not hold down the line and your likelihood of getting ripped off is high. Never ever buy properties that are under construction. You will need to inspect the finished product to correctly estimate its value. Don’t be too eager about solid high returns when you are just starting out. You need to be safe in your calculations. Stick to conservative estimates when it comes to returns. On the other hand, when you consider the expenses to purchase and develop a property, feel free to overestimate. This way you won’t end up going over budget or be disappointed when the returns aren’t as high as you first thought. Though you don’t need to know trade secrets or financial algorithms to succeed as a real estate investor, don’t be lazy about reading up on the market. You can start doing research online easily. Get information from reliable sites, not through obscure blogs. Read articles published by authoritative sources like Forbes, the Economist or the Wall Street Journal. Ask questions on forums and make the most out of freely available resources. Last but not least, you need to brace yourself for both the good and the bad news. If an investment doesn’t fall through, make sure you have alternative means to cover the loss. So don’t quit your day job. You’ll need all the money you can make. Don’t be too disconcerted by unexpectedly bad outcomes. They are common in this business. Keep your cool and don’t give up. Don’t forget to get a mortgage insurance policy if your life cover doesn’t include cost of mortgage initially. Buying a separate mortgage cover can save you some money on premiums rather than increasing cover in existing life insurance. If you are a New Zealand resident or citizen, check out mortgage insurance by Pinnacle Life to get a quote & keep roof over the heads of your loved ones after your death.
Romance blooms between two soldiers stationed in an Israeli outpost on the Lebanese border. It's a strong and powerful story, but it is not a great film. In some ways limited by its lenght (60 minutes) we see much, but there could be more development in terms of story and characters. The way it was shot was rather amateurish, and I think that hindered the development in many ways. don't have the strength of "Bubble". I feel something gratuitous in the history.
The decision to move forward with a custom swimming pool can be an exciting one! In a few short months, you and your family will have an inviting, centralized outdoor space to enjoy for years to come. But- before you start picking out your new backyard barbecue, and before you start planning the out your sister’s daughter’s 6th grade graduation party, there are a few other things you’ll need to cross off your list. First and foremost, you’ll need to decide which company to hire to help you with the construction, design and installation. Yes, there are many companies that claim they can help turn your vision of a custom swimming pool into a reality, but you should know that not all pool design companies are alike. If a company claims to be a custom pool builder, they should have the experience, the references and a portfolio to back the claim up. Yes, there are many companies that have past experiencing in building above ground pools, kidney shaped pools and fiberglass pools, but that’s not to say they know the ins and outs of the design process. Before you sign any paperwork, be sure to ask them for a random sampling of references. For example, ask them for references who all have a first name that begins with the letter P. This will ensure that the company isn’t picking their top 3 favorite customers who are guaranteed to give them a good review. You should also ask them if they have a portfolio of past work. If they don’t have a portfolio, that’s a red flag, especially if the company is “supposed to” specialize in custom pool design! Lastly, ask them if they have experience in working with the types of materials you’re interested in using. If they don’t, but the person you’re speaking with tried to convince you it won’t be a problem, you’ll be better served by moving on until you find a company that meets all of these criteria. Building a custom-designed swimming pool takes a whole lot more than a shovel, a wheel barrow and cement. Be sure to ask the contractor you’re speaking with whether they’re up to date on the latest custom swimming pool technologies. Ask them about the tools they’ll be using—and ask them what types of materials they intend to use during construction. Ask them about possible delays, and the types of hiccups they’ve experienced in the past and the steps they took to get those issues resolved. Make sure they are up front and honest with you about any possible delays you may experience with the construction of your pool. The more informed you can be about the process and timeline, the better. If you’re satisfied the designer has the experience, the background and the know how to get your project done right, make sure you get everything in writing. Also, you’ll want to keep in mind that you should ever sign a contract during the first visit! Remember, the first appointment should be centered around fact finding. The designer should be asking you about how you intend to use your pool, how large you’d like it to be, whether you’re like to incorporate a hot tub, where you’d like to have it installed and what types of features and landscaping you’d like to see drawn into the design. Once they have that information, you should expect to receive the design plans within about a week. If they try to discourage you from asking questions and they seem to be more interested in getting your signature on the dotted line than they are in making sure they understand your wants, your goals and your needs, you can consider this to be a big red flag, too. At Wetworks Pool and Spa we have more than two decades of experience when it comes to custom pool design and install in Parker, Colorado, and we’re proud to say that we specialize in turning our customers dreams into a reality. We’re family owned and operated and we’re fully licensed and insured. In addition to being able to help you design and construct your new pool, we can also help you with a custom maintenance package, which can help ensure that your pool continues to run as beautifully and efficiently as possible. If you already have a pool and you’ve realized you need help with repairs and/or new equipment, we can help you with that, as well. It’s our goal to be the top-rated, full-service provider of custom swimming pools, pool maintenance and new pool equipment in Parker, CO. For more information about our company, the custom design process or the timeline between receiving designs and completion of your pool, call us today at 720-401-0004 to get started.
Superseding the Sale of Goods Act, the Consumer Rights Act applies to all purchases made after October 1st 2015. The Consumer Rights Act covers all purchases from official traders from the beginning of October 2015, and not only gives car buyers more rights, it will also cover ‘services’, which include servicing, repairs and maintenance. What’s new? If the product sold fails to meet one or more of those criteria, buyers are entitled to reject the product within the first 30 days of buying it. This ‘early right to reject’ replaces the previous rule, which said retailers only need to repair or replace a faulty item or part. If a defect is found after 30 days, but within six months, buyers are entitled to request a repair, replacement or refund. The law assumes the fault was there at the time of delivery, unless the seller can prove it wasn’t. However, the new legislation stipulates dealers will have only one chance at repair or replacement – unless otherwise agreed. They cannot make repeated attempts to fix a problem, and if they fail, buyers are entitled to a full or partial refund. The law says, in almost every case, there can be no reductions from any refund given in the first six months. However, cars are the one exception, when the seller is allowed to make a ‘reasonable’ reduction for the amount the car has been used. There’s no legal reason a buyer can’t seek redress for a fault after the first six months, but from that point, it’s up to them to prove the fault was there at the time of delivery. The Act applies to England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, but it should be noted that it only applies to cars bought from registered traders. If you buy a car from a private seller, you are not covered by this legislation, but by other laws. Likewise, if you have any issues with a car purchased when the contract was signed before October 1st 2015, then that is still covered by the Sale of Goods Act.
If fitness and well being are your obsession, take a look at the latest movie star train trends, from yoga to pilates, and all the pieces in between. In keeping with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), individuals on this discipline should be outgoing, in good health, organized, have good communication abilities and be capable of inspire others (). To additional discover training and professional choices in health and health, take a look at the following articles. These jobs include athletic trainer, physical therapy assistant and nutritionist. Donations come courtesy of sponsors like Timex Sports activities, Humana and Lifeway Meals. Guiding your purchasers to appropriately progress their exercise training program is crucial and could have a profound influence on their train adherence, damage prevention, and objective achievement. You’ll be able to spend plenty of money on fancy workout applications and weight loss plan plans —or you may download one among these free health and fitness apps. Alexa tells you what train to do and keeps monitor of the time it is best to carry out it. If you don’t know how one can do an exercise, it could actually talk you thru it, or you’ll be able to have a look at the Alexa app for ideas. Trim trails – also known as outside gyms, health trails or exercise trails - are made up of straightforward pieces of exercise gear, akin to parallel bars, leapfrog blocks, inclined press-ups and balance beams dotted round parks, recreation areas or alongside cycle routes. There are particular meals you’ll be able to eat to assist in giving your health a boost and guarantee you’re attending to sleep on time and sleeping soundly while you do. The good news is, you don’t need to hire a personal coach to get this type of encouragement, as a result of there are lots of free podcasts that target health and health.
Ever wonder why you can find grape ice pops, but not grape ice cream? When you think about common fruit flavours, grape is probably one of the first to come to mind. But as common as it is in candy and Popsicles, you’d be hard-pressed to find it in ice cream. Weird, right? There’s actually a very legitimate reason people rarely sell grape ice cream, but it has nothing to do with the bizarre rumour that it was banned for making dogs sick (though you should check out these essential vaccinations for your dog). Basically, grapes have high water content, which is why eating them is an easy way to stay hydrated. But it also means when you freeze them to make ice cream, they’ll turn into icy chunks. That’s all fine and dandy for an ice pop recipe, but not what anyone wants from a scoop of smooth ice cream. Plus, leaving the skins on would ruin the texture, but peeling grapes takes away most of their flavour, according to Why Do Pirates Love Parrots?: An Imponderables Book. We know what you’re thinking: Cherry Garcia is one of the most popular flavours ever from Ben & Jerry’s. (If you love the flavour, too, check out what that says about your personality.) Grapes and cherries are both about 81 per cent water. Wouldn’t those ice-cold cherries pose the same problem? The short answer is yes. But the fact that people go crazy for cherry means it’s worth the effort. “Most people don’t even associate grape with ice cream,” Greenwood tells Thrillist. “People grew up on cherry and vanilla—so now, they love cherry-based ice cream. Grape has not broken through the creme-de-glace ceiling, if you will.” If big-name brands did make grape ice cream—even using grape flavour instead of the fruit itself, like in some sherbets—they probably wouldn’t sell enough pints to make it worthwhile. In fact, Ben & Jerry’s actually did try to make grape ice cream once. But it got mixed reviews from taste-testing guests at the company’s Flavor Lab, so the brand never bothered moving forward with it. Plus: 14 Foods You Didn’t Know Were Called by Different Names in the U.K. Originally published as This Is the Real Reason You Can Never Find Grape Ice Cream on ReadersDigest.com.
If you’re looking for quality limo hire in Verona, then you certainly have a broad range of options available to you. Of course, having the luxury of a quality limo will also add a great deal of enjoyment to your trip to Verona, which means you’re making a great investment if you choose this form of travel. In this guide, we are going to show you several of the best attractions available in the beautiful Italian city, and we will also give you an overview of the different cars you may wish to hire - so with this in mind, let's learn more. First of all, Verona is easily one of the most intriguing and fascinating cities in all of Italy. Perhaps you'd like to explore the delightful Arena - which is one of the best-kept Roman structures in the world? Alternatively, you may prefer the incredible plays and performance arts that are available in any of the popular operas and playhouses of the city. What's more, the city boasts some excellent sporting events as well, thanks to the professional football teams and basketball tournaments - so it's always a great place to visit if you want to soak up the atmosphere at one of these professional sporting events. But if you want to get the most enjoyment out of your trip to Italy, then it's well worth investing in quality car hire. In fact, going for a limo service in Verona is an increasingly popular choice for anyone who wants to have a true VIP treatment while they're exploring everything the city has to offer. With this in mind, which luxury cars should you hire? Well, one of the best ones has to be the Bentley Flying Spur - which happens to be a gorgeous vehicle that truly does the prestigious Bentley name justice. This vehicle has an incredible interior that'll make anyone feel like absolute royalty, and the performance of the car is also second to none. Interestingly, it's one of the heaviest cars on the road, weighing an incredible 2.5 tons - so it's definitely a substantial vehicle that won't disappoint. Another equally valid option is the Bentley Mulsanne - which is a popular choice for diplomats and VIPs alike. This particular vehicle offers you the same stunning performance as the Flying Spur, although the exterior is a little more refined and subdued. Of course, the interior is a delight to experience, giving you all of the modern technological features you'd expect to see on such a quality car, combined with a timeless wooden veneer design that lends the car an unrivaled amount of class. At the end of the day, choosing a chauffeur limousine in Verona is a wise choice for the person who wants to experience true luxury and quality on their trip to Italy. No matter whether you're looking to hire a limo for a special event or even just as a treat for your friends and family, making this decision certainly won't let you down.
The sun is shining and birds are chirping; There's a cool breeze coming in, and you've got no particular place to be. It's the perfect time to relax on the deck of your dreams. Don't waste another minute of warm weather wishing you had a comfortable outdoor space. At RCK Construction, LLC, we've been building decks in Mountain Grove, MO and the surrounding Rogersville area for over twenty years. Whether you have a fully realized project in mind or want an expert's opinion, you can trust our deck builders to get the job done right. Our decks can take on the weather, and they're sturdy enough to host your next family reunion. We'll make sure your deck is built to last through the years. We use a variety of materials, including treated wood, cedar and composite. At RCK Construction, we're passionate about deck building, and we'll work with you every step of the way. Call us today for your free custom quote.
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Freelancing is currently on the rise. More and more students from all around the world actively use services of different writing agencies or individual ghostwriters. They offer professional assistance with different types of academic assignments. They can likewise help with any academic task. Thus, they can write, edit, cite, proofread, rewrite, outline and so on. At times, you may order only a list of references. Everything is for the convenience of the clients. Nonetheless, there is one point that turns into a stumbling stone of many ordinary students. This is a matter of price. Every help has its price and it is fair enough. Unfortunately, many agencies or individual writers set too expensive prices. This makes their assistance in affordable for some students. Fortunately, you still have a few possibilities to get cheap essays that will be written by professional writers at an affordable cost. Buy one service at a time. Read essay writing blogs and articles. As you can see, there are multiple options. We will analyze them all to provide you with clearer insights. First of all, you ought to be sure that you can trust your writer or a writing agency. One of the methods to check the quality is to read clients’ reviews. Another one provides you with a possibility to learn helpful tips to improve your own writing competence. It is ordering free samples. Your helper is supposed to provide you with some real proofs that he or she is able to meet your demands. You will hardly receive an entire copy. Nonetheless, you can request free of charge parts of a certain paper. This may be an introduction to coursework, a thesis statement in a dissertation, the outline of a descriptive essay and so on. This allows learning something useful to enlarge your knowledge and skills. You should never forget about the possibility to obtain a discount. Writing platforms offer their clients different discount systems to attract more users. This is your chance to save money. In most cases, all the newcomers enjoy discounts. Thus, you can place only one order on every website. In the event, you know that this or that service provides you with excellent assistance consider another option. Find out whether your platform offers discounts for large orders or for constant clients who order on regular basis. This is another way to save money. Many inexperienced users think that they are obliged the entire paper. The truth is that you are free to order only the needed parts. If you have troubles with writing an introduction but are excellent with other sections, there is no reason to buy the whole paper. For example, you may ask to find informative sources or compose a thesis statement. The same goes for kinds of academic services. This may be editing or citing only. This allows receiving the needed high-quality help at a cheap cost. Of course, there may be such situations when you need full paper. Under such conditions, you should practice a smart strategy of ordering in turn. For example, you don’t have enough money to buy a complete essay. Pay for the introduction and thesis statement first. After you earn or otherwise receive more money buy the main body paragraphs. Afterward, pay for a conclusion and a list of references. In rare cases, you may be requiring the whole paper but some parts will be written by you. Thus, if the deadline is really urgent and you don’t have enough money you should place partial orders. Consequently, you should decide which parts will be bought and which should be written by you. It’s quite possible that some sections can be written without much effort and time loss. If you wish to be totally sure that you’ll be able to buy the full version before the deadline is over, place an order as soon as you receive your assignment. There are likewise possibilities to write papers for free. We wish to warn you that there are occasions when you’ll have to write everything on your own. Nonetheless, you will save your earnings. The Internet is overflowed with all kinds of online lessons. Make use of it. You can attend thematic webinars, workshops and other online events. Most of them are chargeless. Learn useful tips to become a professional writer or find out how to complete a definite piece of writing. Another free of charge method is to read appropriate literature. The Internet offers a wide range of possibilities. Find articles, guides, manuals and other sources that suit your demands. For example, WikiHow is a very popular and helpful website. It contains heaps of information dedicated to academic assignments and how to compose them. You can learn the most effective and quickest ways to cope with any academic paper. Moreover, you can teach how to properly edit, cite, save time, improve writing and reading comprehension and something of the kind. This information is available in free access. Make use out of our recommendations. You can turn them to your advantage to get papers written by a professional essay writing service at a cheap price online. Sleep Disorder – Common Causes & The Effective Treatment! Maintaining Reputation Online, Need Of The Hour!
When I was stuck in a job that was no longer fulfilling and a relationship that was going nowhere, my health and well-being suffered. I lived for the weekends, which I usually spent catching up on sleep or spending my hard-earned money shopping. Fast forward to NOW. I enjoy complete and total time/money freedom, the way nature intended! I can go jump in a lake midweek when there are no crowds--or climb a mountain, or have coffee with a friend, because my schedule is MINE to do with what I want! Every single day feels like “Friday” used to. And it was EASY…not HARD, like everyone says it’s supposed to be. I followed my heart, my soul, my intuitive guidance and found a way to teach what I’m learning, to give back from a place of being authentically FULL. Here’s the cool part: I don’t NEED to do anything! We don’t NEED to lead any webinars, although we WANT to because they’re fun. I’m already an internationally bestselling author with a reality TV show on the way, so I don’t need to be any more successful. I already feel successful! I am simply walking my talk, sharing what I’m learning, and allowing others to do the same, by giving them direct intimate access to the higher wisdom of my guides. It feels good to give! It always, always comes back to me tenfold, although that’s not why I do it. If more people gave of themselves freely, we’d enjoy a peace-filled world. Isn’t that the goal? If more people truly understood that we are all connected, one Spirit expressing itself through different creative souls, we’d probably all live a life of meaning and service.
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Boiled Egg Diet Makes You Lose 24 Lbs In 14 Days! This Diet Recommended By Every Nutritionist Called “The Boiled Egg Diet” Will Help You Lose Even 24 Lbs In Only 2 Weeks! In today’s article, we’ve decided to present you a diet called “The boiled egg diet” which is considered to be extremely good in case you want to lose even 24 pounds in a period of less than 2 weeks. According to numerous nutritionists and health experts, this amazing diet is one of the healthiest eating regimens which won’t make you starve and you’ll lose all those pounds very fast. One of the greatest health problems in the USA is definitely obesity. People live a very unhealthy lifestyle which is very stressful and leads to cardiovascular problems, diabetes and can even cause cancer. Obesity can be cured magically. If you want to lose weight, you have to put a lot of effort into it and try really hard. You also need to exercise regularly and drink plenty of water. You mustn’t starve your body! All you need is a very healthy diet plan that will be rich in fruits, beans, vegetables and grains. You must stop consuming desserts, snacks and sodas. The results will appear very soon. In case you’ve wondered about the best diet, then this is the right solution for you! We’re going to offer you the complete plan. The egg is the main ingredient. It’s nutritious and doesn’t contain plenty of calories, but it contains plenty of nutrients. Eggs can be combined with other ingredients. They’ll help you obtain all the vitamins, minerals, proteins and healthy fats very soon. Only 1 egg is full of magnesium, potassium, iron, selenium, calcium, vitamins B5, B2, B12 etc. An egg that is large contains 6 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat and 77 calories. The white is all composed of protein. All of the nutrients are in the yolk. Here is the diet plan that you’ll have to do for 2 weeks. The results will be outstanding and you’ll be amazed! Make sure you consult with your doctor before you decide to start this diet. The menu contains some simple ingredients. You can choose your own vegetables as well as fruits and make sure you choose a wide variety. During these 2 weeks, it’s also very important to include a physical activity that will be moderate and drink plenty of water! Our Homemade Drink Will Help You Lose Even 5.5 lbs In Only 7 Days!
Persons living in the community who are physically frail, or who have a cognitive or physical impairment. $21.00 per day with subsidies available. Escorted transportation available to those who have no other means of getting to and from the program. Cost $3.50 each way or $7.00 return trip. Programs are offered at the Anne Johnston Health Station, 2398 Yonge Street, at Montgomery Avenue (two blocks north of Eglinton Avenue). Week Day program: Monday to Friday 9:30 to 3:00 p.m. Saturday program: provided 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Includes a snack and lunch or dinner.
The Do Not Call Registry accepts registrations from both cell phones and land lines. To register by telephone, call 1-888-382-1222 (TTY: 1-866-290-4236). You must call from the phone number that you want to register. To register online go to donotcall.gov. You will have to respond to a confirmation email.
Excerpt from the poem Kupala party started. It brought together the main girl. "This understanding, went from our name — the name of man, society, civilization and town. Two approaches: the grave — it is death, it is death. This name is gone or whether that there killed people, or associated with love, life, the future. I believe that Masheka and Predslava — our future. It — free-love1 person. "Destroy him the woman whom he was very fond. Maybe through this, that he was buried, and there was a title" Tomb lion. "Naturally, it is very topical. Through give a lot of things going on." "Masheka — Belarus is a sign of the struggle for freedom. It was the beginning of a hero, until he began to make grievances. So he began to avenge the insult." "For me Masheka exemplary. Plot of the poem is burning — love and money. Can I buy a love for money, or more than the highest sense it?" Yanka Kupala graduated poem "Tomb Lion" in 1913 at the estate trenches. The first time the product has been placed in the newspaper "Belarus" in 1920. Separate edition of the poem was published in Minsk in 1927, 3,000 copies. In the photo above — cover rarity now book with the poem "Tomb lion"
A broken speed camera in Leeds is flashing drivers who pass through it travelling at BELOW the speed limit. The speed camera on York Road in Killinbeck Leeds has a 40mph speed limit. But the camera has malfunctioned and drivers have contacted the Yorkshire Evening Post to tell us that they have been flashed by the camera even when travelling below the speed limit this morning. A concerned motorist contacted us to say: "There is a bit of worry about it. It's a busy stretch of road (as is all of York Road) so it's a wonder as to how many people have been flashed by it. "There must be thousands of cars driving along there on a daily basis. People are asking if they will get a letter/fine that they then have the annoyance of appealing? "Although you know you haven't exceeded the 40mph limit, if you see a flash you automatically start questioning yourself!" A spokesman for West Yorkshire Police has confirmed that the camera has malfunctioned. The camera is not currently being enforced, say police, meaning that those flashed by the broken camera will not get a ticket for travelling lower than 40mph through the camera, even if they see a flash. Someone has been dispatched to fix the camera.
Cairo, Sep 1 (IANS/EFE) At least 42 children have been killed in ‘barrel bomb’ explosions in Syria over the past 36 hours, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Sunday. Syrian air crafts have dropped dozens of ‘barrel bombs’ in several areas of the country, many of them in northern Syria, areas that includes Al Raqqa, the capital of the same-named province, as well as the towns of Binsh, Al Abit, Khan Shaykhun, Saraqib and province of Aleppo. According to the UN, over 190,000 people, 9,000 of whom were children, have been killed in Syria between March 2011 and April 2014.
Is there any way I can re-install win 98, or Win XP from the upgrade disk? I installed a new hard drive and am trying to set up windows 98 SE from the upgrade disk that I have. windows 98 oringinally came on the computer so I do not have the original Windows 98 disk. When I start set up I get the message that this can not be run from MS Dos and must be run from Windows. Is there any way I can re-install win 98, or Win XP from the upgrade disk? I'm not sure if you will be able to use the 98 Upgrade CD to comply with a XP upgrade disk.
This image gallery named as Countdown Of Top Home Design Trends Rustic Crafts Chic might be ideal solution for your decoration. As the author has insert this image into Mismatched Kitchen Cabinets post section, would ease you to find the perfect match of you decor desire. The countdown of top home design trends rustic crafts chic will produce the cabinet to be more beautiful, elegance, and effective if the design is fit each others. The U shape requires three walls to make U shape. The left and right wall will be foot and then the center one. As it’s large, it can be used for storage. Since the U shape will only use the every side of the wall, then there may large space that is wasted. Therefore, the vacant spaces in the middle of the room may be used for extra table. You may apply island there. It’ll be good for cooking space or if you add extra seats, it may be used for dining table and food prep. Discussing product excellent, of course there will be some recommendations for the cabinet home equipment makes. How to find out some advocated manufacturers? Obviously, you can assess them in internet and assess these testimonials. So, you’ll locate the best services and products for the cabinet. Eventually, these are typical some hints on how to opt for best countdown of top home design trends rustic crafts chic. Black White and Brown cabinet Cabinet Layout. White cabinet cupboard must perhaps not be controlled by white colour. You may combine it with the others. Within this scenario, dark brownish looks so lovely to break white shade. This cabinet might be combined by white marble dining table on it. Usually do not neglect to set stainless steel tools to get room accent which makes it longer magnificent. If you want to know some manuals to opt for the pads for your own cabinet seats, you also should check reading below. This write-up can allow you to know a few strategies to pick the cabinet chair pads. When you assemble new home or remodeling, you probably hunting countdown of top home design trends rustic crafts chic that perfect to the idealism will be first thing you need to do. Listed below are several cabinet layouts that popular for small cabinet. It is ideal for modest cabinet because all home equipment can be placed at one aspect of the wall. It is easy to achieve all appliancesthat makes your work more quickly. However since most of appliance placed in 1 facet, it is really hard to discover some space between bigger appliances like refrigerator, sink and stove. The U shaped will be acceptable for large cabinet; it does not mean that small cabinet is not able to have one. If you’ve got small cabinet and want to use it, then you can’t place table in the center because the distance limitation.
Dr. Guerriero received a Ph.D. in Music Education (Strings) from Penn State University. For several years, Dr. Guerriero served as Director of Education for the Harmony Program in New York City, an El Sistema-inspired program that serves several of the city’s boroughs for music education. Currently, she is on the faculty of The College of New Jersey (string music education and student teaching), Rider University (applied violin and viola), and is Director of Development for the Youth Orchestra of Bucks County. She has also taught applied violin and music education courses at the Westminster Choir College, University of Denver, and Penn State University, and has a vibrant string studio at her home in Lawrenceville, NJ.
Corrie ten Boom was a Jewish Christian who lived in Germany during World War II. She and her older sister, Betsy, were rounded up by the Nazis and taken by train to one of the worst concentration camps in all of Germany. Upon their arrival there, the sisters were tattooed with a number and placed into a cabin barrack for women. The barrack was so overcrowded the sisters had to sleep on the floor. What made their barrack even more gruesome than all the others was the flea infestation. Day after day, the women had to endure flea bites. Early on in their imprisonment, the sisters decided to study their Bibles together and invite all the other women to join them. Most of the women showed no interest, but a few did. Every morning the sisters would lead in a time of Bible study and prayer. They lived under the constant fear that the guards would burst in at any time, confiscate their Bibles, and punish those who took part in the group. Betsy was eager to obey the passage, but Corrie just couldn’t bring herself to give thanks for the fleas. Weren’t years of imprisonment bad enough? Wasn’t having to sleep on the floor bad enough? Why did their barrack, of all the barracks, have to be infested with fleas? If God was allowing the sisters to go through this time of injustice, the least He could do was take away the fleas. In the end, though, Betsy made Corrie thank God for the fleas. Older sisters do that kind of thing. I don’t have a flea problem at my house. I can’t even remember the last time I was bitten by a flea. But I sure do have some other “fleas” for which I am hard pressed to be thankful. I didn’t ask for them. I didn’t see them coming. I don’t even think I deserve them. But I’ve got ’em. And the Bible says that I’m to give thanks for them. That isn’t easy. No, everything isn’t good, particularly my problems. But God can use everything, even my problems, for good. As those two faithful sisters discovered, He can even use fleas. This entry was posted in Adversity, Problems, Thankfulness and tagged Adversity, conformed to Christ's image, fleas, giving thanks, Perseverance, Problems. Bookmark the permalink. Fleas or even worse, we don’t always know why. But we must remember, that in all things to give thanks.
My name is Terence Daniels an 24 year old freelance photographer based in DC. Why photography you may ask? After taking photos with my first DSLR. I came to a conclusion that I loved capturing more than a image. Within every picture, there's a story to be told. I use photography to inspire others to explore, capture those moments that were meant to last longer, and showcase the importance to click creatively.
The victim has been identified as Antonio Marquez-Melgar, 37, of Plainfield. PLAINFIELD – A fatal pedestrian hit-and-run in the city is under investigation. The Union County Prosecutor's Office and Plainfield Police Department are investigating an incident in which a pedestrian was struck and killed by a vehicle in the city Thursday night, authorities said. Shortly before 7:30 p.m., members of the Union County Homicide Task Force and Plainfield Police Division responded to the area of Madison Avenue and West Eighth Street on a report of a motor vehicle accident, according to a preliminary investigation. The investigation revealed a white Kia sedan with two occupants collided with a Lexus in the intersection, knocking the Kia into Marquez-Melgar and killing him. The two occupants of the Kia then fled the area on foot and remain at large. The Union County Sheriff’s Office’s Crime Scene Unit and Union County Police Department Fatal Accident Reconstruction Team are also assisting in this investigation. Anyone with information about this matter is being urged to contact Prosecutor’s Office Detective Nicholas Falcicchio at 908-721-8186 or the Plainfield Police Division Traffic Unit at 908-753-3360. March 22, 2019, 3:38 p.m. March 22, 2019, 2:05 p.m. March 22, 2019, 5 a.m. March 21, 2019, 5:24 p.m. March 21, 2019, 3:59 p.m. March 21, 2019, 2:13 p.m.
Hurry to inspect this immaculately presented 4 bedroom home. Conveniently located a short drive to the M5, this will not last long. To arrange an appointment please call Rachael Borsato on 9672 6055.
Business analyst Mary Meeker has made this year’s predictions for the top 10 trends that you and your small business need to know. Take heed, Mary is highly respected and always on top of the latest trends. If you’re a Facebook and/or Twitter user then you’ve likely heard of Pinterest. Very recently, it’s been getting a lot of attention. Although it’s still in its infancy, my guess is that Pinterest is here to stay. It’s free, it’s fun and it can really help your business grow. You’ve probably been told that as a business owner you should be on Facebook and Twitter. Possibly, you’ve even started a Facebook business page. You’ve invited your closest friends and family and thought it would naturally grow from there. Although Facebook is one of the most popular social media utilities and just about everyone who’s anyone is on it, they don’t seem to be on your page. What’s going on? What are you doing wrong?
Like most islands, getting an overview of Ibiza is easier said than done because there’s simply so much to do and experience. The island is Ibiza is located about 80 kilometers off the mainland of Spain. Surrounded by the Mediterranean sea, the island’s temperature is governed by the temperature of the surrounding water. When the water is warm, the island air temperature is warm. When the water is cold, the island air temperature is cold. Because the surrounding sea is relatively warm during the summer, the island is warm around the clock, even after the sun goes down. The warm nights during the summer months is one of the reasons why Ibiza has such a strong nightlife scene. An important facet to note when getting an overview of Ibiza is the significance that fine and food play in the island’s culture and tourist industry. Despite the fact that Ibiza is a part of Spain, the cuisine isn’t necessarily Spanish. The island offers a wide variety of food from all over Europe. If you’ve got a taste for French cuisine, you’ll be able to find it. If you’re in the mood for some Italian food, you’ll be able to find that as well. You’ll find countless outdoor terraces that line the streets of Ibiza, and you’ll find corner cafe’s sitting kitty-corner from themselves. If you are hoping to get a good overview on Ibiza, you’re definitely going to want to check out old Ibiza town. Again, it’s difficult to get an overview of Ibiza in the span of a 4 or 5 day vacation, but the locations above will definitely get you on the right track. All you have to do know is book your airline ticket and you too can join the fun!
Praying Hands bench top mold . Its plain simple design with decorative border enables it to be used in almost any setting and still provide a decorative Concrete garden bench for an outdoor setting. Whether you're a beginner or are a professional. This is a great bench mold to start with. It is easier to handle than a full-size straight benches, and some customers have said that it increases their sales for bench tops as more people are able to load and handle this size bench themselves so don't forget to get a couple legs why you're here. 32" Concrete, Cement Bench top Mold Shown with Arch leg and Grape leg. Legs not included.
When an adult brand wants to get a specific message, and their name, in front of an audience, they can buy what’s known as “sponsored” content. This means they pay to have their name and a link to their website included in a blog post on the site. In many cases, I’ve written most of the content, especially the more recent posts. But in the early days of accepting sponsored posts, sometimes the brand wrote the piece. I was paid to publish all of this content, and anytime that happens, I will disclose that fact to you. You can choose to check out the website or not. As you can see, sponsored content is a small fraction of the content I post, and the payments I receive help me maintain this website (and my coffee addiction).
It’s that time of year again – Open Enrollment from November15th until the end of December. There is a lot of information to sift through and some of it – or maybe a lot of it – can be very confusing. The good news is that there are organizations providing help to sift through it all and actually end up understanding what provisions you need, what is affordable and, as a result, which coverage and supplements are right for you. If you are trying to find understandable information and straightforward facts there are places to go to get the information you need. Look through your local newspaper in the Calendar Section for free events. You will find various free seminars on topics such as How to Choose the Right Medicare Coverage; Choosing a Medicare Supplement; Determining What You Will Be Covered For; What is the Difference Between Plans? and more information. Usually you can find excellent seminars at your local senior citizens center, your local library, your local hospital, your local clinic and your local health department. If a seminar is not listed in your newspaper Calendar Section, take the time to call the organizations just mentioned and find out what type of information or seminars they have planned. You can also go online or call CMS – the Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services – and they will be able to help sort out the basics for you and tell you if they will be having a seminar or presentation in your area. Try to remember – especially when you attend a seminar or presentation – that many of these are presented by individual insurance companies that are trying to sell you their product. As a result, it is important to attend a few seminars if possible so that you can compare what several companies have to offer. Too often some companies charge a lot more for the same coverage that other companies charge far less for. If you can go to a seminar presented by an unbiased individual, such as an individual from Medicare or an individual comparing several policies for you, this is the best way to get accurate information for making decisions. Regardless of what you attend, try to at least attend one seminar or talk to someone you trust who understands Medicare and Medicare Supplements. Take the time to be sure that you choose the coverage that is right for you.
For several seasons I was the play-by-play announcer and host of “Maccabi Haifa Basketball.” Each week I broadcast Haifa’s games in Israel’s top basketball league. The games were watched live across the world at: Triangle Internet TV and seen on the Yes network in the United States. A selection of individual broadcasts can be found below.
What do sorting cutlery, obeying traffic lights and Shakespeare’s King Lear have in common? Their relationship is not overtly obvious, yet as with many other possible examples, they can tell us much about our lives and how we live them. How can everyday cutlery help us make better decisions in life? Take a moment to consider how easy it is to sort cutlery. Something I find myself having to do most days is stacking and emptying the dishwasher. If you don’t have a dishwasher, don’t worry this concept works without one. Simply take the clean cutlery and sort it into the cutlery drawer. That was easy. That was too easy. Did you notice how quick that actually was? You know the knives go in the knives compartment, the forks with the forks, spoons with spoons. You even know the difference between types of spoons. Ok so now you are thinking, ‘what has this got to do with anything, of course, I know how to sort my cutlery?’ The reason you are able to unconsciously sort cutlery is that you have been conditioned to. This mundane everyday task simply demonstrates how deep that condition is. Without thinking you can perform the task of sorting objects into a predefined order. Not only can you do this super fast, without thinking, but the order that you are sorting into is not something that you created. It was something that you have learned. It is something other human beings determined and then many many others perpetuated until ultimately it was taught to you. You don’t get much of a choice, you just get to carry on the process. Traffic lights have been around for just over a century. For many of us, they are part of our everyday movement as we drive or walk to our various destinations. When driving they directly control our behaviour. Green, we go, Red we stop, Yellow, we should slow down and prepare to stop, but in a hiccup of conditioning many of us speed up to catch the light. When I first became aware of how traffic lights were controlling my life I was pretty upset with Red for making me stop all the time, but it soon dawned on me that Green was just as bad as Red in the way it controlled my actions. I’m not advocating anarchy here. There is a good reason we have traffic lights and for pedestrians waiting patiently for the little green man to appear before crossing, they make possible a safe transfer from one side of the street to the other. I don’t mind the safety afforded by traffic lights, I just want to highlight how we have become conditioned to act according to a colour response mechanism. Cutlery and traffic lights are the tip of the proverbial iceberg. In what other ways are your decisions being made based on conditioned responses? I would argue that unless you are making a conscious effort to deconstruct your decisions outside of all social conditioning then perhaps everything you do is predefined by social constructs that have been in place well before you were conceived. Your world doesn’t have to fall apart when you deconstruct it, however, you may find you can make better decisions for yourself based on what you truly want. Again I’m not promoting anarchy. Social order serves a purpose. Doing only what you want when you want is not what I’m advocating. Actions have consequences and respect for others and their fundamental rights should always be part of decision making. So how does King Lear fit into all this? Shakespeare gives us a great example of a man who has lived his life according to his conditioned perception of the world. He discovers towards the end of his life that when he makes decisions based on that world’s ‘reality’ they are flawed. His decisions may have a social truth but there is no truth for what is actually real. For example, Lear bases his decision to divide his kingdom on his three daughter’s protestations of love for him. The one that says the least actually loves him most genuinely. Ironically because of her true love for him, she won’t satisfy his ego with false or flowery statements in the way her older sisters are more than willing to do in their thirst for power. Lear cannot see love other than in the way his society tells him love should be expressed. He doesn’t trust his own experiences of his daughter’s as people. He loves Cordelia most and expects that she will declare it with more passion than the others he loves less. When that doesn’t happen his world order collapses. His idea of what is natural and what is nature become discordant. They are filtered through the prism of the rules of the social order in which he lives. He throws himself into a great storm and relinquishes himself to the forces of nature. At this moment he understands that as a human being he is subject to the whims of nature and no amount of human thought or will can alter that. Why did I bring Shakespeare into this you may be asking? Before traffic lights, before cutlery and even before Shakespeare, we had social conditioning. As long as we have had social groups interacting, human lives have been conditioned and great artists such as Shakespeare have wanted to tell you about it. They want you to know that there is more going on beneath the surface of human-constructed society. And while social order has its merits, not being aware of it and its control over you can profoundly inhibit your choices. With awareness, you can blend a socially conditioned life to include genuine decisions that work for you. Ideas such as getting married or a professional career, for example, are fine if you enter into them with awareness. Are you choosing the path ahead because society tells you that is what you want or is it actually what you want? It’s not always easy to see the difference but when you stop to consider your choices, really look at them from outside the social expectation placed on you, then you can make better decisions. Poor decisions can make you feel powerless. They feel this way because despite you thinking it was a choice you made, the reality is you didn’t choose at all. Human society likes to lay out a life path for individuals. These paths do not consider the individual, however, they only consider what is seemingly best for the collective. If you make a choice that is fundamentally wrong for you then the chances are you are going to feel dissatisfied. For many people, it’s not until their lives change dramatically, through divorce or other significant events, that they begin to question what they actually want from life. Making decisions with insight, with awareness and clear consideration rather than to satisfy some intangible social ideology can avoid dissatisfaction. It can also bring be confronting for those more stepped in social conditioning. How do you begin to make decisions in this way? The first step to unlocking understanding is awareness. There are many ways to gain awareness but as a human, it can easily begin by utilising the ways in which we perceive the world. The five senses are our doorway to understanding. We take in a great deal of information every day, yet much of it is filtered in ways we are not consciously aware of. Taking the time to observe your perceptions unlocks a clearer understanding of what is actually occurring. Observing the ways in which you have been conditioned such as sorting cutlery or obeying traffic lights can help you see the many other ways your actions and choices are predefined and not of your own making. There are many different mindfulness techniques from those taught by Buddhism to those being utilised in contemporary psychology practices and corporate training programs. It doesn’t matter how you do it. Finding a way that works for you is all that matters and giving yourself the opportunity to see things differently to the way you have been conditioned. And this is what a metaphorical meltdown sounds like – from The Monday Daily on Radio 2ser 2007 with thanks to my friend The Eavesdropper. Great post and apt. One’s inner truth and path vs societal expectations is one i can relate to.
BROWN. Thank you, Madam President. Thank you to my colleagues for the terrific work they have done on such an important issue, which in my State sort of began in the most rural of the areas of the State and spread and spread and spread. This is the right kind of comprehensive response for this, but as Senator Whitehouse just said, it means real funding for CARA and what we are doing. I am pleased we are coming together in a bipartisan way overall, finally taking action on the opioid epidemic that is devastating communities across our country. We know some of the statistics. More people died in my State than in the country as a whole in 2015 from opioid [[Page S1402]] overdoses rather than they did from auto accidents. We are experiencing a record number of fatal overdoses. There is no State and probably county untouched by the scourge. We need to remember the human cost of addiction. In Warren, OH, a couple of weeks ago, there was middle-age woman who now has a child now in his midtwenties who has suffered addiction for a dozen years, has been in and out and is doing better, and then falls back. His family is affluent, so his treatment has been better than some. But she says that when there is an addiction, it afflicts the whole family. Nobody is really exempt. In my State, 2,500 Ohio families in one year lost a loved one to addiction. Thousands more continued to struggle with opioid abuse or with a family member's addiction. It is not an individual problem or a character flaw. It is a chronic disease. Right now, it is placing an unbearable burden on families and communities in our health care system. That is why we need to tackle this at the national level. It is why I am encouraged to see us debate this Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act, or the CARA Act. The ideas in this bill are an important first step in tackling the epidemic, but they are just the first step. On their own they are not nearly enough to put a dent in this epidemic. The initiatives are going to mean very little--and here is the key point that both Senator Casey and Senator Whitehouse made-- without additional funding to back them up. My colleagues Senator Shaheen of New Hampshire and Senator Whitehouse introduced an amendment that would have provided an additional $600 million to fight the opioid epidemic. That would be a serious commitment in putting the ideas in this bill into place into action. But my colleagues on the other side of the aisle blocked this investment. Again, they want to do things on the cheap. They want to pass things to pat ourselves on the back but not provide the funding to actually accomplish things. It would block the investment in health professionals and communities who are on the frontlines of this battle. You simply can't do a roundtable with health professionals and people working toward recovery and families affected by it without hearing from them. They need resources locally. The States aren't coming up with it adequately. They need resources, and they need real investment in prevention programs. We need real investment in treatment options to help patients not just get cured and get clean but stay clean. Earlier this year, I introduced the Heroin and Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention and Reduction Act with my colleague Senator Baldwin of Wisconsin. Our bill would boost prevention efforts that would improve tools for crisis response. It would expand access to treatment, and it would provide support for lifelong recovery, the kind of serious investment we need to back up our rhetoric. In public health emergencies, we are sometimes, somehow able to come up with necessary money--swine flu, Ebola, Zika virus. But addiction is not a public health emergency. Addiction is a public health problem, but one we need to fund in an ongoing way. You can look at the spike in the number of deaths. You can conclude nothing else but that it is a long-term public health problem. Too many lives have been destroyed. Too many communities have been devastated. I am just puzzled why my colleagues won't come up with $600 million for this very important public health program. It is time to get serious. It is time to call it what it is--the public health crisis that demands real and immediate investment, not more empty rhetoric, not more empty gestures.
86 See also edit Footnotes edit " Eraserhead (X. The sound drives X hysterical, and she leaves Spencer and the child. The film's tone was also shaped by Lynch 's.. Students are integrated into the international and inspiring environment of the department. We are capable skillful of developing the complex theorem. Our research analyst and mathematicians are having the.. The only good news today is: A- from my essay (about presidential campaign discourse) in the USA of course housing economics dissertation research paper renaissance humanism on western writing a.. His new book, The Trusted Executive: Nine Leadership Habits That Inspire Results, Relationships, and Reputation, is a must read for leaders who want to inspire trust and achieve results. Discussion questions, if you are using the video, ask question 1 before viewing. If you want someone to trust you, who has most of the responsibility you or the other person? Once trust has been broken, what can you do to get essay british empire it back? They believe that if someone is not good at something, there is no point in trying harder as their ability will not change. In contrast, people with a growth mind-set believe that abilities and talents are cultivated through effort.
Layla and Jackie's Story: "Kick" The scene opens. There are two people engaged in a fencing match. The match is over, and they both remove their protective gear. A dark-haired woman looks at her fencing partner with a special twinkle in her eye. Her blond companion looks on knowing that today luck is on her side. Certainly, these are the elements for the making of a new romance, but will the girls act on their first impressions or will they step back and allow love to slip out of their hands? The Couple: Layla and Jackie shared a passion for fencing and met when they revealed themselves to each other after a practice match at their university. Jackie was immediately attracted to this stranger and was sure that the feeling was mutual, but Layla only knew that she wanted to reach out and touch the woman without truly understanding whatever for. She was engaged to be married, and having amorous feelings for a woman certainly was not a part of the plan, but the attraction felt good and welcomed and she knew she would explore more. These were the beginnings of Kayla and Jackie's romance in the first season of the new series Kick. It is a romance that grew on Hope Street, one that encounters many road blocks, but is nonetheless destined to go down on record as being one of the greatest on-screen romances of our time.
All cats love to have shelter away from adverse weather conditions and other animals who may be out there. You may wonder why you would want to buy your cat their own home rather than just letting them come inside. Well, cats are highly independent and territorial. A cat home gives them a place to call their own away from the potential stresses outdoors. Alternatively, you may have feral cats in your area, and you want to give them a place to shelter. With so many different options out there, it can prove to be somewhat of a challenge to choose the ideal cat home for your four-legged friend. To allow you to make the most informed decision possible, we have selected 10 of the best outdoor cat houses and listed their most appealing features. Ready to put a roof over your cat’s head? Then let’s find one! First up on the list, we have this truly beautiful two-story outdoor cat house. The bottom area is enclosed for protection, while the upper terrace lets your cat enjoy the outdoors, which means they still having the protection of the asphalt roof if the weather takes a turn for the worse. Since it is such a large structure, it is perfect if you have multiple felines. You don’t have to be a DIY expert to assemble the house and the holes are all pre-drilled. Once it is set up, the house provides a stable abode as the wood is made of anti-rot material to stand the test of time. This outdoor cat shelter offers both comfort and protection from bad weather conditions. There is a pair of entry and exit points, so your cat can decide how they would like to get in and out, and they have a means of escape if needed. This is the kind of outside cat house which is durable and tough enough to stand the test of time. It also comes with a manufacturer’s warranty for added peace of mind. As for the assembly, it is straightforward, and no tools are required. If you are looking for an insulated outdoor cat house, this one is designed to keep your feline friend warm. The floor, walls and roof are all contain high-quality insulation, ensuring that the structure stays cool in the summer and warm in the winter. You can also adjust the lifting handles to alter the ventilation. As for the unique door design, it allows your cat to enter, while still offering protection from predators. As well as being made from recycled post-consumer content, it is also designed to never chip, crack or fade. If your cat loves climbing up to high places, this three-story outside cat shelter gives them the opportunity to do this. And you are bound to get some joy seeing them poking their little heads out of the hinged shutters and peekaboo openings! The roofing is rainproof to ensure that your cat stays nice and dry, while the raised plastic floor keeps air circulating to ensure that the floor remains comfortable. The large door at the rear offers quick access and easy maintenance. This outdoor and feral cat house is easy to assemble, so you can put a roof over your furry friend’s head in no time at all. Inside is a heated bed which is designed to keep your kitty warm, no matter what the weather is like outdoors. The heated cat house features two clear door flaps, which are removable depending on whether you are trying to encourage airflow or keep the heat inside. For added peace of mind, you can rest assured that these houses have been certified to USA/CA electrical safety standards. One of the major advantages of this wooden cat house is how easy it is to assemble. There are two escape points which ensure that your pet is not going to get trapped by predators. The wood is made from an anti-rot material which is designed to last at least three years. However, if you have a particularly destructive pet, they can end up causing damage to the house. Bear in mind that it is designed to fit a single cat under 15 lbs. Designed for both winter and summer usage, the wood used in the construction of this cat house is cedar, which is meant to stand for a long time. You can be certain of high-quality workmanship and materials. When the sun comes out, the lounging deck provides the ideal spot for your cat to catch some rays! As for the floor, walls, and ceiling, thermal-ply insulation has been placed inside for heating and cooling properties. This heated outdoor cat house is designed to warm to your pet’s body temperature using only 25 watts when your cat lies down. The design may look simple but it is also effective. The structure has the major plus point of being easy to assemble. Large enough to fit any cat, it is also a highly portable, and you can put it in a range of different locations including the garage, shed, porch, or anywhere else you would like to protect your cat from extreme temperatures. This outdoor cat house for winter and summer has a host of positive qualities including being light and durable, as well as insulated and waterproof. Since it only uses Velcro and zips in its assembly, there are no tools required, so you can put it up in no time at all. Dual openings ensure that your cat won’t get trapped inside. The door flaps are removable and transparent, so your four-legged friend has a view of the outside world no matter what. The unique igloo design of this outdoor cat house is made to direct any rain or snow away from the entrance. Also, the plastic surface stops flea and mold growth. Inside is a cozy carpet which offers warmth, as well as encouraging scratching. No tools are required in the assembly. All you have to do is snap together the sides. An alternative usage is a shelter for an indoor cat who wants a little home to hide and sleep. So, you have read through the product selection and think that you have the ideal cat house chosen? Before you make your final decision, there are some key considerations which are worth bearing in mind. After all, you don’t want to have to go through the time and effort of putting up the cat home, only to find that it is simply not right for your feline friend. Here are some important factors to bear in mind. First, look closer at ahat sort of materials have been used to make the cat house. You need to match the materials to the environment that the house will be put in. For example, if you live in a particularly humid place, you should avoid wood which will expand and contract. And if you are in a hot climate, you should watch out for plastics which are more likely to overheat. Of course, the house still needs to offer a decent level of protection from the elements like rain if it will be sitting in your backyard. If you plan on putting it in a covered area such as a porch, you can be more confident in choosing a fabric-coated option. This is also the more suitable choice if you would like to bring the home indoors from time to time. The ease of assembly may well have an impact on your decision-making process – particularly if you are not all that skilled in the art of DIY. It is also worth looking at whether or not you are going to need any tools as you will need to consider how you are going to get your hands on these beforehand. There are also those cat homes which are easy enough to seal up with zippers or Velcro. These are ideal if you need to put your cat home up in a hurry and don’t want to go through the confusion and risk of breakage that a tool-based installation is likely to bring. If you live in an area which is particularly cold and miserable, you may need to investigate heated cat homes. It is worth confirming the energy needed for the heating pad to run effectively. Alternatively, you could consider insulation as another option. If the walls, floors, and rooves are properly insulated, they will trap inside warm air during the winter months and cool air during the summertime. You can also add some of your own insulation with blankets, padding, and other soft surfaces. If you are offering a shelter to cats during the colder months of the year, researching the heating and insulation situation is especially important. Buying a cat house which isn’t the right size is a waste of money, so you should make sure that your feline friend fits inside comfortably. If you are unsure, it is worth going for a larger size rather than a smaller one to ensure that they have enough space. You are bound to need a bigger house if you have multiple pets who will be sharing the structure. Having said that, you should still remember that larger houses are more difficult to heat than smaller ones, and they also present greater cleaning challenges. These two factors go hand-in-hand and contribute toward your cat house standing the test of time. Don’t forget that your cat is likely to bite and scratch at the surfaces, which can end up damaging them. Reliability is based on a solid construction with joints which fit tightly together. For a better indication of durability, check the product reviews to see what other cat owners have had to say. You may find out some information which was not already apparent. Some of the products above also advise that they are not suitable for cats who are more destructive, so this is another point which is worth bearing firmly in mind. Closely linked to the previous section, it is worth knowing a little bit more about how long your cat house is likely to last. Of course, the vast majority of people want this to be a long-term purchase and dp not want to keep buying a new one time after time. Many products have some sort of guidance on this subject, and others include a warranty which gives you an added guarantee. You could look in more detail at what sort of protection they offer against mold, water, and any other substances which could cause an issue. It is likely that you are going to need to clean your cat’s home from time to time, and you don’t want your job to be overly complicated. If the design features some cushions or another type of bedding, it is easier if they are all washable. If you want to make things even more straightforward, you should select a house which has a removable roof or floor. Over time, you may need to conduct some repair or maintenance work, so it is worth knowing a little bit more about what this may entail. Do I Really Need an Outdoor Cat House? If you have an outdoor cat, buying them a home is a worthwhile investment. When the cold of winter sets in or the rain starts pouring, it is important to provide them a place where they can get some shelter. Alternatively, you may be looking to offer a sanctuary to any stray or feral cats which are in your local area. Or perhaps you have a cat who passes between the indoors and the outdoors, but you would like to offer them a spot to rest outside. Many felines love to have a place of their own to shelter, sunbathe or simply explore. All of the options in the product guide above which offer a combination of one or more of these different qualities. But the weather isn’t the only threat to your feline friend. Other animals can also pose a risk, which is why so many of these houses come with dual openings to provide an easy escape. Other harmful factors which feral cat shelters can protect against include fleas, insects, and mold. Many are made of materials which are specifically designed to defend against these issues. As you will have been able to tell from the above buying guide, there are several different types of cat houses available. Here are some of the main differentiating features which can help you to make your mind up. Some of the cat houses above only have the capacity to hold a single cat, while others are big enough to contain several. Obviously, your decision will be based on how many felines you want to provide a shelter for. As we mentioned earlier on, it is worth taking your cat’s measurements to ensure that you select one which is the appropriate size. Of course, all the cat shelters above promise outdoor usage, but some withstand the elements better, while others are better kept under a roof or another similar structure. For example, the wooden houses are generally the ones which do well in any conditions. Many are made of anti-rot wood with the assumption that they will need to withstand a lot of rain and/or snow. Others are made from simple fabrics, which make them suitable for indoor use, and outdoors if they are under a shelter like a porch. Obviously, everything comes down to where you plan on putting the cat house. While some outdoor cat homes don’t come with any heating features at all, others are electrical or self-heated. Obviously, electric houses require a power source and electricity to function effectively. You also have the option of using these models without electricity if you would like. As for self-heated houses, they are made from insulating materials which keep your pet warm or cool, depending on the season. Of course, electrical houses have the potential to be warmer, but they don’t have the convenience factor of being able to put them anywhere you like. A: Encouraging your cat to use their cat house can present some challenges at first. Your first task is to make sure that you position the structure in the right place. The front should face away from the wind, and it should be in a location which protects against the rain and snow such as under a porch or some trees. If you can choose a place which has some sunshine and a nice view, this is always going to be a bonus. If you are planning on using it for feral cats, a discreet location is best as this is less likely to antagonize your neighbors who may not agree with keeping them. Cats also prefer an area where they can get some peace and quiet. Some shelters are best not directly on the ground as this will make it colder and more likely that other wildlife will be attracted. You could use pallets or bricks to prop it up. Cats also like heights because they feel more secure and protected. Patience is key when it comes to encouraging your cat to use their shelter. Make sure that everything is clean by washing any cushions, blankets or bedding beforehand. You could also make the shelter more alluring by spraying it with catnip. If you own the cat, you could put some of their toys and their scratching post inside to get their scent inside straight away and offer a sense of familiarity. You may need to leave them inside for some time before the smell becomes obvious. Your cat will probably start to explore slowly and cautiously, so offer them plenty of encouragement. A small treat can also help, but don’t only entice your cat with food as this can tempt other animals to enter as well. Don’t force your cat to go inside before they are ready as this can end up putting them off entirely. During the winter months, a heated pad will be very tempting to a cat, so let them discover the warmth for themselves. However, when they are asleep, you should avoid disturbing them. Simply allow your cat to get used to the shelter by themselves and they are likely to return when they want another sleep. Q: How do I select the right house size? A: Choosing the right house size is one of the most important considerations when you are buying a product of this variety. Essentially, you want it to be big enough for your cat to comfortably turn 360-degrees, as well as lying down and stretching out when they like. Bear in mind that many cats feel more comfortable in a cozier home. Larger homes are tougher to heat and can also end up encouraging other animals to enter. Of course, if you are looking to provide a place for multiple cats, you will need something bigger. Ultimately, it is worth getting a tape measure to compare your cat’s size to the dimensions of the house. Q: How should I clean my outdoor cat house? A: The cleaning method of your outdoor cat house depends on the type of materials which it is made from. If it contains fleece, woolen or similar soft materials, these can often be put in the washing machine on a gentle and cool cycle, but always check to confirm this. As for washing the rest of the house, you should remove anything you can first before attempting a standard soap and water scrubbing session. Many of these houses feature large openings which make it easier to reach inside and do the necessary cleaning work. Our number one pick of all is this stylish cat condo which is big enough to provide the perfect spot for several felines. The pre-drilled holes ensure that it is easy to assemble, while your cats have the choice of whether they would like to enjoy the fresh air on top or shelter underneath. Either way, they are protected from the rain by an asphalt roof. Made of cedar wood, it is designed not to rot over time. In fact, it should last for a period of at least three years if it is kept outdoors. Ultimately, this is the kind of product that your outdoor cat will love, and it will also look stylish in your garden too.
The heart has four chambers: two chambers at the top, the right and left atria; and two chambers on the bottom, the right and left ventricles. The right side of the heart collects blood from the body and pumps it into the lungs, where the blood is oxygenated. The oxygen rich blood is then collected by the left side of the heart, and from there it is pumped out into the body's various organs. Congestive left-sided heart failure refers to a condition in which the left side of the heart is not able to push blood through the body efficiently enough to meet the metabolic needs of the body, and frequently results in blood pooling in the lungs. Low blood output from the heart causes tiredness, exercise intolerance and fainting. Your veterinarian will perform a thorough physical exam on your cat, taking into account the background history, onset of symptoms and possible incidents that might have led to this condition. A blood chemical profile, complete blood count, urinalysis and an electrolyte panel will be ordered to check the underlying cause of the heart disease and its severity. Your veterinarian will also draw blood from your cat to check thyroid function. Imaging studies can be used to gain a further understanding of your cat's heart condition. X-ray and ultrasound imaging may be used, as well as electrocardiogram (ECG, or EKG) recordings for examining the electrical currents in the heart muscles. These recordings may reveal any abnormalities in cardiac electrical conduction (which underlies the heart’s ability to contract/beat).
Making a difference in a child or adolescent’s life is not always easy, but the staff of the Mental Health Forensic Services Division at The Harris Center strives to do just that every day. Through a variety of programs, children and adolescents who are involved in the juvenile justice system in Harris County receive treatment and services that address some of the root causes that led them there in the first place. Recovery: one word with countless possibilities. Because there is not one definition of recovery, everyone has their own meaning and their own story. “The Agency slogan is Transforming Lives, and so, when we think of that and we think of recovery, it means to help someone progress in finding meaning in their life. They are not merely progressing towards eliminating symptoms, but to be able to live a meaningful life past the mental health challenges that they face,” said Ana Oyarvide, Recovery Manager for the Mental Health Outpatient Services Division of The Harris Center. While the recovery journey is unique for each individual, it is a tie that binds. Those who have lived experience in recovery from mental illness, commonly referred to as peers, offer an insight that is invaluable to those who are either just starting their process or those who find it beneficial to talk to others who understand what it is like to live with a mental illness.
The spec I use this all the time, for obvious reasons. F Sharp Programming - Wikibooks, collection of open-content textbooks Occasionally useful, but somewhat out of date. Better to turn to Expert F#.
The Visual Merchandiser must ensure that the brand is represented through the overall appearance of the store and that the visual presentation meets the established standards. We are looking for someone with great attention to detail, a sense of priorities, who is organised and has a passion for the retail. If you see yourself in this description, apply today!
You should keep some funds available for unexpected bills. Illness’s will and do happen, but they are not always apparent to those around us. As we age, we may well face increasing costs for health and wellbeing which need to be provided for. The greatest returns on investment can be achieved from saving small amounts over a long time and letting the returns compound. We want what is best for our clients; that means taking the time to learn what is needed, discover what is in their best interest and to make sure they do not have to worry or panic when the markets go through their wobbles.
One of the more diverse of the feature gardens, the Sunken Garden has an array of evergreen and deciduous trees as well as smaller shrubs and flowers that offer beautiful vistas all year round. The Sunken Garden features a majestic 10 metre high waterfall and garden beds ablaze with the colours of magnificent annual displays. Enjoy the pathways framed by hundreds of roses and take in the spectacular views from the pergola at the top of the waterfall.
I refer patients to White Mountain Dental Implant and Oral Surgery Center because honestly, it's just a great, compassionate office, starting with Dr. Williams. You couldn't ask for a better surgeon. Expertise, caring, I will say his sense of humor with the patients as well. The staff here is wonderful and great. They're compassionate, caring. There's a very great team approach between our office and his office. After they come back from seeing Dr. Williams, it's only always positive. He sits and listens to all their concerns. I think that's really important, and that's actually one thing they love. I definitely plan to continue to refer patients to Dr. Williams at White Mountain Dental Implant and Oral Surgery Center.
On my recent trip to Seattle, Washington, I visited the longest railroad tunnel in the U.S., the Cascade Tunnel, and checked out the action on the East Portal. April 30, 2012: Updated by Luke Harden: Refined builder name. April 7, 2012: Updated by Luke Harden: Added category "Great Northern Railway"
Know Lamar High Class of 2017 graduates that are NOT on this List? Help us Update the 2017 Class List by adding missing names. More 2017 alumni from Lamar HS Lamar, SC have posted profiles on Classmates.com®. Click here to register for free at Classmates.com® and view other 2017 alumni. If you are trying to find people that graduated in '17 at LHS in Lamar, SC, check the alumni list below that shows the class of 2017. If you are an alumn of Lamar High you should register now in the alumni directory. We also encourage you to interact with the rest of the alumni on this site. You can find old friends, share photos and stay updated on the latest school news.
Lotus inspiration coin has the word "Namaste" written on the back. Pocket token measures approx. 3/4" x 1/2" and is made of pewter.
Generation Next is friendly competition there is no need to be angry about anything that happens here. I'm simply trying to give artist exposure who may not had a chance to get on any platforms before win lose or draw life goes on tomorrow. With that being said one of the contestants from yesterday's Generation NExt felt slighted, so there is a simple answer to that lets just run back both songs and see who can win tonight. Golden Child Vs Moka Blast lets see who can win it tonight and come back with Generation NExt next Monday. Vote now for your favorite song.
The Goldman Vein Institute in South Florida offers vein treatment services to patients throughout the Jupiter, Wellington and West Palm Beach communities. Our highly-qualified staff in each of our current locations offers our patients a warm, welcoming atmosphere with knowledgeable advice and treatment services. Dr. Alexander Goldman and Dr. Saluja Varghese-Goldman have specially chosen their trusted medical and patient support staff. The office personnel at The Goldman Vein Institute reflect Dr. Goldman’s and Dr. Varghese-Goldman’s professionalism and dedication to treating with venous disease at its source to alleviate current pain and aid in the prevention of future vein insufficiency. Garima is one of our experienced ultrasound technologists. She provides both Dr. Goldman and Dr. Varghese-Goldman with a variety of vein treatments, including visually and ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy and endovenous thermal laser ablation treatments. Lizbeth is a highly-experienced ultrasound technologist, and helps Dr. Goldman and Dr. Varghese-Goldman with ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy and endovenous laser treatments. Lana offers our patients medical-grade medi-spa treatments to clarify and beautify men and women of any age. She works closely with our patients to ensure their health and well-being following vein treatments. Trish provides our patients with expert customer service, and is highly-trained in the medical field. Candice is a loyal member of the Goldman Vein Institute team, and provides billing services for our Jupiter, Wellington, and Miami, Florida locations. Her years of experience in customer service and medical billing provide our patients with honest, reliable service. Darlene assists Trish and Candice in providing our Jupiter and Wellington patients with excellent customer service. She is an integral part of the Goldman Vein Institute team. As one of our friendly office assistants, Brandi helps keep our state-of-the-art vein clinic running smoothly. Annie supervises the day-to-day activities relating to billing and accounts receivable within the Goldman Vein Institute.
Bloody Tiger has higher sugar content, with a crispy texture like a plum. It is high in lycopene. Ideal for grilling.
Senator BIRMINGHAM (South Australia—Minister for Education and Training) (09:52): Just for clarity, Senator Carr: it is around 264 providers, I believe, and the total freeze is expected to be a value of around $3 billion when the sums are finally calculated. As we have all discussed during the debate, the very rapid growth that occurred after the changes that opened the scheme up occurred in 2012, which is exactly why we are seeking to stymie that growth. It is a relatively straight formula that is being applied here, so the expectation is that—whilst anybody is, of course, free to seek to bring forward court proceedings—the grounds on which somebody may wish to pursue those proceedings would have some limitations, given the very clear and prescriptive formula that we are seeking for the parliament to apply.
It’s June, and June (at least in this part of the country) is yard sale time. Yard sales are serious business. They are planned for and neighborhood coordinated and strategized. It’s a time of year when everyone puts all their crap out in their front yard in the hopes that someone else will take out the trash. I’m not much of a yard sale kinda girl, so I’ve only had 2 yard sales in my life. At the time of the first one, I had a ton of large baby toys, slides, tricycles, teeter totters, and playhouses. The afternoon before the sale, I had Husband help me get the bigger items out front to be put into the garage for the morning. What happened next shocked me. Cars started screeching to a halt in front of my house. We made about $500 the night BEFORE the sale started. It was time to reconsider what kinda girl I was. When Younger Son was really little we noticed that whenever anything was put out front (flags on the 4th of July, pumpkins at Halloween) Younger Son would put his pinecone and his seashell on the front porch. He was only 3 when he started doing this and wasn’t able to articulate his thought process. To this day I don’t know what this was all about, but I remember thinking during my yard sale that maybe Younger Son had just been a yard-saler before his time. Younger Son is exceedingly smart and although he couldn’t tell me then, I think he was waiting for cars to come screeching to the curb for his pinecone and seashell. Now for the yard sale the kids asked if they could have a lemonade stand. Any parent knows that a lemonade stand means you buy the paper goods and lemonade. You make the lemonade, set up the stand, make more lemonade, give them money for change, make more lemonade and then clean up the trash. All so your kids can make a few pennies. It would be easier just to hand them each a couple of bucks, but it’s a rite of passage so you have to just go with it. You don’t have to make home-made goodies for them to sell too, but you know I did. Older Son has always been a bit of a hoarder. I don’t honestly know if he doesn’t want to throw stuff away or just couldn’t be bothered. My guess is it’s 50/50, but either way this kid keeps some ridiculous stuff. He keeps a year’s worth of papers in his backpack. If I force him to clean it out and get himself organized, he apparently just puts it all in his room. *Grease 9 X 11 pan. *Microwave ½ cup chocolate chips and 1 stick of butter for 40 seconds. Stir and keep microwaving and stirring at 10 second intervals until smooth. Stir in the cookie crumbs and press into bottom of pan. Refrigerate 15 minutes or till cool. *Beat 1 stick butter, ¾ tsp mint extract, vanilla, milk and food coloring. Carefully beat in powdered sugar. Spread over cookie crust. Refrigerate 10 minutes. *Microwave 1 stick of butter, the rest of the chocolate chips, and the rest of the mint extract for 30 seconds. Stir and microwave at 10 second intervals until smooth. Let cool while previous layer sets in fridge. *Spread last chocolate layer over the powdered sugar layer and refrigerate one hour before cutting. I'm guessing you want me to bake you something? Mmm chocolate and mint are two of my favorite things in baking! I love how you add the personal stories on top of the recipes, it is a really nice touch! If you like chocolate and mint, you'll like this recipe. Thanks for stopping by! You're so sweet to make the snacks to hand out too. My friend did that for my daughter and hers. Ended up it started raining so she didn't let them sell them. They took the around the neighborhood and handed them out to people out working in their garages. Bet all the neighbors were happy that it started raining, nothing better than door-to-door snack delivery! Bwahahahaha! I love your signs! I had one that I put up when I worked in the nursery at our church. It read: Children left more than five minutes after the last meeting will be sold! Oddly enough, I was still waiting 20 minutes for some parents to show up. Sigh. I can just picture your son's little seashell and pine cone! And where were your son's answers when I was in seventh grade?! Here's the thing about those answers, I'm not really sure that they were the RIGHT answers. . . Quiche and Monkey Bribe . . .I mean bread!
Everything between the double quotes in document.write() is printed onto the page. The above example starts a new paragraph and displays some centered text. All HTML is accepted inside document.write(). We now have two pieces of knowledge: how to get the current time in hours and how to print out onto the page. But how do you combine the two? By using something called if statements. It looks like fractured English, but there is a method to this madness. All if statements consist of the word if followed by a statement in parentheses and a block of code in braces. The parentheses contain the condition that is being checked. The braces contain the code that will run if the condition is met. Lets just take a deeper look into the code above. The first line says, if the value of the variable hour is greater than 4 and less than 18, then run the code in the braces. (Note: I’m sure you remember the < (less than) and > (greater than) symbols from math class, but what the heck is &&? Well the && means and. Now what happens if it is 7pm? Since we weren’t testing for this time, the else statement applies. With else, we’re saying “If the condition isn’t true, then do this instead“. If its 7pm, then its not between 4am and 6pm, so the script runs the code following the word else. Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial! Good luck!
One of the main things the renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci did was to challenge the orthodox thinking. He constantly asked skeptical questions and challenged deeply entrenched beliefs that had long been taken for granted. This has made him probably the most important inventor of all times and the father of disruptive innovation. Don’t believe that da Vinci’s radical ideas and innovations came out of the blue. No, he was indeed a curious person. Just think about the 13,000 pages of his famous journals, in which he made a daily record of his observations and studies. These observations made it possible for him to think about and at least try to solve problems that nobody had been seriously considering before. Nobody was asking for a parachute, a car, a submarine, a hang glider, a diving suit, a helicopter or a calculator, and yet, Leonardo da Vinci invented, or at least conceptualized, these things. How was it even possible to come up with such “crazy” ideas so many centuries ago? Because da Vinci was able to spot unmet needs and innovation opportunities since he was more observant and more engaged with his environment than others. He had a strong urge to constantly develop deep insights into all kinds of phenomena and to use the knowledge to solve problems and address needs in completely new ways. And it certainly paid off. You can do the same. You need to regularly engage in activities that awaken your curiosity by exposing yourself to new trends, impressions and perspectives. You can do so by talking with people from different industries, other countries and various levels of your organization. Or how about visiting new and out of-the-ordinary places and why not follow new fashions in clothing, music and movies to mention a few? There are certainly plenty of ways to get your finger on the pulse of change and this will help you understand the latent needs that your customers can’t articulate. So don’t ask them what they want, ask them about their problems, frustrations and challenges as a great way to see the world through the eyes of your customers. How important is that? Extremely important and here is why. If there were one universal law of innovation, it would be this: Powerful new ideas are never simply snatched out of the air. There is no way you can come up with breakthrough ideas without the right kinds of insights - the output is dependent on the input. So investing time and money in innovation without a rich portfolio of insights is more often than not a fruitless exercise. Because without, how can you challenge orthodoxies and propose often seemingly crazy alternatives which, after all, is one of the fundamental driving forces for true innovation? The answer is: You can’t. You want to learn about a shortcut to these powerful insights? We have developed a tool called OpportunityDetectorTM that not only identifies your market’s problems, frustrations and challenges, it also ranks them in terms of impact and frequency. Knowing this will make it so much easier for you to come up with that amazing idea that has the ability to perhaps even disrupt your market and leave your competitors behind. Based on this concept we have launched a new mini eBook that we are offering as a free download. The eBook will help you better understand your target group's explicit and implicit motivations, and explain how this insight can be turned into innovation. Please click on the link above to download.
The Below Deck Season 4 crew member thanked fans for all of their love and support during this difficult time. Emily Warburton-Adams has updated fans on her father's condition after he was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer last August. "Today we found out that he has an E. coli strain of pneumonia that he's being treated for," Emily shared in her latest Instagram Story. "The cancer has also spread to his brain." The Below Deck Season 4 stew began her message to fans with an update on the money that was raised through the JustGiving page set up by Emily, her sister Isabella, and her brother Max, in the hopes of raising funds to fly their dad back to his home in the U.K. from Malaysia, where he had been hospitalized immediately following his diagnosis. The JustGiving page raised £35,515 (about $46,703), as of the time of this writing. "We have held the correct funds raised for the repatriation in the hope that his condition would improve," Emily shared in her Instagram Story. "A fraction of the funds have assisted with his palliative care in the interim." Emily went on to thank everyone for all of their love and support during this difficult time. "I'm updating at this stage because you've been such a wonderful support and we are so grateful for your donations," she wrote. "We don't know how the next stage of events will unfold, but it's easier updating now rather [than] later." She ended the message by sharing that she and her siblings will be visiting their father again soon, and she included a throwback photo of herself and her father, along with "#heartinthroat." The Below Deck family has been there for Emily in her time of need, with Captain Sandy Yawn recently showing her support on Twitter. "So very sorry to read this news," she tweeted after hearing Emily's latest update on her dad. "Only good thoughts for you and your family." So very sorry to read this news. Only good thoughts for you and your family.
Send Alcohol Gifts and Hampers with their favorite drink to Angola for your friends, family or customers and business partner. With us you can bypass hassle of dealing with International Customs when shipping a gift basket to Angola using a postal service. Your colleagues, friends, family, and clients in Angola have a slew of holidays where Spirits are often part of the celebration. New Year’s, Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Birthdays, and Anniversaries are often toasted with a glass of wine or something stronger. Your loved ones in Angola probably also have other unique holidays special to them, like birthdays, graduations, and business milestones. We’ll help you select the best gift for a personal touch. Whatever the occasion, when you’re ready to celebrate with your Angola friends from far away. Please note: next day delivery is available in Luanda only. For other locations please allow 2-3 business days for delivery. Sending a gift basket to Angola from your country? You can send Corporate Gifts to Angola in the following locations. As you prepare to send alcohol gifts to people in other companies in Angola, it is important to keep in mind that there can be corporate policies about what gifts can be accepted. Often there is a restriction the value of any gift that can be accepted (shipping costs are usually not included in the total price), they also often won’t let employees accept alcohol gifts in the office. It is a good idea to check into these rules before ordering your beer, wine, and liquor gifts to Angola. In Angola, the winter holidays – Christmas and New Year – are the most popular times to send corporate gifts with wine or liquor. There are also personal moments that stand out as a reason to send gifts to your clients and business associates, such as birthdays, hiring anniversaries, toasting a new or successful partnership, or retirement. The most popular gifts for any occasion include a fine Single Malt Scotch, a well-aged wine, a wine & gourmet basket, champagne gifts, or shareable drink baskets for the whole office. When to Send Christmas Gifts to Angola? Planning your Christmas Gifts to Angola can be overwhelming, but it shouldn’t be. In Angola, most people understand that Christmas is the busiest time of the year. Often people only have Christmas Day and New Year’s Day off from work, so they understand if a gift has to come early or late. In fact, doing either of these things can help them spread out their holiday cheer.